' 6^ ^^ l/Lj^ /', /.-xn. r7l7l: 'n. '^J/m^^loy •/r/^a/L ^ ///if /7 C Ul(Mri'^^r/r//^ ' y/i /// 1- y<'^' ''//f'''7. //._ /('/'/•/' ¦/ // MEMOIRS OF JOHN DUK]^ OF MARLBOROUGH, ¦WITH HIS ORIGINAL CORRESPONDENCE: COllECTED FRblll THE FAMILY RECOUDS AT BLENHEIM, AND ^ , OTHER AUTHENTIC SOURCES. ILLUSIBATED WITH PORTRAITS, MAPS, AND MILITARY PLANS. By WILLIAM COXE, M.A. F.R.S. F.S.A. ARCHDEACON OF WILTS. SECOND EDITION. IN SIX VOLUMES. VOL. VI. ;\ ( LONDON: '\ I'lUNTED FOR LONGRfAN, hURST, BEES, ORME, AND BROWN, PATERNOSTEK-ROW. .^' 1820. ^ ^ > Printed by Strahan and Spottiswoode, Printers-Street, London. CONTENTS OF THE SIXTH VOLUME. CHAPTER 100.— 1711 Arrival of Marlborough at the Hague. — His irksome and humiliating situation. — Progress of the secret negotiation between France and England. — j Preparations for the campaign. — Counter preparations of the french. — Domestic occur rences in England. — Embarrassments and declining influence of the ne'w ministry. — Harley and St. John court Marlborough..^ Corre spondence with Harley. — Attacks against the financial administra tion of Godolphin in parliament. — Statement^ the committee of enquiry on the abuses in the disposal of public Daoney. — Attempt of Guiscard to assassinate Harley. — Its effects in favour of the ministry. — Illness and sudden ^leath of the emperor Joseph. — Charles becomes head of the house of Austria, and candidate for the throne of the empire. — Jealousies excited against the increasing power of the house of Austria. — The allies support the cause of Charles. — Cor respondence. — Opening of the campaign. — Lines of defence con structed by marshal 'Villars. — Marlborough joins the army. — Military movements, and correspondence. —Derangement in the plans of the confederate generals, occasioned by the death of the emperor. — In terview and separation of Eugene and Marlborough. — The german forces drawn to the Rhine. — Military manoeuvres of the two armies. — Camp of Marlborough on the plains of Lens page I CHAPTER 101. — 17 II.. Political affairs in England. — Progress of the negotiation with France. — Preliminary proposals transmitted to the british cabinet — Concealed from Marlborough Harley lays before the commons' his grand scheme of finance, which is approved and applauded. — His political embarrassments. — Death of his rival, lord Rochester. — Created earl of Oxford and Mortimer, and ap pointed lord high treasurer. — Disposal of the other offices of state. — His scheme to decry the late administration. — 'Votes in the house A 3 iv CONTENTS. of commons against abuses in the expenditure. — Report of the house against the late administration.— Addi-ess to the queen an nouncing a deficit of thirty-five millions unaccounted for. — Oxford deceives the whigs, and, courts the duke of Marlborough.— Their correspondence ....*.. ••¦ ' P''^^ ^^ CHAPTER 102. — 171 1. Prosecution of Marlborough's grand project.— Operations preparatory to the investment of Bouchain.— Skilful movements and stratagems to delude 'Villars.— Rapid march, and successful passage of the french lines. — Marlborough prudently rejects the advice of the dutch deputies to attack the enemy in their strong position before Cambray.— Extorts the consent of the council of war for the siege of Bouchain. — Passes the Scheld. — Replies to the censures on his conduct, and vindicates his operations, in a letter to count Zinzendorf page 52 CHAPTER 103. — iril. Operations for the investment of Bou chain. — Obstacles encountered in the progress and conclusion of the line of circumvallation. — Correspondence. — Termination of the siege. — Generous conduct of the british commander towards Fenelon, archbishop of Cambray.... page 71 CHAPTER 1 04.— 1 7 1 1 . Marlborough proposes to besiege Quesnoy, and to make preparations for the winter cantonments of the army in Flanders. — Continuation of the correspondence with lord treasurer Oxford. — Sends lord Stair to London, to promote a more cordial understanding with the minister, and to disclose his project for the capture of Bouchain and Quesnoy, and the invasion of France in the ensuing spring. — Return of lord Stair, and duplicity of Oxford. — Progress and result of the secret negotiation with France. — Con tinuation of the correspondence. — Marlborough deceived by the ministers. — Compelled to abandon his project. — Close of the cam paign. — Elevation of Charles to the throne of the empire. — State of the war in Spain, on the Rhine, and on the side of the Alps page 89 CHAPTER 105. — 17! 1.' Marlborough complains to the ministers of the lampoons and libels with which he was assailed..— .Is deeply affected by the charges of fraud and peculation implied in the depo sition of Sir Solomon Medina, one of the army contractors. — 'Vin dication of his conduct to the commissioners of public accounts. — Returns to England. — Opposes the ministry. — Idle rumours of pre tended conspiracies. — Remonstrates with the queen ag^nst the peace. — Expedients adopted by the opposition to annoy the Jnini- stry. — Refutation of the charges advanced against the late admini- CONTENTS. V stration. — Union of Marlborough with the whigs and Nottingham. — Remonstrances 6f foreign powers against the negotiation page 1I9 CHAPTER 106. — 1711... 12. — Ineffectual attempt of the ministry to gain Marlborough and the whig chiefs. — Opening of the parliament. — Debate on the address. — Speech of the duke of Marlborough. — Amendment carried against the ministers in the house of peers. ^- Adjonrnment. — Alarms of the ministry and the queen. — Advice of Oxfor-d successful. — Charges of peculation brought forward against Marlborough. — Report of the commissioners published. — Dismis sion of the duke. — The ministers obtain a majority by the creation of twelve new-peers page 13" CHAPTER 107. — 1712. Disposal of the places held by Marl borough. — Debates of the commons on the report of the commis sioners of public accounts. — Decision of the house against Marl- Ixirough, for accepting gratuities from the army contractors, and two and a half per cent, from the pay of the foreign auxiliaries. — The report presented to the queen, and an order issued to the attorney- general, to institute a prosecution. — Refutation of the charges. — Inconsistent conduct of the ministry. — Arrival and reception of prince Eugene in England. — His memorials and remonstrances treated with contempt, -r- Calumnious accusations of conspiracy and assassination, circulated against Eugene, Marlborough, and the whigs. — Departure of Eugene. — Charges against the house of Austria and the dutch, for neglecting to supply their contingents. — Censure of the barrier treaty in the house of commons The memorial of the dutch, in their own vindication, voted a libel page 157 CHAPTER 108. — 1712. Opening of the conferences at Utrecht. — Treacherous conduct of England. — Divided situation and con tradictory demands of the allies. — Extravagant proposals of France. — Embarrassment of the british ministry. — Deaths of the dauphin, his consort, and their eldest son. — Attempts to prevent the union of France and Spain under the same head. — Continuation of the clan destine intercourse between England and France. — Firmness and address of Louis. — The british ministry accept the promise of a re nunciation of the french crown by Philip, and agree to an eventual cessation of arms, on the delivery of Dunkirk. — Preparations for the campaign. — The duke of Ormond joins the army. — His mysterious conduct and secret instructions from the british cabinet. — Refuses to assist in attacking the enemy. — Debate in the house of lords on the restrictive orders sent to the british generaL — Marlborough chal lenges earl Poulett, for an injurious reflection uttered during the dis- 4:ussion. — Letter from prince Eugene on the conduct of Ormond page 177 vi CONTENTS. CHAPTER 109. — 1712. The queen communicates to parliament the outlines of the treaty with France. — General dissatisfaction at the terms. — Motion for an address — Opposed by Marlborough and the whigs. ^—Carried in favour of the ministiy. — Prorogation of par liament. — Continuation of the clandestine intercourse with France. — Secret arrangement for a susp^ston of arms. — The allies reject the proposed conditions. — Refiisal of the auxiliaries to march. — Separation of the british troops from the confederate army. — Ormond takes possession of Ghent and Bruges. — Reluctant cession of Dunkirk. — New misunderstanding with France. — St. John created lord Bolingbroke. — His mission to Paris. — Arrangement relative to the points in dispute, and prolongation of the armistice. — Prosecu tion of the campaign. — Reverses of the confederates. — The siege of Landrecies raised. — Loss of Quesnoy and Bouchain. — State of the war in other quarters. — Death of lord Godolphin. — Motives of the resolution adopted by Marlborough to withdraw from England. — Obtains a passport through the agency of Maynwarjng and the in terposition of Oxford. — Duel of the duke of Hamilton and lord Mohun. — Marlborough calumniated page 200 CHAPTER 110.— 1712.. .13. Arrival of Marlborough at Ostend. — Progress through Antwerp and Maestricht, to Aix-la-Chapelie. — His distinguished reception by persons of all ranks. — Temporary stay at Aix-la-Chapelle. — Joined by the duchess at Maestricht.— Besidence at Frankfort on the Mayne. — Visit to Mindelhdio. — Assailed by new charges from the commissioners of accounts. — His ¦vindication. — Continuation of the negotiations with France. — Re marks on the peace of Utrecht. — Removal of Marlborough to Antwerp. — Campaign on the Rhine. — Reverses of the imperial arms. — Negotiations at Radstadt between France, the emperor, and the empire. — Terms of pacification. — The emperor notifies to Marl borough the restoration of Mindelheim to the elector of Bavaria, and confirms him in the title of prince of the Roman empire. — Claims of Marlborough for an indemnification. — Letters of prince Eugene. ••No indemnification granted page 224 CHAPTER 111.— 1714. Critical state of affairs in England. i— Sentiments of the queen, and rivalry of Oxford and Bolingbroke. — Meeting of parliament. — Heterogeneous composition of the new house of -commons. — Division of parties. — Consequent vacillation of counsels. — Struggles on the grand question, relative to the Pro testant Succession. — Demand of a writ of summons to parliament for the electoral prince — Reluctantly granted. — Alarms and indig nation of the queen. — Prorogation of parliament. —. Conduct of Mai-lborough during his residence on the continent. — Zeal in pro- CONTENTS, vii moting the Protestant Succession. — His correspondence -with the court of Hanover. — Attempts of the queen and Oxford to counteract the views of Marlborough and the hanoverian party. — Mission of Mr. Harley to Hanover. — Letters from Mr. Molyneux, the agent of Marlborough. — Death of the electress Sophia. — Consequences of that event page 252 CHAPTER 112. — 1714. State of affairs in England. — Effects of the rivalry between the two ministers. — Dismission of Oxford. — Bolingbroke intrusted with the arrangement of a new administration. — Proposed promotion of the Jacobites. — Alarming illness of the queen. — Proceedings of Bolingbrc^e and his adherents — Baffled by the whigs and the hanoverian party. — Appointment of Shrewsbury as lord treasurer. — Measures adopted to ensure the accession of the elector of Hanover. — Death of the queen. — Accession of George the first. — Marlborough prepares to return to England. — Motives for his conduct. — Letters from the duchess of Marlborough to Mrs. Clayton page 286 CHAPTER 113.— 17I4.,.15. Departure of Marlborough from the continent. — Apprised of the queen's decease, and the quiet accession of George the first. — Lands at Dover. — Journey to London. — Dis appointed at his exclusion from the regency. — Cavalcade on his entrance into the capital. — Takes the oaths and appears in parlia ment. — Retires to Holywell House. — Visits Bath. — Pays' his respects to the king on his landing at Greenwich. — Arrangement of a new administration. — Ascendancy of the whigs. — Marlborough made Captain-general aind master of the ordnance. — Promotes the im peachment of Oxford and Bolingbroke. — Combats a proposal in par liament, for fixing the troops in particular stations, and dismisdng foreign officers. — Pacifies the guards, who were dissatisfied with their clothing P''ge 305 CHAPTER 114.— 1715...16. 111 effects of tHe peace on the do mestic affairs of England. — Mischiefs derived from the residence of the Pretender in Loraine, — Rising disaffection towards the new go vernment. — Projects and hopes of the Jacobites. — Evasion of the earl of Mar. — Commencement of the rebellion in Scotland. — Com motions and conspiracies in England. — Vigorous measures of the ministry. — Judicious arrangements of MarlborQugh as commander- in-chief: — Loyalty of Parliament. — Arrest of Sir 'William Wind ham, and other suspected p^ersons. — Duke of Argyle entrusted with the command in Scotland. — Operations against the rebels. — Battle of Dumblain. — Capitulation of Preston. — Death of Louis the four- teentli, —Appearance of the Pretender in Scotland. — His progress viii CONTENTS: and transactions at Scone and Perth. — Proclaimed king. — Luke- warmnass of Argyle. — Junction of 6000 dutch auxiliaries, under the command of general Cadogan. — Offensive operations. — Retreat of the rebels — Escape of the Pretender, and dispersion of his fol lowers. — Recall of Argyle. — Elevation of Cadogan to the peerage page 321 CHAPTER 115. — 1716. ..22. Deaths of lady BridgewateF and lady Sunderland. —- Character of lady Sunderland.— Her ^prayer and testamentary letter to her husband. — Correspondence on the occasion, between the duchess and lord Sunderland. — Thp duke of Marlborough attacked with the palsy. — State of his health and'facul- ties. — Dissuaded from resigning his employments. — Conclusion of the trial of lord Oxford. — Causes of his acquittal. — : South-Sea pro ject. — Sagacity of the duchess of Marlborough, in the midst of the public infatuation. — Her invectives against the ministry and the di rectors of theCompany. — Accused by lord Sunderland of furnishing money to the Pretender. — Justifies herself to the king. — Death of lord Sunderland page 338 ,CHAPTERll6. — 1716. ..22. Historical account of the com- ifiencement and progress of the works at Blenheim. — Suit against the duke of Marlborough for the arrears due at the suspension in 1712. — decisions of the courts of exchequer and chancery, and the house of lords. — Prosecution and completion of the building at the expence of the duke page 363 CHAPTER 117. — 1716...22. Private life, habits, and amuse ments of the duke of Marlborough, in his latter years. — Account of his final testamentary arrangements in 1721. — New attack of his paralytic disorder, and death. — Ceremonies of his fiineral at West minster Abbey.— Removal of his body to Blenheim. — Disposal of his property. — Account of his immediate descendants page 374 CHAPTER 118. Character of the duke of Mariborough page 394 MEMOIRS, &c. CHAPTER 100. 1711. Arrival of Marlborough at the Hague. — His irksome and humiliating situation. — Progress of the secret negotiation between France and England. — Preparations for the campaign. — Counter preparations of the french. — Ho- mestic occurrences in England. — Embarrassments and de clining influence of the new ministry. — Harley and St. John court Marlborough. — Correspondence with Harley. — Attacks against thefnancial administration of Godolphin in parliament. — Statement of the committee of inquiry on the abuses in the disposal of public money. — Attempt of Guiscard to assassinate Harley. — Its effects in favour of the ministry. — Illness and sudden death of the emperor Joseph. — Charles becomes head of the house of Austria, and candidate for the throne of the empire. — Jealousies excited against the increasing pcnaer of the house of Austria. — The allies support the cause of Charles. — Correspond ence. — Opening of the campaign. — Lines of defence corv- striicted by marshal Villars. — Marlborough joins the army. — Military movements and correspondence. — Derange- ment in the plans qfths corfederate generals, occasioned by the death of the emperor. — Interview and separation of E/ug&ie and Marlborough. — The German forces drawn to the Rhine. — Military manceuvres of the two armies. '-^Camp of Marlborough on the plains of Lens. Notwithstanding these multiplied causes of dis gust and disquietude, Marlborough took leave of Vol. VI. B 2 CHAPTER 100. the queen, with every testimony of respect and duty, and of the ministers with every external mark of courtesy and complacency. He reached the Hague on the 4th of March, and presented to the States a letter from the queen, in which she re newed her former professions of confidence in his zeal and services, and expressed her resolution to promote the interest of the common cause. He was, however, now placed in a situation far different from that in which he had appeared on preceding occasions. Hitherto he was the organ of government, and one of the plenipotentiaries, to whom were confided the secrets of the negotiation; and was considered as the prime mover of the po litical machine. But at this time, he came only to exhibit a phantom of his former authority, and was oifficially excluded even from the slightest glimpse of that clandestine intercourse, which was passing between England and France ; thbugh ^e could hot bdj Unacquainted with the gehefal tend ency of such dishonourable dealings. We have already hinted at tl^e overtures of Louis to the secret counsellors of the queen, even before they had ])een introduced into administration. The first insinuation was made in July, through the channel of Gualtier, an obscure priest, who had formerly been chaplain to marshal Tallard, when french ambassador in Lohdbrt, and who, after" his departure, had offidated in 'the chapel of the im perial minister. He privately made oral communi cations to the earl of Jersey, whose Wife was a roman catholic, and who was himself strongly at tached to the tory interest. Harley and his calial were, however, j;oo prudent to give any answer to 1711. 3 these proposals, until they were firmly established in office ; but, in December, they acknowledged ) the overtures from the french court, and, through the means of Gualtier, clandestinely established a regular intercourse with the minister of Louis^ Thus cut off from all share in political transac tions, Marlborough did not suffer his disgust to damp his zeal ; but laboured more earnestly to complete the military plans, which he had already concerted with Eugene. During the winter, the greatest exertions had been made for the ensuing campaign, and the bri tish ministers, in particular, had not spared the most vigorous efforts. In Spain, the allied forces had been considerably augmented ; large supplies voted for this special service; and the duke of Argyle appointed to the domriiand, instead of ge neral Stanhope, who was still detained a prisoner. It was, therefore, expected that the troops in Ca^^ talonia Would be able -to maintain together with the postscript written after you had seen Mr. Lumley, I read to the queep, and it is a great pleasure to me, to tell your giace, that I never saw her majesty better pleased on any oceasionv She commanded me to let your grace know, that nothing but her illness had hindered her from writing to you ; that now she is better, you shall very soon hear from hjer ; that she is obliged to you for your concern for her health, and .that she, desires to be, kindly . remembered to, you. " Your grace, my lord, has fuHy answered all the queen's , intentions relating to the five regi ments, by the orders you bave been pleased to give ; and I hope they are, by this time, embark ing at Ostend, the convoy being gone, with a fair wind and mild weather. " Your grace may be assured of my sincere en deavours to serve you, and I hope never to see again the time when I shall be obliged to embark in B 4 8 CHAPTER 100. fa separate interest from you.. Craggs dined with me to-day : we were, some time alone; and he will inform you how easy we think it is to restore, and confirm, that confidence which is to be desired^ among people who can, and who, for the public good, should give the law. I dare say, and will answer, that your grace wUl do your part for the good of the ministry, and of the credit. " Mr. Lumley will have been able to tell your grace, how sincerely I wish you established on that bottom, which alone suits the merit and the character of a man like you. I do not. believe there is any inclination wanting in the persons mentioned by your grace, and confidence will soon be restored." * Marlborough received these professions from the secretary, and similar overtures from Harley, with no less appearance of cordiality, though he was too discerning to give implicit credit to language, which he knew to arise from fear, not inclination. He was, indeed, deeply anxious not to offend those whose hostilities he had experienced, and the effects of whose enmity he had ample cause to dread. In a letter to the duchess, he at once ex plains the motives of his conduct, and deprecates that violence, in which she was too prone to in dulge herself, against those who had robbed her of the royal favour. " Hague, April l6. — The reason of my desir ing you not to name any of the ministers in any of your letters, is, from the certain assurances I have» * Bolingbroke's, Correspondence, vol. i. p. 128. 1711. 9 of their opening all the letters which come to me. I know you are very indifferent as to their opinion of yourself; but the concern you have for me, must in kindness oblige you never to say any thing of them, which may give offence ; since whilst I am in the service, I am in their power, especially by the villainous way of printing, which stabs me to the heart ; so that I beg of you, as for the quiet of my life, that you will be careful never to write any thing that may anger them ; and for your own satisfaction, be assured that I know them so per fectly well, that I shall always be upon my guard. But whilst I serve, I must endeavour not to dis please ; for they have it so much in their power to vdx me, that I must beg you will, for my sake, be carefiil in your discourse, as well as in your letters. Be assured that I am very sensible, that I can have no true happiness till I am out of all business, and that I might have the remainder of my life quiet, would endeavour to retain the good liking of every body, which I hope may be compassed, if we could have a tolerable peace. As I love you with all my heart and soul, and could venture my life to give you ease, I hope what I so earnestly desire for my own quiet may not be uneasy to you. My thoughts are, that you and I should endeavour all we can not to have enemies ; for if we flatter our.- selves with the having many friends, it is not to be expected, when favour is lost, as ours is entirely. I am desirous you would not communicate this letter to any body but to lord Godolphin. > " Our affairs abroad are in so bad a condition, that I almost despair of having any good success 10 CHAPTER 100. .this summer ; so that I fear I shall have no other prospect, but that of torment and vexation. .: But what may happen, or become of me, may God Almighty bless you,, and make you happy, as much as may be possible in this world." At the veryjpaoment, however, when Harley and St. John were thus courting the great general, whom they had so deeply injured, they suffered the same malicious attacks to be carried on against [ his character, and the financial administratiion of ""Godolphin, either from inability to restrain the zeal of their violent partisans, or from a wish to raise their own reputation, on the ruins of that of their predecessors. Committees of inquiry had been appointed; by the commons, at the commencement of the session, to examine and state the debts of the nation, and scrutinize the management of the revenue. In the course of this inquiry, no effort was spared^ to work on the public feelings ; the ^lost flagrant abuses were charged on, the late administra,tion ; and the national debts were exaggerated in the highest degree ; that of the navy alone being re presented as amouiiting to the enormous sum of jg5,13Q,529. It. was even industriously whispered, that the whole national obligations^ when exhibited, would exceed all calculation and conjecture. It was not deemed sufiicient to work on the public apprehensioTjs alone ; but when the rumours to which this inquiry gave birth, h^d produced their effect, the prospect of a remedy was hel^ forth, and hints were mysteriously given^ of a ( grand scheme devised by the new minister of IS* 1711. 11 finance, which was to discharge these enormous obligations, to remedy the flagrant misconduct of his predecessors, and to place the national credit on a stable and efiicient basis. Notwithstanding all these artifices, the credit of Harley and St. John continued to decline, and it was daily more dubious, whether even the favour and confidence of the sovereign would enable them to maintain their ground, without coalescing with ,> the whigs, or assimilating with their covert anta- / gonists of the October Club. The credit of Harley was, however, saved by an unexpected in cident, which revived his declining popularity, and rendered him once more the object of general interest. The reader will recollect the marquis of Guis card, who made a prominent figure in the attempts for exciting insurrections in the interior of France. For some time the powerful recommendations of the duke of Savoy and of Eugene, and the interest of St. John, who had been the companion of his pleasures, joined to unusual brilliancy of parts, a spirit of enterprise, and fascinating manners, in duced Marlborough to treat him with peculiar at tention, and to employ him in various projects and expeditions. But the fallacy and extravagance of his. schemes, his incessant importunity and abun dant , self-conceit, at length wearied the. british general ; and, in a letter to Godolphin, he desires to be troubled no longer with the endless projects and memorials, of one whom he considered either as an enthusiast or a madman. Soon afterwards, he had reason even to doubt his fidelity, and im- . 12 CHAPTER 100. parted to the queen and Godolphin suspicions that he was engaged in a treacherous correspondence, with the ministers of his former sovereign. From compassion, or want of proof, Guiscard was not wholly discarded ; and when the regiment of which he had been colonel was broken, afler the battle of Almanza, he, by dint of importunity,, aided by the influence of his friend St. John, pro cured a pension of sB500 a year. This pension being reduced by Harley to £4iOO, and all his attempts to obtain employment repelled, he made overtures to the french government, and offered to purchase his pardon, by. betraying the secrets of those by whom he had been trusted. His machi- I nations being detected by Harley, he was arrested for high treason, under a warrant from secretary St. John. On the 8th of March, Guiscard was brought to the cockpit, to undergo the usual examination be fore the great officers of state. He at first firmly denied his guilt, but was confounded by the pro duction of one of his own intercepted letters, and an order was made to convey him to- Newgate. Roused to fury by this discovery, he resisted the messenger to whose custody he was delivered, and rushed forward, with the apparent intention of [ stabbing secretary St. John with a penknife, which he had contrived to secrete. Unable to reach his intended victim, who was on the opposite side of the table, he suddenly turned to Harley, stooped down, and exclaiming, " d toi done," struck him on the breast. The knife breaking on the bone, lie repeated the blow with the broken blade, and 1711. 13 while he was raising his hand to give a third stroke, he was attacked by St. John and the other members of the cabinet, with their drawn swords,' After receiving several wounds, he was with difficulty secured, and conveyed to Newgate, where he soon died of the injury which he suffered in the struggle. This horrid attempt produced the deepest sensa tion, and conjecture was exhausted in endeavour ing to trace the motives of the assassin. * Amidst the interest which so barbarous an at tempt excited, Harley became the object of general sympathy. Public business was sus pended ; his door was crowded with inquirers of every class ; and the queen, the senate, and the nation, vied in the testimonies of their regard, to one who was considered as a victim devoted for his public services. His wounds were slight,' and * It is curious to observe the different versions of this attempt, as given by Swift, in the Examiner. " The mui-derer confessed in Newgate that his chief design was against Mr. Secretary St. John, ¦who happened to change seats with Mr. Harley, for more convenience of examining the criminal. Being asked what provoked him to stab the chancellor, he said, that not being able to come at the secretary as he intended, it was some satisfaction to murder the person whom he thought Mr. St. John loved best." This account was doubtless communicated by secretary St. John, but as it was displeasing to Harley and bis friends, Swift, in a subsequent number, confessed it to be a blunder. « * * * xhe third is a blunder, that I say.Guiscard's design was against Mr. Secretary St. John, and yet my reasonings upon it are, as if I it were peirsonally against Mr. Harley. But I say no such thing, and my reasonings are just. I relate only what Guiscard' said in Newgate." — Examiner, No. 32, 33. , This subterfuge is remarkable, because we learn from Swift hirnself, in a subsequent publication, that St. John disputed -with Harley the honour of being the intended victim, and took umbrage that the whole merit was ascribed to his colleague, — Swift's Account of the late Change of Ministry. 14 CHAPTER 100. he was soon declared out of danger ; but the im- pulse which had been given to national feeling cpntinued to operate, and it appeared as if the fate of England depended on his recovery. Marlborough was greatly shocked at the news of this flagitious a;ttempt, and, in sympathy for the sufferings of the minister, forgot his former ingratitude. He writes with abhorrence of the barbarous villainy of Guiscard, and, while he con gratulates Harley on his escape, expresses the utmost anxiety for his recovery. * While the attention of all classes in England was arrested by the struggles of contending factions, and the hopes and fears of the public hung on the life of the wounded minister, the military prepara tions proceeded with unusual activity ; and the views of Europe were agaiil turned to the events of war and the campaign, which was expected to exhibit the final effort of the french monarchy.' Marlborough was on the point of quitting the Hague, when intelligence arrived of stiU deeper interest, which he thus communicates to Mr*. Harley : " Hague, April 22. — I have been unwilling to trouble you during your illness, but do it now, in hopes my letter may find you abroad, and perfectly recovered. I sent off a packet-boat yesterday morning, express, with letters to Mr. St, John, to give an account of the emperor's being taken ill of the small-pox. The effect that distemper has had on the daUphin puts these people here under the * Letter to Harley, March 24. 1711. 15 greatest consternation. They are sensible, if lie should die at this juncture, it would put all the affairs of the allies into such confusion, that they can have no recourse, under God, but to England for their safefty. I am obhged to leave this place to-morrow morning early, in order to hasten to the a,rmy, where my presence is the more necessary at this critical time. I did not think, when I dis-' patched my letters last night, to have troubled Mr. St. John the following post ; but this matter is of such consequence, that I shall be obliged to write to him before I go to bed, or to-morrow morning, before I take coach, being willing to stay the last minute, to see whether we may have any later news from Vienna, so shall desire leave to refer you to him, and only add that the measures that will be taken at this time, are, what may bring the States to an entire dependance on her majesty ahd the ministry, on which our common safety must, in a great measure, depend. I am, truly, kc." While the general was hastening to the army, and had already reached Tournay, fondly expect ing the immediate presence of Eugene, and antici pating a brilliant opening of the campaign, by the commencement of offensive opei'ations, in con formity with the assurances tecfehtly received from his illustrious colleague *, he was shocked with in telligence of the event which he had foreboded ; an event which clouded all their prospects, and changed, in an instant, the fate of the war, and the * Letter from Eugene to Marlbovough, March 2,1. ; 16 CHAPTER 100. destiny of Europe. This was the sudden death of the emperor Joseph, who, by the malignity of his disorder, was hurried to the grave in a few days, in the thirty-fourth year of his age, and the seventh of his reign. Marlborough immediately trans mitted the disastrous intelligence to secretary St. John, with an inclosure from prince Eugene,L which characterises the feelings of his heroic mind at this awful crisis. " Tournay, April 29. — When I writ to you by last post, I was pretty easy from what I had from count Zinzendorf, in relation to the news from Vienna; but yesterday noon I received the in closed letter from him, with the account of the I emperor's deaths which, you may beheve me, puts our affairs here in no little confusion. You here have what the prince of Savoy writes to me, and a copy of his to count Zinzendorf, as also of the count's to me, on this subject, and will observe the apprehensions I entertain, of having the im perial and palatine troops called away, which puts us so much to a stand, that we shall not dare to venture upon any siege, since, if we lose this corps, though we had never so fine a prospect, it would entirely break our measures." From Prince Eugene to the Duke. " Mentz, April 23. — Sir ; Your highness, I doubt not, is apprized of what has retarded my journey until now. It appears to be an absolute , fataUty. This turkish aga made us wait for him a long time, notwithstanding all the expedients that iiirere used to hasten his coming. I was setting out, two days after having given him audiences, 1711. 17 and in this interval the emperor fell sick. I de parted, however, on the l6th at day-break, by his order, as he was believed to be out of * danger. The same day, towards evening, his malady in creased, and he died next morning at eleven. Your highness knows what a blow this is to the affairs of Europe ; but it is still more severe to those who had the honour to serve him, and par ticularly to me, who have always felt a strong attachment- to his person. I received, in conse quence, an express from the empress-mother, who governs in the name of king Charles, to come and confer with the elector of Mentz, and to take the command of the empire, as marshal. I am, there fore, going to-morrow. If the enemy inake no great movements on this side, I think I shall re ceive orders to go into Holland, and to confer, on my route, with the electors of Treves and palatine; but if, with a view to profit by this opportunity, they reinforce themselves on the side of the em pire, it will then be necessary to do the same. I therefore send an order to count Felz, to obey your highness in all things until my arrival, and hold himself in readiness to march hither at the first order. Your highness may be assured, that I shall not send to him but in case of necessity ; but you know that in these circumstances, and in an interregnum like the present, affairs do not go on without alarm, and a little confusion. I hope to * It appears from a letter of count Zinzendorf, that the emperor would not permit Eugene to pay his final visit, because the prince had never had the small-pox. VOL. VL 'C m CHAPTER 100. see your highness spon, though jthat is not wholly certain. Believe me," &c. * , > Mjafty fktal iconseiqaences flowed from this disr .9;Strous event- The energies of the house of Austria were palsied at the commencement of « new reign, and the immediate exertions for secur ing the elevation of Charles to the throne of the empire, suspended the military operations in tlje Netherlands, and frustrated the projects of the two commanders; because it required the prcc sence of the german troops, with their gre^t chief, in the empire, and because many of the minor princes of the germanic body were likaly to with- • 22, SO for the conquest of ™ent 12) Quebec J these, all T, , . , , , ~~~- —rr british, probaWs left iotal in the field... ... 119 2S6 theduke in tlie plaiiis of Lens* 1711. ^3 On the 1st of May, in the evening, the allies again moved forward in two columns by the left, crossing the marshes and bridge over the Scarpe, at Lalain, and debouched by the: wood of Pecquen- court. The imperialists forming the right, extended from Ferin and Goeulzin to Lietard; while the forces of Marlborough stretched from thence on the left beyond Somain. Here they found them selves in presence of the french, who were posted behind the marshes bordering the Sanzet and the Scheld. The head quarters of Villars were estab lished at Oisy, while his right extended beyond Bouchain, and his left to Monchy le Preux. On the 4th of May, Marlborough thus writes to Godolphin : — " Whilst I thought you at Newmarket I have not troubled you with any of my letters. Since our being in the field, we have had, and have stiH, very wet weather. The marshal de Villars was But it appears that Eugene took, more than 50 squadrons, indeed all his cavalry, which left Maalborough only 119 battalions, with 226 squa drons. Quincy giyes Marlborough 94 battalions, 143 squadroji^ and Eugene 4Y battalions. 111 squadrons, vfhich would make 141 battalion?,, SS6 squadrons. Deducting 12 battalions, and 50 squadrons, as the corps which Eugene took away, there would remain 129 battalions,. 206 squadrons. The french biographer makes the combined allied' fore?- 141 battalions, 246 squadrons, and this computation comes nearer the truth. He estimates the army of Villars at 156 battalions, 227 squa- ^Ironsj from which having detached 23 battahons 41 squadrons, a total' remained of 131 battalions 186 squadi-ons. This was the field force;. for Milner and others estimate the whole at 192 battalions, o;48 squa drons. The difference, if correct, arose probably from the forces sta tioned in the garrisons, and the numerous posts the french lines re quired. The french artillery, &c. were computed at 90 fiekl pieces^ 12 hovyitzers, and 30 pontoons. C 4t 24 CHAPTER 100. pleased to tell my trumpet yesterday, that the death of the emperor would occasion great disor- ders among the allies, and that he should be 30,000 stronger than we ; however, this does not hinder him from doing all in his power for the strength ening his camp, so that as yet we lie very quiet on both sides. " I know not what projects the emperor's death may put them upon, on the side of Germany ; but if their superiority be as great as he says it will be, I should not apprehend much from them, but that of their being able to hinder us from acting, which, to my own particular, would be mortification enough ; for since constant success has not met with approbation, what may I not expect when nothing is done ! As I rely very much on Provi dence, so I shall be ready of approving all occa sions that may offer." Amidst all the anxiety of the crisis, his domestic tenderness breaks forth to the duchess. " May 7. — By yours of the 4th, I find that you mean to be in your house * this winter. My only design in building that house was, to please you ; and I am afraid your going intait so soon may prejudice your health, so that you must be careful of having it well examined at the end of September ; for should it not be thoroughly dry, you ought to stay one year longer. * * * " We have had miserable wet weather ever since We: came into the field, and I pity the poor men so much, that it makes me uneasy to the last degree ; • He alludes to the new mansion- in Pall Mall, called Marlborough House. ; * mi- ^5 for it can't be otherwise, but great numbers must be sick." . By the same post, we find a sensible letter to the duke of Shrewsbury, in reply to his request for advice and information in the critical situation pf affairs. " My lord ; Camp at Warde, May 7, . " The mails of the 14th and 17th instant came to h^nd together, and brought me the favour of your grace's letter, wherein you desire my thoughts upon the present posture of affairs, which is a matter of such consequence, and so intricate, and I am so conscious of my own incapacity, that, were it not to comply with your grace's directions^: and that I know it will no| be exposed, I should hardly venture on so difficult a task. Your grace will have heard already the steps the States took upon the first notice of the emperor's death, and how many of the electors have already declared in favour of king Charles, for setting him upon the throne of the' empire. This being entirely agree able to her majesty's inclinations on this unfortu nate occasion, I conclude it wUl meetwith no other difficulty than the delay that must necessarily at tend the usual formalities. - " The next and main point to be considered is, what relates to the Spanish monarchy ; and here, I must own, I foresee so many, and such insuperable difficulties, that I am very much at a loss how to form, as yet, any scheme ; at least, till I hear what steps the earl of Peterborough may have taken .with the court (rf Vienna and the : duke of Savoy; for, inmy opinion, we must avoid, with the gr®atest«care 26 CHAPTER 100. imaginable,, giving the least jealousy or disgust to either of these courts, till we can see clearly wliat may be most for the public good. In all proba bility, king Charles will be soon coming to Ge*- laaany ; for some time at least, his absence must very much encourage the duke of Anjou^s party, and, 'tis to be feared, will alienate the affections of the Spaniards and Catalans from him, so that we may have a liarder game to play on that side than ever. We must likewise manage matters with the greatest caution with respect to the duke of Savoy, who, 'tis not to be doubted, will lay in his claim. His royal highness should have the prospect of some considerable advantage to- his family upon this great change, and should be shewn that his whole reliance for it must be on the Man* time Powers, and be excited, at the same time, to exert himself to the ufanoat, in such manner as shall be concerted together ; so that he may thereby better deserve her majesty's and the States* friend ship. In all cases, nothing can contribute, so much to bring us out of our present difiieulties as a pers- feet harmony between England and HoUand. This is so evidently the interest of .bath,, that 1 have reason to hope the States will readily come inta such measures as her majesty shall judge' most con ducive to our common good. It will influence, all the allies, keep them steady, and give a greater weight and lustre to all her majesty's councils, which must weaken and discourage, at the same time, our common enemy. I have given yoar gracei here, my thoughts,, by which you wilL^ see I hake, as yet,, but a very imperfect nation of the 1711. 27 present juncture of affairs. When I am better in formed, and any thing farther occurs, I will take the hberty of imparting it to you, and should be glad likewise to have your opinion, when you have heard what the earl of Peterborough has ; been doing in Italy." * Posted beyond the concave form of that part of the line which extended from Bouchain to Monchy. le Preux, Villars considered himself effectively protected from an attack ; while the fortresses, pro jecting like horns at the extremity of this crescent,, concealed and facilitated the operations of his de-' tachments against the convoys^ the flanks, or the rear of his opponents. . After passing nearly three weeks in a war of leoimfoys, in which the enemy, from their position* r.eaped occasional advantage, Marlborough had the slatis&ction to hear that his illustrious colleague^ Eugene, had completed all his arrangements in the empire, and was on his way to the Hague,, frotti whence he purposed to join the artny. On the liSth, he thus briefly announces their meeting to ihe duchess. , «' May 18. — At my return last night from Pont a Marque, where I went to meet prince Eugene, I found, myself so out of order, that L have been obliged for some days ta keep at home; but, thank God, I am this day so much better, that I doubt not of being on horseback to-morrow. I let you know this, fearing you might hear it from. others, and think it worse than it is. My illness L ^ f From a copy in» the Cardpn^l Pa^ers^ 28 CHAPTER 100. was giddiness, and swimmings in my head, which gave me often sickness in my stomach." His numerous vexations, indeed, continued to produce a serious effect on his health and spiritSj of which the preceding note affords an indication. On receiving intelligence of the death of his for mer colleague and friend, lord Rochester, he dwells feelingly on his increasing infirmities, and antici pates his own dissolution. " Mccy 25. — I have received the favour of yours of the 4th, by which I see lord Rochester is gone where we must follow. I believe my journey will be hastened by the many vexations I meet with. I agree entirely with you, that men are never wanted ; I am sure I wish well to my country, and if I could do good, I should think no pains too great; but I find myself decay so very fast, that, from my heart and soul, I wish the queen and my country a peace, by which I might have the ad vantage of enjoying a little quiet, which is my gteatest ambition. " The peace of Hungary I should , hope might be a good step towards peace, especially if the king of Sweden should not sucfceed in his projects; for I believe the king of France is in great expect ation of what' may be done on that side. I hav^ already told you that we are very considerably weaker, and the enemy much stronger than the' last campaign ; so that God only knows how this m,ay end." In this interval, Marlborough had the satisfac tion of hailing the presence of "his colleague, who scaehed the camp of Lewarde on the 2Sd, ajnd 1711. 29 joined in the festival which the british commander gave to his companions in arms*on,the anniversary of the victory at Ramilies, the commemoration of which, infused additional spirit and energy into the whole army. * His head quarters, that even ing, were fixed in the abbey of Auchin. The suc ceeding days were devoted to pohtical and military arrangements ; and, on the 2Sth, the two- generals reviewed the whole army at the head of the camp. Marlborough was anxious to detain his illustrious colleague and the imperial troqps in the Nether lands, for the purpose of prosecuting offensive operations ; but the intelligence which arrived qf the intended march of french detachments to the Rhine, created such an alarm at Vienna, that Eugene received positive orders to detach the principal part of his forces to that quarter, in order to repel the expected attempts of the enemy to thwart the election. Accordingly, on the 13th of June, general Cadogan, with the quarter-masters of the army, repaired to Lens, to mark out a new camp ; WhUe the prince of Hesse, with 30 squa drons, occupied the heights of Sailly, in front of Vitry, in order to cover the intended movement. At two the ensuing morning, the whole army broke up, and while the reinforcements for Ger many filed off to the rear, the forces under the british general marched by the right, in, six columns. .They traversed the Scarpe between^ Vitry and Douay, and extended across the .plains of Lens, placing their right ; at Lievin, on the Sonchet, and the left tgwards Equerchin. The -"0. • Milner, 30 CHAPTER 100. baggage turned to the rear of Douay, andrgdbed die army by crossing the canal at Aubyaad Dourges, " ' On the same day, the two generals parted from each other for the last time during the war, and took leave wiitih the deepest sentiments ©f regret, and anxious forebodings for the future. Eugene pwjGeeded to Tournay, and afterwards repaired to the Hague, to sooth the alarms of ik^ dutch, and obtain libeiT consent to the intended march of the imperialists towards the E;hine. Here he was iie- tained till the middle of July, in concerting fi»e military soperations in Germany, ^and making such arrangements as were rendered necessary by a new rupture between Sweden and Denmark, whitJh; tiireatened to involve the princes of the ainrth. From thence he hurried towards the Rhine, lin the latter end of July, and passed the remainder of the campaign in covering the diet jof election, and watching the movements of the french army raider marshal Harcourt. Although Villars exulted in this diminution =tf the forces to which he was opposed, and displayed his -characteristic confidence, he also; 'like his great antagonist, felt the irksomeness and insecurity CHAPTER 101. Holland alone, or jointly with the ministers of all the allies. Liege,- or Aix^-la-Chapelle, was pro posed as the place of congress; but the choice was left to the queen. Lord Raby*, on the receipt of theSe overturfes, was ordered secretly to itn|)art them to the pen sionary, with the resolution of her majesty to act in concert with' the States in- making both' peace and war ; but as a peculiar mark of slight and- re- sferve to the generalj the secretary adds,-" the dukfe of Marlborough has no communication' from hende of this= affair ; I suppose he wUl have none frt)m the HWgne." t This negotiation had been pursued ¦ by Harleiy with the evident' pnrpose of connecting the ar rangements- for peace with' his new system of do mestic policy and finance. After a tedious confinement, he had gratififed' the general expectation by appearing in public, and resuming the functions of his office. He was. hailed with all the exultation which could be in spired by the interest taken in his safety, and re ceived the congratulations of the commons, which' were conveyed in a style of adulation seldom paid even to sovereigns themselves. He availed himself of the impression which his; re-appearanee prb> duced, to bring forward his grand plan of finaneei On the second of May, he disclosed to the com mons his scheme for satisfying the national credi tors, who had long and anxiously expected tM' developement of his plan. It was doubtless' con'- * Soon afterwards created iearl of Strafford. t Bolingbroke's (Correspondence, vol. i. p, 17s. . 1711. 35 ceived with ^eat ingenuity, and calculated to da2;zlfe the public mind, ever more intent oh dis tant and splendid profits, than on immediate ahd sblid advantages. The debts of the navy, ordnance, and other branches of the public service, which / aiiiouhted to between nine and' ten millions, were > to be funded on this faith of parliament, and bear \ ah interest of 6 per cent., payable from the taxes / granted for the service of the precedihg'year. As j these supplies were, however, mortgaged till 171 6, j adequate provision was to be made in the interval, / for the' discharge of the irit'efest; and the impo sitions theti appropriated -were to be rendered per petual. To draw contributions to this fund, the subscribers were incorporated into a company, which was to enjoy the monopoly qf the lucrative t^adfe to Mexico and Peru, and other parts of the Spanish Indies. Tiie attraction's of present interest and future profit, joined to the actual popularity' of the pro poser,' rep'r'essed the spirit of investigation ; and, instead of adverting to the fundamental defects of the scheme, or the chimerical contingencies on wTi'i'^h it depended,' it was hailed as the highest effort of financial' genius, and eagerly embraced without the slightest consideration. It was also re^rdecl' by'mahy, as the pledge of a peace with Ftdfeci^ ; ' because the establishment of a trade to the' Spatiish Indies could only be founded on a secret 'understahding with the two Bourbon courts; and, indeed, the conjecture so far rested on fact, thai^ the first article of the french' proposals com prised, as we'have alreadySeen, an engagement to D 2 36 CHAPTER 101. secure the engUsh in the enjoyment of a trade to Spain, the Indies, and all the ports of the Medi terranean. All things seemed to smile on the fortunate mi nister ; for on the very day on which he developed this popular scheme, the sudden death of the earl of Rochester dehvered him from a colleague in office, who was a powerful rival for the royal favour, who gave energy and consistency to the I efforts of the violent tories, and who waited only (the developement of his plan to expose its defects., ' Harley Was now paramount in the cabinet, enjoyed the full confidence of the sovereign, guided the house of commons, and was at once the dispenser of royal favour, and the idol of the day- The na tional voice already began to chide the tardiness of the queen in delaying to invest him with honours equal to his merits and services ; but the wishes of the public were soon gratified, for before the end of May he was raised to the peerage, by the royal title of earl of Oxford and Mortimer, and consti tuted lord high treasurer. The changes which arose out of the death of Rochester, were equally favourable to Harley and his party; for the duke of Buckingham was ap- I pointed to the vacant post of president of the I council, lord Poulett was transferred from the treasury board to the office of lord high steward, and the chancellorship of the exchequer was given to Mr. Benson, a mere cipher in office, and a de- , pendant on his principal. As every step of Harley's political career had , evinced his anxiety to ground his reputation on the 9 1711. 37 ruin of that of his predecessor, so he did not dis dain to suffer even his patent of peerage to convey a cruel, though covert stigma on the late treasurer. After a fulsome panegyric on his own merits as a statesman, the new peer is described as the cham pion of public credit, the deliverer of his country ') from the pest qf peculation and plunder*, as well as . the founder of a new system of domestic finance, ' and of foreign commerce to the western world. With the same view he suffered a special com mittee to be appointed for the purpose of continuing the investigation of the public accounts. This committee consisted of seven persons peculiarly hostile to the late administration, being either vio lent tories, or notorious Jacobites, t After a se vere and scrutinizing investigation, they laid • before the house a series of charges against the late financial administration, for not having ac counted for the sums voted by parliament, and for flagrant embezzlements of the public revenue. On the 15th of May the report of the committee was taken into consideration, and certain reso lutions were proposed. 1. That the increase of the expences beyond the annual supplies had been the chief occasion of the national debts. 2. That certain sums, issued for the service of the navy, had been appropriated to the use of the army. 3. That this transfer had been injurious to the navy. 4. That the appli- '* " Late grassanti peculatus pesti coercendse, novisque ad alterum. orbem commerciis instituendis consulent." t Among these were Shippen and Lockhart. — Chandler's Debatet and Journals. D 3 as CHAPTER 101. cation of any unappropriated sums was a misappli cation of the public rnoiiey. These propositions were evidently leyellejl against the late treasurer, and were supported ^y the wbole -force of tjbie ministerial party. In the course of the preparatory discussion, St. Jolm eni- ployed all the arts 9f his splendid an^ plausible eloquence in favour of the irjquiry ; boldly assfiiTt- ing.'that npne but those who were enemies to t^eir country, or who had themselves plunde;;ed the treasury, could be so rash as to oppose it. The friends of Gp(|.plphin, and the adherjepts of the whigs, combated this inquisitorial scrutiny with equal force ; and among the ablest of these advocates, we fin^ the name of Walpole *, arguing against such an indiscriminate censure, and such a rancorous spirit of malicious persecut;ion. T]ip resolutions, however, were carried by a very ^e^f majority, and we subjpin a very sensilale letter to ijie duchess from l^r. Maynwaring, ;who "was pre§gnt on this occasion. " Tuesday, past six o'plock. t — I am just jiow come from the house of commons, wliere t^^| ^SJ w^s set apart again to pass censureg on ^e late treasury. Their j^st vote -was, that tjie e^c^^^^ the several sums granted l^y pariiaingjii|; h^s Ij^n the chief occasion of the 4eVts of the navy] anj[a violation of'the rghts of' parliame^i^it^ 'TJiiijs" ^f^-s carried by above two to one, and three niore ques tions,' depending upon it,' without a division ; one ' Memoirs of Sir Robert Walpole, ch. vi,— Cunningham, v, iiy.p.SW. t ?lainj;y written on Tuesday the ISt^ of ]^ay, the% wben the re solutions were proposed. — See Journals, 1711. S9 of which was moved by your friend, Mr. Bathurst, who reflected on the land-service, and concluded ihat the applying any part of the money given to the navy to the payment of the troops, was a sad mismanagement, &c. This has been done some times, 'tis true, but never without an absolute necessity, and the navy has always been repaid out of the pay pf those troops. * ***** * * AU the great successes of the war have been carried by these exceeding and extraordinary payments that they have censured. And the par liament always gives a discretionary allowance ; and thtere was intimation in their debates, that if the money did not answer the service of the cur rent year, there could be no doubt but every thing would be made good that was laid out upon great and unforeseen services. And how is it possible for a parliament to provide for things which may be most necessary to be done within the year, which perhaps the ministers know nothing of when the supplies are granted, or if they should know, would not be fit to be divulged ! Yet, now, all this is mismanagement and misapplication." On the 24th, the commons appointed another epinmittee to draw up a general report of these and other abuses, to be laid before the queen ; and Auditor Harley, the brother of the treasurer, had the principal share in preparing it. * The new committee did not fail to discharge the functions imposed upon them "with all the vindictive spirit which actuated the ministers. Their representa- * Beyer's Queen Anne, p. 497. D 4 40 CHAPTER 101. tion, after several votes and resolutions, was finally embodied in a general address to the queen, which was presented on the 4th of June. After applaud ing the zeal of the legislature, in voting supplies, and discharging the public debt, it stated, that in tracing the causes of these debts, the commis sioners had discovered notorious embezzlements and mismanagements in public offices, misapplica tion of parliamentary grants, and frauds and de predations of the most flagrant kind. They remarked, " from aU these evil practices and worse designs of some persons, who had, by false profes sions of love to their country, insinuated them selves into your royal favour, irreparable mischief had accrued to the public, had not your majesty, in your wisdom, seasonably discovered the fatal tendency of such measures, and out of your sin gular goodness to your people, removed from the administration of affairs, those who had so ill an swered the favourable opinion your majesty had conceived of them, and, in so many instances, grossly abused the trust reposed in them." The commissioners summed up the series of their accusations with declaring that of the monies granted by parliament for the pubhc ser-vice to Christmas, I710, no less a sum than ^^35,302,107 remained unaccounted for, of a great part of which no accounts had ever been so much as laid before the auditor. * This unjust and calumnious report produced an almost electric effect. The people, accustomed to • History of Europe for 1711, p. 2IS Journals and Debates. 1711. 41 regard the decisions of the legislature with re verence and respect, cPUld not conceive that the solemn sanction of parliament would have been given to a statement principally founded on erro neous grounds. The whigs, therefore, became x more than ever the objects of popular obloquy; ' and the late changes were not only hailed as the salvation of the country, birt the new ministers acquired additional confidence for the care and vigilance which they had thus appeared to display in the detection of abuses, and their ability in re deeming the public credit. Under the impression produced by this master-stroke of political craft, the parliament was prorogued, and the members dispersed, to extend its effects, and spread the same malignant spirit among their respective con stituents, 'ff' 'S»' The ebullition of public favour was, however, too violent to be durable; and Oxford soon found that envy and rivalry are the constant associates of favour and power. Even among his colleagues and dependants, he experienced a change of senti ment ; for St. John, who had hitherto acted a subordinate part, began to repine at his paramount ascendancy, and complained, of his coldness and reserve, his monopoly of royal favour, and his dda.^ toriness in the conduct of public business. He thus expresses his complaints in a confidential letter to the earl of Orrery : " Mr. Harley, since his recovery, has not appeared at the council,, or at the treasury at all, and very seldom in the house of commons. We, who are reputed to be in jiis intimacy, have few opportunities of seeing him. ) 4^ CHAPTER 101. and none of talking freely with him. As he is the only true chanml through which the queen's pleasure is conveyed, so there is, and must be, a perfect stagnation, till he is pleased to open him self, and set the water flowing." * The new treasurer had now developed all his designs, and the public having no longer novelties to amuse, or hopes and fears to occupy their at tention, began to cool in their attachment, and to regard with indifference what they had so highly applauded. St. John, who formed a just estunate of his situation, observes, " He stands on slippery gronnda, and envy is always near the great to fling up their heels, on the least trip which they make. * * * P * Many changes," he adds, " have been made at the rising of the parliament, and \ although they are such as ought to satisfy our ' friends ; yet the number of the discontented must always exceed that of the contented, as the num ber of pretenders does that of employments." t Q^fprd himself was too discerning to be ignorant of his precarious .situation. He well knew the un- certpinty of puhUc opinion, and was aware that when the burst of popplar enthusiasm was past, the plenitude of royal favour would scarcely suffice to shield him against the attacks of qpen enemies, the insidious machinations of discontented adherents, or the wiles of envious courtiers. He therefore / resumed his former policy of cajoling all parties, and endeavoured to sustain his credit and power, • Bplingljjcpk^'B Correspondence, v. i. p. 21.6. t St. John to the earl of Orrery, June 12, nil. Bolingbroke's Correspondence, vol, ,i. p, 242. ' ' • 1711. iS by%ingt^eir cupidity, ov exciting thifeir miity^ ^ antipatliies. In .Ijbe midst of his perplexity ^nd forebodings, the de^th of the 4^^^ ^^ N.e\ycastl,e, .wljp held the ofl^ce pf -lord privy seal, prpduc^d a crisis in big pohtical life. Fof the .V/acant pgst, njimerous can didates ^tartjed from di;^^t parties, ^11 danger- pus ^p disobUge. Among the,5e, "^^ distinguish tl^e e^rl of Npttixtgham, head jf^ the violent tories, an4 l^f^ Spfflgrs, ^i^p :^as ^tr^pngly rg^qomflo^de^ by the duke and duchess of Somerset, and f1jp§P ^fjipissidn into tlje ministry was expected to ensure tl^e support of th^e vhigs, Godolphia, and IVIarl- bpj;6ugh. Oxford, boisrever, /^.ould not associate . J^ottingbam iiipffice, ^om a ,4^*g^d of j^is overbear- ( ing 1;emper, and the jii^nepce he ppssessed #Daong , the yiolejit tories ; npr c^H^d Jie a4mit l^piners, ' eyen if inclined to accept the ppst, without expps- ing himself to the charge of incpnsistency, an4 to the danger of being overborne by the whigs, whom he had so grievously offended.* Finding that * It is very difScult to ascertain the real intentions and motives of sk) subtle a politician as Harley j but we learn from the cpnteipporary evidence of Cunningham, as well as from the letters of Mr. Maynwaring to the duchess, that he was again successful in luring and deceiving the whigs. — See Cunningham, vol. ii. book 14. passim. In one of his letters, dated May 4. Mr. Maynwaring observes to the duchess, " He (Mi*. Harley) has taken care to inform the worid, that ^e,is to be treasurer, and m^de a peer, with , Sir S. HarcQjirt, of which I Ijad a long, and I believe, true account, last night from an intimate firi^ndi of the duke of Newcastle, who was always that to Mr. Harley. Hetpld.me, that the queen was the most impatient in the world to have Mr. Harley preferred. That the president's place had been offered to ^very one of the cabinet round, and that the duke of Buck ingham would have it at last, to make way for lord Poulett. That there never had been any thought of lord fi^ottingham, but quite the 44 CHAPTER 101. peace alone could secure his power, he promoted io j the vacant office the earl of Jersey, who had been the first channel of his negotiations with France ; and, on his sudden death, he resorted to the un usual expedient of conferring it on a churchman, ] Dr. Robinson, dean of Rochester, soon afterwards raised to the see of Bristol, who had signalized himself by his skUl in negotiation, and whom he destined for the office of plenipotentiary at the congress, for which arrangements were already making. In this state of perplexity some mutual friends attempted to form a coalition of parties, and pror mote his reconciliation with the whigs and the duke of Marlborough. * He himself either saw the advantages of the proposal, or deemed it . necessary to avert the hostilities of his political ! opponents, by continuing to flatter their hopes. With this view, we find him in his correspondence contrary. That Mr. Harley would think his power at an end if that person were taken in, which would ouly give life and encouragement to that party, which he intended to weaken. And that tliis man agreed exactly with your grace. That although lord Halifax, lord Somers, and lord Sunderland had endeavoured to be well with him, he cer tainly fooled them who were the last men in the nation that he would have any thing to do with; and that for lord Halifax, he was like the fly uponthe wheel, that would always thrust himself upon people and fancy he did great mattep, when, in truth, he only made himself ridi culous, and would never bring the least thing about. I am pretty con fident that all this was said by the duke of Newcastle. And I have often wondered how lord Halifax's great spirit could ever bear to speak again with Mr. Harley, when he had been so shamefully exposed last yeai-, about his own going to Holland, and his compounding matters at home." * Cunningham, vol. ii, p. 3 63. 1711. , 45 with the general, resuming his former tone pf devotion and respect; and affecting as much in terest in his plans, and as warm an attachment to liis person, as are displayed even in the letters of Godolphin himself. - ' From the Earl of Oxford. " My lord ; Kensington, June %(i.-July 7. " I received the honour of your grace's letter by the last mail, and I beg you will be assured, that as I receive the obliging expressions therein as marks of your grace's favour, so I shall study to deserve it, and never give any just occasion to alter your opinion. I have sent a hundred thou sand pounds for the service of the army, and did intend to have settled the remittance for the whole campaign, but thatT have a prospect of making a better bargain for the public. I have got one stiver in the last 100 thousand pounds, it bemg at eleven stivers. I hope to present your grace, next week, with the state of the payments thus far, and a scheme for the rest of the year. " As to Woodstock, I have got from Mr. Van- brugh an estimate of the works, which are yet to be performed; and I wiU lay before the queen a scheme for weekly payments, though the debt on the family grows very clamorpus; the whole, upon the present civil list, being about four hundred thousand pounds, during the queen's reign. " I do not doubt but Mr. Secretary gives your grace an account that, lord Peterborough arrived here on Sunday. For my own part, I have not had an Ppportunity of hearing the detail of his proceedings; but the secretary has, andj I pie- 46 CHAPTER- 101. stiniei WiU give your grace nbtice" of what is' r'e- m'arkaljle. The' qii^etf is gone tliik afternooii to reside at Windsor. I think" to' stay here ^6t some ti'mei arid only gp' to attend the qtieen oil Satur days and Sundays. I beseech yOii' to'belieVe, that I will do evdiyt^iiig',' wHieh riiay sKfew with how real' arid' great rfes^^ddt'atiddefereride^^T am, &c." I T^He driconraging styid' of the letters fronf the new lord treas'iire'r, and his arde'lit pfofessibhs of zSal, iridiiced J^arlborough to adopt a siintlar toiife' of cordiality, aitdtb doinrtiuriicatc to him a^foje'ct fPr the putpose of adcderatiti^nhe terminatidn^of tli^' war; Finding' frpth* the diminutiotH df liik ai-my^ t^/the ' separation" of the imperialists, that he cPtild npt' dohduct' liis oi)eratibns on the scalfe'- ori ginally' cdndertedi he formed Vplte coinmenstiiite With His meahs, and likely to be no less effecti^l!; 'A^' sdheme is " only partially explained in tlife^ letters still' extaiit ; Ibut f rorii the corresptindeiic^^,^ Wbidh pa^ssed' ori the subject, it appfeal^ to have' comprised'the daptiire of BPuchaih and' Quesiho)^; before the close of -the c^ihpafgri:. Thte alrrtty was then tb continue oh the frontier dtffing winter;' a'od' being rejoitfed by the imperialists; to aTittbp&thfe^ erieitty^in'the'field, in the ehSui% spring. The'; speedy fall df Arras or Cambray Wag- eipectea' fro'm these early opefatidhs; and the" comblne^d^ armies, hating no logger arty fortress to withst^ii^ their prOg^efes; might penetrate into the heart of Fratfce," and dictate terms of peace under the Walis' ofPari^: TotheLor-d Tredsufer. " JM?i'4.— Ybur lordship'S'last letters,' which I' 1711'. 47 have already acknowledged, give me so much en couragement to cdrrespond with you for tiie future ih terms of confidence and friendship, that I cannot but offer tb you such thoughts relating to the service, as occur to me in looking forward at this time of inaction. " The enemy have brought forward a large train of artillery, with all sorts of ammunition and other necessaries for a siege, to Cambray, and are actually erecting magazines there^ and at Valen- cierines and Bouchain. This can be to no Other end than to have it in their power to attack Douay, at the time we shall be obliged to leave the field for want of forage. " rt has cost me some time to consider of the means effectually to prevent this design, and tb annoy the enemy at the same timcj which I think' is only tb be done, by keeping the greatest part of the army in this country all the winter, which will oblige the eneniy to do the same at an infinitely greater eXpence; and we shall be in a condition to take the fiield so early; that they will not be able to hinder our' attacking either Arras or Cambray, as may be thought for the good of the common cause. If the project I an! framing upon this foiindation shall be approved by the queen and the States, I cannot but hope it- may prove thd means of obliging the french king to think of rnaking fresh offers of peace this winter. But as tWere will be many points in it, which' require to bef explained 4n a more ample manner than can wiell be done by writing ; if you think it deserves your attention, I wiU, as soon as I receive ycMr 48 CHAPTER 101. answer, send over lord Stair, as fully instructed in every thing that concerns the project, as he is already acquainted with my sincere desire to live with you in the strictest friendship that may be. . In the mean time, I shall not mention a word of this matter to any other person living, the secresy of the project being of the greatest importance." Reply of the Treasurer. " July 6. — My lord ; I received from the hands of lord Mar, just as I came froni Windsor^ the honour of your grace's letter, and I am not willing to let a post pass, without making your grace my acknowledgments. It is most certain, that you can best judge what is fit to be proposed upon the subject you are pleased to mention, arid you are extremely in the right to send a person, who may be able to explain, by word of mouth, your grace's thoughts. You give the necessary caution, that it be kept secret, and I doubt not but your grace will find a sufficient excuse for that lord's coming over, which may amuse the world. I do assure your grace, that I shall not communicate this to any person, but whom the queen shall direct me to tell it to. I hope those who must know it, amongst the States, may observe the same caution. " I hope it will be needless to renew the assur ances to your grace, that I will not omit any thing inmy power, which may testify my zeal for the public, and my particular honour and esteem for . your grace; and I doubt not, but when the lord you mention comes, I shall satisfy him of the sm- , cerity of my intentions towards your grace. I believe you are well informed of the address of the 1711. 49 house of commons to the queen, to send commis sioners to Spain, Portugal, &c., to examine the condition of the army. Flanders was left out of / the address by your well-wishers, and, though I will not trouble you with long accounts, I cannot forbear telling your grace, that there is already actually issued to June 26th, out of this year's funds, to Mr. Bridges, for all the forces under his pay, two millions six hundred thirty-six thousand seven hundred thirty-seven pounds, five shillings, and three pence, which will still make it more rea sonable to have the remainder applied to the most important services. Your grace will have heard that Mr. Vryberg is dead; I hope the States will find a proper person to succeed him. This morn ing the duke of Queensberry died ; a third secre tary is so new a thing in England, and so much | out of the way of doing business here, that it / ought to be put upon some other foot, if the queen shall think fit to have any one succeed him. I beseech your grace to accept the assurance that I am," &c. On receiving a letter so replete with expressions of confidence and ^eal, the general repaired to the quarters of lord Stair, who was confined with an ague. To this zealous friend he imparted his design in a long conversation. He dwelt with regret on the unfortunate situation of the grand confederacy, and expressed his apprehensions, lest the blood and treasure which had been expended to reduce the exorbitant power of France, should be sacrificed in vain, if he continued to command the army, after having lost the favour of the VOL, VI. E 50 CHAPTER 101. sovereign, and the confidence of her mirii&te:^s. Two expedidhts, he added, only remained, tb ' remedy this misfortune. The first, ' that he should be permitted to resign his command, to one mbre agreeable to the queen and ministry, who might pursue the objects of the grand alliance, till the war was ended. With equal advantage and glory. He declared' he should then return with cheerful ness to a private station, and employ his prayers and influence in behalf of his successor. The second expedient was, to offer to continue at the head of the army, provided he could regain the confidence of the queen, and live with the Ited treasurer on the same friendly terms as he had done with lord' Godolphin. With these offers W^s connected a more petfect developement of his project, w-hich lord Stair was commissioned to ' communicate in person. * The answer of the treai^urer will exhibit the manner in which this communication' was received. " My'lPrd; July 9,4s.