YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY «? t- TRAVELS IN THE GREAT DESERT OF SAHARA, IN THE YEARS OF 1845 AND 1846. CONTAINING A NARRATIVE OF PERSONAL ADVENTURES, DURING A TOUR OF NINE MONTHS THROUGH THE DESERT, AMONGST THE TOUARIOKS AND OTHER TRIBES OP SAHARAN PEOPLE j INCLUDING A DESCRIPTION OF THE OASES AND CITIES OE GHAT, GHADAMES, AND MOUEZUK. BY JAMES RICHARDSON &a>vrf (3ocovto$ iv Tjj eprjfito. IN TWO VOLUMES. VOL. II. LONDON : EICHAED BENTLEY, NEW BUELINGTON STEEET, PuMitfrjer tit <©rtftnarr) ta ®er iWafcjftg. M.n.rrr.xLvin. HARRISON AND CO., PRINTERS, 45, ST. martin's LANE. CONTENTS OF THE SECOND VOLUME, CHAPTER XVI. RESIDENCE IN GHAT. Arrival at Ghat, and reception by its Inhabitants. — The Cold of The Sahara. — Haj Ahmed, the Governor, and Sheikh Jabour. — Distribute Presents to the Governor and Jabour. — Visit the Sheikh Hateetah, styled the British Consul of Ghat. — Make the acquaintance of the Tripoline Merchant Haj Ibrahim. — The Ghat Rabble. — Ouweek arrives in Ghat. — A Visit from Touarick Women. — Arabs begging from me by force. — Arrival of Kandarka from Aheer. — Bel Kasem's account of the Slave Trade. — Visit to Haj Ahmed, the Governor ; his Character and Establishment described. — Bel Kasem's Sick Slave. — All classes of People attempt to convert me to Mohammedanism. — Bad effect of an European Tourist assuming the Character of a Ma hometan. — Touarghee mode of Saluting. — Miserable condition of Slaves on arriving from Soudan. — Soudanese Merchants friendly to me. — Visit from the Governor. — Report in The Desert of Christians Worshipping Idols. — Make the Acquaintance of a young Touarghee. — Slave Trading and Kidnapping Slaves up The Niger. — Eco nomical Bill of Expenses of Journey from Ghat to Soudan CHAPTER XVII. RESIDENCE IN GHAT. Gloves an enigma of Wonder. — Visit Sheikh Hateetah. — All Men equal at Ghat.— Crowds of People surrounding my House to see me. — Violent Act committed on a Man at Prayer in the Mosque. — Extent of European Literature known at Ghat. — Continue unwell. — Ouweek's public Apology. — Dances of the Slaves. — A Saharan Emeute. — a 2 IV CONTENTS. PAGK Arrival of Caravans. — Return the Visit of the Governor. — Europe, a cluster of innumerable Islets. — Who has most Money, Christians or Mahometans? — People more used to my presence in Ghat.— The Prophet of the Touaricks. — Visit from Aheer Touaricks.— The Governor's petty deal ing.— The Shereef of Moorzuk.— Visit from Jabour.— Beginning Soudanic Cottons.— Visits from Kandarka and Zolea —Route from Ghat to Alexandria, and its distance. —The Shereef of Medina.— Character and , infJ uence of Khanouhen, heir-apparent of the Touarghee Throne of the Azgher Touaricks, and his arrival in Ghat . • .34 CHAPTER XVIII. RESIDENCE IN GHAT. Arrival of the Sultan Shafou, — Visit to His Highness. — Visit to Hateetah ; his jealousy of the Sultan and other Sheikhs. — Visit from the People of the Oasis of Berkat. — Said sobbing and sulking. — A Night-School in The Desert. — Use of Sand instead of Paper, Pens, and Ink. — Mode of Touarghee succession to the Throne. — Women hereditary possessors of Household Property. — Negresses are Dra matic Performers. — Description of the Oasis of Ghat; Houses, Architecture, Gardens, and Surrounding Country. — Visit from the Heir- Apparent, Khanouhen. — Genial softness of the Weather. — Specimen of Retail Trade. — Case of administering Justice by the Sultan. — Early habit of Touarghee begging. — The Bou-Habeeba, or Saharan Singing Sparrows. — Alarm of Female Hucksters at The Christian ........ 56 CHAPTER XIX. ABANDON THE TOUR TO SOUDAN. Violent Act of a Touarick on Slaves. — Visit to the Princess Lilla Fatima. — Mode of grinding Corn. — Dilatoriness of Commercial Transactions. — Grandees of Ghat Town. — Khanouhen refuses his Present. — Rumours of the Conquest of Algeria spread throughout Africa. — Small Breed of Animals in Sahara. — Queer circumstance of unearthly Voices. — The Cold becomes intense. — Arrival of Sheikh CONTENTS. V VA OE Berka. — Hateetah in good Humour. — My Targhee friend, Sidi Omer. — Visit from Kandarka; his Character.— Visit to the aged Berka, and find the Giant. — Hateetah's Political Gossips. — At a loss which Route to take, and how to proceed. — Superstitions connected with the But cher. — Zeal of an old Hag against The Christian. — Out of Humour. — Reported departure of Caravans. — Jabour calls with a Patient. — Visit Bel Kasem, and find Khanouhen. ¦ — Political Factions of Azgher Touaricks. — Giants in The Desert. — Fanciful analogies of origin of Peoples. — Hier archy of the Sheikhs. — Population, Arms, and Military Forces of the Ghat Touaricks. — The Mahry or Maharee. — Camels named from their Fleetness. — Touarghee Court of Justice — Amphitheatrical style of Touaricks lounging. — Amount of Customs-Dues paid by Ghat Traders. — Free Trade in Sahara ........ 77 CHAPTER XX. CONTINUED RESIDENCE IN GHAT. Commerce of Winter Mart at Ghat. — Visit to Hateetah, and meet the Sultan. — Means of suppressing Saharan Slave Trade by the Touaricks.' — Hateetah refuses my returning with a Bengazi Caravan. — Bad Character of Arabs. — ¦ Receive a Visit from His Highness the Sultan ; and inte resting Conversation with him. — Ghat Townsmen great Bigots. — Unexpected Meeting with the Sultan. — My Targhee Friend's opinion of War. — Mode of Baking Bread. — Country of Touat. — The British Consul is perplexed at his Master being a Lady. — Vulgar error of Christians ill-treating Mussulmans in Europe. — People teach the Slaves to call me Infidel. — Visit to Bel Kasem, and find Khanouhen. — The free-thinking of this Prince. — Said's ap prehensions of Touaricks. — Hateetah's opinion of stopping Saharan Slave-Dealing. — Shafou leaves Ghat. — Discussion of Politics with an assemblage of Chiefs. — Description of the Touarick Tribes and Nations of The Great Desert. — Description of Aheer and Aghadez. — Leo's Account of the Targhee Desert — Daughters of the Governor Educated. — Touaricks refuse aid from the Turks against the Shanbah. ¦ — A private Slave-Mart. — Ghat comparatively free from Crime. — Visit from Berka . . . . . .115 VI CONTENTS. CHAPTER XXI. CONTINUED RESIDENCE IN GHAT. PAGE Parallels between The Desert and The East. — The Divine Warranty for carrying on the Slave Trade discussed. — Visit from Aheer and Soudanese Merchants, and present state of Soudan. — Form of the Cross on Touarick Arms. — Boy taught to curse The Christian. — Medina Shereef 's opinion on my giving Presents. — A Negress begs in the name of Ouweek. — Visit to the Governor and Hateetah. — Streams of Water and Corn-Fields in the Fabled Region of Saharan Desolation. — Kandarka will recommend me to his Sultan. —Parallel things between Africa and Asia. — Atkee turns out a Scamp. — Visit from Berka. — Arabic is the Language of Heaven. — Khanouhen ridicules Hateetah to his face. — Hospitality of the Governor towards me, and interesting Conversations with him. — Moorish reckoning of Time clashes with mine. — Medina Shereef turns Beggar like the rest. — Meet The Giant begging at Haj Ibra him's. — Affecting Case of the cruelty of one Slave to another, and compared to the Jews of Morocco. — Chorus Singing of the Slaves. — Mode in which Ostriches are Hunted. — Arrival of Senna and Ivory from Aheer. — Christians are not Liars. — Farewell Visit from Jabour. — Quick Route to Timbuctoo from Ghat. — Kandarka turns Comedian, and satirizes the Touaricks of Ghat. — Mercantile Transactions of the Governor. — Want of a strong Govern ment in The Desert. — Assemblage of the Sheikhs, and preparations for War .... . . 152 CHAPTER XXII. PREPARATIONS POR DEPARTURE TO PEZZAN. Account of Timbuctoo. — Streets of Ghat deserted by departure of Caravans. — Packing of Senna. — Return of the Soudan Caravan. — The Giant and his Gang sally out in search of a Supper. — System of Irrigation. — The Saharan Hades. Continued departure of People to Soudan. — Hateetah serves himself from Haj Ibrahim's Goods — Scold Ghadamsee Merchants for introducing Religious Discussion. — Mode of CONTENTS. VII PAGE Fashionable Dressing of the Hair, and Female Adornment. — Saharan Beauties. — Costume of Touaricks. — Gardens of the Governor. — Attempt a Journey to Wareerat Range. — Hateetah and Haj Ibrahim become reconciled. — Departure of Kandarka for Aheer. — Day of my departure from Ghat. — Moral and Social Condition of the Saharan People com pared to European Society. — Force of our Slave Caravan. — First Night's Bivouac . . .189 CHAPTER XXIII. FROM GHAT TO MOURZUK. Slaves very sensible to the Cold. — Well of Tasellam. — Saharan Huntsman. — Atmospheric Phenomenon. — My Adventure at tbe Palace of Demons. — Denham and Oudney's Account of the Kesar Jenoun. — The Genii of Mussulmans. — Desert Pandemonium compared with that of Milton. — Coasting the Range of Wareerat or Taseely. — Soudan Species of Sheep.— Soudan Parrot.— The Lethe) Tree— The Tholh, or Gum-Arabic Tree. — Falling of Rain in The Desert. — Oasis of Serdalas. — My Companions of Travel. — Weather Hot and Sultry. — The Slaves bear up well.' — The Ship of The Desert. — Extremes of Cold and Heat. — Mausoleum of Sidi Bou Salab. — Serdalas, a neglected Oasis. — The Sybil of The Sahara. — Death and Burial of two Female Slaves. — Dirge on the Death of one of them, whipped at the point of Death. — Power of the Sun in Sahara. — Desert Mosques 224 CHAPTER XXIV. PROM GHAT TO MOURZUK. Another Range of Black Mountains. — Habits of She-Camels when having Foals. — Our Mahrys. — Intelligence of my Nagah. — Geology of Route. — Arrive at the Boundaries of Ghat and Fezzan. — The Moon-Stroke. — Sudden Tempest. — Theological Controversy of The Shereef.— Wars and Razzias between the Tibboos and Touaricks. — Forests of Tholh Trees. — The Shereef's opinion of the Touaricks. — Dine with The Shereef. — Saharan Travellers badly clothed and fed. — Style of making Bazeen.— Mode of Encamping. Cold Day, felt by all the Caravan. — Well of Teenabunda. Arrival in The Wady of Fezzan. — Meeting of the two Vlll CONTENTS. PAGE Slave Caravans. — Tombs of Ancient Christians. — Routes between Ghat and Fezzan. — Weariness of Saharan Travel. —Oases and Palms of The Wady.— We meet a rude Sheikh, demanding Customs-Dues. — Haj Ibrahim's opinion of the Virgin Mary.— Black Jews in Central Africa.— My Affray with the Egyptian. — Route to Tripoli, vid Shaty and Mizdah. — Features and Colour of Fezzaneers. — My Journey from The Wady to Mourzuk, on leaving the Slave-Cara vans. — Tombs of former Inhabitants, and Legends about them. — Bleak and Black Plateau. — The Targhee Scout. — Have a Bilious Attack. — Desert Arcadians, and lone Shepherdesses. — Oasis of Agath, and its want of Hospi tality .... 270 CHAPTER XXV. RESIDENCE AT MOURZUK. Arrival at Mourzuk; and reported as a Christian Marabout from Soudan — Meet Angelo, who conducts me to his Master, the British Vice-Consul.' — Hearty Welcome from Mr. Gagliuffi. — Detail of the Slave-Caravans of The Wady. — Read the Newspapers ; Massacre of Jema-el-Ghazouat, and the Annexation of Texas. — Visit to the Bashaw of Mourzuk. — Visits to the Commandant of the Garrison, and the Kady. — Poetical Scrap of European Antiquity. — Cele bration of a Wedding. — Environs of Mourzuk. — Camera Oscura. — Mourzuk Couriers. — The Kidnapped Circassian Officer. — Old Yousef, the Renegade. — Dine with the Greek Doctor on a Carnival Day. — An Albanian's Revenge. — Greece and its Diplomatists. — Officials of Mourzuk. — An Arab's estimate of God and Mahomet. — What is Truth? — Improvements of the Commandant of the Troops. — How English Politics taste in The Desert. — Visit to the Grave of Mr. Ritchie .... ... 308 CHAPTER XXVI. RESIDENCE AT MOURZUK. Mr. Gagliuffi's opinion of the Touaricks. — Amazonian White- Washers. — Visit, and take leave of the Bashaw. — Various Anecdotes related by His Highness. — Safe-conduct given to CONTENTS. IX PAGE liberated Slaves in returning to their Country. — Character of the Tibboos, and particularly Tibboo Women. — Descrip tion of the Oases of Fezzan. — Leo's Account of these Oases. — Recent History of the Government of Mourzuk. — The Traitor Mukni. — Life and Character of Abd-el-Geleel. — The Civil War in Tripoli, and Usurpation of its Govern ment by the Turks. — The Tyrant Asker Ali. — Skirmish of Hasan Belazee with the Town of Omm-Erraneb, and the Oulad Suleiman. — Retreat of the Oulad Suleiman to Bornou, and their Marauding Character. — My departure from Mourzuk with the Slave-Caravan of Haj Essnousee. — Establishment of British Consuls in The Great Desert and Central Africa. — Force of the new Slave-Caravan . 336 CHAPTER XXVII. FROM MOURZUK TO SOCKNA. Well of Esh-Shour. — Village of Dillaim. — Tying up to the Camel a Female Slave. — Village of Gudwah. — Well of Bel-Kashee Faree. — Melancholy Songs of the Slaves. — Reflections on the Slave Trade ; Christian Republicans, and the Scottish Free Kirk.— Well of Mukni.— El-Bab.— She Camels with Foals. — How American Consuls justify Slavery. — Arrival at Sebhah, and description of the People. — Cruelty of a Moorish Boy to the young Female Slaves. — Prohibited Food in matters of Religion. — The Taste of a Locust. — Anecdates related by the Bashaw of Mourzuk and Mr. Gagliuffi. — Divinations of the Tyrant Asker Ali. — Continual delays. — Altercation with a Moor about Religion. — The Songs of the Female Slaves inter preted. — Version of Mr. Whittier, the American Poet. — The Amor Pairim of the Negroes. — Primitive Style of playing Draughts. — Games and Wine prohibited by the Koran. — Sebhah, a City of the Dead. — Oases and extent of the Sebhah District. — Fezzanee Palms bear Fruit without Water. — Town of Timhanah. — Bad Odour of the Turks in these Oases. — Essnousee, an atrocious Slave-Driver. — ¦ Stroke of a Scorpion ..... 363 X CONTENTS. CHAPTER XXVIII. FROM MOURZUK TO SOCKNA. PAGB Continued delays.— Confidence of the Slaves in the Kafer (myself).— Supply them with Water.— Negro Youths exhibit Sham-Fighting.— Commissions recorded in Journal. —Missionary Labour in Central Africa.— Beer Tagheetah. —Palms of Ghurmeedah.— A Fezzanee's description of his Country.— Reading on the Camel's Back.— Arrive at the Village of Zeghen.— French Patent Soup. — Young Camels broken in. — Omm El-Abeed. — Essnousee sermonizes on "What is Good in this World."— Various Races of Fezzan. — My extreme exhaustion. — The Flogging of the Mandara Slave by Essnousee. — Illusions of Desert Sands. — Plateau magnifying objects. — Horrid Waste. — How restored from Fatigue. — Digging a Well by the order of the Turks. — Slaves benighted. — Gibel Asoud. — Well of Ghotfah. — Meet Reinforcements of Arab Cavalry. — Arrival at Sockna ...... • 386 CHAPTER XXIX. RESIDENCE IN SOCKNA. Visit to the Turkish Kaed of Sockna. — The Concubine of His Excellency. — Convoy of Provisions for the Troops of Mourzuk. — The number of Palms destroyed at Sockna by Abd-El-Geleel. — Population of Sockna, and position of the Oasis. — Visit to the Sockna Maraboutess. — The Lady honoured with " Stigmata,'' or " Holy Marks." — Propriety • or impropriety of assuming the Moorish Character and the Mahometan Religion whilst Travelling in Sahara. — . Gardens of the Environs. — Find several old Charms in my Lodgings. — Commerce and Merchants of Sockna. — Second Visit to the Maraboutess ; her Character and Occupation. — Visit the Kaed ; he compliments Christians.. — Panoramic view from the Castle of Sockna. — Description of the Castle. — Third Visit to the Maraboutess. — Few Children in Sahara. — The little Turk or Kaed suffering under the power of Epsom, and very unwell. — Arrival of another Convoy. — Rain in North Africa. — Parallel Ideas between The East and Africa .... _ 40S CONTENTS. XI CHAPTER XXX. PROM SOCKNA TO MISRATAH. PAGE Well of Hammam. — Innocent game of the Negresses. — Baiting at Noon. — Bird's-nests and Birds in Sahara. — Ghiblee or the Simoum; its terrible effects on our Caravan. — Delu sions of Desert, and Bewilderment of our People. — Disas trous Fate of the Young Tuscan.— Snakes. — Small Capital of some Slave-Merchants. — Arrival at Bonjem. — Visit the Roman Ruins of Septimus Severus. — The newly created Oasis. — Regulations to mitigate Saharan Slave-traffic. — My Imbroglio with Essnousee.— Imbroglio of an Arab with the Kaed of Bonjem. — Description of the Fort of Bonjem. — The Disease of the Filaria Medinensis, and its Cure. — My Journal confused and fragmentary. — Route from Bon jem to Misratah. — Enter the regions of Rain and Open Culture. — Bugha.lah on the Rock, where Abd-El-Geleeb was assassinated. — Wells of Damoum and Namwah. — Sudden Changes of Temperature in North Africa. — Well of Saneeah. — Abd-El-Kader. — Stream of Touwarkah. — • Estatic joy on arriving near the Sea. — How dimunitive all things are become in comparison with the Vast Sahara — Arrival at Misratah ....... 433 CHAPTER XXXI. FROM MISRATAH TO TRIPOLI. The Establishment of Signor Regini. — Visit the Acting Kaed of Misratah. — Shabby Conduct of Mehemet Pasha to Regini. — Description of the Villages comprised withiu the Jurisdiction of Misratah. — Population and Condition of the Jews in Misratah and Tripoli. — Regini sighs for the honour of hoisting the Union Jack. — Village of Zeiten.' — Leghma; and the tapping of the Date-palm. — Corn Fields and Grain Culture in North Africa. — Manipulation. — Sahel orSalhin; its splendid Gardens. — The Eastern Terminus groups of Mount Atlas. — Ruins of Lebida; and other an cient Ruins. — Monosyllabic Old Moor. — Meet the Bey of Misratah. — Wad Seid, and Plain of El-Jumr. — The Sand storm. — Our Slaves' first sight of the Sea. — Said left be- X11 CONTENTS. PAGE hind.' — Essnousee foiled in attempting to beat one of his Slaves. — Trait of the Tender Passion in our Troop of Slaves. — Result of my Observations on the Saharan Slave Traffic. — Gardens of Tajourah. — The Gardens of the Masheeah. — Distance, Time, and Expenses of ray Tour. — Disposal of Said and the Camel ....... 460 ILLUSTRATIONS. VOLUME II. Plate. Sand-Storm facing Title-page. Wood-Cuts. Style of Architecture 7J Stones for Grinding Corn 81 Ranges of reclining Touaricks X08 City of Ghat jgg Palace of the Governor of Ghat - igg Touarick Costumes 207 Idem 20g The Palace of Demons 04Q Desert Mosques „„„ Targhee Scout „„„ Architectural Ornament 445 TRAVELS IN" THE GREAT DESERT. CHAPTER XVI. RESIDENCE IN GHAT. Arrival at Ghat, and reception by its Inhabitants. — The Cold of The Sahara. — Haj Ahmed, the Governor, and Sheikh Jabour. — Distribute Presents to the Governor and Jabour. — Visit the Sheikh Hateetah, styled the British Consul of Ghat. — Make the acquaintance of the Tripoline Merchant Haj Ibrahim. — The GRat Rabble. — Ouweek arrives in Ghat. — A Visit from Touarick Women. — Arabs begging from me by force. — Arrival of Kan darka from Aheer. — Bel Kasem's account of the Slave Trade. — Visit to Haj Ahmed, the Governor ; his Character and Esta blishment described. — Bel Kasem's Sick Slave. — All classes of People attempt to convert me to Mohammedanism. — Bad effect of an European Tourist assuming tbe Character of a Mahome tan. — Touarghee mode of Saluting. — Miserable condition of Slaves on arriving from Soudan. — Soudanese Merchants friendly to me. — Visit from the Governor. — Report in The Desert of Chris- tians Worshipping Idols. — Make the Acquaintance of a young Touarghee. — Slave Trading and Kidnapping Slaves up The Niger. — Economical Bill of Expenses of Journey from Ghat to Soudan. 15th. — Rose two hours before daybreak in order to arrive early at Ghat in the morning. About ten a.m., the palms of Ghat were visible through the scattered blocks of rock in the valley, for the plain became now vol. ii. B THE GREAT DESERT. contracted and assumed the shape of a deep broad valley, on the one side a low range of sand-hills, and on the other the high rocky chain of Wareerat. But the first sight of the oasis, after nineteen weary days of Desert, affected me with only disagreeable sensations. The affair of Ouweek, though pretty well got over, had shaken my confidence in the Touaricks. Indeed, the painful forebodings of the last forty hours had seriously deranged my plans, and made me think of returning, availing myself the most of my unsuccessful tour. This suffering of thought day after day is intense and worries me, and will soon make me an old man, if not in years. It was the sudden shock of the affair just after receiving the messenger of peace from Ghat. I saw at once that there was a great deal of insubordination in the lesser chieftains, which made travelling in this country very insecure. I remembered the remark of my taleb, " All the Touaricks are the Divan, and each has his own opinion, and carries it out in spite of the Sultan." We were now met by the friends of the Ghadamsee merchants, but with the exception of Essnousee and two or three others, I received few salutes of welcome ; and when we got up to the gates of the city (at noon), not a single person of our caravan offered me the least assistance, either in interpreting or otherwise. I felt myself in a most deplorable predicament, but I reflected that all men must each one look after his own business, so our people were now each one occupied with his own affairs. I felt much the want of a good Moorish or Arab servant. Said was of no use whatever in this case Strangers and loungers crowded and clamoured round me, anxious to look at the face of " The Christian " It RESIDENCE IN GHAT. 3 was covered with my travelling handkerchief, and when I untied my face to gratify their curiosity, they burst out with the rude and wild expression of surprise, " Whooh! Whooh! Whey!" Amongst this mob I at once distin guished a number of the Aheer and Soudan merchants. These showed the greatest curiosity, but my outer dress being entirely Moorish, there was little novelty in my appearance, nay, scarcely any to point me out from the rest of the caravan. Several of the Ghat people then asked me what I wanted. I told them, the Governor of Ghat. I was not understood. At last came up to me a young Tripoline Moor of the name of Mustapha, who volunteered his services as Touarghee and Arabic inter preter, but, of course, our conversation was always in Arabic. Amidst a cluster of Touaricks and Ghat towns men, the Governor was pointed out. Several Sheikhs were present, but it appears they gave precedence to the Governor's son from a feeling of shamefacedness. Haj Ahmed's son is a very nice polite young gentleman, as smart as a Parisian dandy. After a little delay he con ducted us to a house, in which some of his father's slaves were living. It was a dark dreadful dilapidated hovel. The young gentleman most earnestly apologized, pro testing, " The town is full of people, merchants, and strangers. We have nothing better left in the town. Perhaps you will come and live in our house out of the town." We looked out our baggage, which had been conveyed for us by Arabs of our caravan, and were asto nished to find it scattered about outside the city gates, the caravan people having thrown it down there. How ever, nothing was lost, and this at once impressed me with the remarkable honesty of the Ghatee people. I b 2 4 THE GREAT DESERT. took up my quarters in a small room built on the ter race, without window or door, but very airy. A roof ot mud and straw was now a luxurious and splendid man sion to me. At least a dozen slaves were occupied in carrying my baggage from outside the gates to my domicile, each carrying some trifle. No camels or beast of burden are allowed to enter the city gates, all goods and merchandize are carried by slaves in and out. Like the porters at the different traveller-stations in Europe, each of these slaves seized hold of the merest trifle of baggage, a stick or a bit of cord, in order to make an exorbitant demand of the value of a shilling. The Desert furnishes a parallel for every circumstance of civilized life. The last night or two I had found it very cold, and the wind too high for tents. I may observe here, con veniently, the cold was so great in this portion of Sahara, that I never could undress myself for dread of the cold. After loosening my neckcloth and shoes, I lay down in the dress which I wore during the day. My bed was a simple mattress laid over a piece of matting, which latter was spread on the hard earth or sands of The Desert, as it might be, with a small sofa cushion for a pillow. After I had laid down the mattress, I then covered my self up with a large woollen barracan or blanket, very thick and heavy, and over this was also drawn a dark- blue European cloak. The cloth distinguished my bed from those of the merchants, and the nagah always knew the encampment by the sight of this Christian garment. When I wore it in the day she was] imme diately sensible of the presence of her master. I did not pitch a tent, for we could not, but formed a sort of RESIDENCE IN GHAT. 5 head-place of the two panniers of the camel, over which we arranged camel's gear, forming a small top. Under this I placed or poked my head, so that, at night, if turning over my face, I found a little shelter from the naked cold heavens. In this way I lay enveloped in a mass of clothing. I usually waked a couple of hours before daybreak with the intensity of the cold. Said slept closely by me on a lion's skin, and rolled himself up in the slight canvass of the tent. Like myself he never undressed himself at night. When he wished to confer a favour upon any of his negro countrymen, or the poor slaves, he would take them and roll them up with him in this canvass. He would have sometimes half a dozen at once with him, the confined air of their united breathings keeping them mutually warm. The poor Arab camel-drivers had nothing but their barracans which they wore in the day to cover themselves up at night, whilst the bare earth was their couch of down, and a heap of stones their luxurious pillow. All these Arabs were wandering wayfaring Jacobs of The Desert. El-Ai'shi says, speaking of the bleak wind of The Desert, " The north wind blows in these places with an intensity equalling the cold of hell; language fails me to express this rigorous temperature." The Mohammedans believe that the extremes of heat and cold meet in hell. Some have thought there is an allusion to this in the words, " Weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth," (the teeth chattering from cold.) Milton has also enumerated cold as one of the torments of the lost. The tormented spirits passed — " O'er many a frozen, many a fiery, Alp." b THE GREAT DESERT. I had not been many minutes in my new apartment before the Governor himself came in. I had been address ing the young* Ghatee as the Governor himself, like Gold smith harangued a duke's footman for the duke himself. Haj Ahmed, his father, welcomed me with every demon stration of hospitality. He sat chatting with me until the arrival of the Sheikh Jabour, who also welcomed me in the most friendly manner. This was the Sheikh who had dispatched his slave to the well of Tadoghseen to meet me. Two or three other Touaricks of distinction came in with my friend Essnousee. They then questioned me upon the conduct of Ouweek, the news of which had now spread over all the town, and thanking Jabour for sending his slave, he replied, smiling, " Ouweek was joking with you." And then all joined in a laugh about Ouweek's affair. Jabour, ashamed of the business, took this method of easing my mind. The Governor now began to ask me about news and politics, and how Muley Abd Errahman was ["getting on with the French. The burning of the French steamer on the coast of Morocco after she grounded, had been transformed by The Desert reports into a victory over the French, in which the French had lost 70,000 men and several ships. The Governor had also heard the Maroquine war had recommenced. I excused my ignorance by saying, I had been a long time in Ghadames, and 'had heard nothing. Odd enough, the Governor asked me, " Which was the oldest dynasty in Europe V I told him the Bourbons of France. The Sheikh Jabour here inter posed, that his family was more than three thousand years old ! The pride of an hereditary noblesse is deeply RESIDENCE IN GHAT. 7 rooted in these Touarghee chiefs. The love of ancestral distinction is co-extensive with the human race. I have given but the substance of our conversations. I give some of it in detail : — =• Interrogation, by the Governor. His Excellency. — "What did Ouweek to youl" " He was saucy to me." His Excellency. — " Have you seen lately Muley Abd Errahman (Emperor of Morocco) V "No." His Excellency. — " He has conquered the French, de stroyed their ships. They have lost 70,000 men. If you had told Muley Abd Errahman you had been coming here, he would have sent me a letter by you." " I have no doubt of it." His Excellency. — " How is your Sultan V " Very well, thank you V His Excellency. — "When did you last see Sidi Abd- el-Kader?" " Not very lately." His Excellency. — " He is a prophet." (To which I said, Amen.) Interrogatory, by Sheikh Jabour. The Sheikh.—" What did Ouweek to you V " He was very rude." The Sheikh. — " Ouweek was playing with you, trying to frighten you because you are a stranger. He's a fool himself." " Oh, it's no matter now." o THE GREAT DESERT. The Sheikh.— "How's your Sultan? Does he doubt we shall utterly destroy the Shanbah." " Oh, not the least." The Sheikh (in reply to the Governor).— "My fathers were princes before all the Christian kings, thousands of years ago." " I dare say they were." My visitors now took leave of me, Jabour shaking hands with me, and saying, Md-tahdfsh, "don't fear." Afterwards had a great many curious visitors of the lower classes, all raving mad to see the Roumee (" Chris tian"). And amongst the rest, the son of Ouweek ! who is a young harmless fellow, and said his father would never hurt a great Christian like me. He begged hard for a piece of sugar, which I gave him. He asked me if his father was coming to Ghat. For supper I received a splendid dish of meat and sopped bread, but very highly seasoned with pepper and cloves. It is the Sou dan pepper, a small quantity of which possesses the most violent, nay virulent strength. 16th. — After taking a walk in the morning, I returned the visit of the Governor. He received me very politely, and presented me with a lion's skin, brought from Sou dan. His Excellency shewed me his certificate of cha racter and rank, certified by a huge seal of the Emperor of Morocco. He pointed out with conscious pride the name of Marabout, with which sacred title the Emperor had dubbed him. Muley Abd Errahman is an immense favourite here amongst the Moorish townsmen. They call him their Sultan. The Turks they fear and detest. They expect them one day at Ghat. In the afternoon I sent the Governor, according to the advice of Musta- RESIDENCE IN GHAT. 9 pha, two loaves of sugar (French), a pound of cloves, and a pound of sunbul*. Cloves— grunfel, \AJ^>— are greatly esteemed, especially by the women, who season their cakes, cuskasous, and made-dishes with them. The sunbul (leaves) is ma-de into a decoction, or wash, and is used by fashionable ladies in Sahara as eau de Cologne in Europe. Afterwards I paid a visit to Sheikh Jabour. The Sheikh has a house within the town, which very few of the Sheikhs have. Jabour received me friendly. I could not see the features of the Sheikh very well, on account of his litham. Jabour, however, is a perfect aristocrat in his way, with a very delicate hand. He is tall and well-made, and his simple and elegant manners denote at once " The Marabout Sheikh of the Touaricks," of the most ancient and renowned of Touarghee families. I took the Sheikh a present of a loaf of sugar, three pounds of cloves and sunbul, and a shasheeah, or fez. Jabour received them very graciously, and repeated his ma-tahafsh, "don't fear," several times, promising me, at the same time, to use his influence with his friends to get me safely escorted to Aheer and Soudan. The Sheikh's followers and other distinguished Touaricks re peat the same, but the Governor I find more cautious in his speech. On my return home, the Sheikh sent to know if the handkerchief, in which the present was wrapped, were also a present, and whether the bearer of the present had purloined it, for he had taken it away * Sunbul — }.xl~> — (literally "stalks"). According to French Oriental botanists, it is " Nard, spina celtica." An immense quan tity of this fashionable plant is brought into The Desert. No pre sent is made to a man of family without sunbul. 10 THE GREAT DESERT. with him. I immediately sent the Sheikh back the handkerchief, informing the Sheikh the bearer was not told to leave it. All Saharan people are immoderately fond of a handkerchief. I recommend travellers in Sahara to supply themselves with a good stock of very cheap coloured cotton handkerchiefs. My house is thronged all day long with visitors. I am obliged to exhibit myself to the people like the Fat Boy, or the American Giant. It is Richardson's Show at Ghat in stead of Greenwich. The rest of the ghafalah, which we left behind, arrived to-day. My friend, El-Besher, to my regret, had turned suddenly back and gone to Touat, where his brother had arrived from Timbuctoo. It is reported that a quarrel had taken place about his brother amongst the Timbuctoo caravan, in which affair ten people had been killed. So all Saharan caravans do not travel in such harmony as we did. The Ghadamsee caravans are certainly the most pacific. But the Tim buctoo people have everywhere a bad character. 11th. — In the morning went to see the Consul of the Europeans, as the Moors call him. This is the Sheikh Hateetah, of whom very honourable mention is made by the Denham and Clapperton party. Hateetah himself assumes the distinction of " Friend," or Consul of the Eng lish. I found him stretched on a pallet upon the ground floor, extremely unwell with fever, and surrounded by his friends. He has just come from the country districts. He asked me, "Is the Consul well? Are his daughters well? Is the King of England well?" Hateetah had some ydars ago visited the Consul and his family at Tri poli, under . British protection, for Touaricks dare not approach Tripoli. He has in his possession, after a RESIDENCE IN GHAT. 11 dozen years, a fine scarlet burnouse and coat, braided with gold lace, and also a gun, which were presented to him by Colonel Warrington, on the part of our Govern ment, for his services to our Bornou expedition. The Sheikh told me he had besides a written certificate from the Consul, but it was in the country. I am the first person whom he has had an opportunity of serving since his return from Tripoli, where he formally engaged, on the part of the Touaricks, to give British subjects all necessary protection in the Ghat districts. For this reason he is styled, " The friend of the English." All strangers here are placed under the care of one Sheikh or another, to whom they make presents, but not to the rest. Hateetah resides in the suburbs. During the past night was taken dreadfully ill, in the stomach, by eating the high-seasoned dishes of the Governor. After drinking olive-oil and vomiting, found myself much better. People say oil is the best remedy in such cases. The Governor was troubled at my illness, and sent to ask whether he should send me some senna tea. Wrote to-day to Mr. Alsager and Colonel Warring ton. The letters were to have been dispatched direct to Tripoli, but the Touaricks would neither allow one of their own people nor an Arab courier to go, giving as the reason that Shafou, the Sultan, was not arrived- Touaricks have a horror of Turks, and cannot bear to have communication with them, and do everything in their power to prevent others from communicating with Tripoli. Not acquainted with Mediterranean politics, they imagine that, because the Turks have retaken pos session of Ghadames and Fezzan, so long quasi-inde pendent of Tripoli, they must necessarily invade the 12 THE GREAT DESERT. Touarick territory, and seize upon their wee town of Ghat, but to them the metropolis of The Sahara. This evening Jabour hinted, in Hibernian style, to one of the slaves waiting upon me, that his present of sugar was rather small. I forthwith sent him two loaves more, which rejoiced him so much that he exclaimed, " Thank the Christian by G — d. Tell him he has nothing to fear in Ghat, and he shall go safe to Soudan." Felt better to-night. The Governor sent his last dish this evening. A stranger of distinction is supplied with food for three days. I have had my share of honour and hospitality, and am glad of it. 1 shall now be cautious what I eat. But I find everything is exceedingly dear, the number of strangers, foreign merchants, and slaves, is so unusually great as quickly to devour all the food . brought here. Yesterday I made the acquaintance of Haj Ibrahim, a Moorish merchant resident in Tripoli, but a native of Jerbah. When in Tripoli he acts as Consul for the Gha- damsee merchants ; his brother is now in charge. Mus- tapha came with him direct from Tripoli, not passing through Mourzuk, but via the oases of Fezzan to the west. So an European agent established at Mourzuk, cannot well collect a statistical account of trade, on account of few Ghat caravans travelling the Mourzuk route. Haj Ibrahim promises to be useful to me, and has already sent a letter for me to Ghadames. This merchant has brought the largest amount of goods to the Souk, about forty camels. The whole of the Soudan ghafalah has not yet • arrived from Aheer. It comes in by small detached parties. As there is nothing to fear on the road, people prefer travelling in small companies RESIDENCE IN GHAT. 13 which facilitates their march, not being detained at the wells waiting for the running of the water. I have cut in a certain way my old friends of the Ghadamsee ghafalah. This has done them good, for they now begin to return to me, and are polite. Before they were all so frightened at the Touaricks, that I knew if I did not cut them, they would cut me. Now, when seeing the Touaricks are friendly, they are also friendly ; — such is the world of Sahara, as well as the world of Paris or London. When a man has few friends he gets less, when many he gets more. On the principle, I sup pose, that money gets money, and friendship friendship. The Moors of the coast, of whom there are a few here, exhibit more courage, and a bolder front to the Toua ricks. The worst of this place is, The Rabble. It is the veritable Caboul, or Canton Rabble. Here's my "great difficulty." They run after me, and even hoot me in the streets. Were it not for this rabble, I could walk about with the greatest freedom and safety, and alone. 18th. — Went to see Haj Ibrahim. Sent the letter to Mr. Alsager vid Ghadames, the only letter I wrote from Ghat during the fifty days of my residence here. In my absence a loaf of sugar was stolen out of my apartment- Suspicion falls upon a Fezzanee, whom I have employed, and to whom I gave this very morning a quarter of a dollar. These small loaves of French beet-root sugar sell for two-thirds of a dollar in Ghat. Ouweek arrived to-day from his district, after stopping for the rest of the caravan to get what he could in the way of begging by force. This is the cunning of the old fox bandit. He knows he can beg more effectually from the merchant 14 THE GREAT DESERT. and trader in the open desert, than at Ghat, where people may refuse, and do refuse to satisfy his importunities. I have done so with the rest. He now pretends he was only playing with me, and that he would have let me pass through his district though I had given him nothing. Can we believe him ? Jabour says in turn : — " I will make Ouweek restore the goods which he has extorted by violence from the Christian." There is no doubt Shafou will reprimand the bandit when he arrives. But I do not ask or expect the restoration of such a few trifling things. In this country, as the Governor says, " full of Sheiks," where authority is so divided, and the Sultan's power is so feeble, we must expect this sort of freebooting extortion. Such were the good and fine old days of chivalry in France and England, so much regretted by certain morbid romancers, Sir Walter Scott to boot, when a baron made a foray upon a neighbouring baron's people, and shut himself up with the booty in his castle, defying equally his plundered neighbour and his sovereign. But if in the comparison there is any decli nation of the balance, it is in favour of the Touaricks, for these Sheikhs, governing their respective districts with a gwsz'-independent authority, are now living in profound peace and harmony with one another. Had a visit from some score of Touarick women, of all complexions, tempers, and ages. After staring at me for some time with amazed curiosity and silence, they became restless. Not knowing what to do with them, I took out a loaf of white sugar, cut it into pieces, and then distributed it amongst them. The scene now sud denly changed, joy beamed in every eye, and every one let her tongue run most volubly. They asked me RESIDENCE IN GHAT. 15 " Whether I was married — whether the Christian women were pretty — whether prettier than they — and whether, if not married, I should have any objection to marry one of them ?" To all which questions I answered in due categorical form : — " I was not married — the Christian women were pretty, but they, the Touarick women, were prettier than Christian women — and, lastly, I should see whether I would marry one of them when I came from Soudan." These answers were perfectly satisfactory. But then came a puzzler. They asked me, " Which was the prettiest amongst them?" I looked at one, and then at another, with great seriousness, assuming very ungallant airs, (the women the meanwhile giggling and coquetting, and some throwing back their barracans, shawls I may call them, farther from their shoulders, baring their bosoms in true ball-room style,) and, at last, falling back, and shutting my eyes, placing my left hand to my forehead, as if in profound reflection, I exclaimed languidly, and with a forced sigh, " Ah, I can't tell, you are all so pretty!" This created an explosion of mirth, some of the more knowing ones intimating by their looks, " It's lucky for you that you have got out of the scrape." But an old lady, close by me, was very angry with me : — " You fool, Christian, take one of the young ones; here's my daughter." It is necessary to explain, that the woman of the Touaricks is not the woman of the Moors and Mussulmans generally. She has here great liberty, walks about unveiled, and takes an active part in all affairs and transactions of life. Dr. Oudney justly remarks, " The liveliness of the women, their free- ness with the men, and the marked attention the latter paid them, formed a striking contrast with other Moham- 16 THE GREAT DESERT. medan States." Batouta mentions a Berber tribe of Western Sahara, as having similar manners. He says : ¦ " This people has very singular manners. So the men are not at all jealous of their women. The women are not at all embarrassed in the presence of the men ; and though they, the women, are very assiduous at their prayers, they appear always uncovered." He adds, that certain women, of free manners, are shared amongst the people without exciting the feelings of jealousy amongst the men. It is the same with the Touaricks, but it is the absence of this Mussulman, or oriental jealousy, of husbands of their wives, which distinguishes the Touaricks from other Mahometans of North Africa, and connects the social condition of the Touaricks more with Euro pean society. On departing, I gave the Touarick ladies some pins, and they, not knowing how to use them, (for pins are never imported into The Desert, though needles in thousands,) I taught them a good practical lesson by pinning two of them together by their petticoats, which liberty, on my part, I need not tell the reader, increased the mirth of this merry meeting of Touarghee ladies pro digiously. I certainly felt glad that we could travel in a country and laugh and chat with, and look at the women without exciting the intolerable jealousy of the men. I think there is not a more dastardly being than a jealous husband. Amongst the Moors a traveller does not know whether he can venture to speak to a man's wife or not, or whether he can make her the most trifling present in return for the supper which she may cook. Afterwards had a very different visit of four Arabs who came with the evident intention of getting something out of me by main force. I resisted to the last, and to RESIDENCE IN GHAT. 17 their astonishment. I told them, all my presents were now for the Touaricks, and if they did not leave the house I would get them bastinadoed on their return to The Mountains. The worst class of people which I have met with, since I left Tripoli, are some of these Arabs, who are the most dogged brazen-faced beggars and spongers, banditti in the open day. Yesterday arrived the powerful Aheer camel-driver and conducteur Kan darka Bou Ahmed, the Kylouwee, whose arrival produced a sensation. Some call him a Sheikh. He usually con ducts the Ghadamsee merchants between this and Aheer, and as far as" Kanou. It is an established custom or law, in The Desert, that the people of each district or country shall enjoy the privilege of conducting the caravans. The Touaricks of Ghat conduct the mer chants from Ghadames to Ghat, and the Touaricks of Aheer the merchants from Ghat to Aheer, and so of the rest of the route, as far as Kanou, the final destination of the Soudan caravan. My Ghadamsee friend Bel Kasem came up to me to day, and whispered in my ear the question, " If slaves would be allowed to be sold now in the market of Tripoli ?" I answered frankly in the affirmative, but added, "I did not think it would last much longer." All the merchants now look upon me as an anti-slavery agent. The affair of Silva and Levi, if it prejudice the people against me on one side, gives me some consequence on the other, on account of the steps which the British Consul took against those merchants, or caused them to take. I went to see Bel Kasem in the evening, who is but a mere trader. He gave me this account of his slave-dealing : — " I have purchased five slaves at forty VOL. II. c THE GREAT DESERT. mahboubs each. At Tripoli I shall sell them at sixty. The Pasha takes ten duty, and I have only ten for profit and the expenses, of conveying the slaves from Ghat to Tripoli, feeding them as well here as there. What, where is my profit?" I echoed, "Where?" This is a fair specimen of the market. He complains of the dearness of the slaves, although an unusual number, more than a thousand, have been brought to the Souk or Mart. Haj Ibrahim and some other large purchasers have greatly and unexpectedly increased the demand. He says Haj Ibrahim purchases large quantities of goods on credit, or for bills of six and nine months from European mer chants in Tripoli. These he exchanges against slaves in Ghat, and then returns and sells his slaves, and pays the bills as they come due. In this way, it will be seen, the Desert slave-traffic is carried on upon the shoulders of European merchants. Haj Ibrahim considers his profits at twenty per cent. The people say he gets more. My friend, the Arab of Derge, called late, to borrow five dollars of me. He said, " I have purchased a slave for twenty-five dollars ; at present I have only twenty. You and I, Yakob, have been always friends. Lend me five dollars and I will pay you in a few days. The slave is a little old but cheap, he is to work in the gardens at Ghadames." I then explained to him the law of England on slavery, which greatly surprised him. The next day this Derge Arab brought in ano ther fellow to ask me to lend him money to buy a slave, just to see whether I should make the same reply to him also. 19th. — Rose early, and better in health. I begin to feel at home in Ghat, amidst the redoubtable Touaricks. RESIDENCE IN GHAT. 19 I find them neither monsters nor men-eaters*. Never theless, all the swaggering Arabs and Arab camel-drivers are here very quiet and civil amongst their masters, the Touaricks. I frequently bully them now about their past boasting and present cowardice. Two of the Arabs who had attempted to extort a present from me I met at Haj Ibrahim's house. I lectured them roundly, telling them I would report them to the Pasha, for they were greater banditti than the Touaricks. This had a salutary effect. I was not troubled afterwards with these brazen faced begging Arabs. This morning paid another visit to Haj Ahmed, the Governor. Found him very friendly. He talked politics. I explained to him the circumstances of the war between France and Morocco, suppressing the most disagreeable parts for a Mahometan. In the course of conversation I was surprised to hear from Haj Ahmed, " Now, since these twelve years, Tripoli belongs to the English." I used vainly all my eloquence in Arabic to convince him of this error, which has been propagated since the re moval of Asker Ali from the Pashalic of Tripoli at the instance of the British Consul. I then spoke to his Excellency of the necessity of sending some trifling pre sents to the Queen of England, as a sign of friendship, begging him to speak to Shafou. He replied, " The * Nor are they Anthropoklephts, as a late Yankee Consul, in his " Notes on North Africa," &c, calls them. Before Mr. Hodgson stigmatizes the Touaricks as men-stealers, he should see that his own States are pure. The reader will agree with me, after hearing further of the Touaricks, that these free sons of The Sahara have every right to say to Mr. Hodgson, and all American Consuls — " Physician, heal thyself : do not charge us with men-stealing when you buy and sell and rob human beings of their liberty." C 2 20 THE GREAT DESERT. Touaricks have nothing but camels." The Governor has a tremendous family. First of all, he has seven wives and concubines, then nine sons and six daughters. One of his female slaves repeated to me all their names, a complete muster-roll. When I visited the Governor again, I congratulated him upon having so large a family. He observed smiling, with great self-complacency, " Why, Yakob, do you call this a large family ? What is a large family with you ?" I told him eight and even six children was a large family. At this he affected great surprise, for he had heard that generally European females have three or four children at a birth. Haj Ahmed is a man of about fifty, rather good-looking, stout and hard-work ing, but inclining to corpulency, very unusual in The Desert. He is not very dark, and is of Arab extraction, and boasts that his family came from Mecca or Medina. He pretends that his ancestors were amongst the warriors who besieged Constantinople, previous to its capture by the Turks. He is a native of Touat, but has been settled here twenty years, where he has built himself a palace and planted large gardens. He is a shrewd and politic man, and has, in a certain degree, those jealous feelings of Christians which are peculiar to the Moor. He dresses partly in the Moorish and partly in the Touarick style, indeed, like all the Moors of Ghat, who are called Ghateen. He is, perhaps, not very learned, but is assisted by his nephew, a young Shereef of great learning and amiable manners. I asked some of the Ghatee people, who was their Sultan ? They replied, "Haj Ahmed; Shafou is not our Sultan." The Touaricks, however, have absolute control over all affairs, and Haj Ahmed stands in the same relation to Shafou, being RESIDENCE IN GHAT. 21 governor of the town, as the Sheikh El-Mokhtar, who is governor of Timbuctoo , under the Sultan of Jinnee. But, Haj Ahmed, himself, disclaims all temporal authority, he repeatedly says in our conversation, " I am not Sheikh, or Kaed, I'm only Marabout. All the people here are equal. When you write to the Consul, tell him I'm only Marabout." The fact is, there are so many Sheikhs here that it is no honour to be a Sheikh. The honour is too cheap to be valued, and is as much repudiated as a French Cross of the Legion of Honour. Haj Ahmed repudiates being a Sheikh most stoutly. Notwithstand ing this repudiation, the Marabout is obliged to decide upon the affairs of the city, even when Shafou is in town. The Marabout pretends he does not receive pre sents like the Sheikhs, but he always received what I offered him, and which was more than what I gave to some of the Sheikhs. His palace stands west, two-thirds of a mile from the city walls. Here he reigns supreme, priest and king, as Melchisedech of patriarchal times, surrounded with his numerous family of wives and concubines, and about fifty male and female slaves. Some of the slaves live in huts near his palace, or in the gardens. The Marabout is the largest landed proprietor of Ghat, but he also trades a good deal, and is now sending some of his children to Soudan to trade in slaves. Yesterday evening Mohammed Kafah sent me a bowl of sopped bread, fat, and gravy, garnished with two or three little pieces of meat. This is the first act and specimen of hospitality on the part of the townsmen. Kafah is a considerable merchant, and one of the three or four grandees of the place. Bel Kasem called out to me to-day, for he lives next door, "Yakob! Yakob! 