tmmsfummmmsm c r^^Q> XXjO -T fS'KO Qy THE GAZETTE BOOK FOR 1877-8. EISIORIOrillEIill, ILLUSTRATED. Being a Complete Historical Sketch from the ''Early Days" to the Present Time, with Interesting Incidents and Personal Reminiscences. COlSTTAINIIsTG ^LSO A FULL AND COMPLETE EECORD OF Neen AH ^ Rebellion. .\nd a Complete City and Business Directory, G. A. CV?^-NINGHAM, EDITOR OP THE NEENAH G.IZETTE. To WHICH IS Appended Historical Sermons and Sketches by Resident Clergymen, Making a Complete Church History op Xeenah. PRINTED AT THE GAZETTE PRI.VTING ESTABLISHMENT. 1 878. SeciireA .-a.ccorcaj.n.g- -to I_iei,T?;r_ preface HIS work was undertaken witha view of furnishing a Ijp brief sketch of "early day" Xeenah history. The fact that but few remained to tell the story of pioneer times, made it desirable that such interesting and valuable ''W reminiscences as alone conld he given by the first set tlers, should be secured before those who had taken an active part therein, had passed to that bourne from whence no traveler returns. No attempts have been made at fine writing, the object being to present, in a matter-of-fact way, the history of Neeiiah in its varions phases, to trace the .same from the earliest date to the present time, and place all on permanent record. We have experienced considerable difficulty in securing authentic dates on early day occurrences, as three men generaUy havo as many different ver.sions ofthe same story, but we are satisfied that in the main, where positive assertions are m'lde. they may be re lied upon as substantially correct. The portion "Neenah in the Rebellion,'' we think will make the book a welcome guest in many homes, containing as it does the only complete and combined record of Xeenah's part in that great conflict, and ofthe manv incidents of the time. The General and Business Directory will also prove an inval - uable feature, not only interesting .at this time, butdoubly so in the long years to come, when a glance will show every man at this time a resident of the city or engaged in business therein. We are well aware that the book contains many imperfections, prepared amid a press of professional duties, and under many disadvantages for mechanical aids, itcould not be otherwise. Still, aa a whole, we ofi'er the work to our friends and neighbors with the least little flush of pride, as we'doubt if as complete a local history has yet been written of any Wisconsin town. G. .\. Cunningham. DEDICATION. TO THE PEOPLE OP NEENAH IN GENERAL, AND TO THE PURCHASEK OF THIS BOOK IN PARTICULAR, THE SAME IS HOPEFULLY AND AFFECTIONATELY DEDICATED B\' THE AUTHOR. CONTENTS. CONTENTS. FIRST CHAPTER. The First White j\Ian— Father Marquette— Date of Discov ery— Marquette's Death— The Indian Tribes Inhabiting this Section — Aboriginal History and Traditions — " Hill of the Dead" — Account of the Battle of Little Buttes Des Mortes — Wisconsin Under the French— Changes Which Followed — Natural Beauty of this Section — Retrospective, Etc., Etc 13 SECOND CHAPTER. Sclieme of the Government to CiviUze the Indians — Mills Built and Houses Erected for Their Use on the Present Site of Neenah — Men are Sent to Teach Them the Science of Agriculture — Location of the Houses Built — The Terri tory is Ceded to the United States in 1836 by the Menom- iiiees — Consequent Colapse of the Scheme for Improving the Condition of the Indians — Sale of the Propertv to Harrison Reed in 1843 20 THIRD CHAPTER. Reed Purchases Winnebago Rapids, Oct. 2, 1843 — ^Occurren ces and Embarrassments Following the Purchase— Com ing ofthe First Settlers— Pendleton and Mansur — Arrival of Vining and Harlow, Aug. 28, 1844— Incidents Attend ing Their Introduction to This Locality — Condition of Affairs at that Time— They Run the Old Government Mills — Ira Baird and Family Arrive in December, 1845 — Thrilling Incident Attending Their Journey 31 FOURTH CHAPTER. First Survey of Lands in this Vicinity — First Lands Entered — Concerning the Sale of Lands on the Island, Which THE "GAZETTE" BOOK FOR 1877-8. Occurred in 1835— Prices Paid— Who Purchased— Gov. Doty Builds the " Grand Loggery " — Date and Circum stance of His Arrival in the State — Difficulties Encount ered in Entering Lands Hereabouts— Signification of the Name " Neenah " — Incident in Relation Tliereto— The " Council Tree." 41 FIFTH CHAPTER. Incidents in Connection With the Arrival and Residence of Harrison Reed — Who Were Here on His .\rrival — His Wagon the First to Cross the Fox River at Oshkosh — He Procures a Postoffice and Names it Neenah, in 1844 — Simon Quatermas the First Mail-carrier — Builds the First Barge, the "Growler'' — His Daughter Nina the First WhiteChild Born in Neenah 47 SIXTH CHAPTER. James Ladd — His Recollections of Pioneer Days — Arrival in Neenah, 1846 — Builds the First Bridge Across the Big Slough — Builds the Winnebago House, 1847 — First Town Meeting 50 SEVENTH CHAPTER. 1846— First Year of Actual Settlement— Quite a Number Arrive in this Year and Take Up Lands— First Birth- First Marriage— First Death— Marriage Under the Coun cil Tree 54 EIGHTH CHAPTER. Rev. O. P. Clinton's Arrival— He Advises the Jones' to Come to Neenah— Circumstances AVhioh Led to Their Becom ing Interested Here— Loyal H. Jones Visits the Place in May, 1846— Harvey Jones First Visits Neenah in Septem ber of the Same Year— Made a Second Visit in 1847, and Came Here for Permanent Residence in 1848 — Lived at the Old House Near the Council Tree— Built the Second Frame Building in Neenah, Etc 5g CONTENTS. 9 NINTH CHAPTER. Death of Harvey Jones. Nov. 8, 1849 — Personal Appearance Incidents— When and Where Born— The Management of His Estate — L. H. Jones and E. W. Drury, Administrat ors 63 TENTH CHAPTER. Great Interest Taken at Neenah and Menasha in the Fox River Improvement — Strife to Secure its Location — Par ticulars of the Final Decision — A Bit of History — Short Account ofthe Improvement 69 ELEVENTH CHPATER. Recollections of Rev. O. P. Clinton — His Arrival at the Rapids — Stops With Harrison Reed — Incidents in Con nection With Holding Religious Services in the Early Days — Places Where He Preached — A Trip to Green Bay — .John R. Kimberly's Advice to the Brewer — Early Day Incidents — Killing Bear and Deer on the Island 76 TWELFTH CHAPTER. Business and Improvements on the Water-Power — The Old Saw Mill Built by Harvey Jones, and Run Many Years by Robert Hold— J. and H. Kimberly Buihi the First Flour Mill— The Old Empire Mill— The Fox River Mills— The Stone and Brick Mills — Brown's Stave Works — Neenah Stove Works^Neenah Plow Works — Aylward's Plow Works — Other Improvements and Changes 81 THIRTEENTH CHAPTER. The First Store, by Jones & Yale — J. & H. Kimberly Build the Brick Store — Early Day Trading — Hard Times — Smith's Block — View of Wisconsin Ayenue in 1856 — E. & H. Smith — Alex. Bilistein — Other Early Day Business Men — Building of Pettibone Blocks-Later Changes on the Street, Etc 88 FOURTEENTH CHAPTER. Contains a Condensed History of Local Happenings for a Term of Six Years, Extending from 1871 to 1878.., 96 10 THE "GAZETTE" BOOK FOR 1877-8. FIFTEENTH CHAPTER. Concluding Remarks— Neenah in 1878— A Prediction— " Hard Times"— The Unusual Weather jand Depressed Business in 1877-8 116 SIXTEENTH CHAPTER. NEENAH IN THE REBELLION. Efl'eot.on Our Community of the Declaration of War— The First Enlistments — Exciting Times — Complete Record of Co. "G," Thiid Regiment— List of Killed, Wounded and DLscharged — Roster of tbe Company as Mustered Out of the Service, with Particulars of Promotions, Changes, Etc. 118 SEVENTEENTH CHAPTER. History of Co. " K." llth Regiment — Enlistment of the Sec ond Company, by 0. J. Wheeler — The Recruiting Oflice and First Drills — Incidents of the Time -History of the Company from the Day it Left Neenah — Xam?s of Officers and Men, with Their Record in the Service 131 EIGHTEENTH CHAPTER. The Last Full Company Going from Neenah, Raised by Simeon B. Nelson and Abner B. Smith — Particulars uf the Enlistments — History of the Company— Full List of Ofli cers, Men, Etc 140 NIXETEEXTH CHAPTER. SKETCH OF THE LIFE OF HARVEY JONES. His Arrival in Neenah in 1S46 154 TWENTIETH CHAPTER. Unconsidered Paragraphs — The Indian Scare— A Remark able Incident — Neenah Steamboats — The St. Paul — An Early-day Duel— The First Telephone—" The Hnndred Day Men," Etc 164 TWENTY-FIRST CHAPTER. The Railroads — Building of the Chicago & Northwestern- Building of the Wisconsin Central — List of Village Presi dents — Public Schools 170 CONTENTS. 11 TWENTY-SECOND CHAPTER. Civic Societies — Masons, Odd Fellows, Temperance Soci eties, Knights of Honor, etc 175 TWENTY-THIRD CHAPTER. Neenah as a Summer Resort and AVatering Place 182 TWENTY-FOURTH CHAPTER. The Manufacturing Interests of Neenah, Illustrated 184 General City Directory 207 General Business Directory APPENDIX. Historical Sermons by J. E. Chapin, and Sketches of Church History by Other Resident Pastors .--^f^.em^SS^<^^^ie^ Sm4§ ?)mjS m J^wnah. FIRST CHAPTER. BEFORE THE SETTLEMENT The First White Man — Father M.\kquette — Date op Discov ery — Marquette's Death— The Indian Tribes Inhabiting THIS Sect'ion — Aboriginal History and Traditions — " Hill OP the Dead " — Account op the Battle — Wisconsin Under THE French — Changes Which Followed — Natural Beauty OP THIS Sbctio.v — Retrospective, Etc.. Etc. ISTORIANS differ as to the exact date, bnt we are reasonably safe in saying that twn hundred ind five years ago, or in the year 1672, the eye of the white man first viewed the wooded banks and green slopes where now stands our beautifnl city. Then the voice of the '' pale face " first broke the still ness of the primeval forest and waked the echoes along these shores. The canoe ofthe discoverer tben breasted the rippling currents of the noble Fox, and the paddle of the white man tor the first time stirred the placid waters of our beautiful Winnebago- The seasons for more than two hundred years have come and gone, seven generations have lived and died since then, and the red savage who was sole possessor of 14 NEENAH LOCAL HISTORY. this broad domain has disappeared before the march of civilization and is now little other than an object of curiosity or a fading memory of the past. At this date, viz., 1672,* the famous Father Marquette made his first voyage from Mackinaw, up the Lower Fox, through Lake Winnebago, again up the Fox, and down the Wisconsin to the Mississippi. In the trip he passed this point, camping, no doubt, on the bank of the river, before entering the lake. He and his corapanions here lay and listened to the dismal hoot of the owl in the dark woods, the splash of the otter in the rippling stream, or the cry of the straggling savage returning from the hunt; all this where novy is the roar of ma chinery, the flash of a thousand lights, and all the sights and sounds of a busy city. This particular locality was highly prized by the In- * There is considerable conflict of opinion on tliis subject, some writers avering that in 1639 Jean Nicolet visited the country bordering on Green Bay, and explored the Fox river, descend ing the Wisconsin to the Mississippi. No doubt the French missionaries knew of the existence of the Mississippi, as De Soto had, nearly one hundred years previous, explored the " Great Water" as far as the confluence ofthe Missouri. In a quaint old volume m the writer's possession, entitled "Old Mackinaw, or The Fortress ofthe Lakes," the author unequivo cally states that Marquette was the first white' man to explore the' Fox river beyond the mission of St. Francis Xavier, near the present site of De Pere. AVe quote : "On the 7th of ,Tune, having sailed upwards of two hundred miles, Marquette and his party reached the mission of St. Fran cis Xavier. They had now reached the limit of all former French or English discoveries. The new and unknown AVest spread out before them, and the thousand dangers and hard ships by river and land, heightened by tales of horror related to them by the Indians, were presented to their imagination. Resolutely determined to prosecute the enterprise committed to their charge, they knelt upon the shore of Fox river to renew their devotions and obtain the Divine guidance and protection. Encouraged by past success, and urged on by a strong faith, they launched their canoes upon the bosom of the Fox river' THE "GAZETTE" BOOK. FOR 1877-8. 15 dians, being to them a veritable "happy hunting ground." The waters of river and lake swarmed with fish and tur- bearing animals, and was darkened by great flocks of ducks and geese; here, too, was a great point for the cultivation of Indian corn — the old corn-hills are even now to be seen at the east end of the Island, on the "point," and indeed all along the lake shore. • There is much in the fate of these unfortunate beings to awaken onr liveliest sympathies. " What can be more melan- cholly than their history? Bya law of their nature, they seem to be destined to a slow, but sure extinction. Everywhere, at the approach of the white man, they fade away. We hear the rustling of their footsteps, like that of the withered leaves of autumn, and they are gone forever. They pass mournfully by us, and they return and breaking the silence of its shores by the dip of their pad dles, they sailed up its current. When they reached the rapids of that river, it was with difficulty they were enabled to proceed. There was not power enough in the paddles of the two canoes to stem the current, and they were obliged to wade up the rap ids on the jagged rocks, and thus tow them along." Marquette made the sei^ond visit to the tribes in Illinois in the year 1674, this time coasting along the .shore of Lake Michi gan, and cold weather overtaking him before the journey was completed, he spent the winter at the mouth of the Chicago river. The following spring Marquette wastaken ill, while near the headwaters of the Illinois river, and having a premonition that he would not survive, he wished, if possible,' to return to Mackinaw. He was accompanied by two Frenchmen, and upon reaching Lake Michigan they embarked in a birch bark canoe to make their way to the Straits. Marquette's health failed, and before they could reach their destination it became appar ent that the journey of life for the good missionary was rapidly drawing to a close. Again we quote from the work named above: " Conscious of his approaching dissolution, as they were gent ly gliding along the shore, he directed his companions to paddle iiito the mouth of a small river which they were nearing, and pointing to an eminence not far from the bank, he languidlv said, "Bury me there." That river, to this day bears the name of the lamented Marquette." He died May 18th, 1675, aged 38 years. 16 NEENAH LOCAL HISTORY. no more. Two centuries ago, the smoke of their wig wams and the fires of their councils rose in every valley, from Hudson's Bay to the farthest Florida, from the ocean to the Mississippi and the lakes. The shouts ol victory and the war-dance rang through the mountains and the glades. The quick arrows and the deadly toma hawk whistled through the forests; and the hunter's track and dark encampment startled the wild beasts in their lairs. The warriors stood forth in their glory. The young listened to the songs of other days. The mothers played with their infants, and gazed on the scene with warm hopes of the future, The aged sat down; but they wept not. They should soon be at rest in fairer regions, where the Great Spirit dwelt, in a home prepared for the brave, beyond the western skies. Brav er men never lived; truer men never drew the bow. They had courage and fortitude, and sagacity, and per severance, beyond most of the human race. They shrank from no dangers, and they feared no hardships. If they had the vices of savage life, they had the vir tues also. They were true to their country, their friends, and their homes. If they forgave not injury, neither did they forget kindness. If their vengeance was terrible, their fidelity and generositj' were unconq uerable also. Their love, like their hate, stopped not on this side of the grave." Of all the tribes of men who then held undisputed sway, there is nought remaining but their names. From the consolidated tribes of Sacs and Foxes, the river that flows through our city, the same to-dav as then, was named the Fox. Truly, the broad rolling river mio-ht say, "Men may come, and men may go, but I flow on forever." THE "GAZETTE" BOOK. FOR 1877-8. 17 Our beautiful lake received its name from the Win- nebagoes, who lived upon its shores, and the Outagam- ies are remembered in the county joining us on the north. Here the tribes met around their cdiincil fives and declared war or made peace, up and down these waters passed the missionaries who in early days raised the symbol of the cross all along this water route, from Mackinaw to the Mississippi, and along the shores of river and lake wound the great trail which made the main route north and south. Here, too, was fought one of the greatest and most disastrous battles occurring duriug the wars between the French and Indians. Northwest of the city, on the shore of Little Lake Buttes des Mortes, at the point intersected by the C. & N. W. R. R., in early days was to be seen a high, large mound, which marked the burial place of hnmlreds of Indians killed at that spot. The lollowing ;u-count of this famous battle we quote from Harney's History, and, though doubting that so great a number were killed as stated, still the general description is, no doubt, nearly correct: THE BATTLE OF LITTLE BUTTES DES M0HT3. " The stronghold and principal village of the Sat-s and Foxes was on the banks of the Little Buttes des Morts, behjw Doty's Island. They were fortified by mounds and ditches, and attacked the traders in their passage up and down the river, from whom they demanded tribute. The boats were obliged to stop and comply with their extortionate exactions. So annoying had this become that an expedition was fitted out against them under the command of Capt. Morand, in 1746. He proceeded with a large fleet of Durham boats and canoes, covered with oil-cloth to conceal the cargo. When he neared the IS NEENAH LOCAL HISTORY. Indian blockade he sent a land detachment to attack them in the rear. When he came opposite the village, the Indians, as usual, signalled him to stop. He at once complied with the request, and, when the boats ap proached the shore, the Indians thronged the bank in great numbers, preparatory to boarding the boats, when, to their surprise, the oil-cloth was thrown off, and, in stead of the rich booty they were so eager to obtain, several hundred armed men arose and poured into them a deadly discharge of musketry. The detachraent that was formerly landed came up and cut ofF their retreat. More than a thousand warriors perished in this short and decisive battle. The French expedition proceeded up the Upper Fox and down the Wisconsin to Prairie du Chien, where another great battle occurred with the Fox tribe — who had long made war on the whites and the more peaceful tribes, their allies, — which, with the battle at "Little Butte," nearly annihilated the hostile and savage Foxes, and secured the safety of the river passage to the whites and more peaceful tribes. The mounds at Little Buttes des Morts are commemorative of the disasters which ended the supremacy of the Fox Indians." This section was for many years under the govern ment of France, and this river route was the scene of their expeditions for conquest or trade, in which they were constantly engaged with the Indians. " New France,'' as this whole Northwest was called, was a land of great promise to the people of that far-away country from whom it took its name, and from whence came the adventurous spirits who raised the tri-color along the great lakes and this river route. In 1759 "New France'' passed into the possession of the English, the territory THE "GAZETTE" BOOK. FOR 1877-8. 19 embraced at that time including, of course, Wisconsin. In 1761 the British first took possession of the fort at Green Bay. The trade in furs was, in those days, of vast import ance, and this section was especially rich in this product. This territory was under the dominion of France ninety- , nine years; of Great Britain thirty-one years; of the Colony of Virginia six years, and latterly under the jurisdiction of Indiana, Illinois, and Michigan, and fin ally, in 1836, it was organized as a territory under the name of Wisconsin. This particular section is rich in aboriginal and tra ditional history, and it would be a pleasure to dwell up on the subject more at length, but the nature of this little work is such, and our space so necessarily limited, that we must needs pass at once to speak of the first white settlers. -*???€) ^^^^^(5*4^^ 30 NEENAH LOCAL HISTORY. SECOND CHAPTER. THE GOVERNMENT IMPROVEMENTS. Scheme of the 6ovBR>f.MENT to Civilize the Indians — Mills ARE Built and Houses Erected for Their Use on the Pres. ENT Site of Neenah — JIen are Sent to Teach Them the Science of Agrigltlture — Location op the Houses Built — ¦ The Territory is Ceded to the U. S. in 1836 by the Me- nominees — Consequent Colapse op the for Improv ing THE Condition of the Indians — Sale op the Property to Harrison Beed, 184:!. JsNLIKE other localities, this point has a history : preceding the first actual settleraents, and to ^-^4' q properly prepare and pave the way for intro- ir'ftjaiC ducing our iiioneer sketches, we will first explain the condition of ihings iramediately prior to the date at which the first settlers located here. THE MENOMISTEE RESERVATION. The lands north of the Fox river, that is the Upper Fox; and west of Lake Winnebago, had been put aside as a reservation for the benefit of and occupancy by the Menominee tribe of Indians. At that time. Fond dn Lac was the extreme nor therly lirait of civilization, excepting the settlements at Green Bay and other lake shore points, with an attempt at forming a settlement on the south side of the Fox near the present site of Oshkosh. This entire section THE "GAZETTE" BOOK, FOR 1877-8. 21 was then known as the '¦ Indian hani," and as the lands were in no way in market, and no prospect of soon being, there was ofcourse no atterapt at settlement. IN 1835-6 The Governraent became interested in a scheme for civ ilizing and improving the condition of tbe Indians in this territory, and at this particular point it was pro posed to locate a village, from whence the civilizing in fluences were to flow, which wnild make of the roving Menominee and Potta^vatamie a scientific tiller oi the soil, and a general adept in the arts and sciences. For the furtherance of this scheine the Government erected a grist mill, which was in existence, and still known as the Old Governraent Mill, until destroyed by fire in fhe spring of 1874. A saw mill was also Imilt, on the site of which now stands the Neenah Paper Mills. These mills were erected by the Government for the use and benefit of the Indians. To secure the requisite water-power, a wing-dam w;is run out into the river in tercepting and turning quite a stream into the race way which was dug to the newly built mills. This race followed the course of that now known as the " south race." In addition to the mills, the Government can.'^ed to be built twenty or thirty houses, including a school house and blacksmith shop, the latter fully equipped with tools and requisite supplies. Most of these build ings were sixteen by twenty feet in size, made of hewn logs, and put up as good as the circunistances would ad mit of These were to be given to the Indians for their use, and for models whereby thej' could build others. Five ofthem were of more pretentious dimensions, being- two stories high and provided with ^ " wing.'' These also were built of hewn logs, though otherwise finished 33 NEENAH LOCAL HISTORY. off in quite good s'tjape, for the work being done under Government direction, no expense was spared. These large houses were for the use of the men who were to run the grist and saw mills, also for the use of those who were sent here to teach the Indians the art of agricul ture, &c. Of the latter there was provision made for four. These " farmers" were paid a salary of $800 per annum, the amount being allowed them frora the Indian reserve fund. A school teacher and blacksmith was furnished them under the same plan. As might be expected, the Indians did not take kindly to the means provided for their education and improvement, and the extent of the experimental " farming," as one of the earliest settlers has told us, was for the " teachers " to get enough In dians around to do the work required to cultivate a patch of corn and potatoes for said " farmers' " own especial benefit. As for the Indians using the, it is said that they would pull out the floors and build fires on the ground instead of using the fire-place and chimney, while others would stable their ponies in the houses while they pitched their camp outside. The five large houses were located as follows: One on the lake shore near the point, and ou land now owned by Mr. Holbrook, is still to be seen (1878). One on the lake shore near the present residence of Mr. Laehman at the east end of Wisconsin avenue, and was for years the residence of Harrison Reed. One near the old grist mill (present Winnebago Paper Mills) was for many years occupied by Loyal H .Jones. One on the Blair farm, and one on the Neff place, not farfrom the " Hill of the Dead." Everyone of these buildings werestill to be seen wheu the writer came to this place. The model block houses were scattered along at different points, and all THE "GAZETTE" BOOK, FOR 1877-8. 23 were not completed at the time the place was abandoned. The settlement was at that time called Winnebago Rapids It must be borne in mind that these improve ments were all carried forward under Government direc tion, aud at Government expense, and were for the ben efit of the Indians, there being then no white men here as actual settlers. This Utopian scheme was brought to a speedy close, however, as by a treaty made between the Menominee Indians and Gov. Dodge, at Cedar Rapids, (near Apple- ton), in 1836, this whole territory passed into the hands of the Government, and as a consequence the improve ments made at this point were brought to a sudden ter mination and shortly after deserted by those who had been here under the employ of the Governraent. From that time till the year 1843, the place was com paratively abandoned, occupied only by Indians and occasional wandering trappers or traders. To nearly every resident of the city this information is first con veyed through this little book, and to think of this set tlement with its mills, school house and shops lying idle and disused for several years, forms an almost un paralleled bit of local history. The next record we have is in the passage of the property from the control of the Government into the possession of private parties, and the history of this transaction will prove especially interesting, as it was in many respects peculiar, being brought about by mere chance, and it also afterwards proved to be a transaction which affected the permanent and entire interests of the future city. The following description of the place, as it appeared at that time, also to show the difficulties to be encountered in reaching this section, is thus given by Mr. Henry A. Gallup, one 34 NEENAH LOCAL HISTORY. ofthe first two raen to locate at Oshkosh. The following is his description ol the trip frora Green Bay to Lake Winnebago, in 1836: ''When we left Ohio our destination was Lake Win nebago, and leaving oar father, and motber, and sister in good quarters at Green Bay, myself and brother start ed for that particular locality without making any in quiries, except as to the direction and distance. We started on foot, our cour.^e being up the Fox river. ,\ sandy road of five miles, thickly settled by French and half-breeds, with quaint looking houses, many uf them surrounded by palisades and the windows secured by shutters, brought us to Depere, a rival of Green Bay. Here we found quite a number of houses, and extensive preparations for building more. We were told here it was necessary to cross the river, and were accordingly ferried over in a skiff, an Indian trail pointed out to us to follow, and were told it was ten miles to the first house. Five miles carried ns beyond civilization We expected to find a new country, but were quite unpre pared to find it entirely unsettled, and a foot path ten miles in length struck me as remarkable. Our trail led us directly along the river. Some times we were on the top of the hill, and then our path would wind down to the very water's edge to avoid some deep ravine, as nature seldom makes bridges. The scenery was beauti ful, the side of the river we were upon was quite open while the other side vvas heavily timbered. The waters of the broad river undisturbed, except bj' an occasional Indian canoe, which seeraed to float so beautifully; we were sorry we had not adopted that mode of travel. Our trail would sometimes pass through a grove of wild plum and crab-apple trees with scarcely room enouo-h THE "GAZETTE" BOOK, FOR 1877-8. 25 for a person to pass, which suggested to us ambuscades, and we were always glad when we were through them. Indian file was the mode of traveling in those'days. Our ten miles was soon over; when we came down upon' a low natural prairie covered with a luxuriant growth of grass; the river had quite an expansion, and in it were several little grass islands. This was Petit Kack-a-lin, and here was the house spoken of; a log house, with the same lay out buildings, and surrounded by a dozen In dian wigwams. This was the residence of Eleazer Wil liams, the veritable Dauphin of France; but he was as ignorant of the fact at that time as we were ourselves. As we approached the house, we were beset with an army of Indian dogs, and their bark was as intelligible to us as anything we heard on the premises. The In dians looked their astonishment at seeing two Kich-e^ ma-ka-man boys in their encampment. We made many inquiries of them, but got laughed at for onr pains. As none of Williams' family could be found, it seeraed like seeking information under difficulties; and finding the trail that led up the river, we pushed on, feeling satisfled that if we had gained no information, we had not imparted any, so the Indians and we were even. Our next point, we had been told, was Grand Kack-a-lin, which, for some reason— perhaps the name — we supposed was quite a place. About sundown, we came down from the high bank upon which our trail had been, upon the most beautiful flat of land I ever saw covered with a tuft of short grass and dotted all over with little groves of crab-apple and plum trees. The flat contained perhaps a hundred acres, the hill enclos ing it in the shape of a cresent, and the boiling rapid river in front, which here is more than half a mile in 36 NEENAH LOCAL HISTORY. width. Here we found several large springs, very strong ly impregnated with sulphur, at which we drank. Upon this flat we discovered a large pile of buildings which consisted of a large dwelling house and trading post, with the necessary out buildings, and belonging to Mr. Grignon, an Indian trader. This was the Grand Kack- a-lin, but the name is applied to the rapids in the river. Our greeting here was still more cordial than at our last place of calling, as there were more dogs. At this house we applied for food and lodgings, but without success. Things began to have rather an unpleasant look, and vve began to think we were too far from home —twenty miles from Green Bay and fifteen miles from any place. On looking about the premises we discovered, for the first time that day after crossing the river, something that wore pantaloons; and on accosting him, found that he could speak English. He was half negro, and the balance Stockbridge Indian. He informed us that Mr. Grignon was not at home, and there would be no use in trying to get accommodations in his absence. That he lived directly on the opposite side of the river — that his canoe would not carry us— but he would get an Indian to take us over, and that we should be his guests over night To all these propositions we readily consented, and procuring an Indian to take us across, we got into a log canoe, when onr ferryman, an old Indian of per haps eighty or ninety years, taking his position in the stern with a shoving pole, shoved us safely through the boiling waters. Passing the night under the hospitable roof of our mixed friend, we hailed our native ferryman, and were again soon upon our inarch. Passing rapidly along, we came pat upon an Indian in a kneeling pos- THE "GAZETTE" BOOK, FOR 1877-8. 27 ture beside the trail and at the foot of a tall post, upon the top of which was a gilded rooster, while in a side box set in the post was the infant Jesus. We were quite startled, but Mr. Indian maintained a perfect grav ity, and we left him at his morning orisons. At a point five miles from the Grand Kack-a-lin called Little Chute, we found a Catholic Mission in course of erection, to which Nym Crinkle gives a very ancient origin. The manner of building was a curious one, which was bj' setting up posts about eight feet apart, and then filling up between with small logs and pinning through the posts into the end of the logs. There were but one or two men at work upon it. It was afterwards occupied by a Catholic priest, who was also a physician, and administered to one body of the Menominee Indians, both bodily and spiritually, with very beneficial results. Five miles further brought us to the Grand Chute, now Appleton. Here was a per pendicular fall in the river of seven feet, but close to the shore the rock had worn away so that a boat could take the plunge in going down, and be led up by ropes if quite light. Here the Durham boats, which did all the freighting at that time up and down the river, were obliged to discharge their freight and roll it along under the bank on poles to above the fall. The boats were then lifted and dragged up by a large party of In dians and reloaded above. The amount of freighting was then considerable. All the Governraent supplies for Fort Winnebago was passed up this way and detach ments of soldiers often passed in the same manner. Nothing could exceed the grandeur of the scenery at this point, everything at that time being in its wild and nat ural state, and no habitation within miles. .Just below 38 NEENAH LOCAL HISTORY. the falls, at the mouth of a little ravine, was a little plat of grass turf among a grove of plum and forest trees, entwined with wild grape vines, which was the favorite camping ground, and a more enchanting spot was never found. I had the pleasure of camping here two nights that same fall, in the month of November under most unfavorable circumstances — a crew of drunken Indians with nothing but the canopy of Heaven above us. But still the place had attractions for me. Following the bank of the river a short distance above, our trail sud denly diverged from the river, and we found ourselves floundering throusrh the woods and mud of Mud Creek. This was the first place we had found but what had some attraction. This vvas dismal enough. A few miles and we emerged into another enchanting spot of ground known as Little Butte des Morts, or the Mounds of the Dead. Here on a rising piece of ground are several large mounds where the dead of some Indian battle had been buried. An expansion of the river here is called Little Buttes des Morts Lake, at the upper end of which appears to be quite a village. This was Winnebago Rapids, (now Neenah). Here the Government had built a grist and saw mill and had commenced the build ing of a large number of small log houses for the Me nominee Indians, which were in different stages of com pletion, when the work was stopped by the Indians consenting to sell the land to the Government. Some of the houses the Indians had taken possession of by tearing out the floors and pitching their tents on the ground inside fhe walls. They were also furnished with four farmers to instruct the Indians in farming at a salary of $800 per annum, which the Indians paid. These farmers were the only inhabitants of the place, at THE "GAZETTE" BOOK. FOR 1877-8. 29 the house of one of whom, Mr. Clark Dickinson, we were welcomed and furnished with our dinnei-. We could make but a short stay, as we still had sixteen miles to travel without a habitation." After lying for sorae time in a deserted condition it was decided by the Government, through the War Department, to offer the mill site, with the buildings, improvements, pers'bnal property, etc., for sale, and to this end it was advertised to be sold at auction. The official record of the act authorizing this transaction is as follows: "These lands were sold by the War Depart ment under act of Congress authorizing the sale of the lands, with the improvements thereon erected by the United States, for the use of their agents, teachers, farmers, raechanics, and other persons employed among the Indians. Approved March 3, 1843." To further this object, the Government caused ad vertisements to be inserted in several papers, and among them was a paper published in Milwaukee. Harrison Reed was at this tirae interested in the Milwaukee paper and the announcement of the sale attracted his attention and he determined to investigate the matter in his own interest. To this end he consulted with Judge Doty, with whom he was acquainted, and Doty, knowing the location of the property and its value, advised Reed to buy it. Acting on this suggestion and his own convic tion that it would prove a profitable investment, he bid off the property at the governraent sale in 1843, agree ing to pay for the same a sum between three and four thousand dollars. This sale bears date Oct. 2, 1843. The inventory included the mills, water-power, several hundred acres of land, and all the buildings and im provements thereon. It also included the blacksmith 30 NEENAH LOCAL HISTORY. shop, with its outfit and stock of iron, a quantity of sash, doors, nails, glass, lumber, carts, wagons, chains, tools, etc., also a quantity of logs and timber which had been cut and rafted Dy the Government, with the expectation of cutting at the raill. It was indeed a great bargain, and Reed entered upon his possessions in high spirits, and as the sole owner of the village of Winnebago Rapids, he hadjust reason to indulge in bright dreams of future wealth and in fluence. Harrison Reed is remembered by old settlers as a man of very considerable ability, a tireless worker, a great or ganizer, and a man fertile in all manner of plans and schemes. He did not have the knack of making and keeping money, however, and his financial and business management was such as to bring his best laid plans tc nought. He was very sociable, attracting and making friends very readily. In personal appearance he is described as being rather under medium size, thin featured, light complexion, blue eyes, hair thin, being quite bald, and^ being near sight ed, he generally wore glasses. Was a native of York State, and about thirty years of age when he came to Neenah. Thus it will be seen that our history comprises an era ante-dating the earliest pioneers, and being that time whon this spot was taken by the Government and im proved in the interest of the Indians, the time when all this was abandoned and the place deserted, and is only broken through its purchase by Harrison Reed, and the coming of the first actual settlers, where our only au thentic personal historical record can begin. THE "GAZETTE" BOOK, FOR 1877-8. 