^fi ..,'' ^ 1/, 'V4 YALE UNIVERSITY ART AND ARCHITECTURE LIBRARY LOUIS R. EHRICH I 849-191 1 ONE HUNDRED EARLY American Paintings % Published by THE EHRICH GALLERIES ' ' NEW YORK 1918 A i. ?L VL 1 o the memory of our father, fouis T^ Clinch, ? ^ale, l86g, founder of The Chrich (galleries, our inspiration and guide, and one of the first to seri ously interest himself in Carly ^Jlmerican 'Taintings, ice dedicate this volume. Introduction vv E are publishing this book of One Hundred Earl\ American Paintings, which have at \arious times been in ourpossession,as a contribution to the critical study ot .American Colonial painting. The Ehrich Galleries was founded vvith the intention ot dealing exclusivelv in paintings bv masters of the Continental Schools who flourished before 1800. We soon realized that among the Earlv American painters of this period there were some who measured up to the best of their European contemporaries. Desirous ot stimulating an interest in them, we held our first exhi bition of Early .American Portraits in 1905. Since that time there has been a gradual increase in the apprecia tion of the works ot these artists and todav their paint ings are in demand not onlv by the museums but by manv private collectors. We believe that the collecting ot such paintings bv museums has but just begun and we hope that this book will encourage them to form chronological collections. Many of the more important examples of Early American paintings which have at various times been in our possession are illustrated in this book. Most of the names will be familiar to any student of .American art biit there are some that we believe are practicalh' unknown. Few comprehensive books have been pub lished about these painters and it is otten difficult to ascertain the dates ot their birth and death. This has induced us to include a list of artists who flourished from the middle of the i Sth to the middle ot the 19th century, with their dates when determinable. If through this booklet the interest in Early Ameri can painters is increased but a little, our labor will not have been in vain. H. L. and W. L. Ehrich. ONE HUNDRED EARLY AMERICAN PAINTINGS Francis Alexander Dorn in Connecticut in 1800, presumed to have died in Italy in 1880. He began painting in water-color at the age of eighteen and in 1818 he went to New York and studied under Alexander Robertson. Later he went to Providence where he worked for a few months before open ing a studio in Boston. In the latter city he had a great many sitters, the most famous being Daniel Webster, of whom he painted several excellent portraits. In 1831 he visited Europe, finally settling in Florence where he re mained until his death. Francis ^lAlcxandcr BF.NJ.'\M1N R. CURTIS, ESQ. On canvas: Jj'/2 x 26 inches 8zra 'i^mcs /\n American portrait painter of the late i8th and early 19th Centuries. Little is known ot his lite excepting that he commenced work as a coach-painter in Albany. Later he turned his attention to portrait painting and gained recognition in 18 12 bv exhibiting a portrait of Governor George Clinton at the Pennsylvania Academy. For many years after this he practiced his art in Albany and Western New York, painting most of the New York legislators. 8zra ^mes GOVERNOR GEORGE CLINTON. Born in Little Britain, Uls- ter Co., N. Y., 'July 26, 1'jg; died in Washington, D. C, April 20, 1812 On canvas: 5/ x .// inches In a private collection yosepJo Alexander died in London, September 9th, 1815. His first instruction was probably received from his step-father, Peter Pelham, painter and engraver. He also is supposed to have studied for a short time vvith Jonathan Blackburn. He verv- early evinced considerable talent but it was impossible to get adequate instruction in Boston. In 1760 he sent a painting to Ben iamin ^^'est in England, which received such favorable criticism that in 1767 Copley was elected a Fellow of the Society of Artists of Great Britain. In 1769 he married Susannah Clarke. He lived in Boston the first years of his married life, painting portraits, but finally, in 1774, sailed tor England by way of Italy, where he spent a year before settling down in London. Later his wife and family joined him and made London their permanent home. Cop ley was patronized by royalty and met with uninterrupted success until his death. In 1777 he was elected an Associate and in 1779 a full member of the Royal Academy. There has been a good deal of uncertainty about the pictures painted by Copley in .America and a good many portraits have been assigned to his brush, which are no doubt by other painters. To mention only a few of those who have been confused with Copley, there is Henry Benbridge, Jeremiah Theus, and the recently discovered John Woolas- ton. John Singleton Qopley BARON NEWHA\'FN of Carrick Mayne. The Right Honorable Sir Henrv Mavne, Bt. of Carrick Mav?ie^ Countv IJublin, was born in 1722; died in 1794. From 1760 to 1764 he was a Member of Parliament for Carys- fort and in 1766 was made Privy Counsellor. Ten years later he was created Baron Newhaven of Carrick Mavne On canvas: J(5 .v 28 inches 27 John Singleton Copley MRS. MARGARET STAMMER '^WY..\^Y.^, and her little daugh ter, ajteriifards Mrs. Charles IVatten. Wife oj Dr. Alexander Shearer From descendants On canvas: j<^^ .^ x JO inches In a private collection yohn Singleton Copley DR. ALEXANDER SHEARER From direct descendants On canvas: jc)'y2 x JO inches In a private collection Daniel Dickinson JjORN in Litchfield County, Connecticut, in 1795. In a letter written to Dunlap he speaks of never having taken anv lessons and having studied principally from "drawing and other books." He commenced painting miniatures, adopting a stvle influenced by his brother, .Anson Dick inson, Malbone and Joseph Wood. Although employed mainly in painting miniatures, he spent his leisure time in painting tancv- pictures, illustrating "female beauty and grace." It was not until 1830 that he commenced to study and paint in oils. .At that period he was in Philadelphia and remained there most of his later years. Daniel Dickinson PORTRAIT OF A GIRL Signed On canvas: 20 x 16 inches 31 It ^illiam Dunlap Born in Perth Amboy, X. J., February 19, 1766, died in X'ew A'ork Citv, September 28, 1839. .At an early age he began painting portraits and was fortunate in hav ing a sitting from General Washington in 1783. The result vvas naturallv- not very noteworthy, but it encouraged Dunlap, and shortly afterwards his father was persuaded to send him to London, where he studied under West. Dunlap, being rather lazy, is supposed to have wasted his time vv-hile abroad, so that his father finally demanded his return to .America where he entered into business. He then spent a long life in alternatelv- painting portraits, managing a theatre, and writing books. His place in American .Art is realK- due to the publication of his "History of the .Arts of Design in the L'nited States." This book is most useful to any student ot Early American .Art, and Dunlap has been well called, "the .American ^'asari." He helped found the American .Academy of Fine .Arts in 1826 which was the forerunner of the Xational .Academy ot Design. He wrote and produced a number of plavs and exerted a great in fluence on the earlv .American stage. // Illiam Dunlap PORTRAIT OF A LADY On canvas: JO x 2^ inches In the JVorcester .Irt Museum William Dunlap SCENE representing an Episode from the 'Dramatization of "The Spy," by James Fenimore Cooper. Dramatic Personae: Frances and Sarah IVhar- ton, Caesar [the negro) Harry JVharton, Capt. Lawton, Katey