22 THE GREAT DESERT. Aye ! for God's sake, one of my slaves is ill, bring me some medicine to purge him, quick, quick, he'll die." I had nothing to give the poor creature but a worm-powder, ordering half the quantity, all my medicines being dis tributed, except those for the eyes. Undoubtedly many of the slaves must die before they arrive in Tripoli. They are mostly fed on dates, the profit of the commerce is so small as not to allow wholesome food being given them. The slaves are brought from countries teeming with plenty of meat, grain, and vegetables, whilst they are fed with herbage and dates en route from Aheer to Ghat. What wonder then they die ? Every body, as was the case at Ghadames, high and low, rich and poor, young and old, wishes to convert me into a good Mussulman, being mortified that so quiet a Christian should be an infidel. An old Sheikh paid me a visit to-day, and began, "Now, Christian, that you have come into this country, I hope you will find every thing better than in your own country, and become a Mussulman, one loved of God. Come to my house, leave your infidel father and mother. I have two daugh ters. I will give you both for wives, and seven camels besides. This will make you a Sheikh amongst us. You can also be a Marabout, and spend your life in prayer." I excused myself, by saying, " I had engage ments in my country. My Sultan would brand me with disgrace, and I should be fetched out of this country by the Turks, who were always the friends of the English." The Sheikh sighed, raised up his aged body, and de parted, mumbling something, a blessing or a curse, upon my head. A younger son of Haj Ahmed came in and addressed me, " Why not say, ' There is one God, and RESIDENCE IN GHAT. 23 ' Mahomet is the prophet of God?'" I told him a Chris tian was prohibited from making such a confession. On paying a visit to Mohammed Kafah, who sent me the supper, I found his house full of slaves and Soudan goods, and he himself very busy in the midst of them. He received me very friendly, and, after a little, said, " It would be better for you if you turned Mussulman. Do you not wish to go to Paradise? A slave of ours is better than you, and your estate." To turn the conver sation, I observed (which I knew would excite his mer cantile lust, despite his orthodox zeal), " I hear you are vastly rich, the richest merchant in Ghat." " Ah !" he replied, distending into consequence, "but the Chris tians have all the money." I rejoined, " If there were a better Government in Tripoli, the Mussulmans would have more money." Asking about the arrival of Shafou, he observed, "Haj Ahmed is om' Sultan. I'm not a Touarick. God help if I were a Touarick." He then took me by the hands, and led me to the women's apart ments to show me to his wife and daughters. The good wife, after handling my hands, which were a little whiter and cleaner than what are generally seen in The Desert, for to have hands with a layer of dh't upon them of several months' collecting, is an ordinary circumstance, — exclaimed, "Dear-a-me, dear-a-me, how wonderful, and this Christian doesn't know God !" Her husband shook his head negatively. The court-yard of his house was soon filled and crammed with people, who rushed in from the streets, and the friendly Ghatee was obliged to send me home quick, lest I should be smothered by a mob of people. The affair of Silva and Levi had reached him, and the report will soon get to Soudan and Timbuctoo, 24 THE GREAT DESERT. for the merchants carry everything with them which inte rests their commerce, making additions as they go along. Here, as at Mogador, it was reported that I was commis sioned by the Sultan of England to buy up and liberate all the slaves. On returning home, I had another posse of visitors, and some of Haj Ahmed's sons, who came with the fixed determination to convert me. One said, on my admiring his Soudan coloured frock, " If you will become a Mussulman, I will give you one." I now felt myself obliged to rebut some of this impertinence, and answered, " If you would give me all the frocks of Soudan I would not change my religion." I then addressed them sharply against wishing to alter the decrees of God, turning the dogmas of their religion upon themselves, and quoted the Koran, — " Thou wilt not find out any means of enlightening him whom God delivers over to error." Immediately, this unexpected style of argument struck them dumb. After recovering their senses they became restless to leave me, and began to beg a few things. I gave them some sugar and cake, and we parted apparent friends. On going out, they could not forbear asking Said if he was a Mussulman. Like many other Mos- lemites of Sahara, they said, " The Turks are not good Mussulmans." I replied, "Mustapha, the Bey of Gha dames, is a better Mussulman than any of the Ghadam see people." The reader may disapprove of my conduct in these my frequent evasions of the question of religion ; but when they reflect that it required, during my residence in Ghat and other parts of Sahara, the whole strength of my mind, and the utmost tact, to maintain a simple RESIDENCE IN GHAT. 25 and consistent confession of myself as a Christian, and that to have said a word, or even to have breathed a syllable of disrespect for Mahomet and his religion, would have exposed me to be torn to pieces by the rab ble, and perhaps murdered in my bed, they will probably feel less disposed to censure my conduct. If there be any doubt of this critical situation of an European who travels openly and avows himself a Christian in The Sahara, all I can do is to beg of the doubter to make the experiment himself. The reader will also be pleased to recollect, that the Denham and Clapperton party, though they travelled the safest routes of Sahara, were protected by the Bashaw of Tripoli, and their safety was guaranteed solemnly to our Government, as being the immediate agents and representatives of the British nation; and, finally, they had a large escort of Arab cavalry from Fezzan to Bornou. Yet these tourists, surrounded with such protection, were actually circum cised at Tripoli by Dr. Dickson*, and were accustomed to attend the mosques and perform prayer as Mussul mans. Colonel Warrington certainly told me the people saw through all the mummery, and laughed, or were angry. As to the Frenchman, Caillie, his eternal tale of fabrication, repeated every day, and every hour of the day, to every Sheikh, and every merchant, camel- driver, and slave of The Desert, produces a very painful impression on the mind of the reader. Caillie's false hood, as lie begets lie, begat many others. He was obliged to tell the people, that Mahometans were not tolerated in Christian countries. He told the Africans, * I speak on the authority of Mr. Gagliuffi, our Vice-Consul at Mourzuk. 26 THE GREAT DESERT. also, that slavery was abolished in Europe, at the time even when England had her thousands of West Indian slaves. In this way, whatever service Caillie has ren dered to geography, he has damaged the moral interests of the world. The African Mussulmans might say to future tourists, "If Christians tolerate not us, why should we Mussulmans tolerate you," and assassinate the luckless European tourist. Whatever, then, were my evasions on the question of religion (and I sincerely confess I do not approve of them), I never stooped to such folly, and so far disgraced my character as an Eng lishman and a Christian, as to adopt the creed and cha racter of a Mahometan. I moreover, on reflecting upon the tremendous question, which I often revolved in my painful journeying over The Desert — determined at all events, at all costs, come what might, I would never profess myself a Mussulman, if it were even to save my head. I thought the least I could do was to imitate the noble example, which The Desert reports of Major Laing — Sooner than forswear my religion, be it good or bad, it was better to die ! " Mental reservation" may be good for the Jesuits and papists*, who misquote the conduct of Jacob to Esau, but it is neither fit for a Christian, or a patriot, or, at any rate, for an honest man, who was, is, and ever will be, " The noblest work of God." Spent the evening with Haj Ibrahim. A Ghadamsee came in who attempted to frighten me from going to * And even those who take an oath of et ceteras at the National Universities ! And others who subscribe to creeds which they do not read, or if read them, do not comprehend them. RESIDENCE IN GHAT. 27 Soudan. Haj Ibrahim has the same prejudices as the rest of the people of Tripoli respecting the supposed wealth of the Ghadamsee people. " They have plenty of money but conceal it. Sheikh Makouran has abun dance of gold, but he cunningly professes himself a poor man." I have lately read in a work published by the French Government, that once upon a time, a son of old Yousef Bashaw sacked Ghadames and carried off " several camel-loads of gold." The Touarick mode of saluting is very simple and elegant, but cold, colder than that of the English. A Touarghee elevates deliberately the right hand to a level with his face, turning the outspread palm to the indi vidual, and slowly but with a fine intonation says, " Saldm Aleikoum." This is all. When using his own language, a few words are added. How strikingly con trasted are the habits of different people. Amongst the Moors and Arabs this mode of saluting is their way of cursing. With the outspread hand menacingly raised, a man or woman puts their enemy under the ban and curse of God. A vulgar interpretation is, that it means " five in your eye ;" but this custom of cursing is so remote as not now to be explained. The door-posts and rooms of houses are imprinted with the outspread hand to prevent or withstand " the eye-malign" from glancing on them and the inhabitants its fatal influence. 20th. — Rose early, felt better in health to-day. Am, however, annoyed, but from what cause I cannot tell. Entertain many misgivings about the climate of Soudan, and having no medicine dispirits me. It is now too late to retreat. " Onward" is the only destiny which guides men, to good or evil. Had a visit from the eldest son 28 THE GREAT DESERT. of the Governor. Gave him two cups of tea, a little sugar, and two biscuits, which made him my friend for ever ; a cheap purchase of eternal friendship. Shafou, he says, will not come before the whole of the Soudan ghafalahs arrive, of which there are still some portions lagging behind. A Soudan caravan, as all Desert cara vans, is an omnibus ; it collects parties of merchants all along the line of route, and distributes them in the same way, but having a starting-post and a goal. Haj Ahmed's son wished to introduce the question of religion. "The world is nothing and Paradise is every thing." " Amen," I replied. " What do you think of Mahomet?" " The Mahometans have Mahomet, the Jews Moses, and the Christians Jesus, each for their prophet," I said, after which not very satisfactory answer to him, the conversa tion dropped. He now inquired if I had written to Tripoli to bring plenty of sugar and tea, with a latent desire for a portion of the spoil. I told him " No," very emphatically. Called at my neighbour's, Bel Kasem, and found him doctoring a poor negress girl. She could neither eat nor drink, she vomited and purged, her bones were nearly through her skin, her stomach empty and dried up as a sun-dried water-skin. Bel Kasem was rubbing her all over with oil. He asked me for medicine. I said, " Give her something good to eat." He replied, " I have nothing." "What do you eat yourself?" I asked- "Bread and bazeen," he replied. "Give her that," I rejoined. He hesitated to reply, did not reply; I saw he considered such food too good for a slave, even to save its life. Such is but one dark sad picture of a thousand now being exhibited here ! One would think RESIDENCE IN GHAT. 29 God had made one part of the human race to torment the other. Spent the evening with Haj Ibrahim. A merchant in his house related that Noufee was now convulsed with a civil war. This country is now in the hands of the Fullans. He had often visited that country, and had seen English people there. A large caravan has this winter left Mourzuk for Kanou vid Aheer. Haj Ibrahim pretends that the Touaricks of Aheer are better than those of Ghat, but the former are people of the country (or peasants), not towns. The Haj has not begun to dispose of his goods, but he will exchange them against slaves. He, however, as a subject of Tunis, is virtually prohibited by the Bey's ordinances. My most friendly visitors are the merchants and traders from Soudan, Kanou, and Sukatou. I cannot help look ing upon these people with profound pity. They bring their sable brethren, of the same flesh and blood, and barter them away for trumpery beads, coarse paper, and cloth, &c. They little think, that for such trifles, what miseries they inflict upon their helpless brethren ! A Kanou merchant, in a friendly manner, recommended me not to go to Soudan, adding, " The Touaricks of Aheer would butcher me because I was a Christian." A similar recommendation is being given me by the Arabs, Gha dames people, and others. Still there is a great variety of opinions, pros and cons, on this subject. 21st. — Rose early, improved in health. A small bird, not much bigger than a wren, flits about the houses as our sparrows. This is probably the Jereed sparrow of Shaw, Bou Habeeba, or Capsa-sparrow, but I saw it at no other oasis except Ghat. It is of a lark colour, with 30 THE GREAT DESERT. a light reddish breast, flitting about continually, twitter ing a short and abrupt note, but very sweet and gentle. Yesterday Haj Ahmed sent me a few dates and a little milk. To-day the Governor paid me a formal visit. He was polite and friendly. However, he observed, " If you, Yakob, had brought a few presents for the Touarghee chiefs they would all have known* you, but you have come without any thing, with empty hands." I replied that I did not expect to come to Ghat when I left Tripoli. Nevertheless, if the Touarick chiefs were friendly, and would protect Englishmen in The Desert, both the people and Government of England would, I was quite sure, acknowledge the protection with suitable presents. He was satisfied with the explanation. Some of our caravan had told him I had come with nothing, and had overrated my poverty as some tourists have their riches overrated. But this report of abject poverty was a great advantage to me. He was greatly surprised when I told him the Sultan of the English was a woman. I explained, as I had done at Ghadames, when the kings of our country had no sons, but had daughters, the daughters became sovereigns. My vanity was some what piqued at the Governor's direct allusion to presents, and I determined, that he himself, at any rate, should have as large a present from me as he got from any of the foreign merchants. He then asked me if I was an English Marabout. I replied, " Yes ;" for a Marabout, as in the Governor's own case, means sometimes a person who can tolerably read and write. In this sense I may claim the sacred title. I also dub myself occasionally * That is, being on friendly terms with you. RESIDENCE IN GHAT. 31 tabeeb (doctor), but mostly taleb, a mere literary man or pretender to literature. I believe that coming without arms, and as poor as possible, has had a good effect upon the Touaricks. They see, if they were so disposed, they cannot maltreat a man in my circumstances with a very good grace. I have still left, very fortunately, a supply of eye- water, and am making presents of it daily. This solution keeps my medical diploma clean and fair in Ghat. Had another visit from the family of the Governor. All aspire to religious discussion. Addressing me, " Which way do you pray, east or west ?" said another of his sons. " I pray in all directions, for God is every where." " You ought to pray in the east." " No, for The Koran says, ' The east and the west belong to God, wherever you turn you find the face of God*.'" He continued, " You are idolators, why do you pray to images ?" " The English people do not pray to images," I rejoined. As he doubted my word, I was obliged to enter into explanations of the customs of Romanists and Protestants. It is amusing or lamentable to think, as we may sneer at or regret the matter, that these rude children of The Desert should have ground for charging upon the high-bred and transcendantally-Tpolished nations of Europe, idolatry. But, if [any one, determined to be an impartial judge, were to visit the Madelaine of Paris, and then pass rapidly over to Algeria, (a journey of a few days), and there enter the simple mosque, and compare its prostrate worshippers, in the plain unadorned temple of Islamism, with the bowing and crossing, going * See Surat ii., intitled " The Cow." 32 THE GREAT DESERT. on before the pretty saints and images of the Catholic temple of the Parisians, he could not fail to be struck with the immeasurable space which separates the two cultes, whilst the contrast, so far as the eternal records of nature, impressed upon and read in the page of creation, are involved, would be all in favour of the Moslemite deist, and pity and folly would be mingled with his ideas when appreciating the papistical quasi- idolator. A young Touarghee came in with the party, whose eyes were very bad. After a good deal of persuasion, for he was at first quite frightened at me, he consented to allow me to apply the caustic. He is a follower of Sheikh Jabour, and employed near the person of the Sheikh. To show how smoothly things go after the first difficulty is vanquished, I may mention, that he visited me ever after whilst I remained in Ghat, some times coming every day, and always begging his eyes might be washed with the solution. I had another visit from the Soudan traders. They say people just like me come up to Noufee to where they are now return ing. They speak Arabic very imperfectly, and are obliged to converse with signs. They describe thou sands of slaves being carried away by men with white cheeks and hands like myself, putting their hands round their wrists and their necks to show how the slaves were ironed. These slaves are carried down the Niger to the salt water (Atlantic). I asked them how the slaves were obtained. One of them sprung up in an instant, seizing an Arab's gun. He then per formed a squatting posture, skulking down, and creep ing upon the floor of my room, and waiting or watching RESIDENCE IN GHAT. 33 in silence. He then made a sudden spring, as a tiger on its prey, with a wild shout. These wily antics evi dently denoted a private kidnapping expedition. Many slaves are, however, captives of war, for the negro princes are as fond of war as the military nations of France and Prussia, and can play at soldiers as well as the King of Naples. Evening, as usual, paid a visit to Haj Ibrahim. Nothing new, except an economical bill of expenses, from Ghat to Soudan, chalked out for me by a Ghadamsee, in prospect of my journey, viz : — Presents, en route, to various chiefs . 13 dollars. Wheat and bread . . . . 5 „ Olive-oil and semen (liquid butter) . 1 „ Extras and unforseen expenses . . 3 „ Total ... 22 This, I imagine, is about what it would cost him him self, though he pretended to allow a little more for me. These 22 dollars are to carry a person two months over Sahara and one over Negroland to Kanou. It will be seen there is nothing down for meat, or sugar, and tea and coffee, in which luxuries Saharan merchants rarely indulge. VOL. II. 34 CHAPTER XVIT. RESIDENCE IN GHAT. Gloves an enigma of Wonder. — Visit Sheikh Hateetah. — All Men equal at Ghat. — Crowds of People surrounding my House to see me.' — Violent Act committed on a Man at Prayer in the Mosque. — Extent of European Literature known at Ghat. — Continue unwell. — Ouweek's public Apology. — Dances of the Slaves. — A Saharan Emeute. — Arrival of Caravans.—- Return the Visit of the Governor. — Europe, a cluster of innumerable Islets. — Who has most Money, Christians or Mahometans? — ¦ People more used to my presence in Ghat. — The Prophet of the Touaricks. — Visit from Aheer Touaricks. — The Governor's petty dealing. — The Shereef of Moorzuk. — Visit from Jabour. —Beginning Soudanic Cottons. — Visits from Kandarka and Zolea, — Route from Ghat to Alexandria, and its distance. — The Shereef of Medina. — Character and influence of Khanouhen, heir-apparent of the Touarghee Throne of the Azgher Toua ricks, and his arrival in Ghat. 22nd. — Have considerable pain in my stomach with change of diet. Did not go out yesterday and the day before in the day-time, on account of the rabble who follow so close at my heels, that my guides and pro tectors can't keep them off. Sent a shumlah ("sash") to Haj Ahmed, the Governor, this morning. He ex pressed himself highly gratified. This makes the Go vernor's present about five dollars more than he gets from any of the merchants. The richest and most powerful merchants don't give more, and some of them not half this amount. I have already giyen away 20 dollars out of my extremely modest resources. Nothing surprises the natives of Ghat and the RESIDENCE IN GHAT. 35 Touaricks so much as my gloves. I am obliged to put them off and on a hundred times a day to please people. They then try them on, look at them inside and outside, in every shape and way, expressing their utter asto nishment by the most sacred names of Deity. Some, also, have not seen stockings before, and examine them with much wonderment. But the gloves carry the palm in exciting the emotion of the terrible. One said, after he had put the glove on his hand, "Ah! ah! Whey! whoo! that's the hand of the Devil himself!" The Souk or mart has now fairly begun. Merchants are desperately busy buying and selling, chiefly ex changing goods against slaves. All complain of the dearness of slaves. Afternoon visited Sheikh Hateetah, "Friend" or "Consul" of the English. Found him still unwell; he complains of pain in his bowels. This is the case with most people in Ghat, myself amongst the rest. It cannot be the water, for it is the purest and sweetest of The Desert. Prescribed a little medicine for the Sheikh, who promises to introduce me to Sultan Shafou when he arrives. Returned by another route, and in this manner made the tour of the town. Half an hour is fully enough to walk round the mere walls of the city, but then there are considerable suburbs, consisting of huts and stone and mud houses. At the Sheikh's I met a merchant just returned from Kanou; I put some questions to him, who, thinking I wished to have every one answered in the affirmative, gave me his terrible "yahs" and "aywahs" to all and everything de manded. "Are there many people ill in Kanou ?" D 2 36 THE GREAT DESERT. " Yes, many." "Is the route to Kanou unsafe?" "Yes." "Are there banditti in route ?" "Yes." "Is it hot in Kanou?" "Very hot, very hot." "Is there fever in Kanou ?" "Yes, always." This I thought was good news. I fear we often get incorrect intelligence from these people, through their anxiety to answer all our questions in the affirmative, they not understanding that we put the questions to them simply to gain information. All men are indeed equal here, as saith the Gover nor. There seems to be no ruling authority, and every one does what is right in his own eyes. Yesterday, although the Governor knew that some of his slaves or other people had stolen my sugar, he never condescended to mention the circumstance, by speaking to his eldest son about the theft ; he said absurdly enough, " Oh, if we knew the thief, we would put him to death." On protesting against such punishment for the offence, he rejoined, " Oh, but we would cut off his hand." This is all stuff, and a proof of the weakness of the Governor's authority. Happily, however, there's no crime worth naming in the oasis. Am obliged to keep the door shut to prevent people from rushing into the house by twenties and fifties at once. The Governor has sent strict orders to his slaves to keep the door shut, first, to prevent me from being pestered to death all day long, and, secondly, because RESIDENCE IN GHAT. 37 some of the people have got the habit here, as in Europe, of picking up little things. A young slave is crying out, " Bago ! bago !" every five minutes, in answer to knock ing at the door to see The Christian, which we interpret in European phrase more politely, " Not at home," but which signifieth in the original Housa, "No, no." How ever, a troop of the lower class of Touaricks managed to squeeze in as some of our people went out, but I got rid of them without angry words. A Ghadamsee resident here, came in to-day, with a severe gash on his hands, and one of his fingers, to ask my advice and beg medicine. The gash was inflicted upon him whilst at prayer, by a vagabond Touarghee. The assailant alleged as the reason of his violent act, that the Ghadamsee had called him a thief amongst the people, adding, that he (the Touarghee) had stolen two skin-bags out of a house. For such violence, such a daring act perpetrated on a man whilst in the solemn performance of prayer, our Marabout Governor was obliged to give satisfaction to the injured party. His Excellency stripped the house of the Touraghee of all his little property, turned him out into the street, and ordered him immediately to leave Ghat. To the honour, and humanity, and morality of the inhabitants of this part of The Sahara, such acts of violence are extremely rare. The Ghadamsee had poulticed his hand with wet clay and camel's dung. I recommended a bread poultice, but he kept to his clay and camel's dung. The Saharans mostly prefer their own remedies, though they may con descend to ask you your advice. Bought some olive oil from the Arabs of Gharian. Before pouring it out they wished me to put sugar in the measure. I suspected 38 THE GREAT DESERT. some trick, and refused. As soon as the measure was out of my servant's hand, they seized it, some licking it, others rubbing their hands in it, and then oiling their bread. They wanted to have a lick at the sugar, which would have settled down at the bottom ; and were very angry with me because I did not take their advice of improving the oil with my sugar. These Arabs are really more greedy and rapacious than the Touaricks. The difference is, the Arabs are near Tripoli, see Euro peans, and learn to be more polite to us than the Toua ricks can well be. A son of the Governor recited to me the following famous distich, begging me to tell him what it meant : — " Tummora, tummora, tera, Buon giorno, buona sera." On inquiring how he learn it, he told me a Moor of Tripoli taught it him. This seems to be the extent of European literature acquired by the Ghateen. 23rd. — Continue to have pains in my stomach, and feel very weak. Am undecided whether I shall go or not to Soudan. However, Haj Ibrahim has kindly offered to let me have twenty-five dollars' worth of goods on credit, which, in the case of my going, will relieve me from every embarrassment as to money for the present, until I can get a remittance from Tripoli, for these twenty-five dollars will furnish the presents and expenses of the route, and allow me to retain some twenty or thirty dollars in my pocket. The reader will and must smile at this mighty statement of my financial affairs, worthy of a Desert Budget! Essnousee called. Ouweek is a personal friend of his; Essnousee says : — " Ouweek has told us, he feared from RESIDENCE IN GHAT. 39 you (myself), for the English had never before been in his district. For the rest, he was only playing with you. He wished to see whether an Englishman was a man of courage. This you proved to be, for you sat down and ate dates and biscuit whilst he was threatening to kill you. It also proved that you knew that he (Ouweek) was playing with you, for how could you eat dates if you thought he was going to kill you." This is Ouweek's defence about town. I heard also a curious version about the slave who ran to the horse. Zalea says, the slave ran there to get Ouweek farther from me, giving me an opportunity, if I chose, of escaping to Ghat. This affair still occupies public attention, but Ouweek keeps his present, and evidently will not restore it despite the threats of Jabour. Essnousee tells me not to be afraid of Ouweek, for he has influence with the Sheikh. A Souk of little things has just been opened, and pro visions, with all sorts of small articles, the manufacture of Soudan and Aheer, are exposed for sale in the public square. Formerly, these matters were purchased at private houses. This is a step in the march of Saharan commerce. Yesterday evening, the poor slaves danced and sung till midnight in the public squares. Ever-pitying Provi dence, so permits an hour of gaiety to suffering huma nity, under circumstances the most adverse to happiness! The slaves of the caravan are, a few of them, permitted to join those of the town, and the exiled slaves some times obtain intelligence in this way of their country. Generally the slaves imported are from such a variety of districts in Negroland, and so widely apart, that the slaves of The Sahara can hear little of their native homes. I 40 THE GREAT DESERT. asked Bel Kasem, if the slaves of the Ghafalah were prisoners of war. " No," he replied, " there is no war now in Soudan ; these are captured with matchlocks at night by robbers (sbandout) ; the negro is frightened out of his wits at the sound of fire-arms." Afternoon there was a tremendous hubbub in the pubhc square or market-place, the Negresses flying in all directions from the scene of tumult. One of Haj Ahmed's negresses comes running to me : " Shut the door, shut the door, the world is upset, the world is upset ! Haj Ahmed, my master, is no Sheikh, no Sultan. He can't keep the people quiet. I'm going, I'm going." "Where are you going?" "I'm going to another and quieter country, to Haj Ahmed, my master, to tell him the news." This is a very lively negress, her tongue never stops ; she retails all the news of the country to me, and is a great politician in her way. Some of these Ghat negresses are actually witty, and crack jokes with the grave Touaricks. The Touaricks are too gallant to be offended with the freedom of even female slaves. I felt somewhat alarmed, thinking the discomfitted party might come and avenge their defeat upon the unlucky Christian stranger. We barricaded the door, and kept quiet, anxiously waiting the result, as people do in Paris, when an emeute is being enacted for the especial benefit of the Parisians. Afterwards I learnt the particulars of this strange tumult. There is an old half-cracked Sheikh, who goes every day into the public square, and strikes his spear into the ground, and retiring at a dis tance, exclaims aloud to all present, "Whoever dares to touch that spear I'll kill him!" To-day a young Touarick passed by, and seeing the spear sticking up RESIDENCE IN GHAT. 41 very formidably, as if challenging all passers-by, went near it, and said, "What's this?" and took hold of it. The crazy Sheikh was watching at some distance, and now was his opportunity to show the people his deter mined will and resolution. He rushes at the lad with his dagger in hand. In an instant the whole place is in wild tumult, cries and shouts rend the air, with a forest of spears brandishing over the heads of Touaricks, Arabs, Moors, slaves, men, women, and children, min gling together, and running over one another in a frightful melee. The boy is rescued, the people resume their lounging seats, the storm drops to a dead calm, and nobody is hurt, not even scratched. Such is a row amongst these untutored children of The Desert. How different to the Thuggee rows now being enacted in Ireland ! Afterwards paid a visit to Bel Kasem. He com plained bitterly of slaves being dear. A slave is sold at from 40 to 100 dollars. The mediate price is 60 to 70, Two months ago good slaves were sold at 30 and 40 dollars each. The reason given is the great quantity of merchandize arrived direct from Tripoli, besides from the lateral routes of Ghadames and Mourzuk. The English Vice-Consul of the latter city has sent quanti ties of goods to this mart, but these are exchanged only for senna and ivory. This evening arrived another Tripoline merchant with twenty camels of merchandize. He came vid Mizdah and Shaty, and was forty-five days en route. The Touat caravan (very small) has arrived, bringing Touat woollen barracans and Timbuctoo gold. The affair of the Timbuctoo caravan is differently reported. It is now said the people killed were the 42 THE GREAT DESERT. inhabitants of Ain Salah. The Desert is a great exaggerator and misinterpreter. It is very difficult to get correct news. 2ith. — Better in health this morning, after taking medicine yesterday. First thing, returned the visit of the Governor. When I go out early, find few persons about the streets. People are up as late in winter as they are early in summer. The Touaricks of the suburban huts do not come to town till very late in the morning, when the Souk begins. His Excellency treated me with three cups of coffee. He said, " You must take three, because it is the destined number of hospitality, and as many more as you choose." It was wretched stuff — hot water and sugar, blackened or dilu ted with a little badly-ground coffee. But bis Excel lency thought he was conferring upon me a vast favour. Few people drink coffee in this country, and it is con sidered a great luxury. A man from Bengazi, a visitor, was also treated with his three cups of coffee. These Saharans have strange notions in their heads respecting the geography of England, and the capabilities of its inhabitants in travelling. The Governor asked me, " If the English could travel by land?" I was astonished at the question, but I saw he imagined our country, and European countries generally, to be so many little islets in the ocean*. It is curious, likewise, how old this notion * Is XLi. 1, 5; xLix. i. Whilst in Jer. ii. 10, Europe entire is presented to the prophetic vision by the designation of " the Isles of Chittim." Sometimes the whole idea of Gentiles and Gentile nations is represented by the isles of the sea. The Hebrew bards, standing on the heights of Lebanon, and looking westwards saw nothing but innumerable clusters of islets in the dim and undefined distance of the waters of the Mediterranean. RESIDENCE IN GHAT. 43 is. The Hebrew prophets, who were bad geographers, depicted all western Europe as "the isles of the sea." The Governor continued, " But can you travel on land, when water is wanted, as in this country V Before the French occupied Algiers, the Saharans thought it im possible for Christians to invade, or even to travel in, their country. This gave the French invading army such a vast prestige when they once got upon terrd firma. The event was as unexpected and marvelled at as the immediate results were decisive and brilliant. I an swered, " In travelling through Christian countries, water is met with every day. If it be necessary to carry water however, water is carried. The French carry it in Al geria, and the English in India, when the country is dry and desert, on the backs of camels." His Excellency, greatly surprised, " What ! impossible ! Have the Chris tians camels ? God gave the camels only to the Faithful." I returned, " We have troops of camels." " And where do you get camels?" asked the Governor, with great seriousness. " The French buy camels from Mussulmans in Algeria, and the English keep camels in India." "Ah!" observed the Governor, "those French Mussul mans sell camels to infidels. They themselves are infi dels." His Excellency now inquired about religion, and whether all Christians had books (i. e. books of religion). As before noticed, there is a prevailing opinion here that Protestants have no Scriptures, whilst, indeed, as we know, they are the Christians who only, bond fide, have the free use of the Scriptures. I saw that Haj Ahmed, though a Marabout, was sufficiently ignorant on the religion of Christians. His Excellency then asked about money. 44 THE GREAT DESERT. "Who have the most money, Mussulmans or the English?" /. — "The English. The Sultan of Constantinople has no money, or spends it faster than he gets it. Me- hemet Ali has but little money. However, Muley Abd Errahman has some saved up in the vaults of Mekinas." The Governor. — "Muley Abd Errahman belongs to us ; we are his subjects. We have nothing to do with the Turks or the Touaricks. As the English have much money, why have not you much?" This question — this home-thrust — was made in a pe culiarly arch way. " If I had brought much money," I replied, as point edly, " I'm sure I should have been murdered before I got to Ghat. All my friends, and the Rais of Ghadames told me not to carry any money with me." This clear and positive statement made the visitors, who were numerous, burst out laughing. His Excel lency, taken by surprise, asked abruptly, " How? Why?" I added, " Two Englishmen have been murdered in The Desert, the one near Wadnoun (Davidson), and the other near Timbuctoo (Major Laing), and both upon the supposition of their having possessed much money." The Governor at once dropped the subject, thinking I was going to bring upon the tapis Ouweek. His Excel lency often quizzes me about having no money, evidently not believing a word of my alleged poverty. I then asked the Governor what he thought of the great camel- driver, Kandarka, who conducts the caravans, and nearly all the Ghadamseeah between Ghat and Aheer. He answered, to my surprise, Ma ndraf, "I don't RESIDENCE IN GHAT. 45 know," for Kandarka has an excellent reputation. This was the Jesuitism of the Moor. I took leave, and was escorted to Hateetah by my young Touarghee friend, whose eyes I'm doctoring. On our way we met his master, Sheikh Jabour, who stopped to salute us. Afterwards, somebody hailed us from a hut. My Touarghee friend turned and said, " They want to see you." We went, and I found several of my Ghadamsee acquaintance and some Touarghee people of consequence, all squatting down on the sand in a gos siping circle. They soon began on the troublesome sub ject of religion, after they had gratified their curiosity in staring at me and through me. One said to the Gha damsee people, " Tell the Christian to repeat, ' There's one God,'" &c. I was determined to risk an abrupt answer. I said, " This saying is prohibited to Christians." At this stop-mouth answer they burst out into a fit of hila rity. But one fellow, who wished to show some zeal, growled out, " Be off, be off." My good-natured young Touarghee quickly got up from the circle, where he had taken his seat, and smiling, took me by the arm, whis pering in my ear, " Come along, Yakob, these are brutish people." We found Hateetah better. I asked him seriously if there was danger in my going to Aheer. He observed, " Without a letter from Shafou you can't go, the merchants can't and won't protect you. Some of them are big rascals, worse than us Touaricks, and will sell you as a slave for a dollar." Many concur in this opinion. I found the Ghatee people more peaceable in the streets, now the novelty of my appearance is dimi nishing. When I pay a visit to a person of consequence I always put on my European clothes, which compliment 46 THE GREAT DESERT. is perfectly understood, for I offended an old Sheikh with going to him with my burnouse on instead of my French cloak. He said to my uncouth cicerone, " This Christian doesn't pay me respect, why doesn't he dress himself in Christian clothes 1" Hateetah always makes me promise to return by the eastern side of the city, where we meet with very few persons. Saw Haj Ibrahim on my return. He complains of the market : — " Slaves are very dear. What can we do? We are obliged to buy them ; there is nothing else in the market. Only a small quantity of elephants' teeth and a little senna. Besides these, nothing else sells in Tripoli." Returning from the merchants, "Whey! whey! whoo! whoo! whoo!" saluted my ears. This noise came from a group of people surrounding En-Nibbee Targhee, "The Prophet of the Touaricks." The salute was followed by a number of persons who rushed upon me, carried me by force into the presence of The Prophet. The Seer, seeing me discomposed, said in a kind tODe, " Gheem," (sit down). Now there was profoundest silence, not a murmur was heard amongst a hundred people crowded together. The Seer stood up before me, and, assuming an imposing attitude, spoke in monosyllabic style, the usual address adopted by North African and Saharan prophets, — " Christian, Ghat, good, you ?" Myself. — " Yes, the people are good to me." The Prophet. — "Three! one!" (putting out one finger of the right hand, and three of the left hand.) Myself. — " There is one God !" (knowing the prophet meant this, for it is the usual way of badgering Christians about the Trinity in North Africa.) RESIDENCE IN GHAT. 47 The Prophet. — " Good :" (then making the sign of the cross by putting his two forefingers into the shape of a cross.) " But you Christians worship this (the cross) of wood, stone, iron, brass. This is not good, not good." Myself. — " No, we English do not worship wood, stone, iron, or brass." The Prophet. — " You lie, you lie." (At this emphatic negative, up stepped one of my" Ghadamsee friends to the Prophet, and told him that the English did not worship the cross or images like some other Christians.) The Prophet. — " Good, right, sublime. What's your name ?" Myself.—" Yakob." The Prophet. — " You, dog, Jew." Myself. — "No. This is the Arabic of my English name." The Prophet. — " Good, good ; Yakob, do you steal ?" Myself. — " Please God, I hope not." The Prophet.—" Yakob, do you lie ?" Myself. — " Please God, I hope not." The Prophet.—" Yakob, do you strike ?" (i. e. kill.) Myself. — " Please God, I hope not." The Prophet. — " Good, good, good. Have you seen the Kafers in Algiers ?" (i. e. the French.) Myself.—" I have." The Prophet. — " Have they houses where women are kept, and twenty men go in and sleep with one woman in an hour 1" (At this question, the multitude showed intense anxiety to hear the result.) Myself.—" I don't know." I had scarcely made answer when two women 48 THE GREAT DESERT. rushed npon the Prophet and dragged him away crying, "Yamout, Mat: he is dying! he is dead!" As the Prophet was pulled away he turned to me mildly and said, " Ydkob, inker, Arise, James." I inquired where he was being dragged to, and was told that the husband of the two women was just dead, and the Prophet was going to see whether he could raise him from the dead. The Prophet had already raised several people from death to life. It is a pity this barbarian prophet could not be transported from the sands of The Sahara to the marble pavement of the Vatican, where he might harangue Pope Pius IX. and his Cardinals in the style of an Iconoclast, and induce the Sacred College to abolish their scandal of image-worship. The Prophet wears a leathern dress, or dried skins, from head to foot. His repute of sanctity fills the surrounding deserts with its holy odours. The number of miracles he performs is prodigious. His leathern burnouse, like the Holy Tunic of Treves, is frequently carried about to cure the sick and work miracles. Coming home, I had a visit from some Touaricks of Aheer. They were uncommonly civil, addressing me: " If you go with us, you have nothing to fear. In Aheer, people will not call out to you in the streets as in Ghat. We have a Sultan. Here there is no Sultan." They were amazed at my little keys. I promised one of them, that, in case of my arriving safe in Aheer, I would give him a little lock and key. This delighted him ; and two pieces of sugar, one each, made these Aheer Touaricks excellent friends. Have visits from the Ghateen. Several of these people are going to Soudan with the return caravan. RESIDENCE IN GHAT. 49 In better spirits to-day. Have been suffering from " The Boree." Such a variety of discouraging influences press upon the mind, that it is very difficult to keep it buoyant. Poor Said, he gives way in tears. He is become terrified at the prospect of Soudan ; he repeats, "The Touaricks will kill you, and make me a slave again." Had another visit from the uncle of Sheikh Jabour, a poor old gentleman. I got rid of him by a bit of white sugar, which he munched as a little child. He says, " One thousand Touarghee warriors are going against the Shanbah after the mart is held." Was to-day asto nished to hear, that a few dates, a little gusub, a few onions, and a few stones of dates, which a female slave offers for sale in the streets, belong to Haj Ahmed the Governor ! His Excellency sends the poor woman every morning to sell this miserable merchandize, and she regu larly pays into his hands the price and profits every evening. This is one of the wrinkles of the Great Governor Marabout, who lives in a palace, and reigns as king and priest of Ghat and the Ghateen*! What shall I hear next ? I am not surprised, some of the Ghadamsee merchants sneer at the idea of Haj Ahmed being "a Marabout of odour." Essnousee sent me a little pre sent of vermicelli and cuscasou, or hamsa. He certainly behaves, better than the other Ghadamsee merchants resident here. I'm told, there will not be many Touarick visitors this year at Ghat. They have unexpected occu pation to defend themselves against the sanguinary forays of the Shanbah. And then, the late rains having pro- * A Moor of Ghat now and then goes to Tripoli. The Italian merchants call them the Gatti, " cats." VOL. II. E 50 THE GREAT DESERT. duced abundant herbage, they are also occupied in grazing the camels. The merchants congratulate me on these circumstances, and say I shall have less presents to distribute. Met at Haj Ibrahim's a Shereef of Mourzuk, who pretends he is going to Soudan. This is a little thin fellow, who glides into people's houses through the key hole, importunately begging on the strength of his being of the family of the Prophet, and lives by the same pretensions. He has a smiling face, with his head reclined always on one side from his habit of incessant importunities ; of course, he has not a para in his pocket. But, nevertheless, he managed a few months ago to ally himself with the family of a rich merchant, marrying the sister of my friend Mohammed Kafah, one of the Ghatee millionnaires. Kafah is thoroughly disgusted with his sister's marriage, and gives them nothing to eat, or only enough to keep his sister from dying of starva tion. One of the Shereef's items of importunity, is his incessant abuse of his brother-in-law, because he won't keep him in idleness. This little sorry shrimpy quasi- impostor can neither read nor write. He tells me it is quite unnecessary. The blood of the Prophet makes him noble, and fit for heaven at any time Rubbee may decree his death. He is professionally and continually begging from me, and says with a whining pomposity, "Put yourself under my protection, I will escort you safe to Soudan. No one dare lift a finger against a Christian under the protection of a Shereef!" But it's odd, these and such offers of protection come from many quarters. The camel-drivers and conducteurs look upon me as a good speculation. The Shereef pretends that there are RESIDENCE IN GHAT. 51 no less than two hundred of his family in Soudan, and some nearly black, on account of their intermarriages with negroes. One thing I like in the little wretch, he seems devoid of a spark of bigotry against Christians. It may be that his mind is too impotent for the malicious feeling. " Gagliuffi," he says, " is my friend. I'm the protector of the English at Mourzuk." Mustapha of Tripoli has cut me because I would not allow him to charge me double for the sugar, cloves, and sunbul, which I purchased of him. A pretty rogue is this; but I for give him, for his voluntary and opportune services in interpreting for me on my arrival in Ghat. 25th. — Christmas Day! Not a merry Christmas for me — in truth, a sad, an unhappy one. And yet I ought to be content, having food and raiment, and enjoying the protection of God amidst strangers, in The Inhospitable Desert ! It is better for a man to pray for a happy mind than for riches and celebrity. Weather has been mostly fine during the ten days I have resided here. But this morning broke angrily, followed with a tremen dous gale, blowing from the east, prostrating all the palms, and filling the air with sand, as a thrice con densed London November fog. It is besides very cold, and is so far Christmas weather. I may add, the weather continued unusually cold this Souk. People had not had such cold for many a year. Received a visit from the Sheikh Jabour, who expressed himself uncommonly friendly, and said, "If anything unpleasant occurs, call for me." I showed him some cuts of a book, in which were drawings of Moors. He was wonder-stricken. The sight of a date-palm pleased him exceedingly, tickling the fancy of his followers who accompanied him, E 2 52 THE GREAT DESERT. The Sheikh promised me a letter for the Sultan of Aheer, and to send a slave of his own with me as far as Aheer. Jabour did not positively assert that Tripoli belonged to the English, and contented himself with asking, " If Tripoli were English ?" I explained fully to the Sheikh, as he is a man of a fine ingenuous mind, that Asker AU was recalled by the Sultan of Stamboul on the representations of the British Consul of Tripoli, the Pasha being a blood-thirsty tyrant, the enemy of the Christians as weU as the Mussulmans; and that the Consul has influence in Tripoli, but Tripoli belongs to the Sultan. The Ghadamsee interpreter observed, " The English and the Mussulmans are the same." "Certainly," I replied, " without the English the French would soon eat up the Sultan of the West (Morocco), and the Rus sians the Sultan of the East (Turkey)." " That's good," observed Jabour ; " Still, we in The Desert, fear neither Christians nor Sultan. And if the EngUsh require our assistance they can have it. Tell this on your return to your Sultan." This amiable prince then took leave. If there be a desert aristocract of gentle blood, it is un questionably Jabour. A shoal of low Touaricks came to me afterwards, in the Sheikh's name, to beg. I saw through the ruse, and they were savage in being obliged to go off empty-handed. Some Touarick ladies now tried to squeeze in as the door was opened, and, in spite of the " bago, bago," got up stairs to the terrace. They had all the tips of their noses, the round of the chins, and the bones of their cheeks, blackened. At first I could not make out how it was. It was explained that the dye of the Soudan cottons, which they wore, pro duced this blacky tipping. These cottons begrime their RESIDENCE IN GHAT. 53 wearers sadly, the colour is not fast, the indigo being ill prepared. Some of the blue cottons are highly glazed. Men and women wear them, being cheap and light clothing for the summer. 26^A. — Relieved from pain, but getting very thin, although my habits are now what are called sedentary. I rarely sit up when at home, mostly reclining. So far I am become a bond fide Saharan habitant. Kandarka caUed again to-day at my request. He professed to be very uncivil or very serious, and asked a large sum for conducting me to Soudan, like a real mau of business, quite inconsistent with the present state of my finances. He asks no less than 150 dollars in goods, including camels for rid ing, and other attentions. This is more than he gets from all the merchants put together, in fact, nearly twice as much. But if it be necessary to strike the bargain, I'm sure he wiU come down to fifty. My health is breaking down very fast, and I have great hesitation on the sub ject of a farther advance into the interior. I have been thinking of continuing my tour to Egypt and Syria, and Constantinople, visiting aU the slave-marts of the Medi terranean. Had a visit from Zalea, and found him the same man as en route. But he is always a little wild and playful. He is against my proceeding farther, and tells me to get off on my return before Shafou comes, that the Touaricks may not get aU the money I have. I am at present, however, so satisfied with the Touaricks, that I would give them a camel-load of dollars if I had them. Shafou is still occupied in the neighbouring districts, en- roUing troops for the Shanbah expedition. The Ben- gazi merchant persuades me to accompany him. From Ghat to the first oasis of Fezzan, there are 10 days; 54 THE GREAT DESERT. from thence to Sockna, 10; from Sockna to Augelah, 10; thence to Seewah, 14 days more; and thence to Alexandria, 14 more days Weather is duU to-day, but not very cold. All the Arabs and people of Ghadames abuse Ghat: it is assuredly a sufficiently wretched place. However, the scenery around is much more lively and picturesque than that of Ghadames. A great quantity of elephants' teeth arrived yesterday (not to be sold here), on their way to Ghadames. Also some Soudanic sheep for this market, seUing as low as three doUars each. Had a visit from the eldest son of the Governor, and his nephew the Medina Shereef. This Shereef must be carefuUy dis tinguished from the little mad-cap impostor of Mourzuk mentioned before. I have not found so gentlemanly a person in aU Ghat and Ghadames. He was born in Medina, but brought up here : he is the son of the Governor's sister, who is married a second time to the Sheikh Khanouhen, heir-apparent to the throne. The Shereef's mother is not a Touarick woman, and the Sheikh has another wife of Touarick extraction in the districts. Of course Khanouhen is strongly recommended to me by his son-in-law. " Khanouhen," he says, " has aU the wisdom and eloquence of the country in his head and heart. Shafou is an old man, and talks Uttle. Whatever Khanouhen plans, Shafou approves ; whatever Khanouhen says in words, Shafou orders to be done." Had a visit from a Touatee, just arrived. He recom mended me to go to Timbuctoo, and fear nothing. " What have the Touaricks of Ghat done to you, that you are afraid to visit the Touaricks of my country and Timbuctoo ?" he added. Now came in two Soudanese RESIDENCE IN GHAT. 55 merchants. One of them said, " Say ' There is but one God,' &c." I answered " This is prohibited to us," which made them laugh out. They have not that fierce bigotry of the north-coast merchants. Visited Haj Ibrahim. He says, " Wait for me till next year, and we'U both go to gether to Soudan. I'll protect you." Certainly this Moor has hitherto shown himself extremely friendly to me. Khanouhen came in this evening from the country. £>6 CHAPTER XVIII. RESIDENCE IN GHAT. Arrival of the Sultan Shafou. — Visit to His Highness.