31 THIRD CHAPTER. Rbed Purchases Winnebago Rapids, Oct. 2, 1843 — Occurren ces and Embarassmbnts Following the Purchase — Coming OF THE First Settlers — Pendleton and Mansur — Arrival OF Vining and Harlow, Aug. 28, 1845 — Incidents Attend ing Their Introduction to this Locality — Condition op Affairs at that Time — They Run the Old Government Mills— Ira Baird and Family Arrive in December, 1845 — Thrilling Incident Attending Their Journey, Etc., Etc. ^"" S recorded in the last chapter, Harrison Reed bid off' the property of Winnebago Rapids, both real and personal, on the 2d day of October, 1843, '^^^^ and shortly after entered into full possession of his purchase. After being informed of his bid being accepted, Mr- Reed wrote to the General Land Office to enquire in whose possession or care the property was, and what steps were necessarj- for him to take. He was informed that the property was deserted, 9,nd, as he was the buyer he had better take possession at once and look after it. The man who drew the elephant was in much the same fix as Mr. Reed with his new possessions, as his pecuniary circum stances were such as to make it impossible for him to pay for the property when it was tendered on his bid. He obtained bondsmen, however, in the usual form when presenting his offer, and he was allowed some time to close up the contract, and being well satisfied as to the 32 NEENAH LOCAL HISTORY. value of the lands, and sanguine that something would "turn up" to help hira out of his difficulties, he at once took possession of the property and began mak ing use of certain portions of it — using and selling building material and other items cf personal property included in the inventory, and occupying and running the saw and grist-mill, but as he had not perfected his title, he could not sell any of fhe real estate, or in any way offer inducements to actual settlers, neither had he anj' means with which to improve the water-power- The property lay in this condition for upwards of two years, and until the coming of the Jones', an account of which will be given hereafter. Mr. Reed took up his residence in one of the large houses built by the Government, and situated near the lake shore at the east end of Wisconsin avenue, where he resided for many years, his house being a stopping place for all the earliest comers. Shortly after the coming of Mr. Reed, George H. Mansur arrived on the ground and took upa claim on the lake shore, which he afterward purchased in due form, when the lands came in market. Mr. Mansur still resides ou this same land. Peter Pendleton arrived at about this tirae and also raade a " squatter's claim" on land still owned by his children. Stephen Hartwell and one .Johnson, a Dane, were also here in this year, the latter being mail carrier between Fond du Lac and Wrightstown, he having raade a claim on lands which afterward came into the possession of Brein, the former taking up lands which are now one of the ad ditions to Sherrytown. Johnson was one of the two men dying in one day, mention of which is raade else where. THE "GAZETTE" BOOK, FOR 1877-8. 33 In 1845 .came several adventurous spirits, who are still among us, and who are inseparably connected with the history and incidents of the pioneer days. During this year came Gorham P. Vining and George Harlow, also Ira Baird and faniily, and Rev. 0. P. Clinton made his first visit to the Rapids in December of that year. The circumstances attending the first visit by Vining and Harlow are somewhat- laughable, and show how the merest chance oft times changed the course of enterpris ing spirits looking up a " .site," and would afterward definitely fix their location. In the sumraer of 1845, in company with a young companion named Wallingford, both from Lowell, Mass., Vining left the east to look upa home in the great west. Coming to Wisconsin, they got as far as Watertown and there stopped for several days. While here they made the acquaintance of Harlow, who, like themselves was looking for a satisfactory location, and was stopping at Watertown, that being as far as they could travel at that time with any accommodation. After consultation and discussion it was resolved to push on to Fond du Lac, which place they had heard mentioned as a pro mising point. To make fhis trip a wagon and pair of horses was provided to take them over the prairies and through the woods, Harlow accompanying the party. Arriving at Fond du Lac they reraained there several days and looked the county over to their entire satisfac tion, and were anything but pleased with it. Coming from the hills of Massachusetts and Vermont, the low, flat, marshy surroundings of Fond du Lac appeared especially disagreeable, and they concluded to strike out for sorae other section of the State. While expressing his feelings, and at the same tirae his determination not 34 NEENAH LOCAL HISTORY. to give up looking, Vining made use of the expression that "he was going to get out of that mud hole, and flnd sorae place in Wisconsin where water would run down hill." This remark coming to the ears of one of the settlers, the latter was quite indignant at the im plied reflection on this section of the territory, and in formed the partj- that " if they would go to Winnebago Rapids they could see water run down hill." This led to inquiries concerning the place, and our travelers made up their minds not to leave until they had visited the Rapids. But how to get there. That was the one great obstacle. Vining was particularly determined to see the place, his companions rather favoring a retreat, and, finding a little old steamboat, the Manchester, lying at the lake shore, then the only boat on these waters, and that but an excuse for one, he offered the man on board of her twenty-five dollars in gold to take him to the Rapids, but the owner of the boat not being at home, the man having her in charge refused to undertake the trip, and this means of reaching the coveted spot was reluctantly given up. Finally they found a large skiff in which the three men embarked for the north shore of the lake. Darkness overtook them along the bank near Stockbridge, and they passed the night as well as they could under the circumstances, embarking again in the morning and crossing the lake to their destination, landing at the residence of Harri son Reed, on the lake shore. Here they met Gov. Doty, who with Reed gladly availed themselves of the privil ege of showing the party about the place. Here they saw water that unquestionably did run down hill, and lively too, and plenty of it, and they were in all other respects greatly pleased with the location, and after con - THE "GAZETTE" BOOK. FOR 1877-8. 35 sulation determined to make it their stopping place. It was nece.ssary, however, for them to return with the boat, and to look after their goods. For fear they might weaken in their resolves, or that something should trans pire to cause them to change their plans, it was decided between them that any such occurrence shonld be pro vided against by their here something which would make it absolutely necessary for them to return. It is said that Harlow demurred to this plan, and refused to take any chances on leaving valuables behind him, but he promised his companions faithfully that he would return. This was satisfactory to Vining, who, however, left his gun, as did his friend Wallingford. The articles were left with Harrison Reed, vvho was only too glad to receive them, as it was a pledge to him that he was soon to have company in his lonely quarters. They then started back to return the boat, and secure a stock of provisions, they having decided to'winter at Winnebago Rapids. The difficulties which they encountered in securing their provisions, and the expense and labor necessary to get them here, gives a good idea of the hardships and discomforts common to all pioneers, and as the two yleading characters are still with us and well known, it will both point a moral and adorn our tale to give the circumstances of the trip. After returning to Fond du Lac, it was determined that one of the party should go south as far as Water- town for the supplies. It was further decided that each man should contribute twenty-five dollars for their pur chase. The next question fo decide was who should go and invest the money and return with the proceeds. As Harlow had left his trunk at Watertown, it seemed 36 NEENAH LOCAL HISTORY. as thongh he was the raan to go, but Wallingford, re merabering that he had refused to leave any pledge at the Rapids, and they, of course, being entire strangers, hesitated about advancing the money, whereupon Vining remarked to Wallingford that his (Harlow's) face was good for twenty-five dollars, and he advanced Walling ford's portion, sending fifty dollars. Leaving his two corapanions, Harlow struck out through the woods for Watertown, and, though delayed some time, which made his friends very anxious, he was finally seen piloting an ox team through the woods, re turning with the supplies. It was then determined to bring the goods to Neenah by the same conveyance; therefore the three men started and, clearing the roads, they slowly raade their way from B^ond du Lac here, it being one of the first loaded wagons that had ever come over the trail. Their arrival at Reed's caused that gentleman most unbounded gratification, and he did all in his power to provide for their wants, placing at their disposal the large Government house near the grist-mill, where Vin ing and Harlow lived that winter. Their companion, Wallingford. was taken ill shortly after their arrival and went back to Massachusetts that same fall, never returning to Neenah. Harlow and Vining made an arrangement with Reed shortly after their arrival, whereby they undertook to run the grist and saw-mill for the winter of 1845-6. At that time the Government mill was the only one in the county, or, indeed, in this section of the State, that could do work during the winter inonths. As a conse quence grists came for many miles; as far north as Green Bay, from Stockbridge, from beyond Oshkosh; indeed. THE "GAZETTE" BOOK, FOR 1877-8. 37 The writer has been informed that it was not an uncom mon sight to see one hundred or more different grists in the mill at one time. The settlers would bring them many miles, and returning home, come again after wait ing days and weeks for them to be ground. The cause of the rush at this point was that what few little mills there were in this part of the State were situated on small streams, and during the winter everything would freeze up, and, as a consequence no grinding could be done, while at this place, although in those days much troubled by the frost, still they managed to keep the old wheels moving. The agreement with Reed was that the two men should fix up the dam, which was greatly out of repair, make sorae needed changes about the mills— both the saw-mill and grist mill — and that they should have one-half the toll received for grinding and one-h.alf of all money received for sawing lumber. Stephen Hartwell, who was here at this time was engaged to help them in the grist-mill, he being a miller, and under this management, the two old Government mills did their first winter's work under the control of private parties. Reed had run the mill a little the winter before, but not to any extent. The trials and dangers attending those early days would furnish us a theme for an entire volume, and prove interesting reading. People hereabouts who now adays think they cannot well go to town without a fine spring wagon, should remember how many who are still among us were forced to do in " the early days." An account of the trip of Ira Baird, accompanied by his wife and child, will fairly illustrate the hardships endured by those who resolutely turned their faces from kindred and friends looking forward to the making 10 38 NEENAH LOCAL HISTORY. of a new home on the prairies or in the forests of the west. Brave spirits they, and, thanks to the laws of compensation, all such, in nearly every instance, were in tirae rewarded to the extent of their expectations. Ira Baird was among the very first who brought their families to Neenah, he having arrived here in the nionth of December, 1845. An accoant of his journey from Watertown we have from the lips of the sturdy old pioneer himself, who is still hale and hearty. Having first prospected, and being pleased with the place, he returned to Watertown for his wife and child, having left them there while he went in search of a location. Having but little raoney, and firmly resolv ing to keep enough of it to buy eighty acres of land, he was very careful in investing the surplus. The great object was to secure something with which he could convey his family and their few worldly goods to the Rapids, and to accomplish this he purchased a pair of three-year-old steers and an old vvagon. With this rig he started from Watertovfrn, in the month of December, the weather being exceedingly cold. After a weary trip they reached Fond du Lac, and from there pushed on to Oshkosh. Mr. Baird's account of crossing the Fox river at Osh kosh forms a thrilling episode in the journey. They arrived at the river at about nine o'clock at night, more dead than alive, the cold being unusuallj- severe; indeed, the steers actually froze their noses, and Baird his hands and face, while it required every parti cle of clothing possessed by the adventurous couple to keep the woman and child irom actually freezing to death in the wagon. Arriving at the river bank in this condition, there was nothing to do but cross, as to THE "GAZETTE" BOOK. FOR 1877-8. 39 remain out-doors with no shelter was to perish, while across the river they knew they should find the cabin of a settler. Starting down upon the ice our travelers were startled by what appeared to be an open channel in the river, it looking quite black, while the ice on each side was white. Fearfully approaching this black line Mr. Baird found that it was ice, though very much thin ner than that on either side. Its appearance was ac- counteij for from the fact that the ice first forms from 'the river banks, leaving an open channel in the centre, where the water flows swiftest, until severe^frost coats that also, when it generally appears clear and black in comparison to that near the banks, and this it was which alarmed our travelers. The ice in the centre was apparently rauch thinner than that at the sides, and the chances for crossing in safety with the cattle were not flattering, but there was nothing left for thera, as to reraain where they were vvould be to freeze, and so desperate was their condition, cold and almost disheartened, that the husband said to the faithful wife: " There is no other way. Amy, we " must cross the river. If the cattle go through, the " wagon an'd all we have on earth will go with them, "and I shall follow you. We will cr(),^,i to the other side '¦^ or go to the hotto-n together-." With this desperate feeling in their hearts, they start ed to cross the thinly frozen channel, expecting every moment to be engulphed in the dark waters, but bend ing and cracking under the tread of the steers, hurried on by their frantic driver, the ice bore them in safety to the other shore, and they soon after found shelter in one ofthe few cabins which then marked the present site of Oshkosh. The next day they pushed on for the Rapids, 40 NEENAH LOCAL HISTORY. following a route nearly the same as that now known as the " Lake Shore road," and arriving at their destina tion, took up their quarters in a portion of the old house near the mill. The next spring Mr. Baird entered lands novv com prised in the farm owned by Wm. Tipler, about one and one-half miles west of the city. Mr. Baird earned an penny many a time bj- piloting new comers about the country in search of desirable lands, and often went to Green Bay, where the Land Office was then located, to purchase land for other parties. Strangers to the country, who did not know the way, and as it often hap pened, were afraid of the Indians, would commission him to go to the Land Office, and purchase their lands, while they would stop at his house during his absence. During these trips he met with many adventures, Indi ans and wild beasts being often encountered This will fairly illustrate the trials and dangers en dured bj' those who, first pushing forward, marked the routes to new homes and led the way for the army of pioneers soon to follovv. --^^?^e^!£Sik(3^^^~ NEENAH LOCAL HISTORY. 41 FOURTH CHAPTER. First Survey op Lands in this Vicinity — First Lands En tered — Concerning the Sale op Lands on the Island, Which Occuhrkd in 1835 — Pricks Paid — Who Purchased, Etc., Etc. — Gov. Doty Builds the "Grand Loggery" — Date and Circumstance op His Arrival in the State— Dippiculties Encountered in Entering Lands Hereabouts — Significance op the Name " Neenah " — Incident in Rela tion Thereto — The "Council Tree." , og^HE lands on the Island, and on the Menasha side '4tlK of the river, were surveyed in 1833, and in 1835 they were placed in the market and offered fbr sale. The lands on the west side of the lake and river, or, mere properly speaking, in the towns adjoining this city, were surveyed by Garrett Vliet, under the direction of A. G. Ellis, Surveyor General, in 1839, three years after they had been ceded to the United States by the Indians. It is a fact, though not generally known, and the rea sons therefor still less understood, that the lands on the Island and on the Menasha side, came into market sev eral years before those on this side of the river. The Island, and lands on the north bank of the river, were surveyed in 1833, and not being in the Indian reserva tion, that tract including only the territory west of Lake Winnebago and the Fox river, they came into market 11 42 NEENAH LOCAL HISTORY. much the earliest. Therefore we find them offered for sale August 81st, 1835. As will be readily understood, all who were acquainted with the location and the cir cumstances, knew full well that this property would be especially valuable, as the Government had already com menced to build the mills and raake other improve ments on this side of the river. Therefore we find the more valuable lands along the river bank quickly bid off' at high prices on the first day it was offered for sale, and we find araong the purchasers some of the men best inforraed as to the value of the property in this section of the State, including Daniel Whitney, Jaraes D. Doty, Morgan L. Martin aud others. This will explain loli-y and hovi the land on the Island was purchased long before that on this side came into market, in fact before the United States owned it, the facts being that the lands on the east shore of the river and lake already belonged to the Government' while that on this side was an Indian reservation, and did not come into the possession of the Government until in 1836, and was not surveyed until 1839. and of fered for sale in 1846. The lands on which the iraprove raents had been made were excepted in the above, they being reserved by the War Department, and sold in 1843. as before stated. We find by the records that the lands formerlj- known as the Doty horaestead, now Roberts' Summer Resort, were bid off August 31st bj' Daniel Whitney, of Green Baj', — no doubt in the interest of Gov. Doty, — as the patents were made out to him. Samuel W. Beall, resi dence given as in Brown county, Michigan territory, appears as the purchaser of one hundred acres on the river bank east of the present railroad track, at between "• .'' ^,* ** I'M .«a.!E&2»<24%S4?' THE "GRAND LOGGERY" (Doty's Residence) AS IT APPEARED IN 1850. See r!lt;e 4.) THE "GAZETTE" BOOK. FOR 1877-8. 43 six and seven dollars per acre. Daniel Whitney pur chased 90 acres on the Island, running west from the present railroad track, to the residence of Mr. Haynes. This land brought great prices for those days, some of it going as high as ten dollars per acre, and none selling at less than five or six. Thus it will be seen that the lands on the Island were bought fullj^ ten years before the arrival of the first regular settlers, they having been purchased in every instance as a speculation, and not for actual settleraent. Gov. Doty did not build on his property until the year 1845, full ten years after its purchase. The log house of Gov. Doty, which was a very pretentious structure, and its owner a well-known and popular raan in this section of the State, was by Mis. Doty christened the ¦' Grand Loggery," and by that name it was known up and down the Fox river for many years. James D. Doty was appointed by President Monroe in 1824, judge of a newly arranged circuit, comprising all this north east section of the State. Judge Doty held his court at Green Bay and Fort Winnebago, now Portage City, and in passing up and down the Fox river to and from the fort, he became acquainted with this locality and was favorably impressed with its advantages, and early determined to secure a homestead on the Island, and raake this beautiful spot a home for his de clining years, and in conformity with this resolve, we find him on hand to bid off the land when it flnally came into market, and in due time he erected a house, where he lived for many years, respected and honored by all the early residents. The Island in for mer years was spoken of as " Doty Island,'' and was thus known throughout the State. It is said that Judge 44 THE "GAZETTE" BOOK, FOR 1877-8. Doty owned the first framed house ever erected in Wis consin. It was built for him at Green Bay, in 1825, by Col. Ebeneezer Childs. In early times it seemed as though a fatality hung over Neenah, at least so far as regards the opportunities and advantages for buying lands were concerned. We find that while Harrison Reed held the Winnebago Rapids property he eould not sell any lands, and we are informed by those first entering Government lands here abouts that it was with the utmost difficulty that the first lands could be secured. In the winter of 1845 Stephen Hartwell went to the Land Office at Green Bay to purchase forty acres which he had selected, but was informed by the officer in charge. Col. Hodges, that " these lands were not in market," and insisted that Hartwell could not get them, at the same time offering hira lands in other sections When Hartwell returned and it was learned that the officer would not receive money for lands here, it created con.siderable anxiety and indignation also, as those best informed, including Gov. Doty, said that the lands were properly in market, and that the action of the agent at the Land Office was but a ruse to keep settlers from coming here, and at the same time attract them elsewhere. Gov. Doty then made note of the fact that there was continually something to hinder and delay the settle ment of Neenah. In the following spring George Har low, G. P. Vining, and one or two others went to the Land Office to enter some Innds, and, as in the case of Hartwell, they were informed that " the lands were not in market." But Vining and Harlow were not to be put off in this way, and being provided with the Presi dent's proclamation offering the lands for sale, they soon NEENAH LOCAL HISTORY. 45 caused the agent to " see the point," and he finally con cluded that there had beey^ some mistake about it, and their money was received and the lands duly entered. This was in the spring of 1846, when the first sales of lands hereabouts were made. Land on Ball Prairie and in the towns adjoining Oshkosh had been purchased and settled upon some tirae before. Brooks, Kimball, Cross, Quatermas and others being there at work making farms, but none of the lands in or adjoining Neenah were pro perly purchased before 1846, excepting the sale to Har rison Reed, and that was not fully consummated until the same year. The name of our city, Neenah, is an Indian word, sig nifying in the Winnebago language, " water.'' Only this and nothing more. It is said that its application to this locality was as follows : On one occasion Gov. Doty met quite a band of Indians here, and during their talk he asked one of the chiefs, pointing to the river, " what is that?" meaning to ask the narae of the river. The Indian answered Nee iiah, supposing that Doty was asking him what he called the water. Doty took a fancy to the name, or more properly speaking, the word, and ever afterwards to this locality, andin time it becarae its only name. THE COUNCIL TBEE. The giant elm, which marks and adorns the Point beyond Riverside Park, has, from the earliest times, been known as the " Council Tree," or " Treaty Elm," the tradition being that many councils and important treaties were held under its broad shadows, but Rev. Mr. Chapin, in his historical sketch disclaims any such hon ors for the forest giant, and assures us that its great age and broad-spreading limbs are alone its only claims for 12 46 THE "GAZETTE" BOOK, FOR 1877-8. notice. We find, however, that this view of the case is not entirely in conformity wjith known facts and tra* ditional history. We have it from Mr. Clinton that Gov. Doty often said that the tree was a general rendez vous and treaty ground for the tribes and bands of Indi ans up and down the river, and he unqualifidely stated that the Indians spoke of the tree and that particular spot of land on the Point, as a favorite place for holding their annual pow-wows and councils, and that it was frorn the Indians themselves that it received the name of " Council Tree," and though there appears to be no evidence pointing to the spot as marking any of the important treaties between the Indians and United States Coramissioners, still, we think that among the Indians themselves for many generat,ions, it was a favor ite resort, its location and surroundings all combine to make this claim exceedingly reasonable, and we believe the tree is justly entitled to its significant and romantic title. -*^'??Q ^S®l^*0ife>— r-SJ^ THE COUNCIL TREE— Near Riverside Park. See page 45. HARRISON REED'S RESIDENCE. The First House in Neenah Occupied by a White Family. fcpe page 47. NEENAH LOCAL HISTORY. 47 FIFTH CHAPTER. Incidents in Connection With the Arrival and Residence or Harrison Reed — Who Were Here on His Arrival— His Wagon the First to Cross the Fox River at Oshkosh — Procured a Post Office, and Named it Neenah, in 1844 — Simon Quatermas the First Mail-carrier — Builds the Fir,st Barge, the " Growler "—His Daughter, Nina, the First White Child Born in Neenah. ARRISON REED movpd to Neenah in the win ter of.1843-4,* coming from B^'ond du Lac on the ice. On his arrival he found Peter Pendleton, a "squatter," living in the block house on the lake shore, into which Mr. Reod moved, and where he lived for about eighteen 3'ears. There all his children, save the eldest, were born, and there two were buried. During the year 1844 Mr. Reed was comparatively alone. *Tlie facts and incidents related in the following chapter were furnished us by Mr. Reed himself, now a resident of Jackson- vihe, Florida, and engaged in the publication of a magazine called the Semi-Tropioal. Mr. Reed left Neenah during the early years ofthe war, and at the close of the rebellion went to Florida, where he afterward secured high political influence and position, being at one time Governor of the State. Strange as it may seem for a man who at one time considered himself the sole owner of the entire vihage, and who was so instrumen tal in shaping the course of all matters in the early days, Mr. Reed does not own a foot of ground of all his original possessions, and has no property interest where he once braved the dangers of frontier life to make a home for himself and familv. A marked example of the waywardness of fortune, and the ups and downs in the whirligig of life. 48 THE "GAZETTE" BOOK, FOR 1877-8. there being but four or five traders to keep him company^ and the Indians, of which, in those days, there were hundreds. Smith Moore, an Indian trader from Green Bay, was here, also a Col. Tuller and Robert Irwin, who lived in the block house on the Point, where thej' were trading with the Indians on Reed's arrival. Colwell, a white trader, also lived with a band of Indians on the west shore of the lower lake. Moore afterward pur chased lands, and built a house about one mile west of the present city, now standing and owned by Rev. Mr. Freeman. Moore is described as a man of ability and great force of character, and had he lived would doubt less made quite a mark in the local history of the place, but he died about 1853, from small pox, contracted while visiting an Indian payment near the present town of Poygan. Irwin and Tuller never settled here. Reed cut out the first road between Neenah and Oshkosh. Gill Brooks, then a new comer near Oshkosh, and a man employed by Reed, assisted in the work, while Mrs Reed followed them through with a buggy. Reed's wagon was the first double wagon to cross the Fox river at Oshkosh, being ferried over on an old scow owned by Robert Grignon, at what is now Algoma. Mr. Reed secured the establishment of a post office in 1844, and called it " Neenah." The office was then kept at his own house, and the mail could be carried in his hat. Simon Quatermas was the first mail-carrier, and it is said that on his first trip to Oshkosh, in attempting to go down the lake shore, he got lost in the big swamp and nearly drowned his horse. At that time the lands all through back of Mansur's were considered an impas sable swamp, and Smith Moore, in order to compel the mail to be brought around by the " trail" on the " rido-e" NEENAH LOCAL HISTORY. 49 and thus pass his place, so i-epresented it to the Depart ment. In those days the travel was mainly by boat in sum mer, and on the ice during the winter. Harrison Reed constructed the first scow or barge on the lake. It was built in 1844 by Colwell, a white trader, on the lake shore near Reed's house, where she was launched. She was forty-five feet long and was named the " Growl er," and was in use for many years. A daughter of Har rison Reed's, born in August, 1846, was the first white child born in Neenah. She was christened " Nina" in consequence, that being a near approach to the name, of the place. Reed printed the first newspaper' in ISeenah, an ac count of which may be found elsewhere. The first attempt at a regular religious, service was at Harrison Reed's house in 1845, the preacher being a Methodist on his way to Green Bay., Only five or six persons were present at the time. ' -*«?JQ <;3^^'^5*ife^ 13 50 THE "GAZETTE" BOOK, FOR 1877-8. SIXTH CHAPTER. James Ladd — His Recollections of Pioneer Days — Abkivai; IN Neenah, 1846 — Builds the First Bridge Across the Big Slough— Builds the Winnebago House, 1847— First Town Meeting. ¦N March, 1846, in company with Deacon Mitchel and Mr. Wheatly, I arrived in Neenah. We came from Dodge county, but had to leave our ^^^^ team on the other side of the river in Oshkosh, cross the river in a skiff, and proceed on foot, foUowing the Indian trail through the woods. We found a few log or block houses built bj- the Gov ernment fbr the benefit of the Indians, also the Government mills. At this time there were seven or eight families within four miles of Neenah, and a large sprinkling of Indians. We stopped over night with Harrison Reed near the Point. We made inquir ies of him concerning CroVernment land. He directed us to Gov. Doty, on the Island, and was there directed to Mr. Pendleton, who lived on the Cronkhite place, he being the oldest settler and best acquainted with the country. We got what information we could respect ing the best locations and started off through the woods to look foi; land. We lost our way and after wandering a long time, struck on an Indian trail, which brought NEENAH LOCAL HISTORY. 51 us to Mr. Jourdan's on the Neff farm. It was late in the afternoon and we were tired and hungry, but here we were served to a good dinner of wild ducks, etc. After wandering about through woods and brush, crossing the streams in a skiff, I concluded to make a claim where I now live. In October following I moved my faraily in to a block house with Mr. Colwell, who lived with an Indian wife on the Blair place. Other families moved in that summer and fall. We had Ho way to cross the lower lake with teams but to ford it, going into the lake by the old mill, and guiding our course by an old oak on the Jourdan place, the water coraing up to the mid dle of the wagon box, so that we were obliged to place ourselves and effects on top of the box to keep dry. Some Frenchmen with a load of calico and trinkets, going through to trade with the Indians at their annual gathering to receive their annuity frora the Government, in attempting to cross just at night, to stop with me — there being no place in Neenah to stop — got out of the right course into deep water with a muddy bottom. They called for assistance, and I went to them in a skiff. The men and horses were rescued, but wagon and goods were left to soak over night; the next morning by means of long poles tied together, and oxen, the wagon was drawn ashore. They dried their goods, and resumed their journey, thinking they would be none the less val uable to the redskins for having .been soaked. My house, which consisted of three rooms, with low charabers, was the only stopping place for travelers that winter west of the slough and the lake. That fall the settlers that were here clubbed together— there being no town board to raise an extra tax — to hire the Indi ans to cut a road through to the Oneida settleraent, a 52 THE "GAZETTE" BOOK, FOR 1877-8. distance of fourteen miles. We were to furnish them with provisions while they did the work. That road connected with a road to Green Bay, which was the only way we could reach the Bay with teams. The Indians camped in rude huts as they worked their way along, taking my house for the terminus of the road, which thej' reached one night, headed by their chief, Mr. Breed. We gave them (twenty in number) a good sup per, after which each took his blanket and lay down be fore our old-fashioned fire-place. Before leaving in the morning, they presented me a cane with a snake's head neatly carved on the top of it. These Indians brought us our lumber for the first building in Neenah, from their mills on Duck creek. We soon thought about some way to get across the Neenah slough. Some six or eight of the settlers agreed to pay me one hundred dollars to build a bridge, which I did by making cribs of logs, laying stringers from crib to crib, and covering with poles. This bridge was com pleted in the spring, and lasted a number ofyears. One of my family was taken sick that spring, and I sent to Oshkosh for a physician — there being none near er — but he did not understand the case, and I sent to Stockbridge for Dr. Marsh. The only way to get there was to cross the lake in a skiff. Mr. C. Northrop, of Menasha, went across, a distance of fourteen miles, and returned with the doctor. We had to take him home, and send for him a second time in the same way. Work on the Neenah dam was begun in 1847, and as there was no place to board the men, I built the barn back of the Winnebago House, moved into it, and took fifty boarders, besides keeping what travelers came along. I have no record of the arrivals, but think there NEENAH LOCAL HISTORY. 53^ would be a longer list than our friend Russell has now to record. We often had to bake a barrel of flour in a day. We lived in the barn that summer, and until I built the Winnebago House. The work on the dam caused quite an influx of men this year, while large nurabers were constantly arriving for the purpose of taking up claims of Governraent landf, and, on the whole it was quite busy during the fall of that year. During this winter the territorial was changed to the State Governraent, the first town meeting in Neenah, was held in the spring of 1847. Gov. Doty, Cornelius Northrop and myself were appointed supervisors, and Lucius Donaldson, town clerk. James Ladd. Neenah, 1877. -*«??Q e^fc>0i5?^ 14 ~54 THE "GAZETTE" BOOK, FOR^l 877-8. SEVENTH CHAPTER. 1846 — First Year of Actual Settlement— Quite a Number Arrive in this Year and Take Up Lands — First Birth — First Marriage, and First Death — Marriage Under the Council Tree. |ITH the exception of George H. Mansur, Gor ham P. Vining and George Harlow are, of the g-;t present residents of the city, the earliest bona |€V fi(Je settlers, they having come here on the 28th day of August, 1845, Harrison Reed and Mansur then being the only white men on the ground. Gov. Doty coraing shortly after and coramencing work upon his house, which to-day is standing, one of the most historic and striking relics of the early days, it being a prominent feature of Roberts' famous Summer Resort, the large hotel being erected on the lands formerlj' owned by the governor, and near the old log house. It would appear that Rev. 0. P. Clinton, both directly and indirectly, had much to do with attracting attention and immigration to this section in its earliest days. Heit was who secured a purchaser for Mr. Reed in the person of Harvey Jones, and afterward through eastern friends of his, and more particularly through his letters and reports to the Board of Home Missions, which were pub lished, many were attracted to this section as Mr. Clin- NEENAH LOCAL HISTORY. 