liray , Thoraas The Necessity of an early Religion. jmnaiJoliSjlVOO Mhc9 Brma YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Gift of die Maryland Historical Society T H V. <-E C E S S I T Y' O F -A N E A R L Y R EL I GiaN f 'i 'BEING A :^:^/ ¦S E R M O N TrcaJi'd the $fl: of Al.iV Before The HONOURABLE ASSEMBLY OF MARYLAND ly T II 0 M A S BRAT D. D. ANNAPOLIS Printed By Order of the ASSEMBLY By Th: Reading^ YotEvan Jones hook iellcr, Anno Dotnifii i~oo. i*foy the ^ih. ly oo. ORDERED That Do^or B R AT he Returned Thanks , for his Excellent SERMON on that Text, Rememher tby Creator in the tiays of thy yoath., ^c. And defire the fame CO be panted. THO: SMir/fSON , SPEAKER. A y.'-'l^ 0. SERMON; ^' PREACHED BEFORE THE ftO NOURABLE ASSEMBL Y; MAR YL A N t>. iM^jy the ftk 1700. J ..'- T Ecckfiiaftcs the XW. Vcrfc the I. , . x MtiHtmier now tby Creator in tbe iays ofthyyoMtb^ ub/U ft^fl come ti0i^ nt tke years Jram ni^h^ when tbou ihaltftyl have j ri E R E is nodiing which is more incumbent upon the Miniftci^ of Gods Church at all dmcs, dian to form the principles., and manners of youth, as may appear from tliat Emphatical Charge of pu^ Saviours toSt- f iter John zz. 15. and in IiimtQ all other the Apoft les, and Miniftpi^s in his Churcli. FeeJtnj hmls. But now at this time cfpecially, we f^i the Clergy in diis Province, have more than an ordinary Call to apply our fclvcs particularly to this Duty. •: FOPv why? Ic IS now chat die Patriots of this Country, are giving thacEllabhIhmcnt by Law to Religion amongil diem ; and wiUv'^Iiat Unanimity, and gen eral Confcnt, which fticws chat it'is no indiffer^Qt dling to diem. And diis they do fo nobly cxprefs, In liich words,* is indeed dcfcrvc to be wntcen (^boch for die perpetual Honour of diis Pro vince, and for a Memorandum to us of die Clergy, to . whac purpofes i\,c arc eftablilli'd) in Letters ofColdy , on Pillars of Marlk. ^ ' " , j T T is for chis End clicy declare dicy do this.glorious Work, that t!% CHILDREN AND POSTERITY BEING PRESERVED n^ TfjE XJNITY OF THE CHURCH, FROM FACTION AND SCHISM, jfJJ HONESTY AND CHARITY, MAY BECOME GOOD ANb SOBER MEN, LOVING VIRTUE, FLYING VICE, THE RaTJ- ONAL CONS'^^QJJENCE OFTRUE CHRISTIAN' DOCTRINE. /nd furc then, If for this rcafpn, principally a Clergy arc to be here cft^- blifli'di to this work therefore it is in a morecfpecial manrier,diat diey^arp call'd to exert their Labours, as a moft important part of their Miniflry. ^\'ell .' I can venture here to promife for all tliofb my Brethrai, ovejc whom I prcflde, d ar wirii thefe terms they Will beartily.p^Msiy,' a|^^^ anfwcr rhofc expe<9'ar'ons every one of mehTiliaU mala;.^r*his prindioal Care. A"d a> die Call \vi have to this Puty \s exl^Si^^?f,M%Brl^. thod^ wliicli flnli be tikCii,'will bemore than 'coMirf (o thirfiii^^'ifi ly the Children fl;pll be inflryded in the Elements. of ClmIlial(2y,'W Ic^rrnng their Ca"?-hi<"'n b^' h^art ; 1\)gecher with (bme fhorr explV -iriprr of it i- Buc the yourh chac arc cc.tic up ^o years of Difcrericn, and w^ic'-r?? . ': "¦ ^' .. ¦ '• *" B i ''^ " * *¦ ¦- vdi-ir!bre >*».: wicrcfore more capable to receive a more chroiiT[h knowledge in die Doclnnes of the Chriftian Religion, and of riieir Co venant wir' ihall be taken care of by fuch a method of inftrudion in the way c ihr Conference^ as will, , I am pcrfwaded, \vhen try'd by diem, be as pfeafing, as it will be found profitable to all of them. BUT then the execution of this grand part ofthe Miniflcrs Duty wiiibeimpoffible fbr them without the concurrence of diofc committed to their cliargc, refpedivcly. The perfons to be thus Catechird and in truded arc cf two forts, ChilJren,^ and grown Tout/j. The former are uncapable of knowing the benefit of liich inflru^ions, fb as to be indu ced of themfelves to defire, or feck die means diercof ,• and tholic dicre- forc muft be brought, obiig'd, andifoccafion fhall be, mufl be ordered and made to come to be Catcchifcd , by their refpedire Parents, and Matters, whofe duty it is, wich Jojhaa^ to take care, that they,, and their houfeferve the Lord. And I havc great rcafbn to hope that this charge Will be duly performed by Parents and Mailers riiroughoMt die Province, being the Chief perfons indie (evcral parts thereof, and whole example therefore will b; liifficicnt to influence others, havc lb folemnly dcclar'd to die World, that the end wh:reforc they Eflablifh Religion ii\ tliat their Children and Poflerity may be trained up in it THE great work willbc to perfwade Touth of riper years to yeild up tfacmlclves to the Tutchge, and Inftrudion of their relpcdivc Paflors, Since diat Youth too commonly are vain, headflrong, and avcrlc to fcrious Admonidons. But bphdes diat the methods whicli will be taken with thcm,fhall be lb free and fami/iar, as I dare fay, would not be difa- grccablc eo fiich as arc moft advanc'd in years ; In order to prepare them tobenx>rccomplyanc widi the perfwafions therewith of their rcfpcdivc Faftors, I (hall make it my prcfcnt bufinefs to c:igagc them cfpecially to an early cncerf ainmenc, and dioicc of Religion. Inthe mnnagcmcnt of ^vliichduty of dicirs, I wiU endeavour by Gods AHiflancc, todo thefe two things. I. By n>ay of explication I wiU fiiew them wbercin the tfuty ccnfijls^ and w/hat it is to Rememher our Creator. X, By nay of motive I wi'L Jherx them how icry a^i'.rntagrnu it wiS le .Tf- cor^.hi^ly eorMngtyto Riwcmler their Creator if tbt' days ofthi'trYmth; and on the other handy how exceeding^ dangerous to defer it to the ev'd days, t'iJe d-^i ofjtck- neJSy or of old a^? • thofe d.iys we curjelvcs have no fleajurc m. AND fir p, let m conjtder the it is lo Hememler ottr Crea tor. A N D to Rememher our Creator is ofthe number of thofe Scriprurccx- predions, that do imply inthe meaning of them, the whole Sum, and Subftance of Religion. Thus to knoiv God^ to lelieie in him^ ro ^ hw\ an(» to lox'e him^ do all of 'cm import no Icfs in Scripture many times , than to be entirely Religious ; bccaufc that Knowledge, Faith, Fear, and Love are powerful, and adive principles wicliin us, influencing thole who are poflefled therewith, to be in the whole frame of their mind, aiii will, entirely Religious. And ofthe fame nature is this exprdfion alio Remememler your Creator. For, I. To Remember our Creator do2S necelaril/ fuppofc a due knowl;dgc of him, for that it Is impofTiblc to rememicry or call to mind v hat wc ncf- ver had any knowledge of. Now Almighty God may be known by lu« Creatures both in his Nature and Attributes ; and in his v.-irks ofC rca- rion, Providence, and of Grace ; and in iliofc exccllciic and gracioui Laws which he has given to us to rrcvcrn our Lives and ( onvcrficioR^ Iii this World. And in ail diefc rcfpeds it ought to be die diief fttuly of Mankind ( whom above all inferiour Crcaauc^ he lias made capable of fuch knowledge 3 thus to know him; cfpecially it concerns Youcli to furnilh themfelves with fuch knowledge o f dicir Creator betimes, as .t \^ ordered dicm and as they are advifed here in my Text. Rcwcrnlcr tly Creator^ in tbe days of thy yoHth^ &c, AND now if we would know him as to h.s Nature rjid Attributes', What other is he, than the fuprcme Govcrncur of die Uorld, wliofc know edge reaches to all things paft, preflnt, and to come ; which pier ces into the moll fecret Counccls and Conrnv.inccs of our Hcarcs : aili fSXm'f/'V\vTT ^^r'^'T'^ evenbefbreweourfclvesCc Kfi^! k'- f' ^^^^'^^^J^^s^Wvvay-'^^n.ts Eye die bcft Ends and ^^^^'i^^c'T^''^'^'}'^ ""«^ mofl improbable^ ouric.mings J v aofe Goodaefs pcr.niics Ijim not to flavc liis CrcaU|»s with CO , with rigorous, and unreafonablclmpofi tions. (Tic commands, nor 'of'- ccs any to tear their Skins with their Nails, to cut t.'ieir Fle-li dieirKuives, asdic worlliipcrs of .fix?/ did. He is nor fo delighted wic'i die reakmg ftreams of Humin Gore, that he would havc us fa rilice our SonSy and Dau^iters to him ) Buc his Commands arc all Rigiitcous, Juft', and Rcafonable ; everyway nccc^l for us as Rational C rcatimjs to per.'brnr;. every 'A'ly tending to pcrfed our Natures to the Iv'^hb- ffl pitch of Happyaefs that Humanicy can reach. As a Enneh of his Goc J:icf<, wc hope ere long to mounc into .' 