'/ gfvtr thefe- jfsoisi far. the foKrittrng- of it Cottegt ir^thts Ct>lo/§jj. This book was digitized by Microsoft Corporation in cooperation with Yale University Library, 2008. You may not reproduce this digitized copy ofthe book for any purpose other than for scholarship, research, educational, or, in limited quantity, personal use. You may not distribute or provide access to this digitized copy (or modified or partial versions of it) for commercial purposes. \Varrants for Lands IN South Carolina 1680-1692 EDITED BY A. S. SALLEY, JR. Secretary oi the Historical Commission of South Carolina Printed for The Historical Commission of South Carolina By The State Co., Columbia. S. C. 1911 You are forthwith to admeasure and lay out unto James Colleton one of the Landgraves of this province six hundred acres of land in some convenient place not yet layd out or marked to be laid out for any other ^son or use, and if ye same happen upon any Navigable River or any River capable of being made navigable you are to allow onely the fifth parte of the depth thereof by ye water syde & a Certificat fully specefying ye Scittuation & bounds thereof you are to return to us wth. all convenient speed Dated at Charles Towne this 31 day of January 1679/.1 To Cap4. Maurice Mathews Wm. ffuller J : West Surveyor. Generall— R: Conant W: Owen Carolina SS :/ You are in pursuance of ah order of Councill of yc 11th of Dec Instant to Admeasure and lay forth unto John Ellis planter one hundred acres of Land Scituat and butting upon Newtowne Creeke and Adioyneing unto ye Land of Will : Hatton to ye Westward and Thomas Drayton to ye North=ward and Somtimes in ye possession of Michael Henshawe -desd : and a Certificat fullie specifyeing yc bounds and Scituacon thereof to retourne to us with all convenjent speede Given undr or hands att Charles towne ye 140 Dec : 1679 : To Cap* M : Mathews Survey17 J : West generall./ Carolina/ You are forthwith to cause to be admeasured & laid out unto Joseph Colfe one hundred acres of Land in some place not yett Laid out or marked to be laid out for any other <^son or use, and if the same happen upon any navigable river or any river capable of being navi gable you are to allow onely the fifth parte of the depth thereof by the watersyde & a Certificat fully specefying the Scituation & bounds thereof you are to returne to us wth- all convenient Speed Dated at Charlestowne this 14th. day of ffebruary 1679./ To Cap': Mau: Mathews Mau : Mathews J: West Surveyour Genrall Wm- Owen R: Conant You are forthwth to cause to be admeasured and Laid out unto Jn° Pettie one of yc free persons of this province Seaventie acres of 'Old style; 1680 according to the present method of reckoning the year. Land in som Convenjent place not yet Laid out nor mrked to be Laid out for any other ^son or use and if the same happen upon any Navigable river or river capable of being Navigable you allow onlje ye 5th part of yc depth thereof by ye watter side and a Certificat fullie specifyeing ye bounds and Scituacon thereof you retorne to us with all convenient speede Dated ye 140 febr 1679 To Cap1 M : Mathews Srveyr Joseph West generall : cr. W : ffuller W : Owen M: Mathews R: Conant Carolina ss/ You are furthwth to cause to be Admeasured and Laid out unto Jacob Goulden one hundred acres of Land in som place not yet Laid out or marked to be Laid out for any other <|$son or use and if ye Same happen upon any Navigable river or river capable of being Navigable you are to allowe onlje ye fifth part of yc Depth thereof by ye water side and a Certificat fullie specifyeing ye bounds and Scituacon thereof you are to retorne to us with all Convenjent speede Dated ye 140 febr : 1679 att Charles towne cr To Cap'. M : Mathews Survyr genr11 : Joseph West Will : ffuller R : Conant M : Mathews : Will : Owen Carolina ss : You are furthw"1 to cause to be Admeasured and laid out for Jn°. Chambers one hundred acres of Land in som place not yet laid out or marked to be Laid out for any other ^son or use and if ye Same happen upon any Navigable river or river capable to be made Navi gable you are to allowe onlie the 5h ^t of the depth thereof by ye water side and a Certificat fullie specifyeing the bounds and Scitua con thereof you retorne to us with all Convenjent speede Dated att Charles towne the 130 febr: i679 J West : To Cap' Maurice Math:} W:Owen: Rich Conant Survey1" genrall \ Will : ffuller : Carolina ss. You are forthwith to cause to be admeasured and laid out to Joseph Harrison Clerke one hundred Acres of Land in some place not yet laid out or marked to be laid out for any other person or use, & if the same happen upon any Navigable River or any River capable to be made navigable you are to allow only the fifth part of ye depth thereof by the water side, & a certificate fully specifying the Situa tion and bounds thereof you are to returne to us with all con-venient speed Dated at Charles Towne this 13 day of feb 1679 To Cap'. Maurice Matthews Joseph West Surveyour Generall Wim ffuller Maurice Matthews Wm. Owen Richard Conant. Carolina ss :/ You are furthw"1 to admeasure and lay forth unto George Gourdon gent 300 acres of Land in som place not yet Laid out or marked to be Laid out for any other person or use and if ye Same happen upon any Navigable river or river capable to be made Navigable you are to allowe onlje ye 5h part of ye Depth thereof by ye water=side and a Certificat fully specifyeing yc Scituacon and bounds thereof you are to retorne to us with all Convenjent speede Dated att Charles towne this 13th Day of febr : 1679 : To Cap' M : Mathews M : Mathews J : West Survey1" generall : Will : Owen : W : ffuller Carolina ss : You are forthwth to cause to be admeasured and laid out unto Will : Porter and Margret his wife free persons of this. province one hun dred and Seaventie acres of Land in som convenjent place not yet laid out or marked to be laid out for any other ^son or c^sons or use and if ye same happen upon any Navigable river or river capable to be made Navigable you are to allowe onlje ye 5h part of ye Depth thereof by ye water side and a Certificat fully specifyeing ye bounds and scituaco thereof you retorne to us with all convenjent speede Given undr or hands att Charles towne ye 30 of October i674 : To Cap' Maurice Mathews J. West Surveyr generall : R : Conant : W : Owen Will : ffuller Carolina SS : You are to Admeasure and lay out for Timothy Tanner seaventy acres of Land in som convenient place not yet layd out nor marked to be Laid out for any person or use : and if the same happen upon any Navigable river or river Capable to bee made navigable you alowe only the fifth p' :. of the depth : thereof by the water side and a Certificate fully specifyeing the bounds and scituation thereof : you returne to us wth all Convenient speed dated ye 14"1: of ffebruary l o : Cap' Morris Mathews William Owen Joseph West. Survey1" : generall :/ Mor : Mathews Richard : Conant Carolina SS : : You are forthwith to Admeasure and Lay out unto George Keeling one of the free ^sons of this province two hundred Eightie Acres of Land in some convenient place not yett Layd out or marked to be Laid out for any other ^son : and if it happen uppon any Navi gable river or Rivers capable to be made Navigable: you are only to allow ye fifth ^te of ye depth thereof by the water side and a Certificate fully specifying ye Bounds and scituacon thereof: you returne to us wth : all Convenient speed : dated at Charles Towne the 14th. day of June 1679 :/ To : Cap' : Morris Mathews Joseph : West : Survey1" : Generall :/ William : fuller : Richard : Conant :' Carolina SS : You are fortwith to Admeasure and Lay forth unto .Abraham Smith and Hannah his wife 70 acres of Land in some convenient place not yet laid out or marked to be laid out for any other ^son or use and if the same happen upon any Navigable river or river capa ble to be made Navigable : you are to allow only ye fifth part : of the depth thereof by the water side and a Certificat fully specifyeing the Bounds and scituacon thereof you returne to us w'h : all : Con venient speed Dated the 13th: of ffebruary 1679:/ To Cap' : Morris Mathews : Joseph : West : Surveyr : Generall : : : Wm : ffuller Richard : Conant : Carolina. SS : You are fortwith to Admesure and lay out unto Thomas Draiton two hundred acres of land in some convenient place not yet laid out or marked to be laid out for any other person or use and if the same happen upon any Navigable river or river capable to be made Navigable you are to allow only ye fifth part of ye depth thereof by the water side and a Certificate fully specifyeing the bounds and scituacon thereof : you returne to us w'h : all Convenient speed dated this 13th day of ffebruary 1679/ To : Cap' : Morris Mathews Wm. ffuller Joseph West survey1" Generall : Mau : Mathews Wm : Owen : Carolina SS : You are fortwith to Admesure and lay out unto Thomas Reade seaventie acres of land in some convenient place not yet laid out or marked to be laid out for any other ^son or use and if ye same happen upon any Navigable river or river capable to be made Naviga ble you are to allow only .ye fifth part of ye depth thereof by ye water side and a Certificate fully specifyeing the bounds and scituacon thereof you returne to us w'h all Convenient speed dated the 13th day of ffebruary 1679/ To Cap' Morris Mathews Wm : ffuller Joseph West Survey1" : Generall :/ Mau : Mathews Wm : Owen : Carolina SS You are fortwith to admeasure and lay out unto James Donogho one Towne lott in yc oyster point: observeing the Rules and method allready established for the building a towne there and not Iniureing the Lines of any other ^son or ^sons and a certificate fully speci- fieing the bounds scituacon thereof: you returne to us w'h all Con venient speed dated the 3d of June 1678./ To Cap' : Morris Mathews Joseph West : Survey1" : Generall :/ Richard Connant W1?1: Owen: Carolina SS : You are fortwith to admeasure and lay out for Hugh Bidwell one hundred acres of land in som convenient place not yett laid out nor marked to be laid out for any all Convenient speed Dated att Charles towne yc 17th day of ffebruary 1680./ To Cap' Maurice Mathews Will owen : Joseph West survey1 generall :/ John Smyth : Wm. ffuller Carolina SS : You are forthwith to cause to be admeasured and laid out unto Jacob Garrard Esqr in ye r'' of himself & wife 560 acres of land being due to him for the arriveall of six servants namely Peter Oliver solomon Bremmer Charles Fromagett John Carier Anna Lafelleine Mary Fortress in some place not yett laid out or marked to be laid out for any other ^son or use and if the same happen upon any Navigable River or any River capable to be made Navigable you are to allow only the fifth part, of the depth thereof by the water side and a Certifycate fully specifyeing the scittuacon and bounds thereof you are to returne to us wth : all Convenient speed and for your soe doeing this shall be your sufficient warr' : Dated att Charles towne ye 18th day of ffebruary 1680/ To Cap' Maurice Mathews Joseph West survey- generall W™: ffuller Richard Conant Carolina SS : You are forthwith to cause to be admeasured and lay forth unto Edward Mayo one hundred acres of land in som convenient place 32 not yett laid out or marked to be laid out for any other ^son or use and if ye same happen upon any Navigable river or river capable to made Navigable you are to allow only the fifth part of the depth thereof by the water side and a Certificate fully specifyeing ye bounds and scittuacon thereof you are to returne to us w'h: all Con venient speed Dated the i6'h day of gher : 1680/ To Cap' Maurice Mathews John Stayth Joseph West survey1" generall : Richard Conant Wm : ffuller Carolina SS : You are forthwith to cause to be Admeasured and layd out unto Thomas Dickenson one towne lott att Charles towne not yett layd out or marked to be layd out for any other ^son or use observing ye rules Established for the building of a towne there and a Certifi cate thereof fully specifyeing the Number and bounds thereof you returne to us w"1. all Convenient speed Dated att Charles towne ye 1 8th day of ffebruary 1680/ To Cap' Maurice Mathews Wm Owen Joseph West Survey1" generall/ Rich Conant : Wm : ffuller CarolinaYou are forthwith to cause to be Admeasured and layd out unto Christopher Smith gent' Eight hundred and fiftie : two acres of land in some place not yett laid out or marked to be laid out for any other Dep'ies: Ja : Moore — j Carolina Ss./ You are forthw"1: to cause to be admeasured and laid out unto Thomas Holland Sawr : Seaventie acres of land in some place not yett laid out or marked to be laid out for any other per son or use and if the same happen upon any navigable River or River capable to be made navigable you are to allow only the fifth part of the depth thereof by the water side, and a Certificate fully speci fying the scittuation and bounds thereof you are- to returne to us w'h all convenient speed and for your soe doeing this shall be yor Warr': Dated this Ist: day of December 1681 To Cap': Maurice Mathews Joseph West Governo1": Surveyo1" Generall And1 Percivall John Smyth & }¦ Dep'ies : , Ja: Moore — Carolina Ss./ You are forthw"1 : to cause to be admeasured and laid out unto Thomas Thurston six hundred and fortie acres of land in some place not yett laid out or marked to be laid out for any other person or use, and if the same happen upon any navigable River capable1 to be made navigable you : are to allow onely the fifth part of the depth thereof by the water side, and a Certificate fully specefy ing the scittuation & bounds thereof you are to returne to us with all convenient speed, Dated this 2d day of December 1681 To Cap': Maurice Mathews Joseph West Governo1: Surveyo1 Generall. And1: Percivall John Smyth & L Dep'ies : Ja: Moore — !The words "or River'' were omitted evidently by the recording clerk. 