1 DIVINITY SCHOOL TROWBRIDGE LIBRARY GIFT OF The Rev. Oscar E. Maurer, D. D. Paster First Church, New Haven 1909 . 19A AN INDEX HOLY BIBLE. CONTAINING ALSO A Harmony of the Gospels, and a List and Index op the Par ables, Miracles, and Discourses of our Lord, Supposed Chronology of the Acts and Epistles, Chronology of the Old Testament, Divided Monarchy and Prophets,The "I AM"of Jesus, The "ME" of Jesus, God Dwelling in Us, Special Prayers, and Belieters Sated. PHILADELPHIA: The American Sunday School Union, 1122 Chestnut Street. Price, single copies, 15 cents-, by dozen, liy, cents each. iiSji£!;¦ Kljj!!» I' P1! :: ,' AN INDEX TO THE HOLY BIBLE. AAK. Se PhShbrR0tl}eiV -Ex' 4' *• 16' 27j mily e ?n o, '„6' * his marriage and od & i ' 23; aPPomted to the priest- s %t \h 0°"8«orated, Le. 8. 1; his du- If Pi » '^v?' v< makes the golden lif; J; his resignation, Le. 10. mrS ^e People, 9. 22; No. 6. 23; ™ 1? «°t-Moa!?' 12- Ji his devotedl Sf' on' 78'i,hls/od' 17- 8i silis at Meri- fe 20- 7j his death, 20. 28; De. 10. 6;- .. Testament allusions to, Lu. 1. 5; 3. 7. 40; He. 5. 4; 7. 11; 9. 4. ' ' writes, 1 Chr. 12. 27; 27. 17 ; Bee Months. id Ion, Bev. 9. 11. fn*. °r Amana, river of, 2 KI. 5. 12; rim, hill of, Nu. 27. 12; 33. 47; De. 4!. s«, to humble, Job 40. 11; Da. 4. 37; ¦o. 11. 7; Phi. 4. 12. :». Father, Mar. 14. 36; Eo. 8. IB; Gal. Ijn, a judge, Ja. 12. 13; 1 Chr. 8. 23.— jjjsh's son, 2 Chr. 34. 20; a city, Jos. 21. ; inego, Da. 1. 7; 2. 49; 3. 12. '.. Adam's son, Ge. 4. 2—16; He. 11. 4; !is >. 3. 12;— blood of, He. 12. 24;— stone ii! Sa. C. 18. |::i, or Abijah, Samuel's son, 1 Sa. 8.2; !>boam's son, 1 Ki. 14. 1; — Behobo- on, 1 Ki. 15. 1; 2 Chr. 11. 20; 12. 10; 11;— a woman, 1 Chr. 2. 24;— Heze- inother, 2 Chr. 29. 1. ar, high priest, escapes from Saul ins David, 1 Sa. 22. 20; 23. 6; 30. 7; . 26; sent to Jerusalem with the Sa. 15. 29; joins Adonijah's rebel- Ki. 1. 7, 19; deposed, 2. 25. See Months. _ . . Saul's grandfather, 1 Sa. 9. 1; 14. p. Manasseh's grandson, Jos. 17. 2; 34. g 2-— one of David's heroes, 2 27- 1 Chr. 11. 28; 27. 12. l( ifabal's wife, and a"e,™f d" •'s, lSa.25.3,lf; :?°;Ms;2Sa-£ lr. 3. 1.— David's sister, 2 Sa. 17. 25, Aafon's son, Ex. 28. 1; Le. 10. 1; 2 4; 26. 61. „ , LS„ q- riideon's son, Ju. 9 1, 04, flf'V^riohr0.^^-31- |Levite, lba. '; ADM. Abinoam, Barak's father, Ju. 4. 6; 5. 1. Ablram, Nu. 16. 1; 1 Ki. 16. 34; Ps. 106. 17. Abishag, 1 Ki. 1. 3; 2. 17; &c. Abishai, David's nephew, 1 Sa. 26. 6; 2 Sa. 16. 9; 18. 2; 21. 17; 23. 18; 1 Chr. 18. 12. Abner, Saul's general, 1 Sa. 14. 51; 17. 55; 26. 5; 2 Sa. 2. 12 23; 3. 6, 27. Abraham, or Abram, his parentage, Ge. 11. 27; his call, 12. 1; He. 11. 8; prom ises made to him, Ge. 12. 2, 7; 13. 15; 15. 5; 17. 2; 22. 16; goes to Egypt, 12. 10; circumcises his household, 17. 23; intercedes for Sodom, 18. 23; called to offer up Isaac, 22. 2; his death and bu rial 26. 7; approved of God, 18. 19; 20. 6; his great faith, Eo. 4. 3; Gal. 3. 6; He. 11. 8; Ja. 2. 23; — New Testament allusions to, Mat. 3. 9; 8. 11; Lu. 1. 73; 13. 28; 16. 23; Jno. 8. 39, 52, 57; Ac. 7. 2; Eo. 4. 12; Gal. 3. 7; 4.22; He. 7. 1. Absalom, kills his brother, 2 Sa. 13. 23; flees, 37; returns, 14. 21; his rebellion, 15. 1, &c; defeat and death, 18. 6, &c; his beauty, 14. 25; his pillar, 18. 18. Access to God, Eo. 5. 2; Ep. 2. 18; 3. 12. See Prayek. Accursed, or devoted, Ex. 22. 19; Nu. 21. 2; De.7.2, 26; 21, 23; Jos. 6. 17; 7. 1; Ju. 11. 30; 21. 5; 1 Sa. 14. 24; Ac. 23. 12; Eo. 9. 3; Gal. 1. 8. Aceldama, Is. 7, 3; Zee. 11. 12; Mat. 27. 8; Ac. 1. 18. Acliaia, a province of Creece, Ac. 18. 12; 19. 21; Eo. 15. 26; 16. 5; 1 Co. 16. 15; 2 Co. 9. 2; 11. 10; 1 Th. 1. 7. Achan, his crime and death, Jos. 7. 1 — 26; 22. 20; 1 Chr. 2. 7. Acliish, king of Gath, 1 Sa. 21. 10; 27. 5; ' 1 Ki. 2. 40. Achor, valley of, Jos. 7. 26; Is. 65. 10; Ho. 2. 15. Adam, created, Ge. 1. 27; placed in Eden, 2. 15; his privileges and restrictions. 16. 17; obtains a helpmeet, 22; sins, and is expelJed from Eden, 3. 6, 24; his age and death, 6. 6; — death comes through his transgression, Eo. 5. 14; 1 Co. 15. 22; — a type of Christ, 1 Co. 15. 45;— alluded to, Job 31, 33; 1 Ti. 2. 13; Jude 14. Adamant, a precious stone, Ex. 28. 18; symbolical of hardness, Eze. 3, 9; Zee. 7. 12. Adar. See Moxths. Adder, Ge. 49, 17; Ps. 58. 4; Pro. 23, 32. Adjure, Jos. 6, 26; Mat. 26. 63; Mar. 5. 7; Ac. 19. 13. ' Adman, Ge. 14. 2; De. 29. 23; Ho. 11. 8. ADM. INDEX TO AGA. Admonishing, Le. 19. 17; Mat. 18. 15; Lu. 17. 3; 2 Th. 3. 15; He. 3. 13. See Re proof. Adonibezek, his cruelty, captivity, and death, Ju. 1. 4— 7. Adonijah, David's son, 2 Sa. 3. 4; 1 Ki. 1. 6; 2. 13, 25; — others of that name, 2 Chr. 17. 8; Ne. 10. 16. Adonizedek, king of Jerusalem, Jos. 10. 1. Adoption, natural, Ge. 48. 5, 14; Ex. 2. 10; Est. 2. 7; national, Ex. 4. 22; De. 14. 2; Eu. 1. 16; Ps. 33. 12; Ho. 11. 1; Eo. 9. 4; spiritual, Jno. 1. 12; Ro. 8. 15;— marks of, Ps. 25. 4; Is. 26. 13; Mat. 7. 21; Eo. 2. 7; 2 Co. 6. 18; Gal. 4. 6;— final, Eo. 8. 23. Adopted, privileges of, Ps. 32. 8; Pro. 10. 3; Is. 56. 5; Eo. 8. 14; 2 Co. 6. 18; He. 1. 14; 2. 11; 12. 6—11; 1 Pe. 1. 4; Ee. 2. 17; duties of, De. 6. 5; Je. 7. 23; Mai. 1. 6; 1 Jno. 4. 7. Adoram, 2 Sa. 20. 24; 1 Ki. 12. 18. Adoration, Ps. 102. 25; 104. 1; Is. 6. 1; 40. 22; Ee. 4. 11; 5. 12; 19. 1. Adrammelech, Sennacherib's son, 2 Ki. 19. 37; Is. 37. 38;— an idol, 2 Ki. 17. 31. Adramittium, a city of Mysia, Ac. 27. 2. Adria, the Mediterranean Sea, Ac. 27. 27. Adriel, Saul's son-in-law, 1 Sa. 18. 19; his sons, 2 Sa. 21. 8. Ad ullam, city of, Jos. 12. 15; 15. 35; 2 Chr. 11. 7; Ne. 11. 30; Mi. 1. 15;— cave of, 1 Sa. 22. 1; 2 Sa. 23. 13; 1 Chr. 11. 15. Adultery, forbidden, Ex. 20. 14; Le. 18. 20. De. 5. 18; even in thought, Mat. 5. 28. Punishment of, Le. 20. 10; Nu. 5. 11; De. 22. 22; Mai. 3. 5; 1 Co. 6. 9; He. 13. 4. Evils of, Pro. 6. 26,32;— idolatry, unbelief, and irreligion so called, Je. 3. 2; 13. 27; Eze. 23. 27; Mat. 12. 39; 16. 4; Mar 8.38. Adversary, 1 Sa. 1. 6; Mat. 5. 25; Lu. 12. 68; 1 Pe. 5. 8. Advocacy, Christ's, Eo. 8. 34; He. 7. 25; 9. 24; 1 Jno. 2. 1. iuuDos, healed, Ac. 9. 33. TEnon. Jno. 3. 23. Affection, strong expressions of, Ge. 7. 35; 42. 38; Ex. 32. 32; 2 Sa. 18. 33; 2 Co. 12. 15; Phi. 2. 17; 1 Th. 2. 8. See Love and Charity. Affections, the, God the supreme object of, De.6. 5; P».42.1; 73.25; 119.10; Mar. 12. 30;— proper objects of, 1 Chr. 29. 3; Ps. 16. 3; 19. 8; 26. 8; 27. 4; 69. 9; 84. 1; 119, 20, 97, 103, 139, 167; Mar. 12, 30; Eo. 12. 10; 2 Co. 7. 13; 1 Th. 2. 8; Col. 3. 1; Gal. 4. 18; — should not grow cold, Mat. 24. 12; Gal. 4. 15; Re. 2. 4. Evil affections, averse to God, Is. 58. 1; Eze. 33. 31; Lu. 8. 13;— should be morti fied, Eo. 8. 13; 13. 14; 1 Co. 9. 27; Col. 3. 5; 1 Th. 4. 5; — are crucified in saints, Eo. 6. 6; Gal. 5. 24. Unnatural affections, Eo. 1. 31; 2 Ti. 3. 3; 2 Pe. 2. 10. Afflictions, common to fallen man, Job 5. 6; 14. 1; — appointed and regulated by God, Ge. 15. 13; 2 Ki. 6. 33; Job 11. 10; Ps. 66.11; 78.33; 80.5; 119.71; Is. 9.1; 10.15, 25; 45. 7; Je. 29. 10; 46. 28; Am. 3. 6; Mi. 6. 9; Jno. 16. 33; 1 Th. 3. 3; 2 Ti. 3. 12; caused by sin, Ge. 3. 17; 18. 25; Job 4. 7; 20. 11; Pro. 1. 31; Is. 59. 2; Je. 5. 25; La. Sometimes the punishment of sin, Da. 4. 30; 5. 30; Ac. 12. 23; 1 Co. 11. 30. Sometimes otherwise, Ge. 39. 20; Ps. 69. 5; Mat. 10. 17; 24. 9; Jno. 15. 21; 2 TI. 3. 11. Prayer for -deliverance from, 2 Ki. 20. 1; Ps. 6. 1; 7. 1; 18. 3; Mat. 26. 39; 2. Co. 12. 8. Afflictions of the righteous, intended for > and productive of good, Ge. 50. 20; Ex. 1. 11; De. 8. 5; Job 5. 17; Ps. 66. 10; 78. 34; I 94. 12; 119. 67, 71; Pro. 3. 11; Is. 26. 9; 48. . 10; Je. 24. 5; Eze. 20. 7; Zep. 3. 7; Eo. 5. 3; He. 12. 5, 10; 1 Pe. 1. 6; show the love and faithfulness of God, De. 8. 5; Ps. 119. 75; 1 Co. 11. 32; Ee. 3. 19;— God tempers ' them with mercy, Ps. 78. 38; 106. 43; Is. 30. 18; La. 3. 32; Mi. 7. 7; Na. 1. 12; sujh ports and comforts under them, Ps. 34. 19, 20; 37. 24; Pro. 24. 16; Is. 61. 2; Mat 11. 28; Lu. 7. 13; Jno. 14. 1; 16. 33; 1. Co.; 10. 13; 2 Co. 12. 8; 2 Ti. 3. 11; 4. 17; He. 2/ 18; 2 Pe. 2. 9; preserves and dejivers from, Ps. 34. 4, 19; Pro. 12. 13; IsM3. 9; Je. 39. 17; Lu. 21. 18; Ee. 3.10;— arp com paratively light, Ac. 20. 23; Eo. S. 18s A Co. 4. 17; temporary, Ps. 30. 5; 103: 9; Isi B4. 7; Jno. 16. 20; 1 Pe. 1. 6; 5. 10;— to be borne with patience, Pro. 24. 10; 2 Ti. 2. 3; 4, 5. Final recompence of, Ps. 126, 5; Is. 61. 2; Mat. 5. 4, 10; Lu. 6. 22; Eo. 8. 18; 2 Co. 4. 17; 1 Pe. 1. 7; 2. 19; 3. 15; Be. 2. 7;f7. 13.: Afflictions, duties under: to praise God, Ps. 13. 5; 56. 8; 57. 6; 71. 20; to iinitatB Christ, He. 12. 1; 1 Pe. 2. 21; to tie pa tient, Lu. 21. 19; Eo. 12. 12; 2 Th], 1. 4; Ja. 1. 4; 1 Pe. 2. 20; to be resigned! 1 Sa. 3. 18; 2 Ki. 20. 19; Job. 1. 21; Ps. 31. S; to be teachable, Job 5. 17; Pro. 3. IB; He. 12. 5; to be submissive, Ne. 9. 33; |Johj2. 10; Is. 64. 5; La. 3. 39; Mi. 7. 9; t« tAt in God, Job 13. 15; Ps. 71. 20; 2 Cfo.Tp; to turn to God, Ps. 116. 7; Je. 50. 4; Ho. C. 1; to pray to God, 2 Sa. 22. 7; 2 Chr. 20. 9; Ps. 18. 6; 25. 16; 50. 15: 55. 16; La. 1. 20; Jon. 2. 2; Ja. 5. 13. Remarkable instances of, Ge. 39. 20; Fs. 105. 17; 1 Sa. 3. 18; 2 Sa. 12. 15; Ne. 1. 4; Job 1. 20; Ac. 20. 22; 21. 13; 1 Co. 4. 13; 2 Co. 6. 4—10; Ja. 5. 10; 1 Pe. 5. 9;— of Je sus Christ, Eo. 8. 17; 2 Co. 4. 10; Phi. 3. 10; He. 12. 3;.lPe. 2. 21; 4.13. How to treat those who suffer, 2 Ki. 8. 2, 9; Job 2. 11; 6. 14; 30. 25; Ps. 35. 13; Is. 58. 7; Mat. 25. 35; Eo. 12. 15; 2 Ti. 1. 16; He. 13. 3; Ja. 1. 27. Afflictions of transgressors, sometimes reclaim, De. 8. 6; 2 Chr. 33. 11; Job 5. 17; 36. 8; Ps. 78. 34; 94. 12; Pro. 3. 11; Ee. 7. 3; Eo. 6. 3; He. 12. 5; sometimes har den, Ne. 9. 28; Je. 5. 3; glorify God, Ex. 14. 4; Eze. 38. 22;— are manifold, De.31. 17; Job. 20. 22; 15. 20; Ps. 32. 10; Is. 32. 10;— examples to others, Ps. 64, 7; Zep. 3.6; lCo.10.5; 2 Pe. 2. 6;— caused by im penitence, Pro. 1. 30; Eze. 24. 13; Am, 4. 6; Zee. 7. 11; Re. 2. 21. Instances of, Ex. 9. 14; 14. 24; 2 Ki. 1. 1; 5. 27; 2 Chr. 21. 12; 26.J9; 28. 6. Agabus, aprophet, Ac. 11. 28; 21. 10. Agag, Nu. 24. 7; 1 Sa. 15. 8, 32. Agate, a precious stone, Ex. 28. 19; Is. 54. 12; Eze. 27. 16. AGO. THE BIBLE. AMM. Agony, our Lord's, Lu. 22. 44. Agrippa, king and tetrarch, Ac. 25. 13; 26. 1. Ague, Le. 26. 16. Agur, Pro. 30. 1, 8, 9. Ahab, king of Israel, 1 Ki. 16. 29; mar ries Jezebel, 31; defeats Benhadad, 20. 20; takes Naboth's vineyard, 21. 15; re pents, 27; dies, 22. 37;— a false prophet, Je. 29, 21. Ahasuerus, the Mede, Da. 9. 1;— Cyrus's son, Ezr. 4. 6;— Esther's husband, (i. 14; 7. 11; Ne. 2. 1; 6. 7; Est. 1. 1, &c. Ahaz, king of Judah, 2 Ki. 15. 38; 16. 1; 2 Chr. 28. 1; Is. 7. 1; 14. 28;— dial of, 2 Ki. 20. 9; Is. 38. 8. Ahaziah, king of Israel, 1 Ki. 22. 40; 2 Ki. 1. 2, 18;— king of Judah, 2 Ki. 8. 24; 9. 16; 2 Chr. 22. 1. Ahiah, or Ahijah, a scribe, 1 Ki. 4. 3;— a priest, 1 Sa. 14. 3, 18; a Benjamite, 1 Chr. 8. 7;— a prophet, 1 Ki. 11. 29; 14. 4. Ahikam, governor of Judea, 2 Ki. 22. 12; 25. 22; 2 Chr. 34. 20; Je. 26. 2i; 39. 14; 43. 6. Ahimaaz, 2 Sa. 15. 27; 17. 17; 18. 19, 27; 1 Ki. 4. 15. Ahimelech, high priest, succours David, 1 Sa. 21. 1; accused and slain by Doeg, 22. 9—11; — grandson of the former, 2 Sa. 8. 17; 1 Chr. 18. 16; 24. 3, 6, 31. Ahithophel, David's counsellor, 2 Sa. 15. 12, &c; 16. 20, &c; 17. 1, &c; 1 Chr. 27. 33; Ps. 55. 12—14. Ahitub, Eli's grandson, 1 Sa. 14. 3; 22. 9. Ai, or Hai, a town, Ge. 12. 8; Jos. 7.2, &c; 8. 1, &c; 9. 3; 10. 1; Ezr. 2. 28; Ne. 7. 32; Je. 49. 3. Aijalon, a city in Dan. Ju. 1. 35; — in Ben jamin, 2 Chr. 11. 10;— in Zabulon, Jos. 10. 12. Alabaster, Mat. 26. 7; Mar. 14. 3. Alexander, the Great, prophecies con cerning, Da. 8. 5, 21; 10. 20; 11. 3;— Sime on's son, Mar. 15. 21; — a coppersmith, 1 Ti. 1. 20; 2 Ti. 4. 14;— a Jew of Ephesus, Ac. 19. 33. Alexandria, a city in Egypt, Ac. 6. 9; 18. 24; 27. 6; 28. 11. Algum, or almug trees, sandal wood, 1 Ki. 10. 11; 2 Chr. 2. 8; 9. 10, 11. Allegory, 2 Sa. 12. 1—14; Gal. 4. 22. 31. Alleluiah, or hallelujah, praise ye the Lord, Ps. 106, 109, 113, 135, 145; Ke. 19. 1,6. Almond Tree, Ge. 43. 11; Nu. 17. 6; Ec. 12. 5; Je. 1. 11. Almsgiving, recommended, De. 15. 7; Job 22. 7; 31. 16; Eze. 16. 49; Lu. 3. 11; 11. 41; Ep. 4. 28; 1 Ti. 6. 18; 1 Jno. 3. 17; meas ure and manner of, De. 15. 10; Pro. 3. 27; Mat. 6. 1; Mar. 12. 43; Ac. 11. 29; Eo. 12. 8; 1 Co. 16. 2; 2 Co. 8. 11; 1 Pe. 4. 11; to be done with prayer, Is. 58. 7; Ac. 10. 2; will be rewarded, Ps. 41. 1; 112. 9; Pro. 14. 21; 19. 17; 22. 9; 28. 27; Mat. 25. 35; Lu. 6. 38; 14. 14; 1 Ti. 6. 18; He. 6. 10; neglect of it punished, Job 20. 19; Pro. 21. 13; Eze. 18. 12; Mat. 25. 40. Proper objects for, Eo. 12. 13; 2 Co. 9. 1; 2 Th. 3. 10; Gal. 6. 10. Aloes, Ps. 45. 8; Pro. 7. 17; Jno. 19. 39;— lign aloe, Nu. 24. 6. Alpha and Omega, Be. 1. 8; 21, 6; 22. 13. Alpheus, James's and Jude's father (sup posed to be Cleophas), Mat. 10. 3; Lu. 6. 15; 24. 18; Jno. 19. 25; Ac. 1. 13;— Mat thew's father, Mar. 2. 14. Altars, of earth and stone, Ex. 20. 24; De. 27. 5;— of brass, 1 Ki. 8. 64; 2 Chr. 4. 1; Ezr. 3. 1;— of burnt offering, Ex. 27. 1, Ac; 28. 1, &c; He. 13. 10;— of incense, Ex.30. l,&c; 37.25; 39.38; 40.5,26; Nu. 7. 10. Altars, erected by Noah, Ge. 8. 20;— Abra ham, 12. 7; 13. 18; 22. 9; Ja. 2. 21;— Isaac, Ge. 26. 25;— Jacob, 33. 20; 35. 1, .7;— Moses, Ex. 17. 15; 24. 4;— Aaron, 32.5;— Balaam, Nu. 23. 1;— Joshua, Jos. 8. 30;— the Eeu- benites, 22. 10;— Gideon. Ju. 6. 24;— Ma- noah, 13. 20;— Israel, 21. 4;— Samuel, 1 Sa. 7. 17;— Saul, 14. 35;— David, 2 Sa. 24. 18; 1 Chr. 21. 18; 22. 1;— Solomon, 1 Ki. 3. 4; 6. 20; 7. 48;— Jeroboam, 12. 33;— Ahab, 16. 32;— Ahaz, 2 Ki. 16. 10;— Manasseh, 21. 3; 2 Chr. 33. 3;— Zerubbabel, Ezr. 3. 2;— the Athenians, Ac. 17. 23. Cleansed by Hezekiah, 2 Chr. 29. 18; Josi- ah, 34. 4;— defiled by TJzziah, 26. 16;— used as a protection, 1 Ki. 1. 50; 2. 28. Types of Christ, He. 13. 10; Ee. 8. 3; 9. 13. Amalek, Esau's grandson, Ge. 36. 12, 16; 1 Chr. 1. 36. Amalekites, their origin, character, and country, Ge. 14. 7; 36. 12; Nu. 13. 29; 14. 25; 24. 7; Ju. 10. 12; 1 Sa. 15. 8, &c; 27. 8; — opposed Israel, Ex. 17. 8; Ju. 3. 13; 6. 3, 33; 7. 12; 10. 12; 1 Sa. 30. 1, 13; Ps. 83. 7;— defeated by Israel, 1 Sa. 14. 48; 27. 8; 2 Sa. 1. 1; 1 Chr. 4. 43; 18. 11; by Saul, 1 Sa. 15. 7; by David, 1 Sa. 30. 17;— their doom, Ex. 17. 14; Nu. 24. 20; De. 25. 19. Amasa, David's nephew, 2 Sa. 17. 25; 20. 4; 1 Ki. 2. 5; 1 Chr. 2. 17. Amasai, Elkanah's son, 1 Chr. 6. 25, 35; — a captain, 12. 18; — a priest, 15. 24; — a Le- vite, 2 Chr. 29. 12. Amaziah, king of Judah, 2 Ki. 12. 21; 2 Chr. 25. 1; defeats the Edomites, 2 Ki. 14. 7; is defeated and murdered, 2 Ki. 14. 7, 12, 19; 2 Chr. 25. 27;— an idolatrous priest, Am. 7. 10. Ambassador, 2 Chr. 35. 31; of Christ, 2 Co. 5. 20. Amber, Eze. 1. 4, 27; 8. 2. Ambition, reproved, Ge. 11. 7; Is. 6. 8; Mat. 18. 1; 20. 25; 23. 11; Lu. 22. 26; pun ishment of, Pro. 17. 19; Is. 14. 12; Eze. 31. 10; Ob. 3. 4. Ambush, Jos. 8. 2; 2 Chr. 13. 13; Je. 51. 12. Amen, earnest desire, assurance, or con firmation, Nu. 5. 22; De. 27. 15; 1 Ki. 1. 36; 1 Chr. 16. 36; Ne. 5. 13; Ps. 72. 19; 89. 52; Mat. 6. 13; Ee. 22. 20. Sometimes rendered verily, which see. Amethyst, Ex. 28. 19; Re. 21. 20. Amminadab, Aaron's father-in-law. Ex. 6. 23; Nu. 1. 7; 7. 12; Ru. 4. 20; 1 Chr. 2. 10;— a progenitor of Christ, Mat. 1. 4; — others of that name, 1 Chr. 6. 22; 15. 10. 'Chariots of, Can. 6. 12. ¦ Ammon, Lot's son, Ge. 19. 38. Ammonites, the, country of, Nu. 21. 24; De. 2. 19; Jos. 12. 2; character of, Ju. 10. 6; 1 Ki. 11. 7; 2 Ki. 23. 13; 2 Chr. 20. 25; Je. 27. 3; Eze. 25. 3; Am. 1. 13; Zep. 2. 8; AMN. INDEX TO ANX. cities of, 2 Sa. 12. 26; Je. 49. 3;— oppress Israel, Ju. 10. 8; subdued by Jephthah, 11. 5, 32; by Saul, 1 Sa. 11. 11; 14. 47; by Da vid, 2 Sa. 10. 14; 12. 26; by Jotham, 2 Chr. 27. 5;— miraculous defeat of, 2 Chr. 20. 22. Prophecies concerning, Is. 11. 14; Je. 25. 9—21; 27. 3; 49. 1; Eze 21. 28; 25. 2; Am. 1. 13; Zep. 2. 8. Amnon, David's son, 2 Sa. 3. 2; 13. 1—33; 1 Chr. 3. 1. Anion, king of Judah, 2 Ki. 21. 19; 2 Chr. 33. 20, 25;— governor of Syria, 1 Ki. 22. 26; 2 Chr. 18. 25. Amorites, the descendants of Emor, Ge. 10. 16; 1 Chr. 1. 14;— country of, Ge. 14. 7; 15. 21; Nu. 13. 29; 21. 26; De. 1. 7; 3. 8; 4. 46; Jos. 5. 1:9. 1; 10. 5; 12. 2; 13. 4; 24. 8; Ju. 1. 35; 1 Ki. 4. 19;— cities of, Nu. 32. 17, 33:— character of, Gs. 15. 16; Jos. 24. 15; 1 Ki; 21. 26; 2 Ki. 21. 11; Ezr. 9. 1;— of great stature, Am. 2. 9;— assist Abraham, Ge. 14. 13; oppose Israel, Nu. 21. 21; De. 1. 44; 2. 30; Ju. 1. 34; 10. 8; 11. 19: ex pelled by Israel, Nu. 21. 25; 32. 32; De. 1. 4; 2. 24; 3. 2, 8; Ju. 11. 23; Ne. 9. 8; Ps. 135. 11; 136. 19; at peace with Israel, 1 Sa. 7. 14; 2 Sa. 21. 2; tributary, Ju. 1. 34; 1 Ki. 9.20. Prophecies concerning, Eze. 16. 3, 45; Am. 2.9. Amphipolis, a city in Turkey, Ac. 17. 1. Amrain, Moses's father, Ex. 6. 18; 1 Chr. 6.3. Amraphel, king of Shinar, Ge. 14. 1. Amusements, worldly, vanity and evil of, Job 21. 12; Ec 2. 11; 7. 4; Gal. 5. V.i; He. 11. 25; lead to evil, Job 1. 5; Pro. 21. 17; Is. 5. 12; Am. 6. 1; Mat. 14. 6; Lu. 8. 14; forbidden, Is. 5. 11; punished, Ec. 11. 9- 2 Pe. 2. 13. Anak) Anakim, Nu. 13. 22; De. 2. 10; 9. 2; Jos. 15. 14; Ju. 1. 20. Ananias, high-priest, Ac. 23. 2; 24. 1;— a Christian, Ac. 9. 10, 13, 17;— Saphira's husband, Ac. 5. 1. Anathema, Ao. 23. 14; Bo. 9. 3; 1 Co. 12. 3; 16. 22; Gal. 1. 8. Anathoth, a city of Benjamin, Jos. 21. 18; 1 Ki. 2. 26; 1 Chr. 6. 60; Is. 10. 30; Je. 11. 21" 29. 27' 32. 7. Anchor, Ac. 27. 30; figuratively, He. 6. 19. Andrew, an apostle, Mat. 4. 18; 10. 2; Mar. 1. 16; 3. 18; 13. 3; Lu. 6. 14; Jno. 1. 40; 6. 8; 12. 22; Ac. 1. 13. Angels, of God, created and fallible, Job 4. 18; Mat. 21. 36; Col. 1. 16; 1 Pe. 1. 12; —their character, 2 Sa. 14. 20; Ps. 103. 21; Mat. 25. 31; Lu. 20. 36; 1 Ti. 5. 21; 2 Pe. 2. 11;— their numbers, De. 33. 2; Job 25. 3; Ps. 68. 17; Da. 7. 10; Mat. 26. 53; Lu. 2. 13; He. 12. 22; Jude 14; Ee. 5. 11. Of different ranks. Is. 6. 2; Da. 10. 13; 1 Th. 4. 16; 1 Pe. 3. 32; Jude 9; Re 12. 7;— their great power, Ps. 103. 20; 2 Pe. 2. 11; Ee. 5. 2; 18. 21; 19. 17; and activity, Ju. 13. 20; Is. 6. 2; Mat. 13. 49; 26. 63; Ac. 27. 23; Ee. 8. 13; — their employments, 1 Ki. 19. 5; Job 38. 7; Ps. 34. 7; 68. 17; 91. 11; 148. 2; Ec. 5. 6; Mat. 18. 10; 13. 41; 24. 31; 16. 27; Lu. 15. 10; 16. 22; Ao. 12. 15; 2 Th. 1. 7; He. 1. 14; 1 Pe. 1. 12. Appearances of, to Abraham, Ge. 18. 1; to Lot, 19. 1; to Jacob (in a dream), 31. 11; to Manoah, Ju. 13. 3; to David, 2 Sa. 24. 17; to Elijah, 1 Ki. 19. 5; to the Eo- man guard, Mat. 28. 2; to Zacharias, Ln. 1. 19; to Mary, 26; to the shepherds, 2. 9, 13; to Peter, Ac. 12. 7; to the disciples, Lu. 24. 4; Ac. 1. 10. Christ appeared as one, Ge. 18. 17; 22. 15; 32. 28; Ex. 3. 2; Ju. 2. 1; 6. 11. Take an interest in the work of redemp tion, Lu. 15. 7; Ep. 3. 9, 10; 1 Ti. 3. 16; 1 Pe. 1. 12. Watch over the children of God, Ps. 34. 7; 91. 11; Da. 6. 22; Mat. 18. 10. Angels, fallen, 2 Pe. 2. 4; Jude 6. Angel of the church, Ee. 2. 1, 8, 12, 18; 3. 1, 7, 14. Anger, to be repressed, Ps. 37. 8; Pro. 16. 32; 17. 14; Ec. 7. 9; Mat. 6. 22; Eo. 12.19; Ep. 4. 26; Col. 3. 8; Ja. 1. 19; evils of, Job 5. 2; Pro. 12. 16; 14. 29; 22. 24; 25. 8, 28; 27. 3; 29. 20;— source of, Pro. 13. 10; 21. 24; Gal. 5. 20;— fruits of, Job 5. 2; Pro. 17. 14; 19. 19; 26. 21; 30. 33;— may be innocent, Ep. 4. 26;— how to pacify, Pro. 15. 1; 16. 24; 21. 14; 25. 15; Ec. 10. 4; Mat. 6. 25. Examples of sinful anger, Cain, Ge. 4. 5; —Esau, 27. 45;— Potiphar's wife, 39. 13;— Simeon and Levi, 34. 27; 49. 6;— Moses, Nu. 20. 10; Ps. 106. 33;— Balaam, Nu. 22. 27;— Saul, 1 Sa. 20. 30;— Jonah, Jon. 4. 1; Herod, Mat. 2. 16;— the Jews, Lu. 4. 28; the elder son, 15. 28; — the high priest, Ac. 5. 17; 7. 54. Of justifiable anger, Jacob, Ge. 31. 36; — Moses, Ex. 11. 8; 32. 19; Le. 10. 16; Nu. 16. 15; 31. 14;— Nehemiah, Ne. 5. 6; 13. 17; —Jesus, Mar. 3. 5;— God, Ge. 6. 7; Ex. 4. 14; Ps. 7. 11; 2Ki. 17. 8. Anguish, Ge. 42. 21; 2 Sa. 1. 9; Ts. 119. 143; Jno. 16. 21; Eo. 2. 9; 2 Co. 2. 4. Anise, or dill, a species of parsley, Mat. 23. 23. Anna, a prophetess, Lu. 2. 36. Annas, high priest, Lu. 3. 2; Jno. 18. 13; Ac. 4. 6. Anointing, an act of consecration, Ge. 28. 18; 2 Sa. 19. 10; 1 Ki. 1. 39; 19. 15;— of the Levitical service, Ex. 28. 41; 30. 23; —a sign of joy, 2 Sa. 14. 2; Ps. 23. 5; 92. 10; Ec. 9. 8; Mat. 6. 17;— of respect and reverence, Mat. 26. 6; Lu. 7. 37; Jno. 12.3. Anointing the sick, Ja. 5. 14; -for burial. Mar. 14. 8; 16. 1; Lu. 23. 56. Of the Holy Ghost, 2 Co. 1. 21; 1 Jno. 2. 20,27;— typified, Ex..40. 13; Le. 8. 12; 1 Sa. 16. 13; 1 Ki. 19. 16, Christ the anointed of God, Ts. 45. 7; Is. 61. 1; Da. 9. 24; Lu. 4. 18; Ac. 4. 27; 10. 38; He. 1. 9. Ants, or emmets, Pro. 5. 6; 30. 25. Antichrist, foretold, 2 Th. 2. 3; 1 Ti. 4. 1: — said to be come, 1 Jno, 2. 18; 4. 3; 2 Jno. 7. Antioch, a city of Syria,. Ac. 6. 5; 11. 19, 26; 13. 1; 14. 26; 15. 22; 18. 22; Gal. 2. 11; 2 Ti. 3. 11. Antipas, a Christian martyr, Ee. 2. 