L5 ?'i \T The Robinson Family Genealogical and Historical Association The Robinsons and Their Kin Folk THIRD SERIES, JULY, 1906 OFFICERS, CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS SECRETARY'S REPORT, HISTORICAL SKETCHES ILLUSTRATED, MEM BERS OF ASSOCIATION * NEW YORK PUBUSHED BY THE ASSOCIATION 1906 JO c /¦ r^rf fe' Contents page Officers of the Association . v Constitution ... . . . . . vi By-Laws . . . . vii Secretary's Report . . ... i Executive Committee Meeting . . 7 Rowland Robinson, the Man and His Century . . . 9 Deputy Governor William Robinson . . 23 The Narragansett Pacer . . 25 Genealogy of the Robinson Family of Narragansett, R. I. . . 28 Rowland Robinson and His Daughter Hannah . . 42 Jeremiah Potter Robinson SS George Champlin Robinson . . 57 Atmore Robinson ... ¦ • 59 Hetty (Robinson) Green . 60 Morton Robinson, M. D. ... 62 Gilbert Stuart ... 67 George. Robinson, of Watertown. Mass., ano William Robinson, OF Dorchester. Mass. . . 69 The Fathers, Where Were They? . . . 74 John Robinson, of Kittery and Cape Elizabeth, Me. 79 Abraham Robinson .... 89 John Robinson, of Exeter, N. H. . 100 Isaac Robinson, of Barnstable, Mass. . . .124 History of the Fell Family . . , 129 Captain Ralph Hamer . . . 132 The Robinson Family, Virginia 138 Samuel Robinson, of Rehoboth, Mass. . . 142 Members of the Robinson Association 151 Illustrations Miss a. a. Robinson Mrs. Almira Pierce Johnson Morton Robinson Robinson, M. D. The Beach at Narragansett Indian Rock at Narragansett Elizabeth Robinson Main Street, Kingston, R. I. Mrs. Hetty Robinson Green Gilbert Stuart's Birthplace Sylvester Robinson George C. Robinson . . . Cellar of John Robinson's House Joshua Robinson House Pond Cove, Cape Elizabeth Cliff at Pond Cove Shadrach Robinson House Coat of Arms of the Fell Family Coat of Arms of Robinson of Beverly Coat op Arms of Robinson of Ireland Coat of Arms of Hutchinson Family page frontispiece facing page I between pages 64 and 65 BETWEEN pages 80 AND 81 FACING PAGE 128 BETWEEN PAGES 136 AND I37 Officers of the Association President, HON. DAVID I. ROBINSON, Gloucester, Mass. Vice Presidents Judge Gifford S. Robinson, Increase Robinson, George R. Wright, George O. Robinson, Prof. Wm. H. Brewer, Roswell R. Robinson, N. Bradford Dean, Rev. Wm. A. Robinson, D. D., John H. Robinson, Charles F. Robinson, George W. Robinson, Henry P. Robinson, Sioux City, la. Waterville, Me. Wilkesbarre, Pa. Detroit, Mich. New Haven, Conn. Maiden, Mass. Taunton, Mass. Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Boston, Mass. North Raynham, Mass. Elburn, 111. Guilford, Conn. Secretary, Adelaide A. Robinson, North Raynham, Mass. S Treasurer, Roswell R. Robinson, Maiden, Mass. HlSTORiOGRAPHE.R, Charles E. Robinson, 150 Nassau St., New York. Executive Committee. Frederick W. Robinson, Charles K. Robinson, Charles Larned, Orlando G. Robinson, Bethuel Penniman, Boston, Mass. Brooklyn, N. Y. Boston, Mass. Raynham, Mass. New Bedford, Mass. Constitution I. The name of this Association shall be "The Robinson Fam ily Genealogical and Historical Association." 2. The purpose for which it is constituted is the collection, compilation and publication of such data and information as may be obtained concerning the Robinson Families. 3. Any person connected with the descendants of William^ Robinson of Dorchester, George^ of Rehoboth, William^ of Watertown, Isaac^of Barnstable, son of Rev. John, Abraham^ of Gloucester, George^ of Watertown, Johni of Exeter, N. H., Stephen^ of Dover, N. H., Thomas^ of Scituate, James^ of Dorchester, William of Salem, Christopher of Virginia, Samuel of New England, Gain of Plymouth, or of any other Robinson ancestor, by descent or marriage, may become a member of the Association. There shall be a membership fee of one dollar, and an annual due of twenty-five cents, or ten dollars for life membership, subject to no annual dues. 4. The officers of the Association shall be a President, twelve Vice-Presidents, a Secretary, a Treasurer, Historiographer, and an Executive Committee of five. By-Laws I. The President shall preside at all business meetings of the Association, and in his absence a Vice-President shall per form the duties of President. 2. The Secretary shall keep the records and minutes of the meetings. 3. The Treasurer shall receive all monies of the Association. He shall have the custody of all the funds belonging to the Association. He shall disburse the same under the direction of the Executive Committee. 4. The Executive Committee shall have the control of the affairs of the Association and its property, and shall receive for safe custody all documents entrusted to them. It shall be their duty to make arrangements to obtain all data and information concerning the descendants of the aforesaid Robinson ancestors for the purpose of compilation and publication of the same. The officers of the Association shall be ex-officio members of the Executive Committee. 5. The members of the Executive Committee present at any regular notified meeting shall form a quorum. They may fill any vacancies that may occur in the board of officers until others are regularly appointed. MRS. ALMIRA PIERCE JOHNSON Milford, Mass. Born, June 24, 1804 Died, December 25, 1905 Aged, 101 years, 6 months, i day Secretary's Report N the morning of the 19th day of August, 1904, the Robinsons and their Kin Folk gathered in the old historic town of Plymouth, Mass., to hold the third biennial meeting of The Robinson Family Genealogical and Historical Association, where landed that little band of Pilgrims with the bless ing of their beloved pastor, the Rev. John Robin son of Iveyden, two hundred and eighty-four years before. This little band of pioneers builded better than they knew, laying not only the foundation of a mighty nation, but made it possible for this notable gathering of the Kin Folk to-day. The meeting was held in the lecture room of the Universalist Church, whose doors were hospitably thrown open for this occasion. The members of the Executive Committee met at ten o'clock, and at eleven o'clock the Association was called to order by the President, Hon. David I. Robinson of Gloucester, Mass., and led in prayer by the Rev. Lucian Moore Robinson of Phila- •delphia. Pa. On motion, Ebenezer T. Robinson, M. D., of Orange City, Fla., was chosen secretary pro tern., and Miss Myra S. Robinson •of Pawtucket, R. I., assistant secretary pro tern. On motion, the secretary's report of the proceedings of the last biennial meeting, held at Gloucester, Mass., on the 26th of August, 1902, was read and adopted. N. Bradford Dean, treasurer of the Association, then ad dressed the chair, calling the attention of the assembly to the lamentable and painful accident to the secretary of the Associa tion, Miss Adelaide A. Robinson of North Raynham, Mass., which was the cause of her unavoidable absence to-day. He ¦stated that she was thrown from her carriage on the 2d of August, 1903, by a trolle}'- car which came in collision with 2 THB ROBINSONS AND THEIR KIN FOLK and overturned her carriage, injuring her spine seriously, so that she has been constantly confined to her bed under the care of a physician since the accident; that notwithstanding her painful condition, with assistance she has performed her duties as secre tary of this Association most faithfully, replying to her volumin ous correspondence in relation to the object and aim of this so ciety. In conclusion, he made a motion that Miss Robinson be made an honorary member of this Association, as a testimonial of the esteem which she is held by us. The motion was seconded and unanimously adopted. Mrs. Calista Robinson Jones of Bradford, Vt., moved that a telegram of sympathy and condolence be transmitted to our absent secretary. Miss Robinson, which was adopted, and Mrs. Jones, N. Bradford Dean and Charles E. Robinson of New Jer sey, were chosen as a committee to prepare the telegram and a set of resolutions. Members of the Association and visitors from their respec tive States were invited to address the meeting, which called forth remarks from Dr. E. T. Robinson of Orange City, Fla.; Mrs. Martha S. Robinson of Portland, Me. ; Rev. Lucian M. Robinson of Philadelphia, Pa.; Hamlin E. Robinson of Maryville, Mo.; Prof. O. D. Robinson of Albany, N. Y. ; A. O. Robinson of San- bornville, N. H. ; William Robinson of Boston, and others. At the request of N. Bradford Dean, treasurer, that an audit ing committee be appointed to examine his accounts, Roswell R. Robinson of Maiden, Mass. ; William Robinson of Boston, Mass., and Albert O. Robinson of Sanbornville, N. H., were appointed the committee. A telegram was read from Mrs. Ida Robinson Bronson, who was on her way to attend the meeting, when she was recalled to Detroit, Mich., by the sudden death of her brother, Frank E. Robinson. Prof. O. D. Robinson of Albany, N. Y., spoke of the recent death of Samuel S. Robinson of Michigan, Mrs. Bronson's father; In the course of his remarks, he spoke of Mr. Robinson's great work in forwarding the vast mining interests of his State, and of his noble characteristics as a man. N. Bradford Dean spoke feelingly of the death of James H. Dean, Esq., of Taunton, one of the vice-presidents of this Asso ciation. SECRETARY'S REPORT 3 On motion of Charles E. Robinson, a vote of sympathy was passed, to be forwarded to the families of members who have died since the last biennial meeting of the Association. On motion, the following were appointed as members pro tern, to fill vacancies on the Executive Committee : Roswell R. Robinson of Maiden, Mass.; Dr. E. P. Robinson of Newport, R. I. ; Hamlin E. Robinson of Maryville, Mo. Suggestions as to the place to be selected for holding the next biennial meeting of the Association in 1906 were called for from the chair. Remarks in this connection were made by Mrs. Martha S. Robinson of Portland, Me. ; Hon. N. W. Littlefield of Pawtucket, R. I., and Dr. E. T. Robinson of Florida, setting forth the advantages of their ¦ respective locations. The committee on telegram to be sent to Miss Robinson, the secretary, reported they had attended to their duty, and offered the following resolutions, which were unanimously adopted : Resolved, That we deeply appreciate the arduous services performed the past year under the most trying circumstances by our highly esteemed and faithful secretary, Miss Adelaide A. Robinson ; that we fully recognize her self-sacrificing devotion in the interest and prosperity of this Association, though suffering intensely from the deplorable accident which befell her. Resolved, That Miss Robinson has our warmest sympathy in her trying affliction and our heart-felt wishes for her speedy recovery. Resolved, That this, our tribute of her devotion, be made a part of the minutes of this convention and that a copy thereof be transmitted to her as an expression of the high esteem in which she is held by us. On motion, the following named were appointed a committee to nominate a board of officers for the ensuing term : James L. Robinson of Brockton, Mass. ; A. P. R. Gilmore of Acushnet, Mass., and Dr. E. P. Robinson of Newport, R. I. The report of the Auditing Committee was called for. The committee reported the books of the treasurer correct and a bal ance of $279.59 in the treasury. The treasurer, N. Bradford Dean, offered his resignation of that office, with the remark that his other business was of such a nature that it would not admit of his giving the time and atten- 4 THE ROBINSONS AND THEIR KIN FOLK tion to the duties of treasurer which.it demanded. His resigna tion was accepted and a vote passed thanking him for his faithful discharge of the duties of the office since the organization of the Association. On motion of Charles E. Robinson, Mrs. Almira Pierce Johnson of Milford, Mass., was elected an honorary member of this Association, she having reached the age of one hundred years on the 24th of June last. She is a descendant of William'' Robinson of Watertown, Mass. After a short discussion in relation to the incorporation of the Association, it was voted to postpone the subject until the next biennial meeting. The committee on the nomination of officers reported the following Hst, which was adopted : President, Hon. David I. Robinson of Gloucester, Mass. Vice-Presidents, Judge Gifford S. Robinson, Sioux City, Iowa; Increase Robinson, Waterville, Me. ; George R. Wright, Wilkesbarre, Pa. ; George O. Robinson, Detroit, Mich. ; Prof. William H. Brewer, New Haven, Conn. ; Roswell R. Robinson, Maiden, Mass. ; N. Bradford Dean, Taun ton, Mass. ; Rev. William A. Robinson, D. D., Poughkeepsie, N. Y. ; John H. Robinson, Boston, Mass. ; Charles F. Robinson, North Raynham, Mass. ; George W. Robinson, Elburn, 111. ; Henry P. Robinson, Guilford, Conn. Secretary, Adelaide A. Robinson, North Raynham, Mass. ; Treasurer, Roswell R. Robin son, Maiden, Mass. ; Historiographer, Charles E. Robinson, Plainfield, N. J. Executive Committee, Frederick W. Robinson, Boston, Mass. ; Charles K. Robinson, Brooklyn, N. Y. ; Charles Larned, Boston, Mass. ; Orlando G. Robinson, Raynham, Mass. ; Bethuel Penniman, New Bedford, Mass. On motion that a stated time for the payment of the annual dues of members should be adopted, it was voted that the first day of January in each year, following the time of joining the Association, should be established as the date of payment of such dues. On motion, it was voted that the secretary might, at her discretion, have additional copies of the brochures bound in cloth. It was also voted that she charge not less than 50 cents each for all extra copies furnished the members, this not to include complimentary copies for those preparing papers for the bro chures published by this Association. SECRETARY'S REPORT 5 On motion, the convention adjourned until two o'clock, to partake of a collation in the dining-room of the church. Afternoon Session. At two o'clock the meeting was called to order by the presi dent. A paper on Abraham Robinson, the ancestor of the Robin sons of Gloucester, Mass., by William A. Robinson of Gloucester, was read by the president. Prof. O. D. Robinson of Albany, N. Y., read a paper pre pared by Charles Nutt, editor of the Worcester Spy, Worcester, Mass. Hon. N. W. Littlefield of Pawtucket, R. I., made a most pleasing address, giving an interesting account of his visit to the home of the Pilgrims in England, on the occasion of the dedica tion of the John Robinson Memorial Church. A paper by Mrs. Augusta A. Lakin of Bennington, N. H., on Douglas Robinson and his descendants in New Hampshire, was read. A song by Miss Peterson, accompanied by William A. Rob inson of Gloucester, was most enthusiastically encored. The desirability of a distinctive badge to be adopted by the Association was received with great favor, and on motion was referred to the Executive Committee. On motion, a committee consisting of John E. Kimball of Oxford, Mass. ; Charles Larned of Boston, Mass. ; Hamlin E. Robinson of Maryville, Mo., were chosen to solicit funds for foreign research of records to establish the line of ancestry in England, Ireland and Scotland of the early Robinson emigrants to America. The secretary's report of the work of her office was read and adopted, as follows: From August 26, 1902, to August 15, 1904, there were enrolled fourteen life members (twelve of whom had previously been annual members), also sixty-eight annual mem bers. The following eight deaths have been reported : Mrs. Sarah Robinson Atherton, honorary member, Peru, Ohio; James H. Dean, Esq., vice-president, Taunton, Mass. ; Capt. Charles T. Robinson, vice-president, Taunton, Mass. ; Mrs. Mary R. Fuller, Cambridgeport, Mass. ; Mr. Adrian G. Robinson, Hanford, Cal. ; 6 THE ROBINSONS AND THEIR KIN FOLK Capt. Charles A. Robinson, Germantown, Pa.; Mr. George A. Robinson, West Mansfield, Mass.; Mr. Samuel S. Robinson, Pontiac, Mich. Donations of money have been received from: George R. Wright, Esq., Wilkesbarre, Pa.; Mrs. J. E. R. Dow, Exeter, N. H. ; Miss Martha G. Robinson, Lynn, Mass.; Solomon D. Robinson, Falmouth, Mass.; Albert O. Robinson, Sanbornville, N. H., and Hon. A. R. McClellan, Ri-^^erside, N. B., Can. I have written and dictated seventeen hundred and fifty-three letters, one hundred and eighty-five postal cards and have mailed out thirty-four hundred and eighty-nine circulars and invitations, including newspapers. A copy of "The Robinsons and Their Kin Folk" has been donated to thirteen libraries, also one copy to each and every member of this Association has been mailed to them. The following names were inadvertently omitted from the list of members printed in the second series of "The Robinsons and Their Kin Folk" : Frank R. Robinson, Boston, Mass. ; Rich ard L. Robinson, Portland, Me. ; Ebenezer Benjamin Robinson, Savannah, Ga. ; Mrs. Jennie K. Talbot, Phoenixville, Pa. At four o'clock it was announced that barges were in readi ness for the transportation of those who wished to make a tour of the town and surrounding country. A vote of thanks was passed to those who kindly furnished the interesting papers read, and those the reading of which was omitted for want of time. It was ordered that these historical sketches be printed in the next issue of "The Robinsons and Theii Kin Folk." A vote of thanks was extended to Mr. Fred W. Robinsou and Mr. John H. Robinson for the ample arrangements made for the accommodation and comfort of the members of the Asso ciation. A full list of all members who have joined the Association since its foundation will be found in this edition of "The Robin sons and Their Kin Folk," with their present address so far as reported to date. The convention at four o'clock adjourned sine die to meet on the next biennial occasion at Portland, Me. Miss Adelaide A. Robinson. North Raynham, Mass., June 15, 1906. Executive Committee Meeting A meeting of the Executive Committee was held at the office of Mr. Charles Larned, loi Tremont street, Boston, Mass., at four o'clock on the afternoon of May 15, 1906, President Hon. David I. Robinson in the chair. Fred W. Robinson, chairman of the committee, acting as secretary. Members of the com mittee present were : Mr. Charles Larned of Oxford, Mass., and Mr. Edward R. Barbour of Portland, Me. Also were present Mr. Roswell R. Robinson, treasurer; John H. Robinson, vice-presi dent, and Mr. John E. Kimball of Oxford, Mass. Ten subjects for discussion and action were considered, viz. : Place of Meeting; Time of Meeting; Entertainment; Transpor tation ; Programme ; Revision of By-Laws ; Incorporation of the Society; Publication of Proceedings of Plymouth Meeting; Pub lication of Records of Charles E. Robinson; Foreign Investiga tion. Place. — The secretary reported by letter that at the Ply mouth meeting it was voted to hold the next reunion at Portland, Me. Tme. — The committee recommended that the reunion be held on two days, or parts of two days, instead of one. Sug gested and approved that those who could, go to Portland on the day boat, others on the afternoon train of the first day, and an informal reception be held that evening. Those who could not go the first day, go down on the night boat, and the reports, papers and banquet be held the second day, closing in time for return boat or evening train. Moved and carried that the chairman send circular letter with return postals asking members for first and second choice of dates, July 25-26, or August 1-2. Entertainment. — Mr. Barbour reported that the Congress Square Hotel would give a dinner for 75 cents and a rate of $3.00 per day and allow free of charge the Auditorium of the hotel for the meeting. Moved and carried to accept. Also reported that 8 THE ROBINSONS AND THEIR KIN FOLK the street car company would provide special cars for a trolley trip at the usual fare. Transportation.— Mr. Barbour reported that the railroad company would, if fifty persons were guaranteed, give special rate of one and one-third fares for round trip. Programme. — Moved and carried that Mr. Charles E. Rob inson be asked to prepare a programme for the meeting and that as soon as prepared copies be mailed the members. Revision of By-La-dus. — Moved and carried that a committee of two, of which the president be chairman, prepare revised set of by-laws, to be submitted to the Association for adoption at the Portland meeting. The president asked Mr. F. W. Robinson to serve with him, and that others present offer such suggestions regarding changes as they consider important. Incorporation. — Mr. F. W. Robinson reported-that he would be ready at the Portland meeting to report, and that if deemed advisable by the Association, the society could be incorporated without delay. Publication of Proceedings of Plymouth Meeting. — Moved and carried that Mr. Charles E. Robinson be authorized to have published at once the proceedings of the Plymouth meeting and that the secretary's picture be published as frontispiece. Publication of Records of Charles E. Robinson. — Moved and carried that the Executive Committee recommend to the Asso ciation that it accept with proper acknowledgment the generous offer of Mr. Charles E. Robinson, viz.: The genealogical records acquired by him covering a period of twenty-five years, and as soon as possible have typewritten copy made for printing. Foreign Investigation and Research. — Mr. Kimball, chair man of committee appointed at Plymouth, to consider ways and means of such research, reported that owing to unusual circum stances, not as much progress as was hoped for had been made, but the committee would report at the Portland meeting. Personal thanks of all present given Mr. Barbour for so early securing special rates and information regarding entertain ment and transportation. Meeting adjourned subject to call of president. ROWLAND ROBINSON THE MAN AND HIS CENTURY Mrs. (Frances Robinson) Herbert Turrell Regent of Orange Mountain Chapter, D. A. R. ; Chairman of Committee of Education for Citizenship, Woman's Press Club of Ne-w York; Member of the May Flower Society; Member of the Society of Colonial Dames; Member of the Society of Colonial Governors; Chairman of House Committee, Gospel Settlement Associa tion, New York. "Rhode Island's small, yet weais one star, ' Pluck wins ' not size is her device, But when the country calls, look out ! This little hand grips like a vise.'' ARLYLE, in his famous Burns essay referring to Scotland, said: "we hope there is a patriotism founded on something better than prejudice; that our country may be dear to us without injury to our philosophy; that in loving justly and prizing all other lands, we may prize justly and yet love before all others our own stern motherland and the venerable structure of social and moral life, which mind has through long ages been building up for us there; surely the roots, that have fixed themselves in the very core of man's being, may be so cultivated as to grow up not into briars but into roses in the field of his life." We of Scottish origin interpret the spirit of a Carlyle in our intense love for our New England ancestry. In the twentieth century perspective, these men and women were heroes and martyrs; their shortcomings are forgotten, and we regard alone the spirit of those who built for the centuries. The question which has arisen in the minds of individuals without a claim to New England pedigree, or without any IO THE ROBINSONS AND THEIR KIN' FOLK patriotism — the key to our love — for that matter, as to the heroic spirit of many of these early settlers, may be a pertinent one. This question could not consistently apply, however, to the Pilgrims. There were too many hardships to face in the peril of the sea, savage protest, and barren soil, but the love of adventure, and freedom from old world restraints, no doubt inspired young blood a generation or two later, when forests were cleared, natives reconciled, or a certain tolerance and encouragement as sured by England to her colonies. Many shirked duties at home; but very many more hoped for an opportunity for a fuller expression of their powers and faiths than European nations with their intrigues and cruel persecutions were countenancing. As our knowledge and interest in psychological forces ad vances, we find a stimulus in the study of types. To the New England American it is becoming of great interest, if not of vital importance, to know the mental and moral stuff of which our fathers were made, through traditions, records, but more espe cially through personal influence. Temperamental forces are guides to a true estimate of the trend and ultimate fate of this great nation so gloriously and patiently established. The ques tion of the day is: are these early New England forces still dominant; are we assimilating intO' our national life, if not the same physical, the same mental and spiritual fibre of the foun ders; have we the same mind in us as was in the men and women who struggled for a principle? In many respects this is a period of analysis; that was a period of synthesis, and the patriotic men and women of to-day do not feel so much the pride in being well born: this is man's heritage, but are New England Americans living up to the standards necessary to preserve the harmony of the nation? Among the early settlers of Rhode Island was Rowland Robinson of Narragansett. Who was he? What zvas he? We, his descendants, have a peculiar interest in the man, the home of his birth, his parentage, the men and women with whom he had daily intercourse. The political and religious influence of his day we may know, but of his youth and early manhood we have, in some respects, but meagre data with which to become familiar. "Love furthers knowledge," and by a careful analysis of his century we learn what the boy and man ought to have been in ROWLAND ROBINSON ii qualities of character to be transmitted to generations of men and women following. Rowland Robinson was born "at or near Long Bluff, Cum berland County, England, in 1654," says the Chronicler, and "came to this country in 1675 at the age of twenty-one." In the past two centuries so many national events have changed the geographical face of England that many old towns are lost and forgotten; among the towns to suffer extinction so far as available records are concerned, is Long Bluff, possibly now known as Long Town, on the northwest coast of England. We know the county Cumberland which lays to the north west extremity of England, with Scotland, Northumberland, West Moreland, Lancashire and seventy miles of Irish Sea about it. This territory, fifty miles wide and thirty miles long, with seventy miles of sea coast, was not so extensive but that a good live boy might know every mile of it, and often find his way to the seaport towns to watch the incoming and outgoing vessels freighted for West Indies and America. The seaports of Cum berland County, established by Oliver Cromwell, were the first to embark in East India trade long before the Mersey and the Clyde. It became a county in England in the reign of William Rufus, who rebuilt Carlyle, which the Danes had destroyed. Because of her traditional interest, Cumberland County must have been dear to the people, who always retained some of the clannish fidelity of their Scottish ancestry, and a spirit of patriot ism was aroused in them by its growing importance in England's commerce. This is attested by the fact that Cumberland County is referred to in the annals of European nations in various rela tions; her disputed border was the haven for the persecuted of every clime. The home of Rowland was a veritable treasure house to an imaginative boy, with its wealth of glowing scenery and historic importance. Great rugged mountains of the Pennine chain ("the backbone of England") with their gigantic, sterile peaks, reared their noble heads into melting clouds, casting dark, mournful shadows in deep valleys. Beautiful sylvan dales, fine clear lakes, dainty verdant islands, rivers and cascades were among the natural beauties. Over all hung the sky peculiar to the north, which suggested to the untutored, primitive mind, gods, demons. 12 THE ROBINSONS AND THEIR KIN FOLK and their dwelling places in the clear deep heavens above them. Here were laid the foundations of a religion upon which the Christian religion with its dogmas of grim justice, eternal pun ishment, and incessant striving could easily be grafted. The softer, saving religious development must wait until the mind of the Occident is harmonized by the culture of the Orient. Then there were the Druid temples, a mystery even in the seventeenth century, now understood in a worship of Baal as a religion foreign to the north but peculiar to the Semetic race, without doubt transplanted by a wandering tribe. In young Rowland's day, this country was famous in verse and song, and a romantic interest was aroused for travel and discovery. There exists somewhere in old Aryan literature this proverb: "We grow like what we contemplate." The history of the race proves that the thought in the early mind is true. What a boy young Rowland must have been — tall, strong and manly, with a touch of vigor from the sea; with dignity from his own towering mountain peaks; tender, with a touch of poesy inspired by the sun-kissed slopes, with their deep mys terious shadows, and by the melting purple and gold of a north ern twilight which made the boy dreamy, and again questioning to know the reason why in God's beautiful universe so much hatred and cruelty entered into the hearts of men. Temper? Yes, and plenty of it — a torrent when provoked like the surge of the foam from the rugged cliff; passionate, again gentle, thoughtful and penitent. Amid such influences were formed characteristics to be transmitted to a new race of men and women. The romances of the coast people are thrilling stories of fisher folk, whose conflicts are not with the elements alone, but with gods, semi-gods and dragons; of heroic contests for supre macy of the sea, that put a daring into the blood and a heroism into the soul which no mere savage could daunt. The spirit of the old vikings still haunts the north, and we of a younger gen eration feel the blood mount and the sinews tighten when a slave is scourged or the ignorant racked. It is in some such way we must account for the courage of the Anglo-Celtic blood; the spirit of adventure and conflict is in the very air they breath. Homely as our reference is, it serves to prove the endurance ROWLAND ROBINSON 13 of an idea in the northern mind: the first day of the week was set aside by law for the cleansing of linen; this was also in a way a religious duty with a penalty attached for its non-observance. A first offence was subject of fine, and so strict was the law that a death penalty was inflicted for a third offence. Cleanliness was next to godliness, and no people on the face of the earth are so clean in mind and body as the northern races. How much climate has to do with it, is of more than passing interest. Let use remember that from these same hardy people came the beau tiful lyrics that gave a hymnal in which the religious fervor of the seventeenth century expressed itself. It is obvious how old laws become fixed in the mind of a people. The Sagas and Eddas of an old heroic race, unlocked from the archives of Ice land, as the scholar interprets their meaning, will give to the world many curious revelations. The history of the Aryan race receives new light from these interpretations. Ruskin tells us that the children descended from Goths, when given blocks many centuries afterwards, instinctively built Gothic. The descendants of Rowland Robinson are sportsmen, the smell of the salt spray and the freedopi of the forest gives to them the keenest enjoyment, and the blood in their veins leaps with the joy of living. Who were the parents of Rowland Robinson? We know but little ; some devoted descendant may learn more than has been so far discovered. Indications point to a probability that his father was an estate man, if not of higher rank. The innate -nobility and refined taste of Rowland Robinson would testify to "quality." At this time of which we write there were three distinct classes represented — the nobles, estate men (often allied to the ¦nobles), and commoner or tenant class, subservient to the nobles. Estate men owned large tracts of land which they often tilled with their own hands, very much as our New England farmers do to-day. "They were noted for their sturdy independence, positive convictions, and attached to their homes and husbandry." (Enc. Brittan.) They were certainly not of the tenantry, because of the power the Robinsons of the north of England seemed to have possessed to dispose of land, and because of leadership. We do 14 THE ROBINSONS AND THEIR KIN FOLK not know whether Rowland's parents were rich or poor. Some members of the family incline to believe they were rich. We do not know on what they base their theory that young Robinson brought property to America. The writer inclines to believe he came with but little; certainly if he ran away from home at the age of twenty-one, which records show, unless rich in his own right, we must suppose that he came empty handed. The father of Rowland may have been able to give his children the advan tages of collegiate education, for during his life the great colleges of Oxford and Cambridge, at their height, had added to their curriculum religious courses under the most advanced leader ship, and the young men of England were eager to matriculate. We are sure that Rowland's home was a cultivated one, and that within the walls could be heard "Let us worship God." Refine ment of taste and cultivation of manners are natural instincts of Rowland Robinson's descendants, and such instincts do not happen, but are a result of many generations in which habits may be formed. Plumbago and rich copper mines were found in Cumberland County. No doubt many estate men and nobles were enriched thereby. The mother of Rowland came from Barnstable, England. We find that Isaac Robinson of Massachusetts, son of Rev. John Robinson, was also of Barnstable, thus we immediately connect the two families — that of Rowland and that of the immortal John — as being near of kin, and possibly after his marriage Rowland's father removed to Long Bluff. John Allen, the father of Mary Allen, was of the same town. As in sequence we can connect various inter-related families in the same locality, no doubt frequent visits were exchanged by young Mary of Barnstable and young Rowland of Long Bluff. An attachment was formed in their youth to be consummated by marriage in a new land when they shall have reached man hood and womanhood. When Rowland was about ten years old, the great plague ravaged London, followed by the burning of St. Paul's Cathedral. This calamity was sounded in every port. How the whole pulse of England must have throbbed! History relating to this awful time tells us that many families fled to the north. What horrible accounts of the death pits along the highways; of old men, women and babes left to starve and rave in their death agonies, ROWLAND ROBINSON 15 and of the immune thieves confiscating household goods. The riot and general havoc could only have been equaled by the revolution to follow a few years after. The whole of Europe stood aghast. All of this must have reached young Rowland's ears at a period when a young boy begins to look out into the world about him. News traveled to the north by the way of Cumberland County in that day. When Rowland was thirteen, Milton, at the height of his literary genius, gave to the world "Paradise Lost." Poor blind Milton, fearless in protest, powerful in conviction, was he not the poet of the people? Persecuted, despised, hunted because of his convictions, England had many men in the seventeenth century of Milton's stamp. Then came the Rye House plot, another cause of trembling. John Bunyan, before Bedloe jail, was tinkering his pots and pans and fearlessly disseminating his Baptist creed. It was thought in the religious upheaval that nothing could happen much worse. In fact, great history making events were tran spiring around the globe in the early boyhood of Rowland. Ves sels with traders, mendicants, and in fact with all sorts and kinds of travelers, who were circulating the world's news, were entering the ports of Cumberland. Newspapers at this period were almost unknown. Ireland had ventured one, and Russia pub lished a news medium of some importance, but this was short lived. Even in this period of Russian history the people must not know too much. When Rowland was a mere lad the dying words of Oliver Cromwell (who was to the last a warm friend of New England) resounded throughout the world: "O Lord, though I am a miserable sinner I am in covenant with Thee. Thou hast made me though very unworthy an instrument to do Thy people good ! and go on, O Lord, to deliver them and make Thy name famous throughout the world." • As our sons to-day have heard the great martyred McKinley in his death agony say, "It is God's way; Nearer My God to Thee," so the boy Rowland heard the words of Cromwell as they sunk into the hearts of the English speaking race, not to know their full significance until a fickle people had reinstated a vicious King and fomented the Revolu tion of 1688. "It was an age of intense earnestness and martyrdom that x6 THE ROBINSONS AND THEIR KIN FOLK kindled a fire of enthusiasm." There existed "a rough earnest ness of character, a power of conscience and a dominating sense ¦of moral accountability to God, that in England's Reformation began with the princes and ended with the people; in Germany began with the people and ended with the princes." The great men whom the English Reformation produced culminated in Oliver Cromwell. We are told that his glory reached Asia and the descendants ¦of Abraham asked if he were the "servant of the king of kings." A learned rabbi journeyed from Asia to London to study his pedigree, thinking to discover his kinship to David. Through a twentieth century perspective we see clearly the policy of nations, and they appear like a game played by the kings with the people for their puppets. If Cromwell's policy had been followed in England, Louis XIV. would not have dared revoke the edict of Nantes. We dwell with renewed interest upon this fascinating period within the span of a young man's life. Here we find a galaxy of preachers, unrivaled in any age for •eloquence; philosophers and scholars, jurists and moralists (the greatest since the day of Plato and Aristotle), poets and satyrists, who must ever be classed with the immortals who gave to the world of letters and jurisprudence models for centuries, if not for all time, founded as they were on spiritual truths and human understanding. Voltaire doubts if any period saw such illus trious men, and compares the age with that of Pericles in Greece, Augustine of Rome and Medicis of Italy. The policy of Cath erine De Medicis, Coligny and Richelieu were too firmly fixed in the French mind to be easily erased. The Huguenots had be come submissive since August 24, 1572. Spain, dying, laughed with Philip in derision, not disguising but revealing her moral rottenness; Germany with Maximilian II. had uttered her pro test against the dictum of the Roman Catholic powers, and a cry of vengeance against Mary Queen of Scots had fomented Eng land. History making events followed quick and fast after 1624, when Richelieu was virtually King. "Everything for but noth ing by the people" had been the keynote of his policy. Then the Holland, Swedish and English alliance against France led to the greatest preparation for war by Louis XIV, since the ROWLAND ROBINSON 17 Crusade. There have been some periods in the history of human development when it would seem as though Satan himself stalked through the earth and held absolute sway over rulers of men. The sixteenth and seventeenth centuries certainly stand as unique examples in this respect. The year young Rowland was born began the terrible war in Poland. Poland had defied Ivan the Terrible; for this Alexis must revenge. Through the bloody days of Poland stands out the heroic, noble, immortal — in the annals of Poland history- John Sobieski. As we look back from the present dark days of Russia we see another period of terror in her history. Then as now the Cossack was an important factor. In those days of Stenke Razine — a Don Cossack — their depredations extended to the shores of Persia; indeed, the Cossacks threatened the world. Not until 1670 were they subdued. Moscow, surrounded by foes on all sides, quickly recovered, though not as yet ready to make trade treaties with the world. We think our boys of to-day in troublous times, and that the twentieth century is making history fast, true as this is, we must look to the seventeenth century for an introduction to many of the great movements of which the twentieth century will be the sequel. We gather up the threads of the great re ligious movements which tore the church into factions to see them in this generation brought together into a bond of spiritual brotherhood. Creeds are subservient and the Divine living Christ is dominant. The inquisition that sounded the death knell of Spain in that century, in the last century was crushed as a fiendish relic of barbarism too terrible for modern civiliza tions. Maritime and trade relations then established are among some of the vital issues of the present century. Cumberland County, as we have shown, was of great mari time importance; it was the great internal highway to Scotland; it was a country in which great religious movements were fomented and fostered. "Martin Luther, who hungered after truth," had said: "Let the scriptures be put into the hands of everybody; let them interpret for themselves; let spiritual liberty be revived as in apostolic days, and obey God rather than man." And the great Reformation was born in the hearts of a people, of transcendent importance to the human race, planting "Eng- i8 THE ROBINSONS AND THEIR KIN FOLK land with Puritans, Scotland with heroes and North America with colonists," which created such men as "Knox, the aggres sive reformer; Calvin, the logician and oracle of the Protestant; Crammer, the calm man of common sense and peaceful reform, founder of the English church; Latimer, who protested against the Scarlet Mother and her trappings; Taylor, Baxter and Howe, much greater in the history of civilization than the Renaissance that dug for buried statues in the ruins of Greece and Italy, 'that soften but do not save.' " In the seventeenth century, no family was too poor to