52 Carolina Ss./ You are forthw"1: to cause to be admeasured & laid out unto Joseph Ellicott seaventie acres of land in some place not yett laid out or marked to be laid out for any other ^son or use and if the same happen upon any navigable River, or River capable to be made navigable you are to allow onely the fifth part of the depth thereof by the water side and a certificate fully specifying the scittu acon and bounds thereof you are to returne to us with all convenient speed and for yo1. soe doeing this shall be yo1 Warr': Dated at Charles Towne this 2d day of December 1681 To Cap' : Maurice Mathews Joseph West Governo1". Surveyo1" Generall./ And1: Percivall ] John Smyth & [ Dep'ies : Ja : Moore — J Carolina Ss./ You are forthw"1 : to cause to be admeasured and laid out unto Ralph Ames in right of himselfe, his Wife and foure chil dren arriveing free in November One thousand six hundred eighty and One fower hundred and twenty acres of land in some place not yett laid out or marked to be laid out for any other person or use and if the same happen upon any navigable River or River capable to be made navigable you are to allow onely the fifth part of the depth thereof by the water side, and a , certificate fully specifying the scittuation and bounds thereof you are to returne to us with all convenient speed Dated this 2d day of December 1681 To Cap' : Maurice Mathews Joseph West Governo1 : Surveyo1: Generall./ And1": Percivall John Smyth & L Dep'les : Ja Moore — Carolina Ss./ You are forthw'h : to cause to be admeasured and laid out unto Martin Cock and Anne his Wife 140 acres of land in some place not yett laid out or marked to be laid out for any other person or use and if the same happen upon any navigable River or River capable to be made navigable you are to allow only the fifth part of the depth thereof by the water side and a Certificate fully speci fying the scittuation and bounds thereof you are to returne to us 53 w'h all convenient speed and for yo1 soe doeing this shall be yo1: Warr' Dated this 2d day of December 1681 To Cap' : Maurice Mathews Joseph West Governo1 : Surveyo1: Generall And1: Percivall 1 John Smyth & }- Dep'ies: Ja: Moore — j Carolina Ss./ You are forthw"1 : to cause to be admeasured and laid out unto George Smith one Towne lott at Charles Towne observing the rules and method established for the building the said Towne, and a Certificate fully specifying the bounds & number thereof you are to returne to us w'h : all convenient speed ; And for yor soe doeing this shall be yor : Warr' : Dated this 17th : day of November 1681 To Cap' : Maurice Mathews Joseph West Governo1 : Surveyo1 Generall And1: Percivall John Smyth & \ Dep'ies: Ja : Moore — Carolina Ss./ You are f orthwth : to cause to be admeasured & laid out unto Thomas Seale One Towne lott at Charles Towne observing the rules and method allready established for the building the sd Towne; and a certificate fully specifying the bounds and number thereof you are to returne to us with all convenient speed and for yor soe doeing this shall be your Warr': Dated this 17th: day 6f November 1681 To Cap' : Maurice Mathews Joseph West Governo1 : Surveyo1: Generall And1": Percivall ] John Smyth & [. Dep'ies : Ja : Moore — J Carolina Ss./You are forthw'h : to cause to be admeasured and laid out unto John Bignell one Towne lott at Charles Towne observing the rules and method allready established for the building a Towne there, and a Certificate fully specifying the number and bounds thereof you returne to us with all convenient speed, and for yo1 : soe 54 doeing this shall be yor Warr'. Dated this 17th: day of November 1681 To Cap' : Maurice Mathews Joseph West Governo1 : Surveyo1: Generall And1": Percivall John Smyth & J- Dep" Ja: Moore — Carolina Ss./You are forthwth: to cause to be admeasured & laid out unto William Whiteheare one Town lott at Charles Towne observ ing the rules and method allready established for the building the sd Towne ; and a Certificate fully specifying the bounds and number thereof you are to returne to us with all convenient speed and for yor: soe doeing this shall be yor: Warr': Dated this 17th: day of November 1681 Joseph West Governo1 : And1: Percivall John Smyth & [ Dep' Ja: Moore — To Cap' : Maurice Mathews Surveyour Generall Carolina Ss./ You are forthw"1: to cause to be admeasured & laid out unto Henry Hughes Taylor one Towne lott at Charles=Towne observing the rules allready established for the building a Towne there and a Certificate fully specifying the number'& bounds thereof ypu are to returne to us w'h : all convenient speed and for yo1 : soe doeing this shall be yor: Warr'. Dated at Charles = Towne aforesd this 17th : day of November 1681 To Cap': Maurice Mathews Surveyo1 : Generall Joseph West Governo1 And1": Percivall] John Smyth & J. Ja: Moore — j Dep' Carolina Ss./ You are forthw"1 : to cause to be admeasured and laid out unto Francis Gratia one Towne lott at Charles towne observing the rules and method allready established for the building the said Towne, and a certificate fully specifying the number and bounds thereof you are to returne to us with all convenient speed, and for 55 yor : soe doeing this shall be yo1 : Warr' : Dated this 1 5th : day of December 1681 To Cap' : Maurice Mathews Joseph West Governo1 : Surveyo1: Generall Carolina Ss./ You are , forth wth : to cause to be admeasured and laid out unto John Clapp Gentleman three hundred and Forty acres of land in the right of himselfe and fower Servants namely Peter Cross, George Gibbon, Honour Crawley and Dorothy Smith arriveing in August 1680 in some place not yett laid out or marked to be laid out for any other person or use, and if the same happen upon any navigable River or any River capable to be made navigable you are to allow onely the fifth part of the depth thereof by the water side, and a Certificate fully specifying the scittuacon and bounds thereof you are to returne to us with all convenient speed, and for your soe doeing this shall be your Warr' : Dated this 23th : day of December 1681./. To Cap' : Maurice Mathews Joseph West Governo1" : Surveyo1" Generall./ Andrew Percivall James Moore & - Dep"es: -John Smyth — Carolina Ss./ You are forthw"1 : to cause to be admeasured and laid out unto William Garrway one thousand and forty acres of land in right of himselfe and sixteene Servants and Negroes, men & women arriveing in December Ano Dni 1681 in some place not yett laid out or marked to be laid out for any other person or use and if the same happen upon any navigable River or River capable to be made navig able you are to allow onely the fifth part of the depth thereof by the water side and a Certificate fully specefying the scittuacon and bounds thereof you : are to returne to us w'h : all convenient speed and for yo1 : soe doeing this shall be your Warr' : Dated this 23th : Decem ber 1 68 1 To Capt Maurice Mathews Joseph West Governo"" : Surveyo1 Generall Andrew Percivall William Owen & j> Dep" John Smyth — 56 Carolina Ss/ You are forthw"1 : to cause to be admeasured and laid out unto Peter Hearne Sen.1 : tenn acres of land lying at or nere James Towne wch said tenn acres of land were formerly taken up by Edward Rouse and by him deserted, And a Certificate fully specify ing the scittuacon and bounds thereof you are to returne to us with all convenient speed, and for yor : soe doeing this shall be your Warr': Dated this 5th: day of October 1681 To Cap' : Maurice Mathews Joseph West Governo1 : Surveyour generall Andrew Percivall | Ja : Moore and }¦ Dep'ies :/ John Smyth — Carolina Ss./ Whereas Thomas Cater hath this day petitioned to us to take up and settle upon a certaine ^cell of land forferly taken up by George Lyster late of this province deceased wch= said tract of land (scittuate upon Ashley River in this province) hath for a long time and still is uninhabited ; And whereas Edward Mayoh Attorney to the Widdow of the said George Lyster hath utterly disowned any right or title to the sd land as Attorney as aforesaid ; You are therefore forthw'h : to admeasure and lay out unto the sd Thomas Cater all that ^cell of land aforesd wch : was laid out unto the said George Lyster which is scittuate upon Ashley River and a certificate fully specifying the bounds and quantity thereof you are to returne to us with all convenient speed and for yo1 soe doeing this shall be yo1 Warr' : Dated at Charles Towne this first day of March 168^/2 Joseph West And1 Percivall Ja : Moore Jn° Smyth Carolina Ss./ You : are forthw"1 : to cause to be admeasured and laid out unto Mr: Stephen ffox in the right of himselfe Phillis his Wife one Maid Serv' : fower Negroe men, fower Negroe women, two Negroe boyes and two Negroe Girles all arriveing in May in the yeare of our Lord One thousand six hundred seaventy and nine One thousand three hundred and fifty acres of land in some con venient place not yett laid out or marked to be laid out for any other 57 person or use and if the same happen upon any navigable River or River cabable to be made navigable you are to allow onely the fifth part of the depth thereof by the water side and a certificate fully specifying the scittuacon and bounds thereof you are to returne to us with all convenient speed and for yo1 soe doeing this shall be yor Warr' : Dated this io'h : day of March Anoq Din : i68y2 To Cap' : Maurice Mathews Joseph West Governo1 : Surveyo1 Generall./ Andrew Percivall 1 James Moore & I Dep"es : John Smyth — j Carolina Ss/ You are forthw"1 : to cause to be admeasured and laid out to Mrs : Sarah Jephson one of the free people of this province arriveing in May One thousand six hundred seaventie and nine One hundred acres of land in some convenient place not yett laid out or marked to be laid out for any other person or use and if the same happen upon any navigable River or River capable to be made navigable you : are to allow onely the fifth part of the depth thereof by the water side, and a certificate fully specifying the scittuacon and bounds thereof you are to returne to us with all convenient speed and for yor : soe doeing this shall be yor : Warr' : Dated this io'h : day of March 168% And1 Percivall | Joseph West Governo1": Ja : Moore & \- Dep"es John Smyth j Carolina Ss/ You are forthw"1 : to cause to be admeasured and laid out unto Susanna Jephson one of the free persons of this province arriveing in this province One thousand six hundred seaventie and nine One hundred acres of land in some place not yett laid out or marked to be laid out for any other person or use, and if the same happen upon any navigable River or River capable to be made navig- , able you are to allow onely the fifth part of the depth thereof by the water side and a certificate fully specifying the scittuacon & bounds thereof you are to returne to us with all convenient speed Dated this 10th : day of March i68y2 Joseph West Governo1 : And1: Percivall ] Ja: Moore and J- Dep"es: John Smyth — j 58 . Carolina Ss/ You are forthw"1 : to cause to be admeasured and laid out unto Nicholas Townsend One Towne lott at Charles Towne observing the rules and method allready established for the building the said Towne, and a certificate fully specifying the number & bounds thereof you are to returne to us with all convenient speed and for your soe doeing this shall be your Warr' : Dated this 10th : day of March i68y2 Joseph West Governo1" : And1": Percivall Ja : Moore and \- Dep'ies John Smyth — Carolina Ss./ You are forthw"1: to cause to be admeasured & laid out unto Thomas Cooper seaventie acres of land in some place not yett laid out or marked to be laid out for any other person or use and if the same happen upon any navigable River or River capable to be made navigable you are to allow onely the fifth part of the depth. thereof by the water side and a Certificate fully specifying the scittuacon and bounds thereof you are to returne to us with all con venient speed and for your soe doeing this shall be your warr': Dated this 17th : day of Jan^ : i68y2 To Cap' : Maurice Mathews Joseph West Governo1 : Surveyo1: Generall And1: Percivall Ja: Moore & John Smyth Dep' Carolina Ss./ You are forth to cause to be admeasured and laid out unto Jeane Woodbridge one Towne lott at Charles Towne observing the rules and method allready established for the building the said Towne, and a certificate fully specifying the number & bounds thereof you are to returne to us with all convenient speed and for your soe doeing this shall be your sufficient Warr' : Dated at Charles Towne this 21th : day of March i68>4 To Cap' : Maurice Mathews Joseph West Governo1" : Surveyo1 : Generall And1: Percivall Ja: Moore & J. Dep' Jn°: Smyth. 