- Aiig. At. " Saturday morning I received the honour of ydur grace's letter from my lord Stair, and I do assure your giraCd, that I will never do arty thing WM<£;h shall forfeit your good opinion ; ahdT hope' to haVe an opportunity of a farther conversation with ^tty 'ibrd Stair on that hdad, that he may retuttl '^SiBi- ciently instructed to give your gi'aCe satisfactifen onanpl(Sirits. On Sunday ldry the corps of light cavalry that had swept -rou>Hd Sace in the evening, had inc^uced jmarshal Mon tesquiou, who commanded that wing, -to send (notice that he was menaced with an -attack in the morning. Uncertain what to expect, he kept his troops under arms, in readiness for marching. At two in the morning, more specific* inteUigence-ar- riving, the french marshal put himself at the heafd of the household troops, who were with him on the right, and pushing on at; full speed, ordered the infantry to foiloW' without delay. In the mean time, Marlborough had reached the important post, Aubanchoeil-au-bac, before eight in the morning, where his field-train had arrived ; and as his cavalry rapidly passed the Sanzet, he placed them in order ^of ' battle, on ^ the opposite «ide of the river. When sufficient numbers had 1711. 63 formed, he extended his right towards the abbey du Verger. Other bridges were laid across the river at Pallue, by means of which,' the right wing of infantry and cavalry had a shorter route to the new position. The outposts advanced to the morass of Marquion, and masked the defile of Saulchy. During these arrangements, Villars advanced With such rapidity that he gradually dropt his corps of Cavalry, till scarcely one hundred of the best-mounted remained. Mprtified by disappoint ment, and impatient to know the real state of affairs, he pushed through the defile of Saulchy, without the necessary precautions, and was soon surrounded by the allied outposts. Perceiving their intention to charge, he directed the dragoons to fly to the castle of Oisy, and while the allies .pursued them, he, with two attendants only, escaped through an opening unheeded. The escort surrendef ed without firing a shot. In this extremity, he met 20 squadrons coming up to the defile. Itwas now ten in the morning, and the head of his right wing of cavalry was approaching; but by this time the columns of the allied' infantry were perceived mat-cbing in a parallel direction, on the 6ther side of the 'Sanzet, and soon afterwards turning into the pass of Arleux, and crossing the river at Pallue. At eleven, a considerable body bad formed line, stretching from Oisy towards Espinoy. Notwithstanding the numbers vrho-Sunk from fatigue, in a forced march of sixteen hours, over an extent of thirty^six miles, intersected by several rivers, the right wing of the allied infantry €4 CHAPTER 102. had entered the new ground, by four in the afte^ noon ; and, before dark, the whole position was occupied, from Oisy to beyond the mill of Aban- court, towards the Scheld. About this period,, the first infantry of the french army, in five columns, approaching, Villars halted them in^ear of the defile, and, on the morning of the 6th, turned off the great road towards Bourlon, and began likewise to place his troops in order of battle, with the right on the Scheld, behind Cambray, the centre in the Wood of Bourlon, and the left at the marsh of Sains sur MM:quion. By his masterly movements, Marlborough, had now accomphshed his great design. Villars was severely mortified ; he could not prevent the siege of either Cambray, BouChain, or Valenciennes, unless he took post behind the right bank of the Scheld, towards Bouchain, from whence he could succour the one or the other ; but by this move ment he uncovered Arras, a place of stdl greater importance. Over-reached in military skill, he endeavoured to foil one stratagem by another, and lure Marlborough to a battle, by drawing him round the cannon of Cambray. But his opponent,- would not fall into the snare ; for as he had gained g his object without a battle, a ,victory could bring , Mttle advantage, and he was enabled to carry into effectthe remainder of his plan without* obstruction. The dutch deputies, who had hitherto always deprecated a battle, were now urgent for an at tack, and the disaffected were, or pretended to be, * Hist, des Guerres de la Revolution, torn. i. 1711. 65 alarmed, at the consequences of so bold and rapid a movement; but Marlborough was not to be diverted by clamours or importunities, and firmly waited the arrival of the fatigued troops and rear guard. Being appised that the enemy were mpving from their first position to that of Bourlon, he conjectured that Villars would cross the Scheld, in order to frustrate his ulterior operation. He therefore summoned a council of war, and un folded the remainder of his plan ; he composed the alarms of the timid, and restrained the rashness of those who advised an immediate attack in the exhausted state of the army. Villars, he urged, was moved to a field so contracted and covered, that no attempt could be made either on his flanks or centre. Without the risk of utter defeat. He added, should he withdraw behind the Scheld, the only operation, which could be undertaken, would be the siege of Arras, a fortress too strong and extensive to be reduced with a limited force ; and, therefore, he proposed the* investment of Bouchain, pledging himself to pass the Scheld, and accom plish the enterprise. The same persons, indeed, who wished to risk a hazardous battle, combated this prudent resolution; but he had given so many and such recent proofs of his superiority in skill and judgment, that the whole council acquiesced in his opinion. At the rising of the council, tljerefore, the army advanced almost within cannon-shot in front of Cambray, and halted about noon ; and this move ment had the effect of preventing Villars from atterhpting, as he had meditated, the passage of VOL. vj. F 66 CHAPTER 102. the Scheld. While the enemy were held in check, eight pontoon bridges were expeditiously thrown across the river below Etrun, and the whole army facing to the left, occasionally saluted by the cannon of Cattibray, marched by lines along the heights, their rear being covered with all the grenadiers, and 40 squadrons, under general Ross. At six, the left wing began to cross the river ; the rear guard, which occupied the heights, and the grenadiers, posted in Etrun and the roman cafflp, near the vUlage, frustrated the attempts of tbc enemy to obstruct the movement. Craivinced that the allied forces would have crossed the river be fore the morning, Villars remained quietly in his oamp, and suffered them, without molestation, to proceed to the investment of Bouchain, which he hoped to be able to relieve. These masterly manoeuvres excited the admira^ tion of all candid and competent judges^ and we find a few lines of congratulation from Eu^ne. " Muhlberg, Aug, I7. — I received yesterday evening your highness's letter of the 6th instant.. ' You are fully convinced, I trust, that no person takes a greater interest in your concerns than myself. Your highness has penetrated into the non plus ultra. 1 sincerely hope that the siege of Bouchain, contrary to the custom of our engineers, will not last long. If marshal Villars has the con sent of his cpurt, perhaps he vrill make his ap- jpearance jn the field ; but as he has taken his position, I do not think he will attack you. If he can make any diversion, he will not fail to attempt it ; but it wiU be difficult. From hence I haVte 1711. 67 nothing to communicate, except that the rains and inundations detain me in this camp without forage." Notwithstanding the extraordinary success which the great commander had obtained with such limited means, his conduct did not escape censure, not merely from his enemies and detractors, but even from some of his well-wishers, who were in competent judges of the art of war. The pen sionary, deceived by the reports of the dutch deputies, blamed his timidity, in not risking an engagement; andfi:omthe court of Vienna similar -complaints were heard. It could not be expected that among the british ministers, who were interested to decry his ex ploits, such an opportunity for cavil should be lost; and, therefore, we find St. John enquiring of Cadogan the reasons which induced the general to decline an engagement, and, in his correspondence with Drummond, peevishly observing, " -My spirit is not damped by this contre-tems, if such it was ; I only apprehend that before the siege of Bouchain is over, we njiay be obliged to fight at greater dis advantage, than we might have done in the course of the late event." * , Marlborough, vexed at these unjust imputations, findicated his conduct in a letter to the secretary, which is preserved in the State Paper Office, and printed in Somerville. t At the same time, he • Aug. r. 1711, vol. i. p. 298. t Somerville's Queen Anne, p. 646. We have not deemedjit lieees- sary to print this letter, because the arguments are exactly similar to those in his epistle to count Zinzendorf. F 2 68 CHAPTER 102. sent a similar justification to his friend, oouttt Zinzendorf, for the satisfaction of the court of Vienna. " Camp before Bouchain, Aug. 20. — In reply, sir, to your enquiry into the motives which in duced me not to engage the enemy, I could answer in one word, impossibility. But, in com pliance with your wishes, I have the honour to inform you, that the same day in which we passed the lines, marshal Villars appeared at the head of his army, behind the morass of Marquion. He encamped there that night, and the next day con tinued his march, in four columns, towards Cam bray, covered by the marsh which extends to the village of Inchy, a league and a half from Cam bray ; so that his troops, passing the village, formed on the right towards that town, behind the villages of Sailly and Rolencourt, and the hollow, roads and ravines with which the country abounds. His right thus rested on Cambray, his centre was covered by those two villages, with the, hollow ,roads, and his left by the marsh of Inchy. Hence, you see, that in this situation it was impracticable for us to attack him, and we had no other measures to take, than first to pass, the Scheld, lest he should' anticipate us, by crossing and taking post on the other side, in our front, by which movement we should have been deprived of all the advantage of our passage of the lines, and should have been obliged to retrograde by the way we came, after consuming the littie forage which that corner af forded. I might add to what is stated in the Paris Gazette of the 14th, under the head of Cambray,' 1711. 69 in which it is pretended that a heavy rain pre vented the battle on the 6th, that We profited by the darkness- of the ensuing night to pass the Scheld, and that count Broglio was detached to occupy the post of Denain ; — I say in answer to these fictions, that not a drop of rain fell on the army during the whole day, nor until night ; that our bridges were made over the Scheld at eleven in the morning, and the army was on tlie march by two in the afternoon, the greater part having passed before dark. With regard to the post of Denain, we occupied it in the first instance, and have since kept it, nor have the enemy made the slightest attempt to dislodge us. You thus see what credit is to be given to this common rumour, and if any one among us has given rise to it, this must have been for want of being better informed. " God be thanked, we have succeeded in clos ing the communication between the army of M. Villars and the town of Bouchain, and in two or three days we shall open the trenches." * Marlborough had the satisfaction to find that his arguments weighed with the court of Vienna, and drew from Zinzendorf a candid avowal that he had been misled by erroneous statements. He was no less gratified to learn, that his explanation had re moved the unfavourable impressions entertained by secretary St. John, who paid a candid and honourable tribute to the merit of the great com mander, in a letter to his friend, Mr. Drummond : " I look upon the progress which the duke of * Translation from the french original, in the possession of count Zinzendorf, communicated by the archduke John. F 3 TO CHAPTER 102. Marlborough has lately made, to be really honour able to him, and mortifying to the enemy. The event cannot be ascribed to superior numbers, or to any accident; it is owing to genius and conduct. The present situation of the army seems to promise a decisive action." * * For the account of these military operations have been consulted and Compared, the MS. Correspondence; — The accounts in the Gazettes ; — The Lives of Marlborough and Eugene ; — Boyer's Ofe of Queen Anne ; — The History of Europe ; — Brodrick ; — Kane j — and Milner; also, the french writers, particulai-ly Villars; — Quincy; — Rousset ; — Traite de Fortification de St. Paul ; — Histoire des Guerres de la Revolution, 1711. ^1 CHAPTER 103. mi. Operations for the investment of Bouchain. — Obstacles en countered in the progress and conclusion of the line of cir cumvallation. — Correspondence. — Termination qf the siege, — Generous conduct of the british commander towards Fenelon, archbishop qf Cambray. Having thus baffled the defensive combinations of the enemy, and anticipated them in the passage of the Scheld, the next object was, to complete the investment of Bouchain ; an enterprise of no less difficulty than the preceding movements, as it was to be accomplished, amidst local obstacles of no ordinary kind, and in face of an army superior in force. At ten at night, the left wing of infantry, which closed the line of march, crossed the Scheld, over pontoons taken from the enemy by surprise. The weather changing in the evening, the troops were drenched in rain, but, soon after midnight, reached the plain of Avesnes le Sec, and lay under arms tiU morning ; while a strong piquet was posted at the mill of Ivry, to watch the motions of the enemy. About eight, the active general roused his benumbed and shivering soldiers ; and conti nuing his march by the left, formed in order of battle on the plain stretching from Douchy to Haspres, the left and centre covered by the Selle, F 4 72 CHAPTER 103. and the right thrown back in rear of Houdain. All the posts on the Sanzet were recalled, and a body of grenadiers alone left in the camp of Caesar, on the left of the Scheld, to cover three bridges which still remained. At six in the evening, being threatened by a strong detachment of hostile cavalry, this force was also withdrawn, and a body of in fantry advancing on the opposite side of the river, amused the enemy with a heavy cannonade, while the pontoons were removed. In this manner was Bouchain invested ; yet ob stacles of no trivial nature were still to be overcome. The Sanzet divides the town into two parts, and, in conjunction with the Scheld, which skirts . a large hornwork towards the east, produces a copi ous inundation, fiUing the ditches, which are both broad and deep. The enemy, posted between .the Sanzet and Scheld, could either introduce sup plies through the inundation, or, by traversing the Sanzet, could maintain a communication with the place on the west. The original garrison of eight battalions, commanded by M. de Selye, was reinforced by 600 swiss, who, under count d'Affry, traversed the inundation in the night, and by a second body of 500 grenadiers, under M. de Ravignon. Money and ammunition suffi cient for the defence were also introduced. ' On the 6th, preparations were made by Villars for throw ing bridges across the Sanzet at Aubanchoeil and Wannes ; and, having called reinforcements from St. Omer, Ypres, and other quarters, he moved to the very ground which the allies had just quitted. Here he pitched camp in the angle between the 1711. 7S Sanzet and the Scheld ; his centre was placed at Etrun, while his left extended along the Sanzet to Tressies, and his right along the Scheld, to Neuville St. Remy, on the glacis of Cambray. Marlborough did not allow the enemy time to profit by the advantages of their situation ; for he had.no sooner reached Avesnes le Sec, than he or dered bridges to be thrown across the Scheld at NeuviUe, below Bouchain ;¦ and passing over with 60 squadrons, took post on the hill of Vignonette, near Wannes-au-bac. He thus covered the convoy of baggage and bread waggons, which, under au escort of 2000 horse, commanded by general Wood, was safely conducted from Douay ; and anticipated the preparations of the enemy to estab lish themselves on the farther bank of the Sanzet. VUlars, however, appreciated too well the ad vantage of a double communication with the town, to. desist from his purpose. Before day-light of the 9th, he detached 30 battalions across the Sanzet, under the command of general Albergotti, who immediately began to construct an intrench- ment, which was to commence from the inundation at Wavrechin, and forming an angle on the top of the hill abpve Marquette, to be carried back to the Sanzet at Wannes-au-bac. This work and the batteries of Bouchain would sweep the interme diate ground with a cross-fire. . JMarlbprough was fully aware that the enemy, if suffered to accomplish their undertaking, would effectually mar his design. He therefore selected 31 battalions and 12 squadrons to complete the investment, under general Fagel ; and detached 74 CHAPTER 103. general CoUier, and lord North and Grey, with 42 squadrons and 30 battalions, across the Scheld in the night, to interrupt the operations of the enemy. A thick fog covered the advance of this body till near seven in the morning, when they bad -ap proached within cannon-shot of the hostile in trenchments. A signal of three guns was then fired upon an outpost in the village of Marquette, which immediately retired, and the allies ap proached the works. Lord North and Grey, who led the van, was on the point of advancing to the attack; when the commandef-in-chief, who had himself traversed the Scheld before daydight, rode forward, and ordered a halt. He had for tunately discovered a large body of infantry con cealed behind the height, and soon ascertained that Montesquiou, with 60 battalions, had been secretly detached by Vdlars to sustain Albergotti, who was acquainted with the intended enterprise. , At this moment, an alarm of another kind was given, by signal guns fired from the great camp at Avesnes le Sec ; for Villars adroitly profiting by the division of the allied forces, had crossed the Scheld, with the rest of his army, near Ramilies, and advancing to the ravine of Naves, began to extend his line along the rivulet near Ivry. Thus menaced, and baffled on both points, the british general was compelled to rehnquish his purpose ; and ordering the troops to withdraw, with all speed, from the fire of the intrerichment, which now opened, he retmnad in haste to the camp beyond the Scheld. Villars having foiled his antagonist, resumed likewise his former position. 1711. 75 Marlborough was sensible that he could not ac- CompUsh his purpose, while his camp beyond the Scheld was exposed. He therefore ordered the front from Haspres to Ivry to be covered by a line of redoubts and lunettes, which were mounted with cannon. This work being completed in two days, he again crossed the Scheld with 50 battalions and 52 squadrons. Perceiving that the enemy were rapidly improving and extending their works, he ordered the line of circumvallation to be imme diately commenced in the middle space between their intrenchments and the town. Accordingly, 4000 workmen were employed during the night of the 11th, in constructing a line which began at Mastaigne, and stretched to the right, across the f oad from Valenciennes towards the Lower Scheld. Behind, a competent force, under general Collier, €ind lord North and Grey, encamped for their protection. Having prescribed the direction of the lines, Marlborough left the superintendence to general Cadogan, under whose inspection it was carried on by colonel Armstrong, deputy quarter-master, with equal ability and success. The ensuing morning was marked by a memorable occurrence. Cadogan riding to reconnoitre at the head of a fe,w squa drons, perceived marshal Villars, who, with an escort of four squadrons of carabineers, and one of hussars, was advancing for the same purpose. A warm skirmish ensuing between the two parties, the carabineers were routed vsith the loss of a bri gadier, the major, and above 50 troopers, and the. marslial himself with difficulty escaped. 76 CHAPTER 103. The day was employed in completing and carry ing the line of circumvallation on the right, to wards Lorche, on the Lower Scheld. At night, colonel Armstrong silently advanced with a strong escort to the height above Marquette, and com menced a new work across the road from Bouchain to Douay, intending to continue it to the Upper Scheld, between the enemy's post and Bouchain. He proceeded without interruption ; but at day light he discovered that Albergotti had endea voured to , anticipate him by commencing three redoubts between Wavrechin and the town. The duke, who was apprised of the circumstance, in stantly ordered a detachment of infantry, with twenty pieces of cannon, to dislodge the enemy, and, to prevent farther interruption, reinforced the trpops beyond the Scheld to 70 battalions and 100 squadrons. At night, notwithstanding a heavy fire, both from the town and the hostile intrench ments, the circumvallation was continued to the inundation of the Sanzet, including the unfinished redoubts taken from the enemy. The obstructions encountered in these preliminary operations alarmed the dutch deputies, and they now pressed for the relinquishment of the siege with as much earnest ness as they had recentiy displayed for an ill-tuned engagement. To their appeal we find an allusion in a letter to Godolphin. ? " ^M^. 13. — I desued lady Marlborough to make my excuses for not writing by the last post to thank you for yoyrs of the 23d. The increase of ^he enemy's army, by their draining their gar^ risons from all places, as also recalling the troops 1711. 77 they had sent under the command of the count D'Estaing into Brabant, gives them so great a su- penority, that the deputies thought it proper to advise with their general how far it might be prac ticable to persist in the attempting the siege of Bouchain. The greatest number of them thought the difficulties, we should meet with could hardly. be overcome. However, we are taking the ne cessary steps for the siege ; we are intrenching ourselves, as the enemy do on their side, so that should we, as I hope in God we shall, succeed, it still will be a very tedious work, if we can be so happy as to be masters of this place. " 14ith. — Having wrote thus far, I was informed of the marshal de Villars being come out of his intrenchments with a considerable body of horse and foot, and that he was working at three re doubts, in order to have communication with Bouchain from his retrenchment. It was dark before I could get near him, so that he had the advantage of working all night ; but as soon as day broke, and he saw we were in earnest to attack him, he quitted his three redoubts, and retired into his retrenchments. I think he may again at tempt the same thing this night, so that I am going to bed in hopes of getting some sleep." EoUed in the struggle beyond the Sanzet, Villars became doubly anxious to maintain his communi cation with the garrison, through the inundation. For this purpose, he had raised a battery at Etrun, to command a part of the adjoining morass. On. tlie 10th, he introduced a reinforcement of 200 fusileers, who filed along a small dam between the 78 CHAPTER 103. two rivers, and, during the night, 400 sacks pf flour, and a quantity of ammunition, were thrown into the town by the same channel. He now endeavoured to fortify this communication by means of fascines laid in the form of a breast- work, attached to an avenue of willow-trees which skirted the dam, although the water was in many places four feet deep. On the morning of the 15th the enemy were still discovered at work, and, notwithstanding a heavy cross-fire from both banks, they persevered in their labours. Behind the dam was a cattle track, called he Sentier aux Vaches, which was raised with fascines wherever the water was deep, and barred by a small traverse in the centre. To protect this work, a corps of troops was posted on the vefge of the morass. The persevering activity of the britisb general • did not long leave even this resource to his oppd- lient. On the l6th a fascine road was commenced across the morass, by the joint labours of the troops on both sides of the two rivers ; and, in the evening, 600 british and dutch grenadiers, sus tained by eight battalions of infantry, under the di rection of Cadogan, resolutely advanced against four companies of french grenadiers, who were stationed on the Cow-path, and supported by the brigade Du Roi. This daring band waded several hundred yards up to the middle, and sometimes to the shoulders in water, without firing a shot ; and, after receiving a volley from the enemy, carried the post with the loss of only six men. On this oc casion a young ensign of the regiment of Ingold^by 1711. 79 distinguished himself; for being short of stature, and unable to ford the water, he mounted on the shoulders of a grenadier, and,, with his gallant supporter, was among the first to reach the traverse. Two companies of french grenadiers were intercepted and driven into Bouchain, and the allies secured their advantage by carrying a breast-work, and completing the road, about a mile in length, across the inundation, from camp to camp. • On the 19th, several sallies made by the besieged were repulsed, and the next day the investment was completed. On the 21st, the heavy battering train and stores arrived from Tournay, under a strong escort, after repelling a spirited attack near St. Amand from the garrisons of Conde and Valenciennes. These operations, together with the proceedings of the siege, are specified in several letters to Godolphin. " Aug, 17. — I have this day received the fa^ vour of yours of the 30th of the last month. I do wi^, with all my heart, that the malicious re port of our having beaten the enemy could have been true. " We were on Thursday near enough for igno rant people to have judged that we might have fought ; but the ground made it impossible. We have not yet quite overcome our difficulties, though we have forced them from several posts; they have none left but a path called the Cow-path, through a great bog, at which they can pass only one in front. We have several pieces of cannon 86 CHAPTER 103. thatfireon the passage, and we are also endeavouring to make ourselves masters of it, and then we shall shut the town up on all sides. It is most certain that if we had now the german troops we might make them very uneasy, and, I fear, they will not be able to do much on the Rhine, though the french have been obliged to send both horse and foot from thence to the duke of Berwick. If we can succeed in this siege, we shall have the honour of having done it in the face of an army many thousand men stronger than we are. The con stant fatigues, and the having got cold in my head gives me great uneasiness all about my left ear, for which I am advised to make a blister ; but as I intend to sweat this night, and not stir out to morrow, I hope that may carry the pain off, which has been for these ten last days very uneasy." " Aug. 20. — I think I may now assure you, that our greatest difficulties for the siege of Bou chain are over, we having obliged- the french to quit their posts which hindered our investing the place. They are now shut up on aU sides ; and as soon as we can get our cannon and ammunition, we shall open the trenches, which will be at three several attacks, hoping by that to reduce the place' much sooner!, We are informed of the enemy's making magazines at Maubeuge, so that they may be able to act by diversion. As soon as they shall march that way, I Shall reinforce the garrisons of Mons and Bruxelles. My head is far from being well* but I thank God I am more at ease than when I wrote my last." " Aug. 27. — We continue our application fo 1711. 81 the bringing every thing that we may want during this siege ; so that the body of foot which are em ployed at the three attacks, and the horse which We are yet obliged to send out to secure our con voys, makes the whole in perpetual motion ; but t hope in four or five days we shall have all in our camp, and about the same time our batteries will 'be ready to fire. We have now, I thank God, very fine weather, which will be a great blessing if it continues. By my letters from Mr. Chetwood, 1 fear there wiU not be much more done on that side ; and prince Eugene complains of their wants ; so that though his army is strong, he gives no hopes of being able to do any thing; however, I have desirefi him so to act, as that they might not be able to send any detachments into this country." " Sept. 3. — Since my last the marshal de Villars attempted two of our quarters, but miscarried in both. His whole army is now employed in making and carrying of * and by the batteries he has raised against us, it looks as if his thoughts were wholly employed for the forcing our communication over the morass. We are hard at work to prevent it. As long as the siege lasts, we must expect he will use his best endeavours to trouble us. The comte d'Arback, a lieut.-general of the dutch, was taken at ,their last forage ; he is the first lieut.'general that has been taken of this army during this war. The situation of both armies is so extraordinary^ that our array which attacks the town is bombarded * A word omitted, or illegible. vol. VI. ff "* 82 CHAPti^R 103. JBy fhfe ^hfefriy ; and We kavfe' fe'dv^M p#^f SO rfe^ ta each othet that M sdritinels hav6 ^'6rfv'6rsati&m "fhe whole french ariny being kd ickm|)'6d that the^ :a're seen by the gaWi^oIti bf :^oti^iirl, m'aiei the defericfe the fri'ore bb^tinate; but, Mth thfe' ble§siri^ 6f G^d, I hope We shall geft thfe' b^ttei- of tUih, and, if they opiniatre beyottd tfea^bfi, riiay b'6 a-fi ar^uriafeftt for theii- beihg ftiade |)riso'fter& pf wa':^. The Sp'a Waters, Mitii t am persuaded WotM do flie gPbd, t find 1 ihust not thirik of takirig till the ^iege bfe b%r. I hope itt my rieit ^le ihaf be Sfclfe td guefes hd^ Ibrig this Sifege may Ik^t." Amdng the lettets addre^^ed to the duke dtltirig the siege, Ve flhd one froiri jif ince Eugfefie, ih reply id Hi§ request fbt advifc^. " MnhWerg, Aug. 24. — I received yesfferd^jr your highness's letter of the 15th, and I r'^tdrii fM many tHEriy M the detail ydii have been so kind as to ;ierid me of your dpefatlpris feiriee the ^Uii^i bf the lilies. I doubt hot but yattr fatigri^ iritist haVfe bfe^ii excessive dbring tUfe riiarch; ahd ^btfiB ref)b^e is absdlutdly neCGssai^ for the U- coVery of your health. If the lind bf drbiittiVkl- latiori is riow finished, (as ybur highness infbfms ilie it was nearly dpiife,) and, cbriseqtietttiy, all odritT riitinication intercepted betweet the towrt arid th6 hew intrenchmeht bf the erietriy, I flatter myself that marshal Villars S^^ill haVe the! inortificatltiri to vritness the capture df this iliijjbrtant foftf^^s, which will increase the glory of thfe ehtef jirise. " Your highness has acted judifciously in iplacitlg your intrenched camp on the other side of the Scheld, and to be prepared agairist arty movements 171 f. S3 i^ycb the enemy aaay make in the course of the siege. I am of opinion that your highness ought ta spare no pains to strengthen your intrench ments on both sides of the river as much a« possible, so that they may be defended with fewer troops,; and that the remainder may be employed wherever it may be necessary. This being executed, nothing more remains to be done than to press the siege, coUect forage, and secure the convoy ; and, from what I know of yours and the enemy's situation, this appears to- be practicable.. Your highness wiU please t& excuse this liberty, which I have' only taken in obedience to your commands, and to the de^re you have been pleased to express of knowing my sentiments. I truSt I need not repeat that no one is more interested than I am, in what concerns you, or wishes y&a. more success in the remainder of ikse campaign, which may contribute to a good |>eace. " From hence I can , only repeat that the inun dations s^ill detain us in this camp, and that our cavalry is in danger of perishing for want of forig'e. ***** " As to the proceedings at Frankfort, with which you. are desirous to be acquainted,' the sessions will not assemble till to-morrow, under various pretexts. It is, however, asserted that the election will take place on the 20th of September j bat I suspend my beHef until I see how the first meetings have passed ; for, to say the truth, it ^- pears to me that the vicars and the grand chan cellor of the empire are endeavouring to prolong |he interregnum. But I say this confidentially," G 2 84 CHAPTER 103. In the midst of these military operations, bis heart yearned towards his native country ; and we find him anxiously expressing his sanguine wishes for the completion of the building at Blenheim, and his hopes that government would not fail to accomplish the works, m conformity with the pro mise of the queen. To Eord Godolphin. ^' Aug. 30. — Lady Marlborough has let me know that my friends are of opinion, I suppose she means you, that I should let the court govern the finishing of Blenheim. It has been always my opinion; however, I should be glad if lord Rialton would go down thither for three or four days, and incline them to do aU that ispossible without doors as long as the season continues good; but after that is done, they should lose no time in employing the remainder of the money in finishing within doors, which may be done in the winter. I have had very great expressions and assurances from lord Oxford. The finishing this building is the favour I shall, at my coming home, desire of him ; for I have no ambition left, nor desire, indeed, but that of seeing this house finished, and that I might live quietly some few years in it with my friends. I think you have taken a right resolution in not advancing any money on this twenty thousand pounds, and in the winter I may have time to take measures with you what may be the most reason able method for the carrying on this work, it being the only favpur I shall ask or expect from the government. The enemy's superiority makes us almost every day meet with difficultjesj but I 1711. 85 have good reason to hope the siege will end to my satisfaction. I am; ever, most faithfully, yours." The grand obstacle to the prosecution of the siege being removed by the occupation of the dyke and the works in the inundation, as well as by the safe arrival of the heavy artillery, no events of im portance occurred, except the surprise of an" allied detachment at Houdain, in which four battalions, suffered severely, and the prussian minister, Bourke, was taken prisoner, and the dispersion of some foragers, under an escort of seven squadrons^ with the loss of a general and some officers, and the capture of twelve standards. Nor is it necessary to dwell on an unsuccessful attempt of Albergotti to surprise Douay. " '¦¦'¦¦ These inconsiderable incidents had no effect Pn the operations of the siege. By the 8th of' September the allies had carried on their ap proaches so far as to occupy the first counterscarp ; and, by the 11th, two of the principal bastions were abandoned, and the breaches rendered prac ticable. On the 14th, after some ineffectual at tempts to obtain a more honourable capitulation, the garrison, reduced to 3100 men, including sick and wounded, surrendered prisoners of war, the officers preserving their swords and baggage. Marlborough announces this event in a letter to Godolphin, dated Sept. 14. " I am sure you will be very well pleased with the good news I send by Collins, of our being masters of Bouchain, and that the riiarshal de Villars has done us the honour of being witness of G 3 86 CHAPTER 103. the garrisons being made prisoners of war. Th«y consist of eight battalions and 500 swiss. I was in hopes lord Stair might have been here before this, so that I might, by this messenger, have answered your letter by him. The french, not- withstanding their superiority, iburn aU ^beir ibrage in their power, in order to maike our «yb- »sistence difficult. I intend to go out witii a body of {horse, to see if subsistence can be had aiboat Quesnoy; for that place would be of great ad vantage to us ; for, if it be practicable, I would yet, this campaign, attack that place, I find^by^a letter frpm Mr. Craggs, that the earl of Oxford does not think the clerks of the Treasury are proper persons for the passing the accounts of Blenheim. I could wish they were of the com mission ; but if that can't be, I beg you wiU in- istruct Mr. Craggs those that may be the next best, for I would be glad to have that matter settled. I .fear the duke of Savoy's army is by this time re turned to Piedmont, and prince Eugene has ac quainted me with the impossibility of his being able to do any thing on the Rhine, so that Ido not doubt of the french bringing troops from thence hither. I have directed CoUins to give you notice before he leaves London.*' After filling up the ditches, and repairing the breaches, a fort was constructed, by order of the general, at the angle formed by the junction of the Sanzet and Scheld, as wed to secure the com munication between Bouchain and Douay, as to obstruct the investment of Bouchain, -should the marshal attempt .to retake it.. I7lh §7 The t^o arniKes reitnaine^ in their respective ^psitions ; thj^t Oif the .^Uiess to preserve ^ foftress which broke the connection of their formidable lines; while t|ie enemy, tp pppose the further enterpo-^^es of j)bye british general, y^^ained their posts with the bridges over the Sanzet and Scheld. * We are gratified in laying before the reader an anecdote of our great commander, which shews that his respect for men of piety and learning was not lost in his ardour for military glory. The character of Fenelon, archbishop of Cam bray, is too well known to need any delineation.. The estates of his see being exposed to the plunder of the troops, Marlborough ordered a detachment to guard the magazines of corn at Chateau; Cam- bresis, and gave a safe-conduct for their convey-. ance to Cambray ; and when even this protection,,, inconsequence of the scarcity of bread, was not hkely to be respected by the soldiery, he sent a corps of dragoons, with waggons, to transport the grain, and escort it to the precincts of the town.. Thus did our illustrious general pay homage to the christian philosopher, who honoured letters by his genius, religion by his piety, France by his re nown, and human nature by his amiable virtues t ; and thus did he, in his conduct towards the author * For the operations of the investment and siege of Bouchain have^ been consulted, besides the Correspondence and the articles in the Ga zette, the principal authorities enumerated in the preceding chapter, particularly the different lives of Marlborough i. — Memoiree de Vilfars; — Kane and Milner. f Vie de Marlborough, vol. iii. p. 322» G 4 88 CHAPTER 103. of Telemachrfs, imitate Alexander, at the capture of Thebes, when, in the language of our sublime poet, " The great Emathian conqueror bid spare " The house of Findarus, when temple and tower « Went to the ground." Milton, Sonnet VIII.. • 'i i'fii'' ¦¦¦; 1711. CHAPTER 104. 1711. Marlborough proposes to besiege Qjiesnoy, and to make pre parations for the winter cantonments of the army in Flanders. — Continuation qf the correspondence with lord treasurer Oxford. — Sends lord Stair to London, to pro mote a more cordial understanding with the minister, and to disclose his project for the capture qf Bouchain and Quesnoy, and the invasion qf France in the ensuing spring. — Return qf lord Stair, and duplicity qf Oxford. — Pro gress and result qf the secret negotiation with France. — Continuation qf the correspondence, •— Marlborough de ceived by the ministers. — Compelled to abandon hisprqject. — Close qf the campaign. — Elevation qf Charles to the throne qf the empire. — State qf the war in Spain, on the Rhine, and on the side qf the Alps. After the capture of Bouchain, Marlborough was anxious to commence, without delay, the siege of Quesnoy, which was the next operation in the in tended project. With this view, he had sent pro posals to the dutch government, for the purpose of pressing them to co-operate vigorously in the necessary preparations, and to contribute their pro portion of the expence. This project continues to be the prominent fea ture in the interesting correspondence, which we now resume ; and we find the treasurer entering into every detail, for the supply of the necessary 90 CHAPfER 104. charges attendant on the siege, as well as of forage and magazines, for the winter subsistence of the troops in Flanders. FfOfn J^ofd Q^ofd. « My lord ; July 31,-August 11. " On Saturday night ]^r. Sutton arrived at Wind- sor, and gave me the honour of your grace's letter, ffUd also the fi\Q^ jsgreeabte news of ypujr grace's haying pass^ tiie liaes,. upon which I ^iiost hearjiily .congratulate you ; and I no way doubt but as yojur grace has signalised your conduct in obtain ing this advantage, so you wUl improve it to the utmost for the commp^ good. Mr. Secretary St. John has orders to wril^ to Ipr^ Orrery, a^c^^oifding to lord Stair's pi^ppps^l, for facilit^afj^g 1^ PJ^=!#ct, but it ^ in such a jastffi^ ^l^t Jjjls joj-^sfeif' wM iiot. jl;^,able tp guess at itiie prpj^t ; ^t the prjetence is .taken irogi your grace investing pf Bouchain* As to the provision for the magazines, I desire your grace wiU let me know how much money must be advanced, and I will immediately take care to liave it remitted. I will consult my lord than ,|;o assure yo\i that I ,do most heartily wj^ ypuaU imaginable snccessj and am," ,§cc. M^P^y pfthe Jf),yJc^, -" AjJig- 20. — J._ was yerj weU assured tbe good news I sent your Iprdship by Mr- Sutton would ^ive you a great deal pf satisfactipn, and 'tis no less to me> to understand by tbp honpw of your letter of the 31st past, that yovi do me the jystice to believe, I shall u^e my .,utmQ^t endeayours tp improve the advantage we .lia;ve gained, for the service of her m>ajesty and ^e cpmnjion jgppd. I cannot yet give your lof dsbip a .ftn^l answer about the sum to be advanced for providing ^^gazines. You will see ])y^ tbc memorial df the cpuncU of state at the Hagn.e, and my answer .to it, which i send by this post to Mr. Secretary St. John, ,1^ difficulties that stiU .reiwain .on that side, ^care not yet agreed what number of tropps rf hft|l jbe kept on this frontier; but as J .am |^^^^tlyj?f opinion, following the coercive project ijS the iinp^t likely means of bringing the eneipy to reason, ,it will, consequently, be necessary to have as many trpops together as possibly we can, to assure the execution , of it. Howcivesr* tbe nioney to be 92 CHAPTER 104. advanced, at the largest coniputation, wiU not amount to more than double the sum that was paid last for the like service. " We have met with many "difficulties in the in vesting of Bouchain, which, however, is at last effected. We have cut off the enemy's last hopes of keeping a communication with the town, and are now preparing to carry on the, siege, in form. I hope we shall be ready to break ground in three days. Your lordship knows the taking this place is a considerable article in the project. The siege, a.s far as it depends upon me, shall be pushed on with all possible vigour ; and I do not altogether despair, but that from the' success of this campaign we may hear of some advances made towards what we so much desire ; and I shaU esteem it much the happiest part of my life, if I can be instru mental in putting a good end to the war, which grows so burthensome to our country, as well as to our allies. I am, with truth," &c. From Lord Oxford. « My lord; Aug. U,-25. " I received last night the honour of your grace's letter of the 20th instant, and do heartily rejoice that you are like to meet with so good success, in the siege. WiU not the enemy make some guess at the intended project by this siege ? I suppose lord Stair wUl think of returning the beginning of the next week, and by him I shaU do myself the honour to Write largely to your grace, as.weU as.to speak freely to him. I" am very desirous to settle the whole remittance for the cahipaign in Flanders this week, if it be possible, that I may have leisure 1711. 93 for other affairs. I find the town is full of com plaints from the army, about Mr. Sweet's * not continuing the payment as formerly. If I was not sure that your grace is too full of business, I would write at large about Spain ; if that war be not put upon another foot, it wUl entirely consume us, and the success answer nothing. They do nothing but make loud complaints, and yet have re ceived their full money to Christmas next, within a hundred and odd thousand pounds. And as to Portugal, lord Portmore says, he is assured, that the last fruitless campaign was concerted between the french and the portuguese, who, notwithstand ing all their clamour, about their sufferings on the frontier of El vas, the french did them not the least damage. I wUl add no more, but to beseech your grace to accept the assurance, that I am, with the most perfect respect," &c. On reviewing the preceding correspondence, the reader will scarcely believe, that the minister who could manifest such zeal for the prosecution of the war, was deliberately deceiving the general, and had, at this moment, brought the secret negotiation with France nearly to a conclusion. Such, however, is the fact ; and it is impossible to conceive how much farther he might have carried his duplicity, had not an unexpected inci dent excited suspicions of his double dealing. To answer the amicable overtures from the french moriarch. Prior had been sent in secrecy and disguise, for the purpose of establishing a * Deputy to the paymaster of the british forces, resident at Amsterr dam, and the duke of Marlborough's confidential agent. 94 CHAPTER 104. direct comtnunication betWieft the two cOuftS* During a stay of six weeks, he had brought the preliminaries to congistence, and was returning. With the same seci'ecy as he departedj in company with Mesriager, and the secretary of Torcy, when he was arrested by the miayaf of Deal ; and, for want of regular passports, he and his companions were detained as spies* The disclosure of his name, and the delivery of the secretary's warrant, prociired his liberation ; but the transaction could not be concealed, and the information which was conveyed from England, appears td have induced ^Marlborough to request some information of what Was passing; The ensuing letter shews the affect ation of candour, with which the wily treatsurer endeavoured to lull his suspicions. It needs no farther comment. « My lord ; Sept* 5.-16. " Before this comes to your grace's hands, I hope you will be master of Bouchain, and I no ways doubt but that your grace will make the best use df that little which remains of the campaign, for tbe prosecuting what you have so wisely projected and so much to your own honour carried on thus fat* Lord Stair will inform your grace of the little accidents which have detained him for some days, and since that, the last week the queen's gout has obhged his waiting for her majesty's letters to your grace. This has been the most regular fit her majesty has had for some years ; it is neither attended with pain in her stomach, nor any of those weaknesses which her majesty has been liable to on tbe likte occasion. She is got weU enough to be 1711. 93 able to walk witn a stici:,- alid is very cheerful and hearty. As to the pi'bj'ect lord Stair brought bvery fdttt grace knows that it hdd the queen's apprO- Mtibn, and Idrd ch^fffbdi-lairti writer' to' you his opiriibn. As to fny part, I desire my actibtis" may shew my approbatiori, a;rid I wUl hn'mediately isSue such stiriis of m'bney as yOti shall judge Aece^sary, for riiaking the requisite ffiag'a^ne's. *' Arid riOw, my lord, sihde I must speak 6f rhy^ self, I can say no mbf e ttikrt this, that I shall leSve it to my actions to speak for fflfe, and ^P give y6tt# grace demonstration that t am the sattdC itistn. to^ watds you, as I waS tit^ first day I had the honour •of your acquaifftaricg; arid I shall a^ heattilypnJttfetd every thing under yOur care, as I did, 6i WbifM have dbne, iri any time iihte I have beeri knoWii id you. I ahi nOwto acquaint your grade %ith a letter I have received this day from Mt. Secret^ St. cfbhn, MoSe Wdek it is to Stay at WiMsbr. H^ says that he has received a letter fvottt Mr. Bothniar, that the elidctOr is apprehensive thfe daneS will take! he feai**, by thalj md inarching 6idsi hr^ Coiintfy, they may Spread the plague itt his ibMidtf. Tp pfetebt this, the eiefctbf-tlesir'^s that soine of the hofse and dragoons iiiay be allbwed td winter in his country. TTiis is id cfettltrafy tP what ybiif grace projects, that some xvay liiUst be fbrind to prevent the inconvenience, ot to replace what fehall be so dratvn a^ay ; but having ^pdke dt large to lord Stait oh that subject, I wUl trouble yoti no farther to repeat ihy discourse, having read thus far of this letter to his lordship. " I have this moment received the henoufi*^ of 96 CHAPTER 104. your grace's letter of Sept. 9.» My view in prd* posing the taking an account was only for youi', grace's service*; and all the money being issued without account, except such as should be ren dered to your grace, it wUl be only proper for you to name those who shaU take that account. ", I have spoke this night so freely to lord Stan: on the affairs of Spain and Portugal, and the me thod of putting that war on a better foot, that I shaU not trouble your grace to write what his lord- ship wUl better declare by word of mouth. " Now, as to the affair of peace, which I men tioned in my last, the sum of what is hitherto done, is this. Some in Holland having this summer, by divers ways, endeavoured to set on foot a negoti ation for peace, and France not being prevailed with to begin with them, sent a propositipn di rectly to England. The queen declared she would enter into no separate treaty, nor would receive any thing she would not transmit to the. States. Upon this, they sent a general offer of giving satisfaction to England, to Holland, to the- emperor and all the allies, and to give , a suret^; reel for our commerce ; but this being only in ge nerals, it was insisted upon that it should be ex plained, which they sent one to do, and he is ordered to prepare such a proposition, as may ber fit to be transmitted to Holland, which is not yet done. This is the substance of every thing which^ bath passed. I suppose a very few days wUl shew, whether they are in earnest. This is kept as se-. * This paragraph relates to the appomtment of comijiIssioijerS, for examining the accounts of the expe^diturcTat Blenheim. 1711. 97 cret as it can be, tho' there is not one step taken, which wUlnot speedUy be laid open in HoUand, when lord Strafford goes over, who is to be married to-morrow to Sir Henry Johnson's daughter. I be seech your grace to believe, that I am, with the most perfect respect," &c. Reply of the Duke. " Camp before Bouchain, Sept. Vj[. — Soon after I had dispatched away Collins, with an account of the surrender of Bouchain, I received the honour of your lordship's letter of Aug. 28.-Sept. 8, and am very much obliged to you for the good news you send me of the queen's being so well recovered from her last fit of the gout. As the continuance of her majesty's health is the foundation of all our happiness, 'tis the constant subject of my prayers, and perfect obedience to her commands is the business of my hfe. I return your lordship many thanks for the advice you are pleased to give me, of the overture made from the french court for a general peace, upon which, till I receive your farther instructions by lord Stair, I can only give you assurance, that, besides the discharge of my duty, nothing in the world can be more agreeable to my inclinations, than to be any way instrumental in the. concluding, as soon as possible, such a peace as may be to the satisfaction of her majesty, and the good of my country. And wherever I may be thought serviceable in that important affair, I shall be glad to shew as much zeal as I have endea voured to do in the prosecution of the war. " The death of lord Jersey gives me fresh occa sion to wish for' a speedy end of the war, that I VOL. VI. H 98 CHAPTER 104. may enjoy a littie repose before my own time comes. I do not doubt but the queen wUl have aU reason to be satisfied with the choice she has made of the bishop of Bristol, who has shewn abroad how fitly he is qualified to do her majesty service at home. I am, with truth, my lord," &c. WhUe the british general was revolving in his mind the accomplishment of his project, and acce lerating the preparations for the siege of Quesnoy, his curiosity could not fail to be excited by the discovery of the mysterious negotiations, as well as by the evasive explanation of the treasurer. He waited with impatience the return of lord Stair, for an explicit description of the state of the cabinet, the progress of the negotiation, and the views of the minister. That nobleman, indeed, returned at this momentj after a stay of more than a month in England. His own honest and indig nant language will best describe his reception,' and the success of his journey. " I went to London, and delivered my lord Marlborough's letter to lord Oxford. After many delays, I had at last a very free conference with his lordship, in which he spoke -^ith great freedofli and plainness to me. I thought, by all my lord said, our conversation was to have ended in esta blishing a very good understanding between my lord treasurer and the duke of Marlborough ; but his lordship in the end thought fit to say, that he must defer declaring his final resolution upon the whole matter, till our next conversation, which , he faithfully promised me should happen in a very few days. The detaU of his conversation was ex- 15* 1711. W tremely curious, and very well worth your know ledge ; but I must delay giving it you at present. If ever we happen to meet, I shall give you a fuU account of it. From day to day I put my lord Oxford in mind of finishing our conversation, but to no purpose. In the interval Mr. Prior was sent\ them back from France, which they took to be a I carte blanche for settling all the differences of Europe ; and, in the end, I was allowed to go \ back to the siege of Bouchain, with a bam- ! boozling letter from my lord Oxford to the duke ' of Marlborough." * From Lord Oxford, " My lord; Sept. 11.-22. *' I have just now received the honour of your grace's letter from Mr. Collins of Sept. 14. I do most heartily congratulate your grace's success in the reduction of Bouchain, and I do most sincerely wish your succeeding undertakings may be crowned with the like success. I am sorry to find that the States are so backward to comply with what is ne cessary for carrying on your grace's project ; but I hope lord Albemarle will prevaU with them. Lord Stair will have informed your grace of the elector of Hanover's demands, about some part of his troops. Your grace knows the regard which is paid to his electoral highness here, and he haying wrote to your grace upon that subject, the secre tary is to write to you to manage that affair in the best way not to disoblige the elector, and at the same time not to let it be an example to other * Continuation of lord Stair's letter to lord Marchmont, Edinburgh; Dec. 10. 1754. H 2 100 CHAPTER 104. princes, to recaU their troops. Nothing farther hath passed in the great affair mentioned in my letter by my lord Stair. I suppose the contrary wind hath kept back the answer expected. * I do again most sincerely congratulate your grace on your good success, and beseech you to accept the assurance, that I am, with the greatest sincerity and most perfect esteem and respect," &c. The Duke of Marlborough to Lord Oxford. « My lord ; Sept. 24. " In^my last I had not time so much as to men tion a very material article in the letter lord Stair brought me from your lordship. I have since dis coursed very largely upon the subject of it, an4 am so fully apprised of your opinion of the affairs in Spain and Portugal, and your method of put ting that war on a better foot, that there is very little room left for me to add any thing. There -might doubtless be many inconveniences removed, by converting that whole expence into subsidies, which would bring it to certainty, save a great number of the queen's subjects, and such troops might be employed as have constitutions better fitted fpr those climates. The great difficulty will be to find sufficient assurance that the money shall be duly employed to the use for which it is given, in which, however, I should sooner hope for an exact compliance from king Charles, than from the king of Portugal. The former being now become * Probably alluding to the state of the iiegotiatio-n, which he still concealed from the duke, although the articles had been arranged, and were on the point of being signed. 1711. 101 head of the councUs at Vienna, and master of the revenues, will not be under such pressing neces sities as he has been hitherto, and, in all proba bility, may not want inclination, when he has it in his power, as well to pursue his own point, as to testify some gratitude for what her majesty has done for him ; but your lordship is already too well acquainted with the present spirit of the Por tuguese court, to expect any great good from thence, whatever methods we may take to deserve it from them. After all, your lordship will give me leave to offer my opinion, that whatever is determined, the States should at the same time be pressed not to be any way wanting on their part ; for if, when we have done all that can be re quired of us, there remains the least ground of complaint, tho' the fault should lie at others' doors, we shall be equal sufferers. This letter is longer than I thought when I began it, and is not so much intended for your information as to con vince you, that I shall be always ready to give you my thoughts on any subject, when they may be of use ; and my actions shaU always confirm the truth with which I profess myself to be, my lord,'^ &c. Strange as it may seem to the candid mind, to observe the duplicity practised by the treasurer, while his schemes were in progress ; it must excite stUl deeper indignation to find him, even after he had sanctioned these fatal preliminaries, assuming the same hypocritical professions, encouraging the general to prosecute his project, and affecting to chide the dutch for their lukewarm and selfish conduct. H 3 102 CHAPTER 104, From Lord Oaford.- " My lord ; Sept. 25. -Oct, Q, " Mr. Drummond being arrived from Holland, I carried him to Windsor, to wait upon the queen, where he had an opportunity of laying before her majesty the opinion of lord Albemarle and the grand pensionary, on the affair of providing forage for the troops, and the additional charge of stables and cazerns, &e. He was not able to name what sum would fall to the share of England ; and, in deed, I do believe it would be almost impossible to fix any sum at present. But tbe queen ordered me to communicate it to the lords, and they being of opinion, that the whole project depends upon the providing of the forage, I am directed to let your grace know, that- it is left to your grace to make the best bargain you can, for the queen's proportion, both of the forage and the stabling, &c. In the latter it is to be observed, that the utensUs, after the service is over, will remain to the States, which will be considered in the proportion they are to bear in that expence. Being kept late at Windsor, I have not time to enlarge ; but I was not wiUing this post should go, without giving your grace this account, and assuring you, that I am, with the greatest respect," &c. " My lord ; Sept. 28.-Oct. 9. " The next day after I wrote last to your grace, I received the honour of your letter of Oct. 2. I am much concerned that lord Albemarie finds so much difficulty at the Hague. I signified in my last, the queen's readiness to come into her share; and the lords have met again upon it, and after, 1711. 103 had a conference with my lord Strafford, who goes over fuUy instructed to press the States very warmly upon this head. On Sunday it wUl be considered what farther measures can be taken to prevail with the States. I believe my lord Straf ford will be over as soon as this letter; for the yachts are ready to carry him over. As to what your grace is pleased to write, about the advance on the contracts for the winter magazines, I have directed Mr. Bridges to deliver in a demand for what is necessary for that service, on Tuesday next. Mr. HUl being again fallen iU, and Mr. Methuen's domestic affairs not permitting him to leave .England, the queen, for dispatch, wiU be obliged to make use of one of her ministers, who is near there, to be arbitrator at Milan. I beseech your grace to accept the assurance, that I am, with the utmost respect," &c. The Duke of Marlborough to Lord Oxford. " My lord ; Camp near Bouchain, Oct. 15. " By my last to Mr. Secretary, your lordship will have seen the utmost of what we are to expect from the States, towards the execution of our pro ject. The remarks I have made upon their last resolution may serve to set the matter in its true light; but I can scarce expect any other effect from it. Your lordship will see, by the disposition of the winter quarters, that we shall want near threescore squadrons of the number proposed for the frontiers ; but I hope what we have, may, by tbe care and diligence of the commanders, be em ployed to very good use. M. Villars is doing part of our work for us, by continuing so long in his H 4 104 CHAPTER 1D4. camp, and consuming whatever could be expected from the neighbouring country, for the subsistence of his troops in the winter. " Mr. Cardonel sends now to Mr. Lowndes a state of the pay of, the general officers for this year, to be laid before your lordship, in which he has, comprehended all such as have any relation to this army, whether they serve or not. For the former, I presume yom- lordship wUl not disap prove my giving the usual warrant ; but for the others, I must pray your directions, what answers I may give upon their applications. My lord, this is a matter in which I apply to your friendship. You know my single word will scarce pass current, and I should be sorry any reproach should lie at my door, for not being able to gratify such persons as may have merit beyond the extent of the estab lishment. I have hitherto been so impartial in my distributions, that for three years past, that my brother has not served, I have left hini out of the warrants, tho' he has been continued upon the establishment. I wUl only observe to your lord.i ship, that my lord Orrery and brigadier Hamilton, who have been on this side during the campaign, will probably think their pretensions the best grounded. " My lord Orrery has sent hither one Mr. Beau mont, who furnishes bread to the troops of the States, with proposals for furnishing the forage this winter. They are the fairest of any that have been yet made, and near a penny a ration cheaper than what the dutch pay ; so that I have con cluded to contract with him, and the articles of 1711. 105 agreement shall be sent to Mr. Lowndes as soon as they are settled and signed." " Oct. 22. — In my last I acknowledged the honour of your lordship's letter of the 25th past, but had not time to express my sense of the gracious manner in which the queen is pleased to encourage the prosecution of the project, which, with the confidence her majesty thought fit to re pose in me, for making bargains for the forage and stabling, I look upon as a particular mark of her satisfaction in my zeal for her service ; and I know, my lord, I have no small obligations to you for your good offices on this occasion. " I have thought fit for the service to com municate your letter of the 28th to my lord Albe marle, who is now with me. He has writ largely to the Hague upon the subject of it. The justice he has done to her majesty's generosity, and the zeal of her ministers, and your lordship in parti cular, is a reproach to those in HoUand ; but as the loss of time on their part has made it imprac ticable to provide what they proposed, I think they cannot reasonably expect her majesty should bear any part of the extraordinary charge, except that of the forage for the troops in her own pay. And as it has been, from the beginning of theiwar, my particular care to keep them from breaking in upon us in expenses- of this nature, I shaU be no less vigUant, now that I think they have no colour for niaking any demands from us, since they have not complied with the whole. " I send now to Mr. Bridges a contract I have signed with Beaumont for fprage. He wUl have 106 CHAPTER 104. the honour to lay it before your lordship. This contract has been made with the best husbandry that could be, and you will please to observe, that we have the advantage of giving a month's warn ing for the forage for the spring. This was done with a particular view to the overtures from France, your lordship was pleased to communicate to me some time since ; and I pray God we may not have occasion to put her majesty to that expense. I am, with much truth." During this period, secretary St. John wrote in the same style of cordiality, approving the project, in his own behalf, as weU as in the name of the queen, and reiterating the assurances, that the strongest representations had been made to the dutch, for the purpose of engaging their hearty concurrence. At the same time, both the mini sters were mocking the duke of Marlborough with this affectation orhearty support, being well aware that the States, who were acquainted with the pending negotiations, would not agree to the siege of Quesnoy, or enter into any unnecessary expen diture, for a design, which they knew was not likely to be carried into execution. In fact, notwithstanding the promise of the queen, that she would carry on the negotiation, in concurrence with the States, no official commu nications were made to the repubUc, for several months after the delivery of the preliminary articles proposed by the french court. The whole trans action was clandestinely managed, between Torcy and the british ministers, through the agency of Mesriager, who accompanied Prior on his return 1711. 107 to England. On the 27th of September, O. S., \ the preliminaries, founded on the basis of the ' seven articles, were signed by Mesnager, on the part of France, and by the two ^secretaries of state, in virtue of a warrant from the queen. In this dishonourable instrument, the only specific propo sitions were, the acknowledgment of the queen's title and the protestant succession, by the king of France, and his engagement to take all just and reasonable measures, that the crowns of France and Spain should never be united on the head of the same prince, from a persuasion that this excess of power would be contrary to the good and quiet of Europe. Thus, with a single stroke of the pen, was overturned the leading principle of the grand aUiance, that no bourbon prince should ever fill the throne of Spain. A secure and convenient barrier was, indeed, prpmised to the States, the empire, and the house of Austiia, but without the mention of any precise cession. Dunkirk was to be demolished, but a proper equivalent was to be settled on in the conferences ; the pretensions of the allies were to be discussed bond fide and ami cably, and nothing omitted to terminate them to the satisfaction of all parties. > With an affectation of good faith and sincerity, a copy of these preliminaries was transmitted to count Gallas, the imperial minister ; and, by him, a translation was inserted, without a moment's delay, in a newspaper called the Post Boy, by which means they were prematurely made public. An official copy was Uke'wise communicated to the States, andn their concurrence peremptorily 108 CHAPTER 104. demanded. These preliminaries were received in: Holland with universal indignation. They dis gusted even Buys himself, and his adherents, who had been so eager for peace, that to procure it they would have ceded Naples and Sicily to Philip, provided Spain and the Indies were withheld from a Bourbon prince, and a specific barrier assigned. The States accordingly dispatched Buys into Eng land, to join with the ministers of the other allies, in remonstrating against such unwarrantable con cessions. Meanwhile, Gallas had been ignomi- ( niously dismissed ; and the ministers not only bitterly complained of the interference of the States, but positively warned them, that if they did not concur in the acceptance of these preli minaries, England would consider the smallest delay as a refusal, carry on the negotiations with out them, and enter into no concert for the future prosecution of the war. * WhUe this affair was yet in agitation, the trea surer thus wrote to the general : — « My lord ; Oct, 19.-30. " I received the honour on Wednesday last of three letters together from your grace, dated Oct. 15th, 19th, and 22d. I am not in a condition to answer the several particulars by this post ; but I hope to be well enough to do it by the next. As to the general officers, your grace is the best judge of their services, and, I know, wiU be desirous to make the public money go as far as is possible. As *Memoires de Torcy; — Mesnager's Negotiations ; — St. John's Letters to the earl of Strafford, in Bolingbroke's Correspondence, together with the account of this clandestine negotiation in the publi cations of the times, and the english historians. 1711. 109 to the forage, of the seventy thousand pounds, which were remitted last week, twenty thousand are designed for that service, in case your grace thinks so much necessary to be advanced at pre sent. If I mistake not, there was not above fifteen thousand advanced last year ; but it is left to your grace to apportion that sum, and to regulate it as you shall see best for the service. As to the project for winter quarters, which had so general an approbation, and to the extraordinary expence of which, her majesty, upon your grace's recom mendation, did so heartily concur, I am sorry those who are most concerned to support it, are so wUling to let it drop. Ours is a very unlucky situ ation, that every one is shrinking from the war, and at the same tiine casting the burthen upon Britain, and yet unwilling to let her have the least advan tage. I would to God that our allies would resolve either to make a good war or a good peace. * " M. Buys came to town' yesterday ; I have not yet seen him, not being able to go abroad. I sup pose he will go to Windsor on Sunday. Some of his countrymen have been so kind to him as to write to their correspondents here, that he is come to demand more troops, and to put an end to the beginning of a negotiation for peace. This will not render him very agreeable to the bulk of this nation ; but I believe these are rumours spread by some who are no very good friends to M. Buys. Count Gallas has ordered some of those heads (for they are not preliminaries) to be printed, by some of our news scribblers, which, I believe,, is * There is a clause here omitted, which will appear in p. 122; &c. 110 CHAPTER 104. the first iristance of that kind, but not of the count's indiscretions, or passions, at the least. I cannot but think the States and aU the aUies may have these heads explained and extended to rea sonable satisfaction ; but if they cast away the op portunity, they themselves must bear the blame. I will end your grace's trouble at this time, with beseeching you to believe me to be^ with tbe utmost respect and sincerity," &c. In consequence of the demurs on the part of the dutch, it is not to be wondered that the duke of Marlborough should relinquish the siege of Quesnoy, and the farther prosecution of the pro ject. But we cannot sufficiently abhor the machi- avelian policy of the ministers, when secretary St. John could, with cool and malicious effrontery, observe to the queen : — " Sept. 25. 0. S. — I take the liberty, besides the extract of what our office letters bring, to trouble your majesty with a private letter from the- duke of Marlborough, and the papers which came in closed in it. If the project has been disappointed, it has not been so by your majesty, who gave orders for readily entering into the necessary mea sures on your part. However, it is of some use to have my lord Marlborough's confession, that we may be disabled from doing, any thing the next year, and that the enemy may, perhaps, be in a condition to act offensively." After continuing three weeks with the army, tb put Bouchain in a posture of defence, and secure the navigation of the Scarpe to Douay, Marl borough made preparations to close the campaign. 1711. Ill by sending his troops into winter quarters. On the point of his departure, he appears to have been affected by the renewal of the accusations, with which he had been assailed, for prolonging the war ; and no less mortified by the prospect of the humiliating part, which he was likely to per form at the Hague, deprived of the confidence of the government, and excluded from all official knowledge of political transactions. Under this impression, he appears to have written to the treasurer, in a tone of unusual querulousness and disappointment. " I took it for a singular mark of your lordship's. friendship, that you were pleased some time ago to communicate to me the overtures that were made from France towards a peace ; and tho' I am no way curious to know what passes on that subject, yet I cannot conceal from you the concern I am under, lest you should have taken some im pressions, from the writings and discourses of such as pretend, either out of friendship to me, or by my encouragement, to promote the continuance of the war. I protest to you, my lord, they do not utter my sentiments ; there is nothing upon earth 1 1 wish more than an end of the war. Her majesty has not a subject who desires it more heartily than I do. I am perfectly convinced that, besides the draining our nation both of men and money, almost to the -last extremity, our aUies do, hy degrees, so shift the burthen of the war upon us, that, at the rate they go on, the whole charge must at last faU on England. I assure you, I should never have had the confidence to prppose 112 CHAPTER 104. the least expence, were it not out of hopes, that such an extraordinary effort would have as good an effect, and induce the enemy to think seriously: of peace, when they found the war so coming home to them ; and 'tis possible the apprehensions of the execution of our project may have had some influence that way. But, my lord, as you haVe given me encouragement to enter into the strictest friendship with you, and I have done nothing to forfeit it, I beg your friendly advice in what manner I am to govern myself. You cannot but imagine 'twould be a terrible mortification to pass by the Hague, with our pleriipotentiaries there, and myself a stranger to their transactions ; and what hopes can I have of any countenance at home, if I am not thought fit to be trusted abroad. I could have been contented to have passed the winter on the frontier, if the States had done their part ; but, under my present circumstances, I am really at a loss what part to take. My lord, I have put myself wholly into your hands, and shall be entirely guided by your advice, if you will be so kind as to favour me with it. We shaU scarce be able to move from hence before the end of the month; for, besides the continuance of M. Villars in the neighbourhood, we shall be obliged to stay here tUl our frontier towns are sufficiently provided vnth forage. My writing in this manner is a free dom I should not take with your lordship, if I were capable of making an ill use, or a bad return ' for your friendship ; and I demand of you, as a piece of justice, that you wdU believe me, with the greatest truth," &c. 1711. 