own a Bible; everybody could read it who would. Whether the parents of Rowland were the followers of Luther, Knox, Cram mer or Latimer, we cannot say, but later evidence points to an affiliation with the Quakers. Quakerism was first preached in 1648 by John Fox, son of George Fox, a weaver of Drayton in Leicestershire, who was its founder. Itinerant preachers promulgated the doctrine in churches, barns and market places, we are told. Without a creed, liturgy, sacrament or priesthood, how it must have been wel comed by God's children struggling for freedom from religious conflict and longing for spiritual peace. The Quakers passed into Scotland, making conspicuous converts along the way. Under the Commonwealth, the Puritans in England had a period of rest, and few if any immigrants sought the colonies. In 1662 the Act of Non-Conformity deprived the non-conforming ministers of their living, and this act furnished the colonies with some of their ablest clergymen and with many of their best men in civil life. The men independency forced to the front were remarkable men: "Strong of will, clear of eye, mighty through faith in their principles, steeped in the commanding emotion and enthusiasm of religion. They were principles that ennobled man, that as serted rights of the individual." This was the type of man Row land Robinson became and the type of men the Robinsons were' before him, we believe. During the stringency of early times, many families to which the Robinsons of Narragansett were allied sought freedom of worship in America, although conditions in New England from a surface point of view were not much more attractive than at home, but to a student of colonial events there is to be found an ROWLAND ROBINSON 19 undercurrent, strong, vital and persistent toward uninterrupted progress in all things civic, religious and commercial. For a long period England's wars had kept her too busy to interfere in colonial affairs ; indeed, they were altogether neg lected. Left to themselves, much of the old world spirit not yet outgrown appeared in the colonies. In the spirit of Jesuitism the Baptists were persecuted. In 1654 this persecution was terminated by Roger Williams. About the same year the Quakers, led by John Fox, appeared in Rhode Island. Their meetings were forbidden by the court of Massachusetts, but their doctrine was spread to all parts of New England, rooting itself deep in the hearts of the people. The persecuted Quakers found refuge in Rhode Island as the Pil grims found refuge in Holland. Rhode Island, independent, de fended her position by saying that they had found "where the Quakers are suffered to defend themselves freely, there they least desired to come," and that, "they are likely to gain more fol lowers by their conceit of their patient suffering than by consent to their pernicious sayings." Several Quakers were put to death in Massachusetts. In England persecutions were most severe. From 165 1- 1657, two thousand were imprisoned and many died. Massa chusetts imposed a penalty of one hundred pounds on any cap tain who landed a Quaker. Ears were cropped, tongues bored, and one William Robinson — a Quaker — suffered a death penalty. The writer may be pardoned this brief review, so familiar to a student of New England history. It may serve to refresh the memory and form a background to the picture of a young man subjected, no doubt, to much of the persecution his parents were called upon to endure; we have no reason to believe they were exempt, but every reason to believe the Robinsons of England were sympathizers or followers of either the Quakers or Baptists, and the youth Rowland was, no doubt, of the faith of his parents, and altogether a product of his times. The 24th of June, 1675, was an eventful day in the history of Rhode Island; this was the day of fasting and prayer prepara tory to a final contest with the Indians. The strong forts of the Narragansetts defied all intrusion; Warwick and Providence had been almost destroyed, and village after village had been burned throughout Massachusetts by the Indians through the instiga- 20 THE ROBINSONS AND THEIR KIN FOLK tion of King Philip; these successes had made all tribes defiant; many of the Christian converts became spies and martyrs; the colonists feared to trust one of them. The outcome is too well known to recapitulate. Rowland Robinson landed onto the shores of New England into the thick of this trouble. What induced him to try his for tune in a new land at such a time? — conditions were not better than in England — they were worse. We can see young Rowland at the age of twenty-one, rest less and impatient to reach America; there lived the little maid of Barnstable who had stolen his boyish heart. Again the chronicler tells us that "he ran away from his parents and boarded a ship, embarking for the colonies." That very ship, no doubt, brought to- the Cumberland ports ne-ws ot the pending Indian unprising. Whatever domestic trouble may have arisen, of which we will hint later, we do not believe thai this was the motive that prompted Rowland to leave his home. Stories of the Indian massacres were to the English people, nurses' tales, told to restrain immigration in some instances, in others, to arouse co-operation at home. The boyish heart of Rowland throbbed and ached to be by the side of the woman he had loved all through his boyhood and manhood's early years. Would the time never come? Quick to resent interference, impatient at delay, he waited and waited. At last his opportunity arrives, and foregoing a good father's and mother's blessing and reconciliation with a meddlesome ( ?) brother, dares all and does all a young man can do for a woman he loves. Rowland apprenticed himself at once to a carpenter. If he had brought money from England, he could have established himself in an independent business, but he took the position of an humble apprentice, and in a short time "was advanced in business for his good behavior." The year following hi.s landing in America he married Mary Allen. Mary's father was a rich farmer, and the prestige that his influence as a man of affairs gave, with his own upright character and industrious habits, advanced him greatly. In a few years he became a man of wealth. ROWLAND ROBINSON 21 Updike, in his history, records that the settlers of Narragan sett were gentlemen of fine culture, of courtly manners, and in hospitality in the New England colonies were not surpassed. These families carefully educated, occupied a place of lead ership in colonial affairs, and in the affairs of the nation which called for men of this character. Mrs. Caroline Robinson, in her rare and valuable genealogy of the Hazard family, gives the following anecdote of Rowland Robinson:* "Among the slaves owned by .Rowland Robinson was one called Abigail, who grieved so bitterly for her son left behind in Africa, that her master sent her back to her native land to find the boy and bring him to her master's house and to a state of bondage. The old man provided carefully for her com fortable sustenance on the voyage, giving the captain a list of the things that he was to provide; these included cups and saucers, plates, knives and forks, with a certain amount of bread and meat and other necessaries, one bed with furniture for the outward voyage, and two beds and furniture for the home voy age. Of course, Rowland Robinson's friends and neighbors all laughed at his credulity in trusting his faithful slave, but as he had a crusty temper, he was saved from an outward show of their amusement, for it was a bold man who offended him. A man who had such faith in human nature must have safely been trusted." The story runs that Abigail returned with her son, who be came a slave in her master's household. A short time before Rowland left England for America, he quarreled with one of his brothers. Some ten or fifteen years afterwards a son of this brother came to seek his future in New England, and of course went to his uncle's house. The uncle refused to see him, but gave him the best room in the house and detailed a servant to the young man's own service. He stayed several months, and then' his Uncle Rowland bought for him an estate in Virginia, built a house, furnished it, and sent him with the slave he had given him to take possession of the new home. Rowland Robinson held many responsible positions under both the Colonial and State governments, among others that of Sheriff of Kings County. Many anecdotes exist of Rowland Robinson's career, full of humor and pathos, charmingly told by * By one authority this anecdote is attributed to Rowland Robinson 2d. 22 THE ROBINSONS AND THEIR KIN FOLK Thomas Hazard in his book, "Recollections of Olden Times."' The writer regrets they are out of print and most difficult to procure. Rowland Robinson bought from the Indians large tracts of land on which he built. The homestead in Point Judith, now standing, was built partly by his own hands. This land he greatly improved. He also purchased Pettaquamscutt and other land, where he built several houses. Westerly records for 1709 have recorded a deed for^3000 acres of Wood River land purchased by Rowland Robinson. The lands were sold in parts of 150 to 300 acres each. Portions of his Pettaquamscutt and Point Judith estate have descended from father to children until within a very few years, if not to the present day. The records tell us that the gentlewoman, Mary Allen, whom our Rowland so loved, was born in 1654 in Barnstable, England, and died at the age of fifty (1706). Rowland died at the age of sixty-two (1716). Both were buried in the northwest corner of the Narragansett Quaker burying lot in Kingston, now known as South Kingston. Thus closes the record. Their folded lives redolent with the perfume of a beautiful romance. The little boy and girl together in their English home; the youth and maid wandering through the fields on sunny, golden days, talking of the troublous times and recounting fabulous tales of the Druid orgies, Roman con quests and northern invasion, shrinking with fear when a refugee would pass them on the highways, or listening eagerly to a Pil grim's gossip. Mary's immigration to America, young Row land's broken heart; as he neared the year of emancipation, his discontent and impatience; his fear for the colonists, as their lives were from time to time imperiled; his escape to America, where he could face the perils with her and for her — his Mary. The little Quakeress was the reward for a courageous young manhood, and together they bequeath a noble name — the finest heritage to many generations of men and women yet unborn. With no wealth but his own brave, loyal heart and willing hands, he landed on these New England shores for freedom's sake — and for Mary — and became a self-made man. We, his descendants, "strike anew that deep mysterious chord of human nature which once responded to a dark, earnest, wondering age, and which lives in us, too ; and will forever live. DEPUTY GOVERNOR ROBINSON 23 though silent now, or vibrating with far other notes, and to far different issues." DEPUTY GOVERNOR WILLIAM ROBINSON Mrs. Caroline E. Robinson William Robinson was born January 26, 1693; he died September 19, 175,1. He was the son of Rowland and Mary (Allen) Robinson, and great-grandson of Governor Henry Bull. His mother was a woman distinguished for her intelligence, firm ness and well-rounded beauty of character. With these traits, she richly endowed her children. Governor William Robinson was a man of great energy and executive ability, his personal appearance corresponding with his character, being a tall, strong, well-developed man, of a fair and ruddy complexion. The gen erosity of his character is shown in the fact that as executor of his father's will, he went before the Town Council and declared that his father had expressed a wish before he died to give to two of his granddaughters, Mary and Sarah Robinson, orphan daugh ters of his son John, a farm of 150 acres each. By consent of the Town Council, William Robinson conveyed said land to his two nieces. This was land that had come to him as a residuary lega tee, taken entirely from his own share of his father's estate. Also the four orphan nieces of his brother John were brought up in his own family. His second wife had three young children by her first husband — these helped to swell the number of his household, making twenty children who were brought up in the old mansion. Himself and wife, with twenty children and nineteen slaves, made a household of forty-one persons. The plantation was like a small village, with its barns, stables, store quarters and other out buildings. To the considerable estate left to him by his father he added largely by purchase. In 1734, Jeremiah Wilson sold him for one thousand two hundred pounds, 350 acres; 1737, Robert Hannah for four thousand pounds, "one messuage or tenement," with 260 acres; 1737, George Mumford for four thou sand five hundred pounds, sold him 200 acres on Point Judith; 1739, Samuel Allen, Jr. of Woodbridge, Middlesex County, N. J., for one thousand pounds sold to him "all that messuage or tene- 24 THE ROBINSONS AND THEIR KIN FOLK ment, together with houses, outhouses, buildings, barns, gardens, orchards," etc., containing 8o acres, bounded north by County road, east by Sanatucket mill, and lying near to a certain place called Sugar Loaf Hill. (This was the western boundary of his home farm.) In 1741, Joseph Mumford for six thousand pounds sold him 160 acres; 1742, William Brenton and wife Alice, for two thousand pounds, sold him 630 acres in Point Judith. In 1746, for eight thousand pounds, 230 acres more. It must be remembered that the money paid for the land was in depreciated currency. The sales will, however, give the exact amount, which even then will show large sums that he expended in land. There being no banker, the only investments possible in those days seems to have been in land. The products of his dairy and large farms (all under cultivation) were exported. His Point Judith farms were used in part for raising horses — the celebrated Nar ragansett pacers. His inventory shows eleven breeding mares with one stallion. These horses were from stock imported by himself. William Robinson's home was on what is now known as Shadow Farm, the old mansion having been taken down in 1882. This home was built before 1716 by his father, as the inventory of his estate at that date mentions certain articles in the "old house," flock, beds and bedding, pewter plates and pewter plat ters, galley pots, casseroles (which were called cassions) and other articles which seems to prove that the "old house" was the quarters for the slaves. This "old house" was near the head of Pettaquamscutt Cove, not far from the Manor House, which de scended from father to son for five generations, when it was sold in 1874 to Mr. Samuel Strang of New York. The inventory of Governor Robinson's estate shows not only the amount of his wealth and the extent of his dairy, but even the size of his house, that was none too large for his numerous household. The rooms — guest room (it was 20 feet square), six more bedrooms, dining room (equally large), store bedroom, northeast bedroom, store closet, kitchen, milk room, cheese room, kitchen closet, dining room, bedroom — these were all on the first floor with cor responding rooms above and several finished rooms in the attic. The rooms were all large; even the basement was not small. The storeroom bedroom had a fireplace, and it was here that was placed the trundle bed and cradle which tells its own story. It THE NARRAGANSETT PACER 25 was "Mother's room." The size of the dairy can be easily inferred from the fact that there were 4060 pounds of cheese on hand at the time of his death in September, the product of the summer; this was valued at five hundred and fifty-eight pounds. In 175 1 a Spanish mill was valued at two pounds six shillings. Governor Robinson's public life covered a period of twenty- four years, and during all this time he was actively engaged in business of the colony. He was Deputy in 1724, 1725, 1726, 1727, 1728, 1734, 1735, 1736, 1741, 1748. Speaker of the House I73S> 1736, I74i> 1742. Deputy Governor 1745, 1746, 1747, 1748. It goes without saying that the duties attending upon these offices were well and faithfully performed, and that he was a man trusted and appreciated not only by his townspeople, but by the colony. He married about 1718, Martha, daughter of John and Sarah (Wilson) Potter, and widow of James Allen, a cousin of Governor Robinson. She had five children, and died November, 1725. She, bom December 20, 1692. He married secondly Abigail, daughter of William and Abigail (Remington) Gardiner, and widow of Caleb Hazard. She, born 1700 and died May 22, 1772. They were married March 20, 1776. They had eight children, the eldest son, Christopher, born December 31, 1727; he married November 30, 1752, Ruhamah, daughter of Col. Christopher and Elizabeth (Hill) Champlin. THE NARRAGANSETT PACER BY Mrs. Herbert Turrell " One sunshiny aftemoon there rode into the great gate of Manhattoes, two lean and hungry looking Yankees, mounted on Narragansett Pacers." — Knickerbocker, 'Washington Irving. In importing horses into Rhode Island, William Robinson displayed a keen insight into not his own needs alone, but into what would prove to be an absolute necessity with the growth of the State. When we realize the limitations of the colonists in transportation facilities and farm equipment, we marvel at the 26 THE ROBINSONS AND THEIR KIN FOLK results accomplished. The products of William Robinson's farm must have been considerable, for inventories show trade relations with Spain to no small extent. The supervision of the farm was conducted by himself, and as we know this farm contained many acres, he must have been puzzled how to give it personal atten tion. As Deputy Governor, his duties were most exacting in official work, and again, the seat of government was a long,. weary journey from home, when traveled in slow stages. In importing horses, Governor Robinson aiiticipated his own need and accomplished what would have been subsequently done by another. The native Indian horse was no doubt in use, as were also a few horses driven into the colonies from Canada, either of a wild breed or of French import. Facilities for transporting horses to any great extent did not exist subsequent to the days of Governor William Robinson, although it is reasonable to sup pose some breed of horse was brought into the country; how ever, the writer can find no record relating to it. The pacer horse, such as Governor William Robinson im ported, was of Arabian origin, dating back into the earliest Span ish history. In the English records, the Spanish pacer figures more conspicuously than any other breed of horse. It is stated that William the Conqueror rode a pacer and that Queen Eliza beth's favorite "pillion" was a Spanish pacer. (Enc. Britt.) With the introduction of heavy armor into England a change was made in the breed of horse used. The pacer was too delicate to carry a man heavily accoutred; the breed was mixed, developing a horse with the quick step of the pacer and the tough, heavy build of the horse in the north of France. Eventually the horse commonly known as "hack" was devel oped. For a time the pacer was lightly regarded in England, ex cept for the ladies, and when carriages were introduced the pacer was discarded almost entirely for saddle work. The English used the pacer, however, to perfect the deHcacy and symmetry of a coarser breed. If England exported horses to the New Eng land colonies, the records are not easily available. Upon the introduction of gunpowder into England, the pacer comes to the front again, and we find it the favorite horse. The breed at this time reaches its highest stage of development. THE NARRAGANSETT PACER 27 The pacer horse has always been an aristocrat of the finest type, and wherever found, "blood tells." The history of the pacer horse in its southern home as the darling of Moor and Spaniard, to the Narragansett pacer in its Rhode Island home is like a charming romance. We see it the pet of the court, the joy of the turf and the servant and messenger of the colonist. The saying, "ride a pacer to a jolly death,'" which has come to us from Spanish literature, expresses the use and the abuse to which this "best friend" has been subjected. It was about the year 1735 that Governor William Robinson imported the pacer to America. The Point Judith farms were used in part for raising these horses. His inventory shows eleven breeding mares with one stallion. The farm is now known as "Shadow Farm," and was the one bought by Samuel Strang in 1874. The original home was built in 1716. As we have seen, the activity of Governor William Robinson demanded rapid transit ; he could appreciate the value of a horse, swift of motion, small in bulk, and of good spirit without feeling great fatigue. The pacer was very swift and readily took the ford,. even where swollen by great storms. It is surprising that the origin of the Narragansett pacer was so little known. To Fenimore Cooper, it was a "freak of nature." In his "Leather Stocking," his heroines ride Narra gansett pacers, which he proceeds to account for in a footnote to this effect : "The origin of the Narragansett pacer is unknown, but it is probably a cross between a native horse of Narragansett and an Indian pony." A freak of nature, he called it. It is evident from the suggestion of Cooper that the Narra gansett pacer played no small part in the history of the colonies. The call to arms came, and the hearts of our forefathers were thrilled with the hope of independence, and rapid communication from colony to colony and State to State aroused the patriot to action. No electric wires, no railroads; stage coaches and run ners, slow at the best, are some of the means recorded whereby the colonies were aroused. The "lean, hungry-looking Yankee," mounted on a Narra gansett pacer, entered not only the gates of Manhattoes, but into Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont, into town after town, arousing Americans to protest against the in justice of England. With his strong heart and willing feet. 28 THE ROBINSONS AND THEIR KIN FOLK through forest and brake, by shore and mountain, our beautiful pacer sped to do his part in God's providence for a great nation that was to be. It is not unreasonable to suppose that Paul Revere, in his historic ride, rode a Narragansett pacer, for through the close relation of many families of Rhode Island and Massachusetts, the fame of the pacer must have been conveyed. A matter of such importance must have occasioned comment. In paying our tribute to men, let us pay a slight tribute of praise to the Narra gansett pacer. Through hostilities, savage tribes and many hardships we follow him, ever willing, ever faithful to serve his master. A man who owns a pacer of American pedigree, al though like the "Morgan" horse it is almost extinct, should decorate him with the buff and the blue, for to him no small honor is due. GENEALOGY OF THE ROBINSON FAMILY OF NARRAGANSETT, R. I. BY Mrs. Herbert Turrell Rowland Robinson's* children were as follows: I. John, born in 1677; married Mary Hazard in 1703; died in 171 1, aged 34 years. His wife died in 1722, aged 46 years. He left four daughters, all of whom were brought up in Gov. William Robinson's family. One of them married a Hazard, and was the mother of one of the Stephen Hazards. Another- married a Babcock. 2. Joseph, born in 1679; died in infancy. 3. Elizabeth, born in 1680; married William Brown in 1698. She died in 1745, aged 64 years. Mr. Brown died in 1749, aged 72, years. They left children, Thomas Brown and others. 4. Mary, born in 1683; married George Mumford in 1703. * In 1845 the remains of Rowland Robinson were removed from Friends Burying Ground, Tower HiU, South Kingston, to the Wakefield Cemetery, by Atmore Robinson, a lineal descendant of his in the fifth degree. ROBINSON FAMILY OF NARRAGANSETT 29 She died in 1707, aged 23 years. Mr. Mumford died in 1745, aged 66 years. They left children, James among others. 5. Sarah, born in 1685; married Rufus Barton in 1712. She died in 1760, aged 76 years. Mr. Barton died in 1743, aged 70 years. They left children, Rowland, Rufus and others. 6. Rowland, born June 16, 1688; died in 1693, aged 5 years. 7. Mercy, born in 1690; married Col. John Potter in 1714. She died in 1762, aged 72 years. Col. Potter died in 1739, aged 50 years. They left children. 8. William, born in 1693; married Martha Potter in 1717. She died in 1725, aged 33 years. He married his second wife, Mrs. Abigail G. Hazard — widow of Caleb Hazard and daughter of William Gardiner — in 1727 or 1728. William Robinson died in 1 75 1, aged 58 years. His second wife died in 1773, aged 76 years. Note — The following are the children of John, son of Row land: I. Mary, born in 1705; married Stephen C. Hazard in 1727. She died in 1756, aged 51 years. Mr. Hazard died in 1750, aged 47 years. They left children. 2. Rowland, born in 1706; died in infancy. 3. Sarah, born in 1707; married Ichabod Potter, Jr., Jan. 16, 1722. She died in 1744, aged 27 years. Mr. Potter died in 1755, aged 55 years. They left children. 4. Ruth, born in 1709; married Joseph Underwood in 1728. She died in 1758, aged 49 years. Mr. Underwood died in 1763, aged 58 years. They .left children. The children of Gov. William Robinson — eighth son of Rowland — by his first wife, Martha Potter, were: I. Rowland, born in 1719; married Anstis Gardiner in 1741. "December 3, 1741, the bans being duly published in the church of St. Paul's, Narragansett, Rowland Robinson, son of William, was married to Anstis Gardiner, daughter of John Gardiner, by the Rev. Dr. McSparran." (Updike's History of the Narragan sett Church, page 188.) Mr. Robinson died in 1806, aged 87 years. Mr. Robinson died in 1785, aged 68 years. The chil dren of Rowland Robinson were: i. Hannah, born in 1746; married Peter Simons. Mrs. Simons died in 1773. 2. Mary, born in 1752; died in 1777. 3. William R., born in 1759; mar ried Ann Scott, 1784; died 1804, aged 45 years. Mrs. Robinson 30 THE ROBINSONS AND THEIR KIN FOLK afterward married Dr. John Mann and died in 1839, aged 76 years, without issue. 2. John, born in 1721; died in 1739. 3. Margaret, born in 1722; married William Mumford in 1745. She died in 1768, aged 46 years. Mr. Mumford died in 1790, aged 69 years. They left children. 4. Ehzabeth, born in 1724; married Thomas Hazard in 1745. She died in 1804, aged 79 years. Mr. Hazard died at his homestead in South Kingstown in 1795, aged 76 years, and was buried in the Friends old burying ground in South Kingstown. 5. Martha, born in 1725; married Latham Clarke in 1747. She died in 1768. Mr. Clarke died in 1776, aged 60 years. They left children: Martha, who was the second wife of John Hazard ¦of North Kingstown, and a woman of strong intellect and ster ling character; Samuel; Louis Latham; Hannah, born April 19, 1760. Hannah married Peleg Gardiner — his second wife — Oct. -26, 1791. Her children were: Martha Clarke, born Sept. 10, 1795, who married Rowland F. Gardiner and died Dec. 19, 1837; Hannah Robinson, born June 3, 1798, married Robert Morey and died June 3, 1869; Mary Ann, born Nov. 15, 1800, who mar ried Timothy Clarke Collins and died in October, i860. The family now have Rowland Robinson's family Bible, containing among many other entries in his own handwriting, the following: ¦"William Robinson, died 19th Sept., 1751, aged 57 years, 7 months, 27 days;" "Martha, wife of William, died November, 1725;" "My daughter, Hannah Robinson, departed this life the 30th October, 1773, aged 27 years, 5 months, 9 days (Hannah Gardiner Morey, daughter of Robert Morey, has now in her pos session four silver spoons that belonged to the 'unfortunate Hannah Robinson') ;" "Anstis Gardiner, wife of Rowland Robin son, died November 24th, 1773;" "Mary, my daughter, died April 5th, 1777, aged 25 years, i month, 21 days;" "William, my son, died 29th October, 1804, aged 45 years;" "My beloved brother John Robinson, died October 5, 1739.'' 6. Christopher — the first child of Gov. William Robinson by his second wife — born in 1728; married Rhuhama Champlin. Nov. 30, 1752; died in 1807, aged 79 years. Mrs. Robinson died in 1783, aged 52 years. Their children were: i. Abigail, born 1754; married Stephen Potter 1772; died 1803, aged 49 years. :2. Christopher Champlin, born 1756; married Elizabeth Anthony, ROBINSON FAMILY OF NARRAGANSETT 31 Dec. 30, 1790; died 1841, aged 87 years. Mrs. Robinson died in 1849, aged 79 years. The children of Christopher C. and Eliza beth Robinson were: (a) George C, born 1791; married Mary Niles Potter 1812; died at Canton, East Indies, 1827, aged 36 years. Mrs. Robinson died in 1870, aged 75 years, 10 months and 18 days, (b) Thurston, born 1793; married Sarah Perry 1823; died 1875, aged 82 years. Mrs. Robinson died 1874, aged .85 years. (c) Mary, born 1794; married John Brown 1815; died 1866, aged 72 years. Mr. Brown died 1834, aged 42 years; left children, (d) Harriet, born 1795; died 1796, aged 21 days, (e) Rhuhama C, born 1797; married John Robinson 1821 ; died 1869, aged 71 years. Mr. Robinson died in 1841, aged 47 years; no children, (f) Elizabeth, born 1799; died 1799, aged 3 months and 5 days, (g) Rodman G., born 1800; died 1841, unmarried. (h) Elizabeth A., born 1801; married William B. Robinson 1830; •died 1876. (i) Sally, born 1803; died 1816. (j) Elisha A., born 1804; married Mary Hull 1837. (k) Harriet, born 1807; mar ried William B. Robinson — his second wife; died 1828. Mr. Robinson died 1875. (1) Frances Wanton, born 1809; died December, 1876; married Thomas Hazard Watson, son of Wal ter. The children of Thomas H. and Frances W. Watson were: Walter Scott, George Robinson, Caroline, Elizabeth and Thomas . H. (m) Christopher, born 1810. (n) Albert, born 1812; mar ried Hannah Pierce 1844; died 1856, aged 44 years. The chil dren of Albert and Hannah Robinson were Albert C, born 1854, and George P., born 1856. (o) William H. Robinson, born 1814; married Eliza Hazard, 1841. 7. William — seventh child of Gov. William Robinson — born 1729; married Hannah Brown 1752; died 1785, aged 56 years. Mrs. Robinson died in 1791, aged 60 years. The chil dren of William and Hannah Robinson were: i. Philip Robin son, born 1754; married Elizabeth Boynton 1779; died 1799, aged 45 years. Mrs. Robinson died in 1785, aged 26 years. They fiad one child, Samuel Boynton Robinson, born 1785; died 1794, .aged 9 years. 2. Hannah, born 1756; married George Brown 1774; died 1823, aged 67 years. Lieut.-Gov. George Brown died in 1836, aged 80 years. They left a large family of children, William, George, John and several daughters, one of whom mar- Tied Rowse Babcock of Westerly. 8. Thomas — eighth child of Gov. William Robinson — 32 THE ROBINSONS AND THEIR KIN FOLK born 1730; married Sarah Richardson 1752; died 1817, aged 87 years. Mrs. Robinson died in 1817, aged 84 years. 9. Abigail, born in 1732; married John Wanton 1751; died 1754, aged 22 years. Mr. Wanton died in 1793, aged 65 years. They had only one child, which was buried in the same grave with the mother. 10. Sylvester, born in 1734; married Alice Perry in 1756; died in 1809, aged 75 years. Mrs. Robinson died in 1787, aged 50 years. II. Mary, born in 1736; married John Dockray in 1756; died in 1776, aged 40 years. Mr. Dockray died in 1787, aged 56 years. Their children were: i. John Bigelow. 2. James Dockray. John Bigelow Dockray married a daughter of Wil Ham Congdon, and was the father of John, Nancy and Mary. The last named John Dockray married Mercy Peckham. Their children were: John, William, James and Mary — all now living. Nancy married William Brown, a son of Gov. George Brown. Their children were: Mary, Nancy, John, Hannah, Edward and Susan. 12. James, born 1738; married Nancy Rodman. 13. John, born 1742; married Sarah Peckham 1761; died 1801. Mrs Robinson died in 1775. The children of Thomas Robinson — eighth child of Gov. William Robinson — were: I. William T., born 1754; married Sarah, daughter of Sam uel Franklin of New York City; died 1835, aged 81 years. Mrs. Robinson died in 181 1, aged 52 years. The children of William T. and Sarah Robinson were: i. Esther, born in 1782; married Jonas Minturn of New York. The children of Jonas and Esther Minturn were: (a) Eliza beth, born 1801; died young, (b) William, born 1802; drowned in a sailboat near New York, Sept. 21, 1821. (c) Rowland, born 1804; died 1839, unmarried, (d) Caroline, born 1806; married David Prescott Hall of New York. Their children were: John Mumford, Rowland Minturn, Caroline Minturn, Elizabeth Pres cott, Frances Ann and David Prescott. David Prescott Hall married Florence Howe, daughter of Dr. Samuel G. Howe of Boston, and his children — Samuel Prescott, Caroline Minturn and Henry Marion, (e) Thomas, born 1808; died unmarried, aged about 70 years, (f) Lloyd, deceased, born 1810; married ROBINSON FAMILY OF NARRAGANSETT 33 Julia Randolph of Newport, R. I.; second wife, Anne K. Robin son, of Ferrisburgh, Vt., whose children are named elsewhere. (g) Frances, born 1812; married Thomas R. Hazard of Vaucluse, R. I. Their children were: Mary, died aged 27 months; Frances, Gertrude, Anna — the last three named all died in early woman hood — Esther, who married Dr. E. J. Dunning of New York, and Barclay, born in 1852. (h) Niobe, married Duncan Fer guson of New York; had one child, Lucy, who died, aged 2 years; married, second. Ward H. Blackler of New York, whose children were: Mary — who married Theodore Wright of Phila delphia, and has one child — Minturn, Gertrude, who died in early womanhood, and Edith Belliden. (i) Jonas, born 1819; married Abby West of Bristol, R. I. Their children were: Row land, Mary — married Charles Potter of Newport, R. I., and his children, Charles, Mary Minturn and Aracelia — Thomas, Gert rude — married Capt. George Sanford, U.S.A., and has one daughter, Margaret — Madeline and James, (j) Agatha, married Edward Mayer of Vienna, Austria, and has children John, Lloyd and William, (k) Gertrude, married William H. Newman of New York City. All the above named daughters of Jonas and Esther Robinson Minturn are deceased. 2. Thomas — second child of William T. and Sarah Robin son — attached himself to the fortunes of Aaron Burr and died in Paris in early manhood, unmarried. 3. Samuel, unmarried; lost in a sailboat near New York Sept. 21, 1815. 4. Sarah, married Joseph S. Coates of Philadelphia. Their children were: Joseph H. and Sarah R. Coates. Joseph H. married, first, Elizabeth W. Horner, who died without children; second, Sarah Ann Wisner. Their children were: Alma W., Ellen W., Arthur R. and Joseph S. Coates. Sarah R. Coates married Joshua Toomer of Charleston, S. C, and has one child, Mary Ann. 5. Mary, married William Hunter, United States Minister to Brazil. Their children were (a) William, married Sally Hoff man, daughter of General Smith of Georgetown, D. C. The children of William and Sally H. Hunter were: Walter, Mary — married Richard H. Jones of Cumberland, Md. — Blanche, Irene, William and Godfrey, (b) Eliza, married James Birckhead of Rio Janeiro, Brazil. Their children were William and Katherine. 34 THE ROBINSONS AND THEIR KIN FOLK William Birckhead married Sarah King of Newport, R. I. and has children — James, Philip and Hugh, (c) Thomas R., mar ried Mrs. Frances Wetmore Taylor of New York City. Their children are: William, Elizabeth, Augusta, Mary and Charles. (d) Mary, married Captain Piers of the Royal Navy of Great Britain, (e) Charles, Commander U. S. Navy, married Miss Rotch of New Bedford. Their children are: Catherine — married Thomas Dunn of Newport, R. I. — Caroline, Mary — married Walter Langdon Kane of New York — Anna Falconet, (f) Catherine, married William Greenway of Rio Janeiro, Brazil, whose son was Charles, (g) John, died in youth. 6. Abby — daughter of William T. and Sarah Robinson — married Mr. Pierce; both lost at sea. 7. Franklin, married and died in Alabama, leaving Mary, who died while at school in Newport, R. I., and other children. 8. Nancy, married John Toulmin of Mobile, Ala., and left one child, Agatha. 9. Rowland, married and settled in Ohio, where he died highly respected, leaving several children. 10. Eliza, died in early womanhood, unmarried. II. William, died in mature manhood, unmarried. 12. Emma, married John Grimshaw; died 1878. They had a daughter, Emma, who married Benjamin Haviland and had children — William Robinson, Gertrude, Ellen and Frances. 2. Thomas — second son of Thomas Robinson, the eighth son of Governor William — born 1756; died young. 3. Mary, born 1757; married John Morton of Philadelphia, 1793; died in Philadelphia 1829. Mr. Morton died in Philadel phia 1828. Their children were: Esther, born 1797; Robert, born 1801 ; died unmarried 1848. Esther married Daniel B. Smith 1824. The children of Daniel B. and Esther Smith were: Benjamin R., born 1825; John, born 1828, died 1836; Mary, born 1830, died 1854. Benjamin R Smith married Esther F. Whar ton, 1859. Their children are: Robert Morton, born i860, died 1864; William Wharton, born 1861; Anna Wharton, born 1864; Esther Morton, born 1865; Deborah Fisher, born 1869, died 1877; Edward Wanton, born 1875. Benjamin R. Smith in herited and now occupies as a summer residence the old home stead of his maternal ancestors in Newport, R. I. 4. Abigail, born 1760; died at an advanced age, unmarried. ROBINSON FAMILY OF NARRAGANSETT 35 5. Thomas Richardson, born 1761; married Jemima Fish 1783; died 1851, aged 90 years. Mrs. Robinson died in 1846, aged 85 years. They left children: i. Abigail, married Nathan C. Hoag. Their children were: Rachael, married, no children; Amy, unmarried; Thomas, married Huldah Case; Huldah, mar ried Louis Estis; Jane, married Henry Miles; Joseph, Nathan, died young; Mary, married Daniel Clark. 2. Rowland T., mar ried Rachel Gilpin of New York. Their children were: (a) Thomas R., married Charlotte Satterly and had children, Wil liam G. and Sarah R., who married William Harman. (b) George G. (c) Anne K., married Lloyd Minturn. Their children were: Rowland R., Agatha Barclay — married William R. Haviland — and Frances, (d) Rowland E., married Anna Stevens. 6. Rowland, born 1763; lost at sea in early manhood; un married. 7. Joseph Jacobs, born 1765; died at an advanced age, un married. 8. Amy, born 1768; married Robert Bowne of New York. Their children were: George, who died unmarried, and Rowland, who left a daughter. The children of Sylvester Robinson, son of Gov. William Robinson, were: I. James, born 1756; married Mary Attmore of Philadel phia in 1781; died 1841, aged 85 years. Mrs. Robinson died 1856, aged 86 years. 2. Mary, born 1763; married Jonathan N. Hassard 1788; died 1837, aged 74 years. Mr. Hassard died 1802 in the West Indies, aged 42 years. He left children, Stephen, James, Alice, Jonathan N., Robinson and Mary, and numerous grandchildren. 3. Abigail, born 1769; married Thomas H. Hazard 1789; died 1818, aged 49 years. Mr. Hazard died 1823, aged 61 years, and left children. The children of James Robinson — ninth child of Gov. Wil liam Robinson — were: I. Abigail, born 1768; married John Robinson 1794; died 1805, aged 27 years. Mr. Robinson died in 1831, aged 64 years; left children. 2. Ruth, born 1769; was never married; died in 1839, aged 70 years. 3. Mary, born 1771; married John Bowers 1792; died 1826, 36 THE ROBINSONS AND THEIR KIN FOLK aged 55 years. Mr. Bowers died 1819, aged 53 years; left chil dren. 4. Ann, born 1772; died 1790, aged 17 years. 5. James, born 1774; died 1781, aged 7 years. The children of John Robinson — the tenth and youngest child of Gov. William Robinson — were: I. Benjamin, born 1763; married Elizabeth Brown, daugh ter of Gov. George Brown, 1801; died 1830, aged 66 years. Mrs. Robinson died in 1855, aged 86 years. 2. Sarah, born in 1764; married John Taber 1789; died 1837, aged 73 years. Mr. Taber died in 1820, aged 62 years; they left children. 3. William, born 1766; married. 4. John J., born 1767; married Abigail Robinson 1794; died 1831, aged 64 years. Mrs. Robinson died in 1805, aged 39 years. 5. Sylvester, born 1769; married; died in 1837, aged 68 years. 6. Thomas, born 1771 ; died 1786, aged 14 years. George C. — third child of Christopher, son of Gov. William Robinson — born 1758; died 1780, aged 22 years. He was taken prisoner in the privateer "Revenge" in 1778, carried into New York and placed on board the prison-ship "Jersey" at the Walla- bout, Long Island, N. Y., where he died with the prison fever, and was buried at that place. 4. Elizabeth — fourth child of Christopher — born 1760; mar ried Mumford Hazard, son of Simeon, 1786; died 1822, aged 62 years. Mr. Hazard died in 181 1, aged 55 years. They left no children. 5. William C, born 1763; married Frances Wanton 1794; died 1803, aged 40 years. Mrs. Robinson died in 1816, aged 43 years. 6. Jesse, born 1764; married Hannah T. Sands 1789; died 1808, aged 44 years. Mrs. Robinson died in 1848, aged 82 years. 7. Robert, born 1765; married Sarah Congdon 1795. She died in 1802, aged 26 years. Married Ann Deblois 1807. Mr. Robinson died in 183 1, aged 66 years. Mrs. Robinson, his sec ond wife, died in 1850, aged 68 years. 8. Hannah, born 1769; married John Perry 1788; died 1849, aged 80 years. Mr. Perry died in 1834, aged 69 years. Left children : Robinson Perry of Wakefield, John G. Perry of Kings- ROBINSON FAMILY OF NARRAGANSETT 37 ton, Oliver Hazard of Peace Dale, and several other sons and daughters. 9. Matthew, born 1772; married Mary S. Potter 1797. She died in 1801, aged 24 years. Married Mary Potter in 1802. Mr. Robinson died in 1821, aged 49 years. Mrs. Robinson, second wife, died in 1836, aged 54 years. The children of William C. — fifth child of Christopher and grandson of Gov. William Robinson — were: I. Edward Wanton, born 1797; died 1818, aged 21 years. 2. Stephen Ayrault, born 1799; married Sarah H. Potter 1822, at Wakefield, R. I.; died in South Kingstown, April 7, 1877, aged 78 years. 3. Francis W., born 1800; died 1802, aged 2 years. 4. George C, born 1802; died 1820, aged 18 years. 5. William C, born 1803; married Abby B. Shaw 1827; died 1 87 1, aged 67 years. The children of Jesse — sixth child of Christopher and grand son of Gov. William Robinson — were: I. Robert, born 1790; died 1809, aged 19 years. Mr. Rob inson was killed by falling from the masthead of the ship "Reso lution" of Newport, R. I., while in the harbor of Charleston, S. C. 2. William J., born 1792; married Rebecca Ann Gould 1822; died 1852, aged 60 years, without issue. His widow married in 1859, Isaac Jacques of Elizabeth, N. J. 3. Matthew, born 1794; married Mary D. Shields 1828; died 1833, aged 39 years; left issue. His widow married Dr. DeForrest of Baltimore, Md., 1843. 