55 ton described it in most Rowing colors, his truthfulness and good judgment, however, having been amply veri fied by subsequent events. In the spring of 1846 quite a number of settlers ar rived and began taking up lands. One large party were directed here by Loyal H. Jones and Ferine Yale, who raet them near Watertown while on their way to Wau kesha after their first visit of inspection to Neenah. Jones urged the party to go to the Rapids, and gave them such a glowing description of the country that they decided to do so. This party was composed of the following familiar naraes, nearly all ofwhorn are now residents of the ad joining towns: W. H. Scott, A. Jenkins, Salem T- Holbrook, D. C. Darrow, Alex Murray, and Wm M. Stewart. The Huxley's also came in that year, as did Jas. Ladd, Jud. Thompson, Ben. Strong, Mr. Wheatly, Deacon Mitchell, Albert Brien, H. Conrad and others. The records of the land office show that quite a nuraber entered lands in this year, though it is the first year in which any actual settleraent can be dated. As has been noted, several persons arrived in the fall or winter of the year preceding, but too late to locate or take up lands, and indeed they were not in market until in '46. THE FIRST WHITE CHILD. Nina, a daughter of Harrison Reed's, born in August, 1846, was the first white child born in Neenah. Quite a demonstration was had over this auspicious event, every pioneer feeling an interest in so important a matter. The child was born in the old block house on the lake shore, at the upper end of what is now Wis consin avenue, and was christened "Nina." A. D. Clinton, son of Rev. 0. P. Clinton, was born in 56 THE "GAZETTE" BOOK, FOR 1877-8. October of this year, and was the first male child born in Neenah. The old block house on the Point, which stood near the " Council Tree,'.' was his birth place, Mr. and Mrs. Clinton residing there at the time. THE FIRST MARRIAGE. The first marriage in Neenah occurred in May, 1846, in the old block house near the " Council Tree," John F. Johnston and Miss Jeanette Finch being the con tracting parties. This was an exceedingly iraportant occasion, and nearly every white person in the settle ment attended the wedding. Rev 0. P. Clinton was the officiating clergjtman. The Point was also the scene of another early day marriage, Henry Finch and Miss Brien being married on the Fourth of July, 1847, under the spreading branches of the " Council Tree " Mr. Clinton performed this ceremony also. THE FIRST DEATHS. Ill this j'ear occurred the first death, Stephen Hart well suddenly dying in September. Hart^'ell had been summoned to the east, and though quite sick, was on the point of departure, having left his cabin and goods in charge of Vining, and intending to leave for Fond du Lac in a boat, he went to the block house on the Poiut, from whence he was to start. While there he was taken very ill, and died within a day or two. A Dane named Johnson was sick at the time, and died the following night, and the next day two out of the small company then here, lay dead. They both died of fever and ague, in an aggravated form, and no doubt largely for the want of proper care and nourish ment. Ira Baird was also sick at the time, and gave out as he, with a few others, were carrying the body of Hartwell to the spot which they had selected for his in- NEENAH LOCAL HISTORY. 57 ferment, and was left behind under a tree. Hartwell and Johnson were both buried on what is now the Neff farm, and not far from the Indian mounds. Gov. Doty and G. P. Vining were masters of the ceremonies. Doty was the orator of the occasion, and delivered an eloquent eulogy over the bodies of the unfortunate men who had thus yielded up their lives while endeavoring to find a home in the woods and wilds of the west. This event cast a gloom over the spirits of the few persons remain ing at the village, which required some time to dispel. FIRST RELIGIOUS SERVICES. The first religious services held in due form in Nee nah, occurred in the spring of 1846, Rev. 0. P. Clinton officiating, and were held ih the block house near the Council Tree, where Mr. Clinton then resided. The following is a correct list of those present, and this rec ord of the first congregation assembled in Neenah for worship will prove of especial interest. The following persons were in attendance: Gov. J. D. Doty and wife, and their housekeeper, Miss Emily Elliot, Harrison Reed and wife, and his aunt, a Mrs. Griswold, Thos. Burdick, John F. Johnston, Henry Finch, Jeanette Fiuch, and Mr. and Mrs. Clinton, making twelve in all. --^^fjC) «:^lSs^(5fefe^ 15 58 THE "GAZETTE" BOOK. FOR 1877-8. EIGHTH CHAPTER. THE COMING OF THE JONES'. Rkv, O. p. Clinton's Arrival — He Advises the Jones' to Come to Xeenah — Circumstances Which Led to Their Becoming Interested Herb — Loyal H. Jones Visits the Place in May 1846 — Harvey Jones First Visits Neenah in September ofthe Same Year — Made a Second Visit in 1847, and Came Here for Permanent Residence in 1848 — Lived at the Old House near the Cou,»(cil Tree — Built the Second Fr.\me Building i.\ Neenah — Etc., Etc. IK [;N December of 1845, Rev. 0. P. Clinton, sent we^t by the Board of Horae Missions, made his first visit to Neenah, and was raost favorablv im- '^%t-V pressed with the natural advantages presented at this point. Mr. Clinton was the agent through which the .Jones' afterward becarae interested in this place, and transactions which soon followed had rauch to do with shaping the prospects and future destinj' of the village. Mr. Clinton had made the acquaintance of Loyal H. Jones, who then lived at Prairieville, now Waukesha, engaged in mercantile pursuits. Knowing that Clinton was about to make a trip to the frontier settlements, Jones requested him to note any favorable opportunities for investing in new lands, and inforraed hira that, should he find any good location, with water-power and other requisites for building up a town, he should like NEENAH LOCAL HISTORY. 59 to know it, as his brother Harvey, who resided at Glovers- ville, N. Y., thought some of investing in western lands. Stopping with Reed on his first visit to the place, Mr. Clinton was soon made acquainted with the circum stances in which the former was placed, and upon Cliii- tim's inforraiijg hira of the requests and wishes of Mr. Jones, Reed at once made Mr. Clinton the bearer of a proposition to .Jones. The time having nearly expired which had been al lowed lyff. Reed to close up his bargain, and he being unable to do so. and not having found any one to help him, he was exceedingly anxious, the more so, no doubt, as he had converted to his own use much of the personal property, and in consequence of failure to pay for the same, he or his bondsmen would be called upon to make good all which he had used or disposed of This was the condition of affairs when Mr. Clinton arrived, and Reed proposed that he should return and report to Jones, and to say that if his brother would furnish the purchase money, he would deed to him one half the entire property of Winnebago Rapids, with the exception of the farm then occupied by Reed, and the i place now known as the Blair farra. These two places, with an undivided one-half of the balance, Reed wished to keep as an offset to the advantages offered Jones. Mr. Clinton returned to Waukesha and inforraed Loyal Jones of what he had found, and his description of the property and the advantages offered were such as to induce the latter to inform his brother of it, and urge upon him to secure the trade. Harvey Jones being favorably impressed with the plan as proposed, sent Ferine Yale to accompany Loyal Jones, and the two acted as his agents to look the property 60 THE "GAZETTE" BOOK. FOR 1877-8. over and get the best terms possible frora Reed, and sub mit fhe same to him. In conformity with this plan, Jones and Yale came to Neenah iu May of 1846, and being pleased with the site, and satisiied with the representations and propositions of Mr. Reed, they partially effected an arrangeraent whereby Harvey Jones should furnish the money re quired to secure the property in due forra of the Gov ernment. Shortly after this Harrison Reed^ went to Gloversville, N. Y., the lesidence of -Harvey Jones, and there, in the month of July, 1846, the trade was finally consummated, and the money furnished, with wliich Reed went to Washington, paid the amount of his bid on the property, with the interest which had accrued, and received his patents fbr the lands. The exact conditions of this bargain between Jones and Reed are difficult to ascertain, and it is of no particular significance at this time. Misunderstandings, however, ahnost immediately between them, which were never amicably settled, and did much to retard the growth and prosperity of the place in early days. The death of Harvey Jones, which occurred before he had time to mature or carry out any of his plans, also greatly added to complicate matters. It is the general belief, however, and so expressed by Mr. Reed, that had Harvey Jones lived, all their differences would have been amicably settled, and that the material growth and prosperitj' of the place would have thereby been greatly accelerated, and years of weary and vexatious litigation avoided. After closing up the trade. Reed returned to Neenah, and Harvey Jones also shortly followed him. Harvey Jones first came to Wisconsin in the month of August, 1846, stop- NEENAH LOCAL HISTORY. 61 ping a short time at Waukesha to look after his inter ests, as Loyal Jones had been carrying on business there with the former's capital. In the raonth of Septeraber, 1846, Harvey Jones made his first visit to Neenah, and on this occasion was ac companied by his wife and eldest son, Gilbert C, now a resident of this city. He remained here until the fol lowing spring, and during most of the time boarded with Mr. Reed at his house on the lake shore, thongh late in the winter he moved to the old "mill house," into which Loyal .Jones had moved that winter. Mr. .Jones began at once on his arrival to make improveraents on the property, his first work being to deepen and widen the raceway to the two mills. He took hold himself and worked in the mud and water, it being very difficult at that time to secure the aid of laborers to work. There are a few of those still here who helped him at that time, araong thera Henry Conrad, Mike Jacobs, and the McGahns. Burtz, Burdick, and Danforth were also here araong the first, and were employed by .Jones in the grist mill. He returned to Gloversville in February, 1847, and came back to Neenah in the fall of that year, and remained the second winter. While at Gloversville, during the sumraer of 1847, Mr. Jones met with a severe loss in the death of his wife, who had spent the preced ing winter at Neenah, returning with him to New York in the spring In the spring of 1848 Jones moved to Neenah for the purpose of taking up a permanent residence, having fully determined to spend his means and life to build up a home, a town and a fortune at this point. But, un fortunately for him, and unfortunately for the place, death overtook him ere his plans had much more than 16 62 THE "GAZETTE" BOOK. FOR 1877-8. been begun, and the confusion and mismanagement which followed was a sad ending for his hopeful pros pects. Mr. Jones took up his residence in the old block house near the Council Tree, living with a brother-in-law, Mr. Charles Yale, and remaining there until his death. While living there he had built an addition, or rather a separate building adjoining the old block house, and quite near the Council Tree. This house was the second frame dwelling erected in Neenah. Newell Dermitt was the architect and builder, being employed by Mr. Jones. This house was built in 1848. The first frame house was built by .Jiiraes Ladd, and is still standing, near the railroad track on Wisconsin avenue and was for years known as the Winnebago Hotel. This house was erected in the winter of 1847-8. --*^f^mS^^^b^^ NEENAH LOCAL HISTORY. 63 NINTH CHAPTER. Death of Harvey Jones, Nov. 8th, 1849 — Personal Appear ance — Incidents, Etc. — When and Where Born — The Man agement of His Estate — L. H. Jones and E. W. Drury, Administrators. ARVEY JONES was unfortunate in his west ern speculations. He was unfortunate in his dealings with Reed, and was unfortunate in ar raying against himself a combination of rival interests, which but multiplied the many natural obsta cles met with in founding a new settlement. As before noted, disagreements and misunderstandings between Jones and Reed followed directly on the heels of their first trades, and while Jones lived the two men at no time worked in sympathy or for a common purpose. The various phases and features of their movements and difficulties belong more to a personal narrative than to this sketch. Suffice it for us to say that the complica tions beginning lietween Reed and Jones lasted until the latter's death, and was continued in long years of liti gation with the administrators of his estate, and was in fact never settled until all the heirs became of age and the property passed into their hands. Harvey Jones is described as a typical Nevv England business man and raanufacturer. (Jlose, careful and raethodical in all his business arrangeraents, he plainly 64 THE "GAZETTE" BOOK, FOR 1877-8. showed his training in the eastern school, where busi ness is conducted more in conforraity with certain rules and usages than at the west. Mr. Jones had been a promising and successful business man. Beginning life as a poor boy, he commenced clerking in a country store early in his teens, and step by step worked hiraself up until he owned and controlled quite an extensive manu facturing establishraent in Gloversville. being one ofthe very first to begin, on a large scale, the raanufacture of gloves and mittens. He was also interested in a mer cantile house in New York city, and on the whole was In a very prosperous condition when he became infatu ated with the plan of building up a town in the west. We have from the lips of a gentleman, novv a resident of this State, who knew Jones and his family in New York, the following incident as illustrative of his trading pro pensities wliile yet a boy. It was a habit of .Jones' father, who was owner of a New England farm, to give each of his boys a piece of land whieh they cultivated for their own profit, putting in just sueh crops as th.ej' wished, and disposing of the same as best suited thera. It is told of Harvey Jones, that no sooner would the other boys get their crops in than he would begin buy ing and trading with thera, and as a rule, by harvest fime he would own or control the product of each boys' bit of land. What the final outcome of this western scheme wonld have been, can but be conjectured, as his untimely death cut short all his plans, while the years of mismanage ment which followed at the hands of the administrators of his estate, secured to his children little ra(>re than fragraents of that which he had hoped to bequeath them. Harvey Jones is described as a man of medium height. NEENAH LOCAL HISTORY. 65 slim and straight, weighing about 145 pounds. His complexion was rather light, with hazel ej'es and gray ish hair. His face was always cleanly shaven. His manners were very gentleraanly and he was always courteous in his business. He was a man of untiring industry, rather nervous, and exceedingly anxious con cerning all matters wherein he was interested; indeed, it is the general belief among the early settlers that his exceeding anxiety concerning his matters here, raore particularly the vexatious litigation with Reed, and the disappointment in failing to secure the Improvement on this side of the Island, so wore upon him as to hasten his death, which occurred Nov. 8th, 1849. He was born at Johnstown, N. Y., June 23, 1805, and was conse- quentlj- but forty-four years of age at the time of his death. Harvey Jones died, leaving no will, or at least' none that was ever admitted to probate, and his brother. Loyal H. Jones, was by Judge Blodgett, of the County Court, appointed as administrator of the estate until the heirs should become of age. The year after, E. W. Drury, of Fond du Lac, was appointed to act with L. H. Jones, and all persons who, between the years 1850 and 1864, wished to buy real estate in Neenah, have a dis tinct remembrance of the vexatious condition in which the business was always to be found. It is a dark page in the history of Neenah, for had the property here been spared the years of needless litigation, during which no one could, with safety, purchase, there is no question but what the growth and wealth of Neenah would have been increased thousands of inhabitants, and millions of dollars. We neglected to state in the preceding chapter that 17 66 THE "GAZETTE" BOOK, FOR 1877-8. the final trade been Reed and Jones differed greatly from the first proposition made by Reed, as the latter deeded to Jones the bulk of the Winnebago Rapids pro perty, and the administrators of the Jones estate had the handling of most of the village property during their control of it. Jones left three children as the heirs to his property, all of whom are still alive, and two, Gilbert C. Jones, and Willard Jones, are still residents of Neenah. The daughter, Abigail, married Rev. Jaraes Bassett, a Pres byterian minister, and both are now in Persia, in the missionary interest. Note -The following matter should be read in con nection with the Second Chapter, the facts herein given having been secured after the first pages were printed We are pleased to be able to give the names and circum stances attending the coming of the first white men to this section, viz: those who were sent here by the Gov ernment in 1832-6 : The first inhabitants of Winnebago county, other than Indians, were Augustine Grignon, one of the French settlers of Green Bay, au Englishman by the name of Powell, who located here for the purpose of traffic with the Indians, James Knaggs, a half-breed, who kept a ferry just above the present site of Algoraa, vrhere the trail leading frora Fort Winnebago to Green Bay crossed the river. Grignon located at Buttes des Morts, and Powell a little lower down the river. About the same time, il white man by the name of Archibald Caldwell, settled among the Indians near the rapids, the present site of Neenah. In 1835, the United States Government established an agency for the benefit of the Menomonee NEENAH LOCAL HISTORY. 67 Indians, at Neenah, in the benevolent enterprise of edu cation in agriculture, raechanics, morals, and science, and the general principles of civilization. William Dickinson was the contractor to prepare the way for the perfection of this grand enterprise, by the improvement of the vvaterpower, the erection of a saw and grist-mill, blacksraith shop, farm houses, and school house. This contract was entered into as early as 1831 or 1832. The woFk was commenced by Mr. Dickins(jn, but before its corapletion, the business was transferred by a subsequent contract to David Whitnev- The scheme erabraced the instruction of the Indians by theory and practice. Competent and practical in structors vvere eraployed. Two brothers, of the name of Gregory, the one an Episcopal clergyman, the other an experienced teacher were at the head of the department of science, morals and religion. Religious raeetings were regularly held on the Sabbath. Clark Dickinson, Na- thuniel Perry, Robert Irwin, Gen. Ruggles, and a Mr. Baird, father of Hon. H. Baird, of Green Bay, were em ployed as farmers. Col. David Johnson was miller. Jourdan and Hunter were the blacksmiths, (the former settled here, and Tom Jourdan, now a resident of this city, is a son of this same man.) The contractors gave employment in 1835 to about twenty-five or thirty lab orers in the various departments of the enterprise. This arrangement continued about two years, during which the Indians who did not come into the arrangement for civilization, were numerous about Neenah, living in their wild manner. The small-pox made its appearance among them and swept off about one-third of their nuraber. Col. Boyce, of Green Bay, being Indian agent, sent to their relief a surgeon of the United States troops 68 THE "GAZETTE" BOOK, FOR 1877-8. to give them the benefit of vaccination. But Mr. A. Caldwell, a resident and trader at Neenah, benevolently took charge of the sufferers, spending much of his time in nursing and nourishing the sick, and contributed greatly to alleviate their sufferings at the hazard of his own life; he took the disease, suffered severely and barely escaped the fate of the unfortunate victims. Webster Stanley, the first white settler at Oshkosh had been employed on the mills at Neenah, and when the work stopped, went from here and located at Osh kosh. ^*^?JQ e3^&if5fe5f^ NEENAH LOCAL HISTORY. 69 TENTH CHAPTER. THE FOX RIVER IMPROVEMENT. Great Ijsterest Taken at Neenah and Menasha in the Im provement — Strife to Secure its Location — Particulars op THE Final Decision — A Bit of History — Short Account op THE Improvement. 1 T-jHE scheme for the improvement of the Fox river, |rg which was fairly inaugurated in 1848, created a great interest at this point, and it was then look- M}-"^ ed upon as the greaf thins which should make a town here. Curtis Reed had become interested in real estate at Menasha in 1846, and it was his object to found a rival town; therefore, we find that a strong spirit of rivalry and competition arose as to who should have the " improvement," in other words whether the canal should be cut and locks built at Neenah, or Menasha. Of course all natural advantages pointed to this place, as quite a town had already been started, four mills were running, and settlers were coming in very rapidly, while at that time there was but little to show on the other side. On this question, therefore, the feeling ran high, and we find that Gov. Doty threw his interest with Reed and the Menaslia side, while the unfriendly feelings between Harrison Reed and Jones deprived the latter of the former's active aid and sympathy, and it looks as though Jones was left alone to do his figuring. 18 70 THE "GAZETTE" BOOK, FOR 1877-8. At last, in the summer of 1849, the commissioners for the Improvement raet at Oshkosh to receive propositions frora different parties for the route and location of the canal, more particularly to receive propositions from the towns of Menasha and Neenah. Harvey Jones had determined to offer to build the locks and cut the canal if the Commission would locate the Improvement on the Neenah side. It is generally understood that this plan of Mr. Jones' was in some way treacherously carried to Reed, who, when the time came, and the parties met before the Coraraission, of course was prepared to make a hetter offer than Jones should. Reed, therefore, offered to build the Iraproveraent, and give $5,000 for the privilege. This, of course. captured the garae, and Menasha was awarded the im provement, to the great chagrin of Jones, who, how ever, at once determined that Neenah should have the benefit lOf the Improvement, even if he built locks and cut a canal himself, which he at once proposed to do. He did not live to carry out his scheme, but he com menced it, and it was carried to completion by his ad ministrators, and Neenah did have the steamboat busi ness in early days equally with Menasha, and the writer can well remember seeing the boats pass through the locks. The Appleton Belle at that time made regular trips through on this side, but with the coming of the railway the boat business soon fell into disuse. It is a matter of history and interest, fully appreciated by early settlers, that Mr. Reed not only failed to pay the 15,000 bonus, but by some sharp management he afterward received pay for the work done on the Im provement, all of which had been offered as a free gift. In connection herewith we give a concise history of NEENAH LOCAL HISTORY. 71 the Fox River Improvement, from its inception to the present day. THE FOX RIVER IMPROVEMENT. Of all the enterprises, both public and private, that tended to develop the natural resources of the Fox river valley and draw hither capital and population, the works undertaken for the improveraent of the river for naviga tion were the greatest. For a while the volurae of water in fhe river was araply sufficient for the purpose of nav igation, yet the great and rocky rapids at Neenah, Ap pleton, and Kaukauna rendered the river irapassable for vessels. As early as 1834, the United States Engineers raade a survey of the river for the purpose of estimating and designing the works necessary to overcome these obstructions, and in 1842 the first company was organ ized to execute the work, but nothing was done. In August, 1846, Congress passed an act granting to the State of Wisconsin, on its admission into the Union, for the purpose of improving the navigation of the Fox and Wisconsin rivers and of constructing the canal to unite the said rivers at the Portage, a quantity of land equal to one-half of three sections in width on each side of said Fox river and the lakes through which it passes frora its raouth to the Wisconsin, at the Portage, to be selected by the Governor. In 1848, immediately after the adraission of the State into the Union, the Legislature passed an act accepting the grant, and shortly after Gov. Dewey selected the lands, and the State undertook the work, and provided by law for the appointment of a Board of Public Works, under whose direction and supervision the improvement should proceed. Surveys, plans and specifications were made and the whole was parcelled off into sections, and 72 THE "GAZETTE" BOOK. FOR 1877-8. each section was separately let to the lowest bidder to do the work. To defray the enorraous expenses of the Im proveraent, a Land Office was opened at Oshkosh, for the sale of the lands so granted. For a year or two suf ficient funds were thus realized, but by degrees the Im proveraent kept sinking the State in debt. Much oppo sition was manifested in the southern part of the State and a public disposition was manifested to abandon the work before it was half finished and after $450,000 had been expended on it. But a number of persons, living along the route, and who were interested in its comple tion ordained otherwise. In 1853, the Legislature char tered a new corporation, styled "The Fox and Wiscon sin Improvement Company." To this company the State transferred all the lands reraaining unsold and all rights, franchises, etc, in the locks and dams, making proper provisions that the State indebtedness should be paid, and requiring bonds to ren der the State secure under the arrangement. This new corapanj' went on and undertook the com pletion o( the woi'k, and in doing so incurred liabilities to an enormous amount, and thereby became hopelessly bankrupt. But nevertheless they succeeded in opening a water route and highway from the great lakes to the Mississippi, and in June, 1856, they purchased a steam boat at Pittsburg, Pa., had her taken down to the Miss issippi, thence up that and the Wisconsin rivers to the Portage, thence through the canal into the Fox, and thence down the river to Green Bay. When that boat passed through it was a day of great rejoicing through out the Fox river valley. Guns were fired, flags were hoisted, speeches made and uproarious rejoicings were indulged in at every landing. That was a great day for the Fox river valley. . NEENAH LOCAL HISTORY. 73 The company, being now hopelessly in debt, and many ofthe locks and dams in an unsafe and unfinished condition, the company sought power to mortgage their property and franchises and the lands still remaining unsold and raise funds to pay off its indebtedness and coraplete the work. To this end, the Legislature, on the 3d day of October. 1856, passed an act authorizing the corapany to convey all their property, franchises, etc., to three trustees, and to issue bonds on the security of said trust deed. The bonds were issued and discount ed by eastern capitalists and the corapany for the time was relieved. Prosperity now flowed in upon them. The Improvement was the only highway for commerce and travel in the Fox river valley; times were good and emigrants numerous. From 1856 to 1862, the river re sounded with the hum of industry, the panting throbs of steamboats and the echoing scream of the steam whistle; but soon all became changed. When the rail road was opened to Green Bay travel and business for sook the river and the Improvement was laid up amid the raeraories of the past. Thus matters remained until 1866, when the trustees, at the instigation of the bond holders, foreclosed the trust deed and the Improveraent and the lands becarae the property of the GREEN BAY & MISSISSIPPI CANAL COMP.ANY. The principal stockholders in this new corporation are Samuel Marsh, Erastus Corning, ex-Gov. Seymour aud a few others, all raen of great ability and influence —men whose far-reaching thoughts and .sound judg ments have realized for them great fortunes, and here we find them united in a speculation which, in ordinary hands, would be fruitless, but in theirs a mine'of wealth. They had now an immense prospective value, and a 19 74 THE "GAZETTE" BOOK, FOR 1877-8. water-highway that cost nearly two millions of dollars, but now of no value unless the Governraent could be in duced to take it. A few years ago a great coraraotion sprung up all over the country about the great cost of transportation of the products of the country frora the interior to the seaboard, and elaborate articles appeared in magazines and news papers, showing up the advantages of water carriage over land carriage, and the great saving effected by the for raer. And soon the excitement reached Congress and on the 7th day of July, 1870, an act was passed, author izing the Secretary of War to ascertain the sum which ought, in justice, to be paid to the Green Baj- and Miss issippi Canal Company as an equivalent for the transfer of its property in and on the line of water communica tion between the Wisconsin river and mouth of the Fox river, including its locks and dams, canals and franchises, or so much of the same as maj' be needed; and the sec retary was further authorized to join with the Corapany in appointing a board of arbitrators, one to be selected by the secretary and another by the G. B. & M. C. Co., and the two so chosen were to appoint a third. Under this act. Secretary Belknap 'appointed the Hon. Wm. Larrabee, of Iowa, the Corapany appointed ex-Senator Doolittle, and these two appointed ex Gov. Dillingham, of Verraont. These arbitrators appraised the property and interest of the Corapany in the Improvement in the sura of $320,000, as follows: Dredge boats and personal property. $40,000; water power and lots, $140,000; and locks, canals, etc., $145,000. The Government, in 1872, took the latter and paid the Corapany therefor $142,000- Soon afterward navigation was shut off for improve ment and the Government has since expended nearly a NEENAH LOCAL HISTORY. 75 million of dollars in building locks and dams. Last summer navigation was resumed and the Improvement is now (1877,) in excellent condition, and navigable throughout its whole extent for vessels drawing four feet of water. The importance of this highway has not, we believe, been over-estimated by its earlier or later advocates. It is true that, since the re -opening of navigation, it has been utilized only to a coraparatively small extent, but the advantages which it offers for cheap transportation, will certainly be improved, raore and raore, as tirae ad vances. But, it must be remembered, that the import ance of this route to the people is not confined to the business which is actually performed upou it. The competition which it offers to land carriage has the effect of reducing the general tariff of transportation, to a very wholesome extent, and in this is found one of its most iraportant desiderata to the people." _--^?jC) e^®^®5%^-fe^ 76 THE "GAZETTE" BOOK. FOR 1877-8. ELEVENTH CHAPTER. RECOLLECTIONS OF REV. O. P. CLINTON. His Arrival at the Eapids — Stops with Harrison Eeed — Inci dents IN Connection with Holding Religious Services in the Early Days — Places where He Preached— A Trip to Green Bay — John E. Kimberly's Advice to the Brewer — Early Day Incidents — Killing of Bear and Deer on the Island— Etc, Etc ¦ To G. a. Cunningham : Sir: — In reply to your request to furnish a sketch of early day transactions, I submit the following roughly-drawn and brief narrative of my coming to Neenah, and a few incidents of early day doings. I^^Y first visit to the place was in December, 1845, when I was hospitably entertained by Harri son Reed, Esq., and his agreeable lady, at their block house during my short stay. I saw at a glance the importance ofthe locality, and at once inter ested myself in directing attention to it both by personal conversation and written reports. Results have proved that I did not overestimate the importance of the point. Among the persons immigrating to the outlet of Win nebago lake, as the result of these personal efforts direct ly or indirectly, I may mention L. H. and Harvey Jones, and other relatives, James Ladd, J. F. Johnston, H. T. Finch, Deacon Mitchell, L. Wheatley, John Sanborn, Deacon Donaldson, C. Northrup and son, and others. In the raonth of March, 1846, I removed my family NEENAH LOCAL HISTORY. 77 from Lake Mills, Jefferson county, to Winnebago Rap ids, occupying a block house on the Point above the outlet of the lake, and the following Sabbath held re ligious services at mj' house, which was the beginning of religious meetings in Neenah. I then represented the American Home Missionary Society as a missionary for Northern Wisconsin. My preaching places for that season, regular and incidental, were Oshkosh, Rosendale, Springvale, Waukau, Rushford, Strong's Landing, (now Berlin,) Fond du Lac, and Neenah. To compass ray circuit required four weeks, making my regular service at Neenah every fourth Sabbath, the intermediate Sabbaths being occupied with Sabbath Schools and reading meeljiugs. In the early part of the summer of 1841, we renovated an old block house, which we found without floor, door or windov^, and appro priated it to church and school purposes. In this house the lamented Deacon Mitchell was married in a public congregation to his estiraable wife. Miss Caroline Boyn ton, a former pupil of mine. Those were days of small things, of sacrifices, privations, and earnest work, and yet days of sobriety, friendship and peace. Our gath erings were seasons of warra, friendly greetings, with the pioneer grip which none but first settlers can appre ciate. My first raissionary year in Northern Wisconsin cost me drives in all of about seven thousand railes, affording me the opportunity of preaching about two hundred sermons. Nearly all the supplies for my family were hauled from Oshkosh in my buggy, on my monthly re turn trips, over horrible roads, always taking an axe along to chop around the seemingly bottomless mud pits. Little rest and no rust in those pioneer tiraes. 20 78 THE "GAZETTE" BOOK, FOR 1877-8. In the suraraer of 1847 an exchange was arranged be tween Rev. J. Porter, pastor of the Presbyterian church of Green Bay, and myself. But how to execute the ar rangement, with no roads or bridges, was the difficulty. But the pioneer doctrine is "Where there is a will, there is a way " Well, by virtue of having a brother who was a blacksmith, I nailed some shoes to ray horse's feet, (it could not be called shoeing,) took Mrs. C and the little C's into the buggy, forded both rivers at the out let, followed the beach of the lake to Clifton, often in rounding trees and logs, plunging the horse into water nearlv to his girth. At that tirae there were no settlers at Clifton. Having despatched our lunch upon the native grass, with axe in hand I lead the way, following an overgrown road of Black Hawk antiquity, and cut our way throi%h two railes to the railitary road, and then the way was clear to Green Bay. Several times I drove frora Neenah to Jefferson county to raeetings of coun cils, conventions, and once from Fort Atkinson to Pal myra and preached the ordination sermon of Rev. C. Camp, now of Waukesha. In an early day, one Jones, of Welsh extraction, or sorae othev honorable nationality, dropped into our set tleraent and proposed to start a respectable brewery. Sorae questions arose between tlie proprietors ofthe soil and the would-be brewer, as to the site of such au in stitution. John Kimberly, Esq., had chosen Neenah as his horae and he was thought to be a corapetent adviser in this grave raatter. The question was therefore pro posed in a business like raanner: '" Mr. Kiraberly, where do you think would be the best site for a brew erj'?" The characteristic reply was, " In h — 1, sir !" But this opinion of Mr. Kimberly's was overruled by NEENAH LOCAL HISTORY. 79 other counsel, who thought the machine could be run more successfully in Neenah. And so it was erected upon the beautiful banks of the Fox river, in full view of Mr. Kimberly's residence, a practical proof of the successful rivalry of Neenah. In the autumn of 1847 I moved into Gov. Doty's house, on Doty Island. The following suraraer a bear put in an appearance on the opposite Point. Taking a gun. I paddled mj' dug out across below, and cut off his retreat. Discovering his danger, he artfully crept from my sight, took to the water and struck for the Island. Mrs. Clinton, seeing Bruin's prospects of escape, with stones and clubs, and terrific shouting, kept him at bay until an Indian reached the scene of excitement and dis patched his bearship. The Indian compliraented Mrs. C. as best he could, calling her " brave squawj' etc. One evening a huge panther came prowling around our premises, uttering the most terrific screeches. Several shots were fired at him in the twilight, some of which evidently took effect, as a young panther, a short time after carae out, moaning, in a starving condition, and was shot and killed by one Thomas McGhan, then in my eraploy. Deer were quite plenty, and the Island was a favorite resort for thera. I killed one near the present site of the Northwestern depot. We occasionally had a bear hunt on a small scale. On one occasion I had a fine sight of one and my gun missed fire, but he was soon halted by Lum Hart's sure fire. Judge Wheeler killed one with a shot gun. So you see our fresh meat markets were flush, if somewhat scattered, consisting not only of deer and bears, but coons, squirrels, rabbits,. pigeons, pheasants, etc, tosay nothing of fish and water flowls, which were abundant. 80 THE "GAZETTE" BOOK. FOR 1877-8. But I am taxing your patience. I could tell you of our early navigation ; of the little steamer Manchester, whieh could run to Oshkosh almost as soon as a boy could walk it. Also how we landed women and children from the sail boats in a brisk wind and storm, some on horse-back and some on human-back. Ask Mrs. Enos how she was taken from a boat in front of my house, when she was a young lady. I could also tell you of missionary tours to Oshkosh and Stockbridge in a dug out. But I hear you say enough such, and I am of the same opinion. Yours in remembrance of old times, 0. P. Clinton. --'^jCJ d®i^3!