ayrs l^tt ISA | THE DAY Y MISSIONS LIB^Airy ''YALE UNIVET. .11' miiiimitnniTOfTO" nAnwHlMmiiimim. & DONATED BY THE NEW HAVEN BRANCH OF THE WOMAN'S BOARD OF MISSIONS ^J.fc^ <£^TL-^ MEMOIR LIFE AND LABORS REV.ADONIMM JUDSON, D.D. BY PEANCIS WAYLAND, PRESIDENT OF BROWN UNIVERSITY. To preach the goflpel in the rcgiona beyond. — 2 Cob. x. 16. IN TWO VOLUMES. Vol. I. NEW YOKK: SHELDON & COMPANY. *- 115 NASSAU STREET. Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1853, by EMILY 0. JUDSON, b. the Clerk'fl Office of the DMibJ Court of the Northern District of New York. PREFACE. When, in compliance with the request of the Executive Committee of the American Baptist Missionary Union, and of the widow of the late Dr. Judson, I undertook to compile the follow ing Memoir, I supposed that a large amount of his correspondence and other writings would be easily accessible. In this respect, however, I was entirely disappointed. From peculiar views of duty, Dr. Judson had caused to be destroyed all his early letters Avritten to his family, together with all his papers of a personal character. Mrs. Ann H. Judson, from prudential reasons, during their captivity in Ava, destroyed all his letters in her possession. Manuscripts were also consumed by the burning of Mr. Stevens's house in Maulmain. Dr. Judson's correspondence with Dr. Staughton perished by the shipwreck of a vessel on the passage from Philadelphia to Wash- 3 PREFACE. ington. Last of all, his letters to his mis sionary brethren in Burmah were lost by the foundering of the ship which was conveying them to this country. My materials, therefore, consisted chiefly of his official correspondence, much of which had been published in mission ary periodicals. To these I have been able to add such letters as had escaped destruction, to gether with very valuable reminiscences from the pen of Mrs. Judson. Enough, however, has been preserved to present his missionary character with remarkable distinctness. His opinions on many subjects can never be recovered, but the record of his deeds is beyond the reach of both fire and flood. My grateful acknowledgments are due to the secretaries of the American Baptist Missionary Union, the Eev. Solomon Peck, D. D., and the Rev. Edward Bright, D. D., for the facilities which they have afforded in the prosecution of my labors. They have placed at my disposal every paper on their files which could add to the interest of the Memoir, and have rendered PREFACE. me efficient aid in every part of my undertaking. To Dr. Bright especially I am under great obli gations for superintending the press, Avhen, from circumstances beyond my control, I Avas unable to perform this labor myself. To the Rev. Rufus Anderson, If. D., the senior secretary of the American Board of Commission ers for Foreign Missions, I am greatly indebted. Not only has he caused to be copied for my use every paper in his possession relating to the con nection of Dr. Judson with that society, but he has at all times granted me the aid of his em inent abilities and profound acquaintance with every department of missionary service. Whatever value this Memoir may possess must be ascribed, in no small degree, to the assistance which I have received from Mrs. Judson. She arranged for me all the letters and papers, furnished me with information which no other person could possess, and has com municated notes and reminiscences which will be found to be among the most interesting por tions of the work. l* 6 PREFACE. I should do injustice to my own feelings were I to close this preface Avithout recording my obligations to the publishers, Messrs. Phil lips, Sampson, & Co. Their arrangements have been characterized by great liberality; their promptness and punctuality have left nothing to be desired; and the interest Avhich they have taken in the publication can only be ap preciated by those whose duty it is to labor in this sometimes harassing vocation. An ac knowledgment of my obligations is also due to the gentlemen of the Boston Stereotype Foundry, for the fidelity and taste with which they have carried forward their part of the work. In the humble hope that these volumes Avill throw some valuable light upon the subject of Christian missions, and thus serve the cause to which the life of Dr. Judson Avas devoted, they are submitted to the candid consideration of the Christian public. Bkoato University, August 5 1853. CONTENTS OF THE FIRST VOLUME. CHAPTER I. PARENTAGE. — CHILDHOOD AND YOUTH. — LIFE IN COLLEGE. ENTERS THE THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY AT ANDOVER, . 11 CHAPTER II. RESIDENCE AT ANDOVER. — CONVERSION. — FIRST IMPULSES TOWARDS MISSIONARY LABOR. — MISSIONARY ASSOCIA TIONS. — ORIGIN OF THE AMERICAN BOARD OF COMMISSION ERS 21 CHAPTER III. MISSION TO ENGLAND. — CAPTURE, AND DETENTION IN FRANCE. — INTER VIEWS WITH THE DIRECTORS OF THE LONDON MISSIONARY SOCTET Y. - RETURNS TO THE UNITED 7 i CONTENTS. STATES. — APPOINTED A MISSIONARY OF THE AMERICAN BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS FOR FOREIGN MISSIONS.— MARRIAGE AND ORDINATION. — RELATIONS WITH THE BOARD, . 63 - CHAPTER IV. EMBARKATION. — ARRIVAL IN INDIA — CHANGE OF VIEWS ON BAPTISM. — COURSE OF THE EAST INDIA COMPANY. — ESCAPE TO THE ISLE OF FRANCE. — PASSAGES TO MADRAS AND RANGOON. — FORMATION OF THE BAPTIST GENERAL CONVENTION FOR FOREIGN MISSIONS 93 CHAPTER V. THE BURMAN EMPIRE. — EXTENT. — RIVERS. — POPULATION — RESOURCES. — GOVERNMENT. — RELIGION CHAPTER VI. ENTRANCE UPON MISSIONARY WORK. — HIS VIEWS OF THAT WORK. - ACQUISITION OF THE LANGUAGE. - PROGRESS OF THE MISSION. -VOYAGE TO MADRAS 154 CHAPTER VII. CONFIDENCE IN GOD. - VIEWS OF THE IMPORTANCE OF PREACHING THE GOSPEL. -THAT WORK COMMENCED. - OPENING OF THE ZAYAT. - FIRST CONVERTS TO THE CHRIS- TIAN RELIGION. -PREPARATIONS FOR VISITING AVA, , 304 CONTENTS. 9 CHAPTER VIII. FIRST VISIT TO AVA. — RETURN TO RANGOON. - PROGRESS OF THE GOSPEL. — NEW STATION AT CHITTAGCNG. — FAIL URE OF MRS. JUDSON'S HEALTH. — VOYAGE TO BENGAL, .246 CHAPTER IX. RETURN TO RANGOON. — GROWTH OF THE CHURCH. — IN CREASED ILLNESS OF MRS. JUDSON. — SAILS FOR THE UNITED STATES. — THE MISSION RE-ENFORCED. — SECOND VISIT TO AVA. — TRANSLATION OF THE NEW TESTAMENT COMPLETED, ... . ! CHAPTER X. HOPEFUL PROSPECTS OF THE MISSION — PASSAGE UP THE IRRAWADI WAR BETWEEN THE ENGLISH AND I'URMANS. — IMPRISONMENT OF DR. JUDSON AT AVA AND OTNG-PEN- LA. — HIS RELEASE. — PERSONAL REMINISCENCES, . . . ! CHAPTER XI. MISSION TRANSFERRED TO THE TENASSERIM PROVINCES. — REMOVES TO AMHERST. — EMBASSY TO AVA. —SYSTEM OF MISSIONARY REGULATIONS. — DEATH OF MRS. JUDSON. — DEATH OF HIS ONLY CHILD. — REMOVES TO MAULMAIN. — DEATH OF HIS FATHER, 401 10 CONTKNTS. CHAPTER XII. LABORS AT MAUI MAIN. — ORDINATION OF BURMESE PAS TORS. - MUNIFICENT GIFT. - LETTER TO SIR ARCHIBALD CAMPBELL. —VIEWS OF HIGHER ATTAINMENTS IN RELI GION. — PREPARATION OF WORKS FOR THE PRESS. — SE CLUSION, 44S CHAPTER XIII. REVISITS RANGOON. — PASSAGE TO PROME — SOJOURN AT PROME. — RESIDENCE AT RANGOON. — PROGRESS IN TRANS LATING THE SCRIPTURES. — RETURN TO MAULMAIN. — RE VIEW OF HIS AUSTERITIES. — THE KARENS 485 MEMOIR OF DE. JUDSON, CHAPTER I. PARENTAGE. — CHILDHOOD AND YOUTH. — LIFE IN COLLEGE - ENTERS THE THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY AT ANDOVER. 1788-1808. Adoniram Judson, the senior Baptist missionary to Burmah, was born in Maiden, Massachusetts, on the 9th of August, 1788. He was the eldest son of Adoniram and Abigail Judson. Rev. Adoniram Judson,* the father, was born in * I am indebted to the Rev. S. Hopkins. Emery, of Taunton, Mas sachusetts, for the following memoranda of the Judson family. In some cases both the names and dates differ from those which I have received from the family. I am unable to explain the discre pancy between the two accounts. ¦• Adoniram Judson, father of the missionary to Burmah, was the son of Elnathan and Rebecca [not Mary] Judson." Elnathan, the father of Adoniram senior, married Rebecca Minor, June 30, 1736. This Rebecca was daughter of Ephraim and Rebecca Minor, and granddaughter of Captain John Minor, the first settler of Woodbury, and Indian interpreter. She was bom January 30, 1712. Captain Elnathan Judson died December 14, 1796, aged eighty-four years. They had children as follows : — 1. Ephraim, (a clergyman, some timg settled in Taunton, Massa- (") 12 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. Woodbury, Connecticut, in June, 1752, and was the youngest son of Elnathan and Mary Judson. He was married November 23, 1786, to Abigail Brown, a native of Tiverton, Rhode Island, born December 15, 1759, eldest daughter of Abraham and Abigail Brown. The children of Adoniram and Abigail Judson were, 1. Adoniram, born in Maiden, Massachusetts, Au gust 9, 1788. 2. Abigail Brown Judson, bom in Maiden, Massa chusetts, March 21, 1791, now residing in Plymouth. chusetts, and afterwards in Sheffield, Massachusetts,) born December 5, 1737, baptized December 11, 1737. 2. Thaddeus, baptized October 14, 1739. 3. Mary, baptized October 18, 1741. Married to Edward Pond, November 7, 1765. 4. Noah, baptized July 15, 1744. 5. Elisha, " " 20, 1746. And died in. infancy. 6. Elisha 2d, baptized November 8, 1747. 7. Adoniram, " July 15, 1750. Elnathan, the grandfather of the missionary, was born May 8, 1712. He had brothers, Elisha, who died young, Elisha 2d, and Peter ; also, sisters Abigail, Martha, and Jerusha. They were the children of Jonathan Judson, who married Mary Mitchell, daughter of Deacon Matthew Mitchell, August 22, 1711. Jonathan, the great-grandfather of the missionary, was born De cember, 1684. He was the son of John Judson, who married, 1673, Elizabeth Chapman, of Stamford ; and was again married in 1699, to Mrs. Mary Orton, of Parmington. Jonathan had two brothers and two sisters. ' Their father, John, was the son of Joseph, who came to this coiin- try at the age of fifteen, lived first at Concord, then at Stratford, and married Sarah Porter, of Windsor. Joseph had eleven children. His father was named William, the progenitor of the Judsons in this country. He came from Yorkshire, England, in 1634, bringing three sons, Joseph, Jeremiah, and Joshua. The above facts were collected from the Stratford and Wood bury records, by William Cothren, Esq., of Woodbury, Connecticut, who is making out a genealogical account of the family. PARENTAGE. 13 3. Elnathan Judson, born in Wenham, Massachu setts, May 28, 1794. He was a surgeon in U. S. N., and died in "Washington, District of Columbia, 1829. 4. Mary Ellice Judson, born in Wenham, February 18, 1796, and died September 12 of the same year. Rev. Adoniram Judson, the father, was first settled in the ministry, if I mistake not, at Maiden, Massa chusetts. This must have been prior to the year 1788. He was invited to become the pastor of the church in Wenham in November, 1792, and was installed there in the following December. He continued the pastor of this church until the close of the year 1799, when, at his own solicitation, he was dismissed. In 1802, he was installed as pastor of one of the churches in Plymouth. Here he remained about fifteen years. Having changed his sentiments on the subject of baptism, he was dismissed in 1817. He died at Scituate, Massachusetts, November 25, 1826, aged seventy-six. Mr. Judson was a man of vigorous mind, resolute will, and strong common sense. His judgments were generally accurate, and his reliance upon them im plicit. He was rather fitted to command than to obey, and his system of domestic government, prob ably, belonged more to the patriarchal than to the present dispensation. Though not, so far as I dis cover, ambitious of personal distinction, he appears to have coveted eminence for his children with more than a wise eagerness ; and to have been in the habit of stimulating his son to exertion by the assurance that he would certainly become a great man. The propriety of creating these anticipations in the minds of the young is at best doubtful. Talent generally reveals itself, at a sufficiently early period, to the vol. i. 2 14 MEMO E OF DE. JUDSON. consciousness of its possessor. To have done a thing is the proper proof to a young man that he can do it. It is, besides, the only reliable evidence of his actual ability. To encourage extravagant anticipations of success in the mind of a child is commonly to sow the seeds of oddity and arrogance, and render ulti mate failure almost inevitable. I had once or twice the pleasure of spending a few hours with Mr. Judson, after he had passed the sev entieth year of his age. His appearance has left a deep impression on my recollection, now that nearly thirty years have glided away. He was, as I remem ber him, a man of decidedly imposing appearance. His stature was rather above the average height. His white hair, erect position, grave utterance, and some what taciturn manner, together with the position which he naturally took in society, left you somewhat at a loss whether to class him with a patriarch of the Hebrews, or a • censor of the Romans. He was, through life, esteemed a man of inflexible integrity, and uniform consistency of Christian character. The son, at an early age, gave promise of unusual ability. His intellect was acute, his power of acqui sition great, and his perseverance unflagging. To these elements of character he added a love of preem inence which seems to have been carried somewhat to excess. His temper was amiable ; specially so in his own family. From early years he seems to have been remarked for uncommon self-reliance. Thus endowed, it may readily be believed that he was gen erally the acknowledged leader in the little circles to which he became attached. Young Judson was taught to read by his mother, when only three years old. His father had gone from indications of unusual ability. 15 home on a short journey, and she, wishing to surprise her husband, took the opportunity to teach the child to read during his absence. He learned so rapidly that he was able to give his father a chapter of the Bible on his return. In speaking of this and other similar things, he said that he was not aware of being injured by the forcing system, but he should certainly not pre scribe it for his children. On the 17th of August, 1804, Mr. Judson entered Providence College, now Brown University, one year in advance. He was then in his sixteenth year. His contemporaries all unite in representing him to have been a young man of studious and secluded hab its, attaining to perfection in every exercise, and scru pulously careful to devote every moment of his time to intellectual improvement. During a part of' his collegiate course, he was engaged in the instruction of a school in Plymouth. At the close of his senior year, he received the highest appointment for com mencement, an English oration, with the valedictory addresses. This appointment was sufficient to prove that Mr. Judson was, in the opinion of his instructors, the first scholar in his class. But it is evident that, beyond this, they considered him a young man of rare attain ments and extraordinary promise. The late Rev. Dr. Messer, then president of the university, a man chary of praise, and eminently cautious in his judgments, wrote the following letter to the father of the. future missionary during the first year of his collegiate resi dence : — Buown University, April 30, 1805. Rev. Sir : Notwithstanding the greatness of my present hurry, I must drop you a word respecting your son ; and this, 16 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. I can assure you, is not by way of complaint. A uniform propriety of conduct, as well as an intense application to study, distinguishes his character. Your expectations of him, however sanguine, must certainly be gratified. I most heart ily congratulate you, my dear sir, on that charming prospect which you have exhibited in this very amiable and promising son ; and I most heartily pray that the Father of mercies may make him now, while a youth, a son in his spiritual fam ily, and give him an earnest of the inheritance of the saints in light. I am, very respectfully, Your friend and servant, Asa Messer. Shortly after leaving college, Mr. Judson published a work on English Grammar. A recommendation of the book by his former instructors, Rev. Drs. Messer and Park, holds the following language : — Providence, February 15, 1808. Sir : In expressing our opinion of your " Elements of English Grammar," we ought, perhaps, to remind you, that that opinion may possibly be affected by a recollection of the very worthy and honorable manner in which you pursued the whole of your collegiate course, and in which, when less than twenty years old, you finished it at the last commencement. Be this as it may, you may be certain that the work has given us much gratification. It exhibits a fresh instance of the ingenious literary enterprise and perseverance of its author ; and should you conclude to give it to the public, it will, ire hope, meet, as it merits, a generous patronage. We remain, with respect, Your affectionate friends, Asa Messer. Calvin Park. childhood. 17 The fo lowing reminiscences of young Judson ex tend from his early boyhood until a short time after his graduation. They contain all that can be elicited from the recollections of his surviving relatives re specting this period of his history. Dr. Judson's sister remembers, with an interest which, no doubt, obtained a very important accession from the events of after life, that, at the age of four years, little Adoniram used to collect the children of the neighborhood about him, and mounting a chair, go through with the exercises of the pulpit with singular earnestness, and greatly to the admiration of his auditors. This was a favorite reminiscence of his parents ; and they never forgot that the hymn usually put forth on these occasions was the one commencing, " Go preach my gospel, saith the Lord." Adoniram was about seven years old, when, having been duly instructed that the earth is a spherical body, and that it revolves around the sun, it became a serious question, in his mind, whether or not the sun moved at all. He might have settled the point by asking his father or mother; but that would have spoiled all his pleasant speculations, and probably would have been the very last thing to occur to him. His little sis ter, whom alone he consulted, said the sun did move, for she could see it ; but he had learned already, in this matter, to distrust the evidence of his senses, and he talked so wisely about positive proof, that she was astonished and silenced. Soon after this, he was one day missed about midday ; and as he had not been seen for several hours, his father became un easy, and went in search of him. He was found in a field, at some distance from the house, stretched on his back, his hat with a circular hole cut in the crown, laid over his face, and his swollen eyes almost blinded with the intense light and heat. He only told his father that he was looking at the sun ; but he assured his sister that he had solved the problem with re gard to the sun's moving, though she never could comprehend the process by which he arrived at the result. 2* 18 MEJtOIR OP DE. JUDSON. He was noted among his companions for uncommon acute- ness in the solution of charades and enigmas, and retained a great store of them in his memory, for the purpose of puzzling his schoolfellows. On one occasion, he found, in a newspaper, an enigma rather boastfully set forth, and accompanied by a challenge for a solution. He felt very sure that he had " guessed riddles as hard as that," and gave himself no rest until he had discovered a satisfactory answer. This he copied out in as fair a hand as possible, addressed it to the editor, and with no confidant but his sister, conveyed it to the post office. But the postmaster supposed it to be some mischievous prank of the minister's son, and he accordingly placed the letter in the hands of the father. The poor boy's surprise and discom fiture may be imagined, when he saw it paraded on the table after tea. " Is that yours, Adoniram ? " " Yes, sir." " How came you, to write it ? " Silence. " What is it about ? " Falteringly, " Please read it, father." " I do not read other people's letters. Break the seal, and read it yourself." Adoni ram broke the seal, and mumbled over the contents, then placed the letter in his father's hands. He read it, called for the newspaper which had suggested it, and after reading and re-reading both, laid them on the table, crossed his hands on his knees, and looked intently into the fire. Meantime Adoni ram stood silently watching his countenance, speculating on the chances of his being treated as a culprit, or praised for his acutcness. But the father woke from his revery, the subject of conversation was changed, and the letter never heard of afterwards. The next morning, Adoniram's father gravely in formed him that he had purchased for his use a book of riddles, a very common one, but as soon as he had solved all that it con tained, he should have more difficult books. " You are a very acute boy, Adoniram," he added, patting him on the head with unusual affection, " and I expect you to become a great man." Adoniram seized upon the book of riddles joyfully, and was a good deal surprised and disappointed to find it the veritable arithmetic which the larger boys in Master Dodge's school were studying But then his father had praised him, and if CHILDHOOD. 19 there was any thing puzzling in the arithmetic, he was sure I13 should like it ; and so he prepared to enter upon the study with alacrity. Before reaching his tenth year, he had gained quite a repu tation for good scholarship, especially in arithmetic. A gen tleman residing in the neighboring town of Beverly sent him a problem, with the offer of a dollar for the solution. Adoni ram immediately shut himself in his chamber. The reward was tempting ; but, more important still, his reputation was at stake. On the morning of the second day, he was called from his seclusion to amuse his little brother, who was ill. He went reluctantly, but without murmuring, for the government of his parents was of a nature that no child would think of resisting. His task was to build a cob house. He laid an unusually strong foundation, with unaccountable slowness and hesitation, and was very deliberately proceeding with the superstructure, when suddenly he exclaimed, " That's it ! I've got it ! " and sending the materials for the half-built house rolling about the room, he hurried off to his chamber to record the result. The problem was solved, the dollar was won,* and the boy's reputa tion established. At the age of ten he was sent to one Captain Morton, of whom he took lessons in navigation, in which he is said to have made decided progress. In the grammar school he was notod for his proficiency in the Greek language. His schoolmates nicknamed him Virgil, or (in allusion to the peculiar style of the hat which he wore, as well as to his studious habits) " old Virgil dug up." As a boy, he was spirited, self-confident, and exceedingly enthusiastic, very active and energetic, but fonder of his books than of play. His sister has a vivid recollection of his affectionate tenderness towards her, and of his great kindness to inferior animals. He was very fond of desultory reading ; and as there were no books for children at that period, he alternated between the books of theology, found in his father's library, and the novels of Richardson and Fielding, or the plays of Ben Jonson, which he was able to borrow in the neighborhot d. It is not probable that his father 20 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. encouraged this latter class of reading ; but the habits of self- dependence , which he had thought proper to cultivate in his son, left his hours of leisure mostly untrammelled ; and seeing the greediness with which the biy occasionally devoured books of the gravest character, it very likely had not occurred to him that he could feel the least possible interest in any work of the imagination. Before Adoniram was twelve years of age, he had heard visitors at his father's talk a great deal of a new exposition of the Apocalypse, which they pronounced a work of rare inter est Now, the Revelation was the book that, of all others in the Bible, he delighted most to read ; and he had searched the few commentators his father possessed without getting much light upon its mysteries. The new exposition was owned by a very awe-inspiring gentleman in the neighbor hood ; but Adoniram felt that he must have it, and after com bating a long time with his bashfulness, he at last determined on begging the loan of it. He presented himself in the great man's library, and was coldly and sternly refused. For once, his grief and mortification were so great that he could not conceal the affair from his father. He received more sympa thy than he anticipated. " Not lend it to you ! " said the good man, indignantly ; " I wish he could understand it half as well. You shall have books, Adoniram, just as many as you can read, and I'll go to Boston myself for them." He performed his promise, but the desired work on the Apocalypse, perhaps for judicious reasons, was not obtained. When about fourteen years of age, his studies were inter rupted by a serious attack of illness, by which he was reduced to a state of extreme weakness, and for a long time his re covery was doubtful. It was more than a year before he was able to resume his customary occupations. Previous to this, he had been too actively engaged to devote much time to thought ; but as soon as the violence of the disease subsided, he spent many long days and nights in reflecting on his future course. His plans were of the most extravagantly ambitious character. Now he was an orator, now a poet, now a states- YOUTH. 21 man ; but whatever his character or profession, he was sure in his castle juilding to attain to the highest eminence. After a time, one thought crept into his mind, and imbittered all his musings. Suppose he should attain to the very highest pinna cle of which human nature is capable ; what then ? Could he hold his honors forever ? His favorites of other ages had long since been turned to dust, and what was it to them that the world still jpraised them ? What would it be to him, when a hundred years had gone by, that America had never known his equal ? He did not wonder that Alexander wept when at the summit of his ambition ; he felt very sure that he should have wept too. Then he would become alarmed at the extent of his own wicked soarings, and try to comfort him self with the idea that it was all the result of the fever in his brain. One day his mind reverted to religious pursuits. Yes, an eminent divine was rerj well, though he should of course pre fer something more brilliant. Gradually, and without his be ing aware of his own train of thought, his mind instituted a comparison between the great worldly divine, toiling for the same perishable objects as his other favorites, and the humble minister of the gospel, laboring only to please God and bene fit his fellow-men. There was (so he thought) a sort of sub limity about that, after all. Surely the world was all wrong, or such a self-abjuring man would be its hero. Ah, but the good man had a reputation more enduring. Yes, yes, his fame was sounded before him as he entered the other world ; and that was the only fame worthy of the possession, because the only one that triumphed over the grave. Suddenly, in the midst of his self-gratulation, the words flashed across his mind, " Not unto us, not unto us, but to Thy name be the glory." He was confounded. Not that he had actually mftde himself the representative of this last kind of greatness ; it was not sufficiently to his taste for that ; but h had ventured on dan gerous ground, and he was startled by a flood of feelings that had till now remained dormant. He had always saic1 and thought, so far as he had thought any thing about it, that he ' 22 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. wished to become .ruly religious ; but now religion seemed so entirely opposed to all his ambitious plans, that he was afraid to look into his heart, lest he should discover what he did not like to confess, even to himself — that he did not want to become a Christian. He was fully awake to the vanity of worldly pursuits, and was, on the whole, prepared to yield the palm of excellence to religious ones ; but his father had often said he would one day be a great man, and a great man he had re solved to be. He entered college at sixteen, a year in advance ; and having lost his fifteenth year by illness, he was obliged to devote him self very closely to his studies, and seldom gave himself any respite, even during the vacations. He was ambitious to ex cel ; and a classmate says of him, he has " no recollection of his ever failing, or even hesitating, in recitation." He had a powerful rival in his friend Bailey,* and this probably added zest to his ambition. When he received the highest appointment in the commencement exercises, his delight knew no bounds. He hurried to his room, and wrote, " Dear father, I have got it. Your affectionate son, A. J." He then took a circuitous route to the post office, that he might quiet the beat ings of his heart, and appear with propriety before his class mates, and especially before his rival friend. It was at this period that French infidelity was sweeping over the land like a flood ; and free inquiry in matters of reli gion was supposed to constitute part of the education of every man of spirit. Young Judson did not escape the contamina tion. In the class above him was a young man by the name of E , who was amiable, talented, witty, exceedingly agreeable in person and manners, but a confirmed Deist. A very strong friendship sprang up between the two young men, founded on similar tastes and sympathies ; and Judson soon became, at least professedly, as great an unbeliever as his friend. The subject of a profession was often discussed * The late Hon. John Bailey, member of Congress from Massa- chusetts. HIS FIRST TOUR. 23 between them. At o le time, they proposed entering the law, because it afforded so wide a scope for political ambition; and at another, they discussed their own dramatic powers, with a view to writing plays. v Immediately on closing the school at Plymouth, Judson set out on a tour through the Northern States. After visiting some of the New England States, he left the horse with which his father had furnished him with an uncle in Shef field, Massachusetts, and proceeded to Albany to see the won der of the world, the newly-invented Robert Fulton steam er. She was about proceeding on her second trip to New York, and he gladly took passage in her. The magnificent scenery of the Hudson had then excited comparatively little attention, and its novelty and sublimity could not fail to make a deep and lasting impression on one of Judson's ardent and adventurous spirit. Indeed, during his last illness, he de scribed it with all the enthusiasm that he might have done in his youth. His name was frequently mistaken for that of Johnson ; and it-occurred to him that, in the novel scenes be fore him, he might as well use this convenient disguise, in order to see as deeply into the world as possible. He there fore, without actually giving out the name with distinctness, or ever writing it down, became Mr. Johnson. He had not been. long in New York before he contrived to attach himself to a theatrical company, not with the design of entering upon the stage, but partly for the purpose of familiarizing himself with its regulations, in case he should enter upon his literary pro jects, and partly from curiosity and love of adventure. Before setting out upon his tour he had unfolded his infidel sentiments to his father, and had been treated with the severi ty natural to a masculine mind that has never doubted, and to a parent who, after having made innumerable sacrifices for the son of his pride and his love, sees him rush recklessly on his own destruction. His mother also, was no less distressed, and she wept, and prayed, and expostulated. He knew his superiority to his father in argument ; but he had nothing to oppose to his mother's tears and warnings, and they followed 24 MEMOIR OF DK. JUDSON. him now wherever he went. He knew that he was on th<: verge of such a life as he despised. For the world he would not see a young brother in his' perilous position ; but " I," he thought, " am in no danger. I am only seeing the world — the dark side of it, as well as the bright; and I have too much self-respect to do any thing mean or vicious." After seeing what he wished of New York, he returned to Sheffield for his horse, intending to pursue his journey westward. His uncle, Rev. Ephraim Judson, was absent, and a very pious young man occupied his place. His conversation was characterized by a godly sincerity, a solemn but gentle earnestness, which addressed itself to the heart, and Judson went away deeply impressed. The next night he stopped at a country inn. The landlord mentioned, as he lighted him to his room, that he had been obliged to place him next door to a young man who was ex ceedingly ill, probably in a dying state ; but he hoped that it would occasion him no uneasiness. Judson assured him that, beyond pity for the poor sick man, he should have no feel ing whatever, and that now, having heard of the circumstance, his pity would not of course be increased by the nearness of the object. But it was, nevertheless, a very restless night. Sounds came from the sick chamber — sometimes the move ments of the watchers, sometimes the groans of the sufferei , but it was not these which disturbed him. He thought of what the landlord had said — the stranger was probably in a dying state ; and was he prepared ? Alone, and in the dead of night, he felt a blush of shame steal over him at the ques tion", for it proved the shallowness of his philosophy. What would his late companions say to his weakness ? The clear- minded, intellectual, witty E , what would he say to such consummate boyishness ? But still his thoughts would revert to the sick man. Was he a Christian, calm and strong in the hope of a glorious immortality ? or was he shuddering upon the brink of a dark, unknown future ? Perhaps he was a " freethinker," educated by Christian parents, and prayed over by a Christian mother. The landlord had described him PREPARATION OF TEXT BOOKS. 25 as a young man ; and in imagination he was fc reed to place himself upon the dying bed, though he strove with all Lis might against it. At last morning came, and the bright flood of light which it poured into his chamber dispelled all his " superstitious illusions." As soon as he had risen, he went in search of the landlord, and inquired for his fellow-lodger. " He is dead," was the reply. " Dead ! " " Yes, he is gone, poor fellow ! The doctor said he would probably not survive the night." " Do you know who he was ? " " 0, yes ; it was a young man from Providence College — a very fine fellow ; his name was E ." Judson was completely stunned. After hours had passed, he knew not how, he attempted to pursue his journey. But one single thought occupied his mind, and the words, Dead ! lost ! lost ! were continually ring ing in his ears. He knew the religion of the Bible to be true ; he felt its truth ; and he was in despair. In this state of mind he resolved to abandon his scheme of travelling, and at once turned his horse's head towards Plymouth. Mr. Judson graduated Bachelor, of Arts on Septem ber 2, 1807. On the 17th of the same month, he opened a private school in the town of Plymouth, where his parents then resided. February 25, 1808, he completed his " Elements of English Grammar." I have before me a copy of this work. It was pub lished in Boston, by Cushing & Lincoln, and is, I presume, a good epitome of the forms and laws of the language. In July of the same year, he com pleted and published " The Young Lady's Arithme tic," which was, at the time, a valuable text book for schools. The preparation of two works of this kind, in addition to the labors of a school, indicates that, at this early period, he had inured himself to strenuous and enterprising labor. August 9, 1808, he closed his school, and com menced the journey through the Northern States, of vol. i. 3 26 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. which mention is made in the preceding memoranda. He returned to Plymouth,. September 22, with his mind deeply impressed with the necessity of personal religion. At this crisis, the Rev. Dr. Griffin and the Rev. Moses Stuart, both professors in the Theological Seminary at Andover, visited his father. They pro posed that he should enter that seminary. He seems to have been for some time undecided, and a few days afterwards engaged himself as an assistant to a teach er in Boston. This situation, however, he soon relin quished, and proceeded to Andover to connect himself with the seminary. He entered the institution in Oc tober, not as a professor of religion and candidate for the ministry, but as a person deeply in earnest on the subject, and (.'.esirous of arriving at the truth. CHAPTER II. RESIDENCE AT ANDOVER. — CONVERSION. — FIRST IMPULSES TOWARDS MISSIONARY LABOR MISSIONARY ASSOCIATIONS — ORIGIN -.- THE AMERICAN BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS. 1808-1810. Mr. Judson removed to Andover October 12, 1808. He was at first admitted as a special student ; that is, he was permitted to attend the various courses of in struction in the seminary ; but, having made no pro fession of religion, he could not be received as a mem ber in full standing. As he entered at once upon the studies of the second year, he must already have made considerable proficiency in the languages of the Old and New Testaments. At this period, he had no hope of pardon through Christ. He had become thoroughly dissatisfied with the views of life which he had formerly cherished. Aware of his personal sinfulness, and conscious that he needed some great moral transformation, he yet doubted the authenticity of revealed religion, and clung to the deistical sentiments which he had lately imbibed. His mind did not readily yield to the force of evidence. This is by no means an uncommon case ; nor is it at all difficult of explanation. A deeply-seated dislike to the humbling doctiines of the cross frequently assumes the form of inability to apply the common principles of evidence to the case of revealed religion. Men of unusual strength of will, and a somewhat too confident reliance on the decisions of their individual intellect, are peculiarly liable to fall into this error. 28 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. Mr. Judson's moral nature was, however, thoroughly arousec", and he was deeply in earnest on the subject of religion. The professors of the theological semi nary encouraged his residence at the institution, wisely judging that so diligent an inquirer must soon arrive at the truth. The result justified their anticipations. In the calm retirement of Andover, guided in his studies by men the praise of whose learning and piety is in all the churches, with nothing to distract his at tention from the great concerns of eternity, light grad ually dawned upon his mind, and he was enabled to surrender his whole soul to Christ as his atoning Sa vior. This event occurred in November, about six weeks after his removal to Andover. On the 2d of December, 1808, as he has recorded, he made a solemn dedication of himself to God. On the 28th of May, 1809, he made a public profession of religion, and joined the Third Congregational Church in Plymouth, of which his father was then pastor. The change in Mr. Judson's religious character was not attended by those external indications of moral excitement which are frequently observed. The reformation wrought in him was, however, deep and radical. With unusual simplicity of purpose, he yielded himself up once and forever to the will of God, and, without a shadow of misgiving, relied upon Christ as his all-sufficient Savior. From the moment of his conversion, he seems never, through life, to have been harassed by a doubt of his acceptance with God. The new creation was so manifest to his con sciousness, that, in the most decided form, he had the witness in himself. His plans of life were, of course, entirely reversed. He banished forever those dreams of literary and political anbitio" in which he had FIRST IMPULSES TOWARDS MISSIONARY LABOR. 29 formerly indulged, and simply asked himself, How shall I so order my future being as best to please God ? The portions of his correspondence which beiong to this period indicate an earnest striving after persona- holiness, and an snthusiastic consecration of every endowment to the service of Christ. In June, 1809, he received and declined the ap pointment to a tutorship in Brown University. In September of the same year, he read, for the first time, Buchanan's " Star in the East." It was this that led him to reflect upon the personal duty of devoting his life to the cause of missions. The subject occupied his prayerful attention until February, 1810, when he finally resolved, in obedience to what he be lieved to be the command of God, to become a mis sionary to the heathen. The following letters and reminiscences will, I think, enable us to form a tolerably definite conception of Mr. Judson's religious character during his preparation for the ministry, and of the impression which he made upon his instructors and friends : — From the Rev. Gardner Spring, D. D., to Mrs. Emily C. Judson. . . . Your departed husband and I were members of the same class ; met daily for religious and scholastic pur poses ; and our intercourse was uniformly, and to the last, of the most pleasant kind. His youthful heart was glowing with zeal for the extension of the gospel to this lost world. He often conversed on the subject with me, and once desired me to ascertain the visws of my deceased father * in regard to the practicability and wisdom of the enterprise which issued in his own personal devotement to the missionary cause. There were other young men in the seminary of like sympa- * Thr late Eev.. Dr. Spring, of Newburyport. 3* 30 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. fhies, whose names you know. They formed a lovely cluster of the fruits of the Spirit, whose fragrance has many a time diffused itself over my own barren heart, and is allied to some of the sweeter memories of my ministry. From the Rev. Dr. Woods, of Andover, toMrs.Emilg C. Judson. I wish I could do more in compliance with your request than I am able to do. I have had letters from Dr. Judson ; but they were on business, and are not now easily found. My recollections of him are very distinct and very interesting. When l.e first came to Andover, he was, as he described him self in the church at Hamilton, destitute of the love of God, altogether in darknvss and unbelief. But he was soon visited, I trust, with renewing grace, and, after some time, set his heart upon the salvaiion of the heathen. He was of an ardent tem perament, and his ardor showed itself in every thing he un- dertook^. His mind was very active, and he excelled in schol arship. wKen he visited this country, my intercourse with him at Andover and at Hamilton was very delightful. I thought he had made great advances in the divine life, and was adorned with the beauties of holiness. He now is regarded by the Christian world, and that very justly, as a distinguished mis sionary — eminent in labors, in sufferings, and in usefulness His memory is blessed, and God has been glorified in him. Miss Mary Hasseltine, the sister of Mrs. Ann H. Judson, has furnished me with the following reminis cences of this period : — My recollections of his youthful efforts as a preacher are, that he was solemn, impassioned, logical, and highly scriptural, without much of the hortatory, with no far-fetched figure or studied ornament of phrase. I can see his erect, commanding figure in the sacred desk, his manly countenance glowing with celestial fire, laboring intensely to excite in his hearers an interest in those high and holy themes that so fill his own vis ion. Methinks I hear his strains of eloquence as he proceeds : FIRSr IMPULSES TOWARDS MISSIONARY LABOR. 31 " See you that Christless youth, a scorner of God and good ness? His steps take hold on death, his vicious career hastens him onward to the verge of time. At this dread moment, 'terrors take hold on him as waters, as a storm hurleth him out of his place.' He drops into those dark abodes, where hope never comes ; his affrighted spirit shrieks out, How long am I to stay in this place of torment ? From every part of those doleful shades is re^ erberated, Forever, forever, forever." His eloquence and oratory were a transcript of Dr. Griffin's. His first introduction to our family was in the summer of 1810, at the general association of Massachusetts, which met at Bradford. But we had no acquaintance with him until the succeeding autumn. He was then in all the ardor of his first love. It may literally be said, that he was a man of one idea, and that was, love to Jesus, and a desire to manifest it in all its varied forms. Yet he was by nature ardent, impetuous, and ambitious, with the most unshaken confidence in his own judg ment, irrespective of the advice of his seniors. Of these pro pensities he was fully conscious, and against them continually warred. Mrs. Ann H. Judson gives the following testimony to his piety, in a letter to her sisters, after a residence with him of eleven years. She says, " I feel that there is not a better man on the globe than my husband ; not one who labors more strenuously to overcome every unhallowed emotion of his spirit." She further adds, " I have known him to spend whole days in fast ing and prayer, taking no nourishment but a little fruit in the» morning, passing the day at the zayat, and returning in the evening languid and pale." While at Calcutta, the subject of a situation in the college at Fort William was mentioned to him. He remarked, " It would suit my ambitious feelings, but I would by no means indulge them." It was remarked by the excellent Dr. Spring,* that he was aware of young Judson's ambition; but when God should have disciplined him with trials, he woti'l be admirably fitted for his great work. Should « Of Newburyport. 32 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. he be located in a place where a translation of the Scriptures would be required, he was so fine a linguist that he would be the very man to prosecute the arduous task. Some of the letters which follow were written at a later date than the period comprehended within the present chapter. They all, however, relate to the same subject, — the religious sentiments of Mr. Judson pre vious to the time of his embarkation for India, — and I have therefore grouped them together in this place. Letters to Miss Ann Ilasseltine. Andover, December 30, 1810. Sunday Eve. I have been through the labors of another Sabbath. A preacher can say with Pope, " E'en Sunday shines no day of rest to me." Brother Nott preaches this evening ; but, on account of a cold, I stay at home. I am persuaded that the chief reason why we do not enjoy religion is, that we do not try to enjoy it. We are not like a good man who resolved that he would grow in grace. We pervert the doctrine of our dependence to indulging indolence and sinful ease. I have enjoyed some religion to-day, and I think by means of resolv ing in the morning that I would avoid every thing displeasing to God. I have some hope that I shall be enabled to keep this in mind, in whatever I do — Is it pleasing to God ? To assist my memory, I have used the expedient of inscribing it on several articles which frequently meet my sight. Is it not a good plan ? But after all, it will be of no use, unless I resolve, in divine strength, instantly to obey the decision of conscience. December 31. Monday Eve. It is now half after nine, and I have been sitting fifteen minutes with my pen in hand, thinking how to begin. I have this day attained more than ever to what I suppose Christians mean by the enjoyment of God. I have had pleasant seasons at the throne of God. Those lines of Watts have been very sweet to m» — . ¦ . ; 'i ,' ' 'it FIRST IMPULSES TOWARDS MISSIONARY LAJOR. , 33 " Till thou hast brought me to my home, Where fears and doubts can never come, Thy countenano; let me often see, And often thou shr.lt hear from me." 78th of 1st Book. God is waiting to be gracious, and is willing to make us happy in religion, if we would not run away from him. We refuse to open the window shutters, and complain that it is dark. We grieve the Holy Spirit by little sins, and thus lose our only support. Perhaps the secret of living a holy life is to avoid every thing which will displease God and grieve the Spirit, and to be strictly attentive to the means of grace. God has promised that he will regard the man that is of a broken and contrite spirit, and trembleth at his word. He has promised that they that wait upon him shall renew their strength. The Almighty, the immutably faithful, has made this promise. He is not a man, that he should lie, and his arm is not of flesh. " Wait, then, upon the Lord. Of how much real happiness we cheat our souls by preferring a trifle to God ! We have a general intention of living religion ; but we intend to begin to-morrow, or next year. The present moment we prefer giving to the world. " A little more sleep, a little more slum ber." Well, a little more sleep, and we shall sleep in the grave. A few days, and our work will be done. And when it is -once done, it is done to all eternity. A life once spent is irrevocable. It will remain to be contemplated through eter nity. If it be marked with sins, the marks will be indelible. If it has been a useless life, it can never be improved. Such it will stand forever and ever. The same may be said of each day. When it is once past, it is gone forever. All the marks which we put upon it it will exhibit forever. It will never become less true that such a day was spent in such a manner. Each day will not only be a witness of our conduct, but will affect our. everlasting destiny. No day will lose its share of influence in determining where shall be our seat in heaven. How shall we then wish to see each day marked witi usefulness ! It will then be too late to mend its appear ance. It is too late to ni end the days that are past. The 34 / | ,. MEMOIR OP DR. JUDSON. future is in our power. Let us, then, each morning, resolve to send the day into eternity in such a garb as we shall wish it to wear forever. And at night let us reflect that one more day is irrevocably gone, indelibly marked. Good night. January 1, 1811. Tuesday Morn. It is with the utmost sincerity, and with my whole heart, that I wish you, my love, a happy new year. May it be a year in which your walk will be close with God ; your frame calm and serene ; and the road that leads you to the Lamb . marked with purer light. May it be a year in which you will have more largely the spirit of Christ, be raised above sublunary things, and be willing to be disposed of in this world just as God shall please. As every moment of the year will bring you nearer the end of your pilgrimage, may it bring you nearer to God, and find you more prepared to hail the messenger of death as a deliverer and a friend. And now, since I have begun to wish, I will go on. May this be the year in which you will change your name ; in which you will take a final leave of your relatives and native land ; in which you will cross the wide ocean, and dwell on the other side of the world, among a heathen people. What a great change will this year probably effect in our lives ! How very different will be our situation and employment ! If our lives are preserved and our attempt prospered, we shall next -new year's day be in India, and perhaps wish each other a happy new year in the uncouth dialect of Hindostan or Burmah. We shall no more see our kind friends around us, or enjoy the conveniences of civilized life, or go to the house of God with those that keep holy day; but swarthy countenances will every where meet our eye, the jargon of an unknown tongue will assail our ears, and we shall witness the assembling of the heathen to celebrate the worship of idol gods. We shall be weary of the world, and wish for wings like a dove, that we may fly away and be at rest. We shall probably ex perience seasons when we shall be "exceeding sorrowful, even unto death." We shall see many dreary, disconsolate FIRST IMPULSES TOWARDS MISSIONARY LABOR. 35 hours, and feel a sinking of spirits, angu sh of mind, of which now we can form little conception. O, we shall wish to lie down and die. And that time may soon come. One of us may be unable to sustain the heat of the climate and- the change of habits ; and the other may say, with literal truth, over the grave — "By foreign hands thy dying ey es were closed ; By foreign hands thy decent limbs composed ; By foreign hands thy humble grave adorned ; " but whether we shall be honored and mourned by strangers, God only knows. At least, either of us will be certain of one mourner. In view of such scenes shall we not pray with earnestness, " O for an overcoming faith," &c. ? Judson. Letter to Miss Abigail Hasseltine. Divinity College, Andovek, October 25, 1810. I am at a loss what appellation to use in addressing you ; so believe I will use none. Meeting to-day with one Mr. Osgood, from Pembroke, an odd fancy came into my head, that I would write to you ; though I have never seen you, and know scarcely any thing of you, more than that you are Ann's sister, and, I hope, a lover of Jesus. The latter circumstance alone would not have afforded sufficient ground to write ; so you must charge this letter to Ann's account. In mentioning these two circumstances, however, I have mentioned a great deal. From the first I conclude certainly that you are a person by whom this letter will be honored by being received. From the other I am led infinitely higher, even to consider you (is it possible for sinners to attain it ?) an heir of God, and joint heir with Christ to an inheritance, &c. How much is implied in that one phrase, lover of Jesus ! It contains a claim to all the real blessings of this world, and to an eternity of blessings. Love to Jesus is a sure title to the greatest possible happiness ; for Jesus is omnipotent, and has determined to make his friends happy, and surely will not 36 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. forget a single one in whose heart is enkindled one spark oi love. Nor does he intend a partial happiness for his friends. It will be as great as their capacity will admit. Nor does he intend a temporal happiness. It will never have an end. Nor does he intend a happiness eternally stationary. It will be eternally increasing. The happiness of his friends will not only be complete, so as to fill their capacity, but as their capacities will be eternally enlarging, the quantity of happi ness they enjoy will be eternally increasing ; and not merely eternally increasing in the same ratio, but eternally increasing in an eternally accelerated ratio. So that there will unques tionably arrive a moment in the ages of eternity when the additional happiness, that instant superadded to the happiness already enjoyed by each glorified spirit, will almost infinitely outweigh the whole sum of human happiness enjoyed in this world. To all this may he aspire who is a lover of Jesus. Blessed Jesus, thou art no " niggard provider." When thou givest, thou givest like a God. How little do we, sinful, shortsighted worms of the dust, realize these things ! If we did realize them, could we possi bly be agitated by the trifles which daily occur ? Would it be possible for Christians to be impatient under their light afflictions, which are but for a moment ? Should we be unwill ing to bear all the hardships and sufferings which Jesus lays upon us in this world, if we had a realizing conviction that the torment, superadded at some one instant in eternity to the torment already endured by each condemned soul, wiH almost infinitely outweigh all the pain ever suffered in this world ? Reminiscences of Conversations with Dr. Judson. I have often heard Dr. Judson speak of his introduction to Andover, and of the state of utter darkness, and almost de spair, in which he was at the time. I have also heard him tell of the gradual change which came over hjm ; but there was nothing sufficiently striking in it to fasten on ule' memory. There was none of his characteristic impetuosity exhibited FIRST IMPULSES TOWARDS MISSIONARY LABOR. 37 in his conversion ; and he had none of those overpowering, Bunyan-like exercises, either before or after, that would be looked for in a person of his ardent temperament. He was prayerful, reflective, and studious of proofs ; and gradually faith, trust in God, and finally a hope through the merits of Christ, took possession of his soul, he scarcely knew how ; and from the moment that he fully believed, I think he nsvcr doubted. He said he felt as sure that he was an entirely new creature, actuated by new motives and governed by new prin ciples, as he was sure of his own existence. His old habits of thought and feeling, to some extent, clung to him, but they were made subservient to higher purposes ; and though he might still have his objects of ambition, they could never again be of the first moment. The change, though gradual, was too marked, too entire, to admit of a moment's doubt. He had no exercises on the subject of entering the ministry ; it became a matter of course immediately on his indulging a hope. Dr. Judson's letter to Dr. Chapin describes his first meeting with Buchanan's " Star in the East," and its effect upon him. He has often related the same circumstances to me, sometimes giving ludicrous descriptions of his own conduct, but usually ending by thanking God that he had been granted, in any way, such a vivid conception of his duty as to preclude all subse quent hesitancy or faltering. But however extravagant his conduct may have been, I doubt whether his feelings, even then, were stronger than they remained in after life. His missionary views were always of the most comprehensive and engrossing character ; and his remarks in our monthly con certs, and more especially at the close of a day's work in private, were characterized by a high-wrought enthusiasm seldom found in persons of his maturity of years and judgment. He devoured with great greediness every scrap of informa tion concerning Eastern countries ; and it was finally Colonel Symes's " Embassy to Ava " which first turned his thoughts to Burmah. These glowing and overwrought pictures were peculiarly congenial to his romantic spirit; but it is again remarkable that the interest thus excited was never lost; thgt, vpi» i. 4 38 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDS DN. on the contrary, it grew deeper and stronger as the brilliarr'; fancy colors faded. He did not think exclusively of Burmah however, though his predilections for that country were strong His heart from the first was turned entirely to the East, and he was impatient of any thing short of a life devotement. He spent the winter vacation, 1810, at Plymouth, and attended a meeting at Old Dedham, where there was a grea/ revival. Up to this time his parents had not been mads acquainted with his missionary views. He felt an exceedingly great reluctance to break the matter to his father, whose am bitious views with regard to him he very well knew, and who was not likely, he thought, to fall in with a plan of this sort. One evening his father threw out some hints of splendid prospects in the future, and his mother and sister showed by smiling innuendoes that they were in the secret. Adoniram became alarmed, and begged his father to explain himself, as their views with regard to the future might not coincide, and it was desirable to have an understanding on the subject. His father was very sure there would be no difference of opinion, and then proceeded to explain that the Eev. Dr. Griffin had proposed his son as his colleague in " the largest church in Boston." " And you will be so near home ! " added his mother. His heart seemed bursting, and he could not answer either of them. But soon his sister joined in the conversation, and to her he replied, "No, sister; I shall never live in Bos ton. I have much farther than that to go." Steadily and calmly, but most fervidly, he proceeded to describe the course which he had marked out for himself; and though it occa sioned his mother and sister very many tears, his father scarcely offered a word of opposition. He wisely acquiesced in what he probably saw was inevitable. Dr. Griffin had conferred thus early with the elder Judscn, with regard to his son, that he might prevent hini from com mitting himself to any other plan. While at Andover, Mr. Judson's attention tvas first called to the subject of health. He was thought to possess a certain delicacy of constitution, with a tendency to consumption. It FIRST IMPULSES TOWARDS MISSIONARY LABOR. 39 occurred to him, that, if he became a missionary, it was impor tant that he should study the best mode of promoting health and prolonging life, as on these his usefulness would in a great measure depend. He therefore entered into a careful study of physiology, and arrived at certain practical rules, which always afterwards governed him. Among these, the first was, frequently to inhale large quantities of air, so as to expand the lungs to the utmost ; the second, daily to sponge the whole body in cold water ; the third, and above all, to take systematic exercise in walking. All these he carried out to the end of his life, insisting that no exercise, such as gar dening, riding, &c, could be substituted for walking ; that is, could answer as a full substitute. How much the length of his life depended on this, it is impossible to say ; but it is at least illustrative of his character. No man was ever more ready to expose himself to dangers and privations ; but even when doing what would appear to worldly men the most reck- '.ess things, he studied every precaution, and provided himself with every comfort that the case would admit of, and always strove to impress on his missionary associates a similar daring with a similar thoughtfulness. The preceding letters show that, from the time of his self-consecration to the missionary service, he be came, in the highest sense, a man of one idea. He offered himself up a living sacrifice on the altar, and seemed to look forward with pleasure to suffering and affliction, if it were to be endured in the path of Christian duty. It has been already mentioned, that in September, 1809, Mr. Judson first began to consider his personal duty in relation to missions. In February, 1810, he resolved to become a missionary to the heathen. In the interval between these two dates, several young men, whose names have now become familiar to us as household words, joined the seminary from Williams 40 ME_V0m OF DR. JUDSON. College. Among them were Samuel J. Mills, Jr., James Richards, and Luther Rice. They had already formed a missionary society in college, the object of which was to train themselves for the work of mis sions to the heathen. The second article of their constitution was in the following words : " The object of this society shall be to effect, in the persons of its members, a mission or missions to the heathen." In the fifth article it is provided, that " no person shall be admitted who is under an obligation of any kind which shall be incompatible with going on a mission to the heathen." The sixth article is as follows : " Each member shall keep himself absolutely free from every engagement, which, after his prayerful attention, and after consultation with the brethren, shall be deemed incompatible with the object of this society, and shall hold himself in readiness to go on a mission when and where duty may call." This constitution was signed September 7, 1808, about a month before Mr. Judson entered the semi nary at Andover. The most active promoter of this missionary asso ciation in Williams College, I think, without doubt, was Samuel J. Mills. He entered college in 1806, having, as it seems, relinquished secular pursuits, and entered upon a course of education, for the purpose of preparing himself for missionary labor. While in college he presented the subject to James Richards, Luther Rice, and Gordon Hall. With them he united in the formation of this same missionary fraternity, and his whole life, from that time forward, was exclu sively devoted to the work of missions. Several of the members of this society entered the Theological Seminary in 1509. They were here joined MISSIONARY ASSOCIATIONS. 41 by Rev. Samuel Nott, Jr., who, a year before, while studying theology with his father, the Rev. Samuel Nott, D. D., of Franklin, Connecticut, had been deeply impressed with the conviction of his duty to carry the gospel to the heathen. Judson was already consider ing the subject, and in the following February came to a decision. We thus perceive that, in these several places, the Spirit of God was leading different indi viduals to dedicate themselves to the cause of the heathen. In 1809 and 1810 they were brought to gether at Andover, and becoming known to each oth er, were soon united in bonds of Christian affection. Henceforward their plans were formed in common. One leading impulse moved them all. They conversed together, they prayed together, and they labored to gether to kindle the missionary flame in Andover, in many of the colleges in our country, and among the churches wherever they were called to preach. In this manner they cultivated the spirit of self-devotion in their own hearts, and were anxiously looking for those indications of divine Providence which should point out the way in which their desires might be ac complished. Mr. Judson's name was not affixed to the constitu tion of this missionary association until 1811. The reason of this apparent delay is, I presume, found in the fact that the society existed for several years, in Williams College, before it was removed to Andover ; and he probably, in this formal manner, united with his brethren as soon as an opportunity was afforded. It has been supposed that the young men at Wil liams College, and all their associates but Judson, had directed their attention exclusively to western mis sions, until they met him at Andover. This opinion 4* 42 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. is, I think, incorrect. Mr. Nott, in 1808, had thought only of eastern missions. The constitution of the so ciety refers in general to heathen, without any indica tion of a preference for either the East or the West. If missions to our own Indians were first thought of, I imagine that this idea was very soon merged in a more comprehensive one. Mills, during a visit to New Haven, became acquainted with Henry Oboo- kiah, a native of the Sandwich Islands. He at once devised means for giving him a Christian education, that he might go back and evangelize his countrymen. In writing to Mr. Hall on this subject, under date of December 20, 1809, Mr. Mills says, " What does this mean, brother Hall ? Do you understand it ? Shall he be sent back unsupported to reclaim his country men ? Shall not we consider these southern islands a proper place for the establishment of a mission ? Not that I would give up the heathen tribes to the westward. I trust that we shall be able to establish more than one mission in a short time, at least in a few years. I mean that God will enable us to extend our views and labors farther than we have before con templated. We ought not to look only to the heathen on our own continent. We ought to direct our atten tion to that place where we may, to human appear ance, do the most good, and where the difficulties are the least. . . . The field is almost boundless; in every part of which there ought to be missionaries. In the language of an animated writer, ' O that we could enter at a thousand gates, that every limb were a tongue, and every tongue a trumpet, to spread the gospel sound! The man of Macedonia cries, Come over and help us. This voice is heard from the east and from the west, from the north and from the MISSIONARY ASSOCIATIONS. 43 south.' ' This was written by S. J. Mills before he nad been at Andover, and about three weeks after Judson had first turned his thoughts especially to mis sions. In the same letter, however, the following re mark is made about Judson, which shows that his views of missions were known to his brethren, and that he had turned his attention to the evangelization of the East : " With regard to Andover, two of the brethren are there ; I think it likely I shall go there myself soon, or within four or five weeks. I heard previously of Mr. Judson. You say he thinks of of fering himself as a missionary to the London Society, for the East Indies. What! is England to support her own missionaries and ours likewise ? O, for shame ! If he is prepared to go, I would fain press him forward with the arm of a Hercules, if I had the strength ; but I do not like this dependence on another nation, especially when they have already done so much, and we nothing." From all the facts within my knowledge, I think it probable that Messrs. Judson and Nott, who w ere spe cially intimate, had their minds, in the first instance, turned to the East, as a field of missions ; and that Mr. Judson had specially fixed his eye on Burmah. The brethren at Williams College, while devoting themselves to missions in general, had their attention at first directed to the aborigines on our own continent. Their views, however, immediately expanded as the field opened before them ; and they looked at heathen dom as their appropriate province, prepared to enter it at any point, wherever the providence of God should direct. It is possible that the brethren who went to AndoVer before Mills had not expanded their views as rapidly as he. When, however, they met together 44 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. and compared their purposes, they were easily con vinced that Asia, with its idolatrous myriads, was the most important field on earth for missionary effort. The attention of the whole company seems hence forth to have been turned almost exclusively to the East. Another subject here presents itself, on which it is necessary to bestow a passing notice. It has been frequently said that the world is indebted to the young men at Andover for the formation of the American Board of Commissioners. That they were the occasion of the formation of the board, is, I think, true. It is also true that, but for them, the board would not have been formed at that particular time. But, if we would, ascertain the whole truth, I think we must look also at that condition of the public mind which, at their first application for missionary service, shaped itself into so important an organiza tion. It is well known that as early as May 28, 1799, an association was formed in Boston under the name of the Massachusetts Missionary Society. The object of this society was, " to diffuse the knowledge of the gospel among the heathens, as well as other people in the remote parts of our country, where Christ is sel dom or never preached." In 1804, the constitution of this society was so modified that the article de fining its object was made to read as follows : " The object of this society is, to diffuse the gospel among the people of the newly-settled and remote parts of our country, among the Indians of the country, and through more distant regions of the earth, as circum stances shall invite, and the ability of the society shall admit." In 1803, this society commenced the ORIGiN OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS. 45 publication of the Massachusetts Missionary Maga zine, of which the object was, to circulate missionary intelligence, and awaken and diffuse a missionary spirit among the Congregational churches in New England. This periodical was continued until 1808, when it was merged in the Panoplist, which, in turn, gave way to the present Missionary Herald. The General Assembly's Missionary Magazine, or Reli gious Intelligencer, was commenced in January, 1805, and was conducted with singular ability. In 1806, the Rev. Dr. Griffin delivered the annual missionary sermon before the General Assembly in Philadelphia. In this discourse the claims of the heathen are urged with an eloquence which has seldom been surpassed Mr. John Norris, a wealthy merchant of Salem, was deeply interested in the cause of the heathen, and made a large donation to the Andover Theological Seminary, because such an institution would aid in carrying forward his favorite object. Robert Rallston, Esq., of Philadelphia, at one time remitted to the Baptist mission at Serampore, for himself and others, three thousand three hundred and fifty-seven dollars and sixty-three cents. Dr. Carey acknowledged the receipt of six thousand dollars from American Chris tians during the years 1806 and 1807. The interest of our churches in missions to the East was also, from time to time, quickened by the arrival of missionaries from England, on their way to India, or on their return home, as, at that time, they could not obtain passage in any of the ships of the East India Com pany. I well remember, in my boyhood, the tempo rary residence of such missionaries in New York, ana the deep interest wlich their presence occasioned in all the churches in that city. In 1809, the Rev. 46 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. Dr. Worcester delivered the annual sermon before the Massachusetts Missionary Society — a discourse which, for depth of earnestness and power of appeal, may be advantageously compared with the most elo quent missionary sermons that have yet appeared. Buchanan's " Star in the East," which was published in the course of the year 1808 or 1809, must have increased and disseminated much more widely the missionary spirit which was already awakened in the community.* Such was the condition of the Congregational and Presbyterian denominations. The same spirit, to a considerable degree, animated the Baptist churches, though their number was small, and their means but feeble. The Baptist Missionary Society of Massa chusetts was formed in 1802. In the next year, Dr. Baldwin, at the request of the society, commenced the publication of the Massachusetts Baptist Mis sionary Magazine. This periodical had an extensive circulation throughout the Northern States. It was principally occupied by the journals of missionaries in our frontier settlements, narratives of revivals in our churches, and missionary intelligence from abroad. Dr. Baldwin was a correspondent of Dr. Carey, of Fuller, and of Ryland ; and, being imbued with their spirit, he delighted to cooperate with them in spread ing before his brethren the accounts which they fur nished of the triumphs of the cross. In the year 1812, the Salem Bible Translation and Foreign Mission Society was formed, under the fos- * Tor the above facts, anl many others on this subject, I am in debted to the Rev. Dr. S. M. Worcester's desply interesting life of his fether, the E<3V. Samuel Worcester, D. T)., tfie distinguished secre tary of the A B. C. F. M. ORIGIN OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS. 47 tering care of the late Rev. Dr. Bolles. This society, until the establishment of the Baptist General Con vention, contributed its collections in aid of the Bap tist missions in the East Indies. Nor would it be just to omit, in this place, the name of the Rev Wil liam Staughton, D. D., pastor of the Sansom Street Church, Philadelphia, and afterwards secretary of the Baptist General Convention. He had been, when in England, the friend and associate of the most effi cient friends of missions there. He was in frequent correspondence with all of them, and was, perhaps, the most direct channel by which their spirit was diffused among our churches. Distinguished for elo quence, varied accomplishments, and most animating views of the progress of the gospel, the triumph of the cross was always a favorite theme in his dis courses. Many of our most successful ministers were his students in theology ; and they imbibed in a happy degree his characteristic sentiments. Of course, I do not assume that the missionary spirit was at this time universal. Far from it. It is by no means universal now. Men of enlarged views, steadfast faith, and ardent piety, in various denomina tions, had become, to a good degree, interested in the subject of missions, and their influence was diffusing itself among their less favored brethren. The beams of the sun had only fallen upon the tops of the moun tains ; they had not yet rested upon the hillsides ; much less had they penetrated into the valleys. But the mountain tops testified that the sun had risen, As yet, no general organization had been formed for carrying the gospel to the heathen. Nor is this to be wondered at. It was much less easy to form general organizations then than at present. That 48 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. was not the age of steamboats, railroads, or tele graphs. Besides this, our national character has changed greatly in the course of forty or fifty years. We were then by no means conscious of our strength. There were then comparatively few things in which we had tried what we could do. This want of national confidence affected all our public decisions, and it, of course, had its effect on our views of what was practicable in the missionary enterprise. In this state of public feeling, all that was wanted was the occurrence of some event which should im pose upon the friends of missions the necessity for immediate action. Such an event was found in the application of the young men at Andover, to the General Association of Massachusetts, for an appoint ment as missionaries to the heathen. The more important facts relating to this transac tion are, I think, the following : The Andover breth ren had made it a point to interest in their enterprise the most influential clergymen in that vicinity. Op portunity was afforded for this purpose in their various excursions for the supply of vacant pulpits in the sur rounding towns. They had also frequently presented ihe subject to their instructors, the professors of the seminary. In consequence of these preliminary labors, " by a concerted arrangement, Drs. Spring and Worces ter met the professors, with a few others, for consul tation, at the house of Professor Stuart, at Andover, on Monday, June 25, 1810. It was a meeting never to be forgotten. Advice was given to Mills and his associates to submit their case to the General Asso ciation, which was to meet the next day at Bradford, and which Dr. Spring and Dr. Worcester were expect ing to attend as delegates. When this advice was ORIGIN OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 49 given, the idea of such a body of men as ' The American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Mis sions ' had not been suggested." * Dr. Worcester, in a letter dated March 23, 1821, only three months before his lamented death, has given the following account of the first conception of the American Board : " The day of small things is in fresh remembrance. On the 25th of June, 1810, serious deliberation, attended with fer vent prayer, was held at Andover, relative to the burn ing desire of three or four theological students there to be employed as missionaries to the heathen. The result was to refer the momentous -question to the General Association of Massachusetts. The next day, Dr. Spring took a seat in my chaise, and rode with me to Bradford, where the General Association was to convene. In the conversation on the way, the first idea, I believe, of the American Board of Com missioners for Foreign Missions was suggested ; the form, the number of members, and name were pro posed. On the 27th, the question came before the association, and the report of the committee, which was adopted by that body, was the substance of the result of the conversation in the chaise." f The application was made to the General Associa tion according to the suggestion here spoken of, on the 28th of June, 1810, and referred to a committee. On the following day, a report was presented and adopted, and the first board of commissioners elected. This seems to have been the manner in which it pleased . God to unite the labors and counsels of the fathers, into whose breasts he had breathed the missionary spirit, with the self-denying zeal of theii younger • Life of Worcester, vol. jj. p. S9. t lb. p. 106. VOL. I. 5 50 MEMOIR OF 1R. .11 PSON. brethren, who had solemnly dedicated themselves to God, as the heralds of his gospel to the heathen. I am aware that, to the young missionaries, the fathers, who became the pillars of the enterprise, ap peared at first slow of heart to believe, and backward in committing themselves to this great undertaking. Though they always spoke in public in favor of mis sions, yet they seemed to them not fully prepared to carry their principles into practice. Nor is this to be wondered at. Between the adoption of a principle and the carrying it out into practice, under new and untried circumstances, there is an interval over which the wisely resolute are prone to step with caution. They instinctively watch for the leadings of divine Providence. They hesitate to pledge themselves before they are in possession of all the facts in the case, and until the time for action has arrived. They are also cautious in the selection of their associates, and are unwilling to become responsible for the actions of men whose character and principles they do not fully understand. To young men of ardent hope and burning enthusiasm, who, gazing intently on the object, are liable to overlook the means by which it is to be accomplished, such conduct seems frequently timid and unbelieving, if not over-cautious and half hearted. All this, in the commencement of an im portant undertaking, is reasonably to be expected. A few years of experience enables both parties to look at the subject through the same medium. The old acquire confidence by putting forth their strength, and the young learn to respect caution by suffering the penalties of rashness. Divine wisdom thus makes use of the opposite impulses of good men to enrrv into effect its own merciful designs. ACCOUNT OF EARLY MISSIONARY IMPRESSIONS. 51 It was while -\ isiting Bradford, to attend the meet ing of the General Association, that Mi. Judson first became acquainted with Ann Hasseltine, who after wards became so well known to the Christian world as Mrs. Ann H. Judson. On the 5th of September, 1810, Mr. Judson was admitted to the degree of Master of Arts in Brown University. On the 24th of the same month, he completed his course of education in the Theological Seminary at Andover. On the 17th of May preceding, when on a visit to Vermont with some of his breth ren, he had been licensed to preach by the Orange As sociation of Congregationalist Ministers in that state. The following letters will present, in detail, the facts which have been briefly alluded to in the foregoing pages : — • To the Rev. Dr. Chapin,President of Columbian College, Washington. Maulmain, December 18, 1837. Very dear Brother : Yours of March 21st I have re ceived with great pleasure, and shall be glad to answer your inquiries, and give you any information in my power. I had addressed a letter to brother Eice, dated July 13, 1836, which could not, however, have reached him before his death. As that letter contains considerable information which has a bearing on the subject of your inquiries, I will first transcribe it, and then subjoin remarks on some other points. " My dear Brother Eice : You ask me to give you some account of my first missionary impressions, and those of my earliest associates. Mine were occasioned by reading Buchanan's ' Star in the East,' in the year 1809, at the An dover Theological Seminary. Though I do not now consider that sermon as peculiarly excellent, it produced a very power ful effect on my mind. For some days I was unable to attend to tie studies of my class, and spent my time in wondering at 52 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. my past stupidity, depicting the most romantic scenes in mis sionary life, and roving about the college rooms, declaiming on the subject of missions. My views were very incorrect, and my feelings extravagant; but yet I have always felt thankful to God for bringing me into that state of excitement, which was penhaps necessary, in the first instance, to enable me to break the strong attachment I felt to home and country, and to endure t ie thought of abandoning all my wonted pur suits and animating prospects. That excitement soon passed away ; but it left a strong desire to prosecute my inquiries, and ascertain the path of duty. It was during a solitary walk in the woods behind the college, while meditating and praying on the subject, and feeling half inclined to give it up, that the command of Christ, ' Go into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature,' was presented to my mind with such clearness and power, that I came to a full decision, and" though great difficulties appeared in my way, resolved to obey the command at all events. But, at that period, no provision had been made in America for a foreign mission, and for several months, after reading Buchanan, I found none among the students who viewed the subject as I did, and no minister in the place or neighborhood who gave me any encourage ment ; and I thought that I should be under the necessity of going to England and placing myself under foreign patronage. " My earliest missionary associate was Nott ; who, though he had recently entered the seminary, (in the early part of 1810,) was a member of the same class with myself. He had con sidered the subject for several months, but had not fully made up his mind. About the same time, Mills, Eichards, and others joined the seminary from "Williams College, where they had, for some time, been in the habit of meeting for prayer and conversation on the subject of missions ; but they entered the junior class, and had several years of theological study before them. You were of the same standing, but from some engagement, (a school, I believe,) did not arrive so soon, though you ultimately finished your course before the others, and joined the first party that embarked. ACCOUNT OF EARLY MISSIONARY IMPRESSIONS. 53 " Newell was the next accession from my own class. As to Hall, he was preaching at Woodbury, Connecticut. I heard that he once thought favorably of missions, and wrote him a short letter. He had just received a call to settle in that place, and was deliberating whether it was his duty to accept it or not, when the letter was put into his hand. He instantly came to a decision, and the next rising sun saw him on the way to Andover. I think that he arrived about the time of the meeting of the General Association of Ministers at Brad ford, in the summer of 1810. I do not, however, recollect him present at that meeting, nor was his name attached to the paper which we presented to the association, and which was originally signed by Nott, Newell, Mills, Eice, Eichards, and myself, though, at the suggestion of Dr. Spring, your name and Eichards's, which happened to stand last, were struck off, for fear of alarming the association with too large a number. " I have ever thought that the providence of God was con spicuously manifested in bringing us all together, from differ ent and distant parts. Some of us had been considering the subject of missions for a long time, and some but recently. Some, and indeed the greater part, had thought chiefly of domestic missions, and efforts among the neighboring tribes of Indians, without contemplating abandonment of country, and devotement for life. The reading and reflection of others had led them in a different way ; and when we all met at the same seminary, and came to a mutual understanding on the ground of foreign missions and missions for life, the subject assumed in our minds such an overwhelming importance and awful solemnity, as bound us to one another, and to our pur pose, more firmly than ever. How evident it is that the Spirit of God had been operating in different places, and upon dif ferent individuals, preparing the way for those movements which have since pervaded the American churches, and will continue to increase until the kingdoms of this world become the kingdoms of our Lord and of his Anointed ! 5* 54 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. Letter to his Parents. Andoveb, June 29, 1810. Hon. Parents : The following is a copy of the letter which I directed to Dr. Bogue: — Divinity College, Andover, Mass., April, 1810. Rev. Sir : I have considered the subject of missions nearly a year, and have found my mind gradually tending to a deep convic tion that it is my duty personally to engage in this service. Sev eral of my brethren of this college may finally unite with me in my present resolution. On their as well as my own behalf, I take the liberty of addressing you this letter. My object is to obtain information on certain points — whether there is at present such a call for missionaries in India, Tartary, or any part of the eastern continent, as will induce the directors of the London Missionary Society to engage new missionaries; whether two or three young, unmarried men, having received a liberal education, and resided two years in this Divinity School, wishing to serve their Saviour in a heathen land, and indeed susceptible of a "passion for missions,'" — whether such young men, arriving in England next spring, with full recommendations from the first Christian characters in this country, may expect to be received on probation by the directors, and placed at the seminary in Gosport, if that le judged expedient ; and whether, provided they give satisfaction as to their fitness to undertake the work, all their necessary expenses after arriving^in England shall be defrayed from the funds of the society, which funds will, it is hoped, be ultimately reimbursed by supplies from the American churches. We have consulted our professors on this subject, particularly Dr. Griffin, professor of oratory. He intends writing to several in England, and perhaps to Dr. Bogue. But his engagements being such as will prevent his writing at present, and wishing myself to receive a letter from you immediately, containing the desired infor mation, I have written myself. I close with an earnest request that you will please to transmit me an answer as soon as possible, and a prayer that your answer may be favorable to my most ardent wishes. (Signed,) Adoniram Judson, Jr. Eev. Dr. Bogue, Gosport, England. PETITION TO THE GENERAL ASSOCIATION. 55 P. S. I shall deem it a favor if you do not confine your remaiks tc the points which I have proposed, but are pleased to give such general information and advice as you may think will be useful to me and my brethren. The following is a copy of the petition laid before the Gen eral Association, this week convened in Bradford, composed of delegates from several associations in- this state, and from the General Associations of New Hampshire and Con necticut. The undersigned, members of the Divinity College, respectfully request the attention of their reverend fathers, convened in the General Association at Bradford, to the following statement and inquiries : — They beg leave to state that their minds have been long im pressed with the duty and importance of personally attempting a mission to the heathen ; that the impressions on their minds have induced a serious, and, as they trust, a prayerful consideration of the subject in its various attitudes, particularly in relation to the probable success and the difficulties attending such an attempt ; and that, after examining all the information which they can obtain, they consider themselves as devoted to this work for life, whenever God, in his providence, shall open the way. They now offer the following inquiries, on which they solicit the opinion and advice of this association : Whether, with their pres ent views and feelings, they ought to renounce the object of mis sions, as either visionary or impracticable ; if not, whether they ought to direct their attention to the eastern or the western world ; whether they may expect patronage and support from a missionary society in this country, or must commit themselves to the direction of a European society ; and what preparatory measures they ought to take, previous t: actual engagement. The undersigned, feeling their youth and inexperience, look up to their fathers in the church, and respectfully solicit their advice, direction, a id prayers. Signed,] Adoniram Judson, Jr. Samuel Nott, Jr. Samuel J. Mills. Samuel Newell. 56 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. I wrote the above petition at the instance of Dr. Spring and Mr. Worcester, with whom I had previously conversed. Yesterday we went to Bradford, and met the association in the meeting house. After the paper was read, we presented ourselves, and severally made a statement of our motives and intentions. A committee of three was then appointed to con sider and report on the subject. We were dismissed, and •eturned to Andover. I have not yet received the result of tie association. If I receive it to-morrow, and it is not too long, I will insert it. July 11. I have been waiting thus long for a copy of the result from Mr. Worcester, the scribe. I understand that the council entirely approved of our movements, and appointed a Board of Commissioners, to take some efficient measures. Some of these are President Dwight, Governor Treadwell, General Huntington, Dr. Lyman, Dr. Spring, Mr. Worces- -er, and Mr. William Bartlet. I have not heard the precise object of these commissioners, nor when they are to meet. But one general object is to concentrate the efforts of the several missionary societies to this point, or to form a new foreign society. Dr. Spring and Professor Stuart have en gaged in the business "pedibus et unguibus." Dr. G. has at length written to England. Mr. Gordon Hall, whom I have mentioned to you, has joined us. He had a call to settle in Woodbury, with a salary of six hundred dollars. He came here to inquire into the missionary business before he decided, and has now written back a negative answer. He is one of the first of young men, and promises fair to be one of the pil lars of the mission. He is sensible, judicious, learned, pious ; has been preaching nearly a year, and quite united the Wood bury people. There are now four of us who are ready to start, at three months' warning, for any part of the world — Hall, Newell, Nott, and myself. There are at least four others in the junior class who are ready to support the mission, wherever it shall be established. We are in a state of sus pense as to any immediate measures ; our eyes are directed to an arrival from England. Our chief object in laying the GENERAL ASSOCIATION AT BRADFORD. 57 business before the association, was to excite a general atten tion to the subject in this country, hardly expecting that such measures will be seasonably taken as shall preclude our solicit ing British aid. My missionary essay appeared in the twelfth number of the last volume of the Panoplist. That magazine will be the chief vehicle of missionary intelligence in this country. The first number of the new volume came out last month. Mr. Evarts, of Connecticut, is the new editor — a young man of distinguished science, sound sentiment, and evan gelical piety. He has lately gone to Charlestown, to take the sole charge of the publication. There ought to be two dozen of the Panoplist taken in Plymouth. The treasurer of the Cent Society ought to undertake the business. It would be doing a piece of general benevolence. Is no one willing to do this little for the diffusion of religious infor mation ? I preach sometimes on the Sabbath in neighboring towns, commonly without notes. I hardly think that I shall write any more sermons. Why should I spend my time in attempt ing the correctnesses and elegances of English literature, who expect to spend my days in talking to savages in vulgar style ? Why not cultivate extempore speaking altogether, when that will soon be my only mode of preaching for life ? Spring * is warmly attached to the missionary project, and either in Bos ton or New York will, I trust, be a faithful and valusv.le friend. . . . I think sometimes that A. is all alone at Plymouth. There is a Friend, whose friendship, if she would secure it, would never leave her alone. Without his friendship she will soor be worse than alone. O the pleasure which a lively Christian must enjoy in communion with God ! It is all one whether he is in a city or a desert, among relations or among savage foss, in the heat of the Indies or in the ice of Greenland ; his infinite Fri3nd is always at hand. He need not fear want, *¦ Bev. Gardner Spring, D. D., now of New York. 58 MEMOIR OF DR. JlDSON. or sickness, or sain, for his best Friend does all things well. He need not fear Death, though he come in the most shocking form ; for death is only a withdrawing of the veil which con ceals his dearest Friend. I enjoy good health. My eyes prevent studying in the even ing, but are much better than they were. My constitution grows firm, and appears to be capable of enduring much. My prospects for life, though in a measure shaded with un certainty, hardship, and danger, are very animating and bright. My prospects for another life, blessed be God, are still bright er. " This life's a dream, an empty show." O, if we could always realize this, and live above the world, — if we could tread on its trifling vanities, live far from its perplexing cares, and keep an eye fixed on our heavenly inheritance, — how comfortable and useful we might be ! Bless the Lord, O our souls, that he allows us to hope for a better state. A. Judson, Jr. The communication to the General Association of Massachusetts, of which a copy is inserted in the pre ceding letter, was referred to a committee, consisting of the Rev. Dr. Spring and Rev. Messrs. "Worcester and Hale. On the subsequent day, the committee made the following report, which was unanimously adopted : — The committee, to whom was referred the request of the young gentlemen, members of the Divinity College, for advice relative to missions to the heathen, beg leave to submit the following report : — The object of missions to the heathen cannot but be re garded, by the friends of the Eedeemer, as vastly interesting and important. It deserves the most serious attention of all who wish well to the best interests of mankind, and especially of those who devote themselves to the service of God, in the kingdom of his Son, under the impression of the special direc tion, " Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every GENERAL ASSOCIATION AT BRADFORD. 59 creature." The state of their minds, modestly expressed by the theological students who have presented themselves before this body, and the testimonies received respecting them, are such as deeply to impress the conviction that they ought not "to renounce the object of missions,'' but sacredly to cherish " their present views " in relation to that cbject : and it is sub mitted whether the peculiar and abiding impressions, by which they are influenced, ought not to be gratefully recognized as a divine intimation of something good and great in relation to the propagation of the gospel, and calling for correspondent attention and exertions. Therefore, — Voted, That there be instituted, by this General Association, a Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, for the pur pose of devising ways and means, and adopting and prose cuting measures, for promoting the spread of the gospel in heathen lands. Voted, That the said Board of Commissioners consist of nine members, all of them, in the first instance, chosen by this association ; and afterwards, annually, five of them by this body, and four of them by the General Association of Con necticut. Provided, however, that, if the General Associa tion of Connecticut do not choose to unite in this object, the annual election of all the commissioners shall be by this General Association. It is understood that the Board of Commissioners, here con templated, will adopt their own form of organization, and their own rules and regulations. ' Voted, That, fervently commending them to the grace of God, we advise the young gentlemen, whose request is before us, in the way of earnest prayer and diligent attention to suitable studies and means of information, and putting them selves under the patronage and direction of the Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, humbly to wait the openings and guidance ef Providence in respect to their great and excellent design. 60 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. Extract from a Letter of the Rev. S. Nott, Jr., of Wareham, Mass., U the Rev. Dr. Worcester. Wareham, July 18, 1851. Dr. S. M. Worcester. Eev. and dear Sir: In turning to some old papers, I find the first memorandum of earnest consideration as to my personal duty on the subject of missions to be October 17, 1808, which, and the other memoranda which follow, show the growth of the principle of my final decision and action, viz., as a question of obedience to command. I was then twenty years of age, alone, at my father's house, spending, in solitary study with my father, the year after my graduation. In November, 1809, 1 went to Andover. My first memorandum on the subject at Andover was March 4, 1810, and on March 11th a reference is made to conversation with brethren Judson and Mills on that subject. Mr. Hall was not at Andover at all until late that spring. It has never seemed to me of any consequence to settle the matter who was or who was not the leader of the movement, unless it were to show that, strictly speaking, no man was. . . . In my own mind, at least, the starting point and early prog ress, the essence of the whole, was without any knowledge of the existence even of those who were so soon to be my associates, and on such a principle as possessed a solemn and independent power. In the memoranda, I find Mr. Judson mentioned with every confidence in his sincere and earnest spirit. On Sabbath, June, 1810, I preached for Dr. Spring. On Monday he came with me in the carriage to Andover, on his way to the General Association at Bradford ; but I have no recollection except of general conversation on our missionary intentions. On Tuesday evening, by request of Dr. "Griffin, myself and associates met Dr. Spring, Dr. Worcester, and several other ministers, at Mr. Stuart's, where our views were freely discussed, and " an opinion expressed in favor of our object," and a request made to Dr. G. to write to England im mediately for information. " On Wednesday evening, we re- GENERAL ASSOCIATION AT BRADFORD. 61 ceived a request from Dr. Spring and Mr. Worcester to pre sent a petition for advice to the General Association." On Thursday the petition was presented, and resulted as has been uniformly stated. It might be that if I were to see your his tory of 1809 and 1810, other things might occur. The timely bequest of Mrs. Norris * as an encouragement, and yet the as timely delay to realize it, so that it might open, and not dry up, the public fountain, cannot have escaped your notice ; nor the extremely limited supply February 6, 1812, and its gracious enlargement before February 18, in such ways as to interest two great sections of the country. • Mrs. Norris died in March, 1811, having left a .'legacy of thirty thousand dollars to the Board of Commissioners. TOL. I. 6 CHAPTEE III. MISSION TO ENGLAND. - CAPTURE, AND DETENTION IN FRiNCi — INTERVIEWS WITH THE DIRECTORS OF THE LONDON MIS SIONARY SOCIETY. -RETURNS TO THE UNITED STATES — AP- I'OINTED A MISSIONARY OF THE AMERICAN BOARD OF COM MISSIONERS FOR FOREIGN MISSIONS. — MARRIAGE AND OR DINATION. — RELATIONS WITH THE BOARD. 1810-1812. The last chapter closed with an account of the meeting of the General Association at Bradford, and the appointment of the Board of Commissioners. This board held its first meeting, September 5, 1810, at Farmington, Connecticut. Its organization was there completed, and its rules of proceeding adopted. The object of the board was declared to be "to devise, adopt, and prosecute ways and means for propagating the gospel among those who are des titute of the knowledge of Christianity." It was voted, "that the Prudential Committee and Corre sponding Secretary be requested to obtain the best information in their power respecting the state of unevangelized nations on the western and eastern con tinents, and report at the next meeting of the board." It was also voted, "that the board highly approve the readiness of the young gentlemen at Andover to enter upon a foreign mission, and that it is advisable for them to pursue their studies till further information relative to the missionary field be obtained, and the finances of the institution will justify the appoint ment." The Prudential Committee elected at this meeting of the board consisted of William Bartlet, Esq., Rev. 62 MISSION TO ENGLAND. S3 Dr. Spring, and Rev. Samuel Worcester. Mr. Worces ter was also appointed Corresponding Secretary. The board also prepared an address to the public, and a form of subscription to be printed and circu lated among the churches. It will be seen from the above proceedings that, at this time, the board was prepared to take no other than incipient measures. They were in doubt whether the churches in this country were willing to incur the expenditure which missions to the East demanded. Their eyes were naturally directed to the London Missionary Society, which was already prosecuting this work with signal success. It seemed desirable to inquire whether we in this country could not unite with Christians in England, and carry on missions in concert. Impressed with these considerations, the Prudential Committee thought it desirable to send Mr.. Judson to England, in order to ascertain whether such an ar rangement were practicable. The candidates were all examined by the committee, so that every proper assurance might be given to the directors of the Lon don society ; and Mr. Judson was directed to sail for London on the 1st of January, 1811. The letter of instructions addressed to him by the Corresponding Secretary, and the letter of the secre tary to the Rev. George Burder, are as follows : — Letter of Instructions from the Prudential Committee to Mr. Judson. Mr. Adoniram Judson : As you and your brethren, Sam uel Newell, Samuel Nott, and Gordon Hall, have professed to hold yourselves sacredly devoted to the service of Christ, in some part or parts of the heathen world, as in divine provi dence a door may be opened to you, and as, with reference to this important object, you have chosen to place yourselves 64 memoir of dr. judson. under the superintendence and direction of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, the Prudential Committee of the said board, after obtaining satisfaction in regard to your qualifications severally for the contemplated service, and seriously consulting on the subject at large, have judged it advisable to have a full and distinct understanding with the directors of the London Missionary Society, in relation to the general object. For this purpose they have determined on sending you, dear sir, to England, under the following instruc tions : — Agreeably to arrangements made, you will sail for England in the ship Packet, and on your arrival at her port of destina tion, you will proceed, as soon as convenient, to London, and deliver your letter of introduction to the Eev. George Burder, secretary of the London Missionary Society. Mr. Burder, we doubt not, will receive you with Christian courtesy, and from him, and his brethren of the Board of Directors, you will receive such notices as will enable you to accomplish in ;he best manner the design now in view. A principal object of your attention will be to ascertain, as distinctly as possible, whether any and what arrangements can be made for a concert of measures, in relation to missions, between the American Board of Commissioners and the London Missionary Society ; particularly whether, if circumstances should render it desi-_ rable, you and your brethren can be supported in missionary service for any time by the London funds, without committing yourselves wholly and finally to the direction of the Londor society ; or whether it may be in any case consistent for the mission to be supported partly by them and partly by us ; and if so, under whose direction it must be held. On these points you will possess yourself of the views of the direct ors of the London society, and receive their propositions for our consideration. You will also, during your stay in Eng land, avail yourself of your opportunities and advantages for obtaining ample and correct information relating to missionary fields, the requisite preparations for missionary services, the most eligibl • methods of executing missions, and generally to SAILS FOR ENGLAND 65 whatever may be conducive to the missionary interest ; and the most important parts of such information as you may obtain you will commit to writing for the use of the American Board. As it i3 not expected that you will be at your own charge in this engagement, you will keep a full account of your expendi tures, for adjustment on your return. We commend you, dear brother, to the providence and the grace of God, with fervent prayers for your safety, your suc cess, and your happiness. In behalf of the Prudential Com mittee of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, Yours, dear brother, with great affection, Samuel Worcester. From the Rev. Dr. Worcester, to the Rev. George Burder. Salem, January 3, 1811. Eev. and dear Sir : Enclosed with this you will receive a printed paper, in which you will see in general what has recently been done in this country in relation to foreign mis sions. Four young gentlemen, Messrs. Adoniram Judson, Jr., Samuel Newell, and Samuel Nott, whose names you will find in the paper referred to, and Mr. Gordon Hall, have offered themselves as candidates for missions to the heathen, under a solemn profession that they have devoted themselves to God for this arduous service, wherever in his providence he may see fit to employ them. These beloved brethren have all passed through a course of collegial education, and received a collegial degree. Since leaving the universities, they have completed a course of studies at the theological institution in this vicinity, where they have acquitted themselves to the high satisfaction of their instructors and friends. According to our established order, they have been regularly licensed for the Christian ministry, and for a considerable time they have all preached in our churches to good acceptance. Their moral and Christian reputation is good, and their talents and attain ments are respectable. Before the Prudential Committee of 6* 66 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions they have passed an examination in form, relative to their religious sentiments, their religious feelings, and their views in offering themselves for the missionary service; and their answers and declarations throughout were highly satisfactory. They profess their full belief in the articles of faith which are established in the theological institution, a copy of which you will receive : and the Prudential Committee have great confi dence that they have received the truth in love ; that they are persons of sincere and ardent piety ; that they have offered themselves for the missionary service from the best motives ; and, in a word, that they have qualifications for distinguished usefulness. The manner in which these young men have come forward, together with a similar disposition manifested by several others, has made, extensively, a deep impression, and excited a lively interest. It is gratefully hailed as an indication that the Lord is about to do something by his friends in this country, in furtherance of the great design in which their brethren in England have been so nobly and so exem- plarily engaged. On our own continent, indeed, there are many millions of men " sitting in darkness and in the region and shadow of death," and our brethren in England may wonder that, while such is the fact, we should turn our views to any other part of the world. But the attempts which have been made to evan gelize the aboriginal tribes of the North American wilderness have been attended with so many discouragements, and South America is yet in so unpromising a state, that the opinion very generally prevalent is, that for the pagans on this continent but very little can immediately be done. Hence, though the hope ¦s entertained, that the time is coming when the benevolent sxertions of the Eedeemer's friends here, for spreading the knowledge of his name, may be successfully employed nearer home, yet at present the eastern world is thought to offer a more promising field. As yet, however, we have no adequate funds established for i he support a" distant and expensive missions. What may be SAILS FOR ENGLAND. 67 done in the course of a short time we know not. It is the desir.3 and the prayer of many, that American missionaries may have American support ; and we are not without hope that He to whom the silver and the gold belong will open the hearts of the rich among us for this interesting purpose. Should this hope be realized, and missionary funds to any con siderable amount be raised, they will probably be placed under such an arrangement as to be employed either in the East, or on our own continent, as divine Providence may direct. Under existing circumstances, the American Board are de sirous to open a communication with the London Missionary Society, whose knowledge of missionary concerns is ample, and the praise of whose liberality and persevering exertions is in all parts of the world. For this purpose, Mr. Judson, one of the missionary brethren, of whom you have already some knowledge, and who has been favored with a letter from you, has been appointed to go to London. To your courtesy and Christian attention he is most affectionately and respect fully recommended ; and for the particular objects for which he is sent, I beg leave to refer you to his letter of instructions. Besides the official testimonial contained in this letter, Mr. Judson will carry with him others, and particularly one from the faculty of the theological institution at Andover — an institution which, though young, is fast rising in importance, and in which, both on account of the principles on which it is founded, and the ability and piety with which it is conducted, great confidence is reposed. Should these testimonials be sat isfactory, and should it in the event be thought best that our young brethren should be resigned to the patronage and direc tion of your society, your venerable and highly respected Board of Directors will judge, whether, after the course of studies through which they have passed, it will be expedient for them to spend any time at your school at Gosport, and whether, for any purpose, it will be necessary for the other three to go to England, before they shall be actually engaged in your service. It may not be improper to state* that some of the young 68 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. men propose to take wives with them to the missionary field. If this meet the approbation of your board, as we are not un apprised of the laudable care which you take in regard to the character not only of your missionaries themselves, but also of their wives, we shall certainly consider it important that similar care be taken here. With great personal consideration, and in behalf of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, I tender to you, dear sir, and through you to your brethren of the Board of Directors, the most affectionate and respectful salutations. Samuel Worcester, Cor. Sec. Eev. George Burder, Sec. London Miss. Soc. The following reminiscences of the voyage to England are derived from conversations of Dr. Jud son : — There were on the ship Packet two Spanish merchants ; and these, I believe, were the only passengers beside Mr. Judson. When they were captured by L'Invincible Napoleon, these two gentlemen, being able to speak French, and most likely to furnish a bribe, were treated very civilly. Mr. Judson, however, was very young, with nothing distinctive in his outward ap pearance, and was, moreover, speechless, friendless, and com paratively moneyless. He was, without question or remon strance, immediately placed in the hold, with the common sailors. This was the first hardship he had ever known, and it affected him accordingly. He shrank from the associa tions of the place, and the confined air seemed unendurable. Soon the weather roughened, and he, together with several of his more hardy companions, became excessively seasick. The doctor visited him every day, but he could not communicate with him, and the visit was nearly useless. Sick, sorrowful, and discouraged, his thoughts went back to his dear old Plym outh home, then to Bradford, and finally the Boston church — "fh? bigges* church in Brston ;" and he became alarmed REMINISCENCES OF THE VOYAGE. 69 at the strange feeling that crept over him. It was the first moment of misgiving he had known. As soon as he be came aware of the feeling, he commenced praying against it, as a temptation of the adversary. It seemed to him that God had permitted this capture, and all his trouble, as a trial of his faith ; and he resolved, in the strength of God, to bear it, as he might be called upon to bear similar trials hereafter. As soon as he had come to this resolution, he fumbled about in the gray twilight of his prison, till he succeeded in finding his Hebrew Bible. The light was very faint, but still he man aged to see for a few moments at a time, and amused himself with translating mentally from the Hebrew to the Latin — a work which employed his thoughts, and saved his eyes. One day the doctor, observing the Bible on the pillow, took it up, stepped towards the gangway, and examined it ; then returned, and addressed his patient in Latin. Through the medium of this language, Mr. Judson managed to explain who he was ; and he was consequently admitted to a berth in the upper cabin, and a seat with his fellow-passengers, the Spaniards, at the captain's table. His second day on deck was a somewhat exciting one. A sail was reported from the mast head ; and while the stranger was yet a mere speck to the naked eye, many glasses were levelled curiously at her, and a general feeling of anxiety seemed to prevail among the officers. Of course, Mr. Judson was all excitement ; for although he was now in comfortable cir cumstances, he dreaded the effect of this detention on his mis sion to England. Finally, the stranger loomed up against the sky, a beautiful brig under a full press of canvas. As they watched her, some anxiously and some admiringly, suddenly her fine proportions became blended in a dark mass ; and it was evident to the most inexperienced landsman that she had changed her course. The two Spaniards interchanged signifi cant glances. Mr. Judson felt very much like shouting for joy, but he suppressed the inclination ; and the next moment the order came for th3 decks to be cleared, and he, with his com panions, was sent below. The Spaniards informed him that 70 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. they were pursued by a vessel much larger than their own ; that the privateer had little to hope in an engagement, but she was the swifter sailer of the two, and the approaching dark ness was in her favor. Mr. Judson passed a sleepless night, lis tening each moment for unusual sounds ; but the next morning, when he carefully swept the horizon with the captain's glass, not a mote was visible. The privateer touched at Le Passage, in Spain, and there permitted the two Spaniards to go on shore. From thence the prisoners were conveyed to Bayonne, in France ; and Mr. Judson again, to his surprise and indignation, found himself marched through the streets in company with the crew of the Packet. He had as yet acquired only a few words of French, and of these he made as much use as possible, to the infinite amuse ment of the passers by. Finally it occurred to him that he was^rnuch more likely to meet some person, either a native or a foreigner, who understood English, than to make his broken French intelligible. Accordingly he commenced declaiming in the most violent manner possible against oppression in gen eral, and this one act in particular. The guards threatened him by gestures, but did not proceed to violence ; and of the passers by, some regarded him a moment carelessly, others showed a little interest or curiosity, while many laughed out right at his seemingly senseless clamors. Finally a stranger accosted him in English, advising him to lower his voice. " With the greatest pleasure possible," he answered, " if I have at last succeeded in making myself heard. I was only clamoring for a listener." "You might have got oqe you would have been glad to dismiss, if you had continued much longer," was the reply. In a few hurried words Judson explained his situation, and, in words as few, learned that the gentleman was an American from Philadelphia, and received his promise of assistance. " But you had better go on your way quietly now," added his new friend. " 0, I will be a perfect lamb, since I have gained my object." The prison was a gloomy-locking, massive structure, and 'he apartment into which they were conveyed was under DETENTION IN FRANCE. 71 ground, dark and dismal. In the centre was a sort of column, on which burned a solitary lamp, though without it was still broad day. Around the walls a quantity of straw had been spread, on which his companions soon made themselves at home ; but Mr. Judson could not divest himself of the idea that the straw was probably not fresh, and busied his imagination with images of those who had last occupied it. The weather had seemed almost oppressively hot above ground ; but now lie shivered with the chilling dampness of the place, while the confined air and mouldy smell rendered him sick and giddy. He paced up and down the cell, he could not tell how long, but it seemed many hours, wondering if his new friend would really come ; and again, if he did not, whether he could keep upon his feet all night ; and in case of failure, which part of the straw he should select as the least loathsome. And then his thoughts would wander off again to Plymouth, and to Bradford, and to the " biggest church in Boston," but not with the feeling that he had before. On the contrary, he wondered that he ever could have been discouraged. He knew that at most his imprisonment could not last long. If he only had a chair, or the meanest stool, that was all he would ask. But he could not hope to walk or stand long. While leaning against the column for a moment's rest, the door of the cell opened, and he instantly recognized the American he had seen in the street. He suppressed a cry of joy, and seeing that the stranger did not look at him, though he stood close by the lamp, tried himself to affect indifference. The American, making some remark in French, took up the lamp, and then adding, (or perhaps translating,) in English, " Let me see if I know any of these poor fellows," passed around the room, examining them carelessly. " No ; no friend of mine," said he, replacing the lamp, and swinging his great military cloak around Mr. Judson, whose slight figure was almost lost in its ample folds. Comprehending the plan, Mr. Judsoi drew himself into as small a compass as possible, thinking that he would make the best of the affair, though having little confi dence in the clumsy artfice. His protector, tooj seemed to 72 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. have his doubts, for as he passed out, he slid some money into the jailer's hand, and again, at the gate, made another dis bursement, and as soon as they were outside, released his protege, with the expressive words, " Now run ! " Mr. Judson quite forgot his fatigue from walking in the cell, as he fleetly followed his tall conductor through the streets to the wharf, where he was placed on board an American merchantman for the night. The next evening his friend returned, informing him that his place of refuge had been only temporarily chosen, and as the papers necessary to his release could not be pro cured immediately, he would be much safer in the attic of a ship builder, who had kindly offered this place of concealment. Accordingly he removed to the attic, from which, after a few days, he was released on parole. Mr. Judson passed about six weeks in Bayonne, boarding with an American lady who had spent most of her life in France. He told his landlady that he was a clergyman, and frequently held long religious conversations with her ; but he did not permit his character to be known generally in the house, as he thought it would interfere with a plan he had of learning as much as possible of the real state of French society. He attended various places of amusement with his fellow-boarders, pleading his ignorance of the language and customs of the country as an excuse for acting the spectator merely ; and in general giving such evasive replies as enabled him to act his part without attracting undue attention. It was not long, however, before his companions became pretty well aware that indifference formed no part of his real character. His shrewd ness was at variance with his implied ignorance of the world, and his simplicity sometimes wore a solemn irnpressiveness, from the influence of which it was impossible to escape. The last place of amusement he visited was a masked ball ; and here his strong feelings quite overcame his caution, and he burst forth in his real character. He declared to his some what startled companions that he did not believe the infernal regions could furnish more complete specimens of depravity than ha there beheld. He spoke in English, and at first DETENTION IN FRANCE. 73 addressed himself to the two or three standing near him, who understood the language ; but his earnestness of manner and warmth of expression soon drew around him a large circle, who listened curiously and with apparent respect. He spoke scornfully of the proud professions of the (so called) philosophy of the age, and pointed to the fearful exhibitions of that mo- .inent as illustrative of its effectiveness. He rapidly enumer ated many of the evils which infidelity had brought upon France and upon the world, and then showed the only way of escape from those evils — the despised, but truly ennobling religion of Jesus Christ. Finally he sketched the character of man as it might have been in its original purity and nobleness, and then the wreck of soul and body to be ascribed to sin, and wound up all by a personal appeal to such as had not become too debased to think and feel. He had warmed as he proceeded with his subject, noting with pain and surprise the great number of those who seemed to understand the English language, and drawing from it an inference by no means favorable to his travelled countrymen. Most of the maskers evidently regarded the exhibition as part of the evening's entertainment ; but those who understood his re marks seemed confounded by the boldness, and perhaps unex pectedness, of the attack, and when he had finished, stood aside, and allowed him to pass from the place without a word. This incident, I have been told, was reported by some person present on the occasion, and published in a Boston newspaper Mr. Judson, I do not recollect by what means, was introduced fo some of the officers of Napoleon's suite, and travelled through the country in one of the emperor's carriages. At Paris, he spent most of his time in the society of these officers* and persons whom they introduced, and, in general, pursued, the same course as at Bayonne. In view of the opportunity thus afforded for observation, and the store of practical knowledge really gathered, he always regarded his detention in France as a very important, and, indeed, necessary part of his prepa ration for the duties. which afterwards devolved upon him. In England he was received in a manner peculiarly flattering, vol. i. 7 74 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. and I think his appearance there must Lave created a very favorable impression. He was at this time small and exceedingly ielicate in figure, with a round, rosy face, which gave him the appearance of extreme youthfulness. His hair and eyes were of a dark shade of brown, in his French pass port described as "chestnut." His voice, however, was far from what would be expected of such a person, and usually " took the listeners by surprise. An instance of this occurred in London. He sat in the pulpit with a clergyman somewhat distinguished for his eccentricity, and at the close of the ser mon was requested to read a hymn. When he had finished, the clergyman arose, and introduced his young brother to the congregation as a person who purposed devoting himself to the conversion of the heathen, adding, " Aud if his faith is proportioned to his voice, he will drive the devil from all India." Mr. Judson crossed the channel, and arrived at Dartmouth on the 3d of May, 1811. On the 6th of the same month he went up to London, and pre sented his credentials to the directors of the London Missionary Society. They received him with every mark of Christian kindness, and, as it will be seen, appointed him and his brethren missionaries to the heathen in their service. The following letters con tain all the memorials which I have found relating tc these events : — Extracts from the Minutes of the Board of Directors of the London Missionary Society. Meeting of the Directors, June 25, 1810. Eead a letter from Mr. Adoniram Judson, a student in the Divinity College at Andover, in America, dated April 23, 1810, saying that he wished to become a missionary to the heathen; requesting to be informed whether two or three young unmarried men, having received a liberal education, PROCEEDINGS OF LONDON MISSIONARY SOCIETY. 75 desirous of becoming missionaries, would be accepted on their arrival in England next spring, on probation, to be sent to Gosport, with a view to a mission to India or Tartary. Resolved, That the secretary be desired to write immedi ately, requesting that testimonials be forwarded from Andover, as soon as possible, giving a full account of the religious views, &c, of these young men. Meeting, May 20, 1811. Eead a letter, dated January 3, 1811, from Eev. S. Worces ter, of Salem, secretary to the Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, requesting the cooperation of this society in sending out four young men as missionaries to the heathen. Eead also a letter from Eev. Messrs. Griffin, Woods, and Stuart, professors of Andover College- recommending Messrs. A. Judson, S. Newell, S. Nott, and G. Hall, as having re ceived a liberal education, and of good moral and religious characters, suitable for this purpose. Eead a letter of instructions to Mr. Judson, also a recom mendatory letter from Eev. Mr. Codman, of Dorchester, dated December 19, 1810. Resolved, That a committee be appointed, to consist of Messrs. Alers, Cowie, and Eoberts, with the secretary, to consider what measures may be suitable to be adopted respect ing the proposition made by the American brethren to this society, and report. Meeting, May 27, 1811. The committee to whom the proposals from the Commis sioners for Foreign Missions, by Mr. Judson, were referred, reported. # The committee have to report, that it is the particular wish, as well of the commissioners as of the candidates themselves, that they should be employed in forming a new station for missionary exertions, rather than be separated from each other among the several stations already occupied by the so ciety. This appears to be the chief, if not the only stipula tion connected with the offer of service made by Mr. Judson, 76 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. on his own part and that of his brethren. The precise station is stated by Mr. Judson to be entirely at the disposal of the Missionary Society, if he and his brethren can be accommo dated by the Missionary Society in the respect just referred to. That Mr. Judson wishes most explicitly to state, whatever may be the expressions of the instructions he has received, that they do not intend to require any engagement from the Missionary Society contrary to the established usage in the formation of its stations ; and that he and his brethren are willing to consider themselves the missionaries of this society, in all respects the same as the other missionaries engaged by them. That Mr. Judson is able to afford very little encouragement as to pecuniary assistance. The zeal for missionary efforts seems to have been excited chiefly, if not entirely, among those who have only their personal services to offer. The encouragement which this disposition has- hitherto met with from those who are able to cherish such endeavors by pecuni ary contributions is at present so limited, that no assurances can be given to the society of any efficient aid in that respect The committee think it right to state to the directors, that they have received very great satisfaction from the statements given by the candidates themselves of their religious experi ence and missionary views, and from the strong and unequivo cal testimonies to their religious and moral character and ministerial qualifications, which have been transmitted by judicious and experienced ministers, who are personally ac quainted with them. The committee have peculiar pleasure in stating likewise, uponathe information of Mr. Judson, that a lively zeal for the propagation of the blessed gospel among the heathen has man ifested itself among the young students in the Divinity Col lege of which he is a member, which is cherished by meetings of prayer and conversation relative to that object, and that in the event of the present offer from himself and his brethren receiving the countenancs of the society, he has the fullest as surance that others of '.-.is junior brethren, now prosecuting RETURNS TO THE UNITED STATES. 77 their divinity studies, will, when prepared, be found ready to devote their lives and labors in the same line of active service. The committee have, therefore, on the preceding grounds, great satisfaction in recommending to their brethren, the direct ors of the Missionary Society, that the proposals of Mr. Jud son be received with the most friendly attention, and that the services of himself and brethren be accepted on such terms as the directors shall, on due consideration, judge most expe dient. Resolved, That the report of the committee be accepted. Resolved, That Messrs. Adoniram Judson, Samuel Newell, Samuel Nott, and Gordon Hall be accepted as missionaries, to be employed by this society in India. Resolved, That Mr. Alers be requested to write a letter of instructions for Mr. Judson and his brethren. Mr. Judson subsequently visited the missionary seminary at Gosport, then under the care of>the ven erable Dr. Bogue, to confer with that pious and de voted friend of missions. There was nothing to detain him in England after he had accomplished his missionary purposes ; and within about six weeks after his arrival, on the 18th of June, 1811, he em barked at Gravesend in the ship Augustus, bound to New York. He arrived in New York on the 17th of August following. The Board of Commissioners held their seeond meeting at Worcester, Massachusetts, September 18, 1811. At this meeting Mr. Judson and Mr. Nott were present. The Prudential Committee, in their annual report, after inserting the letter of instructions to Mr. Judson, their letter to Mr. Burder, and his answer, proceed to remark as follows : " The board will perceive that, though the London directors gave the most favorable 78 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. reception to our messenger, and show Ed the most Christian zeal towards the general object, yet in this letter of the Rev. Mr. Burder nothing is said in direct reference to the points on which Mr. Judson was instructed to confer with the directors, relating to a cooperation in the support and conduct of missions. Though the committee have not received any written communication from Mr. Judson, yet they have learned from him in general that the London directors are of opinion that a joint conduct of missions will not be practicable, and that, although they are ready to receive our young brethren under their patronage, and would gladly have aid from us in respect to their support, yet they do not think it consistent to admit this board to a participation with them in the direction of the mission." The report then proceeds to state that one of two courses is plainly before the board — either to surren der these four young brethren to the London society, which had already appointed them, or undertake to support them themselves. They recommend the latter course, give their reasons for this recommendation, and suggest the manner in which funds may be raised. They direct the attention of the board to the various openings for missionary labor, and mention Burmah as a specially inviting field. This report is accom panied by the following vote : — " Voted, That this board will retain under their care the young gentlemen who last year devoted them selves to the service of God for life, as missionaries in foreign parts." This report of the Prudential Committee was ac cepted. Oa-, the following day, it was voted, "That this APPOINTED A MISSIONARY. 79 board do not advise Messrs. Adoniram Judson, Jr., ana Samuel Nott, Jr., to place themselves at present under the direction of the London Missionary Society, but to wait the further intimations of Providence rel ative to our means of furnishing them with the requi site support in the proposed foreign mission." " Messrs. Adoniram Judson, Jr., Samuel Nott, Jr., Samuel Newell, and Gordon Hall were appointed missionaries to labor under the direction of this board in Asia, either in the Burman empire, or in Surat, or in Prince of Wales Island, or elsewhere, as, in the view of the Prudential Committee, Providence shall open the most favorable door." By a subsequent vote, the salary of a married and of an unmarried missionary was fixed, together with the sum that should be allowed for the outfit of each ; and an appropriation of three hundred dollars was made for the purchase of books for missionaries. The way was now open for these pioneers of Amer ican missions to proceed on their errand of mercy. At this time, however, intercourse with the East Indies was infrequent, and passages were not easily secured. The company were obliged to delay their departure until the following February. On the 3d of February, Mr. Judson took a final leave of his parents at Plymouth. On the 5th, he was married to Ann Hasseltine. On the 6th, he was ordained at Salem, in company with Messrs. Nott, Newell, Hall, and Rice. They expected to sail immediately, but their departure was delayed until the 18th and 19th, a part of the company embarking at Salem, and the remainder at Philadelphia. The account of these events which folows is froo the Panoplist for Febru ary, 1812. 80 MEMOIR OF DR. JL'DSON. Ordained, on Thursday, the 6th instant, at the Tabernacle in Salem, the Eev. Messrs. Samuel Newell, Adoniram Jud son, Samuel Nott, Gordon Hall, and Luther Eice, to the work of the gospel ministry, as missionaries to the heathen in Asia. The ordaining council was composed of the pastors of the North Congregational Church in Newburyport, the Congrega tional Church in Charlestown, and the Tabernacle church in Salem, and delegates from the same churches ; and of the Eev. Dr. Griffin, pastor of Park Street Church, Boston, late professor at Andover, and the Eev. Dr. Woods, professor at Andover. The Eev. Professor Stuart was invited to attend, but was necessarily prevented. The young gentlemen were examined with respect to their doctrinal views, their personal hopes of the divine favor, and their motives and prospects in offering themselves to this im portant service among the heatheu. The parts in the solemnities of the day were as fohows : The Eev. Dr. Griffin made the introductory prayer ; the Eev Dr. Woods preached the sermon, from Psalm Ixvii. ; the Eev. Dr. Morse made the consecrating prayer ; the Eev. Dr. Spring delivered the charge ; the Eev. Dr. Worcester presented the right hand of fellowship, and the Eev. Dr. Spring made the con cluding prayer. The exercises were solemn and appropriate, and evidently made a deep impression on a crowded audience. The sermon, charge, and right hand of fellowship are printed. A very large impression is struck off, and the profits will be applied to the support of this mission. This transaction may justly be considered as forming a new and important era in the annals of the American churches — the era of foreign missions. It would be natural to indulge. in pleasing anticipations of the blessings, which, with the divine assistance, these missionaries may be the means of communicating to Asia. But, while" we leave the issue of this benevolent enterprise to the disposal of infinite wisdom, the good effects of these missionary exertions among ourselves ought to be mentioned with devout gratitude. Christians feel more sensibly than ever the value of their holy religion, while RELATIONS WITH THE BOARD. 81 devoting their money and their time to extend its blessings to the heathen. Christians of different denominations, who hve our Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity, experience the blessedness of uniting in this great catholic labor of love. Messrs. Newell and Judson, with their wives, sailed from Salem in the brig Caravan, Captain Heard, on Wednesday, the 19th instant, amidst the prayers and benedictions of multi tudes, whose hearts go with them, and who will not cease to remember them at the throne of grace. Messrs. Nott, Hall, and Eice, and the wife of Mr. Nott, sailed from Philadelphia in the ship Harmony, Captain Brown, on the 18th instant. They and their brethren from Salem probably lost sight of the shores of their native country about the same time. Though they never expect to return, they will not be forgotten ; and, if they obtain grace to be faithful to their Lord and Master, their memories will be blessed. Before closing this chapter, it seems necessary to advert to the reprimand said to have been adminis tered to Mr. Judson, at the meeting of the board at Worcester, September 19, 1811. I regret that I am called to treat of this subject, since it has been sup posed by many persons to present the character of good men in an unamiable light. With unfeigned pleasure, however, I am able to state, that I can dis cover nothing in the facts which tends in the least to diminish our love and esteem for any of the parties concerned. The facts in the case are briefly as follows : — 1. The missionaries were all received, so far as ii was known to the public, on the same terms of affec tionate regard. No one supposed that either of ftiem was, or ever had been under censure. It would have been an act of unwarrantable rashness in the board to send out as missionary pioneers men in whom they had not entire confidence. 82 MEMOIR 01 DR. JUDSON. 2. On the passage, Mr. Judson became convinced that the New Testament furnished no authority for infant baptism. Shortly after his arrival at Calcutta, he was baptized by immersion, and joined the Baptist church in that city. He afterwards published a ser- mon, in which he presented the reasons for the change in his opinions. 3. In due time, a reply to this sermon, by a much respected Congregational clergyman, appeared. In the introduction to the sermon, it was stated that Mr. Judson had been reprimanded by the board at Worcester; and it was understood to be intimated that the irritation caused by this censure had induced him to embrace the earliest opportunity for leaving their service. This intimation has, we believe, been long since withdrawn, and men of all denominations regret that it was ever made. 4. To this imputation Mr. Judson replied by a direct denial. He affirmed that no reprimand had ever been administered ; he appealed to all the members of the board for confirmation of his testimony ; and he showed conclusively that no such motives as had been suggested could possibly have affected his decisions. 5. Upon the receipt of this denial, it was, I believe, reasserted by the Corresponding Secretary 'of the board, that the reprimand had been administered. 6. Rev. Samuel Nott, Jr., the intimate friend of Mr. Judson, and formerly his missionary associate, published his " testimony in favor of Judson." He admits, however, that Mr. Judson's " proceedings pre viously to his leaving this country were in some respects unsatisfactory to the board and the com mittee, and that Mi Judson was informed of this formally and solemi \y." RELATIONS WITH THE BOARD. 83 7. In 1830, Mr. Judson wrote a letter to Mr. Evarts, then Corresponding Secretary, (Dr. Worcester having died in 1821,) in which he acknowledges that many circumstances had convinced him that there was, at the time referred to, an expression of dissatisfaction which gave some just ground for the statements which had been made on the subject, and expressing sincere regret for the spirit of the letter which he had written to his father in relation to it. Such are, I believe, all the prominent facts in the case. I beg leave to offer such suggestions in regard to them as have occurred to me. In the first place, there can be no doubt that an ad monition was addressed to Mr. Judson by Dr. Spring, by direction of the board. The reasons for such a measure are obvious. Mr. Judson had been sent tc England to propose a union between the London society and the American board, to learn all in his power respecting missions, and make a written report to the board. He had made no written report, and the letter from Mr. Burder made no allusion to the points which he had been directed to present. Mr. Judson came back with an appointment from the London society, and thus left the board only the option of appointing the four missionaries at once, or of surren dering them to the London society. I can easily sympathize with the feelings of the board on this occasion. They were committing themselves to a great undertaking. It was of the utmost importance to all the parties concerned, that the relations in which they stood to each other should be well defined and clearly understood. They wished to mark the first instance of departure from the principles which should govern their intercourse with their missionaries. They might 84 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. do, and they evidently did all this, without in the least abating their confidence in the individual. This very self-reliance, which had appeared somewhat in excess, was a quality of the highest value in the service to which he was appointed. This was precisely Dr. Spring's estimate of Judson, whom he loved as a son. But Mr. Judson denied that a reprimand had ever been given. I think that this is susceptible of easy explanation. Mr. Judson was inflamed with a " pas sion for missions " in as high a degree as any person of whom I have ever read. He believed that God had called him to this service, and that, having called, God would sustain him in it. He preferred greatly to go out under the auspices of the American churches. If these failed, he would have gone out under the sanc tion of the London society. If this hope had failed, he would have begged his passage money from Chris tians at home, and taking a few hundred dollars, which he happened to possess, would have thrown himself, with no other aid, on the providence of God. He, however, believed that, if he and his brethren took such a step, it would effectually arouse the churches at home, and that thus all needed aid would be afforded. With these views, he went to England, his whole mind being intent on finding some way of getting to the heathen. Every thing else seemed to him of little consequence ; and the plan of uniting with the Lon don society was found at first view to be impractica ble. He returned with the means of going to the East for himself and his brethren. Still he wished to be sent by the American churches. With these views, and wjth his constitutional ardor of temperament, I RELATIONS WITH THE BOARD. 