YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY THE LIBRARY OF THE DIVINITY SCHOOL ROMAN CATHOLIC AND PROTESTANT BIBLES COMPARED THE GOULD PRIZE ESSAYS ROMAN CATHOLIC AND PROTESTANT BIBLES COMPARED The Gould Prize Essays EDITED BY MELANCTHON WILLIAMS JACOBUS, D.D. DEAN OP HAETPOKD THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY SECOND EDITION REVISED AND SUPPLEMENTED WITH APPENDICES ORIGINALLY ACCOMPANYING THE ESSAYS AND A COMPgSHB-aiByiJOGRAPHY COVERING THE GBifSluL ptEllAJ^^^^F THE SUBJECT NEW-YORK CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS 1908 4 1^' COPYRIOHT, 1905, 1908, BY BIBLE TEACHERS TRAINING SCHOOL TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Preface to the First Edition vii Preface to the Second Edition ix History op the Contest xi Catholic and Protestant Versions op the Bible . 1 The History of the Catholic English and the American Revised Versions op the Bible . 61 The Origin and History of the Version op the Bible Authorized by the Roman Catholic Church, and of the American Revised Ver sion 137 Appendix 197 Bibliography 317 PEEFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION The outstanding result of this contest will prob ably be to bring into bold relief the great differ ence between, and the otherwise practical imity of, the Roman Catholic and the Protestant Bibles. The great difference between the versions is the presence in the Roman Catholic Bible of the Apoc rypha. The collection of books so named is rejected by Protestants as uncanonical. The American Re vised Version does not even allude to the existence of the Apocrypha. Compared with this difference between the two versions all other differences are insignificant. Whatever may be the merits or the defects of expression in either, and however impor tant may be the correction of textual errors by devout and enlightened scholarship, both versions contain the same and the complete message of the Gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION The publication of the Gould Prize Essays in 1905 aroused new interest in the facts attaching to the Protestant and the Catholic English versions of the Bible, and gave to many readers new ideas re specting the historical sources and the literary relar tions of these versions besides their value as repro ductions of the Sacred Scriptures. It was inevitable, however, that the traditional Scripture controversy between these two Commu nions should reassert itself in criticism. This has given force to the desire, which had been present from the first, that there might be printed with the Essays a full justification of the positions their au thors had assumed, together with a complete display of the sources from which their material had been dravsra. This desire has realized itself in a Second Edi tion in which the Essayists have reviewed the text of their productions, appending to them in restricted form the notes and comments by which they have substantiated their statements, and further adding to them bibliographical lists brought down as far as possible to the present day, from which a composite bibliography has been wrought out, saving repeti tions of titles and classifying the sources in such a X PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION way as to render them of most service to those who may wish to use them. In the work of the First as well as of the Second Edition, the editor desires to acknowledge the schol arly help and assistance of Professor Edward Everett ISTourse, of the Hartford Eaculty, and the patient skill of Dr. William John Chapman, of the Case Memorial Library, by whom has been accomplished the diiScult task of bringing the bibliographies into their present serviceable form. HISTORY OF THE CONTEST In November, 1903, in a correspondence between Miss Helen Miller Gould and Father Early, of Irv- ington-on-the-IIudson, the latter made the following statement : " The Catholic Church has never prohib ited any of her members reading the Scriptures or Bible. In every family whose means will permit the buying of a copy, there you will find the authentic version of God's words as authorized by the Church, and which has come down to us, unchanged, from the time of Christ himself. But the Catholic Church does object to the reading of the Protestant version, which goes back only to the days of Henry VIII of England, and was then gotten up for obvious rea sons." In consequence of this, desiring to stimulate in vestigation and to secure a brief and popular state ment of facts for general use, Miss Gould made Dr. White, as President of the Bible Teachers Training School, the following proposition: that she would offer prizes for the best essays on the double topic, first, " The Origin and History of the Bible Ap proved by the Roman Catholic Church ; " second, " The Origin and History of the American Revised Version of the English Bible." In reply to this offer. Dr. White said, " Standing, as we do, for the study xii HISTORY OF THE CONTEST of the English Bible and for the encouragement of .the most thorough investigation in all subjects relat ing thereto, an obligation is laid upon us by you, which we are glad to assume." Three prizes were offered for three essays in the order of merit: a first prize of -one thousand dollars, a second prize of five hundred dollars, and a third prize of two hundred and fifty dollars. The essays were limited to fifteen thousand words, exclusive of illustrative diagrams. The bibliogra phies and appendices were not limited. The contest closed October 1, 1904. The conditions required judges to have regard not only to the historical accu racy of the papers submitted, but also to the adap tability of a paper to the average reader. Nearly five hundred persons entered their names for the contest. Two hundred and sixty-five essays were submitted to the judges. The writers repre sented all quarters of the world. Several essays were submitted by Roman Catholics. Earnest effort was made to secure at least two Roman Catholic judges. In this, however, the Com mittee failed, notwithstanding the fact that promi nent members of the American hierarchy joined in the friendly search for men whose talents and schol arship might fitly represent a world-wide com munion. The Board of Judges consisted of the following gentlemen : HISTORY OF THE CONTEST xiii Rev. Robert William Rogers, D.D., Chairman, Professor Drew Theological Seminary. Rev. Henry Mitchell IMacCracken, D.D., Chancellor New York University. The Hon. Whitelaw Reid, Editor New York Tribune. Rev. Francis L. Patton, D.D., President Princeton Theological Seminary. Rev. Melancthon Williams Jacobus, D.D., Dean Hartford Theological Seminary. Dr. Talcott Williams, Editorial Staff The Philadelphia Press. Rev. Walter Quincy Scott, D.D., Professor Bible Teachers Training School. The Board held its first session, with all the judges present, upon the seventeenth day of October, 1904, and at its final meeting, upon the thirteenth day of February, 1905, the members unanimously agreed upon the three essays here printed as best meeting the conditions of the contest. CATHOLIC AND PROTESTANT VERSIONS OF THE BIBLE FIRST PRIZE ESSAY By WILLIAM THOMAS WHITLEY, M.A., LL.M. (Cambridge, Eng.), LL.D. (Melbourne, Australia) Member of the American Historical Association ; Fellow of the Royal Historical Society ; Fellow of the Theological Senate CATHOLIC AND PROTESTANT VERSIONS OF THE BIBLE THE QUESTION STATED Two editions of the Bible invite our attention. The one is set forth as being " translated from the Latin Vulgate; diligently compared with the He brew, Greek, and other editions, in divers lan guages." It was published with the approbation of Cardinal Gibbons of Baltimore, in 1899. The other professes to be " translated out of the original tongues," and to be authorized by the American Com mittee of Revision, 1901. Comparing the tables of contents, where differing titles often indicate the same book, the 1901 volume is the shorter. It omits Tobit, Judith, several chap ters of Esther, Wisdom, Ecclesiasticus, Baruch, more than two chapters of Daniel, and two books of the Maccabees ; nor is there any word in the volume that hints at the existence of these portions. They form an integral part of the other volume, where the chief references to any shorter edition are in notes, which state that Jerome detached the extra chapters of Esther and Daniel from the place they occupied in the ancient Greek and Latin Bibles, and placed them at the end. 1 2 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED These notes, and the reference on the title-page to the Latin Vulgate, oblige us to take into account a magnificent folio edition of the Bible in Latin, pub lished in 1592 at Rome. Prefixed to this is the ex press papal authorization of the book as the standard Bible for the Catholic Church. This contains at the end in smaller type three additions: the Prayer of ilanasses. III Esdras, IV Esdras. A note to the reader explains not so much their presence here as their absence from the body of the work, and atten tion is drawn to the absence of all notes from the text generally. Our subject will be treated in four parts: 1. The Authentic Version of God's Word as au thorized by the Church of Rome. 2. Catholic Versions in English. 3. The Protestant Version of 1901. 4. Comparison of the Versions. The Version Authorized by the Church of Rome The Scriptures in the oldest form known to us are written in Hebrew, Aramaic,^ and Greek, and are grouped in two great collections called the Old Testa ment and the New Testament. Ancient copies of the whole or part of the Old Testament have come to us from Jews in various parts of the world, and from * The superior figures refer to notes in the appendix. FIRST PRIZE ESSAY 3 their rivals, the Samaritans.^ Still more ancient copies of the New Testament may be seen in Rome, Saint Petersburg, London, Paris, and elsewhere.^ As Christianity spread, the Scriptures were trans lated into other languages, notably Syriac, Latin, and Egyptian ; and many ancient copies of these versions are available.* Before long questions arose as to what books ought to be included in either the Old Testament or the New. The books of the New Testament read pub licly at Rome about the year 200 were fewer than Protestants and Catholics now use ; and one book was read which all now reject, though some opposed its public use.^ The books of the Old Testament read in and near Palestine at that time were those of our Protestant collection, but the New Testament collec tion was not quite so large as it is at present.® Those read in North Africa were, in the New Testament, also not so numerous as in our present list.'' More over, there was nothing to hinder any copyist retrans lating these books, or blending, adding to, or shorten ing their contents; there was nothing to hinder a scholar putting out an entire new version of the Scrip tures. In Africa, Spain, Britain, France, and Italy the Latin copies went through these varied experi ences, and in the forty or more surviving examples of these early anonymous attempts * it is easy to see the truth of the complaint, " There are almost as many versions as manuscripts." ® At length Damasus, Bishop of Rome, commis sioned a monk from Dalmatia, named Jerome, to 4 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED revise the old Latin versions of the Psalms and Gos pels.^" Jerome had traveled widely and studied deeply, and so was both the best scholar of the day, and sufficiently a man of the world to recognize the delicacy of the task offered him.^^ He began with the Psalms, which were needed in daily song. The Latin versions had been made, not from the Hebrew direct, but from a famous Greek version known as the Septuagint. He revised the Latin with the aid of current copies of the Greek, and Damasus at once introduced the revision into his cathedral at Rome.^" In 384 he finished the Gos pels; but, as his patron died that year, he hurried over the rest of the New Testament and returned to the East.i2 At Csesarea he found a critical edition of the Greek Bible made one hundred and fifty years earlier by Origen, one of the great scholars of the church; from it he revised his Psalter again.^^ Then he worked fourteen years at translating the Old Testa ment from the original Hebrew, to which the work of Origen had introduced him.^* Much discussion was aroused by the appearance of this new version. However, it gradually made its way in the West on its own merits, though it was not until nine centuries later that it wholly displaced the older versions.^ ¦^ The New Testament portion was accepted much ear lier than the Old Testament, owing to the fact that the latter work was done on far more radical prin ciples.-'® Jerome deliberately raised and discussed the im- FIRST PRIZE ESSAY 5 portant question, What books shall we read ? " In the New Testament he used exactly our twenty- seven. ^^ In the Old Testament he took his stand on the list of the Jews, and at first refused to go beyond it.i^ Although the Protestant Old Testament ar ranges, divides, and names the books differently, it contains exactly those books advised by Jerome, as employed by the Jews of Palestine, including our Lord Himself.^" Most of the other books then read by Christians, and intermixed with these, Je rome declined to revise.^^ He stigmatized them as " Apocrypha," a name previously given by the Jews to forgeries.^^ This word is now used mainly in the sense given it by Jerome — to signify books once claimed as parts of the Bible, but dis allowed. Catholics apply it to such as III and IV Esdras, III and IV Maccabees, and Enoch. Prot estants apply it to a wider circle, including what Catholics term the " Deutero-canonieal books of the Old Testament," namely, those neglected by Jerome.^^ In the West Jerome was opposed by his friend Augustine, who sat in a council of African bishops which drew up for the Old Testament a longer list of books. ^* They decided that besides reading on anniversary days accounts of the martyrdoms of saints, churches might read in public only canonical Scripture. This included the Wisdom of Solomon, Ecclesiasticus or the Wisdom of Joshua, Tobit, Ju dith, two books of Maccabees, and editions of Jere miah, Daniel, and Esther longer than those used by 6 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED the Jews. Twelve years later the Bishop of Rome was asked by the Bishop of Toulouse what was the best list of Old Testament books, and after long delay Innocent sent one agreeing in contents with the African list.^^ By degrees the principal churches of Britain, France, and Italy fell into line, and, regardless of Jerome's opinion, scribes simply copied the unre- vised versions, and went on mixing at their pleasure the older and the newer versions.^® Thus, about the year 600, Gregory the Great found older and newer versions alike in use at Rome, and did not object.^' All he did was to try to limit the use of that very Psalter, which his predecessor had ordered and adopted, to the daily song, replacing it in the written Bibles by the second revision that Jerome had made, but ignoring the third, made from the Hebrew. And strange to say, his own church resisted even this change.^* There are curious instances of this transition in England. The Irish monks at Lindisfarne used the older, or Roman Psalter, the Italian monks at Can terbury brought the newer, the Gallican.^^ Later on. Abbot Ceolfrid of Wearmouth obtained from Rome three copies of the whole Bible in the new version, and one in the old. He made a fresh copy of the new version in the most magnificent style, and sent it to the Pope in YlS.^" Bede used both versions, his exposition of Habakkuk being based on the older.2* But by degrees the newer prevailed, though with some mixture, and the surviving Latin copies FIRST PRIZE ESSAY 7 made in England are almost entirely of Jerome's re vision. ^^ Not long afterward the German King, Charles the Great, desired a simple, standard, modernized Latin text. His counselor Alcuin sent over to his native York and obtained several manuscripts of Jerome's version. By Christmas, 801, he gave Charles the first copy, and from his abbey at Tours rapidly multi plied others. But the demand was so great that another revision and older unrevised manuscripts were also pressed into service. So with no control, no copyright, no printing, every scribe did as he liked; the text degenerated again, versions inter mingled, contents varied.^^ In the age of the Crusades, revisions of the Latin text were undertaken by Lanfranc of Canterbury, by Stephen Harding of Dorchester, who made use of Greek manuscripts and had the help of Jewish ad visers, and by Cardinal Maniacoria, with the result of even greater variations.** The contents of manu scripts varied in details, the Epistles to the Hebrews and the Laodiceans, with Baruch, III and IV Macca bees, and the Prayer of Manasses being sometimes inserted, sometimes omitted.** Roger Bacon revived Bible study in the thirteenth century, and three important corporations undertook to prepare lists of corrections needed in, the ordinary Latin text *^ — the Dominicans, the Franciscans, and the theologians at the University of Paris, headed by Stephen Langton, who made our modern chapter divisions.*® 8 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED For some time attention was diverted from the subject by the quarrels between Popes and Councils. But in 1439 a council assembled at Florence with delegates even from the Eastern Church, l^his formally announced : " We define the holy apostolic see and the Roman pontiff to have primacy over the whole earth, and the Roman pontiff to be himself . . . head of the whole church, and father and teacher of all Christians." *'' The Eastern patri archs and the French disagreed, but Eugenius IV soon rallied nearly all the West under him. Clothed with this plenary authority, he issued a Bull on the subject of the Bible, in which he neglected all distinctions between canonical books and those for private reading only, declaring that all the books specified — those of the African list — ^were inspired by the same Holy Spirit.*® He was succeeded by three or four scholarly Popes, who recognized the Latin text as faulty; and Nicholas V ordered a fresh version of the New Testament to be made.*® The invention of printing soon raised the old ques tions in a more acute form. Sixtus IV was quick to favor a new edition of the Latin Bible. Cardinal Ximenes of Alcala (Latin, Complutum) in Spain, under the patronage of Leo X, prepared a magnifi cent edition of the Bible known as the Complutensian Polyglot. This work contained (a) the Hebrew text of the Old Testament, with Aramaic portions, (b) the Aramaic Targum on the Law by Onkelos, (c) the Septuagint Greek text of the Old Testament, (d) the Latin Vulgate, and (e) the Greek text of the New FIRST PRIZE ESSAY 9 Testament, in addition to which the Targum and the Septuagint were accompanied by literal Latin trans lations. By the time it was ready, however, a revolt against papal authority arose, and the Pope hesitated to sanction the work he had forwarded. But it be came clear that others would publish without waiting for his leave. Hebrew Testaments were put forth by Jews and Christians. Erasmus dedicated to Leo a hastily edited Greek Testament with a new Latin paraphrase. So in 1520 he formally approved the publication of the Complutensian Polyglot.*** In that same year Karlstadt, the head of the University at Wittenberg, published a little treatise on the canon, giving the history of the disputed books, and advising a reconsideration of the question of contents. The scholars of Zurich published the first modern language version, taking Karlstadt's ad vice and putting the disputed books together under Jerome's title, " Apocrypha." *^ This was the first appearance in the form so familiar to Anglicans. Luther, in turn, went further, and separated from the New Testament James, Jude, Hebrews, and Revelation, putting them in a fourth group, without a collective title. *^ Long before these disturbances arose, a Dominican friar had been making a new Latin version with tlie approval of three Popes, which he published at Lyons in 1528, after twenty-five years of work. Soon three more Latin versions appeared, two by Protestants.** And thus the printing press repeated and intensified the old evils of many competing Latin versions. 10 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED Consequently, when the Emperor Charles V per suaded the Pope to call a Council, among the very first questions considered were those that concerned the Scriptures. And no one can criticise the answers as being hazy.** It was decided that all the books specified at Florence were to be received and vener ated equally, as God was the author of them all.*^ This leveling up of certain " Deutero-canonieal books " or " Apocrypha " was much opposed by some bishops, who were not silenced by the Bull of 1439; but finally it was adopted, and a curse was pro nounced on all who refused to acquiesce in the de cision. To this day the decree remains an article of faith with Roman Catholics, and was reaffirmed at the Vatican Council.*® The canon being settled, the language had to be chosen. The original languages were discussed, but it was thought that to adopt these alone as standards would place priests and theologians at the mercy of Hebrew and Greek scholars. Inasmuch, however, as Latin had been common to all scholars of the West for a millennium, this was taken as a convenient me dium ; but the decree does not depreciate the original texts, either explicitly or by implication. Careless Catholics and polemical Protestants often go astray at this point. *^ Next arose the question of the particular version in Latin. Several had recently been ordered or ap proved by Popes, but other innovations were shock ing the Roman world, so the majority adhered to precedent.*^ The decree finally ran that the " old FIRST PRIZE ESSAY H and common version (vulgata ediiio) *° which, by the long usage of so many ages, has been approved in the church itself, is to be held as authentic in public lectures, disputations, preachings, and exposi tions." But the bishops deliberately refused to make this an article of faith, treating it only as a matter of discipline subject to revocation. Hitherto, how ever, it has not been changed, and in 1870 was expressly ratified.*® In the same decree it was declared unlawful " for anyone to print or cause to be printed any books whatever on sacred matters without the name of the author; nor to sell them in future, or even to keep them by them, unless they shall have been first ex amined and approved by the ordinary." The next point was to get a standard edition of this chosen version, and a committee of six was ap pointed to publish it before the Council rose.®" But unexpected delays occurred, the Emperor wrote to express his amazement that fifty-three men of no particular scholarship should so summarily settle in tricate questions, the Pope ordered the committee not to act hastily, and political disturbances caused the premature dispersal of the Council. New commit tees were presently appointed at Rome. Meantime many printers were at work, and the theologians of Louvain put out two editions based on good material collected by Stephanus of Paris, and corrected by reference to the originals.®^ At length one of the Roman scholars became Pope, as Sixtus V. He soon published a fine edition of the 12 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED Greek Bible ; ®- then one of the Old Latin, a mosaic of quotations from the early Latin writers ; ®* and in 1590 completed his work by a three-volume edi tion of the common Latin version, printed from early copies carefully corrected by quotations.®* He prefaced it by a Bull approving it by his apostolic authority transmitted from the Lord, and announc ing that this was to be used " as true, legitimate, authentic, and undoubted in all public and private debates, readings, preachings, and explanations; and that anyone who ventured to change it without papal authority would incur the wrath of God Almighty and of the blessed apostles Peter and Paul." He reserved copyright for ten years, and ordered that after this period all future editions should be con formed to it, all existing copies — even missals and breviaries — should be corrected by it and should be officially certified by inquisitor or bishop. He for bade any marginal notes, whether of various readings or of explanation.®® This might seem final; but Sixtus died that year, leaving behind the revisers whose work he had per sonally corrected, including the famous Jesuit cardi nal, Bellarmine, whom he had offended by the sup pression of one of his books.®® The next Pope died in ten days; his successor was induced to disown this legitimate and authorized version. And though he too died soon, and the next within a few months, Bellarmine was appointed to buy up this official edition and issue another.®'^ Clement VIII appointed Cardinal Allen, of Oxford and Douay, together with FIRST PRIZE ESSAY 1.3 an Italian prelate, to revise the text of his predeces- sor.^® Allen had studied the principles of textual criticism, as is shown in the preface to the Rheims Testament. Instead of relying chiefly on early quotations, he referred to the original languages. This resulted in more than three thousand altera tions from the text of Sixtus — ^whole passages being omitted or introduced, and the verses being divided differently.®* Bellarmine, however, saved appear ances by saying in the preface that Sixtus himself had intended to do this, owing to the misprints and other errors. This second edition had a new Bull by Clement, which specified among other things that, as before, no word of the text might be altered, that no various readings might be registered in the margin, and that all copies were to be conformed to it.®» Now, so far, the saving clause of Sixtus would cover this proceeding, for this edition was " under papal authority " ; but it proved to have more than two hundred misprints of its own. Moreover, while the edition of 1590 had rigidly excluded all books but those decreed by the Council of Trent, and had eschewed all apparatus whatever, the edition of 1592 added in smaller type the Prayer of Manasses and two books of Esdras, explaining in the preface the reason why this was done.®*" The third edition, in 1593, went further, and gave the prologues of Jerome, an index of quotations in the New Testa ment from the Old, a table of interpretation of names, and a general index to the contents of the 14 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED Bible. And while it indeed corrected some of the printer's errors, Kaulen declares that it " left a large number uncorrected, and added new mistakes of its own." ®^ In 1598 a fourth edition appeared, of handy size, and with all the above features, only the extra books were now printed in the same size type as the canonical. It was also furnished with three tables of corrections to the editions of 1592, 1593, and 1598, which, however, are most inade quate. This was the last edition before the monop oly of publication was surrendered. All four edi tions were attributed to Sixtus, not to Clement.®^ Since this last standard edition of an authentic version of a fixed canon in a chosen language, Rome has taken no further official steps in the matter. Two critical editions of Jerome's own translation, freed as far as possible from later corruptions, have indeed been published by Catholics, but they do not profess to be the Authentic Version adopted by the church.®* Vercellone at Rome collected and pub lished various readings, but did not incorporate them in his reprint of 1861, which gives the standard text. Pope Pius X has, however, now commissioned the order of the Benedictines to revise the text of the Vulgate. Modern critical editions by Protestants like Corssen or Wordsworth and White are not yet completed. II Catholic Versions in English The average American takes for granted that the version authorized by the Catholic Church is not in Latin, but in English. This idea, however, is due to a lax use of the phrase " authorized." By the rules approved by Pius IV after the Council of Trent every bishop had the right to authorize a version for use in his own diocese.®* Although these rights were often exercised in unison, yet the fact remains that there is no one version in English so authorized as to exclude others. In a Catholic shop may be bought authorized editions that differ.®® To understand this state of affairs we must consider the history of the English version which the Catholic Church has pro duced. Before the year 1000 many parts of the Bible were translated into English from the Latin repeatedly, but the Norman Conquest put a stop to their use.®® A new and complete version was published in 1382 by Wyclif.®'' It contained a few explanatory notes and alternative translations which the scribes wrote in a different hand, thus setting the fashion copied in our present Bibles of italicizing words not in the original, but added to complete the sense.®* A re vision of the version was soon undertaken, but, owing to Wyclif's death, in 1384, the work devolved upon other hands, being published about 1388.®' The 15 16 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED higher clergy opposed the circulation of this version, desiring to keep a monopoly of Bible knowledge to their own guild; '''' but in 1390 Parliament refused to place a ban upon it.'^^ The bishops forbade its use ; ''^ but the people read it, and the Pope ignored an attempt to discourage it.''* For more than fifty years it was freely copied, edited, and irresponsibly revised. More than one hundred and seventy ex emplars survive, some being pocket editions, others elaborate volumes for the monasteries or the libraries of dukes and princes.''* Its use fell off during the Wars of the Roses, and when printing found its way to England it seems to have dropped out of favor, and not to have attracted the notice of any pub lisher.''® Only in the north did Murdoch Nisbet turn it into Scotch about 1520; but there was no press in Scotland then, and a newer version was freely im ported within five years. Whether in English or Scotch, it has only been printed as a monument of the past, not for actual popular use.''® Specimens of this and other early versions are given in the notes.'''' Caxton was the first to print any portion of the Bible in English. Jacobus de Voragine, archbishop of Genoa in the thirteenth century, had compiled the Golden Legend, a collection of lives of saints, which became very popular in Italy, France, Bohemia, and England. The stories of Adam, Noah, the Apostles, and other Bible characters are mostly in the very words of Scripture; so when Caxton in 1483 trans lated the French version into English he incidentally FIRST PRIZE ESSAY 17 printed part of the Bible in the vernacular. The same thing was done by Wynken de Worde. As a consequence the Bible narratives came to be widely circulated. These versions, however, were not de liberately used by subsequent translators, even if they were haunted by reminiscences of them.''® Catholic versions Avere belated in England; al though before 1500 Germany, Italy, France, Flan ders, Spain, Holland, and Bohemia had their ver nacular Bibles in print.''® The Dean of Saint Paul's in 1512 charged the Southern Convocation with neg lect of duty,®" and Wolsey was so grieved at the lethargy and ignorance of the clergy that, with leave of the Pope and of the King, he diverted the revenues of many priories to found colleges.®^ At Cambridge a Dutch monk, Erasmus, pursued the Bible studies that resulted in the Basle edition of the Greek Scrip tures, which he dedicated to Leo X, writing in the preface, " I wish they were translated into all lan guages." ®^ Tyndale furnished the next version of the Bible for England, but his work was so bound up with the translation of Luther that Catholics eschewed it ; ®* while the proceedings under Henry toward translating or revising were not with Catholic good will. For instance, in 1530 Warham and other dig nitaries reported to the University of Cambridge that " the publication of the Holy Scriptures in the vul gar tongue is not necessary to Christians; and the king's majesty and the bishops do wellin forbidding to the people the common use of tt oo^y I • '^'' 18 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED in the English tongue." ** Seven years later Henry was excommunicated by the Pope, and the immedi ate eonscciuence was that the printing of the Great Bible in Paris was stopped. This, of course, did not prevent its completion in England, nor even its in dorsement by such prelates as Heath and Tunstall, under the direct orders of Henry.*® Under Edward also numerous editions appeared, but the accession of Mary promptly closed Bible printing. Elizabeth resumed her father's policy in this as in other mat ters; so a final breach with Rome occurred in 1570, when the Pope excommunicated the Queen. This had been foreseen, and a Lancashire graduate of Oxford, Dr. Allen, had, in 1568, with papal ap proval, founded a seminary at Douay for the train ing of English Catholics. Ten years later it was shifted to Rheims, and there a translation of the Bible was at once begun.*® The preparation was long and thorough, as may be seen from the Douay diaries ; but the project of giving an English version to the laity was hardly spontaneous, as is evident from the preface to the version, or from the follow ing extract from a letter by Allen : *^ " Perhaps indeed it would have been more desirable that the Scriptures had never been translated into barbarous tongues; nevertheless at the present day, when, either from heresy or other causes, the curi osity of men, even of those who are not bad, is so great, and there is often also such need of reading the Scriptures in order to confute our opponents, it is better that there should be a faithful and Catholic FIRST PRIZE ESSAY 19 translation than that men should use a corrupt ver sion to their peril or destruction; the more so since the dangers which arise from reading certain more difficult passages may be obviated by suitable notes." With such motives three or four well equipped Oxford scholars, of whom Gregory Martin was chief, began the work of translating the New Testament.** They used a good edition of the Latin, published hard by at Louvain, and revised the earlier English versions, basing their work largely on Wyclif and Tyndale.*® Other helps of which they availed them selves were a parallel Latin-English Testament pub lished by Coverdale in 1538, and the original Greek text.®® In order to give doctrinal expositions of con troversial texts, notes were added which were often of a vigorously controversial character.®^ Funds, however, were lacking to publish the Old Testament, though it was ready for the press. But later, in 1582, the New Testament was issued at Rheims. The preface not only avowed the motives of the translators, but criticised rather severely the Protestant versions, and laid down sound principles for ascertaining what is the real Greek text.®^ Seven years later it was reprinted parallel with the Bishops' text by Fulke, a Protestant, who replied to the attack in numerous critical notes."* In 1598 appeared the final form of the Vulgate, of which Allen was joint editor, authorized by Pope Clement, and ordered as the standard for all trans lations. In 1600, consequently, the Catholics re issued at Antwerp the English version of the New 20 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED Testament.®* As far as the translation is concerned, however, it is little more than a reprint of the issue of 1582, though the notes were augmented and re arranged.®® After the Old Testament was revised by the standard Vulgate it was published in 1609 and 1610 by the Seminary at Douay, whither the in stitution had returned. It appeared in two volumes, with fewer and milder notes, but with some longer " Recapitulations " inserted at intervals.®® The sec ond volume contains III and IV Esdras ; but, as the issue was only that of the Old Testament, it was im possible to place these apocryphal books in the same position as they occupy in the Vulgate — at the end of the whole Bible. In 1618 was published a " Confutation of the Rhemists' Translation," on which Cartwright had labored for twenty years, but it is not certain that it had much effect on subsequent revisions. The third edition, printed at Antwerp, agrees closely with the second, but is noteworthy as being the first to be issued in pocket size, showing that a demand for the book was arising among the Catholic public. When Laud was repressing the Puritans and tol erating the Catholics a fourth edition was put out at Rouen, and Avas followed soon by a reprint of the Old Testament uniform with it. Protestants also absorbed new critical editions of the New Testament by Fulke, parallel, as was his first edition, with the Bishops' Version. With this, however, publication ceased, no more copies being placed on the market by either party. Even when James II favored Catho- FIRST PRIZE ESSAY 21 lies, nothing is heard of any proposal to circulate the Catholic version. It is indeed said that in 1698- 1699 the New Testament was reprinted at Dublin, but the edition was apparently suppressed for inac curacy. And as regards a Belfast edition of 1704, it is not clear what version is meant.®' The strength of Catholicism, however, was in Ire land, with its center in Dublin. A priest named Nary felt that the old version was hardly intelligible, and, therefore, made a new translation from the Vul gate, which was duly approved and published by 1719. The penal laws being in force, however, there was not much demand for the book, and it fell flat. Yet its appearance and authorization em phasize the fact that no one version had a monopoly among Catholics.®* The Douay Seminary, however, was roused to emulation, and the president, Robert Witham, pre pared a totally new version, which he published in 1730. There were thus now three Catholic versions authorized, two issuing from the same institution.®® In this same year another Douay scholar, Richard Challoner, was sent to London, and soon made him self a name in literature: his Garden of the Soul is a classic. In his use of the Bible he neglected his president's version, which he himself had indorsed, and reverted to the original Rheims New Testament, soon putting forth a fifth edition, slightly modern ized.^®** When, however, he was consecrated bishop and advanced to authority, he undertook a more elaborate work. Calling in other scholars, he pub- 22 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED lished in 1749 another Ncav Testament, " newly re vised and corrected according to the Clementine Edi tion of the Scriptures." In 1750 he published the whole Bible, and continued revising and publishing until 1777. His work was epoch-making. Newman says that in the Old Testament his labors " issue in little short of a ncAv translation, nearer to the Protes tant than it is to the Douay." And the same high authority declared that " at this day the Douay Old Testament no longer exists as a Received Version of the Authentic Vulgate." Though NcAvman does not say so, Challoner dropped from the Douay the extra books, and adopted the list decreed by the Council of Trent. ^®^ As to the New Testament, the third edition differs from the first in more than two thou sand places, though the title-page gives no notice of the fact.i®2 At that time Ireland was a separate kingdom, and enjoyed a regular Catholic hierarchy. When Chal loner died, in 1781, a Dublin priest took up the work and published a Testament, " the fourth edition, re vised and corrected anew" with the approbation of his archbishop. It introduced more than five hun dred changes into the text.^®* Troy, Archbishop of Dublin, then took charge more directly, and in 1791 put out an elaborate impression with the same editor. It links itself to the Dublin Testaments of Challoner and MacMahon by styling itself the Fifth Edition.*®* To this work was prefixed the transla tion of a letter from Pius VI in 1778 to Martini, Archbishop of Florence, commending his diligence in FIRST PRIZE ESSAY 23 making an Italian version.*®® The letter is often reprinted in modern Irish editions, and is a valuable commentary on the fact that subsequent Popes have suppressed the circulation of Martini's version.*®® Scotland appeared next on the scene. A learned priest had long been contemplating a new version from the originals on critical principles. Two vol umes were published in 1792 and 1797, and were promptly condemned by the vicars-apostolic on the express, ostensible, and legitimate ground that they were not examined and approved by due authority.*®'' An authorized edition was immediately issued at Edinburgh, but the copies were mostly sold in Eng land and Ireland.*®* In 1788 the primitive Rheims text was repub lished at Liverpool with the original preface and notes.*®® It may well be imagined that its quaint diction provoked challenge, and four years later a new revision appeared, when the words " an cients," " chalice," " pasche," " penance " gave way to " elders," " cup," " passover," " repentance." Four hundred such changes appeared to the end of Acts alone; while the notes were greatly altered, some being dropped and new ones written.**® Thus by 1800 there were circulating in the British Isles at least seven types of text in the New Testament : these two, two with Troy's approval, and three of Chal- loner's revisions. In America, as soon as independence was declared, a Scotchman at Philadelphia printed a Protestant Testament, and as soon as peace was certain, several 24 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED printers began issuing Bibles.*** One of these, Mat thew Carey, saw the opportunity of catering to his numerous Irish kinsmen ; so he obtained the patron age of the Archbishop of Baltimore, and in 1790 the second complete Catholic Bible in English was is sued, a reprint of Challoner's 1750 edition, by the firm of Carey, StcAvart & Co., at Philadelphia.**^ Next year appeared Troy's Irish text, which was republished by Carey in 1805 with the advertise ment, " First American, from the fifth Dublin, edi tion." *** The north of England has always been a Catholic stronghold, and at Newcastle appeared a careless reprint of the 1792 Testament.**® Gibson sanc tioned a folio Bible at Liverpool, " revised and cor rected " by two local clergy for a second edition, so as to coincide with Challoner's last edition of the New Testament, and reprinted apparently in London with the sanction of the vicar-apostolic.*** Manches ter issued two rival editions : one contained an early text of Challoner's, with his Old Testament notes, the New Testament notes being taken from the in dependent version of Witham. This edition, by a series of accidents, lost its proper authorization.**® The other edition has a text which Newman describes as partly Challoner's, partly Troy's, partly original, despite its claim to have followed Challoner. It came into notice through its new set of elaborate notes written by a priest named Haydock, by whose name the edition is knoAvn. It has been reprinted at Dublin, Edinburgh, London, and New York with FIRST PRIZE ESSAY 25 abundant approbations, but with numerous varia tions of text and abridgment of notes.**® It is not surprising that the inconvenience of so many varying types of text should be felt. Troy himself grew more conservative and in later edi tions reverted somewhat toward MacMahon's text of 1783.**'' Attempts were made to bridge the gulf be tween Catholics and Protestants. In Ireland a schoolbook was printed with the consent of both Dub lin archbishops, giving extracts from the Bible in both versions on opposite pages ; but differences arose and the book dropped out of use.*** In England a Roman Catholic Bible Society was formed by Bishop Poynter and. others, which printed four large edi tions of the 1749 text, with Challoner's notes toned down ; but the movement was opposed by other Cath olics and died out, the stereotype plates passing for a while into the hands of a Protestant printer.**® Perhaps it was as a loyal Catholic offset to this tendency that an Irish edition appeared with a text and notes based in the Old Testament on Challoner's edition, but with the New Testament following the Liverpool folio of 1788, namely, the original Rhem- ish edition.*^® This time it caught Protestant atten tion, and a storm sprang up; the printer retired to another diocese and reissued the entire Bible with even more irritating adjuncts.*^* At length Troy withdrew his approbation, and went so far as to sanction a large edition of a New Testament abso lutely free from all notes. He certified that the text conformed to that of former approved editions. 26 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED especially his OAvn of 1791, but it seems to be the only accurate reprint of Challoner's second edi tion.* 22 The fact is that attention was then centered on the notes, and it is important that for once an archbishop licensed an edition containing none, de spite the rules of the Council of Trent. Subse quently, the same printer issued a tract containing the usual notes — not those of 1582 — which was freely given away, and was of a size that could be bound up with the New Testament. Many copies Avere sold in London, and some booksellers pasted in a new rescript of Pius VII to the English vicars- apostolic, commending the reading of the Bible, bind ing in the tract, and altering the title to state that it was " with Annotations." *2* Under Archbishop Murray, of Dublin, a new era set in. He approved a fresh revision, which approxi mated Challoner's early editions. Stereotype plates were cast which have been extensively used, and the text chosen has greatly influenced later editions. For instance, Newman shows that it has won the approval of the authorities in England and at Glasgow, Newry, Belfast, and Philadelphia.*2* Yet, to oblige the com missioners of Irish education, he joined with his fel low Catholic archbishops in approving the use of the English Roman Catholic Bible Society's plates for at least five editions.*2® Cardinal Wiseman well summed up the position when he said that of the current editions, nominally of the Rheims New Testament, " many may appear rather new versions than revisions of the old." *-® FIRST PRIZE ESSAY 27 Adding to the variety of the English texts, he ap proved an edition based largely on Troy's later edi tion, but with a few original renderings.* 2^ But a more important work was now under way. In 1836 Lingard had published, not a revision, but a new version of the Gospels, with notes critical rather than doctrinal or practical.* 2* In England it made no popular headway, and simply illustrates afresh that there is no one English version authorized to the exclusion of others, provided all are made from the Vulgate. But in America it was taken as the basis of a new revision of the Rheims edition by Francis Patrick Kenrick, then Bishop of Philadel phia, who completed the New Testament in 1851. He was encouraged to revise the Old Testament, and the manuscript was unanimously approved by the Ninth Provincial Council of Baltimore in 1858, which desired that a version for common use should be prepared on its basis. Archbishop Kenrick com pleted the publication of the Old Testament and the revision and republication of the New Testament in 1862, with a preface reciting these facts, and numer ous original notes, critical and explanatory.* 2® Yet no further edition has been called for, and it is too early to say whether Spencer's new version from the Greek, with reference to the Vulgate and Syriac, will meet any better fate.**® In view of these facts, it is plain that Catholics have been far ahead of Protestants in constant au thorized revision. England, Ireland, Scotland, and America have rivaled one another at this work, till 28 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED the fittest has had every chance to survive. Newman said for England in 1859, " There is at present, as regards the Old Testament, one and only one re ceived text, or very nearly so," that being Challoner's of 1750. Gigot in 1901 agrees with this statement as far as America is concerned, and the Protestant Lupton in 1904 concurs in it without any geograph ical limitation.*** As regards the New Testament, the case is radi cally different. Newman found that the Irish copies mostly followed Challoner's early editions; the Eng lish followed his later editions, or Troy's revision; the American introduced fresh novelties.**2 Since then less has been said about revision, but no uni formity has been attained. Lupton indeed affirms that Challoner's text is the only one current, but a slight examination of editions taken at random shows that he was not quite at home in this detail of his subject. Gigot enumerates six types still current, one at Dublin, two at London, two at New York, be sides Husenbeth's edition of Haydock. Two remarks may fitly close this section. The Protestant Scrivener honorably vouches that " no case of willful perversion of Scripture has ever been brought home to the Rhemish translators." *** The Catholic Gigot acknowledges " that at the present day there is really no one received text of the Rheims New Testament among English-speaking Catholics." *** See Diagram 4. Ill The Protestant Version The American Standard Edition avows in one of its prefaces that the foundation of the New Testa ment version was laid by William Tyndale. He in his turn claimed originality for his work, saying in his Address to the Reader : " I had no man to coun- terfet, neither was holpe with englysshe of eny that had interpreted the same, or soche lyke thige i the scripture beforetyme." **® How great is the debt of the English-speaking world to him may be seen by transcripts of his original rendering of four passages, where out of 1109 words, 796 remain unchanged to day in the modern Catholic and Protestant edi tions.**® Tyndale did not at first mean to defy the authori ties, and when suspected by the ignorance and con servatism of the country clergy, he appealed for help in his undertaking to Tunstall, Bishop of London, a generous scholar. After a while, however, he under stood " Not only that there was no roAvme in my lorde of londons palace to translate the new testa ment, but also that there was no place to do it in all englonde . . ." **^ As a consequence he was com pelled to seek refuge abroad, and this almost forced him into the arms of the Protestants. His work was largely done at Wittenberg, the residence of Luther, at Worms, where the bold friar had defied Pope and 29 30 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED Emperor, and at Marburg, where he and Zwingli had conferred.*** Yet very little bias is to be seen in the text, Avhich he did not " improve " as Luther had done,**® but rendered most faithfully.**" Although Sir Thomas More professed to find a thousand errors in it, he specified only a fcAv, some of which have been adopted by modern Catholics.*** The great cause of offense was the glosses, or mar ginal notes. To add these had been the custom in Latin Bibles, and in the English Bible founded on them; but Tyndale set the example of a vigorous polemic against his adversaries. We may think to day that it would have been Aviser to let Scripture speak for itself, and not to point the moral on the same page ; for instance, that it was enough to trans late " Whatsoever ye bynde on erth, shal be bound in heven," without the comment, " Here all bind and loose." **2 Indeed, his second edition Avas freed from notes, and subsequent writings shoAv that he realized how seriously he had handicapped his work by such a device.*** This enterprise was quite independent of the King, who is well known to have been entitled by the Pope " Defender of the Faith " against the ncAV opinions of Luther, and who long turned a deaf ear to Tyn- dale's pleas for an authorized version.*** Any idea that this version was due to Henry's personal or political leanings is quite mistaken, as a comparison of dates would prove. As late as 1531 Henry de scribed Tyndale's works as " imagened and onely fayned to enfecte the peopull." **® FIRST PRIZE ESSAY 31 In a later preface the translator gave his reasons for undertaking the work : " I had perceived by ex perience how that it was impossible to establish the lay people in any truth, except the Scriptures were plainly laid before their eyes in their mother tongue, that they might see the process, order, and meaning of the text ; for else, whatsoever truth is taught them, these enemies of all truth quench it again." His New Testament was published in 1526, and at once met a wide sale in Scotland and England. He continued revising and translating till he had fin ished from Genesis to Chronicles, and Jonah.**® Tunstall kept on trying to buy and burn the copies, and, when he complained that the money simply helped Tyndale, was told that he should have bought and burned the type. This hint was improved upon ; the translator himself was bought by treachery, stran gled, and burned. Nor did Henry try to save him. But Henry had now broken with the Pope for political and personal reasons, and had chosen Thomas Cromwell as his minister. The Convoca tion of Canterbury petitioned for an authorized ver sion without marginal notes; and Cranmer divided among the higher clergy for revision an existing ver sion.**'' Meanwhile another translator, Myles Cover- dale, apparently encouraged by Cromwell, produced the first complete printed English Bible, translated chiefly from the Zurich German Bible of 1534, from Avhich he adopted the separation of the Apocrypha, though the New Testament is based more on Tyn dale.*** It Avas soon reprinted in England, and the 32 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED third edition Avas " set forth with the kynge's moost gracious licence." **® His work, however, was not from the originals, so that another edition was produced based on Tyn dale's, pieced out with a revision of Coverdale's for the end of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, furnished with elaborate prefaces, indices, and notes, and sold to two London merchants.*®® They issued it under the name of Thomas Matthew, getting the " Kinges most gracyous lycece." *®* The notes were of a character likely to annoy Henry, so Cromwell decided on a revision by some one he could control. Richard Taverner, a scholar of Wolsey's at Cardinal College, where he had helped circulate the early Testaments of Tyndale, had since translated several Lutheran books.* ®2 CroniAvell ap pointed him clerk to the signet, and set him to revise the Matthew Bible, in which he not only toned down the notes, but improved the English. He paid more attention to the Vulgate than his predecessors. His version came out under splendid auspices, being the first published by the king's printer. But in spite of the fact that his revision was reprinted two or three times, it fell into disuse under Mary, and was superseded by other versions, though he lived till 1567. Its influence can be traced in the Rheims New Testament more than in Protestant editions.*®* Convocation became anxious in 1536 to expedite the promised authorized version.*®* Coverdale was engaged as an experienced editor, but was not fur nished Avith a complete manuscript text. He took as FIRST PRIZE ESSAY 33 his basis, not Wyclif's nor his OAvn version, but Mat thew's, into which he introduced corrections made by eight or nine bishops.*®® In 1539 this Great Bible was published, and a revision next year appeared with a preface by Cranmer and the notice : " This is the Bible apoynted to the vse of the churches." *®® A copy of this first Authorized Version was ordered to be placed in every church for public reading.*®'' In the troublous years that followed, dissenters from the religion established for the time being found it Aviser to emigrate. For a century, conse quently, Geneva, Rheims, Antwerp, Douay, Rouen, and Amsterdam became great centers for English translations or printing. In the seven years of Ed ward's reign forty editions of Bibles and New Testa ments appeared. During -Mary's reign no edition was printed in England; only a Primer printed at Rouen with the Epistles and Gospels attached found episcopal favor.*®* In 1557 Whittingham broke new ground at Geneva with the first critical Testament ever issued. It was based on Tyndale's work, revised with the help of Beza's new Latin version and commentary, then furnished with the new verse divisions of Stephanus with summaries and notes, and was printed in Roman type and issued in a cheap and handy form.*®® On the appearance of Beza's Greek Testament he and two helpers began a revision, and then revised the Old Testament of the Great Bible, publishing the Psalms separately in 1559. Next year the whole Bible was published by the English con- 34 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED gregation at Geneva. It contained an epistle to " Qvene Elisabet," which resulted in her granting Bodley the English copyright for seven years.*®® It contained also an address " To ovr Beloved in the Lord the Brethren of England, Scotland, and Ire land," in consequence of which it became the Scotch Authorized Version — the Scottish King's printer being licensed to print it, the Church of Scotland ordering every parish to purchase a copy, and the Scots Parliament directing every substantial house holder to procure one.*®* The version also became the People's Bible and molded the words of Shake speare and Bunyan. It was revised and reprinted both in Great Britain and on the Continent, down to 1776 in as many as one hundred and sixty edi tions.* ®2 But while the- Great Bible was devoid of notes, and was so far neutral that all parties might possibly unite in using it, the Genevan Bible revived the precedent of Tyndale in giving numerous notes. Of these some displeased Catholics, others Arminians, and others bishops or sovereigns who believed in divine right. Elizabeth tried at first to conciliate all parties, and AA-hile she publicly accepted a manuscript copy of Wyclif's Gospels,*®* almost her only action in this popularizing of the Scriptures was to repeat her fa ther's order to place a large Bible in each church.*®* For this purpose a revision of the authorized Great Bible was made, resulting in the Bishops' Bible, which Avas published during 1568 in a large and expensive form. But the Queen did not heed a re- FIRST PRIZE ESSAY 35 peated request for an authorization of the publica tion, and after revision and a futile attempt to stop the issue of all other versions it was only " Set foorth by aucthoritie " of the Southern Convocation.*®® It quite failed to win popular approval, and though the clergy might use it in church, Puritans soon had their Genevan New Testament revised by Tomson and issued by the Queen's printer, while Catholics prompt ly followed it with the Rheims Ncav Testament. Editions of the Genevan Bible poured forth, and Puritans began demanding copies without the Apoc rypha.*®® As a consequence by 1600 there came to be great diversity of versions and editions. Presently a concordat was arrived at in Great Britain between Protestants. James VI of Scotland was annoyed at the notes in the Scotch Authorized Version, and when, at the Hampton Court Confer ence of 1604, he found that the English Puritans equally disliked the Bishops' Bible, he promptly ac ceded to their wish for a new version.*®'' Among the conditions laid doAvn, as recorded by Bancroft, it was ordered that it should be made chiefiy by university scholars, should follow Henry's order of 1543 and have no marginal notes, should be approved by the bishops, the privy council, and the King, and should then be authorized for church use.*®* Fifty-four scholars were appointed by the King, and forty-seven revised the Bishops' Bible for four or five years, being directed to consult Tyndale, Matthew, Cover- dale, the Great Bible, and the Genevan.*®® As a matter of fact, they were most deeply influenced by 36 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED the Genevan, and by the Rheims New Testament, Avhich stood side by side with the Bishops' text in Fulke's critical edition.*^® The Douay Old Testa ment did not have this gratuitous advertisement, and appeared rather too late to influence their work. Their revision Avas published in 1611, two printers putting on the market nearly twenty thousand copies at once.*'* It instantly encountered severe criticism, in consequence of which it was revised in 1629.*'2 The final authorized edition did not appear till 1638, shortly after a reprint of the Douay Old Testa ment.*''* During the civil wars and the Common wealth fresh experiments were tried, and it is said that seven hundred thousand Bibles were imported from Amsterdam without the Apocrypha.*'* But though a new version was undertaken by Henry Jessey, it was not published, a committee of Parlia ment reporting that the Royal Version was " the best of any in the world." *''® Attention was turned next to the original Hebrew and Greek, as the Douay divines had professed them selves ready to follow " the true and vncorrupted Greeke text." Walton in 1657 published a fine crit ical edition of the originals, many early versions, and quotations from early writers. The work went on chiefiy in England and Germany, though with help from the French Catholic Richard Simon. In 1831 Lachmann broke with the tradition of twelve centuries, and printed a new Greek Testament founded entirely on early evidence. To a second edi tion he added a critical edition of the Vulgate from FIRST PRIZE ESSAY 37 good early manuscripts. Other scholars soon bettered his example, and it is now possible to buy a result ant Greek Testament, showing how few are the points still in doubt among scholars, and how unimportant they are.*''® In Hebrew the work has been slower and less com plete. The Jews had long ago been more thorough than the Council of Trent, had established a standard text and destroyed all others,*'''' except that the Sa maritans retained an early edition of the Pentateuch, and the Egyptian Jews also read an earlier edition of which a few fragments have recently been un earthed.*''* To get behind the " Massoretic Text" the best aids are the Greek versions edited by Ori gin, and the Latin version made by Jerome — ^not the standard Clementine Vulgate. But scholars are by no means agreed on the exact text of what was writ ten by the authors of the Old Testament.*''® Meantime the public was being prepared for another revision by a different chain of circum stances.**® The impulse came partly from a demand for Bibles by Germans and others, but chiefly from the success of foreign missions and the making of many fresh versions for the East.*** With Bible so cieties in Great Britain and America, with translators like Carey and Judson, Protestants had to answer the old questions. Shall we use the Apocrypha ? Shall we have a standard edition at home? If so, shall it be old, or a new revision ? Must this standard be taken as a pattern for other versions, or may trans lators go direct to the originals? 38 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED After years of popular debate, the British society refused to circulate the Apocrypha, and practically adopted the canon advised by Jerome.* *2 The Amer ican society declared in 1836 that it would encour age " only such versions as conform in the principle of their translation to the common English ver sion." *** In opposition to this decision, a new society was founded " to procure and circulate the most faithful versions of the sacred Scriptures in all languages throughout the world." *** Similar move ments took place in Great Britain, but the more impor tant actions were taken in America. The old society set to work to edit carefully the text of the Royal Version and produce a standard text, but after a few years found it so unpopular that it was dropped.