59 Carolina Ss/ You are forthw"1 : to cause to be admeasured and laid out unto Sarah Earpe arriveing free in 1677, ,100 acres of land being soe much due to her by virtue of the Lords Propls : conces sions for her selfe arriveing as aforesd, in some place not yett laid out or marked to be laid out for any other person or use, and if the same happen upon any navigable River or River capable to be made navigable you : are to allow only the fifth part of the depth thereof by the water side And a certificate fully specifying the scittuacon and hounds thereof you are to returne to us with, all convenient speed and for your soe doeing this shall be yo1 Warr': dated at Charles Towne this 5th : day of October 1681 Joseph West Governo1: And1: Percivall ] Ja : Moore and \- Depties John Smyth — j Carolina Ss/ You are forthw'b : to cause to be admeasured and laid out unto Thomas Schenckingh One Towne lett at Charles Towne observ ing the rules and method allready established for the building the said Towne and a certificate fully specifying the number and bounds thereof yo1 : are to returne to us with all convenient speed, and for your soe doeing this shall be your Warrant Dated at Charles Towne aforesaid this 7th : day of Aprill 1682 Joseph West Governo1 Andrew Percivall James Moore and J- Dep'ies John Smyth — Carolina Ss/ You are forthw"1 : to cause ' to be admeasured and laid out unto Flizabeth Schenckingh Sen1": One Towne lott at Charles Towne observing the rules and method allready established for the build ing the said Towne, and a certificate fully specifying the num ber and bounds thereof you are to returne to us with all convenient speed, and for your soe doeing this shall be yo1: Warr': Dated at Charles Towne aforesaid this 7th : day of Aprill 1682 To Cap': Maurice Mathews Surveyo1: Generall Joseph West Governo1: • Andrew Percivall | James Moore & j- Dep'ies John Smyth — j 6o Carolina Ss/ You are forthw"1. to cause to be admeasured and laid out unto Elizabeth Schenckingh Junr : one Towne lott a Charles Towne observing the rules and method allready established for the building of the said Towne, and a certificate fully specifying the number and bounds thereof you are to returne to us with all con venient speed and for your soe doeing this shall be yo1 : Warrant Dated at Charles Towne aforesd this 7th- day of Aprill 1682 To Cap' : Cap' : Maurice Mathews Joseph West Governo1 : Surveyour Generall James Moore j Wm : Fuller & i- Dep"es : John Smyth | Carolina Ss/ You are f orthw'h : to cause to be admeasured and laid out unto Catherine Schenckingh One Towne lott at Charles Towne observing the rules and method allready established for the building the said Towne, and a certificate fully specifying the number and bounds thereof you are to returne to us with all convenient speed and for your soe doeing this shall be yo1 : Warr' : Dated at Charles Towne aforesaid this 7th : day of Aprill 1682 To CaPt; Maurice Mathews Joseph West Governo1. Surveyo1 Generall Ja: Moore — j William Fuller [ Dep'ies= John Smyth I Carolina Ss./ You are forthw"1: to cause to be admeasured and laid out unto Richard Peirce One Towne lott at Charles Towne observing the rules and method allready established for the building the said Towne, and a certificate fully specifying the number & bounds thereof you are to returne to us with all convenient speed and for yor : soe doeing this shall be yo1 sufficient Warr' : Dated at Charles Towne this 7th: day of Aprill 1682 To Cap' : Maurice Mathews Joseph West Governo1" Surveyo1: Generall Andv: Percivall ] Ja : Moore & \- Dep'ie John Smyth j 6i Carolina Ss./ You are forthw"1 : to cause to be admeasured and laid out unto John Walker fifty acres of land being part of one hundred acres of land formerly taken up by John Wells and by him not settled on &c according to order wcb : said fifty acres you are to cause to be admeasured and laid out next & adjoyning to the land of Robert Goff allowing the scittuacon & bounds thereof you are to> returne to us with all convenient speed, and for your soe doeing this shall be yo1 : sufficient Warr' : Dated at Charles Towne this 7th : day of June 1682 To Major Maurice Mathews Joseph West Surveyo1". Generall And1 Percivall Will : Owen & [ Dep'ies— Ja : Moore — Carolina Ss/ You are forthw'h : to cause to be admeasured and laid out unto Mrs : Elinor Willkins eight hundred acres of land being soe much due to her by the Lords Proprietors concessions for her selfe two children one Serv' : and eight Negroes arriveing in February 168^2 in some place not yett laid out or marked to be laid out for any other ^3 son or use, and if the same happen upon any navigable River capable to be made navigable you are to allow onely the fifth part of the depth thereof by the water side & a Certificate fully specifying the scittua con and bounds thereof you are to returne to us w'h : all convenient speed, Dated this 7th : day of June 1682 To Major Maurice Mathews Joseph West Governo1: Surveyo1: Generall And1 Percivall 1 Will : Owen & \- Dep"es Ja: Moore | Carolina Ss./ You are forthwth : to cause to be admeasured and laid out unto John Boone Esq1: one hundred acres of land being part of more land due to him by Virtue of the lords Proprietors concessions in some place not yett laid out or marked to be laid out for any other c^son or use ; and if the same happen upon any navigable River or River capable to be made navigable you are to allow onely the fifth ?P'e: of the depth thereof by the water side and a certificate fully specifying the scittuacon and bounds thereof you are to returne to 62 us w"1: all convenient speed, and for your soe doeing this shall be your sufficient Warr' : Dated this 7th : day of June 1682 To Major Maurice Mathews Joseph West Governo1": Surveyo1": Generall And1: Percivall Will : Owen. j> Dep' Ja: Moore Carolina Ss./ You are forthw"1 : to cause to be admeasured & laid out unto Peter Sympson Smith one of the free persons of this Province seaventie acres of land being soe much due to him by the lords Pro prietors concessions for him selfe arriveing free in September one thousand six hundred eighty and one in some convenient place not yett laid out or marked to be laid out for any other person or use and if the same happen upon any navigable River or River capable to be made navigable you are to allow onely the fifth part of the depth thereof by the water side and a certificate fully specifying the scittuacon and bounds thereof you are to returne to us w'h : all con venient speed and for your soe doeing this shall be your Warr': Dated this 1511 : day of March 168^ To Cap': Maurice Mathews Joseph West Governo1 Surveyo1: Generall./ And1: Percivall Ja: Moore John Smyth Dep'ies.= Carolina Ss/ You are forthw"1 : to cause to be admeasured & laid out unto Daniell Bullman One of the ffree persons of this province one hundred acres of land in some place not yett laid out or marked to be laid out for any other person or use, & if the same happen upon any navigable River or River capable to be made navigable you are to allow onely the fifth part of the depth thereof by the water side & a certificate fully specefyin the scittuation & bounds thereof you : are to returne to w"1 : all convenient speede Dated the 4 : day of July 1682 To Cap' : Maurice Mathews Joseph West Surveyo1: Generall Governo1 John Smyth, James Moore 63 Carolina Ss./ You are forthw"1 : to cause to be admeasured and laid out unto Andrew Percivall Esq1 : one Towne lott at Charles Towne observing the rules and method allready established for the building the said Towne, & a certificate fully specifying the , bounds and number thereof you are to returne to us with all convenient speed, and for your soe doeing this shall be yo1 : Warr' : Dated this 2d day of Ffebrr: i68y2 To Cap': Maurice Mathews Surveyour Generall. Joseph West Governo1: And1: Percivall Ja: Moore & Wm : Fuller— [ Dep'ie Jn°: Smyth Mau: Mathews Carolina Ss./ You are forthw"1: to cause to be admeasured and laid out unto Andrew Percivall Esq1": one Towne lott at Charles Towne observing the rules and method allready established for the building the said Towne, and a certificate fully specifying the number and bounds thereof you are to returne to us w'h : all convenient speed and for yo1 : soe doeing this shall be yo1 : Warr' : Dated this 2d day of Feb1? : i68}^ To Cap': Maurice Mathews Surveyo1": Generall. And1: Percivall Ja : Moore Wm: Fuller Joseph West Governo1 | Mau: Mathews J- and J Jn°: Smyth— Dep"e Carolina Ss./ You are forthw"1 : to cause to be admeasured and laid out unto Andrew Percivall Esq1 : one Towne lott at Charles Towne observing the rules and method allready established for the building the said Towne, & a certificate fully specifying the number and bounds thereof you are to returne to us w'h : all convenient speed and for your soe doeing this shall be yo1: Warr': Dated this 2d day of Febry; 168^ To Cap' : Maurice Mathews Joseph West Governo1 : Surveyo1 : Generall Ja: Moore Mau: Mathews} „ tieg Wm: Fuller Jn°: Smyth \ P : 64 Carolina Ss/ You are forthw'h : to cause to be admeasured and laid out unto Andrew Percivall Esquier One towne lott at Charles Towne observing the rules and method allready established for the building the said Towne, & a certificate fully specifying the number and bounds thereof you are to returne to us w'h : all convenient speed ; and for yo1 : soe doeing this shall be yor sufficient Warr'. Dated at Charles Towne this 2d day of Feb1*': 168^2 To Cap': Maurice Mathews Joseph West Governo1: Surveyo1 generall And1 Percivall ] Ja : Moore & [ Dep"es : Jn°: Smyth — ! Carolina Ss./ You are forthw"1: to cause to be admeasured and laid out unto Andrew Percivall Esquier one Towne lott at Charles Towne observ ing the rules & method allready established for the building the said Towne, & a certificate fully specifying the number and bounds thereof you are to returne to us w'h : all convenient speed and for your soe doeing this shall be yo1 : sufficient Warr'. Dated at Charles Towne this 2d day of Feb1? : 168% To Cap' : Maurice Mathews Joseph West Governo1 : Surveyo1: Generall./ And1: Percivall ] Ja: Moore & }- Dep'ies: Jn°: Smyth. I Carolina Ss./ You are forthw'h- to cause to be admeasured and laid out unto M1 Joseph Thorowgood three thousand acres of land in some place not yett laid out or marked to be laid out for any other To Major Maurice Mathews Surveyo1 : Generall Jn°: Godfrey William Owen James Moore John Boone Joseph Morton dep'ie 8o Carolina Ss: Com Berkley/ You are forthw"1 : to admeasure & lay out unto Richard Dearsley merchant one hundred & twenty acres of land being for two Serv ants arriveing upon his acco": (viz') William Duglas arriveing in July 1682 & Mary Pratt arriveing in September 1682 not yet laid out or marked or marked to be laid out for any other ^son or use the sd. land being due to the said Richard Dearsley by & for the trans- portacon into this province of Carolina two Negroe women arriveing in November 1682 in Colleton County observeing the rules & method allready established for the building the sd. Towne & a Certificate fully specifying the Scittuacon & bounds thereof you are to returne to us with all convenient speed & for your soe doeing this 87 shall be your Sufficient warr': dated this 4th day of Aprill Annoq Dni 1683 To Majo1: Mau: Mathews Joseph Morton Governo1: Surveyo1 : Generall John Godfrey Arthur Middleton J.depties: John Boone Carolina. Ss :/ You are forthw"1 : to admeasure & lay out unto George Willock Gentleman one precinct lott at Edistoh in Colleton County being for himselfe & two servants arriveing in October Annoq Din 1682 according to the forme & rules prescribed in the Lords proprietols : Instructions beareing date the tenth day of May Anno Din 1682 & a certificate fully specifying the the scittuation & bounds thereof you are to returne to us with all convenient speed & for yor. soe doeing this shall be yo1: Sufficient warr': dated this fourth day of March Annoq Din i68|. Carolina. Ss:/ You are forthw"1 to cause to be admeasured & laid out unto George Willock Gentleman one precinct lott being for him selfe & two servants arriveing in October Annoq Din 1682 in Colleton County observeing the rules & method allready established for the building the sd. Towne & a certificate fully specifying the scittuation & bounds thereof you are to returne to us with all con venient speed & for yo1 soe doeing this shall be yo1: warr*: dated this fourth day of Aprill Annoq Dni 1683. To Major Maurice Mathews Joseph Morton Governor: Surveyo1 Generall John Godfrey Arthur Middleton ldep*ies: John Boone Carolina SS Coud Berkley You are forthw"1 to admeasure & Lay out unto Gyles Russell Gentelman five hundred & seaventy acres of Land not yeat Laid out or marked to be Laid out for Any other ^son or use y* said Lands being dew to the said Gyles Russell by & for ye transpor tation in to this province of hem selfe & eleven <$5sons whose names are recorded in ye Secretaries office in ye said province, & w** said quantity of Land you are to admeasure & Lay out According to yc proportion & rule directed by ye Lords Proprietors instructions baring date at white halle ye io'b day of may one thousand Six hun- 88 dred eighty & two & A certificate fully specifying the Scituation & bounds there of you are to returne to us with all convenient speede & for youre soe doeing this shall be youre warant Dated at Charles Towne this third day of Aprill 1683/ To Major Mathews Joseph Morton: Governo1 Surveyer Generall John Godfrey Arthur Middleton John Boone William owen - dep* Carolina Ss/ You are forthw'h to cause to be admeasured & laid out one Towne lott Unto Gyles Russell one of the freemen of this Province in Colleton County observing the rules and method allready established for the building the sd Towne and a Certificate fully specifying the number & bounds thereof you are to returne to us wth: all convenient speed and for yo1 soe doeing this shall be yo1 Warr': Dated this sixth day of Aprill 1683 To Major Maurice Mathews Joseph Morton Governo1: Surveyo1: Generall John Godfrey] Will : Owen i Dep*ies : James Moore J Carolina Ss./ You are forthw"1 : to cause to be admeasured and laid out one Towne lott unto Mary Russell Sen1: in Colleton County observing the rules & method allready established for the building the said Towne and a Certificate fully specifying the number & bounds thereof you are to returne to us w'h all convenient speed and for yo1 soe doeing this shall be yor Warr*: Dated this 6th: day of April 1683 To Major Maurice Mathews Joseph Morton Governo1": Surveyo1" Generall John Godfrey Will : Owen [ Depties : Ja: Moore Carolina Ss/ You are forth w*h to cause to be admeasured & laid out unto John Palmer Junio1": that Towne lott in Charles Towne which was taken up by John Beresford Esq1 & by him deserted & a Certificate fully specifying the number & bounds thereof you are to returne to us w"1: all convenient speed & for your soe doeing 89 this shall be your warr': dated at Charles Towne aforesd this 5th day of Aprill 1683 To Ma jo1: Maurice Mathews Joseph Morto Governo1: Surveyo1 : Generall John Godfrey John Archdale [ dep"es Maurice Mathews Carolina. Ss :/ You are forthw"1 : to admeasure & lay out unto Jn° : Palmer Senio1 Seaven hundred acres of land not yett laid out or marked to be laid out for any other ^son or use the sd land being due to the sd John Palmer by & for the transportacon into this Province of Samuel Cottman & tenn ^sons whose names are recorded in the secretaries office in the sd. Province & wch : sd. quan tity of land you are to admeasure & lay out according to the propor tion & rule directed by the Lords Proprieto18 : Instructions beareing date the tenth day of May One Thousand six hundred