4. Samuel Perry, born 1798; married Alzada R. Willey 1824; died 1868, aged 70 years. 5. Edwin, born 1801; married Mary Connor 1833; died 1843, aged 42 years. 6. Mary Ann, born 1803; married Elijah Johnson 1825. Mr. Johnson died 1875, aged 74 years; left children. 7. Abby, born 1805; married Samuel Clarke 1828; died 1847, aged 42 years; left children. 8. John Ray, born 1808; died 1818, aged 10 years. He was drowned in the Pettaquamscutt River near the foot of Tower Hill. 9. Sarah Ann, born 1807; married William Bailey 1832. 38 THE ROBINSONS AND THEIR KIN FOLK Mr. Bailey died 1854, aged 45 years. Mrs. Bailey died 1865, aged 58 years. They left no children. The children of Robert — seventh child of Christopher and grandson of Gov. William Robinson — were: I. Alexander S., born 1797; died 1819, aged 22 years. 2. Samuel W., born 1799; never married; died 1862, aged 63 years. 3. Robert, born 1802; never married; died 1869, aged 67 years. 4. Sarah Ann, born 1808; never married; died 1864, aged 56 years. The children of Matthew — ninth and youngest child of Christopher and grandson of Gov. William Robinson — were : I. John P., born 1799; died 1801, aged 2 years. He was twin brother to Rowland. 2. Rowland, born 1799; married 1834; died 1859, aged 60 years; left children. 3. Samuel S., born 1801; married 1825; died 1874, aged 73 years; left children. 4. Maria, born 1803; died 1831, aged 27 years; was never married. 5. Frances W., born 1804; married Benjamin Balch 1842; died 1845, aged 41 years; left no children. 6. William C, born 1806; died 1827, aged 21 years. 7. Sarah Ann, born 1807; died 1832, aged 25 years. 8. Edward W., born 1809; married 1835; has no children. 9. Hannah, born 181 1; married Edward Larned 1841. 10. S. Ayrault, born 1814; not married. The children of James Robinson — son of Sylvester and grandson of Gov. William Robinson — were: I. William A., born 1797; married Dorcas B. Hadwen 1828; died 1872, aged 75 years. The children of William A. and Dor cas B. Robinson were: i. Mary A., married Jacob Dunnell. 2. James, married Anna Balch. 3. Edward H., married Grace M. Howard. 4. Caroline, died 1845. 5. Anne A. 6. William A , Jr., married Marian L. Swift. 2. Edward Mott, born 1800; married Abby S. Howland; died 1865. The children of Edward M. and Abby S. Robinson were: i. Hetty H., married Edward H. Green. 2. Isaac H., died in infancy. ROBINSON FAMILY OF NARRAGANSETT 39 3. Anne A., born 1801; married Stephen A. Chase. Mr. Chase died in 1876. 4. Sarah, born 1804; died in infancy. 5. Attmore, twin of Sarah; married Laura Hazard. The children of Attmore and Laura Robinson were: i. James A., married first, Mary E. Alger, second, Mary Ring. 2. Jane H. 3. Sylvester, died 1874. 4. George H., married Sarah Dela- mater. 5. Anne C. 6. William H. H. 6. Rowland, born 1806; died 1819. 7. Sylvester C, born 1808. The children of Benjamin Robinson — son of John and grandson of Gov. William Robinson- — were: I. George, born 1792; died 1795, aged 3 years. 2. John, born 1794; married Rhuhama Robinson 1821; died 1841, aged 47 years. Mrs. Robinson died 1868, aged 71 years; no children. 3. George B., born 1796; married Mary R. Wells 1832. She died 1838, aged 27 years. Married Julianna WiUes 1839. Mr. Robinson died 1827, aged 76 years. 4. Sylvester, born 1798; married Eliza Noyes 1822; died 1867, aged 69 years. Their children were: i. Ann B., married Nicholas Austin. 2. B. Franklin, married Caroline Rodman. 3. Hannah. 5. William B., born 1800; married Harriet Robinson 1827. She died 1828, aged 21 years. Married Eliza A. Robinson 1831. She died 1874, aged 72 years. Mr. Robinson died 1875, aged 75 years. His children were: i. Caroline H., born 1828, died 1829. 2. Caroline E., born 1842, married Benjamin Sher man 1875. The children of John I. Robinson — son of John and grand son of Gov. William Robinson — were: I. James, born 1796; married Maria Gibbs 1832; died 1874, aged 78 years. Mrs. Robinson died 1875, aged 70 years. Their children were: i. John C, born 1835, died 1865, aged 30 years. 2. James, born 1837, died 1838. 3. Virginia, born 1839, died 1846. 4. Arabella, born 1845, married John A. Cross 1871. 2. Mary Ann, born 1798; married Mr. Shotwell 1825; died 1870, aged 71 years, leaving one child. 40 THE ROBINSONS AND THEIR KIN FOLK The children of William C. Robinson — son of William C. — were: I. Frances W., born 1829; died 1851, aged 21 years. 2. William A., born 1834; died 1837, aged 3 years. 3. Ann Maria, born 1836; married Albert J. S. Molinard 1836. Captain Molinard died 1875, leaving two children. Mrs. Molinard married Mr. Pendall for her second husband, 1875. 4. Edward Ayrault, born 1838; married Alice Canby 1871; has children. 5. George Francis, born 1843; married Ellen F. Lord 1869; has children. The children of George B. Robinson — son of Benjamin and great-grandson of Gov. William Robinson — were: I. Maria, born 1833; died 1848. 2. Elizabeth B., born 1835. 3. John W., born 1836; died 1837. 4. Mary W., born 1838; died 1838. 5. Hannah W., born 1840. 6. George B., born 1842; married. 7. Thomas W., born 1843. The children of Samuel Perry Robinson — son of Jesse and great-grandson of Gov. William Robinson — were: I. Anna R., born 1824; died 1853, aged 29 years. 2. William J., born 1828; died 1829. 3. William, born 1830. 4. Hannah T., born 1832; died 1834. 5. Edwin M., born 1834; died 1861, aged 26 years. 6. Sarah Jane, born 1837; died 1841. 7. Alzayda R. W., born 1839. 8. Rebecca, born 1842; married Alfred Gregory, 1870. 9. Alvira Weeden, born 1843. 10. Samuel P., born 1844. II. Kingston Goddard, born 1846. The children of George C. Robinson — eldest son of Chris topher C. and great-grandson of Gov. William Robinson — were: I. Jeremiah P., born 1819; married Elizabeth DeWitt 1843. Their children are: i. Mary N., born 1844; died 1845, aged i year, 4 months and 17 days. 2. Jeremiah P., born 1846; married ROBINSON FAMILY OF NARRAGANSETT 41 Margaret D. Lanman 1867. 3. Elizabeth D., born 1851; mar ried Lewis H. Leonard 1871. 4. Harriet W., born 1853. 5. Isaac R., born 1856. 2. Sarah H., born 1821; married William Rhodes Hazard 1851; died i860, aged 38 years. 3. Elizabeth A., born 1823; married James Stewart 1854. 4. George C, born 1825; married Mary L. Arnold 1852. Their children are: i. George C, born 1854. 2. Louisa L., born 1856. 3. Mary N., born 1858. 4. Richard A., born i860; died 1862, aged I year and 10 months. 5. Margaret, born 1864. 6. Anna D., born 1870; died 1871, aged i year, 6 months and 12 days. 7. Edward Wanton, born 1872. 5. Mary N., born 1827; married George G. Pearse, 1849. The children of Thurston Robinson — son of Christopher C. and great-grandson of Gov. William Robinson — were: I. Morton, born 1825; married Ann E. Collins 1854. Their children are: i. Anna, born 1855, married Sylvester Cross 1875. 2. Harriet E., born 1858. 3. Frances W., born 1859; married Herbert Turrell. 4. Benjamin A., born 1862. 5. Morton P., born 1864. Harriet E. married a son of Gen. Rodman, who was mortally wounded at the battle of Antietam. 2. Harriet, born 1828; married Samuel Robinson. 3. Benjamin, born 1832; died 1834. The children of Elisha A. Robinson — son of Christopher C. and great-grandson of Gov. William Robinson — were: I. Sarah Hull, born 1838; married John Eldred of New port, R. I., 1869. They have one son, John Robinson. 2. George I., born 1840; married Jane Porter 1864. 3. Christopher C, born 1842; married Alvira A. Blanchard 1867; died Feb. 8, 1879. 4. Elisha A., born 1845; married Abby A. Proud 1874. 5. Mary Anna, born 1847; died 1848, aged 5 months and 16 days. 6. Benjamin Hull, born 1849; died 1850, aged 6 months and 8 days. 7. Francis Warner, born 1852; married Mary Nichols 1875. note — If errors are found in the foregoing records kindly send corrections to editor. 42 THE ROBINSONS AND THEIR KIN FOLK ROWLAND ROBINSON AND HIS DAUGHTER HANNAH. BY Mrs. Herbert Turrell (Thomas R. Hazard — Shepherd Tom — in his quaint " Recollections of Olden Times" furnishes us with the best material for the following nar rative.) Among the early descendants of Rowland Robinson — the founder of the Narragansett family of Robinson — no stronger type developed than Rowland Robinson, the eldest son of Gov. William Robinson. Rowland Robinson, though perhaps a little too much after the brusk order of Fielding's Squire Western, was a fair speci men, in temper and manners, and a perfect beau ideal, in cos tume, presence and person, of the old-time country gentleman who constituted the semi-feudal aristocracy of Narragansett. In person he was portly, tall and erect. His features were Roman, slightly tempered with the Grecian type. His clear, blonde complexion, inclining to red and undulating brown hair, worn in a queue behind, attested his Saxon descent. When in full dress Mr. Robinson generally wore a dark silk-velvet or brown broadcloth coat, light yellow plush waistcoat, with deep pockets and wide flaps resting partly on the hips, short violet-colored velvet breeches-.buckled at the knees, nicely polished white-top boots or silver buckled shoes, fine cambric shirt profusely ruffled and plaited at the bosom and wrists, with white silk neck-tie to match; the whole surmounted and set off by a looped-up tri angular hat on his head and a stout gold-headed cane in his hand. I have heard it said by persons acquainted with Revolution ary data that such was the admiration inspired by the fine ap pearance and courtly bearing of Rowland Robinson, though then far beyond the prime of manhood, who occasionally came to his brother Thomas Robinson's house in Newport, where Count Rochambeau, commander of the French land forces, re sided for some time as a guest, that many of the count's officers sought introductory letters to Mr. Robinson, that they might obtain access to and share in the hospitality of his home in Nar ragansett. Many a Quaker beauty was watched with exceeding care ROWLAND ROBINSON AND HIS DAUGHTER 43 to protect them from his "most Christian Majesty's" land forces in Newport. In the year 1741 Rowland Robinson married Anstis Gar diner, daughter of Col. John Gardiner, who lived in Boston Neck. Mr. Robinson, with others, sent a vessel from Franklin Ferry to the Guinea coast for slaves for the purpose of selecting servants for his house and farm, and to sell the remaining por tion which would fall to his lot. Up to the time of the return of the vessel, the cruelty and injustice involved in the slave trade had never been brought to his attention, but now when he saw the forlorn, woe-begone looking men and women who had been huddled together like beasts, disembarking, some of them too feeble to stand alone, the enormity of his offense against human ity presented itself so vividly to his susceptible mind that he wept like a child,' nor would he consent that a single slave which fell to his share — twenty-eight in all — should be sold, but took them all to his own home where, though held in servitude, were kindly cared for. It has been suggested that much of Rowland Robinson's popularity as a host was due tO' his beautiful and accomplished family, viz. : two daughters, Hannah and Mary. His son was spoken of as having been, in his gentle disposition, the opposite of his father. He seems to have been singularly beloved, and when he died (October, 1804) the whole town of Newport mourned his loss ; it is said that strong men wept when recounting his virtues. The death of his daughter Mary in early womanhood and the tragic fate of Hannah greatly weakened Mr. Robinson's mind. Many anecdotes were told of his eccentricities at this time, all of which lend force to the idea of his having possessed a marked character. The following shows us Mr. Robinson's religious sympathies: "One day while in a ferryboat on his way to Newport, a fellow passenger made some remark derogatory to the Society of Friends, for which Mr. Robinson reproved him in no very gentle terms. 'Are you a Quaker, sir ?' said the stranger. 'No,' was the quick reply; 'but I know and love the Quakers so well that I would fight knee deep in blood in their defense,' which the man knew to be no idle boast." On another occasion he called on his sister, in a towering rage against one of the Robinson family in Narragansett, with 44 THE ROBINSONS AND THEIR KIN FOLK whom he had quarreled, stating his grievance. "Sal," said he (as he always called her) "the Robinsons are all rogues." "Why, no," said she; "that cannot be so, brother Rowland, for in that case thou, being a Robinson, must be a rogue thyself." "I be lieve I am, Sal! I believe I am!" was the old gentleman's quick reply. The strong love and jealous pride of Rowland Robinson, as exemplified toward his daughter Hannah, are two of the dom inant characteristics of the Robinson family. Of Hannah Robinson, it has been said^ that "her personal charms and accomplishments must have been of a character al most exceeding belief. She was described as being rather above the medium height, her figure just a trifle inclined to embonpoint, of a clear complexion, delicately tinted with the rose, dark hazel eyes, Greacean features of the finest mould throughout, sur mounted with a faultless head of auburn hair that fell in luxuri ous ringlets about her swan-like neck and shoulders, all of which was made the more bewitchingly attractive by a surpassingly lovely expression of countenance, and an incomparable grace in speech, manner and carriage." The parents of Hannah spared neither pains nor expense in the education of their children; when advanced in her teens their daughter was placed in the care of an aunt at Newport, that she might receive instruction in the more "polite branches" under the care of the celebrated Madame Osborne — a most ac complished lady, whose fame as an instructor of young ladies was not confined to Newport. It was while studying with Madame Osborne that Hannah first saw M. Pierre Simons, a son of a Huguenot family of some note, who were obliged to flee from their country during the persecutions of the French Protestants in the reign of Louis XIV. Almost from the hour they met a sentiment of affection sprang up in the hearts of the young tutor employed by Mrs. Osborne and his lovely, unsophisticated pupil, which ripened into a strong, mutual attachment. . The lovers were aware that it would not do for one in Mr. Simons' position in life to venture into the proud father's house as a suitor of his daughter. Fortune seemed to favor the young people: Hannah's uncle. Col. William Gardiner, educated his children at home, and in looking about for a private tutor, en- ROWLAND ROBINSON AND HIS DAUGHTER 45 gaged Pierre Simons to go with him to his Narragansett home and occupy that position in his family. The lovers enjoydl many opportunities of seeing each other, especially as Col. Gar diner, who was of a kind and easy disposition, on becoming- aware of the love which existed between his beautiful niece and her former tutor, sought rather to promote opportunities for interviews between the lovers than otherwise. The mother's suspicions were aroused, and Hannah con fided to her the secret of her love. After trying for months, in vain, to persuade her child to discourage her affianced lover, and finding that nothing would induce her to dismiss him, Mrs. Robinson forbore further opposi tion. Thus encouraged by the mother's tacit consent, if not approval of his suit, it was mutually arranged by the lovers that Pierre should occasionally walk over from Col. Gardiner's of an evening, and upon the appearance of a signal light in Han nah's window approach the house and secrete himself in a large lilac bush which grew beneath it, where love messages might be easily passed. In fact, so emboldened did the lovers become b-y the unbroken success that attended their stratagem, that they finally arranged for occasional meetings in Hannah's room; her mother lending her presence and countenance to the dangerous adventure, rendered all the more critical because of its being the undeviating practice of Hannah's father to bid her "good night" before he retired, even if it required his going to her own room or elsewhere. It was necessary to have a convenient place in which Hannah's lover might retreat on untoward occasions. Such a place — a cupboard — was in the room. Though not grown to mature womanhood, Hannah, as might be readily surmised, had many admirers ; among them was a William Bowen of Providence, who was ardently attached to the fair girl and earnestly sought her, with her father's full ap proval, in marriage. Hannah, however, graciously declined his attentions, and that he might not indulge in hope imparted to him in confidence the fact that her affections were engaged to another, which confidence he kept inviolate. Dr. Joshua Babcock of Westerly, Narragansett, was a gen tleman of refinement and wealth, at whose house Benjamin Franklin used to stop. Updike in his History relates charming anecdotes of this -46 THE ROBINSONS AND THEIR KIN FOLK distinguished man. Following is one: While Franklin was stopping at Dr. Babcock's, Mrs. Babcock asked him on one occa sion if he would have his bed warmed — as was the custom in these early days. "No', madam, thank'u," he replied, "but if you will have a little cold water sprinkled on the sheets, I have no objection." Another story belonging to this period is one now familiar to many of us without our having known its origin: Dr. Franklin happened to arrive at a tavern near New London on a cold evening, where he found every place about the blazing wood fire occupied; the doctor called upon the landlord to feed his horse a peck of raw oysters; the oysters were carried out, followed by the curious guests. The landlord soon returned and told the doctor, who, by this time, was comfortably ensconced in an arm-chair in the warmest corner, that the horse refused to eat the oysters. "Poor, foolish beast," said Franklin; "he don't know what is good; bring them to me, and see if I will refuse them!" Dr. Babcock's eldest son, Col. Harry Babcock — Crazy Harry — was a brilliant and extraordinary man. It is further suggested by the historian that his biography, written by one who has the requisite data, would form a curious and instructive record of the customs and manners of his times. "Crazy Harry" Babcock was perhaps never subdued by female charms but once. Two anecdotes told of him are of in terest: Before the Revolutionary War he went to London, and on the night of his arrival attended a play at the Covent Garden Theatre. There being no seat vacant, the colonel stood in the passage-way; a man seeing his tall, gaunt figure, standing erect, with a big slouch hat on his head, touched his shoulder and told him to uncover. Col. Babcock thereupon took off his hat, and reaching up to a chandelier near by hung it over one of the lights. A murmur of disapproval ran through the hall, and the police were about to eject the rude intruder from the theatre, when someone present called out, "Col. Harry Babcock!" Upon this announcement the performers ceased acting their parts to join in the uproarious applause that greeted the presence of the far-famed hero. A short time after this Colonel Harry received an invitation to the palace and was introduced to the royal family. When the Queen, in accordance with usage, offered him her hand to kiss, the gallant colonel sprang from his knees to his feet.. ROWLAND ROBINSON AND HIS DAUGHTER 47 briskly exclaiming, "May it please your Majesty, in my country it is the custom to salute, not the hands but the lips of a beauti ful woman," and seizing the Queen by the shoulders, impressed upon her lips a loud and hearty smack! Rowland Robinson, chancing once to meet Col. Babcock on Little Rest Hill (now Kingston), asked the eccentric colonel to go home with him and stay the night. "Ah, ha!" said "Crazy Harry," "so you want me to see Hannah, that I've heard so much of, do you? Well, I will go, but don't expect me to fall in love with her, as so many fools have done." As was the custom in those days, they both rode on horseback, and when they came near McSparran Hill, one of the longest and prob ably the steepest hill in Rhode Island, the ground being covered with ice at the time, Mr. Robinson cautioned his friend against the danger of descending on a smooth-shod horse, and advised him to dismount and lead his beast down the descent. When Mr. Robinson was in the act of dismounting, "Crazy Harry" suddenly exclaimed, "Now, Mr. Robinson, I will show you how the devil rides," and putting spurs to his horse, went down the steep declivity on a full run. When they arrived at the house the colonel was in high glee at the prospect, as he said, of seeing "the prettiest woman in Rhode Island," these words being spoken in a loud, jocular tone, just as they entered the door of the room where Miss Robinson was sewing. With a slight flush on her cheeks, and a look of surprise, she arose with her customary dignity and grace to re ceive her father and welcome his boisterous guest, whose eyes no sooner fell upon the beautiful woman than the rough-spoken hero seemed to have been suddenly overcome by some charmed spell. As Miss Robinson, on being introduced by her father, extended toward him her hand, Col. Babcock reverentially took it gently in his, and gazing in her face with a subdued look of wonder and admiration, he dropped on his knee before her, and with tremulous voice, softly and slowly said: "Permit, dear madam, the lips that have kissed unrebviked those of the proud est Queen of earth, to press for a moment the hand of an angel from heaven." Scarcely less flattering was the compliment paid by an old Quaker preacher: "Friend, thou are wonderfully beau tiful!" His daughter's rejection of many suitors aroused Mr. Rob- 48 THE ROBINSONS AND THEIR KIN FOLK inson's suspicions. Chancing late one evening to step suddenly out of the front door, Mr. Robinson caught a glimpse of his daughter's arm reaching down from the window above, just as she was about to drop a billet into the extended hand of her lover. Fortunately for Pierre, he escaped from Mr. Robinson's buckthorn cane, but not before Mr. Robinson recognized the young teacher of music he remembered to have seen at the house of his brother-in-law — William Gardiner. Frantic with rage, he upbraided his daughter for throwing herself away upon a wretched "French dancing master." The poor girl answered not a word, but remained mute under all her father's reproaches. "If she walked," says Updike, p. 189, "her movements were watched; if she rode, a servant was ordered to be in constant attendance"; in fact, Hannah was never permitted to be alone. On account of Mr. Robinson's rabid and unrea sonable opposition to his daughter's wishes, and because of the rigid measures adopted with Hannah, nearly the whole neigh borhood became interested in the lovers' behalf, and almost every connection of the family was ready to assist in forwarding opportunities for their interviews. The life of anxiety and worry Hannah was subjected to, finally began to affect her health. With the proffered aid of friends, the poor girl planned to elope from her father's house, and it was not long before an occasion presented itself. It was the custom in those days for .wealthy families of Narragansett to entertain on an extensive scale. A ball was given by Mrs. Lodowick Updike, who was a sister of Mrs. Row land Robinson. It would have been a breach of etiquette were not some of Mr. Robinson's family to attend; on the occasion it was arranged, with many misgivings on his part, that his two daughters, Hannah and Mary, should go to the ball and stay the night with their aunt. When the morning of the day of Hannah's departure — perhaps forever — arrived, the struggle to separate herself from all that was dear from her earliest recollec tion was sad to contemplate. Still Hannah maintained an out ward appearance of composure until the moment came to take leave of the household. After bidding Phillis the cook, and Hannah her maid, an affectionate farewell, she threw her arms about her mother's neck and sobbed as if her heart were break ing. Still the high-spirited girl — the victim of what in the end ROWLAND ROBINSON AND HIS DAUGHTER 49 proved to be a misplaced affection — persevered in her resolution to remain faithful to her vows — mounting from the stone horse block her splendid Spanish "jennet" (Narragansett pacer), Hannah and her companions rode away. It was fortunate that Hannah took leave of her father at an earlier hour, for her filial and tender love for her father would have betrayed in her emotions her design — to make this journey from home the one to her lover. On Ridge Hill, a thickly wooded spot, Hannah and her companions encountered the lover with a closed carriage, into which the affianced bride hastily stepped and was driven rapidly away, on the road to^ Providence, in spite of the frantic appeals of Prince, the attendant. Miss Simons — Pierre's sister — assisted Hannah with a necessary wardrobe, and with the aid of the pastoral services of a minister of the Episcopal Church, the lovers were married. When Mr. Robinson learned of his daughter's elopement with the "French dancing master" he so despised, he was, for a time, completely beside himself with rage, and offered a large reward to anyone who would make known to him the person or persons who aided his daughter's escape, but wholly without success. After her marriage Mr. Simons took his bride to reside for a time with his father. Here Hannah remained for some months until her husband obtained a professional situation in Providence, when he removed his wife to that city, where she lived for several years up to the time she went home to die. Mr. Pierre Simons, though of pleasing person and seductive manners, proved to be an unthrifty and unprincipled man — as we might suspect — who, finding that his wife was discarded and likely to be disinherited by her father, began not long after her marriage to treat her with neglect, and through dissipated habits almost entirely deserted her. Continuing to love her worthless husband, notwithstanding his cruel treatment, the poor woman's heart broke and she be came a hopeless invalid. With the exception of her wardrobe and her little dog, which was sent to her by her mother, Hannah received no as sistance nor recognition for some time whatever from her home. Upon learning the pitiable condition of her suffering daughter, Mrs. Robinson, through her son William and others, provided so THE ROBINSONS AND THEIR KIN FOLK for her most pressing material wants. It was in vain, however, that she pleaded with her incensed husband to permit her to be brought to the tender care and comfort of her father's home. Notwithstanding the opposition of the father, there was still a soft place in his proud and wounded heart for her memory to nestle in. Mrs. Robinson observed that when he returned home after an absence, in case Hannah's cat was not in sight, he would wander abstractedly from room to room until he encountered it, when, without seemingly noticing the animal, he would sit quietly down. He would stealthily feed Felis from his own plate, and on one occasion Mrs. Robinson found the sorrowing father, suffused with tears, pressing the dumb favorite of his dis carded child to his bosom, Hannah's favorite horse was also caressed when Mr. Robinson thought no one was near to ob serve it. When news arrived of Mrs. Simons' rapid decline, Mr. Rob inson began to manifest symptoms of serious alarm, and told the mother that Hannah might come home, if she would reveal to him the names of those who assisted in her elopement, but on no other condition, let the consequences be what they might. , On being informed of her father's proposition, Hannah wrote an affectionate letter, full of devoted tenderness, but finally re fusing to betray a confidence reposed in her. On receiving his daughter's letter, Mr. Robinson read it eagerly with apparent satisfaction until he reached the last paragraph, when, tossing the letter contemptuously to his wife, angrily said, "Then let the foolish thing die where she is." As the accounts of Hannah's alarming condition reached Mr. Robinson, it became evident that a terrible struggle for mastery was going on in the wretched father's breast. The con flict at last became unendurable, and one day, pushing from him a plate of untasted food, he arose from the dinner table and ordered his horse to the dooir, and telling his wife not to expect him back for a day or two, rode rapidly away. The next fore noon he reached his daughter's house, and riding up to the door without dismounting, rapped on the door -with the head of his cane. The door was opened by his daughter's maid, Hannah, who ROWLAND ROBINSON AND HIS DAUGHTER 51 was born in his house a short time after her young mistress and called after her name. Overjoyed to see her master, she hastened to her mistress' chamber with the glad news of his arrival. Hannah was too ill to leave her bed, but sent entreaties to her father to come to her. "Ask your mistress," said Mr. Rob inson, "whether she is ready to comply with her father's wishes, that if she is, he will come to her; but on no other condition!" Not finding it possible in her noble nature to betray her friends, Hannah again denied her father. Without saying an intelligible word, he rode back, without refreshment, to his friend Lodo wick Updike's, where he had passed the night before, and away to his sad home in the morning. But a day or two elapsed after his return from the first visit, when Mr. Robinson again started on the road to Providence. These visits he continued to repeat at intervals of two or three days only, for several weeks. In every instance he would ride up to the door of the house where his sick daughter lay, and without dismounting rap at the door with his cane and simply say, "How is Hannah?" and on receiving an answer turn the head of his horse and ride away. Miss Belden of Hartford, and Mrs. Simons' uncle, William Gardiner — the friends who assisted her elopement — on learning the sad dilemma, counseled Hannah the next time her father visited her house to reveal to him the names of the parties implicated. Thus absolved, Hannah sent word that if he would come to her bedside she would tell all. Trembling with emo tion, Mr. Robinson dismounted and hurried to the comfortless, wretched chamber of his sick daughter. He had formed no -conception of the extremity to which his poor child was reduced. As he approached the bed and took her hand, thin almost to transparency, in both of his and looking into the faded face, with naught remaining of her former ex quisite beauty, the floodgates that had withstood the promptings of his better nature gave way, and the long pent-up affection cf the father's heart burst into one uncontrollable tide of tenderness and love. No wish or thought remained to wring from his poor Hannah the coveted secret, but falling on his knees by the bed side, bathed the pale, cold hand of the dying child with tears and wept aloud. After he had somewhat regained his composure, he handed 52 THE ROBINSONS AND THEIR KIN FOLK several pieces of gold to the maid, standing in tearful silence by the bed of her beloved mistress, charging her to get everything necessary for her mistress' comfort until his return, and tenderly kissing his broken-hearted child, Mr. Robinson left for his home in Boston Neck, where he arrived late at night. In those early times, when roads were rough and four- wheeled carriages almost unknown, an indispensable household article was a litter for the sick. Immediately after Mr. Robin son arrived at his home, he summoned from their beds four strong men, and ordered them to proceed with the litter in his pleasure boat to Providence, and there await his arrival. The next morning at break of day Mr. Robinson himself started on horseback, attended by Prince and a led-horse for his daughter's maidservant. The invalid was informed of the arrangements that had been made for conveying her to Narragansett, by which it was proposed to stop at her Uncle Updike's the first night, and, if her strength permitted, to reach home the next day. At nine o'clock the next morning the whole party were slowly winding their way toward the homestead in Boston Neck. They arrived safely at Mr. Updike's with less fatigue to the poor invalid than was feared. There the party rested for the night. It was in the lovely month of June, when the rose, the syrin- ga and wild honeysuckle and sweet clover were all in bloom; a shower the night before had made everything fresh and spark ling in the sun's full beams. As the mournful party moved for ward, ever and anon the small native wood animals darted across the path — all nature seemed to be welcoming Hannah home. When the spot was reached on Ridge Hill, where the faithful Hannah had met her lover and bid adieu tO' her sister Mary, who had died, she covered her face with both hands and seemed to be weeping. When Prince was asked what Mrs. Simons did on this occa sion. Prince answered that, "Missus Hannah didn't do nothin'! She eny just put both hands over her face and cried! That wer all!" Old Alexander Gardiner, Sr., was to entertain the party for a short period of rest. The old man, being aware of the coming of the guests, had dressed himself in his "go-to-meetin' " or "roast meat" or i. e., Sunday dinner suit of yellow nankeen ROWLAND ROBINSON AND HIS DAUGHTER 53 breeches with waistcoat to match, and a semi-military blue coat, ornamented with a long row of silver ' Spanish dollar but tons in front. He stood in his door to welcome their approach by removing his imposing cocked hat and making three low bows, first to the poor lady in the litter, next to Mr. Robinson, and lastly to the attendants. After the party rested for an hour or so, they proceeded on their way. The old familiar scenes aroused Hannah at every step: the birds in the hedge with their half-fledged young; soft, rustling sounds of an unusual nature elicited special interest, and many delays were occasioned. As the sun declined, Mr. Robinson tenderly suggested to his sick daughter the danger to be apprehended from the evening air, and the need of haste, and it was not until after the booming evening gun from Fort George in Newport harbor had met and mingled its roar with the dirge-like note of the fern owl, that always begins its mournful song exactly as the sun goes down, that the reluctant invalid was willing to- leave the rock on Mc Sparran Hill, where they had halted. Casting one long, wistful look toward the still roseate west, and murmuring to- herself, "It is the last time," Hannah motioned her attendants to proceed. As the party drew near the house, which was not until late in the evening, they were met by the whole family. The poor invalid, now too weak to respond to the tender greetings, was lovingly carried in her father's arms and placed in her own chamber and bed, and everything done for her comfort which mortal love could suggest. A marked change had taken place in her condition. The long journey and the excitement which attended proved too much for her weakened vital powers, and before midnight a raging fever set in — in the delirium she re verted to the days when her lover vowed everlasting love and beguiled her from her home — the years of sorrow were blotted from her memory. She called wildly on her 'lover's name, that he would come and defend her from her now, alas, wretched father's wrath and vengeance. At about the hour of midnight, a whip-poor-will, called by the Indians "muck-a-wiss" — come fo me — perched on the eave of the house opposite the lilac bush, and sung its mournful song of "Whip-poor-will, whip-poor-will." The ominous cry of the bird penetrated the delirium of the poor brain. Pausing, and listening for a few moments she ex- S4 THE ROBINSONS AND THEIR KIN FOLK claimed, "Hark! mother, do you hear the death angel calling? He is out in the lilaic tree, mother! He has come to take me away and marry me, mother! It will be a sad wedding day, mother, but not so sad as that other, dear mother!" Then, turn ing her attention to a withered flower on her bosom, she said, "He told me, when he gave it to me, that we must call it not life everlasting, but love everla.sting! Lay it with me in my grave, mother, that I may take it to the land where life is everlasting, and where love never dies." As the sun rose in the morning, though weak and helpless, she called for the trinkets and different articles of her wardrobe, and distributed them with her own hands. This done, with feeble, outstretched arms, she turned to her father and mother and pressed a last kiss on their lips ; her agonized father, kneeling beside the bed, held her extended hand in his. Before she breathed her last, she cast her eyes upon her mother with an un utterable expression of affection, and then, fixing them on her father, she continued to look lovingly and steadfastly in his, as if she would convey to him a message of her undying respect and love, until they closed in death. The old nurse. Mum Amey, raised her eyes from the face of her dying mistress, and with a look of devout admiration ex claimed, "De angels is come." Dr. Robert Hazard, the family physician, expressed his be lief that the death of his lovely cousin was due to a deep-seated, consuming sorrow. Old nurse Mum Amey, when asked a few days after the funeral, "what ailed her young mistress when she died?" she answered, "Nothin' ail' Missus Hannah. Dis world wer eny jes' too hard for her, an' de poor chile die ob de heart break." One pathetic incident was that of the refusal of Hannah's little dog, Marcus, to be enticed from his mistress' grave. It also refused to eat or drink; but the poor thing died from sheer starvation in a cavity it had scratched, and from day to day deepened in the ground, just beneath the doorway of her tomb. In this grave of the affectionate brute's own digging it was found one morning dead by Mr. Robinson, and was there buried by its master's own hands, after being carefully wrapped in the linen case from off the pillow on which its mistress' head last lay. Some days after the last sad ceremony, Mr. Pierre Siimons lEREMIAH POTTER ROBINSON 55 returned to Providence, where he learned of his wife's death. A regard for decency, if not remorse of conscience, prompted him to call at his father-ip-law's, to be present, if permitted, at the removal of the body of Hannah to a newly erected tomb. Mr. Robinson received him courteously, but after asking him to par take of the hospitality of the house, while he remained his guest he never after spoke to him until the morning his daughter's re mains were removed, and then only to notify him briefly of his intention in that respect. Mr. Updike represents Hannah's father, Rowland Robinson, as possessed of a relentless, unforgiving spirit. This does great injustice to his character. Though impetuous and overbearing in temper it may be, it was far from vindictive. The writer sees a true descendant of the first Rowland, and the characters, both of father and daughter, were strong, dominant and enduring. United to a firm will and integrity of conscience was the magnetic charm of a fine personality, to be found in our own day in the character and personality of scores of Rowland Robinson's and Mary Allen's descendants. JEREMIAH POTTER ROBINSON Mrs. Herbert Tui^rell Jeremiah P. Robinson, great-great-great-grandson of Rowland Robinson, was born August 18, 1819, at Tower Hill, in the "Church House." Mr. Robinson began life in Newport, R. I. In 1836, at the age of sixteen, he went to New York, where he was employed by the firm of P. & A. Woodruff, and after a few years attained a partnership in the business. The name of the firm later was changed to A. Woodruff & Robinson, and then to J. P. & G. C. Robinson. His business desk stood for almost half a century on nearly the same spot that business is now transacted on what is practically the site of the house which he entered as a boy. S6 THE ROBINSONS AND THEIR KIN FOLK About the year 1843, Mr. Robinson began to look with much interest upon the growing city of Brooklyn, and soon purchased large blocks of real estate on the Brooklyn river front, improving them by building upon them warehouses and piers. He was thus among the pioneers of the great warehouse system of that city. A few years later, with William Beard, he became inter ested in the water front in South Brooklyn, and began the work of planning and constructing the great Erie Basin and the adjoin ing basins, building piers and warehouses, until at this time there is a wharfage and dockage of several miles where vessels are loaded and unloaded. It is the largest and most comprehensive dock system in the world. Mr. Robinson was ever watchful of the rights of labor ing men, and in his business projects much care was taken to pay each laborer liberally for extra service, the result being great faithfulness to the interest of their employer. Mr. Robinson was one of the prominent supporters of the great East River Bridge enterprise, and as a bridge trustee gave intelligent attention to all the details of its progress and management. He honorably filled the position of president of the board of trustees through the most trying periods of the work. He married May 23, 1843, Elizabeth DeWitt of Cranberry, N. J. (From the Hazard Family Caroline Robinson.) Desiring a little more intimate touch with the life and char acter of a man so important in the development of the great borough of Brooklyn, the writer learned the following facts: Without an education other than that provided by a country school Mr. Robinson began his career. Early in life he devoted much of his leisure time to books, making a specialty of Shake spearean study and dramatic art. At a time when Shakesperean drama was presented by its best interpreters, he was a devoted patron, and developed for himself a literary taste almost scholarly. In personal appearance Mr. Robinson was a splendid repre sentative of the race, both in features and figure, and in general character a man conspicuous among men. Some members of the Narragansett family of Robinson have reached a height of over six feet three, and most of them are noticeable, especially those of the past generation, for their height and magnificent proportions. Mr. Robinson was a man who valued life; never a moment GEORGE CHAMPLIN ROBINSON 57 was wasted, but from sunrise to sunset his splendid health per mitted him to accomplish more than the usual share of work allotted to man. Unusually tender and attentive to the close ties which bound him to his family, they looked upon him as more than father and as more than friend. He also possessed the pride of birth which belongs to the Robinson family — a pride that urges its members to be something and to do something in their day and generation. Mr. Robinson's sudden death, August 26, 1886, was a shock to a devoted family and a great loss to his immediate community, where he lived a marked figure, socially, morally and intellectu ally, and in the larger circle of business enterprise his loss was sincerely lamented. GEORGE CHAMPLIN ROBINSON BY Mrs. Herbert Turrell George C. Robinson of Wakefield, R. I., was born in South Kingston, R. I., January 26, 1825. His boyhood days were spent on the farm belonging to his grandfather, Jeremiah Niles Potter. At an early age he went into business in New York City, and later became a member of the well-known firm of Woodruff & Robinson. Upon the dissolution of this firm he formed a partnership with his brother, Jeremiah Potter Robin son, and with him and Franklin Woodruff was identified with the development of the Brooklyn water front and warehouse system. For many years Mr. Robinson resided in Brooklyn and was a member of Plymouth Church. In Mr. Robinson's social relations he identified himself with the New England Society of New York, the Long Island His torical Society and of the Art As,sociation of Brooklyn. In the charities of Brooklyn he was a liberal patron. Mr. Robinson married when a young man Mary Lyman S8 THE ROBINSONS AND THEIR KIN FOLK Arnold, a daughter of the late Gov. Lemuel Hastings Arnold of Rhode Island. On his retiring from active business, Mr. and Mrs. Robin son returned to their native State and settled in Wakefield, where their beautiful country home was located. It was impossible for a man of Mr. Robinson's activity to withdraw entirely from the business world, and after beautifying his own home in Wakefield, which stimulated the community to improve properties in the village, he gave much of his attention, until he died, to raising the standard of Narragansett Pier hotel property. Many hotels in this place were old and unattractive until Mr. Robinson built the Gladstone Hotel. To-day the greatly improved condition of the famous pier, and general pro gressive spirit of property-owners, due to the impetus inaugu rated by him, has brought this section more than ever to the popular attention. It would seem that George C. Robinson inherited not only the progressive spirit of Rowland Robinson — his forbear — but very much of the gentle, Quaker spirit of Mary Allen. The first time the writer met Mr. Robinson, though quite young, she was particularly impressed by his courtly bearing — affable, without condescension; self-possessed, without con sciousness. Ih dispensing the hospitality of his home, there was a dig nity and gtace of manner that in later years, when the hair had silvered, reminded one of the old aristocrat of colonial days, much of whose spirit must have been transmitted to this man. Mr. Robinson was a very reticent man, and adverse to being conspicuous, which was in harmony with the genuineness and simplicity of his character. His death a few years since was keenly felt by his townspeople, to whom he had been a helpful, loving neighbor, but he was a loss more especially to the un fortunate poor, to whom he was a friend and benefactor. The influence of Mr. Robinson's life will be felt many gen erations to come. ATMORE ROBINSON OF WAKEFIELD 59 ATMORE ROBINSON BY Mrs. Herbert Turrell Like an artery through which passes some of the best blood of this nation runs the main street of the little village of Wake field, R. I. In its earliest history, when not much more than a saddle path, marked out by the Narragansett Indians as their trail to the sea, it was the highway over which passed Washington, Lafayette, Rochambeau, Benjamin Franklin and many other dis tinguished men, as they partook of the hospitality extended to them by the old families of South Kingston. The village has its town pump, its mill, old bridge, quaint church, winding by paths and ancient trees to inspire a Hawthorne. The village mentor and miser and haunted house were not wanting, as tales of old villagers testify. The family names of Watson, Hazard, Wright, Champlin, Robinson, Perry, Gardiner, names conspicuous in the enterprises and policies of the world, are to be found, with their homesteads on or not far from this village center. In the heart of this village on the main thoroughfare lived Atmore Robinson, son of Sylvester, and great-grandson of Gov. William Robinson, who chose as his field for activity his native village. Born in 1804, he made his start with many men who made the nation in its commercial and political importance what it is to-day. Like his forbears, Mr. Robinson had the spirit of progress, and early in life studied the banking system. How much he was influenced in his choice by his brother, Edward Mott Robin son — father of Hetty Green — we cannot say; probably the elder brother shaped somewhat the choice of Atmore. For many years he was identified with the finance of South Kingston, and founded the Bank of Wakefield. Mr. Robinson in character was quaint and interesting. Bishop Clark of the Episcopal Church was a close personal friend of Mr. Robinson, and when visiting Wakefield in his cleri cal capacity, often made his home with his friend. These occa sions were opportunities for long discussions on religious themes. 