**® The new society enlisted sixteen American and eight British scholars of five different churches to revise the English Bible, and first published portions, then in 1865 a complete New Testament.**® Private scholars were encouraged to print numer ous editions, revisions, and versions, but in Great Britain Parliament and the Convocation hung back till the appearance of the American Testament com pelled action. In 1870 the Convocation of Canter bury appointed Committees which were joined by members of the Free Churches, and with which new American Committees interchanged suggestions, so as to make the new revision both international and interconfessional.**^ The revised New Testament appeared in 1881, the Old in 1885, when the British Committee practically ceased work.*** At the re- FIRST PRIZE ESSAY 39 quest of the University Presses, which had bought the copyright, small and dwindling Committees did, however, revise the Apocrypha by 1894, for these books still received a qualified recognition by Epis copalians, as they do to-day ; and marginal references were added by 1898.**® Despite repeated inquiry it became clear that the precedent of 1611-29-38 would not be followed in Great Britain, consequently the American Companies continued their work, and in 1901 issued the second revision of the New Testa ment, and in the same year the whole Bible without Apocrypha, but Avith much-improved editing.*®® IV Comparison of the Versions Understanding now the origin and history of the versions, it is possible to compare them. Several points deserve attention : Contents ; resources, com petence, and honesty of the translators; accuracy and literary merit of the modem editions ; accessories of the text. As a result of these tests it will be fur ther possible to estimate the worth of the versions, and to consider the claims put forth on their behalf. Contents. — Catholic Bibles, whether Latin or English, intermingle with the books of the Old Testa ment used by our Lord seven others, and have en larged editions of two more.*®* All these are asserted on the highest Catholic authority to be as valuable 40 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED as the rest, equally inspired by the same Spirit.*®^ NoAv the grandson of the author of Ecclesiasticus, one of the best of these added books, drew a sharp line between it and the Scriptures in the prologue to the Greek version that he made of it; II Macca bees professes to be only a summary of another man's Avork (II: 24^33), AA-hile the additions to Daniel and the book of Judith are evidently fictions by au thors ignorant of history.*®* Further, the Council of Trent ruled out certain other books, read then by many as equally valuable with these. We have noted that some of the Popes did not agree with one another or with themselves as to the Apocrypha.*®* It is evident that our Lord used no more than our thirty-nine books of the Old Testament.*®® His references in Luke XXIV: 44 and XI: 51 even suggest to scholars that He knew them exactly in the form in which they are still cur rent among the Jews.*®® It was of them alone that He said, " They give testimony of Me." With them, therefore, we may well be content ; " for the testi mony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy." Resources of the Translators. — Jerome had a few advantages in the materials at his command.*®' His Hebrew manuscripts were at least five hundred years older than any we possess. He had one written by Origen before 250 a.d., and he was at least aware of others in the custody of the Samaritans, close at hand. He knew Origen's splendid collection of Greek versions, which has come doAvn to us only in fragments. He had the Old Latin versions in manu- FIRST PRIZE ESSAY 41 scripts, probably older than any Avhich we still pos sess. At the same time his Greek copies of the New Testament do not seem to have been remarkable. The Vatican editors had also in the Old Testament the accumulated lore of generations of Jews who had studied the text microscopically, besides possessing written Aramaic versions. In the New Testament they had available one of the best manuscripts of the Greek, they used the best manuscript of the Latin, and they kncAV of the standard Syriac version. The Douay scholars were no better off. The Anglo-American Revisers were worse off than Jerome for old JcAvish manuscripts, but had critical texts based on many more, gathered from all parts and parties ; besides several more ancient versions, such as Syriac, Samaritan, Egyptian, Gothic, Ar menian, etc. For the New Testament they had fine critical texts founded on a wealth of material care fully considered. On the whole, the differences in the matter of the sources available in 390, 1590, and 1890 are not very serious. See Diagram 2. Competence of the Translators. — Jerome was perhaps the best Western scholar for fifteen hundred years; but he acknowledged his deficiencies in He brew, and ahvays threw the responsibility for his Old Testament work on his teachers.*®* Nor were the Vatican editors much stronger on this side; though Martin of Douay was in the front rank, and Chal loner Avas a good scholar. On the other side. Cover- dale, although he disclaimed all Hebrew scholarship. 42 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED was yet most painstaking in his work ; while even in 1526 Tyndale Avas reported to be a master of He brew, Greek, Latin, Italian, Spanish, English, and French.*®® And since their days the work of the Bishops', the Authorized, the English, and the Amer ican editions has brought into the field scores of able men, including the best Hebraists and critics of the English-speaking world. So too with the New Testa ment. Indeed, it may be said that each Catholic version is due mainly to a single man, such as Jerome, Martin, Challoner, Kenrick, slightly checked by others; while the Protestant versions are due mainly to committees, among whom none stand out conspicuously. Since the Reformation the advan tage has not been with the Catholics. Honesty of the Translators. — Jerome was an earnest Christian, but at the same time a polemical theologian, with strong opinions as to the interpreta tion of prophetic passages ; and he allowed his polem ics and his prejudices to warp his translation in a way that Catholics frankly admit.2®® Martin and Challoner are honorably acquitted of adding to these perversions of Scripture;*** but they accurately re peat them, as the Rules of Pope Pius seem to require. Tyndale was vehemently attacked for the charac ter of his work ; but, setting aside his notes, his text does not seem wilfully mistranslated. The chief objections taken were that he rendered ecclesia as " congregation," rather than " church," and other wise broke with tradition; but these renderings are defensible. Modern Catholics do not appear to FIRST PRIZE ESSAY 43 charge him with deliberate perversion. At a later stage, Protestants of the seventeenth century did say that " dogmatic interests were in some instances al lowed to bias the translation" of King James.2®* And modern scholars both Catholic and Protestant advert to " dogmatic erroneous renderings " in that version, though they do not accuse the revisers then of intentional dishonesty. Of five instances adduced by Kenrick, all have now been revised, and probably only two would now be challenged by Catholics; while Protestants would retort that in these cases the objection would be due to Catholic misapprehen sion. 2®2 Accueact of the Modern Editions. — Several errors exist in the modern Catholic versions, trace able to blunders of Jerome.2®* On the other hand, the 1901 Protestant version is inferior to the Cath olic in a few places ; though in the judgment of the writer these are very few. 2®* The history of the versions will explain many of these variations. Jerome went over some of his work again and again, especially the Psalms, but his final revision was rejected. Not only was the work of 1611 brought to the anvil again and again, it under went two further revisions after public criticism be fore it took shape in 1638. Similarly the Revisers of 1881-85 went over their work repeatedly, and after public criticism it was reconsidered before the American edition of 1901. The Vatican editors did improve on Jerome, but not to this extent. Sixtus was aware of the impor- 44 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED tance of consulting the earliest copies of the Vul gate ; furthermore, he had paved the way for his work by his fine edition of the Greek version and by his careful compilation of quotations by the early Fa thers. But he did not wait to insure that these quo tations were as the early Fathers had made them, and not distorted by subsequent scribes; while he overlooked the fact that at best they could only re produce the earliest form of Jerome's version, includ ing all its mistakes. In appealing direct to the He brew and Greek, Clement avoided this element of error.2®® The Revisers of 1881, after the principles of using early manuscripts and versions and quotations had been well studied and practiced, combined both meth ods. The Revisers of 1885 in England did the same, but attached greatest weight to the Hebrew or Aramaic. In the final revision of 1901, all impor tant variations of the early versions are recorded in the margin. There are thus in the two Bibles numerous varia tions, which rest upon differences in the early au thorities. In several of these cases the Protestant margin still registers the difference ; though the read ing now followed in the text coincides with that always followed by the Douay translators. 2®® In a few cases the Protestant version has silently adopted the reading always preferred at Douay ; 207 j^ others, the Protestant margin acknowledges that the read ing of the Catholic version is worth considering; 2®* in still other passages, scholars do not agree as to FIRST PRIZE ESSAY 45 what is certainly the true original, and there are even remarkable readings unnoticed by either ver sion. 2®® But there are several passages in which Protestant scholars are agreed that the text of the Clementine Vulgate does not represent the original Greek, and that, therefore, the Douay Bible must be wrong, while the 1901 version is certainly right.2*® Tavo of these may be set forth for special reasons: Matthew XXVII: 35 not only records that the soldiers divided the garments at the cross, casting lots, but comments : " That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet, saying, ' They divided my garments among them; and upon my vesture they cast lots.' " Now, this very comment is certainly made by John, at XIX: 24; but it is beyond doubt that it was not made by Matthew, and that it was only imported here by a blunder. This is a case where Pope Sixtus cut out the intrusive words, and Pope Clement restored them in the teeth of evidence.2** I John V: 7, 8 in modern Catholic versions dif fers from the American Revised Version not only in the division of verses, but by the presence of the following bracketed words : " And there are three who give testimony [in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost. And these three are one; and there are three that give testimony on earth] : the spirit, and the water, and the blood, and these three are one." No words corresponding ex actly to the bracketed passage are to be found in a single one of the two hundred and fifty Greek manu- 46 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED scripts that contain the adjoining verses. Any Avords at all like them are found only in four Greek manu scripts, all written after the year 1400, with suspi cions of forgery in each case. 2*2 They are never quoted by any Greek writer till 1215, CA'en when discussing the doctrine of the Trinity, and adducing texts to prove it. They were unknown to the Chris tians of Russia, Georgia, and Armenia ; of Persia, Arabia, and Syria ; of Abyssinia and Egypt : for the numerous versions of these countries omitted them. They are not even found in any Latin manuscript earlier than the seventh century, nor in any used by Alcuin in 800. While the great mass of Latin manu scripts contain them, they appear at first after verse 8, and often as inserted by a later writer. The first express quotation is by the Bishop of Carthage in 484, in a confession draAvn up for a king leaning to Unitarianism. After that time the words can be traced spreading from that district over the Latin- speaking world, and changing into the form and position they now assume in the Catholic version. Earlier allusions, even in that neighborhood, only imply a knowledge of verse 8 and an application of it to the doctrine of the Trinity ; while as late as Jerome, Augustine, and Pope Leo the words them selves were unknown in the Latin text. Seventy years ago Cardinal Wiseman discussed the passage, but did not say he believed it genuine; and in 1862 Archbishop Kenrick loyally said, " Being read in the Vulgate, which in all its parts Avas sanctioned by the Council of Trent, Catholics generally maintain it," FIRST PRIZE ESSAY 47 without expressing any personal opinion. Ordinary Catholic editions insert the passage without a shred of warning that it was not written by the Apostle. Literary Merits of the Modern Editions. — The current Catholic versions retain a scholarly uni formity in rendering, to which the 1901 edition has not yet attained.2** They are, however, tamer in their syntax than the parent version of 1582, a fault charged against the American revision also. 2** They have also profited largely by the sharp criticism of the Latinized English of Martin, and have bor rowed most extensively from the Protestant ver sions.''''' **® A good illustration may be seen by minutely comparing a long and varied passage. Luke I contains eighty verses, of preface, narrative, and canticles. From the version of King James, a modern Catholic edition has borrowed ninety-four words and several changes of order; in return the Protestant edition of 1901 has adopted six words from Martin and five from Challoner. Evidently the literary merit of even Challoner is not esteemed highly by Protestants. For the rest, the Catholic has one felicitous phrase against a clumsy Protestant one, but is open to question seven times in the oppo site direction. 21® Accessories of the Text. — Catholic authorities attach great importance to supplying notes. The Rheims New Testament was annotated by Allen and Bristow, with comments as strong on the Catholic side as Tyndale's or Whittingham's had been on the Protestant. They caused the utmost irritation in 48 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED England, both then and when reprinted in 1816. The notes on the Old Testament Avere milder and fewer, and Avere due to Worthington.^*® Kings Henry and James saw that any such notes seriously hindered general use, and forbade any in the Authorized Ver sions, and the modern revisions have followed these precedents on the Protestant side.2*'' Modern Catho lic editions, however, still print some notes dealing with debated theological points.2** Other notes refer to a doubt as to what is the true text. Thus at Genesis III: 15 an Irish Catholic edi tion acknowledges that some Latin Fathers read ipsa, " She shall crush," others ipsum, meaning " The Seed shall crush." 21^ On the other hand, the American Revisers of 1901 admit that at Genesis VI: 3 the present Hebrew text, " strive with man," differs from the ancient Greek, Latin, and Syriac versions, which give the opposite meaning, " abide in man." Where any serious doubt exists, it is only honest to warn the reader, and both parties do this, though with more reserve by the Catholics. Yet, as in these in stances, both often follow their tradition against the weight of evidence. Catholic Bibles have continued the ancient prac tice of furnishing headnotes to the various books, explaining their origin; and to the chapters, sum marizing them. In the 1901 revision only the chap ters and pages receive similar headings. The Eng lish editions lack even these, in reaction from the headings of 1611, which are not always bare sum maries, but often interpretations also. (See " Can- FIRST PRIZE ESSAY 49 tides of Canticles " in the editions of 1610, 1611, 1885, 190L) Modern Catholic editions supply a system of dat ing. Into Protestant versions another system was introduced in 1701 from the researches of Ussher, Protestant Archbishop of Armagh. The advance of knowledge lays both systems open to question, and the omission of any dates from the 1901 edition re moves a dubious element. Catholic Bibles continue a good custom of the Middle Ages in giving a few marginal references to illustrative texts in other parts of the Bible. The version of 1611 also had a few, but John Canne, a Baptist of the seventeenth century, drcAv up a very large body, which gave a great impulse to the fash- ion.22® The 1901 edition is well supplied with these admirable helps to study, on a far larger scale than in most Catholic editions. But it must be borne in mind that the variation betAveen Catholic editions is very marked in all accessories to the text. Catholic Bibles led the way in indicating quota tions from the Old Testament in the New, an exam ple followed in 1881 and 1901. But all editors ignore the usual device of inverted commas, and all use italics in a way that is unknoAvn outside the Bible. It is unfortunate that the typographical tra ditions present all Bibles in a style strange to an average reader. Catholic Bibles contain with continuous paging an historical index and a table of references on doctrinal points, approved by church authority. The Prot- 50 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED estant edition of 1901 appends Avith fresh paging a geographical index and atlas, claiming no author ity from the Revisers. Probably many people never think of these fine distinctions, and vaguely attrib ute to all the matter added by editors and publish ers an authority almost equal to that of the text. Claims on Behalf of the Catholic Versions. — To summarize the foregoing inquiry, with special reference to a widely circulated statement as to the usage of the Catholic Church and her versions : The Catholic Church has for centuries prohibited her members, as a rule, from reading the Scriptures in their OAvn tongue, and until lately special permis sion was needed for each person.22* The versions she does promulgate in countries mainly Catholic have often been too expensive for wide circulation, though of late a splendid reform has taken place in Italy by Pope Leo XIII.222 " The Authentic Version of God's Words as Au thorized by the Church of Rome " is in Latin,*®' *®® long obsolete as a spoken language, except in an ob scure corner of the Balkans.223 This version did not exist in the time of Christ, and no portion of it is known to have been current then, except the inscription on the cross. It had un dergone repeated change till 1592. All the Catholic English versions are based, not on the originals, but on this Latin version with all its initial defects, and with all the further defects of an edition printed more than a thousand years after its execution. FIRST PRIZE ESSAY 51 The chief Catholic English Version borrowed free ly from the Protestant versions at its first transla tion.''''' **® It has undergone repeated revision, and has been assimilated more and more to the Protestant.''''' **® The Protestant version was got up for the obvious reason that the Catholics were not circulating any in England; although other nations had used them for years.^®' *®' *2 As to interpretation of the Scriptures, a Catholic version contains the following excellent text : " There shall be safety where there are many counselors." And on Hebrews VIII: 2 it gives the authorized comment : " So great shall be the light and grace of the new testament, that it shall not be necessary to inculcate to the faithful the belief and knowledge of the true God, for they shall all know him." The Catholic and Protestant versions concur in most points of importance. If they took their origin in suspicions of opposing parties, and the notes showed this strongly, the text and translation were dealt with honestly. Each has been repeatedly re vised, and the modern editions are much nearer each other than those of the sixteenth century ; but Catho lic revisers may not avail themselves of their own scholarship to go behind the standard text of the Latin Vulgate of 1592 or 1861. Both editions are freely annotated, but the Catholic reader is generally given a little further guidance in faith and morals, while the Protestant reader is rather warned Avhen the rendering or text is open to question. Either 52 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED edition, however, is amply sufficient to fulfill the desire of one of the latest and greatest New Testa ment Avriters, who said of his longest work : " These are written that you may believe that JESUS is the CHRIST the Son of God; and that believing ye may have life in his name." LAUS DEO Diagram i SOURCES OF THE VULGATE To illustrate its miscellaneous composition Ecclesiasticus Judith Wisdom 1 Maccabees Psalms Tobit 2 Maccabees New Part of Baruch Most of the Old Testament Additions Testament HEBREW HEBREW \ HEBREW & ARAMAIC ARAMAIC GREEK GREEK I Edition by Alcuin standardized the order, and partly the text | I Edition by Sixtus, based on early copies, checked by early quotations I Edition by Clement, based on early copies, checked by originals | Diagram 2 EARLY EDITIONS AND VERSIONS OF THE LAW to illustrate the material available in print in 1582 for the Douay and Vulgate : ADDITIONAL IN 1750 FOR CHALLONER: ADDITIONAL IN igoo FOR THE REVISERS HEBREW SYRIAC Hebrew in care of Jews Hebrew in care of Samaritans1645,7790 SAM1645, 1 54$ jssr 1482 and oftenl Aramaic of Onkelos 1484 AN Aramaic f (JerusalemTargum) IJ91 (Arabicversion stillin MS) 1000 ARABIC ol Abu Sa'id 1851-4 in care of Christians Greek of Aquila Greek of Symmachus I reek edition by Origen emnants in notes 1887 EST EDITION 1S7S Greek Septuagint 1587 BOHAIRI1731,7*67 Latin of ARMEN Jerome itbb^lSSQ 1455, 1592, etc. T Syriac by Paul of Telia, 1573 Part of Deut, ( Ashburnham Amiatine and S. Gall MSS) (Arabic stillin MS) Greek by He 519 Greek ^Luci ET 1853 Petersburg 1698 ENGLISH by ^Ifric VIS dot ionion Old Latin 588, 1743 edition sychius edition an, 1514 by CODEX LUGDUN. ENSIS lill lavonic 1 581 I GEORGIAN •745 Diagram 3 SOURCES OF THE RHEIMS TESTAMENT The Catholic English Version of the Sixteenth Century GREEK AND LATIN TESTAMENTS Catholic and Protestant Publications ORIGINAL GREEK ERASMUS 1516 STUNICA <5lo ERASMUS 1522 Wyclif 1380 Purvey 138S Zwingli IS24 I JEROME 38J CASTELLANUS 1504 ERASMUS 1516 STUNICA 1520 Luther rjZ2 Ziwmgti 1524 I I Tyndale 7-J2J-_._ — — .J.I PAGNINUS 1528 I STEPHANUS I528 Tyndale IS3S I ^^^Cot/erio/e 1535 Coverdale IS3S Engliih-LATIN Rogers {Matthew) IS37 Coverdale 2330-41 Taverner TS3g (Great) STEPHANUS 1550 farler (tishofs')~lSbS-y2 MONTANUS 1569-71 I. TuUe IsSq/T Martin, Rheims. i, 1582 Y' Fulke iboT Fulie iblj h lb- fulke 1633 Antwerp l6c». Antwerp 1621 I Rouen 1633 Douay ( 1738 I Liverpool 1788 Dublin I8l6-l8 STEPHANUS IS38-40 HENTEN I$47 ,HENTEN REVISED IS7J SECOND REVISION Ij8j By Lucas of Bruges ALLEN I59» New Tori 1S34 Bagitir 1S4I Diagram 4 DIVERGENCE OF THE CURRENT CATHOLIC EDITIONS as set forth by Newman and Gigot New Testament only Douay reprint 1 738 Challon Cambridge rniishn 16^8 final form of Royal Prolestatit f^eriion comtanlly attracting Cambridge edition Jj6a Oxford edition Ij6g MacMahqn 1783 Muiray 1815 Dolman, London Richardson, London Duiiy, Dublin Dunigan, New York Gigot does not pve ftcts for tracing the connection of Sadlier's Bible of New York, nor specify the publishers of Husenbeth. Newman says only of this last that it is British. Kenrick's Testament has apparently not been reprinted since 1 861, to is not indicated. Diagram 5 SOURCES OF THE AMERICAN PROTESTANT VERSION OF THE NEW TESTAMENT, 1900 Important Greek and Latin Testaments in margin Catholic and Protestant publications ORIGINAL greek Erasmus iJt6 Siumca IJ20 Erasmus 1^22 Stephanus I^SO Stephanus IJS^ Beza Ij6j Tyndale /J2J Tyndale 1335 Rogers (^Matthew) //J/ Coverdale (Great) IJJ8-41 Parker {Bishops') 1^68-72 Beza issb Whittingham IJJJ Whittingham {^Genevan) j^bo Bensa Jj6j Martin IjSs Be-aa i^gS \ Fulke's edition of both 2601 King "James Revision loiI {^Arrival of Alexandrian MS i62_$) 11 Kjng Charles Revision l62g Tomson IJ^^ / Elzevir 163J Lachmann 1842-^0 Tiscbendorf iS^S-Sg Final Revision 1638 1 Tregetles J8J7-72 (Sinaitic MS printed 1862) Tischendorf 1864-72 {Alexandrian MS autotyped l86j) WestcotI & Hon used by revisers Westcott (3 Hon published 188 1 Anglo-American Revision 1881 Vatican MS Photographic edition i88g || American Revision igoi American Bible Union Revision 1854-bS THE HISTORY OF THE CATHOLIC ENGLISH AND THE AMERICAN RE VISED VERSIONS OF THE BIBLE SECOND PRIZE ESSAY By GERALD HAMILTON BEARD, Ph.D. THE HISTORY OF THE CATHOLIC ENGLISH AND THE AMERICAN RE- VISED VERSIONS OF THE BIBLE CHAPTER I Introduction. The Origin of the Bible Ottb Bihle is a collection of little books, as its name from the Latin form of a Greek word, Biblia, or ' little books,' implies. In order to reach a clear understanding of the comparative merits of the Cath olic and American Revised Versions of the Bible, it will help us if we get hold of certain recognized facts regarding these " little books," to the superlative worth of which, as the Christian Bible, all versions are a witness. 1. What is the Bible? (1) Who Wrote It? The Bible was not dictated to some one by an angel from heaven, as legend says the Koran was dictated ; nor was it discovered in some secret place, a golden-leaved book engraved with mystic charac ters, as story says the Book of Mormon was discov ered. Under the providence and inspiration of God, 61 62 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED these books that went to make up our Bible were written by men very like ourselves. Most of them were men of Palestine, called Hebrews. (2) The Old Testament The Old Testament was written* in the Hebrew language, except a few chapters which were written in Aramaic, a language much like the Hebrew. Just when all the Old Testament books were written is not known. Some parts of the oldest books are per haps as ancient as the fourteenth century B.C. ; the latest come to within a century of Jesus's lifetime. These books are chiefly historical narratives, proph ecies or sermons, psalms and other religious poems. (3) The New Testament The books of the New Testament were written in Greek, though possibly one or two of them appeared first in Aramaic. Jesus Himself, so far as we know, wrote nothing. But after His death some of His dis ciples wrote out accounts of His life. Four of these accounts are our Pour Gospels. There were histories, also, of the church after Jesus's resurrection, with stories of the work of Apostles like Peter and Paul. One of these histories is the Acts of the Apostles in our New Testament. Other men, especially the Apostle Paul, wrote letters to the churches or to in dividual Christians for their guidance; and so we have many epistles in the New Testament. Besides, there is the book of the Revelation. Using round SECOND PRIZE ESSAY 63 numbers and somewhat extreme limits, we may say that these New Testament books (except II Peter) were written between 50 and 125 a.d. 2. The Canon of the Bible In Bible study the word ' canon,' meaning some thing straight, like a rule, is used of the approved collection of biblical books. So that a canonical book is a book that is straightly or approvedly part of the Sacred Scriptures. ' Apocryphal,' on the other hand, a word meaning originally simply ' hidden,' and descriptive of books not used in public worship, became synonymous with ' noncanonical ' or even ' spurious.' There are Old Testament apocrypha and New Testament apocrypha. The books of Tobit (or Tobias), Judith, Wisdom, Ecclesiasticus, Baruch, and I and II Maccabees, however, with some additions to the books of Esther and Daniel, are called by Protestants specifically " The Apocrypha." By the Roman Catholic Church these books are regarded as fully canonical. How did the several books which constitute the Bible become classed as canonical, to the exclusion of other and noncanonical books ? It was a gradual process. Church councils really did little more than record judgments already formed. The determining factor was the sacred value the Scriptures were found to possess, as tested in actual use, by the judgment of spiritually minded men.^ 64 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED (1) The Old Testament Canon Take the Old Testament canon first; for that, of course, was formed first. Among the Hebrews, the Law, consisting of the first five or six books of our Old Testament, was for a long time a collection by itself, and was always accorded the most sacred posi tion among the Sacred Scriptures. At the same time and later, the prophetic books were added, as the words of men that spoke for God were committed to writing. Much later, a third class of books, called " The Other Writings," became treasured with the Law and the Prophets. It is true that some of this third class of books were received by the Jews only slowly and with hesitation as authoritative Scripture. However, the whole collection was probably com pleted before 100 b.c. ; and about one hundred years after Christ open discussion ended and the Old Testament canon may be said to have been estab lished. Yet, even then, among the Jews themselves, there were two canons of the Old Testament. For, from the time of the later writings just alluded to — that is, from about 175 B.C. until the fall of Jerusalem in the year 70 a.d. — the religious compositions which we have noted above as the Apocrypha, and some other books with which we are not now concerned, were seeking admittance to the Hebrew collection of Scriptures. These seven books and two supplements were received with favor by the Greek-speaking Jews at Alexandria. So it came about that they were re- SECOND PRIZE ESSAY 65 ceived into the Septuagint, which was the Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible current in the time of Jesus and the Apostles. From this they passed into the Old Latin translation of the Septuagint, and so into the Latin Vulgate, which, as we shall see, was the successor of the Old Latin. The Jews of Palestine, whose Bible was about all that was now left to them of the old treasures of Zion, held to the list completed a hundred years or more before Christ. These latest books they judged unworthy of highest reverence — ^noncanonical or apocryphal. (2) The New Testament Canon In a way similar to that in which the Hebrew canon was developed, the New Testament writings became gradually raised to the high level of the Old Testament Scriptures in the esteem of Christian worshipers. Here there has happily been agreement between the Roman Catholic and Protestant Churches. Both recognize and use the same twenty-seven books as " The New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ." 3. The Witnesses as to What Was Written The originals of the Holy Scripture have all been lost. They must have been written, as was the cus tom, on rolls, or perhaps leaves, of parchment or papyrus — a paper made from the Egyptian reed of that name ; and natural decay, or else purposeful de struction, has done away with them. The latter was 66 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED sometimes malicious, as in the Roman persecutions of the Christians ; or well meant, as with the Jews, whose custom was to destroy a copy of their Scrip tures as soon as it became worn, so that it might not bo a source of mistakes in copying. (1) Manuscripts Even before destruction threatened the originals, and much more since, the spread of Christianity caused many copies, first of particular books and then of the whole Bible, to be made in the same languages in which the originals were written: Old Testament Hebrew, and New Testament Greek. A common name for these copies in the original language is " manuscripts." Other things being equal, a manu script copy of the Scriptures is the best sort of wit ness to what was originally written. Of the oldest five Greek manuscripts of the Bible now known to be in existence, excepting a few fragments, two were probably written in the fourth century a.d. One of them is named the " Vatican Manuscript," because it is the property of the Vatican Library ; the other the " Sinaitic," because it was found in a convent on Mount Sinai. ^ The earliest copy of the Hebrew Old Testament extant was made as late as 1009 of our era.* (2) Versions Besides these Hebrew and Greek manuscripts, peo ples of other languages needed copies of the Scrip tures in their own tongues. So translations of the SECOND PRIZE ESSAY 67 Hebrew into Greek, and of both Hebrew and Greek into Syriac, Latin, Egyptian, and other languages were made. These translations are usually spoken of as " versions." They are valuable as secondary witnesses to what was originally written. If a ver sion is older than a Hebrew or Greek manuscript of the same Scripture, it becomes an even more reliable witness than the later copy of the original, provided one can be sure that a retranslation of it would give the words of the manuscript from which the version was made.* But this is seldom possible, for the lan guage of the version is often very different in struc ture from that of the original manuscript, and most of the versions have undergone revision and amend ment. Besides the famous Septuagint, or Greek translation of the Old Testament, which was made by different translators between 285 b.c. and the begin ning of the Christian era, and which lives to-day in the Sinaitic and Vatican Manuscripts, there are in existence several early copies of part of the Old Latin version, or versions, first made probably in the second century; of the Old Syriac originating in the second or third century; of the Egyptian, Ar menian, and others. (3) Quotations A third class of witnesses to what the Bible writers wrote is found in quotations from Scripture made in the works of early Christian teachers, com monly called " the church Fathers." This evidence, which is in the nature of the case fragmentary, is 68 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED corroborative and corrective merely, and should be received with caution.^ 4. Regaining the True Text By " text " is here meant the total contents of any copy, or group of similar copies, of the Scriptures. It should be borne in mind that to ascertain what is the true text is not without great difficulties as to details, yet is easily possible as to the substance of the truth. God has granted no special providence insuring perfect accuracy to copyists engaged in reproducing the Scriptures. The crude and some what divergent forms of early Hebrew letters, till recent centuries without adequate vowel signs, and the lack of spacing between letters, as if one were to write, " In the beginning God created," NTHBGNNNGGDCRTD; unintentional mistakes of scribes, as in the omission of words or the inclu sion of some note written in the margin, as if it were a part of the work itself; intentional insertion of additions for supposed completeness; abbreviations for the economizing of space; a more or less feeble appreciation of the worth of literal exactness in copy ing — ^these and other causes have given rise to dif ferences among the manuscripts and versions of the Bible numbering, in all, many thousands.® (1) The Text of the Old Testament In the Old Testament text there are far fewer variations among existing manuscripts than in the SECOND PRIZE ESSAY 69 New ; yet the text of the New Testament is the more reliable, for there is a difference important to remem ber between the two. In the case of the Old Testa ment, two or more types, or varieties, of its text were in circulation at the beginning of the Christian era. One of these, though far from perfect, became pre dominant in the second century a.d. ; and, taking the name " Massoretic " from the Massoretes — Hebrew guardians of the Massorah, or Hebrew tradition — finally became the authoritative text. Later this was known as the "Received Text" of the Old Testa ment. All extant Hebrew manuscripts of the entire Old Testament, so far as is known, are of this type. The Hebrew text from which the Septuagint transla tion came was of another sort. But this and other documents by which this received Hebrew text might be tested and corrected are often imperfect and mutu ally contradictory. In the case of the Old Testament, therefore, we are left with a substantially uniform but little corrected text. (2) The Text of the New Testament In the case of the New Testament there are sev eral differing texts, and many different manuscripts and versions to correct or corroborate one another. These, according to Hort's classification, which is accepted essentially by most biblical scholars, are arranged in four groups. '^ Each group represents a distinctive type of manuscript. For reasons that need not here concern us, these groups are named: 70 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED (o) Antiochian, or Syrian, (h) Western, (c) Alex andrian, (d) Neutral. We are interested in these groups because the tra ditional, or so-called " Received Text," which the King James's and most earlier English New Testa ment translators followed, belongs to the Antiochian group ; the Old Latin and the Vulgate, on which the Roman Catholic Douay Version is based, belong to the Western group; and the Vatican and Sinaitic Manuscripts, on which the English and American Revisers depended more than on any other source for their version of the New Testament, are of the Neutral group. Two or three facts, therefore, we must be patient enough to master. In the making of copies of the Scriptures the four groups branched off from each other quite soon after the first century (see Diagram 2), some departing farther, some less far, from the first manuscripts as originally written. (a) The Antiochian group is characterized chiefly by combinations of words that appear in two or more of the other groups. A simple illustration of this is in Luke XXIV : 53. After the words, " And they were continually in the temple," come, in the Neu tral group of manuscripts, the words " blessing God " ; in the Western group, " praising God " ; but in the Antiochian group, " praising and blessing God." That the combination is later than either of the two parts that enter into it is almost certain.^ The conclusion from this and other facts is that the Antiochian is a later and less reliable form of the SECOND PRIZE ESSAY 71 Scripture text. In following the received Greek text, however, our earlier English versions followed this text. (6) The Western group is an early offshoot of the original writings. The Syriac and the Old Latin, which is the basis of the Vulgate mentioned above, both belong to it. In all three, excepting one copy of the Syriac, a chief characteristic, unfortunately, is a free amplification of the text, passages of greater or less length being inserted without apparent right. The Western group shows also some omissions. In following the Vulgate one is likely to follow this text to a large extent. (c) The Alexandrian group is found principally in the writings of the church Fathers, and may here be passed by. (d) The Neutral group is so named because, for the most part, it is without the peculiarities notice able in each of the other groups. It is held, there fore, to be the nearest to the original text, now lost. Its chief representatives are the Vatican and Sinaitic Manuscripts. Our English and American Revised Versions depended largely on these manuscripts, and so usually followed the Neutral Text.^ The result of all this, though less in uniformity than is the case with the text of the Old Testament, is far more in assurance of what was originally writ ten. It is easy to exaggerate the consequences of the difficulties mentioned. No other ancient classic com pares with the Bible in the number of manuscript copies and translations in which it has been pre- 72 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED served. Of no other is the antiquity of extant copies so great. No other has had a hundredth part of the care bestowed on its transmission that has been given to the Bible. And, consequently, as has been esti mated, important variations affect scarcely more than a thousandth part of the whole New Testament; while none of these discredits a single one of the great truths of the gospel. We may conclude, there fore, with the very careful and reliable editors of the biblical text, Westcott and Hort, that " the books of the New Testament [and, in a much less com plete sense, the books of the Old Testament also], as preserved in extant documents, speak to us in every important respect in language identical with that in which they spoke to those for whom they were orig inally written." ^° CHAPTER II The Origin and History of the Version of the Bible Authorized by the Roman Catholic Church Having learned something of the history of the Bible, its origin and transmission in the early times, we wish now to set clearly in order the main facts regarding the English version of the Bible approved by the Roman Catholic Church. 1. Roman Catholic Authorization Accurately speaking, the Catholic Church has given formal authorization to no English version of the Bible. Still less has it given approval to any one English version exclusively. The authority of the Douay Version, into the history of which we must soon inquire, is that of certain Roman Catholic cler gymen of the College of Douay, " confirmed by the subsequent indirect recognition of English, Scotch, and Irish bishops," and by its long use among Eng lish-speaking Catholics.*^ Similarly, the several " editions " of the Douay Bible, which have been so far revised through comparison with other English versions as to be very different from the original Douay, have received no expressed authorization from the Holy See.^^ They come before us usually with 73 74 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED the approval of some archbishop. Both the Douay Version proper, however, and those of the modern Catholic versions that are in general use, are based primarily on the Latin Vulgate. We wish, therefore, to learn, in simple but accurate fashion, the chief facts about that famous work. 2. Origin of the Latin Vulgate (1) The Old Latin " Vulgate," from the Latin Vulgata Editio, mean ing * the Current Version,' is a name originally ap plied to the Greek Septuagint and then to the Old Latin translation of the same, but given by the Coun cil of Trent to the Latin version of the Bible made by the famous Christian scholar, Eusebius Sophro- nius Hieronymus, more commonly known as Jerome. Jerome was a Dalmatian, born about 340 a.d. After a life devoted to Bible study, he died at Bethlehem in the year 420. He came to make his translation and revision of the Bible in this way. In his time there existed the Latin version just alluded to, now called the " Old Latin " to distinguish it from Je rome's. The New Testament text of this Old Latin Version was that described above as the " Western Text." Its Old Testament text was that of the Sep tuagint. As a translation it was crude and literal; yet, in its original purity, faithful to the Greek. Just where it was made, or by whom, no one knows. Its date is the second century, or at latest the middle of the third century a.d.^* SECOND PRIZE ESSAY 75 (2) Jerome's Revision It was this Old Latin Bible that Jerome, at the request of Pope Damasus of Rome, in the year 382, first undertook to revise. There was much need of this revision, for the version had become much cor rupted.^* Jerome was easily the first biblical scholar of his day; and, although his facilities were, of course, very limited in comparison with those of modern scholars, he was excellently fitted for his task.i5 He began with the Gospels. These he revised with care ; though correcting, he tells us, " only those passages in which the sense had suffered marked change," so that his version might not differ too much from the customary one. The rest of the New Tes tament he revised but cursorily. This work, both good and poor, became the Vulgate New Testa ment.^^ After revising apparently the whole Latin Old Testament, Jerome made a second revision of the Psalms. This was the more carefully executed of the two, through comparison with the Hebrew and the Septuagint Greek. Yet both his exemplar and the copy he worked on were faulty, and his revision lacked the degree of accuracy reached in his own still later translation of the Psalms made direct from the Hebrew. His second revision, however, was the one that passed into the Vulgate. It was, therefore, a Latin translation of the Greek translation of the Hebrew. 76 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED (3) Jerome's Original Translation Jerome's last and greatest work was a translation of the whole Old Testament direct from the Hebrew. In compliance with the wish of his bishop, though against his own judgment, he translated also two books of the Apocrypha, Tobit and Judith, which a friend had previously turned into Hebrew from the Aramaic.^^ All of this original translation, except the book of Psalms, was used in the Vulgate; and, in addition, from the Old Latin and Septuagint, the other five books of the Apocrypha and two supple ments, all of which Jerome refused to revise. His work on the two apocryphal books and some others was done in haste ; but to the Old Testament as a whole Jerome gave much more care, spending nearly fifteen years on its translation. It cost him a storm of denunciation because, leaving the Septuagint and Old Latin, he had translated directly from the Hebrew.^* 3. The History of the Vulgate (1) From Jerome to the Council of Trent This Latin Bible of Jerome's gradually supplanted the Old Latin and the Greek Septuagint in the use of the Western churches. Circulating until the ninth century side by side with the Old Latin, the two were often mixed in the making of new copies. All the causes which we have already noted as tending to corrupt %vritten copies of the Bible, were at work in SECOND PRIZE ESSAY 77 this case. Its history is therefore one of constant deterioration and attempted revision.^^ When print ing came in, Latin manuscripts were chosen for print ing without regard to their accuracy, and some sixty early editions served to spread their variations and corruptions. During the sixteenth century repeated attempts to revise the printed Vulgate were made.^** (2) The Council of Trent At last the Council of Trent, in 1545, after much debate, declared : " The same old and Vulgate [or current] edition, which has been approved by long use for so many ages in the church itself, is to be re garded as authentic in public readings, controversies, discourses, and expositions, and nobody may dare or presume to reject it on any pretense." ^^ The name " Latin Vulgate," therefore, now stands for: (a) The Old Testament, except the Psalms, trans lated into Latin from the Hebrew by Jerome. (&) The Psalms in the Old Latin translation of the Septuagint Greek translation of the Hebrew, com pared with the Hebrew and Greek and revised by Jerome. (c) The apocryphal books of Judith and Tobit, translated into Hebrew from the Aramaic by a friend, and hastily translated from the Hebrew into Latin by Jerome. {d) The apocryphal books of Wisdom, Ecclesias ticus, I and II Maccabees, and Baruch, with addi- 78 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED tions to Daniel and Esther, from the Old Latin unrevised. (e) The Gospels in the Old Latin translation of the original Greek, compared with the Greek and carefully revised by Jerome. (/) The rest of the New Testament in the Old Latin, cursorily revised by Jerome. (See Dia gram 4.) The meaning of this decision of the Council of Trent has been disputed. A reasonable Catholic view is that it did not condemn the Hebrew and Greek text, nor declare the Vulgate the best possible trans lation, still less faultless; but that, for the sake of unity and authority, it chose the Vulgate as best among Latin translations, and authorized it as the only version to be used in public worship, preaching, and controversies.^^ (3) The Sixtine and Clementine Editions Curiously enough, although the chief confusion had been caused by different editions of this one Vul gate version, the Council of Trent adjourned without stamping any particular edition with its approval. This matter was committed to the Pope. After much delay. Pope Sixtus V, in 1587, appointed a number of scholars to revise the Vulgate text. He ventured to revise their revision in arbitrary fashion, follow ing chiefly the epoch-making but faulty edition of Robertus Stephanus issued in 1538-40. Sixtus's judgment as against theirs was usually wrong. Yet, SECOND PRIZE ESSAY 79 on the basis of it, he issued his famous Bull declar ing that his edition was " to be received and held as true, lawful, authentic, and unquestionable " ; adding after the word " public " in the phrase of the decree of Trent the words " and private " ; forbidding any least unauthorized deviations in future editions from the readings he had adopted; and pronouncing ex communication against any who should disobey.^* But Sixtus died in 1590, and his enemies allowed his decree the burial of neglect, and suppressed his edition of the Bible. In 1592, under Pope Clement VIII, a new edition, hastily revised and differing in some thousands of places from the Sixtine edition, was published.^* It is interesting to note how the Roman Catholic hierarchy met the dilemma in which it found itself, through setting aside a Pope's infal lible decisions. They called their new edition by the old name " Sixtine," and issued an explanation by Bellarmine, a Roman Catholic cardinal, that not a few errors had crept into the former (the true Six tine) edition " through the carelessness of the print ers " ; while Bellarmine's preface added that Sixtus himself had meant to recall and amend his edition — for which, unfortunately, there is no evidence. At the same time, the public was informed that some readings, although wrong, had been allowed to stand in the new revised edition, in order to avoid popular offense.^® This Clementine Vulgate in its final edi tion (1598) became the authorized edition of the Roman Catholic Church. With many minor correc tions, introduced without authority, it is to-day the 80 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED standard but imperfect text for all Catholic versions of the Scriptures, from which, according to a BuU of Clement, none have a right to vary.^® 4. The Worth of the Vulgate (1) Its Canon In forming a just estimate of the comparative worth of the Vulgate Version of the Bible, one must take into account the validity of its Old Testament canon. In other words, ought these seven books which Protestants term the Apocrypha to be treated as canonical and published without discrimination from other Old Testament books, as is the case in all Catholic versions of the Scripture ? As part of the Vulgate these books were declared canonical by the Council of Trent, which enumerates forty-six books and ends with this interesting proposition : " Now, if anyone receive not as sacred and canonical the said books entire with all their parts, ... as they are contained in the Old Latin Vulgate edition, . . . let him be anathema." ^^ Some reasons for dissenting from this decision of the Council of Trent are evident : The Hebrew Bible excluded all these seven books, and in this matter its authority is better than that of the Septuagint. Different copies of the Septuagint contain different ones of these seven, showing a doubt regarding them when there was no doubt about the twenty-four He brew books which are equivalent to our thirty-nine. The Septuagint contained other books besides the SECOND PRIZE ESSAY 81 canonical books and these seven; and these others the Catholic Church itself regards as apocryphal.^* An argument from such a list, therefore, proves noth ing, or it proves too much. Moreover, it is the Hebrew Bible, not the Septuagint, that Catholics themselves read in the Old Testament Latin Vul gate, excepting the Psalms and the Apocrypha. (See Note 18.) The New Testament writers, however familiar with these apocryphal works, never quote from them. The testimony of the church Fathers to the Apoc rypha is neither unanimous nor decisive ; while their quotations from other writings admittedly apocry phal, as if they too were Scripture, show that an argument built on the Fathers' reference to some of these seven as Scripture again proves nothing, or too much for the purpose.^^ After the third century the testimony of Christian scholars, including Je rome himself, is strong against treating these addi tions as integral parts of the Bible.*** To justify decisions of Catholic Councils by an assertion of church unanimity in their favor, while ruling out as merely private opinion the mature judgment of representative members of that church, is to argue in a circle.** The Council of Trent itself, while styling these books " sacred and canonical," yet, in recognition of strong Catholic opinion against them, left open the question of a distinction among the sacred books.*^ The truth seems to lie between the extremes of both Catholic and Protestant opinion. The intense 82 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED antagonism of the first Protestants toward the Apoc rypha — an antagonism which itself attached a base meaning to that name, and was born of opposition to all that was Roman Catholic — cannot now be justi fied. Nor can the view held by many, of a wide difference in kind as Avell as degree of worth, exist ing between all canonical books on the one hand, and all noncanonical books on the other, be maintained at the bar of history. Between the sacredness and inspiration of the First Epistle of Clement, for ex ample, which, it has been said, " was within an inch of getting in" to the Bible, and that of the Second Epistle of Peter, which was within an inch of being left out of the Bible, no broad chasm can be truly said to have existed. For all that, one need appeal to none but Catholics to show that, in the judgment of Christians of acknowledged weight, both the liter ary and religious character of these seven apocryphal books on the whole, and their history in the church, condemn as unjustifiable and misleading the practice of publishing them in the Old Testament volume without any sign of discrimination.** The sugges tion of Jerome that these apocryphal books be read for moral instruction and edification — a suggestion adopted by Pope Gregory the Great, repeated in Article VI of the Church of England, and advanced by the Protestant practice of publishing them, either in a group by themselves between the Old and New Testaments, or separately — accords better with the demands of religion, history, and sound educational methods than either of these extremes. The practice SECOND PRIZE ESSAY 83 of the Roman Catholic Church, in printing at the end of the Vulgate the three books, III and IV Esdras and The Prayer of Manasses, as apocryphal but worthy of Christian perusal, corresponds to this precisely.** (2) Its Text, Translation and Transmission Besides this matter of its amplified canon, the question of the reliability of this Vulgate Latin Ver sion, which was destined to play so large a part in the subsequent Catholic English versions, still re mains. It has been shown already that the Vulgate was partly Jerome's translation of the Hebrew and partly the Old Latin Version, revised or unrevised. The Hebrew from which Jerome translated was sub stantially the same as that which we know as the " Received Text." Jerome had, however, only the " unpointed " text — that is, consonants without the signs that later stood for vowels ; and popular preju dice in favor of the Septuagint led him to vary some what from the Hebrew.*® The Old Latin Version which he used in the Psalms was, we have seen, itself a faulty translation of the Septuagint, which repre sents quite another type of Hebrew text. In the New Testament the Vulgate was a literal translation of the Western Greek text^ marked by numerous inter polations and some serious omissions.*® What did Jerome do with this material? His translation is learned, graceful, and intends to be faithful. It gave to English Christianity a large 84 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED number of its most distinctive religious and theolog ical words.*^ At the same time, its servility in reproducing the forms of Greek words and phrases without translating them has had a baneful influ ence, as is seen in the English versions based on it. Some of its renderings are so free as to be inaccu rate.** Jerome not infrequently mistakes the mean ing of a passage, and sometimes gives translations that suffer from doctrinal bias.*® In estimating the worth of the Vulgate it is always to be borne in mind, too, that, other things being equal, a transla tion of the language in which a document was first written is never as reliable as a copy in that original language itself ; still less is a translation of a transla tion. The Old Latin translation from which the Vul gate New Testament comes seldom meets the test of superiority that otherwise might belong to its origin in the second century, by showing certainly what was the Greek text at that time. Corruptions in the Vulgate itself, also, of which the present-day copies show many, some of them serious, must be taken into account. These corruptions have extended over cen turies of transmission with but partial revisions. In such a case the only hope of near approach to what was originally written is through severely careful study and impartial treatment of the text. (3) Worth, Not Infallibility While, then, the worth of the Vulgate in some re spects is considerable, the reader may be sure that it SECOND PRIZE ESSAY 85 has no just claim to preeminent superiority. He may be sure that no copy of the Vulgate in existence is possessed of such faultless accuracy as to justify its being called " the authentic version of God's words," bearing " all the evidences of infallible certitude." He may be sure that no copy has " come down to us unchanged from the time of Christ himself." *" If the Hebrew and Greek manuscripts are themselves not without error, much less is this Latin transla tion infallible. Indeed, one cannot wonder that the French Catholic historian Richard Simon should wish to assert that " the [Roman Catholic] Church does not pretend that these translations are either infallible in all their parts or that nothing more correct can be had." CHAPTER III The History of the Catholic Version (concluded) 1. The Douay Version (1) Its Origin The sixteenth century witnessed in England a re markable activity in the translating of the Bible into the English language. The English people, stirred anew by the spirit of the Renaissance and the Ref ormation, were eager to the point of excitement for the privilege of reading it. In chary response to their insistent demand, with which the Roman Cath olics themselves had little sympathy, and as a meas ure of protection from what they regarded as the dangerous heresies of the Protestant English versions with their doctrinal annotations. Catholic ecclesias tics undertook their own translation of the Bible into English.** In Elizabeth's reign many of them were virtually exiles, as the Protestants had been before them. One of these exiles, William Allen, an able scholar, in 1568 established an English college at Douay, Flan ders. It was he, with several associates, who set on foot the English Version afterward known as the " Douay." In 1582, during a temporary removal of 86 SECOND PRIZE ESSAY 87 the College to Rheims, the New Testament was first published ; and is, therefore, often called the " Rhem ish Version." The Old Testament, delayed for lack of funds, was issued in 1C09-10, after the College had returned to Douay. The chief translator of both Testaments was Gregory Martin, of Oxford, " an ex cellent linguist, exactly read and versed in the Sacred Scriptures." *^ (2) Its Sources For the text to be translated, these English trans lators not unnaturally turned to the Latin Vulgate. The Vulgate, besides being approved by the Council of Trent, had long been the Bible of Catholic Eng land. When their work was first done the standard Clementine edition had not yet appeared, but they revised their version in partial conformity with it later.** They had Hebrew and Greek texts before them, but were influenced by them only in minor matters.** They made some use, too, of the Ge nevan and other English versions.** (3) Its Translation The Douay was, in the main, a faithful version of the Vulgate, and uniform in its renderings. So good a judge as Scrivener has said that " no case of wilful perversion of Scripture has ever been brought home to the Rhemish translators." *® Yet occasion ally in their translation, and much more, of course, in their Notes, one finds the same controversial 88 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED wording which in some cases marked the Calvinists' Genevan Version.*'^ The Douay's chief fault, how ever, is its blind English. Whether because the men engaged in the work were scholastics only, and, lacking that " touch of nature which makes the whole world kin," imagined that a repetition of for eign words could give the true " sense of the Holy Ghost " better than simple idiomatic English, or for some other reason, it is the testimony of unpreju diced Catholic scholars that much of their transla tion was harsh and obscure.** A chief cause of this obscurity lay in the extreme literalism of the trans lation — of which, as we have seen, the Vulgate fur nished an unfortunate example. A very few in stances of a large number of such words, which appeared in the Douay Version but have been removed in the several subsequent revisions are: " odible to God " (Romans I: 30), " exinanited him self" (Philippians II: 7), "Thou hast fatted my head with oil" (Psalm XXIII: 5), "after the Parasceve " (Matthew XXVII: 62), " longanimite " (II Corinthians VI: 6), " commessations " (Gala- tians V: 21), "keep the depositum " (I Timothy VI: 20), "as in that exacerbation" (Hebrews III: 15). As a partial compensation, this literalism has en riched our English language with many words from the Latin that thereafter passed into good English and has given the Authorized Version some effective phrases. The fierce opposition which this version of the Scriptures met with in England perhaps helped SECOND PRIZE ESSAY 89 as much as anything to establish the Rheims Testa ment, and later the whole Douay Bible, in the affec tions of the English Roman Catholics. 2. The Revised Versions of the Douay The need, however, of a thorough revision of the Douay Bible was soon felt. The unintelligible char acter of much of its English, the manifest errors in the Vulgate text employed, and the success of the King James Version, which they naturally emulated, emphasized this need.