Haynes and Mr, JJ'liarton, Sr. The original cast was represented as follo-ws: FJlen Augusta Johnson (afterwards Mrs. Ellen H ilson) Miss 'Jones, Jacob JJ'ood- hull or Hull, 'John Kent and Mrs. Battersby. It is believed the artist's father played the part of Mr. JVharton Signed 1S2J On canvas: 27 x 22 inches 2S oyfsher Brown Durand Born in JetFerson, X. J., .August 21, 1796, died in South Orange, X'. J., .August 17, 1886. His first instruction in art was in the workshop of his father, a jeweler, where Durand engraved the initials on silverware. He then took up engraving, and making a considerable success ofit, was apprenticed to Peter Maverick, an engraver in Xew York Citv. Five years later he was given a partnership in his master's business. He achieved considerable distinction through his engravings made from paintings by the best artists of the day. Being dissatisfied with engraving, he gradually took up painting and in 1835 devoted him self to portraits and landscapes. He painted a number of excellent portraits, but finally devoted himself exclusively to landscapes. Durand has been called the "Father of American Landscape Painting." He was one of the found ers ot the X^ew York Academy of Design in 1 826 and was its President from 1S45 to 1861. In 1840 he made his first trip to Europe, studying the principal galleries and copying the paintings of the greatest masters, especiallv- Titian and Rembrandt. He worked diligently, painting until 1879, when he was in his eightv-third vear. ^sher Brown Durand THOMAS C< 'I I , iSoi: died near Cats- kill, N . Y ., Februarv 1 1 , 1S4S. One of the t/est .imerican landscape painters. Fro7n direct descendants On canvas: JO x 2j inches In the Museum of Natural History and .Irt at Pittsfield, Mass. T^lph Sari JjORN in Worcester County, Mass., May ii, 1751^ died in Connecticut in 1801. Nothing definite is known about Earl before 1774, when Dunlap records his having painted portraits and living in New Haven. In that year he also married his first wife by whom he had two children. In 1779 he deserted them and went to England. Here he studied with West and probably with Reynolds, and ex hibited at the Royal Academy. While in England he married again and had two children, one of whom — Ralph E. W. Earle, became a portrait painter. Earl stayed in England some twelve years, returning to .America about 1790. After his arrival in this country, he worked prin cipally in New A'ork, Connecticut and Massachusetts, painting many excellent portraits. The work of his son, Ralph E. W. Earle, who also occasionally signed himself, "Ralph Earle" has sometimes been mistaken for that of his father, though he was a much inferior painter. Nearly all of Earl's pictures are signed, "Ralph Earl." The son some times signed "Earle" and for that reason there has been some confusion as to the correct way of spelling the name. There is no doubt that the family name was originally "Earl." '^R^lph Sari LADY WILLIAMS AND CHILD On canvas: jo^ x 40 inches In the Metropolitan Museum of .4rt 39 T^lph Sari THOMAS BARROW, ESQ. Painted at the a^e of 50 years. Dated: "New York, May j, 1786" On canvas: jo x 2j inches 41 yohn Sckstein I HIS artist was working as a sculptor, painter and engraver, etc., in Potsdam, Germany, in 1772. He ex hibited an equestrian statue of Frederick II of Germany in an exhibition of the Berlin Academv- in 1776. He must have come to .America shortly after this, for he was work ing in Philadelphia between the years of 1796 and 1822. Sullv- says he was a man who could "do a picture in still life, history, landscape, portrait; he could model, cut a head in marble — or anything you please." He also speaks of him as working in Philadelphia in 1800 and that he was then an old man. 42 yohn Sckstein RICHARD WEBSTER, ESQ. Signed and dated, "John Eckstein, 1792" On canvas: jo x 2^ inches 43 yacob Sichholtz IJORN in Lancaster, Pa., 1776, died in Philadelphia, 1842. As Eichholtz's parents were in very moderate cir cumstances, they found it impossible to give their son an art education even though he evinced considerable taste for art at an early age. His first instruction was received from a sign painter, but this was very unsatisfactory and only lasted for a short time. Eichholtz was then apprenticed to a coppersmith and for a number of years supported himself by this trade. Finally, in 1809 when Sully visited Lancaster, Eichholtz offered him the use of his painting room, which Sully accepted, in return presenting Eichholtz vvith some of his discarded brushes. From that time on he divided his time between painting and coppersmithing. Later, he was persuaded to visit Boston, where he received some instruction from Stuart. This induced him to devote himself entirely to portrait-painting, which art he practiced until his death, painting portraits for most of the promi nent families in Lancaster County. yacob Sichholtz MR. VAN DYKE On canvas: JO x 2j inches yacob Sichholtz MRS. LYDIA VAN DYKE On canvas: jo x 25 inches 47 eharles j(j)ring Slliott iJoRN in Scipio, N. Y ., in December, 1812, died in .Albany, September 25, 1868. While working as clerk in a store in Sv-racuse he devoted his leisure hours to practicing drawing and painting, finally coming to X^ew York City in 1834 where he studied for a while with Trumbull and later vvith John Quidor, from whom he no doubt acquired his taste for rich color. He spent most of his time painting in X^ew A'ork City, although he made various trips to the X^orthern and Western part of the state to paint portraits. In 1835 he was elected Associate of the X^ational Academy and an Academician in 1 846. Elliott is said to have painted more than 700 portraits of his contemporaries and during his later years he was unquestionably the finest portrait painter in .America. Qharles during Slliott SELF PORTRAIT. Frcjm a descendant of Mr. Twichell, who was a close friend and pupil of Elliott On canvas: 27 x 22 inches 49 yames Frothingham Born in Charlestown, Mass., in 1786, died there on January 6, 1864. His first painting was done in connection with the coach bodies built by his father. He had very meagre instruction in painting until about 18 10, when he was the pupil of Stuart. Frothingham was quite busy for a time in Salem and Boston but was forced to move to New A'ork City in 1826, where he spent most of the time until his death. Stuart is supposed to have said concerning por traits bv- Frothingham: "There is no man in Boston but myself who can paint so good a head," and later, "except ing myself, there is no man in the United States who can paint a better head than that." It is quite likely that many portraits by Frothingham are attributed to other masters, among them possibly Stuart, which no doubt accounts for the lack of appreciation Frothingham has received to date. 50 yames Frothingham MASTER SAMUEL BARBER CLARK. Born July 14, 1799; died October 2§, 1812. Son of Samuel and Esther Low Clark Painted in 1811 51 yames Frothingham MRS. ELIZABETH BROOKS. JVife of Jonathan Brooks. Painted September, 182 j at the age of fiftv-five years From descendants On canvas: 26 x 2i\'2 inches In the JVorcester Art Museum yames Frothingham JONATHAN BROOKS, ESQ. Painted October, 182 Brooks was fifty-eight years of age From descendants On canvas: 26 x 21^ 2 inches In the JJ'orcester .irt Museum when Mr. yames Frothingham WILLIAM GODDARD, ESQ. Born in New London, Conn., 1740; died in Providence, R. I., December 2j, 1817. He established the first printing- press at Providence. Later he removed to Philadelphia and then to Balti more, where he published the "Maryland