<^(3ii4f^ NEENAH LOCAL HISTORY. 81 TWELFTH CHAPTER. BUSINESS IN EARLY TIMES. Business and Improvements on the AVatee-Power — The Old Saw Mill Built by Harvby Jones, and Eun Many Years BY Eobert Hold — J. & H. Kimberly Build the First Flour Mill — The Old Empire Mill — Building of the Winnebago Flour Mill — The Fox Eiver Mills — The Stone and Brick Milm— Other Improvements and Changes, Etc E now turn to trace the growth and course of business during the early period of the city's -;.n the water-power, this is the only one now in existence in its original form, with the single exception of the Winnebago Mill, which was built shortly after. The machinery and grinding stones for this mill were taken from an old mill in Rensellear county, N. Y., shipped by water to Green Bay, and frora there brought up the river in Durham boats. It was necessary to make several port ages on the trip, and it was in all respects a difficult task to transport heavy articles on this route. H. A. Burts was the millwright and S. G. Burdick the first miller. Kimberly's raill has the distinction of being the first flour raill built in Neenah by private parties. Next on the list corae the Winnebago Mills, owned by SMITH & PROCTOR. This raill was built in 1852, by Edward Smith & H. Wheeler. Hugh Sherry was interested in the plan when first started, but sold out before the mill was finished, and shortly after erected the Fox River Mills. Edward Smith has retained his ownership from the first, and since 1857, when John Proctor purchased half the property, these two raen have continued its owners and managers'. Eben and John Welch, at an early day built a small mill on the site now occupied by the flour mill of How- NEENAH LOCAL HISTORY. 85 ard & Davis, and C. 0. Page and brother built the plan ing mill now owned bj' Henry Sherry and occupied bj' Hooker & Wickert for a like purpose, though for several years it was used as a flour mill. A little old building was also erected along about 1850, near where A. W. Patten's paper raill office now stands. This was used as a foundrj^ a machine shop, a furniture factory and other purposes. It was known as the Pangborn prop- ertj' for many years, and was destroyed b.y fire about ten years ago. Next on the list coraes the Fox River Mills, built in 1856, by HUGH SHERRY. This property was shortly after purchased by Wm E. and J. R. Ford and owned by the latter until sold to Kiraberly, Clark & Co., who erected thereon the Globe Paper Mills. The brick and stone mills were the next addition to the manufacturing interests, the first built by MILLS & PEET, And the latter by James Smith. Both these mills have been for several years owned aud run by Cleraent & Stevens. Sanford's planing mill was originally an ele vator and warehouse, standing on the south race near the railroad track, and moved to its present site by Jaraes Bassett in 1867. Bassett also built the shingle mill, now owned by Henry Sherry, and run as a saw mill. The stone flour raill of Striddie & Krueger, now run by A. H. F. Krueger, and the stove foundry of Peck ham & Krueger were comparatively late day additions. The foundry was torn down to make room for a large addition to the Globe Paper Mills. Before the comple tion of the Improveraent and commencement of steara- 23 86 THE "GAZETTE" BOOK. FOR 1877-8. boat navigation, merchandise was brought from the east by lake to Green Bay, and from there up the river in Durham boats, frequent portages being necessary to get the goods around places in the river so rapid and rocky as not to admit of the passage of a loaded boat. During the winter months teams were kept on the road hauling supplies to and from Green Bay. All the flour and feed shipped from the mills here was transported to Green Bay in this way, until the building ot the Chicago & Northwestern railroad to that city in 1863, and scores of teams were thus employed for a nuraber of years. Many of the early settlers who were fortunate enough to own horse tearas, would turn an honest penny in this way, while the millers theraselves owned teams which they kept steadilj' on the road. In addition to the miils on the race we have several industrial institutions operated by steam power, and lo cated eleswhere in the city. Prominent among these is brown's stave WORKS. This institution was commenced in a small way by The odore Brown, in 1860, and is now one of the leading in dustries ofthe city, employing alarge force, and making a market for stave and heading material for all the ad jacent country. the neenah stove works. Started in 1854 by Moore and Bro., as a general found ry, is also one of the substantial institutions of the place. Of late years this concern has been owned and managed by Messrs. Smith, Van Ostrand & Leavens. the neenah plow works. Business coraraenced at an early day by John Berg- strom, as a general blacksmithing establishment, aud afterward enlarged and extended so as to embrace the NEENAH LOCAL HISTORY. 87 manufacture of plows on alarge scale. This institution is now carried on bj' a son of the founder, Geo. 0. Berg- strora. aylward's plow works. Established in 1872, by Wra. Aylward, is a thriving es tablishraent, doing a general foundry business, but making a specialty of cast iron plows. All later changes and improveraents on the water- power may be found in our summarised list of local transactions. S^^^. -'-^?^^!£Si^(S^>ii^ 88 THE "GAZETTE" BOOK, FOR 1877-8. THIRTEENTH CHAPTER. EARLY DAY COMMERCIAL TRANSACTIONS. The First Store, by Jones & Yale — J. & H. Kimberly Build the Brick Store— Early Day Trading— Hard Times- Smith's Block — View of Wisconsin Avenue in 1856— E. & H. Smith— Alex. Billstein — Other Early Day Business Men— Building of Pettibone Block— L.ater Changes on THE Street, Etc., Etc {^•feHE first stock of goods offered for sale in Neenah, ¦tin aside from that of Indian traders, was by Jones ^^{^ & Yale, in 1847. The store was kept for a while -i%j^ at the old mill house, opposite and near the grist mill, and afterward for a time in an old log block house not far from where the brick store of Mr. Geo. Christen- son now stands on Main street. The volume of trade at that time, as the reader will readily guess, was verv sraall. and such as it was raade up largely of barter with the Indians, the exchange of calico, blankets, gunpowder and other articles for furs. Settlers were few and their wants the same, and for this class, aside from pork, flour tea, nails, glass, and a sraall demand for the simplest varieties of dry goods, there was not much buying until the garraents brought with them had totally dis appeared, and until some products had been secured with which to get others Those who still survive those early daj swell reraeraber how few, in comparison with to- NEENAH LOCAL HISTORY. 89 day, were the actual wants of men and women in those early tiraes. That which to-day is considered an actual necessity, was then an almost unthought-of luxurj'. The next business raen to appear on the scene were JOHN and HARVEY KIMBERLY. They first carae to Neenah in June, 1848, and in the auturan of that year took up their perraanent residence here, and had much to do with shaping the course of events during those early years, as they built fine resi dences, and shortly became interested in both mercan tile and manufacturing interests. The Kimberly's brought a stock of goods west with them, and after concluding to locate at Neenah, they secured a portion of what was then called the Paddock building, erected that year by Benjamin Paddock, who died at Neenah in 1877, and into this building, or part pf building, they moved their goods and opened a store. At that tirae, what we now call the " upper end of town," was supposed to be the site of the business centre ofthe future city, and the four corners near the present track of the Chicago & Northwestern railroad, was con sidered the four most desirable corners in the entire plat. J. & H. Kimberly were exceedingly anxious to secure a building lot at or near these corners, and urged Harvey Jones to sell them such lots as they wished, but Mr. Jones not wishing to dispose of the most eligible loca tions, refused, and would ofler them nothing with which they were satisfied. Finally the Kimberly's began to cast about and thought that they might perhaps do bet ter elsewhere, and they had at that time a most favor able opinion of Depere, which location they had seen while coming up the river. Mr. Curtis Reed, of Me- 23 90 THE "GAZETTE" BOOK. FOR 1877-8. nasha, just then interested in securing settlers, and par ticulai'ly business energy and experience, as well as cap ital, made the Kiraberly brothers exceedingly favorable offers, all of which becoraiug known to Mr. Jones, and he seeing that they were determined to have what they wanted, or nothing, finally concluded to give them choice of lots, and arrangeraents were soon perfected se curing a location on which they shortly afterward built a brick store, (still standing) and residence lots as well. The large white house, still standing, and one-half of il now occupied by John R. Kimberly, was erected in 1849i and was then and for some years, the finest house in the county, and the admiration of all the early comers- In 1849, Jones & Yale built what was for raanj' years known as the YALE BUILDING. A part of this old frarae is still standing, situated near the railroad track, on Wisconsin avenue, and latterly known as the Jensen House. To this building Jones & Yale removed their store, where it was kept for some time. The upper floor of this building was finished off as a hall, and religious services w^re held there for many years. It was also, at one time, used as a public school room. In the winter of 1849-50, J. & H. Kimberly built the " BRICK STORE," Still standing, and for several years occupied as a cooper shop, and owned by Clement & Stevens, of the Falcon Flour Mills. At the tirae of building, this was a raost pretentious establishment, and for many j'ears was the store of the place. This store was owned and conducted by J. & H. Kimberly until 1857, when J. A. Kiraberly, NEENAH LOCAL HISTORY. 91^ son of John R. Kimberly, and Havilah Babcock formed a partnership under the firm name of KIMBERLY & BABCOCK. They carried on the business in the brick store until the winter of 1863-4, when they raoved to their present quarters, the brick block now known as Pettibone Block having just been corapleted by Wra. E. and .J. R. Ford, and afterward sold to C. J. Pettibone, who at that tirae occupied fhe corner store, where the National Bank is now located. Quite a nuraber of stores were erected on Wisconsin avenue and on Main street frora 1850 to 1856, including Smith's block and Weeden's Hotel. Then followed a very dull tirae in the citj^'s history, and up to 1863, , when the Ford Bros, built the large brick block on the corner of Wisconsin avenue and Cedar street. There was no particular iraproveraents on the street worthy especial mention. Smith's block, a double brick store, still standing and now occupied by Wra. Kellett and Alex. Billstein & Co., was erected in 1855, bj' Edward Smith, and he and his brother Hiram occupied the cor ner for a long time as a general store. Alex. Billstein carae to Neenah in 1856, and began business in the store which he still occupies, and where he has amassed a handsome fortune. A VIEW OF WISCONSIN AVENUE IN 1856, Which we present herewith, is copied from a daguerreo type taken that year, and will be readily recognized by all old settlers, and will bring to mind many names and i^icidents long since forgotten, and forms quite a strik ing contrast to the street scenes of to-day. The view is taken looking up to'ivard the lake, and from about opposite where Robert Hold's furniture store 93 THE "GAZETTE" BOOK. FOR 1877-8. now stands. At that time there was little or nothing in the way of buildings on the north side of Wisconsin avenue west of Cedar street. As will be noticed, but few of the buildings shown in the picture are now in existence, and those mainly east of the Russell House, the business since those days having gradually worked west, and towards the Island, and stores built twenty- five years ago in what was then considered the raost de sirable locations, are now deserted for those situated where at that tirae no one wanted lots. In addition to the above, the following parties, still here iu trade, figured araong the early day business men. E. P. Marsh, who began business in 1858, in the building now occupied by Joe Kellett as a raeat market, at one time was in the corner store under the old Dolson House, and in 1870, built the handsome brick store where he is now located. Henry Wildfang was also in trade at an early daj', commencing in 1856 In 1874 he built a fine brick store and is at this date located therein. W. P. Peckham and H. P. Leavens were also old timers, commencing in in the hardware trade in 1858 Peckham is still in the sarae business, though at this tirae alone. James Galigan, John Brown, C. W. Leavens, George Rogers, G. Christenson and E. Elvvers were also early day traders, and are still in business. The present NATIONAL BANK Was established in 1861, Henry Hewitt, sr.. President, and Robert Shiells, cashier, and is still under the same management. Wm. Kellett, Krueger & Willard, Geo. E. Scott. S. F. Henry, Wildie & Gleason, A. Striddie. E. Newdeck and others are coraparatively late day additions, and for 24 NEENAH LOCAL HISTORY. 95 further particulars the reader is referred to our con densed historj' of local transactions, and the Business Directorj'. Returning to the subject of business in the early days, we find that for four or five years after tha death of Harvey Jones, the outlook was, as an old settler has ex pressed it, " almighty blue. ' The fact of nearly all the real estate being in hopeless litigation, and no prospect of a settlement until the heirs of .Jones should become of age, combined with the raismanagement of the estate by the adrainistrators, prevented capital frora locating upon and iraproving the water-power, and alraost eii- tirelv' put a stop to anj' further business enterprise in the village. Hundreds of raen came here frora the east, raanjr of thera with araple capital, and would endeavor to secure water-power privileges and other real estate, but vvhen they learned the condition of affairs, few chose to take the chances on buying lands when no title could be given, and so it happened that while Oshkosh, Fond du Lac, Appleton and other points, with far less natural advantages, were being rapidly settled, Neenah was al most at a stand still, and things did look " almighty blue." As a proof that the above named circumstances were principally accountable for this deplorable con dition of affairs, we have the well known fact that after the heirs all became of age. and the Jones estate was finally settled, and after Abigail Jones raarried Rev. Mr. Ba.ssett and her portion of the property was placed in market, as well as more or less of that going to the other children, Neenah made a more substantial growth dur ing the first five years succeeding, than for the whole fifteen preceding, confidence and security being fully restored, and the yearly sales of real estate three times that of preceding years. 96 THE "GAZETTE" BOOK, FOR 1877-8. FOURTEENTH CHAPTER. CONDENSED HISTORY. fjSyOR a period of six years, beginning with January, ^1 1872, and extending to January, 1878, all local I transactions of general importance or interest are i^ given in the succeeding pages. This will be an invaluable feature of the work, and alone worth the cost of the book. It has been a tedious and laborious under taking to secure and arrange all this matter, but we feel that all who are interested in the book will fully appre ciate our efforts to place before them a complete histori cal record of our city. The matter is arranged by months, showing the monthly occurrences during each of the years naraed. and the exact date is given in raatters of raore general interest. G. a. c. 1872 JANUARY. Lamar Olmstead seriously injured while at work in the flour mill of J. H. Kimberiy & Co. Eben Welch, for several years teacher in the Neenah schools, died in town of Clayton. First festival and supper by the Daughters of Rebecca. E. T. Williams became a part ner in the Neenah Stove Works with Mr. A. K. Moore. Aylward's Plow Works established. NEENAH LOCAL HISTORY. 97 FEBRUARY. Robert Brown begins the manufacture of shoddy raa terial in Olmstead's raill. Leavens & Clark dissolved partnership in the hardware business. Grand Leap Year sleigh ride to Appleton, and banquet at the Levake House. W. A. Wilkes examined and adraitted to prac tice as an attorney. Cerebro spinal meninqitis appears in epidemic form and creates quite a scare. Articles of association incorporating the Fox River Paper Mill Co. Henry Shoemaker died Feb. 16th, of cerehro spinal nien- ingitis. S. D. Hinman, of Princeton, goes into business with U. C. Wheeler. MARCH. First switch engine located at this point. Theodore Tilton lectured in Pettibone Hall. Firm of Kimberly, Clark & Co. formed, and arrangements made for build ing the Globe Paper Mills. APRIL. The. old Fox River Mills torn down to raake room for the Globe Paper Mills. Alex. Billstein elected village president, over Hugh McGregor. Geo. E. Scott engages in the hardware business with J. C. Mossop. The can tata "Haymakers" given under management of Prof- Brand. MAY. f Moore's foundry rebuilt. Little son of Mr. Warnes drowned. A boy named Peter Estes killed by a run away team. T. G. Kellogg died, aged 75 years. G. Olds begins the raanufacture of buses. JUNE. Mrs. J. E. Chapin died at Albany, N. Y. Riverside Park purchased by village authorities. Death of Hattie 25 98 THE "GAZETTE" BOOK. FOR 1877-8. Smith. L. C. Porter purchases the Empire Mills. Death of J. Jaquith, aged 70. JULY. Miss Nettie Hewitt and Miss Maggie Shiells go to Europe. Loos' steam bakery built. Savings depart ment, of Bank of Neenah organized. Wheeler and Cunningham lease the Old Government Grist Mill. Henrj' Sherry lays out and improves Lake View .Addi tion. AUGUST. Rasmus Nelson died from sun stroke. T. T. Moulton builds lime kiln near the railroad track. Grant and Wilson club forraed. Mrs. Sarauel Oborn, mother of Mrs. John Stevens and Ed. Oborn, died at Cleveland, Ohio. SEPTEMBER • Great temperance meeting held on Doty Island, ad dressed by Father Willard, Col. Watrous, and others. Barnum's World's Fair exhibited in Neenah. Mrs. J. W. Williams narrowly escapes death from asphyxiation at the residence of R. T. Morgan, Oshkosh. OCTOBER. Globe Paper Mills commence operations. Rev. M. V. B. Bristol is assigned to the M. E. Church. National Bank takes possession of their present quarters, corner Wisconsin avenue and Cedar street. NOVEMBER. The remarkable epidemic, known as the epizoo tic, makes its appearance. McConnell elected to the Legislature over I. W. Hunt. Mr. H. Shoemaker receives $500 from the village for injuries sustained by driving intn an opening carelessly left in the street. Epizootic and bad roads cause a wood famine. NEENAH LOCAL HISTORy! '¦ 99^ riECEMBER. Deacon Walbridge died, Dec. 5th. H. Maek received 1275 for damages received through defective sidewalk. Horses resume work, after having the epizootic. Resi dence of A. J. Webster burned. Extremely cold, ther mometer ranging from 32° to 38°. Vote to ratify pur chase of Riverside Park, and amendraents to village charter. 1873. JANUARY, In this month died A. K. Moore and Lulu Manville. Slight small pox scare during this month. Great snow storm occasions stoppage and delays nf railroad trains. Pettibone Block narrowly escapes destruction by fire. FEBRUARY. Influenza, in epidemic form, not unlike the epizootic, proves a sore aflliction. The Presbyterian Church adopt the plan of sustaining expenses by contribution. Several railroad accidents occur near Dixie. MARCH. In this month Neenah was incorporated as a city. Cleraent & Stevens made the first purchase of wheat in Minnesota, shipping via the West Wisconsin and Green Bay & iMinnesota railroad to Green Bay, and thence by Chicago & Northwestern to Neenah; their first purchase was 20,000 bushels. Messrs. Smith, Van Ostrand & Leavens purchase the Neenah Stove Works, and begin active operations in the manufacture of stoves. Post master John W. Williams died suddenly, Marcli 21st. APRIL. In this month occurred the first charter election, Ed ward Smith being elected as Neenah's first Mayor with- 100 THE "GAZETTE" BOOK, FOR 1877-8. out opposition. The following were the first aldermen elected ih this city: First ward— J. B. Russell, W. Kell ett. Second ward— A. W. Patten, A. Michelson. Third ward — Fred Krueger, J. Bergstroijn. Geo. Danielson was first treasurer under the city adrainistration. Clement & Stevens purchase the stone, mills. MAY. ^ Common Council meetings first held in the room over Patten's Block. Government survej^ ofthe south chan nel completed. Geo. E. Scott buys the interest of Mos sop, and is alone in the hardware trade. Residence of John Stevens partially destroyed by fire. Brick stores of Cook, Bradley, Newdeck and Elwers begun this month. Gilbert .Tones sells a number of citj' lots at auction. JUNE. Island House built. Fifty thousand young shad, and five thousand young eels turned loose in the Fox River. Residence of Henry Hewitt, sr., burglarized. Pic-nic at Riverside Park, by Steam Engine Co., No. 2. JULY. Neenah Aniateurs give the plaj' of the '' Stranger," Pettibone Hall, July 3d. Grand regatta, in which the Minnie Graves wins first prize, $200. Deacon Mitchell, one of fhe earliest settlers, died this month, 21st. Work commenced on Monoghan's block. Cedar street. AUGUST. An eflbrt to rebuild the " long bridge" is defeated by farmers frora the Neenah side ofthe river. Work com menced on the fine residence of .J. A. Kimberly, Esq. The slash-boards on the dara removed by Capt. Edwardg and a posse of Government employees. Park hall built. Elisha Quartemas, an estimable young man, died Aug. NEENAH LOCAL HISTORY. 101 25th. Geo. 0. Bergstrom buys the entire business of Neenah Plow Works. SEPTEMBER. Grand Grange pic-nic at Riverside Park. In this month is recorded an incident remembered by all read ers of The Gazette, the same being the mysterious death, at the Russell House, of the wife of one " Phil- lippe," a wizard and sleight-of-hand performer, who gave an exhibition at Pettibone Hall, Saturday night his wife lying in a dying condition at the time, and be ing dead in the morning. Slie was buried in the Pot ter's Field the same day, attended only by the boarders from the hotel and the strange man who claira¬ed to be her husband. The latter left the following morning, and the wliole affair made a deep impression on the com munity. In this month began the famous panic of '73. OCTOBER. The Island House corapleted. . Northern Wisconsin Press Association meet at Oshkosh; C. H. Boynton, of The Gazette, elected secretarj'. Xewdecks brick store finished. Good fall of snow, Oct. 21st. Rev. Mr. Olmstead takes the pastorate of the M. E. Church, suc ceeding Rev. Mr. Bristol. NOVEMBER. Peckham elected to the Assembly over Verbeck. Winter sets in uncommonly early, heavy snow storm llth. Faraous railroad case between Tilly Walker and Wisconsin Central railroad tried in Circuit Court at Oshkosh. The famous Vinland ghost scare creates con siderable interest. DECEMBER. Tuesday, Dec. 2d, large gathering in honor of the corapletion of the chapel addition to the Presbyterian 26 102 THE "GAZETTE" BOOK. FOR 1877-8. Church. Two cars loaded with wheat are pushed off Cleraent & Stevens' side track into the river. Old School Presbyterian Church purchased by the M. E. So ciety, and the brick church by the Gennan Lutherans. 1874. JANUARY. The custom of Xew Years" calls inaugurated in Nee nah. Wildfang's raineral well discovered. Green Bay Store established in this city. liobert Colyer lectures in Pettibone Hall. FEBRUA RY. The old Governraent Flour Mill and Sherry's saw mill destroyed by fire Monday night, Feb. 9th. Menasha incorporated as a city. Kiraberly & Henry dissolve partnership in the drug business. The present house of worship used by the M. E. Church re-dedicated. MARCH. Henry Sherry purchases the Hungerford saw-mill. Gen. Kilpatrick lectures in Pettibone Hall. Work com menced on the Winnebago Paper Mills. APRIL. G. A- (.!unningham becomes editor of The Gazette. Edward Sraith re-elected Mayor over ,J. R. Barnett, majority, 38. The following Aldermen were also elect ed: First ward, H. P. Leavens. Second ward. M. E. Sorley. Third ward, M. 0. Brian, and George Daniel son City Treasurer. Inauguration of the remarkable "woman's crusade" in the teraperance cause. The license question is hotly discussed. MAY. A. W. Patten purchases the old Erapire Flour Mills of L. C. Porter, and breaks ground for a paper mill in NEENAH LOCAL HISTORY. 103 the sarae locality. John Hunt commences brick block on Wisconsin avenue. Kimberly, Clark & Co. purchase the Neenah Paper Mills of Sraith & Van Ostrand. Mr. and Mrs. John Stevens and Robert Shiells, Esq., go to Europe. Considerable excitement this month over the " temperance crusade." JUNE. Steamboat dock built at Riverside Park. Rev. Mr. Freeman takes the pastorate of the Baptist Church. Teraperance and religious services are held in George Thompson's saloon. Pingle ami Wildfang begin oper ations on brick stoi'ps. JULY. Messrs. Wulft' & Clausen, from Milwaukee, commence business in Neenah. Grand celebrati(m and pic-nic at Riverside Park, .July 4th. Regatta on the lake, etc. Niobe and Peerless, of Oshkosh, first two boats around_ Wm. Kellett's residence burglarized. Great fire at Osh kosh. July 14tli. D. Fj. Gardner resigned the position of principal in our city schools to accept a professorship in the State Normal School at Platteville. AUGUST. Miss Lu (Jase is thrown from a buggy while driving near the Neenah Stove Works and quite seriouslj' in jured. Simon Nelson, a Danish laborer dies frora sun stroke. Two boys, one a son of Alderraan O'Brien, an other named Williaras, are smothered to death in Shoe maker's .elevator, Monday, Aug. 10th. SEPTEMBER. Work commenced on Myers' brick building. Propo sition by the city Council to aid Mr. Russell in the erec tion of a hotel. G. Christenson begins work on new brick store. 104 THE "GAZETTE" BOOK. FOR 1877-8. OCTOBER. Senator Matt Carpenter and Col. Goodwin address a mass meeting on Doty Island, 10th. Robert Shiells and daughter, Bina, return from their European trip. Rev. Mr. Olmstead is retained as pastor of M. E. Church. Rev. Hirara Marsh, an aged and respected citizen, died Oct. 19th. Bariow & Young establish the C. 0. D. Store. Willis Leavens, died of apoplexv, 28th. NOVEMBER. Dr. N. S. Robinson elected to the Asserably over Merrill, of Winneconne. A. M. Kimball elected to Con gress. Thanksgiving services held at the M. E. Church; Rev. J. E. Chapin delivering the address. DECEMBER. Robert Campbell, a j^oung man 16 years of age, drowned while skating above the dam, Dec. 1st. The year's improvements as figured up in The Gazette, amount to $307,400, the year 1874 being the most pros perous of any in the annals of the place. 1875. JANUARY. W. N. Moore, once a prominent citizen of Neenah, died this month at his liome in Joliet, 111. Hon. Schuy ler Colfax lectured in the Presbyterian Church, 14th. Exceeding cold weather during this nionth, thermome ter ranging as low as 34° below zero. Hiram Smith, D. C. Van Ostrand and George Harlow go to California. Clayton cheese factory incorporated. Teraple of Honor organized, 29th. FEBRUARY. Great snow storra early in this month; roads blockad ed for days. City charter amended, making four wards. NEENAH LOCAL HISTORY. 105 Prof. J. A. Russell holds a musical convention. Course of lectures by Prof Pepper. Coldest period on record; spirit thermometer indicating as low as 44° below zero. In this raonth is recorded a raost interesting circum stance, it being the return to the city and town of the railroad bonds voted tothe Wisconsin Central, and their public destruction by burning, in the street opposite The Gazette oflice. Imraense snow drifts block up the roads. MARCH. Dr. .J. C. Mills, died, aged 73. Comrhon Council vote aid to J. B. Russell, in consideration of his building the Russell House. The spelling mania affects the country. APRIL. J. C. Kervvin commences the practice of law. City lot on Cedar street sold to the Schuetzen Bund. Alex. Billstein elected mayor over A. E. Cross. The following Aldermen also elected: First ward, Hugh McGregor; Second ward, Charles Petzold; Third ward, Gilbert C Jones. The Fourth ward held their first electioii this month, sending J. W. Toby and Wm. Robinson to rep resent them in the Board of Aldermen. A. Eisenach was elected city treasurer, and T. T. Moulton superin tendent of public schools, for a term of two years. The spelling mania strikes Neenah, and several exciting and interesting public spelling raatches are held. The old Russell House torn down to raake room for a large new hotel. City map prepared by county surveyor Palmer, delivered to purchasers. W. P. Peckham sells his inter est in the firm of Peckham, Krueger & Co. New bell secured for the Presbyterian Church. Great fire at Oshkosh, April 28th. 27 106 THE 'GAZETTE" BOOK. FOR 1877-8. MAY. Corner-stone of the Russell House laid, 17th. Con* cert given for the benefit of sufferers by the Oshkosh fire; over $100 secured. Pitt Peckham the hardware store of Smith, Van Ostrand & Leavens. JUNE. First annual cruise of Neenah Yacht Club. Very successful fair held by the Catholic Church, at Concor dia Hall, Menasha; gold-headed cane voted to Mayor Alex. Billstein. Pic-nic by the Oshkosh Knights of Pythias, at Riverside Park. JULY. Grand Fourth of July celebration at Riverside Park. John Roberts buys the " Doty place" of Mr. Ernesting. Work commenced on the Schuetzen Hall. Gustavus' flouring mill sold to Sherry & Maxwell. AUGUST. H. L. Barlow sells his interest in the C. 0. D. Store. Blind Tora gives an entertainment at Pettibone Hall. Sharp frost this month, 26th, doing much damage. G. A. Cunningham assumes entire ownership of The Gazette printing establishment. SEPTEMBER. Great gale of wind sweeps over this section of the country, causing considerable damage and loss. Fourth ward school house commenced. Burglars raid the stores of J. W. Worra, C. B. Manville and H. Schimpf Big grain crops are recorded in this month, the yield for 1875 being one of the very best. A man named White is fatally injured while at work in the Winnebago Paper Mills. OCTOBER. The Gazette is enlarged to a nine column paper. Railroad side-track is built at the rear of the raills on NEENAH LOCAL HISTORY. 107 the race. Neenah News is established bj' J. N. Stone Oct. 15th. J. T. Woodhead assumes the pastorate of the M. E. Church. Residence of A. H. Boardman bur glarized. Rescue Hook and Ladder company organized first officers— Foreman, Adam Erghott, a.ssistant, Wra Breitwisch; secretary, 0. H. Musgat; treasurer, Theo Paepke; steward, C Eisenach. Hooker & Weickert com mence business in the planing mill. F. A. Wildie be comes a partner with H. J. Gleason in the drug business. NOVEMBER. Goo. A. Whiting becomes interested in the Winneba go Paper Mills. Eric McArthur, of Winneconne elect ed to the Assembly. Schuetzen Hall opened and dedi cated on Thanksgiving Day. Prof Pepper gives a course of lectures, the first entertainments in Schuetzen Hall. DECEMBER. Side track completed to the Winnebago Paper Mills. Yale time-lock attached to the vaults of the National Bank. The Neenah Amateurs tender a benefit enter tainment to the Schuetzen Society. A large party go by special train to hear Mrs. Scott-Siddons at Oshkosh, 18th. A list of improvements for the year as given in The Gazette, amount to |300,000. 1876. .JANUARY. Dr. N. S. Robinson and family return from Portland, Me., and resume perraanent residence in Neenah. Grand opening of the Russell House, Jan. llth. Daily prayer meetings are held at Good Templar's Hall. A fire in Patten's block, in store occupied by J. W. Worm, creates quite an excitement. Continuance of very raild weather, making it an unusually open winter. 108 THE "GAZETTE" BOOK, FOR 1877-8. FEBRUARY. The cantata, Lost and Saved, is given at Schuetzen Hall by an Appleton amateur company. The oratorio " Esther" is given in Schuetzen Hall, 12th. George Phipps commences business in Neenah. An election is held on the question whether the city should adopt the high school plan; the result was favorable to its adoption. On the 29th of this month occurred a won derful snow storm, it being accorapanied by a genuine season of thunder and lightning. Ladies have a grand leap year party at the Russell House. Burning of Ho- gan's store, on Wisconsin avenue. MARCH. Amateur concert at Schuetzen Hall under the leader ship of Mr. Bradish. The Camila Urso troupe visit Neenah. Wm. Aylward enlarges his foundry and plow works. APRIL. Heavy snow storm early in this month. A. H. F. Krueger elected mayor, and A. Eisenach re-elected city treasurer. The following aldermen also elected: First ward, Wm. Kellett; Second ward, W. P. Peckham; Third ward, M. H. P. Haynes; Fourth ward, Martin Gavin. Presbyterj- of Winnebago meet at Neenah, Rev. T. C. Kirkwood, Moderator. MAY In this month occurred heavy and continuous rains, raising the water in the lake and river to an unusual height, and making it almost impossible for farmers to continue their work. JUNE. Third annual cruise ofthe Neenah Yacht Club occurs this month. Special election held in the First ward for NEENAH LOCAL HISTORY. 109 successor to alderman H. McGregor, resigned; D. L. Kiraberly is elected. The cantata " Court of Babylon " is given under the management of the Baker family. Kimberly.Clark & Co. purchase the Peckham & Krueger fonndrj' property. JULY. Grand union celebration held on Doty's Island, July 4th; Alex. C. Botkin, editor of the Milwaukee Sentinel, and Gen. Harrison C. Hobart deliver the addresses; ten thousand people eetimated to have visited the grounds. Large addition to the Globe Mills built this month. Many citizens of Neenah visit the great Centennial Ex hibition at Philadelphia. A. H. Boardman, local agent Chicago & Northwestern Railway, died this month, 19th. AUGUST. Neenah has a bad run of base ball fever. Extremely hot weather this month; men are forced to quit work at Neenah Stove Works; thermometer marked as high as 104 in the shade. SEPTEMBER. Death of Col. H. J. Lewis, Sept. 17th. Congressional convention held at Neenah ; A.M.Kimball nominated. OCTOBER. An unusually storray raonth is recorded, being a con tinuance of like weather through September; the State Fair and the Northern Fair at Oshkosh are failures in consequence. A very stirring political canvass occurs this month preceding the great presidential contest of 1876. Order of the Knights of Honor organized in Neenah. NOVEMBER. A very exciting general election held the 7th; city goes Republican, 126, and H. P. Leavens is elected to 28 no THE "GAZETTE" BOOK, FOR 1877-8. the Assembly over Alex. Billstein, bj' 136 majority. Death of H. L. Barlow, 4th. Exciting and anxious time following the election, and pending the final de cision. » DECEMBER. Mrs. Galentine, wife of Dr. Sarauel Galentine, died Dec. 5th. Lecture in the " Dirae Course" by Robert Shiells, Esq., "Crown .Jewels of Scotland." Slight small pox scare in this month. 1877. JANUARY. G. A. Cunningham is appointed postmaster and goes into office Jan. 1st. Exceeding cold weather, continuing for some two months; no change until late in January. Gas question is agitated, and a public meeting held at the Russell House. FEBRUARY. A German named .John Gause coramits suicide by hanging hiraself in the woods west of the city. John Clark, saddler, coraraences business in Neenah. A run away injures several members of the family of Mr. Quinn. Mrs. A. W. Patten died, Uth. MARCH. Rev. .John D. Potter begins a series of religious meet ings. APRIL. Charter election results in the choice of D. L. Kim berly for mayor; George Danielson for city treasurer; and the following aldermen: First ward, John R. Davis, sr.; Second ward, Henry Sherry ; Third ward, I. W. Hunt; Fourth ward, A. Jagerson. One Randall, gives a series of lectures on South America. The old Yale building, known as the Jensen House, is partially destroyed by fire. n' VIEW ON WISCONSIN AVENUE IN 1877, Looking West from Cedar Street. From a-Photograph by John Bbaithwaitb NEENAH LOCAL HISTORY. 113 MAY. Johnson & Co. start a machine shop on the south race. A large safe is purchased for the use of the city. Rob erts' Summer Hotel opened to the public, SOth. Burg lars rob the residence of ex-mayor Fred Krueger. JUNE. D. E. Markham, for several years police justice, died on the 12th; .James Conlan was elected as his successor at a special election held the 26th. In this month died P. D. Squiers, foreman in the Winnebago Paper Mill, and a very estimable raan, 21st; also Mr. Carl Striddie, one of the early settlers of the place, and a partner in the flouring mill of Striddie & Krueger, 23d. Great camp raeeting is held on Doty Island, continuing into the raonth of Julj-; thousands were in attendance. Mrs. Wm. Maxwell and Levi Strait and son are seriously in jured by runawaj' horses. Commencement exercises of the first class graduating under the high school system, is held at Schuetzen Hall, 29th; following are the nnmes of the graduates: Jessie Cooke, Nellie Herrick, Della Boardman. Eva Leavens, Minnie Gittins, Della Brown, Maraie Ford, Fanny Wheeler and .Jackson TuUar. .JULY. C. W. Howard purchases the Patten flour raill, and in companj' with J. R. Davis, jr., engages in the milling business. On the 19th of this raonth occurred quite a serious conflagration, destroying the stores on Wiscon sin avenue occupied by Swift Bros., Miss Wheeler. C- Langner, Hirsch & Co., and G. Bonner; loss about $10,000. AUGUST. Mr. F. E. Hubbard begins business in Neenah. An nual regatta ofthe Neenah Yacht Club; first prize won 39 114 THE "GAZETTE" BOOK, FOR 1877-8. by the Albatross. C. H. Cotton becomes interested in the dry goods trade with C. W. Moss. Geo. W. Todd, a young lawyer from Fond du Lac, locates in Neenah. Comraenceraent of the aaitation of the so-called "Green back question." SEPTEMBER. U. N. Roberts a former resident of Neenah, died this month at Davenport, Iowa. Mura parties first held. Sebastian Haas begins business in Neenah. OCTOBER. The Presbyterian Synod of Wisconsin was held in Neenah this month, continuing five days; Rev. ,J. P. Nichols, of Milwaukee, Moderator. The water in tbe lake and river becomes very low, making it difficult for the raills and factories to do their usual work. Rev. Geo. Gibson becomes pastor of the Episcopal Church. Benjamin Paddock, one of the pioneer settlers of the place, died on the 22d of this month. NOVEMBER. C. Langner moves into his nevv brick store, llii-sch & Co. finish their new brick structure this month. In this month is recorded a reraarkable episode in politics, it being the great stampede in favor of the " Greenback ticket," the vote for governor in the city of Neenah be ing for Aliis, (greenback) 377; Smith, (republican) 115; Mallory, (democratic) 146. C. W. Sutton becarae inter ested with L. .J. Dunn in the grocerj' business. Contin uous rainy weather all this month, making it one ef the sloppiest, muddiest times on record. Geo. 0. Kingsbury begins business in Neenah in the jewrelrv line. DECEMBER. A large party go by special train to Oshkosh to attend the Emma Abbott concert. Continued rain and mud ; NEENAH LOCAL HISTORY. 