— Visit to Hateetah ; his jealousy of the Sultan and other Sheikhs. — Visit from the People of the Oasis of Berkat. — Said sobbing and sulking. — A Night-School in The Desert. — Use of Sand instead of Paper, Pens, and Ink. — Mode of Touarghee succession to the Throne. — Women hereditary possessors of Household Property. — Negresses are Dramatic Performers. — Description of the Oasis of Ghat; Houses, Architecture, Gardens, and Surrounding Country. — Visit from the Heir-Apparent, Khanouhen. — Genial softness of the Weather. — Specimen of Retail Trade. — Case of administering Justice by the Sultan. — Early habit of Touarghee begging. — The Bou-ffabeeba, or Saharan Singing Sparrows. — Alarm of Female Hucksters at The Christian. 27th.— A fine morning. Feel better in health. The Touarghee Sultan, Mohammed Shafou Ben Seed, came in this morning from the country districts. His High ness is Sultan of aU the Ghat Touaricks, or those of Azgher. Arrived to-day another portion of the Soudan ghafalah. There was a false report this morning of the appearance of the Shanbah. Musket firing was heard in various directions, and the people ran together, some mounting the tops of the houses to see the fighting which was supposed to be going on between the Shanbah and Touaricks. The Arabs, with their match locks in their hands, ran after their camels to prevent them from being carried off. The hubbub was most singular and bewildering. I expected to have to report skirmish after skirmish, in the capture of Ghat, for the residence in ghat. 57 benefit of The Leading London Journal. The true cause at length appeared in the arrival of the Sultan, the firing of matchlocks heard at a distance being done in honour of His Highness, and his coming to his town residence. So it is, in a little place like this a false report may work wonders in a few minutes. People are charmed with these rumours : they are their oral newspaper excitement. In the streets were now heard "Shafou! Shafou!" "It is Shafou! It is Shafou! It is Shafou ! " " Shafou has come ! " As soon as the Sultan arrived, without waiting more than three or four hours, I determined to visit His Highness, and carry him a small present. I could not yet teU how the Sultan would look upon my projected journey to Soudan. Fortunately I found Essnousee in the streets, who volunteered his services as interpreter. Haj Ibrahim was also so good as to embrace the oppor tunity of going with us. This had a good effect, and served to give my visit consequence, Haj Ibrahim being the most respectable foreigner now in Ghat. He was also a stranger to His Highness as weU as myself. We found His Highness, at about a quarter of a mile's distance out of the town, sitting down by himself alone upon the sand, aside of a Targe hasheesh house, or hut of date-palm branches. The attendants of His Highness, who were not very numerous, sat at a consi derable distance off. In this primitive way and Desert style he had been receiving various personages ever since his arrival this morning. As soon as His Highness saw us approaching him, he bade us welcome by signs and salutations in the style of the Touaricks, slowly raising his right arm as high as his shoulders, and turn- 58 THE GREAT DESERT. ing the palm of the outspread hand to us. Haj Ibrahim was first introduced, but the Sultan could not keep off his eyes from me. At last the Sultan made a sign to Essnousee to speak on my behalf. Essnousee explained very deliberately and minutely everything respecting me — where and when he saw me at Tripoli, how I went to Ghadames, came here from that place, and what were my intentions in proposing to go to Soudan. The Sultan then turned to me, and said, " Go, Christian, wherever you please : in my country fear nothing — go where everybody else goes." After this I presented my Uttle backsheesh to His Highness, consist ing of a smaU carpet-rug to sit or recline upon, a zamailah or turban, and a shumlah or sash, large and full, and scarlet, like the Spaniards wear. On giving the servant of His Highness the present, (which was covered, and not exposed before His Highness, as a matter of delicacy,) I said, through Essnousee, " This present is from me, and not from my Sultan, nor the Consul at Tripoli, nor any persons in my country ; it is extremely smaU, and scarcely worth accepting. But, probably, if your Highness should protect Englishmen through your country, and allow EngUsh merchants to come and traffic in Ghat, a greater and richer present wiU be sent to you hereafter." His Highness replied, "Thank you; I'm an old man now, and want but little : we have a little bread, and milk of the nagah (she-camel), and for which we praise God. Don't fear our people — no one shall hurt you." Indeed, I saw the old gentleman was thankful for any trifle. My little backsheesh was, perhaps, of the value of ten doUars, and was the largest present I had yet made. I then asked His Highness RESIDENCE IN GHAT. 59 whether he would write a letter for me to the Sultan of Aheer, and one to the Queen of England, stating that he would give protection to aU British subjects passing through The Touarghee Desert? The Sultan replied, " AU that you want I wiU do for you, please God." I determined to risk a word on Desert politics. I said, " Your Highness must exterminate the Shanbah, for they are a band of robbers." The Sultan replied, "Please God we wiU ; we are now preparing the camels to go out against them." Essnousee and Haj Ibrahim consi dered the words of the Sultan delivered in the most friendly spirit. Shafou was dressed very plainly and very dirtily; and yet there sat upon his aged counte nance (for he was fuU seventy years of age) a most venerable expression of dignity. His Highness wore a dark-blue cotton frock of Soudanic manufacture, and black-blue trowsers of the same kind of cotton. On his head was a red cap, around which was folded in very large folds a white turban. He had, like all Touaricks, a dagger suspended under the left arm, but no other weapon near him, or on his person. By his side, on the sand, lay a huge stick with which he walks, instead of the lance. His mouth and chin were covered with a thin blue cotton wrapper, a portion of the litham. Around his neck were suspended a few amulets, sewn up in red leathern bags. His Highness was without shoes, and his legs were quite bare ; his feet lay half-buried in the sand. He spoke very slow and under tone, scarcely audible, and at times the conversation was interrupted by the sUence of the dead. AU his deportment was Uke that of a Sultan of these wUds; and the ancient Sheikh felt all the consciousness of his power. The Desert 60 THE GREAT DESERT. Genii hedge him in around. The Sultan is profoundly respected by aU; and Louis-Philippe is a ginger bread Sovereign compared with Shafou of The Great Desert. But the reader would not be prepared to find His Highness smoking his pipe during our interview, and striking a light himself, the materials for which he car ried in a large leathern bag, or pouch, slung on his left arm, like all the Touaricks. On taking leave, we called the servant of the Sultan after us, and Haj Ibrahim gave into his hands a small present for the Sultan of the value of a couple of dollars, so that I maintain my position of also giving the best presents, in the case of the Sultan. To me it was a most pleasant and refreshing interview, after the serio-comic affair of Ouweek. I asked Haj Ibrahim what Shafou said to him. The Sultan simply told the merchant, " You may go to every part of the country now in safety: to Touat, to Aheer, wherever you will — don't be afraid of the Touaricks." I went home with the Haj, and spent the evening with him. The merchant determines to send eight camels of goods to Soudan. He has not sold a fourth of what he brought to this mart. A great part of the slaves, elephants' teeth, and senna which daily arrive here, are not for sale in Ghat, but are sent direct from Soudan to Tripoli by the correspondents of the Ghadamsee merchants at Kanou. The Ghat Souk is nearly closed, all the slaves are sold, and some of the people are thinking about returning. 28th. — Rose early and better in health. Pleased with the prospect of stiU seeing my journey to Soudan com pleted. Weather this morning very dull, sky overcast, RESIDENCE IN GHAT. 61 a few drops of rain faUing. Early Sheikh Hateetah sent for me. Went and found the Consul of the English better in health. He shewed me his scarlet burnouse and gold-braided coat, given him by our Government. But as his object in calling me was only to express his jea lousy of the other Sheikhs, and of the Sultan himself, and to beg another present, I was by no means pleased with my visit. He evidently wished me to give him all the presents as the " Friend" of the English. But this would have been both unjust and suicidal policy on my part. I could not have considered myself safe, at any rate, respected or esteemed, unless I had given a present to aU the principal personages in Ghat and the sur rounding districts. Hateetah besides annoyed me by saying the route of Aheer was fuU of bandits, against the concurrent testimony of aU the merchants. He wishes me to take the route of Bornou, which would entirely defeat the object I have in view, of visiting new countries. However, by being firm with him, I got him to promise to procure for me a letter and servant from Shafou to go on to Aheer. I am to caU again in a few days, and he is to show me his seal of office, done by the Consul- General of Tripoli. Hateetah is a man of more than sixty years, very taU, thin and attenuated, of extremely feeble frame. He is stiU labouring under fever, and does not leave his paUet. To-day, however, he got quite energetic on the subject of the presents, having heard what a fine present the Sultan had received from me. He begged me not to give a present to the Oulad ("people" or "foUowers") of Shafou, meaning thereby Khanouhen. On my return, I found my door thronged with visitors 62 THE GREAT DESERT. from Berkat, the vUlage three miles distant, en route of Soudan. They had been waiting an hour or two for my return. At first I repulsed them, but hearing afterwards they had brought a young lad unwell, I let them in. The lad was covered with hard lumps, which had grown or festered under his skin, about the size of a nut. He had been so for a year. I prescribed a bath and opening medicine (senna, which they can get easUy), but I question if they try either. I recommended them to send him to Tripoli, to the English doctor there, but they heard of the proposal with horror. None of these Berkat people have ever visited Tripoli. The Turks are their bugbear. They were not extremely friendly ; rude and ignorant viUagers as they were, they could not understand why I wanted to go to Soudan. I observed they were all well clothed and seemed to live in Saharan affluence. The term Berkat, cijSym, signifies " a lake" or " lagoon," and probably the site of the oasis is the dry bottom of what was formerly a lagoon. The Berkat oasis is larger in gardens, and more fertile than Ghat, but possesses the same essential features. It has no Souk, and excites no attention from strangers visiting Ghat. The inhabitants are Saharan Moors, and some five or six hundred in number. Had a very friendly visit from Salah, eldest son of Haj Mansour, of Ghadames. He says justly Kandarka and other camel-drivers exaggerate the dan gers of the routes for their own private ends, to get more money out of me. Of the Touaricks and Ouweek, he says, " They have no knowledge, they are buUocks." He also added, "I have been reprimanding Ouweek for his bad conduct to you; I told him I would not give him my usual backsheesh, on account of his ill-treating you." RESIDENCE IN GHAT. 63 I am much bothered with Said. Like his master he is continuaUy wavering, whether he shaU return to Gha dames with the return caravan, or proceed with me. I leave him to his own choice and reflections, teUing him I will secure his freedom by writing to Sheikh Makouran. I can't but pity him. I find him frequently in tears, or sobbing aloud, afraid the Touaricks wiU again make him a slave. In the streets, I pass nearly every evening a Night- School, where there is a crowd of children aU cooped up together in a smaU room, humming, spouting, and scream ing simultaneously their lessons of the Koran, in the manner of some of our infant schools. This mode of simultaneously repeating a lesson has prevailed from time immemorial in the schools of North Africa, and I ima gine, in The East Ukewise, and though it may be new in England or Europe, it is old in Asia and Africa. But I never saw before a Night-School in Barbary, and look upon this Saharan specimen of scholastic discipline as a novelty. It is probable, in this way, every male child of Ghat, as in Ghadames, is taught to read and write. The pride of the Ghadamseeah is, that aU their children read and write. The whole population can read and write the Koran. This Saharan fact of the barbarians of The Desert suggests painful reflections to honest-minded Eng lishmen. We may boast of our liberties, our Magna Charta, our independence of character, our commerce, our wealth, the extent of the world which Providence (too good to us) has committed to our care. But after all we cannot boast of what the barbarians of The Desert boast. We cannot, dare not, assert, that every male child of our population can read the Book which 64 THE GREAT DESERT. we call the Revelation of God! This deplorable, but undeniable fact, ought to throw suspicion upon our religious motives, as weU as our pretensions to the love and maintenance of liberty, — unless it be argued, that our liberty is founded on our want of education, and we are free men because the half of our population cannot sign their own name ! A Minister of the Crown (Earl Grey), in a late, and the last discussion of the House of Lords (of the old Parliament), had the hardihood, the intre pidity, to assert, that, " We (Englishmen) were the least educated people of Europe, nay, that we were behind the savages of New Zealand !" But this astounding decla ration of the Minister produced no explosion of indigna tion, not a single expression of regret, not a hum or murmur of disapprobation from the Spiritual or Tem poral Lords, to whom the words of shame and censure were addressed. And, as the Lords, so the Commons, so aU classes of our society. The enunciation, the reitera tion of this most extraordinary, most damning stigma, on our national character, does not even tinge with the most imperceptible hue of shame the national counte nance. What is the cause of all this ? It is the pro found, incurable, and inextirpable bigotry of the English people, to which they will not hesitate to sacrifice the national honour, the public happiness, their own liberties, and their own consciences If measures for education are proposed by Imperial Government, our people one and all will neither allow them to be adopted, nor wiU they themselves adopt measures for education. With the diverse sections of our society, no education is education unless it be based upon their own peculiar views and principles. In this way, the curse and RESIDENCE IN GHAT. 65 opprobrium of ignorance are maintained in our own country. I observe that the little urchins of this Saharan School use sand in their first efforts to write. As sand abounds everywhere in the populated oases of Sahara, and the people are poor and cannot afford to buy much paper, it is constantly employed instead of paper, pens, and ink, in casting up accounts. I see aU the Soudanese merchants casting up their accounts of barter and bar gains in this way. Mostly the fore-finger is employed, and in careless conversation a long stick or spear is used to scratch the sand. But if the subject is serious, the speaker very distinctly marks the stops of his discourse, or Ulustrates it with flourishes, squares, and circles on the sand, or dust of the streets, smoothing over the sand when he has finished. There is a little bit of supersti tion attached to this smoothing over the sand. The Moors always tell me when I write in this way to smooth aU over and never forget it. They invariably do so themselves, and never leave a mark, or stroke, or dot of the finger on the sand after they have done speaking or writing. I was surprised to hear of the peculiar mode of the Touarghee succession for Sultans or reigning royal Sheikhs. It is the son of the Sister of the Sultan who succeeds to the throne amongst all the Touaricks. I have learnt since that the same custom prevaUs amongst the Moorish tribes of the banks of the Senegal. Batouta also mentions this singular custom as prevaUing amongst the Berber people of Twalaten, ,^jiS\yi}, in Western Sahara, in these words : — " The people call themselves VOL. II. E 66 THE GREAT DESERT. after the name of their maternal* uncles ; it is not the sons of the fathers who inherit, but the nephews, sons of the sister of the father." He adds : — I have never met with this usage before, except amongst the infidels of Malabar (in India)." It would appear, these rude children of The Desert have not sufficient confidence in the succession of father and son, and think women should not be put to so severe a test in the propagation of a race of pure blood. Speaking to a Touarghee about it, he said : — " How do we know, if the son of the Sultan be his son ? May he not be the son of a slave ? Who can tell ? But when our young Sultan is born from the sister of the Sultan, then we know he is of the same blood as the Sultan." There is besides another anomaly of the social system in the town of Ghat. Women here are the hereditary possessors and not men. The law of primogeniture is on the female side. The greater part of the houses of the town of Ghat, although the popula tion is chiefly Moorish, belong to women, bequeathed to them or given them on the day of thier marriage by friends or relatives. These two cases of anomaly are more favourable to womankind than what we mostly * Amongst the Servians the mother's brother was " a very im portant personage." Ranke says : — " Amongst the early Germans, families were held together by a peculiar preference on the mother's side; the mother's brother being, according to ancient custom, a very important personage. In the Sclavonic-Servian tribe, there prevails, to a greater extent, a strong and lively feeling of brotherly and sisterly affection; the brother is proud of having a sister; the sister swears by the name of her brother." — (See Mrs. Alexander Kerr's admirable translation of Ranke's Servian History, &c, chap. iv.,p. 56.) RESIDENCE IN GHAT. 67 find in Mahometan countries. I may not now scruple to teU the Touaricks, that the Sovereign of England is a female, for fear of giving them offence. It is a curious fact, and may here be added, that the son rarely goes, or travels, with the father, but always is pinned to his mother's knee, or trudges along at her side ; at last, he loses aU affection for his father, and concentrates his filial love on his mother. This alienation of the son from the father, is increased by the custom of the son inheriting nothing from his father, but aU through his mother. 29th. — A fine morning; the sun high in the heavens scatters Ught and colour over all the Desert scene. In tolerably good spirits, but utterly at a loss which route I shaU take. Visited Hateetah ; he did not beg or annoy me to-day, but told me to resolve upon my route. Pre scribed him some medicine, as also for another person, who had the iU manners to say, " God has made the infidels to be doctors for the Faithful." Yesterday even ing, the slaves of Haj Ibrahim (about fifty) danced and sang and forgot their slavery. One young woman acted various grotesque characters, and, amongst the rest, Boree, " The DevU." When a Negro sulks, or is moody, he is said to be possessed, or to have got in him Boree, which agrees pretty weU with our "Blue-devils." In these evening pastimes they fancy themselves in the wild woods of their native homes, and dance and sing to the rude notes of their ruder instruments of music, and feel as if free and like other mortals. Went out this morning to have a commanding view of the oasis. Was accompanied by the uncle of Jabour, who took hold of my hand, and puUed me on, when we mounted the neighbouring piece of rock which com- F 2 68 THE GREAT DESERT. mands the oasis and scenery around. From this block of mountain, north of the city, we had a beautiful view of the town, the oasis, and adjoining palms, and aU the .Desert of the Valley of Ghat. To the south we saw the date-palms of Berkat. To the east, is the black range of mountains, throwing sombre shadows upon the scat tered sand-hiUs, which lie like shining heaps of silver at their base. This range is higher than the average height of Saharan mountains. The Touaricks say the Genii buUt these mountains, to protect them (the Toua ricks) and their posterity from the inroads of the Turks, and Gog and Magog, from the east. " These are," say they, "our eastern doors (barriers)." Scarcely any breaks or gorges are found in this chain. Beyond the suburb, begirt with sand groups, stands the palace of the Governor, which from hence looks like a line of for tifications, with a tower or two rising above its battle ments. There reigns, king and priest, Haj Ahmed, the lord of aU he surveys. Sahara around has a varied aspect of trees and plain, sand and mountains. The contrasts are striking, and spite the gloom of Wareerat range, it is a bright desert scene. The town is small, and the gardens are also extremely Umited ; the oasis is comprehended within a circle of not more than three or four miles. The palms are dwarfish, and half of them do not bear fruit, and their dates are of the most ordinary kind. A sufficient proof that the date-palm is not dependent on the quality of its water, otherwise the palm of Ghat should be the finest and its fruit the most deUcious of The Sahara. On the contrary, in some of the oases of Fezzan, where the water is literally salt, the palm is a noble towering tree, catching the breathings of RESIDENCE IN GHAT. 69 highest heaven, and casting down most luscious fruit. Houses in Ghat have but a wretched appearance, and are as wretched within as without. They are not white washed, or clean and bright and shining as Moorish houses of the coast, and though the city is surrounded with stones, and lime is procurable, they are nearly aU con structed of sun-dried bricks and mud. A few days of incessant rain would wash many of them down. The wood of construction is, of course, that of the palm. The Desert furnishes no other available buUding wood. Only one mosque tower deserves the name of minaret. Besides, there is a huge buUding higher than the rest, but which is inhabited as other houses. The town is walled in with waUs not more than ten feet high, but its six gates are miserably weak, and never so closed as to prevent their being opened in the night. The whole town is built on a hill, a portion of the blocks of rock from which we view it. This little place has one large square, caUed Esh-Shelly — ^XiJ! — the general rendez vous of business and gossip, and where Shafou and aU the subordinate Sheikhs administer justice. Here is held the Souk, where everything important is done. But the town-councUs and state-councils of the Sheikhs are gene raUy held in the open air. Two or three palms within the town cast a grateful shadow, and make an angle of the streets picturesque, but no other trees are seen. On the south, without the waUs, is a suburb of some fifty mud and stone houses. There are also scattered over the sand, on the west, a hundred or more of hasheesh huts, made of straw and palm-branches. In the gar dens, besides the palms, a little wheat, barley, and 70 THE GREAT DESERT. b ghusub is cultivated. There are some fruit-trees, but no vines. Of water there are several large pits, and some warm springs, but nothing approaching to the hot boiling spring of Ghadames. There is, however, one large re servoir, partly surrounded with palm-trees, and the banks covered with rushes, except where the people go to draw. The whole of this is enclosed within waUs. Water apparently oozes from a great extent of surface. The water itself is of the first quaUty, and is said not to produce bUe or fever. The irrigation is the same in principle as that of Ghadames, but slaves are employed to draw up the water, whilst animals are used in Fezzan, and in Ghadames the water runs itself into the gardens. The places for burying the dead around the Saharan towns occupy more space than the abodes of the living. This is not surprising, when we reflect that every new grave occupies a new piece of ground, and many years elapse before the old grave is opened to place in it a fresh body. I saw but one grave whitewashed; it was that of a Marabout, the only " whitewashed sepulchre," and, strange enough, it is to denote superior priestly sanctity as in New Testament times amongst the Jews. The rest were small stones heaped up in the shape of a grave, a large piece of stone being placed at the head. The style of architecture, both here and in Ghadames, is the same, except that of Ghadames is neater and more fantasticaUy elaborated. Most of the waUs are sur mounted with a mud-plaster work, and the tops and terraces of the houses are surmounted with the same style of material, and generaUy very irregularly done, as seen in the annexed diagram. The cupboards cut out or excavated in the walls are of the shape of squares or RESIDENCE IN GHAT. 71 triangles, and the windows sometimes of the same shape, but occasionaUy varying as seen in the diagram. All the doors and beams of the houses, as before mentioned, are of the date-palm wood. The doors are the usual long squares, but some of them so low that you are obliged to stoop to enter through them. This is very troublesome to the Touaricks, who always carry their long spears with them, as we our walking-sticks. I have noticed here in The Sahara, as weU as on the coast of Barbary, very ingenious wooden lock-and-keys. The key is a piece of wood six or eight inches long, and two broad, covered at one end with little pegs. The lock is fitted to these pegs by little holes. On the arrangement and fitting of these pegs and holes depend the secrecy and security of the lock. It is no easy matter at times to unlock these locks, and requires a very practised hand. The floors are covered with a thick layer of sand, even many of the sleeping rooms, which sand is clean or dirty according to the quality and cleanliness of the occupant. A AAA A AAA a. Jw\ A A ir^Si 72 THE GREAT DESERT. According to my friend Mr. Colli, the original mean ing of the term Ghat is Sun or God, in the Lybio- Egyptian language. The Arabic is clM, Ghat, but as people fancy, like the French, they hear in the pronun ciation of the l in Ghat the R, so our former tourists have sometimes written the name of the town Ghrat, and others Ghraat. The oasis of Ghat is situated in 24° 58' north lat., and 11° 15' east longitude. This afternoon received a visit from Khanouhen and his brother, accompanied by Essnousee. This visit was perhaps the most friendly of all which I have received from the Touaricks. For evil or for good, it was, at the time, the preponderating motive for attempting the tour to Soudan. I felt more confidence in the Touaricks. Khanouhen is a man advanced in life, full fifty years of age. He has hard but intelligent features. Like aU the Sheikhs, he is taU and of powerful muscular frame. His conversation consisted of a few words, but full of pride and courage, and also to the point. He said : — " I do not expect presents from a stranger who has come so far to claim my hospitality. I can give you assistance without presents. Cannot the man, who is to succeed Shafou, be generous without bribes ? It is not generosity to render you assistance if you load me with presents. The heir of the Touarick Sultan receives no presents : he asks for none. We wish not to terrify strangers — even those who do not beheve in Mahomet — by acts of extor tion and plunder. I will write you a letter to the Sultan of Aheer, so shall Shafou, so shaU Hateetah. The Sultan of Aheer must respect our letters. When he does not, we make reprisals on his people. I am now busy. I am going to exterminate the Shanbah. Our RESIDENCE IN GHAT. 73 maharees wiU soon overtake the robbers; not one of them shaU escape. We scorn the assistance of the Turks. We are strong enough by ourselves. We want no letters, no advice, no arms, no horses, no guns, from the Pasha of TripoU. AU The Desert is ours ; wherever you go you find traces of our power. Be happy here, fear nothing ; for if you fear us, you lose our confidence, and become our enemy." I have picked out the sense and many of the exact expressions of this harangue, and the reader wiU see that the Shereef, his son-in-law, did not exaggerate his sense and fierce eloquence. Kha nouhen, indeed, is caUed " The man of speech," ^ StfJl A.^ —by the merchants. The Sheikh was superbly dressed in the first style of the Touaricks, unlike his venerable uncle the Sultan. He wore a scarlet gold-braided coat, an immense red turban, and a huge black litham, covering the upper and lower part of his face, and nearly aU his features. His arms were a dagger, a broadsword, and a ponderous bright iron spear, which on entering my apartment the Sheikh was obliged to leave outside. Weather to-day is as soft and genial as Italy. The sky is overcast this evening, and rain threatens. Yes terday I saw it lighten for the first time in The Sahara. Flies live throughout winter here, and there is now enough of them to give annoyance. An article which I purchased to-day wiU give some idea of the retaU trade in Ghat. This was a barracan, of light and fine quality, which cost me three Spanish dollars. In Tripoli, about forty days' journey from this, it cost two mahboubs, about a doUar and three-quarters. But I purchased it for money ; had it been exchanged for goods or slaves, it would have been charged four doUars. This is nearly 74 THE GREAT DESERT. cent, per cent, profit. Spent the evening with Haj Ibrahim. Shafou had returned the merchant's visit, and dined with him. The venerable Sheikh does not stand upon etiquette. An affair came off to-day, which admi rably and most characteristicaUy iUustrates the mode of administering justice in Ghat. Mustapha, the young merchant of Tripoli, quarreUed with one of his Arabs, and came to blows. Shafou chanced to pass by at the time. His Highness immediately dispatched a servant to bring the pugilists before him. Shafou then harangued them and the bystanders, in this spirited manner : — "You see these men come here to disturb our country. What ungrateful wretches they are ! ShaU I suffer this ? Don't I protect them ? don't I aUow them to gain money at our Souk? They return with goods and innumer able slaves to Tripoli. But they laugh at me and in sult me to my face, and trample upon our hospitality (addressing a Sheikh). Do you think, (turning to the combatants,) there is no authority or justice in this place ? I'll let you know to the contrary. What do you think The Christian wUl say, if he comes and sees this ? Now, you rascals, pay me each of you ten dol lars." This was foUowed by a violent intercession on their behalf by the foreign merchants, some blaming one and some the other. His Highness was obUged to com promise the matter, accepting of a doUar from each. It is probable His Highness was more anxious to inflict the penalty than quell the tumult ; but I was quite unpre pared for such an eloquent address from the ancient patriarch of the country. Considering the great num ber of strangers, there are very few quarrels. " Ghat," as was said before I came, "is a country of peace." Were RESIDENCE IN GHAT. 75 a bazaar of this sort held in Europe (for example an English fair), there would be a row every day, and every hour of the day. Nevertheless, this does not pre vent us from caUing these Saharan people barbarians. 30th. — Very mild weather this morning, but overcast as if rain would soon fall. I have not been long enough in The Desert to read the weather signs, or become weather-wise. Keep the door shut, to prevent an influx of visitors. Now and then a few people get in. Whilst eating my supper this evening, I was surprised at the appearance of two little ragged boys. I asked what they wanted, they returned, " Eat, eat, we want to eat." I went out to see them, for they stood on the terrace in the dark. Here I found one of the audacious urchins flourishing a spear ten times as big as himself, menacing me with it. I pushed the Uttle scoundrels down stairs into the street. I could not however help remarking upon their audacity, and the early infant habits of Touarghee "begging by force." The Ghadamsee people have always been the fair game of the Touaricks. Ask ing one day a Ghadamsee, "What occupation the Toua ricks followed?" he replied indignantly, " Beg, beg, beg, this is their trade ! When they get money, they bury it, and beg, beg, beg !" This perhaps, is overstated, stUl it is curious to witness this first lesson of " we want to eat," repeated by chUdren of very tender age, with a tone of command and insolence. Khanouhen does not send for his present, and I hear, he will not receive presents. I shaU have the more to give away at Aheer. 31st. — Fine morning. I am surprised at my simpU- city ; but, apparently, the only thing which I enjoy with pure feelings, is the song of the little birds, the boo- 76 THE GREAT DESERT. habeeba, which frequent my terrace and the house-top, as sparrows famUiarly in England. With these I feel I can hold free converse and interchange an unadulterated sympathy. The innocent little creatures remind me of my days of chUdhood, when I reveUed in the woods and corn-fields of Lincolnshire, listening to the song of birds in early fresh spring morn, or bright summer day. Here was the tender chord of childhood associations touched, and no wonder that memory should come in to the aid of sympathy in these unsympathizing deserts. How little at times contents the heart, and fills the aching vacuum of the mind ! In this we cannot fail to see an arrangement of infinite wisdom. If only great things could satisfy the mind of man, how prodigiously our miseries would be increased, for how few are the things deserving to be called great ! Called this morning on Hateetah. Put him in a better humour, by teUing him I would give him an extra present. On returning, stop ped at a staU, where were exposed for sale, onions, trona, dates, and other things. The women immediately caught alarm, afraid I was going to throw a glance of "the evU eye" on their little property. They cried out, " There is one God, and Mahomet is the prophet of God !" I made off quick enough from this unseemly uproar. Saw afterwards the Governor. CaUed to ask him to aUow his servants to make me some cuscasou, which request his ExceUency granted immediately. He said : — " In travelling to Soudan adopt the dress of the Ghadamsee merchants, and let your beard grow." The Governor refuses to say anything of Kandarka. Probably they have quarrelled. Our merchants give the Tibboos a bad character, and the caravans are afraid of them. 77 CHAPTER XIX. ABANDON THE TOUR TO SOUDAN. Violent Act of a Touarick on Slaves. — Visit to the Princess Lilla Fatima. — Mode of grinding Corn. — Dilatoriness of Commercial Transactions. — Grandees of Ghat Town. — Khanouhen refuses his Present. — Rumours of the Conquest of Algeria spread throughout Africa. — Small Breed of Animals in Sahara. — Queer circumstance of unearthly Voices. — The Cold becomes intense. — Arrival of Sheikh Berka. — Hateetah in good Humour. — My Targhee friend, Sidi Omer. — Visit from Kandarka; his Charac ter. — Visit to the aged Berka, and find the Giant. — Hateetah's Political Gossips. — At a loss which Route to take, and how to proceed. — Superstitions connected with the Butcher. — Zeal of an old Hag against The Christian. — Out of Humour. — Reported departure of Caravans. — Jabour calls with a Patient. — Visit Bel Kasem, and find Khanouhen. — Political Factions of Azgher Touaricks. — Giants in The Desert. — Fanciful analogies of origin of Peoples. — Hierarchy of the Sheikhs. — Population, Arms, and Military Forces of the Ghat Touaricks. — The Mahry or Maharee. — Camels named from their Fleetness. • — Touarghee Court of Justice — Amphitheatrical style of Touaricks loung ing. — Amount of Customs-Dues paid by Ghat Traders. — Free Trade in Sahara. 1st January, 1846. — Yesterday I saw two slaves, both of whom had gashes on their arms and legs, the blood flowing from one poor fellow profusely. I asked, " Who has done this ?" The Slaves.—" A Touarghee." " What for ?" I continued. The Slaves.—" Nothing." I found afterwards the slaves were doing some work in the gardens which the Touarghee thought should have been given to him. Touaricks seldom get into passion, 78 THE GREAT DESERT. but when the blood boUs the dagger is immediately had recourse to for the arrangement of their quarrels. The Touaricks have many slaves, but male slaves, for they rarely mix their blood with the negro race. CaUed upon Hateetah with his extra present of four doUars' value. He then began in an excited humour, " To-morrow come to me, Shafou will be here. We must arrange to send a maharee to the English Sultan." I suggested his brother should take it to Tripoli. He sprung up from his bed with joy, " Yes, good, Shafou and I wiU arrange every thing. Nobody else must come here but you. It must be all done in secret." Hateetah is frightened of Kha nouhen, and knows the Sultan has no wiU of his own unless kept apart from that powerful prince. Touaricks, when something is to be had, soon get excited, like the rest of us. Afterwards, Said and I carried the present for Kha nouhen to the prince's house. I spoke to the Governor, who recommended me, by all means, notwithstanding the Sheikh's protestations, to send him a handsome present. I submitted to the Governor's opinion. Khanouhen resides in some apartments of the Governor's palace ; this is the prince's town residence. We were conducted to the apartment of his lady, Lilla Fatima, (the prince being out,) by her nephews. Her Royal Highness re ceived us courteously, and the interview was extremely amusing. I began by apologizing for the top of "the head of sugar*" being broken off. This made the lady almost faint. " What !" she protestingly exclaimed, " Khanouhen is The Great Sultan ! Shafou is compared * The merchants call these loaves of French beet-root sugar, Ras, i.e., "head." ABANDON THE TOUR TO SOUDAN. 79 to him Uke the sand ! (taking up a little sand from the floor and scattering it about with her hands.) My hus band is lord and master of all the Touaricks. He has the word ready ; from his lips, aU the Touaricks, all the merchants, aU the strangers, aU the Christians who come here, receive their commands and instantly obey them. And you bring him a loaf of sugar with the head knocked off ! Oh, this is not pretty ! This is not right, and I am afraid for your sake." I pleaded inability to find another loaf this morning, but promised to bring one to-morrow. Her Royal Highness then begged for more things. " You see the grunfel (cloves) is not for me ; it is for Khanouhen's other wife in the country. Khanouhen will take it all away to her, and leave me none. Now you must, indeed, bring me some grunfel." I then recommended her to get it divided, at which she laughed heartUy, adding, "Ah, Khanouhen likes her in the country better than me." I then put Her Royal Highness in a good humour by telling her I would send her some beads, and if I should return to Tripoli, and come back to Ghat, I would bring her several presents. She added, " My husband Khanouhen related to me all the things which you intended to give him, which you showed him in your room. Also, you said you would give him a little lock and key, where is it ?" This I had not brought with me, thinking the Sheikh would not accept of such a trifling thing, but I was mis taken. The Touaricks wiU take everything you offer them, and not hurt your self-complacency of conferring a favour by refusal. I must finish with this lady, whose tongue ran along at a tremendous rate, by adding, that to show her regard for me, (and for herself likewise, 80 THE GREAT DESERT. wishing me to return to Tripoli to fetch her some nice presents,) her Royal Highness gave me this advice : "For God's sake don't go to Soudan. You'U die there soon. How can you, a Christian, live there with such a white skin ? The people who go there are all black, and have large swoUen faces, (imitating them by blowing out her cheeks,) they are puffed out and nasty, they become as ugly as the devil himself." The town wife and lady of the Sheikh, who is heir-apparent to the Touarghee throne of Ghat, is herself a comely bustling body, rather stout, of middle size, about thirty-five years of age ; and were she dressed in European style, she might, with her fine black eyes, look as weU as some of our courtly dames. Her Royal Highness had nothing on but a plain Soudan black cotton gown, with short sleeves, and a light woollen barracan, as a sort of shawl, wrapped round her shoulders, partly covering her head. She had a few charms and some coloured beads adorning the neck; two gold bracelets on her wrist, and two thick hoops of silver round her ancles. A pair of coloured-leather san dals, made in Soudan, were bound on her feet. She had no colour, save the usual sallow of Moorish ladies, on her cheek, but she had no disfigurement of tattooing or other marks upon her, so common in Saharan beauties. After the delivery of the present I caUed to see the Governor, the lady's brother. Told him of my sudden resolution of abandoning the journey to Soudan the present year. He highly approved of my resolution, and seemed relieved of a great embarrassment, for, although very cautious in what he said, he always con sidered himself responsible more or less for my safety. I found his Excellency, but not to my surprise, pur- ABANDON THE TOUR TO SOUDAN. 81 chasing half a dozen slaves, young lads. The Marabout merchant does not scruple to deal in human beings. The fact is, his ExceUency scruples at no kind of trade, by which he may " turn a penny," or " save a penny." Returned home and wrote to Tripoli; but when the letter was finished the courier was gone. As often happens, was glad afterwards the letter did not go. The mode of grinding corn here, if I may use the term grinding, is of the most primitive character possible. It is nothing more or less than rubbing the corn between two stones, the lower stone being large and smoothed off on its surface, with an inclined plane, and the upper stone very smaU compared to the lower. Thus — A small basket catches the meal as it falls off, or is pushed off by the person, who holds the upper stone in his hands, and works it up and down over the surface of the lower stone. Slaves and women so grind wheat, barley, ghusub, &c. The meal is scarcely ever winnowed. In Aheer, a large wooden pestle and mortar are used for grinding, rather pounding, the corn. The slaves living with me have a huge wooden pestle and mortar, and we frequently use it. It requires great tact in the pounding, otherwise the grain will be continuaUy flying out. I pounded dates with it, which with a little olive oil, and roasted grain pounded with them, adding a few grains of Soudan pepper and a Uttle dry cheese, make very nice VOL. II. g 82 THE GREAT DESERT. cake, or it is esteemed nice cake in Ghat. Corn and ghusub are given to day-labourers intead of money. A slave will have about a quarter of a peck of barley, or other grain, given him for a day's work ; occasionally is added to it, a few dates or a Uttle liquid butter : on this he must live. The Souk of Ghat, thank heaven, is nearly closed. The business, which has been transacted here during the last month, would have been done in England in one or two days at most. But our Saharan merchants are de termined to do everything, be-shwaiah, be-shwaiah, "by little and by little." The greatest trial of patience for an European merchant frequenting this Souk would be the dilatoriness with which commercial transactions are carried on. A month usuaUy passes before the Souk opens, and six weeks more are consumed before a mer chant can or wiU get off, although, as his merchandize consists chiefly of slaves, his delay is all against himself, eating him up and his profits. The detaUs of the traffic are reaUy curious. A slave is heard of one day, talked about the next, searched out the day after, seen the next, reflections next day, price fixed next, goods offered next, squabblings next, bargain upset next, new disputes next, goods assorted next, final arrangement next, goods delivered and exchanged next, &c, &c, and the whole of this melancholy exhibition of a wrangUng cupidity over the sale of human beings is wound up by the present of a few parched peas, a few Barbary almonds, and a little tobacco being given to the Soudanese merchants, the parties separating with as much self-complacency, as if they had arranged the mercantUe affairs of all Africa. ABANDON THE TOUR TO SOUDAN. 83 2nd. — Visited this evening Hateetah. He says, the Sultan and himself wiU call upon me to-morrow, and arrange the present which is to be sent to Her Majesty. Afterwards caUed upon the Governor, to ask him where Haj AbduUah of Bengazi resided. He leaves for Fezzan in eight or ten days, and has offered to take me with him. Called afterwards on Mohammed Kafah. Found him friendly, but he, assisted by his brother, began again to annoy me about Mahomet, Paradise, and heU-fire. I told them, "AU good people, whatever their creed, must be blessed with the favour of God. Such was the native sentiment in aU our hearts." Kafah said, " Many English have turned Mussulmans." I told him very few, and those mostly good-for-nothing runaways. He asked why we did not repeat their formula? I told him we aU did the first part, "There is but one God;" but the second was prohibited by Christians. I left them very angry. It is next to impossible to induce Saharan Mahometans to think favourably of Christianity. If Christianity ever be propagated here, it must be through the means of youth and children. The mer chants Kafah and Tunkana, the Kady Tahar, and Haj Ahmed the Governor, are the knot of personages and grandees in this little Saharan town. All the rest are sorry traders, camel-drivers, and slaves. The Touaricks are only town visitors, and always retire to their country districts at the close of the periodic marts. Weather to-day is excessively cold, the wind blowing from the north-east. Everybody is frightened at the wind, and there is no Souk, or market, till very late. I myself feel the cold extremely, so I am not surprised to see the Soudanese people all shut up in their houses G 2 84 THE GREAT DESERT. crowding over a smoking fire, with the rooms full of smoke, and nearly suffocating the inmates. To my great surprise, and contrary to every expecta tion, Prince Khanouhen has sent his present back in a great rage, not directly, indeed, to me, but to my neigh bour Bel-Kasem, saying, with a thousand different remarks, embelUshed with oaths, " I will not accept of such a miserable present." Bel Kasem caUs upon me in a prodigious fright, prostrate under the ire of the in censed Chieftain, and thus pleads in his favour: "Khanouhen considers himself a greater Sheikh even than Shafou the Sultan. He is greatly dissatisfied with so smaU a present; increase it a little for God's sake — if you are going to Soudan, you must add something considerable: if not, just a little to pacify him. Khanouhen has got a large beUy ; pray satisfy him, for he can do more for you than any other Sheikh in Ghat. Indeed, Khanouhen is very angry with you for sending him such a trifle, and for taking it to his wife. Why did you take the present to his wife? Now, take my advice : the Sheikh just dropped out, if you wUl give him ten doUars in money, he wiU send you the present of goods back. Send him only the value of the goods in money, and then he wiU be satisfied. Khanouhen has got a stomach bigger than that of all the Sheikhs. He rages against you like fire : satisfy him for Heaven's sake." I immediately sent back Bel Kasem to find the Sheikh, and to propose to him to take back the goods, and give him money instead, or add a little money to the goods. So then this is the great bravado of Khanouhen, that he could not soU his fingers by taking presents! I expect I shall soon be stripped. There ABANDON THE TOUR TO SOUDAN. 85 are, unfortunately, so many Sheikhs, that to give hand some presents to them aU, would amount to a large sum. A burning jealousy rankles in their breasts about these Souk presents. Each wishes to be the greater man, in order to have more presents, though aU acknowledge Shafou on the principle of " right divine," or " the right of the Gemi." There is a controversy going on about Haj Ibrahim, as to which of the Sheikhs is his friend, or pro tector, to whom he is to send his little present of tri bute. Of course I feel extremely annoyed and dis heartened to have a quarrel of this sort with the man who has the greatest influence in the country. But I must hold out, since my situation is not yet desperate. As something agreeable, in counterpoise, I may mention that Haj Ibrahim, on visiting the Sultan, found His Highness recUning on the carpet-rug which I gave him. His Highness said to the merchant, smning with satisfac tion, " See, this is what The Christian gave me." It is the present given to the Sultan which has excited the jealous indignation of his nephew. But the Sheikhs have broken through the rule, or I have myself, for Hateetah only has the right of a present from me. 3rd. — A fine morning, and warmer, but the wind is stUl high. Over the open desert is a sort of a dirty-red mist, which people teU me is the sand. Since Shafou and Hateetah did not come this morn ing as promised, I caUed on Hateetah to know the reason. Hateetah had a cold in his eyes, and could not go out. He added, " Shafou is busy in enroUing troops for the Shanbah expedition." Hateetah had many visitors whUst I was there. A Ghatee, to my surprise, asked me, " How long slaves would be allowed to be sold in 86 THE GREAT DESERT. Tripoli?" I answered, "Some time yet." He had heard of my being connected with abolition. Another, just returned from Soudan, said : — " The people of Soudan say the Emperor of Morocco has taken possession of Algeria." I was unprepared for such a rumour in the heart of Africa, and coming from The South, instead of going to The South. Of this irregularity the Saharan newsmongers never think. But the fact is, the conquest of Algeria by a powerful Christian nation is felt in every part of The Desert, and reaches the farthest peregrina tions of the merchants. These wars and rumours of wars, however, are turned whenever possible in favour of the Mussulmans. It is probable the attempted in vasion of Oran by the son of the Emperor, was immedi ately transformed into the conquest of that province by desert reports. Another person asked me, " Whether the Government of Constantinople was that of the Sul tan himself, or the Christians ?" I observed : — " The Sultan's Government is very much influenced by Christian Powers." It has long been the opinion of Barbary Moors, that the late Sultan Mahmoud was a Greek in the disguise of a Mussulman ; and the same stigma sticks to his son. This opinion has acquired strength and obtained general currency by the European reforms which the Ottomans have lately introduced into their adminis tration. Many questions of this kind were asked, and, in the presence of Hateetah when no insolence would be tolerated, the people seemed less bigoted. This is the advantage of having an EngUsh agent, if possible, in these remote districts, Uke Hateetah. Passing through the gardens, I saw some horses and buUocks, and was surprised at their dwarfish dimensions. In Central ABANDON THE TOUR TO SOUDAN. 87 Africa, horses are frequently found of a very dwarfish breed. The horses were unwhisped and sorry-looking ponies, with their beUies pinched in. The buUocks cut an equally queer figure. I have noticed that fowls here are very smaU, but very lively, catching the fire of a long Saharan summer. The cocks, which are so many bantams, are indeed aU fire, attacking you with fierce ness. Two of the Governor's sons caUed at noon. One flourished a spear, which he said was "to beat Christians with." I pushed him out of my apartment down stairs. With such customers it is the only plan. Another son caUed a short time afterwards, and asked me to lend him three doUars, which, of course, I refused. His ExceUency knows nothing of the tricks of these young gentlemen, or they would soon be put to rights. Two Arabs, just returned from Soudan, caUed and said : — " Go to Sou dan, there's not much sickness, go vid Aheer. The road vid Bornou is not safe now." This is what I conjectured, after hearing of the skirmishes and the retreat of the son of Abd-el-Geleel before the Turks up to Bornou. Late this evening, on descending to the lower rooms of the house, which were nearly dark, very Uttle light indeed penetrating the lower part of the house at any time of the day, I found the street-door open, and two long huge figures scarcely visible in the gloom, standing up against the waU on opposite sides of the large room. I re treated back a few paces in alarm. The slaves were aU out, as also Said. Presently I heard two gruff voices begin from the different parts of the room, in long and measured and doleful accents. One repeated, " There is no God but God, and Mahomet is the prophet of God." The words were repeated very slowly and 88 THE GREAT DESERT. solemnly, and at considerable intervals, "La - - UTlah - - eUa - - eUaha - - wa - - Mo-ham-med - - ra-soul - - ellaha!" The other voice uttered in equally grave and solemn accents, "Bor-nou-se! Bor-nou-se ! Bor-nou-se!" The first voice appaUed me, for I did not know but what I was going to receive the stroke of a dagger through the deep gloom, in case of my refusing to comply with repeating the Mahometan formula, or confession of faith ; but the second voice reassured me, I felt the parties were begging in the style of Ouweek, " Your money or your Ufe." I besides recognized at once the parties to be some low feUows of the Touaricks. The street-door was wide open, though no one was passing by. As soon as I could distinguish the import of these strange unearthly voices, which seemed to rise from the ground like the mutterings of the wizard, I saw the only course before me was, as aU the servants were absent, to rush out into the street. I made a spring right by one of the Toua ricks, leaving a portion of my slight wooUen bornouse caught by the hilt of his dagger. I went off to Haj Ibrahim, but said nothing about it, not knowing correctly what might have been the intentions of the Touaricks. I always found the Touaricks displeased, even the Sheikhs, when any complaints were made against them. Shafou, himself, always told me, " My people wUl be as kind to you as I am," and would not hear of complaints. I compre hended the course before me, and complained of no one. On my return home I heard nothing, and said nothing. I took the precaution, however, of not allowing Said to leave the house when the Governor's slaves were out. I may mention now, that Ouweek's affair was entirely smuggled up, and never even aUuded to by the Sultan or ABANDON THE TOUR TO SOUDAN. 