6o THE ROBINSONS AND THEIR KIN FOLK Mr. Robinson upheld the Quaker views, often writing sermons. which were delivered from the village pulpit and afterward dis cussed with the townspeople, they not knowing their author. Notwithstanding his retirement, Atmore Robinson was an exceptionally well-posted man and, like all of the Robinsons, showed a strong tendency to letters. Without question, he was an important factor in the progress of South Kingston. He died August 2, 1890, leaving a family. His sons, James and George H., are well known in the business and social world, especially the name of George H. Robinson, a member of the firm of Gorham & Company, silversmiths. HETTY (ROBINSON) GREEN BY Mrs. Herbert Turrell Because of an acute sense of personal responsibility, we of this day and generation are too inclined to be prejudiced, either for or against an individual, without the proper sort of data on which to base our judgments. To the individual who demands facts upon which to estab lish their opinions, the following statement in reference to a fore most woman of the century, whose private history is so little known, is refreshing. (From the New York City press of May, 1906, following San Francisco disaster.) "The city treasury, as is known to financiers, is governed by a remarkable system of law which forces it to borrow for ten months in the year. "With the aid of Mrs. Hetty Green, the richest woman in America, Controller Metz has been enabled to beat the financiers of Wall street and save the city thousands upon thousands of dollars. "When the city treasury was in dire need of immediate funds, Mrs. Green had broken the market. Interest rates tumbled be cause she refused to press the city; when the Wall street banks HETTY (ROBINSON) GREEN 6i were demanding high rates, she charged the lowest possible rate of interest. " 'She is a grand little woman,' said Deputy Chamberlain Campbell. 'We can always rely on her. If she has the money when we need it, we can get it from her.' " A few years ago, Mrs. Green was asked to tell the world, especially to advise young women, how she — a woman — devel oped her wonderful genius for finance. She first gives us a very tender picture of her invalid father, to whom she was devotedly attached, Edward Mott Robinson, once so active in the whaling industries of New Bedford, Mass., but then in the prime of mature manhood, stricken. When a young woman, it fell to her lot to fill a son's place to a helpless father. The ships of Edward Robinson touched at many ports, and it was necessary for him to know the credit of the world, and his daughter Hetty was called upon to advise him on these points. This necessitated constant research, and from day to day the two together would read the reports of the world's finance. Thus, at the period of life when the brain is active and receptive, and with an inherited tendency to finance, Hetty Robinson accumulated a knowledge far and beyond that of many financiers of her day. As his feebleness increased, in terfering with his own activity, he leaned on his devoted daughter more and more to keep in touch with his investments. Summed tip, her advices were: "Choose your vocation in life; let no op portunity pass for knowing, in its minutest detail, all that con cerns its interest; take infinite pains to become informed, and keep busy." On the death of Edward Mott Robinson, his daughter Hetty inherited his large fortune, estimated at several millions. His son, Isaac H., having died in infancy, Hetty was his only living child to whom to bequeath his accumulated fortune, in which she had been an important factor. Can we not understand, in the very nature of things, that inheriting a large fortune from the industries of her father as a -nucleus, combined with her marvelous knowledge of finance, Hetty Robinson must have become what she is to-day, one of the foremost living financiers? Her simple tastes and habits are not due to any studied plan of economy, or to be conspicuous in any way, but are attributable 62 THE ROBINSONS AND THEIR KIN FOLK ¦ to the fact that, born of strict Puritan ancestors, she has inherited no luxurious tastes, and, as a girl, had no time to form extrava gant habits or to follow prevailing fashion in dress or in living; her habits are entirely in keeping with her birth and breeding. When away from business cares, which is extremely rare, and with relatives — social life tnust be sacrificed, and no doubt on this side her character is undeveloped — Mrs. Green is compan ionable and attractive. If she knows of the world's criticism (which is doubtful), she has more than enough common sense and humor to appreciate inconsistencies and jealous criticism. Few women could endure the ridicule to which she is subjected without an abiding purpose in life; she is too busy to call a halt to answer her critics, were she inclined to do so. Hetty (Robinson) Green from young girlhood has never drifted, but has set her sails straight for fKDrt, and we can be con fident that such a man or woman will not miss the mark, nor have an unworthy one. A history is yet to be written of this phenomenal woman, certainly one of the greatest in virility and dominance of charac ter of Rowland Robinson's descendants, if not one of the greatest Americans of Colonial pedigree. MORTON ROBINSON, M.D. BY Mrs. Herbert Turrell Dr. Alexander Wilder, a distinguished man in the educa tional world, said on the death of Dr. Robinson: "Permit me to pay a tribute to the memory of a man whom I knew but to esteem, and whose career was an honor to his family, his social and professional circle, the city where he spent so many years of his life, and the State in which he was born." Morton Robinson was the son of Thurston Robinson and of Sarah Waterman Perry, and born in South Kingston, R. I., March IO, 1825. He received early instruction as was common at that MORTON ROBINSON, M. D. 63 time and was a student at the Wakefield Academy. He inherited the family trait for active professional life, and began the study of medicine at the earliest opportunity and took his degree in 1854. In the native village of Morton Robinson lived the Sweet family, famous for their surgical skill. When Morton was a young man, one of his companions was Jonathan R. Sweet, a boy who astonished the natives with his wonderful ability in setting fractured linjbs. No stray animal was safe; Jonathan Sweet was looking for stray animals of all sorts, and if they were missing for a few weeks, it was because the young fellow was trying his hand at simple fractures, compound fractures, dislocations, etc. Not only did he become skilled in bone setting, but his knowledge and use of simple herbs was remarkable. No time for school! When Dr. Robinson called Jonathan from his native village to join him in the practice of medicine, he could scarcely write his own name. Under the careful tuition of Dr. Robinson, Dr. Sweet obtained a degree in surgery, which qualified him to prac tice his profession legitimately and reap the fame, as a bone setter, he so richly deserved. Until Dr. Sweet's death, which occurred several years before that of Dr. Robinson, these two men were inseparable. Unlike in every taste and accomplishment, except that of their profession, they seemed always to be in perfect har mony, due, no doubt, to the remarkable kindness in the disposi tions of both men. Dr. Wilder says of Dr. Robinson: "He was a careful as well as faithful physician, eager to gain all possible knowledge to assist him in his profession; he possessed great original powers, and was as acute as independent in his views on all subjects." Before Newark, N. J., had a hospital, the Pennsylvania Rail road Company engaged the firm of Sweet & Robinson to attend to all accidents in that city, and when the Central Railroad of New Jersey was built, they were engaged by this road as well. The reputation of these men extended throughout the State, and the successful treatment of cancer by Dr. Robinson became so well known, victims of this horrible disease from distant States sought his help. Dr. Robinson in his profession displayed the skill and ver satility peculiar to the Perry family. The following is an ex ample: Dr. Sweet's son was thrown from his horse while riding, 64 THE ROBINSONS AND THEIR KIN FOLK and killed. His body was dragged for some distance over a cobbled pavement and badly mutilated; especially, the head and face were beyond recognition. This boy was a great favorite of Dr. Robinson's, and his death was a terrible shock to him. Not withstanding the emotion he must have felt, he so carefully re stored the head and face with wax, even to imitating the freckles, so perfectly that the distracted mother never knew the actual conditions. Dr. Robinson would weep like a woman (or hunter) over the misfortunes of poor Rip Van Winkle, or over a sick dog — but in cases calling for the greatest emotion his nerves were like iron. When the Italians were first brought to this country as laborers to any extent, many located in the rapidly growing city of New ark, N. J. As a student, Dr. Robinson became interested in them immediately, and in time, because of his loving service, they called him "padre." The poor Italians knew that Dr. Robinson would give their sick attention and counsel them in their peculiar diffi culties. Dr. Robinson's office was located in that part of the city by which hundreds of mechanics passed to and from their work, and although a man who, in personal appearance as well as intel lectually and morally, was greatly their peer, he was as humble as any poor laborer who passed his door. The poor women, compelled to work at heavy machinery, as rriany women in New ark are, in the many industries for which this city is noted, coun seled with him as with a father. At one time the laboring people, in spite of protest, nominated him for Mayor. His was not a winning party! When the Civil War broke out he promptly offered his serv ices to the State, and for some months was employed as medical examiner of recruits. In June, 1863, he went to the front as first assistant surgeon of the 37th Regiment of New Jersey Volun teers. An old army man recently met the daughter of Dr. Robin son, and like many of these old heroes, "an infinitesimal of war, a passer at the last hour, standing in the twilight of the tomb, and half borne away at certain times by the deep pulsations of eter nity," told the stories of "war times" as if he were actually listen ing for Reveille. Without either knowing, altogether, of whom he spoke, he said: "I tell you, the worst was at Petersburg; MORTON ROBINSON, M. D. -4## '-4^ '*:^ THE BEACH — NARRAGANSETT, R. I. INDIAN ROCK — NARRAGANSETT, R. I. ELIZABETH ROBINSON MAIN STREET — KINGSTON, R. I. MRS. HETTY ROBINSON GREEN 1 i'^^m ,r '^^JI^^^IM 1 1 '/JjSM^BmB^^^^^BK 1^^^ B^^^^B!§tW P^H GILBERT STUARTS BIRTHPLACE SYLVESTER ROBINSON GEORGE C. ROBINSON MORTON ROBINSON, M. D. 65 many a poor fellow fell into the ditches filled with mud; how it did rain! And the worst of it was they were hard to get hold of. But I tell you, we had a surgeon in our regiment, long legged from the hips and over six feet tall (his legs looked as though they were on hinges), with a boily jaw and a set face; he pulled many a poor fellow out and took him to his own tent. I saw him splashing, over knee-deep in mud and water to reach one of our boys, with shells bursting all around him. One hit his tent, and, as if the Almighty meant to help hiin, instead of bursting, burrowed into the ground. I tell you, if that shell had burst, we would have lost one of the best men in the whole army; how we loved him! Lots of the poor wounded fellows got well." Something of this was sounding familiar to the listener, and she said, "Who was your surgeon?" "Why, Dr. Robinson of Newark." The daughter took the old soldier by the hand — now a poor, feeble fellow, with nothing but his memories to keep alive an interest in the world about him, and said, "my father." In 1854 cholera visited New York. Dr. Robinson, hearing the voice of duty, left his bride of a few weeks to do what re quires more nerve and integrity of purpose than many physicians display. As a student of the world's history, Morton Robinson accu mulated an exceptional amount of knowledge, for his day, of the Jewish race, having obscure data at his tongue's end; he con tributed to magazines and newspapers, from time to time, the result of his research; he was a contributor to several medical periodicals also and, still adhering to the proclivities of his youth — when he was called "the handsome fisherman" — that of fishing and gunning, wrote valuable scientific articles for publications devoted to these sports. Dr. Robinson was a direct descendant of John Howland and Elizabeth Tilley — Pilgrims — and through his mother, Sarah Waterman Perry, was allied to the famous Perry family. He was also a lineal descendant of many distinguished families of New England, names still conspicuous as among those of the best Americans. In 1854 Morton Robinson was married to Ann Eliza Col lins, who is a descendant of the noted Collins family of New Jersey. He had very little interest in the social life of his city, but delighted to gather about him groups of admirers, eager to 66 THE ROBINSONS AND THEIR KIN FOLK hear his brilliant dissertation on some favorite theme. While a profoundly religious man, he was exceedingly reticent in speak ing on a subject so personal, except it were in connection with his interest in the Jewish people. Many distinguished men were his intimate friends, and yet he preferred a comparatively obscure life with his little coterie to any social advantages his friends could offer. To his family. Dr. Robinson often seemed austere and exacting, so strict were his ideas of a man's obligation to his community. About three weeks before his death he expressed a wish to see his native land once more. As physician, he knew that he could not live longer than a few weeks at the most; in fact, he told within a few hours when the disease should prove fatal. If he could fish and smell the salt air of Narragansett once more, he would ask nothing further of life. By a passionate love for his native land, he was braced to do what seemed to his family, who had watched his years of suffering, an heroic undertaking. A tent suitably equipped for an invalid was pitched on the shore of Salt Lake (now Narragansett Lake) near Point Judith. Here he could .see across the bay and hear the roar of the surf as it pounded onto the rocky coast. Here also his kinsfolk, for whom he felt a devoted attachment, could visit him, and for the last time probably, hear him discourse on his favorite themes. One of Dr. Robinson's theories, for the first time verified, accord ing to the writer's best knowledge, was that after a great Seis mic disturbance on this continent the Gulf Stream should show serious affection. The reader will remember that a few weeks following the California earthquake, navigators in the Gulf of Mexico reported that for the first time, so far as known, the waters were showing phenomenal characteristics. Instead of fol lowing the course usual at that time of the year, the current was- flowing in an entirely opposite direction. This was according to the theory of Dr. Robinson, and the writer believes that, were it not for his modesty in these matters, he could have given to the scientific world valuable material. By moving in slow, easy stages, with the aid of carriages, litters and rolling chairs, he succeeded in reaching his tent, from which his family never expected to see him return alive. A few days after he was settled, a September gale raged along the Narragansett coast. "Did he flinch?" Not he! His GILBERT STUART 67 eyes snapped and his fingers tickled to get hold of the line and hook, for the good fishing which was bound to come after the storm, and yet too sick to leave his bunk. His daughter visited his tent one day, and there lay the sick man, like a great hulk, but with a fish-line in his hand, nicely adjusted according to direction, to catch the faintest nibble; when the fish had good hold, he directed his valet (a man of nerve) to help him "pull the fellow in," he knew it was a big one. Who would believe that here lay a dying man, never free from intense pain for a moment. Every bone and muscle in his strong face set with the intensest purpose, and yet, a look in the eye told the story — he would live or die, but he would once again come into communion with the spirits of his youth ; if to die, then with but little care to his dear ones, to be laid to rest in his native soil and by his fathers, whom he so nobly loved. The family persuaded Dr. Robinson after a week or so to return to his home in Newark, not one but feeling they were tearing him from his real home, where he had hoped to die, with the smell of the salt spray in his nostrils and the mist from the sea dampening his white locks. After a few days, quietly, con fidently, he died, with a last request that he be laid in the bury ing ground at Wakefield. His last words bearing upon his life were: "I have made many mistakes, which I can leave to the judgment of my Creator, but I never remember to have committed an immoral act." Dr. Morton Robinson died November 3, 1893. He was in direct line from Rowland Robinson and Mary Allen. "If it be well to be well descended, he had a fortunate begin ning and liberal endowment." GILBERT STUART Gilbert Stuart, the celebrated portrait painter, was a native of Narragansett. His father came from Scotland, and here married an Anthony, one of the Anthony family, allied to the family of Robinson. £8 THE ROBINSONS AND THEIR KIN FOLK Gilbert was born near Pettaquamscutt (Narrow River) where his father lived. In 1775 he went to England and became a pupil of Benjamin West. He spent several years in Ireland, and then returned to his native country for the express purpose of painting the portrait of General Washington. The history of this famous man of Narragansett may be found in the following histories: Knapp's American Literature and Dunlap's History of the Art of Design. GEORGE ROBINSON OF WATERTOWN, MASS., AND WILLIAM ROBINSON OF DORCHESTER, MASS. BY Charles Nutt. Editor of the "Worcester Spy," Worcester, Mass. ^ Y mother's maternal grandmother was a Robinson. I married a Robinson. My ancestor was George Robinson of Watertown; my wife's was William Robinson of Cambridge. My great-grandmother's name was Patience. I like that name. When some of the younger members of this bunch of Robinson families have occasion to use a female name for christening, desiring, of course, a name somewhat uncommon, because there are so many Robinsons, I hope they will have Patience. Within about a fortnight such an occasion has come to the household of my wife's brother, and I have some hope that there will be another Patience Robinson. I have not been married long enough to make up my mind as to which of these Robinson families had the better blood. Later I should be in a position to give the descendants of either George or William some useful information. I have been mar ried long enough, however, to have five children, in whom the blood of these two Robinson lines are commingled. Even the neighbors approve of the mixture, so I can give my testimony safely in praise of this new strain of Robinsons. Your good secretary asked me to write a paper on the descendants of William Robinson. That, I must remind you, is my wife's ancestor, and while I looked up that line a few years ago to see if I could find anything suitable for use as an emer gency argument during a Caudle curtain discussion, I feel fully 70 THE ROBINSONS AND THEIR KIN FOLK as able to write about the no less distinguished Robinson family to which I myself am related by consanguinity, if you please. I hope there is nothing against the George Robinson crowd. I found nothing. They were distinguished both for poverty and piety, and one dear old great, great aunt died in the poorhouse. The dread of the poorhouse is not, however, confined to the descendants of George Robinson. It is a characteristic of New England as pronounced as the New England conscience that we hear so much about. The William Robinson family, I tell my wife, is no less distinguished by poverty than the George Rob inson family. I don't know about the piety. Perhaps it is against the rules here to talk religion. I find in my researches fewer Unitarians than I should have been pleased to find. In fact all the individuals in both families, except those of the present generation, were orthodox. But whether Unitarian or Orthodox, all of us to-day I hope are Puritans, modified, re formed and refined to suit the demands of our own times. We should never meet together without a tribute to the virtues of our forefathers, to their courage in settling a new coun try, to their love of God, their clean lives and their republican form of government. A paper to be read at a meeting like this should not, I sup pose, be like those chapters of the Bible which one reads only when obliged to in order to make a complete reading of the entire volume, so I have sent my paper in the form of dates to that painstaking and persistent Robinson who is gathering our archives and digesting dates for his daily food. I am glad that I could supply a few vacant places in his records. I spent two days, I think, on a big bunch of blanks he sent me. Only a man of infinite learning and patience could handle successfully the vital statistics of a group of prolific and growing families that you represent. I haven't met him, but I know the finger marks of genius in his genealogical work. I know what it takes to write genealogy. I have just completed a little book of my own. You should take off your hats to Charles E. Robinson when ever his name is mentioned. While I am speaking of the records, I want to urge every member of this association to do more than merely send to the historian the information he requires. I beheve that every American family should get together and hereafter keep records GEORGE AND WILLIAM ROBINSON 71 of their ancestors. As far as possible, each family should have in a book the record of ancestors in all the lines back, certainly as far as the immigrants. I found the task of getting the infor mation for my family delightful and educating. The work is not complete, and it never can be. Some missing date may be found. Some missing name revealed by study and research or mere luck may open up a new field for investigation and discov ery. So much is in print now that genealogy is not the slow, costly and discouraging work it was even one generation ago. Starting with the names and dates kept in the old Bible of your grandparents, it is a simple matter to trace your ancestral lines back to the first comers — back to the period 1620 to 1650. I think it worth while to know what blood flows in our veins and what blood does not flow there. I have nothing to say to the man or woman who devotes attention to some distin guished line to the exclusion of others. I have nothing to say to those who investigate ancestors to discover claims to property or relation with famous men. We owe the same debt to the obscure and humble as to the famous and wealthy ancestors. After all, the family average of virtue and ability, and even of property, is no greater in one than another of these grand old New England families. It seems to me rather barbaric not to know one's forefather. We show shameful ignorance of the history of our country not to know where our ancestors settled and built their homes, where their children were born, where the family graves are located, where the men fought the Indians. The Sons and Daughters of the Revolution are doing for revolutionary ancestors what they and you and I ought to do for those brave men and women who preceded and followed the heroes of '76. If we take pride in our race, if we are proud to be Americans and glory in the deeds and men of New England, why not know why ? Why not know the names and birthplaces of our own fore fathers ? Why not be able to give documentary proof, not only that we had ancestors in the Revolution, but that we had fifty or a hundred ancestors in the Massachusetts Bay colony? Why not be able to point out the spot in Braintree, Watertown, Salem or Sudbury, Plymouth or Deerfield, where the first, the second, the third and other generations of our forefathers bought the good fight that the Revolution might be fought successfully, that the 72 THE ROBINSONS AND THEIR KIN FOLK America of the twentieth century might lead the world? I pay no greater tribute to my ancestors at Plymouth, at Dedham, or at Londonderry, than to my father who led a colored regiment in the war for the Union, or to his father who did humble service in the second war with England. A chain is no stronger than the weakest link. Get the chain of your ancestry as complete as possible, not to gratify your pride, but to obey that command ment that we Americans have never obeyed in the fullest sense : Honor Thy Father and Mother. I hope the homesteads of the first Robinsons, anyhow, will be suitably marked whenever they are identified. I know that the present owners of the old farms will be glad to consent. And every Robinson descendant in the future will feel more direct and personal interest in his race and the Robinson fore fathers if he can visit their former home, see the stone walls they built, the very land they cleared, and, perhaps, some traces of the dwelling house itself.. We love New England more, I think, because nearly every field was wrested from the arms of the forests by the hands of our own ancestors. It was but yesterday. We are not an ancient people. The land is still in its early youth. What is a hundred years? We ought to know more of the early towns as well as of the men and women. Two hundred or three hundred years should not obscure the memory or an ancestor. It is right for us to leave behind us better records for the future than our fathers kept for us. They relied too much on memory. They depended on the elders to remember what their fathers should have recorded. Where are the heirlooms of the eariier generations? They are very rare. Things of value like silver and fine furniture, books and utensils, were not numerous even in the families of the well-to-do. These things wore out. They were not pre served for the sake of their associations. Each generation has worn out or destroyed the mementos and chattels of the preced ing. We are doing the same thing to-day, whenever an old relative dies and an old home is broken up. Our own houses are too full, and often the whole furnishings, all the household goods, are sent to the auction rooms tO' furnish the homes of various Italian .folks and others who esteem usefulness above antiquity and cheapness above all else. GEORGE AND WILLIAM ROBINSON 73 I have another suggestion to make, and in this case as in the other I have followed my own advice before I have offered it to others. Let one room be devoted to the memorials and furnished with heirlooms as far as possible. Whether it be the sitting room, dining room, guest room (I ought to say spare room), whether parlor or library, get together the scattered things you inherited or received from your parents or remoter ancestors. Put the braided rugs of your grandmother on the hardwood floor of your villa. They will not look out of place when the highboy and spinning wheel are put in place. Hang the oval picture frames that look so out of place with your wed ding gifts of gilt and oak. Frame the Revoliitionary commis sions and old letters with glass on both sides of the paper. Hunt the garret over for the old samplers and quaint family registers. Polish up the old furniture you had put in the attic because it looked inartistic when side by side with the new piano. Keep apart the old and the new. Such a room should contain the precious family relics and mementos, the old wedding gowns, Bibles and books. It will prove an unfailing source of interest and occupation. Additions will suggest themselves, and changes will be made necessary as new heirlooms come. Label your antiques. Label everything. Let the grand daughters of the future, when showing the things you have left, be able to tell their age and some of their history. It is especially wise and considerate to write on the back of every photograph at least the name of the person. If this custom of concentrating the antiques and heirlooms became general, what an added in terest for visitors all New England homes would present ! What a vast number of lost and forgotten treasures would be brought to light! I expect a reprimand from your worthy secretary for writing so little about the famous William and his own progeny, but I shall ask you to remember that I am living in the same house with six descendants of William, while on the other hand my wife is living with six descendants of George. That is six of one and half a dozen of the other. Now then, would it be discreet to choose for the subject of my paper the descendants of one rather than the descendants of the other? II. THE FATHERS. WHERE WERE THEY? Mrs. Ann Augusta Lakin Bennington, N. H. HAVE often asked this question, but like an echo, it comes back to me. Where were they? The first in my line of ancestry that I have any knowledge of was Peter Robinson, yet it is but little that is known of him. We know that he was twice married and by the first marriage had two sons, Simeon and Douglas. Who their mother was, or where they were living at. this time, is unknown to any of the descendants. It is thought by some that he was then living at Douglas, Mass., but there is no men tion in the history of the town of any one by the name of Robin son, still records show there were Robinsons living in Douglas and adjoining towns. That Peter was once living in Douglas is shown by the record of the "Marriage Intention" of Peter Robinson and Rebekah Perkins, May i8, 1752. No record of the marriage has been found, neither do we know how long he remained there or whither he went. That he afterwards lived in what is now Hudson, N. H., appears on the assessors' records of the town. By the second marriage there were several children, but I do not know the order of their birth. Their names were Amos, Andrew, John, Peter, Rachel, Polly and Sarah. Several of the descendants of Andrew, Peter and Sarah I knew personally. Andrew Robinson married Sarah Eastman, and lived for a time in Greenfield, N. H. Sarah Robinson married John Grimes. The history of Hancock, N. H., makes mention of this man as the first settler in Hancock. He also resided for a time in Greenfield, N. H. THE FATHERS. WHERE WERE THEY? 75 Peter Robinson, Jr., came from Hudson, N. H., and settled in Antrim, N. H., about 1799.- Some of his descendants are living there at the present time. He had three sons and one daughter. Of this family, I became acquainted with one of the sons (Reuben) who often visited at my grandfather's. Peter Robinson, Jr., was a soldier in the War of the Revolu tion. He was in the battle at Bennington, and heard Gen. Stark's famous address to his soldiers: — "Boys, there are the redcoats. They are ours to-day, or Mollie Stark this night will sleep a widoxv." Of the two oldest sons of Peter Robinson, Sr., Simeon re mained in Hudson and died there. Of his descendants I know but little. One of his sons. Rev. Isaac Robinson, was settled overthe church in Stodard, N. H. Here he spent his life in the service of the Master and lived to preach his half-century ser mon. His wife was insane many years. They had one son and three daughters. The son died at the age of sixteen years. Two of the daughters became insane, the youngest dying in the Insane Asylum at Concord, N. H., where she had been confined for many years. One of the daughters married a physician, I think, and lived in New York. Fearing insanity, she seldom made long visits at her father's, remarking "she would be as insane as the other members of the family if she remained with them." I am under the impression that she finally became insane. Rev. Isaac Robinson was a self-educated man. So great was his thirst for knowledge that when at work in the field plow ing he would fasten his book to the plow handles so that he might read and study while at work. He applied for admission to college, but upon being examined was told that his education was equal to any of their teachers, and it would of no use for him to enter. He was a frequent visitor at my grandfather's, and I knew him and members of his family. Often, when a child, I have sat hours and heard him and my grandfather talk of their relatives in Hudson. Could I have known then the value these things would have been to future generations, I might now be able to give you a complete history of this branch of the family. Another one of the descendants of Simeon Robinson with whom I was acquainted was his grandson, David, son of David 76 THE ROBINSONS AND THEIR KIN FOLK Robinson and a nephew of Rev. Isaac Robinson. He was a merchant in Nashua, in what was then called Belvidere. I spent a part of one winter in his family, attending school at the Nashua Literary Institution. He was twice married. His first wife was Sophia Caldwell. She died in September, 1842. He married in 1844, for his second wife, Lydia Huntooti of Unity, N. H. She died May 27, 1862, leaving one son, who married Emily Jane Marshall of Nashua. They had two children, Willie F., who resides in Nashua, and Lena, who died August 3, 1873. In 1784, Douglas Robinson, brother of Simeon, and my great-grandfather, came with his son Samuel, then a lad of eleven years, from Hudson, N. H., following marked trees until they arrived at a place known at that time as "Society Land," but now Greenfield, N. H. Here they spent the winter. Later, Samuel Robinson bought land and removed his family from Hudson to Greenfield. He was married in Buxton, Me., November 12, 1772, to Sarah Haseltine, who was born in Haverhill, Mass., December 31, 1749, a daughter of Timothy and Anna (Hancock) Haseltine. Both Mr. and Mrs. Robinson spent the remainder of their life on the farm in Greenfield. He died there March 8, 1821, and she on the 6th of January, 1833. They had eight children. The eldest, Samuel Robinson (my grandfather), mar ried December 28, 1797, Olive Austin, a daughter of Jonathan and Hannah (Charles) Austin, born in Methuen, Mass., Novem ber 21, 1774. He was born in Nottingham West, September 6, 1773, and settled on a farm near the paternal home, where he died March 12, i860. His wife died in the month of June, 1864. There were eight children, three sons and five daughters; all are now dead. The children were: I. Hannah, b. Dec. 19, 1798; d. an infant. 2. Sarah, b. Sept. 8, 1800; d. at Chaua, 111., March 24, 1875; mar. John Ober. 3. Isaac, b. Jan. 15, 1802; d. at the age of fifteen years. 4. Miles, b. March 6, 1803; d. at Greenfield, N. H., in 1871; mar. Almira Bailey. 5. Hannah, b. May 10, 1804; d. at Greenfield in 1870; mar. James S. Burtt. 6. Warren, b. Nov. 11, 1806; d. at the age of ten years. 