115 no frost or snow to speak of during this nionth, and farmers vvere plowing during the holidays; pansies were picked in the gardens on Christmas Day, lilac bushes and apple trees put out green leaves in December, and in everj' particular it was the most remarkable winter ever known, there being no snow uutil late in January of ISTS. -"-^f^e^^^^k^ 116 THE "GAZETTE" BOOK, FOR 1877-8. FIFTEENTH CHAPTER. CONCLUSION. Concluding Remarks— Neenah in 1878 — A Prediction — " H.iED Times" — The Unusual Weather and Depressed Business in 1877-8— Etc., Etc |N closing that portion of our book devoted to the history of the place, we deem it de.sirable to give a brief stateraent of the condition of aff'airs at the tirae of '(Vriting. Neenah at this tirae, — January, 1878 — contains a population of between four and five thousand, and has the best financial standing and commercial record of any place in the State; we believe, however, that the growth will be limited, as is the water power privileges, and the writer predicts that another twenty years will find our city noted for its great wealth, its beautiful location and its aristocratic social standing, rather than for its in creased growth or added industries. The year 1878 finds the entire country, and with it our city, suffering from an unparalleled business depres sion. The cry of " hard times" was never more general or truthful than for the past year, business failures being a daily occurrence on every 'nand, our own city being a marked exception. Real estate and personal property have shrunk in general values nearly one half within three years, and a general feeling of apprehension and NEENAH LOCAL HISTORY. 117 gloom pervades the country. The present season, as noted in preceding pages, has also been such as to un settle all business calculations. From the first of Octo ber until the first of January it rained alraost incessant ly, and for weeks business was at a standstill. So open a winter was never known. Lake Winnebago at this tirae — Jan. 15th — not being entirely frozen over, while stearaboat excursions were indulged in on Christmas and New Year's Dav. Lumbering business is a com plete failure for the winter, resultina; in serious losses to all engaged in this vocation. The record of the city's business standing raay be in ferred frora the Business Directory appended to this vol urae, which in after years will give an exact record of all engaged in business at this time. --^^^m^^S^^k^- 30 118 THE "GAZETTE" BOOK, FOR 1877-8. SIXTEENTH CHAPTER. NEENAH IN THE REBELLION Effect on Our Com^funity op the Declaration op W..iR — The First Enlistments — Exciting Times — Complete Record op Co. " G," Third Reqijient— Llst op Killed, Wounded and Discharged — Roster of the Company as .Mustered Out op the Service, With Particulars of Promotions, Changes, Etc., Etc. HE great war for the preservation of the Union -^ deeply stirred the heart of our coraraunity, as it did every other in the land. So the memory of ^¦.ii;:^^ that time deserves a place in these i.)ages, and a lasting record in the annals of the place- Who can recall, without eraotion, its scenes and ex periences Aroused to patriotic indignation, the call of the chief executive was answered by the costliest sacri fices within the ability of the citizens- Fiery youth and stable raanhood offer theraselves to the ranks of battle- Mother, sister and wife bid them go with trembling and tears. The day of parting is a strange mingling of pat riotic celebration and horae sorrow. The soldier goes forth to the rigid discipline of the camp, the exhausting march, the raighty struggle of battle, and the doleful experience of the hospital. There follows him the ten der expressions of horae love in a thousand forms; the oft-repeated letter, the little token in the shape of pho~ tograph or " house-wife," the box stocked with some NEENAH IN THE REBELLION. 119 bodily comfort or refreshment; the horae paper, with its newsy locals; and the soldier's letter in return, full of the incidents of war; surraises as to the future, impa tient desires for the ending of the war, etc. Then, too, when the thunder of battle echoed on the air, how every heart stood still lest their own loved ones shonld be of the fallen. And as the bristling columns of the daily press or the flashing telegrara announced the dead and wounded, what thronged trains of anxious and raourn ing ones poured forward to gather up the beloved re mains, or minister to the suffering. .Joyful indeed were tne notes of peace. The salvation of the Union needed no more such costly offerings. The shattered genera tion of war returns again to the peaceful walks of home. Quietly thev fall into their places — some to linger awhile in painful struggles with inveterate wounds or disease, and others to wield with new joy the irapleraents of in dustry. But many a home is found dark with the shadow of raourning for those who return not. The sable garments, the vacant chair, cherished knapsack or sword or faded uniform, the suspended picture on the wall, all speak of the soldier in sorae far-away grave. Let their memory be precious forever. And let the meraorj' of that time be preserved. In the local annals, as well as in tradition, let each narae wliich bore a part be recorded, and let the events pecu liar to that time find a faithful record in these pages. Neenah has a noble record in the annals of the rebel lion, three corapanies of infantry going from this place, beside manj' volunteers in other branches of the service, such as cavalry, artillery and in the navy. They were all good men and true, and each company has an envi able record. 120 THE "GAZETTE" BOOK. FOR 1877-8. THE FIRST TROOPS Raised in the place were afterward known as Co. "G" Third Regiment, Wisconsin Volunteers. This conipany was enlisted principally by Capt. E. L. Hubbard, some of the enrollments dating as far back as April 20th, 1861. At the breaking out of the rebellion, and for sorae three years previous, a militia company was under or ganization here, known as the , NEENAH GUARDS. Hubbard was the captain of this company, and it was the neucleus for the first enlistments. This company re mained here several weeks, a good number boarding at the Vermont House, and daily drills were carried on at the lake shore, it then being a vacant comraon, where now are houses and fine grounds. Co. G was mustered into the State .service June 9th, 1861, by Major B. Pinckney, joined the regiment at Camp Harailton, Fond du Lac, June 15th, and was mustered into the United States service June 29th, 1861, by Capt. Mclntyre. The following is the muster roll of the company, as they went into the service of the United States, and con tains the names of those who first gave their bodies as a sacrifice on the altar of their country: EDWIN L. HUBBARD Captain. J. P. Shephard First Lieut. A. J. Cady Second Lieut. Ephraira Giddings, 1st Sergt R. S. Woodward, 2d " A. J. Whitenack, 3d " H. C. Tait, 4th " Frank Lee, 5th " C. B. Rosenow, 1st Corp. T. L Reed, 2d " J. S. Cady, 3d " G. S. Hawk, Edward Hamilton, J. S. Hogan, John Hooper, J. F. Hubbard, J. M. Joy, J. T. Kitto, E. B. King, NEENAH IN THE REBELLION. 121 Lincoln Watson, 4th Corp. G. W. Dodge, 5th E. V. Moran, 6th Andrew Jagerson, 7th " Loring Renop, 8th M. F. Winters, Musician. S. S. Picket, A. A. Edwards, Wagoner. PRIVATES. Richard Allen, E. N. Austin, Norraan Anderson, Albert Bowmier, C. C. Briggs. H. E. Briggs, Wm. S Brown, Charles Bushey, G. H. Briley, ' W. W. Blake, Chauncy Beebe, S.H. Beach, Alfred Boojcker, Abram Brinkerhoof, Haskell Coats, Ransom Clark, R. 0. Crane, p. B. Cook, C. H. Curtis, J. W. Cowce, J. H. Cole, Martin Case, Frank Closer, J. H- Elliott, H. K. Edwards, W. W. Freeraan, G. J. Ferris, B. F. Gerry, J. B. Gerris, Joseph Goldsborough, J. W. Griffin, Andrew Holman, A. S. Littlefield, W. T. Leonard, * 0. G. Longstaff, Robert Longstaff, Ole Oleson Myhre, Alexander McCoy, W. H. Mason, Augustus McNaery, B. Nugent, A. L. Newgard, Wesley Northam, 0. C. Oleson, John Oleson, Albert Owens, Safford Oatman, Harry Parker, L. A. Phettleplace, Ira Prouty, jr., Albert Post, E. J. Raymond, Leonard Ransom, Ervin Robbins, Benjarain Sherry, John Shiby, E. A. Spaulding, P. L. Scritsniire, Henry Sraith, A. A. Siraonds, William Stanberry, Williara Statton, Peter Snell becker, J. H. Scott, Charles Schibley, J. W. Terwillager, L. A. Thorapson, C. B. Vandooser, Leroy Wood, V. R. Willard, James Whitney. 31 122 THE "GAZETTE" BOOK. FOR 1877-8. HISTORY OF THE COMPANY. The following is a brief history of the company, giving the engagements and various routes of march, transfers, etc., which they, with their regiment, passed through: The Third Regiment was organized at Camp Hamil ton, Fond du Lac, Wis., June 15th, 1861. Mustered in to service June 27th, 1861, by Captain Mclntyre. Left for the field July 12th, 1861, and arrived at Hagerstown, Md„ July 16th, 1861. Was brigaded with the Second Massachusetts, Twenty-seventh Indiana, and Twenty- sixth Pennsj^lvania infantry. The regiment was de tached for provost guard at Frederick City, Md., during the winter of 1861. Feb. 4th, 1862, started with Gen. Banks' coluran up the Shenandoah valley. Participated in the battles of Bolivar Heights, Virginia, Oct. 16th, 1861; Winchester, Va., May 25th, 1862; Cedar Moun tain, Va., Aug. 9th, 1862; Antietam, Md., Sept. 17th, 1862; Chancellorville, Va., May 3d, 1863; Beverlyford. Va., June 9th, 1863; Gettysburg, Penn., July 1st, 2d and 3d, 1864. Was transferred to the Army of the Curaberland in October, 1863, and assigned to the 2d Brigade, 1st Division, 20fch Army Corps, March 1st, 1864. Participated in the battles of Resaca, Ga., May' 15th, 1864; Dallas, Ga., May 25th. 1864; Kene.saw Mountain, and Chatahoochie River, July, 1864; Peach- tree Creek, July 20, 1864; siege of Atlanta, Ga., cam paigns through Georgia and the Carolinas, resulting in the capture of Savannah, Ga., Dec. 21st, 1864; Averys- boro, N. C, March 16th, 1865; Bentonville, N. C, March 19th, 1865; surrender of Gen. Johnston, April 20th, 1865. The regiraent was mustered out of the United States service at Louisville, Ky., July 18th, 1865. under provisions of General Order No. 24, Headquarters NEENAH IN THE REBELLION. 123 of the Army of the Tennessee. Reported at Madison, Wis., for final discharge and payment, July 24th, 1865, wliere the regiment was paid off and disbanded shortly thereafter. CO. "G'' AT THE CLOSE OF THE WAR. The following is the official listof the officers and raen of this company at the time the-y were disbanded and paid off. Many new recruits had been added from time to time, sorae from other companies and sections of the State, drafted raen, substitutes, etc., therefore, many of the naraes appearing on the list are other than those who first went out. The official record of the company, giving the history of every man therein, those who were killed in action, died from wounds, discharged, transferred, proraoted, etc.. with exact dates, is given herewith, and will prove a most valuable record for all time. EPHRAIM GIDDINGS Captain. Oommis.fioned 2d Lieut. Nov. 1. 1S81 ; 1st Lieut. May 4. 1863; Captam, MaichSO, 18B4. Stephen Lieurance First Lieut. Commissioned Oct. 28, 1864. Edward V. Moran Second Lieut. Commissioned May '20. 1864. Edwin L. Hubbard, Captain, com. Major, June 1, 1863. Andrew J. Cady, 1st Lieut, resigned Nov. 11, 1861. Joseph P. Shephard, 1st Lieut., wounded Sept. 17, 1862; died Nov. 10, 1862, at Antietam. Jasper Woodford, 1st Lieut., com. Adjutant. Philo D. Walker. 2d Lieut., resigned June 27, 1861. Seth Raymond, 2d Lieut., com. 1st Lieut. Co. A. Edwin ^. Proctor, 2d Lieut., must'd out July 18, 186.5. SERGEANTS. 1— Charies S. Bushey, appointed May 20, 1865. 2— Jaraes E. Hughston, vet. ap. Corp. July 24, 1864; Sergt. Nov. U, 1864. 124 THE "GAZETTE" BOOK, FOR 1877-8. 3— Olaus C. Olson, vet. ap. Corp. March 6, 1864; Sergt. May 20, 1865. Wounded at Dallas. 4— Edgar N. Austin, appointed May 20, 186.^. 5 — James T. Sheeren, appointed May 20, 1865 CORPORALS. 1— Alexander McCoy, vet. appointed March 6, 1864. 2 — James T. Hagen, vet. appointed Oct. 20, 1864. 3— Albert H. Hunt, vet. appointed May 20, Ise."). 4— Albert M. Post, vet. ap. May 20, 186.5; taken prison er at Winchester. 5 — Oscar J. Palmer, appeinted May 20, 1865. 6— Daniel WiUiams, appointed May 20, 1865. 7 — Joseph Goodman, vet. appointed May 20, 1865. Frederick Sperry Musician PRIVATES. F. M. Adams, George Belway, Justin Baribeau, Robert Beard, Henry Bater, Fred. Bloom, John Billinger, Aaron Brick, Antoine Collin, Alfred Cronk, Yost Chester, James Carvell, H. P. Christianson, William B. Constance, Martin Davelaar, Joseph Dachus, George A. Dyer, H. H. Douglas, Louis Dimler, Leopold Dodge, John B. Eager, Williara Filch, Albert Feltus, Ludwig Frank. Adelbert Foster. Philo V. Farnhara, Joseph Gaubats, Henry Green, Charles Heddie, vet. Ed. D. Harailton, wounded May 25, '62; May 25, '64, Donej' Hiraes, Joseph Hequel, George Harris, W. L. Harris, Lars Hanson, James G. House, William Hughes, Michael Judson, Williara H. Jones, Gilbert L. King, Fred Krossler, Samuel B. King, C. H. Knickerbocker, NEENAH IN THE REBELLION. 125 PRIVATES- Continued. William Linch, Fred. Pitman, Peter Jens Lillie, captured James Parker, Feb. 14, 1864, Leonard Ramson, wounded Fred. Lindour, May 3, 1863, John F. Lieurance, Ross Richards, Leopold Lacoque, Michael Radka, Hubert Lewis, John W. Rice, Frank Labrash, John Robinson, Daniel Larry, Charles P. Soule, Jean B. Mocceaux, Peter Swevil, H. Morrau'x, P. Schnellbecker, Gilham Merringer, Charles Shibley, Louis Mid wed. John Sorrinson, Norman McCloud, Joseph Seipole, Nils Monstead, A. Swikehaver, Christian J. Nelson, wound T. Sonday, ed July 30, 1864. A. Schlocter, L. B. Nicholas, wounded Robert Schultz, .June 16. 1864, John W. Shaw, James Price. • William Townsend, wound Zachary T. Phillips, ed at Bentonville, Franklin Paddock, John B. Wilson, B- F- Pride, C- 0. Wamoth. DISCHARGED. William W. Freeman, Sergt. vet. wounded May 26, 1864; appointed Sergt. Major Oct. 29, 1864; com. 1st Lieut. Co- H, May 20, 1865. Royal S. Woodford, 1st Sergt., discharged for disability; date unknown. Frank Lee. Sergt., -.vounded Sept. 7, 1862; discharged March 19, 1863. Watson Lincoln, Sergt., discharged July 1, 1864, expi ration of service. Charies B. Rosenow, Corp., disch-arged July 15, 1862, for disability. ^ Theopilus L. Reed, Corp., disch'dMay 23, 1862, wounds. Loring Knapp, Corp., discharged July 15, '62; disability. 32 126 THE "GAZETTE" BOOK, FOR 1877-8. G. W. Dodge, Corp., discharged for wounds received May 28, 1862. M. F. Winters, Musician, disch'd May 19, '02; disability. John H. Elliot, Musician, discharged June 10. 1862. Anderson, N., discharged Dec. 1. 1S6I ; disability. Anderson, A., discharged .June 5 1865. Alexander, Nathaniel, discharged .June 5, 1865. Bomier, A., discharged June 28. 1863; d'sability. Briggs, H. E., lost a leg Sept. 17, 1862; discharged Jan. 10, 1863. Briggs, Caleb C, disch'd July 1, 1864; expi-'n of service. Brown. William S., dischM Aug. 13, 1861; disability. Bailey, George H., disch'd bv order to enlist on gun boat. Blake, Williara W., wounded Sept. 17, '62; discharged Feb. 27, 1863. Beach, S. H., wounded May 3, '63; disch'd July 1. '64. Booker, Alfred, discharged -July 11, 1865. Brinkerhoof, A., discharged .July 1, 1864'. Benolich, Hans, discharged .June 9, 1865. Brown, William A., discharged .July 9. 1865. Coats, Haskell, discharsed. Clark, Ransom, discharged -Jan. 20, 1862; disability. Crane. Ralph 0., discharged. Cook, David B,, discharged for disability. Curtis. Charies H., discharged July 23, 1864. Cole, John H., disch'd by order, to enlist on gun-boat. Carr, M.,- discharged March 9, 1863; disability. Cady, John S., disch'd Julyl, 1864; expir'n of service. Edwards, H. R.. disch'd Sept. 11, 1862; com. 2d Lieut. and Captain 21st Wis. Infantry. Everson, H., discharged .June 5, 1865. Foster, John E., discharged Aug. 12. 1861, Ferris, Gilbert J., discharged July 1, 1864. NEENAH IN THE REBELLION. 127 FLsher, Williara, discharged June 5, 1865. Gerry, Benjamin F., discharged April 6, 1863. Gerris, John B., wounded at Gettysburg; diseharged July 1, 1864. Goldsborough, J., discharged .July 1, 1864. Griffin, John W., discharged fbr wounds Feb. 5, 1862. Hawk, George S., disch'd Dec. 22, 1862; disability. Hooper, John, disch'd by order of War Departraent. Heaftj', Fred., discharged June 9, 1865. Harris, Gilbert, discharged .June 9, 1865. Jaj', James M., discharged July 1, 1864. Jones, John S-, missing Feb. 14, 1865. Kitto, John F., discharged for disability. Littlefield, A. S-, discharged Jan. 20, 1862; disability. Leonard, William T.. wounded Sept. 17, 1862, and May 3, 1863; discharged July 1, 1864. Lee, Edwin P., disch'd to enlist in regular array. Longstaff', 0. G., wounded May 3, 1863; discharged July 1, 1864. Longstaff, R., discharged May 21, 1862; disability. Liddle, Albert, discharged June 9, 1865. Leach, E M., discharged July 1, 1865. McNaery, Aug.. wounded Mav 3, 1863; discharged July 1, 1863. McDonald, Norraan, discharged .July 1, 1865. Muldoony, Patrick, discharged July 1, 1865. Mcintosh, Thomas, discharged June 9, 1865. Myhre, Ole Oleson. discharged .July 1, 1864. Nugent, J. B., discharged May 21, 1862. Neweard, Amund L., vet., wounded at Dallas; disch'd July 5, 1864 Northam, Wesley, discharged Sept. 5, 1864. Owens, Albert, discharged Jan. 20, 1862. 128 THE "GAZETTE" BOOK..FOR 1877-8. Oatman, S., discharsed Aug. 3, 1861. Oleson, John, discharged July 1, 1864. Parker, Harry, discharged Sept. 11, 1862. Phetfeplace, L., vet., wounded May 25, 1864; disch'd Dec. 20, 1864. Picket, S. S., disch'd Oct. 21, 1863, to enlist in regular army. Proatj', I., jr., wounded Sept. 17, 1862; discharged July 1, 1864. Rayraond, E. J., discharged Feb. 7, 1863. Robbins, Ervin, disch'd Oct. 21, 1863, to enlist m regu lar array. Spaulding, Ed. A., discharged July 1, 1864. Sherry, Benjamin, discharged .Inly 1, 1865. Simms, Alex., discharged .July 1, 1865. Shebraum, Williara. discharged June 9, 1865. Statton, Willitim, discharged for disability Stoker, P F., discharged June 9, l8fi.5. Sherman, Leander, discharsed .June 9. isfis. Scritsmier, Peter L.. wounded at Chancellorville, disch'd July 1. 1864. Terwillager, J. B., discharsed Nov. 23, 1864; disability, Thompson, L, A,, disch'd Oct. 21. 1863. to enlist in reg ular army. Washburn, Lucas, discharged .June .9, 1865. Wood, Leroy, disch'd Oct. 21, 1863, to enlist in regular army. Willai-d, Van R.. wounded Sept. 2, 1862, and May 25. 1864; discharged July 21, 1864. Whitney, Jaraes, discharged March 26, 1863. Wood, t- S., dropped July 1, 1864, Whitenack, Andrew J,, disch'd Feb, 23, 1S63; disability. Walch, Peter, lost au arm May 25. 1864; disch'dMay 1864. Williamson, .J. S., discharged .June 5, 1865. Willard, A. C, discharged" J une 5. 1865. Zorco, Fred., discharged June 5, 1865. NEENAH IN THE REBELLION. 129 TRANSFERRED. Jagerson, Andrew, Sergt., transferred to V. R. Corps, March 12, 1865. Robie B. F., Corp., vet,, wounded May 25, 1862; trans ferred to V R. C, Cowce, John, wounded and transferred to V. R. C, Dec. 28, 1864. King, Ed. B., transferred to Non-Com. Staff, July 14, 1862. Smith, Henry, transferred to Co. K. Scott, Jaraes H„ transferred to 2d Batt. I, C, Jan. 24, 1864, Waggoner, J,, transferred to Vet. R- ( !-, March 12, 1865. DECEASED. Chauncey S- Beebe, Sergt-, died July 7, 1864, of wounds received June 16- Allen, Richard, killed Sept. 17, 1862, at battle of An- tietam- Boss, Herhian, died Nov. 14, 1864, at Nashville, Tenn. Billings, Jonathan D., died April 10, 1864, at Fayette- ville,aTenn. Christian, Rasmus, died June 7, 1865, at Savannah. Edwards, Ansel A., killed May 23. 1862, in battle of Buckton Station, Va- Giddings, Ira A., wounded May 3, 1863; died June 9, 1863, at Washington, D. C. Holm-an, Andrew A., died Oct. 28, 1864, at Harper s Ferry, Va. Hubbard, John F., wounded May 25, 1864; died July 5, 1864, at Kingston, Ga. Hoveriand, Christian, killed in action May 25, 1864, at Dallas, Ga. Litton, Philander, died June 15, 1864, at Louisville, Ky. Liddle Harvey, died Dec. 3, 1864, at Savannah, G. Mason, Williara H., killed May 3, 1863, at Chancellor ville, Va. 33 130 THE "GAZETTE" BOOK. FOR 1877-8. Martin, Henry E., wounded May 25, 1864, died July 1, 1864, at Chatanooga, Tenn. Martin, Francis M., killed May 25. 1864, at Dallas, Ga. Norrocon, J. W., died Dec. 16, 1862, at Frederick, Md. Oleson, Eagle, died Feb. 2, 1865, at Bridgeport, Tenn. Raymond, Israel, died Oct. 1, 1862, at Nashville, Tenn. Rash, William, died June 17, 1865, Washington, D. G. Shiebj', John, killed in action May 3, 1863, at Chancel lorville, Va. Simons, Austin A., killed May 3, 1863, at Chancellor ville, Va. Stausbury, Williara, died March 2, 1862, Frederick, Md. Tait, H. C., killed Sept. 30, 1862, at Antietam, Md. Vandoozer, C. B., wounded and taken prisoner; died May 31, 1862, at Antietam. DESERTED. Hoffman, Williara, dropped as deserter, June 30, 1865. Smith, J. B., deserted. --^'T^^^^^rS^^,^ NEENAH IN THE REBELLION. 131 SEVENTEENTH CHAPTER. HISTORY OF CO. "K" llth REGIMENT- Enlistment op the Second Company, by 0. T. Wheeler — The Recruiting Office and First Dejlls — Incidents of the Time — History of the Company from the Day It Left Neenah — Names of Officers and Men, with Theie Record in tub Service. ^^^HE second company raised at Neenah was known |tj||; as Co. " K," llth Regiraent, Wis. Vol. Infantry. This corapany was raised in the suraraer of 1861, •iug'iw during a very exciting time in the history ofthe rebellion. The conipany was composed largely of raen frora Neenah and the country towns adjoining. Recruiting for the company commenced about Aug. 1, 1861, C. J. Wheeler bavins received a coraraission for that purpose. Wheeler's unoccupied store was used as headquarters, and it was there the " awkward squads" were first drilled by L. C Session. The corapany was rapidly filled and on Oct. 17th left for Camp Randall, at Madison, where it arrived on the evening of the same day, and was assigned to Col. C. L. Harris' llth Regi ment, and designated as Co. K. Was mustered into the U. S. Service by Capt. Lamont, U. S. A., Oct. 18, 1861. Remained at Camp Randall until Nov. 20th, when they left the State for active service, under orders for St. Louis, Mo., where they arrived on the morning of the 22dj and the same day were transported down the river 132 THE "GAZETTE" BOOK. FOR 1877-8. twenty-three miles, to Sulphur Springs, on the St. Louis & Iron Mountain Railroad. The regiment was divided up for guard dutj' at the several bridges on the railroad. Co. K was assigned two bridges to guard, where they remained until March 12, 1862. when the regiment was assembled at Sulphur Springs and pro ceeded on the following day to Pilot Knob, Mo., where they were assigned to Gen, Fred, K. Steele's command, and commenced a campaign through southeast Missouri and Arkansas. Thej' were on the march most of the time until July 13th, when they arrived at Helena, Ark., having been on the march nearly four months, through an unhealthy and difficult country, and subsisting much of the time on half cir quarter rations and water very scarce. The whole command were nearly exhausted. Remained at Helena and vicinity foraging for cotton and supplies until about Oct. 1st, when they returned to Pilot Knob, Mo., via boat to Sulphur Springs. Re mained at Pilot Knob until Nov. 2d, at which date they moved again into southeast Missouri, where they were kept .constantlj' on the march from point to pomt, guarding forage trains, etc. On the 15th of March, 1S63, they erabarked at St. Genevieve, Mo., and moved down the Mississippi river, to Miliken's Bend, La , and took position in the 2d Brigade, 14th Division, 13th Army Corps. On the 30th of April crossed the river below Vicksburg, and on May 1st participated in the battle of Anderson Hill, near Port Gibson, Miss. The Eleventh was detailed for provost duty at Port Gibson, where they remained until the 5th, when the place was abandoned by our forces. Participated in the battles of Champion Hills, Miss,, May 16th, and Black River Bridge, Miss,, May 17th, NEENAH IN THE REBELLION. 133 where the regiment, in a charge on the eneray's works captured over one thousand prisoners and a regimental stand of colors. Arrived in the rear of Vicksburg on the I9th, and took position in the trenches on the 20th, and participated in the terrible charge of the 22d on the enemy's works, in whicli the regiraent suffered greatly. It was here that Sergt. Roblee, and privates Marcus Craraer and Jonathan Spurgeon received wounds from which they died, and Philip Robinson was killed. Re mained in the trenches at Vicksburg until the surren der on Julj' 3d. Iramediately after the surrender left Vicksburg, join ing the expedition to Jackson, Miss., vvhere they arrived onthe 10th of Julj . The enemy was driven tohis works on the 13th, and the siege was pressed with such vigor that our forces entered the city on the 17th. Returned to Vicksburg on the 24th and remained until the 13th of August, when thej' proceeded down the river to New Orleans and were assigned to dutj' at Brashear Citj', La. Participated in the operations of Gen. N. P. Banks in Louisiana and Texas during the winter of 1863-4. While at Indianola, Texas, early in January, Adjt. Ira W. Hunt w,as appointed recruiting officer for the regiment, to re enlist them as veterans. A great majority of the company re-enlisted and on the 10th of March, 1864, left New Ori cans for horae for a month's furlough, where they arrived March 22d. Re-assembled at Camp Washburne, Milwaukee, April 23. Left Milwaukee April 25th and arrived at Memphis, Tenn., on the 29th, where they were detained until May 1st, when they were ordered out on an expedition through West Tennessee and Northwestern Mississippi. Returned to Memphis the lOth, and on the llth reem- 34 134 THE "GAZETTE" BOOK. FOR 1877-8. barked for New Orleans, where thej' arrived on the llth and were assigned to duty at Brashear City, La., where they reraained during the summer, being engaged in various expeditions into the surrounding country, mak ing many iraportant captures of men and property. They were afterward engaged in the siege and captare of Mobile, Ala., where the regiraent took a prominent part and sustained heavy loss. Although the llth Regiment did not have the fortune to meet the rebels quite as often as some of those em ployed in other theatres of the war. j'et it was constant ly in the field perforraing active, laborious and iraport ant service. The veterans of the regiment marched over three thousand railes and traveled by rail and vessel more than nine thousand miles inthe various campaigns in which thej' took so honorable a part, and were the recipients of raanj' congratulatorj- orders frora com raanding ofiicers. OFFICERS. HIRAM J- LEWIS Captain. Reelgned 1864. Ira W. Hunt First Lieut. Commissioned Adjutanr, Jnly 28, 1863. Robert P. House Second Lieut, Resigned Nov, 87, 1862, Benj. F. Lisk, 1st Sergt. Alvin Abel, 2d Promoted to 1st Sergt. Jan. 1, '64, and 1st Lient. Deo. 2. '64. Wra. B. Roblee, 3d Sergt. Artemus Adams. 4th " Promoted fo M Lient. Nov. 27. '83. and 1st Lient. July -28, '64. And. Michelson, 5th Sergt. Promoted to 4th Sergt. Oct. 13. '64. Amon L. Newgard, 1st Corp. John H. Dubois, 2d " Reuben Brockway, 3d Corp. Sarauel Bartlett, 4th " Christ. C. Nelson, 5th " Jaraes Farr. 6th " Recruit. James P. Mark, 7th " Jervis Mutart, 8th " Dan Emery, Musician. Sarauel Doushty, " NEENAH IN THE REBELLION. 135 PRIVATES. Anderson, John. Aldrich, John, Blake, John, Blue, Harvey, Berke, Liberhart, Bell, Stephen A., recruit, Burnett, Joseph, " Brien, Jaraes, '' Bashford, Biley, Brandes, John C, " Banson, Ole, " Crandell, Asel, Crandell, Eramett, Conley, Jaraes, Conley, Williatn, Cramer, Marcus, Doty, Williara, Donaldson, Sarauel, Darrow, Henry, Edwards, Henry B., Emily, Anthony, Forsythe, Alexander, Franklin, William, Fitch, Seth W., Forney, Abram, recruit. Field, Henry C, " Giddings, Joseph M., Gotfred, Joseph, Guthshaw, Fred., Giebel, John, Gilbert, Clark S., Promoted to 2d Sergt, July 1, '64, and let Lieut. 1865, Gunderson, Sviening, recr't Hitchcock, Rufus I., Hunt, Albert H., Hinman, Albert, Hademan, John R., Henricks, Homer H-, Hart, .James, Holverson, Holver, Hayden, Andrew, Hughes, James W., Hawkins, Francis, Harmon, George, Hansen, Ole, Harrington, Jerry, Hart, Thomas, recruit, Hanson, John, " Hagenson, Matthias, " Hagerson, Andrew, " .Jones, Edward, Jones, Robert T., Kettleson, Hans, Kendly, Horace, Kruger, William, Klarape, Gottleb, Kruger, August, Koppel, Arnold M., Lindsley, George H., Lloyd, Ehas W., Lloyd, Henry, recruit, Leroy. Frank, " Lane, Samuel, McAllister, Daniel, McCormick, John C. K., Marshall, Andrew, Matocsin, Joseph, Olsen, Arne, Palmer, Williara H., Peterson, Henry, recruit. Perry, John C, Rice, Ai., Riley, Bernard, Rifenburgh, Ebenezer, Royer, James D., Robbins, Charles C, 136 THE "GAZETTE" BOOK, FOR 1877-8. PRIVATES— Robinson, Philip, Sraall, Robert, Smith, Jesse S., Smith, John, Spurgeon, .Jonathan, Spurgeon, Philip, Secor, .James D., Smith, .Jonathan, Sengenberger, Geo., recruit, Stevens, Williara H., " Spurgeon, Jeremiah, " Stickels, Emery, Torrence, Wilber E., DECEASED TO OCT, Continued. Tyler, Delaucy H., Thompson, Creighton. Thompson, Christian 0., Vaughn, Morris, Wright, Joseph E., Warner, Reuben, Wescott, Carver D., Wetmore, James, Wetmore, Georse, Wooledge, Gaius, Wheeler, Samuel, Webster, Henry, Yeomans, Solomon. 31, 1864. Anderson, .John, died at Brashear City, La., Aug- 7, 1864. Bartlett, Samuel, died at Ironton, Mo., Nov. 17, 1862. Bashford, Biley, died at New Orleans, .June 14, 1864. Berke, Liberhart, died at Sulphur Springs, Mo., .Jan. 19, 1862. Bansen, Ole, died at Brashear City, La-, Oct. 4, 1864. Brandes, .John C, died at Brashear Citj', La., Sept. 12, 1864. Conley, James, died at Brashear City, La., Oct. 20, 1864. Conley, William, died at Helena, Ark., Sept. 21, 1862. Cramer. Marcus, wounded in battle at Vicksburg, Miss., died June 8, 1863. Doughtey, Samuel, died at Ironton. Mo., Nov. 11, 1862. Ed'ivards, Henry B., died at Ironton, Mo., March 13, 1863. Franklin, William, died at St. Louis, Mo., June, 1863. Hayden, Andrew, died at Ironton, Mo., Nov. 27, 1862. Hanson Ole, died at Brashear City, La., Sept 15, 1864. Harrington, Jerry, wounded in battle at Memphis, Tenn., died July 7, 1863 Koppel, Arnold N.. died at Ironton, Mo., Jan. 12, 1863. NEENAH IN THE REBELLION. 137 Klamke, Gottlieb, died at Jacksonport, Ark., May 17, 1862. Lloyd, Elias W., died at Vicksburg, Miss., July 3, 1863. Nelson, Christian C, died at New Orleans, La., Oct. 10, 1864. Pohlman, Hirara A., died at Brashear Citj', La., July 14, 1863. Royer, James D., died at Batesville, Ark., June 28, 1862. Rrockway, Reuben, died at Old Town, Ark., Aug. 22, 1862. Robinson, Philip, killed in battle at Vicksburg, Miss., May 22, 1863. Roblee, William B., wounded in battle at Vicksburg, Miss., died May 28, 1863. Spurgeon, Jonathan, wounded in battle at Vicksburg, Miss , died May 29, 1863. Secor, James D., died at Van Buren, Mo., .Jan. 1, 1863. Torrence, Wilbur E.,died at St. Louis, Mo., Dec. 3, 1862. Thompson, Christian 0.. died at St. Louis, Mo,., Feb. 13 1863. Warner, Reuben, died at Rolla, Mo., June 14, 1863. Wooledge, Gaius S., died at Ironton, Mo.,Nov. 16, 1862. DISCHARGED TO OCT. 31, 1864. Artemus Adams, 1st Lieut., resigned Dec. 2, 1864. . Robert P. House, 2d Lieut., " Nov. 27, 1862. Aldrich, John, discharged Feb. 5, 1864. Blue, Harvey, discharged Sept. 30, 1862. Crandell, Asel, discharged Dec. 26, 1862. Donaldson, Samuel M., discharged Sept. 10, 1862. Emery, Daniel, discharged Oct. 21, 1863. Fitch, Seth W., discharged Feb. 12, 1862. Hunt, Albert H., discharged Aug. 31, 1862. Hart, James, discharged .Jan. 1, 1863. Holverson, Holver, discharged Sept. 30, 1863. 35 138 THE "GAZETTE" BOOK. FOR 1877-8. Jones, Robert T., discharged June 27, 1862. Kittleson, Hans, discharged Dec. 6, 1862. Kendly, Horace, discharged April 17, 1863. Lisk, Benjamin F-, 1st Sergt., discharged Nov. 27, 1863, to accept commission in colored regiment. Lane, Samuel, discharged Nov. IS, 1862. McCormick. John C. R., discharged Sept. 30, 1864. Marshall, Andrew, discharged Aug. 17, 1862. Newgard, Araon L., Corp., discharged April 7, 1863. Olsen, Arne, discharged March 15, 1863. Palraer, Williara H., discharged Jan. 3, 1863. Robbins, Charles C-, discharged Oct. 8, 1864. Rifenberg, Ebenezer, discharged July 30, 1862. Sraith, John, discharged Oct. 15, 1862. Sraith, Jesse S., discharged Feb- 8, 1863. Stickles, Eraery, discharged Nov. 18, 1864. TRANSFERRED. Blake, John, transferred to Invalid Corps. Emily, Anthony, transferred March 3, 1863, to Co. A, llth Wisconsin. Forsythe, Alex-, transferred Sept. 4, 1863, to Vet. Res. Corps. Hunt, Ira W., 1st Lieut., transferred to field and staff, as regimental adjutant, July 28, 1863. Lindsley, George H., transferred to Invalid Corps. Vaughn, Morris, transferred to Vet. Res. Corps. Wheeler, Samuel, transferred May 25, 1864, to Invalid Corps. Yeomans, Solomon, transferred Dec. 20, 1863, to Invalid Corps. DESERTERS. Barnard Riley, deserted at Madison, Wis., Nov. 18, 1861. Creighton Thompson, deserted at Sulphur Springs, Mo., Dec. 5, 1861. NEENAH IN THE REBELLION. 139 RECAPITULATION. Whole number of raen and officers 119 Deceased 30 Discharged 26 Transferred • g Deserted 2 With the corapanj' 53 Total ^9 -^^TcQ^^^mi^Q^iA^ 140 THE "GAZETTE" BOOK. FOR 1877-8. EIGHTEENTH CHAPTER. HISTORY OF CO. "I," 21st REGIMENT. The Last Full Company Going pro.m Neknah, Raised by Simeon B. Nelson and Abneb B. Smith— Paeticulaes of the Enlistments — Histoey op the Company — Full List of Officers and Men, Etc, Etc ^§^HE next company to leave Neenah was raised by ¦tl K Siraeon B. Nelson, of Menasha, and Abner B. ^^.^ Smith, of Neenah, during the month of August, ¦W^ 1862. The store owned by William Seatoft and burned in the suraraer of 1877, was used as a recruiting office, and it was a lively place for a few weeks. The company were all volunteers, and as will be seen by con sulting the list, contained many familiar names. Dr. Linde, of Oshkosh, was sent down to act as examining surgeon. The election of oflicers took place in the store now occupied by W. P. Peckham, it having been vacat ed by Mills & Williams shortly before. Unlike the other corapanies, Co. I elected no 2d Lieu tenant, it being a plan of Gov. Lewis' to take second lieutenants frora old corapanies then in the field, and place them in the new raw companies. Thus it occurred that Edmund Delaney, a stranger, was commissioned as second lieutenant of the company. Delaney did not re main a great while with Co. T, resigning the following spring. NEENAH IN THE REBELLION. 141 While the company was recruiting the men boarded at the Vermont House, kept by L. Stowe. They left Neenah for Camp Bragg, Oshkosh, Sept. 1st, from which time we give, in the following pages, a complete history of the company and record of the men. The following is the list of commissioned and non commissioned officers as the company left Neenah, and following the record is the entire list of names, with the officers in command when they returned home, particu lars of promotions, changes, transfbrs, deaths, discharges, pfp etc COMPANY OFFICERS. COMMISSIONED. SIMEON B. NELSON Captain. Resigned April 35, 1863. Abner B. Smith First Lieut. Promoted Captain April 25, 1863- Edmcnd Delaney '. • Second Lieut. Resigned March 29, 1863. NON-COMMISSIONED. Albert B. Bradish 1st Sergt. Promoted 8d Lient., April 1, 1863; Ist Lient. April 25 Wilder B. M. Torrey 2d " Lucian D. Littlefield 3d " Died at Mitchellsville. Tenn., Not. 21.1862. Joseph I. Barnes 4th On Det. Service, Pioneer Corp., Dec. 1. 1862. Cyrus Bradish 5th " Wonnded at Chapiin Hill, Oct 8, 1862; died Oct. 15. James Trudell 1st Corp. Pro. Sergt. Nov. 1, 1863; Ist Sergt. April 26,^«63. Edward H. Reed 2d " Deserted when hotly engaged at batUe Stony River, Jan. 3. 1888. Gustavus Jaeger 3d Corp. Promoted Jan. 8, 1863, to Sergt., April M to lat Sergt.. and April 25, 1863. to ad Lieut. James H. DeWolf 4th Corp. Promoted Sergeant April 25. 1863. 36 143 THE "GAZETTE" BOOK. FOR 1877-8. Joseph W. Forest 5th Corp, Died at NashviUe, Tenn., Dec. 27, 1863. Joseph H.Dana 6th " Killed at Chaplin HiU, Oct. 8, 1862. Amos W. Hale 7th " Cyrus D. Robinson 8th '• Died at NashvUle, Tenn., Feb. 17, 1863. Albert H. Owen Drummer. Henry Walker Fifer. Co. I was recruited at Neenah and Menasha, Winne bago County, Wis., by Simeon B. Nelson and Abner B. Smith, during the month of August, 1862, and joined the regiment, Sept. 1, 1862, at Camp Bragg. Oshkosh Winnebago County, Wis. Left Carap Bragg with the regiment for Cincinnati. 0, Sept. 11,1862. Left Cin cinnati for Louisville, Ky., Sept. 18,1862. Arrived at Louisville Sept. 20, 1862. Left Louisville Oct. 1. 1862, in pursuit of Bragg; encountered his forces Oct. 8, 1862, at Chaplin Hills, and had a severe battle aird our regi ment suffered a heavy loss. On the I2th pursued Bragg's retreating forces as far as Crab Orchard, Ky-, and frora there marched to Bowling Green, where Gen. Rosecrans took coniraand of the 14th Array Corps, De partment of the Ohio. Left Bowling Green Nov. 10th for Mitchellsville. Tenn.; arrived there the 12th. Left Mitchellsville Dec. 7th, 1862, for Nashville; arrived there Dec. 10th, 1862, and caraped until Dec. 26, 1862, and then left for Murfreesboro. Had an engageraent with Wheeler's cavalry on Jefferson Pike, Dec. 30, 1862; went into the battle of Stony River on the raorning of Dec. 31, 1862. Jan. 4th, 1863, marched through Mur freesboro and camped three-quarters of a raile south of the city. Left Murfreesboro June 24, 1863, in pursuit of Bragg, who was strongly entrenched at Tullahoma; NEENAH IN THE REBELLION. 