85 presume that he pressed the board to a decision with a somewhat unceremonious earnestness, plainly inti mating that, if they did not send him and his breth ren, they would at once use the appointment of the London society. This earnestness succeeded, and on the second day of the session the appointment was made. Still, the board were annoyed by his pertinacity, and plainly informed him that there were parts of his conduct of which they disapproved. This was, I doubt not, a recital of errors which Judson had often confessed in humiliation before God, over which he had wept, and against which he had labored and prayed times without number. He felt thankful to the fathers for their faithfulness, and resolved to strive the harder for Christian perfection. He had no idea that any serious displeasure was intended ; and every other thought was immediately swallowed up in the consid eration that he and his brethren were now appointed missionaries to the heathen, and appointed by their American brethren. In his letters at this period he speaks of this event as the consummation of all his wishes. The board' afterwards, until the time of his embarkation, gave him no reason ^o suppose that he had been subject to any serious displeasure ; and the whole thing passed entirely out of his mind. Hence, when, some years afterwards, it was asserted that he had been censured by the board, and censured so gravely as to occasion his profession of a change of sentiment in order to separate himself from them, he at once met it with a flat denial, and publicly called on every member of the board to vindicate his character. Some years passed away. He could now more readily place himself in the position of the board, and vol. i. 8 86 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. understand their duties and responsibilities. He could see how his zealous pertinacity, even with the best motives, would affect men in their circumstances. He saw the a priori probability that some admonition would have been given. He remembered that Dr. Spring had addressed him. Mr. Nott, his friend and companion, admitted a " solemn and formal admoni tion." The members of the board all testified to the same fact. Under these circumstances, he could not but admit that something had taken place of a graver character than he had been at the time aware of. He no sooner came to this conclusion than he at once corrected his error, and resolved to do justice to the memory of Dr. Worcester, whom he had unintention ally injured. This he did in his letter from Prome, to which allusion has been made. Nothing that Dr. Judson has done through life presents his character in a more favorable light, or exhibits more clearly the controlling power of Christian integrity, than this transaction. One other remark, and I have done. There was, in the year 1811, a strong feeling of sectarian antago nism between the Congregationalists and Baptists. The change of sentiment in Mr. Judson was consid ered by his former brethren a severe trial and a pain ful disappointment. Remembering the address of Dr. Spring to Judson through the medium of existing feeling, is it too much to suppose that it assumed a graver aspect than it wore at the moment of its deliv ery, or that a faithful paternal admonition, to an over- zealous and too confident youth, assumed afterwards the lineaments of a grave reprimand or a decided censure ? That any member of the board would, under these circumstances, have intentionally made RELATIONS WITH THIS BOARD 87 the slightest deviation from the exact verity, I do not for a moment believe ; but that they should, under such a trial, have been affected by the general laws of humanity, is surely not improbable. To sum up the whole matter, then, I would say that Judson, in wholly untried circumstances, did not perceive distinctly his relations to the board, and, acting from the dictates of self-sacrificing zeal, did not sufficiently recognize their authority. On this subject they very properly admonished him, but with so much parental and Christian feeling, that, while he was melted to tears, it left on his mind no trace of dis pleasure. When it was intimated that he had been censured, and so censured that it incited him to leave the service of the board, — the most self-sacrificing act, as he always testified, of his whole life, — he met it with a prompt denial. In the course of years, when he reviewed the whole subject, recalled the whole series of events, and received the testimony of Mr. Nott and of the members of the board, he was satis fied that more had occurred than he at first recol lected. He then, at once, as became a Christian and an honorable man, made all the reparation in his power by confessing his error. His letter should have been published at the time, according, I think, to his manifest intention. The following letters, addressed, the one to Di Spring, of -Newburyport, and the other to Jeremiah Evarts, Esq., indicate the views of Mr. Judson at the commencement and the close of this transaction. Rangoon, June 30, 1819. Eev. and dear Sir : I have been perfectly astonished to find it publicly asserted, that " a formal and solemn reprimand was administered to me in presence of the board," at tha 88 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. Worcester session, in 1811. My best recollections assure me that this assertion is founded on a mistake. I am induced to apply particularly to you, sir, by my recol lecting a conversation which passed between us, in Madam Phillips's house, in Andover, some days after the session, in which you suggested a fear that I had alienated the minds of some of the members of the board, and instanced General Huntington, as having particularly disapproved of my pro ceedings. Now, it appears to me that this conversation would have been quite irrelevant, and, indeed, could not possibly have taken place, if we had both been conscious at the time that a formal reprimand had been given me by the board. I am further induced to apply to you, from feeling that your opinion on that subject would tend more than that of any other person to relieve and satisfy my mind. Will you, therefore, please to inform me whether you think the charge correct or not ? I hope that my unfortunate apostasy will not be considered as depriving me of the privilege of receiving your kindness, in which it was my happiness to participate so largely in former days, and of which I shall ever retain a most grateful recollection. I remain, reverend and dear sir, Your much obliged and obedient friend and servant, A. Judson, Jr. Rev. Dr. Spring.* Pkome, June 13, 1830. My dear Sir : I have lately felt it my duty to confess my faults to all those whom I have in any way injured, whether wilfully or inadvertently ; and were the late Dr. Worcester still living, I should desire to write him in the following man ner : " Eev. Sir : When I read your public letter concerning the reprimand said to have been given me by the Board of Commissioners, I was perfectly astonished ; and for many years I really thought that there was no ground whatever for your allegations. I am now, however, convinced from a number of * Of Newburyport. Dr. S. was a member of the Prudential Com mittee. He had deceased previous to the arrival of this letter. RELATIONS WITH THE BOARD. 89 circumstances that I was mistaken, and that there was some expression of dissatisfaction on the part of the board, which, though it made so slight an impression on my mind as to be entirely forgotten for many years, furnished you with some just ground for a part of the statements in the said letter. There are other parts, concerning which I have nothing to say in addition to what I wrote at the time, except, in general, that I deeply regret and condemn the spirit with which I penned my reply in self-vindication, it being, as I now per ceive, at variance with the spirit of the blessed Saviour, whose law requires us to resist not evil, but when smitten on the right cheek, to turn the other. I hope that I have humbly repented before God, and received his pardon ; and I humbly beg your pardon also." Such is the tenor of the letter I should be glad to address to Dr. Worcester ; but it is now too late for me to do any thing more than to forward it to you, his successor in the Corre sponding Secretary's office, and leave it for you to make what use of it you think proper. I hope you will excuse my troubling you. I am aware that this communication will afford you no pleasure ; nor should I make it if I consulted my credit with men. But I write to please One whom I desire to love supremely, and whose smiles I covet above all created good. Yours, in Christian love, A. Judson. Jer. Evarts,Esq., Cor. Sec. A. B. C. P. M. In a conversation on this subject, but a year or two before his death, Dr. Judson confirmed the view which I have taken above. He said that his first statement to Dr. Baldwin was made in perfect sincerity. He never considered himself reprimanded ; he was igno rant of the passing of any vote on the subject, and was not aware of any serious displeasure on the part 8* 90 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. of the committee, though quite aware that they were annoyed (momentarily, as he supposed) at his perti nacity. When Nott's testimony was published, he was astonished to find so much admitted, though the formal reprimand was denied. In the course of years, however, circumstances came gradually to his recol lection which made him think that Dr. Worcester's assertion had some just foundation, and that the board were more displeased at his zealous boldness than he was aware of at the time. He said, how ever, that he could not, on the whole, regret his course before the board at Worcester, and speculated at some length on what would have been the probable result if he and Nott had waited for " the further intimations of Providence." He also said that his letter from Prome, though written under peculiar in fluences, met the approval of his sober judgment, and he felt a satisfaction in having done his duty as soon as he became aware of it, however much the meaning of his honest communication might be per verted. In another conversation, he alluded to the injudi- ciousness of calling up these long-forgotten incidents, and added, " When I grasp the hand of Dr. Worcester in heaven, I do not think we shall either of us feel called upon to settle any such differences." I do not know how I can close this subject more appropriately than by adding the following letter from Dr. Judson to Dr. Anderson, the present secretary of the American Board, and the noble and beautiful reply of Dr. Anderson. RELATIONS WITH THE BOARD. 91 Maulmain, January 21, 1839. Eev. and dear Sir: The Missionary Herald has been kindly sent tc me gratis, through Messrs. Cockerell & Co., and by way of Eangoon, in parcels of several numbers at a time, by which means it does not reach me in good season. I beg leave to request that each number, as soon as published, may be sent, with my name upon it, to the Missionary Eooms of the Baptist Board, and then it will be forwarded, with oth er articles, by the earliest and most direct conveyance. I am aware that it is not regular to trouble you with this business ; but, to tell the truth, I have rather caught at it as giving me an occasion to drop you a line, and perhaps get one in return. Though I have been (as some may think) a way ward son of the American Board of Commissioners for For eign Missions, I have always retained the warmest filial affec tion for that body, under whose auspices I first came out. I was also afraid that, attempting to change the mode of conveyance, I should, by some accident, lose my Herald alto gether, unless I wrote you, and begged you to secure me from such a misfortune. There are not many, perhaps, now living, who can say, as 1 can, that they have read every number of the Herald, from the time it first commenced its existence, in the form of the Panoplist and Massachusetts Missionary Magazine, to the present time ; and I hope to enjoy the privilege as long as I live. The Herald, in my view, contains more interesting mis sionary information, and a development of sounder missionary principles, than any other publication in the world. I remain, reverend and dear sir, Yours, most sincerely, A. Judson. Rev. Dr Anderson, Cor. Sec. A. B. C. F. M. Missionary House, Boston, August 1, 1839. Eev. Adoniram Judson, Maulmain, India. Eev. and dear Sir : A few days since I had the great pleasure of receiving your favor of January 21. If any 92 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. thing was wanted, in addition to your long, devoted, and suc cessful missionary life, to perfect the impression made by your letter to Mr. Evarts, dated June 13, 1830, (and which I re plied to February 25, 1831,) it was such a letter as lies now before me. But I should not have said, nor am I aware, that any thing was necessary to give you a stronger hold upon our hearts than any other one of the brethren of your society can possibly have. We rejoice in the good, the very great good, whicA has grown out of your change of relation. We see the good hand of our God in this. We would not, there fore, have it otherwise. The old asperities of feeling have per ished in the grave, or have been softened down by time and the grace of God. We love to think of you as intimately related to us — having a common missionary parentage. Hence we send you the Herald, and on this account we mean to send it to you as long as you continue a missionary of our Lord and Master. I will give directions for sending the Herald monthly to the Baptist Missionary Eooms, with your name upon it, and will take all the pains I can to see that this is done from year to year. Still, while this method will insure its being sent to you without the long delays attendant on the other course, there is a liability, which I know not how to prevent, that it may accidentally stop at the end of almost any year. I would therefore request you, should there be any interruption in your receipt of the work, to attribute it to accident in the pub lishing office, and write immediately to me, or my successor, (for secretaries are apt to be a short-lived race,) state what numbers are wanting to complete the series, and remind us of our duty. I send a small parcel of our recent publications to the Bap tist Missionary Eooms for you, and may perhaps trouble you in this manner in time to come. With great esteem and cordial affection, and with fervent desires for the continued prosperity of yourself and your fel low-laborers, I am, my dear brother, most truly yours, E. Anderson, ( HAPTEE IV. EMBARKATION. — ARRIVAL IN INDIA. — CHANGE OF VIEWS ON BAPTISM. — COURSE OF THE EAST INDIA COMPANY. — ESCAPE TO THE ISLE OF FRANCE. — PASSAGES TO MADRAS AND RAN GOON FORMATION OF THE BAPTIST GENERAL CONVENTION FOR FOREIGN MISSIONS. 1812-1813. On the 19th of February, 1812, Mr. and Mrs. Jud son and Mr. and Mrs. Newell embarked at Salem, in the brig Caravan, Captain Heard, bound for Calcutta. They had been some time waiting for a fair wind ; and, on the 18th, the long-expected change in the weather took place, and the passengers were in haste summoned on board. The brig remained, however, at anchor during the night, and on the following morn ing set sail with a favorable breeze. The embarkation was sudden, and but few of their friends were aware of the time of their departure. Every comfort which kindness could suggest had, , however, been previously provided. The captain was an intelligent and amiable gentleman, and they commenced their voyage under the most auspicious circumstances. The passage was pleasant, and on the 17th of June they arrived in Calcutta. Messrs. Nott, Hall, and Rice, who sailed about the same time in the Harmony, from Philadelphia, did not arrive un til the 8th of the following month. A controversy has, unfortunately, been carried on, respecting the embarkation at Salem, to which it is necessary very briefly to advert. When Dr. Judson returned to this country, after thirty-three years' absence, he was greatly surprised at 93 94 MEMOIR OF DR, JUDSON. the change which had taken place in public opinion on the subject of missions. When he left for India, devout men were beginning to be interested in it; a few others looked with admiration at the romantic self-sacrifice which it exhibited ; but I think I do not err in asserting that it was by many good men consid ered a hopeless undertaking. From my own personal knowledge, I can testify that, as late as Mrs. Ann Jud son's second embarkation, it was with some difficulty that passages were procured for missionaries to India. When Dr. Judson returned, he found the cause of mis sions to the heathen the favorite object of Christian benevolence. It had entirely silenced opposition, and multiplied without limit the number of its friends. He was filled with admiration at what he saw, and felt assured that his highest anticipations of the prog ress of the cause had been more than realized. In speaking on this subject, he, on one or two occa sions, contrasted the circumstances of the pioneers, when they left their native country, with those of their brethren who were at the present day following them. I am confident that, in these remarks, he had not- the most remote idea of undervaluing the kindness of his friends in Salem. In all his letters, as well as those of Mrs. Judson, this subject is never alluded to but in terms of affectionate gratitude. A use was, however, made of these remarks, which gave pain to the family of the late Dr. Worcester, and some of his friends at Salem. This was as far as possible from his inten tion. The contrast struck him forcibly, and, in speak ing of it, he alluded to circumstances which happened to occur to him. He did not suppose that they would give pain to any one ; for, as they existed in his mind, there was nothing either wrong or unkind associated with them. CHANGE OF VIEWS ON ISLFTISM. 95 The only event on the passage which has become specially worthy of note is the fact that Mr. Judson availed himself of this period of leisure to investigate anew the scriptural authority for infant baptism. He was prompted to this course by two considerations. In the first place, he looked forward to the time when he should be surrounded by converts from heathenism. How should he treat their children and servants ? Was he authorized to baptize them ? and if so, what would be their relation to the Christian church after wards ? Besides this, he was going in the first in stance to Serampore, to reside for a time with the Baptist missionaries. He felt the necessity for reex amining the subject, as he expected to be called upon by them to defend his belief. In this latter respect, however, he found himself singularly disappointed ; for the gentlemen at Serampore made it a matter of principle never to introduce the subject of their pecu liar belief to any of their brethren of other denomina tions who happened to be their guests. As it seems proper to allow Mr. Judson to explain the reasons for his change of sentiment, I shall here insert a large part of his letter to the Third Church in Plymouth, of which he had been until lately a member. It was on board the vessel, in prospect of my future life among the heathen, that I was led to investigate this impor tant subject. I was going forth to proclaim the glad news of salvation through Jesus Christ. I hoped that my ministrations would be blessed to the conversion of souls. In that case, I felt that I should have no hesitation concerning my duty to the converts, it being plainly commanded in Scripture that such are to be baptized, and received into church fellowship. But how, thought I, am I to treat the unconverted children and domestics of the converts ? Are they to be considered 96 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. members of the church of Christ by virtue of the conversion of the head of the family, or not ? If they are, ought I not to treat them as such ? After they are baptized, can I consist ently set them aside, as aliens from the commonwealth of Israel, until they are readmitted ? If they are not to be con sidered members of the church, can I consistently administer to them the initiating ordinance of the church ? If I adopt the Abrahamic covenant, and consider the Chris tian church a continuation of the Abrahamic or Jewish system, I must adopt the former part of the alternative. I must con sider the children and domestics of professors as members of the church, and treat them accordingly. Abraham, according to the terms of the covenant which God made with him, cir cumcised not only his own sons, but all the males that were born in his house, or bought with money. His male descend ants, in the line of Isaac and Jacob, were entitled to the same ordinance, by virtue of natural descent, and, together with their domestics, composed the ancient church, and were enti tled to all its privileges. This is put beyond a doubt by the single fact, that, in the Abrahamic community, or the society of Israel, there was no separate party calling themselves, by way of distinction, the church, and saying to others, who were equally circumcised with themselves, Stand by ; touch not the passover ; we are holier than you. No. All the members of the community or nation were of course members of the church. They were entitled to church membership by birth or purchase. Their church membership was recognized, or they were initiated into the church by circumcision ; and in subsequent life they partook of the passover, which was the standing sacrament of the church, analogous to the Lord's supper, and enjoyed all the rights and privileges of the church, unless they were excommunicated, or, in scriptural language, " cut off from the people." * * If any one should be inclined to doubt the right of circumcised children to the passover, let him consider the following : Witsius, "In those companies" (that partook. of the passover)' "men an.d women sat down together, old men and young, whole and. CHANGE OF VIEWS ON BAPTISM. 97 Now, let me be consistent. Since I am exhorted to walk in the steps of father Abraham, let me follow him with the same faithfulness which procured him eminent praise. Let me not adopt some parts of his covenant, and reject others, as suits my own convenience, or accords with the notions in which I have been educated. Nor let me complain for want of exam ple and prescription. Behold the established church of Eng land. She proves herself, in many respects, a worthy daughter of the Abrahamic or Jewish church. She receives into her charitable bosom all the descendants of professors, and all those who, though not of her seed, belong to the families of professors ; and these collectively come, in process of time, to comprise the whole nation. This is truly Abrahamic. This is the very system which the ancestors of the Jewish race, and their succeeding rulers and priests, uniformly maintained. And if I claim an interest in the Abrahamic covenant, and consider the Christian church a continuation of the Jewish, why should I hesitate to prove myself a true child of Abra ham, and a consistent Christian, by adopting this, system in all its parts, and introducing it among the heathen ? But I considered again : How does this system accord with the account of the church of Christ given in the New Testa ment ? It appeared to me, from the manner in which this church commenced and was continued, from the character of sick, masters and servants, in fine, every Jew that could' eat a morsel of flesh, not excluding even young children." — CEcon. Feed. 1. iv. c. ix. § 14. Dr. Scott. " Every person, in each household, including women and children, ate this first passover, none being excepted but uncircumcieed males ; and afterwards all, who were not ceremonially unclean, par took of it. The women and children were not indeed commanded to go up to the tabernacle, where it was celebrated ; but when they did, they joined in this sacred feast." — Note on Exodus xii. 43-45. After the tabernacle, where alone the passover could be eaten, was established at Jerusalem, young children, on account of distance, not on account of any personal disqualification, were seldom brought to partake of the passover. This neglect, however, was not allowed after they had attained the age of twelve years. 98 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. its members, and, in fine, from its whole econcmy, so far as detailed in the New Testament, that it was a company consist ing of select individuals, men and women, who gave credible evidence of being disciples of Christ ; and that it had no regard to natural descent, or accidental connection with the families of professors. When I proceeded to consider certain passages, which are thought to favor the Pedobaptist system, I found nothing sat isfactory. The sanctification which St. Paul ascribes to the children of a believer, (1 Cor. vii. 14,) I found that he ascribed to the •unbelieving parent also ; and therefore, whatever be the meaning of the passage, it could have no respect to church membership, or a right to church ordinances. The declaration of St. Peter, " The promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call," (Acts ii. 39,) appeared not to bear at all on the point in hand, because the apostle does not command his hearers to have their children baptized, or acknowledged members of the church, but to repent and be baptized themselves. There is indeed a promise made to their children, and to all others that God shall call ; but it does not follow that they were to procure the baptism of their children, or of those that were afar off, until they gave evi dence that God had called them. When Christ said, concerning little children, that " of such is the kingdom of heaven," (Matt. xix. 14,) it appeared to me that his comparison had respect, not to the age or size of little children, but to the humility and docility which distinguish them from adults. This seemed to be put beyond a doubt by his own explanation, in a similar passage, in which he says, " Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven." (Matt. xvii. 3.) The baptism of households, which is mentioned in three instances, I could not consider as affording any evidence one way or the other, because in a household there may be infants and unbelieving domestics, and there may not. Beisdes I CHANGE OF VIEWS ON BAPTISM. 99 discovered some circumstances in each of the cases which led me to conclude, that the members of the households were real believers. They are expressly said to be so in the case of the jailer, (Acts xvi. 34 ;) and the same is evidently implied in the case of Stephanas, when it is said that they addicted them selves to the ministry of the saints. (1 Cor. i. 1 6 x In a word, I could not find a single intimation in the New Testament that the children and domestics of believers were members of the church, or entitled to any church ordinance, in consequence of the profession of the head of their family. Every thing discountenanced this idea. When baptism was spoken of, it was always in connection with believing. None but believers were commanded to be baptized ; and it did not appear to my mind that any others were baptized. Here, then, appeared a striking difference between the Abrahamic and the Christian systems. The one recognized the membership of children, domestics, and remote descend ants of professors, and tended directly to the establishment of a national religion. The other appeared to be a selective sys tem, acknowledging none as members of the church but such as gave credible evidence of believing in Christ. This led me to suspect that these two systems, so evidently different, could not be one and the same. And now the light began to dawn. The more I read, and the more I meditated on the subject, the more clearly it appeared to me that all my errors and difficulties had originated in confounding these two systems. I began to see that since the very nature and con stitution of the church of Christ excluded infants and unre- generate domestics, repentance and faith being always repre sented as necessary to constitute a disciple, we had no right to expect any directions for, or any examples of, the initiation of such unqualified persons into the church. To search for such directions and examples in the New Testament, would be as if the citizen of a republic should go to search his national code for laws concerning the royal family, which, by the very nature and constitution of a republic, is excluded. Suppose that such a citizen, disappointed in his search, should have 100 MEMOIR OF DE. JUDSON. r icourse to the constitution and laws of a neighboring mon archy for the desired information. This, it appeared to me, would aptly represent the proceeding of those who, unable to find in the New Testament satisfactory proof of the right of infants, or unregenerate domestics, should have recourse to the Abrahamic and Jewish codes. At length I adopted the following sentiments concerning the two churches, and the concern which we have at present with the old dispensation. The Abrahamic church was preparatory to, and typical of, the Christian. The constitution was radi cally different ; but it was, nevertheless, wisely adapted to answer the ends which God had in view. Natural descent or purchase was sajfficient to introduce a person into this church ; but still it appelws that in every age there were some who were truly pious j mho embraced the gospel promise made to Abraham before tnk povenant of circumcision was instituted ; who also looked bjyond the literal meaning of the require ments and prornUps, contained in that covenant, to the glori ous things tyrjffied thereby, and thus exercised true faith in the cominjjjjjffiessiah, and in a better country, that is, the hea^tenlyT When the Messiah appeared, this preparatory and topical system, having answered its end, was destined to cease ; 3«hd the Lord Jesus set up his kingdom on earth, the gospel church, composed of such only as repent and believe, or rather give credible evidence of these gracious exercises. The bar of separation between the Jews and the rest of the world was removed ; thenceforth none were to plead that they had Abra ham for their father; none were to rest in the covenant of circumcision, assured that, if they did, Christ would profit them nothing ; but it was distinctly declared, that thenceforth there was neither Jew nor Greek, bond nor free, male nor female, but all were one in Christ. (Gal. iii. 28.) But whereas the Abrahamic system was typical of the Christian, so the spiritual meaning of the requirements and promises still remains in force. Thus, by looking beyond the letter, and regarding the spiritual import, according to the example of the pious Jews, a great part of the Old Testament CHANGE OF VIEWS ON BAPTISM. 101 is still applicable to us, though the New Testament is emphati cally the Christian's law book. The natural seed of Abraham typifies the spiritual seed. The land of Canaan- typifies the heavenly land. External circumcision typifies the circum cision of the heart, a circumcision made without hands, that is, the putting off the body of the sins of the flesh, even the cir cumcision of Christ. (Col. ii. 11.) Believers, therefore, may embrace the promise of Canaan, in its spiritual application, as made to themselves, the spiritual seed, who have received the spiritual circumcision. Hence, also, all the devotional parts of the Old Testament, particularly the Psalms of David, the modern believer can make his own, adopting the language as the genuine expressions of his own devout feelings. In the same way are to be explained all the New Testa ment allusions to the ancient dispensation. When, for in stance, the apostle says, " If ye be Christ's, then are ye Abra ham's seed, and heirs according to the promise,'' (Gal. iii. 29,) we are to understand, not Abraham's natural seed, surely, but his spiritual seed, those who by faith are assimilated to him, and thus become his children ; not heirs of the land of Ca naan, in the literal acceptation of the words, but heirs of the blessing of justification by faith, concerning which the apostle had been discoursing, and consequently of the spiritual Ca naan, the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem. I cannot describe to you, dear brethren, the light and satis faction which I obtained in taking this view of the matter, in considering the two churches distinct, and in classing my ideas of each in their proper place. I became possessed of a key that unlocked many a difficulty, which had long perplexed me ; and the more I read the Bible, the more clearly I saw that this was the true system therein revealed. But while I obtained light and satisfaction on one side, I was plunged in' difficulty and distress on the other. .If, thought I, this system is the true one ; if the Christian church is not a continuation of the Jewish ; if the covenant of circumcision is not precisely the covenant in which Christians now stand, the whole foundation of pedobaptism is gone ; there is no o, * 102 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. remaining ground for the administration of any church ordi nance to the children and domestics of professors ; and it follows inevitably, that I, who was christened in infancy, on the faith of my parents, have never yet received Christian baptism. Must I, then, forsake my parents, the church with which I stand connected, the society under whose patronage I have come out, the companions of my missionary undertak ing ? Must I forfeit the good opinion of all my friends in my native land, occasioning grief to some, and provoking others to anger, and be regarded henceforth, by all my former dear acquaintances, as a weak, despicable Baptist, who has not sense enough to comprehend the connection between the Abrahamic and the Christian systems ? All this was mortifying ; it was hard to flesh and blood. But I thought again, it is better to be guided by the opinion of Christ, who is the truth, than by the opinion of men, however good, whom I know to be in an error. The praise of Christ is better than the praise of men. Let me cleave to Christ at all events, and prefer his favor above my chief joy. There was another thing which greatly contributed, just at this time, to drive me to an extremity. I knew that I had been sprinkled in infancy, and that this had been deemed bap tism. But throughout the whole New Testament I could find nothing that looked like sprinkling, in connection with the ordinance of baptism. It appeared to me, that if a plain per son sho'uld, without any previous information on the subject, read through the New Testament, he would never get the idea, that baptism consisted in -sprinkling. He would' find that baptism, in all the cases particularly described, was ad ministered in rivers, and that the parties are represented as going down into the water, and coming up out of the water, which they would not have been so foolish as to do for the purpose of sprinkling. In regard to the word itself which is translated baptism, a very little search convinced me that its plain, appropriate meaning was immersion or dipping ; and though I read ex tensively on the subject, I could not find that any learned CHANGE OF VIEWS ON BAPTISM. 103 Pedt baptist had ever been able to produce an instance, from any Greek writer, in which it meant sprinkling, or any thing but imnersion, except in some figurative applications, which could not be fairly brought into the question. The Eev. Pro fessor Campbell, D. D., of Scotland, the most learned Greek scholar and biblical critic of modern times, has the candor to declare, (though he was no Baptist, and, therefore, not to be suspected of partiality to the Baptist system,) that the word was never, so far as he knew, employed in the sense of sprin kling, in any use, sacred or classical. (See his note on Matt. iii. 11.) But as my limits will not permit me to enter further into detail on this part of the subject, I must beg leave to refer you to my sermon, a copy of which will accompany this letter. ¦ Suffice it to say, that whereas a consideration of the nature of the church convinced me, that I had never received Christian baptism, so a consideration of the nature of baptism convinced me, that I had never been baptized at all, nothing being bap tism but immersion. Reduced to this extremity, what, dear brethren, could I do ? I saw that, in a double sense, I was unbaptized, and I felt the command of Christ press on my conscience. Now, if I quieted my conscience in regard to my own personal baptism, and concluded that, on account of my peculiar circumstances, it was best to consult my own convenience, rather than the com mand of Christ, still the question would return, with redoubled force, How am I to treat the children and domestics of con verted heathen ? This was the beginning of all my difficul ties, and this, on Pedobaptist principles, I could not resolve by the Bible, or by any books that I consulted. In order that you may feel the trying situation in which I was placed, I beg you to make the case your own, particularly in regard to this one point — the treatment of the families of believers. You may thus be brought to feel the gripe of this Gordian knot, as I have felt it. It is true you have not the prospect of converted heathen and their families to trouble you ; yet permit me to submit the case of your own families. 104 MEMOIR OF DR. JODSON. In what light do you consider and treat them ? Do you strictly comply with the terms of the Abrahamic covenant ? Does your conduct perfectly accord with the Abrahamic system ? Do you baptize (if baptism is in the place of circumcision) your male children, and those only, on the eighth day after their birth ? Do you baptize your male domestics ? and if you had slaves, would you have them also baptized ? Still further, Do you consider your baptized children and servants members of the church, as circumcised Jewish children and servants were members of the Jewish church ? Do you acknowledge their right to the Lord's supper, as soon, at least, as they are capable ? and do you feel your own obligations to require their attendance, and to discipline and exclude them if they do not attend ? Circumcision was the initiating ordinance of the Abrahamic or Jewish church. Baptism ha3 been regarded in every age, and by all parties, as the initiating ordinance of the Christian church. Baptized persons are, therefore, mem bers of the church. And if so, is it not wrong and dangerous to treat them as if they were not ? I need not inform you, that among yourselves, and among all the Congregational churches in New England, children and servants, who were baptized on account of the head of their family, are considered no more members of the church than before — no more mem bers of the church than others that have not been baptized. They are, in fact, considered and treated as out of the church altogether, and as having no right to any further church privi lege, until they give evidence of possessing religion, and make a personal public profession. Do you not hesitate, my breth ren, at pursuing a course so anti- Abrahamic, so unscriptural ? How can you plead the promises made to Abraham, when you so flagrantly violate the covenant in which they are contained, and depart from the course divinely prescribed in his family, and in subsequent generations ? But, on the other hand, if you adopt and practise the Abrahamic system, you will inev itably confound the church and the world ; you will receive into the church multitudes who are destitute of those qualifica tions which are represented in the New Testament as requi- CHANGE OF VIEWS ON BAPTISM. 105 site tt constitute a member of the kingdom which Christ set up ; you will ultimately establish a national religion ; and this will be as contrary to the system laid down in the New Tes tament as your present system is to the Abrahamic. The extracts which follow from the letters of Mrs. Judson exhibit the manner in which she and Mr. Judson pursued their inquiries, and the loneliness into which their change of opinions by necessity plunged them. From Mrs. Judson to a Friend. September 7, 1812. Can you, my dear Nancy, still love me, still desire to hear from me, when I tell you I have become a Baptist ? If I judge from my own feelings, I answer, you will, and that my differing from you in those things which do not affect our sal vation will not diminish your affection for me, or make you unconcerned for my welfare. You may, perhaps, think this change very sudden, as I have said nothing of it before ; but, my dear girl, this alteration hath not been the work of an hour, a day, or a month. The subject has been maturely, candidly, and, I hope, prayerfully examined for months. An examination of the subject of baptism commenced on board the Caravan. As Mr. Judson was continuing the translation of the New Testament, which he began in America, he had many doubts respecting the meaning of the word baptize. This, with the idea of meeting the Baptists at Serampore, when he would wish to defend his own sentiments, induced a more thorough examination of the foundation of the Pedobaptist system. The more he examined, the more his doubts increased ; and, unwilling as he was to admit it, he was afraid the Baptists were right and he wrong. After we arrived at Calcutta, his attention was turned from this subject to the concerns of the mission, and the difficulties with gov ernment. But as his mind was still uneasy, he again renewed the subject. I felt afraid he would become a Baptist, and 106 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. frequently urged the unhappy consequences if he should. But he said his duty compelled him to satisfy hii own mind, and embrace those sentiments which appeared most concordant with Scripture. I always took the Pedobaptist side in rea soning with him, even after I was as doubtful of the truth of their system as he. We left Serampore to reside in Calcutta a week or two, before the arrival of our brethren ; and as we had nothing in particular to occupy our attention, we confined it exclusively to this subject. We procured the best authors on both sides, compared them with the Scriptures, examined and reexamined the sentiments of Baptists and Pedobaptists, and were finally compelled, from a conviction of truth, to em brace those of the former. Thus, my dear Nancy, we are confirmed Baptists, not because we wished to be, but because truth compelled us to be. We have endeavored to count the cost, and be prepared for the many severe trials resulting from this change of sentiment. We anticipate the loss of reputa tion, and of the affection and esteem of many of our Ameri can friends. But the most trying circumstance attending this change, and that which has caused most pain, is the separation which must take place between us and our dear missionary associates. Although we are attached to each other, and should doubtless live very happily together, yet the brethren do not think it best we should unite in one mission. These things, my dear Nancy, have caused us to weep and pour out our hearts in prayer to Him whose directions we so much wish and need. We feel that we are alone in the world, with no real friend but each other, no one on whom we can depend but God. From Mrs. Judson to her Parents. Isle op Fiu.nce, Pobt Louis, February 14, 1813. I wil . now, my dear parents and sisters, give you some account of our change of sentiment, relative to the subject of baptism. Mr. Judson's doubts commenced on our passao-e from America. While translating the New Testament, in which he was engaged, he u.-ed frequently to say that the Baptists were CHANGE OF VIEWS ON BAPTISM. 107 right in their mode of administering the ordinance. Knowing be should meet the Baptists at Serampore, he felt it important to attend to it more closely, to be able to defend his sentiments. After our arrival at Serampore, his mind for two or three weeks was so much taken up with missionary inquiries and our difficulties with government, as to prevent his attending to the subject of baptism. But as we were waiting the arrival of our brethren, and having nothing in particular to attend to, he again took up the subject. I tried to have him give it up, and rest satisfied in his old sentiments, and frequently told him, if he became a Baptist, I would not. He, however, said he felt it his duty to examine closely a subject on which he had so many doubts. After we removed to Calcutta, he found in the library in our chamber many books on both sides, which he determined to read candidly and prayerfully, and to hold fast, or embrace the truth, however mortifying, however great the sacrifice. I now commenced reading on the subject, with all my prejudices on the Pedobaptist side. We had with us Dr. Worcester's, Dr. Austin's, Peter Edwards's, and other Pedobaptist writings. But after closely examining the sub ject for several weeks, we were constrained to acknowledge that the truth appeared to lie on the Baptists' side. It was extremely trying to reflect on the consequences of our becom ing Baptists. We knew it would wound and grieve our dear Christian friends in America — that we should lose their ap probation and esteem. We thought it probable the commis-r sioners would refuse to support us ; and, what was more dis tressing than any thing, we knew we must be separated from our missionary associates, and go alone to some heathen land. These things were very trying to us, and caused our hearts to bleed for anguish. We felt we had no home in this world, and no friend but each other. Our friends at Serampore were extremely surprised when we wrote them a letter requesting baptism, as they had known nothing of our having had any doubts on the subject. We were baptized on the 6th of Sep-. tember, in the Baptist chapel in Calcutta. Mr. J. preached a sermon at Calcutta, on this subject, soon after we were bap-. 108 MEMOIR OF DK. JUDSON. tized, which, in compliance with the request of a number who heard it, he has been preparing for the press. Brother Eice was baptized several weeks after we were. It was a very great relief to our minds to have him join us, as we expected to be entirely alone in a mission. The day after her baptism, she wrote to her parents a further account of the progress of their inquiries on the subject, and mentions some additional particulars. Mr. Judson resolved to examine it candidly and prayerfully, let the result be what it would. No one in the mission family knew the state of his mind, as they never conversed with any of us on this subject. I was very fearful he would become a Baptist, and frequently suggested the unhappy consequences if he should. He always answered, that his duty compelled him to examine the subject, and he hoped he should have a disposition to embrace the truth, though he paid dear for it. I always took the Pedobaptists' side in reasoning with him, although I was as doubtful of the truth of their system as he. After we came to Calcutta, he devoted his whole time to read ing on this subject, having obtained the best authors on both sides. After having examined and reexamined the subject, in every way possible, and comparing the sentiments of both Baptists and Pedobaptists with the Scriptures, he was com pelled, from a conviction of the truth, to embrace those of the former. I confined my attention almost entirely to the Scrip tures, comparing the Old with the. New Testament, and tried to find something to favor infant baptism, but was convinced it had no foundation there. I examined the covenant of cir cumcision, and could see no reason for concluding that baptism was to be administered to children because circumcision was. Thus, my dear parents and sisters, we are both confirmed Baptists, not because we wished to be, but because truth com pelled us to be. A renunciation of our former sentiments has caused us more pain than any thing which ever happened to us through our lives. As soon as Mr. Judson had come to the conclusion CHANGE OF VIEWS ON BAPTISM. 109 indicated in the preceding letters, he of course in formed the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions of his change of sentiment on the subject of baptism. By the same conveyance, he also communicated a knowledge of the facts to some of the Baptist clergymen in Boston and Salem. The following letters refer to this portion of our nar rative : — To the Rev. Dr. Baldwin, of Boston. Calcutta, August 31, 1812. Eev. and dear Sir : I write you a line to express my grateful acknowledgments to you for the advantage I have derived from your publications on baptism ; particularly from your " Series of Letters ; " also to introduce the following copy of a letter which I forwarded last week to the Baptist missionaries at Serampore, and which you are at liberty to use as you think best. I am, sir, with much affection and respect, Your obliged friend and servant, Adoniram Judson, Jr. Calcutta, August 27, 1812. To the Rev. Messrs. Caret, Marshman, and Ward. As you have been ignorant of the late exercises of my mind on the subject of baptism, the communication which I am about to make may occasion you some surprise. It. is now about four months since I took the subject into serious and prayerful consideration. My inquiries commenced during my passage from America, and after much laborious research and pain ful trial, which I shall not now detail, have issued in entire convic tion, that the immersion of a professing believer is tlie only Christian baptism. In these exercises I have not been alone. Mrs. Judson has been engaged in a similar examination, and has come to the same con clusion. Feeling, therefore, that we are in an unbaptized state, we wish to profess our faith in Christ by being baptized in obedience to his sacred commands. Adoniram Judson, Jr. 110 memoir of dr. judsoit. Calcutta, Septemwr 1 1812 Eev. Sir : After transmitting to the Eev. Dr. Worcester a copy of the above letter to the Baptist missionaries, I have, under date of this clay, written him as follows : — Rev. and dear Sir : My change of sentiments on the subject of baptism is considered by my missionary brethren as incompati ble with my continuing their fellow-laborer in the mission which they contemplate on the Island of Madagascar ; and it will, I pre sume, be considered by the Board of Commissioners as equally in compatible with my continuing their missionary. The board will, undoubtedly, feel as unwilling to support a Baptist missionary as I feel to comply with their instructions, which particularly direct us to baptize " credible believers with their households." The dissolution of my connection with the Board of Commission ers, and a separation from ray dear missionary brethren, I consider most distressing consequences of my late change of sentiments, and indeed, the most distressing events which have ever befallen me I have now the prospect before me of going alone to some distant island, unconnected with any society at present existing, from which I might be furnished with assistant laborers or pecuniary support. Whether the Baptist churches in America will compas sionate my situation, I know not. I hope, therefore, that while my friends condemn what they deem u, departure from the truth, they will at least pity me and pray for me. With the same sentiments of affection and respect as ever, I am, sir, your friend and servant, Adoniram Judson, Jr. Rev. Dr. Worcester, Corresponding Secretary of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. You will receive a letter from Dr. Marshman, accompanying this. Should there be formed, in accordance with the ideas suggested therein, a Baptist society for the support of a mis sion in these parts, I shall be ready to consider myself theii missionary ; and remain, dear sir, Your obliged friend and servant, Adoniram Judson, Jr. APPEALS TO AMERICAN BAPTISTS. Ill To the Rev. Dr. Bolles, Salem, Mass. Calcutta, September 1, 1812. Eev. Sir : I recollect that, during a short interview I had with you in Salem, I suggested the formation of a society among the Baptists in America for the support of foreign missions, in imitation of the exertions of your English breth ren. Little did I then expect to be personally concerned in such an attempt. Within a few months, I have experienced an entire change of sentiments on the subject of baptism. My doub'ts concern ing the correctness of my former system of belief commenced during my passage from America to this country ; and after many painful trials, which none can know but those who are taught to relinquish a system in which they had been edu cated, I settled down in the full persuasion that the immersion of a professing believer in Christ is the only Christian baptism. Mrs. Judson is united with me in this persuasion. We have signified our views and wishes to the Baptist missionaries at Serampore, and expect to be baptized in this city next Lord's day. A separation from my missionary brethren, and a dissolution of my connection with the Board of Commissioners, seem to be necessary consequences. The missionaries at Serampore are exerted to the utmost of their ability in managing and supporting their extensive and complicated mission. Under these circumstances I look to you. Alone, in this foreign heathen land, I make my appeal to those whom, with their permission, I will call my Baptist brethren in the United Slates. With the advice of the brethren at Serampore, I am con templating a mission on one of the eastern islands. They have lately sent their brother Chater to Ceylon, and their brother Eobinson to Java. At present, Amboyna seems to present the most favorable opening. Fifty thousand souls are there perishing without the means of life ; and the situation of the island is such that a mission there established might, with 112 memoir or dr. judson. the blessing of Sod, be extended to the neighboring islands in those seas. But should I go thither, it is a most painful reflection that I must go alone, and also uncertain of the means of support. But I will trust in God. He has frequently enabled me to praise his divine goodness, and will never forsake those who put their trust in him. I am, dear sir, Yours, in the Lord Jesus, Adoniram Judson, Jr. Retract from u Letter of Dr. Marshman, of Serampore, to the Rev. Dr. Baldwin, of Boston, dated September 1, 1812. A note which brother Judson sent to brother Carey last Saturday has occasioned much reflection among us. In it he declares his belief that believers' baptism alone is the doctrine af the Scriptures, and requests to be baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus. This unexpected circumstance seems to suggest many ideas. The change in the young man's mind, respecting this ordinance of Christ, seems quite the effect of divine truth operating on the mind. It began when no Baptist was near, (on board ship,) and when he, in the conscientious discharge of his duty, was examining the subject in order to maintain what he then deemed truth on his arrival in Bengal. And so carefully did he conceal the workings of his mind from us, on his arrival, that he scarcely gave us a hint respecting them before he sent this note to brother Carey. This was not indeed very diffi cult for him to do, as we make it a point to guard against obtruding on missionary brethren of different sentiments any conversation relative to baptism. This change then, which I believe few who knew brother Judson will impute to whim, or to any thing besides sincere conviction, seems to point out something relative to the duty of our Baptist brethren with you, as it relates to the cause of missions. It can scarody be expected that the Board of Commissioners will support a Baptist missionary, who cannot, APPEALS TO AMERICAN BAPTISTS. iljj of course, comply with their instructions, and baptize whole households on the parents' faith ; and it is certain that the young man ought not to be left to perish for want, merely because he loved the truth more than father or mother; nor be compelled to give up missionary work for want of support therein. Now, though we should certainly interfere to pre vent a circumstance like this happening, particularly as we have given our Pedobaptist brother Newell, gone to the Isle of France, an order to draw there upon us should he be in distress, yet, to say nothing of the missionary concerns already lying on us, and constantly enlarging, it seems as though Providence itself were raising up this young man, that you might at least partake of the zeal of our Congregational missionary brethren around you. I would wish, then, that you should share in the glorious work, by supporting him. Let us do whatsoever things are becoming, and whatsoever things are lovely, and leave the reverse of these for others. After God has thus given you a missionary of your own nation, faith, and order, without the help or knowledge of man, let me entreat you, and Dr. Messer, and brethren Bolles and Moriarty, humbly to accept the gift. To you I am sure I need add no more than to beg you to give my cordial love to all our brethren around you. I may probably write you again soon, and in the mean time remain yours, in the Lord, Joshua Marshman. The preceding extracts exhibit the condition of Mr. and Mrs. Judson in Calcutta as by no means encour aging. At a great sacrifice of feeling, they had found themselves obliged to pursue a course which separated them as missionaries from the board on which they relied solely for support. They knew that no Baptist organization existed at home adequate to undertake a mission to the East ; and, moreover, they were 10* 114 MEMOIR OF DE. JUDSON. personally almost unknown to the Baptist community. The brethren at Serampore would, of course, supply their immediate necessities ; but they were decidedly of opinion that the responsibility for their mainte nance should be assumed by the Baptists in America. Besides, this change in their sentiments rendered it inexpedient for them and their fellow-missionaries to labor any longer together. Here, again, ties the most endearing must be sundered, and hopes the most cher ished must be forever abandoned. One circumstance, however, tended to modify the loneliness of this last trial. Mr. Rice, who was ordained at the same time as Mr. Judson, had also become a Baptist, and was, vf course, united with them in anxieties and hopes. But this was only a part of their present trial. It is well known that, at this period, the East India Company were both theoretically and practically op posed to every effort for the evangelization of India. They professed to believe, and charity obliges us to suppose that they did believe, that the preaching of the gospel would excite the Hindoos to rebellion. It Is beyond question that the company was deriving large revenues directly from the toleration, not to say the protection, which it extended to the idolatry of the Hindoos. Whatever may have been their reasons, they had determined, by all the means in their power, to resist the introduction of Christianity among the native subjects of the British crown in Bengal. About ten days after the arrival of Messrs. Judson and Newell, they were summoned to Calcutta, and an order was read to them requiring them immedi ately to leave the country and return to America. Nothing could be more fatal to their most dearly cher- ishei hopes than such a command. They petitioned COURSE OF THE EAST INDIA COMPANY. 115 for leave to reside in some other part of India, but were prohibited from settling in any part of the company's territory, or in any of its dependencies. They then asked leave to go to the Isle of France. This was granted ; and Mr. and Mrs. Newell em barked for Port Louis about the 1st of August. The vessel could, however, carry but two passengers ; and Mr. and Mrs. Judson and Mr. Rice were obliged to emain behind. They had resided in Calcutta about two months, waiting for a passage, when they received a peremp tory order to proceed to England in one of the com pany's ships. A petty officer accompanied Messrs. Judson and Rice to their place of residence, and requested them not to leave it without permission. Their names were inserted in the daily papers in a list of passengers of the ship in which they were ordered to sail. A vessel was then found about to proceed to the Isle of France ; but they were forbidden to take passage in her. They communicated to the captain their circumstances, and asked if he would venture to take them without a pas&. He replied that he would oe neutral ; there was his ship, and they might do as they pleased. They succeeded in getting on board the ship with out being discovered, and the vessel sailed. After they had proceeded down the river for two days, they Were overtaken by a government despatch forbidding the pilot to go farther, as the vessel contained passen gers who had been ordered to England. They were thus obliged to leave the ship. Every ef fort was made to procure a remission of the order, but in vain. An attempt to procure a passage to Ceylon failed. AJ er spending several days in fruitless attempts 116 MEMOIR OP DR. JUDSON. to escape the necessity of proceeding to England, when every hope had failed, a letter was put into Mr. Judson's hand containing a pass from the magistrate for a passage in the Creole, the vessel which they had left. To whost: kindness they were indebted for this favor they never ascertained. It was three days since the Creole had left them ; and there was every reason to suppose that she had gone to sea. They, however, immediately set out in pursuit of her. After twenty- four hours of rowing and sailing, they reached Saugur, where they found the Creole at anchor. They were taken on board ; and thus ended their first experiences of the East India Company's government in India* I mention these facts because they form a part of the narrative which I have undertaken to write. I do it with pain, for it presents in an unamiable light distinguished men whose characters we are accus tomed to look upon with respect and esteem. It is delightful, however, to record the change which has taken place in the administration of the government of India, and in the treatment of the missionaries of all nations by the officers of the British crown. Gen tlemen of the army and the navy, civil residents, and ambassadors, have for many years extended to mis sionaries from this country every aid which their cir cumstances required, and have frequently ministered to them in sickness and affliction with a spirit of fraternal kindness which has brought tears of gratitude into the eyes of thousands of Christians in America. It was not many years after the events which I have recorded that Mr. Judson was employed in a confi dential service by the British government in nego- » A more detailed account of these painful occurences may be fo-and in Knowles's Life of Mrs. Ann H. Judson. ESCAPE TO THE ISLE OP FRANCE. 117 tiating the treaty of Yandabo, and for his services re ceived, I believe, the thanks of the governor general in council. No missionary of any denomination was more highly esteemed than he in Calcutta; in no other place did his death call forth more general lamentation ; and nowhere else have such spontane ous and liberal offerings been made in behalf of his widow and orphans. On the 30th of November, 1812, Mr. and Mrs. Jud son and Mr. Rice, fleeing from the intolerance of the East India Company, embarked on board the Belle Creole, bound for Port Louis, in the Isle of France. The passage was long and tempestuous. There were four passengers besides the missionaries ; but none of them manifested any interest in religion. On the 17th of January they arrived at Port Louis. They here met with a heavy affliction. Mrs. Newell, the intimate friend and first missionary as sociate of Mrs. Judson, had finished her course on the 30th of the preceding November. This event affected the whole company very deeply, and taught them, more emphatically than their wandering loneliness, that here they had no continuing city. Mr. Rice had already been severely attacked with disease of the liver, and his health had become quife precarious. The views of the Baptists in this country were unknown to the missionaries, and it seemed de sirable that some direct intercouise might be com menced between the parties at present personally unknown to each other. It was probable, moreover, that the labors of Mr. Rice might be eminently useful in awaking a missionary spirit among the churches at home. With the hope of recovering his health, and at the same time accomplishing these objects, it was 118 MEMOIR OF DR. TUDSON. deemed wise for Mr. Rice to rUurn to this country. He sailed March 15, 1813, for New York, by the way of St. Salvador. Mr, and Mrs. Judson were now left alone in the Isle of France. After much deliberation they decided to attempt the establishment of a mission on Pulo Penang, or Prince of Wales Island. There was no opportunity of procuring a passage thither from the Isle of France. They therefore, after a residence of three months at Port Louis, determined to proceed to Madras, as the only course by which they might arrive at their destination. May 7, 1813, they embarked in the Countess of Harcourt, for Madras, and arrived there on the 4th of June. They were hospitably entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Lovelace, English missionaries residing there, and received muchkindnessfromotherfriendsof Christ in that city. Their embarrassments, however, were by no means diminished. They were again under the jurisdiction of the East India Company, from which they had lately escaped. Their case was immediately reported to the governor general, and no doubt existed that the reply to the despatch would bring an order for their immediate transportation to England. No vessel for Penang was in the harbor. Their only means of escape was by a vessel bound to Rangoon. They therefore, on the 22d of June, em barked on board the Georgiana for that port. The vessel was old and unseaworthy. Mrs. Jud son's condition required the aid of a nurse. A female in this capacity was engaged by the friends in Madras. A few hours after the vessel sailed, this woman dropped dead on the deck, and Mrs. Judson was obliged to pursue the voyage wit' out either female PASSAGES TO MADRAS AND UANG00N. 119 attendant or medical adviser; and the captain was the only individual on board who could speak English. The passage was tempestuous, and Mrs. Judson became very ill. By a kind Providence, the vessel was driven into a narrow strait, near the Andaman Islands, out of the reach of the tempest. Dr. Judson always believed that, but for this merciful interposition, Mrs. Judson would never have survived the voyage They arrived at Rangoon on the 13th of July, 1813, and" made their first home in Burmah in the Baptist mission house, occupied by Felix Carey. Mr. Judson's account of these events is found in the following ex tract of a letter written after his arrival in Rangoon : — A slight sketch of our movements, particularly at the time of our coming to Eangoon, I now submit. After a mournful separation from brother Eice, at the Isle of France, in March, 1813, we remained there about two months, waiting for a passage to some of the eastern islands, not venturing at that time to think a mission to Burmah practicable. But there being no prospect of accomplishing our wishes directly, we concluded to take passage to Madras, and proceed -thence as circumstances should direct. We arrived there in June, and were immediately informed of the renewed hostilities of the company's government towards missionaries, exhibited in their treatment of the brethren both at Serampore and Bombay. We were, of course, reported tc the police, and an account of our arrival forwarded to the supreme government in Bengal. It became, therefore, a moral certainty that, as soon as an order could be received at Madras, we should be again arrested, and ordered to England. Our only safety appeared to consist in escaping from Madras before such order should arrive. It may easily be conceived with what feelings I inquired the destination of vessels in the Madras roads. I found none that would sail in season, but one bound to Eangoon. A mis sion to Rangoon we had been accustomed to regard with feel- 120 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. ings of horror. But it was now brought to a point. We must either venture there or be. sent to Europe. All other paths were shut up ; and thus situated, though dissuaded by all our friends at Madras, we commended ourselves to the care of God, and embarked the 22d of June, It was a crazy old vessel. The captain was the only person on board that could speak our language, and we had no other apartment than what was made by canvas. Our passage was very tedious. Mrs. Judson was taken dangerously ill, and continued so until, at one period, I came to experience the awful sensation which necessarily resulted from the expectation of an immediate separation from my beloved wife, the only remaining compan ion of my wanderings. About the same time, the captain being unable to make the Nicobar Island, where it was intend ed to take in a cargo of cocoa nuts, we were driven into a dan gerous strait, between the Little and Great Andamans, two sav age coasts, where the captain had never been before, and where, if we had been cast ashore, we should, according to all accounts, have been killed and eaten by the natives. But as one evil is sometimes an antidote to another, so it happened with us. Our being driven into this dangerous but quiet channel brought immediate relief to the agitated and exhausted frame of Mrs. Judson, and conduced essentially to her recovery. And in the event, we were safely conducted over the black rocks which we sometimes saw in the gulf below, and on the eastern side of the islands found favorable winds, which gently wafted us forward to Eangoon. But on arriving here, other trials awaited us. We had never before seen a place where European influ ence had not contributed to smooth and soften the rough fea tures of uncultivated nature. The prospect of Eangoon, as we approached, was quite disheartening. I went on shore, just at night, to take a view of the place, and the mission house ; but so dark, and cheerless, and unpromising did all things appear, that the evening of that day, after my return to the ship, we have marked as the most gloomy and distress ing that we ever passed. Instead of rejoicing, as we ought to ARRIVAL AT RANGOON. 121 .lave done, in having found a heathen land frtm which we were not immediately driven away, such were our weaknesses that we felt we had no portion left here below, and found consolation only in looking beyond our pilgrimage, which we tried to flatter ourselves would be short, to that peaceful region where the wicked cease from troubling and the weary are at rest. But if ever we commended ourselves sincerely, and without reserve, to the disposal of our heavenly Father, it was on this evening. And after some recollection and prayer, we experienced something of the presence of Him who cleaveth closer than a brother ; something of that peace which our Saviour bequeathed to his followers — a legacy which we know from this experience endures when the fleeting pleasures and unsubstantial riches of the world are passed away. The next day Mrs. Judson was carried into the town, being unable to walk ; and we found a home at the mission house, though Mr. Carey was absent at Ava. When information of these events was received in this country, it produced an impression which, at the present day, can hardly be realized. As I have re marked before, there was a general feeling in favor of missions throughout the Baptist denomination. The labors and successes of the missionaries at Serampore were well known among the churches. The names of Carey, Marshman, and Ward, in India, and of Fuller, Ryland, and Sutcliffe, in England, were familiar to us as household words. Sams of money were contributed oc casionally by benevolent individuals. There, however, seemed no particular point to which our efforts could be directed. There was no union of design. There was no general organization. We were scattered in large numbers over the different states of the Union. Each separate locality had its association ; but the associa tions had no bond of union with each other, except by casual correspondence. We knew nothing of our 122 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. numbers, and were scarcely aware in all points of the doctrinal sentiments embraced by the churches in differ ent parts of our country. Ignorant of our strength, and unaware of the reliance which we could place on each other, we were unprepared to attempt any important enterprise, for we knew not who could be relied on to carry it forward. The change of sentiment in Messrs. Judson and Rice was just the event which was required to awaken the dormant energies of the Baptists in America, and concentrate them all, in every part of our country, upon one object, truly Christian in its essence, and yet denominational in its form. It was universally acknowledged, that in this matter the providence of God had left us no option. Not to enter at once and vigorously upon the work of missions, would be to belie our profession as Christians, and expose us to the merited scorn of the whole religious world. These sentiments led to universal action. Societies in aid of foreign missions were immediately formed in all our principal cities, and liberal contributions were made to their treasuries. A society was formed in Boston, named the Society for Propagating the Gos pel in India and other Foreign Parts, which at once assumed the charge of the support of Mr. and Mrs. Judson. But the same want of confidence in ourselves existed among us, as, a short time previously, had been manifested in our Congregational brethren. We clung to the English Baptists, and desired at first that our missionaries should be connected with the family at Serampore. Under date of May 6, 1813, Rev. Daniel Sharp, of Boston, wrote to Mr. Judson as follows : — Dear Brother : By the arrival of the Tartai, in January last, we received the intelligence of your change of views on SUPPORT ASSUMED BT! AMERICAN BAPTISTS. 123 the subject of Christian baptism, and also intimations of your readiness to embark in a mission under our patronage, should a society be formed among the Baptists in America for that purpose. Your letters excited peculiar emotions. We considered it as the voice of God calling us to the formation of a missionary society. That we might not, however, be charged with acting prematurely, or be considered as interfering with the Board of Commissioners, we ascertained whether they intended to continue you in their service before we formally decided to engage you in ours. Satisfied on inquiry what was our path of duty, we formed ourselves into a society for propagating the gospel in India and other foreign parts. At a meeting of the trustees, we unani mously agreed to employ you as our missionary, and to stand prepared to support you with all the pecuniary aid we can command. By the arrival of another vessel, we have heard that the Eev. Mr. Eice entertains the same sentiments as yourself on the subject of baptism. This event gives us joy, because it must add much to your comfort in a foreign land to have a fellow-laborer in the gospel. The board have not met since Mr. Eice's letter was received, but I am confident that he will be taken under their care. We have not had time to mature our thoughts so as to say with decision whether it would be best for you to be connected with, or independent of, our brethren at Serampore. At present it appears to us that a connection with them would most subserve the interests of the Eedeemer's kingdom in India, and be most productive of happiness to yourselves. All the benefits which can be derived from union with men of integrity, disinterested benevolence, and a knowledge of the country, growing out of a twenty years' experience, would ac crue to you from a relation with them. These considerations induced us in March last to write to Mr. Fuller, of Kettering, on the subject, expressing our wishes that you might be consid ered as belonging to the mission family at Serampore. Should 124 MEMOIR OF DB. JUDSON. it appear, Trom future events, more desirable that you should act alone, or as American missionaries, separately from the English brethren, then, no doubt, we shall be pleased to have it so ; but our present sentiments are, that you had better act with and by their advice. In behalf of the society, Yours, affectionately, Daniel Sharp. The letter to Andrew Fuller above referred to is as follows : — Boston, March 5, 1813 Mr dear Brother : We have lately heard with peculiar pleasure of the arrival of your missionary brethren * at Jberam- pore. The same vessel brought us the intelligence that Eev. Adoniram Judson, one of the American missionaries, together with his wife, had experienced a change of views on the sub ject of baptism, and had expressed a desire to be immersed in the name of the Lord Jesus. This intelligence has made a deep impression on our minds. We cannot bear that our brother should be neglected, or left to suffer because of his attachment to the truth. He looks to us for aid, and we stand ready to support him. We have formed a society, as you will perceive by the accompanying circular, named " The Baptist Society for Propagating the Gos pel in India and other Foreign Parts.'' The brethren here, however, suppose that it would much more advance the cause of Christ, and that brother Judson would be much more useful and happy in the missionary ser vice, if he were intimately connected with, and under the direction of, our beloved brethren at Serampore. Their acquaintance with the country, the manners, prejudices, and superstitions of the people, their knowledge of the missionary * Messrs. J Dims and Lawson, who sailed in the Harmony fiom Phi adelphia. general missionary organization. 125 efforts, likely, with the blessing of God, to be most efficient, a knowledge the result of twenty years' experience, their weight of years, their unshaken fortitude, intense zeal, and unques tionable integrity, and their disinterested course in so glorious a cause, render it very desirable that our brother should be considered as one of the mission family. I am therefore requested, in behalf of the newly-formed society in Boston, to solicit that Mr. Judson may be taken into the society of the Baptist brethren in India, and be under the direction of Messrs. Carey, Marshman, and Ward, and also be entitled to such privileges as would naturally arise from such a coalition. We shall esteem it an honor and a pleasure to render him the pecuniary aid which from time to time he may need. In deed, we expect that our exertions will not be limited to the support of our American brother, but that we shall be able to forward to Serampore a willing tribute for the promotion of the general cause. Wishing you every blessing, I remain, Dear sir, yours, very affectionately, Daniel Sharp. Rev. Andrew Puller, Sec. Baptist Mission in England. The brethren in Serampore and in England, how ever, took a much wiser view of this subject. They, with every manifestation of kindness and respect, declined this coalition, and advised the Baptists in America to form a missionary organization, and estab lish missions for themselves. Indeed, had this course not been advised, it was already the only course which could have been pursued. Residence in Serampore was impossible. Dr. Stiarp's letter to Mr. Judson was dated May 5. On the 13th of June following, Mr. Judson landed in Rangoon, and thus an American mission was already commenced. I mentioned that missionary societies were rapidly formed in most of our cities and large towns. They 126 memoir of dr. judson. were, however, destitute of any bond of connection. It became at once evident that some general organi zation, in which they all should unite, was absolutely necessary. Incipient steps towards the formation of such a society had been already taken, when Mr. Rice arrived from India. He was immediately requested to visit the various parts of the country, organize socie ties, and promote the formation of a general asso ciation. This object he performed with eminent success. Every where he was received almost with acclamation. Societies in aid of the cause were formed almost at his bidding. Contributions, in amounts unprecedented, were made to the object. Christians of all denominations in many cases ex tended liberal aid. It was thus soon ascertained that we were able not only to support Mr. Judson and his wife, but to carry on missions upon a somewhat liberal scale. In obedience to the general wish, a convention was called at Philadelphia of delegates from the various missionary societies which had thus been formed. The delegates appointed for this purpose assembled on the 18th of May, 1814, in the First Baptist Church "n that city. They there formed the " General Mis sionary Convention of the Baptist Denomination in the United States of America for Foreign Missions." Under this name the Baptist organization for foreign missions was known until the year 1845. At that time, the brethren in the Southern States having felt it to be their duty to withdraw, and afterwards to form a Southern Convention, it was found desirable to adopt a somewhat different organization. On the 20th of November, at a special meeting of the convention in the city of New York, a new constitution was unani- GENERAL MISSIONARY ORGANIZATION. 127 mously adopted, and the organization assumed the name of the " American Baptist Missionary Union." The change has been found in practice to have been eminently beneficial, and every succeeding year has added to its efficiency, and given it a firmer hold upon the affections of Baptists in the United States. Who can fail to observe in these events the wonder working hand of omniscient wisdom ? The change of sentiment of these two young men, in respect to the administration of one of the ordinances of the Chris tian church, was made the means of arousing to a conviction of their duty a large denomination of Christians ; nay, more than this, it led directly to an organization in which all their efforts could be con centrated, so that their united power might be em ployed in labors to evangelize the world. The mo mentary irritation which the change occasioned rapidly passed away. Baptists and Pedobaptists delight to aid each other in these labors of love. Not unfre- quently are they seen contributing to each other's treasury. At their monthly concerts they communi cate the missionary intelligence from both societies, and rejoice with unfeigned joy at the successes of each other. Looking at the results which have taken place, Congregationalists are delighted to remember that brethren sent out by themselves have served in so remarkable a degree the cause of our common Lord. I am happy, moreover, to add, that when, after an absence of thirty-three years, Dr. Judson visited this country, he was received with universal kindness and respect by his Christian brethren of all denomina tions ; and that the officers of the " American Board " especially delighted to greet him as a " brother beloved." CHAPTEE V. 1HE BURMAN EMPIRE. -EXTENT. -RIVERS. -POPULATION. -- RESOURCES. — GOVERNMENT. — RELIGION. Mr. Judson and his wife had now arrived at the scene of their future labors. Before proceeding fur ther, it may be proper to present a brief sketch of the country which was henceforth to be their home, and to delineate the character of the people to whose spiritual improvement their lives were to be so earnestly devoted. The Burman empire occupies that extensive region of Eastern India, or India beyond the Ganges, which lies between the British possessions on the west and Siam and China on the east, being bounded by Thibet on the north, and the Bay of Bengal on the south. At the time of Mr. Judson's arrival, its extent was considerably greater than at present. Its sea coast then stretched from the southern limits of the prov ince of Chittagong to Junk Ceylon, at the southern extremity of the Tenasserim provinces. It thus com manded more than a third part of the Bay of Bengal. Its length was about ten hundred and twenty miles, and its breadth about six hundred. By the treaty of Yandabo, the Burmans ceded to Great Britain the larger part of their territory lying upon the sea coast. This included the province of Arracan from Chittagong to Cape Negrais on the east, and the Tenasserim provinces from the mouth of the Salwen River to Junk Ceylon. Their sea coast is now bounded by Cape Negrais on the west, and Martaban on the east, embracing the district occu pied by the numerous mouths of the Irrawadi River 128 RIVISRS OF BURMAH. 129 Its length is now about seven hundred and twenty, and its breadth about four hundred miles. Its two principal seaports are Rangoon on the eastern, and Bassein on the western branch of the Irrawadi, Both are very favorably situated for commerce. Ran goon is said by English writers to possess the finest capabilities of any port in the Bay of Bengal. The great river of Burmah is the Irrawadi, which, rising in the Chinese province of Yunan, with the exception of a flexure to the west, between Ava and Pugan, pursues a course almost directly south. The Kyen Dwen, a large tributary from the north, unites with it at Yandabo. A smaller stream from the east empties into it at Ava. The Salwen River, the east ern boundary of Burmah, communicates by numerous branches with the Irrawadi, watering the interme diate region, and opening facilities for internal navi gation for the regions which occupy the central part of the empire. The Irrawadi is one of the noblest rivers in India. In the rainy season, it is navigable for large vessels as far as Ava, about four hundred and fifty miles above Rangoon. Mr. Crawfurd, the British commissioner to negotiate the commercial treaty at the close of the war in 1826, proceeded to Ava in the steamer Diana, and found a depth of water sufficient for a much larger vessel. On his return, in the dry season, the steamer twice grounded on sand banks — a misfortune, how ever, which seems to have arisen mainly from the unskilfulness of the pilot. Above Ava, the river is navigable for large boats, but to what distance it is not possible to determine, as but little is known of the geography of the northern portions of the empire A few miles from the town of Sarwa, the Irrawadi 130 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. divides into two branches, the one pursuing a south eastern, the other a south-western, course to the Bay of Bengal. From each of these smaller branches proceed in every direction, uniting with each other and forming a perfect network of navigable waters, which covers the whole peninsula from the base of the Arracan Mountains to the banks of the Salwen River. These various streams, or natural canals, at 'ast enter the Bay of Bengal by fourteen separate :hannels. Most of them are, however, rendered use- ess for foreign commerce by sand bars, which obstruct navigation. From the sea coast to nearly the latitude of Prome, the country is a level, alluvial plain, intersected, as I have remarked, by innumerable watercourses. The soil is exceedingly productive, and is specially adapted to the cultivation of rice, the universal diet of the inhabitants of India. This is, therefore, the granary of the empire. Ascending the river, as you leave Prome, the face of the country changes. High ranges of mountains appear on the right hand and on the left, and the intermediate region becomes undulating and hilly. The mountains approach nearer and nearer to the river, until the banks become steep and precip itous. Above the latitude of Ava, the whole region is intersected by mountain ranges running north and south, and penetrating Asam on the west and the province of Yunan on the east. The portions of Burmah ceded to the British at the close of the last war were the kingdom of Arracan and the Tenasserim provinces.* The former is gener- * Since this paragraph was written, the Burman empire has been again dismembered, and the British have annexed to the possessions of the Hon. East India Company the kingdom of Pegu, which formed POPULATION OF BURMAH. 131 ally hilly, with extensive alluvial flats near the sea, and along the numerous streams, fertile, and adapted to the cultivation of rice. Akyab, the principal port, has a secure and convenient harbor. Of the Ten asserim provinces, the principal rivers are the vari ous branches of the Salwen, the Ataran, the Tavoy, and the Mergui rivers. Most of these streams are, for a short distance, navigable for vessels of consider able burden, and must, in time, become the homes of extensive commerce. Respecting the population of Burmah, the differ ence of the estimates is quite remarkable. Colonel Symes, who visited the empire in the year 1795, supposed the number of inhabitants to be about seventeen millions. When the Baptist mission was first established in Rangoon, this computation was supposed to be correct, and it was frequently said that the population of Burmah equalled that of the United States. Later travellers have reduced it to eight millions. Crawfurd, after as careful a computa tion as he was able to form, does not believe that it exceeds four millions. Dr. Malcom believes that there may be three million Burmans, three million Shyans, and probably two millions of other tribes, subject to the Burman dominion. When estimates of this kind are made, the lowest is, I think, most likely to be cor rect. Travellers, in such a country as this, must, of necessity, pursue the most frequented routes, and follow the most navigable watercourses. These, being always the most thickly-peopled portions of a country, would naturally convey an exaggerated idea of its population. I am of the opinion that more the whole lower portion of the country. The Burmans thus have lost the whole of their territory lying on the Bay of Bengal, their southern . b 132 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. accurate investigation than is now possible will show that the population of the empire and its present dependencies does not exceed six or eight millions.* A large portion of the soil of Burmah is fertile, and under a good government would be remarkably pro ductive. The lower provinces, from the sea to the latitude of- Prome, produce, as I have said, rice in great abundance. In the more elevated districts, cot ton of a good quality, of a soft and silky texture, but of short staple, is every where cultivated. The teak tree, the best ship timber in the world, grows on the mountains. Maize, wheat, millet, and various kinds of pulses, with the usual variety of edible roots, and a multitude of tropical fruits, are produced with very little labor. The domestic animals are such as are common in India — the buffalo, braminy cattle, the horse, and the goat ; and in the forests are found the elephant, the rhinoceros, the tiger, and several varieties of the deer. The mineral wealth of Burmah is probably great. It possesses mines of iron, tin, silver, and gold, and produces sapphires, emeralds, and rubies, with amber in large quantities. Sulphur, arsenic, and antimony are found in abundance, and coal, both anthracite and bituminous, exists in various places, but has not yet been brought into use. On the banks of the Irrawadi, a short distance above Prome, petroleum is obtained in large quantities. The annual yield of the wells here is said by Dr. Malcom to be about eighty mil lions of pounds. Marble is found in various places, and some of the quarries yield a product which is said, for statuary purposes, to equal that from Carrara. * The population has since been greatly reduced by the loss of the kingdom of Pegu within the present year. GOVERNMENT OF BURMAH. 133 The commerce of the empire is but limited. The Burmans are intelligent and industrious, and under a good government would probably soon excel in manu factures. Under the protection of English employers, they at one time became excellent ship builders at Rangoon. But manufactures require fixed capital, and when the possession of capital invites oppression and spoliation, they cannot exist. Hence the exports of Burmah are limited almost exclusively to the raw materials produced by their unskilful labor. The most important of them are teak wood, raw cotton, both white and yellow, precious stones, and lackered ware. Teak wood is sent to Calcutta, and is mostly used in the naval service of Great Britain. Cotton and pre cious stones, lackered ware, and edible birds' nests are sent to China. The English send, in return, cotton fabrics, hardware, cutlery, and old muskets. The Chi nese bring principally raw silk, which is made into coarse goods by the Burmans, and the velvets which are worn on state occasions by the grandees of the empire. Rice, salt, and salt fish are carried from the southern provinces and the sea coast to the upper country, and exchanged for lackered ware, raw cot ton, precious stones, metals, and petroleum. The government of Burmah is an unmitigated des potism of the sternest character. The king is the ac knowledged possessor of the soil, and the people are his slaves. He is lord of the life and property of all his subjects. No rank or office protects a citizen from the liability of being ordered to immediate execution, if such be the will of the monarch. Several of the commanders who were defeated in the last war with the British were beheaded within a few hours of their arrival at the capital. Mr. Crawfurd saw one of the vol. i. 12 134 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. chief officers of state, for some trifling offence, exposed to the meridian sun, lying on his back, with a weight on his chest, for several hours. When a man is put to death by the order of the king, his property reverts to the crown. Hence the possession of large wealth becomes a somewhat unenviable distinction. The government of the empire is administered by a council of state, appointed by the king. This coun cil is called collectively lut-d'hau, from the name of the hall in which its business is transacted. The councillors are four in number, unless, as it sometimes happens, on a special emergency, another member is added. These officers are called woon-gyees. All pub lic matters are discussed in this council, and the deci sion is by the majority of voices. Every royal edict is by usage sanctioned by this council, and, in fact, ap pears in their name, rather than in that of the king. Their functions are legislative, judicial, and executive. Each woon-gyee has a deputy, who is called a woon- douk. The woon-douks, although they sit in council, neither deliberate nor vote. Whatever business they transact is in the name of their superiors. The woon-douks have also their assistants, who are called sara-dau-gyee. They are from eight to ten in number. These are, in fact, the secretaries of the lut-d'hau, and-their business is to record its proceed ings. Their name signifies " great royal scribes." A second council forms another branch of the gov ernment. This, like the other, consists of four mem bers. Their title is atwen-woon, meaning "inside" ministers of state.* These officers constitute the pri vate advisers of the king. Whatever emanates di rectly from him is first discussed in this privy council, * Inside ministers, or privy c luncillors. GOVERNMENT OF BURMAH. 135 before it is transmitted to the lut-d'hau. It deliberates and votes like the superior council, and its members exercise also judicial functions. It is a matter of dis pute at the court of Ava whether the rank of atwen- woon or of woon-douk be the higher. Attached to the privy council are secretaries, com monly thirty in number. These are called than-dau- sens. They hold the same relation to the atwen-woons that the woon-douks hold to the woon-gyees. Theii business is to record the proceedings of the council, to take minutes of the king's commands, and to read and report upon petitions. Attached to both of these councils are four or five officers, called nakandau, meaning " deputies of the royal star." Their business is, nominally, to convey messages between the two councils, but, really, to report to the king what is done. in the lut-d'hau. Such is the theory of the government. In practice, however, a council which may be degraded or exe cuted at the word of the monarch must be useless as advisers. In the former war with Great Britain,- they frequently did not dare to make known the facts to the king, or even offer their opinions upon the state of affairs. They are really the passive instruments for carrying into effect the will of the monarch. They are willing to live in constant apprehension of dis grace and death for the privilege of subjecting all below them to the same condition. Political life seems to be much the same in all countries. The rank of every officer of government is deter mined by the tsalway, or golden chain, which passes over the left shoulder, and crosses the breast. lit front, it is divided into several strands of chain work. Three common strands indicate the lowest grado of 136 MEMOIR OF DE. JUDSON. office ; three of more elaborate workmanship the next above ; then come those of six, nine, and twelve, which last number indicates the highest rank attaina ble by a subject. Princes of the blood most nearly related to the king wear eighteen. The monarch him self alone wears twenty-four. The civil administration is organized as follows: The kingdom is divided into provinces, provinces into townships, townships into districts, and districts into villages or hamlets. The governor of a province is called myo-woon, and is vested with the entire charge of the province, civil,, judicial, military, and fiscal. Under him are collectors of customs, deputies, &c, who form his council, without whose assent no order of importance can be executed. The myo-woon has power of life and death. The governor of a township is called myo-thoo-gyee. The governor, or head man, of a district or village is called thoo-gyee. These are all respectively subordi nate to each other. No public functionary receives any fixed salary. The principal officers of state are rewarded by assign ments of certain districts, from the inhabitants of which they exact as much as they are able. Inferior officers are paid by fees, emoluments, perquisites, together with all that can be collected by extortion and bribery. Each of these officers exercises judicial functions within his own district, an appeal, however, lying to the next higher in office. Bribery is uni versal ; and it rarely happens that a criminal is pun ished, if he is able to satisfy the rapacity of the officer before whom he is arraigned. The judges take bribes from both a '.des, and the decree, except in very palpa- GOVERNMENT OF BURMAH. 137 ble cases, will be in favor of him who pays the high est. Vi On the 7th of February, 1817, seven persons found guilty of sacrilege were conveyed to the place of execution near Rangoon, and secured in the usual way to the stake. The first of them was fired at four successive times by a marksman without being hit. At every shot there was a loud peal of laughter from the spectators. The malefactor was taken down, de clared to be invulnerable, pardoned, and taken into a confidential employment by the governor. He had paid a large bribe. The second culprit was shot, and the remaining five were decapitated " * The various provinces of the kingdom are appor tioned out to favorites of the court, or are made re sponsible for the support of some branch of the gov ernment. The individual to whom this cession is made becomes then the governor of that province, or, as the Burmans appropriately term him, its " eater," or consumer. By means of his subordinate agents. he taxes every family as much as it is supposed to be able to pay. Every subordinate officer takes his share of this tax, and the governor at last divides with the king the portion which he receives. The poor peasant is thus obliged to satisfy a succession of harpies, while but a small portion of what he pays ever reaches the public treasury. Besides these contribu tions paid to the lord of the land, the cultivators are from time to time, and according to the public exi gency, called upon for contributions to the state. The amount of these is fixed by the lut-d'hau, or chief council. These contributions, being levied through the lords, or local officers, are made a pretext for addi tional exactions on their own account, often greater * Crawford's Embassy, vol. ii. 12* 138 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. than those taken for the government. The Burman officers ar3 thus turned loose upon the country, to prey upon it like a swarm of locusts. The contribu tions paid into the public treasury are little better than a hoard to gratify the desires of the reigning prince ; and the amount exacted from the people for this purpose depends entirely upon his personal char acter. His subordinate officers, from the highest to the lowest, follow the example of their chief; and every energy of the people is crushed under a savage, selfish, and relentless despotism. The religion of Burmah is Buddhism. To present an extended view of this form of religion, which num bers among its believers a larger portion of the inhab itants of the earth than any other, would be foreign to the design of a memoir like the present. I can do nothing more than offer a brief statement of the Bur man religious system, compiled from Such sources as have been within my reach. I was happy to find, after a pretty extensive research, that Dr. Judson had furnished Mr. Crawfurd with an article on this sub ject, which is inserted in the fourth chapter of the second volume of his " Embassy." As I consider this of the highest authority, I transcribe it entire. A hfe period, called A-yen-kat, is a revolution of time, during which the life of man gradually advances from ten years to an A-then-kye, and returns again to ten. Sixty-four life periods make one intermediate period, (An-ta-ra-kat ;) sixty-four intermediate periods make one quarterly period, which may be so termed because four such periods make one grand period (Ma-ha-kat,) a complete revolution of nature. The revolutions of nature, as marked by the various periods, are eternal or infinite Some grand periods are distinguished by the development of an extraordinary being called a BUDDHISM. 139 Budd'ha, who, though born of earthly parents, attains to the summit of omniscience.* The present grand period has been favored by four of these personages, whose names are Kan- kri-than, Gau-na-gong, Ka-tha-pa, and Gau-ta-ma. The fifth Budd'ha, or A-ri-mi-te-va, is now reposing, according to the best authorities, in one of the lower celestial regions, and will develop himself in due time. The communications of all Budd'has previously to G-au- ta-ma are now lost. His communications, made at first to his immediate disciples, and by them retained in memory during five centuries more, after his decease agreed upon in several suc cessive general councils, (Then-ga-ya-na,) and finally reduced to writing on palm leaves, in the Island of Ceylon, in the ninety- fourth year before Christ, and the four hundred and fiftieth after Gau-ta-ma, form the present Buddhist scriptures, the only rule of faith and practice. They are comprised in three grand divisions, (Pe-ta-kat,) which are again subdivided into fifteen, and those into six hundred. According to the Buddhist scriptures, the universe is com posed of an infinite number of worlds, or Sakya systems. A Sakya system consists of one central Myen-mo, or mount, the surrounding seas and islands, the celestial regions, includ ing the revolving luminaries and the infernal regions. The earth on which we live is the southernmost of the four grand islands which surround the mount, each of which is again sur rounded by four hundred of smaller size. The celestial regions consist of six inferior and twenty superior heavens. Of the six inferior heavens, the first occu pies the middle, and the second the summit of the Myen-mo mount. The remaining arise above each other in regular gradation. The same remark applies to the superior heavens, which are again distinguished into the sixteen visible and four invisible. The inferior regions consist of eight hills, one above another, each being surrounded by sixteen smaller hills. * " Omniscience is. according to Buddhists, the principal attri bute of Gautama. 140 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. The universe is replete with an infinity of souls, which have been transmigrating in different bodies from all eternity ; ascent or descent in the scale of existence being at every change of state ascertained by the immutable " mysterious laws of fate," according to the merit or demerit of the indi vidual. No being is exempt from sickness, old age, and death. Instability, pain, and change are the three grand character istics of all existence. " However highly exalted in the celestial regions, and what ever number of ages of happiness may roll on," say the Bur mans, "the fatal symptom of a moisture under the armpits will at length display itself." The mortal being, when this presents itself, must be prepared to exchange the blandish ments and dalliance of celestial beauties for the gridirons, pitchforks, mallets, and other instruments of torture of the in fernal regions. The chief end of man, according to the Bur mese, is to terminate the fatiguing course of transmigratory existence. This attainment Lord Gautama made in the eightieth year of his life, and all his immediate disciples have participated in the same happy fate. What remains to the present race of beings is to aim at passing their time in the regions of men and gods, until they shall come in contact with the next Budd'ha, the Loud Arimiteya, whom they may hope to accompany to the golden world of nigban, or annihila tion. In order to this, it is necessary to keep the com mands of the last Budd'ha, to worship the Budd'ha, his law and his priests ; to refrain from taking life ; from stealing ; from adultery ; from falsehood, and from drinking intoxicating liquors ; to regard the images and temples of the Budd'ha the same as himself; to perform acts of worship, and listen to the instructions of religion on the days of the new moon, the full moon, and the quarters ; to make offerings for the support of the priests, to assist at funerals, and, in general, to perform all charitable and religious duties. In the year 930 after Gautama, A. D. 386, Budd'ha-gautha transcribed the Buddhist scriptures, with an iron pen of celes tial workmanship, and brought them by sea to Pu°an, the BUDDHISM. 141 seat of supreme government. The time and manner in which the religion of Gautama was introduced into the country are not sufficiently ascertained. It subsequently underwent some modification, and was finally established in its present form by King Anan-ra-tha-men-sau, who began to reign in Pugan in the 1541st year after Gautama, the 359th of the present vulgar era, and A. D. 997. To this brief statement, which contains by far the most intelligible account of the system of Buddhism that I have seen, I will add a few items of informa tion, which I have been able to glean from a tolera'bly extensive reading on the subject. It will be seen that the moral code of Buddhism is simple and pure. Its five precepts are, I. Thou shalt not take life. This precept is universal. The priests, in order to obey it, carry with them a brush, with which they sweep the seat on which they are about to sit down, lest they should inadvertently crush the smallest insect. II. Thou shalt not steal. III. Thou shalt not commit adultery. IV. Thou shalt not lie. V. Thou shalt drink no intoxicating liquors. It is by obedience to these that, at death, we enter by transmigration into a better condition than we occupy at present. The rules more at large for the regulation of our conduct are contained in the institutions of Menu, an ascetic, who, ages ago, on account of his austerities, was favored with a remarkable degree of divine illu mination. This work, entitled " The Damathat, or the Laws of Menu," * has been translated into Eng- * Eor a copy of this work I am indebted to the kindness of my friend and former pupil, Eev. E. A. Stevens, of Maulmain. It is to be remembered that this is an entirely different work from the Brah- minical institutes of Menu. Why they should both have the sam name, I am not able to discover. 142 MEMOIR OF Dli. JUDSOI^ lish by D. Richardson, Esq., principal assistant to the commissioner, Tenasserim provinces, and was pub lished in Maulmain, at the American Baptist mission press, in 1847. It consists of fourteen books, each of which is generally devoted to a class of subjects in law and ethics. Each book commences with the fol lowing title : " I worship the God who is worthy of homage, who possesses an intuitive knowledge of good." I had intended to give a brief account of this work, but I find that my limits render it impracticable. In no instance is any general principle explained to which moral cases may be referred ; but each book is made up of a multitude of supposed instances, and a decision is given applying to that instance. They exhibit much acuteness, and indicate, from their fre quent complexity, that they must have been composed in an advanced period of civilization. Frequently the solution of the case is given in a parable or an alle gory. They are generally of a description that would give large room for special pleading and chicanery. As no general principle is laid down, the party accused would find it easy in most cases to show that some difference exists between the case at issue and that mentioned in the books. In a note to the first book of the Institutes, I find the following remark by the translator, which, I think, throws some light upon the doctrines of Buddha : " Zan Mina. There are foul states of Zan: 1. Thought or desire; 2. Reflection; 3. Joy or pleasure ; 4. Happiness, bliss, and perma nency or immutability ; all of which enable the pos sessor to traverse different worlds." The illustration of this doctrine is as follows, and it presents so good a specimen ?f the manr.er in which such subjects are treated in tne work that I insert it : "A man sleeping BULDHISM. 143 at the foot of a mango tree, with his cloth over his nead, is in a^state of unintelligence. A mango falls on him, and awakes him ; he is then in the first state. He considers what this can be ; he is then in the sec ond state. He puts the cloth off his head, and, looking at the mango, approves of it, and is in the third state. He then takes it up, and eats it ; it is sweet and pleas ant ; and he is then in the fourth state ; or, having eaten it, he is in a state of great enjoyment, blissful repose — the fifth state." The Buddhist priesthood is confined to no class, and indeed the doctrines of Gaudama allow of no hereditary caste ; any man who complies with the required precepts may be admitted to the sacred order. He, however, is not obliged to remain in it for life, but may quit it at his pleasure, and, I think, without re proach. The priests are bound by the vows of celibacy and poverty. They are forbidden to hold property, and are supported by voluntary contributions of the people. They go out daily in the streets with their rice pots, and every one gives them what he pleases. They are forbidden, however, to take money, and they never ask for any thing. Travellers assure us that they are never seen to turn their heads, or even look upon the offering made to them. It \yere well if the ecclesias tics of many other countries derived instruction from their example. The labors of the priests seem unlike those ol any other religion. They seldom preach, nor do they gen erally seem to perform any specially religious service for the people. They are merely men sacredly de voted to pious observances and holy austerities. They reside altogether in monasteries which have been erected for them, and in some cases endowed by mon- 144 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. archs or governors — an appropriation of property held to be specially meritorious. They are forbidden to have any connection with the civil power, and they seem to have but very little. Their principal employ ment is that of instructing the young, to which they commonly devote themselves. The monasteries are, therefore, in general, the school houses of Burmah, and the priests are her schoolmasters. What they teach is Very little ; but it suffices to enable a large portion of th-g. male, population to read. In this respect the Buddhist nriesthood compares very favorably with that of other fflpe or perverted systems of religion. The B«f "a,'gb. have been commonly denominated atheists. % fhat° ^r may ^e ^'ne Views which have subsequently oj- ruined among the people at large, I doubt wj/etner the system of Gaudama is chargeable with ^q0 error. Men are believed to exist after death, inhabiting other bodies ; and the change which then takes place is determined by their conduct in the state which they occupy at the present. They may be changed from men into nats, and from nats in an infe rior to those of a superior grade ; thus gradually rising until they arrive at nigban. Or, on the other hand, they may be changed from men into animals, and, in successive transformations, from animals of a higher to those of a lower grade, until they reach hell, or a place of unmixed torment. In cases of atrocious crime, as the murder of a parent, or a priest, they pass through no intermediate transformations, but at once enter the place of torment. The doctrine of future rewards and punishments, as consequences of moral character in this life, is thus distinctly recognized. The peculiarity of their belief is, that this life is not considered as the state, but only a state of probation. BUDDHISM. 145 ' Probation extends to every state but n gban. Hence every living thing which we see is inhabited for the time being, by a soul similar to our own ; and we and it may, at any time, change places. From this idea is derived the prohibition to slay animals and every tiling that has life. This system of rewards and punishments is admin istered, according to the Buddhist belief, by the vari ous grades of existence superior to men, and inferior to Buddh. An inquiry is instituted by these deities into the character of every individual, and, in obedi ence to their decision, each one either ascends or de scends in the scale of being. The government of the universe is, therefore, carried on, not by the supreme divinity, who is, according to the notions of oriental happiness, exempt from all care, but by inferior beings, who are still themselves striving upwards in order to arrive at nigban. As this is a subject on which I found great difficulty in arriving at any accurate information, I will, for the benefit of others, present a few extracts from such authorities as seem to me most worthy of confidence in illustration and confirmation of the statements above. The following extract is from Upham's His tory of Buddhism, chap. ix. p. 105, quarto, Lon don, 1829 : — Immediately after death, the judgment is pronounced by Yame-rajah, the god of the heaven Wape-warty-rajah, upon such mortal beings as having inthralled their souls by a mix ture of good and evil, yet entertain a hope to cone into the Brama Loha ; but the thoroughly wicked go to the hell un heard, and even without approaching the tribunal of the judge. VOL. i. 13 146 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. Before the gate of each hell sit judges, who condemn tlw guilty according to the weight of their evil deeds. These judges are selected from the Nat Apura, but their office does not exclude them from enjoying the pleasures of their happy companions. They have no occasion to examine into crimes of a very atrocious nature ; the weight of them sinks the per petrators at once into hell. There are four states of misery appropriated to the pun ishment of atrocious crimes, among the most conspicuous of which is disrespect to the priesthood. In the lesser hells are punished tho*se who do not honor their parents, the magistrates, or old age ; who take wine and inebriating liquors ; who corrupt wells, or destroy highways ; who are fraudulent and deceitful ; who speak angrily and roughly ; who use personal violence ; who pay little attention to the words of pious men ; who afflict others ; who propagate scandal ; who chain, bind, or fet ter their fellow-creatures ; who admit forbidden things into their wojds, actions, or desires ; and who do not solace the sick. All these will be punished according to the atrocity of the deed and the frequency of its repetition ; and they will suffer also in another hell, compared in shape to a kettle of molten brass, where they are three thousand years in descend ing to the bottom, and three thousand years in ascending. These various hells, and the crimes which they are intended to punish, are dwelt on in the Buddhist books with great particularity. I need go no further into detail. The above extracts are sufficient to show that Buddhism is not strictly atheism ; that it acknowl edges a moral government of the universe, and a most comprehensive and minute system of rewards am' punishments. The belief that it is a system of atheism has been derived from the idea of nigban, or, as it is translated, annihilation, which is the state in which the deity for B JDDHISM. 147 the present period, always exists. So far as 1 can learn, the system of Gaudama does not represent nig- ban as annihilation. It is, rather, the precisely antago nist idea to that of transmigration, change, and pain ful vicissitude, to which the rest of the universe is ever subjected. The most celebrated of the Burman priests at Ava, in reply to inquiries made by one of the Catholic mis sionaries, replied as follows : " When a person is no longer subject to any of the following miseries, namely, to weight, old age, disease, and death, then he is said to have obtained nigban. No thing, no place, can give us any adequate idea of nigban ; we can only say that to be free from the four above-mentioned mis eries, and to obtain sahation, is nigban. In the same manner as when any person laboring under a severe disease recovers by the assistance of medicine, we say he has obtained health ; but if any person wishes to know the manner or cause of his thus obtaining health, it can only be answered, that to be restored to health signifies no more than to be removed from dis ease. In the same manner only can we speak of nig ban, and after this~manner Gaudama taught." * Upham remarks that "the Pali doctrinal books speak of Nirvana (Nicban) as an exemption from old age, from decay, and from death ; and as being also the acquirement of all bliss. . . . Even when the Buddha bestows the Nirvana, his votary hears his great voice, beholds the face, and accepts a state which enables him to see the succession of other Buddhas. Such is the clear import of the phrases, which cannot leave us to doubt of the system possess ing an ulterior state of reward, combined with posi- • Asiatie Researches, vol. vi. p. 266. 148 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. tive vitality. The Buddhist doctrine always treats life in the stage of human existence as a state of suf fering and misfortune ; regarding it as a situation of painful probation, growing out of its changes, which za.n be escaped from in no other way than by the ac quirement of the unchangeable state of Nirvana. Every expression of illusion, disappointment, and pain is applied to life, and the opposite epithets of unruffled peace, repose, and profound tranquillity as cribed to the envied rewards of Nirvana — expressions carried even to the length of non-existence." While, however, the system of Gaudama may not be strictly chargeable with theoretical atheism, inas much as it recognizes the existence of superior beings who govern this world, and reward and punish us for our actions, it is, I believe, the common opinion that nigban is non-existence, and that annihilation is the greatest good after which we can aspire. Nor is this the belief of the uneducated alone ; the priests them selves teach this doctrine, and defend it on philosoph ical principles. They hold that divinity itself is not exempt from change, that it is base and grovelling to cling to existence, since a nat to-day may be a mon key to-morrow. Even a god (their gods attain to de ityship in this world) is subject to sickness and death; and it is noble and philosophic, the mark of a superior mind, not in love with mean and paltry things, to choose not to be. The Brahminical idea of absorption in the deity is utterly unknown to the greater part of the Buddhists, and would be abhorrent to them, for their deity himself lays down his existence, and be comes a nonentity. Mr. Judson found that the min ister of state, Moung Zah, had an indistinct notion of a deity who ought to be eternal, and said that he and BUDDHISM. 149 the Prince Mekara came the nearest to deism of any pure Burmans he had ever met with. Mrs. Judson states, that her old teacher, a Christian, who had been a Buddhist priest in his youth, assured her that he had never heard nor imagined that nigban meant any thing but annihilation. This difference between the teachings of a religious system and the belief of those who profess it, is unfortunately a matter of very 'common occurrence. Such, then, seems to be the system of Buddhism.* In its moral precepts it is remarkable for purity. So far as the relations between man and man are con cerned, it is, in many respects, similar to the Mosaic law. The punishments which it denounces against sin are awful beyond conception ; and the rewards of obedience are as great as the authors of the system could imagine. For the least aberration from recti tude the consequence is pain only less than infinite. It, however, in no case that I have seen, makes any allu sion to repentance. After one sin, the being is forever helplessly under condemnation, unless he can attain to annihilation. It presents no way of escape for the sinner by means of an atonement. It is a pure system of law, with its rewards and punishments, without re lenting, without pardon, and without hope for the guilty. It remains to consider what has been the practical effect of this system upon the mind of man. It is a system, it will be remembered, devised to govern the moral conduct of a race of sinners. Hence the im possibility of avoiding its penalties is at once ev» dent. Do what we will, conscience must convict us * See Appendix A, for other views hi 1 by Dr. Judson. 13* 150 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. of grievous moral ii. perfection, involving the neces sity of ages of suffering, without the certainty of any eventual escape. Under such a system, the mind sinks down in utter helplessness. When there is no escape from punishment, the difference between ten millions and twenty millions of transmigrations is not capable if being appreciated. Virtue and vice, in our imperfect state, are, therefore, hardly capable of being distinguished from each other in their results. Thus the system which seems to have exhausted the human faculties in conceiving of terrors which should deter us from sin, is found practically to have created against it no barrier whatever. The result was such as might have been expected. While the law of Gaudama forbids us to take the hfe of any animated being, the Burmans are bloodthirsty, cruel, and vindictive, beyond most of the nations of India. Murders are of very common occurrence, and the punishment by death is inflicted with every aggra vation of cruelty. While licentiousness is absolutely forbidden, they are said to be universally profligate. While the law denounces covetousness, they are almost to a man dishonest, rapacious, prone to robbery, and to robbery ending in blood. The law forbids, on all oc casions, treachery and deceit, and yet, from the highest to the lowest, they are a nation of liars. When de tected in the grossest falsehood, they indicate no con sciousness of shame, and even pride themselves upon successful deceit. An amusing instance of national want of faith occurred towards the close of the former Burman war. On the 3d of January, 1826, the Bur man commander-in-chief and one of the high officers of th? empire signed a treaty wrh Sir A. Campbell, BUDDHISM. 151 and lequired fifteen days' truce, for the purpose of sending the articles to Ava for the sanction of the empsror The fifteen days elapsed, during which, in violation of the armistice, they were busily engaged in strengthening their defences ; and the ratifications did not arrive. Hostilities were recommenced, and the Burman general was, in unexpected haste, driven from his head-quarters. When the British entered the fort, they found the English and Burman copies of the treaty in the state in which they had been signed, they never having been even transmitted to Ava. In the military chest were also found thirty thousand rupees in silver. Sir A. Campbell sent the copies of the treaty to the woon-gyee, with a note stating that he supposed he had merely forgotten them in th# hurry of his departure from Maloun. The woon-gyee answered, with much coolness and good humor, " that in the same hurry he had also left behind him a large sum of money, which, he was confident, the British general only waited an opportunity of returning." * Respecting the practical effect of this system, Mr. Upham observes: "The scheme is sustained by a system of morals of the most exemplary kind, such as may cause a blush of shame in many a Christian who feels his higher privileges, while he considers the inferiority of his practice ; but this system is absolutely powerless to enforce or fasten its dictates upon the conscience, orto renovate the heart."f Mr. Upham sus tains his view of the practical result of Buddhism by the following quotation from Mr. Judson, whom he de scribes as one who has had the best opportunity to * Annual Register, anno 1826, p. 215. t "Opham's History of Buddhism, p. 102. 152 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. examine it, and whose coloring he declares to be strong, aut faithful : " Let those who plead the native innocence and purity of heathen nations visit Burmah. The system of religion here has no power over the heart or restraint « n the passions. Though it forbids, on pain of many years' suffering in hell, theft and false hood, yet, I presume to say, there is not a single Bur man in the country, who, if he had a good opportunity, without danger of detection, would hesitate to do either. Though the religion inculcates benevolence, tenderness, forgiveness of injuries, and love of ene mies, — though it forbids sensuality, love of pleasure, and attachment to worldly objects, — yet it is destitute of power to produce the former, or to subdue the latter, in^ts votaries. In short, the Burman system of religion is like an alabaster image, perfect and beauti ful in all its parts, but destitute of life. Besides being destitute of life, it provides no atonement for sin. Here also the gospel triumphs over, this and every other religion in the world." If, now, we revert to what we have stated above, we shall perceive that the Burman empire is large ir- extent, and that its soil is of unusually great and varied productiveness. It possesses a regular govern ment, by which the decisions of the court are carried with effect to the remotest hamlet, through a succession of officers proceeding in regular gradation from the emperor to the magistrate of the smallest district. Its people are active, athletic, and as industrious as could be expected under a tyrannical and oppressive govern ment. A large portion of the people is able to read. it possesses a well-defined system of religion, and aregu- larly-organized priesthood. But the whole people are BUDDHISM. 153 destitute of anj semblance either of piety to God or benevolence to man. They have no hope, and are living without God in the world. They have acknowl edged that St. Paul's description of the heathen, in the first of Romans, delineates accurately the national character. Such is the nation which Mr. Judson went forth to convert to the religion of Jesus Christ. CHAF7ER VI. ENTRANCE UPOit MISSIONARY WORK. — HIS VIEWS OF 1ITAI WORK. — ACQUISITION OF THE LANGUAGE. — PROGRESS OP THE MISSION. — VOYAGE TO MADRAS. 1813-1818. Mr. Judson having now arrived in Rangoon, the principal seaport of Burmah, that portion of the heathen world to which the labors of his future life were to be de voted, it may be worth while to pause for a moment, ti consider definitely the object which so exclusively cor. trolled every energy of his soul. His life was unique and consistent, bearing upon one point, and ever striving to realize a single conception. When we know the principles which he embraced, and the man ner in which he felt obliged to carry them into prac tice, we are at once enabled to estimate his character, and take a just view of his services. Mr. Judson believed that the race of man was cre ated holy ; that our first parents sinned ; and that, in consequence of their sin, their whole posterity have become sinners. He believed that, in consequence of the sin of each individual, every descendant of Adam is deserving of eternal banishment from God in the life to come, and of his righteous displeasure in the life that now is. He thus conceived that all the miseries, individual and social, physical and moral, which we suffer in the present state, are the consequences of sin ; of sin which, in all its infinite diversity, may be traced to the alienation of our moral affectrms from God. 154 VIEWS 01 THE MISSIONARY WORK. 155 If such be the fact, h is evident that, without a reme dial dispensation, the race of man must be door.aed to misery, temporal and eternal. But Mr. Judson believed that a remedied dispensa tion had been devised. " God so loved the world that he gave his only-begotten Son, that whosoever believ- eth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life ; " that in consequence of the incarnation, obedi ence, and sufferings of Christ, a free and full pardon is now offered to all the race of man, who, in sincere repentance for sin, commit themselves, in humble trust, to the mercy of God through the mediation of Jesus Christ. Thus the affections of the heart, by nature estranged from God, are restored to him again, and the radical moral evil of the soul being corrected, there will flow from it, by necessity, the fruits of jus tice and charity, and man, individual and social, trans formed in the image of his mind, will awake to a life of righteousness. But still further, Mr. Judson believed that God had promised that this work of Christ Jesus should not be in vain, but that the whole world should yet yield a cheerful and happy obedience to the Prince of peace ; that the Holy Spirit should with irresistible energy ac company the proclamation of the message of salvation wherever the gospel shall be preached in simple and earnest faith : so that the means are amply provided for carrying forward the regeneration of our race. This provision having been made, Jesus Christ has imposed upon every one of his disciples the duty of making known the good news of salvation to his fel low men, with the promise that he will attend the delivery of this message with his ever-present aid. " Go ye," said he, " into all the world, and preach the 156 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. gospei to every creature ; and lo, I am with you alway even unto the end of the world." Mr. Judson believed himself to be a disciple of Christ, saved from condemnation through the merits of the atonement ; he acknowledged his personal ob ligation to obey this last command of his ascended Redeemer ; nay, more, he was satisfied that he had been called to devote his life to this service. Holding such a belief, and acknowledging such obligations, he consecrated his whole being to the work, and with this consecration he allowed nothing else whatever to interfere. The providence of God clearly directed him to the empire of Burmah. He felt assured that he was thus sent, as the herald of Christ, to preach the gospel of peace to this benighted people. There was not, at the time of his arrival at Rangoon, a single native who had embraced the religion of Jesus. He was aware of the oppression and cruelty of the rulers, and of the wickedness and misery of the people ; he knew that they were steeped in an idolatry that had become ven erable by antiquity ; yet he believed that in the gospel there existed the sovereign remedy for all these evils. He doubted not that, when the gospel should be preached, the sinful nature of men would be trans formed into the holy image of Christ ; that every con vert would become a centre of moral illumination , that thus, by its own inherent power of indefinite ex pansion, the gospel would spread on every side among the people, until the temples of Gaudama should be deserted, the moral character of men be renewed, and Burmah become a kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ. His object, then, was to accomplish the most stu- VIEWS OF THE MISSIONARY WORK. 157 pendous revolution of which we can conceive in this whole people ; it was nothing less than an entire trans formation of the moral character of every individual. The means by which this was to be accomplished was very simple. It was the announcement of the message from God to man, attended by the omnipotent power of the Spirit of God. He believed that this work would thus be accomplished simply because God had promised it. The instrument on which he relied foi success was the preaching of the gospel. But he knew not a word oi the language in which he was to offer to men the blessings of eternal life. This language must first be acquired and thoroughly mastered. He must learn it as perfectly as his vernacular tongue, so that he might transfer into it, with exact accuracy, the lively oracles of God. The Burmans are a reading people. They have their religious books, and possess the teachings of Gaudama in their own language. They demanded our Scriptures, that they might read for themselves the doctrines which were delivered to them orally. Hence it was evident that the Bible must be placed in their hands as soon as the missionary was prepared to preach to them the unsearchable riches of Christ. To the attainment of the language, therefore, Mr. Judson at once addressed himself, combining with his studies, at as early a period as possible, the work of translation. The aids which he could command were meagre. It is true that the English Baptists had es tablished a mission in Rangoon as early as 1807, under the care of Messrs. Chater and Mardon. Mr. Mardon, after a few months, left the station, and Mr. Chater was joined by Mr. Felix Carey, the eldest son of Dr. Carey, of Serampore. Soon after, Messrs. Tritchett vol. i. 14 158 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. and Brain, of the London Missionary Society, arrived but Mr. Brain soon died, and Mr. Pritcheft, after a year's residence, removed to Vizagapatam. Mr. Cha- er remained four years, and made considerable prog ress in the language. He translated the Gospel "by Matthew, which was revised by Mr. Carey, and pub lished at Serampore. At length Mr. Chater relin quished the mission, and removed to Ceylon. Mr. Carey remained, and was joined by a young man from Calcutta, who soon quitted the station. When Mr. Judson arrived, Mr. Carey had gone to Ava, by order of the king. " Mrs. Carey, who was a native of the country, still resided at Rangoon, in the mission house, which Mr. Chater had erected in a pleasant rural spot, almost half a mile from the walls of the town." * By these gentlemen some progress had been made in the language. Mr. Carey had printed a grammar; but its inaccuracies were such that I have seldom seen it even referred to by students of Burman. He and Mr. Chater had also translated the Gospel by Mat thew ; but the work was done so incorrectly that I believe it was never put into circulation. Mr. Carey, who at this time was in attendance at the court of Ava, soon entered the service of the king, was promoted, lost his rank, left the mission, and relin quished the ministry. The reliable helps, therefore, were few ; and Mr. Judson was obliged to commence the work almost de novo, and, as he advanced, to prosecute it by his own unaided efforts. * Knowles's Memoir of Mrs. Judson. The house, however, was by no means pleasantly situated. It was near the place of public execution, where all the offal of the city was thrc wn, and not far from the place for burning the dead. It was beyond ,he protection of the walls, exposed to wild beasts and alaaost as wild men TSi^y after wards removed into the city. VIEWS OF THE MISSIONARY WORK. 159 The attainments which he made in the language were considered in India to be of the very highest order. He wrote and spoke it with the familiarity of a native and the elegance of a cultivated scholar. At an early period of his study, he prepared a brief grammar of the language far the use of mission aries, and modestly entitled it " Grammatical No tices," which, twenty years afterwards, (in 1842,) was printed at the mission press at Maulmain. Of this work a late writer in the "Calcutta Review" speaks as follows : " He [Dr. Judson] published an other work, a grammar of no pretensions, and of very small dimensions, yet a manual which indicated the genius of the man, perhaps, more strikingly than any thing else, except his Bible. He has managed, from a thorough knowledge of the language, to condense into a few short pages [only seventy-six] a most complete grammar of this difficult tongue ; and, as the student grows in knowledge, pari passu, this little volume rises in his estimation ; for its lucid, comprehensive conciseness becomes more and more manifest. In our limited acquaintance with lan guages, whether of the East or West, we have seen no work in any tongue which we should compare with it for brevity and completeness ; yet we have, in our day, had to study and wade through some long and some would-be short grammars." This thoroughness of knowledge of the language could, of course, be the result of nothing but a very extensive acquaintance with Burman literature. Yet he considered this knowledge, in his case, as valueless, except in so far as it enabled him the better to present a perfect transcript of the word of God in the Burman language. In the strictness with which he carried 160 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. out Ids principles on this subject, there is much that is worthy of distinct remark. He had a natural fa cility for the acquisition of languages, and great fond ness for linguistic researches ; yet he acquired no language of the East, except the Burman. He was strongly attached to physical science, and his re searches in this direction might have acquired for him great reputation, and, as many good men might be lieve, would have given to the mission a desirable standing with scientific men ; yet he never published a line on these subjects, and he even discouraged a taste for such pursuits among his missionary brethren. He had become fully aware of the temptations to which missionaries are exposed when the treasures of a new language and of a peculiar form of literature are presented before them, and he therefore guarded himself with peculiar strictness. At one time, he had found the literature of Burmah exceedingly fasci nating, especially its poetry ; and he had sundry pleasant visions of enriching the world of English literature from its curious stores. He, for a moment, flattered himself that, by interesting the Christian world in Burmah through her literature, he should open the floodgates of sympathy so as to bring about her emancipation from pagan thraldom. But the dream was soon dispelled. He saw that such an appropriation of his time would lead him aside from the peculiar work to which God had called him ; and, though perfectly familiar with more than a hundred Burman tales, and able to repeat Burman poetry by the hour, he never committed a line to paper. He was fond of searching into doubtful histories and mousing among half fabulous antiquities, and Bur mah presented an alluring field for this sort of re- VIEWS OF THE MISSIONARY WORK. 161 search ; yet he not only resisted his own natural tendencies, but took care never to excite in the minds of others an interest in things of this sort. He ad mitted nothing into the library of native books (palm leaf books, selected by himself, but the property of the mission) which woidd cultivate a taste for these comparatively trivial things. He was revered and caressed by the best society in India, yet he religiously kept aloof from it ; and not all the representations of his friends could induce him to turn from his work to relieve the spiritual wants of Englishmen, or preach before an English congregation.* It will not, of course, be supposed, by any one who knew Dr. Judson, that he was deficient in love of the beautiful, or wanting in zeal for the diffusion of knowledge. He did not proscribe such studies as I have alluded to as sinful, nor would he make rules for missionaries stricter than those for other Christians. He believed that there were temptations to which missionaries in unexplored fields are exposed, which are utterly destructive of usefulness, and may not be tampered with even for a moment. He looked upon a missionary as consecrated to a peculiar work, a work of incomparably greater importance than any other on earth, and he believed that it can be suc cessfully prosecuted only by consecrating to it ex clusively the entire energies of the soul. As How ard, when he visited Rome, left unnoticed the impres sive monuments of ancient grandeur, and spent his time wholly in dungeons and prisons, so Dr. Judson believed that he who has undertaken to deliver a nation from the thraldom of sin has objects in view more * Manuscript notes. 162 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. important than the researches of antiquaries or the companionship of savans. It were well if this ex clusive devotioi to substantially the same object gov erned the lives of ministers at home as well as of missionaries abroad. The following anecdote will place in a clear light Dr. Judson's views on this subject. Not long before his death, a gentleman of Calcutta, a member of a literary society in that city, proposed that Mrs. Jud son should translate the Life of Gaudama into English, to be published by the society. Dr. Judson rephed, that as Mrs. Judson's health was suffering from too severe study, he was not sure that a light work of this nature would be objectionable. As the proposal was intended to be, and it really was, both kind and complimentary, the gentleman seemed disconcerted, until Mrs. Judson remarked, that her husband con sidered many things perfectly proper, and even desi rable, on the part of others, '' objectionable " in a missionary. In fact, Mr. Judson disapproved of mis sionary contributions made either to literature or science, even as a recreation ; for he insisted that they could not be made with safety, and that nothing reliable could be accomplished without a draught on those energies which should be devoted to higher objects. Illustrations of the truth of his views he found in the history of some modern missions. He believed in general that the ministry is from its nature a self-denying employment. He who expects to in dulge in worldly amusement, or spend his time in cultivating literary tastes or secular science, had better seek some other profession. This is specially true of a missionary. His work is great, the laborers are few, THE MISSION ESTABLISHED. 163 the tsmptations are alluring, and every thing binds him to exclusive consecration to his work. But while Mr. Judson felt that his appropriate field was Burmah, and nothing but Burmah, he gave to this field no peculiar preeminence. The whole heathen world was always in his view. . He was ever suggest ing to the board new fields of labor, and he was con stantly bringing before the mercy seat, in his most retired hours of devotion, particular nations who had not yet attracted the attention of the friends of mis sions. Thus, at Maulmain, he was always urging his brethren, and specially those whom he most highly esteemed, and whose society he most enjoyed, to establish new missions in neighboring unevangelized countries. In no case, however, did he propose any labor to them which he was not willing to undertake himself. He desired that every one of them, as far a* possible, should be a new centre of gospel lightj an he wished such centres to be multiplied as widely as possible. If the station at Maulmain has been the means of diffusing the knowledge of salvation to other and distant regions of India, this result has been owing, I apprehend, more to Dr. Judson's counsels, labors, and prayers, than to those of any other indi vidual. The letters which follow will present a tolerably connected view of the establishment and progress of the mission from the arrival of Mr. Judson at Ran goon to his return from the voyage to Madras, Au gust 2, 1818 : — Extract from Mrs. Judson's Journal, commencing, September, 1813. Our horn i is in the mission house built by the English Baptist Society, on the first arrival of Messrs. Chater and Carey in this country. It is large and convenient, situated in 164 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. a rural place, about half a mile from the walls of the town. We have gardens enclosed, containing about two acres of ground, full of fruit trees of various kinds. In the dry sea son our situation is very agreeable. We often enjoy a pleas ant walk, within our own enclosure, or in some of the adjoin ing villages. September 20. This is the first Sabbath that we have united in commemorating the dying love of Christ at his table. Though but two in number, we feel the command as binding, and the privilege as great, as if there were more, and W3 have indeed found it refreshing to our souls. December 11. To-day, for the first time, I have visited the wife of the viceroy. I was introduced to her by a French lady, who has frequently visited her. When we first arrived at the government house, she was not up ; consequently we had to wait some time. But the inferior wives of the viceroy diverted us much by their curiosity in minutely examining every thing we had on, and by trying on our gloves, bonnets, &c. At last her highness made her appearance, dressed richly in the Burman fashion, with a long silver pipe at her mouth, smoking. At her appearance, all the other wives took their seats at a respectful distance, and sat in a crouching pos ture, without speaking. She received me very politely, took me by the hand, seated me upon a mat, and herself by me. She excused herself for not coming in sooner, saying she was unwell. One of the women brought her a bunch of flowers, of which she took several, and ornamented her cap. She was very inquisitive whether I had a husband and children; whether I was my husband's first wife; meaning by this, whether I was the highest among them, supposing that my husband, like the Burmans, had many wives ; and whether 1 intended tarrying long in the country. When the viceroy came in, I really trembled, for I never before beheld such a savage-looking creature. His long robe and enormous spear not a little increased my dread. He spoke to me, however, very condescendingly, and asked if I would drink some rum or wine. When I arose to go, her THE MISSION ESTABLISHED. 165 highness again took my har.d, told me she was happy to see me ; that I must come to see her every day, for I was like a sister to her. She led me to the door, and I made my salaam, and departed. My only object in visiting her was, that, if we should get into any difficulty with the Burmans, I could have access to her, when perhaps it would not be possible for Mr. Judson to get access to the viceroy. One can obtain almost any favor from her by making a small present. We intend to have as little to do with government people as possible, as our usefulness will probably be among the common people. Mr. Judson lately visited the viceroy, when he scarcely deigned to look at him, as English men are no uncommon sight in this country;- but an English female is quite a curiosity. January 11, 1814. Yesterday we left the mission house, and moved into one in town, partly through fear of robbers, and partly for the sake of being more with the natives, and learning more of their habits and manners. We shall also be in a way of getting the language much quicker, as we shall hear it spoken much more frequently than we could in the other house. From Mrs. Judson, to the Rev. Samuel Newell. Rangoon, April 23, 1814. My dear Brother Newell : As Mr. Judson will not have time to write you by this opportunity, I will endeavor to give you some idea of our situation here, and of our plans and prospects. We have found the country, as we expected, in a most deplorable state, full of darkness, idolatry, and cruelty — full of commotion and uncertainty. We daily feel that the existence and perpetuity of this mission, still in an infant state, depend in a pecuiiar manner on the interposing hand of Providence ; and from this impression alone we are encouraged still tc remain. As it respects our temporal pri vations, use has made them familiar, and easy to be borne , they are of short duration, and when brought in competition with the worth of immortal souls, sink into nothing. We 166 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. have no society, no dear Christian friends, and with the ex ception of two or three sea captains, who now and then call on us, we never see a Eurocaan face. But then we are still happy in each other; still find that our own home is our best, our dearest friend. When we feel a disposition to sigh for the enjoyments of our native country, we turn our eyes on the miserable objects around. We behold some of them laboring hard for a scanty subsistence, oppressed by an avaricious gov ernment, which is ever ready to seize what industry had hardly earned ; we behold others sick and diseased, daily beg ging the few grains of rice which, when obtained, are scarcely sufficient to protract their wretched existence, and with no other habitation to screen them from the burning sun, or chilly rains, than what a small piece of cloth raised on four bamboos under a tree can afford. While we behold these scenes, we feel that we have all the comforts, and, in comparison, even the luxuries, of life. We feel that our temporal cup of bless ings is full, and runneth over. But is our temporal lot so much superior to theirs ? O, how infinitely superior our spiritual blessings ! While they vainly imagine to purchase promotion in another state of existence by strictly worshipping their idols and building pagodas, our hopes of future happi ness are fixed on the Lamb of God who taketh away the sin of the world. When we have a realizing sense of these tilings, my dear brother, we forget our native country and for mer enjoyments, feel contented and happy with our lot, with but one wish remaining — that of being instrumental of leading these Burmans to partake of the same source of happinlea with ourselves. Respecting our plans, we have at present but one — that of applying ourselves closely to the acquirement of the language, and to have as little to do with government as possible. Brother Carey has never yet preached in Burman, but has made considerable progress towards the completion of a gram mar and dictionary, which are a great help to us. At present, however, his time is entirely taken up with government affairs. It is nir iv almost a y ^ar since he was ordered up to ACQUISITION OF THE LANGUAGE. 