113 Marlborough quitted Bouchain on the 25th, and repaired to Marchiennes. We find a letter dated from this place. Which evinces a strong anxiety to cultivate the good will of the treasurer, with whom, as a servant of the queen, he was under the ne cessity of acting. " Marchiennes, Oct, 26. — This is the last I shall trouble your lordship with from these parts. 'Tis chiefly to acquaint you that I now send to Mr. (Secretary a resolution of the States, which their ¦deputies communicated to me the 23d in the evening, with the answer I returned them. By the former it is insinuated the States expect the queen should come into a part of the extraordinary charge, occasioned by quartering on the frontiers the number of troops specified in the last distri bution. This I think so unreasonable, that I do not give them the least encouragement to hope for any manner of compliance, beyond the forage for her majesty's own troops, and I shall continue to use the same language to them, unless you shall instruct me otherwise ; for I understand the direc tions in your lordship's letter of the 28th past, relate only to what her majesty was inclined to do, if the States had wholly complied with the first project. What they now propose is altogether impracticable : it would keep us a month longer in the field, to make all their enquiries, and, besides that, several of our troops are already gone to ^eir quarters. We have not forage for two days more, so that the marshal de VUlars being marched on Friday last, I design this army shall do the same to-morrow, in order to separate ; and I shall VOL.. VI. I 114 CHAPTER 104. be the same night at Tournay, where I intend id stay the rest of the Week, to give such direction^ as may be necessary during the winter. The number of troops on this frontier does not require aiiy other generals than the governors of the towns ; and my lord Albemarle being the eldest of them, I have ordered the rest to meet me with him at Tournay, to settle every thing ; so that, if it be possible, what is left here may not be altogether useless, bnt contribute, in some measure, to the great end I have so much at heart, and facilitate the advances France makes towards peace. It wUl take me i^ another week to get to the Hague, where I propose to make but a very short stay, if I find the yachts ready to carry me over ; and I entreat your lord ship wUl please to direct Mr. Lowndes to send orders to the Custom-house, that my baggage, and some small remains of my camp provisions, may pass directly to WhitehaU, and be visited there, as has been practised in former years. I flatter my* self your lordship wUl believe me, when I promise you I will make no Ul use of this indulgence. In fine, ray lord, I desire this may serve to prepare you to receive me, such as you would desire to find me, full of gratitude for the several marks of your friendship this campaign, and of resolution to •do all that lies in my power to cultivate it ; an4 to convince not only yourself, but aU the world, that nothing can be more sincere than the profession I make of being ever, with truth, my lord," &C. " The unfortunate revolution in the british mi nistry, and the consequent change of measures, 1711. 115 pit)duced a disastrous effect in every part of the theatte of war. In Sps.in the consequences were peculiarly fatal. Philip, apprised of the favourable result likely to iarise from the pending negotiations between France and England, justly deemed himself secure of retaining the spariish crown. He sent full powers to Louis, to make any reasoriable concession whic)i ihight accelerate a peace, and acquiesced in the defensive system, to which the french monarch prudently confined his mUitary operations on tbe side of Catalonia. Charles becomirig, by the death of his bi;other, bead of the house of Austria, and candidate for the throne of the empire, was anxious to exchange a scanty and precarious sovereignty, for an exten sive and hereditary dominion, and to enjoy, with out delay, the expedted honours of the imperial dignity. He continued, therefore, at Barcelona, only to quiet the alarms of his faithful Catalans, and to supei^uitend the military operations. After consigning tP marshal Staremberg the supreme cbtnttiand of the army, which had been reinforced by 7000 meri, he took his departure in the month of September. In an a,ffecfionate letter to his Spanish subjects, he stated the causes of his absence, praised their loyalty, anriounced his speedy return, arid confided the government to his consort, whom he fecoininended as the most precious pledge which he cbiild entrust to their fidelity. On the 27th of Septeriiber, Charles embarked on board the eriglish fleet, and landed at Vado on the 8th of October. The genoese government .12 116 CHAPTER 104. having declined to receive him as king of Spaii]^ he scornfully rejected the offer of a convoy, and proceeded on his journey to his Italian dpminipns, without halting in the territories of the republic. At Pavia, he had an interview with the duke of Savoy, and entered Milan with all the pomp of sovereignty. In this city he was hailed with thp joyful intelligence of his election to the imperial throne, which took place at Frankfort on the 8th of October. After receiving the homage of his new subjects, and congratulations from the ministers of Venice, Tuscany, and Parma, in his joint capa city of emperor and king of Spain, he was gratified with the tardy, though respectful acknowledgments of the republic of Genoa. Departing from Italy, the emperor elect was crowned at Frankfort, with unusual pomp, on the 22d of December. In addition to his other titles, he assumed that of Tting of Spain, and in that quality created several knights of the Golden Fleece. Repairing to Vienna, he took quiet possession of all his hereditary do minions, confirmed the pacification of Hungary, directed the niost vigorous preparations for conti nuing the war against the house of Bourbon, and exerted his strenuous efforts to trav& sitting, he made that pubHc and manly appeial, 140 CHAPTER 106. which, at the present moment, when the petty passions of the time have ceased to operate, cannot be read without mingled sensations of shame, sym pathy, and indignation. « I appeal to the queen," he said, " whether I did not constantly, while I was plenipoteritiary, give her majesty and her councU an account of aU the propositions that were made, and whether I did not desire instructions for my conduct on this subject. I can declare, with a good conscience, in the pre sence of her majesty, of this Ulustrious assembly, and of God himself, who is infinitely superior to all the powers of the earth, and Ijefore whom, by the ordinary course of nature, I shall soon appeai", to render an account of my actions, that I was very desirous of a safe, honourable, and lasting peace, and was always very far from prolonging the war for my own private advantage ; as several libels and discourses have most falsely insinuated. My great age, and my numerous fatigyes in war, make me ardently wish i jr the power to enjoy a quiet repose, in order to think of eternity. As to other matters, I had not the least inducement, bn any account, to desire the continuance of the war for my own particular interest ; since my services have been so generously rewarded by her majesty and her parliament ; but I think myself obliged to make such an acknowledgment to her majesty and my country,"that I am always ready to serve them, whenever' my duty may require, to obtain an hoi nourable and a lasting peace. Yet I can by nf means acquiesce in the measures that have been taken, to enter into a negotiation of peace w^H 1711—1712. 141 France, upon the foot of some pretended prelimi naries, which are now circulated ; since my opinion is the same as that of most of the aUies, that to leave Spain and the West Indies to the house of Bourbon, wUl be the entire ruin of Eu rope, which I have, with all fidelity and humUity, declared to her majesty, when I had the honour to wait on her after my arrival from HoUand. I therefore support the motion for inserting the proposed clause in the address." The pathos and solemnity with which he deli vered this manly appeal, produced a great sen sation in the house ; and it was warmly seconded by CoWper, Halifax, and bishop Burnet, and only feebly opposed by the subordinate members of go vernment. A motion for the previous question was lost by the single casting vote of Nottingham, and the clause itself carried by a majority of 64 to 52. The address, thus altered, being presented, the queen drily answered, " I take your thanks kindly, but should be sorry that any one should think I would not do my utmost to recover Spain and the West Indies from the house of Bourbon." To obviate the effect of this pointed and public ^ censure, the ministerial party exerted themselves in the house of commons, where they possessed an overwhelming majority. A similar clause was re jected with disdain, by a majority of 232 voices against 106, and a loyal address voted, expressing their satisfaction at the declaration made by her majesty, relative to the negotiations for peace, and the higliest confidence in her wisdom. A phrase 14^ CHAPTER 106. was inserted in this address, conveying an oblique censure on the duke of Marlborough, in word^ al most simUar to those used by the earl of Anglesea in the upper house ; namely, that " they would ^cert their utmost endeavours to disappoinjt, as 159 These plain facts were opposed, not by negative proofs, but by mere assertions, and by declamations on the abstract principle of right and public wel fare ; though no evidence was adduced, that the service had suffered the detriment, which was contended to have been the consequence of the contracts and deductions. Those who are ac quainted with the nature and spirit of party wUl not be surprised to find that, even after this com plete exculpation, the commons, by a majority of 270 against 165, should have resolved ; " That the taking several sums of money, annually, by the duke of Marlborough from the contractors for furnishing the brqad and bread waggons, in the Low Countries, was unwarrantable and illegal." An attempt was here made by the duke's friends to suspend farther proceedings. But their motion of adjournment was negatived by a considerable majority; and a second resolution was passed, declaring, " that the deduction of 24. per cent., from the pay of the foreign troops in her majesty's service, is public money, and ought to be ac counted for." These resolutions were communi cated, in an address to the queen, who replied, " I have a great regard for whatever is presented to me by my commons, and will do my part to redress whatever you complain of." These violent prosecutors, and zealous stewards of the public, seem, however, rather to have regarded effect, than the regular course of justice ; for they contented themselves with this resolution, which obtained an order from the queen for the attorney-general to prosecute the duke ; although 160 CHAPTER 107. they did not proceed to an impeachment, or desire the concurrence of the lords. And if we may credit the assertions of a contemporary historian, their forbearance did not originate in any com punctious feeling, but from a resolution to continue. the very perquisites, which they had so severely reprobated, to their creature, the new commander- in-chief. * To give additional effect to this prosecution, they next descended to the secretary and agent of the duke ; and, after a long debate, declared the petty gratuity of 500 ducats, given by the con tractor for bread to Mr. Cardonel, unwarrantable and illegal, and expeUed him from the house. They at the same time decreed the, prosecution of Mr. Sweet, for the annual deduction of one per cent., though it was proved to be a customary fee to the paymaster of the forces. In consequence of the malignity and violence with which the charges had been advanced in the report of the commissioners, and the imddious and shameful suppression of the proofs in his defence, Marlborough was urged to appear in the house of commons, like lord Somers, and enter into a full refutation of the calumnies contained in the report.! But he disdained to submit to a measure, which he considered as an act of degradation, and as a tacit acknowledgment of the crimes of which he was accused. He, however, consented to allpw a vindication of himself to be drawn up in a * Cunningham, vol. ii. book 14. t A speech on the occasion, drawn up in the hand-writing of lord, Oodolphin, is preserved in the Marlborough Papers. ^5* 1712. 161 regular form, and publicly circulated. This able composition wiU spare us the labour of refuting the charges of the commissioners, and the arguments with which they were supported ; and, therefore, we refer the reader to the document itself, which is printed in all our historical publications. We shall merely observe, that it proved both the par tiality and the negligence with which the report had been drawn. First, it contradicted the false assertion, that Cardonel had attested on oath, his ignorance that the duke had received any perquisite from Medina; secondly, it exposed the shameful equivocation of the commissioners, in stating, that no english general in the Low Countries, before the duke of Marlborough, had received the per quisite ; for he was the first english general who had commanded in the Low Countries. This vindication made a deep impression on the public, and even on many of those members who had voted against him. Indeed, his prosecutors meanly shrunk from the controversy ; for, instead of declaring it a libel, which was a measure due to their own dignity, if it was false, they suffered it to remain unanswered. They afterwards adopted one of those incon sistent measures, into which persons who are not perfectly satisfied with the soundness and regularity of their proceedings, generally fall. In gi-anting the vote of supply, they added the resolution, that the two and a half per cent., which ought to be deducted, or had been deducted from the pay of the foreign troops, should be applied to the public service ; a resolution totally unnecessary, if the VOL. VI. - M 162 CHAPTER 107. transaction was unprecedented, unwarrantable, or iUegal. But they felt a stiU greater degree of embarrass ment, when several of the foreign princes spon taneously treated the resolution of the house of commons as an infringement of their sovereign rights, and represented, by their ministers, that they offered this contribution, as their own free gift, to the duke of Ormond, the new commander- in-chief. It was accepted on his part, without any scruple of conscience, and not marked by any disapprobation from parliament. Marlborough had continued so firm in his oppo sition to the peace, that the new ministers exerted their ingenuity to carry their prosecution against him to the utmost extremity. They made the minutest inquiry into the disposal of commissions, with the hope of fixing an additional stigma on his character. But though abuses had existed in this branch of the service during the reign of William, and had even been considered as a justifiable perqui site, all the vigilance of enmity and party spleen could not discover a single instance on which to found an accusation. This failure seems to have excited no small d^ree of surprise and disappointment, and tended to weaken the charge of peculation, in which the ministry had laboured to involve him. In the midst of the ferment created by this prosecution, prince Eugene arrived in England, charged with prpposals from the emperor, which were calculated to disconcert the schemes of the ministry, and to turn the tide of public opinion, We have already seen, that in I7IO both Maii- 1712. 163 borough and Godolphin had flattered themselves with the hope of drawing great advantage from the personal interposition of Eugene ; and had he vi sited England at that period, his presence might doubtless have especiaUy contributed to remove their embarrassments, and suspend the overtures to France. Being, however, then detained at Vienna, by the pressure of military and political business, Ijie design of his journey was resumed at the present crisis, with the expectation that his mediation might yet produce the same effect; and that propositions from the emperor, to con tinue the war, when urged by the weight of his splicitations, might perhaps interrupt the negoti ations for peace, and turn the balance in favour of the whigs. Both parties, therefore, contemplated the prospect of his arrival with equal artxiety, though with opposite sentiments of fear and hope. To prevent or retard it, the ministers exerted every effort in their power. Finding, however, all their attempts ineffectual, they sullenly acquiesced ; but intimated to him, that measures would be taken to frustrate any intrigue with the opposition, and that the less attention he paid to the duke of Marl borough, the more satisfactory would his conduct be deemed by the queen. * On the 5th of January, the prince landed at Gravesend, and the first inteUigence which met his ear was, the dismission of the duke of Marl borough, and the creation of twelve peers, which restored the ascendancy of the ministerial * Bolingbroke's Correspondence, jaassim. M 2 164 CHAPTER 107. party in the house of lords. Drummond, the de pendant of St. John, who was sent to receive him, presumed to give the same caution, as had before been intimated, respecting his conduct to his for- ' mer associate in glory ; but he repeUed the insi nuation with proper ' dignity : "It is a mistake," he observed, " to suppose that I came to England with an intention to give the least disturbance to the ministry ; but it is wholly inconsistent with my honour and temper, to be wanting in respect to a friend, in his adverse fortune, for whom I always professed so much regard in the time of his prp- sperity." On reaching London he took up his abode in Leicester House, which was prepared fbr his reception. He was welcomed in the customary forms, by the ministers of all denominations, and received a visit from the duke of Marlborough, whom he treated with peculiar marks of friendship and regard. Frpm the court, he experienced every external mark of respect ; but without the slightest token of confidence and esteem. Eugene was admitted to an audience of the queen On the ensuing evening, at which, only the treasurer and secretary St. John were preserit. With a short and appropriate compliment, he deli vered a letter from the emperor, requestirig her majesty to peru,^e it, as explaining the object of his mission. After slightly glancing over the paper, she said ; " I am sorry that the state of my health does not permit me to speak with your highness as often as I wish ; but," (pointing to the ministers,) she added, " I have ordered these two gentlemen to receive your proposals, whenever you think 1712. 165 proper." At a future audience, she honoured him with the present of a sword, richly set with dia monds, to the value of .^4500. AU ranks vied in their attentions to so distin guished a guest, and he was welcomed by a series of splendid entertainments from persons of every party. There is no proof 'that the prince descended to any cabal inconsistent with the dignity of his cha racter ; on the contrary, he laboured to gain the leading men of aU denominations, and to animate the court and country to a vigorous prosecution of hostilities. He visited both parties with equal attention, and treated those the most opposed to him, in principle and views, with the same out ward regard and consideration, as the partisans of the war. But he gave his confidence to the whigs, and did not hesitate to assist at their meet ings. In his conduct to the duke of Marlborough, he consulted only the sentiments of that friend ship, by which they had been so long united; and, by his behaviour, endeavoured to shew that the respect he entertained for his talents and ser vices was increased, instead of being diminished, by disgrace. He treated the libels, which were published against himself, with dignified contempt, but did not conceal his indignation at the defam ation which was hourly heaped on his former col league, and omitted no opportunity to do justice to his merits. At a dinner with the lord treasurer, his host observed, " I consider this day as the hap piest of my life, since I have the honour to see in my house the greatest captain of the age." The M 3 166 CHAPTER 107- prince, alluding to the dismission of his friend, replied, "If it be so, I owe it to your lordship." Bishop Burnet also, having explained to . him a passage in one of the libellous pamphlets of the day, stating that the duke of Marlborough was perhaps once fortunate^ he rejoined, " It is the greatest commendation which can be given ; for he was always successful, and this must imply, that if in one single instance he was fortunate, aU his other successes were owing to his conduct." * The prince made many attempts to open a ne gotiation on the subject of his mission, though without effect. Aware of the prejudices which the ministers fostered against the house of Austria, and the confident assertions of their numerous pamphleteers, that the emperor had never supplied his contingents in men or money, but had thrown the whole burthen of the war on England, he pre sented a spirited ' memorial in vindication of his sovereign. In this paper, he declared that the ©hiperor Would double his contingents, if neces sary; would maintain 103,920 men in the field; wOiild augment his forces in Spain to the number of 30,000, and supply one million of crowns to wards the expences of the war in that country; Receiving, however, an equivocal answer from the secretary, he presented a second memorial, on the 18th of February, which soon afterwards appeared in the public papers, and was followed by others, addressed to the ministry, requesting a categorical answer. * Burnet's History of his Own Time, vol. vi. p. 116. svo. edition. 1712. 167 Finding that delays and equivocations were fruitless, the ministry adopted a different method to evade his appeals. On the 26th of February, the secretary imparted the proposals of the em peror, in a message from the queen to the house of commons, and Eugene had the mortification of hearing that the communication was received with out the slightest notice. * The presence of the prince of Savoy, and his strong and urgent representations, together with his intimate connection with Marlborough and the whigs, greatly embarrassed the ministry. Knowing that the articles of the peace, on the conclusion of which their existence depended, would, when pub lished, excite a general ferment, they resorted .to the most degrading expedients, to work on the feelings of the queen, and the fears of the public. For this purpose, they employed the communi cations of a miscreant Jesuit spy, named Plunket, who had officiously furnished them with tales of pretended plots, in which Eugene, Marlborough, Bothmar, and the principal whigs, were to act the part of traitors and assassins, to set fire to the ea- pvtal, to seize the person of the queen, to murder Oxford and his chief associates, and to place the elector of Hanover on the throne. At the same time, the drunken frolics of some persons of rank, who mixed with the rabble, and, under the name of mohocks, scoured the streets at night, and oc casionally mangled unprotected passengers, were brought forward as the first overt acts of treason^ * Chandler's Commons' Debates, vol. iv. p. 461. — History of Europe for 1712, p. 104— 108. M 4 168 CHAPTER 107- and identified with the pretended conspiracy of Eugene and Marlborough. Oxford and St. John were too prudent to make these ridiculous tales a matter of state deliberation ; but the officious Jesuit, who was disappointed by their neglect, found more credulous auditors in the duke of Buckingham, president of the councU, and lord keeper Harcourt. To them he forwarded the same accounts which he had delivered to the treasurer, enriched doubtless with additional de tails. These noblemen, duped by his confident assertions, and plausible reports, submitted the in telligence to the cabinet council. But Oxford, however wiUing to affix a stigma on his political opponents, was conscious that such an idle and exaggerated tale, supported by so slender a found ation, would, if made public, produce a contrary effect, and involve the ministry in the charge of credulity and defamation. He, therefore, dis suaded his credulous and terrified colleagues from imparting it to the parliament, or making it public ; but he could not prevent the examination of Plunket before the cabinet councU. Here the Jesuit repeated the same story, with such observ ations as were likely to give it additional weight, and received the promise of a provision, and an -order to reduce his intelligence to writing. * At his own suggestion he was sent to HoUand,' to gain additional information from count Gallas, into whose confidence he pretended to have insi nuated himself, and to bring the person from whom • The communications of Plunket are printed in their original shape in Bolingbroke's Correspondence, vol. ii. p. i46. note. 1712. 169 he affected to have received the oiiginal intelli gence. Before his departure, he furnished an ab stract of his communications ; but on his arrival in Holland, he evaded his pledge to produce his pre tended colleague, under the plea that he would not repair to England, without the promise of a maintenance. According to his own confession, he busied himself with forming plans for promoting the interest of the pretender, and was admitted, not only into the confidence of the french pleni potentiaries, D'UxeUes and Polignac, and of the marquis of Torcy, but even of the leading members in the dutch republic ; and was intrusted with the secret coiTespondence of the whigs and the court of Hanover. After a short period, however, he seems to have been abandoned by all, and finally neglected by Oxford, who, as he complains, ceased to listen to his advices. We have paid more attention to this supposed conspiracy, a story at once infamous and ridicu lous, because it had been made the basis of an accusation of the most horrid kiqd, against Eugene, Marlborough,. Bothmar, and the leaders of the whigs, and gravely detailed by some of our sub sequent historians. Fortunately, however, we can trace the origin and progress of this base fabrica tion, which was unknown to the writers of the time. It was first disclosed in' the Memoirs of Torcy, printed in 1756 ; but, in justice to the french secretary, we must observe, that it is de scribed as a mere rumour, and coupled with marks of disbelief. * The tale was treated as it deserved * On a fait honneur au prince Eugene d'avoir rejette un projet si odieux; mais la proposition plus bardie qu'on hi alfribue, etoit encore 170 CHAPTER 107. in the Continuation of Rapin, published by Dr. Birch, in 1756 * ; but it was again offered to the notice of the public in 1758, in Swift's posthumous History of the Four last Years of Queen Anne, a work of which it is needless to give any other character, than that his friend Bolingbroke pre vented its publication, calling it a mere party pamphlet. Here the hearsay of Torcy assumes a regular and formidable shape, and the malignity of Swift is shewn in the description. He insi nuates that the duke of Marlborough had fixed his airival in London on the 17th of November, the day of the intended exhibition, which he states to have been cpntrived, for the purpose of raising a commotion, by his friends and admirers!. He adverts to the pretended report of the queen's Ulness.or death, and gravely adds, "if it were true, no man could tell what might have been the event." With this he couples the account of the supposititious conspiracy. He describes Eugene as one who had a natural tincture qfitalian cruelty in his disposition, and in whom the occupation of arms had extinguished all pity and remorse. He mentions his meetings with Marlborough and the plus a detester. EUe consietoit, si I'on en croyoit des gens pent etre mal informes, a mettre le feu en differens quartiers de la ville de Londres, &c. Marlborough, a la tete d'un nombre de gens armes, devoit sur- venir dans le moment que I'incendie cai\seroit le plus de desordre, et se saisir de la Tour, enfin de la personne de la reine, qu'on auroit obligee alors de cesser le parlement, d'en convoquer un nouveau, pour examiner librement les correspondences et negotiations avec la France, et'punir a la derniere rigueur ceux qui les auroient entretenues. — Mem. de Torci, t. iii. p. 268, 269. * Vol. xvii. p. 468. note, Svo. 1712. 171 whigs, and then gives the account of the treasons and assassinations which they projected, after the preparatory excesses and cruelties of the mohocks. This, he tells us, is not founded on slight grounds, or doubtful surmises, but is derived from the inform ation of more than one person, who was present, and confirmed, past all contradiction, by several intercepted letters. To complete the atrocious picture, he adds, " the rage of the defeated party was so far inflamed as to make them capable of some counsels, yet more violent and desperate than this." * We shall merely apply to this malignant writer an expression corresponding with that which he has himself applied to prince Eugene ; namely, that he was one in whom the feelings of party had extinguished all regard for candour, and all re spect to truth. Next, the public was regaled with the full and complete detail of this fabricated plot, by Mac- phersbn, who, in 1775, published the narrative of the spy himself, under the title of Rogers's or Plunket's Dream, and in 1776, interwove it in his history, with as much credulity and malice as Swift himself, t We cannot quit this unpleasant subject, without a few more remarks. The whole foundation of this atrocious calumny is derived from so polluted a source, as the obscure Jesuit and jacobite spy, who afterwards followed the trade of an informer * Swift's Fovir last Years of Queen Anne, p. 59. f Macpherson's Papers, vol. ii. p. 451. — History, voL ii. p. £S\. 172 CHAPTER IO7. and propagator of falsehood, in the reign of George the first. To his information Torcy was indebted, as is clear by the words he employs ; and from the same despicable authority. Swift obtained his statements, notwithstanding "his additional notices drawn from subsequent testimonies and intercepted letters ;" for he adopts the very words of Plunket's abstract, which he probably derived from secretary St. John. With regard to the correspondence and docu ments of Plunket, published by Macpherson, they furnish sufficient evidence to form a proper esti mate of his character and views, and enable us to judge how unworthy his reports are of the slightest credit. It is, however, lamentable that the repu tation of great men should thus lie at the mercy of obscure and mercenary spies, who make a trade of falsehood and mischief; and it is the duty of an; historian to hold up the authors and propagators of such reports to the contempt and infamy they deserve. This motive, alone, could have induced us to devote a page to the refutation of calumnies so contemptible. The accounts, however incredible and infamous,. produced all the effect which the treasurer desired, by increasing the panic of the queen, aggravating her displeasure against the duke of Marlborough, and exciting her anxiety for the departure of Eugene, and the conclusion of peace. Eugene, in the mean time, felt the iU effects of the prejudice which had ^^een raised against him, and finding aU his proposals treated with neglect by the queen and ministers, retired with disgust 15* 1712. 173 from a country, distracted with party feuds, ne glectful of its best interests, and hastening to ac complish its own dishonour. He embarked at Greenwich on the 17th of March, and returned to Holland^ to deplore the farther result of the disgraceful policy which he had witnessed in England. Having thus contemptuously treated the em peror, as head of the grand alliance, and rejected the proposals of Eugene, the ministers loaded with no less indignity the dutch, with whom England had been long identified in bands of interest and amity. The reader will have perceived from the corre spondence of Marlborough, during the whole course of the war, his extreme anxiety to retain in strict union the members of the grand alliance. Knowing well the embarrassed situation of the austrian finances, the struggle of contending fac tions in Holland, the spirit of commercial jealousy, which existed between England and the republic, and the constant bickerings between the courts of Vienna and Turin, he laboured to restrain the murmurs of the english cabinet, and to excuse the deficiency of the supplies and contingents, which the allies had promiised to furnish. He overlooked also the endless disappointments to which he was himself exposed. In his zeal to attain the great end of the confederacy, the reduction of french preponderance, he incessantly endeavoured to con ciliate those jarring interests and interminable jealousies, which are inseparable from an extensive coalition of different powers, embarked in a common 174 CHAPTER 107. cause. The effect of this policy was, the progres sive decline of France, and the gradual ascendancy of the allies ; and if his views had not been coun teracted by the change of ministry, and the court of France had not been encouraged to persevere, by the divisions in England, the consequence must inevitably have been, the attainment of an honour able and secure peace, on the terms dictated by tjhe allies. It was, indeed, the conviction of Marl borough, that the humUiation of France had been delayed by the domestic feuds in England, and his opinion is corroborated by the avowal of Torcy and the french writers, that France was saved by our disgraceful party contests. The views and policy of the new ministers were totally different. Sensible that they could not support themselves, without the assistance of the french cabinet, and the co-operation of the court of St. Germain, they determined to sacrifice every object for the attainment of a speedy peace. Hence they were anxious to divide the members of tbe grand alliance, and to break that connec tion which subsisted between HoUand, England, and Austiia. With this view, they eagerly profited by those defections in furnishing their quota, of which the dutch and austrians had exhibited fre quent instances. They laboured also to excite that commercial jealousy, which they knew was fiistered in England against the trade and re sources of the republic. Their dependent writers were encouraged to make tiiese subjects the theme of invective, and the able, though sophistical pen 1712. 175 of Swift was employed with effect in deluding the public mind. * When these misrepresentations had made tbe eXipected impression, the ministay themselves came forward to give it the sanction of public authority. Indeed, we trace in the earliest correspondence of St. John, the -germ of those complaints, which were afterwards expanded into a solemn and na tional charge. In the commencement of February the attack was formaUy begnn in the house of commons, by censuring the conduct of the dutch, in failing to supply their stipulated quotas of troops and money, and by greatly exaggerating the real deficiency. The barrier treaty was also stigmatized as an in famous compact, and as a total dereliction of the british interest for the sake of Holland. These complaints were embodied in a series of resolu tions, which were presented to the sovereign, and terminated with the declaration, " that lord ToAvn- shend was unauthorized to conclude several of the articles of the barrier treaty, and that all who ad vised its ratification, were enemies to the queen and kingdom." So severe an invective drew from the States a spirited, but respectful letter to the queen, which was followed by a long memorial, in refutation of the charges, and in vindication of the barrier treaty. The english commons did not, however, chuse to meet the refutation ; but maintained their resolutions, by voting the memorial itself a false, * The most celebrated of his productions on this head were, the ¦" Conduct of the Allies," and the " Account of the Barrier Treaty." 176 CHAPTER 107. scandalous and malicious libel, and ordering those by whom it was printed and published in England, to be taken into custody for a breach of privilege. Such a solemn decisipn of the. le^slature increased the impression, which had been already made on the public mind; and the house of Austria and the dutch became the objects of that odium, which had hitherto been solely, directed against the com mon -enemyi * " ^ - •¦.¦ i . . "< ".- "•- ' 'i' ¦¦¦¦'¦ "'"^ 1.1': . ,* Journals and Debates ; — Historians of the "time. ¦* 1712. 177 CHAPTER 108. 1712. Opening of the conferences at Utrecht. — Treacherous conduct of England. — Divided situation and contradictory demands qfthe allies. — Extravagant proposals of Prance. — Em barrassment of the british ministry, — Deaths qfthe dauphin, his consort, and their eldest son. — Attempts to prevent the union qf France and Spain under the same head, — Con tinuation qf the clandestine intercourse between England and France. — Firmness and address qf Louis, — The british ministry accept the promise of a renunciation of the French crofwn, hy Philip, and agree to an eventtial cessation of arms, on the delivery qf Dunkirk. — Preparations for the campaign. The duke qf Orm,ond joins the army,-— His mysterious conduct and secret instructions from the british cabinet, — Refuses to join in attacking the enemy. — Debctte in the house qf lords on the restrictive orders sent tothe british general. — Marlborough challenges\earl Poulett, for an injurious reflection uttered during the discussion. — Letter from prince Eugene on the conduct of Ormond. DuEiNo these transactions the conferences fbr the negotiations of peace were opened at Utrecht; and the result was such as was naturally to be anticipated from the conduct of England. The grand principle of the aUiance had already been abandoned, by the separate preKminaries clan destinely signed with Mesnager, on the 23d of 'October; and the proceedings of the british cabinet reduced all the aUies to the necessity of ptes^nting VOL. VI. N 178 CHAPTER 108. their claims individually, instead of embodying in one series of articles, the united interests of the whole confederacy. Besides, the example of Ul faith, which they bad recently manifested, had sown the germs of jealousy, suspicion, and discord; for each member of the alliance, instead of promot ing the common interest, was anxious to attain its own particular object, at the expence of the rest; WhUe the british plenipotentiaries Were embar rassed by the contradictory or equivocal orders,pf their own govemriient .*, the members of the con federacy presented extravagant and inadmissible * As a specimen of these equivocal orders, we shall here insert an article in the instructions to the british plenipotentiary. . " If it shall be thought proper to begin by the disposition of the Spanish monarchy, you are to insist that the security andthe reaSon^le satisfaction which ' the allies expect, and \4rhicb his most chri^n majesty has promisedj cannot be obtained, if Spain and the West Indies be allotted to any branch of the house of BourboH. And in case the en^my should object, as the imperial ministers have don^^ that the second article of the seveii, signed by the sieur Mesnager, implies' that the duke of Anjou shall continue on the throne of Spain, you are to insist that those articles, as far as they extend, are, indeed, binditag to Prance ;- but that they lay neither us, nor our allies, under any positive obligation. That they were received only as inducements for opening of the conferences,, and that an agreement to take measures for prevent ing the crowns of France and Spain from being ever united upon one head, cannot be construed, by any means, to imply that the latter should remain to the present possessor; since, by the sixth article of the preliminaries made in 1709, this Very point was insisted upon, although, in tlie same preliminaries, it was agreed that the duke of Anjou should abandon the throne in Spain. In treating, therefore, upon this head, you are to consider, and settle, in conjunction with our allies, the most effectual measures for preventing the crowiis of FrahCe arid Spain froin being ever united o» one head; and the conditions, which shall be agreed as necessary to this effect, you are peremptorily to insist upon." — injtruotions, to the lord privy seal, viz. the bishop of Bristol, cbn- tmned ih'secretary St. John's letter, Dec. 28. 1711.— Bolingbroke's' Coixeep>n;4ence« vol. ii. p. 93. ^ 1712. 179 demands, with a view to obstruct the progress of the negotiation. Louis was thus enabled to play on the hopes and fears of aU, and encouraged even to rise in his pretensions; for, on the 11th of February, the french plenipotentiaries delivered a new series of proposals. Spain and the Indies were to remain in the possession of PhUip ; of the exterior provinces, the Netherlands were to be consigned to the elector of Ba»varia; and all the Italian dominions, except Sicily, which was reserved for future discussion, were to be yielded to the emperor. In return for' this arrangement, the title of the queen and the protestant succession were to be acknowledged, on the signature of peace ; and the Spanish Nether lands, as transferred to the elector of Bavaria, were to be considered as a barrier for the dutch, who were allowed to gartison such of the towns, as they might deeni proper, at the expenCe of the country. Under the plea of augmenting this barrier, Furhes, Knoque, Ypres, and Menin, were to be ceded by the french, in exchange for Aire, St. Venant, Bethune, and Douay; and for the rasure of Dun kirk, which had been so peremptorily demanded by En^and, the restoration of LUle and Tournay was required. Towards the empire and Italy, the frontier was to remain the sarhe as at the com mencement of the war, by which France would retain, on the side of the Rhine, Landau and Friburg ; and on that of the Alps, Exilles and FenestreUes. Proposals so contradictory, not only to the prin ciples of the grand aUiance, but to the clandestine N 2 180 CHAPTER 108. preliminaries already signed by the british ministry, awakened the deepest feehngs of surprise and indignation. The whigs were roused, and even the warmest adherents of the government could not conceal their chagrin and mortification, at a result so different from the hopes they had been suffered to entertain. The consequence of the prevailing sentiment was an animated address, moved in the house of peers by lord Halifax, on the 15th of February. It., expressed surprise and indignation at the terms r offered by France to the queen and her allies, and testified their readiness to support her majesty, with zeal and affection, and with their lives and fortunes, in carrying on the war in conjunction with her allies, till a safe and honourable peace could-^be secured. The ministers shrunk from a question, which involved an investigation of their own conduct, and suffered the address to be carried without a division. Even the answer from the throne = manifested their embarrassment; for the ¦- queen delivered a dry and formal reply, merely thanking the house. for their. Zealand, assurances of ; support. Oxford and St. John felt that they could not (Connive at the encroacliing spirit of France, or submit to demands .which were to be expected only ifrom a victorious enemy. The secretary laboured, therefore, to infuse his own fears into the french cabinet, and to convince them, that any farther attempt to trifle with a high-spirited nation, might again. produce ,the mischiefs from which they had recentiy escaped. In communicating the instruc- 1712. 181 tions arising out of this event to the british pleni potentiaries, he observes ; " The french will see that there is a possibility of reviving the love of war in our people, by the indignation which has been expressed at the plan given in at Utrecht." A continuance of the negotiation in the same mode, was evidentiy too dangerous to be risked '; and, therefore, no alternative remained, but to accept the overtures of Torcy, for the establishment of a private and entire correspondence, between' / the plenipotentiaries of the two crowns, in order to settle the conditions of peace, without the inter vention of others, and then to dictate terms to the other allies. At the moment when this arrangement was made to suspend the public negotiations, a melancholy catastrophe in the royal famUy of France produced new and unexpected embarrassments.. Louis XIV. had now reached his 73d yearj 'and at the close of a long and disastrous war, had seen the divisions of his enemies tumedto his advantage ; and, instead of receiving the law of the conqueror, had been nearly enabled to dictate his own con ditions. Suffering under the bodily infirmities incident to advanced age, he was anxious to hasten the conclusion of a negotiation, which was to give peace to his distracted country, and to fix the crown of Spain in his famUy. In the preceding \ year he had lost his only son, the dauphin ; but in his grandson, tiie duke^of Burgundy, he beheld the solace of his old age, and the future blessing of his subjects. This pious aud ainiable prince, who was now in the bloom of youth and healthi was united N 3 182 CHAPTER 108. with a young an^ beautiful wife, who -had borne him two sons, and was likely to be the fruitful mother of a numerous offspring. In the midst of these auspicious appearances, the monarch was suddenly involved in the deepest affliction: he was doomed, in the decline of life, to behold his descendants swept away, and that peace, which was so necessary for himself, his kingdoms, and his family, in danger of being wrested from his grasp. \ On the 12th of February the young dauphiness was hurried to the grave, by a mahgnant fever, in the 27th year of her age; pn the 18th, her dis consolate husband feU a victim to the same disorder. In a few days the elder of -their t^^o sons was entombed with his parents, and the survivor, a sickly infant in the cradle, was in the most immi nent danger. The aged monarch supported these accumulated losses with the firmness of a man, and the piety of a christian : he did npt sUjIEer his grief to vanquish his judgment, or snppress his zeal for the safety of his kingdom. Without a moment's delay, he pro ceeded to regulate tljie succession, now become a matter of difficult arrangement, apd labpured to tranquUUse the alarms of his friends in England, who saw in the sickly infant, the only bar to tiie union of the crowns of France and Spain, on the head of PhUip, the presumptive heir. In this unexpected predicanient, additional mO|tives impeUed the british ministry to continue their clandestme negptiajtion. The general con ferences at Utrecht were imnaediat^y suspended, 1712. 183 and an amicable discussion took place between the two cabinets, on the impoitant question connected with these melancholy events. To prevent the union of the two crowns in the same person, the queen demanded that PhUip should renounce either Spain or France. Louis himself was no less anxious) to avert from his country the evils of a disputed succession, and the renewal of that war, which had been so disastrous to himself and to his subjects. After many difficulties and discussions, Philip refused to relinquish "the crown of Spain ; and Louis and his ministers unequivocaUy declared, that, by the french law, he could not abandon his title to the succession of France. In this dilemma, the ministers had no alternative, but to continue the war with accumulated risk, or to accept a conditibn, which the french court frankly pro nounced to be nugatory. * They obtained, how ever, a promise that such a renunciation should he iformally made and guarantied in France and Spain ; and, on this fraU security, prepared to lay the basis of peace, and the future tranquillity of Europe. They even entered into a private stipu lation to desert their allies, if they could not alarm or allure them into the acceptance of these conditioAs. To obviate the effect of their oppo sition, they agreed to a future suspension of arms for two months, and in return for the temporary cession of Dunkirk, promised that the british troops, and their auxUiaries, should withdraw from the contest. To tempt the dutch to foUow their * See this subject fully treated i|i the Memoir* of the Bourbon Kings of Spain, chap. 19. N 4 184 CHAPTER 108. example, lYprep Was ofJered to the republic^ on the same terms'as Dunkirk to England* This dishonourable compromise at once rendered nuU all the mighty preparations, which had been cpncerted by the allies to carry on the war with increasing vigour ; but it was managed with so much address and mystery, as not even to.be communicated to the duke of Ormond, the new commander of the british forces ; for on his arrival at tbe ^ague, he gave the strongest assurances that he was empowered to co-operate, to the fullest (Extent, with the confederate army; and that, his royal mistress was resolved to prosecute the war with redoubled energy. > The conduct of England, however, had awakened such suspicions in the dutch gpvernment, that they r appointed prince Eugene their generalissimo,, in preference to Ormond, and withheld from him.aU communication on the plans of the campaign, referring him to the prince and their field deputies. Eugene had, in April, already assembled a larger force than he had ever before ranged under his banners; and the dutch had foUowed this spirited example, in the fuU supply of their contingenti The imperial general had also concerted with the deputies arrangements for carrying into execution the plan so ably conceived by his disgraced coUeague in the preceding campaign, in which be trusted the duke of Ormond would concur. Leaving the larger places of Cambray and Arras, he purposed to besiege Quesnoy and Landrecies at the same time, an enterprise which he hoped to bring to a speedy^termination. This conquest having broken 171^; 185 the last link in the french barrier, he intendtedtb pour his victorious force intd the bpeh' prbvin&es, and speedUy reduce the enemy to accept the terms which they had repeatedly rejected. ^^ At this critical period, he had the satisfactioii to hail the arrival of Ormond, and to ascertain that the collective force of the confederate troops did not amount to less than 145 battalions, and 295 isquadrons; forming an aggregate of 122,000 ef* fective men, with 120 cannon, 16 howitzers, and 40 pontoons. ' Such an accumulation bf force had already car*- ried dismay into the court and cabinet of Louisi Notwithstanding the servility which the french mlonarch had experienced from the british ministry, he could not contemplate the movements of this mighty host without alarm. The army of VillarS, thelast hope. of France, amounted only to lOOiOOO Jtnen, Ul equipped, scantily supplied with artillery, and bereft of confidence by a series of unparalleled defeats. It was to be dreaded that one of those accidents, which are above aU human controul, might produce a conflict, which could not feU to prove disastrous, with forces so unequally opposed ; and tbc' immediate and least dangerous consequence was, the fall of the capital, and all the provinces north of the Loire. Some of the courtiers even urged their aged monarch to withdraw to Blois ; but though borne down by grief and infirmity, Louis was not depressed by misfortune. In taking leave of ViUars, he observed, " Behold my situation. Few instances have occurred of calamities like mine, to lose, in so short a space of time, my grand- 186 CHAPTER 108. son, his consort, and their eldest son ; .aUbopefulj and tenderly beloved." Siippressing his sorrows, he then adverted to the state of his army, and the representations which had been made to abandcaa his capital, in order to avoid the danger attending a defeat. He added, " Armies so considerable as mine are seldom completely routed; and the greater part may retire to the Somme. I know that river; it is difficult to pass, and there are stUl fortresses which may be rendered defensible. Should such a misfortune occur, I wUl instantly ge to Peronne or St. Quintui,< coUect aU my troops, and with you wiU risk a last effort, determined to perish or save Aie state."* Such, indeed, must have been the. fatal alternative, to which all the intrigues, encroachments, and usurpations of Louis 'must have led, had he not drawn greater advantage from the divisions and misconduct of his enemies, than from the colossal power which had once over shadowed Europe. Unfortunately, the measures of the queen and ministry, frustrated the lingering hopes whidi ,the lovers of their country stiU ventured to enter. tain. For, at the very moment when the british general joined Eugene at Tournay, he received a communication from St. John, dated April 25, enjoining him to be jealous of his coUeague, and directing him, in the name of the queen, to be cautious in engaging" in an action, -unless in tbe case of a very apparent and considerable advantage, under the plea that he should wait tiU he was * Memoires de Villars, t. ii. p. 197. 1712. 187 strengthened by the arrival of all the imperial tropps. * But even now, Ormond probably did not suspect the scheme of treachery of which this was the commencement; for be appeared eager to signalise his mUitary command. To the anxious enquiries of Eugene, whether he had authority to co-operate vigorously in the campaign, he replied, that he was invested with the same powers as the duke .qf Marlborough, and was ready to join in attacking the enemy. In consequence of this reply, arrangements were made for forcing the hostile camp, and besieging Quesnoy. But these operations were suspended by subse quent instructions from the british cabinet. The critical points of the negotiation having been partly settled, and the renunciation by Philip of either France or Spain solemnly promised, and that promise guarantied by Louis, mystery was no longer necessary. Secretary St^ John, therefore, on the 10th of ]^iay» communicated these specific orders to tbe duke of Ormond : — " Her majesty, my lord, has reason to believe, that we shall come to an agreement upon the great article of the union of the two monarchies, as soon as a courier, sent from VersaiUes to Madrid, can return. It is, therefore, the queen's positive com mand to your grace, that you avoid engaging in any siege, or hazarding a battle, tiU you have farther orders frpm her majesty. I am, at the same time, directed to let your grace laiow, that the queen would have you disguise the receipt of * Bolingbroke's Correspondence, vol. ii. p. 31 9, 188 CHAPTER 108. this order ; and her majesty thinks that you cannot Want pretences for conducting yourself, so as to answer her ends, without owning that, which might at present have an ill effect, if it was publicly known. The queen cannot think with patience of sacrificing men, when there is a fair prospect of at taining her puipose another way ; and, besides, she will not suffer herself to be exposed to the reproach of having retarded, by the events of the campaign, a negotiation which might otherwise have been as good as concluded, in a few days. I shall very soon dispatch another express to your grace, and am, &c. " P. S. I had almost forgot to tell your grace, that communication is made of this order to the court of France ; so that if the marechal de Villars takes, in any private way, notice of it to you, your grace will answer accordingly." * In consequence of these instructions, Ormond soon afterwards entered into a secret correspond ence with ViUars, and declaring that they were no longer enemies, obviated the alarms which the french general might have conceived, at the ap proach of the confederates, by announcing' that the future movements of the troops under his own command, were intended merely for forage and subsistence, not for offensive operations. In the midst of this clandestine intercourse, the aUied forces had passed the Scfifeld, and took post between Noyelles and the Briase, the quarters of Ormond being at Solenne, and those of Eugene at * Bolinghroke's Correspondence, vol. ii. p.i 320. 1712. 189 Haspre, with the apparent purpose of approaching the enemy, who were posted between Catelet and Cambray, on the other side of the Scheld. Suspecting, however, the treachery of his col league, Eugene took an immediate opportunity to put his sincerity to the test. The reconnoitring parties having reported that the situation of the enemy was open and exposed, the imperial commander made the requisite preparations ; and on the morning of the 28th of May solicited Or mond to concur in an attack of the hostile camp. This proposal at once disclosed the disgraceful situation in which the british commander was placed. He was confounded by the summons : and after making a futile excuse till noon, sent an evasive answer, requesting that the design might be postponed for some days. His reply exhibited all the treachery practised by the british ministry. Eugene and the dutch deputies warmly protested against such dishonourable conduct ; but, anxious to draw the utmost advantage from the presence of the british troops, he proposed to besiege Ques noy. Ormond felt too much humbled to object to this solicitation ; and, as Villars had made a retro grade movement, the investment took place the same day. This proceeding exciting universal indignation, complaints and remonstrances were preparing from every quarter ; while the intelligence being speedily conveyed to England, by the expostu- latory letters of prince Eugene, the sensation was scarcely less deeply felt than at the army. Hitherto Marlborough had contented himself 190 CHAPTER 108. with a silent opposition to the measures of the new ministry; but he could not tamely acquiesce in this degradation of the national honour, and, there fore, heartily concurred in the determination of the whigs to arraign so flagrant a breach of faithj The public indignation was not suffered to cool ; for, on the 28th of May, J;hc question was Sub mitted to the cognisance of parliament. I Lord Halifax opened the debate : after repre senting the necessity and occasion of the war, he enumerated the glorious successes which had sig nalised the arms of the allies, and which had brought the common enemy of Christendom to such extremities. " But," he added, " this plea sant prospect is totaUy defaced, by the orders given to the queen's general, not to act offensively against the enemy. I pity that heroic and gallant general, who, on other occasions, took delight to charge the most formidable corps, and strongest' squadrons, and cannot but be uneasy at his being- fettered with shackles, and thereby prevented from reaping the glory he might well expect froni lead^ ing on troops so accustomed to conquer. I pity the allies, who haye relied upon the aid and friend ship of the british nation, perceiving that what they have done, at so great an expence of blood and treasure, is df no effect, as they wiU be ex- posed to the revenge of that power against whom they have been so active. I pity the queen, her royal successors, and the present and future generations of Britain, when they shaU find the nation deeply involved in debt, and that the common enemy,- who occasioned it, tho' once near being suffi- 1712. 191 cientiy humbled, does stiU triumph and design their ruin, and are informed that this proceeds from the conduct of the british cabinet, in neglect ing to make a right use of those advantages and happy occasions, which their own courage, with God's blessing, had gained, and put into their hands. I do npt pretend to blame the queen, but the counsels and representations of those evil counsellors, who being confided in by her, mani fested so little concern for her majesty and her people's honour, prosperity, and security, that they persuaded her to approve such measures, and emif such orders, as were attended with these, and a great many other disgraceful and pernicious conse quences. And as I- am fully apprised of her ma jesty's good intentions to rectify every thing that is amiss, and of her great regard for your lordships' opinions in this weighty affair, I presume to move that an humble address be presented to her ma jesty, setting forth the bad and dishonourable ef^ fects of the restrictive order to her general ; and beseeching her to recall the same, and direct him to act offensively, in conjunction with the other allies, against the common enemy." At the conclusion of this speech, Marlborough rose, and with peculiar energy, observed : " After what has been said by the noble lord, nothing re mains for me or any other person, but to second the motion ; yet I will venture to trouble your lordships with a few observations on this subject. Altho' the negotiations for peace may be far ad vanced, yet I can see no reason, which should induce the allies or ourselves to remain inactive. 192 CHAPTER 108. and not push on the war with the utmost vigour,' as we have incurred the expence of recruiting the army for the service of another year. That army is now in the field, and it has often occurred; that a victory or a siege produced good effects and ma nifold advantages, when treaties were stUl farther advanced than is the present negotiation. And as I am of opinion, that we should make the most we can for ourselves, the only infallible way to force France to an entire submission, is, to besiege and occupy Cambray or Arras *, and to carry the war into the heart of that kingdom. But as the troops of the enemy are now encamped, it is impMsible to execute this design, unless they are withdrawn from their position ; and as they cannot be reduced to retire, for want of provision, they must be at tacked and forced. For the truth of what I say, I appeal to a noble duke (looking at the duke of Ar-: gyle), whorti I rejoice to see in the house, because he knows the country, and is as good a judge of these matters as any person now alive. These observations I have deemed fit to represent to your lordships, and hope they will induce your lord ships to agree to the motion, which I second very heartily." This appeal drew forth a reply from the duke of Argyle, whose enmity to his former patron was unbounded. " Not being apprized of this mo- * In Lockhart, it is Cambray or Valenciennes ; but this is probably a mistake, because in the other accounts of the debates, the place^al* luded to by the duke of Argyle in bis reply, are Cambray and Arras; and this alteration is justified by the operations in the campaign of 1 7 1 0. — See chapter 93. 1712. 19S tion," he said, " I confess that I am unprepared for the question, and, therefore, should not have troubled your lordships, had not the noble duke, who spoke last, appealed to me fbr my opinion. I will declare it with my usual openness and candour. I do indeed perfectly know the country, and the situation of the enemy, in their present camp ; and I agree with the noble duke, that it is impossible to remove them, except by attacking and driving them away, and until that is effected, neither of the two sieges aUuded to can be undertaken. I likewise agree, that the capture of these towns is the most effectual way to carry on the war with ad vantage, and would be a fatal blow to France." He then captiously and unjustly censured the military conduct of the great commander in the campaign of 1710. " I wonder, indeed," he added, " that the noble duke should now have formed this opinion, after maintaining another opinion, when he had it in his power to carry into effect the same operation in a former campaign. For I then pressed his gf-ace, as the most effectual and speedy method of procuring a safe and honourable peace, to besiege Arras and Cambray, and march into France. But he had then other sentiments ; and, instead of besieging these fortresses, made a retrograde move ment, losing much time,; and exhausting much blood and treasure, in reducing Bethune, Aire, and St. Venant, towns of comparatively little im portance. But as for his advice to attack the enemy, I must be so bold as to teU the noble duke that he knows the camp and hostUe army to be Vol. vr. o 194 CHAPTER 108. much stronger than when he last attacked them * ; and he need not be reminded with how much dif ficulty he then gained that camp, and how much blood was sacrificed, even so much that another or two such victories would undo us. Should the allies now fail in the attempt, and be defeated, the consequences would redound to the advantage' of France." He concluded by expatiating on the perils of war, and argued against any hazardous operation, as the very conquests which might be ^fected, might be rendered nugatcMy by the terms of the peace which was now nearly concluded. The speech of the duke of Argyle, which was delivered with his usual warmth and energy, made a deep impression, and produced the greater effect, because he was known to have been offended by the ministry, and had bitterly censured their nar row and impolitic views. By those who knew his temper, or were unacquainted with his rooted an tipathy to Marlborough, it was concluded that nothing but absolute conviction could have ex.. torted so cruel an invective against his fprmer commander, and that so vehement a defence of the ministry, could only be prompted by a con sciousness, that the terms of the intended peace were neither dishonourable nor injurious. Tim impression gave weight to the arguments of th® ministerial party. In the course of tbe debate, some of the whig lords having pressed the minister to inform the house, whether any orders of re- * Meaning at Malplaquet. 1712. 195 straint had been sent to the british commander, he rephed, that they who had the honour to serve the queen could not reveal the orders given to the general, without particular directions, and, in his opinion, they were not proper to be divulged. But he would venture to say, that if the duke of Ormond had refused to act offensively^ he doubtless followed his instructions ; and it was prudent not to hazard a battle, upon the point of concluding a good peace, considering that the enemy was apt to break his word. Wharton adroitly profited by this avowal, ob serving, that he rejoiced in finding that noble lord so candid in acknowledging the insincerity of France ; but that was, in his opinion, a strong reason for not only not keepii^ measures with such an enemy, but even for pushing him with the utmost vigour, tiU he was reduced to the necessity of acting honestly. To this sarcasm the treasurer replied, " Although the duke of Ormond might have refused to hazard a general action, he could positively ^declare that he would not decline joining with the allies in a sipge, and that orders had been S^t to him for that purpose*" This remark again roused the duke of Mari borough, who observed that he could not reconcile the orders, said to be given to the general^ with the rules of war ; for it was impossible, he said, to carry on a siege without ^zarcUng a battle, or niaking a shameful retreat, if the enemy attempted a reUef Tbe duke of Devonshire then declare4 that by the proximity of blood, he was more concerned 0 2 196 CHAPTER 108. for the duke of Ormond's reputation than any other; and, therefore, he could not forbear observ ing, that he was surprised to hear any one dare make use of a nobleman of the first rank, and of so distinguished a character, as an instrument of so disgraceful a proceeding. This observation drew from tbe ministerial ad vocates the customary reflections on the conduct of Marlborough, who appears to have been the object to which they directed their shafts on all occasions. Earl Poulett replied, " No one can doubt the duke of Ormond's bravery ; but he does not resemble a certain general, who led troops to the slaughtei", to cause a great number of officers to be knocked on the head, in a battle, or against stone walls, in order to fill his pocket, by digjosing of their commissions." This imputatipn,' perhaps the most vulgar and opprobrious which had ever been uttered ih the house of peers, was heard by Marlborough with the aspect of silent contempt, and the debate proceeded with renewed warmth. The whigs strenuously exerted them selves to remove the impression occasioned by the speech of Argyle, and assailed the ministers with complaints of the mystery observed in the negoti ation, surmising that such caution could be used, only to conceal dishonourable proceedings. A strong appeal being particularly made to lord Strafford, to afford some information on the trans actions in which he had been engaged, as one bf the plenipotentiaries, the treasurer found it neces sary tp pledge himself^ that in a few days he would lay before parliament the terms which had been. 1712. 197 concluded, and which, he doubted not, would give entire satisfaction to every member of that house, as well as to all true englishmen. In reply to the farther insinuation, that the british government had so far forgot its honour as to engage in a separate peace, he rejoined, without hesitation, " Nothing of that nature lias ever been intended; for such a peace would be so foolish, villainous, \ and knavish, that every servant of the queen must 1 answer for it with his head to the nation. The allies," he added, " are acquainted with our pro ceedings, and satisfied with fhe terms." So solemn a pledge from the principal servant of the crown, admitted no farther debate ; and Halifax, perceiving the effect it had produced, made au effort to withdraw his motion. The ministry, however, were determined tp complete their triumph ; and, on a division, the question was lost by 68 voices against 40. This decision was combated in a severe protest signed by twenty- seven peers, among whom we distinguish the name of Marlborough. The protest was afterwards ex punged by order of the house ; but no precaution could prevent its diffusion, by means of the press, and all attempts to discover the printer and pub lisher were ineffectual. * » This debate is given in a very confused and unsatisfactory manner in the parliamentary records of the times. A more detailed and ani mated account is preserved by Lockhart, who was probably present on the occasion. He has, however, recorded only the speeches of Halifax, Marlborough, and Ai'gylc. The two first we have exactly copied, but have omitted several passages in the speech of Argyle; because Lock hart has evidently attributed to him. many expressions which fell from o 3 198 CHAPTER 108. The cruel reflection of earl Poulett made a deeper impression on. the feelings of the duke of Mari borough than all the indignities to- which he had before been exposed ; although it would have been more becoming his magnanimous spirit to have l>uried it in oblivion, and left it to the contempt it deserved. But on the rising of the house, he sent a message by lord Mohun to the earl, with an in vitation to take the air in the country. The eajl demanding, whether this was meant as a chaUenge, received fbr answer, that the message required no explanation. Lord Mohun added, " I shall ac company the duke of Marlborough, and your Ibrdship would do well to provide a second." This unexpected summons awakened an emotion in Icrd Poulett^ which he could not conceal from his lady on his return. A hint being instantiy conveyed to lord Dartmouth, he placed lord Poulett under arrest, and was soon afterwards charged with an order by the queen, enjoining the duke of Marlborough to proceed no farther in the affair. The duke complied, and by the intervention of the lordtreasurer, an apparent reconciliation tookplace; but the transaction ex.posed Marlborough to much invective from the writers .of the day, and he was bitterly censured by the Examiner, for setting the example of party duels. other members of the opposition. In particular, he has imputed to him the criielaspersion pronounced by earl Poulett against the duke, of Jiferlborough. — See Lockhart's Papers, vol. i. p. 592. The other parts of the debate we Ivaye drawn from. a collation of the respective accounts in.the History of Europe for 1712; Boyer's Bdgn of Queen Anne; and Political State; Cunninghais ; Chandler's De bates-; Continuation of Rapin ; and Lediard. 171S. 199 We close the account of these impolitic restric tions on the british commander, with an indignant letter from prince Eugene to the duke of Marl borough, which displays their injurious effect, in checking the triumphant career of the confederate army. " Hayn, June 9- ¦ — I am gratified with this safe opportunity of writing to your highness* You are doubtless informed of what has passed here and at Utrecht. There is surely no example of such pro ceedings, at the time When conti'aiy assurances were solemnly given. Your highness is sufficiently acquainted with me, to be convinced that I am not accustomed to boast, and I do not easily form flattering hopes ; but I do not hesitate in declar ing to you', ffiat it was entirely in oUr power to force tile enemy to risk a battle to their disadvan tage, or repass the Somme ; and even had this operation been objected to, we might, at all events, have besieged Qiiesnoy and Landrecies, at the same time. But the orders given to the duke of Ormond having prevented it, the siege of Quesnoy is now c^rying on with the troops of my army, and' with those in the pay of the States. I refer you, as to the rest, to general Cadogan, who will inform you of all the particulars; as I have com municated them to him. I cannot sufficiently commend his conduct and activity." * *¦ Translation from the french orisiha}." o 4 200 CHAPTER 109. CHAPTER 109. 17121 The queen communicates to parliament the outlines cf the treaty with France. — General dissatisfaction at the terms, -^Motion for an address — Opposed by Marlborough and - the whigs. — Carried in favour of the ministry. — Prorog ation of parliament, — Continuation cf the clandestine intei'C(hrse with France, — Secret arrangement for a sus pension qf arms. — The allies reject the proposed condi tions. — Refusal qf the auxiliaries to march. — Separation " of the british troops from the confederate army. ^-Ormond ' takes possession qf Ghent and Bruges. — Reluctant cession qf Dunkirk. — New misunderstanding with France. — St. John created lord Bolingbroke. — His mission to Paris. — Arrangement relative to the points in dispute, and pro longation cf tlie armistice, — Prosecution qf the campaign, — Reverses qf the confederates. — The siege qf Landrecies raised. — Loss of Quesnoy and Bouchain. — '¦ State of the War i?i other quarters, — Death qf lord Godolphi7i. — Motives of the resolution adopted by Marlborough to with draw from f!,ngland, — Obtains a passport through the agency of Maynwaring and the interposition of Oxford, — . Duel of the^duke of Hamilton and loi-d Mohun. — Marl borough calumniated. After the confident assertions of the treasurer in the house qf lords, and similar assurances given by the secretary in the house commons, the public im patiently waited the communication of the treaty, which had created the most sanguine expectations. Great, therefore, were the ^sprise, indignation, and 1712. 201 disappointment, which pervaded every patriotic bosom, when the outlines of the intended peace were officially disclosed. On the 6th of June, the queen, in a longer and more laboured speech than usual, imparted the substance of certain preliminaries, which were to form the basis of a general peace. After touching on the difficulties which had occurred in maturing tills arrangement, her majesty dwelt on the mea sures adopted for securing the protestant succes sion in the house of Hanover, as the object nearest her heart ; and stated that additional security had been given to this provision, by the removal of that person out of the dominions of France, who had pretended to disturb this settlement. * She then adverted to that article, which she incorrectly characterised as containing the grand principle of the alliance ; viz. the separation of the crowns of France and Spain, for accomplishing which, she affected the utmpst solicitude. The. duke of Anjou was to renounce for ever, for himself and his issue, all title to the french monarchy ; and the crown was to descend, after the death of the dauphin and the extinction of his heirs, by lineal order of affinity in the male line, to the duke of Berri, the house of Orleans, and successively to all the remaining branches of the Bourbon family. To prevent, as much as possible, the future union of the two kingdoms, Spain, on the extinction of * The reader will perceive the difference between the denomination adopted in this place and that employed by the queen, in her speech during the whig administration, in which the person here designated is called, without reserve, a popish pretender, &(. 