Journal" On canvas: 24 x 20 inches 54 Daniel Huntington rSoRN in Xew A'ork on October 14, 18 16, and died there in 1906. ^^'hile studying at Hamilton College, he made the acquaintance of Charles L. Elliott who first stimulated his love for art. In 1835 he studied with Samuel F. B. Morse, who was at that time president of the Na tional .Academy of Design, and later with Henry Inman. In 1839, he went to Europe and spent some time in Rome. On his return to X'ew A'ork he practiced the art of portrait painting and commenced to illustrate "Pilgrims Progress." Due to the failure of his evesight, however, he had to give this up and in 1844 returned to Europe where he re mained for two vears. On his return to X^ew A'ork he de voted himself chiefly to the painting of portraits, although he also painted a great many genre pictures. He painted most of the prominent men of his day, his most famous sitter being President Lincoln. He was elected an Associate of the .American Academv- in 1839, an Academician in 1 840, and President ot the Xational Academy m 1862, holding the office until 1869. He vvas re-elected in 1877 ^-nd held office until 1891 . 56 Daniel Huntington PORTRAIT OF A LADY Signed On canvas: J4 x 27 inches Daniel Huntington ALBERT GALLATIN, ESQ. Bom in Geneva, Switzerland, Jan uary 29, 1761; died in Astoria, L. I., August 12, 1849. American statesman From descendants of Daniel Huntington On canvas: JO x 2^ inches 58 Daniel Huntington SELF PORTRAIT Secured from the family On canvas: jo x 2j inches In a private collection 59 Henry Inman Born in I'tica, X. A'., October 20, 1801, died in Xew A'ork City, January 17, 1846. He had intended entering the l'nited States Military Academv-, but on visiting the studio of John Wesley Jarvis, decided to take up painting which he did under Jarvis's instructions. .At the age of twenty-one, he opened his own studio in X^ew A'ork and soon acquired fame as a portrait painter. He was the first vice-president of the X^ational .Academy of Design, which was founded in 1824. Always more interested in painting landscapes than portraits, he bemoaned the fact that he could not find customers for the former, and finally moved to Mt. Holly, N. J., for the sake of the rural life^. He did not remain long, however, but returned to New York and then went to England. He was there commissioned to paint Macaulav-, Wordsworth, etc., for his American clients. X^otwithstanding many inducements to remain abroad, he returned to the LTnited States in 1845. He made many portraits in crav'on, as well as in oil and was one of the first to practice lithography in this country. He paint ed some fine portraits and was a versatile artist, execut ing excellent genre paintings as well as landscapes. 60 Henry Inman PORTR.AIT, presumed to be of JJ'illiam Inman, the Artist's Father From direct descendants On canvas: jo x 25 inches In Ihe Chicago Art Institute Henry Inman MRS. CAROLINE HOWARD GILMAN. Born in Boston, 1794; died in JJ'ashington, 1S88. JVriter and poet. Married Dr. Samuel Gilman in 1819 when they moved to Charleston, S. C, where Dr. Gilman was appointed Minister of the Unitarian Church. Listed in Mrs. Gilman' s personal notes On canvas: jo x 2j inches 62 Henry Inman HENRY LIVINGSTON, ESQ. Son of John Livingston of Oak Hill On canvas: J4 x 27 inches 63 yames I^id J^mbdin JjORN in Pittsburg, Pa., on May lo, 1807, died near Philadelphia, January 31, 1889. He studied art under Thomas Sully and at the age of eighteen was already paint ing portraits in Pittsburg. Later he traveled through a number of the cities of the middle Southwest, spending most of his time, however, in Pittsburg and Mobile, Ala. In 1877 he settled in Philadelphia. He was Professor of Fine Arts in the LJniversity of Pennsylvania, for twenty- five years an active officer of the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine .Arts, and one of the presidents of the Artists Fund Society. He is credited vvith having founded the first art society west of the .Alleghenies. 64 yames I^id J^mbdin DANIEL WEBSTER, ESQ. Born January 8, 1782; died October 24, i8j2. Statesman and orator Signed on back of canvas: "Daniel Jl^ebster hy J. R. Lambdin, Phila." On canvas: jo x 2§ 'inches 65 Charles I^obert J^slie JJORN in London, England, October 19, 1794, died there on May 5, 1 8 £;9. The reason for including him among .American painters is that he was of American parentage and his first instruction in art was received in this country. He lived in Philadelphia from his fourth to his seventeenth year. In 1813, returning to England, he studied under Ben iamin West and ^^'ashington Allston. In 1821 he was elected an Associate of the Royal Academy and an Aca demician in 1825. From 1 831 to 1832 Leslie was Professor of Drawing at the LTnited States Military Academy at West Point, and while in this country was made an honor ary member ot the X^ational Academy of Design. From 1 841 to 1 85 1 he was Professor of Painting in the Royal Academ)-. Principally a subject painter, he also executed some excellent portraits. 66 Qharles T^bert J^slie PORTRAIT OE A LADY On canvas: j6 x 2g inches In a private collection 67 Samuel Finley Breese ^JDfCorse Born in Charlestown, Mass., on April 27, 1791, died in X'ew A'ork City, April 2, 1872. While at A'ale LTniver- sitv-, from which he was graduated in 18 10, he seemed more interested in painting than in science, although to the world he is better known as the inventor of the telegraph than as a painter of fine portraits. After graduation he be came acquainted with Washington Allston and studied under him for a year, when he accompanied him to London and soon after vvas admitted to the Royal .Academy. He became friends with Charles Robert Leslie and studied under Benjamin \^'est. In 1815 he returned to the LTnited States, settling in Boston, where he opened a studio. At first he devoted himself to painting historical subjects, but finding no sale for these, turned to portraiture. In 1818 Morse went to Charleston, S. C, and painted many por traits there, among them President Monroe. Removing to Xew A'ork in 1823 he helped to found the X^ew York Drawing Association and was its first president, this later leading to the establishment of the X^^ational .Academy of Design, with Morse its president until 1842. In 1829 he again went to Europe and spent three years abroad, prin- cipallv- in Paris and Italy. It was on the ship returning to X'ew A'ork that he met Dr. Charles T. Jackson, who had been making a special study of electricity and magnetism with the great French physicists. This chance meeting turned Morse's thoughts from painting to electricity and accounted for his invention ot the electric telegraph, to the perfection of which he devoted the rest of his life. 68 Samuel Finley Breese o^fVorse DR. CHARLES THOMAS JACKSON. Bom in Plymouth, Mass. in iSoj; died in 1880. Inventor, scientist of great distinction, and friend of MorseOn canvas: JO x 2^ inches 0, Samuel Finley Breese ^^J)fCorse 1. W. FORBES. New York Silversmith. Early Nineteenth Century On canvas: JO x 2J inches 71 yohn D^agle hSoRN in Boston, Mass. (where his parents were tem porarily residing), X'ovember 4, 1796 (some authorities give the date of his birth as 1799), died in Philadelphia, Pa., on September 17, 1865. His first instructors were Peter Ancora, a drawing teacher, and Petticolas, a minia ture painter. X'^eagle began his career as apprentice to a coach-painter. Later he studied for two months with Bass Otis. This is all the instruction that he ever received. In 1818 X^eagle decided to devote himself to portrait