eightie & two & a certificate fully specifying the scituation & bounds thereof you are to returne to us w*h : all convenient speed & for your soe doeing this shall be your sufficient warr': dated at Charles Towne this Seaventh day of April 1683 To Major Maurice Mathews Joseph Morton Governo1 Surveyo1": Generall John Godfrey James Moore Arthur Middleton John Boone dep1 .ties • Carolina. Ss/ Com Berkley You are forthw"1 : to admeasure & lay out unto John Palmer Junior. six hundred & thirty acres of land not yett laid out or marked to be laid out for any other person or use the sd land being due to the sd. John Palmer by & for the transportacon into this province of himselfe John Palmer Senio1" freeman & Elleanor <*$sons whose names are recorded in the Secretaries office in the sd Province & wch : sd. quantity of land you are to admeasure & lay out according to the proportion & rule directed by the Lords Proprie- torrs : instructions beareing date the tenth day of may one Thousand six hundred eighty & two & a certificate fully specifying the scittua con & bounds thereof you are to returne to us w"1 all convenient oo speed & for your soe doeing this shall be your Sufficient warr' : dated at Charles Towne this 7"1 day of Aprill Annoq Dni 1683 To Major Maurice Mathews Joseph Morton Surveyo1: Generall John Godfrey James Moore Arthur Middleton John Boone dep* Carolina Ss Com Berkley/ You are forthw'h : to admeasure & lay out unto Wil liam Sadler one hundred & Seaventy acres of land not yet laid out or marked to be laid out for any other c^sons or use the sd. land being due to the sd William Sadler by & for the transportacon into this Province of himselfe wife & one man servant cJj3sons whose names are recorded in the Secretaries office in the sd. Province & wch : sd- quantity of land you are to admeasure & lay out according to the proportion & rule directed by the Lords Proprieto": instructions beareing date at white hall the tenth day of May One Thousand six hundred eighty & two & a certificate fully specifying the scittuacon & bounds thereof you are to returne to us with all convenient speed & for your soe doeing this shall be your warr': dated at Charles Towne this seaventh day of April 1683 To Majo1 Maurice Mathews Joseph Morton Governo1 Surveyo1 Generall John Godfrey James Moore Arthur Middleton John Boone -dep* Carolina Ss Com Berkley / You are forthw"1 : to admeasure and lay out unto John Farr Senio1 : five hundred and sixty acres of land not yett laid out or marked to be laid out for any other person or use the sd land being part of seaven hundred & sixty acres due to him by & for the transportacon into this Province of himselfe and fifteen persons whose names are recorded in the Secretaries Office in the said Province & wch. sd quantity of land you are to admeasure and lay out according to the proporcon & rule directed by the lords Proprietors : Instruccons beareing date at White hall the tenth day of May One thousand six hundred eighty & two; & a Certificate fully specifying the scittuacon & bounds thereof you are to returne to us w"1 : all con- 9i venient speed, and for yo-1 : soe doeing this shall be yor : Warr* : Dated at Charles Towne this 2d. April 1683 To Major Maurice Mathews Joseph Morton Governo1 Surveyo1 Generall John Godfrey }Arth: Middleton} „ ties- Ja: Moore )Jn°: Boone — \ Carolina Ss./ You are forthw"1 : to cause to be admeasured & laid out unto John Farr Senio1: One precinct lott in Colleton County observeing ye forme and rules prescribed in the Lords Proprietors Instructions beareing date the 10th : day of May Annoq Din 1682 and a Certificate fully specifying the scittuacon and bounds thereof you are to returne with all convenient speed, and for yo1 : soe doeing this shall be yo1 — sufficient Warr* : dated this 2d : day of Aprill 1683 To Major Mathews Joseph Morton Governo1 Surveyo1 Generall Ja : Moore Will: Owen Carolina. Ss/ You are forthw"1: to admeasure & lay out unto the right honrble Thomas Archdale One of the Lords & absolute pro- prietors : of this Province One Towne Lott in Charles Towne observeing the rules & Method allready established for the build ing the said Towne & a Certificate fully specifying the number & bounds thereof you are to returne to us with all convenient speed & for your soe doeing this shall be your sufficient warr' : dated at Charles Towne aforesd this 5"1 day of Aprill 1683. To Mayor Maurice Mathews Joseph Morton Governo* Surveyo1: Generall John Archdale I Maurice Mathews [ depties James Moore ) Carolina Ss:/ You are forthw'h: to cause to be admeasured & laid out unto Gyles Boreman ffive hundred acres according to the desire of sr Peter Colleton Barronett one of the Lords & absolute Pro prietors of this Province in a letter directed to the Governo1 : & Councill at Ashley river beareing date the 28th day of November 1681 in some place not yett laid out or marked to be laid out for any other <$}son or Use & if the same happen upon any Navigable River or River capable to be made Navigable you are to allow onely the ffifth part of the depth thereof by the waterside & a certificate fully 92 specifying the scittuation & bounds thereof you are to returne to us with all convenient speed & for your soe doeing this shall be your warr*: dated this 12th: day of Aprill 1683 To Major Maurice Mathews Joseph Morton Governor Surveyo1 : Generall John Godfrey Arthur Middleton [¦ dep*"53 : John Boone Carolina. Ss :/ You are forthw"1 : to cause to be admeasured & laid out unto Anne Macey one hundred acres of Land arriveing a free womean in Aprill Annoq Dni 1677 in some place not yett laid out or marked to be laid out for any other ^son or use & if the same hap pen upon any Navigable River or River capable to be made Naviga ble you are to allow onely the fifth part of the depth thereof by the waterside & a certificate fully specifying the scittuacon & bounds thereof you are to returne to us with all convenient speed & for yo1: soe doeing this shall be your warr*: dated this thirteenth day of Aprill Annoq Dni 1683 To Major Maurice Mathews Joseph Morton Governo1: Surveyo1: Generall John Godfrey Arthur Middleton {?dep*"9 Jn°: Boone Carolina. Ss :/ You are forthw"1 : to cause to be admeasured & laid out unto Richard Blewett one hundred acres of land being for him selfe arriveing a freeman in March Annoq Dni 1679 in some place not yet laid out or marked to be laid out for any other ^2 son or use & if the same happen upon any Navigable River or River capa ble to be made navigable you are to allow onely the fifth part of the depth thereof by the water side & a certificate fully specifying the scittuacon & bounds thereof you are to returne to us wtt all convenient speed & for yo1 soe doeing this shall be your warr*: dated at Charles Towne this thirteenth day of Aprill Annoq Dni 1683 To Major Maurice Mathews Joseph Morton Governor , Surveyo1: Generall John Godfrey Arthur Middleton [ deptiea John Boone (Y 93 Carolina. Ss :/ Com Berkley/ You are fortw"1 to admeasure & lay out unto William Pople One hundred & eighty acres of land the sd. lands being due to the sd. William Pople for the transportacon into this Province of him selfe & three ^sons whose names are recorded in the Secre taries Office in the sd. Province & wctl sd- quantity of land you are to admeasure & lay out according to such Limitacons as is provided by the Lords Proprieto": Instructions beareing date at Whitehall the tenth day of May One Thousand six hundred eighty & two & a Cer tificate fully specifying the Scittuacon & bounds thereof you are to returne to us w"1 all convenient speed & for your soe doeing this shall be your Sufficient warr* : dated at Charles Towne this nineteenth day of Aprill 1683 To Major Maurice Mathews Joseph Morton Governo1: Surveyo1 Generall John Godfrey James Moore [- dep*ies Arthur Middleton Carolina. Ss :/ You are forthw"1 : to cause to be admeasured & laid out unto Richard Baker two hundred acres of land wch- : was taken up by Daniell Smethwick & by him deserted & if the same happen upon any Navigable river or River capable to be made Navigable you are to allow onely the fifth part of the depth thereof by the water side & a certificate fully specifying the Scittuacon & bounds thereof you are to returne to us w*b all convenient speed & for yor soe doeing this shall be your warr*: dated this 3d day of Aprill 1683 To Major Maurice Mathews Joseph Morton Governo1" Surveyo1": Generall John Godfrey Arthur Middleton \- dep*ies Jn° : Boone Carolina. Ss/ You are forthw"1 to cause to be admeasured & laid out unto Richard Baker two hundred acres of land wch said land was formerly taken up by Robert Smethwick & by him deserted & if the same happen upon any Navigable River or river capable to be made Navigable you are to allow onely the ffifth part of the depth thereof by the watersid & a certificate fully specifying the scittuacon & bounds thereof you are to returne to us w'h all con- 94 venient speed & for your soe doeing this shall be yor : warr* : dated this 3d day of Aprill 1683 To Majo1 Maurice Mathews Joseph Morton Governo1: Surveyo1: Generall John Godfrey Arthur Middleton [ dep"es Jn° : Boone Carolina. Ss/ You are forthw'h : to cause to be admeasured & laid out unto Richard Trad one Towne lott at Charles Towne observe ing the rules & method allready Established for the building the sd Towne & a certificate fully specifying the number & bounds thereof you are to returne to us w'h all convenient speed & for yor soe doeing this shall be your warr' : dated this 2d day of March i68| To Major Maurice Mathews Joseph Morton Governo1 Surveyo1 Generall Jn°: Godfrey Arthur Middleton J. dep"es Jn°: Boone Carolina. Ss :/ You are forthw"1 : to cause to be admeasured & laid out unto Henry Leyster & Hannah his wife one hundred & forty acres of land being both free ^sons of Carolina in some place not yett laid out or marked to be laid out for any other ^son or use if the same happen upon any Navigable River or River capable to be made Navigable you are to allow onely the ffifth part of the depth thereof by the waterside & a certificate fully specifying the Scittua con & bounds thereof you are to returne to us w'b all convenient speed & for your soe doeing this shall be your sufficient warr' dated this 2d day of March 168 To Major Maurice Mathews Joseph Morto Surveyo1. Generall John Godfrey j Arthur Middleton }.dep'ies: Jno. Boone Carolina. Ss :/ You are forthw"1 : to cause to be admeasured & laid out unto James Williams Chirurgian eight hundred acres of land due to the sd James Williams as followeth viz': foure hundred & fifty acres thereof for the arrivavall of Robert Adams foure Servants & one slave in 1680 as by the sd Adams surrender upon record & the remaineineing two hundred & fifty acres for the arrivall of himselfe 95 & servants as by record in some place not yet laid out or marked to be laid out for any other ^son or use & if the same happen upon any Navigable River or River capable to be made Navigable you are to allow onely the fifth part of the depth thereof by the waterside & a certificate fully specifying the scittuacon & bounds thereof you are to returne to us with all convenient speed & for yo1 soe doeing this shall be yo1: Sufficient warr': dated at Charles Towne this 2d. day of March Annoq Din i68f To Major Maurice Mathews. Joseph Morton Governo1 Surveyor: Generall William Owen James Moore \- deputies Jn° : Boone Carolina, Ss/ You are f orthw"1 : to cause to be admeasured & laid out unto Joseph Thoroughgood one Towne lott in Charles Towne observeing the rules & method allready established for the building the sd Towne & a certificate fully specifying the number & bounds thereof you are to returne to us w"1 all convenient speed & for your soe doeing this shall be yo1: warr*: dated this 19"1 day of Aprill Annoq Dni 1683 To major: Maurice Mathews Joseph Morton Govern1 Surveyo1 : Generall John Godfrey Arthur Middleton \. depties : Jn° : Boone Carolina. Ss :/ You are forthw"1 : to cause to be admeasured & laid out unto Jn° : Palmer Junio1" : one Towne lott at pan pan in Colleton County observeing the rules & a certificate fully specifying the number & bounds thereof you are to returne to us w"1 all convenient speed & for your soe doeing this shall be your warr' : dated this 20th : day of Aprill Annoq Din 1683 To Majo1. Maurice Mathews Joseph Morton Governo1": Surveyo1": Generall William Owen ) , t. r dep*ies James Moore \ Carolina. Ss :/ You are forthw"1 to cause to be admeasured & laid out unto Jn° : Palmer Junio1" : one Towne lott at pan pan in Colleton County observeing the rules & a certificate fully specifying the num ber & bounds thereof you are to returne to us w'h all convenient 96 speed & for yo1 : soe doeing this shall be yo1 : warr* : dated this 20th day of Aprill Annoq Dni 1683 Joseph Morton Governor: William Owen James Moore ( dep*ies Carolina. Ss/ Com Berkley/ You are forthw"1; to admeasure & lay out unto Thomas Gunne two hundred & forty acres of land not yett laid out or marked to be laid out for any other ^son or use the sd. land being due to the sd. Thomas Gunne by & for the transportacon into this Province of himselfe & three serv's ^sons whose names are recorded in the Secretaries office in the sd. Province & wch sd. quantity of land you are to admeasure & lay out according to the proportion & rule directed by the Lords Proprietors instructions beareing date at white hall the tenth day of may one Thousand six hundred eighty & two & a certificate fully specifying the scittuacon & bounds thereof you are to returne to us w'b : all convenient speed & for your soe doeing this shall be your warr' : dated at Charles Towne this first day of march i68|. To Major Maurice Mathews Joseph Morton Governo1: Surveyo1: Generall John Godfrey William Owen James Moore y dep* Arthur Middleton Jn°: Boone Carolina. Ss :/ Com Berkley/ You are forthw"1 : to admeasure & lay out unto Thomas Gunne two hundred & twenty acres of land not yet laid out or marked to be laid out for any other ^son or use the sd. land being due to the sd. Thomas Gunne by & for the transportacon into this province of