*® (1) The Challoner Bible Yet the only largely effective work in this direc tion, thus far, has been that of Challoner, Cath olic Vicar-Apostolic of London. In 1749 he brought out an edition of the Rheims New Testament, and later of the whole Douay Bible, " newly revised and corrected according to the Clementine edition of the Scriptures." This work was worthy. It remains within the obvious limitations of all translations from the Vulgate, as far as the substance goes. Yet its alterations of the language of the Douay Version were so many as to amount almost to a new transla tion. In these alterations one of the chief guides used was the Protestant Authorized Version of 1611. Indeed, so much of the phrasing was borrowed from this source that Newman (Catholic) concluded, as Cotton (Protestant) had done before him, that " Challoner's Version [of the Old Testament] is 90 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED even nearer to the Protestant than it is to the Douay." *° And that the same holds in the New Testament, both have shown. It is therefore little less than amazing to find in the American edition of the Bible approved by Cardinal Gibbons, which, like the Denvir Edition before it, reproduces Chal loner almost invariably, the statement over the Car dinal's name that this " is an accurate reprint of the Rheims and Douay Edition with Dr. Challoner's Notes." (2) The Troy Bible The only other revision that has had any notice able effect on subsequent editions is that known as the Troy Bible. This was the work of an Irish priest, Bernard MacMahon. He seems to have fol lowed the King James Version only a little less than Challoner. In the New Testament he differs from Challoner in over five hundred places; in the Old Testament scarcely at all. So great was the popular adherence to Challoner that the first edition of the Troy Bible was set forth as " the fourth edi tion," evidently of Challoner, " revised and corrected (3) The "Authentic" Catholic English Version These Challoner and Troy revisions of the Douay are, then, the Bibles used by the Catholics of Eng land and America.®^ Dixon's Introduction (Catho lic) says : " This — Dr. Challoner's — is the Douay SECOND PRIZE ESSAY 91 Bible now current among the Catholics of this coun try." Cardinal Gibbons writes : " The Douay Ver sion is authorized and legitimate for the faithful in their private reading." As his authorization of the Challoner-Douay shows, he calls this the Douay. To speak accurately, one generally finds in the hands of such American Catholics as have any English Bible the Challoner-Douay, with some minor vari ations. The editions usually bear, not Challoner's name, but that of some subsequent editor or of the archbishop who approves them. It is evident, therefore, that one cannot speak ac curately of any one English version of the Scrip tures as the " Authentic Version of God's Words authorized by the [Roman Catholic] Church " read by the people in their homes.®* The Latin Vulgate has been declared " authentic " by the Catholic Church; but people in American homes do not read much Latin. Neither the Douay nor the Challoner nor the Troy Bible has been authorized by the Catho lic Church. The Troy revision is not the Challoner revision. The Challoner-Douay is not the Douay. (4) " Unchanged from the Time of Christ " Still less ground — if possible — is there for saying that this so-called Authentic Version " has come down to us unchanged from the time of Christ Himself." Subject to numerous changes, and all the vicissitudes of translation and transmission, these English Cath olic versions all go back, in the chief part of the Old 92 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED Testament, to the same Hebrew text as that of the Protestant versions — a text which assumed its present form in the second century a.d., though coming down to the Catholic translators for most of that time in the Latin translation of the Vulgate. In the Psalms and some smaller parts, these Catholic versions go back to the Septuagint Greek Version, made before Christ, but transmitted to the English- American Catholic In the form of a translation of a translation of a translation. The books of the New Testament were, of course, none of them writ ten until after Christ's time. The Challoner-Douay Version of these books, so far as it has borrowed from the Authorized Version, goes back to late copies of the received Greek text of the Antiochian type. In the main, it goes back, through the Vulgate, to the Old Latin translation of the second century and the Western Greek text which that represents. There are the strongest grounds for believing that " the truth as It is in Jesus " has come dovra to us sub stantially unchanged in all the versions. But it passes comprehension how any intelligent person, re membering the uncertainties of the Hebrew text, the looseness of the Septuagint, the amplifications and omissions of the Western Greek text, the varletiee of the Old Latin version, the checkered history of the Vulgate itself, and then the variations in the Catho lic English versions of the Vulgate, could speak of Challoner, Douay, or Vulgate as an " Authentic Ver sion . . . which has come down to us unchanged from the time of Christ Himself." SECOND PRIZE ESSAY 93 (5) Worth of the Challoner-Douay Version As a translation, the Challoner-Douay Is a vast Improvement over the harsh, un-English English of the Douay Version. One may read chapter after chapter and fancy one is reading from the King James Version; while, to turn to the Douay, made only thirty years before King James's translators did their work, seems like turning to a strange tongue. For all this, Challoner and his successors have followed the Vulgate in retaining, interspersed among Old Testament canonical books, seven books which, as we have seen, were rejected by the author of the Vulgate translation himself, have been ad judged a distinctively lower class of writings by many Catholics since, and have no valid claim to such equality. Out of servile adherence to the Vul gate, they have retained as genuine such passages as Mark XV: 9-20, which. In the light of present knowledge, certainly should not be retained without some indication of their very doubtful character; and others, like I John V: 7b-8a, which have no rightful place in any true Bible.®* Despite revisions, they have left, for example in the Gibbons Edition of the Challoner-Douay — one of those commonly sold in America in this year of our Lord 1907 — such words and sentences as the following, unintel ligible or misleading to most English readers: Psalm XXII (XXIII) : 5, " My chalice which in- ebriateth me, how goodly it is ! " 94 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED Psalm XLVIII: 6 (XLIX: 5), "The iniquity of my heel shall encompass me." Psalm CV (CVI) : 33, " And he distinguished with his lips." Acts XII : 3, " Now it was in the days of the Azymes." Acts XVI: 16, "A certain girl, having a pythonical spirit." James V : 17, " Ellas was a man passible like unto us." I John IV : 3, " And every spirit that dissolveth Jesus is not of God." (6) Testimony of Catholic Translators from the Hebrew and OreeJc Happily, there have not been wanting Catholic scholars in England and America, who, appreciating the facts above mentioned, and believing with the Catholic Geddes that " translating from a trans lation is a strange Idea," have undertaken more accurate and more Intelligible versions direct from the Hebrew and Greek. One of these. Archbishop Kenrick of Baltimore, between the years 1849 and 1860, translated the whole Bible. The New Testa ment part he called, " A translation of the Latin Vulgate," believing that In the New Testament books the readings of the Vulgate were generally to be preferred. Even here he freely adopts renderings from a former Catholic version from the Greek by Lingard, and from the Authorized English Version. SECOND PRIZE ESSAY 95 In the Old Testament part, though the title " Re vised Edition of the Douay " is still maintained, he tells us plainly that, while respecting the Latin Vul gate as an authentic version, he has generally pre ferred the readings of the Hebrew text ; and although, of course, delivering himself from any sympathy with the " peculiar tenets " of the Protestant version, says distinctly that this version is better than those made from the Vulgate. But Kenrick's version is not wanted by Catholics. It is out of print. The most recent attempt of this sort is a version of the Four Gospels by Francis A. Spencer, O.P. This follows the best modern editions of the Greek text and the English Revised Versions, and is pro nounced by Gigot, of the Catholic Seminary In Baltimore, " in several respects the best translation of the Gospels." But he is compelled to add with reference to it : " It is not probable, however, that this ' New Version ' will meet with a more last ing success than the various independent [Catholic] translations of the Gospels which have preceded it " ®® Unhappily, none of these translations direct from Hebrew or Greek has been approved by the Catholic Church or by Catholic churchmen generally. So per sistent has been Roman Catholic devotion to the ancient but faulty Vulgate, and to the obscure and uncouth Douay Version of the Vulgate, that little encouragement, thus far, has been given to more ac curate translations from the languages in which the Bible was originally written. CHAPTER IV The Origin and History of the English Revised Version of the Bible, American Standard Edition The history of the English Bible may be divided Into three periods. The first period begins with Anglo-Saxon paraphrases of parts of the Scriptures, and is completed In the Wyclifite Bible of the four teenth century; the second includes the sixteenth century versions of Tyndale and his numerous suc cessors, and culminates in the Authorized Version of 1611 ; the third is marked by the English-American revisions of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. the first period The first period — from the beginning to Wyclif — is distinguished by translations from the Latin Vulgate only. Contrary to the Christian practice in Egypt, Armenia, and in Rome itself, where the peo ple, almost from the beginnings of Christianity, read the Scriptures in their own tongue, the Western Church for a long time gave the people of England and other countries only the Latin Bible. The church's appeal was made largely through pictures, rude songs, and, later, the religious drama; its strength was in ceremonials and moral discipline. SECOND PRIZE ESSAY 97 1. The Anglo-Saxon Paraphrases The first Anglo-Saxon versions of the Scriptures were poems. In the seventh century a poetic para phrase of Old Testament history and other Scriptures was made by Casdmon, a monk of Whitby, England. This Is the earliest Anglo-Saxon translation known. In the eighth century Aldhelm and Guthlac put forth an interlinear version of the Psalter; Eadfrith, Bishop of Lindisfarne, translated parts of the Gos pels, and the Venerable Bede a portion of the Gospel of John and the Lord's Prayer. In the ninth cen tury there was another Psalter in Anglo-Saxon. In the tenth century parts of the book of Exodus and the Psalter were translated by King Alfred, while Mlirie, Archbishop of Canterbury, translated the Gospels and seven books of the Old Testament. There exist also an Anglo-Saxon version of the Gospels by an unknown hand, of somewhat later date, and, in manuscript form, several copies of the Psalter, pro duced shortly before the Conquest, and three Anglo- Norman translations of the Gospels, dating from the time of William III to the time of Henry II. From the thirteenth century we have a metrical paraphrase of stories from the Gospels and Acts — the earliest known translation of any part of the Bible into Old English as distinguished from Anglo-Saxon. To the first half of the fourteenth century belong two prose versions of the Psalms. In one of these the first Psalm begins : Blessed be the man that 3ed nou3t in the 98 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED counsell of wicked: ne stode nouSt in the wale of sin3eres, ne sat nou3t In fals juge- ment. Ac hijs wylle was in the wylle of oure Lord; and he schal thenche in hija lawe both da3e and ny3t. 2. The Wyclifite Bible The work of John Wyclif (1324[ ?]-1384) and his followers distinguishes the fourteenth century. Wyclif was a priest. He loved the plain people. For their sake he brought out, about 1383, the first entire Bible in the English language.®® The work was not all his own. He translated the Gospels cer tainly and, almost certainly, the rest of the New Testament. His friend, Nicolas Hereford, Vice- Chancellor of Oxford, translated most of the Old Testament. Wyclif probably did the rest.®^ A re vision, in which the English of the Old Testament especially was improved, was begun perhaps under Wyclif's supervision, and, after his death, was car ried on by Purvey and other friends and followers of Wyclif, and published in 1388.®* (1) Genuineness of the Wyclifite Bible It has sometimes been questioned whether Wyclif did give the people of England their first English Bible. Sir Thomas More, in the sixteenth century, said he had seen English Bibles " written long before Wycliffe's times." There is reason to believe More mistook the age of one of the Wyclifite versions. Of other complete Bibles than Wyclif's, belonging to SECOND PRIZE ESSAY 99 the fourteenth century or earlier no vestige can be found; except the theory recently advanced by a learned Catholic author, that the Bibles known for centuries as Wyclifite were not Wyclif's in any sense, but were the Bibles to which More refers, au thorized by the Catholic Church.®® This theory, though ingeniously defended, ignores altogether part of the evidence for Wyclif's authorship, and a ver dict of " not proven " must be entered.®" (2) Wyclif's Fitness for Eis Work In respect of character. Intelligent ability, and purpose as a translator, Wyclif has been justified both by his works and by his fellow men. Mlbnan, In his History of Latin Christianity, says : " His [Wyclif's] austere, exemplary life has defied even calumny." His best biographer, John Lewis, records that he was acknowledged learned, able, and earnest by the ablest men of his day. Of his ability, Henry Knighton, who had no patience with Wyclif's work as a translator, says : " In philosophy Wycliffe came to be reckoned Inferior to none of his time." ®* In his life, as recorded by his bitterest enemies, there Is abundant evidence of his sacrificial and dauntless heroism.®^ His dominating principle — and In this lay his offense — was that, not the church, still less the Pope, but the Bible, should be the guide of the people's life, and to be this it must be an English Bible.®* From this principle came the great work of his life. 100 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED (3) Character and Influence of Wyclif's Worh The source of Wyclif's Bible, like that of the para phrases before It, was the Latin ^''ulgate. In conse quence, this version had all the faults of the faulty Latin. Wyclif and his fellow laborers knew little or nothing of Hebrew or Greek. The Wyclif trans lation of the Latin was very literal and often awk ward — a fault somewhat overcome in Purvey's re vision.®* For all this, Wyclif's undying glory is that, with little help from predecessors, and despite the opposition of the church authorities, he gave to Eng land its first entire Bible in the native tongue.®® The influence of this work was felt in the conflicts over the Bible in the time of Henry VIII, and from its victories then has come down to us. Besides this, no small part of the English of Wyclif's Bible is the English of our Bibles still. In the next section we shall have to do with William Tyndale, the great Bible translator of the sixteenth century. Yet here already we must note that, while Tyndale's work, in its far more reliable Hebrew and Greek sources and in its faithful, scholarly translation, was new, and his English more modern, the elementary basis of the language of his English Bible, and so of the language of our Revised Bibles to-day, is in Wyclif's work. One can hardly set before himself any famil iar passage, like the following from Wyclif's New Testament, without acknowledging this debt (only the modern y, g, and v are inserted) : Romans XII : 1, 2. Therfore, britheren, SECOND PRIZE ESSAY 101 Y biseche you bi the mercy of God, that ye gyve youre bodies a lyvynge sacrifice, hooll, plesynge to God, a lyvynge servyse reason able. And nyle [not will] ye be con- fourmyd to this world, but be ye reformed In newnesse of youre wit, that ye prove [prove] which is the wille of God, good and wel plesynge and parfit [perfect].®® THE second period 3. The Tyndale Bible The second, and in some respects most Important, period in the development of the English Bible be gins with William Tyndale (1484[ ?]-1536) and culminates in the Authorized Version of 1611. For one hundred and fifty years a few English manu script Bibles had been copied from time to time, and were read by a few, though not without danger from the authorities.®'^ These Bibles were not in sixteenth century English, however; they were not translated from the original languages of the Bible; they were not printed; and they were not circulated freely in the hands of the people. But the world was advancing. The fourteenth century had heralded the dawn of a better day: the sixteenth witnessed the full daybreak. In 1455 the first book printed in Europe with movable types had been published. It was a Latin Bible. A revival of the study of the ancient classics had set in. Latin was no longer to be the sole language of " the faith- 102 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED ful," nor Hebrew and Greek the despised weapons of " heretics." Dictionaries and grammars of the He brew and Greek languages had been prepared. In 1488 the first printed Hebrew Bible had been issued. In 1516 the famous scholar Erasmus published his Greek New Testament. In 1517 the free spirit of the Reformation found expression in Luther's theses, and only a little later in England's break with Rome. Then came William Tyndale's opportunity.®* (1) Tyndale's Worh He was a man of clear vision and heroic determi nation. Himself a priest of the church, he recognized the fact, to which apparently no less a Catholic than Cardinal Bellarmine bears witness, that the church of his day was sadly lacking in education, in moral discipline, in real religion.®® The primary need, as he conceived it, was an English Bible translated from the Hebrew and Greek into the language of the people. Repulsed by the churchmen of his native land, he sent forth from Worms, Germany, In 1525, his first edition of the New Testament in English. Despite ecclesiastical prohibition, the book circulated in England by hundreds.''® Within ten years Tyn dale added a translation of the Pentateuch and the book of Jonah, and a careful revision of his New Testament. All this excited fierce opposition. Tyn dale's opinions were condemned, and his Testaments, so far as possible, confiscated and burned. In 1536, having been betrayed by certain agents, when at Ant- SECOND PRIZE ESSAY 103 werp, he was strangled to death and his body burned at Vllvorde, Belgium, near Brussels. Yet Tyndale was successful. His dying words were, " Lord, open the king of England's eyes." Within a year of his death, the whole Bible in English, including his own translation of the New Testament, was freely circu lated in his native land by order of the King of Eng land himself. (2) Tyndale's Character Certain Roman Catholic teachers of repute have lately repeated aspersions on Tyndale's character, learning, and purpose In translation, belittling the worth and reliability of his version of the Scrip tures.''* What are the facts ? That he was a man of conscience and heroic resolution his life as an exile, and his death as a martyr to the cause he loved, give unimpeachable witness. The same moral fiber Is re vealed In his words, anticipatory of his fate : " In burning the New Testament they did none other than I looked for ; no more shall they do if they burn me also, if it be God's will it shall be so. Nevertheless, in translating the New Testament I did my duty and so do I now. . . ." ''^ In such controversies as that with Sir Thomas More, he was sometimes, though not without severe provocation, needlessly virulent.''* Yet he was a man of marked humility, unselfishly subordinating himself to his great aim of giving the best possible translation of the Bible to the English people.''* 104 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED (3) Tyndale's Scholarship What of Tyndale's scholarship ? He spent at least eleven years at Oxford and Cambridge Universities. In 1903 a Roman Catholic professor describes him as " a Franciscan priest who, having turned out a Prot estant, undertook to publish a translation of the whole Bible from the original text, though he had but little knowledge of Hebrew." But in Tyndale's time his contemporaries who knew him, even though they were ardent Catholics and bitterly hostile to Tyndale's work, bore witness to him as " a man of right good living, studious and well learned in Scrip ture," a scholar of " high learning In bis Hebrew, Greek, and Latin." ''® (4) Tyndale as a Translator As a translator, Tyndale was independent, mi nutely careful, conscientious. He did not discard the Latin Vulgate nor despise the help of modern ver sions. He was guided somewhat by Luther's German Bible; still more, though chiefly in the matter of English phraseology, by the Wyclifite versions.''® Yet he used all these as a scholar, with main reliance on the Hebrew and Greek Testaments. His version had faults of inexactness and uncouth style. Yet it is the all but unanimous testimony of scholars that for felicity of diction, Tyndale has never been sur passed.'''' SECOND PRIZE ESSAY 105 (5) Tyndale's Purpose His dominating purpose may be fairly stated In his own words. He never wrote, he declares, " either to stir up any false doctrine or opinion in the Church, or to be the author of any sect, or to draw disciples after me, or that I would be esteemed above the least child that is born, but only out of pity and com passion which I had, and yet have, on the darkness of my brethren, and to bring them to the knowledge of Christ." (6) Tyndale's Influence Tyndale did not live long enough to translate the whole Bible. But, besides the parts published in his lifetime, he translated and bequeathed to his suc cessors the Old Testament books from Joshua to II Chronicles, and certain liturgical epistles from the Prophets and the Apocrypha. The influence of Tyndale's work on our standard English Version can scarcely be exaggerated. Re specting that part of the Bible which he translated, it has been estimated that no less than eighty per cent of his translation has been retained in the Old Testament and ninety per cent in the New. The authors of the English Revised New Testament of 1881 say of the Authorized Version of 1611 : " The foundation was laid by William Tyndale. His trans lation of the New Testament was the true primary version. The versions that followed were either sub stantially reproductions of Tyndale's translation In 106 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED Its flnal shape, or revisions of versions that had been themselves almost entirely based on it." ''* A hint of this may be given in even a verse or two (with spell ing modernized) : Tyndale Philippians II: 5-8 American Revised Version Let the same mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus, which being in the shape of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God. Nev ertheless he made himself of no reputation, and took on him the shape of a servant, and be came like unto men, and was found in his apparel as a man. He humbled himself, and be came obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. Have this mind in you, which was also in Christ Je sus: who, existing in the form of God, counted not the being on an equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emp tied himself, taking the form of a servant, being made in the likeness of men; and be ing found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, becoming obedient even unto death, yea, the death of the cross. CHAPTER V The History of the American Revised Version (continued) It Is easy to remember the great works of Wyclif and Tyndale, In order to prevent confusion through the numerous works succeeding theirs, it will help if we set them down plainly, with their dates. The last four are simply revisions of their predecessors. 1525, Tyndale's Bible. 1535, Coverdale's Bible. 1537, Matthew's (Rogers's) Bible. 1539, The Great Bible. 1539, Taverner's Bible. 1560, The Genevan Bible. 1568, The Bishops' Bible. Next after these, setting aside the Rhelms-Douay Version of 1582 and 1609, already described, came the Authorized Version of 1611. (See Diagram 3.) 1. The Coverdale Bible Myles Coverdale was an Augustinian friar, whose heart was against church abuses, but whose mild temper made him a willing follower, anxious to avoid offense, rather than an Intense leader like Tyndale. At the suggestion of Thomas Cromwell, Minister of State, Coverdale undertook a translation of the 107 108 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED Bible.'® In this work he proved himself honest and humbly receptive of the truth. Though knowing something of Hebrew, his Bible was not from the Hebrew and Greek, but was " faithfully and fully translated out of the Douche [German] and Latin." Yet he made large use of Tyndale's work from the originals, so far as that went. This and the Zurich German Bible of 1529, were his chief guides.*® In conserving the great end — a true reproduction of the original writings — Myles Coverdale's work was of a subordinate sort. Yet his contribution was note worthy, (1) because he gave the first complete Eng lish Bible in the sixteenth century; (2) because he revised and secured circulation for what was prac tically Tyndale's New Testament; (3) because he was the author of many Bible words and phrases of lasting worth and beauty.** Coverdale's Bible was the first to include the Apocrypha, but with a head ing that distinguished it clearly from the canonical books.*^ (1) King Henry VIII and the Licensed Bible Strange as it may seem, the first edition of Cover- dale's Bible (1535) was not suppressed by the Gov ernment. The popular demand for the Scriptures in England was making itself felt through the Govern ment and through Convocation, even while Tyndale was in prison.** Archbishop Cranmer and some of the bishops were heartily in favor of English ver sions. King Henry VIII was sympathetic toward the New Learning, if it did not interfere with his SECOND PRIZE ESSAY 109 authority.** Though always a Catholic In tempera ment, because of his divorce from Catherine of Aragon and marriage to Anne Boleyn, he had, in 1534, com pleted a rupture with the Pope of Rome, which was even in Wyclif's time becoming inevitable. This fact, and his ambition to be himself supreme head of a united nation with a national language, which an English version would promote, made Henry the more ready to favor the use of the English Bible and encourage reverence for its authority. The pow erful but heartless primate, Cromwell, also had am bitions of his own to advance. So it came about that when Coverdale's second edition was ready, in 1537, it was " set forth with the king's most gracious license." (2) The Primary Reason for the Licensed Bible Yet neither King Henry nor Thomas Cromwell, however self-seeking and self-willed, could ever have used the desire of the English people for the Bible in their native tongue, or the earnest purpose of Tyn dale and his successors to satisfy that desire, for a support to their selfishness, if this desire and pur pose had not first existed as the primary cause of Bible translation.*® (3) Coverdale's Purpose What Coverdale's purpose in his work was is hon estly stated in his Prologue : " To say the truth before God, it was neither my labor nor desire to have this work in hand; nevertheless it grieved me that other 110 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED nations should be more plenteously provided for with the Scripture in their mother-tongue than we. . ." *® " I . . . have with a clear conscience purely and faith fully translated this out of five sundry interpreters, having only the manifest truth of Scripture before mine eyes ...."*'' 2. The Matthew's Bible The name Matthew's Bible was given to a com pilation of Tyndale's and Coverdale's translations, edited and published in 1537 by John Rogers, un der the name of Thomas Matthew. John Rogers was a Cambridge graduate of 1525, and a clergy man who gradually withdrew from Rome. He was an honest and earnest but bigoted reformer, who, having approved the burning of Joan of Kent, was himself a brave martyr under the persecutions of Queen Mary.** A friend of Tyndale, Tyndale had left in Rogers's hand his unpublished translation from the Hebrew of the Old Testament from Joshua to II Chronicles. It Is almost certain that this, with Tyndale's Pentateuch, the remaining books of the Old Testament from Coverdale's version, and Tyndale's New Testament, formed Matthew's Bible. Rogers's own work on it was that of an editor. Yet his biographer shows that his editing was laborious and careful — an example of his independent and sound judgment being his omission from Psalm XIV of three verses which Coverdale, mistakenly following the Vulgate, had put In.*® Despite the fact that SECOND PRIZE ESSAY 111 about two thirds of the translation was by William Tyndale, whose works had been publicly burned and himself, with King Henry's acquiescence, strangled only the year before, this Bible was not only licensed by the King, but expressly permitted to be " sold and read of every person without danger of any act, proc lamation, or ordinance heretofore granted to the contrary." In Matthew's Bible was found the con stituent character and form that distinguished the Protestant English Bible down to and including the Authorized Version of 1611. 3. The Great Bible Several revised editions now followed. One was the Great Bible of 1539. This was a revision, by Coverdale, the tireless reviser, and others, of the Old Testament of Matthew's Bible (Tyndale's and Cov erdale's work) and of the New Testament of Tyndale. Unfortunately, many small additions were introduced from the Latin Vulgate, whose tendency to incorrect expansion of the thought of the Scripture writers has been noted.®® 4. Taverner's Bible Taverner's revision, also of 1539, was, for Protes tant versions, comparatively unimportant. Richard Taverner was a lawyer and a good Greek scholar, but not a Hebraist. The Old Testament of later versions was little affected by his edition. In the New Testa ment, where naturally his work was best, a few happy renderings of his have become permanent. 112 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED (1) " Bach Only to the Days of Henry VIII " These, then, were the English Bibles published during King Henry's reign. It has been said that " the Protestant Version goes back only to the days of Henry VIII of England, and was then gotten up for obvious reasons." How grossly incorrect this is in the case of the present Revised Bible will be seen later. Yet even of those versions that had not the advantage of the most ancient New Testament manu scripts the statement is a surprising one. For Tyn dale and his successors, except Coverdale, went back to the traditional Hebrew and Greek text, in late copies indeed, but reaching back to at least the end of the second and third centuries respectively. Some of them used also the Latin Vulgate, and so shared with the Catholics whatever advantages accrue from that. (2) "For Obvious Reasons" Just what is meant by the Protestant version be ing " gotten up for obvious reasons " is not clear : ^^'hetller personal reasons (of Henry VIII) or Prot estant reasons (of the Protestant translators). No one questions the mixed character of the motives of King Henry above described ; but those motives could no more vitiate the work to which Tyndale and his followers gave their lives than the blood upon the hands of Queen Mary could stain the saintly devo tion of a Rowland Taylor. The obvious reason for the work of Tyndale, Coverdale, and Rogers was that they believed themselves called of God to give the SECOND PRIZE ESSAY 113 people a faithful version of the Bible in a language they could understand. 5. The Genevan Bible The Genevan Version took its name from Geneva, Switzerland, whither many Englishmen had fied, to escape the Roman Catholic persecutions in the reign of Queen Mary. There, in 1557, Whittingham — one of the nonconforming clergy and a brother-in-law of John Calvin — had completed a revision of Tyndale's New Testament, in accordance with the Greek. This New Testament, itself re-revised, together with the Old Testament of Matthew's Bible, compared with excellent Latin, German, and French versions and thoroughly corrected, was issued in 1560 by a com pany of Genevan pastors, including Whittingham himself, John Knox, and Coverdale.®* The Genevan Bible was abreast of the soundest scholarship of the times, though the text on which It, like the rest, depended was still faulty. It enjoyed an immense popularity, not only till the publication of the King James Version in 1611, but for half a century after that. Its notes were strongly Calvin- istic, and. In a very few instances, its translation gives some ground for the charge of Roman Catholic critics that " English Protestants corrupted the text " for dogmatic ends.®^ With these rare exceptions, the Genevan revisers made their work square with their pledge that "in every point and word" they had " faithfully rendered the text." 114 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED 6. The Bishops" Bible The last of these six sixteenth-century Bibles was the Bishops' Bible. The Genevan Bible was Puri tan; the Great Bible — the then Authorized Version — was of inferior worth. So the bishops set to work on a new revision. Taking the Great Bible as their basis, save where " It varieth manifestly " from the Hebrew and Greek, they sometimes followed it where the Genevan Version was far more accurate. " Bit ter or controversial notes " were excluded, and wisely so ; for such notes had often obscured the true sense of Scripture. The several parts of the Bishops' Ver sion, done by different translators, were of varying merit. Although authorized by Convocation, It was unpopular, partly because of a certain ornate and artificial style of language, very different from the simplicity of the other English versions. ,7. The Authorized Version (1) Its Scope The King's Bible, or so-called " Authorized Ver sion," was itself a revised version, like those before and after it.®* Undertaken in 1604 at the suggestion of the Puritans, ordered by King James I, and exe cuted under the supervision of the Anglican bishops, this version aimed to be nonsectarian vsdthin the lim its of Protestantism. Not any one man or party, but fifty-four men. Including Anglicans and Puritans, theologians and linguists, were chosen to do the work. SECOND PRIZE ESSAY 115 They did it in six companies, each man translating the part assigned to his company, and then submit ting his translation to his associates. Finally, a rep resentative committee reviewed the work and passed on difficult points. (2) Its Sources The Bishops' Bible, being the Authorized Version at the time, was named as the basis of the new re vision. The revisers, however, were to adhere to it only " as far as the truth of the original would per mit." In fact, of the English translations, they fol lowed chiefiy the Genevan, and next the Rhemish.®* Unfortunately, they had only a poor copy of the He brew Old Testament, though some recently made Latin translations of the traditional Hebrew and the Syriac were helps. In the New Testament they were not much better off, depending chiefiy on a copy of the Greek Testament which was based in turn on a Greek text made from only a few manuscripts, no more than two of which were ancient.®® (3) Its Worth King James's translators were men of sound schol arship, and they made the best of their materials. They worked for two years and nine months with painstaking industry, and in 1611 published their work. Because of a lack of sufficient cooperation between the companies, it is uneven in quality. Much of it is forceful and happy in expression. Its sharp- 116 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED est critics have been able to point to only a passage here and there that gives a suspicion of dogmatic bias.®® The " studied variety of renderings " given to one and the same word sometimes obscures the meaning, though perhaps adding to the elegance of the translation. Indeed, it has been remarked of the Old Testament especially that the " splendid stateli- ness of the English version sometimes makes us blind to the deficiencies in the sense." Catholic and Protestant concur in the verdict that " the English of the Authorized Version is the finest specimen of our prose literature at a time when English prose wore its stateliest and most majestic form." ®'' Yet the Version's stateliness does not bar out simplicity. Ninety per cent of its words are Saxon. Meeting with strong opposition at first — for, as its authors naively say, " cavil, if it do not find a hole, will be sure to make one " — the Authorized Version has yet stood for nearly three hundred years the Bible of the English-speaking people, and is still largely in popular use.®* CHAPTER VI The History of the American Revised Version (concluded) the third period 1. The English Revised Version After the Authorized Version of 1611, came a long pause in Bible translation. Neither material nor scholarship was ready for a united and effective advance. At last, in 1870, the third period in the history of the English Bible was marked by the in ception of the English Revised Version. The feeling one may have that, after so many revisions in the sixteenth century, nothing further should be neces sary, or that the Authorized Version is " good enough," is soon dispelled by a little consideration of the facts. (1) Reasons for Revision The natural growth of language, with its changes of meaning, of itself makes periodic revision a neces sity. King James's translators had not always made correct translations. The numerous errors of copy ists of Bible manuscripts were no longer being re peated; but even the printed Bibles contained mis takes, sometimes serious, more often ludicrous. For instance: the edition of the Authorized Version of 117 118 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED 1638 makes Numbers XXV: 18 say, " They vex you with their wives" ("wiles"), and that of 1682 makes the divorce law of Deuteronomy XXIV: 3 say, " If the latter husband ate her " (for " hate her").®® Mechanical means and clerical skill have been marvelously Improved, preventing a repetition of such errors. Moreover, the growth In the scientific spirit with its love of accuracy, together with a notable ad vance in studies that bear particularly on biblical knowledge, must be taken into account. There Is now a long list of scholars whose lives are given wholly to the study of ancient languages. In the Old Testa ment it is necessary, as yet, to use chiefiy the " Re ceived Text," for lack of more perfect Hebrew wit nesses ;*®® but large additions to the vocabulary and knowledge of the Hebrew language have been made lately through the study of Arabic and other lan guages related to the Hebrew.*®* The study of Sans krit — older sister to the Greek — an appreciation of the Hebraistic Greek of the Bible, as distinguished from classical Greek, and the use of the comparative method in studying language, have been of similar help in understanding the New Testament. In both Old and New Testaments the advance in geography, geology, history, and archa?ology have made it practi cable to reproduce with far greater accuracy than was formerly possible the statements of the Bible writers. Encouraged by these helps, biblical scholars have done much since the middle of the eighteenth century, and especially during the last fifty years, in collecting SECOND PRIZE ESSAY 119 Bible manuscripts, examining their text, comparing and grouping them ; so that their genealogy, age, and other characteristics may determine what weight ought to be given to their testimony as to what was originally written. Together with all this, and more Important than any other one fact, is the acquisition in the last sixty years of manuscript copies of the Bible, and particularly of the New Testament, that are regard ed by nearly all competent judges as far more ancient and true to the original Scriptures than anything before available. We have seen that there are five ancient manuscripts entitled to preeminence In this respect. Not one of these was available as a con tinuous text when the Authorized Version was made in 1611. The Douay translators and Challoner paid small attention to the Greek; but most of these manuscripts they could not have used had they wished. Only one, and that the least valuable, was used by King James's translators at all : from it they had merely select readings. Two of the oldest and best three were not known to exist until 1844 and 1859 respectively; and the other was concealed in the Vatican Library, beyond the reach of investigators, until 1862. Even the Alexandrian Manuscript, which stands perhaps fourth in value, was not in use' as a whole till 1786 — one hundred and seventy-five years after the Authorized Version was completed. Besides this, a large number of later manuscripts and some ancient versions were at that time almost wholly uncollected and unused.*®^ (See Diagram 1.) 120 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED (2) The Worhers and the Worh It was in the light of these facts that the English Revision was undertaken in 1870. Private transla tions or revisions of parts of the Bible had been attempted from time to time by individual scholars, and concerted effort was urged in printed publica tions and in debate.*®* At length, through a Re vision Committee of the Convocation of Canterbury, two companies of English scholars, members of the Church of England and Nonconformists, were ap pointed — one to revise the Old Testament, the other the New. Of important religious bodies, only Roman Catholics had no share in the work. Cardinal New man was invited, but declined. After the work was begun, the cooperation of American scholars was sought and given; but the version, in its original form, remains a distinctively English revision. In all, about eighty biblical scholars cooperated in the work. The utmost care was taken. Each passage was gone over three times, and no change was made un less approved by two thirds of the Revisers. Some ten years were spent on the New Testament, which was published in 1881; and upward of fourteen years on the Old Testament, which appeared in 1885.*®* A revision of the Apocrypha was no part of the original plan, but this has since been made, and published by the University presses. " The la bor," say the Revisers, " has been great, but it has been given ungrudgingly." And the result has justi fied the effort. SECOND PRIZE ESSAY 121 It is true, the Revision has been sharply criticised. To some the changes made — especially in the New Testament — are too many, and the alternative read ings too often noted. Accuracy, it is said, has been gained at too great a cost of musical cadences.*®® It may be so. But those whose chief care is to know just what was originally written will agree that " In translations it is required first, as Saint Paul says of stewards, ' that a man be found faithful,' not musi cal." And all who revere the great reviser Jerome will wish to remember his incisive words about cer tain Christians of his day who " mistook ignorance for piety " : " If they do not like the water from the pure fountain head, let them drink of the muddy streams." *®® (3) Distinctive Features The results of this revision may be summarized as follows : (a) The Old Testament text is still the " Masso retic," or " Received Text," though occasionally cor rected by the ancient versions. It will be remem bered that this means that our present English Bibles in the Old Testament go back to a copy of the date of 1009, and many later copies, of a text that was cur rent In the second century a.d. The Septuagint, made before Christ, and other ancient versions, it will be understood, corroborate the main substance of this text, while correcting it in passages where they vary from it considerably. (b) The New Testament text has been corrected 122 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED according to the best Greek manuscripts, particularly those of the fourth century already described. The text of these fourth century copies, which must, of course, have been older than the copies, belonged, as we have seen, to the ancient Neutral group. Our Revised New Testament Is, therefore, closely related to the New Testament writings themselves. Even that part of It that may still claim affinity to the Greek received, or Antiochian, text, which Tyndale and his immediate successors used, though later than the Neutral type, is still ancient. To say, then, that " the Protestant Version goes back only to the days of Henry VIII of England," is no more true than it would be to say that the Catholic English versions go back only to the days of Queen Elizabeth. It is estimated that the text of the Revisers differs from that of the Version of 1611 in no less than 5,988 readings. It should be noted, however, that only about one fourth of these involve changes in the sub ject-matter; and only a very few affect the sense largely. The meaning of passages is often Illuminat ed by this return to a more correct text. A spurious passage here and there — ^like I John V : 7b, 8a, about the " Three Heavenly Witnesses," retained in the King James and Challoner-Douay Versions — has been dropped. Many small interpolations have been removed, and doubtful passages marked doubtful.*®' (c) Mistranslations have been corrected. For in stance II Kings VIII : 13, " But what, is thy servant a dog that he should do this great thing ? " is correct ed to, " But what Is thy servant, who is but a dog, that he should do this great thing ? " As so often, SECOND PRIZE ESSAY 123 the Challoner-Douay translation of this is blind: " But what am I thy servant a dog, that I should do this great thing ? " *®* (d) Inexact Translations have been improved. Luke III : 23, " And Jesus himself began to be about thirty years of age," corrected to, " And Jesus him self when he began to teach was about thirty . . ." ; and I Corinthians IV : 4, " For I know nothing by myself," corrected to, " For I know nothing against myself," are two instances out of many. In these two passages the Challoner-Douay Version has, again, literal renderings which seem dubious : " And Jesus himself was beginning about the age of thirty years ; " and " For I am not conscious to myself of anything." (e) The rendering of Tenses has been conformed more exactly to the Hebrew and Greek uses. Mark IV : 37, " so that it [the ship] was now full," changed to, " insomuch that the boat was now fill ing " is an example which sailors will appreciate. (/) A few of the many Obsolete Terms have been replaced by English that can be understood. Two or three examples are: " taches " (by "clasps"), " wimples " (by " shawls "), " cotes " (by " folds "), "to ear" (by "to plow"). (g) Some words that have changed their meaning are discarded for other words that now express the old sense. Illustrations are : " vagabond " (for " wan derer"), "harness" (for "armor"), "peep" (for " chirp "), " conversation " (for " behavior "), " car riage " (for " goods "). (h) Certain Obscure Phrases have been clarified. 124 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED For instance: I Timothy III: 13, "For they that have used the office of a deacon well purchase to them selves a good degree," is translated, " For they that have served well as deacons gain to themselves a good standing." (i) Varieties in rendering that were suggestive of differences not in the Greek have been made uniform. For example, John XV, " abide " throughout : not sometimes " abide," sometimes " continue " — so miss ing the intended emphasis of repetition. (;') Religious Poems, such as the Psalms and Ex odus XV — " I will sing unto the Lord, for he hath triumphed gloriously " — are printed, not as prose, but as poetry. One could wish that this principle had been extended to the suitable printing of prose discourse and quotations. {h) The sense of passages is preserved through the abolition of the often misleading Chapter and Verse Division, and the introduction of symmetrical group ings, as in the ' Six Woes ' of Isaiah V, and the ' Seven Epistles ' of Revelation II and III. (J) The frequently misleading Chapter Headings of the Authorized Version are abolished, and italics are used only when real additions have been made to the original language, to complete the sense. It would be easy to point out incompleteness in this work, due chiefly to the English conservative fear of change ; but It is difficult to conceive how any fair-minded person can fail to recognize the vast superiority of the English Revised Version over all others that had preceded it.*®® Through it all there SECOND PRIZE ESSAY 125 is evident " the sincere desire " of the Revisers " to give to modern readers a faithful representation of the meaning of the original documents." **® 2. The American Standard Edition The history of the American Standard Edition of the Revised Version is contained largely in the his tory of its predecessors, which has been given.*** It is a recension of the Revised Version of 1881-85, not a distinct revision. Of course, therefore, its text is the same as that of the English Revised Ver sion. In translation, it is believed to inherit all that was good In that version. It also presents several marked improvements. (1) Its Origin and Scope As the origin of the Revision of 1881 was with the English translators, so the deciding vote in respect of questions raised iu the work of revision was theirs.**^ The American Committee, while fulfilling their promise to refrain from any similar publication for fourteen years, continued its work, and in 1901 pub lished this American Edition. In this their preferred readings, published in appendices in the English Revised Version, with others which the haste of the English publishers and a fear of too great apparent disagreement had previously ruled out of the appen dices, were incorporated in the body of the text. In the Old Testament other changes in translation, judged to be obviously for the better, were added.*** 126 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED (2) Its Distinctive Features The student will find the distinctive features of the American Revised Version to be as follows : (a) A few Incorrect or Incomplete Translations have been corrected. Job XIX : 26 Is an Illustration. The English Revision has: And after my skin hath been thus destroyed, Yet from my fiesh shall I see God: Whom I shall see for myself, And mine eyes shall behold, and not another. The Challoner-Douay, still following what Gigot (Catholic) calls the most striking instance of Je rome's dogmatic bias (see Ch. il. Note 39) has: And I shall be clothed again with my skin, and in my flesh, etc. (as above). The American Revision translates this : And after my skin, even this body, is destroyed. Then without my flesh shall I see God ; Whom I, even I, shall see, on my side. And mine eyes shall behold and not as a stranger.*** (b) Many Obsolete Words have been put into In telligible English. The English Revisers " thought it no part of their duty to reduce the Authorized Version to conformity with modern usage." **® The American Revisers have counted it of first impor tance that the English Bible should be plain enough to be understood by all intelligent persons. It may well be doubted whether, in a company of American people of average intelligence and education, ten per cent would know the meaning of the following words : " minish," " chapiter," " ouches," " sith," SECOND PRIZE ESSAY 127 " straltness," " chapmen," " wot," " poll thee." In their places the American Revised Version gives: "diminish," "capital," "settings," "since," "dis tress," "traders," "know," "cut off thy hair." (c) A more complete exchange has been made of words still in use but bearing an altered meaning, for words that now express the sense of the Bible writers. Examples of this class of words in the English Re vision, with their modern substitutes in the Ameri can Revision, are : " fray " (" frighten "), " tell " ("number"), "clouted" ("patched"), "hale" ("drag"), "delicates" ("delicacies"), "charger" ("platter"), "cunning" ("skill"), "let" ("hin der"), "sod" ("boiled"), "turtle" ("turtle dove"), "reins" (" heart "—literally, "kidneys"). (d) Certain uncouth, unidiomatic or Obscure Ex pressions existing in the Authorized Version, despite the general excellence of its English, were allowed to remain in the English Revision. These have been greatly improved In the American Revised Version. For Instance : I Kings XXII : 5, " inquire for the word," instead of " inquire at the word," and Deuteronomy XXXII : 14, " with the finest of the wheat," instead of, " with the fat of kidneys of the wheat." (e) The Grammar has been Improved, making the sense of Scripture more real and clear. " Who " and " that " are used Instead of " which," when referring to persons, as in " Our Father who art in heaven " ; and " a " has been substituted for " an " before the aspirated " h " — an appropriate thing in this country where people pronounce their initial " h's." 128 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED (/) Names of a special character have been more faithfully rendered. The name Jehovah, expressive of the thought of God as the ever-present and cove nant-keeping God, although itself a compromise form, is, at least, better than the wholly unjustifiable " Lord." " Lord," in this use of the word, is a leg acy of a late Jewish superstition against uttering the divine Name. (g) A few words that are now objectionable to decently refined taste are found in the Challoner- Douay and King James Versions, and were unfor tunately retained by English conservatism. In the American Revision these give place to refined words, which in some cases really reproduce the original bet ter than the now coarser words. Jeremiah IV: 19, " My bowels, my bowels," becomes, " My heart, my heart " ; for it is precisely such English use of the word " heart " that corresponds to the Hebrew thought of the " bowels " as the seat of the affections. Other instances are: Isaiah LXIII: 15, John XI: 39, Philippians III: 8. (h) In a few passages, most of them comparatively unimportant, the American Revisers judged it better to return to the translation of the Authorized Ver sion. (i) The English Revisers prudently omitted the old chapter headings and page headlines altogether, rather than amend them. With a lame apology, the English New Testament Revisers allowed the titles of books to stand unrevised. In both cases the Ameri can Revisers have rendered a positive service: first. SECOND PRIZE ESSAY 129 by inserting headlines drawn largely from the biblical text, to guide in reading, yet " avoid as far as possible all precommitments, whether doctrinal or exegeti- cal " ; and, second, in conforming the titles to the ancient manuscripts, so that we are not led to think that Matthew the tax-collector was called Saint Mat thew in his day, or that the Apostle Paul wrote the Letter to the Hebrews, when it is almost certain that he did not.**® (;') Paragraphs have been shortened, making un derstanding of a passage easier, punctuation has been corrected, and spelling has been made to agree more consistently with the current orthography. There Is no good reason. In this country at least, for spelling jubilee, for Instance, jubile ; show, shew ; or thorough ly as If it were " throughly." Perfection is not claimed for this Version ; but it Is safe to say that nearly all, if not all, of these im provements justify the aim and belief of the Ameri can Revisers, that their edition of the Bible would " on the one hand bring a plain reader more closely Into contact with the exact thought of the sacred writers than any version now current in Christen dom, and on the other hand prove itself especially serviceable to students of the Word." **^' *** Diagram i SOURCES OF THE ENGLISH BIBLE SEPT^ftGlNT. BEF-ORF (^^HRIST ion a.n \ -sao. QUI Catin-'othes HEBREW^GREEK MSS. JC- 4oo. tWitf kVOlBftTE. ^00 ¦6po I40O. .rSQQ. -1KU2. -LZflfi- isoo rovEnoiiu* OouaV, ' CHAUONER.^ I9PP.- RE> (UNfEVAll hmsnii !iseo> AMERICnNiREVlSEn- (The solid line, as distinguished from the dotted line, shows about how far back the oldest extant copies go.) Diagram 2 TYPICAL KINDS OF NEW TESTA MENT MANUSCRIPTS ¦ too ion 50D MIL .iBL -ML. ¦ 'SPQ. -ifann nnp I80Q .iqtio I r ^ I i J Vaiqn v T I I Clementine VuljSote.. *-r-i I .511 ff %• jtxxt. Illustrating the history of the several groups of "Texts" and their relation to our English Versions. * Textual basis of the Rheims Version, Challoner had Clementine edition. •j- ** tt ti tt Tyndale, Genevan, Bishops*, and Authorized Versions. J " '< " " English-American Revision. Diagram 3 Tabular VIE.W English Versioi^softheBibii. 'Centufy. Chitf Sgurcts iflhgrHiag^i^ Ctiiy;f,£n^lisif)Sm,'rccs 0*-13! Hnfila -Saxon and Old Eng lish iJaraphrasfs.ofGbspels , Hafmzs. £.f(t. Latin Vujdjcrie. 141^ Wygkliffte Bible. LaTitiVulcggfe. Tyndales Pentateuch and l\I.I ro.T JDsh-l.C}irDB3[Wi/cklifrt{ g't^^^ Erasmus' lA'f in N.T- li/ttiei-'s'Kz>niatt. Coverdale's Bible. 'Mdittiecgs' %^ Tyadales N.T., . iyncia,ies A O.T. Covudaiss 'A OiTi Tyndale's N.T, R^tllnus'i.a:tirt. "Zurich. Grgrroan. ^mgi3M&. "Matthea^s.', Hcbreuj.bcpruaDinr Fraamus'lQ.fm N.T. Tax/eme/s . Sung as aho*t. (kenzwan LaTinVul$atc. FrQ.smuc'jgi-egkNT. ThgBisbo|:>.«;'.. Ctgflt^iblg. HebreiUixndGu'zeK- "Rheims- Douoy, Genevan mjBI shop Latin Vulgate. Ty5 ly'n^James "/lulhofi'zgd" (jgRCVanMitll^cliBS 'l^etfcived* Hebreitf * T^nmus'Iali)!.. Tremellius'Jla'tiR. Slttliaini5Y.'»CT«iW(p CtrellW 191? English K^gN/isrriVerslnrj KiV\§clames'^irtiiiirini[ (Received." Hcbreu^- DneisitrSmk NT KA&S. 20^ HmericfanKetfisprffefttH Eri^lfsh l^evisgd TTle Samg. Diagram 4 CONSTITUENT PARTS OF THE VUL GATE, AND THEIR SOURCES W a , J? THE UTIN- VULGATE iLi TESTAMENT. 2 -iSHSte^^fts^TsiSi!^ s THE s :3 LATIN VULGATE t 0. to UJ 13 IMIW d K ^ TESTAMENT, THE ORIGIN AND HISTORY OF THE VERSION OF THE BIBLE AUTHOR IZED BY THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH, AND OF THE AMER- ICAN REVISED VERSION THIRD PRIZE ESSAY By CHARLES B. DALTON THE ORIGIN AND HISTORY OF THE v4:RSI0N OF THE BIBLE AUTHOR IZED BY THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH, AND OF THE AMER- ICAN REVISED VERSION CHAPTER I Intkoductoby " If God spares my life," said William Tyndale, " ere many years I will cause a boy that driveth a plow to know more of the Scriptures than the Pope does ! " That this was no idle boast, the story of Tyndale's life and work well shows, and time has so multiplied versions of the Bible that it has now been translated into about two hundred and sixty of the languages spoken throughout the world. Thus has the miracle of the day of Pentecost been extended to our own day, so that we hear ' every man in his own tongue wherein he was bom the wonderful works of God.' The labors of the noble men who at the cost often of their liberty have accomplished this result form a story full of living interest, and it is the purpose of this essay to tell so much of that story as relates the origin and history of 137 138 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED 1. The version of the Bible authorized by the Catholic Church. 2. The version of the Bible known as the Revised Version, American Standard Edition. The original manuscripts of the Bible constitute theoretically the origin of all Bible versions. These original manuscripts, however, have been lost, leaving for such version work as is here under consideration later manuscript copies of the originals, to which are to be added early translations into other languages, known as " ancient versions " and quotations by the early Christian Fathers. The only version authorized for use by the Catholic Church is the Vulgate, a Latin translation completed 405 a.d. The English translation of the Vulgate which may be used by Catholics is known as the " Douay Version." Tyndale was the first Englishman who translated directly from the original languages, and from him, through the Bibles of Coverdale and Rogers, the Great Bible, the Genevan, the Bishops', and the Authorized, we come to the first version which com bined ancient manuscripts, ancient versions, and pa tristic quotations — the Anglo-American Revision. The history of the Douay Version is, therefore, that of the Vulgate and the translations into English made from it; while the history of the Revised Version is that of the original sources, from which the text is derived, and the translations into English from the time of Tyndale to the present date.^ Diagram i THE HOLY BIBLE Gospels before 70 A.D. Epistles be- Old Testament writ- ) 1200 B.C. The New Testament) tween 51 A.D, ^-_ :_ ii-L ._j ..._:..„ :_ ^ __!_ ^ ^„^ 5^ A.D. ten in Hebrew written in Greek The Book of the Revelation 96 A.D. Collected in one book 325 A.D. Original manuscripts now lost represented by I Manuscripts Hebrew Greek iicuicw vi.ccn. Quotations by Versions in sev- \ .j.jjg oldest 916 A.D. oldest 4th century early Chris- eral languages, / Vulgate V tian Fathers one of the most ) important being) ^ p The Revised Version The Douay Bible CHAPTER II The Bible What is the Bible ? It is a collection of books by many authors, who wrote as " the Spirit gave them utterance," during a period of about fourteen hun dred years, known also as the " Scriptures " or " Sa cred Writings," or in Anglo-Saxon as " Holy Writ," and aptly called by Jerome " The Divine Library." In other words it is the inspired Word of God given to us through human writers. As Protestants generally receive it, the Bible con sists of the Old Testament, containing thirty-nine books (accepted as the Holy Scriptures by the Jews also), and the New Testament, containing twenty- seven books. These books are all accepted by the Protestant churches as " canonical," that is, as the collection of the authoritative books of the church. The Catholic Church accepts as canonical all these books, and with them others called by Protestants " The Apocrypha " — a word which means ' hidden.' These books are: Tobit, Judith, Wisdom, Ecclesi asticus, Baruch, I and II Maccabees, An addition to the Book of Esther, The Song of the Three Children, The Story of Susanna, Bel and the Dragon, the last three constituting additions to the Book of Daniel. 140 THIRD PRIZE ESSAY 141 They are of minor importance, are often printed with the Protestant Bible, and can, therefore, be read by anyone who wishes to do so. They are not, we are informed on good authority,^ applied by the Catholic Church to establish any doctrine, except in the pas sage where it is stated " that it is a holy and whole some thought to pray for the dead," and in others held by them to be applicable in praise of the Blessed Virgin Mary.^ As, however, the Catholic Church relies on texts in other parts of the Bible to support these doctrines, there are no special doctrinal reasons for her reckoning the Apocrypha as canonical. There is, therefore, no substantial difference between Catho lics and Protestants as to what is contained in the Bible.* The main question is then the comparative merits of the Douay and the Revised Versions as presenta tions to the reader of the thought and language of the inspired writings of the Bible rendered into the English language. Father Early in his letter says : " I take this op portunity of correcting an erroneous assertion con tained in the end of your note, and which so many non-Catholics, knowingly or otherwise I do not say, persist in falsely asserting and spreading, namely: * The Church you represent discourages the reading of the Scriptures by the people.' The Catholic Church has never prohibited any of her members * Any reader who wishes to go more fully into this branch of the subject will find in the Appendix a summary of the arguments for and against the inclusion of the Apocrypha in the canon. (*). 