13. AntipatriB, a town in Palestine, Ac. 23. 31. Anvil, Is, 41. 7. Anxiety, worldly, to be avoided, Mat. 6, 25; 13. 22; Lu. 12. 22; Jno. 6. 27; 1 Co. 7. APE. THE BIBLE. ASH. 32; Phil. 4. 6; 1 Ti. 6. 8; 1 Pe. 5. 7. See Care. Ape, 1 KI. 10. 22. Aphek, name of several towns, Jos. 19. 30; 1 Sa. 4. 1; 29. 1; 1 Ki. 20. 26. Apollonia, Ac. 17. 1. Apollos, Ac. 18.24; 19. 1; 1 Co. 1. 12; 3. 4. Apollyon, Ee. 9. ll. Apostasy, causes of, Mat. 24. 9; Lu. 8. 13; 2 Ti. 4. 10;— danger of, He. 6. 4;— guilt and punishment of, Zep. 1. 4; He. 10. 25; 2 Pe. 2. 17; — cautions against, He. 3. 12; 2. Pe. 3. 17;— frequency of, Mat. 24. 12; 2 Th. 2. 3; 1 Ti. 4. 1. Apostles, the, called, Mat. 10. 1; Mar. 3. 13; Lu. 6. 13; Ac. 1. 26; 9. 1, &c; 13.2; 20. 24; Eo. 1. 5; 1 Co. 1. 1; 12. 28; Gal. 1. 1, 15;— their worldly rank, Mat. 4. 18; Ac. 4. 13;— their mission, Mat. 10. 5; 28. 19; Mar. 16. 15; Lu. 10. 3; 24. 47; Ac. 13. 46; 2 Ti. 1. 11;— their duties, Mat. 10. 37; 20. 26; Mar. 9. 33; Lu. 22. 26; Jno. 15. 27. Gifts and aids gitfen to, Mat. 10. 1, 8; 19. 20; Mar. 16. 20; Lu. 9. 1; 12. 11; Jno. 20. 22; Ac. 2. 43; 9. 17;— trials and persecu tions, Mat. 10, 16, 22; 24. 9; Lu. 21. 16; Jno. 15. 18, 20; 16. 2;— saw Christ, Lu. 1. 2; Ac. 1. 22; 1 Co. 9. 1; 1 Jno. 1. 1;— were witnesses of his death and ascension, Lu. 24. 33—41, 51; Ao. 1. 2, 9; 10. 40, 41; 1 Co. 15. 8. . Apothecary, Ex. 30. 35; Eo. 10. 1; Appii Forum, a city in Italy, Ac. 28. 15. Apple, and apple-tree, Can. 2. 3; Joel, 1. Apple of the eye, De. 32. 10; Ps. 17. 8; Pro. 7. 2; Zee. 2. 8. Aquila, Ac. 18. 1, 18; Eo. 16. 3. Arabia, 1 Ki. 10. 15; 2 Chr. 9. 11; Is. 21. 13; Je. 25. 24; Eze. 27. 21; Gal. 1. 17; 4. 23. Arabians, 2 Chr. 17. 11; 26. 7; Is. 13. 20; 21. 13; Je. 3. 2; Ac. 2. 11. Aram (Syria), Nu. 23. 7; 1 Chr. 2. 23. Ararat, a mountain in Armenia, Ge. i. 4; Je. 51. 27. Araunah, a Jebusite, 2 Sa. 21. 16; 1 Chr. 21. 15; 2 Chr. 3. 1. Archangel. See Angels. Archelaus, Herod's son, Mat. 2. 22. Archers, and archery, Ge. 21, 20; 1 Sa. 31. 3; 1 Chr. 10. 3; Job 16. 13; Is. 22. 3 ; Je. 51. 3. See Bow. Arcturus, a star, Job 9. 9; 38. 32. Areopagus, a court at Athens, Ac. 17. 19. Aretas, king of Damascus, 1 Co. 11. 32. Ariel, Ezr. 8. 16; — applied to Jerusalem, Is. 29. 1. Arimathea, a city of Judah (the ancient Eamah), Mat. 27. 57; Mar. 15. 43; Lu. 23. 51; Jno. 19. 38. Arioch, king of Ellasar, Ge. 14, 1, 9; — captain of Nebuchadnezzar's guard, Da. 2.25. Aristarchus, Ac. 19. 29; 20. 4; 27. 2; Col. 4. 10. Ark, Noah's, Ge. 6. 14; 7. 1; 8. 1; 9. 10, IS; Mat. 24. 38; Lu. 17. 27; He. 11. 7; 1 Pe. 3. 20 (See. Deluge);— Moses's, Ex. 2. 3. Ark of the covenant: making of, Ex. 25. 10; 31. 6; 35. 12: 37. 1; 39. 32; De. 10. 1;— carried through Jordan, Jos. 3. 15; — cap tivity and return of, 1 Sa. 4, 11; 5. 3; 6. 10; 2 Sa. 6. 2; 10. 15. Its position, Ex. 26. 33; 30. 6; 40. 3; 1 Ki. 6. 19; 8. 1; 1 Sa. 3. 3; 7. 2; 2 Sa. 6. 11; 1 Chr. 13. 1, 14; 15. 1; 16. 1; 2 Chr. 1. 4; 5. 2; 8. 11; 35. 3; Ps. 132. 8;— its contents, Ex. 25. 16; 40. 20; De. 10. 5; 31. 26; 2 Chr. 5. 10; 6. 11; service of, Ex. 30. 26; Nu. 3. 31; 1 Ki. 3. 15; 1 Chr. 6. 31; 15. 1. New Testament allusions to, He. 9. 4; Ee. 11. 19. Arkite, Ge. 10. 17. Arm of God, Je. 27. 5; 32. 17; Is. 52. 10; 53. 1; 63. 12. Armageddon, Re. 16. 16. Armenia, a province of Asia, 2 Ki. 19. 37; Is. 37. 38. Armies, remarkable, Jos. -11. 4; 1 Sa. 13. 5; 2 Chr. 13. 3; 14. 9; 17. 14. Composed of archers or slingers, 1 Chr. 12. 2; Je. 4. 29;— of cavalry, Ex. 14. 9; 1 Ki. 20. 20;— of chariots, Jos. 17. 16; Ju. 4. 3. See Battles and Soldiers. Armour, the shield or buckler, 1 Ki. 10. 17; Eze. 26. 8; Na. 2. 3;— the target, 1 Sa. 17. 6;— the coat of mail, 1 Sa. 17. 5; Ne. 4. 16; Job 41. 26; Re. 9. 9;— greaves, 1 Sa.17. 6; the helmet, Eze. 27. 10. The Christian's, Ep. 6. 12. Armour-bearer, Ju. 9. 54; 1 Sa. 16. 21; 31. 4. Arms, the sword, Ge. 27. 40; Ju. 20. 17; 2 Sa. 20. 8; the spear, javelin, dart, or lance, Jos. 8. 18; Nu. 25. 7; 1 Sa. 18. 10; Je. 1. 42;— the arrow, Ge. 27. 3; 48. 22; 1 Sa. 20. 36; Job 6. 4; Ps. 18. 34; 38. 2; 91. 5; 120. 4; Eze. 21. 21;— the sling, 1 Sa. 17.40; 1 Chr. 12. 2;— the battle-axe, Je. 51. 20. See War. Arnon, river of, Nu. 21. 13; 22. 36; De. 3. 8; 4. 48; Jos. 12. 1; 13. 9, 16; Ju. 11. 13, 18; 2 Ki. 10. 33; Is. 16. 2; Je. 48. 20. Arphaxad, Shem's son, Ge. 11. 10. Artaxerxes, Ezr. 4. 7; Ne. 2. 1. See Ahasuerus. Arts and manufactures. See Trades and Professions. Araad, a city of Phenicia, Ge. 10. 18; Eze. 27. 8, 11. Asa, king of Judah, 1 Ki. 15. 8; 2 Chr. 14. 1; 15. 1; 16. 1. Asahel, Joab's brother, 2 Sa. 2. 18; 3. 27; 23. 24; 1 Chr. 2. 16; 11. 26; 27. 7;— a Le- vite, 2 Chr. 17. 8; 31. 13. Asaph, a musician, supposed author of Psalms 50 and 73 to S3; 1 Chr. 6. 39; 16. 7; 25. 1; 26. 1; 2 Chr. 5. 12; 20. 14; 29. 13; 35. 15; Ezr. 2. 41; 3. 10; Ne. 7. 44; 11. 17; 12. 35;— a recorder, 2 Ki. 18. 18; 2 Chr. 29. 30; Is. 36. 3. Ascension of Christ foretold, Ps. 24. 7; 68. 18; Jno. 6. 62; 7. 33; 14. 28; 16. 5; 20. 17;— time of, Ac. 1. 3;— place of, Mar. 11. 1; Lu. 24. 60; Ac. 1. 12;— design and ef fects of, Ps. 68. 18; Lu. 24. 26; Jno. 14. 2; 16. 7; Ac. 2. 33; Ro. 8. 34; Ep. 1. 20; 4. 8, 11; He. 6. 20; 9. 24; 1 Pe. 3. 22. Typified, Le. 16. 15; He. 6. 20; 9. 7, 9, 12. Ashdod, or Azotus, Jos. 11. 22; 15. 46; 1 Sa. 5. 1; 6. 17; 2 Chr. 26. 6; Ne. 13. 23; Is. 20. 1; Je. 25. 20; Am. 1. 8; 3. 9; Zep. 2. 4; Zee. 9. 6. Ac. 8. 40. Asher, Jacob's son, Ge. 30. 13; 35. 26;— his inheritance, Jos. 19. 24; his descendants, Nu. 1. 40; De. 33. 24; Ju. 5. 17; 1 Chr. 12. 36; Eze. 48. 2. ASH. INDEX TO BAB. Ashes, used as a sign of humiliation, Ge. 18. 27; 2 Sa. 13. 19; 1 Ki. 20. 38; Est. 4. 1; Job 2. 8; 42. 6; Jon. 3. 6; Mat. 11. 21; Lu. 10. 13. TJsed symbolically, Ex. 9. 8, 10; Ps. 102. 9; 147. 16; Is. 44. 20. Ashtaroth, or Ashtorcth, an idol wor- - shipped by the Zidonians, 2 Ki. 23. 13; — by the Philistines, 1 Sa. 31. 10;— by the Israelites, Ju. 2. 13: 10. 6; 1 Sa. 7. 3; 12. 10; 1 Ki. 11. 33; 2 Ki. 23. 13. A town, De. 1. 4; Jos. 9. 10; 12. 4; 13. 12; 1 Chr. 6. 71. Asia (Asia Minor), Ac. 2. 9; 6. 9; 16. 6; 19. 10, 27; 20. 16; 27. 2; 1 Co. 16. 19; 2 Co. 1. 8; 2 Ti. 1. 15; 1 Pe. 1. 1. Askelon, or Ashkelon,- a city of the Phil istines, Ju. 1. 18; 14. 19; 2 Sa. 1. 20; Je. 25. 20; 47. 5; Am. 1. 8; Zep. 2. 4; Zee. 9. 5. Asp, a small poisonous serpent, De. 32. 33; Job. 20. 14, 16; Ps. 58. 4; Is. 11. 8; Bo. 3. 13. Ass, Abraham's, Ge. 22. 3; — Balaam's, Nu. 22. 23—30; 2 Pe. 2. 16;— Saul's, 1 Sa. 9. 3. Used in ceremonies, Ju. 10. 3; 12. 13; Zee 9. 9; Mat. 21. 5; Jno. 12. 14;— laws relat ing to, Ex. 23. 4; De. 22. 10; Job 24. 3;— allusions to, Ge. 49. 14; 2 Ki. 6. 25; Job 21. 3; Pro. 26. 3; Is. 1. 3; 32. 20; Je. 22. 19; Mat. 21. 2: Lu. 13. 15; 14. 5. Asses, wild, Job 6. 5; 24. 5; 39. 5; Ps. 104. 11; Is. 32. 14; Je. 2. 24; 14. 6; Da. 5. 21; Ho. 8. 9. Young ass, Ge. 49. 11; Job 11. 12; Is. 30. 6, 24;— white ass, Ju. 5. 10. Assembly, a religious appointment, Le. 23. 36; De. 16. 8; 2 Ki. 10. 20; Ne. 8. 18; Joel 1. 14. Assemblies of Christians, enjoined, He. 10. 25;— regulated, 1 Co. 5. 4; 11. 20; 14. 23; Ep. 5. 19; Ja. 2. 2;— instances of, Lu. 24. 33; Jno. 20. 19; Ac. 1. 4; 4. 31; 11. 26; 15. 25; 20. 7—11; 28. 23—31. Asshur, Shem's son, Ge. 10. 11, 22; his de scendants, Nu. 24. 22, 24; Ezr. 4. 2; Ps. 83. 8; Eze. 32. 22; Ho. 14. 3. See Assyr ians. Assistance, divine, necessary, Jno. 15. 5; 1 Co. 15; 10; 2 Co. 3. 5; Phi. 2. 13; 1 Ti. 1. 12; promised, Ps. 37. 4; Is. 58. 9; Je. 29. 12; Mat. 7. 11; 21. 22; Lu. 11. 9; Ja. 1. 5; 1 Jno. 5. 14; — instances of, Ge. 24. 12; 1 Sa. 1. 10; 2 Ki. 19. 20; 2 Chr. 33. 13; Job 42. 10; Ps. 3. 4; 118. 5; 120. 1. Assurance of faith, sometimes attained, Job 19. 25; Ps. 17. 15; 2Ti. 1. 12; 1 Jno. 2. 5; 3.14; 4. 13; — to be earnestly sought, 2 Co. 13. 5; He. 6. 11; 1 Th. 5. 21. Assyria, country of, Ge. 2. 14; 2 Ki. 15. 29; 17. 6; Is. 11. 11; 19.23; Zep. 2. 13;— armies of, 2 Ki. 19. 35; Is. 37. 36. Assyrians, prophecies concerning, Nu. 24. 22; Ps. 83. 8; Is. 8. 4; 10. 5, 12, 26; 14. 24; 30. 31; 31. 8; Ezr. 31. 3; Mi. 5. 6; Zep. 2. 13. See Asshur. Astrologers, Is. 47. 13; Da. 1. 20; 2. 27; 4. 7; 6. 7. Athaliah, queen of Judah, 2 Ki. 8. 26; 11. 1; 2 Chr. 22. 2, 10; 23. 12; 24. 7. Atheists, those who deny the being of God, Job. 18. 21; Ps. 14. 1; 53. 1; Pro. 30. 9; — deny his providence, Job. 21. 15; 22. 13; 34. 9; Ps. 10. 11; 73. 11; 78. 19; 94. 7;— deny him in their works, Ex. 5. 2; Job 31. 28; Tit. 1. 16. Athens, a city of Greece, Ac. 17. 15; 18. 1; 1 Th. 3. 1. Atonement, day of, Le. 23. 26; 25. 9;— of ferings on, Ex. 29. 36; 30. 10; Nu. 5. 8; 29. 7—11; Le. 16. 1—34. Atonement of Christ, Is. 53. 5; Da. 9. 26; Mat. 20. 28; 26.28; Mar.10.45; Jno.6.51; 11. 5tt: 15. 13; Bo. 3. 25; 5. 6; 8. 3; 1 Co. 15. 3; 2 Co. 6. 17, 21; Gal. 1. 4; 3. 13; Ep. 1. 7; Col. 1. 14; 1 Ti. 2. 6; Tit. 2. 14; He. 7. 27; 1 Pe. 2. 24; 3. 18; 1 Jno. 1. 7; 2. 2; 4, 10; Ee. 1. 5; 5. 9; 13. 8. Augustus Caesar, Lu. 2. 1; Ac. 25. 21. See Cesar. Aven (Heliopolis) a city of Egypt, Eze. 30. 17; Ho. 10. 8; Am. 1. 5. Avenger of blood, Nu. 35. 12; De. 19. 6, 12; Jos. 20. 6; Ps. 8. 2; 44. 16; Eo. 13. 4; 1 Th. 4. 6. Awl, Ex. 21. 6; De. 15. 17. Axe, Ju. 9. 48; 1 Sa. 13. 20; 1 Ki. 6. 7; 2 Ki. 6.6; Mat. 3. 10. Azariah, or Uzziah, king of Judah, 2 Ki. 14.21; 15.1; 2 Chr. 22. 6; 23.1; Is. 6. 1; Zee. 14. 5; — others of that name, 1 Chr. 27. 25; 2 Chr. 15. 1; 26. 17; 31. 10; Ezr. 7. 1; 10. 21; Ne. 11. 4; Je. 43. 2; Da. 1. 6. Azotus. Ac. 8. 40. See Ashdod. Baal, or Baalim, a general name for the chief idol-gods, in the east, Nu. 22. 41; — worshipped by Israel, Ju. 2. 11, 13; 3. 7; 8. 33; 1 Ki. 16. 31; 18. 18; 22. 53; 2 Ki. 3. 2; 10. 19; 17. 16; 21. 3; 23. 4; 2 Chr. 24. 7; 28. 2; 33. 3;— his prophets slain, 1 Ki. 18. 21 —40; 2 Ki. 10. 18—25. Allusions to, Ju. 6. 31; Je. 2. 8; 7. 9; 12. 16; 19. 5; 23. 13; Ho. 2. 8, 13, 17; 13. 1; Zep. 1. 4; Eo. 11. 4. Baalath, Baalbeck, 1 Ki. 9. 18; 2 Chr. 8. 6. Baal-Gad, Jos. 11. 17; 12. 7. Baal-Hazor, Jos. 15. 25; 2 Sa. 13. 24. Baal-Feor, a Moahitish idol served by Israel, Nu. 25. 3; De. 4. 3; Ps. 106. 28; Ho. 9. 10. Baal-Zebub, 2 Ki. 1. 2. See Beelzebub. Baanah and Rechab, 2 Sa, 4. 5, 9. Baasha, king of Israel, 1 Ki. 15. 16; 16. 1; 21. 22; 2 Ki. 9. 9; 2 Chr. 16. 1, etc.; Je. 41. 9. Babbler, Ec. 10. 11; Ac. 17. 18. Babbling, Pro. 23. 29; 1 Ti. 6. 20; 2 Ti. 2. 16. Babel, or Babylon, — city and kingdom of,— its origin Ge. 10. 10; 11. 9; 2 Ki. 17. 24: — its locality and extent, Ge. 11. 2. 3; 2 Ki. 20. 14; Ps. 137. 1; Je. 25and 27; 47 to 49; 51. 13; — its power and grandeur, Is. 13. 19; 14. 4—17; 43. 14; 47. 10; Je. 60. 23; 51. 53; Eze. 17. 4, 12; Da. 4. 30. Character of its inhabitants, Is. 14. 20; 47. 6, 9: Je. 50. 38; 51. 25; Da. 2. 1; 3. 18; 5. 1; Hab. 1. 6. Jewish captivity in, 2 Ki. 24. 12; 25. 7; 2 Chr. 36. 10, 20; Ne. 7. 6; Je. 27. 17; 29. 1—7. Prophecies concerning, Is. 13. 1, etc.; 14. 4. 22; 21. 9; 47. 1; Je. 21. 3; 25. 12; 27. 6; 49. 28; 60. 1, etc.; 51. 1, etc.; Eze. 29. 18; Mi. 4. 10. New Testament allusions to, Mat. 1. 11; Ac, 7, 43; 1 Pe. 5. 13. 6 THE BIBLE. BEA. Babes— infants, Ex. 2. 6; Lu. 2. 12;— fro- ward men, Is. 3. 4;— weak believers, Ro. 2. 20; 1 Co. 3. 1;— He. 5. 13;— humble and teachable believers, Ps. 8. 2; Mat. 11. 25; Lu. 10. 21; 1 Pe. 2. 2. Babylon, the mystical, Ee. 14. 8; 16. 19; 17. 5; 18. 2. Backbiting, Ps. 15. 3; Pro. 25. 23; Ro. 1. 3.1; 2 Co. 12. 20. Backsliders warned, Ex. 34. 12; De. 4. 9; 2 Chr. 22. 3; Ps. 4. 4; 39. 1; 119. 9; Pro. 4. 23; 28. 14; Mat. 24. 4; 26. 41; Lu. 11. 35; Jno. 5. 14; 1 Co. 10. 12; 2 Co. 11. 3; Ep. 6. 15; Col. 2. 8; 2 Ti. 4. 4; He. 3. 12; 1 Pe. 4. 7; 2 Pe. 3. 17; Ee. 3. 2; 16. 15;— guilt and danger of, Nu. 14. 43; Pro. 14. 14; Je. 2. 19; 3. 6, 12; 5. 6; 8. 5; Ho. 4. 16; 11. 7; Zee. 7. 11,12; Lu.9.62; Jno. 5. 14; He. 10. 38. Encouraged to return, 2 Chr. 7. 14; 30. 6; Is. 31. 6; Je. 3, 12, 14; Ho. 6. 1; 14. 4. Instances of backsliding, Israel, Ex. 32; De. 1., &c; Ne. 9., See.; Je. 3. 11; Saul, 1 Sa. 15. 11; Solomon, 1 Ki. 11. 3; Peter, Mat. 26. 70. Badgers' Skins, Ex. 25. 5; 26. 24; 35. 7; Nu. 4. 10; Eze. 16. 10. Baking. See Bread. Baker. See Trades and Professions. Balaam, a false prophet, Nu. 22 to 25; 31. 8, 16; Jos. 13. 22. Allusions to, De. 23. 4; Jos. 24. 9; Ne. 13. 2; Mi. 6. 5; 2 Pe. 2. 15; Jude 11; Ee. 2. 14. Balak, king of Moab, Nu. 22., &c; Ju. 11. 25. Balances, Le. 16. 36; Pro. 11. 1; 16.11; Je. 32. 10; Da. 5. 27; Ho. 12. 7; Am. 8. 6; Mi. 6. 11; Ee. 6. 5. Baldness, — natural, Le. 21. 5; — a sign of mourning, Is. 3. 24; 22. 12; Je. 47. 5; 48. 37; Eze. 7. 18;— figurative, Eze. 29. 18; Mi. 1. 16. Balm, a precious gum, Ge. 37. 25; 43. 11; Je. 51. 8; Eze. 27. 17. Of Gilead, Je. 8. 22; 46. 11. Banner, ensign, or standard, Ex. 17. 15, mora.; Ps. 20. 5; 60. 4; Can. 2. 4; 6. 4; Is. 13. 2; 49. 22; Je. 4. 21; 50. 2. Banquets. See Feasts. Baptism— John's, Mat. 3. 6; 21. 25; Mar. 1. 4; Lu. 3. 3; 7. 29; Jno. 3. 23; Ac. 13. 24; 18. 25; 19. -4;— sanctioned by Christ, Mat. 3. 13; Mar. 1. 9; Lu. 3. 21; Jno. 4. 1. Baptism — Christicm, its appointment, Mat. 28. 19; Mar. 16. 15; Jno. 3. 22; 4. 1; —subjects, Mar. 16. 16; Ac. 2. 38,41; 8. 37; 10. 47;— households, 16. 15,33; 18. 8; 1 Co. 1. 16;— object, Ro. 6. 4; 1 Co. 12. 13; Gal. 3. 27; Col. 2. 12. To be in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, Mat. 28. 19. Emblematic of pardon, Ac. 2. 38; 22. 16;— of regeneration, Eze. 36. 25; Eo. 6. 3;— of unity, 1 Co. 12 13; Ep. 4. 5. Typified, 1 Co. 10. 2; 1 Pe. 3. 20, 21. With the Holy Ghost, Mat. 3. 11; Jno. 1. 33; 3. 5; Ac. 1. 6; 2. 1-4, 17; 10. 44; 11. 16, 16; 19. 2—6. Bloody suffering, Mat. 20. 22; Mar. 10. 39; Lu. 12. 50. Barabbas, Mat. 27. 16; Mar. 15. 7; Lu. 23. 18; Jno.. 18. 40. Barak, Ju. 4. 6—15; 5. 1, &c; He. 11. 32. Barbarian, Ac. 28. 4; Eo. 1. 14; 1 Co. 11. 11; Col. 3. 11. Bar-Jesus, a magician, Ac. 13. 6. Barley, Ex. 9. 31; Ju. 7. 13; Eu. 1. 22; 1 Ki. 4. 28; 2 Chr. 2. 10; Job 31. 40; Is. 28. 25; Jno. 6. 9; Ee. 6. 6. Barn, storehouse for grain, De. 28. 8; 2 Ki. 6. 27; Job 39. 12; Pro. 3. 10; Joel 1. 17; Mat. 6. 26; 13. 30; Lu. 12. 18, 24. Barnabas, a disciple, Ac. 4. 36; 11. 22—30; 13. 1, 2; 15. 39; Gal. 2. 1—13; Col. 4. 10. Barrenness, a reproach, Ge. 11. 30; 16. 4; 30. 1; De. 7. 14; 1 Sa. 1. 6; Job 24. 21;— miraculously removed; Ge. 18. 10; 21. 2; 25. 21; 30. 22; Ju. 13. 3; 1 Sa. 1. 19; 2 Ki. 4. 14—17; Lu. 1. 7. See Ps. 113. 9; Is. 54. 1; Gal. 4. 27. Barsabas, Ac. 1. 23. Bartholomew, an apostle, Mat. 10.3 ; Mar. 3. 18; Lu. 6. 14; Ac. 1. 13. Bartimeus, cured of blindness, Mat. 20. 29—34; Mar. 10. 46—52. Baruch, a Jewish prince, Je. 32. 12; 36. 4; 43. 3, 6 ; 45. 1 ; — others of that name, Ne. 3. 20; 10. 6; 11. 5. BarzUlai, 2 Sa. 17. 27; 19. 34; J Ki. 2. 7; Ne. 7. 63; Ezr. 2. 61. Bashan, country of Nu. 21. 33; 32. 33; De. 3.1; 4. 43; Jos. 12.4; 13. 11; 17.1; 20. 8; 1 Ki. 4. 13; 2 Ki. 10. 33; 1 Chr. 5. 11; 6. 62, 71; bulls of, Ps. 22. 12; hill of, 68. 15; oaks of, Is. 2. 13; Zee. 11. 2. See Ps. 135. 11; 136. 20; Is. 33. 9; Je. 22. 20; 60. 19; Eze. 27. 6; 39. 18; Am. 4. 1; Mi. 7. 14; Na. 1. 4.. Basket, Ge. 40. 16; Ex. 29.23; Le. 8. 31; De. 28. 5, 17; Ju. 6. 19; Je. 6. 9; 24. 1; Mat. 14. 20. Bastards. See Childrkn;Illegitimate. Bath, a measure for liquids, 7.V gallons, 1 Ki. 7. 26; 2 Chr. 4. 5; Ezr. 7. 22; Is. 5. 10; Eze. 45. 11. Bathsheba, Uriah's wife, and afterwards David's, 2 Sa. 11. 1, &c; 12. 1, &c; 1 Ki. 2. 13; Ps. 51, title. Battle, forms connected with, De. 20. 1—5. Battlements, to houses, De. 22. 8; Je. 5.10. Battles, most remarkable in the Bible, Ge. 14. 5, 15; Ex. 17. 8, &c; Nu. 14. 45; 21. 33; Jos. 8. 26; 10. 10, 33; 11. 5; Ju. 3. 13; 4. 13; 6. 33; 7. 1, 22; 8. 11; 11. 33; 15. 15; 20. 33; 1 Sa. 4. 1, &c; 7. 10; 11. 11; 14. 23, 31; 17. 2, 52; 31. 1, &c; 2 Sa. 2. 16; 5. 20; 8. 1; 10. 8, 14; 18. 6, &c; 21. 15; 1 Ki. 20. 26; 22. 29, 34; 2 Ki. 3. 25; 8. 28; 14. 7, 11; 1 Chr. 19. 7; 2 Chr. 13. 3; 14. 9, 12; 18. 28, 33; 20. 16—24; 25. 11. Bdellium, Ge. 2. 12; Nu. 11. 7. Bear, the, 1 Sa. 17. 34; 2 Sa. 17. 8; 2 Ki. 2. 24; Pro. 17. 12; Is. 59. 11; Am. 6. 19. Used figuratively, Pro. 28. 15; Is. 11. 7; La. 8. 10; Da. 7. 5; Ho. 13. 8; Ee. 13. 2. Beard, the, laws and customs concerning, Le. 13. 29, 45; 14. 9; 19. 27; 21. 5; 2 Sa. 10. 6; 19. 24; 20. 9; 1 Chr. 19. 4; Ezr. 9. 3; Is. 60. 6; Je. 41. 5; 48. 37. See Ps. 133. 2; Is. 7. 20; 15. 2; Eze. 5. 1; 24. 17; Mi. 3. 7. Beasts, their creation, Ge. 1. 24; 2. 19;— their nature and faculties, Ps. 32. 9; 49. 12; 50. 11; 73. 22; Ec. 3. 19; Is. 1. 3; Mar. 1. 13; Ja. 3. 7; 2. Pe. 2. 16;— affected by the fall, Ge. 6. 7; with 7. 23; Ex. 11. 5; Ho. 4. BEA, INDEX TO BIS. 8; Joel 1. 18, 20; Hag. 1. 11;— subject to man, Ge. 1. 26, 28; 9. 2; Ps. 8. 7;- given for food, Ge. 9. 3. Laws concerning, Ge. 9. 4; Ex. 20. 10; 22. 31; 23. 12; Le. 17. 16; 22. 8; De. 5. 14; 25. 4; Pro. 12. 10. Used figuratively, Ps. 49. 20; Da. 4. 12, 21; 7. 11, 17: 8. 4; 1 Co. 15. 32; 2 Ti. 4. 17; Tit. 1. 12; 2 Pe. 2. 12; Jude 10; Ee. 13. 2; 20. 4. Beauty, instances of; Sarah, Ge. 12. 11; Eebekah, 24. 16; Rachel, 29. 17; Joseph, 39. 6; Moses, Ex. 2. 2; He. 11. 23; David, 1 Sa. 16. 12, 18; Bathsheba, 2 Sa. 11. 2; Tainar, 13. 1; Absalom, 14. 25; Abishag, 1 Ki. 1. 3; Vashti, Est. 1. 11; Esther, 2. 7. Vanity and danger of, Ps. 39. 11; Pro. 6. 25; 31. 30; Is. 3. 24; Eze. 16. 15; 28. 17. Spiritual, 1 Chr. 16. 29; Ps. 27. 4; 90. 17; Is. 52. 7; Phil. 4. 8. Beds, antiquity of, Ge. 47. 31; Ex. 8. 3;— forms of, De. 3. 11; 1 Sa. 19. 15; 26. 7; Est. 1. 6; Job 7. 13; Ps. 6. 6; Pro. 7. 16; Mat. 9. 6. Of the poor, Ex. 22. 26; De. 24. 12. Used for sleeping on, Job. 33. 15; Lu. 11. 7;— for reclining on by day, 2 Sa. 4. 5; 11. 2;— at meals, 1 Sa. 28. 23; Am. 6. 4; Lu. 7. 36; Jno. 13. 23. Used figuratively, Job 17. 13; Ps. 4. 4; 36. 4; 41. 3; 139. 8; 149. 5; Is. 28. 20; 57. 2, 7; Mi. 2. 1; Ee. 2. 22. Bccl-Zebub. Mat. 10. 25; 12. 24; Mar. 3.22; Lu. 11. 15. &c. Beersheba, town of, Ge. 21. 33: 22. 19; 26. 33; 28. 10; 46. 1; Jos. 19. 2; 1 Sa. 8. 2; 2 Sa. 24. 7; Ne. 11. 27. Behemoth, supposed to be the hippopota mus, Job 40. 15. Bel, a Chaldean idol, Is. 46. 1; Je. 50. 2; 51.44. Belial, Satan, 2 Co. 6. 15:— sons of, De. 13. 13; Ju. 19. 22; 20. 13; 1 Sa. 1. 16; 2. 12; 10. 27; 25. 17; 30. 22; 2 Sa. 16. 7; 20. 1; 23. 6; 1 Ki. 21. 10; 2 Chr. 13. 7; Ps. 18. 4; 41. 8; 101. 3; Pro. 16. 27; 19. 28; Na. 1. 11. Believing. See Faith. Bellows, Je. 6. 29. Bells, Ex. 28. 33, 35: Is. 3. 18; Zee 14. 20. Belly, used figuratively, Job 15. 35; 20. 15; Pro. 20. 27, 30; Jno. 7. 38; Phi. 3. 19; Tit. 1.12. Belshazzar, last, king of Babylon, Da. 5. 1, See.; 7. 1; 8. 1. Benaiah, one of David's captains, 2 Sa. 8. 18; 20. 23; 23. 20, &c; 1 Ki. 1. 8; 2. 35; 1 Chr. 11. 24; 27. 14;-^a Levite, 1 Chr. 15. 18; 16. 6; 2 Chr. 20. 14; 31. 13. Benhadad, king of Syria, 1 Ki. 15. 18; 2 Chr. 16. 2;— another, 1 KI. 20. 1; 2 Ki. 6. 24; 8. 7;— another, 2 Ki. 13. 3. Benjamin, Jacob's youngest son, Ge. 35. 18; goes to Egypt, 43. 15; his blessing, 49. 27; De. 33. 12; Ju. 5. 14. Benjamin, tribe of, Jos. 18. 11; 21. 4; Ju. 1. 21; 20. 3, 24; 21. 1, 16; 2 Sa. 2. 15; gene alogy of, 1 Chr. 8. 1; 9. 3, &c.; — allusions to, Ps. 68. 27; 80. 2; Je. 6. 1; 17. 26; 20. 2; 32. 8; 33. 13; 37. 12; Ho. 5. 8; Ob. 19; Zee. 14. 10. Berea, a city of Macedonia, Ac. 17. 10. Berechiah, several of that name, 1 Chr, 6. 39; 9. 16; 2 Chr. 28. 12; Ne. 3. 4, 30; Zee. 1. 7. Bernice, Agrippa's wife, Ac. 25. 13, 23. Berodach Baladan, 2 Ki. 20. 12. Beryl, a gem of a green colour, Ex. 28. 20; Can. 5. 14; Eze. 1. 16; 10. 9; Da. 10. 6; Ee. 21. 20. Besor, brook of, 1 Sa. 30. 9; supposed to be that mentioned, Ac. 8. 20. Bestiality, forbidden, Le. 18. 23; — punish ment of, Ex. 22. 19; Le. 20. 15. Bethaven, town of, Jos. 7. 2; 18. 12; 1 Sa. 13. 5; 14. 23; Ho. 4. 15; 5. 8; 10. 5. Bethabara, town of, Jno. 1. 28. Bethany, town of, Mat. 21. 17; 26. 6; Mar. 11. 1; 14. 3; Lu. 19. 29; 24. 50; Jno. 11. 1, 18; 12. 1. Bethel, town of, Ge. 12. 8: 13. 3; 28. 19; 35. 1; 1 Sa. 7. 16; 2 Ki. 2. 2, &c.;— idol calves set up in, 1 Ki. 12. 29; 13. 1; 2 Ki. 10. 29; —the true worship restored at, 2 Ki. 17. 28; 23. 4, &c. Allusions to, Je. 48. 13; Ho. 10. 15; 12. 4; Am. 3. 14; 4. 4; 5. 5. Bethesda, pool of, Jno. 5. 2—16. Bethlehem, a city of Judah, Ge. 35. 19; Ju. 12. 8; Eu. 1. 19; 1 Sa. 16. 4; 2 Sa. 23. 15;— Christ born at, Ps. 132. 5. 6; Mi. 5. 2; Mat. 2. 1; Lu. 2. 4; Jno. 7. 42;— children of slain, Mat. 2. 16. Bethphage, village of, Mat. 21. 1; Mar. 11. 1; Lu. 19. 29. Bethsaida, a city of Galilee, Mat. 11. 21; Mar. 6. 45; 8. 22; Lu. 9. 10; 10. 13; Jno. 1. 44; 12. 21. Beth-Shemesh, town of, Jos. 15. 10; 19. 22, 38; 21. 16; Ju. 1. 33; 1 Sa. 6. 9; 2 Ki. 14. 11; 2 Chr. 28. 18; On, Aven, or Heli- opolis, Je. 43. 13. Bethuel, Eebekah's father, Ge. 22. 22; 24. 15; 25. 20; 28. 2;— a town, Jos. 19. 4; 1 Chr. 4. 30. Betrothal, Ex. 21. 8; 22. 16; De. 20. 7; 28. 30; Mat. 1. 18;— spiritual, Ho. 2. 19; 2 Co. 11. 2. Bezaleel, an artificer, Ex. 31. 2; 35. 30; 36. 1; 37. 1; 38. 22. See Ezr. 10. 30. Bildad, one of Job's friends, Job 2. 11; 8. 1; 18. 1; 25. 1; 42. 9. Bilhah, mother of Dan and Napthali, Ge. ' 29. 29; 30. 4; 35. 22; 37. 2; 46. 25; a town. 1 Chr. 4. 