'And wliac depdi of W^iidom was char, wliich amongf^ die Milhons oi Cicatures that he has given teing to , lias not made on: thing fbr nought, but all to ferve fome good End ; moil of di:r m at leaft fervice- able to rhe ufe of Man, and he, co Serve and Glorify hisCteator. * V HAT fliall 1 lay ofhis Trovidence ? Is not diat Power, and WiiSort, "iiidiGbodnefs, and tvery thing, which pt^ferves us in Being, which pri- leds us fiomDaqgers, wliich provides for bur NecefTities, and which in a ilWoufiuidlnllancQS.weiee, is carefiil of us, and bountiful unto us' ' IT ( 7 ) - ' t T would take op more than cur prclcnt time will afford, fliould I attempt to dilplay his Power, andWiidcm, hisGocdnefs, andjullicc, and all his Attnbutes as they were manifeded in his works of Grace, T.i diit Stupendo us Bui' ncls ol Man's Kedcmpticn. C h how did M.rcy and Truth here meet to^ethery bciv did Right eovfr.ejs and Peace here kifs e^cb other ! Mercy I was ca er Goodnefs hke unto that, which paling by the fallen Race of Angels, Ihould take us a defperately wicked, and Rebel lious Generation into Favour r gain, on the realbnablc conditions we would return to him ! Righteoufnefs ! was ever JuUice and Holynels fo nianifcfied, that nothing could atcone fer our fns icls than the Blood of the Son of God ! But there would be no end cf our .Meditations fiiouldSve once launch ouc into that Ocean ofhis Love , and Goodnefs , as they were fecn in the Redemption of us. To hall en therefore to the confidcracion of them as they were feen in his Government and Luws. AND fure Gratiotifnefs, ancf Goodnefs were never known in any Govemour, if not in God, who has not given us ono Precept, but whicii either^tends to the health of our Bodies, or the quiet of our Minds ,• :o prc- ferve Peace in focieties, and Love in Neighbourhoods ; and which does not fome way or other tend both to pcrfed, and to render us hke unto God here, and to make ns happy with him hereafter. , AND fo much for the fitft thing imply'd in this Duty, which is, C9 'Know our Creator. To Remember our Creator does necefTarijy fnppolp a due knowledge of him; for chat it is irapolTible ro Remember, or Being heis of abundant Goodnels^ Good- >icfs chat Knows no bounds, but what his other Attributes necellatily giva ic ; of fuch Goodnefs as ro giveus the beft, and moft cafy Laws, to accept cfAich Obedience as we arc able to pay him^and to recompence that litde ^vith Rewards fo infintcely beyond the Merits of our Performa.nccs ; when we arc bid x.o Remeniber him, what elfe can it import, buc that wc love him CO the inccnfeft Degrees, and obey him with the exadeftObfer- Vance, iiiitable Recurns for luch Love on his part ? And Laftly, being of chat unlpocced Holynefs diac he cannoc endure Sin, and of chac inflex- AlcJulUce, chache will ccrcaitfiypuniih it with the utmoft degctfes rfake our Sins, trembling Icaft his Wrath fhould o- yercakc us and wc Hiould Uc found in tlifem ? . ^ . THIS 1 HIS is to Remember our Creatot in reference to his Nature and At- cribncc?:. And fo hkwile in reference to his Works of Creation, lYo- vidence^ and of Grace, and thofe Gracious and Excellent Laws he has given us. Since he hath made us, is the Author of our Being, and )Vell-bcing, and W£ havc nothing wc can claim as our own, but live up on his Charity ; to Reraember liim, what is it but that wc live wholy to him, to his Honour, and Glory, and that we entirely Icrvc him. Bcijig he cxercifcs a gracious Providence over us, Feeds and Maintains us , CherifhcSandPreiervesus, and we arc beholden to him for all the Nc- ceflary's, Conveniencies, Accommodations, and Superfluiries we enjoy : To Remember him, what is it^ but that in fubfcrvi ence to his Providence, wconly ufe an honeft Dihgence in our Rcfpcdivc Stations, and tlien widiouc carkin^ and thoughtfiilncis, as to the Event, refer die Succefs to him, refting contented, and latisficd, when matters fall not out according to our Defignes, returning him our acknowledgments and diankfulncfs for whatever we have received '^ Being he has Redeemed us from the power of our Sins, and die Tyranny of Satan ,• from the former, by gi ving us of his Spirit to liibdue our Lufts j from the latter, by paying down his own moft precious Blood a Ranfom for us j To Remember him, what is it, but lo give up our felves to him as his purchas'd Pollcl- fion, and to forvc under his Banner againll Sin aud the Devil > Ami Laftly, being he as a moft gracious Gov .riicur, hiis .