James Horwell & three servants S^sons whose names are recorded in the secretaries office in the sd. province & wcb sd- quantity of land you are to admeasure & lay out according to the proportion & rule directed by the Lords proprietors instruc tion beareing date at white hall the tenth day of may One Thousand six hundred eighty & two & a certificate fully specifying the scit tuacon & bounds thereof you are to returne to us w*b all convenient 97 speed & for your soe doeing this shall be your warr' : dated at Charles Towne this first day of March Annoq Dni 168 f To Major Maurice Mathews Joseph Morton Governo1 Surveyo1 : Generall * John Godfrey William Owen James Moore y dep" Arthur Middleton Jn° : Boone Carolina. Ss : Com Berkley/ You are forthwth : to admeasure & lay out unto Joseph Gryce one hundred acres of land not yett laid out or marked to be laid out for any other ^;son or use the sd. land being due to the sd. Joseph Gryce by & for the transportacon into this province of himselfe & one servant <|j3sons whose names are recorded in the secretaries office in the sd. province & wch sd. quantity of land you are to admeasure & lay out according to the proportion & rule directed by the Lords proprietors instructions beareing date at white hall the tenth day of May one Thousand six hundred eighty & two & a certificate fully specifying the scittuacon & bounds thereof you are to returne to us w'h : all convenient speed & for your soe doeing this shall be your warr': dated at Charles Towne this second day of March Annoq Dni i68|. To Major Maurice Mathews Joseph Morton Governor Surveyo1": Generall John Godfrey William Owen James Moore y dep" Arthur Middleton John Boone Carolina Ss/ You are forthw"1 : to cause to be admeasured & laid out unto John Palmer Junio1 : one precinct lott being two hundred acres of land in Colleton County observeing the rules & method allready established for the building the sd. Towne & a certificate fully speci fying the scittuation & bounds thereof you are to returne to us w"1 all convenient speed & for your soe doeing this shall be your warr' : dated this 23d day of Aprill Annoq Din 1683 To Majo1: Maurice Mathews Joseph Morton Governor Surveyo1: Generall John Godfrey ] Arthur Middleton j>dep"es: Jn°: Boone 7.— H. G 98 Carolina.. Ss:/ You are forthw"1: to cause to be admeasured & laid out unto Peter Hearne Senio1: Seaventy acres of land being for the arrivall of one negroe man named warree arriveing in may Anno Dni 1682 in some convenient place not yett laid out or marked to be laid out for any other c^son or use & if the sanfe happen upon any Navigable river or river capable to be made Navigable you are to allow onely the ffifth part of the depth thereof by the water side & a certificate fully specifying the scittuacon & bounds thereof you are to returne to us w'h all convenient speed & for your soe doeing this shall be your sufficient warr': dated at Charles Towne this 24th day of Aprill 1683 To Major Maurice Mathews Joseph Morton Governo1 Surveyo1: Generall John Godfrey Arthur Middleton J- dep* John Boone Carolina. Ss/ You are forthw"1 : to cause to be admeasured & laid out unto George Cox arriveing a freeman in September Annoq Dni 1682 Seaventy acres of land in some place not yett laid out or marked to be laid out for any other ^son or use & if the same hap pen upon any Navigable river or river capable of being made Navi gable you are to allow onely the fifth part of the depth thereof by the waterside & a certificate fully specifying the scittuacon & bounds thereof, you are to returne to us wtb all convenient speed & for your soe doeing this shall be your sufficient warrt dated at Charles Towne this 24th day of Aprill Annoq Dni 1683 To major Maurice Mathews Joseph Morton Governor Surveyo1' Generall John Godfrey Arthur Middleton {¦ dep"e John Boone Carolina. Ss/ You are forthw"1 to cause to be admeasured & laid out unto Mary Morris arriveing in December 1678 but now one of the free ^sons of this Province seventy acres of Land in some place not yett laid out or marked to be laid out for any other ^son or use & if the same happen upon any Navigable river or River capable to be made. Navigable you are to allow only the fifth part of the depth thereof by the waterside & a certificate fully specifying the scit tuacon & bounds thereof you are to returne to us w'h all con- 99 venient speed & for yo1: soe doeing this shall be yo1: warr': dated this 25th day of Aprill i683 To major Maurice Mathews Joseph Morton Gov1 Surveyo1 : Generall John Godfrey Arthur Middleton }-dep"es: Jn°: Boone Carolina Ss :/ You are forthw"1 : to cause to be admeasured & laid out unto mr : John Lawrence seaventy acres of Land arriveing a freeman in July Annoq Dni 1682 in some place not yett laid out or marked to be laid out for any other ^son or use & if the same happen upon any Navigable River or River capable to be made Navigable you are to allow the fifth part of the depth thereof by the water side & a certificate fully specifying the scittuacon & bounds thereof you are to returne to us w'h all convenient speed & for yo1 : soe doeing this shall be you1 sufficient warr' : dated at Charles Towne this Second day of march Annoq Dni 168 f To major Maurice Joseph Morton Governo1: Mathews Willm: Owen Surveyo1" : Generall James Moore y dep"es Jn°: Boone Carolina Ss/ You are forthw"1: to cause to be admeasured & laid out unto Paul Grimball Gent, all those points of land that lye upon Cooper River & are butting upon the land that the sd Paul Grimball purchased of Samuel Boswood & a certificate fully specifying the scittuacon & bounds thereof you are to returne to us w'b all con venient speed and for your soe doeing this shall be yor : warr* : dated this 2d day of March Annoq dni 168 f To Majo1 Maurice Mathews Joseph Morton Govern1 Surveyo1": Generall John Godfrey Arthur Middleton • dep'!e3 Jn°: Boone Carolina Ss/ You are forthw"1 : to cause to be admeasured & laid out unto Jonathan ffitz Senio1 one Towne lott in Charles Towne observeing the rules & a Certificate fully specifying the number & bounds thereof you are to returne to us wth all convenient speed & IOO for yo1" : soe doeing this shall be your warr' : dated this second day of March Annoq Dni i68| To majo1 : Maurice Mathews Joseph Morton Surveyo1: Generall William- Owen } ^ ties. James Moore j Carolina Ss/ You are forthwth to admeasure & lay out unto John Boone Esq1" one hundred acres of land not yett laid out or marked to be laid out for any other ^son or use the sd. land being due to the sd Jn°: Boone part of rights belonging to William Rivers by & for the transportacon into this province of him selfe & six ^sons whose names are recorded in the Secretaries office in the sd province & w01 said quantity of Land you are to admeasure & lay out acord- ing to the proportion & rule directed by the Lords Proprietors instructions beareing date at Whitehall the tenth day of May one Thousand Six hundred eightie & two & a certificate fully specifying the scittuacon & bounds thereof you are to returne to us w'h all con venient speed & for your soe doeing this shall be yor: warr* dated at Charles Towne this second day of March 168^ To Majo1 Maurice Mathews Joseph Morton Governo1 Surveyo1 : Generall John Godfrey j William Owen , t- rdeP James Moore Arthur Middleton Carolina Ss :/ You are f orthw'h : to admeasure & lay out unto Mr : Robert Quick one hundred & fifty acres of Land not yett laid out or marked to be laid out for any other ^son or use the sd lands being due to the sd. Robert Quick for the transportacon into this Province of himselfe wife & one maid servant ^sons whose names are recorded in the secretaries office in the said province & wch : sd- quantity of land you are to admeasure & lay out according to such Limitacons as is provided by the Lords Proprietols : instructions beareing date at white hall the tenth day of May One Thousand six hundred eightie & two & a certificate fully specifying the Scit tuacon & bounds thereof you are to returne to us with all con venient speed & for your soe doeing this shall be your warr' : dated at Charles Towne this second day of March Annoq Din i68f To Major Maurice Matthews Joseph Morton Surveyo1: Generall John Godfrey William Owen James Moore Arthur Middleton dep .ties. IOI Carolina/ Ss/ You are forthw'h to admeasure & lay out unto Phinehas Rogers Gentleman three hundred acres of Land not yett laid out or marked to be laid out for any other -dep"es : Ardrew Percivall Carolina Ss./ You are forthw"1 : to cause to be admeasured & laid out unto Mounsieur De la plane three hundred & fifty acres of land being for himselfe & foure servants arriveing upon his acco" : in Aprill Annoq Dni 1680 in some convenient place not yett laid out or marked to be laid out for any other person or use and if the same happen upon any navigable River or River capable to be made navigable you are to allow onely the Depth thereof by the water side as by yor instruccons is directed, & a certificate fully specifying the scittuacon & bounds thereof you are to returne to us wth : all con venient speed & for yo1 soe doeing this shall be yo1 : Warr' : Dated the first day of November Annoq Dni 1683 To Major Maurice Mathews Joseph Morton Surveyo1 Generall John Godfrey Mau : Mathews y Dep"e Ardr : Percivall Carolina Ss:/ You are forthw"1 to cause to be admeasured & laid out unto Maurice Mathews Esq1 : one Towne lott at Charles Towne observe ing the rules & method allready Established for the building the sd. Towne & a certificate fully specifying the scittuacon & bounds thereof you are to returne to us with all convenient speed & for io8 yo1 : soe doeing this shall be yo1 : Sufficient warr' : dated at Charles Towne aforesd this 5"1 day of november Annoq Dni 1683 To major Maurice Mathews Joseph morton Surveyo1: Generall John Godfrey Maurice Mathews I Dep"es : Andrew Percivall Carolina. Ss/ You are forthwtb to cause to be admeasured & laid out unto mr. Silvester Crosse one Towne lott at Charles Towne observe ing the rules & method allready Established for the building the said Towne & a certificate fully specifying the scittuacon & bounds thereof you are to returne to us with all convenient speed & for your soe doeing this shall be yo1: warr': dated this 5th november 1683 To major maurice Mathews Joseph Morton Surveyo1": Generall John Godfrey j Maurice Mathews y Dep"es : Andrew Percivall Carolina. Ss/ You are forthw"1 : to cause to be admeasured & laid out unt mrs : Sarah Tothill one Towne lott at Charles Towne observeing the rules & method allready Established for the building the sd. Towne & a certificate fully specifying the scittuacon & bounds thereof you are to returne to us with all convenient speed & for yo1" : soe doeing this shall be yor : warr': dated 5th november 1683 To Major Maurice Mathews Joseph Morton Surveyo1: Generall John Godfrey Maurice Mathews -dep'ie Andrew Percivall Carolina. Ss :/ You are forthw"1 to cause to be admeasured & laid out unto mr John Powys one Towne lott at Charles Towne observe ing the rules & method allready Established for the building the said Towne & a certificate fully specifying the scittuacon & bounds thereof you are to returne to us with all convenient speed & for yor : soe doeing this shall be yo1 : warr' : dated this 5th day of november 1683 To Major Maurice Mathews Joseph Morton Surveyo1 : Generall John Godfrey — Maurice Mathews y Dep"es: Andrew Percivall 109 Carolina Ss :/ You are forthwith to cause to be admeasured & laid out unto Thomas 6 Gradey three hundred & fifty acres of land being soe much due to himselfe & four ^sons more arriveing upon his acco": in some place not yett laid out or marked to be laid out for any other cj^son or use & if the same happen upon any navigable river or river capable to be made navigable you are to allow onely the fifth part of the depth thereof by the waterside & a certificate fully specifying the scittuacon & bounds thereof you are to returne to us w'h all convenient speed & in soe doeing this shall be yor: Sufficient warr' : dated at Charles Towne this third day of November Annoq Dni 1683 To major Maurice Mathews Joseph Morton Surveyo1 : Generall John Godfrey Maurice Mathews [.Dep'ies: Andrew Percivall Carolina Ss/ You are forthwith to cause to be admeasured & laid out unto Madam Sarah Turner one hundred & twenty acres of land being soe much due to her for the arrivall of herselfe & two servants arriveing in October 1682 in some place not yett laid out or marked to be laid out for any other cjflson or use & if the same hap pen upon any navigable river or river capable of being made naviga ble you are to allow onely the fifth part of the depth thereof by the water side & a certificate fully specifying the scittuacon & bounds thereof you are to returne to us with all convenient speed And in soe doeing this shall be yo1 : Sufficient warr' : dated at Charles Towne this 5th day of November 1683 To Major Maurice Mathews John Godfrey | Joseph Morton Surveyo1: Generall Maurice Mathews I Dep*les: Andrew Percival J Carolina Ss/ You are forthw"1: to cause to be admeasured & laid out unto D1 : Henry Woodward four hundred acres of land being soe much due to him for the arrivall of seaven negroes in novem ber 1682 whose names are recorded in the secretaries office in some place not yet laid out or marked to be laid out for any other ^son or use & if the same happen upon any navigable river or river capa ble to be made Navigable you are to allow onely the fifth part of the depth thereof by the water side & a certificate fully specifying the scittuacon & bounds thereof, .you are to returne to us with all no convenient speed, & soe doeing this shall be yo1: sufficient warr': dated at Charles Towne this second day of november Annoq Dni 1683 To Major Maurice Mathews Joseph Morton Surveyo1 : Generall John Godfrey Maurice Mathews ! Depties: Andrew Percivall Carolina Ss:/ You are forthw"1: to cause to be admeasured & laid out unto mr : Ralph marshall for marv his wife formerly knowne by the name of mary Stock arriveing in november Annoq Dni 1678 seaventy acres of land in some convenient