142 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED reading the Scriptures or Bible. In every family whose means will permit the buying of a copy, there you will find the authentic version of God's words as authorized by the Church, and which has come doA;vn to us unchanged from the time of Christ himself. But the Catholic Church does object to the reading of the Protestant version, which goes back only to the days of Henry VIII of England, and was then gotten up for obvious reasons. Neither will the Catholic Church allow private interpretation of the Scrip tures, for then there would be as many interpretations as there are men and women whose interests or passions would suggest." We can at once dispose of that part of the letter which refers to the reading of the Bible by the in dividual or family in private, and for this purpose we quote from a pastoral letter issued by the Third Plenary Council of Baltimore, 1884: " It can hardly be necessary for us to remind you that the most high ly valued treasure of every family library and the most frequently and lovingly made use of should be the Holy Scriptures. We hope that no family can be found amongst us without a correct version of the Holy Scriptures. Among other versions we recom mend the Douay, which is venerable as used by our forefathers for three centuries, which comes down to us sanctioned by innumerable authorizations, and which was suitably annotated by the learned Bishop Challoner, by Canon Haydock, and especially by the late Archbishop Kenrick." ^ This Council governs the actions of Catholics in THIRD PRIZE ESSAY 143 the United States, and the quotation given is suf ficient proof of the practice of the Catholic Church in this matter. The correctness of Father Early's other statements can only be tested by a study of the history of the two versions and of the sources from which they are derived. CHAPTER III The Manusceipts, Versions, and Quotations In dealing with ancient writings the first inquiry is directed toward obtaining the most accurate text possible of the original. The language of the Old Testament is Hebrew (ex cepting certain passages in Aramaic) ; ® of the New Testament, Greek. Hebrew was the language of the Jews. At the date when the New Testament was written the Jews had wandered far and wide, and spoke in Greek, the language of the countries they lived in, forming thus a Jewish-Greek dialect, which colors much of the Greek in which the New Testa ment is written.'' The original manuscripts have all disappeared. Many of the Old Testament manuscripts were de stroyed during the frequent exiles and numerous per secutions of the Jews. But the Jews themselves are partly responsible for their destruction. In each syna gogue they set apart one room called the Geniza, where torn and mutilated copies were stored. The contents were from time to time burned to prevent their application to common uses. There are, how ever, a large number of Hebrew manuscripts — thir teen or fourteen hundred — still preserved, of which the oldest is dated 916 a.d. 144 THIRD PRIZE ESSAY 145 The Greek manuscripts of the New Testament suffered in persecutions against Christians in the early days of the church, but we have access to more than one hundred and twenty-five uncials — so-called from a Latin word meaning * an inch ' — written in capital letters, and about two thousand five hundred cursives — so called from a Latin word meaning ' run ning ' — written like modern handwriting. The un cials are the oldest, dating back in the most ancient copy extant to the fourth century a.d. To secure circulation of a book in ancient times, when these Greek and Hebrew manuscripts were written, was no easy matter. Every copy had to be made by hand at a great expenditure of time and trouble, and often too with a loss of accuracy. If the reader will copy out a few pages of any modern book, have his manuscript copied by a friend, and continue the process through five or six copyings, and then compare the last manuscript with the printed book, he will see how easily mistakes can be made. Errors are not uncommon even in printed books, with proofs carefully examined. A well known instance occurs in one edition of the Authorized Version, where King David is made to say (Psalm OXIX: 161), " Printers have persecuted me without a cause," a form of persecution from which he at any rate was free. The Hebrew alphabet also made possible variations in the text. Originally it consisted of consonants only. Later, in the Christian era, marks were added to the letters to represent vowel sounds. Even these 146 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED marks were sometimes omitted in manuscripts written for use in the synagogues.^ How easily, in these circumstances, mistakes could be made can be seen in an example from the English language. Thus if we adopted the Hebrew method, the letters B R N might be read, BRN, BRN, BRN, BRN BRN a o u i y, a ey, and in several other ways. The Greek alphabet, on the other hand, has both vowels and consonants, and this particular liability to error is not present in the New Testament manu scripts; but both Hebrew and Greek manuscripts were frequently written without any division between the words, and a word might easily be wrongly divided. Mr. Paterson Smyth {Old Documents and the New Bible), to whom we are indebted for the illustration on vowel points, gives a striking ex ample of a mistake thus made in the story of the infidel who wrote over his bed : " God is nowhere." This was read by his little boy as " God is now here." Sometimes, again, copyists took liberties with the text and amended them on their own authority. It will thus be seen how easily mistakes could arise, and in all old texts variations are sure to occur from these causes. The genuine text of Shakespeare, comparatively a modern work, is uncertain in many places. Still more is this likely to be the case with the text of the Bible, written two or three thousand years ago, and of which no original manuscript is in existence. THIRD PRIZE ESSAY 147 Nevertheless, in the Bible we have a more correct text than that of any other ancient book. In the case of the Old Testament this is due to the pre cautions taken by the Jews to make the errors as few as possible. The plan they adopted was as follows : One writer copied the consonants, another put in the vowel points and accents, while the whole was scrupulously revised by a third, and notes on the text inserted by a fourth. In addition to these precau tions they invented an elaborate system to secure the text from error or corruption, guarded by rules of almost painful minuteness, and called the " Masso rah." These rules included a count of the number of letters, words, and verses in each book and a note of the middle verse, word, and letter. The men who during hundreds of years elaborated the system are known as the " Massoretes," and the " Received Text " of the Old Testament is from these circum stances known as the " Massoretic Text." " The re sult is that whatever variations may have crept in are verbal only, the value of the substance has never been touched, and the " Massoretic Text " is generally re ceived as the authentic Word of God. Though no such system as the Massoretic was used for preserving the text of the New Testament, the existing manuscripts are much nearer the date of the originals, and must have passed through fewer hands. Moreover, the peculiar form of writing and similar causes which led to variations in the Hebrew text were not present in the case of the Greek, and a comparison of the different manuscripts show the 148 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED variations for the most part to be of trifling im portance. Thus we still have ample material for ascertaining the true text of Scripture from the existing manu scripts, and the loss of the originals is in a great measure made up by the existence of translations into other languages, or, as they are called, " versions." There are several of these, some of earlier date than the existing manuscripts, such as the Syriac and the Latin, both of which originated in the second century. To the testimony of the manuscripts and versions we must add that of quotations of the Bible by early Christian writers. Though neither versions nor quo tations are of the same value as manuscripts, both are often invaluable in giving them support and in ascer taining the true reading. CHAPTER IV How TO Asceetain THE Teue Text of the Bible The discovery and correction of errors in the text of any ancient document is a branch of learning to which much attention has been paid in recent years, and which is known as " textual criticism." In the sense in which we use that expression it in volves the textual study and comparison of all docu ments which throw light on the text of the Bible. The rules which govern it may be shortly sum marized as follows : 1. The earliest manuscripts are most likely to be correct, as they have not passed through so many hands as those later in date. 2. The true reading is that contained in the majority of manuscripts, if all are of the same authority. 3. But as all are not of the same authority, the origin and history of each have to be considered. The work of a critic in ascertaining the correct text of a pas sage, say in the New Testament, would therefore in volve not merely a search for the oldest Greek manu scripts containing the passage but a comparison of the values of the text which these manuscripts repre sent, which would point to the reading of the passage most likely to be correct. In addition to this the ancient versions would have to be consulted and the value of the text they represent considered; while quotations from the early Fathers would have to be 149 150 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED referred to and their value carefully taken into ac count. Important discoveries of new manuscripts have been made during the last century, especially that of the Codex Sinaiticus, and it is only in recent years that the science of textual criticism has been fully developed, and the resources at the disposal of the critic arranged in an accessible form. Even with these advantages, however, the work is by no means a simple one. It requires a mind skilled in weighing evidence, trained in the study of manuscripts and in the detection of errors which they contain, and above all reverent to God, and anxious in all humility to find, as far as human means can do so, what is the true text of the in spired Word. The history of the two Versions, the Douay and the Revised, will show what use has been made of the wealth of material now accessible. The reader will be able to judge in each case whether the best methods of criticism have been adopted, whether every available source of information has been util ized, and in which version the greater care has been taken to ascertain the true text."* CHAPTER V The Vulgate The only version authorized by the Catholic Church — the Vulgate — is a translation of the Bible made by Jerome between 387 a.d. and 405 a.d. This name (Latin, Vulgata = ' common ') was given to it because it had become by about 600 a.d. the version of the Bible commonly used in western Europe, and to-day the Prayer-book of the English- speaking Episcopal churches contains two transla tions from it — ^the Benedicite and the Psalter, trans lated by Coverdale. As Christianity spread westward, where there was little knowledge of Greek, and less of Hebrew, a version in Latin became necessary. More than one was made, and as copies had to be multiplied by hand, and were altered to agree with local dialect, a corruption of the text was unavoidable. Errors also arose from attempts of copyists to improve the text instead of strictly following it. In order to secure a correct and uniform text Pope Damasus in 382 A.D. commissioned Jerome to revise the existing Latin version. In carrying out this great work Jerome trans lated the entire Old Testament and a portion of the Apocrypha from the Hebrew, and corrected the ex- 151 152 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED isting Latin text of the New Testament from the best Greek manuscripts which he could find. Jerome's work is especially valuable as a wit ness to the Hebrew and the Greek text in manu scripts of greater antiquity than any we now pos sess." It gradually gained ground from its own intrinsic merit, and through the growing influence of the Church of Rome, and for more than a thousand 3'ears it was the origin of all translations of the Scriptures in western Europe.-*^ Several revisions of the Vulgate were made, but no special authority was given to it by the Catholic Church before the decrees of the Council of Trent in 1546. To quote the words of a Catholic writer (Waterworth, Council of Trent, Preface, p. Ixxxix, pp. 19, 20), this Council, regarding " the great va riety of translations current in the church an evil to be remedied, decreed that the old and Vulgate edition be held as authentic, as being the most ancient, the most used, as representing more correct ly the state of the ancient copies of the Greek and Hebrew Scriptures than any other Latin version, or even probably than any other then or now existing Greek or Hebrew edition, and, finally, as having been prepared ages before the modern disputes and, there fore, unbiased by them." The decree further de clared that " if any one receives not as sacred and canonical " all the books therein contained, which include the Apocrypha, " let him be anathema." Further, the Council, " seeing clearly that truth and discipline are contained in the written books and THIRD PRIZE ESSAY 153 the unwritten traditions, . . . receives and venerates with an equal affection of piety and reverence all the books of the Old and New Testament, ... as also the said traditions, as well those pertaining to faith as to morals, as having been dictated either by Christ's own word of mouth or by the Holy Ghost, and preserved in the Catholic Church by a continu ous succession." An edition of the Vulgate had to be determined upon as the authentic version mentioned in the de cree; and, after Pope Sixtus V had published one, which, though declared by him to be " authentic," was found to be very faulty, and was recalled, Clem ent VIII issued an edition, which " from that time forward (sometimes under the name of Clement, sometimes under that of Sixtus, sometimes under both names) has been the standard edition of the Roman Church. By the Bull of 1592 every edition must be assimilated to this one, no word of the text may be altered, nor even variant readings printed in the margin." Every authorized edition of the Vul gate subsequently published has had the approval of the Pope who at the time occupied the chair of Peter at Rome.^^ The approval given by the Council of Trent, a plenary or ecumenical Council of the whole church, has been confirmed by another similar Council, that of the Vatican, held in 1870.^* Such an approval is the highest which the church can give, the next in weight being that of the Congregation of the Index or Rites at Rome. 154 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED The church being catholic for all nations and all time, no one version could be authorized other than the Vulgate for all the different languages spoken throughout the Christian world. Any country which wishes for a Bible in its own language must use a translation of the Vulgate. CHAPTER VI AUTHOEITT FOE UsE OF THE DoUAY BiBLE The translation of the Vulgate used by English- speaking people is known as the " Douay Bible." Cardinal Capellan in his remarks on the decrees of the First Council of Baltimore points out that, for the reasons given at the end of the last chapter, no approval has been given to this version either by an ecumenical Council or by a Congregation at Rome. The authority for its use in the United States is found in the decrees of the Second Council of Baltimore (1866),^° a plenary Council for this coun try, which recommends that the clergy do not per mit their flock " to select the pure food of the Word of God, unless from approved versions and editions," and continues as follows : " We order, therefore, that the Douay Version, which is received in all churches where the faithful speak English, and which has been justly set forth for the use of the faithful by our predecessors, be altogether retained. Moreover, the bishops will take care that the most approved copy should be designated by them, and all editions both of the Old and New Testament of the Douay Version be most perfectly made, with such notes as might be selected from the holy Fathers of the church or from learned Catholics." In the Third Plenary Council of Baltimore (1884) a suggestion 155 156 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED was made that an authorized English version of the Scriptures should be published; but this was not agreed to, presumably for the reasons we have given.-*® The Council particularly directed that all biblical discussion among the clergy be based on the Vulgate only, and not on any translation. The position taken by the Catholic Church as to the Vulgate and the Douay Bible is the same to-day as it was at the date of the decrees. In proof of this we have permission to quote the following letter from the Rev. Father Prendergast, of the College of Saint Francis Xavier, 30 West Sixteenth Street, New York City, dated March 20, 1904: " I find no appro bation of the Douay Version given by the Church. Individual theologians and individual bishops have approved this or that version, and the Council of Baltimore II quotes Archbishop Carroll as approving the Douay Version in general, reapproves it, and urges the bishops to see that all editions to which they give their imprimatur are in accord with some good exemplar of it. This Council has authority only in the United States. Such approval is more than the Church has given to any other translation of the Vulgate into a modern tongue." With reference to English approvals, the Rev. T. M. Joaffe, professor of theology at Saint Benno's, England, in a letter dated June 19, 1904, which we have permission to quote, says, " There is no favorite edition." In brief, the position of the Catholic Church is that any of these revisions, approved by a bishop or THIRD PRIZE ESSAY 157 higher authority, may be used by members of the Catholic Church, but the only authorized version of the Bible is the Vulgate itself. Bearing these facts in mind, the reader will be better able to appreciate the history of the Douay Bible given in the next chapter. CHAPTER VII The Histoey of the Douay Bible DuEiNG the reign of Queen Mary of England, William Allen, a strong supporter of the Roman Catholic Church, was Principal of Saint Mary's Hall, Oxford. His character and intellect are de scribed by Bishop Andrewes in the following pithy sentence : " His forehead was surely flint and his tongue a razor." ^'' After the accession of Queen Elizabeth he left England and was for many years an enthusiastic worker for the restoration of England to communion with Rome. Through his efforts the Catholic College at Douay, in Flanders, was founded with the object of organizing missionary work in England, and his labors gained for him the cardinal's hat. In 1578, owing to political troubles, the members of the College migrated to Rheims, returning to Douay in 1609. Another Englishman, Gregory Martin, reputed to be the best Hebrew and Greek scholar of his day, joined William Allen at Douay in 1570, and they were there associated with Richard Bristow, Dr. Reynolds, and Dr. Worthington. These were the men who made the translation of the Douay Bible from the Vulgate. Martin trans lated and his fellow laborers revised his translation. 158 THIRD PRIZE ESSAY 159 The result of their labors was the publication in 1582 of the New Testament with notes by Bristow and Allen at Rheims, and in 1609 of the Old Testa ment with notes by Worthington at Douay, form ing the Rheims and Douay Bible, or, as it is more commonly called the " Douay Bible." Though approved by the Universities of Rheims and Douay at the time of publication,^* the trans lation has " never," says Cardinal Newman, " had any episcopal imprimatur, much less has it received any formal approbation from the Holy See. It comes to us on the authority of certain divines of the Cathedral and College of Rheims and of the Uni versity of Douay, confirmed by the subsequent in direct recognition of English, Scotch and Irish bish ops, and its general reception by the faithful." Two editions of the Douay Bible were published, the first in 1609, the second in 1633, which was ren dered necessary by the issue of Clement VIII's re vised version of the Vulgate (1592-98). Of the many revisions which have been made of this trans lation, the most important is that of Challoner, whose first edition of the whole Bible appeared in London in 1750. His text was the first of the Douay versions published with episcopal sanction, for he himself was a bishop. The alterations are very con siderable, based on the principle of making the text more easily understood by the reader. Old and dis used words and expressions are replaced by more familiar language, but there is not apparently any wish to use Saxon in place of Latin words. 160 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED His version of the Old Testament must be con sidered, as a whole, to be a new translation. Every Catholic translation. Cardinal Newman points out, must resemble others, as all are translations of the same Vulgate ; but, " this connection between the Douay and Challoner being allowed for, Challoner's version is even nearer to the Protestant than it is to the Douay." " At this day," he continues, " the Douay Old Testament no longer exists as a received version of the authorized Vulgate. There is one and only one received text " (that of Challoner). The New Testament has been frequently revised, and the revisions differ widely from the original ; but there is not any one standard edition of the same authority as Challoner's Old Testament. In 1783 in Dublin Rev. Bernard McMahon published a re vision, approved by Archbishop Carpenter, which, though it claims descent from Challoner, has never theless about fifty variations from his text in the Gospels, and about five hundred in the other books of the New Testament. The editions of this revision, subsequently published, are known as Troy's Bible, as that prelate directed their preparation and gave his formal approval of the translation.^^ They strive to make the language more colloquial, and in many places are certainly successful. Subsequent editors of the New Testament have had to choose between Challoner's and Troy's texts, and have made free use of the choice thus given them. One of these editions, that of Haydock, was issued by the Very Rev. F. C. Husenbeth with THIRD PRIZE ESSAY 161 abridged annotations in 1853, under the sanction of the Right Rev. Dr. Wareing and " the concurrent approbation and sanction of all the Right Rev. Vicars-Apostolic of Great Britain." The approba tion of most of the archbishops and bishops of the church in America was also given to it. The other editions of the New Testament of most importance are those of Murray (1815), " which follows Chal loner's early edition, and that of Cardinal Wise man (1847)." The edition from which we make quotations, and which is in common use in the United States, was published in 1899 with the ap probation of Cardinal Gibbons as " an accurate re print of the Rhemish Douay edition." This state ment is not strictly correct, as the edition differs widely from the original version and resembles the Revised Version more than many of its predecessors. CHAPTER VIII The Men who Teanslated the Bible into English Although the Bible, as a whole, was not trans lated into Anglo-Saxon,^" parts of it exist in that tongue — the earliest effort being a paraphrase of portions of the Bible done in verse by Csedmon, a monk of Whitby (d. 680). From that time down to the fourteenth century paraphrases, versions, and translations were made by various men at various times, but all with the one deep purpose of giving the people the Word of God in their own language. In 1382 John Wyclif issued the first published translation of the Bible, which may be considered " the original stock of the Authorized Version, whose peculiar strength is directly derived from his." ^^ To translate the Bible in those days was as much as a man's life was worth, and the work was pub lished anonymously. It was not approved by the au thorities, and the Vulgate was the standard Bible. But though the terrors of excommunication were held over the heads of any who dared to read Wyclif's books, -- Foxe bears witness that " the fervent zeal of those churches seemed superior to our days and times, as manifestly may appear by their sitting up 162 THIRD PRIZE ESSAY 163 all night in reading and hearing; also by their ex penses and charges in buying books in English, of whom some gave five marks [about $200] . . . and some gave a load of hay for a few chapters of James or Paul in English." ^^ This translation was indeed precious as the only English version before Tyndale's, nearly one hundred and fifty years later. These intervening years witnessed the invention of printing and a revival of learning in Europe, which made possible the wider study of the Bible in the original. The Hebrew of the Old Testament was for the first time published in a complete form in 1488, followed by the rabbinical Bibles of Bom- berg in 1518 and 1525, well furnished with com mentaries of early Jewish scholars.^* The Greek language before this time was practically unknown in western Europe. But the scholars of Greece, ex iled from their country on the fall of the Eastern Empire in 1455, stimulated its study. Printed Greek Testaments were published, of which the first was that of Erasmus (1516). The appliances for the study of Greek soon became fairly adequate, grammars obtained a wide circulation, and several lexicons were published.^^ These Hebrew and Greek editions were eagerly bought up, and an impulse given to the study of the Word of God, which so alarmed the ignorant and illiterate monks that they declared there were no such languages as Hebrew and Greek. The art of printing was denounced in a sermon from Saint Paul's Cross : " We must root out printing, or printing will root out us." ^® 164 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED It was about this time (1522) that Luther, the hero of the Reformation, published his version, which had a marked influence on subsequent translations. In deed, notwithstanding the anathemas of the monks, " so mightily grew the Word of God and prevailed " that by the middle of the sixteenth century the Scrip tures were circulated throughout almost all Europe in the language of each nation.^'' The translation into English to wliich, with Wy clif's, the Revised Version is most indebted is that of William Tyndale, born about 1484. His work met with considerable opposition, and he was diligently hunted down by emissaries of Henry VIII, then King of England, Cardinal Wolsey, and Cuthbert, Bishop of Durham. He was often obliged to use a feigned name and to move about from place to place. This persecution made it impossible for him to work in England, and he left that country in May, 1524, never to return. As he plaintively says in his preface to the book of Genesis published in 1531, he " understood at the last that there was no room in my lord of London's palace to translate the New Testament, but also that there was no place to do it in all England." Abroad he was able to work with effect, and in 1525 printed a quarto edition of the New Testament at Worms, whither he fied from Cologne to avoid an injunction on his printer ob tained at the instigation of Cardinal Wolsey. The issue of this edition soon became kno%vn in England, and Tyndale's enemies kept a sharp lookout for its arrival, with the charitable object of seizing and THIRD PRIZE ESSAY 165 burning it. To baffle their design, Tyndale issued an octavo edition of three thousand copies, which was widely circulated in his native country. Tyndale's name did not appear on either edition, for as he says in his prologue, " I followed the counsel of Christ, which exhorteth men to do their deeds secretly and to be content with the conscience of welldoing." The stringent measures taken to suppress these editions, though in a great measure successful, de feated their own purpose. They naturally increased the price of the book, and many copies were bought for large sums of money and used for reprints and new editions. The books were indeed as eagerly bought up as they were sought out for destruction. The importers were prosecuted and made to do pen ance " by riding with their faces to the horses' tails, with the books fastened thick about them or tacked to their gowns or cloaks, to the Standard in Chepe, and then with their own hands to fiing them into the fire made on purpose to burn them." Tyndale ultimately crowned his life's labors with the martyr's death. On October 6, 1536, after a long imprisonment at Vilvorde, he was strangled at the stake and his body burned to ashes. ^* His dying cry was, " Lord, open the King of England's eyes ! " ^^ He was as noble a man as his translation was a noble work. In contrast to the heroic nature and strength of Tyndale stand the patient labors and tender sym pathy of Myles Coverdale, the beauty of whose char acter is fully shown in his disclaimer of originality 166 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED in translations* of the Bible which both friends and foes have ascribed to him. The persecutions endured by Tyndale did not deter Coverdale from entering on the same work, and his first translation was published in 1535, before Tyndale's martyrdom. The edition was dedicated to Henry VIII, Coverdale's object being to secure free circulation of the Scriptures. It had, however, no distinct royal sanction, though it is said to have been carried out with the knowledge of Thomas Crom well, the Chancellor, and Sir Thomas More, the latter of whom was one of Tyndale's most active opponents. In the prologue to this edition, some copies refer to the King's " dearest wife " as Anne, others have altered it to J. Ane, and in some copies the Queen's name is suppressed altogether. Like other translators, Coverdale had to suffer for his zeal. He was twice exiled, and on the accession of Mary, in 1556, was deprived of the bishopric of Exeter. He subsequently returned to England, and died in 1569, at the ripe age of eighty-one.^" The next translator, John Rogers, whose alias, Thomas Matthew, appears upon the title-page of his Bible, published his first edition in 1537, two years after Coverdale's first Bible. This may be called the first Authorized Version, as we find permission given by Henry VIII, " that the book shall be allowed by his authority to be bought and read within this realm." ^^ The royal license was obtained for Cov erdale's Bible in the same year, making it the second Authorized Version. THIRD PRIZE ESSAY 167 Richard Taverner published an edition in 1539, which, though allowed to be read in churches, quickly fell into neglect, and " appears to have exercised no influence whatever on later revisions." ^^ The Great Bible, so called from the size of the volume, was published in 1539. It is sometimes, though erroneously, called Cranmer's Bible ; but the credit of it is really due to Cromwell, by whose di rections Coverdale and Grafton were authorized to print and publish it. The prologue was written by Cranmer, and is a proof of his wisdom and earnest ness. The actual work was carried on in Paris, and the inquisitor-general, hearing of it, stopped its prog ress in December, 1538, and ordered the printed sheets to be seized. Coverdale and his associates fled, leaving the presses, the type, and some printed copies behind them. These were condemned to be burned, but the officers of the Inquisition, apparently for a pecuniary consideration, which even in those days could accomplish some of the feats it performs in our own time, sold the outfit to a haberdasher, who bought them as waste paper. In this manner " four great dry vats full " were saved, and removed to England, where the Great Bible was published. The fourth edition of 1541 was by command of the King author ized by Cuthbert, Bishop of Durham, and Nicholas, Bishop of Rochester. This was necessary; since the Great Bible being principally due to Cromwell, his disgrace and the suspicion of heresy under which he had fallen called for an episcopal sanction to render it orthodox. 168 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED This Cuthbert was the same man who had refused the hospitality of his palace to Tyndale and burned his books, and who now, by the irony of fate, author ized what was practically the same work under a changed name.*^ The zeal for the general reading of the Bible was not permitted to have much scope. In 1 543 the read ing of Scripture was placed under very severe restrictions and an Act of Parliament sardonically entitled " for the advancement of true religion " for bade the use of Tyndale's translation. Three years later similar restrictions were placed on Wyclif's, Coverdale's, and other Bibles, which were ordered to be burned. The rigid enforcement of these laws ac counts for the few copies preserved of early Bibles and Testaments, and the mutilated form of others, saved only by removing the title-pages. It was only the Great Bible the reading of which was not forbidden. In the midst of the reaction against the Bible Henry VIII died (1547), and the history of the English version remained stationary for some years. On the accession of Edward VI the restrictions placed on printing and reading the Scriptures were removed, and an impulse was given to the study of the Word of God, which resulted in the publication of several Bibles and New Testaments. On the ac cession of Queen Mary (1553) public reading of the Scriptures was again prohibited, no English Bibles were printed during her reign, and the works of Tyndale, Coverdale, and others were denounced as heretical. THIRD PRIZE ESSAY 169 But religious intolerance did not stop with these measures. Both Catholics and Protestants alike be lieved it to be their duty to convert or exterminate their opponents, and the choice offered to an opponent when seized was to recant or to be burned at the stake. Many distinguished divines betook themselves to Geneva. There, mainly through the influence of the great Protestant leader, Calvin, they met with hos pitable treatment and were allowed to study and to worship God according to their own convictions.** The result was the, publication at Geneva by William Whittingham of the New Testament, in 1557, and the whole Bible in 1560. This version was known as the " Genevan Bible." *^ One hundred and thirty editions were published, and it retained its popu larity for one hundred years.*® The superiority and wide circulation of the Ge nevan Bible made the defects of the Great Bible gen erally known, and rendered it difficult to restore that version to its former position. On the other hand, the one-sided theological tendency of the Genevan Version made its adoption as an authorized version impossible. In these circumstances the Bishops' Bible was planned — so called because the work of translation was divided among the bishops of the English Church, under the leadership of Matthew Parker, Archbishop of Canterbury. The first edition was published in 1568, and a corrected version in 1572 was the immediate basis of the Authorized Version of 1611." 170 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED This was the work of forty-seven translators chosen by King James I on the recommendation of the Uni versities of Oxford and Cambridge. They worked in three companies, and at the close of their labors the whole work was revised by members from each company. Though known as the Authorized Ver sion it was never formally sanctioned by any author ity, ecclesiastical or temporal. As Westcott in his History of the English Bible (p. 310) says, " A re vision which embodied the ripe fruits of nearly a century of labor and appealed to the religious in stinct of a great Christian people gained by its own internal character a vital authority which could never have been secured by any edict of sovereign rulers." Subsequent editions contained many errors, which have been catalogued and arranged by Scrivener in his Authorized Edition of the English Bible (Cambridge, 1881). The one usually regarded as the standard edition was published by Blayney in 1749. The American Bible Society in 1851-52 published an edition which claims to contain the version in the form used for three centuries without addition or omission, and to which all the subsequent editions published by the society conform.*^ Several attempts were made during the eighteenth century by individual writers to improve the Author ized Version, but were, on the whole, dismal failures. In the middle of the nineteenth century a greater impulse to revision was given by the publication of critical texts of the New Testament by well known scholars, by a substantial advance in Hebrew and THIRD PRIZE ESSAY 171 Greek scholarship, and, especially, by the discovery of one of the oldest known manuscripts of the entire Scriptures, and the careful examination and collating of many hundred manuscripts.*^ As a result two Committees were formed in England in February, 1870, under a resolution of the House of Convoca tion, with a view to the revision of the Old and New Testaments. American scholars were invited to join in the work, and two Committees, organized in con cert with and on the same lines as the English Re visers, began work on October 4, 1872. The English Revisers undertook to send all their revisions to the American Committee, and to take all their suggestions into consideration before they con cluded their labors — to furnish them before publica tion with copies of the Revision in its final shape, and to allow the American Revisers to present in an Appendix all differences of reading and renderings of importance which the English Revisers did not see their way to adopt. The American Revisers, on their part, promised to give their moral support to the Revised Version published in England, and not to issue a rival edition for fourteen years. The English Revision Company published the New Testament on May 17, 1881, and the Old Testament on July 10, 1884. In their preface they " gratefully acknowl edge " the American Committee's " care, vigilance, and accuracy," and add " we humbly pray that their labors and our own, thus happily united, may be permitted to bear a blessing to both countries, and to all English-speaking peoples throughout the world." 172 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED Soon after the close of their work the English Re vision Company disbanded, but the American Com mittee continued their organization and made prep arations for the publication of the American Revised Version. The Appendix to the English Revision had been somewhat hastily prepared, and itself required re vision. In it an effort had been made to reduce the number of different readings to the lowest possible point; but in preparing an American Revision the Revisers " felt themselves free to go beyond the task of incorporating the Appendix in the text," and in cluded in their Revised Version any emendations which a two-thirds majority decided to be of im portance, whether they had been in the Appendix or not. The time limit of fourteen years having elapsed, the Revisers in 1901 published the Revised Version, American Standard Edition. CHAPTER IX The Influence of Previous English Teansla- TIONS ON THE REVISED VeESION Wyclif's translation is " robust, terse, popular, and homely, and undoubtedly had an indirect effect on the general style of Scripture translations and on the formation of the English language." *" Many expressions in the Revised Version owe their origin to it, as, for example, " Narrow is the gate and straitened the way," " to be born anew," " the deep things of God," " a living sacrifice," " the cup of blessing which we bless." ** The Beatitudes in Luke VI: 20-23 are almost word for word the same as Wyclif's.* These expressions are found also in Tyndale's Bible, the connecting link between the two being the Vulgate. Wyclif translated direct from that version, but Tyndale and all subsequent translators were al)le to use and did use the original Hebrew and Greek texts. AVhile " Wycliffe must be considered as having originated the diction and phraseology which for five centuries has constituted the consecrated dialect of the English speech," Tyndale gave " to it that finish and perfection which has so admirably adapted it to * The Douay Version adopts all these expressions except " the cup of blessing," which is called " the chalice of benediction." 173 174 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED the expression of religious doctrine and sentiment, and to the narration of the remarkable series of his torical facts which are recorded in the Christian Scriptures. He fixed the type according to which later laborers worked. His influence decided that our Bible should be popular and not literary, speak ing in a simple dialect, and that so by its simplicity it should be endowed with permanence. He felt by a happy instinct the potential affinity between He brew and English idioms, and enriched our language and thought forever with the characteristics of the Semitic mind." To quote Froude, his translation " is substan tially the Bible with which we are all familiar. The peculiar genius — if such a word may be permitted — Avliich breathes through it, the mingled tenderness and majesty, the Saxon simplicity, the preternatural grandeur unequaled, unapproached in the attempted improvements of modern scholars, all are here, and bear the impress of the mind of one great man — William Tyndale." *- Tyndale's was an honest translation from the orig inal, and to its excellence witness is given by Geddes, a Roman Catholic scholar. Though his knowledge of Hebrew has been denied by some authorities, the evi dence seems conclusive in favor of his having been an accurate Hebrew scholar. It is not, as has been as serted by Hallam and by Macknight, a copy from the Vulgate, nor from Luther's German. He " availed himself of the best help which lay within his reach, but he used it as a master and not as a disciple. In THIRD PRIZE ESSAY 175 this work alone he felt that substantial independence was essential to success. In exposition or exhortation he might borrow freely the language or the thought which seemed suited to his purpose, but in rendering the sacred text he remained throughout faithful to the instincts of a scholar." ** Tyndale's translation of the New Testament is a complete proof of his independence. It shows clearly that he rendered the Greek text, while he consulted the Latin of the Vulgate, and the German of Lu ther.** Instances in which he followed the Vulgate are found in the expressions " pinnacle of the temple," " this night is thy soul required of thee," " in my Father's house are many mansions," " let us run the race that is set before us," " written on their foreheads." The American Revisers have in these and other passages where Tyndale followed the Vulgate in dorsed his renderings, and adopted them almost word for word — a striking proof of the accuracy of his scholarship. In these passages the Douay is naturally similar to Tyndale and the Revised Version ; but this is not the case where Tyndale has shown his independence in departing from the Vulgate. His scholarship in these cases is in almost every instance confirmed by the American Revisers.** One striking instance is the expression in the Lord's Prayer " our daily bread," which the Douay Version renders " our supersubstantial bread," a slavish literalism from the Latin. 176 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED Among expressions for -which he is indebted to Luther we quote the following, found also in the Douay and Re-\dsed Versions: "A voice was heard in Rama," " to the Greek and to the barbarians," " thy hardness and impenitent heart," " the foolish ness of God," " that they may have the right to the tree of life." One other expression of Luther's, " the natural man," adopted by Tyndale and the American Revis ers, is rendered in the Douay Version " the sensual man," which can hardly be claimed as an improve ment. But the similarity of the other expressions to Luther's German would indicate that the translators of the Douay Version were not unwilling to consult other authorities besides the Vulgate.*® The remarkable similarity between Tyndale and the Revised Version is well shown in two passages taken at random, one from Numbers XVI: 28-35, and the other from Luke XV. A comparison of these passages shows that they are almost identical. Another proof of this similarity is found by a com parison of the First Epistle of John, nine tenths of Avhich owes its origin to Tyndale,*^ and in the Epistle to the Ephesians, where five sixths of the text is Tyndale's. In nine instances in these passages the Revised Version has either adopted Tyndale's rendering in preference to that of the Authorized Version or approaches more nearly to him. These passages may be taken as fair examples of the effect of Tyndale's translation on the Bible of to-day. THIRD PRIZE ESSAY 177 It is not generally considered that Coverdale's Bible can be given a place among independent trans lations; but it is due to him that certain old words, not used by Tyndale, such as " charity," " confess," " church," " grace," " priest," are not lost in the Bible.*8 Coverdale's influence is chiefly felt through Rogers's edition, in which a large portion is incorpo rated, and still more through the Great Bible, " in wliich he revised more than once his own work." *^ Some part of his Bible survives in the poetical books and the Prophets. But where his work still lives and is in daily use is in the version of the Psalms in the Prayer-books of the American and English Episcopal Churches, which, though taken from the Great Bible, is in essence the Psalter of Coverdale. The version of Rogers had no original and inde pendent influence on the present text. It combined the work of earlier translators with " the judicious hand of an accomplished scholar," *" and laid the basis of later revisions. The labors of the next seventy-five years, which witnessed the issue of the Great Bible, the Bishops' Bible, and the Authorized Version, were devoted to efforts to improve the text left by Rogers. The Great Bible is, however, considered to be in ferior to Rogers's in many respects, and both the Genevan and the Bishops' Bible corrected its text and strove to remove errors which impaired the sense.*^ The work of the bishops was especially designed to make a popular and not a literary ver- 178 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED sion. Owing to the number of translators, the dif ferent books have varying merit, but in general it may be said that the Greek scholarship is inferior to the Hebrew. Such new renderings as are given can generally be traced to some other translation, and are not original; but throughout the translation may be seen the influence of the Genevan Version. This first gave the present division into verses, based upon Robert Stephanus's Greek Testament of 1551. CHAPTER X The Authorized Version of 1611 and the Eng lish AND Ameeican Revisions Thereof The Authorized Version and the English and American Revised Versions are the work of a church, and not of a man. The rules which guided the Revisers in both cases have a remarkable similarity. In each case they were directed to follow the English translation then in common use, and to make as few alterations as faithfulness to originals would permit. Where alter ations were decided on, the expression of them was to be in the language of earlier English versions. In th^ English and American Revisions no alteration was permitted unless supported by two thirds of the Revisers. Precautions were taken to secure the full est consideration of every change. The opinions of " divines, scholars, and literary men " were invited, and every effort made to " bring a plain reader more closely into contact with the exact thought of the sacred writers." ®^ The later Revisers had at their disposal sources of information which were not avail able to the translators of the Authorized Version. In particular, we may mention the Codex Sinaiticus, a few leaves of which were discovered in 1844, the whole Codex coming to light in 1859 ; the examina tion of many hundred Hebrew manuscripts by Ken- 179 180 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED nicott, De Rossi, Davidson, and others, and a large literature on the text of the Bible, gathering to gether in available form and order all the material from which light on the true text could be obtained.* In fact, textual criticism as a science was not in existence in 1611. The revision of the Old Testament was a some what easier task than that of the New Testament. The " Massoretic Text," accepted as the basis of their work, has come down in manuscripts which differ little from one another. Though there are admitted defects in it, the only means of correcting it is from the versions, especially the Septuagint. But the copies of these versions vary considerably from one another, and before a revision of the " Massoretic Text " can be made a vast amount of preliminary work must be done in collecting and comparing copies of the Septuagint and other versions and in careful study of the Hebrew manuscripts themselves. For these reasons the Revisers did not consider that the existing knowledge on the subject justified a recon struction of the text.^* Where there are evident mistakes in the Hebrew and renderings in versions which seemed plausible, the correction is usually noted in the margin. In a few of these cases a change in the text is made. But the majority of changes arise from the more accurate Hebrew scholar ship of to-day and correct obvious mistakes in the Authorized Version. One change of this kind made is the substitution * The Bibliography gives particulars as to all these works. THIRD PRIZE ESSAY 181 of the word " Jehovah " for " Lord " and " God." A Jewish superstition regards the divine name " Jehovah " as too sacred to be uttered, and in the Authorized Version the word is seldom or never used. The Revisers in their Preface point out that the word " designates God as the personal God, as the covenant God, the God of revelation, the Deliverer, the Friend of the people, the ever-living Helper of those who are in trouble," and " with its wealth of sacred associations is now restored to the place in the sacred text to which it has an unquestionable claim." Another similar change affecting a great number of passages is the substitution of the Hebrew word " Sheol " for the different renderings " grave," " pit," " hell," for the same word. " Sheol " sig nifies the " abode of departed spirits," and as the words used in the Authorized Versions have wider and different meanings the alteration seems desirable. Other alterations include the use of " its " for " his " and " her " when not referring to persons.** The work on the New Testament involved a criti cism of the text, which " forms a special study of much intricacy and difficulty," and " the rival claims of various readings " had to be settled.^* The evi dence in favor of any change was carefully sifted, and the different schools of criticism among the Re visers enabled the best results to be obtained. Where the authorities differ a note is made in the margin to the effect that " some ancient authorities " have a different rendering, which is also given in the note. The state of the case is in this way fairly represented. 182 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED In some passages it was necessary to revise the Greek text in accordance with documentary evidence. For example, the weight of evidence is against the in sertion of the clause, " For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen " (Matthew VI: 13),*® and it is accordingly omitted. The evidence is in favor of reading the passage " God was manifest in the flesh" (I Timothy III: 16)" as " He who was manifest in the flesh," some ancient authorities reading " which was." The passage is altered accordingly.* One decided improvement in both Old and New Testaments is the arrangement of the text. The old method of division into chapter and verse, while re tained for convenience of reference, is subordinated to divisions into paragraphs. A minute subdivision, which is a serious obstacle to the right understanding of Scripture, is thus avoided. Each paragraph with out reference to chapter or verse deals with one subject. In poetical portions the text is arranged in lines so as to exhibit the parallelism characteristic of Hebrew poetry. *The Douay Version omits the clause from Matthew and makes the clause from Timothy read " which was." CHAPTER XI The Douay Version and the Revised Version compaeed Two documents, the Preface to the Douay Bible and the Errata of the Protestant Bible published in 1822 by Ward, give criticisms by Catholics on Protestant versions. They may be regarded as the best defense of the Douay Version, and the most severe condemnation of the Authorized Version, and of its successor, the Revised Version. The Preface to the New Testament of the Douay Bible states that the translators are " very precise and religious in following . . . the old vulgar ap proved Latin not only in sense . , . but sometimes in the very words and phrases which may seem . . . to common English ears not yet acquainted there with rudeness or ignorance; but to the discreet reader that deeply weigheth and considereth the im portance of sacred words and speeches and how easily the voluntary translator may miss the true sense of the Holy Ghost we doubt not but our consideration and doing therein shall seem reasonable and neces sary : yea, and that all sorts of Catholic readers will in short time think that familiar which at first may seem strange." The Preface then gives specific in stances of " words and phrases " so retained. Many of them, however, are not retained in the modern 183 184 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED Douay, but have been altered to agree with the Au thorized and Revised Versions. We need only con cern ourselves with those which the modem Douay retains, and we find that the Revised Version agrees with the modern Douay in the use of " hosanna," " raca," " phylacteries," " concision," " circumci sion," "priest," "deacon," "tradition," "altar." The only other " words and phrases " retained in the modern Douay are those given below side by side with the words preferred by the American Revisers: DOUAY VERSION REVISED VERSION Alleluia Hallelujah sons of Belial base fellows flourished again revived exhaust the sins of many bear the sins of many doth penance that repenteth penance repentance chalice cup No argument in support of any doctrine can be founded on the alterations made by the Revised Ver sion, which, however, are certainly more easily un derstood by the average reader. At the end of the Douay New Testament is a table of words which the translators " thought it far better to keep in the text and to tell their signification in a table for that purpose than to disgrace both the text and themselves with translating them." It is difficult to understand this reasoning; for, if the words in question can be translated into English by apt words (and the American Revisers have sho-wu that this can ho done), why should the Bible reader be compelled to turn to a table at the end to ascertain the meaning THIRD PRIZE ESSAY 185 of the fifty-five words there given ? Revisers of the Douay Bible have evidently felt the force of this argu ment, and in their revisions twenty-nine words and phrases of these fifty-five agree exactly with the Re vised Version, eight are expressed in words familiar to the ordinary reader, while eighteen, retained in the modern Douay from the original, are rendered in the Revised Version by ordinary English words, which in every case agree with the meaning of those words as given in the table.* When we add that among the words retained we find " azymes," " holo causts," " parascue," " pasche," we are forced to ad mit that the American Revisers have adopted the wiser course. Ward's book gives one hundred and seventeen quotations from all parts of the Bible, in which he considers the rendering of the Authorized Version to be erroneous. An analysis of the quotations gives some very curious results, and throws light on changes made by the American Revisers. Thirty-five passages are admitted by Ward to have been corrected in the edition of the Authorized Version of 1683. Nine are so altered in the Revised Version as to remove the objections raised.*® Eight are altered in the modern Douay to agree with the Revised Version on the points objected to.®" Nine agree in both versions.®^ The objections raised to the Revised Version and its predecessors are almost entirely removed by altera- * A statement of all these words and phrases will be found in the Appendix, Note 58. 186 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED tions in one version or the other, and where readings objected to are retained the arguments used against them are founded on illogical premises. It is diffi cult to show more clearly than do these facts the danger of making comments of too severe a nature on the work of translators, who, even by their op ponents, might be credited with an honest intention. This is also sho-wu in criticisms on the Douay Ver sion by modern writers, which have not always been quite fair. They take advantage of the curious diction of the original Douay Version and always quote from it, and not from modern editions. These have made extensive alterations, and it would, we sub mit, display a more judicial and charitable spirit if these criticisms were founded on versions of the Douay Bible now in use, and not on that used three hundred years ago. If we wish to criticise the Re vised Version we do not do so by referring to Tyn dale's Bible; neither, when we criticise the Douay Bible as used by Catholics of to-daj', should we refer for that purpose to an out-of-date edition. Thus out of seventy-one passages quoted from the Douay Bible by Protestant writers and condemned as " unintel ligible," " painful," " absurd," we find that eighteen passages in the modern Douay agree exactly with the Revised Version, while thirty-five have been altered in the modern Douay to make them intelligible and agreeable in sense with the Revised Version.®^ The truth is that the Authorized Version and its daughter, the Revised Version, are largely indebted to the Douay Version for many words and expressions, and THIRD PRIZE ESSAY 187 the modern Douay has adopted from the Authorized Version a very great number of renderings. Out of twelve hundred and thirty-three passages which we have collated,®* eight hundred and forty-seven have been altered in the modern editions to agree exactly, or substantially, either with the Authorized or Re vised Version.®^ This may be taken as a fair test of the alterations in general.* On the other hand, the influence of the Douay on the Revised Version is seen in the large proportion of words of Latin derivation which owe their origin (through the medium of the Authorized Version) to the Douay, and it is from this source rather than from Coverdale that the most powerful action of the Vulgate on the Revised Version is exercised. In the Epistle to the Romans there are phrases and sentences in every chapter, and two or three in most chapters, and ten words, such as " impenitent," " propitiation," " contribution," which derive their origin in this way and are identical in both the Douay and Revised Versions.®* In a passage of moderate difficulty, Hebrews XIII, verses 8 to 13 are almost identical in both versions, and an examination of the First Epistle of John shows a large number of phrases in the Revised Version identical with the Douay Version.®* Other expressions identical in the two versions and originating with the Douay of 1582 are : John IX : 22, " he should be put out of the synagogue;" Acts I: 26, "he was numbered with * Other cases of agreement affecting numerous passages have been pointed out in the Essay. 188 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED the eleven apostles ; " Romans 1 : 21, " their . . . heart was darkened; " XI: 2, " his people which he foreknew;" Titus IV: 5, "regeneration." At the same time there are a sufficient number of passages in the modern Douay to support the contention that the translation in use to-day itself requires transla tion in some passages. For the purpose of our comparison we must, of course, take the version as we find it, and we can best call attention to its diction by the following quo tations in addition to those we have already noticed : MODERN DOUAY REVISED VERSION Jeremiah 11 19 Let us put wood on Let us destroy the tree his bread -with the fruit thereof Matthew 1 17 the transmigration of the carrying away to Babylon Babylon Mark 3 6 made a consultation took counsel John 5 2 a pond, called Probat- by the sheep gate a ica pool Ephesians 3 15 of whom all paternity from whom every fam- in heaven and earth ily in heaven and is named earth is named Colossians 3 16 spiritual canticles spiritual songs I Peter 5 5 insinuate humility one gird yourselves with to another humility Hebrews 11 21 adored the top of his and worshiped, leaning rod on the top of his staff In some passages, however, the Douay Version is in advance of the Revised Version in the use of mod ern language. In the passages quoted below, sug gestions were made by scholars for the substitution of modern for out-of-date expressions, but were not accepted by the American Revisers. It will be THIRD PRIZE ESSAY 189 observed that the rendering in the Douay Bible meets the objections: Exodus 38 19 Judges 12 6 Ruth 2 3 I Samuel 9 26 Isaiah 1 13 Isaiah 18 6 Micah 1 7 Luke 14 32 REVISED VERSION overlaying of their capitals he could not frame to pronounce it right her hap was to light on the portion of the field belonging unto Boaz about the spring of the day I cannot away with the ravenous birds shall summer upon them all her hires DOUAY VERSION their heads not being able to ex press it happened that the owner of the field was Boaz it began now to be light I will not abide the fowls shall be upon them all the summer all her wages embassy CHAPTER XII Conclusion We are now in a position to consider the different points raised in Father Early's letter. We have shown that the Catholic Church does not prohibit the reading in private or in the family circle of the Word of God. The only version, however, which, by the decrees of that church, is authentic is the Vulgate — a Latin translation — and this will certainly not be found " in every family," and would not be of much practical use if it was. What will be found is one of the numerous editions of the Douay Bible, whose use is, as we have shoAvn, permitted in this country, but which has never been declared au thentic. Father Early's description indicates that, in his opinion, any of these editions represents the text more faithfully than " the Protestant version, which goes back only to the time of Henry VIII of England and was then gotten up for obvious reasons." Can this statement be supported ? Let us look at the facts. The Douay Version and its revisions are, or profess to be, translations direct from the Vulgate — itself only a version, though of great antiquity and value. No effort is made in the Douay Version to translate the original Hebrew and Greek, or to compare them with the Vulgate or other versions of equal or greater value. In the Old Testament the 190 THIRD PRIZE ESSAY 191 " Received Text," beyond reasonable doubt, as faith fully preserves the original as the Vulgate can do. In the New Testament, Greek manuscripts discovered in comparatively recent years, and almost as old as the Vulgate, are disregarded. Thus, in the case of both Testaments, no attention is paid to documents which may indeed be said to have come down to us unchanged " from the time of Christ Himself." The original Douay Version was the result of the labors of four men, and each revision represents only the individual scholarship and thought of one, or at the most two revisers. We have shown that its modern editions have borrowed largely from the Authorized Version, and most of their alterations are taken from it. The original basis of the Revised Version was Tyndale's translation — a man diligently persecuted by Henry VIII and his emissaries. The Authorized Version, founded on Tyndale's and other transla tions, was the work of a church represented by its most learned divines and scholars in an age when the intolerance of former years had somewhat abated, and the versions which most largely contributed to changes made in Tyndale's text were the Douay Bible itself and the Genevan Version. These repre sented two extreme types of thought, and the use made of them by the Revisers of 1611 shows that they were anxious to obtain the best translation, inde pendently of the tenets of the school of thought which proved those translations to be correct. The Revised Version is the result of continued study and criticism 192 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED of the best minds, for several hundred years, of the original Hebrew and Greek text, the versions, quota tions from the Fathers, and modern translations, completed by a body of men who thought that ad vantage should be taken of all that critical study has brought to light, and who felt " that such a work can never be accomplished by organized efforts of scholarship and criticism unless assisted by Divine help." ®® The Revisers have been able to consult manuscripts and authorities not at the disposal of the compiler of the Vulgate or of its translators. Their work has been carried out with an earnest desire to give the Word of God in English as nearly as possible as it is in the original, and has no connection whatever with Henry VIII, his errors or his opinions. There is, in fact, not one instance in the history of the English Bible where the influence of that monarch, except as a persecutor, had any effect on the work of the translators. To sum up our conclusions, the principal points of difference between the two versions are: 1. The Douay Version includes and the Revised Version excludes the Apocrypha. 