^ivcn us the moll ^eafonable Laws J Ta Remember him, wbatis it, buc that we render hini ¦af nioft chearfhl arid wilUiig Obedience to them. ' THIS now is to ' Remember our Creator in reference to his Natuni ,, his VVofks^ and Iiis Laws. And this brings ine to my Second general Pro- polal, tofhewyou, how adv.tnta(i ions it u//lr /c", accordivgly to Rememher yoKrCreator inthe days-: of 'ycrur youth • and on the ether h.wdy how ex ceeding dangerous ti defer it tQ the evil dayy the days v\ 6iiiqL^t in which it ivaif.i/dy there ji a ,''Jan Childc.'t/ccived. He docs not by his profcilc prodigality, and riotous living diilipate thuli- Fortunes, which his Ancellors Indullryhad got, and his Parents Care havc prelerved l«r him ; buc by his goo*,l Huf- banding the Talent they have already j^ven him, and the ulcfsl Em ployment dica^of, tothe doing good therewith to liinifclf, andodiers, gt\ cs them to hope licwill add to, not diniiuiflvfcom their Fortunes and i^ojiour. Nor laftly, by his lion-id Debaucheries docs he make himfelf the Scorn ?.n»l Contempt, the Hatred and Abhorrence of all that know Juni ; but by his innocent, and iifeful Converfation, by his tender and merciful Dilpofition, is the Love and Admiration of all about him. , IT is ccriainly a moll Lovely Objcil, a Young, Pious, and orderly Perfbn, for as a great Man exprcfles ic, " There is a peculiar kind of *' Grace, ^nd Lovclincfs in the worthy and excellent Adions of Youch , *' early Habits of Vcrcue, like new Cloaths upon a young and comely "Body, fit very gracefully upon a ftreight, and welllhap'd Mind, and do mightily become it. NOR do Men barely love, but admire an early Vercuc. For whe ther it be that great things arc not ordinarily cxpeded from Perfons at that Age, or whether from the liarciiy of fuch happy Inftances ( cfpe cially in liich an Age as this, wherein our Yovith are diftinguifhed by their Immodefty, Profanencfs, Irreverence to Go<.l and Men, from other Perfons ) whatever may be the caufe ,• fo it is, that all Men do pay a peculiar Veneration ro a young Pcrfon full firaught wich Wifdom, Ver- ttic, r II'} cue, and Goodncft. \f hole Underftanding is well furnillVd w'ith ulcfir! Knowledge, whole Lips do utter nothing but wife and fobcr Difoouric^ whole Appetites arc under Co:n mand, whole PaHions are calm, w4ioie Atfedions are orderly, and to Cirov.n all, who is adive ind zealous in doing Good, and lupprelfing Mifchicf. It is hardly to be exprelfcd difc Veneration aiKt F.ftecm fuch an one docs receive frwn all forts of Men. Joh docs incomparably well rcprclcnc it in his own cafe ; I lliall there fore give it in his own words, Chap. ly. Oh ibat I was ns in the months pjfty Savs he, m in the days of my youth ; when thejccret ofGod teas upon my TaleniacUy Then when"! went oi't through the G.itey through the Litfy when I prepared my Seat in the Street ^ the young Alenjkwmey and hid themfelves; And t(>e aged arofcy and flood i>p -^ the Princes refrained t/tlk' w, and Uid tire ir h.wds on their mouthsy the Nolles held the tr peace y and tiieir Tongue cleaved to the Roof ef their Mouth,, when ike Ear heard r>tc thcx. itBleffedmey and when the Eye f aw rr.Cy it ga-ve witacfs tome. And, wherefore all this ? Why forhis v.orthy Adions youwill find, Becanft- I delivered the poor that cry dy and the t'atherlefSy and he that had none to ' help him. The Blejfing ofhim that was ready to perijh came upon mCy and! caufeti the lViddoi9S to fing forjoy^ J put on Righteoufnefs and it clothed me, and Judgment was as a Rohe anduiadem ; Iwas F.yes to the llindy and Feet KOil to the lamCy I was a Father tothe poor^ and the Canje which I knew noty Ifearched out. And t hrake the Jaws rffhs wickedy and pluck'd the fpoil out of their Teeth. Thcrt my glory wmfrejls in mPy add rny Bo\v was re newed in m\ hand. Ifnto me Men gave Eary and ivjited, and kept fllence at my Council ; after my words- they fpake not againy and my fpeech drop^d up}fi themy and they waited for me as for the Rain. And they opend their Mouth wide as for the latter Rain. If I laughed on themy tlky Iclieved it noty and the light of my Countenance they c.ijt not down. I thofe oat their Wayy and fat Chief y and dwelt as a King in the Arm\^ m one thattatia»ltii';i!. isCo;: : N.iv d> flown upon a 11 dicfc Temptations, and to X'^i-':. dow:. .'