29. . ' Birds, created, Ge. 1. 20; Ps. 148. 10; named, Ge. 2. 19; subject to man, 9. 2; Ps. 8. 8; instinct of, Job 12. 7; 35. 11; pe culiar notes of,Ps. 104. 12; Ec. 12.4; Can. 2. 12;— their habitations, Ps. 50. 11; 102. 6; Is. 14. 23; 34. 11; their nests, De. 22. 6; Nu. 24. 21; Ps. 84. 3; 104. 17; Is. 34. 15;Je. 48. 28; Eze. 31. 6;— God provides for, Ps. 104. 11; Mat. 6. 26; Lu. 12. 24;— used in sacrifice, Ge. 15. 9; Le. 14. 4, etc.; Lu. 2. 24; — not to be taken with their young, De. 22. 6;— unclean, Le. 11. 13; De. 14. 12; Used figuratively, Job 41. 5; Ps. 11. i; Pro. 27. 8; Eo. 9. 12; 10. 20; Is. 16. 2; 46. 11; Je. 12. 9; Ho. 9. 11; Mat. 13; 4, 32; Ee. 18. 2. Birth-day, Ge. 40. 20; Job 1. 4; Mat. 14. 6; Mar. 6.21. Birthright, its privilege, Ge. 27. 29; 43. 33; Ex. 22. 29; De. 21. 17; Col. 1. 18;— Esau's, Ge. 25. 31; 27. 36; He. 12. 16; Ma- nasseh's, Ge. 48. 17; Beuben's, Ge. 49. 3: 1 Chr. 5. 1. ' Bishops, spiritual overseers, Ac. 20. 28; Phi. 1. 1;— their qualifications, 1. Ti. 3. 1; BIT. THE BIBLE. BOO. Tit. 1. 7;— Christ so called, 1 Pe. 2. 25. See Elder. Bi thy nia, a province of Asia Minor, Ac. 16. 7; 1. Pe. 1. 1. Bitter Herbs, Ex. 12. 8. Bittern, a wild bird, Is. 14. 23; 34. 11; Zep. 2.14. Bitterness, condemned, Ps. 64. 3; Ro. 3. 14; Ep. 4. 31; Col. 3. 19; He. 12. 15; Ja. 3. 14. Blasphemy, speaking evil of God, Ps. 74. 10; Is. 52. 5; Eo. 2. 24; Tit. 2. 5;— forbid den, Ex. 20. 7; Col. 3. 8; 1 Ti. 6. 1;— pun ishment of, Le. 24. 16; 1 Ki. 21. 10; Is. 65. 7; Eze. 20.27—33; 35. 11;— comes from the heart, Mat. 15. 19; Mar. 7. 22. Instances of, Le. 24. 11; 2 Ki. 18. 34; 19. 4, 10, 22; 2 Chr. 32. 9; 36. 1; Mat. 9. 34; 12. 24; Mar. 3. 22; Lu. 11. 15; 22. 65; Jno. 10. 20; Ac. 13. 45; 1 Ti. 1. 20; Ee.2.9. Charged upon Christ, Mat. 9. 3; 26. 65; Mar. 2. 7; Lu. 5. 21; Jno. 10. 33;— upon Stephen, Ac. 6. 13. Against the Holy Ghost, Mat. 12. 31; Mar. 3. 28; Lu. 12. 10; 1 Jno. 5. 16. A sign of the last days, 2 Ti. 3. 2; Ee. 13. 5; —a mark of the wicked, Ps. 74. 18; Is. 52. 5, etc.; Eze. 20. 27; 1 Ti. 1. 13; Ee. 16. 9. Blessed,— those who are chosen, Ps. 65. 4; Ep. 1. 3;— forgiven, Ps. 32. 1; Ac. 3. 26; Eo. 4. 7;— the faithful, Ps. 2. 12; 34. 8; 40. 4; 84. 12; Je. 17. 7; Jno. 20. 29; Lu. 1. 45; Gal. 3. 9;— who fear God, Ps. 112. 1; 128. 1;— who serve God, Ps. 119. 2; Mat. 5. 3; 13. 16; Lu. 11. 28; Re. 1. 3; 22. 7:— who are chastened, Job. 5. 17; Ps. 94. 12;— who are bountiful, De. 15. 10; Ps. 41. 1; Pro. 22. 9; Lu. 14. 13. See also Ge. 12. 3; Ru. 2. 19; Ps. 1. 1; 5. 12; 89. 15; 106. 3; 144. 15; Pro. 10. 6; 20. 7; 24. 25; 28. 20; Is. 30. 18; 51. 2; Mat. 5. 2, etc.; 11. 6; 16. 17; 25. 31; Lu. 6. 20; 12. 37; Ja. 1. 12; Ee. 14. 13; 16. 15; 19. 9; 20. 6. See Happy. Blessing, or Benediction, form of, Nu. 6. 22;— of Abraham^ Ge. 12. 2; 22. 17; He. 6. 14;^of Jacob, Ge. 27. 27;— of Jacob's sons, 48. 15; 49; — of the twelve tribes, De. 33. 6; Jos. 8. 33;— apostolic, 2 Co. 13. 11. Blind, not to be misled, Le. 19. 14; De. 27. 18. Blindness, inflicted, Ge. 19.11; 2 Ki. 6. IS; Ac. 9. 8; 13. 11;— cured. Mat. 9. 27; 12. 22; 20. 30; Mar. 8. 22; 10. 46, 61; Lu. 4. 18; 7. 21; Jno. 9.1; Ac. 9. 18. Blindness, spiritual, its nature, Jno. 1. 5; 1 Co. 2. 14; 2 Co. 4. 4;— its cause, Mat. 6. 23; Jno. 3. 19;— its fruits, Mat. 15. 14; 2 Co. 4. 3; Ep. 4. 17; 1 Jno. 1. 6;— its sub jects, Ps. 82. 5; Is. 26. 11; Je. 5. 21; Mat. 23. 19, 26; Ro. 11. 25; 2 Co. 3. 15; Re. 3. 17. Judicially inflicted, Ps. 69. 23; Is. 29. 10; 44. 18; Mat. 13. 13; Jno. 12. 40;— Christ removes, Is. 42. 7; Lu. 4. 18; Jno. 8. 12; 9. 39; 2 Co. 3. 14; 4. 6;— saints delivered from, Jno. 8. 12; Ep. 5. 8; Col. 1. 13; 1 Th. 5. 4; 1 Pe. 2. 9. Instances, Mat. 23. 16; Eo. 11. 25; 2 Co. 3. 15; Ee. 3. 17. Blood, not to be eaten, Ge. 9. 4; Le. 3. 17; 7. 26; 17. 10, 14; 19. 26; Eze. 33. 25; Ac. 15. 29. ^ Of man, not to be shed, Ge. 9. 6; De. 19, 10; Ps. 106. 38; Is. 59. 3; Ma'. 27. 25. Of saorifices, Ex. 29. 12; 30. 10; Le. 4. 7, 18; 5. 9; 17. 6, 11; He. 9. 13, 19— 22; 10. 4; of the covenant, Ex. 24. 8; He. 10. 29; 13.20. Water changed into, Ex. 4. 9; 7. 17. Blood of Christ, — his- righteousness^ Jno. 6. 3; He. 12. 24; 13. 20;— redeems, Ep. 1. 7; 2. 13. Col. 1. 14; 1 Pe. 1. 18; Re. 5. 9;— sanctifies, He. 10. 29;— cleanses from sin, He. 9. 14; 10. 24; 1 Pe. 1. 2; 1 Jno. 1. 7; Re. 1. 5;— typified, Ex. 12. 13; 29. 16; 30. 10; Le. 1. 5; 4; 16. 15; He. 9. 7. Wine of the Lord's Supper so called, Mat. 26. 28; Mar. 14. 24; Lu. 22. 20; 1 Co. 10. 16; 11. 25. Boanerges (James and John), Mar. 3. 17. Boasting, censured, Ps. 49.6; 52. 1; 94. 4; Pro. 20. 14; 25. 14; 27. 1; Is. 10. 15; Je. 9. 23; Ro. 1. 30; 11. 18; 1 Co. 10. 12; Ja. 3.5; 4. 16; — excluded under the gospel, Ro. 3. 27; 1 Co. 1. 29; Ep. 2. 10;— punished, 2 Ki. 19. 20, 37; Da. 4. 29; Ac. 12. 20. Boaz, Ruth's husband, Ru. 2 to 4; 1 Ch. 2. 11; Mat. 1. 6; Lu. 3. 32. A pillar, 1 Ki. 7. 21; 2 Ch. 3. 17. Bochim, town of. Ju. 2. 1 — 5. Body, not to be disfigured, Le. 19. 28; 21. 5; De. 14. 1;— to be kept pure, Ro. 12. 1; 1 Co. 6. 13; lTh.4. 4;— changed at the res urrection, Mat. 22. 30; 1 Co. 15. 42—51; Phi. 3. 21. See Resurrection. ¦ Laws respecting dead bodies, Le. 21. 11; Nu. 6. 6; 19. 11. Body of Christ, believers so called, Ro. 12. 4; 1 Co. 10. 17; 12. 12—27; Ep. 1. 22; 4. 13, 15; 5. 23; Col. 1. 18, 24; 2. 19; 3. 15. Bread of the Lord's supper so called, Mat. 26. 26; Mar. 14. 22; Lu. 22. 19; 1 Co. 11. 24. Boldness, through faith, Pro. 28. 1; Is. 60. 7; Ac. 5. 29; Ep. 3. 12; 1 Ti. 3. 13; He. 10..19; 1 Jno. 4. 17:— exhortation to, Jos. 1. 7; 2 Ch. 19. 11; Je. 1. 8; Eze. 3. 9; He. 4. 16; 13. 6;— prayer for, Ac. 4. 29; Ep. 6. 19. Instances, Ge. 18. 22; 32. 24; Ex. 32. 31; 33. 18; Nu. 16. 47; 1 Sa. 17. 45; 1 Ki. 18. 15; Ne.6. 11; Da. 3. 17; 6. 10; Ac. 4. 8; 5. 29; 7. 51; 9. 27; 18. 26; 19. 8; 2 Co. 7. 4. Bondsmen, laws concerning, Le. 25. 39; De. 15. 12. Bondswomen, Ge. 21. 10; Le. 19. 20; 25. 44' Gal. 4. 23. ' Bondage, Egyptian, Ex. 1. 12; 2. 23; 13. .14; Ps. 105. 25; Ac. 7. 6;— Babylonian, Ezr. 9. 9. See Captivity. Spiritual, Jno. 8. 34; Ac. 8. 23; Eo. 6. 16; 7. 23; 8. 2; 1 Ti. 3. 7; 2 Ti. 2. 26; He. 2. 14; 2 Pe. 2. 19; — deliverance from, Is. 42. 6; 61. 1; Lu. 4. 18; Jno. 8. 36; Ro. 7. 24; 8. 2, 21; Gal. 4. 3, 9; Ep. 4. 8. Bones, scattered, as a judgment, 2 Ki. 23. 14; Ps. 53. 5; 141. 7; Je. 8. 1; Eze. 6. 5; dry bones, vision of, Eze. 37. 1. Of the Pascal Lamb, Ex. 12. 46;-of Jo seph, 13. 19; He. 11. 22;— of Christ, Ps.34. 20; Jno. 19. 30. Bonnets, Ex. 28. 40; 29. 9; 39. 28; Eze. 44. 18. Books, rolls, or scrolls, Ezr. 6. 2; Ec. 12. 12; Is. 29. 11; 30. 8; Je. 36. 2; Eze. 2. 9; Da. 9. 2; 12. 4; Zee. 5. 1; 2 Ti. 4. 13; Re. 5. 1. See Scriptures and Writings. 9 BOO. INDEX TO BRO. Book of the law, or of Moses, De. 17. 18; 28. 61; 29. 21: 31. 26; Jos. 1. 8; 8. 31; 2. Ki. 22. 8; 2 Ch. 34. 15; Ne. 8. 8; 13. 1; Mar. 12. 26; Gal. 3. 10. Of life, Ex. 32. 32; Ps. 69. 28; Da. 12. 1; Phi. 4. 3; Ee. 3. 6; 13. 8; 17. 8; 20. 12; 21. 27; 22. 19. Of remembrance, Ps. 56. 8; Mai. 3. 16. Of judgment, Da. 7. 10; Ee. 20. 12. Books mentioned but not extant, — of Jasher, Jos. 10. 13; 2 Sa. 1. 18;— of Sam uel, 1 Sa. 10. 26;— of Solomon, 1 Ki. 4. 32; 11. 41;— of David, 1 Chr. 27. 24;— of Nathan, Samuel, Gad, Abijah, and lddo, 1 Chr. 29. 29; 2 Chr. 9. 29;— of Shemaiah, 12. 15;— of Jehu, 20. 34;— of the seers, 33. 19. Booths, temporary lodgings, Ge. 33. 17; Le. 23. 42; Ne. 18. 14; Job 27. 18; Jon. 4. 5. Borders, of the promised land, Ge. 13. 14; 28. 14; 49. 13; Nu. 34. 2, &c; Jos. 22. 25; 1 Ki. 4. 21; 2 Chr. 9. 26. Born Again. See Eegeneration. Borrowing, Ex. 3. 22; 12. 35;— laws and maxims respecting. 22. 14; De. 15. 6; 2 Ki. 6. 5; Ps. 37. 21; Pro. 22. 7. Bottles, of leather, or skin, Jos. 9. 4, 13; 1 Sa. 25. 18; 2 Sa. 16. 1; Ps. 119. 83; Mat. 9. 17; Mar. 2. 22;— used for holding water, Ge. 21. 14;— milk, Ju. 4. 19;— wine, 1 Sa. 1. 24; 16. 20. Of earthenware, Is. 30. 14; Je. 19. 1. Used figuratively, Job 32. 19; 38. 37; Ps. 56. 8; Je. 13. 12; 19. 10; 48. 12. Bow, the, used in war, Ge.48. 22; 1 Chr. 12. 2; Is. 7. 24; Zee. 9. 10; 10. 4;— in hunting, Ge. 27. 3;— of steel, 2 Sa. 22. 35; Job 20. 24. How used, 2 Sa. 1. 18; 2 Ki. 9. 24; Eze. 39. 3;— by whom used, 1 Sa. 31. 2; 1 Chr. 5. 18; 12. 2; 2 Chr. 14. 8; Je. 46. 9: 49. 35. Used figuratively, 1 Sa. 2. 4; Job 29. 20; Ps. 11. 2; 78. 67; Je. 9. 3; Ho. 1. 5; 2. 18; 1. 16. See Archers. Bow, in the cloud, Ge. 9. 13; Eze. 1. 28. Bowels, of mercies, Ge. 43. 30; Ps. 25. 6; Is. 63. 15; Lu. 1. 78; Phi. 1. 8; 2. 1; Col. 3 12 Bowing, in worship, Ge. 24. 26; Ex. 4. 31; 20. 5; Le. 26. 1; Nu. 22. 31; 25. 2; Jos. 23. 7; 1 Ki 19. 18; 2 Ki. 5. 18: 17. 35; 2 Chr. 20. 18; 29. 29; Ps. 95. 6; Is. 45. 23; Mi. 6. 6; Ep. 3. 14: Phi. 2. 10. In obeisance, Ge. 33. 3, 7; 43. 26; Ju. 5. 27.; Bu. 2. 10; 1 Sa. 24. 8; 28. 14; 2 Sa. 9. 8; 1 Ki. 1. 16; 2. 19; 2 Ki. 2. 15; Est. 3. 2, 5. In submission, Ge. 37. 10; 49. 8; Ps. 72. 9; Is. 49. 23; 51. 23. Bowls, Nu. 7. 85; Ju. 6. 38; Am. 6.6; Zee. 4. 2; 14. 20. Bozrah, a city of Edom, Ge. 36. 33; Is. 34. 6; 63. 1; Je. 49. 13; Am. 1. 12. Bracelets, Ge. 24. 30; 38. 18; Ex. 35. 22; 2 Sa. 1. 10; Is. 3. 19; Eze. 26. 11. Branch, of the Lord, Is. 4. 2; Je. 23. 5; Zee. 3. 8; 6. 12; Lu. 1. 78; Jno. 15. 6; Ro. 11. 16. Brand, plucked from the burning, Am. 4. 11; Zee. 3. 2. Brass, or copper, how procured, De. 8. 9; ' Job 28. 2;— its nature, Nu. 31. 22; Job 40. 18; Eze. 22. 18, 20; 1 Co. 13. 1;— first used, Ge. 4. ¦in the tabernacle, Ex. 26. 11, 37; 27. 2, 4, 19; 30. 18; 38. 5; —in the temple, 1 Ki. 7. 1, 27, 46; 2 Chr. Serpent of, Nu. 21. 9; 2 Ki.18. 4; cymbals of, 1 Chr. 15. 19; shields of, 2 Chr. 12. 10. Figuratively, Le. 26. 19; Is. 48. 4; Je. ti. 28; Da. 2. 32, 39; 10. 6; Ee. 1. 15. Bread, made of wheat, Ex. 29. 2; Ps. 81. 16;— barley, Ju. 7. 13; Jno. 6. 9;— beans, millet, &c, Eze. 4. 9. Preparation of, Ge. 18. 6; Ex. 12. 34; Le. 23. 17; 26. 26; Is. 44. 19; Je. 7. 18; Ho. 7. 4; Mat. 13. 33; Jno. 21. 9;r-forms of, Ex. 16. 31; 29. 23; 1 Sa. 17. 17; 2 Sa. 6. 19; 1 Ki. 17. 13; Mat. 14. 17. Unleavened, Ge. 19. 3; Ex. 12. 8, 18; 1 Sa. 28. 24; 2 Ki. 23. 9; 1 Co. 5. 8. Sold, Le. 26. 26; Eze. 4. 16; Mat. 14. 15; with 15. 33;— given as a present, 1 Sa. 25. 18; 2 Sa. 16. 2; 1 Chr. 12. 40;— used as an offering, Ex. 25. 30; 29. 2, 23; Le. 8. 26; 24. 6; Nu. 4. 7; 15. 19; 28. 2; 1 Sa. 21. 4;— at funerals, Eze. 24. 17, 22;— in the Lord's supper, Lu. 22. 19; 24. 30; Ac. 2. 42; 20. 7; 1 Co. 10. 16; 11. 23;— miraculously given, Ex. 16. 4; 2 Ki. 4. 42; Mat. 14. 19; 15. 34; Jno. 6. 31. Used figuratively, De. 8. 9; Pro. 9. 5; Ps. 80. 5; Eze. 16. 49; Ho. 9. 4; Mat. 15. 26; Jno. 6.. 33— 35; 1 Co. 10. 17. Breastplate, the high-priest's, Ex. 28. 4, 15, 17, &c; 35. 9; 39. 8, 10, 14, &c; Le. 8. 8; Is. 69. 17;— the soldier's, 1 Ki. 22. 34; Ee. 9. 9, 17. Figuratively, Is. 59. 17; Ep. 6. 14; 1. Th. 5.8. Breath of man, dependent upon God, Ge. 2. 7; 6. 17; Job 12. 10; Ps. 104. 29; Eze. 37. 5; Da. 6. 23; Ac. 17. 25. Breath of God, his power, 2 Sa. 22. 16; Job. 4. 9; 33. 4; Ps. 33. 6; Is. 11. 4; 30. 28. Brethren, duties of, Ge. 13. 8; 50. 17; De. 15. 7; 24. 14; Ps. 133; Eze. 44. 25; Mat. 6. 22; 18, 15, 21; 25. 40; Jno. 13. 34; Ac. 11. 29; 15. 36; Eo. 12. 10; 14. 10; 1 Co. 6. 8; Gal. 6. 1; 1 Th. 4. 9; 2 Th. 3. 15; He. 13. 1; 1 Pe. 1. 22; 3. 8; 2 Pe. 1. 7; 1 Jno. 2. 9; 3. 17. Bribery, censured, Ex. 23. 2, 8; De. 16. 19; Job. 15. 34; Pro. 17. 23; 29. 4; Ec. 7. 7; Is. 5. 23; 33. 15; Eze. 13. 19; Am. 2. 6. Instances of, Ju. 16. 5; 1 Sa. 8. 3; 1 Ki. 15. 19; Mat. 26. 11; 28. 12; Ac. 8. 18; 24. 26. Bricks, Ge. 11. 3; Ex. 1. 14; 5. 7. Bride (the church), Jno. 3. 29; Be. 21. 2; 22. 17. Bridegroom, Christ compared to, Mat. 9. 15; 25. 1; Mar. 2. 19; Lu. 5. 34; Jno. 3. 29. See Ps. 19. 5; Is. 61. 10; 62. 5. Bridle, figurative, 2 Ki. 19. 28; Ps. 39. 1; Is. 30. 28; Ja. 1. 26; 3. 2. Brigandine, a coat of mail, Je. 46. 4; 51. 3. Brimstone, and fire, as an earthly pun ishment, Ge. 19. 24; De. 29. 23; Lu. 17. 29;— as a future punishment, Ps. 11. 6; Is. 30. 33; 34. 9; Eze. 38. 22; Ee. 9. 17; 14. 10; 19. 20; 21. 8. Brother. See Brethren. Broidered Work. See Embroidery. 10 BBO. THE BIBLE. CAN. Brooks, mentioned in Scripture, Nu. 13. 23; 21. 14; De. 2. 13; 1 Sa. 30. 9; 2 Sa. 15. 23; 23. 30; 1 Ki. 15. 13; 17. 3; 18. 40; 1 Chr. 11. 32; Ps. 83. 9; Jno. 18. 1. Figuratively, Job. 6. 15; 20. 17; Ps. 110.7; Pro. 18. 4. Buckler. See Shield. Bui. See Months. Bulwarks, De. 20. 20;.2 Chr. 26. 15. Burden, responsibility, Nu. 11. 11; Ps. 38. 4; Ac. 15. 38;— affliction, Ps. 55. 22; Is. 58. 6; Gal. 6. 2; 2 Co. 5. 4;— prophecy, Is. 13. 1; 15. 1; 19. 1; Na. 1. 1, &c. Of Christ, Mat. 11. 30; Ac. 15. 28; Ee. 2. 24. Burial, probable origin and design of, Ge. 4. 10; 23. 3;— preparation of the body for, Ge. 50. 26; 1 Sa. 31. 12; Mat. 26. 12; Mar. 14. 8; Jno. 11. 44; 12. 7; 19. 39; Ac. 9. 37;— attendants at, Ge. 50. 5—9: 2 Sa. 3. 31—34; Je. 9. 17; Mat. 8. 21; Mar. 15. 47; Lu. 7. 12;— ceremonies at.Ge. 50. 10, 11; 2 Sa. 3. 33; 2 Chr. 16. 14; Je. 34. 5. Of Sarah, Ge. 23. 19; of Abraham, 25. 9; of Isaac, 35. 29; of Jacob, 50. 7—14; of Aaron, De. 10. 6; of Abner, 2 Sa. 3. 31; of Christ, Mat. 27. 57; Lu. 23. 50; of An anias; Ac. 5. 6. Deprivation of it a calamity, De. 28. 26; Ps. 79. 2; Ec. 6. 3; Is. 14. 19; Je. 7. 33; 8. 2; 16. 4, 6; 25. 33; 34. 20. See Sepul chres. See aiso De. 21. 23; Jos. 24. 32; Ju. 16. 31; 2 Sa. 2. 5; 4. 12; 21. 14; 1 Ki. 11. 15; 13. 31; Eze. 39. 11; Jno. 11. 17, 39; 19. 31. Burning Bush, the, Ex. 3. 2; Mar. 12. 26; Lu. 20. 37; Ac. 7. 30, 35. Burnt-Offerings. See Offerings. Burning the dead, 1 Sa. 31. 12; Am. 6. 10. Business, diligence in, enjoined, Pro. 19. 15; 22. 29; Eo. 12. 11; Ep. 4. 28; 1 Th. 4. 11; 2 Th. 3. 10, 12. Busy-Bodies, censured, Pro. 20. 3; 26. 17; 1 Th. 4. 11; 2 Th. 3. 12; 1 Ti. 5. 13; 1. Pe. 4.15. Buz, Nahor's son, Ge. 22. 21; Job 32. 2. Cab, a measure, 2 Ki. 6. 25. C a bul, country of, Jos. 19. 27; 1 Ki. 9. 13. Csesar, Augustus, Lu. 2. 1; Tiberius, 3. 1; Claudius, Ac. 11. 28; Nero, 25. 11; Phi. 4. 22. A common name to the Eoman emperor, Mat. 22. 17; Mar. 12. 11, 17; Lu. 20 22. Csesarea, city of, Ac. 8. 40; 9. 30; 10. 1, &c; 11. 11; 12. 19; 18. 22; 23. 23; 25. 1. Csesarea Philippi, Mat. 16. 13; Mar. 8. 27- , . Caiaphas, a high priest, prophesies, Jno. 11. 49; examines and condemns Christ, Mat. 26. 57; Mar. 14. 53; Lu. 22. 54, 66; Jno. 18. 13, 19. See Ac. 4. 6. Cain, Adam's first-born, Ge. 4. 1; kills Abel, 4. 8; his punishment, 4. 11—15; New Testament allusions to, He. 11. 4; 1 Jno. 3. 12; Jude 11. Cainan, son of Enos, Ge. 5. 9—14; 1 Chr. 1. 2 (Kenan); Lu. 3. 37. Cakes. See Bread. Calamities. See Afflictions. Calamus, a sweet cane, Ex. 30.23; Can. 4. 14; Eze. 27. 19. Caldron (figurative), Eze. 11. 3, 11. Caleb, his faithfulness, Nu. 13. 30; 14. 6; his reward, Nu. 26. 65; 32. 12; De. 1. 36; his possessions, Jos. 14. 6 — 13; 15. 13; Ju. 1. 12—15; his posterity, 1 Chr. 2. 18; 4. 15; Call, God's invitation to repentance and Balvation, Ps. 50. 14, &c; Pro. 1. 20; 8. 4; Is. 1. 1, &c; 45. 20, 22; 55. 1, &c; Je. 35. 15; Ho. 6; 14; Joel, 2; Jon. 3; Mai. 3; Mat. 3. 2, &c; 11. 28; Jno. 7. 37; 12. 44; 2 Co. 5. 20; Ee. 2. 5; 3. 3, 19; 22. 17. Danger of rejecting, Ps. 60. 17; Pro. 1. 24; 29. I; Is. 6. 9: 28. 12, 13; 66. 4; Je. 6. 19; 26. 4; 35. 17; Mat. 22. 3; Jno. 12. 48; Ac. 13. 46; 18. 6; 28. 24, &e.; Eo. 11. 8; 2 Th. 2. 10; He. 2. 1; 12. 25; Ee. 2. 5. The effectual working of the Holy Spirit, Eo. 1. 7; 8. 28; 11. 29; 1 Co. 1. 9; 7. 15; Gal. 1. 15; Phi. 3. 14; 1 Th. 4. 7; 2Ti. 1. 9; He. 3. 1* 1 Pe. 2. 9. Call of Noah,' Ge. 6. 13; of Abraham, 12. 1, &c; of Jacob, 28. 12; of Moses, Ex. 3. 7, &c; of Gideon, Ju. 6. 11; of Samuel, 1 Sa. 3. 2, &c; of Elijah, 1 Ki. 17. 2, &c; of Elisha, 19. 19; of Jonah, Jon. 1; of Isa iah, Is. 6; of Jeremiah, Je. 1; of Ezekiel, Eze. 1; of Hosea, Ho. 1; of Amos, Am. 7. 14; of the apostles, Mat. 4. 18; 9. 9; Mar. 1. 16; Lu. 5. 10; Jno. 1. 38; of Paul, Ac. 9. 4, &c; 22. 6, &c; Ro. 1. 1; Gal. 1. 1, 12; 1 Ti. 1. 1. Calling or vocation of the gospel, Ro. 11. 29; 1 Co. 1. 26; Ep. 1. 18; 4. 1; Phi. 3. 14; 2 Th. 1. 11; 2 Ti. 1. 9; He. 3. 1; 1 Pe. 2. 9; 2 Pe. 1. 10; Re. 19. 9. Calvary, Mat. 27. 33; Mar. 15. 22; Lu. 23. C3. Calves, the young of the herd, 1 Sa. 6. 10; Job 21. 10; Ps. 29. 6; Is. 27. 10; Je. 31. 12; — offered in sacrifice, Le. 9. 2; Nu. 18. 17; Mi. 6. 6; He. 9. 12, 19;— eaten, Ge. 18. 7; 1 Sa. 28. 24; Am. 6. 4: Lu. 15. 23. Figurative, Is. 11. 6; Eze. 1. 7; Ho. 14. 2; Mai. 4. 2; Re. 4. 7. Calves, objects of idolatrous worship,— Aaron's, Ex. 32. 1, &c; De. 9. 12, 16; Ps. 106. 19; Ac. 7. 41; 1 Co. 10. 7;— Jeroboam's, 1 Ki. 12. 28, &c; 15. 34; 16. 26; 19. 18; 2 Ki. 10. 29; 14. 24; 2 Chr. 11. 15; 13. 8; Ho, 8. 5; 10. 5; 13. 2. Camel, characteristics of, Ge. 24. 11; Is. 30. 6; Je. 2. 23;— value of, Ge. 12. 16; 24. 31; 30. 43; 1 Chr. 5. 21; 2 Chr. 14. 15; Job 1. 3, 17; Je. 49. 29;— uses of, Ge. 24. 61; 37. 25; Ju. 7. 12; 1 Sa. 30. 17; 1 Ki. 10. 2; 2 Ki. 8. 9; Est. 8. 10; Is. 21. 7; Mat. 3. 4. Unclean, Le. 11. 4; De. 14. 7. Figurative, Mat. 19. 24; 23. 21; Mar. 10.25. Camelion, a species of lizard, Le. 11. 30. Camp of the Israelites, its order, Nu. 1. 52; 2. 2, &c.;— its privileges, Ex. 14. 19; Nu. 24. 5; De. 23. 14; 1 Sa. 4. 5, 7;— to he kept holy, Ex. 29. 14; Le. 6. 11; 13. 46; Nu. 5. 2; De. 23. 10, 14. Camp, without the, a place of unclean- ness and separation, Ex. 29.14; 33. 7; Le. 4. 12, 21; 6. 11; 8. 17; 13. 46; Nu. 6. 3; 12. 14; 15. 35; 19. 3, 9; De. 23. 12; He. 13. 11, 13. Cainphire, or Camphor, Can. 1. 14; 4. 13. Cana, town of, Jno. 2. 1, &c; 4. 46; 21. 2. Canaan, Ham's son, Ge. 9. 18, &c. ; 10. 6, 15. Country of, Ge. 11. 31; 12. 5;— promised to Abraham, Ge. 12. 7. See Abraham. Its boundary, Ex. 23. 31; Nu. 34. 1—12; Jos. 1. 3; 14. 1. 11 CAN. INDEX TO CHA. Conquest and division of, Nu. 13. 1, &c; 26. 52, &c; 32. 30, See.; 34. 16, &c; Jos. 5. 12; 11. 16, &c; 13. 1, &c; 14. 1, Sea.; Ju. 2. 3; Ps. 135. 11. Nations of, left to prove Israel, Ju. 3. 1;. 4. 2, &c; 5. 19;— See also Ex. 15. 15; Is. 19. 18; Eze. 16. 29; Zep. 2. 5; Ac. 13. 19. Candle, figuratively used, Job 18. 6; 21. 17; 29. 3; Ps. 18. 28; Pro. 20. .27; 24. 20; 31. 18; Mat. 5. 15; Lu. 8. 16. Candlestick, domestic, 2 Ki. 4. 10; Mat. 6. 15;— in the tabernacle, Ex. 25. 31; 37. 17: Le. 24. 4;— in the temple, 1 Ki. 7.49; 1 Chr. 28. 15; 2. Chr. 4. 7, 20; 13. 11; Je. 52. 19. Illustrative, Zee. 4. 2; Mat. 5. 14—16; He. 9.2; Ee.l. 13; 2.5. Capernaum, city of, Mat. 4. 13; 8. 5; 11. 23; 17. 24; Mar. 1. 21; 2. 1; 9. 33; Lu. 4. 23, 31; 7. 1; 10. 15; Jno. 2. 12; 4. 46; 6. 17; 24.59. Caphtor (Lower Egypt), De. 2. 23; Je. 47. 4; Am. 9. 7. Cappadocia, Ac. 2. 9; rPe. 1. 1. Captivity of the Jews foretold, Le. 26. 33; De. 4. 27; 28. 25, 36, Sea.; Is. 7. 20; 22. 17; 39. 6; Je. 13. 19; 16. 13; 20. 4; 25. 11; 32. 28, &c; Ho. 13. 16; Am. 5.27; 6. 7; 7. 11, 17. Captivity of Israel to Assyria by Tiglath- pileser, B. c 741, 2 Ki. 15. 29; 1 Chr. 5. 6, 26; Is. 9. 1;— by Shalmaneser, B. c. 721, 2 Ki. 17. 6, 24; 18. 10, 11. Captivity of Judah to Babylon, by Neb uchadnezzar, from B c. 598 to n. c. 583, 2 Ki. 24. 10—16; 25. 8, &c; 1 Chr. 6. 15; 2 Chr. 36. 3, &c: Est. 2. 6; Ps. 137; Je. 39; 62. 28; Da. 1. 1. Return from, Ezr. 1; Ne. 2. 4c.; Ps. 126; future return, Ps. 14. 7; 53. 6; Je. 29. 14; 30. 3; 31. 23; 33. 7; 46. 27; Eze. 16. 53; 39. 25; Joel 3. 1; Am. 9. 14; Zep. 2. 7; Mat. 24. 31; Lu. 21.24; Eo. 11. 25. See Israel and Judah. Carbuncle, a gem, Ex. 28. 17; 39. 10; Is. 64. 12; Eze. 28. 13. Carchemlsh, a town in Assyria, 2 Chr. 35. 20; Is. 10. 9; Je. 46. 2. Care, worldly, forbidden, Ps. 37. 1; 39. 6; 65. 22; Pro. 16. 3; Ec. 4. 8; Lu. 8. 14; 10. 41; 22. 35; Phi. 3. 19; 2 Ti. 2. 4; He. 13. 5. See Anxiety. Carmel, mountain of, 1 Sa.°25. 2, See. ; 1 Ki. 18. 19, See.; 2 Ki. 2. 25; 4. 25; Can. 7. 5; Je. 46. 18; 50. 19; Am. 1. 2; 9. 3; Mi. 7. 14. Carmel, district of, Jos. 15. 55; 1 Sa. 15. 12; 25. 2; 2 Ki. 19. 23; 2 Chr. 26. 10; Is. 37. 24. Carmelite, 1 Sa. 30. 5; 2 Sa. 2. 2; 23. 35. Carnal Mindedness, forbidden, Eo, 8. 6, 7; 1 Co. 3. 1, 4; Col. 2. 18. Carpenter, 2 Sa. 5. 11; Is. 41. 7; Zee. 1.20; —Christ so called, Mat. 13. 55; Mar. 6. 3. Carts, 1 Sa. 6. 7; 2 Sa. 6. 3; 1 Chr. 13. 7; Is. 28. 28; Am. 2. 13. Cassia, a sweet aromatic spice, Ex. 30, 24; Ps. 45. 8; Eze. 27. 19. Castle, 1 Chr. 11. 5, 7; Pro. 18. 19; Ac. 21. 34. Castor and Pollux, heathen deities, Ac. 28. 11. Cattle, Ge. 1. 24—26; 2. 20;— laws concern ing, Ex. 20. 10; 21. 28; 22. 1; 23. 4; Le. 1. 2; 18. 23; 19. 19; 20. 15; De. 5. 14; 22. 1; 12 25. 4; Mat. 12. 11; Ln. 13. 15; 14. 5; 1 Co. 9. 9; 1 Ti. 5. 18. Caves, used for dwelling in, Ge. 19. 30;— for concealment, Jos. 10. 16; 1 Sa. 13. 6; 14. 11; 22. 1; 2 Sa. 23. 13; 1 Ki. 18. 4; He. 11. 38;— for rest, 1 Sa. 24. 3; 1 Ki. 19. 9;— for burial, Ge. 23. 19; Jno. 11. 38;— by robbers, Je. 7. 11; Mat. 21. 13. See also Ju. 6. 2; Is. 2. 19; Eze. 33. 27; Na. 2. 12; Ee. 6. 15. Cedar, the characteristics of, 2 Sa. 7.-2: 1 Ki. 4. 33; Ps. 80. 10; 92. 12: Can. 4. 11; Is. 9. 10: 37. 24; Eze. 17. 22; Am. 2. 9;— uses of, Le. 14. 4—7; Nu. 19. 6; 2 Sa. 5. 11; 1 Ki. 5. 5; 6. 9, 15; 7. 2; Can. 1. 17; 3. 9; Is. 44. 14; Eze. 27. 