89 Khanouhen. The policy of Khanouhen is not to allow a suspicion of this sort to be whispered abroad. In his own words : — " We are hospitable, we are men of honour, of one word, and we cannot commit a dastardly action." The reader wUl hereafter see the result, so far as my visit amongst the Touaricks was concerned. ith. — AwfuUy cold this morning, and can scarcely bear my miserable apartment, which affords very little shelter from the wind and cold, having neither door nor window-holes closed up. No one to be seen in the streets ; aU " struck upon a heap" with the cold, and shut up in the houses. At noon, when the sun began to be felt, went out to see Bel Kasem, and was pleased to hear that Khanouhen would compound with me, and receive five or six doUars in cash, instead of the present. The sugar and cloves, beads and looking-glasses were not to be returned, but to be left for the Sheikh's ladies. I felt much relieved ; it was not very pleasant to be in a contest with the actual Sultan of the country. Berka, the most aged and venerable Sheikh of the great famiUes, arrived yesterday from his district, bring ing with him numerous foUowers. CaUed upon Hateetah, and gave him an additional present, the whole now amounting to eight doUars. He is, of course, in a very good humour, and considers I have treated him Uke the English Consul. He proposed to me that I should get him officially appointed British Consul by the Queen. His pretensions are not exorbi tant ; he would be contented with fifty dollars a year. He might be useful. The difficulty would be official correspondence. The Touarghee Consul would be obliged to employ an Arabic Secretary. 90 THE GREAT DESERT. My young and kind Touarghee friend Sidi Omer, called this afternoon. He is more like an English acquaintance of years' standing than a Desert Touarghee whom I saw but yesterday. I asked him to take cus- casou with me. He observed, " No, that must not be ; a little sugar I'll take, a little perfume for my wife I'll take, but I must not eat your cuscasou, for you are a stranger. You ought to eat my cuscasou. The Toua ricks must not eat the cuscasou of strangers, and so friendly like you." I offered to take him with me to Tripoli. He answered, " No, not now, I must first go and fight the Shanbah. Then I'U return and come to you in Tripoli, God wiUing ; nay, I'll visit you in your country, and you shaU show me your Sheikh." In fact, this young man is free from those fanatical prejudices dis figuring so many of his countrymen. He is most amiable and gentle, too gentle for these Saharan wUds. Occa sionaUy he escorts me about the town, and always keeps off the rabble. After my friend, Kandarka caUed on me. I did not know the feUow, he having twisted a white turban round his head. Strange, this Aheer camel-driver visited me before I caUed upon him and sent for him, and when he came I did not recognize him again, on account of his assuming such Protean shapes. To-day I was much pleased with his inteUigence and the frank ness of his conversation. I opened my journal, and showed him his name written in it, that he might see, if I did not recognize him, yet he occupied my attention, for his name was already inscribed with Christian letters in my book. He was so delighted at the sight of his name in the book, that he sprung up, made a summerset on the terrace, took up his sword and flourished it in the air, ABANDON THE TOUR TO SOUDAN. 91 and then sat down again, staring and grinning in my face as if he had been imbibing laughing gas. There is more negro blood and negro antics in him than the ordinary Touaricks of Aheer. He represents Noufee as a great country of trade, and inhabited by Pagans and Mohammedans. Kandarka introduced religion, but find ing the English prayed and acknowledged a God, he was satisfied and dropped the subject. Kandarka. — "English, pray?" (bending his forehead to the ground.) " Yes, yes." Kandarka. — " Sultan English, cut off plenty heads," (making a stroke with a sword). " Yes, yes." Kandarka. — "Sultan EngUsh, plenty wives has he," (making an indecent sign). " Yes, yes." Kandarka. — " English women, plenty fat — big all round," (describing a lady's bustle). " Yes, yes." Kandarka. — " English, slaves, slaves !" (I shake my head.) Kandarka. — " How ? How ?" (I shake my head.) Kandarka. — " Where are you going ?" " I don't know." Kandarka. — " Come to Aheer with me, I fear no one. You fear no one when you come with me." " I don't fear any one but God." Kandarka. — "G — it's the truth!" (seizing hold of my hands to embrace me.) I cannot but lament my feeble powers, to depict the 92 THE GREAT DESERT. character of my various visitors, and to represent their ideas in English. I am obliged to be content with a bald outline of their characters, and a miserable trans lation of their thoughts into EngUsh dress. This Kan darka is in himself a complete character, and a study for the tourist. This evening paid a visit to Berka, the most aged Sheikh. It was dark when I arrived at his date-branch hut. I entered; it was a large enclosure. I found the aged Sheikh with several of his brothers, and they and their children sitting round a flickering fire. One of them was dressed in white. I asked the reason. The Sheikh told me he was a Marabout. The French Go vernment writers of Algeria have distinguished Toua ricks into white and black Touaricks, from the white and black clothes which they are said to wear. I never heard of this distinction. Now and then I have seen a Touarick dressed in white cottons, or woollens ; it seemed to be a matter of caprice. All dress in black and blue-black cottons of Soudan ; it is the national colour. And here we have a new case of contrarieties in Mussulman nations Uving near neighbours, for the Moors and Arabs detest black as much as the Touaricks admire black. The Touaricks seem to have caught the infection from the colour of their country, which is inter sected with ranges of black mountains. In one of the early skirmishes of the French in Algeria, an officer describes the appearance of the enemy, as covering the mountain's side, whence they saUied, with a white mantle, the Arabs were so thick and their burnouses so white. Berka was very gentle and affable, like every man of a good old age. " You are welcome in this country," he ABANDON THE TOUR TO SOUDAN. 93 addressed me; "this is a country of peace." Whilst conversing with the old Sheikh, I heard a gruff heavy whisper from the farther end of the hut, Hash-Hdlik, " How do you do ?" I turned round, and to my no smaU astonishment, I saw the Giant Touarick, stretched along the fuU length of the very large hut, sweltering in the fulness of his might. The reader will remember the honourable mention made of The Giant in Ghadames. He then raised up his massy head and Atlantean chest, and put out his brawny sinewy arm, and clenched my hand : " Yakob, the Shanbah have murdered my little son, they are the enemies of man and God, not you Christians. I am going to cut them all to pieces. Last year I kiUed eight with my own good sword. When you come back from Soudan, you wiU not hear any more even the name of the Shanbah." The Giant groaned out this in bad Arabic. He was greatly afflicted for the loss of his son. The Shanbah brigands feU upon a troop of Touaricks, in whose care he had left his little son, a chUd of very tender age. I presented Berka with a fine large white turban, and we parted good friends. The Giant is the nephew of Berka. 5th. — Called upon Hateetah. He had, as usual, many visitors. Conversation turned upon politics. They were anxious to know the relative amount of the mUitary forces of the nations of Europe, and of the Stamboul Sultan. I always tell them France has plenty of money and troops. This keeps down their boasting, for the French are near, and they are alarmed, and they think, as an Englishman, I must teU the truth when I praise the French. If I abused the French they might suspect me, but I have no inclination to do so. At the same time, 94 THE GREAT DESERT. I'll defy any traveUer to write fairly and justly upon the late history of North Africa, without filUng his pages with bond fide and weU-founded abuse of the French and their works in this part of the world. They empha- ticaUy stink throughout Africa. Hateetah vexed me by begging a backsheesh for his brothers. I positively refused; there's no end to making presents. AU the Sheikhs, as Bel Kasem said of Khanouhen, have " a large beUy." On returning home, I determined to keep the door shut to prevent people coming to annoy me. Now that I have no sugar or dates left, I have nothing wherewith to get rid of them. Every visitor who leaves me, without a smaU present, however trifling it may be, considers himself insulted by me, or that I don't like him. Still at a loss to know what to do, whether to proceed to Soudan, or return and finish my tour of the Medi terranean. Sometimes I fancy I'll toss up, and then, checking my folly, FU try the sortes sanctorum; a feather would turn the scale. On such miserable indecision hangs the fate of man ! Bought half a sheep for a Spanish dollar. It's not much of a bargain, for it is one of the Soudan species, and very thin and bony. Touarick flocks are nearly all this kind of sheep. When the Arab, who was "halves with me," divided the carcase, he took two pieces of wood, and then sent Said down stairs. One of the pieces he gave me, and the other he kept. He now, taking back my piece, caUed Said to return, and told him to put each piece of wood on each half of the sheep. My piece determined my half, and his piece his half. This is the Arab sortes sanctorum. The butcher had sprinkled ABANDON THE TOUR TO SOUDAN. 95 his hayk with the blood, a drop or two were on it, and he was distressed to wash them out lest they should prevent him saying his prayers. A portion of the entraUs, the spleen, he applied to his eyes as a talisman for their preservation. There is an old woman very fond of annoying me ; let us suppose she must be a witch ; she always caUs out after me when I pass her staU, " There is but one God and Mahomet is the prophet of God." To-day, words would not suffice; the old hag ran after me and thumped me over the back, to show her zeal for Mahomet, who, begging pardon of his HoUness, has not, after aU, been so very kind to the ladies in his religion, unless it be the compUment which he has paid them, by placing all the imaginable fehcity of Paradise in their embraces. I took no notice of the virago. I find it's no use. I was glad, however, to hear she was not Touarick, and only a Billingsgate Mooress of the place. I am also happy to tell my fair readers, she was not fair but very ugly. A large party of people foUowed me home, hooting me, to give them something to eat. This rabble fancies they have the right to insult a Christian, unless he gives them something to eat or to wear. To bear aU this, and ten thousand Uttle delicate attentions of the rabble of Ghat, requires, as Mr. Fletcher hints, " Conciliation," with an occasional dose, I should think, of that most necessary of aU Saharan equipments, in travelhng through The Desert, patience. 6th. — Sulky with the insolence of the rabble, and determined not to go out tiU the evening. A brother or cousin of Hateetah caUed to beg, and being in a bad humour, I told him I was just going round the town to 96 THE GREAT DESERT. ask for a few presents myself, in return for those I had given to the people. He was not abashed, but answered, "Good, good." He waited half an hour in silence, for I got to my writing, and went off much pleased, I should imagine, with his visit. One of the slaves of the Governor came in, and said sharply, "What's that feUow douwar (i.e. go about seeking)?" "He wants you to give him some of your gusub (grain.)" "Kelb" (dog), he rephed. This slave himself was a brazen-faced beggar, and a bit of a thief, but withal a droU fellow. I asked him how he was captured? He answered, naively, "You know Fezzan, you know Ghat; — weU, these two countries make the war, and catch me a boy." "How do you like Haj Ahmed, your master?" "He has plenty wives, plenty children : we slaves must plenty work for all these. Now, I like to eat. Haj Ahmed, he Governor, but he gives me nothing to eat. I work for him six hours — I work for others six hours. The people give me to eat, not Haj Ahmed." This is the character of slave-labour in Ghat. The masters have half of their labour for -nothing, or because they are their slaves : with the rest of their labour they support themselves. The meum et tuum is not, and indeed cannot be very strictly observed by the poor people who have to support such a precarious existence; and when Said went down to bring up the meat to cook for supper, he found this young gentleman had carried it nearly aU off to cook for his own supper, leaving what remained for us to make the best of. It is now reported that every stranger wUl leave Ghat in five or six days, one ghafalah going to the south, another to the north, one to the east, and another to ABANDON THE TOUR TO SOUDAN. 97 the west. To these five or six days ten or twenty may be added. This is ordinary calculation of Desert time. Afternoon, Jabour caUed with a young man, who had a bullet lodged in his arm, which he had received in a skirmish with the Shanbah. I could only recommend a surgical operation, and his going to Tripoli. At this Jabour was alarmed, and asked "What would the Turks do to the young man?" begging of me medicine. I offered to take him under my protection, but it was of no avaU. The amiable Sheikh was as friendly as ever. I asked him to write a letter to England. Jabour repUed justly, "You are my letter; I have written on you. You can tell your Sultan and people the news of us all." " Don't be afraid to return, there are no banditti in that route. The Shanbah are in the west," he added. I promised, if ever returning to Ghat, I would bring him a sword with his name engraven upon it. He said, " I know you wUl, Yakob." I am tempted to think Jabour is the only gentleman amongst the Touaricks. Another of Hateetah's cousins came to beg, but went away empty-handed. This evening visited Bel-Kasem in the expectation of seeing Khanouhen. The prince saluted me very friendly, and asked, in a sarcastic tone, "How is the English Consul (Hateetah)?" My appearance then suggested thoughts about Christians. "What is the name of the terrible warrior who has kiUed so many Christians in Algeira?" he demanded. /.—"Abd-el-Kader." "Yakob," he continued, "come, let you and me fight, for it seems Mussulmans and Christians must fight. Here, I'll lend you a spear, — take that" (giving me a VOL. II. H 98 THE GREAT DESERT. huge iron lance.) I took it, and turning to Bel-Kasem, said, "What's this cost?" so evading the chaUenge. "The price of a camel," shouted Bel-Kasem at the top of his voice. "Ah!" cried Khanouhen, "right, now sit down again; men are fools to fight — why cut one another's throats?" "Yakob," he went on, "your Sultan's a woman, does she fight?" There was now a tremendous knocking at the door. This was two or three cousins of Hateetah. " D n that Hateetah," cried Khanouhen, "Bel-Kasem, turn them away." Hereupon, Bel-Kasem started up in the most abject style of obedience, and pushed one of his slaves out of the room-door into the open court, crying " Bago, bago" (not at home). There are certain foreign words which get currency, and supplant all native ones. This " bago" is neither Touarghee, nor Ghadamsee, nor Arabic, although used by persons speaking almost exclusively these lan guages. Bago is Housa, as before mentioned. Then the slave caUed "Bago, bago, bago;" then half-a-dozen slaves, close to the street-door, caUed " Bago, bago, bago." The knocking continued ; the " bagos" continued, the uproar was hideous. Then Bel-Kasem gave his slave a slap, crying, "Bago, you kelb (dog)." Now the slave was off again to the other slaves, shouting and yelling " Bagos," tiU the " bagos" drowned the knocking and the clamour without, and the disappointed supper-hunters retired growling like hungry wolves of the evening. Bel-Kasem now gave me a hint to fetch the money for Khanouhen. I was off and back in an instant, very glad to give the Sheikh the money according to our new compact. I put it into the hands of Bel-Kasem. " Go out," said Bel-Kasem, " and see the fine parrots I have ABANDON THE TOUR TO SOUDAN. 99 bought." I went out, and in the meanwhUe the politic merchant slipped the money into the hands of the Prince. When I came back, they both began to ridicule Hateetah. The Prince said, " Yakob, place yourself under the sword of Hateetah, and go out with him and fight a hundred Shanbah." " Oh, he's an ass," replied Bel-Kasem. Such was their style of ridicule. Bel- Kasem is a well-meaning little fellow, but a sort of fool or jester of the Sheikh's. Khanouhen allows him to say anything and do anything, but laughs at him all the time. Bel-Kasem always brings the Sheikh some pretty present, and Khanouhen throws around him his powerful arm of protection. The slavish merchant and faithful sycophant always calls him Sultan, swears by the Sheikh's beard in his quarrels with the other merchants, and threatens aU his rivals in trade with Khanouhen's wrath. The Sahara has its factions in every group of its society. It would appear that without faction neither Saharan nor any other sort of society could exist. Ghadames gives us its Ben Weleed and Ben Wezeet. Ghat gives us three great factions in its Republic of Sheikhs. We may thus classify their politics : — Monarchical Faction. Mohammed Shafou Ben Seed, the Sultan of the Ghat, or Azgher Touaricks. El-Haj Mohammed Khanouhen Ben Othman, the heir- apparent of the throne. Marabout El-Haj Ahmed Ben El-Haj, Es-Sadeek, Go vernor of the town of Ghat. Ouweek (second-rate Sheikh). h 2 100 THE great desert. Aristocratic Faction. Mohammed Ben Jabour, Marabout Sheikh. Democratic Faction. Berka Ben Entashaf, the most aged of the Sheikhs. The Sheikh of gigantic stature*. Hateetah Ben Khouclen, the "friend" of the English. I found the strongest demonstrations of rivalry, and the bitterest feelings of faction, in the conduct of these several princes of The Desert, who are the personages of influence and authority amongst the Ghat Touaricks. In the monarchical class the Governor of the town is allied to the Sultan by marriage, though Khanouhen has no famUy by the Governor's sister. Shafou, the venerable Sultan, is of such gentle unassuming manners that he exercises no political influence over the wild sons of The Desert. Khanouhen embodies the Sultan, and is the man of eloquence, of action, and intrepidity in the national councils. He is feared by aU (Jabour, perhaps, excepted), but, nevertheless, is not tyrannical in his administration of affairs. Jabour, the Marabout, is a wise, upright, and amiable prince. His influence extends beyond the Ghat Touaricks. Jabour told me himself, he had several people subject to his authority, extending as far as Timbuctoo. To these, the Prince promised to commit me in case I determined to make a journey to Timbuctoo. Like Khanouhen, Jabour has two wives; one resides in Ghat, where the Sheikh has a town-house, and the other in the country * Having always called him the Giant in my notes, I neglected to get his name. ABANDON THE TOUR TO SOUDAN. 101 districts. He has, besides, four or five sons. I saw one of them, who was as much of an aristocrat as his father. The merchants assured me that Jabour's influence, more especiaUy as he is a marabout, although he is no dema gogue priest of the Higgins' calibre, is unbounded. " With a slave of Jabour," they declared, " you may go to Timbuctoo, and aU parts of Sahara." The Sheikh himself does not visit the neighbouring countries. This is not the custom of the Touaricks, the people being opposed to the Sheikhs leaving their districts ; but they send their slaves or relations continually about. Berka, the head of the democratic faction, is too old to exer cise power, he has only strength enough to get about. The aged Prince paid me two visits, and was as gentle as gentleness could be. His family contains some powerful and intrepid chiefs, amonst the rest the Giant, the Goliath of the Ghat Touaricks. But, speaking of giants, Bassa, Sultan of the Haghar Touaricks, is the real Giant of The Desert. Some of the people report this Giant Desert Prince to have six fingers on each hand, and to be several heads taller than he of Ghat. His spear, they describe, in the true spirit of the mar vellous, to be, "higher than the taUest palm." I may help their imagination, "And the staff of his spear is like a weaver's beam, and his spear's head weighs six hundred shekels of iron," or is like — " The mast Of some great admiral." Were I to adopt our present fanciful theories of ac counting for the origin and migration of nations, I should 102 THE GREAT DESERT. here have a fine field before me, and the Touarghee giants of The Sahara would become, by the transmuting fancy of our antiquarian theologians, the veritable Philistines of Gath and Ekron. For many of the Berber tribes, amongst whom the Touaricks are classed, especiaUy the Shelouh of Morocco, relate traditionaUy that their fathers came from the land of the PhiUstines, and that they themselves are PhiUstines. What then is easier than to find in the name of Ghat the Gath of the PhiUstines ? But unfortunately, Azgher is the Touarick name of themselves and their country. StiU the name of Ghat must have its origin. As before noticed, the original signification of the term Ghat has been traced to mean " Sun" or " God," in the ancient Libyo-Egyptian language. I am not competent to give an opinion on the subject. One of the Latin writers makes the aboriginal people of North Africa to have been Medes. The probabUity is they were Syrians of some class. From the coast they would naturaUy pass or migrate to The Sahara. Hateetah is an extremely pacific man in his conduct, and greatly liked for his peace-making disposition ; but he is only a second-rate Sheikh, and has no poUtical influence over Touarick affairs, beyond what the chief of his famUy enjoys. He has several brothers and cousins, aU esteemed Sheikhs, but with Uttle or no power. The government of the Touaricks is an assemblage of Chieftains, the people supporting their respective leaders, the heads of their clans in the feudal style, and aU these controUed by a Sultan or Sheikh-Kebir. The number of Sheikhs, when the lesser, or second and third-rate, Sheikhs are included, is very considerable, and makes ABANDON THE TO OR TO SOUDAN. 103 the country, as the Governor says, "a country of Sheikhs." In their various districts, each greater Sheikh exercises a sovereign, if not independent authority. In any national emergency, they aU wUlingly unite for the common defence and protection, as now, when they are coUecting their forces, in a common effort to extirpate the Shanbah banditti. The people, however, enjoy complete liberty. The Touaricks, though a nation of chiefs and princes, are in every sense and view a nation of free men, and have none of those odious and effeminate vices which so darkly stain the Mahometans of the North Coast, or the Negro countries of Negroland. Every man is a tower of strength for himself, and his desert hut or tent, situate in vast soUtudes, is his own inviolable home of freedom ! According to Haj Ahmed, the Touaricks of Ghat muster fifteen thousand warriors. Let them be ten thousand, this would give an entire population, including women, old men, and chUdren, and slaves of both sexes' of about sixty thousand souls. These Touaricks possess a good number of slaves, but of the male sex to look after their camels. Every able-bodied Touarick is a warrior, and is equipped with a dagger, suspended under the left arm by a broad leather ring attached to the scabbard, and going round the wrist, and a Touarick of adult age is never seen without this dangerous weapon ; a straight broad-sword is slung on his back, and he carries a spear or lance in his right hand. Most of the spears have wooden shafts, but others are aU metal, and mostly iron. Some are of fine and elegant workmanship, inlaid with brass, and of the value of a good maharee, or thirty doUars. They have staves also, which they use as 104 TJlJ!i UIMiAT L»UiJSJS«T. walking-sticks, or weapons of war, as it may be*. These are their weapons of warfare. The matchlock they despise. " What can the enemy do with the gun against the sword?" the Targhee warriors ask contemptuously. They, indeed, use the sword, their grand weapon, as the English soldier the bayonet. Their superior tactic is to surprise the enemy, especially in the night, when the Genii help them, and hack him to pieces. The spear is used mostly to wound and disable the camel. Their manner of disposing of the booty, is characteristic. " What are we to do with these men and children ?" they asked me, "when we have exterminated the Shan bah men." Without waiting for a reply they said : — " Oh, we'U send them to the Turks and sell them." They have the example of the Turks themselves, who, on the destruction of the Arab men in the mountains, collected the women and children together, and sent the best of them to Constantinople to be sold, in defiance of the express law of the Koran. The maharee cannot be overlooked; this remarkable camel, which is like the greyhound amongst dogs for swiftness and agility, and even shape, they train for war and riding like the horse. They do not rear the ordi nary variety of camel found in North Africa and on the " The spear is called filagh, i i'X= , the dagger tayloulch, ^ Juj' , the sword takoubah, £jj.£aj, and the stave, with a spear point, azallah, X!ve. The old men, like indeed Shafou, frequently make use of a large stick, instead of a spear, when they .walk about. Usually the Touaricks carry their lances with them, and all their arms, even in paying the most friendly visits. To strangers they look infinitely more formidable than they are, or they them selves pretend to be. ABANDON THE TOUR TO SOUDAN. 105 u - u _ Coast. , "to be diligent," "acute-minded," and the term 'iSJ&e, "flying away," from which &;&<» may probably be derived. At least there is no apparent objection to such derivation. The Hebrew cognate dialect has the word also, ina signifies " to hasten," "to be quick ;" but I cannot assert positively it has any relation with this derivation. In the books written on Western Barbary, we find the terms heire'e and erragnol to denote the "fleet" or "swift-footed camel," the former of which is apparently a corruption of mahry or maharee. It is said that camels are called by names derived from the Arabic numerals, as tesaee, "ten," (&*S), and sebaee, "seven," (jr>->) according as they perform a journey of ten days, or seven days, in one; but I never heard of this distinction in any part of The Desert. It is pretended that the mahry cannot live on the Coast of Africa on account of the cold. This has not been sufficiently tried, for Haj Ibrahim kept one at Tripoli, which thrived very well, and was in good condition. It is, however, a very chilly animal, and seems to feel the cold as much as the Touarghee himself. In its healthy state it is full of fire and energy, and always assumes the mastery over the 106 THE GREAT DESERT. camels of the Coast, biting them, and trying to prevent them from eating with it in circle like other camels. Mounted on his mahry, dressed out fantastically in various and many-coloured harness, (the small saddle being fixed on the withers, and the rider's legs on the neck of the animal,) with his sword slung on his back, dagger under the left arm, and lance in the right hand, the Touarghee warrior sallies forth to war, daring everything, and fearing nothing but God and the Demons. In the year '44 they made an inroad upon the sandy wastes of the Shanbah bandits ; days and months they pursued the brigand tribe over the trackless regions of sand ; and during this expedition they neither tasted food, nor drank a drop of water, for seven days ! — stiU keeping up a running fight, pursuing and butchering the Shanbah, who aU disappeared at last, concealed under heaps of sand. This statement, which shows the extraordinary power of endurance — the moral and physical temperance in the Touaricks, I had from the Governor of Ghat him self, and which coming from him deserves credit. But the Touaricks do not eat every day though they may have food in the house. They eat generally every other day. And this amply suffices them when merely reclin ing in their tents, or lounging in the Souk. Habit is everything; we might aU live on one meal a day if we could accustom ourselves to it. The people pretend that, though the Shanbah can count the grains of their desert region of sand, and know every form of the sand- mountains as weU by night as by day, the Touaricks had nevertheless the advantage over them, pursuing them better by night than by day, because the Genii were their guides ; and many Shanbah, who had hid them- ABANDON THE TOUR TO SOUDAN. 107 selves under the sand, were unburied by the Genii, and slain by the Touaricks. I have given a case of Touarghee justice. During the Ghat Souk, all the Sheikhs assemble in the great square, the SheUy, for the arrangement of disputes; but it is mere form, and is more for gossiping and quizzing one another, the Touarick being fond of a good joke. The principal Sheikh present mounts a stone-bench, and sits down in a recUning posture, striking his spear into the ground, which stands erect before him, as if awaiting his orders. The very first thing a Touarghee does when he stops and sits down, is to strike his spear into the ground or sand. When my friend Ouweek was napping near me at the well of Tadoghseen, his spear was struck into the sand close by his head. So it is said, "And, behold, Saul lay sleeping within the trench, and his spear stuck in the ground at his bolster." (1 Samuel, chap. xxvi. ver 7.) The Sheikh of highest rank now seated, the Sheikhs next in dignity take their seats around him, at a short distance off, in the form of a semi circle, these generally squatting on the ground. Some times the principal Sheikh himself squats on the ground. The cases of dispute are then brought forward, if any. The infliction of punishment is by fines. There is no thing in the shape of a prison, — this delectable institu tion being the work and discovery of civiUzation. Our Irishman might indeed, without a bull, with his back to The Desert, and his face to the civilized communities of the Coast, exclaim, on sight of the first prison and gibbet, "Thank God, I am out of the land of Barbarians, and have reached the land of Civilization !" Of fines, I heard of no other case than that of the Sultan fining 108 THE GREAT DESERT. two strangers a couple of doUars, whilst resident in Ghat. In some parts of the Shelly there are ranges of benches of two and three flights. It is an imposing sight, to pass through the square late in the afternoon, just before they leave, and see all the Touaricks mounted on these benches. Row upon row, range upon range, they sit, closely jammed together, as thick as Milton's spirits in Pandemonium, and not unlike them, with their dark and concealed countenances, so mysteriously muffled up with the dread litham, having before them ranges of spears, parallel to themselves, a bright forest hedge of pines, awaiting their orders for war or warlike pomp. I have frequently passed this forest range of lances, and looked up fearfully to the dark enigmatical figures or shapes of human beings, reclining in the most profound death-like sUence, not exchanging a word with one an other. A most trivial call of attention, a rustling or ABANDON THE TOUR TO SOUDAN. 109 breath of an accident of novelty, nevertheless, is enough to put instant action and fire into these ranged masses of ice- congealed or stone statue-like warriors, who will then rush down upon the attractive object headlong, one falling over the other, until their childish curiosity being satisfied, the wild tumult subsides, and they themselves sink into their wonted blank inanity. But it is a fact, they will sit motionless thus for hours and hours, and not condescend to speak to their best friend amongst the merchants. This is their idea of dignity and superior rank over their fellows. It would appear, from the account of the Sultan of Bornou, that he, also, never condescends to speak when he receives a foreign envoy. " Slowness of motion," in Barbary, and I imagine in The East, is also considered a mark of dignity. A full-blown fashionable Moor always walks extremely slow. The Touarick usually rises up slowly, and deUberately walks out of the house in the same way, but otherwise he continues a fair pace. What is curious, a Touarick never speaks and salutes when he leaves you ; his compliments and inquiries of health, are aU on his entrance iuto your house. It now seems pretty well agreed upon by all parties who converse about my affairs, that I should return and make greater preparations, and bring with me two or three others, feUow-travellers, so as to render an expe dition of this sort more useful and respectable. But the disadvantage always is, if it get abroad that such a mission is coming, laden with presents, money and pro visions, the danger is tenfold augmented, whilst an indigent person Uke myself is in comparative security. A single person has also his own advantages over a mission of two or three, or more. He is his own master 110 THE GREAT DESERT. he is responsible alone for himself. Who knows, but what something disastrous had happened if I had had with me some hot-headed companion ? A man wiU lose his life any time in The Desert in five minutes if he cannot keep his temper. He may occasionally assume airs of being angry for policy's sake, and check the insolence of some low fellow, and with other advan tages. But the point is, to be cool in danger and embarrassments, which, if a man cannot be, let him go into The Great Desert at his perU. It was for the same reason I would not bring with me an European servant from Tripoli, whose fluency in Arabic might have been attended with the greatest danger to us both instead of assistance. Said is pestered with questions about me or my affairs ; but at times Said is stupid enough, and people get tired of asking him questions. I must men tion, however, one thing to his credit and to his cunning sagacity; although a thousand times questioned, whether he himself were a slave, and how he came with me, he never let out that he was a runaway slave from Tunis, not even to his dearest companions of travel. GeneraUy when asked a question of our affairs, he says, Ma-Ndrafsh, "I don't know," and this he does as much from his indolence in not wishing to talk as from poUcy. Here I shaU take the liberty of stating the several objections to my proceeding this year to Soudan : — 1st. My health is beginning to sink under pressure of the climate, as weU as under various vexations and annoyances. Amongst the latter, I have received nothing which I wrote for to Tripoli, to persons whom I con sidered friends of the mission, one thing excepted, and certainly not the least thing, the money. (And I embrace ABANDON THE TOUR TO SOUDAN. Ill the opportunity of thanking gratefully Signor Francovich, Austrian merchant of Tripoli, for letting me have money whenever I asked him, promptly and immediately, and to any amount which I drew for). 2nd. Amongst the things written for to Tripoli, and which did not arrive, were medicine, and some common instruments of observation. The medicine was packed up by Dr. Dickson, but neglected to be sent until the caravan had left Ghadames. The instruments, which could easUy have been procured in Tripoli, were of the greatest consequence, in making a more extended tour intelligible. 3rd. Kanou, being reported by aU the merchants as " a country of fever," it would have been exceedingly imprudent for me to have gone further without a good stock of medicines. We have no right to plunge our selves into the flood of the Niger, and then accuse the hand of Providence for not saving us from a watery grave. One might have escaped the fever, as one might have been picked up by the swimming of a black man ; but such a " might" belongs to accident, not the planning and arranging of legitimate expectation. I shaU not trouble the reader with ten or more reasons, aU having more or less of weight, which I have recorded in my journal, but which are more curious than sensible. I mention, that, on my departure from Ghat, I wrote to the Sultan of Aheer, by the advice of my best friends, informing him of my intention to visit him at some future period. It is a mistake that, the taking of these Saharan princes unawares ; they consider it infinitely more friendly to be written to beforehand. A stranger, and especially a Christian, coming down upon them 112 THE GREAT DESERT. unexpectedly, excites suspicion which may never be after wards removed. The Touarick Princes of Aheer are considered the only difficulty, so far as governments are concerned, in the rest of the route. The Fullan Princes of Soudan are represented as eminently friendly to every body, every stranger of whatever clime or religion. However, I do not pretend to know what effect the Niger expedition may have produced on the Fullans, with respect to Englishmen. 4'r '/<: -X- ¦)£¦ -X- 7th. — Stayed at home all the day. The fcex populi is a great worry to me. They have no encouragement from the Sheikhs, but are not less the cause of my shutting myself up at home. Evening, when the streets were clear, visited Haj Ibrahim. He has purchased the feathers of a splendid Soudan ostrich for five dollars, which in Tripoli he wiU sell for ten. The bird is skinned and the feathers remain unplucked. The qucsstio vexata, as to who is Haj Ibrahim's "friend," sahab (i—^Ls), to whom he should pay his tribute-present, for visiting the Souk, is at length decided in favour of Berka. The old gentleman produced witnesses that aU Jerbini belonged to him, or are under his protection, and as Haj Ibrahim is a native of Jerbah, he claimed the rich merchant. The several Sheikhs have the several merchants under their protection. Shafou has those of Tunis, Jabour those of Tripoli, under their respective protection, and so of the rest. The merchants pay for their protection from ten to twenty dollars, according to their means. Frequently a group of traders do not pay more than a single individual ; some get off with paying only a doUar. These demands on the merchants are ABANDON THE TOUR TO SOUDAN. 113 certainly very moderate, and the Touaricks scarcely deserve the epithets of exigeant and extortionate which are so freely applied to them by the merchants. Haj Ibrahim, who brings some thousand dollars' worth of goods to this part, pays only the paltry sum of some twenty or thirty dollars at the most. In fact, here is free-trade with a vengeance, existing long before it has been attempted to carry it out, with such tremendous consequences, as in Great Britain. France and the Zollverein must send agents to the Souk of Ghat, say half a dozen University students each, to study free- trade principles from the barbarians of The Desert. Indeed Touaricks carry out their system beautifuUy and like gentlemen, and the Aheer merchants pay nothing in Ghat, and the Ghat merchants pay nothing in Aheer, for the privileges of commerce, in the way of customs' dues. The merchants and Arabs of Derge pay nothing whatever, a privilege of ancient date granted to this class of TripoUne merchants. But the Souk flourishes with its free-trade mart, and excites the jealousies of the merchants of Mourzuk, and their masters the Turks, because some of the merchants pass from here direct to Algeria and Tunis, not touching the TripoUne territory, and in this way the Turks lose their much-coveted gomerick, or customs' duty. I am happy to record the present instance of these extortioners being overreached, or rather, vanquished by an honourable system of trade. Certainly, were it not for the high duties levied on mer chandize at Mourzuk and Ghadames, many of the mer chants of this Souk would visit those cities, and the Turks could- not faU to benefit by this extra rendezvous of merchants. Haj Ibrahim does not think the whole of VOL. II. I 114 THE GREAT DESERT. what all the Sheikhs together coUect as presents, at the annual Ghat Souk, to be more than 250 or 300 dollars. In case Great Britain should think it worth while to bribe or buy the services of the Touaricks of The Desert, to intercept the slave-caravans, and so discourage the traffic, it certainly could be done for some 500 doUars per annum, or for very little more, if it were a question of money only. 115 CHAPTER XX. CONTINUED RESIDENCE IN GHAT. Commerce of Winter Mart at Ghat. — Visit to Hateetah, and meet the Sultan. — Means of suppressing Saharan Slave Trade by the Touaricks. — Hateetah refuses my returning with a Bengazi Ca ravan. — Bad Character of Arabs. — Receive a Visit from His Highness the Sultan ; and interesting Conversation with him. — Ghat Townsmen great Bigots. — Unexpected Meeting with the Sultan. — My Targhee Friend's opinion of War. — Mode of Bak ing Bread. — Country of Touat. — The British Consul is per plexed at his Master being a Lady. — Vulgar error of Christians ill-treating Mussulmans in Europe. — People teach the Slaves to call me Infidel. — Visit to Bel Kasem, and find Khanouhen. — The free-thinking of this Prince. — Said's apprehensions of Tou aricks. — Hateetah's opinion of stopping Saharan Slave-Dealing. — Shafou leaves Ghat. — Discussion of Politics with an assem blage of Chiefs. — Description of the Touarick Tribes and Nations of The Great Desert. — Description of Aheer and Ag- hadez. — Leo's Account of the Targhee Desert — Daughters of the Governor Educated. — Touaricks refuse aid from the Turks against the Shanbah. — A private Slave-Mart. — Ghat compara tively free from Crime. — Visit from Berka. It is not my intention to enter into the statistics of trade, but I mention a few facts. Caravans from Soudan, including aU the large cities, but especially from Kanou, from Bornou, from the Tibboo country, from Touat, from Fezzan, from Souf, from Ghadames, and from Tripoli, Tunis, and the North coast, visited the Ghat Souk of this winter. The number of merchants, traders, and camel-drivers was about 500, the slaves imported from Soudan to Bornou about 1000, and the camels em ployed in the caravans about 1050. Provision cara- i 2 116 THE GREAT DESERT. vans from Fezzan also were 'constantly coming to Ghat during the Souk. The main commerce of these caravans consisted of the staple exports, of slaves, elephants' teeth, and senna, the united value of which, at the market this year, was estimated at about 60,000/., which value would be doubled, on arriving at the Euro pean markets. Next to these grand objects of commerce were ostrich feathers, skins, and hides in considerable quantities. Then followed various articles of minor character, but of Soudanic manufacture, which are brought to the Souk, viz., wooden spoons, bowls, and other utensils for cook ing; also sandals, wooden combs, leather piUow-cases, bags, purses, pouches, bottles and skin-bags for water, &c. ; arms, consisting of spears, lances, staves, daggers, straight broad-swords, leather and dried skin shields. Some of these weapons are made aU of metal ; the blades of the swords are manufactured in Europe and America. These arms are mostly for the equipment of the Ghat and Touat Touaricks, and are nearly all manufactured in Aheer. Provisions are also exported from Soudan and Aheer to this mart, consisting of semen or liquid butter; ghusub or dra; ghafouly*, sometimes caUed Guinea corn ; hard cheese from Aheer, which is pounded before eaten; beef, cut into shreds, and without salt, dried in the sun and wind; peppers of the most pun gent character, an extremely small quantity sufficing to season a large dish; a species of sheU fruit, caUed by * Ghafouly — J*i singular. Vulgarly a Touarick is called Targhee (J>y), by the Touaricks themselves, as weU as by the Moors and Arabs. Indeed, Targhee is the more correct name, and Touarghee is an en larged Arabic form. So Leo Africanus speaks of these tribes of The Desert as " Targa Popolo." The extent of Sahara occupied by the Touaricks is exceedingly great, embracing many thousands of miles. The northern line begins at Ghadames, an hour's journey south of that city. This line extends along the north, south-west as far as Touat, and south-east as far as the oases of Fezzan and Ghat. On the western side, pro ceeding directly south, we find Touaricks on the whole line of route as far as Timbuctoo; on the eastern side, leaving Ghat, and journeying southward, they abound in the populous districts of Aheer and Asbenouwa, as far as Damerghou, the first purely Negro kingdom of Negro land. On the south, they are scattered in viUages and towns, or wandering in tribes, along the north banks of The Niger. I have not heard of their being located on the southern banks of the great river of Soudan, nor do they descend the Niger to the Atlantic, for we hear nothing of them in Noufee or Rabbah. But they are scattered higher up through the extensive provinces of Housa, subjected to the FuUans. In The Sahara, comprehended by these immense lines, they have some large cities and agricultural districts. The principal of them are Ghat, Aheer, and Aghadez, in the east, Touat and Timbuctoo, in the west. We have the three principal cities of Ghat, Aheer, and Aghadez, besides numerous villages, in Western Sahara, entirely under the authority of the Touaricks. Everywhere they 140 THE GREAT DESERT. inhabit the agricultural districts of the open desert. I have not heard of Touaricks on the western line of the Atlantic Ocean. Captain Riley speaks only of wander ing Arabs, almost in a wild state. On the eastern line of The Desert, they do not extend beyond the western limits of the oases of Fezzan, and the southern Tibboo coun tries. The names of the great sections of the Touaricks, as far as I have been able to learn, are, — 1st. The Azghar— Jjj\ — of Ghat. 2nd. The Haghar—Jxi> — of Touat. 3rd. The Kylouy* — is^S — of Aheer. 4th. The Sorghou — y^-o — of Timbuctoo. The Sorghou is the Timbuctoo name which is given to them by Caillie, and probably this is not a distinct section from that of the Hagharf. There are some lofty ranges of mountains between Ghat and Touat called also Haghar, the nucleus of these tribes, and whose Sultan is the Gigantic Bassa. Besides, we have the Touaricks of Fezzan, a very small section and distinct from those of Ghat, and who may be considered the pastoral people, the veritable Arcadians of the oases. All these sections have their respective Sultans, and the Sultans their respective subordinate Sheikhs, governing the respective subdivision of territory and tribes of people. The sub divisions of Ghat tribes are the foUowing: — Tinilleum, Aiaum, Dugarab, Sacana, Dugabakar, Auragan, Mua- satan, Ghiseban, Elararan, Filelen, Francanan, Bo- tanetum, Skinimen, Deradrinan, Mucarahsen, Keltrubran, * Sometimes called, Killiwah. t Different Negro tribes call Touaricks by different names. CONTINUED RESIDENCE IN GHAT. 141 Keltunii, Chelgenet, Ilemtein*. These various sections of Touaricks, who wander through the vast wUderness of Sahara, or are located in its oases, may be distin guished by some general characteristics, agreeing with and arising from their peculiar location, or habits of trade and life. The Touaricks of Timbuctoo are the more faithless and sanguinary in their disposition, and less addicted to commerce or a regular mode of life. Those of Ghat represent the Touarghee character in its most original type, these tribes being a brave and hardy people, reserved and using few words in speech, of a noble chivalric disposition, and carrying on some com merce. Those of Touat, I imagine, are the same style of people, from what few of them I saw at Ghadames ; but those of Aheer are more effeminate and milder in their manners, and are a good deal mixed with the Negro nations of Soudan. The Touaricks of Aheer bear an excellent character as traders, and companions of travel, always assisting the stranger first at the well, before their own camels are watered. They seem, besides, mostly addicted to the peaceful pursuits of com merce, if we except their occasionaUy joining in the Razzias for slaves. A Ml third of the traffic of the South-eastern Sahara is in their hands, or under their control. I may add a few words upon their country and chief places, Aheer and Aghadez. Aheer, or Ahir, j*?c\, and which is often incorrectly spelt on the maps Air, is the name of a town and very * These names are but imperfectly given, and they must be pro nounced in Italian style, being written from the dictation of a Targhee chief by Mr. Gagliuffi, according to that language. To these may be added Haioun, a tribe of Marabouts. 