.po-i th-.:n v.ith Indignadon and Scorn, and to lay, let thofe ¦il"iTc '::k n cr. > nungs who know no better : Lee them adore Scnfual rieci'ur>-, .UI • Lying ^'aiiitics, who are Ignorant ofthe fincerc, and folid ^.ifsivictior.s, of Religion and Vcrcue : Let chem nin into the Arms of Ttniptaiions , wlio can forge: God, tlieir Creator, their Prcftrvcr, and fiic Guiiic of their Youth : As for me, I will ferve theLord, and will niplormy whchtimc cither innocently, orufciuily, in IcrvingGod, -and indoing Good to Men, wlio are made after the Image ofGod. Be lieve me ChrilUans, neither Solomon in ail his Glory, nor the Alexan ders, nor C^f/Jiri inthe midft of all their pompous Triumphs, were half Sa great as one of thcfc ; for if they had the Eyes, 'tis thefe have die Hearts of all beholders. . BUT alafs 1 W' hat is the Love, ' the Efteem, die Glory tlicy receive tcora others, to die Silent bur Sweet Applaufes of their own Coidciences ? ^Tiofc Happy Perfons, who having prepofteflTd their Minds betimes 4»ficii diofe Principles of Goodnefs , which would never let them comnvit ii bafe and luiwotthy Adion, ligve never felt riiolc venomous and painful Stings, thofe bitter and fevere Remorfes, which the wild, and unthinking Youth, have their perpetual Inmates on the .account of thofe enormous Crimes, which dieir Lull and Revenge have inftigared them Aro«)nimit. It is not jdi^ie whoje Heart is Jorrowful in the midfl of Xaughiery whofe CountenancCy like BelJhtizerSy even in the niidft of their '\RcvelSy Changes, and whole Thowglits are troubled, fo that the Joynts fif tbeir Knees are hoofed, and their Knees fmit e one againji another ^ and yet whofe Ghaftly Thoughts are fo terrible co them alone, as to force them to that mifcrable Refuge of Company, and Excefs, to filence die ^Isunours of their upbraichng Confeiences, and co ftupifie the Senfeof tlieir wounded Minds.. What fhall I fay ? It is not thofe that in die day , fvnjiijart afide from every one they meet, as a Conftablc, and in the I fiighctdrcam of nothing buc Gibbets and Halt ers : that inthe days of thefr Hcalrii C '3 ) Health} by their Oaths and Blafpheraics, their Fornicanoa* and Adul teries, their Opprclfions, tnd perhaps Murthcrs, are perpetually load ing dicmfelves with an intoUerable weight of Guilt, and when the rvi/ day comcdi, when Sicknefs, and Advcrficies overtake tham, have no Comforter they can fly unto. And who after all cannor but entertain thofe melancholy Sufpidoas, diattiierc may be yet an after Reckoni-^;^ ; Ihoic Devils, sind thzt He &, and that juft God, who will adjudge em tobftdi out of die Behef of which they have all their Life, fo vainly laboured to argue themfelves. No, no, thofe happy Perfons who have Riven to God die early polTcffion of their Souls, are utter Strangers to ri^ofc Gloomy Sorrows, diofe HelUih Miferies, that fudi Mea do feci NAY, but on the contrary, thefe Early Beginners iii Religion, as ihcy have not half diat ftruggling widi Flelli and Blood, which Men once accuftomcd to evil Courfes do feel, before they can maftcr their Cor nipt Inchnations ; So when they have, for fomc tune, habituated dicmfelves to Vercuous, and Religious Performances ; thefe ways leem atlengdifocafy, fo agreeable, fo natural to them, that they cannoc lo much as think of, they abhor the very thoughts of doing an ill thing; Sotmcitis. thathe who is horn ofCodca^wotJnfy hccanje h^ntornof Cod. Nay but at length accordingly as diey proceed from Rrengdi tc» fticngdi, from one degree of Gcacc to another, th-y arrive ac icngdi to fuch happy tempers, and have their Souls fo cxaAly mu u to Goodnels,, that they are unexprcffible ; the Satisfidions that fuch do feel m Religi ous Exercifes, in Devotion, and doing good ; So that with D.nid they can fay, howfweet are thy words unto my taft, yea fweeter than hony to my mouth, Pfahn 119. 