5, 24. Used figuratively, Nu. 24. 6; Ps. 92. 12; Can. 6. 15; Is. 2. 13; 41. 19; Eze. 17. 3; 31. 3; Am. 2. 9. See also Ju. 9. 15; 1 Ki. 10. 27; Job 40. 17; Ps. 104. 16; 148. 9; Is. 41. 19. Cedron. See Kidron. Celibacy, Mat. 19. 12; 22. 30; Lu. 20. 34; 1 Co. 7. 1, 38. Cenchrea, sea-port of Corinth, Ac. 18. 18; Ro. 16. 1. Censers, for burning incense, Le. 10, 1; 16. 12; 2 Chr. 26. 19;— of brass, Nu. 16.39; —of gold, 1 Ki. 7. 50; He. 9. 4; Ee. 8. 3. See also Nu. 4. 14; 16. 18, 37; Eze. 8. 11. Centurion, a Boman officer, Mat. 8. 5; 27. 54; Mar. 15. 39; Lu. 7. 2—10; 23. 47; Ac. 10. 1; 22. 25; 24. 23; 27. 1—43; 28. 16. Chain, as an ornament, Nu. 31. 50; Can. 1. 10; Is. 3. 19;— as a mark of honour, Ge. 41. 42; Eze. 16. 11; Da. 5. 7, 16, 29;— the high-priest's, Ex. 28. 14; 39. 15. FetterB, Je. 39. 7; .40. 1, 4; 52. 11; Mar. 5. 3; Ac. 12. 6; 2 Ti. 1. 16; 2 Pe. 2. 4. Chalcedony, a gem, Ee. 21. 19. Chaldea, country of, Ge. 11. 28, 31; Is. 23. 13; Eze. 16. 29; 23. 16; Da. 9. 1; Ac. 7. 4; See Babylon. Chaldeans, Ezr. 5. 12; Job 1. 17; Is. 43. 14; 48. 14, 20; Je. 21. 4; 62. 8; Da. 2. 2; Hab. 1. 6. Prophecies regarding, Is. 48. 14; Je. 22. 25; 25. 12; 37. 8; 60. 10, 35; Eze. 12. 13: 23. 14. Chamber, Ge. 43. 30; Ju. 15. 1; 16. 9; 2 Ki. 4. 11; 9. 2; Ne. 13. 5; Ps. 19. 5; Can. 3. 4; Je. 36. 10; Da. 6. 10; Joel 2. 16; Mar. 14. 14: Ac. 9. 37; 20. 8. Chamberlain, 2 Ki. 23. 11; Es. 1. 10; Ac. 12. 20; Ro. 16. 23. Chamois, a species of goat, De. 14. 5. Chance, excluded by divine providence, Ps. 91. 3, &c; Pro. 16. 33; Mat. 6. 26; 10. 29; Lu. 12. 6. Chapel, Am. 7. 13. Chapiters, Ex. 36. 38; 38. 17; 1 Ki. 7. 16. Charger, Nu. 7. 13, 19; Ezr. 1. 9; Mat. 14. 8; Mar. 6. 25. Chariots, for war, Ex. 14. 17; Jos. 17. 18; Ju. 1. 19; 4. 3, 13; 1 Sa. 13. 5; 2 Sa. 1. 6; 1 Ki. 9. 19; 16. 9; 20. 25; 22. 35; 2 Ki. 8. 21; 10. 2; 18. 24; 19. 23; 2 Chr. 14. 9; 16. 8; 21. 9; Eze. 23. 24; 26. 7; Na. 2. 3, 13. For travelling. &c, Ge. 41. 43; 46. 29; 50. 9; Ex. 14. 6; 1 Ki. 12. 18; 18. 44; 2 Ki. 9. 20; 2 Chr. 1. 14; Can. 1. 9; 3. 9; Is. 21. 7; Je. 17. 25; Ac. 8. 28. Used figuratively, 2 Ki. 6. 17; 13. 14; 1 Chr. 28. 18; Ps. 68. 17; 104.3; Can. 6. 12; CHA. THE BIBLE. CHB. Is. 22. 18; 66. 15; Hab. 3. 8; Zee. 6. 1; Ee. 9. 9; 18. 13. Charity, described, Ps. 135; 1 Co. 8. 1; 13. 1, 4c; 1 Pe. 4. 8; Re. 2. 19;— enjoined, 1 Co. 14. 1; 16. 14; Col. 3. 14; 2 Th. 1. 3; 1 Ti. 1. 5; 2. 15; 4. 12; 2 Ti. 2. 22; Tit. 2. 2; 2 Pe. 1. 7. See Affections and Love. Chastisement. See Afflictions. Chastity, enjoined, Ge. 49. 4; Ex. 20. 14; Pro. 5. 16—20; 6. 25; 31. 3; Mat. 5. 28; Ac. 15. 20; Eo. 13. 13; Ep. 5. 3; Col. 3. 5; 1 Th. 4. 3; Tit. 2. 5; 1 Pe. 3. 2. Examples, Ge. 39. 7; Job 31. 1. Chebar, a river in Chaldea, Eze. 1. 1; 3. 15; 10. 15. Chedarlaomer, king of Elam, Ge. 14. 1, 9. Cheek, used figuratively, Job 16. 10; Can. 1. 10; La. 3. 30; Mi. 5. 1; Mat. 5. 39; Lu. 6.29. Cheerfulness, recommended, Pro. 12, 25; 15. 13, 15; 17. 22; Eo. 12. 8; 2 Co. 9. 7. Cheese, 1 Sa. 17. 18; 2 Sa. 17. 29; Job 10. 10. Chemosh, a Moabitish idol, Nu. 21. 29; Ju. 11. 24; 1 Ki. 11. 7; Je. 48. 7, 13. 46. Cherethites, Philistines, 1 Sa. 30. 14; Eze. 25. 16; Zep. 2. 6. Cherethites and Felethites, David's life-guards, 2 Sa. 8. 18; 20. 23; 1 Chr. 18. 17. Cherubim, an order of angels, 8fcc. ; Ge. 3. 24; Eze. 1.5, 4c; 10. 4, See. Of gold, Ex. 25. 18, 22; 37. 7; Nu. 7. 89; 1 Sa. 4. 4; 2 Sa. 6. 2; 1 Ki. 6. 23, 4c; 8. 6; 2 Ki. 19. 15; 2 Chr. 5. 7; Ps. 80. 1; 99. 1; He. 9. 5. Bepresentations of, Ex. 26. 1, 31; 36. 35; 1 Ki. 6. 32; 7. 29; 2 Chr. 3. 7, 14; Eze. 41. 18. See 2 Sa. 22. 11; Ps. 18. 10. Childbirth, Le. 12. 1, 4c; Lu. 2. 22. Childhood, customs connected with, — naming, Ge. 18. 13; 21. 3, 6; 25. 25, 26; 35. 18; Ex. 2. 10; 18. 3, 4; 1 Chr. 4. 9: Lu. 1. 69, 61;— nursing, Ge. 24. 59; 35. 8; Ex.2. 9; Ru. 4. 16; 1 Ki. 3. 21; Ps. 22. 9; Can. 8. 1; Eze. 16. 4;— weaning, Ge. 21. 8; 1 Sa. 1. 24; Ps. 131. 2. Childlessness, of good men, Ge, 15. 2; Ju. 13. 2; Lu. 1. 7;— of the wicked, Le. 20. 20; 1 Sa. 15. 33; 2 Sa. 6. 23; Je. 22. 30; Ho. 9. 14. See Barrenness. Children, good, a blessing, Ps. 113. 9; 127. 3; 128. 3; Pro. 10. 1; 15. 20; 17. 6; 23. 24; 27. 11; 29. 3;— bad, a curse, Pro. 10. 1; 17. 21, 25; 19. 13; 28. 7; 29. 15;— punished, Ex. 21. 15; Le. 20. 9; De. 21. 18; Pro. 30. 17. Illegitimate, Ge. 21. 10, 14; 25. 6; De. 23. 2; Ju. 11. 2; Gal. 4. 30; He. 12. 8. To be instructed, Ge. 18. 19; De. 4. 9; 6. 6, 7; 11. 19; Ps. 78. 6; Ep. 6. 4j— to be cor rected, 1 Sa. 2. 22; 3. 13; 1 Ki. 1. 6; Pro. 13. 24; 19. 18; 22. 15; 23.13; 29. 15. Duty of, Ex. 20. 12; Le. 19. 3, 32; De. 5. 16; 27. 16; 30. 2; Job 32. 6; Pro. 1. 8; 6. 20; 13. 1; 15. 5; 19. 27; 23. 22; 24. 21; 28. 7; 30. 17; Ec. 12. 1; Eze. 18. 14; 22. 7; Lu. 2. 51; Ep. 6. 1; Col. 3. 20; 1 Ti. 5. 4; He. 12. 9. Children of God, Mat. 5. 9; Lu. 20. 36; Jno. 11. 52; Ro. 8. 16, 21; 9. 26; Gal. 3. 26. See Adoption. Of light, Lu. 16. 8; Jno. 12. 36; Ep. 5. 8; 1 Th. 5. 5. » Of promise, Eo. 9. 8; Gal. 4. 28. Cbisicu. See Months. Chittim, or Kittim (now Cyprus ),— Ge.10. 4; Nu. 24.24; 1 Chr. 1. 7; Is. 23. 1, 12; Je. 2. 10; Eze. 27. 6; Da. 11. 30. See Cyprus. Chiun, an Egyptian idol, Am. 5. 26. Chloe, 1 Co. 1. 11. Chorazin, town of. Mat. 11 21; Lu. 10. 13. Chosen of God, Christ, Is. 43. 10; Mat. 12. 18; Lu. 23. 35; 1 Pe. 2. 4. Israel, De. 7. 6; 14. 2; 1 Chr. 28. 4; Ps. 132, 13; 135.4; Is. 14. 1; 41.8; 44.1. Believers, Jno. 16. 16; Ac. 22. 14; 1 Co. 1. 27; Ep. 1. 4; 2 Th. 2. 13; Ja. 2. 5. See Elect. Christ, the son of God,— His Divine Na ture, Is. 9. 6; Mat. 1. 23; 3. 17; 8. 27; 9. 6; 10. 1; 12. 21; 20. 20; 21. 16, 16; 28. 17, 18; Mar. 1. 27; 2. 7; Lu. 4. 36; 5. 22; 9. 1; 24. 61; Jno. 1. 1, 3, 9; 2. 24; 5. 17, 4c; 6. 64; 10. 28; 11. 25; 14. 6, 11, 27; 15. 5, 24; 16. 15, 30; 17. 6, 22; 20. 31; Ac. 2. 38; 7. 59; 9. 27; Eo. 1. 4; Ep. 1. 3; 4. 5, 7—10; Phi. 2. 6; 3. 21; 4. 13; Col. 1. 17; 2. 2, 9; 1. Th. 3. 11; 1 Ti. 1. 2, 12; Tit. 2. 10, 13; He. 1. 6; 13. 8; 2 Pe. 3. 18; Ee. 1. 18; 2. 23; 3. 7; 17. 14; 19. 16. His Human Nature, Mat. 1. 18, 22; 4. 2; 8. 17, 20; 26. 38; Mar. 3. 5; 11. 12; Lu. 1. 31, 35; 2. 7, 40, 51; 4. 1; Jno. 1. 14, 18; 3. 13; 4. 6; 8. 46; 11. 35; 12. 27; 19. 28; Eo. 1. 3; 8. 3; 9. 5; Gal. 4. 4; Phi. 2. 5, 4c; 1 Ti. 3. 16; He. 2. 9, 14, 16; 4. 15; 7. 26; 1 Pe. 2. 22; 1 Jno. 3. 5. His Mediation, Gal. 3. 19; Ep. 2. 13; 1 Ti. 2. 5; He. 2. 17; 8. 6; 9. 15; 12. 24;— fore told, Ps. 22; 69; Is. 53. See Prophecy. Accomplished by his holy life, Is. 53. 9; Mai. 2. 6; Mat. 3. 15; 5. 17; 11. 29; Mar. 7. 37; Jno. 6. 30; 8. 29; Ac. 10. 38; Ro. 15. 3; 2 Co. 5. 21; Gal. 4. 4; He. 5. 8; 7. 26; 1 Pe. 2. 21—23; by his sufferings and death, Mat. 20. 18, 28; 27. 35; Lu. 24. 20; Jno. 10. 18; Ac. 3. 18; Eo. 5. 6, 8; 1 Co. 5. 7; 6. 20; 2 Co. 5. 15, 21; Gal. 1. 4; 3. 13; Ep. 2. 16; 5. 2; Phi. 2. 8; 1 Ti. 2. 6; Tit. 2. 14; He. 2. 9, 4c; 9. 11, &o.; 10. 11, 4c; 1 Pe. 1. 18, &c; 2. 24; 3. 18; 1 Jno. 2. 2; 3. 16; Ee. 1. B; 5. 9;— by his resurrection, Lu. 24. 46; Jno. 10. 18; Ac. 2. 24; 3. 15; 4. 10; 5. 30; 10. 40; 17. 31; 26. 23; Eo. 1. 4; 4. 25; 6. 4, 9; 10. 9; 1 Co. 6. 14; 15. 4, 13, 17, 20; 2 Co. 13. 4; 1 Th. 1. 10; He. 13. 20; 1 Pe. 1. 3; 3. 18; — by his ascension and intercession in heaven, Ps. 68. 18; Is. 53. 12; Je. 50. 34; Mar. 16. 19; Lu. 24. 51; Jno. 6. 39; 14. 2,3, 6; 16. 28; 17. 11; Ac. 1. 9; 3. 21; 7. 56; Eo. 8. 34; Ep. 1. 20; 4. 8; 1 Ti. 3. 16; He. 1. 3; 5. 6; 7. 25; 81; 9. 24; 10. 12; 1 Pe. 3. 22; 1 Jno. 2. 1. Christ, a prophet, De. 18. 15; Is. 42. 1; 52. 7; 61. 1; Na. 1. 15; Mat. 24. 4, 4c; Lu. 2. 40; 4. 18; 19. 41, 4c; Ac. 3. 22. A priest, Ps. 110. 4; He. 3. 1; 5. 6; 6. 20. A king, Ps. 2. 6; 24. 7; 45.6; 110. 1; Is. 32. 1; 33. 17; 52. 7; Je. 23. 6; Da. 2. 44; Zee. 9. 9; Mat. 2. 2; 21. 5; 25. 34; Lu. 1. 33; 19. 38; 22. 29; Jno. 1. 49; 12. 13; 18. 36; 1 Co. 15. 25; He. 1. 8; Ee. 1. 5; 3. 21; 11. 15; 15. 3; 17. 14; 19. 16; 22. 3. An example, Mat. 11. 29; Jno. 13. 15, 34; 15. 12; Ep. 5. 2; Phi. 2. 5; 1 Pe. 1. 15; 2. 21; 1 Jno. 2. 6; 3.16,&c. Christ, his glory, Mat. 17. 1—8; Ac. 9.3—8; 1 Ti. 6. 16; 2 Pe. 1. 16; Ee. 1. 12, 4c CHB. INDEX TO CHU. His power, Mat. 8. 27; 9. 6; 10. 1; 28. 18; Jno. 1. 3; 3. 35; 5. 17, 21; 10. 28: 17.2; Ac. 10. 38; 1. Co. 15. 24: Ep. 1. 21; Phi. 3. 21; Col. 1. 16; 2. 15; 2 Th. 1. 9; 1 Ti. 6. 16; He. 7. 25; Ee. 1. 18. His humility, Mat. 9. 10; 11. 29; Mar. 6. 3; Lu. 9. 58: Jno. 4. 6; 5. 41; 9. 29; 13. 6; Eo. 15. 3; 2 Co. 8. 9; Phi. 2. 7; He. 2. 16; 4. 15; 5.7. His love, Mat. 18. 11; Lu. 7. 47; 19. 10; 23. 34; Jno. 13. 1; 14. 21: 15. 9, 13: 16. 7; Eo. 8. 35; 2 Co. 5. 14; Gal. 2. 20: Ep. 3. 19; 5. 25; He. 9. 24; 1 Jno. 3. 16; Be. 1. 6; 3. 19. His character, Is. 9. 6; Mat. 11. 19, 29; 22. 16; 27. 4; Lu. 1. 35; 2. 11, 52; 9. 55; 19. 41; 22. 42; 23. 34; Jno. 1. 14, 29, 41, 45; 3. 2; 4. 42; 6. 30; 6. 14; 7. 18; 8. 46; 18. 37; Ac. 4. 27; 10. 38; 2 Co. 8. 9; Phi. 2. 8; 1 Ti. 1. 16; 2. 5; He. 3. 1, 2; 5. 7, 10; 7. 26; 8. 2; 1 Pe. 1. 19; 2. 22; 1 Jno. 2. 1; 5. 20: Be. 1. 5; 17. 14. His second coming, Mat. 24. 3; 25. 31; Mar. 8. 38; Jno. 14. 3; Ac. 1. 11; 3. 19, 20; Eo. 8. 17; 1 Co. 1. 8; 1 Th. 4. 16; 2 Ti. 4. 1; Tit. 2. 13; 1 Pe. 1. 5; 2 Pe. 3. 12; Jude 14. Christ, the object of faith, Jno. 3. 14—16, 36: 6. 40; 14. 1; Ac. 16. 31; 1 Jno. 5. 10. Of love, 1 Co. 16. 22; Ep. 6. 24; 1 Pe. 1. 8. Of confession, Mat. 10. 32; 19. 29; Mar. 8. 38; Lu. 9. 26; 12. 8; Jno. 16. 30; 20. 28; Bo. 1. 16; 10. 9, 10; 2 Ti. 1. 8; 2. 12; 1. Jno. 2. 23; 4. 15. Christ's names and titles, — Adam, 1 Co. 15. 45; Advocate, Eb. 8. 34; He. 7. 25; 9. 24; 1 Jno. 2. 1; Alpha and Omega, Ee. 1. 8; 22. 13; Amen, Ee. 3. 14; Ancient of days, Da. 7. 22; Angel of the Lord, Zee 1. 12; Ac. 7. 30; Apostle, He. 3. 1; Arm of the Lord, Is. 53. 1; Jno. 12. 38; Bishop, 1 Pe. 2. 25; Branch, Je. 23. 6; Zee. 3. 8; 6. 12; Bread of life, Jno. 6. 48; Bridegroom, Mat. 9. 15; Mar. 2. 19; Lu. 5. 34; Jno. 3. 29; Be. 21. 9; Captain, Jos. 5. 14; He. 2. 10; Corner-stone, Ep. 2. 20; 1 Pe. 2. 6; Counsellor, Is. 9. 6; David, Je. 30. 9; Eze. 34. 23; 37. 24; Ho. 3. 6; Days-man, Job 9. 33; Day-spring, Lu. 1. 78; Deliv erer, Bo. 11. 26; Door, Jno. 10. 7; Elect of God, Is. 42. 1; Emmanuel, Is. 7. 14; Mat. 1. 23; Faithful Witness, Be. 1. 5; 3. 14; First begotten, He. 1. 6; (from the dead), Col. 1. 18; Re. 1. 5; First and Last, Ee. 1. 17; 2. 8; 22. 13; God, Is. 9. 6; 40. 9; Jno. 20. 28; Bo. 9. 5; 1 Jno. 5. 20; God's Fellow, Zee. 13. 7; Governor. Mat. 2. 6; Heir of all Things, He. 1. 2; Head of the Church, Ep. 1. 22; 5. 23; Col. 1. 18; High- priest, He. 3. 1, See.; Holy One, Ps. 16. 10; Is. 41/ 14; Mar. 1. 24; Hope, 1 Ti. 1. 1; Horn of Salvation, Ps. 18. 2; Lu. 1. 69; I AM,Jno. 8. 58; Just, Ac. 3. 14; 7. 52; 22. 14; King, Ps. 2. 6; Mat. 21. 6; Lu. 1. 33; Jno. 1. 49; 1 Ti. 6. 15; Ee. 15. 3; 17. 14; Lamb of God, Jno. 1. .29, 36: Re. 5. 6, 12; 7. 17; Leader, 4c, Is. 55. 4; Life, Jno. 11. 25; 14. 6; Col. 3. 4; Light, Jno. 1. 8, 9; 8. 12; Lion, Be. 5. 5; Lord or Jehovah, Is. 40. 3; Je. 23. 6; Ac. 10. 36; Ro. 10. 12; 1 Co. 2. 8; Mediator, 1 Ti. 2. 5; He. 8. 6; 12. 24; Melchisedek, He. 7. 17; Messenger, Mai. 2. 7; 3. 1; Messiah, Da. 9. 25; Jno. 1. 41; 4. 25; Morning Star, Ee. 2. 28; 22. 16; Nazarene, Mat. 2. 23; Only Begotten, Jno. 1. 14, 18; 3. 16, 18; Passover, 1 Co. 6. 7; Plant, Eze. 34. 29; Potentate, 1 Ti. 6. 15; Priest, He. 4. 14; 7. 26; -Prince, Is. 9. 6; Ac. 3. 15; 5. 31; Ee. 1. 5; Prophet, De. 18. 18; Lu. 24. 19; Ransom, 1 Ti. 2. 6; Be- deemer, Job 19. 25; Is. 59. 20; Refiner, 4c, Mai. 3. 3; Resurrection and Life, Jno. 11. 25; Eock, 1 Co. 10. 4; Boot and Offspring of David, Ee. 22. 16; Ruler, Mi. 5. 2; Saviour, Lu. 2. 11; Ac. 5. 31; Tit. 2. 10; 2 Pe. 2. 20; 3. 18; Servant, Is. 42. 1; Phi. 2. 7; Shepherd, Is. 40. 10, 11; Eze., 34. 23; Jno. 10. 11, 14; He. 13. 20; 1 Pe. 2. 25; 5. 4; Shiloh, Ge. 49. 10; Son of God, Da. 3. 25; Mat. 3. 17; 8. 29; 14. 33; 27. 64; Mar. 1. 1; 3. 11; 14. 61; Lu. 1. 35; Ac. 8. 37; 9. 20; Ro. 1. 4; 2 Co. 1. 19; Gal. 2. 20; Ep. 4. 13; He. 4. 14; 6. 6; 1 Jno. 3. 8; 4. 15; 6. 5, 10; Ee. 2. 18; Son of man, Mat. 8. 20; Jno. 1. 61; 5. 27; Star, Nu. 24. 17; Ee. 22. 16; Stone of Israel, Ge. 49. 24; Sun of Right eousness, Mai. 4. 2; Surety, He. 7. 22; True, Re. 3. 7; 19. 11; Truth. Jno. 14. 6; Vine, Jno. 15. 1; Way, Jno. 14. 6: Wit ness, Is. 55. 4; Wonderful, Ju. 13. 18; Is. 9. 6; Word, Jno. 1. 1, 14; 1 Jno. 1. 1; Ee. 19. 13. Christ, the events of his life. See Jesus. His Miracles. See Miracles. His parables. See Parables. Predictions respecting him. See Pro phecy. Christians, first called so, Ac. 11. 26; 26. 28; 1 Pe. 4. 16. Are as the sons of God, Eo. 8. 14, 4c; 1 Jno. 3. 1: are one with God, Jno. 17. 11, 21 ; are the temple of God, 1 Co. 3. 16; are the salt of the earth, 4c, Mat. 5. 13, 14. Their privileges, He. 12. 22, 4c; 1 Pe. 2. 5, 4c Christs, false, Mat. 24. 5, 24; Mar. 13. 22. Chrysolite and Chrysoprasns, Ee. 21. 20. Church, a religious local assembly or as sociation, Ac. 2. 47; 5. 11; 8. 1; 11. 26; 13. 1; 14. 23, 27; 15. 3, 22; 18. 22; 1 Co. 1. 2; 14. 23; Phi. 1. 1; 4. 15; Ee. 2. 1, 8, 12, 18; 3. 1, 7, 14. Sometimes in a household, Bo. 16. 5; 1 Co. 16. 19; Col. 4. 15; Phile. 2. All the elect of God, Mat. 16. 18; Ep. 1. 22; 3. 10; 5. 25, 27; Col. 1. 18, 24. Its unity, Eo. 12. 15; 1 Co. 10. 17; 12. 12; Gal. 3. 28; — its order and government, Mat. 18. 17; Ac. 14. 23; 15. 22; 20. 28; 1 Co. 11. 18, 4c; 12. 28; 14. 4, 4c; 1 Ti. 5. 16, 4c; Ja. 6. 14; — its privileges and glory, Mat. 16. 18; Ac. 20. 28; Ro. 7. 4; 1 Co. 3. 21; 6. 11; 2 Co. 8. 1; Ep. 2. 20; 3. 10, 21; 4. 11, 4c; 5. 26; 1 Ti. 3. 15; He. 9. 12, 4c; 1 Pe. 2. 4, 4c; Re. 19. 7, 8; 21. 2. Church of Israel, its establishment, De. 4. 5—14; 26. 18; Ac. 7. 35, 38;— its mem bers, Ge. 17. 10—14; Ex. 23. 17; Le. 10. 11; Nu. 9. 14; 15. 15, 29; De. 16. 11;— its order and discipline, Ex. 12. 48; 18. 20, 4c; 29. 9, 4c; Le. 13. 46; 15. 31; 23. 2; 34. 20; Nu. 5. 2, 4; 15. 30; 19. 20; De. 10. 8; 12. 5; 16. 17; Is. 1. 14; He. 9. 1—10. Its worship consisted in sacrifice, Ex. 10. 25; Le. 1.2; 6. 13; 16. 22; He. 10. 1;— prayer, Ex. 24. 1; Ps. 5. 7; 56. 17; 95. 6; Is. 66. 7; Da. 6. 10; Mat. 6. 6; 21. 13; Ac. 3. 1;— praiBe, 2 Chr. 5. 13; 23. 13; 30. 21; Ps. 22. 25; 65. 1; 100. 4; 149. 1; Je. 17. 20; 11 CIL. THE BIBLE. CON. — reading God's word, Ex. 24. 7; De. 31. 11; Lu. 14. 16, 17; Ac. 13. 15;— preaching, Ne. 8. 4,7; Mat. 4.23; Lu.4. 20. See Sacrifice, Offerings, and Feasts. Cilicia, country of, Ac. 6. 9; 15. 23, 41; 21. 39; 22. 3; 23. 34; 27. 5; Gal. 1. 21. Cinnamon Tree, Ex. 3D. 23; Pro. 7. 17; Can. 4. 14; Ee. 18. 13. Cinneroth, city in Nepthali, Jos. 11. 2; 12. 3; 19. 35. Circumcision, commanded, Ge. 17. 10, 4c; Le. 12. 3; Jos. 5.2, 4.'.; Jno. 7. 22; — its meaning,Ge. 17. 11; Ex. 12. 48; De. 10. 16; 30. 6; Eze. 44. 7; Eo. 2.23; 3. 30; 4. 9, 11; 1 Co. 7. 19; Gnl. 5. 3, 6; 6. 15; Phi. 3. 3; Col. 2. 11; 3. 11;— its subjects, Ge. II. 10, &c; 31. 15, 24; Ex. 12. 48. Time and circumstances of performing, Ge. 17. 12, 23; 21. 4; Li. 12. 3; Jos. 6. 4; Lu. 1. 58, See.; 2. 21; Jno. 7. 22; Phi. 3. 5. Instances, Ge. 17. 23; 21. 4; 34. 24; Ex. 4. 25; Jos. 5. 2; Lu. 1. 59; 2. 21; Ac. 16. 3. Abolished, Ac. 11. 2; 15. 1, &c; 21. 21; Eo. 4. 9, 4c; 1 Co. 7. 19; Gal. 2. 3; 6. 12, 4c Spiritual, De. 10. 16; 31. 6; Je. 4. 4; Eo. 2. 29; Phi. 3. 3; Col. 2. 11; 3. 11. Instructions to Christians concerning, Ac. 15.29; Bo. 2. 25. 4c; 3. 1; 1 Co. 7. 18; Gal. 5. 2. Circumspection, recommended, Ex. 23. 13; Mat. 24. 42; Eo. 12. 17; 2 Co. 8.21; Ep. 5. 15; Phi. 4. 8; 1 Th. 4. 12; 5. 6; 1 Pe. 2. 12; 3. 16. Cities, fortified, De. 1. 28; 3. 5; Jos. 10. 20; Ju. 9. 51; 2 Chr. 11. 5—10, 23; 17. 2, 19; Ps. 48. 12; Is. 36. 1; Je. 4. 5; Da. 11. 15;— for chariots, 2 Chr. 1. 14; 9.25;— for treas ures, Ex. 1. 11;— for stores, 2 Chr. 8. 4, 6; — for commerce, Is. 23. 11; Eze. 27. 3;— royal, Nu. 21. 26; Jos. 10. 2; 2 Sa. 12. 26; — Levitical, Le. 25. 32; Nu. 35. 7;— of ref uge, Ex. 21. 13; Nu. 35. 6, 4c; De. 4. 41— 43; 19. 2, 3; Jos. '20. 2, &c Clauda, an island near Crete, Ac. 27. 16. Claudia, a pious Roman lady, 2 Ti. 4. 21. Claudius Caesar, Ac. 11. 28; 18. 2. Claudius Lysias, Ac 21. 33; 22. 24; 23. 26. Clay, figurative, Job 4. 19; 13. 12; 33. 6; Is. 64. 8; Je. 18. 6; Hab. 2. 6. Cleave, to adhere, Ge. 2. 24; De. 4. 4; Jos. 23. 8; Mat. 19. 5; Ac. 11. 23. Clemency, Ac. 24. 4. Clement, a Christian preacher, Phi. 4. 3. Cleopas, Lu. 24. 18; Jno. 19. 25. Cloke, a pretence, Jno. 15. 22; 1 Th. 2. 5; 1 Pe. 2. 16;— a garment, Is. 59. 17; Mat. 6. 40; Lu. 6. 29; 2 Ti. 4. 13. Clothing, the first, Ge. 3. 21;— rending, a mark of grief, Ge. 37. 29, 31; Nu. 14. 6; Ju. 11. 35; Ac. 14. 14. Laws concerning washing of, Ex. 19. 10; Le. 11. 25: Nu. 19.7, 4c. See Garments. Cloud, pillar of, Ex. 13. 21; 14. 19; 16. 10; 33. 9; Nu. 9. 15; 10. 11; 14. 14; 16. 42; De. 31. 15; Ne. 9. 12; Ps. 78. 14; 106. 39; 1 Co. 10. 1. The symbol of God's presence, Ex. 19. 9, 16; 24. 15; 34. 5; 40. 34; Le. 16. 2, 13; Nu. 11. 25; 12. 5, 10; 2 Sa. 22. 12; 1 Ki. 8. 10; 2 Chr. 5. 13; Job 22. 14; Ps. 18. 11; 97. 2; 104. 3; 105. 39; Is. 4. 5; 19. 1; Eze. 1.4; 10. 3; Da. 7. 13; Mat. 17. 5; 24.30; 26.64; Ac 1. 9; Ee. 1. 7; 10. 1; 14. 14. Clouds, multitudes, armies, Is. 60. 8; Je. 4. 13; He. 12. 1. Cockatrice, a species of serpent, Pro. 23. 32; Is. 11. 8; 14. 29; 59. 5; Je. 8. 17. Collection, for poor Christians, Ac 11. 29; Bo. 15. 26; 1 Co. 16. 1; 2 Co. 8. 1; 9. 1, 4c College, 2 Ki. 22. 14; 2 Chr. 34. 22. Colosse, a city of Phrygia, Col. 1. 2. * Comforter, Jno. 14. 16. See Holy Ghost. Commandments, the ten, Ex. 20. 1, &c; De. 5. 6, &c. ;— written, Ex.31.18;— broken, 32. 19;— renewed, 34. 1; De. 10. 1. Taught by Christ, Mat. 5. 17; 19. 17; 22. 37; Mar. 10. 19; Lu. 10. 26; 18. 20. See Law. Common, or unclean, Ac. 10. 14; 11. 8. Commune, to talk together, Ge. 23. 8; 34. 6, &c; Ex. 25. 22; 1 Sa. Is. 22; 1 Ki. 10. 2; Job 4. 2; Da. 1. 19; Zee 1. 14; Ac. 24. 261. With the heart, Ps. 4. 4; 77. 6; Ec. 1. 16. Communion, concord or agreement, 2 Co. 6. 14. Fellowship of saints,— with God, Jno. 14. 23; 1 Co. 1. 9; 2 Co. 13. 14; Phi. 2. 1; 1 Jno. 1. 3;— with each other, Mai. 3. 16; Mat. 18. 20; Jno. 17. 21; Ac. 2. 42; Eo. 12. 10; 15. 26, 30; 2 Co. 1. 11; 8. 4; Gal. 2. 9; Ep. 5. 19, 21; 6. 18; Phi. 1. 5; 2. 1; Col. 1. 3, 4c; He. 10. 25; 12. 22, &c; 1 Jno. 1. 3—7. The Lord's supper so called, 1 Co. 10. 16. See Lord's Supper. Company, evil, to be avoided, Ps. 1. 1; 26. 4; Pro. 1. 10; 2. 12; 4. 14; 12. 11; 13. 20; 14. 7; 19. 27; 22. 24; 28. 7, 19; 29. 24; Eo. 1. 32; 1 Co. 5. 9, 11; 15. 33; Ep. 5. 7, 11; 2 Th. 3. 14. Good, beneficial, Pro. 13. 20; Mai. 3. 16; Mar. 2. 15; 1 Th. 5. 14. Compassion, of God to man, De. 30. 3; 2 Ki. 13. 23; Ps. 78. 38; 86. 15; 111.4; 112. 4; 145. 8; Je. 12. 15; La. 3. 22; Mat. 9. 36; 14. 14; Mar. 1. 41; 6. 34; He. 5. 2; Eo. 9. 15. Of men to each other, Ex. 2. 6; 1 Ki. 8. 50; Job 6. 14; Ps. 35. 13; 41. 1; Pro. 14. 21; 19. 17; 28. 8; Is. 22. 4; Je. 9. 1; Zee 7. 9; Mat. 18. 33; Lu. 10. 33—37; Eo. 12. 15; 1 Co. 12. 25; 2 Co. 11. 29; Gal. 6. 2; Col. 3. 12; 1 Pe. 3. 8; Ja. 1. 27; 2. 15, See.; 1 Jno. 3. 17; Jude 22. Compassion, Christ an example of, Mat. 11. 28; 15. 32; 20. 34; Lu. 7. 13, &c; 19. 41; Jno. 11. 35; He. 2. 17; 4. 15; 5. 2. Competency, what it consists in, Ge. 28. 20; Pro. 30. 8; 1 Ti. 6. 8. Conceit, censured, Pro. 3. 7; 14. 16; 26. 12; 28. 11; Is. 5. 21; Lu. 18. 19. 4; Jno. 7. 18; Ac. 5. 36; Eo. 11. 25; 12. 3, 16; 2 Co. 10. 18; Phi. 2. 3—8; Ee. 18. 7. Concubines, wives of the second rank, Ge.22. 24; 25. 6; 35. 22; Ju. 8. 31; 19. 1—29; 20.4—6; 2Sa. 3. 2—7; 5. 13; 15. 16; 16.21; 19. 5; 20. 3; 21. 11; 1 Ki. 11. 3; 2 Chr. 11. 21; Est. 2. 14; Da. 5. 2, 23. Concupiscence, Ex. 20. 17; Eo. 7. 7; Gal. 5. 16; Col. 3. 5; 1 Th. 4. 5; 1 Pe. 2. 11. Condemnation, the result of sin, Mat. 25. 41; Jno. 3. 18; Eo. 3. 12, 19; 5. 12; 6. 23;— removed by Christ, Jno. 3. 18; 5. 24; Bo. 8. 1, 33, 4c Final, Mat. 24. 50, 51; 2 Pe. 2. 6; Jude 4; Be. 20. 15. Conduit, a water course, 2 Ki. 18. 17; 20. 20; Is. 7. 3; 36. 2. 15 CON. INDEX TO cov. Coney, a species of hare, Ps. 104. 18; Pro. 30. 26. Confession, of Christ, Mat. 10. 32; Mar. 8. 38; Lu. 9. 26; 12. 8; Eo. 10. 9; 2 Ti. 2. 12; 1 Jno. 2. 23; 4. 15. To God, Le. 5. 5; Jos. 7. 19; Ju. 10. 10, 15; Ezr. 9. 5; Ne. 1. 6; Ps. 32. 5; 38. 18; 41. 4; 51. 3; 119. 67, 176; Pro. 28. 13; Je. 3. 13; Pa. 9.5, 20; 1 Jno. 1.8,9. To one another, Nu. 5. 7; Mat. 3. 6; Mar. 1. 5; Ac 19. 18; Ja. 5. 16. Examples, Nu. 12. 11; 21. 7; 1 Sa. 7. 6; 12. 19; 15.24; Ezr. 9. 6; Ne. 1. 6; 9.2,4c; Ps. 51. 1, 4c; Da. 9. 4; Lu. 23. 41. Confidence. See Assurance. Conscience, common to all, Pro. 20. 27; Eo. 2. 14;— convicts of sin, Ge. 3. 10; 4. 13; 42. 21; 1 Sa. 24. 5; Lu. 9. 7—9; Jno. 8. 9; Eo. 2. 15;— is purified by faith, 1 Ti. 3. 9; 2 Ti. 1. 3; He. 9. 14; 10. 2, 22; 1 Pe. 3. 16. A good conscience, Job 27. 6; Pro. 14. 14; 28. 1; 29. 6; Ac. 23. 1; 24. 16; Ro. 14. 22; 1 Co. 4. 3, 4; 2 Co. 1. 12; Gal. 6. 4; 1 Ti. 1. 6, 19; He. 13. 18; 1 Jno. 3. 19, 21. A weak conscience, Ro. 14. 2; 1 Co. 8. 12. An evil conscience, 2 Sa. 24. 10; Ps. 38. 3; 40. 12; Pro. 18. 14; Mat. 27. 3; Ac. 24. 25; 1 Ti. 4. 2; Tit. 1. 15. An ignorant conscience, Ac 26. 9; Bo. 10.2. Consecration, of the first-born, Ex. 13. 