143 came np to his picket at Hoover's Gap, on the evening of the same day. On the 26th participated in a skir mish, driving the enemy frora their position. On the 27th we followed in pursuit and raarched to within seven miles of Tullahoma; camped there two days. While there Bragg evacuated Tullahoma. On the after noon of July 1st we left in pursuit of hira, and encount ered his pickets at Elk River.^where we exchanged a few shots and drove thera. Our brigade, being in the ad vance, was ordered to ford the river; current very swift and water deep. After crossing we were ordered to ad vance; captured a nuraber of prisoners and caraped for the night. On the morning of the 2d resuraed our march for Cowan Station. Onthe 4th, at 12 M., re ceived news of Gen. Mead's victory over Lee. Were or dered to carap i'-nd a national salute was fired. Arrived at Cowan Station July 14, 1863, and marched and skir mished through to Chattanooga, and took an active part in the battle of Chickamauga. Remained in Chattanoo ga, in 3d Brig., 1st Div., , Uth Army Corps, until ISov. 23, 1863, when it left the fortifications, and on the 2,'5th participated in the assault upon Mission Ridge. Dec 4 marched tothe sumrait of Lookout Mountain, where we reraained until the opening of the spring carapaign. May 2, 1864, were transferred to the 3d Brigade. The regiment marched with Sherman toward Atlanta, par ticipating in the actions at Resaca, Pumpkin Vine Creek, Big Shanty, Kenesaw Mountain, Chattahoochie River, Peachtree Creek, Atlanta, Jonesboro, and marched with Sherman's grand army frora Atlanta to the Sea, taking an active part in the battles of Savannah, Averysboro. and Bentonville, and participated in the grand review at Washington, on the 24th of May. Remained near 144 THE "GAZETTE" BOOK. FOR 1877-8. Washington until June Sih, when the regiment was mustered out and started for home, arriving at Milwau* kee on the l2th where the men were paid off and dis banded on the 17th day of June, 1865. 00. "l" AT THE CLOSE OF THE WAE. Below we give the full company membership at the time Co. I went out of the service, showing the date of promotions and changes in officers, as well as a personal record of each man in the corapany, up to the time of going out of service. OFFICERS. ALBERT B. BRADISH Captain. Commissioned 3d Lieut April 1, 1863; 1st Lieut. April 25, 1863; Captain Dec. 31, 1864. Charles B. Clark First Lieut. Commissioned from lat Sergt. Dec. 17, 1864. Gustavus Jaeger Second Lieut Commissioned April S6, 1863; Wounded Sept. 20, 1863, at Chickamauga. James H. DeWolf 1st Sergt. Appointed Sergeant April 35, 1863; 1st Sergt. Dec. 16, 1864. Horace B. Clemans 2d " Appointed Corporal April 13, 1863; Sergeant, Sept. 34, 1863; wounded at Chick amauga, Sept. 30, 1863. Nelson Deraero 3d Sergt. Appointed Corporal Aug. 31, 1864; Sergeant Nov. 1. 1864. Joseph Wyot 4th " Appointed Corporal Jan. 8, 1863; Sergeant Dec. 18. 1864 James M Clark Sth " Appointed Corporal Nov. 1. 1864; Sergeant March 1, 1863- Ethan A. Eldridge 1st Corp. Appointed April 13, 1863; taken prisoner at Chickamanga. Samuel Lyner 2d Appointed Nov. 1, 1864. Elisha Shiply 3d '' Appointed Nov. 1, 1864. David L. Pearson 4th " Appointed Nov. 1, 1864. William Wright 5th " Appointed March 1, 1865. Albert H. Owen Musician. NEENAH IN THE REBELLION. 145 PRIVATES. Augustine, Frederick, wounded May 14, 1864, at Resaca. Beals, Ira. Beals, Orson W., wounded May 30, 1864, at Altoona. Bradish, Jaraes H., wounded May 14, 1864, at Resaca. Brady, John, wounded March 19, 1865. at Bentonville, N.' C. Burwell, Gera. Burwell, Gilbert. Britton, Michael. Christianson, Charles S. 0., wounded May 30, 1864, at Altoona. Collins, George W. Dubois. George A., wounded July 18, 1864. Dennis, Milton P. Foster, Edward H. Gates, Duke. Green, Delos L., wounded Sept. 1, 1864, at Jonesboro. Gardner, Bradford, wounded May 10, 1864, at Buzzard Roost. Henderson, Williara H., wounded May 30, 1864, at Al toona. Hesse, Julius, taken prisoner Oct. 10, 1862; wounded Jnly 20. 1864. Hartwell, Joseph. Hillstram, Daniel, wounded at Chatahoochie river. Hillstrom, Jolm F. Harris, Williara T. Hammond, David. Hanson, Jens. Held. Charles. Howell, Allison H. Johnson, Erastus H., wounded July 2, 1864, at Kenesaw Mountain. 37 148 THE "GAZETTE" BOOK. FOR 1877-8. PRIVA TES — Conti n ued . Johnson, Harden. Locks, Franklin. Lloyd, William. Miller, John W., taken prisoner, Sept. 20, 1863, at Chickamauga. McKonkey, Samuel. Meyer, August. Morey, .Iohn H. Milanthron, .Iohn. Nye, William P Olson, Ole. O'Connor, Cornelius. Olson, Andrew. Pierce, Charles E., wounded Sept. 20, 1863. at Chicka mauga Payne, Albert D., taken prisoner at Monfordsville and Cliickamauga. Pierce, .lames G. Parker, Monroe. Parks, .John. Pettrick, August. Ritz, Frederick. Roberts, Solomon D., wounded Sept. 19, 1863, at Chick amauga. Rosenow, Charies B. Sheerin, Frank S., jr. Sexton, Jaraes H., taken prisoner Oct. 10, 1862. ^ Seely, William. Seeker, Frederick. Shultz, Julius. Stutz, Peter, wounded at Chatahoochie river. Shong, John, wonnded at Atlanta and at Bentonville. NEENAH IN THE REBELLION. 147 PRIVATES —Continued. Smursky, Vincent .1. Snider, John. Smith, Lewis E. Turnell, William, taken prisoner Sept. 20, 1863, at Chickamauga Tippens. Frederick, wounded May 14, 1864, at Resaca. Trudell, Oliver F. Tucker, Edmund G.-, taken prisoner in Kentucky; was wounded at Resaca. Tess, Frederick, wounded Sept. 1, 1864, at Jonesboro. Therd, Joseph, wounded Oct. 8, 1862, Perrysville, Ky- Tenney, Eber. Vaii.sfeen, Nicoderaus. Willeinan, Constant. Werner, Frederick. Ward, Samuel .1. Westfall, .\ugusf- Wright, .Joseph . York, Wesley. Zoble, Gdflob. DISCHARGED. Edwin Bliss, Sergt., discharged Feb. 24, 1863, to accept. ^ comraission- George S. Sheldon, Corp., discharged Jan. 2,5, 1863. dis ability. Bradish. George C discharged Dec. 8, 1862, disability. Bartlett, Samuel D., discharged April 20, 1863. disability Blanchard, Royal C. discharged May 25, 1863, disability. Burslem, Thomas, discharged Oct. 16, 1863, disability. Connor, William H., discharged Sept. 14, 1863, disability. Douse, .Joseph B-, discharged May 30, 1863, disability. Erb, Jacob B., disch'd Dec. 8, 1862, for wounds received Oct. S, 1862. 148 THE "GAZETTE" BOOK, FOR 1877-8. - DISCHARGED — Continued. Elliott, David H., discharged Sept. 28, 1864, disability. Forest. John W., discharged March 7, 1865, disability. Green, Charles C, discharged .Jan. 8, 1863, disability. Henry, Samuel F,. discharged March 19, 1863, disability. Johnson, Ole, discharged Feb. 27, 1863, disability. Kennan, George, jr., discharged June 5, 1863, disabilitv- Neal, Isaac M., discharged Nov. 17, 1862. Nugent, .\lfred A-, discharged May 16, 1865, for wonmls. Ryan, David J-, discharged March 21. 1863, for wounds. Ruback, William, discharged Jan. 8, 1873, disability. Schwander, Berthold, discharged Jan. 14, 1863; wounds. Stiles, Joseph M, discharged March 14,1863; wounds. Statton, Richard, taken prisoner at Stonv River; disch'd April 14, 1863. Stanford, Thomas, discharged. Thorapson. George F., disch'd Feb. 26, 1863; disability. Town, John, discharged Jan 24, 1863, for wounds. Zain, Frederick W., discharged Dec. 24, 1864; wounds. TRANSFERREP- Joseph I. Barnes, Sergt-, transferred to IT- S. V V. Eng. July 29, 1864. Wilder B. M. Torrey, Sergt., transferred to Vet. Res, Corps, Feb. 6. 1864. Frank Pearse, Corp., wounded Sept!" 20, 1883; transfer red to Vet. Res. Corps, Sept. 31, 1864. Ager, Olavus, transferred to Vet. Res. Corps., Anril 6, 1864. Arnold, Edward, transferred to U. S. V. V. Eng., July 18, 1864. Jackson, Robert, transferred to Vet. Res. Corns., Oct. 7. 1864. Klinke, Rasmus H., transferred to Vet. Res. Corps, April 6, 1864. NEENAH IN THE REBELLION. 149 TRANSFERRED - Continued. Line, Collins C, transferred to Vet. Res. Corps, April 1, 1865 McCullum, Murray, trairsferred to Vet. Res. Corps, Feb- 6, 1»64. Pierce, Mvron L., transferred to Vet. Res. Corps, Aug. 19, 1863 Soear, George W., wounded at Resaca; trairsferred to "Vet. Res. Corps, Jan. 10, 1863 Williams, William, wounded Sept. 20, 1863; transferred to Vet. Res- Corps Jan. 10, 1863. KILLED IN ACTION. Josiah H. Dana, Corp., killed Oct. 8, 1862,.at Chaplin Hill. Bell, Lewis M., killed May 14, 1864, at Resaca. Clinton, Leaman W. killed Oct. 8. 1862, at Chaplin Hill. Johnson, Williara U-, killed Oct. 8, 1862, at Chaplin Hill. Robinson, John, killed May 31, 1864, at Altoona, Ga. DECEASED. Jaraes Trudell. 1st Sergt., taken prisoner Dec. 30, 1862, at Stony River. Died Sept. 24,1863 at Stevenson, Ala. Cyrus Bradish, jr., Sergt-, wounded Oct. 8, 1862; died Oct. 15, at Chaplin Hill. Lucian D. Littlefield, Sergt , died Nov. 21, 1864, at Mit- chellville, Tenn. John W. Forest, Corp., died Dec. 30, 1862. at Nashville. Araos W- Hale, Corp., died Aug- 22, 1864, in Anderson viUe Prison. Cyrus D. Robinson, Corp., died Feb. 17, 1863, at Nash ville, Tenn. Barnes, William R., died Feb. 22, 1864, in Danville prison. Charaberlain, Jaraes A., died Oct. 25, 1864, in Anderson viUe Prison. 38 150 THE "GAZETTE" BOOK. FOR 1877-8. DECEASED— Continued. Dunn, Henry S., wounded Oct. 8, 1862; died Oct. 24, 1862, at Chaplin Hill. Denslow. Abner M., died Dec. 5, 1864, in Georgia. Foster, Franklin F., died Dec. 27, 1862, at ville. Hamilton, Williara, died March 3. ise.'i, at Murfrees boro, Tenn. Harris, Peter, died Feb. 28, 1864, in Danville Prison. Hale, Channing A., died April 22, 1864, in Anderson viUe Prison. Knapp. Charies, died Nov. 25, 1862, at Bowling Green. Kohnke, John, died May 7, 186.3, at Nashville. Kellogg, Hollis W., died of wounds June 22, 1864, at Nashville. Ladd, Malcorab E., died Nov. 29, 1862, at Louisville. O'Brine, Edward, died Dec. 6, 1863, at Nashville. Pendleton, Jerorae, died of wounds Jan. 29, 1863, at New Albany. Rontz, Warren C-, died Feb. l'4, 1863, at Nashville- Ranney, Horaer C-, died Nov. 12,1862, at Lebanon, Ky. Reed, George, died July 25, 1864. in AndersonviUe Pr'n. Sirapson, George, died Oct. 20, 1862, of wounds received Oct. 8, 1862. Shultz, Christian, died Nov. 29, 1862, at Louisville, Ky. Vining, Thomas F., died Feb. 6, 1863, at Camp Chase, Ohio. Winiman, Christian, died Nov. 9, 1862, from wounds re ceived at Chaplin Hill. Webb, Lemuel W., died Oct. 12, 1862, of wounds receiv ed at Chaplin Hill. Winchester, George, died June 26, 1864, in AndersonviUe Prison. NEENAH IN THE REBELLION. 151 DESERTED. Fowler, Theron H., deserted May 25, 1863, at Louisville; said to have enlisted in Marine Brigade. Reed, Edward H., Corp., deserted when hotly engaged at battle of Stony River, Jan. 3, 1863. Taylor, Abrain, deserted Oct. 21, 1862, at Crab Orchard, Kentucky. Woodard, James L., deserted May 25, 1863, at PerryviUe, Kentucky. Walker, Charles A., deserted Aug. 7, 1863, at Camp Chase, 0.; said to have enlisted in regular army. The foregoing lists and particulars are taken from of ficial records, and from the printed and framed records which were arranged at the close of the war for each corapany, and though they may contain mistakes, are as near correct as possible to get them at this time. We are indebted to Capt. Giddings for the records of Co "G." to adjutant I. W Hunt, for those of Co. "K," and to Lieut. C. B. Clark for the printed records of Co. "I." IN ADDITION To the three full companies enlisted here, quite a num ber of men entered the service in other branches. Eb. Stephens, now ex sheriff of this county, was at that time residing here, and secured a commission for recruiting raen for the navj', quite a nuraber going frora Neenah. From Mr. H. 0. Clark, who was one of this nuraber, we have the subjoined particulars: The following raen were enlisted by Eb. Stephens for gunboat duty: Geo. F. Thompson, H. 0. Clark, J. Richards, P. Ladd, P. Kuhn, Thad Sheerin, E. .Jenkins, D. Owens, John Baird, M. Sutton. Aug. 17, 1864, they were sworn into the United States service at Chicago, sent aboard the receiving ship Great 152 THE "GAZETTE" BOOK, FOR 1877-8. Western, then lying at Cairo. They were then drafted to the gunboat .luliet, then receiving repairs atthe navy yard at Mound City; were theu ordered to the month of the White River and did service between there and Vicksburg until July, 1865. George Thompson was wounded at Sunny Side, Ark., and went into hos pital at Memphis. C. H. Towle was transferred from the iirmy to the navy, and was aboard the steam ram Vindicator, first as boatswain and afterward as purser. Jack Campbell and Henry Robinson were on the raonitor Chilacothe. Joe Faas was aboard of the gunboat Essex. Quite a joke was played on hira. He was so young that they would not enlist hira without the consent of his parents, so he fell in with sorae fellow that was going to ship, and it was agreed between thera that Faas should be passed off as his son and assume his name. Everything went nicely, the father drawing the son's pay, nntil they were discharged, when the father drew the son's back pay and bounty, and skipped out, leaving Joe to get back home as best he could. Myron Haynes went as substitute for his father. He did sorae service aboard the gunboat Argossy between Vicksburg and New Orleans. Thoraas Reese, jr., shipped during the first of the war aboard the aunboat Undine, and saw active service on fhe Cumberland and Tennessee rivers. His boat was blown up to keep her from falling into the hands of the rebels, and he was wounded and narrowlj- escaped with his life. He was drafted to another boat and finally discharged. NEENAH IN THE REBELLION. 153 ARTILLERY. ^ Some sixty men, recraited from different parts of the county, went from here and entered the service as artil lerymen. But a few of them, however, were residents of Neenah, the following being the only familiar names we find: Ezra Lisk, D. Cook, Louis Fourney, Reuben Webb, and the three Wells brothers, Charles, Wilbur and Samuel. CAVALRY. Quite a nuraber enlisted to join cavalry companies. Among them we find of our own town's people: Carrol Townsend. Tom Sherry, Sid Coates, James Packard, Isaac Angeli and Jaraes Sherry. The above all entered the service in 1861. i •--*^??C; -''*;ii;;® healthfulness; the invigorating breezes from the lake teraper the heats of summer, while the adjacent large bodies of water, to a great extent, have the effect of preventing those sudden extreme changes of tempera ture to which nearly all western localities are mnch sub jected. The scenery is lovely, the lake the most mag nificent sheet of water, with beautiful shores and good harbors that are accessible in every direction, thus af fording the best of yachting facilities. The surround ing countr}' is beautiful, with excellent roads, affording delightful drives and picturesque views of the lake and river scenery. Wild game is quite abundant in the vicinity, and is composed of blue and Erreen winged teal, mallard and wood duck, snipe, wood-cock, quail, squir rel, partridge, and prairie chicken. The waters abound in black and white bass, pike, pickerel, sturgeon and other fish; therefore, steamboat excursions, pic nies, yachting, fishing, shooting and pleasure drives are among the readily available recreations of the place.. This secures immunity from that monotonous routine of tame and insipid pleasures which prevail in so many celebrated watering places; fbr the range of exciting and NEENAH AS A SUMMER RESORT. 183 attractive out door enjoyments is here so extensive and varied that the tastes of all can be gratified; corabining the gaieties, public amusements and social enjoyments of city life, with the most delightful rural pleasures. The market is well supplied with wild game, and with the choicest fruits and vegetables. of northern latitudes, fresh from the gardens and orchards of the vicinity, which are very different to the stale products shipped frora long distances. Apples, plums and sraall fruits are abundant in their season. The raarket is also kept as well supplied as those of the larger cities, with foreign fruits and delicacies. The Russell House, (see ad.) one of , the largest and best kept hotels in Northern Wisconsin, is so situated as to raake it a pleasant stopping place for a few weeks of suratner, as it is easily reached frora Chicago or Mil waukee, and during the fishing season raakes araple pro vision for the wants of guests in boats, fishing-tackle, etc. Roberts' Summer Resort, (see ad.) is already well known araong those who would pass a portion of the hot, dusty suraraer in a pleasant Wisconsin resort. The location of the house is very fine, with anr pie grounds, and we predict that within five years the hotel will be surroLinded by fine cottages for the use of transient guests, and no spot in Wisconsin will be more generally sought after than this. 46 184 THE "GAZETTE" BOOK. FOR 1877-8. TWENTY- FOURTH CHAPTER. THE MANUFACTURING INTERESTS OF NEENAH- ILLUSTRATED. |E are pleased to be enabled fo give herewith illustrations of the leading mills and manufac- ^ tories which largely raake up the business of j,fl> Neenah, and through whose products our city is known far and wide. These engravings and descrip tions will be of interest at the present tirae, but doubly so when the changes of twenty years shall have been made, and in years to come this volume, with its illus trations, descriptions and record ofthe present day, will be highly prized by its owner. With the engraving of each establishment raay be found a short sketch, giving history of each, time of building, various owners, etc. NEENAH MILLS. 185 THE NEENAH FLOURING MILLS. This mill has the honor of being the oldest flour mill in Neenah, andthe first one built through individual enter prise. The Neenah Mills were built in 1850-1 by John R. and Harvey L. Kimberly. The timber used for the frame was live oak, and cut near what is now called the '¦ Coup," by one Billy McMillan, and was gotten out for NEENAH MILLS,. EKECTED IX 1850-1. parties in Milwaukee, who intended using it for a mill frame at some point on the stream, but sriving up the enterprise, it was left on McMillan's hands, and after wards purchased by the Kimberly's and hauled on the ice to this place. Mr. H, A. Burtz, now residing in Menasha, was the millwright. The machinery was taken frora a mill in Rensselear county, N. Y., and shipped by water to Green Bay, and from there up the river to its destination. Of course there were no steamboats orr the river in those 186 THE "GAZETTE" BOOK, FOR 1877-8. days, and the barges and Durham boats were poled and towed by hand up the river, oft times being obliged to unload the heavier portions of the load and carry or roll thera around the many rapids. The mill was ovvned and run by Messrs. ,J. & H. Kim berly for about fifteen years, when the partnership was dissolved, H. L. Kimberly retaining the property. The piill was subsequently rented and run by Oborn & Stev ens, and again by Kimberly, Kurtz & Co., and afterward for several years by Mr. H. L. Kimberly, until passing into the hands of his sou, D. L. Kiraberly, by whom it has been since conducted. The mill was thoroughly overhauled and rebuilt in 1876. Following is the list of millers: Ed. C. Oborn, head miller; Henry Disbrow, Ned Williams, Jens Sorenson, G. H. Burdick. WINNEBAGO FLOURING MILLS. This raill was built in 1852-3 by Edward Sraith, Hugh Sherry and Hiram Wheeler. It is a very large framed mill, the timber in the same being extremely large and heavy. This tiraber was cut and squared on the head waters of the Wolf river, frora the very choicest trees that the then alraost virgin pine forests afforded. It was then floated down the river to Oshkosh, and towed through the lake from there here. Wheeler was a mill wright, and planned the building, and Sherry, being a miller, was to take charge of the mill when finished. This partnership was of short duration, Edward Smith soon after purchasing the interests of both his partners. He run the raill alone until February of 1857, when John Proctor purchased a half interest, and the ownership of the property has not since changed hands. Thus it will be seen that the firm of Smith & Proctor is at this tirae the oldest milling firm in the city, having under- WINNEBAGO MILLS." 187 gone no material change during twenty-one years. In the early days all frlre flour was sold on the line of the Fox and Wisconsin River Improvement, and at Green Bay. After the completion of the Improveraent shipments were raade during the sumraer by this route, but during the winter months many teams were kept employed hauling flour and feed. WINNEBAGO MILLS, ERECTED IN LS52-3. This raill was the first one in Neenah to make what is now called " purified flour," having begun its manu facture in 1872. The mill was thoroughly overhauled and improved in 1877, and is now furnished with all moderir improvements. Following is the list of millers: Thomas Cooke, head railler; S. H. Conklin, Sumner Cooke and J . M. Thompson. 47 188 THE "GAZETTE" BOOK. FOR 1877-8. THE NEENAH PAPER MILL — THE FIRST PAPER MILL BUILT IN NEENAH. The Neenah Paper Mill was built in 1865-6. and was the first paper mill built on the Neenah water-power. it was erected on the site of an old saw-raill built by Harvey Jones at a very early day, an account of which is given elsewhere in this volume. This enterprise was entered into by a stock company composed of the following persons: Hiram Smith, Nathan Cobb, Dr. N. S. Robinson. Edward Sraith. John Jaraison and Moses Hooper. The conipany was organized with the following offi cers: , President, Nathan Cobb; Secretary and Treasurer, Hiram Smith. After the mill was completed it was rented of the company by Dr. N. S. Robinson, and run for one year by him very successfully. The second year it was de cided by the company to run the mill in the joint inter* est of the stockholders, and Dr. Robinson was engaged to superintend the business. The third year the raill was rented by Hirara Sraith, who, with his brother Edward Sraith, entered upon the management of the business. Before the expiration of the year, however, Mr. D. C. Van Ostrand purchased the interest of E. Sraith, and the firm became Sraith & Van Ostrand. This firm, afterward purchased the balance of the stock and continued to operate the mill very successfully and profitably, until its sale in 1874, to Messrs. Kimberly, Clark & Co. This firm have since been, and are now, its owners, and by whom it continues to be conducted very successfully. The mill is now familiarly known as the " Old Mill," though its products compare favorably with that of auy of its newer and more pretentious rivals. 190 THE "GAZETTE" BOOK. FOR 1877-8. patten's PAPER MILL. This raill was built in 1874 by Hon. A. W. Patten, and is one of the best built and finest appearing mills on the water-power. The main building is 150 feet in length by 40 feet in breadth, with brick engine room and boiler house. This mill was built partially on the site of the old Empire Flour Mill, the latter being torn down to make room for the present structure. Patten's Paper Mill differs from the others, from the fact that the stock commonly used is old paper stock only. Print, book and raanilla papers are made. The capacity of the mill is in the neighborhood of three tons every twenty- four hours. This mill is supplied with the famous Fourdenier ma chine, one of the raost approved French inventions for perfecting paper making. This machine was put in, with other improvements, in 1877. A. W. Patten is sole owner, and Mr, James F. Glea son, formerly a Massachusetts paper maker, is superin tendent ofthe establishraent. The engraving, which is made from a photograph by C. B. Mauville, gives a very good idea of the structure. PATTEN'S PAPER MILL. 191 -y. 48 193 THE "GAZETTE" BOOK. FOR 1877-8. THE WINNEBAGO PAPER MILL. This mill stands on the site of the " old Government raill," built by the United States Government in 1836, for the Indians. The mill was destroyed by fire in Feb ruary, 1874, and the present structure was erected on its site in the same year. The Winnebago Mill was built and furnished by a joint stock company made up of the following persons: John R. Davis, sr.. John R. Ford, H. Shoeraaker, C. H Servis, C. Newman, Mrs. E. A. Servis, and S. M. Brown. John R. Davis, sr., was named president; J. R. Ford, secretary; and H. Shoeraaker, treasurer In 1876 George A. Whiting purchased certain shares of stock, and thereafter acted as secretary for the^ com pany, and at the present tirae ha-s the general manage ment of the mill. This mill manufactures book and print paper only, and its products have an enviable rep» utation. The leaves of this book are a saraple of the tinted book paper raade at this mill. The diraensions of the raill are as follows: Main building, 40x70 feet, two stories and basement; machine room, 30x90, one story and basement; boiler room, 16x 22, all built of solid brick and stone masonry. WINNEBAGO PAPER MILLS. 193 O a 3o tdO 3 3aa-o ^^a •o i-d W 194 THE "GAZETTE" BOOK. FOR 1877-8. THE ISLAND CITY MILL. This mill was built in 1867 by Carl Striddie and A. H. F. Krueger, and is a first class flouring mill in every respect. From the first it has always enjoyed a good run of custom and retail trade, and has proved a profit able investment to the owners. Carl Striddie dying iu 1877, the property is now owned by his widow, Mrs. Charlotte Striddie, and A. H. F. Krueger. Mr. Krueger rents the mill, however, and conducts the business en tirely himself ISLAND C^ITY MILL, ERECTED I\ 1867. Mr. Krueger came to this state in 1851, and set tled on a farm in the town of Clayton, where he re mained for several years, raoving to the city iir 1867. The con,struction of this mill was supervised by John Jamison; is built of stone, 34x60 feet, four stories high. The following are millers: H. Maliseh, head miller; 0. Winter and H. C. Kraeger. >0OS GQ ftHm o0 -AR O- C' GLOBE PAPER MILL-S, ERECTED IN 1872. Owned and Oper.ated by Kimbeily, Claris & Co. [See page 196.] 01 196 THE "GAZETTE" BOOK. FOR 1877-8. GLOBE PAPER MILL— KIMBERLY, CLARK & CO. This mill was built in 1872 by its present owners, Messrs. Kimberly, Clark & Co.. and stands on the site of one of the early day flouring mills, i. e., the Fox River Mill, built by Hugh Sherry in 1856. in 1876 the owners of the Globe Paper Mill purchased the Peckham & Krueger foundry property, and removing the build ings, erected a large addition to the Globe. This is now the largest paper mill in the city, having a frontage of 210 feet, by 88 feet deep. This mill manufactures print paper only, and its products have at all tiraes taken first rank in the markets. The Globe mill is also provided with the Fourdrenier machine and every raodern appli ance for first class paper making. M. H. P. Haynes, a paper maker of many years' experience — having grown gray in the service —is the superintendent of this raill. also the "Neenah Mill,'' which is owned and operated by the sarae corapany. [See page 189-] The firm of Messrs. Kiraberly, Clark & Co., is com posed of the following persons: J. A. Kimberly, C. B. Clark, H. Babcock, and F. C. Shattuck. This firm, in addition to the ownership of the Globe and Neenah Mills, in this city, is also heavily interested in extensive pulp and paper mills at Appleton, five miles distant. RELIANCE MILLS. 197 THE RELIANCE MILL — J. A. KIMBERLY & CO. This is a stone structure, erected in 1868 by J. R. Kimberly & Co., the firm being John R. Kiraberly, fa miliarly known as " Uncle John," J. A. Kimberly, and H. Babcock. The mill was run by this firm for nearly ten years. John R. Kiraberly disposed of his interest RELIANCE MILLS, ERECTED IN 1868. in April, 1877, and the firra becarae J. A. Kiraberly & Co. The raill was built by H. S. Burts, millwright, and is 40x75 feet. The mill now has six run of stone and three crushers, and is otherwise provided with all raodern improvements for the manufacture of flour. The mil lers are: James Martin, head miller; C. Kurtz, E. Evens, and Will Kurtz. 198 THE "GAZETTE" BOOK, FOR 1877-8. FALCON FLOURING MILLS -CLEMENT & STEVENS. This is a double mill, formerly owned and occupied by different parties, but now under one management and as one mill. It is now familiarly known as " the brick and stone mill." The brick mill was erected in 1856-7 by J. Mills. When nearly completed E. W. Feet purchased an in terest and the mill was first run by the firm of Mills & Peet, they corrtinuing in business about four years. In 1861 Burdick & Clement leased the mill and run it for one year. Then followed Clement & Sherry, who run it about two years. In the spring of 1864, Clement & Stevens, the present owners, first took possession, first leasing, and afterward purchasing. The stone raill was begun about the same time, though it was not finished and running as quickly as the brick. This raill was built by James Smith and S. H. Lisk. It has undergone many changes, and had a great many owners. It was first rented and run by Lisk & Patten, then followed Oborrr & Stevens; next Lisk & Porter; then L. C. Porter; then Porter & Olmstead; then 0. L. & L. Olmstead, andin 1873 was purchased by its present occupants, Messrs. Cleraent & Stevens. These two mills combined raake the Falcorr Mills, the raost extensive milling concern in the city. They now have eight run of stone, besides crushers, etc. John Stevens, the junior member of the firm, is a practical railler, and takes charge of the mills personally. Fol lowing are the millers: James Jones, W. T. Patterson, and W. W. Patterson. FALCON FLOURING MILLS. 199 Great improvements were made in the '" brick and stone mills" in 1877, the rear walls of the stone mill be ing torn down and rebuilt, and many changes and alter ations raade inside both raills. This raill for several years alone enjoyed the advantages of having a railroad FALCON FLOl'RING JIILLS. side track to its doors, Messrs. Clement & Stevens hav ing secured for their own use the building of a branch track frora the main line ol the Chicago & Northwestern railroad about six years before the building of the main side track now used by all the mills. 50 soo THE "GAZETTE" BOOK. FOR 1877-8. THE NEENAH STOVE AND PLOW WORKS. BERGSTROM BROS., PROPRIETORS. This institution was established as a common foundry in 1857 by W. N. & A. K. Moore, andB. W. Wells, un der the firm name of Moore & Wells. After continuing for several years Mr. Wells' interest was purchased by the Moore Bros., and the firm became W. N. & A. K. Moore. The foundry was enlarged and the business greatly extended by this firm, they remaining together in business untrl 1870, when W. N. Moore disposed of his interest to his brother, and the business was carried on by A K. Moore until his death iu January, 1873. The concern then passed into the hands of Messrs. Smith, Van Ostrand & Leayens, Mr. H. P. Leavens tak ing the raanageraent of the business, which was con tinued by the above firm until January, 1878, wherr the property was sold to Geo. 0. & D. W. Bergstrom, who, under the firra name of Bergstrom Bros., now conduct the business. This is one of the most important of our manufacturing industries, providing labor as it does, for a large number of skilled workmen. The leading products of the establishment are stoves and hollow ware, in all their varied branches. The manufacture of plows of all kinds, more especially several varieties of fine steel plows, also form orre distinct branch of the business, this line of trade having former ly been conducted by Mr. George 0. Bergstrom as the Neenah Plow Works, it being consolidated with the stove foundry after the latter's purchase by the Berg strom Bros. NEENAH STOVE AND PLOW WORKS. 301 a pP O -to 2; 2; t> ffiHO >5; 2 b 7". 303 THE "GAZETTE" BOOK, FQR 1877-8. C. A N-W LliTES. THE CHICAGO & NORTHWESTERN R'Y Bmbi-aces under one management the Great Trunk Railway Lines of the WEST and NORTHWEST, and., with ils numerous branches and connec tion... forms the shortes' and quickest route between Chicago and all points in Illinois, Wisconsin, Northern Michigan. Minnesota, Iowa, Nebraska, California and the Western Territonas. Its OMAHA AND CALIFORNIA LINE Is the shortest and bist route between Chicago and all points in Northern Illinois. Iowa, Dakota, Nebraska, Wyoming, Colorado, Utah, Nevada, Cali. fornia, Oregon, China, Japan and Australia. Its CHICAGO, ST. PAUL AND MINNEAPOLIS LINE Is the short line between Chicago and all points in Northern Wisconsin and Minnesota, and for Madison, St. Paul, Minneapolis, Dul uth, and all points in the Great Northwest. Ils LA CROSSE, WINONA AND ST. PETER LINE- Is the best route between Chicago and La Crosse, Winona. Rochester, Owa- tonna, Mankato. St. Peter, New Ulm, and all points in Southern and Central Minnesota. Its GREEN BAY AND MARQUETTE LINE Is the only line between Chicago and Janesville, Watertown, Pond dn Lac. Oshkosh, Appleton, Green Bay, Escanaba, Negaanee, Marquette, Houghton. Hancock and the Lake Superior country. Its FREEPORT AND DUBUQUE LINE Is the only route between Chicago and Elgin. Rockford, Freeport, and all points via Freeport. Us CHICAGO -AND MILAVAUKEE LINK Is the ok Lake Shore Route, and is the only one passins between Chicago and Evanston, Lake Forest. Higtilaad Park. VVaukegaii. Racine, Kenosha and Milwaukee. PULLMAN HOTEL CARS are run on this road alone west of Chicago. This is the ONLY LINE running Pullman Sleeping cars between Chicago and St. Paul and Minneapolis, Chicago and Milwaukee, Chicago and Winona, or Chicago and Green Bay. Close connections are made at Chicago with the LaKe Shore & Michigan Southern. Michigan Central, Baltimore & Ohio. Pittsburg, Ft. Wayne & Chi cago. Kankakee Line and Pan Handle Route«. for all points EAST and SOUTUEAST, and with the <.!hicago & .'V.lton and [llinois Central for all pointe SOUTH. Close connections are also made with the Uuion Pacific railroad at Omaha forallfar West points. Close connections made at junction points with trains of all cross points. Tickets over this route are sold by all Coupon Ticket Agents in the Uniied Stales and Canadas. Remember, you ask for your tickets via the Chicago nnd Northwestern Railway and take none other. New York office. No. 415 Broadway; Boston office. No. 5 State street; Omaha office, No. 345 Farnham streeet; San Francisco office, No. 3 New Montgomery street; Chicago ticket offices, No. 63 Clark street, nnder Sher raan House; 75 Canal street, corner Madison street; Kinzie street depot, cor ner W. Kinzie and Canal streets; Wells street depot, coiner Wells and Kinzie streets. For rates or information not attainable of your home ticket agents apply to MARVIN H- HUGHITT, Gen. Manager, Chicago. W. H. STENNETT- Gen. Passenger Agent, Chicago. RUSSELL HOUSE. 303 THE RUSSELL HOUSE. The Russell House was built in 1875 by its present owner. It is one ofthe largest hotels in Northern Wis consin, and has a good reputation with the travelling public. There is an interesting item of history in con nection with this hotel, the city having voted the sura of four thousand dollars to aid in its erection, it being deeraed a public benefit to have such a hotel built. The house stands on the site of the old Weeden Hotel, erect ed about 1854. The Russell Honse, in addition to its regular hotel business, during the suraraer season entertains raauy guests w'ho come here to spend a few days or weeks in fishing and other recreations off'ered in this vicinity. This place is less than four hours' ride from Milwaukee, and seven frora Chicago, which makes it quick and easy of access for residents of those cities. The hotel has two large sample rooras on the first floor, a large and hand- soraely decorated office, is provided with an elevator, and is in all respects first class Terras, 12.00 per day. .TOHN B. RUSSELL, Prop. 51 204: THE "GAZETTE" BOOK. FOR 1877-8. VisGonsiii Contral Railroai THE Lake Superior, Milwaukee & Chicago Line The popular route for SPORTSMEN' and PLEASURE SEEK ERS from CHICAGO .AND MTL\^^AtJK:EE. Among the points of interest on this line or reached bv its connections are CEDARBURG, PLY'MOUTH, ELKHART LAKE. SHEBOYlxAN FALLS, SHEBOYGAN, FOND DLT LAC. iREEN LAKE, NEdN AH and MENASHA, DEPERE. (;REEN bay, STEVENS POINT, (^OLBY, DORCHESTER. WESTBORO. the BUTTERNUT and FLAMBEAU LAKES. ASHLAND, and BAYFIELD, Lake Superior. During the season of navigation, steamers run regulary from .-VSHL.A.VL) to Dt^LC'TH, connecting there with NORTHERlSr PACIFIC R'Y Pi>r Bismarck ancl l''ort (^arry. Steamers uNu to Frhire Arthur's Landing or Fort Williara, on Thiituler Bay. I^^ie Uoyale. Silver Island, Ontonagon, Eagle River and Harbor. Honshtnn and Hancock. Thebegt gporiing in the State for HUNTERS OR ANGLERS is to be found in the forei^ts traversed by this road. Mnskalonge. bass, pickerel. brook and lake troul, ducks, prairie chickens, ruffled grouse, deer aud bear are plenty at dlfferenr points. C^*TlcketP forf-ale at all principal Ticket Oifices in the United States flnd Canada. In CHI*'A(iO, at West Side Union Depot, corn' r of Madison aud Canal sta., and at 63 Clark street. In MILWAUKEE. 400 Kast Water street. corner Wisconsin street, and at UNION DEPOl'. Reed -ireet, where trains arrive and depart. COITITECTIOITS : AT CHICAGO-In Union Depot of c:.. M. A- SI. I'. H'y. MadisonaniJ Canal Sts., wilh Chicago & Alton and Pittsburg. Fl. Wayne & Chicago Railways. AT MILWAUKEE- With Chicago, Milwauk.-.- Jt St. Paul and West. ern Union Kailwavs. in Union Depot, Heed street, and Detroit & .Milwau kee Raill oad steamers. AT PLYMOUTH-With Sbeboygun i- Fond du Lac Railway, for Sheboygan and Fond du Lac. AT FOREST JUNCTION-With Milwaukee. Lake Shore & West ern Railway. AT GREEN BAY— With Greer Bav & Minnesota Railway, for New London, and Chicago & Northwestern Railway lor points North. AT AMHERST JUNCTION-«'ith Green Bav & Minnesota Rail way, for Grand Rapids and points West. AT JUNCTION CITY-With Wisconsin Vjilley R'y for Wausau. AT PORTAGE- With Chicago. Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway, for Madison and the West. AT ASHLAND— With steamers for Duluth. Ontonagon, Prince Ar thur's, and for all points on Lake Superior. ROBERTS' HOUSE. 