103. Such arc die Advantages o^ Rememhrtngyour Creator in the dxys ofyour youth. It makes you the peculiar Favourites of God, it makes you 'die Darlings of Mankind wich.d, It procures you Love, and Efteem, and Honour amongft Men ; and Laftly, it gives you a perpetual uninterrupted Peace and Pleafurc in your own Minds. * Days of Sickjicfs, orokUge, diofe Davs we our felves have no Plea- fure in. However it may appear in fome mealiire ^ fo far at leaft as to deter Youth from fuch fatal Delays ) if they wdl pleafe to confider. ift. WHAT an intolerable Aflro.'it they offer to God, to Sacrifice die Choice of their Days to die fervice of the Devil ; the Worid or dieir own Lulls ; to think to pv.c hirn off wich the Refiifc of their Time, die Years tlwt themfelves have no Plcafure in. zdlyy How extreamly difficult it will prove afrcr a Io4ig, and accutlonicd Forgetfultiefs oftheir Maker, to reto\ er any tokrjible Senfe of iiim : And 3 A, how utterly impofliblc it willbc, bv the ordinary methods of Grace (^ and Extraordinaries, ofali Men fuch have leaft reafon u. .\pca j to Remember him toanypur- pofe. And ; >; f . Confider, what an intolerable Afiront they offer to God, who Sa crifice the Choice oftheir Days, io the Service ofthe Devil, the World, and dicir own Lulls ,• and wV.o 11 'ink to pnt him off with the Refiifc of their time, the Years that dicmfelves have no Plcafure in. i AND indeed can any ching be more dilparaging to God, than to think Jjina fo penurious of Friends, as to hold himlel^ «nd his Kingdom fala- bleforthe Refufe, and Rcvcrfion of their Lives, who havc Sacrificed 'die principal part thercofto his Enemies, and their own Brutifli Lufts , ,then onely ceafing to offend, when the Ability ©f offending is taken a- Way from them i To think this, is doubtlefs unworthily to Eftecra God a- very cheap, and cafy M-after, thatwill be content, that may be put off with any diing. He did not appear fo to the IfraeliteSy He ordered De^t. 15-. 19. To fanH if e the Firfi lings oftheir Flock unto the Lord their Cody hut iJ there were ary Blemipo therein, as if it were latne^ or blind, he told them they fbtuld not Sacrifice it unto him. AND can any 'of us cxped then, when we are grown old, and de crepit, ini he fervice of our Lufts, and of Satan his Enemy ,• can wc think ib flight of God, thatlie will be glad receive us then ? Hear what /'//r/in-he hepleafed with ibee,, cr accept thy Pcrfon Saith the Lord ofHofts. Cff'er it to thy Gcverno:!r ? What an intoilerable Affront dicreforc is it to think to'fiattcr the MajeftyofHea ven, widi what a mortal Man would fcorn fcorn and defpife > Nay, and I may add, confider whether you your, fehes would be lb fervcd. None ofyou would receive him as a Servant who is grown old, andufclefs, in the fervice ©f another Pcrfon. (You would fooner lam fure, turn off' thofe who havefpcnt their youdiful Strength in your own Service } And now be you your felves Judges, \vliedi€rici>e not a Slight and Difparagement to God, very unworthy ©f him, to imagin that he will prefently accept, as if he were obiig'd thereby, ofa few, hcartlcfs and languifhing U'idies, and Defires from us towards liim, when we can fervc his Enemies, Sin, the World, and the Devil no longer. But 11. This is not all, you had beft fiirther confider hew extreamly diffi cult it will prove ifter a long accuftom'd Forgetiulnefs ofyour Maker, to recover any tolerable SenVe ofhim. All Men who confider any thing will readily ovvn it, that it isa moft vile Indignity (fuch as no Prince that is a mere Man wOuld endure '); wc do put upon God, when we thus un dervalue him ; and but that they willingly perfwade themfelves that heis infinirely Good, they could have no hopes of Mercy after it. But his Mercies they do eafily perfwade themfelves are fo abundantly great, that tho* their Provocations have been never fo many, yet if they take Care in time to Repent oftheir Sins, and Return from their evil Ways ^ God will mercifiilly accept them, as if they had never fin'd. And we will not difpute the diflerence at prefent, tliat will be made in thofe Mens Cafes, who from the very Beginning have faitlifuily ferv'd God ; aud diofe who in the latter part of their Lives onely , after infinite Dif- fionours done him, do yield themfelves at laft obedient to him. We will grant that even thofe who after a long Cuflom of finning, do at laft a- bominatc, and forfake dieir Sins, fliall be Gods Fai ounces too ; but tlic ^iiellion is, how they fliall be able to haec, and foi fa' .c thofe Sins