place not yett laid out or marked to be laid out for any other ^son or use & if the same happen upon any navigable river or river capable to be made navigable you are to allow onely the fifth part of the depth thereof by the waterside & a certificate fully specifying the scittuacon & bounds thereof you returne to us w*h: all convenient speed & for yo1 : soe doeing this shall be yo1 : warr* : dated the second day of november Annoq Dni 1683 To Majo1: Maurice Mathews Joseph Morton Surveyo1": Generall John Godfrey Maurice Mathews J-dep"63: Andrew Percivall Carolina Ss/ You are forthw"1: to cause to be admeasured & laid out unto Thomas Miller Gentleman four hundred acres of land in some convenient place not yett laid out or marked to be laid out for any other ^son or use & if the same happen upon any navigable river or river capable to be made navigable you are to allow onely the fifth part of the depth thereof by the water side & a certificate fully specifying the scittuacon & bounds thereof you returne to us with all convenient speed & for your soe doeing this shall be yor: warr*: dated the 19th day of January Annoq Dni 1682 To Majo1": Maurice Mathews John Godfrey J Joseph Morton Surveyo1" : Generall Maurice Mathews ] Deptie» Andrew Percival Carolina : Ss : You are forthw*1" : to cause to be admeasured & laid out unto John Barton seaventy acres of land for mary his wife formerly knowne by the name of Mary Tosteen arriveing in may Annoq Dni 1681 in some convenient place not yett laid out or marked Ill to be laid out for any other ^son or use & if the same happen upon any navigable river or river capable of being made navigable you are to allow onely the fifth part of the depth thereof by the waterside & a certificate fully specifying the scittuacon & bounds thereof you returne to us with all convenient speed & for yo1: soe doeing this shall be yo1: warr*: dated the eighteenth day of September Annoq Dni 1683 To Majo1" : Maurice Mathews Joseph Morton Surveyo1: Generall John Godfrey ] Maurice Mathews lDep'ies: Andrew Percivall j Carolina Ss :/ You are f ortw"1 : to cause to be admeasured & laid out unto Richard Pierce & Christian his wife two hundred acres of land being soe much due to them arriveing in ffebruary 1670 whose names are recorded in the secretaries office of this province in some convenient place not yett laid out or marked to be laid out for any other ^son or use & if the same happen upon any navigable river or river capable to be made navigable you are to allow onely the fifth part of the depth thereof by the waterside & a certificate fully specifyfying the scittuacon & bounds thereof you are to returne to us with all convenient speed & for yor: soe doeing this shall be yo1": warrant dated the thirtieth day of October Annoq Dni 1683 To majo1: Maurice Mathews Joseph Morton Surveyo1 : Generall John Godfrey ) Maurice Mathews L Dep"es : Andrew Percivall j Carolina. Ss : You are forthw"1 : to cause to be Admeasured & laid out unto Charles Basden seaventy acres of land being soe much due to him arriveing in October 1680 in some convenient place not yett laid out or marked to be laid out for any other ^son or use & if the same happen upon any navigable river or river capable to be made navigable you are to allow onely the fifth part of the depth thereof by the waterside & a certificate fully specifying the scittuacon & bounds thereof you are to returne to us with all convenient speed & for yo1: soe doeing this shall be yo1": warr': dated the thirty ffirst day of October Annoq Dni 1683 To Major Maurice Mathews Joseph Morton Surveyo1": Generall John Godfrey Maurice Mathews y Dep"es : Andrew Percivall 112 Carolina Ss :/ you are forthw"1 : to cause to be admeasured & laid out unto John Collins & one boy arriveing in Aprill 1679 one hun dred & fforty acres of land in some convenient place not yett laid out or marked to be laid out for any other ^son or use & if the same happen upon any navigable river or river capable to be made Naviga ble you are to allow onely the ffifth part of the depth thereof by the waterside & a certificate fully specifying the scittuacon & bounds thereof you are to returne to us with all convenient speed & for yor : soe doeing this shall be yor : warr' : dated the ninth day of January Annoq i685^ To Major Maurice Mathews Joseph Morton Surveyo1: Generall John Godfrey Maurice Mathews J-Dep"es: Andrew Percivall Carolina Ss./ You are forthwth : to cause to be admeasured & laid out unto Cassique Thomas Rowe a Barrony conteyning twelve Thousand acres of land According to the Lords Proprietors Instruc tions beareing date the twentieth day of November in the yeare of our Lord one Thousand six hundred Eightie & two & a certificate fully specifying the scittuacon & bounds thereof you are to returne to us with all convenient speed & for yof : soe doeing this shall be yo1 : warr' : dated this thirteenth day of August one Thousand six hundred eightie & two To Majo1 : Maurice Mathews Joseph Morton Surveyo1 : Generall John Godfrey Maurice Mathews y Dep' Andrew Percivall Carolina Ss/ You are forthw'h : to cause to be admeasured & laid out unto Grace Rogers & Margarett Rogers eighty acres of land being soe much due to them arriveing in October 1682 in some con venient place not yett laid out or marked to be laid out for any other ^son or use & if the same happen upon any navigable river or river capable to be made navigable you are to allow onely the fifth part of the depth thereof by the waterside & a certificate fully specifying the scittuacon & bounds thereof you are to returne to us "3 with all convenient speed & for yor : soe doeing this shall be yor : warr' : dated the ffirst day of November Annoq Dni 1683 To Majo1: Maurice Mathews John Godfrey ] Joseph Morton Surveyo1 : Generall Maurice Mathews J- Dep'ies : Andrew Percivall Carolina Ss :/ You are forthw"1 : to cause to be admeasured & laid out unto M1 : Mathew Elliston One Towne lott at Charles Towne observeing the rules & method allready established for the ¦ build ing the sd. Towne, & a certificate fully specifying the number & bounds thereof you are to returne to- returne to us with all con venient speed & for yor : soe doeing this shall be yo1 : warr' : dated this 5th : day of November 1683 To Maurice Mathews Esq1 Joseph Morton Surveyo1 : Generall John Godfrey i Maurice Mathews j- Depties : Andrew Percivall j Carolina Ss/ you are forthwith to cause to be admeasured & laid out unto Joseph Hatchman one hundred acres of Land being soe much due to him arriveing a ffreeman in October 1678 in some place not yet laid out or marked to be laid out for any other ^son or use, and if the same happen upon any navigable river or river capable of being made navigable you are to allow onely the ffifth part of the depth thereof by the water side and a certificate fully specifying the scituation & bounds thereof you are to returne to us with all con venient speed and for your soe doeing this shall be your warrent. dated this thirty ffirst day of October Annoq Dom: 1683/ To Maj1. Maurice Mathews Joseph Morton Survey1. Generall John Godfrey. Maurice Mathews y Dep' Andrew Percivall Carolina/ December the 19th. 1683/ Maurice Mathews survey1. Gen11 : of this Province Did this day record in the secretaries Office and it is hereby recorded, That Edistoh River (Viz'=) with both its Entry s of each side Edisto Island as well as that part that, Runeth up by the Towne s— h. c. 114 called Pan Pan. and all other Part or parts of it Whatsoever being all taken togeather is called Colleton river and soe for ever to be called.1 Carolina SS. Com Berkley./ You are forthwith to admeasure and lay out unto Silvester Crosse six Hundred and ffifty acres of land not yet laid out or marked to be laid out for any other person or use the said Land being due to the said Silvester Crosse by & ffor the Transportation into this Province of himselfe and twelve persons whose names are recorded in the secretaries office in the said Province and wch- said quantity of land you are to admeasure and lay out according to the proportion & rule directed by the Lords proprietors instructions beareing date at white hall the tenth day of may One Thousand six hundred eighty and two & a certificate fully specifying the Scitua tion and bounds thereof you are to returne to us w'h all convenient speed & for yo1. soe doeing this shall be your warr*. dated at Charles towne this fourteenth day of ffebruary 1682/ To Maj1". Maurice Mathews Joseph Morton. Survey1 Generall. William Owen John Godfrey Mau: Mathews James Moore Carolina Ss Com. Berkeley /Your are forthwith to admeasure and lay out unto Mr- Silvester Crosse Seaven Hundred and ffifty acres of Land not yet laid out or marked to be laid out for any other person or use the said Land being due to the said Silvester Crosse by and for the Transportation into this Province of ffifteene Persons whose names are recorded in the secretaries Office in the said province & wch : said quantity of land you are to admeasure and lay out according to the proportion & rule directed by the Lords Proprietors instructions beareing date at white hall the tenth day of May 1682 and a certify- cate fully specifying the scituation & bounds thereof you are to returne to us with all convenient speed and for your soe doeing this shall be your warr'. dated at Charles Towne this 2o'b day of decem- ber 1683/ To Maj1"- Maurice Mathews. John Godfrey Joseph Morton Survey1. Generall./ Wm. Owen James Moore Maurice Mathews Notwithstanding this official designation the old name remains. The river continued to be called Edisto. For a part of its course through Colleton County it was, and still is, called Ponpon River. "5 Carolina Ss./ You are forthwith to cause to be admeasured and Laid out unto John Powys two Hundred acres of Land being soe much due to him for the arriveall of himselfe & three serv's. whose names are recorded in the Secretaries office the 23 day of august 1683 in some convenient place not yet laid out or marked to be laid out for any other person or use, observeing the Lords Instructions beareing date ye 21s'. day of September 1683 and a certifycate fully specifying the. scituation and bounds thereof you are to returne to us w"1. all convenient speed, and for your soe doeing this shall be your warrant. dated ye first day of January 1683/ To Maj1. Maurice Mathews Joseph Morton Survey1. Gen11. John Godfrey. John Moore Andrew Persivall Carolina Ss/ You are forthwith to cause to be admeasured & Laid out unto Mr- Paul Grimball six hundred acres of Land it being due to him for the Arriveall of himselfe and servants whose names are entered in the secretaries office the 10th. day of ffebruary i68£ in some convenient place not yet Laid out or marked to be Laid out for any other Person or use. and if the same happen upon any Navigable River, or river Capable to be made Navigable, you are to allow onely the fifth part of the depth thereof by the water side. And a Cer tifycate fully specifying the scituation and bounds thereof you returne to us with all convenient speed, and for your soe doeing this shall be your warr*. dated ye first day of xber. 1683/ To Maj1. Maurice Mathews: Joseph Morton Surveyor Generall. John Godfrey John Moore Maurice Mathews Carolina Ss./ You are forthwith to cause to be admeasured and Laid out unto Jonathan Amory Seaventy acres of Land being due to him for the Arriveall of himselfe the 29th. day of August 1682. in some convenient place not yet laid out or marked to be laid out for any other person or use, observeing the Lords Instructions beareing date the 2is'= of September 1683/ And a certifycate fully specifying the Scituation and bounds thereof you are to returne to us with all n6 Convenient Speed, and for your soe. doeing this shall be your War rant, dated the first day of January 1683./ To Maj1. Maurice Mathews. John Godfrey Joseph Morton Surveyor Generall. Maurice Mathews Andrew Persivall Carolina SS./ You are forthwith to cause to be admeasured and Laid out unto Jonathan Amory Three hundred and ffifty acres of Land being the right of seaven servants assigned him by Mr. George Hews whose names are Recorded in the Secretaries Office the 4"1. day of December 1683 in some convenient place not yet laid out or marked to be laid out for any other person or use. Observeing the Lords Instructions beareing date the 21s'. of September 16.83/ And a Certifycate fully specifying the scituation and bounds thereof you are to returne to us w"1. all convenient speed, and for your soe doeing this shall be your warr'. dated the first day of January 1683/ To Maj1. Maurice Mathews. Joseph Morton Surveyor Generall Maurice Mathews Andrew Persivall John Godfrey Carolina Ss/ You are forthwith to cause to be admeasured and Laid out unto Sr. Nathaniell Johnson Knight Two hundred Acres of Land it being due to him for ye arriveallof fower Servants whose names are recorded in the secretaries office the 24th : day of December 1683/ in some convenient place not yet laid out or marked to be Laid out for any other person or use. Observeing the Lords Instructions beareing date the 21st. of September 1683/ And a Certifycate fully specifying the scituation and bounds thereof you are to returne to is with all convenient speed, and for your soe doeing this shall be rour Warrant, dated the first day of January 1683/ To Maj1. Maurice Mathews Joseph Morton Surveyor. Generall Maurice Mathews Andrew Persivall. John Godfrey Carolina Ss/ You are to cause to be admeasured and Laid out unto the Honble : Cassique John Monke four hundred and ninety acres of Land it being due to him for the arriveall of himselfe, wife, seaven children and two servants whose names are recorded in the Secre- 117 taries office the eight day of September 1683/ in some convenient place not yet Laid out or marked to be Laid out for any other person or use. Observeing the Lords Instructions beareing date the 21s'. of September 1683/ And a certifycate fully specifying the scitua tion and bounds thereof you are to returne to us with all convenient speed. And for your soe doeing this shall be your warrant, dated the first day of January 1683/ To Maj1. Maurice Mathews , Joseph Morton Surveyor Generall Maurice Mathews Andrew Persivall. John Godfrey Carolina Ss./ You are to cause to be admeasured and Laid out unto Mr. George Hews two Hundred Acres of Land being soe much due to him for the arriveall of himselfe and three servants whose names are recorded in the secretaries office the fourth of September 1683/ in some convenient place not yet Laid out or marked to be Laid out for any other person or use. Observeing the Lords Instructions beareing date the 21st. of September 1683/ And a certifycate fully Specifying the Scituation and bounds thereof you are to returne to us wth. all convenient Speed. And for your soe doeing this shall be your Warrant, dated the 4"1. day of January 1683/ To Maj1. Maurice Mathews. Joseph Morton Surveyor Generall./ Maurice Mathews Andrew Persivall. John Godfrey Carolina SS/ You are forthwith to cause to be admeasured and Laid out unto Joseph Thorowgood six hundred and ffor ty acres of Land it being due to him for ye arriveall of himselfe and Twelve servants, whose names and a certifycate thereof is recorded in the secretaries office, in some convenient place not yet laid out or marked to be laid out for any other person or use. Observeing the Lords Instructions beareing date the 21?'