painting and went to Lexington, Ky., then to Frankfort, Louisville and X'ew Orleans before returning to Philadelphia in 1820. On his arrival there he married the step-daughter of Thomas Sully, with whom he divided the best patronage ot Philadelphia. It has been said that "Sully painted the pretty women and X'^eagle the virile men." X^eagle visited Boston a few years before Stuart's death, when the latter sat to him for the portrait which is now in the Boston Museum of Fine .Arts and which is recognized as the best representation ot Stuart extant. X^^eagle was second only to Stuart as a painter of powerful portraits. yohn !h(jagle WILLIAM STRICKLAND, ESQ. Bom in Philadelphia, 1787; died in Nashville, Tenn., April 7, 18 J4. Eminent architect and engineer Architect of the first United States Mint in Philadelphia Signed and dated 1829 From direct descendants On canvas: jo x 25 inches In a private collection 13 yohn D\(jagle JUNIUS BRUTUS B O O T H /« character of Sir Mortimer English actor. Born 1796; died 18 J2 On canvas: 28' 4 .v 24 inches 74 yohn D\[jagle REV. JASON WHITMAN On canvas: JO x 2j inches 75 yoseph Biays Ord rSoRN in Philadelphia in 1805, died there April 18, 1 865. He vvas the son of George Ord, the well-known Penn- sv'lvania ornithologist and naturalist. Little is known of his lite, excepting that he was a member of the first Council ot the Artists Fund Society in 1831; and that he continued to paint portraits in Philadelphia until his death, at the advanced age of sixty. yoseph Biays Ord PORTRAIT OF A MAN S'lgned On canvas: i8 x 14 inches In a private collection Bass Otis Dorn in New England in 1784, died in Philadelphia, November 3, 1861. It is not known where he first obtained his instruction, but in 1808 he was painting portraits in X^ew York, and in 1812 had settled in Philadelphia. He painted a number of prominent Philadelphians, some of them exceedingly well done. Otis has the distinction of having made the earliest lithographs ever published in this country, which appeared in the xAnalectic Magazine for July, 1 8 19. 78 'Bass Otis MISS LATROBE On canvas: jo x 2^ inches 19 Bass Otis MASTER JOSIAH SWAMLEY WA^NE From direct descendants On canvas: JO x 2J inches In a private collection Si Qharles Willson F^eale Born in Chestertown, Md., April 13, 1741, died in Philadelphia, February 22, 1827. He was probably the most versatile of all American artists, as he at various times practiced coach-building, harness-making, clock and watch manufacturing, silversmithing, dentistry and taxidermy; he was also a naturalist and interested in poli tics, besides being a miniature painter and a portrait painter in oils of marked ability. In his twenty-fifth year he gave up his various trades and devoted himself to por trait painting. His first lessons were received from John Hesselius, the son of Gustave Hesselius. After a year in Boston, studying with John Singleton Copley, in 1767 he went to London, where he became the pupil of Benjamin West. While in London, Peale studied modeling in wax, casting and molding in plaster, and mezzotint engraving. Returning to Annapolis in 1769, he commenced painting portraits. In 1772 he went to Mt. Vernon and painted the earliest known portrait of George Washington. Three years later he established himself in Philadelphia. In 1802 he opened Peale's Museum in that city, which was one of the first museums in the country. He made several attempts to form an art academy in Philadelphia before he was finally successful in assisting in establishing the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts in 1805. Peale was a virile and convincing portrait painter but his reputation has suffered somewhat, due to a number of mediocre por traits that he painted for his museum, and also to the fact that portraits painted by his relatives have passed for his work. He is supposed to have made it a point of refusing commissions in the interest of his sons, among them, Rembrandt, Raphael and Titian Peale. He had a brother, James and two nieces, Anne Claypoole, and Sarah Ann Peale, all of whom were artists. Qharles IFillson Teeale COMMODORE THOMAS NICHOLSON 0/ A>«/ Coan/j-, M<^. From direct descendants On canvas: jo x 2^ inches 83 Qharles IFillson F*eale M^^^^ MRS. G. BURNS. Mrs. Bums was grandmothei of Bishop Oden heimer of Pennsylvania and great-grandmother of Miss Odenhcimei , in whose collection this portrait was found. Mrs. Burns was a connection of Robert Burns On canvas: jo x 24^ 4 inches 85 I^mbrandt F'eale Born in Bucks County, Pa., February 22, 1778, died in Philadelphia, October 3, i860. He was the son of Charles Willson Peale, and at an early age gave evidence of a talent for art. In 1795 he was given three sittings by Washington and painted what he called his original por trait of Washington. In 1801 he went to England and studied under Benjamin West. After his return to America in 1803, he painted portraits in Savannah, Charieston, New York and Philadelphia. He made trips to Paris in 1807 and again in 1809 to paint portraits of distinguished Frenchmen for his father's museum and to study in the art galleries there. In 1829 he again went to France and Italy, spending sixteen months on the continent, then to England, remaining there until 1833, when he returned to America. While in England Peale exhibited at the Royal Academy. He was President of the American Academy after Trum bull, and was one of the original members of the Academy of Design. A good portrait painter, he is especially known for his "composite portrait" of Washington. In painting this picture he used not only his own portrait made from life but those of his father, the Gilbert Stuart portraits and the Houdon bust. According to his own records, he painted thirty-nine copies of his father's Washington, and seventy- nine of his own. I^mbrandt F*eale GEORGE WASHINGTON. Born February 22, 17J2; died December H, '799 On canvas: J7 x i'p^ inches In a private collection I^mbrandt F*eale COLONEL JOSEPH BIAYS From direct descendants On canvas: 271/% x 2jii. inches In the Museum of Natural History and ^irt, Pittsfield, Mass. 89 Qharles F*eale 'Polk iJORN in 1767 and died in 1822. His mother was Elizabeth Digby Peale, sister of Charles Willson Peale, who married Captain Robert Polk of Virginia. Polk came to Philadelphia to live with his uncle in 1775 and remained in his household until his early manhood. He was a stu dent of painting in his uncle's studio and practiced the art of portrait painting for a number of years. Later he held a position under the Government at \\'ashington. 90 Qharles Peale Polk GEORGE WASHINGTON Signed and dated May, 178 J On panel: 20}i x 16% inches 91 Qharles Peale Polk COMTE DE ROCHAMBEAU. Born in 172J; died in 17SJ. French General in America Signed and dated May, 178 J On panel: 20^'i x ri'i^i inches 93 Peter Frederick I^thermel rSoRN in Wescopack, Pa., July i8, 1817, died in Grassmere, Pa., August 15, 1895. First studied land-sur veying and only took up the study of art at the age of twenty-two. He was a pupil of J. R. Smith and afterwards of Bass Otis. From 1847 to 1855 he was director of the Pennsylvania Academy. The next year Rothermel went to Europe, visiting the principal cities of Italy, England, France, Germany and Belgium, returning to America in 1859. On his return he settled in Philadelphia, where he painted some portraits, but principally historical subjects and paintings as illustrations for books. 