2; 22. 29; Nu. 3. 13; Lu. 2. 22, 23;— of the Jewish nation. Ex. 19. 6; — of the priest hood; Le. 8; Ex. 29; Nu. 8. 5;— of believ ers, 1 Pe. 2. 9; Re. 1. 6. Consideration, recommended, De. 4. 39; 32. 29; 1 Sa. 12. 24; Job 37. 14; Ps. 77. 6; 119. 59; Pro. 15. 28; 22. 3; Ec 5. 2; 7. 13; Is. 1. 3; Eze. 18. 28; Hag. 1. 5. 7; Mat. 6. 28; Lu. 14. 28; 1 Ti. 4. 15; 2 Ti. 2. 7; He. 3.1; 7.4; 10.24; 12.3. Constancy, in obedience, Ps. 119. 33;— in friendship, Pro. 27. 10; — under suffering, Mat. 5. 12; He. 12. 5; 1 Pe. 4. 12— 16;— in prayer, Lu. 18. 1; Ro. 12. 12; Ep. 6. 18; Col. 4. 2; 1 Th. 5. 17;— in beneficence, Gal. 6. 9;— in profession, He. 10. 23. Instances, Ru. 1. 11, See.; 1 Sa. 18. 1; 20. 16, 4c; Ro. 16.3,4. Contentment, recommended, Ps. 37. 1; Pro. 23. 4; Mat. 6. 25; Lu. 3. 11; 12. 29; 1 Co. 7. 20, 21; 1 Ti. 6. 8; He. 13. 5. With godliness, Ps. 37. 16; 1 Ti. 6. 6; Mat. 6. 31, 33. Instances, Ge. 33. 9; 2 Sa. 19. 35; 2 Ki. 4. 13; 5. 16; Pro. 30. 8; Phi. 4. 11. See Anxiety. Contrite, promises to the, Ps. 34. 18; 51. 17; Is. 57. 15; 66. 2. Contrition, instances of, David, 2 Sa. 12. 13; Ps. 51. 3, 4; Peter, Mat. 26. 75. See Repentance. Controversies, to be avoided, 1 Ti. 1.4; 6. 4, 20; 2 Ti. 2. 16; Tit. 3. 9; laws respect ing, De. 17. 8, 4c; 19. 17, 4c; 21. 5; 25. 1. Conversation (discourse), good, recom mended, De. 6. 7; 11. 19; Ps. 35. 28; 37. 30; 40. 10; 71. 24; 77. 12; 105. 2; Pro. 10. 31; Mai. 3. 16; Mat. 5. 37; 12. 35; Ep. 4. 29; Col. 3. 16; 4. 6; 1 Th. 4. 18; 5. 11. Evil, to be avoided, Mat. 12. 36; 1 Co. 15. 33; Ep. 4. 29; 5. 4; Col. 3. 8; 2 Pe. 2. 7, 8. Conversation (conduct), godly, De. 6. 5, 4c; Ps. 1. 1; 15. 2, 4c; 37. 14; 50. 23; Mat. 6. 6; 7; 22. 37; Lu. 6. 27, 4c; Jno. 13. 14, 15; 1 Co. 6. 7; 13; 15. 58; 2 Co. 1. 12; 7. 1; Gal. 5. 25; Ep. 4. 1; 5. 1, 4c.;-6. 1, 4c; Phi. 1. 27; 3. 20; Col. 1. 10; 3. 5; 1 Th. 2. 12; 4. 1; 1 Ti. 4. 12; 6. 1, 4c; He. 13. 5; Ja. 3. 13; 1 Pe. 1. 15; 2. 12; 3. 1; 2Pe. 3. 11. Conversion, is from God, 1 Ki. 18. 37; Job 36. 10; Ps. 19. 7; 78. 34; Pro. 1. 23; Je. 31. 18; Eze. 36. 25; Jno. 6. 44; Ac 3. 26; 21. 19; Eo. 15. 18;— is of grace, Ac. 11. 21, 23;— follows repentance and faith, Ac. 3. 19;- 11. 21; 26. 20; Tit. 3. 5. Means of, — the scriptures, Ps. 19. 7; Jno. 5. 39;— teaching, Ps. 51. 13; Ac. 26. 16—18; 1 Th. 1. 9;— self-examination, Ps. 119. 59; La. 3. 40; Lu. 15. 17, 18;— affliction, Le. 26. 39^12; Ps. 78. 34; Ho. 5. 15. Necessity of, Mat. 18. 3; Jno. 3. 3, 5;— calls to, Pro. 1. 23; Is. 1. 16—20; 31. 6; 55. 7; Eze. 18. 23; 33. 11; Joel 2. 13; Mat. 3. 2; 4. 17; 10. 7; Ac. 2. 38; 3. 19; Ja. 4. 8, 4c; prayer for, Ts. 80. 7; 85. 4; Je. 31. 18;— evidences of. Ps. 9. 10; 27. 4; 73. 25; 101. 3; 119. 104; Mat. 7. 20; Lu. 22. 32; Jno. 13. 35;— instruments of, are blessed, Da. 12. 3; Eo. 11. 14, 15; 1 Ti. 4. 16; Ja. 5. 19, 20. Of the Gentiles foretold, Is. 2. 2; 11. 10; 60. 5; 66. 12; Jno. 10. 16. Conviction of sin, Pro. 29. 1; Mat. 27. 3 —5; Jno. 8. 9; 16. 8; Eo. 2. 15; He. 3. 7, 8. Convocations, Ex. 12. 16; Le. 23. 2, 4c; Nu. 28. 26; 29. 12. Coral, Job 28. 18; Eze. 27. 16. Corinth, capital of Achaia, Ac. 18. 1; 19. 1; 1 Co. 1. 2; 2 Co. 1. 1, 23; 2 Ti. 4. 20. Corn, sold, Ge. 41. 57; 42. 2;— parched, Le. 23. 14; Ru. 2. 14; 1 Sa. 17. 17; 25. 18; 2 Sa. 17. 28;— blasted, 2 Ki. 19. 26; Is. 37. 27; Joel 1. 10. See Reaping, Sowing and Winnowing. Corn and wine, emblematic of plenty, Ge. 27. 28, 37; De. 7. 13; 33. 28; 2 Ki. 18. 32; Ps. 4. 7; Is. 36. 17; Ho. 2. 8, 22; Joel 2. 19; Zee. 9. 17. Cornelius, a centurion, Ac. 10. 1, 4c. Cornet a musical instrument, 1 Chr. 15. 28; Ps. 98. 6; Da. 3. 5; Ho. 5 8. Corruption, of human nature,— univer sal, Ge. 6. 11, 12; Job 14. 4; Ps. 14. 1; 51. 5; 53. 3; Jno. 3. 6; Eo. 3. 10—18; 8. 21; Gal. 5. 17; Ep 2. 1, 4c; Col. 2. 13; 3. 5— 9; 2 Pe. 1. 4 Covenant, of God, with Noah, Ge. 9. 12; —Abraham, Ge 12. 2, 3; 15. 7; 17. 4, 10; 22. 16—18; Lu. 1. 72; Ac. 3. 25; Gal. 3. 8— 14;— Isaac, Ge 17. 19; 26. 3;— Jaoob, Ge. 28. 13; Ex. 2. 24; 1 Chr. 16. 16;— the Is raelites, Ex. 6. 4; 19. 5; 24; 34. 27; Le. 26; De. 5 2; 9 9; 26. 16; 29; Ju. 2. 1; Je. II; 31. 33; Ac. 3. 25;— Fhinehas, Nu. 25. 13;— David, 2 Sa. 7. 12; 23. 5; Ps. 89. 3. Covenant, children included, Ge. 9. 9j. 17. T —14; 18. 19; 22. 17; Ex. 20. 5, 6; De. 4.\37; Je. 32. 39; Eze. 37. 25; Mat. 20. 14; Ac. 2. 39; 3. 25; 7. 8; Eo. 11. 27; 1 Co. 7. 14; Ep. 6. 4. Covenant, of grace, Je. 31. 31; Eo. 11. 27; He. 8. 8; 10. 16. Christ fulfils, Lu. 1. 68, 4c; Ro. 1. 1, 2; Gal. 3. 17; He. 8 .6; 9. 11; 12. 24. In a covenant of peace. Is. 54. 9; Eze. 34. 25; 37. 26;— unchangeable, Ps. 89. 34; Is. 16 cov. THE BIBLE. DAK. 54. 10; 59. 21; Gal. 3. 17;— everlasting, Ps. 111. 9; Is. 65. 3; 61. 8; Eze. 16. 60; He. 13. 20. God is mindful of, De. 7. 9; 1 Ki. 8. 23; Ps. 105. 8; 111. 5; Da. 9. 4; Lu. 1. 72. Covenant, of the Sabbath, Ex. 31. 16;— of salt, Le. 2. 13; Nu. 18. 19; 2 Chr. 13. 5. Covenants, between Abraham and Abim- elech, Ge. 21: 22— 32;— Isaac and Abim- elech, Ge.26. 28 — 30;— Joshua and Israel, Jos. 24. 25;— Jonathan and David, 1 Sa. 18. 3; 23. 18. Ancient forms of making, Ge. 15. 9—18; 23. 3. 4c; 24. 2; 26. 31; 1 Sa. 18. 4; Je. 34. 15, 18. Covetousness, condemned, Ex. 20. 17; De. 5. 21; Ps. 39. 6; Pro. 23. 17; Ec. 4. 8; Is. 57. 17; Je. 6. 13; Mi. 2. 1, 2; Hab. 2. 9> Lu. 12. 15; Ro. 1. 29; 13. 9; 1 Co. 5. 11; 6. 10; Ep. 5. 5; Col. 3. 6; 1 Ti. 3. 3; 6. 10; He. 13. 6; 1 Jno. 2. 15. Evil oonsequences of, 2 Ki. 5. 25—27; Pro. 1. 18, 19; 15. 27; 28. 20; Eze. 22. 12, 13. Instances, Laban, Ge. 31. 41;— Rachel, 31. 19;— Achan, Jos. 7. 21;— Balaam, Nu. 22. 17,21; 2I'e. 2. 15; Jude 11;— Gideon, Ju. 8. 24— 27;— Saul, 1 Sa, 15. 9;— Ahab, 1 Ki. 21. 2, 4c;— Gehazi, 2 Ki. 5. 20;— Judas, Mat. 26. 14:— Ananias and Sapphira, Ac. 5. 1, &c.;— Felix. Ac. 24. 26. Cracknels, hard cakes, 1 Ki. 14. 3. Craft, deceit or guile, Da. 8. 25; Mar. 14. 1. A trade, Ac. 18. 3; 19. 25, 27; Ee. 18. 22. Crane, Is. 38. 14; Ge. 8. 7. Creation, Ge.'l. 1. 4c; 2. 1, 4c. ; Ex. 20. 11; Job 38. 4—7; Ps. 33. 6—9; Ac. 14. 15; He. 11. 3;— ascribed to God, Ge. 2. 4, 5; Ne. 9. 6; Ps. 124. 8; 146. 5, 6; Pro. 26. 10; Ao. 17. 24;— to Christ, Jno. 1. 3, 10; Ep. 3. 9; Col. 1. 16; He. 1. 2;— to the Holy Spir it, Job 26. 13; Ps. 104. 30. Creditors, laws and customs respecting, Ex. 22. 25. 4c; De. 15. 2, 4c; 23. 20; 21. 10, &e; Ne. 5. 3, 4c; Eze. 18. 7, 12; Mat. 18. 23, 4c See Debts. Credulity, Caution against, Pro. 14. 15; Je. 29. 8; Mat. 24.4, 23; Mar. 13.5; Lu. 21.8; 1 Jno. 4.1. ¦ Crete, or Candia, Ac. 27. 12; Tit. 1. 5; its inhabitants. 12. Crispus, Ac. 18. 8; 1 Co. 1. 14. Cross, Christ's death on the, Mat. 27. 32, 4c; Mar. 15. 21, 4c; Lu. 23. 26; Jno. 19. 17,4c; Phi. 2. 8. An expression of his atonement, Ep. 2. 16; Col. 1. 20; 2. 14; He. 12. 2. Of Christian self-denial, Mat. 10. 38; 16. 24; Mar. 8. 34; Lu. 9. 23; 11, 27; Gal. 5. 11. Preaching of the, 1 Co. 1. 17, 18; Gal. 6. 12. Crown, kingly. 2 Sa. 1. 10; 2 Ki. 11. 12; 1 Chr. 20. 2; 2 Chr. 23. 11; Est. 1. 11; 2. 17; 6. 8; Ps. 132. 18; Pro. 27. 24;— priestly, Ex. 26. 11, 4c; 29. 6; 30. 3; 37. 2, 4c; 39. 30; Le. 8. X Of righteousness, 2 Ti. 4. 8;— of life, Ja. 1. 12; Ee. 2. 10;— of glory, 1 Pe. 5. 4;— in corruptible, 1 Co. 9. 25. Cruelty, forbidden, Ge. 49. 5, 4c; De. 25. 3; Pro. 11. 17; 12. 10; Eze. 18. 18. Instances of, Ge. 34. 25; 49. 5; Ex. 1. 14; Ju. 1. 7; 2 Ki. 15. 16; 2 Chr. 21. 4; 22. 10; 33. 6; Mat. 2. 16. Cubit, the measure from the elbow to the tip of the finger (about half-a-yard), Ge. 6. 16; De. 3. 11; Mat. 6. 27. See Meas ures. Cucumber, Nu. 11. 5; Is. 1. 8. Cummin, Is. 28. 25, 27; Mat. 23. 23. Curse, of the fall, Ge. 3. 14— 19;— of Cain, Ge. 4. 11;— of the law, Le. 26. 14, 4c; De. 28. 15, See.; 29. 19; Jos. 8. 34; Pro. 3. 33; Mai. 2. 2; Jno. 7. 49; Gal. 3. 10. Christ redeems from, Eo. 8. 2; Gal. 3. 13; Re. 22. 3. Curses, on Mount Ebal, De. 11. 26—29; 27. 13, 4c. Cursing, remarkable instances of, Ge. 9. 25; 2 Sa. 16. 5-8; 2 Ki. 2. 24; Ps. 109. 6, 4c. ; Je. 17. 18. Cursing, profane. See Swearing. Cush, Ge. 10. 6, 7. See Ethiopia. Cushi, 2 Sa. 18. 21. Cymbals, musical instruments, 2 Sa. 6. 5; 1 Chr. 15. 16; 16. 5, 42; Ezr. 3. 10; Ne. 12. 27; Ps. 150. 5; 1 Co. 13. 1. Cyprus, an island in the Mediterranean (the ancient Chittim), Ac. 4. 36; 11. 19; 13. 4; 15. 39; 21. 3, 16; 27. 4. Cyrene, a city of Libya, Mat. 27. 32; Ac 2. 10; 11. 20; 13.1. Cyrus, king of Persia, foretold. Is. 44. 28; 45. 1; restores the Jews, 2. Chr. 36. 22; Ezr. 1. 1, 4c. See Da. 6. 28; 10. 1. Daberath, town of, Jos. 19.12; IChr. 6. 72. Dagon, a Philistine idol, Ju. 16.23,4c; 1 Sa. 5. 2 4c; 1 Chr. 10.10. Dalmanutha, city of, Mar. 8. 10. Damascus, city of Syria, Ge. 14. 15; 1 Ki. 11. 24; 19. 15; 20. 34; 2 Ki. 5. 12; 8. 7, 9; 14. 28; 16. 9, 4c; 2 Chr. 28. 5; Ac 9. 2, 4c; 22. 5, &c; 26. 20; 2 Co. 11. 32; Gal. 1. 17. Prophecies, concerning. Is. 7. 8; 8. 4; 17. 1; Je. 49. 23, 4c; Eze. 27. 18; Am. 1. 3. Damnation, the punishment of the wicked, Mat. 23. 14; Mar. 3. 29; Jno. 5. 29; Ro. 3. 8; 2 Pe. 2. 3. Judgment, 1 Co. 11. 29. Dan, Jacob's son, Ge. 30. 6; 46. 23; 49. 16. Tribe of, Nu. 1. 38; 2. 25; 26. 42; De. 33. 22; Jos. 19. 40; Ju. 6. 17; 18. 1, &c. Dan* city of, Ge. 14. 14; Jos. 19. 47; IKi. 12. 29; Eze. 27. 19. Danring,»in religions worship, Ex. 15. 20; 32. 19; 2 Sa. 6. 14; Ps. 149. 3; 150. 4. An expression of joy, Ju. 11. 34; 1 Sa. 18. 6; 29. 5; Ps. 30. 11; Je. 31. 4; Mat. 14. 6. Daniel, the prophet, captive at Babylon, Da. 1;— interprets dreams, 4c, 2. 4; 4. 8; 6. 17;— advanced, 6. 2, Sec.; miraculously preserved, 6. 16, 4c;— his visions, 7—10; —his prophecy, 10. 11, 4c; 11. 2, &c. See Eze. 14. 14; 28. 3; Mat. 24. 15; Mar. 13. 14. Darius, the Mede, Da. 5. 31; 6. 1, 4c; 9. 1; 11. 1;— king of Persia, Ezr. 4. 5, 24; 5. 6, 4c; 6. 1—15; Hag. 1. 1, 15; 2. 10; Zee. 1.1, 7; 7.1. Darkness, at the creation, Ge. 1. 2—6; Ps. 104. 20; Is. 45. 7. Supernatural, Ge. 15. 12; Ex. 10. 21; 14. 20; De. 4. 11; Jos. 24. 7; Mat. 27. 45; Lu. 23. 44; Re. 8. 12; 9. 2; 16. 10. Figurative of punishment, Mat. 8. 12; 22. 13; 25. 30; 2 Pe. 2. 4, 17; Jude 6. 13; Ee. 17 INDEX TO DBA. 16. 10;— of the wicked, Job 24. 16: Ps. 82. 6; 107. 10; Is. 42. 7; Mat. 6.23; Jno. 1. 5; Ac. 26. 18: Eo. 13. 12; 1 Co. 4. 5; Ep. 4. 18; 5. 8, 11; Col. 1. 13; 1 Th. 5. 4, 5; 1 Pe. 2. 9; 1 Jno. 2. 9, 11;— of God's uusearchable- ness, Ex. 20. 21; 2 Sa. 22. 10, 12; 1 Ki. 8. 12; Ps. 97. 2; — of ignorance and error, Job 37. 19; Is. 60. 2; Mat. 6. 23; Jno. 3. 19; 12. 35; Ac. 26. 18;— of afflictions, Job 23. 17; Ps. 112. 4; Ec. 5. 17; Is. 5. 30; 8. 22; 59. 9. Dathan and Abiram, Nu. 16. 1, &c Daughters, their inheritance, Nu. 27. 7— 9; 36. 2. David, king of Israel, his genealogy, Ru. 4. 18—22; 2 Sa. 5. 14; 1 Chr. 2. 15; 3. 1, 4c; 14. 3; Mat. 1. 1, 4c.;— anointed to be king, 1 Sa. 16. 13, See.; 1 Chr. 10. 14; Ps. 89. 20;— before Saul, 1 Sa. 16. 19;— slays Goliath, 1 Sa. 17. 38—51; loved by Jonathan, 1 Sa. 18. 1; 19. 2; 20; 23. 16; — persecuted by Saul, 1 Sa. 18. 8, 28; 19; 20; &c.;— marries Michal, 1 Sa. 13. 27, &c; becomes a fugitive, 1 Sa. 19. 12; at Nob, 21. 1; — eats the shew-bread, 21. 6.; Mat. 12. 3; Mar. 2. 25;— at Gath (feigns madness), 1 Sa. 21. 10; Ps. 31; 56;— at Adullam, 1 Sa. 22.1. 4c; Ts. 142;— res cues Keilah, 1 Sa. 23. 1—5;— escapes Saul, 23. 13; Ps. 57;— spares Saul's life, 1 Sa. 24. 4; 26. 5;— provoked by Nabal, 1 Sa. 25. 2, 4c;— at Gath. 1 Sa. 27. 2;— at Zik- lag, 27. 6; 30. 1; 1 Chr. 12. 1;— smites the Amalekites, 1 Sa. 27. 8; 30. 16;— laments Saul and Jonathan's death, 2 Sa. 1. 17;— * at Hebron, king of Judah, 2. 1, 4c; — wars with Saul's house, 3. 1, 4c; — king of Israel, 5.1, See.; 8. 15; 1 Chr. 10. 14; 11. 1, &c; — his victories, 2 Sa. 5; 6; 8; 10; 12. 29; 21. 15; 1 Chr. li. 19; U. 1, 4c; 19. 6, &c; 20.4, 4c;— fetches the ark, 2 Sa. 6. 1; 1 Chr. 13. 1, 4c; 15. 1, 4c; 16. 1, &c.;— reproves Michal, 2. Sa. 6. 20; 1 Chr. 15. 29;— forbidden to build the tem ple, 2 Sa. 7. 4; 1 Chr. 17. 4;— God's prom ises to him, 2 Sa. 7. 11; 1 Chr. 17. 10; 2 Chr. 6. 16; — his prayer and thanksgiving, 2 Sa. 7. 18; 22; 1 Chr. 17. 16;— hissin with Bath- sheba, 2 Sa. 11. 4;— his repentance, 12. 13; — flies from Absalom, 15. 14; — forsaken by Ahithophel, 15. 31; 17. 1, 4c; P§. 41. 9; 55. 12;— deceived by Ziba, 2 Sa. 16. 1; cursed by Shimei, 16. 5; 19. 16; 1 Ki. 2. 8, 11; entertained by Barzillai, 2 Sa. 17. 27—29; 1 Ki. 2. 7;— mourns Absalom's death, 2 Sa. 18.33: 19. 1;— returns to Je rusalem, 19. 15;— his mighty men, 23. 8; 1 Chr. 11. 10; — he numbers the people, 2 Sa. 24; 1 Chr. 21;— his charge to Solo mon, 1 Ki. 2. 1, 4c; 1 Chr. 22. 6; 28. 9— 21; 29. 1, 4c. ;— appoints him successor 1 Ki. 1. 30; 1 Chr. 23. 1; his death, 1 Ki. 2. 10; 1 Chr. 29. 28. His integrity, 1 Ki. 9. 4; 11. 4, 4c; 15. 3, 4c; 2 Ki. 14. 3; 22. 2; 2 Chr. 8. 14; 11. 17; 17. 3; 28. 1; 34. 2; Ps. 20; 101; Ac 13. 22. A prophet, 2 Sa. 23. 2, &c; Ac. 1. 16; 2. 25,29, 4c; 4.25. Progenitor of Christ, Mat. 1. 1; 9. 27; 21. 9; Lu. 1. 32; Jno. 7. 42; Ac 2. 25; 13. 22, 23; Ro. 1. 3; 2 Ti. 2. 8; Re. 5. 5; 22. 16. Day, natural, from evening to evening, Ge. 1, 6, S, 19, 23, 31; Le. 23, 32;— artificial, from sunrise to sunset, Ge. 31. 39, 40; Ne. 4. 21, 22;— divisions of, Ne. 9. 3; Mat. 20. 3 5; Jno. 11. 9. Prophetic, a year, Eze. 4. 6; Da. 9. 24—27; 12. 11—13. Day, the last, foretold, Job 19. 26; Joel, 2. 11; Zep. 1. 14; Jno. 6. 39; 11. 24; 12. 48; Eo. 2. 5: 1 Co. 3. 13; Ee. 6. 17; 16. 14; 20. Day of the Lord, Is. 13. 6; Je. 46. 10; Eze. 3Q. 3; Joel 2. 11, 31; Zep. 2. 2, 3; Mai. 4. 5; 1 Co. 5. 5; 1 Th. 5. 2. Days, the last, the gospel times, Is. 2. 2; Mi. 4. 1; Ac. 2. 17; He. 1. 2; 9. SO; 1 Pe. 1. 5, 20. The church's corruption, 2 Ti. 3. 1; 2 Pe. 3. 3, End' of the world, Jno. 6. 39, 44, 54; 11. .24; 12.48; Ja.6. 3. Deacons, appointed, Ac. 6. 5; Phi. 1. 1; —their qualifications, 1 Ti. 3. 8—12. Dead, restored to life, 1 Ki. 17. 17; 2 KI. 4.32; 13. 21; Mat. 9. 24; Mar. 5.41; Lu. 7. 12; 8. 54; Jno. 11. 44; Ac. 9. 40; 20. 12. See Miracles, Resurrection, and Burial. Dead Sea. See SALT Sea. Deaf, not to be cursed; Le. 19. 14; — healed, Mat. 11. 6; Mar. 7. 32, 35. See Mira cles. Figurative, De. 30. 17; Ps. 58. 4; Pro. 21. 13; Is. 29. 18; 42. 18; 43. 8; Je. 6. 21; Eze. 12. 2; Mat. 13. 15; Ac. 3. 23. Deal, a measure, Ex. 29. 40; Le. 14. 10, 4c Death, temporal, the consequence of sin, Ge. 2. 17; 3. 19; Ro. 5. 12; 6. 23; 1 Co. 15. 21;— certain to all. Job 1. 21; 3. 17; 14. 6; 21. 13; Ps. 49. 19; 89. 48; Eo. 5. 15; 8. 8; 9. C; 11. 8; He. 9. 27. Described figuratively, Ge. 3. 19; 49. 33; De. 31. 16; 2 Sa. 7. 12; Job 14. 2, 10—12; 16. 22; Ps. 104.29; 115.17; Ec.12. 6; Lu. 12. 20; Jno. 11. 11; Ac. 5. 10; 2 Co. 5. 1; 2 Pe. 1. 14. Vanquished by Christ, Ro. 6. 9; 1 Co. 15. £6; 2 Ti. 1. 10; He. 2. 14, 15; Re. 1. 18. Death by the Jewish law, for murder, Ge. 9. 6; Ex. 21. 12; Le. 24. 17;— for man- stealing, Ex. 21. 16; De. 24. 7;— for curs ing parents, Ex. 21. 17; Le. 20. 9; Mat. 15.4;— for witchcraft, Ex. 22.18; Le. 20. 27;— for bestiality, Ex. 22. 19; Le. 20. 15; —for idolatry, Ex. 22. 20; Le 20. 2; De. 17. 3— 5;— for Sabbath breaking, Ex. 81. 11; 35. 2; Nu. 15. 32, 35;— for incest, Le. 20. 11—14, &o. See also, Ex. 21. 29; Le. 20. 10, 13, IS; 21. 9; 24. 11, 14; Nu. 1. 51; 3. 10,38; 15. 30; 18. 22; De. 13. 5; 18. 20; 1 Ki. 21. 10. Death, spiritual, Ge. 2. 17; Is. 9. 2; Mat. 4. 16; 8. 22; Lu. 1. 79; Jno. 6. 53; Bo. 5. 15, 17; 6. 13; 8. 6, 13; Ep. 2. 1, 5; 4. 18; Col. 2. 13; 1 Ti. 5. 6; He. 6. 1; 9. 14; 1 Jno. 3. 14; Ee. 3. 1. Christ delivers from, Jno. 5. 24; Eo. 6. 11; 1 Co. 15. 65—57; Ep. 2. 5; 5. 14; 1. Jno. 5. 12. Death, eternal, Pro. 14. 12; Da. 12. 2; Mat. 7. 13; 10. 28; 23. 33; 25. 30, 41; Mar. 9. 44; Jno. 5. 29; Ro. 1. 32; 2. 8; 6. 23; 8. 13; 9. 22; 2 Th. 1. 7; Ja. 1. 15; 4. 12; 2 Pe. 2. 17; Re. 2. 11; 19. 20; 20. 14; 21. 8. Christ saves from, Jno, 3, 16; 8. 61, 4c; Ja, 5, 20, 18 DEA. THE BIBLE. DEW. Death of Christ, voluntary, Is. 53. 12; Mat. 26. 53; Lu. 12. 50; Jno. 10. 11, 18; Phi. 2. 8; He. 10. 7, 9;— painful, Mat. 26. 38; 27. 29—50; He. 2. 9; 1 Pe. 1. 11;— ig nominious, He. 12. 2;— its object, Is. 53. 4, 4c; Da. 9. 26; Mat. 20. 28; Jno. 11. 51; 1 Co. 5. 7; Tit. 2. 14; He. 9. 26—28; 1 Pe. 1. 18, 19; Re. 1. 5;— mode of, accursed, De. 21. 23; Gal. 3. 13. Deborah, Rebekah's nurse, Ge. 24. 59; 35. 8; — the prophetess; Ju. 4. 4, 4c; 5. 1, 4c Debts, to be paid, 2 Ki. 4. 7; Ps. 37. 21; Pro. 3. 27; Phile. 18;— to be avoided, Eo. 13. 8;— to be forgiven, Mat. 18. 27, 35. Decapolis, a district of Judea, Mat. 4. 25; Mar. 5. 20; 7. 31. Deceit, censured, Le. 6. 2 — 4; 19. 11; Ps. 5. 6; 34. 13; 55. 23; Pro. 20. 17; 24. 28; Je. 22. 13; Zee. 8. 16; Mai. 1. 14; 1 Co. 6. 8; Ep. 4. 25; Col. 3. 9; 1 Pe. 3. 10. Characteristic of the wicked, Job 15. 5, 35; Ps. 4. 2; 10. 7; 35. 20; 36. 3; 38. 12; 65. 11; 58. 3; 62. 4; Pro. 11. 18; 12. 5, 17; 26. 24, 25; Je. 9. 5; 14. 14; 23. 26; Ho. 11. 12; Eo. 1. 29; 16. 18; 2 Co. 11. 13; Ep. 4. 14; 2 Th. 2. 10; 2 Ti. 3. 13; 2 Pe. 2. 13; 2 Jno. 7. Consequences of, Ps. 5. 6; 120. 3, 4; Pro. 6. 16; 10. 18; 12. 19, 22; 19. 5; 21. 6; 26. 28; Je. 5. 27; 8. 5; 9. 6; Ee. 21. 8; 22. 15. To be avoided, Job 27. 4; ; 1. 5; Ps. 15. 2; 24. 4; 26. 4; 32. 2; 40. 4; 43. 1; 101. 7; 119. 29, 163; 120. 2; Pro. 13. 6; 30. 8; Is. 63. 8; Zep. 3. 13; 2 Co. 4. 2; 1 Th. 2. 3; 1 Pe. 2. 1. Examples, Ge. 3. 1; 4. 9; 12. 11, 4c; 26. 7; 27. 9, 4c; 37. 31; Ex. 8. 29, 32; Jos. 9. 9; 1 Sa. 15. 13; 1 Ki. 13. 18: 2 Ki. 5. 22; Ne. 6. 2, 4c; Mat. 2. 8; 26. 70; Ac. 5. 2. Decision, enjoined, Nu. 14. 24; De. 6. 5; Jos. 1. 7; 1 Ki. 18. 21; 2 Chr. 15. 12; Lu. 9. 62; 1 Co. 15. 58; He. 3. 6, 14; Ja. 1. 6, 8; 4. 7. Examples, Ex. 32. 26; Nu. 13. 30; Jos. 24. 15; Eu. 1. 16; Ac. 21. 13, 4c; Gal. 1. 16. Decrees, or purposes of God, De. 29. 29; Is. 46. 10; Da. 4. 24, 35; Mai. 3. 6; Mat. 24. 36; Ac. 15. 18; Ro. 11. 33; Ep. 1.4, 11. Dedan, Cush's grandson Ge. 10. 7; 1 Chr. 1. 9;— Abraham's grandson, Ge. 25. 3;— his descendants, Je. 25. 23; 49. 8; Eze. 25. 13; 27. 15, 20. Dedicated, things, Le. 27. 28; Nu. 16. 38; 2 Chr. 24. 7; 31. 12. Dedication, of the tabernacle, Ex. 40. 9, 34;— of the temple, 1 Ki. 8. 1, 4c; 2 Chr. 5. 1, 4c; 6. 1, Sea.; 7. 5;— of the wall of Jerusalem, Ne. 12. 27;— of property, Ju. 17. 3; 2 Sa. 8. 11; 2 Ki. 12. 18; 1 Chr. 18. 11; 26. 26—28; Mat. 23. 18; Mar. 7. 11. See Firstborn. Deer, De. 14. 5; 1 Ki. 4. 23. Defence, God is to his people, Job 22. 25; Ps. 7. 10; 69. 16; 62. 2; 89. 18; 94. 22. Defrauding, forbidden, Le. 19. 13; Mar. 10. 19; 1 Co. 6. 8; 1 Th. 4. 6. Delay,' in business, Pro. 27. 1; Ec. 9. 10; Jno. 9. 4; —in spiritual matters, Jos. 24. 15; IKi. 18. 21; Ec. 12. 1; Is. 55. 6; Jno. 12. 35; 2 Co. 6. 2; He. 3. 13. Delilah, betrays Samson, Ju. 16. 4, '4c. Deliverances, remarkable, Ge. 14. 20; Ex. 2. 1—10; 14. 10, 4c; Ju. 7. 15; 1 Sa. 17; 2 Ki. 19; Da. 3. 22, 4c; 6. 22; Ac. 5. 19; 12. 7; 16. 26; 28. 5; 2 Ti. 4. 17. Deluge, Ge. 7. 8. See also Job 22. 15—17; Ps. 32. 6; Is. 28. 2, 18; Mat. 24. 37—39; Lu. 17. 26, 27; He. 11. 7; 1 Pe. 3. 19, 20; 2 Pe. 2. 5; 3. 5, 6. Demetrius, a silver-smith, Ac 19. 24; — a disciple, 3 Jno. 12. Demoniacs. See Miracles. Demons. See Devils. Dens, Job 37. 8; 38. 40; Da. 6. 19. See Caves. Depravity. See Corruption. Deputy, 1 Ki. 22. 47; Ac. 13. 7; IS. 12; 19. 38. Derbe, city of, Ac. 14. 6. Desert, of Sinai, Ex. 19. 2; of Zin, Nu. 20. 1. See Wilderness. Despair, to be guarded against, De. 20. 3; Ps. 37. 24; 42. 11; 113. 7; Pro. 24. 10; Is. 40. 30, 31; Lu. 18. 1; 2 Co. 4. 8; Gal. 6. 9; 2 Th. 3. 13; He. 12. 3. Consequences of, Le. 26. 36; Is. 8. 21, 22; Je. 2. 25; 18. 12; Re. 6. 16; 9. 6. Devil, the, called Abaddon, Re. 9.11; — Ac cuser Re. 12. 10; Adversary, 1 Pe. 5. 8; Angel of the bottomless pit, and Apol- lyon, Re. 9. 11;— the Beast, Re. 19. 19, 20; Beelzebub, Mat. 12. 24; Mar. 3. 22. 4c; Lu. 11. 15, 18, 19; Belial, 2 Co. 6. 15; De ceiver, Re. 12. 9; 13. 14; 20. 3; Dragon, Is. -27. 1; Re. 12. 7, 9; 20. 2; Enemy, Mat. 13. 39; Evil Spirit, 1 Sa. 16. 14; God of this world, 2 Co. 4. 4; Liar and Murderer, 1 Ki. 22. 22; Jno. 8. 44; Leviathan, Is. 27. 1; Power of darkness, Col. 1. 13; Prince of this world, Jno. 14. 30; Ep.6. 12; Prince of the devils, Mat. 12. 24; Prince of the ' power of the air, Ep. 2. 2; Serpent, Ge. 3. 4; Is. 27. 1; 2 Co. 11. 3; Ro. 12. 9, 4c; Tempter, Mat. 4. 3; 1 Th. 3. 5; Unclean spirit, Mat. 12. 43; Wicked one, Mat. 13. 19, 38. See also He. 2. 14. His fall and punishment, Mat. 25. 41; Lu. 10. 18; Jno. *. 44; 2 Pe. 2. 4; 1 Jno. 3. 8; Jude 6; Re. 20. 10; — his character, Jno. 8. 44; 2 Co. 4. 4; 11. 3, 14; Ep. 2. 2; 1 Th. 3. 5; 1 Pe. 5. 8; Re. 12. 9;— his power, 1 Sa. 16.14,23; IKi. 22. 21; Mat. 4. 1; 13. 19; 24. 24; Lu. 13. 16; 22. 3; Ac. 5. 3; 13. 10; 2 Co. 4. 4; Ep. 2. 2; 1 Th. 2. 18; 2 Th. 2. 9; 1 Ti. 3. 7; 2 Ti. 2. 26; Re. 2. 10; 13. 13; 20. 7, 4c. Limited by God, Ju. 9. 23; 1 Ki. 22. 22; Job 1. 12; 2. 6; Mat. 8. 31; 2 Th. 2. 11. Tempts and misleads men, Ge. 3. 1; 1 Chr. 21. 1; Job 1. 7, 4c; 2. 2, 4c; Mat. 13. 19; Lu. 22. 3; Jno. 13. 2, 27; Ac 5. 3; 1 Co. 7; 2 Co. 2. 11; Ep. 6. 11; 1 Pe. 5. 8; Ee. 13. 14; —tempted Christ, Mat. 4. 1; Mar. 1. 13; Lu. 4. 2. To be resisted, Ge, 3. 15; Eo. 16. 20; 2 Co. 11. 3; Ep. 4. 27; 6. 