. of September 1683/ And a certificate fully Specifying the scituation and bounds thereof you are to returne to us with all convenient speed, And for your soe doeing this shall be your Warr'. dated ye. fourth day of January, 1683/ To Maj'1. Maurice Mathews. Joseph Morton Surveyor Generall./ Andrew Persivall/ Maurice Mathews John Godfrey n8 Carolina Ss./ You are forthwith to cause to be admeasured and laid out unto Mistress Sarah Tothill six hundred acres of Land it being due to her for ye arriveall of her selfe and Eleaven servants whose names are recorded in the secretaries office the 23d. of August 1683/ in some convenient place not yet laid out, or marked to be laid out for any other person or use. Observeing the Lords Instructions beareing date the 21s'. of September 1683/ And a certyficate fully specifying the Scituation and bounds thereof you are to returne to us w'b. all convenient speed, and for your soe doeing this shall be your Warrant, dated the 4th. of January 1683/ To Maj1. Maurice Mathews Joseph Morton Surveyou1" Generall Maurice Mathews John Godfrey Andrew Persivall Carolina Ss./ You are forthwith to cause to be admeasured and Laid out unto James Beamer ffifty acres of Land it being due to him for the Arriveall of Mary Collins whose name is Recorded in the secre taries office the 14th- of November 1682/ in some convenient Place not yet laid out or marked to be laid out for any other person or use. Observeing the Lords Instructions beareing date the 21s'. of September 1683/ And a certifycate fully specifying the scituation & bounds thereof you are to returne to us, with all convenient speed, and for your soe doeing this shall be your Warrant, dated the 4th. day of January 1683/ To Maj1 Maurice Mathews John Godfrey, Joseph Morton Surveyor Generall./ Andrew Persivall. Maurice Mathews Carolina Ss/ You are forthwith to cause to be admeasured and laid out unto Oliver Jordan One Towne Lott at Charles Towne Observeing ye rules and method already established fo the Building the said Towne and a Certifycate fully specifying the the Number and bounds Thereof you are to returne to us wth= all convenient speed. Dated this thirteenth day of October Annoq Dom. 1683/ To Majr= Maur: Mathews Joseph Morton Survey1: Generall — John Godfrey John Moore Andrew Persivall 119 Carolina Ss/ You are forthwith to cause to be admeasured and Laid out unto Robert Gibbs Esq One Thousand two hundred sixty and six acres of Land being the remaineing Quantity of Land that is due to him by the Lords proprietors Concessions for the arriveall of himselfe and the severall parsons and slaves arriveing upon his account to this day as appeares by the Record thereof, in some place not yet Laid out or marked to be Laid out for any other person or use and if the same happen upon any Navigable river or river Capa ble to be made Navigable &c0= you are to allow such debth thereof by the Water side &co= as is provided by and according to ye Lords Proprietors Instructions, and a certifycate fully specifying ye Scit uation and bounds Thereof you are to returne to us with all Con venient speed, and for your soe doeing this shall be your Warr'. dated this 13th- day of January Ann'. Dom'. 1682/3 To Majr. Mau: Mathews Joseph Morton Survey1. Genn= James Moore Arthur Middleton Mau: Mathews. Carolina Ss/ You are forthwith to cause to»be admeasured and Laid out unto Robert Gibbs Esq ffower hundred and thirty acres of Land being* soe much due to him for severall servants and slaves arriveing in this Country whose names are recorded in the secretaries office in this Province, in some convenient place not yet Laid out or marked to be Laid out for any other person or use & if ye same happen upon any Navigable river or river Capable to be made navigable you are to allow onely the fifth part of the Depth thereof by the Water side & a certifycate fully specifying ye scituation & bounds thereof you are to returne to us with all Convenient speed & for your soe doeing this shall be your Warr'. dated the 2d. day of November Ann'. Dom. 1683 ? To Majr- Maurice Mathews. Maurice Mathews Joseph Morton Survey1. Gen11. Andrew Persivall John Godfrey Carolina Ss./ You are forthwith to cause to be admeasured and Laid out unto Hugh filing seaventy acres of Land who arrived the 28th. day of January in ye yeare of our Lord 1677. in some place not yet Laid out or marked to be Laid out for any other person or use, 120 and if the same happen upon any Navigable river or river capable to be made Navigable you are to allow the fifth part thereof by y"= water side, and a certifycate fully specifying the scituation and bounds thereof you are to returne to us with all Convenient Speed and for your soe doeing this shall be your warrant. Dated this Tenth day of December 1683/ To Maj1. Maurice Mathews John Moore Joseph Morton Survey1- Gen11. Andrew Persivall John Godfrey Carolina Ss./ You are forthwith to cause to be admeasured and Laid out unto ffrancis Lyster One hundred and Twenty acres of Land it being due to him for ye arriveall of himselfe the 22th of ffebru ary 168^ and the arriveall of his wife the 26"1 day of Xber= 1683 whose names are recorded in the secretaries office in some Con venient place not yet Laid out or marked to be Laid out for any other person or use, observeing the Lords Instructions beareing date the 21st. of September 1683/ And a Certificate fully Specifying ye scituation and bounds thereof you are to returne to us with all Con venient Speed, and for yo1. soe doeing this shall be your warrant. dated the first day of January 1683/ To Majr Maurice Mathe^vs John Godfrey Joseph Morton Surveyor Generall. Andrew Persivall John Moore Carolina Ss./ You are forthwith to cause to be admeasured and Laid out unto John Dedcott two hundred and ten acres of Land being soe much due to him for the arriveall of himselfe, wife, and son, whose names are recorded in the Secretaries Office ye io'h. day of ffebru ary 168 ^ In some convenient place not yet Laid out or marked to be Laid out for any other person or use, observeing the Lords Instructions beareing date the 21s'. of September 1683/ And a cer tifycate fully specifying the scituation and bounds thereof you are to returne unto us with all convenient Speed. And for your soe doeing this shall be your warr'. . dated ye 25th. day of ffebruary 1683/4 To Maj1. Maurice Mathews Arthur Middleton Joseph Morton Survey1. Generall John Godfrey John Moore Carolina/ You are forthwith to cause to be admeasured and Laid out unto Joseph" Morton Jun1. Esq Three Thousand acres of Land 121 in some convenient place in Colleton County not yet Laid out or marked to be Laid out for any other ^son or use. Observeing ye Lords Instructions beareing date ye 21st. of September 1683./ And a Certifycate fully specifying the scituation & bounds thereof you are to returne unto us with all convenient speed. And for your soe doeing this shall be your warrant, dated the 25th. of ffebruary 1683/4 To Maj1. Maurice Mathews Joseph Morton Survey1'. Generall John Godfrey. John Moore Arthur Middleton Carolina Ss/ You are forthwith to cause to be admeasured and Laid out unto James Varine Two hundred and Ten acres of Land being soe much due to him for the arriveall of himselfe wife, and son, the 29th of Aprill 1680/ whose names are recorded in the Secretaries office. In some convenient place not yet Laid out or marked to be Laid out for any other ^son or use, observeing the Lords Instruc tions beareing date ye 21s'. of September 1683/ And a Certifycate fully Specifying the Scituation and bounds thereof you are to returne to us with all Convenient Speed. Dated the 25th day of ffebru : 1683/4 To Maj1. Maurice Mathews Arthur Middleton Joseph Morton Survey1 Generall. John Godfrey. John Moore Carolina Ss/ You are forthwith to cause to be admeasured and Laid out unto James Varine one Towne Lott at Charles Towne observe ing ye rules and method Already Established for ye building ye Said Towne and a Certifycate fully Specifying ye number & bounds thereof you are to returne to us' with all Convenient Speed. Dated this five and Twentyeth day of ffebruary One thousand six hundred Eighty three./ To Majr Maurice Mathews Joseph Morton Survey1 Generall - John Godfrey John Moore Arthur Middleton. Carolina Ss./ You are forthwith to cause to be admeasured and Laid out unto James Varine One Towne Lott at Charles Towne Observe ing ye rules and method' already established for the building the said 122 Towne, And a Certifycate fully specifying the number & bounds thereof you are to returne to us with all Convenient Speed. Dated this five and Twentyeth day of ffebruary 1683/4./ To Maj1 Maurice Mathews Joseph Morton Survey1. Generall John Godfrey John Moore Arthur Middleton Carolina Ss./ You are forthwith to cause to be admeasured and Laid out unto James Varine one Towne Lott at Charles Towne observe ing the rules and method Already established for the building the said Towne, And a Certifycate fully specifying ye number & bounds thereof you are to returne unto us withall Convenient Speed. Dated this five and Twentyeth day of ffebruary 1683/4. To Majr. Maurice Mathews Joseph Morton Survey1. Generall John Godfrey John Moore Arthur Middleton Carolina Ss./ You are forthwith to cause to be admeasured and Laid out unto Cap'. Elias Clifford y' Towne Lott at Charles Towne which was formerly Taken up by John Hartley and by him deserted, and a Certifycate fully specifying ye Number and bounds thereof you are to returne unto us with all Convenient Speed. Dated this 7th. November 1683/. To Maj1 Maurice Mathews John Moore Joseph Morton Survey1. Generall Arthur Middleton Andrew Percivall John Godfrey Carolina Ss./ You are forthwith to cause to be admeasured and Laid out unto Mounsr= Abraham de La plaine One Hundred and forty acres of Land being yc rights of James Phillips who arrived in Octo ber 1680. & The rights of Henry Blanchart who arrived in September 1680) both wch- rights are assigned him upon record in ye Secretaries office, in some convenient place not yet (Laid out or marked to be Laid out for any other ^son or use. Observeing yc Lords Instructions beareing date ye 21s*. of 7bei= 1683/ And A Certifycate fully Speci fying ye scituation and bounds Thereof you are to returne to us 123 with all Convenient Speed. And for your soe doeing This shall be your Warr*. dated this five and Twentyeth day of ffebruary 1683/4./ To Majr. Maurice Mathews Joseph Morton Survey1". Generall John Moore Arthur Middleton John Godfrey Carolina Ss./ You are forthwith to cause to be admeasured and Laid out unto Mounsr= Abraham de la plaine Two Hundred acres of Land being due to him for ye arriveall of, Lewis, Lucy, Sharto & Gabriel Teboo, who are entered in the Secretaries office on his account, in some convenient place not yet Laid out or marked to be Laid out for any other ^son or use, observeing the Lords Instructions beareing date ye 21st. of September 1683/ And a Certifycate fully specifying ye scituation & bounds thereof you are to returne to us with all con venient Speed. And for your soe doeing this shall be your warr*. . Dated this five and twentyeth day of ffebruary 1683/4 To Majr. Maurice Mathews Joseph Morton Survey1" Generall Arthur Middleton John Moore John Godfrey Carolina Ss./ You are forthwith to cause to be admeasured and Laid out unto Owen Davis One Hundred acres of Land it being due to him for ye arriveall of himselfe and wife, whose names are recorded in the Secretarys office ye 21s'. June 1683/ in some convenient place not yet Laid out or marked to be Laid out for any other ^son or use. Observeing the Lords Instructions beareing date the 21s'. September 1683/ And a Certifycate fully Specifying the scituation and bounds thereof you are to returne unto us with all convenient speed, and for your soe doeing this shall be your Warrant, dated the five and Twentyeth day of february 1683/4. To Maj1"- Maurice Mathews Joseph Morton Survey1. Generall Arthur Middleton. John Moore John Godfrey Carolina Ss./ You are forthwith to cause to be admeasured and Laid out unto Theophilus Paty Esq one Towne Lott at Charles Towne observeing the Rules and Method already Established for ye build- 124 ing the said Towne And a Certifycate fully Specifying the Number and bounds thereof you are to returne to us with all Convenient Speed, dated This- Twenty fifth day of ffebruary 1683/. . . To Maj1- Maurice Mathews Joseph Morton Survey1. Generall Arthur Middleton John Moore John Godfrey Carolina Ss./ You are forthwith to cause to be admeasured and Laid out unto John Boone Esq one Towne Lott at Charles Towne, observeing the Rules and Method already Established for the build ing the said Towne, and a Certifycate fully Specifying the Number and bounds thereof you are to returne unto us, with all Conven ient Speed. Dated