94 Peter Frederick I(othermel PORTRAIT OF A LADY On canvas: 24 x 20 inches 95 yames Sharpies JjORN in Bath, England, in 175 1, died in New York City, February 26, 181 1. He came to this country first in 1794 but after a few years went back to England, finally returning to America in 1809. Sharpies is famous for the miniature portrait pastels he made of most prominent men of his day. The majority of them are in profile but many are full face. He drew a portrait of Washington in profile in 1796, when Washington was in Philadelphia, and of this his wife later made a copy on ivory. Sharpies made a rep lica of nearly all the portraits which he executed and on each vvas the name of the sitter. These are ot inestimable value in identifying portraits of that period. 96 yames Sharpies PORTRAIT OF A MAN On canvas: 10 x 8 inches In a private collection 97 yames Sharpies JAMES McCLURG, ESQ. OF MARYLAND. 182J. Member of Federal Convention in 1787 On canvas: 10 x 8 oval Som in 1747; died in 99 Qolonel David Hunter Strother iJoRN in Martinsburg, \'a. (now West A'irginia), September i6, 1816, died in Charleston, ^^'. Va., March 8, 1888. In 1829 he went to Philadelphia to study drawing with Pietro .Ancora and in 1836 became the pupil of Morse in X'ew A'ork. Strother then spent some years traveling in the ^^'est and in Europe. On his return in 1845 he settled in New A'ork. Besides being a portrait painter, he was a wood-engraver, author, soldier and diplomat. He pub lished many drawings and sketches under the pen-name of "Porte Crayon," the first appearing in Harper's Magazine in i8<2. Qolonel David Hunter Strother WILLIAM SOMMFRVH.LE, ESQ., 0/ /7;i>^;«/rf On canvas: jo x 2i inches Qilbert Stuart Dorn in X^arragansett, R. I., December 3, 1755, died in Boston, Mass., July 27, 1828. From his early youth he showed a taste for portrait painting and at the age of sixteen was sent to study with Cosmos Alexander, a Scotch portrait painter, temporarily in this country. When in about 1772 .Alexander returned to Scotland, Stuart ac companied him. .Alexander died shortly after his arrival in Scotland and Stuart was compelled to return to America after having been absent for about two years. He wished to return to England to study under Benjamin West, and finally, in 1771;, set out for London, where he remained several years, studying part of the time with West. Ac cording to Hart, Stuart spent the years from 1778 to 1793 painting in Dublin. Returning to America, he settled in X'^ew A'ork, where he remained until 1794, then to Phila delphia, where he spent nine years, then to Washington, D. C, where he remained until 1806. He finally settled in Boston and died there in 1828. Stuart was unquestionably the greatest American portrait painter of his time and in fluenced all his contemporaries. He painted nearly all the prominent Americans of his age, his most distinguished sitter being George Washington. Qilbert Stuart GEORGE WASHINGTON. Engraved by Nutter on January 15, 1798 Directly from descendants of J. Sebastien De Franca of London. Men tioned in Mason's "Life and JVorks of Gilbert Stuart" p. 11^ On canvas: 29 x 24 inches In a private collection 103 Qilbert Stuart MARTHA WASHI NGTON. Born in New Kent County, Va., May, I7J2; died at Mt. J'ernon, Va., May 22, 1802. Daughter of Col. 'John Dan dridge. Married George JJ'ashington in January, 17^0 On canvas: JJ^i x 2j'l inches In a private collection Qilbert Stuart MR. SL'TCLIFF'E. From direct descendants of the late Daniel Hunt ington, who purchased it from a great niece of the subject of this portrait On canvas: 29 x 24 inches Qilbert Stuart MRS. JOSEPH ANTHONY From direct descendants On canvas: 29^^ x 24 inches In the Metropolitan Museum of Art 106 Qilbert Stuart MR. JOSEPH ANTHONY From direct descendants On canvas: 29}i x 24 inches In the Metropolitan Museum of Art 107 Qilbert Stuart GABRIEL MANIGAULT, ESQ. From direct descendants On canvas: jo x 2j inches In a private collection Qilbert Stuart MRS. GABRIEL .MANIGAULT From direct descendants On canvas: jo x 25 inches In a private collection 109 Qilbert Stuart ISAAC VAN DER BEEK, ESQ. Born October 29,17 4J; died May 27, 18 J J. Married Rachel Ryerson, November 27, 1767 From direct descendants On panel: J4 x 27 inches Qilbert Stuart MRS. RACHEL RYERSON VAN DER BEEK. Wife of Isaac Van der Beek. Born May ij, 17^1; died February 2j, 182J. Daughter of Martin Rverson and Amantze J^an Rypen, who was the daughter of J. T. Van Rypen, of Passaic, N. J. From direct descendants On panel: J4 x 27 inches Qilbert Stuart MRS. BETSY HARTIGAN. Mentioned in Mason's "Life and JVorks of Gilbert Stuart," p. 196 On canvas: joyi x 2j inches In a private collection Qilbert Stuart MR. WEBB, JR. (.?) On canvas: JO x 2J inches "3 Qilbert Stuart MR. WEBB, SR. {?) of County Donegal, Ireland On canvas: jo x 2j inches 114 Qilbert Stuart MRS. RACHEL TRENCHARD STRICKLAND. Wife of JV il liam Strickland, Esq. Born in Salem, N. J., 1789; died 1866 On canvas: jo x 25 inches In a private collection "5 Qilbert Stuart JA.MES CONNOR of Yonghal, Ireland. Bom May 2j, 177J; died .lugiist 14, 1819. Educated at Dublin University. Came to .imerica in 1799 and in the same year married Katherine Crowley of Belleville, N. J. From direct descendants On canvas: 211 x 24 inches 116 Qilbert Stuart REV. SAMUEL COOPER THACHER. Born in Boston, February 14, 178 J; died in France, January, 1818. One of the founders of the Boston Athenaeum Library On canvas: 29 x 24 inches "7 Qilbert Stuart MISS KING On canvas: JO x 2j inches Ii8 yane Stuart Dorn about 1810, died April 28, 1888. She was the daughter of Gilbert Stuart, studied under him for years, and practiced the profession of portrait painter until her death. In her early years she completed many unfinished sketches of \Aashington left by her father, and painted numerous copies of her father's portrait of this illustri ous .American. She was a mediocre painter and her work can be easilv detected from that of her father. yane Stuart GEORGE WASHINGTON On canvas: JO x 2J inches In a private collection Jane Stuart MARTHA WASHINGTON On canvas: JO x 2J inches In a private collection 123 I^bert eJ¥: Sully Dorn in Petersburg, \'a., July 17, 1803. The son of an actor, and nephew of Thomas Sully, at the age of six teen he determined to become a painter and after many privations succeeded in getting to Philadelphia at the age of eighteen. Here he received some instructions from his uncle, Thomas Sully. .After nine months he returned to Virginia and took up the practice of his profession. He also painted portraits in Xorth Carolina, finally sailing for England the ist of August, 1824, due to the advice and encouragement of his uncle. During his second year in London he painted a portrait of C. Below, secretarv ofthe British Institution. This brought him to the attention of X^orthcote, who encouraged him and permitted him to copy pictures which he had by Reynolds, Opie, Gains borough, etc. He also painted a portrait of Northcote, vvhich brought him considerable renown. Sully returned to America in September, 1828, and continued to practice his profession, principally in the South. Kobert ^M. Sully ¦> -^Kap'^ JUNIUS BRUTUS BOOTH, ESQ. Born 1796; died i8j2. Eng lisli actor On canvas: jo x 2j inches lie, Thomas Sully Dorn in Horncastle, Lincolnshire, England, June 19, 1783, died in Philadelphia, November 5, 1872. Brought to .America by his parents at the age of nine, the family settled in Charleston, S. C. Thomas received some slight art instruction before joining his brother, Lawrence, a miniature painter, at Richmond, Va. Later they moved to Norfolk where, soon surpassing his brother, Thomas commenced painting oil portraits and received some in struction from Henry Benbridge. In 1806 he married his brother's widow. Before settling permanently in Phila delphia in 1808 he spent some time in New A'ork and Bos ton, in the latter city receiving some instruction from Gil bert Stuart. The following year, going to London, he studied under Benjamin ^^'est, returning to New York in 1 8 ID. His last years, however, were spent in Philadelphia. Sully was a portrait painter of marked ability and most famous for his paintings of women. The picture which gave him probably his greatest reputation was his portrait of Queen Victoria. Sully had a son Thomas and a daughter Jane, afterwards Mrs. J. C. Darley, both of whom were portrait painters, and it is probable that many portraits in the style of Sully, but hardly up to his standard, were painted by these artists and have been wrongly attributed to their father. 