they liavc fo infinitely ferv'd, and fo clofely adhered to herccorcrc. This nugnty Change from one contrary Difpofition to anoclicr, is not fo cafy as tiieic Men may im.igine. There arc many difiiculiics you will cn- « 7'T^'^^^^'''^^'' both in your felves and odjers, which will ex jrcaml/ m"ch obftnid it. ^ THAT wliich in our felves will oblln:. lit, will be the aLnol inVu Mbi C lO ciblc Power of rhe contary Habit and Cuflo.n. To Root out of ou«- Hearts thofe Cufloms of fuming, which wc have been long ufcd to, is in the Language of Scripture, to pluck out our Right l-yciy and to cutoff' cr Right ffands ; Sudi Habits become lb interwoven into our very Na- cures , that they become part of our felves, which we cannot eaiily offer ^ V '.'IC? : \ And therefore docs the Prophet make it alnioil an impolIi» I -; lur.L; to alter an evil C uilom of finning. Can the Etheopian change h. .¦!/;¦,!., v th.' f.-.'i'f.iid ''.'!<¦ fpots &c ? i>cr,dcs It ought to be confidered, that when Men do come to havc a ( on\ i.'hon of the evil of Siny and ofthe difmal Confequence ofa con tinuance in it, and do make, to their own fccming, moft firm Reloluti- ons to break orf their Sins by Repentance, prefently come m thofe Com panions with them in Sin, and what by their Ridiculi ng of all Piety and Veruie^ and what by the Scorns and Reproaches diey with all the Witt that Satan can infpire them fliall be caft upon Religion, they will at firft ii agger thofe former Refolucions, and ac laft ucterly overturn them ; in fe much that we many times fee thefe fick-bed Penitents in their Rclapfes become ten times more the Children of [fell than they were before. .AND now, how fliall fuch inveterate Habits of finning, ftrengthned by die fallacious Sophiftry of vile Wretches, be ever broken ? By your own power you cannot do it, for that you found too weak at firft, And No! itisnot tobe cxpeded diat when the Various Talents of Gods Grace havc been long a- ^'d, that he ihould ft ill continue them to us. He promifes in vito thofe that have, or make ufe of die Talents they have, ^ that mote fliall be given; But he does alliiredly threaten, chit from diofe who have not, fliall be taken away, even that which they havc. J^nd lb God knows it often happens, thic t!ve Dh ine Patience is at length fo worn out, that his Grace is wholly with- dwwn from fome Men j and they arc given up to a Reprobate Scnfcas irrecoverably loft, andhav) inEflcd the dreadful Sen tence upon dicm, even before they go out ofthis World. BUT do we not fometim cs fee Men Recover at laft, by a Mira - clc of Grace > It is true, buc as Miracles arc very rare, and_ ary sever wrought but upon extraordinary Occafions,> lb arc thclc Mens Converfion. It was to ferve fomc Grand I urpofcs in the Wife Government ofthe Wodd, and muft not ordinr'.rily bede pended upon. And pray by what extraordinary Methods op Qcaceis it we do fomeiimcs fee old, inveterate Sinners Rccoverea toaSightand'Senfc ol dieir Sins ? Why by l^««low to them in their Perfons, or Famihes ; by fome «fmalCalamiric>, apd Lolles in their Eftates, or perhaps by fomc amazing Scroaks e|ConlSpicnce. And is this advifeable to put thy lelf into fUch a &«C^ that the way to bring thee out of it, is to make thee a moft, , nufcfaSle Creature ? Can this be a Hopes to bedci>chdcd upon, by oat diat values nota Courfe of Sin, biit for the Plealiires^f it :• How contradidious arc the Reafonings Of fuch Men, who indulge^ thpmfelvcs in a Gourfe of Sin in their youthful Days, in hopes hereafcer to be brought to a better Senfe of it. The Senfediey !# hope to be brought to, will be but littU diHeimg from the. Pangs of4^e Damn d ; the better way therefore will be by a tfmely ^ **'•• lion which has no Remorfes following ir, to prevent the ne- • ' D cciucy C i8 } • I ecfllty of fuch a forrowful, and terrible Repentance, a« Will be ' rcquifite in fuch a Cafe. ^, AND now my dearly beloved Youih, let roebcfcech you in die Bowels of Jefus Chrift, ferioufly to confider, and lay to Heart wliac I have now cold you. Lcc mc intreac you-as vou would not 4 a"^ the vileft, the moft provoking Contcmot inthe World up^ vour Maker, by preferring your foeliih Lulls before him; as yoii , would not rcnckr it extreamly