167 Ava, which time has been wholly occupied in the king's business. He has just returned from Bengal, and is now making preparations for Ava, where he expects to found a new mission station. His family go with him ; consequently we shall be alcne until the arrival of brother Rice, who, we hope, will arrive in six or seven months. Our progress in the language is slow, as it is peculiarly hard of acquisition. We can, however, read, write, and con verse with tolerable ease, and frequently spend whole even ings very pleasantly in conversing with our Burman friends. We have been very fortunate in procuring good teachers. Mr. Judson's teacher is a very learned man, was formerly a priest, and resided at court. He has a thorough knowledge of the grammatical construction of the language, likewise of the Pali, the learned language of the Burmans. Mr. Judson to the Rev. Mr. Emerson. Rangoon, January 7, 1814. Dear Brother Emerson : It is nearly a year since I wrote to America, my last being forwarded by brother Rice. I have had no opportunity of conveyance since that time, nor have I any at present. I intend to send this to England, hoping that on its arrival the war may have terminated, or that it may find a conveyance in a despatch vessel. We have been here about six months ; have been living in the mission house, with brother F. Carey's family, but expect within a few days to take a house within the walls of the town, on ac count of the bands of robbers which infest all the country, and which have lately been very numerous and daring. Our situation is much more comfortable than we expected it would be in such a country. We enjoy good health, and though de prived of all congenial Christian society, we are very happy in each other, and think we frsquently enjoy his presence whose smile can turn the darkest night to day, and whose favor1 is the fountain of all happiness. " Peace I leave with you — my peace I give unto you." There has yet been but very little effected in this corntry to any real missionary pur- 168 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. pose. Brother Carey's time is greatly occupied in governmer.. matters. The emperor has given him a title, and requires him to reside in the capital. He is just now going to Bengal on his majesty's business, and expects, after his return, to re side at Ava. Not a single Burman has yet been brought to a knowledge of the truth, or even to serious inquiry. In all the affairs of this government, despotism and rapine are the order of the day. The present viceroy of this province is a savage man. Life and death depend on his nod. He is very large in stature, and when he stalks about with his long spear, every body shrinks from before him. I called on him once, but he scarcely looked at me. Ann waited on her highness, and was much better received. This man is about to be re called to Ava, and it is doubtful whether he will return. Dur ing the interim we expect all things will be in confusion, and this is one reason why we desire to get within the walls of the city. My only object at present is to prosecute, in a still, quiet manner, the study of the language, trusting that for all the future " God will provide." We have this consolation, that it was the evident dispensation of God which brought us to this country ; and still further, that if the world was all before us, where to choose our place of rest, we should not desire to leave Burmah. Our chief anxiety is that brother Rice may not be able to join us again ; but even this we desire to leave in his hands who doeth all things well, Your affectionate brother in the Lord Jesus, A. Judson, Je. Mrs. Judson had not been long in Rangoon before her health began to suffer from the effects of the climate. In January, 1815, her symptoms became alarming, and on the 25th of that month she sailed to Madras for medical advice. She was received by the residents of that city, and especially by the English missionaries, with the kindest hospitality. Her health was soon ACQUISITION OF THE LANGUAGE. 169 restored, under the skilful care of the medical gentle men there, and she returned to Rangoon on the 13th of April. During her absence, Mr. Judson wrote the following letter to a friend : — There is not an individual in the country that I can pray with, and not a single soul with whom I can have the least religious communion. I keep myself as busy as possible all day long, from sunrise till late in the evening, in reading Bur man, and conversing with the natives. I have been here a year and a half, and so extremely difficult is the language — perhaps the most difficult to a foreigner of any on the face of the earth, next to the Chinese — that I find myself very in adequate to communicate divine truth intelligibly. I have, in some instances, been so happy as to secure the attention, and in some degree to interest the feelings, of those who heard me ; but I am not acquainted with a single instance in which any permanent impression has been produced. No Burman has, I believe, ever felt the grace of God ; and what can a solitary, feeble individual or two expect to be the means of effecting in such a land as this, amid the triumphs of Satan, the darkness of death ? The Lord is all powerful, wise, and good ; and this consideration alone always affords me unfailing consolation and support. Adieu, &c. A. Judson, Jr. Additional Extracts from Mrs. Judson's Journal. April 16, 1815. Mr. Carey has lately returned from Cal cutta, and much refreshed our minds with letters and intelli gence from our friends there. We are so much debarred from all social intercourse with the rest of the Christian world, that the least intelligence we receive from our friends is a great luxury. We feel more and more convinced that the gospel must be introduced into this country through many trials and difficulties, through much self-denial and earnest prayer. The strong prejudices of the Burmans, their foolish conceit of superiority over other nations,, the wickedness of .thejr lives, vol. L 15 170 memoir or dr. judson. together with the plausibility of their own religious tenets, make a formidable appearance in the way of their receiving the strict requirements of the gospel of Jesus. But all things are possible with God, and he is our only hope and confidence. He can make mountains become valleys, and dry places streams of water. August 20. To-day Mr. Carey, wife, and family left us for Ava, where they expect to live. We are now alone in this great house, and almost alone as it respects the whole world. We are daily expecting dear brother and sister Hough, when we hope our lonely hours will be more than repaid with their society. If it were not that Burmah presents such an un bounded field for missionary exertions, we would not be con tented to stay in this miserable land. But we are convinced that we are in the very situation in which our heavenly Father would have us to be ; and if we were to leave it for the sake of enjoying a few more temporal comforts, we should have no reason to expect his blessing on our exertions. We frequently receive letters from our Christian friends in this part of the world, begging us to leave a field so entirely rough and uncultivated, the soil of which is so unpromising, and enter one which presents a more plentiful harvest. God grant that we may live and die among the Burmans, though we should never do any thing more than smooth the way for others. September 3. Heard the dreadful intelligence of the loss of Mr. Carey's vessel, his wife, and children, and all his prop erty. He barely escaped with his life. How soon are all his hopes blasted ! He set out to go to Ava in a brig which be longed to the Burman government ; had got his furniture, medi cine, wearing apparel, &c, on board. The brig had been in the river about ten days, when she upset, and immediately went down. Mrs. Carey, two children, all the women servants, and some of the men servants, who could not swim, were lost. Mr. Carey endeavored to save his little boy, three years old ; but finding himself going down, was obliged to give ftp the child. Thus far from my journal. ACQUISITION OF THE LANGUAGE. 171 As it respects ourselves, we are busily employed all day long, and I can assure you that we find much pleasure in our employment. Could you look into a large open room, which we call a veranda, you would see Mr. Judson bent over his table, covered with Burman books, with his teacher at his side, a venerable-looking man, in his sixtieth year, with a cloth wrapped round his middle, and a handkerchief round his head. They talk and chatter all day long with hardly any cessation. My mornings are busily employed in giving directions to the servants, providing food for the family, &c. At ten my teacher comes ; when, were you present, you might see me in an inner room, at one side of my study table, and my teacher the other, reading Burman, writing, talking, &c. I have many more interruptions than Mr. Judson, as I have the entire management of the family. This I took on myself for the sake of Mr. Judson's attending more closely to the study of the language ; yet I have found by a year's experience that it was the most direct way I could have taken to acquire the language, as I am frequently obliged to talk Burman all day. I can talk and understand others better than Mr. Judson, though he knows really much more about the nature and con struction of the language than I do. This climate is one of the most healthy in the world. There are only two months in the year when it is severely hot. We doubt not but you pray much for us in this miserable land, deprived of all Christian society. We need much, very much grace, that we may be faithful, and bear a faithful testi mony to the religion of Jesus. The following extract, giving an account of an at tempt of Mr. Judson to convey religious knowledge to his teacher, presents a view of the notions of intel ligent Burmans on this subject. Sjptember 30, 1815. Had the following conversation with my eacher, as nearly as I can recollect it. This man has 172 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. been with me about three months, and is the mout sensible, learned, and am did man that I have ever found among the Burmans. He is forty-seven years of age, and his name is Oo Oungmen. I began by saying, Mr. J is dead. Oo. I have heard so. J. His soul is lost, I think. Oo. Why so ? J. He was not a disciple of Christ. Oo. How do you know that ? You could not see his soul. /. How do you know whether the root of that mango tree is good ? You cannot see it ; but you can judge by the fruit on its branches. Thus I know that Mr. J. was not a disciple of Christ, because his words and actions were not such as indicate a disciple. Oo. And so all who are not disciples of Christ are lost? J. Yes, all, whether Burmans or foreigners. Oo. This is hard. J. Yes, it is hard indeed , otherwise I should not have come all this way, and left parents and all, to tell you of Christ. He seemed to feel the force of this, and after stopping a little he said, How is it that the disciples of Christ are so fortunate above all men ? J. Are not all men sinners, and deserving of punishment in a future state ? Oo. Yes, all must suffer in some future state for the sins they commit. The punishment follows the crime as surely as the wheel of the cart follows the footsteps of the ox. J. Now, according to the Bur man system, there is no escape. According to the Christian system, there is. Jesus Christ has died in the place of sinners, has borne their sins ; and now those who believe on him, and become his disciples, are released from the punishment they deserve. At death, they are received into heaven, and are happy forever. Oo. That I will never believe. My mind is very stiff on this one point, namely, that all existence involves in itself principles of misery and destruction. The whole universe is only destruction and reproduction. It therefore becomes a wise man to raise his desires above all things that exist, and aspire to nigban, the state where there is no exist ence. J. Teacher, there are two evil futurities, and one good. A miserable future existence is evil, and annihilation, or nigban, is an evil, a fearful evil. A happy future existence is aloiw good. Oo. I admit that is best, if it could be CONVERSATION WITH HIS TEACHER, 173 perpetual; but it cannot be. Whatever is is liable to change, and misery, and destruction. Nigban is the only permanent good, and that good has been attained by Gaudama, the last deity. J. If there be no eternal being, you cannot account for any thing. Whence this world, and all that we see? Oo. Fate. J. Fate ! The cause must always be equal to the effect. See, I raise this table. See also that ant under it. Suppose I were invisible, would a wise man say the ant raised it? Now, fate is not even an ant. Fate is a word ; that is all. It is not an agent ; not a thing. What is fate ? Oo. The fate of creatures is the influence which their good or bad deeds have on their future existence. J. If influence be exerted, there must be an exerter. If there be a determination, there must be a determiner. Oo. No, there is no determiner. There cannot be an eternal being. J. Consider this point. It is a main point of true wisdom. Whenever there is an execution of a purpose, there must be an agent. Oo. (After a little thought.) I must say that my mind is very decided and hard, and unless you tell me something more to the pur pose, I shall never believe. J. Well, teacher, I wish you to believe, not for my profit, but for yours. I daily pray the true God to give you light that you may believe. Whether you will ever believe in this world, I do not know ; but when you die, I know you will believe what I now say. You will then appear before the God that you now deny. Oo. I don't know that. J. I have heard that one Burman, many years ago, embraced the Portuguese religion, and that he was your rela tion. Oo. He was a brother of my grandfather. J. At Ava, or here ? Oo. At Ava he became a Portuguese ; afterwards went to a ship country with a ship priest, and returned to Ava. J. I have heard he was put to death for his religion. Oo. No, he was imprisoned and tortured by order of the em peror. At last he escaped from their hands, fled to Rangoon, and afterwards to Bengal, where they say he died. J. Did any of his family join him ? Oo. None ; all forsook him ; and he wandered about, despised and rejected by all. J. Do you think that he was a decided Christian, and had got a new mind ? 15* 174 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. Oo. I think so ; for wher. he was tortured hard, he held out. J. Did he ever talk with you about religion ? Oo. Yes. J. Why did you not listen to him ? Oo. I did not listen. J. Did you ever know any other Burman that changed his own for a for eign religion ? Oo. I have heard that there is one now in Rangoon, who became a Portuguese ; but he keeps himself concealed, and I have never seen him. January 1, 1816. The greater part of my time, for the last six months, has been occupied in studying and transcrib ing, in alphabetical arrangement, the Pali Abigdan, or dic tionary of the Pali language, affixing to the Pali terms the interpretation in Burman, and again transferring the Burman words to a dictionary, Burman and English. With the close of the year, I have brought this tedious work to a close, and find that the number of Pali words collected amounts to about four thousand. It has grieved me to spend so much time on the Pali, but the constant occurrence of Pali terms in every Burman book made it absolutely necessary. The two languages are entirely distinct. The Burman is a language sui generis — peculiar to itself. It is true, we cannot know what affinity it has to some of the Indo-Chinese lan guages that are yet uninvestigated ; but it is essentially differ ent from the Sanscrit, the parent of almost all the languages in India proper, and, indeed, from every language that has yet come under the cognizance of Europeans. The Pali, on the other hand, is a dialect of the Sanscrit, and was introduced into this country with the religion of Boodh. This personage, whose proper name is Gaudama, appeared in Hindostan about two thousand three hundred years ago, and gave a new form and dress to the old transmi gration system, which, in some shape or other, has existed from time immemorial. The Brahmans, in the mean time, dressed up the system after their fashion ; and these two modifications, Brahmanism and Boodhism, struggled for the ascendency. At length the family of Gaudama, which has held the sover eignty of India, was dethroned, his religion was denounced, and his disciples took refuge in Ceylon and the neighboring DEATH OF A CHILD. 175 countries. In that island, about five hundred years after the decease av.d supposed annihilation of their teacher or deity, they composed their sacred writings, in that dialect of the Sanscrit whch had obtained in Ceylon; thence they were conveyed, by sea,- to the Indo-Chinese nations. Boodhism, however, had gained footing in Burmah before the arrival of the sacred books from Ceylon. It is commonly maintained that it was introduced by the emissaries of Gaudama before his death. It is obvious that the introduction of a new religion and new sacred writings must have great effect on the language of a people. And, accordingly, (not to speak of the influence which the Pali has had on the general construction of the Burman language,) a considerable number of words in com mon use, and a very great proportion of theological terms, are of Pali origin. Thus, though the Pah is now a dead language, cultivated by the learned only, some knowledge of it is indis pensable to one who would acquire a perfect knowledge of the Burman, and especially to a missionary, who intends to trans late the Scriptures, and who ought, therefore, above all others, to be perfectly acquainted with the terms he employs. With these views, I was desirous of laying a little founda tion for such further improvements in the language as neces sity should require and leisure permit. And having done this, having a vocabulary for daily reference, correction, and enlargement, I now propose to devote my whole time again to the Burman. On the 11th of September, their loneliness was cheered by the birth of a son, whom, in honor of the apostle of religious liberty, they named Roger Wil liams. The blessing was, however, short lived, for on the 4th of May, 1816, they were called upon to con sign him to an early grave. 176 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. To the Rev. Dr. Bolles. Rangoon, January 16, 1816. Dear Brother : Yours of March, :815, 1 lately received, and read with real satisfaction. Neither brother Rice nor any of the others that you mention have yet been heard of in these parts. May they not be far distant. Whenever they shall arrive, I hope to be of some real service to them in their pre paratory studies, and to be able to give them, in a short time, in formation on many points which it has cost me months to acquire. I just now begin to see my way forward in this language, and hope that two or three years more will make it somewhat fa miliar ; but I have met with difficulties that I had no idea of before I entered on the work. For a European or American to acquire a living oriental language, root and branch, and make it his own, is quite a different thing from his acquiring a cognate language of the West, or any of the dead languages, as they are studied in the schools. One circumstance may serve to illustrate this. I once had occasion to devote about two months to the study of the French. I have now been above two years engaged on the Burman ; but if I were to choose between a Burman and French book to be examined in, without previous study, I should, without the least hesita tion, choose the French. When we take up a western lan guage, the similarity in the characters, in very many terms, in many modes of expression, and in the general structure of sentences, its being in fair print, (a circumstance we hardly think of,) and the assistance of grammars, dictionaries, and instructors, render the work comparatively easy. But when we take up a language spoken by a people on the other side of the earth, whose very thoughts run in channels diverse from ours, and whose modes of expression are consequently all new and uncouth ; when we find the letters and words all totally destitute of the least resemblance to any language we had ever met with, and these words not fairly divided and distinguished, as in western writing, by breaks, and points, and capitals, but run together in one continuous line, a sentence or paragraph seeming to the eye but one long word ; when, instead of progress in the language. 177 clear characters on paper, we find only obscure scratches on dried palm leaves strung together and called a book ; when we have no dictionary, and no interpreter to explain a single word, and must get something of the language before we can avail ourselves of the assistance of a native teacher, — " Hoc opus, Mo labor est." I had hoped, before I came here, that it would not be my lot to have to go on alone, without any guide in an unexplored path, especially as missionaries had been here before. But Mr. Chater had left the country, and Mr. Carey was with me but very little, before he left the mission and the missionary work altogether. I long to write something more interesting and encouraging to the friends of the mission ; but it must not yet be expected. It unavoidably takes several years to acquire such a language, in order to converse and write intelligibly on the great truths of the gospel. Dr. Carey once told me, that after he had been some years in Bengal, and thought he was doing very weil in conversing and preaching to the natives, they (as he was af terwards convinced) knew not what he was about. A young missionary wbo expects to pick up the- language in a year or two will probably find that he has not counted the cost. If he should be so fortunate as to find a good interpreter, he may be useful by that means. But he will find, especially if he is in a new place, where the way is not prepared, and no previous ideas communicated, that to qualify himself to communicate divine truth intelligibly by his own voice or pen, is not the work of a year. However, notwithstanding my present in competency, I am beginning to translate the New Testament, being extremely anxious to get some parts of Scripture, at least, into an intelligible shape, if for no other purpose than to read, as occasion offers, to the Burmans I meet with. My paper allows me to add nothing more but to beg your prayers, that wh/'ie I am much occupied in words and phrases, and destitute of those gospel privileges you so richly enjoy, in 178 memoir of dr /udson. the midst of your dear church and people, I may not lose the life of religion in my soul. I remain, dear brother, Yours very affectionately, A. Judson, Jr. To the Rev. Dr. Staughton I am sometimes a little dispirited, when I reflect that, for two or three years past, I have been drilling at A, B, C, and grammar. But I consider again that the gift of tongues is not granted in these times ; that some one must acquire this lan guage by dint of application ; must translate the Scriptures, andfcg^it preach the gospel to the people in their own tongue, or how c'arifhey*fje saved? My views of the missionary ob ject are, indeed, different from what they were, when I was first set on fire by Buchanan's " Star in the East," six years ago. But it does not always happen that a closer acquaintance with an object diminishes our attachment and preference. We sometimes discover beauties, as well as deformities, which were overlooked on a superficial view ;. when some attractions lose their force, others more permanent are exerted ; and when the glitter in which novelty invested the object has passed away, more substantial excellences hav£ room to dis close their influence : and so it has been with me, I hope, in regard to the work of missions. I remain, reverend and dear sir, Yours affectionately in the Lord, A. Judson, Jb. To the Rev. Luther Rice. Rangoon, August 3, 1816. My dear Brother Rice : I have completed a grammar of the Burman language, which I hope will be useful to you ; also a tract, which I hope to get printed as soon as Mr. Hough arrives. If any ask wha . success I meet with among the natives, tell them to look at Otaheite, where the missionaries labored sources of encouragement. 17D nearly twenty years, and, not meeting with the slightest suc cess, began to be neglected by all the Christian world, and the very name of Otaheite began to be a shame to the cause of missions ; and now the blessing begins to come. Tell them to look at Bengal also, where Dr. Thomas had been laboring seventeen years (that is, from 1783 to 1800) before the first convert, Krishna, was baptized. When a few converts are once made, things move on ; but it requires a much longer time than I have been here to make a first impression on a heathen people. If they ask again, What prospect of ultimate success is there? tell them, As much as that there is an almighty and faithful God, who will perform his promises, and no more. If this does not satisfy them, beg them to let me stay and try it, and to let you come, and to give us our bread ; or, if they are unwilling to risk their bread on such a forlorn hope as has nothing but the Word of God to sustain it, beg of them, at least, not to prevent others from giving us bread ; and, if we live some twenty or thirty years, they may hear from us again. This climate is good — better than in any other part of the East. But it is a most filthy, wretched place. Missionaries must not calculate on the least comfort, but what they find in one another and their work. However, if a ship was lying in the river^ready to convey me to any part of the world I should choose, and that, too, with the entire approbation of all my Christian friends, I would prefer dying to embarking. This is an immense field, and, since the Serampore missiona ries have left it, it is wholly thrown on the hands of the Amer ican Baptists. If we desert it, the blood of the Burmans will be required of us. Yours ever, A. Judson, Jr. To the Rev. Dr. Baldwin. Rangoon, August 5, 1816. Rev. and dear Sir : It is about seven months since I wrote to America. The first three months of this time I was employed on the Burman language in a more interesting 180 memoir of dr. judson. manner than I had ever been. I began to enter into my stud ies with such pleasure and spirit, and to make such rapid progress, as encouraged me to hope that the time was not fai distant when I should be able to commence missionary opera tions. I was going forward in a course of most valuable Burman reading; and, at the same time, had begun to translate one of the Gospels, and to write a View of the Christian Reli gion in Burman, which, in imagination, were already finished and circulating among the natives, when, all of a sudden, in the midst of the hot season, which, in this country, is most severe during the months of March and April, I was seized with a distressing weakness and pain in my eyes and head, which put a stop to all my delightful pursuits, and reduced me to a pitiable state indeed. Since that time, excepting at some intervals, I have been unable to read, or write, or make any exertion whatever. Sometimes I have almost given up the hope that I should ever be of any more service ; some times I have been on the point of trying a short voyage at sea. This last was my intention, when I heard of brother Hough's arrival in Bengal, and concluded to wait until he should be settled here, when I could leave more conveniently. But, thanks be to God, it is now ten days since I have experi enced a turn of severe pain, though I still feel great weakness in my head, and, indeed, throughout my whole nervous sys tem. I begin now to hope that I shall gradually recovei, though I fear I never shall be as I formerly was. During my illness, when able to do any thing, I have em ployed myself in collecting what knowledge I have hitherto acquired of the language, and putting it together in the shape of a grammar, that it might not be wholly lost to others. My tract also is at length ready for the press, and I send a copy by this conveyance to Philadelphia, which may be some grati fication to the board. I would send a copy of the grammar also if I was able, but it is too bulky to be transcribed, in my present state. I expect it will not be long before I shall be ordered up to Ava. The press also, which has just arrived from Bengal, sources of encouragement. 181 will not probably be allowed to stop long in Rangoon. This will open a wide field, and make it necessary to support two stations. I beg, therefore, that the board will endeavor to send out one or two men with brother Rice, or as soon after as possible. The sooner they are on the ground, learning the language, the sooner they will be fit for service. I h»ve never before thought it prudent to write for more men in addition to those I knew were already destined to the place. But some favorable prospects lately begin to open, and the more I become acquainted with the state of things, the less reason I have to fear that the government of the country will, at present, oppose the work. We know not the designs of God in regard to this country ; but I cannot but have raised expectations. It is true we may have to labor and wait many years before the blessing comes. But we see what God is doing in other heathen lands, after trying the faith and sincerity of his servants some fifteen or twenty years. Look at Otaheite, Bengal, Africa. And is Burmah to remain a solitary instance of the inefficacy of prayer, of the forgetfulness of a merciful and faithful God ? Is it nothing that an attempt is begun to be made ; that, in one instance, the language is considerably acquired ; that a tract is ready for publication, which is intelligible and perspicuous, and will give the Burmans their first ideas of a Saviour and the way of salvation ; that a press and types have now ar rived, and a printer is on the way ; that a grammar is finished, to facilitate the studies of others, and a dictionary of the lan guage is in a very forward state ; and that the way is now prepared, as soon as health permits, to proceed slowly in the translation of the New Testament ? Is it nothing that, just at this time, the monarch of the country has taken a violent hate to the priests of his own religion, and is endeavoring, with all his power, to extirpate the whole order, at the same time pro fessing to be an inquirer after the true religion ? Is all this to be set down a mere cipher ? It is true that we may desire much more. But let us use what we have, and God will give us more. However, men and money must be forthcoming. vol. i. 16 182 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. Work cannot be done without men, and men cannot work without bread ; nor can we expect the ravens to feed them in ordinary cases. I do not say several hundred missionaries are needed here. This, though true, would be idle talk. My request I think modest. Five men, allowing two or three to each of the stations, is the smallest number that will possibly answer. I have received one letter only from Dr. Baldwin ; Mrs. Judson has also received one. I hope that brother Hough is the bearer of others. We expect him by the first opportunity. With the greatest respect, yours, &c, A. Judson, Jr. From Messrs. Judson and Hough to the Corresponding Secretary, Rev. Dr. Staughton. Rangoon, November 7, 1816. Rev. and dear Sir : It is with peculiar satisfaction that we are, at length, able to address a letter to the board, in our joint capacity. We had a. joyful meeting in this place the 15th ult. Mr. Hough has settled in one part of the mission house ; and we are now united, both as a church of Christ and as a mission society. Our regulations on the latter point we here submit to the board. It will be evident, at first sight, that these regulations have a prospective view, and are framed somewhat differently from what they would have been had we not expected that our society would soon be enlarged. But we hope that the time is not far distant when they will re ceive the signature of brother Rice also. Indeed, we hope for more than this ; we hope that one or two others will be found to accompany Mr. Rice. It is true that one of us remained about three years in this place without uttering any Macedonian cries. But we appre hend that the time is now come, when it is consistent with the strictest prudence to lift up our voice and say, Come over the ocean and help us. By a residence of three years in this country, many doubts, which at first occurred, are removed; and many points concerning the practicability of a mission, ARRIVAL OF THE PRESS. 183 and the prospect of success, are ascertained. We cannot now enter much in'.o detail ; but we desire to say, that we consider the mission established in this land. We unite in opinion, that a wide door is set open for the introduction of the religion of Jesus into this great empire. We have at present no gov ernmental interdict to encounter, and no greater obstacles than such as oppose the progress of missionaries in every heathen land. It appears to us (and may it so appear to our fathers and brethren) that God, in removing the English mission from this place, and substituting in their stead an American mission, is emphatically calling on the American churches to compassionate the poor Burmans, and to send their silver, and their gold, and their young men, to this eastern part of the world, to the help of the Lord against the mighty. It is with great pleasure that we announce the valuable present of a press and Burman types, made to us by the Ser ampore brethren. We are now closing in a room for a tem porary printing office, and hope very soon to issue a gospel tract, which has been in readiness some time, and which is in tended to give the heathen around us some idea of the way of salvation through the Lord Jesus. But we cannot move one step in the way of printing without money. Though favored with the press, in the first instance, gratis, we have already expended, in paper, freight, and sundries, about four hundred rupees. We therefore beg an immediate appropriation, not only to liquidate the expenses already incurred, but to enable us to proceed in this all-important part of our work. The accounts of the mission press we propose to keep distinct ; and they shall be submitted together with the accounts of the mission. We know not how long the press will be permitted to i-e- main in Rangoon ; we do not, however, deprecate its removal to Ava. Such a measure would doubtless tend to the further ance of the cause, and to the introduction of religion into the very heart of the empire, where Satan's seat is. But in this case, more men and more money would be imperatively de manded ; and we trust that the patronage of the board will 1S4 MEMOIR OF DK. JUDSON. not fail us in these necessary points. We desire humbly tc repeat to the board what the first missionaries from the Bap tist society in England said to their friends, when on the point of embarkation in the great work which seems destined to il lumine Western India with the light of the gospel. "We are,'' said they, " like men going down into a well ; you stand at the top and hold the ropes. Do not let us fall." Hold us up, brethren and fathers ; and if health and life be spared to us, we hope, through the grace of God, to see Eastern India also beginning to participate in the same glorious fight. Many years may intervene, in the latter as well as in the former case ; many difficulties and disappointments may try your faith and ours. But let patience have her perfect work ; let us not be weary of well-doing ; for in due time we shall reap, if we faint not. Your servants in the Lord Jesus, A. Judson, Jr. George H. Hough. Articles of Agreement. In order more effectually, under the blessing of our Lord and Master, to accomplish the important work for which we have come into this heathen land, we, the undersigned, form a union on the following principles, namely : — 1. We give ourselves to the Lord Jesus Christ, and to one another by the will of God. 2. We agree to be kindly affectioned one towards another with brotherly love, in honor preferring one another ; feeling that we have one Master, even Christ, and that all we are brethren. 3. We agree in the opinion that our sole object on earth is to introduce the religion of Jesus Christ into the empire of Burmah ; and that the means by which we hope to effect this are, translating, printing, and distributing the Holy Scriptures, preaching the gospel, circulating religious tracts, and promoting the instruction of native children. the men needed as missionaries. 185 4. We therefore agree to engage in no secular business for the purpose of individual emolument ; and not at all, unless, in the opinion of the brethren, the great object of the mission can be best promoted thereby. 5. We agree to relinquish all private right to remittances from America, avails of labor, and compensation for service ; in a word, to place all money and property, from whatever quarter accruing, in the mission fund : provided, that nothing in this article be construed to affect our private right to inheritances, or personal favors, not made in compensation of service. 6. We agree that all the members of the mission family have claims on the mission fund for equal support, iij similar circum stances; the claims of widows and orphans not to be in the least affected by the death of the head of their family. But it is to be understood, that no one shall have a right to adopt a child into the mission family, so as to entitle it to the claims secured in this article, but by consent of the brethren. 7. We agree to educate our children with a particular ref erence to the object of the mission ; and if any expense be necessary or expedient for this purpose, it shall be defrayed from the mission fund. 8. All appropriations from the mission fund shall be made by a majority of the missionary brethren united in this compact ; subject, however, to the inspection of our patrons, the board. A. Judson, Jr. George H. Hough. To the Rev. Luther Rice. Rangoon, November 14, 1816. Mx beloved brother Rice : In encouraging other young men to come out as missionaries, do use the greatest caution. One wrong-headed, conscientiously obstinate fellow would ruin us. Humble, quiet, persevering men ; men of sound, sterling talents, (though, perhaps, not brilliant,) of decent acconrplish- ments, and some natural aptitude to acquire a language ; men of an amiable, yielding temper, willing to take the lowest 16* 186 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. place, to be the. least of all and the servants of all; men who enjoy much closet religion, who live near to God, and are will ing to suffer all things for Christ's sake, without being proud of it, these are the men, &c. But O, how unlike to this de scription is the writer of it ! Still, however, I am, with never- ceasing affection, Your most affectionate brother in the Lord, A. Judson, Jr. To the Rev. Dr. Baldwin. Rangoon, February 10, 1817. Rev. and dear Sir : Have just heard that a person whom we have some time calculated on as a letter carrier to Bengal is unexpectedly going off in the course of an hour. Have, therefore, time only to accompany the enclosed tracts with a line or two. We have just begun to circulate these publications, and are praying that they may produce some inquiry among the na tives. And here comes a man, this moment, to talk about religion. What shall I do ? I will give him a tract, to keep him occupied a few moments while I finish this. " Here, my friend, sit down, and read something that will carry you to heaven, if you believe and receive the glorious Saviour there in exhibited." We are just entering on a small edition of Matthew, the translation of which I lately commenced. But we are in great want of men and money. Our hands are full from morning till night. I cannot, for my life, translate as fast as brother Hough will print. He has to do all the hard work in the printing office, without a single assistant, and cannot, therefore, apply himself to the study of the language, as is de sirable. As for me, I have not an hour to converse with the natives, or go out and make proclamation of the glorious gos pel. In regard to money, we have drawn more from Bengal than has been remitted from America ; so that now, if not for their truly brotherly kindness in honoring our bills on credit, we should actually starve. Moreover, an edition of five FIRST INQUIRER. 187 thousand of the New Testament will cost us nearly five thousand dollars. And what are five thousand among a population of seventeen millions, five millions of whom can read ? O that all the members of the Baptist convention could live in Ran goon one month ! WiU the Christian world ever awake ? Will means ever be used adequate to the necessities of the heathen world ? O Lord, send help. Our waiting eyes are into thee ! Your brother in the Lord, A. Judson, Jr. To the Corresponding Secretary. Rangoon, March 7, 1817. Rev. and dear Sir : Since the beginning of this year, we have printed two tracts, the one a view of the Christian re ligion, seven pages, one thousand copies ; the other a cate chism of six pages, 12mo., three thousand copies. After which, finding that we had paper sufficient for an edition of eight hundred of Matthewr, we concluded to undertake this one Gospel, by way of trial, and as introductory to a larger edition of the whole New Testament. I am now translating the eleventh chapter, and in the printing room the third half sheet is setting up. Having premised thus much concerning the present posture of our affairs, I proceed to mention the circumstance which induced me to take up my pen at this time. I have this day been visited by the first inquirer after religion that I have ever seen in Burmah. For, although in the course of the last two years I have preached the gospel to many, and though some have visited me several times, and conversed on the subject of religion, yet I have never had much reason to believe that their visits originated in a spirit of sincere inquiry. Conversations on religion have always been of my proposing, and, though I have sometimes been en couraged to hope that truth had made some impression, never, till to-day, have I met with one who was fairly entitled to the epithet of inquirer. As I was siting with my teacher, as usual, a Burman of 188 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. respectable appearance, and followed by a servant, came up the steps, and sat down by me. I asked him the usual question, where he came from, to which he gave no explicit reply, and I began to suspect that he had come from the government house, to enforce a trifling request which in the morning we had declined. He soon, however, undeceived and astonished me, by asking, " How long time will it take me to learn the religion of Jesus ? " I replied that such a question could not be answered. If God gave light and wisdom, the religion of Jesus was soon learned ; but,without God, a man might study all his life long, and make no proficiency. " But how," contin ued I, " came you to know any thing of Jesus ? Have you «j^er been here before ? " " No." " Have you seen any wr§Sg concerning Jesus ? " "I have seen two little books." " Who is Jesus ? " " He is the Son of God, who, pitying creatures, came into this world, and suffered death in their stead." " Who is God ? " " He is a being without beginning or end, who is not subject to old age and death, but always is." I cannot tell how I felt at this moment. This was the first acknowledgment of an eternal God that I had ever heard from the lips of a Burman. I handed him a tract and cat echism, both which he instantly recognized, and read here and there, making occasional remarks to his follower, such as, " This is the true God ; this is the right way," &c. I now tried to tell him some things about God and Christ, and him self, but he did not listen with much attention, and seemed anxious only to get another book. I had already told him two or three times that I had finished no other book, but that in two or three months I would give him a larger one, which I was now daily employed in translating. " But," replied he, " have you not a little of that book done, which you will gra ciously give me now ? " And I, beginning to think that God's time is better than man's, folded and gave him the first two half sheets, which contain the first five chapters of Matthew, on which he instantly rose, as if his business was all done,, and, having received an invitation to come again, took leave. Throughou< his short stay, he appeared different from any FIRST INQUIRER. 180 Burmans I have yet met with.' He asked no questions about customs and manners, with which the Burmans tease us ex ceedingly. He had no curiosity, and no desire for any thing, but "more of this sort of writing." In fine, his conduct proved thai he had something on his mind, and I cannot but hope that I shall have to write about him again. March 24. We have not yet seen our inquirer ; but to day we met with one of his acquaintance, who says that he reads our books all the day, and shows them to all that call upon him. We told him to ask his friend to come and see us again. March 26. An opportunity occurs of sending to Bengal. I am sorry that I cannot send home more interesting letters. But I am not yet in the way of collecting interesting matter. I have found that I could not preach publicly to any advantage, without being able, at the same time, to put something into the hands of the hearers. And in order to qualify myself to do this, I have found it absolutely necessary to keep at home, and confine myself to close study for three or four years. I hope, however, after Matthew is finished, to make a more public entrance on my work than has yet been done. But many difficulties lie in the way. Our present house is situated in the woods, away from any neighbors, and at a distance from any road. In this situation we have no visitors, and no passing travellers, whom we could invite to stop and hear of Christ. My attempts to go out and find auditors have always occa sioned such a waste of time, and interruption of study, as could not often be indulged in or justified. We are very desirous of building a small house near town, on some public road, but do not venture to incur the expense. We wish further instructions, and further explanations of the views and intentions of the board. The approaching triennial convention, also, we contemplate with the deepest interest. May God give abundant wisdom, and zeal, and holy spirit. Permit me to close with a word in behalf of eastern mis sions. Great Britain and the United States appear to be the only countries which can at present take a very active part in 190 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. missionary concerns. The British are fully occupied with India, Africa, and the South Sea islands. East of the British pos sessions in India are Burmah, Siam, several other Indo-Chi nese nations, the great empire of China, Japan, thence north indefinitely, and southward the numerous Malayan Isles. With all these countries the British are no more connected than the Americans. The British are under no greater obliga tions to evangelize them than the Americans. They are no nearer the English, in point of transportation, than the Amer icans. And furthermore, throughout all these countries the Rritish are suspected and feared ; but not the Americans. The idea that the western continent belongs to the Amer icans, and the eastern continent to the British, however plausible at first sight, cannot bear a moment's examination. I apprehend that all the north-western Indians, and the inhab itants of those parts of South America which are accessible, will scarcely outnumber the inhabitants of this single empire of Burmah. And on what principle can the Americans, who are perhaps half as numerous as the British, be let off with one twentieth or one thirtieth part of the work ? But when we apply the case to the Baptists, it is still more decisive. There are about five hundred Baptist churches in Great Brit ain, which average one hundred members each. There are two thousand in America, which average about the same. Behold Ireland, also, almost as destitute as South America. And suppose the British should say, This is the proper prov ince of our missionary exertions ; let us leave Asia and Africa to the Americans, and " not send our young men to the antipodes." Yours, respectfully, A. Judson, Jr. To the Rev. Dr. Baldwin. Rangoon, August 26, 1817- Rev. and dear Sir : I am at present wholly absorbed in the dictionary. I hope to have it finished by the time that brother Bice arrives. The rains make it difficult for me to FEAR of persecution. 191 go out much and for- the same reason, Ave have not many Burman visiters in our insulated situation. Even those who have visited us frequently, and acquired some knoAvledge of our religion, and manifested some spirit of inquiry, are de terred from prosecuting their inquiries by fear of r. ersecution. The two most hopeful persons suddenly discontinued their visits two months ago, and we have not seen them since. We suppose, from the circumstances, that they became fearful of being suspected. Sometimes persons who have been con versing with me on religion have been surprised by others, on which I have observed that they were disconcerted, re mained silent, and got off as soon as possible. They all tell me that it would ruin a Burman to adopt the new religion. My teacher was lately threatened in public for having assisted a foreigner in making books subversive of the religion of the country. He replied that he merely taught me the language, and had no concern in the publication. In view of these difficulties, our first thought is, God can give to the inquirers that love to Jesus, and that resolution to profess his religion, which will overcome their fears. Our second thought is this : We are not under a free government, where every one is his OAvn master, but under an absolute monarchy, where all are the property of one man. Is it not regular and prudent to say something to the master of this great family of slaves, before we take such measures as may be considered trespass ing on his rights, and occasion our being deprived of any fur ther opportunity of prosecuting those measures ? With these views, I concluded, a few months ago, to distribute the tracts and Gospel which we have published, but with caution and discrimination, to converse on religion with all that I met, but to direct my labors chiefly to preparing what will be invalua ble to future missionaries, and thus spend the rest of this year, until we shall have further assistance and advice from home. Then it may be thought best for one of us to go up to Ava, and introduce the matter gradually and gently to the knowl edge of the emperor. I am fully persuaded that he has never yet. got the idea that an attempt is making to introduce a new 192 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. religion among his slaves. How the idea will strike him i is impossible to foresee. He may be enraged, and order off the heads of all concerned. The urbanity, however, with Avhich he treats all foreigners, and his known hatred of the present order of Boodhist priests, render such a supposition improbable. And if he should only be indifferent, should dis cover no hostility, especially if he should treat the missiona ries with complacency, it would be a great point gained. No local government would dare to persecute the espousers of a new religion if it was known that they had friends at court. I do not mean to imply that all persecution is to be dreaded, but that persecution which would effectually prevent the use of the means of grace certainly is. It is true that God will call those whom he has chosen ; but since he has made means necessary to the end, since it is by the gospel of his Son that he calls his people, it is certainly as much the duty of his ser vants to endeavor to avert such persecution as would effectu ally prevent the use of means as it is to use any means at all ; and we may reasonably conclude that, when God has a people whom he is about to call, he will direct his servants in such a course. I have no doubt that God is preparing the way for the con version of Burmah to his Son. Nor have I any doubt that we who are now here are, in some little degree, contributing to this glorious event. This thought fills me with joy. I know not that I shall live to see a single convert ; but, not withstanding, I feel that I would not leave my present situa tion to be made a king. I remain, dear sir, Your servant in the Lord, . A. Judson, Jr. To the Corresponding Secretary. Madras, May 28, 1818. In former letters I have stated my circumstances at the ciose of last year, and the reasons which induced me to leave Rangoon on a visit to Chittagong; particularly the prosped VOYAGE TO MADRAS. 193 of a direct passage, and speedy return in the same ship — an opportunity of very rare occurrence in Rangoon. Since that time a series of unexpected providences have befallen me, which, though uninteresting in detail, must be briefly mentioned, in order to account for my present situ ation. When we left Rangoon, December 25, we expected a pas sage of ten or twelve days. At the expiration of a month, however, by reason of contrary winds, and the unmanageable- ness of the ship in the difficult navigation along the coast, we found ourselves still at a great distance from port ; and the season being so far advanced as to deprive us of the hope of more favorable winds, the captain and supercargo agreed on a change of the ship's destination, and made sail for Madras. Previous to leaving the coast, we put into Cheduba, a place under Burman government, for a supply of provisions. I was unable to go ashore, but took the opportunity of sending a tract by the boat. It happened to be conveyed directly to the governor, and he ordered it read in his presence. Soon after, when our captain had an audience, the governor inquired after the writer of the tract, who he was, and how long he had been in the country. The captain evaded some questions, for fear of detention, I suppose, and merely stated that the writer was a foreigner, who had resided in Rangoon about four years. " No," replied the governor, " that is not to be credited. You cannot make me believe that a foreigner, in so short a time, has learned to write the language so well. It must have been written by some other person." The captain related this to me on his return. I felt particularly gratified by this testi mony to the perspicuity of the style, and thought it not un worthy of mentioning, because it could not be suspected, as others -which had been made to me personally, of having been a mere compliment. The ship's destination was changed on the 26th of January. We retraced our course for a few days, and then stood to the westward. It was with the most bitter feelings that I wit nessed the, entire fajlure of my, undertaking, and saw the VOL. i. 17 194 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. summits of the mountains of Arracan, the last indexes cf my country, sinking in the horizon, and the ship stretching away to a distant part of India, which I had no wish to visit, and where I had no object to obtain. It was, however, some miti gation of my disappointment, that I should, in all probability, be able to return to Rangoon, and resume my missionary busi ness much earlier than if I had visited Chittagong. But even the consolation of this hope was not long allowed me. We had, indeed, a quick passage across the bay ; but on drawing near the Coromandel coast the Avind and current combined to prevent our further progress, and at the expiration of another month, having for a long time subsisted on nothing scarcely but rice and Avater, and being now reduced to very short allowance, we concluded to make sail for Masulipatam, a port north of Madras, which we doubted not Ave should be able to reach in a very feAv days. In this, again, we were disappoint ed, and through the unmanageableness of the ship, or the mis management of the captain, Avere detained at sea nearly another month. During this period we were sometimes in great dis tress, deeming ourselves very fortunate when able to get a bag of rice, or a few buckets of water, from any native vessel which happened to pass. Once we sent the long boat to the shore, and obtained a considerable supply of water, which was a great relief. But of rice Ave could obtain no sufficient sup ply, and all other articles of provision were quite out of the question. The low state to which I was at length reduced occasioned a partial return of the disorder of my head and eyes, to which I was subject two years ago. This, with other circumstances united, left me no other source of consolation but resignation to the wiU of God, and an unreserved surrender of all to his care ; and praised be his name, I found more consolation and happiness in communion Avith God, and in the enjoyments of religion, than I had ever found in more prosperous circum stances. Finally we did reach Masulipatam, and I left the ship' on the 18th of March, twelve weeks after embarking at Rangoon. DETENTION IN MADRAS. 195 I waited at Masulipatam a feAv d xys^ until it was ascertained that the ship would unlade her cargo, and remain sev eral months. And as there was no prospect that season of reaching Madras by sea, the only port on the coast where I :ould hope to find a vessel bound to Rangoon, I was under the necessity of taking a journey by land — distance about three hundred miles. I accordingly hired a palanquin and bearers, and arrived here the 8th of April. My first aim was, of course, the beach, and my first inquiry a vessel bound to Ran goon. But my chapter of disappointments was not yet fin ished. No vessel had sailed for Rangoon this year, and such, it was understood, was the unsettled state of the Burman coun try, that none would probably venture for some time to come. Here I have remained ever since, under very trying cir cumstances. Have scarcely heard from Rangoon since I left, or been able to transmit any intelligence thither by a convey ance to be depended on. The weakness of my eyes prevents my application to study, or attempt at any exertion. I am making no progress in missionary work ; I am distressed by the appalling recollection of the various business which was pressing on me at Rangoon, and made me very reluctant ti leave home for the shortest time. Now, I have been detainee twice as long as I anticipated, and have, withal, wholly failed in my undertaking. Where, my rebellious heart is ready to cry, where is the wisdom of all this ? But it is wise, though blindness cannot apprehend. It is best, though unbelief is disposed to murmur. Be still, my soul, and know that He is God. To tiie Corresponding Secretary. Rangoon, October 9, 1818. My last was dated Madras, May 28, 1818. At that place I remained, waiting for a conveyance to Rangoon, until the 20th of July, when I took passage on an English vessel, at one hundred and sixty-seven rupees. During/ my stay in Madras, I experienced great kindness and hospitality in the families of the Rev. Mr. Thompson, chaplain, and the Rev. 196 MEMOIR OF DB. JUDSON. Mr. I.OA-eless, missionary ; and received such proofs of Chris: tian affection from many dear friends, as rendered parting with, them very painful, though my detention in Madras had, in other respects, been almost insupportable. We anchored at the mouth of Rangoon River, on the 2nd of A ignst. The next morning, Avhen the pilot came on board, I was over whelmed with the intelligence that, on account of the danger ous situation of affairs, the mission had been broken up, and that Mr. Hough and family, and Mrs. Judson, had taken pas sage for Bengal. To my great relief, however, it was added, that, before the ship left the river, Mrs. Judson's reluctance to Lave the place had so increased as to force her back to the mission house alone ; and further, that the ship, being found unfit for sea, was still detained. On my arrival, I found that brother Hough was inclined to pursue his original plan. His, reasons he will doubtless communicate to the board. It is, expected that the vessel will be ready for sea in about a fortnight. The brethren, Colman and Wheelock, and their wjves, ar rived the 19th of September, about six weeks after my return. We had, I can truly say, a most joyful meeting. You have never seen them, or it would be unnecessary to add, that they are four lovely persons, in every sense of the word, and appear to have much of a humble, prayerful spirit. Such being their interesting appearance, Ave regret more deeply to find that the health of the brethren is so feeble. They have both had a slight return of bleeding at the lungs, an old complaint, to which they were subject in America. May the Lord graciously restore and preserve thein. A feAv days after their arrival, I introduced them into the presence of the viceroy. He received us Avith marked atten tion, which, however, must be ascribed to the influence of a handsome present, which went before us. Though sur rounded with many officers, he suspended all business for, a time, examined the present, and condescended to make several inquiries. On being told that the new teachers desired to ^ke refuge in his glory, and remain in Rangoon, he replied, PRECARIOUS STATE OF THE MISSION. 197 " Let them stay, let them stay ; and let yoir Avife bring their wives, that I may see them all." We then made our obeisance, and retired. The examination Avhich brother Hough sustained during my absence, and the persecution of the Roman Catholic padres, have made us feel more deeply than ever the pre carious situation of this mission, and the necessity of proceed ing with the utmost caution. It was only through the favor of the viceroy that the padres were allowed to remain here, when they arrived from Ava, under sentence of banishment. And it is only through his mediation, and the influence of large presents made to the king, that the order of banishment is reversed, if indeed it be reversed — a report not yet con firmed. One malicious intimation to the king would occasion our banishment ; and banishment, as the Burmans tell us, is no small thing, being attended with confiscation of all prop erty, and such various abuses as would make us deem our selves happy to escape with our lives. Such a situation may appear somewhat alarming to a per son accustomed to the liberty and safety of a free government. But let us remember that it has been the lot of the greater part of mankind to live under a despotic government, devoid of all security for life or property a single moment. Let us remember that the Son of God chose to become incarnate under the most unprincipled and cruel despot that ever reigned. And shall any disciple of Christ refuse to do a little service for his Saviour, under a government where his Saviour would not have refused to live and die for his soul ? God forbid. Yet faith is sometimes weak — flesh and blood sometimes repine. 0 for grace to strengthen faith, to animate hope, to elevate affection, to embolden the soul, to enable us to look danger and death in the face ; still more, to behold, without repining, those most dear to us suffering fears and pains, which we would gladly have redoubled on ourselves, if it would exonerate them. We feel encouraged by the thought that many of the, dear children of God remember us at the mercy seat. To your 17* 198 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. prayers I desire once more to commend myself— the weakest, the most unqualified, the most unworthy, and the most unsuc cessful of all missionaries. Mr. Judson's sufferings during this voyage were far greater than he, in his letter, made known to his cor respondent. They had sailed for Chittagong, a pas sage which should have been made in ten or twelve days, at farthest. He had, therefore, prepared himself for only a few weeks' absence from home. When the vessel put in at Cheduba, the nervous affection of his head and eyes, occasioned at first by low diet, had so much increased by exhaustion and lack of food, that he was unable to go on shore. When they approached the Coromandel coast, and again encountered contrary winds, they were reduced to almost the last extremity, and the constitution of Mr. Judson sank under these ac cumulated hardships. The mouldy, broken rice, which they picked up from native vessels, and this in small quantities, with a limited supply of water, was their sole sustenance for three or four weeks. He was ac customed to look back on his sufferings at this time with a feeling of horror scarcely equalled by his reminiscences of Ava. Here he was alone, in a state of passive, monotonous suffering, with no one to share his sympathies, and nothing to arouse his energies. His scanty wardrobe, prepared for a trip of ten or twelve days, had been long since exhausted, and what with starvation, filth, pain, and discouragement, he became unable to leave his berth. At last he was attacked by a slow fever, and turning in disgust from his little mess of dirty rice, he begged continually for water ! water ! water ! without ever obtaining enough to quench, even for a moment, his devouring thirst SUFFERINGS OF THE VOYAGE. 199 At length the little vessel came to anchor in the mad of Masulipatam, some two or three miles from the low, uninviting beach, and the captain came to inquire if he would be taken on shore. The fact that they were near land seemed to him an incredible thing, a kind of dreamy illusion too fanciful to interest him. After some urging, however, he became sufficiently roused to pencil a note, which he addressed to " any English resident of Masulipatam," begging only for a place on shore to die. After a little while, one of the men came below, to tell him that a boat was approaching from the shore. He now succeeded in crawling to the windoAV of his cabin, from which he plainly distin guished, in the rapidly moving boat, both the red coat of the military and the white jacket of the civilian. In the first thrill of joyful surprise, the sudden awaken ing of hope and pleasure, he threw himself on his knees and wept. Before his new friends were fairly on board, he had succeeded in gaining some little self- control ; but he added, his voice faltering and his eyes filling with tears as he related the incident to Mrs. Judson, " The white face of an Englishman never looked to me so beautiful, so like my conception of what angel faces are, as when these strangers entered my cabin." They were very much shocked at his visible wretchedness : he was haggard, unshaven, dirty, and so weak that he could with difficulty support his own weight. Their earnest cordiality was peculiarly grateful to him. One of the officers took him to his own hou^e, supplied him from his own Avardrobe, pro cured a nurse, whom, however, he had occasion to em ploy but a short time, and displayed throughout a g?nerous hospitality which Dr. Judson never forgot.* * Mrs. Judson's reminiscences. 200 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. During Mr. Judson's absence, the mission at Ran goon was reduced to the last extremity, and would have been wholly abandoned but for the conduct of that heroic woman, whose name will ever be associ ated with the introduction of Christianity into Bur mah. After Mr. Judson had been absent for three months, a native boat arrived from Chittagong, bring ing the intelligence that neither he nor the vessel had been heard of at that port. After this, several months passed away before any tidings arrived concerning him. While the mission family remained in this state of anxious suspense, Mr. Hough received an order, couched in the most menacing language, to appear immediately at the court house, and give an account of himself. This order spread terror among all their domestics and adherents. As the hour was late, Mr. Hough was merely ordered to give security for his ap pearance at an early hour on the following day. The viceroy, who had always been their friend, had been recalled to Ava, and the present viceroy having left his family at the capital, this latter circumstance rendered it inconsistent with etiquette for a female to appear at his court. Mr. Hough was not sufficiently well acquainted with the language to make his appeal in person. On the following days, Friday and Satur day, Mr. Hough was detained, under every conceivable annoyance, at the court house, and it Avas apparently the object of the officers to harass and distress him as much as possible. On the next day, Sunday, another order for Mr. Hough's appearance arrived. Mrs. Judson now de termined to bring the matter to a crisis, by appealing at once to the viceroy. Her teacher drew up a peti tion, stating their grievances their summons to'appeai STATE OF THE MISSION IN HIS ABSENCE. 201 in public on their sacred day, and equesting that these molestations should cease. Mr. Hough accom panied her to the government house. On her arrival, she was immediately recognized by the viceroy, who called her in the kindest manner to come in and make known her request. As soon as he had heard the petition, he inquired of the very officer who had been foremost in molesting them, why the examination of this foreign teacher had been thus prolonged. He at once gave an order that Mr. Hough should be no more called upon on his sacred day, and that he should be molested no more. This trouble thus passed away, but its consequences remained. Mrs. Judson had succeeded in assembling some thirty or more females for religious instruction ; but after this examination of Mr. Hough, the number at once diminished to ten or twelve. Besides this, the cholera now began to rage among the native population, and the beating of the death drum sounded all the day long. The missionaries felt themselves exposed to its ravages; but, through a merciful Providence, not an individual on then prem ises suffered. Nor was this all. Reports were in cir culation that Burmah was on the eve of a war with Great Britain. Arrivals from British India were becoming rare, and vessels in the port of Rangoon were making all haste to depart before the war should be declared. At last, but one English vessel remained in the river. Six months had elapsed, and not a syllable had been heard of Mr. Judson. It was probable that the vessel had foundered, and all on board had perished. The natives were becoming afraid of intercourse with the missionaries. Should war be declared, they would be shut out from all communication with the civilized world, expcked to the tender mercies of a despotic authority. 202 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. Under these circumstances, Mr. Hough thoughts desirable to remove the mission and its effects from Rangoon, while removal was practicable. Mrs. Jud son was long in favor of remaining. At last, however, on the 5th of July, she consented to accompany Mr. and Mrs. Hough, and took passage in the last vessel that was to sail for Calcutta. It happened that the vessel was detained several days in the river. During this period she had time for calmer reflection, and deter mined to leave the ship, return to Rangoon, and remain there at least until she heard from her husband. " Accordingly," she writes, " I immediately resolved on giving up the voyage, and returning to town. The captain sent up a boat with me, and engaged to for ward my baggage the next day. I reached town in the evening, spent the night at the house of the only Englishman remaining in the place, and to-day have come out to the mission house, to the great joy of all the Burmans left ori our premises. Mr. Hough and family will proceed, and they kindly and affectionately urged my return. I know I am surrounded by dan gers on every hand, and expect to feel much anxiety and distress ; but, at present, I am tranquil, intend to make an effort to pursue my studies as formerly, and leave the event with God." On the 16th of July, the first glimmering of hope broke upon the darkness. The vessel in which Mr. Judson had sailed for Chittagong arrived in the har bor. Mrs. Judson then learned that the ship had landed him at Masulipatam, and that he had proceeded to Madras in search of a passage to Rangoon. It also appeared that the prospect of immediate hostil ities LeJ;ween Great Britain and Burmah was less im minent than had been supposed. On the 25th of RETURN TO RANGOON. 203 July, Mr. and Mrs. Hough returned to the mission house, the ship in which they embarked not being able to proceed for some weeks, so that Mrs. Judson was no longer entirely alone. " I have again," she adds, "commenced my studies, and keep myself closely engaged until two o'clock. This I find the best method to avoid dejection ; besides, my conscience will not permit me to sit idly down and yield to those desponding feelings in which a Christian should not ndulge." Her anxieties in regard to her husband were, however, soon to cease. Under date of August 2, 1818, she thus wrote to her parents : " How will you rejoice with me, my dear parents, when I tell you that I have this moment heard that Mr. Jud son has arrived at the mouth of the river ! This joyful intelligence more than compensates for the months of dejection and distress which his long absence has occasioned. Now I feel ashamed of my repinings, my want of confidence in God and resigna tion to his will. I have foolishly thought, because my trials were protracted, they would never end, or, rather, that they would terminate in some dreadful event, which would destroy all hope of the final suc cess of the mission. But now I trust our prospects will again brighten, and cause us to forget this night of affliction, or to remember it as having been the means of preparing us for the reception of that greatest of blessings — the conversion of so me of the Burmans."* *Mrs. Judson's Mission tc Burmah, pp. 100-107. CHAPTER VII. CONFIDENCE IN GOD.-VIEWS OF THE IMPORTANCE OF PREACH ING THE GOSPEL. -THAT WORK COMMENCED. - OPENING OF THE ZAYAT. - FIRST CONVERTS TO THE CHRISTIAN RELIGION. — PREPARATIONS FOR VISITING AVA. 1818-1819. We have now arrived at a most interesting period in the history of the mission. Mr. Judson had made himself, in a remarkable degree, familiar with the lan guage. He had published and circulated a tract, in which the doctrines and duties of the Christian reli gion were briefly but clearly exhibited. Some por tions of the Scriptures were also translated, and in the hands of the people. These writings, so unlike any thing which they had ever before seen, began to at tract the attention of the natives. Although Mr. Hough and his family returned to Calcutta, where, for a while, the Burman printing was executed, yet the mission had been strengthened by the arrival of Messrs. Colman and Wheelock, young men of ardent piety and great promise of usefulness. They, with their wives, arrived in Rangoon, September 19, 1818, and entered upon their work with a simple-hearted Christian earnestness which has embalmed their names in the memory of every friend of missions.* * The career of these interesting young men was, however, destined to be but short. Mr. Wheelock, soon after his arrival at Eangoon, was attacked by bleeding from the lungs, which soon terminated in pul monary consumption. It was that form of this malady which, in its last stages, alternates with disease of the brain, producing mental de rangement. After suffering for some time in Rangoon, he deter- 204 CONFIDENCE IN CrOD. 205 Duiing these long years of preparation, surrounded by heathen, not one of whom had ever received a sin gle Christian idea, and, for the greater part of the time, destitute of any religious associations, except what they found in each other, Mr. and Mrs. Judson were never for a moment harassed with a doubt of ultimate success. It never entered into their minds that it might be desirable to find a more promising field. If the idea had once arrested their attention, he could not, he said, tell what the result might have been ; but God preserved them from being tempted with it. They never felt a single regret or misgiving, and hence their letters never even allude to it, except it be to encourage their friends at home, who, they feared, might despond, in consequence of their want of success. They always enjoyed the most entire Certainty as to the result of their labors, though oc casionally doubting whether they should live to wit ness it. Their confidence rested firmly and exclu- mined to sail for Calcutta, in the hope of deriving benefit from the voyage. On the passage, in a fit of insanity, he threw himself OA-er- board, and was drowned. His widow was subsequently married in Calcutta, where she has since resided. Mr. Colman was also threat ened, at the beginning of his residence in India, with pulmonary dis ease. From this he recovered, and was a beloved co-worker with Mr. Judson until their return from the first visit to Ava. It Avas then deemed important to establish another mission station on the con fines of Burmah, to which, in case of intolerable persecution, the missionaries and the converts might resort, and from which the gos pel might penetrate into the empire. Chittagong was selected for this purpose, and Mr. Colman proceeded to occupy it. He found, however, that Cox's Bazaar, a native but unhealthy village in the neighborhood, was better adapted to missionary objects ; and here he fixed his residence. Incessant labor soon brought on the fever of the country, and he died July 4, 1822. This was th« severest blow which the mission had yet received. His widow is now the wife of the Kev. A. Sutton, D. D., of the Orissa mission, vol. i. 18 206 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. sively on the word of God. They believed that he had promised ; they, doing, as they believed, his will, accepted the promise as addressed to themse.Ves per sonally. Their daily work was a transaction between God and their own souls. It never seemed possible to them that God could be false to his promises. Their confidence was the offspring of that faith which is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. By it they went forth, not knoAving whither they went. By faith, through many long years of discouragement, they endured, as seeing Him who is invisible ; relying not at all on what they could do, but wholly on what God had promised to do for them. I am well aware that all missions, whose object it is radically to renew and render meet for heaven the heart of man, must be sustained by the same confi dence in God. Nothing could be more absurd than the attempt, by human power, to create or to sustain in the human soul that holiness without which no man shall see the Lord. Paul may plant, Apollos may water, but God giveth the increase. The faith through which we are saved is the gift of God. But while all this is generally acknowledged, there are dif ferences, both in the simplicity with which it is re ceived, and the boldness with which it is carried into practice. The belief that the conversion of men is the work of the Spirit, and the reliance on the promise of God that he will make the message of the gospel effectual to the salvation of men, wherever it is deliv ered in faith and love, seem I think, to have stood out in bolder relief in the planting of this mission, than in many others with which I am acquainted. This peculiarity gave rise to sereral others. As PREACHING OF THE GOSPEL THE CHIEF WORK. 207 Mr. Judson believed that this was the work of God, one thing seemed to him just as easy as another. Nothing is difficult to omnipotence. " He spake and it was done, he commanded and it stood fast." The direct way of securing the aid of almighty power, is to follow in the path marked out by omniscient wis dom. Mr. Judson therefore endeavored, first of all, to ascertain the manner in which Christ and his apos tles labored to extend Christianity. This seems plain ly exemplified in the New Testament. It is by the action of individual mind on individual mind. It is by embracing every opportunity, which our intercourse with men presents, to tell them of the love of Christ, of their danger and their duty, and to urge them, in Christ's stead, to be reconciled to God. Thus did Christ, and thus did his apostles labor. They had no plan, no sapping and mining, no preparatory work, ex tending over half a generation before they should be ready for direct and energetic effort. As the apos tles opened their commission, they saw that it com manded them to preach the gospel to every creature. They obeyed the commandment, and God wrought with them by signs, and wonders, and mighty deeds. Mr. Judson followed these examples, and his lab»ra were attended with signal success. Hence it will be perceived that he addressed him self at once to adults, to those who denied the exist ence of an eternal God ; and the Holy Spirit carried the message directly to their hearts. Missionaries have sometimes said that we could scarcely expect men grown old in heathenism ever to be converted, since they were beyond the reach, at least, of our im mediate efforts. We must therefore begin with chil dren. We must establish schools, by our superior 208 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. knowledge gain influence over the young, and with their daily lessons irstil into their minds a knowledge of Christianity. And more than this : as the re ligious systems of the heathen are indissolubly asso ciated with false views of astronomy, geography, and physical science generally, if we can correct these errors, the religion resting upon them must by neces sity be swept away. As these views have been car ried into practice, a change has naturally come over missionary stations. Ministers of the gospel to the heathen have become schoolmasters. Instead of proclaiming the great salvation, they have occupied themselves in teaching reading, spelling, geography, arithmetic, and astronomy. While some are thus en gaged as teachers, others are employed as book mak ers for the schools. Thus it sometimes comes to pass, that of the men sent out for the express purpose of preaching the gospel, a large portion do not preach the gospel at all. Mr. Judson, as I have remarked, took a different view of the work to which he considered himself set apart. He saw men all around him perishing, and he at once offered to them the only remedy which God had provided. He believed that there is a Holy Ghost, and that to him the hearts of all men are open. The apostles were not sent to be schoolmasters, but to be heralds and ambassadors. He aimed to follow closely in their footsteps, and hence I think that the narrative of his labors resembles more nearly that in the Acts of the Apostles than most others with which I am fa miliar. And in all this I cannot but believe that the "fool ishness of God is wiser than men." The gospel is always to be preached to parents, rather than to chil- OBJECT AND SUCCESS OF HIS LABORS. 209 dren ; and specially so in the first planting of Christi anity. The first profession of the religion of Jesus must, by necessity, expose the disciple to obloquy, re proach, and persecution. No one can suppose it to be the will of Gol that all these are first to be borne by little children. It never was, and it never Will be, done. Besides, the influence of the heathen parent will be more powerful over his child than that of the Christian school teacher. Hence, while schools diffuse knowledge, improve the intellect, hasten the progress of civilization, and are, therefore, benevolent and phil anthropic, they are not, as it seems to me, the mis sionary work which Christ committed to his disciples. That they have done good who can doubt? But, as a means for converting men, that they have fallen very far below the simple preaching of the gospel, is, I think, beyond a question. The preaching of Mr. Abbott and his assistants, in Arracan, has, I believe, been the instrument of more conversions than all the school teaching of Protestant missions for the last thirty years. And here it may be worth while to observe the ob ject which Mr. Judson always kept steadily in view, to the exclusion of every other. It was not to teach men a creed, or to train them to the performance of certain rites, or to persuade them to belong to a par ticular church, but first of all to produce in them a radical and universal change of moral character, to lead them to repent of and forsake all sin, to love God with an affection that should transcend in power every other motive, and to rely for salvation wholly on the merits of that atonement which has been made foi man by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It pleased God to crown his labors with success. I~ will be seen that, as the fruit of his labors, this type of character, is » 210 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. so peculiar to the New Testament, was created in the souls of ignorant, licentious, and atheistic Bud jhists. These disciples talk,, and act, and feel in the very spirit of Cirist and his apostles. Never, until this temper of heart was exhibited, were they admitted to the or dinance of baptism, and received as members of the Christian church. At the same time, the persecu tions to which they would be exposed were plainly set before them. They were told that unless they loved Christ better than houses, or lands, or brethren, or their own lives, they could not be his disciples. No one Avho could not bear this test was encouraged to hope that he was a child of God. And yet, in view of all this, many earnestly desired permission to pro fess themselves the disciples of Jesus. Such, and such only, formed the church at Rangoon. He believed himself authorized to admit to the fellowship of saints none but those on whom this great moral change had passed. Hence we find in his journals no account of children who were baptized on the faith of their parents. He believed religion to be a personal matter between God and the soul of man ; and hence, where there could be no evidence of a renewal of the moral nature of man, there could be no reason for admitting an individual, whether young or old, to the ordinances of a spiritual church. It is in this respect mainly that Christians of the Baptist persuasion differ from then brethren who hold with them the other great doctrines of the reformation. A few events alluded to in the following journals and letters may properly be inserted here, in chrono logical order. April 4, 1819. Public worship was commen ted in the Burman language. INADEQUACT OF HUMAN ACCOMPLISHMENTS. 211 April 25. The zayat was opened for public in struction in religion. June 27. Moung Nau, the first Burman convert, was baptized. July 29. A re -ision and enlargement of tract num ber one, and tract number two, with a catechism in Burman by Mrs. Judson, were completed. August 7. Mr. and Mrs. Wheelock sailed for Ben- gal. Extract from a Letter to a Friend. Rangoon, October 9, 1818. Rev. and dear Sir : Yours of March 12 and 18, 1817, arrived here during my absence, or I should have replied long ago. Yours of the following November Avas brought by the brethren, who arrived here the 19th of last month — about six Aveeks after my return. In regard to the education necessary for missionaries, it appears to me that Avhatever of mental improvement, or of literary and scientific attainment, is desirable in a minister at home, is desirable in a missionary. I think I could illustrate this in a variety of particulars ; but the limits of a letter do not allow. I feel, however, more and more, the inadequacy and comparative insignificance of all human accomplishments, whether in a minister or a missionary, and the unspeakable, overwhelming importance of spiritual graces, — humility, pa tience, meekness, love, — the habitual enjoyment of closet religion, a soul abstracted from this world, and much occupied in the contemplation of heavenly glories. Here I cannot help digressing from the subject to myself. You know not, my dear, sir, you cannot conceive, Iioav utterly unfit I am for the work in which I am engaged. I am, indeed, a worm, and no man. It is a wonder that I am alloAved to live as a mis sionary among the heathen, and receive an undeserved sup port from the dear people of God — from many who are poor in this world, but rich in faith. Yet I feel necessity laid on me to remain here, and try to do a little something. 212 memoir of dr. judson. In regard to an inten'iew with the king, I have long .bought it desirable, but have never felt that the time had come. I would rather that God should open the way than attempt to open it myself. "o the Corresponding Secretary. Kangoon, February 20, 1819. Rev. and dear Sir : The prospect of the speedy de parture of a vessel for Bengal reminds us of our unanswered letters. Brother Colman has nearly recovered his health, which suffered much on his first arrival. But brother Whee lock still remains in a low, and, I fear, declining state. My time, for the last few months, has been diA^ided between reading Burman, writing some portions of Scripture, and other things preparatory to public worship, holding conversa- fxms on religion, and superintending the erection of a zayat, (as the Burmans call it,) or place of public resort, where we intend to spend much of our time, and where we hope to have stated worship, or, at least, to try the practicability of such an attempt under this government. The peculiarly retired situation of the mission house has long rendered the erection of such a building, or a change of residence, a very desirable measure. After much hesitation and perplexity about our duty, we were so fortunate as to procure, at a very moderate price, a piece of ground which is contiguous to the mission premises, and at the same time opens on a public road. The building is noAv going up, with such scanty materials and means as we can afford, or, rather, as we think you can afford. The whole concern will cost about two hundred dollars. And should this zayat prove to be a Chris tian meeting house, the first erected in this land of atheists, for the worship of God — a house where Burmans who now deny the very existence of Deity shall assemble to adore the majesty of heaven, and to sing with hearts of devotion the praises of the incarnate Saviour But the thought seems too great to be realized. Can this darkness be removed? Can these dry bones live? On thee, Jesus, all our hopes PUBLIC WORSHIP COMMENCED. 213 depend. In thee all poAver is vested, even power to make sinful creatures instrumental of enlightening the heathen. You want to hear. of some poor benighted Burman brought to taste that the Lord is gracious ; but O, not more than I want to speak f it. I hope, I do hope, my dear sir, that we shall both one day be gratified. I remain, Avith much affection and respect, Yours, &c, A. Judson, Jr. Mr. Judson's Journal, addressed to the Corresponding Secretary. April 4, 1819. My close application to the Burman dic tionary during the year 1817, and my subsequent loss of nearly a year in the unsuccessful attempt to visit Chittagong, have occasioned a long interruption in my journal. Since my return to Rangoon, the little I have to say I have communi cated in letters. With this day, a new, and I hope important era in the mission, I resume the journal. To-day, the building of the zayat being sufficiently advanced for the purpose, I called together a few people that live around us, and commenced public worship in the Burman language. I say commenced, for, though I have frequently read and dis coursed to the natives, I have never before conducted a course of exercises which deserved the name of public worship, ac cording to the usual acceptation of that phrase among Chris tians ; and though I began to preach the gospel as soon as I could speak intelligibly, I have thought it hardly becoming io apply the term preaching, since it has acquired an appropri ate meaning in modern use, to my imperfect, desultory ex hortations and conversations. But I hope, though with fear and trembling, that I have now commenced a course of public worship and regular preaching. This would have taken place just a year ago, had I returned to Rangoon, as I expected, and still earlier, had I not been under a government where I thought it prudent to gain a considerable acquaintance with the language before commencing public operations, lest I should be unable properly to vindicate my conduct, Ayhen called to a judicial account. 214 MEMtIR OF DR. JUDSON. The congregation to-day consisted of fifteen persons only, b;sides children. Much disorder and inattention prevailed, most of them not having been accustomed to attend Burman worship. May the Lord grant his blessing on attempts made in great weakness and under great disadvantages ; and all the glory will be his. April 6. This evening I went, for the second time, to hear a popular Burman preacher. On our arrival, we found a zayat, in the precincts of one of the most celebrated pagodas, lighted up, and the floor spread with mats. In the centre was «, frame raised about eighteen inches from the ground, where the preacher, on his arrival, seated himself. He appeared to be about forty-five years old, of very pleasant countenance , and harmonious speech. He was once a priest, but is now a layman. The people, as they came in, seated themselves on the mats, the men on one side of the house, and the women on the other. It was an undistinguished day, and the congrega tion Avas very small, not more than one hundred. When we entered, some said, " There come some Avild foreigners.'' But when we sat down properly, and took off our shoes, they began to say, " No, they are not wild ; they are civilized." Some recog nized me, and said to one another, " It is the English teacher " — a name by which I am commctily known. The preacher soon took notice of us, entered into some conversation, invited us to visit him, and so on ; but on learning that I was a missionary, or, in their idiom, a religion-making teacher, his countenance fell, and he said no more. The people being now convened, one appointed for the purpose called three times for silence and attention. Each one then took the flowers and leaves which had been previously distributed, and placing them be tween his fingers, raised them to his head, and in that respect ful posture remained motionless until the service was closed. This ceremony Ave of course declined. When all things were properly adjusted, the preacher closed his eyes, and com menced the exercise, which consisted in repeating a portion from their sacred writings. His subject was the conversion of the two prime disciples of Gaudama, and their subsequent THE ZAYAT OPENED. 215 promotion and glory. His oratory I found to be entirely dif ferent from all that we call oratory. At first he seems dull and monotonous ; but presently his soft, mellifluent tones Avin their way into the heart, and lull the soul into that state of calmness and serenity which to a Burman mind somewhat resembles the boasted perfection of. their saints of old. His discourse continued about half an hour ; and, at the close, the whole assembly burst out into a short prayer, after Avhich all rose and retired. This man exhibits twice every evening, in different places. Indeed, he is the only popular lay preacher in the place. As for the priests, they preach on special occa sions only, when they are drawn from their seclusion and inac tivity by the solicitations of their adherents. April 28. Nothing interesting through the day. At night, encountered a bitter opposer ; he had visited Bengal, and some foe to missions had poisoned his mind ; he manifested a most virulent spirit. I felt that he would most gladly be foremost in destroying us. But through divine grace, I was enabled to treat him with meekness and gentleness, and he finally left me politely. He appeared to be rich, and had several followers. In the evening, there were some hopeful appearances in Mrs. Judson's female meeting — a meeting which she has recommenced since public worship has been set up in the zayat. April 29. A precious case has just occurred. A young man of twenty-four, by name Moung Koo, happened to stroll in last Sunday, and was present at worship. He appeared to be rather wild and noisy, though his manners were respectful. He took a tract, and went away. This morning he made his appearance again, and has been with me about two hours. I have been enabled, through divine assistance, to give him a great deal of truth, and especially to expatiate with some feel ing on the love and sufferings of the Saviour. The truth seems to have taken hold of his mind. And though he is quick and sensible, and has some savage fire in his eye, he is very docile, and ready to drink in the truth, without the numberless caAfils and objections which are so common amc ng the Burmans. He 216 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. engaged to come next Sunday, promised to pray constantly^ and gave me his name, that I might pray for him, that he might be a disciple of Christ, and be delivered from hell. I feel considerable attachment to this young man, and my heart goes forth to the mercy seat in behalf of his precious soul. April 30. I was agreeably surprised in the morning to see lt.3 young man of yesterday come again so soon. He staid all the forenoon, and seemed desirous of hearing as much as pos sible about religion. Several others came and went. Avery busy day ; hardly time to prepare these minutes to be forward ed by a vessel which leaves this port for Bengal early to-mor row morning. May 1, 1819. Burman day of worship ; of course many visitors ; among the rest, Moung Nau, a man who was with me several hours yesterday ; but, from his silence and reserve, excited little attention or hope. To-day, hoAvever, I begin to think better of him. Moung Koo came again at night, and appeared pretty well. These two men, with the two persons from Kambet, of the 27th, I call the fruits of the week. But let us see who of them will remember the day of worship. May 2, Lord's day. About three o'clock, the quiet and modest Moung Nau came in and took his usual place. For the others Ave looked in vain. About thirty present at wor ship. Very few paid much attention, or probably received any benefit. May 3. Among the vistors of torday was a respectable man, formerly an officer, now a merchant, resident at Little Bridge, a village contiguous to Kambet. After long and various conversation, in which he paid close and respectful attention, he said that he was a person not a little versed in Burman literature, but that he now saw he had erred in all ; he regretted that he had lived two years in the neighborhood without knowing me ; to-day was an auspicious day ; he Avished to become my disciple, would read my writings, with attention, and come as often as possible. May §. Moung Nau has been with me several hours. I FIRST .JURMESE CONVERT. 217 begin to think that the grace of God has reached his heart. He expresses sentiments of repentance for his sins, and faith in the Saviour. The substance of his profession is, that from the darknesses, and uncleannesses, and sins of his whole life, he has found no other Saviour but Jesus Christ ; nowhere else can he look for salvation ; and therefore he proposes to adhere to Christ, and worship him all his life long. It seems almost too much to believe that. God has begun to manifest his grace to the Burmans ; but this day I could not resist the delightful conviction that this is really the case. Praise and glory be to his name forevermore. Amen. May 6. Moung Nau was again with me a great part of the day. He appears to be slowly growing in religious knowl edge, and manifests a teachable, humble spirit, ready to be lieve all that Christ has said, and obey all that he has com manded. He is thirty-five years old ; no family, middling abilities, quite poor, obliged to work for his living, and there fore his coming, day after day, to hear the truth affords stronger evidence that it has taken hold of his mind. May the Lord graciously lead his dark mind into ah the truth, and cause him to cleave inviolably to the blessed Saviour. May 8.- Burman day of worship. Thronged with visitors through the day. Had more or less company, without inter mission, for about eight hours. Several heard much of the gospel, and engaged to come again. Moung Nau was with me a great part of the day, and assisted me much in explaining things to new comers. Towards night a man came in, by name Moung Shwaa Oo, whom I think it time to mention par ticularly, as he has visited me several times ; and though, hke Moung Nau, apparently backward at first, he appears to be really thoughtful. He is a young man of twenty-seven, of very pleasant exterior, and evidently in good circumstances. Poor Moung Koo, who appeared so forward at first, alas ! too forward ! has quite discontinued his visits. No news yet from the villagers of Kambet and Little Bridge. May 9, Lord's day. Moung Shwaa Oo came in the vol. i. 19 218 memoir of dr. judson. morning, and staid through the Avhole day. Only two or three of all I conversed with yesterday came again. Had, however, an assembly of thirty. After worship, some warm disputa tion. I begin to feel that the Burmans cannot stand before the truth. In the course of the conversation, Moung Nau de clared himself a disciple of Christ, in presence of a consid erable number ; and even Moung SliAvaa Oo appeared to in cline the same way. May 10. Early in the morning, Moung Nau came to take leave, being obliged to go to a distance after timber, his usual occupation. I took him alone and prayed with him, and gave him a written prayer to help him in his private devotion. He received my parting instructions with great attention and solemnity ; said he felt that he was a disciple of Christ ; hoped that he should be kept from falling ; desired the prayers of us all ; expressed a wish that, if he held out some time after his return, we would allow him to profess Christ in baptism ; and so he departed. The Lord Jesus go with him and bless him. He is poor. I felt a great desire to give him. something, but thought it safer to put no temptation in his way. If, on his return, he still cleaves to Christ, his profession will be more satisfactory than it Avould be if he had any expectations from us. May 11. Had more or less company, from morning till night ; among the rest, Moung Shwaa Oo, and two or three others, who appear to be pretty well satisfied that the Buddhist religion has no foundation. Conversation was very animated, and somewhat encouraging ; but I wanted to see more serious ness, and more anxiety to be saved from sin. Heard much, to-day, of the danger of introducing a new religion. All agreed in opinion that the king would cut off all who embraced it, being a king who could not bear that his subjects should differ in sentiment from himself; and who has, for a long time, persecuted the friends of the established re ligion of the empire, because they would not sanction all Vis innovations. Those who seemed most favorably disposed whispered me that I had better not stay in Rangoon and talk FIRST BURMESE CONVERT. 219 to common people, but go directly to the " lord of life and death." If he approved. of the religion, it would spread rap idly ; but, in the present state of things, nobody would dare to prosecute . their inquiries, with the fear of the king before their eyes. They brought forward the case of the Kolans, a sect of Burmans who have been proscribed and put to, death under several reigns. I tried to set them right in some points; and encourage them to trust in the care of an almighty Saviour ; but they speak low and look around fearfully Avhen they mention the name of the " owner of the sword." May 13. Had company all day, without intermission. About noon, Moung Nau came in, having given up his jour ney on account of the unfaithfulness of his _employer. His behavior and conversation were very satisfactory. He regrets the want of a believing associate, but declares his determina tion of adhering to Christ, though no Burman should ever join him. Moung Shwaa Doan, a man who has attended two Sundays and made some occasional visits, was with me several hours. He professes to have felt the truth' of this religion ever since he first heard about it, and now desires to be a disciple of Christ. He has obtained, I find, considerable knowledge of the Christian system, but does not appear to have much sense of his own sins. May the Spirit teach him what man cannot. May 15. Moung Nau has been with me all day, as Avell as yesterday. He is anxious to be received into our company, and thinks it a great privilege to be the first among the Bur mans in professing the religion of Jesus Christ. He has been told plainly that he has nothing to expect in this world but persecution, and perhaps death ; but he thinks it better to die for Christ, and be happy hereafter, than to live a few days and be forever wretched. All the members of the mission have, at different times, conversed with him, and are satisfied that a work of grace is begun in his heart. May 16, Lord's day. In the forenoon, a man came in from Kyaikasan, a neighboring village, and listened with more apparent sincerity than is commonly manifested the first 220 MEMOIR OF I>«. JUDSON. visit. He had received a tract about a year ago, and had thought considerably on the subject. About the usual number Avas present at worship, but a larger proportion than common Avere strangers. A lawyer belonging to the viceroy, and some other respectable persons, were present, and gave me much trouble, without, I fear, re ceiving any benefit. Moung Shwaa Doan was present, and appeared pretty Avell after worship. Moung Shwaa Oo has, I suppose, returned to Henthadah, the next city above Rangoon'. He took no leave of me ; yet I cannot give up all hope of him. The last visit, he said he should constantly read my writings, and pray to the eternal God. May 17. Moung Nau has received an advantageous offer to go to Ava, in the employ of a boat owner. We were afraid to dissuade him from accepting, as he has no way of getting a living, and equally unwilling to have him absent several months. At length we advised him not to go, and he at once acquiesced. May 21. Had several attentive hearers ; among the rest Moung A, who says that the good news has taken hold of his mind. I have been so frequently disappointed in visitors who appeared promising the first time, but neA'er came again, that I have lost all credit in early professions ; yet I cannot but hope well of this man, especially as Moung Nau appeared to like him better than any other inquirer. May 22. We have taken Moung Nau to live with us, in tending to employ him in copying some small things for dis tribution, which we cannot get printed at present, and allow him ten ticals a month. Our principal object, however, is to keep him in the way of instruction, hoping that he will ultimately be useful to his countrymen. At night, Moung A came the second time, and appeared anxious to know the way of salvation. But I am grieved to find that he is going away on business to-morrow morning, and will be absent a long time. May 23, Lord's day. The Kyaikasan villager Moung Nyo, mentioned last Sunday, came again, with three companions. REQUEST FOR BAPTISM. 221 He staid the whole day, and appears to be in the same state of mind as Moung A. Both say they are convinced that there is an eternal God ; that having denied him all their lives, and of course lived contrary to his commands, their sins are great ; and that the news of salvation, through the death of the Son of God, is good news. Thus far they venture. But whether the Spirit has given, or will give, them true love to the Saviour, and thus enable them to trust in him, we must leave for time to ascertain. June 6, Lord's day. Had two interesting visitors. They were present at worship, and staid till dark — certain they should come again — but will they ? After partaking of the Lord's supper in the evening, we read and considered the following letter of Moung Nau, which he wrote of his own accord : — " I, Moung Nau, the constant recipient of your excellent favor, approach your feet. Whereas my Lord's three have come to the country of Burmah, — not for the purposes of trade, but to preach the religion of Jesus Christ, the Son of the eternal God, — I, having heard and understood, am, with a joyful mind, filled with love. " I believe that the divine Son, Jesus Christ, suffered death, in the place of men, to atone for their sins. Like a heavy- laden man, I feel my sins are very many. The punishment of my sins I deserve to suffer. Since it is so, do you, sirs, consider that I, taking refuge in the merits of the Lord Jesus Christ, and receiving baptism, in order to become his disciple, shall dwell one with yourselves, a band of brothers, in the happiness of heaven, and therefore grant me the ordinance of baptism.* It is through the grace of Jesus Christ that you, sirs, have come by ship from one country and continent to another, and that we have met together. I pray my Lord's * At the time of writing this, not having heard much of baptism, be seems to have ascribed an undue efficacy to the ordinance. He has since corrected his error ; but the translator thinks it the most fair and impartial to give the letter just as it was written at first. 19* 222 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. three that a suitable day may be appointed, and that I may receive the ordinance of baptism. " Moreover, as it is only since I have met with you, sirs, that I have known about the eternal God, I venture to pray that you will still unfold to me the religion of God, that, my old dis position may be destroyed, and my new disposition improved." We have all, for some time, been satisfied concerning the reahty of his rehgion, and therefore voted to receive him into church fellowship, on his being baptized, and proposed next Sunday for administering the ordinance. June 20, Lord's day. For the last fortnight, have had but little company at the zayat, owing probably to the rains which have now fully set in. The town has also been in great con fusion, in prospect of the viceroy's departure for Ava. We iiave been called on to pay another tax of fifteen ticals — got off Avith paying half. Have had several other molestations . from petty officers of government. Concluded to postpone Moung Nau's baptism till the viceroy be fairly off. He left Rangoon yesterday, and has arrived at the next village, which is a kind of rendezvous to the vast multitude of boats that accompany him. To-day, Moung Shwaa Doan appeared again, after an absence of several weeks, and a little revived our hopes con cerning him. Several, whom I have particularly mentioned, have discontinued their visits, though I am. satisfied that they are convinced of the falsity of the Burman religion, and of the truth of the Christian. I cannot possibly penetrate their motives. Whether, after several visits, they meet with some threatening suggestion, that awakens their fears of persecu tion, or whether, at a certain stage in their inquiries, they get such an insight into the gospel as rouses the enmity of the carnal heart, I am not at le, from my experience hitherto, to ascertain. June 21 The town is in the utmost anxiety and alarm. Order after order has reached our viceroy, to hasten his return to Ava, with all the troops under arms. Great news are whispered. Seme say there is a rebellion ; some say the DEATH OF THE KING. 223 king is sick, some that he is dead. But none dare to say this plainly. It would be a crioe of the first magnitude ; for the " lord of land and water " is called immortal. The eldest son of his eldest son (his father being dead) has long been de clared the heir of the croAvn ; but he has two very powerful uncles, who, it is supposed, will contest his right ; and in all probability the whole country will soon be a scene of anarchy and civil war. June 22. Out all the morning, listening for news, uncer tain whether a day or an hour will not plunge us into the greatest distress. The whole place is sitting in sullen silence, expecting an explosion. About 10 o'clock, a royal despatch boat pulls up to the shore. An imperial mandate is produced. The crowds make way for the sacred messengers, and foUow them to the high court, Avhere the authorities of the place are assembled. Listen ye : The immortal king, wearied, it would seem, with the fatigues of royalty, has gone up to amuse himself in the celestial regions. His grandson, the heir apparent, is seated on the throne. The young monarch enjoins on all to remain quiet, and wait his imperial orders. It appears that the Prince of Toung Oo, one of his uncles, has been executed, with his family and adherents, and the Prince of Pyee placed in confinement. There has probably been bloody work; but it seems, from what has transpired, that the business has been settled so expeditiously that the distant provinces will not feel the shock. June 23. Had some encouraging conversation with Moung Thahlah, a young man who has been living in our yard several months. He has lately made me several visits at the zayat, and appeared very thoughtful and teachable. To-day, on being asked the state of his mind, he replied, with some feehng, that he and all men were sinners, and exposed to future punishment ; that according to the Buddhist system, there was no way of par don ; but that according to the religion which I taught, there was not only a way of pardon, but a way Df enjoying endless happiness in heaven ; and that, therefore, ^e wanted to believe in Christ. I stated to l.im, as usual, t\ at he must think much 224 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. on the love of Christ, and pray to God for an enlightened and loving heart, and then gave him a form of prayer suited to his case. In the female evening meeting, his sister, Ma Baik, whose husband also lives in f ur yard, manifested considerable feel ing, especially when Mrs. Judson prayed with her alone, and expressed strong desire to obtain an interest in the Saviour. June 27, Lord's day. There were several strangers pres ent at worship. After the usual course, I called Moung Nau before me, read and commented on an appropriate portion of Scripture, asked him several questions concerning hia faith, hope, and love, and made the baptismal prayer, hav ing concluded to have all the preparatory exercises done in the zayat. We then proceeded to a large pond in the vicinity, the bank of which is graced with an enormous image of Gaudama, and there administered baptism to the first Burman convert. 0, may it prove the beginning of a series of baptisms in the Burman empire which shall continue in un interrupted succession to the end of time ! July 4, Lord's day. We have had the pleasure of sitting down, for the first time, to the Lord's table with a converted Burman ; and it was my privilege — a privilege to which I have been looking forward with desire for many years — to administer the Lord's supper in two languages. And now let me, in haste, close my journal for transmission to the board. Letter from Mrs. Judson. Rangoon Mission House, June 2, 1819. In my last, I mentioned Mr. Judson's commencing public preaching in a building which we had erected for that purpose, and which you will in future know by the name zayat. Little did I think, when I last wrote, that I should so soon have the joyful intelligence to communicate, that one Burman has em braced the Christian religion, and given good evidence of being a true disciple of the dear Redeemer. This event, this RELIGi DUS VIEWS OF THE FIRST CONVERT. 225 single trophy Df victorious grace, has filled our hearts with sensations hardly to be conceived by Christians in Christian countries. This event has convinced us that God can and does operate on the minds of the most dark and ignorant, and that he makes his own truths, his own word, the instrument of operation. It serves also to encourage us to hope that the Lord has other chosen ones in this place. As Mr. Judson has given some account of the first impressions of this man, and as I have had him particularly under my instruction since his conversion, I will give you some of his remarks in his OAvn words, with which you will be much interested. " Besides Jesus Christ, I see no Avay of salvation. He is the Son of the God who has no beginning, no end. He so loved and pitied men that he suffered death in their stead. My mind is sore on account of the sins I have committed during the whole of my life, particularly in worshipping a false god. Our re ligion, pure as it may be, does not purify the minds of those who believe it; it cannot restrain from sin. But the re ligion of Jesus Christ makes the mind pure. His disciples desire not to grieve him by sinning. In our religion there is no way to escape the punishment due to sin ; but, according to the religion of Christ, he himself has died in order to de liver his disciples. I wish all the Burmans Avould become his disciples ; then we should meet together as you do in your country; then we should all be happy together in heaven. How great are my thanks to Jesus Christ for sending teachers to this country, and how great are my thanks to the teachers for coming ! Had they never come and built that zayat, I should never have heard of Christ and the true God. I mourn that so much of my life passed away before I heard of this rehgion. How much I have lost ! " It is peculiarly inter esting to see with what eagerness he drinks in the truths from the Scriptures. A few days ago, I was reading with him Christ's Sermon on the Mount. He was deeply impressed and unu sually solemn. " These words," said he, " take hold on my very liver ; they make me tremble. Here God commands ua to do every thing that is good in secret, not to be seen of 226 MEM01K OB DR. JUDSON. men. How unlike oui religion is this ! When Burmans make offerings to the pagodas, they make a great noise with drums and musical instruments, that others may see how good they are. But this religion makes the mind fear God; it makes it, of its own accord, fear sin." When I read this passage, " Lay not up for yourselves treasures," &c, he said, " What words are these ! It does not mean that we shall take the silver and gold from this world, and carry them to heaven ; but that, by becoming the disciples of Jesus, we shall live in such a manner as to enjoy heaven Avhen we die." We have taken him into our employ for the present, as a copyist, though our primary object was to have him near us, that Ave might have a better opportunity of knowing more of him be fore he received baptism, and of imparting to him more in struction than occasional visits might afford. Mornings and evenings he spends in reading the Scriptures, and when we all meet in the hall for family worship, he comes and sits with us ; though he cannot understand, he says he can think of God in his heart. Journal continued. Rangoon, July 6, 1819. First day of Burman Lent. All the members of government went to the great pagoda, and took the oath of allegiance to the new king. At night a large company came in, all disposed to condemn, and ridicule, and persecute, influenced by one very virulent opposer, who has been here before. When the storm was gathering, Moung Nau with drew. A most trying time, chiefly rendered so by its being an indication of the spirit which generally prevails among this people, though commonly restrained by politeness, and Avhich, we fear, may issue in something Avorse and more to be dread ed than our own personal inconvenience and persecution. Heard, at the same time, that several of the people Avho live about us, and commonly attend worship, had privately gone to the pagoda and made an offering. All these circum stances conspire to make us feel desolate, and to put our trust in God alone. REVISION UF THE FIRST TRACT. 227 July 10. Some pleasant conversation with Moung Thah- lah. Seldom a day passes in which he does not spend an hour or two with me or Moung Nau. This man is rather su perior to the common Burmans in point of abilities, and, though not very learned, he has read much more than the generality. He is much superior to any one resident on our premises, and, if converted, Avould be a valuable acquisition to the mission. July 12. Considerable company all day. Moung E, whose name I have not yet mentioned, though he has made several visits, broke through his usual reserve, and acknowledged his love for this religion, and thought he should become a disciple, and not return to Tavoy, whence he lately came on some gov ernment business. Moung Thahlah appears to be really earnest in his desires to become a disciple of Christ. His sister, Ma Baik, who was lately drawn into a high quarrel with a neighbor, expresses much sorroAv, and says that the cir cumstance has convinced her more than ever of the evil of her heart, and the necessity of getting a new nature before she can be a disciple. Much encouraged by the events of the day. The Lord can bless the feeblest means, the most unworthy instruments. Praised be his name. July 13. The sixth anniversary of the commencement of the mission. July 18, Lord's day. Discoursed on Matt. vii. 13, concern ing the broad way to destruction and the narrow way to life ; the hearers considerably attentive. To-day our viceroy has returned to Rangoon, being forbidden to proceed to Ava be fore taking the oath of allegiance to the new king. July 19. Had some particular conversation with Moung Thahlah on his spiritual state. He says that the more he reads and hears of the Christian religion, the more inclined he becomes to believe and embrace it, but fears that his weak ness and sinfulness incapacitate him for keeping his holy pre cepts as it becomes a professing disciple. July 29. Finished revising the tract for a new edition. 228 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. Have considerably enlarged it, particularly by adding several prayers; so that it now stands, "A View of the Christian Re ligion, in four Parts, Historical, Practical, Preceptive, and De votional." We intend sending the manuscript to Serampore, with a request to brother Hough that he will get it printed in a large edition of five thousand copies. The first edition, of one thousand, is nearly exhausted. Such, indeed, is the de mand for it since the opening of the zayat, that we should have given away all the copies long ago, had we not been doubtful about a fresh supply. July 30. Had several attentive visitors ; one of them staid two hours, and appeared very unwilling to leave. His mild manners and apparent openness of heart tended to heighten my desires and stimulate my prayers for the salvation of his precious soul. August 1, Lord's day. Several respectable and wealthy people present at worship. One of them visited me several months ago, and received a tract. Since then he has thought much, and has conversed Avith some of his friends about the new rehgion. Yesterday he sent Avord that he Avas coming up to worship, with several others. He Avas rather reserved to day, and said but little, yet sufficient to show that he has im bibed some neAv notions, Avhich, whether they issue in conver sion or not, will, I trust, prevent his ever settling down in his old system. His name is Oo Yah. August 2. The family of the old gentleman of yesterday came to see Mrs. Judson, saying that their father had sent them to listen to the instructions of the female teacher. They appear to be one of the most civilized families we have met with, behaved Avith much politeness and respect, and begged leave to come again. August 3. Several neighbors of Oo Yah spent some time at the zayat, and listened attentively. August 7, Brother Wheelock embarked for Bengal, but in so low a state that we fear the voyage, instead of being ben eficial, Avill tend to shorten his life. August 8, Lord's day. Several strangers present at wor ship ; a larger assembly than usual, SECOND BURMESE CONVERT. 229 August 19. Had more company than for a fortnight past. "Very little intermission through the day. Just at night, three strangers came in, and listened with remarkable attention. They appeared to be particularly impressed with the value of a happy immortality, as far superior to any thing which the Burman system can offer, and also A\rith the love of Christ, as far surpassing all other love. August 20. Several Mahometans came in, having heard, as they said, that I denounced all religions but the Christian. We had a long debate on the divine Sonship of Jesus Christ. At first it was very offensive to them ; but when the doctrine of the Trinity was explained to them, they had no other objec tion to make than that the Koran denied that God had a Son. They appeared to be somewhat desirous of knowing what is truth ; said they should come again, and must either convert me to Mahometanism or themselves become converted to Christianity. I discovered afterwards that one of them was a priest ; but he kept in the background, and said nothing. August 21. Have not lately mentioned Moung Thahlah, though he has continued to visit me regularly. To-day I had a conversation with him, that almost settled my mind that he is really a renewed man. He, however, thinks he is not, be cause he finds his heart so depraved that he cannot perfectly keep the pure commands of Christ. August 22, Lord's day. Two of the adherents of the Man- gen teacher, the popular preacher that I mentioned some time ago, were present at worship. I had much conversation Avith them, in the course of which I so clearly refuted their system, in two or three instances, that they could not refrain from an involuntary expression of assent and approbation. They di rectly said, however, that it was impossible for them to think of embracing a new religion. I never saw more clearly the truth of our Saviour's words, " Ye will not come unto me." After worship, had another conversation with Moung Thahlah. He hopes that he is a disciple of Jesus Christ in heart, but wants to knoAv whether a profession of religion is indispensable to salvation. He fears the persecution that vol. i. 20 230 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. may hereafter come on those who forsake the estabhshed religion of the empire. I gave him such explanation as I thought suitable, and left him Avith the solemn consideration, that unless he loved Christ above his oAvn hfe, he did not love him sincerely, and ought not to hope that he is interested in Iu'3 redemption. His sister, Ma Baik, is in a very similar state. She has been particularly attentive and solemn in her appearance for .some time past. In such cases it is a great consolation to reflect that the tender, compassionate Saviour will not break the bruised reed, or quench the smoking taper. He will strengthen and restore the one, and the other he will light up with his own celestial fire. August 24. Another conversation with Moung Thahlah, which at length forces me to admit the conviction that he is a real convert ; and I venture to set him down the second disciple of Christ among the Burmans. He appears to have all the characteristics of a new-born soul, and though rather timid in regard to an open profession, has, I feel satisfied, that love to Christ Avhich will increase and bring him forward in due time. August 26th. Was visited by Moung Shwa-gnong, a teacher of considerable distinction. He appears to be half deist and half sceptic, the first of the sort I have met with among the Burmans. He, however, worships at the pagodas, and conforms to all the prevailing customs. We had a very interesting debate, in which Ave cleared up some preliminaries, preparatory, I hope, to future discussions. Just at night, the viceroy, returning from an excursion of pleasure, passed by our road, for the first time since the zayat was built. He was seated on a huge elephant, attended by his guards and numerous suite, and, as he passed, eyed us very narrowly. Several Burmans Avere sitting round me and Mrs. Judson. After he had passed some time, two of his private secretaries came in with a viceregal order, signifying his highness's desire to see the manner in which printing is executed. I replied, LABORS IN THE ZAYAT. 231 that the teacher who understood printing had gone to Bengal, taking the types with him, and that it was impossible to com ply with the order. They departed with evident dissatisfaction. August 27. In order to obviate the bad effects of the report of the officers of yesterday, I went to the government house, intending to have a personal interview with the viceroy. After waiting two hours in the levee hall, he made his appear ance, and on recognizing me, immediately inquired about the press and types. I told him my story, and when he under stood that I was ignorant of the art of printing, he appeared satisfied to let the matter rest. In the course of the few words which passed between us, he said that he wished to get several Burman books printed. He seemed to be more kindly disposed towards me than formerly ; but it seems impossible to introduce the subject of religion in his presence, surrounded, as he always is, Avith a crowd of courtiers and secretaries, petitioners and lawyers. Had but just returned home, when the teacher Moung Shwa-gnong came again, and staid from noon till quite dark. We conversed incessantly the whole time ; but I fear that no real impression is made on his proud, sceptical heart. He, however, promised to pray to the eternal God, through Jesus Christ, and appeared, at times, to be in deep thought. He is a man of very superior argumentative powers. His conver sion would probably shake the faith of many. August 28. A great deal of company all day long. Quite Avorn out with incessant toil. At night, the viceroy again passed, as the day before yesterday; and the same secretaries came in, saying, that it Avas the viceroy's desire that I should translate and get printed, if possible, some historical writings of my country. I told them I would take the first opportunity of calling on his highness. August 31. A man, by name Moung Ing, has visited the zayat five or six days in succession. At first, a variety of other company prevented my attending much to him, and he conversed chiefly Avith Moung Nau, and employed himself it. reading Matthew. He once told Moung Nau that he 232 SEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. had long been looking after the true religion, and was ready to wish that he had been born a brute, rather than to die in delusion, and go to hell. Sunday I conversed with him largely, and his attention, during worship, Avas very close and solemn. To-day he has made me half inclined to believe that a work of grace is begun in his soul. He says that he formerly had some idea of an eternal God from his moth Jr, who was christened a Roman Catholic, in consequence of her connection with a foreigner; but that the idea Avas never rooted in his mind until he fell in with the zayat. Within a feAV days, he has begun to pray to this God. He is quite sensible of his sins, and of the utter inefficacy of the Boodhist religion, but is yet in the dark concerning the way of salva^ tion, and says that he wants to knoAv more of Christ, that he may love him more. Lord Jesus, give him the saving knowl edge of thine adorable self ! September 1. Moung Thahlah continues to express similar sentiments to those already noted ; is still afraid of persecu tion and death, but professes to be laboring to obtain that love to Christ, and faith in him, Avhich will raise him above the fear of man ; and particularly requests us to pray that he may obtain these graces. September 3. A great crowd of company through the Avhole day, the teacher Moung Shwa-gnong, from ten o'clock till quite dark, with several of his adherents. He is a com plete Proteus in religion, and I never know where to find him. We went over a vast deal of ground, and ended where we began, in apparent incredulity. After his adherents, how ever, were all gone, he conversed with some feeling ; owned that he knew nothing, and wished me to instruct him ; and when he departed, he prostrated himself, and performed the sheeko — an act of homage Avhich a Burman never performs but to an acknowledged superior. After he was gone, Moung Ing, who has been listening all day, followed me home to the house, being invited to stay with Moung Nau through the night. We conversed all the even ing, and bis expressions have satisfied us all that he is one of PERSONAL CONVERSATIONS. 233 God's chosen people. His exercises have been of a much stronger character than those of the others, and he expresses himself in the most decided manner. He desires to become a disciple in profession, as well as to be in Christ, and declares his readiness to suffer persecution and death for the love of Christ. When I stated the danger to which he was exposing himself, and asked him whether he loved Christ better than his own life, he replied, very deliberately and solemnly, " When I meditate on this rehgion, I know not what it is to love my OAvn life." Thus the poor fisherman Moung Ing is taken, while the learned teacher Moung Shwa-gnong is left. September 5, Lord's day. A very dull day — not one stranger present at worship. In the evening Moung Thahlah was a spectator of our partaking of the Lord's supper. Moung Ing could not be present. He lives at some distance, and is getting ready to go to sea, pursuant to his purpose be fore he became acquainted with us. We have endeavored to dissuade him from going, and to keep him near us ; but Ave are afraid that his circumstances will not allow him to comply with our advice and his own inclinations. September 6. Spent the evening in conversing with Moung Byaa, a man who, with his family, has lived near us for some time, a regular attendant on worship, an indefatigable scholar in the evening school, where he has learned to read, though fifty years old, and a remarkably moral character. In my last conversation, some time ago, he appeared to be a thor ough legalist, relying solely on his good works, but yet sincerely desirous of knowing and embracing the truth. The greater part of the evening was spent in discussing his erro neous views ; his mind seemed so dark and dull of appre hension, that I was almost discouraged. Towards the close, however, he seemed to obtain some evangelical discoveries, and to receive the humbling truths of the gospel in a manner Avhich encourages us to hope that the Spirit of God has begun to teach him. The occasion of this conversation was my hearing that he said that he intended to become a Chris tian, and be baptized with Moung Thahlah. He accordingly pro 20* 234 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. fesses a full belief in the eternal God, and his Son Jesus Christ. September 7. Am grie ~ed that Moung Ing comes no more. Presume he has gone off, contrary to our advice, and was reluctant to take leave of us under such circumstances. September 10. Surprised by a visit from Moung Ing. It appears that he has been confined at work on board the ves sel in which he is engaged, and has not been ashore for several days. As the vessel is certainly going to-morrow, he got leave of absence for a short time, and improved it in running out to the zayat. I was exceedingly glad, as it afforded me an opportunity of giving him some parting instructions, and praying with him alone. He appears very well indeed. He is quite distressed that lie has so far engaged himself, and appears desirous of getting off, and returning to us, if possible; but I have very little' hope of his succeeding. I believe, how ever, that he is a real Christian, and that, whenever he dies, his immortal soul will be safe, and that he will praise God forever for his transient acquaintance Avith us. The Lord go Avith him and keep him. September 11. Moung Shwa-gnong has been Avith me all day. It appears that he accidentally obtained the idea of an eternal Being about .eight years ago ; and it has been float ing about in his mind, and disturbing his Boodhistic ideas ever since. When he heard of us, which was through one of his adherents, to whom I had given a tract, this idea received con siderable confirmation ; and to-day he has fully admitted the truth of this first grand principle. The latter part of the day we were chiefly employed in discussing the possibility and necessity of a divine revelation, and the evidence which proves that the writings of the apostles of Jesus contain that reve lation ; and I think I may say that he is half inclined to admit all this. He is certainly a most interesting case. The way seems to be prepared in his mind for the special operation of divine grace. Come, Holy Spirit, heavenly Dove ! His conversion seems peculiarly desirable, on account of his superior talents and extensive acquaintance with Burmese and Pah literature. He is the most powerful reasoner I have yet WOK SHIP IN THE ZAYAT. 235 met with in this country, excepting my old teacher, Oo Oung- men, (now dead,) and he is not at all inferior to him. September 15. Moung Thahlah spent the evening with me in asking several questions on difficult passages in Matthew. At the close I asked him Avhether he yet loved Christ more than his own life ; he understood my meaning, and replied that he purposed to profess the Christian religion, and began to think seriously of being baptized. His sister, Ma Baik, appears to have lost her religious impressions. September 16. After having lately made two unsuccessful attempts to get an intervieAv with the viceroy, I this day suc ceeded. He inquired about the historical Avritings. I told him I Avas not so well acquainted Avith that style of writing in Bur man as with the religious style, and then presented him with a tract, as a specimen of what I could do. He delivered it to a secretary, and on hearing the first sentence, remarked that it was the same with a writing he had already heard, and that he did not want that kind of writing. I suppose that one of the secretaries, to whom I had formerly given a tract, present ed it without my knoAvledge. September 1.8.- Moung Shwa-gnong has been with me a few hours ; had spent the greater part of the day with Oo Yah, the merchant that I mentioned some time ago, convers ing on religion. Our interview chiefly passed in discussing his metaphysical cavils. September 19, Lord's day. The teacher and Oo Yah came to worship, according to their agreement of yesterday, accom panied with part of the family of the latter, and several re spectable men of their acquaintance, so that the assembly con sisted of about fifty. Some paid profound attention, and some none at all. After the exercises, Oo Yah seemed afraid to have it appear that he had any acquaintance with me, and kept at a distance. They finally all dropped away but the teacher, Avho staid, as usual, till quite dark. He is, in many respects, a perfect enigma ; but just before he left, a slight hop} began to spring up in our minds that his proud heart was yielding to the cross. He confessed that he was 236 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. constrained to give up all dependence on his own merits and his literary attainments ; that he had sinned against God all his life long, and that, therefore, he deserved to suffer hell. And then he asked, with some feeling, how he could obtain an in terest in the merits and salvation of Jesus Christ. He ap pears to have a considerable share of that serious solemnity Avhich I have observed to characterize the feAv who persevere in their religious inquiries, and which has been wanting in ev ery instance of mere temporary promise. O that he may be brought in, if it is not too great a favor for this infant mission to receive. September 20. One of the three visitors of the 19th of August came again, and, though a long interval has elapsed, his appearance is quite encouraging. He says, feelingly, that he knows nothing, is distressed at the thought of dying in his present ignorance and uncertainty, and wants to find some kind of salvation. September 26, Lord's day. Moung Shwa-gnong came, with several adherents. Some warm conversation before wor ship, but nothing personal. During worship, discoursed from, " Fear not them that kill the body," &c. My discourse was chiefly intended for Moung Thahlah and Moung Byaa ; but the latter Avas absent, on account of sickness. After worship, the teacher immediately departed Avith his people, without eA'en saying a word. Fear he has taken some offence. October 5. Received a visit from the teacher. My hopes of his conversion are very low. He is settling down in Deism, and evidently avoids all conversation of a personal nature. October 6. Conversation with Moung Thahlah and Moung Byaa, which revives my hopes of their coming forward before long. They are both groAving in religious knowledge, and give evidence of being in the exercise of gracious feelings. October 7. Was rejoiced, in the morning, to see the teach er Moung Shwa-gnong come again so soon. We spent the whole day together, uninterrupted by other' company. In the forenoon, he was as crabbed as possible ; sometimes a Berke- •eian, sometimes a Humeite or complete sceptic. But in the REQUESTS FOR BAPTISM. 237 afternoon hi got to be more reasonable, and before he left he obtained a more complete idea of the atonement than I have commonly been able to communicate to a Burman. He ex claimed, " That is suitable ; that is as it should be," &e. But whether this conviction resulted from a mere philosophic view of the propriety and adaptedness of the way of salvation through Jesus Christ, or from the gracious operations of the Holy Spirit, time must discover. I hardly venture to hope the latter. 0 Lord, the work is thine ! O come, Holy Spirit ! October 23. Have for some days been wondering at the long absence of the teacher. To-day heard a report that he has been summoned by the viceroy to give an account of his heretical sentiments. At night Moung Thahlah and Moung Byaa presented a paper, professing their faith in Jesus Christ, and requesting to be baptized, but in private. We spent some time with them. They appear to have experienced divine grace ; but Ave advised them, as they had so little love to Christ as not to dare to die for his cause, to wait and reconsider the matter. October 29. The teacher came again, after an interval of three weeks ; but he appears to be quite another man. H* has not been personally summoned, as we heard ; but, throug. the instigation of the Mangen teacher, he was mentioned be fore the viceroy as having renounced the rehgion of the coun try. The viceroy gave no decisive order, but merely said, "Inquire further about him." This reached the ears of Moung Shwa-gnong; and he directly went to the Mangen teacher, and, I suppose, apologized, and explained, and flat tered. He denies that he really recanted, and I hope he did not ; but he is evidently failing off from the investigation of the Christian religion. He made but a short visit, and took leave as soon as he could decently. November 1. One of the greatest festivals in the year. The crowds are truly immense and overwhelming. We va cated the zayat, as- we have several days of late, beginning to query Avhether it is prudent to go on boldly in proclaiming a new religion, at the hazard of incensing the government, and 238 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. drawing down such persecution as may deter all who know us from any inquiry. November 2. This is the birthday and the coronation day of the. new king. All the grandees of the empire have, for some time past, been assembling at Ava, to be present at the august celebration. November 6. The two candidates for baptism again pre sented their urgent petition that they might be baptized, not absolutely in private, but about sunset, away from public observation. We spent some hours in again discussing the subject Avith them and with one another. We felt satisfied that they were humble disciples of Jesus, and were desirous of receiving this ordinance purely out of regard to his com mand and their own spiritual welfare ; we felt that we were aU equally exposed to danger, and needed a spirit of mutual candor, and forbearance, and sympathy ; we were conA'inced that, they were influenced rather by desires of avoiding un necessary exposure than by that sinful fear which Avould plunge them into apostasy in the hour of trial ; and when they assured us that, if actually brought before government, they could not think of denying their Saviour, we could not conscientiously refuse their request, and therefore agreed to have them baptized to-morrow at sunset. The following is a literal translation of the paper presented this evening : — " Moung Byaa and Moung Thahlah venture to address the two teachers : Though the country of Burmah is very far distant from the country of America, yet the teachers, coming by ship the long way of six months, have arrived at this far distant country of Burmah, and town of Rangoon, and pro claimed the propitious neAVS by means of which we, having become acquainted with the religion, know that there is an eternal God in heaven, and that there is a divine Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, deserving of the highest love ; and we know that the Lord Jesus Christ, the divine Son, endured, on account of all his disciples, sufferings and death, even severe' sufferings on a cross, in their stead. On account of our sins, we were like persons laden Avith a very heavy burden. On BAPTISM ADMINISTERED. 