2. The Douay Version in numerous cases uses words and expressions which require explanation, while the Revised Version strives to put in idiomatic English the thought of the original. The original object of the Douay Version of 1852 was to stop lib erties taken with the text by reformers. This object has not been kept in view by its modern editors, who have introduced extensive alterations, and have made THIRD PRIZE ESSAY 193 the text much more like that of the Revised Version than the original edition. This has been done to such an extent as to remove most of the criticisms which Catholics have passed on Protestant Bibles. 3. The most important difference of all is in the commentaries on the text printed with all editions of the Douay Bible in accordance with the sentence in Father Early's letter, " Neither will the Catholic Church allow private interpretation of the Scrip tures." ®''^ We need not enter into the question whether this view is held by the Roman Catholic Church alone, or discuss the points of doctrine raised in the commentaries on the text. At the end of the Douay Bible there is a " Table of References," to texts in support of various doctrines held by the Catholic Church. A careful collation of all the texts there quoted in support of the most important articles of faith of that church shows that, though in many cases the renderings in the Douay and Revised Ver sions differ, the differences are verbal only, and in no way affect the validity of those texts as supporting or opposing the doctrine with reference to which they are quoted. The notes, of course, construe them in support of the Catholic doctrine, and herein lies the main difference between the two versions. We have now traced the origin and history of the two versions, and by comparison between them, im partially and faithfully represented, enabled the reader to judge which " most clearly and most freshly " shows forth the Word of God to those who speak the English language. " All endeavors to 194 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED translate the Holy Scriptures into another tongue must fall short of their aim, when the obligation is imposed of producing a version, that shall be alike, liter.ol and idiomatic, faithful to each thought of the original and yet in the expression of it har monious and free." Our readers can judge for them selves which version most nearly approaches this ideal, and in forming an opinion we would ask them to recognize the fact that revised translations of the Holy Scriptures must be necessary as more light is thrown on the languages in which the Bible was written, and the texts of it which have been preserved, and that a modern phraseology is necessary for preserving and bringing home to modern men and women " the faith once delivered to the saints." We would ask from all an impartial judgment, a recog nition of the merits of each version, and respect for the convictions of those who honestly differ from them and who value one of the versions as highly as they do their own. APPENDIX APPENDIX FIRST ESSAY Preue ye all thingis. — I Th 5 21, Wyclif. The notes originally submitted contained more information, illustration, and criticism. In a few cases the essayist stiU pre sents the results of independent study in compressed form, as at notes 69-77, 92, 100, 138, 153, 158. In a few others the matters at stake are so important that the reader may desire to see the evidence and judge for himself, as at notes 202, 204, 205, 221, 225. Otherwise, however, the notes now printed have been confined to justifying the statements in the text by mere ref erence to writers of acknowledged eminence. Among these may be mentioned Cornely, Introductionis Compendium, Paris, 1891, and Gigot, General Introduction, New York, 1901, as the chief Catholics cited. The fuU titles of works referred to will be found in the BibUography; the extra (fifth) volume of Hastings' Dic- tionary is cited as V. A very few references have been made to books published since the essays were sent in. 1. The Aramaic portions are: Ezr 4 8-6 18, 712-26; Jer 10 11; Dan 2 4-7 28. Once there were also extant in Aramaic: Judith, Tobit, and a first edition of Matthew. See Cornely Introd. Compend. 58. Also Diagram 1, based on Hastings' Dictionary. 2. Some of the most important manuscripts of the Hebrew are: The Prophets, written by Aaron ben Moses ben Asher of Tiberias in 895 A.D., now at Cairo. The whole of the Old Testament edited by the same scholar, the standard Western Jewish Text, at Aleppo. The Later Prophets, at St. Petersburg. The Later Prophets, written by Moses ben David ben NaphtaU of Babylon, partly of the standard Eastern Jewish Text, at Tzufutkale. See Strack in Hastings IV. 725-732, and Buhl Canon and Text 197 198 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED 85-90. Other manuscripts of the Hebrew Pentateuch have been in the custody of the Samaritans from soon after the time of Ezra; but those which have been seen by Europeans are no older than the Jewish, and are considered as giving a corrupted text. See Konig in Hastings V. 68-72; Comely Introd. Compend. 63. Only one important manuscript was anciently in Christian cus tody, the copy by Origen in his great Hexapla. This is no longer extant; but a few extracts from it have been preserved in quotas tion, and in 1896 a copy of part of the Psalms was discovered at Milan. See Nestle in Hastings IV. 442-443. 3. Of the original Greek of the New Testament, more than 2,300 copies have been examined, though few are complete. There are traces of revisions, especially after the time of Constantine, when a demand arose for handsome volumes to be used in fashionable churches and families. The copies made after a few centuries are not much esteemed for purity of text. Of early copies note: Before 400 an entire New Testament at St. Petersburg; one at Rome, lacking part of Hebrews, Timothy, Titus, Philemon, and the Revelation. Before 500 two mutilated Testaments at London and Paris. These four are parts of very valuable Greek Bibles, the Old Testaments being the Septuagint Translation, with vary ing contents. For full lists see Scrivener-Miller Introduction to the Criticism of the New Testament I., and Cornely Introd. Com pend. 76-77. 4. More than 8,000 copies of Latin versions are extant, but not aU have been examined carefully, and not quite 250 are yet known that have been copied with care. See Cornely Introd. Compend. 90-121; Kennedy and White in Hastings III. 49-53, IV. 886-889; Scrivener-Miller Introduction, Vol. II., Chs. ii.-iv. 5. See Cornely Introd. Compend. 40, 637-640; Westcott A General Survey of the History of the Canon 242 and Appen dix C. 6. It might have been expected that the customs and usages of Palestine should be the most important, as this land was the cradle of Christianity. But the Jewish revolts in 66 a.d. and in 131 A.D. broke all continuity, and the remnants of Jewish Chris tians lost all importance. The earliest information as to the APPENDIX 199 Scriptures in Syria comes from the Christians of Edessa, and the history of the versions near here is not so far unraveled that all scholars are quite agreed. The probable course of events is as fol lows: The earliest Christians here were Jews, and they translated into Syriac the books usually read in Palestine, those in the Protestant Old Testament. To these they added Ecclesiasticus. About 180 A.D. a native called Tatian returned from Rome, bring ing with him the four Gospels as read there, which he pieced to gether into one continuous story, and translated into Syriac ; this book was called the "Diatessaron." The only other Christian books used there were the Acts, and the Epistles of Paul with the Hebrews. Twenty years later under the influence of Antioch the Revelation was added, and the four separate Gospels were trans lated, but were not taken into church use. Soon after 411 a.d. the Diatessaron was confiscated from the churches, and a revision of the Bible was introduced, adding a few more books to the New Testament, but dropping the Revelation. This revised Bible, introduced by Rabbula, Bishop of Edessa, became standard for all Syrians, and is known as the "Peshito." Speaking of this, Gigot says, Introduction 289-294: "As Jews, they would naturally select the Hebrew text as the basis of their work" in the Old Testament. In the New, "the other canonical books, -vdz., II Peter, II and III John, St. Jude, and the Apocalypse, had not been translated." See, however. Nestle in Hastings IV. 648a, 650a, 740b, and Burkitt Early Eastern Christianity. 7. Cornely says, Introd. Compend. 41: "As the second century went out and the third century came in, almost the same canon used at Rome was found in the rest of the Western churches. For the African Church lacked only the epistles to the HEBREWS, of JAMES, and the second of PETER, as is gathered from the evidence of Tertullian and St. Cyprian; but TertulUan also testi fies that at that time the epistle to the HEBREWS was received by not a few churches. The Galilean Church, whose solitary witness is St. Irenseus, seems to have lacked four books, HE BREWS, JAMES, II PETER, JUDE, and in its canon was present also a book not inspired, namely the SHEPHERD of Hermas." See also Westcott Canon 423. 200 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED 8. Thirty-eight of the Old Latin manuscripts are described in Scrivener-Miller Introduction 11. 45-54. Kennedy gives an ex haustive list in Hastings III. 49-52. 9. Specimens are given by Swete An Introduction to the Old Testament in Greek 89-91 ; by Westcott in Smith Dictionary of the Bible, article "Vulgate." See also Kennedy in Hastings III. 48b; Gigot Introduction 307-312. 10. Cornely Introd. Compend. 106; Gigot Introduction 318, 316; Fritzsche in Schaff-Herzog Cyclopedia I. 283. 11. Cornely Introd. Compend. 106; White in Hastings IV. 873b. 12. Gigot Introduction 316; White in Hastings IV. 874, where 383 is given as date for Gospels, without reference. 13. Gigot Introduction 318; Buhl Canon and Text 161. 14. Gigot Introduction 318; Buhl Canon and Text 162. 15. Berger Histoire de la Vulgate; Gigot Introduction 328- 329; Burkitt Old Latin and Itala 91. See also note 4. The Old Latin versions were used longest by the Western Christians who would not bow to the authority of Rome — e.g., the Donatists; the Irish in Ireland, Britain, and the continent; the Albigenses, etc. 16. Augustine used the New Testament and commended it, though he opposed the fresh translation of the Old Testament. See Burkitt Old Latin and Itala 55-65. With him agree Berger, Corssen, and Zahn. 17. The "Prologus Galeatus" is reprinted in the 1592 Standard Vulgate. 18. Gigot Introduction 104. 19. "Time and again, this illustrious Doctor of the Latin Church rejects the authority of the deutero-canonieal books in the most expUcit manner." Gigot Introduction 56. 20. "A large number of scholars think that the Palestinian Canon never contained other books than those now found in the Hebrew Bible . . . (This) the first solution is better grounded on fact." Gigot Introduction 32, 34. See Ryle Canon of the Old Testament 208, 209. 21. Jerome yielded to importunity so far as to skim over APPENDIX 201 Tobit, Judith, and the additions to Esther and Daniel. Gigot Introduction 56-59; Cornely Introd. Compend. 107. 22. Origen Letter to Africanus. See Bleek in Studien und Kritiken, 1853, p. 267ff. Gigot quotes with approval the article on "Apocrypha '' in Hastings I. 23. Gigot Introduction 118ff; Swete Introduction 281. 24. For the Council of Carthage see Mansi Conciliorum nova et amplissima Collectio III. 891. 25. For the Letter to Exsuperius of Toulouse see Mansi Col lectio III. 1,040, or Migne Latin Fathers XX. 501-502. 26. "Up to the middle of the ninth century ... we find a dis tressing jumble of the best and the worst texts existing side by side, the ancient versions mixed with the Vulgate in inextricable confusion, and the books of the Bible following a different order in each manuscript." Berger Histoire xvii. See also Gigot Introduction 105, 330; Swete Introduction 103; White in Has tings IV. 877; and Diagram 1. 27. Gregory's preface to Job: Migne LXXV. 516. 28. Gigot Introduction 318, 329; Swete Introduction 98-99. 29. Lingard Antiquities of the Anglo-Saxon Church 516. 30. Cornely Introd. Compend. 110; Kenyon Our Bible and the Ancient Manuscripts 171-172. 31. Comely Introd. Compend. 108; White in Hastings IV. 878a. 32. " The texts of the old versions and the new are constantly mixed and confused in the manuscripts." Berger Histoire xi. See also Gigot Introduction 67, 330-331; Kenyon Our Bible 182-185; White in Hastings IV. 878-879. 33. Gigot Introduction 331 ; White in Hastings IV. 879a. 34. Cornely Introd. Compend. 110; Reuss History of the Canon of the Holy Scriptures 252-254. 35. Gigot Introduction 331 ; White in Hastings IV. 879b. 36. Gigot Introduction 331 ; Kenyon Our Bible 186. 37. Encyclopedia Brittanica XIX. 503b. 38. Gigot Introduction 71; Reuss Canon 268. The impor tance of this is hardly recognized by Protestants. The Bull deals not only with inspiration, but declares that the Roman Church "receives and venerates the books." 202 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED 39. White in Hastings IV. 879b. 40. Gigot Introduction 209, 249. Coppinger gives abundant details and illustrations in his Incunabula Biblica, and The Bible and its Transmission. 41. Gigot Introduction 75, 118. 42. Buhl Canon and Text 65-67. Reuss and Gigot know of some copies still arranged in Luther's order. 43. Cornely Introd. Compend. 112; Fritzsche in Schaff-Herzog I. 284; Home Introduction to the Holy Scriptures,. edition of 1839, II. Part ii, 62-64. 44. Careless Protestants often misunderstand the true bear ing of these decrees, perhaps only reading part of them. They should study the careful expositions in Cornely Introd. Compend. 111-115; Gigot Introduction 77-82, 333-336. 45. "Eadem sacrosancta Synodus considerans non parum utiUtatis accedere posse Ecclesise Dei, si ex omnibus latinis editionibus, qu£e circumferuntur, sacrorum librorum, qusenam pro authentica habenda sit, innotescat, statuit et declarat, ut haec ipsa vetus et Vulgata editio, quse longo tot sseculorum usu in ipsa Ecclesia probata est, in publicis lectionibus, disputationibus, praedicationibus et expositionibus, pro authentica habeatur et ut nemo illam reiicere quovis pretextu audeat vel presumat. . Sed et impressoribus modum in hac parte, ut par est, imponere volens . . . decernit et statuit, ut posthac S. Scriptura, potissimum vero haec ipsa vetus et Vulgata editio quam emendatissime im primatur." 46. Vatican Decrees, ii. On the difference of faith and dis cipline see Westcott's article on the " Vulgate " in Smith Dio- tionary. 47. Brent's 1676 translation of Pietro Soave Polano History of the Council of Trent 146-147; Cornely Introd. Compend. 111-112; Van Ess Geschichteder Vulgata ^27. 48. This matter was hotly debated in two separate congrega tions, and the legate had to meet the minority privately and represent that in the public session it would be fitting to allow it to pass without question. He quieted some scruples by pointing out that it was only forbidden to say it contained such errors of APPENDIX 203 faith as should cause its rejection. Brent's transl. of Polano Council of Trent 151-152; Cornely Introd. Compend. Ill may also be consulted. 49. The term "Vulgate" had been applied by Jerome himself and many others to the text of the Greek Bible as generally read in the third century, as distinguished from a critical text proposed by a scholar such as Origen, or new translations, as by Aquila and Symmachus: Swete Introduction 68. The analogy, therefore, was perfect; the Fathers at Trent preferred the average current text of the Latin, as distinguished from a critical text prepared by a scholar such as Ximenes, or new translations, as by Erasmus and Pagninus. The transfer of the name "Vulgate" from a Greek to a Latin text, had long been going on, and since 1545 is stereotyped. 50. Gigot Introduction 336; Brent's transl. of Polano Courv- cU of Trent 150. 61. Comely Introd. Compend. 115; Gigot Introduction 336. 52. Swete quotes the introductory matter, Introduction 174- 182. It explains the principles on which Sixtus was working, and the appreciation at Rome that this work was necessary as a pre liminary to the standard text of the Vulgate. 53. Kennedy in Hastings III. 53b. 54. The revisers were good scholars, but they and Sixtus went on different principles. They attached greater weight to the originals when the Latin manuscripts did not agree; Sixtus gave the determining voice to early quotations, as he had done with the Old Latin Version. (It is worth noticing that his principle has been adopted by Westcott and Hort as their sheet-anchor for a critical text of the New Testament. ) Sixtus left nothing undone to authorize his text, except that he died before it was officially published. Cornely Introd. Compend. 116-117; Gigot Introduc tion 337. The genealogy of the text the revisers worked on is: Stephanus 1540, Henten 1647, Louvain 1573, Lucas of Bruges 1583. See Diagram 3. 55. An original impression has been carefully examined by the writer, and the summary of the Bull is a fairly close translation 204 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED of some phrases in the Latin. The Bull has often been reprinted, last by Cornely in his large Introductio Generalis. 56. Cornely Introd. Compend. 117; White in Hastings IV. 881a. 57. Gigot Introduction 338; Fritzsche in Schaff-Herzog I. 284a. 58. Cornely Introd. Compend. 117; White in Hastings IV. 881b; instances in Home Introduction II. 237-238. 69. The writer has examined original impressions of 1592, 1693, and 1598, and deliberately disregards several statements which appear inaccurate. In particular, the note by Buhl Canon and Text 165 errs both by inadequate information and by the impression conveyed that the tables of corrections in 1698 are fuU and final; they only occupy sixty lines for the three editions. 60. Jerome had repeatedly refused to revise or translate these books, and in this respect his judgment was indorsed at Trent. The valuable Codex Amiatinus, copied in England about 700, omitted them, and this was used by Allen for the 1592 edition. It is a strong testimony to the force of custom that in spite of the decisions at the Council of Trent, it was felt necessary to concil iate public opinion by appending them to the authorized Bible. In modern editions their presence is defended by the plea that they were cited by some holy Fathers, and are found in manu scripts and printed Bibles. See Thackeray in Hastings I. 759a. 61. Buhl Canon and Text 165. 62. James's book Bellum Papale published in 1600 has often been reprinted, as in 1841. Cornely Introd. Compend. 118 responds that no one difference touches faith or conduct, and it is for such purposes alone that the Vulgate was authorized at Trent; Gigot Introduction 338, however, takes a more serious -view of the differences, and Vercellone declares that some do touch dogmatic passages. 63. The Benedictines published at Paris a complete edition of Jerome's works, and the first volume in 1693 was his translation; Ilorne Introduction II. Part ii, 54. Vallarsi in 1734 reedited the translation in his complete collection, entitling it Divina Biblio- theca; White in Hastings IV. 882a. 64. Rule III. allows the bishop to sanction a version of the Old APPENDIX 205 Testament as an elucidation of the Vulgate, not as the sound text. It stipulates that the version must be approved by the Cathohc Faculty of a University or by the Inquisition. See Buckley Canons and Decrees of Trent, 1861. 65. For instance, a London edition and a New York edition taken at random and opened a dozen times at random read differently at Matt 1 18, Mk 1 21, Jno 1 40, Acts 2 10, Rom 9 20, Gal 3 3, Eph 2 4, II Th 2 12, Heb 9 4, Jas 1 23, 1 Pet 1 7, Rev 22 17. Even in the Old Testament a similar casual examination of an Irish edition and of a Scotch picked up at hazard discloses trivial discrepancies on every page tested. Some of these are of no importance whatever for the sense, some may possibly be put down to the proof-reader, some to editorial discretion; but what ever the explanation, the fact remains that the editions do not tally exactly. 66. Lingard says, -without quoting his source, that the Epistle and Gospel were read in English: History of the Anglo-Saxon Church 399. Bede's version of John has perished. Caedmon's metrical paraphrase is well known as the earliest surviving speci men of English. Aldred about 950 interlined an English version into a fine Latin manuscript called the Lindisfarne Gospels. The Psalms were often translated. A version of the Gospels is pre served at Cambridge, and of much of the Old Testament at Ox ford. Skeat published a critical edition of the Gospels in three or four versions, 1871-1877. The court of Rome probably knew nothing of these versions. See Lupton in Hastings V. 236-237; Gigot Introduction 340-342. 67. Nicholas of Hereford is the best known of Wychf 's assist ants; his original manuscript is extant, ending at Bar. 3 20. Wyclif himself had the largest share in the New Testament work. Gigot Introduction 344. 68. The manuscripts of the Vulgate employed, contained short prologues by Jerome to the various books, which were translated, as in modern Catholic Bibles. In some copies may be found the forged Epistle to the Laodiceans, but this was not translated by Wychf or by his re-vdser. Westcott- Wright A General View of the History of the English Bible 16. 206 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED 69. This re-vision is generally attributed to John Purvey, an assistant of Wyclif at Lutterworth. Gasquet declares that this is a mistake, due simply to a marginal note on a manuscript at Dublin, which note has been misread. Other experts declare that there is no misreading, and that the character of the revision and of the prologue accord with the writings acknowledged by Purvey. His subsequent change of opinions readily accounts for his not claiming this as his work. A few extracts from the prologue will be of interest as showing the method pursued: "First . . . with diuerse fela-wis and helperis, to gedere manie elde biblis, and othere doctouris, and comune glosis and to make oo Latyn Bible sumdel trewe; and thanne to studie it of the newe, the text with the glosse . . the thridde tyme to counseile withelde gramariens . . the iiij. tyme to translate as cleerli as he code to the sentence, and to haue manie gode felawis and kunnynge at the correcting of the translacioun. . The comune Latyn Biblis han more nede to be correctid, as manie as I haue seen in my Uf, than hath the English Bible late translatid." This last remark agrees with the estimate of Roger Bacon a century earlier; but the elaborate tables of corrections drawn up in Paris must have been available for Oxford scholars. See Gigot Introduction 344; Lup ton in Hastings V. 240a. The glosses referred to were explana tory notes or comments; the best of these in the Middle Ages were by Nicolas a Lyra, once perhaps a Jew, then a Franciscan friar. His exposition deeply influenced Luther afterward. 70. Canon Knighton of Leicester, speaking of the Gospel, which he regarded as intrusted by Christ to the clergy and doctors for them to dispense to the laity, regretted that "this master John Wyclif has translated from Latin into a tongue, Anglican not Angelic, so that through him it becomes common, and is more open to laymen and women able to read than it used to be to lettered and intelligent clergy. Thus the gospel pearl is scattered and trodden underfoot by swine." A few years before Wyclif some fragments of versions were undertaken for use in monasteries; but the translator vows that if he yields to the re quest of the monk and nun who asked for them, "y moste in cas -vnderfonge the deth." Even he does not contemplate that his APPENDIX 207 work will pass into the hands of the unprofessed and ignorant laity. And he is earnest to warn his monastic readers that this version is not to replace, but to supplement the Latin. The notes and memoranda on the sur-viving manuscripts show that it was made for people in orders, and owned by them. Panes A Four teenth Century English Version. 71. Home Introduction II. Part ii, 67; historical account in Bagster Hexapla 33. 72. The Southern Convocation at Oxford in 1408 enacted and ordained "that no one henceforth do by his own authority trans late any text of Holy Scripture into the EngUsh tongue, or any other, by way of book or treatise: nor let any such book or treatise now lately composed in the time of John Wyclif aforesaid, or since, or hereafter to be composed, be read in whole or in part, in public or in private, under the pain of the greater excommuni cation." Wilkins Consilia MagncB Britannice et Hibemiw III. 317. This was a distinct breach -with a fine English tradition. For Bishop Grosseteste of Lincoln had said about 1275, "It is the will of God that the Holy Scriptures should be translated by many translators, so that what is obscurely expressed by one may be more perspicuously rendered by another." And Archbishop Thursby of York, shortly before 1373, published an English exposition of the Creed, the Commandments, and the Lord's Prayer, forcibly objecting to the new doctrine that the people should be forbidden the use of the Bible. Even Archbishop Arundel in 1394, when he was in deep disgrace with King Richard, praised Queen Anne for studying the four Gospels in Enghsh, and said "Against them that say the gospel in English would make men err, do they know that in the Latin are more heretics than of all others.'' But in 1408, when under a weak king he was free to speak his mind and take his own way, this same Archbishop presided over the Convocation which re versed the old poUcy and followed on the lines of the French Council of Toulouse and the German Council of Trier. The new decree is plainly referred to in the Myroure of our Ladye, after 1415, where we read, "Yt is forboden vnder payne of cur- synge that no man schulde haue ne drawe eny texte of holy 208 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED scrypture in-to Englysshe wythout lycense of the bysshop dyocesan." The authorship and circulation of this version have been much discussed. Gasquet has cleared up some points, and the renewed study initiated by him has cleared up more. The sen tences in the text are brief, but some pains have been devoted to insure that they are accurate, and to discriminate between the new hostiUty of the English clergy, and the tolerant attitude of the Roman court. Gigot's note. Introduction 345, says the very utmost that can be plausibly claimed. 73. Lechler-Lorimer John Wycliffe and his English Precursors 209; also Gasquet The Old English Bible and Other Essays. As instances of the popular use, we find from Foxe Book of Martyrs 176, that in 1611 James Brewster of St. Nicho las, Colchester, owned "a certain little book of scripture in Eng lish, of an old writing, almost worn for age." And John Tewkes bury "had studied holy scriptures by the space of then 17 years" in 1629, when they had only been printed in English for three years. Mr. Bradshaw pointed out that the success of the re-vised WycUf was so great, it completely stopped the copying of Latin Bibles in England. See Wright's note on p. 15 of the third edi tion of Westcott General View. 74. The writer has cursorily seen a dozen copies. 75. Gasquet claimed in 1894 that the version in question is wrongly attributed to Wyclif, and that it is the authorized CathoUc version of the Middle Ages. He was answered next year by Matthew, and also by Kenyon of the British Museum, but maintained his opinion, repubUshing it in 1897. Gigot disagrees with him, and his only convert seems to be a Catholic, J. M. Stone, who adduces no new fact, nor notices the counter argu ments. See Bibliography. Indeed, if before Luther came into prominence, Englishmen were punished for using or owning the au thorized Cathohc version, what was authorization worth? But the fact of this claim being made is admirable testimony to the accuracy of the version, and of its acceptabiUty to one scholarly CathoUc to day. Wright sums up that "the WycUffite origin of the transla tions . . has been reestablished." Westcott General View 20. APPENDIX 209 76. Purvey's revision of the New Testament was edited by Lewis in 1731, and reprinted by Baber in 1810. A new edition is in Bagster Hexapla, 1841. The original unrevised New Testament of WycUf was first printed in 1848 by Lea Wilson. The whole Bible in both editions was edited by Forshall and Mad den in 1850, and Purvey's New Testament was reprinted from this in 1879. There are also reprints of other portions. All have been inspected, and some are owned by the writer. Nisbet's Scottish version was printed for the Scottish Text Society in 1901. 77. Twenty extracts from early versions were originally sub mitted in this note, iUustrating the independence of all before Tyndale. Six of the simplest and most readable are here re tained: Gen 1 1-5. (a) Revised Wyclif (c. 1388) : In the bigynnyng God made of nought hevene and erthe, for- sothe the erthe was idil and voyde, and derknessis weren on the face of deppe; and the Spiryt of the Lord was borne on the watris. And God sayde, light be maad, and light was maad. And God saw the Ught that it was good, and he departide the light fro derknessis, and he clepide the light day, and the derknessis nyght; and the eventid, and momtid was maad one day. (t) Caxton (1483): In the begymayng god made and created heuen and erthe/ The erthe was ydle and voyde and couerd with derknes And the spyrite of god was bom on the watres/ And god said/ Be made lyght/ And anon lyght was made/ And god sawe that lyght was good/ And dyuyded the lyght fro derknes/ & called the lyght day/ and derknes nyght And thus was made lyght with heuen and erthe fyrst/ and euen and momyng was made one day/ Job 31 "-*» in three versions. (c) Purvey (Skeat's reprint of ForshaU and Madden) : who gyueth an helpere to me, that Ahnygti God here my desire? that he that demeth, write a book, that Y here it in my schuldre, and cumpasse it as a coroun to me? Bi alle my degrees 210 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED Y schal pronounce it, and Y schal as offre it to the prynce. If my lond crieth agens me, and hise forewis wepen with it; if Y eet fraytis thereof with out money, and Y turmentide the soule of erthetileris of it; a brere growe to me for wheete, and a thorn for barli. (d) Coverdale (Bagster's reprint of the 1535 edition) : O that I had one which wolde heare me. Lo, this is my cause. Let ye Allmightie gene me answere: & let him that is my cotrary party, sue me with a lybell. Then shall I take it vpon my shulder, & as a garlade aboute my heade. I haue tolde the nombre of my goinges, and delyuered them vnto him as to a prynce. But yf case be that my londe crie agaynst me, or yt the forowes thereof make eny complaynte: yf I haue eaten the f rates thereof vnpayed for, yee yf I haue greued eny of the plow men: Than, let thistles growe in steade of my wheate, & thomes for my barlye. (e) Challoner's Catholic (Denvir's text) : Who would grant me a hearer, that the Almighty may hear my desire: and that he himself that judge th would write a book, That I may carry it on my shoulder, and put it about me as a crown? At every step of mine I would pronounce it, and offer it as to a prince. If my land cry against me, and with it the furrows thereof mourn. If I have eaten the fruits thereof without money, and have afflicted the soul of the tillers thereof: Let thistles grow up to me instead of wheat, and thorns instead of barley. In this passage the Vulgate has missed the sense of the opening phrases, and so the authorized CathoUc versions are bound to give faulty renderings. Other modem Catholic editions give the same words as Den-vir's text, but the punctuation is even more mysterious. (/) Passage from the Rheims Testament, illustrating how every word not borrowed from previous versions is due to the Vulgate: [Words from Wyclif, Tyndale, or Coverdale's diglot are in CAP ITALS. New renderings are in ordinary type, with Vulgate in brackets.] I Tim 4 1-5 And THE SPIRIT manifestly (Manifeste) SAITH THAT IN APPENDIX 211 THE LAST TIMES certain (Quidam) SHAL DEPART FROM THE FAITH atTENding (Attendentes) TO SPIRITES OF ER- ROUR, AND DOCTRINES OF DIUELS, SPEAKing LIES IN HYPOCRISIE, AND HAUING THEIR CONSCIENCE seared (cauteriatam), FORBIDDING TO MARIE, TO ABSTAINE FROM MEATES WHICH GOD CREATED TO RE- CEAUE WITH THANKES-GIUING for the FAITHFUL, (fidelibus) AND THEM THAT HAUE KNOVVEN THE TRUTH. FOR euery (omnis) CREATURE OF GOD IS GOOD, AND NOTHING TO BE reiected (rejiciendum) that (quod) is RECEIUED WITH THANKES-GIUING. FOR IT IS SANCTIFIED BY THE WORD OF GOD AND PRAIER. 78. Two impressions of Caxton and two of Wynken de Worde have been seen by the writer, and one has been carefully examined. The Temple Classics furnish a handy modern reprint. The work was the largest Caxton ever printed, and proved to supply a wide popular demand. He originated the rendering "breeches" in Gen 3 7, which reappeared in the Genevan Bible of 1560. 79. Fritzsche enumerates ten editions of the Bible in German dialects alone before Luther was born. They made the Arch bishop of Mainz uneasy, and in 1486 he tried to check them. Schaff II. 866. Green Handbook of Church History 577. 80. Seebohm Era of the Protestant Revolution 85. 81. Gardiner Student's History of England 377. 82. Lovett Life of Tyndale 5a. 83. Lovett Tyndale 3a. 84. Wharton's notes to Strype Cranmer; Cambridge Modi ,-,.' History, Reformation, II, 465. 86. See Bibliography. 86. " Life of Allen " by Thompson Cooper in the Dictionary of National Biography. 87. Carleton Rheims and the EngUsh Bible 16-16. 88. " Life of Martin " by Thompson Cooper in the Dictionary of National Biography; Newman Tracts Theological and Eccles iastical 361; Gigot Introduction 347. 89. There is a vague impression that the CathoUc version is 212 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED independent. This will be dispelled by a glance at the last extract in note 77. Note 138 supplies another conclusive proof that the modern Catholic versions are enormously indebted to Tyndale. For obUgations to the Genevan see Westcott General View 245. 90. Carleton Rheims 5-8, 19-20. It is worthy of notice that University clannishness showed itself in the attention paid to the work of Taverner, the only pre-vious Oxford translator. 91. Newman Tracts 361. 92. The preface has been rather unfairly represented by some writers, who amuse themselves with the fact that -within ten years the Vulgate text which they had used was superseded by the Roman authorized edition, forgetting that this was edited by one of the Douay scholars themselves. The present writer has been struck with the critical acumen shown at that date, and the grasp of the relative value of the common Greek manuscripts and the Latin version. Many of the remarks made are most just, and have since been generaUy acted on by scholars. Ap parently this was the first application of these principles to the criticism of the New Testament text, and probably it was the first enunciation of them. A searching examination would very likely place AUen at the very center of the English textual scholars, marking the transition from Ceolfrid, Bede, Alcuin, MMtw, Bacon, and Hardinj, to the new learning represented by Walton, Fell, MiU, Bentley, Kennicott, Tregelles, Westcott and Hort. Few men have had similar opportunities of editing standard editions in two influential languages, or have employed them so well. 93. Carleton Rheims 22. 94. This is the actual edition used by the -writer, though he has seen the original and Fulke, and owns modern reprints of 1582. 95. Newman Tracts 363. 96. The preface is shorter than that to the New Testament, but goes on the same lines, criticising the four Protestant editions. It avows that this Douay Version is to refute the Lutheran slander that Catholics would not translate, and that to remedy the cor ruptions of these new masters, CathoUc pastors were setting forth APPENDIX 213 true and sincere translations in most languages of the Latin Church. See also Gigot Introduction 348. 97. Darlow and Moule Historical Catalogue of Printed Bibles L 257. 98. Gigot Introduction 353; Darlow Catalogue 261. 99. Gigot Introduction 353; Darlow Catalogue 268. 100. Cardinal Newman drew attention to the fact that the Rheims-Douay Version has never been directly approved by any bishop, much less by the Holy See itself. Doubtless the remark is correct, but it is irrelevant. The Rules approved by Pius IV do not stipulate for more than leave from a faculty of a Catholic University, and these three versions were formally approved, the first by professors at Rheims and Douay, Nary's by four DubUn priests, but not apparently by a faculty or inquisition, though he himself was a Doctor of Paris; Witham 's by Douay divines, including Challoner for the second volume. Darlow Catalogue 268-269. Further it deserves much attention that " the general usage of the Holy See is not to interpose its judgment in a matter of so much delicacy" as a foreign vernacular version — so the Cardinal Prefect of Propaganda wrote to Archbishop Kenrick. 101. Darlow Catalogue 279-280. ChaUoner also extensively re-vised the notes, and those in modern cheap editions are mostly based on his. 102. Newman Tracts 364-376. 103. Gigot Introduction 351. 104. Newman Tracts 377. If the Rouen editions of 1633 and 1635 are reckoned together, they make the first whole Bible. Then ChaUoner's editions of 1750 make the second; the Phila delphia of 1790 the third; the Dublin of 1791 the fourth. But a quarto edition of the whole Bible has just been discovered, the Old Testament 1610 and the New 1600, issued at Amsterdam. See Bibliography and Darlow Catalogue 173, 279. 106. Darlow Catalogue 327. 106. Not the printing of this version is in question, only its general circulation. After the Council of Trent, ten Rules concern ing prohibited books were put forth by Pope Pius IV, the fourth 214 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED of which stipulates that the reading of the Bible in the vernacular can be allowed only to those who have leave from their priests or confessors, and if they be regular clergy, from the head also. When therefore Pius VI applauded the learning of Martini and even agreed that the faithful should be excited to the reading of the Holy Scriptures, this did not convey any general permission for any one to read this version. Nor was there any novel de parture in the next five Popes enforcing the standing rule ag.ainst indiscriminate circulation, as detailed in note 225. The new emphasis they laid on the matter was largely due to the formation of Bible Societies, the chief of which had as its sole object the wider circulation of the Holy Scriptures without note or com ment. This doubly opposed the Rules of Pope Pius IV, and therefore reminders were issued by Pius VII and his successors, under which all vernacular versions, including Martini's, were still allowed only to those who had special permission. One con spicuous instance of the application of the Rule was given in the revolutionary year of 1849, and is thus described by Canton in his recent History of the British and Foreign Bible Society, II, 256: "At Florence an edition of 3,000 copies of Martini's New Testament speedily left the press. . . The Sovereign Pontiff himself, in an encyclical to the Italian prelates before his return from Naples, denounced the Society and its Scriptures, 'trans lated contrary to the rules of the Church into the vulgar tongue, and most wretchedly perverted.' At Florence the 3,000 copies of the New Testament of Martini, a Florentine Archbishop, were seized by the restored government, the presses were stopped, the paper and type were carried off, the printers prosecuted." This action of the Tuscan civil authorities — though they erred in sup posing that Martini's Testament was expressly aimed at in these words — was in perfect harmony with the Rules of Pius IV, and the exhortations of Pius VII, Leo XII, Pius VIII, Gregory XVI, and Pius IX. 107. Home Introduction II, Part ii, 266. 108. Darlow Catalogue 313. 109. Newman Tracts 363. 110. Darlow Catalogue 327. APPENDIX 215 111. Wright Early Bibles of America 60, 63, 78, 89, 121, 126, 127. 112. Wright Early Bibles 69-71. Perhaps America has the honor of issuing the first whole Catholic Bible in English, bound in one volume. See note 104. 113. Cotton Editions of the Bible 112; Newman Tracts 377. 114. Newman Tracts 386-386. 116. Newman Tracts 391; Darlow Catalogue 329. 116. Newman Tracts 391-393; Cotton Editions 119. 117. Newman Tracts 377. 118. Darlow Catalogue 331. 119. Newman Tracts 386; Darlow Catalogue 333. 120. Newman Tracts 363. 121. Darlow Catalogue 334. 122. Newman Tracts 387-388. 123. Newman Tracts 388; Darlow Catalogue 341. 124. Newman Tracts 388-389. 125. Newman Tracts 387. 126. Dublin Review II. 476-477. 127. Newman Tracts 390. 128. Gigot Introduction 354. 129. Gigot Introduction 355-358. The statements are drnwn from the writer's own copy. 130. Gigot Introduction 366-368. 131. Gigot Introduction 352; Newman Tracts 396; Lupton in Hastings V. 252b. 132. Newman Tracts 398-399. 133. Cotton Rhemes and Doway 156. 134. Gigot Introduction 353. 135. Turning over the pages of any paraUel reprint will show the large originality of Tyndale. Here and there coincidences with WycUf can be noticed, but in view of his express words it would seem that these are probably due to the current speech, which appears to have been enriched by stock quotations, much as people who have neither read nor seen a play of Shakespeare yet use phrases coined by him. While, however, his English is original, it is evident that he used freely the familiar Vulgate, the 216 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED new Latin version of Erasmus and the new German version of Luther, yet with such independence as to amend or even reject them. See Westcott General View 130-138, 316-319. 136. In the foUowing transcript from Tyndale's version of Ex 2, pubUshed in 1531, words which are found identically in modern Catholic and also in the 1901 standard American edi tion, are in CAPITALS. The passage is taken at random, and the spelUng is modernized. And THERE WENT A MAN OF THE HOUSE OF LEVI AND TOOK A daughter of Levi. AND the wife CONCEIVED AND BORE A SON. AND when she saw that it was a proper CHILD, she HID HIM THREE MONTHS long. AND WHEN SHE COULD no LONGER HIDE HIM, SHE TOOK a basket OF BULRUSHES AND DAUBED IT WITH SLIME AND PITCH, AND laid THE child THEREIN, AND put it IN THE flags BY THE RIVER'S BRINK. And HIS SISTER stood AFAR OFF, to wit WHAT WOULD come of it. Ex 2 1-4. The coincidences of language here cannot be largely accidental. The vocabulary is rather rich, and obvious synonyms will occur for many words, which have not been utilized by modem or ancient editors. Even the order has only been varied once, though rearrangement was often possible. A second passage is taken at random from the unique fragment of the first edition of Matthew. Again I SAY unto YOU THAT IF TWO OF YOU shaU agree in EARTH in any manner THING WHATSOEVER THEY shaU desire, IT SHALL BE given THEM of MY FATHER which IS IN HEAVEN. FOR WHERE TWO OR THREE are GATHERED together IN MY NAME THERE I AM IN THE midst OF THEM. THEN PETER came to HIM, and SAID, Master, HOW oft SHALL MY BROTHER trespass against ME AND I shaU FORGIVE HIM? shall I forgive him SEVEN TIMES? JESUS said unto HIM I SAY NOT unto THEE SEVEN TIMES BUT SEVENTY TIMES SEVEN times. THEREFORE IS THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN LIKENED unto A certain KING which WOULD TAKE ACCOUNT OF HIS SERVANTS. AND WHEN HE HAD BEGUN TO reckon APPENDIX 217 ONE WAS BROUGHT unto HIM which OWED HIM TEN THOUSAND TALENTS: but when HE HAD nought TO PAY the LORD COMMANDED him to BE SOLD AND HIS WIFE AND his CHILDREN AND ALL THAT HE HAD AND PAY MENT TO BE MADE. The SERVANT feU DOWN and be sought HIM SAYING Su- give ME respite AND I WILL PAY it every whit. Then had THE LORD PITY on the SERVANT and loosed HIM AND FORGAVE HIM THE DEBT. Matt 18 19-27. A third extract may be taken from a less famiUar portion, such as the Epistle to Philemon. Here the language of Tyndale is taken from his edition of 1634, not his first, nor his final re-vision. I thanke MY GOD MAKINGE mencion all wayes OF THE m MY PRAYERS, when I heare OF THY love AND FAYTH, WHICH THOU HAST towarde THE LORDE JESU, AND TOWARDE ALL SAYNCTES: so THAT THE feUisshippe that thou hast in the FAYTH, is frutefuU thorow KNOWL EDGE OF all GOOD thinges, which are IN YOU by JESUS CHRIST. And we have great lOYE, AND consolation over THY love: For by THE (BROTHER) THE SAYNCTES hertes are comforted. WHERFOR THOUGH I be bolde IN CHRIST TO enioyne THE, THAT WHICH becommeth the: yet FOR loves SAKE I RATHER BESECHE the, though I be as I am, even PAUL aged, AND NOW in bondes for lesu Christes sake. I BESECHE THE FOR MY sonne ONESIMUS, WHOM I begat IN MY BONDES, which in tyme passed was TO THE VNPROFFETABLE: BUT NOW PROFFETABLE bothe TO THE AND also to ME, WHOM I HAVE SENT home agayne. Thou therfore receave him, that is to saye, myne awne bowels, WHOM I WOLDE fayne HAVE retayned WITH ME, THAT IN THY stede HE myght have ministred vnto ME IN THE BONDES OF THE GOSPELL. Neverthelesse, WITHOUT THY mynde WOLDE I DOO NOTHING, THAT that GOOD which springeth of the, shuld NOT BE AS it were OF NECESSITIE, BUT wUlingly. Haply HE therfore dePARTED FOR A SEASON THAT THOU shuldest receave HIM FOR EVER, not nowe AS A SER VAUNT: BUT above A SERVAUNT, I meane 218 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED A BROTHER beloved, SPECIALLY TO ME: BUT HOW MOCHE more vnto THE, BOTH IN THE FLESSHE, AND also IN THE LORDE? YF THOU COUNT ME A felowe, RECEAVE HIM AS MY SELFE. YF HE HAVE hurte THE OR oweth the ought, that laye TO MY charge. I PAUL have written IT WITH MYNE AWNE HONDE, I WILL recompence IT. So that I do NOT SAYE to THE, howe THAT THOU OWEST vnto ME even THYNE AWNE SILFE. Even so BROTHER, let me enlOYE THE IN THE LORDE. Comforte MY bowels in the Lorde. Trusting IN THYNE OBEDIENCE, I wrote vnto THE, KNOWYNGE THAT THOU WILT DO more then I SAYE for. Moreover PRE PARE ME LODGYNGE: FOR I trust THOROW the helpe of YOURE PRAYERS, I SHAL BE geven VNTO YOU. Vs. 4-22. An extract from TjTidale's version of Eph 2, will show how he has left his mark on the 1611 version and through that on modem Catholic editions, which discard the extremely crabbed translation of Martin in the Rheims Testament. Wherfore remember THAT YE beynge in tyme passed GEN- TYLS IN THE FLESSHE, and were CALLED VNCIRCUM- CISION to them WHICH are CALLED CIRCUMCISION IN THE FLESSHE, which circumcision is MADE BY HONDES: Remember I saye, THAT YE WERE AT THAT TYME with oute CHRIST, and were reputed ALIANTES FROM THE common welth OF ISRAEL AND were STRAUNGERS from the testamentes OF PROMES, and had NO HOPE, AND were WITH OUT GOD IN this WORLDE. BUT NOW IN CHRIST lESU, YE which a whyle agoo WERE FARRE OF, ARE MADE NYE by THE BLOUDE OF CHRIST. FOR HE IS OUR PEACE, whych hath MADE of BOTH ONE, AND hath broken DOUNE THE WALL that was a stoppe bitwene vs, and hath also put awaye thorow HIS FLESSHE, the cause of hatred (that is to saye, THE LAWE OF COMMAUNDEMENTS CON- TAYNED IN the lawe written) for to make of twayne ONE NEWE MAN IN HIM SILFE, so MAKYNGE PEACE: AND to RECONCILE BOTH vnto GOD IN ONE BODY thorow his APPENDIX 219 CROSSE, and slewe hatred therby: AND came and PREACHED PEACE TO YOU which WERE a FARRE OF, AND TO THEM THAT WERE NYE: FOR thorow HIM WE BOTH HAVE an open waye in, IN ONE SPRETE vnto THE FATHER. Therfore now YE ARE NO MOARE STRAUNGERS AND foreners: BUT CITESYNS WITH THE SAYNCTES, AND of the householde OF GOD: and are BILT APON THE FOUN- DACION OF THE APOSTLES AND PROPHETES, lESUS CHRIST BEYNGE THE heed CORNER STONE, IN WHOM every BILDYNGE coupled TOGEDDER, GROWETH vnto AN HOLY TEMPLE IN THE LORDE, IN WHOM YE ALSO ARE BILT TOGEDDER, and made AN HABITACION for GOD IN THE SPRET. Eph 2 11-22. These passages have not been chosen to bear out a ready-made theory; but they have been taken, two absolutely at random, others to insure variety, but with no idea of what the result would be. The examination shows that out of 1,109 words used by Tyndale, 796 are at the present day used by both Catholics and Protestants — more than 71 per cent. 137. Preface to Genesis 396 in the reprint by the Parker So ciety. 138. Mombert disputed any connection with Marburg. Schaff- Herzog II. 733a. But other books have since been found which bear a similar colophon, so that it seems while Hans Luft had his chief press at Wittenberg, he reaUy did print for Tyndale at "Malborowe in the londe of Hesse." See Darlow Catalogue 3. 139. Fritzsche in Schaff-Herzog II. 867b. 140. " I caU God to recorde against ye day we shall appeare before our Lord Jesus, to geue a recknyng of our doings, that I neuer altered one siUable of Gods Word agaynst my coscience, nor would this day, if aU that is in the earth, whether it be pleas ure, honour, or riches, might be geuen me." Tyndale's letter to Frith in 1533. 141. The illustrations already given prove the enormous in debtedness of modem Catholics to Tyndale. Gigot does not repeat More's attack on his accuracy; Introduction 345-346, 358- 360. 220 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED 142. AUen at least would agree that "the dangers which arise from reading certain more difficult passages may be obviated by suitable notes." 143. Anderson Annals of the English Bible 42^8. The revised editions of 1534 and 1635 are furnished afresh with prologues, largely based on Luther, with references, subject-headings, and notes; from these the coarse polemical element is absent, explana tion and advice predominating. Darlow Catalogue 5, 6. 144. Lovett Tyndale 14-16. 145. Cotton MS Galba B. x. p. 338, quoted in TregeUes His torical Account. In May, 1530, an assembly was held to consider several recent books, and in June a royal proclamation was issued to suppress Tyndale's and other heretical books, promising that, though translation of Scripture was not in itself necessary, yet if corrupt translations were laid aside and no mischievous opin ions were imbibed, the King would cause Scripture to be trans lated " by great, learned, and CathoUc persons." See Gairdner in the Cambridge Modern History, Reformation, II. 465; Westcott General View 43. Three years later, More was still eager for the use of Scripture in the mother-tongue. Letters and Papers of the Reign of Henry VIII, \i. 184. 146. Jonah was printed separately, and was not incorporated into any popular Bible; one single copy survives. The five books of Moses were printed separately. Joshua to Chronicles were not printed in his Hfetime, but the manuscript passed into the hands of John Rogers, chaplain at the Merchants' House in Antwerp, and was used by him when editing the Bible curiously known as "Matthew's." Darlow Catalogue 15. The writer has seen fac similes of the first Testaments, and copies of the last editions of the Testament and Pentateuch. He owns reprints of the editions of 1526 and 1534. 147. Strype has misled many -writers into arguing that this version must have been Wyclif's. But Westcott and Wright show that there is no authority for this in his source, which is the Harleian MS 422, Plutarch Ixv. E 87. 148. This was printed in 1535, probably by Christopher Frosch- auer of Zurich. But in 1533-1534 an act of Parliament had APPENDIX 221 limited the importation of books, which had been freely permitted for fifty years; henceforth only unbound sheets might be brought in. An EngUsh printer, apparently Nycolson, cancelled the early sheets, printed others and pubUshed. Coverdale acknowledges his indebtedness to five interpreters, which can easily be identi fied as the Zurich German Bible, the Latin of Sanctes Pagninus, Luther's German Bible, the Vulgate, and Tjmdale. Darlow and Moule in their description of this Bible, Catalogue 6-8, say that he drew chiefly from the first two; but Westcott and Wright emphasize the dependence on Tyndale for the New Testament. In Bagster Memorials of Myles Coverdale 203-213 are passages from the Gospels which show this, and specimens from the other books taken at random wiU illustrate further ; the quotations are from Tyndale, 1534, with Coverdale's variations bracketed; Wy chf 's is very different; differences of spelling are neglected, other wise the coincidences are close. I Cor 14 1. Labour for love. Gal 3 l. O {add ye) folisshe Galathyans: who hath bewitched you, that ye shuld not beleve the treuth? To whom lesus Christ was described before the eyes, and among you crucified. Heb 1 1-3. God in tyme past di- versly and many wayes, spake vnto the fathers by Prophetes: but in these last dayes he hath spoken vnto vs by his sonne, whom he hath made heyre of aU thinges: by whom also he made the worlde. Which sonne beinge the brightnes of his glory, and {add the) very ymage of his substaunce, bearing vp aU thinges -with the worde of his power, hath in his awne person pourged oure synnes, and is sitten (set) on the right honde of the maiestie an hye. Jas 3 7. All the natures of beastes, and of byrdes, and of serpentes, and thinges of the see, are meked and tamed of the nature of man. Rev 11 13. And in the erthquake were slayne names of men seven .M. and the remnaunt were feared, and gave glory to god of heven. 149. In 1536 CromweU used his powers as Vicar-generaJ of the King, the Supreme Head on Earth of the Church of England, to issue injunctions ordering every church within twelve months to obtain a whole Bible "in Latin and also in EngUsh." Camr- bridge Modern History, Reformation, II. 465. This accounts 222 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED for the English reprints of Coverdale in 1537, of which the quarto bears the legend cited in the text. Full details are given by Tregelles Historical Account 71-76. Descriptions may be seen in Darlow Catalogue 12-14. The writer has seen these editions. 150. Justice Bradley has pointed out what appears to be an acknowledgment of debt to Tyndale. The only addition to the text was the Prayer of Manasses. The text as a whole became the basis of all subsequent versions. The real features of the edition were the accessories, which were chiefly taken from con tinental sources, especially the French Bibles of Olivetan and Lefevre; but these were forbidden after 1544, and the reprints of 1549 have new or re\'ised notes. Darlow Catalogue 15, 38; Westcott General View 336. The writer has seen copies. 151. Questions of Ucensing and copyright deserve more atten tion than they often receive in this connection. Papal control of the press was asserted in a Bull of 1516, and with that prece dent it was ordered in England that a book must be licensed in manuscript before printing, and Thomas Berthelet was appointed "Prynter vnto the Kynges grace" in 1529. {Enc. Brit. IV. 39b.) Next year the law was enforced by a general burning of unUcensed books. In 1538 anonymous translations were forbidden, licenses were required to print or import English Scriptures, and the license to print at all in English was to be expressed by the words "cum privilegio Regali ad imprimendum solum." (Cotton MS Cleopatra E. v. fol. 340b.) This last word seems to imply a recognition of copyright; the word " Regali " dropped out quietly. In 1639 special restriction was laid for five years on diverse ver sions of Scripture by requiring license from Cromwell (Pat. 31. Hen. 8. p. 4. m. 15. Rymer Fcedera). In 1566 the Stationers' Company was incorporated with a monopoly of printing and large powers to enforce this. Under Elizabeth the Star Chamber also supervised. As the Company derived its revenue chiefly from Bible printing, it housed the revisers of 1611 and provided part of the expense ; but long litigation arose as to the copyright in the Royal Version, for which see Darlow Catalogue 134-135. The usage of the Company led to the belief that copyright in aU books was perpetual, but this was altered generally in 1774. For APPENDIX 223 the Royal Version, apart from new notes or apparatus, perpetual copyright is still vested in the King's Printer and in the Univer sities of Cambridge and Oxford, the former asserting privilege and publishing first in 1691, Oxford entering on its splendid career only in 1673. 152. Jacobs Lutheran Movement in England, Philadelphia, 1894. 153. Taverner's Bible seems to have been considerably under rated. Writer after writer has repeated gossip about his personal appearance, or a statement that his work exercised little or no influence on subsequent versions. If they had examined it, or had recoUected the existence of the Douay Bible, they would have told a different story. The writer's attention was directed to it by Carleton, in whose 160 pages of collation -wiU be found abun dant evidences of its influence on the Douay Version. A copy of the first edition was accessible to the writer for verification. 154. Blunt in Enc. Brit. VIII. 386-387. 156. Details in many places, e.g., Bagster Memorials -80-94. Westcott shows that Munster's Hebrew-Latin edition and com mentary of 1535 helped him greatly. Coverdale seems to imply that he used the Complutensian Polyglot: State Papers I. 576. 166. It has been aUeged that this phrase means that the Epistles and Gospels for festivals, etc., are "pointed out" or marked, as is stiU the custom in Bibles prepared for AngUcan churches. Murray Historical Dictionary gives no indication that the word "apoynt" ever bore such a technical meaning. And other Bibles before and at the same time were similarly marked, without their containing this notice: for instance, Coverdale's 1535, Matthew's 1537, Taverner's 1639, and the Great Bible of 1539. But in September, 1538, injunctions to the clergy had been drafted, ordering them to obtain "one boke of the whole Bible in the largest volume in Englyshe." This naturally raised hopes in various minds of securing either a portion of the trade, or even a monopoly. Two rivals had strong backing: Taverner was prompted by Cromwell, and had the use of the King's Printer's press, but the fall of CromweU in July, 1640, limited his chances, and he lost the special recommendation. Coverdale, 224 BIBLE VEKSIO-N'S CU.MPARED who was editing the Great Bible, had also obtained the patronage of Cranmer, whose power was unshaken; and what was more important, he was financed by a London merchant, working through the others who had bought "Matthew" and who were being drawn into the printing trade by the French Inquisition forbidding their work to be done in Paris, and by the difficulty of finding good English establishments. Anthony Marler, haber dasher, speculated in six large editions of the Great Bible, pro curing a preface from Cranmer, presenting a magnificent copy to the King, and securing a four years' monopoly for the supply of the churches, at a price fixed by the Privy Council. The facts are to be gleaned from Darlow, and are set forth by Anderson, with out a clear grasp of the trade rivalries at work. Some of the facts are also given in Bagster Memorials. See also Cambridge Modern History, Reformation, II. 466. 157. The six editions of the Great Bible in 1640-1541 are often called Cranmer's, though he had nothing to do with them except writing the preface, and perhaps securing the corrections sug gested by the bishops as mentioned above. Copies of the first and second editions have been seen by the writer. 158. Darlow Catalogue 59; Cotton Editions 30. 159. Darlow Catalogue 60. The writer has seen a copy and owns a reprint. 160. Darlow Catalogue 61 ; Westcott General View 91-92. 161. Darlow CatoZogwe 89. The fact that this Genevan Version was authorized in Scotland seems to be curiously ignored by most people. 162. The writer has seen several editions. This was the ver sion used by the Pilgrim Fathers. See Arber The Story of the Pilgrim Fathers 96, 26, etc.; Anderson Annals 588. Arch bishop Da-vidson has sho-wn that stanch Anglicans used it as late as 1624. But after the ci-vU wars the colonists in America were restricted to import, and in practice could only obtain the Royal Version. 163. The writer has seen it, with a note by Francis Newport, who gave it. The story is often incorrectly told; the time was January, 1658-1559; place, Little Conduit in Cheapside. APPENDIX 225 164. Anderson Annals 453. 166. Lupton in Hastings V. 250-251. 166. Darlow Catalogue 116. 167. Gigot Introduction 360-361 ; Lupton in Hastings V. 253a. 168. Gigot Introduction 361 ; Prothero Statutes and Constitw- tional Documents, 1558 to 1625, p. 416. 169. Gigot Introduction 361 ; Lupton in Hastings V. 253-264. 170. Carleton Rheims 22-25; Lupton in Hastings V. 256a. 171. The version is popularly called the "Authorized Version," though it is weU known that after all James's intentions as to elaborate authorization, not a single document is extant that authorizes it. Curiously enough there was one thing about it authorized that is now never seen, some genealogies and maps, which were by royal order to be bought from the compiler and inserted in every copy for ten years. The King's Printer bought the copyright of the text from the revisers for ;£3,500, and re tained it tiU 1709, though -with much disturbance and litigation. See Darlow Catalogue 135; Anderson Annals 483. 172. Gigot Introduction 366-368; Lupton in Hastings V. 258a. 173. Darlow Catotoyue 182; Lupton in Hastings V. 257a. 174. This astonishing figure is given by BaiUie, the well-known Scots commissioner to the Long Parliament. See Darlow Cata logue 184. Archbishop Abbot in 1615 had forbidden the binding or sale of any Bible without the Apocrypha. 175. Anderson Annals 487-488. 