142 THE GREAT DESERT. populous district, including within its territory or juris diction the city of Aghadez. Aheer is also called Azben, and its district Azbenouwa ((^jJ — *>*o0> which appear to have been the more ancient names. The town of Aheer is also called Asouty, (^Joy^), on the maps Asouda, the dentals io and J being con vertible. These districts are bounded on the north by Ghat and its tribes ; on the east by the Tibboo country and Bornou, on the west by the Negro, Touarick and FuUan countries of the north banks of the Niger; and on the south, by the Housa districts, vulgarly caUed by merchants, Soudan. Aheer is forty short days from Ghat, the Soudanese merchants who visit the Ghat mart always travelling much more doucement and in jog-trot style than the Moorish and Arab merchants of the north. The line of the Aheer stations measures about thirteen days, from Tidik in the north to Toktouft in the south *. In this portion of the route, and that previous to arriving at Tidik, there are twenty days of mountains. The Aheer route also abounds with springs and fine streams, which gush out from the base of rock-lands of great height, and some of which form considerable rivers for several months in the year, on whose banks corn and the senna- plant are cultivated. Aheer is the Saharan region of senna, where there are large wadys covered with its crops. The exportation, especially after a season of rain, is very great and profitable. Asouty is the principal town of the Aheer districts, and was formerly the capital of all the Kylouy Touaricks. No less than a thousand houses are now seen abandoned and in ruins. Here in former times all the Soudan trade was carried on and * For the rest of the Stations see the Map. CONTINUED RESIDENCE IN GHAT. 143 concentrated; its population is still considerable. The houses are nearly all constructed of hasheesh, or straw huts, and the city is without walls. Nevertheless, the people still honour it with the title of Blad es-Sultan, " City," or " Country of the Sultan," that is, where the Sultan occasionally resides, answering to our Royal city. Aheer is the rendezvous of the salt-caravan of BUma, in the Tibboo country, situate, almost in a straight line, about ten days east, the route to which is over barren stony ground. A curious story is told of the manner in which the camel-drivers supply themselves with forage over this treeless, herbless, naked waste. On their way to BUma, they leave at certain places or stations a quantity of forage to supply them on their return ; and it is said, the deposit is sacred, no one daring to touch it. It is probable, however, that the forage is concealed in hiding-places, as wells are often hidden along some desert routes. Even in the Tunisian Jereed, the sources of water are frequently concealed, a skin being placed over the water with palm-branches laid thereupon, and the top of the well's mouth covered with sand. So that a hapless traveller may perish of thirst with water under his feet ! Through the hunting-districts of South Africa. amongst the Namaquas, the sources of water are con cealed in a simUar manner. However, a short time ago, the people of Bornou, who were then at war with the Touaricks of Aheer, discovered the hiding-places of the Touaricks' forage, carried off or destroyed the supplies, and reduced a large salt-caravan to the greatest ex tremities ; hundreds of camels perished from hunger. These salt-caravans are sometimes a thousand and two 144 THE GREAT DESERT. thousand strong. The greater part of Housa and the neighbouring provinces is supplied with salt from Bilma. Aghadez, jAs\, is the capital of the Aheer districts. This is the residence of the Sultan of the Touaricks of South-eastern Sahara. The present Sultan is called Mazouwaja, ([&\}yc) who is represented as a friendly prince. But it was En-Nour (jyi\), deputy Sultan of Aheer, to whom I wrote before leaving Ghat, begging his protection in the event of my return, to complete the tour to Soudan. Aghadez is now as large as Tripoli, or containing from eight to ten thousand inhabitants. In a past period it was four times as large. A great number of the people have emigrated to Soudan, where less labour is required to till the soU, and nature is more lavish in her productions. Aghadez is a walled city, but without any particular strength ; the houses are but one story high, buUt of mud and stone, and sun-dried bricks. Aghadez abounds in provisions of the most substantial kind, that is, sheep, oxen, and grain. The government is despotic, but the lesser chiefs have great power in their respective districts, like those of Ghat. The reUgion of the people is Mahometan ; not a Pagan, Jew, or Christian, is found within these districts. Trade is carried on to a great extent, and Moorish merchants visit Aghadez, proceeding no further towards Soudan. The most interesting district near Aghadez is that of Bagzem, ^y.j, (or Magzem, the labials i__, and - being convertible,) consisting of an exceedingly lofty mountain, requiring a fuU day's journey for its ascent. This moun tain figures on the map under the ancient name of Usugala Mons, but for what reason God knows. The CONTINUED RESIDENCE IN GHAT. 145 town is placed a good way towards its loftiest heights, the most of which heights are both cultivated and inha bited, and there is abundance of trees, grain, and fruits. Bagzem is three days' journey from Asouty. I shaU take the Uberty of appending the account given of Aheer and Aghadez by Leo Africanus : — Diserto dove abita Targa Popolo. II terzo diserto incomincia da'confini di Air dal lato di ponente, e s'estende fino al diserto d'lghidi verso Levante ; e di verso tramontana confina con li diserti di Tuat e di Tegorarin e di Mezab; da mezzogiorno, con li diserti vicini al regno di Agadez. Questo diserto non e cosi aspro e crudele, como sono i due primieri : e truova- visi acqua buona, e pozzi profondissimi ; massimamente vicino ad Air, nel quale e un temperato diserto e di buono aere, dove nascono molte erbe : e piu oltre, vicino di Agadez, si truova assai manna, che e cosa mirable ; e gli abitatori vanno la mattina pertempto a raccorlo, e ve n'empiono certe zucche; e vendonla cosi fresca nella citta di Agadez ; e un fiasco che tien un boccale val due bajocchi; beesi mescolata con acqua ; ed e cosa per- fettissima : la mescolano ancora nelle minestre, e rinfresca molto : penso che per tale cagione li forestieri rade volte s'ammalano in Agadez, come in Tombutto, ancorche vi sia aere pestifero. Questo diserto s'estende da tramon tana verso mezzogiorno trecento migha. — Sixth Part, lvi. chap. It wUl be observed, that under the name of Targa Popolo, no mention is made of the Touaricks of Ghat. Indeed, all the notices of the Renegade Tourist on this VOL. II. L 146 THE GREAT DESERT. part of Africa, are extremely meagre and unsatisfac tory. As to his divisions of The Sahara into so many deserts, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, &c, this is all arbitrary and most unnatural. The story about the abundance of manna gathered in the districts of Aheer, seems to have been invented to please the Christian doctors of Rome ; at any rate, nothing of the kind is now seen or known at Aghadez. But with respect to foreigners who visit Aheer and Aghadez enjoying good health, I have no doubt the Renegade is correct, for I have not heard of either of these places being unhealthy, their salubrity arising, we may imagine, from the elevation at which they are placed. The Aheer Saharan region is emphatically mountainous. Afternoon, visited Hateetah, who has made up his mind to accompany me to Fezzan, of which I'm glad, not wishing to meet with any more Ouweeks in this neigh bourhood. Was pleased this morning to observe amongst the children of Haj Ahmed, who were busy reading passages from the Koran, several girls. This circumstance raises my opinion of the Governor. No doubt it is because he is a Marabout that he grants this privUege to his daughters. The Marabout has no less than a dozen small children, of all complexions, features, and hues, from Uly white to sooty black. My sweetest enjoyment in Ghat is to listen to the song of the tiny singing sparrows hopping about my terrace. My days of chUdhood return with their song, when, if I were not innocent, a little matter made me happy. Sing on you pretty little things, tune your wild Saharan notes, for you gladden my sad heart ! 18th. — A fine warm sunny day. The departure of CONTINUED RESIDENCE IN GHAT. 147 the ghafalah is now fixed for the 27th. According to some accounts, 8000 Touaricks are being mustered, to march against the Shanbah. The Touaricks evidently expect the robber tribe to be reinforced from Souf and the Warklah districts, or the robbers must number 5000 instead of 500. Haj Ibrahim tells me, he has just read a letter addressed by the Pasha of TripoU to the united Sheikhs of Ghat, offering them assistance against the robber tribe. The Touaricks have politely declined the proffered aid, feeling strong (and wise) enough to manage their own battles. Not much troubled with visitors lately, one now and then. The Touaricks are leaving Ghat to reinforce the new levies of troops. Soon the town wUl be emptied of Touaricks. The Ghadamsee ghafalah is returning, and a smaU one to Tripoli vid Shaty and Misdah. Haj Ibrahim continues to repeat his story about the people of Ghadames having a great deal of money hoarded up. I visited him this morning, and found him surrounded with a group of Soudanese merchants. The large court-yard of his house was fuU of bales of unsold goods, here and there scattered about, and some un packed, all in the most business-like disorder. In one quarter was a cluster of a dozen slaves, waiting to be bartered for, the poor wretches being huddled up to gether in this private mart of human flesh. The Moor was calm and collected amidst the dirt and noise of Kanou and Succatou merchants, who with violent gestures were disputing the progress of the bargain inch by inch. Here was a great assortment of rubbish, for I can't caU very coarse paper, green baize cloth, glass and earthen composition beads, bad razors, and a few common h 2 148 THE GREAT DESERT. woollens, and some very inferior raw silk, merchandize. And such rubbish was offered in exchange for a group of God's creatures, with his divine image stamped upon them! At length the progress of the bargain came to what might be called a crisis. The Soudanese merchants jumped up suddenly, with shouts and curses, as if they had discovered a perfidious fraud, and rushed to the door, pulling their miserable slaves after them. I felt shocked at the sight, and my horror must have been depicted in my countenance. For Haj Ibrahim, who well knew I disapproved of this traffic, said to me angrily, " Why do you come here now ?" I got out of his way as quick as I could, but did not leave the house. The people of the Moor followed hard after the runaway merchants, seizing first hold of their slaves, dragging them back by main force into the court-yard. Then their owners raised a hideous cry, calling Haj Ibrahim and his people " thieves," and "robbers," and "cheats,' and "accursed," and many other similar compliments in the way of slave-dealing. This would make a nice counter-picture to a sketch of one of those Congressional squabbles which so frequently take place on the presen tation of Anti-Slavery petitions to the American Con gress, when there is an occasional flourish of the bowie- knife, and a good deal of expectoration to damp the ardour of the combatants, fighting over the victims of Republican Tyranny. After this came a cessation of every kind of noise, for Haj Ibrahim, disgusted with the business, (he was a fair-dealing man though a slave- dealer,) said to Omer, his Arab servant : — " Tell them to be off, and take their slaves with them." Now inter posed a merchant of Ghat, and a friend of the Sou- CONTINUED RESIDENCE IN GHAT. 149 danese, who thus upraided them : — " Fools that you are ! Do you think Haj Ibrahim is a cheat ? Haj Ibrahim gets nothing by you ; Haj Ibrahim buys your slaves, because Haj Ibrahim will not be at the expense of carrying his goods back again to Tripoli." The mer chants replied, and I dare say with truth : — " You told us 300, now there are only 200 ; 20 of this, and only 10; 50 of that, and only 20," &c. This Ghatee was a broker, and a species of sharper; he had been impu dently imposing on the Housa merchants. But, to cut a long story short, the bargain was finally arranged. Haj Ibrahim made these quondam merchants a present of some almonds and parched peas, "to wet the bargain." The poor slaves had been dressed up for the sale, and, with other ornaments, large bright iron hoops had been hammered round their ancles. It was a tough job to get them off, and a blacksmith only could do it. Haj Ibrahim called each new slave to him, and looked at their features, in order to know them. This he told me he was obliged to do, to be sure of his own slaves, and prevent quarrels with other merchants, for the slaves often get mixed together. During Souk there is going on some petty thieving, mostly done by the Negro slaves and Arab camel- drivers. They have stolen many little things from me. It is useless to complain. One must take care of one's things. But I am informed the Touaricks never steal. At any rate, large bundles of senna are left out in the suburbs, night after night, and in the open fields amongst the sand, and no one touches a leaf of it. This could neither be done in Tunis, nor in Tripoli. The Touaricks are beggars, but not thieves ; they will also beg hard and 150 THE GREAT DESERT. with authority. Rarely, however, wiU a Touarghee take anything away from you without your knowledge. So, if Touaricks are poor, they are honest, which is so seldom the case, poverty exciting as much or more to crime than exuberant wealth. On the whole, this country must be considered free from crime. Hungry slaves pUfering about, can hardly be designated crime. I saw a little slave to-day, who had just been brought from Aheer : he was roUing naked on the sand, with some fresh green blades of wheat before him. These he was devouring, and this was his food. How can human beings fed this way be expected to refrain from stealing food when they have an opportunity ? The Touaricks of Aheer, though not cruel masters, feed their slaves mostly on herbage, which is picked up en route. At least, so the people teU me. Afternoon, the aged Berka paid me a visit. I gave him his tobacco, or that which I had promised him. Whenever you promise a person anything in this country, in reminding you of it, if you forget your promise, he caUs the article his own, and demands it as a right. Berka can hardly move about, he is so very old a man ; I should say the Sheikh is upwards of a hundred. The Saharan veteran made no observation in particular. He replied to my questions about Saharan travelling : — " Don't fear, the Touaricks wUl do you no harm. You can go to Timbuctoo in safety." I was making ghusub water, and asked him to drink of it. " No," he said, smUing with benignity, " you must drink ghusub water with me, not I with you. This is the fashion of us Touaricks." Ghusub water, is water poured on ghusub grain after the grain has been par-boUed or otherwise prepared. A milky substance oozes from the grain, and CONTINUED RESIDENCE IN GHAT. 151 makes a very cooUng pleasant beverage. Saharan mer chants prize the ghusub water chiefly for its cooUng quaUty in summer. A few dates are pounded with the ghusub to give the drink a sweeter and more unctuous taste. The aged Sheikh, on taking leave, begged a little bit of white sugar. "I wish to give it to my little grand son," he added. I question which was the more childish, he or his little grandson, so true it is the intellect decays as it grows, spite of our theories of the immortality of mind. I have now had visits from all the great chieftains of the Ghat Touaricks, Shafou, Jabour, Berka, and Khanouhen. The three former are the heads of the great divisions of confederated tribes. These centres of the large tribes and famUies separately constitute an oUgarchical nobUity, by which the destinies of this Saha ran world are governed. 152 CHAPTER XXI. CONTINUED RESIDENCE IN GHAT. Parallels between The Desert and The East. — The Divine Warranty for carrying on the Slave Trade discussed. — Visit from Aheer and Soudanese Merchants, and present state of Soudan. — Form of the Cross on Touarick Arms. — Boy taught to curse The Christian. — Medina Shereefs opinion on my giving Presents. — A Negress begs in the name of Ouweek. — Visit to the Governor and Hateetah. — Streams of Water and Corn-Fields in the Fabled Region of Saharan Desolation. — Kandarka wiU recommend me to his Sultan. — Parallel things between Africa and Asia. — Atkee turns out a Scamp. — Visit from Berka.- — Arabic is the Language of Heaven. —Khanouhen ridicules Hateetah to his face. — Hospitality of the Governor towards me, and interesting Conversations with him. — Moorish reckoning of Time clashes with mine. — Medina Shereef turns Beggar like the rest. — Meet The Giant begging at Haj Ibrahim's. — Affecting Case of the cruelty of one Slave to another, and compared to the Jews of Morocco. — Chorus Singing of the Slaves. — Mode in which Os triches are Hunted. — Arrival of Senna and Ivory from Aheer. — Christians are not Liars. — Farewell Visit from Jabour. — Quick Route to Timbuctoo from Ghat. — Kandarka turns Comedian, and satirizes the Touaricks of Ghat. — Mercantile Transactions of the Governor. — Want of a strong Government in The Desert. — Assemblage of the Sheikhs, and preparations for War. 19th. — Did not go out to-day, but amused myself with noting down in the journal several paraUel things between The Desert and The East, which are mentioned in The Scriptures, " And she said, As the Lord thy God liveth, I have not a cake, but an handful of meal in a barrel, and a little oil in a cruse: and, behold, I am gathering two CONTINUED RESIDENCE IN GHAT. 153 sticks, that I may go and dress it for me and my son, that we may eat it, and die." (1 Kings xvii. 12.) We have in Sahara paraUel ideas to all and every part of this simple and affecting discourse. The widow speaks with an oath. When anything particular and extraordinary is to be said or done, the people of Sahara must use an oath. The meal is the barley-meal of our people; the oil is used to cook it as we cook our bazeen. The sticks are gathered from The Desert every day to dress our food. The blank and absolute resignation of the woman is the same with every one here, not excepting those of immoral lives. " And lo in her mouth was an oUve-leaf plucked off," (Gen. viii. 11.) " And Noah began to be a husbandman, and he planted a vineyard," (Gen. ix. 20.) The olive and the vine are stUl the choice fruit-trees in North Africa, and were the Mussulmans a wine-drinking people, the country would be covered with vineyards. In the beau tiful parable of Jotham, (Judges ix. 8 — 15,) the third, and the three choicest trees of North Africa are sepa rately mentioned, the oUve, the fig-tree, and the vine. These are the only fruits valued or cultivated by Tripo Une Arabs in their mountains. The jennah or " paradise" of the Koran is also planted with "palm trees and vines." "And Asahel was as Ught of foot as a wild roe." (2 Sam. ii. 18.) In this way Arabs speak of one another. Every person who is conversant with Eastern pictures and scenes in Arabic has met with a scrap of poetry of some sort or other, in which the Arab woos his mistress, by comparing her loved eyes to the fine dark full eye of the gazeUe. An Arab also, like us 154 THE GREAT DESERT. Europeans, caUs a cunning feUow "an old fox," and stupid feUow " a donkey." " And it came to pass, in an evening tide, that David arose from off his bed, and walked upon the roof of the king's house ; and from the roof he saw a woman wash ing herself, and the woman was very beautiful to look upon." (2 Sam. xi. 2.) Everybody now knows, or ought to know, that the roofs of Barbary and Saharan houses are flat, where the people walk and enjoy "the cool of the evening," or " the evening tide" after getting up from their naps or siestas. Here the women gossip and the men pray, but the latter are often disturbed in their devotions by the intruding glimpses of some Desert beauty. Love-matches and intrigues are equaUy con certed here on house-tops. The flat-roofed house-top, as before observed, is the Ghadamsee woman's entire world; here she Uves, and moves, and has her being. "Woe to thee, 0 land," &c, "And thy princes eat in the morning." (Ecclus. xi. 16.) The principal meal is in the evening, and no people of these countries think of eating a hearty meal " in the morning" like what Euro peans are accustomed to eat in the morning. To eat a hearty meal in the morning would be an act of down right gluttony. Here, then, is strikingly brought out the sense of this passage of the Preacher's wisdom. "We wiU not drink of the waters of the weU." (Numbers xxi. 22.) The Israelites being a numerous host, were obliged to make this promise, for if aU had drank, they would soon have emptied the weUs, and left the people of the country without water, and their flocks and cattle to die of thirst. The caravans now returning to Ghadames are obliged to go in very small numbers, CONTINUED RESIDENCE IN GHAT. 155 that they may not exhaust the wells. Having many slaves with them more water is required, which they cannot in any way dispense with. The Israelites renewed their promises about the drinking of the water to other people, through whose country they had to pass. "He saith among the trumpets, Ha, ha!" (Job xxxix. 25.) It is very odd that the horsemen of Morocco, when they gaUop to the charge, always cry "Ha, ha!" *So the Arabian poet of The Book of Job puts the wUd cry of the rider into the mouth of the horse whom he rides. This I frequently witnessed on the parade of Mogador. The wild cavalry of Morocco is the boldest idea transmitted to us of the ancient Numidian horse. In Morocco the horse is both the sacred animal and the bulwark of the empire; for this reason it is the Emperor prohibits the exportation of horses. Even the barley, on which the horses are gene raUy fed, is not aUowed to be exported for the same reasons. vnxb onny -qj; yni -vna *idwi "And he said, Cursed be Canaan; a servant of ser vants shaU he be to his brethren." (Gen. ix. 25.) This portion of Scripture wUl occur naturaUy enough to the mind of a biblical reader, who takes up his residence for some weeks at a slave-mart, and is seeing slaves bought and sold every day. It is the famous and much abused text of the slave-dealers of the last three centuries, and is now continuaUy quoted in the pulpits of the United States parsons, who, like the devU himself, quote Scripture to support the wickedness of themselves and 156 THE GREAT DESERT. their slave-holding and man-seUing countrymen. The most approved commentators properly apply the text to the Canaanites, whom Providence afterwards dispossessed of their territories in Palestine, and gave them to the children of Shem, and so the Canaanites became the slaves of the Shemites for a limited period. But to prove that it does not refer to the Negroes of North and Central Africa, I may be aUowed to produce the following reasons : — 1 st. Of aU the children of Ham, Canaan only is men tioned. 2nd. The prophecy was fulfiUed in the descendants of Canaan, and there is no occasion to extend it beyond the early history of the Jews, when they took possession of the land of Canaan, and reduced its people to ser vitude. 3rd. The descendants of Canaan were all white people, and the Negroes I need not say are black. But if it be a question of colour, there are red Indians and black Indians, who have been from unknown ages the sons of freedom, and who, when discovered, would not and could not be reduced to slavery. I guess the Yankees have not reduced the Indians to slavery, (although, after robbing them of their hunting-grounds, they have in the most Christian spirit exterminated many,) on the con trary, they are equaUy free men with the Yankees, and have the same privUege of reducing free men to slavery with their Republican neighbours. The Black Indians, following the precept and example of the White Repub licans, have now an immense number of slaves; and in this case, it is not the more civilized who holds his feUow man in bondage, but the less civiUzed, indeed, savages. CONTINUED RESIDENCE IN GHAT. 157 So the world is improving and progressing in the Western Hemisphere ! The Southern Ocean is peopled with many tribes as black as Negroes. But to return to the Canaanites, they at length mixed with the Israelites and became one people, and the relations of master and slave were lost in equality. 4th. Many of the descendants also of Cush were white people, for he was the father of Nimrod, who founded Babylon, and became the father of all the Babylonians. Were the Babylonians Negroes ? 5th. None of the children of Ham, but Canaan, be came servants or rather slaves to the rest of the human race in any remarkable degree, during the early period of the Mosaic world. For, Cush was the aUeged father of the Babylonians and the Ethiopians, (the people of Upper Egypt,) but neither of these nations were slaves to conquerors more than any other people of that period of the world; whilst, on the other hand, the Babylonians were great conquerors in their day, and the Ethiopians had princes of their own even down to the days of Solomon. If now the Abyssinians are to be considered the descendants of the Ethiopians, we aU know they are not slaves, but like the Yankee States themselves, slave-dealers and slave-holders. The Abyssinians, moreover, enjoyed advantages of civili zation when a great portion of Europe was overwhelmed with barbarism. So much for the Cushites and Ethio pians, the lineal descendants of the accursed Ham ! Mizraim was the father of the Egyptians. These ancient and celebrated people, whose country was the cradle of civilization, cannot surely be branded as the 158 THE GREAT DESERT. slaves of the human race ! This was also the lineal descendant of the accursed Ham ! 6th. But even the Canaanites, so far from remaining slaves, after the alleged curse was fulfilled in them, recovered from their degradation and rose into conse quence, filling the world with their fame. The children of Canaan were undoubtedly the founders of Tyre, whose bold navigators, braving the ocean and the tempest, scoured and ploughed up the waters of the Mediterranean, planting colonies everywhere, and founded Carthage ! The Carthaginians, their more renowned sons, passed the Straits of the columns of Hercules, doubled Cape Spartel, and some say, coasted the entire continent of Africa, returning by the Red Sea. It is monstrous to call such people slaves, branded by the hereditary curse of the inebriated patriarch of mankind. In truth, of all the people of antiquity, the accursed and enslaved race of Ham were the most free-born, enlightened, and enterprising ! Never was such a perversion of Scripture interpretation to palliate and bolster up the systems of wickedness of this and former days ! ShaU we compare the Model Republic and the miserable and degraded nations of Brazils, Spain, and Portugal, the present enslavers of the alleged posterity of Ham, with the once mighty Egyptians and Carthaginians ? 7th. But it may be said that Central Africa was peopled from Cush or Ethiopia, and that this Cush, who peopled that portion of the Continent, was the son of Ham. To this I have already replied, that the curse was pronounced not on Cush, but on Canaan his brother, and it is arguing in a circle to extend the subject. After CONTINUED RESIDENCE IN GHAT. 159 all, we are not sure that Central Africa, and the western coast, the theatre of the principal trade, was peopled from Ethiopia. Where is the proof? And besides, Central Africa, the bond fide Negroland, possesses states and powerful confederacies, whom no power in Europe or America has yet been able to subjugate to slavery. 8th. The Africo-European slave-trade is only of ex tremely modern date. It is too late to look for the fulfilment of this prophecy amongst the European trans actions of the last three or four centuries, in this and any particular reference to Africa. But finally, up to a late period, slavery was co-extensive with the human race, in aU times, ages, and countries. All classes and races of men were made slaves alike, without any relation to Africa and Africans. The Greeks and Romans, if they made slaves of Africans, did not so enslave them because they were Africans, for these ancient people made slaves of aU, and even of their own countrymen, it being a constituent element of their society. I have omitted purposely to question the Divine com mission of the Yankee parsons to uphold slavery as the basis of their Republic. But it is difficult not to ques tion the right of an incensed father, awakening from a drunken debauch, to condemn an innocent grandson (for what we know) to everlasting slavery and degradation. With regard to the word AovXos, Boulos, used in the Greek Testament to denote either a slave or a servant, there can be no doubt of the application of the term to both these relations of ancient society. The word corre sponds to "Di? in the Hebrew, and *x>.£ in the Arabic, both being the same consonants, which terms are used, accord ing to their application, to denote both slaves and servants. 160 THE GREAT DESERT. Slavery existed amongst the Jews as amongst the Greeks and Romans, in the beginning of the Christian era ; so we have allusions to " the bond and the free," as well as "the Greeks and the Barbarians," the former phrase distinguishing slaves and free men, the latter, nations of arts and science from those of unciviUzed or semi-civiUzed people. The question is not, then, the meaning of the term Doulos, or its application to slavery at the period of the promulgation of the Christian religion; but, whe ther, because slavery was not then reprobated by the teachers of Christianity, it was not therefore a very great evil. First of aU, there are many things of ancient society not reproved or reprobated by the founders of Christianity, which are inconvenient to, and inconsistent with, our moral sense, and which would violate the laws of modern society. Such are the laws and customs of usury and polygamy. No man in his senses would attempt to establish polygamy in modern society, because it is not prohibited and condemned by the writers of the New Testament. To argue, therefore, that slavery is con genial with the spirit of the Christian religion because it is not condemned by its apostles and evangelists, is an utterly fallacious system of reasoning. But even supposing the apostles themselves practised slavery, and received into their communion slave-holders, men-dealers and men- stealers, it does not therefore follow that we should imitate them, and become men-stealers likewise. What was good or right for them and their state of society, may not be good or right for us and our society. The liberties of mankind require to be guarded in these our days by the most intense hatred, and the broadest and clearest denunciations of slavery, in every shape and CONTINUED RESIDENCE IN GHAT. 161 mode of its developement. But let any people imbibe the spirit of Christianity, and slavery cannot exist amongst them ; let aU nations imbibe the spirit of Christianity, and slavery would become immediately extinguished throughout the world. 20th. — A fine morning ; the Desert around is fair and bright, save where the Black Mountains are casting their mysterious shades. Visited by some Succatou merchants, amongst whom were several Touaricks of Aheer. The Housa people and Aheer Touaricks both speak the Housa language, these Touaricks having abandoned their Berber dialect so far as I can learn. It is also difficult to dis tinguish the one people from the other when they wear the litham. One is nearly as dark as the other, but the features of the Touaricks are much more, and often quite in the style of Europeans. A few of the Aheer merchants are also, I have observed, tolerably fair. How different are the airs and consequence of these merchants, and some of them pure Housa Negroes, from the slaves which they lead into captivity ; they talk, and laugh, and feel themselves on a level with us, whilst their slaves are moody and sUent, without confidence, and slink away from observation. Such is the impress of slavery on men in whose veins runs the same blood as our own. The Soudanese merchants gave me some account of the reigning Sultans. Ali is the Sultan of Succatou, and succeeded the famous Bello, to whom Clapperton was dispatched in his last mission. Daboo is the Sultan of Kanou, and Ghareema, Sultan of Kashna, but both sub jected to the Succatou Sultan. Besides these cities, the dis tricts of Beetschee, Kaferda, Kasada, Sabongharee, Ghou- ber, DeU, Yakoba and Noufee, besides other provinces, VOL. II. M 162 THE GREAT DESERT. including a vast extent of territory, are subjected to the Fullan dynasty of Succatou. But it is extremely difficult to get correct information from these Soudanese mer chants, though dealing and traveUing through all the Housa and neighbouring countries : as to the names of the princes, they could not recollect them. There are also frequent dethronements of the petty princes. 21st. — I do not go out much now, except in the evening ; I grow weary of the place. A young Aheer Touarick caUed. I never refuse admittance to Aheer merchants because they are so weU behaved, and appa rently not fanatical. He offered me a straight broad sword for five small doUars ; it is quite new, having the handle made in the form of a cross and of hard wood, with a leathern scabbard. The blade was made in Europe. The Touarick dagger-hilts are also made in the shape of a cross. There is besides a Malta cross usuaUy cut on the buUocks-hide shields. The cross appears to be an usual ornament of Soudan and Aheer arms. It has been thought there is in this device of arms some vestige of the now extinct Christianity of North Africa. The subject is curious, but we have no means to arrive at its solution. My Aheer friend pre tended his sword was worth two slaves in Soudan ; this is an exaggeration. Abdullah, the Souf Arab, called. His brothers have brought thirty slaves from Soudan, which are destined for the market of Constantina. One of the Governor's sons goes to Soudan with the return of the caravan, a lad not more than ten years of age ; he is to bring back merchandize as a regular trader. A little urchin of a Touarick, not more than nine years, came up to-day with his mother and asked me, " Why I CONTINUED RESIDENCE IN GHAT. 163 did not know Mahomet ?" but without waiting for a reply, set on cursing me. It is amazing how weU these youngsters have learnt this lesson, and how soon ! for they never before saw, or perhaps heard of, a Christian. The zealous mother had probably put up her son to this pious cursing of The Christian. mm mm. 1^ 22nd. — Made the tour of the oasis, and sketched a view of the town, which is annexed. Weather extremely warm to-day— nay, hot, and in the midst of January. What' must it be in August! But the weather is far more changeable and uncertain in Sahara than it is commonly thought to be. Several visits from the Touaricks of Aheer. Gave one a small lock and key, which is esteemed a great curiosity in this country. It gladdened his heart so much, that I believe he would now go through fire and water for me. He wanted to take me to Soudan by main force. He went away, and returned with some hard cheese made at Aheer, Uttle M 2 164 THE GEEAT DESERT. squares somewhat smaUer than Dutch tiles, which he presented in acknowledgment. I have had but few returns for the great variety of things I have given away in Ghat. The Medina Shereef, Khanouhen's son-in-law, scolded me: — "Ah, Yakob, you have done wrong to give away so much. You'U get nothing back. This is a country of extortioners and extortion from strangers. You ought to have come here, said a few words, and left us." This is fine talk for the Shereef. He knows as well as I know, that this wouldn't do. A courier arrived from Ghadames, by which I received two kind letters from Malta. It seems a thousand years since I received a letter from a friend. A Negress had the hardihood to caU on me, begging, in the name of Ouweek, thinking thereby to intimidate me. The bandit, however, sent a person two or three days ago to beg of me a Uttle tobacco. I should cer tainly have sent some, had I had any left. Hateetah caUed, wondering what had become of me, as I had not called on him for a few days. Gave him another doUar, but it is the last. The Consul says there is a great deal of fever about amongst the merchants and people, but I don't see it. I was somewhat surprised, for I thought the town enjoyed good health. I have reason to be thankful that it does not attack me. Apparently I'm fever proof. In all my Ufe, I never recoUect to have caught an epidemic fever. 23rd. — Called upon the Governor. His Excellency displayed his hospitality by giving me zumeeta made with dates and sour milk. Took the opportunity of asking him about the origin of the Touaricks. He pre tends they are of Arab extraction. On inquiring how CONTINUED RESIDENCE IN GHAT. 165 they lost their language, whUst aU the Arabian tribes retained theirs, his ExceUency repUed, " They have learnt Touarghee as you have learnt Arabic." This is ex tremely unsatisfactory, for he could not explain from whom they learnt Touarghee. About the history of Ghat his ExceUency knows nothing. He says only, " It is a more ancient place than Ghadames," which, how ever, I do not believe. His ExceUency said the news had arrived from Algeria, that the Emperor of Morocco had united with Abdel Kader against the French, and four districts had elected the Emir for their chief. CaUed on Hateetah. Whilst there, an old lady of eighty years of age came in and got up to dance before me in the indecorous Barbary style, and then begged money. Seeing she had outhved her wits and took a great fancy for one of my buttons, I cut it off and gave it her, to the annoyance of Hateetah, the Consul scolding me for my condescension. The Governor teUs me there is a mountain of con siderable altitude about two days from Ghat, in the route of Touat, from the base of which gush out some twelve large streams. The rain this year has faUen plentifuUy on these heights, and wheat and barley have been sown an the banks of the streams. This is a fact of import ance in Saharan geography, more especiaUy as the moun tain is situate in that central part of the Great Desert which is represented on the maps as an ocean of sand, the scene of eternal desolation ! Evening, whUst visiting Haj Ibrahim, who continues unusuaUy kind to me, came in our funny friend, the famous Aheer camel-driver, Kandarka. This Kylouy is a great favourite with all, the Governor excepted. 166 THE GREAT DESERT. People praise his- undaunted courage and say, " If a troop of fifty robbers were to attack Kandarka alone, he would stiU resist them." He has shown himself very friendly to me, and says, " Write a letter to Aheer, my Sultan, and I will take it. When you return bring me one thing — a sword, and I will take you safely over all Soudan." He has great influence with En-Nour, Sultan of Aheer, and any one travelling under Kandarka's pro tection is sure of a good reception from En-Nour. 24^. — A fine day, but hot. Our departure is now delayed till next month. What a dreadful loss of time is this ! I'm weary to death. I wish I had arranged to continue to Soudan. Grown disgusted with Ghat, I am reading what few books I have with me. Noticed more parallel customs between Africa and the East. " And Isaac digged again the weUs of water, which they had digged in the days of Abraham his father ; for the Philistines had stopped them after the death of Abraham : and he called their names after the names by which his father had caUed them." (Gen. xxvi. 18.) The object of stopping up the weUs was to prevent the children of Abraham making use of them and so occupy ing the country. The same thing is done in Sahara. When an enemy is to be exterminated, or robbers re pulsed, from a particular district, the wells are stopped up. WeUs are also named by the digger of them. A man who goes to the expense of digging out a well, if peradventure he finds water, has the privilege of giving to it his own name. There is one on the route from Mourzuk to Tripoli called Mukni or Beer-Mukni, from the great merchant who dug the weU. So the name of the city of Timbuctoo is said by some to be derived from CONTINUED RESIDENCE IN GHAT. 167 the Berber word teen, " well," and Buktu, the name of the person who on its present site dug a well for the ren dezvous or casual supply of passing caravans. But this derivation is merely conjectural. " Take heed that thou speak not to Jacob, good or bad." (Gen. xxi. 24.) The verb speak (P^1.^) is used for the verb to do. The same idiom prevaUs amongst the Touaricks. The friendly Touaricks always address me, " Don't be afraid, no person will say (or speak) either good or bad to you." So Jabour's slave brought me word from the Sheikh : " No person is to say anything (do anything) to you." Dr. Wolff says, in his travels of Central Asia, the people of a strange place always apply to his servant for information about himself. So the Saharans apply to my Negro servant for news or information about me. " And David sat between the two gates and the king said, If he be alone then is tidings in his mouth tidings." (2 Sam. xviii. 24, 25, 26.) All couriers in this country are sent alone. When they travel through Sahara they have a camel to ride, but if there be abundant water on the road they go on foot. Merchants pay each so much to the courier according to their means. A courier sent from this to Tripoli, who also returns and brings answers to the letters, will re ceive altogether fifteen doUars. Touarghee couriers between this and Ghadames go for half the sum. — "And the watchman went up to the roof over the gate unto the waU and lifted up his eyes," &c. (part of the verses above cited). When a spy was sent from Ghadames to watch the Shanbah and their approaches round the country, on the eve of my departure from that place, 168 THE GREAT DESERT. people went up a ruined tower, situate on a high ground, and apparently buUt speciaUy for the purpose, to watch the return of the spy. I have seen several of these watch towers in the oases of Sahara. " And they took Absalom and cast him into a great pit in the wood, and laid a very great heap of stones upon him." (2 Sam. xviU. 17.) When one dies in open desert, the people lay a heap of stones over the grave, the heap being smaUer or larger according to the rank and consequence of the individual. The mention of " a very great heap," in the words cited, evidently denotes the royal rank of the deceased. 25th. — My young Targhee caUed to-day as usual. Asked him abruptly, "What he did? What was his occupation ? And how the Touaricks employed them selves?" With great simpUcity, "When the nagah (she-camel) is with young and gives no mUk, we come to Ghat, and eat dates and ghusub and bread, if we can get them. When the nagah gives milk we return and drink milk and lie down on the road side. This is aU which Touaricks do." The Touaricks are determined to feel as little of the primeval curse, — "In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread," — as any people. The Targhee then gave me spontaneously a bit of knowledge which I had not before heard. He proceeded, " When I return to my house on the road (or by the caravan route), and to my wife, I don't uncover my face and go up to her and stare boldly at my wife. No, I cover my face aU over, and sit down gently by her side, waiting tiU she speaks with aU patience. When she speaks, I speak, be cause I know then that she is willing to speak. It is very indecent to go to your wife with your face un- CONTINUED RESIDENCE IN GHAT. 169 covered." In fact, generally amongst the Touaricks, the men have their faces covered and the women their faces uncovered. The reverse of what we find in other Mahometan countries. But also the reverse of what the native modesty of the human mind dictates. Atkee, the Ghadamsee Arab, who was to have been my companion to Soudan, went off, returning to Gha dames, without paying the money which I committed to bis care for the owner of the camel's flesh, which we ate on the route of Ghat. Atkee besides neglected to bring the money for the half of the skin of the sheep which I purchased with him, according to promise. These things are merest trifles, but merest trifles develop the character of men. It is such actions of dishonesty which make one afraid of traveUing in Africa, lest we are sacrificed to the designing viUany of those who pretend most and exhibit the most officious marks of friendship. In such a way poor Laing was entrapped and murdered. This very Atkee, I considered the first man of the ghafalah. Zalea. now teUs me that Atkee wished to lay on two more doUars for the things given to Ouweek. But the Arabs, Uke the Cretans of old, are "all Uars," and I don't wish to make Atkee worse than he was. I am sufficiently disappointed with him. The Medina Shereef called, who is the most learned person in Ghat. I showed him the Arabic Bible, which amazed and confounded him, as he turned over its well- printed pages. He sighed, nay, literally groaned, at the profanity of having our infidel religion translated into the holy Arabic language. The Shereef told me Arabic would be the language of heaven. The Jews tell us it wiU be Hebrew, (or unpn \uh>). The Latin Church has 170 THE GREAT DESERT. its holy Latin, and a trilingual bible of " Hebrew, Latin, Greek," was said by pious fathers of that Church, to represent "Christ crucified between two thieves." The Hindoos have their sacred Sanscrit, and so of the rest. The benumbed and frozen mind of the Esquimaux, amidst the fat seals, blubber, and seas of oU in which it revels and swims, when anticipating the joys of the polar heaven, makes the tongue involuntarily speak in genuine Esqui- niauxan gibberish. It is, however, not surprising that the language in which a people first receives the rudi ments of its religion should be greatly venerated and acquire a peculiar sacredness. The Shereef asked me to show him the passage where Mahomet was spoken of under the title of Parakleit; but he kept off religious discussion, having more delicacy than his neighbours of Ghat. Ignorance is bliss to a Shereef of these countries. Were the Shereef to see the wonders of Christian civiliza tion, he would be stung to death with envy. A gentleman once told me as the result of his experience in Barbary, that a Mussulman who had not seen Europe was more friendly to Christians than one who had, accounting for it on the principle of a despicable envy. 26th. — The weather continues warm and fine; Uttle wind. Objects at fifty miles' distance seem close upon you, so clear and rarefied is the air. Berka came this morning ostensibly for eye-powders, but really for a bit more sugar for his little grandson, the weU-beloved son of his old age. Sheikh Berka. — " Sala-a-a-m !" The writer. — " Good morning, Berka." Sheikh Berka. — " Medicine for my eyes." The writer. — " Here is some powder, you must CONTINUED RESIDENCE IN GHAT. 171 mix it with a bowl of water; but take care, it's poi sonous." Sheikh Berka. — "Good God, Christian ! take it back, my little son wUl eat it for sugar. He gets everything and eats." The writer. — " Here's some sugar for him." Sheikh Berka. — " God Almighty bless you." The writer. — " How old are you, Berka ?" Sheikh Berka. — " My mother knows, but she's gone. She's gone to God!" Essnousee came in for eye-powders to make a solution, and fever-powders to take with him to Soudan. Have only two or three of the latter which I keep for myself. Gave him the last I had. He said, " You don't see the fever, you don't visit enough, there's plenty of it in the houses." Apparently it is common intermittent fever with some cUmatic variety ; I think Tertian ague. People are more civU in the streets to-day, and the rabble has lost its curiosity or fancy for running after us. Negroes and slaves are stiU impudent, not recog nizing in the Kafer their secret friend. Saw Khanouhen in the Esh-SheUy, who caUed after me to come to him. Hateetah was with him. The Prince began his satires on the Consul: — "Yakob, who is the best man, I or Hateetah? Have you written* this feUow Hateetah? All about him? Is this the EngUsh Consul? Does your Sultan own him?" Khanouhen pressed him so hard, that I ran off to save Hateetah's feeUngs, all the people roaring with laughter, and calling me back. * When you make a drawing, they say " Write" a drawing, or 'Write" a man, instead of draw a man. 172 THE GREAT DESERT. 0 Afternoon saw the Governor. His ExceUency lavished his hospitality on me. He gave me coffee, dried Soudan beef cut up into shreds, and some of the Soudan almonds. These almonds are not fine flavoured Uke those of the north, but are viscid, rancid, and bitter. Nor are they of the same beautiful filbert-form, but of clumsy oval and double-oval shapes. The sheU is soft, and can be broken easily with the fingers. The kernel is mostly double, and when slightly rubbed splits into halves or rather two kernels. The dried beef is very pleasant eating, but rather too dry, the fat and moisture being all consumed. We have heard of beef cooked in the sun on the bastions of Malta, but this is really beef cooked in the sun. It is an exceUent provision for long journeys over The Desert. People chew it as tobacco is chewed. Our Governor-Marabout got very famUiar this morning, and talked about his family. He caUed a Uttle boy and said to me, "Look at my little son, he's as white as you are white." The child was indeed very fair for a young Saharan. He asked me as tabeeb, if Christian women had more chUdren than one, and if they went longer than a year, which he had heard. He pretended his was a smaU family, and he should Uke to have fifty chUdren, which, he added, "all Sultans ought to have ;" but, for money he did not care, he wished aU his chUdren were poor but pious marabouts. His preaching is quite contrary to his practice. A more money-getting ambitious feUow I have not found in The Desert. The report which I heard of the Governor of Ghat being changed whilst at Ghadames, was a sham abdication on his part. From domestic matters he pro ceeded to talk of politics. His ExceUency is always CONTINUED RESIDENCE IN GHAT. 173 anxious to give an immense idea of the fighting quaUties and numbers of the Touaricks. He wishes me to make a favourable report of them, and his position at Ghat, and country. He declares the warriors to muster 15,000 strong, which would give too numerous a popu lation for the Azgher section of Touaricks. The Haghar, and especiaUy the Kylouy Touaricks, have an infinitely larger population than those of Ghat. The Marabout pretends there are some Touaricks who never saw corn or tasted bread, and others who dress only in skins. Indeed, I saw a Touarghee from the country, as weU as The Touarick Prophet, dressed entirely in skins and tanned leather. His ExceUency then introduced his favourite subject of the battles between Moslems and Nazarenes for the possession of Constantinople, in which his ancestors so valiantly fought. He said, the sword of one of his grandfathers was laid up in the armoury of Stamboul, and submitted to me if I thought the Turks would give it to him if he were to make the demand. I told him to apply to the British Ambassador at the Porte, making the thing of the consequence suited to the Marabout's taste. " No," he replied, "I shaU go myself one day and fetch it." His Excellency then began to extol the military forces and powers of the princes of Africa : — "The Sultan of Timbuctoo has 100,000 fighting men! Wadai has 100,000 warriors! The Sultans of Sou dan have innumerable hosts, as the sand-grains of The Desert are innumerable !" He then asked silly questions as to whether the Turks could beat the Christians in fighting. I told him plainly, the Turks now learnt the art of war from the Christians, and the latter were not 174 THE GREAT DESERT. only superior to them, but to all Mohammedans what ever, Arabs or Touaricks, Kabyles, or what not, recom mending his ExceUency not to credit the absurd reports propagated by foolish dervishes of The Desert, as to how the Emperor of Morocco was conquering all the French and other Christians. Indeed, I'm obliged to be school master, and geographer, and admonisher, to Sheikhs, marabouts, merchants, to aU and every body. The subject of religion was now introduced, and I found the Governor, though a Marabout, of the first water, did not know that the Christians read and studied the sacred books of the Jews. I told his ExceUency, Christian Marabouts must read and study the sacred books of all religions, and Christian talebs frequently read the Koran to acquire a knowledge of classic Arabic. This informa tion greatly amazed the Governor. I cannot, however, report more of his conversation, which would be endless. I sent him on my return the Arabic Bible, which the Shereef had told him I had with me. Spent the evening with Haj Ibrahim. The Haj sur prised me by saying, " AU my slaves, even the youngest of not more than four or five years' old, must walk to Tripoli as they have walked from Kanou to Ghat." I found Kandarka with him. The camel-driver is a right- joUy feUow, quite a new species of being from the Toua ricks of Ghat. A great deal of merry laughing and grinning Negro feeling is in his composition. But, with all his fun, he is a most determined man. He is about to convey some of the Haj's merchandize to Kanou, as being the bravest and most trust-worthy of aU the Aheer camel-drivers. 27th. — I'm out of my reckonings with the Moors by CONTINUED RESIDENCE IN GHAT. 175 some mistake or other, of them or me, for I'm Monday, and they're Tuesday. Their month and our month, like our respective religions, is also in continual coUision, their month being lunar, not solar. The weather is very warm. Am exceedingly tired of remaining in Ghat ; always regretting I did not determine to go to Soudan. Merchants are daily leaving in smaU caravans, not large caravans, which is a proof of the security of the routes, and the word of the Touarghee Sheikh is "one" word; "The routes are aU in peace," they say. Walked out with a very large stick, which frightened the Ghatee boys, who all thought it was for them, on account of their former sauci- ness. Was surprised at the Medina Shereef asking me to lend (give) him fifteen dollars to go to Tripoli. I promised very foolishly to give him his provisions to Tripoli, in the event of his proceeding with our caravan. What people for begging are these ! The Shereef had just been scolding me for giving so much to these importu- nates. Although their houses are fuU of stores and money, they wiU still beg, and beg, and beg .... beg . . . beg . . . But this evening, at Haj Ibrahim's, we had a transcendant specimen of begging. The beggar was no less a personage than The Giant. I may remind the reader, The Giant is the son of Ber- ka's sister, and is head of the tribe at Berka's death. The Giant therefore came to demand backsheesh, as being the lineal successor of Berka, who was Haj Ibrahim's protector. Haj Ibrahim observed : — " I have given Berka twenty doUars, and some other presents, and I cannot give any thing to his oulad (' sons.')" The Giant would hear none of this, insisted upon a present for himself, and swore by aU the sacred names of the Deity, frequently using his 176 THE GREAT DESERT. favourite oath, "AUah Akbar!" After an hour's de bating, it was agreed that, for the future, Berka, if he Uved tiU another year, (for the aged chieftain is "totter ing o'er the grave,") should have a smaUer present, and the portion subtracted should be given to The Giant. But this is cutting the blanket at one end, to sew the piece on the other, for the sons and nephews of Berka now share the presents amongst them. His Giantship was very condescending to me, though savage enough with the merchant. He laughed and joked, and " grinned a ghastly smile," and asked me, why I did not go into the public square and see aU the people, thinking my not going out more showed a want of confidence in the Touaricks. Want of confidence in a Touarick is the most serious insult you can offer to him. So Dr. Oudney properly records of Hateetah, and says, " he was indig nant at the feeUngs which the people of Mourzuk had against the Touaricks — the Touaricks who pride them selves in having one word, and performing what they promise." But Hateetah has since become an old man, and, with the usual prudence of age, recommends me not to go much about amongst the people. " Something unpleasant might happen," he says, " for which all the Sheikhs would be sorry." The Giant said to me, "Come, you Christian, I shaU sell you a wife of the Shanbah women. Stop here tiU I come back." A most affecting incident was related to me by Mus- tapha. Two of his slaves quarrelled, and last night, whilst' one was fast asleep, the other went stealthUy and fetched a shovelful of burning-wood ashes, and poured them over the sleeping slave's face, tongue, and neck ! He is suffering sadly, and Mustapha has caUed for CONTINUED RESIDENCE IN GHAT. 177 medicine. So act these poor creatures, the victims of a common misfortune. How cruel is man to his brother ! In all situations, man is his own enemy ! This incident reminds me of what Colonel Keatinge relates of the un fortunate Jews in Morocco. Although the Jews are very badly treated in that empire, and all suffer great indignities, yet, to increase their own misfortunes, and by their own hands, one Jew has actually been known to purchase from the Sultan the right, the privilege of torturing another Jew. The speculation, adds the Colonel, was considered " a good one," because, if no pecuniary advantage followed, the pleasure of inflicting the torture was certain. The privUege of bidding for himself, or buying himself from the torture, was the only one aUowed the victim on such horrible occasions ! Some people have pretended that there is a limit to human degradation ; but there is always a lower depth — and a stUl lower depth. Not death itself limits this sort of degradation— the tomb of the unfortunate Morocco Jew is defiled — and his name and faith furnishes, unendingly, the " by-words" of the curse of the Moor ! On the late massacre of the Jews at Mogador, neither the Earl of Aberdeen nor Monsieur Guizot, condescended to remon strate to the Moorish Emperor ; nor did their co religionists of France and England attempt (that I have heard of) to excite their Governments on behalf of the plundered and houseless Maroquine Jews . . . How long are these things to last ? . . . Till doomsday? . . . But did not Jupiter give Pandora the box with hope at the bottom ? ... To be serious, would not a million or two of the Rothschilds be weU spent in buying the freedom of the Morocco Jews ? Could a VOL. II. N 178 THE GREAT DESERT. patriotic Jew do any thing which, in the last moment of his life, would produce more and such satisfactory reflections? It is to be hoped that the patriotic Jews of Europe are not like some foolish Christians who wish to continue the oppression of the Jews in order to fulfil the prophe cies, as if God could not take care of his own veracity ! But these sottish Christians had better mind what they are about, in contributing to the continued oppression of the Jews, and preventing their emancipation, because, whatever may be the duration of the prophetic curse upon the Jews, God wiU not, cannot hold the contributors to their oppression guUtless, no more than he did the Babylonian princes who first carried away the Jews into captivity. 