205 SUMMER RESORT. is most beautifully located on ROBERTS' This summer hotel Doty's Island, and near the old log homestead of Gov. Doty, which is still in existence, and one of the attrac tions ofthe place. [See page 43.] The Roberts' House is located on the bank of the Fox river, as this broad stream emerges from Lake Winne bago, which brings the latter directly in view of the house. The grounds and drive-ways extend to the lake and river both above and below the hotel, and the view from the windows and verandahs is exquisitely beautiful. The hotel is nearly midway between the cities of Neenah and Menasha, and in the iieigliborhood ofone mile from the biisini'ss streets of each. This iiotel, although only opened to the publ'C in 1877, already enjoys a generous patronage, the visitors coming largely trom the southern States. "The best fishing grounds in the vicinity are directly opposite the house, and boats are kept in' lull supply for the use- of guests. Terins are reasonable. Send for descriptive circular and references to JOHN ROBERTS, Neenah, Wis. 306 THE "GAZETTE" BOOK, FOR 1877-8. Hsalili, [lotii!orl_a&l Safsij, WHERE TO SPEND YOUR SUMMER. VISIT THE Lill mum [oimii Bythe MAGNIFICENT steamers ol llie Lake Superior People's Line, RUNNlMi FKOM CZZZCAGO and MZZ^'Wii'O'ZIEE —TO— DULUTH, Touching at ALL important or interesting LAKE SUPERIOR PORTS, in- tluding Tables are supplied with all the delicacies of the season. Beds supplied with best spring bottoms and No. 1 hair mattrasses. The strictest attention paid to cleanliness all throughout. The trip returning by the North Shore of Lake Superior IS one ofthe FINEST tliat can be selected. Consult ECO.VOMYand COM FORT by taking this route. For circulars, time tables, passage rates, etc., address l-.KO£»OL.l> Jfc ATJSTRIA.N, Chicago or Milwaukee. CITY DIRECTORY. ' B07 CITY DIRECTORY. Name of Every Citizen Over 21 Years of Age. It is not the object of this book to offer a complete directory in the areneral acceptance of the term, which would, of course, include the name, resi dence and business of all persons, both male and female in the city; but to give at this time as a matter of permanent record, the name of every man now a resi dent of Neenah, which, as a matter of future reference, will be of especial value. The ward and street is given, so that each person may be readily located. FIRST W.^RD. Isel, George, Franklin ave. Augustine, John Anderson, Jacob, Franklin ave. Aplin, N J, Franklin ave. SECOND WARD. Abendshein, Philip, Caroline st. Alden, 0 N, Winneconne ave. Alden, 0 IN. jr, Winneconne ave. Amonson, John, Wisconsin ave. Anson, L. * Anderson, Andrew, Wisconsin ave. Anderson, Sern Anuson, Michael, Wisconsin ave. S3 208 THE "GAZETTE" BOOK. FOR 1877-8. Anderson, Nels, Caroline st. Arneson, Erick, Winneconne ave. Arndt, August. Arndt, William. Arnemann, Williatn, Isabelle st. Asmus, William, Washington st. Asberry. E J. THIRD WARD. Aseth, Ole 0, Third st. Albe, G H, cor First st and Avenue. Anderson, Jacob. Third st. Angeli, Mathias, First st. Anderson, Louis, Third st. Anderson, Neils, Avenue. Anderson, Jens, Avenue. Applefellow, Herman, Second st. Austin, Wm, Third st. . Austin, .James. FOURTH WAKD. Abitz, Henry, Union st. Arndt, August, Main street. Aylward, William, Main st. FIRST WARD. Babcock, William. Billstein, Alex. Doty ave. Brinkerhoff, Charles, Columbian ave. Bradley, A L. Cedar st. Bahner, Phelix, Columbian ave. Barr, William, Franklin ave. Beiscenstein, Charles, West Park st. Beiscenstein, Joseph, Franklin ave. Beiscenstein, Leopold, West Park st. Bender, Emile, Oak st. Bennett, J H, Franklin ave. Bidwell, Charles, Elm st. Bouch, Charles, Division st. Bonner, Gustave, Wisconsin ave. Brass. Louis, Doty ave. Breaker, Charles, Avenue. CITY' DIRECTORY. S09 Brown, Adam, Wisconsin ave. Brown, George, Oak st. Brown, Theodore, Wisconsin ave. Burk, James, Lagrange ave. Burhans, Frank, Wisconsin ave. SECOND WARD. Babcock, Havilah, Cedar st. Baby, Henry, Wisconsin ave. Bailey, Edwin, Isabella st. Barnett, J R, Church st. Bartelson. Nelse, Second ave. Benorkson, C P, Caroline st. Bentley, C D, Smith st. Bergstrom, George, Columbian ave. Bergstrom. Charles, Cedar st. Bergstrom, D W. Caroline st. Bichel, John. Blank, Fred, Monroe st. Bredlow, August. Brown, .John F, Sherry st. Bronson, Ole, Caroline st. Brown, John, jr, Winneconne ave. Brown, Alexander, Winneconne ave. Bronson, Amon, Caroline st. Brown, .John, sr, Winneconne ave. Brunson, Knute. Washington st. Buenger, Charles, Caroline st. Burke, Jacob. Burhans, John, Doty ave. Burch, C N, Wisconsin ave. THIRD WARD. Babcock, Wheeler, Sago st. Baker, John, sr. First st. Barnes, D W, First st. Barnes, Joseph I, North Water st. Bart, Joseph, jr. Fourth st. Bart, Joseph, sr, Fourth st. Barnett, M S, Forrest ave. Barcknow, William, Fourth st. Barcknow, Fred, Fourth st. a 1 0 THE " GAZETTE " BOOK. FOR 1 877-8. Bashaw, Andrew, Commercial ave. Bashford, Henry, cor Clark and Fourth st. Bashford, Alvinus, cor Clark and Fourth st. Bashford, Judson, Forrest ave. Beard, Horace, Forrest ave Bealey, Williara, cor Commercial ave and First st. ' Bell, John, Fifth st. Bennett, W E, cor Third and Clark sts. Bergstrom, Lars, Sago st. Bergstrom, William. Sago st. Bergstrom. Joseph, Third st. Bishop, Thomas, Clark st. Bishop, Arthur, Clark st. Boardman, John, Third st. Bowen, W H. Brannon, James. Fourth st. Brien, Henry, Fourth st. Briggs, A C, North Water st. Brinkerhoff, Jacob, Forrest ave. Brown, James W, North Water st. Brown, Henry, High st. Brown. Havila, Commercial ave. Brummond. Herman, Fourth st. Bryan, John A, Commercial ave. Bryan, C A, Commercial ave. Buckley, Joseph, North Water st. Butler, E T, Fourth st. Butterfield, L J, Third st. FOUETH WARD. Bailey, Jerome, Main st. Baumgarten, Peter, sr, unplatted. Baumgarten, Peter, jr, unplatted. Boreson, Evan, Sherry st. Boreson, Mathias, Washington ave. Boreson, Ole, Sherry st. Breitwisch, William, Union st. Brunnhafer, Arnold, Caroline st. CITY DIRECTORY. 211 FIRST WARD. Ijentiinore, Joseph, Whitenack road. n Chapin, J E, Washington ave. U Christianson, Hans, Columbian ave. Christenson, John, Lagrange ave. Christianson, Hans, Franklin ave. Clark, C B, Wisconsin ave. Clauson, Harold, Wisconsin ave. Cox, .John, Plum st. Cooke, W D, Wisconsin ave. Coats, S T, Olive st. Coats, H E, Columbian ave. Cotton, Charles, bds Russell House, Wisconsin ave. Cook, Martin, Cedar st. Cooke, Thomas, Wisconsin ave. Cooke, H S, Wisconsin ave. Cooke, (.' S, Wisconsin ave. SECOND WARD. Callahan, T E, Doty ave. Cavanaugh, Thomas, Wisconsin ave. Christian, Lars, Caroline st. Christianson, George, Main st. Christianson, Godfrey, Main st. Clauson, Charles. Wisconsin ave. Clark, E W, Cedar st. Clement, J L, ( -hurch st. Conlan, .James. Cedar st. Conklin, Sidney H, Columbian ave. Cpllins, George A. Cross, A E, Cedar st. Cross, John, Main st. Cross, Galusha, Cedar st. Cunningham, G A, Brien st. THIRD WARD. Callahan, .John, B'irst st. Carman, .James H, Third st. Casperson, Jacob, Third st. Casperson, Neils, Third st. Chase, L J, Fifth st. Cheeney, James, Fifth st. 53 212 THE "GAZETTE" BOOK. FOR 1877-8. Christenson, C S 0 Sago st. Christopherson, Hans, cor Avenue and Fifth st. Christeanson, Martin, Second st. Clark, Henry, Clark st. Clark, HO,' Clark St. Clark, .John, Forrest ave. Clark, Adam. Cole, Ruell. Conover, W N, North Water st. Cowan, George A, Fourth st. Cronan, Tim, Third st. Cronan, Matt, Third st. FOURTH WAKD. Christenson, Hans, Union st. Cleveland, Moses W, Sherry st. Cleveland, Joseph, Sherry st. FIRST WARD Davis, R M, Division st. Davis, J R, Wisconsin ave. Davis, David, Wisconsin ave. Deal, Frank, Wisconsin ave. Deal, Louis, Wisconsin ave. Demerritt, N, Duty ave. • Depeski, August. Downing, George W, bds Russell House. Wis. ave. Dodge, E\-ank, Cherry st. Duffy, Peter. Doty avc SECOND WARD. Daniels, J N, Wisconsin ave. Darrow, D C, Church st. Deal. Michael, Wisconsin ave. Dreves, Herman, Wisconsin ave. Dohmke, Ferd, Third ave. Dunn, L .J, Columbian ave. , Dudrey, I W, Church st. THIRD WARD. Damon, Dewitt C, Forrest ave. Daniels, J T, First st. Darling, H F, First st. CITY DIRECTORY. • 213 Darling, Horace, First st. Davis, John R, jr, Fifth st. Dolan, James, Commercial ave. Donovan, Dennis, Abbe ave. Dunker, Henry, High st. Dubois, Louis, Commercial ave. FOURTH WARD. Danielson. George, Winneconne ave. Dietz, Henry, Caroline st. Dudrey, W H, Winneconne ave. Dudrey, E S, AVinneconne ave. FIRST WARD. Edwards, P. Whitenack road. Einkoff, Christian, Wisconsin ave. Ely, Calvin, Washington ave. Ellis, Gaius, Wisconsin ave. Ehrgott, Andrew, Doty ave. Ellis, William, Wtishington ave. Elliott, David. Lake Shore road. Erwin, John, Wisconsin ave. Estus, John, Lake Shore road. Evans, E J, Turner st. SECOND WARD. Eaton. George F, Wisconsin ave. Eberlin, Albert, Smith st. Eickman, Fred, Third ave. Eisenach, Albert, Main st. Eisenach. Charley, Main st. Ellis, J I F, Church st. Elvvers, E'rederick, Caroline st. Elwers, Ernst, Caroline st. Enquist, August. Enquist, S A, Second ave. THIRD WARD. Ely, Fred, Commercial ave. Evans, Evan, High st. Eldridge, A D, Hewitt st. FOURTH WARD. Erghott, Frank, Lake st. 214 THE "GAZETTE" BOOK. FOR 1877-8. Erghott, Adam, Lake st. Errikson, Bore, Sherry st. Engelbertson, ('hristian, Union -it. URST WARD, rarrell, Robert, Lake Shore road. FarreU, Henry, Lake Shore road. Fenton, Fred, Wisconsin ave. Fenton, Henry, Franklin ave. Forney, Eugene, Columbian ave. Forney. Louis, Columbian ave. Forney, W E, Columbian ave. Frceburn, Alexander, Lake Shore road. Frey, August, Columbian ave. SECOND WARD. Faas, Ferdinand, Columbian ave. Faas, Jacob, Main st. Foeltzer, Louis, Lagrange ave. Fischer, Ferdinand, Wisconsin ave. Fitzpatrick, .John, Main st. Frazier, Alexander, Smitii st. Fowler, John. Cedar st. THIRD WARD. Finlan, .James, sr, Third st. Finlan, James, jr, Third st. Finlan, John, Third st. Finlan, Owen, Third st. Fitzgerald, Mike, Third st. Ford, John R, Fifth st. Fox, John, Avenue. Frey, William. Commercial ave. FOURTH WARD. FarreU, John, Winneconne ave. Feldman, Albert, Sherry st. Freeland, Fred, Caroline st. CITY DIRECTORY. 216 FIRST WARD. 5 alentine, Samuel, Columbian ave. Gaffney. Philip, Oak st. Gape, Charles, Franklin ave. Ghagin, Thomas, Turner st. Gile, CHB, Wisconsin ave. Gittins, Watkin, Wisconsin ave. Gleason, J F, Doty ave. Goodman, John, Lagrange ave. Goodman, Edward, Lagrange ave. Goodman, Fred, Lagrange ave. Gram, Hans, Wisconsin ave. Gusman, Frank, Wisconsin ave. Gustavus, Emil, Maple st. SECOND WARD. Gans, Louis, Columbian .ave. Gallighan, .James, Main st. Garvey, Patrick, Wisconsin ave. Garvey, Michael, Wisconsin ave. Gavin, J D, Cedar st. Gerhardt, John, Main st. Gerhardt, Charles F, Smith st. Gilmore, B T, Wisconsin ave. Gleason, H J, Columbian ave. Goodman. Edward, Union st. Graves, W E, Wisconsin ave. Graw, William, Doty ave. Gustavus, H E, Caroline st. THIRD WARD. Gagnon, Abe, Commercial st. Garmane, John, Avenue. Garus, Edman, Second st. Gray, Edward, First st. Grimes, Neil, First st. Guthormson, Tideman, River st. FOURTH WARD. Gavin, Martin, Sherry st. Giddings, Ephraim, Lake st. Giddings, Eugene, Lake st. Guldager, Fred, Sherry st^ S4 216 THE "GAZETTE" BOOK. FOR 1877-8. FIEST WARD Hamilton, J B, Dotv ave. Hanson, Nels M. Harder, Hiram, Wisconsin ave Harper, William, Plum street. Harth, Peter, Wisconsin ave. Haper, Henry, Wisconsin ave. Haper, Fred, sr. Wisconsin ave. Haper, Pred, jr, Wisconsin ave. Heller, Henry, Lagrange ave. Heller, Mike, Plum st. Heller, Wm, Lagrange ave. Henderson, Wm, Franklin ave, Herman, Charles. Hicks, J A, Doty ave. Hinman, S D, Franklin ave. Holbrook, S T, Lake Shore ave. Holley, Orrin, Wisconsin ave. Haughfe, Charles, Cedar st. Howe, George, Cherry st. Huhn, George, Columbian ave. Humphrey, L D, Washington ave. Humphrey, Jason, Washington ave. Hurley, Thomas. Canal st. SECOND WAED, Halverson, Gustave, Wisconsin ave. Hanson, William, Main st. Hanson, Hans, Washington st. Hanson, Christian, Third ave. Hanson, Rasmus, Washington st. Hanson, Ole, Second ave. Hanson, Alexander, Main st. Hanson, Peter, Wisconsin ave. Hanson, Hans, Main st. Hanson, George, Main st. Hanson, John, Caroline st. Haper, August, Sherry st. Hawley, Edwin, Main st. Hawley, John, Main st. Hawkinson, Lars, Main st. CITY DIRECTORY. 217 Haas, Sebastian, Wisconsin ave. Henry, S F, Church st. Hesse, William, Cedar st. Hirsch, William, Wisconsin ave. Holbrook, H S, Columbian ave. Hold, Robert, Wisconsin ave. Horn, Henry, Chureh st. Hove, Charles, Wisconsin ave. Howard, C W, Columbian ave. Howgard, A P, Wisconsin ave. Hull, J J, Main st. Hull, M. Main st. Hubbard, W C, Cedar st. Hubertskey, Anton, Main st. THIRD WARD. Hall, Hiram, Fiftlf st. Hall, William, Avenue. Halsey, .Justus, Hewitt st. Hanson, Peter, Bond st. Hansted, Anson, North Water st. Hanson, Andrew, North Water st. Hanson, J A, Bond st. Haynes, M H P, North Water st. Haywood, Martin, P'ifth st. Haagerson, Christian, Lincoln st. Haagerson, Hans, Lincoln st. Herrick, .John, North Water st. Herrick, C N, North Water st. Herscher, Frederick, Avenue. Hewitt, W P, Hewitt st. Hicks, James, Fourth st. Hill, S B, Avenue. Hobart, H A, North Water st. Holmes, David, Second st. Hooker, A 0, First st. Huept, John, Forrest ave. Hungerford, J A, North Water street. Hunt, 1 W, Forrest ave. Hunt, E L, Forrest ave. 218 THE "GAZETTE" BOOK. FOR 1877-8. FOURTH WAED. Handler, George, Cronkhite st. Handler, Anton. Cronkhite st. Hanson, J P, Winneconne ave. Hardt. Charles. Harrison st. Heiden, Pred, Main st. Hoha, Charles, Main st. Humphrej% Charles, Main st. Hunt, John, Winneconne ave. SECOND WARD. ¦ verson, Ole, Wisconsin ave. FIRST WARD. Jacobs, Frank. Jack, Fred, Franklin ave. Jackson, Louis, Maple st. Jenkins, William, Lake Shore road. Jenkins, Ed. Doty ave. Jenkins, John, Central st. Jensen, August. Central st. .Johnson, Christian. • Johnson, Hans Peter. Wisconsin ave. Johnson, Peter N, Washington ave. Jones, William. Jones, H M. Franklin ave. Jones, Thomas, Doty ave. Jones, Arthur, Doty ave. Jones, James, Wisconsin ave. SECOND WARD. Jackson, Louis. Jacobs, John F, Smith st. Jensen, J P, Sherry st. Johnson, James, Ann st. Johnson, Andrew. Johnson, Peter, Isabella st. Johnson, Charles W, Isabella st. CITY DIRECTORY. 219 Jacobson, Ole, Isabella st. Jacobson, Peter, Main st. Jasperson, J P, Doty ave. Jasperson, Martin, Doty ave. .Jendery, F, Sherry&t. Jenkins, Richard W, Doty ave. Jensen, Jense Peter, Sherry st. Jensen, Nelse, Washington st. -Jensen, .Jens. .Jenson. Jones. John, Martin. Johnson, Bernard, Caroline st. Johnson, Evan, Lagrange ave. .Johnson, H C. Johnson, Neils, Caroline st. .Johnson, H A, Smith st. Johnson. James, Cedar st. Jones, E W, Church st. Jones, Ellis 0, Ann st. .Jorgensen, Nels. Jorgensen, H C, Wisconsin ave THIRD WARD. Jamieson, John, Sago st. Jamieson, Robert, Sago st. Jasperson, Louis. Jensen, Ebbe. Jenson, Jens Peter, North Water st. Johnson, Ole, Second st. Johnson, Ingolf. Bond st, Johnson, James. Johnson, Hans P. Jones, Gilbert C. Ninth st. Jones, Willard, Commercial ave. .Jorgenson, Hans F, B'irst st. Jorgenson, Otto, Clark st. Jourdan, Thomas, cor Avenue and Fourth st. POUETH WAED. Jacobson, John, Caroline st. Jagerson, George, Sherry st. Jagerson, Andrew, Union st. 55 220 THE "GAZETTE" BOOK FOR 1877-8. Jensen, Nels, unplatted. Jensen, Lars, Washington ave. Jensen, Fritz, Union st. Jenson, Rasmus, Caroline st. Johnson, Thomas, Washington ave. Jones, Enos F. Lake st. FIEST WAED. Kammerdiener, Adam, sr, Columbian ave. Ifane, William, Columbian ave. Ifellett, Joseph H, Columbian ave. Kellett, A. Doty ave. Kellett, Wm, Cedar st. Kellogg, F F, Park ave. Kellogg, C F, Park ave. Kellogg. S R, Cedar st. Kellogg, A W, Cedar St. Kimball, Leonard, Olive st. Kimball, Thomas, Cedar st. Kimberly, D L, Wisconsin ave. Kimberly, J R, Wisconsin ave. Kimberly, Harvey L, Wisconsin ave. Kimberly, J A, Wisconsin ave. Kingsbury, George 0, bds Russell House. Kinney, R A, Wisconsin ave. Kleiner, John D, Wisconsin ave. Kohst, Ernst, Franklin ave. Krohii, John C, Whitenack road. Krueger. William, Franklin ave. Krueger, H F, Franklin ave. Kunz, August, Franklin ave. Kurtz, William, Wisconsin ave. Kurtz, Christopher, Wisconsin ave. SECOND WAED. Kellogg, George E, store, Wisconsin ave. Kepkie, William. Kerby, John, Cedar st. Klein, Peter, Isabella st. Klinke, Rasmus, Second ave. Klinke, R H. Main st. CITY DIRECTORY. 221 Koelch, Chris, Columbian ave. Koepsel, .John, Main st. Koepsel, August, Main st. Kostemyer, Rev. S, Church st. THIRD WARD. Ivammerdiner, A, Bond st. Kane, Patrick, First st. Kane. .John, First st. Kellogg. C B, North Water st. Kelly, John, Hewitt st. Kelly, Daniel, Hewitt st. ICimball, Frank. Fifth st. Ivlinker. -John, Avenue. Klinker, John, .\venue. Knudson, Alfred. Bond st. Kraby, Carl J, Second st. Krueger, A H F, Forrest ave. Krueger, Henry C, Forrest ave. Ivryger, .John, Central st. Kryger, Fred, High and Center sts. Kuntz. Wm, cor Green and Third st. FOURTH WARD. Kampe, Ernst, Cronkhite st. Kreutz, Conrad, Main st. Kruthson, Lars, Caroline st. FIRST WARD. 1 ach man, Jacob, Wisconsin ave. Lagrange, Louis, unplatted- Lansing, W, Cedar st. Lansing. W A. Lancaster, Henry. Larson, John, Doty ave. Larson, Nels, Columbian ave. Larson, James, Washington ave. Lee. Ransom, Reed st. Le Roy, Benjamin, Maple st. Leutsch, Richard. Leutseh, August. Lloyd, Isaac, Central st. 222 THE "GAZETTE" BOOK FOR 1877-8. Longhurst, W H, Wisconsin ave. Lord, Hiram, Lake Shore road. Loftus, Patrick, Franklin ave. Loudon, Henry, Central st. Lusty, John, Columbian ave. SECOND WARD. Langner, Charles, Doty ave. Lamm, Fred. Laker, William, Monroe st. Larson, Andrus. Larson, Roal, Isabella st. Larson, Erick, Winneconne ave. Larson, Arm, Winneconne ave. Larson, Peter, Second ave. Larson, .John, Main st. Larson, Andrew, Sherry st. Larson, Lars, Main st. Larson, Charles, Second ave. Larson, Andi'ew C, Smith st. Lenz, Frederick, Caroline st. Lipke, William, Caroline st. Lyng, S 0, Caroline st. Lyng, John 0, Main st. THIRD WARD. Landers, 0 W, Third st. Larson, Andrew, Third st. Leach, Edgar, Fourth st. Leaven, Charles A, Sago st. Lewisch, Thomas, Fifth st. Lieutuergerj .Jacob, Commercial ave. Lisk, A, Fourth st. Loomas, Matteson, Second st. Loos, August, Commercial ave. Lourenson, Christ. FOURTH WARD. Larson, Andrew, unplatted. CITY DIRECTORY. 223 FIRST WARD. Uarsh, E P, Doty ave. Mannine, Hugh, Turner st. Martin, Edward, Lagrange ave. Mathews, L J, Elm st. Marcho, Frederick, Washington ave. Mehner, E G, Columbian ave. McKim, W S, Wisconsin ave. Mink, Henry, Washington ave. Monaghan, James, Doty ave. Morris, John, Lake Shore ave. Morrison. E W, Columbian ave. Moss, C W, Wisconsin ave. SECOND WAED. Mace, Walter, Third ave. Magnus, Swan, Third ave. Magnus, Martin, Lagrange ave. Magulskie. Michael, Main st. Manville, C B, Main st. Mantoy, Carl, Main st. Marshall, J S, Cedar st. Marshall, J P, Cedar st. Martens, John, Ann st. Martin, Charles, Ann st. Martin, James, Wisconsin ave. Martin, Charles F, Doty ave. Matheson. Neils, Second ave. Melchoir, August, Wisconsin ave. Michael, Fred, Cedar st. Michelson, Andrew, Cedar st. Michelson. Johannes, Wisconsin ave. Millard, John S, Doty ave. Millard. Alfred R, Doty ave. Millard, Alfred, Doty ave. Millard. 0 S, Caroline st. Millard, 0 H, Caroline st. Miller, F H, Main st. Miller, P H, Main st. Mills, Andrew J, Winneconne ave. Murray, Frank, Brien st. 56 224 THE "GAZETTE" BOOK FOR 1877-8. Murray, Alexander, Church st. Murer, Felix, Wisconsin ave. Myers, Ole. Cedar st. McArthur. W F, Cedar st. McAllister, George, Third ave. McDermott, D, Church st. McGraw, Michael, Church st. McGraw, Edward, Church st. McHale, Edward. McLelland, John. Cedar st. McNaughton, John, Chureh st. McNaughton, Alex, bds.Russell House. McPatskee, Michael. THIRD WAED. Maleish, Henry, North Water st. Maxwell, Wra, Forrest ave. Maxwell, S J, Commercial ave. Mickelson, 0 M, Commercial ave. Mickelson, Mads. Third st. Miller, Christian, Avenue. Mitchell, .James, Church st Merchant, John. Monhall, .James, Clark st. Monroe, William, .Avenue. Morey, .J B, Sago st. Moulton, T T, Fourth st. McArthur, James, Commercial ave. McCoy, Peter. McGinn, .James, Commercial ave. McGinn, Frank, First st. McGinty, A, Forrest ave. McGrath, Patrick, Forrest ave, Mcintosh, W N, cor Sago and River sts. Mcintosh, S M, North Water st. McMahon, T, cor Edna av and Bond st. McMahon, Dennis. Bond st. FOURTH WARD. Martin. J S G, Main st. Miltzer, Christian, Sherry st. CITY DIRECTORY. 225 FIRST WARD. I eisen, Neils, Doty ave. Neudeck, William, Washington ave. Neudeck, Emil, Wisconsin ave. Neustetter, Chris, Wisconsin ave. Nichols, Stephen. Walnut st. SECOND WARD. Nelson, Andrew .J, Wisconsin ave. Nelson, Rasmus, Winneconne ave. Nelson, Hans, Wisconsin ave. Nelson, Rasmus, jr, Washington ave. Nelson, Andrew, Second ave. Nelson, 'Ole, THIRD WARD, Nelson, Robert, Forrest ave. Nelson, Neils, Second st. Nelson, Jens, High st. Nelson. H, cor Ilewitt and Fifth st. Norton, J:B, Third st. FOURTH WARD. Nelson, Lars, Main st. Nelson, Louis, Harrison st. Nelson, Nels. FIRST WARD. Obekiah, Samuel, Washington ave. Oberle, Valentine, Division st. Oborn. Edwin, bdsTRussell House. O'Brien, John, Elm st. O'Donnell, Phelix. Owens, David, Pine st. Ottman, J L, Franklin ave, Olsen. John, Washington ave. O'Rourk, Barnev, Lagrange ave. Olsen, Peter, Doty ave. SECOND WARD. Oleson. Hans, Main st. Oleson, S Peter, Winneconne ave. Oleson, Jens, Second ave. Oleson, Jacob, Isabella st. 226 THE "GAZETTE" BOOK FOR 1877-8. Oatman, Henry, Columbian ave. Oleson, Martin. Oleson, Jens, Second st. Olmstead, Lamar, Main st. O'Rourk, Jerry, Wisconsin ave. THIRD WARD. Olds, G, Forrest ave. O'Brien, M J, cor Commercial ave and railroad. Olmstead, 0 L, cor Bond and Sago sts. Olmstead, Charles C, cor Bond and Sago. Olsen, Austin, Forrest ave. Olsen, Adolph, Second st. Olsen, Hans, North Water st. Olsen, Martin, Bond st. FIRST WARD. Page, C 0, Wisconsin ave. Paschen, C H, Whitenack road. Patten, L B, Columbian ave. Patterson, Henry, Wisconsin ave. Patterson, W W, Dotv ave. Patterson, W T, Doty ave. Patterson, D S. Patzel, Joseph, Wisconsin ave. Paul, Charles, Columbian ave. Peck, William. Cedar st. Peck, John W, Cedar st. Peterson, Charles, Whitenack road. Peterson, Charles. Peterson, Lars, Plum st. Peterson, John, Columbian ave. Peterson, Henry. Wisconsin ave. Peterson, Charles. Doty ave. Peterson, James, Maple st. Phillips. John, Doty ave. Porter, L C, Wisconsin ave. Powers, M .]. Wisconsin ave. Price, William, Lagrange ave. Proctor, John, Doty ave. CITY DIRECTORY. 227 SECOND WARD. Paepke, Charles H, sr. Doty ave. Paepke, Theodore, Doty ave. Paepke, Charles, Doty ave. Palmer, William, Waverly Place. Palmer. Thoraas, Monroe st. Palmer, G W, Winneconne ave. Paschen, Henry. Main st. Paschen, Fred, Ann st. Patten, A W, Church st. Paulson. Paul A. Peckham, W P, Bond st. ^ Peterson, Penry. Petzold, Charles, Wisconsin ave. Pfeiffer, Adolph, Cedar st. Pingel, John, Wisconsin ave. Post, Albert W, Main st. Powderly. James, Cedar st. Powers, Thomas. THIRD WARD. Paine, James E, cor Commercial ave and Sago st. Paul, Loui.s, Sago st. Penderson, Johan, Second st. Petereon, Carl, Second st. Peterson, Hans P, Second st. Peterson, Jens, Second st. Peterson, Lars P, Fourth st. Peterson, Hans, First st. Phipps, George, Commercial ave. Plummer, H H, Forrest ave. Potter, Rev. T, T. Forrest ave. Prebuson, Johannes, North Water st. Price, Joseph H. eor High and Center st. Publickhauser, Henry, Hewitt st. FOURTH WARD. Peterson, Christian, Cronkhite st. I'eterson, Jens, Sherry st. Peterson, Moreton, Union st. Peterson. James, Sherry st. Peterson, Christian, Caroline st. Phillips, William, Lake st. 57 228 THE "GAZETTE" BOOK FOR 1877-8, FIRST WAED. {uinn, Patrick, Cedar st. THIRD WARD. Qualia, John, Forrest ave. Quackenbush, Hiram, Third st. FIRST WARD. Eea, W H, Wisconsin ave. Reese, Thomas A, Turner st. Reich, Carl, Whitenack road. Reich. Anton, Whitenack road. Rei mer, Joseph, Lake Shore road. Richmond, E A, Doty ave. Richards, S G. Riedel, Ludwig, Franklin ave. ^ Robinson, Wra A, Washington ave. Itobinson, James, Wisconsin ave. Robinson, John, Doty ave. Rowland, David, Columbian ave. Russell, J B, prop Russell House, Wisconsin ave. SECOND WARD. Rabe, Fred, Caroline st. Rabe, Henry, Wisconsin ave. Rasmus, Thomas, Winneconne ave. Rasmus, Chi-ist, Brien st. Reese, Thos W, Winneconne ave. Reese, David E, Winneconne ave. Rehfeld, Charles, Ann st. Rogers, George, Wisconsin ave. Rogers, Frank, Smith st. Ruth. Gustave, Wisconsin ave. THIRD WARD. Randall, Henry, Fourth st. Reese, John, North Water st. Rice, G H. Rice, Reuben, Bond st. Roberts, John, prop Roberts' House, Forrest ave. Robinson, E H, North Water st. Robinson, Henry, Commercial ave. Robinson, N S, Commercial ave. Roup, Samuel, Commercial ave. CITY DIRECTORY. 229 Russell, L H, Third st. Russell, Frank T, Commercial ave. FOURTH WAED. Ranney, E B, Winneconne ave. Rasmuson, John, Union st. Robinson, William, Main st. Roland, Mike, Lake st. FIRST WARD. Sande, Emil, Cherry st. Schofield, C H, Central st. Schultz, Wm, Division st. Schlenker, Wenzel, Wisconsin ave. Sawyer, E L, Cedar st. Sawyer, George, Cedar st Schneider, Leopold, Wisconsin ave. Schooley, J L, Lake Shore road. Scott, Geo E, Olive st. Seatoft, Williara, Doty ave. Servis, C H. Franklin ave. Setterland, Alfred. Seymour, Charles, Third st. Shattuck, F C, Wisconsin ave. Sheerin, Frank, Washington ave. Shea, Patrick, Lagrange ave, Shiells, Robert, Doty ave. Shoemaker, Hiram, Franklin ave. Simpson, S A, Olive st. Smith, S P, Franklin ave. Smith, Wright, Whitenack road. Smith, Alf, Doty ave Solomon, Fred, Central st. Solomon, John, Oak .st. Spear, Emil, Columbian ave. Sperry, E M, Cedar st. Stanford, Robert, Doty ave. Stanford, Jos, Doty. ave. Starkey, H, Franklin ave. Steenberg, J P. Steib, John, Lagrange ave. Stelo, August, Turner st. 230 THE "GAZETTE" BOOK FOR 1877-8. Stevens, .Iohn, sr, Columbian ave. Stone, Richard, Olive st. Stone. .J N. Dotj' ave. Storra, John, Wisconsin ave. Strauss. F, Columbian ave. Swift, E W, Walnut st. Swift, E S, Walnut st. SECOND WARD. Sawyer, Ira A, Sherry st. Sawj'er, George E, Sherry st. Sawyer. Chauncey, Sherry st. Sawyer, C L, Smith st. Schmid, George, Wisconsin ave. Schmidt, t'harles F, Cedar st, ' Schottler, -John, Lagrange ave, Schraeder, John, Main st. Schnman, William, Sherry st. Schuuuiii, Carl, Sherry st. Sehuman, Fred, Smith st. Schwartz. Frank, Caroline st. Shaft, Henry, Main st. Sherry, .James, Columbian ave. Sherry, Tboraas, Columbian ave. Sherry, Henry. Church st. Sherry, Wm, Columbian ave. Sheerin, Thad, Smith st. Sindahle, Nelse C, Second ave. Smith, Hiram, Main st. Smith. Edward, Church st. Soernson, Chris, Ann st. Sorenson, Andrew, Smith st. Sorley, M E, Cedar st. Spaulding, E A, Columbit^n tive. Squires, H J, Smith st. Starkenburg, Felix, Doty ave. Stevens, John, jr, Church st. Stiles. J M, Cedar st. Stilp, John, Wisconsin ave. Storm, Fred, Washington ave. Storm, Charles, Main st. CITY DIRECTORY. 231 Stowe, Jjovell, Columbian ave. Stowe, S A, Columbian ave. Stowe, L W, Columbian ave. THIRD WARD. Sanborn, Milton. Third st. Sawj^er, Henry, Bond st. Schimpf, Henry, North Water st. Severson, Peter. Sexton, Michael, Third st. Sexton, John, Forrest ave. Sheerin, Henry, Clark st. Smith, W F, cor Bond st and Edna ave. Smith, Nelson Nels, North Water st. Sraith, Reuben, Lincoln .st. Soles, F M. Sommer, Joseph, Green st. Sorrenson, Neils, Second st. Spicer, C A. North Water st. Striddie, Williara, High st. Striddie, August, Bond st. Sullivan, Jens, Forrest ave. Sutton, C W, North Water st. Sykes, Sidney, First st. Syme, Alex. Avenue. FOURTH WARD. Schlingting, Christian, Union st. Silleman, Peter, Caroline st. Sorenson, Claus, Harrison st. Sorenson, Claus J, Union st. Sorenson, A, Caroline st. Stoeber, Joseph, Harrison st. FIRST WARD. Ieidt, John, Olive st. Tessendorff, Louis, Doty ave. Thielecke, Wra, Washington ave. Thoraas, Griffith, Washington ave. Thoraas, C L, Walnut st. Thomas, Wm, Franklin ave. Thompson, Guy, Central st. 58 232 THE "GAZETTE" BOOK FOR 1877-8. Todd, Geo W, Wisconsin ave. Tomson, John. Torrey, W B M, Franklin ave. SECOND WAED. Tessendorf, Charles, Lagrange ave. Tessendort, John, Chureh st. Tessendorf, Wm, Main st. Thomas, A A, Doty ave. Thompson, F T, Cedar st. Thompson, Andrew, Wisconsin ave. Thompson, H, Henry st. Tippins, F W, Wisconsin ave. Tobin, Edmund, Smith st. Tobey, S E, Monroe st. Tyler, G A, Cedar st. THIED WARD. Thisman, John, Forrest ave. Thompson, Job, Bond st. Thompson, Christian. Edna ave. Thompson, G W, Second st. FOUETH WAKD. Thompson, George, Lake st. Tobey, J W, Main st. Tueson, Christian, Caroline st. Tueson, Lars, Caroline st. FIRST WARD Dlrich, Oswald, Plum st. Ulrich, Louis, Doty ave. Upton, Samuel, Lake Shore road. SECOND WAED. Utley, T L, Winneconne ave. THIED WARD. utley, L J, Bond st. FIRST WARD. Tandermark, James, Doty ave. VoUbehr, Henry, Washington ave. CITY DIRECTORY. 233 SECOND WARD. Van Ostrand, D. C. Church, st. Van Tassel, E B, Columbian ave. Van Tassel, Julius, Columbian ave. THIRD WARD. Van Vuren. H J, Commercial ave. Voigt, Richard, Second st. FOURTH WARD. Van Middlesworth, H, Main st. Voss, Louis, sr. Main st. Voss. Louis, jr. Main st. FIRST WARD. illagner, Jacob, Oak st. W Walker. Henry, Lake Shore road. ll Walker, Phineas, Lake Shore road. Weber, Louis. Weil, Fred, Reed st. Wells. Charles, Cherry st. Wells, Wilbur, Cherry st. Wheeler, U C, Park ave. Willard, Norman, Wisconsin ave. Williams, W J, Franklin ave. Williams, David, Columbian ave. Williams, E T, Elm st. Williams, P R, Elm st. Wing, Elmer, Washington ave. Wiser, J W, Cecil st. SECOND WARD. Webb, H A, Cedar st. Webber, C L, Columbian ave. Weber, Joseph, Church st. Weber, Louis, Church st Weber, Gus, Winneconne ave. Weber, Ernst. Winneconne ave. Westgate, Ira, Winneconne ave. Westfall, Frank, Second ave. Wheedon, James, Smith st. Wheeler, C J, Wisconsin ave. Wheeler, Samuel, Isabella st. 234 THE "GAZETTE" BOOK FOR 1877-8. Wiggins, Prank, Wisconsin ave. Wilcox, George, Church st. Wildfang, Henrj', Wisconsin ave. Williams, H R, Williams, Soloraon. Williaras, E D, Lagrange ave. Williams. John, Lagrange ave. Williams, R B, Main st. Williaras, Wra, Lagrange ave. Wilson, Hugh, Doty ave. Winskow, Erick, Wisconsin ave. Winters, M F, Church st. Winter, N C, Caroline st. Wockner, Charles. Monroe st. Wockner, Fred, Monroe st. Worm, J, Smith st. Wright, I E, Winneconne ave. Wright, I H, Doty ave. Wulff, Oscar, Cedar st. THIRD WARD. Weickert, E T, Second st. Welch, Daniel, Fourth st. Wheeler, M H, Forrest ave. Whipple, Zebulon, North Water st. Whitenack, Andrew J. Commercial ave. Whiting, G A, cor Forrest ave and Fifth st. Wood, Jerry, Forrest ave. Woodworth, H N, River st. Woodworth, Eugene, North Water st. FOURTH WARD. •Wagoner, Fred, Harrison st. Watson. John, Union st. Wells, B W, unplatted. Wells, William, unplatted. Wells. David, Lake st. Willard, Abel, Lake st. Woldt, Daniel, Union st. Wood, James P, Harrison st. CITY DIRECTORY. 335 SECOND WARD. Iulsdorf, Wm, Main st. THIRD WARD. Young, G W, Fifth st. Young, David T, Fifth st. Young, E A, North Water st. Young, A M, Fifth st. Young, John, Fifth st. FIRST WARD. Zemlock, Stephen, Central st. Zemlock, Andrew, First st. THIRD WARD. Zemanu, Fred, Third st. FOUETH WAED. Zolk, Henry, Union st. -*^??C) ^^^Sli^fSfefe,^ 59 236 THE "GAZETTE" BOOK FOR 1877-8. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. m:a.yoi£, D. L. KIMBERLY, George Danielson, Carl J. Kraby, City Treasurer. Citv Clerk- JAMES R. BARNETT, Superintendent of Schools. FIRST WARD. William Kellett, John R. Davis, sr. SECOND WAED. W. P. Peckham, Henry Sherry. THIRD WARD. M. H. p. Haynes. Ira W. Hunt. FOURTH WARD. Martin Gavin. Andrew .Jorgenson. JAMES CONLAN, JAMES M'CINN, Police Justice. Chief of Police. Chief of Fire Department- M. H. F. Ht^YNES, Post Office- C. A. CUNNINGHAM, DAVID E. REESE, Postmaster. Assistant. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 237 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Sketches of Business History in Neenah. jN the ibllowing chapter we give a list of the per sons and firms now engaged in business in this '{ city, giving date of estabUshraent, and in some cases brief sketches of those engaged therein. The space has been devoted to each that they chose to use, and we have endeavored to arrange and classify the vari ous trades, professions, etc., so that the list may be a ready reference, valuable as a permanent advertisement, and interesting as giving for the present and future a complete record of the business interests of the place. 238 THE "GAZETTE" BOOK FOR 1877-8. ALEX. BILLSTEIN, EstabUshed PHILIP GAFFNEY. 1866. ^LEX. BILLSTEIN & CO., CJ-eneva-l Mierohants. m mn d hoiiois, RE^DY MADE CLOTHING AND MBKCII^ITT T^^ZZiOnZXTC. JOBBERS IN Wool, Hops, Seeds, Hides, Pelts, Furs, Etc. Wisconsin' Alexander Billstein is a native of Germany, coming to this country in 1851, first settling in the State of Ohio. In 1856 he came to Neenah and engaged in business in the same store occupied by him at this time, which makes him one of the oldest business men on the street, or at least he has carried on business in the same stand fora greater number of years than any merchant in Neenah. For several years H. Hynian was associated with him in trade, the firm being known as Hyman & Billstein until 1864, when Alex. Billstein becarae sole ov^ner, con tinuing the business and greatly enlarging and extend ing the same, his yearly sales being probably greater than that of any other merchant in the place. In 1874 Mr. Philip Gaffney, for many years his confidential clerk was given an interest in the business, the 'firm now being known as Alex. Billstein & Co. Mr. Billstein has at all times been prominent in pub lic as well as business and social affairs, and has held many oSiees of trust, having been for two terms presi dent of the village, and in 1875 was elected mayor of the city. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 339 ESTABLISHED 1866^ WILLIAM KELLETT BOOTS, SZIOSS. GROCERIES, ETC. AGENT FOR Menaslia T^oolexi Mills. Mr. Kellett has been in trade in this place for twelve years, coming to Neenah eariy in the spring of 1866. He had for some time previous resided on a farm in the town of Oshkosh, but wishing to engage in business, came to this place, first with the intention of embarking in the flour-mill business, but on the first day of April, 1866, he purchased of Edward Smith a one-third inter est in the corner store, the firm thereafter being known as Kellett, Dunn & Co. In the spring of 1872, Kellett sold his interest to Henry Sherry, and in October of that year opened a stock of goods in the corner store under the old Russell House. In November, 1876, he purchased the stock of W. P. Hewitt & Co., and moved back to the " Corner Store," Smith's block, his present location. Mr. Kellett is a native of York State. Since his residence in Neenah he has held many positions of trust, and since the in corporation of the city has for several successive years represented his ward in the board of Aldermen. 60 240 THE "GAZETTE" BOOK FOR 1877-8. FRAISTK^ E. HUBBt^RD, DEALER IN mi mmm ms, FINE CLOTHING, Hats, Caps, Gloves, Mittens, Etc., Etc. Gents' and Youths' Fine Boots, Shoes and Gaiters. PATTEN'S BLOCK, CEDAR STREET. CHARLES LANGNEB. LOUIE PAUL, LANGMSTER & PAUL, DEALERS IN DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES, CROCKERY, WOODEN W^ARE AND COUNTRY PRODUCE. Mr. Langner carr'ed on a country store for several years in the town of Wolf Biver, removing to Neenah in 1873. He was burned out July 19, 1877, and built a fine brick store on the site ut the one destroyed. In 1878 Louie Paul became interested in the business. HANS GKAM. p. H. MILLER. GRAM & MILLER, (Successors to Wulfl', Clauson cfc Co.) DEAI.EKS IN DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, BOOTS, SHOES, CROCKERY, Groceries, Provisions, and Country Produce. EUSSELL HOUSE BLOCK, WISCONSIN AVE. The present partnership was formed this spring, Mr, Gram having been a member of the old flrra, and Mr. Miller carriedon a grocery sioreon Mam street for four years previous. COTFREDT CHRISTENSEN DBA LEE IN DS."2" GOODS AND ITOTIOITS, Soots, Shoes, Crockery, Groceries, etc Mr Christensen is oue of the pio neer traders, haying commenced business in 1852, and kept a shoe-shop until 1867, when he began merchandising with a mixed stock. In 1875 he built a flne brick store and now occupies the same. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 341 ESTABLISHED 1866. IIENRY ^VILDFAJSTG GENERAL MERCHANT. r>i£^ir ctooDs, IVOTI01VS3 PROPRIETOR OF Wildfaug-'s 3Xiii.ex"al Springy, Proved by analysis to be equal in medicinal properties to the most noted springs in the West. Mr. VVildlan;; began business in Neenah in l856, firet in the brick blocl< now owned by John Brown, afterward in the brick store standing on thesiteof his present location. He built the store which he now occupies, in 1874. AUGUST STRIDDE BMT ©IMMIS A^B MERCHANT TAILORING. WISCONSIN AVENUE, NBENAU, WIS, Began busiuess In 1868, and in 1871 occupied a store in Patien's block. In 1875 moved to presenl location, in Hunt's block. WILLIAM KRUEGER. NORMAN WILLARD. KRUEaER & ^VS^ILLARD HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE, SI'UVES. TINWARE AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. Wholesale and Retail- In the year 1866 William Krueger began the hard ware business in Neenah, shortly after becoming associ ated with W. P. Peckham in carrying on the Island City Stove Works in addition to a general hardware business. In 187tt Norman Willard was added to^ the firm, and the large double store, now occupied by Krue ger & Willard was built. In 1875 they purchased the mterests of Peckham, and the firra became Krueger & Willard. 242 THE "GAZETTE" BOOK FOR 1877-8. HARDWARE, ^tove^, ^iitwafe, Ii^orj, 0teel aqd jikil^, WISCONSIN AVENUE. The business history of Mr. Peckham forms an inter esting sketch in the records of the place. Hon. W. Pitt Peckham is a native of York State, coming to Neenah in 1855, which makes him one of the pioneer traders. In 1858, in company with H. P. Leavens, the hardware stock and business of J. H. Peckham was pur chased and the firm of Leavens & Peckham estab lished, continuing until 1860. when tne interest of Leav ens w^as purchased and the business continued for sev eral years by Peckham. Mr. A. H. Babcock had an in terest in the business for one year during this latter period. In 1866 the Island City Stove Works were established by Mr. Peckham, which concern continued in operation for nearlj' ten years Wm Seatoft was a partner in the foundry business during the first year. At this time the hardware store was sold to H. P. Leav ens and C. B. Clark, and shortly after Mr. Wm. Kreuger became a partner in the stove foundry, the firm being Peckham & Kreuger. In 1874 Norman Willard was added to the firm, and the sarae year the company built a large double store on Wisconsin avenue. In 1875 Mr. Peckham disposed of his interests in both store and foundry, and purchased the large hardware stock of Smith, Van Ostrand & Leavens, and is still carrjnng on business at the same location. Mr. Peckham has held many positions of public trust, having been presi dent of the village in 1868; represented this Assembly District in the Assembly of 1874, and is at present a member of the board of aldermen, representing the Second Ward. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 343 GEO. E. SCOTT HARDWARE AND fahmzitc zmfziSmsxtts. $tove^, ¥inwkfe, Cutleify kiid Suildii)^ ^Ikterikl. SEEDERS. IIARRO^^^S, PLOWS, CULTIVATORS AND HORSE RAKES, ETC., ETC. COR. WISCONSIN AVENUE AND CEDAR STREET Georo-e E. Sc^itt is a son of Wm. H., a native of New HaniDshire, and Mary A. Scott, of New York. They are araong the earliest pioneers, having come to the State and settled in the town of Neenah, now Vinland, in 1846, on land purchased by them trom the Govern ment, and where they now reside. George commenced selling agricultural implements in 1867 and still con tinues to make them a specialty. In 1872 he bought out L. W. Stowe's interest in the firm of Stowe & Mos sop in a small hardware store, and remained with J. C. Mossop, under the firm name of Scott & Mossop for one year He shortly after bought out Mossop's interest and in February, 1875 removed his stock to the store on the northwest corner of Wisconsin avenue and Cedar street, [see page 111] where he is now located and doing a fine business. '* 61 244 THE "GAZETTE" BOOK FOR 1877-8. L. "W. STOWE Hard-ware, Stoves and Tin-ware WISCONSIN AVENUE. Wallace Stowe began business ill 1S72 with J. C. Mossop. Afterward sold out tc Oeo. E. Scott, anrl in August, 1876. commenced business for himself in his present location. m ilEIHI QiZIIIE" G. A, CUNNINGHAM, Editor and Proprietor. 01EALER IN CIGAP,S, COLLARS, CUFFS, Etc., Etc. NEXT DOOR SOUTH OF THE POST OFFICE, NEENAH, - - - WISCONSIN. ERNEST ELWERS, MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN BOOTS AMD SHOES. Began busineai? in 1860. Wisconsin Avenue. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 351 C. W. IIOWAKU. J. R. DAVIS, Jr. MERCHANT MILLERS. C. W. Howard came to Neenah in 1862, and for several years carried on an extensive harness shop. In 1874 he was interest ed with A. W. Patten in the paper mill, and engaged in the flour mill business in 1877. John R. Davis came to Neenah with his parents in 1848, being then but a child. He foUowed the milling business for several years, and forined a partnerbhip with Howard in 1877. Jremwii -i Son^onui JiH ^. P. Vining came in the spring of 1845 and kept bachelor's hall in tha log house above naraed. THE FIRST PROTESTANT REI.IOIOUS SERVICES Held in the place was by a traveling Methodist minister in 184.5 The service was at the residence of Mr. Harrison Reed. The congregation was composed of all the white American popula tion then here, and consisted of seven persons. There was a time when two of this population lay dead on one day. an in stance of mortality rarely experienced by a coramunity, for it was the loss of two-sevenths of the inhabitants. There were onlv about seven thousand inhabitants in the entire region now comprising the State of Wisconsin. It is almost impossible to realize the marvellous progress here indicated; for in this brief space of time, a space which leaves the child then born still young, the population has increased to nearly a million and a half, and of this population over 4.50,000 were horn within the State. When many of this audience were infants all this was a trackless, peopled only by powerful Indian tribes. The Indian trader indeed, the French soldier and the Jesuit mis sionary began more than two centuries ago to traverse these waters, passing from the great lakes to the Mississippi, but they liave left scarcely a trace behind. The foundation stones of the old Jesuit mission building established in 1671 at Depere, re mained until a short tirae since, when a raanufacturing estab lishraent covered the spot. The old French post at Green Bay, frora whence reinforcements were sent to strengthen the French against Braddock and to participate in the overthrow of the General, is now quite obliterated. NEENAH CHUECH HISTORY. "the hill of the dead," Only a mile below our city, was penetrated by the Northwestern and Wisconsin Central Railways, and many human remains dis covered. The tradition is that there a band of the Sauks and Foxes was destroyed by a French expedition. The story, as I have been able to gather it, is, that these Indians, becoming exceedingly troublesorae to the trading boats passing the river, corapelling them to come ashore at that point and pay tribute, a fleet of boats was manned with soldiers by Capt. Morand in the year 1746, about 130 vears ago, and so disguised by a cover ing of cloth as to seera loaded with goods. These started frora the Bay up the river. About three miles below, just be fore emerging from the Grand Chute and somewhere above where Appleton now stands, a part of the soldiers left the boats to surround the Indians from the shore. When the boats reach ed the part of the river near where the railroad bridge now crosses, the Indians assembled upon the bank signalled them ashore as usual; but the coverings were suddenly lifted and in stead of richly laden prizes, they beheld soldiers, and received a deadly volley. In the raeantirae the land force had come up on the rear and in the woods along the shore, and almost the entire band was slaughtered. This mound was their sepulchre. Here also the great council, where Gen. Cass and other commis sioners of the United States treated with the Indians in 1827, was held. At this tirae also the United States soldiers fired can non from that point at a target set up on the shore just in front ofthe residence of Mr. Hiram Smith to inspire the Indians with a sense of the nation's power. Our council tree on the point has, so far as I can learn, no historical dignity, but must depend on its hoary age, its wide-spread and shadowing arms, its beau tiful outline and leafy glory for interest and admiration. The most visible trace of this ancient possession is to be seen in a small portion of our population and their religion. That mix ture of Indian and French blood, seen more or less along this primitive highway and its devotion in general to the Roman Catholic church points, back to the French posst ssion and the Jesuit missionary teaching. So that the civilized and Christian possession and develop ment of this region really begun about thirty years ago. APPENDIX. THE REV. O. P. CLINTON, then an exploring agent of the American Home Missionary So ciety, was the first Protestant minister that established himself on the ground. He still lives on our beautiful Island, on the spot of land donated to him by Gov. Doty, and prosecutes the Home Missionary work. Through published correspondence and personal effort on his part, a.ttention was called to the location, and emigration began to flow in. By the fall of the year 1846 the Jones', the Yale's the Brien's, the Northrop's, the AVheatley's, Deacon Mitchell^ and others came. The second Protestant religious service ever held in the place was held that year by Mr. CUnton in a log house which still stands on the point, near where Mr. Holbrook now lives. There were twelve per.sons present. FIRST CHURCH. The first movement towards a church organization was in re sponse to a call issued to the " friends of religion " who desired to be " associated in the organization of an evangelical church.' The meeting was held at the residence of Mr. C. Northrup, on the 22d of January, 1847, and consisted ofthe following persons: Rev. O. P. Clinton, L. A. Donaldson, Mary L. Donaldson, Cor nelius Northrup, Caroline A. Northrup, Corydon P. NorthruT^, John L. Sanbourn, Lydia Sanbourn, James Ladd, Charity Ladd, Harrison Reed, Harriet Huxley, David M. Montgomery, George W. Sawyer, John F. Johnston, Philip Brien and H. C. Finch. It was resoived to form themselves into a Church of Christ. A committee was appointed to examine and select a confession of faith for adoption at an adjourned meeting. At a meeting held Feb. Oth, 1847. this committee reported and their report was adopted. THE CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Polity was then adopted by a vote of 12 to 5. The following resolutions, adopted at that meeting, without a dissenting voice, is indicative of tiie Christian sentiment then prevailing. The first is on the Sabbath: Resolvrl, That the Christian Sabbatii is one ofthe main pillars of our civil and religious institutions, and that the welfare of our country, the purity ofthe church, the prosperity of religion, and the salvation of souls depend greatly upon the perpetuity of its NEENAH CHUECH HISTOEY. 9 sacred observance; that the observance or desecration of the Sabbath is to a great extent governed by the precept and ex ample of professing Christians; and that attending to se-.;ular business, indulging in conversation upon worldly subjects, or journeying upon the Sabbath is inconsistent with this sacred in stitution. The second is on the subject of temperance, and is as follows: Resoliied, That the traffic in, or use of intoxicating liquors as a beverage, is a practice wholly inconsistent witli r the first communion, April 4th, 1847. The preparatory lecture had been preached by the Rev. O. P. Clinton on the preceding Thursday, from Rom. 12; 1, and J. F. Sanbourn was appointed to act as dea con. Twelve persons then presented letters, all from Presby terian or f'ongregational churches, and on the day of commun ion gave public assent to the church covenant. Of that number Mrs. Harriet Huxley is now a niember of this church. Deacon Mitchell died in communion with this church in July, 1873. Of the rest, Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Uve on the Island, Mr. Ladd on his farm near this city, and the Northrups, or .some o( them at least, in Menasha, are members of the Congregational Church there. Several who nad participated in the preliminarv meet ings did not see their way clear to unite at the last. At the next church meeting the election for the oflice of dea con resultei I in the choice of J.L. S.anbourn, oamuel jlitchell aud C. P. Northrup to serve until the annual meeting in De cember. The church, thus constituted, was received by the Maaison convention, which met at Waupun, Aug. 1. 1847. The regular place of worship at this time was in an old log building which stood toward the east end of Doty avenue, about opposite to the front of Mr. John Kimberly's residence. The 10 APPENDIX. Indian ponies were cleared out and necessary repairs made for the purpose. The only trace of the building now remaining is one of the corner stones still in its place in the rear of the lot on which Mr. Win. T. Patterson now Uves. A store-room which stood on Wisconsin avenue, somewhere between Mr. Theodore Brown's residence and the railroad track, was afterward rented and occujjied till the brick church was built. In the fall of 1847 measures were taken to inculcate and pro mote the missionary spirit and worli. It was resolved that t'ne monthly concert of prayer for the conversion of the world be observed by this church," and a time and arrangements were appointed for the conduct of the meeting. Measures were also taken to secure subscriptions to the MissioHary Herald, and to secure collections for the American Board of Foreign Missions. The Rev. 0. P. Clinton was chosen, from tune to time, to be the stated supply of the church until he flnally declined to serve in this capacity in the spring of 1851. He was assisted in his missionary labors for a short time in the fall of 1848 by the Rev. J.Whittlesey; and again in the summer of 1849 an effort was made to procure the services as an assistant of the Rev. D. Lewis, a AVelch Congregational clergyman, but it does not seem to have succeeded. The memory of Mr. Clinton's labors, christian kindness, and faithfulness, is still warmly cherished among the pioneers of this city. FIRST RECORDS. It seems that the records of the church were first examined and approved at the meeting of the Madison convention at Fond du Lac in August, 1848. The name there signed as mod erator is a striking index to the marvellous growth ofthe North west. Jeremiali Porter is the name. He was the flrst Protes tant minister in Chicago and organized the first church there. I met with him in Marrietta, Georgia, in 1864, where he was laboring in the hospitals, and remember him as a very active, pleasing, and not yet an old man. He still lives somewhere in the west — the great city of Chicago and its suirounding empire having grown up within the compass of his manhood. During Bro. Clinton's pastorate the Congregational church at Menasha was organized. This settlement began later than ours. The first mention of preaching there was in August, 1849. The NEENAH CHUECH HISTOEY. 11 first communion was held there in July, 1850, this church seem ing to have met there for that purpose. In January, 1851, a motion was carried at a church meeting to grant letters to those who wished to aid in forming a church at Menasha. There were added to the original membership up to the close of Bro. Clinton's pastorate, twenty-eight membsrs, six of whom are no.w members of this church, viz: Deacon Enos, Mrs. Nancy Brien, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shoemaker, Dr. Gallentine Mrs. Mary Gallantine and Mr. Ranney. VILLAGE ORG.^NlZATION. We now turn to trace briefly the steps in the formation of a Presbyterian church. The village out of which our city grew was organized, it seems, early in the year 1847, the first village lots having been sold in August of that year. It was named Winnebago Rapids, The name of Neenah, since adopted, I learn from Mr. Thoijias Jourdain, a descendeiit ot the Winne bago tribe of Indians, is a term from that language, signifying " water." The name of our sister city, Menasha, is also a Win nebago word, meaning "island." Thus is the memory of the drifting and perishing aboriginee inscribed upon our civiliza tion in the indelible beauty of the names he has left us. The village burying ground was on the spot now partially occupied i)y the residence of Mr. Proctor. In the AugiLst of 1848, the REV. H. :M. ROBERTSON, a mi.ssionary of the Presbyterian Board of Domestic Missions visited the place and the first attempt was made to collect alhvs- byterian congregation. In the month of September following he began to preach statedly atthe house of Loyal H. Jones. This was near the west enao w n o 2: t?d 2;> ffi I ,|p#. 'I •¦J/^ t»a ii NEENAH CHUECH HISTORY. 27 PART II. .loHN 17:21 — "That they may all be one,'* a^^fc&^E left our history at the threshold of union. It seems that the conviction had ofteii come to some minds in both churches that they ought to be one, and there ffi^ were at least three attempts at union, vvhich, owing "^ ' to various causes failed. So a rivalship, intensifled often by personal feeling and sometimes, without doubt, provoc ative of good, continued through all the years of weakness. And then when there was less material rea.son for it than had ever existed, both of the churches having for some years stood independent of missionary aid, though not equal in strength and numbers, the happy result was accomplisheil. THE ESTABLISHED CERTAINTY IN 1869 Ofa re-union of tlie Old and New School General Assemblies, the manifest advantage of the local union of the feebler churches and the action of the pastors and sessions of the tvvo churches^ led to renewed negotiation and harmonious issue. At a congre gational meeting ofthe First Church, held DECEMBER 28tH, 1869, It was resolved to appoint a committee to confer with a com raittee from the Second Church to fix, if possible, on a basis of union. The committee apppinted consisted of the session, J. W. Whitenack, David Blakeiy, J. A. Kimberly, Robert Shiells, and three members bf the church, N. DeMerritt, AVm. T. Merri man and John FuUerton. ON THE 29th of DECEMBER A similar step was taken at a meeting of the Second Church. 28 APPENDIX. It was resolved by a unanimous and rising vote that a union with the First Church was desirable, and a committee consisting ofthe session, AVm. N. Moore, J. C. Enos, Samuel Mitchell, and Thomas Cooke, together with three members of the church, John Proctor, Dr. S. Galentine and T. L. Clement vvas appointed to meet the committee ofthe First Church. . The joint commit tee ot fourteen met Jan. 1st, 1870, and after prayer and consul tation appointed a sub-committee, consisting of J.L.Clement and Robert Shiells, to draw up articles of union lietween the two churches. This committee reported at a meeting of the joint committee held Jan. 5th, as follows: ARTICLES OP AGREEMENT. "The First and Second Pre.sbyterian Churches of Neenah having by a formal vote expressed their conviction that the glory of (Jod and the good of this community would be best promoted by an organic as well as an ecclesiastical union with each other, do consent to and adopt the foUowing as the con ditions on which they will unite: "First, As soon as practical, after these conditions are ratified by each L-hurcli. the two congregations will worship together in what is iKjw known as the New School Presbyterian Honse of Worship. "Second, The united churches shall be knowii asthe First Presbyterian Clmrch of Neenah, and each separate organiza tion consents that the property they now hold individually shall constitute the projierty of said First Church, the property nosv known as the parsonage ofthe First Church to be included ill tills arrangement. "Third, The united churcli vvill assume whatever incum brance aiul claniiM may now rest upon the property of either church, but each church before uniting shall pav up arrearages m tlieir current expenses that have accrued previous to the union. " Fourth, The umted church vvill adopt for the present what is termed the rotary system of electing ruling elders and dea cons, bul as good Presbyterians desiring to be loyal to the gen eral assembly and respecting its authority, will abandon the system if it is not permitted iJy the united general asserably. " Fifth, In order that both congregations may have an oppor tunity of renting pews, as soon as a day can be flxed for that , purpose, it is recommended that the congregation now worship ping inthe Second Churcli,shall vacate the pews they now hold. "Sixth, The present officers of each church and society will act jointly as the oificers of the united church and society, till tne union is perfected and nevv officers elected, when their term of oifice shall expire. And it is recommended that the new officers be elected at the earliest possible opportunity. NEENAH CHUECH HISTOEY. 29 'Seventh, It is recommended that during the current year the collections for the various boards ofthe churcn, to bo taken up for the schemes connected with the late Old School and New School assemblies alternately — a collection to be taken up for the church erection fund on account of the New School board, and one for domestic missions on account of the Old School board — the other collections to be designated by the session. " Eighth, It is recommended that each church appoint a com mittee to take the necessary legal steps for adjusting the name and perfecting the title of the property of the united church and it is recommended that this committee consist of John Proctor and Robert Shiells. "Ninth, All other details connected with the united ciiurch, such as the election ofa pastor, the organization of the Sabbath school, the kind of hymn books to be used, etc., are to be left for the action of the church or session, according as they may fall within their respective provinces. "Tenth, It is recommended thatthere be a union church and society sociable at Pettibone Hall on the evening of Tuesday, the 18th inst., to which every member of each congregation is invited. "Eleventh, It is recommended that a meeting of the united church be held on the afternoon of Wednesday, the 19th mst., at the Second Church, at 2 o'clock, for the purpose of electing a board of elders and deacons for the united church. "The foregoing is the result of the conferences held by the joint committee appointed by the two churches to fix upon a basis of union. Signed by the oflicers of the joint committee. "Neenah, Wis., Jan. 5th, 1870. ^^^ . " Robert Shiells, Chairman. " J, L. Clement, Sec-retary." The report was adopted and the necessary steps taken to sub mit it to the action of the churches. THE SECOND CHUECH At a meeting of the congregation, held Jan. 5th, adopted the reported conditions of union unanimously. the first church Held their meeting Jan. 17th, and took the same action, with one dissenting voice. John Proctor and Robert Shiells were appointed a'committee to secure the necessary legal measures to unite the two societies under the name of the first\'terian church Of Neenah. An act of the Legislature of AVisconsm contained in the volume of " Private and Local Laws" of AVisconsin for the year 1870 legalizing the action of the churches, and providing forthe transferof property, is the result of this committee's ' ' 8 30 APPENDIX. work. The uniting of the Sabbath schools of the two churches was left to the management of the superintendents. MR. PROCTOK and MR. KIMBERLY'. Mr. Proctor had been superintendent of the First Presbyter ian Church Sabbath school almost from the time of his coming to the place, and of the Second Church school from the time of its organization to the union— a period of about 14 years. Mr. Kimberly had been the superintendent of the First Church school for about 10 years. By their arrangement the classes of the two schools were consolidated and Mr. Kimberly became the superintendent ofthe united school. There was a meeting of both congregations on the 19th of January, at which the articles of union were FULLY RATIFIED And all offloers having resigned, new ones were elected, as fol lows: Elders, Thomas Cooke, J. L. Clement, J. A. Kimberly, Wm. N. Moore, Robert Shiells, and David Blakeiy. Deacons: Samuel Mitchell and Peter Johnson. It was then decided that the now united church should be put under the care of the PRESBYTERY- OF -WINNEBAGO, AVhich was carried into effect at the meeting of that Presbytery, held Feb. 8th, at Fond du Lac, Robert Shiells acting as the rep resentative ofthe church. After the Rev. Air. Walker retired from the pulpit ofthe Sec ond Church and during the process of union, the two congrega tions worshipped together, mostly under the ministry of Rev. Mr. Kelley. The pastoral relations between him and the First Church vvas not dissolved by Presbytery until Jan. 4th, 1870, at a meeting held in Neenah. During that week the present pastor, J. E. CHAPIN, Came as a candidate to the Second Church and preached two Sabbaths — the Oth and 16th— to both congregations. The Rev. Mr. Kelley preached and declared the pulpit of the First Church vacant on the 23d, according tothe direction of Presbytery. Then the pulpit w^s supplied by various ministers, two, the Rev. Mr. Duncan, of Chicago, and the Rev. A. S. Dudley, of Ohio, preaching as candidates. At a meeting of the congrega tion, March 28th. Mr. Dudley was chosen to supply the pulpit NEENAH CHUECH HISTOEY. 31 for one year, with a view to a more intimate relation, but owing to providential hindrances did not accept. A call was then ex tended to the present pastor and he began his labors the last Sabbath in May, 1870, and was INSTALLED MAY 16tH, 1871. The Revs. H. L. Brown, T. G. Smith and George Spinning partic ipating in the service. A very pleasant social reception followed the service at Empire HaU. The flrst work that engaged the attention of the session after the supply ofthe pulpit in 1870, wasthe examination ofthe rec ords of the • two churches and the formation of a new roll. It was found that instead of a membership of 235 which the rolls of the two churches promised at the time of union, there were really but about 170 known active members. The first work which the church undertorjk in its united ca pacity was to aid in raising the memorial fund of 85,000,000, ap pointed by the general assembly, as a monu ment of the re-union of the Ole and New School Presbyterian Churches, wlii( h was consummated in the spring of the year 1870, after a division of more than 30 years. Each church was allovved to select its own object in this particular line of giving. Tbe main object select ed by this church was the ENLARGEMENT OF ITS HOUSE OF WORSHIP. Afterrepeated conferences by the offici.-ils the plan was set before the congregation onthe last Sabbath in Julv. A com mittee of six was appointed to canvass the congregation. The work was pursued throughthe remaining summer and the autumn with much difliculty. The year was a discouraging one for our (then) viUage. Business was dull and there were but few signs of progress. Patten's Block and Marsh's drug store were the' only important enterprises in the vvay of public im provement, and there was not much expectation of an increase in the future. Some thought the enlargement of the house of worship needless. But the committee pushed forward in the obtaining of contributions, and as a result there was at last report ed a sum°of over $1,800, of which the Sabbath school gave $100.84. Of this sum $140 was given to the North AVestern Theological Seminary, at Chicago, $50 to aid in the starting of the Fresbv- 32 APPENDIX. terian Church in Oshkosh, and the rest was devoted to the im provement of this place of worship. THE RESULT WAS GRATIFYING, And it did its part in swelling that grand report read before the assembly of 1871 in Chicago, by Dr. EUinwood, giving as the re sult ofthe raeraorial effort raore than seven raillions, instead of flve millions of dollars. Nor did this effort divert us from giv ing to the missionary boards, for our contributions that year amounted to a total of $254.59. THE WORK OF ENLARGING This building began early in Septeniber, 1870. AVe worshipped on the second Sabbath of that month in the old churoh and there continued until the work here was complete. It was a beautiful autumn, with little rain and a glorious Indian summer extending far into November. The house was ready for re- dedication on the FIRST DAY OF THE NEW YEAR, 1871. A communion service was held at the old church in the morn ing, when three were received td membership, viz: Mrs. Van Ostrand, Mrs. Phillip Morris, and Mrs. Jane Robinson. In the afternoon at 2 o'clock the dedicatory service took place. Five ministers of four different denominations participated with the pastor in the service, viz: Rev. Mr. Fellows, of the Methodist Church in Menasha, Rev. Mr. Sargent, of the Congregational Church in Menasha, Rev. Mr. Babcock, of the Baptist Church on the Island, Rev. Mr. GaskiU, of the Methodist Church in Neenah, and the Rev. Father Marsh, a member of Presbytery. The sermon was preached by the pastor from I Ti.m. 2 : 1-6: "The Church a General Benefactor." .\bout 400 people were present and comfortably seated. Prof. Gardner, novv of the Normal school at Plattville, and who served us long and effici ently as the leader of the choir, conducted the service of song. It was a memorable day in the history ofthe church. The suc cess of the enterprise was much indebted to the attention and efforts of MR. p. R. WILLIAMS, One of the trustees. The total expense was in round numbers .$2,400. The great disappointment of the year was in spiritual results. NEENAH CHUECH HISTORY. 33 There was a prevaiUng expectation ofa revival in the church as a consequence of the happy union and the united effort in the meraorial work. Special preparation had been made to observe the week of prayer. But, though the meetings were weU attend ed and interesting, there were no indications of revival. The pew-renting on the Monday of that week had turned out dis- couragingly, and other things showed that the beartof the church was not ready. The meetings continued two weeks. In the latter part of the month the pastor assisted in an interesting work of grace at Winneconne, where many turned unto the Lord, but the preaching that was effective there failed here. And so there was little beside the ordinary church work for many succeeding months. In March, 1871, a Sabbath school temperance societv was formed, which attracted considerable interest and increased to a membership of about 170. About 130 names of our young people still stand recorded on its pledge- book, and it had many stirring raeetings. In the autumn of this year came the REMARKABLE DROUTH And the prevailing fires. Fire was running in the woods, on the farms, kindling from locomotive sparks, or spreading from hunters or clearings, until the whole country was full of smoke, and property everywhere in danger. The service one beautiful autumn Sabbath, in this house, was made uncomfortable and difficult by the painful effectof the smoke on the eyes and lungs, and for many days it was so dense as to obscure the view not a little and to feel very oppressive. At last, on the second Sunday night of October, BEGAN THE GREAT FIRE That swept a large part of the wealth and glory of Chicago into ashes, and desolated Peshtigo, just north of us, with the far more terrible loss of hundreds of lives. The awful calamities fllled all hearts with solemnity and tenderest sympathy, and prompt ed liberal and speedy supplies to the stricken communities. The outpouring of the public heart was wonderful. Supplies of clothing and provisions were freely donated and a committee of citizens with physicians went to Peshtigo to distribute and minister to the suffering. Some of our own congregation had passed through the fiery deluge and escaped only with their fives. APPENDIX. HUNDREDS OF FAMILIES Were found stripped of their all; many suffering the agonies of bereavement, or of painful wounds. A district of country 8 miles wide and 40 in length was sweptover by this storm. Over $500 vvere given in cash by our citizens, in addition fothe liberal supplies of wheat, flour, groceries, and clothing sent forward; and more than $1,700 in cash were received from' abroad and distributed. The foUowing Sabbath a sermon was preached in this place from the words in 2 Peter, 3 : 10; "The day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, in the which the Heav ens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat; the earth also, and the works that are therein, shall be burned up." In the evening a large congrega tion assembled to hear accounts ofthe disaster by eye-witnesses and the report of the committee of citizens who had returned from Peshtiuo. Mr. Bentley, who, with his wife, had only es caped the devouring flames at Peshtigo by rushing to the river and standing for hours in water up to their cliiiis, and Air. Stev ens, who had witnessed the overwhelming ruiu at Chicago, re lated their observations. DR. GALENTINE AND MR. VAN OSTRAND, Members ofthe citizen's committee, then related vvhat they had seen of the suffering and desolation, for, being the flrst on the ground with supplies the scene vvas before them in all its , fear fulness. It vvas a thrilling and solemn day. About the flrst of November, while these scenes were fresh in the heart and still employed the land in ministries of mercy. the Rev. Mr. Waldron came to the Church and began daily meetings. Some from this church dropped in and an in. terest began to develop. At last the meetings were remove~ 48 APPENDIX. ADDENDA. These historical sermons were preached in accordance with the request of the Presbyterian Historical Society in the centen nial year. 1876— the flrst one Sept. 17th, and the second Sept. 24th. At the time of this writing — December, 1877 — there are some changes to be noted and some additions to be made, as follows: The Rev: N. J. Aplin became the pastor of the Metho dist Episcopal Church about the last of October of this year. The Rev. Thomaa T. Potter came last winter as the|pastor ofthe Baptist Church, succeeding Bro. Gilbert. Near the same time the Rev. Joseph M. Tays became rector of the Episcopal Church and remained until the summer of 1877. He was soon succeed ed by the present rector, the Rev. George Gibson. Also the Rev. O. C. Anderson has been the pastor of tlie Norwegian Evan gelical Lutheran Church since August last. The Church of the Good Shepherd, Universalist, is now ministered to by the Rev. C. L. Lombard. The Rev. S. Kortemeir is the present pastor of the Evangelical Association (Jhurch, on the Islana. There is a Danish Baptist organization worshiping in the Sec ond ward school house, of which the Rev. Lars Knudson is the pastor. It was formed in the year 1866, and now has a mem bership of 44; it has a Sabbath school of 35 members. They are now engaged in building a house of worship. The Seventh Day Adventists also worship in the Second ward school honse, where services are held on Saturday, and are con ducted by Elder J. P Jasperson. There are about 27 members, and a Sabbath school of 20 members. The organization was formed in June, 1870. On the 4th of July, 1877, there was organiaed a Norwegian Methodist Church. It has a present membership of 35; a Sab bath school membership of 23, and worships in the High school building. The pastor is the Rev. Henry Danielson. Taking the two organizations overlooked in the statistics of 1876, we flnd the whole number to be 15; the whole number of ministers to be 12, and the total church membership to be 1,049, while the Sabbath school membership is 1,208, for that year. The present year, 1877, has been distinguised by a remarkably fine summer and abundant harvest, a mild and very wet anS drearv autumn, and a severe flnancial pressure. Neenah, Dec. 10, 1877. J. E. C. NEENAH CHURCH HISTORY. ^49 History of the M. E. Church in ITeen&h, REV. N. J. APLIN, Pastor The flrst protestant sermon ever preached in Neenah was by a traveUing itinerant of this church in 1845. The church was organized by the Rev. Wm. H. Sarapson in the faU of 1849, with seven members. The probabilities are that Neenah was at tached to some other charge for a few vears. It appears from the minutes that Albert Baker preached here in 1856. C. G. Lathrop also served the church at an early day. Samuel Lugg was here in 1860. 0. AV. Brooks' name appears as the pastor in 1863-4, at which time the Nevv School Pre3byterian Church was purchased by the society for $700, and the little society felt as though they were gaining. T. C. Wilson served the church for three years, viz, 1866-7-8, with great acceptability. He built a veVy convenient parsonage. The records show that he was very popular; marrying most ofthe marriageable folks, and building up the congregation. In the fall of 1868 Rev. George Fellows was appointed to the charge, but a change was effected, by which he went to Menasha and Rev. L. L. Knox served the Neenah church for that year. ¦Thomas AValker was next appointed. His administration was somewhat stormy and he yielded to some discouragement. J. H. Gaskill was sent to the charge in the faU of 1870, and served the people with acceptability, but he afterwards located. J. H. Waldron succeeded him in 1871, and by much energy, faith and perseverance added to the numerical strength. He also pur chased an addition to the parsonage lot, repaired the parsonage and was quite successful in his labors. M.'G. Bristol was sent to the charge in 1873, and served for one year. W. J. Olmstead was next sent to the charge, and it was during his administration that the pr -sent place of worship was pur chased from the Presbyterians. It is a very commodious buUd ing. TJiis flne church, by the aid of its friends, and the very liberal off'er of tlie Presbyterians to take $1,200, was secured anil paid for. The present church is valued at $2,500, and the par sonage at $1,500. Bro. Olm.stead did a good vvork for the society. J.. T. AVoodhead was his successor and served ths church for two years with hard work and success. N.'j. Aplin, the present pastor, was his successor in the fall of 1877. He came from the Clemansville ctiarge, where he had been for the three previous years. He has been in tiie AViscon- sirr conference twenty-four years The present report of the Neenah church is: Members, 110; Sabbatli-school scholars, 100, has a good Sabbath-school library; fair congregations and has a prospect of success. 13 50 APPENDIX. History of the Baptist Church of Neenah, BY THOMAS T. POTTER, Pastor, A Baptist Church was first organized in Neenah in July, 1851, from wliich time regular prayer meetings and covenant meet ings were held. Rev. Peter Prink assisted in its organization, and acted as pastor about tvvo years. He was succeeded in 18.53 by Rev. James Andem, of Massachusetts, followed in turn by Revs. James FoUett and Luke Davis, yith intervals between each pastorate. Mr. Davis left in 1857, frora which time the church was without a pastor. The membership of this church at no one time was over 25 or 30, and the total number connected with it dm ing the whole period was but 56. Tiiese were greatly scatterci and tiy remov als it rapi^ily decreased after Mr. Davis left, till 1861, when but two or three families remained in town, and the total member ship which could be counted was less than a dozen. Meanwhile, the Baptists ot Menasha had been holding prayer meetings and made proposals to them to unite in the support of a minister, to which they acceded. The Alenasha church or ganized on the 24th of April, 1860, ado| iting the declaration of taith known as the New Hampshire Conlession and the coven ant accompanying it. The church wa-* recognized and admit ted into the fellowship of the denomination at a council com posed of the churches of Omro, Oshkosh, .Neenah, and .\pple- ton, on the 13th of June, 18(iO. Its roll contained at that time about a dozen members. TJie first regular covenant meeting was neld on the 7th of July, 1860. On the Sth of October, 1861, Rev. B. J. Boynton was ordained and assumed the paslJorate, bnt rettiained only a vear. On the SOth of November, 1861, the Neenah church voted to disband and grant letters to unite with the church in Menasha, or with other Bapti-^i churches as the members should choose. Eleven letters were granted, some to new residents. About six united vvith the Alenasha church, viz: Mr. and Mrs. H. Shoemaker. AVm. Sherry. Air. and Mrs. J. Dolson, Mrs. E. Millard ani Horace Baird. For several years meetings were held in Alenasha, vvith an occasional ser vice in Neenah. The Sabbath school was started in December, 1861. In 1863 Rev. D. H. Cooley was called to supply the ctiurch, preacliing a part of the time also in other filaces. This arrange ment continued till June 1, 1867, vvhen Rev. O. W. Babcock, of Fayetteville, N. Y., became the pastor. With his pastorate a new era was inaugurated. Regular services were held in both Neenah and Menasha. Steps were taken to secure a house of worship, which resulted inthe purchase of a building owne