202 CHAPTER 109. Philip's line, was never to revert tp any member of the house of Bourbon, but was to be entaUed on such prince as should be designated in the treaty of peace. ^ These ^rangements were to be ratified in the most solemn manner, not only by France and Spain, but also by the guaranty of the powers engaged in the war. The queen spoke of this arrangement in a high strain of exultation. " The nature of this proposal is suchi, that it executes itself. The interest of Spain is to support it ; and, in France, the persons to whom tiiat succession is to belong, will be ready and powerful enough to vindicate their own right. France and Spain are now more effectually divided than ever. And thus, by the blessing of God, wiU a real balance of po.wej? be fixed in Europe, and remain liable to as few accidents, as human al^irs can be exempted from." Gibraltar aaid Minorca were to remain in the possession of England, together with commerdial advantages in the trade to Spain and the Indies, including the assiento contract for thirty yeara. France also consented to the demolition of DunkiA. Her majesty tlieu specified the arrangementte made in favour of the allies, subject to the ultimate determination of the congress. The Rhine was to be the barrier of the empire; the protestant interest in Germany was to be established on the footing of the treaty of Westphalia. The ^anish Nethea;- lands, Naples, Milan, and Sardinia, with the places on the coast of Tuscany, were to be transferred to the emperor, as chief of the house of Austria; for which purpose, the duke of Anjou had removed aU 1712. 20S difficulties, by relinquishing his claim to the island. The possession of SicUy was reserved for future discussion. The States were to be gratified in their own demands relative to commerce, with the exclusion of some few articles of merchandise, and with the entire barrier which they required in I709 from France, with the exception of two or three places at most. The queen expressed her hope, that by the adoption of some expedients then in discussion, this barrier might be so settled* as to secure the repubUc from any aggression of France, which was the feuaadationi of aU her engagements on that head with the States. The demands of Portugal were stated to be yet unsettled ; those of Russia to admit of little diffi culty ; and those of Savoy to be nearly met by the offers of France, though she was exerting her influence to. procure farther advantages for so use ful an aUy. France, she added, had consented to acknowledge the actual rank of the elector palatine, and the electoral dignity in the house of Hanover, inserted in her demands, at that prince's desire. She concluded with expressing her conviction that she should "be able to secure the several interests of the other allies. To the reader who conceives the impression inade- on the public mind, by a long series of unexampled successes, it would be needless to describe the feelings with which this speech was heard. Not merely the opposers of the government, bvit even some who, from principle, had supported 204 CHAPTER 109. the ministry, and relied on their solemn declaration to the legislature, shrunk with shame and horror from the contemplation of a peace, which involved the sacrifice of public honour, and the dereliction of public principle. Three obvious mis-statements could not escape the most common observation. 1. That the main principle of the grand alliance was not the separation of the twP kingdoms, but the exclusion of a Bourbon prince from the crown of Spain. 2. That no renunciation by Philip' could invalidate his or his son's pretensions to the french crown; and, therefore, that no precautions could prevent the probability of a civil convulsion in France, or the renewal of war in Europe, should the infant dauphin die. S. That these articles had been clandestinely arranged between England and France, without either the consent or participation of the allies. These obvious defects, however, were overlooked in the house of commons, where the tory and jacobite influence was too powerful to be stemmed. An address was accordingly carried by acclamation, sanctioning the terms of peace already commu nicated in the speech, and expressing the fullest confidence in the wisdom and justice of the queen, to mature the future arrangements. But notwithstanding the exertion of the prero gative, which had recently been made, to obtain a majority in the upper house, the peers in opposition made a vigorous stand. The arrangement relative to the protestant succession was the only article which was received with approbation: the other conditions underwent a scrutiny of the severest 1712. :.205 kind, and the dishonourable transaction itself was stigmatised in the terms it deserved. It was by none more arraigned than by the duke of Marl borough himself, whose plans it had foiled ; whose hopes it had frustrated, and whose victories it had rendered vain. In a strain of manly invective, he observed, with a foreboding which the event has justified : " The measures pursued in England for the last year, are directly contrary to her majesty's engagements with the allies, sully the triumphs and glories of her reign, and will render the english name odious to all other -nations." Lord Strafford attempted to retort, not by argu ment but by invective. He accused the duke of Marlborough of rendering the allies, particularly the dutch, backward in consenting to the peace, by maintaining with them a secret correspondence, and encouraging them to prolong the war, in the hope bf deriving support from a strong party in this country. This captious accusation met with due reproof from lord Coviper, who observed, the ¦noble lord had spent so much time abroad, that he had almost forgotten, not only the language, but the constitution of his country. " It was a new crime," he added, " to be charged with holding a correspbndence with allies, whose interest the queen had declared to be inseparable from her own^ whereas, it was difficult to reconcile, either with our own laws or with the laws of honour and justice, the conduct of those who had treated clandestinely with the common enemy, without the participation of our allies." After exceptions made to some parts of the pror 206 CHAPTER 109. posed address of thanks, Nottingham and Cowper, with great energy, supported the introduction of a -clause, requesting her majesty to take such measures with her allies^ as might induce them to join in a mutual guaranty of the protestant succession ; but this clause being ably opposed by Oxford and Poulett, was rejected by a large majority. The original address was then carried, by 81 voices against 36. The whigs and their tory allies were not, however, discouraged ; but repeated and embodied all thdr objections to the preliminaries in a protest of pecu liar energy and argument, which was signed by 24 peers, among whom we again find the nam^es of Maiibprough and Godolphin. The freedom, bold ness, and truth of this protest, irritated the riiinis- terial party ; and, as in the fornier instance, they voted its erasure from the Journals. Notwithstand ing all the tbreats of parliamentary punishment, and the precautions of the government, this irti- portant document could not be suppressed, but was circulated in print throughout the country. Rewards were in vain oflfered, and penalties de nounced against the printers and publishers ; but no discovery was ever made. This was the last eflfert of the whigs to awaken the nation to a sense of its honour ahd interest. The parliament was soon after prorogued; and here terminated the political career of Marl borough, during the remaining years of the reigh of queen Anne. The sanction of parliattient to the offers irf Louis, confuted the resolution of the queen to execute 1712. 207 the clandestine agreement with France, for a cessation of hostilities, and to accomplish her pro mise of ordering the british troops, as weU as the auxUiaries in her pay, to withdraw from the con federate army, on- the delivery of Dunkirk, should the other allies refuse to imitate her example. With this wew, the british plenipotentiary at Utrecht proposed to those of the emperor, tbe States, and the other members of the confederacy, to accept the conditions offered by France, and to concur with England in consenting to an armistice. But the proposal was either peremptorily rejected or' evaded, untU reference was made to their re spective principals. Deputies were sent from the Hague, witb orders that the dutch tioops should not agree to the armistice, untU they received explicit instructions. This disappointment, how ever, did not alter the resolution of the english cabinet ; and special directions were transmitted to the duke of Ormond, to cease from assisting in the operations of the campaign. As soon as be received the requisite information from Torcy, that the king of France had signed tbe articles of agreement, he was instructed to take a proper occasion of acquainting Eugene and the deputies, with his orders to publish a suspeiasion of arms ^ two months, in virtue of the conditions settled with France, and the consent to deliver Dunkirk as a ple%e of her sincerity. WhUe he was hesitating to communicate these dishonourable instructions, he was involved in a new dilemma, hy^ a message from ViUars *, request- * Mem. de Villars, vol. ii. p. 207. 208 CHAPTER 109- ing to be informed, whether the troops of Englaijd were employed in the siege of Quesnpy ? Having, replied in the negative, Villars imperiously requii;ed a farther explanatibn, whether the troops und^ his orders would oppose any attempt of the frencji to relieve the place, supposing Eugene should Continue the siege? his sovereign having bepn assured that the british troops, and the auxiliarijes in british pay, were not to act directly or indirectly against his army. In consequence of this cat^ert gorical demand, Ormond did not hesitate tocpnfqrra| to the instructions which he had received from the , secretary* ^ He apprised prince Eugene of his orders, and then addressing himself to the generals of the auxiliaries in british pay, acquainted them, that a, suspension of arms had been concluded for two months, between England and France, and re quired them to conform to this arrangement. He added, that the queen would consider herself as acquitted from aU obligation to liquidate the arrears of subsidies, due to any prince whose, troops should refuse to obey his orders. A similar communication was made to the dutch deputies, with an intimation that the british troops and their auxUiariies would separate from the confederate army, if they withheld their assent. After many remonstrances on the part of the other generals, Ormond was persuaded to defer thp promulgation of the armistice for three days. On the expiration of that term, he prepared to march towards Dunkirk ; but he had the mortification to find, that neither promises nor threats could induce 7 1712. 209 the generals and auxUiaries under their command, to follow so shameful an example. The hereditary prince of Hesse Cassel, who spake the language of all, bade the duke's adjutant to tell his general, that " the hessians would gladly march if it were to fight the french ;" and another commander said, " We do not serve for pay, but for fame." On the 16th of July, Ormond, with the british troops, amounting to 12,000 men, separated from the confederate army, by quitting his camp of Cambresis. He was accompanied only by four sqiiadrons and one battalion of the Holstein subsi diaries, and a regiment of dragoons from the con tingent of Liege. The march of the troops presented a spectacle no less melancholy than imposing. As they had so often fought under the same banners, and so often emulated each other in the career of victory, this inglorious separation conveyed a pang to the bosom of the meanest soldier. To borrow the unadorned language of Serjeant Milner, " As they marched off that day, both sides looked very dejectfully on each other, neither being permitted to speak to the other, to prevent reflections that might thereby arise, being there was then made a strange revolution between us and our allies, by our cessation of arms, or entrance on an odd peace with France." * Nor were these precautions unnecessary, for the threat of withholding the arrears of the auxibaries had roused them to such a pitch of fury, that fears were entertained, lest they should seize the person * Milner, p. 356. VOL. vr. p 210 CHAPTER 109. of the british general, and prevent the retreat of his troops, as a pledge for the liquidation. In the midst of this mortification, Ormond relied on the grateful fidelity of his oWn countrymen; for delivering them from the hardships of war ; but -great was his disappointment, when, at the close of his first march, the suspension of arms was pro-' claimed at the head of each regiment. A burst of indignation and abhorrence accompanied this proof of national dishonour. Instead of huzzas and acclamations, he heard nothing but a " general hiss and murmur throughout the camp." To adopt the words of a contemporary historian, *' The british soldiers were so enraged at this unworthy conduct, that they were observed tearing their hair, and rending their clothes, with furious excla mations and execrable curses against the duke of Ormond, as a stupid tool, and general of straw. The colonels, captains, and other brave officers^ were so overwhelmed with vexation, that they sat apart in their tents, looking on the ground through ,very shame,, with downcast eyes; and for several days shrunk from the sight even of their fellow soldiers. For it grieved them to the heart, to submit to the disgrace of laying down their arms after so many splendid victories. Some left their colpurs to serve among the allies, and others after* wards withdrew; and whenever they recollected the duke of Marlborough, and the late glorious times, their eyes flowed with tears." * Accompanied thus by mai'ks of public detestation, * Cunningham, vol. ii. p. 432. 1712. 211 Ormond continued his march ; but the treachery which the british cabinet had practised towards the allies, nearly recoUed on themselves. At Bouchain, Tournay, and Douay, the dutch governors refused tb open their gates, for the passage of the retro grading army ; and, at the same moment, the king of France, profiting by the inability of the british commander to prevail over the auxiliary troops, declared that after such a breach of promise, he could not relinquish the possession of Dunkirk. Without shelter or support, dreading the resent ment of the confederates, distrustful of the enemy, and unable even to rely on his own troops, Ormond had no other resource to secure his retreat, than by seizing Ghent and Bruges, and soliciting the direction of his own government. In the first moment of success, the british ministry had exulted in the disappointment of the confederates ; they boasted that their royal mistress, instead of receiving, was giving the law, and carried the fate of Europe in her hands, obliging France to enter into engagements, and give pledges to her, who was herself under none to France. * But this unexpected dUemma soon reduced them to a more humble tone. They reproached the french, monarch with a violation of faith, appealed to his gratitude, and endeavoured to work on his apprehensions, by expatiating on the consequences which might ensue, from a revulsion of the public sentiment. Fortunately, a sense of his own weak ness, and a prospect of the evUs attendant on an Bolingbroke's Correspondence, vol. ii. p. .378'. P 2 212 CHAPTER 109. unsettled succession, prevailed more powerfully with Louis, than the expostulations of thpse whom he had learnt to despise. He affected to yield to their remonstrances, and delivered up Dunkirk to a body of troops detached from the coast of England. By this cession, the position of Ormond was secured, and he remained in his post, waiting the issue of the pending negotiation. The cession of Dunkirk, however, did not com pletely restore harmony between the cabinets of England and France. Warm disputes arising in the complicated negotiations, Louis was encouraged by the increasing divisions between England arid the other aUies, to resume his haughty tone ; and it was to be apprehended that the renewal of the armistice would encounter much difficulty. In vain the british plenipotentiaries continued to press the dutch and the other allies to accede to the cessation of hostilities, and admit a minister from PhiUp to the congress. As they persevered in the prosecution of the war, the british cabinet had no alternative but to sue France to moderiate her pretensions. With this view, secretary St. John, who had been recently created viscount Boling broke, was sent incognito to the court of VersaiUes, and was accompanied in his mission by Gualtfer and Prior, the original agents of the clandestine intercourse. The secretary accomplished the ob jects of his mission with great address; and, as Louis dreaded even the remotest chance of a new revolution of parties in England, he consented to compromise the disputed points. He agreed that Sicily should be ceded to the duke of Savoy, and i8 1712.. 213 Bolingbroke acquiesced in the restoration of the elector of Bavaria. The time and mode fbr tbe renunciation of the crowns of France and Spain were also settled ; several minor points mutually adjusted ; and the suspension of arms between tbe two kingdoms prolonged for four months. After a stay of only a few days, Bolingbroke returned, exulting that his mission had removed the mutual embarrassments of the two governments. Prior remained at Paris, as charge d'affaires, and being soon after joined by the duke of Shrewsbury, in the quaUty of ambassador, the most sanguine hopes were entertained, that through their inter vention, the negotiation would be brought to a successful issue. The formal secession of England from the grand alliance, damped the spirit, and dissolved the union of the confederates. The surrender of Quesnoy, which took place on the very day of Ormond's retreat, was the last triumph of this hitherto glorious contest ; for although Eugene was still at the head of an army not inferior to the enemy, the example of defection spread distrust and alarm. With mingled sentiments of desperation and cha- grin, he hastened to invest Landrecies, and seems to have forgotten his usual caution, by not calcu lating on the reinforcements which his antagonist was enabled to draw from the garrisons now relieved from danger, by the declaration of the armistice. With this accession of strength, VUlars conducted bis moyements with consummate skUl, and over-. p 3 214 CHAPTER 109. whelmed the allied forces. He surprised a corps of 8000 men, under the earl of Albemarle, en camped at Denain, for the purpose of facUitatihg the passage of convoys to the besieging army before Landrecies. Having forced their intrenchments, he killed, captured, or dispersed seventeen bat talions ; and among the prisoners were, besides the earl of Albemarle, four lieutenant-generals, five colonels, and no less than 300 other officers. He seized also a great quantity of ammunition and provisions, and made a considerable booty. What rendered this defeat more unfortunate and dis graceful was, that it was witnessed by Eugene himself, who advancing rapidly on the other side of the Scheld, to the relief of Albemarle, was prevented from passing, by the destruction of the bridge communicating with Denain. In consequence of this disaster, the siege was raised, and the french marshal continued, with little interruption, his career of success. Having recovered the small posts of Mortaigne, St. Araand, and Marchiennes, he invested Douay ; and, after a fruitless attempt of Eugene to reUeve it, reduced him to the mortification of witnessing its surrender. Quesnoy shared the same fate ; and this disastrous campaign, which was expected to have been dis tinguished by the invasion of France, and the signature of peace under the waUs of Paris, was fataUy closed on the 10th of October, by the loss of Bouchain ; the last great conquest which had sweUed the triumphs of the hero of Blenheim. The only compensation for these losses in the 1712. 215 Netherla,nds, . was the petty capture of fort Knoque.' * It is needless to detail the military operations in the other parts of the theatre of war ; because the defection of England rendered all the exertions of the confederates equally languid and useless. On the Rhine and in Italy, the allied forces awaited in suspense the result pf the campaign in Flanders, and the progress of the pending negoti- ationsi In Germany, the operations of the impe rial general, the duke of Wirtemberg, terminated in a fruitless attempt to force the lines of Weissem- burg ; his antagonist, marshal d' Harcourt,' satisfied with the repulse, made no offensive movement, and, in the ^ month of November, the two armies retired into winter quarters. On the side of Italy, notwithstanding the early efforts of the germans to give effect to the oper ations of the campaign, by the capture of Porto- Ercole, their success was followed by no important consequences. The duke of Savoy was lured by , the secret offer of England, to secure to him the possession of Sicily ; and, though he declined ac ceding to the armistice when it was first proposed, he observed a cautious line of conduct, and re mained on the defensive. Marshal Berwick, on the other hand, was too prudent to disturb the pa cific disposition of a prince, who was evidently wavering between his interest and love of glory. At the close of the campaign, Victor Amadeus * Accounts in the Gazettes; — Vie du Prince Eugene; — Memoures de Villars ; — Narratives of the campaign in the History of Europe; — Boyer's Reigri of Queen Anne; — Brodrick; &c. &c. P 4 216 CHAPTER 109. recaUed' his troops into Piemont ; and, relying oa the kind intentions of the queen in his favour, ac-i cepted the armistice, and thus terminated * shis co-operation with the court of Vienna. • • In. the peninsula the same causes produced the same effects. At the ratification of the general armistice, the remnant of the english troops em barked at Barcelona, amidst the murmurs and exe crations of the Catalans ; and count Staremberg, deprived of his brave auxiliaries, passed the cam paign in the unsuccessful siege of Gerona, which was protracted to the unusual term of nine months. Philip, conscious that he should reap more advan tage from the negotiations, than from active hos- tiUties, waited in confident security the termin ation of that treaty, which was to preserve to him Spain and the Indies, without farther effusion of blood, t On the side of Portugal, the campaign was equally abortive, as the king was preparing to accede tp the suspension of arms. Marlborough viewed with an anxious eye the disastrous events of the war, and the no less fatal tendency of the public negotiations at Utrecht, as well as of the clandestine intercourse with that enemy, whofti it had been the great object of his military career to reduce. The, gloom of these forebodings was increased by a melancholy event, the death of lord Godolphin, which deeply affected hM feelings, and, revived, in his memory the splen did acllievements of that glorious administration, in which he and his coUeague had taken so promi- = Muratori, Annali d'ltalia, ftnno 17f2;— Targe, torn. vL chap.S. t St. Philippe ;— Memoirs of the Kings' of S^Sin, thap.^l . 1712. 217 neiit a share, associates in glory, and now com panions in disgrace. This great and upright statesman, after a long and excruciating illness, terminated his days in the house of the duke at St. Alban's, giving a memo rable example of disinterestedness and integrity in office, which shone clearer after the ordeal of per secution and vengeance he had undergone. ¦ By an indorsement on the queen's letter of dis mission, the duchess observes, that what he left behind him scarcely sufficed for the expences of his funeral; and records as a singular circumstance, Xfw^ti several government and other securities were ¦found by his executors to the amount of about .^14j000, which belonged to her and some other friends and dependants, whose money he kindly put out to interest. * The title and scanty fortune of the veteran statesman devolved on his son Francis, who had given a new lustre to his house by his marriage vrith Henrietta, eldest daughter of the duke of Marlborough. This melancholy event tended to confirm Marl borough in the resolution he had fbrmed, of • " Had not his elder brother happened to die, he had been in very low circumstances after having been in several reigns more than twenty • years, though he was a man that never made any great expences, for he won at.plajy, and mortally hated all kinds of show and grandeur, but he was very charjtable, and generous; and though he had lived so long siti^iiad great employments when he died, he had not in the world but -about fouteen thousand pounds in tallies, of which sum seven was mine, three Mrs.Rundue's, .a thousand Mrs. Curtis's, a woman that looked after my two elder children, and many other small sums that he took of ¦ helpless people -who thought themselves safe in his hands; and when all his debts were paid there could hardly be enough to bury him." Indorsement, of th^ (iuchess to tilts, letter written by the queen when she dismissed jord Godolphin. ¦¦¦ ...¦¦- . 218 CHAPTER 109. retiring from his ungrateful country, which he had only suspended from his unwUlingness to quit a friend, who was labouring under the severest sufferings of bodUy illness. Many circumstances, indeed, concurred in inducing him to tear himself from his family and connections, at the advanced age of sixty-two, when he began to feel the in creasing infirmities incident to the decline of life. His strenuous opposition to the measures of go vernment, and particularly to the terms of the projected treaty, could not fail to increase the ani mosity of the queen, and draw on him the ven geance of an offended party. He was aware that he would not be suffered to enjoy that tranquUbty which his age and infirmities rendered necessary. He was convinced that a house of commons, a mi nistry, and a sovereign, who had already construed his former services into crimes, would pursue him with additional acrimony, and be contented with nothing less than his ruin. He, therefore, could no longer hesitate on securing that asylum abroad, which was denied to him in his native land. Many idle conjectures have been advanced, and many ridiculous stories propagated, relative to the causes and circumstances of his voluntary exUe. Instead, however, of entering into a frivolous and unsatisfactory inquiry, on the subject, we shall briefly relate those facts which we have traced from indisputable documents. If during the session of parliament, when the ministry were scarcely established in their employ ments, neither a sense of national gratitude, nor a consciousness of their own dignity, could screen 1712. 219 Marlborough from malicious invectives and personal insults, even in the house of peers ; we may judge of the torrent of obloquy to which he was exposed, at the close of the session, when a triumphant ma jority had borne the government through every diffi culty, and silenced all opposition. Every agent of political intrigue was then employed ; every ma lignant passion roused ; every mercenary underling of the press encouraged, by the largesses and example of Oxford and Bolingbroke to throw odium on the general and statesman who had saved the country. Every previous act of his life was brought in review, and perverted to his dishonour ; the irregularities of his early youth in the corrupt court of Charles the second, were blazoned in the most hateful colours ; the scurrUous pen which produced the New Atalantis, was stimulated and rewarded ; even his domestic retirement was vio lated ; and the harmless enjoyments of social life, as well as the attentions of friendship and intimacy, were construed into poUtical intrigues, or stigma tised as crimes. The annals and periodical papers of the times abound with narratives and satirical aUusions, which it would now be indecorous even to repeat, and which cannot be perused without horror and disgust. While these misrepresentations were producing their effect,^ the ministry were not idle in pushing those prosecutions, which had been instituted against him in his public capacity. The first of these was, the suit for the recovery of ^15,000 a year derived from the contribution of 2|^ per cent., which was brought forward in the court of Queen's bench. The manner in which this pro- 220 CHAPTER 109. cess was conducted, evidently proved that his plea of justification would be disallowed, and that. he could not expect that equity to which the meanest of his fellow-subjects was entitled. The other suit was still more galling to his feel ings, stUl more unjust in itself, and still more dis honourable to the nation. We have already perceived from the letters^ which passed between Marlborough and Oxford; that four commissioners had been appointed to- examine the accounts relative to the building of Blenheim; but notwithstanding the promises of the treasurer to obtain warrants from the queen, and to expedite the completion of the structure, considerable arrears were due to the workmen, and large sums were claimed, by those who had ad vanced loans for the same purpose, amounting in the whole to ^30,000. Although both the duke and duchess of Marl borough refused to pay the workmen, or guaranty the loans, and justly considered it as the concern of government, in conformity with the promise of the queen, formaUy recorded in the acts of parlia ment ; yet no money was issued, excepting a small advance in I7II, barely adequate to the expence of covering in the works. The budding was ac cordingly suspended, and the workmen and other creditors were encouraged to sue the duke for the liquidation of their claims. This suit was another instance of unrelenting persecution, as well as a forfeiture of national honour ; but there was little doubt that, if brought into the exchequer, it would be decided against him. 1712. 221 Having therefore the design of withdrawing from England, he applied to the treasurer, through the medium of Mr. Maynwaring. * Oxford received this application with a degree of attention, which marks his gratitude for past favours, and a due sense of the consideration to which the duke of Marlborough was entitled. On this occasion, we find two of his letters which plainly prove that, he obtained the passport, notwithstanding consi- (derable opposition from someothermembers of the cabinet. " October 30. — Sir ; I received the favour of yours, and wUl be ready to meet the gentleman any time he thinks good ; but I believe it will be difficult to do it this week ; any day the next he will. please to appoint. I beg you will make my compliments. I am, with great truth. Sir, your most humble and obedient servant. Oxford." " October 31. — Sir ; I desire you will,, with my most humble service, assure our friend, ^that there have been endeavours from both sides to ob- 'struct granting the pass desired, yet I shall have .the honour to put it into his hands. I did not think it worth while to trouble you with the obstruction one meets with; for when I undertook it, I was resolved not to be deterred from finishing it. I am, with great sincerity," &c. We shall not attempt to detail any farther , cir cumstances of this mysterious transaction, which ; .% This was tlie last act of devotion and friendship which Maynwaring , was enabled to manifest towards his noble patron ; for, soon afterwards, ' he fell a victim to a fluxion caused by walking late in the gardens of St . Alban's, where he was on a visit to the duchess. 222 CHAPTER 109. we have no clue to unravel, but merely observe, that it received the entire approbation of the queen : for, in a conversation with the duchess of Hamilton, she said, " The duke of Marlborough has acted wisely in going abroad." * The terms of the passport have given rise to no less variety of conjectures than the mode in which it was obtained. Some have confidently asserted, that the residence of the duke was limited to a cer tain place or places ; others, that he was furnished with a general letter of recommendation from the queen. To these idle suppositions, the contents of the instrument itself will be the best answer. The pass permits his grace the duke of Marl borough to go into foreign parts, whithersoever he may think fit, together with his suite, and recom mends him to the good offices of all kings, princes, republics, and her majesty's aUies, as well as to commanders, &c. her own subjects ; allows to go freely and commodiously wherever his need re quires ; and states that such good offices shall be acknowledged and returned, when opportunity serves. Dated Windsor Castie, 30th October, 1712, and countersigned Bolingbroke. t His retinue, as enumerated in the pass, consisted of two gentlemen ; three valets de charabre ; one * Lord Cowper's Diary. f Bolingbroke having, as secretary of state, officially signed the pass, some writers have erroneously stated that it was obtained through his influence. The letter of Oxford sufficiently contradicts this assertion ; and the secretary, as the author of the Life of Maynwaring observes, vol. iii. was one of the persons who opposed the grant of it. 1712. 223 cook ; three footmen ; coachman ; postillion ; helper ; two grooms. With this permission, the duke was preparing for his departure, when a melancholy catastrophe occurred, which afforded his enemies a new subject for calumny. The duke of Hamilton, who had been appointed ambassador to France, and was in high favour with the queen and ministry, had been engaged in a private quarrel with lord Mohun. The conse quence was a duel, in which the latter was kUled on the spot, and his antagonist soon afterwards expired. As this peer had taken so prominent a part in the recent quarrel with lord Poulett, and as general Macartney, his second, was a devoted partisan of Marlborough, it was represented as political, and malignantly attributed to the instigation of the dis graced commander, who was accused by the Exa miner of setting the example of party duels, and making lord Mohun the bully of his faction. Marlborough was now more anxious to hasten his departure from a country, where he was ex posed to such cruel detraction. 224 CHAPTER 110. CHAPTER 110. 1712—1713. Arrival of Marlborough at Ostend. — Progress througfi Antwerp and Maestricht, to Aix-la-Chapelle. — His dis tinguished reception hy persons of all ranks. — Temporary stay at Aix-la-Chapelle. — Joined by the duchess at Maestricht. — Residence at Frankfort on the Mayne. — Visit to Mindelheim. — Assailed by new charges from the commissioners qf accounts. — His vindication. — Con tinuation qf the negotiations with France. — Remarks on the peace qf Utrecht. — Removal qf Marlborough to Antwerp. — Campaign on the Rhine. — Reverses qf the imperial arms. — Negotiations at Radstadt between France, the emperor, and the empire. — Terms qf pacification. — The emperor notifies to Marlborough the restoration qf Mindelheim to the elector qf Bavaria, and confirms him in the title of prince qfthe Roman empire. — Claims qf Marl borough for an indemnification. — Letters qf prince Eugene. — No indemnification granted. JJEFORE his departure, the duke of Marlborough vested his estates in the hands of his sons in law, as trustees. He also consigned a& 50,000 to the care of his friend Cadogan, to be lodged in the dutch funds, in order to supply theiji, as the duchess observes, with the means of subsistence, should the Stuart line be restored. After taking an affectionate leave of his family and wife, who continued in England to settle his 1712—1713, 225 affairs, he repaired tp Dover, where he arrived on the 24th of November. The wind being contrary, he remained at the neighbouring seat of his friend. Sir Henry Furnese, tiU the .Sunday foUowing, the 28th, when he embarked in the North Briton packet, as a private passenger, without receiving any other honour than the voluntary salute of the captain of the vessel. But this neglect of his cotintry was amply compensated by the cordial reception which he experienced on reaching the continent. At his entrance into the harbour of Ostend, a salute of artillery from the town, forts,, and shipping, welcomed his arrival. The garrison was under arms ; and he was conducted by the governor and general Cadogan, through a vast concourse of people, to the house of captain Brown, where he was sumptuously entertained, and at the same time gratified with an account of the captbre of fort Knoque ; a success which, however trifling, awakened his patriotic feelings. On the following morning he departed under a triple discharge of artiUery ; and, on approaching Antwerp, was met without the walls by the governor, the marquis of Terracina, whom he recognised with pleasure, as having delivered up the citadel, and joined the cause of the allies, after the splendid day of, Ramilies. In the name of his imperial master, the marquis offered his noble guest all the honours usually paid to sovereigns, which the duke declined; but could not prevent the discharge of the artil lery, or suppress the acclamations of the peopfe, on beholding the great general whp had delivered VPL. VI. Q 226 CHAPTER 110. them from the yoke of France. Aftef accepting a coUation, he proceeded towards Mitestricht, hoping to pass unheeded, by deviating into tbe most private roads; but all his endeavours to seclude himself from observation were unaA ailing ; for parties of horse paraded the country between Antwerp and Maestricht, to offer their attendance; and, on entering the town, at seven in the evening, he found the whole garrison drawn up under arms, from the gate to the house of the governor. Here he alighted amidst repeated salutations from the bulwarks; a guard of honour distinguished his residence ; and, on the ensuing morning, he was compliinented by the magistrates, ih a full body, and with as great tokens of respect as if he still retained the command of the confederate army. Nor were less honours paid to him on his departure from the territories of the States General ; for, on his journey to Aix-la-Chapelle, persons of all ranks and nations flocked to hail the preserver of the empire, bestowing their blessibgs on him as their great deliverer. They were struck with his noble demeanour, and testified their admiration, by de claring that his looks, his air, and his address, were no less conquering than his sword. Many mingled exclamations of pity with their cheering huzzas; many burst into tears, exclaiming that they deemed it a greater honour to be born in Lapland than in England, and that no nation ever fell so un accountably from such a height of glory and esteem, into such contempt and degradation. " In a word," to usa the animated expressions of his earliest bi6gra|)her, " all ages and sexes both adored and 1712—1713. 227 bewailed him, whilst the duke himself shewed that the greatness of his sufferings was only to be sur mounted by the greatness of his courage, and went through the town of Aix-la-Chapelle to the house that was prepared for his reception, in such a manner, as if he bore at heart the pressure of other people's misfortunes, not the remembrance of his own. The next day his levee was crowded by all persons of rank and distinction in the town, who, though of different interests and nations, were unanimous in their respect for his great merits. In particular, the duke de Lesdiguieres, speaking of him at his return, observed to the abbot de Guilestre, ' I can now say that I have seen the man, who is equal to the marshal de Turenne in conduct, to the prince of Conde in courage, and superior to the marshal de Luxembourg in success.' " * Arriving at Aix-la-ChapeUe, he seems to have been disappointed by a delay in the departure of the duchess from England ; and expre'sses his regret in an affectionate letter, dated Jan. 18. " I writ to you by the last post, to inform you that the port of Ostend is never shut by the frost, and that of the BrUl very rarely; but, by the printed papers, I see you have no thoughts of leaving England till the middle of this month, old style ; so that I am afraid this may still find you at London, which I am sorry for. For besides the impatience I am in of having you with me, this frosty weather makes the sea calm, and the roads • Life of Marlborough, p. 173. Q 2 228 CHAFPER 110. as good as in summer ; so that I could have .wished we might have got to Frankfort before the thavj'^, of which I now despair. But you may be sure that when I have the happiness of your company, ?nothing shaU be neglected to make your journey easy." He continued some time incognito at Aix'Tia- Chapelle, where he was peculiarly careful in with drawing, as much as possible, from public observ ation, and in giving no cause for that jealousy, with which his numerous enemies watched his conduct. In this situation he received the con dolence and friendly counsel of Eugene, whose affection was superior to any change of circum stances, notwithstanding his imperial master cau tiously abstained from any direct communication with the noble exile. " Vienna, Jan. 25. — Sir ; I received only four days ago the letter your highness did me the honour to write to me the 17th of December, by the baron de Fessel. I wished much to take leave of you before my departure from Holland ; but I was in a state of anxiety till I was apprised that you were on this side of the water, knowing the people with whom you have to deal. I did not fail to shew your letter to his imperial majesty, when I gave him that which you addressed to him. He does not reply to it for want of a safe convey ance ; but he has ordered me to assure yob of his esteem and friendship, and to say, that hewiU-lpSe no opportunity to give you proofs of them. He begs you to communicate the same thing to the person who has written to him, and the reasons i8 - 1712—1713. 229 why he does not answer. I think your highness will do well to remain as long as possible at Aix- larChapelle, without causing suspicion ; for I know you are watched. Nothing can be more just than the thoughts of your highness, touching affairs in general, and those of England in particular. You know his imperial majesty alone has held firm hitherto, making 'every possible effort, and having even persuaded the empire to do the same ; but this cannot last ; and if the dutch and the other allies, through fear or bad government, will ruin themselves, and Europe with them, it cannot be prevented. They will be the first. What I can assure your highness is, that his imperial majesty will forget nothing that depends on him, to remedy the bad state of affairs, if oppor tunity offers, although the conduct of the allies gives him cause to fear embarking himself with them. " He commands me to make this known to your highness, that you may have no cause of fear relative to your letter." After lingering some time at Aix-la-Chapelle, in constant expectation of his wife's arrival, he quitted that city, from a suspicion of a conspiracy to seize his person*, and returned to Maestricht, from whence he thus affectionately writes : — To the Duchess. " Maestricht, Feb. 5, — If you have observed by my letters that I thought you would have left England sooneir than you have beeh able to do, I , * Boyej^s Political State. a 3 230 CHAPTER 110. hope you will be so kind and just to me, to impute it to the great desire I had of having the satisfac tion of your company. For I am extremely sen sible of the obligation I have to you, for the resolution you have taken of leaving your friends and country for my sake. I am very sure, if there be any thing in my power that may make it easy to you, I should do it with all imaginable pleasure. In this place you will have little conveniences j so that we must get to Frankfort as soon as we can. I wish we may be better there ; but I fear you will not be easy till we get to some place, where we may settle for some time ; so that we may be in a method, and orderly way of living ; and if you are then contented, I shall have nothing to trouble me. " When you go to Brussels, I desire you would give yourself the trouble of going to see the hang ings at M. de Vost's ; you may do it in half an hour, whilst they get the dinner ready. Cadogan has promised to send me an express, as soon as you land, by which you may give me the pleasure of two lines. I am ever yours. M." He had soon the satisfaction of being joined by his partner in exile ; and, after a short stay, con veyed her to Frankfort on the Maine, where he resided several months. In May he made an ex cursion to his principality of Mindelheim, where he was received by the inhabitants with the honours due to him as sbVereign, and as a "prince of the holy empire. On his return, he had tiie mortification to re ceive intelligence from England, that the commis- 1712—1713. 231 sioners appointed by the commons to examine and state the debts due to the army, had reported some farther charges against him. . They had accused him of " directing the deputy commissary to muster the troops as complete, when defective, for which he receiAcd a pistole per troop, and ten shillings per company, as a gratuity or perquisite on every muster irom the subject-troops ; although he never mustered the foreigners, except some corps, without having any treaty or establishment for his guide." * Without a moratmt's delay, he drew up a manly refutation of these malicious charges, and sent it to one of the peers t, for the purpose of being submitted to the upper house. At the same time, he transmitted a duplicate to Mr. Craggs, to be laid before the commons. " My lord ; Frankfort, June 2. " I was extremely surprised to find myself charged with mismanagement of the public money in the report pf the c(>mmissioners of accounts, on pretence of the subject-troops having been mus tered complete during the war, and the foreignera not being mustered a1 aU. It' is easy to misre present the best things, and give the greatest false hoods an air of truth, by suppressing of circum stances ; by relating fai;ts by halves; by repprtipg only parts of answ^s ; by confounding of times, and drawing condusipns frp^a innuendos and sup positions, which I shiiU dempnsti'ate to be the * Boyer's Queen Anne, p. 630; — Journals. f This letter' is without address, but was probably written to the Jord treasurer Oxfbrd. •Q 4 232 CHAPTER 110. manner I am treated on this occasion, I am charged first with the want of authority for passing the troops complete ; and it is insinuated, in the next place, that the doing it was a detriment and prejudice to the public. As to the want of autho rity, this objection is, in fact, false ; for the late high treasurer, lord Godolphin, and myself, were empowered by parliament to take off respites, to pass musters complete, and to act as we should find most for her majesty's service in those matters; as appears by a clause in an act of parliament, passed in the year 1702 or 1703, of which Mr. Cardonel can give an exact and particular account : and I appeal to the testimony of my lord Bolingbroke, who was then secretary of war, for a confinnation of what I allege in this affair. As to the pre tending it has increased the public expence, the contrary is so manifestly known, that had the commissioners examined any one officer of the army on that point, or taken the trouble to com pute how little the non-effective money amounted to, and how much the recruits cost, it would have appeared as plain as a mathematical demonstration, that very great suras had been saved to the public by this way of recruiting. I am certain no officer will refuse to attest on oath, that this fund was seldom or ever sufficient to" complete their com panies ; and I appeal to all those who sit in the house, whether my obUging the captains to recruit out of the non-effective money, was not com plained of as a hardship on them, since they were very often forced to apply part of their personal pay to complete then companies ; for'whic'h reason* 1712—1713. 233 frequent applications were made tp me by all the general officers of the foot, to obtain some con sideration for the captains, on account of this extraordinary expence. I, however, always with stood it, to prevent increasing the charge of the army in Flanders, which would hav under the auspices of France. Finally, the important branch of commerce with Spain, and the arrangement relative to the West Indies and America, were left on so uncertain and equivocal foundation, as to occasion perpetual dis putes, and ultimately provoke subsequent wars. The dutch, irritated by the shameful desertion of their cause, and the sacrifice of their future safety, conceived an aversion to England, which the accession of a nevv^ dynasty, and the interval of a century could scarcely obliterate. Above all, the house of Austria, the only power then capable of balancing France, and the natural ally of England, was treated with still more neglect and indignity. Besides the loss of Spain, the Indies, and SicUy, which had long been identified with Naples, the Netherlands were granted on a tenure, which rendered the sovereignty almost nominal ; and the emperor Charles was compelled to expose, to the indignation of a Bourbon prince, those brave and faithful Catalans, whose fidelity and sufferings endeared them to his heart, and whose zeal and services merited from England a better fate. We might fill pages with reflections on the dis honour and infamy of this inglorious peace, which may be regarded as the principal cause of the. 240 CHAPTER 110. miseries that for more than a century have prevailed in Europe ; but we shall curtail our remarks With the energetic expression of bishop Fleetwood, in the celebrated preface to his sermons, " our enemies wUl tell the rest with pleasure." On the 9th of April, when parliament' re assembled, the queen communicated to both houses the satisfactory information, that the treaty of peace was signed, and the ratifications would be speedily exchanged. She then dwelt with parti cular emphasis on her success, in securing the protestant succession, and added, " the perfect friendship between me and the house of Hanover, may convince such who wish well to both, and desire the quiet and safety of their country, how vain all attempts are to divide us ! and those who would make a merit, by separating our interests, wUl never attain their ill ends." The customary motion being made by the duke of Beaufort, for an address of thanks and con gratulation to her majesty, upon the success of her measures for a general peace, an attempt of the opposition to exclude the word ' general' was rejected ; as was likewise the insertion of a clause, that her majesty- would be pleased to lay before the house the treaties of peace and commerce. On the same day, the commons also unanimously voted an address of thanks, and negatived a motion for the communication of the treaties. Hence it was justly remarked, that the two houses concurred in addresses of thanks and congratulation, before they knew the specific conditions which they thus prematurely approved. 1712—1713. 241 On the 5th of May, the peace was announced hy proclamation, amidst the shouts of the populace, mingled with the murmurs of all true patriots. The commons, hpwever, evinced in one instance a recovered sense of their dignity, when the treaties of peace and commerce were communicated to parliament. Strong objections were advanced against the 8th and 9th articles of the treaty of commerce, as highly favourable to, the trade of France, and equally detrimental to that of England. The opposition was even headed by the speaker, Sir Thomas Hanmer, who had hitherto supported all the measures of government ; and the able speech which he made on this occasion, caused the re jection of the bill for confirming the articles, by a majority of 194 against .185. * A trifling compensation, however, was procured by the ministry, through a motion from the speaker, for an address of thanks to the queen, for the treaties of peace and commerce, which, though inconsistent with the former resolution, was carried by a majority of 156 against 72. This was the only specific proof of approbation, which could be obtained from the existing parliament ; for the ministers could not venture to propose a farther address of congratulation, and all the indirect attempts of their adherents for that purpose were eluded and frustrated. Notwithstanding the declaration made by the queen, of her anxiety to maintain the protestant suc- ** Journals of the Commons, and Boyer's Queen Anne,, p. 657. VOL. VI. R 2|^ C]HAPT;pRaio. cession, suspicions were entertained of her sincerity, apd th,e ministers were implicated in.the sameimpu- ^atipns. Accordingly on the. SOth of June,, tlip earl of Wharton moved an address to the queeq, thatfshe would use her most pressing instanceSr tO procure the removal of the pretender from Loraine, and his exclusion from the territories of all princes and states in amity with her majesty. On this j unexpected motion, a solemn pause prevailed; but I being supported by Peterborough and other par tisans of government, it was carried without; a division, notwithstanding some objections, which the treasurer expressed with great earnestness, and warmth. ! , The house appeared surprised at the equivpp^l answer given by the queen : " I take kindly your address, and your thanks for what I have done, to establish the p,rotestant succession. I shall repeat my instances to have that person removed ; and I promise myself you will concur with me, that if we could cure our animosities and divisions at home,- it would be the most effectual method to secure the protestant succession." When the chancellor reported this answer, many of the peers, however ' favourable to government, could not suppress their concern ; for even the duke of Buckingham, lord president of the councU, frankly observed, that he had never heard of any instances made to the duke of Loraine, for re moving the pretender out of his dominions. The I absence of the two ministers on this critical occasion did not escape notice ; and it was sarcastically Observed, that had they been present, they might 1712—1713. 243 have explained the queen's answer. But as they were then at dinner with the duke of Aumont, the french ambassador, lord Sunderland proposed another address, which was seconded by lord Nottingham, and carried without opposition. After returning thanks for the reply of the queen to the preceding address, it expressed their surprise, that her instances had not been effectual, and concluded with assurances of supporting her majesty, in a demand so necessary for her own honour and safety, and for the present and future peace and quiet of her people. The queen giving no answer to this second address, on the 1st of July, general Stanhope ; made a similar motion in the house of cpmmons, in still stronger terms, designating the pretender as the person who, in defiance of her majesty's most undoubted title to the crown, and the settlement in the illustrious house of Hanover, had assumed the title of king of these realms. To this address the queen briefly replied, that she thanked them for it, and would give directions according as they desired. On the 7th of July, the public thanksgiving for the peace was celebrated at St. Paul's, attended with the usual state, exceptthepresence of her majesty, who, from indisposition, could not assist at the solemnity. On the l6th of July, the queen prorogued the parliament in person, to the 8th of August, and it was on that day dissolved. * ?Journals of the lords and commons; — Chandler's Debates; — Boyer's History of the Reign of Queen Anne ; — and Political State. R 2 244 CHAP^EjR. 110, Mariborough received regulaf, ip^ell|g^pce,,,.pf these proceedings in England d\i]^ng; his residency at Frankfprt. Spon after j the pi^orpgatipn of parr Uament, he removed fo Antwerp,,aiS a n^prcsecur^ asylum during the hostilities in,.the empire. .;q.j,.. His feeling heart always sympathised in the sprrpwof his friends; and w^e find abetter of con dolence, written befpre his departure frpm Fraiik- fort, to his. faithful secretary, Cardonel, on the loss of his wife. : ,; " iJuly 24. 1713. -T- 1 would have written ,tp yon sooner, dear Cardonel,, if I had believed it possible to say any thing to lessen your grief; but, ,1 think, of all worldly misfortunes, the losing ,wh^fi.,09^ loves is the greatest, and nothing h"t time.qas'^ ease you. However, I could not deny myself , any longer the satisfaction of writing, to assure you, that I shall always be very sorry for any thing that is a trouble to you, and that I Ipng for the. oppor tunity of assuring you myself, that I am your humble servant and faithful friend. , j . ¦ m " P. S. The duchess of Marlborough dgsjres n»e to assure you of her true friendship and concern for you upon all occasions, and she would have wrote herself, but she thinks this will be the least troublesome to you," * f In consequence of the defection of England,, apd the secession of the other confederates, the emperor Charles was left to prosecute the war, with , no other support than the germanic body. The imperial army, though headed by Eugene;' aud though more effective and better equipped ,ttian * Cardonel Papers. ^> ¦>-; r/l^— ifis!'-'^' ^ 245 ufeual,' could not resistthe superior forces of France, commanded by Villars *, a general equally enter prising and skilful, and always fortunate, except when opposed to the transcendant genius of Marl borough. The progress of the gallic marshal was rapid and irresistible ; the imperial troops, after a trifling opposition, retired before him ; and Eugene had the rtiortification to witness the surprise bf Kaiserslaiitern, and the surrender of Landau, one of the keys" of the eppire. After these disasters, the imperial lines were forced; and the campaign closed by the capture of Friburg. The gbri'nab states being impatient to be delivered from the horrors of an unsuccessful war, Charles, in con formity with the prudent advice of Eugene, entered into a negotiation with France. On the ^6th of November, conferences were opened at Rastadt, and the two rival generals, mutually absiibus for peace, made expeditious arrangements for a pacification, independent of England and the other allies. The duke of Marlborough watched the con ferences at Rastadt with an anxious eye. He wis conscious that the emperor had sufficient reason to b& dissatisfied with the faithless defection of the queen, and was not without alarm, lest he should support thie cause of the exiled family, and give one of his , liieces in marriage to the pretender, according to / a prevalent rumour, t ' He was, however, speedUy l ... . . ¦ ;. .*, •¦ ¦ * Voltaire Jjas well depicted the character of this gasconading but gallant general : " Heureux Villars; fanfaron, plein de coeur!" j- It is singular that the treasurer, in a conversation with lord Cowpei-, unjustly accused the duke of Marlborough of being accessary in pro-' moting this supposed marriage. Lord Cowper's Diary. R 3 , 246 CHAPTER 110. gratified with information from Eugene, -^ From the repeated illnesses of the queen, the, time seemed rapidly approaching, when the crown i might be contended for on british ground, by ^he^ rivaf candidates, the son of James IL, the lineal, but attainted heir, and a member of the ho.ifse of Hanover, appointed by parliament, andacknow- 1'714. 253 ledged by the sovereign, as the consitutional successor. In the struggle of contending parties, we ob- > serve a queen anxious for the welfare of her) subjects, but weak and misguided ; agitated by conscientious scruples, in possessing a sovereignty to the exclusion of the legitimate heir, and solicitous to make compensation, by securing to him the re version of her crown. At the same time we find ( hpr, so timid and jealous of her authority, as to be , no less repugnant to the preparatory measures in { favour of a brother, whom she loved, than to those ." for the elevation of the electoral family, whom she detested. Her vacillation was aggravated by the efforts of the persons in whom she place^^her greatest confidence. On one hand, lady Ma^h^m / wrf^ught on, all her family partiaUties, and was the agent of continual representations from the courts of St, Germain and VersaUles ; on the other, she was assailed by the duchess of Somerset, who, like ) the duchess of Marlborough, no less artfilUy wrought on her dread of popery, and zeal for the protestant faith. Her two principal ministers were al^o utterly opposed in character, principle," and manners. Oxford possessed integrity, disinterestedness, and i morals, united with plausibility, subtlety, and dissimulation. He was sincerely devoted to the protestant succession ; yet, for the preservation of his power, did > not hesitate to flatter the courts of St. Germain arid Versailles, and to assimilate him self with the Jacobites, for the purposeof pbtaining their san'dtlon to the peace. He also affected to 254 CHAPTER 111. court the whigs, and spared no effbrts to' con ciliate the electoral family. Bolingbroke, on the other hand, was unprincipled, dissipated, and in terested. Distinguished for brUMaUt talents, and a fascinating address, he was superior to his rival, both as a courtier and a statesman. Devoted to the tories, he disdained to imitate Oxford, in solicitiii'g the support of the party from whom he differed in principle ; and never condescended to flatter the whigs, or attempted to cultivate the favour of the house of Hanover. In the actual state of affairs, Oxford was consi dered as prime minister, and as enjoying the sole confidence of the queen ; but Bolingbroke was ra pidly gaining ground, by his superior address, and congeniality of sentiment with his royal mistress. He increased his adherents, by his frank and deci sive character, which was strikingly contrasted with the equivocating and mysterious conduct of his rival. After several delays, occasioned by the political feuds in the cabinet, and the precarious state of the queen's health, the new parliament assembled, on the 18th of February, 1713-14. Sir Thomas Haniner, though agreeable to neither of the rival ministers, was again nominated speaker, because they could not concur in the choice of any" other person, and he was strongly supported by the whigs, as friendly to the Hanover line. The new house of commons was of a different complexion from any which had preceded. It no longer exhibited the two distinct and hOstUe bodieS of whigs and tories, but contained a heteroge- 1714. 255 n^us massitof different parties, cpuntetracting j ^ai^h. , pther, and fluctuating in their opinions and ri^^olutions. , . . , , Usually, the friends of government constituted one, class, acting in concert, and in no case en tering the lists of opposition ; but in this singular parliament, the adherents of the court were • divided into the partisans of Oxford, and the fol-j lowers of Bolingbroke. The members of this body I were united on questions which concerned the general measures of government, but were fre quently observed to differ, when the interests of the rival leaders came in collision. Hence, even these auxiliaries successively ranged themselves imder the standard of the whigs, the tories, or the Jacobites, at the word of their respective chiefs 3 and it is remarkable, that in the grand question relative to the protestant succession, .they often j not only materially differed, but even occasionally appeared to renounce their own principles. One instance of this vacillation deserves to be parti cularly noticed, as it is related by Bolingbroke himself. The ministers of the elector of Hanover having solicited the arrears of pay due to his troops, since the separation of the british forces, the treasurer determined to accede to the demand. Without tb,^i knowledge of the queen, or any communiqation with Bolingbroke, auditor Harley, in the com mittee for preparing the estimates, clandestinely introduced the claim; and it was ordered to, be reported to the house, as a part of the yearly supply. ; Information of this manceuvre, being $§6 CHAPTER 111. CQinmunicated to Piplingbroke, he^beld a me^V mg with , th^ torjie^ apd Jacobites ; and^a ise&Q- lution heing fprm;^d to oppose the grant, it was negatived. *^ , ^ ,^. .^ .,, ^.^ ^, .. _y^,: .^^^,-. u, y^^ Among the different, disti.nctipps whigb jc^jj|^- terised the new hou^e pf gommons^ thetQl-iespctji^- jpied the foremost jank, as the, predominaiiti partj, but were weakened by a diyisipn into hanoveriap and jacobite tories. The former were . th^jse wh^ were attached to the constitution in church an^ state, and supported ,th^ measures,; of government, in aU instances which did not affect the protestaj^ succession ; but, w^henever that grand question was agitated, idebtified.thernselves with the whigs. / The leader of this sect was the speaker. Sir Thomag Hanmer. ..^,jf .,-.^-,, , The sentiments of the iacobite tories will be.suf- ficiently indicated by their name ; and, in fact,, they may be regarded, as a class of the Stuart adher^nt% though less decided in, their devotion to the exUed family than i\\e avowed Jacobites. The, Scottish tories formed a peculiar party. Though united in general , with the Jacobites or tories, they occasionally deserted them, whenqirer the particular interests of, their own country were cppcerned, or when any hopes pf dissolving the union were entertained. We even find in this par liament a cabal of no less than forty or fifty, closely combined, and acting, on many occasions, in di rect opposition to government ; until the influence * bolingbroke's Correspondence; — Letter to lord Strafford, vol. iv. p. 532 ; — Lockhart's Papers, p. 468. 'i7U'' S57 of Bolingbroke seemed likely to prevail over that of his rival, when they were persuaded by his pro fessions again to range themselves under the stand ard of the court. * With these two last classes the real Jacobites were intermingled, and formed so numerous a body, that with the aid of the crowii, and the support of the partisans of Bolingbroke, they hoped to reverse the order of succession established by parliament, and restore the heredi tary line. In the next degree stood the whigs, an impene- trable phalanx, the never-failing champions of the ; protestant succession. Though inferior in numbers I to the tories as a body, their united strength was such, that if they were joined by either of the two tory divisions, or, as it even sometimes happened, w^ire assisted by the Jacobites, they were enabled to iSonstitute a decided majority. In this struggle of conflicting interests, they acted a firm and uniform part, never swerving from the main path of public duty, and careless whom they supported," or whose aid they obtained, provided they succeeded in se-/ curing the accession of the protestant line. From this incongruous state of the commons, were derived, as might naturaUy be expected, fluctuating sentiments, and contradictory resolu tions, which seemed incomprehensible to all who were unacquainted with the real state of parties, and the variable temper and interests of this hete rogeneous body. In the house 'of lords a simUar fliuctuation pre- * Lockhart's State Papers, vol. ii. p. 478. VOL. VI. S 258 CHAPTER 111. v^Ued, not from the contention' of disOOTdant parties, as in the commons, but from the coui- flicting interests of the two rival ministers, and ilftie fear^ and jealousies of the queen, whose opimiott influenced a considerable portion of this illiustrieuk assembly. We derive this interesting delsJ^ieatMi of the,sta;(;e of parties from the memoirs of th3" ja cobite leader, Lpckhart; ; and we find it confirtned in a cpnfidential letter from the secretary himself, to the earl of Strafford. ' '¦ • '.rtr?^ « JVhitehall, .March 23. ,1713-14. — In .both houses there are the best dispositions I ever sasSi; but I am sorry to tell you that these dispositiens are unimproved : the whigs pursue their plan with good order, and in concert. 'iisiJ " The tories stand at gaze, expect the cpusrt should regulate their conduct, and lead them.pn^ and the court seems in a lethargy. Nothing, ^ybu see, can come of this, but what would be ationce the greatest absurdity, and the greatest misfortune. " The minority, and that minority unpopular, must get the better of the majority, who have the sense of the nation on their side. All that can be done, is doing, to prevail on our friend, my lord treasurer, to alter his measures, to renew a confi dence with the tories, and a spirit in them, and ^o give a regular motion to all the wheels of goveraa- ment. I am sanguine enough to hope that we shaU prevaU. Indeed, it would be pity to lose by management, what none can wrest by fore© out of our hands. . " I write thus freely to you, because, in. such conjunctures especiaUy, you ought not to be igno- ' 1714. 259 rant of the true state of affairs at home, and be cause I know that the part I ought to act towards a friend, I may safely act towards a man of ho nour. You shall hear again from me, the moment I; 'See through the present confused workings qf c " '' ¦ 'S&t aU the declarations of the *^u^e» a^d WeFMl^ audits could not remove the ^ehei"icl iinpi^e^Mfett^efi^ tertained, that the protestant succession wastcSU^ in dange'rl^ Accordingly this delicate; qhe^tifetf be came the 'principal subject of deli!)feratibn,aiid'^f'b'- duced that diversity of sentiment Svhich couM 18t fail to arise in so heterogeneous a body. At^Sfre time, the protestant succession was voted tiot^%8 be in danger," and the bill against schisbi ins^lti^ tte Jacobites with the most sanguine hopeS'bt*OTtf- mate success ; at another, its perilous Sta.te*^Wkl proved, by the repeated motions for the ^-ehi^^I of the pretender from' Loraine ; and,** above an,-b'^ the vote' in the house of lords," proclaiming '^%- ward bf £5000 for seizing his person, shtftUd Bl land in England ; a reward Which Was augm'eilti^a by the commons to^ the enormous aftibiihtF' bf ^100,000. Both these motions were carried withoilt a divisipn. ..>j!:.^ia While the proceedings of the legislatiirS'^were characteristic of a body actuated by no tegtiMl- principle, and guided by no common object *;*^^t1i^ queen and minister's sfeemed to prove tke Mlft'V of their own professions, by theU attempts tbti^k the line of succession. ="'¦'»• ^'' ,, ' >'^ .^sfirt..! Men were almost publicly enlisted for theiferfice 1 of the pretender, and his health was openly plliUg^d "at numerous meetings ahd clubs, held % jabbiSites '^of all ranks and* denominations ift 'the metrb|5fbfis. j The army was beginning to be new-mbd'MfJA, ' colonels Were removed from th^ir regfeiehtsV and ni .1714.:/ 11', 2G1 r§pii^#,t)y,0thl^rss^f the Sti4ar^parf;y. |3/^vernprs i wer^f^priy^.^f 4heii", po,sts, ^^i4,supersi^^4]i%i^|^rgiing,gri^|^, ,,|;he cla^mours for the re- si4OT?gt>of the el%i^^a^jPJfince in England, >Yere revived, with .increas|flgj,jyehemence. As he had; ^Jri^ady beep created .dwj^e of Cambridge, it was gnly, necessary to obtajn the custpmary summons Ip^th?^ bouse of lords. ^. In conformity, thereforej, .T^btthe advice of the ..whigs,, baron Schutz, the Jja^oyerian resident, apphed for the writ. , Tlie •ql^jjlpellor, objecting that it was not usual'to grant \^itf , to peers who resided put of the kingdpm, was CiC|n|bunded with a reply, that the prince intended tp jreside, and might be expected in England befpre, if; was issued. After , some farther delays apd^,pbjections, under the plea of preserving due respept to the^ queen,, it was at length reluctantly granted. r , , TPhe, queen _ was extremely agitated by this sud- deq,apd unexpected proceeding, and wrote several letter^ tp the' electoral family, in which she ear- nes^jly deprecated such contemptuous, disregard of bqUjpijerogative, exhorting them, in the strongest terms, not to give countenance to a measure, no iess.,ipsi^ting to her feelings, than derogatory to .%b4^n.ify pf her crown. ^ ,,,, „^p . ^^, , .^ ,^ar,9n\Schutz was also forbidden to appear at q(p|l,^^t,; afld quitted England to convey the writ to ^^„ Jngfjj^jjinidst pf these political feuds, the queen 's, 3 262 CHAPTER 111. prorogued the parliament, with a speeteb indicati\*e of high indignation. After the usual thanks for the supplies, she expressed her hopeto meet them ! again early in the winter, in such a tempei*. a^ ¦' would be necessary, for improving all the advan tages of the peace. She then concluded in a tone, which shews how deeply she resented the intended^ residence of the electoral prince in England. >" ! " My chief concern is, to preserve to j^ou and to your posterity our holy religion, and the liberty of my subjects, and to secure the present and future tranquillity of my kingdoms. But I must tell you plainly, that these desirable ends can never be obtained, unless you bring the same dispositions on your parts ; unless all groundless jealousies, which create and foment divisions amongst you, I be laid aside ; and unless you shew the same re- I gard for my prerogative, and for the honour of my ' government, as I have always expressed for the rights of my people." * During these political conflicts in his native country, Marlborough maintained an unremitted intercourse with his friends, and was stUl ready to support that cause for which he had fought and conquered, and for his adherence to which he had been driven into exUe. Had he chosen to desert his party, and vindicate the peace of Utrecht, he might yet have recovered the favour of the queen, and enjoyed the protection of the ministers ; he might have been exempted from all the persecu tions to which his opposition exposed him. * Journals. 1714. ^63 But we find , him abroad, consistently persever ing in the same honourable path, and labouring to promote that protestant succession in the house of Hanover, whichi he considered as essential to the welfare of England, and the ti'anquillity of Europe. Nor do we perceive in his conduct, the slightest fluctuation of sentiment, notwithstanding the op probrious, accusations levelled against him by jacobite spies, and repeated by partial or misguided historians. Few letters or documents are pre served at Blenheim relating to this critical aera ; but those that remain^ as well as his correspond ence, published among the Hanover papers, in dubitably prove his undeviating anxiety in the cause of liberty and religion. Convinced, also, that his native country was menaced with a counter-revolution, he sent general Cadogan, to make the necessary arrangements with general Stanhope, and the leaders of the hanoverian in-,' terest *, for transporting troops to England, on' the demise of the queen, and for taking every precaution to frustrate the hopes of the Jacobites* He even engaged to use his endeavours in securing the fidelity of the troops stationed at Dunkirk, and to embark at their head, in support of the same cause. He also urged the elector of Hanover not to spare his treasure in gaining adherents, and offered to assist him with a loan of ^20^000. So gratified, indeed, was the electoral house with these proofs of his zeal, that, in return, the elec- * This fact is stated from the narrative of the duchess, and confirmed by the accusations of Bolingbroke and the Jacobites, and the testimonies in the Hanover Papers. S 4 ^g^ CHAPITipR 111. tr^^f.