28th. — Distributed to the Soudanese merchants solution for the eyes. This evening Haj Ibrahim's slaves sung and played together in the court-yard. They consist of girls and boys, and young women. They sung in cho ruses, one first repeating a line or a verse in the style of the ancient Greeks. Their voices are not very melo dious, and they remind me of the responses of a charity school at church. Still it is grateful to one's feeUngs to witness how pitying is God to these poor things, in giving them such happy hearts in the early days of their bondage ! Kandarka was here, the same merry-hearted feUow as before. Providence has compensated Africa for the wrongs inflicted by her enemies, in giving her children a happy and contented disposition. 29th. — A fine morning; weather warm, cold seems to have left us altogether. I have discussed the " vexed question," with the Soudanese and Saharan merchants, as to how the ostrich is hunted and caught. In Soudan CONTINUED RESIDENCE IN GHAT. 179 the ostrich is snared by small cords, the bird getting its legs into the nooses. The trap is a quantity of herbage laid over the cordage. Here the Negro waits for his rich feathery booty, and draws the cordage as soon as their feet are in the noose. Others throw stones, sticks, and lances, at the ostrich ; others shoot them. But in Sahara, and in what is caUed the edge of The Desert, the ostrich is simply ridden down by the mounted Arab during the great heats of summer. The ostrich, though a tenant of the burning Sahara, cannot run well for any length of time during the summer, and so becomes the prey of the Arab, whose horse bears heat better. In and about Wadnoun, ostriches are hunted with what is caUed the Desert horse, which is a horse living chiefly on milk, and which has a power of endurance the most extraordinary. This agrees with Porret, who says, " the ostriches can only be taken by tiring them down." But he does not mention the summer. Riley says the ostrich is driven before the wind, and Jackson against the wind, in being hunted. Captain Lyon says, " it is during the breeding season the greatest number of ostriches are caught, the Arabs shooting the old ones on their nests." The Sahara is a world of itself, peopled with a variety of hunters, who wUl each hunt in the manner he likes best. I may add, as I have often alluded to Bib- Ucal matters, the story of the ostrich forsaking her eggs, and leaving them to be hatched in the sun, is not correct. Merchants often questioned me as to what we did with ostrich feathers, people making no particular use of them in Sahara. When I told them our ladies adorned their heads with ostrich feathers, they laughed heartily, adding, " How ridiculous !" We laugh at their sable beauties N 2 180 THE GREAT DESERT. adorning their necks and bosoms with trumpery glass- beads, and they laugh at our red and white beauties adorning their heads with ostrich feathers. The Chinese have their peacock's feather as a set-off against our button-hole ribbon ; " Ainsi va le monde." One of the Aheer Touaricks, who, unlike my Ghat friends, return presents, brought me to-day a damaged ostrich skin and feathers. Being quite out of pens, and not able to per suade the Tripolines to send me up a few quills, I cut out several ostrich quills, and had the pleasure, for the first time in my life, of writing with an ostrich pen. I cut several, and amused and satirized myself by writing in my journal with one quill, " James Richardson has much to learn ;" with another quill, " Richardson, James, must take care of his health," &c, " Yakob Richardson was an"egregious ass to come into The Desert," &c, &c. These quills are very firm, if not fine and flexible, and it is a good substitute in The Desert for " the grey goose quill." I was so delighted with this unexpected supply of pens, that I offered the Touarghee of Aheer another present, but he resolutely refused it, adding, "I wish to show you that a Touarick of Aheer can be grateful, and do a kindness to a stranger, without eating him up." This was a tall man, of fair complexion, but pitted with the small-pox, of middle age, and called Mohammed. He was one of the best specimens of Aheer Touaricks, and always said to me, " Come to our country. You will walk about the streets without being molested by any one. We never saw a Christian in our country, and wer'wish to see one." Evening, a ghafalah from Aheer has arrived, bringing sixty camel-loads of senna, and ten of elephants' teeth. CONTINUED RESIDENCE IN GHAT. 181 A courier is also come from Touat, with the intelligence that the Shanbah, instead of fleeing away from the threatened attack of the Touaricks, had boldly appeared on the Touarick territory, in the route of Touat and Ghadames, having a force of 1200 mounted men. The Touaricks are at last alarmed, and dispatching messengers through aU their districts, to give intelligence of the arrival of the enemy. I'm afraid the Touaricks have been making too sure of their approaching success. A messenger has been sent after the last Ghadamsee gha falah which left here. Great excitement prevails in the town, and Jabour and Khanouhen are preparing to leave for their districts, where the levies of troops are coUect- ing. A portion of the TripoUne ghafalah is stopped a few hours from this, on account of three of the camels running away during the night. The camel is by no means so stupid as it looks, and knows exactly when it is about to commence a long journey over The Desert. The three camels could not withstand the temptation of the herbage in the wady, and started off, and wUl not be found for days. Fulness of food as weU as hunger makes animals savage. One of our camels whilst grazing bit a slave, and has nearly kUled him. This, however, rarely happens ; the camel is generaUy docUe, if not harmless. The Touaricks belonging to Berka have just paid Christians a very high compUment, but at my expense. I promised some more sugar to Berka if I could get any from Haj Ibrahim. The Sheikh sent twice for the sugar, and yesterday, when some of his people visited the mer chant, they said to him, " Where is the sugar of The Christian ? It is not right for Yakob to treat us thus. Christians never lie." A Christian tourist must never 182 THE GREAT DESERT. follow the example of a Mahometan in this country, that is, of always promising and never refusing, because it is disagreeable to refuse. In the above case, however, my promise was quite conditional, on Haj Ibrahim's having sugar. Nevertheless, there is happUy an opinion pre valent in North Africa, that Christians, and especiaUy English Christians, have but " one word." Let aU of us British tourists try to keep up this high character. 30th. — A little colder this morning, and foggy. The senna ghafalah will detain us tlrree days more. Our camels are come up from the grazing districts ; my nagah looks much better. Jabour called this morning to bid me farewell, before departing to his country house. The Sheikh leaves this evening. Ashamed of the small pre sent I made him on my arrival, I apologized, and begged him to accept of the only razor I had, which being quite new, and very large and fine-looking, exceed ingly pleased the Sheikh. We had together a good deal of the most friendly conversation. Jabour promises, on my return, to conduct me en route for Timbuctoo, and confide me to the care of some of his trustworthy fol lowers. He wiU conduct me by the south-western route, which is stated to be forty-five days' journey on M. Carette's map. But the Sheikh tells me it is only thirty days, or less. This route is intersected by many moun tains, the height of which is so great, that the vaUeys are, for Sahara, perceptibly cold. These heights attract the clouds and condense them into rain, and the rocky region is full of beautiful springs and foaming cascades, of eternal freshness. There is, however, the dreaded plain of Tenezrouft (ci^i^y.3) to be traversed, eight days without water for man, or herbage for camels. This CONTINUED RESIDENCE IN GHAT. 183 is the grand difficulty in getting to Timbuctoo from the north. The Sheikh went so far as to insure my safety to Timbuctoo and back. He then observed, " All the people from Tripoli are under my protection, all Chris tians who come that way. TeU your countrymen they have nothing to fear in that route ; teU them to come in peace." He continued, " Why, I observe you writing Arabic, why don't you believe in our books ?" I an swered, " We have our prophet, who is Jesus ; but aU Christians beUeve that 'God is one,' that ' God is the most merciful,' (a=.\, *_>, f«j=-^ (jj^j-^ ^)" citing this Arabic. He then shook hands most cordially with me, and we parted (for ever?). I always looked upon this good and just man as the bond fide friend, not only of me and Christians, but of all strangers, visiting Ghat, whatsoever. A Uttle while after he sent me, by one of his people, a smaU present of a Touarghee traveUing bag, made of coarse-dressed leather. This is my first present from a Touarghee Sheikh, and I shall keep it as long as I can. As soon as Jabour left, Hateetah came in, but in a very different mood. Somebody had told him I had given the razor to Jabour, and he was also annoyed at seeing the present from Jabour, of whom he is, as of all the other Sheikhs, very jealous. Hateetah now vented his rage against Haj Ibrahim, for only giving him a turban- band. He swore solemnly he would cut the merchant's throat on the road if he did not give him five or ten doUars. I laughed at this petulant saUy, and said, " Yes, cut his throat ; you wUl do better than Ouweek." This was too much for Hateetah, who was trying, but 184 THE GREAT DESERT. apparently unable, to work himself up into a passion, and he couldn't help breaking down ; so taking me by the hand, he said, " Do you believe me ?" He was in hopes I would go and report this mock-furious speech to Haj Ibrahim, but I was determined I would not interfere. He then abused the route of Fezzan, and said it was full of banditti. Of this also I took no notice. One of my most curious acquaintances' is an old Touatee, established in Ghat as a trader many years. He comes frequently to barter with me, bringing bits of cheese and dried meat. He wiU never let go his wares until he gets the equivalent fast in his hands. But he has no prejudice against Christians. He often recom mends to me the sable beauties of Ghat, but I always reply, " This is prohibited to Christians." He is very much puzzled to know what I write about, and says, " Don't write anything against me." Spent the evening with Haj Ibrahim. The senna, which was formerly only four and a half doUars the cantar, is now six, at which price the merchant bought twenty camel-loads to-day. Kandarka came in, and this funny feUow, on seeing me, immediately cried out, " Saif zain," " wahad," which, being interpreted UteraUy, means, "A fine sword!" " one !" but with a more enlarged interpretation and paraphrase, means, " Bring me a fine sword when you come back, a sword which wUl kUl a man with one stroke." After repeating this twenty times and suiting the action to the word, the Aheer camel- driver set to and caricatured the Touaricks of Ghat in general, and the Sultan Shafou in particular. His topic was the Shanbah war, the everlasting theme now in Ghat. The camel-driver mimicked and satirized the aged Sultan CONTINUED RESIDENCE IN GHAT. 185 by taking up a walking-stick and walking in a stooping posture, leaning on the staff, begging from door to door, knocking at the door of the room in which we were sitting, slipping down the wrapper from his mouth, which the Touaricks do when they attempt to speak in earnest, and was to show the importunity of the begging Sultan. This drama was performed to denote the general poverty of the Ghat Touaricks, as compared with the rich Touaricks of Aheer. The Aheer comedian then caricatured all the Touaricks together, by shaking his hands and body as if a tremor was passing through his limbs ; he then feU at fuU length on the floor, as if dead. In this way the comic camel-driver ridiculed the poverty and pusillanimity of Ghat Touaricks. He convulsed aU the Moors and Arabs with laughter. In fact, he hit off the objects of his satire as well as some of our best comedians. And from what I can learn in town, it would appear the pride of Khanouhen is humbled before the threatening aspect of the war. Made Kandarka a present of a razor which I purchased of Haj Ibrahim. He took it up and exclaimed, " Saif zain, wahad, I'll unman aU the Touaricks with this. Who's Khanouhen ? (raising himself up in a boasting position.) Who's Jabour? — only a Marabout. Who's Hateetah?— a whimpering slave-girl ! What is Berka ? — soon to be coffined ? Shafou ! Come, I'll give thee, poor Sultan, a Uttle bit of bread. As to that tall feUow (the Giant), there's no camel big enough to carry him. He'U faU down on the road and rot like a dog." This is amply sufficient to show that satire is not an European mo nopoly, but grows indigenous to The Desert. I asked the Governor what he should do if the Shanbah should 186 THE GREAT DESERT. come up against Ghat, recommending him to secure his doors well and prepare for defence. He replied, " I'm a Marabout." But this character would not screen him from the shot of the Shanbah matchlocks. Of course, there's not a bit of ordnance in The Sahara. I don't recoUect seeing a single piece of cannon at the Turkish fortified places of Mourzuk, or Sockna, or Bonjem. 31st. — Took a walk to see the Governor. He was very civil, and I begin to think more of his talent. His ExceUency was very busy in weighing gold. He divided it into halves, into thirds, into quarters, and weighed it aU ways, and separately, with much skiU. This gold was brought yesterday from Touat by some Touateen, originally brought from Timbuctoo, there being no gold or precious metals in this part of Sahara. People pre tend, however, there is coal in the route between Ghat and Touat. But were it found there ever so plentifuUy, it would not pay the carriage to the coast. The Marabout merchant next unpacked two camels, laden with heiks or barracans, with presents of tobacco and shoes (Morocco), for himself and his family. These were sent from his relatives in Ain Salah. On one of the packages was written in Arabic, " To our brother, the Marabout, God bless him." In this unpacking, all his famUy were em ployed for a couple of hours as busy as bees. The Governor afterwards gave us coffee, and asked me to examine the head of one of his children. He had heard from the merchants of Ghadames how I had exa mined the heads of the servants of Rais Mustapha. This child could not walk, having no strength in his limbs. The brain was pushed backwards and forwards, very flat on the sides, and sharp at the top of the head, leaving a CONTINUED RESIDENCE IN GHAT. 187 very miserable portion in the central regions. The entire nervous system was evidently deranged. The Governor had no difficulty in crediting my power of divination through phrenology, believing, like other Moors, that we Christians have familiar conversation with the Devil, by which we acquire our superiority of knowledge over them, the Faithful. His Excellency, on taking leave, gave me some Touat dates, which are hard but extremely sweet. This species is caUed Tenakor. The dates of Warklah and Souf are also very sweet. One of the Touatee asked me, if I would go to Timbuctoo. I replied, " I'm afraid." "You are right," he said, "for there's no Sultan there, everybody does as he likes, all men are equal." Certainly a powerful Sultan would be of ad vantage in The Sahara, for a traveller would then have but one master to conciUate, now he has ten thousand masters to propitiate. People in quarrelling say, "You must not do this (or that), for you are in a Blad Sheikh" (a country where there is a constituted authority). Liberty is a good thing, nothing is better; but there must be with it moraUty. Without morality, liberty is only liberty to do mischief. On my return home, Hateetah caUed. The first word he utterred was, " I'm at war with Haj Ibrahim." " Ah," I replied, " you must cut his throat, he's a great rascal." Hateetah dropped his complaint at once, and observed, " Patience ; all the Touaricks leave here to-morrow to go against the Shan bah, I only shaU remain to go with you." He informed me the place of rendezvous is Deda, or Dede, three or four days westward from Ghat. Shafou and Khanouhen are there, and an immense congregation of all the tribes is sitting in council and debate. Shafou has sent a 188 THE GREAT DESERT. message to aUow Hateetah to go with me to Fezzan. All the mahrys are in urgent request for the war, and Khanouhen has prohibited the Touaricks from engaging their camels for the carriage of merchandize. After aU it appears there is a strong government in The Desert. One of the questions debated is, " Whether they shaU attack the Haghar tribes, subjected to the Sultan Bassa, if they (the Haghar) give an asylum to the Shanbah." The Touat people wish the Azgher and Haghar tribes to unite for the extermination of the robbers, who injure the commerce of aU this part of Sahara. In the even ing saw Haj Ibrahim. Kandarka came in : " Saif zain, wahad," he bawled out as usual. He entered into a minute description of the kind of sword he wished, one that would bend and was as elastic as a cane. 189 CHAPTER XXII. PREPARATIONS FOR DEPARTURE TO FEZZAN. Account of Timbuctoo. — Streets of Ghat deserted by departure of Caravans. — Packing of Senna. — Return of the Soudan Caravan. — The Giant and his Gang sally out in search of a Supper.— System of Irrigation. — The Saharan Hades. — Continued depar ture of People to Soudan. — Hateetah serves himself from Haj Ibrahim's Goods — Scold Ghadamsee Merchants for introducing Religious Discussion. — Mode of Fashionable Dressing of the Hair, and Female Adornment. — Saharan Beauties. — Costume of Touaricks. — Gardens of the Governor. — Attempt a Journey to Wareerat Range. — Hateetah and Haj Ibrahim become re conciled. — Departure of Kandarka for Aheer. — Day of my departure from Ghat. — Moral and Social Condition of the Saha ran People compared to European Society. — Force of our Slave Caravan. — First Night's Bivouack. I have not obtained any additional information at Ghat respecting the still mysterious city of Timbuctoo. In comparing CailUe's description with that given by the American sailor, Robert Adams, I find CaiUie's infor mation agrees the better with what I have coUected myself from the mouths of those who have been long resident at Timbuctoo. Indeed, Adams's description apparently refers to some Negro city in Bambara or thereabouts, between Jinnee and Timbuctoo. But I shall not attempt to impugn the veracity of the one or the other. Caillie says, " The little information which I have obtained of Timbuctoo was furnished me by my host Sidi Abdullah-Chebir, and the Kissour Negroes." In another place he says that he wished to return vid Morocco, and not by the Senegal, for fear he should not 190 THE GREAT DESERT. be believed, his countrymen being envious of his success. Both of these statements deserve consideration in deter mining the authenticity of his voyage. A great variety of speUing exists in the writing of the name of Timbuctoo. M. Jomard, Member of the 3 O 3 O French Institute, gives CL&*f3, but says he does not think that this word when properly written contains the Sj\ , the Touarghee language. PREPARATIONS FOR DEPARTURE TO FEZZAN. 217 quick !" he strode off a few paces. Hateetah instantly foUowed, and the other Touaricks. Now turned round The Giant, and said in Arabic : — " AUah Akbar, the camels ! AUah Akbar, the camels ! Good, good ! Allah Akbar, the camels!" They went off (or rather pretended to go) to seize the merchant's camels. These gone, the merchants of Ghat set all upon Haj Ibrahim, " What a fool you are ! Why not give the long feUow a couple of doUars ? If you won't, we shaU give the Sheikh the money ourselves." One of them turned to me, " Why, Christian, what is a couple of doUars to Haj Ibrahim ? That's the value ?" (putting his hand to his nose.) The reader may easily guess how this stupid obstinacy of the merchant ended. The Haj forked out, with a bad grace, and the money was carried after The Giant, one of the Ghat merchants adding two more doUars. I was pleased with this trait of the Ghateen, who were determined we should not go off in this uncomfortable plight. The Giant I did not see again ; I regretted to part with him in this manner. Under his huge and unwieldy exterior he concealed the most tender and generous disposition. His Giantship never begged of me; and when I gave him a little tobacco, he thanked me a thousand times. He was always cheerful with, and had some joke for his friends. After aU, my plan is best : to make the necessary pre sents at once, and voluntarily ; to give aU the Sheikhs a trifle, and then you are at peace with aU. About 2 o'clock in the afternoon, to our great satis faction, we got clear and clean off. Hateetah came out to see me start, and walked half a mile with me on the road. He was extremely kind. It is probable, he 218 THE GREAT DESERT. begged of me so much, because his brothers and cousins incited him, amongst whom I know he shared the pre sents which he received. I now put my hand in my pocket, and gave him aU the money I had left, half a dollar and a karoob! He affectionately shook me with both hands. I then passed the Governor, who was waiting for us. His ExceUency shook hands very friendly, and said, " And EUah, Yakob" (God be with you, James !) During my fifty days' residence in Ghat, although I received numberless petty insults, I kept out of all squabbles, and made as few complaints as possible to the authorities. In fact, I may safely say, and without presumption on my part, if I could not live in peace with these people a few weeks, no other European com ing after me could. It is now time to make a few observations upon the general character of these Saharan inhabitants, and com pare their social state with that of ours in Europe. Crime against society, consists mainly in lying or duplicity, and imposture, in thieving, in sensuaUty, and in murder. Veracity, honesty, continence, and respect for human life, distinguish a moral people. We have to try the Saharan populations of Ghat and Ghadames by these four cardinal points or principles, and compare them with the nations of Europe. WhUst resident in Ghadames, not one single case of cutting or maiming, or manslaughter, occurred, nor did I hear of any in neigh bouring countries. Of course, I exclude altogether the depredations of a nation or tribe of robbers, as well as aU the skirmishes between the Touaricks and the Shanbah, which have nothing to do with the question of the social PEEPARATIONS FOR DEPARTURE TO FEZZAN. 219 condition of the Saharan towns that I visited. In Ghat, three cases of cutting and wounding occurred, the gashes on the arms received by two slaves from a Touar ghee, and the attack on the Ghadamsee trader whilst at prayers, also by a Touarghee. These are the only cases which occurred during my residence here, although a mart or fair, and the rendezvous of tribes of people from all parts of Central Africa and the Great Desert ! . . . . . So much for the sacredness of human life among the barbarians of The Desert ! With respect to theft and thieving, I have already noticed that thieving is only practised by the hungry and starved slaves of these towns, that amongst the people of Gha dames, as likewise amongst the Touaricks, theft is un known as a crime. The exceptional cases of theft which are brought to notice can be easily traced to strangers. The Touaricks certainly at times levy black-maU in open Desert, but do not rob in the towns; and the black-mail is not considered by themselves as theft, nor, indeed, is it strictly such, being exacted by the Touaricks as transit duties, or as presents for protection through their dis tricts, or as tribute, and under a variety of such rea sons and pretensions. What is legaUy fixed on the Continent of Europe, is here left to the caprice and greediness of the Sheikhs, and the liberality or stinginess of the trader. As to incontinence, this is more a secret crime. But the sexual habits of the Touaricks, and their domestic amours, are purity itself, compared to the sensuaUty which disfigures and saps the vitals of society in aU the southern nations of Europe. The hard ships of The Desert are the greatest safeguards against indulgence in, or the pleasures of, an emasculating sen- 220 THE GREAT DESERT. suality amongst the Touaricks, whilst the ascetic habits of the Maraboutish city of Ghadames sufficiently protect that people from the general indidgence of libertinism, and unnatural crimes. Intoxication, or habitual drunken ness, is, of course, unknown in these Saharan regions. An inebriated woman would be such a wonder as is described in the Book of the Revelations. As to vera city, I have told the reader, the Touarghee nation is a " one-word" people. We cannot expect the same thing from the commercial and make-money habits of the Moors of Ghadames, but they rank much higher for veracity than the Moors of The Coast, which latter have the superior advantages of direct European contact. In my estimate of Saharan populations, I have confined myself to Ghat and Ghadames ; the oases of Fezzan, and the city of Mourzuk, have become too much vitiated by contact with The Coast and the Turks for affording fair specimens of Saharan tribes. Let us then compare what has been said to those hideous scenes of crime, of im modesty, and drunkenness, which abound in the great cities of Europe — the ever-present, ever-during stigma on our boasted civilization ! — and ask the paradoxical question, What do we gain by European and Christian^ civilization ? We have Chambers of Legislature, infal lible aud omnipotent ParUaments, princes fuU of the enUghtenment of the age, and reigning by divine right, or the sovereignty of the people, or what not ; — we have hierarchies of priests and ministers of religion, we have a Divine revelation ; — we have philosophers, poets, and rhetoricians, aU enforcing the sublime morals of the age, with reason or fancy and the attractions of the most cultivated intellect; — we have science exhausting nature PREPARATIONS FOR DEPARTURE TO FEZZAN. 221 by its discoveries ; — we have our fine arts, and the arts to humanize and exalt the characters of men ; — we have our benevolent, philanthropic, and scientific societies; — we profess to govern the destinies of the world, to direct the inteUect of aU nations, and to advance the being of man to the enjoyment of immortal, imperishable Ufe ! And what else profess we not to do? Now then, what are the results ? We have the govern ing authorities of a neighbouring people a mass of cor ruption4-; — we have the States of the North, so Uttle acquainted with the arts and justice of Government that planned conspiracies and consequent massacres of whole classes are now and then had recourse to, and found requisite to preserve the apparent order of society. Amongst ourselves, we Englishmen, have in aU our great cities, the frightful excrescences of crime, too frightful for the pure and simple-minded Saharan tribes to look upon. Our common habits of intoxication and intem perance, and the intoxication of our women, would make the Desert man or woman shrink away from us with horror. Our country is fiUed with prisons, aU weU tenanted, whUst the Desert cities have no one thing in the shape or form of a prison. Then look at the Thug- gism and open-day assassinations of Ireland ! In truth, these Saharan malefactors are the veriest minutest fry of offenders, the minnows and gudgeons of guUt compared * As to what has taken place, and is happening by the introduc tion of what is called French civilization into Africa (Algeria), and how the morals of the people, natives and foreigners, are affected, the things are too horrible to be here related. The annals of Nor folk Island, and the Bagnes of Toulon, would be outraged by their recital. 222 THE GREAT DESERT. to the Irish Thuggee of Tipperary*. Poverty is the giant of our United Kingdom, and the incarnate demon of unhappy Ireland ; and, with us, people die of starvation The Desert, on the contrary, offers the strongest paraUel of contrast possible. Poverty there is, but it is wealth compared to ours, and our wants, and no person that I heard of, whUst resident in The Desert, died of starvation. Of course, I omit the traffic in slaves, which has nothing to do with the social state of the Saharan towns I am describing. I omit likewise the condition of the Arabs of the TripoUne mountains, and the terrible exactions, of the Turks upon them and other provinces in Tripoli, which indeed are a part of the European system I am now animadverting upon. But I shaU stop this tone and style of animadversion. I am sick at heart with the parallel, of contrasts between our barbarian and civilized social , systems ; it is so unsatis factory, it is so disheartening, and takes away all hope, * I should be sorry to apply to a minister of any religion the opprobrious epithet of a " Surpliced Ruffian." It would seem, however, that Archdeacon Laffan aspires to the " bad eminence" of the apologist of assassins. What would my readers say, were I to report the Ministers of Islamism in The Desert to be the abettors of assassination 1 Or what would they have said, if a priest had been found to be the secret or open instigator of the o;Ms 6 tfXios a,lvei iv Trj Suvdfiei avrov, (Rev. i. 16,) who has not traveUed under the influence of the Saharan sun. The rays dart down with a peculiar fierceness upon your devoted head, depriving you of aU your life-springs. As to its splendour, the eye of the eagle turns away daunted from its aU- effulgent beams. Since leaving Ghat we have passed many graves of the " bond and the free," who have died in open desert. Passed one to-day, with Arabic * Adapted from an anonymous piece, called " The Dying Negro'' FROM GHAT TO MOURZUK. 269 characters carved on the stone raised at its head. Passed by also several desert mosques, which are simply the outUne in small stones, of the ground-plan of Mahometan temples. We have, in many instances, only the floor of the mosque marked out, or rather the waUs which inclose the floor. Within the outlines the stones are nicely cleared away. Here the devout passers-by occasionally stop and pray. The desert mosques are some of them of these shapes — The places projecting in squares or recesses are the kiblah, upon which the Faithful prostrate themselves towards the east, or Mecca*. Our course is through an undulating country of hUls and valleys. We made a short day, for we began to fear we might lose many of the slaves. A Touarghee caravan, going to Fezzan, overtook us en route, but soon turned off to the north-west. * " But we will cause thee to turn towards a Kiblah that will please thee. Turn, therefore, thy face towards the holy temple of Mecca ; and wherever ye be, turn your faces towards that place." — Sur at ii. 270 CHAPTER XXIV. FROM GHAT TO MOURZUK. Another Range of Black Mountains. — Habits of She-Camels when having Foals. — Our Mahrys. — Intelligence of my Nagah. — Geology of Route. — Arrive at the Boundaries of Ghat and Fezzan. — The Moon-Stroke. — Sudden Tempest. — Theological Controversy of The Shereef. — Wars and Razzias between the Tibboos and Touaricks. — Forests of Tholh Trees. — The Shereef's opinion of the Touaricks. — Dine with The Shereef. — Saharan Travellers badly clothed and fed. — Style of making Bazeen. — Mode of Encamping. — Cold Day, felt by all the Caravan. — Well of Teenabunda. — Arrival in The Wady of Fezzan.—- Meeting of the two Slave Caravans. — Tombs of Ancient Chris tians. — Routes between Ghat and Fezzan. — Weariness of Saha ran Travel. — Oases and Palms of The Wady. — We meet a rude Sheikh, demanding Customs-Dues. — Haj Ibrahim's opinion of the Virgin Mary. — Black Jews in Central Africa. — My Affray with the Egyptian. — Route to Tripoli, vid Shaty and Mizdah. — Features and Colour of Fezzaneers. — My Journey from The Wady to Mourzuk, on leaving the Slave-Caravans. — Tombs of former Inhabitants, and Legends about them. — Bleak and Black Plateau. — The Targhee Scout. — Have a Bilious Attack. — Desert Arcadians, and lone Shepherdesses. — Oasis of Agath, and its want of Hospitality. 12^. — A long, long, weary day, and tormentingly hot in the middle of the day. Course north-east, over plains scattered with smaU stones. Traversed a few smaU ridges of hUls. A new species of stone to-day, the hard slate- coloured, and some of it with a granite like look. Afternoon, came in sight of the other chain of black, or, as sometimes designated, Soudan mountains, stretching boundlessly north and south, like those near FROM GHAT TO MOURZUK. 271 Ghat. This chain Ukewise extends to the Tibboo country. It is an error of some of the late French writers, to make the Saharan ranges always run east and west. This direction of development only appUes to the Atlas ranges of the Coast. No trees, and no herbage for the camels. The hasheesh which the camels ate this evening was brought us from the encampment of yester day. The poor slaves knocked up to-day ; rested many times on the road, and another very ill. In all proba- biUty she wUl foUow her companions lately dead. Others, however, sang and danced, and tried to forget their slavery and hardships. But the death of the two girls is a damper for the rest, and they have not been so merry since that mournful occurrence. The she-camels, which have foals, give no mUk for want of herbage. The two mothers bite one another's chUdren. This, perhaps, they do to teach the young ones their true mothers. One of them makes a great noise over her young one, and dis turbs aU the caravan. Evening, whilst aU the people were at prayers, and prostrating in their usual parallel lines, I went up to her, and began teazing her. The angry brute slowly and deliberately got up, but, once on her legs, she made a dead set at me, running after me. Meanwhile, receding backwards as fast as I could, I feU over some of the people praying and prostrating, and the camel attacked them as weU as me, spoUing their devotions. The camel now returned to her foal; and, prayers over, Haj Ibrahim said to me, laughing, "Yakob, the camel knows you are a kafer, and don't pray with us. So she attacks you. Camels never attack good Moslems at their prayers." The foal of seven days' old walked the whole of our long march to-day ! and nearly as fast 272 THE GREAT DESERT. as a man. So the poor camel begins to learn by times its lessons of patience and long-suffering. The mahry of the Haj is very vicious and greedy, and bites aU the other camels which eat with it. Camels are made to eat in a circle, aU kneeling down, head to head, and eye to eye. Within this circle of heads is thrown the fodder. Each camel claims its place and portion, eating that directly opposite to its head. The people eat in the same manner in circles, each claiming the portion before them, but squatting on their hams instead of kneeUng. The mahry of the Haj is quite white, and is a very fine animal; but its eye is smaU and- sleepy-looking, so that it does not appear to have the amount of inteUigence of the Coast camels. We have another smaller mahry, and some of the mahrys are as diminutive as others are gigantic in size. My nagah feeds by herself. The males never bite the females as they bite one another, — a piece of admirable gaUantry, so far, on their part, but they rob the females of their fodder, and I am obliged constantly to keep driving them away from my nagah. The nagah knows she receives her dates from our pan niers. Stooping down on one of them this evening to find something, putting my head right in, and raising myself up, I found the nagah's head right over my shoulder, attentively watching me, to see if I was bringing out her dates. She distinguishes me weU from the Moors and Arabs, by my black cloak, and is usuaUy very gentle and civil to me, and famUiar, more especiaUy about the time of bringing out the dates. 13$.. — Our course north-east, over an undulating plain of sand and gravel, and at intervals the desert surface was a plain pavement of stone, of a dark slate- FROM GHAT TO MOURZUK. 273 colour. Greater part of the route strewn with pieces of petrified wood, but no pretty fossil remains. Wood, ap parently chumps of the tholh. We had all day the new range of black mountains on our right, which extend southwards far beyond the Fezzanee country to the Tibboos. Intensely cold aU day, the air misty, and the wind from north-west. But I prefer this cold to the heat of yesterday. Haj Ibrahim complained of the cold, and was alarmed for his slaves.. One of the females he chased on his mahry, the girl running away on foot, and gave her two or three cuts with the whip. She had been accused of too great familiarity with a male slave. Crime and slavery go hand in hand : Miserable humanity ! About noon, we reached the territory of Fezzan. Good bye, Touaricks ! farewell to the land of the brave and the free! FareweU, ye Barbarians ! where prisons, gibbets, murders, and assassinations are unheard of. We now tread the soU of despotism, decapitations, slavery and civUization, under the benign Ottoman rule, in con junction with the Christianized Powers of Europe ! The boundaries of Ghat and Fezzan are determined by two conspicuous objects, first, by a chain of mountains running north-east and south-west, joining the oases of Fezzan on the north, and extending to the Tibboo towns on the south, the eastern side of aU which chain is claimed by the masters of Fezzan, the western by the Touaricks of Ghat ; and secondly the forests of tholh trees, which are now appearing in our north, affording abundant wood to the people of the caravan, and browsing for the camels. I am now, then, once more under the power of the Porte, and within the region of Turkish civilization. VOL. 11. T 274 THE GREAT DESERT. Passed other desert mosques, with some Arabic characters written in the sand, near the Keblah. To-night the moon shone with a sun's splendour ; all our people seemed startled at this prodigious effulgence of Ught. Several of the slaves ran out amongst the tholh trees, and began to dance and kick up their heels as if possessed. It might remind them of the clear moonlit banks and woods of Niger. Haj Ibrahim at last got out his umbrella and put it up. " What's that for ?" I asked. " The moon is corrupt (fesed), its light wiU give me fever. You must put up your broken umbrella." So said aU our people, and related many stories of persons struck by the moon and dying instan taneously *. This is another Ulustration of the passage, " The sun shaU not smite thee by day, nor the moon by night." (Ps. cxxi. 6.) In the Scriptures are several aUusions to a stroke of the sun, (see Is. xLix. 10, Rev. vii. 16,) but few to the moon-stroke. Saharan opinion is that the moon-stroke is fatal. I am not aware that the moon-stroke is weU authenticated by our eminent physicians. The writer of the psalm spoke the current language of his epoch of science. It is probable that " moon-struck madness," and strokes of the moon, are the effects of noisome or infectious vapours which crowd about the night, and obscure with a stiU paler light that pale luminary. The sun-stroke seems to be weU-authen- ticated ; many cases of Europeans going hunting and sporting in the open country of Barbary, then and there * In the East Indies persons are known to become blind for the night, (something like the night-blindness, which we have before mentioned,) by the influence of the moon ; or such is what people say. FROM GHAT TO MOURZUK. 275 receiving a stroke of the sun, and dying with fever, are on record. lith. — Course as usual, north-east. Cold to-day. Skirt the mountain-chain on our right, and traverse a vast plain, scattered with pebbles and other small stones. As yet, we have not passed over sands or through any sandy region, although sand-ranges bounded the west in the early part of the route ; here and there a little sand, loose and flying about. Our road is a splendid carriage- road. Oh, were there but water! But water is the all and everything in The Desert. Encamped on the Umit- less plain. How variable is Saharan weather : now, at sunset, a tempest rises, and sweeps the bosom of The Desert with " the besom of destruction !" A high wind continued aU night. I fancied myself at sea, but pre ferred the Ocean Desert, its groaning hurricane, its hideous barrenness, to the heaving and roaring of the Ocean of Waters. We passed another desert mosque ; it was only a simple Une, slightly curved for the Keblah. There were also some letters written on the earth, in Arabic, passages from the Koran. Other writing on the ground is always smoothed over, and not aUowed to remain. Part of the road was covered with heaps of stone, as if done to clear it, as well as to direct travellers en route. The Shereef introduced the subject of religion to-night in conversation. He observed: — " The torments of the damned are like aU the fires in the world put together." /. — " Are these torments eternal ?" The Shereef. — " Yes, as everlasting as Paradise." T 2 276 THE GREAT DESERT. /.— " But do you not continually say, ' God is The Most Merciful.' How can this be ?" The Shereef.—" I don't know, so it is decreed." The Shereef boldly continued, "In this world* God has given all the infidels plenty of good things, (this being a sly allusion to the Christians and their possession of great wealth) ; but, in the next world, the beUevers only will enjoy good, and the kafer wUl be miserable." " You, Yakob," he proceeded, " are near the truth, very near, and near Paradise, because you can read and write Arabic, and understand our holy books." And so he went on preaching me a very orthodox sermon. I asked him how God would dispose of those who never read or heard of Mahomet or the Koran. He couldn't teU. The same queries and objections are, nevertheless, applicable to our own and to nearly aU religions, which make the condition of believing one thing, and one class of doctrines, absolute for salvation. The Touatee gold-merchant, who was close by at the time, interposed, " You are near jinnah (Paradise), Yakob, one word only, ' There is no God but God, and Mahomet is the prophet of God.' " I returned, " If this be not uttered from the heart it is useless and mockery." "By G — d! you are right, Yakob," exclaimed the * In the Koran it is intimated that God fattens the wicked in this world for the day of slaughter in the next. I forget the Surat. The Arabic is — ^^. J^MX^ — signifying, " We (God) make them proceed by degrees A that is to say, We, God, give the wicked plea sures and enjoyments in this world, that we may punish them the more in the next world. This is a most abominable sentiment, and intolerable to a right-thinking mind. But I believe such a blas phemous opinion has also been held by some mad-brained Christians. FROM GHAT TO MOURZUK. 277 Shereef. Like most Mahometans, the Shereef says, "The coming of Jesus is near, when he wiU destroy all the enemies of God, Jews and Christians, and give the world and its treasures into the hands of the Moslemites. I asked him why he represented all mankind but the Moslemites to be the enemies of God ? My mind always recoils from the thought of arranging mankind, and mar- shaUing them forward, so many enemies of God, as if the Eternal and Almighty Being who planned, formed, and sustains the universal frame of nature, could have ene mies ! Man may be the enemy of his feUow man, but cannot be the enemy of God. The Shereef here did not know what to say, and I think repUed very properly, Allah Errahman Err ahem, " God is most merciful !" a sentiment which all of us admit in spite of our peculiar dogmas of theology. But this conversation offers nothing new or different from those which I had with my taleb Ben Mousa, at Ghadames. The Shereef then spoke about slavery, and asked me, why the English forced the Bey of Tunis to abolish the traffic in slaves. I explained the circumstances, adding, the Bey was not forced, but only recommended, by the English Government to abolish the slave traffic. He then began a long story in palliation of the traffic, stating that the slaves knew not God, and that in being enslaved by the Mohammedans they were taught to know God. I soon stopped his mouth, first, by teUing him, the Turks not long ago had enslaved the Arabs and sold them for slaves at Constantinople, and then, adding, " Nearly all the princes, whence the Soudanese and Bornouese slaves were brought, are professedly Mahometans, as well as their people." He acknowledged, however, slaves were 278 THE GREAT DESERT. mostly procured by banditti hunting them, not captured in war. He finished, " The Touaricks of Ghat formerly hunted for slaves in the Tibboo country, twice or thrice in the year, and in these razzia expeditions some would get a booty of three, or five, six, ten, and twenty, according as they were fortunate. Now they have other business on hand, the war with the Shanbah. The Touaricks of Aheer, those who bring the senna, are now the great slave-hunters." The Shereef showed me a Tibboo youth seized by the Aheer people. The Shereef's account of the Touarghee razzias in the Tibboo country is confirmed by the reports of our Bornou expedition, or rather the Shereef confirms the reports of our country men. Dr. Oudney says, "It is along these hiUs (the ranges which go as far as the Tibboo country) the Toua ricks make their grassies (razzias) into the Tibboo country. These two nations are almost always at war, and reci- procaUy annoy each other by predatory warfare, stealing camels, slaves, &c, killing only when resistance is made, and never making prisoners." But, it must be observed, Touaricks are never made slaves; they may be murdered by the Tibboos. Not six months ago the Aheer Toua ricks captured a Tibboo village. The few who escaped fled to the Arabs, under the son of Abd-el-Geleel, im ploring aid for the restoration of their countrymen and property. These Arabs, who themselves mostly live on freebooting, were glad of the opportunity for a razzia. They recaptured everything, and restored the poor Tibboos to their vUlage, making also a capture of a thousand camels from these Kylouy Touaricks. Enjoy better health in this journey, than on that from Ghadames to Ghat. Felt myself stronger, and hope yet FROM GHAT TO MOURZUK. 279 to undertake the journey to Bornou before the summer heats. 15th. — Course to-day nearly east. Encamped just as the sun dipped down in the ruddy flame of the west. Strong wind, blanching the sooty cheeks of the poor slaves, who were borne down with exhaustion. They were literaUy whipped along. And the Uttle feUow who refused a ride from me, got a whipping for sitting on the sand to rest himself. I now made him mount my camel, which his master, not a bad-natured man, thanked me for. AU day we continued to traverse the vast plain, having on our right the same chain of hiUs, and, on the left, the sand groups, as far as the eye could see. These broad, now boundless plains, or valleys, are un questionably the dry beds of former currents. Even now our people called them wadys or rivers. The chain of mountains and the chain of sand-hiUs are their natural banks. The tholh-tree was most abundant to-day. I never saw it so thickly scattered before. It was spread over aU the plain, now in single trees, and now in forest groups, which were also magnified in the distance, and had a grateful and refreshing effect upon the vision, wearied with looking on stones or gravel, or bare desert, or black rocks and glaring sand-hills. Unques tionably these trees of the African are as old as those of the American wUderness. The tholh-trees of the dry thirsty African plain are however but dwarfs compared with the giant trees of the American forest, watered by ocean rivers. The tholh would seem to live without moisture : it is fed by no annual or periodic rain, no springs. And yet it buds, opens its pretty yellow flowers, sheds its fine large drops of translucent gum, 280 THE GREAT DESERT. flourishes all the year round, and tempts with its prickly leaves as with richest herbage, the hungry camel. In deed, about this part of the route the camels get nothing else to feed on. We have seen no living creatures these last five days. On one part of our route our people pretended to trace the sand-prints of the wadan, and others affirmed them to be the foot-marks of the wild- ox. I must except the sight of a few smaU birds, black aU over but the tails. Some one or two had white heads, as weU as white taUs. People say these birds drink no water, as they say many animals of The Sahara drink no water. The little creatures certainly do not drink much water. Two or three dead camels thrown across the route of this day's march. The live camels usually turn off the way from them. Several Saharan mosques, the form of a cross being made in the Keblah one of them, as seen in the diagrams. The Shereef's ideas of the Touaricks are not so favourable as those of his uncle, the Governor of Ghat, and in some respects they are more correct. The Shereef says : — " The Touaricks are not of the Arabian race. They are the original inhabitants of Africa (Numidians). Their language is a Berber dialect. They are a race generaUy of bandits, and, when their food faUs them, Uke famished wolves, they make irruptions into their neighbour's territory, and plunder what is before them. This they do in small bodies, when camel's milk faUs them at home. The Aheer Touaricks are of the same race as those of Ghat. Many of those of Aheer have no fear of God, and never pray like the rest of pro fessed Mohammedans. Those of Ghat are perhaps the best of the Touaricks, and the most religious. The FROM G1TAT TO MOURZUK. 281 Touaricks of Touat encircle those of Ghat, lying across the route of Timbuctoo. Their Sultan's name is Bassa, a giant of The Desert. He eats as much as ten men. He is the terror of all. But Jabour knows him, and enjoys his friendship and confidence. The road from Ghat to Timbuctoo, through Bassa's territory, is ex tremely short. It is stony, through high mountains, and intensely cold. Springs of water abound there." Such are the ideas and opinions of the Shereef on the Touaricks. The mountains of the route alluded to, are the grand nupleus of the Hagar, which intersect and ramify through all Central Sahara. The Shereef, and some others traveUing with us, delight in paradoxes, and maintain, in spite of Haj Ibrahim, who has been to Constantinople and seen the Sultan of the Turks, that there is no Sultan now, the administration at the Turkish capital being in the hands of Christians. The Shereef now invited me to dine with him from bazeen, and when I sat down, kept addressing me : — " Eat plenty !" But only think of three grown men sitting down to a small paste dumpling, with a little melted butter poured over it, and the host crying out lustily to me : — " Eat plenty !" Such, indeed, was our repast ! Of course, returning to my encampment, I ate my supper as if nothing had happened to me. And this little dumpUng supper is the only meal in the day which our people eat. WeU may they cry out about the cold, and pray for the heat. In a hot day a man is supposed to eat half the quantity which he does in a cold day. I am, therefore, stUl of the same opinion as before ex pressed, that the sufferings of these people, who travel in Sahara, are enormously increased from their want of 282 THE GREAT DESERT. sufficient food and clothing. As to clothing, many of them, in this trying season, go half-naked. Some of our Arabs, who make bazeen for a large party, have a scientific way for its cooking and pre paration. On the Ghat route a young Arab was accus tomed to fill up three parts of a large iron pot with water. This water he would boil, throwing into it the mean while peppers, sliced onions, and occasionaUy, as a lux ury, very smaU pieces of dried meat, or scraps from which fat had been strained. The pot having boiled until the onions and peppers were soft, he now brings the meal, mostly barley-meal, but sometimes coarse wheaten flour. This he pours into the pot, forming a sort of pyramid in the boiling water. He then gets a stick, mostly a walking-stick, pretending first to scrape off the dirt, or rubbing it in the sand ; with the stick so polished, he makes a hole in the centre of the pyramid of meal, through which the water bubbles up and cir culates through the mealy mass, now fast cooking. He now gets two small pieces of stick, and puts them into the ears of the iron pot, which generally are burning hot. He removes with the pieces of stick the pot from off the fire, and places it on the sand. He now squats down over it, putting his two feet, or rather the great toes of the feet, one on each ear of the pot, which gives him a poise, or sort of fulcrum. And then, again, taking the long stick, he stirs it up with all his might, round and round and round again, until aU the water is absorbed in the pudding-like meal, and the meal is thus weU mixed into a sort of dough. However this dough is not un baked paste, but a bond-fide dumpUng, cooked and ready for the sauce. Now comes the wash wherewith FROM GHAT TO MOURZUK. 