239 account of our many sins, we found no deliverance, no place of refuge, and our minds Avere distressed. In thi3 state re maining, the two teachers produced the sacred system from the Scriptures, and we became informed of the existence of the one God, and of the facts that the divine Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, .redeemed with his sacred life all who love and trust in him, and, in order to save his disciples from hell, suf fered death in their stead. Noav we know that avc have sinned against the sacred One, and we know, assuredly, thai if Ave become disciples of the divine Son, the Lord Jesu3 Christ, Ave shall be saved from the hell which we deserve. We desire to become disciples, and with the two teachers, like children born of the same mother, to worship the true God, and observe the true religion. " On searching in the Scriptures for ancient rules and customs it does not appear that John and other baptizers administered baptism on any particular time, or day, or hour. We, there fore, venture to beg of the two teachers, that they will grant that on the 6th day of the wane of the Tanzoungmong moon, (NoA'ember 7,) at six o'clock at night, we may this once re ceive baptism at their hands." November 7, Lord's day. We had worship as usual, and the people dispersed. About half an hour before sunset, the two candidates came to the zayat, accompanied by three or four of their friends ; and after a short prayer, we proceeded to the spot Avhere Moung Nau was formerly baptized. The sun was not allowed to look upon the humble, timid profession, No wondering crowd crowned the overshadowing hill. No hymn of praise expressed the exultant feelings of joyous hearts. Stillness and solemnity pervaded the scene. We felt, on the banks of the water, as a little, feeble, solitary band. But perhaps some hovering angels took note of the event with more interest than they witnessed the late coronation ; perhaps Jesus looked down on us, pitied and forgave our weak nesses, and marked us for his own ; -perhaps, if we deny him not, he will acknowledge us, another day, more publicly than we venture at present to acknoAvledge him. 240 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. In the evening Ave all united in commemorating the dying love of our Redeemer ; and I trust Ave enjoyed a little of his gracious presence in the midst of us. November 10. This evening is to be marked as the date of the first Burman prayer meeting that Avas ever held. None present but myself and the three converts. Two of them made a little beginning — such as must be expected from the first essay of converted heathens. We agreed to meet for this purpose every Tuesday and Friday evening, immediately after family worship, which in the evening has for some time been conducted in Burman and English, and which these peo ple, and occasionally some others, have attended. November 14, Lord's day. Have been much gratified to find that this evening the three converts repaired to THE ZAYAT, AND HELD A PRAYER MEETING OF THEIR OWN ACCORD. November 26. On taking our usual ride this morning, to bathe in the mineral tank, Ave were accosted, on one of the pagoda roads, by the Mangen teacher, and peremptorily for bidden to ride there in future on pain of being beaten. On our return we inquired into the affair, and find that the Arice- roy has really issued an order, at the instigation of this teach er, that henceforth no person wearing a hat, shoes, or umbrella, or mounted on a horse, shall approach within the sacred ground belonging to the great pagoda, which ground extends on some sides half a mile, and comprises all the principal roads ; so that in future we must take a circuitous route in the woods, if we wish to visit our usual place of resort. This con sideration, however, is very trifling, compared with another. The viceroy's order is quite unprecedented in Rangoon, and indicates a state of feeling on the subject of religion very un favorable to our missionary designs. Since the death of the old king, who was known to be in heart hostile to religion, people have been more engaged than ever in building pagodas, making sacred offerings, and performing the public duties of their religion. They are just now engaged in new gilding the great pagoda, called Shwaa Dagon, which is considered the DECISION TO VISIT AVA. 241 most sacred in the country, on account of its containing six or eight hairs of Gaudama. Ever since the affair of Moung Shwa-gnong, there has been an entire falling off at the zayat. I sometimes sit there whole days without a single visitor, though it is the finest part of the year, and many are constantly passing. We and our object. are now well known throughout Rangoon. None wish to call, as formerly, out of curiosity, and none dare to call from a principle of religious inquiry. And were not the leaders in ecclesiastical affairs confident that we shall never succeed in making converts, I have no doubt we should meet with direct persecution and banishment. Our business must be fairly laid before the emperor. If he frown upon us, all missionary attempts within his dominions will be out of the question. If he favor us, none of our enemies, during the continuance of his favor, can touch a hair of our heads. But there is a greater than the emperor, before whose throne we desire daily and constantly to lay this business. O Lord Jesus, look upon us in our low estate, and guide us in our dangerous course ! November 21. Moung Shwa-gnong has been with us the greater part of the day, and a little revived our hopes con cerning him. November 27. This day brother Colman and myself came to a final decision to proceed to Ava without delay, and lay our business before the emperor. November 29. Letters from Bengal and America, the first for six months. Learned the particulars of the melancholy end of our lamented brother Wheelock. The news of his death reached us some time ago. Learned also that brother Hough intends staying in Bengal. The tract which we for warded is not yet printed — a circumstance which occasions us much regret, as we hoped to have obtained some copies to carry up to Ava. December 4. Another visit from Moung Shwa-gnong. After several hours spent in metaphysical cavils, he owned that he did not believe any thing he had said, and had only vol. i. 21 242 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. been trying me and the religion, being determined to embrace nothing but what he found unobjectionable and impregnable. " What," said he, " do you think that I Avould pay you the least attention if I found you could not answer all my ques tions, and solve all my difficulties ? " He then proceeded to say, that he really believed in God, his Son Jesus Christ, the atonement, &c. Said I, knowing his deistical weakness, " Do you believe all that is contained in the book of Matthew. that I have given you ? In particular, do you believe that the Son of God died on a cross ? " " Ah," replied he, " yon have caught me now. I believe that he suffered death, but I cannot admit that he suffered the shameful death of the cross." " Therefore," said I, " you are not a disciple of Christ. A true disciple inquires not whether a fact is agreeable to his own reason, but whether it is in the book. His pride has yielded to the divine testimony. Teacher, your pride is still unbroken. Break down your pride, and yield to the word of God." He stopped and thought. " As you utter those words," said he, " I see my error. I have been trusting in my own reason, not in the word of God." Some interruption now oc curred. When we were again alone, he said, " This day is different from ah the days on which I have visited you. I see my error in trusting in my own reason ; and I now believe the crucifixion of Christ, because it is contained in the Scripture." Some time after, speaking of the uncertainty of hfe, he said he thought he should not be lost, though he died suddenly. Why? "Because I love Jesus Christ." "Do you really love him ? " " No one that really knows him can help loving him." And so he departed. December 10. A few days ago, we succeeded in purchas ing a boat for the journey to Ava, after having spent a whole week in the search. Have since been employing workmen to cover it and put it in order. Yesterday we applied to the viceroy for a pass to go up to the golden feet, and lift up our eyes to the golden face. .He granted our request in very polite terras. I must now close up my journal, to be sent on board ship PREPARATIONS TO VISIT AVA, 243 to-morrow morning. We expect to leave Rangoon in about a week. My next will probably contain some account of our journey up the river, and our reception at court. O Lord, send now prosperity ; yet not my will, but thine, be done. To the Corresponding Secretary. Rangoon, December 8, 1819. Rev. and dear Sir : Being about to leave Rangoon, on a visit to the court of Ava, we feel it our duty briefly to state to the board the reasons of our procedure. From the opening of the zayat, last spring, till within a month Or two ago, our affairs appeared to be in a prosperous state. Many daily heard the gospel ; cases of hopeful inquiry fre quently occurred; no serious opposition appeared; and dur ing the little interval of quiet, four precious souls, the first fruits of Burmah, gave evidence of having obtained the grace of God, three of Avhom have been baptized. Some time, however, before the baptism of the last two, the death of the emperor, and the succession of the heir appar ent to the crown, operated to give a neAv aspect to the religious affairs of this country. The former emperor was known to be, in heart, hostile to the priests of Boodh ; and he frequently manifested his sentiments in such acts of persecution as kept the religion in a low and declining state. On his death, the hopes of the priests and their adherents began to revive ; and every discovery of the new emperor's friendly disposition has tended to restore the religious establishment of the country to its former privileges and rank. The change effected even in Rangoon, under our oAvn eyes, is very remarkable. Soon after these events began to transpire, and probably in consequence of them, our fifth inquirer, a teacher of learning and influence, was accused, before the viceroy, of having em braced heretical sentiments. The viceroy gave no decisive order, but directed further inquiry to be made. Upon this our friend went to the principal informant, who is at the head of ecclesiastical affairs in Rangoon, made his peace with him, and 244 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. discontinued his visits to the zayat. This circumstance spread an alarm among all our acquaintance, and combining with the general state of things, and the prevailing expectation that our attempts would shortly be proscribed, occasioned a com plete falling off at the zayat ; and with the exception of the teacher above named, who has lately visited us in private, and thos.-? who have already joined us, we are deserted. Under these circumstances, it appears to us that there re mains but one course of proceeding — to go directly into the imperial presence, lay our missionary designs before the throne, and solicit toleration for the Christian religion. By this proceeding, we hope to discover the real feelings and sen timents of the emperor. We hope to ascertain, as distinctly as possible, whether he is devoted to Boodhism, or has im bibed in any degree the opinions of his grandfather, and disguises them at present, from motives of policy merely. If the former be the case, he will prohibit our missionary work, and we shall be under the necessity of leaving his dominions. If the latter be the case, and he be, in any measure, pleased with the Christian system, he will, we hope, give us at least such private encouragement as will enable us to prose cute our work without incurring the charge of rashness and enthusiasm. In approaching the throne, we desire to have a simple de pendence on the presence and power of our Saviour, and a single eye to his glory. We have indeed no other ground of hope ; we ought to haAre no other view. We trust that, if the set time to favor Burmah is come, He who is wonderful in counsel, and excellent in working, will open a wide and effect ual door for the promulgation of divine truth. But if the Lord has other purposes, it becomes us meekly to acquiesce, and willingly to sacrifice our dearest hopes to the divine will. We rest assured, that, in either case, the perfections of God will be displayed, and desire to be thankful that we are allowed to be in any way instrumental in contributing to that display. PREPARATIONS TO VISIT AVA. 245 We commend ourselves and the mission, in the present sol emn crisis, to the sympathies and prayers of our fathers and brethren, and the Christian public, and remain, Rev. and dear sir, Your devoted servants in the Lord, A. Judson, Jr., J. Colman. 21* CHAPTER VIII. FIRST VISIT TO AVA. — RETURN TO RANGOON. — PROGRESS OP THE GOSPEL NEW STATION AT CHITTAGONG. — FAILURE OF MRS. JUDSON'S HEALTH. — VOYAGE TO BENGAL. 1819-1820. The following chapter contains the journal of Mr. ludson during his first visit to Ava, and his account if the gradual progress of the gospel at Rangoon. It will be perceived that the religion of Christ ex tended itself, as at the beginning, by transforming into its own image one individual after another, and that in all cases the moral feelings of the converts were essentially the same. They acknowledged the attributes of God, and their relations and obligations to him ; they became deeply conscious of their sin against him, and of their desert of his endless dis pleasure ; they fled for refuge from deserved wrath to the cross of Christ, and, humbly penitent for their past sins, they hoped for pardon in consequence of the great atonement ; and the proof that all this was real was found in the fact that from these moral exercises there sprang up an entirely new life — a life of piety to God and charity to man. This is precisely what we all witness every day among ourselves, wherever the gospel is preached in simplicity and godly sincer ity, or communicated by private conversation, and carried directly to the consciences of men. If we would bear these facts in mind, we should discover that the work of converting men is essen tially the same whether it be attempted in a heathen 246 OBJECT OF THE FIRST VISIT TO AVA. '247 or in a civilized country. The means and the manner of employing them are in both cases identical. The means consist in proclaiming the message of salva tion, and the manner is proclaiming it publicly, and from house to house. Nor is this labor, in either case, to be confined to ministers of the gospel, though they must undoubtedly devote themselves to it more exclu sively, since it is their appropriate, daily calling. It is the duty of every disciple to make disciples. " Let every one that heareth say, Come." And I think that, whenever this great duty is neglected, piety de cays, men are not converted, and the profession of Christianity soon becomes a name rather than a real ity. The Acts of the Apostles teach us the manner in which the gospel was promulgated in the earliest age of the church. It were well if Christians at home and abroad were guided more implicitly by the exam ples of those who spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost. We are never commanded to use indi rect means for the conversion of men. No dispensa tion is granted to any class of men by which they are permitted to perform this duty by deputy. Every disciple of Christ is commanded meekly and lovingly to urge the claims of the gospel upon his brethren immediately around him. If he would labor for the next generation, he must labor for them by converting the generation now living. God has appointed but one way for the reformation of men. It is the incul cation of moral truth upon others by those who have already felt its influence on themselves. The object of Mr. Judson's first visit to Ava was, to present to the king a petition in favor of religious liberty, or, in other Avords, to ask a ruler to permit his subjects to worship God. It has always seemed 248 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. to me worth while to inquire whether a course of this kind should be pursued by missionaries of the gospel. In the first place, I observe that the first Christian preachers never adopted such a measure. They made known to every one " the things which they had seen and heard." When arrested, they declared that they acted under a higher than human authority — an authority which they durst not, and would not, dis obey. When driven from one city, they fled to an other, every where preaching, but never asking per mission to preach. Again : if we strip this question of all accessories* it resolves itself simply into this : Can we properly ask one man to permit another man to obey God ? Can the refusal of one man to grant this permission discharge another man from the obligation to worship his Creator ? I think that but one answer can be given to these questions, and that this answer must preclude us from submitting a matter of this kind to the jurisdiction of man. By asking such a permis sion, we seem to admit the authority of a ruler to grant or to refuse it, and hence, in some sort, promise to be governed by his decision. This we have no right to do ; and hence I think it doubtful whether the permission should ever be sought. It may be urged that the case is modified when the government is a despotism, and life and property depend upon the caprice of a single man.. I do not see that this alters the case in any essential particular. Under such a government, the permission would be specially worthless ; for what was granted to-day might be withdrawn to-morrow. And again : when we have taught our converts to ask permission to obey God, what should we tell them to do when this FIRST VISIT TO AVA. 249 permission is withdrawn ? In the present instance, however, t.')is contingency did not arise. The wisdom of God had decreed that the seed of a Christian church in Burmah should be sown amid persecution almost unto death. In this soil it took root, and bore fruit, and its fruit has remained. The appeals to the government were unheeded ; but the jungles of Bur mah and its adjoining provinces have resounded with the praises of God and of his Christ. A type of piety has been created which could scarcely have existed under the fostering care of government. It is my opinion that Dr. Judson, in the later years of his life, would have looked upon this subject in the light in which I have now presented it. Journal. December 21. After having made arrangements for our wives' residence in town during our absence, brother Colman and myself embarked. Our boat is six feet wide in the mid dle, and forty feet long. A temporary deck of bamboos is laid throughout, and on the hinder part of the boat the sides are raised with thin boards, and a covering of thatch, and mats tied on, so as to form two low rooms, in which we can just sit and lie down. Our company consists of sixteen besides our selves : ten rowmen, a steersman, a head man, — whose name is inserted in our passport, and who, therefore, derives a little authority from government, — a steward or cook for the com pany, — which place is filled by our trusty Moung Nau, — our own cook, a Hindoo washerman, and an Englishman, who, having been unfortunate all his life, wishes to try the service of his Burman majesty ; and this last personage may be called our gunner, he having charge of several guns and blunder busses, which are indispensable on account of the robbers that infest the river. We have been much perplexed in fixing on a present for the emperor, without which no person unauthorized can appear ip 250 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. his presence. Our funds were eA'iiently inadequate to the purchase of articles which would be valuable to him in a pe cuniary point- of view : Avhen we considered, also, that there ought to be a congruity between the present and our charac? ter, we selected that book which we hope to be allowed to translate under his patronage, the Bible, in six volumes, cov ered with gold leaf, in Burman style, and each volume en closed in a rich wrapper. For presents to other members of government, we have taken several pieces of fine cloth and other articles. Thus manned and furnished, we pushed off from the shores » f Rangoon. The teacher Moung Shwa-gnong had not been to see us for several days, ashamed, probably, of having de clined accompanying us ; but just as we were pushing off, we saAv his tall form standing on the Avharf. He raised his hand to his head, and bade us adieu, and continued looking after the boat until a projecting point shut Rangoon and all its scenes from our view. When shah we redouble this little point ? Through what shall we pass ere the scene noAV snatched away be re-presented ? The expedition on which we have entered, however it may terminate, is unavoidably fraught with conse quences momentous and solemn beyond all conception. We are penetrating into the heart of one of the great kingdoms of the world, to make a formal offer of the gospel to a despotic monarch, and through him to the millions of his subjects. May the Lord accompany us, and crown our attempt with the desired success, if it be consistent with his wise and holy will. At night we moored by the banks of Kyee-myen-daing. It was near this place that, a few days ago, one of the boats be longing to Mr. G., late collector of Rangoon, was attacked by robbers, and the steersman and another man killed at a single shot. We felt unwilling to remain at this village, but found it necessary. On the 30th reached Kah-noung, a considerable town, about ninety miles from Rangoon. Here Ave met a special officer from Bassein, with a detachment of men, sent in pursuit of a band of robbers wl o lately made a daring attack on a large 1U J\. Y A. 251 boat, wounded and beat off the people, and took plunder to the amount of fifteen hundred ticals. The commander offered us an escort for the journey of to-morrow, which lies through a dangerous tract of country ; but Ave declined accepting, as we should have been obliged to give the people presents, without deriving any substantial assistance in the hour of danger. Strict watch all night. January 17, 1820, Reached Pugan, a city celebrated in Burman history, being, like Pyee, the seat of a former dynasty. It is about two hundred and sixty miles from Ran goon. January 18. Took a survey of the splendid pagodas and extensive ruins in the environs of this once famous city. As cended as far as possible some of the highest edifices, and, at the height of one hundred feet, perhaps, beheld all the country round, covered Avith temples and monuments of every sort and size ; pome in utter ruin, some fast decaying, and some exhib iting marks of recent attention and repair. The remains of the ancient wall of the city stretched beneath us. The pillars of the gates, and many a grotesque, decapitated rehc of an tiquity, checkered the motley scene. All conspired to suggest those elevated and mournful ideas which are attendant on a view of the decaying remains of ancient grandeur ; and, though not comparable to such ruins as those of Palmyra and Balbec, (as they are represented,) still deeply interesting to the antiquary, and more deeply interesting to the Christian missionary. Here, about eight hundred years ago, the re ligion of Boodh was first publicly recognized and established as the religion of the empire. Here, then, Ah-rah-han, the first Bobdhist apostle of Burmah, under the patronage of King Anan-ra-tha-men-zan, disseminated the doctrines of atheism, and taught his disciples to pant after annihilation, as the su preme good. Some of the ruins before our eyes were prob ably the remains of pagodas designed by himself. We looked. back on the centuries of darkness that are past. We looked forward, and Christian hope would fain brighten the prospect. Perhaps we stand on the dividing line of the empires of dark- 252 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. ness and Ught. O shade of Ah-rah-han, Aveep over thy falling fanes ; retire from the scenes of thy past greatness. But thou smilest at my feeble voice. Linger, then, thy little re maining day. A voice mightier than mine, a still small voice, will ere long sweep away every vestige of thy dominion. The churches of Jesus will soon supplant these idolatrous monu ments, and the chanting of the devotees of Boodh will die away before the Christian hymn of praise. January 25. Passed Old Ava, the seat of the dynasty immediately preceding the present, and Tsah-gaing, a place of some note, distinguished for its innumerable pagodas, and the residence of one or two late emperors, and about noon drew up to O-ding-man, the lower landing-place of New Ava, or Amarapoora, about three hundred and fifty miles from Rangoon. At our present distance of nearly four miles from the city, (and we cannot get nearer this season,) it appears to the worst advantage. We can hardly distinguish the golden steeple of the palace amid the glittering pagodas, whose sum mits just suffice to mark the spot of our ultimate destination. January 26. We set out early in the morning, called on Mr. G., late collector of Rangoon, and on Mr. R., who was formerly collector, but is now out of favor. Thence we en tered the city, passed the palace, and repaired to the house of Mya-day-men, former viceroy of Rangoon, noAv one of the public ministers of state, (Avoon-gyee.) We gave him a valu able present, and another of less value to his Avife, the lady who formerly treated Mr. G. with so much politeness. They both received us very kindly, and appeared to interest them selves in our success. We, however, did not disclose our precise object, but only petitioned leave to behold the golden face. Upon this, his highness committed our business to Moung Yo, one of his favorite officers, and directed him to introduce us to Moung Zah, one of the private ministers of state, (a-twen-woon,) with the necessary orders. This partic ular favor of Mya-day-men prevents the necessity of our petitioning and feeing all the public ministers of state, and procuring formal permission from the high court of the empire, imaoi VIOll 1U AVA. 253 In the evening, Moung Yo, who lives near our boat, called on us to say that he would conduct us to-morrow. We lie down in sleepless anxiety. To-morrow's dawn will usher in the most eventful day of our lives. To-morrow's eve will ".lose on the bloom or the blight of our fondest hopes. Yet it is consoling to commit this business into the hands of our heavenly Father — to feel that the work is his, not ours ; that the heart of the monarch before whom Ave are to appear is under the control of Omnipotence ; and that the event will be ordered in the manner most conducive to the divine glory and the greatest good. God may, for the wisest purposes, suffer our hopes to be disappointed ; and if so, why should short sighted, mortal man repine ? Thy will, O God, be ever done ; for thy will is inevitably the wisest and the best. January 27. We left the boat, and put ourselves under the conduct of Moung Yo. He carried us first to Mya-day- men, as a matter of form ; and there we learned that the emperor had been privately apprised of our arrival, and said, " Let them be introduced." We therefore proceeded to the palace. At the outer gate, we were detained a long time, until the various officers were satisfied that we had a right to enter, after which we deposited a present for the private min ister of state, Moung Zah, and were ushered into his apart ments in the palace yard. He received us very pleasantly, and ordered us to sit before several governors and petty kings, who were waiting at his levee. We here, for the first time, disclosed our character and object — told him that we were missionaries, or " propagators of rehgion ; " that we wished to appear before the emperor, and present our sacred books, accompanied with a petition. He took the petition into his hand, looked over about half of it, and then familiarly asked several questions about our God and our religion, to which we rephed. Just at this crisis, some one annourced that the golden foot was about to advance ; on which the minister hastily rose up, and put on his robes of state, saying that he must seize the moment to present us to the emperor. We now found that we had unwittingly fallen on an unpropitious vol. i. 22 254 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. time, it being the day of the celebration of the late victory over the Kathays, and the very hour when his majesty was coming forth to witness the display made on the occasion. When the minister was dressed, he just said, " How can you propagate religion in this empire ? But come along." Our hearts sank at these inauspicious words. He conducted us through various splendor and parade, until we ascended a flight of stairs, and entered a most magnificent hall. He directed us where to sit, and took his place on one side ; the present was placed on the other ; and Moung Yo and another officer of Mya-day-men sat a little behind. The scene to which we were now introduced really surpassed our expecta tion. The spacious extent of the hall, the number and mag nitude of the pillars, the height of the dome, the whole com pletely covered with gold, presented a most grand and im posing spectacle. Very few were present, and those evidently great officers of state. Our situation prevented us from see ing the farther avenue of the hall ; but the end where we sat opened into the parade which the emperor was about to in spect. We remained about five minutes, Avhen every one put himself into the most respectful attitude, and Moung Yo whispered that his majesty had entered. We looked through the hall as far as the pillars would allow, and presently caught sight of this modern Ahasuerus. He came forward unat tended, — in solitary grandeur, — exhibiting the proud gait and majesty of an eastern monarch. His dress was rich, but not distinctive ; and he carried in his hand the gold-sheathed sword, Avhich seems to have taken the place of the sceptre of ancient times. But it was his high aspect and commanding eye that chiefly riveted our attention. He strided on. Every head excepting ours was now in the dust. We remained kneeling, our hands folded, our eyes fixed on the monarch. When he drew near, we caught his attention. He stopped, partly turned towards us — " Who are these ? " " The teachers, great king," I replied. "What, you speak Burman — the priests that I heard of last night ? " " When did you arrive ? " " Are you teachers of religion ? " " Are you like the Porta- F1KST VISIT TO AVA. 255 guese priest ? " " Are you married ? " " Why do you dress so ? " These and some other similar questions we answered, when he appeared to be pleased with us, and sat down on an elevated seat, his hand resting on the hilt of his sword, and his eyes intently fixed on us. Moung Zah now began to read the petition ; and it ran thus : — " The American teachers present themselves to receive the favor of the excellent king, the sovereign of land and sea. Hearing that, on account of the greatness of the royal power, the royal country was in a quiet and prosperous state, we ar rived at the town of Rangoon, within the royal dominions, and having obtained leave of the governor of that town to come up and behold the golden face, we have ascended and reached the bottom of the golden feet. In the great country of Amer ica, we sustain the character of teachers and explainers of the contents of the sacred Scriptures of our religion. And since it is contained in those Scriptures, that, if we pass to other coun tries, and preach and propagate religion, great good will result, and both those who teach and those who receive the religion will be freed from future punishment, and enjoy, without decay or death, the eternal felicity of heaven, — that royal permission be given, that we, taking refuge in the royal power, may preach our religion in these dominions, and that those who are pleased with our preaching, and wish to listen to and be guid ed by it, whether foreigners or Burmans, may be exempt from government molestation, they present themselves to receive the favor of the excellent king, tne sovereign of land and sea." The emperor heard this petition, and stretched out his hand. Moung Zah crawled forward and presented it. His majesty began at the top, and deliberately read it through. In the mean time, I gave Moung Zah an abridged copy of the tract, in which every offensive sentence was corrected, and the whole put into the handsomest style and dress possible. After the emperor had perused the petition, he handed it back without saying a word, and took the tract. Our hearts now rose to God f,tember. The following extracts from Mr.Wudson's journal relate the most important incidents of this second visit to the capital of the empire. Journal. After much tedious detention, resulting from our connection with government, brother Price and myself set out from Ran goon on the 28th of August, in a boat furnished at the public expense, and on the 27th of September reached Ava, the present capital, a few miles below A-ma-ra-poo-ra. We were immediately introduced to the king, who received brother Price very graciously, and made many inquiries about his medical skill, but took no notice of me, except as interpreter. The a-twen-woon Moung Zah, however, immediately recog nized me, made a few inquiries about my welfare, in presence of the king, and, after his majesty had Avithdrawn, conversed a little on religious subjects, and gave me some private encour agement to remain at the capital. October 1. To-day the king noticed me for the first time, though I. have appeared before him nearly every day since our arrival. After making some inquiries, as usual, about brother SECOND VISIT TO AVA. 307 Price, Le added, " Ai.d you in black, what are you ? A medi cal man, too ? " " Not a medical man, but a teacher of reh gion, your majesty." He proceeded to make a few inquiries about my religion, and then put the alarming question whether any had embraced it. I evaded, by saying, " Not here." He persisted. " Are there any in Rangoon ? " " There are a few." " Are they foreigners ? " I trembled for the consequences of an answer, which might involve the little church in ruin ; but the truth must be sacrificed, or the consequences hazarded, and I therefore replied, " There are some foreigners, and some Burmans." He remained silent a few moments, but presently showed that he was not displeased, by asking a great variety of questions on religion, and geography, and astronomy, some of which were answered in such a satisfactory manner as to occasion a general expression of approbation in all the court present. After his majesty retired, a than-dau-sen (a royal secretary) entered into conversation, and allowed me to expa tiate on several topics of the Christian religion, in my usual way. And all this took place in the hearing of the very man, now an a-twen-woon, who, many years ago, caused his uncle to be tortured almost to death under the iron mall, for renoun cing Boodhism, and embracing the Roman Catholic religion ; but I knew it not at the time, though, from his age, a slight suspicion of the truth passed across my mind. Thanks to God for the encouragement of this day ! The monarch of the empire has distinctly understood that some of his subjects have embraced the Christian religion, and his wrath has been restrained. Let us, then, hope that, as he becomes more acquainted Avith the excellence of the religion, he will be more and more Avilling that his subjects should embrace it. October 3. Left the boat, and moved into the house ordered to be erected for us by the king. A mere temporary shed, however, it Droves to be, scarcely sufficient to screen us from the gaze of people without, or from the rain above. It is sit uated near the present palace, and joins the enclosure of Prince M., eldest half brother of the king. October 4. On our return from the palace, whither we gro 308 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. every morning after breakfast, Prince M. sent for me. I had seen him once before, in company with brother Price, whom h«' called for medical advice. To-day he wished to converse on science and religion. He is a fine young man of twenty-eigh :, but greatly disfigured by a paralytic affection of the arms and legs. Being cut off from the usual sources of amusement, and having associated a little Avith the Portuguese padres who have lived at Ava, he has acquired a strong taste for foreign science. My communications interested him very much, and I found it difficult to get away, until brother Price sent expressly for me to go again to the palace. October 15. For ten days past, have been confined with the fever and ague. To-day, just able to go to the palace, and have a little conversation with some of the court officers. Afterwards visited Prince M. October 16. Had a very interesting conversation, in the palace, with two of the a-twen-woons and several officers, on the being of God, and other topics of the Christian religion. Some of "them manifested a spirit of candor and free inquiry, which greatly encouraged me. October 21. Visited the a-twen-woon Moung Zah, and had a long conversation on the religion and customs of foreigners, in which I endeavored to communicate as much as possible of the gospel. Upon the whole, he appeared to be rather favor ably disposed, and, on my taking leave, invited me respect fully to visit him occasionally. Thence I proceeded to the palace, but met with nothing noticeable, and thence to the house of Prince M., with whom I had an hour's uninterrupted conversation. But I am sorry to find that he is rather amused with the information I give him, than disposed to consider it a matter of personal concern. I presented him Avith a tract, Avhich he received as a favor ; and finally I ventured to ask him whether Burman subjects who should consider and em brace the Christian religion would be liable to persecution. He replied, " Not under the reign of my brother. He has a good heart, and wishes all to believe and wn-ship as they please." SECOND VISIT TO AVA. 309 Oc.ober 22. Brother Price went to A-ma-ra-poo-ra, to meet a gentleman just arrived from Rangoon, who, we hope, may have letters for us. Made an introductory visit to Prince T., second own brother of the king. He received me with the affability which characterizes his intercourse with foreigners. At night brother Price returned, with a large parcel of letters, and magazines, and newspapers from our beloved, far-distant native land, and, what vras still more interesting to me, eight sheets from Mrs. Judson, on her passage towards England — the first direct intelligence I have received from her since she left Madras roads. The divine blessing appears to have crowned her efforts, and those of the pious captain of the ship, to the hopeful conversion of several souls, and, among others, the ladies of a family of rank, her fellow-passengers. At the last date, April 24, she was under the line, in the Atlantic, and experienced a slight return of her complaint, after having long indulged the hope that it Avas completely removed. A single line from Bengal informs me of the death of our dear brother Colman, but leaves me ignorant of all the particulars. May our bereaved sister be supported under this heaviest of all afflictions ; and may the severe loss which the mission has sustained be sanctified to us all. October 23. Had some pleasant conversation with Moung Zah in the palace, partly in the hearing of the king. At length his majesty came forward, and honored me with some personal notice for the second time, inquired much about my country, and authorized me to invite American ships to his dominions, assuring them of protection, and offering every facility for the purposes of trade. October 24. Visited Moung Zah at his house. He treated me with great reserve, and repelled all attempts at conversa tion. Afterwards called or Prince M., and spent a long time Avith him and the officers in waiting. The whole tract was read before them by one of the secretaries. In the afternoon, went out of town, to visit Moung Sbwa-thah, former viceroy of Rangoon. During our absence, Prince M, sent to our house to call me, saying than a learned pundit, was in attend- 310 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. ance, with Avhom he wished to hear me converse. I mention the circumstance as somewhat indicative of the prince's mind. October 26. While I lay ill with the fever and ague, some days ago, a young man, brother of an officer of Prince M., visited me, and listened to a considerable exposition of gospel truth. Since then he has occasionally called, and manifested a desire to hear and know more. This evening he came to attend our evening Avorship, and remained conversing till nine o'clock. I hope that light is dawning on his mind. He desires to know the truth, appears to be, in some degree, sensible of his sins, and has some slight apprehension of the love and grace of the Lord Jesus Christ. October 28. Spent the forenoon with Prince M. He ob tained, for the first time, (though I have explained it to him many times,) somgview of the nature of the atonement, and cried out, " Good! good ! " He then proposed a number of objections, which I removed to his apparent satisfaction. Our subsequent conversation turned, as usual, on points of geog raphy and astronomy. He candidly acknowledged that lie could not resist my arguments in favor of the Copernican system, and that, if he admitted them, he must also admit that the Boodhist system was overthroAvn. In the afternoon, visited Prince T. A hopeless case. October 29. Made an introductory visit to the Great Prince, so called by way of eminence, being the only brother of the queen, and sustaining the rank of chief a-twen-woon. Have frequently met him at the palace, where he has treated me rather uncourteously ; and my reception to-day was such as 1 had too much reason to expect. October 30. Spent part of the forenoon with Prince M. and his wife, the Princess of S., own sister of the king. Gave her a copy of Mrs. Judson's Burman catechism, with which she was much pleased. They both appear to be some what attached to me, and say, " Do not return to Rangoon, but, when your wife arrives, call her to Ava. The king will give you a piece of ground on which to build a kyoung " — a house appropriated to the residence of sacred characters. In SECOND VISIT TO AVA. 311 the evening, they sent for me again, chiefly on account of an officer of government, to whom they wished to introduce me. October 31. Visited the a-twen-woon Moung K., whom I have frequently met at the palace, Avho has treated me with distinguished candor. He received me very politely, and, laying aside his official dignity, entered into a most spirited dispute on various points of religion. He pretended to main tain his ground without the shadow of doubt ; but I am inchned to think that he has serious doubts. We parted in a very friendly manner, and he invited me to visit him occa sionally. November 12. Spent the Avhole forenoon Avith Prince M. and his Avife. Made a fuller disclosure than ever before of the nature of the Christian religion, the object of Christians in sending me to this country, my former repulse at court and the reason of it, our exposure to persecution in Rangoon, the affair of Moung Shwa-gnong, &c, &c. They entered into my views and feelings Avith considerable interest ; but both said, decidedly, that, though the king would not himself persecute any one on account of religion, he would not give any order exempting from persecution, but would leave his subjects, throughout the empire, to the regular administration of the local authorities. After giving the prince a succinct account of my religious experience, I ventured to warn him of his danger, and urge him to make 'the Christian religion his immediate personal concern. He appeared, for a moment, to feel the force of what I said, but soon replied, "I am yet young — only twenty- eight. I am desirous of studying all the foreign arts and sci ences. My mind will then be enlarged, and I shah be capa ble of judging whether the Christian rehgion be true or not." "But suppose your highness changes worlds in the mean time." His countenance again fell. "It is true," said he, " I knoAv not when I shah die." I suggested that it would be well to pray to God for light, which, if obtained, would enable him at once to distinguish between truth and falsehood ; and so we parted. 0 Fountain of Light, shed down one ray 312 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. into the mind of this amiable prince, that he may become a patron of thine infant cause, and inherit an eternal crown. November 14. Another interview with Prince M. He seemed, at one time, almost ready to give up the religion of Gaudama, and listened with much eagerness and pleasure to the evidences of the Christian religion. But presently two Burman teachers came in, Avith whom he immediately joined, le room, roughly seized him by the arm, pulled hi stti?»onSj ped him of all Ms clothes excepting shirt and pai§, tole drPk his shoes, hat, and ah his bedding, tore off hia,^''ie«w npi a rope round his waist, and dragged him to the cJuVWfouse, Avhere the other prisoners had previously been taken. They were then tied two and tAvo, and (delivered into the hands of the lamine-woon, who went onrbefore them on horseback, while his slaves drove the prisoners, one of the slaves holding the rope which con nected two of them together. It was in May, one of the hot test monfchs in the year, and eleAren o'clock in the day, so that the sun/ was intolerable indeed. They had proceeded only half ef, mile, when your brother's feet became blistered ; and so great Avas his agony, even at this early period, that as they were crossing the little river, he ardently longed to throw himself into the water to be free from misery. But the sin attached to such an act alone prevented. They had then eight miles to walk. The sand and gravel were like burning coals to the feet of the prisoners, Avhich soon became perfectly destitute of skin ; and in this wretched state they were goaded on by their unfeeling drivers. Mr. Judson's debilitated state, in consequence of fever, and having taken no food that morn ing, rendered him less capable of bearing such hardships than the other prisoners. When about half Avay on their journey, OUNG-PEN-LA. 357 as they stopped for water, youi brother begged thelamine- Avoon to allow him tc ride his hoise a mile or two, as he could proceed no farther in that dreadful state. But a scornful, malignant look was all the reply that was made. He then requested Captain Laird, Avho was tied with him, and who Avas a strong, healthy man, to allow him to take hold of his shoulder, as he was fast sinking. This the kind-hearted man granted for a mile or two, but then found the additional bur den insupportable. Just at that period, Mr. Gouger's Ben galee servant came up to them, and, seeing the distresses of your brother, took off his headdress, Avhich was made of cloth, tore it in two, gave half to his master, and half to Mr. Judson, Avliich he instantly wrapped round his wounded feet, as they were not allowed to rest even for a moment. The servant then offered his shoulder to Mr. Judson, who was almost carried by him the remainder of the Avay. Had it not been for the support and assistance of this man, your brother thinks he should have shared the fate of the poor Greek, Avho was one of their number, and, when taken out of prison that morning, was in perfect health. But he Avas a corpulent man, and the sun affected him so much that he fell down on the way. His inhuman drivers beat and dragged him until they themselves were wearied, when they procured a cart, in which he was carried the remaining tAvo miles. But the poor crea ture expired in an hour or two after their arrival at the court house. The lamine-Avoon, seeing the distressing state of the prisoners, and that one of their number was dead, concluded they should go no farther that night ; otherwise they would have been driven on until they reached Oung-pen-la the same day. An old shed was appointed for their abode during the night, but Avithout even a mat or pillow, or any thing to cover them. The curiosity of the lamine-woon's wife induced her to make a visit to the prisoners, whose wretchedness consid erably excited her compassion, and she ordered some fruit, sugar, and tamarinds for their refreshment ; and the next morning, rice was prepared for them and, poor as it was, it was refreshing to the prisoners, who had been almost destitute 358 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. of food the day before. Carts Avere also provided for their conveyance, as none of them Avere able to walk. Ah this time, the foreigners were entirely ignorant of what was to become of them ; and Avhen they arrived at Oung-pen-la, and saAV the dilapidated state of the prison, they immediately, all as one, concluded that they were there to be burned, agreeably to the report Avhich had previously been in circulation at Ava. They all endeavored to prepare themselves for the awful scene anticipated ; and it Avas not until they saAV preparations making for repairing the prison, that they had the least doubt that a cruel, lingering death aAvaited them. My arrival was in an hour or two after this. The next morning, I arose, and endeavored to find some thing like food. But there was no market, and nothing to be procured. One of Dr. Price's friends, however, brought some cold rice and vegetable curry from Amarapoora, Avhich, together with a cup of tea from Mr. Lanciego, an swered for the breakfast of the prisoners ; and for dinner we made a curry of dried salt fish, which a servant of Mr. Gou- ger had brought. All the money I could command in the world I had brought with me, secreted about my person ; so you may judge what our prospects were, in case the war should continue long. But our heavenly Father was better to us than our fears ; for, notwithstanding the constant extor tions of the jailers during the Avhole six months we were at Oung-pen-la, and the frequent straits to which we were brought, we never really suffered for the Avant of money, though frequently for want of provisions, which were not pro curable. Here at this place my personal bodily sufferings commenced. While your brother was confined in the city prison, I had been allowed to remain in our house, in which I had many conveniences left, and my health had continued good beyond all expectation. But now I had not a single article of convenience — not even a chair or seat of any kind, excepting a bamboo floor. The very morning after my arri val, Mary Hasseltine was taken Avith the small-pox, the natu ral way. She, though very young, Avas the only assistant I OUNG-PEN-LA. 359 had in taking care of little Maria. But she now required all the time I could spare from Mr. Judson, Avhose fever still continued, in prison, and Avhose feet were so dreadfully man gled that for several days he was unable to move. I kneAV not what to do, for I could procure no assistance from the neighborhood, or medicine for the sufferers, but was all day long going backwards and forwards from the house to the prison with little Maria in my arms. Sometimes I was greatly relieved by leaving her for an hour, when asleep, by the side of her father, while I returned to the house to look after Mary, whose fever ran so high as to produce delirium. She was so completely covered with the small-pox, that there was no distinction in the pustules. As she was in the same little room with myself, I knew Maria Avould take it ; I there fore inoculated her from another child, before Mary's had arrived at such a state as to be infectious. At the same time, I inoculated Abby and the jailer's children, who all had it so lightly as hardly to interrupt their play. But the inoculation in the arm of my poor little Maria did not take ; she caught it of Mary, and had it the natural way. She Avas then only three months and a half old, and had been a most healthy child ; but it was above three months before she perfectly recovered from the effects of this dreadful disorder. You wiU recollect I never had the small-pox, but was vac cinated previously to leaving America. In consequence of being for so long a time constantly exposed, I had nearly a. hundred pustules formed, though no previous symptoms of fever, &c. The jailer's children having had the small-pox so lightly, in consequence of inoculation, my fame was spread ah over the village, and every child, young and old, Avho had not previously had it, was brought for inoculation. And although I knew nothing about the disorder, or the mode of treating it, I inoculated them all with a needle, and told them to take care of their diet — all the instructions I could give them. Mr. Judson's health was gradually restored, and he found himself much moie comfortably situated than when in the city prison. 360 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. The prisoners were at first chained two and two ; but as soon as the jailers could obtain chains sufficient, they were separated, and each prisoner had but one pair. The prison was repaired, a new fence made, and a large, airy shed erect ed in front of the prison, where the prisoners were ahowed to remain during the day, though locked up in the little close prison at night. All the children recovered from the small pox ; but my Avatchings and fatigue, together with my misera ble food, and more miserable lodgings, brought on one of the diseases of the country, which is almost always fatal to for eigners. My constitution seemed destroyed, and in a few days I became so weak as to be hardly able to Avalk to Mr. Judson's prison. In this debilitated state I set off in a cart for Ava, to procure medicines and some suitable food, leaving the cook to supply my place. I reached the house in safety, and for two or three days the disorder seemed at a stand; after which it attacked me so violently that I had no hopes of recovery left ; and my only anxiety now was, to return to Oung-pen-la, to die near the prison. It was with the great est difficulty that I obtained the medicine chest from the gov ernor, and then had no one to administer medicine. I, how ever, got at the laudanum, and by taking two drops at a time for several hours, it so far checked the disorder as to enable me to get on board a boat, though so weak that I could not stand, and again set off for Oung-pen-la. The last four miles •Avas in that painful conveyance, the cart, and in the midst of the rainy season, when the mud almost buries the oxen. You may form some idea of a Burmese cart, when I tell you their Avheels are not constructed like ours, but are simply round thick planks with a hole in the middle, through which a pole, that supports the body, is thrust. I just reached Oung pen-la when my strength seemed entirely exhausted. The good native cook came out to help me into the house ; but so altered and emaciated was my appearance, that the poor fellow burst into tears at the first sight. I crawled on to the mat in the little room, to Avhich I was con fined for more than two months, and never perfectly recovered OUNG-PEN-LA. 36! until I came to the Enghsh camp. At this period, when I was unable to take care of myself, or look after Mr. Judson, we must both have died, had it not been for the faithful and affectionate care of our Bengalee cook. A common Bengalee cook will do nothing but the simple business of cooking ; but he seemed to forget his caste, and almost his own wants, in his efforts to serve us. He would provide, cook, and carry your brother's food, and then return and take care of me. I have frequently knoAvn him not to taste of food till near night, in consequence of having to go so far for wood and Avater, and ir, order to have Mr. Judson's dinner ready at the usual hour. He never complained, never asked for his wages, and never for a moment hesitated to go any Avhere, or to perform any act Ave required. I take great pleasure in speaking of the faith ful conduct of this servant, who is still with us, and I trust has been well rewarded for his services. Our dear little Maria was the greatest sufferer at this time, my illness depriving her of her usual nourishment, and neither a nurse nor a drop of milk could be procured in the village. By making presents to the jailers, I obtained leave for Mr. Judson to come out of prison, and take the emaciated creature around the village, to beg a little nourishment from those moth ers who had young children. Her cries in the night were heart-rending, when it was impossible to supply her wants. I now began to think the very afflictions of Job had come upon me. When in health, I could bear the various trials and . vicissitudes through which I was called to pass. But to be confined with sickness, and unable to assist those who were so dear to me, when in distress, Avas almost too much for me to bear ; and had it not been for the consolations of religion, and an assured conviction that every additional trial was ordered by infinite love and mercy, I must have sunk under my accu mulated sufferings. Sometimes our jailers seemed a little softened at our distress* and, for several days together, allowed Mr. Judson to come to the house, Avhich was to me an unspeak able consolation. Then, again, they Avould be as iron-hearted in their demands as though we were free from lufferings, and vol. i. 31 362 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. in affluent circumstances. The annoyance, the extortions and oppressions, to Avhich Ave Avere subject during our sis months' residence in Oung-pen-la, arc beyond enumeration or description. It was some time after our arrival at Oung-pen-la that we heard of the execution of the pakan-woon, in consequence of which our lives were still preserved. For we afterwards ascertained that the white foreigners had been sent to Oung- pen-la for the express purpose of sacrificing them ; and that he himself intended witnessing the horrid scene. We had fre quently heard of his intended arrival at Oung-pen-la, but we had no idea of his diabolical purposes. He had raised an army of fifty thousand men, (a tenth part of whose advance pay was found in his house,) and expected to march against the English army in a short time, when he was suspected of high treason, and instantly executed, without the least exam ination. Perhaps no death in Ava ever produced such uni versal rejoicings as that of the pakan-woon. We never, to this day, hear his name mentioned but with an epithet of reproach or hatred. Another brother of the king was appoint ed to the command of the army now in readiness, but with no very sanguine expectations of success. Some weeks after the departure of these troops, tAvo of the woon-gyees were sent doAvn for the purpose of negotiating. But not being success ful, the queen's brother, the acting king of the country, Avas prevailed on to go. Great expectations were raised in conse quence ; but his cowardice induced him to encamp his detach ment of the army at a great distance from the English, and even at a distance from the main body of the Burmese army, whose head quarters were then at Maloun. Thus he effected nothing, though reports were continually reaching us that peace was nearly concluded. The time at length arrived for our release from the dreary scenes of Oung-pen-la. A messenger from our friend, the governor of the north gate of the palace, informed us that an order had been given, the evening before, in the palace, for Mr. Judson's release. On the same evening an official order TRANSFERRED TO THE BURMESE CAMP. 363 arrived ; and, Avith a joyful heart, I set about preparing for our departure early the following morning. But an unex pected obstacle occurred, which made us fear that /should still be retained as a prisoner. The avaricious jailers, unwilling to lose theh prey, insisted that, as my name was not included in the order, I should not go. In vain I urged that I was not sent there as a prisoner, and that they had no authority over me ; they still determined I should not go, and forbade the villagers from letting me a cart. Mr. Judson was then taken out of prison, and brought to the jailers' house, where, by promises and threatenings, he finally gained their consent, on condition that we Avould leaAre the remaining part of our pro visions Ave had recently received from Ava. It was noon before we were allowed to depart. When we reached Ama rapoora, Mr. Judson was obliged to follow the guidance of the jailer, who conducted him to the governor of the city. Hav ing made all necessary inquiries, the governor appcruted another guard, which conveyed Mr. Judson to the court house in Ava, at which place he arrived some time in the night. I took my oAvn course, procured a boat, and reached our house before dark. My first object, the next morning, was to go in search of your brother ; and I had the mortification to meet him again in prison, though not the death prison. I went immediately to my old friend, the governor of the city, Avho now was raised to the rank of a woon-gyee. He informed me that Mr. Jud son was to be sent to the Burmese camp, to act as translator and interpreter ; and that he was put in confinement for a short time only, till his affairs were settled. Early the fol- loAving morning I went to this officer again, who told me that Mr. Judson had that moment received twenty ticals from government, with orders to go immediately on board a boat for Maloun, and that he had given him permission to stop a feAv moments at the house, it being on his way. I hastened back to the house, where Mr. Judson soon arrived, but was allowed to remain only a short time, Avhile I could prepare food and clothing for future use. He was crowded into a 364 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. little boat, wnere he had not room sufficient to lie down, and where his exposure to the cold, damp nights threw him into a violent fever, Avhich had nearly ended all his sufferings. He arrived at Maloun on the third day, Avhere, ill as he was, he was obliged to enter immediately on the Avork of translating. He remained at Maloun six weeks, suffering as much as he had at any time in prison, excepting he was not in irons, nor exposed to the insults of those cruel jailers. For the first fortnight after his departure, my anxiety Avas less than it had been at any time previously since the com mencement of our difficulties. I knew the Burmese officers at the camp would feel the value of Mr. Judson's services too much to allow their using any measures threatening his life. I thought his situation, also, would be much more comfortable than it really was ; hence my anxiety was less. But my health, which had never been restored since that violent attack at Oung-pen-la, now daily declined, till I Avas seized with the spotted fever, with all its attendant horrors. I knew the na ture of the fever from its commencement ; and, from the shat tered state of my constitution, together with the want of med ical attendants, I concluded it must be fatal. The day I was taken with the fever, a Burmese nurse came and offered her services for Maria. This circumstance filled me with grati tude and confidence in God ; for, though I had so long and so constantly made efforts to obtain a person of this description, I had never been able ; when at the very time I most needed one, and Avithout any exertion, a voluntary offer was made. My fever raged violently, and without any intermission. I began to think of settling my Avorldly affairs, and of commit ting my dear little Maria to the care of a Portuguese Avoman, Avhen I lost my reason, and was insensible to all around me. At this dreadful period, Dr. Price Avas released from prison, and hearing of my illness, obtained permission to come and see me. He has since told me that my situation was the most distressing he had ever Avitnessed, and that he did not then think I should survive many hours. My hair was shaved, my head and feet covered with blisters, and Dr. Price ordered the IMPRISONED IN AVA. 365 Bengalee servant who took care of me to endeavor to per suade me to take a little nourishment, Avhich I had obstinately refused for several days. One of the first things I recollect Avas seeing this faithful servant standing by me, trying to in duce me to take a little wine and water. I was, in fact, so far gone that the Burmese neighbors, Avho had come in to see me expire, said, " She is dead ; and if the King of angels should come in, he could not recover her." The fever, I afterwards understood, had run seventeen days Avhen the blisters were applied. I now began to recover slowly, but it was more than a month after this before I had strength to stand. While in this Aveak, debilitated state, the servant who had folloAved your brother to the Burmese camp came in, and informed me that his master had arrived, and Avas conducted to the court house in toAvn. I sent off a Bur man to watch the movements of government, and to ascertain, if possible, in what way Mr. Judson was to be disposed of. He soon returned with the sad intelligence that he saw Mr. Judson go out of the palace yard, accompanied by two or three Burmans, who conducted him to one of the prisons, and that it Avas reported in toAvn that he Avas to be sent back to the Oung-pen-la prison. I was too weak to bear ill tidings of any kind ; but a shock so dreadful as this almost annihilated me. For some time I could hardly breathe, but at last gained suf ficient composure to despatch Moung Ing to our friend, the governor of the north gate, and begged him to make one more effort for the release of Mr. Judson, and prevent his being sent back to the country prison, where I knew he must suffer much, as I could not follow. Moung Ing then went in search of Mr. Judson ; and it was nearly dark when he found him, in the interior of an obscure prison. I had sent food early in the afternoon ; but being unable to find him, the bearer had re turned with it, which added another pang to my distresses, as I feared he was already sent to Oung-pen-la. If I ever felt the value and efficacy of prayer, I did at this time. I could, not rise from my couch ; I could make.no ef forts to secure my husband ; I could only plead with that 31* 366 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. great and poAverful Being Avho has said, " Call upon me in the day of trouble, and I will hear, and thou shalt glorify me," and who made me at this time feel so powerfully this promise that I became quite composed, feeling assured that my prayers Avould be answered. When Mr. Judson Avas sent from Maloun to Ava, it was Avithin five minutes' notice, and without his knowledge of the cause. On his Avay up the river, he accidentally saAV the communication made to government respecting him, which was simply this : " We have no further use for Yiidathan ; Ave therefore return him to the golden city." On arriving at the court house, there happened to be no one present who was acquainted Avith Mr. Judson. The presiding officer inquired from Avhat place he had been sent to Maloun. He was an swered, from Oung-pen-la. " Let him, then," said the officer, " be returned thither ; " when he was delivered to a guard and conducted to the place above mentioned, there to remain until he could be conveyed to Oung-pen-la. In the mean time, the governor of the north gate presented a petition to the high court of the empire, offered himself as Mr. Judson's security, obtained his release, and took him to his house, where he treated him Avith considerable kindness, and to Avhich I Avas removed as soon as returning health Avould allow. The advance of the English army towards the capital at this time threw the whole town into the greatest state of alarm, and convinced the government that some speedy meas ures must be taken to save the golden city. They had hith erto rejected ah the overtures of Sir Archibald Campbell, imagining, until this late period, that they could in some Avay or other drive the English from the country. Mr. Judson and Dr. Price were daily called to the palace and consulted ; in fact, nothing Avas done without their approbation. Two English officers, also, Avho had lately been brought to Ava as prisoners, were continually consulted, and their good offices requested in endeavoring to persuade the British general to make peace on easier terms. It was finally concluded that Mr. ludson and one of the officers above nr entioned should be MESSENGERS TO THE ENGLISH CAMP. 367 sent immediately to the English camp, in order to negotiate. The danger attached to a situation so responsible, under a government so fickle as the Burmese, induced your brother to use every means possible to prevent his being sent. Dr. Price was not only willing, but desirous of going ; this circumstance Mr. Judson represented to the members of government, and begged he might not be compelled to go, as Dr. Price eould transact the business equally as well as himself. After some hesitation and deliberation, Dr. Price was appointed to accom pany Dr. Sandford, one of the English officers, on condition that Mr. Judson would stand security for his return, Avhile the other English officer, then in irons, should be security for Dr. Sandford. The king gave them a hundred ticals each to bear their expenses, (twenty-five of Avhich Dr. Sandford generously sent to Mr. Gouger, still a prisoner at Oung-pen- la,) boats, men, and a Burmese officer to accompany them, though he ventured no farther than the Burman 'camp. With the most anxious solicitude the court Avaited the arrival of the messengers, but did not in the least relax in their exertions to fortify the city. Men and beasts were at work night and day, making new stockades and strengthening old ones, and what ever buildings were in their way Avere immediately torn down. Our house, Avith all that surrounded it, was levelled to the ground, and our beautiful little compound turned into a road and a place for the erection of cannon. All articles of value were conveyed out of town, and safely deposited in some other place. At length the boat in which the ambassadors had been sent aves seen approaching, a day earlier than Avas expected. As it advanced towards the city, the banks were lined by thou sands, anxiously inquiring their success. But no answer was given ; the government must first hear the news. The palace gates were crowded, the officers at the lut-d'hau Avere seated, Avhen Dr. Prior made the following communication : " The general and commissioners will make no alteration in their terms, except the hundred lacks [a lack is a hundred thou sand] of rupees may be paid at four different times ; the first 368 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. v tAventy-five lacks to be paid within twelve days, or the army will continue their march." In addition to this, the prisoners Avere to be given up immediately. The general had commis sioned Dr. Price to demand Mr. Judson, and myself, and little Maria. This Avas communicated to the king, who replied, u They are not English ; they are my people, and shall not go." At this time I had no idea that we should ever be re leased from Ava. The government had learned the value of your brother's services, having employed him the last three months ; and AA'e both concluded they would never consent to our departure. The foreigners Avere again called to a consul tation, to see Avhat could be clone. Dr. Price and Mr. Judson told them plainly that the English Avould never make peace on any other terms than those offered, and that it Avas in vain to go doAvn again without the money. It was then proposed that a third part of the first sum demanded should be sent down immediately. Mr. Judson objected, and still said it Avould be useless. Some of the members of government then intimated that it Avas probable the teachers Avere on the side of the English, and did not try to make them take a smaller sum ; and also threatened, if they did not make the English comply, they and their families should suffer. In this interval, the fears of the government were consid erably allayed by the offers of a general, by name Layar- thoo-yah, who desired to make one more attempt to conquer the Enghsh, and disperse them. He assured the king and government, that he could so fortify the ancient city of Pugan, as to make it impregnable, and that he Avould there defeat and destroy the English. His offers were heard ; he marched to Pugan with a very considerable force, and made strong the fortifications. But the English took the city with perfect ease, and dispersed the Burmese army ; Avhile the general fled to Ava, and had the presumption to appear in the presence of the king, and demand new troops. The king, being enraged that he had ever listened to him for a moment, in consequence of which the negotiation had been delayed, the English gen eral provoked, and the troops daily advancing, ordered the PEACE, AND RELEASE OF THE PRISONERS. 369 general to be immediately executed. The poor fellow Avas soon hurled from the palace, and beat all the way to the court house, when he was stripped of his rich apparel, bound Avith cords, and made to kneel and bow toAvai ds the palace. He- Avas then delivered into the hands of tie executioners, who, by their cruel treatment, put an end to his existence before they reached the place of execution. The king caused it to be reported that this general Avas executed in consequence of disobeying his commands " not to fight the JEnglish." Dr. Price was sent off the same night, Avith part of the prisoners, and with instructions to persuade the general to take six lacks instead of twenty-five. He returned in two or three days, Avith the appalling intelligence that the English general was very angry, refused to have any communication with him, and was noAV Avithin a feAV days' march of the capital. The queen was greatly alarmed, and said the money should be raised immediately, if the English Avould only stop their march. The whole palace was in motion ; gold and silver vessels were melted up ; the king and queen superintended the weighing of a part of it, and were determined, if possible, to save their city. The silver was ready in the boats by the next evening ; but they had so little confidence in the Eng lish, that, after all their alarm, they concluded to send down six lacks only, with the assurance that, if the English Avould stop where they then Avere, the remainder should be forthcoming immediately. The government now did not even ask Mr. Judson the question whether he Avould go or not ; but some of the officers took him by the arm, as he was Avalking in the street, and told him he must go immediately on board the^oat, to accompany two Burmese officers, a woon-gyee and Avoon-douk, Avho were going down to make peace. Most of the English prisoners Avere sent at the same time. The general and commissioners would not receive the six lacks, neither would they stop their march; but promised, if the sum complete reached them before they should arrive at Ava, they Avould make peace. 370 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. The general also commissioned Mr Judson to collect the re maining foreigners, of whatever coui try, and ask the question, before the Burmese government, whether they wished to go •or stay. Those Avho expressed a Avish to go should be deliv ered up immediately,, or peace wrould not be made. Mr. Judson reached Ava at midnight, had all the foreigners called the next morning, and the question asked. Some of the members of government said to him, " You will not leave us ; you shall become a great man if you will remain." He then secured himself from the oclium of saying that he wished to leave the service of his majesty, by recurring to the order of Sir Archibald, that whoever wished to leave Ava should be given up, and that I had expressed a wish to go, so that he of course must follow. The remaining part of the twenty-five lacks Avas soon collected ; the prisoners at Oung-pen-la were all released, and either sent to their houses, or down the river to the English ; and in two days from the time of Mr. Judson's return, we took an affectionate leave of the good-natured officer who had so long entertained us at his house, and who iioav accompanied us to the water side, and Ave then left forever the banks of Ava. It was on a cool, moonlight evening, in the month of March, that with hearts filled with gratitude to God, and over- floAving with joy at our prospects, we passed down the Irra wadi, surrounded by six or eight golden boats, and accom panied by all we had on earth. The thought that we had still to pass the Burman camp would sometimes occur to damp our joy, for we feared that some obstacle might there arise to retard our progress. Nor were we mistaken in our con jectures. We reached the camp about midnight, where Ave were detained tAvo^ hours ; the woon-gyee and high officers insisting that we should wait at the camp, while Dr. Price, who did not return to Ava with your brother, but remained at the camp, should go on with the money, and first ascertain whether peace would be made. The Burmese government still entertained the idea that, as soon as the English had received the money and prisoners, they would continue their OBLIGATIONS TO THE BRITISH COMMANDER. 371 march, and yet destroy the capital. We knew not but that some circumstance might occur to break off the negotiations. Mr. Judson therefore strenuously insisted that he AA'ould not re main, but go on immediately. The officers were finally pre- A'ailed on to consent, hoping much from Mr. Judson's assist ance in making peace. We now, for the first time for more than a year and a half, felt that we were free, and no longer subject to the oppressive yoke of the Burmese. And with Avhat sensations of delight, on the next morning, did I behold the masts of the steamboat, the sure presage of being within the bounds of civilized life ! As soon as our boat reached the shore, Brigadier A. and another officer came on board, congratulated us on our arrival, and invited us on board the steamboat, Avhere I passed the re mainder of the day ; Avhile your brother went on to meet the general, who, Avith a detachment of the army, had encamped at Yandabo, a few miles farther down the river. Mr. Judson returned in the evening, Avith an invitation from Sir Archibald to come immediately to his quarters, where I was the next morning introduced, and received with the greatest kindness by the general, who had a tent pitched for us near his OAvn, took us to his own table, and treated us with the kindness of a father, rather than as strangers of another country. We feel that our obligations to General Campbell can never be cancelled. Our final release from Ava, and our re covering all the property that had there been taken, was oav- ing entirely to his efforts. His subsequent hospitality, and kind attention to the accommodations for our passage to Ran goon, have left an impression on our minds, which can never be effaced. We daily received the congratulation of the British officers, whose conduct towards us formed a striking contrast to that of the Burmese. I presume to say that no persons on earth Avere ever happier than Ave were during the fortnight we passed at the Enghsh camp. For several days, this single idea Avholly occupied my mind — that, Ave were out of the poAver of the Burmese government, and once more under the protection of the English. Our feelings 372 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. continually dictated expressions like this : What shall we render to the Lord for all his benefits towards us ? The treaty of peace was soon concluded, signed by both parties, and a termination of hostilities publicly declared. We left Yandabo, after a fortnight's residence, and safely reached the mission house in Rangoon, after an absence of two years and three months. A review of our trip to and adventures in Ava often ex cites the inquiry, Why were we permitted to go? What good has been effected ? Why did I not listen to the advice of friends in Bengal, and remain there till the war was con cluded? But all that we can say is, It is not in man thai walketh to direct his steps. So far as my going round to Ran goon, at the time I did, Avas instrumental in bringing those heavy afflictions upon us, I can only state that, if I ever acted from a sense of duty in my life, it Avas at that time ; for my conscience would not allow me any peace, when I thought of sending for your brother to come to Calcutta, in prospect of the approaching Avar. Our society at home have lost no prop erty in consequence of our difficulties ; but two years of pre cious time have been lost to the mission, unless some future advantage may be gained, in consequence of the severe disci pline to Avhich we ourselves have been subject. We are sometimes induced to think that the lesson Ave found so very hard to learn will have a beneficial effect through our lives, and that the mission may, in the end, be advanced rather than retarded. We should have had no hesitation about remaining in Ava if no part of the Burmese empire had been ceded to the British. But as it was, we felt it would be an unnecessary exposure, be sides the missionary field being much more limited, in conse quence of intoleration. We now consider our future mission ary prospects as bright indeed ; and our only anxiety is, to be once more in that situation Avhere our time will be exclu sively devoted to the instruction of the heathen. In a concluding paragraph, dated Amherst, July 27, Mrs. Juds^" nAA~ TRIBUTE TO MRS. ANN H. JUDSON. 373 From the date, at the commencement of this long letter, you see, my dear brother, that my patience has continued for two months. I have frequently been induced to throw it aside altogether ; but -feehng assured that you and my other friends are expecting something of this kind, I am induced to send it, with all its imperfections. This letter, dreadful as are the scenes herein described, gives you but a faint idea of the awful reality. The anguish, the agony of mind, resulting from a thousand little circumstances impossible to be delineated on paper, can be knoAvn by those only who have been in sim ilar situations. Pray for us, my dear brother and sister, that these heavy afflictions may not be in vain, but may be blessed to our spiritual good, and the advancement of Christ's cause among the heathen. At the close of this long and melancholy narrative, we may appropriately introduce the following tribute to the benevolence and talents of Mrs. Judson, written by one of the English prisoners who were confined at Ava with Mr. Judson. It was published in a Cal cutta paper, after the conclusion of the war. Mrs. Judson was the author of those eloquent and forcible appeals to the government which prepared them by degrees for submission to terms of peace, never expected by any who knew the hauteur and inflexible pride of the Burman court. And while on this subject, the overflowings of grateful feelings, on behalf of myself and fellow-prisoners, compel me to add a tribute of public thanks to that amiable and humane female, who, though living at a distance of two miles from our prison, without any means of conveyance, and very feeble in health, forgot her own comfort and infirmity, and almost every day visited us, sought out and administered to our wants, and contributed in every way to alleviate our misery. While Ave were all left by the government destitute of food, she, with unwearied perseverance, by some means or other, obtained for us a constant supply. 374 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. Whsn the tattered state of our clothes evinced the extrem ity of our distress, she was ever ready to replenish our scanty wardrobe. When the unfeeling avarice of our keepers confined us in side, or made our feet fast in the stocks, she, like a minister ing angel, never ceased her applications to the government, until she was authorized to communicate to us the grateful news of our enlargement, or of a respite from our galling op pressions. Besides all this, it was unquestionably oAving, in a chief degree, to the repeated eloquence, and forcible appeals of Mrs. Judson, that the untutored Burman was finally made Avilling to secure the Avelfare and happiness of his country, by a sincere peace. Reminiscences of Conversations with Dr. Judson. Mrs. Judson, in her letter to her brother, speaks of the cord as an " instrument of torture " — used not merely to confine the arms. It is small and hard, and may be so tied as to cut through the flesh, as in Mr. Judson's case it did to some extent. It is fastened around the two arms, at some distance above the elbow, and left to be played upon at the pleasure of the executioner. It may be drawn back with such force as to suspend respiration, which 'is its more special office. Very often a shoulder is dislocated ; and not infrequently the blood gushes from the nostrils and mouth, and the poor victim drops dead in a few moments. Dr. Price, in his journal, mentions a bamboo pole, on which, Avith more truth than elegance, he represents the prisoners as being "strung." It was a substitute for the stocks, all of Avhich had been already appropriated, and, as it proved, a most torturing one. The foreigners were loaded with three pairs of fetters each, which confined their feet only a few inches apart. The bamboo was passed between their legs, and fastened at the ends ; so that they were all obliged to lie in a i-oav upon the floor, without a mattress, or even so much as the wooden block, which they RECOLLECTIONS OF THE DEATH PRISON. 375 begged might be granted them for a pillow. They were nine in number, and so closely croAvded together, that the one who occupied the end of the pole esteemed himself peculiarly fortunate. One leg rested on the upper side of the long bamboo, and with all its Aveight of shackles pressed upon the limb below, producing, even after partial numbness had supervened, almost unendurable agony. The death prison was constructed of boards, and Avas rather stronger than a common Burman dwelling house, though but little confidence Avas reposed in its strength. Hence the array of stocks and shackles, and the dreaded surveillance of insult ing keepers. There were no windoAvs, nor other means of admitting the air, except by such crevices as always exist in a simple board house, and only one small outer door. The common prison was crowded with occupants. The worst of criminals were huddled down beside the highest of state officers — perhaps the very judges Avho sat upon their crime the day before ; for an autocrat, possessed of limitless and irresponsible power, thinks it a small thing to punish even a favorite by thrusting him temporarily into this place of degradation. It is well understood that all Avho are cast into the death prison are under the condemnation of death, though they may yet be saA'ed by the clemency of the sovereign. The missionaries were imprisoned in the month of June, and though the rains, which are later and much lighter at Ava than farther down the country, had commenced, theii- cooling influence was insufficient to counteract the sickening sense of suffocation to which the poisonous miasma rising from the damp earth contributed in a most dangerous degree. The prison was built on the ground, and so the consequences of a lack of ventilation Avere rendered doubly serious. Prisoners were continually dying of disease, as well as by violent treatment, and yet the place was always full. They came from the palace and from the robber's den ; from the shop of the handicraftsman, whose power of execution had fallen short of his monarch's conception ; a:id from the more aspiring roof of the merchant, sacrificed to his reputed 376 MEMOIR OF DK. JUDSON. wealth. Several sepoys, and occasionaUy English soldiery swelled the lists of the miserable. These poor creatures, having no regular supply of food, Avere often brought to the very verge of starvation ; and then, on some worship day, the women would come, as a religious duty, to the prison, with rice and fruit ; and the miserable sufferers, maddened by starvation, would eat and die. " 0, I dare not tell you," said Mr. Judson to me one day, "half tlio horrors I have seen and felt. They haunt me, when I am ill or sad, even now, and the simplest relation of them would do no good to either of our dreams." The keepers of the prison were all branded criminals ; some wearing ^he name of their crime burned into the flesh of their foreheads or breasts ; others, with a dark ring upon the cheek, or about the eye ; and others still with mutilated noses, blind of an eye, or with their ears quite cut away. They are called " children of the prison," and form a distinct class, quite out of the way of reputable people, intermarrying only among themselves, and so perpetuating vice, while they are shut, both by their sentence and the horror with which they are regarded by all classes, Avithout, the pale of virtue. The cruelty, or other vicious inclination which led to the perpetration of the first crime, is noAv deep ened and rendered indelible by constant familiarity with every species of human torture, until these creatures seem really to be actuated by some demoniac spirit. The head jailer, called by the prisoners the tiger cat, and branded in the breast loo-that, or murderer, was one of the most hideous and disgusting of his fraternity. He affected great jocularity, and was facetious even in the commission of his worst cruel ties, bringing down his hammer with a jest when fastening manacles, putting his hated arms affectionately around the prisoners, and calling them his beloved children, to get a better opportunity to prick or pinch them, and withal study ing torture as the most comical of arts. One of the first things Mr. Judson inquired after, as soon as he and Mrs. Judson Avere alloAved to meet and speak. RECOLLECTIONS OF THE DEATH PRISON. 377 together in English, was the manuscript translation of the New Testament. Part of it had been printed, but there Avas a large portion, together with important emendations of the printed part, still in manuscript. Mrs. Judson had secreted it, with her silver and a few other articles of value, in the earth under the house. It was now the rainy season, and if the paper remained in this place any considerable length of time, it would be ruined by the mould. It was thought unsafe to allow a manuscript of this kind to remain in the house, from which every article was subject at any moment to be carried away, as, once examined, it would certainly be destroyed. The final conclusion Avas to sew the manuscript up in a pilloAv, so mean in its appearance, and so hard and ancomfbrtable withal, that even the avarice of a Burman would not covet it, while Mr. Judson himself should undertake the guardianship of the treasure. In reply to a remark after- Avards made to him with regard to it, he said, " When people are loaded with chains, and sleep half the time on a baj-e board, their senses become so obtuse that they do not know the difference between a hard pillow and a soft one." During the first seven months of Mr. Judson's imprison ment, there Avas but little change. The white men all Avore three pairs of fetters ; but they Avere suffered to Avalk about the prison yard, as well as they could with Jheir ankles only a few inches apart, and always followed by keepers. They were from time to time subjected to almost innumerable annoyances, vexa tions, and extortions ; and they were obliged to be the Avitnesses of Avanton cruelties which they could not prevent, and of intense sufferings which they could not alleviate. For the most of the time, through Mrs. Judson's continual exertions, and by help of occasional presents, they were allowed to spend the day in the open shed in the yard, and Mrs. Judson was even permit ted to build a little bamboo shelter for her husband, where he could be, some portion of the time, by himself. Mr. Judson was exceedingly nice in his personal habits, nice even to a fault ; and this herding together, even if he had been permit- ted to choose his associates, would have been exceedingly 32 * 378 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. unpleasant to him. They Avere not all, belonging as they did to fiA e different nations, educated in his notions of cleanliness, and even he was often, from necessity, offensive to himself. Sometimes he was denied the use of water, and sometimes the admission of clothing Avas forbidden ; and the act of dressing, with the ankles made fast by fetters, proved to be no simple art. With ah his efforts, and the care taken by his wife of his Avardrobe, he was sometimes in a very forlorn state. His food was such as Mrs. Judson could provide. Sometimes it came regularly, and sometimes they Avent very hungry. Sometimes, for weeks together, they had no food but rice, savored Avith gnapee — a certain preparation of fish, not ahvays palatable to foreigners. But once, when a term of unusual quiet gave her time fojvthe^softer and more homely class of loving thoughts, Mrs. .JV 'soli made a great effort to surprise her husband with something that should remind him of home. She planned and labored, until, by the aid of buffalo beef and plantains, she actually concocted a mince pie. Unfortunately, as she thought, she could not go in person to the prison that day ; and the din ner Avas brought by smiling Moung Ing, who seemed aware that some mystery must be wrapped up in that peculiar prep aration of meat and fruit, though he had never seen the well- spread boards of Plymouth and Bradford. But the pretty little artifice only added another pang to a heart Avhose susceptibili ties were as quick and deep, as, in the sight of the world, they were silent. When his vrife had visited him in prison, and borne taunts and insults with and for him, they could be brave together ; when she had stood up like an enchantress, winning the hearts of high and low, making saA'age jailers, and scarcely less savage nobles, Aveep ; or moved, protected by her own dig nity and sublimity of purpose, like a queen along the streets, his heart had throbbed Avith proud admiration ; and he was almost able to thank God for the trials which had made a character so intrinsically noble shine forth with such peculiar brightness. But in this simple, homelike act, this httle unpre tending effusion of a loving heart, there was something so touching, so unlike the part she had just been acting, and yet RECOLLECTIONS OF THB DEATH PRISON. 379 so illustrative of what she really Avas, that he bowed his head upon his knees, and the tears flowed down to the chains about his ankles. What a happy man he might have been had this heavy woe been spared them ! And what was coming next ? Finally the scene changed, and there came over him a vision of the past. He saw again the home of his boyhood. His 3tern, strangely revered father, his gentle mother, his rosy, curly-haired sister, and pale young brother Avere gathered for the noonday meal, and he Avas once more among them. And so his fancy revelled there. Finally he lifted his head. O, the misery that surrounded him ! He moved his feet, and the rat tling of the heavy chains Avas as a death knell. He thrust the carefully prepared dinner into the hand of his associate, and as fast as his fetters would permit, hurried to his own lit tle shed. Mr. Judson was not naturally of an even temperament. Hopeful and earnest he Avas, beyond most men, and Avithal very persevering ; but at this period of his life, and up to a much later time, he was subject to a desponding reaction, from Avhich his faith in God, the ruling principle of his later years, was not now sufficiently ripe to set him entirely free. His peculiar mental conformation was eminently active ; so that the passive suffering of his prison discipline was more galling than to a mind differently constituted. So long as he could contend Avith difficulties, he was appalled by nothing ; but whatever he might have been in after life, he was at this time better fitted to do than to endure. For some time previous to the birth of poor httle Maria, he had been filled with the gloomiest forebodings ; and not without cause. His wife, from the pecu liar customs of this land of semi-civilization, was more alone than she would have been among the wild Indian women of an American forest ; and he could do nothing for her. When the dreaded crisis was past, and a pale, puny infant of twenty days was brought to his prison, no person, not thoroughly conversant with the secret springs of feeling which made his the richest heart that ever beat in human bosom, would be at all able to appreciate the scene. His first child slept beneath 380 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. the Avaters of the Bay of Bengal, a victim to Anglo-Indian per secution, a baby martyr, Avithout the martyr's conflict; the second, his "meek, blue -eyed Roger," had his bed in the jungle graveyard at Rangoon ; and here came the third little Avan stranger, to claim the first parental kiss from the midst of felon chains. Mrs. Judson had long previous to this adopted the Burmese style of dress. Her rich Spanish complexion could never be mistaken for the tawny hue of the native ; and her figure, of full medium height, appeared much taller and more command ing in a costume usually worn by women of inferior size. But her friend, the governor's wife, who presented her with the dress, had recommended the measure as a concession which would be sure to conciliate the people, and win them to I"iii^an^~ft-e^r3ment of her. Behold her, then — her dark curls carefully straightened, draAvn back from her forehead, and a fragrant cocoa blossom, drooping like a white plume from the knot upon the crown ; her saffron vest throAvn open to display the folds of crimson beneath; and a rich silken skirt, wrapped closely about her fine figure, parting at the ankle, and sloping back upon the floor. The clothing of the feet was not Burman, for the native sandal could not be Avorn except upon a bare foot. Behold her standing in the door way, (for she was never permitted to enter the prison,) her little blue-eyed blossom wailing, as it almost always did, upon her bosom, and the chained father craAvling forth to the meeting ! The following verses, of which the writer says, "They were composed in my mind at the time, and afterwards Avritten down," commemorate this meeting : — lines addressed to an Infant Daughter, twenty days old, in the condemned Prison at Ava. Sleep, darling infant, sleep, Hushed on thy mother's breast ; Let no rude sound of clanking chains LAieturb thy balmy rest. LINES TO HIS INFANT DAUGHTER. 381 Sleep, darling infant, sleep ; Blest that thou canst not know The pangs that rend thy parents' hearts, The keenness of theii woe. Sleep, darling-infant, sleep ; Hay Heaven its blessings shed, In rich profusion, soft and sweet, On thine unconscious head ! Why ope thy little eyes ? What would my darling see ? Thy sorrowing mother's bending form ? Thy father's agony ? Wouldst view this drear abode, Where fettered felons lie, And wonder that thy father here Should as a felon sigh ? Wouldst mark the dreadful sighta, Which stoutest hearts appal — The stocks, the cord, the fatal sword, The torturing iron mall ? No, darling infant, no ! Thou seest them not at all ; Thou only mark'st the rays of light Which flicker on the wall. Thine untaught infant eye Can nothing clearly see ; Sweet scenes of home and prison scenes Are all alike to thee. Stretch, then, thy little arms, And roll thy vacant eye, Reposing on thy mother's breast, In soft security. Why ope thy paly lips ? What would my darling saj ? 382 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. "My dear papa, why leave us thus? Why thus in prison stay ? " For poor mamma and I All lonely live at home, And every day Ave watch and wait, And wish papa would come ? " No ; all alike to thee Thy mother's grief or mirth ; Nor know' st thou one of all the ills Which mark thy mournful birth. Thy lips one art alone, One loving, simple grace, By nature's instinct have been taught : Seek, then, thy nestling-jilace ! Spread out thy little hand ; Thy mother's bosom press, And thus return, in grateful guise, Her more sincere caress. Go, darling infant, go ; Thine hour has passed aAvay ; The jailer's harsh, discordant voice Forbids thy longer stay. God grant that Ave may meet In happier times than this, And Avith thine angel mother dear Enjoy domestic bliss. But should the fearful clouds, Which Burmah's sky o'erspread, Conduct the threatened vengeance down, On thy poor father's head, — Where couldst thou shelter find ? O, whither Avouldst thou stray ? What hand would guide my darling's steps Along their dangerous way? PARAPHRASE OF THE LORD'S PRAYER. 383 There is a God on high, The glorious King of kings ; 'Tis he to whom thy mother prays, Whose love she sits and sings. That glorious God, so kind, Has sent his Son to save Our ruined race from sin and death, And raise them from the grave. And to that gracious God, My darling I commend ; Be thou the helpless orphan's stay, Her Father and her Friend. Inspire her infant heart The Saviour's love to know, And guide her through this dreary Avorld, This wilderness of woe. Thou sleep' st again, my lamb, Nor heed'st nor song nor prayer : Go, sleeping in thy mother's arms, ^ Safe in a mother's care. And when, in future years, . Thou know'st thy father's tongue, These lines Avill show thee how he felt, How o'er his babe he sung. To Maria Eliza Butterworth Judson, born at Ava, January 26, 1825. The following versification of the Lord's Prayei was composed a few weeks later. It illustrates the nature of the subjects which occupied the thoughts of the missionary during this long-protracted agony. It is said by the author to be comprised in fewer words than the original Greek, and in two more only than the common translation : — Our Father God, who art in heaven, All hallowed be thy name. 384 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. Thy kingdom come ; thy will be done, In earth and heaven the same. Give us, this day, our daily bread ; And, as we those forgive Who sin against us, so may we Forgiving grace receive. Into temptation lead us not ; From evil set us free ; The kingdom, pQAver, and glory, Lord, Ever belong to thee. Prison, Ava, March, 1825. The foreigners had spent about seven months in prison, when suddenly a change came. One day a band of men rushed into the prison yard, and Avhile some seized the white prisoners, and added two more pairs of fetters to the three they already wore, others began tearing down Mrs. Judson's little bamboo room, snatching up pilloAvs and mattresses, and whatever other articles came within their reach. At last the prisoners, after having half the clothing torn from their/ per sons, were thrust into the common prison, and, with a bam boo betAveen their legs, again stretched upon the bare floor. Here were more than a hundred miserable wretches, shut from every breath of air except such as could find its way between the crevices in the boards, groaning with various tortures, and rattling their chains, as they groped in the gray light, and writhed and twisted themselves, as much as was in their power, from side to side, in the vain endeavor to obtain some ease by change of position. It Avas the commencement of the hot season, and the heat Avas not lessened by the fevered breaths of that crowd of sufferers, nor the close ah purified by the exhalations which arose from their bodies. Night came, but brought with it no rest. A Avhisper had passed around the prison, whether through malice or accident, that the foreigners would be led out to execution at three in the night ; and the effect on the little band was not so much in RECOLLECTIONS OF THE DEATH PEISON. 385 accordance with natural temperament as the transforming principle of faith. Bold men were cowards, and weak men grew strong. At first, Mr. Judson felt a pang of regret that he Avas to go at last without saying farewell to his unsuspect ing wife and child. But gradually the feeling changed, and he would not have had it different if he could. She had left him in comparative comfort that day ; she Avould come the next, and find him beyond her care. It Avould be a terrible shock at first ; but she would be spared much anxious suffer ing, and he could almost fancy that she Avould soon learn to rejoice that he was safe in glory. As for herself, the Bur mans had always treated her with some respect ; she seemed to have gained immunity from personal insult, while her intre pidity had won their admiration ; and he did not believe that even the rudest of them would dare to do her harm. No ; fruitful in resources as she had proved herself, she would get an appointment to carry some message of peace to the Eng lish, and so place herself under their protection. It would be a blessing to her and to his child, if he was removed from them ; and he thanked God that his time was so near at hand. He felt thankful, too, that the execution was to take place in the night. He should pass his own door on the way. There he might breathe his silent farewell, while she was spared the parting agony. He thought of Burmah, too, even then. The English Avould most likely be conquerors ; and then there Avould be nothing to hinder the propagation of Christianity. He even recollected — so calm and dispassionate were his thoughts — some passages in his translation capable of a bet ter rendering ; and then he speculated on the pillow he had lost that day, weighing the probabilities of its ever falling into his wife's hands, so that the manuscript would be recovered. And then he imagined that she did not find it, and Avent off into a visionary scene of its being brought to light years after wards, which he smiled at Avhen he gave a sketch of these emotions, and did not fully describe. At length the fatal hour drew nigh. They had no means of ascertaining it precisely, but they kneAv that it could not be very far distant. They vol. i. 33 386 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. waited with increased solemnity. Then they prayed together Mr. Judson's voice for all of them, and then he, and probably each of the others, prayed separately. And still they waited, in awful expectancy. The hour passed by, — they felt it must be passed, — and there was no unusual movement in the prison. Still they expected and waited, till finally there woke a glim mering of hope, a possibility that they had been deceived. And so, hoping, and doubting, and fearing, they lingered on, till the opening of the door assured them of what they had long suspected. It was morning. Then the jailer came ; and, in answer to their questions, chucked them mockingly under the chin, and told them, O no ; he could not spare his beloved children yet, just after — kicking the bamboo as he spoke, till all the chains rattled, and the five rows of fetters dashed together, pinching sharply the flesh that they caught between them — just after he had taken so much trouble to procure them fitting ornaments. After Mr. Judson had been about a month in the loathsome inner prison, he was attacked by a slow fever, which threat ened to destroy his life. His guardian angel was, as ever, on the alert ; but it was in vain that she entreated permission to rebuild his room in the prison yard. About this time the poor sufferers Avere astonished by a most singular accession to their numbers. Something like a year previous to the com mencement of the war, the king had received from some for eigner a present of a lion. The noble beast had been a par ticular favorite Avith him, and an object of great interest at court. But it was noAv whispered about, and Avith mysterious meaning in the Avhispers, that the English bore a lion upon their standard. The disgraceful defeat of Bandoola, his alarm ing final fall, and the utter inefficiency of the hardiest Bur man troops before these charmed warriors, were matters of grave conference, and strange glances were cast towards the king's noble pet ; but for a time no one dared to speak. The matter was first broached by the queen's brother, an ignorant, brutal fellow, who owed his elevation, from the lot of a com mon fishmonger, entirely to his clever, intriguing sister's powei RECOLLECTIONS OF THE DEATH PRISON. 387 over the king. He was positive that the Enghsh had a demoniac ally in the palace, in the shape of this regal-looking beast, which had entirely won the heart of the king. The pakan-woon, a man of more sense, but, like all Burmans, su perstitious, seconded his opinions ; and other counsellors, now that they durst speak, came in with floods of argument and testimony. The king repelled the idea of any connection be tween his favorite and the enemy as absurd in the extreme, but at last consented to the animal's being sent to the death prison, though he expressly stipulated that it should not be slain without his order. The queen's brother, however, gave secret directions to the keepers not to furnish the animal with food ; and so merciless was he well known to be in the execu tion of his vengeance, that they dared not disobey him, even to please the king. The cage, all newly ironed and barricaded, as though some unusual resistance Avas expected, was placed in the prison yard, close against the principal building. And now commenced a neAv and fearful scene of misery. The un happy prisoners had seen men starved, and beaten, and smoth ered, and strangled to death, then dragged by the feet from the door, and thrust, like dogs, into some shallow pit, or left for wild dogs to devour ; and they thought they had gained a fearful familiarity with every species of wretchedness. But there was something almost supernatural in this new horror — a grad ually starving lion. Day after day, the noble beast writhed in the pangs of hunger, parched with thirst, and bruised and bleeding with his fearful struggles, while his roarings seemed to shake the prison to its foundations, and sent a thrill of in describable terror to the hearts of the occupants. The jailer said it was the British lion ineffectually struggling against the conquering Burmans ; though even his facetious features were somewhat elongated by superstitious fears. Sometimes a com passionate woman Avould steal to the cage after dark, and thrust a morsel of food between the bars ; but it was neces sarily a trifle to the powerful beast, and served only to in crease his ravings. At other times one of the keepers would throw pails of Avater over him, which Avould be greeted Avith 388 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. almost h. man shrieks of pleasure, though it only served to lengthen for a little the terrible term of suffering. At last the scene was over. The skeleton of the poor beast was dragged from its cage, and buried with more care than many a poor human skeleton had been before. The next time Mrs. Judson came to the prison door, and her husband crawled to meet her — crawled with the upper part of his body, having his feet still attached to the moveless bamboo — he had a neAv plan to broach. He told her of the empty lion's cage — what a comfortable retreat it might be made for him, while the fever lasted, and begged her interces sion with the governor ; for he had entreated the comic jailer in vain. The " cat " refused to listen for a moment to such an insult to royalty. Mrs. Judson's application Avas successful ; and with feelings of deep gratitude to God for such a mercy, the sick man was removed from his loathsome quarters to the better accommodations of the lion's cage. I ought to have stated before that the keeper, to whose share Mr. Judson's old pillow fell on the day they were so unceremoniously thrust into the inner prison, had afterwards exchanged it for a better one, Avondering, no doubt, at the odd taste of the white- man. When he Avas again robbed of his clothes and bedding, on the day he was driven aAvay to Oung- pen-la, one of the ruffians deliberately untied the mat which was used as a cover to the precious pilloAA', and threw the apparently Avorthless roll of hard cotton away. Some hours after, Moung Ing, stumbling upon this one relic of the van ished prisoners, carried it to" the house as a token ; and, sev eral months from that time, the manuscript which now makes a part of the Burmese Bible was found Avithin, uninjured. It Avill be recollected that Mr. Judson, at the time of his removal to Oung-pen-la, was very much reduced by fever, and that this was the hottest season of the year. Having his wife as a link betAveen himself and the humanity which could not Avell find existence in such a den, he had avoided some of the careless habits from which his fellow-prisoners had nothing vithout to preseive them, and consequently he was exposed RECOLLECTIONS OF OUNG-PEN-LA. 389 to greater suffering in that bloody, burning march. He had always kept his person covered, so that, in a very short time, his shoulders were blistered by the heat of the sun. His companions had long ago thrown aside shoes and stockings as a uselessi encumbrance ; but he had never parted from his till that morning, when they were torn aAvay. The terrible result I have no heart to tell. He carried the marks, as well as those of the shackles on the ankles, to the last. He used sometimes to speak to me of the time Avhen he was occasion ally permitted to come from the prison to minister to his sick Avife, and when he carried poor little wailing Maria from door to door, still with but a few inches of chain between his shackled feet, a beggar at the breasts of pitying mothers. They remained at Oung-pen-la six months, Avhen Mr. Jud son was, for the first time, releasee! from his irons, to be em ployed as translator and interpreter to the Burmans. From the first, he had been particularly careful not to take any part in political affairs ; for, hoAvever the Avar might end, he did not wish the Burmans to receive an impression that he was in the interests of the English. He felt that it would be wrong to endanger his influence as a religious teacher by taking any step Avhich would be likely to render him obnox ious even to a conquered people. But now he had no choice. His own wishes in the matter Avere not consulted, any more than they had been when he Avas first throAvn into prison. He was probably selected for the office because there was no one who could be better trusted, although it was evident that not the slightest confidence was reposed in him. He Avas carried to Ava under guard, kept in prison two days, and then, Avithout being permitted to visit his own house but a few moments, was guarded like a prisoner to the boat. • Mrs. Judson had hastily prepared a few such articles as she thought necessary to his comfort ; but either through the malice, or cupidity, or carelessness of his keepers, nothing but his mat tress, pillow, and one blanket could be found. The boat was very small, without a cover, and so crowded that he had not room to lie down. He remained here three days, exposed to 33* 390 MF.MOIR OF DR. JUDSON. the scorching sun by day, and the heavy November dews by night, with no sustenance but a bag of refuse rice, broken and mildewed, for Avhich he Avas expected to evince the high est gratitude. When he arrived at Maloun, he was so ill as to be. almost helpless. The banks of the Irrawadi, at Ma loun, as at Ava, are bordered for rods Avith beds of white, glittering sand, which assumes, in the sunlight, an intense metallic glare, and reflects such heat as might come from a burning furnace. On this sand, half way between the river and the camp, a small «bamboo hovel had been erected for the reception of the still carefully watched and guarded trans lator. There Avas no aperture for the admittance of air, and he coulfcl-H ssri up the matting which composed the sides of his little .shelter without admitting that intolerable white glit ter ; while the heat reflected from the burning sand penetrated the fragile bamboo braids, and aided in a more alarming development of the fever contracted in his passage down the river. It was in vain that he represented his condition to the officers who came to summon him to the presence of the Burman general. They chose to consider him stubborn, and told him that means would be used to make him obedient to their master's call, and make him work, too, in spite of his pretences. But when they found that he really could not move, they brought papers to his floorless hovel, and insisted on an explanation ; while he writhed beneath the torture, and wished himself back to Ava in his chains, or that the fever Avhich was searing his brain would only make him quite mad. The last wish was mercifully granted ; for he finally became unconscious of every thing, except a coming and going of sandalled feet, the solemn entrance of a shaven crown and yellow robe, and a very indistinct impression that he was being conveyed from the prison at Oung-pen-la, to be burned alive. When his consciousness returned, he was lying alone in a little room made by suspending a mat from the projecting eaves of a cook house, Avhither he had been removed less, probably, from compassion than selfish interest. With the cessation- of intense physical suffering, even before strength RECOLLECTIONS OF THE BI RMESE CAMP. 391 had begun to return, there came a feeling of intellectual vigor and actiA'ity characteristic of his nature ; and long before even his persecutors thought him fit for labor, he had been busy in arranging his plans for the future. His thorough appreciation of the Burmese character made it very easy to see the mortal terror that the military leaders at Maloun Avere in ; and he resolved by degrees to accustom their thoughts to such concessions as he knew they would soon be called on to make. The native mind, treacherous and aus picious in the main, has yet a fine vein of truth and honesty running through it ; and he believed that they would be able in time to distinguish him, true friend as he really Avas, from the designing agent of the enemy, which they supposed him to be. In the mean time, papers were occasionally brought to his bed, for advice or explanation ; and so he had time to win a large share of confidence before he was able to enter fully upon the duties of a translator. These duties, with those of interpreter and adviser, he soon found to be sufficiently ardu ous ; for the suspicious Burmans obstinately withheld all con fidence in the integrity of their conquerors, and, moreover, invested every newspaper paragraph from Calcutta with the dignity of a state document. It was a difficult task to set forth to unaccustomed ears and hearts those high principles of honor which actuate civilized nations ; and the attempt usu ally won more admiration for the speaker than confidence in the truth of his subject. He was often interrupted by such remarks as, " That is noble," " That is as it should be ; " but the exclamation would be immediately followed by an incred ulous shake of the head, and, " But the teacher dreams ; he has a celestial spirit, and so he thinks himself in the land of the Celestials," One definite object he had in vieAv was, in his estimation, more difficult than any other. He had no doubt that the English would retain, if not the whole lower country, at least the port of Rangoon, as, indeed, for the good of both nations, they ought to have done ; and he labored to prepare the way for this mortifying loss of territory. 392 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. In the mean time, he Avas far from being ovenvhelmed by physical comforts. His allowance was only twenty ticals, and this, with the utmost economy, Avas exhausted in a month. He had long since become accustomed to the Burmese style of cookery ; but his recent illness rendered the crude vegetable diet, with its pungent acids and spices, more than usually unsuited to him. The nights, too, were very cold ; and the heavy fog, which rested on the river till nine in the morning, s'semed, under cover of the darkness, to assume the chilliness of ice. At last he was driven to the necessity of begging a blanket. He was presented, as a special mark of esteem, -- because, as he was assured, it had been ascertained that he was a true friend to Burmah, — with a thick cotton rug, about large enough to cover a child of six years. Taking some bamboo twigs for thread, and a penknife for a needle, he stitched his neAv acquisition to the centre of his blanket, and so, by dint of frequent sbiftings from side to side, alternate drawings up of the feet, and crouchings of the shoulders, and other little ingenious contrivances for lessening his bulk, he man aged to keep half of his person at a time in a state of tolerable warmth. Here he remained about six Aveeks, when, in con sequence of the advance of the English from Prome, he was hurriedly sent back to Ava. It Avas late in the night when he arrived, and he was taken through the streets directly past his own door. A feeble light glimmered within, assuring him that it Avas not altogether deserted ; but yet what might not have occurred in those six weeks ! He entreated permission to enter but for five minutes ; he threatened, he bribed, he appealed to their humanity, for he knew that even they, hard as they seemed, must have humanity somewhere; but all Avithout success. His conductors, Avith some show of feeling, assured him that they had orders to take him directly to the court house, and that they dared not disobey. He crouched down in an outbuilding until morning, when, after a slight examination, he was placed under guard in an out-of-the-way shed, which served as a temporary prison. At night of the same day, Moung Ivg found him in this obscure place, where RECOLLECTIONS OF HIS RETURN TO AVA. 393 he had been ah day without food. While conversing Avith the faithful Burman, Mr. Judson once or twice fancied there was something in his words or manner, x>r perhaps both, a little puzzling ; but the impression Avas only momentary, and the very sight of this messenger from his wife relieved him of a burden of apprehension. He immediately despatched Moung Ing to the friendly governor, for aid in his new difficulties, instructing him carefully as to his words and behavior, and, in the joy of his heart, bade him tell the tsayah-ga-dau to keep up courage one day more ; it was almost certain he should be with her on the next. As soon as the messenger Avas gone, Mr. Judson's thoughts immediately recurred to the singularity of his behavior, scarcely observable at the time, but noAV assuming much importance. His wife was doubtless well, though Moung Ing had certainly not been very explicit when inquired of; she must be well, for had she not sent sev eral messages, and herself suggested the application to the governor? The child, too, Avas well ; he had said that unhes itatingly. Why had he hesitated in the other case ? Could it be, could it really be, that any thing serious had befallen her, and they had concealed it from him ? But no ; those messages ! He remembered, however, (it all came to him too clearly now,) how ostentatiously the good-natured Burman had paraded one of those messages whenever he asked a question ; and yet, think as he would, they all resolved them selves into two — she longed to see him, and she recommended an application to the governor. The messenger had certainly behaved strangely, and he had been strangely blinded. These two simple phrases had been repeated so often, and in such variety of style, that they had been made to appear a dozen, and to contain a world of meaning ; and for the time he was fully satisfied. " She must be living," he repeated to himself; " there is ample proof of that." " She must have been living," answered a withering doubt within, " Avhen she gave the directions to Moung Ing." After that one thought, he had no disposition to sleep. The tedious night at length dragged itself away ; and, though the governor sent for him as early as 394 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. could reasonably be expected in the morning, a strange, vague apprehension seemed to concentrate Avhole ages in those few early hours. The kind old man had become his security with the government, and set him free. With a step more fleet than for the last two years he had practised, and in spite of the maimed ankles, which sometimes almost refused their office, he hurried along the street to his beloved home. The door stood invitingly open, and, without having been seen by any one, he entered. The first object which met his eye was a fat, half-naked Burman Avoman, squatting in the ashes beside a pan of coals, and holding on her knees a wan baby, so be grimed with dirt that it did not occur to the father it could be his own. He gave but one hasty look, and hurried to the next room. Across the foot of the bed, as though she had fallen there, lay a human object, that, at the first glance, Avas scarcely more recognizable than his child. The face was of a ghastly paleness, the features sharp, and the whole form shrunken almost to the last degree of emaciation. The glossy black curls had all been shorn from the finely-shaped head, which Avas now covered by a close-fitting cotton cap, of the coarsest and — unlike any thing usually coming in contact with that head — not the cleanest kind. The whole room presented an appearance of the very extreme of wretchedness, more har rowing to the feelings than can be told. There lay the devoted wife, Avho had followed him so unAveariedly from prison to prison, ever alleviating his distresses, without even common hireling attendance. He knew, by the very arrangement of the room, and by the expression of sheer animality on the face of the woman who held his child, that the Bengalee cook had been her only nurse. The Avearied sleeper was awakened by a breath that came too near her cheek. Perhaps a falling iear might have been added ; for, steady as were those eyes in difficulties, dauntless in dangers, and stern when conscience froAvned, they were Avell used to tender tears. Of Mr. Judson's employment by the goA7ernment I knoAV but little more than Mrs. Judson has told. He was not in clined to speak boastingly ; his fault Avas rather in the opposite REMINISCENCES OF THE BRITISH CAMP. 895 extreme ; and yet, when he said any thing, it was always evi dent that he was an important agent. He kept clear from every thing of the sort as long as possible, for the reason before mentioned — he did not Avish to implicate himself with the suspicious Burmese as a friend of their enemies, lest it might detract from his influence as a religious teacher. He emphat ically wished " to know nothing among them save Jesus Christ and him crucified." As soon as he did use his influ ence, however, it was of av eight. His very reluctance in- i-reased his importance, and his deep insight into character generally, and especially that of the Burmese, led him usually to touch the right key. One of the British officers of whom Mrs. Judson speaks, Avhen Avriting of these things afterwards, mentions Mr. Judson as " possessed of a quick, chivalrous sense of honor, Avhich made him a noble representative of the English character, and Avhich could not fail of impressing even the rude barbarians among Avhom he Avas thrown." One evening several persons at our house were repeating anecdotes of Avhat different men in different ages had regarded as the highest type of sensuous enjoyment ; that is, enjoyment derived from outward circumstances. " Pooh ! " said Mr. Judson ; " these men Avere not qualified to judge. I know of a much higher pleasure than that. What do you think of floating down the IrraAAradi, on a cool, moonlight evening, Avith your wife by your side, and your baby in your arms, free — all free ? But you cannot understand it, either ; it needs a twenty-one months' qualification ; and I can never regret my twenty-one months of misery, Avhen I recall that one delicious thrill. I think I have had a better appreciation of what heaven may be ever since." And so, I have no doubt, he had. The reception of a lady Avas an incident in the English camp ; and Mrs. Judson's fame had gone before her. No one better than a true-born Englishman can discern precisely the measure of attention grateful to a woman in her situation ; and there were innumerable minute touches in General Campbell's conduct which fixed her gratitude, and more still 396 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. that of her husband on her account. It was not that his son Avas sent with the staff officers who came to escort her from the steamer ; nor that unexpected honors, in military guise, waited her on the shore, where she was received by Sir Ar chibald in person ; nor that her tent Avas larger and more com modious than his own, with the very agreeable addition of a veranda ; but it was a certain fatherly kindness and genuine heart interest, which made her feel as though she was receiv ing all these favors from a friend. An incident that occurred a few days after the landing of the prisoners is perhaps worthy of notice. General Camp bell was to give a dinner to the Burmese commissioners, and he chose to make it an affair of some pomp and magnificence. At a given order, almost as by magic, the camp was turned into a scene of festivity, with such a profusion of gold and crimson, and floating banners, as is thought most pleasing to an oriental eye. When the dinner hour arrived, the company marched in couples, to the music of the band, toward the ta ble, led by the general, Avho walked alone. As they came opposite the tent with 'the veranda before it, suddenly the music ceased, the whole procession stood still, and while the Avondering Burmans turned their eager eyes in every direc tion, doubtful as to Avhat Avould be the next act in the little drama, so curious to them as strangers, the general entered the tent. In a moment he reappeared Avith a lady on his arm, — no stranger to the conscious commissioners, — whom he led to the table, and seated at his own right hand. The abashed commissioners slid into their seats shrinkingly, where they sat as though transfixed by a mixture of astonishment and fear. " I fancy these gentlemen must be old acquaintances of yours, Mrs. Judson," General Campbell remarked, amused by what he began to suspect, though he did not fully understand it ; " and, judging from their appearance, you must have treated them very ill." Mrs. Judson smiled. The Burmans could not understand the remark, but they evidently considered themselves the subject of it, and their faces were blank with consternation, REMINISCENCES OF THE BRITISH CAMP. 397 " What is the matter with yonder owner of the pointed beard ? " pursued Sir Archibald ; " he seems to be seized with an ague fit." " I do not know," answered Mrs. Judson, fixing her eyes on the trembler, with perhaps a mischievous enjoyment of his anxiety, " unless his memory may be too busy. He is an old acquaintance of mine, and may probably infer danger to him self from seeing me under your protection." She then proceeded to relate, hoAv, when her husband Avas suffering from fever, in the stifled air of the inner prison, with five pairs of fetters about his ankles, she. had walked several miles to this man's house to ask a favor. She had left home early in the morning ; but was kept waiting so long that. it was noonday before she proffered her request, and re ceived a rough refusal. She was turning sorrowfully away, when his attention was attracted by the silk umbrella she car ried in her hand, and he instantly seized upon it. It was in vain that she represented the danger of her walking home without it ; told him she had brought no money, and could not buy any thing to shelter her from the sun ; and begged that, if he took that, he would at least furnish her with a paper one, to protect her from the scorching heat. He laughed, and turn ing the very suffering that had wasted her into a jest, told her it Avas only stout people who were in danger of a sunstroke — the sun could not find such as she ; and so turned her from the door. Expressions of indignation burst from the lips of the listen ing officers ; and try to restrain them as they would, indignant glances did somewhat detract from that high tone of courtesy Avhich it is an Englishman's, and especially an Enghsh officer's, pride to preserve in ah matters of hospitality. The poor Bur man, conscience-taught, seemed to understand every thing that Avas passing, and his features were distorted with fear ; while his face, from which the perspiration oozed painfully, appeared, through his tawny skin, of a deathly paleness. It was not in a woman's heart to do other than pity him ; and Mrs. Judson remarked softly, in Burmese, that he had nothing to fear, and vol. i. 34 398 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. then repeated the remark to Sir Archibald. The conversation immediately became general, and every means Avas taken to reassure the timorous guests, but Avith little success. There sat the lady, whom all but one of them had personally treated with indignity, at the right hand of poAver, and her husband, just released from his chains, close beyond ; and they doubtless felt conscious that if they and theh- lady Avives were in such a position, they would ask the heads of their enemies, and the request would be granted. " I never thought I Avas over and above vindictive," remarked Mr. Judson, Avhen he told the story ; " but really it was one of the richest scenes I ever beheld." A British officer, Major Calder Campbell, describing " an adventure in Ava" in the year 1826, gives a beautiful and affecting description of Mrs. Judson. Major Campbell, then a lieutenant, when descending the Irrawadi River in a canoe manned by Burmans, Avas attacked in the night, while asleep, t by his faithless boatmen, and severely wounded and robbed. When waiting on the beach with much anxiety and distress for the passage of some friendly bark, a row boat was seen approaching. Signals of distress were made, and a skiff sent to his assist ance. The folloAving is the language of the writer : — " We were taken on board. My eyes first rested on the thin, attenuated form of a lady — a white lady ! the first white Avoman I had seen for more than a year ! She was standing on the little deck of the row boat, leaning on the arm of a sickly- looking gentleman Avith an intellectual cast of countenance, in whom I at once recognized the husband or the brother. " His dress and bearing pointed him out as a missionary. I have said that I had not beheld a white female for many months ; and now the soothing accents of female Avords fell upon my ears like a household hymn of my youth. " My wound was tenderly dressed, my head bound up, and I was laid upon a sofa bed. With what a thankful heart did I breathe forth a blessing on these kind Samaritans ! With what delight did I drink in the mild, gentle sounds of that sweet REMINISCENCE OF AN ENCiLISII OFFICER. 399 woman's voice, as she pressed me to recruit my strength with some of that beverage ' which cheers, but not inebriates'! ' She was seated in a large sort of swinging chair, of American construction, in Avhich her slight, emaciated, but graceful form appeared almost ethereal. Yet, Avith much of heaven, there Avere still the breathings of earthly feeling about her ; for at her feet rested a babe, a little, wan baby, on which her eyes often turned with all a mother's love ; and gazing frequently upon her delicate features, Avith a fond yet fearful glance, Avas that meek missionary, her husband. Her face was pale, very pale, Avith that expression of deep and serious thought Avhich speaks cff-rhe strong and vigorous mind within the frail and perishing body ; her broAvn hair Avas braided over a placid and'hoiy broAV ; but her hands — those small, lily hands — were quite beautiful ;. beautiful they were, and very Avan; for ah, they told of disease — of death — death in all its transparent grace — Avhen the sickly blood shines through the clear skin, even as the bright poison lights up the Venetian glass Avhich it is about to shatter. That lady Avas Mrs. Judson, Avhose long captivity and severe hardships amongst the Burmese have since been detailed in her published journals. " I remained tAvo days with them ; tAvo delightful days they Avere to me. Mrs. Judson's powers of conversation were of the first order, and the many affecting anecdotes that she gave us of their long and cruel bondage, their struggles in the cause of religion, and their adventures during a long residence at the court of Ava, gained a heightened interest from the beautiful. energetic simplicity of her language, as well as from the cer tainty I felt that so fragile a floAver as she in very truth was, had but a brief season to linger on earth. " Why is it that we grieve to think of the approaching death of the young, the virtuous, the ready ? Alas ! it is the selfish ness of human nature that would keep to itself the purest and sweetest gifts of Heaven, to encounter the blasts and the blights of a world Avhere we see them, rather than that they should be transplanted to a happier region, where we see them not. " When I left the kind Judsons, I did so with regret 400 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. When I looked my last on her mild, worn countenance, as she issued some instructions to my neAv set of boatmen, I felt my eyes fill with prophetic tears. They were not per ceived. We parted, and we never met again ; nor is it likely that the Avounded subaltern Avas ever again thought of by those Avho had succored him. Mrs. Judson and her child died sooir. after the cessation of hostilities." CHAPTER XI. MISSION TRANSFERRED TO THE TENASSERIM PROVINCES — RE MOVES TO AMHERST. — EMBASSY TO AVA. — SYSTEM OF MIS SIONARY REGULATIONS.— DEATH OF MRS. JUDSON. — DEATH OF HIS ONLY CHILD. — REMOVES TO MAULMAIN. — DEATH OF II IS FATHER. 1826-1827. Upon Dr. Judson's return to Rangoon, after leaving the camp at Yandabo, he found the city invested by the Peguans, who had seized this opportunity for attempting to regain their independence. Every thing was in utter confusion. The mission house was a ruin ; the disciples had fled ; and it was evident that some other place must now be selected as the scene of missionary labor. It is true that the king had re quested Dr. Judson to remain at Ava, and had prom ised him honors and rewards ; but he had refused to grant religious toleration to his subjects. For a long time the lower provinces, which had been in pos session of the British, must suffer severely from the vindictive jealousy of the monarch. The portions of Burmah which had been ceded to the British were inhabited by the same races as the other parts of the empire. In these the gospel might be preached ; here missions might be established, not merely by sufferance, but under the fostering care of a Christian government. Every thing conspired to point out the Tenasserim provinces as the future seat of thfe mission ; at least until some change should take place in the political condition of the Burman empire. Dr. Judson, who had rendered so important services at the treaty of Yandabo, and Avho was better ac 34 * 401 402 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. quainted with the Burman language and character than any other European, was invited to proceed from Rangoon with the civil commissioner, Mr. Crawfurd, to select the site of the new capital for the ceded prov inces. This invitation he accepted. Proceeding in a steamer to the mouth of the Salwen, in company with the commissioner, he examined various localities from Point Kyaikamee to Maulmain. It was at the former place that the most desirable situation was found, and there it was determined that a town should . be established. It was accordingly selected for that purpose in ^he name of the British government, and the Honorable East India Company, and, as a com pliment to the then governor general, was named Amherst. Here it was intended to establish the capital of the Tenasserim provinces, and here it would have been established but for an unfortunate misunderstanding between the civil commissioner and the commander- in-chief. Sir Archibald Campbell considered Maul main, a small town twenty-seven miles farther up the river, the most favorable military position. Here he, therefore, established his head quarters, and erected barracks for the troops. This determined the direction in which population should flow. Maulmain became the capital. Amherst declined, and, in spite of its commercial advantages, has remained to the present time an insignificant town. When the course of events became thus determined, Mr. Crawfurd resigned the civil government of the proA'inces, and the aid of a most intelligent and competent officer was lost to the mission. As soon, however, as the site of Amherst was se lected, Dr. Judson determined to remove thither with AMHERST. 403 his family. On the 2d of July, 1826, he arrived there with Mrs. Judson, who was very kindly received by Captain Fenwick., the military officer of the station. The following letters relate to these events : — To the Corresponding Secretary. , Steam Vessel, off Kyaixamee, April 1, 132S. My dear Sir : I left Rangoon about one o'clock yester day, in company with Mr. Crawfurd, commissioner of the governor general, on an exploring expedition to the upper parts of the provinces lately ceded by the Burmese govern ment to the British. This morning, made the Kyaikamee temple, perched on the highest part of a ledge of rocks, which projects into the sea from a high bluff crowned with large trees, at the very entrance of the Salwen or Martaban River. After several hours spent in examining the shoals and rocks, and ascertaining a safe entrance, we found good anchorage, inside the rocky promontory, about one hundred and fifty yards from the shore. Just at night, set our feet on some of the rocks, which at present impede the free entrance of a boat, and with some difficulty reached the beach, ascended the high ground, and looked round on a place, which, though noAV cov ered with woods, and exhibiting no marks of having ever been inhabited, except the remains of a few old pagodas and wells, appears to be, from vicinity to the sea, good anchorage ground, and connection with an extensive interior, well calculated to be the site of a new town, the future seat of government. April 2. Out early in the morning, with the animation of new discoverers — Mr. CraAvfurd and other gentlemen of the party aspiring to the honor of founding a town which shah rival the most celebrated ports of the East, and extend the interest and honor of their king and country ; myself, while far from being indifferent to the same objects, yet animated by higher hopes and more extended prospects. Discovered a small river, two miles above the point, called the Kalyen or Wagaree, from a small village of that name, a few miles from 404 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. its mouth. Proceeded up the river in the steam vessel, viewed several places, on the banks, and at night returned to our old station. April 3. Went up tht- eastern branch "of the Salwen Rivei to Martaban, on the Burmese, side, but still occupied by Brit ish troops, nearly thirty miles from its mouth. Found not sufficient water for large ships, and concluded, therefore, at once, that no place up the river would answer for the new settlement. Just below Martaban, the Ataran, Gyne, and Salwen unite, and form a beautiful expanse of water ; on one side the town of Martaban, on the other the district of Maul main, where it had been originally proposed to form the new settlement, the country appearing fertile, and the distant prospects, on every side, bounded by ranges of high mountains, covered with wood, and replete, as we Avere told, with mineral treasure. All of us regretted the want of deep water in the channel leading to this delightful spot, yet perfectly reconciled to a port at Kyaikamee, from the assurance that all the pro ductions of the interior maybe conveyed thither by these same streams, with as much facility as to any part of Maulmain. April 4. Went up the Salwen, about twenty miles above Martaban. The features of the country, as Ave advanced, became more marked and diversified, evidently capable also of a high degree of cultivation. Villagers removing from the Avestern to the eastern bank, to enjoy the protection of the British government. Went ashore, and explored a very curi ous temple, partially subterranean, and filled Avith a most astonishing number and variety of images. At night returned to Martaban. April 5. Accompanied by Captain Fenwick, civil super intendent of these parts, we retraced our course between the fertile island of Balu and the eastern coast, and resumed our old station off Kyaikamee, which, notwithstanding its present rough and wild appearance, evidently possesses greater advan tages and capabilities than any other place we have seen in these parts, April 6. Repaired to the beach under a bold cliff, on the REMOVAL TO AMHERST 405 north-western side of the promontory, in company with the civil and military authorities present, when, by command of the commissioner, the British flag was hois'.ed, and, under fire of a royal salute and discharge of musketry, the place was taken possession of in the name of the King and the Honora ble Company, and the ceremonies concluded by reading the six tieth chapter of Isaiah, and presenting an appropriate prayer. Designation of the new place — Amherst. April 7. Traversed the woods, and marked out some of the outlines. Observed the tracks of tigers, buffaloes, deer, and wild hogs. Another trip up the Salwen. Towards night, employed in translating into Burmese a proclamation of the commissioner to the inhabitants of the adjoining districts. April 8, afternoon. Took leave of Amherst, on return to Rangoon. April 9. Having strong west Avind ah the way, made slow- progress, and anchored just below Rangoon late at night. April 14. Mrs. Judson and myself conclude to be the first settlers in Amherst. I have taken down the zayat, (may the blessing of God rest on it, as in days of old,) and intend to send the boards by an early conveyance, to form a tempo rary shelter during the approaching rainy season. We are promised a passage in the steam vessel, which will leave this in the course of ten days. Affectionately yours, A. Judson, Jr. When the treaty of Yandabo was negotiated, it was stipulated that an additional commercial treaty should be contracted between the British and Burman governments. Mr. Crawfurd was appointed envoy on behalf of the governor general in council, to con duct this negotiation. He had become intimately acquainted with Dr. Judson, and was exceedingly desirous of securing his assistance in this embassy to Ava. For a long time Dr. Judson resisted every 406 MEMOIR OF Dl. JUDSON. solicitation. At last, Mr. Crawfurd promis ed to use every effort to proem 3 the insertion of an article in the treaty which should guaranty to all the subjects of the king the right of religious liberty. The hope that so desirable an end might be attained decided Dr. Judson, at last, to accept the appointment. He Avould not, however, have come to this conclusion but for the opinion of his wife, who decidedly favored it. The emolument accruing from this service would, however, be what missionaries would consider large. Here, then, was a principle involved for which no pre cedent existed in the management of American mis sions. Ought a missionary to be allowed to enter, for a time, into any other service ? and if this were, under any circumstances, allowed, to whom should the remu neration belong ? — to himself, or to the missionary board ? A difference of opinion on this subject led to a most unpleasant discussion between the missionaries at Serampore and their brethren at home, which terminated in a total separation of the parties from each other. Dr. Judson saw that this was the time for the settlement of the question. He conceived that the whole time of the missionary was to be con secrated to the work of propagating the gospel ; that the board at home became responsible for his whole support, and therefore that he could not, with pro priety, enter into any other engagements without their consent, or, in special emergencies, the consent of his associates ; and that whatever remuneration should accrue from his services was to be considered not his own property, but the property of the board. He saAV also that a decision on this subject would become more universally binding, if it were proposed by him on the eve of entering upon an engagement SYSTEM OF REGULATIONS. 407 which would be both honorable and lucrative. With these views he wrote immediately to the board, and suggested the rules on this subject by which this and all future cases should be decided. They were adopted in this country without alteration, and remain un changed to the present moment. In consequence of this decision, Dr. Judson made over to the board five thousand two hundred rupees, the sum allowed him by the governor general in coun cil, in consideration of his services at the treaty of Yandabo, and as a member of the embassy to Ava, and also two thousand rupees, the avails of presents made to him at Ava. This was frequently spoken of as a donation to the mission. He, however, never so considered it. In conveying it to the board, he only acted in conformity with the principles which he had adopted, and by which he believed every mission ary should be governed. If he had retained it, no one could have found just cause of complaint; for during these months but little could have been done for the mission. He appreciated, however, the value of the principle, and refused to receive any higher remunera tion than was received by his brethren, considering all the surplus the rightful property of the mission. To the Corresponding Secretary. Rangoon, June 10, 1826. Rev. Sir : It has, for some time, appeared to me necessary, in order to prevent the improper appropriation and lavish waste of the mission funds, and to prevent missionaries from pursuing measures Avith a view to their own emolument, while ostensibly engaged in missionary work, that a system of regu lations should be adopted by the board or the managing com mittee, and made binding on all the missionaries in their 408 MEAIOIR OF DR. JUDSON. employ. Experience has shown that regulations adopted by missionaries themselves, though subsequently sanctioned by higher authority, are not sufficiently bindmg ; nor is that mode of proceeding so proper as to have the regulations ema nate from the managing powers. With these views, I take the liberty of submitting to your consideration the accompanying paper, No. I. The regula tions therein contained may be thought by some too lax, and by others too strict. I can only say that they are the result of many years' experience, and a very extensive acquaintance with missionaries of various denominations, the relations which have subsisted between them and their employers, and the rules by which they have been governed. In framing the system of regulations now presented, I haA'e had a particular view to the numerous difficulties and differences which have arisen between missionaries and managers of missions, few only of which are generally knoAvn, and have endeavored to preserve the balance of power between the parties, so as to infringe neither the natural rights of the one, nor the directing and controlling poAver of the other. The accompanying paper, No. II., contains a resolution which I propose for adoption, conformably to the third article of the regulations. The rates of allowance therein stated are rather higher than those originally fixed by the missionaries in Ran goon, where, on account of the exportation of money being strictly prohibited by the Burmese government, the exchange was generally twenty or thirty per cent, in favor of Bengal. In the ceded provinces, as there will be no restriction on the exportation of specie, the exchange will probably be at par. I have only to add that, if the regulations now submitted meet your approbation, the sooner copies are forwarded to the several missionaries for their signature, the sooner, I trust, existing evils will be remedied. Yours faithfully, A. Judson, Jr. system of regulations. 409 No. I. Regulations of the Managing Committee of the Board of Missions of the American Baptist Convention. To be sub scribed by all persons entering the service of the board, and to be forwarded for signature to all persons previously in service. 1. No missionary receiving pecuniary support from the board shall engage in any secular business for the purpose of personal emolument ; and not at all, unless, in the opinion of the board, the great object of the mission can be best promoted thereby. 2. No such missionary shall appropriate to himself the avails of his labor, or the compensation he may receive for service of any kind ; but all avails of labor, and all presents or pay ments made in consideration of services performed, shall be placed to the credit of the board : Provided, that nothing in this article shall be construed to affect private property, in heritances, or personal favors, not made in compensation of service. 3. Ah missionaries supported by the board shall, with their wives and children, be considered as having claims on the mis sion fund for equal support in similar circumstances, the rates of allowance being fixed by the board, and the claims of wid ows and orphans being not invahdated by the death of the head of their family. 