16; 2 Ti. 2. 26; Ja. 4. 7; 1 Pe. 5. 9; 1 Jno. 2. 13; Re. 12. 11. Devils, many, subject to one, Mat. 9. 34; 12. 24; Mar. 5. 9; Ep. 6. 12; Re. 12. 7—9;— cast out. See Miracles. Know and confess Christ, Mat. 8. 29; Mar. 3. 11; 5. 7; Lu. 4. 34, 41; Ac 16. 17; Ja. 2. 19. Sacrifices offered to, Le. 17: 7; De. 32. 17; 2 Chr. 11. 15; Ps. 106. 37; 1 Co. 10. 20. Devoted, things, Le. 27. 2, 4c; Nu. 18. 14; Eze. 44. 29. See Dedicated. Devout, Lu. 2. 25; Ac 8. 2; 10. 2; 22. 12. Dew, natural, Ge. 2. 6; 27. 28; De. 33. 13, 28; 2 Sa. 1. 21; Job 38. 28; Da. 4. 15, 25. 19 DIA. INDEX TO DUS. Miraculous, Ju. 6. 37 — 40. Figurative, De. 32. 2; 2 Sa. 17. 12; Ps. 110. 3; 133. 3; Pro. 19. 12; Is. 26. 19, 4c; Ho. 14. 5; Ml. 5. 7. Dial, of Ahaz, 2 Ki. 20. 11; Is. 38. 8. Diamond, Ex. 28. 18; Je. 17. 1; Eze. 28. 13. Diana, goddess, Ac. 19. 24, 4c. Dibon, city of, Nu. 32. 3, 34; Jos. 13. 9, 17. Didymns, Jno. 11. 16. See Thomas. Diligence, in worldly matters, Pro. 6. 6; 10. 4, 16; 12. 24; 13. 4; 22. 29; 27. 23; Ro. 12. 11; Ep. 4. 28; 2 Th. 3. 11, 12. In spiritual concerns, Jno. 6. 27; Ac. 24. 16; 1 Co. 15. 58; Gal. 6. 9; Phi. 3. 14; 2 Th. 3. 13; He. 6. 12; 2 Pe. 3. 14. Dinah, Jacob's daughter, Ge. 30. 21; 34. 1, 4c; 46. 15. Dlonyslus, a convert, Ac. 17. 31. Diotrepb.es, 3 Jno. 9. Disannul, Job. 40. 8; Is. 14. 27; 28. 18; Gal. 3. 17. Discern, Ge. 31. 32; Mat. 16. 3; He. 5. 14. Disciples, of Christ, Mat. 25. 67; Lu. 10. 1 —24; Ac. 2. 41; 4. 4; 11. 26;— their char acter, Mat. 7. 21; 11. 29; 23. 8—10; Lu. 14. 26, 27, 33; Jno. 8. 31; 13. 35. See Apos tles. Disciples, of John, Mat. 9. 14; 11. 2; 14. 12; Lu. 7. 19; Jno. 3. 25; 4. 1; Ac. 19. 1—3. Discord, censured, Pro. 6. 14, 19; 16. 28; 17. 9; 18. 8; 25. 24; 26. 20, 21; Ro. 1. 29; 2 Co. 12. 20. Discretion, Ps. 112. 5; Pro. 1. 4; 2. 11; 3. 21; 5. 2; 19. 11; Is. 28. 26; Col. 4. 5. Disobedience, of Adam and Eve, Ge. 3; — of Pharaoh, Ex. 5. 2; — of Achan, Jos. 7. 1; 20. 21;— of Saul, 1 Sa. 13. 9, 4c; 15. 9;— of Jonah, Jon. 1. 2, 4c. Fruits of, Le. 26. 14; De. 8. 11; 28. 15; Jos. 5. 6; 1 Sa. 2. 30; 12. 15; Ps. 78. 10—21; Is. 3. 8; 42. 24; Ep. 5. 6; Tit. 3. 3; He. 2. 2. Disputing, to be avoided, Mar. 9. 33; Ro. 14. 1; Phi. 2. 14; 1 Ti. 1. 4; 6. 4, 20; 2 Ti. 2. 14, 23; Tit. 3. 9. Dissension, Ac. 15. 2, 39; to be avoided, 1 Co. 1. 10; 3. 3; 11. 17, 18. Dissimulation. Ps. 26. 4; Pro. 10. 18; 26. 24; Eo. 12. 9; Gal. 2. 11, 4c. Distaff, Pro. 31. 19. Distress. See Affliction. Distrust, of God, Ge. 18. 12; 26. 9; 2 KI. 7. 2; Mat. 4. 3; Lu. 1. 20; 12. 29; 1 Ti. 2. 8. Divination, forbidden, Le. 19. 26, 31; 20. 27; De. 18. 10; Is. 47. 9; Je. 27. 9; 29. 8. Practised, 1 Sa. 28. 7; 2 Ki. 17. 17; Eze. 21. 21. See Witchcraft. Divisions, in the church forbidden, Mat. 12. 25; Eo. 12. 16; 16. 17; 1 Co. 1. 10; 3. 3; 11. 18; 12. 25; 2 Co. 13. 11; 1 Ti. 6. 3—5. Divorce, laws concerning, Le. 21. 7, 14; Nu. 30. 9; De. 24. 1—3; Eze. 44. 22; Mat. 5. 31; 19. 3—9; Mar. 10. 2—12; Lu. 16. 18; ICo. 7. 10. Seels. 50. 1; Je. 3. 8. Doctors, of the law, Lu. 2. 46; 5. 17; Ac 5. 34; 1 Ti. 1. 7. Doctrine, or teaching of Christ, Mat. 7. 28; Mar. 4. 2; Jno. 7. 16; He. 6. 1; 2 Jno. 9. Of his apostles, Ac. 2. 42; Eo. 6. 17; 1 Ti. 4. 13; 6. 3; 2 Ti. 1. 13; 3. 16; Tit. 2. 7. Of the Pharisees, Mat. 15. 9; 16. 12; Mar. 7.7. Of the Nloolaltanes, Ee. 2. 6, 15, 20. Of devils, 1 Xi, 4, 1. False, Mat. 24. 4; Ep. 4. 14; 2 Ti. 4. 3;— to be avoided, Gal. 1. 8; 1 Th. 5. 21; 1 Jno. 4.1. Doeg, 1 Sa. 21. 7; 22. 9—23; Ps. 52. title. Dogs, nature and habits of, 1 Ki. 14. 11; 21. 19, 23; 22. 38; 2 Ki. 9. 36; Job 30. 1; Ps. 22. 16; 59. 14; Pro. 26. 11,17; Lu. 16.21; 2 Pe. 2. 22. Law concerning, De. 23. 18. Expressive of enmity, Ps. 22. 16; — of hu miliation, 1 Sa. 17. 43; 24. 14; 2 Sa. 9. 8; 16. 9; Mat. 15. 27;— of impenitence, Pro. 26. 11; 2 Pe. 2. 22; Be. 22. 15;— of false teachers, Is. 56. 10; Phi. 3. 2. Door, Christ so-called, Jno. 10. 7, 9. Door, city of, Ju. 1. 27; 1 Ki. 4. 11. Dorcas, Ac. 9. 36—41. Dothan, town of, Ge. 37. 17; 2 Ki. 6. 13. Dove, nature and habits of, Ps. 68. 13; Can. 1. 15; 2. 14; 5. 12; Je. 48. 28; Na. 2. 7; Mat. 10. 16; Is. 38. 14; 59. 11; 60. 8. Sent from the ark, Ge. 8. 8, 10, 12;— used in sacrifices, Ge. 15. 9; Le. 12. 6; 14. 22, 4c; Lu. 2. 24. Figurative, Ps. 74. 19; Mat. 3. 16; Jno. 1.32. Dowry, Ge. 34. 12; Ex. 22. 17; 1 Sa. 18. 25. Dragon, De. 32. 33; Job 30. 29; Ps. 91. 13; Is. 13. 22; 34. 13; Je. 9. 11; 14. 6. Figurative, Ps. 74. 13; Is. 27. 1; 61. 9; Eze. 29. 3; Ee. 12. 3; 13. 4, 4c; 16. 13. Dreams, Nu. 12. 6; De. 13. 1; Job 7. 14; 20. 8; 33. 15; Ps. 73. 20; Ec. 5. 3, 7; Is. 29. 8; Je. 23. 28; 27. 9; Joel, 2. 28; Jude 8. Of Abimelech, Ge. 20. 3; Jacob, 31. 10; Laban, 31. 24; Joseph 37. 5— 9; Pharaoh's butler and baker, 40. 5; Pharaoh, 41. 1— 7; the Midianite, Ju. 7. 13 — 15; Solomon, 1 Ki. 3.5; Nebuchadnezzar, Da. 2. 1, 31; 4. 5, 8; Daniel, Da. 7; Joseph, Mat, 1. 20; 2. 13, 19; the wise men, 2. 12; Pilate's wife, 27. 19. Dress, De. 22. 6; — extravagance in cen sured, Is. 3. 16, 4c; 1 Ti. 2. 9; 1 Pe. 3. 3. See Garments. Drink-Offerings. See OFFERINGS. Drink (strong), forbidden, Le. 10. 9; Nu. 6. 3; Pro. 31. 4; Is. 5. 11, 22;— permitted, De. 14. 26; Pro. 31. 6. See Drunken ness. Dromedary, 1 Ki. 4. 28; Est. 8. 10; Is. 60. 6; Je. 2. 23. Dropsy, Lu. 14. 2. Drought, Ge. 31. 40; De. 8. 15; 28. 22; 1 Ki. 17. 1; Job 24. 19; Ps. 32. 4; Is. 58. 11; Je. 50. 38; Hag. 1.11. Drunkenness, censured, Pro. 20. 1; 21. 17; Is. 6. 11, 22; Lu. 21. 34; Eo. 13. 13; 1 Co. 6. 11; Ep. 5. 18; 1 Th. 5. 7, 8; 1 Pe. 4. 3. Its consequences, De. 21. 20, 21; Pro. 23. 21—35; 28. 7; Ho. 4. 11; Hab. 2. 5; Mat. 24. 49; Lu. 12. 45; 1 Co. 6. 10; Gal. 5. 21. Instances of, Ge. 9. 21; 19. 33; 1 Sa. 25. 36; 1 Ki. 16. 9; 20. 16; Da. 5. 4. Dm si 11 a, Agrippa's daughter, Ac. 21. 24. Dukes, of Edom, Ge. 36. 15—19, 40—43; Ex. 15. 15; 1 Chr. 1. 51— 54;— of the Horites, Ge. 36. 21—30. Dulcimer, a musical instrument. Da. 3. 5. Dumb, the, Ex. 4. 11; Pro. 31. 8; Is. 56. 10; cured. See Miracles. Dust, expressive of mourning, Jos. 7. 6; Job 2. 12; Is. 47. 1; La. 2. 10; Eze. 27. 30- Ee. 18, 19;— of mortality, Ge. 3. 19; 18. 27! 20 DUT. THE BIBLE. ELE. Job 7. 6, 21; 34. 15; Ps. 22. 15; 103. 14;— of debasement, Ge. 3. 14; 1 Sa. 2. 8; Job 42. 6; Ps. 72. 9; Na. 3. 18;— of numbers, Ge. 13. 16; Nu. 23. 10; Job 22. 24; Ps. 78. 27. Duty, of man, in general, De. 10. 12; Jos. 22. 5; Ps. 1. 1, 4c; Ec. 12. 13; Ho. 12. 6; Mi. 6. 8; Zee 7. 9; 8. 16; Mat. 19. 18; 1 Ti. 6. 11; 2 Ti. 2. 22; Tit. 2. 12, 4c; Ja. 1. 27. Paramount, 1 Sa. 15. 22; Ho. 6. 6; Mat. 9. 13; 12. 7; 22. 37; 23. 23; Lu. 11. 42. Eagle, Job 39. 26; Pro. 30. 19; Ob. 4;— un clean, Le. li: 13; De. 14. 12. Symbolical, Ex. 19. 4; De. 32. 11; Job 9. 26; Ps. 103. 5: Pro. 23. 5; Is. 40. 31; Je. 49. 16; Ho. 8. 1; Mi. 1. 16; Hab. 1. 8. Earing, Ge. 45. 6; Ex. 34. 21. Earnest, of the Spirit, Ro. 8. 23; 2 Co. 1. 22; 5. 5; Ep. 1. 13, 14. Ear-Bings, Ge. 24. 22, 30; Ex. 32. 2, 3; Ju. 8. 24; Job 42. 11; Is. 3. 20; Ho. 2. 13. Earth, created, Ge. 1. 1, 4c.;— cursed, Ge. 3. 17; 5. 29; Is. 24. 5, 6:— destroyed by water, Ge. 6; 7; 8;— to be destroyed by fire, Ps. 102. 26; Is. 51. 6; Mi. 1. 4; Zep. 1. 18; 3. 7, 8; He. 10. 27; 2 Pe. 3. 7, 10, 12. A new earth promised, Is. 65. 17; 66. 22; 2 Pe. 3. 13; Ee. 21. 1, 27. Earthly, Jno. 3. 12, 31; 2 Co. 5. 1; Phi. 3. 19; Ja.,3. 15. Earthquakes, 1 Ki. 19. 11; Is. 29. 6; Am. 1. 1; Zee 14. 5; Mat. 27. 51, 54; 28. 2; Ac 16. 26; Re. 6. 12: 8. 5; 11. 13; 16. 18. East, land of, Job 1. 3; Eze. 25. 4; 43. 2; 47. 8; Mat. 2. 1. Easter (passover), Ac. 12. 4. See Feasts. Ehal, mount of, De. 11. 29; 27. 13; Jos. 8. 33. Ebed-Melech, Je. 38. 7; 39. 16. Ebenezer, 1 Sa. 4. 1; 5. 1; 7. 12. Eden, garden of, Ge. 2. 15; 3. 23; Is. 51. 3; Eze. 28. 13; 31. 9—16; 36. 35; Joel, 2. 3. City of, Am. 1. 5. Edification, mutual, recommended, Eo. 14. 19; 15. 2; 1 Co. 8. 1; 14. 5, 26; 2 Co. 12. 19; Ep. 4. 12, 29; 1 Th. 5. 11; He. 10. 24. Edom, name given to Esau, Ge. 25. 30; 36. 1. See Esau. Edom, or Iduniea, country of, Ge. 32. 3; Nu. 21. 4; 33. 37; 34. 3; Jos. 15. 1, 21; Ju. 5. 4; 1 Ki. 9. 26; 2 Ki. 3. 8, 4c. ; 2 Chr. 8. 17. Prophecies concerning, Nu. 24. 18; Ps. 108. 9; Is. 11. 14; 34. 5; 63. 1; Je. 9. 26; 25. 21; 49. 17; Eze. 25. 13; 35. 15; 36. 5; Da. 11. 41; Joel 3. 19; Am. 1. 11; 9. 12; Ob. 8. Edom, inhabitants of, their rulers, Ex. 15. 15; 1 Ki. 22. 47; 2 Ki. 8. 20; 1 Chr. 1. 43, 51—54; opposed to Israel, Nu. 20. 14, 4e; Ju. 11. 17; 1 Sa. 14. 47; 2 Sa. 8. 14; 1 Ki. 11. 14, 4c: 2 Ki. 8. 20; 14. 7; 1 Chr. 18. 11, &e; 2 Chr. 21. 8; 25. 14, See.; 28. 17; at peace with Israel, 1 Ki. 11. 1; 2 Ki. 3. 9,4c Education, Ge. 18. 19; De.6. 7; Pro. 22. 6; 29. 7; Ep. 6. 4; 2 Ti. 3. 15. Eglon, king of Moab, Ju. 3. 12, &c; town of, Jos. 10. 3, &c; 12. 12; 15. 39. Egypt, its inhabitants, origin of, Ge. 10. 6, 13; 1 Chr. 1. 8, 11;— character of, Is. 30.7; 36. 6; Je. 46. 8; Eze. 29. 3, 6; 30. 6; 32. 12; —customs of, Ge. 43.32; 46. 34; 47. 22; 50. 3; Ex. 8. 26; Nu. 11. 5; IKi. 11. 18; coun try of, called the land of Ham, Ps. 105. 23; 106. 22;— the south, Je, 13, 19; Da. 11. 14, 25;— Sihor, Is. 23. 3;— Eahab, Ps. 87. 4; 89. 10. Its fertility, Ge. 13. 10; 45. 18; De. 11. 10; —wealth, He. 11. 26;— literature, 1 Ki. 4. 30; Ac. 7. 22;— manufactures, 1 Ki. 10.28; Is. 19. 9; — commerce, Ge. 41. 57; Eze. 27. 7; Ho. 12. 1;— religion, Ex. 12. 12; Is. 19. 1; Je. 43. 13; Eze. 12. 1. Visited by Abraham, Ge. 12.10; — Joseph's stay in, Ge. 37. 36; 39; to end; Ps. 105. 17; Ac. 7. 9;— Jacob goes to, Ge. 46. 5—7; 47. 1 — 10; Ac 7. 15; — Israel's bondage in, Ex. 1. 7, 4c. ; 5. 4, See.; Ps. 105; Ac. 7. 18, 4c; — their departure from it, Ex.12. 37; Nu. 33.3, 4c; Jos. 24. 6; Ps. 78. 12; 105.37; 106. 7; Ac. 7. 36; 13. 17; He. 11. 22;— plagues of, Ex. 7. 14, 4c; 8 to 10; 12. 29; De. 11. 3. Kings and rulers of, Ge. 12. 15; 40. 1; 41. 41; Ex. 1. 8; 2 Chr. 12. 2, 9; 35. 20; Is. 19. Armies of, chastise Judah, 1 Ki. 14. 25; 2 Ki. 23. 29; 2 Chr. 12. 2; 35. 20; 36. «;— con quered by Nebuchadnezzar, 2 Ki. 24. 7; Je. 46. 2, 13, 4e; Eze. 29. 19. Prophecies concerning, Ge. 15. 13; Is. 11. 11; 19; 20; 27. 12; 30. 1; Je. 9. 26; 25. 17, 19; 43. 8; 44. 30; 46; Eze. 29 to 32; Da. 11. 8; Ho. 9.3; 11; Joel 3. 19; Zee. 10. 10; 14.19. New Testament references to, Mat. 2. 13 — 19; Ac. 2. 10; 7. 9—36; 13. 17; He. 3. 16; 8. 9; 11. 26; Jude 5; Ee. 11. 8. Ehud, judge of Israel, Ju. 3. 15, 4c; — 4. 1; 1 Chr. 7. 10; 8. 6. Ekron, city of the Philistines, Jos. 13. 3; 15. 11, 45; 19. 43; Ju. 1. 18; 1 Sa. 5. 10; 6. • 17; 7. 14; 17. 52; 2 Ki. 1. 2, 4c; Je. 25. 20; Am. 1. 8; Zep. 2. 4; Zee 9. 5—7. Elah, king of Israel, 1 Ki. 16. 6— 14;— Ho- shea's father, 2 Ki. 15. 30; 17. 1; 18. 1, 9. Elam, Shem's son, Ge. 10. 22. Country of, Ge. 14. 1—9; Is. 11. 11; 22. 6; Je. 25. 25; 49. 34, 39; Da. 8. 2. Elamites, Ezr. 4. 9; Ac. 2. 9. Math, town of, De. 2. 8; 2 Ki. 14. 22; 16. 6; 2 Chr. 8. 17. Eldad, a prophet, Nu. 11. 26. Elders, or Bulers, Ge. 50. 7; Ex. 24. 1; Le. 4. 15; Nu. 11. 16; De. 29. 10; 1 Sa. 16. 4; 2 Ki. 6. 32; Ezr. 5. 5; Eze. 8. 1; Ac. 4. 5. In the church, Ac. 11. 30; 14. 23; 15. 4, 6; 16. 4; 20. 17; 22. 5; 1 Ti. 5. 1, 17; Tit. 1. 5; Ja. 5. 14; 1 Pe. 5. 1. Symbolic, Re. 4. 4, 10, 4c; 5. 5, 4c; 7. 11; 14.3. Eleazar, Aaron's son, Ex. 6. 23; — conse crated, Ex. 28; 29; Le. 8;— his duties, Nu. 3. 2, 4c; 4.16; 16. 36;— succeeds Aaron, Nu. 20. 26; 27. 22; 31. 13; Jos. 17. 4;— his death, Jos. 24. 33;— Abinadab's son, 1 Sa. 7.1. One of David's captains, 2 Sa. 23. 9; 1 Chr. 11. 12. Elect, Christ, Is. 42. 1; Mat. 12. 18; 1 Pe. 2. 6;— angels, 1 Ti. 5. 21;— Israel, De.7. 6; Is. 45. 4; 65. 9, 22; Ro. 11. 5— 28;— the church, Is. 45. 4; 65. 9; Mat. 24. 22; Ro. 8. 33; Col. 3. 12; 1 Th. 1. 4; 2 Ti. 2. 10; Tit. 1. 1; 1 Pe. 1. 2; 2. 9; 2 Pe. 1. 10. Election, God's purpose of mercy,— eter nal, Ep. 1.4; 3. 11; 2 Th. 2. 13;— sover eign, Ro. 8. 28; 9. 1 1—16; Ep. 1. 4, 11; 2 TI 1. 9;— personal, Mat. 20. 23; 25. 34; 2 Ti. 2. ELE. INDEX TO EPH. 19;— immutable, Ro. 8. 29; 9. 11;— is in Christ, Ep. 1. 4. See Predestinatk in. Elephant. See Behemoth and Ivory. Elhanan, 2 Sa. 21. 19; 23. 24; 1 Chr. 11. 26; 20. 6. Ell, high-priest and judge, 1 Sa. 1. 3, 4c; 2. 20, 4c; 3. 1—18; 4. 13; 1 Ki. 2. 26, 27. Eliakim, Hilkiah's son, 2 Ki. 18. 18; 19.2; Is. 22. 20, 22; 36.11; 37.2. Josiah's son (Jehoiakim), 2 Ki. 23. 34; 24. 1; 1 Chr. 3. 15; 2 Chr. 36. 4; Je. 1. 3. Eliashib, high-priest, Ne. 3; 1; 13. 4. Eliezer, Abraham's steward, Ge. 15. 2; 24. 2, Sec.;— Moses's son, Ex. 18. 4; 1 Chr. 23. 15;— Zichri'sson, 1 Chr. 27. 16;— a prophet, 2 Chr. 20. 37;— others of that name, 1 Chr. 7. 8; 15. 24; Ezr. 8. 16; 10. 18, 23,31. Elihu, Job's friend, Job 32 to 37;— others of that name, 1 Sa. 1. 1; 1 Chr. 12. 20; 26. 7; 27. 18. Elijah, or Elias, foretells a great drought, 1 Ki. 17. 1; Ja. 5. 17; fed miraculously, 1 Ki. 17. 4, 16; 19. 5; restores the widow's son, 1 Ki. 17. 21, 4c; contends with the priests of Baal, 1 Ki. 18. 18; in Horeb, 1 Ki. 19. 8; Ro. 11. 2; calls Elisha, 1 Ki. 19. 19; denounces Ahab, 1 Ki. 21. 17; reproves Ahaziah, 2 Ki. 1. 3, 16; brings fire from heaven, 2 Ki. 1. 10, 12; Lu. 9. 64; divides Jordan, 2 Ki. 2. 8; his writing to Jeho- ram, 2 Chr. 21. 12; carried into heaven, 2 Ki. 2. 11. Appears at Christ's transfiguration, Mat. 17. 3; Mar. 9. 4; Lu. 9. 30. A type of John Baptist, 2 Ki. 1. 8; Mat. 3. 4; 17. 12, 13. See Mai. 4. 5; Mat. 11. 14; 16. 14; Mar. 6. 15; Lu. 1. 17; 9. 8, 19; Jno.- 1. 21; Eo. 11. 2—5; Ja 5. 17, 18. Elim, Ex. 15. 27; 16. 1; Nu. 33. 9, 10. Elimelech, Naomi's husband, Eu. 1. 1 — 3; 2. 1, 3; 4. 3, 9. Eliphaz, Esau's son, Ge. 36. 4, 4c; 1 Chr. 1. 35, 36;— one of Job's friends, Job 2. 11—13; 4;. 5; 15; 22; 42. 7. Elisabeth, John Baptist's mother, Lu. 1. 5, 42, 4c. Elisha, succeeds Elijah, 1 Ki. 19. 16, 4c; 2 Ki. 2. 13; works miracles, 2 Ki. 2. 14, 20, 24; 3. 14—20: 4. 1, 32, 38, 42; 5. 14, 27; 6. 6, 13; 13. 21; Lu. 4. 27; foretells events, 2 Ki.4. 16; 7. 1; 8. 12; 13. 17; sends to anoint Jehu, 2 KI. 9. 1; his death, 2 Ki. 13. 20. Elizaphan, Le. 10. 4; Nu. 3. 30. Elkanah, Samuel's father, 1 Sa. 1. 1, 4, 23. Elnathan, Ezr. 8. 16; Je. 26. 22; 36. 12. Elon, judge of Israel, Ju. 12. 11. Elul. See Months. Elymas, struck blind, Ac. 13. 11. Embalming, of Jacob, Ge. 50. 2, 3;— of Joseph, Ge. 50. 26;— of Asa, 2 Chr. 16. 14; —of Christ, Mar. 16. 1; Jno. 19. 39, 40. Embroidering, Ex. 28. 39; 35. 35; 38. 23; Eze. 13. 18. See Needle-work. Emerald, a precious stone, Ex. 28. 18; 39. 11; Eze. 27. 16; 28. 13; Ee. 4. 3; 21. 19. Emerods, a disease, De. 28. 27; 1 Sa. 5. 6, 9; 6. 4, 5, 17. Emims, giants, Ge. 14. 5; De. 2. 10. Emmanuel, Mat. 1. 23.. See Immanuel. Emmaus, village of, Lu. 24. 13. Emmor, Ac. 7. 16. See Shechem. Emulation, proper, Bo. 11. 14;— evil, Gal. 5.20. Encampments, Ex. 13. 20; 14. 2; 18. 5; Nu. 1. 50; 2. 17; 10. 31; 33. 10; Jos. 4. 19; 10. 5; Ju. 6. 4; 9. 50; 10. 17; 1 Sa. 11. 1; 13. 16; 2 Sa. 11. 11; 12. 28; 1 Ki. 16. 15; 1 Chr. 11. 15; 2 Chr. 32. 1. Enchantment. See Divination and Witchcraft. Endor, city of Manasseh, Jos. 17. 11; 1 Sa. 28. 7; Ps. 83. 10. Eneas, cured of palsy. Ac 9. 33. Enemies, laws concerning. Ex. 23. 4, 5; 1 Sa. 24. 10; 2 Sa. 16. 10; Mat. 5. 44; Lu. 6. 35. Duty towards them, 1 Sa. 26. 21; 1 Ki. 3. 11; Job 31. 29, 30; Ps. 35. 13: Pro. 24. 17; 25. 21, 22; Ob. 12; Ac. 7. 60; Eo. 12. 20. Deliverance from, 1 Sa. 12. 11; Ezr. 8. 31; Ps. 17. 9; 18; 48; 69. 10; 61. 3; 64. 1; 136. 24. Friendship of, deceitful, 2 Sa. 20. 9, 10; Pro. 26—24; 27. 6; Mat. 26. 48, 49. Engedi, city of, Jos. 15. 62; 1 Sa. 23. 29; 24. 1; 2 Chr. 20. 2; Can. 1. 14; Eze. 47. 10. Engraving, Ex. 28. 11; 35. 35; 38. 23; 39. 14, 30; Zee 3. 9; 2 Co. 3. 7. Enmity, Ge. 3. 15; Nu. 35. 21; Lu. 23. 12; Eo. 8. 7; Ep. 2. 15, 16; Ja. 4. 4. Enoch, Cain's son, Ge. 4. 17; — Jared'a son, Ge. 5. 18, 24; Lu. 3. 37; He. 11. 5; Jude 14. Enon, Jno. 3. 23. Enos, Seth's son, Ge.4.26; 6. 6—11; 1 Chr. 1. 1; Lu. 3. 38. Em-ogel, fountain of, Jos. 15. 7; 18. 16; 2 Sa. 17. 17; 1 Ki. 1. 9. Ensign. See Banner. Envy, condemned, Job 5. 2; Ps. 37. 1; Pro. 3. 31; 14. 30; 23. 17; 24. 19; 27. 4; Ec. 4. 4; Mat 27. 18; Eo. 13. 13; 1 Co. 3. 3; Gal. 5. 21; 1 Ti. 6. 4; Tit. 3. 3; Ja. 3. 14; 4. 5; 5. 9; 1 Pe. 2. 1. Examples, Cain, Ge. 4. 5; — the Philistines, Ge. 26. 14;— Rachel, Ge. 30. 1;— Joseph's brethren, Ge. 37. 4, 11;— Korah, 4c; Nu. 16. 1, 4c— Saul, 1 Sa. 18. 8. Epaphras, a disciple, Col. 1. 7; 4. 12. Epaphroditus, Phi. 2. 25; 4. 18. Ephah, a measure, Ex. 16. 36; Le. 19. 36; De. 25. 13; Ju. 6. 19; Eu. 2. 17; 1 Sa. 1.24; 17. 17; Eze. 45. 10; Am. 8. 5; Zee 5. 6—10. Ephesus, a city of Asia Minor, Ac. 18. 19—24; 19. 1, 17-41; 20. 16—38; 1 Co. 15. 32; 16. 8, 9; Ep. 1. 1; 1 Ti. 1. 3; 2 Ti. 1. 18; 4. 12; Ee. 1. 11; 2. 1. Ephod, the priest's, Ex. 28. 4, 31; 39. 2; Le. 8. 7; 1 Sa. 2. 18;— idolatrous, Ju. 18. 14—20. See 2 Sa. 6. 14; 1 Chr. 15. 27; Ho. 3.4. Ephraim, Joseph's second son, Ge. 41. 52; 48. 14; 1 Chr. 7. 20, 22. Tribe of, Nu. 1. 10, 32, 33; 2. 18; 7. 48—53; 10. 22; 13. 8; 26. 36; Ju. 17 to 19; 1 Chr. 7. 20—29; 9. 3; 2 Chr. 15. 9; 25. 10; 28. 7. Their possessions, Jos. 16. 5, 4c. ; 17. 14—18. 20. 7; 21. 5, 20; Ju. 1. 29; 2. 9; 8. 1—3; 1 Sa. 1. 1; 2 Sa. 13. 23; 2 Ki. 5. 22; 1 Chr. 6. 66; 2 Chr. 13. 19; 17. 2. Prophecies concerning them, De. 33. 17; Is. 7. 7—9; 9. 9—21; 11. 13; 17. 3; 28. 1—3; Je. 6. 9, 18, 4c; 50. 19; Eze. 37, 15—28; Ho. 5. to 14; Zee 9. 10—17; 10. 7—12. Ephraim, town of, 2 Sa. 13. 23; 18. 6;— mount of, Jos. 17. 15; 19. 50; 20. 7; 21. 21; Ju. 4. 5; 1 KI. 12. 25; Je. 31. 6; 60. 19. EPH. THE BIBLE. FAI. Ephratah, Eu. 4. 11; Ps. 132. 6. See Beth lehem. Ephron, the Hittite, Ge. 23. 10, 4c; 25. 9; 49. 30; 50. 13. Mount of, Jos. 15. 9; 2 Chr. 13. 19. Epicureans, Ac 17. 18. Erastus, Ac. 19. 22; Eo. 16. 23; 2 Ti. 4. 20. Esar-Haddon, king of Assyria, 2 Ki. 19. 37; Ezr. 4. 2; Is. 37. 38. Esan, Isaac's eldest son, Ge. 25. 25, 29, 34; 26. 34; 27. 1, 4c; 28. 5—9; 32. 3, See.; 33. 1—16; 35. 1, 29; Mai. 1. 2; Eo. 9. 13; He. 12. 16;— his possessions, De. 2. 1—8; Jos. 24. 4; — his wives and descendants, Ge. 36. 1, 4c; 1 Chr. 1. 35—54. See Edom. See also, Je. 49. 8; Ob. 6. 18,21; He.11.20. Eshcol, brook or valley of, Nu. 13. 23—27- 32! 9; De. 1. 24. Eshtaol, city of, Jos. 15. 33; Ju. 13. 25; 16. 31. Espousal. See Betrothal. Esther, Abigail's daughter, and Morde- cai's niece, Est. 2. 5; to end. Etam, rock of, Ju. 15. 8, 11. Etham, wilderness of, Ex. 13. 20; Nu. 33. 6,8. Ethan, a wise man and musician, 1 Ki. 4. 31; 1 Chr. 15. 17; Ps. 89. title. Ethanum. See Months. Ethiopia. Nu. 12. 1; 2 Ki. 19. 9; 2 Chr. 14. 9; 16. 8; Est. 1. 1; Job 28. 19; Is. 37. 9; Je. 13. 23; 38. 7; 46. 9; Ac 8. 27. Prophecies concerning, Ps. 68. 31; 87. 4; Is. 11. 11; 18. 1—7; 20. 1, 4c; 43. 3; 45. 14; Je. 46. 9; Eze. 30. 4; Na. 3. 9; Zep. 3. 10. Eunice, Timothy's mother, Ac. 16. 1; 2 Ti. 1.5. Eunuchs, or Officers, De. 23. 1; 1 Sa. 8. 15; 2 Ki. 20. 18; Is. 66. 3; Je. 38. 7; Da. 1. 3, 4c; Mat. 19. 11, 12; Ac 8. 27—39. Euphrates, river of, Ge. 2. 14; 15. 18; De. 1-. 7; 11. 24; Jos. 1. 4; 2 Sa. 8. 3; 2 Ki. 23. 29; 24. 7; 1 Chr. 5. 9; 18. 3; 2 Chr. 35. 20. Used figuratively, Je. 13. 1—7; 46. 2—10; 61. 63; Re. 9. 14; 16. 12. Euroclydon, a north-east wind, Ac 27. 14. Eutychus, Ac. 20. 9. Evangelists, Ac. 21. 8; Ep. 4. 11; 2Ti.4.5. Eve, created, Ge. 1. 27; 2. 18— 25;— beguiled, Ge. 3. 1—6; 2 Co. 11. 3; 1 Ti. 2. 14;— her sentence, Ge. 3. 16. See Ge. 4. 1, 25. Evil-Merodach, king of Babylon, 2 Ki. 25. 27—30; Je. 52. 31. Exaction, undue (extortion), forbidden, Ex. 22. 25; Le. 25. 36; De. 15. 2; Ne. 5. 1—13; 10. 31; Pro. 28. 8; Is. 60. 17; Eze. 22. 12; 45. 9; Lu. 3. 13; 1 Co. 5. 10, 11. Examination, self, enjoined, Ps. 4. 4; La. 3. 40; Mat. 7. 3, 5; 1 Co. 11. 28; 2 Co. 13. 6; Gal. 6. 4. See Ps. 26. 2; 77. 6; 119. 59; 139. 23. Example, good, to be followed, Ps. 1. 1; Lu. 10. 37; Jno. 8. 39; 1 Th. 1. 7; 2 Th. 3. 9, 4c; He. 6. 12; Ja. 5. 10. Evil, to be avoided, Pro. 4. 14, 15; 1 Co. 10. 6; He. 4. 11; 1 Pe. 5. 3; 2 Pe. 2. 6; Jude 7. Examples for imitation, Christ, Mat. 11. 29; Lu. 2. 51; Jno. 13. 15; Ro. 15. 5; Phi. 2. 5; He. 3. 1; 12. 2; 1 Pe. 2. 21; 1 Jno. 2. 6;— the prophets, He. 6.12; Ja.5.10;— the apostles, 1 Co. 4. 6; 11. 1; Phi. 3. 17; 4. 9. Excess, condemned, Mat. 23. 25; Ep. 5. 18; 1 Pa. 4. 3, 4. Excommunication, Jewish laws con cerning, Ge. 17. 14; Ex. 12. 15, 19; 30. 33, 38; Le. 7. 20, 25; 17. 9, 10, 14; 19. 8; 23. 29; Nu. 9. 13; 19. 13; Jno. 9. 34. Christian rules for, Mat. 18. 17; 1 Co. 5. 4, 13; 16. 22; 2 Co. 2. 2. 4c; Gal. 1. 8; 2 Th. 3. 14; 1 Ti. 1. 20; 2 Jno. 10. Exhortation, a duty, Ac. 13. 15; 15. 32; Ro. 12. 8; 1 Co. 14. 3; Ep. 5. 11; 1 Tb.4. 18; 2 Th. 3. 15; 1 Ti. 4. 13; 2 Ti. 4. 2; Tit. 1. 9; He. 3. 13; 10. 24; 13. 22. Exorcists, Ac. 19. 13. Experience, Ge. 30. 27; Ec. 1. 16; 2. 1, 4c: Ro. 5. 4; He. 6. 13, 14; Ja. 1. 3, 12, 4c. Expiation. See Atonement. Extortion. See Exaction. Eye-Service, forbidden Ep. 6. 6; Col. 3. 22. Eyes of the Lord, De. 11. 12; 2 Chr. 16. 9; Ezr. 5. 5; Job 34. 21; Ps. 32. 8; 33. 18; 34. 15; Pro. 15. 3; He. 4. 13; 1 Pe. 3. 12. Of man, to be guarded, Job 31. 1; Ps. 119. 37; Pro. 4. 25; 23. 31; Mat. 5. 29; 18. 9; Mar. 9. 47;— See Ge. 29. 17; Ex.21. 26; De. 32. 10; Job 28. 7; Ps. 35. 