126 Thomas Sully MRS. KATHERINE MM:'W'iN\% of Ph'iladelph'ia From direct descendants On canvas: 27 x 2j inches In the Metropolitan Museum of /irt 127 Thomas Sully MRS. J. IZARD MIDDLETON Secured from descendants On canvas: j6 x 27'y2 inches In a private collection Thomas Sully CHARLES MANIGAULT, ESQ. Secured from descendants On canvas: j^ x 27)4 inches In a private collection 129 MRS. GEORGE L I N G E N, ?»<¦ f Maria Oldmixon, JVife of Dr. George Lin gen No. 10 J4 in Sully's Register From direct descendants On canvas: 28 x 24 inches In the Chicago Art Institute 130 DR. PHILIP SYNG PHYSICK. Bom in Philadelphia, Pa., July 7, 1768; died there December fJ, 18J7. Graduated from University of Penn sylvania in 178^, and was given the independent chair of surgery ivhich he held for thirteen years. JVas called "father of American surgery." First American to be elected Member of the French Academy of Medicine. In iSj6 made honorary fellow of Royal Medical and Chirurgical Society of London No. ijij in Sully's Register On canvas: JO} 2 x 2 J inches I -51 lomas GOVERNOR SIMON SNYDER oJ Pennsylvania. Born in Ian- caster., Pa.., November f;., i'/fi On canvas: jS x 44 inches 136 Jeremiah Theus Dorn in Switzerland before i72o,£died May i8, 1774. He commenced painting portraits in South Carolina prior to 1740, as is evidenced by a notice in the Charleston (South Carolina) Gazette of .August 30, 1740, to the effect that he was established and ready to receive sitters. Por traits by Theus are somewhat in the early manner of Cop ley, and some of these have been wrongly attributed to the brush of his more famous contemporary. 138 Jeremiah Theus MR. MATHEWSON of Charleston, S. C. On canvas: J4 x 29 inches 139 Jeremiah Theus MRS. MATHEWSON of Charleston, S. C. On canvas: J4 x 29 inches 141 John Trumbull Dorn in Lebanon, Connecticut, June 6, 1756, died in New York City, November 10, 1843. He was a son of Jonathan Trumbull, who was the Governor of Con necticut and, being a Harvard graduate, sent his son to Harvard. John Trumbull is said to have graduated from the University at the age of seventeen. He early developed a taste for drawing. At the beginning ofthe Revolutionary War he joined the .Army as an adjutant and Washington appointed him .Aide-de-camp, using him to make drawings of the enemy's works at Boston and other places. He finally attained the rank of Colonel. In 1780 he went to France and then to London, carrying a letter from Ben jamin Franklin to Benjamin West. He was arrested while there and thrown into prison for treason, when finally being released through the efTorts of West and Copley, he was permitted to return home. In 1784 he again returned to England, studying under West. He traveled on the Continent part of the time. Before his return to America in 1789, when he settled in New York, he painted a number of historical pictures, among them the original composi tions for his paintings, "Declaration of Independence" and "Sortie of the Garrison from Gibraltar." He was abroad again from 1794 to 1804 and also from 1808 to 18 16. Among Trumbull's best works are his miniatur s. Hart attributes the inferiority of some of his larger pictures to the fact that Trumbull had lost the sight of one eye and, therefore, this disqualified him from seeing forms and pro portions normally. Trumbull painted many of the most prominent people of his day, among them General and Mrs. Washington. 142 John Trumbull "TRIAL OF MAJOR ANDRE." Generals Green and Lafayette seated at table. Standing in back of them are Paulding, JVilliams and J'an Vort, ivho captured Andre. General Steuben is standing and next to him is Gen eral Knox wearing artillery cap. In the background is John Laurens. On canvas: 12 x 18 inches Samuel J\)vett Ji^aldo Dorn in Wyndham, Conn., April 6, 1783, died in X'ew- A'ork City, February 16, 1861. He received his first art instruction from a mediocre artist bv- the name of Stewart in Hartford. Later Wa'do painted portraits in Connecticut, and finally, at the invitation of John Rutledge of South Carolina, went to Charleston where he remained scjme time. In 1806 he went to London where he met ^Aest and Copley and worked in the Royal Academy. Returning to the United States in 1809 he settled in Xew A'ork City and remained here until his death. In 1812 William Jewett came to him for instruction and after two years the latter made such progress that Waldo formed a partnership with him for the painting of por traits. Thev- painted pictures jointly and these pictures are often found stencilled on the back: "Waldo & Jewett, Xew A'ork City." On the formation of the American .Academy of Fine Arts, Waldo was made a member and finally a director. In addition to those he painted with Jewett, he painted many charming portraits alone. 144 Samuel J(j)vett J Faldo MRS. WILLIAM STEELE. Mary Dayton, daughter of Dr. Jon athan Dayton, married JViUiam Steele on December 26, 1791. She died March 26, l8j4. The portrait was painted shortly before her death and comes from the collection of JJ'illiam D. Steele On panel: JO x 25 inches 145 Samuel j(j)vett JFaldo COLONEL JOHN MARSHAL GAMBLE, U. S. M. C. Born 1791; died in Brooklyn, N. Y., September 11, l8j6. Appointed 1st Lieu tenant of the Marine Corps in 181 1 and six years later Lieutenant-Colonel. JVas with Porter on the "Essex," left in charge of the Galipagos Islands Ex pedition From direct descendants On canvas: Jo x 2 J inches 146 Samuel J(j>vett IFaldo MRS. LETITIA LANG GAMBLE. Mrs. Gamble was the daughter of John Lang, editor and proprietor of the N ew York "Observer." He was great ly interested in JJ'aldo, who not only painted Mr. Lang, but also his wije and three daughters On canvas: jo x 2^ 'inches 147 Samuel Jjivett JFaldo MRS. MARIE A. UNDERHILL VAN ZANDT. Daughter of Israel Underhill of JJ'estchester County. Married JVvnant J'an Zandt in 1788On canvas: JO x 2^ inches 148 Samuel T^ovett JJ^aldo CHARLES AVERY", ESQ. Bom about 1790. Merchant and great philanthropist. He lived and died in Pittsburg, where a monument was erected to him On canvas; jo x 2^ inches JF^aldo and Jewett DAVID AUGUSTUS COMSTOCK, ESQ. Born 1S04; died iSjs in New York City From direct descendant On panel: JJ x 2jyi inches 150 Benjamin JJ^est rSoRN near Springfield, Chester Count)- (now Swarth more, Delaware County), Pa., October lo, 1738, died in London, England, March 10, 1820. West is supposed to have shown a talent for painting at a very early age. His first instruction was received from W. Williams in Philadelphia. Later West went to Lancaster, Pa., where he made his first attempts at portraiture. In 1756 he es tablished himself in Philadelphia as a portrait painter and two years later went to X'ew York. In 1760 West went to Italy, remaining there until 1763, studying