176. Preface to Weymouth Resultant Greek Testament. Gigot, however, doubts whether this new "Textus Receptus" is not overrated. Introduction 252-259. His doubt is shared by con servative Anglicans like Burgon and Scrivener, as also by the briUiant Irish Protestant Salmon. Perhaps the trend of modern opinion is towards reconsidering the work and theories of West cott and Hort, and revaluing the " Western Text. " See Strack in Hastings IV. 738a, footnote. On the other hand, the British and Foreign Bible Society has printed an edition by Nestle on these lines, and desires new versions to be conformed to it. 177. Gigot Introduction 206; Strack in Hastings IV. 728b. 178. Kenyon in Hastings V. 363b. 226 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED 179. Gigot Introduction 210-219; Bebb in Hastings IV. 863a; Burkitt in Cheyne IV. 4978; Margoliouth in Hastings III. 31a; Strack in Hastings IV. 731b; White in Hastings IV. 884b. 180. Scores of private versions have been pubUshed; the writer owns several, but has grown weary of trying to enumerate all. See Gigot Introduction 368-370. 181. The outbreak of missionary zeal from 1789 onward is largely responsible for this. At Serampur alone, in 32 years, translations of parts of the Bible into 46 different languages came from the press. Smith Life of Carey 213-214. 182. Regulation I of 1826 and 1827. 183. Armitage History of the Baptists 894. 184. Armitage History 907. 185. Dariow Catalogue 362-363. 186. Darlow Catalogue 372; Armitage History 907-909. 187. Only five of the 1865 revisers worked on the 1881-1885 revisions; in America Hackett, Kendrick, and Schaff; in England Angus and Gotch. Full Usts may be seen in Biblical Revision or by Lupton in Hastings V. 260-261. 188. For acute criticisms see Gigot Introduction 367-378; Lupton in Hastings V. 262-265. The chief defects seem to be, in the New Testament a poor EngUsh style, the fault charged on Challoner too, and in the Old Testament an inadequate use of the versions of antiquity. 189. Gigot Introduction 377; Lupton in Hastings V. 262, 266. Be it remembered that the Apocrypha as coUected by Anglicans include not only the Catholic deutero-canonieal books, but also I Esdras known to modern CathoUcs as III Esdras, II Esdras known to modern CathoUcs as IV Esdras, and the Prayer of Manasses. 190. Lupton gives a further criticism of the American edition in Hastings V. 269-271. 191. Gigot gives a Ust on page 26 of his Introduction. 192. Gigot Introduction 503, 505, 509. 193. Cornely discusses these points, Introd. Compend. 19, 278-280, 420-423. To read his labored pleas is to see how Uttle can be said; but it may be worth while to append for those who do APPENDIX 227 not wish to read Latin, the terse summaries of Protestants, "The early chapters of the book (of Judith) contain historical and geo graphical impossibilities, and the later chapters much self-e-vident romance." Porter in Hastings II. 823b. MarshaU calls and proves Bel and the Dragon "two legends," and shows that the story of Susanna " cannot be regarded as historical." Hastings I. 267a, IV. 631b. 194. Gregory the Great wavered. Gigot Introduction 67. In 787 Hadrian I accepted the canons of the Second Council of Nicea, and thereby tacitly indorsed several contradictory opinions as to the Canon of Scripture, recorded in 691-692 at Constantinople, in Trullo. Gigot 65, 109. 195. Gigot Introduction 39, 52. 196. Ryle Canon 141, 152. CathoUc notes on Lk 11 51 "From the blood of Abel unto the blood of Zacharias" refer to Gen 4 8 and II Paralipomenon (II Chron) 24 22. Now in the Hebrew Bibles, these books are respectively the first and the last, so that the effect is as if we were to say "from Genesis to Malachi," or for the whole Bible, "from Genesis to Revelation." It appears a fair inference that the Jewish Scriptures were known to our Lord in the very order in which they are now printed. 197. Gigot Introduction 326 quotes the Catholic Dictionary, which estimates them less favorably as " few," not as " a few." 198. Gigot Introduction 319, 320. 199. Gigotquotes, /nirodwchora 358-359, Protestant estimates to the contrary, but the contemporary evidence is strong. Besides that of Buschius cited in the text, his amanuensis, George Joye, assures us he had high learning in Hebrew, Greek, and Latin; and Sir Thomas More owned he was "fuU prettily learned." This is plainly e-vident in his preface to Matthew, his epistle to the reader in 1534, and in several notes. 200. Cornely writes in Latin {Introd. Compend. 107) of which the following is the Essayist's translation: "Into some dog matic or moral texts he inserted his own interpretation (for in stance Ex 23 13 for the Hebrew text 'Make no mention of the name of other gods,' he put 'By the name of strange gods you shaU not swear'), especially in Messianic prophecies; for he so 228 DIDLE VERSIONS COMPARED rendered some that they could be drawn into a Messianic sense (for instance Isa 2 22 'for he is reputed high'; 16 1 'send forth, O Lord, the lamb, the ruler of the earth,' etc.), although he anno tates in a commentary that the other rendering which excludes a Messianic bearing is commoner; other texts, which are Messianic in a certain broad sense, he determines to a special fact (for in stance Isa 11 10 'his sepulchre shaU be glorious'); others which were spoken about the Messiah's reign, he refers to the Messiah's person (for instance Isa 45 8 'let the clouds rain the just: let the earth be opened, and bud forth a savior' ; 66 5 ' my just one is near at hand, my savior is gone forth,' where the abstract nouns justice, salvation ought to be placed); others which are spoken briefly, he fiUs out in his o-wn way (Dan 9 26, Hebrew 'it shaU not be to him' for which St. Jerome: 'the people that shall deny him shall not be his,' or, as he has it in his commentary, 'the empire that they were thinking they would retain shall not be his'; but St. Augustine indicates another supplement: 'he shall not be of that state'; and other people indicate other renderings)." Gigot speaks rather severely of some of these translations of Jerome, Introduction 322-325, and adds further illustrations. In Gen 49 ">, the Vulgate guides the Douay to translate: "The scep tre shall not be taken away from Juda, nor a ruler from his thigh, till he come that is to be sent, and he shall be the expectation of the nations." Gigot says that some of this rendering was already traditional, so that Jerome only acquiesced in it, but ascribes to him the clause in italics, "which could be obtained only by an arbitrary reading of the Hebrew text." Again, Jerome's Latin of Job 19 "¦" results in "I know that my Re deemer liveth, and in the last day I shall rise out of the earth. And / shall be clothed again with my skin, and in my flesh I shaU see my God. Whom I myself shall see, and my eyes shall behold, and not another; this my hope is laid up in my bosom." Criticising Jerome, "many Catholic scholars think that version is neither literal nor accurate," objecting to the clauses in italics. Fathei' Corluy, the Jesuit, offers a new Latin translation meaning "I know that my Defender is living, and He at last will appear on the dust. And afterwards these (members of my body) will be APPENDIX 229 clothed with my skin, and out of my flesh I shall behold God; whom I shaU behold for myself, and my eyes shall see, and not another; my kidneys have failed in my bosom." Yet no edition known to the writer has ventured to depart from the Latin of Jerome, in face of the decision of Trent; and aU the editions based on the ChaUoner text reproduce aU these faults, although they do vary among themselves in other and petty details. The translation of Hab 3 has some marvelous touches, some of which are indorsed in notes; ver 5 runs: "Death shall go be fore his face. And the Devil shaU go forth before his feet;" ver 13: "Thou wentest forth for the salvation of thy people: for sal vation -with thy Christ;" ver 18: "But I wiU rejoice in the Lord: and I will joy in my God Jesus." Now some of these may be simple blunders, but not all; and to say that these are "serious defects" is less than the truth. They betoken a willingness to tamper with the text. 201. GeU, quoted by Gigot Introduction 367. The matter does not fall strictly -within the scope of this essay, but still the writer would have tested the assertion, could he have found references to any specific passage. Gigot indorses the accusa tion, and the five cases he quotes from Kenrick are set forth in the next note. 202. Matt 19 11 now runs in the Protestant version of 1900: "But he said unto them, Not all men can receive this saying, but they to whom it is given." Kenrick objected to the word " can," saying that it was stronger than the text. A modem CathoUc version renders: "All men take not this word." A Protestant will adopt the principle of Pope Clement and appeal to the Greek, finding the same Greek word (rendered by the same Latin) at Mk 22, where a Catholic version renders: "there was no room." The same Greek word at Jno 21 '^ was rendered by Jerome "capere posse" and in a Catholic version "would not be able to contain." Therefore it is clear that the text may mean what the Protestant version says it does, CathoUcs being witnesses. To prove that it may mean this, does not prove that it must mean this, but refutes the charge of being a dishonest rendering. It is possible for honest difference of opinion to exist. 230 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED I Cor 7' has been revised, and Catholics would probably be satisfied with the result. When criticising this mote, they had a beam of their own while their final words read: "It is better to marry than to be burnt"! But they must foUow the Vulgate. I Cor 9 5 still stands: "Have we no right to lead about a wife ?" A Catholic note asserts that it is certain Paul had no wife, and refers to 7 7, 8. This indeed says he was then without a wife, but suggests two alternatives, unmarried or widowed. The second of these, the CathoUc annotator ignores. There are other reasons for thinking Paul was a widower, drawn from Acts 26 10. Without assuming this, the possibiUty Ues open, and we are thrown back on the meaning of the Greek word. In ch. vii it occurs repeatedly, and in the official Vulgate it is rendered by two different Latin words, one vague and equivalent to 'Woman' ("whether mar ried or not" says Smith Latin Dictionary), the other precise and equivalent to 'Wife.' A modern CathoUc version does not object to render it into English as 'Wife' a dozen times in that chapter. Therefore the Protestant version is allowable, CathoUcs being -witnesses. But when the CathoUc Bible says that "erroneous translators have corrupted the text," the statement goes beyond the truth, and is couched in unseemly language. And indeed when the facts are scanned closely, this charge has a boomerang quality about it. The English translators are perfectly within their rights, if they s(;and by a possible rendering which accords with their dogmatic views; but the Latin translators and editors have dealt differently with this text. TertuUian dropped the word ' Sister'; Ambrosiaster does the same, if his editors are to be trusted; Sedulius declares on the other hand that the Greek reads ' Sisters,' not ' Women,' which assertion is against a mass of e-vidence; Hel-vidius and Cassiodorus restore the balance by the brave assertion that the rendering is unmistakably 'Wives'; Jerome, Augustine, and Hilary, with the Armenian version, strongly influenced by the Latin, have other variations; and it is difficult to resist the conclusion of Afford, that " the sacred text was tampered with by the parties in the controversy on ceUbacy." Moreover the standard text of the Vulgate here is not only variant from the Greek in its order, but is in opposition APPENDIX 231 to the best surviving manuscript copies of Jerome's version. It would be wise for Catholic controversialists not to mention this case. I Cor 11 27. This text has been corrected as CathoUcs desire. The criticism was just, but unimportant in view of ver 26. Heb 10 38. FoUo-wing the Genevan Version, the Royal read: "Now the just shaU live by faith: but if any man draw back, my soul shall have no pleasure in him." Kenrick charged that the "interpolation in italics was designed to prevent the obvious inference, that the just man might fall from grace." The charge of motive is not supported by references, nor borne out by any facts within the cognizance of the present writer. In any case, the re-visions of 1865, 1881, 1900 remove aU occasion for it. 203. Gen 11 31 tells how Abram came "out of Ur of the Chal- dees"; but II Esd 9 7 translates the proper name "Ur" and gives the miraculous rendering, "out of the fire of the Chaldees"! Gen 12 6 speaks of the "noble vale." A better rendering of the same phrase is in Deut 11 30, "the vaUey that reacheth and en- tereth far." In each case the Hebrew seems really to mean "the oak of Moreh." Gen 31 32 has added a few words, in the style now indicated by italics, and the same thing has been done at ver 47, with the result that the text is more inteUigible than the Protestant. But there is in the CathoUc version no indication that the Hebrew and Ara maic have been supplemented in Latin. On the other hand. Gen 36 13 has been needlessly cut down to "And he departed from him." Gen 38 5 is a case wHere Jerome was misled by his teachers, and wittingly or unwittingly he has given a paraphrase, not a translation: "After whose birth, she ceased to bear any more." Gen 39 5 cuts out the information given once already at ver 4. Gen 39 19 is a short paraphrase. Gen 40 5 is another case of ingenious compression, which yet is beyond our ideas of a translator's duty; nor is it to be compen sated by the free treatment of 40 20-23, which paraphrases, am plifies, and condenses. Gen 41 28 again looks Uke mere weariness, leading to the prun ing of a pleonastic style in the original. 232 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED Gen 49 22 has missed a beautiful figure of a spreading -vine, and gives the rendering: "Joseph is a growing son, a growing son and comely to behold: the daughters run to and fro upon the waU." Worse Uberties than these were taken, as at Ex 40 12-15 and Jdg 14 15. And in aU these cases an EngUsh translator is for bidden to go behind the standard text of Jerome; nor does any annotation occur in the copies available to the writer. 204. To gather twelve such cases is not very easy, but for vari ous reasons there may be mentioned Ps 24 6; Matt 11 19; Lk 6 5, 24 20; Acts 4 13; Rom 5 7; II Cor 10 1, 2; I Tim 3 2, 5 4, 6 7; Phlm 12; Rev 16 6. 205. On this subject see Cornely Introd. Compend. 121-123, or Hammond Outlines of Textual Criticism applied to the New Testament, or Marvin R. Vincent History of the Textual Criti cism of the New Testament. 206. See Matt 6 13, 19 17; Lk 10 42, 11 2-4, 22 43-44, 23 34; Jno 1 18, 3 13, 7 8; Acts 11 20; I Cor 13 3; Rev 12 18, 13 1. 207. For instance, Acts 16 7; I Jno 2 23. 208. See Mk 6 20; Lk 2 14, 6 1 ; Rom 5 l. 209. Matt 1 16; Mk 5 36; Acts 13 18; PhU 2 1; Col 2 2; Jude 5. 210. Among these are Matt 27 35; Mk 7 19; Jno 5 3, 4, 7 53-8 ll, 10 16; Acts 8 37, 16 34; I Cor 11 24, 16 51; I Th 2 7; Jas 4 4; I Pet 1 2, 3 15; I Jno 6 7, 8, 18. Gigot briefly aUudes to some of these. Introduction 236-245. 211. Scrivener-MiUer Introduction II. 334. 212. For a statement of the evidence, consult Hammond, or Home Introduction, or Scrivener-Miller, or Gloag Dissertation, or Westcott's additional Note, or Grafton's Digest in Alford, or Wiseman Two Letters on I John V. 7. 213. Gigot Introduction 349; Lupton in Hastings V. 252, 271a. 214. Wiseman Essays I. 75; Washington Moon The Revisers' English. 215. Thus the Catholic version at ver 63, "And they aU won dered" is decidedly better than "And they marvelled all." On the other hand there are clumsy renderings at vs 6, 17, 23, 35, 37, 54, 72, such as, "Because no word shall be impossible with God." APPENDIX 233 216. Newman Tracts 361 ; Carleton Rheims 18. 217. Rule VI. is quoted by Lupton in Hastings V. 253b. 218. Of the modem Catholic notes dealing with debatable questions, two specimens may suffice. At Matt 16 23 we read that Jesus "turning said to Peter: Go behind me, satan, thou art a scandal unto me." A CathoUc note does not refer to 4 10, and show that this is the rebuke to the devil, intensified. It advocates an explanation that "the Lord would have Peter to follow him in his suffering, and not to oppose the divine wiU by contradiction; for the word satan means in Hebrew an adversary or one that opposes." Despite the holy Fathers, this is not the probable meaning. Kenrick speaks much to the same effect, but quotes at length Jerome and Bloomfield. At Eph 4 11-13 is a note "Gave some apostles — Until we all meet, etc. Here it is plainly expressed that Christ has left in his Church a perpetual succession of orthodox pastors and teachers, to preserve the faithful in unity and truth." The note is courteous enough; but it em phasizes what is a possible deduction from a barely possible mean ing, and leaves untouched the main drift of the passage. 219. The candor of this avowal deserves all praise; but the scholarship is puzzUng. A critical edition of the Vulgate by Stier and Theile gives not ' ipsum' but 'ipse' as the various reading of the manuscripts; and this alone would 3deld the sense or be har monious with the laws of syntax. Yet 'ipsum' is not a mere Irish misprint, for a Scotch edition a century older gives sub stantially the same information. Is it possible that a flagrant mistake of grammar and of fact has been carelessly perpetuated in several editions; or is it that the accusative case, realiy found in a sentence of some Father using it correctly, has been trans ferred here exactly -without suiting it to the context? Whatever the explanation, some is needed. 220. Darlow Catalogue 219. 221. Decrees of Trent, and Rules of Pope Pius IV. These are set forth by Buckley Canons and Decrees. But on the other hand, "the Papal rescript of December, 1898, practicaUy abol ished the old rule which prohibited laymen from reading the Word of God in the -vulgar tongue without first obtaining the 234 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED permission of their confessor." Ninety-ninth Report of the Brit ish and Foreign Bible Society 64. 222. The Roman authorities have been singularly variable in their attitude toward vernacular versions. There is some rea son to think that in the second century the Greek Gospels were published at Rome with the vernacular Latin opposite, and that this important diglot was the parent or pattern of many other vernacular versions. See Kenyon Handbook of the Textual Criti cism of the New Testament, and the Cambridge Texts and Stud ies II. It is certain that a Bishop of Rome ordered Jerome to re-vise the Latin versions of the Psalms and Gospels. In the Middle Ages another Pope after hesitation authorized a Slavonic version, still used in the Russian Empire, on grounds that apply to aU vernacular versions. The tide turned in the days of Hil- debrand, whose predecessor had permitted the vernacular in pubUc worship. He now objected, saying, "God has ordained that in some places Holy Scripture should remain unknown, be cause if aU could easily understand it, it might through being despised or misinterpreted, lead the people into error." A cen tury later Alexander III refused approval to Waldo's Provengal Version. For the appearance of the numerous versions put to the press in its early days, the Papal Court was not directly responsible, neither did it hinder them, whatever local clergy might do. But -with the revolt of many local churches from the rule of Rome, the whole subject entered on a new phase. After the Council of Trent, Pius IV approved of ten Rules, of which the fourth pro vides that the use of even CathoUc versions depends on leave from bishop or inquisitor, together with priest or confessor, and in the case of regular monks on further leave from the head of the order. This is a rule interesting to those who are told that the Catholic Church has never prohibited any of her members read ing the Scriptures. A few facts as to the circulation of the Scriptures by CathoUcs wiU better elucidate the situation. In the Highlands of Scotland, many Celts were and are CathoUcs, yet, till the days of James VII, they had no version to which they could turn, and this was first APPENDIX 235 pro-vided by Protestants. Ireland has been a CathoUc strong hold, yet the Irish version was made by Protestants; and despite the efforts of the Catholic clergy to encourage the use of the lan guage, it does not seem that they have provided an authentic CathoUc version. Nor were they more earnest in urging the supply of the Douay. In the south of Ireland about 1800, one Protestant family in three was provided, but only one CathoUc in five hundred. Canton History I. 22. The great CathoUc powers that colonized the New World were Spain and France. They neither pro-vided adequately for their own settlers, nor at aU for the natives. When the government of New Orleans was taken over in 1803, "it was not tiU after a long search for a Bible to administer the oath of office that a Latin Vulgate was at last pro cured from a priest." Canton I. 246. In Canada then "the Bible was in general a book at once unknown and forbidden" (Canton II. 67), while in Quebec itself, as late as 1826, many people had never heard of the New Testament. Canton II. 61. In that same year at the anniversary of the American Bible Society attention was directed to South America, where fifteen millions of people, professedly Christian, and under Christian influence for about three centuries, were almost entirely without the Bible. At Cordova, the ancient seat of the Jesuits, books of all kinds were prohibited by the Inquisition, except missals and breviaries. Can ton II. 82. If a few years later, a Bishop of Aragon in the Old World prepared and published a Spanish version, it was 1831 be fore the first Bible was printed in Spanish America, and the ver sions published by the clergy ranged from twenty-five to a hun dred and thirty-two doUars in cost. Canton II. 347. Nor is this apathy a matter of the past, long since redeemed by zeal in the cause. A traveler across Brazil in 1902, who enquired care- fuUy into the subject, found in a thousand miles bishops and priests in plenty, but not a single copy of the Scriptures in any lay home; nor had most of the residents ever heard of the Bible, though they were able, -wiUing, and anxious to buy a copy when it was shown to them. Report 328. Whether then appeal be made to the colonies of CathoUc coun tries, or to the mother lands, it is incorrect that "in every family 236 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED whose means wiU permit the buying of a copy, there you will find the Authentic Version of God's words as authorized by the Church." But it must be granted that the Church is sometimes very anxious to shield her children from unauthentic versions; for during 1902 pubUc bonfires of them were made in Austria, Fiji, Pernambuco, and Peru, and the Archbishop of Sucre in Bolivia " actually suggested that capital punishment should be meted out " to a man circulating them. Report 9, 35, 38, 39, 54-57, 323, etc. And on February 22, 1903, another public burning of Bibles was made in Pernambuco, and another was planned but forbidden by the state officers, so that the bonfire was private, in the back of the church . Letter of W. H. Cannada published in the Baptist Argus of November 6, 1903, at Louis-ville. If appeal be made to the efforts of CathoUcs in countries mainly Protestant to counteract the mischief of unauthentic copies, it should be remembered that in 1813 the Roman Catholic Bible Society founded in England by a bishop and others was bitterly opposed by Catholics, and soon came to an end; and that the Catholic Bible Society at Regensburg, circulating only ver sions made by Catholics, was suppressed by Papal Bull in 1817. It is best to look again to headquarters and note the vaciUa- tions of the Popes themselves in modern times. A great deal is made of the brief of Pius VI, the anti-Jesuit Pope, in 1778 to Archbishop Martini. This declares that the Holy Scriptures "are the most abundant sources, which ought to be left open to every one, to draw from them purity of morals and of doctrine" and it acquiesces in his claim that he had seasonably effected this "by pubUshing the Sacred Writings in the language of your country, suitable to every one's capacity." But as soon as the revolutionary upheavals were over, and the reaction had set in, Pius VII sent a brief on September 3, 1816, to Stanislaus, Metro politan of Russia, wherein he declared that "if the Sacred Scrip tures were aUowed in the vulgar tongue everywhere without dis crimination, more detriment than benefit would arise.'' As this was the Pope who on April 20, 1820, sent a rescript to the Vicars ApostoUc of Great Britain commending the reading of the Holy Scriptures, the British ought to feel highly honored by his APPENDIX 237 HoUness's discrimination in their favor. Darlow Catalogue 341. His successor, Leo XII, in an encycUcal of May 3, 1824, within nine months of his accession, indorsed the traditional attitude: "If the Scriptures be everywhere indiscriminately published, more evil than advantage wiU arise." Though Pius VIII reigned only one year, yet he found time on May 29, 1829, to condemn Bible Societies. Again on May 8, 1844, Gregory XVI objected to their "publishing the books of the Holy Scriptures in every vernacular tongue .. so as to induce every one to read them -without the aid of an interpreter or guide." Canton II. 159. Pius IX foUowed in the same strain, and at last on December 8, 1864, gathered up several denunciations into his famous Syllabus of Errors, when he classed Bible Societies with Socialism, Com munism, Secret Societies, and Clerico-liberal Societies, recalling how "pests of this description are frequently rebuked in the severest terms." Then in 1870 the Council of the Vatican rati fied generaUy the decrees of Trent on Revelation, and renewed a curse on all who "shaU not receive as holy and canonical all the books of Holy Scripture -with all their parts, as set forth by the holy Tridentine Synod [including the 'Apocrypha '], or shall deny that they were divinely inspired.'' Fortunately the same Coun cil declared that under certain circumstances the Pope is in fallible, and so the proceedings of Leo XIII may reassure us to some extent. On November 18, 1893, by encycUcal he com mended to his clergy the more careful study of the Holy Scrip tures. Report 64. In 1897 he pubUshed an Apostolic Con stitution, where in Ch. in, § 7, it is stated anew, "All versions of the vernacular, even by CathoUcs, are altogether prohibited, unless approved by the Holy See, or pubUshed under the vigilant care of the Bishops, with annotations taken from the Fathers of the Church and learned Catholic writers." But ha-ving thus aligned himself with his predecessors, he made rapid advances. His rescript next year threw open such approved versions without further trouble. Presently he aUowed a "Pious Society of St. Jerome for the Dissemination of the Holy Gospels" to issue from the Vatican Press itself hundreds of thousands of a four-cent 238 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED Italian edition of the Gospels and Acts, and a one-cent Matthew, pushed throughout Italy by the younger priests. Report 63. Then on October 30, 1902, he issued another Apostolic Letter in continuation of his 1893 encyclical, apf)ointing a Commission to sit in Rome for promoting the study of the Sacred Scriptures in certain specified ways, and appropriating part of the Vatican Library for the purpose. It is devoutly to be hoped that further steps will be taken along this road, but remembering the fate of Lasserre's French Gospels, and that another Pope now wears the Fisherman's ring, it is early to feel sure that this state of affairs is assured. Meantime the translation of the Psalms is being proceeded with for the Society, and a new French Bible revised by the Jesuits has been issued in popular form avowedly for seminarists, priests, and laymen. If the proceedings of Leo XIII seemed in some measure to relax the stringent rules, yet the tightening of the bond is again apparent in a letter to Cardinal Cassetta on January 21, 1907, from Pius X, in which he declares: "It -will also be advisable that the Society of St. Jerome hold as a sufficient field of labor for itself its effort to publish the Gospels and the Acts of the Apostles." The work of translation is stopped. 223. The -viUagers on the frontiers of Bulgaria, Servia, and Turkey still speak a dialect of Latin which recent travelers note -with surprise is plain enough for students of the classics to recog nize. SECOND ESSAY 1. Even the highest -view of the authority of councils must recognize the fact that their conclusions as to the Scripture canon have always been based primarily on what they judged to be the experience spiritual men had had of a book's worth in synagogue or church. This was true of the -violent Jewish Assembly of Jamnia in 90 a.d., which declared in favor of the Hebrew canon. It was true of the early Christian councils, like the local synods of Laodicea and Carthage, and of the Council of Trent itself, which declared for the fuller text, and whose decision was, of course, authoritative for Catholics. The name of an author, the appro priateness of a writing for use in public worship, and other con siderations, had weight in accepting or rejecting a book as bibUcal ; but the fundamental factor was the spiritual worth of a book, as tested in the experience of God's people. 2. The other three of the oldest five manuscripts are known as the Alexandrian MS., the Codex of Ephraim, and the Codex of Beza. Even the Vatican and Sinaitic MSS. are manuscript copies in the original only in the New Testament; for, in both, the Old Testament is the Septuagint Greek translation of the Hebrew. The five are, for convenience, known as K (Aleph, the Hebrew A), A, B, C, and D, respectively. Their symbols, names, deriva tion, probable date, chief contents, and present home, may be grouped as shown in table on the following page. 3. There is a copy of the Prophets dated 916 a.d. and a recently acquired copy of the Pentateuch is "not later than the ninth cen tury." This is in the British Museum. See Kenyon Our Bible and the Ancient Manuscripts 38 ff. 4. On the comparative worth of manuscript copies and ver sions, compare Jerome's Works, VaUarsi's Ed., IX, Preface to the Chronicles from the Hebrew, col. 1405. Also Burkitt in Cheyne IV, col. 4981. 5. Of the early Christian writers, commonly caUed the " church 239 to Symbol Name Sinaitic. Vatican . Alexandrian. Codex of Ephraim . Codex of Beza. Date 4th Cent. 4th Cent. 5th Cent. 5th Cent. 6th Cent. Found in 1844 In Con vent on Mt. Sinai. Long at the Vatican, Rome. Once in Library of Alexandria. Given to Charles I of En gland, 1628. Constantinople, Italy and Paris. Works ol Ephraim the Syrian written over It. Beza, French theolo gian. 16th Century, once owned It. Contents O. T. Incomplete. All N. T. O. T. complete, Sep tuagint. N. T. all but four books. Whole Bible, though parts of O. T. miss ing. Fragments of nearly all books. Gospels. Acts. St. Petersburg, Bussla. Vatican Library. British Museum. Library of Paris. Cambridge University, England. l-H w fpia APPENDIX 241 Fathers," and the character of their testimony, Geddes, a Scotch Roman CathoUc priest and scholar, says: "The Christian writers of the first few centuries were men of great probity, but generaUy of little learning and less taste. They transmitted to posterity the depositum [tradition of essential truth] which they had received from the Apostles and their immediate successors, with honesty, earnestness, and simpUcity; and recommended the doctrines they taught more by the sanctity of their Uves than by the depth of their erudition. They form so many invaluable links in the golden chain of universal and apostolic tradition; but they afford very little help towards clearing up the dark passages of Scripture." Prospectus of a New Translation of the Holy Bible 114. 6. In this connection, Gigot, Professor of Sacred Scripture in St. Mary's Seminary, Baltimore, Md., says: "Though watched over in a special manner by Divine Pro-vidence in the course of ages, the inspired books of the canon have been transcribed dur ing many centuries by all manner of copyists whose ignorance and carelessness they stiU bear witness to." General Introduc tion to the Study of the Holy Scriptures 163. 7. Very recent discoveries and investigations tend to confirm Hort's groupings of the biblical text, in the main, as against such advocates of the " Received Text" of the Authorized Version as the late Dean Burgon. See his books. The Traditional Text and The Causes of Corruption. At the same time, they increase respect for the " Western Text " as a witness to the truth before the early and numerous interpolations which have so largely distin guished it came into it. A very ancient Syriac MS., discovered in 1892, is Western, but has none of the common additions, as found, for instance, in the Latin Vulgate. The readings of such a manuscript, when corroborated by the Neutral group, are almost certainly true readings. Compare Murray in Hastings V. 208- 236, especiaUy paragraph 83; Burkitt in Cheyne IV, col. 4990; Nestle in Hastings IV. 737-739. Also, Harris Four Lectures on the Western Text and The Oxford Debate on Textual Criticism of the New Testament. 8. That the combinations of the Antiochian group are later 242 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED than either of the two parts that enter into it, is regarded by most scholars as extremely probable, (1) because a more natural and worthy motive would lead a copyist to include both words when he found one in one of his copies, another in another, while it would be unnatural and unworthy for a copyist to find two words in his exemplar and copy only one; (2) because it is known that such combinations were actuaUy practiced; and (3) because, in the writings of the church Fathers, before the middle of the third century, are found quotations of Scripture that foUow the readings in the Neutral, Western, and Alexandrian groups, but none that have the distinctive Antiochian combinations. 9. See Diagram 2. This varies sUghtly from Hort's theory, in recognition of later modifications. The relative distance La the diagram from the ideal (broken) line in the center, represent ing the orginal text now lost, indicates approximately the relative accuracy with which the several groups reproduce the original New Testament writings. Of course, there was in fact more or less intermixture between groups. Of course, also, only the chief epochs in manuscript-making are represented in the dia gram. Of the Vulgate manuscripts, for instance, there are said to be some 8,000. For examples of the interpolations and omissions characteristic of the "Western Text," see Note 36. 10. From Westcott and Hort The New Testament in the Original Greek II. 284. 11. On the nature of the authority attaching to the Douay Version, see Newman: "It [the Douay] never has had any epis copal imprimatur [authoritative permission to print], much less has it received any formal approbation from the Holy See." "The Rheims and Douay Version of Holy Scripture" in Tracts Theological and Ecclesiastical 410. 12. Although the rule enacted by the Congregation of the Index under Benedict XIV is that only those versions may be read that "have been approved by the Holy See, or are pubUshed -with notes drawn from the Holy Fathers or from learned CathoUc writers," only the second alternative seems to be followed in practice; since it is the custom of the Holy See not to give formal approval to any vernacular version of Scripture. See Kenrick, APPENDIX 243 Archbishop of Baltimore, in his General Introduction to the Books of the Old Testament, p. ix. 13. The facts about the Old Latin Version are in a somewhat chaotic condition. Whether, originally, there was one version or were many; whether the typical version, to which extant copies bear witness, was made in North Africa, Italy, or Gaul; whether the European text of the Old Latin, which, subject to more or less revision, appeared, for example, in the edition used by Jerome, commonly caUed the Old Itala, was an independent version, or was descended from the North African Version, are points on which scholars are not yet agreed. The main things that concern us are plain: (1) that the Old Latin Version that Jerome revised was a faithful translation; but (2) possessed of a Uterary rude ness, or literalness, instanced in the use of many Greek words and grammatical constructions foreign to the Latin; and (3) at that time corrupted and existing in various forms. See Je rome's Works, in Patrologia Latina, Migne, XXIX, cols. 525 f. ; Kennedy in Hastings III. 47-62; Article "Vulgate," in McCUn- tock and Strong X. 825. 14. As to the need of revision of the Old Latin, Augustine, the famous church Father, contemporary with Jerome, writes, "... The Latin translators are innumerable; for in the early days of Christianity, whoever got hold of a Greek Manuscript and fancied he had some little ability as a Unguist, ventured to turn his Greek into Latin." On Christian Doctrine, Bk II, ch ii. And Jerome himself, in his preface to the Gospels, writes: "Much error has crept into our texts (of the Gospels), since whatever any evangelist says more than another, people have added to the other, because they fancied he had too Uttle. . . . The result is that our Versions of the Gospels are aU mixed up." Again: "... there are as many copies of the Latin translations as there are codices; and everyone adds what he pleases, or subtracts what he thinks best." Jerome's Works, in Migne, XXIX, cols. 626 f. and XXVIII, col. 463. 15. The translators of the King James Version speak of Jerome as "a most leamed father, and the best linguist, -without controversy, of his age, or of any other that went before him, to 244 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED undertake the translating of the Old Testament out of the very fountains themselves, which he performed -with . . . great learn ing, judgment, industry, and faithfulness. .' ." From Preface to the Revision of 1611, p. 16. Geddes says: "St. Jerome certainly knew more of the Hebrew language than any other Western Christian of his day: . . . but he was inferior in that respect to many moderns." Prospectus 47 and Note. 16. On Jerome's method in re-vising the Gospels, compare his Preface to the Gospels, Migne, XXIX, col. 625. McCHntock and Strong, who give long Usts of examples of changes in the Old Latin made by Jerome, conclude that a com parison of Jerome's Vulgate with the Old Latin in quotations from the Fathers before his time, shows the reality and character of his re-vision. But it shows also that the revision was hasty and imperfect. Migne, X, col. 827. Jerome's revision of the Old Testament, and therefore, of the Psalms, received into the Vulgate, was from an unrevised copy of the Old Latin Version of the Septuagint, the imperfections of which he notes. See Epistle to Sunia and Fretula. 17. As to Jerome's translation of the apocryphal book of Tobit, he says: " I have satisfied your [the bishops'] wish, but not my learning." Migne, XXIX, cols. 23 f. Of the haste in his translation of this book and Judith, he teUs us, that he translated the one in "a single day," and that the other was "a short effort." Migne, cols. 26 and 39. 18. There can be no question, we suppose, that Jerome trans lated the Old Testament from the Hebrew, or that it was this translation (with the exception of the Psalms and the Apocry pha) that became the Old Testament of the Latin Vulgate. See Jerome, in Migne, Epistle to Damasus, XXXVI, and Preface to the Books of Chronicles, VaUarsi's Ed., IV, 1405. Gigot, of the Roman Catholic Seminary in Baltimore, states the facts thus: "... Our Latin Vulgate has three component parts. The first part is distinctively St. Jerome's work, inas much as it is no other than his own translation of the proto- canonical books of the Old Testament, (except that of the APPENDIX 245 Psalter, as already stated) which he rendered from the Hebrew." Introduction 320. In view of these facts, one is at a loss to understand an assertion in the Preface to the version of the Holy Bible pubUshed at Baltimore, and bearing the printed "Appro bation of His Eminence, James Cardinal Gibbons, Archbishop of Baltimore." In justification of the fact that the Catholic Bible contains certain books not found in other Bibles, this Preface says: "The Church's Version, the Septuagint, the Greek transla tion from the original Hebrew, and which contained aU the writ ings now found in the Douay Version, as it is called, was the Version . . . translated into Latin, known under the title of Latin Vulgate and ever recognized as the true Version of the written word of God.'' The Holy Bible, Translated from the Latin Vulgate, etc., published with the Approbation of Cardinal Gibbons, 1899, Preface, p. i. It is known, of course, that the Old Latin translation of the Septuagint once bore the name Vulgate. But it is also known that that is not Jerome's Vulgate, which was declared " authen tic" by the Council of Trent, and has ever since been "recog nized" by Roman CathoUcs "as the true version of the written word of God." Of the relation of Jerome's Vulgate (outside the Psalms) to the Septuagint, the most that can be said is that Jerome "did not disdain to incorporate parts of the Old Latin Versions" and (as he says of his translation of Ecclesiastes) in general tried to conform to the old translation from the Greek, particularly that of Symmachus, "in those places where it did not show much discrepancy from the Hebrew." This is cer tainly a very different thing from translating the Greek Sep tuagint. Scholarly Catholics are usually very glad to note that in Jerome's Vulgate the Old Testament comes from the Hebrew direct. The Catholic Archbishop Dixon says distinctly, in a book from which many Catholic clergymen have received their knowledge of these things: "Our Vulgate is manifestly in these [the Old Testament books other than the Psalms] a translation from the Hebrew." General Introduction to the Sacred Scrip tures, by Dixon, formerly Professor of Sacred Scripture and 246 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED Hebrew . . . Archbishop of Armagh and Primate of all Ireland, I. 107. But, since the Hebrew canon, and Jerome foUowing it, both excluded the apocryphal, or "deuteroJcanonical," books, and these were only added, as above noted, to Jerome's work against his own judgment, the Greek Septuagint should not, one would think, be cited as "the true version of the written word of God" to CathoUc folk, for the purpose of justifying the enlarged canon of the CathoUc Bible. See also White in Hastings IV. 833 f. On the opposition Jerome met, see p. 876 of the same article: "The mutterings of suspicion which were aroused by the emended version of the New Testament were as nothing compared with the storm of indignation and opposition which the translation of the Old Testament from the Hebrew brought on to Jerome's head. . . . The great stumbUng block was that he should have gone behind the Septuagint version, and made a translation which . . . even set itself up as an independent rival." 19. Gigot (Catholic) writes: "During the course of the two centuries which elapsed between the time of Saint Jerome and the general reception of his work, corruptions of a very extensive character crept naturally into the text of the Latin Vulgate. Not only the ordinary mistakes of transcription . . . were made . . . but the pecuUar relation in which our Vulgate stood to the Old Latin Version ... led to a strange mixture of texts. From sheer famiUarity with the words of the older version, the trans cribers of the Vulgate wrote down its words instead of those of Saint Jerome. Another fertile source of corruptions . . . con sisted in the lack of critical sense in most of the transcribers and owners of Manuscripts during the Middle Ages; time and again they inserted in their copies of Holy Writ glosses drawn from other Manuscripts, from parallel passages, from the sacred Uturgy, from the writings of Saint Jerome, or even of Josephus, and thought that they had thereby secured what they were pleased to caU 'pleniores codices' (more complete texts), while they had simply added to the corruptions already existing." Introduction 330. By direction of the Emperor Charles the Great, in 797 the scholarly Missionary-Bishop Alcuin made a revision of the Vulgate APPENDIX 247 which was valuable and popular. It seems to have been Uinited, however, to a comparison of the best Latin manuscripts he could obtain. Near the end of the eleventh century, Lanfranc, Arch bishop of Canterbury, corrected the text. In the twelfth cen tury, Stephen Hardy, Abbot of Citeaux, compared good Latin and Greek manuscripts, and by aid of these and the guidance in He brew of some Jewish scholars, removed from the current text many interpolations. In the thirteenth century, the copying of Vulgate Bibles increased greatly, and among many poor ones excellent "correctoria," or standard manuscripts, were made by societies of learned men. The best of these was the "Correc- torium Vaticanum," which served weU to restore, in a measure, Jerome's text. 20. " It is true that the discovery of the art of printing supplied the long desired means of obtaining uniform and authoritative copies of the Vulgate. But it is true, also, that lack of critical skill, desire of multiplying editions of the Bible, etc., betrayed the editors of the fifteenth century into pubUshing Manuscripts of the sacred text irrespectively of their origin and value." Gigot Introduction 332. Among the best of these printed Vulgate Bibles were (1 ) The Mazarin, named after Cardinal Mazarin, the owner of a famous copy made in 1452; (2) the Complutensian Polyglot, done by Cardinal Ximenes, a very able CathoUc scholar, at Complutum, or Alcala, Spain; and (3) Stephanus's (Etienne's, or "Stephen's") Vulgate, on which the Sixtine revisers depended as much as on any one edition. This last was the first reaUy critical piece of work done on Vulgate Bibles, though, unfortunately, based on the "Parisienne Correctorium," the poorest of the thirteenth cen tury standard copies. See Hastings IV. 878, 879. 21. From the Latin of Canons and Decrees of the Holy Council of Trent, Session IV, — Decree concerning the Edition and Use of the Sacred Books, 6 f. The oldest manuscript of the Vulgate now known to be in existence is caUed the Codex Amiatinus, because it was formerly in the Convent of Monte Amiata, near Sienna in Italy. It is now in the Mediceo-Laurentian Library at Florence, and is its greatest 248 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED treasure. It measures 19| x 13f x 7 inches; contains the whole Bible with Preface; is written in uncial, or capital, letters on 1,029 leaves of veUum, in a clear beautiful hand, two columns to a page. This manuscript was brought to Rome during the Sixtine revision of the Vulgate mentioned on pages 78 f. It was made in England, by the order of Ceolfried ; and by him presented to Pope Gregory II about 715 a.d. Condensed from The Codex Amia tinus and Its Birthplace, by White, 273 ff. 22. Bingham {Antiquities of the Christian Church II. 754) goes so far as to say: "We do not thereby [by the Vatican Decree] de clare it [the Vulgate] to be the best translation, or absolutely without faults, but only such a one as we can piously use and read publicly in the Church." "What more does the Council of Trent assert, when she declares the Vulgate to be authentic?" From Prefatory Note to The Holy Bible, translated from the Latin Vulgate, and published with the Approbation of the Rt. Rev. John Hughes, D.D., p. 4. SimUarly, Geddes says that the Synod's declaration [that is, the decision of Trent] that the Vulgate was " authentic" did not imply "an absolute and exclusive authenticity in the strictest sense of the word, which gave it a preference and superiority not only over all other translations, but also over the originals them selves." This "opinion was that of the most ignorant," says Geddes; the opposite "that of the most learned Catholic theolo gians." Prospectus 10. The fact remains, however, that none but the Vulgate Version can claim authenticity under the CathoUc ruling; and that, in common practice, "authentic" has usually been taken to mean absolutely authoritative, if not infallible. The most damaging thing in the Decree was its inclusion of "controversies," which certainly implies a standard of truth for students as well as a usable guide for general readers. See Wetzer and Welte {Ka- tholisches) Kirchenlexikon, Article, "Vulgate." 23. "He" [Sixtus] "forbade expressly the publication of vari ous readings in copies of the Vulgate, and declared that all read ings in other editions and Manuscripts which vary from those of his re\'ised text ' are to have no credit or authority for the future.' " APPENDIX 249 Gigot Introduction 337. "This edition," Sixtus said, "is -with out any doubt or controversy to be regarded by the Christian public as the Vulgate Latin edition of the Old and New Testa ments received as authentic by the Council of Trent." Sixtus's BuU is quoted in The History of the English Bible, Condit, 314 f. It is printed at length in James Bellum Papale, London, 1600. The Bull is dated 1589, and Sixtus died in 1590. It is agreed on all hands that, while the Sixtine edition was mechanically superior to the later Clementine edition, the text re- ¦vision itself was very bungling. According to Vercellone, Six tus's substitutions of his own readings for those of his board of revisers were wrong nineteen times out of twenty. Salmon says that Sixtus's "infallibiUty" was not equal to the "patience, learning and critical sagacity" required. Infallibility of the Church 228. After detailed comparison of the two texts, Mc- CUntock and Strong say: "He (Sixtus) had changed the readings . . . with the most arbitrary and unskiUful hand." " The Clementine, though not a perfect text, is yet very far purer than the Sixtine:" X. 833. See also Note 20, end. 24. The inscription of the Clementine Revision says that the work was done in nineteen days. At any rate, it was hasty, aUow- ing no time for comparison with the originals. A second Clem entine Edition ws^ published in 1593, and a third in 1598, with a triple list of errata. Geddes estimates that the changes made in the Sixtine Edition by the Clementine Revision were over 2,000. The more complete investigations of later scholars place the number even higher, — VerceUone, 3,000; Gigot, "some 4,000." 26. The Clementine second edition bore the title, "By com mand of Sixtus V," and the editors did not use the name Clemen tine until some forty years after the death of Clement. See also Die Selbstbiographie des Cardinals Bellarmine . . . mit gc' schichtlichen Erlduterungen. As to the "errors of the press," compare Preface by BeUarmine to The Holy Bible, Vulgate Edition, edited by Tischendorf, p. XXV. In his Autobiography, just referred to, Bellarmine uses the expression, "some errors of the printers or of others" ("aliqua errata vel Typographorum vel aliorum"). But not even this 250 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED faint hint of the truth found its way into the Preface which he actually wrote. There he says baldly, "by the fault of the press" ("prEeU vitio"). In the Autobiography BeUarmine says further that his advice to pursue this course pleased Pope Gregory XIV and was acted upon by Clement VIII. Compare, also, Wetzer and Welte Kirchenlexikon: "An obstacle [to the canon ization of Bellarmine] was met with, however, each time; the question being whether cause for not canonizing BeUarmine was found in the assertion in the Preface to the Clementine Edition of the Vulgate, prepared by him, that, 'the errors of the Sixtine Edition were errors of the press,' as weU as in the circumstance that he had described the Clementine Edition, upon the second published title page, as revised and published by command of Sixtus." II. 292. After BeUarmine's death, "Cardinal Azzo- lini urged that, as BeUarmine had insulted three popes, and ex hibited two as liars, — namely Gregory XIV and Clement VIII, his work should be suppressed and burnt, and the strictest secrecy inculcated about it. For, thought Azzolini, what shall we say if our adversaries infer . . . the pope can err in expounding Scripture; — nay, hath erred . . . not only in expounding it, but in making many wrong changes in it." Von DoUinger, The Pope and The Council, Authorized Translation, 51. "The Pope [Sixtus V] . . . decided and gave order that the whole work be brought back to the anvil (revised)." "... Clement VIII . . . has completed the work which Sixtus had determined on." From Bellarmine's Preface, xxv. "It was pretended that Sixtus himself had resolved on the suppression, but of this there is no proof and Uttle probabUity." Geddes Prospectus 52. "... Other things, which it appeared ought to be altered, were purposely left unaltered ... for the sake of avoiding giv ing offence to the people." From BeUarmine's Preface, xxvi. 26. "It is weU known that many Uttle corrections . . . that had been pointed out by BeUarmine and others have, from time to time, been admitted even into the Vatican impressions; and thence have found their way into most other posterior editions." Geddes Prospectus 52, Note. APPENDES 251 "... There are many passages in the Vulgate badly ren dered. . . . Other faults have crept into it since the days of its author, many of which were not corrected even by the last re visers. Are we to translate these faults and retain these render ings for the sake of uniformity? . . . He must be a sturdy Vulgatist indeed who maintains so ridiculous a proposition." Geddes 106. The BuU of Clement is quoted by White in Hastings IV. 381. 27. The list of books judged canonical by the CouncU of Trent numbers 45 by count; but Jeremiah and Lamentations are reck oned one. The quotation respecting the canon is from the Canons and Decrees, Session IV, 1546, confirmed by Pius IV, 1564. " It is denied by some theologians that the idea of a curse prop erly belongs to the anathema as used in the Christian Church." Century Dictionary, "Anathema.'' Yet the Catholic Dictionary after saying, "In pronouncing anathema against wilful heretics, the Church does but declare that they are excluded from her communion," adds: "and that they must, if they continue ob stinate, perish eternally." 28. Of the three most ancient bibUcal manuscripts extant, all containing the Septuagint Version of the Old Testament in whole or in part, the Sinaitic contains IV Maccabees, Epistle of Bama^ has, and a large part of the Shepherd of Hermas, as weU as Judith, Tobit, I Maccabees, Wisdom, and Ecclesiasticus; the Alexandrian has III Maccabees and The Prayer of Manasses, as weU as the seven which Roman Catholics account canonical; the Vatican has the Epistle of Jeremiah, besides five of the seven. See Heaford Vse of the Apocrypha in the Christian Church. The words of another Roman CathoUc author, though written for another purpose, may be quoted in this connection: "Are not our adversaries very inconsistent in admitting one class of deu tero-canonieal books and rejecting others?" Dixon General Introduction I. 42. The twenty-four books in the Hebrew canon are equivalent to the thirty-nine in the Protestant canon because the Hebrew counted the twelve Minor Prophets one book; and the pairs I 252 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED and II Samuel, I and II Kings, I and II Chronicles, and Ezra and Nehemiah, each one. 29. Professor Gigot mentions Justin Martyr, MeUto, and Ori gen as exceptions to the "well-nigh perfect unanimity" of the early Fathers in favor of the canonicity of the books in question. Origen's definite list of books agreeing with the Palestinian canon is of some importance as showing the crystallization of opinion and practice in his time and part of the world. But it is more important not to exaggerate the weight of evidence from the Fathers of the first Christian centuries, on either one side or the other. See Note 6. Irenaeus, TertuUian, and Clement of Alexandria are only some of the Fathers that quote as Scriptural or prophetical, boolcs which the Catholic Church, quite as much as Protestants, treat as apocryphal. Nor should one forget that even Jesus himself, we are told, quoted at least one passage as Scripture that is not in the Old Testament. (Jno 7 38.) 30. The testimony of Jerome is in part as follows: In his Preface to his translation of Kings he says: "... Whatever is beyond these (Hebrew books) must be reckoned among the apocrypha. Therefore the Wisdom of Solomon, as it is commonly entitled, and the Book of the Son of Sirach (Ecclesiasticus) and Judith and Tobias, and the Shepherd, are not in the canon. . . ." Gigot Introduction 56. "In his Epistle to Paulinus, about 394, he draws up a canon of the Old Testament, without even mentioning the deutero-canon ieal books, whilst in his Preface to Esdras, he says: 'what is not found in them (Ezra and Nehemiah) and among the twenty-four Old Men (that is, the twenty-four books of the Hebrew canon, which are equal to the thirty-nine of the Protestant Bible), should be put aside, and kept at a considerable distance from them.' " Gigot 56. 31. After citing a considerable list of church scholars of the Middle Ages for and against the canonicity of the books in question, Gigot says: "From this simple enumeration ... it may readily be inferred that, since their series keeps on from century to century, we are in the presence of a two-fold opinion APPENDLX 253 current ia the Churches of the West, the one favorable to the writings which were not found in the Hebrew Bible, the other ascribing to them only inferior authority." Gigot Introduc tion 68. It wUl be borne in mind that this was before the break in the CathoUc Church that resulted in the Lutheran Reformation. 32. " During the discussion [at the Council of Trent] some of them [the Fathers] expressed the wish that a difference should be indicated between the sacred books." Gigot Introduction 79. That the Council left aside " the question whether the sacred books differ from one another in other respects [than that of sacredness and canonicity], such as, for instance, their usefulness for proving dogma, . . we think may be inferred from their express inten tion 'to leave the question of a distinction among the sacred books as it had been left by the Holy Fathers'; and also from their substituting the expression 'pari pietatis affectu' ['with a, feeUng of equal loyalty'] for the word 'aequaUter' ['equally'] in the framing of the decree; because 'there is a great difference among them,' — that is, among the sacred books." Gigot 81 and note. 33. Erasmus and Ximenes are examples besides those already named as taking a position against the f uU canonicity of the books of the second class before the Council of Trent. Sixtus of Sienna, Dupin, Lamy, and, in later times, Jahn, are instances of CathoUc writers who, "even after the dogmatic decision of the Council of Trent," have "thought it stiU aUowable to maintain a real differ ence in respect of canonicity between the sacred books of the Old Testament." Gigot Introduction 82 f. See also Strack in Schaff-Herzog I. 385-389. 34. Jerome's words as to the use of the Apocrypha are: "As the Church reads the Books of Judith and Tobias and of the Maccabees, but does not receive them among the canonical Scriptures, so also it reads these two books (the Ethics of Jesus, son of Sirach, and the Wisdom of Solomon) for the edification of the people, but not for the confirmation of revealed doctrine." From Preface to Works of Solomon, in Gigot Introduction 56, 67. In another place he says of the Apocrypha: "The utmost prudence is necessary to seek for gold in mud." Gigot 68. 254 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED Pope Gregory the Great calls the Apocrypha, "books which, though not canonical, are received for the edification of the Church." Gigot 66, 67. Article VI of the English Church reads: "The other books . . . the Church doth read for example of Ufe and instruction of manners; but yet doth it not apply them to estabUsh any doc trine." "When Myles Coverdale placed the Apocrypha, except Baruch, at the end of the New Testament, he expressly stated that 'he did not wish it to be despised or little set by'; he says, 'patience and study wiU show that the canon and the Apocrypha are agreed.' " See Heaford Vse of the Apocrypha 62. Yet Cov erdale distinguished the two, and placed the Apocrypha on a dis tinctly lower level. See Note 82. Forty-one out of fifty-three of the Fathers of Trent voted to pass over in sUence, rather than expressly reject, the three books rated by Catholics as apocryphal, yet pubUshed at the end of the Vulgate. Gigot speaks of these as "books of manifold interest," 78, 119. 35. "... Jerome had before him only an unpointed text, and felt repeatedly bound to abide by the established current version of the time in order to avoid offending the prejudices of its admirers." Gigot Introduction 326. 36. Chief among these corruptions are "glosses," that is, mar ginal notes incorporated as part of the text. For instance, tra ditional interpretations, as in Matt 3 15, 20 28; Lk 3 22 (see also 1 46, 12 38). Also insertions from paraUel passages in other Gos pels: Matt 3 3; Mk 16 4; Lk 1 29, 6 10, 9 43, 50, 54, 11 2; and Jno 6 56. In John, however, the Old Latin more commonly omits than enlarges. Thus there are omissions in: 3 31, 4 9, 5 36, 6 23, 8 58, etc. McCUntock and Strong X. 827. 37. Among religious and theological terms that we owe to the Vulgate, may be noted: essence, person, lecture, sermon, grace, repentance, conversion, redemption, salvation, justification, sanctification, regeneration, revelation, propitiation, missionary, congregation, communion, eternity. 38. In his commentary on Galatians, Jerome himself condemns APPENDIX 255 such additions as 3 1 ("that they should not obey the truth"), 5 21 ("murders"), and several other Vulgate translations. Sim ilarly in his commentaries on Ephesians and Titus. McCUn tock and Strong X. 836. We have heard from Gigot on the text and the canon of the Vulgate. None speaks with greater clearness than he on Jerome's weaknesses in translation, as weU as his strength. As his testi mony cannot certainly be prejudiced against the author of the Vulgate, we give a few statements: "His desire to avoid what he considers useless repetitions in the Hebrew narrative betrays him into a complete suppression of important particulars." Intro duction 322. An example is Ex 40 12-15, where Jerome com presses what the author of the passage -wrote into half the space. "An examination of his — Jerome's — translation, such as has been made by Kaulen and Nowack, verifies this expectation [that Jerome would be much less literal than he thought he was]. It is the work of a good, though by no means immaculate or scien tific Hebrew scholar, aiming at the sense rather than at the words of the original." White in Hastings IV. 884. 39. "It must even be said that he went stUl further, and gave to a few passages a Messianic character which they never pos sessed in the original; as, for example, when he renders Isa 16 l, 'Send forth, O Lord, the lamb, the ruler of the earth, from Petra of the desert, to the mount of the daughter of Sion ' [ChaUoner- Douay translation of Jerome], it is clear that he inserts an allusion to the future Lamb of Grod which is unwarranted by the Hebrew. In this passage, the prophet simply teUs the king of the pastoral country of Moab so rich in flocks (Num 32 4) and who formerly sent lambs as a tribute to Samaria (IV [II] Kgs 3 4) that he should send them henceforth to Jerusalem. The exact trans lation of the verse is, therefore, 'Send ye the lambs of (due to) the ruler of the land, from Petra, which is toward the wilderness, to the mountain of the daughter of Sion.' [So, substantiaUy, the American Revised Version: 'Send ye the lambs for the ruler of the land from Selah (or Petra) to the wilderness, unto the mount of the daughter of Zion.