7. Rhoda, b. March 11, 1808; d. at Greenfield, N. H., in 1876; mar. Samuel Fisher. THE FATHERS. WHERE WERE THEY? 77 8. Anna Hancock, b. May 15, 1810; d. at Hancock (now Bennington), N. H., in 1869; mar. David Dale in 1837, and had one child, Ann Augusta, who mar. in 1868 Taylor D. Lakin, who d. at Greenfield, N. H., in 1898, leaving three children: Winfred Taylor, who mar, Luella G. Merrill and resides at North Chelmsford, Mass.; Mary Ann Augusta, who mar. George M. Foote, and resides at North Chelmsford, Mass., and Lilla Dale, who mar. Archibald L. Rogers, and resides at Greenfield, N. H. The second child was Moses Robinson, who settled on a farm adjoining his father's and died in 1841. He married Lucy Burnham. They had nine children, all now dead. Benjamin Robinson, the third child, settled on the bank of the Contookook River, near his brothers. He married Esther Greeley, an aunt of Horace Greeley, founder of the New York Tribune. He was the owner of mills here, which later were car ried away by a freshet. They had eleven children, all born here in Greenfield, N. H. Two died with spotted fever in 1815. The others lived to be quite aged and one, I think, is living now (1904) in Iowa. After the loss of his mills he sold the farm and lived for a few years in Hancock, N. H. From there he removed to Alstead, N. H., where he remained until age compelled him to lay aside all work and seek a home with his children. He died in Manchester, Wis., December i, 1857. William Robinson, the fourth child, settled on a farm just across the river in Hancock, N. H., where he remained during life. He died April 15, 1849. He married Elizabeth Fletcher. They had five children, all now dead except one, born October 28, 1808, who has now reached the age of ninety-six. A grand son is now living on the home farm. Two railroads cross each other near his buildings. Elizabeth Robinson, the fifth child (there is no date given of her birth) died in 1808, was married on her death-bed to Elijah Wilson. Douglas Robinson, the sixth child, born in 1785, married Hannah Butler. They lived on the home farm with his parents. He died of spotted fever in 181 5. There were four children born to them, all now dead, the last one dying recently in California, at the age of ninety-three. Sally, the seventh child and a twin sister of Douglas, mar ried Daniel Gould, resided in Greenfield, N. H., and died there 78 THE ROBINSONS AND THEIR KIN FOLK in 1841. They had eight children. One is still living and one died the 4th of this month (August, 1904) at the age of eighty- three. John Robinson, the eighth and youngest of the family, was born in 1790. He married Elizabeth McLaughlin and settled in Hancock, N. H. They had twelve children, all born in Han cock. He removed to Oppenheim, N. Y., where he died July 21, 1868. The children, so far as I know, are nearly all dead. The descendants of Douglas Robinson are scattered from the Granite Hills of New Hampshire to the Rocky Mountains, and even to the Pacific Coast. Only three are left in the neigh borhood where he first settled. One each in the fourth, fifth and sixth generations. Thus have I given you a brief outline of this branch of the Robinson families to which I belong, but in tracing back to the first settlers I must close as I commenced, The fathers! Where were they? 1 JOHN ROBINSON OF KITTERY AND CAPE ELIZABETH Mrs. Caroline T. (Edward R.) Barbour John Robinson,' b. Kittery, Me., d. Mar. 11, 1771, at Cape Elizabeth, m. Dec. 10, 1722, at Kittery. Sarah Jordan, b. 169S, at Kittery, d. Nov. 23, 1786, at Cape Elizabeth. HE annals of the historic town of Cape Elizabeth contain names no more prominently identified with her past than those of Jordan and Robin son. During the eighteenth century two families of the last named settled within the limits of the town, a third in Falmouth, and a fourth in the adjacent town of Windham; each of which had one, or more whose given name was John; but the first to come to this locality was John Robinson of Kittery. From the pages of church and state the few scattered threads that have been collected may serve some searcher in the future, to weave 'a web of interesting history, that will include the great number of isolated Robinsons, who are not yet in their proper places. The union of the two pioneer families was con summated December lo, 1722, by the marriage in Kittery of John Robinson with Sarah, daughter of Samuel and grand daughter of Rev. Robert Jordan, whose romantic life is so viv idly portrayed in the "Trelawney Papers." At Robert's death, all his landed possessions were divided between his widow and six sons, each of whom received one thousand acres, except Samuel. His share was eleven hundred, to compensate for the poverty of the soil as compared with the others. Samuel left Cape Elizabeth 1675 and settled in Kittery, dying there 1720, and his inheritance from his father at Pond 8o THE ROBINSONS AND THEIR KIN FOLK Cove, Cape Elizabeth, was in turn divided between his wido-vv and three children, the youngest of whom was Sarah. And so, when this newly wedded couple started out on life's journey as man and wife, it was to take possession of her prop erty at Pond Cove. This cove is on the easterly shore of Cape Elizabeth, about five miles from the city of Portland — then known as Falmouth — and near the southern extremity of the cape; deriving its name from its proximity to Great Pond, which is some distance inland from the sea, and its waters flowing out in a creek near by. Their neighbors in this unsettled country were kinfolk and old acquaintances, Noah Jordan, a nephew of Sarah's; Nathaniel Jordan of Falmouth; John Miller from Kittery; Paul Thompson, and not a great distance away Daniel Robinson, who in 1724 married Abigail Jordan (a cousin) in Kittery; an obligation re quiring all landholders to stand by each other in peace or in war. They felled, hewed, and fashioned their log houses, planted orchards and cleared the fields we see to-day, sloping to the sea in verdure clad. The ancestry of John Robinson has been a subject of much study and labor. To substantiate family tradition is, in some instances, an arduous undertaking, and so in this we authenticate nothing. Mr. Nathan Goold, Portland's historian and a de scendant of John Robinson, gives permission to quote him as follows : "John Robinson who married Sarah Jordan was no doubt son of John the tanner, or John who worked on Ft. William Henry at Great Island in 1723, selling articles to the Ft. as late as 1744. Perhaps they were one and the same. I think our John was a grandson of Stephen of Oyster River (Dover. N. H.). He was received as an inhabitant Mar. i, 1666, and was a tax payer at Exeter, N. H., in 1662. He had a brother Jonathan, and probably lived at Exeter and removed from there to Dover. These Robinsons I presume to be the descendants of John Rob inson of Haverhill, Mass., who Savage thinks was father of David, Jonathan and Stephen. "John of Haverhill was the emigrant ancestor of this family and a blacksmith by trade, living at Newbury, Mass., and in 1640 with eleven others struck the first blow toward erecting a settlement in the woods of Pentucket (Haverhill.) They went CELLAR OF JOHN ROBINSON HOUSE JOSHUA ROBINSON HOUSE POND COVE — CAPE ELIZABETH. VIEW FROM JOHN ROBINSON HOUSE. I CLIFF AT POINT COVE JOHN ROBINSON OF MAINE 8i there between June ii and Oct. 7, 1640, naming the place soon after for Haverhill, Essex Co., Eng., in honor of the birthplace of their minister. Rev. John Ward, who came over 1641. "The first birth in the town was a son of John Robinson who lived three weeks. The second birth was a son of John Robinson, also, who lived but one week. In 1645 he was a landholder there, but in 165 1 he bought a house lot in Exeter, N. H., and was entered as a citizen there in 1652. "In Oct. 1664 he was on a committee to lay out highways. Oct. 21, 1675, he was shot dead by the Indians, John Sampson, Cromwell and Linde, in ambush, the bullet passing completely through the body. His son who was with him escaped, and alarmed the settlers." Presuming this to be the line of John Robinson of Kittery, we have: JOHN ROBINSON' OP HAVERHILL, EMIGRANT. SHOT BY INDIANS. David^, Stephen^, Jonathan^, of Oyster River. John^, the tanner. John* of Kittery, mar. Sarah Jordan. The family of John and Sarah Robinson were probably all horn at Pond Cove — as in the old First Parish record of bap tisms some are given, and the others are found on the town books. Mary, bap. 1728; marriage intention to Jeremiah, third son of Col. Ezekiel and Hannah (Doane) Cushing, July 23, 1749. Col. Cushing was a prominent man and had large interests in the town and in Falmouth at that time. Apollos, bap. 1728. Charles, b. July 4, 1731; Joshua, b. 1738. Jeremiah was born October 7, 1729, and was a mariner. He died before May 7, 1784, at Long Island, Casco Bay, leaving iive children: Sarah, m. 1769, John Miller. Eunice, d. unm. Hannah, m. 1780, Stephen Tukey. Phebe, m. 1782, Edmund Higgins of Scarboro'. Apollos Robinson m. Elizabeth Gates, whose granddaughter Ivois (Cushing) Dunlap, became the second wife of James Russell §2 THE ROBINSONS AND THEIR KIN FOLK Lowell. Apollos died July, 1843. Elizabeth died March, 1827. Children: Charles, d. June 3, 1797. Nathaniel, d. February, 1815. Leonard, d. August, 1833. Charies, d. May, 1823. Of Apollos, the second child of John and Sarah Robinson, we learn but little. He probably died unmarried. In 1757, he with his brothers Charles and Joshua were enrolled with the training soldiers under command of Capt. Domlnicus Jordan. We have no record of his death. The marriage of Charles Robinson with Hannah Cushing is recorded in 1755, but there are no known descendants from them. In May, 1773, an account against him was sued and an attachment placed on forty-three and one-fourth acres of land — his part in the estate of his father John, in common and undi vided between him and his brother Joshua and sister Mary Cush ing. Apollos is not mentioned. We now come to Joshua, the fourth child and the one from whom the Robinsons have de scended in - a direct line from John. Being the youngest, he naturally had the home, farm and care of the parents — and it was probably soon after his mother's death, in 1786, that the log house was abandoned and the present "Robinson house" erected. This is not positively known, but the present occupant, Mr. Charles H. Robinson, has preserved it in its ancient form, with the old heirlooms and furnishings of a century or more ago. Here, overlooking the cove where the storm king rules in winter and the fleet of our nation sails proudly past on summer seas, the ninth in descent from John' the emigrant cherishes with pride and affection the handiwork of his ancestors. The cellar of the log house John Robinson built can yet be seen, and easily reached by a farm road leading from the highway of the present Robinson home, back toward the forest. The illustration shows the large granite foundation stones, still in place — surrounded by thorn bushes, and overgrown with vines and wild flowers. Joshua was twice married. His first wife Sarah was a daughter probably, of John Miller, whose farm adjoined. Their marriage occurred November 6, 1764, and she was the mother of his ten children. When the Revolutionary War was declared, Joshua left his fields and prepared for service, which although JOHN ROBINSON OF MAINE 83 brief, testified to his loyalty — and is a precious legacy to his many descendants. He enlisted May 12, 1774, in Capt. David Brad- ish's company. Col. Phinney's regiment, being thirty-six years of age at the time. After the death of his wife Sarah he remarried December 19, 1793, to Catharine (named in deeds Ketura) daughter of James Maxwell of Cape Elizabeth, who survived him by several years. He no doubt chose wisely in this marriage, as a great-grand daughter has in her possession the original deed given by James Maxwell to his daughter, dated July 6, 1782, in which he leaves her his entire property with the exception of wearing apparel^ — • in consideration of twenty-five years' service and affectionate care on her part. She was living in 1816. He died March 25, 1813, and his son Joshua, Jr., styled Joshua 3d on legal papers (to distinguish him from Joshua son of John of Gloucester b. 1756) had the home farm, his wife being a niece of his stepmother, Catharine. CH. OF JOSHUA AND (SARAH MILLEr) ROBINSON. I. SAMUEL, b. April i, 1766, mar. Catharine Clark Dec. 4, 1788, settled in Durham, Me., 1794; died there Sept. 25, 1842. She d. Sept. 8, 1830. Had twelve children: I. Samuel, b. 1789, mar. Phebe Wagg, had four daughters. 2. Apollos, b. October, 1790; d. 1852, unm. 3. Joshua, b. June, 1792, d. 1877; m. Eleanor Dyer; six children: Joshua, Frances, Martha, William, Samuel, Augustus. 4. Sarah, b. June, 1794, d. February, 1836; mar. Samuel Stackpole. 5. Eunice, b. February, 1796, d. Sept. 22, 1876; m. William Thomas, Jr. 6. James, b. January, 1798, d. July 29, 1873; m. Susan, dau. of Charles Barbour of Gray. She d. Dec. 26, 1876; ten children: William B., Betsey, Charles, Mary L., Catharine, Clarissa A., James, Susan E., Lewis C, Mary. 7. Jane, b. November, 1799, d. December, 1855; mar. Ed mund Dow. 8. Catharine, b. October, 1802, d. September, 1830; married Joshua Mitchell. 9. Hannah, b. February, 1804, d. September, 1881; mar. Rev. John Miller. 84 THE ROBINSONS AND THEIR KIN FOLK IO. Mary, b. April 17, 1806, d. May, 1868; mar. Abner Waterhouse. II. William B., b. January, 1809, d. October, 1878; mar. Huldah Dyer. 12. Charles, b. December, 181 1; mar. Pamelia Bowie. II. SARAH, b. Feb. 25, 1768, mar. July 15, 1787, Seacomb Jordan of Cape Elizabeth, and settled in Durham; she d. 1827; he d. Aug. I, 1825; eight children: I. Apollos, b. Dec. 24, 1788, d. 1827; mar. Sarah Miller; six children. 2. Rhoda, b. , d. 1832; mar. Henry Moore; had children. 3. Eleanor, b. , d. 1856; mar. Samuel Skinner; no children. 4. Noah. ^ 5. Rufus. 6. Mercy. I d. young. 7. Elizabeth. | 8. Mercy. J III. JOHN, b. Dec. 24, 1770 (perhaps the John who in Durham Aug. 28, 1794, mar. Mary Parker). IV. MARY, b. March 24, 1772. V. EUNICE, b. March 27, 1774; mar. 1793, William Thomas. VI. JAMES, b. July 13, 1776; mar. Sept. 11, 1800, to Sally Mitchell. VII. CHARLES, b. Aug. 27, 1778. VIII. JOSHUA, JR., b. June 15, 1781; mar. Aug, 3, 1805, Mrs. Betsey Fulton Soule, a dau. of Hannah (Maxwell) Fulton of Topsham; widow of Bradbury Soule of Freeport and a niece of Keturah Maxwell's. He died Nov. 11, 1866; she d. Oct. 29, 185 1 ; seven children: I. Apollos, b. Feb. 17, 1806; d. unm. May 31, 1873. 2. Agnes M., b. April 12, 1807; d. unm. February, 1886. 3. Charles, b. Aug. 11, 1809; mar. Sept. 27, 1836, Emily Cobb. He d. Nov. i, 1888; she d. ; six children: Wil liam C, Elizabeth F., Rebecca C, Emma L., Charles H. (present owner of the old home) ; Mary A., d. 1892. 4. William, b. June 5, 1811, mar. Mary A. Wescott; d. Lewiston, June 10, 1881; two children: Josephine, Marietta. JOHN ROBINSON OF MAINE 85 5. Lucinda, b. Sept. 5, 1813; d. unrn. 6. James Maxwell, b. Dec. 29, 1815; mar. Nov. i, 1842, Elizabeth Wescott; he d. July 26, 1889; two children: Anger, d. inf., E. Malcom. 7. Rhoda, b. April 22, 1819; mar. Mr. Brainerd; d. in Bos ton; one child. Alma. IX. JANE, b. April 26, 1783. X. HANNAH, b. March 28, 1785; mar. Dec. i, 1803, Thomas Wilson. Reference has been made to other Robinson families living here during the period of which we write. Daniel, who married at Kittery 1724 Abigail Jordan and came to the cape soon after, was perhaps a brother of John's. In 1757 Daniel Jr. and Jere miah were enrolled with the training soldiers, and some of Daniel's descendants went to Durham with the Robinson emigra tion. In 1840, a Daniel Robinson was living there at the age of eighty-six years. These may trace their descent from him. FROM DURHAM RECORDS ! Ann Robinson mar. Samuel Jordan of Cape Elizabeth. He was b. 1753. Jedediah Robinson and Polly Nichols mar. in Durham Nov. 6, 1794. Conjecture has failed, equally with investigation, in regard to John Robinson, b. Cape E. 1752, d. Webster, Me., March 28, 1840; mar. Cape E. Feb. 29, 1776, Martha Jordan, b. 1756, d. Webster, Oct. i, 1848. They lived at the cape until 1790, when they removed to W.; two children born at Cape Elizabeth: I. Martha, b. 1778, mar. James Jordan. *2 John, b. 1785, mar. 1798 Lucy Standiford; John d. 1845; six children. He was at one time a preacher, and has descend ants in this country, but frequent requests for information have elicited no response. Was he a son of John and Mehitable (Woodbury) Robinson, or a descendant of Daniel ? Capt. John Robinson of Gloucester, Mass., who settled here at the time of his marriage to Mehitable Woodbury — in 1738 — and assuming that his eldest son, Ebenezer, was b. about 1740, •Jordan Memorial gives his birth and mar., but n.o date of latter. Town records give date of mar., but n6t of birth. Evidently a mistake in one, and perhaps both. 86 THE ROBINSONS AND THEIR KIN FOLK there is an interim of sixteen years between his birth and that of the two other sons, whose births are recorded as Joshua, b. 1756, Samuel, b. 1758, with no other children. Among so many un accounted for, it seems probable that a number of those whose names follow may be found to be their children, and others, of Daniel and Abigail (Jordan) Robinson. FROM CAPE ELIZABETH RECORDS : Mar. July 17, 1748, David Robinson and Rebecca Randall. Mar. Nov. 22, 1754, Jedediah Robinson and Elizabeth Simonton. Mar. int. March 31, 1753, Rebecca Robinson of Falmouth and Thomas Edgecomb of Biddeford. Mar. in 1765, Elizabeth Robinson and Joseph Jordan (he b. 1750.) Mar. int. July 13, 1771, Elizabeth Robinson and John Gat chell of Royalstown. Mar. Sept. 2, 1776, John Robinson and Molly Skillings. Mar. int. Oct. 12, 1782, Sarah Robinson and Josiah Alden of Gorham; descendants living there. Mar. March 10, 1785, Mary Robinson and James Miller. Mar. Feb. 18, 1787, Joshua Robinson and Mary, dau. of John and Isabella Jordan. Mar. March 5, 1797, Stephen Robinson and Catharine Saw yer of Cape Elizabeth. Stephen removed to Gardiner (?) Had four children: Mary, b. Oct. 27, 1797. Joanna, b. May 6, 1799. Hannah, b. May 13, 1802. Betsey, b. Sept. 29, 1804. About 1780, a Stephen Robinson and wife Content came here from Berwick and settled in Windham, Me. Being Quak ers, the Friends' church record furnished what is known regard ing the children, six in number: Patience, b. Berwick, June 25, 1778. Stephen, b. Berwick, June 16, 1781. Timothy, b. Berwick, Aug. 30, 1784. John, b. Berwick, March 22, 1787. Miriam, b. Berwick, Sept. 24, 1794. Lydia, b. Berwick, June 3, 1794. JOHN ROBINSON OF MAINE 87 On the same record is the family of John (styled "John the tanner") and wife Tabitha, who came from Dover, N. H., settled at Windham, four children: Timothy, b. Dover, April 17, 1767. Mary, b. Falmouth, Nov. 26, 1768. Nathan, b. Falmouth, Aug. 15, 1771. Reuben, b. Falmouth, Aug. 30, 1774. Note that each have a son Timothy. It is remarked that the Robinsons have a preference for the name of John, and it seems manifest in nearly every family who came this way. Many of them, too, were mariners. Among the number was Capt. John Robinson, b. Bristol, R. I., July 7, 1758, mar. Mary Packard, b. Bridgewater, Mass., May 3, 1761, and came to Portland for a permanent home. At the present writing the exact date of this event is not known, nor the place of birth of all the children. There were eleven.: I. Azel, b. May 30, 1781. 2. John (Capt.), b. Jan. i, 1783, d. Sept. 15, 1859, Portland; mar. Jan. 28, 1808, Portland, to Mary Titcomb, b. 1788, Portland; Mary Titcomb d. June 18, 1869, Portland; had eight children. A great-grandson is Thomas A. Robinson, collector of taxes, Norwich, Conn. 3. Daniel, b. Aug. 29, 1784, d. March 17, 1854, Portland; mar. Oct. 19, 1808, Portland, Isabella Jordan of Portland, b. 1785; five children. 4. Martin, b. July 22, 1786, d. Aug. 22 1804. 5. Mary, b. April 3, 1788, d. Feb. 13, 1873. 6. Zebiah, b. May 23, 1790, d. May 19, 1885. 7. Sally, b. March 9, 1792, d. Aug. 17, 1849. 8. Abiel, b. Nov. 29, 1794, d. May 29, 1875. 9. Nahum, b. Feb. 6, 1796, d. September, 1819. 10. Abigail, b. July 20, 1798, d. June i, 1876. II. Martha, b. Dec. 19, 1801, d. March 13, 1876; mar. March 20, 1823, Enoch Tobey of Portland, b. July 17, 1779. Nineteen years before, Maine was separated from Massa chusetts (1801) the Commonwealth passed a resolve to apportion to all who honorably served in the Revolutionary War 200 acres of land, or an equivalent of twenty dollars. Many Maine soldiers did not avail themselves of the offer, and fifteen years after the separation the Maine Legislature passed a resolve that 88 THE ROBINSONS AND THEIR KIN FOLK all who had not benefited by the Act of the Commonwealth should receive 200 acres of land, either in No. 2 Indian Purchase, Penobscot County, or Letter D, in the Second Range of town ships, Washington County. In February, 1836, and March, 1838, further resolves be came acts, to benefit the officers, soldiers or their widows and 800 made application for land. Many could not prove a three years' service as required, and to meet these deserving cases an additional resolve was passed March, 1836, whereby they were to receive fifty dollars. Three hundred appHed. The names of the Robinsons found in this application are: John, enlisted Scarboro, d. Limington, Feb. 14, 1826; widow, Deborah, Limington. John, enlisted Watertown, Mass., d. Sebago, Feb. 20, 1827; widow, Phebe, Sebago. Samuel, late of Portland, enlisted Cape Elizabeth, d. sea, Aug. 21, 1806; widow, Betsey, Portland. Wilham, enlisted York, d. in service 1782; widow, Sarah, York. Jeremiah, private Adam's 33d Regt., placed on roll Dec. i, 1818, d. November, 1825. Andrew, enlisted Cushing. Applied for pension Aug. 8, 1832, being seventy-three years of age. Served nine months as private under Capt. Benj. Plummer. Wife Mehitable received pension after his death. John, enlisted Cape Elizabeth, was sergeant in Capt. Sam'l Dunn's company, Col. Phinney's regiment. From the preceding genealogical notes, it can readily be seen that there were several John Robinsons on the cape, of suitable age to serve, at that time. He may have been a son of John of Gloucester. Among the long list of pensioners found on the books of the firm of Brad- for & Harmon, claim agents, but one Robinson appears, viz. Samuel, before mentioned. The field for investigation is a large one in regard to the Robinsons in Maine. The work has but just begun — to clear away and make ready for the laborer. What little has been accomplished may in the future aid our historian, and if many lie in unnumbered graves, unnoted on history's page, it is a sat isfaction to know that a few have been found by laborious endeavor, to grace the volume of the Robinson family. ABRAHAM ROBINSON HIS DESCENT AND HIS DESCENDANTS Will A. Robin.son Of Gloucester, Mass. S will be seen from the title, the purpose of this paper is twofold : to show the probability of the descent of Abraham Robinson from the Rev. John Robinson, and to cite a few of the many families that are unquestionably his descendants. Our first proposition will undoubtedly call forth criticism at the very outset : for we know full well the study which has been devoted to the sub ject by those of our number, who, void of all prejudice, have given to us, in their most excellent papers before this association, all the facts they have been able to obtain in relation to Rev. John Robinson's family. But has not the information furnished been negative rather than positive? Has it not dealt more with what has not been proven by history, than with what is traditional, and possible of verification? Believing this to be true, we enter upon our task. Tradition has it that, after the death of Rev. John Robinson, his widow with two sons, Abraham and Isaac, came to America. The Leyden records of the year 1622 give the family of Rev. John Robinson as follows: Wife: Bridgett, or Brigetta White. Children: John, born 1606; Bridget, born 1608; Isaac, born 1610; Mercy, born 1612; Favor, born 1614; J*acob, born 1621, Feb. 17. From this record, it will be seen that the sons were given Bible names: John, Isaac and Jacob. The first daughter was named Bridget, for the mother, and John was probably named for the father. The suggestiveness of this naming must be ap parent, so that the query naturally arises, if an Isaac and a Jacob, why not an Abraham preceding these? If there are any cases 90 THE ROBINSONS AND THEIR KIN FOLK in the record of the genealogy of the Robinson family where the son Isaac was not preceded by Abraham, they are the exceptions and not the rule. I have yet to find the first exception. The fact also that the name Jacob is not so frequently used, lends strength to our supposition that, where Isaac was followed by Jacob, he was without doubt preceded by an Abraham, in token of patriarchal succession. But if this be true, where can we place him, the Leyden records being silent in the matter? According to the record, John was born in 1606, or when his father was thirty-one years old. Now, an older son may have preceded John named Abraham, or a second son may have been born, to whom was given this name. In the Leyden records we have only the year of birth given, not the month and day; thus John may have been born in the first part of 1606 and Bridget in the last part of 1608, or nearly three years apart, which would allow the birth of a second son between. It is quite possible that there was an older son named Abra ham, who may have been absent from home when the census was taken in Leyden in 1622 ; for the Leyden record is a census record, and not a record made at birth. It would not be strange, therefore, if omissions occurred, or if children were not enume rated in the census on account of absence from home. With this possible, or, as we believe, probable fact estab lished, that Rev. John Robinson had a son Abraham, have we any proof that he or other members of the family came to Massa chusetts ? Mr. Charles E. Robinson, in his excellent paper read before this association in 1900, makes the following statement: "Isaac Robinson, at the age of twenty-one, came over from England in the ship 'Lyon' in 163 1 for Massachusetts. He was the son of the Rev. John Robinson of Leyden, and the ancestor of all the Robinsons in America, who are descendants of the Rev. John, as there is no evidence that his widow and other chil dren ever came over to this country, as has been claimed by several writers." A paper by Rev. William A. Robinson, D.D., read at the same gathering, contains the following: "Of the six children of John Robinson, two sons, John and Isaac, are known to have come to Plymouth, Mass., in 1630." Further, some of the encyclopaedias state that one son. ABRAHAM ROBINSON 91 others, that two sons of the Rev. John Robinson came to Amer ica. Sometimes the names of the sons are mentioned, sometimes they are omitted. Mrs. Webber, referred to below, states that the name of the son of John Robinson, who settled in Agassquam, and who was father of the Abraham Robinson whom we call 2nd, is not known. In the disagreement of such trustworthy authorities, what are we to believe? The son Isaac can easily be traced in America, but of a son John we find no mention. We do know, however, that at this time an Abraham Robinson settled in Gloucester. In the ab sence of absolute proof to the contrary, therefore, are we not permitted to believe that the Abraham, who settled in Gloucester at this time, may have been the son of the Rev. John, especially as tradition favors this conjecture ? The following are statements made by descendants of Abra ham Robinson regarding their descent from the Rev. John Robirlson: Mrs. Mary C. Sever, now living in Cambridge, Mass., July, 1904, has furnished me with a copy of a paper written by Rebecca Webber, wife of Samuel Webber, former president of Harvard College from 1806 to 1810. It is entitled, "Descendants of Rev. John Robinson." "By one of their number." I will read the following extract: "When the 'Pilgrim Fathers' of Nevvr England left Holland to seek an asylum in America, where they might enjoy liberty of conscience, they left behind them their 'vrenerable pastor, the Rev. John Robinson, who promised to join them next year, but was prevented by death from fulfilling his promise." "About two years after the landing of the Pilgrims they were followed by Mr. Robinson's widow and two sons. These con tinued in the colony at Plymouth till the year 1626. Early in the spring of that year one of the sons, with several other per sons, left Plymouth to explore the bay in order to find a suitable place for a fishing station. They landed at Agassquam, since called Cape Ann, where, finding a commodious harbor and plenty of building material, they concluded to set up a fishing stage there, make preparations for removing their families from tb.e 92 THE ROBINSONS AND THEIR KIN FOLK other side of the bay, and establish a permanent settlement at that place." "Very soon after they settled there with their families, Mr. Rob inson had a son born whom he called Abraham. He had four other sons, Zebulon, Samuel, Johnathan and Stephen, and one or more daughters. Abraham married young and had twelve children; three sons, John, Stephen and Andrew, and nine daughters, two of whom died young; the other seven were married and left fami lies — Elwell, Davis, Butman, Williams, Soames. Mr. Abraham Robinson lived to the age of 102 years, much beloved and re spected by his friends and acquaintances for his piety and strict integrity." "It was engraved on his tombstone that he was the first child born of English parents on that side of the bay." The following is an extract from an obituary published in Gloucester, Mass., at the death of Mrs. Susan Robinson Stevens: "Mrs. Susan Stevens was born in this city (over the Cut) and is the only survivor of the seven children of Jonathan Robinson, who married Anna Batting Jan. 16, 1756, and died Jan. 30, 1821. She is therefore a lineal descendant of our early settler Abraham Robinson, through the line of his son Abraham, the first child born to English parents on this side of the bay, who is said to have reached the extraordinary age of 102 and is unquestionably descended from Rev. John, the minister of the Pilgrims at Leyden." Abigail Robinson, widow of Ezekiel Robinson, descendant of Abraham, went from Gloucester, Mass., to Gardner, Me., to live with her son Ezekiel. She died Nov. 20, 1820, aged 80. Ezekiel had a brother Daniel, born in 1776, who lived to the age of 90. The Rev. T. B. Robinson, nephew of Daniel, said regard ing his uncle, that "his life was devoted to study and extensive reading, and that he felt sure of his descent from the Pilgrims." Polly Riggs of Rockport, Mass., died July 13, 1865, at the age of 95 years and 6 months. She was in the line of Stephen Robinson, seventh child of Abraham 2nd. She claimed, with a good deal of emphasis, to Mr. Babson, Gloucester's historian, in 1861, at the age of 90 years, that she ¦ivas a descendant of Rev. John Robinson. Mr. Benjamin Robinson, now living in Gloucester, another ABRAHAM ROBINSON 93 descendant of Stephen Robinson, says that it has been the com mon belief of his ancestors that they were descended from the Rev. John Robinson. Further, this is the common belief and declaration of all branches of the Abraham Robinson family. Now it would seem that such traditions and authorities ought not entirely to be ignored. Accordingly, we, the descendants of the first Abraham Robinson, cling tenaciously to the belief that we are connected with the Rev. John Robinson, and shall con tinue our research until every vestige of doubt is removed, or the contrary established without question. We now turn to the descendants of Abraham Robinson. It would be impossible, on account of numbers, to mention many of these, but it is our purpose to cite a few of the families that are unquestionably descended from him. According to the Gloucester records, Abraham Robinson settled in Annisquam (Gloucester) in 1631. His wife was Mary, who outlived him many years. He died Feb. 23, 1645, leaving a son Abraham. Mrs. Webber says \n her paper, previously quoted, that he also left three other sons, but the Gloucester records are silent on this point. From a deposition found on record in Salem, Mass., Abraham 2nd declares, Feb. 25, 1721, that he is 77 years of age. This places his birth in 1644, one year prior to his father's death. Abraham 2nd married Mary Harrandaine, by whom he had twelve children. Omitting month and day they were born: Mary, 1669; Sarah, 1671 ; Elizabeth, 1673; Abigail, 1675; Abra ham, 1677; Andrew, 1679; Stephen, 1681; Ann, 1684; Dorcas, 1686; Deborah, 1688; Hannah, 1691; Jane, 1693. There has been no record found of his death, but it is a com mon saying that he lived to the age of 102 years. The latest deed recorded bearing the names of Abraham and of his wife Mary, is dated Jan. 20, 1721. His wife, whom he is supposed to have outlived at least twenty years, died Sept. 28, 1725. The latest date which I have been able to find in connection with Abraham 2nd is Feb. 23, 1727, when he made a conveyance of property to Benj. Lane. He was at this time 83 years of age. • Mary, widow of Abraham, married William Brown ; and out living him, married Henry Walker. I make mention of this fact, for, at his death, which occurred Aug. 20, 1693, he left a will, 94 THE ROBINSONS AND THEIR KIN FOLK which is an interesting document, as it clearly establishes rela tionships which otherwise might be doubtful. The original of this will, on file in Salem, Mass., is well preserved, the ink being as bright as when it was first written. The inventory of the will is as follows: Buildings, orchard and tillage land £ 120 Sixty acres Marsh 300 One hundred and fifty acres of Pasture more or less . . 300 Wearing apparel, beds & Bedding* books 24.10 Old chests, chains and wooden ware, 2 guns and sword. Pot & Kettle and other iron ->vare 4.10 Iron tackling for husbandry 3 English Corn 6 Indian Corn 12 80 Sheep 38 Horse, bridle & saddles 5 3 Oxen 16 10 cows 38 3 steers 13 2 steers 8 Bull 3.10 3 young cattle 6 4 calves 2.10 swine 15 Hay and a tow-comb 7 Total £922.10 In this will, Henry Walker gives to his granddaughter Sarah, 20 pounds when she shall become eighteen years of age; "unto Andrew Robinson that now liveth with me 20 pounds, when he shall attain the age of twenty years; and unto all the rest of my son Abraham Robinson's children, two pounds ten shil lings a piece to be paid when they become of age." This will was written Aug. 29, 1693. The "Sarah," "Andrew" and "the rest of my son Abraham's children" must have been his step- grandchildren and the children of Abraham 2nd. Time will permit of only a brief reference to the twelve chil dren of Abraham 2nd. ' Mary, Urst child of Abraham 2nd, married John Elwell. Sarah, second child of Abraham 2nd, married John Butman, ABRAHAM ROBINSON 95 who was lost at sea, October, 1715. They had six children: Jeremiah, born June 30, 1690; Mary, born 1697; Hannah, born 1700; John, born 1703; John, born 1708, and Samuel, born 1711. Jeremiah married Jan. 6. 1713, Abagail Stevens. .From this union was born a son, Jeremiah. Mary married John Babson 1715. He died 1720, and his widow Mary (Butman) Babson married a second husband, Jabez Marchant. They had a son, Daniel, born Nov. 18, 1721, who married Hannah Woodbury 1744; they had a son, William, born Feb. 17, 1754, who married Hannah Wheeler. They had a son, Epes, born in 1780, who married, 1803, Sally Rowe Thomas. They had a daughter Mary Ann Marchant, who married Hugh Parkhurst. They had a daughter, now living, who married Fletcher Wonson. Epes Marchant had also a son George, who had a son George, Jr.; and George, Jr., had a son, the Hon. George E. Marchant, ex-Mayor of Gloucester, Mass. The last two are now living. The descendants of Sarah Robinson are more numerous in Gloucester than those of any other child of Abraham 2nd. They include the Wonsons, the Marchants, the Burnhams, several Smith families, other than those hereafter mentioned as de scended through Abraham 3d, the Parkhursts, the Shutes and many other leading families of Gloucester. Elizabeth, third child of Abraham 2nd, married Timothy Somes, Jr., December, 1695. From this marriage are descended members of the Somes, the Mansfield and the Low families of Gloucester. Abigail, fourth child of Abraham 2nd, married Joseph York, Jan. 10, 1700. They had six children: Abigail, born 1701 ; Ruth, born 1703; May, born 1705; Sarah, born 1707; Joseph, born 171 1 ; Richard, born 1713. Abraham 3d, fifth child of Abraham 2nd, married Sarah York, Feb. 10, 1703. They had a son Andrew Jr. (more properly second), who married Martha Gardner Jan. i, 1736. They had Jonathan, born April 21, 1742, who married Anna Batting, July 10, 1765. From this union are descended the family of the late H. R. Stevens of Boston, Mass.; the families of the late Daniel Smith, William T. Smith and Samuel E. Smith, with their later descendants, the Smiths, the Rusts, the Days, and the McLarrens of Gloucester, Mass.; the family of the late William Hayden, 96 THE ROBINSONS AND THEIR KIN FOLK located at Alton, 111., at Springfield, 111., and at Buffalo, N. Y.; and the family of the late John RobinsiDn, who lived to the age of 86 years, two sons of whom, the Hon. David I. Robinson, ex- Mayor of Gloucester, and William L. Robinson, are now living, and one daughter, Mary E. Besides Andrew, who was the fifth child, Abraham 3d had seven other children: Abraham 4th, Jane, Samuel, Sarah, Mary, John and Jonathan. From Abraham 4th, through his grandson Ezekiel, are de scended many of the Robinsons of Maine, among whom were several ministers, the author of the "Maine Farmer's Almanac," and many other persons of note. From Samuel are descended the Riggs family of Gloucester. From the last Jonathan are descended the Bray, the Roberts, the Rust and the Parsons families of West Gloucester, a suburb of Gloucester, Mass. Andrew, si.vth child of Abraham 2nd, became a man of con siderable note. He is the one styled in all the records as Capt. Andrew Robinson. He married Rebecca IngersoU, and their descendants are quite numerous; Rebecca Smith, who married Samuel Webber, former president of Harvard College, already quoted as the author of a paper claiming descent from Rev. John Robinson, comes from this line, as does also the late James Free man Dana, professor in Dartmouth College. Descendants of Andrew are found also in the State of Maine. Capt. Andrew Robinson built and first gave the name "Schooner" to one of Gloucester's fishing craft. The following poem by an unknown author best describes this event, and .^lsJ welds another link in the chain of circumstantial evidence of suc cession from Rev. John Robinson. "LAUNCH OF THE FIRST SCHOONER" "by COMMON TATER" Andre-w Robinson builder true, In the quaint old days of yore, » Laid many a keel that swept the sea. From Cape Ann to Bay Chaleur; All day the tireless builder wrought; Rib and plank and spar and mast. All were placed 'neath the master's eye; "Work well done is sure to last," Quoth Andrew Robinson. ABRAHAM ROBINSON 97 Andrew Robinson laid a keel ; Soon arose a different craft From those Cape Ann had sent to sea. And the village people laughed. "She '11 slide off like an egg-shell 'n fill As quick," growled old Ezra Lane; "She '11 go off like a duck, you'll find, And ride the stormiest main," Quoth Andrew Robinson. The day of the launch brought crowds galore. To see that curious sail, "Neither ship, brig nor shallop she, Robinson's folly — sure to fail." The builder smiled ; 'mid sturdy blows The new craft glided to the sea, "Look how she scoons!" cried Goody Day; "Then a 'schooner' let her be," Quoth Andrew Robinson. While Cape Ann "schooners'' ride the sea. Little is known of the brave Bviilder of by-gone days, and few Could even point out his grave. Yet the better for us, perchance. If, from out the misty past, We take his motto to our hearts : — "Work well done is sure to last," Quoth Andrew Robinson. Mayhaps the Leyden pastor taught His children that legend old; Mayhaps 'twas passed from sire to son And by humble firesides told. On Fancy's wall the picture stands : The builder by the schooner's mast ; O'er ringing cheers we seem to hear: — "Work well done is sure to last," Quoth Andrew Robinson. Andrew Robinson had eleven children; one boy, Andrew, and ten girls. His descendants are numerous. Stephen, seventh child of Abraham 2nd, married Sarah Smith, and as second wife, Elizabeth IngersoU. From the first union are descended the families of Benjamin Robinson, Mrs. Emma Saunders, the late Betsey Ann Reed and the late Mary C. 98 THE ROBINSONS AND THEIR KIN FOLK Fait of Gloucester; also the family of Polly Riggs of Rockport, previously referred to. Ann, eighth child of Abraham 2nd, married Samuel Davis. They had nine children: Lydia, born 1705; Samuel, born 1707; May, born 1709; Isaac, born 1711; Hannah, born 1713; Samuel, born 1715 ; James, born 1717 ; Joseph, born 1722 ; Ann, born 1724. Dorcas, ninth child of Abraham 2nd, married Jonathan Stanwood. Deborah, tenth child of Abraham 2nd, married John Stan- wood; from these two unions are descended the Stanwoods of Gloucester. Hannah, eleventh child of Abraham 2nd, died unmarried at the age of twenty-six. Jane, twelfth child of Abraham 2nd, married John Williams, April 4, 1720. They had seven children: John, born 1721 ; Evan, born 1722; May, born 1724, died 1727; John, born 1726; May, born 1728; Abraham, born 1733; Elizabeth, born 1735. The brevity of this paper has prevented the naming of but a few families who are descended from Abraham Robinson, who settled in Gloucester in 163 1. At least one thousand of the population of Gloucester, Mass., are descended from this early settler. It has not been our endeavor in this paper to prove that Abraham Robinson was the son of the Rev. John Robinson; nor again to give a complete list of the descendants of Abraham Rob inson. The first task, with our present information, is impos sible of performance; the second, though not impossible, would require more investigation and research than the author of this paper can devote to the subject. Our only purpose has been to emphasize the possibility of a coimection between Abraham and the Rev. John, and to trace his immediate descendants in such a way that our paper may be of service to those descendants of Abraham who may desire to trace their descent. Our belief that we are descended from the Rev. John Robinson is based on traditional authority, and on the fact that trustworthy writers on the subject disagree. Our genealogical information has been gathered, during the past twenty years, from many reliable sources, but principally from the records of the city of Gloucester, and from wills and deeds recorded in Salem, Mass. JOHN ROBINSON OF EXETER, AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS Mrs. Harriet H. Robinson, Of Maiden, Mass. ' And these were they who gave us birth. The Pilgrims of the sunset wave, Who won for us this virgin earth. And freedom with the soil they gave. ' The pastor slumbers by the Rhine, In alien earth the exiles lie, Their nameless graves our holiest shrine, His words our noblest battle-cry ! " O. W. Holmes, " Robinson of Leyden." I. F history may be called "tradition verified," surely it may be claimed that genealogy also finds its origin in family tradition, which, .to a certain extent, can be found to rest upon well-remembered facts and family records. It is at least thirty-five years since I began to collect the material found in this paper; and now, since the "Robinsons and their Kin Folk" have begun to gather themselves together, I feel it to be a duty that I owe to them, to give the facts I have accumu lated concerning one branch of their family line. I do this the more willingly because I believe in "keeping the traditions of the elders," and also in verifying them so far as p»ossible. In entering upon my husband's branch of the family — (William S. Robinson, whose pen-name was "Warrington") — it ¦will be necessary to give some details of the source of much of my information, and to state that it is to his mother, Martha ICO THE ROBINSONS AND THEIR KIN FOLK Cogswell Robinson, that I am indebted for remembering what had been handed down to her as to the facts relating to the Rob inson family, to which, by descent, she also belonged. I am also indebted to her for the preservation of family documents, indentures, deeds, and other relics, now in my possession, and which came to her as the widow of the last surviving son of his branch. The indentures are those of Cain, 1754; Jeremiah, Jr., 1758, and Bradbury Robinson, 1767 — all "cordwainers." Mr. Robinson's mother was a member of our household in the last years of her life, and was fond of relating family history, and I may as well say here that it was through her often repeated stories "by word o' mouth," and afterwards recorded, that I was enabled after she died (Nov. 24, 1856) to complete her ancestry in the Cogswell line, through all its ramifications, from the first American ancestors, John Cogswell and Thomas Emerson of Ipswich, Mass., down to her own time; and also that of the Robinson line, from Dr. Jeremiah, son of John' Robinson of Exeter, her husband's own grandfather, who died March i, 1801, aged eighty-one years* Mother Robinson was born March 12, 1783, so that it was not so far back but that she could remember the important points in her family history, as they were told to her. Right here, I will take occasion to acknowledge my in debtedness to my own mother, Harriet Browne Hansonf, and her oldest sister, both of whom lived to a great age, for the in formation which led me to look into the history of their family of Browne, to. trace it to the first American ancestor, Nicholas Browne of Lynn and Reading, and to make the connection down to my own time. Almost every statement made by my mother and her sister I afterwards proved by town records and church histories, and by wills and deeds at Cambridge, Mass. Even the story they told that their grandfather, William Browne of Cam bridge, "once sold land on which some of the colleges at Cambridge were built," — and which I thought at the time might be a tradition not to be verified, I did verify later by the deed which I found at the Cambridge Registry of Deeds, and which showed that "William Browne of Cambridge, carpenter, sold to Thomas Brattle, Esquire, of Boston, treasurer of the society known as 'the President & Fellows of Harvard College in Cam- *N. E. H. Gen. Register, Oct., 1885, July, 1890. t '' Nicholas Browne, and some of bis descendants JOHN ROBINSON OF EXETER loi bridge aforesaid,' a certain parcel of land containing 60 acres of upland and swamp, &c." Dated Sept. 20, 1705. Thus much concerning the value of family tradition and "old wives' tales." And now to return, and (though I know that here I tread on dangerous ground), relate Mother Robinson's story, just as it was told to me, of the first Robinsons who came to America. She said, in substance: "The Robinsons were of English blood, and were descended from the Rev. John Robinson; there were three brothers that came over and landed at Plymouth, one of whom, at least, did not stay there long, but made his way to the cape." "What cape?" I asked, thinking she must mean Cape Cod. She answered : "No, the other cape," meaning Cape Ann, I concluded, though perhaps she did not know it by that name. Neither did she know the name of the Robinson who made his way to Cape Ann, nor any other particulars, as she did of her first Cogswell ancestor. She had told my husband this story many times, and in talking the matter over with me he said: "What a man is, is of much more importance than who his an cestors are." He never expressed any doubt, however, as to the truth of his mother's story. Mother Robinson often showed me the relics that had "come down in the Robinson family." Among these relics, perhaps the most important clue is a Delft plate, which had been handed down from father to son, and had come to her at her husband's death. This she first showed to me be fore I was married, in 1848. Other relics are a large chest of good old English oak; a well-worn oak pestle and mortar; a low boy; a stuffed arm-chair (Eunice Robinson, 1740); and a King James Bible, always called "the Robinson Bible." This Bible is a Dublin edition of 1714. On a fly-leaf is written: "Emerson Cogswell, his book, given to him by his mother, Eunice Robin son (Cogswell), to be given to his son Emerson Cogswell after his decease. Concord, Dec. 1799." This son was Emerson Cogswell the third, and last*. Eunice Robinson outlived the two Emersons, her son and grandson, and she gave the Bible to her granddaughter, Martha Cogswell Robinson, who in 1855 gave it to her son, William'' Stevens Robinson. After his death, it passed into the possession * The name of "Emerson ' came into the family in 1700, with the son of William Cogswell and Martha Emerson, his vrife. She was the daughter of Thomas Emerson, of Ipswich. Ralph Waldo Emerson and William Stevens Robinson derived a common ancestry from John CogsweU, 1635 (" of Welch descent " — Mother Robinson) and Thomas Emerson, 1641, both of Ipswich. 