and painting a number of allegorical pictures. From there he went to London where he opened a studio, remaining until his death. West became one of the most popular painters of his day. One of the founders of the Royal Academy in 1768, in 1792 he succeeded Sir Joshua Reynolds as President of that Institution, which post he held almost uninterruptedly until 18 15. West greatly influenced .American as well as English art of his day. It was for tunate, indeed, for art in .America that those American artists who went abroad should have had an American to studv- with and no one could have shown more kindness to the struggling young artists of his native land than did West. Among those befriended by him were Charles Willson Peale, Gilbert Stuart, Joseph Wright and John Trumbull. West, one of the favorites of the English Court, receiving an allowance from the Crown, was not compel led to seek commissions. This no doubt accounts for his numerous historical subjects and the lack of apprecia tion of his real ability. As a portrait painter West was second to no artist of his day and had he only devoted himself to painting portraits he would no doubt have held a higher place in the history of art. 15^ Benjamin J Vest PORTRAIT of the Artist painting his JV'ife Signed and dated 1806 On canvas: J7 x 28 inches 153 Benjamin JJ^est PORTRAIT OF A MAN Signed and dated 1794 On canvas: JO x 40 inches In the Chicago .irt Institute 154 'benjamin West JOHN J. SEDLEY', ESQ. John Sedley was a nephew of Sir Charles Sedley Signed and dated, "B. Jf'est, 1802" On canvas: j6 x 28 inches In a private collection 155 Benjamin J J "est R.ALPH IZ.ARD and Fellow Students at Cambridge University, England. From left to right represented are: Messrs. Allen, JVormsley, '.illen, Izard and Beckford On canvas: 40] i x jo] ^ inches In a private collection 156 Benjamin JJ^est SELF PORTRAIT On canvas: 40)% x Ji'yi inches In a private collection ^Sl Benjamin J J "est "RETURN FROM THE PROMISED LAND' On panel: 2 J x JO^ inches In the Hackley Art Gallery, Muskegon, Mich, 158 Benjamin J J "est MRS. WEST AND CHILD On canvas: ji x 26 inches 159 Benjamin JJ^est "RETURN OF JEPHTHAH" On canvas: j8 x ^4 inches 160 yoseph JVood Dorn in Clarkstown, Orange County, New A'ork, 1798; died in Washington, D. C, 1852. His father was a respectable farmer who wished his son to succeed him, but when Joseph was fifteen years of age he determined to seek his fortune in X^ew A'ork. He was attracted by some minia ture pictures in a silversmith's shop while in New York and offered himself as an apprentice there. He worked as a silversmith for some years, during which time he was also interested in painting. Meeting John Wesley Jarvis, he joined him and they carried on the business of portrait painting together. About the year of 1806 Wood moved to Philadelphia and later followed the seat of Government to Washington, where he made his home until his death. Wood is reported to have painted very rapidly; sometimes even finishing a portrait in a day. 162 yoseph JJ^ood PORTRAIT OF A BOY WITH DOG Signed and dated 1828 On canvas: jo x 2j inches 163 T^fus Upright Dorn in Cleveland, O., 1832. According to Ap- pleton's Cyclopaedia of American Biography Wright was a pupil at the National Academy and studied also for a time under George A. Baker. His professional life was spent in New York and Washington. In 1866 he was made a mem ber of the Brooklyn Academy of Design. His portraits in clude those of Roger B. Taney, Edwin M. Stanton and William H. Seward. About 1875 he turned his attention also to the painting of composition pictures and produced among other works, "The Morning Bouquet," "The In ventor and the Banker," etc. 164 ^I^fus J J ^r ight WILLIAM HENRY SEWARD, ESQ. Born May i6, 1801; died October 10, 1872. Secretary of State under Lincoln and Johnson Signed and dated on back of canvas: "JJ'illiam H. Seward by Rufus JVright, November 4, i86j" On canvas: Ji'yi x 24 inches 165 J^st of zArtists arranging the list of artists we have deemed it simpler ¦lace the names alphabetically. The following abbrevia- is have been used to designate the principal activities of 1 artist: P for portraits G tor genre, still life, etc. L for landscapes or seascapes .1/ lor miniatures H tor historical suFiects A ite, Frederick S. (P G) 1807- 844 xander, Cosmo (P) flour'shed 1750- 772 xander, Francis (P L) 1800- 880 ;ton, Washington (P G) 1779- 843 es, Ezra (P) flourished 812 es, Joseph Alexander (P) 1816- 872 iubon, John James (Birds) 1780- 851 B iger, Joseph (P M) 1708- 76^; :er, George A. (P G) 1821- 880 cer, William H. (P G) 1825- 875 ming, Wm. J. (P) 1810- 856 ird, James Henrv (G H) 1814- 893 ¦k ? (L) ? _ 814 zoni ? (M) flourished 792 ibridge, Henry (P) 1744- 812 rstadt, Albert (L) 1829- 902 :h, Thomas (L) 1779- 8u :h, William Russell (M) 1755- 834 ckburn, Jonathan B. (P) about 1700- after 76"; ndel, Jacob D. (P) 1817- 877 th, Beniamin (P) 1740- after 781 rie, James (P) 1817- 873 ifield, G. R. (L) 1802- 898 dport, Hugh (M) 1794- 832 iwn, George Loring (L) 1814- 1889 iwn, Mather (P G) about 1763- 831 -ant, Henrv (P L) 1812- 881 ih, Joseph H. (P) 1794- 861; 167 c Cain ? (P) flourished 1760 Campbell ? (P) flourished 1776 Cardelli, Georgio (P) 1791- ? Carpenter, Francis B. (P) 1830-1900 Carter, Dennis Malone (PL) 1827-1881 Casilear, John \\'. (L) 1811-1893 Catlin, George (P) 1793?-! 875? Catton, Charles (G) 1756-1819 Chandler, Winthrop (P) 1 747-1 790 Chapman, John Gadsky (P L G) 1 805-1 889? Church, Frederick Edwin (L) 1 826-1 900 Claypool, James (P) 1720-1784 Cole, Thomas (L) 1 801-1848 Cooper, Peter (L) 1717^ ? Cooper, W. flourished 1835 Copley, John Singleton (P H) 1737-1815 Coram, Thomas (P) 1793-1856 Cranch, Christopher P. (L) 18 13-1892 Crawley, John (P) 1784- ? Cropsey, Jasper F. (L) 1 823-1900 Cummings, Thomas S. (P) 1804-1894 D Darley, Felix O. C. (G) 1 822-1 888 Dearborn, Nathaniel (P) 1786-1852 Delanoy, Abraham (P) 1740-1786 DeVeaux, Jacques Martial (P) 1 825-1 891 Dickinson, Anson (M) 1780-1847 Dickinson, Daniel (P M) 1795- ? Doughty, Thomas (L) 1793-1856 Duche, Thomas Spence (P) 1763-1790 Dunlap, William (G P H) 1766-1839 Durand, Asher Brown (L G) 1796-1886 Earl, Augustus (P) 1793- ? Earl, Ralph (P) 1751-1801 Earle, James (P) 1761-1798? Earle, Ralph E. W. (P) ? -1837 Earle, T. (P) flourished 1775-1792 Eckstein, John (P L H G) flourished 1772-1822 Eichholtz, Jacob (P) 1776-1842 Elliott, Charles Loring (P) 1812-1868 Emmons, Nathaniel (P) 1704-1740 Falconer, John M. (L G) 1820-1903 Feke, Robert (P) 1725-1769 Field, Robert (M P) ? "-1819 Fink, Frederick (G P) 1817-1849 Fisher, Alanson (P G) 1807-1884 Fisher, .Alvan (L P) 1792-1863 Flagg, George W. (G) 18 16-1 897 Flagg, Jared B. (P G) 1820-1899 Francis, George (P) 1790-1873 Fraser, Charles (M P) 1782-1860 Frazer, Oliver (P) 1808-1864 Frazier, ? (P) flourished 1763 Freeman, George (G) 1789-1868 Freeman, James Edward (P G) 1808-1884 Frothingham, James (P) 1786-1864 Fuller, George (L) 1822-1897? Fulton, Robert (P M) 1765-1815 G Gerry, S. L. (L) 1813- - Gifford, Sanford R. (L) 1823-1880 Gignoux, F. Regis (L H) 1816-1882 Goodridge, Sarah (M) 1788-1853 Gray, Henry Peters (G) 1819-1877 Greenwood, John (P) 1727-1792 Grimes, John (P) 1799-1837 Gullager, Christian (P) 1762-1826 H Hamilton, James (L H) 1819-1878 Hanks, Jervis F. (P) 1799- ? Harding, Chester (P) 1792-1866 Hart, William (L G) 1823-1890 Harvard .'' (P) flourished 1771 169 H Healy, George Peter Alexander (P H) 1813.^-1894 Herring, James (P) i794?