4. In regard to missionaries who support themselves from the income of their estates, or in any way not inconsistent Avith their missionary profession, they shall be considered mem bers of the mission equally with those who receive pecuniary support, and, therefore, equally subjeet to the instructions and general regulations of the board. 5. Every missionary, however supported, shah transmit to the board, in a journal or series of letters, a regular account of the manner in which he spends his time and performs the duties of his profession. 6. Missionaries stationed in the same place or vicinity, who vol. i. 35 410 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. shah form a voluntary compact for that purpose, si. all be a committee of the board, for the appropriation and disposal of money and property intrusted to them by the board, the Chris tian public, or private individuals, and for the general manage ment of missionary affairs. 7. If a missionary persist in violating any of the above reg ulations, it shah be the indispensable duty of his associates in the mission to give full information to the board. No. II. Resolution of the Board or the Managing Committee. Resolved, That, in regard to missionaries stationed in the provinces lately ceded to the British, south and east of the Salwen River, the monthly allowance for their personal ex penses, exclusive of appropriations for building or house rent, conveyance on mission business, and other expenses of a pub- he nature, be, for a single man one hundred and ten, for a married man one hundred and fifty, for a child twelve, and for a widow or single woman seventy -five rupees per month, pay able in Bengal. To a Friend. Rangoon, July 12, 1826. My dear Sir : Your very handsome present of three hundred rupees arrived most opportunely to enable Mrs. Judson to build a temporary mission house, and set up a small school at Amherst ; for which purposes no appropriation had been made by our managing committee at home. I left her there, a few days ago, in the house of Captain Fen wick, civil superintendent, who immediately on our arrival vacated it for her present accommodation, and who exerted himself in every possible way to render her situation com fortable during my absence. We found several of the native converts who had preceded us to that place, and built the first native houses that en croached on the jungle, and disturbed the deer and wild fowl which had been the undisputed occupants of the peninsula. EMBASSY TO AVA. 411 Tavo of the men, whose names you may recollect, Moung Shwa-ba and Moung Ing, I have long intended for assistants in the mission, and I have noAV advised that one of them be immediately employed in the school, and the other as an itiner ant missionary among the neAv settlers. Mrs. Judson is delighted with her situation and prospects, though all around her is yet wild, and she can expect but very little society at present. There are about fifty houses, chiefly native, exclusive of the military cantonment, and officers' houses, about a mile distant, on the west side of the peninsula ; but after the rainy season, the influx of native population will probably be very great. The harbor proves to be safe and commodious, and the place evidently possesses capabil ities and resources which must render it, in time, a point of considerable importance. It Avas Avith great reluctance that I left Amherst and returned to this place, to accompany the embassy to Ava, according to my engagement with Mr. Crawfurd — an engage ment which he obtained by long solicitation, and finally by holding out a temptation that I could not, or rather thought it not my duty to resist ; he pledged himself to use his utmost interest to secure in the commercial treaty which he is com missioned to negotiate with the court at Ava, an article in favor of religious toleration, on principles of reciprocity ; the Burman government engaging not to persecute their subjects Avho may embrace the Christian religion, and the British gov- 3rnment securing a similar privilege to their subjects in behalf of the religion of Gaudama. I sincerely hope that the busi ness of the embassy will be accomplished in three or four months, and that I shall reach Amherst and recommence mis sionary operations in November next. Your donation to the mission, and that of Mr. , I regard as peculiarly valuable, because uninfluenced by solici tation, personal attachment, or desire of human praise, and therefore affording assurance of having originated in those motives which alone are acceptable in the sight of our blessed Lord; assurance also of being accompanied and followed by 412 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. that sp.rit of prayer for the mission which invests the dona tion wi;h its greatest value. Mrs. Judson and myself feel much gratified that our mis sionary efforts have attracted your notice, and obtained your approbation ; and, begging for a continued interest in your good wishes and prayers, I remain, my dear sir, Yours with much affection and respect, A. Judson, Jr. To the Corresponding Secretary. Rangoon, July 31, 1826. Rev. and dear Sir : At the date of my last, the 10th of June, I was waiting for an opportunity of removing to Am herst. Since then, the commissioner, Mr. Crawfurd, who is appointed to negotiate a secondary treaty with the court of Ava, renewed his proposal for me to accompany the embassy, and pledged himself, in case of my complying, to use his interest to procure the insertion of an article in the treaty favorable to religious toleration — an object which I have had at heart so many years, and which, though now, on account of • the opening in the south provinces, not so necessary as for merly, is yet greatly favorable to the gradual introduction of religion into all parts of the country, from the station which we propose occupying. With these views, I thought it my duty to accept the offer. Desirous, however, of making a com mencement in the new place as early as possible, and unwilling to disappoint the native converts, who had left this in the full sxpectation of our immediately following them, I accompanied Mrs. Judson and family thither, in the end of last month ; and after seeing them comfortably settled, in a temporary house be longing to Captain Fenwick, civil superintendent of the place, which he kindly vacated for Mrs. Judson's accommodation I returned to Rangoon the 9th instant. The new town has made some progress during the rains, About fifty native houses, Burmese, Chinese, and India-Mus sulman, and three or four European, exclusive of barracks for the troops and officers' houses, compose the infant settlement. EMBASSY TO AVA. 413 As soon as the favorable season commences, it will increase rapidly, in consequence of large emigrations from Rangoon. Numerous villages are even now springing up on the eastern side of the Salwen, and there can be no doubt that the whole region will eventually be filled Avith native population. The harbor of Amherst proves to be safe and commodious ; large forests of teak have been discovered in the interior, thereby insuring it a place of trade ; the situation of the settlement, exposed at all seasons to the sea breeze, must be healthy, and the mission, I may venture to say, will receive the decided patronage of government. The management of all the ceded provinces will probably be intrusted to Mr. Crawfurd, one of the most enlightened, intelligent, liberal men I have ever met ; one most eminently qualified to discharge the highest and most responsible duties of government. The embassy will leave this for Ava on the receipt of final orders from Bengal, which are daily expected. I hope that the object of the embassy will be obtained in the course of three or four months, and that I shall be able to reach Am- . herst and recommence missionary operations in Novem ber next. Yours faithfully, A. Judson, Jr. Mr. Judson, on the 5th of July, left Mrs. Judson and his family at Amherst, to embark for Rangoon on his way to Ava, in the suite of Mr. Crawfurd, the British envoy. It was not until the 30th of Septem ber that he arrived at the capital, where the negotia tions were to be conducted. He soon found, to his mortification, that no provision in favor of religious toleration could be secured. His labor, therefore, so far as this result was concerned, was fruitless ; and he was constrained to spend his time in a service in which he felt very small interest, and which could con tribute but very little to the happiness or prosperity of eithel nation. The Burmans were ignorant of their 35* 414 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. own interest, incapable of appreciating honorable motives, afraid of the wisdom, as they had been of the prowess, of their conquerors, and seemed governed by one maxim only, which was, to agree to as little as possible. To labor in conducting a negotiation un der such circumstances must have been, to a man of Dr. Judson's aspirations, sufficiently irksome. But the worst was yet to come. On the 24th of November, he heard of the death of Mrs. Judson. She died at Amherst, on the 24th of October, 1826, in the thirty-seventh year of her age. The being whom he loved better than all else on earth, who had been so intimately associated with, him in all his plans of benevolence, and who had borne so important a part in their accomplishment ; to whose devoted love, consummate tact, and heroic resolution, for twenty- one months, he had been indebted not only for his life, but for all that rendered life endurable ; a woman who was the acknowledged ornament of every circle in which she had moved, — had, in an unexpected mo ment, been removed from him forever. She had sick ened and died among strangers. A few native Chris tian women were her only female attendants. The voice which might have soothed her agony could not administer to her the consolations of the gospel. Other hands than his had smoothed her pillow, re ceived her messages of love, closed her dying eyes, and consigned her to the house appointed for all the living. Her last words were spoken of him, and her last request to Dr. Richardson, her medical attendant, was, that he would convey to her husband her earnest entreaty that he would never consent to enter the ser vice of the British government, but confine himself exclusively to the duties of his religious mission. It 's very rare that so many elements of exquisite sad- DEATH OF MRS. JUDSON. 415 ness are concentrated in one bereavement. The narra tive of these mournful events is best conveyed by his own pen. To his Sister. Ava, December 7, 1826. Weep with me, my dear sister and parents, for my beloved wife is no more. She died at Amherst, the 24th of October last, of remittent fever, and is buried near the spot where she first landed ; and " they have put up a small, rude fence around the grave, to protect it from incautious intrusion." There lies, enclosed in a coffin, the form of her I so much loved — the wife of my youth, the source and centre of my domestic happiness. She had just built a small house, and moved into it three weeks before she was taken ill ; and she writes, " May God preserve and bless you, and restore you in safety to your old and new home, is the prayer of your affectionate Ann.' Alas ! the new home only remains for me ; my old home is broken up forever. Even httle Maria is too young to recog nize her papa, and, before I see her, will have forgotten her mamma, who loved her so much, and took such care of her. Ah, httle, ungrateful babe, who will ever love you like your OAvn mamma, whom you have so soon forgotten ? Let us go, my child, to her grave, and plant some flowers there, and water them with our tears, and wait for her resurrection at the last day ; for her spirit has been conveyed by angels to Abraham's bosom, and is now existing in paradise with the spirits of the just made perfect. And she will come again, and resume the form which now moulders in the grave. Then she will be bright as the sun, beautiful as an angel, immortal as the Saviour. And all of us who are entitled to ' immortality by a union to the same immortal Head will live together with her in the enjoyment of everlasting hfe. We will not, then, mourn as those who have no hope ; " for if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also that sleep in Jesus will God bring with him." 416 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. Yet, notwithstanding the consolations of the gospel, grief claims its right, ami tears their course ; and I must subscribe myself Your broher, in the deepest sorrow, A. Judson, Jr. To the Corresponding Secretary, Rev. Dr. Bolles. Ava, December 7, 1826. Rev. and dear Sir : My last was dated at Rangoon, while waiting to accompany the embassy to Ava. We were detained until the 1st of September, and arrived here the 28th, though we were not admitted to an audience with the king till the 20th of the ensuing month. In the very commencement of negotiations, I ascertained that it would be impossible to effect any thing in favor of re ligious toleration, in consequence of the extraordinary ground assumed by the Burmese commissioners. Reluctant as tha government has ever been to enter into any stipulations with a foreign power, they resolved to do nothing more than they were obliged to by the treaty of Yandabo ; and as that re quired them to make a " commercial treaty," they resolved to confine the discussions to points strictly commercial ; so that, instead of a treaty of twenty-two articles, calculated to place the relations of the two countries on the most liberal and friendly footing, the treaty just concluded is confined to four, and those utterly insignificant. So far, therefore, as I had a view to the attainment of reli gious toleration in accompanying the embassy, I have entirely failed. I feel the disappointment more deeply on account of the many tedious delays which have already occurred, and which we anticipate during our return ; so that, instead of four or five months, I shall be absent from home seven or eight. But, above all, the news of the death of my beloved wife has not only thrown a gloom over all my future prospects, but has forever imbittered my recohections of the present iourney, in con sequence of Avhich I have been absent from DEATH OF MRS. JUDSON. 417 her dying bed, and prevented from affording the spiritual comfort which her lonely circumstances peculiarly required, and of contributing to avert the fatal catastrophe which has deprived me of one of the first of women, the best of wives. I commend myself and motherless child to your sympathy and prayers, and remain Yours, in the deepest sorrow, A. Judson, Jr. To Mrs. Hasseltine, of Bradford, Mass. Ava, December 7, 1826. Dear Mother Hasseltine : This letter, though in tended for the whole family, I address particularly to you ; for it is a mother's heart that will be most deeply interested in its melancholy details. I propose to give you, at different times, some account of my great, irreparable loss, of which you will have heard before receiving this letter. I left your daughter, my beloved wife, at Amherst, the 5th of July last, in good health, comfortably situated, happy in being out of the reach of our savage oppressors, and animated in prospect of a field of missionary labor opening under the auspices of British protection. It affords me some comfort that she not only consented to my leaving her, for the purpose of joining the present embassy to Ava, but uniformly gave her advice in favor of the measure, whenever I hesitated con cerning my duty. Accordingly I left her. On the 5th of July I saAV her for the last time. Our parting was much less painful than many others had been. We had been preserved through so many trials and vicissitudes, that a separation of three or four months, attended with no hazards to either party, seemed a light thing. We parted, therefore, with cheerful hearts, confident of a speedy reunion, and indulging fond anticipations of future years of domestic happiness. After my return to Rangoon, and subsequent arrival at Ava, I received several letters from her, written in her usual style, and exhibiting no subject of regret or appre hension, except the declining health of our little daughter, 418 memoir of dr. judson. Maria. Her last was dated the 14th of September. She says, " I have this day moved into the new house, and, for the first time siuce we were broken up at Ava, feel myself at home. The house is large and convenient, and if you were here I should feel quite happy. The native population is increasing very fast, and things wear rather a favorable aspect. Moung Ing's school has commenced with ten scholars, and more are expected. Poor little Maria is still feeble. I sometimes hope she is getting better ; then again she declines to her former weakness. When I ask her where papa is, she always starts up, and points toAvards the sea. The servants behave very well, and I have no trouble about any thing, ex cepting you and Maria. Pray take care of yourself, par ticularly as it regards the intermittent fever at Ava. May God preserve and bless you, and restore you in safety to your new and old home, is the prayer of your affectionate Ann." On the 3d of October, Captain F., civil superintendent of Amherst, writes, "Mrs. Judson is extremely well." Why she did not write herself by the same opportunity, I know not. On the 18th, the same gentleman writes, " I can hardly think it right to tell you that Mrs. Judson has had an attack of fever, as before this reaches you she will, I sincerely trust, be quite well, as it has not been so severe as to reduce her. This was occasioned by too close attendance on the child. However, her cares have been rewarded in a most extraor dinary manner, as the poor babe at one time was so reduced that no rational hope could be entertained of its recovery; but at present a most favorable change has taken place, and she has improved wonderfully. Mrs. Judson had no fever last night, so that the intermission is now complete." The tenor of this letter was such as to make my mind quite easy, both as it regarded the mother and the child. My next communica tion was a letter with a black seal, handed me by a person, saying he was sorry to have to inform me of the death of the child. I know not whether this was a mistake on his part, or kindly intended to prepare my mind for the real intelligence. I went into my room, and opened tl i letter with feelings of DEATH OF MRS. JUDSON. 419 gratitude and joy, that at any rate the mother was spared. It was from Mr. B., assistant superintendent of Amherst, dated the 26th of October, and began thus : — My dear Sir: To one who has suffered so much, and with such exemplary fortitude, there needs but little preface to tell a tale of distress. It were cruel indeed to torture you with doubt and suspense. To sum up the unhappy tidings in a few words, Mrs. Judson is no more. At intervals I got through Avith the dreadful letter, and pro ceed to give you the substance as indelibly engraven on my heart : — Early in the month she was attacked with a most violent fever. From the first she felt a strong presentiment that she should not recover, and on the 24th, about eight in the evening, she expired. Dr. R. was quite assiduous in his attentions, both as friend and physician. Captain F. procured her the services of a European Avoman from the 45th regiment ; and be assured all was done that could be done to comfort her in her sufferings, and to smooth the passage to the grave. We all deeply feel the loss of this excellent lady, whose shortness of residence among us was yet sufficiently long to impress us with a deep sense of her worth and virtues. It was not until about the 20th that Dr. R. began seriously to suspect danger. Before that period the fever had abated at intervals ; but its last, approach baffled all medical skill. On the morning of the 23d, Mrs. Judson spoke for the last time. The disease had ther. completed its conquest, and from that time up to the moment of dissolution, she lay nearly motionless, and apparently quite insensible. Yesterday morning I assisted in the last melancholy office of putting her mortal remains in the coffin, and in the evening her funeral was attended by all the European officers now resident here. We have buried her near the spot where she first landed, and I have put up a small, rude fence around the grave, to protect it from incau tious intrusions. Your little girl, Maria, is much better. Mrs. W. has taken charge of her, and I hope she will continue to thrive under her care. Two days later, Captain Fenwick vrites thus to a friend in Rangoon : — ¦ 420 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. I trust that you will be able to find means to inform our friend of the dreadful loss he has suffered. Mrs. Judson had slight attacks of fever from the 8th or 9th instant, but we had no reason to appre hend the fatal result. I saw her on the 18th, and at that time she Avas free from fever, scarcely, if at all, reduced. I was obliged to go up the country on a sudden business, and did not hear of her danger until my return on the 24th, on Avhich day she breathed her last, at 8 P. M. I shall not attempt to give you an account of the gloom which the death of this most amiable woman has thrown over our small society. You, who were so well acquainted with her, must feel her loss more deeply ; but Ave had just known her long enough to value her acquaintance as a blessing in this remote corner. I dread the effect it will have on poor Judson. I am sure you will take every care that this mournful intelligence may be opened to him as carefully as possible. The only -other communication on this subject, that has reached me, is the following line from Sir Archibald Campbell to the envoy : " Poor Judson will be dreadfully distressed at the loss of bis good and amiable wife. She died the other day at Amherst, of remittent fever, eighteen days ill." You perceive that I have no account whatever of the state of her mind, in view of death and eternity, or of her wishes concerning her darling babe, whom she loved most intensely. I hope to glean some information on these points from the physician who attended her, and the native converts who must have been occasionally present. I will not trouble you, my dear mother, with an account of my own private feelings — the bitter, heart-rending anguish, which for some days would admit of no mitigation, and the comfort which the gospel subsequently afforded — the gospel of Jesus Christ, which brings life and immortality to light. Blessed assurance, — and let us apply it afresh to our hearts, — that, while I am Avriting and you perusing these lines, her spirit is resting and rejoicing in the heavenly paradise, — " Where glories shine, and pleasures roll That charm, delight, transport the soul ; And every panting wish shall be Possessed of boundless bliss in thee." RETURN TO AMHERST. 421 And there, my dear mother, we also shah soon be, uniting and participating in the felicities of heaven with her for whom we now mourn. " Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus." Amherst, February i, 1827. Amid the desolation that death has made, I take up my pen once more to address the mother of my beloved Ann. I am sitting in the house she built, in the room where she breathed her last, and at a window from which I see the tree that stands s-t the head of her grave, and the top of the " small rude fence " which they have put up " to protect it from incautious intrusion." Mr. and Mrs. Wade are living in the house, having arrived here about a month after Ann's death ; and Mrs. Wade has taken charge of my poor motherless Maria. I was unable to get any accounts of the child at Rangoon ; and it was only on my arriving here, the 24th ultimo, that I learned she was still ahve. Mr. Wade met me at the landing-place, and as I passed on to the house, one and another of the native Christians came out, and when they saw me they began to weep. At length we reached the house ; and I almost expected to see my love coming out to meet me, as usual. But no ; I saw only in the arms of Mrs. Wade a poor little puny child, who could not recog nize her weeping father, and from whose infant mind had long been erased ah recollection of the mother who loved her so much. She turned away from me in alarm, and I, obliged to seek comfort elsewhere, found my way to the grave. But who ever obtained comfort there ? Thence I went tc the house, in which I left her, and looked at the spot where we last knelt in prayer, and where we exchanged the parting kiss. The doctor who attended her has removed to another sta tion, and the only information I can obtain is such as the native Christians are able to communicate. It seems that her head was much affected during her last days, and she said but little. She sometimes com plained thus : " The teacher is long in coming ; and the new missionaries are long in coming ; I must di?. alone, and leave vol. i. 36 422 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. my little one ; but as it is the will of God, I acquiesce in his will, t am not afraid of death, but I am afraid I shall not be able to bear these pains. Tell the teacher that the disease was most violent, and I could not Avrite ; tell him how I suffered and died ; tell him all that you see ; and take care of the house and things until he returns." When she was unable to notice any thing else, she would still call the child to her, and charge the nurse to be kind to it, and indulge it in every thing, until its father shall return. The last day or two, she lay almost senseless and motionless, on one side, her head reclining on her arm, her eyes closed ; and at eight in the evening, with one exclamation of distress in the Burman lan guage, she ceased to breathe. February 7. I have been on a visit to the physician who attended her in her illness. He has the character of a kind, attentive, and skilful practitioner ; and his communications to me have been rather consoling. I am now convinced that every thing possible Avas done, and that, had I been present myself, I could not have essentially contributed to avert the fatal termination of the disease. The doctor was with her twice a day, and frequently spent the greater part of the night by her side. He says that, from the first attack of the fever she was persuaded she should not recover ; but that her mind was uniformly tranquil and happy in the prospect of death. She only expressed occasional regret at leaving her child, and the native Christian schools, before her husband, or another missionary family, could arrive. The last two days she was free from pain. On her attention being roused by reiterated questions, she replied, " I feel quite well, only very weak." These were her last words. The doctor is decidedly of opinion that the fatal termination of the fever is not to be ascribed to the localities of the new settlement, but ehiefly to the weakness of her constitution, occasioned by the severe privations and long-protracted suffer ings she endured at Ava. O, with what meekness, and patience, and magnanimity, and Christian fortitude, she bore those suffer ings ! And can I wish they had been less ? Can I sacri ADDITIONAL HELPERS. 423 legiously wish to rob her crown of a single gem ? Much she saw and suffered of the eA'il of this evil world, and eminently was she qualified to relish and enjoy the pure and holy rest into which she has entered. True, she has been taken from a sphere in which she was singularly qualified, by her natural disposition, her winning manners, her devoted zeal, and her perfect acquaintance with the language, to be extensively serviceable to the cause of Christ ; true, she has been torn from her husband's bleeding heart, and from her darling babe ; but infinite wisdom and love have presided, as ever, in this most afflicting dispensation. Faith decides that it is all right, and the decision of faith eternity will soon confirm. I have only time to add — for I am writing in great haste, with very short notice of the present opportunity of sending to Bengal — that poor little Maria, though very feeble, is, I hope, recovering from her long illness. She began indeed to recov er, while under the care of the lady who kindly took charge of her, at her mother's death ; but when, after Mr. Wade's arrival, she was brought back to this house, she seemed to think that she had returned to her former home, and had found in Mrs. Wade her own mother. And certainly the most tender, affectionate care is not wanting to confirm her in this idea. I remain, my dear mother, Yours, in the deepest sorrow, A. Judson, Jr. Dr. Judson returned to Amherst January 24, 1827, and joined the family of Mr. and Mrs. Wade, who had arrived there November 23, 1826, about a month after Mrs. Judson's death. Mrs. Wade had assumed the charge of the feeble infant, and she watched over it with a mother's fondness until its brief course was completed. On the 7th of April, Mr. and Mrs. Board- man joined the mission. The health of Mrs. Board- man, however, soon rendered it necessary for them to proceed to Maulmain for medical advice. It was 424 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. found desirable to establish a branch of the mission in that place, and they remained for that purpose. The fortunes of Amherst continuing to decline, Dr. Judson, in August, removed thither. In November, Mr. and Mrs. Wade, with the native Christians at Amherst, followed them ; and henceforward Maulmain became the chief seat of the Burman mission. The work which had been so prosperously com menced at Rangoon had now to be done over again. A few of the converts, whom war and the cholera had spared, were gathered around them ; but to the popula tion at large the missionaries were entire strangers. They were wild Burmans, such as they had at first met at Rangoon. There were, however, now several Eu ropean missionaries. The New Testament had been translated, and portions of it, together with several tracts, had been printed. A spirit of Christian zeal had manifested itself among some of the converts, which gave good promise of success. The work of preaching the gospel was recommenced, and, as before, converts were added to them of such as should be saved. These events are narrated at large in the fol lowing journals and letters : — Journal. January 24, 1827. Arrived at Amherst, and detached myself from the suite of the envoy. Was happy to find that Mr. and Mrs. Wade had previously arrived, and were occu pying the house built by Mrs. Judson. Mrs. Wade had also taken charge of my daughter Maria, now two years old. As I passed from the landing-place to the house, the native Christians came out to meet me, and they welcomed me with the voice of lamentation ; for my presence reminded them of the great lo£s they had sustained in the death of Mrs. Judson. There are four only in the place, Moung Shwa-ba and Moung BURMESE WORSHIP RECOMMENCED. 425 Ing, Mah Men-la and Mah Doke. The rest of the baptized are scattered in different parts of the country. The teacher Moung Shwa-gnong died of the cholera, on his way down from Ava, at the close of the war. Three of the disciples remained in Rangoon, until the place was evacuated by the British, and then failed in their attempts to obtain a passage hither. On our way we stopped a few days at Rangoon. The place was invested by the Peguans, who have raised the standard of rebellion, and taken possession of several towns in the lower part of the country. From one of the highest roofs within the stockade I obtained a view of the mission house, which afforded us shelter so many years. It is now quite in ruins, nothing remaining but the posts and part of the roof. All the houses in the suburbs, and by the river side, are com pletely swept away. It is not probable, however, that the Peguans will succeed in establishing their independence, or even in getting possession of Rangoon. We find- Amherst in a state of decay, owing to Sir Archi bald Campbell having fixed his head quarters at Maulmain, twenty-five miles up the river. Most of the Burmese emi grants have settled in that vicinity. But as the river is not navigable for vessels of any size, Amherst must be the port, and as soon as it receives the fostering care of government, will probably become a flourishing town. January 28, Lord's day. This day I recommenced worship in Burmese, after an intermission of two years and a half. About twenty persons were present, and among the rest Mah Loon-byay, wife of a French trader from Rangoon, settled in this place. She has been for some months in the habit of meeting with the native Christians, for the purpose of worship. February 3. Attended the funeral of Abby, daughter of Moung Shwa-ba. She and her elder sister, Mary, were the first girls with whom Mrs. Judson commenced the female school, previous to the late war. They have been with us ever since. Mrs. Wade intends to go on with the school, and has now several girls under her care. 36* 426 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. Febinary 4, Lord's day. Worship as last Lords day Commenced commenting on the epitome of the Old Testa ment. In the evening administered the Lord's supper. Seven communicants present. February 10. A few days ago, went up to Maulmain, to pay my respects to Sir Archibald Campbell, and also to obtain an interview with Dr. R., who attended Mrs. Judson in her last illness. Sir Archibald encourages our removing to his favorite station ; but as we are already settled here, we feel disposed to wait a little, until we see what the supreme gov ernment intends to do for the place. February 11, Lord's day. After worship, had some par ticular conversation with Mah Loon-byay, who intimated her wish to become a full disciple by being baptized. Endeavored to explain to her the necessity of the neAv birth, without which baptism would avail her nothing. February 13. At the evening meeting, which is attended by the native Christians Tuesdays and Fridays, Moung Ing expressed his desire to undertake a missionary excursion to Tavoy and Mergui. We were all particularly pleased with the proposal, as originating with himself, and indicating a state of mind particularly favorable to the spread of the gospel. February 25, Lord's day. After the usual worship, we set apart Moung Ing for the work to which we trust he is called by the Spirit of God, appointing him a preacher of the gospel and teacher of the Christian rehgion, without the charge of any church or power to administer the ordinances — an appointment similar to that which, in our churches, com monly precedes ordination as a pastor or evangelist, in the higher sense of the word. And being thus commended to the grace of God, he embarked on a native boat bound to Tavoy. May the divine Spirit accompany, and guide, and prosper the first Burman preacher we have ever sent forth. March 13. Received a letter from Moung Ing, dated the 2d instant, informing us of his arrival at Tavoy, five days from this place, and of his attempt to communicate the gospel to the boat people, who listened in silence, Avithout contradicting or raviling. HOPEFUL INQUIRERS. 427 April 14. We have been much occupied of late in complet ing the mat houses which Mrs. Judson had begun, and in clearing away the trees and underwood in the vicinity of the mission premises. We have now room for myself and broth er Wade's family, and have nearly finished a house for the female school, which will also afford temporary accommodation for brother Boardman's family on their first arrival. The case of Mah Loon-byay has become very encour aging. In her latest conversation with Mrs. Wade, she gave considerable eAddence of having received the grace of God. One of her daughters, also, about twelve years old, professes to be anxious for the salvation of her soul, and desirous of be coming a disciple of Jesus Christ. A letter from Moung Ing informs us that, after remaining a few days at Tavoy, he proceeded by sea to Mergui, his former residence. He met with a favorable reception from several at Tavoy, and one householder said it would be a good plan to build a zayat by the wayside for the preaching of the gospel. April 20. Returned from Maulmain, whither I went in quest of medical aid for my daughter, accompanied by Mrs. Wade. Happy to meet with Mr. Boardman and family, who had arrived during our absence. April 22, Lord's day. Three hopeful inquirers, beside Mah Loon-byay, deserve notice — Moung Dwah, husband of Mah Doke, Moung Thah-pyoo,* a poor man belonging to Moung Shwa-ba, and Moung Myat-poo, son-in-law o? a Peguan chief, who emigrated from Rangoon with his followers, and died in this place. They have regularly attended worship on Lord's day, and thereby manifested some regard to religion. At the close of the discourse to-day, which treated of the wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption which Christ is to all believers, Moung Myat-poo broke oat into some audible expressions of satisfaction. This led to some conversation after worship, iii which he professed a desire to know more of this religion ; " for," said he, " the more I understand it, the better I like it." * Ko-Thah-byoo, the first Karen convert. 428 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. April 24. My httle daughter Maria breathed her last, aged two years and three months, and her emancipated sphit fled, I trust, to the arms of her fond mother. April 29, Lord's day. In consequence of the funeral, sev eral of our Burmese acquaintances in the village came a few evenings in succession, according to their custom, and I en deavored to improve the opportunity in preaching to them Jesus Christ, the resurrection and the life. Three respectable men, friends of Moung Myat-poo, were of the number. They all came again today, and attended both morning and evening Avorship. They profess to be quite convinced of the truth of the Christian religion, but I fear they are deficient in true repentance. April 30. A letter from Moung Ing informed us of his arrival at Mergui. He conducts pubhc worship every Lord's day, and has commonly four or five 'auditors, some of whom also attend the daily family worship. His present residence being very obscure, he is about building a smah house by the wayside, Avhich will cost, he says, fourteen or fifteen rupees ; and, among other means of attracting company, he proposes to prepare and suspend a religious writing in front of his house. But, he adds, while man devises, God's pleasure alone will be accomplished ; and under this impression he de sires to persevere in his work. May 6, Lord's day. Had a long conversation with Mah Loon-byay," in which we became satisfied that she is a subject of renewing grace. She received her first religious impres sions in Rangoon, several years ago, during a season of great domestic affliction, Avhen, not finding any comfort at the Bo- man Catholic church, to which, in consequence. of some of her ancestors being of foreign extraction, she considered herself attached, she began to visit at the mission house. After her removal to Amherst, her former impressions were deepened ; and, though har religious experience has never been so clear and decided as that of some others, we trust that she is a growing Christian, and ought to be admitted to those sources of nourishment which the Great Shepherd has provided for the sustenance of his flock. DEATH OF HIS ONLY CHILD. 429 * Moung Myat-poo, mentioned April 52 and 29, was, as usual, present at worship. From being a noisy, talkative man, of assumed airs and consequence, he has become quiet, and modest, and docile. Mah Men-la, who lives near him, speaks in his favor. She says that, ever since he began to at tend worship, he has forsaken the habits of intemperance he had contracted, and spends much of his time in reading our books and conversing on religious subjects. May 8. Returned from a visit to brother Boardman at Maulmain, who went up, a few days ago, on account of Mrs. Boardman's health, and now thinks of remaining there for the present. Sir Archibald having offered us ground for a mis sion station, we fixed upon a site about three quarters of a mile south of the military cantonments, commanding a view of the river, and contiguous to a large native town. May 15. In the evening, at the stated prayer meeting, the case of Mah Loon-byay was laid before the church, and we agreed to receive her into fellowship, on being baptized. May 20, Lord's day. Mah Loon-byay was accordingly baptized. May 26. Brother Boardman and family have been with us a few days, during which we have discussed many points relative to our missionary operations, and made some arrange ment concerning the outward affairs of the mission. To Mrs. Hasseltine. Amhebst, April 26, 1827. Dear Mother Hasseltine : My little Maria hes by the side of her fond mother. The complaint to Avhich she was subject several months proved incurable. She had the best medical advice ; and the kind care of Mrs. Wade could not have been, in any respect, exceeded by that of her own mother But all our efforts, an I prayers, and tears could not propitiate the cruel disease ; the work of death went forward, and after the usual process, excruciating to a parent's heart, she ceased to breathe on the 24th instant, at 3 o'clock, P. M., aged 430 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. two years and three months. We then closed her faded eyes", and bound up her discolored lips, where the dark touch of death first appeared, and folded her little hands on hei cold breast. The next morning we made her last bed in the small enclosure that surrounds her mother's lonely grave. Together they rest in hope, under the hope tree, {hopia,) which stands at the head of the graves ; and together, I trust, theh spirits are rejoicing after a short separation of precisely six months. And I am left alone in the wide world. My own dear family I have buried ; one in Rangoon, and two in Amherst. What remains for me but to hold myself in readiness to fol low the dear departed to that blessed world, " Where my best friends, my kindred, dwell, Where God, my Saviour, reigns " ? I remain, my dear mother, yours, A. Judson. To the Rev. D. Sharp. Amherst, May 5, 1827. My dear Sir : You are doubtless acquainted with the measures we have taken in regard to the formation of a new mission station at this place. The final disposal of the ceded provinces on this coast is still rather uncertain, the question having been referred to the decision of the Court of Directors. But it is generally understood that the Burmese government has behaved so ill since the war, in not complying with the terms of the»treaty and in giving the envoy, Mr. CraAvfurd, a most ungracious re ception at court, that these provinces cannot be restored to their former masters, and that the difficulty attending their erection into an independent principality, or transferring them to any neighboring power, will render their final reten tion necessary, though the British government uniformly pro fess their reluctance to extend their Indian territories. The fate of this port is still mora dubious, in consequence of Sir Archibald Campbell's having fixed his head quarters at PROSPECTS OF AMHERST. 431 Maulmain, twenty-five miles up the river, and of the uncer tainty whether Mr. Crawfurd, or any person interested in the prosperity of Amherst, will be placed in civil charge here. When I first determined on settling here, it was under stood that all the heads of government were unanimous in the purpose of making this the capital of the ceded provinces ; but an unhappy misunderstanding took place ; and though this is admitted to be the most pleasant place, the most salubrious, the most centrical, the best, and indeed the only port, (for ships cannot go up the river,) Sir Archibald pronounced Maul main the best military station, and the whole tide of Bur mese emigration has flowed thither. On brother Wade's arrival, and my return from Ava, as we had a house here which Mrs. Judson had begun, we con tinued to occupy it, and Avait for the openings of Providence. On brother Boardman's arrival, he had occasion to go up to Maulmain to obtain medical assistance for Mrs. Boardman, and according to an arrangement we have made, he will prob ably remain there for the present. Sir Archibald has re peatedly offered us ground for a mission station ; and we are pleased with having a footing at both places, that we may, with greater facility, occupy that which will become the per manent seat of government, or perhaps both, if the native population of both, and other circumstances, shall appear to warrant such a division of our strength. The expense of building such mat houses as our present necessities require is not large. We have expended about three hundred dollars in Amherst, and have sufficient accom modation for myself and brother Wade's family, besides a commodious zayat for the female school. And even this ap propriation has not been made from the funds furnished from America, but from donations made us for the express purpose of building. Since the close of the war, I have been able, from money paid me by the British government, presents lately made me at Ava, and donations to the mission, to pay into the funds of the board above four thousand dollars, which, after deducting such expenses as our regulations aUow, 432 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. together with the last donation from Madras, I have remitted to Mr. Pearce, of Calcutta. The long interruption of our missionary work, occasioned by our troubles at Ava, the domestic calamities which have since overwhelmed me in quick succession, and the hitherto unfavorable circumstances of Amherst, have operated to pre vent my returning with much ardor to my usual occupations. I am, however, endeavoring to do a little. We have a small assembly of twenty-five or thirty on Lord's days, and our daily family worship is not unfrequently attended by a few inqui rers. One woman desires to profess our rehgion, and has lately given some satisfactory evidence that she is sincere. A few respectable men declare themselves convinced of the truth of the Christian rehgion ; but we discern yet no traces of the re newing influences of the Spirit on their hearts. Three only of the Rangoon converts are now with us. The rest are dead or scattered in different parts of the country. So far as I have been able to ascertain the circumstances of those who died in my absence, and those who still remain, I believe that, with the exception of two, who were excluded from the church in Rangoon for neglecting to attend worship, none of the baptized have disgraced their holy profession. I do not, of course, speak of two or three cases which required temporary church discipline. Moung Ing lately went on a mission to Mergui, (Bike,) the place of his former residence, where he has set up Christian worship, and has, he writes me, several inquirers. I commend my sorrows to your sympathetic remembrance, and, begging an interest in your prayers, remain, My dear sir, Yours faithfully, A. Judson. To the Corresponding Secretary. Amherst, June 21, 1827. Rev. and dear Sir : When brother Boardman was last here, we were on the point of writing a joint letter, recom TENASSERIM PROVINCES. 433 mending a reenforcement of missionaries to be sent out to these provinces. But it then remained doubtful whether Mr. Crawfurd, the late envoy to Ava, and the founder of Amherst, would be appointed to the government of this place — a meas ure which we considered indicative of the intention of the supreme government of Bengal, so far as the question rests with them, to retain this part of the ceded provinces. We have now ascertained that he is appointed, and may be ex pected here in a feAv weeks. This circumstance, together with the present state of negotiation between the British and Burmese governments, too tedious to be detailed, and a va riety of other considerations, render it quite certain in our minds that these provinces, at least the seaports, will be per manently annexed to the territories of the East India Com pany. In this view we recommend them, as a very promising field of missionary labor. The principal towns are Maulmain, Amherst, Yay, Tavoy, and Mergui. Maulmain itself contains a native population of fifteen or twenty thousand. Amherst is still smah. Yay contains perhaps three thousand, but no census has yet been taken. Tavoy contains, according to the census, eight thou sand ; the whole district twenty-five thousand. Mergui con tains three thousand, and the adjoining villages about the same number. It is not, however, the immediate population that Ave would insist on, but the consideration that, while these provinces contain a population sufficient for all missionary op erations, they are really as much a part of Burmah as Ran goon or Ava ; and therefore it is to be hoped that the influence of the gospel preached here will ultimately be felt through the whole country. The climate of ah this coast is decidedly salubrious ; more eo, perhaps, than any other part of India ; and communica tion will always be maintained with Bengal, by way of Am herst. In regard to the number required, we should say not less than three. Five could be disposed of to the greatest advan vol i. 37 434 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON, tage, namely, two at Tavoy, two at Mergui or Yay, and one more at Maulmain. We remain, Rev. and dear sir, Yours faithfully, A. Judson, J. Wade. P. S. We cannot wait to communicate with brother Beard- man without losing the present opportunity of sending to Ben gal, which, we are told, is the last that will occur for some time. We know that his sentiments on the subject of this let ter perfectly accord with ours. Second postscript. Siam is also a noble field for missions. The capita], Bangkok, is only twenty miles from the sea, and is itself a port. Constant communication is maintained with Singapore, just at the extremity of the Siamese and Malayan peninsula ; and between Singapore and Bengal ships are con stantly passing. See " Singapore," in Chapin's Missionary Gazetteer. Bangkok is now unoccupied, but the London Independents are looking that way. I know not what to say about the coast of Arracan, it has proved so extremely unhealthy. Sandoway, however, is said to be salubrious ; and other places, when cleared and settled, will doubtless be so. It was rumored that the insalubrity of the climate would occasion the country being delivered up to the Burmese, or erected into a separate principality ; but the new title of the governor general, Earl of Arracan, shows that, at home, they value the acquisition. Dr. Morrison wrote, many years ago, that an American mission, in his opinion, would be less suspected in China than an English one. The Chinese perfectly understood the dif ference between the two nations ; and the trade with America is direct, furnishing means of constant communication. I had the honor of submitting these considerations, many years ago, to the former board, as well as the state of Siam preparation of books. 435 and the Sandwich Islands, then unoccupied ; but they excitoi no attention. A. Judson. Journal. Amherst, July 3, 1827. For a month past I have been chiefly employed in revising the New Testament, in several points which were not satis factorily settled when the translation was made. Have also completed two catechisms for the use of Burman schools, the one astronomical, in thirty-eight questions and answers, the other geographical, in eighty-nine, accompanied by a map of the world, with Burman names. 5. Commenced a translation of the book of Psalms. 9. Received letters from Moung Ing, dated Mergui, June 12, in which he says that he is preaching the gospel to ah he meets — in the streets, in houses, in zayats. Some contradict, some revile, some say, " These words are good, but the reli gion is too hard for us." Among several little incidents mentioned by Moung Ing, I select the following : " One day I met a woman who praised the meritorious efficacy of religious offerings. I preached to her the vanity of such offerings, and the truth of Jesus Christ. The woman repeated my words to her husband. Soon after, as I was passing by, the husband called me in, and invited me to preach there. Next Sunday I went to the house, and found they had invited about fifteen of the neighbors to hear me preach. In the midst of preaching, some rose up and went away ; some staid and listened till I had finished, among wkom there are three or four persons who continue to appear well. The householder's name is Moung Pyoo, and his wife's name Mah Thwai." One Moung Nwai, also, a man of Portuguese extraction, appears to be a sincere inquirer. One of us having been requested by a friend in Bengal to procure a cohection of sea shells, we mentioned it in writing to Moung Ing, to which he replies, in a postscript, " In regard to what you say about sea shells, if I can conveniently collect 436 memoir of dr. judson. some, I vill do so; but- as this is a worldly concern, I shah not bestjAv any effort upon it, and probably shall not effect much " — a resolution not, perhaps, an worthy the attention of missionaries of a higher order. 11. Received letters from America, the first that have been written since my release from imprisonment. Was much gratified to find that, in recommencing the work of translat ing, I was anticipating the particular wishes of the board. Maulmain, August 12, Lord's day. Yesterday came up to this place, on a visit to brother Boardman. To-day, attempt ed public worship, as usual, but had no native worshipper, except Moung Myat-poo, from Amherst. He staid the greater part of the day, and gave considerable evidence of being truly attached to religion. In the afternoon, Moung Tau-lay, a native chief in this village, and Moung Mau, brother Board- man's teacher, of whom he has a little hope, came in, and listened with some attention. 15. Spent several hours with Moung Bo, an old Rangoon acquaintance, in discussing the external evidences of the Chris tian religion. Some of the arguments appeared to convince his understanding, but his heart remains unaffected. 19, Lord's day. Had a novel assembly of thirteen, all, except Moung Mau, ignorant of the first principles of Chris tianity. They paid uncommon attention, and proposed several questions, which occasioned a desultory and animated conver sation of some hours. One old Pharisee expressed his fear that all his good works Avere nugatory, and declared his sin cere desire to know the real truth. September 9, Lord's day. Still at Maulmain, as Ave have nearly given up all hope of Amherst's becoming a town, since Mr. Crawfurd has declined the government of these provinces, 16, Lord's day. Had an assembly of about a dozen. One man, by name Moung Pan-pyoo, a sedate, steady person, and a strict observer of the Boodhist religion, listened and con versed in such a manner as raised some hope that he is well disposed tov/ards the truth. This morning, heard of the death of our excellent sister DEATH OF MAH-MEN-LA. 437 Mah Men-la, at Amherst — an event which we have been expecting for several days. She was taken ill before I left Amherst, with a species of dropsy. When her case became dangerous, .she was removed to the mission house : " after which," says a letter dated September 3, " she indulged but little hope of recovery. She therefore made her will, and gave up every worldly care. In her will she bequeathed fifty rupees to her brother, the husband of Mah Doke, one hundred and fifty to the missionaries, and the remainder (two hundred, perhaps,) to her two adopted boys, with the exception of a few articles to a niece in Rangoon, and a few other articles to be given away in charity. She has left the boys in our charge, most earnestly desiring and praying that they may be brought up in the Christian religion. No one influenced her to give us any part of her little property, nor had we the least idea that she intended to do so, until she desired Moung Shwa- ba to write an article to that effect. " When her will was written, she said, ' Now I have done with all worldly things.' Since that, she has enjoyed great peace of mind. She does not express a doubt that her name is written in heaven, and that she is hastening to a blissful im mortality. She suffers considerable pain with much patience, and, in order to fortify her mind, often compares her sufferings to those of her divine Master. She is not inclined to converse much ; but how delighted you would be to hear her, now and then, talk of entering heaven, and of meeting Mrs. Judson, and other pious friends ! The other day, after having dwelt for some time on the delightful subject, and mentioned the names of ah the friends she should rejoice to meet, not omit ting dear little Maria, she stopped short, and exclaimed, '• But first of all, I shall hasten to where my Saviour sits, and fall down, and worship and adore him, for his great love in send ing the teachers to show me the way to heaven.' She says that she feels a choice in her mind to die now, rather than to be restored to health, but desires that the will of God may be done. She was much gratified with your letter to-day, and 37* 438 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. now seems more reconciled to the idea of not seeing you again on earth. I feel it a pleasure to do any thing for her, she is so grateful and affectionate." Letters received this morning add, "While the funeral procession is moving towards the house appointed for all living, I sit down to inform you that last evening, about nine o'clock, Mah Men-la's happy spirit took its flight to her native skies. Her departure was quiet and serene, without a groan or sigh, or even a gasp, to distort her smiling countenance. She had often said that, to her, death had no terrors ; and, though insensible at last, she seemed to bid him welcome. A large concourse of people attended the funeral services ; and we have been much gratified by this general respect shown to our departed sister." October 2. We have been lately clearing up part of our ground contiguous to the road, and removing some of the native houses, with a view to building a house for brother Wade and myself, as we have now concluded to abandon Amherst alto gether, with the little enclosure, the hope tree, and the graves Avhich contain the mouldering remains of all that were dearest to me on earth. Maulmain, October 7, 1827. Lord's day. A succession of company from morning till afternoon. In the last party were some individuals who listened with much seriousness, particularly Moung Gway, a man of some distinction. This is his second visit, and his whole ap pearance indicated real earnestness. 19. Had the pleasure of seeing Moung Ing, who has just returned from Mergui. Spent the evening in hearing him relate his adventures. The latter part of his residence there, he daily occupied a zayat, in a central part of the town, and made pretty extensive communications of the gospel. Beside some cases mentioned in his letters, he now mentions the case of Moung Nay, from Rangoon, who appeared the most prom ising of ah. But he found none Avho was willing to accompany him back to this place, though some expressed a desire to do REMOVAL TO MAULMAIN. 439 so, in vder to see the foreign teachers, and become more acquainted with their religion. 21, Lord's day. Moung Shoon and Moung Pan-pyoo, two of our principal workmen, were with me a great part of the day, and I cannot but hope that they are seriously inquiring after the truth. I pressed them to attend a prayer meeting in the evening, with myself and Moung Ing, but they were un willing to commit themselves so far. November 14. Have been extremely busy the last month, in getting the new house ready to occupy. On the 10th, went down to Amherst ; and to-day removed hither, with Mr. and Mrs. Wade. Moung Shwa-ba, Moung Ing, and eleven of the female scholars accompany us, as well as the two boys, left in our charge by Mah Men-la. Mali Doke and her husband will follow us in a few days, together with Moung Myat-poo, and several families connected with him. As to Mah Loon- byay, she is obliged to remain behind, on account of her husband. 25, Lord's day. We have arranged a large room in the front of the house, in the manner of a zayat, and to-day set up worship, in the old Rangoon fashion ; and a busy day it has been. About seventy persons, great and small, attended worship in the forenoon ; after which twenty or thirty women followed Mrs. Wade into another room, and listened to her instructions. In the evening we had about thirty ; and after Avorship some animated conversation ensued, in which Mah Doke's husband, Moung Dwah, came out very decidedly on the side of Christianity. Moung Ing has a good degree of missionary spirit, and affords much assistance in the work. 26. This evening we had rather an encouraging season. Several of the neighbors came in, so that there was an assem bly of a dozen, beside the school. After Avorship, had some particular conversation with Moung Dwah, in which he gave considerable evidence of being a converted man. He declares that he loves the religion of Christ, because he is sure it is the true religion, and confers inestimable benefits. He says it is about six weeks, or two months, -ince his mind became quite 440 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. decided. His wife says, that so long ago he began to read the Scriptures more attentively, and requested her to pray for and with him, which sh.3 did for some days, when he began to pray in the family himself. These things she related, at the time, to Mrs. Wade, with tears of joy. Moung Thah-oung also, an old Ran goon neighbor, and violent opposer, has just come up from Amherst, with a view to remo ring here, having, as he says, become convinced that his former opposition was wrong, and that the religion of Christ is Avorthy consideration and acceptance. 9, Lord's day. I cannot help recording the name of Ka-ning-tsoo. He is one of the most respectable of our neighbors — a venerable, white-headed old man, called a Thoo-dau-goung, (saint,) on account of his conscientious life and meritorious deeds ; formerly rich, but now poor ; once a pharisee, but lately disposed to change his character. He oc casionally attends our evening worship, and seems to be opening his mind to the influence of divine truth. We feel much in terested in him, and daily pray for his precious soul. 11. Moung Noo, another of our neighbors, the youngest of four brethren, came in last Sunday, just at night ; and after hearing some plain truths, he staid during evening worship, and paid uncommon attention. This morning he came again, and this evening again. After worship, he inquired with feeling, " What shall I do to be saved ? " " Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ." " I do believe. I do believe. This religion is right. I have been all wrong. What shall I now do ? " " If you have begun to beheve, let your faith increase. Attend wor ship. Keep the Lord's day. Become the Saviour's servant. Do all his will. Give yourself, soul and body, into his hands. Will you do so ? " "I will, I will. But I do not know ah his will." "Read the Scriptures." "I can read Talaing only, not Burman." " Come then, an^'we will read to you. Come every day to worship, and at all times of day, and we will instruct you," The aase of this poor man is the case of a large majority of the population of these parts. They understand the Scriptures MEANS FOR SPREADING IUE TRUTH. 441 in Burman when read, but cannot read themselves. And I feli the necessity of having the Scriptures constantly read in some public place — in a Avord, of setting up a reading zayat, to be occupied by one o" the native Christians. 12. Conversed with Moung Shwa-ba, on the project of a reading zayat, and he entered into it with some in terest. We concluded therefore to put up a shed on the wayside, in the vicinity of the house, and employ him on account of the mission half of the time, the other half of his time being devoted to the female school. Moung Ing is to be continued in the service of the mission exclusively, as an itin erant throughout the place, and an assistant to brother Wade, n the preaching -zayat, which he is about setting up. 16, Lord's day. Moung Shwa-ba commenced his opera tions in the reading zayat, and had several listeners. In the course of the day, had several opportunities of preaching the gospel to a great many. In an excursion through the north part of the place, met Moung Ing, engaged in the same way. He is growing a most valuable assistant. He takes up the business without instigation, and appears to be deeply in terested in the spread of the gospel. Moung Dwah, also, is growing in zeal and attachment to the cause. I trust it will not be long before he is baptized. 31. Though considerable missionary work has been done for several days past, I have noted nothing in the journal ; but the close of the year reminds me of this as well as many other delinquencies. The means which are at present using for the spread of truth, may be said to be four : 1st. Public worship on Lord's days. This commences at half past ten o'clock in the fore noon, and is attended by the members of the mission, the scholars, the native converts, and inquirers, and occasionally some of the neighbors and travellers ; the assembly A'arying from twenty to seventy or more. The worship consists of a set form of adoration and praise, followed by an extempore disccurse, or rather harangue, for it is commonly very desul- 442 MLMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. tory, suited tc the nature of the assembly; ma the exercises are closed with prayer. After the assembly breaks up, sev eral remain, and we frequently have religious conversation and discussion for several hours. 2d. The daily evening worship. This is intended for our own family, the scholars, the Christians that live around us, and such of the neighbors as wish to attend. The attendance, including the children, averages about twenty. We begin with reading a portion of Scripture — explain — exhort — and conclude with prayer. After worship I spend the evening with those who are wihing to remain, particularly the converts, and endeavor to make the conversation instructive and profitable to them. In the mean time, the vtamen repair to another room, and receive the in struction of Mrs. Wade ; and this, together with the female school, conducted by Mrs. Wade and Mrs. Boardman, (brother Boardman has also just commenced a school for boys,) may be called the third means. The fourth is brother Wade's zayat, about hah a mile south of the mission house, on the principal road leading from Maulmain to Tavoy-zoo. He goes regularly after breakfast, and spends the day. But his adventures he will relate in his own journal. I hope in a few days to be able to add the fifth head, namely, a small zayat at Koung-zay-kyoon, about two miles and a half north of our present residence, a very populous part of the town, where I intend to spend the day, making an occasional exchange with brother Wade. As to success — our most hopeful inquirer, Moung Myat- poo, Avith his extensive connections, has found it inconvenient to remove from Amherst ; and for him we can only hope and pray. Moung Dwah, brother of Mah Men-la, and husband of Mah Doke, gives very satisfactory evidence of being a true disciple. He is constant, in attending worship every day, besides his own family Av;rship, and has lately requested to be admitted into the church. He will probably be the first bap tized in the waters of Maulmain. The second is Moung Thah-byoo, (mentioned April 22,) a Xaren by nation, imper- DEATH OF HIS FATHER. 443 fectly acquainted with the Burman language, and possessed of very ordinary abilities. He has been about us several months, and we hope that his mind, though exceedingly dark and ignorant, has begun to discern the excellence of the reli gion of Christ. The third is Mah Lah, concerning whom my principal acquaintance is derived from Mrs. Wade. She is most constant in improving every opportunity of attending worship, and gives considerable evidence of loving the gospel. Both the last have requested baptism. Next in order comes the priest, whom brother Wade has doubtless mentioned in his journal. He visits the zayat every day ; has been to the house once, and spent a few hours with me. He appears to be almost convinced of the truth, but cannot yet think of giv ing up the merits of thirty-seven years of clerical austerity. Ka- ning-tsoo, mentioned the 9th instant, remains about the same. There are two or three more, who attend Avorship occasion ally, and give us some reason to hope that their attention has been so far excited as to consider the Christian religion, with some conviction of its truth and excellence. I ought not to forget the children in the school, two or three of whom, and particularly one, by name Mee A, have manifested much ten derness of feeling, and desire to obtain an interest in Christ. To his Mother and Sister. Maulmain, December 13, 1827. My dear Mother and Sister: Yours of the 5th Febru ary last reached me a few days ago, and gave me the particu lars of that solemn event Avhich has laid the venerable head of our family in the silent dust. " Death, like an overflowing stream, sweeps us away" into the ocean of eternity. You haVe heard, from iny letters of December 7, '26, and May 3, '27, of the ravages which death has made in my own dear family. I am left alone in this wide wilderness, to wait all the days of my appointed time, till my own change come. I pray earnestly that you may both enjoy much of the divine 444 memoir of dr. judson. presence, in your solitary, bereaved circumstances, and that both you and I may be preparing, under the repeated strokes of our heavenly Father's hand, to follow the dear departed ones, and enter upon the high enjoyment of everlasting life. Your affectionate son and brother, A. Judson. CHAPTER XII. LABORS AT MAULMAIN. — ORDINATION OF BURMESE PASTORS. - MUNIFICENT GIFT. — LETTER TO SIR ARCHIBALD CAMPBELL. — VllfWS OF HIGHER ATTAINMENTS IN RELIGION. — PREPARA TION OF WORKS FOR THE PRESS. — SECLUSION. 1828-1830. The period comprised in the present chapter is marked by some of the most characteristic events in the life of Dr. Judson. They are, for the most part, narrated with sufficient minuteness in his journal and letters. A few introductory remarks may, however. serve to connect them together in a more continuous whole. We have seen that Dr. Judson had succeeded in establishing a nourishing church in Rangoon, and had removed to Ava for the purpose of carrying the gospel to "regions beyond," as well as to make an attempt to secure to the empire some degree of religious toler ation. These cherished prospects were all ruined by the war. The church in Rangoon was dispersed ; the missionaries whom he had left there barely escaped with their lives ; the government had become imbit tered against all foreigners ; and he and his wife had passed through a trial such as has, I believe, hap pened to no other modern missionaries. The whole work was to be recommenced ; but with, the ad vantage of a perfect knowledge of the language, and under the fostering care of the British government. This change of circumstances, however, made no alteration in his plans of labor. Experience nad taught him to adhere with greater strictness to the vol. i. 38 445 446 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. example of missionary effort contained in the Acts of the Apostles. Mr. Wade and he at once erected zayats at different parts of the town, and each made the viva voce preaching of the gospel his chief occu pation. Dr. Judson was, of course, engaged con stantly in the work of translation ; but he devoted tc it only the intervals which occurred between his preaching services and his conversations with passers by. The result was the same as at Rangoon. Very soon one and another became deeply interested in the subject of personal religion. Some of the old con verts from Rangoon removed to Maulmain, and aided in extending the knowledge of the gospel. A Chris tian chrcuv!: WP.Yi "oon formed, which continues until the present day. From the close of the war to his removal to Maul main, Dr. Judson had been intimately associated with many of the civil and military officers of the British government. When the seat of the chief commis sioner was established at that place, this intimacy for some time continued ; and he was frequently the hon ored and cherished guest of the gentlemen to whom the care of the ceded provinces was committed. He, however, soon perceived that engagements of this kind, from being mere relaxation, began to engross too much of that time the whole of which he had devoted exclusively to the Burmans. In a matter of duty, he was incapable of doing a thing by halves. He immediately resolved to cut off every thing like fashionable intercourse with his English friends — a resolution to which he steadfastly adhered to the close of his life. The first person to whom he communi cated his intention of never again dining out of the mission was Sir Archibald Campbell himself. The CHARACTERISTIC EVENTS. 447 announcement created of course a variety of impres sions in the small society of Maulmain. Some re gretted that so agreeable a man should become a mere devotee ; others believed that sorrow for the loss of his wife had made him mad ; while others, who understood him better, honored what they considered his self-immolation in a good cause ; and, on the whole, he was regarded with a sort of reverential sympathy. In subsequent years, his separation from general society came to be regarded, both by the English and even by his brethren, as a personal pe culiarity, resulting, in part, from religious asceticism, and partly from want of interest in those around him. This opinion was Avide of the truth. No one en joyed intelligent and cultivated society more keenly than he ; and he surrendered it only in obedience to those principles by which he designed to govern his life. He was, however, always punctilious in the per formance of those simpler civilities which required no sacrifice of precious time ; and he was on intimate terms with nearly all the civil commissioners sta tioned on that coast, standing to most of them in the relation of a confidential adviser. - As additional missionaries were sent out by the board, they naturally came first to Maulmain. "Wiiile there may have been some propriety in sending them to that point to learn the rudiments of their missionary work, and to become acquainted with the customs of the East, Dr. Judson was, from the first to the last, most earnestly opposed to the concentration of missionary effort, either in this or in any other place. He was in favor of attacking the enemy at every accessible point. His eye was fixed on the whole heathen world ; and he labored incessantly to induce his brethren to 448 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. occupy every promising field that presented itself in that part of India. It was at his suggestion, I believe, that Dr. Jones established the mission in Siam, Mr. Brown that in Asam, and Mr. Boardman that at Tavoy. These were all brethren to whom Dr. Judson was strongly attached, and to be deprived of their cooperation and society was to him a sore bereave ment ; but he rightly judged them all to be eminently qualified to lay the foundations of new missions, and, as was his wont, he sacrificed all personal considera tions to the cause in which he had embarked. He applied to himself the same rule by which he supposed every missionary should be governed. As soon as there were men at Maulmain able to perform the labor at that station, he left it to plant the gospel in other districts. In this spirit, he removed to Ran goon to aid Mr. and Mrs. Wade, who were there laboring alone. Here, however, he was not satisfied, but pushed on to Prome, the ancient seat of Burman power, determining there to unfold the standard of the cross. Here he labored with considerable prospect of success, until he was ordered away by the govern ment at Ava. He .went forth on this mission attended only by a few native converts, in the spirit of an apostle ; and his farewell to Prome, as he looked upon it for the last time, reminds us of our Lord's pathetic lamentation over Jerusalem. When his mission here was abruptly terminated by order of the government, he returned to Rangoon ; and a great and an effectual door was, for a while, opened for him in that city. The demand for tracts and portions of the Scriptures was great beyond all precedent. Persons from all parts of the empire were earnestly desiring writings which would explain to ZAYAT OPENED. 449 them the new religion. To this work he devoted him self with characteristic energy, at the same time translating the Scriptures, and preaching the gospel. A knowledge of the new religion was thus carried to the interior ; and from the seed then sown have arisen those incipient churches found so frequently in the lower part of the empire. Journal. Maulmain, January 2, 1828. Spent the day in brother Wade's zayat, he being otherwise engaged. Considerable company all day. The priest present most of the time. Tells every body that he comes daily to investigate the new reli gion, speaks in our favor on all occasions, but will not own that he has any thought of changing his profession. January 6, Lord's day. Not a very interesting day ; the assembly rather thin, but in the evening had some gratifying conversation with Mah Lah, and obtained satisfactory evi dence that she, as well as Moung Dwah, has experienced divine grace. January 11. Commenced operations in the Koung-zay- kyoon zayat, and had literally a crowd of company, without any intermission, through the day. Among the rest, one Moung San-lone, who has received some instructions from Moung Ing, appeared to drink in the truth. Two others, whose names I know not, staid from morning till night, and manifested that inquisitive spirit which, I feel persuaded, will bring them again. January 12. The two last, Moung Tau and Moung Yay, were with me nearly all day ; but San-lone, I am sorry to find, has suddenly gone off to Rangoon on business, and will be absent several days. In the evening, Moung Dwah and Mah Lah were examined for admission into the church, and fully approved. January 13, Lord's day. A pretty full assembly at morning worship Much gratified to see Moung Tau and Moung Yay, 38* 450 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. who, with Moung En, a very sensible young man from Koung- zay-kyoon, and Moung Myat-kyau, brother of the chief of that district, and two or three others, remained several hours, and maintained a most interesting and profitable discussion of many points cf Christian doctrine. Ah these that have been named, together with Moung San-lone, may be considered hopeful inquirers. January 14. Company at the zayat through the day. Towards night, Moung San-lone came in, having been disap pointed in his attempt to go to Rangoon. He manifests a spirit of sincere, anxious inquiry. He says that he desires, above all things, to find the light ; but it seems to him that the farther he advances the more dark and sinful he becomes. After I left the zayat, he told Moung Ing that he wanted to come and live near us, that he might devote himself more en tirely to the investigation of religious truth. January 15. A crowded zayat all day. Obliged to talk in cessantly. One Oo San-lone, a blind man of some note among his neighbors, took the lead in conversation. The other, Moung San-lone, is evidently improving in disposition to the gospel. January 17. Had worship in the house, as on Lord's days. Not a very large assembby, but some of the most promising inquirers were present. After the exercises, Moung Dwah and Mah Lah received baptism. Moung Thah-vyoo, who had been absent on business several days, happened to come in at the time, and requested leave to join them ; but we advised him to wait a little. At night Moung San-lone declared that he fully approved of the Christian religion in all its parts, but felt his mind so Aveak and dark that he knew not how to encounter the re proach and ridicule which would ensue on embracing it. January 25. For several days past the attendance at the Koung-zay-kyoon zayat has varied from ten to twenty through the day. Moung Myat-kyau, brother of the chief of the district, has been gradually advancing in religious knowl edge and decision of character, until I begin to indulge a hope that b; is a subject of divine grace. Mah Men, an old ac- PROGRESS OP INQUIRERS. 451 quaintance of Mah Mee of Rangoon, came to the zayat a few days ago, and listened with such eagerness and approbation as inclined me to think that she had obtained some love to the truth before she removed to this place. Her husband is a de cided opposer. The opposition throughout the district and the whole place is becoming more open. At the same time, the number of listeners and inquirers is multiplying, and the ex citement in favor of religion is evidently increasing. Moung San-lone, the most hopeful inquirer, has gone to Rangoon, and will be absent several days. March 20. Since the last date, all the inquirers mentioned then, and on the 17th preceding, have been advancing slowly. Some or other of them attend the zayat every day. Moung Shway-pan and Ko Man-poke must also be added to the list. The latter, an elderly man of some respectability, appears to be really attached to the truth, but is yet very timid in his professions. Mah Men is treated harshly by her husband, and seldom dares to come near us. Moung San-lone, on his return from Rangoon, was accompanied by his father-in-law, Oo Pai by name, a very active, intelligent old man, who drank in the truth with singular avidity. On his return to Rangoon he took an affectionate leave of me, promising to remove his family hither, if at all practicable. We hear that our old friend Moung Thah-a is now in Rangoon, and that there are several of the old inquirers who listen to his Instruc tions. But my particular object in taking up my pen this morning Avas to mention the case of Moung Shway-pwen, a bright young man of twenty, who professes to have received the truth about fourteen years ago. On first hearing the gospel at the zayat, it sank into his heart ; but as he lived at some distance, we saw him occasionally only. A few days ago, he removed hither, and took up his abode with Moung Ing, that he might devote himself entirely to the attainment of the one- thing needful. His experience has been uncommonly clear and rapid ; and having outstripped all the older inquirers, he this morning followed his Lord into the watery grave. 452 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. March 23, Lord's day. After the forenoon worshi i/z'oung Myat-kyau, Moung San-lone, and Moung En, i quested baptism ; and after the Lord's supper in the evening, they were examined before the church, and approved. March 29. Brother and sister Boardman left us for Tavoy, with the cordial approbation of all the members of the mission, accompanied by Moung Shwa-pwen, and Ko Thah-byoo, the Karen, who also has lately been approved by the church, but not baptized. March 30, Lord's day. The three persons mentioned last Lord's day were baptized. Three others, Moung Yay, Moung Shway-pan, and Ko Man-poke> attended all the exer cises of the day ; and they give considerable evidence of being really converted. Mah Moo also, a poor woman, who has occasionaiV attended the instructions of Mrs. Wade, must be mentioned as a -tf-ery hopeful character. Mah Men is, I hope, a decided Christian, but is seldom able to attend, on account of her husband. Moung Tau, who has been some times mentioned among the inquirers, has become rather deistical of late ; but we do not despair of him. May the Lord pour out his Holy Spirit upon our hearts, and upon the Inhabitants of Maulmain. April 20. Received a letter from Moung Thah-a, of Ran goon, stating the names of thirteen men and three women who are disciples of Jesus, " but secretly, for fear of the Jews." In the number I recognize my old friend " the teacher Oo Oung-det, of the village of Kambet," and two or three others whom I formerly knew ; but most of them are new cases. May 31. The last two months I have spent at the zayat, with scarcely the exception of a single day ; and I seldom have been without the company of some of the Christians, or the hopeful inquirers. In the latter class we count eight or ten, adding to those mentioned above Moung San-lone the second, a young man of ordinary abilities, but warmly attached to the cause, and Moung Bo, noticed once in the annals of the Rangoon mission, a man of the first distinction in point of talents, erudition, general information, and extensive influence. MUNIFICENT GIFT. 453 His progress has been so slow that I have not mentioned him before ; but he has attended me ever since the zayat was opened, his house being on the opposite side of the street. He was an intimate friend of Moung Shwa-gnong, and has apparently been going through a process similar to what my dear brother, now, I trust, in heaven, experienced. He has relinquished Boodhism, and got through with Deism and Uni- tarianism, and now appears to be near the truth. Many a time, when contemplating his hard, unbending features, and listening to his tones of dogmatism and pride, I have said in my heart, " Canst thou ever kneel, a humble suppliant, at the foot of the cross ? " But he has lately manifested some disposition to yield, and assures me that he does pray in secret. To conclude this paper, I hope that the light is gradually spreading around us, more extensively, perhaps, from brother Wade's zayat than from mine, that being in a situation to catch visitors from all parts of the country, while mine is chiefly confined to the immediate vicinity. And I hope also that the Spirit of God is operating, in some cases, on the minds of our hearers. All those who have been baptized in this place, as well as those who came with us, give us great and increasing satisfaction. It is, I think, rather characteristic of Burman converts, that they are slow in making up their minds to embrace a new religion ; but the point once settled is settled forever. To the Corresponding Secretary. Maulmain, May 31, 1828. Rev. and dear Sir : When I left America, I brought with me a considerable sum of money, the avails of my own earn ings, and the gifts of my relatives and personal friends. This money has been accumulating, at interest, for many years, under the management of a kind friend to the mission, and occasionally receiving accessions from other quarters, par ticularly at the close of the late war, until it amounts to twelve thousand rupees. I now beg leave to present it to the 454 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. board, or rather to Him " Avho loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood." I am taking measures to have the money paid to the agent of the board, and the payment will, I trust, be effected by the end of this year. I would suggest, lest a temporary suspension of the neces sity of remitting money should occasion some relaxation of the usual efforts made to meet the current expenses of the mission, whether it may not be advisable to invest a sum equivalent to that which I now pay the agent, viz., six thousand dollars, as part of a permanent fund. But this I leave entirely to the discretion of the board. Yours, faithfully, A Missionary. P. S. It is not from an affected desire of concealment that the writer has subscribed himself " A Missionary." He is sensible that the tenor of the letter will, to those who are acquainted with the state of the mission, sufficiently betray him. But this is not the case with the public in general; and so far as it may be thought desirable not to throw away the influence of example, it is quite sufficient to tell the public that the money is given by a missionary, without specifying the individual. Journal. July 28, 1828. Yesterday, five persons were baptized, whose names and characters are as follows : — 1. McDonald, a native Hindoo, twenty-eight years of age. He renounced heathenism a few years ago, and was chris tened by an English clergyman on the Madras coast. His first profession of Christianity was probably sincere ; but, within a few months, he became acquainted with some per sons whose communications unsettled his mind, and reduced him to a state of darkness and perplexity for several years. When he came to this coast, about a year ago, he assumed the English dress, and, in correspondence with his former friends in Madras and Bengal, he made many attempts to SKETCH OF five converts. 455 disseminate erroneous sentiments in all classes of sceiety, but happily without the slightest success. One morning, about a fortnight ago, he came to the zayat, and heard the doctrines of implicit faith in the word of God, and of regeneration by the power of the Holy Spirit — doctrines which were quite new, and at the same time quite satisfactory to his soul. He "yielded at once to the force of truth, and became, to all appearance, a humble, teachable disciple of the divine Son. He understands Burman enough to join in our worship, and, on his requesting baptism, we had no hesitation about receiv ing him into our little number. He brought with him, yes terday, a large bundle, which, he informed us, contained the tracts and publications which had given him so much trouble ; . and when he was baptized, he buried them, with his former character, in the watery grave. 2. Moung Shway-pan, whose name has been sometimes mentioned in the journal as a hopeful inquirer. He has been a constant attendant at the zayat ever since it was built, and is a pretty fair specimen of a cautious Burman, who turns a thing over ten thousand times before he takes it, but, when once he takes it, holds it forever. He accordingly appears now very firm and decided. 3. Mai Nyo, an aged female, above eighty. She says she was a httle girl when the great Alompra subverted the king dom of Pegu, and established the present Burman dynasty, so that she has lived under eight successive monarchs. She became acquainted with Mrs. Wade three or four months ago ; and though she is bitterly opposed by her relatives, on whom she is quite dependent, and though she has been, es pecially of late years, a devotee in religious duties, she has renounced all for Christ, and with tottering steps, bending under the infirmities of age, has done homage to the King of kings in the baptismal stream. 4. Mah-ree, (Mary Hasseltine,) about twelve years old, daughter of Moung Shwa-ba, and the only girl that survives of the female school which Mrs. Judson commenced at Ava. 5. Meh Aa, of the same age and standing as Mah-ree. 456 memoir of dr. judson. These two girls are the first fruits of an incipient revival hi the school, similar to those glorious revivals which distinguish our beloved native land. May the Holy Spirit be poured out more copiously on our own hearts, on the children of the school, and on all the inhabitants of Maulmain. While I have my Enghsh pen in hand, — an event which rarely occurs, — I would say a word concerning Ko Myat- kyau, who was baptized last March, especially as we have considered him an assistant in the mission since that time. He is, as I have mentioned, a brother of the first native chief in the place, nearly fifty years of age, of most respecta ble rank in society, more so than any other that has been bap tized, possessed of a clear mind, considerable native eloquence, and an uncommon degree of mental and bodily activity. His. literary attainments are scanty ; but he has command of handsome language, particularly that Avhich is current in the higher classes of society. He has been an inquirer after truth many years, and has diligently investigated the systems of Boodh, of Brahma, and of Mahomet. At length, he embraced the religion of Jesus Christ with all his heart and soul, manifesting more zeal and ardor than commonly charac terize his cool, considerate countrymen. He has suffered as much persecution as can be openly inflicted under British government. All his relations and friends joined in a most appalling cry against him ; his wife commenced a suit for divorce ; and his brother publicly declared that, if he had the power of life and death, he would instantly wipe out with his blood the disgrace brought upon the family. Our friend bore it all with the meekness of a lamb, and conducted himself with such forbearance and Christian love that the tide has begun to turn in his favor. His Avife has relinquished her suit, and begins to listen to the word ; his brother has become silent ; and some few of the relatives begin to speak in our favor. It ought to be added that Ko Myat-kyau has given up all worldly business, and devoted himself to assisting us in our missionary work. For this he is particularly fitted by his REVIVAL IN THE FEMALE BOARDING SCHOOL. 457 nndissembled humility. It gives us great pleasure to see him sometimes sitting on a level with some poor beggar woman, endeavoring, in language intelligible to her dark mind, to communicate some idea of the mysteries of redeeming love. But in commending Ko Myat-kyau, I would not forget our old tried friends, Moung Ing and Moung Shwa-ba. The for mer says it is his meat and drink to preach the gospel, and when, for some time, he has no good opportunity, he feels hke a person deprived of his necessary food. The latter has been lately growing in habitual self-denial and holiness of heart ; his prayers savor of heavenly communion ; and it was through a Avord from him, spoken in season to his daughter Mah-ree, that the revival commenced in the female school. August 3, Lord's day. We baptized Mee Tan-goung, Mee Nen-mah, and Mee Nen-yay, three girls from the school, whose cases are rendered interesting by the considerable knowledge they have acquired, in the course of a fewr months, by the distinctness of their religious experience, and by the violent persecution they have suffered from their respective parents and relatives. Mee Tan-goung's case is particularly interesting, when contrasted with that of her elder sister, Mee Lau, who, after experiencing very clear and pungent convic tions of divine truth, has at length been induced, by alternate promises and threatenings, deliberately to reject the Saviour of sinners, and join her mother's party. Another girl, Mee Pike, who gives us satisfactory evidence of being converted, was brought before the church this day ; but her mother being a member of the church, it was thought, by some, that she was perhaps influenced by her mother's ex ample, rather than by the convictions "of her own mind, and we could not get a clear vote for her admission. An elderly man, Ko Shan, was also presented ; but his re plies were so indistinct, that he was rejected by an overwhelm ing majority. Moung San-lone the second, mentioned May 31, was ac- septed for baptism next Lord's day. 4. Mee Tan-goung's mother came early in the morning, vol. i. 39 458 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON before any of us were up, and having made he: elder daugh ter, Mee Lau, open the door of the school zayat. she fell upon her younger daughter, abusing and beating her, until, fearing that she should alarm the house, she went off. Soon after, however, she came again, and finding her daughter outside, she beat her on the head with an umbrella, and threatened to sell her for a slave. She then went into town, and after rais ing a tumult in the market-place, and declaring that her daughter had entered into a religion which prevented her ly ing and cheating, so that she was quite lost to all purposes of trade, she carried the alarming tale to the mothers of the other two girls who Avere baptized yesterday. One of them, the mother of Mee Nen-mah, who has been most violent hereto fore, came in a rage to Mrs. Wade, (brother Wade and myself being absent at our zayats,) and after using as bad language as she dared, she ran doAvn to the school room, seized her daughter by the hair, and dragged her out doors towards a pile of wood, where she Avould soon have armed herself with a weapon, had not Mrs. Wade interfered, and rescued the vic tim ; upon which the mother went off, muttering vengeance. The girls bore all this abuse in silent submission, and really manifested something of the sphit of martyrs. All three are taken into the house for the present, lest their infuriated rela tives should make an assault upon them by night. Poor Mee Aa, baptized Sunday before last, lives in great fear. She is daily expecting her mother from Amherst, who will, no doubt, take her away instantly, and use all the means in her power to make her renounce the Christian religion. August 10, Lord's day. Ko Shan, having satisfied us all, during the past week, that his unfavorable appearance last Lord's day was owing more to his want of language to ex press his ideas, (being a Taling, and but httle acquainted with the Burman,) than to his want of grace was this day reexam ined and accepted. Mee Pike also was accepted ; and these, together with Moung San-lone the second, received baptism. Two other girls, younger than those that have been bap tized, appear to have obtained light and hope in Christ. PLAN FOR SUPPLYING THE TREASURY. 459 " Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings thou hast per fected praise." One of them, Mee Youk, about eight years old, gives as clear, satisfactory evidence of real conversion as any of the older girls. The other, Mee Kway, like our de parted Meh Shway-ee, was rescued at Amherst from misera ble slavery. She has hitherto given us very little pleasure, but is now led to see that she has been an uncommonly wicked child, and to feel a humble, penitent disposition. 24, Lord's day. Mee Youk received baptism, though her brother, a young man, threatens to beat her to death. September 21, Lord's day. We baptized Oo Peen-yah, Pandarram, and Mee Kway ; the first a respectable person, about fifty years of age, a native of Tavoy, by profession a doctor; the second a Hindoo from the Madras coast, a doctor also, and astrologer, quite ignorant of English and Burman, and brought to the knowledge of the truth through the instru mentality of McDonald, and the New Testament in Tamilj which he has had in his hand, day and night, for the last six weeks ; the third the little girl mentioned August 10. In the afternoon we partook of the Lord's supper, with twenty native communicants, four being absent from illness or other causes, besides those at Rangoon and Tavoy. To the Corresponding Secretary. Maulmain, September 1, 1828. Rev. and dear Sir : Since it is to be ascribed to the want of money, rather than to that of men, that the Baptists in the United States of America make such feeble efforts to send the gospel through the world, inasmuch as the want of money pre vents the managers of missions from presenting those invita tions and encouragements which would be gladly embraced by many young men who are waiting the call of Providence, we feel the importance of recurring practically to the golden rule, that every individual do his duty in furnishing those means which are absolutely necessary to carry on the great war with the prince of darkness and his legions in this fallen world. Feeling, also, that missionaries and ministers are under pecu 460 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. bar obligations, beyond any other classes of Christians, to take the lead in contributing of their substance, and encouraged by our Saviour's commendation of the poor widow in the gospel, we have entered on a course of living which will, we hope, enable us to offer our two mites ; and Ave propose, therefore, to relinquish annually one twentieth of the allowance which Ave receive from the board of missions. We respectfully suggest that a similar proposal be made to the Baptist ministers in the United States ; and we engage that, as soon as it shah appear that one hundred ministers, including ourselves, have resolved to transmit annually to the treasurer of the American Baptist Board of Foreign Missions one twentieth of all their regular income, Avhether derived from theh salaries or estates, we will relinquish a second twen tieth of our allowance, that is, one tenth of the whole. And lest it be said that we now receive high allowances, and can therefore afford to make some retrenchment, we state, not by way of ostentation, but merely to meet the remark, that, considering our allowances cover all our personal ex penses except building or house rent, conveyance on mission business, and charges for medical attendance, we receive- less than any English missionaries of any denomination, in any part of the East, and as httle as any American missionaries in those parts, notwithstanding the expense of living on this coast is probably greater than at a majority of other stations. We remain, Yours faithfully, A. Judson, J. Wade. Journal continued. October 6, 1828. We baptized Oo Pay, Mah Kai, Mah Toon, and Mah Lan. The first is a respectable man, about sixty years of age. He was obliged to leave his house day before yesterday, and take refuge with us, his wife and family made such an iproar about his heretical intentions. But last Dight a pressing message came for him to return, upon which ENCOURAGING REPORT FROM RANGOON 461 he made them a visit, and they promised to behave better. They only begged that after he was baptized, he would not go about the neighborhood proclaiming that Gaudama is not the true God, as others who enter the new religion are apt to do. The second is the mother of Mee Aa, of whom the daugh ter wa3 so much afraid, as mentioned under August 4. Soon after tiat date, Mee Aa came trembling, one morning, to Mrs. Wade, with the alarming news that her mother had just arrived at the landing-place, with the intention, doubtless, of taking her away by force ; and what should she do ? She was told to go and meet her mother, and to pray as she went. But the poor girl need not have been alarmed. She had been inces santly praying for her mother ever since she had learned to pray for herself; and God had heard her prayers, and soft ened her mother's heart. So when she heard that her daugh ter was actually baptized, she only made up a queer face, hke a person choking, and said, " It was so, was it not ? I hear that some quite die under the operation." This speech we ah considered encouraging. And, accordingly, she soon settled doAvn among us, drank in the truth from her daughter's lips, and then followed her example. The third is the eldest daughter of Mah Lah; and the fourth, wife of our assistant, Moung Ing. November 2. Ko Thah-a arrived from Rangoon. His story is rather interesting, but too long to be given in detail. At the close of the war, in the year 1826, he spent a few months at a large village in the neighborhood of Shwa-doung ; and there, devoting himself to the preaching of the word, he produced a very considerable excitement. Several professed to beheve in the Christian religion ; and three of the most promising received baptism at his hands. Some others request ed the same favor ; but he became alarmed at his own temerity, and declined their repeated applications. The villagers, in time, returned to the vicinity of Rangoon, whence they had fled at the commencement of the war. He also returned to Rangoon, his former residence, and continued to disseminate 39* 462 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. the truth, but in a more cautious and covert manner. He has now come hither to inquire what he shall do with those who wish to be baptized, and to get some instructions concernmg his own duty. He says that he cannot stay long, for when he came away the converts and inquirers begged him to return soon, and his heart is evidently with his little flock, which he has left in yonder wilderness. Let us pray for Ko Th^h-a, and the remnant in Rangoon. For, though the tree seemed for a time cut down, " the stump of the roots was left in the earth, with a band of iron and brass, in the tender grass of the field." November 30. We baptized Moung Dwa, Moung Shoon, and Matthew. Moung Dwa is a natiA^e of Arracan, formerly a gross reviler and blasphemer, but now zealous for the truth. Moung Shoon is a merchant of some property, and very respectable connections. Matthew (ahas Ram Sammy, that is, god Ram) is a Hindoo, of the same class with Pandarram, mentioned September 21. We have not been in the habit of changing Burman names, as they are generally destitute of any bad signification ; but the names of the Hindoos are some times (as in the present case) utterly abominable, and require to be cast off, with all their other abominations. December 7. We baptized Mah Tee, wife of Ko Man-poke, who has been a very hopeful inquirer for nearly a year, but cannot yet fully make up his mind. Mah Tee would have joined the party last Lord's day, had not her husband, poor man, been unwilling to have her go before him. She has been very anxious about it several days ; and, though she is of a most amiable disposition, and they have been a very happy couple for twenty-five years, she told him that this was a business which concerned her eternal interests ; that she believed in Christ with all her heart, and could not wait for him ; and upon this he gave a reluctant consent. She appears to have attained an uncommon share of divine grace. Deeember 14. We baptized Thomas, (making the thirtieth received this year,) a Hindoo of the same class and character with Matthew, mention ?d above. ORDINATION OF THE FIRST BURMESE PASTOR. 463 The four Hindoo conAerts haAdng ah taken Burman wives, without any ceremony of marriage at all, we thought proper to require them to be married in a Christian manner ; but none of their wives give any evidence of being piously inclined. January 4, 1829, Lord's day. We commence this year with an auspicious event — the ordination of Ko Thah-a as pastor of the church in Rangoon, to which place he expects to depart by an early conveyance. He has been so evidently called of God to the ministry that we have not felt at liberty to hesitate or deliberate about the matter. But, if it had been left to us to select one of all the converts to be the first Christian pastor among his countrymen, Ko Thah-a is the man we should have chosen. His age, (fifty-seven,) his steadiness and weight of character, his attainments in Burman literature, which, though not, perhaps, necessary, seem desira ble in one who is taking up arms against the religion of his country, and his humble devotedness to the sacred work, all conspire to make us acquiesce with readiness and gratitude in the divine appointment. Letter to Sir Archibald Campbell Maulmain, January 8, 1829. My dear Sir : A few days ago I heard of your intention to leave this place on your return home. When I reflect on your many kindnesses to me and my be loved wife, noAV, I trust, in heaven, from the time I first saw you at Yebbay to the present moment, and on the many pleas ant interviews with which I have been honored, it is natural that I should feel a desire to express my gratitude for your goodness, and my regret at yojr departure. But, besides that desire, I have, for a few days, had an impression on my mind which I cannot avoid, and dare not counteract. I would fain say a few words to you on a subject which you have probably never had a friend faithful enough to present plainly to your mind. I feel that I write under the influence of a higher power ; and I beg that if my Avords offend you, you will still 464 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. have the charity to believe that I am influenced by none other than the most disinterested, affectionate, and respectful senti ments. And though you should at first be displeased, I can not but hope that you will somstimes suffer the question to intrude on your most retired moments, whether the words I speak are not the words of eternal truth. But why should I proceed with hesitation and fear ? Why give way to an unbelieving heart ? He who inclines me to write will incline your heart to receive my words. If even a heathen monarch appointed one of his courtiers to accost him every morning with the warning salutation, " Philip, thou must die," surely Sh Archibald Campbeh, of a Christian country and Christian habits, will be willing, for a moment, to turn away his ear from the voice of flattery, and listen to the monitory voice of sober truth. And yet true religion is a very different thing from all that you have probably been acquainted with. True religion is seldom to be found among mitred prelates and high dignitaries. It consists not in attachment to any particular church, nor in the observance of any particular forms of worship. Nor does it consist in a mere abstinence from flagrant crimes, a mere conformity to the rules of honesty and honor. True rehgion consists in a reunion of the soul to that great, omnipresent, in finite Being, from whom we have all become alienated, in con sequence of the fall. In our natural state, we spend our days in seeking the wealth and honors of this hfe, which we yet knoAv to be but short and transitory, and we become too for getful of that awful eternity to which we are rapidly hastening. So great is the blinding influence of sin, so successful are the fatal machinations of the god of this world, that when we can not stay the near approach of death and eternity, we still en deavor to quiet our conscience and pacify our fears by vague and indefinite ideas of the mercy of God, and by the hope that it will be well with us hereafter, though the still voice within Avhispers that all is wrong ; and thus Ave are apt to suffer year after year to pass away, while we drink the intoxicating draught of pk *sure, or climb the height, of human ambition. LETTER TO SIR ARCHIBALD CAMPBELL. 465 0 Sir Archibald, the glittering colors of this world will soon fade away ; the bubbles of life will soon burst and disappear ; the cold grave will soon close upon our worldly enjoyments, and honors, and asp rings ; and where then will our souls be ? God's own eternal Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, came down from heaven to rescue us from the delusion of this world, the power of sin, and the doom of the impenitent. But " unless we have the spirit of Christ, we are none of his." His own divine lips have declared, " Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God." And the ambassador of Christianity must not hesitate to declare this solemn truth, plainly and fearlessly, to the king and the beggar, the rich and the poor, if he would clear his own conscience, and manifest true love to their souls. AUow me, then, to say to thee, Sir Archibald, Turn away thine eye from the fleeting shadoAvs, and thine ear from the empty sounds of earth. Open the eye of thy mind to the uncreated beauties of that divine Being who is ever with thee, and ever waiting to be gracious. Listen to the call of his Holy Spirit. Give thine heart to the Friend and Lover of man, who hung and died on the cross to redeem us from eternal woe, and thou shalt find such peace and sweetness as thou hast never yet conceived of. Thou Avilt be astonished that thou couldst have lived so many years ignorant of such tran scendent beauty, insensible to those excellences which fill heaven with rapture, and in some instances make a heaven of earth. But if thou wilt not give thy heart to God, thou wilt never find true happiness here, thou wilt never see his face in peace. I do not suppose that, amid your present hurry, you will find leisure to pay any attention to the topic I now present. But perhaps when oceans have intervened between us, when resting in the bosom of your own native land, the truths of this letter may, through the divine blessing, find their way to your heart. Farewell, Sir Arch bald, and while all around you flatter and praise, while the j laudits of your king and country sound 466 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. in your ears believe that there is one person, humble and unknown, wh i prays in his retirement for your immortal soul ; whose chief dasire is to see you on the great day invested, not with the insignia of earthly monarchs, but with the glori ous crown of eternal life, and who desires ever to subscribe himself, With heartfelt affection and respect, Your sincere friend and faithful servant, A. Judson. To the Coiresponding Secretary. Maulmain, January 27, 1829. Rev. and dear Sir : Your letters of May and June, 1828, came to hand last evening. In my previous communi cations, I have, I believe, anticipated every point that you mention, except that of an application to the Bible Society ; and even on that point it is rather singular, that, only three days previous to receiving your last, I was conning over a letter of the very purport that you suggest — with this differ ence, however, that I thought of making apphcation for the premium only, which is usually granted for the first translation of the New Testament, viz., five hundred pounds. As to the Old Testament, I am sorry that I have inadvertently led you to sup pose that the translation was rapidly advancing. When I men tioned commencing the Psalms, it was not with an immediate view of doing any more than that book, though I hope, in time, if life be spared, to go on with the rest. But even that book is not yet done. The truth is, that when I settled here, I found, that what with death, and Avhat with dispersion, I had no church about me to read even the New Testament. I gave up study, therefore, and spent nearly a year in a little shed, projecting into one of the dirtiest, noisiest public streets of the place. Brother Wade did the same in anothsr quarter. The conse quence has be 3n, that as God owns the truth, though preached by the most umvorthy creatures, a considerable impression has been made on the place ; a small church has been collected ; the number of inquirers is increasing ; and the opposition is CHARACTER OF HIS WORK. 467 most outrageous. I never saw any thing like it in Rangoon, for there we did nothing in public. The mass of the population, particularly in parts where converts have been made, show all the rage of chained wild beasts. But to return. My ideas of translating are very different from those of some missionaries, better men than myself, but mistaken, I think, in this particu lar. I consider it the work of a man's whole life to procure a really good translation of even the New Testament in an untried language. I could write much on this subject, but I have neither time nor disposition. I would only say that, in many instances, missionary labor has been dreadfully misdirected, and hundreds of thousands most foolishly thrown away. As to us, we wish to proceed, sloio and sure, and to see to it that Avhatever we do, in regard to the inspired word, is well done. About four months ago, being convinced that the New Testa ment, notwithstanding all my labor upon it, was stiU in a very imperfect state, brother Wade and myself undertook a thorough revision. We have now done one quarter of it ; and I have some hope that by the time the printer and press arrive, Ave shall be able to warrant the Avhole. After that, we propose to work and rework at the precious book of Psalms, until we can venture to warrant that also. And so, God willing, and giving us life and strength, Ave hope to go on. But we beg still to be ahowed to feel, that fexcept thn his floor ; and my people spread a mat overh^r^? : Rivejvith my umbrella, made me quite at home. The housebrfraer, in the interval of his work, and one of the neighbors, began to listen, and were present at evening worship. January 18. Shway-hlah, the man who followed us from the village day before yesterday, appearing to be sincere in his desire to profess the Christian religion, we held a meeting, though four disciples only could be present ; and on balloting for his reception, there was one dissentient vote, so that I advised him to wait longer. He appeared to be much disappointed and grieved ; said that he should perhaps not live to see me again, and have an opportunity of being initiated into the religion of Jesus Christ ; and after a while the two Karen dis ciples insisting that he should be reexamined, we gave him a second trial, when, en cross questioning him in the Burman lan guage, which he understood pretty well, (for we began to sus pect the Karen interpreters of being a little partial to their countryman,) some circumstances leaked out which turned the scale in his favor, and he gained a clear vote. After his bap tism, he went on his way rejoicing, resolving to tell all his SECOND TOUR AMONG THE KARENS. 23 neighbors what " great things the Lord had done for him." At morning worship, our host and the neighbor mentioned above, appeared to be very near the kingdom of heaven, but the other people of this village decidedly reject the gospel. January 1 9. The boat having last night arrived from Maul main, we prepared to proced up the river. The two hopeful inquirers requested us to make them another visit on our re turn. Resolve to do so ; and hope to find that the seed now sown in this and the neighboring villages will have sprung up and be ripe for harvest. Passed Panchoos' village, where we spent an hour, and Nga-koung's, too far inland to visit. January 20. Passed the head of Kanlong Island, and breakfasted near Yetdau's village, where we found two or three inquirers. One woman followed to the boat, and listened attentively. Passed Kan-karet Island, beyond which the Yoon-zalen empties into the Salwen from the west, and about noon reached Tat-sau's small village. One man, who had heard the gospel before, appeared very favorably impressed. Crossed the river to Lee-hai's village on the Burman side. In the evening, had a considerable assembly at his house. He and his son-in-law, their wives and one or two others, appeared open to conviction. January 21. Recrossed the river to take in Ko Myat-kyau and Chet-thing, whom I had sent away from Kwan-bee, with directions to make a circuit to the north, and meet me at this place. They have proclaimed the gospel in many places where it was never heard before, and met with some instances of hopeful inquiry. We then proceeded up the Salwen, and in passing the mouth of the Yen-being, which falls in from the east, I sent Moung Zu-thee and Tau-nah to make another circuit, and meet me at Poo-ah's village ten days hence. At night, sent the two remaining Karen disciples to a small vil lage a few miles inland. January 22. On their return we again set out, and at three o'clock reached the landing-place called Toung Pyouk, where 24 MEMOIR OP DR. JUDSON. trading boats from Maulmain are obliged to stop, on account of the rapids in the river. No village near, and only two boats. A most dreary place. Nothing but rocks and sand hills. Sent two of my people forward by land, intending to follow them to-morrow. January 23. Followed the track of my people, and after travelling five hours, came to Chanbau's village, in the midst of the mountains. In the evening, had a pretty large, but not very attentive assembly. Two pr three received the word with apparent joy, and none manifested decided opposition. January 24. Set out for Bau-nah's village, two days' jour ney ; but after travelling an hour over dreadful mountains and in the bed of a rivulet, where the water was sometimes knee deep, and full of sharp, slippery rocks, when my bare feet, unaccustomed to such usage, soon became so sore that I could hardly step ; and having ascertained that such was the only road for many miles, I felt that I had done all that lay in my power towards carrying the gospel farther in this direction, and therefore relinquished the attempt, and reluctantly re turned to Chanbau's village. Not so many present at evening worship as yesterday. The seed sown here appears, in some instances, to have fallen on good ground ; but our short stay deprives us of the pleasure of seeing fruit brought to perfection. January 25. Returned to the boat, which we reached in two and a half hours, by a more direct route, and proceeded down the river. Soon came to a landing-place, where, observ ing a few boats, we stopped, with a view to communicate the gospel to the boat people. The two Karen disciples went to a village about a mile inland. In the evening, had a consider able assembly on the sand bank. January 26. Some of the villagers came to the boat, and after listening a while, invited me to return with them. I found three houses only, but the inhabitants listened with the best attention. January 27. This little village may be said to have em braced the gospel. At one time we had eight applicants for baptism ; but two only were finally received, Ko Shway and SECOND TOUR AMONG THE KARENS. 25 his wife Nah Nyah-ban. They both understand the Burmese language pretty well ; and the woman possesses the best intel lect, as well as the strongest faith, that I have found among this people. I invited them, though rather advanced in life, to come to Maulmain, and learn to read, promising to support them a few months ; and they concluded to accept the invitation next .rainy season. They followed, us all the way to the boat, and the woman stood looking after us until we were out of sight. In the afternoon, arrived again at the Yen-being River, and sent some of my people to a neighboring village two miles distant. The villagers listened a while, and then sent a re spectful message, saying that they believed the religion of Jesus Christ, that it was most excellent, &c, but begged that the teacher would go about his business, and not come to dis turb them. January 28. Proceeded down the Salwen, touching at sev eral villages, and on reaching Yet-dau's, found sufficient en couragement to spend the night. January 29. Four persons, two men and their wives, having heard the gospel before, and being now quite settled in their minds, and giving good evidence of having the grace of God, were received into the Christian church by baptism. Enjoyed a very pleasant Lord's day, having several seasons of worship, in a httle shed pertaining to the village. Two other persons request baptism, and their case will be considered to-morrow. January 30. In the morning, held a church meeting by the river side, and received the two last applicants. The chief of the village, Yet-dau's father, and several other persons, are very favorably impressed. Not a word of opposition to be heard. Took an affectionate leave of this little church, now consisting of six members, and went down the river on the ~ west side of Kanlong Island, having come up on the east side from Poo-ah's village. Entered the Mai-zeen rivulet, in Bur mese territory, and landed at Thah-pe-nike's village, where we spent the day. In the evening, had a noisy assembly. Some professed to beiieve, but pleaded the fear of povernment VOL. II. 3 26 MEMOIR OF DR. JCDiON. as an excuse for not prosecuting their inquiries. One youn" man, Kah-lah by name, drank in the truth, and promised tc come to Maulmain as soon as he could get free from some present engagements. January 31. Continued our course down the river, and landed on the west side, at Ti-yah-ban's village. The chief is said to be very much in favor of the Christian rehgion, but, unfortunately, had gone up the river, and his people did not dare to think in his absence. In the afternoon, came to the " upper village," the first we found on Kanlong. They listened well, but, about sunset, took a sudden turn, and would give us no further hearing. We removed, therefore, to Yai- thah-kau's village. Some of my people went ashore. The chief was absent, and the principal remaining personage, a Boodhist Karen, said that when the English government en forced their religion at the point of the sword, and he had seen two or three suffer death for not embracing it, he would begin to consider, and not before ; that, however, if the teacher desired to come to the village, he could not be inhospitable, but would let him come. I sent back word that I would not come, but, as he loved falsehood and darkness, I would leave him to live therein all his days, and finally go the dark way; and all my people drew off to the boat. While we were deliberating what to do, something touched the old man's heart ; we heard the sound of footsteps advancing in the dark, and presently a voice. " My lord, please to come to the vil lage." " Don't call me lord. I am no lord, nor ruler of this world." " What must I call you ? Teacher, I suppose." " Yes, but not your teacher, for you love to be taught false hood, not truth." " Teacher, I have heard a great deal against this rehgion, and how can I know at once what is right and what is wrong? Please to come and let me listen attentively to your words." I replied not, but rose and followed the old man. He took me to his house, spread a cloth for me to sit on, manifested great respect, and listened with '.ancominon attention. When I prepared to go, he said, " But you will not go before we have performed an act of worship and SECOND TOUR AMONG THE KARENS. 27 prayer?" We accordingly knelt down, and, during prayer, the old man could not help, now and then, repeating the close of a sentence with emphasis, seeming to imply that, in his mind, I had not quite done it justice. After I was gone, he said that it was a great thing to change one's religion ; that he stood quite alone in these parts ; but that, if some of his acquaintance would join him, he would not be behind. February 1. Went on to Pa-dah's village, near the south ern extremity of the island, where there is a Boodhist priest, and the people generally are worshippers of Gaudama. Met with a frigid reception. But one man, who had heard and received the truth before, came forward boldly, and requested baptism. He bore an excellent examination, and we received him gladly. The opposition here is strong. None of the vil lagers present at evening worship, except a brother of the chief, and one other man ; but these spoke decidedly in favor of the Christian religion, as did the old man of yesterday, who followed hither by land. The priest, I hear, is very angry, and, unfortunately for his cause, uses abusive language. February 2. Went round, the northern extremity of Kan- long, and up the eastern channel, to Poo-ah's village, where we found the two disciples whom we sent away on the 21st ultimo. They have met with a few hopeful inquirers. Some who live near are expected here to-morrow. In the mean time, went down the river a few miles, to Poo-door's village. My people preceded me, as usual, and about noon I followed them. But I found that the village was inhabited chiefly by Boodhist Karens, and, of course, met with a poor reception. After showing myself, and trying to conciliate the children and dogs,, who cried and barked in concert, I left word that, if any wished to hear me preach, I would come again in the evening, and then relieved the people of my presence, and retreated to the boat. At night the disciples returned, with out any encouragement. One of them, however, accidentally met the chief, who said that if I came he would not refuse to hear what I had to say. On this half invitation, I set out, about sunset, and never met with worse treatment at a 28 MEMOIR OP DR. JUDSON. Karen village. The chief would not even invite us into his house, but sent us off to an old deserted place, where the floor was tco frail to support us ; so we sat down on the ground. He then invited us nearer, and sat down before us, with a few confidential friends. He had evidently forbidden all his peo ple to approach us, otherwise some would have come, out of curiosity. And what a hard, suspicious face did he exhibit ! And how we had to coax him to join us in a little regular wor ship ! It was at least an hour before he would consent at all. But in the course of worship his features softened, and his mind " crossed over," as he expressed it, to our religion ; and I returned to the boat inclined to believe that all things are possible with God. February 3. Some of my people who slept at the village returned with the report that the place is divided against itself. Some are for and some against us. The opposition is ¦ather violent. One man threatens to turn his aged father out vf doors if he embraces the Christian religion. Perhaps this i3 not to be regretted. Satan never frets without cause. Turned the boat's head again to , the north, and retraced our way to Poo-ah's village, where we spent the rest of the day. But the two hopeful inquirers that I left here on the 29th have made no advance. February 4. Shway-hlah's wife, mentioned the 16th ultimo, having been here three times to meet me, was this time exam ined and received. She came accompanied by Tat-kyee, the principal man in her village, who himself is half a Christian. He had heard that I wished to have a zayat in these parts, and invited me to go up to the mouth of the Chummerah rivulet, now dry, where some of his people intend settling, and he would assist in building the zayat. I regarded this as an inti mation of the path of duty, and set out for the place, about three mile? distant. It was an additional inducement, that Tee-pah's village has been lately removed towards the Salwen, and is now situated two miles inland from the spot recommended. On our way we met a deputation from Tee-pah, inviting me to fix on the same spot, and his people also would assist in SECOND TOUR AMONG THE KARENS. 29 building the zayat. On arriving at the place we were joined by Tee-pah's father, and several other disciples, bringing with them a lad who has for some time listened to the truth, and now earnestly requested to be baptized. We held a church meeting on the bank, twelve disciples present from different parts, and unanimously received him. I then marked out a place for the zayat, despatched Tau-nah to bring his family from the Dah-gyne district, and build a house near the zayat, as he is to be stationed here, by mutual consent of all parties ; and having named the new place Chummerah, from the ad joining rivulet, we took leave of the disciples, and again went down the river tc Poo-door's village, where we arrived late at night. February 5. Went to the village and had worship. The chief was absent on some government business. Six persons appeared to be near the kingdom of heaven, among whom is the old man whose son threatens to turn him out of doors. In the afternoon, proceeded down the river, and came to a village of Toung-thoos, a race of people from whom we have never yet obtained a disciple. They are strict Boodhists. Their language is entirely different from the Karen, but the men generally understand a little Burmese. We did all in our power to gain their confidence, but in vain. They rejected our overtures, and would not even allow us to sleep in their houses. February 6. Went on our way ; entered the Maizeen riv ulet, which falls into the Salwen from the east, and landed at Kai-ngai's village, where we spent a few hours, but, not meet ing with much encouragement, in the evening dropped down to the mouth of the rivulet, where, finding some relations of Pan-lah, who listened well, we spent the night. February "" Proceeded down the river to Kappay's vil lage, where some listened with delight ; thence to a small vil lage on the Burman side ; thence to Pah-an, on the British side ; and thence to Rajah's village, on the same side, where we spent the night. The chief, who had heard the gospel be fore, now listened with the utmost eagerness till after midnight. 3* 30 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. February 8. Rajah made a formal request to be admitted into the Christian church, and we had no hesitation in comply ing. He is the first Karen chief baptized in these parts. His people show a strange aversion. Not one of them would ac company us to the water, though he gave them an invitation. They seem to take side with his eldest son, a grown man, who has been a Boodhist priest, and is still strongly attached to that religion. After the baptism, we went to a small village below Rajah's ; thence to Taroke-lah, inhabited by Talings ; thence to a village of Toung-thoos, where we found one man that listened ; thence to a Karen village below Kan-blike. In the evening, had a considerable assembly. Three persons pro fessed to believe. February 9. Visited Wen-gyan, Pah-len, and Zong-ing, Taling villages, where we found a few Karens. At the latter place, collected a small assembly for evening worship. A few professed to believe ; others were violent in opposing. February 10. Visited several Taling villages in succes sion. Li the afternoon, reached the confluence of the Salwen and the Gyne, upon which we turned into the latter, and went up to Taranah, where Ko Shan resides, as mentioned December 29. The inhabitants of this place, like the Ta lings in genera], are inveterately opposed to the gospel, and Ko Shan has had very little success. Two or three individ uals, however, appear to be favorably impressed ; but the op position is so strong that no one dares to come forward. February 11. Left Ko Shan, with the promise of sending him aid as soon as possible, and in the afternoon jeached Maulmain, after an absence of six weeks, during which I have baptized twenty-five, and registered about the same num ber of hopeful inquirers. I find that brother and sister Jones have arrived from Rangoon, brother Kincaid having conclud ed tc take their place. The two disciples who were sent to itinerate in the direction of Yay went no farther than Amherst, on account of the ill ness of one of them. They effected but little. The othe. two spent a month in the vicinity of Pah-ouk, encountering MISSION TO PALESTINE. . 31 a great deal ot bitter opposition, but occasionally cheered by some encouraging appearances. February 21. Some of the Karen disciples have just re turned from a visit to their countrymen on the south part of Baloo Island, where the gospel has never been preached. They found many a listening ear, but none who were disposed, on first hearing, to embrace the new religion. February 23. Brother Kincaid leaves this for Rangoon, with twelve thousand tracts, preparatory to the great annual festival of Shway-dagong, which is near at hand. February 26. Baptized a Burmese residing at Pah-ouk, but now about removing to Maulmain, on account of the per secution he receives from his old neighbors. February 27. Have concluded to make another visit to the Karens on the Salwen, and expect to set out day after to morrow. I have already alluded to the profound interest with which Dr. Judson contemplated the progress of the gospel in every direction. Many years ago, he had urged upon the board at Boston the importance of directing their attention to several parts of the hea then world. He believed that a bold and aggressive policy was demanded of the conductors of missionary efforts, and that no other course will either arouse or keep alive the benevolent spirit of the churches. On a following page will be found two addresses to Chris tians in this country in behalf of missions to the East, which, in true eloquence and touching pathos, have been exceeded by nothing with which I am ac quainted that has been written on this subject. It was not, however, for the heathen alone that his sympathies were excited. He looked upon all men as by nature the enemies of God, who could be recon ciled to him only by the preaching of the cross ; and & 32 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. he therefore labored and prayed for the universal dis semination of the truths of the New Testament. In a special manner were his desires awakened in favor of the Jews. He once said that, though he believed one soul purchased" by the blood of Christ as valuable as another, he should esteem it a peculiar favor — a favor directly from the hand of Him who understands and sympathizes with his people through his own self- imposed humanity — to be permitted to restore one of the lost sheep of the house of Israel. Influenced by these sentiments, and having ob served that his suggestions in respect to the occupa tion of new fields had been unheeded, he made an attempt to provide the means for establishing a mis sion to Palestine, in a great measure from the circle of his own friends. He interested in this plan Mr. Nisbet, a pious and intelligent officer of high rank in the East India Company's service, while he and sev eral of his missionary brethren themselves contributed largely to the object. The sum to be raised was ten thousand dollars, which he hoped would form a per manent basis for an independent mission. Having secured so large an amount in India, he forwarded the proposals to Boston, in the hope that the necessary amount remaining would readily be provided. The plan, however, did not meet with favor. For some reason, he never received any reply from either of the ministers addressed. The letters which follow will present in detail the steps which he took to accomplish this purpose. Whether the design was or was not wisely conceived, it is not necessary here to consider. It is enough that it illustrates the earnest longing of Dr. Judson's soul to carry the blessings of the gospel to every brother of the human race. MISSION TO PALESTINE. 33 To the Corresponding Secretary. Maulmain, May 8, 1832. Rev and dear Sir : Whereas there has been lately remitted from Madras, to the agent of the American Bap tist Board of Foreign Missions in Calcutta, between three and four thousand Sicca rupees, and it is desirable that the board should understand the specific purposes for which the money has been given, I enclose a letter from Mr. Nisbet, the principal donor, which will somewhat explain those purposes, and would add more definitely, that so much of the whole sum as is sufficient to cover nine shares in the Palestine mit> sion concern, at two hundred dollars each, belongs to that con cern, and is to be refunded in case the sum of ten thousand dollars is not made up in the United States. I would here add that the remaining three shares, which have been taken by members of this mission, will be paid, as soon as we are officially informed that all the shares are taken. In regard to the one thousand rupees given to Mrs. Wade, as she has requested my advice about the manner of disposing of it, I do hereby advise her to let it remain for the present in the funds of the board, subject to her order or her hus band's, in the same way that- the few hundred rupees, the rem nant of my property, is allowed to remain, (with this differ ence only, that the latter sum appears every year in my annual account ;) and that in case of death, without any particular disposal, it ultimately become the property of the board. I request, also, that this letter be preserved, in the archives of the board, superseding the necessity of any further explana tion. Yours faithfully, A. Judson. We accede to the ab-cve arrangement, in regard to the one thousand rupees. J. Wade, D. B. L. Wade. Rajtqoon, May 13, 1832. 34 MEMOIR OP DR. JUDSON. To the Rev. Messrs. Mercer, Manly, Taylor, Brantly, Con<. Galusha, Pat- tison, and Knowles. Dear Brethren : I present you the accompanying sub scription paper, in good hope that, as twelve shares of the fifty are already taken, you will not hesitate to second the ef fort, and procure five subscribers each. Your faithful friend, A. Judson. Maulmain, February 20, 1832. P. S. Much to write on this subject, from a full heart, but no time. Excuse abruptness. We, the undersigned, desirous of contributing to the revival of true religion in those regions where our adorable Saviour and his apostles labored and suffered, agree to raise the sum of ten thou sand dollars, in fifty shares of two hundred dollars each, for the permanent support of a missionary to be sent by the American Baptist Board of Foreign Missions, in the direction of Palestine, the particular field of labor to be determined by the board ; the money to be paid to the treasurer of the board as soon as the sum is completed. A. Judson, 1 share. C. Bennett, 1 share. J. Wade, 1 share. J. Nisbet, 3 shares. . A. Friend, 1 share. R. Cathcart, 1 share. W. K. Hat, 1 share. E. B. Mills, 3 shaies From J. Nisbet, Esq. Dakwar, November 3, 1831. Mr dear Mr. Judson : I am grieved to find that I have allowed so long a space of time to elapse since the receipt of your letter, regarding the sending of a missionary to Palestine. You will, however, I hope, ere this have received intimation from Mr. Van Someren that I was doing something for the accomplishment of the object you have in view. Indeed he MISSION TO PALESTINE. 35 has informed me of his having remitted the amount subscribed by myself and others to Calcutta. In addition to the sum subscribed by me on the paper, I have sent one thousand rupees, which Mrs. Nisbet intended as an offering to Mrs. Wade, in humble imitation of her devoted zeal in giving up the things of this world. She said she felt, after reading the delightful letter from Mrs. Wade to her sister which you sent to me, as if she could have sent every trinket in her possession, (not that she possessed many,) upon which we pro posed to substitute one thousand rupees. A late letter from you to Mr. Van Someren has just informed us of Mr. and Mrs. Wade having gone home, sick. I therefore beg you will dispose of the money, one thousand rupees, how you please, or as you think Mrs. Wade would have done. I make no apology for sending the subscription paper as it is. Some very good men, but mistaken I think, objected to a Baptist missionary going where there was no minister of the same denomination, as he could not communicate with others. Mr. Mills's answer suited me better. I therefore kept it, and returned the conditional subscriptions, begging them to send one of another denomination, which perhaps may be done. I am sure you will rejoice if they should succeed in sending a servant devoted to his heavenly Master, or such a one as I feel confident the Baptist board will. Both Mrs. Nisbet and myself have been unwell lately, and are going to the Cape of Good Hope for a year. Thank God, we are not at present seriously ill ; but it is thought that we might become so next hot season. May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Ghost, be with you, and prosper exceedingly your labors. Pray that we may be kept close to our dear Saviour, " in our going out and in our coming in ; " and if an opportunity should occur of writing to ma at the Cape, you will confer a great favor on me by doing so, for, believe me, my dear Mr. Judson, I feel the warmest af fection for you and the glciious cause in which you are so diligently laboring. 36 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. I am, and trust I ever shall be, your brother in Christ Jesus to whom be glory forever and ever. J. Nisbet. Thus apparently ended Dr. Judson's effort on be half of the Jews. It, however, pleased an all-wise Providence to render his servant useful to the children of Abraham in a manner which he little expected. Two or three days before he embarked on his last voyage, not a fortnight before his death, Mrs. Judson read to him the following paragraph from Rev. Dr. Hague's journal in the Watchman and Reflector : — There * we first learned the interesting fact, which was mentioned by Mr. Schauffler, that a tract had been published in Germany, giving some account of Dr. Judson's labors at Ava ; that it had fallen into the hands of some Jews, and had been the means of their conversion ; that it had reached Treb- izond, where a Jew had translated it for the Jews of that place ; that it had awakened a deep interest among them ; that a candid spirit of inquiry had been manifested ; and that a request had been made for a missionary to be sent to them from Constantinople. Such a fact is full of meaning, a com ment on the word of inspiration : " In the morning sow thy seed, apd in the evening withhold not thine hand: thou know- est not which shall prosper, this or that." Mrs. Judson, in her relation of these facts, continues, " His eyes were filled with tears when I had done reading, but still he at first spoke playfully, and in a way that a little disappointed me. Then a look of almost unearthly solemnity came over him, and, clinging fast to my hand, as though to assure himself of being really in the world, he said, ' Love, this * At the house of Mr. Goodell, in Constantinople. MISSION TO PALESTINE. 37 frightens me. I do not know what to make of it.' ' What ? ' ' Why, what you have just been reading. 1 never was deeply interested in any object, I never prayed sincerely and earnestly for any thing, but it came; at some time, — no matter at how distant a day, — somehow, in some shape, — probably the last I should have devised, — it came. And yet I have always had so little faith ! May God forgive me, and, while he condescends to use me as his in strument, wipe the sin of unbelief from my heart. " " If ye abide in me, and my words abice in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be ione anto you." VOL. II 4 CHAPTER II. ADV13E TO CANDIDATES FOR MISSIONARY LABOR - THJJSU TOUR AMONG THE KARENS. — APPEALS FOR HELP —TRANS LATION OF THE BIBLE COMPLETED. — MARRIAGE TO MRS BOARDMAN. 1832-1834. To the Foreign Missionary Association of the Hamilton Literary ana Theological Institution, N. Y. Maulmain-, June 25, 1832. Dear Brethren : Yours of November last, from the pen of your Corresponding Secretary, Mr. William Dean, is before me. It is one of the few letters that I feel called upon to answer, for you ask my advice on several important points. There is, also, in the sentiments you express, something so con genial to my own, that I feel my heart knit to the members of your association, and instead of commonplace reply, am desirous of setting down a few items which may be profitable to you in your future course. Brief items they must be, for want of time forbids my expatiating. In commencing my remarks, I take you as you are. You are contemplating a missionary life. First, then, let it be a missionary life ; that is, come out for life, and not for a bmited term. Do not fancy that you have a true missionary spirit, while you are intending all along to leave the heathen soon after acquiring their language. Leave them ! for what ? To spend the rest of your days in enjoying the ease and plenty of your native land ? Secondly. In choosing a companion for life, hav e particu lar regard to a good constitution, and not wantonly, or with out good cause, bring a burden on yourselves and the mission. Thirdly. Be not ravenous to do good on board ship. Mis sionaries have frequently done more hurt than good, by inju dicious zeal, during their passage out. Fourthly. Take care that the attention you receive at home; 33 ADVICE TO MISSIONARY CANDIDATES. 39 the unfavorable circumstances in which you will be placed on board ship, and the unmissionary examples you may possibly meet with at some missionary stations, do not transform you from living missionaries to mere skeletons before you reach the place of your destination. It may be profitable to bear in mind, that a large proportion of those who come out on a mis sion to the East die within five years after leaving their native land. Walk softly, therefore ; death is narrowly watch ing your steps. Fifthly. Beware of the reaction which will take place soon after reaching your field of labor. There you will perhaps find native Christians, of whose merits or demerits you can not judge correctly without some familiar acquaintance with their language. Some appearances will combine to disappoint and disgust you. You will meet with disappointments and discouragements, of which it is impossible to form a correct idea from written accounts, and which will lead you, at first, almost to regret that you have embarked in the cause. You will see men and women whom you have been accustomed to view through a telescope some thousands of miles long. Such an instrument is apt to magnify. Beware therefore of the reaction you will experience from a combination of all these causes, lest you become disheartened at commencing your work, or take up a prejudice against some persons and places, which will imbitter all your future lives. Sixthly. Beware of the greater reaction which will take place after you have acquired the language, and become fatigued and worn out with preaching the gospel to a disobe dient and gainsaying people. You will sometimes long for a quiet retreat, where you can find a respite from the tug of toiling at native work — the incessant, intolerable friction of the missionary grindstone. And Satan will sympathize with you in this matter ; and he will present some chapel of ease, in which to officiate in your native tongue, some government situation, some professorship or editorship, some literary or scientific pursuit, some supernumerary translation, or, at least, some system of schools ; any thing, in a word, that will help 40 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. you, without much surrender of character, to slip out of real missionary work. Such a temptation will form the crisis of your disease. If your spiritual constitution can sustain it, you recover ; if not, you die. Seventhly. Beware of pride ; not the pride of proud men, but the pride of humble men — that secret pride which is apt to grow out of the consciousness that we are esteemed by the great and good. This pride sometimes eats out the vitals of religion before its existence is suspected. In order to check its operations, it may be well to remember how we appear in the sight of God, and how we should appear in the sight of our fellow-men, if all were known. Endeavor to let all be known. Confess your faults freely, and as publicly as circum stances will require or admit. When you have done some thing of which you are ashamed, and by which, perhaps, some person has been injured, (and what man is exempt ?) be glad not only to make reparation, but improve the opportunity for subduing your pride. Eighthly. Never lay up money for yourselves or your fami lies. Trust in God from day to day, and verily you shall be fed. Ninthly. Beware of that indolence wliich leads to a neg lect of bodily exercise. The poor health and premature death of most Europeans in the East must be eminently ascribed to the most wanton neglect of bodily exercise. Tenthly. Beware of genteel living. Maintain as little in tercourse as possible with fashionable European society. The mode of living adopted by many missionaries in the East is quite inconsistent with that familiar intercourse with the na tives which is essential to a missionary. There are many points of self-denial that I should like to touch upon ; but a consciousness of my own deficiency con strains me to be silent. I have also left untouched several topics of vital importance, it having been my aim to select such only as appear to me to h ive been not much noticed or enforced. I hope you will excuse the monitorial style that I have accidentally adopted. I assure you, I mean no harm. THIRD TOUR AMONG THE KARENS. 