diflicuit hercaftcrco Remember him ; as yon would not render it 'impofl.ble for you without flicHMc- duKls ef Gr.'xc, as you of all Men would Iiavc leaft Rcafon to ex- peft, as you would have little Rcafon to de ire ; on the other hand; as you would do the moft picafing, and acceptable thing to God; as vou would acqua--tyour felves with die Sweets of an early Piety; asyou would ever Re fi ft the unutterable Confolad- ons of a timely Religion : Nay, and let mc add ;. as you.would render your felves tiic Joy ofyour Parents, the Darling of your Country, the Hopes, the Eager Expedations ofthe next Age ; let mc reqpcft you, kt mc conjure you, to Remember yur Creator in the d.iys of your youth. TO Remember hrni I How I pray you ? Why as T told you be fore; ftudy tovknow him in his Nature andAttributes, in his wocks of Creation,- Providence, and of Grace, and in thofe Excellent and <}lorious Laws he hat given us. And then forget not, negled not tD; prefent l)im often to youc Thoughts, as thus known. Rememher bim as a* difeevner of the Thoughts and Intents ofyour Heans, and tec thisehafe away thence all impure, and unchaft Thoughts, all unnghteouS) and revengeful Thoughts, all impious and ungodly Thoughts, that they have not the leaft entertainment there. Re member him- as now fitting in- Heaven, and Regiftcring up in a Book all your VVprds ; and let this rcftrain the Exorbitances of an •vii Tongue ;fo that henceforth you may fiifferno Oaths, nor Curfes ;. no Lies nor-Shnders : no cenfuring, nor evil l^eakiflg , no Calumnies nor Dctradions to be utcer'd thence. Remember hinuKXc as tHoly and Righteous Judge thacElcrnally h'atcsSi*!,^ C ^9 ) X If tnki«».untlhic ifnot Repented of: And let this put a tod ^vill "»^";Wy puntm^^^^^^^ ^^ 5^j.^^^^^ ^^ nop to all Aff ^SsonVro^^^^ Revenge and Cruelty . Luxury, to all A What but a dangerous World, winch ifwc love to £eg^dofberte^^d^^^^ TlTelove of the Father is not m us t Wha but a fooJifti tranntor^ World, which believe me my Friend^ nay believe not me but Soloion , who had the ^U^.^XI?^..^ aliitcanaffbrdus. and yet pronounces concerning l^ that stzs alt pcd from it ; Vain, for tbat it promilcdi fatisfadion , b"^I"Ves us rodiingbutdifapointment; Vain, for that a fingle Crof, wiU un- birter all its Comforts; Vain, for that t^ic longer we enjoy any Worldly Goods die more flat and infipid do they grow upon us . and Vain, in that its highcft Enjoyments arc inconUant ^«d h^l^lc . And as Vain, fo Vexatiod^ for that its Crofl*cs do generally exceed itsPleafnres. : And laftly, Vain, and Vexatious both, for that it can. ftand us in no ftcad at die hour of deadi, amtthc day of judgment, when we havc the greateft need ofSupport aud Comfort. AT the hour of Death what fupport for Men to Remember the* foal Frauds, their Revengeful Qa^xc\s, their intcmpcrax Riots, iKeir lewd Companions, their profane lefts ! At the day of .udg ment, wliat Comfort to fee the Books opend, die forrowtul Re membrancer of all thefe- J f, aUT wlien you come to die, tK- Rcflcdions that frora youi;. D 1- Voudti C iO } ' Ybuth upwards you havc Remembered your Creator, thi^ to Admi ration Will fupiX)rt and comfort you both. It will mitigate }our Pains andcr the Tortures ofthe Stone, ic will Rcfrcfh }our Spmcs in the flames ofa Fever. ' BUT this is not half; It will help you to look Death in die Face^ • boldly ; It will help you to welcome the ftalking Monftcr ; It wiB ' fill your Hearts with Joys unutterable ; Joys that will almuft burft vour Earthen Vcffels; Joys that are piurc aixi Spiricual, Joys that are the Antepafts of Heaven ; Joys fuch as Eye has not fecn, nor Ear heardy n^/ath ever entered our Hearts ti conceive. NiaR is this yet die thoulandth part of che Benefit, the early Rem^iVrancc ofyour Creator will moreover yield you ; When in the great and terrible Day of die Lord, the Son ofGod fliall ap- 'pear frors Heaven with an Euge Bone Serve, witli a Come ye Good .di^ FaithfulServanis, Enter into the Kingdom prepared for you ; you Iball immediately m Reward for fuch your early Remembrance, J>e cranflbtcd into Gods T rej ence where there u fidnefs of Joyy and he placed OK hu Right Hand, where there is Pleafuresfor evermore. ' f ^^S N I S, 3 9002 03740 9449