this Twenty ffifth day of ffebruary 1683/. . . To Maj1. Maurice Mathews Joseph Morton Survey1. Generall John Moore Arthur Middleton John Godfrey Carolina Ss./ You are forthwith to cause to be admeasured and Laid out unto ffrancis Gracia one Towne Lott at Charles Towne, observeing yc rules and Method already Established for the build ing the said Towne, and a certifycate fully Specifying ye Number and bounds thereof you are to returne to us with all Convenient Speed, Dated this Twenty fifth day of ffebruary one Thousand six hundred Eighty and three./. . . To Maj1. Maurice Mathews Joseph Morton Survey Generall John Godfrey. John Moore Arthur Middleton. Carolina Ss./ You are forthwith to cause to be admeasured and Laid out unto Elizabeth Evans one Towne Lbtt at Charles Towne observeing ye observeing ye rules and method Already Established for ye building The said Towne and a Certifycate fully Specifying The number and bounds thereof you are to returne to us with all Convenient speed. Dated this Twenty sixth day of ffebruary one Thousand six hundred Eighty & three./ To Maj1. Maurice Mathews Joseph Morton Survey1. Generall. John Godfrey John Moore Arthur Middleton 125 Carolina Ss./ You are forthwith to cause to be admeasured and Laid out unto John Garrett one Towne Lott at Charles Towne. Observe ing the rules and method already Established for the building the said Towne and a Certifycate fully specifying the number and bounds thereof you are to returne to us with all Convenient speed. Dated this Twenty sixth day of ffebruary 1683/4. — To Maj1- Maurice Mathews Joseph Morton Survey Generall John Godfrey. John Moore Arthur Middleton Carolina Ss./ You are forthwith to cause to be admeasured and Laid out unto Richard Clifton one Towne Lott at Charles Towne, observe ing the rules and method already Established for the building the said Towne, and a certificate fully specifying ye number & bounds thereof you are to returne to us with all convenient speed Dated this Twenty sixth day of ffebruary 1683/4 To Maj1. Maurice Mathews Joseph Morton Survey1. Generall. John Godfrey John Moore Arthur Middleton Carolina Ss./ You are forthwith to cause to be admeasured and Laid out unto Martha Winfeild that Towne Lott at Charles Towne wch. was formerly Taken up by William Neale & by him deserted and a cer tifycate fully specifying ye Number and bounds thereof you are to returne to us wth. all convenient speed and 'for your soe doeing this shall be your warr'. Dated at Charles Towne aforesd. this seaventh day of November 1683 To Maj1- Maurice Mathews Joseph Morton survey1. Generall Andrew Percivall — John Moore Arthur Middleton Carolina Ss./ You are forthwith to cause to be admeasured and Laid out unto Joane Browne one Towne Lott at Charles Towne observe ing ye rules and method already established for ye building the said Towne and a certifycate fully specifying ye Number and bounds thereof you are to returne to us with all convenient speed. Dated 126 this fifth day of November one Thousand six hundred eighty & three./ To Maj1. Maurice Mathews Joseph Morton Survey1". Generall Arthur Middleton — John Godfrey Andrew Percivall Carolina Ss./ You are forthwith to cause to be admeasured and Laid out unto Edmund ffogertee one Towne Lott at Charles Towne observeing ye rules and method already Established for the building the said Towne and a certifycate fully specifying ye Number and bounds thereof you are to returne to us with all convenient speed. Dated this Thirteene day of October 1683/ To Maj1". Maurice Mathews Andrew Percivall Joseph Morton Survey1". Generall Arthur Middleton — John Godfrey Carolina Ss./ You are forthwith to cause to be admeasured and Laid out unto Sarah Wallis one Towne Lott at Charles Towne, observe ing ye rules and method Already used and established for the build ing the said Towne and a certifycate fully specifying the Num ber and bounds thereof you are to returne to us with all convenient Speed. Dated this five and Twentyeth day of ffebruary 1683/4. To Maj1. Maurice Mathews Joseph Morton Survey1". Generall. Arthur Middleton John Moore John Godfrey Carolina Ss./ You are forthwith to cause to be admeasured and Laid out unto Robert Sessions Two hundred and ffifty acres of Land being due to him for the arriveall of himselfe wife and sone ye n'h. day of July 1678/ whose names are recorded in the secretaries office. In some convenient place not yet Laid out or marked to be Laid out for any other ^son or use, observeing the Lords Instructions beare ing date the 21s'. of 7bei= 1683. And a Certifycate fully specifying the scituation and bounds thereof you are to returne to us with all Convenient Speed. And for yo1. soe doeing this shall be yor- warr*. dated the 25th. day of february 1683/4 To Maj1- Maurice Mathews Joseph Morton Surveyr. Generall. Arthur Middleton John Moore John Godfrey 127 Carolina Ss./ You are forthwith to cause to be admeasured and Laid out unto Marcus Veale seaventy acres of Land being for ye arriveall of himselfe into this Province in Aug3. 1680/ in some convenient place not yet Laid out or marked to be Laid out for any other ^son or use. Observeing the Lords Instructions beareing date the 21s'. of September 1683/ And a Certifycate fully Specifying the Scituation & bounds thereof you are to returne to us with all Convenient Speed. And for your soe doeing this shall be your warr'. . Dated this five & Twentyeth day of february 1683/4./ To Majr. Maurice Mathews Joseph Morton Survey1. Generall ' Arthur Middleton John Moore John Godfrey Carolina Ss./ You are forthwith to cause to be admeasured and Laid out unto Edward Paty One Hundred acres of Land being due to him for the arriveall of himselfe. In some Convenient place not yet Laid out or marked to be Laid out for any other ^son or use. Observeing the Lords Instructions beareing date ye 21s'- of Sep tember 1683/ And a Certifycate fully specifying the scituation and bounds thereof you are to returne to us with all Convenient Speed. And for your soe doeing this shall be your warrant. Dated this six and Twentyeth day of ffebruary One Thousand six hundred eighty and three./ To Majr. Maurice Mathews Joseph Morton Survey1. Generall Arthur Middleton John Moore John Godfrey Carolina Ss./ You are fforthwith to cause to be admeasured and Laid out unto William Harris One Towne Lott at Charles Towne Observeing the rules and method already Established for the build ing the said Towne and a Certifycate fully specifying the Number and bounds thereof you are to returne to us with all Convenient Speed. Dated this five and Twentyeth day of february 1683/4 To Maj1. Maurice Mathews Joseph Morton Survey1. Generall — Arthur Middleton — John Moore John Godfrey 128 Carolina Ss./ You are forthwith to cause to be admeasured and Laid out unto Geo : Barnard One hundred and forty acres of Land being due to him and his wife who arrived in this County in September 1675 servants to Andrew Percivall Esq1" and now free in some Con venient place not yet Laid out or marked to be Laid out for any other :: r 5 ~y^^-x^~~-f... ¦ ! '(/* 1 ! I / .f/**9" / / A i "^1 •$3 t J / tn t / /"/* * tr- fay / / /ir^ hr<0 / ^ //"^ 4- ¦|% (Sat & f £^,« &• 3v I ¦¦ ¦?- % i . . \s 1 h / • ^ i /? / / \ v'/ it " V " -jf~-~ - -r*s ^K y ^t^wm. /Xi^y^'* ~ Carolina Ss By Vertue of a warr'. to me directed Under the hands of ye Honoble Joseph West Landg've & Governo' of this Province & ye rest of yc Lords Prop's Deputyes beareing date ye 7"1 day of ffebry Anno Dni 168* Annoq RR 30 I have Admeasured & laid out unto M1 Samuell Wilson One thousand Acres of land Scytuat lyeing & being in Berkley County in ye. Province aforesd- butting & bounding to ye Northward on yc Easterne branch of ye T of Cooper River to ye Eastward on ye. land of Elizabeth Willis & lands not yett taken upp to the Southward on lands not yett laid out & to ye Westward on 209 Ahagan Creeke & hath such other trees & markes as are Specifyed in this Plott Annex't Certify'd this Seaventeenth day of Aprill Anno Dni 1688 by me Stephen Bull Surveyo1 Mr. Jean ffrancois De Genillat being the first of his Nation that hath made knowne to us his designe of Settling in Carolina and haveing shewed us Testimonys of his Honoble. Extraction &c And Wee being willing to incourage more of the Swisse Nation to become Settlers in o' Province have thought fitt & doe hereby require you to order the Surveyo1 Genrall to admeasure out for the sd Jeane ffrancois de Genillat three Thousand Acres of land land, ffor wch. you are to pas Graunts to the sd Jeane ffrancois d Genillat and his heires. forev and ye. wch. three thousand Acres of land Wee will shalbe made a Manno1. if he Shall desire it soe to be Given under o1 hands & Seales this thirtyeth day of July One Thousand Six hun dred Eighty & ffive To Joseph West Esq1 Governo1 of That part of the Province Pall"ne of Carolina that lyes South and Craven (seale) West of Cape ffeare & to the Governo1 for the tyme being & or Deputyes there (Seale) P Colleton Thoi Amy (seale) Carolina By the Governo' You are forthw"1 to cause to be admeasured & laid out unto Dyreck Hooglant that Towne lot in Charles Towne wch was formerly taken up by Sarah Carelesse and since deserted, and wch. sd Lott being now purchased by the sd. Dyreck Hooglant of the Lords & abso lute Prop", of the Province of Carolina And a Certificate fully Specifyeing ye Scytuation & bounds thereof You are to returne to me w*h. all Convenient Speed And for yo' soe doeing this shalbe yo' warr*. Given under my hand & Seale the thirteenth day of Aprill Anno Dni 1689 To Stephen Bull Esq' the James Colleton Surveyo" Genalls Depu*y. 14— h. c. 2IO Carolina/You are forthw"1. to cause to be admeasured & laid out unto Joseph Ellicott that Towne lott in Charles Towne wch. was formerly taken upp by Phillipp Buckley and by him deserted wcb- sd lott being purchased by the said Joseph Ellicott of the Lds. and absolute Proprs. 0f this Province And a Certificate fully specifyeing the Scytuation number & bounds thereof You are to returne to me w"1 all Convenient Speed, and for yo1. soe doeing this shalbe yo1 warr*. Given under my hand & seale this io*b. day of June Anoq Dni 1689 To Stephen Bull Esq1 Surveyo1. Carolina Ss/ You are forthw"1- to' cause to be admeasured & laid out unto William Sadler one Towne lot at Charles Towne being by him purchased of the right honoble the Lords & absolute Prop", of this Province and a Certificate fully Specifyeing the Scytuation & bounds thereof You are to returne to me w'K all Convenient Speed And for yor soe doeing this shalbe yo1 Warr*. Given under my hand & Seale the thirteenth day of June Anno Dni 1689 To Stephen Bull Esq1 Surveyo1/Carolina Ss/ You are forthw"1- to cause to be admeasured & laid out unto Thomas Smith Esq1, that Towne lott at Charles Towne wch. was formerly taken upp by Thomas Rose and by him deserted wch. said lott being purchased by the said Thomas Smith of the Lds- & abso lute Prop", of this Province And a Certificate fully Specifyeing the Scytuation & bounds thereof you are to returne to me w"1 all con venient speed And for yo1 soe doeing this shalbe yo1 Warr*. Given under my hand & Seale this tenth day of June Anno Dni 1689 To Stephen Bull Esq1 Surveyo1/ Carolina Ss You are forthw"1 to cause to be admeasured & laid out unto Mathew English one Towne lott at Charles Towne formerly taken upp by John Weiyd and by him deserted being purchased of the Lords & absolute L Proprs of this Province And a Certificate fully Specifully the scytuation & bounds thereof You are to returne to me w"1 — all 211 convenient speed And for yo' soe doeing this shalbe yo1 warr*. Given under my hand & Seale the Tenth day of June Anno Dni 1689 To Stephen Bull Esq' James Colleton Surveyo'./ Carolina Ss/ You are forthw"1. to cause to be admeasured & laid out unto Mathew English one Towne lott att Charles Towne formerly taken up by John Wayd and by him deserted being purchased of the Lords & absolute Prop" of this Province And a Certificate fully specifyeing the Scytuation & bounds thereof you are to returne to me w'h. all convenient speed And for yo1 soe doeing this shalbe yo1. Warr'. Given under my hand & Seale the Tenth day of June Anno Dni 1689 To Stephen Bull Esq' James Colleton Surveyo* Carolina/ You are forthw"1. to cause to be admeasured and laid out unto Mary Crosse Widdow that Towne lott in Charles Towne wch was formerly taken upp by Richard Dymond and by him deserted wch. said lott being purchased by the said Mary Crosse of the Lords and absolute Prop", of this Province and a Certificate fully specifyeing the Scytuation number & bounds thereof you are to returne to me w"1- all convenient Speed and for yo' soe doeing this shalbe yo1. Warr*. Given under my hand & seale this Tenth day of June Anoq Dni 1689 To Stephen Bull Esq1 James Colleton Surveyo' Carolina Ss You are forthw"1. to cause to be admeasured & laid out unto Samuell Jackson one Towne lott att Charles Towne by him purchased of the right honoble. the Lords & absolute Prop", of this Province And a Certificate fully Specifyeing the Scytuation & bounds thereof You are to returne to me w'h- all Convenient Speed And for yo'. soe doeing this shalbe yo1 Warr'. Given under my hand & seale the tenth day of June Anno Dni 1689 — To Stephen Bull Esq1/ James Colleton Surveyo1 212 Carolina You are forthw'h to cause to be admeasured and laid out unto S1. Nathaniell Johnson Knt. five hundred Acres of land due to him for ye. arrivall of tenn Negroes vizt Johno, Corosoe, Will, Dick Brofow, Tom, Simon, Somersett Barrow, Mattheias, Marribone, & Betty, (whoe Arrived in this Province ye. Nineteenth day of September last in the Barque Tryall Capt Barakiah. Arnold Comander) In some Convenient place not yet laid out or marked to be laid out for any other c^son or use Observeing ye. Lds. Prop". Instruccons beareing date the 30th August 1686 And y*. w'bin Ninety dayes next the admeasureing out of the sd. land the sd. S'. Nathaniell Johnson doe Signe ye. Counter^te of ye Grant to ye. Lds. Prop's according to ye. sd Instruccons Else the sd land to be tree to be mked laid out admeasured or graunted to any other