41 In regard to your inquiries concerning studies, qualifications, &c, nothing occurs that I think would be particularly useful, except the simple remark, that I fear too much stress begins to be laid on what is termed a thorough classical education. Praying that you may be guided in all your deliberations, and that I may yet have the pleasure of welcoming some of you to these heathen shores, I remain Your affectionate brother, A. Judson. Journal. February 29, 1832. Left Maulmain for the Karen vil lages on the Salwen, accompanied by Ko Myat-kyau, whc speaks Karen, three other Taling disciples, and the two Karen assistants, Panlah and Chet-thing. The other Karen assistant, Tau-nah, I expect to meet at Chummerah, according to the arrangement of February 4. At night, reached Tong-eing, and found that the few Karens near the place had concluded to reject the gospel. March 1. Touched at the village above Nengyan, and fcund that the inhabitants have come to the same conclusion, '¦ till the next rainy season." Passed by all the Taling towns, and touched at the village below Rajah's, where we found that the people still adhere to the new Karen prophet, Aree- maday. Moung Zuthee unfortunately encountered a very respectable Burman priest, with a train of novices, who, not relishing his doctrine, fell upon him, and gave him a sound beating. The poor man fled to me in great dismay, and, I am sorry to say, some wrath, begging leave to assemble our forces, and seize the aggressor, for the purpose of delivering him up to justice. I did assemble them; and, all kneeling down, I praised God that he had counted one of our nufnber worthy to suffer a little for his Son's sake ; and prayed that he would give us a spirit of forgiveness, and our persecutors every blessing, temporal and spiritual; after which we left the field of battle with cool and happy minds. Reached Ra jah s late at night. He remains firm, though not followed by- 4* 42 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. any of his people. His wife, however, and eldest daughter, after evening worship, declared themselves on the side of Christ. March 2. Spent the forenoon in instructing and examining the wife and daughter. The former we approved, but re jected the latter, as not yet established in the Christian faith. After the baptism, Rajah and his wife united in presenting their younger children, that I might lay my hands on them and bless them. The elder children, being capable of discern ing good from evil, came of their own accord, and held up ftieir folded hands in the act of homage to their parents' God, while we offered a prayer that they might obtain grace to become true disciples, and receive the holy ordinance of bap tism. At noon, left this interesting family, and proceeded up the river, stopping occasionally, and preaching wherever we could catch a listening ear. Entered the Mai-san, and landed at the village above Rai-ngai's, which Ko Myat-kyau has formerly visited. In the evening,\had two very attentive hearers. / March 3. The two attentive hearers were up nearly all night, drinking in the truth. One of them became urgent for baptism ; and on hearing his present and past experience, from the time he first listened to the gospel, we concluded to receive him into the fellowship of the church. His wife is very favorably disposed, but not so far advanced in knowledge and faith. Returned to the Salwen, and made a long pull for Poo-door's village ; but late in the evening, being still at a considerable distance, were obliged to coil ourselves up in our small boat, there being no house in these parts, and the country swarming with tigers at this season, so that none of us ventured to sleep on shore. March 4, Lord's day. Uncoiled ourselves with the first dawn of light, and soon after sunrise took possession of a fine flat log, in the middle of Poo-door's village, a mile from the river, where we held forth on the duty of refraining from work on this the Lord's day, and attending divine worship. .Sama ^staled to our words ; and in the forenoon we sue- THIRD TOUR AMONG THE KARENS. 43 ceeded in collecting a small assembly. After worship, the old man mentioned formerly, whose son threatened to turn him out of doors, came forward, with his wife ; and having both witnessed a good confession, we received them into our fellow ship. Poo-door himself absent on a journey ; but his wife ready to become a Christian. March 5. Spent the forenoon in examining and receiving another couple, and then went on to Chummerah. The disci ples from Tee-pah's village have built a zayat, and two or three families, including Tau-nah's, have arrived, and are set tling themselves. At night, went out to the village, four miles distant, (instead of two, as first reported,) and had a full assembly of disciples and inquirers at evening worship. March 6. The truth is evidently spreading in this village ; one inquirer after another is coming over to the side oi' Christ. After morning worship, left some of my people to follow up the work, and returned to the zayat. March 7. In the forenoon above twenty discipleu assem bled at the zayat ; and after worship we examined and received five persons more, all from Tee-pah's village. Left Zuthee in charge of the zayat, and took Tau-nah in his place. Visited Pan-choo's village, where some listened in silence. March 8. Went several miles inland, to visit Nye Koung's village; but the people, being Boodhist Karens, would not even treat us hospitably, much less listen to the word. In the afternoon, reached Yah-dan's village, and visited the httle church, chiefly to receive the confession of two female mem bers, who have been implicated in making some offering to the demon who rules over diseases — the easily-bosetting sin of the Karens. Spent the rest of the day in preaching to the villagers and visitors from different parts. Several pro fessed to believe. Had a profoundly attentive though small assembly at evening worship, on the broad sand bank of the river, with a view to the accommodation of certain boat people. We felt that the Holy Spirit set home the truth in i peculiar manner. Some of the disciples were engaged in religious discussion and prayer a great part of the night. 44 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. March 9. Several requested baptism. In the course of the day, we held a church meeting, composed of the disciples from Maulmain, and others from the neighboring village, and received three persons into our communion, all men, formerly disciples of the new prophet Areemaday. In the afternoon, proceeded up the river, as far as Zat-zan's village, where two old women, of some influence in these parts, listened with good attention. At night several of the disciples went inland a few miles, to Laidan, where the inhabitants are chiefly Boodhist Karens ; but finding Mah Kee-kah, the widow of Pan-mlai-mlo, whose death is mentioned January 12, her parents and sis ters drank in the truth. Hope to visit them on my return. March 10. Went on to the mouth of the Yen-being, and as far as the great log, which prevents a boat from proceeding farther. Providentially met with Wah-hai, of whom I have heard a good report for some time. He was happy to see us, and we were happy to examine and baptize him. We then visited the village, whence they formerly sent a respectful message, desiring us to go about our business, and found some attentive listeners. March 11, Lord's day. Again took the main river, and soon fell in with a boat, containing several of the listeners of yesterday, among whom was one man who declared his resolu tion to enter the new religion. We had scarcely parted with this boat when we met another, full of men, coming down the stream ; and, on hailing to know whether they wished to hear the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, an elderly man, the chief of the party, replied that he had already heard much of the gospel ; and there was nothing he desired more than to have a meeting with the teacher. Our boats were soon side by side, where, after a short engagement, the old man struck his colors, and begged us to take him into port, where he could make a proper surrender of himself to Christ. We accordingly went to the shore, and spent several hours very delightfully, under the shade of the overhanging trees, and the banner of the love of Jesas. The old man's experience was so clear, and his de sire for baptism so strong, that, though circumstances prevented THIRD TOUR AMONG THE KARENS. 45 our gaining so much testimony of his good conduct since be lieving as we usually require, we felt that it would be wrong to refuse his request. A lad in his company, the person men tioned January 30, desired also to be baptized. But though he had been a preacher to the old man, his experience was not so decided and satisfactory ; so that we rejected him for the present. The old man went on his way, rejoicing aloud, and declaring his resolution to make known the eternal God, and the dying love of Jesus, all along the banks of the Yoon-za-len, his native stream. The dying words of an aged man of God, when he waved his withered, death-struck arm, and exclaimed, " The best of all is, God is with us" I feel in my very soul. Yes, the great Invisible is in these Karen wilds. That mighty Being, who heaped up these craggy rocks, and reared these stupendous mountains, and poured out these streams in all directions, and scattered immortal beings throughout these deserts — he is present by the influence of his Holy Spirit, and accompanies the sound of the gospel with converting, sanctifying power. " The best of all is, God is with us." " In these deserts let me labor, On these mountains let me tell- How he died — the blessed Saviour, To redeem a world from hell." March 12. Alas ! how soon is our joy turned into mourn ing ! Mah Nyah-ban, of whom we all had such a high opinion, joined her husband, not many days after their baptism, in making an offering to the demon of diseases, on account of the sudden, alarming illness of their youngest child ; and they have remained ever since in an impeniten'-, prayerless state They now refuse to listen to our exhortation, and appear to be given over to hardness of heart and blindness of mind. I was, therefore, obliged, this morning, to pronounce the sentence of suspension, and leave them to the mercy and judgment of God. Their case is greatly to be deplored. They are quite alone in this quarter, have seen no disciples since we left 46 MEMOIR OP DR. JUDSON. them, and are surrounded with snemies, some from Maulmain, who have told them all manne;1 of lies, and used every effort to procure and perpetuate their apostasy. When I consider the eviflence of grace which they formerly gave, together with all the palliating circumstances of the case, I have much re maining hope that they will yet be brought to repentance. I commend them to the prayers of the faithful, and the notice of any missionary who may travel that way. In consequence of the advantage which Satan has gained in this village, the six hopeful inquirers, whom we left here, have all fallen off; so that we are obliged to retire with the dispirited feelings of beaten troops. I respectfully request, and sincerely hope, that this article may be neither suppressed nor polished. The principle of •' double selection," as it is termed, that is, one selection by the missionary and another by the publishing committee, has done great mischief, and contributed more to impair the credit of missionary accounts than any thing else. We in the East, knowing how extensively this principle is acted on, do scarcely give any credit to the statements which appear in some peri odicals, and the public at large are beginning to open their eyes to the same thing. It is strange to me that missionaries ' and publishing committees do not see the excellency and effi> cacy of the system pursued by the inspired writers — that of exhibiting the good and the bad alike. Nothing contributes more to establish the authenticity of the writing. A tempo rary advantage gained by suppressing truth is a real defeat in the end, and therefore fiovt] Bvteop alrjdeta* Returned down the - river ; reentered the Yen-being ; had another interview with the listeners of yesterday ; met with a Taling doctor from Kan-hlah, near Maulmain, who listened all the evening with evident delight. March 13. Spent the day and night at Tatzan's, Se-hai's, and the village of Lai-dan, where we failed of finding Mah Kee-kah, but found her parents, who listened well. In thesfe * We must sacrifice only to truth THIRD TOUR AMONG THE KARENS. 47 parts I ha-\e a considerable number of hopefu- inquirers. May the Lord bless the seed sown, and give us the pleasure of reaping a plentiful harvest at no very distant period. March 14. Touched at Yah-dan's, and went down the west side of Kan-long, as before, to Thah-pa-nike's ; (15,) proceeded to Ti-yah-bans, where we left a few hopeful inqui rers ; and then went on tc Pa-dah's village. In the evening, had worship at the chief's house. March 16. The opposition here is violent, The man who was baptized on my last visit has been obliged to remove to the outskirts of the village, but he remains steadfast in the faith ; and to-day another man came out, and having witnessed a good confession, was received into the fellowship of the per secuted. At night, ran down to Poo-door's village, about five miles, found him at home, and spent the evening in persuading him to forsake all for Christ. His language is that of Agrip pa, — " Almost," &c. I have great hopes and great fears for his immortal soul. Three of the disciples went several miles inland, to a village where there are some hopeful inquirers. March 17. Returned up the river to Chummerah. In the evening, had a considerable assembly of disciples preparatory to the administration of the Lord's supper. March 18. Administered the Lord's supper to thirty-six communicants, chiefly from villages on the Salwen. March 19. Left Tau-nah and Moung Tsan-lone in charge of the zayat and boat, and set out with the rest of my people, and two or three new followers, on a journey, over land to the Dah-gyne. In the evening, after marrying a couple at Tee- pah's village, had an interesting assembly, with whom we en joyed religious discussion till near midnight. Two opposers came over, I trust, to Christ. March 20. Went on our way, and in two hours and a quarter, not including stops, reached Kwanbee, on the east of the Leing-bwai. Two hours and a quarter more brought us to Mai-pah, where the people, being prejudiced against the gospel, gave us a poor reception. March 21. In a neighboring village, found a few who lis- 48 MEMOIR OP DR. JUDSON. tened well. After spending the morning in instructing them. continued our journey eastwardly, and after two and a half hours' hard walking, reached a small village near the Dah- gyne, where the people received us hospitably, but, being Boodhists, listened with no good disposition. March 22. Reached the new place selected January 9, which we call Newville, about forty miles distant, I conjec ture, from Chtmmerah. Found two families only settled here, but others are about joining them. Some of the disci ples went to the neighboring villages to give information of my arrival. March 23. Most of the disciples visited me in the course of the day. In the evening, had a pretty full room. Received and baptized one couple, who applied for baptism on my first visit, but were rejected. March 24. Having removed Moung Doot from this station, — who, though a good man, has grown cold and inactive, — appointed Pan-lah in his place, and selected a few individuals for the adult school, we set out on our return to Chummerah, and at night reached Mai-pah, twenty miles distant, being half way between the two stations. March 25. In the morning, had a small, attentive assem bly, from one of the neighboring villages. Then went on to Tee-pah's village, wliich we reached in season for evening worship. March 26. Three lads from Tee-pah's village, two of them baptized, joined our company, with a view to the adult school at Maulmain. Took the boat at Chummerah, and went down the river. Spent the night at Rajah's village. Some begin to listen. March 27. Ran down the river without touching at any place by the way. At night, reached Maulmain, after an absence of nearly a month, during which I have baptized nine teen, making eighty Karen Christians in connection with the Maulmain station, of whom one is dead, and two are suspend ed from communion. Am glad, yet sorry, to find that brother Bennett arrived a fortnight ag> from Calcutta, with a com- NEW TESTAMENT IN PRESS. 49 plete fount of types, and yesterday sent a boat to call me, which, however, passed us on the way. Must I, then, relin quish my intention of making another trip up the river before the rains set in ? Must I relinquish for many months, and perhaps forever, the pleasure of singing as I go, — " In these deserts let me labor, * On these mountains let me tell ? " Truly, the tears fall as I write. March 30. Corrected the first proof sheet of the New Testament in Burman. Moung Sanlone has recommenced his school, with about a dozen adults and children, mostly Karens. April 1. Brother and sister Wade have touched here, on their way from Mergui to Rangoon. They have laid the foundation of a little church in Mergui, and left Pastor Ing in charge of that station, assisted, for the present, by Ko Man- boke and wife, from this place. April 6. Despatched Ko Myat-kyau in the mission boat, with instructions to proceed up the Salwen, touch at Chum merah, take in the three Karen assistants who are waiting there, and then follow the course of the Yoon-za-len, to the residence of the new Karen prophet Areemaday, distant about ten days from Maulmain. May 16. The party sent up the Yoon-za-len have just returned. They were well received by the prophet, an extraor dinary young man of twenty, who, while he pretends to hold communication with the invisible world, professes also to be desirous of finding the true God, and becoming acquainted with the true rehgion. Our people remained with him three days, during which time they were surrounded with a crowd of his followers, and were obhged to preach day and night. They also visited several places on their return, where the gospel was never preached before. One young man accompanied them to this place, and requests to be baptized. We shall recommend him to enter the school, and wait until he beromei better acquainted with the new religion. VOL. II. 5 50 MEMOIR OF DR JUDSON. June 25. Two of our neighbors have lately been baptized and one Karen, Pan-mir by name, the chief of Tee pah's vil lage. He is now accompanying some of the Karen assistants on a tour round the Island of Ba-loo. Moung Tsan-lone's school numbers about twenty. Some occasionally leave after learning to read, and new scholars take their place. . Since my last date, brother Wade, having had a violent attack of disease, has been obliged to come hither in haste, for medical aid ; and I have succeeded in persuading him to stay, for the following reason : finding that I should be confined to this place for several months, for the purpose of superin tending the printing of the New Testament, I was led to tarn my attention again to the Old, one third only of which is yet done ; and on making a calculation, I found that I could finish the whole in two ye%xs, if I confined myself exclusively to the work ; otherwise it would hang on four years or more. Con sidering the uncertainty of life, and the tenor of numerous let>- iers lately received from home, I concluded that it was my duty to adopt the former course ; in order to which, however, it was necessary that one of my brethren, acquainted with the language, should be stationed here, to take charge of the church and people of Maulmain, and the Karens in this region. On stating these things to brother and sister Wade, they con cluded to remain, though nothing was farther from their minds when they first came round. I have, therefore, retired to a room which I had previously prepared, at the end of the native chapel, where I propose, if life be spared, to shut my self up for the next two years ; and I beg the prayers of my friends that, in my seclusion, I may enjoy the presence of the Saviour, and that special aid in translating the inspired word which I fully believe will be vouchsafed in answer to hunble, fervent prayer. JOINT APPEAL TO THE BOARD FOR HELP. 51 To the American Baptist Board for Foreign Missions. Maulmain, March i, 1832. Respected Fathers and Brethren : At our nonthly concert this morning, it was unanimously agreed that a joint letter should be addressed to you, on the importance of send ing out more missionaries to this part of the heathen world. Being every one of us exceedingly pressed for want of time, we cannot stop to prepare an elaborate statement, but must come at once to the point in hand. We are in distress. We see thousands perishing around us. We see mission stations opening on every side, the fields growing whiter every day, and no laborers to reap the har vest. If each one of us could divide himself into three parts, ¦ happy would he be, not only to take leave of his native land and beloved connections at home, but of still nearer and more intimate connections. We want instantly to send aid to the Tavoy station, where brother Mason is laboring, almost alone. We want instantly to send a missionary to Mergui, a pleasant, healthful town, south of Tavoy, where a small church has been raised up, and left in charge of a native pastor. Our hearts bleed when we think of poor Mergui and the Karens in that vicinity, many of whom are ready to embrace the gospel and be saved. But how can we allow ourselves to think of that small place, when the whole kingdom of Siam hes in our rear, and the city of Bangkok, at once a port for ships and the seat of imperial government ? We want in stantly to despatch one of our number to Bangkok. One ? There ought, at this moment, to be three, at least, on their way to that important place. Another ought to be on his way to Yah-heing, a large town east of Maulmain, from which there is a fine river leading down to Bangkok : there are many Karens at Yah-heing. The Christian religion is creeping that way, by means of our Karen disciples. North of Yah-heing and the Thoung-yen River, the boundary of the British ter ritory on that side, lies the kingdom or principality of Zen- mai. There have been several communications between the 52 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. government of Maulmain and Lah-bong, the present capital of that country. Moung Shway-bwen, one of our disciples, formerly with brother Boardman at Tavoy, is a nephew of the prince, or deputy prince, of that country, and is anxious to re turn thither. But how can we send him, a very young man, without a missionary ? If we had a spare missionary, what a fine opportunity for introducing the gospel into that central nation ! It would open the way to other neighbcaing nations, not even mentioned in foreign geographies, and even to the bor ders of China and Tartary. Between Maulmain and Zen- mai are various tribes of Karens, Toung-thoos, Lah-wahs, &c. The former are literally crying out aloud for a written lan guage, that they may read in their own tongue the wonderful works of God. From the banks of the Yoon-za-len, on the ¦ north-west, the celebrated prophet of the Karens has repeat edly sent down messages and presents to us, begging that we would come and instruct his people in the Christian religion. But how can we think of supplying that quarter, when the old kingdom of Arracan, now under British rule, and speak ing the same language with the Burmese, is crying, in the whole length and breadth of her coast, for some one to come to her rescue ? In that country are one or two hundred converts, and one country-born missionary, from the Serampore con nection, who is laboring without any prospect of reenforce ment from Bengal, and desirous that one of us should join him. Kyouk Phyoo, lately established by the English, is es teemed a healthy place. The commandant is disposed to wel come a missionary, and afford him every facility. Our hearts bleed when we think of Kyouk Phyoo, and the poor inquirers that one of our number lately left there, ready to embrace the Christian religion, if he would only promise to remain or send a successor. From Kyouk Phyoo, the way is open into the four provinces of Arracan, namely, Rek-keing, Chedubah, Ramree, and Sandoway ; and what a grand field for our tracts, and the New Testament, now in press ! Of all the places that new cry around us, we think that Kyouk Phyoo cries JOINT APPEAL FOR HELP. 53 the loudest. No ; we listen again, and the shrill cry of golden Ava rises above them all. 0 Ava ! Ava ! with thy metro politan walls and gilded turrets, thou sittest a lady among these eastern nations ; but our hearts bleed for thee ! In thee is no Christian church, no missionary of the cross. We have lately heard of the death of poor Prince Myen Zeing. He died without any missionary or Christian to guide his groping soul on the last dark journey. Where has that journey terminated ? Is he in the bright world of paradise, or in the burning lake ? He had attained some knowledge cf the way of salvation. Perhaps, in his last hours, he turned away his eye from the gold and silver idols around his couch, and looked to the crucified Saviour. But those who first taught him were far away ; so he died and was buried like a heathen. It is true that the one of our number who formerly lived at Ava would not be tolerated during the present reign ; but another missionary would, doubtless, be well received, and, if prudent, be allowed to remain. Two missionaries ought, at this moment, to be studying the lan guage in Ava. O God of mercy, have mercy on Ava, and Chageing, and A-ma-ra-poo-ra. Have mercy on Pugan and Prome, (poor Prome !) on Toung-oo, on the port of Bassein, and on all the towns between Ava and Rangoon. Have mercy on old Pegu and the surrounding district. Have mercy on the four prov inces of Arracan. Have mercy on the inhabitants of the banks of the Yoon-za-len, the Salwen, the Thoung-yen, and the Gyne. Have mercy on all the Karens, the Toung- thoos, the Lah-wahs, and other tribes, whose names, though unknown in Christian lands, are known to thee. Have mercy on Zen-mai, on Lah-bong, Myeing-yoon-gyee, and Yay-heing. Have mercy on Bangkok, and the kingdom of Siam, and all the other principalities that lie on the north and east. Have mercy on poor httle Mergui, and Pah-Ian, and Yay, and Lah- meing, and Nah-zaroo, and Amherst, and the Island of Ba- loo, with its villages of Talings and Karens. Have mercy on 5* 54 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. our mission stations at Tavoy, Maulmain, and Rangoon, and out sub-stations at Mergui, Chummerah, and Newville. Pour out thine Holy Sphit upon us and our assistants, upon our infant churches and our schools. Aid us in the solemn and laborious work of translating and printing thine holy, inspired word in the languages of these heathen. O, keep our faith from failing, our spirits from sinking, and our mortal frames from giving way prematurely under the influence of the cli mate and the pressure of our labors. Have mercy on the board of missions ; and grant that our beloved and respected fathers and brethren may be aroused to greater effort, and go forth personally into all parts of the land, and put in requisi tion all the energies of thy people. Have mercy on the churches in the United States ; hold back the curse of Meroz ; continue and perpetuate the heavenly revivals of religion which they have begun to enjoy ; and may the time soon come when no church shall dare to sit under Sabbath and sanctuary privileges without having one of their number to represent them on heathen ground. Have mercy on the the ological seminaries, and hasten the time when one half of all who yearly enter the ministry shall be taken by thine Holy Spirit, and driven into the wilderness, feeling a sweet neces sity laid on them, and the precious love of Christ and of souls constraining them. Hear, 0 Lord, all the prayers which are this day presented in all the monthly concerts throughout the habitable globe, and hasten the millennial glory, for which we are all longing, and praying, and laboring. Adorn thy beloved one in her bridal vestments, that she may shine forth in im maculate beauty and celestial splendor. Come, O our Bride groom ; come, Lord Jesus ; come quickly. Amen and Amen. (Signed) C. Bennett, Oliver T. Cutter, John Taylor Jones, A. Judson, J. Wade. ORIGINAL AND SECOND-HAND TRANSLATION. 55 To the Rev. Dr. Sharp. Maulmain, June 28, 1833. Rev. and deaf. Sir : I ought to have written you long ago ; but necessity aaa no law. I have lately entered upon a plan by which I hope to finish the translation of the Old Testament in two years. I find by experience that I can dispose of twenty-five or thirty verses per day, by giving all my time to the work. One third of the whole is already done. You may, perhaps, wonder why I make such a tedious work of translating, when some persons despatch the whole New Testament, and perhaps part of the Old, within a year or two after entering their field of labor. There are two ways of translating — the one original, the other second hand. The first must be adopted by a missionary whose lot falls in a section of the globe where there is no translation of the Scrip tures in any cognate language, or in any language known to the learned men of the country. In that case, he must spend some years in reading a great many books, and in acquiring a competent stock of the language ; that, Hke as the spider spins her web from her own bowels, he may be able to extract the translation from his own brain. The other mode may be advantageously adopted by a missionary who has in his hand the Bible, already translated into some language known by learned natives of the country. In that case, he has only to get a smattering of their vernacular, enough to superintend their operations, and then parcel out the work, and it is done by steam. There have been but few original translations. That by Ziegenbalg and his associates, in Tamil, has served for all the dialects in the south of India. That by Carey and his associates, in Sanscrit and Bengalee, has been the basis of all the other translations which they have conducted. Morrison's Chinese translation will probably be transferred into all the cognata languages ; and the Taling, Karen, and Lah-wah, together with the Siamese, and other Shan translations, will be obtained more or less directly from the Burman. I mention the above as specimens merely ; not intending to imply that they are the only original translations 56 MEMOtt OF DR. JUDSON. that have been made. Nor would I be understood to speak disparagingly of second-hand translations. If the partners employed are faithful, a second-hand translation may be superior to an original one. At any rate, it will probably be more idiomatic, and in all cases, when practicable, it ought undoubtedly to be attempted as a first essay ; and as the mis sionary advances in the language, he can gradually raise it to any degree of perfection. But I sadly fear that, if I prolong this letter, it will leave my to-day's task of twenty verses in the rear. So I beg leave to subscribe myself Yours faithfully, A. Judson. To the Baptist Churches in the United States of America. Maulmain, November 21, 1832. Dear Brethren and Sisters : I send this line by brother Wade, who, having had ten attacks of his disease within a year, the last of which reduced him to such a state that his hfe was despaired of, is obhged, at the urgent advice of his physician, to take a long voyage, as the only means of prolonging his life. Brother Boardman has left us altogether, having obtained an honorable discharge from this warfare. Brother Jones has gone hence to Siam. In suffering him to go, we cherished the hope that in us would be fulfilled that saying, " There is that scattereth and yet increaseth." Brothers Kincaid: and Mason, though indefatigable in their application to the language, are yet unable to afford much efficient aid. Brothers Bennett and Cutter are necessarily confined to the printing house. Permit us, therefore, in these straitened circumstances, with all Burmah on our hands, once more to approach your numerous and flourishing churches, sitting 3very man under his vine and under his fig tree, laden with the richest fruit, and to beseech you to take into compassionate consideration the perishing millions of Burmah, ignorant of the eternal God, the Lord Jesus Christ, and the blessed way of salvation ; APPEAI TO THE CHURCHES FOR HELP. 57 and, a consideration of the ruin impending on their immortal souls, and in remembrance of the grace of the Saviour,' who shed his blood for you and for them, to send out a few of your sons and daughters to accompany brother and sister Wade, on their return to this land. I would add, as a very powerful inducement to embrace the present opportunity, that it will not only insure the company and instructions of brother and sister Wade, but the instruc tions of two native converts, in consequence of which those who now volunteer their services will be able, especially if the study of the language be immediately commenced, to pro claim the glad tidings almost as soon as they land on these shores. We have now five native churches, and above three hun dred communicants ; and a spirit of religious inquiry is spread ing in all directions. Who will come over into Macedonia and help us ? Your brother and fellow-laborer in the kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ, A. Judson. The following note was sent to Mrs. Bennett, while weeping in her room, after Mr. Bennett had gone on board ship, with her children, Elsina and Mary,* who were about to sail for America. " Sovereign love appoints the measure And the number of our pains, And is pleased when we take pleasure In the trials he ordains." Infinite love, my dear sister, in the person of the Lord Jesus, is even now looking down upon you, and will smile if you offer him your bleeding, breaking heart. All created ex cellence and all ardor of affection proceed from him. He * The younger cf these daughters sailed for Burmah in company with her mother aid missionary husband, in January of the present year [1853.] 58 MEMOIR OP DR. JUDSON. loves you far more than you love your children ; and he loves them also, when presented in the arms of faith, far more than you can conceive. Give them up therefore to his tender care. He will, I trust, restore them to you under greater advantages, and united to himself; and you, who now sow in tears, shall reap in joy. And on the bright plains of heaven they shall dwell in your arms forever, and you shall hear their celestial songs, sweetened and heightened by your present sacrifices and tears. Yours, A. Judson. To the Corresponding Secretary. Maulmain, December 19, 1832. Rev. and dear Sir : As proposed in my last, I have spent several months in prosecuting the translation of the Old Testa ment ; and I made such progress that I hoped to finish it by the end of 1833. But brother Wade having lost his health, and been obliged to leave us for a time, I find myself under the necessity of changing my plan. The New Testament is out of press to-day, and to-morrow I leave this for the Karen wilderness, where I expect to spend the next four months. It is not my intention, however, to travel about as formerly, but to remain at Chummerah, on the Salwen, and in the intervals of receiving company, to go on with the translation, though not so rapidly or to so good advantage as hitherto. During my absence, the Digest of Scripture made by brother Boardman, and remade by me, the Epitome of the Old Testament, a sep arate edition of Luke and John, the Three Sciences, (revised,) and sundry tracts, Burman, Taling, and Karen, as they are required, will be carried through the press ; and on my return next May, we hope to commence printing the Old Testament. Since my last date, there have been nine natives baptized, three of them Karens, and eleven Europeans. We have also just has d of two more baptized at Rangoon. Ai Judson. PROVIDING ASSISTANTS FOR TAVOT. 59 To the Rev. Francis Mason of Tavoy. Maulmain, December 30, 1832. Dear Brother Mason: We received your letters of the loth this morning, and late this evening have just heard that the Fortune will leave early to-morrow morning. And I hasten to advise you to send two of your best Karen converts by return of the Fortune. On their arrival here they will be despatched to Chummerah, fifty miles up the river, whither I expert to go in a very few days. In two months they will have finished the spelhng book, and by that time I think I shall be able to send back with them one, at least, who will be qualified to teach his countrymen. At present, though there are several who have just learned the spelling book, there are only two men, Chet-thing and Pan-lah, who are capable of writing the language according to rule, and therefore compe tent to instruct. Chet-thing, the best, has gone with brother Wade. If Pan-lah should leave us, we should be unable to move a step, for I myself know nothing of the matter. Tau- nah, one of our three Karen assistants, was unfortunately pre vented joining the school till after brother Wade was taken with his last illness, subsequent to which he was unable to superintend their proceedings. There are two other men only who have learned their spelling book. It is quite impossible for me to comply with jrour request to send you down two of our best men. For we have but one who is qualified to instruct ; and he is now up the country. Even him I should be unwilling to trust alone. He would probably fall into some sad mistakes. But by assembling all our little strength, and holding together for the next two or three months, I hope that we shall make a little advance, so as to be able to send you help, as specified above. Do not fail to send us two of your best men as soon as possible, and I will do the best I can for them. As to coming yDurself, I should think it not advisable. You would spend your time here to very great disadvantage, and I do not see, judging from your state ments, how you could possibly be spared from the work in your parts. I suppose you have heard that the Maulmain padre 60 MEMOIR OF DK. JUDSON. has gone down to convert the Karens between Tavoy and Mergui, and is now, I hear, at Pah-Ian. Is it so ? Please .to tell Mrs. Boardman that I could not to-day do any thing about her bills, even if I had heard before of the Fortune ; but I shall endeavor to comply with her wishes as soon as possible. I know not how I shall succeed. We have all been without money for some time. I have lent my last fifty to Bennett to keep the pot boiling, which is, you know, a cause sine qua non. Journal. December 31, 1832. Still detained in Maulmain by a variety of circumstances, and do not expect to leave for the Karen wilderness till the middle of next month. During the past year there were baptized at Rangoon, three ; at Maulmain, seventy ; at Tavoy, sixty-seven ; at Mergui, three — in all, one hundred and forty-three, of whom one hun dred and twenty-six are natives of this country, the majority of them Karens, and seventeen are foreigners. The whole number of natives baptized in this mission is three hundred and eighty-six, of whom seven have been finally excluded, and about as many remain suspended from communion. The whole number of foreigners baptized is one hundred and thirty, of whom about ten remain excluded, not counting a few who were rather hastily excluded, and subsequently re stored. Total, since the commencement of the mission, five hundred and sixteen. January 1, 1833. Brother Simons and friends have just arrived, and brought us a multitude of letters and most inter esting publications from our own beloved native land. On many topics I could write all day and night, from a full heart, but must employ myself in more pressing work. I will only say, May God bless the Temperance Societies ! May he bless the Tract Societies ! May he bless the efforts made to save the valley of the Mississippi, and the efforts made to restore the poor Africans to the land of their forefathers, and to settle the tribes of American Indians together, and unite SERIES OF RESOLUTIONS. 61 them in the bond of Christian love ! But where shall I stop ? May God bless every soul that loves the Lord Jesus Christ and may we all labor, to our latest breath, in making known that love to all who know it not, that ere long the whole earth may be filled with the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea. January 10. Mrs. Bennett set out for the Karens on the Dah-gyne, about eighty miles from Maulmain, accompanied by Tau-nah, one of the Karen interpreters. Expects to be absent about a fortnight. May the power of the Holy Spirit go with her ! January 12. Brother Kincaid, in Rangoon, writes, " We have just got a letter from Moung Nyen, who was sent to Pegu, and there imprisoned, fined, and whipped, in a savage manner. He is becoming more bold, and is almost ready to be baptized. He writes that in the midst of his sufferings Christ was his refuge, and he is now prepared to suffer all that may come. We have many inquirers from a distance, but the fear of government makes them timid." Query : Would not a little of that same discipline that poor Moung Dan and Moung Nyen have received be attended with some salutary effects ? Maulmain, January 1, 1833. 1. Rise at light, (in general.) 2. Pray at morning, noon, and night. 3. Read nothing in English that has not a devotional ten dency. 4. Never speak an idle word. 5. Check the first risings of anger. 6. Deny self at every turn, so far as consistent with life, health, and usefulness. 7. Embrace every opportunity of doing any favor to a child of God. 8. Learn to distinguish and obey the internal impulse of the Holy Spirit. Renewed May 5 ; also the 10*h ; also July 2. VOL. II. 6 62 MEMOIR OP DR. JUDSON. To tlie Corresponding Secretary. Maulmain, January 1£, 1833. Rev. and dear Sir : It is with regret and consternation that we have just learned that a new missionary has come out for a limited term of years. I much fear that this will occa sion a breach in our mission. How can we, who are devoted for hfe, cordially take to our hearts and councils one who is a mere hireling ? On this subject all my brethren and sisters are united in sentiment. We should perhaps address a joint letter to the board ; but such a measure might not appear suf ficiently respectful. May I earnestly and humbly entreat the board to reconsider this matter, and not follow implicitly in the wake of other societies, (I beg pardon,) whether right or wrong. I have seen the beginning, middle, and end of several limited term missionaries. They are all good for nothing. Though brilliant in an English pulpit, they are incompetent to any real missionary work. They come out for a few years, with the view of acquiring a stock of credit on which they may vegetate the rest of their days, in the congenial climate of their native land. Do not a man and woman who cohabit for a time quarrel and part the first opportunity ? And is it not one end of the marriage tie for hfe to promote harmony and love ? Just so in the case before us. As to lessening the trials of the candidate for missions, and making the way smooth before him, it is just what ought not to be done. Missionaries need more trials on their first selling out, instead of less. The motto of every missionary, whether preacher, printer, or schoolmaster, ought to be, "Devoted for life." A few days ago, brother Kincaid was asked by a Burmese officer of gov ernment how long he intended to stay. " Until all Burmah worships the eternal God," was the prompt reply. If the lim ited term system, which begins to be fashionable in some quarters, gain the ascendency, it will be the death blow of ALLOWANCKS TO ASSISTANTS. 63 missions, and 1 3tard the conversion of the world a hundred years. Excuse my freedom of speech, and believe me to be, With all faithfulness and respect, Your " devoted for Hfe," A. Judson. To the Rev. F. Mason. Chummerah, January 31, 1833. Dear Brother Mason : Your boys have just arrived, and, the boat leaving on return to-morrow, I write a line to be forwarded to you. The box of books about which you inquire arrived a few days before I left Maulmain. I believe that the people who brought it threw it down on the upper wharf, or at the post office, and thereabouts it remained I know not how long. At length somebody, seeing our names on it, picked it up, and delivered it to one of our servants. As to allowances to the Karens, we hit upon the same rate that you did, and adhered to it for a long time ; that is, about six [rupees] per month. But we at length concluded to raise it to eight, in case of a full. assistant missionary, if he has a wife and family to support, and engages, hke ourselves, to devote himself entirely to missionary work, refraining from all trade, and all worldly means of supporting himself. We intend, in general, that this shall cover travelling expenses, building houses, &c. But I can assure you, from long experience, that you can seldom, if ever, satisfy Burmans, Talings, or Karens, by giv ing them stated, specified, known wages. However much it be, they will soon be murmuring for " more 'bacco,'' hke their betters. Few of the natives that I pay know how much they get. No word on the subject ever passes between me and them. I contrive, at unequal intervals, to pop a paper of rupees — five, ten, or fifteen — into their hands, in the most arbitrary way, and without saying a word. But I take accurate note of every payment, and at the end of the year, or of the period for which they are employed, I manage fo have 64 ME'IOIR OF DR. JUDSON. paid them such a sum as amounts to so much per month, the rate agreed upon with my brethren. This plan occasions less trouble than one is apt to think at first ; at any rate, not so much ti ouble as to be in hot water all the time about their " wages." However, I only show you my anvil. Hammer your tools on it, or on another of your own invention, as you like. There were seventy baptized at the Maulmain station dur ing the past year; forty-seven Karens, seven Burmans or Talings, and sixteen Europeans. I am now occupying a zayat at this place, but confining myself chiefly to the translation of the Old Testament, with out being able to pay much attention to the poor Karens. A few live around me who attend daily evening worship, which is conducted in Burmese and Karen ; and a considerable num ber of the converts live within a few miles, who attend Lord's day worship ; but there does not seem to be much religious inquiry among them at present. Three are suspended from communion, and I hear bad accounts of three or four more. The learning to read also drags very heavily. The fact is, I am a mere nothing, as a Karen missionary, for not one in fifty of these people understand Burmese ; the Wades have gone, and there is nobody to do any thing. Yours ever, A. Judson. To Mrs. Bennett. Chummerah, March 7, 1833. Dear Sister Bennett : I thank you for the last supply ; think we have a sufficiency on hand for the ensuing month. Expect to be in Maulmain between the 7th and 14th of April. Please to purchase two pa-tsoes for the Tavoy students,* who have now no change. Let them be the best of tl e common kind ; that is, about a rupee and a half apiece. Please to * These two students, Kaula-pau and Sau Quala, were, in 1851, the only ordained Karen preachers at Tavoy. FAMILIAR LETTERS TO FELLOW-LABORERS. 65 send them up by the first safe opportunity ; and if no oppor tunity occurs, keep them till I arrive with the said students. We have sixteen boarding scholars, and eight applicants for baptism ; half of them will probably be reoeived next Sun day. But appearances, on the whole, are not very encour aging. Multitudes appear to have taken a decided stand against Christianity. Our boat, with four assistants, has been absent up the river eleven days. We are daily expecting their return, and hope they will bring some good news. Next Sunday is sacrament season. Pray for the poor httle church around me. They are literally a flock of sheep in the wilder ness. The first man baptized in these parts died lately of a violent fever. He was removed here a few days before he died. His end was rather peaceful and happy. Speaking of fever, mine has left me for above a. fortnight. As to Mrs. Wade's letters and the news from Bengal, so many things crowd for utterance, that I am afraid to make a beginning, and must defer them to the happy meeting that I anticipate a month hence. However, it will not be a very happy one ; for you and brother Bennett will be about going off. What a miserable world is this ! No sooner does the heart's pulse begin to take a little hold, than snap it goes ! How many times more shall I have to sing that melancholy ditty, — "Had we never loved so kindly, Had we never loved so blindly, Never met, or never parted, "We had ne'er been broken-hearted" ! Even those poor culprits, Elsina and Mary, do so frequently squeeze out the tear, that it is painful to think of them. I don't wonder that you say your heart is ready to break. I almost wonder how you can breathe. And I don't think that Mrs. Wade's sweet, but cruel letters have helped the mat ter at all. But be patient, poor soul ! Heaven will be sweeter for all this, though you may be unwilling to believe it. And we have every reason to pray and to hope that the dear absent ones will be with you to all eternity. 6* 66 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. I am glad to learn that the church difficulty is a little relieved. If it had not been, I thought of advising Moung D vay to give up eDnducting worship, and let it come on the deacons, who should be obliged, from their office, to do it, without calling to their aid some one whom no church or teacher has yet called to preach. This would soon bring them to terms. It was the deacons who formerly urged Moung Dway to relieve them, because they were incompetent them selves. Yours, A. Judson. To the Corresponding Secretary. Maulmain, April 12, 1833. Rev. and dear Sua : I left this on the 18th of January, and returned on the 9th instant. The intervening time I have spent at Chummerah, three days' journey up the Sal wen, where we had previously built a zayat and rooms for the occasional residence of any of the mission who might visit that place, which is our principal station among the Karens, north of Maulmain. This visit to the Karens has not, like my former visits, been devoted to laboring among the people ; but, according to a determination made some time ago, to suf fer nothing to interrupt the translation of the Old Testament until it was done, I took my books with me, and sat down to my studies the same as if I had been in this place. I have, therefore, done but little for the poor people, beside conducting daily evening worship, and the usual Lord's day worship, through interpreters. Eight only have been baptized, and, at the same time, eight stand suspended, out of ninety-one. A spirit of solid inquiry is extending through the whole wilder ness, but no signs of a great change are yet visible. The boarding school for teaching them to read and write their own language, according to the elements given them by brother Wade, has averaged about twelve, chiefly adults and young people, not small children. Several have learned to read, and left school to make way for others. The two most important students have been a couple of young men from Tavoy, whom FAMtllAR LETTERS. 6? brother Mason sent up to learn to read, and become qualified to teach their countrymen in that province. They have come down with me, and will return to Tavoy by the first opportu nity. The school is now left under the superintendence of Miss Cummings, who has selected the Chummerah station, with the intention of devoting herself to the Karen people. Our two excellent assistants, Tau-nah and Pan-lah, also are stationed there, to conduct worship, receive inquiring visitors, instruct the school, and prepare elementary works in the Ka ren language. Ko Myat-kyau also, and one or two others, are prosecuting their itinerant labors in these parts. Brother Kincaid having left Rangoon for Ava, brother and sister Ben nett are about proceeding to Rangoon, for a time, to supply the vacancy. Ko Thah-byoo also, the first Karen who em braced the Christian religion, and his wife, a poor Karen woman, whom we formerly supported on charity, having both accompanied brother Boardman to Tavoy, and been instru mental, in the hand of God, though the man is uncommonly stupid and unamiable, of opening the way among the Karens in that quarter, have now returned to this place, and having learned to read and write their own language, are preparing to go to Rangoon, with a view to the numerous population of Karens in Burmah proper, whence they both originally came. To the Bennetts in Rangoon. . . . I never had a tighter fit of low spirits than for about a week after you had gone. I sometimes went, after dinner, to take a solitary walk in the veranda, and sing, with my harmonious voice, " Heartless and hopeless, life and love all gone." However I am rallying again, as the doctors say. But I have not yet got the steam up in the Old Testament machine. " Toil and trouble," &c. Heaven must be sweet after all these things. I have no more to say. Yours eger, A. Judson. 68 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. To Mrs. Bennett. Maulmain, May 14, 1833. Mi dear Sister : I thank you for your good long letter, which I am going to repay with a poor short one, as you see from tha paper I have taken. But it is near ten o'clock, and I am worn out with the day's work. I really think I felt as much relieved to hear your head was better, as if it had been my own. I fear, however, that your relief was only temporary. I had a somewhat remarkable instance of divine guidance last Friday, in a private case of conscience, which had troubled me for some time. It was as if I had seen with my bodily eyes my own adorable Saviour pointing out the particular passage, and shedding a flood of light on the sacred page. And yet, alas ! must I add, that though I retain that guidance, and trust I shall through life, I am in other respects the same prayerless, heartless creature as ever. There was one time, however, since you left here, in which I prayed a few moments for Elsina and Mary ; and I thought it was the only time that I had ever been enabled to pray for them, and I had a mo mentary feeling that they would receive some saving impres sion before they reached home. . . . May you both be blessed in body and soul, and be burning and shining lights in Rangoon and throughout Burmah; and you wiE be if you venture to follow Christ throughout, and be holy, as he is holy. Your ever affectionate brother, A. Judson. To the Corresponding Secretary. Maulmain, June 29, 1833. Rev. and dear Sir : I have not made one minute in my journal since the last number, dated April 12, and forwarded. During the last six months, three have been added to the Ka ren church north of Maulmain, the main stock of which is at Chummerah, with one^principal branch at Newville. Of the ninety-one baptized Karens, two are dead,' and eight suspended srom communion, leaving eighty-one communicants. TRANSLATION OF THE SCRIPTURES. 69 There have been no additions to the Burman church in Maulmain ; but one member, Mee Tan-gan, a young woman formerly belonging to the female boarding school, has been finally excluded, for pertinacious neglect of worship and clan destine marriage, according to native custom. Some cases of restoration have taken place, so that there remains at present not one member under censure in the Maulmain church. The whole number of native communicants is sixty-three. I have received your letters of December and January, and heartily approve of all your suggestions, and hope that we shall be more particular and definite in reporting events that transpire in our respective departments. I am toiling on in the Old Testament. Am now in the six teenth chapter of Ezekiel. The minor prophets, and the his torical books from 1 Kings to Esther inclusive, still remain. Should I escape the fall fever, of which, however, I have no reasonable hope, and encounter no other interruption, I should certainly finish by the end of the year. Yours faithfully, A. Judson. Maulmain, September 24, 1833. Rev. and dear Sir : I enclose a number of notes from Ava. The Cutters embark this day for Rangoon, with a press and several thousand tracts, for distribution on the way ; be sides which we are putting up ten thousand tracts for brother Bennett, to meet an extraordinary festival in Rangoon, just at hand. Since the last of June, fifteen natives have been baptized here, six of them girls from the Chummerah school, and two from the Maulmain school. In the latter school there are about fifty in daily attendance. On the departure of Mrs. Cutter, the whole devolves on Mrs. Hancock, aided a little by Mrs. Brown. I have lost a month through a complication of ailments, but am now better. Have no remaining hope of finishing the 70 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. translation of the Old Testament by the end of the year, but shall do as well as I can. Yours faithfully, A. Judson. A Fragment — probably a Scrap tornfr >m the Close of a Letter. Leaving one party to prove that the standard of Christian morality is lowered since the days of the apostles, and another party to assert and expect the restoration of miraculous pow ers, let us adopt a middle course, the golden medium, — Holy as the apostles, without their power, — and then " the glory of this latter house shall be greater than that of the former." Yours affectionately, t~ " A. Judson. To the Corresponding Secretary. Maulmain, October 11, 1833. Rev. and dear Sir : The Karen people are scattered all over Burmah and the neighboring Shan provinces. The main body stretches away to the north. The Karens in the Tavoy district are a small, struggling colony, separated by a wide waste from the Karen nation, with whom they have no communication. They have consequently lost, in some meas ure, their national language, and come to speak a corrupt dia lect, a mixture of Karen and Tavoyan, which again is a cor rupt dialect of the Burmese. Many of these facts I learned from the two Tavoy students that I had under my care a few months at Chummerah. It was so ordered that our first Karen convert, Ko Thah- byoo, accompanied brother Boardman to Tavoy, and was dili gent in bringing his countrymen to hear the gospel ; and hence it has been supposed that there is some peculiar con nection between Tavoy and the Karens. But all of us here well know that there is no other of our stations so remote from the Karen nation ; none where a missionary must inevi tably Jabor among that people to so great disadvantage. In FAMILIAR LETTERS TO FELLOW-LABORERS. 71 the Tavoy district, it is impossible for him to acquire the language properly ; and he is completely insulated from the great body of the Karen nation ; and lastly, he is cut off from almost all intercourse with the handful of Karens in the dis trict, during six months of the year, in consequence of the intervening country being flooded, and there being no river communication. I do not mean to intimate that the Tavoy station is not a very important one. A glorious work is begun thare. A church is founded which will never become extinct, but will grow, and fill the whole region. The Tavoy station must be supported at all events. And if it should be left vacant, and none other of the brethren be willing to go there, I am ready to volunteer my services. But I have now some hope that brother will remove to that station. I am correspond ing with him on the subject. Yours faithfully, A. Judson. To Mrs. Bennett. Maulmain, November 29, 1833. Dear Sister : Here are Pallah, Tau-nah, Pah-boo-to, and Pah-boo.* If Mr. Bennett wants any more, let him say so. I hope you will take good care of these disciples. They are all good creatures. Pah-boo-to has improved very much of late. Pah-boo is a fine steady fellow, and an excellent scholar; Mah Tee and Mah Heen are inquiring about a passage in the same vessel, but it is doubtful whether they go. . . . Great care ought to be taken in receiving the first Karen converts, in any place. The best outward test is to have refrained from rum, nat worship, &c, and to have kept the Lord's day, and all this for a few months, on the testimony of their Christian neighbors. And perhaps it is 'best to make them ask for baptism several times. The first time asking they may not know their own minds. In all these matters * Karen assistants. 72 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. Boardman has proceeded more wisely and judiciously than J He has laid a safer foundation. The consequence is, there are fewer suspensions in that quarter, and his successors will have much less trouble than mine. Yours ever, A. Judson. To the Bennetts. Maulmain, December 9, 1833. Dear Brother and Sister Bennett: Here are Ko Man-boke, and Moung Ouk-moo. Do you want any more ? The latter has settled his old transgression very properly . . . A principal man from the village at the mouth of the Houng-ta-ran, where there are several inquirers, is here, and asking for baptism. He appears pretty well, and will be baptized, I suppose, next Sunday. * I have taken old Rajah, the evangelist of the said village, into the number of the Karen assistants. He is full of the matter, and intends to march forthwith upon the north pole, and clear away all the intervening darkness. Toon-no will probably compose his tail. We have nobody to send back with aunt Sarah, except Ko Myat-kyau, who also wants to act the comet. The Karen assistants ought to come back as soon as they can be spared. Can't you find some good one, like Tau-nah and Pan-lah, well acquainted with the Burmese language, who would come here and qualify himself to be used as other assistants ? . . . Yours ever, A. Judson. Maulmain, December 28, 1833. Dear Brother and Sister Bennett : . . . I am anxiously waiting to hear the next news from Rangoon, and whether the-«torm has gone over. Moung En and Moung Zoothy have gone with Miss Cummings to Chummerah. I expect them back to-night. I don't think the former will re turn to Rangoon at -present. He will be wanted here, espe cially if I step out any where ; for there is no other person familiar letters. , 73 [hat the church and I could agree to have conduct public worship evenings and Lord's days. Better let his pay in Rangoon stop with the month of November. I shall pay him twelve rupees a month, beginning with the 1st instant. I am seven hundred and eighty verses in debt ; but it is one comfort that the debt cannot increase after the 31st instant. I am pretty free from fever when I pour down the quinine. Several letters from home, but none worth sending you, except the two accompanying. ... I almost wish you were here, in the httle triangular corner, which forms a little com pound by itself, being fenced off from the school house, and containing nothing but a cook house at the extreme angle. At any rate, I wish Mrs. Bennett was here to take care of the women, who now run wild, except that Mrs. H. does as well as she can. The government has promised us fifty rupees a month if we will get up an English and Burmese school. We thought to have employed Delaney as an assist ant ; but he is bent on going home. To-day Mr. M. men tioned you, and says that, though he is going away, Mr. B. will do any thing in this line. Mrs. Boardman has got a let ter of thanks from " his lordship ; " and the government here is authorized to expend five hundred rupees per month on schools in these provinces. See some notice of schools in the November and December numbers of the Calcutta Observer. I have been in an error on this subject. The mismanage ment and little success of schools have led me too hastily to condemn the system altogether. What if you should both think of things generally, and particularly, and abstractly, and conjointly, and all other ways ? and believe me, In haste, yours ever, A. Judson. To his Mother and Sister. # Maulmain, December 29, 1833. Mr dear Mother and Sister : I wrote you last by Mr. Wade, and have just received yours in reply, dated 9th of July, mentioning Mrs. Wade's visit to Plymouth, which VOL. II. 7 74 MEMOIR OP DR. JUDSON. was very kind in her. There is hardly a person in the world whom I love so much as Mrs. Wade. You could not know her many excellences in so short ar interview. She writes me a very interesting account of her visit, and relates many things of you, my dear mother and sister, that are very grati • fying to my heart. I have also received your other letter, of October 12, last year, and the articles marked by your own hand, which I value beyond any clothes obtained from another quarter Mrs. Wade's letter brought many things fresh to my mind, and made me long once more to visit Plymouth, and the old mansion house, and the only near and dear relatives that remain to me in this world. But the sea is too wide, and my work too great and pressing, to be relinquished or deferred for any worldly consideration. I still live alone, and board with some one of the families that compose the mission. After the Wades left, I boarded with the Bennetts. After the Bennetts left for Rangoon, I boarded with the Cutters. After the Cutters left for Ava, I boarded with the Hancocks, where I now am. I have no family or living creature about me that I can call my own, except one dog, Fidelia, which belonged to little Maria, and which I value more on that account. Since the death of her little mistress, she has ever been with me ; but she is now growing old, and will die before long ; and I am sure I shall shed more than one tear when poor Fidee goes. So Elnathan has gone, and all his family ! I hope they are in paradise ; but as to little Anne, I know not what evi dence she gave of having her heart touched with the love of the Saviour. God does all things well — infinitely well. About the time of your receiving this, the Wades and a number of new missionaries will be coming out. I hope you w,ill send me a long letter. I have no time to write much, being overwhelmed with work of some sort o- other. I hcpe you will daily pray for me. Yours ever, A. Judson. LAST LEAF OF THE BIBLE. 75 To the Corresponding Secretary. Maulmain, December 31, 1833. Rev. and dbar Sir : The only noticeable change that has occurred during the last six months among the members of the mission at this station is the removal of brother and sister Cutter to Rangoon and Ava. We are daily expecting to hear of their arrival in the capital. Brother Kincaid will inform you that the series of Christian baptisms at that place, which will continue, we hope, to the end of the world, com menced last month in the persons of two converts — one the wife of Ko Hlai, an old Rangoon disciple, the other a respec table inhabitant of Ava. Glory be to God ! During the said period ten have been admitted to the native church in this place, of whom five are young men of some promise, two are women whose husbands are uncon verted, one is a widow, by birth a Karen, and two are girls from the school. The church now consists of seventy- three communicants. None have been excluded, and none suspended from communion ; but there are two cases which would probably be pronounced censurable, did not circum stances, at present, preclude proper investigation. Eight have also been added to the Karen church at Chum merah, making ninety-nine who have been baptized from among the Karens north of Maulmain. Of the said eight, two are men, and six are young women or girls from the Chummerah boarding school. I did hope, at one time, to have been able to insert, under this date, a notice of the completion of the Old Testament ; but, though I have long devoted nearly all my time to that work, I have found it so heavy, and my health (as usual this season) so poor, that, though near the goal, I cannot yet say I have attained. Yours faithfully, A. Judson. P. S. January 31, 1834. Thanks be to God, I can now say I have attained. I have knelt down before him, with the 76 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. last leaf in my hand, and imploring his forgiveness for all the sins which have polluted my labors in this department, and his aid in future efforts to remove the errors and imperfections which necessarily cleave to the work, I have commended it to his mercy and grace ; I have dedicated it to his glory. May he make his own inspired word, now complete in the Burman tongue, the grand instrument of filling all Burmah with songs of praise to our great God and Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen. P. S. 2d. The following tables may afford some satisfac tion : — Table of Persons baptized in Burmah previous to the Year 1833. Maulmain, . Tavoy,Mergui, . . . Eangoon, . . Total, . Burmans. 68 7 3 50 128 Knrens. 83 174 Foreigners. 129 1 257 1 131 Total. 280 182 3 51 516 Table of Persons baptized in Burmah in the Year 1833. Stations. Maulmain, Tavoy, Rangoon, Ava Total for 1833 Add Table 1st, . . . Total Bunnana. 10 252 Knrens. Foreigners. 18 31 16 14 5 19 128 35 257292 22 131 153 147 44 1911 2 76 516 592 N. B. Of the Burman converts, eight have been exclud ed — two in Rangoon, two at Tavoy, four at Maulmain, besides three or four in Rangoon on whom the sentence has not been formally pronounced. Of the Karens, two have been exclud ed in this district, and a few others remain suspended. Of the foreigners, most of whom are removed to other countries, and are destitute of proper pastoral supervision, many, it is said, have fallen into sin, but not many cases of actual apostasy have been ascertained. FAMILIAR LETTERS TO EELLOW-LABORERS. 77 N. B. I respectfully request that, in publishing my com munications, discouraging statements may not be suppressed. Let the truth, the whole truth, be known, and let us put our .trust in God. Ti the Bennetts. Maulmain, January 16, 1834. Dear Brother and Sister Bennett : . . . I return your lett 3rs, with one of mine that happened to be out of the way when I sent you my last. I know not when I have en joyed letters more than those from the children's grandparents. I have read them over several times. But I am sadly afraid that, handed about among their fond, flattering relatives, they will suffer for want of constant, faithful supervision. I have no particular thought of going to Rangoon at pres ent. I have no idea what I ought to do, after finishing the translation. I believe there is a great deal to be done in these parts. I think a good deal of Mergui, if an opportunity should occur at the right time. I know not what the Karens about Rangoon will do. I -should suppose it would be exceedingly imprudent for a foreign missionary to visit their villages just now. It would be known at once to the Rangoon govern ment, and be the very thing to induce such examinations and persecutions as would put a stop to all their religious inqui ries. If the Karen assistants need money, let them have what is proper, keeping a minute of the same, that I may ar range it hereafter. If Thah-byoo is refractory, and threatens to perpetrate any enormities, such as baptizing and the like, his allowance must be cut off. This will make him exceed ingly reasonable. If the Karens will not come to Rangoon to be baptized, they may stay at home. Ko Thah-a must never be allowed to go to their villages and baptize by the dozen, nor must he baptize in Rangoon, only on the conditions speci fied in my letter to him. There have been so many aposta sies in the south of India, that the Bishop of Calcutta has positively forbidden even the missionaries under his jurisdiction 7* 78 MEMOIR OP DR. JUDSON. from baptizing any natives without previously sending in their names, and notifying the Bishop or Archdeacon of Madras. If Thah-a is refractory, there is a way of taming him. In deed, I am doubtful whether he ought to baptize any Karens at all. He is pastor of the Burman church in Rangoon. If he baptizes any Karens, it must be by special dispensation from some missionary on the ground. . . . Yours most affectionately, A. Judson. Maulmain, February 9, 1834. Dear Brother and Sister Bennett : To yours of the second I reply that, in my opinion, it is best for you to re move to this place, because, — First. Brother Webb is competent to do the needful in Rangoon, viz., to keep some assistant at work, to distrib ute tracts, and to be a medium of communication between this and Ava. He can also baptize, if Ko Thah-a is afraid to, and he will be ready to proceed to Ava when the way is open. Secondly. You may succeed in schools. . . . Thirdly. If you come, I shall be able to go among the Karens, and hither and thither, until the rainy season, and leave you to take care of the native church, now numbering seventy-three communicants, and to superintend the printing of the Old Testament, beginning with the first of Samuel, the commencement of the second volume, which I am now revising for that purpose. However, this work will not probably last long, for I shall not be able to travel during the rains. Still it is possible I may want to go to Mergui or Rangoon, and if you are here I can do so. Fourthly. There is work enough for brother Bennett up stream, and down stream, and athwart stream, among all the villages on the river and in the interior. Fifthly. There is work enough for Mis. Bennett up street, and down street, among her old friends, who have all gone to pfeep sinoe she and Mrs. Wade ?ft the place. Alas ! I am RELUCTANOE OP MISSIONARIES TO LEAVE MAULMAIN. 79 going wrong, for I see a slight cloud of dissatisfaction gathering on a certain fair forehead ; so we had better strike out this article, and make a new fifthly, to wit : Mrs. B. will be able to take her old place among the female disciples, which cannot, of course, be filled by any person here, though possessed of the best intentions. . . . Better bring all the Karens who want to come ; for after my tour, any of them can be sent back to Rangoon for the rains. Yours ever, A. Judson To the Corresponding Secretary. Maulmain, February 10, 1834. Rev. and dear Sir : There is a strange, unaccountable reluctance among my missionary brethren to leave this place. Not a soul will look towards Tavoy, though poor Mrs. Mason has been here, and spent a week with us, imploring our aid. Not a soul will look towards Arracan, though my last from Mr. Fink, dated 30th November, implores our aid, and men tions three stations — Kyouk Phyoo, Ramree, and Sandoway, all occupied by British magistrates and troops, and all proving to be healthy places. Not a soul will look towards any part of the empire of Burmah. The European church has been continually receiving acces sions under successive missionaries. It may be well for a new brother to take his turn of a few months at the English chapel, while acquiring the rudiments of the language ; but it pains me to see a brother, who has been here above a year, wholly absorbed in the concern, and evidently determined never to leave it, when there are so many openings for missionary labor among the heathen, on every side. Perhaps, however, the board may be pleased to employ him permanently in that de partment. If so, I have not a word to say. The general reply which I get from the brethren is, " We must stay and get the language." But look at dear Boardman. In eleven months after landing at Amherst, he was in Tavoy. And what a light he kindled up during his short life ! Secondly, this language 80 MEMOIR OP DR. JUDSON. can be got just as well at other places as at this ; much better indeed at such places as Rangoon and Ava. The few books we have are ever passing to and fro among the stations. And as for the assistance which an elder brother can afford, it is not worth much. The language is best acquired from native books and native teachers. The chief service that predecessors can afford is in the way of dictionaries and elementary works. As to the seminary for instructing young men of promise, as suggested by the board, this is a department which requires more acquaintance with the language than any other. With the New Testament in hand, and tracts and prayers all pre pared, j young missionary can begin to preach and exhort very soon. He can live by retailing stock furnished by others. But to instruct a seminary, hke Poor at Ceylon, or Carey and his coadjutors at Serampore, a man must be able to create his own stock, especially when nothing scarcely has been done in that department. How much better for a young mis sionary to dash into Toung-oo, or some other place, get the language from the living sounds, build up a church, kindle up a bright light that will never go out ! And when, after a few years' service, he shall be needed to take charge of a seminary, he will be qualified at all points. How much better than to be rusting here in Maulmain ! Now, since it is expected generally that brother Wade, hav ing devoted himself to the Karen language, will, on his return, be chiefly employed among that people, and that, consequently, I shall be under the necessity, at least for a few years, of being more or less at or about this place, chiefly with a view to writing and printing work, any attempt to urge my brethren to a distance comes with a very bad grace from me. It is like saying to them, I wish to get rid of your company. But in deed there is not a single one that I want to get rid of ; not one that it would not cost me a bitter pang to have to consign to the grave. May God safely bring back my dearest, best beloved brother and sister Wade. I remain, with every sentiment of love and respect, Your affectionate friend and faithful servant, A. Judson. VISIT TO A KAREN CHURCH. 81 P. S. Perhaps you may have the curiosity to know what disposition I would make of the present unoccupied forces. I would advise brother to proceed forthwith to Rangoon ; keep company with brother Webb, assist one another a short time, and then one proceed to Prome, make a beginning there, and be ready — that is, one of them — to join the party at Ava as soon as the door is open. I would prefer sending brother to Rangoon rather than Tavoy, that he may retain the pure Burmese, and be better qualified, in due time, for the professor's chair. One of the new ones I would despatch from Amherst to Tavoy, without hardly allowing him to come up to visit Maulmain. Another I would mark for Mergui ; but he might spend a year at this place or Tavoy, before taking a new station. Two more I would instantly send to Kyouk Phyoo, that they might get the Arracanese dialect, which differs consider ably from the Burmese, from the very first. And as there is but one more, I should not know whether to advise him to take some new station or strengthen some old one. At any rate, he might stay at some old station one year. In this plan I have not mentioned the Karens, partly for want of men, and partly because I expect that brother Wade and brother Mason will be the great Karen missionaries. . . . Journal. Newville, March 12, 1334. I have spent a few days in this place, Where, on my arrival, I found the church consisting of fifteen members only, several having removed to the vicinity of the Chummerah church, which, though of later origin, is now five or six times larger than the Newville. Day before yesterday, and to-day, nine new members have been received at this place, and there are five or six others with whom I feel satisfied, but, for various rea sons, their baptism has been deferred. In the number received, the most noticeable case is that of Lau-sau and wife. He is a petty chi )f, and possesses more personal influence than any Karen yet baj tized in these parts. He has been considering 82 mes.oir op dr. judson. the Christian religion with approbation for three years; but has had great difficulties to encounter, resulting from his fam ily connections, and from his inveterate habits of temperate drinking. Until the present time, he could never resolve on adopting the principle of entire abstinence ; but I trust that conviction of truth, and love of the Saviour, have enabled him to gain the victory. March 16. On leaving Newville, it was my intention to go up the Patah River ; but not finding sufficient water this season, I turned into the Houng-ta-ran, and, having visited a village where there are several inquirers, returned to Maul main. April 1. Have been closely engaged in revising a few books of the Old Testament for the press, the regular printing of the whole being now commenced. I say commenced, for the edition, of the Psalms, which is out of press, we do not consider as forming a part of the present edition of the Old Testament, for it will probably be expended before long, and have to be reprinted in course with the rest of the work. To-day, despatched Pan-lah and three younger Karen assist ants to the aid of Ko Thah-byoo, in the vicinity of Rangoon; intending to proceed thither myself before long. Tavoy, April 10. I arrived here on the evening of the 6th. Am delighted with this station, and every thing about it. The few native Christians whom I have seen, and the schools, appear excellently well. But the glory of this sta tion, the two hundred Karen converts, and their village of Ma-tah-myu, I found myself not at leisure to visit. Indeed, I have hardly found time to step out of the mission enclosure since my arrival ; and to-day, having received the fcenediction of the Rev. Mr. Mason, I embark for Maulmain, accompanied by Mrs. Judson,* and the only surviving child of the beloved founder of the Tavoy station. Once more, farewell to thee, Boardman, and thy long-cherished grave. May thy memory * Dr. Judson was married at Tavoy, April 10, 1834, to Mrs. Sarah H., widow of the late Rev. George D. Boardman. MARRIAGE TO MRS. IiOA,RDMAN. 83 be ever fresh and fragrant, as the memory of the other beloved, whose beautiful, death-marred form reposes at the foot of the hopia tree. May we, the survivors, so live as to deserve and receive the smiles of those sainted ones who have gone before us. And at last may we all four be reunited before the throne of glory, and form a peculiarly happy family, our mutual loves all purified and consummated in the bright world of love. CHAPTER III. TREVELTAN1SM. — VIEWS RESPECTING THE METHOD OE CON DUCTING MISSIONS. — REVISION OF THE OLD AND NEW TES- 1AMENTS.— GROWTH AND RESULTS OE THE MISSION. — FIRST TWENTY-FIVE TEARS OF MISSIONARY LABOR. 1835-1839. While Dr. Judson was engaged in revising his translation of the Scriptures, a proposition was submitted to the missionaries of different denomina tions in India for abandoning the native alphabets of the country, and uniting in the formation of a new one upon the basis of the Roman. The author of this plan was Mr. Trevelyan, a most intelligent and active friend of missions, at that time holding an important office in the civil service. For a time it was received with considerable favor, especially by missionaries of more limited experience, who hoped that, in this manner, the difficulties of printing would be materially diminished. They seem, however, to have forgotten that improved facility in printing can be of but small consequence, unless what we print is intelligible to our readers, and that to the hundreds of millions of India our volumes would be sealed, until we had taught them to acquire an alphabet which, for several generations, they would naturally consider inferior to their own. The subject has, I believe, now passed out of notice. It is only alluded to here for the purpose of directing attention to the letter referring to it in the early part of the pres ent chapter. It seems to me to present an admirable specimen of clearness of judgment and strong com- TREVELYANISM. 85 mon sense, arriving at once at the truth in a practical matter, when many able and benevolent men had been decidedly misled. To the Corresponding Secretary. Maulmain, June 30, 1834. Rev. and dear Sir : During the last six months nine persons have been added to the baptized Karens north of Maulmain, as noticed in my last, and seven to the Burmese church in this place. In the latter number is Mah Yay, wife of the Moung Shway-moung who accompanied brother Wade in his late visit to America. I hoped that, after finishing the translation of the Old Tes tament, I should have a little leisure ; but the endless labor of revising it for the press, — about one quarter is now printed, — the care of the Burmese church in this place, which now con sists of eighty members, and the various avocations incident to missionary work, keep me so closely engaged that I have no time even to make such communications to the board as I am in duty bound to do. Yours faithfully, A. Judson. Maulmain, October 3, 1834. Rev. and dear Sir : As you will probably hear more or less about Trevelyanism, I wish to contribute my quota towards bringing the subject fairly before you, and therefore enclose you the documents which I have received from Mr. Trevel- yan. Mr. T. is an assistant secretary to government in Ben gal, a pious man, and much devoted to the improvement of the natives. He has projected a plan to print school books, the Scriptures, &c, in the Roman character, adapted to the vari ous languages of the East, in hope that the eastern nations will gradually adopt that character, anl have but one alpha bet, like most of the nations of Europe. Mr. Duff, of the Scotch mission in Calcutta, is his most powerful supporter, and Mr. Pearce has undertaken to prepare types and print for VOL. II. 8 86 MEMOIR OP DR. JUDSON. the concern. The Calcutta School Book Society has, I un derstand, furnished some funds, and Mr. Duff has j »st now gone to Europe to raise more. Two of our brethren have en tered into the plan with more ardor than, I think, its merits demand, and have proposed to procure at once a set of type1! and commence printing the Scriptures on Trevelyan's plan, at the expense of the board, they engaging, at the same time, to turn all the schools under our influence into the new channel, put down the native character as fast as possible, and teach the children to read their own language in the Roman letter. Some of us, however, hesitated at embarking the mission funds in this undertaking without the sanction of the board. As to myself, I object to the plan as in all probability quite impracticable. And though it should prove to be practicable in some degree, by means of united, untiring efforts, made from one generation to another, ^Mch its warmest advocates admit to be indispensable, — thot*&n at the commencement of the twentieth century it should appear that the end was gained, — what great benefit, after all, would result ? Some benefit, I admit, would be realized, particularly in the article of printing. But is that sufficient to prompt and sustain such a mighty effort ? What great benefit results to the people of England and Spain, for instance, that their respective lan guages are written in the same character ? Something we should gain, it is true, by compressing the Scriptures into a smaller compass, and rendering them less voluminous. But when we see that Dr. Carey has brought his Bengalee Bible into the compass of a single octavo, why should we despair of doing the same thing to the Burmese Bible ? Brother Hancock is of opinion that, by improving and diminishing the types, it may be done. If, indeed, we could carry forward the Trevelyan plan to such a state of perfection as to be able to dispense with printing in the native character within a few years, it might be well to make the effort. But how many years, yea generations, must pass away before we could hope for such a dispensation ? And all the intervenmg time we must be printing in both characters ! Suppose that the plan ACCESSIONS TO THE CHURCHES. 87 should succeed in Maulmain ; must we not continue to furnish Bibles for Burmah proper ? And suppose that the children of Maulmain should learn to read their language in the new character ; would that relieve them from the necessity of learn ing the native character also ? Could we dismiss a scholar from our schools without being familiar with that character in which alone he could communicate with his countrymen throughout Burmah ? But what I most regret is, that a man like brother , so good and talented, with all Burmah perishing before him, and several grand central stations unoccupied, should think of devoting the ardor and energy of his mind to an object of com paratively small importance, and of very dubious attainment. I would not be understood to be a decided opposer of Tre- velyanism. The thing is yet in embryo ; its merits and de merits not yet developed ; and I should hesitate to pledge prematurely either personal labors or pecuniary supplies in support of an untried enterprise, which I cannot but view as highly chimerical. But if the great directors of missionary concerns in both hemispheres should, on full consideration, see reasons sufficient to induce them to join their efforts in support of the undertaking, I trust that the same reasons wouid have a similar effect on my mind. Yours faithfully, A. Judson. P. S. I would add that I write this letter merely as a pri vate individual, and not requesting any official reply. Maulmain, December SI, 1834. Rev. and dear Sir: Since last June, four members have been added to the Maulmain Burmese church, which now con sists of eighty-four communicants, two to the Newville Karen church, and one to the Chummerah Karen church. There are two cases of suspension from communion in the Burmese church, and several in the Chummerah, some of which will, I fear, terminate in final exclusion as soon as a missionary can investigate them on the spot. There are a few applicants for baptism at all the stations. 88 MEMOIR OP DR. JUDSON. In April, 1833, Ko Thah-byoo, the missionary pioneer amoi g the Karens at Tavoy and this place, was sent to Mau- bee, a Karen district north of Rangoon, and in the course of the year reported about thirty hopeful inquirers, five of whom received baptism at the hands of Ko Thah-a, pastor of the church in Rangoon. At the close of the year, we sent Tau-nah, Pan-lah, and two younger assistants to the aid of Ko Thah-byoo. They returned, after a stay of about three months, and gave a still more encouraging account of the state of religious inquiry in that quarter. Soon afterwards, we despatched Pan-lah and three younger assistants. Tau-nah was obliged to remain with Miss Cummings, in charge of the Chummerah station. Pan-lah and his company spread them selves over the district of Mau-bee, and each one acted as schoolmaster aiicf preacher in his own circle, for the space of seven or eight months. On their return, they reported several hundred hopeful inquirers, out of whom two hundred and ten had made the three several applications for baptism, being examined and approved by Pan-lah and company, in council with the previously baptized ; but were obhged to wait for want of an administrator of the ordinance, Ko Thah-a, in Rangoon, having become so timid, in consequence of being imprisoned, fined, and otherwise abused, as not to venture to appear so publicly as once, in the character of a propagator of the new religion. On receiving this report, we at first thought of ordaining Pan-lah pastor of the churches in Mau- bee ; but considering again that brother Webb was in Ran goon, and a missionary to the Rangoon Karens daily expected, we concluded to defer that measure, and advise those who desired baptism to come down to Rangoon, a few at a time, and solicit baptism at the hands of brother Webb. Some of them have taken this advice, and the whole number of baptized Karens, north of Rangoon, including the first five, is thirty-three. Brother and sister Howard have just sailed for that place ; and to his communications and brother Webb's I must refer the board for further information from that most interesting department of missionary labor. BEREAVEMENTS AND EXTENSION. 89 As for myself, I have been almost entirely confined to the very tedious work of revising the Old Testament. The revision of about one half is completed, and the books from 1st Samuel to Job, inclusive, have been printed in an edition of two thousand. We should have put the first volumB to press some time ago, had we not been obliged to wait for paper, the London paper not matching the American ; and now, though paper has arrived, brother Hancock contem plates going to America for new founts of types, in several languages, and brother Cutter has gone on another visit to Ava, so that we shall not probably recommence printing the Old Testament till his return. I am the more satisfied with this arrangement from having just received a complete set of Rosenmiiller on the Old Testament, and some other valuable works, in studying which I am very desirous of going over the whole ground once more. The Chummerah station has been left vacant by the lamented death of dear sister Cummings, of which I have already given some account in a letter to her former pastor, the Rev. Mr. Butler. Brother and sister Vinton intend to depart for that station in a few days. The Mergui station has also been left vacant by the death of Pastor Ing, one of our most faithful, most beloved assistants. None have been baptized there since brother Wade left. Though Ko Ing was faithful and laborious until death, it did not please the Lord to give him any present success. Mergui, however, has been well sown with gospel seed, and I have no doubt the seed will spring up and contribute to the abundance of some future harvest, and the mutual joy of all the laborers, when the sower and the reaper shall rejoice together. None of the dear brethren and sisters, whose arrival glad dened our hearts the first part of this month, contemplate remaining here, except brother and sister Osgood, who are attached to the printing department. Besides those already mentioned, brother Wade is just leaving for Tavoy, and broth er Comstock will take the earliest opportunity for commencing a mission on the Arracan coast, southern division. Having 8* 90 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. bejn required by the board to select another missionary for the Arracan coast, we have advised brother Simons to take the northern division for his share. We have done this the more readily, because Mr. Fink, the country-born missionary from Serampore, stationed at Akyab, has been obliged to accept a situation under government for his support, and can not, therefore, devote so much time as formerly to missionary labors. On subjects connected with the printing department, and the mission schools, and the European church, you will doubtless receive, communications from other pens. During the last year of his life, Ko Ing was supported from the donations of Mr. Colgate of New York. But at the close of October, 1833, he wrote, that, on account of his unworthi- ness and want of success, he declined receiving any further allowance ; that his wife — of whose conversion he had been the means — was able, by keeping a small shop, to support the family ; but that he intended, however, to devote himself the same as before to the work to which he had been called. Ac cordingly, the same letter reports his labors and states his plans for future operations. Such communications he con tinued to make till his death. In order, however, to square our accounts, we requested him to receive the usual allowance for the remaining two months of that year. He did so, and in acknowledging the receipt of the money, said that he re garded it as a special gift from Heaven. We then determined that, though he declined any stated allowance, we would oc casionally make him presents; and brother Mason has sent him money two or three times, amounting, I believe, to about one third of his usual allowance. The following is an extract from the letter of a pious sergeant in the detachment, stationed at Mergui, dated December 7, 1834. " I was with Ko Ing several times during his illness, and conimon'.y took an interpreter with me ; but on account of his extreme weakness and deafness, I could say but little to him. Being anxious, however, to know his experience, I asked him a few questions, as follows : Q. Do you wish to die or not ? TABLES OP BAPTISMS. 91 Ans. I wish to die, if it is the will of God. Q. Why do you wi"h to die ? Ans. I shall go to heaven and be happy. Q- How do you know that you shall go to heaven? Ans. I have read in the word of God, that those who serve him will go there, and my own breast tells me of it, (placing his hand on his breast and looking up.) Q. How have you served God ? Ans. By forsaking my wicked ways, and piaying to him for forgiveness. Q. Do you think all this will take ycu to heaven ? Ans. Jesus Christ came down from above, and died for sinners ; and those .that are sorry for and forsake their sins shall be saved, because Christ died for them. Q. You don't think, then, that your works and your own goodness will take you to heaven. Ans. No. All my works are but filthy rags. He was so much exhausted that I asked him no more ques tions. I think I told you, in a former letter, that he had his coifin made some days before his death ; that our lads carried him to the grave ; and I read the funeral service over him.'' Table of Persons baptised in Burmah previous to the Year 1834. Stations. Maulmain Tavoy, Mergui, Rangoon, Ava, Total, 78 93 55 2 147 99 188 5 292 Foreigners. 147 4 153 Total. 324201 3 62 2 592 Table of Persons baptised in Burmah during the Year 1834. Stations. Burmans. 11 2 Karens. Foreigners. 7 1 1 Total. ¦ 12 4 28 44 292 336 30 ¦>g 8 21 147 9 Total, 9 153 162 74 592 16S 666 92 MEMOIR OP DR. JUDSON. Eight of the Burmese converts have been excluded, and two of the Karens ; and several of both classes remain suspended. Yours faithfully, A. Judson. P. S. It may be gratifying to the friends of the mission to have a correct idea of the population of the province of Maulmain; that is, the country unier British rule, north of Yay and Tavoy. A new census has just been completed, and the second member of government has- communicated to me the result, as follows : Town of Maulmain, 15,000 ; surround ing country, 30,000, of which 7,000 are Karens. He added, that, on account of the difficulty of taking a census of the Karen population, the real number might be fairly estimated at 10,000, but that the other results of the census might be dspended on as correct. Card. A. Judson desires to present, through the American Baptist Magazine, his thanks to the many kind friends of himself and the mission, who have sent him, by the hands of brother and sister Wade, and their associates, various donations of wearing apparel, books, stationery, &c. Some of the articles are of great value, and all of them are very acceptable, being such as he requires for daily use. The faces of the donors he knows not ; but many of their names he has marked, and the notes and letters accompanying the presents have repeatedly called forth the tear of gratitude and love. The acquaintance thus commenced, though not personal, he expects will be per- fscted in that world where there is no sea to separate friends, no barrier to impede the interchange of mutual love. And he rejoices in the behef that every distant expression and recognition of fraternal affection here below will form an ad ditional tie, binding heart to heart, in the world above ; that every cup of cold water given to a disciple will become a perennial stream, flowing on from age to age, and swelling the heavenly tide of life and gladness. SEMINARY FOR NATIVE PREACHERS. 93 He would take this jpportunity of saying to the friends of the mission, that no presents would be more acceptable than medicines — those of the most common kind. He would re spectfully suggest to pious physicians and apothecaries, that any paciage or box of medicines, however small, would ever be highly prized. And as he expects to be stationed for the present in Maulmain, he would be most happy to be their almoner, and enjoy the privilege of dispensing their bounty to his brethren and sisters at the several stations, who some times suffer in their own persons, and more frequently see the natives, particularly the poor Karens, suffering around them for want of the simplest, cheapest medicines. Maulmain, January 3, 1835. To the Corresponding Secretary. Maulmain, January 3, 1835. . . . My ideas of a seminary are very different from those of many persons. I am really unwilling to place young men, that have just begun to love the Saviour, under teachers who will strive to carry them through a long course of study, until they are able to unravel metaphysics, and calculate eclipses, and their souls become as dry as the one and as dark as the other. I have known several promising young men completely ruined by this process. Nor is it called for in the present state of the church in Burmah. I want to see our young disciples thoroughly acquainted with the Bible from beginning to end, and with geography and history, so far as necessary to understand the Scriptures, and to furnish them with enlarged, enlightened minds. I would also have them carried through a course of systematic theology, on the plan, perhaps, of Dwight's. And I would have them well instructed in the art of communicating their ideas intel ligibly and acceptably by word and by writing. So great is my desire to see such a system in operation, that I am strongly tempted, as nobody else is able to do any thing just now, to make a beginning ; and perhaps after bfi ther Wade, who ia 94 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. excellently well capacitated for this department, has settled the Karen language with brother Mason, he will carry on what I shall begin, having both Karen and Burmese students under his care. . . . Yonis faithfully, A. Judson. To his Sister. Maulmain, January 6, 1835. My dear Sister : I wrote you a line lately, enclosing the quitclaim deed, signed and attested. I hope it will reach you safely. Your letters of October 15 and June 20 came together by the hand of brother Wade. My last to you was dated December 29, 1834, about a year ago, since when I have received none, till brother Wade arrived the other day. The articles which you and mother sent by the same opportunity, I accept as refreshing tokens of that love which no lapse of years nor intervention of wide seas can destroy or weaken. It is a love not merely founded on natural rela tionship, but sanctified, and elevated, and destined to perpetuity by our common union to the glorious Saviour. Mother is now in her seventy-sixth year. I hope and pray that, as she gradually draws nearer and nearer to the grave, her faith will become stronger and stronger, and her views of heaven more and more animating. It is a privilege which neither of your brothers has enjoyed, to support the declining state of our parents. May this privilege be especial ly blessed to your soul. You will have heard of my marriage to Mrs. Boardman of Tavoy. She says she remembers seeing you in Salem, when she was Miss Hall. Perhaps you will remember her. She saw our father a little before he died ; and he took her by the hand, and talked to her some time. I am very happy with her. She is possessed of a very affectionate, amiable, pious spirit ; is well acquainted with the Burmese language, and is a great help to me in all respects. We keep house by ourselves, and shall probably remain in Maulmain for the present, perhaps all lhs rest of our lives. I have a church of eighty-four con rerted METHOD OP CONDUCTING MISSIONS. 95 natives under my care, and am also revising and superintend ing the printing of the Old Testament. Brother and sister Wade and Miss Gardiner have gone to Tavoy. The other new ones and some of the old ones are gone or going in different directions. I am now in my forty-seventh year ; and as we cannot expect to live so long in this climate as at home, I be gin to feel that my work is mostly done, and to look upwards to that blessed world where I trust we shall all meet before the throne. You may have heard of the death of Dr. Carey and of Dr. Morrison. There are now only three missionaries in the East who have been out longer than myself — Marshman, Robinson, and Moore. One after another fills up, as a hire ling, his day, and then passes away in the darkness of the night of death, thence to emerge and ascend to the bright re gions of everlasting day. I am always glad to get a letter from you, and hope you will write often ; and if mother would add a line or two, it would be a great gratification to me. At any rate, we can pray for one another. Let us continue to do so as long as we live. Your most affectionate brother, A. Judson. In the following pages the views of Dr. Judson respecting the proper method of conducting missions are more fully developed. After some hesitation, I have resolved to insert every thing in his writ ings with reference to this subject that could be of use to missionaries and the directors of missions. Dr. Judson was, by universal consent, one of the ablest missionaries of his time, of remarkable single ness of purpose and large opportunities of observation. It has seemed to me that all the matured opinions cf such a man on the subject to which his whole life was so exclusively devoted should be spread before the public. The cause of missions is, at present, ar resting the attention of Christians in a remarkable 96 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. manner. Every denomination is coming forward to bear its part in the work of evangelizing the world. Ii is of inconceivable importance that all possible light be thrown upon the counsels of those who direct these efforts. It behooves all our societies maturely and earnestly to inquire for the manner in which the labors of their brethren abroad will be most successful. The same remark may be made in respect to mission aries themselves. They have devoted their lives to this noble and most Christian undertaking. They will naturally desire to see every plan thoroughly canvassed, and to learn wisdom from the experience of those who have enjoyed the largest opportunities for accurate observation. It will be seen that Dr. Judson, after mature reflec tion, was decidedly opposed to large missionary sta tions. He believed them to be adverse to that spirit of self-denying effort without which missions must soon become a nullity. He believed that they served to divert the attention of missionaries from their proper work — the preaching of the gospel — to indi rect, subsidiary, and questionable modes of effort, such as in-door labor, school teaching, English preach ing, book making — things in themselves good, but not distinctively missionary. Instead of concentrating, he was for scattering missionaries, and sending them in every direction to establish new stations. Nor was he alone in this opinion. The most cautious and efficient conductors of missions with whom I am ac quainted are coming to the same conclusion. After trying a variety of plans themselves, and observing carefully the plans of others, they have been con vinced that the New Testament itself is the great directory for missionary labor, and that he is likely to THE FIELD TO BE POSSESSED. 97 oe the most successful propagator of Christianity who follows most carefully the examples recorded for our instruction in this matter in the Acts of the Apostles. It will be seen that it was the preaching of the gospel which Dr. Judson considered the great busi ness of his life. He became a translator because he teemed called to this work by the providence of God *nd the directions of the board. But his chosen field was the jungle or the zayat. While engaged in ranslation, he labored among the natives as far as he was able ; and, as soon as his in-door work inter mitted, he turned to preaching with the whole energy of his character. This continued until the failure of his voice deprived him of the power of public speak ing. It was not until this affliction rendered him useless as a preacher that he could be brought to listen to the proposal to undertake the Burman dic tionary. It was a work for which he had no love, and which he considered as aside from his missionary calling. Indeed, when he could no longer preach, he oelieved his appropriate labor completed, and looked forward with increasing earnestness for the day of his release. To the Corresponding Secretary. Maulmain, April 7, 1835. I enclose two letters from Kyouk Phyoo, and beg to call your attention again to the important coast of Arracan. The dis trict of Ramree itself contains, according to brother Comstock's letter, a population nearly or quite as great as all these southern provinces. Mr. Fink, from the inadequacy of the Serampore funds, has been obliged to accept a sub-collectorship under government. The whole country is thrown into the hands of the American Baptist Board of Foreign Missions. If they take immediate possession, it is theirs ; but if the present " tide of fortune " is suffered to pass unimproved, it will probably VOL. II. 9 98 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. never be recovered. If I were not tied to the press and the native church here, and had not, I must lonfess, the habit of keeping an eye always towards Ava, I would be off for Arracan by the first ship. I do not mean to say that the country is sc important as Burmah proper ; but in Burmah the prospect al present is very dark. Mergui also is a valuable little station, the population of the town itself being nearly six thousand, and including the sur rounding villages, above eight thousand by census. O that one of the brethren would take possession of Mergui, and do there what Boardman did at Tavoy ! But whatever disposition of men the board shall be pleased to make, or whatever other orders to issue, I beg that nothing of importance be left discretionary with us, at least so far as I am concerned. We shall all obey orders from home ; but if left to ourselves, I fear, from past ex perience, that we shall sometimes manage to help one another to do that which is most pleasing in our own eyes. Since beginning this letter, I have received yours of October last. I have very little hope of the practicability of an over land route to China, but have not yet received an answer from brother Kincaid. As to the subject of schools, and the preparation of young men for the ministry, my views are the same with those you have expressed. But I doubt the practicability of a " semi nary " all of a sudden. In looking at the subject in its various bearings for a considerable time, I see but one way ; and I would respectfully propose that instructions be issued to every missionary, at every station, to collect around him a few boys and young men who may appear promising, and give them such instruction as may be consistent with his other duties ; with a view of obtaining, in the course of a year or two, a contribution from each station of at least two or three students, who shall be sent to Maulmain, or Tavoy, or some other station, and thus gradually form a seminary, which shall contirue to be sus tained by supplies from the several stations, in the same way it was commenced. Yours faithfully, A. JUDSON. DISTRIBUTION OP MISSIONARIES. 99 Maulmain, May 6, 1835. Rev. and dear Sir : At the general meeting of the brethren in December last, I was appointed a committee to correspond with brother Kincaid on the subject of an over land route to China. I have lately received an answer, the contents of which it is not necessary for me to communicate, as he says in the same, that he has already made a full com munication to the board, in answer to an application made direct to him. I have only to say, therefore, that, as the route appears to be practicable, it remains for the board to send out a man for that express purpose. . . . Formerly, having spent many years alone, I felt desirous of missionary society, and was disposed to encourage a few to stay together, not doubting but that we should all find enough to do. But I have now learned that one missionary standing by himself, feeling his individual responsibility, and forced to put forth all his efforts, is worth half a dozen cooped up in one place, while there are unoccupied stations in all directions, and whole districts, of thousands, and hundreds of thousands, perishing in the darkness of heathenism. You will perhaps wonder that I am frequently writing in this strain. But when I think of seven families, — eight when the s are here, which will probably be every rainy season — my spirit groans within me. I feel that I cannot spend my time to better pur pose than in endeavoring to effect some change in our present arrangements. I have seen this subject more clearly, from month to month, ever since my marriage. Mrs. Judson says, that at Tavoy she was obliged to be ever on the alert, and sometimes had to run away to Ya-lah, to get leisure to write a few letters. But here there are so many in the way of one another, that she can hardly find enough to do. I can trrly say that all the real missionary work done by all the sisters at this station, from day to day, might and would be done by any two of them, if left to themselves ; and this not because they are disposed to indolence or self-indulgence, but simply be cause there are so many together. Place any one of them in 100 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. a station by herself, with her husband, and she would become a new creaiure. In a letter just received from brother Jones, he says, " I want to see a chain of missions proceeding from Rangoon, by Bassein, Cape Negrais, Kyouk Phyoo, Chitta gong, Kathay, Asam, through the Shan and Laos country into China." O that all the brethren felt as he does, or had the missionary ardor which characterizes and ! It is not for me to dictate. But I would respectfully suggest that one of the printers be ordered to join the mission at Bangkok ; that one of the missionaries, beside brother , be ordered to Arracan or Bassein. Bassein is the only port besides Rangoon in the Burman empire. It has a European collector of duties, appointed by the king, who annually visits .Ava. With Ava Bassein com municates by one branch of the Irrawadi, as Rangoon does by another. The only advantage that Rangoon has over Bassein is, that it has, of late years, become the principal resort of foreign shipping. There is no other reason whatever why a missionary should not settle at Bassein, and make such a beginning there as has been made in Rangoon. However, Arracan has perhaps stronger claims to immediate attention. The whole country is ripe and ready for us. And the Khyeen nation is contiguous, bearing the same relation to Arracan that the Karens bear to Burmah. After a long conversation with Mrs. Judson, this morning, we are ready to say that, if it be thought best for us to remain in Maulmain, we feel com petent, while life and health are spared, to take charge of this station, with those that remain after the above deductions are made ; and indeed we could afford to make some further de ductions. I have now five native assistants, who spend an hour with me, every morning, in reporting the labors of the "preceding day, in receiving instructions, and in praying to gether. These men penetrate every lane and corner of this place and the neighboring villages ; and since I have adopted this plan, — about four months, — there are some very encour aging appsarances. As soon as I get through with the Old THE MISSION TO ASAM. 101 Testament complete, I want to double their number, and devote part of my time to instructing them systematically. Now, ten such persons, half students, half assistants, cost no more than one missionary family ; and for actual service they are cer tainly worth a great deal more. This is the way in which I think missions ought to be conducted. One missionary, or two, at most, ought to be stationed in every important central place, to collect a church and an interest around him ; to set the native wheels to work, and to keep them at work. Very few native assistants will hold out well unless well instructed, and kept under rigid supervision. An additional missionary would doubtless do good ; but nearly all the good he would do would probably be done if he were away, laboring in some other place, which, but for him, would be unoccupied, and where, of course, all that he should effect would be so much net gain to the cause. But if, on the other hand, it be thought best for , and , and the rest to remain here, pray let me remove. If no one else is willing to go to Arracan, I am. It is true, there are some plans which I should hke to carry into execu tion at this place, where I have my work before me, and some things that I should be glad to prepare for the press; but other brethren will, in time, be competent to do these things. I am, therefore, ready to obey orders. And may God give the board wisdom to direct aright. Yours faithfully, A. Judson. Maulmain, June 11, 1835. The letters of Pearce, Trevelyan, and Jenkins, copies of which have been forwarded to you from Bengal, have opened to us a new missionary field, blessed with a very healthful climate, and the protection of English government. Brother Brown embraced the proposal with instant enthu siasm, not merely because of the above advantages, for Asasn presents a splendid opening for missionary efforts, and brother Brown is excellently well qualified to take the lead in that 102 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. great and important mission. My heart leaps for joy, and swells with gratitude and praise to God, when I think of brother Jones at Bangkok, in the southern extremity of the continent, and brother Brown at Sadiya, in Asam, on the frontiers of China, immensely distant points, and of all the intervening stations, Ava, Rangoon, Kyouk Phyoo, Maulmain, and Tavoy, and the churches and schools which are spring ing up in every station, and throughout the Karen wilderness. Happy lot to live in these days ! O, happy lot to be allowed to bear a part in the glorious work of bringing an apostate world to the feet of Jesus ! Glory, glory be to God ! Maulmain, June 30, 1835. Rev. and dear Sir : Since the beginning of the year, we have received six into the Maulmain native church. One has been removed by death, and one has been finally ex cluded ; so that the present number is ninety-two. The state of the Chummerah and Newville churches, which I have hitherto included in my report, I leave to be reported by brother Vinton. I have lately adopted the plan of employing several native assistants to itinerate in the town and the neighboring villages, for the purpose of making known the gospel and distributing tracts. They meet every morning in my study to pray, and to report the labors and successes of the preceding day. This gives me an excellent opportunity for correcting their mistakes, and furnishing them with new topics of argument and exhortation. I have never adopted a plan which pleased me so much, and appeared to be fraught with so many benefits both to the assistants and the people at large. I judge, from the daily reports I receive, that a spirit of inquiry and a disposition to listen are gradually gaining ground in this uncommonly stupid, obstinate place. As to myself, I am never at leisure to go out, being closely employed in revising the translation of the Old Testament, and reading proof sheets of Scripture and tracts. The first volume of the Old Testament was completed, in an edition of REVISION OF THE BIBLE. 103 two chousand, on the 4th instant, the second volume having been, previously done. The third and last, from Psalms to Malachi, will, we hope, be completed, in an edition of three thousand, before the end of the year. Besides the Old Testa ment, the presses have been employed in printing our standard tracts, in editions of thirty and forty thousand. I hope, as soon as the whole Bible is out of press to be at leisure to add a few new tracts and elementary works to our present scanty stock, and also to attend to the more systematic instruction of the assistants, particularly the younger ones. The translation of the New Testament into the Taling language has proceeded to the end of the 2d Corinthians. The principal tracts also are translated. Mrs. Judson is endeavoring to prepare herself to assist in that department. And as soon as the new Taling types are ready, we intend to commence printing tracts and portions of the New Testament, for the use of the numerous population in this place, and all the country east of Rangoon, very few of whom can read any other language. Yours faithfully, A. Judson. Resolutions renewed September 26, 1835, the Era of finishing the Revision of the Old Testament. — Resolved, — 1. Strictly fo observe the three seasons of prayer. 2. To read no useless thing. 3. To consult the internal monitor on every occasion. 4. To live under a constant sense of the presence of God. From Mrs. Sarah B. Judson to Dr. Judson's Mother. Maulmain, October 30, 1835. My dear Mother : There are four mission families in Maulmain, besides the one devoted to the Karens, in the vicinity. Mr. Hancock has charge of the printing establish ment, and prints in Burman, Taling, and Karen, for all the different stations. Mr. Bennett has charge of the govern ment school. Mr Osgood, lately arrived, is studying the 104 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. language, and meanwhile is occupied a part of the time in preaching to the Europeans. Thus you perceive that the native work devolves upon your son and myself. Mr. Judson preaches every Lord's day to a crowded assembly, and every evening to a congregation averaging thirty. We find our old chapel too small, and are about having a new one erected. The native assistants go about the town every day preaching the gospel, and Mr. Judson holds a meeting with them every morning before breakfast, when he listens to their reports, prays with them, gives them instruction, &c. Besides this, the care of tfce Burman church, ninety-nine in number, devolves upon him, as does all the revision, superintendence of the press, &c, &c, &c. He has lately baptized eighteen persons — seven English soldiers, five Indo-Britons, three Burmans, one Hindoo, one Arracanese, and one Mahometan. The latter is- faithful old Koo-chil, the Hindoo cook mentioned in Mrs. Judson's " Narrative." The poor old man resisted long and stubbornly the truth, and we were sometimes almost discouraged about him. But divine grace was too mighty for him, and on last Lord's day we saw him bow beneath the Salwen's yielding wave, and rise, I trust, to " newness of hfe." Two others have applied for baptism, and there are many nopeful inquirers both among Europeans and natives. To his motlier and Sister. Maulmain, November 1, 1835. Dear Mother and Sister : Since I have attained, in some measure, the great objects for which I came out to the East, and do not find it necessary to be so exclusively and severely engrossed in missionary labors as I have been for a long course of years, my thoughts and affections revert more frequently, of late, to the dear home where I was born and brought up ; and now especially, after having been childless many years, the birth of a daughter, and the revival of parental feelings, remind me afresh of the love with which my dear mother watched over my infancy, and of all the kindness with which she led me up from youth to man. And then I think HIS CHIEF OBJECTS ALMOST ATTAINED. 105 of niy earliest playmate, my dear sister, and delight to retrace the thousand incidents which marked our youthful intercourse, and which still stand, in the vista of memory, tokens of recip rocated brotherly and sisterly affection. Surely, I should have to call myself a most ungrateful son and brother, had I aban doned you forever in this world, as I have done, for any other cause than that of the kingdom of the glorious Redeemer. It is a great comfort, however, that, though separated in this world, we are all interested in the covenant love of that Redeemer, and can therefore hope that we shall spend our eternity together, in his blissful presence. It is my particular object, in writing at the present time, to engage your prayers for our little Abigail, that she may become early interested in the same divine love, and be one of our happy number in the bright world above. Her mother and myself both hope that the little circumstance of her being your namesake will tend to bring her more frequently to your remembrance at the throne of grace, and secure your prayers in her behalf. I alluded above to the attainment of the great objects of my missionary undertaking. I used to think, when first con templating a missionary life, that, if I should live to see the Bible translated and printed in some new language, and a church of one hundred members raised up on heathen ground, I should anticipate death with the peaceful feelings of old Simeon. The Bible in Burmese will, I expect, be out of the press by the end of this year ; and — not to speak of several hundred Burmans and Karens baptized at different stations — the Burmese church in Maulmain, of which I am pastor, con tains ninety-nine native members, and there will doubtless be several more received before the end of the year. Unite with me, my dear mother and sister, in 'gratitude to God, that he has preserved me so long, and, notwithstanding my entire un- worthiness, has made me instrumental of a little good. Do write, and without waiting for an opportunity, send your letters to the cxre of Dr. Bolles. Yours ever, affectionately, A. Judson. 106 MEMOIR OF Dii. JUDSON. To the Corresponding Secretary. Maulmain, December 31, 1835. Rev. and dear Sir : During the last six months, we have received into the native church in this place nine by baptism, and two by removal from Rangoon, and lost one by death ; so that the present number is one hundred and two. Among the number baptized is Koo-chil, the Mahometan servant who was so faithful to us at Ava during the late war. He came from Bengal with the first Mrs. Judson, on her return to this coun try, in the year 1823, and since that time has been in the employ of some one of the mission families. Though a faithful, good servant, he persisted for years in rejecting all religious instruction, and maintained his allegiance to the false prophet. His wife, a Burmese woman, was baptized a year and a half ago, and that circumstance probably combined with all he saw and heard to bring his mind over to the Christian religion. But the process was slow, the struggle strong ; he felt deeply the responsibility of changing his religion, and when he made his formal request for baptism, he trembled all over. Poor old man ! he is above sixty ; his cheeks are quite fallen in ; his long beard is quite gray ; he has probably but a short time to live. May he prove to be a brand plucked out of the fire at the eleventh hour ! He affectionately remembers his old mistress, and frequently sheds tears when speaking of the scenes of Ava and Amherst, where he saw her suffer and die I hope now that they will have the pleasure of meeting again and of renewing the old acquaintance under happier auspices. The printing of the whole Bible was finished on the 29th instant. I am now revising the Psalms for a second edition, the first edition, which was printed long ago, being nearly expended ; and as we intend to bind up the new edition with the last volume of the Old Testament, we shall have no copies for distribution until the whole is completed. A large edition (thirty thousand) of the Epitome of the Old Testament revised has also been lately issued. Tracts, &c, as usual. Three presses constantly at work, besides one employed in taking proof sheets Tbe Taling types not yet finished, and no print- RESULTS OF THE YEAR. 107 ing, therefore, done in that language. The translation of the New Testament is advanced to the end of Hebrews. More preaching has been done in Maulmain and the vicin ity, during the past year, than all the previous years together which we have spent in the place. Five or six native assist ants have been kept constantly at work. They have brought in several converts, and excited more religious inquiry and disposition favorable to the reception of truth than we have ever known before. Thousands and thousands of tracts also have been distributed through the town, chiefly by some of the newly-arrived brethren, during their morning walks. Table of Persons baptized in Burmah previous to 1835. Stations. Maulmain, Tavoy, Mergui, Rangoon Ava, Total Burmans. 89 11 3 55 10 Karens. Foreigners. 154 5 m188 33 2 1 168 336 162 354208 11 Table of Persons baptized in Burmah during the Year 1835. Maulmain, . • Tavoy, .... Rangoon, . . Yat-toung, . Ava Total Add Table 1st, Total,. Burmans. Karens. 7 61 2 Foreigners. 15 2 27 3 1 2 20 168 188 70 336 30 162 192 406 49 66 2 1 2 120 666 786 Yours faithfully, A. Judson. 108 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. To Mr. Amariah Joy, WaterciUe, Maine, Maulmain, February 8, 1836. My dear Brother : I have received two letters from you, of July, 1833, and May, 1834. I proceed at once to answef the questions proposed in your last, not knowing how much time I shall have to write. The grand means of converting the heathen world is to preach the glorious gospel of our great God and Saviour Jesus Christ, in the vernacular language of the people ; avoiding, as much as possible, all literary and scientific pursuits* to which missionaries have a strong tempta tion ; resolving, in a word, with the great apostle of the Gen tiles, to know nothing but Jesus Christ and him crucified. " The prospect of usefulness in travelling throughout Bur mah, preaching and distributing tracts," is rather dubious at present, owing to the intolerance of the government ; but in the ceded provinces, on the south and west, there is no ob struction to be feared. I should certainly think it exceedingly desirable that a per son contemplating a missionary life should pursue a regular course of theological study, though he had received a colle giate education ; for the better his mind is disciplined and stored with knowledge, the more efficient workman he may humbly hope to become ; but I do not know that I can men tion any particular branch of study to which, as a general rule, it is desirable to devote special attention. It is difficult, also, to mention the average time requisite to acquire the Bur mese language ; but it may be safe to say that, with the Bible and tracts, a young missionary will be able to labor effectively within two years. I should be unwilling to say a word to encourage private in dividuals to come out to Burmah " as schoolmasters, mechan ics, or farmers." Without the language, their lives would be almost thrown away. But in regard to single females, who intend to acquire the language and instruct their own sex and the rising generation, if they are as good as those who have already come, I can only say, the more the better. I am rejoiced to hear that there are so many at Waterville A WORD OF CAUTION. 109 who are considering the subject of missions. I hope, if it is the will of God, to welcome you and many others to these shores. We have Newtonians, and Hamiltonians, and Ando- verians, but no Watervillians. We had one, but he is gone. Perhaps Waterville thinks that in sending him she did all her duty. If this finds you in Waterville, please to present my affec tionate respects to your excellent president, and to S. F. Smith, better known by that name than any other, who is of ficiating, I believe, as tutor in your college, and please to give my love to all your fellow-students who love the cause of Christ and the cause of missions. Yours affectionately, A. Judson. To the Rev. James M. Haswell, of Amherst. Maulmain, July 4, 1836. Dear Brother Haswell I hear that there is a boat just going off to Amherst, and as 1 have lost two opportuni ties of writing, by not being apprised in season, I drop a hasty line, just to say, How do you do ? and to wish you every bless ing in your soul, family, and work, that a gracious God can bestow. You inquire about the advisableness of setting up a school at Amherst. If practicable, every thing in that line is to be encouraged, taking care, however, to avoid the rock that many missionaries have split upon — suffering school keeping to eat up all their time and energies. If you intend a Peguan school, I have a man ready for you ; not the best in the world, but the best that I can find for you at present. He is a Pe guan, and was employed a httle while by Mrs. Judson in teaching a few Peguan women. . . . Your affectionate brother, A. Judson vol. II. 10 110 MEMOIR OP DR. JUDSON. To George D. Boardman. Maulmain, August 23, . / ,. Vert dear George : I send -you a little idol, that you may not forget what sort of gods they worship in this coun try, and your mother is sending you another. But, what is better, I send you a httle book, called the Only Son, which I took so much pleasure in reading that I want to have you read it through two or three times. I am afraid you will for get how much your mother loves you. This book will help you to remember. I am not much afraid that you will ever become like poor Jonah, whose history you will find in the book. But when any companions shall attempt to persuade you to join them in doing some bad thing, remember poor Jo nah, and remember his poor mother, and remember how dreadfully your own mother would suffer, and how she would go down to the grave in sorrow, if you should become a bad boy. You cannot tell how much she- loves you. She talks about you every day ; and we never pray together without praying for you. And though it cannot be that I should love you as much as your mother does, yet I love you very much, my dear George. And I am always sorry that I was so closely engaged in study, that I was able to spend but very little time with you, after we came up from Tavoy. When I think of that last pleasant, sad afternoon I carried you down to Amherst, and left you on board the Cashmere, I love you very much, and want to see you again. Perhaps we shall five to see you come out a minister of the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. We sometimes pray that, if it be the will of God, it may be so. Your little sister Abigail is a sweet, fat baby. You would love her very much if you were here. Pray for her, that she may live, and may become a child of God. Your affectionate father, A. Judson. REVISION OF THE NEW TESTAMENT. Ill Prayer for Little George. Remember, Lord, my mother dear, Who lives in distant heathen land ; By day and night wilt thou be near, To guard her with thy powerful hand. And since another babe is come, To fill the place which once was mine, In mother's arms to find a home, And soft on mother's breast recline, — O, listen to me from thy throne, And let a brother's prayer prevail, To draw the choicest blessings down On little sister Abigail. To tlie Rev. Professor Knowles. Maulmain, December 25, 1836. Dear Brother Knowles : Yours of April last is before me, and we have also received the first two numbers of the Christian Review, and are highly gratified by the perusal of the work. I sincerely hope that you will be well sustained in this important undertaking. Whether I or any of my brethren will find time or ability to contribute our mite, time must show. My " practised pen " is sadly unpractised in English. A mis sionary who would become familiarly acquainted with a foreign tongue must, in a great measure, sacrifice his own. After finishing the revision of the Old Testament, and spend ing a few months in preparing and revising some smaller works, I, last May, commenced the revision of the New, in connection with the Life of Christ, two hundred pages, 8vo., and hope to finish it in about six weeks. The Life is printed in an edition of about fifteen thousand ; and the whole New Testa ment is being printed in an edition of ten thousand, which we should double, but for want of paper. When I get free from my present engagements, I intend, Deo volente, to attempt to do a little missionary work ; for there has been none done in this place for several years, — that is, since the 112 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. Wades left, — except by the native assistants ; and there are but few of them left, most of them having gone to other stations. In regard to our treatment of infants, concerning which you inquire, it was formerly my custom, and that of some of my brethren, to invite the parents, and relatives, and particular friends of a new-born child to hold a prayer meeting, for the purpose of commending it to God, and imploring his blessing upon it. A name was sometimes given when particularly re quested, but not generally. The meeting was sometimes held in a private house, and sometimes in a place of public wor ship ; but we endeavored to avoid holding it before a public as sembly, lest it should degenerate into a church rite. Finding, however, that the practice became troublesome as the converts multiplied, and not perceiving so many good results as we ex pected, and fearing that in future hands it might be misunder stood and perverted, we agreed, two or three years ago, to discontinue it; and the recognition of it, which had been attached, by way of appendix to the marriage service, was in the next edition omitted. I never, however, until your letter arrived, knew that any one of my brethren had made the least objection to the practice. In regard to the mode of baptizing, some of us bow the person forward, instead of laying him down backwards. We do not recommend kneeling, unless the water is very shallow. How I came to adopt this mode, and my reasons for preferring it, I should like to state, but neither paper nor time allow. Perhaps at some future time I shall be able to gratify you.* I say gratify, because I am pretty sure that my statement would afford you more gratification than you expect. In the mean time, let us remember that it is the glory of the Baptists not to contend about modes and forms. Give us the thing, they say, and we are content. — See Ripley's Christian Bap tism, page 120, line 11. I beg you will write me again, though I am but a poor cor- * Dr. Judson's views on this subject may be found at the close of his sermon on baptism. ACCESSIONS TO THE CHURCHES. 113 respondent, and freely mention any thing which you think will be beneficial to me or any of my brethren. I frequently feel the need of faithful, impartial advice. I am sometimes placed in circumstances where I would give any thing for one hour's free conversation with the members of the board. And if I could occasionally meet with the Newton professors, how many points of biblical criticism, and some of theology, I should want to hear discussed ! But " if any man lack wisdom, let liim, ' &c. To the Corresponding Secretary. Maulmain, January 31, 1S37. Rev. and dear Sir : The revision of the New Testament, on which I have been closely employed about seven months, is just finished. The printing is advanced to the end of 2d Corinthians, and will be finished in about two months. The following tables exhibit the number baptized at the several stations, at the close of last year : — Baptized previous to 1836. Maulmain, . Tavoy, .... Rangoon, . . Ava Scattering, . Total, . Burmans. Karens. Foreigner. 104 118 181 13 253 8 55 35 2 12 1 4 188 406 192 403 274 92 13 4 786 Baptized in 1836. Maulmain, Tavoy, Rangoon Ava, Total Add Tafcle 1st, Total 19 188 207 29 88 206 323406729 Foreigners. 16 16 192 208 Total. 54 91 206 7 358786 1144 10* 114 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. Miscellaneous Resolutions. March 22, 1837. 1. • Use no intoxicating liquor as a beverage. 2. Indulge in no foreign — that is, English or American — newspaper reading, except a regular course of some one re ligious paper, and sometimes an occasional article from other papers. 3. Observe the seasons of secret prayer every day, morn ing, noon, and night. 4. Embrace every opportunity of preaching the gospel to every soul. 5. Endeavor to keep the " resolution for promoting broth erly love." 6. Read a certain portion of Burmese every day, Sundays excepted. 7. Go and preach the gospel, every day. Second vow, August 6, Lord's day, 1837. Recollected and renewed, July 12, 1838. To the Corresponding Secretary. Maulmain, March 29, 1837. Rev. and dear Sir : I thought that I had finished the revision of the New Testament above a month ago ; but there is no end to revising, whiie a thing is in the press ; so I con tinued working at it, until I went to Dong-yan, and even later ; for it was not till the 22d instant that the last proof sheet went to press. At Dong-yan, Miss Macomber's residence, I baptized three ; so that the httle church which she has been instrumental of raising up in that place consists of ten ; and though the oppo sition is extremely violent, there are some hopeful inquirers. On my return, I was taken very ill, in consequence of im prudent exposure to the sun, and was hardly able to participate in the joy diffused through our little society by the arrival of the Rosabella, or to contribute to entertain the new missiona ries during their transient visit. SI.NGLE WOMEN IN THE MISSIONS. 115 I am now writing in a zayat by the wayside, not far from the mission house, where I daily sit to receive company. I have some hopeful inquirers, and a few applicants for baptism. It is my earnest desire to spend the rest of my days in more direct missionary work than my studies for many past years have permitted. May the Lord grant my desire, if it accord with his blessed will, and fit me to be a faithful missionary. Yours, &c, A. Judson. Maulmain, April 18, 1837. Rev. and dear Sir : We have, for some time, understood that it is a general rule of the board not to appoint any single women to missionary work, and as a general rule, it is prob ably a good one. But on conversing with my brethren of the Tavoy station and others in this place, we have thought that if any station, or individual missionary, should point out some particular sphere in which a single female could be placed to advantage, and at the same time could recommend some individual from personal acquaintance, or the testimony of others, the board would probably approve of such an ap plication. From what I have observed in the cases of Miss Cum- mings and Miss Macomber, I am persuaded that I could locate two or three such persons to very great advantage. You know what Miss Macomber is doing among the Pwo Karens. The Toung-thoos are a small people in this neighborhood, similarly situated. In the present paucity of missionaries, we could scarcely think of giving them a missionary and family. The labors of a single woman might be blessed to introduce the gospel among them. The northern suburbs of Maulmain, called Oo-bo, and the southern suburbs, called Moung Gnan's village, each about a mile and a half or two miles from the mission establishment, are both excellent situations, where, though we could not afford to place missionaries, single women might occupy houses, in connection vr'-\ some of our best 116 memoir of dr. judson. assistants and their families, set up schools, instruct their neigh bors, furnish a place where missionaries could occasionally resort and hold meetings, and thus become valuable auxiliaries to the main station. Another situation for a single female will probably be furnished by brother Hancock's boarding school, wliich, in the female department, will require more labor than Mrs. Haecock, with her large family and other cares, will be able to bestow. If well qualified persons could be found, I should not object to three or four. But they must not come with the expec tation of finding snug quarters in some family, and all things ready to their hands. They must come expecting, yea, desir ing, to occupy some solitary, perhaps remote post, destitute of all resources for daily comfort but such as they shall find in God and their work. Yours faithfully, A. Judson. Maulmain, June 30, 1837. Rev. and dear Sir : We have received eight members into the Burman church by baptism since the beginning of the year ; three of whom, being young men of some promise, have been sent to the Tavoy seminary. The last sheet of the revised New Testament, for an edition of ten thousand, was sent to press, on the 2 2d of March. We are also reprinting the Life of Christ, in an edition of forty thousand, two hundred pages, 8vo. A Father's Ad vice, a tract written in English by Mr. Boardman, and lately translated into Burman by Mrs. Judson, and four of our stan- lard tracts, translated into Peguan, have also been carried through the press, in editions of ten thousand each. Bible Questions, which will make a voluminous work, prepared by Mrs. J., are gradually printed as fast as required for Bible classes and Sunday schools. My days are commonly spent in the following manner : the morning in reading Burman ; the forenoon in a public TRIBUTE TO MRS. OSGOOD. 117 zayat, with some assistant, preaching to those who call ; the afternoon in preparing or revising something for the press, correcting proof sheets, &c. ; the evening in conducting wor ship in the native chapel, and conversing with the assistants, and other native Christians or inquirers. Yours faithfully, A. Judson. Maulmain, October 6, 1837. Rev. and dear Sir : We have just returned from the new-made grave of our dear sister Osgood, who closed her mortal pilgrimage last evening, after suffering above a year and a half with pulmonary consumption. She arrived here in December, 1834 ; so that the greater part of -her mission ary life has been a scene of suffering and gradual decline. But so quietly and sweetly did she accept the will of her heav enly Father, that no one of us seemed to pass time more pleasantly, or contribute more to the general happiness of our little circle. And this, in connection with her unwearied diligence and rapid proficiency in acquiring the language, makes us feel her loss most deeply. She has certainly left no one behind her, who is more universally beloved, or whose death would be more tenderly regretted. The equanimity of temper and quietness of spirit, which pe culiarly distinguished her, shone out with uncommon beauty and brilliancy during the closing scene. Though her mind, for a few of the last days, was much deranged, we were sure, whenever a lucid interval occurred, to find her in the same place, trusting in Jesus, resigning all into the hands of God — no clinging to life, no impatience to depart. Her will seemed to be lost in the will of God, and she enjoyed in an unusual degree that peace which passeth all understanding. I do think that no person ever descended the banks of Jordan with a more even step ; none ever felt the cold waves dashing higher and higher, with less shrinking from the chill, less ap prehension of being lost in the gulf beneath. The last senti- 118 MEMOIR OP DR. JUDSON. men*., which I am aware she made intelligible to us, were, that h er mind was happy, and that she was ready to go. How sure we all feel that, the moment her mortal eyes were closed in death, the eyes of her spirit were opened to behold the face of Jesus in the paradise of the blessed ! Dear sister ! we feel sad to leave thee remote and lonely in yonder burial ground. But we know that thou sleepest in Jesus, and that when the night of death is passed away, and the resurrection morn appears, thou also wilt again appear, blooming in celestial beauty, and arrayed in thy Saviour's righteousness, a being fitted to love and to be beloved, throughout the ever-revolving hours of an eternal day. A. Judson. Maulmain, December 31, 1837. Rev. and dear Sir : We have received seven by bap tism since June, making fifteen through the year, but, in the mean time, have been obliged to exclude three from commu nion ; and some of them will probably become excluded from the church. A few also have removed to Tavoy, and some have died; so that the present number of native communicants is only one hundred and fifteen. My principal work in the study, beside correcting a part of the Old Testament, has been a Digest of Scripture, consist ing of Extracts from the Old and New Testaments, partly taken from Brown's Selection, Boardman's Digest, and other similar Works. Upon this Digest I have spent nearly four months, intending, according to the best of my ability, to make it an elaborate work, containing the most imjjortant passages of Scripture, arranged under successive heads, beginning with " The Scripture of Truth,'' and closing with " The Retribu tions of Eternity." I trust this work will be as valuable as the Life of Christ, and perhaps more useful, -as a book of reference. The Life of Christ, in Peguan, Mrs. Judson has nearly car ried through the press ; first edition, five thousand copies. It PLACES AND RESULTS OF LABOR. 