19; Pro. 6. 13; 10. 10; 20. 12; Mat. 19. 24; 1 Co. 12. 16. Understanding, judgment, or thought, Le. 24. 13; De. 15. 9; 16. 19; 28. 56; Pro. 17. 8, 24; 27. 20; 30. 17; Ec. 2. 14; Zee 9. 1; Mat. 7. 3; Ep. 1. 18. An evil eye. Pro. 23. 6; 28. 22; Mar. 7. 22. Eye-Lids, Job 16. 16; 41. 18; Ps. 132. 4; Pro. 6. 4, 25; 30. 13; Je. 9. 18. Ezekiel, a prophet, 1 Chr. 24. 16; Eze. 1. 3, 4c. Ezron-Geber, Nu. 33. 36; De. 2. 8; 1 Ki. 9. 26; 22. 48; 2 Chr. 8. 17; 20. 36. Ezra, a priest, Ezr. 7 to 10; Ne. 8. 1, 4c; 12. 1, 26 — 47. Fables, not to be regarded, 1 Ti. 1. 4; 4. 7; 2 Ti. 4. 4; Tit. 1. 14; 2 Pe. 1. 16. Face of God, his immediate presence, Ge. 32. 30; Ex. 33. 11; Nu. 14. 14; De. 5. 4; 34. 10; 2 Chr. 30. 9; Mat. 18. 10. His favour, Nu. 6. 25; 1 Ki. 13. 6; 1 Chr. 16. 11; 2 Chr. 6. 42; 7. 14; Ps. 27. 8; 31. 16; 67. 1; 105. 4; 119. 58, 135; Da. 9. 17. His wrath against his enemies, Le. 17. 10; 20. 6; 26. 17; De. 31. 17; Ps. 34. 16; Is. 59. 2; Je. 21. 10; 44. 11; Eze. 38. 18; 39. 23; 1 Pe. 3. 12; Re. 6. 16. Face, of man, his presence, Ge. 16. 8; 35. 1; Ex. 2. 15; Le. 19. 32; De. 1. 17; 2 Ki. 14.8; Faith, its nature, Mar. 1. 15; Lu. 24. 45; Ac. 13. 39; 15. 9; 26. 18; Eo. 3. 26; 4.3,4c; 6. 1; 2 Co. 5. 7; Ep. 2. 8; 4. 5, 13; 6. 16; 1 Th. 1. 3, 4c; 5. 8; He. 11. 1, 4c; 2 Pe. 1. 1; 1 Jno. 5. 1; Jude 20. Its source, Eo. 12. 3; 1 Co. 2. 5; 12. 9; Ep. 2. 8; 6. 23; Phi. 1. 29; He. 12. 2; 2 Pe. 1. 1; 1 Jno. 5. 4—6. Its objects, Mar. 1. 15; 11. 22; Jno. 5. 46; 6.29; 14. 1; 20.31; Ac. 11. 21; 20.21; 24. 14; 26. 27; 1 Jno. 3. 23. Means of, Jno. 17. 20; 20. 31; Ac. 8. 12; Eo. 10. 14—17; 15. 4; 1 Co. 3. 5; 2 Ti. 3. 15. Evidences of, Eo. 3. 27; 5. 2; 15. 13; 2 Co. 4. 13; Gal. 5. 6; Ep. 2. 8, 9; 3. 17; Col. 1. 4; 1 Th. 1.3; 1. Ti. 1. 5; Phil. 5; He. 10. 23; 11. 1, 4c; Ja. 2. 14, 4c; 1 Pe. 1. 8, 22; 2 Pe. 1. 5; 1 Jno. 3. 14, 23. Fruits of, Ps. 116. 10; Ts. 28. 16; Jno. 3. 15, 16; 12. 36, 46; 20. 31; Ac. 10. 43; 11. 15—17; FAI. INDEX TO FEE. 13. 39; 15. 9, 13; 16. 34; 26. 18; Eo. 3. 26, 28; 6. 1; 15. 13; 2 Co. 4. 13; Gal. 2. 16, 20; 3. 11, 14, 26; Ep. 1. 13; 3. 12, 17; He. 2. 4; 6. 12; 10. 22, 38; 11. 4, 4c; Ja. 1. 3; 2. 21—25; 1 Pe 1 8 9" 2 6 Final result of, Hab. 2. 4; Mar. 16, 16; Jno. 1. 12; 3. 16, 36; 6. 40, 47; 20. 31; Ac. 16. 31; Eo. 1. 17; Gal. 3. 11; He. 4. 3; 6. 12; 10. 38; 1 Jno. 5. 10, 4c Power of, Mat. 17. 20; 21. 21; Mar. 9. 23; 11. 23; Lu. 17. 6; Ac. 3. 16; Ep. 6. 16; He. 11. 3, 4c. ; 1 Pe. 5. 9; 1 Jno. 5. 4, 6. Examples of, Ge. 12. 1, 4; 22. 2, 3, 12: Nu. 13. 30; Da. 3. 17; 6. 10; Jon. 3. 5; Mat. 8. 8—10; 16. 16; Jno. 1. 49; 11. 27; Ac 6. 5; 8. 37; 11. 24; 1 Ti. 1. 15; He. 11. 4, 4c. See also La. 17. 5; 18. 8; Ac. 11. 24; 14. 22; Ro. 4. 20; 14. 22; 1 Co. 16. 13; 2 Co. 8. 7; 13. 5; Col. 1. 23; 1 Ti. 1. 5, 18, 19; 6. 12; 2 Ti. 1. 5, 12; -He. 4. 2; 10. 22; Ja. 1. 6. Faithfulness, characteristic of saints, Ne. 7. 2; Mat. 25. 21; 1 Co. 4. 2; Ep. 1. 1; Col. 1. 2; 1 Ti. 6. 2; He. 3. 5; Ee. 17. 14. How exhibited, De. 1. 16; 2 Ki. 12. 15; 2 Chr. 31. 12; 34.12; Ps. 141. 5; Pro. 14. 5; 27. 6; Je. 23. 28; Mat. 24. 45; Lu. 16. 10—12; 2 Co. 2. 17; 4. 2; 1 Ti. 3. 11; 3 Jno. 5. See also, 1 Sa. 26. 23; Ps. 101. 6; Pro. 20.6; 28. 10; 1 Co. 5. 12; 2 Ti. 2. 2; Tit. 1. 6. Faithfulness, of God, Nu. 23. 19; Do. 7. 9; 1 Ki. 8. 20; Ps.36. 5; 40. 10; 88. 11; 89. 1, 4e; 92. 2; 119. 75, 90, 4e; Is. 25. 1; 49. 7; La. 3. 23; 1 Co. 1. 9; 1 Th. 5. 24; 2 Ti. 2. 13; He. 10. 23; 11. 11. See God. FaU, of man, Ge. 2. 16,- 17; 3. 6; effects of, Ge. 3. 17—19; Eo. 5. 12—19; 1 Co. 15. 21, 22. Fallow Ground, Je. 4. 3; Ho. 10. 12. Falsehood. See Lying. Fame, vanity of, Ps. 49. 11, 4e; Ec. 1. 11; 2. 16; Jno. 6. 44; 12. 43; 1 Th. 2. 6. Famine, Ge. 12. 10; 26. 1; 41. 56; Eu. 1. 1; 2 Sa. 21. 1; 1 Ki. 17. 1, 4e; 18. 2; 2 Ki. 4. 38; 6. 25; 7. 1, 4e; 25. 3; Ne. 5. 3; Je. 14. 1; 52. 6; Lu. 4. 25; Ac. 11. 28. Foretold, Am. 8. 11; Mat. 24. 7; Mar. 13. 8; Lu. 21. 11; Re. 6. 8; 18. 8. Fasting, Le. 23, 27, 29; Jos. 7. 6; Ju. 20. 26; 1 Sa. 7. 6; 2 Sa. 12. 16; 1 Ki. 21. 9; 2 Chr. 20. 3; Ezr. 8. 21; Est. 4. 16; Jon. 3. 6—8; Joel 1. 14; 2. 12, 15; Ac. 27. 9. How to be observed, Ps, 35. 13; Is. 58. 3, 4c; Da. 9. 3.; Zee 7. 9.; 8. 19; Mat. 6. 16, 17. Hypocritical, Is. 58. 3, 5; Mat. 6. 16. A Christian duty, Mat. 6. 17; 9. 15; Mar. 2. 20; Lu. 2. 37; 5. 35; Ac. 10. 30; 14. 23. 1 Co. 7. 6; 2 Co. 6. 5. Remarkable fasts, of Moses, Ex. 34. 28; De. 9. 9, 18; of David, 2 Sa. 12. 16; of Eli jah, 1 Ki. 19. 8; of the Ninevites, Jon. 3. 5, 7; of Daniel, Da. 10. 2, 3; of Esther, Est. 4. 15; of Jesus, Mat. 4. 2: Lu. 4. 2. Fat, not to be eaten, Le. 3. 15 — 17; 1. 23, 4c. ; De. 32 37. Of sacrifices to be burnt, Ex. 29. 13; Le. 3. 3, 4p.; 4. 26; Eze. 44.7. Symbolical, Ge. 27. 28; De. 32. 15; Ps. 22. 29; 37. 20; 63. 5; Is. 6. 10; Je. 5. 28; 31. 14. Father, the. See God. Fathers. See Parents. Fatherless. See Orphans. Fear of God, De. 6. 13; 10. 12; Jos. 24. 14; 1 Sa. 12. 24; 1 Chr. 10. 25; Job 28. 28; Ps. 2. 11; 19. 9; 33. 8; 111. 10; Pro. 1. 7; 3. 7; 8. 13; 14. 27; 15. 16, 33; 23. 17; Ec. 12. 13; Mai. 1. 6; Eo. 3. 18; He. 12. 9, 28. Effects of, Ps. 5. 7; 15. 4; 60. 4; 61. 5; 85. 9; 103. 11; 111. 5; 112. 1; 145. 19; 147. 11; Pro. 9. 10; 10.57; 14. 26, 27; 15. 33; 16. 6; 19. 23; 22. 4; 28. 14; Ec. 8. 12; Lu. 1. 50; 2 Co. 7. 1; Re. 11. 18. See God the ob ject of Fear. Exhortations and encouragements to, Le. 19. 14; 25. 17; De. 4. 10; 6. 2; 28. 58; Jos. 24. 14; 1 Sa. 12. 14; 2 Ki. 17. 38, 39; 1 Chr. 16. 30; Ps. 2. 11; 25. 12, 14; 31. 19; 33. 8, 18; 34. 7, 9; Pro. 3. 7; 23. 17; 24. 21; Ee 5. 7; Is. 8. 13; 50. 10; Mai. 3. 16; 4. 2; Mat. 10. 28; Ro. 11. 20; Ep. 6. 5; Phi. 2. 12; Col. 3. 22; He. 4. 1; 1 Pe. 2. 17; Ee. 14. 7. Fear of punishment, a motive to obedi ence, Job 31. 23; Lu. 12. 5; 2 Co. 5. 11;— the effect of guilt, Ge. 3. 8, 10; 4. 14; 32. 7; Pro. 28. 1; Is. 2. 19; 33. 14; Lu. 19. 21; Ac. 16. 38; 24. 25; He. 10. 27; Ja. 2. 19; Ee. 6. 16, 17. Fear of man, De. 7. 17, 4c; Ps. 56. 4; 118 6; Pro. 29. 25; Is. 8. 12; 51. 7; Mat. 10. 26; Ac. 4. 13; 5. 29; He. 13. 6; 1 Pe. 3. 14. Feast, of the Passover, on the 15th day of Abih, lasting seven days, Ex. 12. 14, 4c; 23. 14—16; 34. 22, 25; Le. 23. 5, 8, 15, 16; Nu. 9. 2—14; 28. 16—25; De. 16. 1—9, 16; 2 Chr. 8. 13; Eze. 45. 21; 1 Co. 5. 7, 8; He. 11. 28. Eemarkable celebrations of, Ex. 12. 28— 50; Nu. 9. 5;' Jos. 5. 10, 11; 2 Ki. 23. 21— 23; 2 Chr. 30. 1: 35. 1—18; Ezr. 6. 19, 20; Mat. 26. 17—29; Lu. 22. 11, 4c Of Pentecost, or Weeks, on the 15th day after the Passover, Ex. 23. 16, 17; 34. 22; Le. 23. 10; 15. 21; De. 16. 9—12; 2Chr. 8. 13; Ac. 2. 1; 20. 16; 1 Co. 16. 8. Of Tabernacles, on the 15th day of Ti- gri, lasting eight days, Ex. 23. 16, 17; 34. 22, 23; Le. 23. 34—44; Nu. 29. 12—39; De. 16. 13—16; 31. 10—13; 2 Chr. 8. 13; Ne. 8. 14—18; Zee 14. 16—19; Jno. 7. 2, 37;— celebrated, 1 Ki. 8/2, 65; 2 Chr. 7. 8; Ezr. 3. 4; Ne. 8. 17. Of New Moon, first day of each month, Nu. 10. 10; 28. 11—15; 1 Chr. 23. 31; 2Chr. 2. 4; Ezr. 3. 5; Ne. 10. 33; Ps. 81. 3—6. See also, Is. 66. 23; Eze. 46. 1; Ho. 2. 11; Col. 2. 16. Of Trumpets, on the first day of the civil year, Le. 23. 24, 25; Nu. 29. 1—6; Ps. 81.3. Of Purim, or Lots, on the 14th day of Adar, Est. 9. 17—32. Of Dedication, in winter (Chisleu), in stituted by Judas Maccabceus, Jno. 10. 22. Of the Sabbatic Year, every seventh year, Ex. 21. 2; 23. 11; Le. 25. 2—7, 20—22; 26. 34, 43; De. 15. 1—3, 9—12; 2 Chr. 36. 20, 21; Ne. 10. 31; Je. 34. 13, 14. Of Jubilee, every fiftieth year, Le. 25. 8, 4c; 27. 17—24; Nu. 36. 4: Ps. 89. 15; Is. 61. 1, 2; 63. 4; Eze. 46. 17; Lu. 4. 18, 19. Feasts, Ge. 19. 3; 21. 8; 26. 30; 29. 22; 40. 20; Ju. 14. 10—17; 1 Sa. 25.36; 1 Ki. 3. 15; Est. 1. 3, 9; Is. 5. 12; Da. 5. 1; Zee 8. 19; Mar. 6. 21; Lu. 5. 29; Jno. 2. 8; 1 Co. 10. 27; 11. 22; 2 Pe. 2. 13; Jude 12. Feet, the washing of, Ge. 18. 4; 19. 2; 24. 32; 43. 24; 1 Sa. 25. 41; 2 Sa. 11. 8; Can. 24 FEL. THE BIBLE. FOI.. 5. 3; Lu. 7. 44; Jno. 11. 2; 13. 6—14; 1 Ti. 5. 10;— uncovering of, Ex. 3. 5; Jos. 5. 15; —dust of, Is. 49. 23; Na. 1. 3;-Mat 10. 14; Mar. 6. 11; Ac. 13. 51;— ornaments of, Is. 3. 16, 18. Of saints, 1 Sa. 2. 9; 2 Sa. 22. 34, 37; Ps. 18. 36; 31. 8; 40. 2; 66. 9; 116. 8; 119. 105; 121. 3; Lu. 1. 79; Ep. 6. 15. Of the wicked, Job 18. 8; Ps. 9. 15; Pro. 1. 16; 6. 13, 18; Eo. 3. 15. Used figuratively, Ge. 49. 10; De. 33. 24; Jos. 10. 24; 1 Sa. 24. 3; Job 12. 5; Ps. 38. 16; 40. 2; 68. 23; 94. 18; Is. 18. 7; La. 1. 15; Eze. 6. 11; 25. 6; Eo. 10. 15; 1 Co. 12. 21; He. 12. 13. See Sandals and Shoes. Felix, governor of Judsea, Ao. 23. 24—35; 24. 3, 4co 25. 14. Fellowship, with evil forbidden, Ps. 94. 20; 1 Co. 10. 20; 2 Co. 6. 14; Ep. 5. 11. See Communion. Fervency, Ro. 12. 11; Ja. 5. 16; 1 Pe. 4. 8. Festivals. See Feasts. Festus, governor of Judaea, Ac 24. 27; 25. 1, 4c; 26. 24, 4c Fever, healed, Mat. 8. 14; Mar. 1. 31; Lu, 4. 38; Jno. 4. 52; Ac. 28. 8. FideHty. See Faithfulness, Honesty, and Servants. Fiery Serpents. See Serpents. Fight, of faith, 1 Co. 9. 26; 1 Ti. 6. 12; 2 Ti. 4. 7; He. 10. 32; 11. 34. Figs, Ge. 3. 7; Nu. 13. 23; 1 Sa. 25. 18; 30. 12; 2 Ki. 20. 7; 1 Chr. 12. 40; Can. 2. 11, 13; Is. 38. 21; Am. 7. 14. Used figuratively, Is. 34. 4; Je. 24. 2, 3—8; Ho. 2. 10; Na. 3. 12; Mat. 7. 16; Ee. 6. 13. Fig-tree, De. 8. 8; Ju. 9. 11; -Ps. 105.33; Ho. 2. 12; Am. 4. 9; Mat. 21. 19; Mar. 11. 13; Jno. 1. 48. Used figuratively, Ju. 9. 10; 1 Ki. 4. 25; Pro. 27. 18; Ho. 9. 10; Joel 1. 7; 2. 22; Mi. 4. 4; Mat. 24. 32; Lu. 13. 6; 21. 29. Figure, or Type, Eo. 6. 14; 1 Co. 4. 6; He. 9. 9, 24; 11. 19; 1 Pe. 3. 21. Fire, sacred, Le. 6. 9—13; 9. 24; 16. 12; Nu. 16. 46; Ju. 6. 21; 1 Chr. 21. 26; 2 Chr. 7. 1—3; Ps. 97. 3; Is. 47. 14; 66. 16. Miraculous, Ex. 3. 2; 9. 23, 24; 13. 22; 19. 18; 40. 38; Le. 10. 2; Nu. 11. 1; 16. 35; De. 4. 11, 36; Ju. 6. 21; 13. 20; 1 Ki. 18. 38; 2 Ki. 1. 10, 12; 2. 11; 6. 17; Job 1. 16. Domestic, Ex. 12. 8; 35. 3; Je. 36. 22; Mar. 14. 54; Lu. 22. 55; Jno. 18. 18; Ac. 28. 3. Illustrative, Nu. 9. 16; De. 4. 24; Ps. 39. 3; 104. 4; 118. 12; Pro. 6. 27, 28; 16. 27; Is. 4. 4; 9. 18; 10. 17; 50. 11; 65. 5; Je. 5. 14; 23. 29; 48. 45: La. 1. 13; Eze. 39. 6; Zee 2. 5; 13. 9; Mai. 3. 2; Mat. 3. 10; Lu. 12. 49 —53; Ac. 2. 3; 1 Co. 3. 13, 15; He. 1. 7; 12. 29; Ja. 3. 6; 5. 3; 1 Pe. 1. 7. Eternal, Mat. 13. 42; 18. 8; 25. 41; 2 Pe. 3. 7. Jude 7; Ee. 20. 10; 21. 8. See also, Ex. 22. 6; Le. 18. 21; 23. 10; De. 18. 10; 2 Ki. 23. 10; Job 18. 5; Da. 3. 27. Firebrand, Ju. 15. 4; Pro. 26. 18; Is. 7. 4; Am. 4. 11. Firmament, the visible heavens, Ge. 1. 6 —8, 14—20; Ps. 19. 1; 150. 1; Da. 12. 3. First-Born, of man, dedicated to God, Ex. 13. 2, 12; 22. 29; 34. 19; Nu. 3. 12, 13; De. 15. 19. Their privileges, Ge. 29. 26; 48. 33; 48. 18; De. 21. 15—17; 25. 6; 2 Chr. 21. 3; Ps. 89. 27; Col. 1. 15; He. 12. 23. Their redemption, Ex. 34. 20; Nu. 3. 40— 50; 8. 18. See Ex. 4. 22, 23; 11. 5; 12. 29; Mi. 6. 7; Zee 12. 10. See Birthright. First-Born, of beasts, Ge. 4. 4; Ex. 13. 2, 12; 22. 29, 30; Le. 22. 27; 27. 26; Nu. 18. 15—17; De. 15. 19. First-Fruits, Ex. 22. 29; 23. 16, 19; 34. 26; Le. 2. 12, 14; 19. 23, 24; 23. 10, 17, 20; Nu. 18. 12; 28. 26; De. 18. 4; 26. 2, 4c; 2 Ki. 4. 42; 2 Chr. 31. 5; Ne. 10. 35, 37; 12. 44; Pro. 3. 9; Eze. 20. 40; 48. 14: Eo. 8. 23; 11. 16; 1 Co. 15. 20^ 23; Ja. 1. 18; Ee. 14. 4. Fishers. See Trades and Professions. The apostles, Mat. 4. 18; Mar. 1. 16; Lu. 5.3,4c; Jno. 21. 7. Fishes, created, Ge. 1. 21; Ex. 20. 11;— clean and unclean, Le. 11. 9—12; De. 14. 9, 10;— sold, 2 Chr. 33. 14; Ne. 13. 16; Zep. 1. 10;— used as food, Ge. 9. 2, 3j Nu. 11. 5; Mat. 7. 10; 14. 17; Lu. 24.42; Jno. 21. 9;— how caught, Job 41. 7; Ec. 9. 12; Je. 16. 16; Am. 4. 2; Mat. 17. 27; Lu. 5. 4—6; Jno. 21. 6—8. Jonah's, Jon. 1. 17; 2. 1, 10; Mat. 12. 40. See also, Ex. 7. 18; Ps. 8. 8; Is. 19. 10; Eze. 29. 4, 5; 47. 9, 10; 1 Co. 15. 39. Fitches, a small kind of peas, Is. 28. 25, 27; Eze. 4. 9. Flattery, condemned, Job. 17. 5; 32. 21; Ps. 5. 9; 12. 2, 3; 78. 36; Pro. 2. 16; 20. 19; 24. 24; 26. 28; 28. 23; 29. 5; Is. 5. 20; Da. 11. 21; 1 Th. 2. 5. Flax, Ex. 9. 31; Jos. 2. 6; Pro. 31. 13; Is. 19. 9; Ho. 2. 5, 9. Flesh (of animals), given as food, Ge. 9. 3. Human nature, Ge. 2. 23, 24; Jno. 1. 14; Ro. 8. 3; 9. 5; Ep. 5. 30, 31; 1 Ti. 3. 16; He. 2. 14; 10. 20; 1 Jno. 4. 2;— its weak ness, Ge. 6. 3; 2 Chr. 32. 8; Ps. 56. 4; 78. 39; Mat. 26. 41; Mar. 14. 38. Corrupt nature, Ro. 7.-5, 25; 8.9,12; 13. 14; 2 Co. 10. 2; Gal. 5. 19—24; Ep. 2. 3; 1 Pe. 2. 11- 2 Pe. 2. 10. Kindred, 'Ge. 37. 27; Mat. 19. 5, 6; Mar. 10. 8: Eo. 9. 3; 1 Co. 6. 16; Ep. 5. 31. Flies, plague of, Ex. 8. 21, 31; Ps. 78. 45. 105. 31. Flint, De. 8. 15; Ps. 114. 8. Figurative, Is. 5. 28; 50. 7; Eze. 3. 9. Flock, of sheep or goats, Ge. 4. 4; 21. 28; 29. 2, 9; 30. 32, 4c; 37. 2; Ex. 2. 16; 3. 1; 1 Sa. 16. 11; 2 Sa. 12. 2; Pro. 27. 23. Used Figuratively, Job 21. 11; Ps. 77. 20; 80. 1; Je. 13. 17; Zep. 2. 6, 14; Zee 10. 3; 13. 7; Lu. 12. 32; Ac. 20. 28, 29; 1 Co. 9. 7; 1 Pe. 5. 2, 3. See Herds. Flood. See Deluge. Flour, of wheat, Ex. 29. 2; Le. 2. 2; Nu. 28. 5; of corn, 2 Sa. 17. 28. Flowers, mentioned in the Bible, Can. 2. 1, 12; 6. 2, 3; Is. 18. 5; 35. 1; Ho. 14. 5; Mat. 6. 28. Figurative, Job 14. 2; 15. 33; Ps. 103. 15; Can. 5. 13; Is. 28. 1; 40.6,7; Ja. 1. 10; 1 Pe. 1.24. Folly, ignorance, Ps. 92. 6; Pro. 12. 16; 18. 2; 24. 7; 27. 22; Ec. 5. 3; 10. 2, 3, 14. Wickedness, Ps. 5. 5; Pro, 1. 7, 22; 3. 35; 10. 8, 18; 13. 19; 19. 1; 28. 10, 11; 28.26; Je. 4. 22; 5. 4; Mar. 7. 22; Tit. 3. 3. 25 FOO. INDEX TO FBO. The gospel accounted so, 1 Co. 1. 18—23; 2. 14; 3. 18. Food, God provides, Ge. 1. 29; 9. 3; Job 38. 41; Ps. 104. 14; 136. 25; 145. 16; 146. 7; 147. 8, 4c. ; Mat. 6. 26. Fool, the, 1 Sa. 26. 21; Ps. 14. 1; 49. 10; Pro. 11. 29; 14. 16; Ec. 2. 14; 4. 5; Lu. 12. 20. Footstool, of God, 1 Chr. 28. 2; Ps. 99. 5; 110. 1; 132. 7; Is. 66. 1; La. 2. 1; Mat. 6. 35; 22. 44; Mar. 12. 36; Lu. 20. 43; Ac. 2. 35; 7. 49; He. 1. 13; 10. 13. See 2 Chr. 9. 1»; Ja. 2. 3. Forbearance, recommended, Pro. 25. 15; Mat. 18. 33; 1 Co. 13. 4, 7; Ep. 4. 2; 6. 9; Col. 3. 13; 1 Th. 5. 14; 2 Ti. 2. 24. Of God to man, Ne. 9. 30; Ps. 50. 21; Ec. 8. 11; Is. 30. 18; Mat. 18. 27; Eo. 2. 4; 3. 25; 1 Pe. 3. 20; 2 Pe. 3. 9, 15. Foreigners, Ex. 12. 45; De. 15. 3; Ob. 11; Ep. 2. 19. Foreknowledge of God, Ge. 18. 18, 19; 1 Ki. 22. 22; 2 Ki. 8. 12, 13; Jno. 6. 64; 43. 1, 11; 18. 4; Bo. 8. 29; 9. 11, 23; Ep. 1. 4; 2 Ti. 1. 9; 1 Pe. 1. 2, 20. See Election and Predestination. Forests, mentioned in Scripture, 1 Sa. 22. 5; 2 Sa. 18. 6, 8; 1 Ki. 7. 2; 10. 17; 2 Ki. 19. 23; 2 Chr. 9. 16; Ne. 2. 8; Is 2. 13; 21. 13; 37. 24; Eze. 20. 46, 47; 27. 6; Zee. 11. 2. See also, Ps. 104. 20; Is. 9. 18, 19; 29. 17; 44. 14, 23; Je. 10. 3; 26. 18. Forge tf ulncss, of God and our duty, De. 4. 9,23; 6. 12; 8. 11, 14, 19; 9. 1; 32. 18; 2 Ki. 17. 38; Job 8. 13; Ps. 9. 17; 44. 17, 20; 78. 7; 103. 2; 106. 13, 21; Pro. 3. 1; 4. 5; 31. 6; Ec. 9. 15; Is. 17. 10; Je. 2. 32; He. 13. 16; Ja. 1. 25. Forgiveness of sin, is from God, Ex. 34. 7; Ps. 66. 5; 103. 3: 130. 4; is. 43. 25: Je. 31. 34; Da. 9. 9; Mi. 7. 18; Mat. 9. 6; Mar. 2. 7; Lu. 5. 21; 7. 47, 48. Through Christ, Is. 53. 5; Mat. 1. 21; 26. 28; Lu. 24. 47; Ac. 5. 31; 13. 38; Ro. 3. 25; 1 Co. 15. 3; Ep. 1. 7; 4. 32; Col. 1. 14; 1 Jno. 1. 7; 2. 1, 2. Promised on repentance, 2 Chr. 7. 14; Pro. 28. 13; Is. 1. 18; 33. 21; 55. 7; Je. 3. 12; 33. 8; Mar. 1. 4; Lu. 1. 77; 3. 3; 21. 47; Ac. 2. 38; 3. 19; 5. 31; 11. 18; 26. 18; 2 Co. 7. 10; He. 8. 12; 1 Jno 1. 9. To be sought for, De. 4. 29; 1 Chr. 28. 9; 2 Chr. 7. 14; Ps. 119. 2; Je. 29. 13; Ac. 8. 22. See Prayer. Forgiveness, of injuries, Pro. 19, 11; Mat. 5. 23, 44; 6. 15; 18. 21, 35; Mar. 11. 25, 26; Lu. 6. 36; 11. 4; 17. 4; 23. 34; Eo. 12. 19; 2 Co. 2. 7; Ep. 4. 32; Col. 3. 13; Ja. 2. 13. Examples, Ge. 50. 20, 21; 1 Sa. 21. 7; 2 Sa. 18. 5; 19. 23; 1 Ki. 1. 53; Lu. 23. 34; Ao. 7. 60; 2 Ti. 4. 16. Formality, condemned, Is. 29. 13; 48. 1, 2; 58. 1; Je. 3. 10; 7. 3, 4, 8—10; 12. 2: Eze. 23. 31, 32; 33. 38, 39; Zee 7. 5. 6; Mat. 5. 13, 20; 6. 2, 15, 16; 7. 22, 23; Lu. 12. 1, 2; 13. 25; 16. 15; 18. 9, 12; Jno. 4. 23, 24; 15. 2; Eo. 1. 18; 2. 17—23, 28; 10. 1-3; Gal. 6. 3, 12, 13; 2 Ti. 3. 5, 8; Tit. 1. 16; 1 Jno. 2. 19; Ee. 3. 1, 2, 14, 15, 17. See Hypocrisy. Forms of prayer and praise, Ex. 15. 1—20; Nu. 6.22-27; 10. 35, 36; De. 21.7, 8; 26. 3, 5—10, 13—15; 31. 19; 32. 1—43; Ne. 12. 46; Mat. 6. 9-13; Lu. 11. 1— 1. Fornication, forbidden, Le. 19. 20, 29; Nu. 25. 1, 3, 4c: Pro. 2. 16; 5. 3; 6. 25; 7. 6, 4e; 9. 13, 4c; 22. 14; 23. 27; 29. 3; 31. 3; Ec. 7. 26; Ho. 4. 11; Mat. 16. 19; Mar. 7. 21; Ac 15. 20; Eo. 1. 29; 1 Co. 6. 9; 6. 9; 2 Co. 12. 21; Gal. 5. 19; Ep. 5. 3, 5; Col. 3. 6; 1 Th. 4. 3; 1 Ti. 1. 10; He. 12. 16; 13. 4; 1 Pe. 4. 3; Jude 7; Ee. 2. 14, 20; 21. 8; 22. 15. Laws respecting, Ex. 22. 16; Le. 19. 20; De. 22. 28; 23. 18; Mat. 5. 32: 19. 9. Instances, Ge. 38. 2, 15, 4e; Nu. 25. 1—15; Ju. 16. 1—3. Spiritual (idolatry), Ex. 34. 15, 16; 2 Chr. 21. 11; Eze. 16. 15, 29; Ho. 1. 2; Ee. 2. 21; 17. 2 4" 18. 3* Forsaking God, evil of, De. 28. 20; Ju. 10. 13; 2 Chr. 15. 2; 24. 20; Ezr. 8. 22; 9. 10; Is. 1. 28; Je. 1. 16; 5. 19; 17. 13; Eze. 6. 9, 4c Fortress, God is, 2 Sa. 22. 2; Ps. 18. 2; 31. 3; 71. 3; 91. 2; 144. 2; Je. 16. 19. Fortunatus, 1 Co. 16. 17. Founder. See Trades and Profes sions. Fountain, of life, Ps. 36. 9; Pro. 13. 14; 14. 27; Je. 2. 13; Joel 3. 18; Zee. 13. 1; Be. 21. 6. See Pro. 5. 18; 25. 26; Ec. 12. 6; Ja. 3. 11. Fountains. See Wells. Fowler, Pro. 6. 5; Ho. 9. 8. Fox, the, Ju. 15. i; Ne. 4. 3; Ps. S3. 10; Can. 2. 15; La. 5. 18; Eze. 13. 4; Mat. 8. 20; Lu. 9. 58;— Herod, so called, Lu. 13. 32. Frankincense, sweet scented gum Ex. 30. 34; Le. 2. 1, 2, 15; 1 Chr. 9. 29; Can. 3. 6; 4. 6, 14;. Mat. 2. 11; Re. 18. 13. Fraud. See Deceit. Free-will Offerings, Le. 22. 18; Nu. 15. 3; De. 16. 10; 2 Chr. 29. 31; Ezr. 3. 5. Freedom, natural, Ex. 21. 2—11, 26, 27; De. 15. 12—18; Je. 34. 9, 4c; Mat. 17. 26; Ac. 22. 28; 1 Co. 7. 21—23. Spiritual, Is. 61. 1, 2; Jno. 8. 32, 36; Eo. 6. 18; 1 Co. 7. 21, 22; Gal. 4. 31; 5. 1; 1 Pe. 2. 16. Friends, of God, believers so-called, Ex. 33. 11; 2 Chr. 20. 7; Can. 5. 1, 16; Is. 41. 8; Lu. 12. 4; Jno. 11. 11; 15. 14, 15; Ja. 2. 23. Friendship (true), advantages of, Job 6. 14; Pro. 17. 17; 18. 24; 27. 6, 9, 17; Jno. 15. 13. Instances of, Eu. 1. 16; 1 Sa. 18. 1; 19. 2, 4c; 20. 3, 4c; 2 Sa. 1. 26; 15. 37; 16. 16; 17. 15, &e; 19. 32; 1 Ki. 2. 7; Mat. 11. 19. Friendship (false), danger of, De. 13. 6; Job 6. 15; 32. 3; Ps. 12. 2; 38. 11; 41. 9; 55. 12—14; 88. 18; Pro. 19. 4; 22. 24; 25. 19; La. 1. 2; Mi. 7. 5j Zee. 13. 6. Instances, Ju. 4. 18—22; 16. 4, 21; 2 Sa. 3. 27; 20. 9, 10; Mat. 26. 48-50. Worldly, forbidden, Eo. 12. 2; 2 Co. 6. 17; Ja. 4. 4; 1 Jno. 2. 15. Fringe, on garments, laws concerning, Nu. 15. 37, 4c ; De. 22. 12. See Mat. 23. 5. Frogs, Ex. 8. 2—14; Ps. 78. 45; 105. 30; Re. 16. 13. Frontlets, Ex. 13. 16; De. 6. 8; 11. 18. See Phylacteries. Frowardness, censured, De. 32. 20; 2 Sa. 22. 27; Job 5. 13; Pro. 2. 12; 3. 32; 4. 24; 10. 31; 11. 20; 16. 28; 17. 20; 21. 8; 22. 5. FRU. THE BIBLE. GAT. Frugality, recommended, Pro. 18. 9; Jno. 6. 12. Fruits, Ge. 1. 11, 4c; Ex. 22. 29; De. 33. 14; 2 Sa. 16. 1; 2 Ki. 8. 6; 19. 29; Ec. 2. 5; Is. 16. 9; 28. 4; Je. 40. 10. Figurative, Ps. 72. 16; Pro. 11. 30; 18. 20; Is. 3. 10. Of the spirit, Mat. 13. 23; Jno. 15. 2, 4c; Eo. 6. 22; 2 Co. 9. 10; Gal. 5. 22; Ep. 5. 9; Phi. 1. 11; Ja. 3. 18. Fruit-Xrees, De. 20. 19; Ne. 9. 25. Fuller. See Trades and Professions. Fulness, of time, Eo. 11. 25; Gal. 4. 4; Ep. 1. 10. Furlong, the eighth of a mile, Lu. 24. 13; Jno. 6. 19; 11. 18; Ee. 14. 20; 21. 16. Furnace, Ex. 9. 8, 10; Pro. 17. 3; Da. 3. 19. Figurative, De. 4. 20; Is. 31. 9; 48. 10; Eze. 22. 18, 4c;— Hell so-called, Mat. 13. 42, 50. Future State, mentioned, or alluded to, Job 19. 25; 21. 30; Ps. 9. 17; 16. 11; 17. 15; Pro. 14. 32; Ec. 3. 17; 11. 9; Da. 12. 13; Lu. 20. 34; 1 Co. 15. 42, 51, 4c; Ee. 1. 18; 7. 15. See Heaven and Hell. Gaal, Ebed's son, Ju. 9. 22 — 41. Gaash, a hill, Jos. 24. 30;— brooks of, 2 Sa. 23. 30. Gabriel, an archangel, appears to Daniel, Da. 8. 16—27; 9. 21— 27;— to Zacharias, Lu. 1. 11, 19;— to the Virgin Mary, Lu. 1. 26. Gad, Jacob's son, Ge. 30. 11; 35. 26; 46. 16; 49. 19; Ex. 1. 4. Tribe of, Nu. 1. 14, 24, 25; 2. 14; 7. 42-^7; 10. 20; 26. 15—18; De. 33. 20, 21; Jos. 4. 12, 13; 22. 9—29; 1 Sa. 13. 7; 2 Ki. 10. 33; 1 Chr. 5. 18—22; 12. 8—14; Je. 49. 1; Eze. 48. 27. Their inheritance, Nu. 32. 1—36; 34. 14; Jos. 13. 24—28; 1 Sa. 13. 7; 1 Chr. 5. 11. Gad, a prophet, 1 Sa. 22. 5; 2 Sa. 24. 5—19; 1 Chr. 21. 9—18; 29. 29; 2 Chr. 29. 25. Gadarenes, inhabitants of Gadara, Mat. 8. 28; Mar. 5. 1; Lu. 8. 26. Gainsaying, Lu. 21. 15; Ac 10. 29; Eo. 10. 21; Tit. 1. 9. Gaius, a noted Christian, Ac. 19. 29; 20. 4; Eo. 16. 23; 1 Co. 1. 14; 3 Jno. 1. Galatia, a province of Asia Minor, Ac. 16. 6; 18. 23; 1 Co. 16. 1; Gal. 1. 2; 2 Ti. 4. 10. Galilee, a district in the north of Canaan, Jos. 20. 7; 21. 32; 1 Ki. 9. 11 ; 2 Ki. 15. 29; Is. 9. 1; Mat. 2. 22, 23; 3. 13; 4. 15, 23; 15. 29; 26. 32; 28. 7; Mar. 1. 9; 16. 7; Lu. 4. 14; 23. 5; Jno. 4. 3, 4; Ac. 10. 37; 13. 31. Sea of, Mar. 5 1. See Gennesareth. Galileans, Mat. 26. 