^ophia^intrusted him, with aisblaAiki warain*, apppjnting him, commandfir-in-chie!fi(©£iben4»dopfe and garrisons, !05>*her .accession to the crowuiiw ,1; (Jl^ese; measures are detaUed in his letifeersiitailiike coftrtvpf.Hanover, and.weoshould deem it imJMB^oe >- Igjjjj^, memory not to submit, to the reader thisfii'- ter^sting cprrespondence, although a part has been ^e%dy.^ given to the public. *,i;i Robeth(D(n,^(his fg^e^^ correspondent, and,, now the, confidential sgcr^^tary at Hanover, was the principal channebof %L^f^ ppmmunications. '^i^' :i(« i^ic^i ff>nc T^ie^D^ii^^^ (^.Mariborough to Robethon. oaUj gj," Ant,werp,Nov.,30.ce my coming ,, to this place,; because nothing of jthe least consequence has pffered; but Mr.< Cadogan sbeing, now returned ffpm, England, with an account; of the present sit^qajipn of things, and disposition of people^s rpind^ there, I thpught it necessary to take notice in general to , you of it, and, at the same time^ acquaint ypu, I shaU, send him to the Hague in some few days, to couimunicate: aU matters to M. Bothmarj in order to his transmitting, in thef most ample manner, to his electoral highness,^ the sentiments and thoughts of our friends in England, concerning I JJie, unhappy condition we are in, which, I am sorry tc^ teU you, grows worse eitfery day, and wUl very sopn be desperate, unless sPme speedy remedy is , applied. Though the whole conduct of our ministryi, both as ta affairs at home and abfpad, leaves no room to doubt of their in- * Hanover Papers for 1713 and 1714;— Macp^|eTSon,. vol. ii. iif >l7f45MI ' 265 ^ntions tbrfefing kititheffipretender ; yet I 'taiiMbt fpobeanririentionirig some circumstances fSMti'hg to it, whichc have thappisned' since the last 'Sessions bf pariiamenifc. >l I shall begin with our court's enter ing iratoi a stricter and greater union With France thianrjiever,- notwithstandihg the collusive matin'^i" with which the french king has'eVadfed executing thbse articles made with England,' which were for our advantage ; and as the highfe'st and most' tdhl vjnoing mark I of the double dealing and pef-nicious designs of our ministers. I shall, in the next place, instance their affectation of writing to such princes, not to receive the pretender, into whose countries they are sure he will never come;' and their making no step in earnest towards the re moving him out of Lorainej notwithstanding the addresses of both* houses, and that his being thfer^ or in France is the same thing. By which means, the: article in the treaty of peace, for the security of the protestant succession, is eluded. To thi^ must be added, the giving aU employments, mili^j tary and civU, to notorious Jacobites ; the putting! the governments of Scotland and Ireland into the hands of two persons who are known friends to the pretender * ; the choosing the 16 lords to serve for Scotland, of whom, two were with the pre tender last summer, and most of the rest declared Jacobites ; the ministers receiving, with such dis tinction. Sir Patrick Lawless, and, under the pre tence of his transacting the business of Spain, admitting him into their confidence arid privacy, * The Earl of Mar and Sir Constantine Phipps. 26^ CHAPTER 111. though an irish papist, and an avowed agent' 'of the pretender's; the violence and forbe usfediiii the election of members for the city of Londfelfi'; the invading the freedom of elections all over" the kingdom, by corruption, oppression, and bribery, in order to ^et such persons chosen as are in tM interest of the pretender ; the animatibg the clergy to preach up hereditary and testamentary righifi; both which principles are destructive to* the suc cession ; the encbUraging the publishing that per nicious book, lately writ to suppPrt those doctrines, which, though high treason by our laws ; yet this book *, which asserts them. Was writ either by direction or connivance of the lord treasurer, as may be judged by the following circumstabceS':' First, the materials for 'it were collected either out of manuscripts in his own library, or out of such piiblic I'ecords as Mr. Lowndes was known to have been employed in the search of: lord treasurer's Ubrary keeper corrected the manuscript; and the printing of the book was published in the Gazette -^ and though the printer was taken up, for fonw's sake, the sale of the book is openly permitted, and great numbers of them sent gratis all over the kingdom. " Many instances of the same nature might be joined to these I have mentioned; but I think these more than sufficient to demonstrate the tiews of the ministry, and the danger of delaying any longer the entering into effectual measures for the preventing of them. But as this matter is of the 1., ¦ ft * This book is entitled, " The hereditary Right of the Crown of England asserted." — See Boyer's Reign of Queen Anne. 1714. r ii 267 higbeist moment, andthatthe safety of our religion, property, and liberty, will depend upon the reso lutions, to be now taken, our friends in England submit everything to his electoral' highness's great, wisdom and discretion, and wUl execute with, zeal and pleasure, whatever instructions or orders he shall please to give them in this most important affair. However, they believe themselves obliged," at, the same time, both in duty to his electoral highi^ess, and out of concern for the safety and, gppd of their country, to represent in the most humble and submissive manner, that, considering tiie present state of tilings in England, nothing can so effectually assure the succession, as his \ electoral highness going there, or, if that cannot / be hoped for, the sending the prince, which would animate and encourage to the greatest degree, all those of both parties, who wish well to the suc cession, and break the measures of those who are against it. But, though this is the unanimous sense of our friends in England ; yet they leave, and wholly submit it to his electoral highness's prudence and judgment, and desire that this their advice may be understood to proceed from hearts full of affection and unalterable attachment to his electoral highness's person and interests; for the promoting of which, they wiU be always ready to venture their lives and fortunes. As I write you this, in the last confidence, I desire it may be communicated only to his electpral highness and M. Bernstorf ; and, for fear of accidents, you wUl be pleased afterwards to burn it. I am, with truth, yours." I# CHAPtMR 111. ¦•«!^'iuqbi ^ He developes these views in another letter'^tb^ Robethon. -rasdjojisfat '¦" 'Antwerp,^ Jak. 6."* 1714<.—3y the acctounts Alf.'Gafdbgan brings from the 'Hague, as well* i^ by Wha!t has been writ from thence, it is eVidfeilt thfe principal regebts of the republic begin '^o-b* now convinced of the designs of the eriglish iriihi^U try to bring 'in the pretender ; and, sinctf the destruction of their state must inevitably follow; they 'have t. warmly taken the alarm, f and" S^^l' disposed to enter into any measures towards ^^r&? Venting it,' which the form of their government WUI allow of. And, as they very well know, a Strict friendship with the emperor and empire is al3sbi lutely necessary for attaining this great end, Hhey' ire, at presents very desirous to reconcile thenii selVeS'to his iftiperial majesty; but the managa-i nientS' they are outwardly forced "to keep 'J%ith? ¥miS^ and the english ministiy^; ''6Migibg t\ihti»%» p^eeeedrin this matter, With the Utmt^'sidcr6cyyni:l> Caution, they are resolved to tfaiisadt it priiatdy,i b;^ ftuch , friendS( as ]^% ^^ hWiP ,an entii;e, , con- ^d^ceifin^, an4r, i^p ^hew, how: anwch thi^yi are in ear>R|est, they appear ipplined to rpcede fromj^y^ijal, ady,antages^ given^jthem by their h^r^jiprrjjti^:^^,, As^h^s, imperial majesty has likeiyise tjie;, interest pf) Engjapd at heart,; and believes, his own safety jCjp^ cerned in securing the succession :of his .elecf^r^^ highness and family^ it is hardly to he dpsub|^y Ifjfjtjr, such temperaments^ may be found, by fj^^ cpmmon friends afprementioned,'^,as will re-establi^ thP former union between the emperpr and,t|ke republic; which matter being explained, in fihe, mcmwals transmitted by M. Bothmar. -.pi myst refer to them. ' .nodiddoH .jtfj'KFor the. expedient ^ you mentioned,^ ^Ifif an add|«ss of thanks for the ; good offices enaployei^ ^R^) endeavours used, to remp.ve^jthe preteridei",', ajjd,, the grounding an invitation on their ha^Uig proved ineflectual, Ipshall take the liberty,> since T^jj desire my private opinion, to tell yqu freely^ I ;am apprehensive that matter may be so artfully ipsjjajatagtd* by, the court, as to get the first part of the; proposition passed, and the other dropt; tlie iJliCOnsequences of which are so obvious, that it is not (necessary to explain them. HoweveT» if his ej^^ral highness shall np^t approve of what pur fr^ftd^iin England have, humbly represented^ they ^l,(ibe'; ready to execute, with all the zeal and fi^f)*l|frf>imaginable, thi? or any other j thing his ^^oit^lliighnesa shall judge for his service ;eand,( ^^Qfttfe spi^gli^s drive, on matters so fast in favpni| | difiiiif apikate tpvery. bpdy must agree,, , if spines i tWn®ife^W\fefi.-;ftot done in .the next sessions of 270 CHAPTER 111. par)iaracnt, towards securing the succession, it,i^ to be feared it may be irretrievably, lost.,j Cadogan returns in about fourteen days to . Hague, i in jorder to receive his electoral highness's commands from M. Bothmar, in relation to what he is to say to our friends, at his return into, Engr, land. T am ever yours." jji Oxford could not be unacquainted with thf negotiations between the electoral family and thp hanoverian party in England, through the agency of Marlborough. This subtle politician, therefore, resorted to his usual craft, to counteract the labours of his opponents, and to turn their intrigues against themselves. He had already persuaded the queep to express in her speeches unusual regard toward? the electoral family, and even induced her to assume an appearance of cordiality, which was foreign to her feelings. Perceiving that this semblance of harmony between the two courts was peculiarly mortifying to the whigs, he carried his dissimulation still farther, by sending his relative, Mr. Harley, to Hanover, to convey testimonies of the queen's solicitude for the protestant succession, and his own devotion to the electoral family. This unexpected mission created considerable jealousy among the adherents of the house of Hanover. To counteract its effects, Marlborough sent Mr. Molineux, an irish gentieman of fortune, t(j the electoral court ; and in his correspondence with Robethon, strove to expose the dupUeity of tiie treasurer, and the danger of listening to his oyertujes. " Antwerp, May 5. 1714. — - It is so evident .nr 17*1^1 AH ' 2^1 tbdt tbe queen's mihisters are deterinined'tof plafee ttM pretender^ on the throne, th^t it'iVouM^ M liming one^s time to' produce proofs' of iti *-^Th§i^ greatest desire, and their only view in Mr.'K^*Bl^4 tffribassy is, to obtain some deblaration frprfi'^the elector, which may imposte' upon the nation, krid make it believe that your coutt is satisfied wi^hthetri! If yoli' have fallen into this sriate, itwUl render 'all the efforts of your friends of no avail ; but we rely upon the great prudence of his electoral highn^fesl "A more proper time for demanding the Writ for the electoral prince' could not have beeh, chosen ; for you see how many of the richest and i most considerable among the tories declare for you, and acknowledge that they were deceived by the ministry, who lose so much ground in both houses, that you may depend upon it, they will / take care not to call the second session of this par- 1 Uament, before they have executed their design in favour of the pretender. Otherwise, they will run a risk of being prosecuted j for having betrayed their country, and violated the laws ; and as tH^V cannot justify themselves in that respect, it is not to be believed, that they wUl expose themselves to the hazard of another ses,sion ; for if they lose any more ground, however small, their ruin is certain. " Luckily, this session is to Continue for two months longer, as no supplies are yet found; iso that the electoral prince will have time enough, before the end of it, to arrive and take his seat in parliament, in which case, the balance will incline entirely to your side, as it begins to do already. ^ CHAPTER 111. upon the mere rumour of his coming ; so that you may judge what effect his presence would prodiiee. Accordingly, our friends write to me, in that case, the parliament wiU not rise before they have settled a pension of rf 40,000 sterling, for a subsistence to the prince, who WUI have nothing to do but to make his court to the queen, and caress the ministers, without meddling in any thing. By this remedy, the succession will be secured, without risk, without expence, and without war; and, like wise, it is very probable that France, seeing herself prevented in that manner, will abandon her design of assisting the pretender. ' " In my humble opinion, it would be proper to use dispatch, and that the prince should set out before lord Paget * arrives. This journey of the prince, attended with the success, which there is reason to expect from it, cannot fail to give the elector new influence, and much greater conse quence over all Europe, as he will secure to him self thereby the crown of Great Britain, which will attach the emperor, Holland, and the court (rf Prussia to him, and render him the arbiter of the differences of the north. Whereas if this oppor tunity is lost (which, according to appearances, will be the last) the contrary will happen, and the influence of his electoral highness, at other courts, will suffer considerably by it, especially after the great noise which this demand of the writ for the electoral prince makes every where, which leaves no one room to doubt of his setting out soon ; so • Lord Paget was nominated envoy to Hanover on the return of >Ii'. Harley from his temporary mission. ^mW^^ TM.}^m. .exposed ^^i^selves,^^,,^e9,e;5, ro^# forjyPF;ii}terest, wip>e, ab^glut^y,^ ^^,^P9t/?«^.Vtobp, prpd^pflye pf.b^^ .co^^e^^^^a^<^^^ to J your ^ coiirt, aijd in ^a|l the ^.gtl;ier ,CjP|||-^ ^j pg , %f^:.. '.. . .,^. .p .> "...- M -.Urn '.', It is easy fpr your cpi^rt to ^nceiye o^fj^yj^^, i"«Ef!^f^bc^, /l^.i!' J^ffj^^tiie prince shoul^^^^v^i whil^ t^e 'par)l|iament is ; ^tting, as,,^e,.|;?3^?p^ to . justify his journey is, jt|ie right he has tp^jta]^^^^] ^Ki^^ii?.!?^^!!?*^^"*' :^"^ thft^^^i^, by wl^^cj^^ jhe. i queen calls him to it. I hope you^j|| .^^M-i^e good news. . , < .' " , ,i , ».,} ¦ !'«i»t:;, ' • : >' .- : ¦ \ and endorsed by feJ^^To aCories^oftdent at Hanqyer.^'^^^' " ' „ VOL. VI. T •^*'" 274 CHAPTER 111. endeavoured to unite the moderate tories, as weS' as the whigs, in defence of the legal settlement., It collaterally enables us to trace his motives- for not signing the whig association*, which he evi dently considered as an expedient, calculated to render this great public concern, a mere object of party. " M. Bothmar has sent me a copy of the letter concerning the observations that were made at Baiieduc. t I believe there may be inconvenience in sending the original letter ; but I think if M. Schutz has a copy of it, with orders to comr municate the substance to all our friends, both whigs and tories, 'tis probable it may have a good effect ; and if they find it wUl be useful to produce the original, it will be in your power to do it. > , " I am so certain of what her majesty and the ministers design, as to the succession, and it is so evident tb aU mankind that have any sense, that I will not take up your time in arguments upon that ^ niatter, nor trouble you with instances, to shew how little it can signify to have their promises upon any account. I am persuaded, if words would serve, at this time, they will make very little difficulty to say any thing, in order to draw from' , the electress an answer that- would give them but /a handle to impose upon the nation, that is satisfied, j which, no doubt, was the whole design of Mr. * Tmdal, vol.xviii. Dr. Birch, who wrote this part of the history, states, that Sir Richard Onslow was deputed by general Stanhope atfd the ¦whig leaders, to obtajn the signature of Marlborough to this association, but that ail his represerttations failed of success. f The teraporai-y residence of the pretender in Loraine. 1714. , 275 Harley's embassy; and would, for ever, have ruined the endeavours of our best friends, and disabled them from doing any service to the elector or their country. But I don't doubt of his highness's taking effectual care to prevent such a mischief; and since so many of the considerable tories have \ owned publicly that they have been deceived by ' the ministers, 'tis reasonable to expect they should do something to secure their religion and laws, and not trust them in the hands of men, that have so plainly betrayed their country. If something of this kind is not done before the parliament rises, I can't but apprehend these ministers will prevent being troubled With another ; for the mask is now taken off, and men that have so little to say for themselves, will not run the hazard of another session. Upon these considerations, and some others, I can't but wish extremely that his electoral highness would use all the means that are possible to shew the honest men in both parties the danger they are in, at a time that France is in so good a condition : and as nothing can save us from' the mischiefs intended but the parliament, it is my humble opinion, that should shew that 'tis necessary that there should be a farther security for the protestant succession : and one great thing towards that, they must needs think, is an honest ministry. rPray do me the favour to give my humble service to M. Bernsdorf. As for having two in the ad miralty, I think that or any other request would be of no use, but to give advantages to those that certainly mean nothing but to deceive." Fortunately, the suhtiety of Oxford defeated T 2 276 CHAPTER 111. itself. Unable or unwiUing to give a definitive proof of his sincerity, his extravagant professions^ when contrasted with his real conduct,, made the mission of his relative appear no less insulting than ridiculous. Mr. Molyneux, in. a letter to the duchess, briefly gives the result of this memorable embassy. / « May 7. 1714. *#-**! would to God I could send you as good, news from hence, as your grace sends me,, when you say there is hope of my having the honour to- see you in a country- house in England. I have not yet been at couitj but when I have, I shall have the honour to write to you again. As yet, I have only heard that Mr. Harley's forerunners had made a great noise of what he was coming to do for this famUyi A petision to the electress, and invitation> to the electoral prince, were as positively given out to be his business here, as that he was to come. But since his arrival, this is aU dwindled into nothing: we hear no more of these things ; and his great promises to the court amount to no more than the giving an office of £ 400 per annum, to one Winc^ an english chamberlain to the electress, and a tory, for which, and for another accident that happened here some days since, they tell me he wUl certainly be disgraced." « Hanover, Friday, May IS. 1714.— This day, I think, it is about ten days since I arrived at Hanover, so that I am now able to assure ybur grace and my lord duke of the perfect regard and affection this court preserves for both your merits, which, on a thousand occasions» I have had the 1714. 27f pleasure to perceive, in every body I have con versed with, as weU as in the court itself The electoral princess, who is certainly one of the best ladies in the world, does nothing but ask me the most affectionate questions possible about your grace and my lord, about your manner of passing your time, how you are diverted, and whether you are easy ; and, in short, one would think she had seen and been intimate with you, she seems to love you so well. I cannot give your grace a better instance of the regard they have to any thing that comes from my lord Marlborough, than to assure you, that I have been very well received by every body here, only by having the honour of his protection. ' '* On Tuesday last Mr. Harley and all his suite went away for England. I believe he is as little satisfied with his negotiation here, as the court is ; for I hear he has had very plain and strong memorials given him, on his departure, as to what may be done on the succession ; and I know that, on taking leave, he had sortie pretty plain things said to him on the state of affairs. The electoral princess told me herself, that on this occasion," when he spoke of the present happiness of Europe in peace, and in a prospect of every thing now flourishing and doing well, she made him this answer, that nobody had a firmer trust in God and Providence than she had, and, therefore, she did not doubt every thing would do well and flourish." Mr. Harley had scarcely taken his departure,! before baron Schutz arrived, with the writ for' summoning the duke of Cambridge, and, at the T 3 ^78 CHAPTER 111. ^ame time, bearing the most pressing invitatioriisr from the hanoverian party, for his immediat* departure to England. At the same time, letters artived from the queen and treasurer, containing the warmest professions of regard to the electoral family. These incidents created great hesitation in the court of Hanover, as we find from farther detaUs in the letters of Mr. Molyneux. " May 29. 1714. —r Your account of the recon ciliation of the sorcerer and his familiar * seems ] very credible ; at least we may be sure, that it is fear draws any honest protestations from them. I should never have given ear to these protestations befbre, but since I am at Hanover, much less than ever ; and, indeed, it is here as plain as that t is the worst woman in the world, that she is not affected to this house, or at least her ministers are quite otherwise. It were as endless as useless to give your grace instances of this, but I must have leave to run over a few. There are now seven packets due from M. Krayenberg t to this court, though all the other letters of the said posts are come constantly to Hanover. During Harley's stay here, by him, and since by another hand, Chateauneuf, at the Hague, knows more of the proceedings here than we do, who are in the town ; but, above all, of the letters from the queen to the elector and electress, which the electress shewed * Lord Oxford and lord Bolingbroke. " -f- A word is omitted wliich evidently refers to the queenj '-\ Krayenberg was tho hanoverian mini'ster in London, and Cha teauneuf, the french minister at the Hague. 1714. 279' me. Nothing can be mbre kind in the world, and') lord treasurer's the same; and yet the plain design is visibly nothing else, but to draw a con* fession from this house, that they are satisfied with the ministry, and have a confidence in a gobd understanding with the queen. This was the point to be carried by Harley's journey, and by those letters ; but he was terribly disappointed ; for in the answers there was not a word of such good understanding ; but there was an article to this effect, - in the elector's answer, which I read, * that he thought it would be mutually good, for * both their interests, that some one of this house ' should have the honour to pay his court to the * queen in England.' This article was carried with great difficulty in the council here, and is the only step made to support the demand of the prince's writ ; and, which is more, is the only one which, I believe, will be made. I am sure my lord Marl borough knows this cburt so well, he can believe this ; but if he won't, I can say no more but that it is my opinion, and that I am more amazed at the difficulties the succession meets here, than at those it meets in London. 1 do believe the prince wUl\ not go over, and for this session, it is almost' despaired of by his best friends ; God knows what may happen before the next. For my part, I prepare myself for poverty and banishment ; and I no more employ my thoughts on the happiness of/ England, but where tp find the most easy retreat. This is a melancholy prospect ; the grounds of it are too long to tell you ; but I would to God it were riot true. There are here such bumours,u T 4 280 CHAPTER 111. such jealousies, and such villainies, as will one day updo us, if it be not done already. I find no time better to end, than by cutting off this disagreeable tale, in giving myself the pleasure to assure your grace, &c. " I shall stay here till what I suspect is made public, and then I think I shaU go on northwards." ; In the midst of this doubt and hesitation, a messenger brought other letters from the queen and the treasurer. Finding that they could not cajole the electoral family by professions, they resorted to threats, in order to prevent the prince from availing himself of his summons to parliament.' The letter to the prince was bitter and re proachful, chiding him for giving ear to such expedients, as the demand of the writ, without knowing her majesty's sentiments. The letter to the electress was somewhat more guarded, but coupled with a menace too obvious to be mistaken. That to the elector was written in a tone of still greater indignation : after repeating her anxious wishes for promoting the settlement, the queen added, " I am firmly persuaded you would not suffer the smallest diminution of your authority. I am no less delicate in this respect ; and I am determined to oppose a project, so contrary to my royal authority, however fatal the consequences may be."* * The two former letters, as well as that of the treasurer, are printed in Boyer's Political State, and in other publications ; but that to the elector was deemed so insulting, that he found it necessary to apo logize for its omission. It is, however, introduced into Macpherson's Hqpoverian- Papers, vol. ij. p. 621, 1714. 281 ' The letter from Oxford was perfectly character istic. After professing his own attachment to the electoral family and their interests, he recommend ed the electress to rely implicitly on the friendship of the queen, as the only means of securing the accession of her family ; and earnestly dissuaded \ her from identifying her interests with those of the whigs, by dwelling on the danger and impolicy of making the narrow measures of a party the standard of her future government. By order of the electress, copies of these letters were sent to the duke of •Marlborough ; and, in transmitting them, Mr. Molyneux gives an in teresting detail of the effect they produced. " Hanover, Thursday, June 7- 1714. — I am directed by the electress to send your grace the inclosed, which arrived at Hanover, by express, on Tuesday, but were not delivered till yesterday at noon. I have not time, or I had translated the queen's for youj but my lord will explain them to you, and let you know that there is no hand viUainous enough tb write them, but that one from whence they come. This court is so openly honest in their proceedings, that they would be glad to disperse these letters among their friends in England; whereas their correspondence is so false and hidden, as that the express declared, tUl the I moment the letters were read, that they were to i invite the prince over, and I would lay my life the ministers declare the same in London." ' In fact, the result was still more fatal than was at first apprehended ; for the aged electress was so deeply affected with the anxiety of the moment. 282 CHAPTER 111. that her feeble frame appears to have sunk under the conflict of contending passions. The circum stances of her sudden death are detailed with no less feeling than interest, in a subsequent letter from Mr. Molyneux. " Hanover, June *, 1714. — • The last post I finished my letters about six in the evening. Not an hour after the post went, I went dUectly after wards to Hernhausen, the country-house of the court, and there the first thing I heard was, that the good old electress was just dying in one of the public walks. I ran up there, and found her just expiring in the arms of the poor electoral princess, and amidst the tears of a great many of her serr vants, who endeavoured in vain to help her. I can give you no account of her iUness, but that I believe the .chagrin of those viUainous letters I I sent you last post, has been in a great measure the cause of it. The Rheingravine, who has been with her these fifteen years, has told me she never knew any thing make so deep an impression on her as the affair of the prince's journey, which, I am sure, she had to the last degree at heart ; and she has done me the honour to tell me so twenty times. In the midst of this concern those letters arrived, and those I verUy believe have broke her heart, and brought her with sorrow to the grave. The letters were delivered on Wednesday at noon. That evening when I came to court, she was at cards, but was so full of these letters, that she got , * The electress died on the 28th of May, O. S., which fixes the date of this letter about the 9th of June, 1714. 283 up and ordered me to follow her into the garden, where she gave them to me to read, and walked, and spoke a great deal in relation to them. I,' believe she walked three hours that night. The next morning, which was Thursday, I heard she was out of order ; and on going immediately to- court, she ordered me to be called into her bed chamber. She gave me the letters I §ent you to copy ; she bid me send them next post, and bring them afterwards to her to court. That was on Friday. In the morning on Friday, they told me she was very well, but seemed very chagrined. She was dressed, and dined with the elector as usual. About four she did me the honour to send me to town, for some other copies of the same letters, and then she was still perfectly well. She, worked and talked very heartily in the Orangerie. After that, and about six, she went out to walk in> the gardens, and was stUl very well. A shower of rain came, and as she was walking pretty fast, to ; get to shelter,' they told her she walked a little too fast. She answered, ' I believe I do,' and dropped down in saying those words, which were her last., They raised her up, chaffed her with spirits, tried to bleed her ; but it was all in vain, and when I came up to her, she was as dead as if she had been four days so. No princess ever died more re gretted, and I infinitely pity those servants, that b^ve known her along time, when I that have had the honour to 'be known to her but a month, can scarce refrain from tears in relating this." The death of the electress Sophia made a consi- 4erable alteration in. the state of parties in Eiig-; S84 CHAPTER 111. land, as well as in the situation of the duke of Marlborough. Notwithstanding her advanced age -of 84, she possessed, tiU the time of her death, an unusual degree of spirit and energy, saying, that if she could but live to have " Sophia, Queen of Eng land," engraven on her tomb, she should die con tented. She had manifested considerable jealousy of her son's interference in the affairs of England, and she expressed great eagerness for the journey of the electoral prince. She was more inclined to the tories than to the whigs, held a confidential correspondence with the earl of Strafford, and im plicitly confided in the duke of Marlborough^ to whom she readily entrusted the fullest powers for the furtherance of her accession. Her death, however, relieved the elector from considerable difficulties : he was no longer con trolled by her authority, and was enabled to adopt an uniform and consistent plan of conduct. Al though he placed his principal reliance on the whigs, yet being of a prudent and cautious temper he did not neglect the tories. Declining to irritate the queen, by permitting his son to accept the in vitation to England, refusing to expend his treasure in strengthening his interest, or to interfere in factious cabals, he appeared almost too indifferent, to stretch out his hand to the scepti'e, which was within his grasp ; and adroitly left his interests to the management of his adherents and agents* Although he treated the duke of Marlborough with a semblance of respect, he never forgot the supposed slight which he had experienced in I7O8, 1714, 285 when Marlborough concealed from him the pro jected operations of the campaign. * This jealousy had been recently fomented by the arti fices of Oxford, who did not faU, by means of Mr. Harley, to bring into view the former correspond ence of Marlborough with the house of Stuarti The elector, however, was too circumspect, to suffer any public manifestation of these prejudices to escape him ; but encouraged Marlborough to persevere in his exertions, and to identify himself with the hanoverian party in England, • See Chapters es and 68. 286 CHAPTER 112. CHAPTER 112. 1714. 'State of affairs in England. — Effects of the rivalry between the two ministers. — Dismission qf Oxford. — Bolingbroke intrusted with the arrangement qf a new administratim. Proposed promotion qf the Jacobites. — Alarming illness qf the queen. — Proceedings of Bolingbroke and his adherents — Baffled by the whigs and the havxyoerian parfy. — The duke qf Shrewsbury appointed, lord treasurer. — Measures adopted to ensu7-e the accession qf the elector of Hanover. — Death qf the queen. — Accession qf George tliefrst. — Marlborough prepares to return to England. — Motives for his conduct. — Letters from the duchess of Marlborough to Mrs. Clayton. JMeanwhile the vessel of state was tossed on a stormy sea, and exposed to imminent danger of shipwreck, by the rivalry of the two pilots, who were contending for the helm, Oxford, by his artful duplicity, in paying court successively to every party, had rendered himself equally contemptible to all. He had offended the queen, by his overtures to the electoral family, and had not succeeded in obtaining their -confidence. In this critical situation, his only dependence rested on the favour of the sovereign ; but in her mind a sinister change had taken place. She was beset by lady Masham, whom he had alienated by his opposition to the grant of a pension, and other 19 ' 1714. 287 emoluments, which she was anxious to obtain. She was also wrought upon, by the artful repre sentations of Bolingbroke, who affected to develope his intrigues with the court of Hanover, and ac cused him even of caballing with the duke of^ Marlborough. But habit, and the remains of partiality for the minister, who had delivered her from the control of the whigs, together with the natural indecision of the queen's temper, protracted his fall ; and it ¦was not till his sentence was passed by the courts of St. Germain and Versailles, that she consented to remove him from her service. * Those courts finding that Oxford constantly eluded their de mands for a restoration, and deceived them by repeated promises, which were never fulfilled, made ) lord Bolingbroke the agent of their schemes, and'' the channel of their communications, and hoped, through his ministry, to gain the grand object of their wishes. We learn, from the authentic testi.4 mony of Berwick, who managed the secret corre-l -spondence with the Stuart party, that this was the real cause of Oxford's removal, and that his dis grace excited the most sanguine hopes of success. . ' * We do not hesitate to assert this fact, because it is evident from ,the declarations of the duke of Berwick, who gives a long detail of the secret correspondence which Oxford maintained with him through the 'agency of Gualtier and Torcy, and the mode in which the wily trea- ' surer duped the court of St. Germain. He also developes the plan which they pMsued to obtain his removal, and informs us that tbe I (wishes of the exiled family were imparted to the queen, through the! diik* of Ormond and lady Masham, who being at this time both inti-/ mately connecteS with Bolingbroke, we cannot doubt his participationj .^Memoires de Berwick, t.;,ii. 196.^206. 288 CHAPTER 112. . After many struggles in the mind of the queen^ she resumed the white staff on the 27th of July* An indecorous altercation took place in her pre sence between the two rivals for power, in which the treasurer coai^ely observed, amidst many other reproachful expressions, that he would leave some people as low as he found them. The feelings of the queen were deeply affected with this dis graceful scene, which continued until two in the morning; and she retired in a state of extreme agitation, without announcing any other minis terial arrangement. From this moment Bolingbroke was considered .as virtually the prime minister, and as the person ^ho was to organise the new administration. His filrst measure was calculated to cajole the whigs , and moderate tories. On the ensuing day, he gave a political dinner to Stanhope, Walpole, and other members of the hanoverian party, and lavished assurances, that he would promote the protestant succession. But when the whigs de manded, as a pledge of his sincerity, that the pre- ' tender should be removed from Loraine, he frankly , declared his inabUity to obtain the consent of the queen, to what she deemed the banishment of her brother. * Meanwhile, he gave his whole con fidence to the Jacobites, and laboured to form an administration in which they were to be predo minant. As far as wa can ascertain, from the authentic writings of the day, the great official situations were to be thus filled. The treasury * Memoires of Sir Robert Walpote, chap. 8. 1714. 289 Was to be put into commission* at the head of which was Sir William Wyndham ; Bolingbroke himself was to retain the seals as secretary of state» with the sole management of the foreign corre spondence ; Bromley was to continue his colleague ; the earl of Mar secretary of state for Scotland ; the duke of Ormond commander-in-chief; lord Harcourt chancellor ; the duke of Buckingham lord president of the council ; the earl of Straifoi-d head of the board of Aduiiralty, and the privy seal was to be transferred to Atterbury, bishop of Rochester.* Measures were also continiaed for ) re-modelling the army, and securing possession of ' the forts, arsenals, and outports, ; Such an administration being completely jacobite^ in its constituent parts, no doubt can remain as to ; the ultimate object. Fortunately, however, this arrangement never took place. On the 29thj the agitation of the queen's mind having increased, the imposthume in her leg was suddenly checked. Her constitutional gout flew to her brain, and she sunk into a state of stupefaction, broken by oc casional fits of delirium, , ; Bolingbroke employed this awful interval of suspense in accelerating his political arrangements ; and the most alarming apprehensions seized upon aU the well-wishers to the protestant successipn. The whigs, however, were not inactive. They had already entered into, a formal^asspciation. * Almost all the members of this projected administration were, avowed Jacobites. Three, including Bolingbroke, followed the pre- j tender; one, the bishop of Rochester, was attainted ; and Sir William Wyndham was arrested in 1715, as a favourer of the rebellion. VOL. VI. U 290 CHAPTER 112. f nominated officer^, coUected arms and ammunition, ' enregistered troops, and were preparing to, take the necessary precautions on the demise of the queen, to obtain possession of the fortresses and outports of the kingdom, to seize the Toweri;an4 to ad(^t every possible precaution for proclaiming tbe constitutional king. Byi;he agency of Marl borough, they were also secure of the powerful garrison stationed at Dunkirk, and expected his arrival with impatience, as the means of influencing the army. In the midst of these mutual exertions, the indisposition of the queen increased; and a com mittee of the privy-councU were sitting in a chamber of the royal palace of Kensington, to make the most prompt and effectual arrangements on the expected event. Fortunately, among the members present, was j the duke of Shrewsbury, who, by his patriotic conduct at this awful moment, compensated for his past dupUcity. In his embassy at Paris, and in his office of lord-lieutenant bf Ireland* he had not co-operated with the views of the Jacobites, but had proved himself an active friend to, the protestant cause. In the quai^rels between; tjiw rival ministers, he had acted with his characteristic [indecision, but dxibered in general to Oxford, whom he justly considered as the least dangerous of the two. He now saw that the crisis was arrived for adopting a decisive line of conduct. We have no precise information on the subjects which occupied the attention of the committee ; \ but the members were confounded by th^e firmness 1714. 291 and promptitude of the hanoverian party. In the midst of their discussion, the dukes of Argyle and Somerset suddenly entered tiie council-chamber, and said, that understanding the danger of the queen, they had hastened to offer their assistance. In the pause of surprise which ensued, the duke of Shrewsbury rose, and thanked them for their offer. Having taken their seats, they proposed an examin ation ©f the physicians; and on their report, that the queen was in imminent danger, it was resolved that the post of lord treasurer should be filled with out delay, and that the duke of Shrewsbury should be recommended to the queen. Bolingbroke and \ his partisans were thunderstiuck, and made no ' opposition; and, with the approbation of the physicians, a deputation of the members waited upon her majesty, and declared the unanimous opinion of the councU. The queen, who was incapable of esertion, faintly ajpproving the choice, delivered the staff to Shrewsbury, and bade him use it for the good of her people. The same afternoon, lord Somers shook off his bodily in-^ firmities, and repaired to. Kensington. He was accompanied or foUowed by several privy-counseW lors of the same party ; and by their impulse a) sudden revulsion took place in the counsels • of government. Troops were ordered to march to the metropolis ^ ten battalions were recalled from Flanders ; an embargo was laid on the ports ; a fleet sent to sea under the command of the earl of Berkeley, and strong measures adopted to maintain the public tranquUlity in every part of the kingdom. A requestwas also sent to the States, to guaranty u 2 292 CHAPTER 112. the protestant succession, and an express dispatched to the elector of Hanover, entreating him to repair without delay to HoUand, where a fleet would be ready to convey him to England, should it please God to caU the queen to his mercy ! The queen having relapsed into a lethargy, and the physicians despairing of her life, the heralds at arms, and a troop of the life-guards, were then summoned on duty; and by these and other judicious ex ertions, the death of the sovereign, which happened at seven in the morning of the first of August, was instantly followed by the proclamation of the elector of Hanover as king, under the title of George I, Thns, by the blessing of divine Provi dence, the protestant succession was secured. * I - This aspect of unanimity confounded all the enemies to the protestant succession. The king of France, however inclined to favour the resto ration of the Stuart line, was too prudent to resist the torrent of the national will; the pretender, bereft of assistance abroad, and deriving no aid from his dismayed friends at home, remained a passive vritness bf his own defeat, and the elevation of bis rival. From the increasing divisions between the two ministers, and the violence of their respective adherents, a change in the cabinet had been dong anticipated. It was natural, therefore, that Maii- * Boyer's Queen Anne; — Political State; — Continuation of Rapin; — Swift's Memoirs relating to the Change of the Queen's Ministry; and Inquiry into the Behaviour of the Queen's last Ministry ; — Letters of Charles Ford, and Erasmus Lewis to Dr. Swift; — Bolingbroke's Correspondence; — Macpherson's Stuart and Hanover Papers, jposwm; — Meujoiires de Berwick and Torci. ' ' " " * 17'14. 295 borough should be anxious to, be present at the expected crisis; and he was strongly exhorted by his friends in England to accelerate his return. Oppressed by the weight of age and increasing infirmities, he waited only till the parliament was I prorogued, to commence his journey, and declared ' his resolution to brave again the persecutions he had already endured, for the gratification of re visiting his native land. He gave notice of his design to prince Eugene, a.nd imparted it to his friends in England. As early as AprU, his wife, in her extensive corre spondence, announced, with heartfelt satisfaction, that they should speedUy return to their country, declaring with a spirit of national enthusiasm, that she would rather die in a cottage in England, than reside in a palace abroad. To the elector he thus announced his puipose, in a letter to Robethon, dated June 18. After expressing his concern for the death of the electress, he adds, " I have been wishing some time to hear how you parted with Mr. Harley, and whether there, was any hope of the electoral prince going into England, which, I find, all the con siderable men of both sides so earnestly desired, that they express a great deal of trouble at tile disappointment. This is what my correspondents write the 29th, O.'S,, of May; and one thing more, which, I think, is diverting, that Mr. Auditor Harley gives into these complaints, and said, that if the electoral prince had immediately followed the demanding of the writ, it had, by this , tirae,u^ put an end to the jacobite ministers and; u 3 294 CHAPTER 112. party. How sincere this is in my lord treasurer's brother, I believe you may be able to judge qf as well as any body, by what he has written to yOur court ; but this artifice, and a great many others of the same kind; shew that be thinks it of use to continue deluding people with such tricks, and pretending. that he is for the succession in the ! house of Hanover; though, since he had the poWer^ he never made one step that was not directly against it. ' . : " Pray be pleaded to take an opportunity of ac quainting his electoral highness, that riiybest friends think my being in England may be of much more use to the service, than my continuing abroad, upon which, I design to return as soon as the par liament is up ; and being very desirous of receiviflg the elector's commands, I have already writteri to M. Bothmar, to meet me at Mordick, which may easUy be done without being known to any body. I shall not leave this place tUl the beginning of the next month." He accordingly took his departure from An twerp, and repaired to Ostend for the purpose of embarking. While he was detained by contrary winds, the duchess imparted to her eorre- spondent, Mrs. Clayton *, an interesting account of bis journey. * Mrs. Ckytoa was wife of Robert Clayton, esq., who held an offi cial situation in the treasury, and was one of the managers of the duke's estates during his absence. After the accession of George I., the dacbess procured for her friend, throngh the influence of baron,5oth- mar; the place of woman of the bedchamber to the princess of Wales. In this situation she conciliated the favour «f her royal mistress, and 1714. 295 ^'Ostend, Monday morning, July 30. 1714. — I am sure my dear friend will be glad to hear that we are come weU to this place, where we wait for a fair wind, and, in the mean time, are in a very clean house, and have every thing good but water. 'Tis not to be told, in this letter, the respect and affection shewn to the duke of Marlborough, in every place where he goes, which always makes me remember our governors in the manner that is natural to do ; and, upcm this journey, one thing has happened that was surprising and very pretty. The duke of Marlborough contrived it so as to avoid going into the great towns, as much as he could, and for that reason went a little out of the way, not to go through Ghent ; but the chief ma gistrates hearing where he was to pass, met him upon the road, and had prepared a very handsome breakfast, for all that was with us, in a little viUage, where one of their ladies stayed \a do the honours ; and there was in the company a consi derable churchman that was lame, and had not been out of his room in a great while, but^ would g^ve himself this trouble. This is to shew yoii how the Roman catholics in these countries love those that have served them weU. Among the governors of that town,, there were a great many officers that came out with them a foot ; and I was so much surprised and touched at their kindness, that I could not speak tp fhe officers without a good deal obtained great influence in the succeeding reign. Her husband wa3 created lord Sundon, and ^he becaime the great favourite oi queen Caru.. lin^. — See Memdirs of Sir' Robert Wafprfe, ptwsim. V 4 290 CHAPTER 112. ofconcern, saying I was sorry for what they did, fear ing it might hurt them ; to which they repUed very j politicly or ignorantly, I don't know which, sure it was not possible for them to suffer for having done their 'duty. The next day Mr. Sutton met: us, with other officers, and did a great many civi lities in bringing wine, and very good fruit ; but I; was not so mu^h surprised at that, because he is so well, with the ministers, that he may do what he: pleases. The duke of Marlborough is determined to stay here till he has a very fair wind and good weather, and not to be at London till three or four days after he lands at Dover, because we have s5. many horses and servants, that we can't travel fast. I long to embrace my dear Mrs. Clayton, and I hope I shall/ never part from her again for any long timcj tho' I have as iU an opinion of public affairs as ever, but I would fain end my life in England! with my friends, if I can, and must submit to po pery or any thing that cannot be helped. My humble service to Mr. Clayton, and to every body that you think cares to hear of me." Meanwhile the friends of the illustrious exUe in England made preparations for his reception ; and his approaching arrival was hailed by the whigs, and all who were favourable to the house of Ha nover, as the consummation of their hopes, while the Jacobites contemplated his coming with dismay. The political conduct of Marlborough during his abode on the continent, and the motives for his return to England being thus clearly ascer tained, it may seem unnecessary to vindicate him from various aspersions, which, although incon- 1714. 297 sistent with each other, have been cast on his me mory, and repeatedly asserted, untU they have assumed the colour of truth. Thus he has been accused of caballing, at the same time, with, Ox ford and Bolingbroke ; and the old slander has been revived, of his treasonable correspondence with the Stuart line. That he was not inclin ed to fevour the , pretender is evident, from the violence With which he was assaUed by the Jaco bites, who considered him as the bitterest enemy of their cause. One of their principal leaders, al luding to the supposed reconciliation between him and Bolingbroke, candidly allows that, " In that event, it is more than probable, that aU the lord Bolingbroke's designs for the king (the pretender),, would have been dropped, and other schemes laid down and pursued." He likewise mentions a report, that the duke refused the loan ofl a^lOO,000, which the pretender demanded as the pledge of his fideUty. * A single paragraph, in a secret letter from Prior to Bolingbroke, will sufficiently disprove the malicious but unfounded rumour, that he was acting, in con currence with France and the pretender, to over turn the settlement of the succession. "Aug, 7. 1714. M. de Torcy has very severe, and, I fear, very exact accounts of us ; we are all frightened out of our wits, upon the duke of Marlborough'sgoingto England." t In regard to his cabals with BoUngbroke, which seem to be too generally credited, we may contradict the ac cusation, on. the indeniable testimony of the secre- * Lockhart's Memoirs, vol. i. p. 461. -f Correspondence, vol. iv. p. 579. 298 CHAPTER 112. tary himself In a letter to lord Strafford, dated July 14, he observes, " Lord Marlborough's people give out that he is coming over, and I take it for granted he is so; whether on account of th& iU figure he makes on the continent, or the gcw)d one he hopes to make at home, I shall not det&raine. But I have reason to think that some people *, who would rather move heaven and earth, than piui;' with their power, or make a right use of it, have lately made overtures to him, and have entered into some degree of concert with his creatures. My dear lord, the queen's affairs are in a deplor able condition." In the bitterness of his anger, Bolingbroke also preferred an accusation to the queen against the treasurer, for bis cabals with the duke of' Marlborough, and adduced this supposed intercourse, as a motive for depriving him of' the white staff. The tale of his cabals with Oxford rests on no firmer foundation. We have already stated that he was indebted to Oxford for his passport. This transactioOr how^ ever, did not produce the smallest degree of re- coneUiation, for the correspondence of Marlborough evidently proves bis rooted aversion to tbe trea surer; and the latter, in a conversation with lord Cowper, in 1712, cast tbe most injurious reflec tions on the disgraced general, accusing him of encouraging the emperor to give an archduchess / to the pretender, and boastinig that he had inter- / cepted several letters to him, from the dukes of { Berwick and Orleans, which proved a treasonable * Meaning lord Oxford. 1714. 299 correspondence with the Stuarts.-, A partial re newal of their intercourse, however, occurred in the latter end of I7IS, when Oxford announced to the duke, in a friendly letter, the royal warrant for ai^l 0,000 to Carry on the works of Blenheim. This favour the duchess justiy attributes to the in- ; disposition of the queen, which induced the trea surer to conciliate the duke, with the hope that if the elector of Hanover should succeed, he might derive some benefit from his interposition. But this gleam of returning harmony soon disappeared; and the treasurer laboured during the mission of 1 bis relative, Mr. Harley,. to the court of Hanover, ¦ to alienate the elector from the duke, by exciting suspicion^ of his fideUty, and exaggerating his in tercourse with the dethroned famUy. From this period to the death of Anne, we not only find no proofs of reconciliation, but in some mysterious letters from the duchess to Mrs. Clayton, we perV ceive traces of the inveterate enmity, which both j she and her husband fostered against the two mi nisters, particularly against Oxford, till the mo ment of their embarkation. A few extracts will suffice to shew the style of the rest. * « Antwerp, Sept. 13. O. S., 1713. — I don't know what has been the occasion of the report of Our coming to England, where I need not say I should . * Contrary to my usual custom, I have left the ciphers in the text ^without explanation, because I found no key, and may possibly in some instances be mistaken. I believe, however, the following explanation is correct i-^, the queen ; . a, the electress Sophia; 9, electoral prince ; ril, thepretender; 12) the pope; 17, lord Oxford; 18, lord Boling broke; 19,lord chancellor Harcourt; 36, lady Masham ; 59, England; 88, the tories; 89, theAvhigs; 140, the king of France. \A' S06 CHAPTER 112. be very glad to be, and particularly to enjoy your agreeable conversation, but I can see no prospect; for though i think nobody is more reasonable, and judges better in most things than you, I can't find any ground- to flatter myself that young 97 * wUl not' be the same as the old, and fOT^one reason ,*c)r another will be governed by ll's friends, 12 and 17';' land to hope only from chance, or that manv^ will oppose 11 that wiU not oppose 17 and 36,'^ a very sandy foundation, and what will fail you at= the last ; tho' I believe the men of estates, and that have an interest in the security of their country, joined together, might make a good straggle in our defence, if they could be made sensible of the ruin that is coming upon us. But after so many excellent papers writ to no purpose, which all people must know is the truth, as that nothing was ever so wicked and scandalous as the present ministry ; how can one imagine any thing can change the majority, when all I have men tioned has had no effect ! I think 'tis much more probable that the best of 88 ^should be brought into the interest of 11,^ than that they should join to save their liberties with 89 ^ and, hot to tire you with my arguments, in short I think the whole world is given up to France ; and I have it from too good hands, that as soon as the bmperor can> be forced into a peace, the prince of Wales is to , come into England ; and 'tis said in France that 7 (^ wUl consent to it. Perhaps she is not yet acquainte4 with that part of it. But, however, when the * The new parliament. n 1714. 301 things are prepared for it, there can be no great difficulty in that, nor no great matter whether 7^ likes it or not. Perhaps the king of France may be strong enough to place him upon the throne, without the consent of England ; but if they take another way to do it, by parliament, to be sure there will be acts pass to quiet people, and to assure them that all things shall remain as they are ; and is it more ridiculous to believe we shaU be safe under the power of the king of France, and a Roman catholic prince, to govern under him, than what the majority of England have already done ?" " I have so few pleasures in this world * that I hope my dear friend will indulge me in one of my greatest, which is writing to you, tho' I have wrpte to you three several ways lately, and have none of yours since my last. I can't help wishing for^the next post more than ordinary, because I think it will bring an account of the house of com- mpns ; and if they are as sensible of the ruin that threatens, as the lords seem to be,_ I hope both together will think, of some ^way to save us ; I7 IM and 7,«?have wrote to 8 and 9 1 only to cheat ; and one thing is very foolish, that 17, h^s not dated the letter, who is so formal in those things, that he would not fail that part, if he wrote only into his own street, to a tradesman. But I suppose the * This letter is without date, but was probably written towards the end of April, 1714, because she alludes to the answer given by the queen, on the 8th-23d of April, to an address from the lords, to issue a pro clamation for seizing the person of the pretender. f The remark of the duchess is perfectly correct, for the letters of Oxford to the electoral family are without date. l8 302 CHAPTER 112. reason of it is, that he would have it in his power, if these letters should be ever shewn to his prejuJ dice, to say that they were Wrote in some year, when he had not professed things so contrary to 1 1 ; and I am so very sure that 7-> 36, 17, 18, 19, 20 *, and 110 *, and some others, are in that ser vice, that I can't help suspecting sometimes, that \ f^ere is no real difference between any of these \ figures, but that they think they serve some end by pretending to dislike one another. And 'tis to be apprehended that many may act contrary to reason, in hopes of being preferred to 17's post when 4b t and 47 1 are gone, which I imagine is the language of 7 to such as they would make use of for a present turn. I was never much con cerned for the disappointment of the honest people, concerning the words changed in the address for the proclamation, if the prince of Wales landed; and by a letter I had lately, I am yet more con firmed that I was in the right. For it appears to me, that the great struggle the ministers made to have that matter left to her majesty's own time, and then the queen answering that she did not /think it necessary, must needs help to convince I men, that can yet be in doubt of the mysterious designs, which is certainly the chief thing ; for when the prince does really land, whatever the pro clamations are of either side, those that conquer wUl do as they please ; and, therefore, I think the first thing is, to make people see their danger- ail the ways that can be imagined." * Possibly the duke of Ormond and Mr. Broitiley. f Probably the lords and commons: meaning when parliament is prorogued. 1714. 303 " June 24. N. S. Saturday, — Sinee; my last to ray, dear Mrs. Clayton, I have received your kind letter of the first of this month,! and, though I never doubt of any thing you write, I oiily fear that what relates to the queen will not Pome time enough to be of any service to i59. I have given you my opinion, in former Iptters, as tb 89 and SQ',"^""^!' and all I have to add upon that subject is, tjmt I think there could be no doubt of 7 and 14Qr doing every tiling that was wicked in that matter, and miscliievous to 59. But that I suppose must be as well seen by those that desired 9 as by me ; and for those 'tis : reasonable to suppose that they thought tbeyshould have got 47 and 46'tQ be of 9's side, or elsel^don't'see what advantage it could be of, had they Obtained" what was desired. Tho' by all that has yet appeared, the best argument that ever I could find for 9's waiting upon Eng land * was, the prodigious fright 7 and 140 were in upon that subject ; and whatever part 17 has •had in that matter, or whatever his brother may say to divide, and to support himself against the ambition of 18; I am as sure that 17 is engaged to 11, and was so before 18 had any power, as I am of any thing that is past. And if 18 does get the better of 17> 'tis only because his way of serving 1 1 is more likpd than 17, which is very natural for 11, 12, and all their entire friends to be fond of. But it wUl be only in the power of 36 to determine that matter beween 17 and 18, and all the concern I have in it is, to have that figure fall first, that is * Journey of the electoral prince to England, 304 CHAPTER 112. most likely to serve 59, by it, being very sure, as long as they work together, it will be for the inte rest of 11 ; and I am apt to think that if 17 were discarded, it would be of more service every way than to have 18 disappointed." No farther evidence can surely be required to prove that, before his departure for the continent, Marlborough had entered in to no compromise either with Oxford or Bolingbroke ; and that he returned with a resolution to support that cause, for which he had fought and conquered, • and for which he had braved pei-secution, and doomed himself to a voluntary exile. 1714—1715. 305 CHAPTER 113. 1714—1715. Departure of Marlborough from the continent, — Apprised of the qu£en's decease, and the quiet accession qf George the first. — Lands at Dover. — Journey to London. — Dis appointed at his exclusion from the regency. -^ Cavalcade on his entrance into the capital. — Takes the oaths and, appears in parliament. — Retires to Holywell-house. — Visits Bath. — Pays his respects to the king on his landing at Greenwich. — Arrangement of a new administration. -r- Ascendancy qfthe whigs. — Marlbcnough made captain- general and master of the ordnance. — Promotes the impeachment qf Oxford and Bolingbroke. — Combats a j^oposal in parliament for fixing the troops in particular stations, and dismissing foreign officers. — Pacifies the guards, who were dissatisfied with their clothing. Xjabouring under the deepest anxiety at the lowering aspect of public affairs, Marlborough remained several, days at Ostend. At length a change^of wind enabled him to take his departure for his native shore. On approaching the coast near Dover, in the evening of the 1st of August, the vessel was boarded by a messenger from Sir Thomas Frankland, postmaster-general, who con veyed the important tidings of the queen's decease, and the quiet accession * of the new sovereign. * We have ventured, in this account, to follow implicitly the narra-, live of the duchess, who must have been best acquainted with the cir cumstances attending their return. Boyer and other writers assert thiat they had a stormy passage, and were not apprised of the news of the queen's decease till the clay following their arrival at Dove.'. VOL. VI. X 306 CHAPTER 113. The feelings of the exUed chief may easily be conceived. Providence appeared to bless his return to the bosom of his friends and family. He no longer had to encounter unmerited persecution, no longer to bear the frowns of an offended sovereign, or to remain exposed to the calumnies and vengeance of party. He had reason to expect a return of sentiment in his misguided countrymen ; and from the sovereign who was called to the throne, he anticipated the favours and distinction, which its preserver was entitled to claim. The welcome which he experienced on his entrance into the harbour, was calculated to give strength to these grateful feelings. On the ap proach of the vessel, the thunder of artiUery resounded from the platform; aud as he landed, he was hailed with the shouts of exulting crpwds. He was received by the mayor and jurats in all their formalities ; and afterwards repaired to the hospitable mansion of his devoted friend. Sir Henry Furnese, from whence he had taken his departure for his voluntary exUe. On the following day he proceeded towards the capital, and passed the night at Sittingbburne, On the road, the elevated hopes he had conceived, were damped by the communications of colonel Graham, one of his former aides-de-camp, who imparted to him the list of lords justices ; from which, to his mortification, he found his own name, and that of lord Sunderland, excluded. He bore this unexpected slight with dignified calmness, and continued his journey. He purposed to enter the metropolis with his usual privacy.; 1714—1715. 307 butithe zeal of his friends overcame his caution, and he consented to bear a part in the cavalcade prepared for his reception. On^ his approach to the suburbs, he was . met by Sir Charles Cox, member for Southwark, at the head of 200 gentle men on horseback ; and as he advanced, the procession was joined by his family and friends, in a long train of carriages, . With this escort he. passed through the' city, preceded by a volunteer company of the city. grenadiers, and hailed with loud acclamations of " Long live king George ! Long live the duke of Marlborough !" , At Temple Bar his carriage broke down, but without producing any serious injury ; and he rode in another coach to his house in Pall Mall, where the grenadiers took, their leave by firing a volley. The remainder of the evening was spent in receiv ing the congratulations of his family and friends. The ensuing morning, the 5th of August, he was visited by most of the foreign ministers, and many of the nobility, gentry, and officers of the army ; and having been sworn of the privy council, by the lords justices, he appeared in the house pf lordsy which then first met for the transaction of business. He took the oaths of allegiance and supremacy, and, after the speech delivered by the lords justices, gave his approbation to the loyal address passed on the occasion. * - . The parliament being prorogued till the 12th, he did not remain in town to take any farther share in public business; but withdrew tO his " * Journals ; — Boyer's Political State ; — Lediard ; — Tindal, vol. xviii. p. 5-1 1 . X 2 308 CHAPTER 113. mansion of Holywelbhouse, with sentiments of chagrin and disappointment at the slight he had experienced in being excluded from the regency; . His J dignified > retirement awakened the hano verian agents to a sense of their neglect. He was accordingly visited by Bothmar and his colleagues, who laboured to assuage his chagrin by tiieir apologies, and ascribed the oversight to inad vertency, or to his absence from England.i He accepted their excuses ; but, at the instance«of the duchess, adopted a resolution to hold no ofiiicial situation under the new government. The fact is thus stated in her own words * : "I begged of the duke of Marlborough, upon my knees, that he would never accept of any employment. I said every body that liked the revolution and; the security of the law had a great esteem for him ; that he had a greater fortune than he wanted ; and that a man who had had such success, with such an estate, would be of more use to any court, than they could be of to him : that I would live civUly with them, if they were so to me, but would never put, it into the power of any king to use me ill. He was entirely of this opinion, and determined to quit all, and serve them only when he could act honestly, and do his country service at the same time. Any extraordinary pay as general, he quitted at first, there being an end of the war ; so that he had only the empty riame of it. And his other preferments were, master of the ordnance, and his regiment of guards,^ for which he had only * Narrative of the duthess. 1714—1715. 309 the settled allowances; and. what he resolved to quit was of no consideration tohim, added to his estate." ¦. .-,,,¦. ^ Having passed a few days at Holywell, he' proceeded to Windsor Lodge, on his way to Bath; for tbe purpose of embracing his beloved daughter, lady Sunderland, who was seriously indisposed. Here he remained, till the period when George the first was^dxpected in England, to take posses* sion of his new sovereignty. ¦ '-The interval between the death of Anne and the departure of the king from Hanover, was spent by all parties in vain conjectures, and with mingled hope and anxiety. ' The conduct of the new sove reign was well calculated to work on the feelings of all who aspired to office and distinction, and to give the two rival parties an equal interest in the maintenance of tranquUlity. His arrival at the Hague disclosed his real views ; for the whigs were gratified to find their zeal and attachment rewarded with his fuU confidence and favour. But although his decision evinced his predilection for the great champions of civU liberty, he displayed a jealousy of those chiefs, who, under the name of the junta, had directed the operations of the party, by confiding the powers of government to lord Towns- hend,! who hadvhitherto acted in a subordinate sphere. ' ' J 'Before his arrival, that nobleman received the seals, which had been taken from lord Bolingbroke, and was intrusted with the arrangement of a new administration. On the 17th, he took possession of his office, and on the 18th the king gratified X 3 310 CHAPTER 113. his expectant subjects, by^landing at Greenwictt^ in company with the electoral prince. Marlborough hastened from Bath, to join the vast concourse, who crowded to greet his arrival, and was received with peculiar marks of attention and cordiality. He likewise experienced the most flattering dis tinction from the heir-apparent, who was proud to recognise the illustrious hero, under whose, banner he had reaped the first fruits of glory, at the battle of Oudenard. The duke attended the king on his solemn entry into the metropolis, and shared with his sovereign the acclamations of the populace. While the whigs were flattered with peculiar marks of the royal attention, the leading members pf the late administration were treated with equal neglect and scOrn. The earl of Oxford was barely admitted to kiss the hand of his new master, but without the slightest notice ; the duke of Ormond, who was hastening to Greenwich with a splendid retinue, was forbidden to appear in the royal presence ; and lord Harcourt, who, as chancellor, had prepared the patent for the prince of Wales, was contemptuously dismissed. The arrival of the king was followed by the choice of a new administration, which had been previously arranged by lord Townshend, in con junction with his brother-in-law, Mr. Walpole, who, in like manner, was called from a subordinate character to the management of the house of com mons, and the office of paymaster of the forces. General Stanhope was nominated the other secre tary of state; lord. Cowper, chancellor; lord 1714—1715, 311 Wharton, who was raised to the dignity of iiiarquess, privy seal ; the duke of Shrewsbury was retained in his post of lord chamberlain ; the duke of Somerset constituted master of the horse ; and the duke of Devonshire lord high steward. The admiralty and treasury were both put in comr mission ; the first under the earl of Oiford, and the last under lord Halifax, who was created an earl, honoured with the garter, and permitted to resign, in favour of his nephew, the lucrative post of auditor of the exchequer, which was incompatible with his new office. The lord lieutenancy of Irelanti was conferred on lord Sunderland. The posts of government were successively filled by the same party; and the only tory admitted to a share of power, was Nottingham, who, in reward for his late aUiance with the whigs, was restored to his. former situation of president of the council. Few who are accustomed to power are willing to forego its enjoyment ; and, therefore, we are not surprised to find Marlborough forgetting his late resolution, and yielding to the persuasions of Sunderland and his other friends, in resuming his former offices of captain-general and master of the ordnance. He was also gratified by the appoint ment of his sons-in-laW, lord Godolphin to the post of cofferer of the household, and the earl of Bridgewater to that of lord chamberlain to the prince's household. The duke of Montagu, another son-in-law, was rewarded with a regiment, and a company in the first regiment of guards ; and the duchess, his daugliter, was soon afterrwards X 4 312 CHAPTER 113. appointed lady^pf th>e ,bed-chagibeir to the princess of WaJ^s. , _ , , -•¦ , .; ¦'- ,' ''•¦ " But although our great commander was, thus distinguished with hpnours and emoluments, he was. reduced, to the, shadow of his former authority; fpr he, was adpii|;ted to little share in the govern- inent.pf the state, and confined to the routine of liis .official stations. He deeply felt also the total exclusion of the moderate tories, with whom he had been once identified in principle, and whose ze^al and services in support of the protestant suc cession he duly appreciated. Nor was he less chagrined at the exclusion of his son-in-law, lord Supderland, from the primary departments of state, and his appointment to the viceroyalty of Ireland, vphich was considered as a species of honourable banishment. , " ¦. > The same tranquillity which had marked the; change of sovereigns in England, was experienced in Scptland and Ireland; and in both countries the offices of government were transferred to the favoured party. The seals of secretary of state for Scotland were taken from the earl of Mar, and given tp the duke of Montrose, who had signalised hi^ zeal in favour of the whigs ; and the office of cpmmander-in-chief was vested in the duke of Argyle, who had successfully combated the in trigues of BoUngbroke. In Ireland, Sir Con stantine Phipps and the : archbishop of Armagh, were removed from the posts of lords justices, and. replaced by friends to the protestant interest; a new privy council was formed, and the high office of chancellor Was consigned to Alan Brodrick, one 1714—1715. 313 of the ablest and most honourable of the whig party, who was intrusted with the chief authority of government. * ' The parliament was dissolved as soon as the arrangements of administration were matured ; and the popular sentiment reverting from the tories to the whigs, gave them an entire ascendancy in the new elections. The remainder of the autumn and winter having been judiciously em ployed in strengthening the government at home, and in endeavouring to renew the political system abroad, the legislature was called to resume its functions on the 17th of March, 1714-15. The whigs raised Mr. Spencer Compton to the speaker's chair ; and the proceedings were opened on the 21st with a speech from the throne, adapted to the circumstances of the times, and breathing the sentiments of the whigs. After approving the zeal, which all classes had manifested in defence of the protestant succession, the king stated that many essential conditions of the late peace were not duly performed, and urged the necessity of defensive alUances to ensure its execution. He observed, that the pretender boasted of the assistance which he expected from his parti sans in England, that he was still permitted to reside in Loraine, that the trade of the nation was injured, and the public debts increased. He concluded with professing his resolution to make the esta blished constitution, in church and state, the rule ' * He was soon afterwards created baron Brodrick, and is better known under his subsequent title of viscount Middleton..