102 THE ROBINSONS AND THEIR KIN FOLK of his only son, Edward* Warrington Robinson, and in 1893 it went to Colorado in the old oak chest. The lowboy is of solid mahogany and has been handed down, from father to son, to each successive "Jeremiah" for his name, since early in the seventeenth century. The most important document is a letter written by Zabulon Robinson* to his brother Jeremiah^ Robinson of Concord, Mass. By this letter I was enabled to make the connection from Zabu lon back through his father Jeremiah* to his grandfather John^, his great-grandfather Jonathan^ to his great-great-grandfather, John^ of Exeter, whose will is dated July 7, 1749. It also led me to look in the right direction for the information which I obtained from town histories, church records and the old Norfolk County records at Salem, Mass., which had not then been published. Let me now return to our Mother Robinson's story of the first Robinsons of her family who came to this country. First. "They were descendants of the Rev. John Robinson, and were of English blood." The Rev. John Robinson and his family were of English blood (North of England). Second. "There were three brothers who came over and landed at Plymouth; one of them did not stay there, but made his way to the cape." Thus far our Mother Robinson's story. Now let me refer to well-known facts and dates, according to the best authority. The Rev. John Robinson and his wife, Bridget White, were the parents of three sons: John^, born 1606; Isaac, born 1610; Jacob, born 1616. They landed in Plymouth 1631. The second son, Isaac, is accounted for. He stayed in Plymouth, lived there and in Duxbury, Scituate and Barnstable, where he is supposed to have diedf. But "nothing is known of the other two brothers" after they left Plymouth and, with others, went away to "Cape Ann, to find a better fishing station." All these facts, now pretty well established, will serve to corroborate our Mother Robinson's story. Supposing the dates of the births of John and Jacob to be correct, John's age would be about twenty-five in 1631, and Jacob's about fifteen, so that the latter would be not much more * See page 113 for Zabulon's letter. t See History of Scituate. JOHN ROBINSON OF EXETER 103 than a boy when the party started on their venture round the unknown shores of Cape Ann, which was considered at that time as almost boundless*. We have good reason to think that John's^ first stopping place was Gloucester, where he rested, and that there his fellow- voyagers were left, as we find no record of any who went on with him; also that he may have confided to their care his young brother Jacob, who had left Plymouth with the party and, with John^, has never been accounted for. But there was an Abra ham Robinson who came to Gloucester about that time, who always claimed to be the son of the Rev. John Robinson. May we not suppose Abraham Robinson to be the lost Jacob ? If not, who else can he be? I see no reason to doubt his story, as he was certainly old enough to know and remember who his father was. If his name had remained "Jacob" no one would doubt his word. A very likely solution of this mystery may be found in the supposition that when John^ was intending to leave Gloucester, he (with an elder brother's care over Jacob), may have thought it best to place him with some good friend, rather than to have him undertake so hazardous a journey. And then, too, Jacob may have inherited his father's ill-health, since he died at twenty-nine years of age; and this was an added reason why he should be left behind. The change of name from "Jacob" to "Abraham" can be explained by the fact that that such changes are often made when a child is adopted, or taken into a familyf. Abraham Robinson is found living in Gloucester "as one of the early settlers," and he died there February 23, 1645, at twenty- nine years of age. And since he was not John^ of Exeter (who will be accounted for later), it is more than "probable" that he is "Jacob," under his new name, "Abraham." In his history of Gloucester, Mr. Babson says of this Abra ham Robinson: "a traditionary account of a respectable charac ter affirms that this individual was a son of the Rev. John Robin son," and, in speaking of Dr. Samuel Webber's paper (written by his mother and left in the possession of the N. E. H. S.), he * In the charter of Jan. 1, 1623, to " Robert and Edward Winslow and their associates," it was stated that " a certain tract of groimd in New England * * * in a known place commonly called Cape Anne," they had free "liberty to fish, fowle, hawk, etc., in the lands thereabout, and in all other places in New England." t This is particularly true if the faniily had lost a Httle son of that narae, and wished to perpetuate the name, as the name " Abraham " was in fact perpetuated even to the fourth successive generation. See Brochure, No. 2, page 50. I04 THE ROBINSONS AND THEIR KIN FOLK adds, with regard to Abraham Robinson: "the material part ot this statement has always appeared to bear the impress of truth." I saw this paper before it was published by Mr. Babson, and was much impressed by it. For, while Mrs. Webber might have made a few errors as to dates, she seems to have been substan tially correct with regard to the descendants of Abraham Rob inson, second. Abraham Robinson, second, married Mary Harraden. Of this marriage there were twelve children, the date of whose births are all recorded*. He died about 1740, at a great age; she in 1725*. The numerous descendants of their children are to be found among the best-known families in the country. They at least are not "mythical," although their first ancestor, Abraham, is sometimes called so.f Two of the descendants of Abraham, second, married into the Giddings family, and it is in their line that the name of "Bridget" (no doubt in memory of Bridget White, the Rev. John Robinson's wife) has been perpetuated, almost to my generation, as was also the pecuhar name of "Zabulon." Two items with regard to Abraham Robinson, second, may be recorded. In 1708, he received a common right in the house his father built, and in which he died February 23, 1645*. N. B. — The latest mention of Abraham, second, is in March, , 1730, when Deborah, widow of Joseph York, had "set off to her one-third part of a house and land at Eastern Point, to be for her use after the death of Abraham, senior." Abraham "senior" was Abraham Robinson, second, as he had a son named Abra ham. May there not be a clue here for this line to- follow? And now we will follow the trail of that John^ Robinson, who is known to have "left Plymouth after a little while," to fol low the shores of Cape Ann, and we will enter the domain of authentic records, as found in the authorities that will be men tioned. * History of Gloucester t If Isaac Robinson, the second son of the Reverend John Robinson, had for some unexplained reason changed his name, say to " Ephraim," there would have been the same doubt as lo his identity as there has been hitherto in the case of " Abraham." No matter what he himself might have asserted, Isaac could never have proved his identy, nor his relationship to the Reverend John Robinson. He said he was his son, and so did Abraham, and this ought to be as good evidence in the one case as in the other. It is a curious liistorical fact, that a similar incident happened in Isaac's own family. He and his second wife had a son named Israel, baptized October 6 1651 whose name was changed to Isaac in 1668 when he was 17 years of age JOHN ROBINSON OF EXETER 105 IL The first trace of John* Robinson, in authentic records, is found in Newbury, in 1640, to which place he had, without doubt, come in his "small vessel over a stormy sea, and with scant knowledge of that day," from Gloucester round the shores of Cape Ann. It is pleasant to think of him, this pioneer path finder, traveling in this simple way towards an unknown destina tion, stopping at places where earlier Pilgrims had landed, Scituate, perhaps, where it is recorded that he came in 1640 with Francis Crocker, "purchased land, but did not remove thither;" Ipswich, then an outpost on the journey; passing by Boston Harbor, its rugged and inhospitable entrance and its bare tri- mountains, little foreseeing that it would sometime be crowned with the gilded dome of the State House of all Massachusetts; and so on along Cape Ann until he came to the "sandy mouth" of the Merrimack River, where he found a landing for his good craft at "Ould Newbury" (first settlement 1635). Here we find him recorded in 1640*, where his name appears among the twelve Newbury men who settled Haverhill (Pentucket). John* Rob inson's name is on the town books of Haverhill, 1640, and in 1645 he was one of "thirty-two landholders." In 1650, forty-three freemen in the town subscribed themselves as "in favor of the project of laying out the bounds of the plantation," and in 1651 twelve men were chosen, and the name of our pioneer pathfinder, John* Robinson, heads the list, and the way was laid out by them from "Haverhill to Excetter."f There is no record of John's* marriage, but the name of "Elizabeth his wife" appears signed to a deed of February 9, 1661, and also June 24, 1667; and in 1676, as co-administrator to his will with his youngest son, David. John* died Septem ber 10, 1675. Their children, recorded in Haverhill, aref: I. John, born 1641, lived three weeks. 2. John, bom 1642, died young. 3. Jonathan^, bom May 16, 1645^. 4- Sarah, born Jan. 8, 1647, fiisd May 15, 1648. 5. David, born March 6, 1649. 6. Elizabeth, born March 7, 165 1. *'* Newbury charted in 1627. Charter granted to Sir Henry Rowell, John Endicot and others, and extending from a line three miles north of the Merrimack River to over three miles south of the Charles River, and from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean." t History of HaverhiU. X Jonathan is caUed in this Tst the son of " gon," but it must be " John," as there are no other Robinson births recorded until after 1664. This may be an early instance of " fonetic " speUing io6 THE ROBINSONS AND THEIR KIN FOLK John* Robinson's name appears on the town books of Exeter as one of the first settlers, between 1640 and 1680*, and on Octo ber 23, 1652, he was chosen "as one of the overseers of work on the meeting-house"; October 16, 1664, he was on a committee "to lay out highways where they should judge convenient." Extracts from deeds from 1649 to 1674 will show the where abouts of John* Robinson of Exeter during that timef. In 1649, John* Robinson — "it was acknowledged by him that Daniel Lad had bought 6 acres of accommodation of him which the town (Haverhill) had granted him." In 165 1, "John* Robinson of Haverhill, bought a dwelling house and land in Exeter. August 5, 165 1, John* Robinson (also spelled Robison) of Haverhill, conveys to Thomas Lilfurth of Haverhill 'my accommodation in Haverhill,' viz.: 10 acres to my houselot, 6 acres of which were given to me by the town . . . also my house, etc." Ac knowledged in court at Salisbury, February 9, 1661. Signed: John* Robinson ("Robison.") Elizabeth Robison. (mark). In 1654, he held some property "including land granted me by Exe ter," of James Wall of Hampden, and sold the same to Henry Robie. In 1654, "John* Robinson of Haverhill bought a dwell ing house and land in Exeter, of Edward Gyllman,— 'Mr. Per mit's house.' " March 4, 1655, John* Robinson bought of Joseph Merrie of Hampton, in New England, a "dwelling house with 25 acres of land lying unto ye fall's river, bounded by Mr. Stanian's ground lying in Northward side, and Robert Tuck on the South ward side." In 1660, he owned "some land in Exeter, part of which he sold to John Ffulsham." (Folsom?) In 1667, John* Robinson of Exeter, in the county of Norfolk, planter, sold to Sam'l Leavitt a dwelling house and barn and 7 acres of land in Exeter, "by the falls," Signed, John Robinson and Ehzabeth his wife (mark) and seal, June 24, 1667. Witness: Jonathan^ Robinson (his mark). The inventory of his estate shows him to have been a planter, or a farmer, as we should say. His last recorded sale of property is in 1674, when "John* Robinson sold to Moses Gillman of Exeter, the dwelling house I bought of Edward Gylman which was sometime Mr. Permit's * BeU's History. t O. N. C. Records, at Salem, Mass., a part of which have been pubUshed in the Essex Antiquarian within a few years. JOHN ROBINSON OF EXETER 107 with the houselot, and other lands." February 24, 1674, entered June 24, 1675* (a few months before his death). The record of John* Robinson of Exeter as a public man may, so far as known, be summed up as follows: He "was one of the grand jury held at Salisbury (the shire town) February 12, 1653; also '64, '68 and '74; was on the trial jury at Salisbury, February 11, 1654, and 1667; "was chosen to end small causes, 1668; was allowed by the court to keep a ferry at Exeter, and to have a penny for a passage." (No date.) The following scant tribute to the character of John* Robin son is found in Bell's "History of Exeter," as copied from the bi-centennial address of the Hon. Jeremiah Smith : "Among the persons who united their fortunes with ours during the first cen tury (1600), the men who bore the heat and burden of the day, we find the names of Gilman, Robinson and many others." No will can be found, but there is an "inventory of the estate of a Jno.* Robinson of Exeter, county of Norfolk, will probated July 7, 1749," which states that he "deceased this loth day of ye 9th month, 1675." At the court held at Hampton Fallsf in 1676, "Elizabeth Robinson and David were appointed joint administrators of ye estate of Jno.* Robinson, late of Exeter, deceased." David is also spoken of as "joint administrator with his mother, the estate to remain in the hands of the administra tors during the life of the widow Robinson and then to be divided amongst the children according to law." The last recorded sale of his property is in December, 1678, when "David and Elizabeth Robinson, administrators to the estate of Jno.* Robinson of Exe ter, sold to John Sinkler of Exeter, 2 acres of upland in Exeter.'' With regard to his name as spelled (carelessly) in some in stances "Jno.," the best authority which I have consulted is of the opinion that his name should mean John* instead of Jona than-; and when the fact is considered that at the date of his death, and earlier, there was no other John Robinson living in Exeter, there is certainly nothing to conflict with this opinion^. *0. N. CR. t Unpublished O. N. C. R. at Salem. Copied by H. H. R. X It is said that during the French and Indian war, " a John Robinson, a blacksmith, who had removed from Ha-verhill to Exeter in 1657, was on his way to Hampton with his son, when some lurk ing Indians fired upon them and shot the elder Robinson dead. The son escaped." There is also an account preserved, that a Goodman Robinson of Exeter was killed in King PhiUp's war. The French and Indian war began in 1690 and ended seven years later. King PhiUp's war began in 1675 and in 1676. " Barber's Mass. Historical Collection." But neither of these can be our John Robinson, since they are not accounted for either before or after the dates mentioned. "Goodman ' was no doubt some old man, spoken of as " Goodman " after the EngUsh and John Bunyan style, just as we would now say " grandpa " or '* old man Robinson." io8 THE ROBINSONS AND THEIR KIN FOLK We will now turn to Jonathan^ Robinson, the son of John* (jon), born May i6, 1645, who would be thirty years old at the time of his father's death. Bell's history of Exeter gives the name of Jonathan^ Robinson as second on the town books of Exeter, the first being that of John* (his father), between the years of 1640 and 1680. The date of John's* name is April 20, 1652. The date of Jonathan's^ is March 3, 1673. There are several deeds to show that he lived in Exeter, both before and after his father's death. June 24, 1667 (at twenty-two years of age), he witnesses the Leavitt land sale, signed by "John* and Elizabeth Robinson, his wifef." In 1674 he buys land of Jona than Thwing. In 1672 he was chosen tithing man, among the first elected in the town. In 1680 his name appears in the Mason Land Suit, in 1698 as one of the reorganizers of the church and, the same year, he was "one of the twenty-six subscribers to the covenant and confession of faith." October 26-29, 1696, he fur nished the garrison (King William's war, 1690-1713), and in 1710 he was one of a scouting party in pursuit of Indians. And if he died shortly after this time, as seems to appear in the deed, it would make him about sixty-two or sixty-three years old at the time of his death. There is no further mention of this Jonathan^ Robinson in any authority which I have consulted, excepting in a record from the office of the Secretary of State of New Hampshire, where was found the following deed, which, as my most reliable au thority informs me, "seems to take the place of a willj." March 6, i7io-'ii, Jonathan^ Robinson of Exeter deeded property to his wife, who is not named, and to his children Joseph^, John^, David^, James^, Jonathan", Easter' and Eliza beth^, also to Lidia, daughter of his son John. (N. H. Province Deeds, Vol. 9, p. 65.) John' Robinson, the son of Jonathan^, was born in Exeter, September 7, 1671. His father died in i7io-'ii. This would make John' about thirty-nine years of age when his father died. John's' last will is dated July 7, 1749. Thus he would be, at the time of his death, about seventy-eight years old. Certainly there is nothing in the foregoing dates to conflict with the statement that John' Robinson was the son of Jonathan'' t See page 106 X My most reUable authority is Miss Etha L. Sargent, clerk in the office of the Secretary of State at Concord, N. H., who has furnished me with copies of deeds, wills, and other valuable documents. JOHN ROBINSON OF EXETER 109 of Exeter, and the grandson of that John*, who "flayed the trail" from Newbury to Haverhill and from Haverhill to Exeter*. It may seem strange to the casual reader that no more ex tracts have been given, either from town or church records, and that I have been unable to state where any of the 'above Robin sons and their families were buried. In Beh's history, however, I found a solution of the mystery, the cause (I will not say the reason) for this strange hiatus in the history of the family. He says: The second oldest "place of burial in Exeter became dis used in 1696, when the new meeting house was erected." . . . "The yard surrounding the meeting house was then devoted, after the English fashion, to burials. For a long period most of the leading men . . . were interred there. ... It re mained in use for probably almost a hundred years, when early in the present century (1800), on the sole authority of a few of the leading men of the town, all the tombs and headstones were removed from the yard, or leveled to the ground and covered with earth . . . and all marks of the tenants beneath were substantially obliterated. . . . On what ground this appar ent act of vandalism was justified, we cannot imagine.' And, the author continues, "the loss which it caused to the antiquary and investigator of family history is well nigh irreparable." I believe that a few of these graves were rescued, notably that of a Thwing family, who erected a fence around their lot. Let us hope that those "leading men of the town" who coun tenanced this act of vandalism, by which "the grassy barrows of the sleeping dead" were thus leveled, were none of them descend ants of the early English Christians. These lost epitaphs on "their nameless graves" might tell us so much of the clos ing history in the lives of many of the founders of New England ! The history of Exeter, so valuable in other respects, has no record of John* of Exeter, of Jonathan^ his son, nor yet of John', son of Jonathan^, though certainly two of these, if not three, were men of note, and there shoidd be records to be found, somewhere, besides what I am able to give. They were all members of the *In the "Appendix on the Robinson Family (N. E. H. G. Register, July, 1890), I made the statement that it was Jonathan Robison of Exeter (instead of John) who died Sept. 10, 1675. But after years of research and upon reUable authority I am now well assured that the above statement int tbe text is correct. H. H. R. no THE ROBINSONS AND THEIR KIN FOLK New England Church, the church of the Puritans, at that time, and yet it is said that those early church records are not "avail able." Were they also buried in that desecrated churchyard by those "leading men," who thus forever obscured the record of the lives of those who had preceded them*? Here let me say one word about the difficulties incurred in finding the material for such a genealogy as this. When I first read Zabulon's letter (which I shall come to presently), I thought at once that "Pembroke" was in Massachusetts — being so near Plymouth. But finding nothing there, I put a query in the Bos ton Transcript, asking about a town in Norfolk County, Massa chusetts, called "Exeterf." The answer came at once from sev eral sources (and here let me thank the writers), that Exeter was in Norfolk County, New Hampshire. Also, not to enter into de tails, I leamed, among other valuable facts, that, in 1680, the original county of Norfolk ceased to exist, and that the old Nor folk County records were kept at Salem, Mass. These records had not then been published, but I gave them a thorough search, and in reading the story of this division of these "old Norfolk County towns from Massachusetts," I am tempted to side with those sturdy pioneers who were so reluctant to be severed from Massachusetts soil that they opposed the scheme, feeling, no doubt, that to make the division would, in a sense, deprive them of their birthright. And I would not wonder if our John* Robinson were among these dissenters. Biit they were defeated by the more astute politicians, and thus were prevented from living and dying in the "commonwealth" to which they had chosen to come, and to which they still held their allegiance. Ah! if the Old Norfolk County had not been carried bodily into New Hampshire, its records might have been preserved intact, in some accessible locality, where searching for them would not be, as it is to-day, the despair of genealogists! But more prosperous times are coming for future researchers. Our sister State has moved in the right direction. In 1905, its Legislature enacted a law "to secure, for the purpose of safety, record and ready refer- '*' I refrain from adding more, for I remember that in my own native city of Boston "The Old Granary Burying Ground," where my grandfather, Seth IngersoU Browne, who fought at Bunker HiU, lies buried, was long since encroached upon by Park Street Chinch and the Boston Athenaeum, and that the "South Burying Ground," where my own father, WiUiam Hanson, was buried, is in part obUterated by the St. James Hotel and the Boston Conservatory of Music. Is there any good reason for such acts of vandaUsm ? t See letter, page 113. JOHN ROBINSON OF EXETER m ence, every record, or part of record, or scrap of personal history connected with the births, marriages and deaths that have taken place in this State." Let us hope that, included in this admir able work, the "Old Norfolk County Records," now in Salem, Mass., and mostly unpublished; the "New Hampshire Province Deeds," and other scattered material now held by the Rocking ham County Probate Court and by the State of New Hampshire itself, will be gathered together iasome safe and substantial build ing. And if a custodian is wanted, no better one can be found, to my liking, than my "reliable authority" and invaluable help in this work, whom I have already mentioned. The will of John' Robinson, which now follows, will give the assurance that here, at least, I stand on no debatable ground; and in entering it, I feel somewhat as Farmer Thomas Dustin of Haverhill must have felt when, in 1697, he placed seven of his eight children behind him and so fought his way to safety. So I, with the numerous descendants of John' Robinson, even be yond the seventh generation to sustain me, can go on and bravely face my critics — if I have any — assured that here, at least, I tread on no disputed ground. III. There is no record to be found of the birth or death of John' Robinson of Exeter, but his will shows the probable date of his death; and the reader will see that there is no discrepancy in dates to warrant any doubt as to the statement that he was the son of Jonathan^ and the grandson of John*. To recapitulate: John* Robinson of Exeter, died September 10, 1675. Jonathan^ Robinson of Exeter, died, or signed "substitute for a will," March 6, i7io-'ii. John' Robinson of Exeter last will is dated July 7, 1749, and is as follows: THE WILL OF JOHN= ROBINSON OF EXETER, JULY 7, 1749. "In the Name of God Amen I John Robinson of Exeter in the Province of Newhampshire in New England Gentlemen being in health of body and of perfect mind and memory, Thanks be given to God: But knowing it is appointed unto all men to die, do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament', That is to say, Principally and First of all, I Give and Recommend my 112 THE ROBINSONS AND THEIR KIN FOLK Soul into the hands of God who gave it; and my body I recom mend to the Earth to be buried at the discretion of my Executor hereafter named: And as touching such worldly estate where with it has pleased God to bless me for this life. I Give Devise and dispose of the Same in the following manner and form. Imprs My Will is that my Just Debts and Funeral Charges shall be paid and Discharged by my Executor hereafter named. Item. I give to my Dearly beloved Wife Mehetable Robin son the Improvement of one halfe of My Dwelling House Barn and Orchard, and of all my land lying in Exeter upon the North erly Side of the way going to Hampton Town, Known by the Name of my home place by estimation Fifty acres, be it more or less, as long as she Remains my Widow: I Likewise give her the Improvement of all my Household Goods During her Natural life, and what Remains of them at her Decease I Give to my two Daughters Lidia Morison and Sarah Palmer. I Likewise Give her all my Stock of Cattle horses sheep and swine to be at her own Dispose — ^and the silver Tankard — Item. I Give to my son John Robinson besides what I have already given him Five shillings New Tenor — Item. I Give to my son Jonathan Robinson besides what I have already Given him Five shillings New Tenor — Item. I Give to my son Jeremiah* Robinson besides what I have already given him Five Shillings New Tenor — Item. I Give and Devise to my son Daniel Robinson his Heirs and assigns forever the one halfe of my Dwelling house Barn and orchard and of all my land lying in Exeter upon the Northerly side of the way going to Hampton Town Known by the Name of my home place by estimation Fifty acres be it more or less immediately after my Decease And the other halfe of my Dwelling house Bam and orchard and the other halfe of my Fifty acres of land before mentioned after his mother's Decease or upon her marriage, n. b. — I likewise give him all my Unen- sils for Husbandry and all my money. Bills Bonds and Book Debts so far as shall be necessary to Defray my Just Debts Funeral Charges and Legacies and what Remains after they are Discharged, he Shall Return to his mother. I Likewise Give him my great Coat and my Tools. Item. I Give to my Daughter Lidia Morison Fifty pounds in Bills of the old Tenor. JOHN ROBINSON OF EXETER 113 Item. I Give to my Daughter Sarah Palmer Fifty pounds in Bills of the old Tenor. Item. I Give to my Daughter Mary Follensbeys Children Fifty pounds in Bills of the old Tenor to be equally divided between them — Item. I Give to my Grandson Jonathan Cauley one hundred pounds in Bills of Credit of the old Tenor: And my Will is that all my Legacies shall be paid within Twelve Months after my Decease. Item. I give to my Wife Mehetable Robinson all my estate not mentioned and disposed of in my Will. Finally. My Will is and I do hereby appoint my son Daniel Robinson sole Executor to this my Last Will and Testament. Hereby Revoking, Disanulling, and making void all former Wills and Testaments by me heretofore made In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this Seventh Day of July Anno Domini One Thousand Seven Hundred and Forty Nine Signed, Sealed & Declared by the Said John Robinson to be his Last Will and Testament in Presence of us Woodbridge Odlin, John Dean, Richard Smith Jur John Robinson. [Seal] The word of and the word Devise on the other side were Interlined before Signing. Province of Newhamp, August ye 22d 1755. Then the Will Proved by John Dean and Richard Smith Jur according to Common form before the Judge. Copied from original will, No. 2145. Recorded, Probate Records, Vol. 19, page 353. The letter of Zabulon Robinson, which follows, is a good object lesson to those who are interested in family history. It has been invaluable to me, not only as an interpreter of his grand father's will, but also as a proof of the identity of his own family and other information concerning several generations. Extracts from the letter of Zabulon Robinson: "To Mr Jeremy Robinson*, att Concord, Massachusetts State, Per favour of Dr Adams. Dear Sir: it has been a Long Time Since I saw you. Many a day and Date has Past. I hant seen your face since the year 1766, if I remember Right, a long time. Indeed it seems to me 114 THE ROBINSONS AND THEIR KIN FOLK somewhat Unnatural. I received a Letter from you last Octo ber, Dated Septr 26. You wrote that you and family was well, and Likewise the rest of our brethren & Sisters. I was Very Glad to hear from you and your family with the rest of our Kindred, for I seldom Ever Heard from any of you, Living at some Distance from our main Post road. You Likewise Give me Account in your Letter of the death of our sister Cogswell", her Dicing Very suddenly, Therefore i think such near & other Daily Instances of mortality ought to mind us of our change. . . . "I think that our near Kindred on the father's side' are most all deceased, but two left, Uncle Jonathan* in the Town i live in & uncle DanieF of Exeter. On the mother's side, but one alive (his mother's name is unknown) Aunt Williams^ of Hampton falls. . . . "You hant mentioned anything Concerning our honored mother-in-law', what's become of her? I shud be very Glad to hear from her and her welfare if alive. . . . "Your sister' has Had Seven Children, all alive, I suppose, all at Home but one, furthermore ile thank you if you can send me an account of my father's death. Day and date and Age. . . . "times is Very poor in our Parts, business Exceeding dull. Money very scarce. None for Tradesmen. "Be kind enough to Give a Little Intelligence of Master Mc Clearys Faimily'? Zabulon Robinson. "Pembroke, February the 16 Day, 1787." On the margin is written, in another hand, "Oct 19, 1771, My father decest." Notes of explanation to Zabulon's letter: I. "Mr. Jeremy" Robinson," brother of Zabulon, both sons of the first wife of Dr. Jeremiah* Robinson. 2. "Our sister Cogswell" was Eunice Robinson Cogswell, Jeremiah and Zabulon's half sister. She was the first wife of Lieut. Emerson Cogswell. 3. Dr. Jeremiah* Robinson^ father of "Jeremy" and Zabulon. "Uncle Jonathan," son of John'. "Uncle Daniel," son of John' "Aunt Williams" is unknown. "Our honored mother-in-law" was Eunice Amsden Rob- JOHN ROBINSON OF EXETER 115 inson, second wife of Dr. Jeremiah* Robinson and mother of Eunice Robinson Cogswell, Zabulon's half sister. 8. "Your sister" — Zabulon's wife^ name unknown; nor could anything be found about the "seven children." 9. "Master McCleary"— unknown, unless he is the Samual McCleary, Jr., who signs the indenture of Cain Robinson, 1770. Susannah Cogswell, daughter of James Cogswell and niece of Jeremiah" Robinson, married a Mr. McCleary. She died in Westboro in 1894, "at the advanced age of almost ninety-seven." She was a well-known patriot during our Civil War, taught school at the South, and was obliged to fly for safety in 1861, and spent her last dollar on the journey. Horace Maynard, Member of Congress from Tennessee, is of her branch of the Robinson- Cogswell family. It will be easy to read between the lines of John's' will and surmise that "Mehetabel" was not the mother of the older mem bers of the family, for the father "portioned them ofif"; but that she was the mother of Daniel, who has the lion's share of the inheritance. And besides, if Mehetabel had been the mother of the older ones, the probability is that there would have been no need for that antediluvian provision in the will, "as long as she remains my widow." The family name of John's' wife is unknown. The children mentioned in the will are: I. Lidia, m. Morison. 2. Sarah, m. Palmer. 3. Mary, m. Follensbey (children of) 4. Jonathan Cauley (grandson). 5. John. Of the above heirs nothing is to be found in any record. 6. Jonathan, lived in Pembroke, N. H., Feb. 16, 1787. 7. Jeremiah* (see later.) 8. Daniel, sole executor of the will, lived in Exeter Oct. 19, 1767, when he bought of his brother, Jeremiah* Robinson of Westford, Mass., physician, his right "into a certain pew in the old meeting house at Exeter, which pew formerly belonged to our honored father John' Robinson, late of Exeter." Daniel's estate was settled about 1783, but there are no records in Con cord, N. H., after the Province Period, March, 1771. Jeremiah* There are many deeds on record to show his identity, and the ii6 THE ROBINSONS AND THEIR KIN FOLK different places in which he lived from 1733 to 1771. The first deed is from John' Robinson of Exeter, June 12, 1748, about a year before his father died. This deed was to "Jeremiah* Robinson of Marlboro," but was not recorded until July 17, 1762, and then to "Jeremiah Robinson of Haverhill, Mass., physician." Other deeds show that he lived in Littleton 1733, Marlboro 1747, Hav erhill 1762, Westford 1767. The last recorded deed is July 17, 1762, already mentioned, which reads: "Jeremiah* Robinson of Westford, Mass Bay, physician, for twenty shillings sold to Daniel Robinson of Exeter, yeoman, his right info a certain pew in the old meeting house, which formerly belonged to our honored father John' Robinson of Exeter." Province Deeds.' The name of Jeremiah's* first wife is unknown, except for this item, found in the church records at Littleton: "Lidia, wife of Dr. Robinson, admitted to full communion in the church at Littleton before 1747." His record as a physician while in West ford is- brief and touching. In 1767, the town voted "not to pay Dr. Jeremiah* Robinson for doctoring the town poor." He died there October 19, 1771. The children of Jeremiah* and Lidia his wife were: i. John, b. Dec. 26, 1733. 2. Mary, b. Nov. 13, 1735. 3. Olive, b. Sept. 10, 1737. 4. John, b. Nov. 11, 1739. 5. Jeremiah", b. April 4, 1742. 6. Zabulon, b. Feb. 9, 1743 — all born in Littleton, Mass. Of the first four children of Jeremiah* nothing is known. For fifth, Jeremiah", see later. Sixth, Zabulon: He was a sol dier in the Revolutionary War in Capt. McConnel's company of Pembroke, Mass., May 4, 1777. He has no known descendants. Jeremiah's* second wife was Eunice Amsden of Marlboro, born July 27, 1720, married October 14, 1746, died in Concord, Mass., 1801, aged eighty-one*. Their children were: 7. Thomas Amsden, born in Littleton, May 23, 1747. 8. Thomas, born in Littleton, Oct. 27, 1748. 9. Eunice, born in Marlboro, Oct. 13. 1750; married Lieut. Emerson Cogswell, 1733, died in Concord, Mass., Sept. 11, 1786. 10. Bradbury, born in Marlboro, Aug. 8, 1752, married Abigail ; two daughters; indentured to John Aish of Boston, Oct. 22, 1777; will dated Charleston, i799t- ? Concord Church Records. t April 23, 1775, depositions were taken by authority of the Provincial Congress of men who were eye-witnesses of the Concord fight on the 19th of April, 1775, and Bradbury Robinson and two others JOHN ROBINSON OF EXETER 117 II. Cain, born Sept. 15, 1754, named for Robert Cain, a family friend; indentured to Jeremiah" Robinson, Jr., his half brother, Sept. 13, 1770. He moved to New York State. 12. Lydia, born Aug. 14, 1757, married twice; no issue. 13. Winthrop, born July 23, 1760; d. young. 14. Winthrop, born Aug. 12, 1763. Jeremiah", the fifth child of Dr. Jeremiah* and Lydia, his first wife, was indentured to John Aish (signed by Robert Cain) August 22, 1758, "a cordwainer."* He married Susannah Cogs well, sister of Lieut. Emerson Cogswell (who had married her husband's sister), October 13, 1767. He died in Concord, Mass., July 16, 1815. She died in Mariboro, December 18, 1836. Their children were: I. Susannah, m. John Caldwell, April 8, 1783. 2. James, "killed at the horse-sheds" when "a boy." 3. Mary, m. Louis Richards, a refugee (with his mother) from France, during the French Revolution. They were the parents of nine children, and their oldest was named Bridget. Louis Richards and his family moved to Maiden, Mass., in 1806. 4. Eunice Cogswell, born 1775, married Daniel Stevens, Jr., of Marlboro, July 20, 1797, died Feb. 20, 1844. They had eleven children. 