*] " We might also " — continues Gigot — "point out a certain num- 256 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED ber of passages in which the translation assumes a dogmatic or moral bearing which seems to be outside that of the original. The most striking is to be found in the rendering of the well- known passage. Job 19 25-27, commonly appealed to as a proof of the resurrection of the body. The proof, indeed, is clear enough — the Version of St. Jerome once admitted. But, as many CathoUc scholars think, that Version is neither literal nor accurate." Instead of giving the Vulgate Latin and the Latin translation from the Hebrew by Corluy, which Gigot quotes at this point, we refer the reader to the almost identical contrast involved in the EngUsh translation of the ChaUoner-Douay Version and the American Revised Version, respectively, which may be found on pages 119 f. Gigot's conclusion on this point is: " ... These are, indeed, serious defects in our translation of Holy Writ [the Vulgate], and they should he borne in mind when we endeavor to determine the extent to which this official version of the Church corresponds truly to the original text. But they should not make us lose sight of the real excellence of St. Jerome's translation, considered as a whole." Introduction 324 f. (Italics are ours.) The opinion of the Catholic scholar, Richard Simon, with regard to the consequent need of going back of the Vulgate to the originals, is as follows: "One cannot deny that the Hebrew and Greek copies to which Protestants assign the virtues of the origi nals, have been altered in numberless places. Yet they should not be put aside for that reason to foUow wholly the ancient Ver sions, either Greek or Latin, which the Church has authorized by long usages ; but these originals of the Bible should be amended, so far as possible, by means of extant manuscripts, and of the ancient Versions of Scripture. . . . And though we can establish strongly a definite rule of faith from the Versions which the Church has approved of, stiU the same Church has not pretended that these translations are either infaUible in all their particulars, or that nothing more correct can be had." Critical History of the Old Testament, Vol. I, Bk in, ch. 18, pp. 4, 6, 6. 40. The first and third quotations are from a letter lately writ- APPENDIX 257 ten by the Rev. Father Early of Irvington, N. Y. As this letter wiU be alluded to again, we give here the part of it that is per tinent: "The Catholic Church has never prohibited any of her members reading the Scriptures or Bible. In every family whose means wiU permit the buying of a copy, there you wiU find the Authen tic Version of God's Words as authorized by the Church, and which has come down to us unchanged from the time of Christ Himself. But the Catholic Church does object to the reading of the Protestant Version which goes back only to the days of Henry VIII of England, and was then gotten up for obvious reasons." The second quotation is from the Preface to The Holy Bible translated from the Latin Vulgate, etc., revised, and published with the Approbation of His Eminence, James Cardinal Gibbons, Archbishop of Baltimore, p. 2. 41. The purpose back of the first Catholic translation of the Bible into the English language is told by the Douay translators themselves. Their work, they say, was done not from an "er roneous opinion of necessity that the Holy Scriptures should always be in our mother tongue, or that they ought ... to be read indifferently of aU. Not for these causes do we translate this sacred book, but upon special consideration" that "diverse things are . . . medicineable now that otherwise in the peace of the Church were neither much requisite, nor perchance wholly tolerable." The incentive to their labors has been their con:- passion to see their "beloved countrymen with extreme danger of their souls to use only such profane translations" — as Protestant Bibles — and also the "desires of many devout persons. . . ." (From Preface to Rheims New Testament, 2. ) 42. The quotation concerning Dr. Gregory Martin, is from Anthony Wood, in the Oxford Athenceum, cited by Stoughton Our English Bible 226. 43. "It must be said that, since the Douay Version was made very closely from Latin Manuscripts, or editions of the sixteenth century, anterior to the official texts pubUshed by the Popes Six tus V and Clement VIII, it may and does in several cases point to 258 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED Latin readings no longer found in our editions of the Latin Vul gate." Gigot Introduction 348 f. 44. "It [the Douay Bible] is said, indeed, to have been com pared with the Hebrew and Greek, but the coUation must have been limited in scope or ineffectual, for the Psalter (to take one signal example) is translated, not from Jerome's version of the Hebrew, but from his re-vision of the very faulty translation from the Septuagint, which commonly displaced it in Latin Bibles." Westcott- Wright General View of the History of the Bible 260 f. 45. The Douay translators use the preceding EngUsh Protes tant versions, which they industriously condemned, chiefly in the New Testament. A short example is Matt 6 19-21 (speUing modernized): I. THE GENEVAN VERSION II. THE RHEIMS VERSION Lay not up treasures for Heap not up to yourselves yourselves upon the earth, treasures on the earth: where where the moth and canker the moth and rust do corrupt, corrupt, and where thieves dig and where thieves dig through through and steal. and steal. But hay up treasures for But heap to yourselves treas- yourselves in heaven where ures in heaven; where neither neither the moth nor canker the rust nor moth doth cor- corrupteth and where thieves rupt, and where thieves do not neither dig through nor steal. dig through nor steal. For where your treasure is. For where thy treasure is there wiU your heart be also. there is thy heart also. 46. There is Uttle, if any, proof that the suspicion of King James's translators was well-founded, when they wrote in the Preface to their version that the Douay translators had retained Latin words "of purpose to darken the sense, that since they must needs translate the Bible, yet by the language thereof it may be kept from being understood." Scrivener's testimony may be found in Cotton Rhemes and Doway 166. 47. The honestly meant, but unscientific bias noted, is evident in such passages as Gen 3 15. Here the Roman CathoUc trans lators, blindly following the Latin, though they knew that neither APPENDIX 259 the Hebrew nor the Greek Septuagint justified it, have translated "She shall bruise thy head," and on this a vast deal of doctrine in support of the divine worship of the Virgin Mary has been based. See the Essay, Ought Protestant Christians to Circulate Romish Versions of the Word of God? by Grant. Again in Heb. IP' we find the Challoner - Douay Bible reads: "... Jacob dying . . . adored the top of his rod." Catholics have used the passage, as translated, to justify the use of cruci fixes and Uke symbols. See Essay just mentioned. The author of the Epistle to the Hebrews, foUowing his Septuagint transla tion of the Hebrew, understood Gen 47 31 ("And Israel bowed himself upon the bed's head"), from which he draws his illustra tion, to read, 'rod' instead of 'bed.' In the Hebrew, the differ ence between the two words is not more than that between a " t" and an "1." But what the author of the New Testament Epistle wrote was: not "adored the top of his rod," but: "adored (or, worshiped) upon the top of his rod (or, staff)." So the Ameri can Revision translates: "Jacob, when he was dying . . . wor shiped (leaning) upon the top of his staff." The Catholic Arch bishop Kenrick translates: "And bowed towards the top of his staff." Yet what do our Catholic popidar translators and revisers do but justify their Vulgate reading and the Genesis original, by saying that both are true, and Jacob must have turned to the bed and taken the rod to worship, not only God, but also Joseph. Similarly, the passages that CathoUcs Uke Lingard and Kenrick translate "repent," pointing out that the true meaning is the attitude of the heart toward sin, are stiU rendered in the Chal loner-Douay Bibles: "Do penance." E.g., Acts 17 30. 48. In their Preface the translators say of their work : " We have kept ourselves as near as is possible to our text and to the very words and phrases made venerable. . . . though to some profane or delicate ears they may seem more hard or barbarous. . . ." They do this because "the voluntary translator may easily miss the true sense of the Holy Ghost." The extreme result of this theory may be seen in a few examples from the Psalms, in which the Latin followed by the Douay trans lators has itself sometimes lost the sense. Take Ps 67 (R. V. 260 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED 58): 9 (R. V. 8). As wax that melteth shaU they be taken away: fire hath fallen on them, and they have not seen the sun. 10. Before your thorns did understand the old brier; as Uvingso in wrath he swallowed them. 11. The just shaU rejoice when he shall see revenge: he shal! wash his hands in the blood of a sinner. The translation of the New Testament Epistles is but little clearer than the Psalms: Rom 5 18. Therefore as by the offence of one, unto aU men to condemnation: so also by the justice of one unto aU men to justification of Ufe. 7 23. I see another law in my members, repugning to the law of my mind and capturing me. 9 28. For consummating a word and abridging it in equity: be cause a word abridged shall our Lord make upon the earth. Heb 13 16. Beneficence and communication do not forget, for with such hosts God is premerited. After this, the reader may be less surprised to read Geddes's verdict: "The Douay Bible," he says, "is a literal and barbarous translation from the Vulgate before its last re-vision." Pro spectus 110. Similarly, Nary (Roman Catholic, also) as early as 1718 wrote: "The language — of the Douay Bible — ^is so old, the words so ob solete, the orthography so bad, and the translation so literal, that in a number of places it is unintelligible." Newman Tracts 411. 49. For the motives of CathoUc Revision of the Douay, lying in its obscure language, see above word from Nary, Note 48. Nary was one of the early workers for a new translation. As to errors in the Vulgate text, see Note 36 above, also Note 24. As to emulation of the Authorized Version, see Archbishop Kenrick's remark: "Converts especiaUy desiderate the energy, purity and beauty of language which they so enthusiasticaUy portray as characteristic of the Authorized Version.'' Intro duction 8. 50. After citing a number of passages, in which he finds Chal- APPENDIX 261 loner's Revision agreeing, not uniformly, but prevailingly, -with the Protestant King James Version, against the Douay, New man says: "Looking at Dr. ChaUoner's labors on the Old Testament as a whole, we may pronounce that they issue in little short of a new translation. They can as Uttle be said to be made on the basis of the Douay as on the basis of the Protestant Version. Of course, there must be a certain resemblance between any two Catholic Versions whatever; because they are both translations of the same Vulgate. But, this connection between the Douay and ChaUoner being allowed for, ChaUoner's Version is even nearer to the Protestant than it is to the Douay; nearer, that is, not in grammatical structure, but in phraseology and diction." Tracts 416. "After aU aUowances for the accident of selection [of pas sages to be compared] it is difficult to avoid the conclusion that at this day the Douay Old Testament no longer exists as a re ceived Version of the Authorized Vulgate." Newman 418 f. Of the New Testament, after calling attention to the fact that ChaUoner "could not be unfaithful to the Vulgate," Newman shows that, in a comparison of three passages, chosen at random, out of thirty-nine changes from the Rheims Version, ChaUoner makes twenty-nine accord with the Protestant Version; and adds: "The second — ChaUoner — edition, 1750, differs from the first, according to the coUations which Dr. Cotton has printed, in about 124 passages; the third — 1762 — in more than 2,000. These al terations. Dr. Cotton tells us, are aU in the direction of the Protes tant Version." How far this is the case, and in what sense, New man says his explanation of ChaUoner's relation to the Vulgate has shown. Cardinal Wiseman says: "To call it any longer the Douay or Rheimish Version is an abuse of terms. It has been altered and modified, tiU scarcely any verse remains as originally published." Dublin Review II. 470. 61. As to the Troy Bible and Challoner's part in this, and the current editions, see Newman Tracts 422-429 ; Gigot Introduc tion 352 f. Newman, with whom Gigot agrees, says: "As regards the Douay translation of the Old [Testament] there seems to be very Uttle difference between the texts of Dr. Challoner and Mr. 262 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED McMahon [the Troy Bible]." Newman's table, showing that the variations of Catholic New Testament editions foUow in nearly every case either ChaUoner or Troy, and Challoner more than Troy, in the proportion of about two to one, may be found on page 444 of his Tracts. 52. The reference is to Dixon General Introduction I. 129. So also Kenrick General Introduction to the New Testament, vii. The words of Cardinal Gibbons are quoted from a private letter, written by his secretary in reply to a request for informa tion. 53. See Father Early's letter. Note 40 of this Appendix. 54. Alcuin, Bishop of York, in his revision of the Vulgate, made for the Emperor Charlemagne, omitted the words I Jno 6 7b, 8a. Other passages for which there is no sufficient manuscript evi dence are: Ps 14 (13) 3, (9 Unes) ; Matt 9 28, "Unto you," 17 21, 18 29, 27 35b; Lk 4 19 (last five words), 22 64, "And smote his face;" Acts 9 5b, 6, 15 34, 28 29; I Cor 5 20, "And bear;" Gal 3 1, "Obey the truth among you;" I Pet 3 22 (middle clause); and so on. Jno 7 53 — 8 11 was incorporated in the Vulgate, and is retained in the ChaUoner-Douay, despite the fact that it was not in all the manuscripts of the Old Latin Bible of which the Vulgate, in the Gospels, is a re-vision. 55. Archbishop Kenrick's opinion on the comparative merits of the Vulgate and the Hebrew texts, and of the " Protestant " translation (King James Version) is as foUows: "The leamed are agreed that, in the books of the New Testament, its readings [those of the Vulgate] are generally preferable. In the Pentateuch it frequently gives a double version or para phrase; or it abridges, to avoid repetitions, so that although it faithfuUy renders the substance, it is not as Uteral and close as the Protestant translation. In the historical books it scarcely has the advantage. In the Psalms, which came to us through the Septuagint, the Protestant Version, being m.ade from the Hebrew, is preferable. In Ecclesiasticus, much freedom of interpretation ... is used. In the Prophets and Job the Vulgate is Uteral. Respecting it, as an authentic Version — that is, a standard to be APPENDIX 263 foUowed in aU public acts, a safe guide in faith and morals, a faithful representation of the substance of the sacred writing, — I have, nevertheless, read the Hebrew text -with a disposition to prefer its readings unless critical motives weighed in favor of the Vulgate. The Protestant Version, therefore, being close, I have not hesitated to prefer it, unless where doctrinal bias led its authors to select terms for controversial effect, or by para^ phrases or otherwise, to favor their peculiar tenets." Kenrick General Introduction to the Historical Books, ix. On the Catholic versions independent of the Douay, Gigot's summary word is significant: "... Catholic translators who do not connect their work with the Douay Bible can hope only for a transient favor with the pubUc at large." Introduction 356. 66. Besides the earlier paraphrases of the 8th to the 13th centuries, the 14th century -witnessed several translations into English of parts of the Scriptures — in aU about half of the New Testament. These have lately been ably edited by Anna C. Panes, and pubUshed in a volume with the somewhat mis leading title: "A Fourteenth Century English Biblical Version '' — misleading, for the only 14th century English version of the Bible known is the Wyclifite. 67. The manuscript of the WycUfite Bible now in the Bodleian Library has these words -written in Latin, after Bar 3 20, where a break in the work of the translator occurs: "Nicolay de Hereford made the translation." This was in 1382, the year that Hereford was summoned to London to answer ecclesiastical charges. 58. Kenyon remiads Gasquet, who has caUed in question Pur vey's connection -with the revision of WycUf's work, that the probability of it is based not merely on the fact that Purvey was the ovmer of one of the known copies of Wyclif's Bible, but that the Prologue found in the later version is in Purvey's own handwriting. Our Bible 205. Purvey was known as WycUf's "glosser." The work was doubtless composite. See ForshaU and Madden Introduction to the Wycliffe Bible, 1850. 59. Among the manuscripts in the Bodleian Library, one 264 BIBLE VERSIONS COMP.\UED marked "Fairfax 2," has the subscription, "Ye eer of ye lord mccc viii yis book was endid." The fourth 'c' is erased to make the book appear older. Its true date is 1408 a.d., the year of the enactment of Archbishop Arundel's Oxford Decree. The altera tion was very clumsily made, and survives as a specimen of pious fraud to deprive Wyclif of the honor and merit of his translation. . . . This version, lauded as superior to Wyclif, turns out to be a veritable (revised) Wyclif. See Mombert English Versions of the Bible 67 ff. More also quotes from this version without recognizing it as a Wyclifite Bible. Its Prologue, which bears internal evidence of being as late as 1396, through references to certain laws, the date of whose enactment is known {Life and Opinions of Wycliffe, by Vaughan, II. 43, Note), was supposed by More to belong to his "century old" Bible. See Lewis History of the Several Translations 11. 60. Gasquet's argument may be found in The Old English Bible and Other Essays. The question he raises concerns us only so far as the spirit of the man Wyclif and of the movement he represented enters into his translation of the Bible. Because of this, it is worth while to know who gave us the Bible from which so much of the EngUsh, and so much more of the free and devout spirit, of our Bible come. Some of the facts and reasons which Gasquet's theory either mis conceives or ignores, are, very briefly: (1) Henry Knighton, Canon of Leicester of Wyclif's time, complains: "This master John WycUffe translated from Latin into EngUsh the Gospel." Chronicon II. 152. It seems unnatural to understand, as Gasquet does, the word ' Gospel ' in this passage, as meaning, "The Christian teaching and ministry, rather than the New Testament books." (2) Gasquet quotes Archbishop Arundel as writing to Pope John: " He — Wycliffe — even tried by every means in his power to undermine the very faith and teaching of Holy Church, fiUing up the measure of his malice by devising the expedient of a new translation of Scripture," and Gasquet, therefore, concludes that there must have been a translation that was not new issued by order of the church. But the contrast, if there is any; might be APPENDIX 265 between WycUf's English and the Latin translation. However, the position of the Latin word for 'new,' in the above sentence, were it in decent Latin would certainly — and in any case does al most certainly — make it mean, not 'new translation' at aU, but ' filUng up the measure of his recent malice, by devising the ex pedient of a, translation of Scripture.' If so, we have one more witness to WycUf as the author of our first EngUsh Bible transla tion. (3) The Wyclif translators justify their version on the ground that the people are without the Bible in their own language; and appeal to the French translation as setting them an example. The first argument would be known by aU to be contrary to fact, and the second argument would be unnatural, if there were at the time a second Enghsh version, whether first or second were the "orthodox" Version. (4) "Nothing can be more damning (to the theory of an ortho dox EngUsh Bible of the fourteenth century free to aU) than Ucenses to particular people to have English Bibles ; for they dis tinctly show that, without such Ucense, it was thought wrong to have them." Trevelyan England in the Age of Wycliffe 362. (6) There is a definite record that Nicholas Hereford trans lated part of the Old Testament of WycUf's Bible. But, as Here ford was a Wyclifite Lollard, he certainly would not be employed to make a translation for the church of his day. 61. The quotation from Mihnan concerning Wyclif 's character is taken from Storrs Oration on John Wycliffe 78, Note; that from Lewis, from his History of the Life and Sufferings of Wycliffe ; and that from Knighton, from Hoare The Evolution of the English Bible 61. 62. Hoare quotes WycUf as acknowledging, in his Truth of Holy Scripture, "his expectation that he vriU either be burnt, or else be put out of the way by some other form of death." Yet he per sisted, "confident that in the end the truth must prevail." Evo lution 90. 63. "It is a great mistake," says Mombert, "to represent Wycliffe as deficient in learning or judgment. But a man that called the Pope 'anti-Christ'; the proud worldly priest, 'the most 266 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED cursed of clippers,' and the papacy, with its sacerdotalism, par dons, indulgences, excommunication, absolution, pilgrimages, images and transubstantiation, 'a gigantic fraud,' was not Ukely to be held in high favor in the Church of the fourteenth century." See English Versions 41. Also WycUf on "Priests Good and Bad " in Vaughan Wycliffe II. 259-262. 64. Sir Thomas More says, Wyclif "purposely corrupted the Holye Texte." But More offers no proof. Wyclif's purpose he himself expresses in the Preface to his Harmony of the Gospels, "That I may fulffi that is set in the draft [translation] of the book, and that he at whose suggestion I this work began, and they that this work read, and all Christian men with me, through doing of that that is written in this book, may come together to that bliss that never shaU end." From Westcott General View 16. 65. As to the church authorities' attitude toward Bible trans lation, see Letter of Archbishop Arundel, cited above; also Decree of a Church Council held at Oxford, 1408, in Wilkins History of Councils III. 317. 66. The influence of Wyclif's translation on the English Bible as we have it — beyond the influence of its part in the historic move ment which gave us any English Bible at all — has been extremely minimized by some, and extremely magnified by others. West cott, for example {General View 135, Note 4 and Appendix), says: "The Wycliffite Versions do not seem to have exercised any influ ence on the later English Versions, unless an exception be made in the case of the Latin-EngUsh Testament of Coverdale. . . . The coincidences of rendering between this and Purvey (Wycliffe's Revised Edition) are frequently remarkable, but as both literaUy reproduce the Vulgate, I have been unable to find . . . any cer tain proof of the dependence of one on the other. So far as Tyn dale is concerned, — and his work was the undoubted basis of the later revisions — his o-wn words are sufficient: 'I had,' he says, 'in the New Testament no man to counterfeit (imitate) — neither was helped with English of any that had interpreted the same or such like thing in the Scripture beforetime.' {EpisUe to the Reader I. 390.)" On the other hand. Marsh, in his Lectures on the English Lan^ APPENDIX 267 guage, First Series, 627 f., says: "Tyndale is merely a fuUgrown Wycliffe, and his rescension of the New Testament is just what his great predecessor would have made it, had he awaked again to see the dawn of that glorious day of which his own life and labors kindled the morning twilight. Not only does Tyndale retain the grammatical structure of the older Version but most of its felic itous verbal combinations and rhythmic periods which are again repeated in the rescension of 1611. Wycliffe, then, must be con sidered as having originated the diction and phraseology, which for five centuries has constituted the consecrated dialect of the EngUsh speech." The first statements in both of these quotations seem to go be yond the facts. The frequent identity of language in the Wyclifite versions and either Tyndale's, Coverdale's or the Ameri can Re-vised Version, is too evident to deny "any Wycliffite influence on the later English Versions." The sameness of the Latin Version translated, would, certainly, account for some words being the same in the EngUsh of Wyclif and the English of Coverdale; but this does not apply to either Tyndale or the late re-visions, for these were mainly from the Hebrew and Greek. Tyndale's own testimony, quoted by Westcott, is somewhat hard to understand; yet, in view of the similarity existing between Wyclif's and his own translation, "the same or such Uke thing which," he says, "no man had translated before him for his help in the English," must be understood to refer to the Hebrew and Greek which Tyndale was the first to render into EngUsh. In deed, Westcott {General View App. VIII), admits that Tyndale must have known and used the WycUfite Versions, " even though he could not foUow their general plan, as being a secondary trans lation only." Wyclif owed something to the fragmentary English versions before his own; and his language, in turn, must have become familiar to EngUsh Bible students in the century and a half be tween his day and Tyndale's. We give a few well-known verses, which show both the likeness and the difference. In the Pauline Epistles the likeness is less. In reading such comparisons, it must be constantly remembered that a striking likeness in Ian- 268 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED guage of certain passages, does not imply a Ukeness throughout the book in the substance of the translations. Scholars whose investigations have been the most minute and fair, assure us that Tyndale's debt, and so our debt, to WycUf is, not for the exact substance, but for the form of the translation. Purvey's Wyclip Tyndale's Matt 6 9-13 Our Father that art in heav- O Our Father which art in ens, hallowed be Thy name; heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come to ; be Thy Let Thy kingdom come. Thy will done in earth as in heaven; wUl be fulfilled, as well in earth Give to us this day our bread as it is in heaven. Give us this over other substance; and for- day our daily bread. And for give to us our debts, as we for- give us our trespasses as we give to our debtors. And lead forgive our trespassers. And us not into temptation, but de- lead us not into temptation; liver us from evil. Amen. but deliver from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen. Matt 6 3-6 Blessed be poor men in spirit, Blessed are the poor in spirit, for the kingdom of heavens is for theirs is the kingdom of theirs. heaven. Blessed be they that mourn, Blessed are they that mourn, for they shall be comforted. for they shall be comforted. Blessed be mild men, for Blessed are the meek, for they shall wield the earth. they shall inherit the earth. A few particular phrases, out of many, may be compared also, with their form in the American Revised Version. Wyclip American Revised Matt 7 14 Streit is the gate and narewe Narrow is the gate and the weye. straitened the way. Matt 23 15 compass sea and land. compass sea and land. APPENDIX 269 Matt 25 21 Enter thou into the joye of Enter thou into the joy of thy Lord. thy Lord. Jno 3 3 No but a man schal be born Except one be born anew. again. / Cor 2 10 The depe thingis of God. The deep things of God. / Cor 10 16 "The cuppe of blessynge the The cup of blessing which which we blessen. we bless. Jas 1 5 and upbraydith not. and upbraideth not. 67. Before 1408 no serious objection had been made by the Catholic Church to the possession of copies of the English Bible by the clergy, the religious or, probably, the wealthier people. The use of such books by the middle and lower classes had long been prohibited. After the Arundel Constitution of 1408, the danger of reading or owning the Scriptures without special license in creased, and the registers of dioceses, Uke those of Norwich and Lincoln, show several cases of men charged with such offenses. See Panes English Version, Introduction, xxxii. Westcott General View, 17 ff. 68. The principal significance of Erasmus's Greek text was in the chaUenge its pubUcation by a CathoUc of learning and in fluence gave to the hitherto generaUy accepted theory of the verbal inspiration and special sanctity of the Latin Vulgate. Tyndale had a more reUable help, by way of Hebrew and Greek texts, in the Complutensian Polyglot Bible edited by Cardinal Ximenes. This contained, besides the Hebrew and Greek Scrip tures, the Septuagint, the Latin Vulgate, and the Chaldee para phrase of the Pentateuch, with a Latin translation; Greek and Hebrew grammars and a Hebrew lexicon. 69. Hoare Evolution 116 quotes Cardinal Bellarmine as fol- 270 BIBLE VERSIONS CIOMPARED lows (but without reference that one could test): "Some years before the rise of the Lutheran heresy, there was almost an entire abandonment of equity in the ecclesiastical judgments; in morals no discipline, in sacred literature no erudition, in divine things no reverence: religion was almost extinct." 70. " Upwards of 350 of such books [the Tyndale New Testa ment] had been introduced into Oxford in a single visit by a single agent. And they were, with very Uttle reserve, offered for sale in the streets of London in hundreds." Demaus Biography of William Tyndale 262. The long struggle of Church and State to maintain the repression of the people was at last coming to an end. 71. Gigot, whom we have Ustened to with respect, says: "The first to succeed Wycliffe in the work of translating Holy Writ into English" were "men of comparatively little ability, and of more or less doubtful character." Again: " 'They had,' says Blunt, 'too easy a confidence in their own abilities for this great work; and their translations met -with an opposition from more learned scholars. . . . Nor were the characters of the translators themselves such as were likely to command the respect of men under the responsibiUty of important offices in the Church.' These words of a Protestant writer are not too severe to describe such men as WiUiam Tyndale, . . . MUes Coverdale, . . . and John Rogers. . . ." Introduction 346 and 368 f. Father Early of Irvington, N. Y., also says: "The Protestant Version which goes back only to the days of Henry VIII of England, and was then gotten up for ob-vious reasons." (For letter in fuU, see Note 40 of this Appendix.) In passing, it may be noted that "the Protestant Blunt" whom Gigot cites in support of his estimate of WUliam Tyndale and his successors, was a Churchman of the stripe that would "be sure that the Catholic faith is stiU held by the Church of England," and "let Rome treat us how she wiU . . . stiU claim union with her." Blunt The Reformation of the Church of England 15. 72. Tyndale's declaration, in a private letter, as to his con scientious rectitude in his work, sounds Uke the self-testimony of APPENDIX 271 an honest man. " I caU God to record . . . that I never altered one syUable of God's word against my conscience, nor would this day, if aU that is in the earth, whether it be pleasure, honor or riches, might be given me." Demaus William Tyndale 336. His life and work squared with his profession. Tyndale's words, expressing his heroic facing of anticipated death, are from his Preface to Parable of the Wicked Mammon I. 44. Quoted by Westcott General View 37. His estimate of the hierarchy of his time was this: "The rulers of the Church be aU agreed to keep the world in darkness, to the intent that they may sit in the consciences of the people. . . . This moved me to translate the New Testament." Preface to Translation of the Pentateuch. 73. Tyndale had spoken unceremoniously in writing of Thomas Aquinas, as mere "draff." Thereupon the "Gentle Elnight," Sir Thomas More, let loose this diatribe: "... This drowsy drudge hath drunken so deep in the devils' dregs, that but if he wake and repent himself the sooner, he mayhap ere aught long to faU into the mashing-fat, and turn himself into draff as [which] the hogs of heU shaU feed upon and fiU their beUies thereof." From More's Confutation 672. Cited in Demaus William Tyndale 284. Unbelievable as it seems, More's grievance against Tyndale — and apparently his only grievance — was that he had substituted in his Testament modern and sometimes less fitting words for the church words, charity, penance, priest, church, salvation and others endeared by long usage but unfortunately then associated with distinctively Roman CathoUc doctrines and practices. Tyndale, on the other hand, was a grim and satirical polemic and his Bible comments were sometimes warped by his preju dices. 74. King Henry's agent, Vaughan, reports to him Tyndale's conversation -with him at Bergen in 1531, as foUows: "If it would stand with the King's most gracious pleasure to grant only a bare text of the Scripture to be put forth among his people, ... be it the translation of what person soever shaU please His Majesty, I shaU immediately repair into his realm and there most humbly submit myself offering my body to suffer what pam or torture. 272 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED yea, what death his Grace wills; so that this be obtained." This does not sound Uke one of the men whom Blunt and Gigot say, "had too easy a confidence in their own abUities for this great work." Demaus, Tyndale's biographer, before Gigot character ized him as "a more or less doubtful character," says: "Of the excellence of his moral character, fortunately no defence has ever been required. . . . Friends and enemies, in his own time and in subsequent ages, have, with unvarying consent, repeated the same encomiums. No voice of scandal has ever been raised against him." William Tyndale 484. 76. The first reference is: Gigot Introduction 359. Sir Thomas More, who has been seen to be not over considerate of Tyndale, writes of him that " before he went over the sea, he was weU known for a man of right good Uving, studious and well earned in Scripture." George Joy, also an enemy, in his Apology to Wm. Tyndale, alludes to his "high learning in his Hebrew, Greek and Latin." Both are quoted by Hoare Evolution 141. According to an eminent German scholar, H. Buschius, who met him at Worms in 1526, Tyndale was "so skUled in seven languages, Hebrew, Greek, Latin, Italian, Spanish, English and French, that, whichever he spoke, you would suppose it was his native tongue." Schelhorn Pleasures of Literature IV. 431. See Milligan in Hastings IV. 866, Note. Mombert, after a severe analysis of Deut 6 6-9, says: "The rendering of these four verses proves an independent knowledge of Hebrew, Greek, Latin, Ger man and English." English Versions 116. 76. Westcott says: "If he — ^Tyndale — used the Vulgate, or Erasmus, or Luther, it was with the judgment of a scholar. [He shows] complete independence in this respect." "The very minuteness of the changes is a singular testimony to the diligence -with which Tyndale stUl labored at his appointed work. Noth ing seemed trifling to him, ... if only he could better seize or convey to others the meaning of one fragment of Scripture." General View 160 f. For detailed proof, see 136-146. A somewhat adverse critic proves the same quality in citing Tyndale's words: "I have weeded out of it many faults which lack of help at the beginning and oversight did sow therein." APPENDIX 273 Dore Old Bibles: Account of Early Versions of the English Bible, 1888, p. 25. As to TjTidale's conscientious purpose as a translator, his own witness has been given. The only proof offered to the contrary that we know of, is the foUowing from Blunt Reformation 514, Note: "In some editions of Tyndale's New Testament there is what must be regarded as a -wilful omission of the gravest possible character; for it appears in several editions. . . ." The passage is I Pet 2 13, 14, concerning the king and his rule. Blunt names the editions of 1631 and 1634. These editions we have not been able to see. In the edition of 1526, reprinted verbatim, the whole of both verses is included. "It is to him [Tyndale] that we owe in great part . . . that freedom from dogmatic bias and scrupulous fideUty to the exact letter of Scripture, which have been in general such happy features of our English Versions." Milligan in Hastings IV. 867a. 77. See Mombert English Versions 93; Hoare Evolution 120; MiUigan in Hastings IV. 856b. Even Dore says of him: "To him we owe the exceeding beauty and tender grace of the language of our present New Testament, for in spite of many revisions, almost every sentence is substantiaUy the same as Tyndale wrote it in 1625." Old Bibles 25. To deUght in the strength and beauty of the English of the King James Version (see Gigot Introduction 365), and yet sneer at Tyndale, is Uke revelUng in the sunhght while decrying the sun. 78. For Tyndale's purpose see his "Protestation," in the 1534 Edition of his New Testament. As to his influence, " It has been calculated that, in the whole of Tyndale's New Testament, the number of 'stranger' words, or words that do not occur in the Authorized Version, is probably below 360, many of which are used once or twice only." Moul- ton History of the English Bible 70 f. The quotation from the EngUsh Re-visers is the first part of the Preface to the New Testament, Edition of 1881. 79. "I make," writes Coverdale, "this protestation, having God to record in my conscience, that I have neither wrested nor altered so much as one word for the maintenance of any man- 274 BIBLE VERSIO.VS CO.MPARED ner of sect. . . ." Remains of Myles Coverdale, Edited by Pear.son, 11. In conformity to others' opinions, he even went so far as to restore the old ecclesiastical words, saying, "For my part I . . . am indifferent to oaU it as weU with the one term as the other, so long as I know it is no prejudice nor injury to the meaning of the Holy Ghost." (Westcott General View 29.) Coverdale is one of the translators whom Blunt and Gigot, as we liave seen, describe as having "too easy a confidence in their own abilities for this great work." Yet Coverdale was one of the most modest, not to say timorous, of men. "It was neither my labor nor desire to have this work put in my hand . . ."; yet "when I was instantly required, though I could not do so well as I would, I thought it yet my duty to do my best, and that with a good wUl." And "whereinsoever I can perceive by myself or by the information of other, that I have failed (as it is no wonder) I shall now by the help of God, overlook it better and amend it." Westcott 12, 14. SO. See Title-page to Coverdale's Bible, Edition of 1535. (So copy in British Museum.) "Its basis [that of Coverdale's New Testament] is Tyndale's first edition, but this he very carefully revised, by the help of his second edition, and yet more by the German." Westcott Gen eral View 171. Coverdale's work is characterized by smooth ness rather than great accuracy. 81. We owe to Coverdale such Old Testament passages as: " Seek ye the Lord whUe he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near," and " They shaU perish, but thou shalt endure; they aU shaU wax old as doth a garment, and as a vesture shalt thou change them, and they shall be changed." A few of his fitting words contained in the Gospel of Matthew, are: "firstborn son" (1 25), " a leathern girdle "(3 4)," because of their unbeUef " (13 58), "It wiU be foul weather to-day" (16 3), "Have patience with me " (18 26), " there will the eagles be gathered together " (24 28). 82. "He put them [the Apocryphal books] between the Old Testament and the New, -with the title: 'Apocripha. The bookes and treatises which amonge the fathers of olde are not APPENDIX 275 rekened to be of like authoritie with the other bokes of the byble, nether are they founde in the Canon of the Hebrue.' " Porter in Hastings I. 123. 83. "Of the three mUUons of people, or thereabouts, then Uving in England, many were stiU attached to the old Roman CathoUc order of things, and many were unable to read. But there was an eager, wide-spread desire among the people to obtain and to read the Scriptures." Fisher History of the Christian Church 352. " ' Every one,' says Strype, ' who could buy this book, either read it assiduously, or had it read to him by others, and many weU ad vanced in years learned to read with the same object.' " Taine History of EngUsh Literature, Ch. v, 249. In 1534, and again in 1636, Convocation expressed its change of feeUng toward the translating of the Scriptures, in resolutions petitioning that a new translation might be undertaken. 84. "To make use of words in a foreign language, merely with a sentiment of devotion, the mind taking no fruit, could be neither pleasing to God nor beneficial to man." (From Letter of Henry VIII to Cranmer, quoted by Taine EngUsh Literature 252.) Already in the fourteenth century, it wiU be remembered, England had refused payment of the annual tribute to the See of Rome. 86. The very excesses to which the spirit of liberty in the use of the Scriptures went, itself proves that the primary motive for translation came, not from the King or his antagonism to the papacy, but from the people who were experiencing a tremendous revulsion from the ignorance and tyranny of the past. 86. See Pearson Remains of Myles Coverdale 11 f. 87. A critical examination by scholars of Coverdale's Bible, has led to the conclusion that the "five sundry interpreters [translators] " he aUudes to, were : (1 ) the Zurich German Bible, (2) Luther's German Bible, (3) Tyndale's English Pentateuch, Jonah and the New Testament, (4) Pagnini's Latin Bible of 1528, (6) the Vulgate Latin. 88. John Rogers's honesty and earnestness, if also a certain self-assurance, are characteristicaUy reflected in his reply to the 276 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED sentence placing him under the "great curse of the Church" "WeU, my lord, here I stand before God and this honorable audience, and take him to -witness that I never wittingly and willingly taught any false doctrine; and therefore I have a good conscience before God and aU good men. I am not afraid but that you and I shaU come before a Judge which is righteous, before whom I shall be as good a man as you; and where, I nothing doubt, I shaU be found a true member of the Catholic Church and everlastingly saved." Life of John Rogers, by Chester, 183. 89. It is recorded of Rogers that at Cambridge "he profitably travaUed in good learning." He was appointed rector of Trinity the Less, in London, and in 1661 was Prebendary of St. Paul's. 90. Tyndale's and Coverdale's Old Testament translation was corrected chiefly by reference to Sebastian Munster's Latin Ver sion, which Kenyon characterizes as "immensely superior to the Zurich Latin Bible," which Coverdale had before used. The re-vision of Tyndale's New Testament was by aid of Erasmus's Latin. 91. A hint of the care exercised by the Genevan Revisers is given in the fact that, though the New Testament they used was itself a revision of Tyndale's by Whittingham, one of their own number, of forty changes made in one section from Whittingham's renderings, twenty-six of these were retained by King James s Revisers in 1611. The Genevan Bible was a translation " according to the Ebrue and the Greke''; yet its editors amended considerably Tyndale's and Coverdale's work in the Old Testament of the Matthew's Bible, by the use also of Beza's Latin, representing Stephanus's latest Greek text, and the French Olivetan Version. 92. Westcott {General View 269, Note 2) notes three or four instances of unfair bias in favor of Calvinistic doctrine in the EngUsh Genevan Version, as cited by the French critic P. Coton. Acts 3 21, (Jesus Christ) whom heaven must contain (Ge nevan). Whom heaven indeed must receive (ChaUoner-Douay). Whom the heaven must receive (A. V. and Am. Rev.). I Cor 9 27, I myself should have been reproved (Genevan). APPENDIX 277 I myself . . . become a castaway (Challoner-Douay). Be a castaway (A. V.), be rejected (Am. Rev.). As these two examples indicate, the points would pass wholly unnoticed to-day. Then they were sore spots of controversy, concerning the doctrines of Christ and election. The fact is the temper of the times was intensely dogmatic. Men might easily be unable to see any but their own dogmas in Scripture, and translate accordingly with perfect honesty of purpose. In this spirit the Genevan pastors fought shy of the word "tradition." On the other hand, one of the verses for which the CathoUcs then demanded that "tradition" should be the translation, is now translated "ordinances" even in the ChaUoner-Douay. (I Cor 11 2.) 93. "Truly, good Christian reader," say King James's trans lators, "we never thought from the beginning that we should make a new translation, nor yet to make of a bad one a good one; . . . but to make a good one better, or out of many good ones, one principal good one.'' (From the Preface to the Reader.) 94. How Uttle, especiaUy in the Prophets, the King James's Revisers kept to the less reUable Bishops' Bible, though it was their formal basis, may be inferred from the foUowing three verses from the fifty-third chapter of Isaiah, according to the Bishops' translation. The words underUned are the words changed: But who hath given credence unto our preaching; or to whom is the arm of the Lord known? For he did grow before the Lord like as a branch and as a root in a dry ground: he hath neither bounty nor favor ; when we look upon him, there shaU be no fair ness; we shaU have no lust unto him. He is despised and ab horred of men: he is such a man as hath good experience of sor- rows and infirmities: we have reckoned him so vUe that we hid our faces from him. Nearly aU the words substituted for these came from either the Latin of Pagninus, the Latin of TremeUius, or the Genevan English. Eadie mentions the following among many phrases taken by the King James's translators from the Roman CathoUc Rheims 278 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED Testament: "Unction from the holy one," "Lead captive silly women laden with sins," " Evil communications corrupt good manners." 95. See Preface of King James's translation, page 31. If one cares to know what texts the translators of the Author ized Version most depended on, they seem to have been these: 1. In the Old Testament: (1) An interlinear Latin translation, 1672, based on that of Pagninus, by Montanus, worthy successor of Cardinal Ximenes, together with the Hebrew text. (2) A Latin translation, 1699, of the Hebrew, by TremeUius, a Jew. 2. In the New Testament: (1) Stephanus's (Etienne's) Greek Text, based on (o) The latest editions of Erasmus's Greek, which was made from six manuscripts, none ancient. (6) Ximenes's Greek in the Complutensian Polyglot, which was made, in turn, from fifteen manuscripts. Two of these were ancient. (a) The sixth century Codex of Beza. (;8) The Paris MS. of the Four Gospels. (2) Beza's Greek Text. 96. Gigot says: "Differently from the Douay Bible, cases of -wUful perversion [see Notes 47 and 92] of Scripture have been brought home to its Protestant authors." Introduction 366. As proof he cites five such passages in the Authorized Version of the New Testament that "have justly been pointed out by Arch bishop Kenrick, as so many dogmatic erroneous renderings," while he remarks: " It is only right to add that some of these have been corrected by the revisers of 1881." These five are: (1) Matt 19 11. ChaUoner-Douay: All men take not this word [about mar riage]. Authorized: AU men cannot receive this saying. American Re-vised: Not all men can receive this saying. There are fairly two sides to this question. The word trans lated "do not take" in the CathoUc Version, and "can- APPENDIX 279 not receive" in the Authorized Version, means literally, 'make room for.' Jesus's word may, therefore, mean, 'Not aU men make room for, or receive, this saying.' Yet the word means also to 'have room for.' Here the idea of inability to contain, or to receive, is involved in the meaning of the negative of the verb itself, — 'not to have room for.' See Liddell and Scott Greek Lexicon 793, xap4a) {choreo) III; "^ ir6\is abrov ov x<«'P", — the city cannot contain him." (2) I Cor 7 9. ChaUoner-Douay: But if they do not contain (licmselves, let them marry. Authorized: But if they cannot contain, etc. English and American Revised: If they have not conti- nency, etc. Here the "cannot" of the Authorized Version does not seem necessarily impUed in the Greek word. The Douay and Revised Versions appear to be more true. (3) I Cor 9 5. ChaUoner-Douay: Have we not power to carry about [!] a woman, a sister? Authorized: Have we not power to lead about a sister, a wife? EngUsh and American Re-vised: Have we no right to lead about a wife that is a believer? There is some question here about the order of words in the text. But it does not affect the Roman Catholic complaint, that a word which means ' woman,' Protes tants translate '-wife,' in order to prove Paid married. Every scholar, CathoUc as weU as Protestant, knows that one established meaning of the Greek word used is 'wife.' Why does not the ChaUoner-Douay Version translate the same word in Eph 6 28 'women' and 'woman,' and make it read, "So also ought men to love their women. . ." "He that loveth his woman, loveth himself" ? Of course they translate, "love their -wives," "loveth his wife." Is this, then, "wUful perversion"? 280 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED (4) I Cor 11 27. The Authorized Version translates wrongly, "eat this bread and drink this cup," where the Challoner-Douay reads correctly, "eat this bread or drink the chaUce." The error of the Authorized Version is corrected in the Revised Version, which reads, "or drink the cup." (5) Heb 10 38. ChaUoner-Douay: But my just man liveth by faith; but if he withdraweth himself, he shaU not please my soul. Authorized: Now the just shall live by faith; but if any man draw back, my soul shall have no pleasure in him. Re-vised: But my righteous one shaU live by faith: And if he shrink back, my soul hath no pleasure in him. The text (see Liddell and Scott Greek Lexicon 743 and Thayer Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament 645) justifies aU these translations. None of them can be called incorrect. Of these five cases, then, cited in proof of "dogmatic," "erro neous " and "wUful perversion," only two appear to be errors in the Authorized Version, and both of these are corrected in the American Revised Version. Similarly Newman, in the Dublin Review, XXXIV. 466, says that the Authorized Version "is notoriously unfair where doctrinal questions are at stake," and speaks even of its "dishonest render ings." What is his evidence? Matt 19 ll and I Cor 11 27, noted above; Acts 1 8, in which the Authorized Version, "after the Holy Spirit is come" is more accurate than the Challoner- Douay, for the phrase rendered by the Challoner-Douay, " the power of the Holy Ghost coming upon you" is what is called a "Genitive Absolute," expressive of the time when an action takes place, and the form of the verb used expresses a com pleted action, rendered by the American Revisers, "when the Holy Spirit is come"; also Gal 1 18, in which the two versions are almost identically the same. 97. The author cited is Kenyon Our Bible 233. Consult the foUowing expressions from Roman CathoUcs of the APPENDIX 281 "music" of the King James Version: Faber, in Dublin Review, June, 1883, p. 466, Note. Also Newman, on the same page. Also see, among Protestant appreciators. Marsh, Lecture XXVIII, in Lectures on the EngUsh Bible. Perhaps the best witness to the worth of the Authorized Ver sion as a whole is that of the Re-visers of 1881, who say in the Preface to their own revision, " We have had to study this great version carefuUy and minutely . . . and the longer we have been engaged upon it, the more we have learned to admire its sim pUcity, its dignity, its power, its happy turns of expression, its general accuracy, and . . . the felicities of its rhythm." 98. Hugh Broughton, probably the most learned scholar in Hebrew of the time, but a man of testy temper, and not appointed on King James's Board of Translators for that reason, said of the Authorized Version when completed: "Tell His Majesty that I had rather be rent in pieces by wild horses than that any such translation by my consent should be urged upon poor Churches." 99. The edition of 1656 was said to contain 2,000 faults. The American Bible Society undertook two rescensions on its own account, which corrected many errors. Mombert English Ver sions 366. 100. The necessity of keeping, in the main, to the "Received Text," is due to the lack of other means of correcting it than the Septuagint. The Septuagint may often be right, but in its pres ent state it is more faulty than the Hebrew we have got. Very recently, however, some fragments of papyrus have been found, containing the Ten Commandments and the Shema (Deut 6 41) in Hebrew. (Edited by Cook, in Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Archeology.) The appearance of the papyrus and hand writing are believed to point to a date not later than the second century a.d. The text agrees in several instances with the Septuagint against the Massoretic or Hebrew Text. It may be, therefore, that new discoveries may yet make possible a direct revision of the Hebrew Text of our Old Testament. See Burkitt in Cheyne IV, col. 6014. 101. The pubUcation in 1810-1826, by the great Hebrew scholar Gesenius, of his monumental works on the Hebrew language, — 282 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED lexicon, grammar, history and thesaurus, — was both an evidence of this work and a chief help in its prosecution. 102. See Westcott and Hort New Testament, II, Introduction 72-80. See Tischendorf's fascinating account of the finding of the Sinaitic MS., in his book. The Sinaitic Bible and Its Discovery. Ladd, Doctrine of Sacred Scripture, gives an account of the MSS. sufficiently fuU for most. See also Articles on " Manuscripts," under their symboUc letters (Note 2) in Hastings. 103. Bible societies in America, dissatisfied with the imperfect state of the EngUsh texts they were reproducing, made emenda tions, now to secure exact conformity to the edition of 1611, again to improve upon it. These emended editions, however, in no con siderable degree satisfied the demand for a thorough re-vision. For the growing consciousness of this need of revision, see the books. An Essay for a New Translation of the Bible, by Ross, London, 1702; Reasons for Revising, Cambridge, 1788; Obser' vations on the Expediency of Revising the Present English Ver' sion, Symonds, 1789; Bible Revision, Slater, 1856; and Ore the Authorized Version, Trench. Also, for a later -view. The Revision of the EngUsh Version, by Lightfoot, Trench and others, London, 1873. 104. For these facts, see Prefaces to the Old and New Testa ments of the EngUsh Re-vision of 1881 and 1885, published with the Revised Bible. 105. The changes in the EngUsh Revision from the Authorized Version have been estimated at 36,000, counting every letter and punctuation mark. These things are not unimportant in so great a work; yet the impression of change may easily be greatly exaggerated through such a statement unexplained. For antagonism to the Revision, see Burgon, The Revision Revised, and Prebendary MUler, in the Oxford Debate, on the textual work done for the Revised New Testament. See also a recent scholarly estimate, Burkitt in Cheyne IV, col. 4977. 106. The first words are Whiton's, Article, "The American Revision of the Bible,'' Outlook, LVIII, 418. The quotation from Jerome is found in his works. Epistle 28. 107. Other cases of evident or apparent interpolation, which APPENDIX 283 have been dropped, bracketed or placed in the margin in the Revised Version, are: I Jno 3 16, Hereby know we {the) love {of God). I Tim 3 16, {God) who was manifested. Eph 3 9, ... by Jesus Christ. Mk 16 9-20, (The closing verses of the Gospel). Jno 7 53-8 11, (The story of the Woman taken in Adultery). Lk 22 43, 44, (The bloody sweat). Jno 5 4, (The angel troubUng the water). Acts 8 37, And PhUip said. If thou beUevest, etc. All except the first two of the above passages are retained without mark or question in the Roman CathoUc Version. This is typical. 108. Important corrections in translation have been made in conformity -with what appears to be the true words that were -written. A very few examples are: CHALLONEK-DOUAT In a little thou per- suadest me to be come a Christian. For the desire of money is the root of all evils. And whithersoever thou Shalt go: and remember thou wast taken. We are become as in the beginning when thou didst not rule over us, and when we were not called by thy name. AUTHORIZED VEHSION Acts 26:28 Almost thou persuad- est me to be a Chris tian. I Tim 6:10 For the love of money is the root of all evil. Gen 20:16 and with all other : thus she was reproved. Isa 63:19 We are thine: thou never bearest rule over them; they were not called by thy name. BEVISED VEBSION With but little per suasion thou would- est fain make me a Christian. For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. and in respect of all thou art righted. We are become as they over whom thou never barest rule, as they that were not called by thy name. 109. Gigot, the Roman Catholic scholar we have often and justly introduced as witness, while pointing out — what is no doubt trae — that the Revised New Testament cannot be "considered as 284 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED a final translation," yet says: " It is not surprising to find that it has been steadily gaining ground among the scholars of the various denominations." Of the Revised Old Testament, he says: "... The Revisers did not avail themselves freely enough of aU the critical work which has been going on during the last hundred years"; yet " ... it cannot be denied that in most changes — especially as regards the interpretation of the prophetical and poetical books — the Revisers were particularly happy.'' Intro duction 376-378. 110. Preface to EngUsh Revised Version of 1881, p. 6. 111. This should be sharply distinguished from an edition of the English Re-vised Version published in 1898, -with merely those readings and renderings that were formerly published in the appendices, embodied in the text. For this edition the American Revision Committee were in no way responsible. 112. For facts on this and the following pages, see the Prefaces to the Old and New Testaments . . . newly edited by the Amer ican Revision Committee, 1901 a.d. 113. The American New Testament Company, -with perhaps excessive conservatism, did not feel "at liberty to make new changes of moment" that had not been discussed with the EngUsh Company. Preface, iii. 114. Other examples of corrected passages are: Isa 30 32; 35 8; Hos 11 2; Mic 1 6; Acts 17 22. If the Douay translators were living, they would observe that some of the passages in the Protestant versions of their day, which they cited as "heretical translations," are translated in the American Revision substantiaUy as they desired. To this extent, the American Revision substantiates their complaint. These Catholic translators, in turn, themselves become witnesses to the scrupulous fidelity of the Revised Version. Instances are: Gen 4 7; 31 19; Matt 26 26; Mk 10 52; Jno 9 22. Again, of five passages cited by Cardinal Wiseman {Dublin Review, April, 1837, II 489 ff.) in e-vidence of the need of a thor ough re-vision of the Catholic versions, all are stiU rendered wrongly according to Cardinal Wiseman, in Gibbons's Edition of the ChaUoner-Douay Version ; and all but one of those contained APPENDIX 285 in the American Revised Version are there rendered correctly, according to the same authority. The passages are: Ps 50 14 (51 12); Zeph 3 18; Wisd 8 2; Jno 2 4; Heb 11 1. 116. See Preface to the Old Testament, Eng. Rev. Version, 3. 116. The translators of the Douay Bible, though not Uving, stiU bear witness to the fideUty of the American Revisers in re spect of the titles of the New Testament books, although the Chal loner-Douay, now circulated among the CathoUcs of America, has departed from their example in this matter. " We say not in the titles of the Gospels . . . Saint Matthew, Saint Mark, Saint Luke, because it is so neither in Greek nor Latin." See preface to the Douay Bible, 21 f. 117. See Preface to the American Edition of the New Testa ment, last paragraph. 118. Possibly it may help some readers to judge whether the closing words of the American Revisers' Preface, and of this essay, are weU warranted or not, if we exhibit — not some exceptional part — but two or three short passages of average sort from the genuine Douay, the ChaUoner-Douay and the American Revised Versions: The law of our Lord is immaculate, converting souls: the testimony of our Lord is faithful, giving wisdom to little ones. The Justices of our Lord be right, making hearts Joyful: the precept of our Lord lightsome, illuminating the eyes. Come down, sit In the dust, O virgin daughter of Babylon, sit on the ground, there is no throne for the daughter of the Chaldees, because thou shalt no more be called nice and tender. Take a mill and grind meal: make bare thy turpi tude, discover the shoulder, un cover the thighs, pass the rivers. And certain coming down from Jewry taught the brethren: That, unless you be circumcised accord ing to the manner of Moses, you cannot be saved. No little sedition therefore being risen to Paul and Barnabas against them, they appointed that Paul and Barnabas should go up, and certain others of the rest, to the Apostles and priests unto Jerusa lem, upon this question. CHALLONEB-DOUAT Ps 19:7, 8. (LXX 18:8, 9) The law ol the Lord is unspotted. converting souls: the testimony of the Lord Is faithful, giving wisdom to little ones. The Justices ol the Lord are right, rejoicing hearts: the command ment ol the Lord is lightsome, en lightening the eyes. , Isa 47:1, 2 Come down, sit In the dust, O virgin daughter of Babylon, sit on the ground: there Is no throne for the daughter of the Chaldeans, for thou shalt no more be called deUcate and tender. Take a mill stone and grind meal; uncover thy shame, strip thy shoulder, make bare thy legs, pass over the rivers. Acts 15:1, 2 And some coming down from Judea, taught the brethren: That except you be circumcised after the manner of Moses, you cannot be And when Paul and Barnabas had no small contest with them, they de termined that Paul and Barnabas, and certain others of the other side, should go up to the apostles and priests to Jerusalem about this duestlon. AMEBICAN BEVISED The law of Jehovah is perfect, re storing the soul: The testimony of Jehovah Is sure, making wise the simple. The precepts of Jehovah are right. rejoicing the heart: The command ment of Jehovah Is pure, enlighten ing the eyes. Come down, and sit In the dust, O virgin daughter of Babylon; sit on the ground without a throne, O daughter of the Chaldeans: for thou shalt no more be called tender and delicate. Take the mill stones, and grind meal: remove thy veil, strip ofl the train, un cover the leg, pass through the rivers. And certain men came down from Judea and taught the brethren. saying. Except ye be circumcised after the custom of Moses, ye can not be saved. And when Paul and Barnabas had no small dissension and questioning with them, the brethren appointed that Paul and Barnabas, and cer tain other of them, should go up to Jerusalem unto the apostles and elders about this question. to 05 td3fH<: ?3 CO t— I OCO oo > O I beseech you therefore brethren by the mercy of God, that you ex hibit your bodies a living host, holy, pleasing God, your reason able service. CHAIiLONER-DOUAT Rom 12:1 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercy of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, pleasing unto God, your reasonable service. AMERICAN REVISKD I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, ac ceptable to God, which is your spiritual service. For In this also do we groan, desirous to be overclothed with our habita tion that is from heaven: yet so if we be found clothed, not nailed. For we also that are in this tabernacle, groan being burdened: because we would not be spoiled, but overclothed, that that which is mortal might be swallowed up of life. And he that maketh us to this same, is God, who hath given us the pledge of the Spirit. II Cor 5:2-5 For in this also we groan, desiring to be clothed upon with our habita tion that is from heaven. Yet so that we be found clothed, not naked. For we also, who are in this tabernacle, do groan, being burthened; because we would not be unclothed, but clothed upon, that that which Is mortal may be swallowed up by life. Now he that maketh us for this very thing is God, who hath given us the pledge of the Spirit. For verily In this we groan, longing to be clothed upon with our habi tation which is from heaven : if so be that being clothed we shall not be found naked. For indeed we that are in this tabernacle do groan, being burdened; not for that we would be unclothed, but that we would be clothed upon, that what is mortal may be swallowed up of life. Now he that wrought us for this very thing Is God, who gave unto us the earnest of the Spirit. I— ( X 00 THIRD ESSAY 1. References to and proofs of the facts here stated will be found under the chapters deaUng more fully with these subjects. 