^ See Memoirs of ¦Sir Robert Walpole, passim. 314 CHAPTER 113, of his government, and to devote the chief care of his life to the happiness, ease, and prosperity ot his people. The addresses prepared by the whigs were vigorously opposed by the members and favourers of the late administration, who considered the style of the speech as indicative of an attack against themselves; but their opposition only rOused the spirit of the ruling party. Both houses testified the most heartfelt gratitude to Provi dence, for having raised his majesty to the throne at this critical conjuncture. Both expressed hopes that, assisted by the zeal of parliament> he would recover the reputation of the kingdom in foreign parts, and declared that they would convince the world by their actions, that the loss of honour was not to be imputed to the nation in general. Both trusted in his majesty's wisdom and energy to secure the fulfilment of the treaties, to alleviate their debts, to preserve public credit, and restore trade. But the address of the commons was pecu liarly energetic ; they professed that no care oh their part should be wanting to enquire into the cause of the late fatal miscarriages, and observed, " we are sensibly touched, not only with tbe dis appointment, but the reproach brought upon the nation, by the unsuitable conclusion of a war, which was carried on at so vast an expence, and was attended with such unparalleled successes ; but as that dishonour cannot in justice be imputed to the whole nation, so we firmly hope and believe, that through your majesty's great wisdom, and the faithful endeavours of your commons, the repu- 1714—1715, 315 tation of your kingdoms wiU in due time be vindi cated and restored." In a subsequent part of the address, the com mons evinced a determination not to overlook the dishonourable conduct of the late administration, adding, " it is with just resentment we observe that the pretender still lives in Loraine, and that he has the presumption, by declarations from thence, to stir up your majesty's subjects to rebel lion. But that which raises the utmost indignation of your commons is, that it appears therein, that his hopes were built upon the measures that had been taken for some time past in Great Britainv It shaU be our business to trace out those measures, whereon he places his hopes, and to bring the authors of them to condign punishment." Marlborough was too deeply affected with the degradation of the national honour, and the danger to which the liberties and constitution of England had been exposed, by the conduct of the late ministers, not to approve the resolution expressed in this address, to call them to account. Accord ingly, both himself and his adherents joined in the impeachments of Oxford and Bolingbroke, who were the principal authors of the late dishonourable peace, and the no less dishonourable measures adopted in its progress. Bolingbroke and Ormond fled from the justice of their country ; and having evinced their guilt, by publicly entering into the service of the pre tender, were outlawed and attainted. Oxford more manfully awaited his fate, and, in conse quence of a vote of impeachment, was committed 316 CHAPTER 113. to the Tower. - The particulars of this celebi^ated process ^belong to the province of the national historian, and,' therefore, we shall merely obsterv\^ that* the' duke of Marlborough was present in the house of peers, at the different decisions passed'ob this occasion, and gave his vote in support of-^tbi heads of accusation, though he took' no share in the debates. ¦"- We shall now, therefore, confine ourselves prin cipally to those events and circumstances in which Marlborough waspersonally or officially concerned. As captain-^general, he had speedily an occasionito employ his judicious and well-timed interference. ' i On* the 24th of May, 1715, a clause was propb^ed in the house of peers; to be inserted in the bill foif the regulation. of the land forces, then under 'disi cussion, the purport of which was, to confine the regiments to their stations in every paH of the british dominions. It was warmly supported bys the duke of. Buckingham, lord Trevor,' lord North and Grey, and by the bishop of Rochestei-j all J of whom were friendly; to the pretender's interest. The duke of Marlborough, on the other hand, exposed, i with great warmth and ability, the insidiousness and impolicy of this restriction^ 'i'rt case of an invasion or insurrection. He enlarged on the dangers which would ensue, should' tlie foreign invaders or the insurgents be superiorinniim- beiUo the troops quartered on any partidblaf spot^ whUe others remained useless in distant and peaee-^ able stations; and justly observed, " hisittlajesty' having trusted his royal person' and family entii^ly into the hands of the nation, and, at the ¦opening 1 8 1714—1715. 317 of the session told the parUament that what they should judge necessary for their safety,' hc: should think Sitfficientfdr his own, we camiot do less for his majesty than to leave to his great wisdom and direc tion, the disposal of the few troops that are kept on foot." »o<> His opinion, strengthened by tlie weight of long experience and military skill, prevailed with the house, and the clause was rejected without a division. i.qi.. He combated also, with no less firmness ¦ than ability, another clause, which, under the semblance of national predilection, deeply affected the honour of the country, and the interest of the army.' 'A motion being made to exclude all foreign officers from the british service, Marlborough spoke with peculiar energy against so impolitic a measure^ " Thus to cashier,"- he exclaimed, " officers, par ticularly french refugees, whose intrepidity and skill I have often experienced, many of whom have served during twenty-five years with disinterested Zealand unblemished fidelity, would be the height of ingratitude, and an act bf injustice, unparalleled even among the most barbarous nations/' His arguments had their due effect, and he had again the satisfaction to find his opinion approved and sanctioned. But while he thus exerted his patriotic efforts for the welfare of the army, he was exposed to a maUcious imputation, no less frivolous in itself, than , unjustly grounded. , oiii ¦ 'i^- Y The accession of a foreign sovereign, unac quainted with our language and manners, and sur-t Sl8 CHAPTER 113. rounded with crowds of needy adherents. Was Hkely to call forth those popular prejudices, which form a leading feature in the character of the british nation. In such circumstances, trifling grievances, which would otherwise pass unnoticed,' or be speedily remedied, contributed to excite the most serious dissatisfaction ; and the public feel ing was strikingly manifested on the king's birth day, and on the anniversary of the Restoration,'^ when ' crowds of all descriptions assembled in the streets. Instigated by jacobite or disaffected leaders, the giddy populace tumultuously collected in different- parts of the town, shouting, " Ormond and high church fbr ever ! Down with the Hanover rats !" Their example readUy spread to the guards, who were offended by the frauds of the contractors for furnishing their clothing, which was defective both in quantity and quality. Some threw their shirts- into the gardens of St. James's Palace and of Marlborough House; and a detachment- of the* very regiment of which he was colonel, in their way to the Tower, publicly exposed their coarse and scanty garments, exclaiming, " These are Hanover shirts !" The captain-general felt . the danger of alienating the force, which was intrusted with the duty of defending the royal person, and preserving the tranquillity of the capital. The clothing having been examined, and the com plaints of the soldiers appearing justly founded, he instantly directed the obnoxious shirts to be burnt, and ordered a double supply, both of shirts and jackets, of superior quality, to be prepared 1714—1715. 319 On the 2d of June he reviewed his own regi ment of guards ; and, at the close of the evolu tions, thus addressed them': — *' Gentlemen ; —r I am much concerned to find your complaints so just, about the ill state of your clothes. I take this opportunity to tell you, that I am wholly innocent of this grievance ; and, depend upon it, no application shall be wanting on my part, to trace out the measures that have been taken, to abuse you and me, I am resolved nothing shall divert me from demanding forthwith satisfaction, (wherever it may happen to fall,) and shall think nothing too much, on my part, for your great services. I have ordered you a new set' of clothing, such as will be every way becoming his majesty's first regiment of foot-guards. I desire you wiU return these, and take your old, till such time as the new can be completed, which, I give you my word, shall be as soon as possible, I have bad the honour to serve with some of you a great many campaigns, and believe you will do me the justice to tell the world, that I never willingly wronged any of you ; and if I can be serviceable to any (the least) of you, you may readily com mand it, and I shall be glad of any opportunity for that purpose. I hope I shall now leave you gopd subjects to the best of kings, and every way entirely satisfied." This address, seconded by a liberal donation of beer, obliterated the memory of all grievances ; and the troops hastened to testify their returning sense of duty, by uniting in their acclamations. 320 CHAPTER 113. the names of George the first, and the duke of Marlborough. * We quit incidents, which, though trifling, might have been attended with the most serious conse quences, to turn our view to events more suited'^to the fame and character, of our illustrious hero. * Lediard, vol. iii. p. 591 — 394. 1715—1716. 321 CHAPTER 114. 1715—1716. tit effects qf the peac& on the domestic affairs qf England. -»« Mischiefs derived from the residence qf the pretender in Loi-aine. — Rising disaffection towards the riexv govern-' ment. — Projectf and hopes qfthe Jacobites. — Evasion of the earl qf Mar. — Commencement of the rebellion in Scotland. ; — Commotions and conspiracies in England. — Vigorous measures qf the ministry. — Judicious arrange-' ments qf Marlborough as commander-in-chief. — Loyalty qf parliament, — Arrest qf Sir William Windham^ and other suspected persons, — Duke of Argyle entrusted with the command in Scotland, — Operations against the rebels. —Battle of Dumblain. — Capitulation qf Preston. — Death qf Louis the fourteenth. — Appedr'ance of the pretender in Scotland. — His^ progress and transactions at Scone and Perth. — Proclaimed Mt^.^ — Lukewarmness of Argyle.. — Junction qf 6000 dutch imixiUaries, under the command qf general Cadogan.— Offensive vper&tions. — Retreat qf the rebels. — Escape qf the pretender, and diversion qf his follffwers, — Recall ofArgylg. — Elevation of Cadogan to the peerage. The ill effects derived from the late dishonourable peace were still more deeply felt by England in its domestic, than in its foreign relations. The most prominent was,^ the residence of the pretender in Loraine, where he could avaU himself of the con nivance, if not tbe assistance of the king of France, VOL. VI. Y 322^ CHAPTER f^l4. and excite the flame of insi>Brbc|;»3W«ja(^»)tog MsddK) herep^? ii^ the britishidQ*ni»io»«» bas seeffi aa^amiing) the parties disaffected to tk& liCJK igd[Beimmfentaiiift« The exclusion, ffithe tpries i from ; the jpriracsipal) offices 0|f, state, .apdiiJthe, sevejityjd howp^^' just^l which.)ya[S.; exerqi^jlni^Wfti'ds I'Ihe .merohersXofol^i lajt^.^(^aflm,j^i§^}'^ti^nfc. , created ^great disc^HjieStsji ^jSi W>; ¦ >.o Aid 9ilJ iiJfefffeiPUPfbWiSB^ -Hot .overlooked at thS^eauito Q)|i{V|s|-^^j^a. 3.(|!«J§|withstanding aU thiKoselenfiT |>i'fl53J?gs,3§p}dithe. perUs: from which be haijiatoesti miraculously escaped, Louis was tooj TOudbdfiHr.' ^J^/S*^ .in:d^i8§H^fflgl^¥il^qnKiilsi©BSit, in ith^ier- 4^ia?»iffAfe^f^t3:&iggFi tp i-aise j^e. ?tandaKdLQi;,TOiiOiess«iM.L. .J.¥ prime ..^ejntaW-the Jr§t .OTjetotcaqtbsKasathe- celebra^^d. ,^arl^ j^f ]^^. Avtitteidefeth 9fl.qq»8M Anne, this 'npblemigi^, in3^adtft*^5ealtipi®fessiffi5S tjfj loyalty to the new soverei@i3^4lid.i;o0k'ithe fasiJaV| :ti7l5i-lfl6.= m'' OAtks of allegiance ; but being dissatisfied with his ^oubisioa from aU share in the administfatibn of affairs; -he embarked on the 8th of August at Gravesend;- \vith majw-general HamUton and co- IplHol ttayi on board of a collier; and, after land ing? at Newcastle, sailed in another vessel to EUe,' in-iF^Bhird; Having collected in the neighbour-" ing'idistricts a few hundred follower^ ahd being joined by several noblemen and lail-ds, he rdised the istaandard* of rebellion at Brae- Mar ; and,' on the 6th of September, proclaimed James the third of England, and "eighth of Scotland, at Castleton. The- Scottish' clans flocking to his quarters,' his desultory forces, before ithe end of the month, aHftoa^ited to 10,000 men. I ,J' "l'""-* vS^'i.ofuji.'.h •'At the same time, a regular conspiracy 'was 0i%anised in various parts Of England, whibh was fomented by many persons pf eminence and dis tinction, among whom we particularly nPtifce Sir Williiitt Windham, whose* influence was un-^ bounded- in the western counties. The impulse was already given, and a vast body of malcontents waited only for the appearance of the dbkei of Ormond, to imitate the example of their brethren beyond the Tweed. '< ^ "- -« -' ' In -the' northern districts, tbe insurgents wfere, however, too impatient to remain ti-anqilU tiU the conspiracy broke forth in the south ; for the ekrl of EterwentWater and colonel Forster assembled a focce, and proclaimed the pretender in Warkworth, Morpeth, atM Alnwick. But they speedily felt the effects of ^ their, precipitation, and were com- pi^Ued to retiB0ito Hexhaiii.; "¦> ^^S'^ ^^'^" Y 2 S24^ CHAPTER 114.. 4 On thefirstintelligence of the pr(e^ender's,p|3^ for the invasion, of the british, dominipng,. ,t^ .TO^""^ stry acted with unusual vigQM and.alacr.ityjii>!?'d the duke of Marlborough participa:^e44n;t,h§ii'^^.3'}. Horace Walpole ^^as ..sent to, jpij|. with gmm?i^ Cadogan, then minister at the Hague^ in pre^ijlg the States, to, ratify the barrier treatyi ^and-SHPiPlW" the contingent of .6000 men, stipulfited , in ^,|^e article for the guaranty of the prptestant .^Hcc^fs- sipjfi.'.gThis application was suQgf ssful ; and ^^^.a^l- borpugh impatiently expected the disenibarha|jpn of ,, Cadogan,; with the promised. sucppurs, ,^|:jt|he, ineans pf extinguishing the flames of rcbeUio):|j ,j.| Th^ king haying declared to parliament, .t^^a^.a rebellion was begun at home, an4 an invasippi gp- -pi^ehen^cd frpm abroad, both houses presented a44''6Sses,, full of loyalty and zeal, and expres^e^ a resolution to support g with vigour his,!maj|;sfc|fj's gQvernnient against all foreign and domestic ,^np-, mies.f, j In conformity with these declaratfp^^^'^e , parliament granted liberal supplies,, suspendiediifche habeas cprpus actj, empowered the king to\ secure snspeeted, persons, and offered a rewar/d^jj^f isi"], 00, 000, for seizing, |;he pretender, alive or4?l''3-' They voted also, an j augmentaitipa of tl]e s,e9,fa:|d land : forces, aijid , gstajbU^hed , aU ; necessary j(^'e^- lations for maintaining j^tf^Hftf .trainqvi.illi];y„ gpd' 3 resisting foreign iny^iQU,,., Iliv, f (. .jqoH \ » _ . ; (' ^ , TJig, jnipist^rs; . a,c^ed r with , np, , l^Sj^ ^yigg^g^d ; . decisionj.thP spir^1j,,pfiilpy#lty e^sfeate(fr^rii|ie parliament, spread over the nation, 4nd the pro-- jected insurrection was tk-ev^riteld? i'5%rStf I7i5__i7i6. 325 ^li'efce we dannot omit to notice Sir William Wind- hSffl, Whose- ai^rest was accoinpanied with peculiar cfif^cumstanirfes. ' The proposal for his 'apprehen- 4fiM,"^*^^i evident prbbfs of Ms guilt,' beibg laid bfefbre the- cabinet council, his father-in-law, 'the iUikie' bf Somef'set, bffered to bebome responsible 'itelhis bbndubt ;' but 'when his offers #er%' rejected, ^Sid his sbn-ib-law was cbmmitted to th^Tower, 'ffi^Hfgh^Spirited peer gave vettt to his chkgrinV in "sTOft indignant terrns, that he Was removed ftdm W.Pbf&ce bf master of the horseL * To^thI^"^1i- CTdMt Marlborough alludes in two mysteritiffs-hotes to the dubhess, indicating hi-s perfect apprbfektibn ''of^-'the measure, 'i,^ well as his unabated' bp]|fcy tion tb the projects of the pretettderL a./diad'^'' ^"^^ "- Md7iday, 12 o'cfoc/^.-— Ibave kept the b^§if^, *"in'hb^es that Vd might have heard from the d/rke *^rif 'A'rgyle ; but there is a letter cPibe' fi-otti' Bb!r- '^ibk; which says the rebels ate inarching towards ''Nofthumberland. If that be ti-ue, it must be thkt ^'i^he dnke of Argyle has not followed them, '-sifsf! : « J hope in God thibgS %U1 turn more'tb bx'ir ' 'kdv'ibtage than yours of last night ap|)reheitided. There will be sent an express this afternoon *to ''Cadbgah, for the hastening the dutch troops ; but '^y what he writes to me, I fear he will not be able to embark them till this day se^nnight, " I hope 5 1 will some time this day carry the 'ttessiage for dismissing 11 (the diike of Somerset,) Which at last was with difficulty resolved. ¦* * * -.jiq .j.ii 1 1 •(-)»- ,1- ¦ ' j]^ ^^§)g(^i?s^Q^^ir Rpbert Walpole, chap. 11. + Prabablv one of the secretaries of state, or perhaps the Jgrd y 3 326 CHAPT;ER 114. ^' As Mr. Cadogan is in hopes of signing the barrier treaty this w^k, I have been very pressih^- with him, that he should come in person with the dutch troops, whichi will be a very great use*' tb me, for he wiU^^be, upon aU occasions, ver^ useful." ¦ ' '' <' Tuesday night. — I find by yobrs of lastnigHt that you are desirous not to be here till Thursd^'. 1 am sure I shall always prefer your satisfaietion before my own, so that I reckoh you wiU nbt'^bb' here till Thursday, Ih the mean time, be easy^in your mind, for our cause is so good, 'that Frdyi-' dence can't but be of our side. The business of lb (the duke of Somerset)' was this morning per formed,* so that the trouble of that matter is noW at an end." '=^'^?^"' In adverting to the causes, which give erieirgy afid*i support to the new government, we carinot omit the^ elevation of Mr. Walpole to the head of the treasury,' which had been recently vacated by the' death bf lord Halifax, and the resignation 'bf the earl of Carlisle, who found himself unequal to the management of so responsible an office, in this perilous crisis. This appointment was peculiarly grateful -to Marlborough ; for he had himself been the earliest patron of Walpole, whose fidelity, dis cretion, and talents for business, he had long'ej^i' perienced. The confidence inspired by the prin ciples and financial ability of the new minister produced the most gratifying effect. Every loyHl' member of the commbnity contributed to sup|ily^' the treasury with voluntary loans, and among those, who gave such proofs of public spirit* w^ ' ^ 17t5;-^"^15l6.:: 327 sSi^tinguisb the dulfe of Marlbprgug^, yft(p,:m this pressing exigence,^ raised ;pn,^> bis own-^jpriyftte; cji'e^it^ , 3; ¦consi.derable sum ^^f; mpney, , im thte- %rghkndere,« i howdvei', j^e&sed to Cross (the border, and on the piarchrto Jfedbairg and Baynton, deserted in vast nunibers. Tbe riiainJbody, still animated i by aspiritstiperiir to their diminished' forcGj an^iibuoyed up ^wilii hopes of reinforcements, penetrated into Culfiben- ian>(4( >andi advanced by Penrith and> i^'endait mhd Lancashire. Here they had «thei iraortifioation ft® find that the gentry kept aloof, andwebJewippMled by the intelligence, that tHei royal trobpS'^ere asseiinblingi kround them, in so great force, ks -to afford 1 little hopes of escapei. The astounded leaders, finding • their ' numbers teduced . to 1500, took post at Preston, where ithby intrenched them selves, and hoped that the strength of their posi tion-would enable them to imaintaib their ground, tUl they Were joihed by ithfe northern hordes, or "thelmalcontents from the south and; west. This was the very spot Wjlii Marlborough fore told wPuld be the scene of their downfall^ ^nd;the termination' of their hopes.- The arrangements pA'e)VEau8ly-madei\ifere now carried into effect ; and whiieijj Al'gytq} ' cHecKed^ 'the iimoveraents of Mar, .flthdiseriuEetddthe- xia|)ita4 of :'Seotiand, "troops- were 'dispatched froiri dffifereiat' quartei'Si to overwhelhi this small, but desperate body, who had faUen intb sm cTHAcl^TERrll4. the ' ^t^lsK- . General dCarpenter noapjdJgqi&lkWfed them in _ their pgtRJpiJale amsmth ; ^wM^nge&%i^ Willes no less f#i^^«dyja®®edoittitheidppQfeite directioriiij 5 Bjfi'"'"'^' lo aaqori " ^flt;3*I of^ bsJeei^ rij^The insurgents wei:e-confounded+bg^tb^?:b«M' and vigorous movements, andiOverawediifeg5i>thii; sudden accumulation of force,' j tin ^He bebtenSooS' naturally excited: bythe i^praaqhoofedangSEr^ itbq^ neglected to guard, the avenues which ledltatiirilf positipn ; and general Willes, i;to his csur^jri6e?-s3irfti' f atisfaction, , advanced without opposition tSfc'ffei yjsry precincts of Preston. After being repafcai ffiifiyiie I2th of November, in twoivigo^usidttesppfet ^^ienetEate into the town, he^^rudemtiyjsiwBp^ttd^ hii^jattack ; and on -the ensuing day^ Was joined^ ^ncral Carpenter with three regiments pfidfcagmated Qn this junction, X. the j^ two generals infesiseidigtke piaffes 8 the bravei ; but. misguided, band x)f flnghe landers, proposed to cut their way throegk) titoiij opponents, or perish in the attempt; briiufliis desperate ; resolution being.' over-ruled by sdirag leaders,: aiida^c^tulation rejected, tlie^iluaitfiw deredat discretipji. iTn this sma^? body: we find? noless than 7^rfenglish: and 143 )S60.ttitsb/nobJ^«3£ and gentlemenii:who:rhad taken ai'ibs agaiogfethem sovereign. The utnjost lenity .was shewn to.^tls^ri misguided people, 5 naiid, in. csbntradictionHt#34i.e3 tory historians*, who charge the whigs Mifch .ttynKMfigii the royal ermines in blood, we «>baer^fc that ia^^ three peers and twenty-six .Gfl«Mijnit£'!i;pj:>':'j bsJB 4«£q e.jiW tgjmw adi ^, ,..* K^ith, here4^^^f^arl.J^ar^||al 9f|^^5i{|^^|^,^J.f|^^p^^ ^i^ twenty years of age ; and, with J;he ennlnsiasm and levity w youth, had »Wmf>r&Mthe Cadl4»fcf'tte«^kty.^dSmantic dress and arms of, the, highlands,,, and rth#,fi8olemn grandeur, of the royal palace, r, which rjf §§Uqd to, mind the splendid iScenes , of scpttissh .g}9ryr<^ To a stranger, it wpuld have appeared)*, as if na y/OVmg and powerful , monarch was in the act pf t ascending the throne of his ancestors,, amidst ;^e! .unanimous acclamations of a devoted people,^ But this brief vision of royalty was the last igle^jni 'Pf: his meteor-like , sovereignty. .)( Sinpe ; the ^l||le ipfg Dumblain, the dnke, of Argylp. had remained at Stirling, in, a statejpf inaction, waiting fp]^ r^eiufprcementsi and; ai Ifrajn , of artUlery ; urging iJjft^iB^CP^sity, srf" suspending \ faather ; operations, tfll fJie winter was past, and exaggerating the dangers 0£i^€!! rebellion in Lancashire, ltfd'ffi&'Wbi'P§f6fi^i^^«ib '^eteious spirit in'oth^r parts of tiie kingdom, having given a large portiC|ft 33,4 CHAPTER 114. «f the royal troops a pew opportunity for aatidhyu the ministry judiciously 4eGide4;Wi!CrushiHg()tbeti insurgents y(3t in , arms, before they s could i^atitfer new strengths ,. ArtiUery, was, prd^iTedfoK ijnlibeiliate-il embarkation at. London, at>d, .a ti^ain , preparedJ ^n Berwick, while columns pf trpops from, . all quartefegii; filed towards thb north. , Biftt tonoaidl-didsilVfarii*]; borough, aS( commander-in-chie^f more anxibUstyiii look, than to that of the dutph auxiUaries, , -sifbose,? tried courage iie had witnessed, and who were-fiieeu frpm all Ipcal -attachment, and contagion of party. He placed particular reliance, also, on the skfflb; and spirit.pf his friend Cadogan, for whomheihadv procured the comrpabd of these forces, and Whose activity apd zeal W:^^re strongly contrasted witbthi?)' temporising and lukewarm conduct of Argyle. /uj. Qn joining the royal army; Cadogan found thps duke of Argyle anxious to invent excusesr foru) inaG|ioi^, and labpuringto discpuragetiie troops, bjad exaggerating the numbers df the enemy, and?the& : dangers\and chfjlc^nlties of the service. But- tiie? j orders of thp cabinet, and the instructions of the captain-general, enabled him to cpmbat this: pro« u crastinating spirit. Impatient of delay, he hastenedi I to Berwick to superintend the march of the trainw of artiUery, and , by his vigour and exertions 'the > arrangements for the intended movements wersij' speedUy matured^ Unusual effprfs being made t®i' clear the roads, the army began their march on thft/ii g9th of January. As they reached TuUibardiHae^o^i on the fourth day of their progress, they received'^ the satisfactory intelligence, that this spirited adfvf vance l^ad struck the rebels with eonsternationj; . 19 1715— 171^. --¦-* S3.5 anxftJthat the ephemeral' sovereign aiid his^H^efeiits hadJhastily withdrawn from Perth." ^ n-in'M. ^.^ -A^'this crisis '"Ive find 'many interi^^ing letters' fr»hi Cadogan to the dbke bf Marlborough, (iejscrib- ing the march, and cbritradi^ting the misc^evbus and discouraging rbpbrts of "A'rgy]e?-"'in 'one pta thesei' he draws a Striking picture bf the chagrin manifested by the'' Scottish commander, at the success of an enterprise which he had represented as-desperate.'wb): ,,b^w«'-'ajiv. i -).. t..^ ^J o ^ f' Dundee, Feb. 4. 1715-16. — My lord ; I stUI write one letter in french, that your grace, when you think proper, maiy shew it to the king. " The f^duke of Argyle grows ^*so intolerable uneasy; that it is almost impossible to live with him any longer ; he is enraged at thb success of this exp&(Ution, though be and his creatures' attribute ^ to«JbeM»selves thelionoUr of it." When I brought him then-eWs of the rebels beirig i-un from Perth, he^ seemed thunderstruck, and was so visibly con cerned at it, that even the foreign officers that were in^ihe^ room took notice of it," I find he nov/ intends' to stay, notwithstanding his declaring pub-' liclymt' Stirling, that he would return to London, as suKin as the business' bf Perth was over; he then, indeed:, 'designed it, b6UeVing we should miscarry, andsoin oirder tohave thrown the blame on me. Since the rebels qbittiiig' Piertli, he has sent for ' five^op'six hundred of bis' Afgyleshire meri^ who,, gocbiefore-#he^army a' day's riiarch, to take ppsses- siohaof^ttte K^ns the. eblemy have abandoned, and. j, to ^4irld:^%M ^fefjytte country, 'which enragesi .! our-'StfMtel^Je^lft) ^feToriria, under pain of death, ' 33& CHAPTER 114. to take the value of a farthing, though out qf :the rebels' houses. Not one of these Argyle-nj^ appeared whilst the rebels were in Perth^ apfl when they might have been of some use." This once formidable rebellion terminated in a manner unworthy of its commencement ; fbr th^ . insurgents being rapidly pursued by the royal arniy to Montrose, were deserted by their chie^ whp clandestinely embai'ked on board a french ves&ej, while his troops were amused with a miUtary parade. The departure of the pretender was a signal for the retreat of the rebel host, who were not molested in their march, iii consequence of Argyle's tardiness in pursuit ; and after contim^^ tiieir progress through Aberdeen, Strathspey, and Strathdown, under the direction of general Gordon, to the mountainous district of Badenoch, they dispersed, without any loss, to their respective. homes in the highlands. At length the inactive conduct of Argyle awakened the suspicions and indignation of govern ment. He was recalled; and the sole command transferred to Cadogan. The eminent services of the english general were rewarded with a peerage; and, in expressing his grateful acknowledgments to his patron, the duke of Marlborough, he an nounces liis certain conviction,, that as he was now relieved from the controul of a superior, who ob structed the offensive operations of the army, and connived at the escape of the insurgents, the rebellion would be utterly extinguished in the short space of a month. * * General Cadogan, to the duke of M^lborough, Aberdeen, Feb. 23., * 1715— 1716. 337 This prediction of Cadogan' wa^' verified?** and land being tratiquillised,' he' retiiVned to London, to receive''''the approbation of his'^sbve- reign, and the congratulations of the noble patron to 'whom he o*wed his promotion. Thus M'arl- borobgh hM the heartfelt ^atisfabtiori'' to con- trfbflte, by his own counsel and official exertions; as l^ell as by the algency of his faitiifui friend'and skilful f)Upil in the aTt of "warj' to the ¦ suppre^sibb bJF ti^e rebeUlbn, and to the establishnient of the |)rOf^tant line. * ¦ ¦¦. . .,-.-o.-:k ^,>.:- i' .),;;„,., ' •> Letters froiiJ lord Cadogaii to the duke of Marlborough' } — -LN^a.s tiyi^fjdi tlifttep jn, tixe .Gaze^ps, , fin^ Boyer's Political ¦ .^fltg.j fr- Continuation of Rapin, and other historical writers. •''' VOL. vr. 338 CHAPTER 115. CHAPTER 11^. 1716^1^22. Deaths qfia^ Bridgewater and lady Suhderla?id.-^CM-' ractenxflcidy Sunderland. — Her "prayer and te'stdi'MkfMHf letter -itOiJier hiisbandi -^Correspondence on the occasion^ between jAe duchess and Iqrd Sunderland. ^^.The. dwke »bf 1716— 17S2i ' 33g religion, and endeared to her husband and parents, by her mild, affectionate, and dutiful demeanor. He had scarcely recovered from this calamity, before he was visited by one. stUl more severe. His second daughter, Anne countess of Sunder land, was endowed in the. j highest degree with personal and mental accomplishments. In beauty, she eclipsed most of her contemppraries ; she combined the rare union of elevation of mind with humiUty, .spirit with meekness, liveliness with discretion, and sound judgment with unassuming candour. She possessed an awful sense of religion, ahd exemplarily fulfiUed all the duties of a daughter, a wife, and a mother. After tbe return of the duke and dnchess frOm the continent, she was the solace of her parents, and peculiarly beloyed by her father > because she was the only one of his daughters who could submit to the controul, and concUiate the Capricious temper of his consort. Her interposition had also abated the edge: of that politksal asperity, which, in, so: froward an age; .frequently interrupted the harniony of friends, and the> peace of families. This amiable woman had been long afflicted with a tedious cUsorder, i which .she bore with 'con- sumnijate . fortitude, and.christian piety. In tiiis reduced state, her feeble firajne could not resistthe attack of a pleuriticr.fever, ;artd, on the ; 15th of ApfU,5she sunk-; into, ther grave, in the 29th year, of heffiB^. .,¦-;.:, '",7 i-i-^'':. . .:: '.':~; " ".: ^ ¦¦'¦ Hfrilbssr was deeply, feltr not only by bar parents, who had so long experienced her endearing qua- Ijtiesj 5 and /affectionate attachment, but by her z 2 340 CHAPTER 115, husband, whose irascible temper she • bad softened, and whose propensity to extravagance and play shp had often restrained. ^ Indeed, nothing can convey a stronger picture of her merits and virtues; than a prayer, v/hich she was accustomed to use, during the absence of her husband 'in his embassy at Vienna, and an 'affectionate letter delivered to him after her deceas'e. n^M-.-'m tiu ut, ;;o-'il(j 'P."0 most gracious and^ merciful Lord '@©4 whose kingdom ruleth over all, who art the hope of all the ends of the earthy '-'and of them 'that remain on the broad sea, hear the voice of Biy prayer, now I cry unto thee, on the behalf of 'him who is dearest to me. O Lord,^ at all times, ''¦aRd in all places, bless, preserve, and keep him, both iri'bbdy'and soul, from all adversities which may happen to him. In all danger, and under every temptation, be thou still hi's Almighty Protector unto his life's end; more especially I beseech thee, tit this time, to keep him in thy care,; thatmoievil may befall him in the way that he goeth, but that ' be. may be always in safety, I under' thy protection, from all perils, and return again in peace.' O thou ¦who commandest the winds and waves, and they obey thee, make them favourable to him in his voyages, both in his going out and. coming in ; ' conduct him safely into the haven where he would be. ' O Lord, in whose hands is the breath, of aU «maiifcind, preserve that dear person in health and security, that no disorder from within, nor violence fi'om without, may occasion pain and trouble to bim ; and when he is far offfpm me, let him find himself nigh unto thee, through the benefits of thy /nl716-^1722. 3ii saving' presence an4 defence. G blessed Lord, I pray thee more especially for this sake, for those persons he leaves behind him, that no mischief may happen to them dn thisi, that may occasion sorrow to him in a strange land ; and let it be thy gracious will to prosper all his negotiations abroad, aaad i make me, good Lord, thankful for these blessings ; and grant we may live in love and pe^Ce ^together, till death shall make a yet longer separation ;aU which, in allhumility of soul, I beg of "thee in the name, and for the sake of Jesus my Saviour, ^^i^H, O Blessed Ijord, Amen, Amen.";- The letter to her husband, which is no less interesting, is preserved in the hand of the amiahle writer,''^. ¦ j-fi' Altrop, Sept. Q. I7I6. — I have always found it so tender a subject (to you, my dear,) to talk -of my dying, that Thave chose rather to leave my mind in writing, which, tho' very insignifieaHt, is ¦some ease to me. Your dear self, and the dear childi-en, are my only concern in this world; I ./hopedn ^od you will find comfort for the loss of a wife, I am sure you loved too weU not to want a great deal. I would be no farther remembered than what will contribute to your ease, which is, . to be careful (as I was) not to make your circum stances uneasy,, by living beyond what you have, which I could not,; with all the care that was pos- 'fflble, quite prevent. When you have any addition, ;¦ thirik ©f your poor chUdren, and that you have not ^ am estate to live on, without making some addition, ^"^"^'ifis'tlius endorsed by the duchess i "A cbpy'of -what my dear ,'^ilQei'j«iati!td'JierJdrd)-not to be given jiientiU ate siie -was dead." z 3 342 CHAPTER 115. by saving. You wUl ever be miserable if you gi¥e way to the love of play. As to the chUdren, pray get my mother, the duchessi of (Marlborough, tb take care of the- girls, and if 1 Ibave /any, bpys: too little to go to school ; for to be left to servantsia very bad for chUdren, and a nian cian't fafc-e thetcaiise of little children that a'! womkn can. For the love that she has for me, s^d the duty that I have ever shewed her, I hope she wUl do it, and-be eVer kind to you, who was dearei: tb me than my life, i^jjay take care to see the children married with .'a prospect bf happiness, fori in that you wiU shew your kindness to me; and never let them ;*ant education or money while they are young. 'My father has been "^so kind as to give my children fortunes, so that I hopei they won't miss the oppor tunity of being settled in the world, for -ysf^nt of portions. But your own daughter laay want ypm- help, which I hope you will think to give her, tho' it should straiten your income, or to any of mine, if they want if. Pray let Mr. Eourneaux get some good-natured man fbr lord Spencer's governor, whom he>; may) settle with him before he dies, and be fit tb go abroad with- him. I beg of you to ispaa-^ no expence* to; improve him, and to let him, haVe an )aUow>auce for his pocket, to rnake him : eaisy. You have had five thousand pounds pf the money that you k;now was mine, which my mother gave me yearly ^ whenever you pan, let him have the incc^ue of that for his allowance, if be has.n^sae any other way. And don't be as careless pf the dear children as when you jpelied upon me to take care of them, but let them be il71'6-^172!2. 343 your care, tho' youabobld marry again ; for your wife may Wrong them, when you don't mind it; You owe Fanchbn, by a i bond,' twelve hundred pounds,i 1 This affectionate and heart-rending appeal, lord Sunderland, in the first impulse of grief, semt by his steward to the duchess of Marlborough, from whom it drew a sympathising letter of condc^ence, e3£.p!res9ii^e of ber readiness to comply with her dear dSaiOghter's Islst pequesUy which she rebgiously ftUfiUed. " May 13. 1716. — I send you inclosed that most precious letter Which ypa sent riic yesterday by Mr. Charltph. You will' easUy believe it has made me drtip a great many tears, and y©a may I, ' ' z 4 34* CHAPTER 1 15. he very sure, (that toriiy life's end I sbaH'otosei-ve very religiously all that my- poor dear child- de sired. I was pleased to find that my own Mdin- ations had led me to resolve upon doing' every thing that she mentions, before I knew it WEfe her request, except taking lady Anne, which I did nqt offer, ..thinking that since you take lady Frances *,, home, Whb is 1-8 years old, she would he. better with tybu than me, as long as ydxt Uve, with the servants that -her dekr naotber had chose iSd putabout her ; audi found by Mr. CharlbSn thiis' thought was the same that you had: "» But I « will be of all the use that I can be- to her,« in 'every tiling that she wants me; and if I should happen to, live. longer than you, tho' so much older, I will- then take as much care of her as if she were' my ^^ own child, I have resolved to take poor lady- Anne Egerton t, who, I believe, is very iU looked after.,. She went yesterday to Ashridge, butlwUP send fcsr her to St. Alban's, as soon as you will let me have dear lady Dyet; and whUe the weather is iiot, I wUl keep them two and lady Harriot^ with a little family of servants to look after them, and be there as much as I can ; but the duke of MarK borough. will be. running up and down to several' places this summer, where one can^t carry chU-- dren ; and I don't think, his health, so good as to trust him, by himself I should be glad to talk to ¦ .v^ J ,.:,.¦¦..¦ ) ,* Lady^ranqes, his daughter by his first 'vpife,. lady Arabella Caven dish, daughter and co-heir of Henry Cavendishj duke of Newcastle. She afterwards 'married Henry Howard,- earl of Carlisle. \ ' f Daughter of Eliza.beth, countess pf Bridgewater. J Lady Diana Spencer, second daughter of lord Sunderlahd,- by his late deceased wife. 1716— 172@.*'; 34s^ Mr, Fourneaux, to know what servants there is of n^dear chUd'^ that you don't- intend to keep, that if, there is any of them that can be of use in this" new addition to my family, I« might take them for several reasons. I desire, when it is easy to you, that ypu will let me have some Uttle trifle that my dear child used to wear in her pocket, or any other way ; and I desire Fanchon wUl look for some little cup that she used to drink in. I had some of her hair not long since, that I asked her for ; but Fan- chpn may give me a betterlock at the full length." Reply of Lord Sunderland. ^ ''" "May 13. — Nothing, dear madam, can ever express the sense I have of your tenderness and kindness, in the letter I had from you tP-day, and in what Mr. Charlton had said tP me from you be fpre. I thought as soon as I found that precious dear letter, I ought in justice to send it to you, that you might see the desires of that dearj dear angel,- and at the same time have the comfort and satis faction of seeing, that put of ybur own tenderne^ and goodness, you had resolved to do all slie de-' sired in it, even "before you had seen it. The ten derness expressed in that dear letter towards me, is ' afresh instance of the greatness of my loss and misfortune. This is too moving to say more of it.- I am the unhappiest man living ; I feel it, and shaU ever feel it. Poor little dear Dye shall come to you whenever you order it. Mr, Fourneaux wiU wait upon you with the names of what, servants I shall part with; there are but two or three- I * Indorsed by the duchess, * Lord Sunderland's letter in answer to snine, aftef my dear daughter died." 346 CHAPTER 115. have not yet been able to look over the thing^ tti6 dear woman has left ; as soon as I have, I wUl send those things you mention, and' you will clmSe what had rather. Fanchon will take care of 'the cup yoii desire, and the dear hair. - - " I and mine shall never forget your gobdiifess.-' While the afflicted father continued in his retire- metit at Holywell House, brooding over the loss bf his departed daughter, he was first attacked by thiat paralytic disorder, of which we trace a prog nostic in the oppressive headaches and giddiness, so repeatedly alluded to in his correspondence. He was seized on the 28th of May, with such violence, that he was deprived of speech and sense, but was speedily relieved by the medical aid of his devoted friend. Sir Samuel Garth, and partially recovered. On the 7th of July, he had sufficient strength to proceed to Bath, where he was recom mended to drink the waters. As he approached the city on the 14th; he was met by a numerous cavalcade of the nobility and gentry,, and was greeted by peals of bells and the acclamations of shouting multitudes. On his arrival, he reeei>ved tlie congratulations of the mayor and aldermen, in their due formalities, accompanied with the most ardent wishes for the re-establishment of his health. Their hopes were; indeed, speedily aecompliahed ; for on the 18th of October, he was sufiicientiyr re covered to visit Blenheim^ and espjjessed great satisfaction in the, survey of a plaee> which re- minded Mm of his great achievements, though the splendid edifice was yet too unfinished to offer much domestic accommodation. But this gleam 1716—1722. 347 of returning health was of short duration.; for, on the l^th of November, he was seized with a more severe attack of his paralytic disorder. He was visited by Sir Samuel Garth, and two other phy sicians ; but his indisposition increasing, the alarm spread among his family, and his daughters! and spq§4ndaw hastened to pay those cJuties,, which they . considered as their last, to their departing parent. The paroxysm, however, subsiding, his grace again speedUy recovered his senses and health, and was conveyed without difficulty to Marlborough House in London, By these severe and successive attacks, he has been represented as^redbced to a state of absolute debility, both of body and mind ; and tbe duchess has been ac^ cnsed of leading her infirm and suffering husband into public view, and exposing to %h& gazing mql- titudci so pitiful a spectacle of human imbecility. Even the language of the poet has been admitted into history, and tlie expression " From Marlborough's eyes the Streams df tlotage flow *," has not only beert received as truth, but as furnish ing a striking subject of moral reflection. No thing, however, is more false than this erroneous opinibn, and the cruel aspersion to which it has given birth. The duke, indeed, lost, as is usual in subh cases, the use of his speech, but afterwards rebbvered it, and conversed with Kttle difficulty, though there were a few words which he could not distinctly articulate. He retained his memo^ and 'undterstahding little impaired ; for he continued tUl ¦¦ - ..- - .-5 ¦,,-'- ¦ i ¦ * Johnson's Translation of the .tei]ith Satire of Juvenal. 348 CHAPTER 115. six months before- his' dbath, at^endlHg' Ms- duty * lb parliiiment, and occasionally assisting in cbbiftiittees appointed to draw up addresses.* He MkewSi^e performed the functions of his offices of capfSaiiiP generaland master of the ordnance with his accxisJ tomed regularity ' , •; ; ; u, He himself, indeed, conscious of his incretasing infirinities, and feeling the decay of his pow^ere, and the diminution of his activity, was desirous'df retiring from business, and through lord Sunder land, tendered the resignation of his employments '^ but the king, with a due respect for his persort,^ and; a grateful recollection of his former services, refused to accept the bffer, declaring that his re^ tirement would excite as much pain as if a dagger should be plunged into his bosom.' The duchess; however, was of opinion that her husband was per suaded tP retain his situation by the intreaties of lord Sunderland t, who stood in need of his father- in-law's Weight and influence tb support him, and the ephemeral administration which he had re cently formed, to the exclusion of 'Townshend, Walpole, and some of the principal whigs. Buti' whoever was the author, or whatever was ti% cause of his continuance in office,* Marlborouffh had no reason to be satisfied with his compliance j for, from this period, he was a mere cypher, and exposed to repeated slights and mortifications evetl in his own departments. ' Such being the condition of the iUustribus heroi • t iVAci in tke Jdurnals repeated' proofs of his attendance ih the liouse tfffieers tilt tlie 27th of November^ 1721. ''' ¦f'-lSfai'r&'tiviBi'ef'ty'-duche^s. "-''''' '¦'' ¦ — ' ' ¦ ^1 ¦• --^'fiil i8 i7i6—rm4i I 8i9 whpge actions, we , have endeavoured to .de^JftW^te, wp> may 'here, cpnsider.'his political career, a^.draw- hig.toia close, and forbear tp, enter into any detail o^i th,e complicated negotiations, and change of foreign policy, which by reconcUing the rival powers of England and France, preserved, with little in-r terruption, the peace of the continent, and gave to. our country the blessing of a tranquUlity, which it had not experienced since the Revolution. *j Nor is it more necessary to descant on the pp- litical feuds in the cabinet, and the schism among the whigs, which produced the temporary removal pf, Townshend, Walpole, and their adherents, and fbe formation pf a new administratipn, under, the auspices of Sunderland, who, ,in the . successive posts of president of the council, secretary of state, and first i lord of the treasury, was considered as the prime minister, and reigned parampunt in .the favour of the king; until the fatal explosion .of the South Sea project transferred him frpm his o|5cial situation to that of groom of the, stole. , ,,. ,,jj fuAniong the, few public apts, in. which Marl- hprough, after ,|iis, indisposition, took a pecuUar interest, was the party struggle on the trial of ,thj^ earl of Oxford., The accused peer had been de tained two years in the Tower, although the articles of impeachment had already been carried through both houses. ,, Among tliesp were .two, charging him with high treason, and pl;hers with, high crimes and. misdemeanors. The unifed, body of whigs, , . * For these ..transactions, see tht; MemQU-s of Sir Robert VValp.ole j— History of the House of Austria ; — History of the Kings of Spain of th^ House of Bourbon; ^- and the different native and forei^ histori^n.^ 350 CHAPTER 115. who had suffered so much from, his administration, had originaUy resolved to carry on the impeach-^ ment, and hoped, even if they could not cpnvict him on the primary, at least to prove him guUty of the secondary charges. Although he was sup ported by the tories and jacobites ; yet his adver saries were too numerous and powerful to allow a probabifity of his complete acquittal. But fortu nately for him, the recent schism of the whigs con verted some of his most bitter enemies into secret partisans. These were the ministers lately dis,- missed from their offices, among whom we distin guish Walpole, the chairman of the committee, and the author of the secret report, and Towns hend, the other lead^ of the party. With a view of embarrassing the administration, and conciliating their new alliesj this powerful body of malcontents joined the tories and jacobites to screen the impeached peer* After having so vio lently accused bim, and drawn up the charges in such explicit and forcible terms, they could not act so inconsistently as tp authorise a formal aGquittalj and, therefore, they adroitly contrived to excite a dispute between, the two houses' of paj^iiament, which they knew would produce the same effect, ^ For^this purpose, the favourers of Oxford in the house of lords proposed to change the regular order of proceeding, by entering first on. the charges pf high treason, on which the evidence wa^ mpst defective, The requisite motion Va^ made in the house of peers by lord Harcpni't* m^ supported by the tpiies and jacobites, as well as by the dis affected whigs, led by lord Townsliend. It was I7I6--I722.' 351 ably and warmly o|)posed by Sunderland, Caidbgan, Coningsby, and the whole ministerial party. Marlborough was present at the debate, and gave his vote against the motion, which was, however, carried by a majority of 88 against 56, The commons, as was expected, strenuously opposed the resolution as an infringement of their privileges ; and several messages ahd altercations occurred between the houses, which served only to widen the breach. Both parties peremptorily per sisted in their determination, and the lords rejected the proposal of a free conference, which was de manded by the commons. The matter was thus brought to the desired crisis ; and the lords having appointed the 1st of July for the continuance of the trial, the commons determined not to maintain the prosecution, and ac^ouraed to tbe third. Cta the day appointed, the lords assembled in Westminster-haU, and as no prosecutor appeared, returned to the house. A motion was then made, tiiat as no charge had been maintained against ilbbert earl of Oxford and Mortimer, be should be acquitted of high treason and other crimes and misdemejmors. This motion was strenuously op posed by Sunderland and the ministerial party; but an amendment for tbe omission of the words, " other crimes and misdemeanors," being nega tived, it was carried by 106 against 38. Having arranged tbe form of proceeding, the house adjourned to Westminster-hall, with the ex- efebtibb of the 38 peeis in the minority, who were ub^'illing to exhibit their discomfiture to the public eye. 'The question was now solemnly proposed to 352 CHAPTER 11 each peer who was present, and the accused mini^ ster was unanimously acquitted of the charges pre* ferred against him. * Marlborough, though unable, from infirmity, to take a share in the discussion, was present at every debate, and voted in favour of the prosecution. We have also the authentic testimony of Erasmus Lewis, the secretary and adherent of Oxford, that he was ranked with the most hostile opponents of the impeached minister ; that he was deeply cha grined at the result of the process ; and that the duchess, by whose vengeance it was supposed to have been instigated, was " distracted with disap pointment." t We have paid more particular attention to the detail of this celebrated trial ; because the result has furnished one among the many unfounded accusations and surmises, which have been raised against the character of Marlborough. The ac quittal of Oxford has been solely ascribed to his secret interposition, from a fear, lest the ex- minister should execute a threat of disclosing his treasonable correspondence with king James andthue pretender ; and different versipns of the^fact have been circulated from traditional and hearsay re ports. Those who are curious in. scrutinising such .evidence, we refer to the Biographia Britannica, Art. Churchill, Appendix, where two different re lations are given, totally contrary to each- other, and both bearing the character of improbability^ * Journals; —Chandler's Debates; —Memoirs of Sir. Robert Wal pole, chap. 17. •)• Erasmus Lewis to Dean Swift, July 171?» 1716—1722.. r 353:. Thf r latter period of Marlborough's life was marked by one pf the, most extrsiprdinary incidents which occurs in our domestic, history, the rise, progress, and fall pf the South Sea s,cheiner We cannot enter farther into this.memorable .trans.- aetion, than merely to state, that the foundatiop was laid by .Harley, when he incorporated a portion'. ^ of the publip. creditors into a company, whp were tp enjby the monopoly pf a trade tO; 1;he Spanish West indies. It was afterwards adopted and ex- tende^d by, Sunderland, who sought in this, visionary scheme the means of gratifying the bapoveri^n junta,, and increasing his interest in parliament. Notwithstanding the recent and fatab result p^.Oi similar project in France, the effect of the plan &,r surpassed his most sanguine expectations. Every I'anlf and class in society pressed forward to par- . ticipate in the privUeges pf so envied a community; and the ministers, through whpse recommendation . the shares were principally distributed, were cpurted and regarded as the benefactors of the nation, and the dispensers of inexhaustible treasures. 'The mind of Marlbprough was not competent to formjust calculations on aschqaie so complicated and visionary, but he appeairs to have caught a portion of the natibnal enthusiasm, and \Yxshed to increase the share which he previously possessed in the original stbck. The duchess also profited by her relationship to lord Sunderland, to obtain subscriptions for herself, her friends, and con.- nections. ' When, however, the value of the stock rose to an enormous height, and the national infatiiation VOL. VI. A A -'^ " ' 354 CHAPTER 115. Was hurrying to a crisis, she foresaw that no profit, however vast, could answer the expectation of the public, and that the fall would be as rapid as the rise. She resisted, therefore, all the solicitations of her son-in-law, and the lures of the other pro jectors, to embark farther in the scheme ; she not only dissuaded her husband from risking any portion of his disposable property, but even induced him to seU out the share he already possesse^i before the dreaded crisis arrived, and thus enabled him to realise a sum of no less than £ 100,000. * We have frequently had occasion to mention the embarrassnients, . which the duke of Marlborough experienced from the vehement and petulant temper of his vrife, even in the height of his ^ower, and in the full vigObr of his faculties. Such embarrassments were still more deeply felt, when he was advanced in years, declining in health, and suffering in mind from bodUy infirmity. It might naturally be supposed that the duchess would, at length, have been satisfied with an ad ministration formed under ber son-in-law, and composed of persons who had been patronised hy herself and her husband, particularly as they had superseded Walpole and Townshend, by whom she had conceived herself treated with unmerited dis respect. Nbthing, however, but unbounded sub mission, and unliinited power, could content her imperious and capricious temper; and the hew ministers were scarcely established in authority, before they incurred her displeasure. In addition • Letters to Mr. and Mrs. Clayton, from the idnchesspf -Marlborough. 172^. B55 to hef political objections to Sunderland, as the patron of the South Sea scheme, she was personally offended by his marriage with a third wife *, who was not only of disproportioned age, but without property, and inferior in rank and connections* Her displeasure was aggravated by the settlement of a considerable part of his limited estate on his new consort, to the detriment of her grand'chUdren. Her insulting remonstrances made a deep impres sion on a mind, no less vehement and irritable than her own; and their cprrespondence, at this period, abounds in terms of mutual obloquy and invective. Against Cadogan, who was associated with Sunderland in the ministry, and (Xntbose services had been liberally rewarded with power and honours, she fostered still greater dislike, from pther causes. She even accused him of an attempt to appro priate part of the ^€50,000 which the dulie had commissioned him to invest in the dutch funds, .because he placed it on austrian securities, which bore a higher interest, but were so much depre ciated, that when required to refund his charge, he found great difficulty in realising the principal. The demand gave rise to violent bickerings, and ;ended in a litigation, in which the perseverance .of the duchess established the claims of her husband.t Secretary Craggs had been long the object of her contempt and abhorrence, from an unjust * Judith, daughter of Benjamin Tichborne, esq. f From the voluminous case of lord Cadogan, preserved in the Marl. borough Papers, as well as from the narratives of the duchess. AA 2 356 CHAPTER 115. suspicion, that "he Was the author of an anonymous fetter sent to lier in 1712, by the penny post, Vhiclr contained the most cruel aspersions on her person, character, and morals. Her aversion was not lessened by his patronage of the South Sea scheme, or by a knowledge of the enormous gaixk, which his fatlier was deriving from that nefarious project. Lord Stdnhope was also loaded with a share of her displeasure ; as in him she saw a candidate for the offices held>by her husband; and in one of her letters bitterly reproached her son-in-law with favouring his pretensions. Actuated by these antipathies and suspicions, she did not spare the tninisters in her conversation, public or private ; but, according to secretary Craggs, made them the never-faiUng theme of her invectives on all occasions. * She even induced her husband to join the general clamour for justice against the Sputh Sea directors and their patrons. Such attacks provoked equal retaliation on their part ; and, in this state of mutual recrimination, a plea was eagerly caught, to mortify her and the duke in the most sensible degree. For some days a rumour was cautiously whispered in the higher circles, that the duchess of Marl borough was implicated in a plot for the restoration of the pretender. Aware of the irritable state of her husband, she concealed it from his knowledge; but he was suddenly summoned to the house of his son-in-law, and acquainted, in language by no * Secretary Craggs to earl Stanhope, July 15. 1720;— Memoirs of Sir Robert Walpole, vol. ii. p. 189. ' , 1716-^1722. 3,57 means equivocal: or respectful, with the charge against his wife. Appearing deeply afflictedon his return^ she enquired the cause of his (absence aiid emotion. " I have been," he said, " to lord Sunderland, who accuses you of a plot to bring in the pretender, and of furnishing him with a sum of money." She treated the imputation. with her usual haughty contempt, and endeavoured to soothe his agitation. But when apprised, that it had been communicated to. the. king, and that the duke himself was implicated by common rumour, she appeared at the drawing room, in order to ascertain the effect it had produced on the royal mind, JBeing twice received with unusual coldness, where ishe had hitherto been treated with marked atten tion, she wrote a letter to the king, in vindication of her conduct. She caused it to be translated into french, and having obtained an audience at the apartments of the duchess of Kendal, delivered it with her own hand. The original is here sub mitted to the reader. " Sir ; As your majesty's known love to justice makes you always open to the complaints of an .injured and innocent person, so your goodness .will pardon this application, which would have ^been avoided, if my lord Marlborough? s indis position had not prevented him from laying before . your majesty,, that which I most humbly beg leave to do in this manner. " Nothing in the world seems so incredible as .thatj after all the trouble and danger that I have been exposed to, for my zeal for your majesty and your family, any one can imagine me capable of cri- A A 3 358 CHAPTER 115. minal correspondence with your majesty's greatest enemy, and one who must look upon my lofd Marlborough and myself as the objects of his highest resentment. " Your majesty Will readily believe that it Was with the greatest astonishment, that I learned I had been represented to your majesty as guilty of so black and foolish a crime. " 'Tis with inexpressible concern that I have borne the thoughts of it for a few days ; and, therefore, I am forced to beg that your majesty, out of compassion, as well as justice, would be pleased to afford me an opportunity of vindicating myself from So groundless and cruel an accusation. This I am ready tO do, in sueh a manner as shaU seem most proper to your majesty's great wisdom, riU which time I cannot help accounting myself the most unhappy of all your majesty's faithful subjects. «« Dec. 14. 1720. S. MAitLBORoUGJi." She quitted the room, requesting to be honoured with the commands of his majesty, and, after declining the invitation of the duchess of Kendal, to return, on the plea that she could not speak french, received an answer in the king's own hand, " St. James% Dec. I7. I720. — Whatever I may have been told upon yoqr account, I think I hate shewn, on all occasions, the value I have for^ the services of the duke your husband ; and I am always disposed to judge of him and you, by the behaviour of each of you, in regard to my Service. Upon which, I pray God, my lady Mariborough, to preserve you in all happiness, « George M." 1716—17^8. 859 Attributing to the suggestions of the ministry the guarded langqage of this reply, she made a new and stronger appeal through the dnchess of Kendal. " Dec. 23. 1720. -^ I cannot possibly forbear to give your grape this new trouble, tp express to you the true sense I have of your great civility, and obliging readiness tp assist me in the faypur \ lately hegged of ypii, " I mnst ever acknowledge the goodness and' Con4escensipn pf his majesty, in so soon hpnpuring me with «i letter under hj^ own hand, i^ retnrn to what I thought myself pbliged ts> lay befoye him.. It cannot become me to be any :^rt.lier impor tunate or tronblesome to his majesty, or to desire to give the least unnecessaiy ;interruption to those thoughts, which are much better employed, than they pould be in any thing that concerns me. But I cannot but still hope, from bis majesty's honour, compassion, and justice, that he wiU, at his pwn greatest leisure, choose out some pppprtnnity, to permit me to vindicate myself to him in a more particular manner, a happiness which I am desirous of, with the utmost impatience, Jjiotb as it is my greyest ambition to appear innocent to him above all the world, and as I knbF tjis^^ I can justify vay- self Jbieyond the power of all contradiction, or even i^^icion. « Madanji, permit me to say I am injured beyond all expression, and this by an acensatipn as absurd and incredible as it is wicked. Neither the duke of Marlborough nor myself can have any safety and security, even of our lives as well as fortunes,, AA 4 36(5 CHAPTER 115. but in the safety of his majesty and his farnily ; and is it ppssible to be conceived, that either of us should be so weak, as to contrive or assist in the bringing on our own destruction? But I build not my justification upon such arguments only ; it is a subject upon which I can, and do defy the whole world, which I would not do, if I did not know the perfect innocence of my heart, as well as of my actions, and the zeal of my secret wishes for his majesty, as well as the tenour of my outWard behaviour. I cannot suppose any man, of all that I know in the world, capable of so great an injustice as to be the, author of so- wicked an accusation, except one, who perhaps may have malice enough to me, and native dishonour enough in himself, to be guilty of it ; and when I say that the person I mean is Mr. Secretary Craggs*, it is enough to iadd, that his behaviour towards me has been long ago of such a nature, that Lhave not permitted him these nine years so much a^ to speak to me. The good nature and humanity I have akeady ex perienced in your grace, have occasioned you this second trouble ; and give, me, at the same time, this fresh occasion of assuring you, that I shall ever remember your civUities with the highest re spect, and that I am, with sincerity, madam, your grace's, &c. " S. Marlborough." To this appeal the duchess received no other answer than a reference to the letter already written by the king. She was, therefore, so highly in- * It is but justice to the memory of Mr. Craggs to observe, that he always, strenuously denied the charge advanced against him by- the duchess. 1716—1722. 361 dignant at a proceeding, which she considered as cruel and injurious, that it was one of the primary causes of her alienation from the court, and sub sequent opposition to the government. The mutual resentment excited by this charge, pro duced also a serious misunderstanding in the Marlborough family, and a suspension of inter course with lord Sunderland took place, which lasted till -nearly the period of his death, on the 19th of April, 1722. * The decease, of lord Sunderland t produced an unexpected embarrassment to his father-in-law. As he had filled the highest offices of state, and had been entrusted with the distribution of money, appropriated to the recompense of secret services^ his papers were sealed up by order of government. Application was instantly made for the delivery of these documents, but in vain ; and a suit was ac cordingly instituted against the two secretaries of state, which continued in suspense during the life of the duke of Marlborough. After his decease, it was prosecuted by the duchess and lord Morpeth, as executors ; and, on the 30th of November, 1722, a court of delegates decided in favour of the de- * This incident is minutely described in the narratives of the duchess, and in a letter to the late duchess of Marlborough from lady Blayney, whose mother, lady Cairnes, attended the duchess to court, and was her confidant in the whole transaction. f By his death, the only survivor of the great whig junta was the earl of Orford, who resigned in disgust on the schism in the whig ministry, and continued out of oifice till his decease in 1727. On the accession of George the first, lord Somers was too. infirm,, from a paralytic attack, to accept any share in the administration. After a lingering decline, he died ift 1716. Lord Halifax expired in 1715 ; and the marquess of Wharton jn 1717. 362 CHAPTER 115. fondants, on the plea that no private person could inspect the papers of a deceased minister, untU they had been previously revised by the officers of the crown. After this revision, those documents which did not relate to the secrets of state, were restored to the family, and are now embodied in the archives of Blenheim. * In justice to the memory of this statesman, we ought to observe, that although he was the prin cipal patron of a scheme which produced such general calamity, he used it merely as a political engine, and did not enrich himself by the public infatuation. Even Mr. Brodrick, who was one of the persons charged to investigate the transaction, and fostered strong prejudices against hii^j acquits him of any participation, and represents him as the dupe of the directors, t He died greatly embar rassed, owing, among other creditors, ^10,000 ta his father-in-law ; and leaving his numerous famUy in such straitened circumstances, that the younger chUdren were indebted for their education and maintenance to the affection of the duchess of Marlborpugh. His library, which was only rivalled by that of lord Oxford, in rarity and extent, was one of the items of his personal property, and now forms the basis of the noble collection preserved at Blenheim, t * Narrative of the duchess ; — Boyer's Political State, for Dec. J TjiS. p. 630. t See his correspondence with lord Middleton, in the Memoirs of Sir Robert Walpole. t Tbe principal item of his personal property was .€30,000 in S«uth Sea stock, which, if sold at the height of the infatuation, would havp produced no less than ^^500,000. 171G--1722. 363 CHAPTER 116. 1716—1722. Historical account qfthe commencement and progress of the works at Blenheim. — Suit against the duke qf Marl borough for the arrears due at the suspension in 1712. — Decisions qfthe courts of exchequer and chancery, and the house qf lords, — Prosecution and completion qfthe build' ing at the expence of the duke. vVe have reserved for this portion of our work, the account of the litigation, which arose relative to the building at Blenheim, that we might exhibit to the reader a more regular and detailed narrative of a transaction, which had long been a source of perplexity to the duke of Mariborough. From the scattered papers relative to this sub ject, which are so numerous, and, in many parts, so unconnected, it is difficult to form a regular narrative, even if we should encumber our pages with a quantity of dry and uninteresting corre spondence. We shall, therefore, only submit to the reader a brief relation of this 'celebrated pro cess, and the circumstances from which it arose. We have already stated the promise of the queen, to build, at her own expence, a palace at Wood stock, to be called Blenheim, in bonom- of the splendid victory ; and, that during the administra tion of lord Godolphin, various sums had been 364 CHAPTER 116. issued by the royal warrants, amounting to nearly ^200,000. * Yet notwithstanding the great amount of these issues, they were far from being adequate to the expences already incurred, and considerable arrears were due to the contractors and workmen, as well as to those who had furnished loans for the purpose of continuiiig the works. . After the dismission of Godplphin, the new ministers were not inclined to gratif}' the duke of Marlborough ; and not only evaded as much as possible the grant of farther suppUes, but endea voured to throw the whole expence on the duke himself, by eliciting either fi'om him or his duchess, a promise to indemnify the contractors and work men. The duchess, aware of this artful proceed ing, suspended the works in I7IO ; and only a small Slim was issued by the treasurer, sufficient to protect them against the approach of winter. The undertaking was, however, resumed in the spring of the ensuing year, by the architect, who obtained a balance of jf7000 due on a warrant granted by the late lord treasurer Godolphin. He also applied to lord Oxford for a farther advance towards completing this national monument. How ever unwilling to comply, Oxford was aware that ' the quebn's promise was pledged, and the national honour engaged, and that he could not wholly resist so just a claim. By his order, the architect * We find from a paper, which appears to have been the opinion of some lawyer, probably Sir^John Northey, the duchess's solicitory> that ^220,000 were issued in the queen's time into the hands of, Mr. Taylor, to be paid by him towaF4s defraying the , change' of the; -vporks according to the dh-ection of Mr. Travers ; and of this sum, ^£30,000 appear to have been issued by lord Oxford. 18 1716—17^2. 365, submitted to bun a memorial, in which, the demand to clear the debts, and to finish what was; intended to be done in the current year, was estimated at j€87,000. Tothe inquiry of the treasurer, whether he had well considered the estimate, and whether any thing was omitted, Vanbrugh replied, that many things were left out, which he believed the duke of Marlborough might think fit to do at his own expence ; but he hoped that the sum which he had specified might carry the design, as far as he understood the queen at first intended to be done, on a public consideration. From Vanbrugh's report, the treasurer appeared to be well satisfied with this explanation, because the sum required was considerably less than that which he had him self calculated. , - Accordingly, on the 17th of July, the treasurer obtained the queen's sign manual for .^20,000*, teUing the architect at the same time, that he would procure a farther grant as soon as possible. " On this," Vanbrugh adds, "I acquaintedi.the chief undertakers with what had passed at the treasury ; upon ; which encouragement they, went on with the. work, without insisting that aU the money then issued should go in discharge of the debt, which otherwise they would haye done." t , With this supply, the works were carried on, though slowly, untU the spring of the ensuing year. # The original warrant, signed Oxford, is in the Marlborough Papers. f Letter from Vanbrugh to the duke. , ! 366 CHAPTER ll6. The building, however, stiU continued to oc» cupy the attention of government ; for, on the 25th of June, 1713, an estimate was laid before the house of commons of the debt on the civil Ust, due at Midsummer, 1710, amounting to a?51 1,762. One of the items was the sum of e§6O/)00 by esti* mation, for the buUding of Wppdstock. In strict justice, therefore, this sum of e§'60,000 should have been assigned for the liquidation of the said idebt, and the prosecution of the work ; but we do MOt find that more than £€10,000 was paid for that purpose, which was not advanced till towards, the dose of the year, when the queen was indisposed, and Oxford wished to conciUate the duke of MarlboEough. On the accession of the new sovereign, Marl« borough had reason to hope that new warrants would be issued from the treasury, for defraying the arrears and completing the work, in conformity with the original design. He accordingly obtained 3fe©m the architect an estimate of the requisite ex- pence, which, including the gardens and bridge, - amounted to -s€54,527 : 4*. : ^d. ; and, therefare, exceeded the former estimate in a duplicate pro portion. The hopes of Marlboi-oUgh were in some mea sure gratified; for in the first year of the new reign, an act was passed " for enlarging the funds of the bank of England, and for satisfying an arrear for work and materials at Blenheim, incurred whUe that buUding was carried on at the expence of her late majesty." This act rendered the crown responsible for such arrears, and directed that the 1716— 172S. 367 debts incurred before the first of June, 171^ when the works Were suspended by order of the queen, should be liquidated out Of the sum of £500,006 which had been previously grafted for the pay ment of the debts on the civU list, and the arrears of the -revenues belotoging to her late mf^e^y. In pursuance of this act a commission was appointed, under letters of privy seal, consisting of Messrs. Lowndes, Craggs, and Sloper, who were autho rised to issue ^30,000, in liquidation of the arrears. The respective claims being accordingly investigated, each claimant received one-third of his demands, making a total of more than £ 16,000, through the hands of Mr. Travers, the surveyor- general to the crown. Another payment was afterwards made, to the amount of ,^9000. The creditors, however, were not satisfied with this partial liquidation ; and in Easter term, I7I8, two of the principal claimants instituited a suit in the court of exchequer against the duke of Marl borough and Sir John Vanbrugh, as his surveyor of the works and buUdings, appointed by an in strument signed by lord Godolphin, and authorised to make contracts for work and materials. Their demiEtnd included nearly a^SOOO for the principal and iriterest of the sums due to thein, ^ince-'the payinent made under the letters of privy seal. Their application being ineffectually resisted,^ the court decided that 'the duke of Marlborough was rendered responsible for their demands, in virtue of the instrument signed by lord Godolphin, which conveyed the requisite powers to Sir John Van brugh for acting in his behalf. 368 CHAPTER 116. The cause was carried :by appeal into the house of lords. After hearing the arguments of counsel, the peers,, on the 24th of May, rejected the peti tion of the duke, and confirmed the decree of tiie court of exchequer. He was himself present, and had the mortification tp find the decisipn suppprted by. a great majority, among whpm were many pf his friends and relatives. * It is difficult to re- concUe such.. a decision with the principles of equity and national honour ; and,_ therefore, we can only attribute the resolution of the peers to the secret influence of the ministry, who ;were desirous of exonerating the crown from so heavy a charge. The duke being rendered legally responsible for the various debts arising out of the buUdingj had no other resource than to apply to the court of chancery, in order to compel the several creditprs to submit to an examination of their claims ; and the persons who had been entrusted with the issues of money, tp verify their payments. The usual procrastination of the cpurt, and the numerous accounts wjiich. required scrutiny, together , with the attempts made to evade investigation, pro tracted the cause beyond the duration of tlie duke's life. But, to satisfy the curiosity of the reader, we shall observe that cpnsiderable mismanagement and fraud were proved to: have existed in the conduct of the building, and that several items * Journals; — Case of the duchess of Marlborough and other ap^el- 'lants, submitted to the house of lords in 1724;^— Correspondence of Sir John Vanbrugh with the duke and duchess ; — Narrative of the duchess. 