119 would have been done by the end of the year, had not both the Peguan compositors been taken ill. We have had no other work in press for a long time, for ivant of paper. Brother and sister Hancock have removed to Mergui. They had both become so well versed in the language, that it seemed desirable to them, and to us all, that they should com mence operations in a new place, where they might have full scope for their exertions. We exceedingly regretted to part with them ; but we did not come out to this country to enjoy one another's company. Brother Osgood in the printing office, brother Howard in the school department, and brother Ingalls in the English chapel, and beginning to preach in Burmese, are, at present, with myself, the only resident members of the Maulmain station. We have six assistant preachers, viz., Ko Shway-ba, Ko Shwai, Moung Shway-moung, Moung Shway-gnong, Moung Shway-goon, and Moung Ouk-moo. Some other assistants are employed in revising our publica tions, copying for the press, and reading proof sheets in Bur mese and Peguan. Brother Vinton, who may be said to belong to this station, though here occasionally only, is employed among the north ern Karens, his residence being New Chummerah, as much perhaps as any place ; Miss Macomber resides chiefly among the Pwo Karens, at the foot of the Zwai-ka-ben Mountain ; and brother Haswell, beginning to preach in Peguan, has his house at Amherst. Table of Persons baptized in the Maulmain Mission. Previous to 1837. During 1SS7. Total. Burmese and Peguans, . . 113147 15 42 1519 128189 15 197 216 Total, 457 91 548 Yours faithfully, A. Judson. 120 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON To his Mother and Sister. Maulmain, March 16, 1838. Ever dear Mother and Sister : I remember you in my prayers every day, and hope that you do not forget me, my wife, and dear little Abby and Adoniram. Yours of October 15, 1837, 1 received on the arrival of Mr. and Mrs. Stevens in the Rosabella, the 19th of last month. They gave me an account of their visit to Plymouth, and their interview with you both, and how you looked and what you said, and he remembered the exhortation to " preach the three R's." He remarked, that my mother was the very picture of the venerable, and she observed that every thing about the house tvas kept in remarkably nice order. And they both thought that, from your appearance and remarks, you were in the en joyment of much religious feeling. How I wish I could see you once more ! ¦ I send you a copy of the Burman New Testament, which may be a gratifying curiosity, if nothing more. We have just carried Adoniram through the small-pox by inoculation. He had it very lightly, and is now quite recovered. He is one of the prettiest, brightest children you ever saw. His mother says that he resembles his uncle Elnathan. Abby is growing fast. She runs about, and talks Burman quite fluently, but no Enghsh. I am not troubled about her not getting Enghsh at present, for we shall have to send her home in a few years, and then she will get it of course. She at tends family and public worship with us, and has learned to sit still and behave herself. But Fen, or Pwen, as the natives call him, when he is brought into the chapel, and sees me in my place, has the impudence to roar out Bah, (as the Bur mans call father,) with such a stentorian voice, that his nurse is obliged to carry him out again. Many thanks, dear sister, for your last present of fifty dol lars, which I have received. I am obliged to look after the rupees a little more carefully now than when I had no little ones to provide for. GROWTH AND CLAIMS OF MAULMAIN. 121 I suppose you take the Magazine ; so I do not introduce missionary affairs into my private letters. Yours ever, affectionately, A. Judson. To the Corresponding Secretary. Maulmain, March 19, 1838. Rev. and dear Sir : . . • I am accused of being a discourager of schools, and perhaps the charge is partly just. ... In regard to a dictionary, I do not see how I can possibly undertake it. And if you consider my situation a moment, you will, I am persuaded, be of my opinion. Brother is wholly employed in the printing office, and in a great variety of work resulting from our connection with the other stations ; and if not, his voice has so failed him, that he is able to do nothing in English or Burmese preaching. Brother is, or ought to be, absorbed in the school, if he wishes to make it a prosperous, efficient establishment. I have to spend the greater part of my time in preparing manuscripts, revising former editions, reading proof sheets, &c. Must this population of twenty thousand be left to perish without any effort to save them, except what is made by a few very inefficient native assistants ? Ought there not to be a preach ing missionary in this great, growing place ? Circumstances have essentially changed within a few years. The popula tion has doubled, and is increasing in an accelerated ratio. Is it not important that, since an encouraging beginning is made, our efforts should keep pace with the increasing popu lation, lest soon we be swallowed up and lost? For a few months past, having some respite in the printing department, for want of paper, I have been able to set up evening meet ings all over town, five or six in a week, and to do some zayat preaching also. Brother Ingalls now assists in the chapel, in evening meetings, and in zayat preaching ; and if I have a preaching colleague, I can prosecute my labors in the book line ; but if not, how can I think of devoting my time to vol. n. 11 122 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. making books, as I have done for some years past 5 How can I think of leaving this population to perish before me, while I am poring over manuscripts and proof sheets ? I must not do it ; I cannot do it, unless the board expressly order it ; and then I will obey, believing that vox senatus vox Dei. But before they order the only preaching missionary in the place to spend his time in making books, and above all a, dictionary, I beg they will deeply consider the propriety of appointing him a preaching colleague. As to my health, the annual fever, which I have had for nine years in succession, from November to March, — except the year I spent in Burmah, — has been gradually growing lighter; but it still hangs on, and deprives me of a good deal of time. And if there should be some opening in Bur mah or Arracan, where I could labor away from this coast, I should be glad to have the liberty of doing so, at least as a temporary arrangement. Yours faithfully, A. Judson. Maulmain, June 30, 1838. Rev. and dear Sir : Since my last, my time has been chiefly employed in revising parts of the Old Testament, for a new edition of the whole Bible, to be comprised in one volume quarto. This work will employ all my time for a year to come. I am anxious to make a thorough revision of the Psalms and the prophets, with the help of the latest exe- getical works that I have been able to procure. The usual worship has been conducted in the native chapel every evening, and in the forenoon of Lord's days. For a few months I attended evening meetings in different parts of the town, the native chapel being supplied by other members of the mission. But as the rainy season approached, and work also increased in the printing office, I found it necessary to return to my old routine. The church is slowly increasing. About twelve a year is the small allowance which God grants us ; and this, I suppose, BURMESE ASSISTANTS. 123 must be taken as the measure of our scanty faith. Lord, in crease our faith ! I am sorry to have to add, that we have no less than eight members excluded from communion ; and some )f them will probably come to be excluded from the church altogether. Several have been dismissed to join other churches; so that the whole number of communicants at present is one hundred and eighteen, including five foreigners. Yours faithfully, A. Judson. P. S. I have three preaching assistants only in my em ploy — Ko Shway-ba, Moung Shway-gnong, and Moung Ouk-moo. The first is the oldest Christian in the church, having been baptized in 1820. He is a good, steady man, not very talented or active ; but being, I trust, a man of some prayer, his labors have been rather blessed. The second is a Burmo-Chinese, the best extempore preacher we have, very active and useful. The third is very energetic and enterpris ing, for a native, distinguished by a bold, proselyting spirit ; but he has not been long employed, and I do not recollect much fruit. Ko En is my assistant in the book line, and Ko Man-boke Mrs. Judson's. The assistants in the employ of other brethren, either here or at other stations, among the Karens, I am not so competent to give an account of as those who employ them. Rev. Solomon Peck, Corresponding Secretary, to Dr. Judson. Baptist Missionary Rooms, Boston, July 14, 1838. Dear Brother : The inquiry is sometimes made, Why have we so few communications from Mr. Judson in the Mag azine ? I need not assure you that any thing you may find time to prepare for the Magazine would be read with Uvely interest, and tend, doubtless, to foster the spirit of missions, while it would remove the necessity of giving explanations, as if some coolness could have found place between yourself and 124 MEMOIR OF dr. judson. the conductors of the missions at home. Of the desirableness of such communications I could say much, and, from youi intimate knowledge of Burmah, and of the establishment and prosecution of the mission, their authenticity to us would be only equalled by their facility of preparation to you. At the same time, I would not encroach on time sacred to strictly missionary work. All we could reasonably ask would be results of occasional fragmentary efforts. In this my first communication to you, I cannot deny my self the pleasure of a personal introduction. Your beloved companion will have some remembrance of me, as a friend and correspondent of the lamented Boardman. Shut out by irremovable hinderances from participating in your labors in the foreign field, I esteem myself happy in contributing, in any measure, to your efficiency and comfort from here. The cause, the object, is one, however diverse and distant our _ spheres of operation ; and whether it suffer, we both suffer with it, or be. honored, we rejoice together. We send by this conveyance Robinson's Hebrew Lexicon and Ripley's Notes, for the mission library, with other books ordered by individuals of the mission, and periodicals, &c. I should be glad to write to several of them, but the ship sails to-morrow, (Sunday,) and it will be impracticable. To his Sister. July 20, 1838. I have lately had the happiness of baptizing the first Toung- thoo that ever became a Christian. I hope he will be the first fruits of a plentiful harvest. God has given me the priv ilege and happiness of witnessing and contributing a little, I trust, to the conversion of the first Burmese convert, the first Peguan, the first Karen, and the first Toung-thoo. Three of them I baptized. The Karen was approved for baptism ; but just then, brother Boardman removing to Tavoy, I sent the Karen with him, and he was baptized there. There are now above a thousand converts from heather FIRST QUARTER OP A CENTURY. , 125 ism, formed into various churches throughout the country. And I trust that the good work will go on, until every vestige of idolatry shall be effaced, and millennial glory shall bless the whole land. The thirteenth day of this month finished a quar ter of a century that I have spent in Burmah ; and on the eighth of next month, if I live, I shall complete the fiftieth year of my life. And I see that mother, if living, will enter on her eightijth year next December. May we all meet in heaven. Youra ever, affectionately, A. Judson. Maulmain, November 18, 1838. My dear Sister : I wrote you last July, since which I have received yours of April 2. I have also received one hundred dollars last year, and one hundred dollars this year, from mother and you, through the treasurer of the board. These sums were very acceptable indeed, not, I trust, because I have grown avaricious, but because I have an increasing family of dear httle ones, for whom it is my duty to provide ; and you will readily suppose, too, that money is more accept able, coming from the only two individuals who, with my pres ent family, constitute the dearest society that remains to me on earth. 0 that we may all be so blessed as to form one happy family in the world above ! ... If it were not for my missionary obligations, and duty to the perishing heathen, how happy 1 should feel if we were all settled with you in the old mansion house at Plymouth! I feel, more desirous than I did formerly to do something to express my gratitude to dear mother for the love she felt, and the pains she took for me when I was a little one. But I can do noth ing but pray that her last days may be illuminated by the light of God's countenance, and that an abundant entrance may be administered to her into the kingdom of our Lord. As for you, dear sister, I cannot help thinking that we shall yet meet in this world. But God knows, and his will be done. It 11 * 126 MEMOIR OP DR. JUDSON. seems an unnatural thing that families should be broken up and scattered, as ours has been. This missionary work, though a blessed work, is attended with severe trials and sacrifices, especially of a domestic kind. These dear children I shall have to part with, I suppose, and send to America, to be edu cated ; and what a heart-rending trial that will be ! You observe that you look in vain for my journal. I have been employed, for some time, in revising the translation of Scripture, and in the ordinary details of pastoral duties, with out itinerating or doing much missionary work, properly •speaking; so that I have but few materials, and less inclina tion, for journalizing, especially as there are so many younger missionaries, who, I observe, are very handy with their pens ; and therefore I only write a short semiannual letter to the board, just to let them know what I am doing, and satisfy them that I am not eating up my allowance for nothing. I hope you will write me at least as often, and let me know how you live, and what you are doing from time to time, and all about your and mother's health and circumstances. You must believe that the minutest items are interesting to me, your only brother and son. Dear wife sends her best love, and begs you will daily pray for the children, that they may early obtain divine grace. Ever yours, A. Judson. To the Corresponding Secretary. Maulmain, December 21, 1838. . . Modern missions have been distinguished from the Roman Catholic, and indeed from all former missions, since apostolic times, by patronizing and honoring the word of God. And I do believe that those missions which give the highest place to the divine word will be most owned of God, and blessed. There is only one book in the world which has descended from heaven, or, as I tell the Burmans, there is only one golden lamp which God has suspended from heaven to guide us hither. ShaV we missionaries throw a shade CHURCH DISCIPLINE. 127 around it, or do ought „o prevent the universal diffusion of its life-giving rays ? 0 that ene complete volume of the Bible, and not m.erely the New Testament, — for the word of God, though not such a book as human philosophy and logic would have devised, is doubtless, in the eye of infinite Wisdom, a perfect work, and just fitted to answer the great end which God has in view, — O that one copy of the Burman Bible were safely deposited in every village where the language is under stood ! Burmah is now shut against us ; but it will not be so always, and where there is a will there is a way. And Arra can, with her two thousand villages or more, is open for the reception and deposit of two or three thousand Bibles. I would not be understood to depreciate the preaching of the gospel, the grand means instituted by Christ for the con version of the world. But all our preaching must be based on the written word; and when the voice of the living preacher is passed away from the village, the inspired volume may still remain to convict and to edify. I would say, there fore, that the preached gospel and the written word are the two arms which are to pull down the kingdom of darkness and build up the Redeemer's. Let us not cut off one of these arms ; for the other will, by itself, be comparatively powerless, as the history of the church in every age will testify. To the Rev. J. M. Haswell. Maulmain, January 4, 1839. Dear Brother Haswell : I send you the accompanying copy of the Articles, &c, of our English church, as affording the best reply I can give to your inquiries. The exclusion from communion, defined in the 11th rule, is one act only, though repeated and communicated to the offending party at three successive communion seasons. This, in cases where, as in the native church, we have the communion once in four months, gives ths offender a whole year to repent in, and the church a whole year to labor with him. This process also makes the final exclusion from the church a more solemn and 128 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. dreaded infliction. I have known several cases in which the offender would hold out under exclusion from communion declared the first, second, and even the third time, but would break down at the approach of the final exclusion from the church. In the English church, where they receive the com munion every other month, the process contemplated in the said rule is confined to six or eight months. I prefer the former for a native church, but think the latter is sufficient for a European church. I- do not suppose that I have attained unto perfection. But my plan is the result of some experi ence and trying several other plans. Nor am I a great stick ler for uniformity, though I suppose that some understanding among neighboring churches, especially among the heathen, is desirable. The Articles of Faith and Covenant con tained in the accompanying pamphlet, are from Professor Chase. I found them in the Christian Review; but I do not think they are near so well adapted to a native church, as those which we have adopted. After all, one touch of the Spirit of God is worth more than all our plans and contrivances for the promotion of church order. " Come, Holy Spirit, heavenly dove." Yet we must not only partake of the feasts which Jesus fur nishes, but we must also gather up the fragments, that noth ing be lost. Yours most affectionately, A. Judson. To the Corresponding Sectary, Rev. S. Peck. Maulmain, January 5, 1839. . . . I wish it was in my power to make more copious and more interesting communications for the Magazine ; but what can be expected from a man who spends his days at a study table, poring over Hebrew and Greek, and Gesenius need of exegetical works. 129 and Rosenmiiller, &c, &c, and Burmese manuscripts inter lined to illegibility ? I .warded off the translation of the Bible for several years, thinking it would fall to Boardman, or Jones, or some other ; but the providence of God, at length, laid it upon me. And seeing how some eminent missionaries divided their attention among several objects, at the risk of doing nothing well, I thought it incumbent on me, with less capacity, to aim at more singleness of object. And I now feel that it is one main duty of the remnant of my life to study and labor to perfect the Burmese translation of the Bible. I know much of your history from Mrs. Judson, and some of my brethren who are acquainted with you, and I rejoice in the privilege of corresponding with you. May our corre spondence be a mutual blessing, which we shall appreciate and thank God for in the happy world to which we are hastening. Yours affectionately, A. Judson. Maulmain, January 21, 1839. My dear Sir : Allow me to suggest whether the exegeti cal works of Stuart, Robinson, Stowe, Ripley, Bush, Noyes, and such like, with some of the best German works, ought not to be sent out to the library, as soon as they come from the press, without waiting for an application to be made for them. I frequently see a sterling work on the cover of the Herald or Magazine, and am ready to scream, with some variations, " The book, the book ! my kingdom for the book ! " Yes, a kingdom, if the same ship which brought tbe notice had brought the work too ; whereas I have to wait for letters to cross the ocean twice or three times, at least, and thus two or three years' use of the book is lost, during which time I am, perhaps, working upon that very portion of Scripture which that book is intended to illustrate. Could a very small portion of the funds contributed to the 130 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. Bible cause be better spent than in sending such works as the above, without the least delay, to the several mission libraries where translations of the Scriptures are ir progress ? Indi viduals might send, at their leisure, for sucl. of the works for their private uss, as they could afford to purchase. Yours faithfully, A. Judson. CHAPTEL IV. DECLINING HEALl'H — VISIT TO CALCUTTA. — PRINCIPLES OF TRANSLATION. -MISSIONARY WORK — REVISION OF BURMESE SCRIPTURES COMPLETED — CHARACTER OF THE VERSION. 1839-1840. With the following letter commences the record of those attacks of pulmonary disease which followed Dr. Judson through the remainder of his life. They commenced with a loss of voice, pain in the organs of speech, and soreness in the lungs, betokening the approach of ordinary consumption. He was obliged to take several voyages for the restoration of his health, but seemed to derive from them only tem porary benefit. Preaching, generally in the. course of a few months, brought on a relapse ; and hence forth the greater portion of his life was, from neces sity, spent in solitary labor with the pen. The letters which were written during these absences from home present a lovely picture of his domestic character, and prove that his entire devotion to one object for life had dried up none of the springs of human kindness, but that his affections as a husband, father, son, and brother, instead of being chilled and stupefied, were warmed and animated by the daily labors of general Christian benevolence. To Mrs. Judson. Near Amherst, February 20, 10 o'clock, A. M., 1839. My dear Love : I have felt but little disposition to cough since I have been on board ; but as we are not yet out of the river, I cannot expect any special change. I conform myself to all the habits of the people on board in regard to eating 131 132 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. and drinking, except that I do not take beer or wine. Tea did not at all prevent my sleeping. My cot is very comfort able, and my cabin, though small, answers every purpose. I think I was never, on shipboard, situated so comfortably in all respects. I spent this morning in sorting all my things, and found it as good exercise as going up the hill. There is a little Hd table at the side of the cabin, used formerly as a washing stand, on which I have placed the writing desk, and the chair stands between that and the cot, and just fills up the place, so that I am quite snug and secure in case the vessel rolls ; and you can judge from this arrangement of the size of the cabin. Right before me, and over the said table, is a long shelf, on which I have arranged my library and other utensils. The trunks that I don't use are stored under the cot ; and the green box, containing things for the voyage, is placed at my feet, by the side of the table. Now I think you can look in and see me pretty clearly. I only wish you were sitting in another chair, for which there is just room, or lolling on the cot. I now turn my head around, and fancy how it would seem if I could see you there, and the dear children, over whom my feelings yearn. Mrs. seems to be a quiet woman, chiefly employed with her children, " Miss Polly," four years old, and Ed mund, six months. Captain does the talking chiefly, and is a pleasant young man. Mr. is fifty years old ; but certainly, if my new glass does not flatter me, I do look ten years younger than he. He is probably in an incurable consumption, but says he is infinitely better than he was be fore coming to sea. This is his second trip to Maulmain in the Snipe. He is very ready to enter into a detailed account of his ailments, and laughs at me for pretending to be consump tive when I have only a slight cough, without raising any thing. He says he has no doubt the trip will cure me. Mr. D., the chief officer, I see only on deck. No religious person in the company. Koon-gyah behaves very well, and tries to make himself useful. He is always ready, but not officious, so that I like him well. The captain expects a fortnight's VOYAGE TO CALCUTTA. 133 passage. I hope to enjoy some religious meditation and lead ing, and shall perhaps write two or three letters, but intend to spend most of my time idly, on deck, snuffing in the sea air. Some servant has been teasing this half hour to come in and wash my cabin ; so that I shall not be able to write much more before the pilot leaves. We are how off Amherst. The Enterprise has just passed us, on her return from Rangoon. Tell Mrs. Hough and daughter that the vessel was under way in the morning of the 29th before we were aware ; and in the hurry of getting off, I was sorry to miss taking her let ters. My love to Mrs. Howard, and tell her I commenced operations on her cakes last evening, and found them most excellent. Particular love to dear brother and sister Stevens, and sweet little Edward. I had a most affectionate parting with brother Osgood. I hope you will get Na Hee-moo off to Amherst without delay. Tell Moung En that I remember him, and all the Christians, as occasion may offer, and ask them to pray for me. I hope that you and the children will enjoy health, and that we shall all live to meet again. You know I love you more than all the world beside. A. Judson. On Board the SNir-E, bound to Calcutta, February 21, 1839. » My dear. Love : I wrote you yesterday, by the pilot, and enclosed my letter, with one to brother Haswell. The after noon we lay at anchor, outside the buoy ; and though in the face of the sea breeze, my cough was rather troublesome all day and evening. Perhaps it was one of my bad days. I passed a poor night, a little sick from the motion of the vessel ; and this morning put on Dr. Richardson's pitch plaster, which my fellow-consumptive assures me is the best thing in the world. I have begun this letter more for my own amusement than yours ; for what can a poor invalid, in my circumstances, write that will be interesting, even to an affectionate wife ? We are now moving forward with a light wind. The slower the better, I suppose, for me. How did you and the children pass the night, or rather the two nights, that we have 'peen VOL. ii. J 2 134 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. separated ? I think of you, and the house, and fbr. chapel, and the compound, and all the scenes, and occupations, and en dearments that are passed — passed, perhaps, never to return ; but they will return, if not in this world, yet in another, puri fied, exalted, when all this mortal shall be invested with im mortality. February 22. Much better since last. Very little cough. Spent all the evening, till nine o'clock, on deck, without any in convenience. Wished you were with me, basking under the clear moonlight, and inhaling the soft sea air. March 3, Sunday. Have not attempted to write since the last date, in consequence of the motion of the vessel, occa sioned by a light cargo and a head wind. We are now steer ing north, and expect to reach the pilot ground in three or four days. My cough has almost left me. But there is a soreness remaining which I feel particularly when the air is cold. I have taken off the plaster and done with licorice. I am decidedly convalescent at sea. Whether my complaint will return on land, remains yet to be seen. If I continue to get better, I shall probably return in this vessel. I hope to hear from you by a steamer, as soon as I arrive in Calcutta. It seems an age since I left Maulmain. The entire change of scene, succeeding such a monotonous life as mine has been for several years, contributes to the illusion. I have found your beautiful braid of hair ; and I hunted for some further note or token, but in vain. Every thing about me reminds me of your care and love. I feel that no wife ever deserved her husband's gratitude and love more than you. May God pre serve you and the children until we meet again, or prepare me to bear whatever • distressing dispensation he may have decreed. March 5. Within a hundred miles of the pilot ground. No wind. I don't care how long we he here. Yesterday I had a flight touch of cough, which I fancied was brought on by the vicinity to land. But perhaps not. I have written letters to your parents and to George, also to Comstock and Cutter, Dr. Anderson and Mr. Peck. VOYAGE TO CALCUTTA. ..35 March 7. A pilot came on board last night. We are not far from Saugur. The fourth and fifth I had some cough. Yesterday none, nor this morning. I feel well in body, but very low in spirits. It is sad, dull work to go to a place which you have no wish to see, and where you have no object scarce ly to obtain. I hope to be on my return before long. The bosom of my family is almost the only bright spot that remains to me on earth. O that my desires were more ready to as cend to heaven ! But I seem to be at the very lowest ebb in religious exercise. I shall fold up this letter, and have it ready to send by any vessel we may happen to pass. March 8. We have passed Kedgeree, and are running up fast to Calcutta. Shall probably arrive this evening, or some time to-morrow. We expect to meet the Elizabeth on her way to Maulmain, and I shall endeavor to put this letter aboard of her. I have told Captain S. to-day that, if nothing happens, I shall return with him. To George D. Boardman. On Passage from Maulmain to Calcutta, March 3, 1839. Dear George : I am taking a voyage for the benefit of ¦ my health, and being alone on board ship, separated from your mamma and her family, I thought I would write a few lines to you. I left her the 19 th of last month, and then she was well, and Abby Ann, Adoniram, and Elnathan. Would you like to see them all ? Every body says that Adoniram looks just like you at that age. I think there is a most strik ing resemblance. Elnathan has blue eyes, and looks more like his mother. I hope you will frequently pray that your sister and brothers may, as well as yourself, become partakers of divine grace. We are all, you know, born with a depraved nature, destitute of the true love of God, full of self-love, and wholly under the influence - of self-will. And we are also blind, as well as depraved, and do not at first see our de pravity. Perhaps this is your case, and you do not yet know how depraved and sinful you are. But yoo must depend on the word of God, rather than on your own poor discernment, 136 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. and cherish feeli :gs of repentance and earnest desire to put your trust in the Saviour, who has died for all of us, and will certainly save every one who puts his trust in him. Such feelings of repentance and faith in the Saviour constitute a new heart. If you get a new heart, you will, when you die, go to heaven, where your sainted father doubtless is, and where your mother and I hope to go. But if not, you will never reach our happy company, and we shall look around in vain for George. Do not forget these things ; and while you are engaged in your studies, take care to secure the one thing needful. Your mother and I remember you every day in our family prayers and in our secret devotions. There is nothing we so much long to hear as that you have given your heart to the Saviour, and made a profession of religion in holy baptism. We are glad to learn from your letters that you are happy in the family of Captain Childs. You must be very obedient and grateful for all the attentions and kindnesses you receive. I have had an attack of the same complaint that your "own father died of; but I am deriving much benefit from the sea air. If I should recover, I shall have returned to Maulmain when you receive this, and be again happy, I hope, in the society ;f your mamma. Your affectionate father, A. Judson. Verses written for his Children. Prayer to Jesus. Dear Jesus, hear me when I pray, And take this naughty heart away ; Teach me to love thee, gracious Lord , And learn to read thy holy word. Another. Come, dearest Saviour, take my heart, And let me ne' er from thee depart ; From every evil set me free, And all the glory be to thee. VOYAGE TO CALCUTTA. 137 For Abby Ann. Look down on little brother dear, Safe may he sleep while thou art near, Preserve his life to know thy love, • And dwell at last in heaven above. A Morning Prayer. My waking thoughts I raise to thee, Who through the night hast guarded me j Keep me this day from every ill, And help me, Lord, to do thy will. Duty to Others. Love others as you love yourself ; And as you would that they Should do to you, do you to them, That is the golden way. The Dying Child. " 0, grant that Christ and heaven be mine : What can I want beside ? Hark ! hear ye not that voice divine ? ' My daughter, Christ and heaven are thine ' ' And see ! the glorious portals shine ! " She sweetly sang, and died. To the Corresponding Secretary. On Passage from Maulmain to Calcutta, March 3, 183B. Rev and dear Sir: I had been subject to a cough several months, and some • kind of inflammation of the throat and lungs, which, for a time, almost deprived me of the use of my voice ; and lest the complaint should become confirmed con sumption, I was advised to try a voyage to sea. I left Maul main, therefore, on the 19th of last month, and my cough is now much better. I hope that I shall sufficiently recover, if it be the will of God, that I can return in the same vessel, and not have to proceed to other places, as mentioned in the accompanying note. Indeed, I did not at at first think of tak ing such a voyage as the Dresent, but proposed a trip up 12* 138 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. and down the coast to Rangoon, Tavoy, &c. It was, however, thought not sufficient, and I acquiesced in the present arrange ment. Yours faithfully, A. Judson. To Mrs. Judson. Calcutta, March 9, 1839. My dear Love : My first business in my new lodgings is to take up my pen for you. I sent a letter on board the Elizabeth yesterday, after which the Snipe came up nearly tc town, and quite, this morning. I took a palanquin, and came out to Mr. Thomas's, to whom I had written a line from Kedgeree ; and he, being full, sent me to Mr. Ellis's, who has hospitably received me, and given me a room, in which I am now writing. My cough has not returned on shore, as I feared it would. The soreness remains about the same. I expect to return in the same ship, which will stay here a fortnight or three weeks, so that you will probably see me as soon as this letter. But, as we know not what a day may bring forth, I shall occasion ally minute down my adventures, that, if you should not see me again, you may get some shadow of me. And then, I take a greater pleasure in writing to you than in any thing else. " Where'er I roam, whatever realms I see, My heart, untravelled, fondly turns to thee " — thee, my most beloved wife, and you, my dear children, Abby Ann, Adoniram, and Elnathan. March 11. For two days I have had a return of soreness, accompanied with some cough. I fear that the atmosphere of this place, loaded with dust and smoke, will bring on a relapse. I have thought of you a great deal to-day, and I long to get back, though I do not entertain so sanguine hopes of ultimately recovering as I did at sea. Brother and sister Ellis are ex tremely kind, and all the missionaries here treat me with much moi>e attention than I expected. Yesterday I went to THREE WEEKS IN CALCUTTA. 139 the Circular Road chapel, in the forenoon, and heard Mr. Brooks, a General Baptist, from near Orissa. In the after noon attended Mr. Ellis's native worship. A native convert preached. In the evening, staid at home, rather ill. To-day, also, I have staid at home ; missionary company in the even ing — the Baynes and the Parsonses, Baptist missionaries, lately arrived. March 12, Tuesday, A. M. Went with Mr. Ellis to attend a meeting of the committee of the Tract Society; then to the auction rooms and the watchmaker's ; left my watch. In the evening, missionary company. No better in health. March 13, Wednesday. Early in the morning, saw a notice of the arrival of the steamer Enterprise. Hope to get a letter from you at night. Set off for Serampore with the Ellises and Mrs. Parsons. Just saw the Marshmans, Macks, &c. On return, visited Mrs. Wilson's celebrated girls' school. Will tell you particulars if ever I get back. In the even ing, missionary company. Sadly disappointed in not finding any letter from you. March 14, Thursday. Early in the morning, your precious letter of five sheets was brought in. I was just dressed, and sat down to the feast before breakfast. How much'I enjoyed it, and how much I loved you, during the perusal, I cannot stop to detail. No one can tell the value of such a letter b'lt an absent husband and father, whose heart is wrapped up in his family. I will only say that I rejoiced in your narrow escape from fire, and that I entirely approve of your invita tion to the Hancocks. Took a palanquin and went into town. Called on Mr. Rob erts and Captain Spain. The Snipe is to sail on the 25th Came home, put your letter in my pocket, and called at Yates's, Thomas's, &c. They all knew that I was expecting a letter, and was disappointed last night ; gave them a peep at the five sheets. Showed some of the sisters the Burman writing, and explained a httle what the children said. They all tnought that you must be a wonderful woman to make books as you do ; and they all say, particularly Mrs. Ellis, how sorry they 140 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. are that you did not come with me. I almost think that if I had known all things, and what good accommodations we could have had in this house, we should have come together. I should have been so happy tc have had you with me. If such exquisite delights as we have enjoyed with those now in par adise, and with one another, are allowed to sinful creatures on earth, what must the joys of heaven be ? Surely there is not a single lawful pleasure, the loss of which we shall have to re gret there. What high and transporting intercommunion of soub we may, therefore, anticipate, and that to all eternity ! — intercommunion between one another, and between the " Bride groom " and the " Bride," of which wedded love on earth is but a type and shadow. " Thanks be unto God for his unspeak able gift." I forgot to mention, yesterday, that no sooner had I left the shores of Calcutta than my soreness of lungs and cough fled away. I was quite well all day, and have continued pretty well to-day, but have a little relapse this evening, on which account I am staying at home, while the rest have gone to the chapel. March 15, Friday. Read your letter again this morning. I long to be once more in the bosom of my family. It seems an age since we exchanged the parting kiss. Spent the day at home. A large missionary party at tea in the evening, the Mortons, the Baynes, the Parson ses, Yates, and Macdonald. A very pleasant season. But I wanted to see you present. You would have enjoyed a debate between Mrs. Ellis and Mrs. Morton on schools. Morton, Yates, and I had a long discus sion about the standard text of Scripture ; while Macdonald and the rest were chiefly employed, as I occasionally overheard, in settling the chronology of the sacred records. Not much tendency to .cough ; but the climate of Calcutta does not agree with me, and I intend going to Serampore to morrow for a change of air. Farewell, until I return, which will probably be on Monday. March 18, Monday. Here I am again. I went up in two hours, Saturday afternoon, and came down in two hours, this THREE WEEKS IN CALCUTTA. 141 morning. 1 staid at old Mrs. Marshman's, and visited John Marshman and wife, and Mr. and Mrs. Mack. Heard Mr. Mack and Mr. Pickanee preach on the Sabbath, and with Mrs. Marshman and her daughter, Mrs. Voight, visited a meeting of female converts. But the glory has departed from Seram pore. Glad to return. Health pretty good. Captain and Mrs. Spain called in the evening. He says he shall sail on the 27th. Scarcely any cough nowadays. March.19, Tuesday. Went to the Calcutta bazaars, and spent the forenoon in shopping. Mrs. Ellis has undertaken to get the shoes and the children's clothes made. Towards night and in the evening, called on all the Baptist missionaries in succession ; also on Mr. and Mrs. Sykes, and saw their school, and Dr. R.'s five children. March 20, Wednesday. I sometimes amuse myself with Mrs. Hemans's poetry, with which Mr. Ellis has furnished me. Beautiful — but to my disappointment, entirely destitute of re ligion ! Among several pieces that I want to transcribe for you is the following : — The Invocation. O, art thou still on earth, my love t My only love ! 3r smiling in a brighter home, Far, far above ? 3, is thy sweet voice fled, my love, Thy light step gone ? A.nd art thou not, in earth or heaven, Still, still my own ? I see thee with thy gleaming hair, In midnight dreams ; But cold, and clear, and spirit-like Thy soft eye seems. Peace, in thy saddest hour, my love, Dwelt on thy brow ; B it something mournfully divine There shineth now J 142 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. And silent ever is thy lip, And pale thy cheek ! — O, art thou earth's, or art thou heaven's ? Speak to me, speak ! Two o'ekwk, P. M. I have spent the forenoon in visiting the " Central School," containing three hundred girls, and the General Assembly's Seminary, containing- six hundred boys and young men. Nine o'clock. Spent the whole evening at Mr. Yates's, in comparing the principles which we have respectively adopted in translating Scripture. Remarkable agreement. March 22, Friday. Yesterday, took breakfast at Mr. Mor ton's, and in the evening, heard Mr. Yates preach at the Cir cular Road chapel. This morning, saw a notice in a newspaper that the Snipe was loading for Mauritius. Was more misera ble for an hour than since I left Maulmain. But having writ ten immediately to Captain Spain, got the following joyful in telligence : " The Snipe will leave town on Tuesday for Maul main. Let me know if you take the same cabin back." I am so well now that I do not hesitate about returning in the same vessel. How joyfully do I hope to embark ! How joy fully retrace my way, and at length see the hills of Amherst and Maulmain rising in the distant perspective ! And how joyfully do I hope to see your dear face, and take you to my longing arms, and find again " that home is home." March 23, Saturday. Breakfast at Mr. Macdonald's. Tea and evening at Mr. Bayne's. Much of my time, through the day, in thinking of " home, sweet home," and depicting joys past, not never, but soon, I hope, to return. Marcn 24, Lord's day. Heard Mr. Parsons in the forenoon, and Mr. Yates in the evening. Dined at Mr. Bayne's. March 25, Monday. In the morning, called on Archdeacon Dealtry, where I saw the oldest East Indian in the country — Mrs. Ellerton, who has been out sixty years. Spent most of the day at Mr. Thomas's printing office, &c. March 26, Tuesday. Went with Mr. Dealtry to Bishop's College, two miles down the river, on the opposite side. RETURN TO MAULMAIN. 143 Breakfasted with the bishop, and spent the forenoon in attend ing worship, viewing the college, &c. There are fifteen stu dents only. March 27, Wednesday. Called on Mrs. Locke, an Ameri can lady, from Boston, member of Mr. Stow's church, and on Captain Spain, who says the Snipe will drop down to-mor row. In the evening all the missionary brethren and sisters assembled at Mr. Bayne's, on account of my approaching de parture from Calcutta. March 28, Thursday. In the forenoon, put my boxes on board the vessel. Took tea at Mr. Thomas's, and heard Mr. Yates preach in the evening. March 30, Saturday. Called on all the Baptist 'missiona ries in Calcutta, and took leave of them — a lovely set of brethren and sisters. Wish you had come with me, and formed an acquaintance with them. They all say that I must bring you the next time, or send you alone. Took another run through the bazaars. At night, left town, in a boat with Cap tain Spain and Captain Major, the only passenger beside my self ; but the tide turned against us about midnight, so that we were obliged to anchor, and sleep in the boat. March 31, Lord's day. Reached the Snipe at daylight, near Fultah, and took possession of my old cabin. Ever thine, A. Judson. To the Corresponding Secretary. Maulmain, April 24, 1839. Dear Brother : My last informed you that I was on a passage to Calcutta for my health, by the direction of a phy sician and the recommendation of the brethren at the station. I derived great benefit from the voyage ; and my health con tinued generally to improve during my stay in Calcutta of three weeks, and on the return voyage, until the Sunday pre ceding my arrival here, when I made trial of my voice, by attempting to conduct Burmese worship in my cabin, with the only native convert on board. And though the effort was 144 MEMOIR OP DR. JUDSON. very small, I was dismayed to find, in the course of the after noon, the old soreness of lungs and tendency to cough come on ; and for three days I was rather worse than I had been for six weeks. Being at sea, however, I partially recovered from the relapse before I reached home, but am not so well as at my last date. It is a great mercy that I am able to use my voice in common conversation without much difficulty ; but when I shall be able to preach again I know "not. The ap proaching rainy season will probably decide whether my com plaint is to return with violence, or whether I am to have a further lease of life. I am rather desirous of living, for the sake of the work and of my family ; but He who appoints all our times, and the bounds of our habitation, does all things well ; and we ought not to desire to pass the appointed limits. During my absence the Digest of Scripture, one hundred and thirty-six pages, octavo, which I left in press, has been printed, except the Index, which is now in press ; and the printing of the new edition of the Bible, which was suspended, is just recommencing, at the twenty-sixth chapter of the 1st of Samuel. I am anxiously hoping to receive a copy of Bloomfield's Greek Testament before I come to the final revision of that part of the Bible, and whatever other helps to biblical exe gesis may have been recently published. Yours faithfully, A. Judson. To the Hon. Heman Lincoln. Maulmain, May 1, 1S39. Dear Brother : On the arrival of the Apthorp, a few days ago, T received the India rubber pantaloons, and felt much obhged to you for your kindness ; but they have prob ably come too late for me, and I hardly expect to use them. My throat complaint, which seemed to be nearly removed by a voyage to Calcutta, has returned with fresh violence since the commencement of the rains, three days ago. Some adviso me to take another voyage, as before ; but I have no heart to HAVING A DESIRE TO DEPART. 145 do so, thinking that the benefit will he but temporary. Oth ers suggest a voyage home to America, and a residence there for a year or two ; but to this course I have strong objections. There are so many missionaries going home for their health, or for some other cause, that I should be very unwilling to do so, unless my brethren and the board thought it a ca«e of ab solute necessity. I should be of no use to the cause at home, not being nble to use my voice. And lastly, I am in my fifty- first year. I have lived long enough. I have lived to see accomplished the particular objects on which I set my heart when I commenced a missionary life. And why should I wish to live longer ? I am unable to preach ; and since the last relapse, the irritation of my throat is so very troublesome that I cannot converse but with difficulty, or even sit at the table, as I have done to-day, and prepare copy for the press. My complaint, it is said, is very much like that of which the late Mrs. Osgood died — not common pulmonary consumption, but something in the throat, which puzzled even her attend ing physicians, one of whom maintained, till near her death, that she was not in a consumption, and would recover. My present expectation is, to use medicinal palliatives, and endeavor to keep along for a few months, until I see the pres ent edition of the Bible completed, and then be ready to rest from my labors. But the very thought brings joy to my soul. For, though I am a poor, poor sinner, and know that I have never done a single action which can claim the least merit or praise, glory is before me, interminable glory, through the blood of the Lamb, the Lamb for sinners slain. But I shrink back again, when I think of my dear wife and darling chil dren who have wound round my once widowed, bereaved heart, and would fain draw me down from heaven and glory. And then I think, also, of the world of work before me. But the sufficient answer to all is, The Lord will provide. I remain, Yours faithfully, A. Judson. vol. II. 13 146 MEMOIR O: DR. IUDSON. To tlie Cort isponding Secretary. Maulmain, July 12, Sir Dear Brother : As Mr. Malcom and myself have kau some conversation and correspondence about the Burman translation of the formula of baptism, I will now give you the sequel. Though, in the year 1836, I altered the translation to " baptizing them in the religion of the Father," &c, I was never well satisfied with that rendering, especially as the elder brethren, Wade and Mason, preferred retaining the old rendering, which had been objected to by some of the later brethren, and which conveyed the idea of introducing into the religion. So, after much correspondence with different breth ren of the mission, and discussion with the best scholars within my reach, I concluded, last year, to render thus, " baptizing them in, that is, into the name of the Father," and thus de parting from the common English version, which renders " in the name, that is, by the authority of the Father," &c, which is unsupported by the Greek, and unanimously discarded by all modern biblical critics, Enghsh, American, and German. Brother Mason has adopted the same in the Karen, and brother Yates in the Bengalee, Hindoostanee, &c, and it is approved by brother Comstock of Arracan and brother Ste vens with me, nor have I yet heard a single objection to it from any quarter. It was so printed in the Digest of Scrip ture, before my late voyage to Calcutta. I take this occasion to say that I heartily approve of the resolution of the American Baptist Board of Foreign Mis sions, passed April, 1833 : " That all the missionaries of the board who are, or who shall be, engaged in translating the Scriptures, be instructed to endeavor, by earnest prayer and diligent study, to ascertain the exact meaning of the original text, and to express that meaning as exactly as the nature of the language into which they shall translate," &c. And I approve also of the principles on which the American and Foreign Bible Society was founded, and wliich are repeat edly recognized in their first annual report, particularly that PRINCIPLES OP TRANSLATION. 147 foreign translations are not to be conformed to the common English version. See, also, the " Resignation," page 57 of the said report, beginning with, " He is bound to express ; '' the letter of Mr. Hinton to Lord Bexley, page 66, beginning with, " In the name of all that is honest ; " and the fifth reason of the " Protest," page 31 of the Constitution of the American and Foreign Bible Society. I would here respectfully suggest what I conceive to be the proper course to be pursued, in case of dissatisfaction with any instance of translation into a foreign language. 1. State the objection to the translator, and request him to reconsider the subject. 2. If he be unable to remove the objection satisfactorily, and still decline altering, call upon the missionaries who arc acting in concert with him in publishing and circulating the work which contains the said controverted passage, to appoint a committee, including the translator, of course, to examine the subject, and report. 3. If the translator be still " conscientiously obstinate," and the subject be of sufficient importance, let the work which contains the obnoxious passage be suppressed. But such an extreme case, we may safely suppose, would never occur. I remain, Yours faithfully and affectionately, A. Judson To his Mother and Sister. Maulmain, August 9, 1839 Dear Mother and Sister: On this day I enter my fifty-second year. Fifty-one years have rolled over my head, twenty-six of which have been spent in this heathen land. I believe I write you more frequently than I used to. I am not so much driven in my studies as formerly, and the weak ness and irritability of my lungs, though much better, do not yet suffer me to use my voice in public. Add to which that I have a family of young children growing up around me,, so that my mind has become more domesticated, and returns 148 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. with more readiness and frequency to the scenes of my own childhood. Twenty-seven years and a half have passed since we parted in Plymouth and in Boston, during which time my father and brother, and his family, and my first family, have all been swept away by death. You two only remain, and my present family, whom you have never seen. I sometimes feel concerned for my three little children, from the fact that I was advanced in life when they were born, and cannot, there fore, expect to live to see them grown up and happily settled before I shall be removed. Even if my present complaint should not terminate in consumption, I can hardly expect to hold out many more years in this climate ; so that I have the prospect of leaving them fatherless in the very bloom of youth, when they will especially need a father's support and care. . However, I endeavor daily to commend them to God, and trust that, when I come to die, I shall be enabled to avail my self of the command and promise, " Leave thy fatherless chil dren ; I will preserve them alive ; and let thy widows trust in me." Jer. xlix. 11. Abby Ann has begun to go to school, with Julia Osgood, t& Mrs. Simons, who, with her husband, is here from Rangoon, expecting a war with Burmah, and has set up an English school. Abby attends every forenoon, and just begins to read words of one syllable. Adoniram says, " I want go school ; " but he stays at home, and deports himself hke a little man. Elnathan has been very ill. We thought we should lose him ; but he is now better, and begins to be bright and playful. I do wish you could call in and make us a visit. We would try to make you so comfortable that you would not wish to return to old Plymouth. However, it is of little consequence where we spend the short remnant of life. Heaven is before us. Let us pray much, and live devoted to God, and we sha... soon be united in that happy world where there is no dividing sea. Can't you give me some account of your house, and furni- 'ur.', and neighbors, and street, so that I can form a little idea sabbath preaching resumed. 149 how you are situated ? I have tried to glean some particulars from the Stevenses ; but transient passers cannot be expected to give much satisfactory information. And when you write, leave a good place for the wafer of your letter, as you see I do; otherwise there are sometimes words which I cannot make out My wife has been intending to write you, and would by the present opportunity, but she has been . afflicted with very sore eyes for about two months. I shall be glad when any of the little ones shall be able to conjure out a scrawl to their grandmother and aunt. Pray for them, that they may be early converted to God. Perhaps mother will add a line with her own hand, when you write. Dear mother, I wish I could make you some return for all the trouble I once gave you. Yours ever, A. Judson. Mrs. Sarah Judson, to Dr. Judson's Mother. Maulmain, October 30, 1839. My dear Mother: ... I have during the pasl year suffered deep anxiety and gloomy foreboding on account of my dear husband's health. But God has been merciful beyond our fears, and so far restored him that he was able to preach last Lord's day, the first time for about ten months. His discourse was short, and he spoke low. I felt exceedingly anxious respecting his making the attempt, but he has expe rienced no ill effects from it as yet. How pleased you would have been to see the joy beaming from the couutenances of the dear native Christians, as they saw their beloved and revered pastor once more take the desk ! He applies himself very closely to study, though he is still far from well. He takes cold very easily, and still feels a slight uneasiness in the chest and left side. But he is so much better than he was, that I am comforted with the hope that he will soon be entirely restored to health. He is now revising the Scrip tures foi a second edition, quarto. They have already pro ceeded in printing as far as Psalms. He revises as fney print, 13* 150 MEMOIR OP DR. JUDSON. and often finds himself c^sely driven. But God gives him strength equal to his day. With much love to sister Abigail, I remain, my dear mother Your affectionate daughter, Sarah Judson. To his Sister. Dear Sister : I avail myself of the margin of this letter tc mother, to say good morning to you, across the wide world that divides us. Life is wearing away, and the time drawing on, when, I trust, we shall all be reunited in one family, enjoy ing together eternal life and glory. Till then I hope we shall daily remember one another at the throne of grace, and especially the little ones who have not hearts to pray for themselves. Do write often, long, and particularly. Your affectionate brother, A. Judson. To W. Crane, Esq., Baltimore. Maulmain, December 9, 1839. Dear Brother : Your kind favor of May last, with the accompanying magazines and newspapers, reached me via Calcutta, on the 28th of September, and they brought us the latest intelligence from our native land, and what is rather singular, the latest intelligence that has reached any individual of the mission to the present time ! Your papers and maga zines were well read, I assure you ; and after they were nearly worn out, I packed them up carefully, and sent them down to Tavoy, as I was not sure that the parcel you mention as directed to Mr. Wade ever reached its destination. I recol lect no parcel ever received from America, that did such ex tensive and lasting service to us missionaries. Only think, had it not been for your kindness, not one of us would have had the least item of intelligence, down to the present time, of the proceedings of the last annual meeting of the board, and of the other most interesting meetings in Philadelphia. in April. Several have asked me, " Have you sent a letter of PERSEVERING PRAYER. 151 thanks ty Mr. Crane ? " I have replied, " No, not yet ; but I intend to is soon as I get time." And this is the first letter that I have written to America since the receipt of yours. I have another letter before me of yours, dated June 12, 1834, which I ought to have answered, and thanked you for the nice and very useful articles which accompanied it, by the hands of Mr. and Mrs. Wade ; but I received so many letters about that time, that I could not well find time to answer them ; but I hope that I have frequently felt thankful to God for putting it into the hearts of yourself, and other dear friends of the cause, to remember us in this distant land. It is interesting to hear of your efforts to revive the state of true religion in the great city to which you have lately removed. I used to hear formerly, from the first Mrs. Price, of the low state of the cause in that city, and the great need of faithful and persevering labors to counteract the over whelming tide of immorality and false religion. May the Lord in infinite mercy pour out his Holy Spirit in Baltimore, and may you and your brother live to see a great ingather ing of precious souls into the fold of the Good Shepherd. " Nothing is impossible to industry," said one of the seven sages of Greece. Let us change the word industry for per severing prayer, and the motto will be more Christian, and worthy of universal adoption. I am persuaded that we are all more deficient in a spirit of prayer than in any other grace. God loves importunate prayer so much that he will not give us much blessing without it ; and the reason he loves such prayer is, that he loves us, and knows that it is a neces sary preparation for our receiving the richest blessings which he is waiting and longing to bestow. I have been laid aside from preaching for nearly a year, by an affection of the muscles of the voice, which threatentd to terminate in pulmonary consumption. But through great mercy I have lately beea allowed to recommence the delight ful work. During the past year I have confined myself almost exclusively to revising the translation of Scripture, as the work is going through the press in a new quarto edition 152 ' MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. of the whole Bible. The printing is just now advanced as far as Isaiah. I hope to see the work through the press by the 13th of next July the twenty-seventh anniversary of the Burman mission. Yours affectionately, A. Judson. From tlie Corresponding Secretary. Baptist Missionary Rooms, Boston, December 18, 1839. My dear Brother : At the meeting of the board on the 2d instant, your letter to Mr. Lincoln, of May 1, having been read, it was unanimously resolved to invite you to revisit this country, with a view to the restoration of your health. The invitation was intended to extend to your wife and children, should you judge it advisable for them to accompany you. This resolution, it gives me much pleasure to add, was adopted not only with great cordiality, but with many expres sions of the kindest interest and sympathy, and with the uni versal desire that, if your health should continue as it was at the date of your letter, you would comply with it by the earliest opportunity. It is due not only to you, but to us, and to the general cause of missions, that all suitable means be employed to reestablish your health, and no considerations af expense or obloquy, incurred by the frequent return of missionaries, should deter you from adopting them. You will perceive that, in making this proposal, the board have no respect to the good which might result from your per sonal intercourse with them, or others who are interested in missions, but which, they trust, would be of great service to them, and to the cause at large. The main object would be gained, if, by a double voyage, your health should be so far restored as to enable you to continue your labors at the desk, and for at least a few years longer supervise the publication of the Scriptures, and such other works as your knowledge of Burman and of the Burmese character peculiarly oualify you tc nrcpan;. BURMESE CHURCH AT MAULMAIN. 153 May the God of missions guide you by his good Spirit in all your way, and of his great goodness restore and preserve yo ir health and usefulness for a long time yet to come. Affectionately and truly yours, S. Peck, For. Sec. To the Corresponding Secretary. Maulmain, December 31, 1839. Rev. and dear Sir : For many months past, my labors have been entirely devoted to the revision of the Old Testament, as the work has passed through the press. Owing to my ill ness and voyage to Calcutta, and some difficulties in the print ing establishment, the work has not proceeded so rapidly as 1 expected. We are just finishing Isaiah ; and several months must yet elapse before we come to the end of the New Testament. I began to preach again in the native chapel last October, after an interval of nearly ten months. As yet I have at tempted to conduct the forenoon worship on Lord's days only ; but I hope, if the present cold season passes away without occasioning a return of my complaint, to resume the daily evening worship. During the past year, fourteen have been added w the na tive church by baptism, and five by letter. Seven have been dismissed to form the church in Arracan, four excluded, and one deceased. Not counting a few who stand excluded from communion, the present number of native members is one hundred and thirty-three. Yours faithfully, A. Judson. To the Rev. F. Mason. Maulmain, January 16, 1840 Dear Brother Mason : Brother Wade will tell you that, so long ago as when we were living together, we made sundry "T resolutions to preach the gospel, and not anti-Boodhism, and to persuade our assistants to do the same. But I have found it 154 memoir of dr. judson. exceedingly diffic ult to keep such resolutions, either in regard to myself or others. I rather think that it is a sound princi ple in missions, that the degree of success is proportionate to the quantity of gospel preached. We are in Jeremiah. Hope you will send up corrections speedily. I have finally adopted all your suggestions on the thirty-first of Proverbs. I have again begun to preach a little ; but my fall fever is pretty bad this year, and I lose a good deal of time. My eyes are now burning so that I can hardly see to write. Master Henry came into notice the last day of the year ; but there was no earthquake, nor any thing. Does the bibliomania rage in Tavoy ? It is very prevalent in these parts. Do you think it contagious, or is it communi cated by the saliva of a rabid animal ? What animal ? I should define man to be, not a creature that stands on two legs, but on two extremes, one at a time. When one aches, he pulls it up, and puts down the other. Yours affectionately, A. Judson. Memoranda of a Trip to Rangoon. February 4, 1840. Left Maulmain in a boat, with Captain Boothby, at ten o'clock in the morning, passed the Wave at anchor, and reached Nat-mau about noon. Captain N , Mr. H . Went about the premises. Two vessels on the stocks — one to be launched to-morrow. Dinner at four Mrs. N . Evening in conversation wifci one and another, 5. Up at five o'clock, and off with Boothby. Rainy morn ing. Caught the Wave off Amherst at nine or ten. Captain Venture. Out to sea. Captain Antonio passenger. A little seasick all day. 6. Court and Camp of Bonaparte. A history of internals. Rich source of meditation. At night, sighted the Elephant. 7. Life of Bonaparte, ditto. Rangoon River. At night, landsd. Slept iX Cantain Spiers's. 8, Lord's da; . Took a stroll about town. Called on Mr. TRIP TO RANGOON. 155 S . Rather pleased with liim. My boys got thii gs from the ship. Took up my residence at the old Brick, but to mess at Spiers's. Sent Ko En to inform the disciples of my arrival. P. M. Ko Thah-a came, from whom I ascertained the state ?f all the disciples. 9. Monday. In the morning went to the great pagoda, and through the new section of the town. Rangoon considerably improved. I should judge the place about twice as large as Maulmain. Forenoon with S — — ; afternoon, with some of the disciples ; evening with Spiers and Brown, discussing the evidences of Christianity, and answering their objections. 10, Tuesday. Various native company. Evening at Crisp aud Trill's, where Boothby puts up. 11, Wednesday. Most of the day with S . 12, Thursday. Began to distribute tracts at the house. People greedy to get them. After about one thousand were given out, Ko En was summoned away by the head of the dis trict, and detained. Obliged to go to the government house to find S , who was not at home. At night Boothby and Staig went to the ray-woon, and procured Ko En's release, and glad enough was I to see him again. 13, Friday. Looked at the Water Witch. Dined at Crisp and Trill's. Took a walk with the former and Biden, discussing the evidences. Spent the evening with the above gentlemen and Boothby in religious conversation. May God grant his blessin? ! 15, Lord's day. Worship with a few of the Christians, Ko Hlay, Ko Kywet-nee, and some others. Dined at Crisp's. 16, Monday. In the morning, went cut towards the pagoda, on the east road. Returning, took a view of the old mission premises and the graves. Sent things on board the Susan. At night, no pass obtained. Slept on-board. 17, Tuesday. Spent the day at Crisp and Trill's. At night, took departure from Staig's, and faund the vessel at anchor below the town. In the evening, dropped down the river, and anchored into the Elephant. 18, Wednesday, and 19, Thursday. Stretched along, the 156 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. 2oast. Desultory reading. Came in sight of Amherst. Hopo to get up to Maulmain some time in the evening or night — ¦ out farewell till then. 20, Friday, nine o'clock, A. M. Is not this too bad ? Last night, instead of getting up anchor at the turn of tide, the lubbers slept till three o'clock, in consequence of which we met the ebb tide a little below Mopoon, and came to anchor about sunrise. And here we must lie till noon, not even in sight of our home, though so near. But I hope we shall meet in a few hours. You will have learned that the Wave re turned to Maulmain, instead of proceeding to Calcutta, and that Captain Boothby wrote by her. But strange as it may seem, I never heard of her leaving till some days after, or I should not have let the opportunity pass without a line to you. Boothby is much attached to his family — says they are not out of his mind an hour in the day, and I can sympathize with him in this matter. I hope to find you all well. Yours ever, A. Judson. Mrs. Sarah Judson, Maulmain. Extract from a Letter of Mrs. Stevens. Maulmain, May 12, 1840. We had a pleasant visit last evening from Mr. and Mrs. Judson. Mr. Judson feels sadly about the state of the church : many of the young members falling into open sin, and the older ones cold and negligent of religious duties. He is desirous of doing something for its improvement, and has thought of several plans. He has framed a covenant of eight items, taken from the New Testament, which all must sign. The quarto Bible is now complete, a copy of which Mr. Judson intends to present to each head of a family, in rather a formal manner, carrying it himself to the house, and there solemnly enjoining its daily perusal, and the habit of morning and evening family worship, which has been much neglected by the church. He intends having henceforth three services for the natives on the Sabbath, which will probably ROMAN AND BURMESE LETTERS. 157 supersede the brethren's prayer meeting at Mr. Osgood's. Mr. Stevens is expecting to take his turn in preaching on the Sabbath. Conversation on this point led to an interesting discussion between Mr. Judson and Mr. Stevens upon the institution of the Sabbath, and the grounds of its obligation under the Christian dispensation. The rule about temper ance gives the most trouble, from the difficulty of rightly framing it. To the Rev. F. Mason. Maulmain, May 27, 1840. Dear Brother Mason : I hear that the mail is still open, and as I have just received a letter from brother Brown, which I thought you would like to see, I enclose it, for the perusal of yourself and fraternity, which being effect ed, please to return it. You will see that I have some chance, though undeserving, of coming in for a share of your blushing honors. As to " the comparative facility of writing the Roman character and the Burman," if you mean the real Roman character, as the term is generally taken, I should say there was little or no choice, and I should think that the one would be acquired about as quick as the other, by " a person ignorant of both ; " for though there is a greater variety in the Bur mese character to learn, there is a still greater variety of sounds, capriciously attached to the Roman letters, as we use them. But if you mean the Trevelyanized Roman charac ter, according to which a hundred, and indeed many hundred letters can be made out of twenty-six, in what I conceive to be the very worst possible way of making new letters, — that is, by all manner of diacritical marks attached hither and thither, and yon, to the main letter, making confusion worse confound ed to the eye and the memory of learner, reader, writer, or printer, worse in some respects than the Hebrew with points, which every printer execrates from the bottom of his soul, — if, I say, such is your meaning, you have my answer already. I would not say, however, but that there are some simple VOL. II. 14 158 MEMOIR OP DR. JUDSON. languages in the world which can be advantageously expressed by the Roman letters ; that is, without nujch alteration. The language of the Sandwich Islands may be such a one. Whether this is the case with the Karen, I am not competent to judge, without some further acquaintance with the language than I possess. I suspect, however, that fifty-four vowel sounds would require such an awful alteration of the five Roman vowels, as to present, in my view, an insurmountable objection. As to " the propriety of changing the Karen to the Roman, at this late date," I can only say that I fear it is one of the deep stratagems of the devil to destroy the Karen department of the mission, as he has nearly destroyed the Burmese depart ment by another set of stratagems. But necessity has no law. What cannot be cured must be endured. We must learn to regard certain proceedings in the hght of disease, restrictions imposed by an intolerant government, and other ills which flesh is heir to. If we cannot do all the good we would, let us do all the good we can, and not fret because our means are limited. " God is great," is a saying which they use even in Algiers. He can bless a Paul, though afflicted with a thorn in the flesh and a chain on his arm ; and he can bless a tract too, though almost strangled in its protracted birth, through the self-conceit and imbecility of superintending accoucheurs. In haste, fearing I shall be too late for the mail. Yours affectionately, A. Judson. To George D. Boardman. Maulmain, December 24, 184C. My dear George : Your letter of January 9 gave us great pleasure, as it furnished proof of your proficiency in learning, and of your affectionate remembrance. Truly we remember you every day, especially in our prayers. Every morning we come around the family altar, your mother and myself, your sister Abby Ann, and your br sthers Adoniram ADVICE to a son. 159 and Elnathan — Henry is too young to attend — and it is our earnest prayer that all our children may early become par takers of divine grace. I hope you will never neglect the duty of secret prayer. Never let a morning or evening pass without going into some room or place by yourself, and kneel ing down and spending five or ten minutes at least in praying to God, in the name of Jesus Christ. Pray earnestly that you may have a new heart, and become a child of God, and that you may have satisfactory evidence that such is your happy state. You observe in your letter that you are sometimes dis turbed by frightful dreams, and we hear in other ways that your health is rather delicate. I warmly recommend you to rise every morning between light and sunrise, and take a quick walk of a mile or more, and to the top of some hill, if there be one in the vicinity that will suit /our purpose ; and in the winter, when you may not be able to walk, get some equiv alent exercise in cutting wood or some other work. This is the course that, with some intermissions and with various modifica tions, I have pursued for thirty-five years ; and to this, under God, I ascribe the good health and the long life I have en joyed in this unpropitious climate. Your mother frequently accompanies me over the Maulmain hills, and she enjoys much better health than she did at Tavoy, where she took no exercise, scarcely. Do, my dear George, take this matter into serious consideration. You may not like it at first. You will perhaps feel tired and sleepy for a few days, but when you become a little used to it, you will enjoy it exceedingly. You will find your appetite improving, your health becoming firm, and your repose by night undisturbed. I have now given you the two best pieces of advice in my power. The first relates to your soul, the second to your body. Follow them, and be virtuous and happy. I hope to hear that you have professed religion, and devoted yourself to the ministry. Who knows but that I shall live to introduce you into mis sionary work in this country, where your own father labored, and where his remains are entombed. Folio iv your father, 160 memoir of dr. judson. my daar George ; and we will all, ere long, be ,o happy in heaven tc gether, even in the presence of the dear, lovely, glo rious Saviour, the Friend of sinners, who died for us. Your affectionate father, A. Judson. To the Rev. Dr. Cone, of New York. Maulmain, December 25, 1840. Dear Brother Cone : By brother Hancock, who returns to America on account of his wife's health, I send copies of the new edition of the Burmese Bible. The work was fin ished — that is, the revision and printing — on the 24th October last, and a happy day of relief and joy it was to me. I have bestowed more time and labor on the revision than on the first translation of the work, and more, perhaps, than is propor tionate to the actual improvement made. Long and toilsome research among the biblical critics and commentators, especially the German, was frequently requisite to satisfy my mind that my first position was the right one. Considerable improve ment, however, has been made, I trust, both in point of style and approximation to the real meaning of the original. But the beau ideal of translation, so far as it concerns the poetical and prophetical books of the Old Testament, I profess not to have attained. If "I live many years, of which I have no ex pectation, I shall have to bestow much more labor upon those books. With the New Testament I am rather better satisfied, and the testimony of those acquainted with the language is rather encouraging. At least, I hope that I have laid a good foundation for my successors to build upon. We are now about to shut up our printing office, having a sufficient supply of books on hand, so long as Burmah is closed against missionary operations. There is no prospect of war, nor ever has been, nor any preparation for war on either side, except in the fancies of certain individuals. I re gret that, in some cases, zeal has not been tempered with prM- 1ence ; and we are all now suffering in consequence. I rejoice in the formation of the Bible Translation (society REVISED EDITION OF BURMESE BIBLE. 161 in England, and in the continued prosperity of the American and Foreign Bible Society. I verily believe that it was by the special providence of God that the old Bible societies were left to take the unjustifiable course * they did, in order that the peculiar truths which distinguish the Baptist denom ination might be brought forward in a manner unprecedented, and ultimately triumphant. O the depth of the riches, both of the wisdom and knowledge of God ! Yours most affectionately, A. Judson. T: the Corresponding Secretary. Maulmain, December 28, 1840. Rev. and dear Sir : Your very kind letters of December and May last, inviting me to return to America, have been received ; but my health is now so far recovered that I cannot persuade myself to think of such a measure at present. On this subject I have just written more particularly to Deacon Lincoln, and to that letter I beg leave to refer you. On the 24th of October last, I enjoyed the great, happiness of committing to the press the last sheet of the new edition of the Burmese Bible. It makes about twelve hundred pages, quarto. We are sending you several copies by the present conveyance. In the first edition of the Old Testament, I paid too much regard to the critical emendations of Lowth, Horsley, and others. In the present edition, I have adhered more strictly to the Hebrew text. In my first attempts at translating por tions of the New Testament, above twenty years ago, I fol lowed Griesbach, as all the world did then. And though, from year to year, I have found reason to distrust his author ity, still, not wishing to be ever changing, I deviated but Ktile from his text, in subsequent editions, until the last ; in pre paring which I have followed the text of Knapp, though not * Dr. Judson's view of the eouraa of the American Bible Society was, in my judgment, formed on an imperfect knowledge of the facts. 14* 162 MEMOIR OP DR. JUDSON. implicitly, as, upon the whole, the safest and best extant ; in consequence of which, the present Burmese version of the New Testament ascords more nearly with the received English. As to the merits of the translation, I must leave others to judge. I can only say that, though I have seldom done any thing to my own satisfaction, I am better satisfied with the trans lation of the New Testament than I ever expected to be. The language is, I believe, simple, plain, intelligible ; and I have endeavored, I hope successfully, to make every sentence a faithful representation of the original. As to the Old Testa ment, I am not so well satisfied. The historical books are, perhaps, done pretty well ; but the poetical and prophetical books are doubtless susceptible of much improvement, not merely in point of style, but in the rendering of difficult pas sages, about which the most eminent scholars are not yet agreed. I commend the work, such as it is, to God, to the church in Burmah, and to my successors in this department of labor, begging them not to spare my errors, and yet not prematurely to correct a supposed error, without consulting the various authors whom I have consulted, and ascertaining the reasons of my position ; and especially not to adopt a plausible correc tion, in one instance, without inquiring whether it is admissi ble and advisable in all parallel and similar passages. In prosecuting the work, I have derived valuable aid from several of my missionary brethren, formerly especially from brother Wade and brother Jones, now of Bangkok, latterly from the brethren Mason, Comstock, and Stevens. Of several hundred suggestions that have been sent me from different quarters, I have sooner or later adopted by far the greater part, though, in many cases, with some modification. Nor ought I to forget my native brother, Moung En, my faithful fellow-laborer for many years, even before the present revision was begun — one of our most judicious and devoted assistants. We expect now to suspend our operations in the printing department, as soon as two or three small thiags in the press are completed; and we have requested brother Osgood to devote hio attei.tion, for the present, to preaching and distrib- his life's work finished. 163 uting Scriptures aid tracts. We have an ample supply of books on hand for immediate use, especially as Burmah is closed against all missionary operations. There is no prospect of war, nor ever has been, nor any preparation for war on either side, except in the wishes and imagination of certain individuals, here called " the wai party," who, having ruined their interest in Burmah, see nr hope of retrieving their affairs, but by a war. Since finishing the revision of the Bible, I have resumeo the charge of the native assistants, and turned my attention tc the church, which has been sadly neglected for a long time The assistants are employed in going about the town and neighboring villages, occupying zayats, and making known the gospel to all who will give them a hearing. They meet me at the native chapel every morning, after breakfast, and leport the labors of the preceding day, and pray for the divine bless ing on the day before them. The church contains one hundred and forty-five native mem bers, eight of whom are suspended from communion. Sixteen have been received during the year past, and there are sev eral applicants for baptism, some of whom have been approved by the church. Yours faithfully, A. Judson. On the 26th of September, 1835, Dr. Judsoi: fin ished the revision of the Old Testament ; on the 22d of March, 1837, he sent to the press the last sheet of the revised edition of the New Testament ; and on the 24th of October, 1840, he completed the revision of the quarto edition of the Burmese Bib.e. The labor which he had marked out as his life's work was finished. He had always hoped to be permitted to execute a translation of the Scriptures into a lan guage in which they had never before been known, and to collect a church among the heathen of one hundred 164 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. members. His p ayer had been more than granted. The translation, in several editions, had been already published ; and he found that the natives themselves considered it pure Burman, and perfectly intelligible. He had long since baptized his hundredth convert ; a church far exceeding that number had been gath ered around him, well supplied with native preachers, and thus capable of extending itself in all directions. It seemed as if the work to which he had consecrated himself was done, and the objects for which he desired to live had become fewer and less interesting. His love for his family was ardent, and for their sakes alone did this world possess any attractions. His thoughts, which were ordinarily fixed with unusual continuity on heaven, seemed to turn thither with a more resistless longing, now that he had accomplished the work which he believed had been appointed to him ; and the condition of his lungs and throat seemed to preclude the possibility of preaching to the heathen.* Of the translation thus completed it may be proper here to offer a few remarks. From the incidental allusions to it in Dr. Judson's letters and journals, we may form some conception of the labor which he spent upon this work. He had enjoyed the best opportunities which this country then afforded for the study of interpretation ; and his prog ress in this department of knowledge had awakened the highest expectations of his future success as a translator. He had mad^ himself familiar with the * I observe by the latest accounts, that the excellent Dr. Seudder, who has devoted his life s) successfully and unreservedly to the heathen, is at present threatmed with blindness. He, however, con gratulates himself that his affliction is not the loss of his voice, since, though blind, he may yet continue, as before, to preach the gospe1 "o the perishing idolaters around him. CHARACTER OF HIS VERSION. 165 Burmes: language to a degree never before attained by a foreigner. He determined, if it were possible, to transfer the ideas of the Holy Scriptures, from their original languages into Burman, in such a manner that his work should need as little revision as possible by his successors. He had an intense desire for ren dering perfect every labor which he undertook ; in deed, he said of himself that one of his failings was " a lust for finishing." Hence he availed himself of all the means of information which the progress of biblical science, either in Germany or America, placed within his reach. As early as the visit of Mrs. Ann Judson to this country, his demand for books was large, and it was all for the very best, the foundation books. I well remember the pleasure with which I stripped my library of what I considered some of its choicest treasures, to supply a part of his most urgent necessities. Thus he continued until he had sur rounded himself with a most valuable apparatus for carrying on his work in the manner which its impor tance deserved. While, however, he thus sought for aid from all the sources of modern and ancient learning, it is manifest from the whole of his correspondence that he used them all with the discretion of a master mind. It was not in his power to substitute the working of other intellects for the working of his own. He weighed with critical caution every recension of the text. He adopted no interpretation unless either con vinced of its truth, or else sure that it was the nearest approximation to the truth that could be made in the present "state of our knowledge. In order to reach this result, no labor was too great, and no investiga tion too protracted. United with all this that was 166 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. intellectual, there was, in his case, a mind deeply impressed with its own fallibility, an 1 turning with unutterable longing to the Holy Spir.t for guidance and illumination. The importance of his work to millions of immortal souls was ever present to his view. He had been called by the providence of God to unfold to a whole nation, in their own language, the revelation of the Most High. He conceived it to be a momentous undertaking ; and a heavy weight would have rested on his soul if a single idea in the Scriptures had been obscurely rendered in consequence of haste, impatience, negligence, or culpable ignorance on the part of the translator. But after he had satisfied himself as to the meaning of the original, a most difficult labor yet remained to be accomplished. It must be now transferred into a language peculiar and strongly idiomatic, and, more over, a language destitute of terms in which to ex press the elementary and peculiar ideas of the New Testament. To furnish himself in this' respect was the daily labor of his life. He read Burmese prose and poetry wherever he could find it. He was always surrounded by Burmese assistants and transcribers. As fast as his missionary brethren became acquainted with the language, he was incessantly calling upon them for corrections. They cheerfully aided him in this respect to the utmost of their power. Every cor rection or emendation he examined with the minutest care. Many — I think he says most — of them he adopted ; and none of them were rejected without the most oareful and diligent inquiry. The result of this able and indefatigable labor was such as might have been expected. Competent judges affirm that Dr. Judson's translation of the Scriptures CHARACTER OF HIS VERSION. 167 is the most perfect work of the kind that has yet appeared in India. On this subject it wLl not be inappropriate to introduce a few sentences from the pen of a gentleman high in rank in India, himself a distinguished linguist, and a proficient in the Burmese language. To Judson it was granted, not only to found the spiritual Burman church of Christ, but also to give it the entire Bible in its own vernacular, thus securing that church's endurance and ultimate extension ; the instances being few or none, of that word, after it has once struck root in any tongue, being ever wholly suppressed. Divine and human nature alike forbid such a result ; for, when once it has become incorporated in a living tongue, holiness and love join hands with sin and weakness to perpetuate that word's life and dominion. We honor Wickliffe and Luther for their labors in their respective mother tongues ; but what meed of praise is due to Judson for a translation of the Bible, perfect as a literary work, in a language so foreign to him as the Burmese ? Future ages, under God's blessing, may decide this point, when his own forebodings, as he stood and pondered over the desolate, ruin ous scene at Pugan, shall be fulfilled. One and twenty years after his first landing at Rangoon, Judson finished his translation of the whole Bible ; but, not satisfied with this first version, six more years were devoted to a revision of this great work ; and on the 24th of October, 1840, the last sheet of the new edition was printed off. The revision cost him more time and labor than the first transla tion ; for what he wrote in 1823 remained the object of his soul : " I never read a chapter without pencil in hand, and Griesbach and Parkhurst at my elbow ; and it will be an object to me through life to bring the translation to such a state that it may be a standard work." The best judges1 pro nounce it to be all that he aimed at making it, and also, what with him never was an object, an imperishable monument of the man's genius. We may venture to hazard the opinion 168 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. that as Luther's Bible is now in the hands of Protestant Germany, so, three centuries hence, Judson's Bible will be the Bible of the Christian churches of Burmah. The following extract from a letter written in No vember, 1852, by a missionary in Burmah, has been placed in my hands by the friend to whom it was addressed. It expresses very fully the estimation in which this version is held by those who are daily in the habit of using it, and of commending it to the natives. " The translation of the Holy Scriptures into the Burman language by the late Dr. Judson is ad mitted to be the best translation in India ; that is, the translation has given more satisfaction to his con temporaries and successors than any translation of the Bible into any other Eastern language has done to associate missionaries in any other parts of India. It is free from all obscurity to the Burmese mind. It is read and understood perfectly. Its style and diction are as choice and elegant as the language itself, pe culiarly honorific, would afford, and conveys, doubt less, the mind of the Spirit as perfectly as can be." Judson might well have adopted the words of the blessed Eliot, the apostle to the Indian tribes, when he had finished his translation of the Scriptures into their dialect — "Prayer and pains, with the t leasing of God, can accomplish any thing." CHAPTER V. IIJjNESS OF HIS FAMILY. - PASSAGE TO CALCUTTA. --BEREAVE MENT AT SERAMPORE. — VOYAGE TO THE ISLE OF FRANCE AND MAULMAIN. — INCIDENTS OF THE VOYAGE. — BURMESE ' DICTIONARY. 1841-1845. The ensuing chapter contains little else than a record of painful illness and a succession of voyages for the recovery of health. Mrs. Judson's constitution had already begun to fail, and the disease which completed its fatal work at St. Helena, though occa sionally arrested for a short time, advanced with steady and resistless progress. The children were all alarmingly sick with similar complaints. The only remedy which remained was a sea voyage. It there fore became necessary to embark the whole family on board a vessel bound for Calcutta. They left Maul main June 26, 1841, and arrived in Calcutta on the 11th of the following month. Here their youngest child, Henry Judson, died, and was buried in the mission burying ground at Serampore. From Seram pore they took passage to the Isle of France, and thence to Maulmain. They arrived at the latter port on the 10th of December, 1841. The incidents of this voyage will be found to be both interesting and characteristic. On his return, Dr. Judson, as usual, devoted him- Belf to preaching, as far as the state of his lungs and throat would permit, and continued his labor on the vol, n. 15 169 170 MEMOIR OP DR. JUDSON. Burmese dictionary, in compliance witn the instruc tions of the board. Sickness, however, soon broke up his plans, and crippled his efforts. Mrs. Judson's health sank again, She was obliged to take various short voyages along the Tenasserim coast ; but they were attended with only transient benefit. The letters which follow re cord these sad experiences. To the Rev. G. S. Comstock of Arracan. Maulmain, June 1, 1841. Dear Brother Comstock : I received thankfully yours of 28th January, accompanied by a list of corrigenda. Some of them, or rather the greater part, I have adopted. Some of them, relate to some of the most knotty questions in bibli cal criticism ; and though not satisfied with my present posi tion, I do not feel clear in changing it for yours, but must wait for further light. I hope you will go on with your corrigenda. Life is short, and every one ought to contribute all he can to ascertain and promulgate the precious truths of the inspired word. I hear, through a native letter, that you have baptized one person in Ramree. May it be the beginning of a glorious series. I trust you will live to see a great shaking among the dry bones of that valley, and that the Burmans around yo"i will yet flock into this church as readily and as numerously as the Karens south of you. What is the prospect among the Ke-mees ? I perceive that brother Stilson is again with you. I hope that he met with so much encouragement during his late visit as to induce him to return. My family are, at present, in the enjoyment of pretty good health. My own health is poor. I am ever and anon subject to some ailment ; and every cold I take touches the sore place, and breaks down my voice. I have begun to dabble at the dictionary, as you advised, for want of ability to do something better ; but it is such a chaotic affair, and seems to me so unmissionary, that I am constantly hoping thf t s )mething will t *rn up to PASSAGE TO CALCUTTA. 171 relieve me from the work. Yes, I received a copy of Bicker- steth, but without an accompanying line. I was pretty sure, however, that it came from you, and valued it highly. 0 that we all had more of a spirit of prayer ! Your similitude just meets my ideas. It was such considerations that helped sustain my mind while laboring in Rangoon many years, almost or quite alone, and without any success. It is certain that in due time we shall reap, if we faint not. Or, which is the same thing, if we sow faithfully, we shall, in due time, rejoice together with the Reaper. Best love to sister Comstock. Your affectionate brother, A. Judson. To the Corresponding Secretary. At Sea, neak Calcutta, July 9, 1841. My dear Sir : I have been in great distress for several months, and think I have not written a letter to America, ex cept one to my mother and sister, since the beginning of the year. Early in March, Mrs. Judson fell into a decline, and became quite confined to her bed. Three of the children had been, for some months, subject to a bowel complaint, which at length terminated in dysentery ; and the two eldest were re peatedly at the point of death. The physicians, missionary brethren, and all my friends in Maulmain, became clamorous that I should try a voyage, as the only remaining means of saving the lives of the greater part of my family. But, ex tremely reluctant to incur the expense and encounter the breaking up which a voyage would occasion, I suffered myself to be beguiled by transient symptoms of convalescence, until, having lost two opportunities, and seeing most of my family in absolutely desperate circumstances, I consented to embrace the present opportunity, and embarked on the 26th ultimo. The voyage has had a beneficial effect on all the invalids, par ticularly on Mrs. Judson ; but the two eldest children are sub ject to frequent relapses, and we have many fears about their ultimate recovery. I pay four hundred and thirty rupees for the present passage, and the return will probably cost ns much 172 memoir of dr. judson. more. I propose remaining a few months at Serampore, as a more Jja.thy location than Calcutta, and hope to return to my station as soo'i as a prudent regard to the health of my family shall psrmit. My own health is good, except that my voice has never recovered its natural strength and tone, and I am under the necessity of refraining from much exertion. Yours faithfully, A. Judson. To his Mother and Sister. Sekampoue, July 24, 1841. Dear Mother and Sister : We have suffered a great deal of sickness since I wrote you last, in April. Wife was confined to her bed for a long time, and appeared to be in a decline. Abby Ann, Adoniram, and Henry became worse with chronic dysentery, until the two eldest were, at dif ferent times, considered past recovery. When they were very ill, no one could take care of them but me ; so that I was up every hour of the night, and sometimes scarcely lay down the whole night. The doctors then ordered us to sea, as the only means of saving life ; and all my brethren and friends were very urgent to have us go, though no one hardly hoped that we could all get on board ship alive. How I managed to break up housekeeping, and pack up, and get my sick 'amily and all the things aboard, I can hardly tell, now it is passed. But it was done somehow, and the children were stowed away in a range of berths I had made on one side of the cabin, and wife on the other, while I occupied a movable cot between the parlies. The motion of the vessel and the sea air soon had a good effect on all the invalids ; I left off giving medicines, anc1 they daily improved. We embarked on the 26th of June and arrived before Calcutta the 11th of July. But as soon as we came within the influence of the hot climate of Bengal, we began to relapse ; and though we came up to this comparatively healthy place, and hired a nice .Iry houss, on the very bank of iXie river, at forty rupees a AFFLICTION AT SERAMPORE. 173 month, I soon began to despair of attaining any radical and permanent recovery by remaining here. While looking about and considering what to do next, a pious captain called on us, with whom we had some acquaintance at Maulmain, whose vessel was going to the Isle of France and thence to Maul main ; and he made us such a kind proposal, that we thought we could go the circuitous voyage at no more expense than we had calculated it would cost to return direct. We should then have the benefit of being at sea two months or more, and a few weeks' residence at the Isle of France, the most healthy part of the East. We expect to break up once more and embark in the course of ten days. Thus we are tossed about when we would fain be at our work ; but God orders all things for the best. At present no one of the family is dangerously ill. Abby is much better ; Adoniram is consider ably better, though he looks very thin and pale ; Henry is still very poorly ; their mother is sometimes better, sometimes worse. I dread going to sea next month, in the Bay of Ben gal, it being a very dangerous month ; but there seems to be no alternative. May God preserve us safely, and give me the pleasure of writing you from Port Louis, the place, you may recollect, to which I once repaired when driven away from Bengal, nearly thirty years ago. Is it possible that my last from you is June, 1839, above two years ago ? Yet so it is, by my record. And how many nave I written you since that date ? Four ! and this is the fifth ! When you see Mrs. Stevens again, don't complain to her how seldom you get letters from me, will you ? I sup pose, however, that you have not written me lately, expecvwg that if I was not better, I should accept the invitation of the board, and come home. My health is row good. I am astonished at what I have gone through the last four months. Frequently I have hardly known what sleep and regular meals meant ; only my lungs are still weak, and I am obliged to be careful how I use them in public. I want very much to hear from you. The latest indirect intelligence is the fcl 15 * 174 MEMOIR OP DR. JUDSON. bwing liae from the Mission Rooms, dated June 11, 1840 : "We have the pleasure to inform you that Mrs. Abigail Judson sent to the rooms, in cash, seventy-five dollars for your personal benefit, which sum is passed to your credit, in our books of date May 22, 1840." You may depend we take great care of such presents, spending only what is necessary, and layine by the remainder for a rainy day. And there has been no scarcity of such days lately. However, we have quite a sufficiency of the good things of this life, and beg you will never embarrass or stint yourselves to help us. We sometimes feel anxious about the poor children, in case they should be left orphans ; but we endeavor to commit them to the care of our and their heavenly Father. May they, and all our posterity to the latest time, belong to Christ, and be devoted to his service. I should be glad to see your faces once more in the flesh, but it will probably never be. May God dwell in your house and your hearts ; may he bless you by day and by night, in body and in soul, in time and in eter nity. Wife desires to be kindly remembered, and I remain, as ever, Your affectionate son and brother, A. Judson. Serampoke, August 1, 1841. DearMother and Sister: I wrote you on the 24th ultimo. Perhaps this letter will go by the same conveyance. Wife went down to Calcutta, for a few days, to do a little business, leaving the two younger children with me. On the 27 th dear little Henry's disorder took an unfavorable turn. He had derived less benefit from the voyage and change than the other children, being too young to have his mind engaged and diverted, which greatly contributes to bodily recovery ; and being considered less dangeously ill than the others, had, per haps, less attention paid him than was desirable. His disordei had continued to hold on, though at times greatly mitigated On the 28th he grew worse, and I wrote down for his mother death of his youngest child. 175 and in the evening began to despair of his life. On the 29th the do;tor gave him up, and we ceased from giving him any more medicine, for he could keep none on his stomach a single minute ; and my only prayer was, that he might not die before his mother arrived. O, what heavy hours now passed ! She arrived with the other children in the night, about two o'clock, and sprang to the cradle of the little sufferer, and could not think that he was really in a dying state. I let her take her own way, and she contrived to give him a little wine and water, which, however, could be of no avail; and when morning came, the marks of death on the countenance were too visible for even the unwilling mother to refuse to acknowl edge. We spent the day hanging over our dying babe, and giving him some liquid, for which he was always calling, to relieve his burning thirst. When I said, " Henry, my son," he would raise his sinking eyelids, and try to stretch out his little arms for me to take him ; but he could not bear to be held more than a moment before he would cry to be laid down again. O, how restless did he spend his last day, rolling from side to side, and crying out, " Nahnee" his imperfect pro nunciation of naughty, by which term he was in the habit of expressing his disapprobation or dissatisfaction. In the after noon he became convulsed for a few moments, and our hearts were rent to witness the distortion of his clear little mouth and face. After that he was more quiet ; but towards even ing he probably had some violent stroke of death, for he sud denly screamed out in great pain. In the evening he had another turn of convulsion. His mother lay down by his side, and, worn out with fatigue, fell fast asleep. About nine o'clock I had gone into another room, and was lying down, when a servant called me. He began to breathe loud, indica tive of the closing scene. I let the mother sleep — sat down by his side, and, presently called, as usual, " Henry, my son ; " upon which he opened his eyes, and looked at me more intel ligently and affectionately than he had been able to do tor some time but the effort was too great, and he ceased to breathe. I instantly awoke his mother ; he then gave two 176 memoir of dr. judson. or three expiring gasps, and it was all over. I stripped the little emaciated body, and washed it, while his mother, with the help of a servant, made a suitable gown ; and by eleven o'clock he was laid out in the same cradle in which he died. For a few days Elnathan had been ill with a severe cough and fever, and my attention had been divided between the two. After poor Henry was quiet, we turned all our attention to the others. The two elder children were much better. Next morning we had a coffin made, in which we placed our dear child ; and sometimes, when other avocations permitted, looked at him through the day. And O, how sweet was his dead face ! though there was an expression of pain lurking in some of the features. At night, a few of our friends came together, and we carried the coffin to the mission burial ground, where, after a prayer by Mr. Mack, the body was deposited in its final resting-place. Farewell, my darling son Henry. While thy little body rests in the grave, I trust that thy spirit, through the grace of Jesus Christ, is resting in paradise. Wo intend to order a small monument erected with this inscrip tion : " The grave of Henry Judson, youngest son of the Rev. A. Judson, of Maulmain, who died July 30, 1841, aged one year and seven months." Elnathan was very ill last night, and is not much better to day. We tremble for him. The vessel in which we are going to the Isle of France, we hear, is to remain a few days longer, so that I will add a further line before leaving. Calcutta, August 6. We have come down to this place with a view to embarking ; but the vessel is still detained. Elna than appears to be very ill, with a complication of complaints. We are in great distress about him. The two elder children continue better. In haste, yours affectionately, A. Judson. August 13. We are still waiting the moving of the vessel, but-shall positively go on board the 16th. Elnathan is much oettcr, so that we hope the danger of losing him is past. VOYAGE TO THE ISLE OF FRANCE. 177 The other children continue to improve. Farewell for the present. P. S. I enclose a small lock of poor dear Henry's hair. We are very sad whenever we think of that bright, sweet boy. It was the will of God that he should be taken from us ; so we must be resigned, and I hope that he is now waiting to welcome us to the paradise where, we trust, he has safely arrived. Two vessels have just come in from America, but we have got nothing from you. Perhaps there may be a letter or some box which will be forwarded to Maulmain. To a Friend. Off Sauguu, August 22, 1841. Dear Mrs. H. : We are on board the Ramsay, pitching aiost fearfully. We have been lying several days waiting for the weather, and have now got up anchor, so that I am writing a line or two to send back by the pilot. The three surviving children are getting better, though Pwen is still far from well. We received the greatest kindness at Serampore, and became much attached to them all. At Calcutta, we lived with Mr. S., a young missionary who has succeeded to the place of Mr. E. He and his wife were inde fatigable in their endeavors to make us comfortable. We became acquainted also with Mr. Mackay, one of the most estimable men hi Calcutta ; but he is in a most miserable state of health. Mrs. Judson looks as thin and pale as ever; but I hope the long voyage before us will restore her and the children to perfect health. A. Judson. To his Mother and Sister. Port Louis, Isle of France, October 18, 1841. Dear Mother and Sister : My last was dated on the i.'ve of embarking at Calcutta, which we did on the 16th of August, and arrived here on the first instant ; so that we were 6ix weeks on the passage ; and it was one of the most stormy voyages I ever experienosd. At one tim we lost half oui 178 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. masts and sails, and the rolling and pitching of the ship were dreadful. We, however, refitted, though at sea and suffering under very rough weather, and came at last into port in good condition. In other respects we were very comfortable on board. The captain was a pious man, and we had worship every Lord's day and every evening. Most of the crew, who were Europeans, attended worship ; and I hope that some good was done. Sixteen, besides the captain and myself, sol emnly subscribed their names to a resolution to serve the Lord ; and though they have been exposed to some temp tations since their arrival in port, I do not hear that a single one has fallen. In the early part of the voyage, Abby Ann and Elnathan recovered from the complaint with which they had been ill ; but poor Adoniram remained the same, suffering under chronic dysentery, unaffected by any course of medi cine or change of climate. A few days before our arrival here, some favorable symptoms began to appear ; but latterly lie has had some severe relapses, so that we are still trembling for the result. The poor boy has been ill so long, that he seems to have stopped growing. . . . Elnathan, on the contrary, who has had but little illness, is nearly as thick as long, has a broad back and face, is actually stouter and stronger than his elder brother. . . . Adoniram has lately improved in reading. May he be spared to grow up and become a true Christian and a minister. You see I still harp upon the chil dren when writing to you. But, in fact, I have little else to harp upon in this place. Port Louis contains about thirty thousand inhabitants — a French place, though now under English government, and a very wicked place ; very few re ligious people, not more than eight or ten that speak English. We are living in the house of Mr. Kelsey. We have a small room, and board at his table. Every article of food and clothing is most exorbitantly dear. A fowl is one dollar, and iv common pair of shoes three dollars, and every other article almost in the same proportion. I hope we sha.i get away be fore long, for we have been at so much expense the past year, on account of sicknes; and travelling, that I expect, at the end RETURN VOYAGE. 179 of it, we shall be pietty deeply in debt. However, poor Hen ry is gone, so that we have not him to provide for. And yet how gladly should we undertake to provide for him, if he could only be restored to us ! But no. He is gone forever. The far-distant burial ground of Serampore contains his precious remains. May the three remaining ones be spared to us ! How could we sustain another and a severer bereavement? The ship in which we are sailing will leave this for Maulmain in about ten days. There is one vessel here bound to New York, and expected to sail in three or four days ; so I will keep this letter open, in hope of adding a further line, before she sails. October 20. I hear that the New York vessel sails to-day ; so that I have but little more to add, except that Adoniram seems to be really getting better. His symptoms are certainly better, for a few days, than they have been since he was first taken. We trust the return voyage will effect his com plete cure. We expect head winds most of our way back, and shall not be in Maulmain much before the end of the year. I hope to find letters from you waiting me there. My last from you was dated June 17, '39, and received December 11, nearly two years ago ! Is not that too bad ? Whereas this is my sixth, since I received your last ! Do pray write oftener, with out reference to opportunities of sending, and forward your letters to the care of Mr. Peck, and they will reach me in due time. Farewell once more. It is so long since I heard from you, that I know not whether you are both living. May we all meet at last in heaven. Pray for the children, that they may be early converted, and meet us there. Abby Ann shows much tenderness of feeling on the subject of religion. Your ever-affectionate son and brother. A. JtrtsoN. 180 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. To the Corresponding Secretary. Port Louis, Isle op France, October 18, 1841. My dear Sir : The complaint to which most of the mem bers of my family became subject in Maulmain has proved most obstinate. But during our long and tedious voyage to this place, which we accomplished on the 1st instant, about six weeks after embarking, we all recovered our health, except Adoniram, the eldest son, who seemed to derive no benefit from any course of medicine or change of climate until we were near this island, when some favorable symptoms began to appear. Still he is subject to severe relapses, and we almost despair of his final recovery. Mrs. Judson has quite recovered from the dreadful prostration she suffered in Maulmain ; and I hope that, whatever may be the fate of some of the children, we shall be able ere long to return to our station, and resume our labors with renewed strength, during the period that may yet be allowed us to labor on earth. Yours faithfully, A. Judson. Maulmain, December 17, 1841. Rev. and dear Sir : My last was dated October 18, at the Isle of France. We left that place the 1st of November, and arrived here the 10th instant, the health of my family greatly improved, though the eldest son is yet subject to severe re lapses. Still, we hope that he is decidedly convalescent. Captain Hamlin, of the ship Ramsay, has declined taking any compensation for our passage from Calcutta to Port Louis and thence to this place. The double passage would have cost above two thousand rupees, if he had made a fair charge. Indeed, we should not have thought of attempting such a circuitous and expensive voyage, though necessary to save life, had he not given us to understand that it should cost the board little or nothing. On arriving here I sent him four hundred rupees, the sum which it would have cost us to have returned direct from Calcutta, saying that I considered it no adequate compen- INCIDENTS OF THE VOYAGE. 181 sation, but a small expression of gratitude. He, however, sent it back, saying that he considered it a privilege to have been able to show some kindness to the servants of Christ. His kindness tc us has, indeed, been unwearied; and I feel wholly unable to repay the great obligation under which he has laid us. I presume, from what I have heard him say, that he would have done the same favor to any other missionary of the board. I propose, therefore, that you send him a formal letter of thanks, accompanied with what he would prize more than money — some valuable religious books, say a set of the Comprehensive Commentary, or such other as you shall think suitable. If you think proper to adopt my suggestion, please to address to " Captain Thomas Hamlin, Jr., Greenock, Scotland," and oblige me with a copy of the letter, which I should like to show to my friends here. He will leave this in about a month, with a cargo of timber, on his way home, touching at the Isle of France ; so that your communication would probably reach him before leaving Greenock on another voyage. It afforded me much gratification, last Sunday, to lead him into the Maulmain baptistery, with the first officer of the ship and two of the seamen. A native woman also, who had just been received by the church, made one of the party. Several other officers and seamen of the ship are hopefully pious There are nineteen of us in all, who have affixed our names to a covenant in the ship's great Bible, to serve the Lord ; but two of the number who signed, on the passage out, yielded to temptation at Port Louis. Many of them have been converted, or had previous impressions deepened, through the faithful dealing of Captain Hamlin. He is, indeed, one of the most consistent, zealous, devoted Christians I have met in this part cf the world. You will readily conceive how happy we are on finding our selves once more in the bosom of the mission — the society of our dear missionary associates', and the native Christians. We are only sad when we remember the sweet little one, whom we were obliged to leave behind, in the burial ground at Ser ampore. VOL. II. 16 182 MEMOIR OF DR Jl'DSON. I have but little to add in regard to the native church. Two persons have been added during my absence, and a few indi viduals have misbehaved and been suspended from communion , but the church, as a body, have behaved well, and the assist ants lave been diligent and faithful. Yours affectionately, A. Judson. The following account of Dr. Judson's labors during his voyage to Port Louis and Maulmain is extracted from a pamphlet published in Greenock, entitled " A Brief Narrative of the last Voyage of the Ship Ram say, of Greenock ; illustrative of the Beneficial Effects of Total Abstinence, and the Success of the Gospel in the Conversion of a Number of the Crew, the For mation of a Church on Board, «fec, &c. Compiled by John Simpson, Minister of the Gospel. Greenock." I have inserted only that part of this narrative which refers to the labors of Dr. Judson. It illustrates most forcibly the steady bias of his mind, and his incessant labor for the salvation of his fellow-men. Whether on land or at sea, surrounded by his family at home or watching over their sick beds on shipboard, he was ever striving to win those around him to Christ. In this, as in other cases, he seems to have labored with remarkable success ; and the Lord graciously gave him many of the souls of those who sailed with him. After remaining about four weeks in Bombay, the Ramsay sailed for Maulmain, in Burmah, and from thence to Calcutta. During these passages, some favorable impressions seemed to have been produced in the minds of the crew ; and on their arrival at Calcutta they conducted themselves with greater propriety than at any of the former ports : here they regularly attended the floating chapel. Whilst the ship was at Calcutta, INCIDENTS OF THE VOYAGE. 183 the captain paid a visit to the Baptist missionary establishment at Serampore. There he fell in with the indefatigable mission ary, Dr. Judson, from Burmah, who was at Serampore with his family, for the improvement of their health. As the Ramsay was shortly to sail for the Island of Mauritius, and from thence to Maulmain, — Dr. Judson's residence, — Captain Hamlin kindly offered them a passage, in the hope that it would be con ducive to the object they had in view. Having accepted the of fer thus generously made to him and his family, Dr. Judson felt a strong desire to be useful to the seamen, in whose dangers he was about to share. He made it a matter of prayer to God that he might be instrumental in turning some of them from the error of their ways ; and, before going on board, ex pressed a conviction that God had heard him, and that he would answer him in communicating his grace to some, if not to all, of the crew. After putting to sea, worship was con ducted by Dr. Judson and the captain alternately ; but on the Sabbaths the whole of the services were conducted by the doctor. Possessing all his mental vigor, and his ardent love for souls having suffered no abatement, he availed himself of these opportunities, in addition to private instruction, to pro mote the great end he had in view, and for which he had so earnestly prayed, previous to his embarking on board the Ramsay. His manner of address was of the most touching description, and seldom failed in making the big tear roll down the weather-beaten cheeks of his hardy auditory. It soon became apparent that he was not laboring in vain, nor spending his strength for nought. Before their arrival at the Mauritius, three of the seamen gave pleasing evidence of be ing converted to God. During their stay at the Mauritius, public worship was held on board every Sa'.ibath, and was well attended, both by seamen and landsmen. Religion was in a languid state amongst the inhabitants generally. There were, however, a few who seemed concerned for the advance ment of Christ's kingdom, and by them it had been in cod templation to lit up a seaman's chapel. They had even gone so far as to make application to the late benevolent governor, 184 MFMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. Sir Lionel Smith, for the use of an old ship lying there, ber longing to government ; the application had been favorably received ; still nothing had been done towards effecting the object they had ia view, till the captain of the Ramsay, hear ing how matters stood, set about raising subscriptions towards fitting up the said vessel as a Bethel : he likewise presented another memorial to the governor, but was obliged to leave at this time, without seeing the work accomplished. Leaving the Island of Mauritius, their next port of destina tion was Maulmain, in Burmah. On the passage, the usual religious services were attended to ; and, in addition to the ordinary meetings, an extra one, for prayer and exhortation, was held every Wednesday evening, and conducted by the seamen who had professed the name of Christ. This meeting was the means of effecting much good. Amongst other things which came before their minds was the subject of baptism. By a diligent perusal of the word of God, and the instructions of Dr. Judson, the new converts were convinced that baptism by immersion was the scriptural mode, and that it was their duty, as believers in Christ, to be baptized in his name. Hence they determined, with the captain, — who had doubts regarding the truth of infant baptism, before his leaving home, — to be baptized on the first convenient opportunity after reaching Maulmain. Accordingly, on the first Sabbath after their arrival, the captain, mate, and two of the seamen, together with a Burmese female, were " buried with Christ by baptism," in presence of a large assemblage of natives and others, who appeared to take a deep interest in all the solemn services that were attended to. The ordinance was adminis tered by Dr. Judson. At Maulmain there are two Baptist churches — one for the natives, which is supplied by Dr. Judson ; the other for Euro peans, &c, which is supplied by assistant missionaries. Both churches were in a flourishing condition. The missionary work was being zealously prosecuted, and many of the heathen were renouncing their idols and en bracing the Sa viour The labors of the missionaries hat been eminently INCIDENTS OF THE VOYAGE. 185 successful among the Karen tribe. Whilst at Maulmain, the captain and mate paid a visit to one of the villages of these interesting people. On their arrival they found the chief, — who acts also a« their spiritual teacher, — with nearly the whole of the villagers, busily engaged in their rice fields. On the gong being sounded, which was the signal for the ar rival of the missionaries, they flocked into the native chapel ; and, after greeting affectionately their teachers, they turned to the captain and mate, and asked their chief, " Do these men love Christ ? " Being answered in the affirmative, they re ceived them with much cordiality, and, on their departure, loaded their boat with fruit, &c, &c. The Ramsay remained at Maulmain eight weeks, during which time the intercourse of the crew with the Christians on shore was of the most pleasing description. The evening before they sailed from this place, Dr. Judson delivered a farewell address on board the Ramsay, which produced a deep and solemn impression. All were melted into tears, as was the case with Dr. Judson himself. He alluded to the providential manner in which he had been brought amongst them, the many happy and profitable hours he had spent in their society, the converting grace of God which they had all been privileged to witness, and some to experience; and those who professed the faith he exhorted " that with purpose of heart they would cleave unto the Lord ; " and those who had still held out against the entreaties of melting mercy he besought to be reconciled to God. After engaging in solemn prayer for all on board, and giving them his parting blessing, he retired, whilst, like Paul's Christian brethren at Ephesus, "they sorrowed most of all for the words which he spake, that they should see his face no more." The following is a copy of the engagement entered into by the persons on board the Ramsay, to whicn reference is made in the preceding letters. We, the undersigned, on board the .ship Ramsay, agree with 16* 186 MEMOIR OP DR. JUDSON. one anotb^v and promise before God that we will endeavor to live as sincere Christians ought to live, avoiding all known sins so far as possible, and striving to keep all the commands of God, in humble dependence on the grace and strength which he may be pleased to impart unto us. Thomas Hamlin, John Charley, A. Judson, Donald McIntyre, John Nevin, James Stephenson, John Laing, Alexander Kiddock, John Rennie, David Morrison, Robert Anderson, George Williams, Alexander Bowers, George Johnson, Archibald Sutherland, George Craddie, James Farquhar, Hugh McKenyan, James Smylie, Broadhead, Duncan • Gray, Kelly. David Carbet, To his Mother and Sister. Maulmain, December 26, 1841. Dear Mother and Sister : My last to you was dated October 20, at Port Louis. We left there on the 1st of November, and arrived here on the 10th instant. Adoniram is, we trust, really convalescent, though subject to relapses. Whether he will ever perfectly recover in this climate, is. somewhat doubtful. It is now the cold season, and he is generally pretty well ; but unless he gets perfectly well, so that the disorder is quite eradicated before the hot season, which comes on in March and April, we fear for the result The other children are quite well, and their mother, excepi that she is not so stout and strong as formerly. Abby can read any easy reading, and delights to commit verses to mem ory, and is very careful to pray morning and evening. Ado niram can read a little, but on account of his illness his educa tion has been very much neglected. Elnathan can boast of no great proficiency in literature, being only three and a half FRUITS OF THE VOYAGE. 187 years old . I don't know which we love the most. We were all mc. t happy to get back to our old home, after nearly six months' wandering. We found all well. The church remained in a pretty good state. Two had been added by baptism, and one more I baptized the next Sunday after my arrival. At the same time I had the pleasure of leading into the Maulmain baptistery the pious captain of the Ramsay, his first officer, and two of the crew. Several others, also, of the officers and crew of the ship are, I hope, partakers of divine grace. Captain Hamlin has declined taking any compensa tion of the board for our circuitous passage. Was not this very kind ? He is truly one of the most devoted, excellent Christians I have ever met in this part of the world. I was disappointed not to find any letter from you on my arrival here. It is now a long time since I heard even indi rectly from you. When I remember mother's great age and feeble state of health, I should not be surprised any time to hear that her probation was passed, and that she had gone to paradise. And what would become of you, my dear sister, if you should be left alone ? I should wish you were with me. Could you not come out ? The board would pay your passage with that of their missionaries who might be coming out ; and you might always depend on a room and a place at my table, and all such necessaries and comforts of life as I can obtain myself, in this foreign land. And my dear wife would be happy to welcome you, and the children would run to see their aunt, of whom they hear so frequently. But still I hope that mother may yet live many years to diffuse a salutary influence around her, and grow more mature for thai, blessed world to which she is hastening, and where, I trust, we shall all meet, when the trials ami troubles, the separations and bereavements, of this life are passed forever. I wonder whether I should know you. if we met ? I think I should know mother. Probably ne ther of you would know me. How long it is since we parted ! Thirty years next Febru ary, on Ihe 31 of the mcith, I took leave of my parents, in 188 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. Plymouth, and on the 7th of my sister and brother, in Bos ton; and on the 19th embarked for the East. Farewell, my dear mother and sister. If we are not to meet in this world, may we have a happy meeting in eternhy, to part no more. Your ever affectionate son and brother, A. Judson. Maulmain, May 8, 1842. Dear Mother and Sister : Since my last to you, dated December 26, 1841, 1 have received yours of July 21, 1841, containing many interesting items concerning yourselves and townspeople and distant relatives. You remark that you delayed writing for want of information from Boston. You never need wait a day for such information. You have only to direct your letter thus, " Rev. A. Judson, care of Rev. S. Peck, 17 Joy's Buildings, Washington Street, Boston," and put it into the post office at Plymouth. Mr. Peck will erase the latter part of the direction, and re-direct to Maulmain, and forward with other letters, which are always accumulating at the Mission Rooms. It is very trying weather with us at present. The rains, which commonly commence the 1st of May, still hold off, except an occasional shower ; and in the intervals it is melting hot, and sometimes dreadfully oppressive. The house which we occupied has been removed, to form, with other materials, a house for Mr. Stevens, on an adjoining lot ; and we have moved into his old house, considerably im proved, and find it much more cool and comfortable than the other. At the corner of the house we now occupy, I have put up a small one, containing a bed room, and small bathing room adjoining, partly with a view to accommodate company, and partly in the hope that dear sister, if left alone, will think of coming out to see us. So, if the people of Plymouth get tired of you, you may be sure of a home with your most affectionate brother. PROPOSAL TO ENTER BURMAH. 189 My tough still troubles me. I was lately obliged to stop preaching entirely ; but I am now better, and preach half the time — that is, one sermon on Sundays, and conduct worship every other evening in the week. The other half is taken by brother Osgood, assisted by some of the other brethren. There have been very few additions to the church lately. It stands at about one hundred and sixty. Once more farewell. How happy it will be to meet safe in heaven at last ! Your affectionate brother, A. Judson. To the Corresponding Secretary. Maulmain, June 28, 1842. . . . But the board does know that Burmah proper has Leen long abandoned, and abandoned in such circumstances as renders it impossible even to circulate tracts, or employ a native assistant ; nor do I see any prospect of the country's being reoccupied, unless there should be an opening for me to make an attempt, of which I entertain some faint hope. I request, therefore, that the board would say whether they think such an attempt advisable, and whether they would sncourage me in making it or not. I should be glad if they would take the subject into immediate consideration, and let me have an answer as early as possible ; for I know not how soon an opportunity may occur, though I have no definite ex pectation, nor, indeed, any but the faintest hope. And such being the case, I wish no public expectation to be excited. I received your kind letter of February 1. Your sympa thizing wishes are realized in the restoration of my family to health, after a long year's continu 3d illness. We lost but one out of the number, though there were times when I expected to lose them all. The complaint of my throat and lungs is much better. 1 have had but one relapse, and that comparatively slight, since my return ; so that I can preach with but little difficulty, 190 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSCN. though, from prudence, I preach but once on Lord's days, and conduct worship every other day in the week. Yours faithfully and affectionately, A. Judson. Rides of Life. August 9, 1842. 1. Bs more careful to observe the seasons of secret prayer. 2. Never indulge resentful feelings towards any person. 3. Embrace every opportunity of exercising kind feelings, and doing good to others, especially to the household of faith. 4. Sweet in temper, face, and word, To please an ever-present Lord. Renewed December 31, 1842. December 31, 1842. Resolved to make the desire to please Christ the grand motive of all my actions. To George D. Boardman. Maulmain, April 7, 1843. My dear George : You cannot tell how rejoiced we have been, and thankful to God, on hearing that you have pro fessed religion and given yourself to the Saviour. Your fond mother has shed many teal's of joy over this happy event. May you be a growing Christian, and become a faithful minis ter of the gospel, and follow the footsteps of your sainted (ather, as he followed Christ. Perhaps I shall live to intro duce you into the missionary field. Who knows but that you will yet be my colleague and successor in the pastorship of the \Iaulmain church ? I think we have not written you since the birth of your youngest brother, which took place the 8th of July last. We have named him after the one that died at Serampore. The names of your sister and brothers now stand thus : Abby Ann, Adoniram, Elnathan, and Henry Hall. I hope that, since you now know the way to the throne of grace, you will pray for them, that they Hay all, in early life, become acquainted with I LAN OP THE BURMESE DICTIONARY. 191 the Saviour's dying love, and be prepared to meet you in heaven. Your mother sends you herewith a copy of her translation of the first part of the Pilgrim's Progress. If you have not yet read the work in English, you will find it a most interesting and profitable book. Give our warmest love to your dear and excellent friends, Mr. und Mrs. Newton. You cannot love, and esteem, and revere them too much. Yet we hope you will not bestow all your love upon them ; but remember that you have an own mother in this remote land, who thinks of you, her eldest son, every day ; and do write us a letter on every returning birthday. Do you remember how I carried you down to Amherst, and put you on board the ship that took you far away ? Your affectionate father, A. Judson. To the Corresponding Secretary. Maulmain, July 13, 1843. Dear Brother : I never think, without some uneasiness, of the infrequency of my communications to the board ; and if I had not an apology at hand, I should feel self-condemned. A person employed in direct missionary work among the na tives, especially if his employ is somewhat itinerant, can easily make long and interesting journals. The first epithet, at least, may be applied to some of my earlier communications. But it has been my lot, for many years past, to spend most of my time over the study table ; and my itinerating has scarcely ex tended beyond the limits of my morning walks and the pre cincts of the mission enclosure. Several years were spent in translating the Bible, and several more in revising it and car rying the last edition through the press. After which, in May last year, I commenced a dictionary of the language, a work which I had resolved and re-resolved never to touch. But it is not in man that walketh to direct his steps. The board and my brethren repeatedly urged me to prepare a dictionary 192 memoir of dr. judson. the one printed in 1826 being exceedingly imperfect ; and as Burmah continued shut against our labors, and there were several missionaries in this place, I concluded that I could not do better than to comply. We are apt to magnify the importance of any undertaking in which we are warmly engaged. Perhaps it is from the in fluence of that principle, that, notwithstanding my long-cher ished aversion to the work, I have come to think it very im portant; and that, having seen the accomplishment of two objects on which I set my heart when I first came out to the East, the establishment of a church of converted natives, and the translation of the Bible into their language, I now beguile my daily toil with the prospect of compassing a third, which may be compared to a causeway, designed to facilitate the transmission of all knowledge, religious and scientific, from one people to the other. It was my first intention to make a single work, Burmese and English ; but as I proceeded, I discovered many reasons for constructing a double work, in two parts, the first Enghsh and Burmese, the second Burmese and English. I hope, by daily, uninterrupted labor, to have the whole ready for the press by the end of 1845. Not, indeed, that I count on living so long. Above thirty years spent in a tropical climate — to-day is the twenty-ninth anniversary of my arrival in Burmah — leaves but little ground to build future plans upon. But I feel it my duty to plod on, while daylight shall last, looking out for the night, and ready to bequeath both the plodding and the profit to any brother who shall be willing to carry on and com plete the work, when I shall have obtained my discharge. 1 try thus to make out an apology for my apparent delinquen cies, which I beg the board to accept ; and beheve me Yours faithfully, A. Judson. P. S. Your favor of the 23d March has been duly re ceived. In regard to the subject mentioned, I shall be ready to do whatever the board and my brethren, to whom you have referred the subject, shall recommend. HOME CARES. 193 To his little Daughter, at Mergui. Maulmain, Match. 9, 1845. My dear Daughter : Your letters to me and your broth ers, together with the shells from Mergui, arrived this after noon in the Burmese box, which mamma sent by the steamer. The boys are delighted with the shells, and Henry has picked out some for his own ; and they have agreed to give me for my share the large coral shell. They have already written some letters to you, and mamma, and Charlie, which ¦ I shall send by return of steamer ; and perhaps they will add some more, as this is such a favorable opportunity. It. is now be tween eight and nine o'clock in the evening. I have had a httle meeting with Adoniram and Elnathan, and now they are asleep. Edward has become a fat little fellow ; I am sure you would not know him again. He begins to look pleased when he is played with. But he has not yet made any inquiries about his absent mother and sister. Indeed, I doubt much whether he is aware that he has any such rela tives. Or if he ever exercises his mind on such abstruse topics, perhaps he fancies that black Ah-mah is his mother, since she nurses him, and does not know what a fair, beautiful, fond mother he has at Mergui, who thinks of him every day. However, when he gets larger, we will tell him all about these matters. I am getting the carpenters to make a new cot for you, longer than your old one. That I have given to Adoniram, and his to Elnathan. Both the kittens are dead, and the old yellow cat has been missing for several days. She was very thin, and apparently very ill, when we last saw her. So I sup pose she crept away into some secret place, and lay down and died. Alas ! poor pussy ! I pray every day that somewhere during your travels with dear mamma, you may receive a blessing from God, so that you will return a true Christian, and set such an example before your brothers as will induce them to try to follow your steps. Think of the dear Saviour every day, and frequently lift up your heart in fervent prayer to God, that he will give you his vol. n. 17 194 MEMOIR OP DR. JUDSON. converting, sanctifying grace, and make you his cwn child. Try to subdue every evil passion, and avoid all bad conduct. If you trust in the Saviour and try to be good, he will make you good. In your daily deportment and intercourse with others, remember these two lines : — " Sweet in temper, face, and word, To please an ever-present Lord." Your affectionate lather, A. Judson. Love to' dear Charlie. To Mrs. Judson, at Tavoy. Maulmain, March 23, 1845. My dearest Love : Your short letter from Goodrich's Plains came in this afternoon most unexpectedly. I am sorry that your short account of yourself is unsatisfactory. My first impression was to go down in the steamer, fearing what the result of another relapse may be, and hoping to be some com fort and use to you in your weak state. But since worship at the English chapel, I have sought an interview with Captain Briggs ; and from his account, and from the fact that the steamer expects to leave Tavoy, next time, almost immediately on rearriving, I have concluded not to go ; especially as the nurse, though she does well by the baby, is frequently quar relling with A-moo and others, and threatening to quit. I don't think she really will quit ; but I should be most unwill ing to leave the baby under these circumstances. Captain Briggs confirms what you write, that you think your disease is really checked, so that I have now sanguine hopes of your speedy recovery. Whether we conclude to spend a month at Amherst or not, I think you had better come up at once in the steamer. We can arrange all things more comfortably, and provide a house, and go down in boats at any time. We can not, however, pursue the boat system half so well at Amherst as here, on account of the difficulty of landing. And if you do not return pretty well, I have all along thought that that anxiety for his absent wipe. 195 course would be the most beneficial to you. However, we must be guided by circumstances. At any rate we must do that which will be most conducive to your recovery. I am afraid that Charlie's eye teeth will pull him down lower. Glad to hear such good accounts of Abby Ann. I am sure she has been a great comfort to you. March 24. Captain Russell has just kindly called on me — says I had better send letters on board this afternoon, as he expects, though not certain, to leave to-morrow morning. He thinks he shall be back next Monday. I have given out that you may be expected at that time, and the news occasions gen eral joy. I am still dreadfully anxious about your health. I fear that Briggs and Russell show me the fair side to keep me quiet. Captain Russell admits that you are thinner and weaker than when you left here. But if your complaint is actually subdued, you will soon recover. We are all well. Miss Latbrop teaches the children during Miss Newlove's visit at Amherst. We hear that Tremenheere has now a better appointment at Calcutta, which he will accept. The pious officers are all gone, and the 84th regiment is going off as fast as vessels are ready for them. No new troops yet arrived. I have nothing in particular to say to Abby, only that I hope she will return improved in every respect, and set a good example before her brothers, who have not had her advan tages. My love to the dear Masons, with whom I suppose you are living. Ever most affectionately, A, Judson. CHAPTER VI. yLNESS OF KRS. JUDSON. — VOYAGE TO THE UNITED STATES.— DEATH OF MRS. JUDSON. — BURIAL AT ST. HELENA OBITUARY NOTI :E. — RECEPTION AND ADDRESSES IN THE UNITED STATES. 1845. The health of Mrs. Judson, which had been for some time declining, had now become so thoroughly prostrated that a protracted sea voyage to a northern climate offered to her the only hope of restoration. She had become so weak that Dr. Judson was obliged to accompany her. Strong as were his domestic af fections, he would have remained at Maulmain prose cuting his missionary work, if she had been able to undertake the voyage alone. As, however, this could not be done, he was unwilling to allow his labor to be suspended. He therefore took with him two of his assistants, by whose aid he could pursue the work of the dictionary, either on shipboard or in the United States, and embarked with his wife and three of his children for England in the ship Paragon, April 26, 1845. They arrived at Port Louis, Isle of France, on the 5th of the following July. Here the health of Mrs. Judson appeared so much improved that Dr. Judson and she determined to separate, he to return to Maul main, and she, with the children, to prosecute her voyage to this country. A more marked example of self-sacrificing adherence to principle than this can scarcely be conceived. They were most tenderly attached to each other, and had both known the pains of lonely mi;-3ionary labor ; but if she was able to 196 ILLNESS OP MRS. JUDSON. 197 prosecute the voyage alone, much as he yearned once more to behold his native land, and much as he wished to accompany her, he did not feel himself at liberty to lea ye his post of duty. A distinct voice of Providence had placed him there, and the same voice, unmoved by his own likes or dislikes, must recall him, before he felt himself at liberty to move. These appearances, however, proved deceptive. Mrs. Judson's complaints returned with renewed vio lence within a few days after their arrival at Port Louis ; and it became necessary for her husband to accompany her. At this juncture the ship Sophia "Walker, of Boston, touched at the Isle of France, and her commander, Captain Codman, very kindly invited them to take passage with him directly for the United States. They accepted his proposal, and embarked on the 25th of July for Boston. Mrs. Judson continued to decline very rapidly, until they arrived at St. Helena, where she expired on the 1st of September, 1845. A brief account of the life and labors of this talented and accomplished woman, from the pen of Dr. Judson, will be found in the fol lowing pages.* On the evening of her burial, Dr. Judson and his motherless children sailed from St. Helena, and arrived in Boston on the 15th of October following. To the Corresponding Secretary. Maulmain, April 13, 1845. My dear Brother : The hand of God is heavy upon me. The complaint to wliich Mrs. Judson is subject has be come so violent, that it is the unanimous opinion of all the * A most interesting Memoir of Mrs. S. B. Judson has been writ ten by Mrs. E. C. Judson. 