5. William'', "a hatter," born in Concord, Mass., April 21, 1776, in the house occupied by the poet W. E. Channing in 1854. Married Martha Cogswell, daughter of Lieut. Emerson Cogs well, Nov. 4, 1804. He died in Concord, Dec. 12, 1837. She died in Concord Nov. 24, 1856, and their gravestones are in Sleepy Hollow Cemetery. They were what is called "double cousins. "t 6. John, born 1779, "drowned in the North River" July 20, 1795- of Concord testified that they saw " near one hundred of regular troops, being in the town of Concord at the north bridge in said town. * * * And they were taking up. said bridge when about three hundred of our militia were advancing toward said bridge * * * when, without saying anything to us, they discharged a number of guns on us, which killed two men dead on the spot, and wounded several others, when we returned the fire on them, which killed two of them, and wounded several, which was the beginning of hostilities in the town of Concord." Bradbury Robinson was sergeant of a Concord company under Capt. Abishai Brown, April 20, 1775. " Shattuck's History of Concord," pages 349, 352. * I have his awl, which, held in his good right hand, had kept in comfort, if not in luxury, his large family of ten. Surely in his case the " awl " was mightier than the " gun " that he used on the 19th of April, 1775. t *' The children of one or more brothers and sisters who marry sisters or brothers having three quarters of the same blood, are double cousins to each other." — Shattuck Memorials. N. E. H. G. R. ii8 THE ROBINSONS AND THEIR KIN FOLK 7. James, born in Concord; Lived in Lynn; married and had two children, one named Algernon Sidney. 8. Jeremiah, born in Concord, 1782, died Sept. 21, 1797. 9. Lydia, born in Concord, married Benjamin Burditt, July 2, 1805. One of their children, Benjamin Augustus, was the founder and leader of the celebrated "Burditt's Boston Brass Band." Has descendants. 10. A daughter, died young. Jeremiah" lived in Boston in 1770, moved to Concord, Mass., about i774-'5 and lived near the "Hill burying ground," in which he is buried. He was a "minute-man" at the Concord fight April i9j 1775- While "at the bridge," his wife, Susannah (Cogswell), with her brick oven heated, was busy cooking food for the sol diers when they should return from the bridge, when, looking out of "her window, she saw some of the British "regulars" com ing down over the "burying hill" towards her house. The gun was behind her door, as was usual in that troublous time, and she made ready to defend herself. All they wanted, however, was food, which she gave them through her window as they waited outside, she meanwhile standing ready within to defend herself in case they attacked her. Later, when she heard that the "regulars" were coming, she went straight to the "meeting house opposite her own house, took the communion plate, brought it home and hid it in her soft-soap barrel, in the arch under the great chimney, where it lay hid till the 'red coats' left Concord." The husband of Susannah Robinson's sister Eunice (Lieut. Emerson Cogswell) may well be mentioned here, as the children of both families intermarried, and were therefore "double cous ins" to each other. Lieut. Emerson Cogswell was a direct descendant of John Cogswell and Thomas Emerson of Ipswich, Mass. (1635). He moved from Boston to Concord, Mass., about i77i-'3, and was ¦ a Concord "minute-man" and second lieutenant under Capt. George Minot in 1776; and, in 1778, as lieutenant under Capt. Francis Brown of Lexington, he served in the army in Ma=-sa- chusetts and Rhode Island to the close of the Revolution. He was a member of the " committee of public safety," one of the founders of the "sociail circle," of Concord, Mass., in 1778, and was one of the two last survivors of the original twelve mem- JOHN ROBINSON OF EXETER 119 bers.* His final recorded appearance as a soldier is July 30, 1778, when he was "drafted from Capt. Minot's company for six weeks' service in Rhode Island under Brig.-Gen. Sullivan." He was generous to a fault, and one of his last acts of misplaced friend ship was to become a bondsman for one Brown ("Old Joe Brown": Mother Robinson), who ran away to Wellsburg, Va., leaving Mr. Cogswell to be responsible for his debts. To meet this obligation, he sold what remained of his once large landed property to "Captain" John Saflord of Hamilton, March 18, 1799, and paid the debt (as his stepdaughter, who saw the transaction remembered), "in buckets of specie." The money received for this sale was $1,440.00. The deed was signed by "Emerson Cogswell and Elizabeth Cogswell." She was his third wife, and was the widow Buttrick, nee Batemanf. Thus the last of his property, both inherited and acquired, passed into alien hands. Emerson Cogswell was a leading man in public affairs, and many deeds at Cambridge, from i77i-'92, show that he held con siderable landed property. One of his best gifts to the town of Concord was on January 28, 1795, where, in a deed of land he had sold to John BrooksJ, was this agreement : There shall be a "passage-way of 14 feet between that land near the dwelling house of Emerson Cogswell and said John Brooks ... so that their servants and families may pass and repass freely." And thus, for one hundred and eleven years (1795-1906) this has been a favorite path to and from the old meeting house. For though it was not the path to his meeting house, he wanted others, who did not agree with him in religious belief, to find an easy passage way to the meeting house of their choice. This meeting house (now Unitarian) was then Trinitarian, under "Parson Ripley." Mr. Cogswell was what was called a "Restorationer," or "Univer salist." He owned and lived in the "old block" in Concord * Emerson Cogswell died May 13, 1808; Jonathan Fay died Jan. 1, 1811. Shattuck's History of Concord. t It is through the descendants ot his third wife that Emerson Cogswell is (at this date, 1906) the tnost fully represented. Her three Cogswell daughters were; Eliza* Ann, m. John Sweetser, one son hving; Mary*, m. first John Corey, second Stephen'' Pierce, eight children, one of whom, John, was in the 6th Massachusetts Regiment in the Civil War; Eunice^, m. Richard Whitney of Winchendon, Mass., ten children. Among them may be mentioned: Emerson, the eldest, a graduate of Yale, d. unmarried, 1851; Edwin, d. 1870, has issue: Frankhn Oscar, Uving in Boston 1906, unmarried; Richard Man ning, the youngest .son, served in the Civil War, 21st Massachusetts Regiment, and died in Zan zibar, unmarried. Her two Hvmg daughters are: Sarah Jane, m. Baxter Whitney, living in winchendon, Mass., three children living: Eunice Matilda m. John G. Folsom, hving in Winchendon, four sons living. X Deed at Cambridge, Feb. 9, 1795. 120 THE ROBINSONS AND THEIR KIN FOLK which stood near the old meeting house until a few years ago, when "a certain rich man" removed it, thereby destroying, no doubt, the historic arch which had preserved that sacred com munion plate. But the old elm tree that he planted, in the seventeenth century, near his house, had roots too deep to be 'disturbed, and as it had no commercial value, it stands there yet, as a monument to his memory. This "old block" had sheltered a truly patriarchal family. Lieut. Emerson Cogswell had three wives, and there were at least seven sets of children in his house at one time. Some of his children married and lived at home, and from time to time the "old block" was enlarged to accommodate their growing needs. His mother, Mary (Pecker) Cogswell, kept school for the children, and Eunice Robinson, his first mother-in-law, widow of Dr. Jeremiah' Robinson, who owned the Bible, helped "do the dishes." Two of his third wife's children married his children, while his daughter Martha married his sister's son William'*; and her youngest child, William' Stevens Robinson, was born there in the "old block." Is it any wonder that in some of the earlier town records of Concord Emerson Cogswell is called "a gentleman," while in some of the later ones he is written down as "a tavern keeper"? He and his first wife, Eunice Robinson, are buried side by side in the "old burying hill,'' near the powder house, where their gravestones, with others of the family, can be seen to-day. They have no descendants "by the name of Cogswell." Their last surviving grandson, William Emerson, d. February, 1856, and had no living children. The children of William" and Martha Cogswell Robinson were: I. Elbridge Gerry, born in Concord, Mass., June 24, 1805, married Martha Cogswell Frothingham, May 5, 1836, died July II, 1854. She- died May 11, 1894. He was a brilliant jour nalist. Their children (to live) are: Mary Frothingham Robin son, born March 13, 1838; unmarried. Nathaniel Frothingham Robinson, born Oct. 29, 1843, died May 20, 1865, unmarried. He was a corporal in the Salem Light Infantry, 15th Massachu setts Regiment, was at the siege of Port Hudson and "served with great credit." 2. Susan, born July 17, 1807, died Oct. 20, 1843, unmarried. 3. Benjamin Franklin, born March 26, 1809, married first JOHN ROBINSON OF EXETER 121 Paulina Fuller, second Mary Turner; died April 9, 1884. One son, Charles Fuller, died unmarried. 4. Jeremiah Albert, born May 31, 1812, married Harriet Amelia Brown; died March 3, 1897. Their children are: Jere miah Emerson, born Dec. 20, 1832, married Josephine Carpen ter Sept. 19, 1861. Two daughters and one son, William Herbert. Martha Harriet, born Jan. 18, 1835, married May 17, 1855, Charles H. McArthur; five children. William Franklin, born Feb. 12, 1837, died at Tucson, Ariz., May 11, 1867, un married. He was captain in the 4th Michigan Regiment during the Civil War, was at the battle of Gettysburg, and was "noted for his most gallant conduct." He was wounded there and taken prisoner. Caroline Maria, died young. Lucy Caroline, born January, 1842, married Julius K. Graves of Dubuque, la., Sep tember, i860; six children. Addison Brastow, married Mary Elizabeth Hayden; one daughter, born 1893. Susan (a twin), born March 12, 1848, married Benj. B. Fay, Oct. 10, 1872; three children. Albert (a twin), born March 12, 1848, married Jennie May Baker; three children. One, "Addison Baker," is one of the two living grandsons (the other is "William Herbert") of William" and Martha Cogswell Robinson, to bear up the name of "Robinson." At this date (1906) there is no issue. Mary Brown, the last of the children of Jeremiah Albert, was bom June 18, 1850, and is unmarried. To return to the children of William" and Martha Cogswell Robinson, his wife: 5. Lucy Call, born Feb. 5, 1816, married John W. Green Dec. 4, 1838, died Oct. 20, 1840; no issue. 6. William' Stevens, born in Concord, Mass., Dec. 7, 1818, married Harriet Jane Hanson, Nov. 30, 1848, died March 11, 1876. He was a journalist and parliamentarian, author of "War rington's Manual of Parliamentary Law," and of the famous "Warrington" letters (1856-1876) during our Civil War, pub lished in some of the leading newspapers of the country. He was a member of the Massachusetts House of Representatives i852-'53, secretary of the Constitutional Convention of 1853, and clerk of the Massachusetts House of Representatives 1862- 1873. Harriet Hanson Robinson, lineal descendant of Thomas Hanson of Dover, N. H. (1657), and Nicholas Browne of Lynn and Reading, Mass. (1638), was born in Boston, Mass., Feb. 8, 122 THE ROBINSONS AND THEIR KIN FOLK 1825. She was a contributor to the "Lowell Offering," a pub lication of the factory girls of Lowell, Mass. (i840-'5o); author of "Warrington Pen-Portraits" — a compilation of her husband's writings (1848-1876) with memoir, 1877; "Massachusetts in the Woman Suffrage Movement," a history, 1881, 1883; "The New Pandora," a dramatic poem, 1889; and "Loom and Spindle, or Life Among the Early Mill Girls," 1898. She lives at the family home in Maiden, Mass. The children of William' Stevens and Harriet Hanson Rob inson are: I. Harriette Lucy^, born in Lowell, Mass., Dec. 4, 1850, married Sidney Doane Shattuck of Maiden, June 11, 1878; au thor of the "Woman's Manual of Parliamentary Law," 1891 ; "Shattuck's Advanced Rules," 1898; "Story of Dante's Divine Comedy," and "Little Folk East and West." 2. Elizabeth Osborne*, born in Lowell, Sept. 11, 1852, mar ried George Smith Abbott of Waterbury, Conn., May 14, 1885; a graduate of Miss Lucy Symonds' Kindergarten Training School, class of 1883, and one of the pioneer kindergartners in Connecticut. 3. William Elbridge*, born in Concord, Mass., Oct. 6, 1854, died in Maiden, Mass., Dec. 14, 1859. 4. Edward Warrington*, born in Maiden, Mass., May 4, 1859, married in Denver, Col., Nov. 11, 1893, Mary Elizabeth Robinson of Yorkshire, England. He died in Telluride, Col., Jan. 8, 1904, and is buried in Denver, Col. He was police magis trate of San Miguel County, Colorado, and during the great miners' strike in that State in 1903 he, as "Judge Robinson," was the first to apply the "vagrant act" of his city "to crowds who were collecting and were liable to provoke a breach of the peace," and by this action succeeded in clearing Telluride of "vagrant" miners. He took a great responsibility, and his orig inal manner of procedure received much commendation, not only in Colorado, but in other States. The living grandchildren of William' Stevens and Harriet Hanson Robinson are: I. Robinson^ Abbott, born in Waterbury, Conn., July 3, 189 1. 2. Martha^ Harriet Abbott, born in Waterbury, Conn., May 28, 1893. JOHN ROBINSON OF EXETER 123 3. Harriet" Hanson Robinson, born in Pueblo, Col., May 26, 1895. 4. Lucy'* Wynyard Robinson, born in Telluride, Col., Jan. I, 1899. William' Stevens Robinson was the youngest of a family of six children, four of them boys, and in his personak, as well as in his mental characteristics, he bore little resemblance to any of his brothers — except the eldest. And those of us who are ob servers of family traits and hereditary tendencies will be inter ested to read here a description of the character of the Rev. John Robinson, which I submit to "Warrington's" old-time friends, hoping that they may detect, as I do, a more than comf mon resemblance in the mental characteristics of the two men. ; Governor Bradford, in his "Dialogues," in speaking of the Rev. John Robinson of Leyden, said of him: "Of learned and solid judgment, of a quick and sharp wit, yet tender in his con science and sincere in all his ways, he was a hater of dissimula- tion and would be very plain with his best friends. He was affable and courteous, yet so acute in disputation as to be much dreaded. He was never satisfied till he had searched a matter to the bottom, and was accustomed to say that he had 'answered others, but not himself.' Through his singular ability, he was also a fit manager of . . . civil affairs." Says the Greek dramatist: "A man is known by his chil dren." And, may we not add: to the third and fourth, and even to the seventh and eighth generation of them that love and revere his memory, and try to follow in his footsteps. ISAAC ROBINSON SON OF REV. JOHN ROBINSON OF LEYDEN, HOLLAND, AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS Mrs. Lucretia (Robinson) Storms. AVING been asked by a number of the members of the Robinsori Association about my line of ancestry from the Rev. John Robinson, and invited by the secretary to send in my genealogical paper, I do so hoping other members may find help in connecting family links in their ancestral search. I must before speaking of the son Isaac, who was one of the founders of the State of Massachusetts, mention the father, Rev. John Robinson of Ley den, who was born in Lincolnshire, England, in 1575, entered Corpus Christi College at Cambridge in 1592, made a fellow in 1598, resigned in 1604 and gathered a congregation at Lincoln shire and with them fled to Amsterdam, Holland, in 1608, re moved from thence to Leyden, Holland, in 1609, where he died March i, 1625, and was buried beneath the pavement of St. Peter's Church. He married about 1605 Bridget White. Their children, as shown by the census taken in Leyden in 1622, were as follows: I. John, born in England, about 1606. 2. Bridget, ' ' " Leyden, ' 1608. 3. Isaac, ' ' 1610. 4. Mercy, ' 1612. 5. Favor, ' ' 1615. 6. Jacob, ' ' 1621. 7. A child " 1623. Isaac Robinson, the third child of the Rev. John Robinson, came to America in 1631, in the ship Lyon. In the passenger list his age is given at twenty-one. Settled first in Scituate, where he was freeman of the colony in 1633, joined the church in ISAAC ROBINSON OF BARNSTABLE 125 Scituate November 7, 1636. On the 20th of February he sold his estate of twelve acres of land and the house which he built to John Trisden, which was then described as being the fifth lot from Coleman's Hill. In 1639 ^^ removed to Barnstable. He took a letter of dismission from the church in Plymouth and joined the Rev. Thomas Lathrop on the 7th of July. His first estate in Barnstable was opposite that of Governor Hinckley. This he also sold and took twenty acres further to the west. In 1639 ^"d 1648 he was a member of the Grand Inquest of the Colony; in 1641 he was on the jury for trials; in 1645 he was .a deputy from Barnstable to the General Court at Plymouth; in i646,-'47-'48 he was a "receiver of excise" for the town, and in 1650 again deputy. In 1660, Jonathan Hatch of Boston, with Isaac Robinson and twelve others purchased the plantation of Succamsset, now Falmouth. His party bought their land of the Jndian chief Quachatesset, by permission of the General Court. In 1673 he again removed to Tisbury, Martha's Vineyard, where he was a "recorder." For several years he was its selectman. In 1700 he had divided his estate equally between his three sons, and in 1701 he deeded the homestead and its garden to Isaac, Jr. This was the first house built in Falmouth, standing on the south side of Fresh Pond. In November, 1701, he removed to Barn stable and made his home with his daughter Fear, the wife of Rev. Samuel Baker, where he died at the age of ninety-four in 1704. At the age of ninety-two he was represented as a hale and vigorous man, with locks as white as the drifted snow. "A venerable man," writes Prince in his Annals, "whome I have often seen." Prince asserts that he was chosen assistant to the Governor of the colony in 1646, and in 1647 he was again chosen as assistant to the Governor.* He was for a time disfranchised on account of his sympathy for the Qiiakers, but was restored to citizenship by Governor Winslow in 1673. He married first at Scituate January 27, 1636, Margaret Hanford of Scituate. She was a sister of the Rev. Thomas Hanford and niece of Timothy Hatherly. She died June 13, 1649. Their children were: i. Susannah, born at Scituate Jan. 21, 1637, died before 1664. 2. John, born at Barnstable April 5, 1640; went from Falmouth to Connecticut in 1714. 3. * The name of Isaac Robinson does not appear in the list of Assistants to the Gov ernors as published in the Old Colony Records. 126 THE ROBINSONS AND THEIR KIN FOLK Isaac, born in Barnstable Aug. 7, 1642, married Ann ; was drowned at Falmouth Oct. 6, 1668. The decision of the inquest appointed to view the body is preserved as a specimen of the style of the time: "Wee the jury of inquest appointed to view the corpse of Isaac Robinson, Jr., do apprehend according to view and testimony that the means of his death was by going into the pond to fetch two geese which we conceive to be the instrumental cause of his death, he being entangled therein." 4. Fear, born at Barnstable Jan. 26, 1644, married Rev. Samuel Baker of Barnstable. 5. Mercy, born at Barnstable July 4, 1647, married William Weeks, March 16, 1669. 6. A daughter, June 6, 1649. In 1650 Isaac married his second wife, Mary (not the sister of the "famous Elder Faunce of Plymouth," as has been claimed.)* Children by Mary: i. Israel, born in Barnstable Oct. 5, 1651; after the death of his brother Isaac in 1668, he took the name of Isaac. 2. Jacob, born in Barnstable May 10, 1653, married Experience; died 1733. 3. Peter, born in Barnstable 1655; said to have gone to Norwich, Conn. 4. Thomas, born in Falmouth 1666-7. Some authorities state that he removed to Guilford, Conn., but we find no proof of it. John, the second child of Isaac, born in Barnstable April 5, 1640, was a Representative from the town of Falmouth in 1689- '90- '91. He removed to Connecticut in April, 1714, mar ried Elizabeth Weeks May i, 1667. Their children were: i. John, born in Falmouth March 20, 1668; 2. Isaac, born in Falmouth Jan. 30, 1670. 3. Timothy, born in Falmouth Oct. 30, 1671. 4. Abigail, born in Falmouth March 20, 1674. 5. Fear, born in Falmouth June 16, 1676. 6. Joseph, born in Falmouth March 31, 1679. 7. Mary. 8. A son, born Dec. 12, 1683, died Dec. 16, 1683. 9. A daughter, born May I, 1687, died Aug. 4, 1688. Timothy, third child of John, married May 3, 1699, Mehitable Weeks. Their children were: i. Mehitable, born in Falmouth Feb. 28, 1701. 2. Thomas, born in Falmouth April 3, 1703. 3. Rebecca, born in Falmouth June 9, 1706. 4. Timothy, born in Falmouth June 17, 1713. 5. John, born in Falmouth Aug. 30, 1716. 6. William, born in Falmouth Aug. 10, 1719. * Sergeant Harlow married Mary Faunce July 15, 1658. She died his widow, Oct. 4. 1664. ISAAC ROBINSON OF BARNSTABLE 127 Thofnas Robinson, second child of Timothy, Sr., born in Falmouth April 3, 1703, married Mary Robinson Sept. 23, 1725. Their children were: i. Deliverance, born at Falmouth. 2. Zephaniah, born at Falmouth July 26, 1729. 3. Paul, born at Falmouth Aug. 11, 173 1. 4. Rhoda, born at Falmouth Feb. 17, 1733- 5- Paul, born at Falmouth April 20, 1734. 6. Mary, born at Falmouth Feb. 12, 1738. 7. Thomas, born at Falmouth June 13, 1741- Zephaniah Robinson, second child of Thomas, born in Falmouth July 26, 1729, died in Livermore, Me., March 27, 1805, married first Ann Hatch of Falmouth; second, married Jediah West of Rochester, Feb. 27, 1756, by whom he had: i. Shadrach, born in Falmouth. 2. Stephen, born in Falmouth. 3. Thomas, born in Falmouth. 4. Cornelius, born in Falmouth. 5. James, born in Falmouth. 6. Zephaniah, born in Falmouth. 7. Rhoda, born in Falmouth. 8. Juda, born in Falmouth April 18, 1777, died 1778. 9. Anna, born in Falmouth Sept. 19, 1779, died 1814. 10. Seth, born in Falmouth. 11. Ellis, born in Falmouth July 2, 1783, died 1832. 12. Paul, born in Falmouth June 17, 1785, died 1863. 13. Weston, born in Falmouth Aug. 2, 1789, died 1863. 14. Phebe, born in Falmouth July 13, 1790, died 1863. Many dates not given. As a descendant facetiously re marked, "Zephaniah, Anna and Jediah must have been so busy looking after their fourteen children that it is not to be wondered at that dates were in part overlooked by them. It must have been quite a task to find appropriate names even." Shadrach Robinson, son of Zephaniah, born in Falmouth February 2, 1758, died April 6, 1842, married Deborah Robinson, the daughter of Jeremiah Robinson who was the son of Peter and Martha Robinson. Shadrach removed to Chilmark, Martha's Vineyard, from Naushon, 1810. His house is still • standing, surrounded by the hills of the western part of Martha's Vineyard. At the age of eighteen he served in the War of the Revolution. Their children were: i. John, born October 3, 1781. 2. Jediah, born June 2, 1783, died January, 1820, in Chilmark. 3. Anne, born March 15, 1785, died May i, 1850, in Livermore, Me. 4. Abigail, born Sept. 5, 1788, died at West Tisbury, Martha's Vineyard, Nov. 17, 1885, at the advanced age of ninety-seven years. She joined the Chilmark church in 1812. Her father's house was long 128 THE ROBINSONS AND THEIR KIN FOLK the home of the early Methodist preachers, and meetings were held there before any house of worship had been built. During her early life she taught school in various places on the island, was a Sunday-school worker, and sometimes superintended the school. Her memory and mental faculties remained unimpaired until nearly the last. 5. Rebecca, born April 30, 1790, died 1877 at West Tisbury. 6. Henry Robinson, born Nov. 18, 1792, died at Edgartown, Martha's Vineyard, June 25, 1872, married Lucre tia Adams at West Tisbury. They had six children. Hannah, the seventh child of Shadrach, born Aug. 9, 1795, died at West Tisbury Oot. 1882. 8. James, born Sept. 21, 1797, died 1799. 9. Delia, born June 25, 1800, died Jan. 12, 1891, at West Tisbury. Lucretia Adams was the daughter of James Adams, b. Sept. 30, 1754, and Dinah Allen, b. 1753, d. November, 1844, his wife. James Adams was the son of Mayhew Adams, b. Dec. 22, 1729, d. Oct. 2, 1823, and Rebecca Mayhew, d. July 11, 1819, his wife. Mayhew Adams was the son of Eliashib* Adams, b. May 9, 1699, and Reliance Mayhew, m. Feb. 18, 1729, his wife. Eliashib Adams was the son of Edward Adams and Eliza beth Walley, m. May 19, 1629, his wife. Edward Adams was the son of Edward Adams, d. Nov. 12, 1716, and Lidia , his wife. Edward Adams was the son of Henry Adams, d. Oct. 8, 1646, and , his wife. Henry Adams was born in Devonshire, England. Came to America 1632; 1635 settled at Braintree, now Quincy. He was the ancestor of John Adams, President of U. S. A. * What first brought Eliashib Adams to the shores of Martha's Vineyard is un known to us, but he settled in Chilmark, and on Feb. 18, 1729, married Reliance May hew, daughter of Rev. Experience Mayhew. SHADRACH ROBINSON HOUSE HISTORY OF THE FELL, HAMER AND ROBINSON FAMILIES BY Mrs. Emily Vicks Hamer (Henry Clay) Holbrook Atlanta, Ga. I. THE FELLS HE Fells* derive their name from the district of Furness Fells — ^the general name for High Fur- ness in England. They were one of the most ancient families in Furness. The Fells of Redman Hall are known to have been there for nineteen generations. Another family of the same rank, and doubtless of the same antiquity, were the Fells of Hawkswell. Another are the Fells ol Swarth- moor Hall. Still another the Fells of Dalton Gate. The Fells of Dane Ghyll Flan How near Furness Abbey are of the same family as the Fells of Swarthmoor Hall. Long- lands — the ancestral home of one branch of the family of Fells, is about seventeen miles from Keswick. The estate of Long- lands is known to have been owned by the Fells more than six hundred years. In the rear rises the mountain known as Long- lands Fell, and about a mile distant is the renowned Skiddaw mountain. There is a spring on the fell behind the house which has supplied it with water for many centuries. The House of Longlands is a long, solidly built structure, of old red sandstone. A family house of many rooms, all of which have joist ceilings. The steps of the stairway are also of red sandstone, worn away on the baluster side. The window frames are small, with small diamond-shaped window panes. Over one of the doorways is a stone bearing this inscription: J. R. F. 1688. A wing rebuilt or added to, by the eldest son of John and Margaret Fell six years v^ Ng N^ ^^ -v^ -Vjg \^ N^ ^^ V.^ ^^ ^ ^ ^ * From Genealogy of the FeU Family. I30 THE ROBINSONS AND THEIR KIN FOLK after his marriage, from the fact of Longlands having been owned by the Fells of Longland for more than six hundred years. An ancient branch of the family are the Fells of Dalton Gate. The following narrative is a copy of the original, written by Joseph Fell, and found among some old papers in the garret of the old house in Buckingham, where it had lain unnoticed for more than fifty years, and dated "Buckingham, the sixth day of the 12th month 1744,." "A narrative or an account of my birth and transactions of life from a child to old age. I was born at Longlands, in the Parish of Uldale, in the County of Cumberland in old England. My father's name was John Fell, my mother's name was Mar garet Fell. I was born in the year 1668, on the nineteenth day of October. My father dyed when I was about two years old, and my mother lived about 20 years a widow. When I was in the 30th year of my age, I came to this country. Took shipping at White Haven in Cumberland. Mathias Gale Captain of the Shipp. He victualled the shipp at Belfast in Ireland. We stayed about a week there and got sail again, and after we left sight of Ireland, in 29 days, we came in sight of land near the Capes of Virginia. And our ship was called Cumberland, and they cast anchor in the mouth of Potomeck River, and we went ashore in Virginia, and there we got a shallop to Choptand in Maryland, and from thence to Frenchtown, and so to Newcastle, and then we took boat to Bristoll in this county 1705." There is much more of this interesting "narrative," but this will suffice to tell how the first Fell came to America. He was followed by Edward and William Fell early in 1700, who also came from Cumberland in England, and settled "Fells Point" in Baltimore. William Fell married Lucy , and had issue a daugh ter, Lucy Fell, who married John Robinson, son of John Robin son of Middlesex County, Virginia. They had a family of chil dren, some of whom remained in Virginia and Baltimore. One son, John Robinson, came into Georgia between the years of 1776 and 1780, and married Mary, the daughter of John and Mary Raymond of Augusta, Ga. They had a large family of children. One son, William Fell Robinson, married Elizabeth, daughtei of James Hutchinson and Cythea Clarke of Augusta, Ga., and removed to Claiborne County, Mississippi. They had four chil- FELLS OF DALTON GATE. FELLS OF LONGLANDS. FELLS OF swarthmoor HALL. 132 THE ROBINSONS AND THEIR KIN FOLK dren, Amazon, James Fell, Eliza, and Caroline. Amazon Rob inson married William Hicks Hamer, son of Charles Hamer and Elizabeth Hicks. Issue: Charles Hicks Hamer, Malachi Bedgegood Hamer, Caroline Hicks Hamer, Mary Robinson Hamer, William JHenry Clay Hamer, Charles Franklin Hamer, Emily Vick Hamer, Amazon Medora Hamer. Emily Vick Hamer married Henry Clay Holbrook, son of Edward Holbrook and Araminta Dormer Atkinson of Louisville, Ky. — formerly of Baltimore, Md. — and had issue, Mary Eliza Holbrook, William Hamer Holbrook, Edward Atkinson Hol brook. Mary Eliza Holbrook married Clarke Palmer Cole, son of Moses Cole and AmeHa Clarke of Atlanta, Ga., and had issue — Mary Holbrook Cole, Eugenia Clarke Cole (deceased), Marshall Clarke Cole (deceased). FELLS OF DALTON GATE. BURKE'S PEERAGE. Arms. Or. three lozenges conjointed in fesse az. on the middle one a Catherine wheel thereon a cross pattee fitchee of the first, in chief a rose between a portcullis and a leopard's face of the second, all within a bordure gu, charged with three loz enges and as many escallops, alternately ar. Crest. A dexter arm embowed in armour ppr garnished or., holding in the hand ppr. a tilting spear ppr. Motto. Patribus et posteritati. II. CAPTAIN RALPH HAMER BY Mrs. Emily Vicks Hamer Holbrook From The First Republic in America. — Brown. Capt. Ralph Hamer left London with Lord De La Warr, sailing from "Cowes" on the De La Warr, April the nth, 1610, accompanied with the "Blessing of ^Plymouth" and the "Hercules of Rye" — with supplies for the Colony, and about one hundred CAPTAIN RALPH HAMER 133 and fifty emigrants, being for the most part artificers, including "Frenchmen, to plant vines," and "William Henrich Faldoe, a Swiss, to find mines," accompanied by "Knights and Gentlemen of Quality." Lord De La Warr reached Jamestown with his ships on Sunday, June the 20th., 1610. June the 22nd. the Lord Governor and Captain General or ganized the Government of the Colony, under the Charter to the Company (The Virginia Company of London) which it was deemed best to make as strong and absolute as possible, "in the beginning." On the same day the "Lord Governor elected unto himself a Council" and constituted and gave places of office and charge, to divers Captains and Gentlemen, unto all of whom he administered oath of faith, assistance, and secrecy, mixed with the oath of allegiance and Supremacy to his Majesty (James I.)." Ralph Hamer was made clerk of the Council. January 161 2 Ralph Hamer was Secretary of the Colony. July 1613 Ralph Hamer writes: "Argall furnished us by two trading voyages with 2300 bushels of corn, (besides supplying his own men) estab lished peace by the capture of Pocahontas, repaired our weather- beaten boats, and furnished us with new also, both strong and use ful." March ist., 1614 while they were up the Pamaunkie (now known as York River) "parleeing with the Indians'' Capt. Ralph Hamor (Hamer) made known to Sir Thomas Dale, the love which had long existed between his friend, John Rolfe and Poca hontas, by delivering to Sir Thomas, a letter from Rolfe explain ing the situation. Hamer, with Thomas Savage as interpreter, and two Indian guides, left Bermuda City early in the morning of May the 25th. on a visit to Powhatan, and returning arrived in the night of May the 29th. He afterward published a long account of this visit in his "True Discourse of the Present Estate of Virginia" (1615). In this book he gives a description of the country, condition of the Colony, with an account of the Settle ments at that time. This book was discovered in London by Mr. Conway Robinson of Richmond, Va., and presented to the Virginia Historical Society. London. Oct. 30th. 1614, "In the Treasurer, just from Vir ginia, arrived Capt. Ralph Hamer, late Secretary of the Colony, and entered at Stationer's Hall, for pubHcation, his "True Dis course of the Present Estate of Virginia, and the successe of the affaires there till the i8th. of June 1614, etc." It is dedicated 134 THE ROBINSONS AND THEIR KIN FOLK to Sir Thomas "Smith, whom he praises greatly for "upholding of this imployment, though it appeared in the beginning, as full of discouragement." Nov. 28th., 1616, Ralph Hamer having returned from Eng land, "the Preparative Court was held, and on the 30th. the Michaelmis Quarter Court, at which Admiral Samuel Argall, was elected to be the present Deputy Governor in Virginia, Capt. Ralph Hamer, Vice-Admiral, Capt. John Martin— Master of the Ordnance, and John Rolfe, Secretary and Recorder." Jan. i8th. 1617 at a meeting of the Company, Capt. Ralphe Hamer had eight shares given him, and at another meeting, one week later, "Bills of Adventure were allowed to Capt. Ralph Hamer for every man transported at his charge, being to the number of 16." May 27th. or 28th. Argall, accompanied by Vice-Admiral Ralph Hamer, and John Rolfe, Secretary and Recorder, went up to Jamestown, where he "found all boats out of repair" and sends Captain Martin's pinnace to the North to "fetch the boats ye fishing Company" gave him. In April 1621, Sir Edward Peyton on "a petition from two Captains, Planters in Virginia: — Ralph Hamor and Wm. Tucker," had drafted "An Act for Restraint of the inordinate use of tobacco." At the Virginia Court of March 23, 162 1 Mr. Ralph Hamer passed six shares of his stock in the Virginia Company to Thomas Melling, and Capt. Ralph Hamer passed two shares to Henry Hutchinson." Nov. 28th. 1621 Sir George Yeardley's term as Governor expired, and Sir Francis Wyatt succeeded him. "Among the documents brought from England by him, were his own com mission, and the commissions of the sundry recently appointed officials of the Council of State:" Sir Francis Wyatt, Governor. Captain Francis West -\ Sir George Yeardsley > Marshals of Virginia. Sir William Newce ' Ralph Hamer John Rolfe Roger Smith and others, - King's Council. CAPTAIN RALPH HAMER i35 The Court of July 20th. 1621 ordered Sir Francis Wyatt and the Council "to set out the land given the widow of Capt. Christopher Newport (he having been killed by the Indians). Capt. Ralph Hamer was given order to see it done according to Mrs. Newport's desire." At this time came a big uprising of the Indians. "So sud den in their cruel execution, that few or none discerned the weapon or blow that brought them to destruction." Johu Berkely and John Rolfe were killed. Towards evening after the slaughter "Captain Hamer went out with a "ship and pinnace to Flowerlieu Hundred, trying to save such people" as might have "lyen wounded" at the different Plantations. On June 27th. Hamer made an agreement with the King of Potomac against Opechancanough "their and our enemy." He also slew divers of the Necochincos, that sought to "circumvent him by treacherie." June 1622 "Hamer was a second time em ployed to the Potomacs" but they "likewise proved our most treacherous enemies, cunningly circumventing" and "cruelly murdering such as were employed abroad, to get relief from them, and Hamer slew more of them." London: Oct. 2nd., 1622: — At the Virginia Court, a letter from Capt. Hamer in Virginia, was read. Late in March 1623 a suit comes up before the Council of State, which Council was composed of Governor Wyatt, Sir George Yeardley, Mr. George Sandys, Ralph Hamer, George Pountis (Pryntz) Roger Smith. The General Assembly met Feb. 29th. 1624. George Yeard ley, Ralph Hamer, Sir Francis Wyatt and others, thirty-one in number, sent in Report of condition of Colony to England signed by members of the King's Council and House of Burgesses. The "Anne" arrived in Virginia soon after March 6th. 1625 with the Royal Commission of Sept. 5th. 1624 authorizing Sir Francis Wyatt to be the Royal Governor and Sir George Yeard ley, Ralph Hamor (and others) to be the King's Council in Vir ginia, to "govern the Colony temporarially until some other con stant and settled course could be decided upon and established 136 THE ROBINSONS AND THEIR KIN FOLK by the King." There was nothing in the Commission to en courage the hope for a continuance of popular rights. There was no provision for a House of Burgesses, nor General Assem bly. The King had now resumed the Government of the Colony. Resumed by the Crown. England and Virginia James I. June 26th. 1624 April 6th. 1625 Charles 1st. April 6th. 1625 to Feb. 1627. March 14th. 1626 "Charles I. being forced by many other urgent occasions (in respect of our late accessments unto the Crown) to continue the same means that was formerly thought fit for the maintenance of the said Colony and Plantation until we shall find some other more 'convenyent' means upon mature advice to give more ample Directions for the same, and reposing assured Trust and confidence in the understanding. Care, Fideli- tie, Experience and circumspection of them, appoint Sir George Yeardley to be his present Governor. Francis West, George Sandys, Ralph Hamer, William Tucker, Roger Smith (and others) his present Council in Virginia, with very much the same powers as previously granted in the Royal Commission since 1624." Captain Ralph Hamer went to Virginia in 1610. Returned to England in 1614. Returned to Virginia 8th of Jan. 1617, bringing with him his wife, Elizabeth (her two children) Jeremy and Elizabeth Clement, his Father, Ralph Hamer, Sr., his brother, Thomas. Capt. Hamer was a member of the King's Council in Virginia from 161 1 to 1628 and "possibly after." Was Colonial Secretary from 161 1 to 1614, was Captain in the Army and Vice-Admiral. From Virginia Colonial Register: Ralph Hamer (Hamor in duplicate). Born in England. Died about March 1627-8. "Being the muster of the inhabitants of James Cittie, taken the 24th. of January, 1624. Captain Ralph Hamer (Hamor in duplicate.). Muster of Capt. Ralph Hamer: Capt. Ralph Hamer, Mrs. Elizabeth Hamer, Jeremy Clement, ) , Elizabeth Clement RCeii^S€N BEVERLY. COAT OF ARMS ^ '^f1?