2. Father Prendergast of the CoUege of St. Francis Xavier. 3. II Mace 12 46; Eoclus 24 24, 26 3-16. 4. In the early days of the church the word " canon " was some times used to describe the 39 books of the Old Testament without and sometimes with the Apocrypha. The testimony of the early church on the canon of Scripture is shown by (1) catalogues of books of the Bible, (2) decrees of Councils, and (3) statements of theologians. The facts next stated are taken from Green General Introduc tion to the Old Testament — The Canon 157 f. : I. Catalogues For inclusion in Canon Against inclusion in Canon A.D. A.D. CouncU of Hippo 397 MeUto, Bishop of Sardis. . 180 CouncU of Carthage 397 Origen 254 St. Augustine 400 Athanasius of Alexandria. 350 Innocent I, Bishop of CyrU of Jerusalem 351 Rome 405 Epiphanius of Cyprus. . . . 350 Gelasius 492 AmphUochius of Iconium. 375 Gregory Nazianzen 370 Hilary of Poitiers 368 Ruffin of Aquileia 400 Jerome 382 [The above dates are intended to be only approximate.] Green (167-174) points out that Augustine's influence over shadowed aU others in the Councils of Hippo and Carthage, and these three catalogues are equivalent to one witness only. Pas sages in his writings prove beyond doubt that he ranked the Hebrew canon above the other books included in his catalogue. He and his Councils used the word "canon'' in its wider sense. 288 APPENDLX 289 Of the catalogues of Innocent and Gelasius, Westcott {Bible in the Church 175) says, "Both Usts simply repeat the decision at Carthage, and determine the ecclesiastical canon, the books, that is, which might be pubUcly used in the Church Services." On the CathoUc point of view we quote Waterworth Faith of Catholics I. 325: "To give those catalogues in an isolated maimer, as representing the opinions of those writers, would not only be an imperfect, it would be an incorrect, statement of their views." Library of St. Francis de Sales, III, The Catholic Controversy 116: "We must not think that the ancient Church and these most ancient doctors would have had the boldness to rank these books as canonical, if they had not had some direction by the tradition of the Apostles and their disciples, who could know in what rank the Master Himself held them." II. Decrees op Councils For inclusion in Canon Against inclusion in Canon A.D. A.D. CouncU of Trent 1546 Synod of Laodicea 363 Sanction of Patriarch of Confession of Faith of Jerusalem 1672 Greek Church 1631 (Ecumenical CouncU of Orthodox Teaching of Vatican 1865 Metropolitan of Moscow 1836 Authorized Russian Con fession 1839 III. Statements by Theologians Jerome, who translated the Vulgate, expressly states in his preface that the Apocrypha includes those writings which make a claim to be on a par with the canonical books to which they are not rightfully entitled and adds that whatever is additional to the Hebrew canon (which excluded it) is to be placed in the Apocry pha. Green 160. On this The Catholic Controversy III. 101 says: "As for St. Jerome whom you allege, this is not to the purpose, since in his time the Church had not yet come to the resolution which she has come to since as to placing of these books in the canon except 290 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED that of Judith. " The fact that they are in the Vulgate is the basis of the contention for making these books canonical. Cardinal Ximenes in the preface to the Complutensian Poly glot dedicated to Pope Leo X declares against the Apocrypha. Cardinal CapeUan in his preface to a Commentary on the his torical books of the Old Testament, says (Green 177 f.): "The whole Latin Church is very greatly indebted to Saint Jerome for distinguishing the canonical from the noncanonical books, since he has freed us from the reproach of the Hebrews that we frame for ourselves books or parts of books of the old canon which they lack entirely." These books "do not belong to the rule for con firming those things which are of faith; yet they can be called canonical, that is, belonging to the rule for the edification of be lievers. With this distinction what is said by Augustine and written by the Council of Carthage can be rightly apprehended." The arguments in favor of the Apocrypha are: 1. Its inclusion in some early versions (the Septuagint and others); but Green (128) considers that these books were not in the early editions, but were graduaUy attached as a supplement, as in Protestant Bibles. 2. That it was read in churches. This is done in Protestant churches also. It is the meaning and intention with which it is done which is the essential feature. This is pointed out by Jerome. Green 183 f. 3. That it is quoted by the Fathers. Green (185-190) proves that the quotations are not made so as to show they are from inspired words — that though the formula "It is written" is used for introducing quotations from the canon and the Apocrypha, they are so used by Origen, Jerome and others who did not admit the Apocrypha into the canon, and that the use of the word "Scripture" or "Prophet" was in Uke manner applied to both. In his Introductio in Sacram Scripturam, iii, § 18, pp. 49 f., Lamy argues in favor of the Apocrypha on the ground of quotar tion by our Lord and His Apostles of the Septuagint, which con tains the Apocrypha. He maintains that the New Testament, writers in referring to the witness of the Old Testament seek the APPENDIX 291 sense and not the words, and that many passages so agree with the Apocrypha that it can scarcely be doubted that they referred to those passages, the mere difference in words not being an ob stacle. For this purpose he compares: Tob 4 16 with Matt 7 12. II Mace 6 19 with Heb 11 35. Wisd 13 with Rom 1 17-31. Wisd 7 26 with Heb 1 3. Ecclus 24 29 with Jno 6 35. Ecclus 35 11 with II Cor 9 7. 5. Published in Acta et Deer eta Concilii Plenarii Baltimorensis Tertii, 1884. 6. Ezr 4 8-6 18; 7 2-26; Dan 2 4-7 28; Jer 10 11. Maclear Helps to the Study of the Bible 6. As to the use made of the verse in Jeremiah see Cook Com mentary V. 391-392. 7. For particulars as to language, see Maclear Helps 7. The BibUography gives full particulars of aU manuscripts, versions, and quotations with extracts from standard authors as to their purport. References are there given for aU facts, and it is un necessary to repeat them. 8. The facts as to the Hebrew alphabet will be found in Smyth The Old Documents and the New Bible 7 f. 9. For particulars of the work of the Massoretes see Green General Introduction to the Old Testament — The Text 142 f., Kirk- patrick The Divine Library of the Old Testament 73 f. 10. See Bibliography for Ust of books forming the authority for statements made in this chapter. 11. Particulars as to the Vulgate and the sources on which Jerome founded his work will be found in the Bibliography. 12. "For more than a thousand years it (the Vulgate) was the parent of every version of the Scriptures in Western Europe." Smyth Old Documents 171. 13. The facts and quotations as to the editions of the Vulgate are from Scrivener Introduction to the Criticism of the New Testament II. 66. 14. The Vatican decree wUI be found in the printed reports of 292 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED the CouncU and is in the following words : " Veteris et Novi Testa^ menti Ubri integri cum omnibus suis partibus prout in ejusdem ConcUii decreta recensentur, et in veteri vulgata Latina editione habentur, pro sacris et canonicis suscipiendi sunt. Eos vero Ecclesia pro sacris et canonicis habet non ideo quod sola humana industria concinnati, sua deinde auctoritate sunt approbati, nee ideo dumtaxat, quod revelationem sine errore contineant, sed propterea quod Spiritu Sancto inspirante conscripti Deum habent auctorem, atque ut tales ipsi Ecclesise traditi sint." {Translation.) "The complete books of the Old and New Testaments with aU their parts, as they are received in the decrees of the same Council (Trent) and contained in the Old Latin Vulgate edition, must be received as sacred and canonical. The Church moreover holds these books as sacred and canonical not only because coUected by man's industry, since they have been approved by its authority, nor for the reason only that they contain revelation without error, but because, by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, the col lections have God as their author, and as such the Churches have handed them down." 16. The decree of the Second Council of Baltimore wiU be found in Acta et Decreta Concilii Plenarii Baltimorensis Secundi, 1866. The words of the decree Titulus I, par. 16, of which a translation is given in the Essay are: "Nonnisi exprobatis versionibus atque editionibus verbi Dei pabulum incorruptum UUs desumere. Star tuimus igitur ut Duacensis versio, quae in omnibus ecclesiis quarum fideles Anglice loquuntur recepta, et a predecessoribus nostris fideUum merito proposita est, omnino retineatur. Cura- bunt autem episcopi ut, jus ita exemplar probatissimum ab ipsis designandum, omnes turn novi tum veteris Testamenti Duacensis versionis editiones in posterum emendatissime fiant, cum adnota- tionibus qase ex Sanctis Ecclesise Patribus vel doctis cathoUcisque viris tan tum desumptse sint." 16. A eta et Decreta Concilii Plenarii Baltimorensis Tertii, 1884. The statement as to an authorized version is as follows: No. VII. "In eadem congregatione privata, quidam e Pa tribus Concilii sumnopere exoptavit ut habeatur authentica, quoeque omnium votis respondeat, AngUca Scriptura; Sacrse APPENDIX 293 Versio. Responsum est ei, hoc in ConciUo Plenario superiori prepositum fuisse, diuque de ejus mode versione deUberasse Patres, sed nihU effectum fuisse. Rejecta tamen fuit a Patribus, agentibus viginti et octo, negantibus octo supra triginta." {Translation.) "In the same private congregation, one of the Fathers of the CouncU urgently wished that an English Version of the Holy Scriptures should be considered authentic which would be agreeable to the opinions of aU. Answer was made to this, that it had been placed before the former Plenary Council, and the Fathers had discussed a version of this character at length, but nothing had been done. The suggestion was however re jected by the Fathers 28 for and 38 against it." Titulus I, No. 167 deals with the use of the Vulgate in discus sion. " In exegesi Biblica pro textu explicando adhibeatur versio Vulgata latina, ut ilia clericus omnino famiUaris evadet, quam Cone. Trident, in publicis lecturibus, disputationibus et proe- dicationibus pro authentica habendum esse statuit et declar- avit." {Translation.) "In Biblical discussion for explaining the text the Vulgate Latin Version should be adhered to, as that is altogether famiUar to the clergy and is that which the Council of Trent has ordained and declared should be used by authority in public reading, in arguments and proclamations." 17. Mombert English Versions of the Bihle 293. For the other facts and quotations as to the translators, see Mombert 293 f . ; also Moulton History of the English Bible 182 f.; Newman Tracts Theological and Ecclesiastical, Vol. Ill, No. 7 "History of the Text of the Rheims and Douay Version of Scripture." 18. The approbations (copied from the original edition in the General Theological Seminary, New York) are as follows: " Ap- prohatio: Nos infra scripti, in alma Duacensi universitate Sacrse Theologiae Doctores et Professores, hanc Anglicanam Veteris Tes tamenti translationem, quam tres diversi ejus nationis eruditis- simi Theologi non solum fidelem, sed propter diversa quse ei sunt adjuncta, valde utilem fidei Catholicse propagandas ac tuen- dae, et bonis moribus promovendis, sunt testati, quorum testi- monia ipsorum sjrngraphis munita vidimus; cujus item Transla- tionis et Annotationum auctores nobis de fidei integritate et 294 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED eruditionis proestantia probe sunt noti; his rebus adducti et nixi fructuose evulgari posse censuimus Duaci 8 Novembris 1609. " Professors at Douay. " Guielmus Estius, Sacrse Theologiae Doctor, " Bartholom^us Petrus, Sacrse Theologise Doctor, " Georgius Colveneruis, Sacrse Theologiae Doctor." {Translation.) "We whose names are written below. Doctors and Professors in the University of Sacred Theology at Douay, are of opinion that this English Translation of the Old Testa ment which three several most learned Theologians of that nation have borne witness to, not only as faithful, but on ac count of the special properties which belong to it, exceedingly useful for propagating and preserving the Catholic Faith, and for the increase of good morals, should be advantageously pubUshed, whose testimony we have seen proved by their signatures, of which translation and Annotations moreover the authors are known to us by the integrity of their faith and the eminence of their learning." The Censure and Approbation of the New Testament. "Cum hujus versionis ac ceditionis authores nobis de fide et eruditione sint probe cogniti, aliique S. Theologise et linguae AngUcanse peritissimi viri contestati sint, nihil in hoc opere reperiri, quod non sit Catholice Ecclesie doctrime et pietate consentaneum vel quod uUo modo po testate ac pace ciuli repugnet sed omnia potius veram fidem, Reip. bonum, vitaeque ac morum probitatem prove mere; ex ipsorium fide censemus esta utiliter excudi et publicari posse, [no date.] " Petrus Remigus, [Vicar-General of Abp. of Rheims]. "HuBERTUs MoRus, [Professor of Theology at Rheims]. " Johannes LeBescjue, [Professor of Theology at Rheims]. " Guielmus Balbus, [Professor of Theology at Rheuns]." {Translation.) "Since the authors of this version and edition are favorably known to us on account of their faith and learning, and others of the Sacred CoUege and of the English language have borne witness to them as most accompUshed men, nothing is found in this work which is not consistent with the doctrine and pious belief of the CathoUc Church, or which is opposed in any APPENDIX 295 way to the civil power and peace, but promotes rather the true faith, the good of the State and probity of hfe and morals, we consider that it has been usefuUy composed and might be pub lished." 19. Bishop Troy's approbation of MacMahon's version is as foUows: "By our authority we approve the new English editionof the Holy Bible . . . which has by our order been carefully col lated by the Rev. Bernard MacMahon with the Clementine Vul gate, also with the Douay Old Testament of 1609, and the Rheims New Testament of 1682, and with the London Old and New Testaments of 1762, approved English versions." Newman Tracts 429. The details of all editions are given in the BibUography. 20. It can be affirmed and proved that there is no pubUshed copy of the whole Bible in English prior to WycUf. Mombert English Versions 28. 21. For examination of the authorship of Wyclif's version see ForshaU and Madden Preface to Wyclif's Bible and Mombert English Versions 69. 22. Convocation in 1408 ordered that no one read any book of Wyclif's until the translation had been approved by the ordinary on pain of excommunication. Westcott- Wright General View of the History of the Bihle 22 f. 23. The quotation from Foxe will be found in Acts and Monur- ments IV. 217, as quoted by Westcott General View 26. 24. See Ust of Hebrew Bibles in BibUography. 25. Wolsey founded in 1519 a chair of Greek. Westcott Gen^- eral View 165. The foUowing grammars and lexicons are mentioned by West cott 166: Grammar of Lascaris (Milan, 1476); Grammar of Clenardus (Louvain, 1530); Lexicon of Craston (1480). [Re published by Aldus (1497).]; Lexicon of Guarino. 26. The sermon was preached by the Vicar of Croydon. See Foxe Acts and Monuments I. 927. 27. For list of Bibles in European languages, see BibUography. 28. For particulars of Tyndale's Imprisonment, trial and mar tyrdom, see his Ufe by Demaus, xiii. 296 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED 29. The quotation is from Westcott General View 64. 30. "Coverdale wherever he worked was encouraged, if not em ployed, by CromweU in the translation of the Bible and it would seem from a letter without date (assigned to 1627 or 1532) that Sir Thomas More was aware of his occupation." Mombert English Versions 150. Westcott General View 70, agrees with this. For facts as to Coverdale's Ufe see Mombert 159, 161. 31. Letter from Cranmer to CromweU quoted by Westcott General View 92. 32. Westcott General View 271. 33. Particulars from Mombert English Versions 201, 210, 220, and quotation 203. 34. For further particulars of the history of the Bible during the reign of Henry VIII and his successors and of the Genevan Bible see Moulton History 160-168; yiomheit English V er sions 233-265; Westcott General View 120-121. 35. The helps at the command of the Genevan Revisers as given by Mombert English Versions 249, were, in addition to the Hebrew, Greek and Latin Bibles mentioned in the BibUography, and published previous to 1557, Pellican's Hebrew Grammar, 1503; ReuchUn's Dictionary, 1606; Miinster's Grammar, 1626. 36. See Mombert English Versions 265 as to the circulation of the Great Bible and the Genevan Bible and 275 as to edi tions. 37. The second edition was taken as the basis of the Authorized Version. Westcott General View 316. 38. The foUowing quotation from Mombert English Versions 362 f. gives some particulars of the various editions: "Not less than 60 had been issued before 1640 by Barker (Printer to the King's Most Excellent Majesty) and his successors. The edition of 1613 contains 412 variations. That of 1616 may be regarded as the first revision, that of 1629 and 1638 are the first Cambridge editions revised and a number of their errata have been trans mitted to modern times. . . . That of 1660 by HiUs and Field introduced additional notes improved upon in John Hayes, Cam bridge, 1677. 1701 brought the dates and index by Bishop Lloyd. 1762 is the famous edition of Dr. Paris." APPENDIX 297 39. Critical apparatus (in addition to those mentioned for the Genevan Bible) at disposal of Compilers of Authorized Version: (1) The Latin translations mentioned in the Bibliography. (2) The French, Italian and Spanish editions, mentioned in the BibUography. [These are doubtless what the Revisers refer to when they speak of their pains in consulting Spanish, French and ItaUan translations. Westcott General View 356, 356.] (3) Buxtorf's Lexicon, 1607, Hebrew Grammar, 1609. Mombert EngUsh Versions 387. "They had the bare Hebrew text without more Ught shed on it by the ancient versions except that derived from such editions of the Septuagint and the Vulgate, as were then circulating, the Sixtine edition of 1587, being the latest of the former and the Six tine (1690) and Clementine (1592-1593) editions the latest of the latter version. The Chaldee Paraphrase of Onkelos (1482-1546, 1590) was also available to them, but the Samaritan Pentateuch, the Syriac and Arabic versions and the fragmentary Ethiopic and Persian translations were unknown to them. For the Greek text of the New Testament they had the various editions of Beza from 1660 to 1598 and the fifth edition of Beza 1598, is probably what they used, asweUas the 3rd edition of Stephanus 1550-1651, they likewise consulted the Complutensian Polyglot 1514, the dif ferent editions of Erasmus 1516-1536, Aldus 1618, Colinaeus 1534, Planten 1572, the Vulgate and Beza's Latin version of 1656. "The common statement is that the Greek text of the Author ized Version of 1611 agrees in 81 places with Beza against Ste phanus, in about 21 with Stephanus against Beza, and that in 29 places the translators foUowed the Complutensian, Erasmus or the Vulgate." Mombert 387, 388. For critical apparatus for Revision in 1870 see Bibliography. Also the references given above. 40. Mombert English Versions 69. 41. The exact wording of the texts referred to and of others which owe their origin to Wyclif is as foUows. [Modern spelling is adopted in this and similar quotations.] 298 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED WYCLIF AMERICAN REVISED VERSION Matt 7 14 Strait is the gate and narrow Narrow is the gate and the way. straitened the way. Matt 16 22 Far be it from thee Lord. Be it far from thee Lord. Jno 3 3 If a man shaU be born Except one be born anew. again. Rom 12 1 A Uving sacrifice. A living sacrifice. / Cor 2 10 The deep things of God. The deep things of God. / Cor 10 16 The cup of blessing which The cup of blessing which we bless. we bless. Jas 1 5 And if any of you needeth But if any of you lacketh wisdom, ask he of God which wisdom, let him ask of God, giveth to aU men largely and who giveth to aU UberaUy and upbraideth not and it shaU be upbraideth not. given him. 42. The extracts are from the foUowing authors quoted in the order named: Marsh, Lectures in English Language, 1st Series, 627; Westcott General View 210, 211; Froude History of Eng land III. 84. 43. Westcott General View 210. Mombert English Ver sions 115 f. gives a careful argument on Tyndale's knowledge of Hebrew, and proves his case by a coUation of Luther and Tyn dale in Deut 6 6-9, and states that "the rendering of these four verses proves an mdependent knowledge of Hebrew, Greek, Latin, German and EngUsh." He gives specific instances to prove APPENDIX 299 this and gives the foUowing list of helps available to Tyndale: The Hebrew Bible (Soncino, 1488, Brescia, 1494); Bomberg's Bible published in 1518; Rabbinical Bible pubUshed in 1519 and 1525; PeUican's Hebrew Grammar, 1603; ReuchUn's Dic tionary in 1506; Miinster's Grammar, 1525; Complutensian Polyglot with a Hebrew Grammar and Lectionary, 1517-1520. 44. Westcott General View 174 says "the translation of the New Testament itself is the com plete proof of its own independence. It is impossible to read through a single chapter without gaining the assurance that Tyndale rendered the Greek text directly whUe he consulted the Vul gate, the Latin translation of Erasmus, and the German of Luther." COo o VULGATE Ver. 2. cum patlentla suppor- tantes. Ver. 4. slcut. Ver. 8. dedlt. Ver. 17. slcut et. Ver. 27. dlabolo. Ver. 29. sermo malus. In Eph 4 TYNDALE In long suffering for bearing one another. even as. and hath given. as other Gentiles. backbiter.filthy communication. with patience support ing one another. as. he gave. as also the Gentiles. devil.evil speech. AM. H. v. with long suffering for bearing one another. even as. and gave. As the Gentiles also. devil.corrupt speech. The following passages are instances of renderings suggested to Tyndale by the Vulgate and their correspondence with the Douay Version : VDLGATE plnnaculum templl. MaUi:5 TYNDALE DOUAY pinnacle of the temple. pinnacle ol the temple. AM. R. V. pinnacle of the temple. wf H a omnes enlm ex eo quod abundabat UUs, mlserunt. they all put In ol their superfluity. for all they did cast in ol their abundance. for they all did cast In of their superfluity. TYNDALE quanto magls Pater vester de coelo dabit splrltum bonum. how much more shall your Father celestial give a good spirit. how much more will your Father from heaven give the good Spirit to them that ask him. AM. R. V. how much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask bim. bac nocte anlmam tuam repetunt a te. Lk 12:20 this night will they fetch away thy soul from thee. this nigbt do they require thy soul of thee. this night Is thy soul re quired of thee. Jno 14:2 In domo Patrls mel man- slones multffi sunt. Curramus ad proposltum nobis certamen. Deponentes Igitur omnem malltlam et omnem dol- um et slmulatlones et Invldlas et omnes de- tractlones. In my Father's house are many mansions. let us run unto the battle that Is set before us. In my Father's house there are many mansions. let us run to the fight proposed to us. I Pet 2:1 Wherefore lay aside all maliciousness and all guile and dissimulation and envy and all back biting. Wherefore laying away all malice and all guile, and dissimulations and envies, and all detrac tions. In my Father's house are many mansions. let us run the race that is set before us. Putting away therefore all wickedness, and all guile and hypocrisies and envies and all evil speak ing. >OI— ( X Bcrlptum in frontlbus suis. Bev 14:1 written In their foreheads. written on their foreheads. written on their forehead. 45. The following passages show Tyndale's independence of the Vulgate. the Greek and rejects the Vulgate. In them he follows 00o Matt 6:1. 6:11. Lk 2:14.2:18. 17:36. 23:39. Eph 5:32. VULOATH justltlam. supersubstantlalem. bomlnlbus bous vol untatis. et de his. duo In agro: unus as- sumetur: et alter re- Unquetur. latronlbus.sacramentum. alms.our dally bread. and unto men rejoicing. wondered at these things. (omitted.) malefactors.secrete. justice.supersubstantial bread. to men of good will. wondered, and at these things. (ver. 35) two men shall be In the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left. robbers. sacrament. 46. Luther's influence is seen in the foUowing passages : Matt 1:1. 2:18. Jno 19:17. Acts 28:2. Rom 1:14. 2:5. 11:13. I Cor 1:25. 2:14. Eph 3:15. Col 3:16. I Tim 1 :7. Rev 22:14. This Is the book. on the hills was a voice beard. the place of dead men's skulls. the people of the country. to the Greeks and them which are no Greeks. bard heart that cannot repent. I will magnify mine office. godly foolishness. the natural man, which is father over all which Is called father In heaven and In earth. and spiritual songs which have favour with them. doctors In the Scripture. their power may be in the tree of life. The book, A voice In Bama was beard. Golgotha, barbarians, to the Greeks and to the barbarians, thy hardness and Impenitent heart. I will honour my ministry, the foolishness of God, the sensual man. of whom all paternity In heaven and earth is named. and spiritual canticles singing In grace In your hearts to God. teachers of the law. that they may have a right to the tree of llli,. AMER. R. V. righteousness. our dally bread. among men in whom be is well pleased. wondered at the things. (ver. 34) there shall be two men In one bed: the one shall be taken and the other shall be left. malefactors.mystery. AMER, R. V. The book. A voice was heard in Rama, The place of a skull, which is called In Hebrew Golgotha. barbarians.to Greeks and to barbarians. thy hardness and Impenitent heart. I glorify my ministry. the foolishness of God. the natural man. from whom every family In heaven and In earth is named. with spiritual songs singing with grace in your hearts to God. teachers of the law. that they may have the right to come to the tree of life. COO to w wf < H GQ o m o > MO 47. In I John, the American Revised Version returns to Tyndale's reading in the foUowing passages: TYNDALE AUTHORIZED VERSION REVISED VERSION S:16. love. 3:17. compassion. 3:24. gave. love of God. bowels of compassion, batb given. and in the foUo^-ing passages come near to Tyndale: 2:20. ointment. unction. and in the Epistle to the Ephesians in the following: 1:11. were made heirs. 2:13. a while ago. 4:30. by whom ye are sealed. 4:8. once. have obtained an Inheritance. sometimes. whereby ye are sealed. sometimes. love.compassion.gave. anointing. were made an heritage. once. In whom ye were sealed. once. O X 03o00 304 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED 48. Westcott General View 212, and Mombert English Ver sions 163, both agree that Coverdale's cannot be caUed an inde pendent translation. These words omitted by Tyndale are given by Westcott 220. 49, Westcott General View 217, 220, Mombert English Versions 164-167 has collated Mai 4, as translated by Coverdale, with Luther, the Zurich, the Worms edition of Peter Schafer (1528) and the Combination Bible of Wolff Kopphl, with the result that there is hardly a word that cannot be referred to one or more of them. CoUations by other authors show that Cover- dale "set great store by many translations, deeming them highly advantageous and carrying his eclecticism into his own trans lation." Mombert 168. He "availed himself freely of the work of Tyndale as far as it was published," i.e., the Pentateuch and the book of Jonah at the date of the 1st edition. 50. Mombert English Versions 184. 51. "The Great Bible is a revision of Tyndale, Matthew and Coverdale by the original with the help of Luther's version, the Zurich version, as weU as the Latin translation of Sanctes Pag ninus (1628), and Sebastian Munster (1534-1535) in the Old Tes tament and the Latin Version of Erasmus in the New ; the text of the Great Bible of 1539 may be described with sufficient accuracy as a revision of Matthew, that is of Tyndale, Rogers and Cover- dale by Coverdale himself." Mombert English Versions 209. " It is unquestionably inferior to Matthew's Bible as to trans lation." Mombert 222, 223. See also Westcott General View 300, 301. 62. American Revised Version, Preface to the New Testament. 53. The statement as to the "Massoretic Text" is made in the English Revised Version, Preface to the Old Testament. 54. The Douay Version agrees with the Revised Version in this use of the personal pronoun. 56. English Revised Version, Preface to the New Testament. 56. The passage in Matt 6 13 is not found in Codex Sinai ticus, Codex Vaticanus, Codex Bezse, four Cursive MSS., the Vulgate, the Old Latin, nor the Memphitic Version, It is not APPENDIX 305 noticed in expositions on the Lord's Prayer by Origen 254 a,d., TertuUian 200 a,d,, nor Cyprian 248 a.d. It is found in some MSS, (in red ink or in the margin, to distin guish it from the text), in Codex Rossanensis, the Ethiopic Version, the Armenian Version, the Gothic Version, the Syriac Version, and is given by Chrysostom, 397 a,d. The details as to the New Testament Revision are based on criticisms by Mombert English Versions 462 f. 67. I Tim 3 16, in the Authorized Version reads: "And without controversy, great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh." The Revised Version reads: " He who was mani fested in the flesh," and gives this note: "The word 'God' in place of 'He who' rests on no sufficient ancient evidence. Some an cient authorities read 'which.'" The Douay Version adopts the latter reading, "which was mani fested in the flesh." The words "He who" are found in Codex Sinaiticus, Codex Ephremis, Memphitic and Thebaic Versions. The word "God" is found in Codex Alexandrinus. Some of the alterations required by change of reading in the Greek text are: Authorized Version Matt 5 :22. — whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause. 19:17. Why callest thou me good? there Is none good but one, that Is, God. II Pet 3:3. That ye may be mindful of the words which were spoken before by the holy prophets, and of the com- mandment of us the Apostles of the Lord and Saviour. Bev 22:14, Blessed are they that do bis commandments. Revised Version — ^whosoever Is angry with bis brother. Note, — Many ancient author ities insert without cause. Why askest thou me concern ing that which Is good? One there is who Is good. Note, — Some ancient author ities read: Why callest thou me good? None is good save one, even God. That ye should remember the words which were spoken before by the holy prophets, and the commandment of the Lord and Saviour through your apostles. Blessed are they that wash their robes. 68. Statement of words and phrases used in the original Douay Bible Preface thereto and explained in the body of the Essay, and the extent Authorized and Revised Versions. Douay Version -whosoever is angry with his brother. Why askest thou me concern ing good? one Is good, God. That you may be mindful of those words which 1 told you before from the holy prophets and of your Apostles, of the precepts of the Lord and Saviour. Blessed are they that wash their robes In the Blood of the Lamb. for the reasons given in the to which they agree with the I. Words and phrases mentioned in the Preface itself: The Orioinal The Modern Douay Bible Douay Bible Alleluia. Hosanna.Baca,sons of Belial, phylacteries.concision,circumcision,flourished again, exhaust. Rev 19:1, Alleluia, Matt 21:9, Hosanna. 5:22, Raca. Jdg 19:22, sons of Belial. Matt 23:5. phylacteries. PhU 3:2. concision. 3:3, circumcision. 4:10, reflorlshed. Heb 9:28, exhaust. The Authorized Version Alleluia, Hosanna,Baca. sons ol Belial. phylacteries.concision,circumcision,flourished again, bear. The Bevised Version Hallelujah.Hosanna, Baca. base fellows. phylacteries.concision. circumcision.revived.bear. COO05 tdWf< wpiO ao >Pi U Lk 24:47. Matt 26:27. Heb 4:14. I Tim 3:8. Col 2:8. I Cor 9:13. The Original TBB Mi Douay BibiiB Douay penance. penance. chaUce. ChaUce. priest. priest. deacon. deacon. tradition. tradition. altar. altar. The Authorized Version repentance.cup, priest,deacon. tradition.altar. The Revisei) Version repentance. cup.priest. deacon. tradition.altar. One reference only is given to each word, but other passages where the words are used will show similar results. II. Words and phrases given in the (a) Words, etc., altered in the Version: The Original Douay table at the end of the Douay Bible. modem Douay and corresponding exactly with the Revised Jae 1:14. Matt 24:27. Mk 5:22. Gal 5:21. Bom 8:18. Eph 4:30. Bom S:28. I Tim 6:20. Bev 1:10. Lk 2:10. Phil 2:7. passim.1 Cor 10:18. Acts 9:21. Eph 3:11. Bom 2:26, 27. Acts 2:23. Bom 2:25. II Tim 1:6. Ejph 1:9. Heb 9:3. I Pet 2:5. Version abstracted.advent.archlsynagogue. commersa tions. condlgne. contristate.cooperate.the depositum. the dominical day. evangelize. exanited himself. gratis.hostes. Invocated. prefinltlon ol worlds. prepuce.prescience.prevaricator.resuscitate.sacrament of bis will. Sanctum Sanctorum. superedlfled. The Modern Douay Version tempted.coming. rulers of the synagogue. revelllngs. worthy. grieve. work together. that which Is committed to. the Lord's Day. bring you good tidings. emptied himself. freely.sacrifices.called upon. the eternal purpose. unclrcumcislon. foreknowledge.transgressor.stir up. mystery of bis will. Holy of Holies. built up. The Bevised Version tempted.coming. rulers of the synagogue. revelllngs. worthy.grieve.work together, that which is committed to. the Lord's Day, bring you good tidings. emptied himself. freely. sacrifices,called upon, the eternal purpose. unclrcumcislon.foreknowledge.transgressor.stir up. mystery of his will. Holy of HoUes. built up. > i-d O X Coo Number of words in this schedule, 22; number of words in next schedule, 7 — making the 29 words mentioned in Essay. (6) Words, etc., in the original Douay retained in the modern Douay and in the Revised Version : The Original and Modern DouAY Version Gal 4:24. allegory. Bom 9:3. anathema. Matt 19:12 eunuchs. Acts 27:14 Euro-aQullo. Matt 14:1. Tetrarch. Col l:ie. Thrones. Acts 2:1 Pentecost. The Revised Version allegory. anathema. eunuchs. Euro-aquilo. Tetrarch. Thrones.Pentecost. (c) Eight words, etc., altered in the modern Douay to agree in sense with the Revised Version, and put in modern language : The Original Douay Version Gal 6:6, catechized, catechizeth, Lk 21:5. donanes. Gal 5 :4, evacuated from Christ, Heb 2:17, repropltiate the sins, 4 :9, a sabbatlsme for the people ol God. Phlm 6:6, agnltlon, Lk 1 :19, I am Gabriel that assist before God. II Tim 4:6. resolution. The Modern Douay Version Instructed, Instructeth. gifts. made void of Christ, might be a propitiation for the sins, a day of rest for the people of God. acknowledgment, I am Gabriel who stand before God, dissolution. The Revised Version taught, teacheth. offerings. severed from Christ. make propitiation for the sins. a sabbath rest for the people of God. knowledge. I am Gabriel that stand In the presence ol God. departure. {d) Eighteen words, etc., in the original Douay Version retained in the modern Douay Version with the renderings in the Revised Version. The meaning of these words when given 00o00 WI— I td< HfO cc h- 1 o 'Z. CO oo >pi t?3O in the Table at the end of, or in foot-notes in, the Douay Version is also given in the words of that Table. The Original and Modern Douay Version Eph 1:14. ir Cor 2:17. Jno 8:34. Lk 9:51. acquisition.adulterating.Amen. assumption. Matt 26:17. Lk 3:14. Azymes. calumniate. Bev 13:17. Matt 27:6. character.corbana. 17:25. dldracbms. Heb 10:8. holocausts. I Cor 10:13. Bom 4:13. Issue.justice. I Tim 3:6. neophyte. The Meaning of the Words IN the first Column as Given in the Table or in Footnotes in the Douay Version getting, purchasing. corrupting.Christ's departure out of tbia world by His death and Ascension while the days of His assumption were ac complishing. unleavened bread. By this word Is signified violent oppression by word or deed. a mark or stamp. a place about the Temple which received the people's gifts or offerings. pieces of money which they paid for tribute. a kind of sacrlflce where all was burnt In the honour of God. good event. taken in the New Testament not as it is contrary to wrong or injury, but for that quality whereof a man Is just or justified. He that was lately christened or newly planted In the mystical body of Christ. The Bevised Version possession.corrupting. Verily. that He should be received up. unleavened bread. accuse wrongfully. mark.Treasury. halt shekel. , whole bumt-oflerlngs. way of escape. righteousness. novice. ISH oX CO Jno 14:16. Mk 15:42. Lk 22:1. Matt 12:4. Acts 7:4. The Original and Modern Douay Version Paraclete. Parascue.Pascheloaves of proposition. victories. The Meaning of the Words IN the first Column as Given in the Table or in Footnotes in the Douay Version By Interpretation Is either a Comforter or an advocate and therefore to translate It by any one of them only is perhaps to abridge the sense of this place. the Jews Sabbath Eve. Easter and the Paschal Lamb. 60-called because they were proposed and set upon the table In the temple of God. sacrifices. The Revised Version Comforter. Preparation.Passover. show bread. slain beasts. 03 1—1 o w wf < fS w l-Ho 03 Oo g >pi O APPENDIX 311 59. Nine passages quoted by Ward {Errata of the Protestant Bible 18-66) are as follows: Reference to Alteration in Revised Version which Passage Removes Objection Prov 9:5. The use of the word "ye." 1 Cor 11:27. Theuseof the word "or"for "and." Acts 20:28. "Bishops" for "overseers." 1 Cor 9:5. ) Quoted as opposing the'cellbacy of the priest, but Phil 4:3. > the passage from Hebrews being now exactly Heb 13:4, ) what Ward wants, the argument falls. Heb 5:7, "having been heard for his godly fear" for "was heard In that he feared," Heb 10:29. "Judged" for "thought," Col 1:23, Omission of the word "and." 60. Passages altered in the modern Douay to agree with Re vised Version on the points objected to by Ward Errata, 18 f: Matt 1 25; II Pet 1 15; Rom 8 18; Heb 2 9; Matt 19 11; Rom 4 3; IPetl 25; Jas 4 6. 61. Passages in which the Douay and Revised Versions agree: Jas 516; Heb 10 22; Lk 18 42; Rom 5 6, "we were weak"; I Cor 9 13 and I Cor 10 18 (use of word "altar"); I Cor 10 20 and Heb 13 16 (use of word "sacrifice"); and I Pet 2 S. 62, The passages referred to are as follows: Agreeing Exactly Altered in Douay Version with the so as to be made Bevised Version Intelligible Quoted by Westcott General Vlcui 331, Mk 5:35. Ps 19:9. Bom 6:13, 8:18. Heb 13:16 Quoted by Mombert English Versions 303 f. Lk 22:18. Matt 27:62. Jno 6:45, 7:2 Mk 15:46, Acts 23:14, Lk 22:7, 12. Bom 1:30, 2:25. Jno 2:4, Gal 5:21, Acts 1:2, Eph 2:6. 4:30. Eph 3:6, Heb 3:13, 9:3. Phil 3:10. Ill Jno 9. II Th 3:8. Rev 1:10, 21:6, 22:2, 22:14. 1 Tim 3:6. 5:6. II Tim 1:14, 4:4. Phlm 6. Heb 2:17, 3:15, 4:10, 9:23, 10:16, 12:2. Jas 1:17, 3:4, I Pet 1:14, 4:12. II Pet 2:13. Jude 4: 19, Rev 1:15, 10:7. Quoted by Hoare The Evolution of the English Bible 209 f. Phil 2-7 Ps 23:5. *^'"' ^¦^- Isa 13:22. 312 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED 63. The collated passages are those referred to in different parts of the Essay and other passages collated by the author. 64. Westcott General View 352, 353, gives certain passages in Romans as common to the original Douay and Authorized Versions alone and adds "it is impossible that the coincidences have been accidental," We give here such of these passages as are identical in the mod ern Douay and the Revised Version as deriving their origin from the original Douay. Any differences that exist are noted. 1 10. if by any means. 13. I would not have you ignorant. 23. changed the glory of the incorruptible God. 2 6. revelation of the righteous judgment of God. The Douay Version has "just" instead of "righteous," 10, glory, honour and peace to every man that worketh good, Douay, "one" for "man." 13. for not the hearers of the law are just before God. 15. the work of the law written in their hearts. 3 7. why am I also still judged as a sinner. Douay, "yet" for "still." 5 3. And not only so but we also rejoice in our tribulations. Douay, "glory" instead of "rejoice." 10 10, With the mouth confession is made unto salvation, 12 16, Be not wise in your own conceits. 13 8. Owe no man anything, 14 9, For to this end Christ died. Ten words identical in the Douay and Authorized Versions stated by Westcott 334 as owing their origin to the original Douay Version. Rom 1 1. separated. 32. consent. 2 5. impenitent. 18. approvest. 3 25, propitiation 4 4. grace. 5 8, commendeth. APPENDIX 313 8 18. revealed. 19. expectation. 15 26. contribution. 65. The following passages from 1 John are identical (except where otherwise noted) in the modern Douay and the Revised Versions, and derive their origin from the original Douay Version. 1 9. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and righteous to for give us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Douay, "just" for "righteous," "iniquity" for "unright eousness." 10. If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar and his word is not in us. 4 10. and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins. Douay, "a" for "the." 2 17. He that doeth the will of God abideth for ever. 3 15. Whosoever hateth his brother is a murderer. 66, The quotation is from the English Revised Version, Preface to the New Testament, 67, The (Ecumenical Council of the Vatican held April 24, 1870, says on this point (Caput II): "Hsec porro supernaturahs revelatio, secundum universalis Ecclesise fidem a sancta Tridentina Synodo declaratam, contine- tur in Ubris scriptis et sine traditi onibus quae ipsius Christi ore ab Apostolis acceptse, aut at ipsis Apostolis Spiritu Sancto dictanto quasi per manus tradita; ad nos usque pervenerunt," {Trans lation.) "Further this supernatural revelation according to the faith of the Catholic Church, declared by Holy Council of Trent is contained in written books and without writing in the tradi tions which were received by the Apostles from the mouth of Christ Himself, or have come down to us from the Apostles them selves at the dictation of the Holy Spirit as given by their hands." Waterworth Faith of Catholics I. 334 f. says: Proposition LX. "As the Church assuredly tells us what par ticular book is the Word of God, so can she with the Uke assurance tell us the true sense and meaning of it in controverted points of faith." This view is held by all Catholic writers. See also The Catholic Controversy 149-157. BIBLIOGRAPHY' Selecttbd and Compiled prom the Sources Employed by MESSRS. WHITLEY, BEARD, AND DALTON PART I A. — Sources op the Text op the Old and New Testaments. B. — Printed Editions op the Greek and Hebrew Scrip tures AND THE Latin Vulgate. C. — English Versions Antedating the Authorized Version. D. — Some Important Continental Versions. E. — Standard Catholic Versions. F. — ^The English Authorized and Revised Versions. PART I A.— SOURCES OF THE TEXT Section I (/) Hebrew Manuscripts of the Old Testament' The Hebrew MSS are of two classes: those for use in the sjmagogues are written on parchment or leather rolls and con tain the unpointed or consonantal text only. Manuscripts for private use are usually in book shape and contain the pointed I Material furnished by Messrs. Whitley, Beard, and Dalton respectively, is indicated in the Bibliography by their initials, 2 See Green Introduction lo O T Text 741.; Kirkpatrick The Divine Library of the O T 56f.; Maclear Helps to the Study of the Bible llf,; and Copinger The Bible and its Transmission for the particulars given in Part I. (D.) 317 318 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED or vocalized text. The Heb. MSS mentioned below, except Nos. 1, 2, and 7, are those given by Green Text 80-81. The particu lars of the manuscripts numbered 1, 2, 7, are from Copinger. The quotations are from Green. Date 1, 856 A,D, 2. The 9th cent. 3. 843 and 881 a.d, 4, 895 a.d. 5. Latter half of 10th cent. 6. 916 A.D, t 7. The 10th cent. (?) 8. 1018 or 1019 a.d. 9. 1106 A.D 10. Uncertain date. 11. 12. 1227 A.D. Particulars. A manuscript, in the Cambridge University Library. (D.) A codex of the Pentateuch, in the British Museum. (D.) Fragments of the Pentateuch, at Odessa. (D.) A copy of the Prophets (by Moses ben Asher ?) in the Karaite Synagogue at Cairo. (D.) Codex ben Asher. " Is reported to be at Alep po." . (D.) Codex Babylonicus, in the Imperial Library St. Petersburg, (D.) Codex Laudianus containing the whole O T, except part of Genesis, This MS, though thus dated, is held by Ginsburg, Stein- Bchneider and others to belong to the 13th cent. (D.) The oldest known MS in the care of the Samar itans, in the Hebrew language, but in the old style of writing, now known as Samar itan, containing only the Law. See Ken yon Our Bible and the Ancient Manuscripts 47 (W.) Codex Ceesareus, The Prophets and Hagio- grapha, in the Imperial Library, Vienna. (D.) Codex Carlsruhensis contains the Prophets, at Carlsruhe, (D.) A manuscript of the latter Prophets put by some in the 6th, by others in the 15tn cent, (D.) Fragments of the Pentateuch dated 489 a.d, and 639 a.d, and other MSS of the 8th, 9th, and 10th cents, are in the Imperial Library, St. Petersburg. The total number of man uscripts is given in Copinger Transmis- sion 4 as 1346. A triglot MS made by the Samaritans, con taining (a) the Hebrew text of the Law, (b) an Arabic version made 1070 a.d., (c) a Sa maritan version or targum, dating from the 2d cent., all in the Samaritan character. See Konig Samaritan Pentateuch in Hastings V, (W.) {II) Ancient Versions of the Old Testament "In order to have any critical value whatever a version must be ancient and it must be immediate. Only those versions of the Old Testament are held to be ancient in this technical sense wliich preceded the period of the Massorites." Green Text 167. BIBLIOGRAPHY 319 Title. 1. Septuagint. 2. The Version of Aquila. 3, The Ver sion of Theodo- tion, 4. The Version of Sym machus, 5, Peschito. Language. Greek. Greek.Greek. Greek. Syriac. Date. About th e middle of the 3d cent. 117-i38 A.D. About the 2d cent. A.D, 200. 2d or 3d cent. Remarks. The text shows important varia tions from the Hebrew as we now have it. Made for the use of Jews in opposi tion to the Septuagint, which had been appropriated by the Christians, A revision of the Septuagint. Samaritan influence is asserted by Epiphanius and traced by Red- path, Hastings IV, 465 The original version contains no Apocrypha nor Chronicles, It is best known by quotations in Ephrem and Afrahat, In the 6tn cent, it was revised and en larged with the help of the Sep tuagint. See Nestle in Hastings IV. 650, and Kenyon Our Bible, 73-75, (W„ D,) These versions, together with the Hebrew text and a Greek transliteration of the same, were collated and published by Origen (185-253 a.d.) in his Hexapla. The fragments of the Hexapla have been collected and published by Drusius in 1622; Lambert Bos in 1709; Montfaucon in 1713; and by Field in 1878. (D.) Targums, or Aramaic paraphrases of the Hebrew Scriptures, are also included among the material for textual criticism. Ten targums are known to be in existence in whole or in part. (D.) Title. Language. Date. Remarks. 1. Samaritan Targum. 2. Targum of Onkelos. 3. Targum of Jonathan West ^ Ara maic. Aramaic. Aramaic. 2cl cent., ac cording to Kantzocb, 2d or 3d cent, 3d cent. The Law only. To be carefully dis tinguished from the Hebrew- copy of the Law in the custody of the Samaritans. Both were first printed in the Paris Poly glot of 1645. (W.) The Law only. Translated in Judea, revised in Babylon two centuries later. Printed 1482 at Bologna. (W.) The Prophets only. A companion to the preceding, but often ad ding comments. Printed 1494 at Leiria. (W.) 320 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED Section II (/) Greek Manuscripts » Name. 1. Codex Sinai ticus. 2. Codex Alex andrinus. 3. Codex Vati canus. 4. Codex Eph- rsemi.2 5. Codex Bezs. 6. Codex Claro- montanus. 7. Codex Lau dianus. 8. C o d e X Regius. 9. Codex Ros- 10. Codex Basil- iensis. 11. Codex Ni- triensis. 12. Codex Har- leianus. Refer ence Mark. C D E, L2ER Probable Date. 4th cent. 5 th cent. 4th cent. 5 th cent. Uncertain, probably the 6th cent. 6th cent. 6th cent. 8 th cent. 6th cent. Middle of 8th cent. 8th or 9th cent. 0th cent. Remarks. In the Imperial Library, St. Peters burg. Contains the entire N T. (D.) In the British Museum. From the N T, Matt 1-25 6, Jno 660-862, II Cor 4 13-12 le are missing. ^D.) In the Vatican Library. Contams all the N T books, except parts of Hebrews, Pastoral Epistles, and the Apocalypse. (D.) In the Royal Library, Paris. "Frag ments of nearly all books." (D.) In the University Library, Cambridge, England. (D.) In the Royal Library, Paris. Contains all Paul's Epistles, except Rom 1 i-t 37-30. (D.) In the Bodleian Library, Oxford. A Graeco-Latin MS of the Acts. (D.) In the Royal Library, Paris. Contains most of the Gospels. (D.} In the Library, Rossano. The earhest copy of the Scriptures adorned with mmiatures. (D.) In the Public Library, Basle. Con tains all of the Gospels except two short passages. (D.) In the British Museum, described by Scrivener as "verj^ important." A palimpsest containing 516 verses of Luke. Two other MSS of less im portance are also marked R. (D.) In the British Museum. 1 The information as to the Greek manuscripts is taken from the following authorities: Scrivener Introduction to N T 1. 90-189; Westcott Bible in the Church 302f.; Maclear Helps 13f.; Mitchell Critical Ha-ndbook 108- 136. , . (D.) 2 A palimpsest, i. c. , a manuscript parchment which after an erasure, partial or otherwise, has been written over a second time, and on which the former writing is more or less discernible. (D.) BIBLIOGRAPHY 321 Name. 13. Codex Cy- prius. 14. Codex Cam- planus. 15. Codex Pur- pureus, 16. Codex Tis- chendor- fianus. 17. Codex San- gallensis. IS. Codex Nani- anus. Refer ence Mark. K M N r Probable Date. 9th cent. 0th cent. End of 9th cent. About gth cent. About 9th cent. About the 10th cent. Remarks. (D,5 In the Royal Library, Paris, a com plete copy of the four Gospels, (D,) In the Royal Library, Paris, the^ four Gospels complete. Parts in different Libraries, In the Bodleian Library, Oxford (part) ; the rest in the Imperial Library, St. Petersburg. The two parts contain nearly all the four Gospels. (D.) In the Monastery of St. Gall, Switzer land, the four Gospels complete, except Jno 19 17-sfi. Graeco-Latin. (D.) In the Library of St. Mark, Venice. Contains the four Gospels entire, (D.) (//) The Cursive Manuscripts The manuscripts in cursive or running hand date from the 10th to the 15th cent. They follow the main body of the Uncials with remarkable unanimity. The total number is given by Scrivener Introduction I. 189-326, as : Gospels 1,326 Acts and Catholic Epistles . . 422 Paul's Epistles 497 Apocalypse 184 2,429 In this calculation the numbers in each class are given, and a MS which includes parts of more than one class is reckoned under each class. (D.) (///) Ancient Versions o f the New Testament TiOe. Language. Date. Remarks. 1. Curetonian. 2. Peschito. Syriac. Syriac. 2d cent. 411-435 A.D, Contains the Gost>els only. Other books are quoted by Ephrem; but he seems ' to use, instead of these separatCi' Gospels, the Dia tessaron of Tatian — a single composite narrative, (W., D.) A revision by Rabbula. See Nestle in Hastings IV, 740, More books were added, but not II and III John, II Peter, Jude, Revela tion. See Burkitt Early Eastern Christianity. (W., D.) 322 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED Title. 3. Harkleian. 4. Sahidic. 5. Bohairic. 6. Gothic. Language. Syriac. Egyptian, Gothic. Date. 616 A.D. 3dor 4th cent. ? 4th cent. Remarks. A revision of a version made in 508 A.D. in a most hteral fash ion. .(W., D.) Forbes Robinson shows in Hastings I, 668, that an earlier date is not proven. (W.) Large fragments of the Gospels and of Paul's Epistles survive. Aa this version is akin to the Old Latin, while the Armenian is based on the Syriac, and the Ethiopic is influenced by the Egyptian, these three versions can be used for textual criticism only with extreme caution. (W.) Section III The Latin Versions'^ The best known and most important of the Latin Versions are: Name. Date. Remarks. 1. The Vulgate 2. Old Latin. 387 to 405 A.D Before 250 a.d Translated by Jerome. The O T, except the Apocrypha, from the Hebrew, the Apoc rypha from the Septuagint. The N T was a correction of the existing Latin texts from the best Greek manuscripts. (W., D.) Used by Cyprian at Carthage. There are many varieties of text, but all were based in the O T upon the Septuagint. A careful study of the surviving codices has been made in the following works: Bibliorum sacrorum latince versiones antiquoB sen uetus Italica, by Petrus Sabatier,3vols. Rheims, 1739-1749, reprinted at Paris, 1757. The Ancient Versions of the Four Evangelists, by Joseph Bianchinx, 2 vols., Rome, 1749. These works show that though there are points of difference, there are traces of a source conamon to many, if not to all of them. (W.,D.) 1 The information as to Latin versions is taken from Scrivener Introduc tion IL 42f. (D.) The text of the Vulgate was revised by Alcuin, 801 a.d., by Theodulf, by Lanfranc of Canterbury (1069-1089 A.D.), by BIBLIOGRAPHY 323 Stephen Harding, 1109, and by Cardinal Nicolaus Manicoria in 1150. In the 13th cent, a more systematic revision was under taken by bodies of scholars in the so-called "Correctoria BibU- orum." The best and most critical of these is the Correctorium Vaticanum. Section IV Lectionaries and Liturgies (I) The Lectionaries are summarized by Scrivener Intro duction I, 327-397, as follows: Evangelistaria, containing extracts from the Gospels 980 Praxapostoli, containing extracts from the Acts and Epistles , 293 (II) Liturgies date back to the 4th or 5th cent. The quo tations are however rare and not of any great length. (D.) Section V Patristic Citations 1. Dean Burgon in The Revision Revised (London, 1883), has arranged all the quotations of the Scriptures by the early Fathers on a system which renders it only the work of a minute to ascertain how any particular Father quoted a text. The following books also deal with the subject: 2. 1839. 3. 1892. Pusey.Keble and New man. Schaff and Wace. A lAbrary of the Fathers of the Holy Catholic Church Anterior to the Division of the East and West. (D.) Select Library of Nicene and Post Nicene Fathers, (D.) 324 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED B.— PRINTED EDITIONS OF THE TEXT AND OF THE VULGATE VERSION. Section I Printed Editions of the Hebrew Text Date. Place of Publication, etc. 1. 1482 2. 1488 3. 1491 4. 1494 5. 1516-17 6. 1518 7. 1524-26 8. 1547-49 9, 1568 10. 1617 11, 1618-20 12. 1724-27 13, 1776-80 14, 1869-95 15, 1876 16, 1890 17, 1894 The Law, pointed, with Aramaic version and Yarhi's commen- (W.) fol. Son- (W,) (W.) tary. ed. Abraham b. Hayim. fol. Bologna, Hebrew Bible, pointed, ed. Abraham b. Hayim cine. The Law, Lisbon. Hebrew Bible, ed. Berson b. Moges. 8vo. Brescia. The basis of the Complutensian, Bomberg's first rabbini cal, Bomberg's first and second Bibles, Munster's Basel edition. (W.) This edition was used by Luther in his translation. (D.) First rabbinical Bible, ed. Felix Pratensis. fol. 4 vols. Venice. (W.) . Rabbinical [ Bibles I Published at Venice by Bomberg. ' Published at Venice by de Gard, Bragadine, ^ Buxtorf. (D.) Rabbinical Bible, ed. Moses b. Simeon of Frankfurt. (D.) Vetus Tesiamentum Hebraicum, with various readings, ed, Benjamin Kennicott. fol. 2 vols. Oxford. (W.) Critical Hebrew Texts. Baer, Leipzig. Prophetarum posteriorum. Codex Babylonica Petropolitana. Strack. St. Petersburg. (W.) The Sacred Books of the Old Testament. Haupt. Leipzig, Baltimore, and London. A critical edition of the Hebrew text printed in colors. (W.) The Twenty-four Books. 2 vols. London, (Christian) David Ginsburg. An elaborate apparatus of the Massorah is the chief feature. (W., D.) BIBLIOGRAPHY 325 Secttion II (/) Printed Editions of the Greek Text Name. 1. Novum 2nstrumentum omne diligenter ab Erasmo Roterdamo recognitum et emen datum. (W.) 2, Sacra Scriptures Veter is Nov(Bque omnia. 3. Novum Greece. Testamentum Novum Testamentum cum versione Latina veteri et nova Theo- dori Bez£e. (W.) Novum Testamentum Greece ex officina Elzevirian a. 6. Novum Testamentum Grcecumcum lectioni bus variantibus MSS Exemplarium Ver- sionum, Editionum, SS. Patrum et Scrip- torum Ecclesiasti' corum et in easdem notisStudioetlabore JoannisMilliiS.T.P 7. Novum Testamentum Grcecum inserviente. J. A. B(engel) 8. Novum Testamentum Grcecum. Wetstein 9. Novum Testamentum Grace. 3. 3. Griesbach Date. 1516 fol. Basel. 1518-19 Small fol. Venice. 1550 fol. Paris. 1598 fol. Geneva. 1624 and 1633 12mo. Leyden 1673 1707 fol. Oxford. 1734, 4 to. Tubingen. 1751-52. 2 vols. fol. Amsterdam. 1796 (vol. i). 1806 (vol. ii) London and Jena. Remarks. Four subsequent editions pub lished witn considerable emen dations in 1519, 1522, 1527. and 1535. (D.) The Emperor ^ Maximilian granted to this edition an ex clusive right to circulate in the Holy Roman ^ Empire for four years, and this may partly ac count for the dela>^ in circulat ing the Complutensian Polyglot. As a matter of fact, Aldus took this as the groundwork of his own edition. It was the 3d ed. of 1522, which Tyndale seems to have used, revised, with head ings. ^ (W.) Known as the Aldine edition. (D.) Robert Stephanus (1546). Three other editions were published. the 3d or folio in 1550. (D.) The text of 1550 is called in England the " Received Text." (W.) Earlier editions were in 1565, 1576. 1582, 1589. This was perhaps the text used in 1611 by James's revisers. (W.) This second edition became the "Received Text" on the Con tinent. (W.) An edition atRome by Caryophilus, collated from the Vatican manu script. (W.) It classified MSS into groups. 2d ed. 1763. (W.,D.) A million quotations. Notation invented as now used. (W., D.) 1st ed. 1775-77. It gives only selected variants. (W., D.) 326 BIBLE VERSIONS COMPARED Name. 10, Novum Testam.entum juxta exemplar, J Millii accuratissime impressum Editio prima Americana. 11. Novum Testamentum Grmce. J. M. A. Scholz. 12. Novum Tesiamentum Greece. Carl Lachmann. 13. N. T. G. et Latine. 14. The New Testament in the original Greek with introdu ction s and notes. Chris topher Words- worth. (D.) 15. The Greek Testament with a critically re vised text, digest of readings, etc. Henry Alford. (D.) 16. The Greek New Testa Tnent, edited from ancient authorities. etc. S. P. Tregelles, (W., D.) 17. Novum Testamentum Grmce. Constantine Tischendorf. 18. The New Testament in the original Greek. B. F. Westcott and F.J. A. Hort. Date. 19. Novum Testamentum Greece cum apparatu critico ex editionibus et libris manuscriptis collecto curavit Eb- erhard Nestle. Edi' tio tertia recognita. 20. The Resultant Greek Testament, etc., by Weymouth. (W.") 1800 Worcester, Mass. (W.) 1830-36 vols. 4 to, Leipzig. 1831 and 1842-50 2 vols. Berlin, 1861 London 1862-65 London. 1857-72 4to. London Remarks. The fourth Catholic critical edition with plenty of fresh material used most carelessly. Reprinted 1841 in Bagster, Eng. Hexapla. (W.) Lachmann's first edition, the first that made a new beginning, neglecting previous printed edi tions. (W.) 1865-72 Leipzig, 1881. Cam bridge and London. 2 vols. 8vo. 1894-1900 1901. Small 8vo. Stuttgart. (W.) 1905 London. This is beyond question the mo.st full and comprehensive edition of the Greek Testament exist ing. (W., D.) "Drs. Westcott and Hort depart more widely from the received text than any previous editor had thought necessary." (D.) This edition expounded in its second volume an elaborate theory of textual criticism which now almost holds the field. . . . Westcott and Hort had a deep influence on the revisers of 1881 , among whom they sat; so that their editions give substantially the same text. (W.) Three volume edition with notes by Weiss. (W.) A fourth edition was published in 1904 at London by the British and Foreign Bible Society. (W.) 1st ed. 1886. 3d ed. 1905. with Introduction byBp. Perowne. BIBLIOGRAPHY 327 (77) Editions of Parts of the New Testament Editor. Date. Remarks. 1. J. B. Lightfoot. 1880 to 18851885 The Epistles of St. Paul. (D.) 2, Dean Stanley. The Greek Text of the Epistles to the Corinthians. (D.) The Greek Text of the Epistles lo the Corinthians. (D,) A Synopsis of the Gospelsin Greek. (D.) 3. Bishop Ellicott. 1887 4. A. Wright. 1903 The text constructed by the Engli.sh Revisers in preparation for their Revised Translation was published in two forms, of which the following are the full titles: (1) The New Testament in the Original Greek, according to the text followed in the Authorized Version, together with the variations adopted in the Revised Version. Edited for the Syndics of the Cambridge University Press, by F. H. A. Scrivener. M.A., D.C.L.. LL.D.. Pre bendary of Exeter and Vicar of Hendon. Cambridge, 1881, (D.) (2) The Greek Testament, with the Readings Adopted by the Revisers of the Authorized Version, Oxford, at the Clarendon Press, 1881, (Preface by the editor. Archdeacon Palmer, D.D.) (D,) Section III Printed Editions of the Latin Text {I) The Vulgate Title. 1 , Biblia Sacra Latina. Biblia Sacra V ulgatce editionis ad concilii Tridentinipraescrip- tum emen- data. Date. 1455 2 vols, fol, Mainz, 15041528 1540 1590 3 vols. fol. Rome. From the press of Fust and Scheffer. Particulars, (W.) The first critical edition by Castillanus. Edition by Stephanus. The first edition of a really critical nature. (D.) The fourth edition by Stephanus at Paris was furnished with the readings of 17 manuscripts and 3 older editions. White says it is really the foundation of the Clementine Vulgate. It fell, however, under censure. (W., D.) Other e