1716—1722. S69 were rejected, and others diminished- A. favourable decree was accordingly given by the lord chancellor Macclesfield, who pronounced a splendid eulogium on the memory of the deceased hero, and depicted in lively terms the dishonour wliich the nation would incur, by throwing on his representatives the charge of a structure, which was undertaken at the order of the sovereign, as a reward and memorial of his services, and repeate'dly sanctioned by the acts of the legislature. In the interim, the duke of Marlborough had taken several exceptions to the report of the remembrancer in the court of exchequer, who was empowered to assess the debt ; he not only denied ^the delivery of the materials and execution of the work in question, but combated the charge of interest, as contiary to" the nature of the trans action, and even beyond the demands of the plaintiffs themselves. Subsequent to his death, these exceptions were taken into consideration. The two first were overruled; but, after several amendments, the court sanctioned the report of the remembrancer, charging the duke with interest on the said debts, from Jan.uary 1715, making the claims of the plaintiffs amount to above ^9000. An application for rescinding these orders being ineffectual, the cause was again carried under a new shape to the house of peers, by the duchess ,an,, .,. . ,;!. The diike of Marlboroi^h, survived his tpsta*' mentary arrangement above a year ; and, on the 27th of Novembeif, 1721, made his lasf; appmrance in the house of lords. He passed the winter, in London, in his wonted habits, and with hjs . u§jj#i company, and, in May, removed to Windsor Lodge. Towards thebeginningof June hewa§agg.in attacked with a violent paroxysm of his paralytic disorder, which resisted the customary remedies. He lay several days, fully sensible of his approach ing dissolution, and retained his senses so perfectiy, that on the evening before his decease, he listened to the prayers which were usually read to him ; and to a question of the duchess, whether he had heard them, repUed distinctly,. "Yes; and I joined in them." As Tie was then reposing pn the couch, the duchess enquired whether he would not he easier on his bed, and, on his reply in the affirm ative, he was removed to his apartment. . Medi cines were administered; the blisters which had been applied were dressed ; and an inflammation in his back was fomented. His family and ser vants gradually withdrew, leaving the duchess aind the necessary attendants in the apartment, an^lie lay without any symptom of immediate dissolution, 1716—1722. 385 till four in the morning, when his strength sud denly failed, and he calmly rendered up his* spirit' to his Maker, in the 72d year of his age. * His body being embalmed, was removed to Marlborough House, where it lay in state. The funeral exhibited a display of mUitary parade and regal pomp, which has been seldom paralleled. The magnificence of the spectacle was heightened by a vast concourse of spectators, from all th& provinces of the three kingdoms, who poured forth their multitudes to join the inhabitants of the ca pital, in celebrating the obsequies of the first and most renowned among their heroes. The procession was opened by bands of military, accompanied by a detachment of artillery, in the rear of which followed lord Cadogan, commander- in-chief, and several general officers, who had been devoted to the person of the duke, and had suffered in his cause. Amidst long files of heralds, officers at arms, mourners, and assistants, the eye was caught by the banners and guidons em blazoned with his armorial achievements, among which was displayed, on a lance, the. standard of Woodstock, exhibiting the arms of France on the cross of St. Georgcv t * Lediard says, that he died in his ^sd year j die french biographer, more truly, " pres de soixante douze ans;'' for hp was born oji the 22d of Juiie, 1650, and, consequently, had not completed his 72d year. The duchess erroneously states him to have died on the 15th of June, (see p. g81.).whereas he died on the 16th, at four in the morning. f An engraving of this standard, which is annually presented to the crown by the possessor of Blenheim, and which was borne at the funeral, by special licence from the king, is given in tlifc Appendix, with a c«^y of the licence. ' VOL. VI. C C 386 CHAPTER II7. In tbe centre of the cavalcade was an open car, bearing the coffin, which contained his mortal re mains, surmounted with a suit of complete arm<9my afitd lying under a gorgeous canopy, Morned with plumes, mUitary trophies, and heraldic achieve ments. To the sides, shields were affixed, exhi biting emblematic representations of the battled he had gained, and the towns he had conquered, With the motto, " BellOi hcec et plura." On either side were five captaibs in military mourning, bearing aloft a series of bannerols, charged with the dife ferent quarterings of the Churchill and Jennings families. ¦ - ' ''>-> The duke of Montagu, who acted as chief mourner, was supported by the earls bf Sunder land and Godolphin, and assisted by eight dukes and two earls. ¦ Four earls were also selectiefl to bear the paU. The procession was closed by a nu merous train of carriages, belonging to the nobility and gentry, headed by those of the king and^het prince of Wales. I - jfi^ The cavalcade moved along St. James's" Park to Hyde Park Corner, and from thence through Pic cadilly and Pall Mall, by Charing Cross, to West minster Abbey. At the west door it was received by the dignitaries and members of the church, in their splendid habUiments ; and the venerable pUe blazed with tapers and torches innumerable^ When the necessary arrangements were completed* the choir opened the service, with the introductory sentence, " I am the resurrection and the life" The procession then moved through the naveJand chpir to the chapel of Henry the seVeriili, wh¥re . 7 1716—1722, 387 the remainder of the funeral office was read by bishop Atterbury, as dean of Westminster, whose impressive delivery gave additional solemnity to the most pathetic portion of our liturgy. The body was lowered into the vault, at the east end of the tomb of Henry the seventh.*; and, at the close of the service, the ceremony was concluded by Garter king of arms, who, advancing to the verge of the grave, recited the various titles and honours of the deceased, and pronounced the awful pro clamation, " Thus it has pleased Almighty God, tp take out of this transitory world, into his mercy; the Most High, Mighty, and Noble Prince, John Duke of Marlborough," t .-, This solemn ceremonial was, however, performed merely to render national honours to the remains of the great commander ; for his body was not long suffered to repose in this ancient receptacle of royalty; but removed to the chapel at Blenheim, .where it was finally deposited, in a magnificent mausoleum, executed by Rysbrack, untler the superintendence of the duchess. .j The duke of Marlborough died imttiensely rich, as is evident from his testamentary bequests. }-,., He bequeathed to liis widow a jointure of , ' * From the communication of the Rev. Dr. Ireland, dean of West minster. '' f It has l)een generally supposed that the chaises of this sumptuous fuheral were defrayed by the croWn ; but the duchess asserts that they were borne by herself, and her statement is confirmed by lady Blayney, in a letter to the late duchess, as well as by Lediard. At my request, thb' dearf of Westminster kindly ordered a search of the chapter books, lAamsQesrtaan this point; but no evidence appears, to pTO\e by whom the fees and othei- expences were. paid. C C 2 388 CHAPTER I17. ^15,000 per annum, free of aU charges and deduc tions, with the option of changing, the jg5000 frdm the Post Office, fbr an annuity of the same amount on his property; from the just motive, that the public gi-ant should devolve on the person who succeeded to his title. She was also empowered to dispose of a€lO,000 annually, for the space of five years, in the completion of the works at Blenr heim ; and the purchase of estates, or any; other investment of his personal property, was subjected to her approbation, in concurrence with thM of lady GtOdolpbin and lord Rialton.. ^ As the manor of Woodstock and the mansion of Blenheim were already settled on her by act of parliament, the terms of the bequest indicate no less his wish, that she should be comidered as his representative,* than the gratitude which he invariably expressed for her affection and, tenderness. ril ^- t >!' : f And whereas in and by my said hereinbefore recited wiU, I gave to my said wife and her assigns, during the term, of her natural life, the sum of sfe'10,000. per annum, clear of taxes ; and whereas my personal estate is since greatly increased, and my said wife has been very tender and careful of me, and had great trouble with me during my Ul nesS, i and I intending for the consideration afore said, and out of the tender affection, great respect, and gratitude which I have and bear to her, and for the better support of her title and honoii^, to increase' her said annuity £5000 a year," &c. The duchess was authorised to dispose of her own personal property, and to bequeath her pa^ ternal estate at Sandridge to any of her grand- 1716—1722. 389 chUdren at discretion ; but the mansion of Mari borough House, of which the scite had been granted to her by the crown, she was requested to leave- to the successor in the titie. The service of gold plate presented to the duke by the elector of Ha nover, and the diamond sword, which was the gift of the emperor Charles, together with the insignia of the garter, were bequeathed as heir-looms to lord Rialton ; but the rest of the plate and jewels were devised to the duchess. ' The residue of his property, after the payment of different legacies to his ybunger daughter and grand-children, was devised to his eldest daughter, Henrietta countess of Godolphin, and her heirs male, with a reversionary entail on the male issue of his Other daughters. In faUure of issue male, the succession was to revert in the same order to the female line. To lord Godplphin, an annuity of .^5000 a year was assigned, if he survived his wife ; and to their eldest son, lord Rialton, heU apparent, an allowance of ^3000 per annum, which was tb be increased to ^^8000 when the works at Blenheim were finished; iand» to '^§20,000 on the death of the duchess dow dies'/' t A similar provision was made for the pre- suM^ive heir of' the Sunderland line, should lord Rialton die without issue male ; and on the eventual succession of the earl of Sunderiand to the title of Marlborough, and the possession of the Blen heim estates, bp was required to relinquish his pa ternal inheritance in favolir of his younger brother ©r brothers. ' , • .. _ , r Lastly, we ought not to omit a singular clause, c c 3 390 CHAPTER 11*7. which proves the anxiety of the noble testator to maintain the dignity of the titles he had acquired for his posterity ; for he enjoined his executors to obtain from the legislature an act for settling on his future representative all the landed estates; which, at subsequent periods, might be purchased with the principal or interest of his personal property. The trustees appointed by the will, were Sarah duchess of Marlborough, his three sons-in-law, the dukes of Montagu and Bridgewater, and lord' Go dolphin ; William Guydot, William Clayton, and John Hanbury, of Ponty Pool, esquires. * On the decease of the duke, the title and ho nours descended to his eldest daughter Henrietta. Her son, WiUiam, became Marquis of Blandfbrd, but died in 1731, in the thirty-third year of his age, leaving no issue by a marriage which he had contracted with a dutch lady of the family of De Jong, of Utrecht, t On the death of Henrietta, therefore, which happened in 1733, the title and honours- passed to the Sunderland line. Robert, the eldest son of Anne, countess of Sunderland, having died in 1729, Charles, his next brother, fourth earl of Sunderland, succeeded to the dukedom of Marlborough ; and, in 1744, became possessor of Blenheim, and all the estates, on the demise of the duchess dowager. In conformity with the will of his grandfather, he relinquished his paternal property and mansion of Altborpe tb * Will of John duke of Marlborough, and various extracts and memoranda in thc hand-writing of the duchess. ¦\- She espoused in second nuptials Sir William Windham. a7l6— 1722. 391 his brother John, who was founder of the second Spencer line. To him Sarah, duchess of Marl borough, also left her own paternal estates, and the property accumulated during her long widowhood, which rendered him no less opulent than the repre sentative of the elder branch. From Charles earl of Sunderland, and duke of Marlborough, George, the present duke, is li neally descended ; and, in testimony of respect for the memory of his Ulustrious ancestor, he has assumed the name and arms of Churchill, in con junction with those of Spencer. From John, the second son, the present earl Spencer likewise derives his origin in lineal descent. Henrietta, duchess of Marlborough, by her hus band Francis earl of Godolphin, left two daughters. Henrietta, the elder, espoused Thomas Holies, duke of Newcastle ; Mary, the younger, espoused Thomas duke of Leeds ; and from her is descended George, the present and sixth duke of Leeds. Mary, the fourth daughter of John duke of Marlborough, espoused John duke of Montagu, by whom she had three sons, John, George, and Edward ChurchiU, who all died in infancy ; and three daughters, of whom the second, Eleanor, died unmarried. Isabella, the eldest, who espoused, first, William duke of Manchester, was celebrated as the most beautiful woman of her age, and is the subject of the animated poem by Sir Charles Han bury WiUiams, entitled " IsabeUa, or the Morn ing." By the duke she had no issue. She married, secondly, Edward Hussey, esquUe, who, on the death of his father-in-law, assumed the name and VOL. VI. * c c 4 392 CHAPTER II7. arms of Montagu, was created successively baron and earl Beaulieu, and expired in 1802. Their only son John was born in 1747, assumed the titie of lord Montagu, and died in I787. A daughter, Isabella, born in 1750, died in 1772. Mary, the youngest daughter of John duke of Montagu, married George Brudenell, fourth earl of Cardigan, who, in I766, was created duke of Montagu. * Their only son, John marquis of Monthermer, was born in 1735, and died unmar ried in 1770 ; and their suiviving daughter Eli- zabeth, espousing Henry late duke of Buccleugh, became the fruitful mother of a line of descendants from John duke of Marlborough, t Sarah, duchess of Marlborough,- long survived her iUustrious husband. Though at the age of sixty-two when she became a widow, she stiU pos sessed sufficient attractions to captivate lord Coningsby and the duke of Somerset, who both made her proposals of marriage in the first and second year of ber widowhood. An epistle of lord Coningsby is preserved, which breathes aU the despondency of a love-sick shepherd ; and another from the duke of Somerset, in which the high- * George duke of Montagu was, in 1 786, created baron Montagu, with remainder in failure of his heirs-male to lord Henry James Montagu, second son of his daughter Elizabeth duchess of Buccleugh. f The french biographer, besides the legitimate issue, bestows on the duke of Marlborough several natural sons, one of whom, he says, was father of general Churchill, who distinguished himself at the battle of Fontenoy. We find, however, no traces of such .a progeny; and, unfortunately for his accuracy, the officer in question proves to have bsen the grandson of Charles Churchill, the brother of the duke. His father had previously signalised himself at the battle of Ramilies, and he forms one of the humorous characters in Sir Charles Hanbury Williams's poem of " Isabella, or the M<;irning." 1 II. (To face page 39a. Vol. VI.) GENEALOGICAL TABLE Of the immediate Descendants of John Duke of Mablborough, John Churchill, 1st Duke of Marlborough', b.- June so, 1650, - d. June 16, 17*2, Sarah, daughter and coheiress of Richard Jennings, Esq. of Sandridge, Herts., 6. 1660, d. 1744. John, Francis, : Marquess of Blandford, Earl of Godolphin, 6. 1690, d. 1766. d. 1702-3. - Duchess of Marlborough, 1732, d. 1733. Charles Spencer, 3rd Earl of Sunderland, d. 1722. Anne, ' b. 1682 or 3, d. 1716. Scrope EeertoD, "~~' Blizabeth, Earl and Duke of BridgewateTr b. 1687, d. 1714, John, : Dnke of Montagu, d. 1749. , Mary, b. 16^, d. 1751 ¦ I M'illiam, Viscount Rialton, and Marquess of - Blandford, ft. 1698-9. d. i^rau ia> Maria Catherinaf daughter of Peter de Jong, of Utrecbt, d- without issue. , Henrietta, ' 6. 1701, m.ThontnsHoUes, duke of Newcastle, drwithout issue. Mary, 6. 170s, m. Thomas, 4th Duke of Leeds. Robert, 6. 1703, d. unmarried. , 1739. Charles, 4th Earl of Sunder! and f 2nd Duke of Marlborough, in 1733, b. 1706, d. 175S, m. Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas, Lord Trevor. (See the next Table.) Anne, b. 170-2, d. 1769. m. William, Vise. Bateman, Lefl two sons, William and Jolm, who died withoilt issue. ¦' Diana, m. Wriothesley, Duke of Bedford, ¦d. without issue, in 1735- John. b. 1708, d. 1746, m. Georgiano, ..daughter of Earl Granville. , .Ancestor of Earl Spencer. (Set a subsequent Table.) Two sons, died youBg. Anne, d. 1763, m. 1 John, Duke of Bedford. No issue. 2 William, 3tdEarlof Jersey. A numerous posterity. Isabella, tn. 1 William, Duke of Manchester. Noi Mary, d. I775f HI. George. 4th Earl of Cardi^n, 2 Edward Hussey,- created Duke of Barl^eaulieui Montagu in 1766. (C1786. Tbey left on only daughter, Elizabeth,m. rienrj-, late Duke of Buccli:ugh. To follow Table 11. III. GENEALOGICAL TABLE Exhibiting the Descent of the Ducal Title of MARLBOROUGH, in the first Branch of the SmWEHLAND Une. Charles ; Eliaabeth, daughter of 4th Earl of Sunderland, \ Thomtts, LordTrevor, Duke of Marlborough in 1733» d. lybi. 6. 1706, d. 175S. George, Duke of Marlborough. b. I739f d. 1817. — ¦ Carotine, daughter of ^^ John, 4thDukeofBedforf, d. 1811. Charles, h. 174O1 . m. Mary, daughter of Lord Vere. Two sons, John and William, both, of whom have iisne. :Robert, m. Harriet, relict of the Hon. E- Bouverie. Diana, m. 1 Frederich, Vise. Boliigbroke, 2 Topham Beauclerc, Esq. b. 1734. d. »*>8- Issue by both marria^[ea. Elizabeth, ft.1737. m. Henry, late Earl of Pembroke. Issue. George Spencer Churchill, =;:= DuKe of Marlborough, 6. 1766. Susan, daughter of Johu* Eall of GdloTtay. icis Aln Henryi Francis Almeric, .S!^ j !li., h 1770 6. 1779. ^- 1763. d. 1813. d. 1795! cr.Baron Churchill, 1815, m. Henry Welbore, '*" _. TP Qrtd Visr.ChfdeD. ..i. Frances, Sth daughter of Augustus Henry* Dnke of Grafton. Seven sons ; ¦ Francis, George, Augustus, William, lleufv, John, and Robert. Three daughters; Caroline, Frances, and Louisa. 2[(d ViscClifden A son, Geo. J<»s. Welbore, and a daughter, Caroline Anne, who d. 1814 Eli^beth, b. 1764, d. 1812. *n. her cousin, tn John Speucer. Two sons, George John, and Frederic Charles, Four daughters, Frederica, Georgiana, Caroline, end Elizabeth. Charlotte, 6, 1769, d. 1802. ,. the Rev. Edw. Nares. A daughter, Elizabetha Martha. Anne, 6. 1773i * m. Cropley, Earl of Shaftesbury. Six sons ; Anthony, Lord Ashley, Anthony William, Anthony Henry, Anthony John, Anthony Francis, and Anthony Lionel. Four daughters ; Caroline Mary, Harriet Anne, Charlotte Barbara, and Frederica, who d. 1808. Amelia Sophia, 1. Henry ft-tches Boyce, Two sons } Henry George, and William Fraucil. Caroline Susan, d.»793. Geoive, =:=: J«n«' daughter of Marquess of Blandford, George Earl of Galloway. 6. 1793- Charles, 6. 17W. Geo^e Henry, 6, 1796. Henry John. IV. GENEALOGICAL TABLE. Descendants of Jom Duke of Mablbobough, of the Second Brmich of the Sunderland Line. i (To follow Table niO John, Duke of Marlborough. Charles, : Anne. Earl of Sunderland. ( Charles, and Duke of Marlborough, i&e Former Table.) John Spencer, b. 1708, d. 1746. John, 1st Earl Spencer, 6- 1734. Georgiana, dangiiter of Earl Grenville: daughter of Stephen Poyntz, Esq., of Midgham, Berkshire. George John, 2nd Earl Speucer. b. 1759. John Charles, Viscount Althrop, 6. 1782, m. Esther,^ sole daughter and heiress of ^R. Acklom, Esq. who died 1818. Lavinia, daughter of Charles Bingbam, 1st Earl of Lucan. Georeiana, wfliis Sarah, fe.i7fe m, the Hon. William Henry Lyttelton..Two sons, George William, 6. 1817, Spencer Richard, 6. 1818. A daughter, Caroline, b. 1816. Robert Cavendish, 6. 1701. Georgiana Charlotte, b- 1794, m. Lord George Quin, second son ot ' Thomas, Marquess of Headfort.. A son, George Thomas, 6. 1815. A daughter, Lavinia, &. 1816., tn. Wniiam, 5th Duke of Devonshire, fe. 1757. d. 1806. \ Henrietta Frances, m. Fredarick Ponsonby, Trd Earl of Besboroush. 6. 1761. ^ • Frederic, b. 1798.- George, William Spencer, 6th Duke of Devonshire, : b. 1790. . 0 Georgiana, b. 1783, m. George, viscount Morpeth, son of Frederick, Earl of Carlisle. ,Six sons and five daughters. , \ Henrietta, . 6. »785, m. Granville Leveson Gower, Vise. Granville, son of Granville Leveson, 1st Marquess of Stafford. Issue. John William, ^ Viscount Duncaanouj with many other children, and a numerous posteri^. 1716—1722. S9S- minded peer expatiates with great fervour on his long knd respectful passion, lays his fortune and person at her feet,' and implores her hand, to con- so'te him for the losg of his deceased wife. * The* reply of the duchess to the duke of Somer-i set was highly dignified, and worthy of her rega,rd to' the memory of her husband. - She not only iJe- clined a~ connection so unsuitable' 'at her age, but declared that if she were only - thirty, she would not permit even the emperor of the world to suc ceed in that heart, which had^been devoted to John duke of Marlborough. The disappointed peer was so affected with her candour and spirit, as to solicit her advice in the choice of a wife ; and to espouse lady Charlotte Finch, whom she re commended. Their friendship continued through life ; and the duchess often availed herself of im judgment, in the disposal of money, and the'pifi:- - <3ha,se of landed property. .t.. She survived the duke of Marlborough twenty ¦'^ two years, and died in 1744, at the age of 84. * Letter from, lord Coningsby to the duchess of Marlborough^, a.pd Correspondence between her grace and the duke of Somerset. , The letter from lord Coiiingsby was written in the latter end of 1T22, and jthat from the duke of Somerset, July 17. 1723. r -. 394 CHAPTER liB. CHAPTER 118. , CHARACTER OF THE DUKE OF MARLBOROUGfr. ' Ihe actions and correspondence of the duke of Marlborough furnish the best illustration of his character ; but we cannot close a narrative, in the composition of which we have felt, no less pleasure than interest, without a few concluding remaife on the leading peculiarities of his mind, as well .as on those habits and dispositions, which are least known and least developed. As a private individual, he possessed the domestic virtues in an eminent degree. He was a dutifiil and obedient son, a tender husband, an affectionate father, a firm friend, and an indulgent master. The temper and forbearance which he manifested towards the wayward fancies and petulant humour of his duchess, are almost unexampled ; and his indulgence is the more laudable, as we discover few instances in which his conjugal fondness inter fered with his political duties. His kindnessix)wards his children is no less shewn, in his invariable attention to their welfare, during their early yeaj;s ; and in his liberality and care for their establishaieJiit, in their more mature age. Above all, theiighest illustration of his character ^s a ;fetheriand husband was, his affectionate caution during the incessant CHAPTER 118. 395 bickerings, which occurred towards the decline of his life, between his two surviving daughters and their mother, where great blame was justly attri butable to both parties, and where he was involved in a continual struggle between inclination and duty. Without belying his affection to either, he was not insensible to their faults and failings ; and in his testamentary bequests, evinced his impar tiality and liberality to all. r Many proofs might be adduced of the steadiness, as well as warmth of his friendship, but none is niore striking, than his invariable attachment to lord Godolphin. Assured of his integrity 'and abilities, he gave him his whole support, and full confidence ; and disdained to sacrifice his faithful 'fisglleagye, not merely on the trite plea of political expediency, but even for the most weighty con siderations of power and emolument. To the fears ahd prejudices of this zealous and upright, but often narrow-minded statesman, he yielded, what he denied to conjugal importunity, and, in many instances, relinquished his own better judgment to the limited views and suggestions of his friend. The endowments and virtues of so extraordinary a mind were combined and enabellished with no less distinguished graces of person and manner. *He was above the middle stature, well formed, and active in bodily exercises. His countenance was unusually pleasing, his features regular, but manly ; his eye penetrating and expressive. His demeanor was graceful, dignified, and. captivating; and no man possessed, in a higher degree, the art of conciliation. His very denials were tempered 396 CHA^T^R 11^. with such gentleness' aiid complacency, that ei*^n the applicants who were least satisfied, in regar^d to the Object of their solicitations. Could not (|uit him, %ithoUt being charmed by his deportment; He was, indeed, a' finished courtier ; but the polish of hife manners ivas derived ra£hdr' froni nature' than from art. It wais the operation of inhereiiV humility,' united with a sweetnfes'^ and amenity of temper, which seldom enters into the C{ib';^clMlioh' of a hero. Thfis amiable pecuharity Was not visible ihereiy^in social intercourse, but appears in all his dfe»frespondence, and is traced in all his actions. liord' chancellor Cowper, who knew him well, describes him as a master of the most Winriiiig jtddre^S; and lord Chesterfield adduces hirh' ks'^i itt'odel' of perfection in the art of pleasing. * ' ' ¦^ He Was equa;lly regular and ekemplary in th'e perforiliance of moral and religious duties. The principles, which he had imbibed in his eai'ly years. Were indelibly impressed on his mind ; aiid in eOui'ts ' and camps, as well aSdn domestic life, he exhibited the sanie pions confidence in the prp- tection 'of an 6ter-ruling Providence. He was" a firm bfelifetier in the truths 'of the -Christian Rfev"^- latiori, and zealously attached to the doctrines bf the Established Church. Herice he was puhctu'il' in his attendance on the divine offices, a frequent'' (Miiiihunlifaiiti,' %hd ihknifested a dfeVotioh, fervierll!,' but'talm, and ho Ifeks remote from. enthusiasm ffiafi fi(^m' indifffererice^' '''' "¦¦' " ¦ ¦'*''' ' *' ' '''''• Tliongh bronglit up- in a liceh^ious court', Hind * LordCowpcr'sDiary,' and lord CtiestVtfiel'^s tetters to his Son, 18 CHAPTER 118. 397 se4uced, in ^is youth, by evil example, he main lined an inviolable' respect for the nuptial ,unipn. ^F.9^^ the ; time of his marriage with the object pf M^i^^PCt^^'^S' he resisted every temptation of courts^ aP:d;;Camps J and, amidst all the calumnious impu, tatjjpns which ,h^v,e. been heaped pn his memory, t^p aggravated, malice of his political adversaries; has pever thrown the slightest sijspicion on, his cpijjugal fidelity. -The operation, of these , principles was not only f€)lt in his own conduct, but extpndedtheir influence tp,,his family, an4 ^P.all who were subject to his authprity. He was never known to ,ijtter, an igfl^pent wprd, or to give ,an example of ..levity> |Ie,ev,^p severely reproved those wjjio, presumed to offend his ..eaf s with loose expression^, ,and resented them,, both as a personal affront, and as anaqtof hnmorality. * Jle discounten^s was the object of scorn; and the, poor sol^i^s^i many of them the refuse and dj-egs ,pf tjie na,tipp, became at the plo,se; of one or two campai^s, tractable, civil, sensible, an (J clean, and.had an^ap:, and spirit a.bbve the vulgar." * A leading feajt,ure in the character; of ,the duke of Marlborpugh, was his generous magnanimi|y» Sincere himself, he disdained to suspect othpfsi; and, in all his actions and correspondence, [ he manifests that lofty confidence, which is the attl^i- bute of elevated minds. A striking instance of this spirit occurs in a letter to the duchess, whp, at an early period, had hinted her suspicions of theduke of Shrewsbury. " If he be an ill man," he obseEVi^^j " he has it in his power to do a great deal ofibupt; but I am of thp humour not to believe the.Jatin- dredth part pf what is said of any body, so that. I may easily be imposed upon." In no case, indeed, was this more strongjy exemplified, than, in hi,s conduct to>vard,s Plarley, and in the pertinacity with which he long resisted every proof , of tbe treachery of a- inan whom he considered as bound to him by gratitude. ,, ^ Human nature, Ijpwevei', is not perfect ; and it is with regret WjB ^cjcnowledge, that one virtue was wanting in, the duke of JNIarlborough, which we naturally attj^jcli totUs character of a great mafli. This was, a want of liberality, wjiich, in , him, amounted to parsimony. He was thus enabl?4 it'dhfiM , • Lediard, vol. i. Preface, p. 2»,> «lrKMb .»8-,,t-.f«Trm a u !»¦ vjSmp. "^¦W.e should -be happy to exhibit , his political career as free from blemish, but it is not without r«gret, that we revert to his clandestine ;correspond' «nce with the exiled family, ids whose expnisip;!! he so much contributed, tj Though some palli^ti^*^.- might be drawn from example, c|rcumstanees,iaBd peisional considerations, and though we are, con vinced that , his overtures werSj -merely ami^sive; it -is a' duplicity, i Which we must unequivocally ,, iRcxndemn, and. a blot in -.an .escuteheo% ,oLii,eiwi&& so, honourably distinguished.: But it would be, no |ef®ijjnQharitahle than* impplitic,! to drag such fail ings into light, when they a^e; so fully, r^de^mgd by a long series of able counsels, and spleijdid achievements, for the liberties and religion, of his country,, and for the welfare and independence of Europe. The citizens of Rome did not reject the appeal of Scipio to his victories ; and, if we judge the duke of Marlborough by actions, not by words, he, must stand excused by every feeling of candour , a^d patriotism. \.., ^tsslw^ -^sii l.m^h^ M'r4 ? - •;« As J a warrior, the merits of the duke of Marlr bprough, though uncontested, have never been au£%;iently developed. rjJ^ittle favpuredby educa- tipp and science, he sijpplied th? want of know ledge by observation and reflection. He fully, prp^ted. by his brief » experience, under so able ^,. rr^atef .as Turenne ; anc|»,^^ft?r a„^iprt campaign' in'the NeAerlands, and th^, uncoi^ifljned direction %i^^MP$^^^^^^*^^ rose at.o^ce a ' "VOf. VI. ^ i> o *02 CHAPTER 118. general, and in his first operations, proved himself equal, if not superior, to the ablest of his contem poraries. With limited, and often inadequate means, he accomplished the greatest objects ; in fused harmony, union, and strength into a hetero geneous mass of different nations ; and might have stood still higher in the ranks of fame, had he not been harassed by the petty passions of those with whom he was connected in command, and thwarted by the partial interests, and limited views, of the powers whose advantage he was labouring to pro mote. With all these obstructions, however, he may claim the merit of having humbled France in the height of her power, and routed her disciplined armies ; of having gained every battle in which be engaged, and reduced every fortress which he undertook to besiege. His genius was of English mould, vast, compre hensive, and daring, attaining its purposes by great and decided efforts, simple in design, and majestic in execution. Averse, by character as well as principle, from defensive warfare, he was always tbe assailant, and invariably pursued one grand object, regardless of minor considerations. He conquered, not by chance, or the unskilfulness of his antagonists ; but by superior vigilance and activity, by the pro foundness of his combinations, by the celerity of bis movements, and by the promptitude and decision of his attacks. These qualities are fully exemplified in every part of his military career ; but more particularly in his march to tbe CHAPTER 118. 403 Danube, his operations on the Moselle, his battles of Blenheim, Ramilies, and Oudenard, and, above all, in his fine campaign of I7II. He possessed a perfect knowledge of ground, and consummate skill in the choice of positions. He was also well acquainted with the character and spirit of his troops ; and the familiar appel lation of " corporal John," as well as the rehance they invariably expressed on his vigilance and care, evince the love and confidence with which he inspired them. With these sublime qualities of a great com mander, he United endurance of fatigue and hard ship, the most perfect presence of mind, and inexhaustible fertility of resource. He was, at the same time, patient under contradiction, and placid both in manners and deportment ; and the har mony in which he acted with his colleague, Eugene, proves, at once, the liberality of his sentiments, and his freedom from the spirit of rivalry and competition. But no feature in his character was more shining and conspicuous than his humanity. Not only the troops who had promoted his glory, and shared his dangers, but the enemy whom his sword had spared, invariably experienced his sympathy and benevolence. He was feared as a general, but he was loved as a man. No one was more alive to the sufferings and privations of his troops ; nor did any conqueror more sincerely feel for the horrors and devastation of war. He fre quently gave the weary soldier a place in his coach ; afnd after the most desperate battles, his earliest u D 2 404 CHAPTER 118. care was to visit the field, to comfort the wounded, and to lighten the sufferings of misfortune and captivity. A leading feature in his character, both public and private, was his unparalleled self-possession, though, as we have before seen, he had to struggle against a temper naturally ardent and irritable. Indeed, in him, this virtue is so conspicuous, that he has been adduced by Adam Smith as a striking example, in illustration of his Theory of Moral Sentiments. After adverting to the overweenihg vanity of the great and wise, in different ages, he adds: " The religion and manners of modern times give our great men little encouragement to fancy themselves gods, or even prophets. Success, how ever, joined to great popular favour, has often so far turned the heads of them, as to make them ascribe to themselves, both an importance and an ability, much beyond what they really possessed ; and by this presumption, to precipitate themselves into many rash, and even ruinous adventures. It is a characteristic, almost peculiar to the great duke of Marlborough, that ten years of such un interrupted and such splendid successes, as scarce -any other general could boast of, never betrayed him into a single rash action, scarce into a single rash word or expression. The same tem perate coolness and self-command cannot, I think, be ascribed to any other great warrior of later times ; not to prince Eugene, nor to the late king of Prussia ; not to the great prince of Conde, not 14 CHAPTER lis. 4 0^ even to Gustavus Adolphus. Turenne seems to have approached the nearest to it, but several dif ferent actions of his life, sufficiently demonstrate that it was in him by no means so perfect, as in the great duke of Marlborough." * Finally, the best proof of transcendent merit isi the testimony of an enemy, and this testimony is not wanting. For when the heat of party resent ment had subsided, his inveterate persecutor, lord Bolingbroke, paid a public and dignified tribute to his memory, in his Letters on the Study of History. " By his (king William's) death, the duke of Marlborough was raised to the head of the army, and, indeed, of the confederacy, where he, a private man, a subject, obtained by merit, and by manage ment, a more deciding influence than high birth, confirmed authority, and even the crown of Great Britain had given to king William. Not only all the parts of that vast machine, the grand alliance, were kept more compact and entire, but a more rapid and vigorous motion was given to the whole; and, instead of languishing or disastrous campaigns, we saw every scene of the war full of action. All those wl>erein he appeared, and many of those wherein he was not then an actor, but abettor, however, of their action, were crowned with the most triumphant success. I take, with pleasure, this opportunity of doing justice to that great man, whose faults I knew, and whose virtues I admired; and whose memory, as the greatest general, * Theory of Moral Sentiments, chap. iv. on the Character of Virtue, vol. ii. p. 158. DD 3 406 CHAPTER 118. AND AS THE GREATEST MINISTER that OUT COUUtry or any other has produced, I honour." * * This character of the duke of Marlborough was not printed till after the death of lord Bolingbroke; though it was submitted to the duchess, at her request, as we find from a letter in the hand-writing of Mr. Mallet. " Your grace will find, in the next leaf, that character you was pleased to desire a sight of some time ago. As the book from whence it is taken has not yet appeared, your grace will be so good as to let it lie by you, without shewing it ; and you will have the satisfaction to know, that this character, never intended for your grace's perusal, it without partiality or flattery. I have the honour to be, with the greatest regard, &c. " Strand on the Green, Fridat/." The signature is torn off, apparently by the duchess, to conceal the name pf the writer. APPENDIX. Copy of the Royal Warrant of his Majesty King George the- First, relative to ihe Standard or Colours, belonging to the Honour and Manor ofWooDSTOCK, to he borne at the Funeral of his Grace John Duke of Marlborough. GEORGE R, WHEREAS in and by an Act of Parliament made in the 3d and 4th years of the reign of our late dear sister Queen Anne, in respect of the eminent and unparalleled services performed by the most noble John Duke of Marlborough, now lately deceased, and, among others, in particular for attacking and forcing the Bavarians, assisted by the French, in their strong intrenchment at Schellenberg, and for gaining a glorious victory over the enemies, reinforced by a royal army of the French King's best troops, commanded by a Marshal of France, at or near Blenheim, on the 2d of August, 1704; it was enacted, in order to perpetuate the memory of such signal services, that the said late Queen might, by Letters Patent, grant to the said Duke, his Heirs and Assigns, the Honour and Manor of Woodstock, and other Lands therein mentioned, to be held of the Crown, in Fee and Common Soccage by Fealty, rendering on the 2d of August in every year for ever, one Standard or Colour of three Flower de Luces painted thereupon, in pur suance whereof, her said late Majesty granted Letters Patent accordingly. And though the said Act fully intimates that the said Standard or Colours shall be annually presented for ever on the 2d day of August, in order to perpetuate the memory of that glorious victory, obtained over the then enemies, reinforced by a royal army of the French King's troops, on the 2d day of August ; yet, in regard, the said Act and the said Letters Patent thereon, DD 4 408 APPENDIX. do not direct the Blazon of the said Fleurs de Lis, or on what Field they shall be borne, you, our Principal King of Arms, have, as we are informed, humbly requested our commands in that particular. We being desirous that the Funeral of the said Duke should be solemnized with all the circumstances of honour that his high merits have deserved, do hereby signify our will and pleasure, and direct and command you, that in the said Funeral you shall set forth the said Standard or Colours of the three Fleurs de Lis in the following method, that is to say, Azure three Fleurs de Lis Or, in a Shield, placed by way of an Inescutcheon on the Cross of St. > George, according to the Draught hereunto annexed, to be borne either in a Shield, Standard, or Banner, as belonging to the Honour and' Manor of Woodstock. At which said Funeral, you are also to use, or caused to be used, all such Ensigns that appertain to the said late deceased Duke, as a Prince of the Sacred Roman Empire, together with the Banner of the Garter, which, instead of the Images of Saints, we hereby appoint and direct, shall be the Cross of the said Order, impaling the arms of the said late Duke, with an Liescutcheon thereon of the Arms of the Duchess, all sur rounded with a Garter, and surmounted with a Ducal Coronet ; all which said Ensigns are to be used and borne, as well within the verge of our Court, as in all other places, at the solemnization of ' the said Funeral, wherein John Duke of Montagu, the Chief Mourner, is to be supported by Scroop Duke of Bridgewater and the Earl of Godolphin, any former Orders or Rules given about Funerals notwithstanding. And forasmuch as by another Act of Parliament, passed in the Sth year of the said late Queen, itwas further enacted that the Honours and Dignities of the said most noble Duke of TVIarlborough be settled upon all his Posterity, in the man-, ner therein mentioned, and that the Honour and Manor of Woodstock, the House of Blenheim, with other Lands, be annexed and go along with the said Honours and Dignities ; it is our will and pleasure, and we hereby direct and command you, and your Successors in the office of our Garter Principal King of Arms, at all times, and all proper occasions, to set forth and blazon the Standard or Colours belonging to the Honiair and Manor of Woodstock in the form above-mentioned. r./yc r X^f c/ c/cf '/c/ rc/ci/tf/c// fc '/ 'Cf//c/^ ( I (cr //('/' ly / /oricA/ Ai>c/i /•/•'c^cr ci / /// < r y'^c n c >ci'c-' or% f cr jfc'C ty < cfc,/ C/>cf/'c r ycA/i ^y cfAc r?^f t..- A Ac/ iAAryn^tt^'K^^ 1 i APPENDIX. 409 And for all these purposes this shall be to you and them a sufficient Warrant. Given at our Court at Kensington, the 19th day of July, 1722, in the eighth year of our Reign. By His Majesty's Command. (Signed) CARTERET. To our Trusty and Well-beloved John Anstis, Esquire, Garter Principal King of Arms, and to his Suc cessors in that Office. The above is a true Copy of the original Warrant, notu remainins amons the Archives of the College of Arms, London, and examined ihereoiith by me, {Signed) GEORGE NAYLER, York Herald. : genealogist of the Bath. Herald's College, London, June 30. 1818. fc. INDEX. Abjuration, bin of, the last public act of king William, i. 159. Admiralty, appointment of the prince of Denmark to tlje head of, i. 142. George Churchill a member of the board, 147: Parliamentary pro ceedings respecting, and censure against Churchill, iv. 6. His dismission, and appointment of lord Pembroke, 319. Efforts of the whigs to introduce Orford, v. 102. His appointment, 107. New members on the accession of the tories, 339. Orford reinstated under George I., vi. 311. Aire, siege of, V. 364. Capture, 366. Restored to France by the treaty of Utrecht, vi. 238. Aix-la-CItapelle, Marlborough's visit to, vi. 227. Alliance, Grand, the negotiations for, entrusted by king William to Marlborough, i. 121. 127. Declaration of Anne in favour of, 150. State of, in 1702, 161. Accession of Portugal, 233 ; and Savoy, 286. Effect of the battle of Blenheim, ii. 37. Negotiations of Marlborough at Vienna, 249; and Berlin, 257. State of affairs in 1706, 315. Jarring interests of the dutch and the house of Austria, 386. Diffi culties respecting the dutch barrier, iii. 54. Private overtures from France rejected by the States, 86. Marlborough's mission to Charles XIL of Sweden, 167. Disjjutes of the imperial court with the allies, 191. Marlborough reconciles the king of Sweden and the emperor, 213. Secret views of the dutch for peace with France, 296. Arrangements in the close of 1709, iv. 525. Private negotiations between France and Holland, 366. Preliminaries, 397. Rejected byLoOis, 400. Congress of Gertruydenberg, v. 168. Secret nego tiation between France and England, vi. 2. 32. Progress and results, 106. Conferences at Utrecht, 177. Separation of british troops from the confederate army, 210. Consequences of the de fection of England, 215. Remarks on the peace of Utrecht, 258. Pacification of Rastadt and Baden, 246,247. Almanza, battle of, iii. 195. Alps, military operations in that region, ii. 210. iii.'is. iv. 506. v. 371. vi. 118. Anne, princess, afterwards queen, her early intimacy with Miss Jennings (lady Churchill), i. 26. Appoints her lady of the bed-chamber, ib. Letter on the introduction of four popish peers into the privy- council 33. Arrangements for the settlement of a revenue on her, 45. Contentions with the king and queen, 58. Epithets applied by her to William, 61. note. Letter to lady Marlborough on the arrest of her husband, 65. Confers a marriage portion on lady Henrietta Churchill, 92. Her scnthnents and prejudices respecting the succession, 110. Her accession, 141. Favours bestowed by her on 412 INDEX. the earl and countess of Marlborough, and their relatives and friends, 142. Godolphin appointed lord treasurer, and a tory administration formed, 145. Collision of sentiment between her and laiiy Marl borough, 154. Confers a dukedom and pension on Marlborough, 201, 206. Her gratitude to him for supporting the settlement on the prince of Denmark, 210. Her anxiety to prevent his resignation, 278. Interested in the success of the bill against occasional conformity, 295. Letter to the duchess on the victory of Blenheim, ii. 38. To the duke on his disappointments in the campaign of 1705, 130. His _^,^ answer, 131. Her appeal to him on the struggle for the great seal, Iplfc 255. Her speech to parliament, 258. Her letter to Marlborough on the proposal to invite the electress Sophia to England, 259. Change in her sentiments regarding the whigs, 285. Her misunder standing with the court of Hanovfir compromised by Marlborough, 327. Orders thanksgiving for the victory of Ramilies, 560. Sanctions the acceptance of the government of the Netherlands offered to Marlborough, 594. Opposes the appointment of Sunder land as secretary of state, iii. 88. Correspondence on the subject, 89. 105. Her contentions with the duchess, 110. Acquiesces in the promotion of Sunderland, at the instance of Marlborough, 152. Her speech to parliament on the late successes, ISS. Grateful letter to her from the duchess, 142. Settlement of the uiiion with Scotland, 147. Her letter to Charles XII. of Sweden, presented by Marlborough, 168. Withdraws her confidence from the whigs in favour of the tories, 248. Rising influence of Mrs. Masham, 254. Altercations with the duchess, 258. Coldness between her and the electoral family, 506. ' Her pertinacity in the nomination of two tory bishops, 363. Letter to M.irlborough, 371. Her celebrated address, protesting against peace, unless Spain was restored to Austria, iv. 14. Compromise respecting the bishoprics, 16. Her struggle with ministers against the dismission of Harley, 25. Re luctantly consents, 27. Reply to addresses on the threatened invasion, 42. Promise extorted from her by the duchess, in favour of her daughters, 44. Effect of their misunderstanding on public affairs, 45. Efforts of the whigs for the promotion of Somers, . 55. Her increasing aversion to them, 68. Correspondence with Marl borough, 72. Cabals on the Scotch elections, 91. Her indignation against Sunderland,' 95. Increasing contentions with the duchess, 183. Quarrel soon after the victory of Oudenard, 208. Struggle renewed for the promotion of Somers, 512. Whigs threaten to censure the prince of Denmark, 314. She professes to acquiesce in their demands, 318. Death of the prince, ib. Condolence of the duchess, 322. Temporary renewal of intercourse, 324. Her alienation from Godolphin, 358; and from Marlborough, 377. Appeal to Marlborough respecting the appointment of Orford to the admiralty, v. 104. Increasing discords between her and the. duchess, 107. Cabals of Harley, 115. Rejects Marlborough's request of two important offices for life, 117. Appoints lord Rivers constable of the Tower, 126. Orders Marlborough to bestow a regiment on colonel Hill, 127. Compromise, 146. New and violent altercationt with the duchess, 205. Appoints Shrewsbury lord chamberlain, 215. Struggles with Marlborough relative to the promotion of major Masham and colonel Hill, 238. Her resolution to dismiss lord Sunderland, 2iJ. Tiansfers the seals Lo lord Dartmouth, 265. Appi-fhcnsionij of the allies, 282. Remonstrance of the emperor, 284. INDEX. 413 Another epistolary controversy with the duchess, 286. Resolves to dismiss Godolphin, 317. Orders him to break the staff, 522. Com munications with the duchess through Sir David Hamilton, 398. Alarmed respecting lier confidential letters, 400. Intervention of Shrewsbury, 401. Forbids Marlborough to suffer the u.sual vote of thanks, 405. Audience, 411. Insists on thc resignation of the duchess, 412. Sanctions her accounts, and allows arrears of pension, 416. Disposal of the places held by her, 417. Raises Harley to the peerage, vi. 36. Issues a warrant for signing the preliminaries with France, 107. Remonstrances of Marlborough, 131. Her alarms at,^;^ the ascendancy of the whigs, 1 44. Advice of Oxford, 147. Dismisseil|r Marlborough, 152. Creates twelve new peers, 155. Her order ' obtained, for the attorney-general to prosecute Marlborough, 159. Communicates to parliament the outlines of the treaty with France, 201. Grants Marlborough a passport for the continent, 221. Address to parliament on the peace of Utrecht, 240. Decline of her health, and critical state of affairs, 252. Address to the new par liament, 259. Resents the intended residence of the electoral prince in England, 262. Prorogues parliament, ib. Her letter to Hanover, 280. Dismisses Oxford, 288. Her alarming illness, 289. Appoints Shrewsbury lord treasurer,291. Dies, 292. Antwerp, Marlborough's grand plan for the attack of, i. 245. Frustrated by the dutch general, 262. Surrenders to Marlborough, ii. 375. Project of the french for the surprise of, detected by Marlborough, iv. 99. Visit of Marlborough to, vi. 225. Marlborough removes thither from Frankfort, 244. Argyle, duke of, his influence secured by Marlborough, for promoting the union with Scotland, iii. 145. Commands the british infantry at Oudenard, iv. 145. His gallant conduct at the siege of Mons, v. 77. Anecdote respecting his offer to arrest Marlborough, 118. 7iote. His conduct hostile to the whigs, 156. Reply to a parliamentary speech of Marlborough, on the restrictive orders sent to Ormond, vi. 192. His conduct on the queen's last illness, 291. Commands against the rebels in Scotland, 525. 528. Superseded by Cadogan, 33e. Army, debates on its reduction, after the peace of Ryswic, i. 99. Ath, investment and capture of, iii. 11. 12. March of Marlborough to, from Soignies, 555. Athlone, earl of, withdraws his pretensions to thc chief command, in favour of Marlborough, i. 161. Applauds his merits, 196. Death, 238. Auersperg, count, his mission to the duke of Savoy, i. 286. Austria, arrangement for the grand alliance, i. 126. The archduke Charles proclaimed king of Spain at Vienna, 290. Threatened invasion of the french, 500. Campaign of 1704, 316. ii. 37. ¦ Accession of Joseph, 102.. Marlborough's journey to Vienna, 249. Complaints of Charles XII. of Sweden against, iii. 153. Disputes - renewed, 218. Accommodated by Marlborough, 220. Reviving cordiality with the british court, 284. Disputes with Savoy, 539. Discussions respecting levy money from England, iv. 47. Dispute and accommodation with the pope, 307. 333. Claims of the duke of Savoy for the Vigevenasco, 336. Increase of the dispute, v. 86. Renewed contentions, 371. Remonstrance Against the negotiation of England with France, vi. 134. Mission of Eugene to England, 162. Reverses after the secession of England from the alliance, 213. 414 INDEX. Losses by the peace of Utrecht, 239. Pacification of Rastadt, 245, 246. B. Baden, margrave of, subsidised by the States at the instance of Marl borough, i. 505. His negligence in permitting the junction of the french and bavarians, 329. Interview with Marlborough, 538. Shares the command with him, ib. Junction of their armies, 545. Misunderstanding with Marlborough after the victory of Schellen- ;h berg, 561. Invests Ingolstadt, 580. Disinclined to co-operate with Marlborough, ii. 99. Interview with him at Rastadt, 104. His delays and equivocal proceedings, 123. 127. Letters illustrative of his conduct, 200. Visited by Marlborough at Frankfort, 248. Hii death, iii. 229. Baden, in Switzerland, definitive treaty signed there between France and the empire, vi. 246. Balaguer, captured by the allies, v. 91. Bhnk, deputation from, to the queen, on the dismission of Sunderland, V. 279. Barcelona, capture of, ii. 207. 209. Relieved by the british, 374. Bareiih, margrave of, appointed to the command after the death of the prince of Baden, iii. 229. Succeeded by the elector of Hanover, 217. Barrier, dutch, negotiations respecting, iii. 54. Treaty of, iv. 410. 415. Censured in the house of commons, vi. 175. Memorial of the dutch voted a libel, 176. Battles, Blenheim, i. 589. Ramilies, ii. 559. Almanza, iii. 195. Oudenard, iv. 139. Malplaquet, v. 45. Villaviciosa, 384.ji Bavaria, elector of, professes neutrality, i. 164. Declares for the house of Bourbon, 186. Joins Villars at Dutlingen, 238. His successes and plans, 500. Joined by french reinforcements, 528. His de fensive dispositions, 548. Defeat of his troops on the Schellenberg, 351. 358. Retreat to Augsburg, 568. Negotiation, 374. His country given up to military execution, 575. Defeated with the french at Blenheim, 393. Retires into France, ii. 13. Summons Brussels, iv. 273. Mindelheim restored to him, vi. 247. Bavaria, electress of, negotiation of Marlborough with, ii. 13. Conclu sion of the treaty, 51. Beaufort, duke of, compliments the queen on the dismission of Sunder land, V. 278. Belcastel, count, commands the dutch troops in Spain, iv. 502. Bergueiclc, intendant of the Netherlands, conveys private overtures from Louis XIV. to the dutch government, iii. 55. Appointed Philip's plenipotentiary at the Hague, v. 89. Berlin, visit of Marlborough to, ii. 257. Treaty renewed for 8000 auxiliaries, ib. Berwick, his skilful conduct of the gallo-spanish army in Spain, iii. 27. His victory at Almanza, 195. Commands on the Moselle, iv. 155. Junction with VendOme, 228. Checks the advance of marshal Daun into Dauphine, v. 87. Defeats the insurgents in the Cevennes, ib. Besenval, his curious report to Louis XIV. of Marlborough's first audience witli Charles XII. iii. 184. Bethune, capture of, v. 295, 294. Restored to France by the treaty of Utrecht, vi. 238. INDEX. 415 Bmg/leld, Mariborough's equerry, killed at Ramilies, ii. 547. Provision niade by the queen for his widow, 356. Blandford, marquess of, his illness, i. 215, and death, 220. Blayney, lady, her account of a play performed at Blenheim, vi. 578. Blenheim, movements preparatory to the battle of, i. 386. Scene of the approaching conflict, 387. Battle, 390. Consequences of the victory, ii. 10. Effects in England, 37. Blenheim, palace of, ordered to be built at the royal expence, ii. 74. Delays in the works, v. 547. Difficulties in obtaining money from government, 550. Historical account of the commencement and progress of the works, vi. 363. Suit against Marlborough for arrears, 367. Prosecution and completion of the works at his own expence, 571. Bolingbroke, {see St. John), his mission to Paris, vi. 212. His rivalry with Oxford, 254. On the dismission of Oxford, intrusted with the arrangement of a new administration, 288, 289. Outlawed and attainted, 315. His tribute to Marlborough's memory, 405. Bonn, siege of, undertaken by Marlborough, i. 240. Capitulates, 242. Bothmar, hanoverian minister at the Hague, his consent requisite for the march of the hanoverian forces, i. 169, His conduct in the affair of Ische, ii. 169. ^ Bouchain, operations preparatory to the investment of, vi. 52. Opera tions for the investment, 71. Siege, 72. Surrender, 85. Retaken by the French, 214. Boufflers, marches to Antwerp, i. 253. Defeats^Opdam, at Ekeren, 255. His defence of Lille, iv. 216. Capitulates for the town, 265. For the citadel, 289. Joins the army under Villars as a volunteer, v. 25. Shares the command at Malplaquet, 32. Conducts the retreat, 62. Brabant, attack of the french lines in, ii. 134. Battle of Ramilies, 341. Principal cities of, admit the confederate troops, 362. 567. Braconniere, allusion to his plan for an insurrection in Franche Comte, iv. 119. note. Marlborough's opinion of him, 160. Bridgewater, earl of, marries lady Elizabeth Churchill, i. 251. Bridgewater, lady, death of, vi. 558. Brodrick, acquits Sunderland of participation in the South Sea scheme, vi. 362. Browne, colonel, his letter to Marlborough respecting the prince of Baden, ii. 200. Bruges, seized by Ormond on his march to Dunkirk, vi. 211. Brussels, submits to Charles III. ii. 363. Plan of the french to surprise it, defeated, iv. 273. Biiccleuch, family, connection with that of Marlborough, vi. 392. Buckingham, marquis of Normanby, afterwards duke of, appointed lord privy-seal, i. 146. Disgrace of, ii. 86. Nominated lord steward, T. 339. Appointed president of the council, vi. 36. Burnet, Dr., appointed preceptor to the young duke of Gloucester, i. 87. His motion for securing the protestant succession, and appointing z commision of regency, ii. 241. Buy.i, his correspondence respecting overtures from France, iii. 60. Plenipotentiary at Gertruydenberg, v. 167. Remonstrates against tbe negotiation of England with France, vi. 154. Byng, Sir George, appointed to the board of admiralty, v. 107. Repeli the french armament from Scotland, iv. 40. 416 INDEX. Cadiz, unfortunate expedition to, i. 197. « Cadogan, his mission to Vienna, ii. 100. Sent by Marlborough fo Hanover, 328. Reconnoitres the enemy at Ramilies, 340. Occupies Ghent, 567. Captured on a foraging party, and liberated on hit parole, iii. 6. Officiates for Stepney at the Hague, 585. Executes Marlborough's arrangements in Holland on the threatened invasion of Scotland, iv. 56. Distinguished in the action at Wynendale, 256. Conducts a convoy to the camp, 257. Heads the dutch auxiliaries in Scotland against the rebels, vi. 554. Supersedes Argyle in the command, 336. Cairnes, Miss, (lady Blayney) her account of Marlborough's domestic life in later years, vi. 374. Cardonel, Marlborough's secretary, his report of the operations on the Ische, ii. 185. Removed from his place of secretary at war, v. 340. Expelled from the house of commons, vi. 160. Carpenter, general, his operations against the rebels, vi. 328. 330. Catalonia, acknowledges Charles king of Spain, ii. 206. Caya, defeat of the allies on the, v. 94. Cevennes, insurrection in the, i. 235. Measures of Villars for suppressing, ii. no. Insurgents defeated by Berwick, v. 87. Plan to revive the insurrection, 178. Its failure, 372. Charles II. of Spain, death of,i. 109. Charles, archduke, proclaimed king of Spain at Vienna, i. 290. Inter view with Marlborough at Dusseldorf, ib. Visit to. England, 293. His disputes with lord Peterborough, iii. 26. Arrives at Guadalaxara, 29. Motives of his expedition to Catalonia, 46. His application for reinforcements after the battle of Almanza, 200. Offers to Marl borough the government of the Netherlands for life, iv. 245. His claims of territories dismembered from Spain at the peace of the Pyrenees, v. 91. Enters Madrid, 376. Disappointed ; his foreboding letter to Marlborough, ib. Refusal of the Portuguese to form a junction with him, 380. Returns to Barcelona, 383. EvadesjMarl- borough's application for the government of the Netherlands, 586. Succeeds to the imperial crown on the death of Joseph, vi. 18. Measures of the british and dutch cabinets to secure his election, 19. His progress from Spain to Vienna, 115. Treaty and pacification with France, 247. Charles XII. of Sweden, measures of Marlborough to engage him in the grand alliance, i. li22. His character and victories, iii. 151. Irruption into Saxony, 152. His complaints against the king of Denmark and the emperor, 153. Visited by Marlborough, 168. His disputes with the emperor revived, 218. Accommodation effected by Marlborough, 221. His march into Muscovy, 222. Defeated at Pultava, V. 96. Sympathy of Marlborough in this reverse, 97. Chetwynd, Mr., his letter respecting lord Peterborough's behaviour st Turin, iii. 225. Cholmondeley, earl of, appointed comptroller to the household, iv. 27. Church, clamours on the danger of the, ii. 376. Favour shewn by the queen to the tories in preferments, iii. 248. 363. Compromise, iv. 16 Churchill, family, genealogical account of, i. xx^x. Churchill, Sir Winston, death of, i. xlviii. Honorary augmentation to the arms of, xlvi. Churchill, Arabella, account of, i. xlix. INDEX. 417 Churchill, baron, grant of supporters to, by James II. i.~ 424. {See Marlborough.) Churchill, George, member of the board of admiralty, i. 147. His injudicious conduct, and threatened accusation of the whigs, iii. 251. Instance ofhis imprudent loquacity, iv. 190. note. Accusation against, 315. His loss of office and influence, 519. Churchill, lady Anne, celebrated for her beauty and accomplishments, i. 92. Married to lord Spencer, son of the earl of Sunderland, 9d. Churchill, lady Henrietta, married to the son of lord Godolphin, i. 92. Churchill, lady Mary, married to lord Mounthermer, i. 232. Churchill, lady Elizabeth, married to lord Bridgwater, i. 231. Clayton, Mrs., letters to, from the duchess announcing Marlborough's return to England, vi. 294, 299. Describing a visit to the court of the prince and princess of Wales, 379. Clement, XI. pope, his dispute and reconciliation with the emperor, iv. 307. CoAora, his tardiness in prosecuting the siege of Bonn, i. 241. Hispetty successes on the french lines, 252. Cologne, elector of, professes to be neutral, i. 164. Commissioners, of public accounts, report of their proceedings on the charges against Marlborough, vi. 159. Charges refuted, 162. Commons. (See Parliament.) Congreve, writes a poem on the death of the marquess of Blandford, i. 224. Conformity, occasional, bill against, lost, i.211.213. Revived and again lost, 294. 298. Again brought forward, ii. 67. Artifice of the tories respecting, 66. Negatived, 69. Coningsby, lord, succeeded by the earl of Anglesea as vice-treasurer of Ireland, v. 301. A suitor to the duchess of Marlborough in the first year of her widowhood, vi. 392. Convention, parliament, lord Churchill's conduct in, i. 42. Cork, speedily reduced by Marlborough, i. 50. Cowper, appointed lord keeper, ii. 257. Extract from his diary relative to Harley's reconciliation with the whigs, 288. Raised to the peerage, iii. 132. Extract from his diary relative to a conversation with Harley, v. 210. note. Resigns, 539. Chancellor, on the accession of George, I., vi. 510. Craggs, his letter to Marlborough on the victory of Oudenard, iv. 161 . Visits him to represent the state of affairs in England, 312. Sent to intercede with him on his threat of resignation, v. 135. Aversion of the duchess to him, vi. 355. 560. Cresset, his secret mission to Hanover, v. 505. Danube, operations of Marlborough on the, i. 344. Description of the valley of, 386. ... Dartmouth, lord, succeeds Sunderiand as secretary ot state, v. 265. Das Minas, the portuguese commander, iii. 26. Discarded, iv. 301. Daun, general, his successful expedition against Naples, in. 282. Checked by Berwick, retires into Piemont, v. 87. Dendermond, siege of, iii. 8. Surrender, 10. Denmark, king William's subsidiary treaty with, i. 121. Complaints alleeedagainst, by Charles Xn. of Sweden, iii. 153. Denmark, prince George of, parliamentary debate on the debt due to VOL. VI. ^ ^ 418 INDEX. him, i. 1 00. Appointed generalissimo and lord high admiral by QueeJit Anne, 142. Grant of a settlement on him, 209. Threatened censure , of, iv. 314. His death, 313. Devonshire, duke of, meeting at his house on the misunderstanding of the queen and Marlborough, v. 129. 145. High steward under George L, 311. Donawerth, occupied by the allies, i. 365. Douay, besieged, v. 183. Surrenders, 199. Dumblain, battle of, vi. 328. Dunkirk, Marlborough urged by Godolphin to attack it, ii. 376, Expedition from, in favour of the pretender, iv. 34. Conditions for the temporary cession of, to England, vi. 183. Reluctantly ceded> 212. Durel, colonel, his letter to Marlborough respecting the prince of Baden, ii. 201. Dutch, their seeret views for a peace \rith France, iii. 290. Displeasure of the british cabinet against them moderated by Marlborough, ib. Consent to an augmentation of troops proposed by Marlborough,, iv. 326. {See States-general.) Dutch guards of King William, Marlborough disapproves of thar dismission, i. 100. Dyle, attempt of Marlborough to force the passage of, ii. 155. Thwarted by the dutch generals, 156. Design to march round its sources, 162. Proposal to force the passage of the Ische, 163. Counteracted, 167. E. Ekeren, Opdam defeated at, i. 2^55. Elizabeth, queen, singular occurrence on the annivereary of her inauguration, vi. 128. England, aceessson of James II. i. 29. Conduct of Marlborough at the revolution, 38. Discussions in parliament on- his arrest, 70. Entail of the crown on the house of Hanover, 112. Grand alhance, 121. 127, Accession of Anne, 141. State of the confederacy, 162. Feuds in the cabinet, 266. Eflectsofthevictory of Blenheim, ii. 37. Proposed remonstrance with the States, 177. Negotiations, 230. Transfer of the great se^l, 237. Supplies voted for prosecuting tbe war, 271, Unusual harmony in the members of government, 287. Debates on the state of the nation, iv. 5. Projected invasion in favour of the pretender, 40. Frustrated, 65. Secret negotiation with France, vi. 2. Progress and results, 107. Conferences opened at Utrecht, 177, Clandestine intercourse with France continued, 182. Dishonourable compromise for the cession of Dunkirk, 183. Negotiations with France continued, 256. Peace of Utreeht, 238. Critical state of affairs, 252. Ill effects of the peace of Utrecht, 321. Jacobite conspiracies, 522. Rebellion in Scotland, 325. Suppressed, 536, Erie, general, his landing at Ostend, iv. 249. Eugene, prince, appointed to command the imperial forces;, occupies the frontier of Lombardy, i. 120. His operations in Italy, 256. Arrangements of Marlborough with, for the campaign of 1704, 302,. 303. Interview with Marlborough at Mondelsheim, 537. Heads the army on the Rhine, 338. His arrival in the plain of Blenheim, 579. Junction with Marlborough, 383. Battle of Blenheim, 390. Hi& counsels prevail at Vienna, ii. 98. His movements in Italy, 213. Letter to Mariborough at Vienna, 249, 250. Complains of the tardy INDEX. 419 augmentation of troops, 262. Joins the duke of Savoy, and relieves Turin, iii. 19. Correspondence on the proposal for him to command in Spain, iii. ,355. Junction with Marlborough and battle of Oudenard, iv. 130. Invests Lille, 219. Wounded, 241. He and Marlborough force the passage of the Scheld, 275. Joins Mari borough on the upper Dyle, near Seclin, v.. 4. Commands the covering army at the siege of Tournay, 6. Wounded at Malplaquet, 57. Co-operates in the siege of Douay, 183. Prevented from joining Marlborough by the death of the emperor Joseph, vi. 16. Ordered to detach the principal part of his forces to the Rhine, 29. Visits England in 1712, 162. Audience of the queen, 164. His memorials and remonstrances treated with contempt, 167. Calumnies against him, Marlborough, and the whigs, ib. Returns to Holland, 1 73. Appointed generalissimo by the States in preference to Ormond, 184. Mysterious conduct of Ormond, who declines to co-operate in attacking the enemy, 189. Letter to Marlborough on the occasion, 199. Ormond withdraws the british troops, 208. Consequent misfortunes of the campaign, 214. Negotiates with the french at Rastadt, 245. Correspondence with Marlborough concerning Min delheim, 249. Examiner, and other political vmtings, their effects on Marlborough's reputation, vi. 361. F. Fenelon, archbishop of Cambray, generous conduct of Marlborough towards, vi. 87. Fenwick, sir John, his charges against Marlborough and other lords, i. 77. His attainder and execution, 81. 85. Fitxharding, lady, connected with a cabal against Marlborough, i. 60. France, partition treaties, and nomination of Philip duke of Anjou to the crown of Spain, i. 109. Acknowledgment of the pretender, by Louis XIV., on the death of James II., 154. Military preparations, 164. Attempted surprise of Nimeguen, 165. Movements of the army, 1 74. Extensive plan of operations in 1705, 255. Plan for the invasion of Austria, 286. 501 . Reinforcements sent to Bavaria, 529, Defeat on the Schellenberg, 551.; at Blenheim, 590. Marlborough's plan for invading France on the side of the Moselle, ii. 94. Villars appointed to command the army in that quarter. 111. Movements of Villars and Villeroy, 112. Marlborough forces the lines in Brabant, 134. The army driven beyond the Dyle, 141. Overtures to the dutch, 193. Project for a descent on the coast of, 319. Successes on the Upper Rhine, 332. Defeat at Ramilies, 339. 369. Private overtures ts the dutch republic, rejected, iii. 56. New pro posal through the elector of Bavaria, 77. Attempted negotiation with Sweden, 156. Successes in Spain, 195. Irruption of Villars into the empire, 216. Pacific disposition of the dutch, 290. Oper ations in Provence, 342. Failure of the expedition in favour of the pretender, iv. 54. 41. Defeat at Oudenard, 140. Loss of Lille, 289. Private negotiation with Holland, 566. Overtures, 569. Villars defeated at Malplaquet, 32. 67. Failure of the projected invasion of France on the side of Franche-Comte and Dauphine, 85. Con gress of Gertruydenberg, 1 68. Lines forced and Douay besieged, 1 83. Progress of the secret negotiation with England, vi. 1 . Preparations for the campaign, 3. Extravagant proposals of, at the conferences E S 3 420 INDEX. of Utrecht, 179. Deaths of the Dauphin, his consort, and their eldest son, 182. Arrangements respecting the succession, 185. Continu ation of the negotiations, 256. Peace of Utrecht, 238. Pacification at Rastadt with the emperor, 246. Frankfort on the Maine, temporary residence of Marlbprough at, vi. 230. Frederick, king of Prussia, negotiations of Marlborough with, L 123. {See Prussia.) Galway,\oTA Churchill's declaration to, rejecting the arbitrary designs of James IL, i. 30. His letter on the operations in Portugal, ii. 204. His march on Madrid, iii. 26. His account of the defeat at Almanza, 495. Jealousy of the Portuguese court against bim, iv. 301. Parlia mentary enquiry on his conduct, v. 425. Gazette, Marlborough's chagrin at misrepresentations in, ii. 185. Genappe, movement of Marlborough to, iii. 514. •George, prince of Denmark, parliamentary debate on the debt due to him, i. 101. {See Denmark.) George 1. {See Hanover.) His accession, vi. 292. Attended by Marlborough on his solemn entry into London, 310. His strong objection to Marlborough's retirement from office, 548. His letter to the duchess on her vindtcatioh against the charge of favouring the pretender, 558. Germany, exposed to the intrigues of Louis XIV., i. 120. Perilous state of, 501. March of Marlborough to the Danube, 525. Victory of the allies at Blenheim, 590. March towards the Rhine, ii. 15. Marlborough disappointed in the expected co-operation of the princes and states, 108. {See Austria.) Gero«o, protracted siege of, vi. 216. Gertrw/denberg, congress of, v. 168. Rupture of the n^otiations, 171. Oherd, surrenders to Marlborough, ii. 370. Surprised by the french, ' iv. 127. Invested by the allies, 292^ Capitulates, ib. Seized by Ormond on his march to Dunkirk, vi. 211. Gibraltar, captiire of, ii. 55. Relieved by the english fleet after a long siege, 205. Gloucester, the young diilce of, confided to the care of Marlborough, i. 86. His death, 89. Godolphin, remarks on Tiis correspondence with the exiled family, i. 52. Discloses to James the intended expeditioil against Brest, 75. His resignation or dismission from the treasury, 78. His intimate con nection with Marlborough, 90. Marriage of his son Francis with lady Henrietta Churchill, 92. His poetical address to her sister lady Anne, 93. note. Appointed lord treasurer by king William, 106. Correspondence of Marlborough with, on the subject of the alliance, 127. His efforts to prevent a change of administration, 155. Retires from office, 155. Placed at thehead of the treasury on the accession ' of Anne, 145. His embarrassments from the whig partialities of lady Marlborough, 154. Importunes Marlborough to accept the ducal title offered by the queen, 206. Attempt of Rochester to supplant him at the head of the treasury, 267. Defeated, 268. Efforts of Nottingham for his removal, ib. Feuds in the cabinet, 370. Consequent embarrassments, 281. Conduct on the revival of the bill against occasional conformity, 294. Arrangements for the INDEX. 421 removal of Nottingham, and thc appointment of Hariey and St.John, 308. 514. Reproached by the duchess for not removing Buckingham and Wright, ii. 45. Bill against occasional conformity again revived,. 68, Concurrence with Marlborough in policy, 76. Seconds the whigs in obtaining promotion for Sunderland, 88. Sympathises in the chagrin of Marlborough at the conduct of tbe dutch generals, 189. His reluctance to grant a loan to the emperor, 226.. Anxious for the removal of sir Nathan Wright, 254. The seals transferred ta Mr. Cowper, 237. Supports the bill for securing the succession to the house of Hanover, 241. Censured by the tories for coalescing with the whigs, 276. Letters to Marlborough on the victory of Ramilies, 556. 561. His letters on the conduct of the war in Italy, iii. 21. Anxiety to obtain the guaranty of the protestant succession from foreign powers, 55. Correspondence on the struggle for the appointment of Sunderland, 90. His resolution to resign, 92. Deprecated by Marlborough, 97. Audience with the queen on the duchess's letter, 1 15. Supports Harley against the hostility of the whigs, 122. Congratulates Marlborough on the success ofhis mission to Charles XII. of Sweden, 1 83. Misunderstanding with the whigs on the subject of church-preferments, 248. Suspicion of the Dutch and proposal of a separate union with the rest of the allies, 291. Correspondence on foreign and domestic affairs, 559. Jealousy of I tile whigs, 363. Expostulation with Hariey, 595. Correspondence with Marlborough on the feuds in the cabinet, and on their future conduct, 400. Discovery of Harley's cabals and fruitless attempts to obtain his dismission, iv. 19. 23". He and Marlborough, absent themselves from the cabinet-council, 25. Changes on Harteyfs resig nation, 27. Zeal in defeating the projected invasion ia favour of the pretender, 35, 41. His efforts to remove the queen's repugnaace to the promotion of Somers, 55. 69. Chagrin at the renewed hostility of the whigs, 95. Correspondence on the politicals feuds, 179. Appointments and changes on the death of the prince of Denmark,519. Alienationof the queen from him, 358. His resent ment against the whigs, 559-.. Correspondence with Marlborough on the private negotiations between France and Holland, 570. Displeased at the selfishness and obstinacy of the dutch, 586. Correspondence on the barrier treaty, 410. Empowers lord Townshend to sign it alone, 415. Eludes the application of the whigs for the promotion of Orford, v. 102. His lukewarmness and timidity, 105. Efforts to counteract the intrigues of Harley, 114. Conduct on the impeach ment of Sacheverell, 1 25. On the misunderstanding of Mariborough and the queen respecting the gift of a regiment of colonel Hill, 130. 