283 to wash it down. My young Arab friend takes the dumpUng, or pudding, in a great round mass, and places it within a huge wooden bowl. He then goes off for the oU, or liquid butter, which is usuaUy kept in a large leather bottle, or goat's-skin, with a long neck. He does not pour the oil out, but thrusts one of his hands into the oil, and, taking it out, with his other hand rubs or squeezes off the oil over the mass of dump Ung. When he has got enough, he sets to and sucks his fingers, as the great reward of all his labour in preparing the supper of bazeen for his companions. Once he did not sufficiently squeeze off the oU from his hands, and his uncle scolded him for leaving so much on to suck. He protested to his uncle that the bazeen had taken him an unusuaUy long time to prepare*. The supper is now ready. The party squat round it on their hams. They dig into the mass with their fingers, after saying aloud, as grace, Bismittah, " In the name of God," before they begin supper. Digging thus into it, they make small or large balls, according to the measure of their jaws, which are generaUy sufficiently wide, or according to the sharpness or dulness of their appetite. These balls they roll and roU over in the oil or sauce that is often made of a herb caUed hada, or aseedah, a pleasant bitter, and producing a yeUow decoction, (whence the bazeen is sometimes caUed,) which enables the large * In the event of my publisher bringing out a new edition of the venerable Mrs. Glass, or Mrs. Rundall, I fervently hope he will Dot fail to avail himself of this receipt for the making of bazeen. I am also of the opinion of the former ancient dame, with regard to the necessity of catching a hare before it is dressed; and I think the meal likewise must be procured before it is made into bazeen. To be eaten with relish, it besides must be eaten in The Desert. 284 THE GREAT DESERT. boluses to slip quietly and gratefuUy down the throat. Meanwhile a jug of water is handed round, provided always there is any difficulty in getting down the baUs; but mostly the water is handed round after the eating. It is drunk with a bismallah, and then a hamdullah, or " praise to God," the grace after meat, winds up and finishes the repast. The business of the caravan and its affairs of encamp ment are always terminated before supper. So the dumpling or pudding-fed' travellers now roll themselves up in their barracans, covering their faces entirely, and stretch themselves down on the ground to sleep, fre quently not moving from the place where they ate their supper. There is generally a mat or skin under them, and they lie down under the shade of the bales of goods which their camels carry. The first thing on encamping is to look for the direction of the wind, and so to arrange bales of goods, panniers, and camel-gear, as to protect the head from the wind. In this way one often lies very snug whilst the tempest howls through The Desert. People like to retain the taste of the pudding in their mouths, particularly if a little fat or oil be poured over it. I once gave an Arab some coffee after his pudding- supper, which he drank with avidity, but afterwards be gan to abuse me. " Yakob, what is your coffee ? I'm hungry, I'm ravenous. Why, before I drank your cof fee, my supper was up to the top of my throat, but now I want to begin my supper again. I'll never drink any more of your coffee, so don't bring it here." A little more cuscasou is eaten on this route than on that of Ghat from Ghadames, the Fezzaneers and Tripolines preferring coarse cuscasou to bazeen if they can get it. FROM GHAT TO MOURZUK. 285 The poor Arabs are often obliged to put up with zumee- tah, which they eat cold. Haj Ibrahim eats his fine cuscasou, which he brought from Tripoli, but I do not consider him a bond-fide Saharan merchant. This is his first trip in The Desert. 6th. — Rose as the day broke, with a hazy yeUow tint over half the heavens, and started early in order to reach the well before night. Very cold, and continued so all day long. Felt my nerves braced, and liked cold better than heat. In proportion as I liked the cold, all my travelling companions disliked this weather ; aU were shivering and crumpled up creatures. The slaves suffered dreadfuUy, having shivering-fits and their eyes stream ing with water. However, I could not help laughing at the Shereef and the Touatee, who kept crying out, as if in pain, " Mou zain el-berd (Not good is the cold!)" And, to make it worse, they both rode all day, by which they felt the cold more. On the contrary, I walked full three hours, and scarcely felt myself fatigued. In deed, to-day, I was decidedly the best man of the cara van, and suffered less than any. I always walk an hour and a half every morning. But my Ghadames shoes, that I'm anxious to preserve, are fast wearing out, which spoils some of the pleasure. The smaU stones of Desert soon cut and wear out a pair of soles, which are made of untanned camel's skin. Observed to the Shereef, to tease him, " Why, you Mussulmans don't know what is good. Your legs and feet are bare. You have nothing wrapt tight round your chest. Your woollens are pervious to the cold air. You're half naked; but for myself, I'm clothed from head to foot, only a small portion of my face is exposed. You must go to the Christians to learn 286 THE GREAT DESERT. how to travel The Desert." " The Christians are devils," he returned, " and can bear cold and heat like the Father of the imps in his house (perdition)." "Mou zain, el- berd," cried the Touatee. Yesterday and this morning the slaves were oiled all over with olive-oil, to prevent their skin and flesh from cracking with the cold. This is a frequent practice, and reckoned a sovereign remedy. Hot oil is also often swallowed. Boiling oU is a favour ite remedy in North Africa for many diseases. The poor slaves were again driven on by the whip. We reached the well just after sunset. Haj Ibrahim rode far in advance on his maharee to see that the well was aU right, our water being exhausted. Happily the weather prevented any great absorption of its water. When the slaves got up, having suffered much to-day from thirst' although so cold, they rushed upon the water to drink, kneeling on the sands, and five or six putting their heads in a bowl of water together. I myself had only drunk two cups of tea this morning, Said having given the slaves all the water we had left. To-day's march convinced me that thirst may be felt as painfuUy on a cold day as on a hot day. Course, north-east, inclining to east. Met with some Fezzanee Touaricks, who were a very different class of people from those of Ghat and Aheer. They are simple shepherds, tending their flocks, mostly goats, in open Desert, which browse the scanty herbage of the plain. The mountain chain on our right continues north with us. We found in our route the blood and filth of a camel just kiUed. Dead or killed camels are generally found near the wells on the last day's journey, after having made five or six days' forced marches to reach them It FROM GHAT TO MOURZUK. 287 is here they're knocked up, going continually and most patiently to the last moment of their strength, when they expire at once. Teenabunda or " Well of Bunda," is a well of sweet delicious water. It is some thirty or forty feet deep. There is nothing to mark the site of the well from the surrounding plain, nor palm tree, nor shrub, nor herbage of any kind. An accident alone could have discovered this weU. Some stones are placed about in the form of seats, and one can easUy see where there has once been a fire from the sign or circumstance of three stones being placed triangularly, leaving a small space between them for the fire. These three stones also support the pot for cooking, as weU as inclose the fire. This evening took some bazeen with the Ghadamsee merchants. They are fond of showing me this little mark of hospitality. However the same thing was enacted as at the Shereef's supper. Three grown-up persons sat down to the one day's meal, a smallish dumpling, seasoned with highly peppered sauce of hada, and a little fat. It is quite absurd to caU this a supper for three persons; it is mocking European appetite. How they live in this way I cannot comprehend. 17 th. — Rose early, but did not start until the sun had two hours mounted the horizon. We usually start half an hour after sunrise. Weather fair and fine, a cool breeze and hot sun, which is suitable for the middle of the day. I do not feel it at all oppressive. Continued north-east. We now caught a glimpse of the palms of The Wady. But here we overtook our TripoUne friends, who had left Ghat ten days before us and were waiting for our arrival. They conducted us to their encamp- 288 THE GREAT DESERT. ment. The party consisted of Mustapha, an Alexandrian merchant of Tripoli, and another merchant, having with them some sixty slaves. When our slaves arrived these ran out to meet them, welcoming them in a most affec tionate manner as old friends. In fact, most of them had been companions in the route from Aheer to Ghat, sharing one another's burthens and sufferings, helping to alleviate their mutual pains. After being separated and sold to different masters, never expecting to see one another again, it is not surprising there should have been such a tender and affectionate meeting of the poor things. I shall not soon forget the sight of two little girls who unexpectedly met after being sold to different masters and separated some weeks. The Uttle creatures seized hold of one another's hands, then each took the the head of each other with the palms of the hand, pressing its side, in the meanwhile kissing one another passionately and sobbing aloud. And yet those brutal republicans of America, " Whose fustian flag of freedom, waves In mockery o'er a land of slaves — " have the devilish cruelty to continue to stigmatize, by their laws of equality and liberty, the Africans as goods and chattels, depriving them of their divine right of sentient and inteUectual beings, having all the tenderest and holiest affections of humanity. These poor little girls were quite unobserved by their masters or drivers, who were now occupied with the rakas or courier, who had brought letters from Tripoli in answer to ours sent some time ago. The news is good for the merchants; the Pasha will not exact the customs-dues of Fezzan on those FROM GHAT TO MOURZUK. 289 who return this route, on account of the war between the Shanbah and Touaricks. Near the weU Haj Omer beckoned me to show me what he caUed, " water-courses of Christians," ancient irrigating ducts of the people of former times. These consisted of raised banks of earth, stretching across the road to the mountains on the right. Along these lines of embankment were large fields of cultivation, showing the country had decUned in its agricultural industry, which, indeed, is manifest from every oasis I have yet seen in The Sahara. It is probable these earlier or an cient cultivators of the soU were colonies from the coast. Omer also pointed out at a distance, what he styled " The tombs of Christians," on the sides of the mountains, scattered miles along, showing The Desert to have been cultivated to a far greater extent in past times. Our route from Ghat to Fezzan is good enough per haps for man, being simple and plain, easUy traversed, generaUy on level surfaces, but it is very bad for animals, there being scarcely any herbage, except at Serdalas, and the Ghat Wadys. Our camels had little herbage for seven days, which greatly tried their strength and endurance. The caravan we now joined had lost two camels, and I was afraid for my nagah. Water they had none for six days. The Soudan sheep also went without water these six long days. Our route is thus men tioned by Dr. Oudney : " There are several routes to Ghat (from Mourzuk) ; and the upper one, where we had to enter the hiUs, was last night fixed for us. There is plenty of water, but more rough than the lower, which is said to be a sandy plain, as level as the hand, but no VOL. n. u 290 THE GREAT DESERT. water for five days." TraveUing with slaves, a route is always extended one-fifth, at the very least : such was our case. Afternoon, we encamped at the mouth of the wady, weary, thirsty, and exhausted, which forcibly brought to my mind that oasis of rest, (wearied and disgusted as I felt with Saharan travel,) so divinely described in Desert pastoral Style : ovBe fiv Treat) e7r' avrovs 6 rfkios, ovBe irav icav/ia .... icai oSrjyrjaei avrovs eirt, £a>cras iTTj^as vSarwv. (Rev. vii. 16, 17.) We have in these divine words the smiting and parching of Saharan sun and heat, and the Lamb-Shepherd leading the droop ing flocks to the living life-giving springs of the oases of Desert. Our people called the series of little oases, which we now entered, El- Wady. But this term is hardly suffi ciently distinctive, and, I think in the general division of Fezzan, it is called El-Wady Ghurby — tsyil! ' avr&v /3aai\ea: (Rev. ix. 11.) The name given to this insect monarch as perfectly corresponds with their migratory devastations, AttoWv 7T Cj It wUl be seen that some of the signs are Greek letters. I brought with me three of these charms from The Desert ; one to obtain me a good reception from the English Sultan on my return; another to conduct me safely to Timbuctoo, should I be disposed to attempt the journey ; and the third to procure for me a pretty wife. My charms have not yet compassed these various inter esting objects, but they infallibly wUl do so. The taleb who wrote them gets his Uving by writing charms, and is very successful in his craft. His paper squibs rarely miss fire, and when they do it is not the fault of the charms but that of the person who wears them. It is RESIDENCE IN SOCKNA. 419 necessary to kiss them frequently and fervently, and repeat over them the name of God*. 26th. — We were to have started to-day, but, as usual, delay. Time is not the estate of these people ; rather it is their lavish, valueless waste. Called early on his ExceUency. Coffee without sugar. His Excellency very merry, because he had sent off the oil, grease, and rice caravan. What a pother it was — it was like the starting of an expedition to conquer aU Central Africa! His ExceUency's concubine stiU occupies the seat of honour, where she frequently goes to sleep. The courtiers of his * As a suitable accompaniment of Mussulman charms, I add, in a note, the following specimen of a Christian charm, which I found in the letter of the Times' Swiss correspondent. — (See Times, 10th Dec, 1847):— " More — I have seen some curious little brass amulets, with the effigy of the Virgin on one side and the Cross on the other, which were sold in great numbers to the people as charms against all pos sible injuries in battle. Those sold at seven and ten batzen (about lOd. and 15d. of our money) were efficacious against musket and carbine balls; those at twenty batzen (about half-a-crown) were proof against cannon shot also! The purchasers of these medals were also presented with a card, of which the following is a verbatim transcript, capitals, italics, and all : — '0 MARIE CONCUE SANS PECHE, PBIEZ POUR NOUS QUI AVONS BECOURS A VOUS ! ' Quiconque, portant une medaille miraculeuse, recite avec piete cette invocation, se trouve place sous la protection speciale de la Mere de Dieu; c'est une promesse de Marie Elle Meme.' Which, being interpreted — if indeed I may be excused for pro faning the honest English tongue with such blasphemy — is, ' Oh Mary [--conceived without sin — pray for us who have re course to you. Any one carrying a miraculous medal, who recites with piety the above invocation, becomes placed under the especial protection of the Mother of God. This is a promise made by Mary herself.' " 2 E 2 420 THE GREAT DESERT. ExceUency wink at this Uttle peccadillo. Essnousee remarked to me it was aU right ; " The Mudeer must have some sort of a wife." Had some conversation with an intelligent Moor on the trade of Sockna. It ap pears the merchants are in the same predicament as those of Ghadames. They are aU without capital, and are virtually commission-agents of the Jewish and Chris tian merchants in Tripoli. They receive their goods on giving bills for six, nine, and twelve months. These goods they carry to Mourzuk and Ghat, exchanging them for slaves and other produce of the interior. After wards they return to Tripoli, sell their slaves and goods, pay off their old debts, and contract new engagements. MeanwhUe they have scarcely a para to caU their own. Therefore European merchants, aided by native Jews, are the bond fide supporters of the traffic of slaves in Sahara. Visited my dearest lady-saint, or Maraboutess, this evening. The Saint. — "In a short time I am going to Beit Allah ('house of God,' or Mecca)." "Indeed!" I replied. " Yes, there I shaU repose under the shadow of the Holy Place, resting my poor broken limbs and spending my days in fervent prayer, preparing myself for heaven :" continued the pious lady. The Traveller. — " What shaU you do in Paradise ?" The Lady. — " I shaU eat and drink well, and be dressed in sUk." The Traveller. — "Shall you have a husband?" The Lady.—" Yes." The Traveller. — " Shall you bear children !" RESIDENCE IN SOCKNA. 421 The Lady.— "No." The Traveller. — "Where is Paradise?" The Lady. — " God knows, you don't know*." This good amiable lady is somewhat spirituelle for a Mooress, and makes Uvely and apposite remarks on other things, as weU as religion. The Maraboutess may be twenty-five or thirty years of age, not good-looking, neither disagreeable. A dark complexion, a promi nent aquihne nose, a fine gazeUe-Uke eye, and hard-look ing features are overshadowed with a triste and melan choly expression, from the circumstance of her being continuaUy an invalid. I saw the poor thing was so weak that she could not stand upright. The saint said, with a heavy sigh, as she attempted to move about, "If I were to go to TripoU, would you give me a ride on your camel?" I answered, "Every morning a couple of hours," during which time I always walk. She then complained of her poverty. She did not know how she should get money enough to go on her pUgrimage to Mecca. If God had given her the strength of others, she would have walked bare-foot over The Desert. I consoled her by saying, that, being a saint, aU the pious Moslems would reUeve her. She would get a ride from one and another, and God would soon help her over the dreary Desert. The Maraboutess was busy embroider ing in coloured worsted, chiefly the bodies of frocks, which are worn by brides on their marriage-days, as weU as by lady Mooresses on other festivals. In ten days she earns two shillings, the price of one embroi dered frock. She has always more than she can do, for * This is the tiresome, frequently-recurring phrase of the Koran. 422 THE GREAT DESERT. the women of Sockna consider garments made by her, " holy robes," and keep them aU their life-time. For the rest, she, poor thing, lives on alms. She asked, of course, many questions about women in Christian lands, and was very much surprised to hear that the supreme ruler of England was a woman. The Maraboutess observed, how ever, in her character as such, " What a pity she (the Queen of England) was not the daughter of Mahomet, Uke Fatima!" The saintess then asked if Her Majesty had any children, and was glad to hear she had so many. Three or four chUdren is a good number for women in these oases. She was puzzled to know why I was not married. I told her I could not carry about a wife in Sahara. Another woman, Ustening, observed, " Why, you foohsh one, leave her at home till you return." These ladies then spoke of reUgious rites, and asked me if a Christian, when he was buried, was placed on his knees. This notion they have got from our habits of prayer. Moslems never kneel, properly speaking, at prayer. Their attitudes at prayer are in style and essence, prostration. The ladies, growing bolder, began to speak of the " Bad Place," the ultima thule of Moorish discussion with Christians, imitating the fire of perdition with their hands and mouth, wafting the air with those, and blow ing and puffing with this, and then asked me how I should Uke "The Fire" (,U!l). But I returned, "Chris tians say aU Mohammedans wiU go into that fire." This greatly shocked them, and they asked if I thought so likewise. I repUed, " AU who fear God, and are good to their neighbour, may expect to see Paradise, if there be one." "Ah, that's good!" these proselyting ladies ex claimed. The Maraboutess was, however, more thought- RESIDENCE IN SOCKNA. 423 ful. "Do you doubt there is a Paradise?" she asked, looking me full in the face. I. — " There must be such a place, at least let us hope so; for this is a bad world, and everybody in it is miserable — Sultans and Dervishes." "God is great!" exclaimed the Maraboutah. She then begged for medicine to cure her, for although she had stigmata hke St. Francis, she would rather be cured of them. I recommended her the baths in Tripoli, and to put herself under the treatment of the English doctor. "Oh," she added, "send me some medicine, and I'U give you some mUk." Then the poor thing, groaning with an attack of pain, continued, " Do, make haste." I could do nothing for the poor sufferer. On returning to my house, I sent her some cream-of-tartar, and received from her some milk immediately, showing her high sense of gratitude. 27th. — Visited the little dirty Kaed. He gave me dates' syrup to drink. It was more delicious than honey. This syrup is made by pouring fresh water on fresh dates, and covering up the bowl in which they are placed, allowing it to stand a night. Only one of the species of the Sockna dates, but that of the most exqui site quality, wiU produce this Saharan ambrosia. Generally, if dates are steeped in water, they will not produce syrup, and only get a little soft. People never wash dates. They say it deprives them of their fine fresh and peculiar date-flavour. When the Mudeer handed me the bowl to drink the syrup, he observed to the Moors and his precious doxy, sitting wantonly by his side, " The Christians are fine people. If in Sockna you give them a cup of coffee, or a few dates, and see 424 THE GREAT DESERT. them afterwards in Tripoli they will make you many compUments, and be very kind to you." This remark was made spontaneously, having no selfish end. The old Turk was too much of a gentleman in his way to allow such a sordid calculation to enter his mind at the time. I may mention here, a woman observed when I visited the Maraboutess, (addressing me), " You must send the medicine, for a Christian mou yakidtheb (never lies)." It is a pity that these people, who have discernment enough to see at times the moral superiority of Christians, should not look a little below the surface and inquire into its cause. Not, however, that aU Europeans, (or myself,) deserve these high compliments of gratitude and love of truth, although, compared to Moors and Arabs, we are certainly far their superiors in morals. The little dirty Turk had as usual his fair concubine installed on the seat of honour. Sockna people say, " She has no husband," and others, " She is the Kaed's wife," to make the best of a bad appearance. 28th. — Shut up writing during the morning, but in the evening paid a visit to the Uttle nasty dirty Turk, and found the little nasty dirty feUow very civU. His Ex cellency complained of being very sick. I returned immediately to fetch him some medicine. Afterwards we mounted together to the top of the Castle. From this eminence, we had a splendid view of the environs, and the various little oases of Sockna and its neighbour ing desert. The distant mountains form an unbroken circular line on the pale margin of the sky, except on the east, where it is indented a little, but of several heights and colours, giving a fine and more varied effect to The Desert scene. Within this circle, at the base of RESIDENCE IN SOCKNA. 425 the various groups, are black-green palms, scattered in little forests, casting shades on the now white, now light red, and now purple mountain sides, as if to set off the perspective of The Desert picture. Here and there are garden-huts or lodges in the wilderness, so many black spots within little squares of pale-green patches of corn cultivation. There is a string of moving dots. What is that? A caravan winding along its weary way. Not a bird is seen to wing the ambient air. The atmosphere generaUy is a pale unpoUshed yeUow, incUning in some cloudy flakes to red. The Saharan sun now fast descends, with a feeble heat and exhausted lustre, showing the near approach of the duU and drowsy step of shadowy night. There is something about Saharan views which is peculiar to them and to Africa; every object is so smoothed down and smoothed over, that the scenery of Desert looks at a distance more like paint and picture-work, than the stern realities of the Waste ful Sahara. And yet these smoothed-down picture- objects are so weU defined and sharply prominent — aU the lines traced in the most absolute manner — no blend ing of shapes or even colours. Mist and misty objects are not frequent in the African Desert. The Castle of Sockna would be considered by us a ruined buUding, and condemned as unsafe to be inha bited, but here it is always " The Castle." It does not contain a single good room ; aU is tumbUng to pieces, and if you don't take care, you wiU fall through some of the floors, gaping open with large holes at your feet to let you in. Only one miserable piece of ,cannon was mounted, and two other pieces of ordnance were lying " below stairs," corroding most delightfuUy in rust. But 426 THE GREAT DESERT. the Turks never pretend that this place can make any serious defence against an enemy. Were indeed a good piece of ordnance fired from the top of The Castle, the concussion would knock down aU the part of the building where it was placed. As it is, a portion of the outer waUs has fallen down, and the rubbish is scattered up to the doors of the neighbouring shops. No effort is made to clear away this rubbish. " Why should it not remain where God has allowed it to fall ?" says the fate-believing Moslemite. The owners of the shops creep to their magazines of merchandize as they best may. I remarked to the little dirty Turk, who sat with a dreamy stare looking over The Desert, smoking very unpolitely with his back to the sun, " This country without question was formerly in a much better state, and The Castle in good repair." His Excellency shook his head negatively. The Turks detest this country, hating its inhabitants with the most cordial hatred. Yet the lust of rule, (the object of a fatal ambition in aU Moslemite countries,) and the right and power of bastinading a man when they please, reconciles them to The Desert, and to its weary, dreary, blank mode of existence. For what toys do men sacrifice the best days of their life, and the most noble faculties of their being ! Glad to get away from the dirty old Turk. CaUed later to see my dearest Maraboutess, with whom I was almost inclined to fall in love. It is a positive reUef to find something, and somebody amiable in this Desert of human affections. The saint had many visitors, and is evidently held in high respect by the inhabitants. Her female associates sitting by her, asked me, what has been so often asked before, if the Christian women RESIDENCE IN SOCKNA. 427 brought three or four chUdren at a birth. From some cause or other, polygamy, obesity in the women, or the abuse of the marriage-bed, Saharan females have very few children. There were five elderly men in our cara van; all were married, of course, for every man marries amongst Mahometans. These old gentlemen had not more than two children each, and one of them none. I set the Sockna ladies right, teUing them, some of our women had twins, and now and then three, but that one was the rule. Every thing about us Christians is exag gerated. The people of these towns think us a distinct race from themselves. Such is the effect of religion when misappUed; it estranges men from one another instead of drawing them together with the cords of brotherly affection. An Arab present with us, changing the subject, asked why I did not go to Bornou, for all the Oulad Suleiman (Arabs of the Syrtis) up at Bornou were friends of the English, and one and the same with them ? He continued, " But let them come here to cut down again our palms, and we will not leave one of them alive." I gave the poor Maraboutess a few paras, re ceived her blessing, and bade her an affectionate adieu. Happy would be many, if with such bodily afflictions they could amuse themselves with such blissful visions ! His 'ExceUency presented me with half a pound of coffee, and told me to beware of the Sockna people, who would rob me of it if they could. 29th.— CaUed early to visit the " Grand Turk" of the Castle, and administered to his ExceUency a fuU dose of genuine Epsom. In turn, he gave me a basin of coffee with milk, — quite a novelty in The Desert, — which I thought a splendid exchange. I had a good deal to do 428 THE GEEAT DESERT. to get him to swallow the Epsom. On caUing to see him in the afternoon, I found his ExceUency racing about like a real jockey of Epsom, running out at times very ab ruptly, to the great amusement of his Sultana, who admired the effects of the Epsom. CaUed again in the evening to see my patient, and found his ExceUency suf fering from what he caUed dysentery, and administered a couple of small opium piUs. The Turk observed, with something of a grin, that Christian doctors knew more of the inside than the outside of a man. 30th. — Another Turk arrived this morning with an other convoy of provisions from Tripoli. He is twenty days from that city. He complains of the camels. Cer tainly I never saw worse camels than these of the Tripo Une Arabs. The Turk brings good news. Rain has faUen copiously in The Mountains. It is the " latter rain" in the Scriptural phrase, verov o^jnfj.ov. The "early rain," verov irpwi^ov, falls in North Africa about Sep tember and October. The "latter rain" continues to AprU, and sometimes faUs in May. In December and January there is often dry weather, and the finest season in the year for Europeans. Want of rain in Fezzan and Sockna is compensated for by the abundance of springs. These rains in The Mountains wiU establish the rule of the Turks. It is only a question of provisions. The want of rain for several years has brought TripoU to the verge of ruin, and the Sultan is tired of supporting this Regency. If a few good harvests come, Tripoli wiU sup port itself. Wrote to Mr. Gagliuffi by this caravan, to teU him where I was on the 30th of March ! He expects me by this time to be at Tripoli. We are to leave this evening. RESIDENCE IN SOCKNA. 429 Amused myself again by noticing several parallel ideas between The East and Africa, as found in our Scriptures. In these countries there is always some one great river ; for this reason, Moors wiU always have the Nile and the Niger to be "one great river." Mr. Cooley, in his "Ne groland of the Arabs," proposes, for the various names given by ancient and modern geographers to the Niger, the simple epithet of " The Great River." In The East, we have, rbv rrorafxov rov fieyav rov Evpdr7]v (Rev. XVI. 12), " The Great River Euphrates." It is not to be sup posed the prophets and evangeUsts were instructed in geography beyond their age. The vial of wrath is not poured upon Ganges, or Mississippi, or Amazon, but on Euphrates, the great river of that age and time, although not of our age and times. KaXafiov xpwovv (Rev. xxi. 15), "a golden reed." The term KaXafiov, the root of which are the three conso nants k\(i, is the same as -Ai", " a reed " first, and after wards, " a pen made of a reed." It is difficult sometimes to get reeds in The Desert, and they are carried about from oasis to oasis. On the salt plains of Emjessem, near Ghadames, there is a fine lagoon of reeds, of which pens are made. It is probable the angel wrote the measure ment of the " Holy Jerusalem" with a reed pen, and not measured it with a reed, as represented in our version. Kat rj ryvvT] e6/3ov, on 6 ^>6/3o? KoXaacv e^eo. (1 John iv.l 8.) " There is no fear in love, but perfect love casteth out fear ; because fear hath torment." I have never yet heard the Arabs or Moors speak of " loving God." They say either, " He knows God," or, " He fears God." Never theless, such phrases agree with our expression of religious sentiment. Besides knowing and fearing God, our religion requires that we love God. This the Saharan Mussul- RESIDENCE IN SOCKNA. 431 man does not weU understand. All his religious system is : " To know that there is a God, to be feared and dreaded as an earthly Prince or Sultan, who at times rules them with a rod of iron." So aU their actions, motives, impulses, whether religious or secular, spring the rather from fear than love. And so it is, that when ever they speak to a Christian about religion, their first and last argument is, " The torments of the Lost," as I have already so often mentioned ; and the fear of the fire of perdition, it may be added, is their continual " tor ment." The Koran helps them out, in their dread of corporal torments. I need not refer to the celebrated passage, which represents the wicked in the regions of the lost as " gnawing their fingers and knuckles in the rage and agonies of their pain." But in Rev. xvi. 10, we also have — e/Aacrcrmvro ras yXwacras avrav en rov rrovov "they gnawed their tongues for pain." In both cases the picture is too terrible to be calmly contemplated. It is a true observation of philosophy, that the pictures of the future state of man, as dehneated in the sacred books of different religions, are, the greater part of them of a painful and horrible character. But the Koran sur passes aU these books, in wire-drawn and elaborately- wrought descriptions, the most mournful, the most disgust ing, the most terrible, of the torments of the damned. Is it because, men generally can only be moved by fear, and not by love, to the practice of virtue and reli gious observances ? But in Sahara the principle of fear is carried into the minutest relations of social life. The chUd fears and venerates, not loves, his father ; he ap proaches his parent with awe, not with the confidence of love. The wife always fears, rarely loves, her husband. 432 THE GREAT DESERT. Connubial pleasures are not the embraces of love and confidence, but of lust and rule ; and the woman slavishly submits to the caprices of the man, as bound by an absolute and resistless contract, and not from affec tion or any inclination. So it was in earliest times, — the weaker went to the waU, and the stronger was the master ; might was right. Peter ungaUantly reminds the women of his age of Kvpiov avrov KaXovo-a, " (the wife), calling him (the husband) lord," as the practice of the women of a stiU remoter age. Nothing flatters an African husband so much as to hear his wife caU him " lord," and " mas ter." But it was not the intention of the first propaga tors of our religion to disturb the social customs and (Oriental habits of) society. Besides, the apostles, being Jews and Asiatics, would naturaUy introduce into their new doctrine the old despotic notions of the East regard ing women. When Christianity spread west and north, these notions of despotism over women were resisted in Greece* and Rome, and by the Germanic tribes, amongst whom especiaUy women were treated as dignified and responsible agents, enjoying equal rights with men. Ne vertheless, the condition of women has improved every where with the spread of the pure moraUty of Christianity. Near Sockna, or one and a half hour east, is Houn ; and two hours north-east, is Wadan. The water of these two towns is brackish. * So we find Paul declaiming that he will not suffer a woman to speak in the churches. It was tbe Greek women who wished to assert the dignity of woman by teaching in the assemblies of the saints. 433 CHAPTER XXX. FROM SOCKNA TO MISRATAH. Well of Hammam. — Innocent game of the Negresses. — Baiting at noon. — Bird's-nests and Birds in Sahara. — Ghiblee or the Simoum ; its terrible effects on our Caravan. — Delusions of Desert, and bewilderment of our People. — Disastrous Fate of the Young Tuscan. — Snakes. — Small capital of some Slave- Merchants. — Arrival at Bonjem.. — Visit the Roman Ruins of Septimius Severus. — The newly created Oasis. — Regulations to mitigate Saharan Slave- traffic. — My Imbroglio with Essnousee. — Imbroglio of an Arab with the Kaed of Bonjem. — Description of the Fort of Bonjem, — The Disease of the Filaria Medinensis, and its Cure. — My Journal confused and fragmentary. — Route from Bonjem to Misratah. — Enter the regions of Rain and Open Culture. — Bughalah, or the Rock, where Abd-El-Geleel was assassinated. — Wells of Daymoum and Namwah. — Sudden changes of Temperature in North Africa. — Well of Saneeah Abd-El-Kader. — Stream of Touwarkah. — Ecstatic joy on arriv ing near the Sea. — How diminutive all things are become in comparison with the Vast Sahara. — Arrival at Misratah. In the afternoon, about three, we left Sockna en route for Tripoli ; we arrived at Hammam in a couple of hours. On the road, we met not less than three hundred camels laden with provisions and ammunition for the troops at Mourzuk, shewing evidently the dread which the Turks have of the Arabs under the son of Abd-El-Geleel, and any sudden attack by them on Fezzan. This is a bad speculation for the Turks. Fezzan can never pay at such a rate. VOL. II. 2 P 434 THE GREAT DESERT. Hammam, is a collection of small sand-hills grouped together, around and upon which are palms. There is also a well of tolerably good water. The name Ham mam (" hot-spring"), is derived from the circumstance of there being here a hot-spring ; but now said to be covered up by the sand-hills. This is what the people have received by tradition. Very hot this evening ; the sun burnt us most extraordinarily. We felt it more after having been shut up some days in Sockna ; we took in a supply of water at Hammam in preference to the waters of Sockna. This evening, the Negresses played their usual sweet innocent little game. They form an aUey by taking hands, blocked up at the end. At the top enters one of their number backwards. As she passes along the opposite pairs, each couple put their hands across and form a sort of seat for her, by which she is bumped backwards from one seat to another, seat of hands, through the whole aUey. When arriving at the end, she falls into the chain of hands. Another now enters, being bumped backwards on her broad bustle like her predecessor, and caught by the hands stretched across the alley. I don't know whether this is intelligible, but the game is very simple and full of mirth. The point of tact is, their always sitting down on the hands, and not falling back on the ground, when, like every body who attempts to sit down on a chair and suddenly finds himself on the floor, they would look very foolish. But as the Devil leaped over the fold of Paradise, so he may be expected to creep in everywhere, and the Negro lads are always peeping about, at a respectful distance, to see what they can see, when these falls take place ; and I imagine the zest of the thing, both amongst the lads and the lasses, FROM SOCKNA TO MISRATAH. 435 turns upon this naughty circumstance. So much for poor innocence, and innocent games. 31st. — Started, as the sun shewed his broad face above the horizon. Route till the afternoon over a sandy, gravelly plain ; then entered some hiUy country, where we came to the well of Temet-Tar. Excessively hot again to-day, apparently the precursor of the Simoum the foUowing day. In this Fezzanee caravan, it is our practice to halt at noon, or thereabouts, to take a little refreshment. I am informed, all the caravans of this route do so. The Ghadamsee caravans, on the route of Ghat, never halt in the day-time, continuing from morning to night. Our people carry a few dates in a bag, or on the camel's back, aU ready for the luncheon. These they throw down upon a portion of a barracan spread on the sands. Sometimes a piece of bread is broken over the dates. They then squat round this repast in groups. The slaves save from their previous day's supper, or from the morning, a few dates for this time of the day, and are allowed each a drink of water. Noticed a bird's- nest on a furze of The Desert. This is only the second I have ever seen in Sahara. A few small birds are now hopping about on the line of route. But I have observed the colour of the birds to vary with the region through which we pass. Now they are yeUow, now black, now black and white, and aU as small as linnets. These birds have no song, only chirping and twittering about. A few larks I have seen where water and palms and other trees abound. We encamped about 4 p.m. The water of the weU is by no means sweet, but not being brackish, it quenches thirst sufficiently. 1st April. — Rose early and started early. A terrible 2 f 2 436 THE GREAT DESERT. day ! A ghiblee in aU its force*. The wind is directly from south ( US " south"). It is quite dry, unlike the sirocco which blows at Malta. Sirocco is damp and most enervating, and south-east in its direction. Pro bably, however, it is the same wind, but sweeping over the sea it attracts moisture, and changes to south-east. I was praying for, and prophesying all the morning, up to 9 a.m., a cool day. The reverse has happened, as so often happens in answer to our most ardent wishes. I never was so astonished as when I saw the negroes on this day. Mr. Gagliuffi had said to me, " If you have * As the description of the Simoum ("poisoned" wind, from " poison"), given by the following writers, is the account of men, who were bona fide Saharan travellers, I shall take the liberty of transcribing their various relations : — " Nothing can be more overpowering than the South wind (Ghibee,) or the East, (Shirghee), each of which is equally to be dreaded. In addition to the excessive heat and dryness of these winds, they are impregnated with sand, and the air is darkened by it, the sky appears of a dusky yellow, and the sun is barely per ceptible. The eyes become red, swelled and inflamed ; the lips and skin parched and chapped ; while severe pain in the chest is generally felt, in consequence of the quantities of sand unavoidably inhaled. Nothing, indeed, is able to resist the unwholesome effects of this wind. On opening our boxes, we found the many little articles, and some of our instruments which had been carefully packed, were entirely split and destroyed. Gales of the kind here described, generally continue ten or twelve hours." — Lyon. " I derived some benefit from fastening a strip of cotton over my eyes, and another over my mouth, to keep off the burning air which parched my lungs. The burning East wind which was beginning to blow rendered the heat insufferable, and the scorching sand found its way into our eyes, in spite of the precautions which we took to exclude it. Tepid water was distributed, which we thought delicious, though it had little effect in quenching our thirst. My thirst was so tormenting that I found it impossible to get any sleep. My throat was on fire, and my tongue clove to the roof PROM SOCKNA TO MISRATAH. 437 ghiblee, the slaves can't go." But I could hardly believe a hot wind to be so injmious to these children of the sun. They seemed as if they could bear any cold better than a hot south wind. They got behind the camels or stooped under their bellies ; they held up their barracans, taking it by turns to hold them up, by which means they sheltered five or six together ; they concealed their faces and their bodies with their tattered garments ; they invented aU sorts of expedients to shelter themselves a moment against The Desert simoum. I could not help observing how superior the white man was to the black man in his physical make. Our Arabs and Moors kept up erect, facing this furnace blast, and bore the heat of my mouth. I lay as if expiring on the sand, waiting with the greatest impatience for the moment when we were to have our next supply of water. I thought of nothing but water — rivers, streams, rivulets, were the only ideas which presented themselves to my mind during this burning fever. In my impatience I cursed my companions, the country, the camels, and for anything I knew, the sun himself, who did not make sufficient speed to reach the hori zon." — Caillie. " The Simoum felt like the blast of a furnace. To describe this awful scourge of The Desert, defies all the powers of language. The pencil assisted by the pen might perhaps afford a faint idea of it, winged with the whirlwind and charioted with thunder, it urged its fiery course, blasting all nature with its death-fraught breath. It was accompanied by a line of vivid light, that looked like a train of fire, whose murky smoke filled the whole wide expanse and made its horrors only the more vivid. The eye of man, and the voice of beast were both raised to heaven, and both then fell upon the earth. Against this sand tempest all the fortitude of man fails, and all his efforts are vain. To Providence alone must we look. It passed us, burying one of my camels. As soon as we rose from the earth, with uplifted hands for its preservation, we awoke to fresh horrors. Its parching tongue had lapped the water from our water-skins, and having escaped the fiery hour, we had to fear the still more awful death of thirst." — Davidson. 438 THE GREAT DESERT. and burthen of the day a thousand times better than the Negroes — these children begotten by the sun from the slime of the Niger, on whose swampy plains heat reigns eternally with all its fiery fervour! I had always thought the Negro, being naturaUy a chiUy creature, could not be affected with a hot wind. We all drank plentifully to day, ten times as much as on other days. But this being a ghiblee day, it was necessary to drive on the slaves quick, and with violence, the camels not carrying a suffi ciency of water for a couple of days of this sort. Essnousee now showed how eminently quahfied he was for this infernal traffic. He did drive them on most furiously, while as to one wretched Negress, I thought he would have left her dead on the spot, flaying her most unmercifully. The miscreant Essnousee was only pre vented from the perpetration of this horrid crime by the main-force interference of Mohammed Azou, another slave- dealer traveUing with us, with seven slaves, and who, I must record, was a humane man, though a dealer in the flesh and blood of his feUow creatures. I have not observed him even once beating his slaves, which is saying a great deal. The conduct of this humane Moor proved that it was not absolutely necessary to beat slaves when driving them over Desert. The Touaricks of Aheer, indeed, know this, and never lay a finger on their poor captives. We, at length, got through this day of horrible heat and thirst, for God gives an end to all things. Never will be effaced from the tablet of my memory the prayer of a poor Negress girl, who, in the height of the simoum came running up to me, her eyes bloodshot, her face streaming with tears, " Buy me, FROM SOCKNA TO MISRATAH. 439 Yakob, 0, buy me ! I am very good, I will be good wife to you, and sleep with you. 0, I'm dying ! take me, buy me, buy me, Yakob. The wind kills me." We encamped on a vast plain, having ranges of low mountains on our right and left. The carcases of two camels were left on the road, which had broken down from the large caravan we had passed ; and, a thing unusual, the Arabs had left part of the flesh on the bones : some of our slaves immediately devoured it raw. Hunger's the thing to give you a relish. 2nd. — Rose at Fidger, a little before day-break, or at the point of day, in fright of another ghiblee. Necessity has, indeed, in such a case, no law, and no compassion on the unfortunate. But, to-day, God sent the poor slaves a little fresh north wind, for "God tempers the wind to the shorn lamb." The north wind increased to wards the evening, we journeying on very well. Course, north and north-west, over the vast expanse mentioned yesterday. Quantities of bits of marble, pieces of fine quartz, and shining felspar, are strewn over the plain, which contrasting with its dark ground-work, look at times as if we were traversing some enchanted carpet. But our brains reeled, and we aU suffered from thirst. People seemed all mad to-day. One called to me, " Yakob, listen." I listened, but being hard of hear ing, I thought there might be some sounds. Another camel-driver pretended he heard sweet melodious sounds. On inquiring what music it was, he replied, " Like the Turkish band." Then another came running to me, " Yakob, see what a beautiful sight." I turned to look, but my eyes were so weak and strained, that I could see nothing upon the dreary face of the limitless plain. 440 THE GREAT DESERT. Essnousee swore to seeing a bright city of the Genii, and actually counted the number of the palaces and the palms. I believe our people were delirious from the effects of yesterday's simoum, for I did not observe mirage. The beautiful words of Cowper recurred to me when I had the power of calm reflection, in the evening of the day:— " So in The Desert's dreary waste, By magic power produced in haste, (As ancient fables say,) Castles, and groves, and music sweet, The senses of the traveller meet, And stop him in his way. But while he listens with surprise, The charm dissolves, the vision dies, 'Twas but enchanted ground." Not much sand on the plain, but gravel occasionally. Some sand hiUs appear in the distance, a line of waving dazzling white on the horizon. Encamped late in the evening. The well of Nabah is not in the line of route. At the site of this well happened a sad event two years and a half ago, and which now, suffering as I was with thirst, came with redoubled force to my mind. Mr. Gagliuffi, on his appointment to be Consul at Mourzuk, took with him a young Tuscan as secretary. The vivacious Italian soon quarreUed with the Consul, and immediately determined to return to Tripoli, during the height of summer (August), in spite of the warnings of everybody. However, with care and due prepa ration, this route, and all Saharan routes, can be and are traveUed in every season of the year; as is sufficiently proved by my own journey to Ghadames. FROM SOCKNA TO MISRATAH. 441 Two days after the Tuscan left Sockna, came on a terrible ghiblee, but infinitely more intense and stifling than any south wind could be in this season. The Tuscan was traveUing with a caravan of a few people, who determined to bring up for the day, about 2 p.m., although having but a small supply of water. They were then about seven hours from the weU of Nabah. The distance was tempting to the rash European. With a little courage and dispatch could not the well be reached before night ? Why not ? thought he. The youth was self-willed and peremptory. He knew better than the old Arab camel-drivers, traversing this route all their life-time. The Tuscan had also with him a horse. But what does he do ? Having about a bucket of water left, he gives it to the horse ; and then starts, taking off with him a young Arab, apparently as foolish as himself. They proceeded on their last journey, the Tuscan riding the horse, the poor Arab boy going on foot, as guide to the well. The caravan weathers out the ghiblee — the men covering up their faces and mouths from the scorching blast, afraid to breathe the killing air of the simoum — the camels moaning in death-like tones, pro phetic of the fate of those who had just gone ! But night comes, and brings some relief to the wasting, if not dying animals. Then the morning breaks with a refreshing breeze, and the exhausted caravan has enough strength left to seek the well. Near the well, not a quarter of a mile distant, they first find the young Italian stretched dead, a little farther off the horse, and a little farther off the Arab. They had perished at the well's mouth ! There cannot be a doubt, these unhappy youths perished by their own folly. The European had 442 THE GREAT DESERT. even water enough to last him a whole day, but gave it to his horse, and braved wildly the death-gale of The Desert. The poor Arab, I am told, was forced away against his will to guide the mad-cap Tuscan to their fatal end. By such folly, have also perished unnumbered caravans in the Saharan regions. Our people who went to Nabah for water, found the weU too late to return, and came back at day-light in the morning, about two and a half hours' distance from the line of route. 3rd.