17* 198 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. medical men, and indeed of all our friends, that nothing but a voyage beyond the tropics can possibly protract her life be yond the period of a few weeks, but that such a voyage will, in all probability, insure her recovery. All medical skill has been exhausted. She has spent six weeks with our commis sioner and his lady in a trip down the coast, touching at Tavoy and Mergui, and returned weaker and nearer the grave than when she set out. She is willing to die, and I hope I am will ing to see her die, if it be the divine will ; but though my wife, it is no more than truth to say that there is scarcely an individual foreigner now alive who speaks and writes the Bur mese tongue so acceptably as she does ; and I feel that an ef fort ought to be made to save her hfe. I have long fought against the necessity of accompanying her ; but she is now so desperately weak, and almost helpless, that all say it would be nothing but savage inhumanity to send her off alone. The three younger children, the youngest but three months and a half old, we must leave behind us, casting them, as it were, on the waters, in the hope of finding them after many days. The three elder, Abby Ann, Adoniram, and Elnathan, we take with us, to leave in their parents' native land. These rend- ings of parental ties are more severe, and wring out bitterer tears from the heart's core, than any can possibly conceive, who have never felt the wrench. But I hope I can say with truth that I love Christ above all ; and I am striving, in the strength, of my weak faith, to gird up my mind to face and welcome all his appointments. And I am much helped to bear these trials, by the advice and encouragement of all my dear brethren and sisters of the mission. It is another great trial to leave my dear church and people. I never knew till now how much I loved them, and how much they loved me. " And 'tis to love, our farewells owe All their emphasis of woe." But I leave them in the hands of my dear brethren, and there are no persons in the world to whom I should be so willing to commit so dear a charge. PREPARATION FOR HOMEWARD VOYAGE. 199 Another great trial, not so much as it regards feeling as it regards the anticipated result of long-protracted labor, is the interruption whijh the heavy work of the Burmese dictionary, in which I have been engaged for two or three years, must sus tain ; and such is the state of my manuscripts, that if I should die before this work is completed, or at least carried forward to a much more advanced stage, all my previous labor would be nearly or quite lost. But I am endeavoring to obviate this difficulty in some degree, by taking with me my two assistants in that department, whose hearts God has graciously inclined to leave their families and accompany me. They are both Christians, the one a settled character, a convert of long stand ing, formerly a government writer in Rangoon ; the other a nephew of the late premier of the court of Ava, a person of noble extraction, and though not a tried Christian, I hope a sincere one. And it is my purpose to devote some hours every day, whether on the sea or land, to the work mentioned. I shall be induced to persevere in this purpose while in Amer ica, from the fact that I am unable to travel about the country as an agent, and preach in the English language. The course that I have uniformly pursued, ever since I became a mission ary, has been rather peculiar. In order to become an accept able and eloquent preacher in a foreign language, I deliber ately abjured my own. When I crossed the river, I burned my ships. For thirty-two years I have scarcely entered an English pulpit, or made a speech in that language. Whether I have pursued the wisest course, I will not contend ; and how far I have attained the object aimed at, I must leave for others to say. But whether right or wrong, the course I have taken cannot be retraced. The burned ships cannot now be recon structed. From long desuetude, I can scarcely put three sen tences together in the English language.* I must therefore beg the board to allow me a quiet corner, where I can pursue my work with my assistants, undisturbed and unknown. This reqiest I am induced to urge from the further consid * That is I presume, in a, public address. 200 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. eration, that my voice, though greatly recovered from the affection of the lungs, which laid me aside from preaching nearly a year, is still so weak that it can only fill a small room; and whenever I attempt to raise it above the con versational tone, the weak place gives way, and I am quite broken down again for several weeks. I hope, therefore, that no one will try to persuade me to be guilty of such im prudence while in America ; but since there are thousands of preachers in English, and only five or six Burmese preach ers in the whole world, I may be allowed to hoard up the remnant of my breath and lungs for the country where they are most needed. . . . Your affectionate brother, A. Judson. To his Sister. Maulmain, April 13, 1845. My dear Sister : I write a line in the greatest hurry and confusion. Mrs. Judson returned from her trip down the coast, weaker and nearer dying than when she set out. Noth ing more can be done for her in this country ; but the doctors say decidedly that a voyage to a cold climate will cure her. The only opportunity that we can avail ourselves of, before it be too late, is a ship bound to London, which sails in about a week. All say that she is too weak, and in too precarious a state, to go alone ; so I have concluded to accompany her, and once more see my native land, and you, my dear sister — the only surviving near relative that remains to me on earth.* We leave the three younger children with our friends here. The three elder, Abby Ann, Adoniram, and Elnathan, we shall take with us, intending to leave them in America, when we return. It is said that we shall have a five months' voyage to England. There I shall not make any stay, but embrace the first opportunity of passing over to the United * Dr. Judson's mother, Mrs. Abigail Brown Judson, died at Plymouth, Massachusetts, January 31, 1842, at the advanced age of eighty-two years. DEATH OF MRS. JUDSON. 201 States. I send this over land ; and when you receive it, I shall probably be half way on my passage. Your affectionate brother, A. Judson. To t/ie Corresponding Secretary. Barque Sophia Walker, at Sea, September, 1815. Mr dear Brother: I wrote you the 13th of April, and the treasurer on the 1st of May, just before sailing from Amherst. The first part of the voyage was very rough ; we suffered a good deal from seasickness ; and my time was much occupied in taking care of Mrs. Judson. Having my assistants, however, I endeavored to make some progress in my work, though under, great disadvantages. During the second month, Mrs. Judson began to improve, and I had the most sanguine hopes of her recovery. After crossing the line, the ship sprung a leak, and the captain determined to put in at the Isle of France. Before reaching the island, Mrs. Judson became so decidedly convalescent, that it ap peared clearly to be my duty to return to Maulmain, and leave her to proceed alone. On our arrival, we found a vessel bound to Maulmain ; and though I was unwilling to leave her until I should see her fairly on her way, I was so sure of returning myself, that I sent off the assistants by that vessel, and par tially engaged my own passage in another, which would sail for Calcutta in two or three weeks. In the mean time we met with Captain Codman, of the Sophia Walker, who invited us to take passage with him, and kindly offered such terms as induced us to leave the Paragon. The change furnished also an additional encouragement for me to return ; as the Sophia Walker would take Mrs. Judson to the very doors of her friends, where also she would arrive a month earlier than if she went by the way of England. But all our plans were frustrated by an unforeseen event. Mrs. Judson experienced a dreadful relapse, which reduced her lower than ever before, and soon convinced me that it would be impossible fr me to leaw her , so that, though I 202 MEMOIR OF DR JU1 50N. bitterly regretted the loss of my assistants, I felt obliged, aftei having remained three weeks at Port Louis, to reembark with her ; and we finally sailed on the 25th of July. After a time she again appeared to be recovering, and in the cold weather off the Cape of Good Hope, my hopes became again very sanguine. But she never really recovered from her last prostration, and, though sometimes better, continued, on the whole, to decline, until we neared St. Helena, when I gave up all hope of her recovery. She lingered a few days, while the vessel was detained in port, until the 1st instant, when, at three o'clock in the morning, she obtained her release from further suffering, and entered, I trust, into the joy of her Lord. She was buried in the afternoon of the same day; and in the evening we were again at sea. Had Mrs. Judson lived to reach home, and especially if my assistants had been with me, I should have expected to remain some time in America, that her health might become confirmed. But since the object is lost, I am desirous of returning as soon as possible. I hope that no objection will be made to my leaving before the winter sets in. I dread the effects of a northern winter, not so much on my general health as on my lungs. An attack of my complaint in the winter season would probably prove fatal. And though I refuse not to die, I have so much desire, in submission to the will of God, to finish my work in Burmah, that I must con fess I am. unwilling to expose my poor life, though in other respects of no worth, to any unnecessary hazard. I remain yours affectionately, A. Judson, To Mr. Anderson Port Louis, Isle of France. On Passage from St. Helena, September 2, 1845. My dear Friend : I shall have no opportunity of sending this till after my arrival in the United States ; so that you will probably have heard of Mrs. Judson's death before re ceiving this line. I was so overwhelmed with my distress while at St. Helena that it never occurred to me to write BURIAL AT ST. HELENA. 203 a line to any of my friends. My dear wife continued to decline after leaving the Isle of France. Neither the best medical advice, nor the most careful nursing on my part, nor any change of climate, seemed to have much salutary effect. When we reached St. Helena, I had given up all hope of her recov ery. That took place on the 26th of August. The vessel remained a few days. She lingered along till the first, that is, yesterday,"at three o'clock in the morning, when her spirit took its final flight. The body was carried on shore in the afternoon, and interred in the public burial ground, by the side of Mrs. Chater, long a missionary at Ceylon, who died on her passage home. The funeral was attended by a crowd of friends, though we were entire strangers in the place. We were surprised to find several pious persons under the pastoral care of the Rev. Mr. Bertram, an excellent, zealous missionary. They took me and the children to their houses and their hearts, and their consoling conversation and sympathizing prayers, in the hour of my distress, afforded wonderful relief. Would you believe that these pious friends and the captain of our ship defrayed all the expenses of the funeral ? They even had mourning suits made for the children, and sent off to the ship ! But I was obliged to leave them all the same evening ; and this morning, the rock of the ocean, where reposes all that is mortal of my dear, dear wife, was out of sight. And 0, how desolate my cabin appears, and how dreary the way before me ! But I have the great consolation that she died in peace, longing to depart and be with Christ. She had some desire, being on her passage home, to see her parents, and relatives, and friends, after twenty years' absence.; but the love of Christ sustained her to the last. When near dying, I congratu lated her on the prospect of soon beholding the Saviour in all his glory ; and she eagerly replied, " What can I want beside ? " I have no doubt she is now leaning on her Saviour's bosom, in company with the first Mrs. Judson. I hope I feel thankful to God that he has granted me, during my pilgrimage, the soci ety of two of the most excellent women and best of wives that ever man was blessed with, Heaven seems nearer, and 204 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. eternity sweeter, when I think of them and of other dear friends who have gone before. May we who remain have grace to follow those who, through faith, inherit the promises. I remember with gratitude your and your wife's kindness to the dear departed, and especially that of dear Mr. Kelsey. I should write to him, but presume he will have left the island. If you should be writing to him, please to mention some of these things, and give him my warmest love. Give my love also to Mr. and Mrs. Lebrun, and to Mrs. Ledo, and to Mr Chevalyay. May God bless you, my dear friend, through life ; may he give you a peaceful and joyful death ; and may we have a hap py meeting in his blissful presence, is the fervent prayer of Your affectionate friend and brother, A. Judson. Obituary of Mrs. Sarah B. Judson. The subject of the following brief obituary notice, Sarah Boardman Judson, was born at Alstead, in the State of New Hampshire, November 4, 1803. She was the eldest child of Ralph and Abiah. Hall, who still survive her, and are at present living at Skaneateles, in the State of New York. While Sarah was but a child, her parents removed from Alstead to Danvers, and subsequently to Salem, in the State of Massa chusetts. In the latter place she received her education, and continued to reside until she was married to the Rev. George Dana Boardman, July 4, 1825, with whom she embarked in the same month for the East Indies, to join the American missionaries in Burmah. After residing some time at Calcutta and at Maulmain, they settled at Tavoy, April 1, 1828. During her residence in Calcutta and Tavoy, she had three children, of whom one only, George Dana Boardman, Jr., born August 18, 1828, survives her. She lost her husband February 11, 1831, and was married again to Adoniram Judson, of Maulmain, April 10, 1834. At Maulmain she became the mother of eight children, of whom five survive TRIBUTE TO MRS. SARAH B. JUDSON 2C5 her. After the birth of her last child, in December, 1844, she was attacked with chronic diarrhcea, from which she had suffered much in the early part of her missionary life. When, in the progress of the disease, it became evident that nothing but a long voyage and an entire change of climate could save her life, she embarked, with her husband and three elder chil dren, for the United States, April 26, 1845. The voyage was at first attended with encouraging results, but finally proved unavailing, and she departed this life on shipboard, in the port of St. Helena, September 1, 1845. Like multitudes in the highly-favored land of her nativity, the subject of this notice was blessed with early religious advantages, and in her youth became the subject of serious impressions. When about sixteen years of age, during a revival of rehgion in Salem, she entertained a hope, received baptism at the hands of her pastor, the Rev. Dr. Bolles, and became a member of his church. Her religious attainments, however, were not of a distinguished order, and though her amiable disposition and her deep interest in missions, espe cially after her acquaintance with Mr. Boardman, gave her an elevated tone of character, she subsequently felt that at that period she hardly deserved the name of a sincere Christian. And it was not until she was called to part with her eldest child, at Tavoy, in 1829, and to pass through scenes of great danger and suffering during the Tavoy rebellion, that she was enabled to live a life of faith on the Son of God. " Sweet affliction, sweet affliction, That brings near to Jesus' feet." In regard to her missionary qualifications and labors, I may state, that she applied herself with great assiduity to the study of the Burmese language, in which, in conversation, prayer, and writing, she acquired an uncommon degree of correctness, fluency, and power. She was in the habit of conducting a prayer meeting of the female members of the church every week, and also another meeting for the study of the Scriptures. VOL. II. 18 206 MEMOIR OP DR. JUDSON. Her acquaintance with and attachment to the Burmese Bible were rather extraordinary. She professed to take more pleasure and derive more profit from the perusal of that translation than from the English, and to enjoy preaching in the native chapel more than in any other. Her translation of the Pilgrim's Progress, part first, into Burmese, is one of the best pieces of composition which we have yet published. Her translation of Mr. Boardman's Dying Father's Advice has become one of our standard tracts ; and her hymns in Bur mese, about twenty in number, are probably the best in our Chapel Hymn Book — a work which she was appointed by the mission to edit. Besides these works, she published four volumes of Scripture questions, which are in constant use in our Sabbath schools. The last work of her life, and one which she accomplished in the midst of overwhelming family cares, and under the pressure of declining health, was a series of Sunday cards, each accompanied with a short hymn, adapted to the leading subject of the card. Besides her acquaintance with the Burmese language, she had, in past years, wheji there was no missionary in the Pe guan department, acquired a competent knowledge of that language, and translated, or superintended the translation of, the. New Testament and the principal Burmese tracts into Peguan. But when a missionary was appointed to that de partment, she transferred her work to him, and gladly confined herself to the Burmese. Something, also, might be said with regard to her labors in the Karen wilderness east of Tavoy, especially during the years of her widowhood, when she made toilsome journeys among the mountains, sometimes amid drenching rains, and always with many privations, and where, notwithstanding that she was wholly opposed to the principle of females acting the part of ministers, she was frequently obliged to conduct wor ship in the Karen assemblies. Her bereaved husband is the more desirous of bearing this testimony to her various attainments, her labors, and her TRIBUTE TO MRS. SARAH B. JUDSON. 207 worth, from the fact that her own unobtrusive and retiring disposition always led her to seek the shade, as well as from the fact that she was often brought into comparison with one whose life and character were uncommonly interesting and brilliant. The memoir of his first beloved wife has been long before the public. It is, therefore, most gratifying to his feel ings to be able to say, in truth, that the subject of this notice was, in every point of natural and moral excellence, the wor thy successor of Ann H. Judson. He constantly thanks God that he has been blessed with two of the best of wives ; he deeply feels that he has not improved these rich blessings as he ought, and it is most painful to reflect that, from the peculiar pressure of the missionary life, he has sometimes failed to treat those dear beings with that consideration, attention, and kindness, which their situation in a foreign heathen land ever demanded. But, to show the forgiving and grateful disposition of the subject of this brief sketch, and somewhat to elucidate her character, he would add that, a few days before her death, he called her children to her bedside, and said, in their hearing, " I wish, my love, to ask pardon for every unkind word or deed of which I have ever been guilty. I feel that I have, in many instances, failed of treating you with that kindness and affection which you have ever deserved." * " 0," said she, " you will kill me if you talk so. It is I that should ask par don of you ; and I only want to get well that I may have an opportunity of making some return for all your kindness, and of showing you how much I love you." This recollection of her dying bed leads me to say a few words relative to the closing scenes of her life. After her prostration at the Isle of France, where we spent three weeks, * " I always regretted that this paragraph should have been writ ten, because it is calculated to mislead the reader. To my mind it seems utterly impossible that Dr. Judson could ever have spoken, much less acted, unkindly, or even thoughtlessly, to his wife. I never saw any one so constantly considerate and so uiu'eservedly de« voted."— E. C. J. 208 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. there remained but little expectation of her recovery. Her hope had long been fixed on the Rock of Ages, and she had been in the habit of contemplating death as neither distant nor undesirable. As it drew near, she remained perfectly tranquil. No shade of doubt, or fear, or anxiety, ever passed over her mind. She had a prevailing preference to depart and be with Christ. " I am longing to depart," and, " What can I want beside ? " quoting the language of a familiar hymn, were the expressions which revealed the spiritual peace and joy of her mind ; yet, at times, the thought of her native land, to which she was approaching, after an absence of twenty years, and a longing desire to see once more her son George, her parents, and the friends of her youth, drew down her ascending soul, and constrained her to say, " I am .n a strait betwixt two — let the will of God be done." In regard to her children she ever manifested the most sur prising composure and resignation, so much so that I was once induced to say, " You seem to have forgotten the little ones we have left behind." " Can a mother forget ? " she re plied, and was unable to proceed. During her last days she spent much time in praying for the early conversion of her children. May her living and her dying prayers draw down the blessing of God on their bereaved heads. On our passage homeward, as the strength of Mrs. Judson gradually declined, I expected to be under the painful neces sity of burying her in the sea. But it was so ordered by divine Providence, that, when the indications of approaching death had become strongly marked, the ship came to anchor in the port of St. Helena. For three days she continued to sink rapidly, though her bodily sufferings were not very severe. Her mind became liable to wander ; but a single word was sufficient to recall and steady her recollection. On the evening of the 31st of August, she appeared to be draw ing near to the end of her pilgrimage. The children took leave of her, and retired to rest. I sat alone by the side of her bed during the hours of the night, endeavoring to admin ister relief to the distressed body, and consolation to the TRIBUTE TO MRS. SARAH B. JUDSON. 209 departing soul. At two o'clock in the morning, wishing to ob tain one more token of recognition, I roused her attention, and said, " Do you siill love the Saviour ? " " O, yes," she replied, " I evei love the Lord Jesus Christ." I said again, " Do you still lcve me? " She replied in the affirmative, by a peculiar expression of her own. " Then give me one more kiss ; " and we exchanged that token of love for the last time. Another hour passed, life continued to recede, and she ceased to breathe. For a moment I traced her upward flight, and thought of the wonders which were opening to her view. I then closed her sightless eyes, dressed her, for the last time, in the drapery of death ; and being quite exhausted with many sleepless nights, I threw myself down and slept. On awaking in the morning, I saw the children standing and weeping around the body of their dear mother, then, for the first time, inattentive to their cries. In the course of the day a coffin was procured from the shore, in which I placed all that remained of her whom I had so much loved ; and after a prayer had been offered by a dear brother minister from the town, the Rev. Mr. Bertram, we proceeded in boats to the shore. There we were met by the colonial chaplain, and accompanied to the burial ground by the adherents and friends of Mr. Bertram, and a large concourse of the inhabitants. They had prepared the grave in a beautiful, shady spot, con tiguous to the grave of Mrs. Chater, a missionary from Ceylon, who had died in similar circumstances on her passage home. There I saw her safely deposited, and in the language of prayer, which we had often presented together at the throne of grace, I blessed God that her body had attained the repose of the grave, and her spirit the repose of paradise. After the funeral, the dear friends of Mr. Bertram took me to their houses and their hearts ; and their conversation and prayers afforded me unexpected relief and consolation. But I was obliged to hasten on board ship, and we immediately went to sea. On the following morning no vestige of the island was discernible in the distant horizon. For a few days, in the solitude of my cabin, with my poor children crying around 18* 210 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. me, I could not help abandoning myself to heart-breaking sorrow. But the promises of the gospel came to my aid, and faith stretched her view to the bright world of eternal hfe, and anticipated a happy meeting with those beloved beings whose bodies are mouldering at Amherst and St. Helena. I exceedingly regret that there is no portrait of the second, as of the first Mrs. Judson. Her soft blue eye, her mild aspect, her lovely face, and elegant form have never been delineated on canvas. They must soon pass away from the memory even of her children, but they will remain forever enshrined in her husband's heart. To my friends at St. Helena I am under great obligation. I desire to thank God for having raised up in that place a most precious religious interest. The friends of the Redeemer rallied around an evangelical minister immediately on his arrival, and within a few months several souls were added to their number. Those dear, sympathizing, Christian friends received the body of the deceased from my hands as a sacred deposit, united with our kind captain, John Codman, Jr., of Dorchester, in defraying all the expenses of the funeral, and promised to take care of the grave, and see to the erection of the gravestones which I am to forward, and on which I pro pose to place the following inscription : — " Sacred to the memory of Sarah B. Judson, member of the American Baptist mission to Burmah, formerly wife of the Rev. George D. Boardman, of Tavoy, and lately wife of the Rev. Adoniram Judson, of Maulmain, who died in this port, September 1, 1845, on her passage to the United States, in the forty-second year of her age, and in the twenty-first of "lor missionary life. " She sleeps sweetly here, on this rook of the ocean, Away from the home of her youth, And far from the land where, with heartfelt devotion, She scattered the fcright beams of truth." "WE PART ON THIS GREEN ISLET." 211 To the Editor of the Mother's Journal, New York. My dear Sister : I send you the accompanying lines by my late beloved wife, written on board ship, near the Isle of France, when she was so decidedly convalescent that it ap peared to be my duty to return to Maulmain, and leave her to prosecute the voyage alone. After we arrived, however, at the island, she became worse, and I was obliged to relinquish my first purpose. She continued to decline until we reached St. Helena, when she took her departure, not for the " setting sun," but the sun of glory that never sets, and left me to pur sue a different course, and under very different circumstances from tl.os5 anticipated in the lines. We part on this green islet, love, — Thou for the eastern main, I for the setting sun, love, O, when to meet again ! My heart is sad for thee, love, For lone thy way will be ; And oft thy tears will fall, love, For thy children and for me. The music of thy daughter's voice Thou'lt miss for many a year, And the merry shout of thine elder boys Thou'lt list in vain to hear. When we knelt to see our Henry die, And heard his last, faint moan, Each wiped the tear from other's eye : Now each must weep alone. My tears fall fast for thee, love : How can I say, Farewell ! But go ; thy God be with thee, love, Thy heart's deep grief to quell. Yet my spirit clings to thine, love ; Thy soul remains with me, 212 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON- And oft we'll hold communion sweet, O'er the dark and distant sea. And who can paint our mutual joy, "When, all our wanderings o'er, We both shall clasp our infants three At home, on Burmah's shore ! But higher shall our raptures glow, On yon celestial plain, When the loved and parted here beloif Meet, ne'er to part again. Then gird thine armor on, love, Nor faint thou by the way, Till Boodh shall fall, and Burmah's sons Shall own Messiah's sway. And so, God willing, I will endeavor yet to do ; and while her prostrate form finds repose on the rock of the ocean, and her sanctified spirit enjoys sweeter repose on the bosom of Jesus, let me continue to toil on all my appointed time, until my change, too, shall come. Yours affectionately, A. Judson. Dr. Judton arrived in Boston on the 15th of Octo ber, and remained in this country until July of the following year, or a little less than nine months. Of the manner of his reception here it is hardly necessary to speak. His sufferings at Ava, and his labors as a missionary for more than thirty years, had made the world conversant with his history. In the United States his name had become a familiar word. He was the only missionary remaining in a heathen land of those who had first left America for India, and, with a single exception, the only one of that number now living. But of the millions here RECEPTION IN iHE UNITED STATES. 213 wh.} had known of his labors, and revered his charac ter, probably not fifty had ever seen him. A new generation occupied the places of those venerated men who were the active supporters of missions at the time of his embarkation. Hence the desire to see him was intense. The largest houses of public wor ship were thronged long before the usual hour of divine service, if it was known that he was to be present. Men of all professions and of all beliefs were anxious to make his acquaintance. His move ments were chronicled in all the papers, both religious and secular. In a word, a spontaneous tribute of homage, love, and veneration awaited him in every village and city that he visited. But never was a man more completely out of his element on occasions of this kind. The manner of his reception was wholly unexpected to him. When he arrived in Boston, before coming on shore, he was much troubled with the apprehension that he should not know where to look for lodgings. The idea that a hundred houses would at once be thrown open to him, and that as many families would feel honored to receive him as a guest, never entered his mind. He had, but six weeks before, buried a beloved wife amid the rocks of St. Helena. His own health was exceed ingly delicate, and our rough aatumnal winds brought back, with renewed violence, the disease of his throat. Public speaking greatly aggravated his complaint. Simple attendance upon the evening meetings which were summoned to welcome his return agitated his nervous system painfully, and frequently deprived him of quiet rest for the whole of the following night. Nor was this all. He shrunk with instinctive deli cacy from crowded assemblies where he himself 214 MEMOIR OF Dft JUDSON. was the theme on which every speaker dilated. He seemed to himself to stand up, for he could not speak, merely to be exhibited. In this matter he appeared to me a little nervous, and somewhat to err in judg ment. When earnest Christian men sought to make his acquaintance, — men who would never have done it but because they honored his services for Christ, — his manner of receiving them was sometimes chilling, if not repulsive. He seemed to himself to have done nothing that called for any special token of respect ; and he therefore too readily concluded that he was only looked at as. a somewhat unusual specimen. I witnessed myself some instances of this kind, and regretted to perceive that he had, as I thought, mis taken the motives of those who really honored him as a man who had borne hardness for the sake of Christ. The real explanation of cases of this kind is to be found, I believe, in the feeling of self-depreciation, which was habitual to him, combined with a nervous shrinking from being made an object of general ob servation, and not unfrequently of excessive praise. Of his humility no one who observed the tone of his religious sentiments could entertain a doubt. He was my guest during his brief visit to Providence ; and conducted family worship on the evening after a meeting to welcome his return had been held in the First Baptist Church. His prayer on that occa sion can never be forgotten by those who heard it. So lowly abasement in the presence of unspotted holiness, such earnest pleadings for pardon for the imperfection of those services for which men praised him, so utter renunciation of all merit for any thing that he had ?ver done, and so entire reliance for ac ceptance with God only on the merits and atonement RECEPTION IN BOSTON. 215 of the gospel sacrifice for sin, I think it was never my happiness to hear on any other occasion. Such, I believe, was the habitual temper of his mind, that the more his brsthren were disposed to exalt him, the more deeply did he seem to feel his own deficiencies, and the more humble was his prostration at the foot of the cross. On several occasions, he addressed his brethren in public assemblies through the medium of some indi vidual, who, standing by his side, would repeat to the audience the sentiments which he uttered almost in a whisper. On one or two occasions, he wrote out in full the address, which was read by another. Several of these addresses will be found in the following pages. They all breathe the same spirit. They are the words of a man whose efforts are all in one direc tion, and who is living in simplicity of heart for no other purpose than to advance the interests of the kingdom of Christ, and to advance them by saving souls from eternal death. The sentiment of the apostle expressed the feeling which seemed ever uppermost in his mind — "For me to live is Christ, and to die is gain." On the evening of October 17, the second day after his arrival, a meeting, verbally notified, was held in the Bowdoin Square Church, Boston, to extend to him a public welcome. The word passed so rapidly from one to another, that at an early hour the edifice was crowded. After appropriate devotional exercises, the Rev. Dr. Sharp arose with Dr. Judson before the con gregation. The following report of the addresses and incidents of the occasion is taken from contemporary journals.* * Christian Watchman, and Christian Reflector, October 23, 24, 1840. 216 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. " There are some feelings," said Dr. Sharp, " which are too sacred for public utterance. There are sentiments of re spect and regard which, when whispered to the ear, 01 spoken in the privacy of confidential intercourse, are pleasant and refreshing as the breath of spring, but which lose their fragrance in the atmosphere of a public assembly. Were I to express my own feelings towards yourself, — my admira tion, my confidence, my gratitude, my regard, — I should say many things that in this assembly would seem out of place. I may, however, without violating Christian propriety, speak in behalf of the public in the presence of the public. " I may say, without the semblance of flattery or adulation, the denomination have cherished a deep, and affectionate, and grateful interest in your labors. They have wondered at your steady and unfaltering perseverance ; they have admired your disinterested and self-denying course ; and they have tenderly sympathized with you, and prayed for you, when they heard of your personal sufferings, your imprisonment, and loss of personal liberty, and when they have heard of those greater losses, to which, in the death of loved and cher ished ones, you have been subjected. And they have rejoiced with you, not, indeed, that all your work was done, but that a glorious work was done, when, in humble prostration before the beneficent Author of revelation, you devoutly thanked him that you had completed the translation of the Holy Scriptures in the Burman language. That was a memorable day, not only in the history of your own life, but in the history of missions. " We can only pray, dear brother, that, after a still more extended and critical knowledge of the Burman language, the result of patient and laborious study and research, your life may be prolonged to revise and amend your translation of those soul-sanctifying and soul-comforting truths which tell with wondrous power in any language in which a version of them is given. Your prosecution of that other great work, to which your mind, and pen, and days are given, — a Burman dictionary, — at the completion of which you may well rest from your labors, will aid you greatly in giving your last cor- RECEPTION IN BOSTON. 217 recting touch to the Burman Scriptures. Our prayer will be. m submission to God's will, that you may live until you have sent out to the world the volumes which will not only shed their radiant light on the Scriptures, but will quicken and elevate the common mind of India. " And now, dear brother, withdrawn as you have been, by an afflictive dispensation of Providence, from your chosen and loved labors, allow me to say, in behalf of your ministering brethren, and other brethren and friends, We welcome you to your native land ; we welcome you to the scenes of your early and manly youth ; we welcome you to our worshipping assem blies ; we welcome you to our hearts. As the representative of the ministers and private Christians present, I give to you this hand of cordial welcome, of sympathy, of approbation, and of love. And I believe, could all our denomination be collected in one vast assembly, they would request and em power some one to perform this service for them ; or, rather, each one would prefer to give this significant token of love, and respect, and good wishes, for himself. Were it possible, and could your strength hold out, and your hand bear the grasp and the cordial shake of so many, I could wish that every one who loves the Bible and missions might be his own representative, and give to you, as I do, the hand of an hon est, unchanging, and cordial good will." Dr. SMrp, having thus concluded his welcome, in which all heartily participated, turned to the congregation, and con tinued as follows : — "I trust I shall not be regarded as violating any rule of pro priety, if, in accordance with the suggestion of my brethren, 1 give a brief review of the facts which the return and sight of our brother has called up to my recollection. Well do 1 remember the emotions which filled my own bosom, when, in the month of October or November, 1812, we heard that our respected brother, then a young man, had attached himself to our denomination. The pleasure in my own mind was not so much that he had become a Baptist, as that the event would be the means of inducing the denomination to engage in the VOL. II. 19 218 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. cause of missions among the heathen. A conference o' brethren was immediately held, and there was not a momtjit'* hesitation to sustain our brother, should his connection witn another respectable body of Christians be dissolved. Thi? fact being ascertained by correspondence with the Americap board, he was adopted by brethren in this city and a neigh boring town as their missionary, so far as to sustain him. But whether it would be best to form a foreign missionary organization here, or simply to request the English Baptist Missionary Society to receive him, he being supported by us, was for some time an unsettled question." Dr. Sharp then read two letters written by himself in the spring of 1813 ; the first to the Rev. Andrew Fuller, in be half of the Baptist Society for propagating the Gospel in India and other Foreign Parts, then recently formed in Boston, soliciting that Mr. Judson, whose change of views on the subject of baptism, and desire to be supported by a Bap tist society, had just become known in this country, might be taken into the society of the English Baptist brethren in India, under the direction of Carey, Marshman, and Ward ; a plan which was afterwards abandoned, and a separate mission was undertaken, under the care and patronage of the Baptists in this country. The second letter was addressed to Mr. Judson, welcoming him as a member and a missionary of the Baptist denomination in America, and giving some sugges tions respecting his plans of proceeding. Rev. Mr. Hague now arose with Dr. Judson, and said that, as the voice of the beloved brother would not permit him audibly to address the congregation, he would, by request, act for him somewhat as an interpreter, repeating his remarks so that all should be able to hear them. Dr. Judson then said, " Through the mercy of God I am permitted to stand before you here, this evening, a pensioner of your bounty. I desire to thank you for all your sympathy and aid, and I pray God's blessing to rest upon you. . . . All that has been done in Burmah has been done by tho churches, through the feeble and unworthy instrumentality of RECEPTION IN BOSTON. 219 myself and my brethren. . . . It is one of the severest trials of my life not to be able to lift up my voice, and give free utterance to my feelings before this congregation ; but repeated trials have assured me that I cannot safely attempt it. And I am much influenced by the circumstance that it was a request of my wife, in her dying hour, that I would n ot address public meetings on my arrival. ... I will only add, that I beg your prayers for the brethren I have left in Burmah; for the feeble churches we have planted there ; and that the good work of God's grace may go on until the world shall be filled with his glory." Mr. Hague continued, in a strain of highly appropriate and impressive remarks, to give a brief view of some of the striking events connected with the history of Mr. Judson's mission, and his return to his native land, where a new generation had risen up since his absence, and the places and scenes familiar to his youth had so entirely changed. While Mr. Hague was speaking, a gentleman was making his way from the farther part of the house towards the pulpit. He was welcomed there with surprise and delight, and was immediately introduced to the congregation by Dr. Sharp, as the Rev. Samuel Nott, the only survivor, excepting Dr. Judson, of the five missionaries who first went out to India from Amer ica, and the very man, who, when Judson became a Baptist, stood up and shielded him with the mantle of Christian love. " For this," said Dr. Sharp, " I have always respected him, and I am sure you will be glad to hear him." It is hardly possible for us to describe the scene which fol lowed. For thirty-three years Nott and Judson had been separated. They met at this moment for the brst time since that separation ; and as they now embraced each other with deep affection and grateful joy, tears started from many an eye Mr. Nott proceeded to speak with much emotion. More than thirty years ago he gave his brother the right hand of fellow ship, and when he became a Baptist it was not withdrawn One reflection most solemnly impressed him — of the five who went out to India, three are dead. The gra?s withereth, the 220 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. flower fadeth, but the word of our God shall stand forever. In a little while they would all be gone, and every agency now employed pass away ; but God's word will stand fast, and pre vail over all the earth. Mr. Nott referred to the small begin ning of the American Board, as well as the Baptist, their trust in God, and the present great and glorious work which is ex hibited to us in contrast. The missionary movement in this country originated simultaneously in different hearts ; the spirit of the Most High, and not human influence, gave it birth. He deemed it a very trifling question whether Adoniram Judson or Samuel J. Mills was the originator of foreign mis sions. Samuel Nott, Jr., certainly was not. They were all mere boys, but with God's blessing on their puerile efforts, they had begun an influence which is spreading over the world. '^ It was now* discovered that Mr. Bingham, a pioneer mission ary to the Sandwich Islands, was unexpectedly present ; and another thrill of pleasure went through the congregation as his name was also announced by Dr. Sharp. He addressed the assembly, congratulating his missionary brethren, referring to his own early toils and to the great success of the Sandwich Island mission, and exhorting the people generously to sustain the glorious cause of missions. Special Mtsetinp~of the Acting Board.* A special meeting of the Acting Board was called at the Missionary Rooms, Boston, October 20, the Hon. Richard Fletcher, one of the vice presidents, in the chair. The meet ing was opened with prayer, after which the Corresponding Secretary, the Rev. S. Peck, announced the arrival of the Rev. Dr. Judson, on the 15 th instant, in the ship Sophia Walker, and also the death of Mrs. Judson, on the 1st of September, at St. Helena. The following resolutions were unanimously adopted : — Whereas the Rev. Dr. Judson, the earliest missionary of * Macedonian, November, 1845. MEETING WITH THE ACTING BOARD. 221 this board, has been led by divine Providence to revisit his native country, after the lapse of more than thirty-three years, and is expected to be present with us this morning, — Resolved, 1. That it is a fit occasion to record our sense of the goodness of God, and of his claims to our devout and fer vent praise. Through all the scenes of that eventful period, — in toil, in solitude, in manifold privations, in sickness, in im prisonments, in bereavements, — God has been ever with and around his servant ; has sheltered, rescued, strengthened, comforted him ; has given him the desire of his heart in com pleting a revised translation of the Bible in the Burmese lan guage, now multiplied and circulated by thousands has enabled him to gather a church of Burmese converts — be lievers in Christ, the seal of his apostleship to the heathen ; and having filled up more than twice the ordinary term of missionary service, allows him to cherish the hope of prose cuting to its completion the great work in which he is now engaged — the preparation of a dictionary, the first attempted, of the Burmese language. Resolved, 2. That, in the afflictive circumstances which more immediately occasioned the return of Dr. Judson, this board are conscious of a personal and deeply painful interest ; and especially do we sympathize with our bereaved brothei under the visitation of God which has separated from him helper and friend, the partner of his life and the mother of his children, and assigned a resting-place to her remains in a solitary island of the sea. But we sorrow in hope. She was almost twenty years a diligent and honored laborer in the missionary field ; and many a Karen and Burman, saved through her instrumentality, will rise up in the judgment and call her blessed. Resolved, 3. That it gives us an unwonted joy to see the face of our beloved brother Judson in the flesh, to take him by the hand, to mingle our mutual congratulations, to bow with him in prayers and thanksgivings before the Lord of missions, both his Lord and ours. We welcome him to this our com mon native land, to our places of religious concourse, to our 19* 222 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. council boards and our altars ; we welcome him to our homes and our hearts. Resolved, 4. That the president be requested, on behalf of the board, to communicate the above resolves to Dr. Judson, on his presentation. Dr. Judson was then introduced to the board, and the fore going resolutions were read. He made a brief reply, expres sive of his feelings towards the board — feehngs of gratitude, confidence, and love. The president followed, assuring him, in behalf of the board, that his sentiments were fully and cor dially reciprocated. A free conversation ensued, in which Dr. Judson made many interesting statements. To the Corresponding Secretary. Bradford, October 28, 1845. Mi dear Brother : I came here from Salem, in the stage coach, yesterday forenoon. My throat is getting much worse, not so much, I hope, from continual conversation, as from a severe cold, which I increase every day, and especially every evening that I go out to meetings. Last night I suf fered a good deal through the night, and thought I should be quite disabled to-day ; but now I am a little relieved. I dread the meeting this evening at Haverhill ; but as it has been ap pointed, I suppose I must attend. My chief object in writing is to beg that I may be excused from attending any more such meetings, until I get a httle better. I expect to be in Boston to-morrow, and shall want two or three days for some neces sary business, and propose to go to Worcester Friday or Sat urday ; and if I could spend the next Sabbath alone in some chamber, I should feel it a great privilege, both as a refresh ment to the soul and a relief to the body. And I should then, perhaps, be better able to prosecute my journey westward. May the. Lord bless and direct us in all our ways. Yours most affectionately, A. Judson. VISIT TO PROVIDENCE. 223 Visit to Providence and Brown University. In N .vember Dr. Judson visited Providence, and spen. a day in Brown University, the place of his early education. The following notices of his visit are taken from the papers of the day. Providence, November 17, 1845. The presence of Dr. Judson in our city has thrilled many a Christian heart with gratitude and joy. It is good, indeed, to behold the face, and listen to the voice, though it be only in whispering tones, of one whose name and worth have long had a cherished place in our hearts, and whom the whole Christian world reveres and loves. The missionary meeting that was held here on Sunday evening, on the occasion of Dr. Judson's presence, will long be remembered by all who were there. It was not the least interesting feature of the oc casion, that it was a union missionary meeting of all the evan gelical denominations ; and, though it was held in the First Baptist Church, you will not be surprised to learn that at a very early hour every part of that large house was crowded to overflowing. Not a pew in any part of the house, not a place in all the aisles, not the remotest corner, above or below, remained unoccupied. After an appropriate anthem from the choir, selections from the Scriptures were read, and prayer was offered by Rev. Mr. Granger. Dr. Wayland then addressed the audience. He gave a rapid and interesting sketch of the life and labors of Dr. Judson, and of the origin and progress of the Burman mission, and then, with words of welcome and con gratulation, introduced Dr. Judson to the audience. Dr. Jud son arose, and, as his voice would not allow him audibly to address the congregation, the Rev. Dr. Caswell stood by his side and acted as an interpreter. The first wish of his heart on this occasion, Dr. Judson said, was to express, in behalf of himself and his missionary brethren, his deep sense of gratitude to the church usually worshipping in that house, as one of the foremost of the Baptist churches in the work of missions, and especially for their contr 'buttons to the support of the pastor 224 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. of the native church in Rangoon. In the early part of his residence in Rangoon, he went on to relate, a Burman philos opher, attended by his pupils, on their way to a neighboring pagoda, was wi;nt to pass the place where he lived, and from which he instructed the people. On one occasion, the philosophei was stopped by the crowd gathered about Dr. Judson, and his eye accidentally fell upon the first tract that was publiahed in the Burmese language, the opening words of which announced the existence of a living, eternal God. These significant words arrested his whole attention, and he stood a long time, as in profound thought, his whole soul ab sorbed with the great truth which they taught. To himself, as well as the whole nation, this was a new idea, and it led to a long course of study and investigation, which finally resulted in the renunciation of the religion of his country, and the adoption of Christianity. He was baptized, and commenced a course of zealous labor as a Christian teacher. He soon became obnoxious to the government, and was tried and condemned to death. But be fore the day of execution came on, he effected his escape, and fled from the city. Since that time Dr. Judson had never seen him, nor learned any particulars of his life, but had fre quently heard of him, through persons who came a long dis tance from the interior, in search of tracts and Bibles, having been awakened to inquiry, and converted to the Christian faith, by his instructions. The native pastor, to whom refer ence had been made, was once a pupil of this Burman phi losopher, and afterwards his disciple in the better school of Christian truth. After this interesting allusion to this signal instance of the effect of Christian missions, Dr. Judson ob served that for more than thirty-three years he had been liv ing in the midst of a people of practical atheists, whose sole object of worship was the image of a being called Gaudama, who had lived some two thousand years ago. The image of this being they were taught to worship from their earliest infancy ; mothers bringing to it their little chil dren in their arms, and teaching them to clasp it with the VISIT TO BROWN UNIVERSITY. 225 affection ot infantile devotion. Through the blessing of God much good had been done, multitudes converted, and churches formed ; ar,d nothing but the toleration of government seemed wanting to give the blessings of Christianity to the whole na tion. On returning to his native land after so long an ab sence, he saw on all sides much to admire and love ; but he must confess that the conversion of one immortal soul on those heathen shores awakened within him deeper emotion than all the beauty of this glorious land. The greatest favor he could ask of his Christian friends was, to permit him to return as soon as possible to his home on the banks of the Salwen ; those banks from which he had led so many happy converts into the baptismal waters ; those banks which had so often resounded with the notes of a baptismal song, com posed by her whom he had so lately lost, who had now left her task of making hymns on earth for the higher and better one of singing with angels and ransomed spirits that " new song of Moses and the Lamb." " May it be ours," were the last words of the speaker, " to meet her there at last, and join that holy throng whom no man can number, who rest not day and night, saying, Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty ! " Addresses were then made by Dr. Caswell, Rev. Mr. Jame son, and Rev. Mr. Leavitt ; and the exercises of the meeting were closed by prayer, and the singing of the Missionary Hymn. On Monday Dr. Judson visited Brown University. The return of this distinguished man to this seat of learning, in which he was graduated in 1807, and from which he has been absent in a heathen land more than thirty years, awakened the deepest interest in all the members of the university. The students assembled in the library room, and, after bulng introduced, were addressed by him in a few words, ex pressing the thoughts and feelings which thronged in upon him on revisiting the place of his education. He expressed his admiration at the improved condition of all that he saw around him in the external condition of the college, as well as its in ternal arrangements, its increased means of education, and the 226 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. quiet and gentlemanly deportment of the students, and in clos ing paid a high compliment to the distinguished president of the university, who was known, he said, as a scholar and a friend of missions, wherever American missionaries had gone. Dr. Judson was also present at a special meeting of the Philermenian Society, of which he was a member when an undergraduate. On being introduced by one of the officers of the college, he was welcomed in an appropriate speech by the president of the society. The secretary then read the records of the meeting in 1804, at which time Mr. Judson joined the society. The reading of this record awakened many old associations of Dr. Judson's college life, and rising under the influence of deep emotion, he said a few earnest and affectionate words, expressive of his continued in terest in the society, and his warm wishes for the intellectual and spiritual welfare of all its members. The society was also addressed by Rev. Thomas Williams, who was well acquainted with Dr. Judson when in college. He spoke with deep feeling of the early character of Dr. Judson, and after adverting to his subsequent life and labors, exhorted the members of the society to place before them for imitation his bright Christian example. The whole occasion was one of the deepest interest, and will long be remembered by all who were present. The following comprises the substance. of Dr. Jud son's address to the Society for Missionary Inquiry, in Brown University, during his visit : — Dr. Judson, accompanied by Dr. Wayland, met the members at the society's room, where he was apprised of the object of the association, the general character of its meetings, and of the -provision in its constitution which requires from every member a pledge that he will make it a matter of serious inquiry and earnest prayer, to ascertain whether it be not his duty to go in person as a missionary to the heathen. On the table befor* him lay the " Holj Bible in Burmese." MEETING WITH SOCIETY FOR MISSIONARY INQUIRY. 227 He held in his hands the book containing the constitution and the names of members, some of whom are now in the mis sionary field. He examined it for a moment, and then in a low voice, but with a most impressive manner, expressed himself in language very nearly as follows : — My dear young Brethren : There is one, and only one, right path for every man, — foi each one of you to follow, in order to insure the full appn ib.'ition of God, and the great est success in your efforts to do good and glorify him. Seek that one path. There may, indeed, be some other path, not very far from the right one, in which you can accomplish something for the cause of truth ; but nowhere can you do so much as in that one. Do not, my brethren, content your selves with any thing short of finding the one path marked out for you by the will of Heaven ; and when you have found it, walk in it, straight forward, and let nothing turn you aside. But to find that path : that is the question, and one not to be settled without diligent inquiry. To determine this point in your own case, in the first place, try all your schemes by the unerring word of God. Reject, at once, whatever has not a firm basis there. Let this blessed word be to you the golden lamp of heaven, hung out to guide you into and along the pathway of duty, and do not for a moment turn your backs upon this glorious light, to follow the feeble tapers of your own lighting. But you are not to suppose that this of itself, independent of all other considerations, will decide you to your particular sphere of labor. Next, then, look for the developments of God's providence in your own characters, and in the circumstances in whi :h you are placed. Watch for the expression of his will in the opinions and advice of your most pious and judicious brethren respecting you, and by all means humbly and earnestly pray f:r guidance from above. Finally, seek for a deep and abiding conviction of duty. Do not act from the impulse of mere feeling. There is great danger here. Feelings often mislead us. Good men some times mistake transient impressions, or the whisperings of 228 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. their own vain imaginations, for a sense of duty, and follow some satanic influence, instead of the Spirit of truth. You must be very cautious here. I well recollect when I and other young men stood before the association in Bradford, to petition that body for aid in prosecuting our missionary scheme. Inquiry was made respecting the motives which prompted us to engage in this work. Samuel J. Mills replied, with great emphasis, " I feel myself impelled to go — yea, woe is me if I preach not the gospel to the heathen.'' It is this settled conviction of duty to Christ, a feeling that necessity is laid upon him, and this only, that will sustain a man under the severe trials and labors of the missionary life. Without this he will soon be discouraged, and faint by the way. But with the assurance that, having humbly submitted himself to the divine teaching, he has the approval of Christ, he is prepared for any event. With this he can labor ; by this he can die. If brought into difficulties, from which there seems no escape, he feels that he has gone thus far in obedience to his Lord's command ; that he is doing his Master's work ; and that, whatever befalls him, all is well : it is the will of Christ. If you can have this unwavering conviction, my dear brethren, that God requires you to go as missionaries to the heathen, go. But do not go without it. It is indispensa ble to your success. I have known more than one missionary break down for want of this assurance. If it be the will of God, may many of you go, constrained by the love of Christ, and lead many more to love him ; and when our work is done on earth, may we all be raised to heaven, where we shall know more of his love to us, and love him more. A short but fervent prayer by Dr. Judson closed this deep ly interesting interview ; and I doubt not all present felt, as the man of God turned to depart, what it was to live and labor for Jesus Christ, as they never felt it before. A special meeting of the Triennial Convention was held in the city of New York, on the 19th of MEETING WITH THE TRIENNIAL CONVENTION. 229 November, 1845. At this meeting, the following res olutions, prefaced with a brief and -eloquent address, were offered by the B,ev. Dr. Cone, of New York : — Resolved, That this convention regard as a special occa sion of gratitude to the God of all grace, that he has so long preserved the life of our senior missionary, the Rev. Adoni ram Judson, D. D., and has strengthened him to perform ser vices of inestimable value to the perishing heathen. Resolved, That the president be requested to express to our brother Judson assurances of the pleasure with which we welcome him to his native land, and of our heartfelt sympathy with him in the painful circumstances which have withdrawn him, as we hope, only for a season from the field of his mis sionary labors. The resolutions having been unanimously adopted, Dr. Judson rose, in the presence of a deeply-affected assembly, when the president addressed him as fol lows : — Tt is with no ordinary feelings, my beloved brother, that I rise to discharge the duty imposed upon me by the resolution which you have this moment heard. My own heart assures me that language is inadequate to express the sentiments of your brethren on the present occasion. Thirty-three years since, you and a few other servants of the most high God, relying simply upon his promises, left your native land to carry the message of Christ to the heathen. You were the first offering of the American churches to the Gentiles. You went forth amid the sneers of the thoughtless, and with only the cold and reluctant consent of many of your brethren. The general voice declared your undertaking fa natical, and those who cowered under its rebuke drew back from you in alarm. On the voyage your views respecting Christian ordinances became changed, and this change gave rise to the convention now in session before you. vol. ii. 20 230 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. When at length you arrived in India, more formidable ob stacks than those arising from paganism were thrown in your path. The mightiest empire that the world has ever seen forbade every attempt to preach Christ to the countless mil lions subjected to her sway, and ordered you peremptorily from her shores. Escaping from her power, you took refuge in the Isle of France, and at last, after many perils, arrived at Rangoon, where, out of the reach of Christian power, you were permitted to enter upon your labors of love. After years of toil you were able to preach Christ to the Bur mans, and men began to inquire after the eternal God. The intolerance of the government then became apparent, and you proceeded to Ava, to plead the cause of toleration before the emperor. Your second attempt was successful, and permis sion was granted to preach the gospel in the capital itself. But how inscrutable are the ways of Providence ! Your labors had just commenced when a British army took possession of Rangoon, and you and your fellow-laborer, the late Dr. Price, were cast into a loathsome dungeon, and loaded with chains. For nearly two years you suffered all that barbarian cruelty could inflict; and to the special interposition of God alone is it to be ascribed that your imprisonment was not terminated by a violent death. On you, more than any other missionary of modern times, has been conferred the distinction of suffering for Christ. Your limbs have been galled with fetters, and you have tracked with bleeding feet the burning sands between Ava and Oung-pen-la. With the apostle of the Gentiles you may say, " Henceforth let no man trouble me ; I bear in my body the scars of the Lord Jesus." Yet even here God did not leave you comfort less. He had provided an angel to minister to your wants, and when her errand was accomplished, took her to himself, and the hopia tree marks the spot whence her spirit ascended. From prison and from chains, God, in his own time, delivered you, and made your assistance of special importance in nego tiating a treaty of peace between these two nations, one of whom had driven you from her shores, and the other had in flicted upon you every cruelty but death. MEETING WITH THE TRIENNIAL CONVENTION. 231 Since this period, the prime of your life has been spent in laboring to bless the people who had so barbarously perse cuted you. Almost all the Christian literature in their lan guage has proceeded from your pen ; your own hand has given to the nation the oracles of God, and opened to the mil lions now living, and to those that shall come after them to the end of time, the door of everlasting life. That mysterious Providence which shut you out from Burmah proper has in troduced you to the Karens — a people who seem to have preserved, from remote antiquity, the knowledge of the true God, and who were waiting to receive the message of his Son. To them you, and those who have followed in your footsteps, have made known the Saviour of the world, and they by thou sands have flocked to the standard of the cross. After years spent in unremitted toil, the providence of God has brought you to be present with us at this important crisis. We sympathize with you in all the sorrows of your painful voyage. May God sustain you in your sore bereavement, and cause even this mysterious dispensation to work out for you a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory. How changed is the moral aspect of the world since you first entered upon your labors ! Then no pagan nation had heard the name of Christ from American lips; at present, churches of Christ, planted by American benevolence, are springing up in almost every heathen nation. The shores of the Mediterranean, the islands of the sea, the thronged cities and the wild jungles of India, are resounding with the high praises of God, in strains first taught by American missionaries. The nation that drove you from her shores has learned to foster the messenger of the cross with parental solicitude. You return to your native land, whence you were suffered to depart almost without her blessing, and you find that the missionary enterprise has kindled a flame that can never be quenched in the heart of the universal church, and that every Christian and every philanthropist comes forward to tender to you the hom age due to the man through whose sufferings, labors, and exam ples, these changes have, to so great a degree, been effect sd. In 232 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. behalf of our brethren, in behalf of the whole church of Christ, we welcome you back to the land of your fathers. God grant that your life may long be preserved, and that what you have seen may prove to be but the beginning of blessing to our churches at home and to the heathen abroad. Dr. Judson briefly expressed his thanks for the kind manner in which he had been uniformly welcomed since his return, and earnestly hoped that all this would be overruled and blessed to promote his humili ty, and the more faithful discharge of his duty among the heathen. The following addresses were delivered by Dr. Jud son on several occasions during his visit to the United States. Address at a Missionary Meeting in Philadelphia. Be ye imitators of me, as I am of Christ, is a divine com mand. There is one Being in the universe who unites in himself all the excellences of the human and divine nature — that being is Jesus Christ. To become like Jesus Christ, we must be like him, not only in spirit and character, but in the whole course and conduct of life ; and to become like him ought to be our whole aim. In order to this, it is necessary to ascertain the leading characteristics of that glorious Being. It appears from the inspired writings, that one leading charac teristic of Christ was, that " he went about doing good." To be like him, we must go about — not merely stay and do good, but go and do good. There is another characteristic which we should consider. He led the life of a missionary. In order, therefore, to be like him in this particular, we must endeavor, as far as possible, to lead the life of missionaries. Before my arrival in Burmah, there were about seven millions of men, women, and children, who had no knowledge of the true Gcd, and of salvation through Jesus Christ. They did not believe in the existence of an eternal God. They believed that wher ADDRESS IN PHILADELPHIA. 233 they died they would be changed into beasts, or be annihilated. Their only object in worship was to obtain some mitigation of suffering. They never expected to meet their friends again after death. Imagine yourselves, my Christian friends, in their state without a knowledge of God. Suppose, while in that state, you heard that in some isle of the sea were those who had received a revelation, informing them that God had sent his own Son to open a way to everlasting life ; would you not rejoice, if some one should come to show you that way to heaven ? Would not some of you believe ? Would you not leap with joy, and kiss the feet of those who brought you the good tidings ? Would you not, under these circumstances, desire that a messenger should come to you ? " As ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them." I should rejoice to address the assembly at large, but my physicians have forbidden me, and I must commit this duty to others who are to follow. But allow me to say, that I regard the office of the missionary as a most glorious occupation, because the faithful missionary is engaged in a work which is like that of the Lord Jesus Christ ; and a missionary who is unfaithful sinks the lowest of his species in guilt and ignominy. Happy are they who can in this respect follow Christ. But the Lord Jesus is not now a missionary. He has retired from this employment, and now eniploys himself in sustaining his missionaries, with the promise, " Lo, I am with you alway, even to the end." If you cannot, therefore, become a missionary, sustain by your prayers, your influence, and your property, those who are. In these ways Jesus Christ now sustains them. By his prayers, as Advocate and Intercessor with the Father; by his influence, as he is vested with all power in heaven and earth ; by his property, by pouring out fresh supplies of his Spirit, and open ing the hearts of his children to contribute. In order, there fore, to be .like Christ, go about doing good ; and if it is not in your power to give yourselves to this work, give your prayers, your influence, and your property. So far as we are like Christ in this world, so far shall we be like him through eter nity Sc far as we sustain this cause, which is peculiarly 20 * 234 MEMOIR OP DR. JUDSON. the cause of God, so far shall we be happy through end less ages. Remar7cs . efore the Boardman Missionary Society at Waterville College. At the appointed hour the society, together with the faculty and the remainder of the students, assembled in one of the recitation rooms, where ensued a scene of such solemn interest as has seldom occurred among us. The crowded room was hushed into the most death-like stillness, in order that not a syllable should be lost to any ear ; and as the low, earnest and melodious tones fell upon us, it seemed hardly sacrilegious to be reminded of the " still small voice" that addressed the prophet Elijah. Copious notes of his remarks were taken by some of the brethren, which may be read with interest by those who love to treasure up every word that drops from the lips of this modern apostle. He began, with manifest signs of deep feeling : " Upon an occasion like this, dear brethren, a multitude of thoughts crowd upon me, so that I know not where to begin or what to select. Probably many of you have the ministry in view, and some perhaps look forward to a missionary life. You will expect me to speak of missions and missionary life. I have seen so much of the trials and responsibility of missionary labors, that I am unwilling to urge any one to assume them. The urging must come from a higher source. One important thought just occurs to me. You have but one life to live in which to pre pare for eternity. If you had four or five lives, two or three of them might be spent in carelessness. But you have one, only. Every action of that one life gives coloring to your eter nity. How important, then, that you spend that life so as to please the Saviour, the blessed Saviour, who has done every thing for you ! " If any of you enter the gospel ministry in this or other lands, let not your object be so much to ' do your duty,' or even to ' save souls,' though these should have a place in your mo tives, as to please the Lord Jesus. Let this be your ruling motiv; in all that you do. Now, do you ask how you shall ADDRESS BEFORE THE A. AND F. BIBLE SOCIETY. 235 please him ? How, indeed, shall we know what will please him, but by his commands ? Obey these commands, and you will not fail to please him. And there is that ' last command,' given just before he ascended to the Father, ' Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.' It is not yet obeyed as it should be. Fulfil that, and you will please the Saviour. " Some one asked me, not long ago, whether faith or love sa- luenced me most in going to the heathen. I thought of it a while, and at length concluded that there was in me but littl% of either. But in thinking of what did influence me, I remem bered a time, out in the woods back of Andover Seminary, when I was almost disheartened. Every thing looked dark. No one had gone out from this country. The way was not i. pen. The field was far distant, and in an unhealthy climate. I knew not what to do. All at once ' that ' last command ' seemed to come to my heart directly from heaven. I could doubt no longer, but determined on the spot to obey it at all hazards, for the sake of pleasing the Lord Jesus Christ. " Now, my dear brethren, if the Lord wants you for mission aries, he will set that command home to your hearts. If he does so, you neglect it at your peril." Dr. Judson spoke, in a most impressive and glowing manner, of the reward laid up on high for those who endeavored to please the Saviour, and then offered a prayer which I can only describe by saying, it was one of Judson's prayers. I had enjoyed a previous opportunity of uniting my petitions with his before the throne- of grace, and can say that the repetition of the privilege caused me to admire yet more the exceeding simplicity and humility which adorn this great man's character. Address before the American and Foreign Bible Society- Go ye into all the world and preach the gospelj or rather proclaim the good news, to every creature. The word preach has in modern usage acquired a meaning rather too specific for the original. Oral communication may be the first and most obvious, but is certainly not the exclusive meaning of the 236 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. original word. It is more faithfully represented in English bv the word proclaim. If a messenger from a king or supe rior government should be sent to a rebellious province, to proclaim pardon to the inhabitants, he would evidently be ful filling his commission, whether he communicated the intel ligence by addressing the people in his own person, or by in serting notices in the public prints, or by circulating handbills, or by distributing authentic documents from the sovereign, declaring the terms of pardon. The apostle Paul did as , really and csrtainly, as effectually and extensively, proclaim the gospel, when he penned the Epistles to the Hebrews and ihe Romans, as when he addressed the Jews in their syna gogues, or received co.npany in his own hired house at Rome. The earlier communications of a missionary, sent to impart the gospel to an unenlightened people, will probably be of an oral kind ; but he will have very imperfectly fulfilled his commission, if he leave them without the written word. The mischievous consequences also of such neglect are abundantly manifest in the missions conducted by the man of sin. Prot estant missions have patronized the translation and distribu tion of the Scriptures ; but of late years there has appeared, in one or two instances, a tendency to promote the oral com munication of the gospel, not indeed to an undue preeminence, but in such a manner as to throw a shade over the written communication, by means of tracts and Scriptures. In ex amining the annals of modern missions, it is difficult to ascer tain which mode of communicating the gospel among a read ing nation has received the greatest share of divine blessing, and been instrumental of bringing most souls to the knowl edge of the truth. And however the preaching of the gospel, in its common acceptation, and the distribution of tracts, may secure earlier effects, and be regarded as more popular, all missionary operations, to be permanently successful, must be based on the written word. Where that word is most regarded and honored, there will be the most pure and per manent success. The word of God is tJ e golden lamp hung out of heaven, ADDRESS BEFORE THE A. AND F. BIBLE SOCIETY. 237 to enlighten the nations that sit in darkness, and to show them the path that leads from the confines of hell to the gates of paradise. The Bible, in the original tongues, comprises all the revelation now extant which God has given to this world. It is, in all its contents, and parts, and appendages, just the book, the 01:3 book, which infinite wisdom saw best adapted to answer the end of a written revelation. It may not be reducible to the rules of human philosophy or logic, for it transcends them all. It is just as clear and obscure, just as copious and scanty, has just as many beauties and blemishes, is replete with just as many difficulties and apparent contra dictions, as infinite wisdom saw necessary, in order to make it, like all the works of God, perfect and unique. This one perfect book is the sacred deposit in the hands of the church. It has been deposited with the injunction, " Freely ye have received, freely give." Woe be to that man who withholds the treasure from his neighbor. Woe be to him who attempts to obscure the light of the lamp of heaven. It is the peculiar glory of the last half century that the Christian world has awaked to the duty and importance of giving the sacred word " to all lands." Praised be God for Bible and Mis sionary Societies, the peculiar institutions of modern times. May their efforts be continued and enlarged a hundred fold, until their work is consummated — until the Bible is translated and published in every language under heaven, and a copy of the sacred volume deposited in every palace, and house, and hut inhabited by man. In this momentous era, can any believer in the Christian religion hope to lie down in the grave, and pass quietly to paradise, without having made some effort to diffuse the light of the Bible throughout the world ? Before he cherishes such a hope, and makes up his mind for such repose, let him consider how many millions there are who have never seen so much as one leaf of the sacred volume, never tasted so much as one drop of the water of that well from which he is draw ing and drinking every day. Let him consider how much money must be sxpenda 1, how many toilsome efforts made, 238 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. and how many lives sacrificed, before the book can be trans lated, printed, published, and distributed, before the well can be unsealed, and the water of life drawn and presented to all mankind. And then let him inquire of his conscience what he has done towards accomplishing this great work, during the years that have passed since he ventured to hope in the Saviour. He will then be unable to refrain from lifting up his cry, God of mercy, have mercy on me, and help me from this moment to spring forward to the work, with such alacrity,^ and resolution, and self-devotement, as will secure the approv ing smile of the Saviour, and afford my own soul satisfaction on the great day. Address at a Meeting in JJtica, New York. When mingling in scenes like the present, and like that in which he participated on the preceding evening, at which he believed some then listening to him were present, he was led into trains of meditation which excited the most deep and subduing emotions. At such times he involuntarily recalled many spots memorable in his history. One of these was the prison at Ava, to which allusion had already been made. In that gloomy place, on one night when he was more heavily fettered and was enduring more suffering than usual, he rose from the painful posture in which he reclined to lean, for an interval, against the wall. As he cast his eyes around upon the mass of wretchedness before him, he was able, by the dim light which was always kept burning in the prison, to observe the condition of the miserable beings among whom he was confined. It was an appalling sight. About a hun dred condemned felons were before him, some sentenced for murder, all for atrocious crimes. While looking on that spec tacle, he felt that if ever, by God's mercy, he should obtain his freedom, he would endeavor to bear without repining the ills he might be called to endure. Another spot brought to his recollection was that where he stood to witness the worship of the Bengalee Juggernaut, — not the great Juggernaut of Orissa, — for there are several in India, — but one in the MEETING- Al UTICA. 23S province of Bengal. The idol car moved onward. Before him, extending as far as the eye could reach, was a vast ex panse, a sea of human heads. The whole concourse of de luded worshippers were shouting as with one voice. Again his mind reverted to a scene that fell under his observation, not many years since, in the Karen jungles. It was one of the festivals of the Karens. He saw three hundred persons, prostrate upon the earth, men, women, and children, promis cuously mingled, covered with filth, in a state of brutal intox ication — a spectacle not to be described to a Christian audi ence. Scenes like these forced themselves upon his recollec tion, in view of our places of worship and happy homes. When coming among us, and seeing the contrasted comfort, elegance, and refinement, that make our dwellings so inviting and their inmates so happy, the question spontaneously arose, What is the cause of all this difference ? O, it is the gospel — the gospel ! While surrounded with these manifold bless ings, we could but very imperfectly appreciate the sole cause of them all. It was to a world suffering under such wretchedness as had been spoken of, that the Lord Jesus Christ, in compas sion for mankind, descended in the reign of the despotic and abandoned Herod. Amid such scenes he mingled, till he ex pired on the cross. If his gospel is able to effect all that we have seen, to transform the ignorant, sensual, and degraded heathen, and to elevate a nation to such a height of dignity and enjoyment, and all this in a world still so full of sin, how will its power appear in the world to which we are ad vancing ? If here, where sin yet reigns, so great a contrast can be wrought, how much greater the contrast between this imperfect state and heaven, free from every defilement ! In Burmah, after all that has been done, there is still the same prison at Ava, with its manacled convicts. The same Bengalee Juggernaut is still surrounded by its countless wor shippers. The same orgies are still celebrated in the Karen jungles ; and scenes innumerable, as revolting as these, are 240 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. witnessed in all heathen lands. 0, let us pray for the millions who know nothing of a God or a Saviour, a heaven or a hell. Address at Washington, D. C. It has been said that human praise to human ears is always sweet ; but to me, as a missionary of the cross, it is only so when offered through me to my Lord. I feel that I am a mis erable sinner, and desire that my brethren here will unite and pray for me, that all my past unfaithfulness may be pardoned. What was the missionary's work ? Some of its responsibili ties, and the encouragements we had to prosecute it, Dr. Jud son said, had been declared to us in the discourse to which we had listened this evening.* When he first visited Burmah, the idea of an eternal God was not believed nor entertained by any of the Burmans ; and nothing more than this idea was entertained by the Karens ; but now the former had in their own language the whole word of God ; and the New Testa ment, and parts of the Old, had been translated, by American missionaries, into several other languages of the East. He spoke of our missions as expensive, as requiring much for the outfit of missionaries, and for sustaining them in that field ; but sacrifices of a pecuniary character were not the only or the greatest ones to be encountered. There was the sacrifice of domestic and social comforts here enjoyed, and the sacrifice of life. He remarked that the average life of American mis sionaries to the East was only about five years. But we must have men and money for this work ; and we must all cooper ate and make sacrifices together. If men were found willing to go, the church at home should feel willing to send them out, and support them, that they might give themselves wholly to their work. Dr. Judson said that his heart was full, and it was a great privation to him that he was not able to speak out, and unburden himself, to the satisfaction of himself and of the audience ; but this the providence of God prevented him from doing, and he must submit. * By the Rev. G-. W. Samson. 1ETTERS TO HIS CHILDREN. 241 To his Sons. Dear Adoniram: and Elnathan : You know not how much I love you, and how much I think of you. I pray for you every time I pray for myself. I hear that there are revivals of religion beginning to appear in different parts of the country. It would be a blessed thing if you should both experience religion, and have the privilege of beginning a revival in Worcester. Cherish this desire in your hearts, and pray in faith that the blessing may come. If you begin to feel sorry for your sins, and afraid of the wrath to come, and begin to love the dear Saviour, because he has died to save you, and feel some desire to commit your immortal souls to him,. and be forgiven and accepted, you may begin to hope the grace of God is reaching you, and that the blessed work is just beginning. Hold on, then, and cherish those impres sions, until you get full light and hope. Dear children, remember your father in his solitary wander ings, and forget not your dear mother, whom we buried at St. Helena. Pray for your sister, and your httle brothers beyond the sea. Your ever affectionate father, A. Judson. To G.. D. Boardman. Washington, January 26, 1846. My dear George : I write to say that I expect to leave this for Richmond, Virginia, in a few days ; and if you write me, to the care of Mr. Archibald Thomas, of that place, I shall get your letter before proceeding farther south, or re turning north. I am doubtful which course I shall take. The cold weather is moderate in these parts, and I bear it very well. My throat also is getting better, in consequence of never speaking in public. Certain medicines also have, I suppose, done me some good. Mr. Peck writes me that there will be an opportunity of Bailing direct to Maulmain, about the 1st of July. Several vol. ii. 21 242 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. of us will probably go out together, On this account, I vant to spend more of my time at the north. It is my daily prayer that you may be a growing Chris tian ; that your faith may become stronger, your love more ardent, and your whole soul and body more consecrated tc the service of your adorable Lord. To his Sons. Dear Adoniram and Elnathan: It is most painful to reflect that I shall never, in all probability, live with you much more — only a few days, now and then — before I embark for Burmah — you, my two dear boys, that I have loved so much, and tried to take care of, by day and by night, for so many years. But this separation must take place, and I must commit you to the kind friends who now take charge of you, in hope that God will incline their hearts, as hitherto, to do all for you that is necessary and best, and in the most precious hope that you will become children of God, and be prepared to meet me and your departed mother before the throne of God, with exceeding joy. When George writes, add a few lines, each of you, that I may see your writing, though I cannot see your sweet faces. To Mrs. Newton, of Worcester, Mass. My dear Mrs. Newton : I thank you for the few lines that you appended to George's last letter. I need not ask you to take care of my poor boys. I know you will do so. And I only hope that they will ever be obedient and grateful. We had splendid meetings in Philadelphia. You will see, by the papers, that above fifteen thousand dollars were raised in that city ; and they will probably raise ten thousand dol lars every year, perhaps more ; but my nervous system became deranged again, and I passed many sleepless nights After a few days I recovered, and am now pretty well. With love to Dr. Newton, Most affectionately, A. Judson. MEETING AT RICHMOND. 243 To the Rev. Dr. Johnson. Richmond, February 6, 1846. Rev. and very dear Brother : I have heard so much of you from all quarters, and especially from my missionary associate, brother Binney, that when I received your kind letter of the 23d of December last, I felt that I must come on and see you and Dr. Fuller, of Beaufort. But I now find it impossible. The heavy press of business lying "on me in the Northern States, which must be disposed of previous to sail ing for the East, the prospect of which is now drawing near, the increasing complaint of my throat, and the urgent advice of the most eminent doctors that I desist from visiting new places, and continuing to aggravate the disease, which, they say, is even now ready to settle on my lungs, seem to present an insuperable barrier to my proceeding farther south than this city. This city I determined at all risks to visit, as it is the seat of the Southern Convention, in the welfare and pros perity of which I feel deeply interested. But farther south I cannot. I turn my face to the north with great reluctance ; but the bright hope of soon turning my face to the East, my conn- try, my home on earth, dispels all reluctance to leave any part of this country, and cheers me with the prospect of spending the remnant of life where I have spent the greater part of it. Dear brother, Most affectionately and respectfully yours, A. Judson. Rev. Dr. Johnson, Pres. S. Carolina Bap. State Convention, &c. On the 8th of February, 1846, a meeting was held at Richmond, Virginia, to welcome the return of Dr. Judson to this country. At this meeting the Rev. Dr. Jeter, pastor of one of the Baptist churches in that city, and president of the Board of the Southern Bap- tist Convention, addressed him as follows : — 244 MEMOIR O ' DR. JUDSON. Brother Judson : I address you on behalf of the Foreign Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention, in Rich mond, and, I may add, of the whole Baptist denomination in the south. The service is at once pleasing and painful — • pleasing, because we had scarcely expected to enjoy the privi lege of seeing your face and grasping your hand; painful, because your want of voice prevents you from imparting to us the instruction and encouragement which you are well qualified to communicate ; and the brevity of your visit will make the pain of separation almost equal to the pleasure of meeting. I seize the present opportunity to present a few remarks ; and I do it the more readily, as the state of your health does not permit us to expect many from yourself. It is interesting to stand at the head spring of a great river, which, traversing a continent, spreads through kingdoms fer tility and all the blessings of commerce. The position awakens emotions of sublimity. It cannot be less interesting and in spiring to contemplate events wliich, in themselves seemingly unimportant, have produced momentous results. To such an event our attention is drawn by your presence. When you and your honored associates, Nott, Mills, and Newell, presented to the General Association of Congrega- tionalists in Massachusetts, assembled in Bradford, in 1810, a paper expressing your desire to engage in the work of for eign missions, and asking their advice and aid, who could have anticipated the result of the application ? At that time the churches were slumbering profoundly on the subject of mis sions ; there were no missionary societies, no plans matured for conducting missions, and no funds collected for the support of missionaries. The application originated the American Board of Com missioners for Foreign Missions. A noble institution it is, superior to any in our own land, and vying, in the wisdom of its measures and the success of its efforts, with the best ordered and most ranowned missionary organizations of the old world. Its annual expenditure is not far. if at all, short of one MEETING AT RICHMOND. 246 third of a million of dollars ; and its mission stations have dotted almost the whole extent of heathendom. Under the patronage of this board, after considerable hesi tation and delay on their part, you embarked, with your com panion and revered associates, in 1812, for the East. On your arrival there, an event occurred deeply affecting your own course, and the cause of missions. You, Mrs. Judson, and the lamented Rice, became Baptists. Whatever may be said or thought of the change, your sincerity in making it can not be reasonably called in question. You abandoned a Christian denomination, wealthy, with whose members you were intimately acquainted, to whom you were tenderly at tached, and from whom you expected a liberal support, and connected yourself with one comparatively poor, to whose members you were a stranger, and from whom you had no prospect of receiving assistance. The hand of God was in it. The change was the means of arousing among the Baptists of the United States the missionary spirit, and forming the Baptist Triennial Convention, under whose patronage you have so long labored. By a remarkable train of events, among which was the breaking out of the war between this country and Great Brit ain, you were led, or rather driven, into Burmah. God had selected that field for you, and desigred that you should accomplish a great work there. I pass over the story of your toils and sufferings, youi chains and imprisonment, and the almost superhuman fortitude of your now sainted companion. It is familiar to every American, and, indeed, every Christian reader. It forms an essential and thrilling chapter in the history of missions. And now, my brother, — to say nothing of what has been effected by the missionaries of the Baptist Triennial Conven tion among the aborigines of America, in France, in Ger many, in Denmark, in Greece, in Africa, in China, in Siam, in Hindoostan, in Asam, — behold what a change God hath wrought in Burmah, and in the contiguous provinces ! The Bible has been translated into the Burman language, carefully 21 * 246 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. revised, printed, put into circulation, and read by thousands. We watched with intense interest the progress of the translation. We prayed that your life might be spared to complete it. We saw you, when, having finished the last leaf of the precious volume, you took it in your hand, and bowing beside your desk, gave thanks to God that he had enabled you to accom plish tha work. To that thanksgiving we subjoined our hearty amen ! In that land, so recently enveloped in the darkness of heathenism, churches have been founded, to wor ship the name and keep the ordinances of Jesus. Native preachers have been raised up to proclaim, in their own tongue, and among their own countrymen, " the unsearchable riches of Christ." The Karens, a simple-hearted and singu lar people, are turning by hundreds and thousands to the Lord. Among them the gospel has had a success rarely equalled since the days of the apostles. On Burmah " the morning light is breaking." The time to favor her has fully come. We cannot penetrate futurity. I pretend not to be skilled in prophetic interpretation. But in the next half century we may anticipate great accessions to Christianity. We found our hope on past success. Wherever the gospel has been preached plainly and faithfully, from the equator to the poles, among civilized or savage men, it has been the "power of God unto salvation." The success of the missionary enter prise has every where corresponded, in a remarkable manner, with the measures of ability, zeal, and diligence employed in its prosecution. We base our expectation on the increasing prevalence of the missionary spirit. When, more than half a century ago, the work of foreign missions commenced among the Anglo-Saxon Christians, led on by the immortal Carey, it was predicted that its advocates would soon grow weary, and relax their efforts. The prediction has not been fulfilled. At no previous period has it been so much the settled policy and purpose of the churches to make efforts and sacrifices in the work of evangelizing the world as it is now. And, above all, we found oui hope on the divine premises. Unless we MEETING AT RiCHMOND. 247 havs misconceived their import, they point to a time of greater light, purity, and triumph in the church than the world has yet seen. This sin-darkened earth is to be filled with the knowledge of the glory of God. From the rising of the sun even unto the going down of the same, the name of Christ shall be great among the Gentiles, and in every place incense shall be offered unto his name, and a pure offering. Henceforth, my brother, you and we shall labor in connec tion with different boards. Events which neither you nor we could control produced the separation ; and God, we trust, will overrule it for good. One thing is certain : the southern Baptists have no thought of abandoning the missionary field. We are buckling on our armor, and marshalling our hosts for a stronger onset on the powers of darkness than we have yet, made. We have selected China as our battle field ; a vast, interesting, and inviting field it is. It contains one half, if not two thirds, of the heathen population of the globe. The wall which for centuries presented an insuperable barrier to the introduction of Christianity has recently been levelled with the dust ; and the banner of the cross now floats in tri umph in Canton. But I must close my remarks. Brother Judson, we are acquainted with your history. We have marked your labors, have sympathized in your various sufferings, have shed many a tear at the foot of the " hopia tree," have gone, in fancy, on mournful pilgrimage to the rocky Island of St. Helena, have rejoiced in your successes and the successes of your devoted associates, and have long and fervently wished to see your face in the flesh. This privilege we now enjoy. Wel come, thrice welcome are you, my brother, to our city, our churches, our bosoms. I speak as the representative of southern Baptists. We love you for the truth's sake, and for your labors in the cause of Christ. We honor you as the father of American missions. One thought pains us. To-morrow morning you will leave us. We shall see your face no more. You will soon return to Burmah, tlv land of your adoption. There you will con- 248 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. tinue your toils, and there, probably, be buried. But this separation is not without its solace. Thank God, it is as near from Burmah to heaven as from Richmond, or any other point on the globe. Angels, oft commissioned to convey to heaven the departing spirits of pious Burmans and Karens, have learned the way to that dark land. When dismissed from your toils and sufferings, they will be in readiness to perform the same service for you. God grant that we may all meet in that bright world. There sin shall no more annoy us, separations no more pain us, and every power will find full and sweet employ in the service of Christ. And now, my brother, I give my hand in token of our affection to you, and of your cordial reception among us. CHAP'l ER VII. MARRIAGE -FAREWELL SERVICES AT BOSTON.- VOYAGE TO MAULMAU:. — RECOMMENCES LAB .IRS AT RANGOON. — RETURN TO MAULMAIN.— REMINISCENCES OF LAST VISIT TO RANGOON 1846-1847. It was manifest to all the friends of Dr. Judson, that, much as he was interested in all that he saw in this country, his heart was in Burmah. He longed to escape from the whirl of even agreeable excitement, in which, from the kindness of friends, he could not but move, and resume his quiet labors for the salva tion of the heathen. He therefore embraced the first opportunity that offered to return to Maulmain. This was undoubtedly unfortunate. Had he remained here for two years at least, his health might have been per manently reestablished. On the 2d of June, 1846, he was married, at Hamil ton, New York, to Miss Emily Chubbuck, a native of Eaton, in the same state. He proceeded immediately to Boston, to prepare for his departure. On the 11th of July he embarked, with Mrs. Judson and several other missionaries, on board the ship Faneuil Hall, Captain Hallet, bound to Maulmain. They arrived there, after a pleasant passage, on the 30th of Novem ber following. Dr. Judson, as soon as possible, resumed his labor at the dictionary. He, however, found that Maulmain was fully supplie 1 with missionaries in both the Bur man aid Karen departments. No missionary had 249 250 memoir of dr. judson. for a long time attempted to establish himself in Ran goon. He could prosecute his dictionary work as well in Rangoon as in Maulmain, and, 'n some re spects, with greater facilities. Besides this, he could do something for the salvation of those who were in the thick darkness of paganism, without any means of religious instruction. At Rangoon, moreover, he could avail himself of any favorable opportunity that might offer for proceeding to Ava, and making another attempt to secure to the disciples some degree of re ligious toleration. With these views he proceeded to Rangoon in Jan uary, 1847, explored the ground, and made arrange^ ments for the removal of his family. As soon as these were completed, he returned to Maulmain, and ree'mbarked for Rangoon February 15, 1847. He found the government exceedingly intolerant on the subject of religion, although he, as a Protestant preacher, and maker of the dictionary, was kindly received. The governor was a member of the royal family, with whom he had been acquainted during his former residence at Ava ; and he not only favored the proposal of Dr. Judson's visit to Ava, but offered him letters to the emperor himself. Encouraged thus to hope that the set time to favor Burmah had come, he commenced his preparations for a voyage to the capi tal of the empire. This hope was, however, destined to a speedy ex tinction. Before his arrangements had been com pleted, he received information from Maulmain that the board had been obliged to curtail their appropriations for the Burman mission, and left it to the discretion of the missionaries there to adjust the plan of re trenchment. The missionaries did not feel themselves FAREWELL SERVICES IN BOSTON. 251 authorized to supply the funds needed for the support of the mission at Rangoon. Under these circum stances, but one course seemed open to him ; and that was, to return to Maulmain. The hostility of the government to Christianity had greatly interfered with his efforts, and now the very possibility of laboring among them was cut off. With deep sadness of spirit he therefore bade farewell to the few disciples whom he had again gathered in Rangoon, and turned his face towards his former station. This unfortunate necessity he regretted to the close of his life. There appeared to him, at this crisis, a slight opening for fur ther missionary effort in Burmah. Could it have been improved, he hoped that something important might have been accomplished. The opportunity, however, soon passed away, and during his lifetime it never again reappeared. Returning to Maulmain, he continued, with his characteristic energy, the work of the dictionary ; unit ing with it, as his health would permit, the stated preaching of the gospel in Burmah, and the pastor ship of the Burman church. In this manner the year 1848 and part of 1849 passed away, until his health began to decline, and that illness commenced which terminated in his death. The following account of the farewell services on the occasion of the return of Dr. Judson to Burmah, is taken from one of the religious papers of the day.* „ Farewell Missionary Services. Public exercises of a deeply interesting character were held in Baldwin Place, on Tuesday afternoon, 30th ultimo, in * Christian Reflector, July 9, 1846. 252 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. reference to the departure for Burmah of the Rev. Dr. Jud son and a number of new missionaries. A portion of Scrip ture was read by Rev. Mr. Neale, and prayer offered by Pro fessor Ripley ; after which the meeting was addressed by Rev. Mr. Stow. It was not, he said, his object to glorify man, but to honor God — not to laud and magnify those Christian heralds who were about to depart for the distant East, but to commend them to the divine protection and blessing. He said his present design would be to trace some of the evi dences of special divine favor manifested towards the board, in foreign lands, and particularly in Burmah. The peculiar origin of their first mission, he said, was worthy of notice, as indicating an overruling Providence, whose ways are not as our ways. It was commenced in 1813, by Mr. and Mrs. Judson, who had been sent out by another denomination ; but their views of Christian ordinances un dergoing a change, their relations were of necessity changed. Proceeding to Rangoon, in Burmah, they commenced opera tions, and soon after were adopted by a society formed among the Baptists of this country, and, as is well known, an extensive interest was awakened in the denomination by these unlooked-for and providential occurrences. Mr. Stow adduced the character and efficiency of the men employed, as another proof that the mission was owned of Heaven. Not one, of all the missionaries of the board, from its commencement, had, by any moral delinquency, dishonored the Christian profession. Another proof, also, was found in the severe but healthful discipline through which the missions and the board had frequently passed. These trials had furnished abundant evidence of the approbation of Heaven — of his benevolence, as well as paternal discipline and faithfulness. In support of this assertion, Mr. Stow took a rapid survey of some of the most trying scenes in the early history of the Burman mission, and of the manner in which they had been made to contribute to the furtherance of the gospel. He also showed, that these missions had been eminently successful. Every mission com- FAREWELL SERVICES IN BOSTON. 25b menced had been sustained. More than two hundred and fifty missionaries and assistants, besides native preachers, had been appointed, most of whom had already entered the field. Up wards of nine hundred thousand dollars had been contributed and expended. The entire Bible had been translated into the Burmese language, and portions of it into other languages and dialects, spoken by hundreds of millions. Churches had been formed, and at least eight thousand pagans had been converted co Christianity, by the blessing of Heaven on the labor of this board. A large amount of work had been upon founda tions, out of sight, but the apparent results had not been insignificant. He alluded also to the important reflex influence of mis sions on the literature, piety, public spirit, and benevolence of the churches at home, and the great change of public sentiment in reference to foreign missions. Formerly, he said, the press, and, to some extent, even the pulpit, spoke of them with suspicion, distrust, and scorn ; but now, respectable journals, every where, seemed cordially interested in their progress, and the community generally contemplated their success with surprise and pleasure. He concluded with brief remarks to each of the departing missionaries; uttering, with his accustomed ardor and elo quence, the words of fraternal sympathy and encourage ment. Rev. Mr. Peck, secretary of the board, stated that Dr. and Mrs. Judson, together with Rev. Messrs. Norman Harris and John S. Beecher, and their wives, and Miss Lydia Lilly- bridge, an assistant teacher, were expected to leave this port, next week, in the ship Faneuil Hall, direct for Maulmain, Burmah. He then gave the committee's instructions to the new missionaries. Their designation was to the Karens of the Burman empire, among whom the Baptist missions have made great advancement during the fifteen years of their prosecution. In the neighborhood of Maulmain, in Arra can, and in Bassein, a province of Burmah proper thousands of converts to Christianity, he said, had been made, and nu- vol. n. 22 254 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. merous churches had been organized, and some of them placed under the care of native pastors. But the number of foreign missionaries is so inadequate, that they are in danger of falling into such heresies and corruptions as have marred the church in all ages. The special object of these new mission aries, he said, would be to have the oversight of these native churches and pastors, and to build them up in faith, virtue, and charity. He closed with a brief but very appropriate address to the venerable pioneer in these missions. Rev. Dr. Sharp then offered solemn prayer on behalf of the departing missionaries. Dr. Judson, unable to address so large an audience at any length, had prepared a parting address, which was read by Rev. Mr. Hague, presenting a vivid exhibition of Christian feeling in view of the many changes that had occurred since he left America, in 1812. He had increasing confidence in the wisdom and practicability of the missionary enterprise, and carried forward the immense audience in sublime contempla tion of the far greater changes to be looked for during the next third of a century ; exhorting all to labor on, and hope on, fully assured that, the victory, though delayed, would be certain, and the results unspeakably glorious. Oral Remarks. The numerous congregation experienced unusual satisfac tion in hearing the following remarks from Dr. Judson, which were very distinctly and audibly uttered, and which he has kindly furnished for our columns : — My friends are aware, that it is quite impossible for me, without serious injury to myself, to sustain my voice at such a height as to reach this large assembly, except for a few sentences. I have, therefore, taken the liberty of putting some thoughts on paper, which the Rev. Mr. Hague will do me the honor of reading to you. I wish, however, in my own voice, to praise God for the deep interest in the cause of missions man' fested by the friends FAREWELL SERVICES IN BOSTON. 255 of the Redeemer in this city and the vicinity, and to thank them for all their expressions and acts of kindness towards me during my brief sojourn among them. I regret that circum stances have prevented my spending more time in this city, and forming a more intimate acquaintance with those whom a slight acquaintance has taught me so much to love. It is as certain as any future event can be, that I shall never again revisit the shores of my native land ; that, after a few days, your beautiful city, this great and glorious country, will be forever shut from my view. No more shall I enter your places of worship ; no more shall I behold your faces, and ex change the affectionate salutations of Christian love. The greatest favor we can bestow on our absent friends is to bear them on our hearts at the throne of grace. I pray you, dear friends, remember me there, and my missionary associates, and our infant churches, and the poor heathen, among whom we go to live. And though we do meet no more on earth, I trust that our next meeting will be in that blessed world where " the loved and the parted here below meet ne'er to part again." Address. There are periods in the lives of men, who expi rience much change of scene and variety of adventure, when they seem to themselves to be subject to some supernatural illusion, or wild, magical dream ; when they are ready, amid the whirl of con flicting recollection, to doubt their own personal identity, and, like steersmen in a storm, feel that they must keep a steady eye to the compass and a strong arm at the wheel. The scene spread out before me seems, on retrospection, to be identified with the past, and at the same time to be reaching forward and foreshadowing the future. At one moment the lapse of thirty-four years is annihilated; the scenes of 1812 are again present ; and this assembly — how like that which com mended me to God on first leaving my native shores for the distant East! But, as I look around, where are the well- 256 MEMOIR OP DR. JUDSON. known faces of Spring, and Worcester, and D wight? Where are Lyman and Huntington, and Griffin ? And where are those leaders of the baptized ranks who stretched out their arms across the water, and received me into their communion ? Where are Baldwin and Bolles ? Where Holcombe, and Rogers, and Staughton? I see them not. I have bten to their temples of worship, but their voices have passed away And where are my early missionary associates, Newell, and Hall, and Rice, and Richards, and Mills ? But why inquire for those so ancient ? Where are the succeeding laborers in the missionary field for many years, and the intervening gen eration who sustained the missions? And where are those who moved amid the dark scenes of Rangoon, and Ava, and Tavoy ? Where those gentle, yet firm spirits, which ten anted forms — delicate in structure, but careless of the storm — now broken, and scattered, and strewn, like the leaves of autumn, under the shadow of overhanging trees, and on re mote islands of the sea ? No, these are not the scenes of 1812 ; nor is this the assem bly that convened in the Tabernacle of a neighboring city. Many years have elapsed ; many venerated, many beloved ones have passed away to be seen no more. " They rest from their labors, and their works do follow them." And with what words shall I address those who have taken their places, the successors of the venerated and the beloved, the genera tion of 1812 ? In that year American Christians pledged themselves to the work of evangelizing the world. They had but little to rest on, except the command and promise of God. The at tempts then made by British Christians had not been attended with so much success as to establish the practicability, or vin dicate the wisdom, of the missionary enterprise. For many years the work advanced but slowly. One denomination after another embarked in the undertaking ; and now American missionaries are seen in almost every clime. Many languages have been acquired ; many translations of the Bible have been made ; the gospel has been extei sively preached ; and churches FAREWELL SERVICES IN BOSTON. 257 have been established containing thousands of sincere, intelli gent converts. The obligation, therefore, on the present gen eration, to redeem the pledge given by their fathers, is greatly enhaneed And it is an animating consideration, that, with the enhancement of the obligation, the encouragement to persevere in the work, and to make still greater efforts, is increas ing from year to year. Judging from the past, what may we rationally expect during the lapse of another thirty or forty years s Look forward with the eye of faith. See the mis sionary spirit universally diffused, and in active operation throughout this country ; every church sustaining, not only its own minister, but, through some general organization, its own missionary in a foreign land. See the Bible faithfully translated into all languages ; the rays of the lamp of heaven transmitted through every medium, and illuminating all lands. See the Sabbath spreading its holy calm over the face of the earth, the churches of Zion assembling, and the praises of Jesus resounding from shore to shore ; and, though the great majority may still remain, as now in this Christian country, without hope and without God in the world, yet the barriers in the way of the descent and operations of the Holy Spirit removed, so that revivals of rehgion become more constant and more powerful. The world is yet in its infancy ; the gracious designs of God are yet hardly developed. Glorious things are spoken of Zion, the city of our God. She is yet to triumph, and become the joy and glory of the whole earth. Blessed be God that we live in these latter times — the latter times of the reign of darkness and imposture. . Great is our privilege, precious our opportunity, to cooperate with the Saviour in the blessed work of enlarging and establishing his kingdom throughout the world. Most precious the opportunity of becoming wise, in turning many to righteousness, and of shining, at last, as the brightness of the firmament, and as the stars, forever and ever. Let us not, then, regret the loss of those who have gone be fore us, and are waiting to welcome us home, nor shrink from the summons that must call us thither. Let us only resolve 22* 258 MEMOIR OP DR. JUDSON. to follow them who, through faith and patience, inherit the promises. Let us so employ the remnant of life, and so pass away, that our successors will say of us, as we of our pred ecessors, " Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord. They rest from their labors, and their works do follow them." The following farewell address was presented to Dr. Judson by the Executive Committee of the board, a few days before his departure. From the Corresponding Secretary Boston, June 30, 1846. Rev. and dear Sir: The occasion demands, at least, a brief valediction to our beloved and honored brother who is about to return to the field of his labors. We congratulate you, dear brother, that the time of your reembarkation is at hand. Your heart, we know, has all the while, with a holy impatience, yearned towards the land of your adoption, and towards the people among whom, for the greater portion of your life, you have chosen to suffer and toil. But God had cast you once more upon your native shores by his own sovereign hand, and we could not justify it to our own hearts, nor to our sense of duty to your American brethren, to consent to your departure, without at testing to you, in some faint measure, our veneration for your character, our appreciation of your services, our affection for your person, and our gratitude to God, both for the grace he has bestowed on you, and for our right of participation in all that concerns you, whether of suffering or of joy. We thank God that he has given us this opportunity. And we give thanks to him that he has so directed the times and seasons of your short sojourn with us. Debarred the pleasure of lis tening to your voice in " the great congregation," we have still felt the delightful, the elevating influence of your presence ; and we have known that you were with us ; and the sight of your countenance and the pressure of your hand have given life and substance to what before seemed almost as a vision, PARTING WORDS. 259 and have brought Burmah near to us, with all its moving inci dents of the last thirty years. Burmah henceforward, as it is yours, so be it ours ; ours for Christ and his church. We join our hands. We pledge you our hearts and our lives. We meet not again on the earth : we shall see your face no more. But we shall meet you when your work is done ; when Burmah is redeemed ; when her millions of now degraded, benighted people shall have seen that Star in the East which has already risen upon her, and shall have come to the bright ness of its rising ; when a nation saved from sin and eternal death through the ministration of the gospel of the Son of God, by the faithful missionary, shall come up in long array, and cast their crowns of heavenly glory before the throne of God and the Lamb. On behalf of the Executive Committee, Solomon Peck, Cor. Sec. To his Sons. Boston, July 10, 1846. My dear Sons : Farewell. We embark to-morrow about noon. Many a time I shall look at your likenesses, and weep over them, and pray that you may early become true Chris tians. Love your brother George, and your uncle and aunt Newton. Pray every morning and evening. Your new mamma sends you her best love. Forget not Your affectionate father, A. Judson. To his Sister. BqsTON, July 10, 1846. Dear Sister : Farewell. We embark to-morrow about noon. I have two likenesses of Abby Ann. One I take my self. The other I hand to George, that he may take it to Worcester, and keep it with the boys, until he visits Plymouth, in about a month or six weeks, when he is to give it to you. I left Abby Ann at Bradford yesterday forenoon ; gave the twenty dollars, which they will place to your credit. Take care of 260 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. yourself, dear sister, and spare no expense that is necessary for your health and comfort. Emily sends her best love. Every blessing rest upon you, until we meet in heaven. Ever most affectionately, A. Judson. To his Daughter. Boston, July 10, 1846. My dear Daughter : Farewell. We embark to-mor row about Eoon. I think the likenesses taken of your face very good. I shall take one with me, and shall many a time look at it, and weep over it, and pray that you may early be come a Christian. The other I shall give to George, to keep a while at Worcester, and finally give to your aunt Judson, when he visits Plymouth. Love your dear aunts and cousins, with whom you live ; pray every morning and evening ; and may we meet again on earth, and if not, O, may we meet in heaven, and be happy together. Y( ur new mamma sends her best love. Your affectionate father, A. Judson. Write me once in three months. To the Corresponding Secretary. Boston, July 10, 1846. My dear Brother : The accounts of the late revolution in Burmah are so contradictory, and the prospect of more tol eration so indefinite, that no certain expectation can well be entertained. It is possible, however, that, on my arriving in Maulmain, there may be an opening for me to proceed to Ava. There is sometimes a tide in affairs, which, once lost, returns not again. Have the board sufficient confidence in me to authorize me, by an overland despatch which shall meet me on arriving' in Maulmain, to attempt a mission at Ava, without waiting for further permission, or being under the OFF ST. HELENA. 261 necessity of debating the matter with other missionaries, who may demur, for want of something express from the board? Yours faithfully, A. Judson. P. S. The dictionary would not be done so soon, if I should go to Ava ; but it would be done much better, by means of the aids which the capital would furnish. To the Editors of the Christian Reflector, Boston, Mass. Ship Faneuil Hall, Off St. Helena, September, 1846. Dear Brethren : In the hurry of leaving America, I neglected to thank my unknown friend, who, under his initials, sent me a note, through you, suggesting some corrections in the lines prepared for inscription on the headstone of the grave at St. Helena. I received his favor just in time to avail myself of his suggestion ; and the lines now stand thus : — She sleeps sweetly here, on this rock of the ocean, Away from the home of her youth, And far from the land where, with heartfelt devotion, She scattered the bright beams of truth. The gravestones were shipped for the Cape of Good Hope about the middle of April last, and have probably by this time reached their destination. Having pen in hand, I am tempted to add a line, being, as the date indicates, " off the island," though several hundred miles distant, for it lies not in the track of outward-bound ships. The precipitous, rocky cliffs, however, that form the outline of that spot on the ocean, the narrow ravine winding between them and leading to the walled mansion of the dead, the low, overshadowing tree, and the swelling turf, marked, perhaps, by the white gravestones, are all distinctly before me. And, did the misty mythology of antiquity still obtain, I could fancy the spirit of the de parted sitting on one of the cloud-wrapped peaks that over hang her grave, an I pensively observing the Faneuil Hall on 262 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. her circuitous route to the south-east. ' Why are you wheel ing away at such a distance from me and my lonely dwelling ? The dear little ones that I left in your charge, where are they ? And who — what slender form is that I see at your side, occupying the place that once was mine ? " But the mistiness and darkness of pagan mythology have been dis pelled by beams of light from those higher heights where she is '•eally sitting. And thence, if departed spirits take cogni zance of things on earth, she sees, with satisfaction, that I am hastening back to the field of our common labors. She sees, with delight and gratitude to God, that all her children are situated in precise aeeordance with her last wishes and prayers. And glad she is to see me returning, not unattended. Farewell, rock of the oeean. I thank thee that thou hast given me a " place where I might bury my dead." Blessings on the dear friends of the Saviour who dwell there. And, if any of the surviving children of the departed should ever enjoy the privilege, which is denied me, of visiting and shed ding a tear over her grave, may a double portion of her heav enly spirit descend and rest upon them. Off the Isle of France, October, 1846. Above thirty-three years ago, I went with my dear wife (the first Mrs. Judson) to the populous city of the dead in Port Louis, on the adjacent island, to visit the new-made grave of Harriet Newell, the first American missionary who left this world for heaven. It has been my privilege, twice since, to make a pilgrimage to the same spot. The last time, my second departed one expected to find her resting-place by the side of Mrs. Newell ; but her grave was digging in an other island. It is a thought that presses on me at this moment, how little the missionary who leaves his native land can calculate on his final resting-place. Out of twenty-five missionaries, male and female, with whom I have been associated, and who bave gone before me, five or six only found their graves iu OFF AMHERST. 263 those places to which they were first sent. Strangers and pilgrims, they had no abiding-place on earth ; they sought a permanent abode beyond the skies ; and they sought to show the way thither to multitudes who were groping in darkness and saw it not. Off Amherst, November 27, 1846. The wide expanse of the ocean is again crossed ; the Maul main mountains loom in the distant horizon ; the Kyaik-a-mee pagoda indicates the promontory of Amherst* and now, on the green bank just beyond, I diseern, with \ telescope, the small enclosure which contains the sleeping-place of my dear Ann and her daughter Maria. Like my mission ry asso ciates, the members of my own family are scattered far and wide ; for the mounds that mark their graves stud the burial- places of Rangoon, Amherst, Maulmain, Serampore, and St. Helena. What other place shall next be added to the list? Above eighteen months ago, I sailed from these shores with a heavy heart, distressed at leaving my friends and my work, and appalled at the prospect of impending death. With mingled emotions I now return. But these things suit rather the eye and the ear of private friends. I will only add my fervent wish that the Heaven-blessed land where I have been so warmly received during my late brief visit may pour forth her representatives, her wealth, and her prayers, to enlighten and enrich this my adopted land, whose chores are just now greeting my eyes. Yours affectionately, A. Judson To his Sister. At Sea, September 11, 1846. My dear Sister : Just two months ago we sailed from B jston, and we are about half way to Burmah. I begin this 264 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. letter with the intention of closing it after arriving, that I may be able to forward it by the first opportunity that occurs ; for I know you will be anxious to hear from me. We have had a pleasant passage. All have enjoyed good health thus far, except Emily, who, you know, is rather delicate. But she has not suffered so much from seasickness as we appre hended, and I see no reason to doubt that she will find a warm climate congenial to her constitution. My heart sinks within me when I think of you, living alone in the old mansion house, many of the family dead, and the rest removed to a distance. But I do not know that any better arrangement could have been made. I almost wish that I had tried more to persuade you to accompany me back to Burmah ; and yet I fear that you would not have been com fortable there. It is a mercy that our times are in God's hands. Let us live prayerfully and conscientiously, and ere long we shall all meet in glory. Maulmain, December 16. \v e are hure at last ; arrived the 30th of November, a long passage — one hundred and forty days to Amherst. Found dear Henry and Edward alive and well. Charlie, you know, sleeps in the grave. ... I have set up housekeeping in my old house ; and it seems like home, not withstanding the devastation that death and removal have made. Emily makes one of the best wives and kindest mothers to the children that ever man was blessed with. I wish you were here to make one of the family ; but I suppose that cannot be. 1 shall now go on with the dictionary and other missionary work as usual. Your likeness is an excel lent one. I keep that and the children's by me constantly. Shall I ever forget that last parting in Boston ? No, never, till we meet in heaven. Yours ever, A. Judson. ARRIVAL AT MAULMAIN. 265 To his Sons. At Sea, September 11, 1846. Dear Adoniram and Elnathan : I begin this letter with the intention of finishing and forwarding it after arriving in Maulmain. I think of you both many times every day. I never pray for myself without praying for you ; and I fre quently look at your beautiful likenesses, and feel that I could not endure the thought that I shall probably never see you agair in this world, were it not for the precious hope that I shall soon hear that you have become true Christians, and interested in that divine love -which will not fail to bring us safely together in the future world of life and glory. We have had a very pleasant passage, and are now half way to Maulmain. I hope to add something at my next date about your little brothers, Henry and Edward. Charlie sleeps in the grave, and you can receive no further news of him. And your own dear mamma — she is sleeping, you know, — for you saw her laid in the grave, — at St. Helena. Try to tetain in your remembrance how she looked, what she used to say to you, how kind she was, and how much she loved you. Talk to one another about her and about me, and that wil1 help you to remember us. I hope you will keep up a correspondence with your dear sister Abby Ann, at Bradford ; and when you write to me, tell me all you hear about her, and give me some extracts from her letters to you. Maulmain, December 20, 1846. 1 can hardly realize that I am sitting in the old house, where we all lived together so long ; and now your mamma, yourselves, your sister Abby Ann, and httle Charlie are gone. It is now evening. I am writing in the hall where I used to sit and study when your mamma had gone down the coast with Captain and Mrs. Durand. Your new mamma has just put your little brothers, Henry and Edward, to bed. They lie in the room where you used to sleep before you removed vol. n. 23 266 memoir oi dr. judson. to the corner room. Henry is singing and talking aloud to himself; and what do you think he is saying? Your new mamma has just called me to listen. " My own mamma went away, away in a boat. And then she got wings and went up. And Charlie, too, went up, and they are flying above the moon and the stars." I preach in the chapel, as I used to do, but have not yet begun to work at the dictionary ; for we have been very busy seeing company and getting our house and things in order. Every thing looks as it used to when you were here. Eddy and Sarah Stevens are just so, and Emily, Mary, and David Howard. James and Julia Ann Has well are living with their parents in Mr. Vinton's old house : so that we found Henry in this place, not at Amherst, when we arrived. My dear boys, I don't know when I shall see you again. If I ever should, you will not be the dear little fellows I left at Worcester. But I hope that as you grow larger, and change the features that are now so deeply en graven on my heart, you will also grow wiser and better, and become more worthy of my fondest love. That you will give your hearts to the Saviour is my most earnest desire. Love your dear uncle and aunt Newton. Mind all they say, ar.d ever try to please them. I enclose a hymn that I found with Elnathan's name upon it. Your fond father, A. Judson. To Gardner Colby, Esq., of Boston. Land, Ho ! November 27, 1846. My dear Mr. Colby : One hundred and thirty-nine daj. ! from Boston, and the mountains of Burmah appear in the horizon. None ever had a pleasanter passage than we have been favored with, though rather long, from the prevalence of head winds. The Faneuil Hall was a good sailer, an excel lent sea boat, and furnished with the best accommodations. The table was well supplied, and the captain endeared himself to us, recommencing missionary work. 267 no"; only by unremitting kindness, but by the interchange of congenial sentiments and feelings on the subject of religion. Two services on Lord's days, the one a Bible class in the saloon, and the other, public worship on deck, with the crew, together with evening worship every day, have given the char acter of a Bethel to our floating home. We have all enjoyed good health, except Mrs. Judson. She suffered, indeed, less from seasickness than we had apprehended ; but the cold air of the sea, during most of the voyage, has not been congenial to her temperament and constitution ; yet we feel that we have as much ground as ever to hope that, once settled in a tropical climate, she may enjoy good health. In regard to myself, I took a bad cold about the time of sailing, which increased the irritation of throat occasioned by some small attempts at public speaking, and the result was a severe cough, which continued for above a month ; but since that passed away, my throat has been recovering, and now I seem to myself to be quite well. In regard to my studies, I have not much to boast of. Not having my native assistants with me, I have not ventured to go forward in the dictionary, but have employed myself in revising and transcribing for the press the first half of the English and Burmese part, that had been previously sketched out. This work I had hardly com pleted when the cry of Land, ho ! saluted my ears. I wrote you in August, and forwarded by a passing ship bound to Genoa. I hope, in my next, to give you some ac count of the state of the mission and the position of things in Burmah proper. Yours most affectionately, A. Judson. Maulmain, December 15. I am once more in my old domicil, have picked up my two surviving children, and en deavored to reunite my family and recommence missionary operations. 268 memoir of dr. judson. To the Corresponding Secretary. Maulmain, December 29, 1846. Mi dear Brother : I have enjoyed the great happiness ul landing once more on these shores, and meeting with my dear missionary associates and the native Christians ; and it is peculiarly gratifying to find that there has been an evident advance in every department during my absence. The native church, under the care of brother Stevens, is not much enlarged, but it is much improved, in consequence of the exclusion of several unworthy members, and the admission of more prom ising characters, chiefly from among the children of the con verts. Brother Howard's school has greatly improved both in numbers and in qualifications. Brother Binney's school, which was just beginning when I left, has attained a high degree of respectability and usefulness. The Karen mission aries and their disciples are mostly absent from Maulmain at this season ; but I understand that prospects in that depart ment of the mission were never more encouraging. The printing office and the secular business of the mission are managed by brother Ranney with promptitude and efficiency. Brother Haswell resides here at present, superintending the printing of the New Testament in the Peguan, and is preach ing on all occasions. Brother Stilson is also here, making and superintending the printing of elementary books for schools in the Burman — a work for which he has a peculiar tact and penchant. As to myself, I am looking towards Burmah proper. Both ¦ be dethroned kings are dead, and the eldest surviving son of the latter, who, during his father's life, acted as prince regent, has just ascended the throne. He is said to be not well dis posed towards foreigners, and the present administration is thus far as decidedly unfavorable to the propagation of the Christian religion as the preceding. This is evident from the severe persecution which the Karen converts north of Rangoon are even now undergoing. But in Maulmain all the departments of labor are well supplied. In Rangoon there is not a single LOOKING TOWARDS BURMAH PROPER. 269 missionary, nor in all Burmah proper. If one can find en trance and shelter there, he may be instrumental of saving a few souls, who would otherwise be lost. ' Secondly. My time for the next two or three years must be chiefly expended on the Burmese dictionary. If I am allowed to live in Rangoon without perpetual annoyance, I may as well spend the time there as here, and, indeed, should be able to carry on that work to greater advantage in a place where I could better avail myself of learned men and books than is possible in Maulmain. Thirdly. In Rangoon, I shall be in the way of the openings of Providence into the heart of the country. It may be that the time for opening Burmah to the gospel is near. In that case it would be a pity if any delinquency on our part should retard the divine operations. My faith, however, is not very strong, nor my expectations very sanguine. The first motive is my leading one. There are some souls in Rangoon who are grdping in the dark and feeling after the truth. Let there be at least one hand on which they can lay hold and be assisted in their researches. I expect to leave this place with my fam ily in a ship which will probably sail in about a fortnight. I know not whether I shall find any footing or place of residence ; but this can be ascertained in no other way than by making an attempt. I would that the friends of the mission, those dear souls with whom I so lately enjoyed sweet communion in my native land, knew what I am about, that they might aid me in this dark attempt, and pray for light to be shed down on my future pathway; but I will trust that I am not forgotten, and remain Your affectionate brother, A. Judson. To his Sister. Maulmain, January 1, 1847. My dear Sister : The accompanying Bible was packed in a large box that was never opened till my arrival hern, jr I 23* 270 MEMOIR OP DR. JUDSON. should probably have left it with you, and saved it a double voyage, to which it is now consigned, in the hope that it will find a resting-place at last in the old mansion house, and frequently meet your eyes, and be received into your heart. Edward, my youngest, is just now sitting in a little chair to keep him still. He is just two years old. ... A day or two ago I went out to the' graveyard, and erected the grave stones that I procured in Boston, in memory of poor little Charlie — the last act of duty and kindness that I can ever do for him. Emily loves the children as if they were her own. We should be very happy here, but the interests of the mission seem to require that we should remove to Rangoon, and endeavor to gain some footing in Burmah proper. We are now making arrangements for such a removal, and expect to leave this before long. It seems to me harder to leave Maulmain for Rangoon than to leave Boston for Maulmain. But here there are several missionaries ; not one there ; and doubtless there are some inquiring souls who need a missionary to take them by the hand and guide them into the paths of truth and salvation. How long we shall be tolerated there under a despotic government, we know not ; but we desire to commit our future destiny into the hands of our heavenly Father, with full confidence that he will order all things well. We are always meeting with some article of clothing, or other use, to remind us of your kindness. The two large silver spoons you gave me are the only ones on our table ; but I have found half a dozen of more common metal to supply the deficiency. I did not think of writing you a letter just now ; but as I was doing up the box containing the Bible, I thought I would just write a line that will cost you no postage. I shall send the box to Mr. Colby, 22 Pemberton Square, Boston, and he wiU forward it to you. I have not yet heard a word from LETTERS TO HIS CHILDREN. 271 you, or tlit; children, since I left you. Wrote you lately by overland mail. Give my love to Mr. Harvey and family, and to other friends. My dear sister, I often think of you in your solitude. May God ever be with you, to protect and bless you. Do write me often, and tell me all about affairs in Plymouth, and the friends about you. Let us ever pray for ;,ne another. My late visit has endeared you to my heart far more than ever before. Let me know whatever you hear about the children ; and try, if possible, to visit Bradford and Worcester. You would be joyfully received at both places ; and I have written to Miss Hasseltine to allow Abby Ann to visit you. Ever your own brother, A. Judson. Emily sends best love. To his Sons. Maulmain, January 11, 1847. My dear Boys : I send you a few books in a little box, among which are some that you particularly wanted, and I took a memorandum of, when I divided the few books you had aboard ship. I send Elnathan the toy box that I prom ised. It is really good for nothing; but he will, perhaps, recollect the circumstance, affecting to me, under which the promise was given ; and it may afford him a moment's gratifi cation to look at it, and remember old times. O my dear boys, how much I love you, and think of you, you can never know in your present circumstances; but perhaps you will know hereafter. In the toy box you will find two penknives ; one for each of you. They are very slender, and must be used for pens only, not for whittling, or you will scon break them. We are still here waiting for a ship to take us to Ran goon. Henry and Edward are quite well. May God bless you now and forevermors. Your affectionate father, A. Judson. 272 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. To the Corresponding Secretary. On board the Cecilia, bound to Rangoon, January 18, 1847. My dear Brother : At the date of my last, I expected to have been in Rangoon, with my family, by this time. But the ship in which we expected to take passage has not yet arrived, though long due ; and while waiting for her, repeated news from Rangoon has been of the most unfavorable kind ; so that I have concluded to go over myself, and endeavor to ascertain the state of things in Burmah more definitely, before making an attempt to settle there at once. It appears that old Rangoon, the only spot in which foreigners are allowed to reside, is more dismantled and desolate than ever ; that the new king is more afraid of foreign. influence than his predecessors even; and that the whole country is in a very unsettled state just at present, in consequence of all the authorities being summoned to the capital, according to custom, to attend the approaching coronation. From all accounts, it appears that the former ex clusive system of the Chinese is becoming more and more prevalent in Burmah ; and this will naturally have a most un favorable bearing on the introduction of a foreign religion. But I hope I shall be able to give you more definite informa tion after visiting Rangoon. Yours faithfully, A. Judson. To Mrs. Judson. Off Rangoon, January 23, 1847. My dearest Love : We are just anchoring, and I write a line to be ready for any vessel that may be going out, as I go ashore. We have had a pleasant passage ; but very light winds have kept us on our way till this Saturday morning, though, as you recollect, we went on board, at Maulmain, Monday forenoon. I know not what reception awaits me on shore, but shall endeavor to let you know before I close th« 'etter. AGAIN IN' RANGOON. 273 • Four o'clock, P. M. Dreadfully tired in getting my few'things from the ship and through the custom house. I am now writing in Captain Crisp's brick house, who invites me to stay and make myself at home. Have yet seen no government people, nor any house that is to be let ; so that I can write nothing definite about future prospects. I would not close this letter without something more satisfactory, but 1 hear that a vessel is just leaving for Maulmain ; and I know you vill be anxious to hear from me. You may be sure my heart remains in the right place ; but I am too much exhausted to say how much I miss your presence, and long to see you once more. Yours ever, A. Judson. Evening. I have seen a large brick house, the one we heard of in Maulmain, for the upper part of which the owner demanded one hundred rupees a month, but I beat him down to fifty. It contains six or eight rooms, some quite large ; but there are but few lights, and the place looks as gloomy as a prison. It is situated in a street of Mussulmans — not a foot of ground belonging to the upper story, except a path to a spacious cook house, and a shabby horse stable, but which might be improved. I shrink at taking you and the children into such a den, and fear you would pine and die in it. But the old town — the new I have not yet seen — looks much better than I expected, though very much infe rior to Maulmain. No dust in the streets, which are paved most unevenly with brick, so that it is very difficult walking or riding. T>morrow is Sunday, and I shall not go out much. Expect to have an interview with the governor, on Monday. The Portuguese magistrate, who tried to annoy the brethren last here, is absent at Amarapoora. It is after ten o'clock : you have already retired, and I am going to creep under the curtains that were dear Abby's. 0 my poor heart ! It is torn into ten thousand pieces. How happy we shall be when we rest in the grae, and find ourselves together in 274 MEMOIR OF DR. JUDSON. paradise ! Had a long discussion with , and hope that he will gire up his infidelity. Farewell, dear love. When I turn away from all the filth and wretchedness around me, and think of you, it seems like looking from hell tc heaven. How can I take you from all the comforts of Maul main, and shut you up in this den ? Sunday morning. Have taken a stroll through the place with Crisp. Great, crowded population. Immense field for quiet missionary operation. Several of the converts are coming to see me. Unless I meet with a decided repulse from the governor to-morrow, which nobody anticipates, my mind is about made up to prosecute the " Pass of Splugen." I am going to have a little worship with the converts, but must send off this letter without further delay. Expect to take return passage in the Gyne, wliich sails in three, or four, or five days. Farewell again, dearest love. A. Judson. Rangoon, January 28, 1847. My dearest Love : The Erwin has just come in, and I have received your sweet letter. I expected to have left to-day in the Gyne ; but there is no depending on any thing you hear in this country of lies. Whether she will go to morrow, or the next day, or the day after, I know not ; and, what is worse, here are , and , and — , who have just arrived. All want to crowd into the one only cabin of the Gyne, which I had engaged, and I cannot refuse them. I found another little vessel that is going to-morrow, by which I shall send this letter ; but it has no cabin at all, nor any place where one could sustain hfe. But God orders all things well — the comforts and the discomforts, the bitter and the sweet, of this short, flitting life. Among the little vexations I meet with, your letter lies like a cordial in my inmost heart. I will not complain while you are alive, an