-i867 Hesselius, Gustavus (P) 1682- .? Hesselius, J. (P) 1728-1788 Hicks, Thomas (P L G) 1823-1890 Hunt, William Morris (G P) 1824-1879 Huntington, Daniel (P G H) 1816-1906 Hubbard, Richard W. (L) 1817-1888 I Ingham, Charles Cromwell (PGM) 1796^-1863 Inness, George (L) 1825-1894 Inman, Henry (P L G) 1801-1846 J Jarvis, John Wesley (P) 1780-1839 Jewett, William (P) 1795-1863? Jewett, William S. 1812-1873 Jocelyn, Nathaniel (P) 1796- ? Johnson, Eastman (G) 1824-1906 Johnston, John (P) 1752-1818 Jouett, Matthew Harris (P) 1787-1827 Kensett, John Frederick (L) i8i8?-i872 Kilbrunn, Lawrence (P) ? -1775 King, Charles B. (P) 1785?-! 862 King, Samuel (P) 1749-1819 Krimmell, John Lewis (P G) 1787-1821 Kyle, Joseph (P G) 1815-1863 Lambdin, George Cochran (G) 1830-1896 Lambdin, John Reid (P) 1807-1889 Lane, Thomas H. 1814—1900 Lang, Louis (P H) 1814-1893 Lawson, Thomas Bayley (P) 1807-1888 LeClear, Thomas (P'G) 1818-1882 Leslie, Charles Robert (P G) 1794-1859 Leutze, Emanuel (H G) 18 16-1 868 Linen, George (P) i 802-1 888 Longacre, James Barton (P) 1794-1869 Lovett, William (M) 1773-1801 .Mc McEntee, Jervis (L G) 1828-1891 M Malbone, Edward Green (M) 1777-1807 Malcolm, James Peller (P L) 1767-1815 Manly ? (P) flourished 1772 Marchant, E. D. (P) 1806-1887 Matteson, Tompkins H. (G) 1813-1884 Meng, John (P) 1734- ? Metcalf, Eliab (P M) 1785-1834 Mooney, Edward (P) 1813-1887 Moran, Edward (L) 1829-1901 Morgan, Louis (P) 18 14-1852 Morse, Samuel Finley Breese (P L H) 1791-1872 Mount, Henry S. (G) 1802-1841 Mount, Shepard Alonzo (P) 1804-1868 Mount, William Sidney (G P) 1 806-1 868 Munger, George (M) 1783-1824 Munson, Lucius (P) 1796-1823 X Neagle, John (P) 1796 or 1799- 1865 X'ewton, Gilbert Stuart (P G) 1797?-! 835 O Ord, Joseph Biays (P) 1805-1865 Osgood, S. S. (P) - 1798- ? Otis, Bass (P) 1784-1861 P Page, AVilliam M. (P) 181 1-1885 Park, xAsa (P) ? -1827 Paradise, John (P) 1783-1833 p Paul, Jeremiah (P) flourished 1761 Peale, Anne Claypoole (M) ' 1791-1878 Peale, James (P) 1749-1831 Peale, James (M P L) 1779-1876 Peale, Raphael (P G) 1774-1825 Peale, Rembrandt (P G) 1778-1860 Peale, Sarah M. (P G) 1800-1885 Peele, JohnT. (P) 1822- ? Petticolas, Edward F. (P) flourished Earlv- 19th Century Percival, Edwin I793- ? Pine, Robert Edge (P H) 1730-1788 Polk, Charles Peale (P) 1767-1822 Pratt, Henry Cheeves (L P) 1803-1880 Pratt, Matthew (P G) 1734-1805 Pratt, Robert M. (P G) 1811-1880 Price, General Samuel W. (P) 1828- ? Q Quidor, John (G) 1800-1881 R Ramage, John (M) ? -1802 Reati, Thomas Buchanan (PL) 1822-1872 Reinagle, Hugh (L G) 1790-1834 Remick, Christian flourished 1768 Robertson, Archibald (P H) 1765-1835 Robertson, Walter (M) flourished 1793 Rogers, Xathaniel (P) 1788-1844 Rossiter, Thomas P. (G H L) 1818.^-1871 Rothermel, Peter F. (P H) 1817-1895 Saint-Memin, Charles B. J. F. de (M) 1770-1852 Sargent, Henry (P G H) 1770-1845 Savage, Edward (P) 1761-1817 Scarborough, John flourished 1830 Sharpies, Felix (P) 1794- ? Sharpies, James (P M) 1751-1811 Shaw, Joshua (L) 1776-1860 Shaw, Stephen AVilliam 1817-1900 17^ Sheffield, Isaac Shegogue, J. H. (P) Shumway, H. C. (M) Smibert, John (P) Smibert, Nathaniel (P) Smith, John Rubens (P) Smith, William Russell (L) Sonntag, William L. (L) Spencer, Frederick R. (P) Staigg, Richard M. (M P) Stearns, Junius Brutus (P) Stone, William Oliver (P) Strother, Col. David Hunter (P) Stewart, Joseph (P) Stuart, Gilbert (P) Stuart, Jane (P) Sully, Robert M. (P) Sully, Thomas (P G L) Sully, Lawrence (M) Sully, Thomas Wilcocks (M) Suydam, James Augustus (L) T Terry, Luther (G H P) Theus, Jeremiah (P) Thompson, Cephas (P) Thompson, Cephas Giovanni (L) Thompson, Jerome (L G) Tilyard ? (P) Tisdale, Elkanah (M) Trott, Beniamin (M) Trumbull, John (P H L) Twibill, George (P) Tyler, G. Washington (P) V Vanderlyn, John (P H) Ver Bryck, Cornelius (P L G) Verstille, William (M) VoUmering, Joseph (L) 173 1798- 1845 1805- 1872 1 8o8>- 1884 1684.?- 1751 1734- 1756 1775- ? 1812- 1896 1822- 1890 1805- 1875 1820- 1881 1810- 1885 1830- 1875 1816- 1888 1750- ? 1755- 1828 1810?- 1888 1803- ? 1783- 1872 1769- 1803 1811- 1847 1819- 1865 1813- 1869 Before 1720- 1774 1775- 1856 1809- 1888 1814- 1886 1787- 1827 1771- ? flourished 1791- 1839 1756- 1843 1806- 1836 1803- 1833 1775?- 1852 1813- 1844 flourished 1769- 1802 1810- 1887 w Waldo, Samuel Lovett (P) 1783-1 86i Wall, William G (L) 1792- ? Watson, John (P) 1685-1768? Waugh, Samuel B. (L) 1814-1885 Weber, Paul (L) 1823- ? Weir, Charles E. (P) ? -1845 Weir, Robert Walter (H G) 1803-1889 Wenzler, A. H. (L) ? -1871 Wertmuller, Adolf I'ric (P) i749?-i8ii? West, Beniamin (H P G L) 1738-1820 West, Wilham Edward (P M G) 1788-1857 White, Edwin (H G) 1817-1877 Whittredge, Worthington (L G) 1820-1910 Whitehorn, James (P) 1803-1888 Williams, Henrv (P) 1787-1830 Williams, Isaac' L. (PL) 1817- ? Williams, William (P) 1731-1811 Wilson, Matthew (P M) 18 14-1892 Winstanley, William (PL) flourished late i8th Century Wood, Joseph (P M) 1798-1852 Woodville, Richard Caton (G) 1 825-1 855 Woolaston, John (P) flourished 1750 Wright, Joseph (P) i7';6-i793 Wright, Rufus (P) 1832- ? It has been impossible for us to determine the dates of birth or death of the following artists who flourished during the middle of the i Sth and 19th centuries. Any information concerning these artists will be very gratefully received and appreciated, and all subscribers to the book will be notified as this information is secured: BILLINGS, T. E. BOWENBUDDINGTON BULLARD, O. A. CH.^PIN, HENRY CONARROE, GEORGE DOORNICK, F. V. DRINKERFAIRFAX, D. R. FERGUSON, DUNCAN FR.AZER, J. GREEN LEWIS, W. McCONKEY.McGIBBON, JAMES McKAYMATTHEWS, WILLIAM T. ONTHANK, B. PARKER, THOMAS PENNIMAN, JOHN RITTS POLK, WILLIAM ROBERTSRUSSELL OF GUILFORD, JOHN SAWYER, JAMES SOUTHWORTH, WILLIAM SPRAGUE, MARTIN TAYLOR TORRY, M. C. WEEKS, CAROLINE WESTOBY WILLARD, JOSEPH WRIGHT, HENRY J. 17s In compiling the foregoing facts we are indebted to the following authorities: American .^rt Annuals Appleton's Cyclopaedia of American Biography Artists of the Nineteenth Century (Clement & Hutton) Art in America — Before the Revolution (Edwin Swift Balch) Bulletins of the Worcester Museum of Art Catalogue of the Hudson-Fulton Celebration at the Metropolitan Mu seum of .-^rt, 1909 Catalogue of the Metropolitan Museum of Art Catalogue ofthe Exhibition of Early American Paintings, 191 7 (Museum ofthe Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences) Catalogue of the Works of Art of New York City, 1909 Cyclopaedia of Painters and Painting (Chaplin & Perkins) Copley by Frank W. Bayley Copley by .Augustus T. Perkins Copley by Martha Babcock Amory Dictionary of National Biography (Edited by Sidney Lee) Dictionary of Universal Biography (Hyamson) Dictionar)' of Painters and Engravers (Bryan) Dictionnaire des Peintres, Sculpteurs, Graveurs and Dessinateurs (E. Bene'/it) Dictionnaire Repertoire des Peintres (Mme. Isabelle Errera), 1913 History of the .^rts of Design (William Dunlap) History of American Art (S. Hartmann) History of .American Painting (Samuel Isham) Historical Reference Book (Louis Heilprin) Kunstler Lexikon (Thieme-Becker) Kunstler Lexikon (Nagler) Little Known Early American Portrait Painters (Frank W. Bayley) National .Academ\' of Design (Cummings) National Cyclopaedia of American Biography (James T. White & Co.) Outlines of the History of Painting (Edmund von Mach) Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts (Helen W. Henderson) Tuckerman's Book of the Artists Works of ."American Artists in the Collection of Herbert L. Pratt (Charles Henry Hart) 176 'Book arranged hy IT, A. Bradley, Tale University 'T'ress,^?\Q^w Haven, and pTnited by Donnan T. A, ^Jheiuider & (^on/pany, Baltimore ART LIBRARY YAL^ UNIVERSITY