136. Prepares a reply to an address on Marlborough's de parture, which is altered by the queen, 150. Announces to Marl- borougn the result of Sacheverell's trial, 156. Shrewsbury appointed lord chamberlain without his knowledge, 215. His conduct on this occasion, 216. Apprises Marlborough of the appointment, 223. Remonstrance with him on the subject of col. Hill's promotion, 236.. Correspondence on Shrewsbury'is conduct, and on the queen s reso lution to dismiss Sunderland, 245. Interview with the queen, 251. Reluctantly acquiesces and consents to remain in office, 265. Dis suades Mariborough from resigning, 268. Urges him not to break with Shrewsbury, 275. Efforts to deter the queen from farther changes in the cabinet, 280. Slights and insults offered to him, 30J . Hints pf the queen to reconcile him with Harley, 506. Uemon- £ E 3 422 INDEX. strates against her resolution to dissolve the parliament, 313. Hi« dismission, 321. Letter to Mariborough concerning the proposed reconciliation of the duchess with the queen, 394. Stigma cast on him on Harley's promotion to the peerage, vi. 37. Pretended plot imputed to him and the whigs, 129. His financial administration ably defended by Walpole, 132. His death, 217. Grace, act of, iv. 576. Gregg, suspected connivance of Harley in his treasonable practices, iv. 21. Grumbkow, joins a cabal against count Wartemberg, ii. 526. His letter to Marlborough describing Charles XII. of Sweden, iii. 157. Ac count of his mission to Berlin, iv. 540. Guadalaxara, proceedings at the camp of, iii. 29. Guards, their murmurs respecting clothing appeased by Marlborough, vi. 519. Guelder, blockaded, i. 259. Captured, 285. Guiscard, count, his plan for a descent on the coast of France, ii. 519. Opinion of Marlborough respecting, iv. 286. Arrested for high treason, vi. 12. Attempts to assassinate Harley, ib. H. Halifaa, marquis of, disgraced for becoming surety for the earl of Marlborough, i. 69. His poetical tribute to lady Anne Churchill, 95. note. Impeached for the partition treaty and acquitted, 113. His character, ii. 79. Misunderstanding between ^him and Marl borough, iii. 249. His dissatisfaction, iv. 357. His defection from the whig junta, v. 295. Appointed joint plenipotentiary at the Hague, ib. His singular letter to Marlborough, 297. Speech on the restrictive orders sent to Ormond, vi. 190. Hamilton, duke of, arrested and committed to the Tower, iv. 59. Visited by Godolphin, 70. Liberated, 92. His duel with Lord Mohun, vi. 225. HamUton; lord Basilj his conjectures on the offence which caused the dismission of Marlborough, by king William, i. 67. note. HamUton, Sir David, communications through his agency between the queen and the duchess, vi. 598. Hamont, advance of Marlborough to, i. 175 fliznowr', house of, the british crown entailed upon, i. 112. Marlbo rough's visit to, in 1704., ii. 63. Another visit of Marlborough to, 258. Conciliates the electoral family, 260. His negotiations with, 327. Elector of, appointed to command on the Rhine, iii. 217. Coldness between the electoral family and queen Anne, 306. Mutual explan ations of Marlborough and the elector, 509. Their meeting at Frankfort, 582. Mariborough's journey to Hanover, and interview with the elector, iv. 57. The' elector dissatisfied with the reserve of Marlborough and Eugene, 509. Attempt of Hariey to conciliate, V. 504. Remonstrances of the elector on the negotiation of England with France, vi. 134. Writ reluctantly granted for summoning the electoral prince to parliament, 261. Death of the electress Sophia, 282. Subsequent conduct of the elector, 284. His accession to the throne of Great Britain, 292. {See George I.) Hare's Journal, remarks on, i. 325. note. Harley, Robert, appointed speaker of the house of commons, 1. 107. His character, and outset in' public life, ib. Re-elected speaker in mOEX. V2S king William's last parliament, 156. Appointed to succeed Not tingham as secretary of state, 312. Attempt of the whigs to supplant nim, ii. 258. Cabals with Mrs. Masham, iii. 152. Progress of his artifices, 593. His conduct when his cabals were discovered, iv. 20. Attempts of Marlborough and Godolphin to procure his dismission, 23. He and his adherents resign, 27. Further cabals with Mrs. Masham, v. 115. Attempts to divide the ministry, and humble Marlborough, 1 25. His artifice to hasten Mariborough's departure for the continent, 149, Pursues his schemes for changing the administration, 29.4. His subtlety in dividing the whigs, ib. Gains Halifax, 295. His attempt to conciliate the court of Hanover, 304. Appointed chan cellor of the exchequer, 327, Endeavours to conciliate Marlborough, 390. Attempt of Guiscard to assassinate him, vi. 12. Lays before the commons his grand scheme of finance, 34. Created earl of Oxford, and Mortimer, 36. Scheme to decry the late administration, 37. {See Oxford.) Harley, Mr., brother to the treasurer, hii mission to Hanover, vi. 270. Hayersham, lord, his motion for inviting the electress Sophia to England, ii. 240. Communicates to the queen the proposal for inviting tho electoral prince, iv. 194. Hedges, Sir Charles, appointed secretary of state, i. 106. 146. Letter of Mariborough to, on the arrangements with the emperor, 12.7. Struggle for transferring the secretaryship from him to Lord Sunder land, iii. 88. Heilisheim, Marlborough forces the french lines near, ii. 155. Heinsius, pensionary, his exertions for the appointment of Marlborough as generalissimo, i. 162. Disapproves the conduct of the deputies and generals towards Marlborough, ii. 190. Communicates to Marl- i; borough a secret overture from Louis to the states, 194. His opinion respecting the negotiation vidth France, iv. 584. Selchin, Marlborough's decisive movement to, iii. 337. Berenthals, camp of the allies at, ii. 198. The spene of important negotiations, 199. ' HUl, col. the queen orders Marlborough to bestow a regiment on him, v. 127. HUl, Mrs. {See Masham.) Hochstadt, position of the french at, i. 384. Head-quarters of Marl borough, after the battle of Blenheim, ii. I. HoUand. {See States-general.) Holywell, a favourite mansion of Marlborough and his lady, i. 44. Marlborough's retirement to, after his return, on the accession of George 1., vi. 308. Hohe, Mr. his letter on the restoration of harmony between Hanover and England, iii. 512. Hungary, Marlborough's attempts to mediate between the insurgents and the court of Vienna, ii. 52. Huy, reduction of, i. 282. Captured by Villeroy, ii. 119: Recovered by Marlborough, 125. 134. I, Ireland, Marlborough's expedition to, i. So. Debates on resumption of forfeited lands in, 100. Ische, Marlborough's movement against the enemy's position on that river, counteracted by the dutch generals, ii. 167. -EE 4 424 INDEX. Italy, state of war in, i. 288.; ii. 310. 317. Marlborough's design of caiTying the war into, 325. Campaign of 1706, iii. 17. Operations of Daun against Villars, iv. 596. Disputes between the courts of Turin and Vienna, v. 85. 571. Progress of the emperor Charles through, to Vienna, vi. 115. State of, in 1712, 215. J. Jacobites, arrests of, in 1692, i. 62. Arrest of several in 1708, iv. 39. Cabal of the whigs with, on the Scots elections, 91. Their satisfaction on the dismission of Suaderland, v. 278. Their projects in favour of the pretender, vi. 322. James II. Churchill appointed page to him, when duke of York, i. 3. His' accession, 29. Creates Churchill a peer, and appoints him to a command offerees against Monmouth, 30, 31. Conversation on his recent innovations, 35, Lord Churchill's letter to him on departing from Salisbury, 39. Remarks on the correspondence of Marlborough and Godolphin, with, 52. His death, and acknowledgment ofhis son, as king, by Louis XIV., 154. Jennings, family, account of, i. 1 1 . Marriage of Miss Sarah Jennings to col. Churchill, 14. {See Marlborough, duchess of) Jersey, earl of, succeeds the duke of Shrewsbury as secretary of state to king William, i. 105. Removed to the office of Lord Chamberlain, 106. Joseph, king of the Romans, (afterwards emperor) reduces Landau, i. 188. Visits Marlborough at the camp before Landau, ii. 25. Letter to Mariborough on his accession to the imperial crown, 102. His letters inviting Marlborough to Vienna, 216. Revival of disputes between him and Charles XII., iii. 218. Successful interposition of Marlborough, 221. His disputes and reconciliation with pope Clement XI., iv. 307. Marlborough obtains his promise that his troops shall winter in the Netherlands, and succours be sent from Naples to Spain, 326. 328. Accomodation with the pope concluded, 329. His letter to Marlborough on the removal of Sunderland, v. 282. Remonstrance with the queen, 284. His sudden illness 'and death, . vi. 16. Junta of whigs, characters of, ii. 77. K. Kayserswerth, surrender of, i. 168. Kent, earl of, appointed lord Chamberlain, i. 313. Resigns in favour of the duke of Shrewsbury, v. 215. Kinsale, speedily reduced by Marlborough, i. 51. Kit-cat club, denounced as having instigated a pretended plot, vi. 129. Knoque, fort, capture of, vi. 415. KrayerAerg, hanoverian minister in London, vi. 278. Landau, the siege of, ii. 18. Landrecies, siege of, by Eugene, vi. 213. Raised, 214. Languedoc, failure on the expedition of the coast of, v. 372. Lea&e, sir John, appointed to the board of admiralty, v. 107. Leeds, family of, connection with that of Marlborough, vl. 591. INDEX. 425 Leffinghen, captured by the french,iv. 262. irCTM, position of Mariborough on the open plains of, vi. 51. Leopold, emperor, treaty of king William with, negotiated by Marl borough, 1. 120. 124. Offers a principality of the empire to Marl- borough, 341. Congratulates him on the victory of Sohellenberg, 563. Again offers him a principality, 376. His letter to Marl borough after the battie of Blenheim, ii. 21. His death, 102. Leeuwe, capture of, and rasure of the lines, ii. 182. Liege, reduction of, i. 189. Invested by Villeroy, ii. 119. LUle, retreat of the french, to their lines near, iii. 557. Proposal of Marlborough to mask and penetrate into France, iv. 164. Counter acted, 165. Resolution adopted to besiege, 174. 214. Its situation and defences, 215. Invested by Eugene, 219. Progress of the siege, 230. Surrender, 263. Attackof the citadel, 265. Its reduction, 289. Ceded to France by the treaty of Utrecht, vi. 238. Limburgh, capture of, i. 285. Lockhart, Mr. presents the report of commissioners of public accounts against Marlborough, vi. 149. Lords. {See Parliament.) Louis XIV., his encomium on captain Churchill at the siege of Maestricht, i. 7. Treaties between him and Charles II. of Spain, 109. His measures for securing the succession of his grandson, 118. On the deathof James II., acknowledges his son as king of England, 134. His extensivemilitary preparations, 237. His reverses in Germany, 548. ii. 2. In Spain, 206. Successes on the Upper Rhine, ii. 518. Losses in Brabant, 339. 562. Straitens the allies in Spain, iii. 26. Attempts to obtain the mediation of Charles XII., 152. Successes in Spain, 199. Sanctions an expedition to England in favour of the pretender, iv. 31. Reverses in the Netherlands, 214. 247. His negotiation with Holland, 579. Dispatches Rouille with offers, ib. Sends Torcy to negotiate, 392. Refuses to ratify the preliminaries, 400. Recalls his garrisons from the Spanish towns, iv. 407. Rejects the demands of the allies at Gertruydenberg, v. 171. His separate negotiation with England, vi. 35. His exultation on Marlborough's dismissal, 154. His conduct on the death of the dauphin, dauphiness, and their eldest son, 181. Compromise vrith England respecting the Spanish succession, 183. Arrangements with Villars for the campaign, 185. Peace of Utrecht, 258. Promotes the rebelUon in Scotland, 522. Dies, 331. Louvain, attempt of the French against, frustrated by Marlborough, ii. 141. M. Macpherson, remark on his account of a plot to assassinate James II., i. 40. note. Another instance of his partial statements, 83, 84. note. Maestricht, reception of Marlborough at, vi. 226. Joined there by the duchess, 230. . . ,, „ , „, ¦ , Maffei, minister to the duke of Savoy, visits Marlborough at Meldert, Malplaquet, movements previous to the battle of, v. 19. Battle, 45. Retreat of the french, 62. Manlev, Mrs. remark on her scandalous writings, 1. 9. note. Mar eari of, Mariborough exerts his influence with to promote the ¦ •:; , . .¦ TJ.....^^ o voUoWinn in Scotland, vi. 322. union iii. 145. Heads a rebellion in Scotiand, vi. 322 426 INDEX. Maritime powers, their engagements in the treaty of the grand alliance, i. 126. Theii: object in favouring the invasion of Provence, iii. 193. Marlborough, (John Churchill) duke ofi his birth and education, i. 1. Appointed page to the duke of York, 3. Embraces the mihtary pro fession, 4. Distinguished by Turenne, 6. Courtship and marriage with Miss Sarah Jennings, 12. 14. Mission to the prince of Orange, 16. Attendance on the duke of York, 19. Employed on political missions, 20. Created a peer of Scotland, 26. Military promotion, ib. Raised to the british peerage on the accession of James II., 30. Embassy to Paris, ib. Expedition against Monmouth, 31 . Alarmed at the king's attempts to introduce popery, 33. Corresponds with the prince of Orange, 34. Conduct during and after the revclution, 38. Created earl of Marlborough on the accession of William, 43. Exertions for obtaining a revenue for the princess Anne, 45. Serves a campaign in. the Netherlands, 47. Expedition to Ireland, 50. Reduces Cork and Kinsale, 51. Clandestine intercourse with the royal exile, 52. Accompanies the king to the Netherlands, S6. Remonstrates against his partiality towards his dutch adherents, 59. Dismissed from all his offices, ib. Cabal against him, 60. Arrested on a charge of high treason, 62. Committed to the tower, 64. Admitted to bail, 69. Struck from the list of privy counsellors, ib. Discharged from bail, 70. Offers of service to the king declined, 72. Correspondence with the exiled family, 75. Charges of Sir John Fenwick ag^nst him and other lords, 77. Made governor to the duke of Gloucester, 86. Restored to his military rank and offices, 88.' Supports Bishop Burnet against the tories, ib. Marriages {of his two daughters, 92.95. Appointed commander-in-chief in the Netherlands and plenipotentiary, 116. Accompanies the king to Holland, lis. Conducts the negotiations for the grand alliance, ib. Concludes various treaties, 121. Anxious to avert the fall Of the tory ministry, 131. The king at his death strongly recommends him to his successor, 140. Favours conferred on him by Anne on her accession, 142. His mission to the Hague, 150. His embarrassments from the whig partialities of the countess, 154. Appointed general issimo, 162. Repairs to the army, 166. Passage of the Waal,' 170. Camp at OverAsselt, 172. Crosses the Meuse and advances to Hamont, 174. His intentions to attack opposed by the dutch depu ties, 177. Capture of Vehloo, 185. Ruremond and Stevenswaert, 187. Reductionof Liege, 189. He is captured by a french party while passing down the Meuse, 191. Extraordinary escape, 192. Recep tion at the Hague, 193. ~ Returns to England, 200. Dukedom and pension conferred on him by the queen, 201. 207. Proposed union of the grant with the title, rejected by the commons, 207. Supports the grant of a settlement on the prince of Denmark,208. Chagrin at the opposition of the whigs and Sunderland, 210. Supports the bill against occasional conformity, 211. Illness of his son the marquess of Blandford, 218. Death, 220. Marriage of his third daughter to the earl of Bridgewater, 231. Of his fourth daughter Mary to the son of the earl of Montagu, 232. State of military affairs, 235. Arrival at the Hague; preparations for the siege of Bonn, 240. Capitulation of that place, 242. Plan for the attack of Antwerp and Ostend, 244. Foiled by the misconduct of the dutch generals, 252. Resumes the design, 257. Again disappointed, 260 Returns to the Meuse, 263. Attempt of the duchess to unite him with the whigs, 273. Reduction of Huy, 282. He again proposes to INDEX. 427 force the french lines, 283. Interview with the archduke Charles at Dusseldorf, 290. Dissatisfied with the conduct of the dutch, 292. After landing in England receives the new king of Spain, 293. Par liamentary conduct on the revival of the bill against occasional con formity, 294. Melancholy state of foreign affairs, 299. His grand design of leading an army into the empire, 302. His mission to Holland, and negotiation with the States, 304. Returns, 507. Obtains the removal of Nottingham, and appointment of Harley, 511. St. John secretary of war, 514. Arrangements for the campaign, 516. Difficulties at the Hague, 318. Commences his march towards the Danube, 325. Arrival at Mentz, 329. Reaches the Neckar, 352. Conferences with prince Eugene and the margrave ofBaden,357,558. The emperor offers him a principality of the empire, 541. Junction of the armies under him and the margrave, 345. Defeat of the elector of Bavaria's troops on the Schellenberg, 351. 357. Misunder standing with the margrave, 361 . Letter of thanks from the emperor Leopold, 563. Occupies Donawerth, 365. Passage of the Lech, 368. Capture of Rain, Aicha, and Friedberg, 371, 572. Bavaria given up to military execution, 375. Renewed offer of a principality to him, 376. Arrival of Eugene on the plain of Blenheim, 379. Marlborough's manoeuvres to unite the two armies, 380. Passes the Danube, and joins Eugene on the Kessel, 381. Preparations for an engagement, 584. Battle of "Blenheim, 590. Visit to marshal Tallard, ii. 2. Happy effects of the union between him and Eugene, 5. Division of the prisoners, 11. March to Steinheim and Sefelingen, 12. Passage of the Rhine, Queich, and Lauter, 15. Motives to the siege of Landau, 18. Renewed offer of a principality, 21. Is visited by Joseph the emperor's son, 25. His indisposition from fatigue, 26. Expedition to the Moselle, 30. Capture of Treves, 54. Of Traerbach, 56. Attempts of the tories to decry his successes, 41. - His letters to the duchess on the state of parties, 42. Conclusion of the treaty with the electress of Bavaria, 51. Attempts to mediate between the court of Vienna and the hungarian insurgents, 52. ¦ Arrangements concerning Portugal, 54. Anxiety for the relief of the duke of Savoy, 56. Proceeds to Berlin to procure a reinforcement of Prussian troops, 59. Visits Hanover on his return to the Hague, 65. Conduct on the revival of the bill against occasional conformity, 67. Letter to Harley on the defeat of the bill, 69. Honours and rewards on his arrival in England, 72. Manor of Woodstock conferred on him by the queen, 75. Palace of Blenheim ordered to be built for him, 74. PoUtical system adopted by him and Godolphin, 75. 88. Cabal for the promotion of Sunderland, 89. Embarrass ments of Marlborough from the political feuds, ib. Reluctant ac- , quiescence of the dutch in his intended operations, 95. Death of the emperor Leopold, and accession of Joseph, 102. Interview with the margrave of Baden at Rastadt, 104. March to the Moselle, 105. .Joins his army near Treves, 107. Movements against Villars, 112. Correspondence on his situation and disappointments, 116. Motives for hastening to the Netheriands, 119. Joins Overkirk, 124. Rapid return to the Meuse, 125. Compels the enemy to retire behind their lines, ib. Recovers Huy ; and forms the design of pene trating into Brabant, - 154. Forces the lines near Helisheim, and defeats thefrench, 135. 139. Exposed to great danger, 140. _ Seizes Tiriemont, Diest, and Aerschott, and advances to Louvain, 141. His design to force the passage of the Dyle, 152. Counteracted by 428 INDEX. the dutch deputies and generals, 1 53. Skilful manoeuvre to force the enemy's position on the Ische, 162. Grievous disappointment occasioned by the malicious opposition of Slangenberg and his adherents, 168. Retreat to Lower Wavre, 170. His letter of remonstrance to the States, 175. Counter-manifesto of the deputies, 174. He over-rules the resolution of the british cabinet for a formal remonstrance, 180. Capture of Leeuwe, and rasure of the lines, 182. Indisposition and recovery, ib. Resents the slanders in the gazette, 186. Dismission of Slangenberg, 191. Letters on the overture from France to the dutch, 195. Demolition of the french lines, 198. Establishment of the army in the camp of Herenthals, ib. Recom mends a diversion in favour of the duke of Savoy, 205. Letter to him from the duke, 214. Urged from all quarters to repair'to Vienna, 216. Letters from the emperor, ib. 217. Obtains full powers for the eventual arrangements, and the promise of a loan to the emperor, 229, 250. Struggle for the transfer of the great seal, 232. His answer to the queen's appeal on this subject, 235. Letter on the choice of a whig speaker, 238. Preponderance of the whigs in parliament, 259. Provision of a regency in case of the queen's death, 241. Interviews with the margrave' of Baden and the elector palatine on his journey to Vienna, 248. His reception at Vienna, 249. Letter from Eugene, ib. From the king of Prussia, 252. Created a prince of the empire, 254. Success of his negotiations, 255. Proceeds to Berlin, 256. Obtains the renewal of the treaty respecting the auxiliaries, 257. Visits Hanover and conciliates the electoral family, 258. Lukewarmness of the dutch on his return, 262. Complaints from Eugene, ib. And Wratislaw, 266. Accom plishes the necessary arrangements, 270. He and Godolphin censured for coalescing with the whigs, 276. Libels, ib. Harley announces to him the debate on the lord's vote that the church was in danger, 280. Thanked by the commons on his arrival, 281. Prosecution of Stephens for a libel against him, 282. The whigs in favour with the queen, 285. His efforts with Godolphin to reconcile all parties, 287. Declines the grant of Munderkingen, and accepts that of Mindelheim, 291. Investiture, homage, and introduction to the diet, 296. 511. Description of the principality, 313. Arrives at the Hague, 315. Declines the command on the Moselle, 523. Project for the surprise of Namur, 557. Battle of Ramilies, 559. Surrender of Brussels, Ghent, and the principal towns of Brabant, 365. Of Antwerp, 375. His journey to the Hague, 378. Siege and capture of Ostend, 585. Government of the Netherlands offered to him by the emperor, 588. Declities it because opposed by the dutch, 591. Siege of Menin, iii. 1. Dendermond, 8. Ath, 12. Closesthecam- paign, 15. Repairs to the Hague, 16. Appeals made to him, on the war in Hungary, 24. His disappointment on the conduct of lord Peterborough in Spain, 33. Anxiety for the guaranty of the pro testant succession from foreign powers, 52. Offer of a barrier to the dutch, 54. Tiieir cupidity, ib. His conduct in the negotiation, 76. Attempts to allay the disputes between them and the emperor, 87. Correspondence on the appointment of lord Sunderland as secretary of state, 89. Deprecates the resolution of Godolphin to resign, 97. Chagrined at the unjust suspicions of the whigs, 100. Intreats the queen to gratify them, 118. Arrives in England, 132. Procures the appointment of Sunderland, ib. Thanks of parliament, 135. 139. Extension of the ducal title to the female line, l4o. Collateral 14 INDEX. 429 entail of Blenheim, ib. Pension of ^5000, 141. His conduct on the union with Scotiand, 144. State of England on his departure for the continent, 148. His attention to the designs and character of Charles xn. of Sweden, 157. Letter from general Grumbkow, ib. Importuned to visit the Swedish camp, 162. Obtains the acquiescence of the dutch, 165. His journey to the camp at Alt Ranstadt, 167. Interview with Charles XII., 168. And with Augustus, elector of Saxony, 175. Visits the court of Prussia, 180. Arrives at the Hague, 181. Effects of his success on this mission, 185. Curious account of his first audience, 185. His plans for invading Provence, 191. Conference with the States after the battie of Almanza, 197. Joins the army at Anderlecht, 205. Military movements, 209. Inactive campaign, and important negotiations, 214. Obtains a transfer of the command of the german forces to the elector of Hanover, 217. Accommodates the disputes between Charles XII. and the emperor, 221. Bickerings of the whigs with him and Godolphin, 248. Ascendancy of Mrs, Masham, 254. 259. His independent but impolitic conduct, 261. Correspondence from Meldert, 265. Letter to him from count Wratislaw, 284. Prudent sen- .timents respecting a proposed separate union, to deter the states from tampering with France, 290. Correspondence respecting Hanover, 505. Compels the enemy to quit Gemblours, si 4. March to Soignies, 518. Visitof lord Peterborough, 320. Movement to Ath and Helchin, 335. His correspondence on the domestic policy of England, 345,346. On the affairs of Spain, 552.; and the proposal for Eugene to command there, 562. On the nomination of two tory bishops, 565. The whigs jealous of him and Godolphin, ib. Letter . from the queen, 571. His reply, 575. Journey to the Hague, 582. Interview with the elector of Hano^jer at Frankfort, 584. Corre spondence with Godolphin, on the feuds of the cabinet, 390. State of parties on his return to England, iv. 2. Speech on the war in Spain, 11. Celebrated address to the queen for continuing the war until Spain was restored to Austria, 14. Fruitless attempts to obtain the dismission of Harley, 24. Harley resigrfs,' 27. Marlborough discovers and defeats the projected invasion in favour of the pre tender, 35. Remonstrance of the duchess on the ascendancy of Mrs. Masham, 43. Marlborough arrives at the JIague, 46. Arrange ments vrith Eugene for the campaign, 47. Solicited to return to England, 53. Journey to Hanover, 36. Reproached on his return to the Hague for his refusal to go to England. 58. Efforts to remove the queen's repugnance to the whigs, 74. Intercedes to prevent the removal of Sunderland, 96. Opening of the campaign of 1708, 99. ,, His rapid march to Terbank, 109. Arrangements for the junction of Eugene, 116. Advances to Asch, 129. Arrival of Eugene, 150. March from Lessines, 154. Passage of the Scheld, 157. Victory of Oudenard, 140. 150. Letters from the field of battle, 152. Forcing of the french lines between Ypres and Warneton, 156, Military and political correspondence, 161. His proposal to mask Lille and penetrate into France counteracted, 164. Resolution to besiege Lille, 174. Chagrined by the disputes of the queen and the duchess, 178. Reply of the queen to his offer of resignation, 202. Substance ofhis answer, 205. Applauds the, resolution of the duchess to retire, 212. Preparations for the siege of Lille, 215. His move ment to Helchin, 219. Arrangements to repel the enemy, 228. Camp at Fretin, 253. Eugene being wounded, Marlborough super- 430 INDEX. intends the siege, 242. King Charles offers him the government of the Netherlands for life, 244. Landing of general Erie, 248. Action at Wynendale, 250. Movements, 257. Capture of Lille, 263. Precautions to obtain supplies, 265. Attack of the citadel, ib. Enterprise for the relief of Brussels, 274. Correspondence on his situation and views, 280. Surrender of the citadel of Lille, 289. Of Ghent, 292. 296. Bruges, Plassendael, and Leffingen, 297. Close of the campaign, 299. Dissatisfaction of the elector of Hanover, 309. Returns to the Hague, 512. Letter to admiral Churchill, 516, Urged to return to England on the death of the prihce of Denmark, 318. Induces the dutch government to consent to an augmentation of troops, 325. Successful negotiatiops with the emperor, 526. Accomodation with the pope announced to him, 529. Labours to reconcile the duke of Savoy and the emperor, 537. Arrangements with the king of Prussia, 559. Vote of thanks to him in parliament, 352. His reply, 355. His perplexities at the jealousy of the whigs, 560. Secret negotiation between France and Holland disclosed to him, 368. Correspondence with the treasurer, 370. Disappointed of an augmentation of troops, 571. Returns to England, 374. Act of grace, 376. Anxiety at the alienation of the queen, and loss of popular favour, 377. Returns to the Hague; renewal of negotiations, 383. Jealousy of the dutch, 386. Pays a short visit to England, and receives fresh instructions, 390. Rejects a private overture of Torcy, 394, Preliminaries rejected by Louis XIV., 400. Vindicated from the charge of obstructing the peace, 401. Opening of the campaign, v. I. Feigned attack on the lines of La Bassee, 5. Sudden march and investment of Tournay, 6. Siege, 8. Capture, 11. Siege and surrender of the citadel, 14.17. Movements before the battle of Malplaquet, 19. Description of the country, 28. Defensive position of Villars, 56. Battle, 45. Retreat of the french, 61. Siege and capture of Mons, 76. 79. Declines a negotiation with the ministers of Philip, 89. Opinion respecting the war in Spain, 92. Concern at the fate of Charles XII. at Pultava, 97. Conciliates the king of Prussia, 100. Annoyed bythe feuds in the cabinet, 102. Supports the demands of the whigs for the appoint ment of Orford to the admiralty, 103. Solicits the office of captain- general and master of the ordnance for life, 117. Positive refusal of the queen, ib. Returns to England, 119. Receives the thanks of parliament, 121. Attemptsof Harley to humble him, 125. Appoint ment of lord Rivers as constable of the Tower, 126. Ordered by the queen to confer a regiment on col. Hill, 127. Re fuses, and retires to Windsor Lodge, 128. Proposes to extort the dismission of Mrs. Masham or retire, 129. Consents to a compromise with the queen, 146. Its fatal effects, 147. Artifices of Harley to hasten his departure to the continent, 149. Proceeds to the Hague, 152. Negotiations resumed, 168. Rupture, 172. His cautious conduct, ib. Plan ofthecampaign, 177. Junction with Eugene near Tournay, 181. The french lines forced and Douay besieged, 183. Surrenderof Douay and fort Scarpe, 199. Chagrined at the appointment of the duke of Shrewsbury as lord chamberlain, 222. Altercation with the queen relative to the'*promotion of Mr. Masham and col. Hill, 233. His forced acquiescence, 257. Disgrace of his son-in-law, lord Sunderland, 242. His unsuccessful inter position, 249. Prevailed on to retain the command, 266. Letter to him from thc emperor, deprecating the resignation of Sunderlahd, 282. INDEX. 431 Baffled in his design to besiege Arras, by tiie skilful dispositions of Villars, 291. Attack and capture of Bethune, 295, 294. Halifax appointed joint plenipotentiary at the Hague, 295. Affronted by the mysterious mission of Mr. Cresset to Hanover, 304. Agitated by the state of domestic politics, 310. And the success of Hariey in dis uniting the whigs, 318. Chagrin at the dismission of Godolphin, 327. New tory ministry, 339. Shackled in his military operations, 341. Works at Blenheim retarded, 348. Estimate, 350. Difficulties of obtaining money from government for the works, 351 . Overture to to him from the tories, 552. Dispels- the suspicions of the duchess and the whigs, 353. Letter on the duke of Argyle's leave of absence, 360. Three officers cashiered, who were zealously devoted to him, 561. Sieges of Aire and St. Venant, 564. Capture, 365, 366. Correspondence with his new colleagues, 368. Letter from King Charles on the events in Spain, 376. Sohcits from him the govern ment of the Netherlands and receives an evasive answer, 586. Repairs to the Hague; solicited by foreign powers to retain the command, 387. Discouraging newsfrom England, 589. His anxiety respecting the duchess, 391. On his return, forbidden to suffer a motion of thanks in parliament, 405. Visited by the ministry, 406. 408. Endeavours to prevent the disgrace of the duchess, 4os. His audience of the queen, who insists on her resignation, 41 1, He delivers her key of office, 415. He is deeply affected by the duchess's resentful conduct, 417. Decline of his popularity, 431. Literary hostility of Swift and Prior, 422. Parliamentary attacks on his reputation, 424. His irksome situation, 429. Anxious to return to the army, 430. Arrives at the Hague, vi. 2. Military preparations, 'ib. Courted by Harley and St. John, 6. Shocked with intel ligence of the death of the emperor Joseph, 16. Consequences of this event, 18. Opening of the campaign, 21. Movements, 23. Arrival and departure of Eugene, 28, 29. Negotiation between England and France concealed from him, 33. Respectfnl letter to him from Harley, now earl of Oxford, 45. His reply, 46. Con fidential message through lord Stair, 50. Operations preparatory to the investment of Bouchain, 53. Stratagems to delude Villars, 54. Rapid march and passage of the french lines, 60. Passes the Scheld, 66 Bouchain invested, 72. Captured, 85. Generous conduct towards Fenelon, archbishop of Cambray, 87. Correspondence with Oxford, 90, Return of Lord Stair from England, and exposure of Oxford's duplicity, 98. Progress of the secret negotiation with France, 106. Vindicates his conduct from the charge of peculation, 124. Returns to England, 128. Remonstrates with the queen against the pre liminaries,- 131. Uniteswiththe whigs and Nottingham, 155. Speech in parliament on the war, 140. Charges of peculation brought against him, 148. Dismissed from all his employments, 152. Decision of the commons against him, for accepting gratuities from contractors, and a per-centage on the pay of foreign troops, 159. His vindication circulated, 161. Visits prince Eugene on his arrival, 164. Calum nious accusation of conspiracy against them and the whigs, 167. His speeech in parliament, on the restrictive orders sent to Ormond, 191. Opprobrious imputation cast on him by earl Poulet, 196. He challenges the eari, 198. Duel prevented, ib. Determines to retire to the continent, 217. Obtains a passport, 221. Arrives at Ostend, 225. Proceeds to Aix-la-Chapelle, 227. Joined by the duchess at Maestricht, 230, Resides at Frankfort, and makes an excursion to 432 INDEX. Mindelheim, 250. Refutes the charges of the commissioners againsS him, 231. Peace of Utrecht, 235. Loses Mindelhiera on the restor ation of the elector of Bavaria, 247. Claims an indemnification, 249. Disappointed, 251. His| conduct on the continent, 265. Zeal for the protestant succession, 264. Correspondence with the court of Hanover, ib. Attempts of the queen and Oxford to coun teract his views, 270. Death of the electress Sophia, 285. Resolve* to return to England, 293. Apprised on landing of the death of the the queen, and the accession of George I., 305. Disappointed at his exclusion from the regency, 506. Attends the king on his solemn entry into the capital, 510. Made captain-general and master of the ordnance, 511. Promotes the impeachment of Oxford and Boling broke, 315. Jlesists a proposal m parliament for restricting the troops to particular stations, 316. And a motion for excluding foreign officers from the british service, 317. Pacifies the guards who were Eissatisfied with their clothing, 519. His arrangements for quelling the rebellion in Scotland, 524. Capitulation at Preston,. 529. Letters to him from Cadogan in Scotland, 555. Death of lady Bridgewater and lady Sunderland, 338, 339. Attacked with palsy, 546. State of his health and faculties, 347. His conduct on Oxford's impeachment, SS2, Suit against him, for arrears due on Blenheim, 367. Decisions, ib. Prosecutes the works at his own expence, 371. Private life, habits, and amusements in bis later years, 574. Testamentary arrangements, 381. Last illness, ib. Death,. 584. Funeral, 385. Disposal of his property, 3S7. Account ofhis immediate descendants, 390. Character, 594. Marlborough (Sarah Jennings), duchess of, her early life, i. 1 1. Marriage, 14. Birth of her eldest daughter, 25. Second, 24. Rise of her favour with the princess Anne, 26. Who refuses to dismiss her at the king's order, 61. Marriages of her two daughters, 92. Favours conferred on her by the queen on her accession, 142. Their political bickerings, 154. Attempts to dissuade Marlborough from accepting the ducal titie, 204. Illness and death of the marquess of Blandford, 214. Queen's letter of condolence, 221. Marriages of the two younger daughters, 251, 232. Attempts to form a coalition between her husband and the whigs, 273, 274. Importunes him to oppose the bill against occasional conformity, 296. Cautions him not to confide in Harley and St. John, 515. Letter from him on the victory of Schellenberg, 560. Note on that of Blenheim, 413. Letter on the same occasion, ii. 6. From the queen, 38. From Mrs. Burnet, ib. From Mariborough on the state of parties, 47. Extent and limits of her influence with him, 91. Letter from him on his disappointments in the field, 126. On his, successes near Heilisheim, 146. Intercedes to obtain a remission of punishment on Stephens, for a libel on him, 283. Her interposition, to procure the appointment of Sunderland as secretary of state, iii. lio. Con tention between her and the queen, ill. Cold letter of thanks to the queen, 142. Decline of her influence, 253. Altercations with the queen on the subject of Mrs. Masham, 258. Her design to retire from court, iv. 43. Extorts a promise from the queen, to confer her offices on her two daughters, 44. Effects of their dispute on public affairs, 45. Increasing contentions, 178. Their violent altercation soon after the victory of Oudenard, 208. Resolves to suspend her correspondence and remonstrances, 212. Temporary renewal of their intercourse, 321. Her resentment against the whigs, 359. Her INDEX. 43.S reconciliation, v. 103. Her importunities in their favour, 107. Altercation vrith the queen respecting the lodgings in St. James's palace, 110, Coincides in Marlborough's intention to extort the dismission of Mrs. Masham, 138. New and more violent altercations with the queen, 202. Interview at Kensington, 205. Cessation of all personal intercourse between them, 208. Rejects the proposal of some friends, for a reconciliation with Mrs. Masham, 238. Episto lary controversy with the queen, 286. Suspects a coalition of Marl borough with the tories, 353. Her satisfaction at being made the agent of his communications with the whigs, 357. His anxiety re specting her fate, 391. Her epistolary communications with the queen, through Sir David Hamilton, 398. Alarms of the queen, lest she should pubHsh ber private lettei-s, 400. Vindicates herself from the charge of peculation, 402. Intercession of the duke, 410. The queen demands her key of office, 412. She resigns, 413. Deli very of her accounts, and claim of arrears of pension, 414. Her offices on whom conferred, 417. Employs agents to lampoon the queen and ministry, vi. 120. Arrangements for Marlborough's de parture to the continent, 224. His letter to her from Maestricht, 229. She joins him, 230. Letters from her to Mrs. Clayton, 294. 303. Entreats Mariborough not to accept any employment after his return, 508. Deaths of her daughters, lady Bridgewater, and lady Sunder land, 358,559. Correspondence with lord Sunderland, 343. Her sagacity respecting the South Sea project, 355. Her litigation with Cadogan, 555. Accused by lord Sunderland of furnishing money to the Pretender, 556. Justifies herself to the king, 557. Letter to Mrs. Clayton respecting Blenheim, 371. Account of a visit to the prince. and princess of Wales, 379. Of the duke's testamentary arrangements, and last illness, 38 1. Her jointure, 387. Term of her -widowhood, and time of her decease, 393. Marlborough, George, duke of, licence to use the name and arms of Churchill, i."426. Mary, queen, her contentions vrith the princess Anne, i. 59. Her death, 75. Masham, Mrs., her rise, iii. 254. Her cabals with Harley, 255. Re sentment of the duchess of Marlborough on her marriage, 260. Progress of Harley's cabals with, v. 112. Marlborough's'attempt to extort her dismission, 129. A reconciliation proposed bet-ween her and the duchess, 238. Succeeds the duchess as keeper of the privy purse, 417. Maynwaring, remarks on Rochester's motion to send troops from the I^therlauds to Spain, iv. 1 1, note. Curious account of a conversation ¦vrith the duke'of Somerset, 97. note. Letter to the duchess relative to Harley, vi. 43. Applies to Oxford fbr a passport for Marlborough, 221, Medina, Sir Solomon, his deposition respecting sums annually paid to Marlborough, vi. 123. The duke's vindication, 124. Heads ofhis deposition, 149. Memorial, of the principal members of administration, to dissuade Marlborough from resigning on the dismission of Sunderland, v. 265. Menin, siege of, iii. 1. Surrender, 7. Merci, count, defeated on the Rhine, 84. Mesnager, an agent in the secret negotiation between France and England, vi. 107. Prdiminaries signed with him, an abandonment of the grand principle of the alliance, 177. VOL. VI. r I' 434 INDEX. Meuse, passage of MarHjonesiigh down the, i. 191. His extraordinary escape from a french party, 192. iffinifc/fefjB, principality of, conferred on Marlborough, ii. 254. Account of the history and possessors of the territory, 295. Investiture of Marlborough, 296. Homage, 298. Introduction to the diet, 310. Description of the territory, 313. Visit of Marlborough to, vi. 230. Restored to the elector of Bavaria, 247. Marlborough's claims-for an indemnity, 249. Disappointed, 251. Retain-s the title, ib. Mohun, lord, his duel with the dnke of Hamilton, vi. 223. Molineux, Mr., sent by Marlborough to Hanover, vi. 270. Result of •his mission in a letter to the duchess, 276. Details to Marlborough the effect of the letters from the queen and treasurer, 281. Announces the death of the electress Sophia, 282, Monmouth, duke of, Churchill serves with him in Holland, i, 5. His invasion, 31. Monmouth, lord, afterwards earl of Peterborough, disgrac^ for 'his connection with Fenwick, i.-82. (&e Peterborough). Mons, «iege and icapture of, v. 68. 79. Montagu, earl of, marriage of his son lord Montiiermer, to lady Miary Churchill, s. 252, Montague, Sir James, appointed attorney-general, iv. 320. . Montgomery, a familiar s^pellation of Godolphin in the correspondence of the queen and the duchess, i. 274..«oi!e. Montjuich, fort of, stormed by lord Peterborough, ii- 207-. . Moselle, Mai-lborough's expedition to the, ii. 29. Mariborough's p^ for invading France on the side of, 94. March of tbe troops, 105. 'Villars^ appointed to command on the, 112. N. .Niimur, project for the surprise of, ii. 337. Naples, project of the imperial court for the conquest of, iii. 19i. Successful result of the expedition against, 282. Navy, debates on its reduction, after the peace of Ryswick, i. 99. Neckar, passage of, by Marlborough, i. 532. Netherlands, 'Marlborough joins the confederate army there, under the prince of Waldec,i.4'7^ Stateofaffirirs in 1766,ii.518. Difficulties respecting thegovernment of, 385. Offered by king Challes to M^rl- boragh, 588. ¦W-ltyo%liged to decline it, 591. (iSee States-general.) Newcastle, duke Of, his death, vi. 45. Nimeguen, attempt of the frenth to Bui'prise, i. 165. NiveUe, movement of M^lborough to, and' preparations for a battle, iii. 316. .NaaiUes, his irtupition into Cateilonia, v. 91 . Northern powers, renewal of their confederacy for the partition of Sweden, v. 98. Nottingham, lord, appointed secretary of state by queen Anne, i. M6. His character and views, 268, Arrangements for his removal, 508. His appeal to the queen, 311. R-^igns, ih. Appointed president of tbe council under iGeoi^e (I., vi. 3-11. O- 'Opdam, ihe dutch general, his Chm-actei-, i. 239. Defeated at ^Ekeren, -255. INDEX. 43S Orange, prince of, letter to him from lord Churchill, i. 34. Another, conveying assurances of zegl and attachment, 37. {See WilUam III.) Orange, prince of, his gallant but rash conduct at Malplaquet, v. 53. Orford, lord, retires from office (June, 1699), i. 105. His character, ii. 84. Resolution of the whigs to piace him at the head of the Admiralty, iv. 377. The queen consents to his appointment, v. 104, Appointed, 107. Resigns, 539. His appointment to the Admiralty, under George I., vi. 511. Orleans, duke of, his proposal to the allies respecting Spain, iv. 304. Ormond, duke of, appointed lord-lieutenant of Ireland, i. 268, Suc ceeds Marlborough in the command of the british forces, vi. 185. Joins the army, ib. His mysterious conduct and secret instructions, 187. Clandestine correspondence with Villars, 188. Refuses to join Eugene in attacking the enemy, 189. Ordered to cease from co operating in the campaign, 208.; Withdraws the british troops from the confederates, 209. Circumstances of his march to Dunkirk, 211, In disgrace with George I., 310, Outlawed and attainted, 515. Ostend, Marlborough's grand plan for the attack o^ i. 246. Frustrated by the dutch generals, 262. Siege and capture of, ii. 383. Landing of general Erie with troops at, iv. 248. Reception of Marlborough at, vi. 225. Over-asselt, camp of Marlborough at, i. 172. Overkirk, chief in command of the dutch troops, i. 259. Fails to force the french lines, 339. Movements of Villeroy against him, ii. 119, Co-operates in the attack on the lines in Brabant, 156. Ascribes the honour of the enterprise to Marlborough, 150. Death of, at the siege of Lille, iv. 258. Owrfeworrf, its importance, iv. 126. Movements of the french to cover the siege of, 127. Counter-movements of Marlborough, 128. Pas sage of the Scheld, 138. Battle, 140. Retreat andloss of the French, iSl. Oxenstiern, killed at Malplaquet, v. 52. Oxford, Hariey, created earl of (iee Hariey), vi. 36. Deceives the whigs and courts Marlborough, 45. Correspondence, 46. Continued, 90, Result of lord Stair's mission from Mariborough to him, 98. His duplicity, 101, His advice prevails with the queen against the whigs, 147. Promotes charges of peculation against Marlborough, 148. Bis rivalry with Bolingbroke, 253. His efforts to counteract the views of Marlborough and the Hanoverian party, 270. His brother's mis sion to Hanover, ib. His letter to the electoral family, 281. Decline of his favour, 286. His dismission, 287. Impeached, 515. Conclu sion ofhis trial, 349. Causes ofhis acquittal, 551. Palatine, elector, engaged in the grand alliance, L 163. Visited by Marlborough on his journey to Vienna, ii. 248. Palmes, gen., sent by Mariborough to Vienna and Turin, iv. 49. Appointed to urge the duke of Savoy's claims at Vienna, 53,8. P^iament, important debates in 1698, i. 99. Dissolved, 135. Sanc tions the prosecution of the war, 153. Rewards conferred on M^l- borough, 200. Setdement on the prince of Denmark, 209. Bill aemnst occasional conformity, 212. Struggles of whigs and tories, 269. Choice of a whig speaker, ii. 257. P^rty bickenngs, 259. Thanks voted to Marlborough, iii. 134. Collateral entail of Bledi«un. ir r 2 f436 INDEX. and pension, 140. Union with Scotland; 144. Coalition of wh^ and tories, iv. 2. Discussions on Spanish affairs, and lord Peter borough's conduct, ib. 7. Address urging the queen to insist on the restoration of Spain to the house of Austria, 14. Addresses to the queen on the defeat of the invasion in favour of the Pretender, 41. Her reply, 42. Customary vote of thanks to Marlborough omitted, V. 390. Inquiry into the recent reverses in Spain, 425. Vote in the commons against abuses in the expenditure, vi. 37. Report against the late administration, ib. Deficit of thirty-five millions annouaced, 40. Speech from the throne, 158. Debate on the address, 139. Amendment carried against ministers in the house of peers, 141. Adjournment, 145. Creation of twelve new peers, 155. Debates of the commons on the report of the commissioners against Marlborough, 157. Charges against Austria and the States, for neglecting to supply their contingents, 175. Memorial of the States voted a libel, tl 76. -Debate in the house of lords, on the restrictive orders sent to Ormond, 190. Terms of the treaty with France, communicated by the queen, 201. General dissatisfaction, 204. Address carried in favour of the ministers, 206. Prorogation, ib. Proceedings relative to the peace of Utrecht, 240. Prorogation and dissolution, 243. Meeting of, in 1714, 254. Heterogeneous composition of the new house of cemmons, 255. State of parties among the lords, 257. Struggles on the.pco- testant succession, 260. Prorogued, 262. Marlborough's appearance ¦ in, after the accession of George I., 307. Impeachment and trial pf Oxford, 315. 549. '¦Partition treaties, between Louis XIV. and Charles II. of Spain, i. 109, Pembroke, lord, nominated high admiral, iv. 319. Retires, v. 107. P-eterhorough, earl of, captures Barcelona, ii. 207. Letters on the event, 208. Congratulated by Marlborough on his success in Spain, 574. His disputes with Charles, iii. 26. His departure, 29. Complaints against him, 34. Characteristic letter from him to the duchess of Marlborough, 42. Embarrassments occasioned by his conduct and intrigues, 225. His singular interview with Charles XIL, 226. Hif pecuniary claims on the ministry, iv. 5. His conduct investigated in parliament, 10. 18. Debates respecting his conduct in Spain,'V. '42S. Honoured with thanks of the house, 428. ¦PhUip, duke of Anjou, acknowledged king by the Spanish nation, on the death of Charles II., i. 1 10, His disastrous retreat into France, ii. 374. Advances to Madrid, iii. 27. Battle of Almanza, 195. ; Retreats to Lerida, v, 375. Re-enters Madrid in triumph, 382. Philip, on becoming presumptive heir of the french crown, refiises to relinquish that of Spain, vi. 185. Compromise respecting his claims; ib. Acknowledged at the treaty of Utrecht, 258, Piemont, retreat of the combined forces into, after their unsuccessful enterprise against Toulon, iii. 341. Piper, count, minister of Charles XII., a douceur offered to him by Louis XrV., iii. 156. Grumbkow's description of him, 158. A pen sion assigned him by Marlborough, 1 78. Plunket, a \es\x\i spy, his communications with the ministry, against Marlborough and the whigs, vi. 167, Portland, earl of, forms a powerful cabal against Marlborough, i. 60. Portugal, accedes to the confederacy, i, 233. State of -war in, and ar- rangeinents of Marlborough, ii. 55. State of war in,. 204. Arrival at Lisbon of dutch and english reinforcements, 205, . March of •aOalway and Das Minas, to .Madrid, iii, 26. Death of the king, 4S. INDEX, 437 Affairs of, in 1709, v. 94. The allies defeated on- the Caya, ib. Wretched state of the country, 96. Ineffective operatbns in, 373. Assistance withheld from king Charies, 579. Pacification with France, vi. 257. Potter, Dr., appointed regius professor at- Oxford, iv. 16. Poulett, lord, appointed lord high steward, vi. 36: Challenged by Marl borough, for an opprobrious imputation in parliament, 196. 198. Preston; capitulation of the rebels at, vi. 550. Pi-etender, acknowledged king of JEngland by Louis XIV., i. 134. Act of attainder against him, 138. Projected invasion of England in his favour, iv. 31. Zeal of Marlborough in defeating the attempt, 35. Serves under Villars at Malplaquet, v. 32. Conspiracy in favour of, vi. 322. Lands in Scotland, 332. Is proclaimed, ib. Departs to France, 336. PriS, marquis de, his letter to Marlborough, announcing the accommo dation with the pope, iv. 329. Prior, congratulatory letter to Marlborough on the victoiy of Ramilies, ii. 558. His ingratitude to Marlborough, iii. 133. His arrest by the mayor of Deal, and disclosure thence arising, vi. 93. His secret letter to Bolingbroke, on Marlborough's return to England, 297. Protestant succession, measures for supporting on the accession of Anne, i. 153. Anxiety of Marlborough to obtain its guaranty by foreign powers, iii. 53. Parliamentary struggle on the grand question of, vi. 260. Zeal of Marlborough in favour of, 262. Measures for en suring on the demise of queen Anne, 291, 292. Provence, plan of Marlborough for the invasion of, iii. 193. Operations in, 558 — 545. Prussia, king of, treaty of alhance with, concluded by Marlborough, i. 124. Marlborough applies to him for reinforcements, ii. 58. Querulous letter to Marlborough, 252. Their conference at Berlin, 257. Negotiations of Marlborough, 525. Arrangements with, for the continuance and augmentation ofhis troops, i v. 539. Threatens to recall his troops, V. 99. Dissuaded by Mariborough, 100. Pacifi-- cation with France, vi. 257. Pdtaxa, defeat of Charles XII. at, v. 96. Q. Queensbury, duke of, exercises the government influence in the Scots elections, iv. 92. Queich, passage of, by the allies, ii. 17. duesnoy, surrenders to Eugene, vi. 215. Retaken by Villars, 214. Quiros, agent for the king of Spain at the Hague, iii. 402. R. Raby, lord, ambassador at Beriiii, demand of Frederic for his recall, ii. 526. Relinquished, 364. His petty intrigues counteracted by Mariborough, iii. 180. Plenipotentiary at the Hague, presents the preliminaries offered by France, vi. 34. ,„.,.. Ragotski, prince, his incursions into Moravia and Silesia, i. 300. Ramilies, battie of, ii. 359. j ^i,„ Rastadt, conferences and pacification at, between France and the R^grn^,' bishop Burnet's motion for, in case of queen Anne's death,. 438 INDEX. ii. 241. On the aeeession Of George!. Marlborough's exclusion from the, Vi. 506^ Revolution, of 1688, conduct of lord Cliurchill on that occasion, i. 58. Rkeinberg, reduced by the prussians, i. 259. Rhine, operations of the french on, i. 257. Passage of, by the confede rates, after the battie of Blenheim, ii. 16. Militai-y operations on, iii. 23. iv. 310. v. 85. .370. vi. 117. 215. Bialton, lord, his marriage with kdy Henrietta Churchill, i. 92. Dis missed from office, v, 526. Ricoux, agent for french overtures to Charles XII., iii. 156. His secret instructions communicated to Marlborough, 157. Rivers, earl, arrives in Spain with reinforcements, iii. 45. Obtains the confidence of Charles, ib. Appointed constable of the Tower, V. 126. Robethon, an agent in Marlborough's correspondence, iii. 185. note. Letter from him to Cardonel, 307. Letters of Marlborough to, vi. 264. 268. 270. 274^ Letter from Marlborough announcing his intended return to England, 293. RioUnson, Mr., accompanies Marlborottgh to the camp of Charles XII., iii. 167. Rochester, lord, leader of the tories, appointed {ord-lientenant of Ireland by king William, i. 106. Resigns the lieutenancy of Ireland, 268, His proposal in parliament to send troops from the Netherlands to Spain, iv. 10. Heads the opposition against Harley, vi. S. Diies, 56, Book, Sir George, president of the commission of admiralty, i. 147, Removed from his post at the head of the flee*, ii. 86. Ruremond, invested, i. 186. Surrenders, 187. Russell, admiral, charges against him by Sir John Fenwiek, i. 78. His Conduct in this affair, 79. {See Orford.) Saarhruck, prince of, declines thc chief command in favour of Marl borough, i. 161. Death, 258. Sacheverell, Dr., ferment caused by his sermon, v. 122. His impeach ment, 124. Trial and sentence, 156. Popular enthusiasm in his favour, 160. Popular ferment on his progress through the country, 545. St. Glmlain, capture of, v. 35. St.John, Henry, appointed secretary of war, i. 314. Congratulatory letter to Marlborough on the victory of RamiMes, ii. 357. Resigns, ivi 27. Appointed secretary of state, V. 559. Exti-act from his first official dispatch to Marlborough, 369. Courts Marlborough, vi, 7. Secret orders communicated by him to Ormond, 187. Created lord Bolingbroke, 212. {See Bolingbroke.) St. Venant, siege of, v. 564. Capitulates, 565. Sandridge, the birth-place of the duchess of Marlborough, i.~ 43. Savoy, duke of, abandons the bourbon cause and joins the allies, i. 286, Marlborough's exertions to rehe-ve him, ii. 56. His distressed state, 211.' Application to Marlborough, 214. Joined by Eugene, relieves Turin, iii. 19. His claims on Austria, iv. 48. His operations against the french, 306. Attempts of Marlborough to reconcile him with the court of Vienna, 337. Refuses to take the field, v. 87. Opposes thc dismemberment of the Spanish monarchy, 169. His renewed contentions with the emperor, 371. Accepts the armistice, yi. 216. INDEX. 439 Siarpe, fort, surrenders to the allies, v. 199. Scheld, passage of, by Mariborough to reheve Brussels, iv. 275. Schellenberg, storming of the intrenched camp on the, i. 551. Conse quences of the victory, 565. Schrader, baron, his account of the ceremonial of admitting Marl borough's proxy to the diet, ii. 510.. Scotland, party contentions in, i. 280. Union with, settied, iii. 144. Invasion defeated, iv. 39. Cabals of the whigs with the jacobites to secure the majority in the elections, 91. Rebellion in, vi. 522. Suppressed, 536. Sedgmoor, battie of, lord Churchill's services in, i. 32. Seymour, Sir Edward, his remark on Marlborough's expedition into Ger many, ii. 41. Shippen, presents Medina's deposition against Marlborough, vi. 149. Shrewsbury, earl and duke of, disgraced for becoming surety for the earl of Marlborough, i,-69. Letter of Marlborough to him, on Fen- wick's affair, 85. Retires from office and goes abroad, 105. Harley begins to tamper with him, v. 115. Efforts of Hariey to gain him,. 209. Appointed lord chamberlain, 215. His ambiguous conduct, 225. 307. His artful intervention between the queen and the duchess, 394. Ambassador at Paris, vi. 213. Appointed lord treasurer .- in the queen's last illness, 291. Shovel, Sir Cloudesley, appointed admiral of the fleet, ii, 86. Sieges, Aire, v. 364. Ath, iii. 12. Mrcelona, ii. 207. Bethune, v. 293. Bonn, i. 242. Bouchain,. vi. 52. Dendermond, iii. 8. Douay, V. 185. Gerona, vi. 216. Ghent, iv. .291. Gibraltar, ii. 55. 205. , Huy, i. 282. ii. 125. 134. Landau, ii. 18. Landrecies, vi. 213. Lille, iv. 215. Menin, iii. 1. Ostend, ii. 385. St. Venant, v. 364. Stevenswaert, i. 187. Tournay, v. 5. Sinzendorf, imperial minister, conciliated by Marlborough, ii. 256. His embassy to the Hague, iii. 73. Letter to Marlborough on the affairs of Savoy and Spain^ iv. 108. Memorial presented by. him at Ger truydenberg, V. 169. Sirk, Villars's celebrated position on the heights of, ii.. 1 15. Slangenberg, the dutch general, his character, i. 239. His jealousy of Marlborough, 291. Counteracts Marlborough's plan to pass the Dyle, ii. 1 56. His factious opposition to the passage of the Ische, . 167. Dismissed from the command, 193. Smith, Mr., chancellor of the exchequer to king William, i. 106. Elected speaker, ii. 237. Smith, Dr. Adam, his theory of moral sentiments cited on Marlborough's character, vi. 404. Smollet, extract from, on the happy state of affairs in 1705-6, ii. 288. Soignies, march of Marlborough to, iii. 516. Visit of lord Peterborough at the camp of, 320. Somers, lord, dismissed from office by king WiUiam, i. lOS. Impeached for negotiating the partition treaty, and acquitted, 113. His character as a statesman, ii. 77. Feuds in the cabinet relative to his promo tion, iv. 52. Attempts of the whigs to introduce him without an oflicial situation, 70. Renewal of the struggle for his promotion, 315. Appointed president of the council, 519. Mediates between the queen and Marlborough, v. 130.. His letter to Marlborough on the intended dismission of Sunderland, v. 254. Neutralized by Harley, 299. Retires from office, 339. . Joins the. privy council on fche queen's last illness, vi. 291. F. r 4. 440 INDEX. Somerset, duke of, president of the council, i. 138. His intrigues sncf influence, iv. 971 His conduct hostile to the whigs, v. 157. His- name generally erased in the MS. letters of the duchess, 217- Seconds Harley in procuring the removal of Sunderland, 242. His conduct on the queen's lajt illness, vi. 291. A suitor to the duchess, in the first year of her widowhood, 392. Sophia, electress, announces her readiness to accept an invitation to England, ii- 241. Her eagerness to visit England, iii. 305. Intrigues of the tories with, 307. Her sudden death, vi, 283. South Sea.schemc, its origin, vi. 353. Sagacity of the duchess respect ing, 354. Spain; death of Charles II., and transfer of the crown to Philip, duke of Anjou, i. 109. Partition treaties, 113. Failure of an attempt to surprise Barcelona, ii. 55. Capture of Gibraltar, ib. State of war in, 203. Capture of Barcelona, 207. Charles acknowledged in Va lencia and Catalonia, 209. State of the war in (1706), 315. Flight of Philip to France, 43. March of the anglo-portuguese to Madrid, iii. 26. Disputes among the allied generals, 27. State of the war in, 500. Arrival of Staremberg at Barcelona, 301. Loss of Tortosa ; reduction of Minorca and Sardinia, 302, Scheme of the duke bf Or leans, 303. Energy of Philip and the Castilians, v, 88. Trifling operations in Catalonia, 90. Disputes between the french and Spanish troops, ib. Opinion of Mariborough respecting the war, 91. Negotiations at Gertruydenberg respecting the evacuation of, 168. Successful advance of the allies into Catalonia, 374. Victories at Almenara and Saragossa; allies enter Madrid, 375, 376. Charles quits the capital, and Philip re-enters in triumph, 382, 585. Loss of almost all the austrian conquests, 585. Languid state of the war in 1711, vi. 117. State of war in, after the defection of England from the confederacy, 216. Secured to Philip by the peace of Utrecht, 258. Spencer, lord, afterwards earl of Sunderland, marries lady Anne Churchill, i. 98. {See Sunderiand.) Spencer, present family of, their descent, vi. 590. Stair, lord, dispatched to court, after the victory of Oudenard, iv. 155- Account of his mission from Marlborough to the treasurer Oxford, vi. 98. Stanhope, gen., commands the british troops in Spain, iv. 302. Inter cepted at Brihuega, v. 383. One of the secretaries of state under George I., vi. 510. Staremberg, arrives at Barcelona, iv. 301. His operations, 303. Re treats into Catalonia, v. 384. States-general, treaties of alliance with, negotiated by Marlborough, i. 118. Caution and delays of the Dutch, 125. Timidity of their government, and hesitation of their generals, 166. 181. Negotiations of Marlborough with, 305. His difficulties in obtaining aid from, 317. Their frivolous objections to Marlborough's plan for the cam paign of 1705, ii. 95. Marlborough's letter to, against the conduct of their deputies and generals, 175. Their counter-manifesto, 174. Formal remonstrance from the british cabinet over-ruled by Marl borough, 177. 180. Overtures from France, 193. Their tardiness in executing the arrangements for augmenting the troops, 262. Their discordance with Austria, 386. Oppose the appointment of Marl borough as governor of the Netherlands, 391. Exorbitant demands relative to the barrier, iii. 54. Private overtures from Franc4 57- INDEX. 441 Rejected, 86. Secret views for peace, 290. Mariborough's plan for penetrating into France, counteracted by" their deputies, iv. 165. He obtains their consent for an augmentation of troops, 325. Private negotiation with France, 366. Progress, 378. Preliminaries, 397. Rejected, 400. Barrier treaty, 408. Signed by lord Townshend, 414. Resist the cession of Minorca to England, v. 92. Congress of Ger truydenberg, 168. Their remonstrances with the qyeen on the ne gotiations with France, vi. 134. Their memorial vindicating the barrier-treaty voted a libel by the house of commons, 175, 176. Ap point Eugene their generalissimo, 184. Pacification with France, 237. Stephens, prosecuted for a libel on Marlborough, ii. 281. Stepney, Mr., his misunderstanding with count Wratislaw, ii. 99. His removal from the embassy, 255. Deputed to take possession of Mindelheim on behalf of Marlborough, 296. His account of the formalities, ib. Letter to Marlborough respecting the government of the Netherlands, 407. Resident at the Hague, iii. 85. Illness, 347. Stevenswaert, invested, i. 186. Surrenders, 187. Stolhoffen, lines of, forced by Villars, iii. 216. Sunderland, Robert,'earl of, his political career, i. 93. Letter on the restoration ofhis pension by queen Anne, 144. Sunderland, Charles, earl of, his character, i. 95. His marriage with lady Anne Churchill, 98. Opposes the grant of a settlement on the prince of Denmark, 210. The junior of the Svhig junta, ii. 85. Cabals to obtain his promotion, 87. His appointment as ambassador to Vienna, 88. Struggle for his appointment to the secretaryship of state, iii. 88. Interposition of the duchess, 1 10. Marlborough ob tains his appointment, 132. His dissatisfaction, iv. 358. Urges the impeachment of Sacheverell, v. 124. Embarrassments of Marlborough from his intemperate conduct, 162. His conduct on the appoint ment of the duke of Shrewsbury, 219. Resolution of the queen to dismiss him, 242. Seals transferred to lord Dartmouth, 265. Appointed lord lieutenant of Ireland by George I., vi. 311. Cor respondence with the duchess on the death of lady Sunderland, 545. His third marriage, 555. Accuses the duchess of furnishing money to the Pretender, 557. Dies, 561. Sunderland, lady, her indignant letter on the proposed reconciliation of the duchess with Mrs, Masham, v, 239. Her death, vi. 559. A prayer used by her, 340. Testamentary letter to her lord, 541. Susa, capture of, iji. 542. Sweden, negotiations of England with, i. 122. {See Charles XII.) Renewal of the confederacy of the northern powers for the partition of, V. 98. Swift, his infamous insinuation against Marlborough, ii. 148. Effect of his political writing against Marlborough, v. 422. Cited respecting a pretended conspiracy of Marlborough and the whigs, vi. 1 70. Tallard, posted with an army on the Upper Rhine, i. 301. His advance from the Rhine, 378. Defeated and taken prisoner at Bleni heim, 411. Brought to England, ii. 71. His letters a medinm for Gregg's treasonable intercourse with France, iv. 21. Terbank, rapid march of Marlborough to, iv. 109. Tess^, marshal, his operations in Provence, iii. 341. 442 INDEX. Tiriemont, occupied by Marlborough, ii, 141. Marlborough retrogrades to, 182. Torcy, sent by Louis XIV. to negotiate at the Hague, iv. 592. At>;erapt3 to alarm Mariborough into compliance vrith his views, 395. Objects to the proposed preliminaries, 399. Returns to Versailles, ib. Con ducts the secret negotiation between France and England, vi. 106, His memoirs cited respecting a fabricated charge of conspiracy against Marlborough, Eugene, and the whigs, 169. Tories, an administration o{ formed by king William, i. 105. Anxiety of Marlborough to avert theirfall, 131. Changes in administration, 135, 156. Anxiety of William III. to remove them from administration, 156. Tory administration formed by queen Anne, 146. Schism among them, 155. Their contentions with the whigs, 266. Their attempts to decry the successes of Marlborough, ii. 40. Artifice respecting the bill against occasional conformity, 68. Their unpopularity, 76. Their alarm respecting the protestant succession, 239. Defeated by the whigs on the question respecting the dangers of the church, 280. Their intrigues with the electress Sophia, iii. 307. Their pre^ ponderance after the dismission of Sunderland, v. 277. Formation of a ministry of, 339. Fatal effects of tiiis change on the welfare or England, 346. Their ascendancy, 347. They com-t Marlborough, 352. Division of, into jacobite, hanoverian, and Scottish, vi, 256. Loss of their ascendancy on the death of the queen, 290. 313. ToMfonyplan of Marlborough for the capture of, iii. 193. FaUureofthe enterprise against, 536. 541. roMraay, invested, v. 5. Surrenders, 12. Siege of the citadel, 13. Its- surrender, 17. Townshend, lord, appointed joint plenipotentiary with Mariborough at the Hague, iv. 390. Signs the barrier treaty alone, 415. Succeeds Bolingbroke as secretary, -vi. 309. Traerbach, capture of, ii. 56. Tremmel, Dr., appointed to the see of Norvrich, iv. 16. Treves, capture of, ii. 54. Turenne, distinguishes the military genius of capt. Churchill, i. 6. Turin, relieved by Eugene and the duke of Savoy, iii. 19. U. Utrecht, opening of the conferences at, vi. 177. Treacherous conduct of England, 178. Extravagant proposals of France, 1 79. Negotiations- continued, 235. Remarks on the peace of, 258. V. Valencia, acknowledges Charles, king of Spain, ii. 206. Vanbrugh, appointed architect of Blenheim, ii. 74. His plan and estimates, v. 349, 550. Suit against him as surveyor, 567. Vanderdussen, imparts to Heinsius the secret overtures from France,. iii. 56. Plenipotentiary at Gertruydenberg, v. 167. Vaudemont, prince of, his high opinion of Marlborough, i. 56. Vendome, his operations against Eugene in Italy, i. 256. Disarms part of the duke of Savoy's army, 288. Defeated at Oudenard, iv. 140. His junction with Berwick, and effbrts to raise the siege of Lille, 228. 251. 261. Assumes the command in Spain, v. 381, Formation of a- new army under him, ib. INDEX. 443 Venloo, invested, i, 1 82. Taken^ 1 8 5. Vernon, secretary of state to king William, i. 106. Verrua, surrender of, ii. 211. Vienna, court of, their tardy policy adverse to Marlborough's plans, ii. 97. Motives of Marlborough's journey to, 219. His reception, 249. Negotiations, 254. Victor, Amadeus. {See Savoy.) Vigevenasco, claimed by the duke of Savoy from Austria, iv. 556. VUlars, defeats the marquis of Baden at Friedlingen, i. 237. Passes into Bavaria, 238. Suppresses the insurrection in the Cevennes, ii. 112. Appointed to command on the Moselle, ib. Defensive position on the heights of Sirk, 113. Instances of his exaggeration and gasconade, lis. note. His irruption into Germany, iii. 216. His strong position behind the lines of La Bassee, v. 3. Deceived by the stratagems of Eugene and Marlborough, 5. His ineffectual attempts to relieve Tournay, 10. Wounded and defeated at Malplaquet, 58. Frustrated in attempting to relieve Douay, 187. Baffles Marlborough's design of besieging Arras, 292. His grand line of defence from Namur to the coast of Picardy, vi. 21. Deluded by Marlborough's skilful movement, 54 — 62. Narrowly escapes being made prisoner, 65. Vainly attempts to lure Marlborough round the cannon of Cambray, 64. Foiled on the Sanzet, 73. And in his attempts to relieve Bouchain, 78. State of his army for the campaign of 1712, 185. His message to Ormond, relative to the troops under his orders, 207. His successful career after the separation of the british from the con federates, 213. Further successes ; conferences at Rastadt, 245. Villaviciosa, battle of, v. 384. Villeroy, captures Huy, and invests Liege, ii. 119. Retires to Tongres, 124. And thence to Mierdoip, 125. Driven beyond the Dyle, 141. Defeated at Ramilies, 555. VUliers, family, connections with that of Drake, i. 10. Joins a cabal against Marlborough, 60. W. Waal, passage of, i. 170. Wakourt, affau- of, Marlborough's gallant conduct in, i. 48. Walpole, Mr., appointed one of the council to prince George of Den mark, ii. 86. Appointed secretary at war, iv. 27. Vindicates him self from a report circulated by admiral Churchill, 190. note. His representation to the queen, relative to the promotion of major Masham, and col. Hill, v. 253. Defends the administration of Godolphin, in a tract called the " Thirty-five Millions accounted for," vi. 132. Paymaster of the forces on the accession of George I., 310. Raised to the head of the Treasury, 326. Waterloo, a french detachment driven from, ii. 164. Webb, general, commands in the action of Wynendale, iv. 250. Vote of thanks to, 552. Werwick, advance of Marlborough to, iv. 156. Wharton, lord, his character, ii. 81. Appointed lord lieutenant of Ireland, iv. 319. His sarcasm on the twelve new peers, vi. 156. Privy seal under George L 311. „ . ,. , . Whigs their dismission by king William, and formation ot a tory admi nistration, i. 105. Characters of the junta, ii. 77. Then- efforts to gain the ascendancy, 86. Admission of several into offices ot 444 INDEX. government, ib. Their cabals to obtain the promotion of Sunder* land, 87, Their ascendancy in the new elections, 253, Marlborough and Godolphin censured for coalescing with them, 276. Their victory over the tories, 280. Change in the queen's sentiments re specting them, 285. Reconciliation of Harley with their leaders, 287. Their resentment at the favour shewn to the tories in church preferments, iii. 247. Their jealousy of Marlborough and Godol phin, 375. Coalition with the tories, iv. 4. Reconciliation with the ministry, 16. Increasing aversion of the queen to, 68. Their attempt to introduce lord Somers into the privy council without an official situation, 70. Their cabals with the jacobites to ensure a majority in the scots elections, 91. Foiled by the influence of the crown, 94. New clamours against Marlborough and Godolphin, 9S. Their threats to revive the invitation to the electoral family, 96. Resume their attack on the Admiralty, 314. Changes on the death of the prince of Denmark, 319. Minor arrangements in their favour, 320. Their renewed complaints and jealousies, 559. Their increas ing influence and claims, v. 102. Support Marlborough in exacting the dismission of Mrs. Masham, 129. Their disappointment and defeat on the trial of Sacheverell, 156. Divisions among them, on the dismission of Sunderland, 260. Their impolitic conduct on the dismission of Godolphin, 334. Their resignation or removal, 339. Suspect a coalition of Marlborough with the tories, 311. His manly explanation of his conduct, ib. Their protest against the terms of the treaty with France, vi. 206. State of that party in the new par liament of 1714, 257. Their measures on the last illness of the queen, 289. Their ascendancy after the accession of George I., 314. WUliam, prince of Orange (afterwards king), correspondence of Marl- Borough with, i. 54. 57. His accession to the crown, 42. Conten tions with the princess Anne, 58. Dismisses Marlborough from all his employments, 59. Reconciliation with the princess after the death of queen Mary, 74, His appeal to pailiament against the usurpation of the Spanish monarchy by France, 110. Is compelled to acknowledge Phihp, 1 15. Appoints Marlborough commander and plenipotentiary, -who attends him to the continent, 1 1 5. His conduct on the death of James II. 154. Returns to England and dissolves parliament, 156. Makes some changes in the administration, 137. His demise and dying recommendation of Marlborough to his suc cessor, 139, 140. Woodstock, manor of, conferred on Marlborough by the queen, ii. 73. Wratislaw, count, his misunderstanding wilh Mr. Stepney, ii. 99. Letter on the subject, 221. Marlborough secures his friendship, 256. Letter of complaint to Marlborough on the lukewarmness of the dutch, 266. Correspondence, 322. Mission from the emperor to Charles XII. iii. 219. Resumed correspondence with Marlborough, 284. Announces the conclusion of the treaty with Charies XII. 347^ Letter exposing the conduct of the imperial court to the duke of Savoy, 554. And on the plan for the ensuing campaign, 557. Meets Marlborough at Frankfort, 582. Wright, Sir Nathan, appointed lord keeper by king William, i. 106; Struggle for his removal, ii. 254. Seals transferred to Cowper, 257. Wyndham, Sir William, foments a jacobite conspiracy, vi. 323,. Arrested, 325. Wynendale, action at, iv. 256-- ' INDEX. 44S 'York, duke of, Churchill appointed page to, i. 3. {See James II.) Young, Robert, his forgeries to procure the arrest of Marlborough, i. 63, Detected, 69. Ypres, capture of the French lines, between that place and Warneton, il|. 156. Z. Zerclaes, prince of, command transferred to him by Philip, v. 91. .Zinzendorf. {See Sinzendorf.) Xinzerling, count, dispatched by Charles from Spain to Marlborough, iii. 55, -' ^obor, count, demanded by Charles XII. for insulting the Swedish ambassador, iii. 155. Delivered up, but released by tacit agreement, 221. THE END. Printed by Strahan and Spottiswoode, Printers-Street, London. HISTORICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL WORKS RECENTLY PUBLISHED BY LONGMAN, HURST, REES, ORME, AND BROWN, LONDON. 1. A GENERAL HISTORY of the COUNTY or YORK By T. D. Whitakeb, LL.D. F.R.S. F.S.A. Vicar of Whalley, &c. Part I. and II. Richmondshire. The whole of the Landscapes in this work will be engraved in the best style of the Art, from beautiful Drawings by J. M. W. Turner, Esq. R. A. and the Architectural Sub- jeclts by Mr. Buckler. The work will be handsomely printed in folio, and delivered to the subscribers in Parts, price 2/. 2s. each ; or on large paper, with proof impressions of the plates, 4^. 4s. each. 2. The history or BRAZIL. By Robert Southey, Esq. 5 Vols. 4to. with a Map. ll. 15s. boards. Volume 3. may be had separate. Price 3l. 3s. boards. 3. LIFE or WILLIAM LORD RUSSELL, with some Account of the Times in which he lived. 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