— We held on our course northward, weary and exhausted, but the wind freshened from north-west, and we did not suffer from heat. We now entered into groups of small mountains. At 4 p.m., seeing the sandy hills of Bonjem, our merciful slave-master, Essnousee, determined we might now encamp, and go fresh and early next day to the Fortress. Observed two small snakes to-day in open Desert, the first time I have seen them in Sahara. So much for the snakes, asps, adders, basilisks, cockatrices, and fiery flying serpents of The Desert ! We have with us one old gentleman who joined us at Sockna. He is conveying one slave to Tripoli. Greatly surprised at this, I asked him how he could travel these horrid wastes with such a miserable stake in commerce as a single slave ! The Saharan veteran replied, "You are right. It would be better for me to remain in Sockna, and spend my days in prayer and poverty like a dervish. But I have another slave in Tripoli. This is the whole of my property. I shall return again, after I have sold them, to Mourzuk, and buy and sell. Such is the wUl of God, what can I do V And so the traffic in human beings goes on. It is quite FROM SOCKNA TO MISRATAH. 443 certain, from this case, nothing but main force can put an end to the slave-trade, for the Moors will carry it on at aU risks, and under any circumstances. How induce men to give up a traffic, who will travel a month over Desert with a capital of a couple of slaves ! ith.— Rose early, and was astonished and alarmed to find my bed-clothes and all my wearing apparel wet with a thick heavy dew. This I had not experienced through aU my journeyings in Desert, for, as the ancient Arabian writers have styled this country, it is a " Dry Country," from Egypt to the Atlantic. But new things always surprise — often alarm us. We soon got used to dewy nights and heavy dews. We were now also entering or near to the regions of rain. I dried my clothes at the fire, and felt no iU effects from this heavy night dew. AU were traveUing without tents, except the female slaves, who, unless sheltered during the night, would soon have died from cold. Day-time our female slaves were poorly clad, having on only a piece of woollen wrapper, besides a black cotton frock, and some not even a piece of wrapper to cover their heads and shoulders. Bonjem people say these dews are perpetual, covering all the sandy soU of the country round with fresh green herbage, which our poor camels now cropped with a voracious delight. In two hours and a half we entered the new town of Bon jem. It is the site of the ancient Roman station, or town, called Septimius Severus. A fort has recently been built from the ancient ruins, with a few small miserable houses in the shape of a village. The fort, or burge, is however strong and commodious, and has quarters for the accommodation of five hundred troops. 444 THE GREAT DESERT. The present garrison consists of about thirty raw Arabs, relieved every two months. They have no pay or allowance, except their rations. The object of the Pasha in the erection of this fortress, was to connect militarily The Mountains with the large and important oasis of Sockna. A few gardens have been laid out, several wells dug, and these, with the homely hovels, the very picture of " the day of small things," are still infinitely preferable to the naked desolation of Sahara. On proceeding upwards, water is here taken in for three or four days. The water is very good, although it has a fetid odour, rendering it disagreeable when drinking. Walked about the village. There may be forty or fifty houses, mere square boxes of mud or plaster, mixed with old Roman stones, about twelve feet high, and containing perhaps a hundred inhabitants. Being new, the houses have a clean appearance. There are two streets, and a fondouk, or caravanserai. To build such a village and a fortress, some rather fine Roman ruins received their final stroke of demolition. Afternoon, — went to see the ancient Roman station of Septimius Severus. It lies east of Bonjem at a quarter of an hour's walking. Of the fort or castle, there remains stUl a sufficient quantity of blocks of stone to point out the four gates, and some rude piUars seven or eight feet high, denoting the site of a temple, or other public building, within the castle. We visited three of the gates, but found only one inscription, cut on a single block deeply imbedded in sand, and covered with other blocks of stone. The letters were Roman, and pretty freshly chiselled, but we could not move the other stones so as to decipher the words in their fuU length. FROM SOCKNA TO MISRATAH. 445 Some blocks of stone were shaped into arches, others lay scattered in single blocks, on one of which was this plain device. This is the sole result of my antiquarian visit. Not a bit of fine marble or a coin was picked up. The stone of the ruins was a dark-grey granite, almost black, of very coarse grain. It must have been brought some distance, for I have seen no stone like it in the neigh bourhood. The walls of the castle were very thick, and built in the usual Roman style, with cement and small stones, the mortar being now nearly as hard as the stone itself. These walls were also faced with the blocks of stone mentioned. The walls of the city had merely cement and small stones. These latter are extensive. The ensemble of the ruins makes one deeply regret to see The Sahara has gone back ages in the arts and civili zation, for such is evident from these debris of Roman Saharan culture. This fact, even the Moors themselves accompanying me, acknowledged by such exclamations as wasd, "wide!" and kebir, "great !" But the impression with them is fleeting, and anything unconnected with their religion, and the history of the conquests of Islamism, I have always observed is accounted nothing by these people. Half a day west of Bonjem, the people tell me there is a few scattered ruins of another ancient city. On our way we found two wells, lately dug, and the Taleb-Kaed says, water is every where found near the surface, and always good, in spite of the disagreeable 446 THE GREAT DESERT. gaseous exhalation when drunk. A few tiny palms are also planted about these weUs, in this Turkish attempt to upraise Septimius Severus. The little sprigs of palm pleased aU, and were welcomed by us as the germ of the future oasis, which shall afford shade and fruit to a large population. There may be a dozen wells already dug, and every year the infant oasis shows more signs of life, and a little, little more progressive existence. The prevaUing soil is sandy, but good for grain and palms. This evening had an imbroglio or row with Essnousee, who attempted to impose upon me by charging for two or three suppers which he furnished me in the way of hospitahty at his native place of Sockna. I had lent him all my money to purchase food for his slaves. He now refused to refund, on this and other pleas. During the road from Sockna to Bonjem, I thought of two or three regulations which might mitigate the evils of Saharan slave-traffic, as weU as limit its opera tions, if our Government could prevail upon the Turks to adopt them. If we can't stop the trade at once, we may try to lessen its miseries. We English did the same in the case of our own slave-trade. 1st. That no TripoUne, or other Ottoman subject, should purchase a slave out of the provinces of Tripoli. 2nd. That the slaves en route for Tripoli should be accompanied by a Government officer, who should watch over them and see that they are not over-driven or inhumanly flogged. 3rd. That for every slave dying en route, or in any of the towns en route, for the markets of the Coast, what ever may be the cause, the owner of that slave should be PROM SOCKNA TO MISRATAH. 447 fined a sum equal to the duty paid for it to Govern ment. The first rules would lessen the operations of the traffic, and prevent slave-merchants from purchasing and specu lating in Soudan, and always put them under the eye and surveiUance of the agents of Government. The second would in a great measure prevent over-driving and inhuman flogging, if faithfully followed out. The third would, at least, always insure the slaves having food enough to preserve them in good health. I think I see the free-trader smile at these restrictions, and hear him say, " What humbug !" But first, it is here a question to regulate a nefarious traffic which the Porte, our aUy, is not yet prepared to abolish. Until the free-trader can prove to me that the traffic in slaves is a legitimate commerce, I shaU advocate the crippling of it by restrictions, let these restrictive regulations be ever so puerile. But we have the fact, that since Mr. Gagliuffi persuaded the Ottoman authorities to lay a tax of ten doUars per head on each slave, the traffic has diminished considerably. So at any rate the merchants themselves tell me. This was the object of the Vice- Consul, and he accomplished his object. On the other hand, it could be represented to the Porte, that the first regulation would bring the commerce of the interior within their territories, a great advantage for the Regency of Tripoli. 5^. — Not so much dew as yesterday morning. The imbroglio with Essnousee continues about refunding the money I lent him. To-day it assumed a formidable shape, not only all our caravan was involved in it, but the whole of the town, and the Kaed at their head. I 448 THE GREAT DESERT. agreed to give the slave-merchant a fair price for his suppers, but for the rest, insisted on being paid back the money which I lent him, and which he promised to refund at Sockna. On arriving at Sockna, Essnousee found money scarce, and thought he would bamboozle me out of my money. The Taleb-Kaed saw the justice of the plea, as did all the people, and the merchant was ordered to give me the balance of the few doUars. The money was requisite to purchase a little milk, or butter, or fresh provisions. My vanity, however, came in the way of my stomach. So when I got the dollars, to show I did not carry on this imbroglio for selfish purposes, but solely for the sake of common justice between man and man, I ordered, with great pomposity and an air of immense benevolence, the money to be distributed to the poor of the town. This ostentation greatly pleased all the Moors and Arabs, save and except the crest-fallen chagrined Essnousee; it only increased the bitter misery of his defeat. I was wicked enough to be glad to humUiate the unfeeling slave-dealer in this way, for he had no money and was obliged to borrow to pay, which sadly lessened his consequence. Afterwards went to see the Moorish Secretary Kaed, installed in the Castle. This functionary is placed here principally for the dispatch of the maUs backwards and forwards. The secretary does not interfere with the Sheikh who commands the garrison, and only attends to couriers and the little affairs of the village. For this work he has the large salary of three dollars per month. It seemed as if imbrogliamento was the order of the day, for here I witnessed a row as violent as my own. An old Arab, very crusty and obstinate, had arrived from FROM SOCKNA TO MISRATAH. 449 Sockna on Government business. He was to receive money from the Kaed, and pay money to him. The Kaed would not pay, and he would not pay. The old gentleman sat down before the irritated functionary, and holding the teskera and a new Turkish passport in his hand, said, " Give me my rights. Why rob you a poor man ? Is it because I am poor and old you rob me ? Fear I the Sultan ? Why should I fear you or the Sultan? I fear alone God." The excited Kaed coidd no longer restrain himself. He seized the papers out of the hands of the Arab and tore them to pieces, ex claiming, " Go out, you dog!" Besides this the Kaed threatened the bastinado. The hangers-on of his Excel lency carried the old man out of the apartment until the wrath of their dwarf tyrant had cooled down. The affair afterwards ended by both 'parties accepting and paying their mutual claims. The Arabs are greatly exasperated about these passports, which, indeed, are of no possible use, and are only used by these petty func tionaries to extort money from the poor people. An Arab said to me, showing the animus of the question hereabouts, " Before our Sultan became a Christian we never heard of these teskeras. Now that he is become an infidel, he sends us these accursed things to take away our money, and rob our children of bread." The poor Sultan, in fact, if he can get hold of any detestable thing of European civUization, is sure to adopt it, to torment his subjects. Spent the rest of the day within the Castle, gossiping with the Arab soldiers, their Sheikh, and the Kaed. To day I was thankful for two things, for having inflicted a salutary lesson on the iniquitous slave-driver, and for vol. II. 2 G 450 THE GREAT DESERT. being sheltered from the sun and wind. The Castle has three towers at three of its corners, but not rising much higher than the upper terrace waUs. The outer waUs are about twelve or fifteen feet high, and as usual pierced with holes for musketry. I did not see any mounted ordnance. Within is a fine court yard, and there is a detached breast-work of defence over the entrance. It is very comfortable in many of its apartments, afford ing a most effectual shelter from wind and heat. The short time of service makes the Arab soldiers cheerful, and they are pretty well fed and enjoy good health. There is no fever, but they teU me there are a few cases of the Enghiddee of Soudan, a fine sUken worm formed under the cuticle of the body, mostly on the legs and arms, already described under the name of Arak-El- Abeed'*. Arabs do not catch this disorder so much as merchants going to Soudan. The only arms these troops have, is the matchlock or musket, on some of which the bayonet is mounted. From the top of the Castle the surrounding country presents an unbroken mass of desert, and more distantly low ridges of moun tains and sand hiUs. The Kaed assures me, however, that in seven years he wiU have a fine plantation of * This disease is the Filaria Medinensis, or Guinea Worm. The rude Arabs give a sort of Shakesperian witches' receipt for the cure of this disease, such as the liver of a vulture, the brains of an hya3na, the dung of the ostrich, mixed with other wonderful ingre dients. This reminds me of the receipt of my Ghadamsee Doctor for the cure of Night Blindness, which here followeth: — "Descrip tion of a remedy by which affliction (or blindness) of the sight is cured at night. Take the liver of a goat, or the liver of a camel, and cut off a piece of it, mince it small, and take also a couple of j^£ ? and reduce it to a fine powder, and rub them together, and place them on the fire so that the water boils or simmers, and then drop (or pour) the water on the eye, and it will straightway see." FROM SOCKNA TO MISRATAH. 451 palms. He has planted several, and is about to fetch some choice shoots from Tripoli. With toil and care The Desert, in truth, can not only be rendered habitable and tractable, but even comfortable, as the building of this fort weU proves. It has been buUt since Mr. Gag Uuffi passed this way to Mourzuk, and I am the only European who has seen this bran-new town of Bonjem. The Bashaw of TripoU boasts of it as his work, and on my return begged me to give him a sketch of it, which I did, but for which I received no thanks. A few snakes are often seen coiling themselves on the shrubs, gazeUes, aoudads, and wild oxen, skip and bound and run about, now and then an ostrich races past or sails along, half in heaven and half on earth, and deebs (wolves) come down to drink at the pits during the night. But the Arabs are not allowed to hunt, nor garden or dig ; their duty is to spend the live-long day in " strenuous idleness," or doing nothing but sleep and lounge. To day was hot and sultry. The female slaves were very busy in washing themselves. They afterwards had a good race stark naked, running after me and grinning. It is very seldom they commit such breaches of modesty. In general, the Negress is very modest in her manners, more so than Mooresses. I congratulated myself in having a comfortable sleep under roof to-night. I felt glad also for a rest here of a couple of days. In traveUing through Sahara, one or two days greatly reUeve you without making you feel that you have been stopping when you again mount the camel, whilst a rest of a week often makes a new journey and a new tour, and you feel all the pain and misery of beginning again. 2 G 2 452 THE GREAT DESERT. 6th to the 11th. — My journal gets very fragmentary, confused, and enigmatical. Many of the memorandums I cannot recal to mind. I find I was getting at this time much exhausted, and weary of writing. My health, in deed, was being greatly undermined, and suffering was become my daily solace ! Often I could not stand when lifted off my camel. Sometimes I was senseless for an hour or two after we had encamped. I expected " to get used to it." Vain thought ! I was just as tired and stiff with riding the last day as the first day when I started on the tour, besides having my health and strength essentially impaired. We directed our course to Misratah, instead of Benio leed, on account of there being more water in the former route. Benioleed, or Ben Waleed — \iii ^y, — lies to the north-west of Bonjem, but Misratah nearly due north. I was disappointed in not seeing Benioleed, on account of its Hesperian vaUey of oUves, and other fruit-trees scat tered in paradisal beauty and profusion. The vaUey, in which the town is situate, lies at the base of some of the lofty ridges of the TripoUne Atlas, and contains a popu lation of about three thousand souls. I was glad to hear there were some Europeans now employed in improving the wells of the town, sent by the Bashaw, aU which denotes progress in the Turk. Benioleed is six good days' journey from Bonjem, and four or five from TripoU. Nothing remarkable occurred in our route from Bon jem to Misratah. Before arriving at Bonjem, I saw, by the nature of the country, that we were approaching the regions of rain, herbage and shrubs increasing on every side. The country also assumed a more even, though an FROM SOCKNA TO MISRATAH. 453 undulating surface ; and I lost sight of those low, duU, dreary, and monotonous ridges which characterize the desolations of the African WUderness. However, I ex pected to see the eastern terminations of the TripoUne Atlas. Continuing our six days' route, now west, now north-west, now north, and now north-east and east, wrigghng in serpentine style about, we arrived at length within open-culture lands, where were two or three smaU patches of barley, mostly in ear, not being irrigated, but left to the free rains of heaven. The sight of these made my heart bound with joy : now I knew I had got with out the bounds of the dry and desolate Sahara ! There seemed to be something so fresh and natural about bar ley-fields, depending for life and growth on the fattening rains of heaven, in comparison with the garden patches of grain I had witnessed for months cultivated by the hand of man. AU our people seemed equally affected by the sight of these natural corn-fields ; and Essnousee, to show his respect for property thus left to the mercy of every camel-driver, ordered the camels not to be driven through the standing barley. The camels heeded little the command, and managed to get large mouthfuls ; our Soudan sheep fed to their full ; a good deal was also destroyed. I observed, nevertheless, the camels preferred the green tender herbage, to the corn in the ear, and picked it out carefuUy between the rows of straggling barley. With the increase of herbage and water, — for water was not found in aU the route from Bonjem, — the animals increased. Gazelles bounded before us, at times in small herds of six or seven ; and hares were constantly started from under the camels' feet. We had no sports men with us, and no game was shot or taken. The 454 THE GREAT DESERT. Arabs ran frequently to the bushes whence the gazelles bounded, in order to find young ones. Birds now in creased to full flights. Here were numbers of Uttle birds with yellow body and brown back. This part of The Sahara had its particular bird, as the rest. The little black and white fellow higher up was now succeeded by the little yellow and brown fellow. Other birds were flying about, but not so numerous as this species. But the bird that now caught my attention was the guU. At first I was perplexed to know how this bird could be found so far up The Desert, but I recoUected we had but six or seven days from Bonjem to Misratah, near the coast. The guU suggested to my drooping spirits sea- breezes to restore my shattered frame, and gave me new life. As we neared Misratah the country increased in comeliness (because after so much desert), and near Mis ratah the hills were actually green and flowery, so long black and hideously bare. But indeed, it was the best time of Spring. We passed on every side scattered Arab tents, — to us pavilions of pleasure, — with their flocks and herds : all denoting open-culture and the presence of rain. Scarce a ten-thousandth part of this country is re duced to cultivation. Here and there only are some few corn-fields, where the seed, when sown, is left to get ripe as it may, the only manure being the burning of the stubble of the previous year. We must, indeed, say more or less of the coast of all North Africa, and express the same hope for the future in the words of one of the pro phets : " And the desolate land shaU be tiUed, whereas it lay desolate in the sight of all that passed by. And they shaU say, This land that was desolate is become like FROM SOCKNA TO MISRATAH. 455 the garden of Eden ; and the waste, and desolate, and ruined cities are become fenced, and are inhabited." (Ezek. xxxvi. 34, 35.) North Africa was once the gar den as well as the granary of the world. A series of disastrous revolutions has successively reduced this once so fair and fertile region, to waste, barrenness, and bar barism ; the Mahometan fate-doctrine meanwhUe hugging and conserving its ruins and dilapidations. We may perhaps hope, the French are doing something for the Algerian coast. The Turks may yet do something in Tripoli. Tunis and Morocco have more cultivated lands than Tripoli or Algeria, and reforms are agitating both countries. Once the spirit of improvement gets fairly into this region, it may resume its ancient celebrity of being " like the garden of Eden." Near Misratah, I observed, for the first time in my tour, the hawthorn-tree : it was reddened over with nice ripe haws. On the evening of the 6th, we passed the spot where Abd-El-Geleel was decapitated, called Bughalah ("mule"). This was a smaU piece of mountain, looking abruptly over a wady, or deep valley. On this mountain block the Sheikh concentrated aU his military forces, collecting as well the families of his tribe. Here he skirmished with the Turks for many days, he winning and they winning a battle, as it happened ; but they, at length hemming him round, and isolating him on the rock, where there was not a drop of water to be had, the Sheikh finaUy was obliged to surrender. His retiring to this hideous rock was only matched in folly by his confiding in the faith of a Turk. Truly, when men are to be destroyed, their evil genius inspires them with madness. On the 8th, we took in water from the well of 456 THE GREAT DESERT. Daymoum. Around were the remains of a fortified camp, and stones were placed in a large circle. This camp was erected by Hasan Bashaw, Commander-in- Chief of the Regency, when he was at war with Abd-El- Geleel. It looks not unlike a Druidical circle. On the 9th we took in a little water from the well of Namwah. Several sea-gulls were here flying about. To day I have to mention a fact which shows to what extra ordinary changes of temperature the Great Desert is subject, as well as Barbary generaUy. About nine in the morning a strong ghiblee got up, increasing tiU it became so violent that we encamped at once, not venturing to expose the slaves to this kUUng simoum. Covering up my face and mouth, I put my head into a pannier. I was almost suffocated it is true, stiU it was better than exposing myself to the searching flame of this furnace wind. What became of the slaves I cannot teU, I was too busy with myself. Here I lay gasping for an hour, when Said came and caUed to me, "Now Bahree ( in Is. ix. 6, 7, the Rabbi explained, as denoting the reign of Messiah to be fuU of peace and happiness for aU mankind, quoting Psalm lxxii., observing properly, the words first refer to Solomon, and then to the Messiah. Asking him for a passage of the Pentateuch, referring to the future state, he replied : — " Moses did not speak at aU of a future state ; Moses intended to have done so when he got to Jerusalem, and settled the people in the Holy Land ; but having offended God, he was not per mitted to enter there, and was prevented from commu nicating knowledge about the future world. But you wiU find in the commentaries aU the information you require." He could not teU where the future state was FROM MISRATAH TO TRIPOLI. 465 spoken of in the prophets, so I pointed out to him Daniel xii. 2, 3. Rabbi Samuel now bestowed on me the honorary title of English Marabout, earnestly recom mending me to call on Rabbi Jacob at Tripoli, the mighty scholar of the Regency. He added : — " The Mussulmans say that our Messiah will conquer them first; but afterwards, they (the Mussulmans) will recover their strength and dominion, and destroy us and our Messiah. You see they are idiots." So much for Jewish learning in Tripoli. Signor Regini is an original in his way. Speaking of an old man about taking a young wife, he observed, " Growing old, he became young." Of himself, he says, " Noi siamo motto respetati qui (We are much respected here)." " So you ought to be," 1 replied, " for I would not live here to be despised." " Stop, Signore Inglese," he rejoined abruptly, " I am the first man here. You are a learned man, and have traveUed aU over the world, and you know Latin; 'Aut Casar, aut nullus,' that's my motto. I only want the flag here. Get me appointed British Consul. I don't want a salary. Then shall I be a greater man than the Bey of Misratah." I promised, as in duty bound, after this sally of mo dest ambition, to mention his wish to the Consul-General. The fact is, Regini is a very deserving mau, and could he hoist the Union Jack, might benefit British sub jects and promote British interests at the same time that he gratified his own Caesar-like ambition. This afternoon we left Misratah for Tripoli, our last stage. We found the gardens of Misratah very agreeable, vol. n. 2 H 466 THE GREAT DESERT. getting clear of them by night, and encamping in a hilly country, covered with the delicious green of spring, with nibbling snowy flocks scattered and feeding, and Arabs' tents pitched, " black, but comely." But I was surprised to see so few Arabs' tents and douwars in this Regency. In fact, the Arabs of Tripoli are nearly all located and confined to The Mountains. l&th. — Afternoon, arrived at Zeitin, a small village. The palm is abundant as usual, and the gardens are full of olive and other Barbary fruit-trees. On en camping, I purchased some Leghma — ££i — according to some philologists, " tears" of the palms, and others " foam," from the fermenting quality of the sap. At this season many trees are tapped, being, indeed, the tapping sea son. When a tree is tapped, a small hut of palm- branches, cut from off the tapped palm, is set up close to it, which is turned into a sort of tap-room, or boozing-place, for drinking the leghma, and half a dozen Moorish lout- ing fellows are always seen idling and skulking about the hut, or sweltering with intoxication inside, as long as the tree yields the spirituous juice. A tree, if a good one, will yield its sap for two months, and some times a few days more. You can purchase a tree, tap it and drink of its sap at your pleasure, for only a couple of dollars. And for this trifle, people will often destroy their best palms. The leghma is pleasant when quite new or fresh ; when a few days old it becomes very strong and acrid drinking, continually fermenting. Moors do not understand drinking leghma, wine or spirits, for their health, considering the object of drink ing fermented liquor is not attained until they become intoxicated. In these palm-booths, or huts, the Moors PROM MISRATAH TO TRIPOLI. 46 7 occasionally bring their provisions, and here they will pass night and day for weeks together in dreamy drun ken musings, each sot, shut up in himself, making him self by a drunken and delirious imagination, Kady, or Sheikh, or Sultan, or some mighty warrior, and all man kind his slaves and ardent worshippers, as the bent of mind wildly leads him. Moderation Moors cannot com prehend, they can neither drink moderately, nor eat moderately; they must either abstain altogether or eat or drink like beasts. Of course I speak of their general character. But such is the case with too many amongst us, as weU as these semi-barbarians. We encamped amidst palms and barley-fields. High wind from the east. The barley was getting ripe very fast, in some places being reaped. All these crops of grain are thin, the stalk of the barley short, the ears small — not the barley or wheat of England certainly. No part of North Africa furnishes such fine and heavy corn-fields as my own native county, Lincolnshire; I might, perhaps, add, no place in the world. The plains of Morocco furnish thousands of acres of barley*, but all straggling and thinly growing. The wheat is the same. Add to which, you will find a North African corn-field Ml of weeds, herbs, and wild flowers. 15th. — Helping up my little Negro to a ride this morning, as the camel ascended a hillock he was pitched off in a summerset. A slave immediately got hold of him and began to stretch his neck for fear it was broken, and otherwise pull and manipulate him, holding him up by the head and neck. Manipulation and pulling and * On the plains of Angadda the French troops, at the battle of Isly, passed two or three days together through fields of barley. 2 H 2 468 THE GREAT DESERT. stretching are favourite appliances of remedy in aU this part of Africa. Manipulation is frequently used at the baths, and is attended with surprising cures. Every muscle of the body is stretched, and rubbed, and coaxed. To burning, bleeding, and charms, some Moorish doctors add manipulation, as the fourth sovereign remedy. Early, we reached Sahel (Salhin?). These cultivated lands are a continuation of Zeiten; but Sahel is in a much higher state of cultivation. The golden harvest is nodding over Afric's sunny plains. Fields of ripe barley are waving in the wind, overshadowed with splendid palms of young and vigorous growth. Besides there are most beautiful oUve plantations aU around us. Essnousee, who now became a little more familiar, kept crying out to me with spontaneous admiration, " This is the new world (Dunyah Jedeed) !" The slave-driver had heard me praise the vast fields of fertility in America. Sahel in fact, is a country of most vigorous and teeming fer tility. But, to-day, from the camel's back, I saw the sea. How rejoiced I was, after nine months Ocean Desert- traveUing, over sands and rocks, and naked sultry plains, suffering all sorts of privations and hardships, to see once more the world of waters ! And this, notwithstand ing it had been so often unfriendly to me in my various traveUings by land and water. I kept straining (and pumping) my lungs to breathe its pure cool air. Sahel is of considerable extent, but has no nucleus of houses in the shape of a town, consisting merely of a series of smaU villages and detached houses, like our cottage groups and farms, but, of course, in Moorish style. Ex tremely warm to-day, though near the sea. Cleared the Sahel the afternoon, and, at night, encamped amidst the FROM MISRATAH TO TRIPOLI. 469 last groups of the Atlas, spreading and stretching east wards. I had observed we were about to enter these ter minus groups and links of the eastern Atlas chain, whUst at some distance, and easUy distinguished them from those of the Saharan groups and ridges. Their appear ance is strikingly different, being wooded and bristling on the sides, shooting up in craggy heights, hoary and white on the uppermost peaks and ridges, as if bitten by the cold and frost, and bared by the bleak winds of the sea. The Great Desert ranges, on the contrary, are naked as nakedness can be, dull, dreary, and dead, smoothed over as velvet, of black and purple hues, and look more like mountains which children might paint than the sterile realities of Old Sahara. Here, amidst the mountainous scenery of the coast, I could recognise many of the features of Virgil's description. (^Eneidos b. iv.) " Jamque volans apicem et latera ardua cernit Atlantis duri, coelum qui vertice fulcit: Atlantis, cinctum assidue cui nubibus atris Pmiferum caput et vento pulsatur et imbri; Nix humeros infusa tegit; turn flumina mento Precipitant senis, et glacie riget horrida barba." But this grand portrait of Old Atlas, whose brawny shoulders support our various globe, can only be realized (during winter) in the Morocco chain of the Atlas, whose highest peak is Miltsin, in Jibel Thelge, or " Mountain of Snow." This peak, some 15,000 feet in height, is near the city of Morocco itself. Dr. Shaw, who never visited Morocco, was puzzled to apply this classic de scription to the Algerian chains of Atlas. The Atlas Chain, which here terminates eastward, strikes out into 470 THE GREAT DESERT. the ocean just below Santa Cruz, in Morocco, being its western termination; but, in Tunis, at many places, it is interrupted in its connecting links. I was delighted to find a number of beautiful fruit-gardens, so many Hesperian spots, in the smaU valleys of these Atlas groups, observing for the first time the vine cultivated in vineyards. Several pleasant fields of the vine adorned the valleys. But the date-palm disappears in these mountains, whilst the olive increases, crowning the lower groups of Atlas, or spreading in large fields in the vaUeys. Patches of wheat and barley are also culti vated on the mountain sides. Arab stone-built vUlages are seen scattered through the rising groups and valleys. I am told these gardens belong to people in Tripoli. They are the sweetest, prettiest, loveliest little things which I have seen in all my nine months' tour. Oh, that that these valleys were full of them ! At noon, we passed the ruins of Lebida (or Lebdah) on our right, situate on the sea-shore, several miles out of the line of route. What nonsense to believe Cice- rones in these parts. Regini told me I should be sure to see Lebida, for it was in the road — that is to say, five or six miles off, behind sand-hiUs. The whole of the ground, from Sahel to these first groups of Eastern Atlas, is scattered over with Roman and Greek ruins, and, as it happens, there is a huge piece of an ancient building in the road itself, apparently a temple. I was too weak, however, to descend from the camel, to look closely at it. Many of these mountain-ridges are crowned with ancient forts, and farther on, when we arrived close by the sea-shore, we observed the remains of a Roman road, — a firm broad layer of cement and FROM MISRATAH TO TRIPOLI. 471 small stones embedded in the shifting sands. This was making a road in a business-like, dominion-like style, and worthy of those once mighty masters of the world. In our traverse of the mountains we met the Bey of Misratah returning from Tripoli, fuU of the confidence of his Turkish master the Pasha, and very splendidly attired though en route, with some dozen mounted Moors, all very gay, showing themselves off on their prancing barbs. Essnousee, with all our people, de scended from their camels to pay their respects to these big-wigs, and made them a present of some crushed Sockna dates, caUed Krum. Here new cavalry horses were feeding, attended by the Nitham, or new troops. The Turks in Tripoli have but one small troop of horse. The old Moor with one slave, and I frequently had some serious talk together, but I could seldom draw him out. I spoke to him about Said to-day. Myself — " I don't know what to do with Said. If I take him to my country, the cold will hurt him, and perhaps he'U die." Old Moor.—" Rubbee (God) !" Myself. — " I thought of giving him my camel, and letting him turn camel-driver ; but the Arabs are such thieves, they wiU soon steal the camel from him." Old Moor.— "Ruhbee (God)!" Myself. — " He's such a goose, too, he gives away all he has." Old Moor. " Rubbee (God) !" Myself — "Perhaps I shall leave Said at Tripoli." Old Moor.—" If it please God." 16$. — All the morning we continued to traverse the 472 THE GREAT DESERT. Atlas groups. I found the lesser summits of these groups also strikingly contrasted with the Saharan ridges. Here were heights crowned with fresh and green cultivation. On the contrary, the Saharan moun tain tops are covered with lava and columnar green stone, and overstrewn with other loose stones, forming an extensive black and dreary plain. At noon, we got upon undulating ground, a great part of which was under cultivation, with here and there sheep and cattle grazing. Encamped in the Wady Seid (Zag). This undulating ground is sometimes caUed the fertUe plain of El-Jumr. Wady Seid is now quite dry, but evi dently has a strong and large current during the winter rains. In the course of this day's march, crossed many small but deep dry ravines, all of which have water in the winter. No hares or gazeUes were started in these few days' journey from Misratah, the country being gene rally populated, but birds increased on every side. Noticed here, as in Tunis, a great variety of beetles. North Africa, indeed, is the classic land of beetles; also a few snakes and many lizards were observed. Our people now all shaved their heads and washed, changing their linen in preparation for our entering Tripoli to morrow or next day. A Moor will wear a shirt three months, an Arab, six months or a year. They cannot comprehend the necessity of the frequent changes of linen by Europeans. And yet, Moors wiU take a bath once or twice a day, whilst they re-put on their linen for three months together. 1 7th. — When we started this morning we fully ex pected to reach Tripoli in the evening, at least I did, FROM MISRATAH TO TRIPOLI. 473 leaving the ghafalah at Tajourah. But, after we had marched a few hours, the sky was suddenly overcast, and the wind blew untU it became a horrible tempest — " Sudden the impetuous hurricanes descend, Wheel through the air, in circling eddies play, Tear up the sands, and sweep whole plains away." We got safely over Wady Rumel, whose bed is covered with reeds, having besides a good deal of stag nant water. My nagah forded the river as weU as any of the camels, if not better. We now entered the sands of the sea-shore, and after two hours sat down to eat a few dates. We resumed our march through the sands which line the margin of the sea, the wind meanwhile blowing a perfect gale. Now I witnessed what I had not seen in my nine months' Saharan travel, a veritable sandstorm. The wind so fiUed the air with sand, that we could hardly see, or get on groping our way, and we were obliged to hold on our camels, for fear of being blown off. Our poor slaves shrunk back aghast from the tempest, whUst the sea now and then broke open upon them tlirough the sand groups, showing, to their amazement, its most tempestuous aspect. Assuredly this, their first sight of the sea, wUl be associated in memory hereafter with the greatest and most cruel sufferings of our poor slaves, for to-day they suffered unusually from the wind and cold — the tempest of sand Minding them, and the miserable creatures falling continuaUy on the wayside. I secured my eyes and face from the sand by tying round them a dark silk handkerchief, through which I saw my way 474 THE GREAT DESERT. without getting eyes, ears, and mouth full of sand. All our animals, as well as our people, had a thick coating of sand round their eyes, the cold and wind making their eyes run, and the water collecting the sand. Unable to proceed farther, we were obliged to encamp about 2 p. m., close by the sea-shore, under the shadow of a great cliff, the spray of the waves washing our feet and resting-place, and the noise of their chafing and roaring stunning our ears, whilst the sand-storm worked its way of desolation over our heads. The slaves sur prised by this new sight of the sea, lashed into its wildest form, stared with wonder and horror at the tempest- tossed waters; some grinned and chattered with their teeth; others looked savage and moody, as if asking, " Whether the devils of the white men inhabited these waters ?" whilst others, cowered down and sinking, hid their faces under their tattered clothes. I love to look upon the sea in its wildest shape, possessed by the tem pest, and am disposed to be very poetical about it, but, mind you, rather from the land, than pitching over its briny foamy billows. We had some rain, and the cold was intense during the night. In very deed, it seemed as if heaven and earth were conspiring against the wretched slaves the nearer they approached the end of their suf ferings ! Still there was an end of this, as of all things, and God sent us fair weather the next day. I was grievously afflicted about Said this night. He had suddenly disappeared during the sandstorm, and what had become of him I could not teU. I kept asking myself, " Whether he was doomed to perish at the gates of Tripoli, on his return, after his painfuUy wearying journey?" I sent out people on all sides. No tidings FROM MISRATAH TO TRIPOLI. 475 were brought of him. All was a blank We called, and called No answer. 18$. — Started early, but without Said. I began to be overwhelmed with sadness at his unaccountable dis appearance. My impression was, when more calm, that he had overslept himself during the day, whilst we rested an hour to eat a few dates on the sand, and the slaves walking with him, or his companions, allowed him to sleep on without waking him. I missed him imme diately, but was told he was a short way behind and would soon be up to us. As he was in the habit of loitering behind in this way, I saw no reason for not beheving what the slaves said. However, I lectured the slaves and all the people, knowing he could not have been left behind without some trick, or connivance on their part, threatening to bring them up before the Pasha. This startled them, and they were all uneasy. Before, they seemed to care no more about it than if a dog had been left behind. But at noon, Said was brought up by an Arab who had found him on the road side, lost and wandering about. He pretended he had been sick and stayed behind voluntarily, afraid to accuse the slaves to me of their unkindness in leaving him sleeping on the sands. Said knew very well we had fed them and clothed them often en route, and the sick had often been placed on my camel, whilst I walked wearily over Desert. I reaUy felt deeply wounded at this ingratitude of the slaves, but I believe it was a trick planned by Essnousee, to give us annoyance. Poor Said had slept all night in open Desert, amidst sand and wind, and cold and rain, with nothing to 476 THE GREAT DESERT. eat. His lips were blanched and his eyes streamed with water. I got him placed on a camel. The wind continues to blow high, and the storm still lingers late, scattering about sand. Several of the female slaves are placed on the camels from utter ex haustion. Others are cruelly driven on. Just as we arrive at Tajourah, a negress of tender age falls down from exhaustion, bleeding copiously from the mouth. The Arabs on foot cannot get her along. Essnousee, seeing this, caUed out, " Beat her, beat her." But the people not obeying his brutal orders, he immediately jumped off the camel, taking with him a thick stick to beat her. As soon as he did this, not being able to restrain myself, I instantly also jumped off my camel, and ran after him, taking with me a stick, a match for his. When I got up to him, surrounded with a group of people, some of whom were from the neighbouring village, all striving to save the girl from his stick, I caUed out, " Now, stop, stop your stick, we are now in Tripoli ; no more whipping on the road," holding up my stick and assuming a threatening attitude, determined to resist the slave-driver at aU risks. Seeing this, he cowered back at once, and screamed out, "Oh, it's a she-devil!" The people now took courage against the monster, and said, " No, no, she's exhausted with fatigue (with the way)." Essnousee then had her carried on the back of a camel to the village, and afterwards she con tinued riding to Tripoli. I was just in the humour for giving this miscreant slave-driver a thrashing, and taking on him satisfaction (but a mUlionth part indeed), for the torments he had, during forty days inflicted upon these FROM MISRATAH TO TRIPOLI. 477 wretched slaves, and should have done so had he at tempted to beat the poor exhausted bleeding negress. I felt myself secure enough at the entrance of the gardens of Tripoli, and could weU stand the risk of being brought up before the Pasha for flageUating an honourable man-dealer. We sat down under some olives a minute, ate a few dates, drank a little water, and then entered the gardens of Tajourah, which offered nothing new, except that they were more richly cultivated than most of those we had seen on our way. Threading our way amidst the mud garden walls, I was gratefuUy soothed with the sight of increasing culture, and population. A sweet trait of the tender passion must be here recorded as taking place amidst this havoc of human cruelty, perpetrated on our sable brothers and sisters. At the side of my camel were two young things, a lad and a girl, who every now and then, when the Moors turned their heads, watching their opportunity, kept locking one another's fingers together. The lad now started off as if shot from a bow, and instantly brought some beans from a neigh bouring garden, and these he presented gracefully to his lady-love. With such a little innocent incident, and there were many of the kind, I bid an eternal farewell to this slave caravan, by stating succinctly the results of my observations on the traffic in slaves, as carried on in The Great Desert of Sahara. 1st, — The slave-traffic is on the increase in The Great Desert ; (though temporarily decreasing on the route of Bornou). 2nd, — Many slaves are flogged to death en route from 478 THE GREAT DESERT. Ghat to Tripoli, and others are over-driven or starved to death. 3rd. — The female slaves are subjected to the most obscene insults and torments by the Arab and Moorish slave-drivers ; whilst the youngest females (children of four or five years of age) are violated by their brutal masters, the Tibboos, in coming from Bornou to Ghat, or Fezzan. 4$. — Slave children, of five years of age, walk more than one hundred and thirty days over The Great Desert, and other districts of Africa, before they can reach the slave-markets of Tripoli to be sold. 5$. — Three-fourths of the slave-traffic of The Great Desert and Central Africa, are supported by the money and goods of European merchants, resident in Tunis, Tripoli, Algiers, and Egypt. 6$.— A considerable traffic in slaves is carried on in the Southern Provinces of Algeria, under French protec tion, by the Soufah and Shanbah Arabs. 7th. — At present there are no wars carried on in Central Africa, except those for the capture of slaves, to supply the markets of Tripoli and Constantinople; (so far as my information goes). 8th.— Slaves are the grand staple commerce of the Soudan and Bornou caravans, and without slaves this commerce coidd hardly exist. Twenty years ago, the Sheikh of Bornou reiterated to our countrymen : " You say that we are aU the sons of one father ; you say also, that the sons of Adam should not sell one another ; and you know every thing. God has given you great talents. What are we to do ? The Arabs who come here will FROM MISRATAH TO TRIPOLI. 479 have nothing else but slaves. Why do you not send us merchants ?" The gardens of Tajourah are about one and a half hours' ride. There was then the break of an hour, where are pools of stagnant salt-water, with snipes running about. Afterwards we entered the gardens of the Masheeah, amongst which is the British garden, or residence of Colonel Warrington. The Masheeah is a series of mud-walled gardens, or small fields of corn, fruit, and vegetable cultivation, and houses within the enclosures. Some of them not unlike town farms. The whole stretches some ten miles along the sea-shore. The population of the Masheeah, including Tajourah, is equal to that of the city of Tripoli itself, if not greater. These suburban villages have their mosques and religious establishments. They have besides a separate Governor from that of the town, and their inhabitants exercise great pohtical influence during a revolution. In the last, these people supported one Bashaw, or pretender against the other, or that of the city. The Masheeah is two- thirds of a mile from the gates of Tripoli. The houses and gardens being situate mostly on the east and south eastern suburbs of the city. We arrived in the neighbourhood of the British Con sul's garden an hour before sunset. On the road, near it, are great gaping holes, very convenient for tumbling in on a dark night. These holes were dug years ago to store grain in. The TripoUne Government thinks it not worth while to fill them up. Immense fig-trees have grown up in some of these holes. I deemed it prudent to wait near the Consular Gardens till dark, having rather a dervish appearance, and being without an 480 THE GREAT DESERT. European hat, cap, or shoes. WhUst waiting in a neigh bouring garden, a Moor came up to me and talked, and then brought me a little cuscasou. I felt sensibly this trifling manifestation of hospitality on my return. It is now just eight months and a half since I left Tripoli for Ghadames. I have passed eighty days, or nine hundred and sixty hours, out of this on the camel's back, and made a tour in The Sahara of some one thou sand six hundred mUes. I reckon my distances and days thus, averaging one with another : — Days' Journey. From Tripoli to Ghadames . .15 days From Ghadames to Ghat . . 20 „ From Ghat to Mourzuk . . 15 „ From Mourzuk to Tripoli . . 30 „ Total . . . . 80 „ These eighty days, at the rate of twenty miles per day, make 1600 miles. I walked every day, one day with another, about two hours, which, at the rate of two and a half miles per hour, makes the distance of four hun dred miles that I went on foot through the Great Desert. I wore out two or three pairs of shoes, but not one suit of clothes. My Moorish articles of dress I gave to Said, except the burnouse, which I gave away afterwards in Algeria. My whole expenses, including servant, camel, provisions, lodging, Moorish clothes, &c, &c, for the nine months' tour, did not exceed fifty pounds' sterling, and nearly half of this was given away in presents to the people and the various chieftains, who figure in the journal. I am sure, for I did not keep an exact account, FROM MISRATAH TO TRIPOLI. 481 my expenses did not exceed the round number of fifty by more than half a dozen pounds. I hope, therefore, I shall not be blamed for want of economy in Saharan travelling, especiaUy when it is seen that the Messrs. Lyon and Ritchie expedition cost Government three thousand (3000) pounds' sterling, whose journey did not extend further south than mine, nor did they, indeed, penetrate so completely into The Sahara as I have done. Capt. Lyon likewise writes, that without " additional pecuniary sup plies," he could not think of proceeding farther into the In terior, and accordingly returned. But were a person to ask me these questions, " Did you spend enough ? Did you supply aU your necessary wants ? Could you safely recom mend others to follow your example?" I must reply negatively to them all. This tour, to have been per formed properly, as undertaken only by a private indi vidual, ought to have cost at least one hundred pounds. The reader wiU, perhaps, be inquisitive to know, at whose expense the journey was accomplished. On this score, I am also disposed to be as communicative as on other points, for I do not wish this or that patronage to be suspected, although certainly the spending of fifty or sixty pounds' sterling is not a very mighty business. WeU, then, the expenses were paid out of the funds of a salary granted for correspondence by one of the London newspapers. So much for the aid supplied by the Fourth Estate for the prosecution of philanthropic objects and discoveries in Africa. Let our printers' devUs have their due in these days of universal patronage and pretension. I now lay down and stretched myself at fuU length upon the fresh herbage under a sheltering palm, watch- VOL. ii. 2 I 482 THE GREAT DESERT. ing with a silent melancholy the last departing rays of the sun. I then thought over all my journey, beginning with the beginning and ending with the end, all the incidents of the route from first to last, and all the privations and sufferings I had undergone — praying to and thanking the Almighty for having delivered me from every ill and every danger. Postscript. — Said, on my leaving Tripoli, was com mitted to the care of Signor Merlato, the Austrian Consul, who promised to find him employment, or keep him in his own service. My poor camel, for which, were I a poet, I would chant a plaintive strain of adieu ! I was obliged to sell. The Bengazi Arab who bought her promised me, however, to treat her lightly, and only to use her to ride upon. " The world and I fortuitously met, I owed a trifle, and have paid the debt." THE END. I.ONI.ON : HAKEISON JsD CO., I'RIMTUBS, 45, ST. MAETI NEW VOYAGES AND TRAVELS JUST PUBLISHED BY Mr. BENTLEY. i. Dedicated to the Royal Geographical Society. 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