^ iKial-fiifeiigiiia COAT OF ARMS Robinson of Ireland— Rokely Hall UTCHIHSO^. COAT OF ARMS CAPTAIN RALPH HAMER 137 Servants. John Lightfoote, in the "Seaflouer." Francis Gibbs, in the "Seaflouer." Ann Adams, her maid. The rest of the servants, provisions, armes, &c., at Hog Hand. Hog Island. The muster of Capt. Ralph Hamer's servants: Jeoffrey Hull, came in the "George." Mordecay Knight, in the "Wilham St. George." Thomas Doleman, in the "Returne." Elkinton Ratcliffe, in the "Seaflouer." Thomas Powell, in the "Seaflouer." John Davies, in the "Guifte." "By clame in Hog Hand 250 Acres planted. Blunt Pointe. Capt. Ralph Hamer (Hamor in duplicate) 500 acres by order of Court." From "Meade's Old Churches and Families": "Mr. Hamer was a man of high standing in the Colony. His residence was at Bermuda Hundred, a few miles only, from Henriopolis, where Sir Thomas Dale and the Rev. Alexander Whitaker lived. He appears to have been intimate with them both and tO' have partaken of their pious spirit. It is one evi dence of the estimation in which he was held, that the severest punishment ever inflicted in the Colony, was on a man who uttered slanderous words against Mr. Hamer. Mr. Hamer's work, from which we take the following extracts, was obtained by Mr. Conway Robinson of Richmond, Va., on a late visit to England, and presented to- the Historical Society of Virginia. It is the most reliable and authentic work on the early history of Virginia. His religious character is seen in the following." Here follows extract. "It was reprinted at Albany, New York, in i860. Originals are preserved in the libraries of Mr. Charles Deane, Mr. Kalbflusch, the Lenox, and the John Carter Brown. An original in the Drake sale, March, 1883, fetched $345.00. Quaritch prices a copy at $500.00. John Rolfe, CCCLVIIL, mentions this tract as having been 'faithfully written by a Gent' of good merit, Mr. Ralph Hamer,' thus endorsing the account of his marriage and letter (CCCXXVIII)." William Hicks Hamer, descendant of Ralph Hamer, mar- 138 THE ROBINSONS AND THEIR KIN FOLK ried Amy Robinson, daughter of William Fell Robinson, son of John of Virginia. III. ROBINSON FAMILY BY Mrs. Emily Vicks Hamer Holbrook *The first of the Robinson family of whom we have any account, was John Robinson of Cleasby, Yorkshire, (England) who married Elizabeth Potter of Cleasby, daughter of Christo pher Potter, from whom no doubt, the name of Christopher, so common in the family, was derived. (Burke's Peerage gives account of John Robinson of Crostwick in the Parish of Ronald- kirk, CO. York. m. Anne Dent and was GreatGrandfather of the Rev. John Robinson Lord Bishop of Bristol and London.) The fourth son of John Robinson was Dr. John Robinson, Bishop of Bristol, and while Bishop, was British Envoy for some years at the Court of Sweden, writing while there, a history of Sweden. He was also British Plenipotentiary at the Treaty of Utrecht, being, it is supposed, the last Bishop or Clergyman employed in a public service of that kind. He afterward became Bishop of London, in which office he continued until his death, 1723. He was twice married, but left no issue. He devised his real estate" to the eldest son of his brother Christopher, who had migrated to what was Rappahannock, on the Rappahannock River. He was one of the first Vestrymen mentioned on the Vestry-book in Middlesex County, in 1664, and married Miss Bertram. His oldest son, who inherited the Bishop of London's estate, was John Robinson who was born in 1683, who was also a Vestryman of Middlesex, and became President of the Council in Virginia. He married Catherine Beverly, daughter of Robert Beverly, author of the "History of Virginia," published in 1708. He had seven children; one of them named John Robinson was Treasurer and Speaker of the Colony. Another son Henry mar ried a Miss Waring. Another married in New York. Christo pher Robinson who first came over to^ Virginia, had six children. Of John the eldest, we have already spoken. Christophe*- * From Meade's Old Churches and Families 'n Virginia, 1857. THB ROBINSON FAMILY 139 married a daughter of Christopher Wormley of Essex. Ben jamin, Clerk of Caroline County, married a Miss King, and was the father of the Reverend William Robinson, Minister of Strat ton Major, in King and Queen. His daughter Clara married Mr. James Walker of Urbanna, in Middlesex. His daughter Anne married Dr. John Hay. Of his daughter Agatha, nothing is known. One of the descendants of the family married Mr. Carter Braxton, and others intermarried with the Wormleys, Berkeleys, Smiths, &c. The worthy family of Robinsons in Norfolk and Richmond, also those in Hanover, were derived from the same stock. A branch of this family moved to Canada ; and some of them have held high civil and military stations under the English Government there and in the Mother Country. Mr. Speaker Robinson was held in high esteem by General Washing ton, as their correspondence shows. The following epitaph has been furnished me: EPITAPH : "Beneath this place lieth all that could die of the late worthy John Robinson, Esq., who was a representative of the County of King and Queen, and Speaker to the House of Burgesses above twenty eight years. How emminently he supplied that dignified office, and with what fidelity he acted as Treasurer to the Coun try beside, is well known to us, and it is not unlikely future ages will relate. He was a tender husband, a loving father, a kind Master, a sincere friend, a generous benefactor, and a solid Christian. Go, reader, and to the utmost of your power imitate his virtues." The Reverend William Robinson, as appears by the follow ing extract of a letter to the Bishop of London, and the records of the Vestry-book, was ordained in 1743, and became Minister of Stratton Major in 1744, continuing to be so until his death in 1767 or 1768. He became Commissary in the year 1761. Governor Faquier was much dissatisfied with his appointment, and so expressed himself in a letter to England. The opposition of the Governor was no sure proof of the unworthiness of Mr. Robinson. The Governor was an arbitrary, high tempered man, who could not brook opposition, and Mr. Robinson was no negative, submissive character to crouch before authority. They had had one or two serious re-encounters during the six or seven 140 THE ROBINSONS AND THEIR KIN FOLK years of his Commissaryship. His correspondence with the Bishop of London on the affairs of the Church was lengthy and able. He espoused the cause of the Clergy on the occasion of the Two-penny Act or Option Law, with zeal and fearlessness, though without success. He had an independent fortune of his own, and was therefore the less liable to be charged with mer cenary motives. The following extract from a- letter to the Bishop of London in 1765, shows that he had reason to believe that he still had enemies whose communications to the ears of the Bishop were unfavorable. The continuance of his labour during the whole of his ministry for twenty four years in the same Parish, and where there was rnuch of character and wealth and talent, and such zeal and liberality in regard to all church matters, speak well in his behalf." Extract of letter from Mr. Robinson to the Bishop of Lon don, dated May 23, 1765: "My Lord — I have some reasons to apprehend that en deavours have been made tO' prejudice your Lordship against me, but in what particular I know not. I must therefore beg your Lordship's patience while I give some account of myself. I was born in Virginia. At ten years old I was sent to England for my education, which was in the year 1729. I continued in school in that country, until the year 1737, at which time, I was admit ted a Member of Oriel College in Oxford. After I had taken my B-A degree, I was chosen by the Provost and Fellows to one of Dr. Robinson's Bishop of London's (who was my great uncle) Exhibitions, which I enjoyed for three years, the term limited by his Lordship (my uncle). In June 1743, I was ordained Priest by Dr. Gibson, Bishop of London. I returned to my native country in the year 1744 (October). The November following I was received into Stratton Major Parish in King and Queen County, where I have continued Rector ever since. I can with truth assure your Lordship, I have always lived in the greatest harmony with my parishioners, and I believe no Minister could be more respected by them than I am. I have always studiously avoided giving any just cause of offense to anyone, especially those in authority. Your Lordship, I hope, will excuse my say ing so much in my own behalf, but there is a time when it is requisite for a man to praise himself; and as to the truths of what I have said I can appeal to my whole Parish." THE ROBINSON FAMILY 141 ROBINSON OF BEVERLY. BURKE'S PEERAGE. Lineage. John Robinson of Crostwick in the parish of Ronaldkirk, co. York, m. Anne Dent, and was great-grandfather of The Rt. Rev. John Robinson, D.D. Lord Bishop of Bristol, and afterwards of London, in the reign of Queen Anne; and of Christopher Robinson, of Cleasby, co. York, who settled in Vir ginia temp. Charles II. became Colonial Secretary to Sir Wil liam Berkely, Governor of that Colony; and d. in 1690, aged 45. His 2nd son, John Robinson President of the Council of Vir ginia, was b. in Virginia; and m. Catharine dau. of Robert Beverly of that Colony, formerly of Beverly in Yorkshire (Eng land) . He had issue by this marriage, six sons and two daus. Arms. Per chevron, vert and az. on a chevron, nebule be tween three stags, trippant or, an unicorn's head, couped between two cinquefoils, of the first. Crest. A stag trippant or semee of lozenges, az,- and resting the Dexter fore-foot on a millrind sa. Motto. Propere et provide. John Robinson Colonel Took oath Aug. 5, 1729. William Robinson Gent, commissioned to be Major. Oath Sept. 7, 1743. SOME NOTABLE FAMILIES OF AMERICA. ROBINSONS OF IRELAND. This branch of the Robinson family came from County Armagh, Ireland, but are said to have lived in that country only a short time, and to have come originally from England. The first of the family to come to America was Alexander Robinson, born 1751, died August 9, 1845. About 1780 he settled in Balti more, Md. The Robinson arms, as represented in these pages, are preserved upon an old wooden shield, which has been for a number of years in the possession of Hon. Alexander Robin son Pendleton of Winchester, Va. They are identical with those belonging to the family of Christopher and Anthony Rob inson of Middlesex County, Virginia. This family came to America many years prior to the Revolution, but it is probable that the Baltimore and Middlesex families have a common an cestor in the Mother Countrv. THE LINE OF SAMUEL ROBINSON OF REHOBOTH, MASS. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 9 ? ? Ebenezer Turner Robinson, M. D. Of Orange City, Fla. AMUEL^, son of George the Scotchman, who settled in Rehoboth, Mass., about the year 1640, and had a son Ebenezer-% who was born in Rehoboth July 19, 1697, and he had a son, Dr. Ebenezer*, who was born at Attleboro, Mass., October 26, 1726. The children of Dr. Ebenezer* were: i. Eben ezer", who died at sea; 2. Josiah^; 3. Joseph". Josiah" was my great-grandfather. He first mar ried Sally Grafton, and after her death married Mary Parkhurst, daughter of Samuel Parkhurst, about the year 1770. The children of Josiah^ Robinson and Mary Parkhurst were: I. Samuel", b. June 3, 1771. 2. Mary", b. Aug. 13, 1774. 3. Sally", b. July 26, 1776. 4. Eunice", b. June 8, 1778. 5. Martha", b. July 30, 1780. 6. Ebenezer", b. March 30, 1782. 7. Stephen", b. Dec. 15, 1785. 8. Harvey", b. Aug. 13, 1787. 9. Mehitabel", b. April 22, 1790. 10. Isaac", b. Sept. 28, 1795. Samuel" Robinson m. Abigail or Abby . They left two sons and three daughters. They were SamueP Parkhurst, Charles'', Tabitha', Mary' and Abby'. SamueP Parkhurst m. Helen Goodwin of East Hartford, Conn. They had one son Edward' and one daughter Ella' Edward' m. a Clark. They have two children, AJice* and Helen", and are living in New York. Ella' m. in California a Mr. Crowell. She died several a. SAMUEL ROBINSON OF REHOBOTH 143 years ago, leaving a son and daughter. Tabitha' Robinson m. an Adams for her first husband. They had two sons, John' and Charles'. She afterwards m. an Amidon and lived in Canterbury, Conn., and is said to have had a daughter'. Mary' Robinson m. Robert Fowler and has three children living. They are Mary' Smith, Eliza' Clark and George' Fowler. Abby' Robinson, who m. a Harrington, was living in 1904. Charles' Robinson left home years ago and is not supposed to be living. This is all I know of Samuel" Robinson. Mary" Elizabeth Robinson m. Elijah Dyer of Plainfield, Conn.; they had four children: William', Harvey' R., Mary' Ehzabeth, and Dr. Elijah' Dyer of Norwich, Conn. William' m. Miss James of Providence, R. I., and lived in Central Village, Conn. Left one child who was living in 1904, named Mary'. Harvey' Robinson Dyer m. Sarah A. Wood, daughter of Levi and Sally Wood. Harvey' Dyer was a farmer and lived in Can terbury, Conn. They left one daughter, Susan', who m. Judge Daniel W. Bond and lives in Waltham, Mass. They have three children: Minnie'', Charles^ and Henry" H. Bond. Minnie" m. Wilber E. Barnard. Charles" m. Viney L. Wood. He is a law yer in Boston. Henry" H. was in Harvard Law School in 1904 Mary' Elizabeth Dyer m. Kimball Kennedy and lived in Central Village, Conn. Their children were: Mary' Elizabeth, Emma* S., William' Henry, Willis' (dead), Lizzie' (single.) Mary' E. Kennedy m. Dr. Matthew S. Nichols, D.D. S., one child living in Providence, R. I., to wit: Walter Kimball" Nichols, who m. Edith Martin; no children. 3. Sally" Robinson m. Elias Shepherd of Norwich, Conn. Family all dead. 4. Eunice" Robinson m. Timothy Tingley of Attleboro, Mass. Both dead. 5. Martha" Robinson m. Deacon Jacob Lyon of West Woodstock, Conn. The children were: Martha', Mary', Sarah'. Martha' m. Stephen' Henry Robinson, her cousin, and lived in Providence, R. I. Their children were: Sarah' M., Stephen' H., Jr., Ella', Jacob' L., Martha' All dead except Stephen H., who is a Congregational minister in Gilmanton, N. H. 6. Ebenezer" Robinson, who m. Sarah Gardiner Congdon of Attleboro, Mass., were my grandfather and grandmother. They had children as follows: Hope' Grafton, b. in Plainfield (?), Conn.; 144 THE ROBINSONS AND THEIR KIN FOLK Josiah' Warren, b. Canterbury, Conn., and lived in Providence, R. I., was a graduate of Yale Medical School, and m. Dorcas Greene. Their children were: Josiah' W. Greene, Jr., died single — was in the Civil War from 1861 to 1864. Henry' Greene m. Sarah Rhodes Fisher of Providence, R. I.; no children. Emily' Elizabeth Greene, single. Adela' Irene Greene m. George Nel son Sanger of South Woodstock, Conn., but lived in Providence, R. I. Their children were: George" Nelson, no children, and Arthur", deceased. Abby' Jane m. Thomas Boyd, Jr., of Provi dence, R. I. Children are: Clara" Jackson, Bertha" (deceased), Ella" Greene and Louise". Ebenezer' George m. Henrietta Vars. Children are: Mary" (deceased), Lawrence" Warwick, Philip" Remington, Earle", Ebenezer"- Sarah' Louise Robinson Greene m. Clement Rutter Stotesbury and lives in Philadelphia, Pa. No children. The children of Ebenezer" Robinson were Hope' Grafton, b. in Plainfield (?), Conn.; Josiah' W., Mary' E., Ebenezer' P., William' R., Harvey' G,, Abby' W., Stephen' H., all b. in Can terbury, Conn. Hope' Grafton m. "Sebra" or Seabury Dart, and lived in Providence, R. I.; left three children. They were Sarah' D., Henry' J., and Mary' Eliza; the two latter died single. Sarah' D. m. Thomas W. Williams of Pomfret, Conn., and survives him; no children. The next child of Ebenezer" Robinson was Mary' E., who m. Alanson Smith of Providence, R. I. Their children were : Eben ezer' Harvey Smith, single. Mary' S. A. Smith m. Edwin R. Holden; they had one child, Sarah, who died in the fourth year of her age. Henry' A. Smith m. Elizabeth Hartman of Hart ford, Conn.; their children were Harriet", Julia", Abby" Wood ward, who m. Archibald Roulston; Grace" Elizabeth", who m. Peleg W. Barber; Joseph" Henry. William' R. Smith, Charles' H. Smith, died young. Julia' J. Smith m. a Harris; no children. Ebenezer' P. Robinson, who was my father, m. Jane Burr, who died at the age of twenty-nine. Their children were: Ebenezer' Turner Robinson, the writer of this paper; James' Henry Rob inson, who died in his second year. Ebenezer' P. Robinson m. for his second wife Anna Louisa Hicks; no children. William' Robinson m. Elizabeth Mumford and lived in Providence, R. I., and Brooklyn, N. Y. Their children were: Mary' Eliza- SAMUEL ROBINSON OF REHOBOTH 145 beth, William' J., Edward' R., Henry' A., Josephine", Charles' M. Mary' E. m. Thomas H. Wood, one child, Delia, who died young. William' J. m. Isabel Braman of Brooklyn, Conn.; one child, .a son, who is Prof. Archibald Robinson of Boston. Edward' R. m. Georgiana Stone of Putnam, Conn.; both dead, no children. Henry' A. m. and left a wife and children who live in Brooklyn, N. Y. Josephine' m. Walter Hutchins of Pomfret, Conn. ; they had one son, whose name, I believe, was Walter" Charles' M. m.; no children. Harvey' G. Robinson m. Susan J. Phillips and lived in Providence, R. I. Their chil dren were: Walter' G. Robinson, still living in Gainesville, Fla. Harvey' P. Robinson m. Amy Knight of Providence, R. I. Their children were: Kittie", who m. a Bard of Brooklyn, Conn., and have several children^". Harvey' P. died in 1902, and left a widow and a number of children. The family live in East Green wich, R. I. Jennie' Robinson m. Frederick Bosworth and is living at Warwick, R. I.; no children, survive her husband. Charles' Frank Robinson m. Miss Anthony of Indiana, both deceased. Louis' Elmer Robinson m. and has two children and is living in Providence, R. I. Thomas' Congdon Robinson died in infancy. Annie' Robinson, a widow, m. a Van Demeter and has one daughter, Emily"- Abby' Woodward Robinson died single at the age of sixty-nine years. Stephen' H. Robin son died at the age of thirty-two years, the result of an accident, having been thrown from the top of a stage coach while traveling. He left several children, but only one survives, who is Rev. Stephen' H. Robinson of Gilmanton, N. H. Of my grandfather Ebenezer Robinson, I only know that he taught school in Attleboro, Mass., when a young man, and it is there that I suppose he first met my grandmother (?). He also served "Uncle Sam" in the War of 1812. His regiment was stationed behind a hill, securely sheltered from the cannonade of the British war vessels, at New London, Conn.. My grand father's early life was spent in farming in Canterbury, Conn., though later on he lived in Pawtucket, R. I., from which place he removed to Providence, where he was engaged in the grocery business for awhile. Afterwards he set two of his sons up in the dry-goods business, namely, Harvey' G. and Stephen' H. 146 THE ROBINSONS AND THEIR KIN FOLK About the year 1846 he retired and removed to Pomfret, Conn., where he passed the remainder of his life. He lived to the good old age of eighty-one years. Stephen" Robinson, the seventh son of Josiah=, m. a Miss Huntington and their children were: Asabel' of Attleboro, Mass.; Henry' and Dana' of Southbridge, Mass.; also Anna of Provi dence, R. I. Harvey" Robinson, the eighth son of Josiah^ an M. D., who resided in Providence, R. I., m. Abigail Wood of Newport, R. I. They had a son Charles' and, I presume, other children. His widow after his death went with her son-in-law, George Tingley, to New York City to live. The ninth child was Mehitabel" Robinson, who lived with her brother Isaac's widow. Isaac" Robinson, the tenth child of Josiah'*, m. and had children Mary' and George', one of whom died in the Carolinas. To go back a little. Dr. Ebenezer* Robinson of Plainfield, Conn., was born in Attleboro, Mass., October, 1726. He had a son Joseph^, whose children were: Ruth", who m. a Howard or Hayward of Pomfret, Conn.; Esther" and Horacte". Esther" daughter of Joseph^ m. Dr. Hiram Cleveland of Pawtucket, R. I. The children of Dr. Harvey" Robinson of Providence, R. I., were Charles', Frank', Adelaide' and Penbrook'. Abby' Robinson daughter of Samuel" m. Louis Harrington of Hartford, Conn. They had a son Clarence'. He used to be in the foundry with Samuel' P. Robinson in Canterbury, Conn. Mary' Fowler m. Henry Smith, who was in the Foundry Com pany. George' Fowler went to Plainfield and engaged in the livery business. Dr. Ebenezer' T. Robinson m. Emma L. Benjamin of New Haven, Conn., and lived at one time in Pomfret, Conn. Their living children are: Emna" G., m. Jesse A. James of Seattle, Wash, (not the outlaw), no children. Ebenezer" Benjamin, still single and living in Savannah, Ga. Resume: George Robinson of Rehoboth, Mass., m. Johanna Ingraham June 18, 165 1. They had eight children, of whom Samuel" was the second. He was born October 3, 1654, and m. Mehitabel Read October 10, 1688, and was my ancestor. Eben ezer' b. in Rehoboth July 19, 1697. Dr. Ebenezer*, b. in Attleboro, Mass., October 26, 1726, m. Mary Bennet in Plainfield, Conn., November 14, 1749. His son Josiah'* m.. as I have before stated, Sally Grafton first and Marv SAMUEL ROBINSON OF REHOBOTH 147 Parkhurst second, about 1770. Then Samuel" who m. Abagail (?) George' Kingsley Robinson, son of Harvey' G., b. in Pom fret, Conn., January 5, 1858, m. Isabel Peckham Sayles of Provi dence, R. I., July 27, 1881. Their children are: Ethel Sayles", Ralph Kingsley", Philip", Hope Grafton"~all b. at Ocala, Fla. In closing this brief paper I wish to express my gratitude and indebtedness to Mr. Charles E. Robinson, of Plainfield, N. J., for his indefatigable researches in tracing out the different lines of Robinsons. When I first came in correspondence with him I knew very little of my own line beyond my grandfather's family — and in corresponding with my cousins, very few of them have taken enough interest in the matter to give me any informa tion relative to the younger generation. I think all will agree with me, that this Association owes "Charles E." a debt of grati tude that they can never repay Members of The Robmson Family Gen ealogical and Historical Association * Deceased HONORARY MEMBERS *Atherton, Mrs. Sarah Robinson Peru, Huron Co., O. * Johnson, Mrs. Almira Pierce 76 Congress St., Milford, Mass. Robinson, Miss Adelaide A North Raynham, Mass. LIFE MEMBERS Bennett, William Robinson 803 Broadway, Chelsea, Mass. Brewer, Prof. William H 418 Orange St., New Haven, Conn. Cole, Lucien D Newburyport, Mass. Comey, John Winthrop 52 West 54th St., New York, N. Y. Donovan, Col. John ; - South St. Joseph, Mo. Harris, Charles 70 Kilby St., Boston, Mass. Jenkins, Dr. Newell Sill Thorwald, Loschwitz-bei, Dresden, Germany Kennedy, Elijah Robinson 33 Prospect Park West, Brooklyn, N. Y. Larned, Charles 1004 Paddock Building, Boston, Mass. Richards, Mrs. Helen Robinson Maiden, Mass. Robinson, Albert O Sanbornville, N. H. Robinson, Dr. B. A 265 Mulberry St., Newark, N. J. Robinson, Prof. Benjamin Lincoln.... 3 Clement Circle, Cambridge, Mass. Robinson, Charles Edson 150 Nassau St., New York, N. Y. Robinson, Charles Kendall 374 Ocean Parkway, Brooklyn, N. Y. Robinson, Col. Chas. Leonard Frost Kay St., Newport, R. I. Robinson, Charles P 31 Nassau St., New York, N. Y. Robinson, Charles Snelling Pueblo. Col. Robinson, Daniel Webster Burlington, Vt. Robinson, Hon. David IngersoU Gloucester, Mass. Robinson, Emily E 1S13 Corcoran St., Washington, D. C. Robinson, Dr. Edwin Putnam 12 High St., Newport, R. I. Robinson, Edwin Wright Punxsutawney, Pa. *Robinson, Franklin 203 Cumberland Ave., Portland, Me. ISO THE ROBINSONS AND THEIR KIN FOLK Robinson, Hon. Frank Hurd Hornellsville, N. Y. Robinson, Frederick A Maiden, Mass. Robinson, George H .36th St. and Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y. Robinson, George O South Paris, Me. (R. F. D.) Robinson, George W Elburn, 111. Robinson,. Hon. Gifford Simeon Sioux City, la. Robinson, H. S 60 State St., Boston, Mass. Robinson, John Cutler Hampton, Va. Robinson, Capt. John Francis 1340 St. Charles St., Alameda, Cal. Robinson, Rev. Lucian Moore 5000 Woodland Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Robinson, Miss Maria L 178 Main St., Orange, N. J. Robinson, Nathaniel Emmons, Parke Ave., Brightwood, District of Columbia. Robinson, Miss Phebe A 19 Shores St., Taunton, Mass. Robinson, Reuben T Concord Junction, Mass. Robinson, Roswell R ., . , Maiden, Mass. *Robinson, Mrs. Roswell R. (Jane A.) Maiden, Mass. Robinson, Sylvanus Smith Metamora, 111. Robinson, William A 11 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Robinson, Willard E Maiden, Mass. Spaulding, Edward 40 Purchase St., Boston, Mass. Speare, Mrs. Alden (Caroline M.)..i023 Centre St., Newton Centre, Mass. Verner, Mrs. Murry A. (Birdie Barbara Bailey) Cathalyce Parke, Pittsburg, Pa. Weeks, Mrs. Edmund Cottle 554 Park Ave., Tallahassee, Fla. Wright, George R 73 Coal Exchange, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. MEMBERS Abell, James E 152 La Salle St., Chicago, 111. *Alden, Brig.-Gen. Chas. H., M. D. (TJ. S. A. retired) Government War Department, Washington, D. C. Allen, Miss Eleanor West Tisbury, Mass. Atherton, George Watson Peru, O. Armstrong, Mrs. Frances Morgan Hampton, Va. Armstrong, Mrs. Mary A. Robinson Adrian, Mich. Austin, C. Downer 141 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Austin, Mrs. C. Downer (Joanna') New York, N. Y. Bailey, Mrs. Belle Robinson Patchogue, N. Y. Barbour, Edward Russell 49 Neal St., Portland, Me. Beeman, Mrs. Phebe Stone West Brookfield, Mass *Bennett. Mrs. Charlotte Payson Robinson. .803 Broadway, Chelsea, Mass. Boynton, Edgar A Hornellsville, N. Y. Bowdish, Mrs. J. L Oneonta, N. Y. Bowie, Mrs. Mary Robinson Unlontown, Pa. Brainerd, Miss Harriet E.. 27 Messenger St., St. Albans, Vt. Briggs, Mrs. Martha A. Robinson Providence, R. I. MEMBERS ROBINSON FAMILY ASSOCIATION 151 Brenniman, Mrs. C. D Brooklyn, la. Brett, Chas. Greenwood 50 Cedar St., Somerville, Mass. Browi-i, Mrs. Willard M. (Dora E. R)..25 Welcome PL, Springfield, Mass. Bronson, Mrs. E. P. (Ida Robinson) Chester, 111. Burditt, Charles A 1848 Commonwealth Ave., Boston, Mass. Butler, Mrs. EUen Robinson Attleboro, Mass. (R. F. D., No. 4) Byram, Joseph Robinson 9-11 Essex St., Boston, Mass. Carter, Miss Martha C 143 Main St., Oneida, N. Y. Catlin, Mrs. Mary Robinson 304 South ist. St., Rockford, 111. Chapman, Mrs. James Edwin Evanston, Wyo. Charges, Mrs. Julia C Central Square, Oswego Co., N. Y. (Box 65) Clark, Mrs. Evelina D 125 Newton St., Marlboro, Mass. Clarke, Miss Mary Robinson 9 St. James Ave., Boston, Mass. Clarke, Mrs. George E. (Carrie S.) Algona, la. Clark, James D Harvard, 111. Cobb, Miss Jessie 65 Clinton PL, Newark, N. J. Codding, Mrs. Alice A North Attleboro, Mass. *Cogswell, Mrs. William (Luella Childs).. 7 Pleansant St., Medford, Mass. Coleman, Mrs. Emily R 1517 Perry St., Davenport, la. Comey, Miss Hannah Robinson Foxboro, Mass. Comey, John Winthrop 52 West 54tli St., New York, N. Y. Comey, Miss Vodisa J Foxboro, Mass. Comings, Alfred Cairo, IU. Comings, Uriel L Windsor, Vt. (Box 550) Crawford, M^s. Mark L. (Amie C.) . ..146 Ashland Boulevard, Chicago, III Creighton, Dr. Sarah Robinson 28 West 59th St., New York, N. Y. Crumb, Mrs. Adelaide V 147 Main St., Oneida, N. Y. Cunningham, Mrs. Ella Robinson 4152 West Pine Boulevard, St. Louis, Mo. Cushman, Willard Robin,son Attleboro Falls, Mass. Cushing, Hannah Robinson Attleboro, Mass. (R. F. D., No. 4) Cutting, Mrs. Oliver (Lois B.) Concord, Essex Co., Vt. Cutts, Mrs. R. A 19 Walden St., Lynn, Mass. Danielson, Simeon Danielsonville, Conn. Day, Mrs. Clarke (Mary R. T.) Mansion House, Brooklyn, N. Y. Dean, Miss Bertha L 22 Clinton St., Taunton, Mass. *Dean, James H., Esq 94 Dean St., Taunton, Mass. Dean, N. Bradford 88 Dean St., Taunton, Mass. Dean, Mrs. Sarah Daggett 33 Dean St., Attleboro, Mass. DevoU, Mrs. Daniel (Mary R. G.) Acushnet, Mass. Donavan, Col. John South St. Joseph, Mo. Douglass, William Robinson ... New York Life Building, Kansas City, Mo. Dow, Herbert B 136 Congress St.. Boston, JNIass. *Dows, Miss Amanda Cazenovia, N. Y. Dows, Mrs. Judith EUen Robinson 75 Front St.. Exeter, N. H. Drinkwater, Mrs. Charlotte V. 40 Berkeley St. (Y. W. C. A.), Boston. Mass. Dudley, Mrs. Hattie L 63 Highland Ave., Cambridge. Mass. 152 THE ROBINSONS AND THEIR KIN FOLK Dyer, Benjamin F South Braintree, Mass. Eastman, Edson C Concord, N. H. Eastman, Mrs. Edson C. (Mary L. Whittemore) Concord, N. H. Eldridge, Mrs. J. E. (Eleanor E) . . . .3719 Sydenham St., Philadelphia, Pa. Elmes, Carleton Snow Barnard, Vt. Parson, Mrs, Robert Bruce (Clara M. C.) St. Charles, III Farwell, Mrs. John V Lake Forest, IIL Feakins, Mrs. Martha Kirk Fontuna, Kas. (R. F. D., No. i) Fish, Miss Julia F "Hillside Cottage," Martinez, Cal. Foote, Mrs. Mary Anna A North Chelmsford, Mass. Ford, Mrs. Mary EUa 84 Harvard St., Whitman, Mass. Fuller, Mrs. Ann Chapman 6110 Kimbark Ave., Chicago, IU. *Fuller, Mrs. A. B. (Emma L) 13 Hilliard St., Cambridge, Mass. *Funer, Mrs. Mary R loi Austin St., Cambridgeport, Mass. Gilmore, Abiel P. R Acushnet, Mass. Gilmore, Mrs. Chloe CD Acushnet, Mass. Gordon, Mrs. LiUian Sophia Robinson Leland Hotel, Emporia, Kas. Goward, William E Easton, Mass. Graham, Mrs. Maranda E (Robinson) Orange City, Fla. Graves, Dr. Charles B New London, Conn. Gray, Mrs. Henrietta P 250 West 44th St., New York. Gregory, Miss EUa L Hotel Westminster, Boston, Mass. HaU, Mrs. A. L- (Laura Robinson) Newport, N. H. Hall, Mrs. Geo. G. (Isabelle M.) 78 Beacon-St., Boston, Mass. Hall, Mrs. Herbert E. (Emily A.) 66 Laurel St., Fairhaven, Mass. Hammond, Mrs. Ashley King (Jessie Robinson) 5727 Delmar Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Hammond, Miss Cora E Boonton, N. J. Harnden, Mrs. M. J Gilbert Station, la. (Box 104) Harper, Mrs. F. B Pontiac, Mich. (R. F. D., No. 3) Harris, Charles 70 Kilby St., Boston, Mass. Haskins, Mrs. H. M. R.. .: McLean. N. Y. Hayman, Mrs. Mattie Knox Van Buren, Ark. (Box 357) Hamilton, Mrs. Amanda Wilmarth McCreary 400 South Highland Ave., Pittsburg, Pa. Heath, Mrs. Elbridge P. (Bertha R) 13 Garden St., Nashua, N. H. Hemingway, Mrs. Celia E. R McLean, N. Y. Hill, Mrs. Robert T. (Justina R.) 1738 Q St., Washington, D. C. Hitch, Mayhew R New Bedford, Mass. Hitch, Mrs. Louisa A. R 119 MiU St., New Bdford, Mass. Holbrook, Mrs. Henry Clay (Emily Vicks Hamer) 124 Peeples St.. Atlanta, Ga. Holbrook, Levi New York, N. Y. (Box 536) Holman, M. D., D. Emory 330 West S7th St., New York, N. Y. Holmes, Miss Mary E Sharon, Mass. Howland. Miss Cornelia Scriven Morristown, N. J. Hubbard, Mrs. Chas. D. (Gertrude R.) Wyncote. Pa. James, Mrs. J. A. (Emma Genevieve) . .411 West Galer St.. Seattle, Wash. MEMBERS ROBINSON FAMILY ASSOCIATION 153 Jenkins, E. H. (Director Connecticut Agricultural Experimental Station) New Haven, Conn. Jenkins, James, Jr 80 Washington St., Oshkosh, Wis. Jenkins, Leonard A Care of Klewe & Co., New Haven, Conn. Jenkins, Mrs. Robert E. (Marcia R.) 89 East Madison St., Chicago, IU. Jones, Mrs. Calista Robinson Bradford, Vt. Kauffman, Mrs. J. S York St., Blue Island, 111. Kent, Miss Sarah E 30 Lyons St., Pawtucket, R. I. Keyes, Arthur H Rutland, Vt. Kimball, John E Oxford, Mass. KimbaU, Thomas Dudley 421 Olive St., St. Louis, Mo. Kimble, Mrs. E. M 322 High St., Roland, la. Kirk, Mrs. J. Frank (Abbie F. Robinson) 94 State St.. New Bedford, Mass. Lacy, Mrs. Mary Robinson Dubuque, la. Lakin, Mrs. Augusta A Bennington, N. H. Lane, Mrs. Fannie Minette 5025 Raymond Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Leach, Mrs. E. G. (Agnes A. Robinson) Franklin, N. H. Lee, Mrs. Frederick H 20 WiUiam St., Auburn, N. Y. Leech, Mrs. Angeline Frankfort, N. Y. (Box 297) Lewis, Mrs. F. W. (Celia L.) 28 Albion St., Melrose Highlands, Mass. Lewis, Mrs. J. F Foxboro, Mass. (Box 19) Linnell, John W Maiden, Mass. Litchfield, WUford J Southbridge, Mass. Little, Mrs. G EUiotte (Mary Robinson) 456 West 144th St., New York, N. Y. Littlefield, Mrs. Nathan W. (Mary Wheaton) Pawtucket, R. I. Lothrop, Mrs. Elizabeth H North Raynham, Mass. McArthur, Mrs. Martha H 403 North G St., Tacoma, Wash. McClellan, Hon. Abner R Riverside, New Brunswick, Can. McCoy, Thomas William' Greenville, Miss. McDonald, Mrs. Josephine E Mansfield, Mass. MacLachlan, Mrs. Harriet R 51 Arnold Terrace. South Orange, N. J. McLarei-), Mrs. Sara R 35 Arch St., Providence, R. I. Maury, Mrs. Matthew Fontaine, Jr. (Rose Robinson) 870 Glenwood Ave., Avondale, Cincinnati, O. Miller, Miss Carrie E 36 Cottage St., Lewiston, Me. Millard, Mrs. De Roy (Mercy Robinson) 30 Tracy St., Rochester, N. Y. MiUer, Mrs. Edwin C. (Ida Farr) 18 Lawrence St., Wakefield, Mass. MiUer, Miss Florence Andyman..64 Orchard St., North Cambridge, Mass. Miller, Frank Care of D. O. Mills' Bank, Sacramento, Cal. Monk, Mrs. LiUian 1613 South Flower St., Los Angeles, Cal. Moore, Leonard Dunham 1811 Frick Building, Pittsburg, Pa. Mower, Calvin Robinson Rockford, 111. (Box 479) Murdock, Mrs. Harvey K. (E. Alcena Robinson) Cooperstown, N. Y. Nevins. Mrs. Anna Josepha Shiverick Edgartown, Mass. Nichols, Mrs. W. F Mt. Herman, Mass. Norris, James L., Jr 331 C St., N. W., Washington, D. C. 154 THE ROBINSONS AND THEIR KIN FOLK *Norton, Mrs. Mary J Wood's Hole, Mass. Osgood, Mrs. Mary Satterfield Estherville, la. Packard, Mrs. Fred. L. (Josephine A.) North Easton, Mass. Packard, Mrs. Lewis S. (Abbie W.) Mansfield, Mass. Paine, Mrs. Walter J Boston, Mass. Payson, Mrs. Julia A Medfield, Mass. (Box 344) *Penniman, Bethuel New Bedford, Mass. Penniman, Mrs. Eliza A 13 Elm PL, Quincy, Mass. Penniman, George W Brockton, Mass. Pelton, Mrs. F. Alaric (Mabel Shippee Clarke) Arden, N. C. Pearse, Mrs. George Griswold (Mary Niles Robinson) Wakefield, R. I. Perry, Henry O ' Fort Fairfield, Me. Peterson, Mrs. Geo. M. (Emma Cutting Robinson) Plymouth. Mass. Pettee, Mrs. Maria W Foxboro, Mass. Pinney, Mrs. William H. (A. Augusta Robinson) 350 Central St., Springfield, Mass. Pierce, Mrs. H. F Oronoque, Norton Co., Kas. Pitcher, Col. David Austin 821 A Union St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Poor, Mrs. Janette H Corinna, Me. (R. F. D., No. i) Potter, Miss Emma 1745 Harvard Boulevard, Los Angeles, Cal. Porter, Mrs. Mary E. Robinson 708 Broadway, Cliftondale, Mass. Price, Mrs. E. R. (Ella M.) Attleboro, Mass. Randolph, Mrs. Geo. F. (Annie F.) . .1013 North Chales St., Baltimore. Md. Raymond, Daniel V 35 Liberty St., New York, N. Y. Richmond, Mrs. Howard 32 George St., Providnce, R. I. Richmond, Mrs. L. M Elburn, 111. Ricker, Mrs. Lizzie P 217 West Bolyston St., Worcester, Mass. Robinson, Rev. Albert Barnes Westfield, N. J. *Robinson, Arthur B 40 Beach St., Somerville, Mass. Robinson, Miss Anna B 300 Adams St., Dorchester, Mass. Robinson, Addison Mt. Vision, Otsego Co., N. Y. Robinson, Mrs. Annette Middletown, Conn. Robinson, Miss Annie E 20 Webster St., Somerville, Mass. *Robinson, Adrian G . . . Hanford, Cal. Robinson, Alfred J 4 State St., Bangor, j\le. Robinson, Mrs. Albert O. (Clara E) Sanbornville, N. H. Robinson, Arthur Clear Lake. Minn. Robinson, Abigail S Plymouth, Mass. Robinson, Arthur S Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. Robinson, A. Warren Napa. CaL Robinson, Albert William Boston, Mass. (Box 2933) Robinson, Benjamin F Silvane Springs, Ark. Robinson, Benjamin S Greenfield Centre, N. Y. Robinson, Bernard Noyes 134 Boylston St., Boston, Mass. Robinson, Miss Blanche 15 Abbot St., Dorchester, Mass. Robinson, Mrs. Calvin L. (Elizabeth S.) 420 Post St., Jacksonville, Fla. Robinson, Carel Charleston, W. Va. Robinson, Mrs. Caroline D Castine, Me. MEMBERS ROBINSON FAMILY ASSOCIATION 155 *Robinson, Capt. Charles A Germantown, Pa. Robinson, Charles Albert Auburn, Me. Robinson, Charles D Newburg, N. Y. Robinson, Charles E 140 Oxford St., Portlatid, Me. Robinson, Charles F North Raynham, Mass. Robinson, Rev. Charles F Clinton, Conn. Robinson, Charles Floyd 105 Washington St., Somerville, Mass. Robinson, Charles H 3310 Tulare St., Fresno, CaL Robinson, Charles H Bartow, Fla. Robinson, Capt. Charles H 322 4th Ave., North Great FaUs, Mont. Robinson, Charles Henry Wilmington, N. C. Robinson, C. H 151-153 Commercial St., Portland, Me. Robinson, Charles Larned 56 West 124th St., New York, N. Y. Robinson, Charles L Western National Bank, New York, N. Y. Robinson, Charles Mulford. .. .65 South Washington St., Rochester, N. Y. Robinson, Charles Snelling Pueblo, CoL ?Robinson, Capt. Charles T Taunton, Mass. Robinson, Clement F 3 Clement Circle, Cambridge, Mass. Robinson, Hon. Clifford W Moncton, New Brunswick, Can. Robinson, Cyrus R East Concord, N. H. Robinson, Denison Howlett HiU, N. Y. Robinson, Doane Aberdeen, S. D. Robinson. Ebenezer Benjamin Savannah, Ga. Robinson, Dr. Ebenezer Turner Orange City, Fla. Robinson, Edward Arthur 424 Lexington St., Aubumdale, Mass. Robinson, Edward C 906 Broadway, Oakland, CaL Robinson, Miss Emily A Exeter, N. H. Robinson, Miss Emily M 48 Magnolia St, Dorchester, Mass. *Robinson, Capt. E. M Phillips, Me. Robinson, E. Gilbert Mansfield, O. Robinson, E. Randolph Warsaw, N. Y. Robinson, Edmund J Spitzer Building, Toledo, O. Robinson, Erastus Corning Alexandria, Ind. Robinson, Eugene M 215 Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, 111. (Room 905) Robinson, Miss Flora B Medfield, Mass. (Box 344) Robinson, Frank C East Taunton, Mass. *Robinson, Frank Everett Detroit, Mich. Robinson, Frank E Jewett City, Conn. Robinson, Franklin H "Flinistone Farm,'' Dalton, Mass. Robinson, Frank L Harvard, Mass. Robinson, Frank Parsons 47 Church St., Burlington, Vt. Robinson, Frank R Boston, Mass. (Box iii) Robinson, Francis Walter 13 Thetford Ave., New Dorchester, Mass. Robinson, Rev. Fred. Arthur Milford, N. H. Robinson, Fred. Bowen Le Roy, N. Y. Robinson, Dr. Frederick Converse Unlontown, Pa. Robinson, Frederick W 458 Boylston St., Boston, Mass. Robinson, Frank 1 88 Cross St., Somerville, Mass. is6 THE ROBINSONS AND THEIR KIN FOLK *R(5binson, George A West Mansfield, Mass. *Robinson, George Champlin Wakefield, R. I. Robinson, George Champlin, Jr 170 Hicks St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Robinson, G. C 104 Merrimac St., Haverhill, Mass. Robinson, George E Palmer Block, Oconomowoc, Wis. Robinson, George F 20 Webster Ave., Somerville, Mass. Robinson, George H Attleboro, Mass. CR- F- D-. No. 4) Robinson. George H 301 Reed St., Moberly, Mo. Robinson, George 0 1220 Penobscot Building, Detroit, Miclw Robinson, George Rensselaer Chestnut, cor 12th St., Philadelphia, Pa. Robinson, George W Jewett City, Conn. Robinson, Miss Hallie Mabel Geneseo, 111. Robinson, Dr. Hamlin Elijah Maryville, Mo. Robinson, Miss Harriet A 67 Prescott St., Newtonville, Mass. Robinson, Miss Harriet Emily 78 Pleasant St., Attleboro, Mass. Robinson, Mrs. Harriet H 35 Lincoln St., Maiden, Mass. Robinson, Miss Hannah Bowers Somerset, Mass. Robinson, Harold L Unlontown, Pa. Robinson, Miss Helen M McLean, N. Y. Robinson, Miss Helen R .- Maiden, Mass. Robinson, Mrs. Henry 85 Woburn St., Reading, Mass. Robinson. Hon. Henry Concord, N. H. (Box 5) Robinson, Henry H Rockford, 111. Robinson, Henry M Danbury, Conn. Robinson, Henry P Guilford, Conn. Robinson, Henry W Lexington Ave., Aubumdale, Mass. Robinson, Brig.-Gen. H. F Phoenix, Ariz. Robinson, H. S 60 State St., Boston, Mass. Robinson. Herbert Jester 374 Ocean Parkway, Brooklyn, N. Y. Robinson, Herbert L 322 4th Ave., North Great Falls, Mont. Robinson, Herbert S Paxton, Mass. ' Robinson, Herbert Woodbury Portland, Me. (Box 723) *Robinson, Horatio Alvin 13 Garden St., Nashua, N. H. Robinson, Robinson, Robinson RobinsonRobinson,RobinsonRobinsonRobinson Robinson RobinsonRobinsonRobinsonRobinson,Robinson,Robinson, Horace Ravenna, Neb. Increase Waterville, Me. Increase Plymouth, Mass. Miss Isabella Howe 177 Adams St., Dorchester, Mass. Dr. James Arthur 8 Portland St., Morrisville, Vt. James Bartlett 307 Wethersfield Ave., Hartford, Conn. James Lawrence 193 North Main St., Brockton, Mass. Dr. J. Blake New Castle, N. H. Dr. J. Franklin 15 Pickering Building, Manchester, N. H. John C Middleboro, Mass. John Cheney Jamaica, Vt. John Elihu Le Roy, N. Y. John Gerry Melrose, Mass. John H 55 Kilby St., Boston, Mass. Dr. John H Homer, N. Y. MEMBERS ROBINSON FAMILY ASSOCIATION 157 Robinson, Jonathan W Algona. Ia. Robinson, John Wales 8 Cottage St., Ware, Mass. Robinson, John Woodis Leicester, Mass. Robinson, Rev. Joseph H 47 Barker's Terrace, White Plains, N. Y. Robinson, Joseph E Farmington, Utah Robinson, Joseph M 13 Charles St., Portland. Me. Robinson, Rev. Julius B Turner's Falls, Mass. Robinson, Leonard Leland Hotel, Emporia, Kas. Robinson, Leoni Warren 324 Exchange Building, New Haven, Conn. Robinson, Lewis W Martinsburg, W. Va. Robinson, Miss Lillian L St. Cloud, Min. Robinson, Miss Lucille 20 Boylston Road, Newton Highlands, Mass. Robinson, Miss Martha G 19 Walden St., Lynn, Mass. Robinson, Mrs. Martha A 203 Cumberland Ave., Portland, Me. Robinson, Miss Mary B Chester PL, WeUsborough, Pa. Robinson, Miss Mary C 93 Chandler St., Worcester, Mass. Robinson, Miss Mary C 44 Thatcher St., Bangor, Me. Robinson, Miss Mary Elizabeth 140 Oxford St., Portland, Me. Robinson, Miss Mary E. D 135 Du Bois Ave., Du Bois, Pa. Robinson, Miss Mary F 12 Federal St., Salem, Mass. Robinson, Miss Mary Gay Guilford, Conn. Robinson, Miss Myra S .' 24 Spring St., Pawtucket, R. I. Robinson, Miss Myrtie Evelyn Mt. Vernon, Me. Robinson, Nathan Winthrop 242 Savin Hill, Dorchester, Mass. Robinson, Neil Charleston, W. Va. Robinson, Mrs. Nina Beals Waterbury, Vt. *Robinson, Noah Otis 88 Cross St., Somerville, Mass. Robinson, Dr. Oliver Pearce 823 Scott St.. Little Rock, Ark. Robinson, Orin Pomeroy 60 East 3d St., Corning, N. Y. Robinson, Mrs. Orin Pomeroy (Mary Louise) 60 East 3d St., Coming, X. Y. Robinson, Orlando G Raynham, Mass. (R. F. D.) Robinson, Prof. Oscar D 501 State St., Albany, N. Y. Robinson, Prof. Otis Hall 273 Alexander St., Rochester, N. Y. Robinson, Philip Eaton 284 High St., Medford, Mass. Robinson, Philip Eugene 194 Clinton St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Robinson, Philip H 1 19 Lark St., Albany, N. Y. Robinson, Miss Rachael Ferrisburg, Vt. Robinson, Dr. Reinzi Danielson, Conn. Robinson, Dr. Richard F Dalton. Neb. Robinson, Mrs. Richard Lewis Portland, Me. Robinson, Robert E 30 Broad St., New York *Robinson, Samuel R Antrim, N. H. *Robinson, Samuel S Pontiac, Mich. (Box 126) Robinson, Sam. S Linden Lake, Mich. Robinson, Miss Sarah 2904 Morgan St., St. Louis, Mo. Robinson. Miss Sarah D Bloomington, III. (Box 368) Robinson, Miss Sarah G Middleboro, Mass. 158 THE ROBINSONS AND THEIR KIN FOLK ~ Robinson, Miss Sarah J 178 Pleasant St., Attleboro, Mass. Robinson, Silas Luce, Neb. Robinson, Solomon D Falmouth, Mass. Robinson, Prof. Stillman Williams 1350 Highland St., Columbus, O.- Robinson, Theodore Winthrop 4840 Ellis Ave., Chicago, 111. Robinson, Thomas Dedham, Mass. (Box 35) Robinson, Thomas B Dover, Tenn. Robinson, Uel Merrill Wilmington, N. C. Robinson, Walter Augustine 34 Jason St., Arlington, Mass. Robinson, Walter Billings S Cochituate St., Natick, Mass. Robinson, Walter Bruce P. O. Building, Elmira, N. Y. Robinson, WiUiam 9 St. James Ave., Boston, Mass. Robinson, WiUiam Leicester, Mass. Robinson, Rev. William A., D. D MiU St., Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Robinson, William A Nashua, N. H. Robinson, William A Vineyard Haven, Mass. Robinson, William Austin Gloucester, Mass. Robinson, W. G Oswego, N. Y. Robinson, W. H Eastern Township Bank, Granby, P. Q., Can. Robinson, William H West Chazy, N. Y. Robinson, William H 375 Main St., Worchester, Mass. Robinson, William John 242 4th Ave., Pittsburg, Pa. Robinson, William L Gloucester, Mass. Robinson, William M 29 Madison Ave., Grand Rapids, Mich. Robinson, William Morse 300 Adams St., Dorchester, Mass. Robinson, WiUiam Philip Auburn, N. Y. Robinson, WiUiam Whipple 117 South Olive St., Los Angeles, CaL Roe, Mrs. EUa Robinson Patchogue, L. I., N. Y. Rodman, Mrs. I. P. (Harriet E.) 43-45 Worth St., New York, N. Y. Rose, Miss Aline M Westbury Station, L. I., N. Y. ?Rowland. Rev. L. S Lee, Mass. Ruggles, Henry Stoddard Wakefield, Mass. Sanford, Mrs. Carleton F. (Marie D. Robinson) Taunton, Mass. *Sherman, Hon. Buren Robinson Vinton, la. Sherman, Miss Evelyn M Waterloo, la. Sherman, Miss Florence Belle Waterloo, la. Sherman, James P Waterloo, la. Sherman, Ward B 315 41st St., Chicago, 111. Shippee, Mrs. Elizabeth E. R 24 Spring St., Pawtucket, R. I. Shippee, Harold Robinson 24 Spring St., Pawtucket, R. I. Sinclair, John E Station A, Worcester, Mass. Smith, Mrs. Elizabeth R 93 Church St., North Adams, Mass. Smith, Philip H. WaddeU 619 Westinghouse Building, Pittsburg, Pa. Southworth, Mrs. A. C Lakeville, Mass. Spaids, Mrs. Susan E 3245 Indiana Ave., Chicago, 111. Stabler, Mrs. Jordan (EUen Walker) 339 Dolphin St., Baltimore, Md. Stanford, Mrs. Lydia F. R Chatsworth, IIL MEMBERS ROBINSON FAMILY ASSOCIATION 159 Starrett, Mrs. Ethelinda Robinson Nicol Ave., Fruitvale, Alameda Co., Cal. Stearns, Mrs. Urania Robinson 63 Grover Ave., Winthrop Highlands, Mass. Steenburg, Mrs. Laura H Burdick, Kas. Stephens, Ezra F Crete, Neb. Stephens, Frank B Salt Lake City, Utah Stephens, George Lewis ; Bryant Pond, Me. Storms, Mrs. Lucretia R 119 Mill St., New Bedford, Mass. Stotesbury, Mrs. Sarah Louise. .. .6362 Sherwood Road, Philadelphia, Pa. Studley, Mrs. Mary Z 283 Lamartine St., Jamaica Plain, Mass. Talbot, Mrs. Jennie K Phoenixville, Pa. Tabor, Mrs. Harriet R Castile, N. Y. (R. F. D., No. 3) Thompson, Mrs. Mary L Mansfield, Mass. (Box 463) Tingley, Raymon M Herrick Centre, Pa. Tracy, Mrs. Sarah D. R North Raynham, Mass. Turrell, Mrs. Herbert (Frances H.) The Lucerne, 201 West 79th St., New York, N. Y. Verner, Miss Alyce Chip Cathalyce Parke, Pittsburg, Pa. Verner, Miss Catharine Bailey Cathalyce Parke, Pittsburg, Pa. Verner, James Parke Cathalyce Parke, Pittsburg, Pa. Wales, Mrs. Abijah (Alice M.) 61 County St., Attleboro, Mass. Wardner, Mrs. Fannie Lewis 266 Hicks St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Waterman, Mrs. Zeno (Sarah W. Robinson) Taunton, Mass. Wellington, Mrs. B. W. (Anna Robinson).. 7 West 2d St, Coming, N. Y. Wetherell, Mrs. Erminie C Holyoke, Mass. Whitten, Mrs. Marcia F 132 Magazine St., Cambridgeport, Mass. Whittemore, Miss Lucella Washburn. . .358 Pleasant St., Worcester, Mass. Williamson, Mrs. Mary Robinson 704 North State St., Jackson, Miss. Wilson, George L SPi Lincoln Ave., St. Paul, Minn. 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