69, 73; Mar. 14. 70; Lu. 13. 1; 22. 59; Jno. 7. 41, 52; Ac 1. 11; 2. 7; 5. 37. GaU, a bitter herb, Mat. 27. 34. Figurative, De. 29. 18; 32. 32; Job 16. 13; 20. 14; Je. 8. 14; La. 3. 5, 19; Ac. 8. 23. GaUio, deputy of Achaia, Ac. 18. 12—17. Gamaliel, a Jewish doctor, Ac. 5. 34; 22. 3. Games, ancient, alluded to, 2 Sa. 2. 14; Job 41. 5; Ps. 19. 5; 30. 11; Ee 9. 11; Zee. 8. 5; Mat. 11. 16; 1 Co. 4. 9; 9. 24-27; 15. 32; Gal. 2. 2; 5. 7; Phi. 2. 16; 3. 14; 1 Ti. 6. 12; 2 Ti. 2. 5; 4. 7; He. 12. 1, 4. Gardens, Nu. 24. 6; De. 11. 10; 1 Ki. 21. 2; 2 Ki. 21. IS; 2S. 4; Est. 1. 5; 7. 7, 8; Is. 61. 11; Je. 31. 12; Jno. 18. 1, 26; 19. 41 Of Eden, Ge. 2. 8—10, 15; 3. 23; 13. 10; Is. 51. 3; Eze. 28. 13; 36. 35; Joel 2. 3. The church, Can. 4. 12, 16; 5. 1; 6. 2; Is. 58. 11. See Vineyards. Gardening. See Trades and Profes sions. Garments, different kinds mentioned in Scripture, upper garment or mantle (hyke), De. 24. 13; Ju. 4. 18; 1 Ki. 19. 13, 19; 2 Ki. 9. 13; Ezr 9. 3; Job 1. 20; 2. 12; Ps. 109. 29; Mat: 21. 8; Mar. 14. 51. Cloke (burnoose), Mat. 5. 40; Lu. 6. 29; 2 Ti. 4. 13. Robe, Ex. 28. 4; 1 Sa. 18. 4. Coat (tunic), Ge. 37. 3; Ex. 28. 4; 1 Sa. 2. 19; 2 Sa. 15. 32; Job 30. 18; Da. 3. 21; Mat. 5. 40; Jno. 19. 23; 21. 7; Ac. 9. 39. Girdle, Ex. 28. 4—8. 39; 1 Sa. 18. 4; 2 Ki. 1. 8; Je. 13. 1; Mat. 3. 4; 10. 9 (purse); -Ac 21. 11. Bonnet (or hat), Ex. 28. 40; 39. 28; Le. 8. 13; Eze. 44. 18; Da. 3.21. Shoe, or Bandal, Ex. 3. 5; De. 25. 9; 33. 25; Eze. 24. 17; Mat. 3. 11; Mar. 6. 9; Ac. 12. 8. Vail, Ge. 24. 65; 38. 14; Ex. 34. 33; Eu. 3. 15; Is. 3. 23. Of the prophets, 2 Ki. 1. 8; Zee 13. 4; Mat. 3.4. Materials used for, Le. 6. 10; 2 Sa. 3. 31; 2 Ki. 19. 1; Est. 8. 15; Pro. 27. 26; 31. 13, 22; Is. 3. 23; Eze. 34. 3; Mat. 3. 4; He. 11. 37. Various Colours of, Ge. 37. 3; Ju. 8. 26; 2 Sa. 1. 24; 13. 18; Est. 8. 15; Ec 9. 8; Eze. 23. 6, 15; Da. 5. 7, 29; Lu. 16. 19; Ee. 3. 6; 6. 12. Laws concerning, Le. 6. 27; 13. 47, 51, 59; 15. 17; 19. 19; Nu. 15. 38; De. 22. 5, 11. Used figuratively, Job 38. 9; Ps. 73. 6; 102. 26; 104. 2. 6; 1J9. 18; Pro. 30. 4; Is. 61. 3; Mat. 9. 16. See also, Ge. 35. 2: 39. 12; Jos. 7. 21; 1 Ki. 11. 29; Ps. 69. 11; Eze. 16. 18; Mat. 22. 11; 23. 5; 27. 35; Jude 23. See Wedding, Ornaments, and Clothing. Garner, a store-house. Mat. 3. 12; Lu. 3. 17. Garnish, to adorn, 2 Chr. 3. 6; Job 26. 13; Mat. 12. 44; 23. 29; Re. 21. 19. Gates, of heaven, Ge. 28. 17; Ps. 24. 7; 118. 20; Is. 26. 2. Of death and hell. Job 38. 17; Ps. 9. 13; 107. IS; Is. 38. 10; Mat. 16. 18. Of cities, used for business and judicature, Ge. 19. 1; 23. 10, 18; 34. 20; De. 16. 18; 17. 5; 21. 19; 25. 6, 7; Jos. 20. 4; Ru. 4. 1; 2 Sa. 3. 27; 15. 2; 18. 24; 19. 8; 1 Ki. 22. 10; 2 Ki. 7. 1, 18; 2 Chr. 18. 9; Job 5. 4; 29. 7; Pro. 1. 21; 22. 22, 23; 24. 7; 31. 23, 31; Je. 17. 19; 39. 3; La. 5. 14; Am. 5. 12; Zee 8. 16. Of the Temple, 2 Ki. 18. 16; 1 Chr. 26. 13— 19; 2 Chr. 8. 14; Ps. 100. 4; 118. 19, 20; Eze. 44. 1, 2; Ac. 3. 2. Of Jerusalem, 2 Ki. 14. 13; 15. 35; 23. 8; 1 Chr. 9. 18; 26. 16; 2 Chr. 26. 9; 33. 14; Ne. 2. 13; 3. 1, 3, 6. 13—15, 26, 28, 31; 8. 3; 12. 31, 37, 39; Je. 20. 2; 31. 38, 40; 37. 13; Zee 14. 10. Possessing the, Ge. 22. 17; 24. 60. Exalting the, Pro. 17. 19. Gath, a city of the Philistines, Jos. 11. 22; 13. 3; 1 Sa. 5. 8, 9; 17. 4; 27. 4; 2 Sa. 21. 22; 1 Ki. 2. 39, 40; 2 Ki. 12. 17; 1 Chr. 18. 1; 2 Chr. 26. 6; Am. 6. 2; Mi. 1. 10. 27 GAZ. INDEX TO GBU. Gaza, a city of the Philistines, Ge. 10. 19; Ju. 16. 1—3, 21—30; Je. 25. 20; 47. 1, 4e; Am. 1. 6—8; Zep. 2. 4; Zee 9. 5; Ac. 8. 26.. Gedaliah, governor of JucUea, 2 Ki. 25. 22 —25; Je. 40; 41; 43.6. Other of that name, 1 Chr. 25. 3, 9; Ezr. 10. 18; Je. 38. 1; Zep. 1. 1. Gehazi, Elisha's servant, 2 Ki. 4. 12, 4c. ; 5. 20—27; 8. 4, 5. Genealogies, of Israel and Judah, 1 Chr. 1 to 9; of David, Ru. 4. 17—22; of Jesus, Mat. 1. 1—18; Lu. 3. 23, 4c Cautions respecting, 1 Ti. 1. 4; Tit. 3. 9. Generosity. See Liberality. Geimesareth, Chinnerereth, Sea of Galilee, Tiberias, Ac, Nu. 34. 11; Jos. 12. 3; 13. 27; Mat. 4. 18; 8. 23, 4e; 15. 29; Mar. 1. 16; 4. 1, 35, 4c; Lu. 5. 1, 4c; 8. 22/4c; Jno. 21. 1. See. Gentiles, the nations generally, Ge. 10. 5, 32; 17. 4—6; De. 32. 8; Mat. 25. 32; 28. 19; • Re. 7. 9; 21. 24, 26. All nations except the Jews, Le. 18. 21; Nu. 23. 9; 1 Sa. 8. 5; 1 Chr. 14. 17; Ho. 8. 8; Lu. 21. 24; Ro. 2. 9, 10; 9. 24. Their corrupt state, Eo. 1. 21; 2. 14; 1 Co. 12. 2; Ep. 2. 1, 12; 4. 17; 1 Th. 4. 5. Their conversion foretold; Is. 11. 10; 42. 1; 46. 6, 22, 23; 60. 3, 5; 62. 2; 65. 1; Je. 16. 19; Ho. 2. 23; Joel 2. 32; 3. 9; Mi. 4. 1; 5. 8; Mai. 1. 11; Mat. 8. 11; Lu. 2. 32; 3. 6; 24. 7; Jno. 10? 16; Eo. 11. 25. The gospel sent to, Ac 10. 20, 44, 45; 13. 46—52; 15. 12, 14; Ro. 15. 9, 4c Gentleness, enjoined, 2 Sa. 18. 5; Gal. 5. 22; 1 Th. 2. 7; 2 Ti. 2. 24; Tit. 3. 2; Ja. 3. 17. Of Christ, Is. 40. 11; Mat. 11. 29; 2 Co. 10. 1. Gerah, a coin, the twentieth part of a shekel, Ex. 30. 13; Le. 27. 25; Nu. 3. 47. Gerar, a city of the Philistines, Ge. 10. 19; 20. 1; 26. 1—26; 2 Chr. 14. 13, 14. Gerizim, mountain of, De. 11. 29; 27. 12; Jos. 8. 33; Ju. 9. 7. Gershom, Moses's son, Ex. 2. 22; 18. 3. Gershon, Levi's son, Ge. 46. 11; Nu. 3. 17, 4c ; 1 Chr. 6. 1, 16; his descendants, Ex. 6. 16; Nu. 3. 18; Ac.; 7. 7; 10. 17. Geshur, a district of Syria, Jos. 13. 2, 13; 1 Sa. 27. 8; 2 Sa. 3. 3; 13. 37; 14. 23; 15. 8. Gethsemane, garden of, Mat. 26. 36; Mar. 14. 32; Lu. 22. 39. Gezer, city of, Jos. 10. 35; 16. 5, 10; Ju. 1. 29; 1 Ki. 9. 16; 1 Chr. 6. 67; 20. 4. Giants, before the flood, Ge. 6. 4; in Canaan, Ge. 14. 5; Nu. 13. 33; De. 2. 10; 3. 11; Jos. 12. 4; 13. 12;— Philistines, 1 Sa. 17. 4, 4c; 2 Sa. 21. 16—22; 1 Chr. 20. 4—8. Gibeah, or Gibeath, city of, Jos. 18. 28; Ju. 19. 12, 4c; 20. 4, 4c; 1 Sa. 10. 26; 11. 4; 14. 2; 15. 34; 22. 6; 23. 19; 26. 1; 2 Sa. 21.6. Allusions to. Is. 10. 29; Ho. 5. 8; 9. 9; 10.9. Gibeon, city of, Jos. 9. 3, See.; 10. 2—10; 2 Sa. 2. 13; 20. 8; 21. 2, 4c; 1 Ki. 3.5; 1 Chr. 21. 29; 2 Chr. 1. 3; Is. 28. 21. Gideon, a judge of Israel, Ju. 6. 11—40; 7. 1, 4c; 8. 1, 4c; He. 11. 32. Gift of God, Christ, so-called, Jno. 3. 16; 4. 10; 6. 32; 2 Co. 9. 15. Of the Holy Ghost, Mat. 7. 11; Lu. 11. 13; Jno. 14. 16; Ac. 2. 38; 8. 20; 10. 45; 11. 17. Gifts, use of, Ge. 32. 10; 34. 12; 1 Sa. 25. 18, 27; Est. 2. 18; 9. 22; Pro. 17, 8; 18. 16; 19. 6; 21. 14; Da. 2. 48; Mat. 2. 11; 2 Co. 8. 2 —4; Re. 11. 10. See Liberality. Abuse of, Ex. 23. 8; De. 16; 19; Pro. 15. 27; 17. 23; 29. 4; Ec. 7. 7; Ac. 26. 24. Sacred, Le. 23. 38; 2 Chr. 32. 23; Mat. 5. 23, 24; 15. 6; 23. 18; Mar. 7. 11; Lu. 21. 1, 25. Spiritual, Ro. 1. 11; 5. 17; 11. 29; 12. 6; 1 Co. 1. 7; 4. 7; 7. 7; 12. 1, 4c; 13. 2; 14. 1, 12; 2 Co. 1. 11; 8. 4; Ep. 2. 8; 3. 7; 1 Ti. 4. 14; 2 Ti. 1. 6; He. 2. 4; Ja. 1. 17; 1 Pe. 4. 10. Gihon, river of, Ge. 2. 13;— fountain of, 1 Ki. 1. 33, 38, 45; 2 Chr. 32. 30; 33. 14. Gilboa, mountain of, 1 Sa. 28. 4; 31. 1, 8; 2 Sa. 1. 6—21; 21. 12; 1 Chr. 10. 1, 8. Gilead, mountains of, Ge. 31. 21, Ac; De. 3. 12; Ju. 7. 3; Can. 4. 1. Cities of, Nu. 32. 26; De. 3. 12; Jos. 13. 25. Land of, Nu. 32. 1, 40: De. 3. 13; 34. 1; Jos. 12. 6; 13. 11; 22. 13; Ju. 10. 4; 2 Sa. 17. 26. Balm of: See Balm. Called Jabesh-gilead, Ju. 21. 8, 9,4c; 1 Sa. 11. 1, 9; 31. 11; 2 Sa. 2. 4, 4c; 21. 12. Prophetic allusions to, Je. 22. 6; 46. 11; 50. 19; Eze. 47. 18; Ho. 6. 8; 12. 11; Am. 1. 3, 13; Ob. 19; Mi. 7. 14; Zee 10. 10. Gilead, Manasseh's. grandson, Nu. 26. 29; Jephthah's father, Ju. 11. 1, 2. Gilgal, town of, Jos. 4. 19—24; 5. 9, 10; 9. 6; 10. 6; 14. 6; Ju. 2. 1; 3. 19; 1 Sa. 7. 16; 10. 8; 11. 14; 13. 7, .4c; 15. 12—33; 2 Sa. 19. 15, 40; 2 Ki. 2. 1; 4. 38; Ne. 12. 29. Allusions to. Ho. 4. 15; 9. 15; 12. 11; Am. 4. 4; 5. 5; Mi. 6. 5. Girdle, 1 Sa. 18. 4; 2 Sa. 18. 11; Pro. 31. 24; Eze. 23. 15; Ac. 21. 11. Materials of, Ex. 39. 29; 2 Ki. 1. 8; Is. 3. 24; Je. 13. 1; La. 2. 10; Eze. 16. 10; Mat. 3. 4; Ee. 1. 13; 15. 6. Uses of, 2 Sa. 20. 8; 1 Ki. 2. 5; 18. 46; 2 Ki. 4. 29; Ne. 4. 18; Job 12. 18, 21; Ps. 109. 19; Pro. 31. 17; Is. 22. 21; 23. 10, marg. ; Je. 13. 1, 11; Da. 6. 6, -marg. ,-. Mat. 10. 9; Lu. 12. 37; 17. 8; Jno. 13. 4; 21. 7. The priest's, Ex. 28. 4, 8, 39; 29. 9; Le. 8. 13. Figurative, Ps. 18. 39; 30. 11; Is. 11. 5; 22. 21; Ep. 6. 14. Girgashites, a tribe of the ancient Canaan- ites, Ge. 10. 16; 15. 21; De. 7. 1; Jos. 3. 10; 1 Chr. 1. 14; Ne. 9. 8. Gittites, inhabitants of Gath, 2 Sa. 6. 10; 15. 19, 22; 18. 2; 21. 19. Glass (a metallic mirror), Ex. 38. 8; Job87. 18; Is. 3. 23; 1 Co. 13. 12; 2 Co. 3. 18; Ja. 1. 23;— sea of, Ee. 4. 6; 15. 2. Gleaning, Le. 19. 9, 10; 23. 22; De. 24. 21; Ju. 8.S: 20. 45; Eu. 2. 2, 15, 4c; Is. 17. 6; 24. 13; Je. 49. 9; Mi. 7. 1. Gloryfying God, by praise. Ps. 33. 2, 3; 50. 23; 81. 1; 86. 12; Ro. 15. 6;— by love, rever ence, and obedience, De. 6. 5; Ps. 39. 9; 119. 11, 16, 33; 34; Mat. 5. 16; Jno. 15. 8; 17. 4; 1 Co. 6. 20; 10. 31; 2 Co. 4. 15; 1 Pe. 2. 12. Glory of God, visible appearance of, Ex. 3. 2—6; 13. 21; 19. 18; 24. 16; 33. 18—23; 34. 5 —7; 40. 34, 35; Le. 9. 23; Nu. 14. 10; 16. 19; 2 Chr. 7. 1—4; Eze. 8. 4; Ac. 7.55; Ee. 15. 8;— as displayed in his works, Ps. 19. 1; 111. 3; Is. 6. 3; Ro. 1. 20;— in the work of redemption, Jno. 12. 28; 13. 31; 14. 13; 16. 14; 2 Co. 3. 18; 4. 6; He. 1. 3. See under God. Gluttony, condemned, De. 21. 20; Pro. 23. GOA. THE BIBLE. GOD. 1—3, 20, 21; 25. 16; Ee 10. 16, 17; Mat. 24. 29; Lu. 21. 34; Phi. 3. 19; 1 Pe. 4. 3. Goads, Ju. 3. 31; 1 Sa. 13. 21; Ec. U. 11. Goats, Ge. 27. 9, 16; 30. 32, 4c; 32.14; 37. 31; Ex. 23. 19; De. 32. 14; 1 Sa. 25. 2; 2 Chr. 17. 11; Pro. 27. 26, 27; Mat. 25. 32. Offered in sacrifice, Le. 1. 10; 3. 12; 16. 5, 7; 22. 19; Nu. 7. 17, 4c; 15. 27; Ezr. 6. 17; Ps. 50. 9; Eze. 45. 23; He. 9. 12—19; 10. 4. Wild goats, De. 14.5; 1 Sa. 24. 2; Job 39. 1; Ps. 104. 18'. See Flocks. Scapegoat, the, Le. 16. 8—26. See Kids. Goat's Hair, Ex. 25. 4; 26. 7; 35. 6; 23. 26; 36. 14; Nu. 31. 20; 1 Sa. 19. 13, 16;— skins, He. 11. 37. God, His Nature : — Is One God, Ex. 20. 3; De. 4. 35, 39; 6. 7; 6. 4; 7. 9; 32. 39; 1 Sa. 2. 2; 2 Sa. 7. 22; 2 Ki. 19. 15; Ps. 86. 10; Is. 37. 16; 42. 8; 43. 10—12; 44. G—8; 45. S, 6, 18; 46. 5, 9, 10; Je. 10. 10; Zee 14. 9; Mai. 2. 10; Mar. 12. 29, 32; Jno. 17. 3; 21; 1 Co. 8. 4-6; Gal. 3. 20; Ep. 4. 6; 1 Ti. 2. 5. In Three Persons, Ge. 1. 26; 3. 22; 11. 7; Is. 61. 1, 2; 63. 7—10; Mat. 3. 16, 17; 28. 19; Jno. 10. 30; 14. 16, 17; Eo. 1. 4, 7; 8. 9; 1 Co. 12. 3—6; 2 Co. 13. 14; Gal. 4.6; Ep.4. 4—6; 2 Th. 3. 5; 1 Pe. 1. 2, 3; 1 Jno. 5. 7; Jude 20, 21. See Christ and Spirit of God. A Spirit and Invisible, Ex. 33. 20; Jno. 1. 18; 4. 24; 5. 37; 6. 46; Eo. 1. 20; 2 Co. 3. 17; Col. 1. 15; 1 Ti. 1. 17; 6. 16; He. 11. 27; 1 Jno. 4. 12. Eternal and Everlasting, De. 32. 40; 33. 27; Ps. 9. 7; 90. 2; 92. 8; 93. 2; 102. 12, 24,27; 104. 31; 113. 2; 135. 13; 145. 13; 146. 10; Is. 40. 28; 41. 4; 43. 10, 13; 44. 6; 57. 15; 63. 16; Je. 10. 10; La. 5. 19; Da. 4. 3, 31; Mi. 4. 7; Hab. 1. 12; Lu. 1. 33; Eo. 1. 20; 16. 26; 2 Co. 4. 18; 1 Ti. 1. 17; He. 1. 10, 12; 2 Pe. 3. 8; Ee. 1. 8, 11, 17; 4. 8, 9; 5. 14; 10. 5, 6; 11. 17; 15. 7; 22. 13. Unchangeable, Ex. 3. 11, 15; Nu. 23. 19; 1 Sa. 15. 29; Ps. 33. 11; 119. 89; Ec. 3. 16; La. 3. 22; Mai. 3. 5, 6; Ac. 4. 28; Eo. 1. 23; He. 6. 17, 18; 13. 8; Ja. 1. 17. Unsearchable, Job. 5. 8, 9; 9; 10, 11; 11. 7; 23. 8—13; 26. 13, 14; 36. 26; 37. 5, 23; Ps. 36. 6; 40. 5; 77. 19; 92. 5; 106. 2; 139. 6; 145. 3; Pro. 30. 4; Ec. 3. 11; 8. 17; 11. 5; Is. 28. 21; 40. 28; 45. 15; Je. 23. 23, 24; Mi. 4. 12; Eo. 11. 33—35; Ep. 3. 8; 1 Ti. 6. 16. Living and True, De. 5. 26; 7. 9; 32. 40; Jos. 3. 10; Eu. 3. 13; 1 Sa. 2. 2; 17. 26; Job 27. 2; Je. 10. 10; 23. 36; Da. 4. 34*. 6. 26; Mat. 16. 16; Jno. 1. 4; 5. 26; 6. 57TH. 25; 17. 3; Ac 14. 15; 2 Co. 6. 16; 1 Th. 1. 9; 1 Ti. 4. 10; He. 9. 14; 10. 31; Ee. 4. 9; 19. 11. Blessed, or Happy, Ps. 16. 11; 119. 12; Eo. 1. 25; 9. 5; 2 Co. 11. 31; 1 Ti. 1. 11; 6. 15- God, His Attributes :— Omnipotence, Ge. 17. 1; 18. 14; 28. 3; 35. 11; Ex. 15. 7; De. 3. 24; 7. 21; 32. 39; 1 Sa. 14. 6; Job 19. 6—12; 37. 23; 40. 2, 9; 42. 2; Ps. 62. 11; 68. 35; 89. 8, 13; 135. 6; 145. 12; Is. 14. 24, 25; 26. 4; 28. 2; 29. 16; 40. 12—15, 28; Je. 32. 17, 27; Da. 3. 17. 28; 4. 35; Mat. 9. 6; 19. 26; Mar. 10. 27; Lu. 1. 37; Eo. 1. 20; 14. 4; Ep. 3. 20; Ee. 15. 3; 19. 6; 21. 22. Omniscience, Ge. 18. 18, 19; 25. 23; Ex. 3. 19; De. 31. 21; 1 Sa. 2. 3; 16. 7; 1 Ki. 8. "" 22. 22; 2 Ki. 8. 12, 13; 1 Chr. 28. 9; Job 9. 11; .12. 22; 21. 22; 26. 6; 28. 10, 24; 34. 21; 37. 16; Ps. 33. 13, 14; 44. 21; 94. 9, 11; 139. 1—16; 147. 5; Pro. 5. 21; 15. 11; Ib.29. 15, 16; Je. 16. 17; 17. 10; 20. 12; 23. 24; 32. 19; Eze. 11. 5; Da. 2. 22, 28; Am. 4. 13; Mat. 6. 4, 6, 8, 18; 9. 4; 10. 29; 12. 25; Mar. 5. 30; 12. 15; Lu. 16. 15; Jno. 2. 24; 6. 61, 64; IS. 1—3, 11; 16. 19; 18. 4; Ac 15. 8, 18; Ro. 8. 27—29; 1 Co. 3. 20; He. 4. 12; 1 Jno. 3. 20. Omnipresence, 1 Ki. 8. 27; 2 Chr. 6. 18; 16. 9; Job 28. 10,23, 24; 31. 4; 34. 21, 22; Ps. 11. 4, 5; 33. 13—15; 139. 7—11; Pro. 15. 3, 11; Is. 40. 22; 66. 1; Je. 23. 23, 24; 32. 19; Ac. 7. 49; 17. 27; Ep. 1. 23. Sovereignty, Ge. 14. 22; Ex. 9. 16; 33. 19; Nu. 16. 22; De. 4. 19; 10. 14; 11. 14, 17; 32. 8, 39; 1 Sa. 2. 6, 7; 1 Chr. 29. II, 12; Job 1. 21; 9. 7; 12. 9, 23; 34. 14, 15; 37. 5, See.; Ps. 5. 12; 10. 16; 22. 28; 59. 13; 65. 9, 10; 68. 20; 75. 7; 103. 20; 104. 19, 24; 113. 7, 9; 119. 91; 135. 6; 148. 8; Pro. 8. 15, 16; 16. 1, 3; 19. 21; 21. 31; Ec. 9. 1; Is. 6. 3; 33. 22; 40. 15; 44. 7; 45. 9; 46. 10; Je. 10. 13; 18. 7, 9; 32. 17; 33. 25; Da. 2. 21—44; 4. 17, 35; 5. 23; 6. 27; Am. 3. 6; 5.8; Mat. 6. 26; 10. 29; Lu. 10. 21; Ro. 8. 28; Ep. 1. 11; 1 Ti. 6. 15; He. 1. 8; 12. 23; Ja. 1. 17; 4. 12; IPe. 3. 22. Truth and Faithfulness, Ex. 34. 0; Nu. 23. 19; De. 4. 31; 7. 9; Jos. 21. 43—45; 23. 14; 1 Sa. 15. 29; 2 Sa. 7. 28; 23. 5; 1. Ki. 8. 56; Ps. 19. 9; 36. 5; 89. 5, 33; 105. 8; 108. 4; 111. 5, 8; 119. 89. 90; 146. 6; Is. 25. 1; 31. 2: 46. 11; 65. 16; Je. 4. 28; La. 2. 17; 3. 23; Eze. 12. 25; Ro. 3. 4; 1 Co. 1. 9; 10. 13; 15. 58; 2 Co. 1. 18, 20; 2 Ti. 2. 13; Tit. 1. 2; He. 6. 18; 10. 23; 11. 11; 1 Pe. 4. 19; 2 Pe. 3. 9, 13; 1 Jno. 1. 9; Re. 6. 10; 15. 3. Holiness, Ex. 3. 5; 15. 11; Le. 11. 44, 45; 19. 2; 20. 26; 21. 8; Jos. 5. 14, 15; 24. 19; 1 Sa. 2. 2; 6. 20; Job 15. 15; 34. 10; Ps. 5. 4; 89. 18; 99. 9; 111. 9; 145. 17; Pro. 30. 5; Is. 6. 3; 43. 14, 15; 63. 15, 18; Eze. 39. 7; Hab. 1. 13; Mai. 2. 17; Jno. 17. 11; Ja. 1. 13; 2 Jno. 3. 3; Re. 4. 8; 15. 4. Wisdom, Job 9. 4; 36. 5; Ps. 92. 5; 104. 24; 147. 4, 5; Is. 28. 29; Ro. 16. 27; 1 Co. 1. 24, 25, 30; Col. 2. 3; 1 Ti. 1. 17. Justice, Ge. 18. 25; De. 24. 16; 32. 4; Ne. 9. 33; Job 4. 17; 8. 3; 34. 7—19; 35. 14; 37. 23; Ps. 9. 8; 11. 7; 33. 5; 89. 14; 129. 4; Is. 45. 21; Je. 9. 24; 12. 1; La. 1. 18; Eze. 18. 6, 4c; 33. 8, 4e; Da. 9. 14; Zep. 3. 5; Lu. 12. 47, 48; Ac. 17. 31; Ro. 2. 2, 5; 3. 5, 6; He. 6. 10; 1 Jno. 1. 9; Re. 15. 3; 19. 1, 2. Goodness and Mercy, Ge. 19. 16; Ex. 20. 6; 34. 6; Nu. 14. 18; De. 4. 31; Ju. 2. 18; 10. 16, 16; 1 Chr. 16. 34; 2 Chr. 20. 21; 30. 9; Ne. 9. 17, 31; Ps. 25. 8; 36. 5; 57. 10; 78. 38, 39; 86. 5, 15; 100. 5; 103. 8, 11, 13, 17; 108. 4; 111. 4; 116. 5; 118. 1—4; 119. 64; 136. 1, 4c; 145. 8, 9; Is. 30. 18; Je. 3. 12; La. 3. 22, 23; Da. 9. 9; Ho. 11. 8, 9; Joel 2. 13; Jon. 4. 2; Mi. 7. 18; Lu. 1. 50; Ep. 2. 4, 7; Ja. 5. 11; 2Pe. 3. 9, 15. Love, De. 7. 7, 8; Is. 63. 9; Je. 31. 3; Ho. 3. 1; 11. 4; Mai. 1. 2; Jno. 15. 13; Eo. 5. 8; 8. 35, 39; 2 Co. 13. 11; Ep. 3. 19; Tit. 3. 4; 1 Jno. 3. 1; 4. 7,8, 16. God, the sole object of Worship, Ex. 23. 24, 25; 34. 14; De. 6. 13—15; 10. 12, 14, 20; 11. 1, 16; 1 Sa. 7. 3; 12. 24; 1 Chr. 16. 29; 29 GOD. INDEX TO GBI. Ne. 9. 6; Ps. 5. 7; 22. 27—30; 29. 2; 66. 4; 72. 19; 81. 9, 10; 86. 9; 95. 3, 6, 7; 96. 4, 6 —9; 97. 1, 7—9; 99. 5, 8; 100. 2, 3; 150. 6; Is. 37. 20; 42. 8; Ho. 13. 4; Mat. 4. 10; Jno. 4. 20, 24; 9. 38; 1 Co. 8. 4, 6; 1 Ti. 2. 5; Ee. 5. 12—14; 15. 4; 19. 6, 10; 22. 9. Of Fear, Ge. 22. 12; Ex. 1. 17, 20, 21; 14. 31; De. 5. 29; 10. 12—14, 17; 31. 11—13; Jos. 4. 24; IChr. 16. 25; Job. 1. 1, 8; 13. 7,8, 11; Ps. 76. 6—8; 89. 7; 96. 4—6, 9; 115 13; 128. 1, 4c; Is. 8. 13; Je. 5. 21—24; Jon. 1. 9, 16; Mat. 10.28; Ac 9. 31; 10. 2, 35; 13. 26; He. 10. 31; 12. 21, 28, 29; Ee. 15. 3, 4. See also Fear of God. Of Trust, 1 Sa. 2. 2; 2 Sa. 22. 2, 4c. ; Job 5. 8; 13. 15; Ps. 2. 12; 3. 5, 6; 4. 8; 11. 1; Id. 2, 31; 20. 7; 22. 4,' 5; 28. 7; 33. 16—21; 40. 4; 52. 7, 8; 55. 22; 56. 3, 4, 11; 60. 11; 118. 8, 9; Pro. 3. 5, 6; 16. 3, 9, 20; 19. 21; 21. 30, 31; 29. 25, 26: Is. 12. 2; 49. 23; 25. 4; 26. 3—5; 31. 1, 3; 57.13: Je. 17. 5, 6, 4c. ; 39. 18; Da. 3. 17, 28; Hab! 3. 17—19; Mat. 6. 25, 26, 28—30; Jno. 14. 1; Bo.«. 31; 2 Co. 1. 9, 11); Ep. 1. 12, 13; Phi. 4. 6; 1 Pe. 5. 7. Of Love, Ex. 20. 2, 6; De. 6. 4, 5; 7. 9; 10. 12; 11. 1, 13, 22; 13. 3; Jos. 22. 5; Ps. 31. 23; 116. 1; Mat. 10. 37; 22. 37—40; Lu. 14. 26; Eo.6. 5; 1 Co. 8. 3; 16. 22; 2 Th. 3. 5; 1 Jno. 4. 16, 18—20; 5. 2. Of Prayer. See Prayer. Of Obedience Ge. 22. 16—18; 26. 4, 5; Ex. 15. 26; 19. 5—8; 20. 6; 24. 3, 7; De. 6. 3; 26. 16—18; 28. 1, Ac; Jos. 22. 5; 1 Sa. 12. 11; 15. 22, 23; Ps. 119. 4, 6, 8, 32. 97, 119. 126, 136, 158, 167, Pro. 1. 24—26, 30, 31; Is. 4i<. 17, 18; Mat. 5. 18—20; 7. 21, 24—27; 12. 50; Lu. 12. 47; Jno. 9. 31; 13. 17: 14. 13, 21. 23; 15. 10, 14; 1 Co. 7. 19; Ja. 1. 23—25; 1 Jno. 6. 2, 3; Re. 22. 14. Godliness, Ps. 4. 3; 73. 25; 104. 1; 1 Ti. 2. 2, 10; 4. 7, 8; 6. 3, 4c; 2 Ti. 3. 12; Tit. 1. 1; 2 Pe. 1. 3, 6; 2. 12; 3. 11. Gods, applied to men, Ex. 22. 28; Ps. 82. 1; 138. 1; Jno. 10. 34; 1 Co. 8. 5. Of the heathen. See Idols. Gog and Magog, Eze. 38. 2; 39. 1, 6; Ee. 20.8. Gold, Job 23. 10; 28. 1, 6; Ps. 19. 10; 21. 3; Zee 4. 2; 6. 11; 1 Pe. 1. 7, 18; Re. 21. 18, 21. Used in the tabernacle and temple, Ex. 25; 26; 1 Ki. 6. 20, Ao.; 7. 48, Ac;— for ornaments, Ge. 24. 22; 41. 42; Ju. 8. 21, 26; 2 Sa. 1. 24; Pro. 25. 12; Can. 5. 14; Je. 4. 30; Ja.2. 2;— for idolatrous figures, Ex. 20. 23; 32. 2—4; Ju. 8. 24—27; Ps. 115. 4; Da. 3. 1, Ac; 5. 4. See Refining. Goldsmith. See Trades and Profes sions. Golgotha, Mat. 27. 33; Mar. 13. 22; Jno. 19. 17. Goliath, a Philistine giant, 1 Sa. 17. 4, Ac; 2 Sa. 21. 19; 1 Chr. 20. 5;— his sword, 1 Sa. 21. 9; 22. 10. Gomer, Japheth's son, Ge. 10. 2; 1 Chr. 1. 5, 6; Eze. 38. 6. Gommorrah. See Sodom. Gopher Wood, Ge. 6. 14. Goshen, a province of Egypt, Ge. 45. 10; 46. 34; 47. 4, 6, 27; Ex. 8. 22; 9. 26. In Canaan, Jos. 10. 41; 11. 16; 15. 51. Gospel, good tidings of salvation through Jesus Christ, Mar. 1. 15; Lu. 2. 10, 11; Jno. 3. 14—19; Ac. 4. 12; 10. 43; 20. 32; Ro. 1. 1, 16; 11. 28; 15. 16—29; 16. 25; 1 Co. 1. 18; 4. 15; 2 Co. 4. 3, 4; 9. 13; 11. 4; Gal. 1. 8, 11; Ep. 1. 13; 3. 6; 6. 15, 19; Phi. 1. 27; Col. 1. 5, 23; 1 Th. 1. 5; 2 Th. 2. 14; 1 Ti. 1. 11; 2 Ti. 1. 10; 2. 8. The preaching of, Mat. 4. 23; 9. 35; 11. 5; 24. 14; 26. 13; Mar. 1. 14; 16. 15; Lu. 4. 18; 9. 6; 20. 1; Ac. 8. 25; 14. 7, 21; 16. 10; 20. 24; Ro. 10. 15; 15. 19, 20; 1 Co. 1. 17; 9. 14, 16, 18; 2 Co. 11. 7; Gal. 4. 13; Col. 1.23; 1 Th. 2. 9; He. 4. 2; 1 Pe. 1. 12, 25; 4. 6; Re. 14. 6;— to Abraham, Ge. 22. 18; Gal. 3. 8. Its rapid spread, Mar. 4. 30 — 32; Jno. 12. 32; Ac 2. 41; 4. 4; 6. 7; 12. 24; 13. 49; 19 20. Will be preached to all, Ps. 2. 8; 22. 27; 72. 8, 11, 17; 86. 9; Is. 2. 2, 3; 40. 4, 5; 42. 1, 4— 7; 49. 6; Hab. 2. 14; Mai. 1. 11; Mat. 8. 11; 24. 14; Re. 10. 18. Gourd, 2 Ki. 4. 39; Jon. 4. 6—10. Gozan, river of, 2 Ki. 17. 6; 18. 11; 19. 12; 1 Chr. 6. 26. Grace, favour, Est. 2. 17; 2 Co. 8. 6; come liness, Pro. 1. 9; 3. 22; 4. 9; Ja. 1. 11. Grace of God, Ps. 84. 11; Zee. 12. 10; Jno. 1. 14, 17; Ro. 1. 7; 5. 15; 15. 15; 16. 20, 24; 1 Co. 1. 3, 4; 3. 10; Gal. 1. 3; 2 Ti. 1. 9; 2. 1; Ja. 4. 6; 1 Pe. 5. 5, 10; He. 22. 21. Its nature, Mat. 11. 25; 20. 16; Ro. 3. 24; 5. 8, 21; 9. 15, 16: 11. 6; 2 Co. 9. 14; 12. 9; Ep. 1. 6; 2. 7; 1 Ti. 1. 14; 1 Pe. 4. 10; 5. 12. Its effects, Lu. 2. 40; Jno. 6. 44; Ac. 4. 33, Ac; 11. 23; 18.27; Ro.3. 24; 6.21; 11.5; 1 Co. 3. 6; 15. 10; 2 Co. 1. 12; 4. 15; 9. 8; Gal. 1. 15; Col. 4. 6; 2 Th. 1. 11, 12; 2. 16; Tit. 3. 7; He. 13. 9, 21; 1 Jno. 4. 10. The gospel so called, Jno. 1. 17; Ac. 1!. 3; 20. 24, 32; Ro. 5. 2; 2 Co. 6. 1; Tit. 2. 11. Graff, or Graft, Ro. 11. 17, 19, 23; Ja. 1. 21. Grapes, Ge. 40. 10; Le. 19. 10; 25. 6, 11; Nu. 6. 3; 13. 23, 24; De. 23.24; 24. 21; Can. 2. 13; Is. 18. 6; Mat. 7. 16; wild, Is. 5. 2. See Vines and Wines.' Grass, emblematic of man's frailty, 2 Ki. 19. 26; Ps. 37. 2; 90. 6; 102. 4; 103. 15; 129. 6; Is. 37. 27; 40. 6, 7; Ja. 1. 10, 11 ; 1 Pe. 1. 24. Grasshopper, Le. 11.22; Nu. 13.33; Ju. 6. 5; 7. 12; Job 39. 20; Ec. 12. 5; Is. 40. 22; Am. 7. 1; Na. 3. 17. See Locust. Grave, a place of sepulchre, Ge. 35. 20; 60. 5; 2 Sa. 3. 32; 1 Ki. 13. 30; Ps. 141. 7; Is. 63. 9; 65. 4; Mat. 27. 62; Lu. 11. 44; Jno. 11. 17, Ac. See Burial and Sepulchre. The abode or state of the dead, Job 3. 22; 7. 9; 14. 13; 24. 19; 33. 22; Ps. 6. 5; 30. 3; 49. 15; 89. 48; Ec. 9. 10; Jno. 5. 28. See Hei*. The Christian's triumph over, Job 19. 26 — 27; Ps. 49. 15; Is. 38. 16; Ho. 13. 14; 1 Co. 15. 55. Graven Image. See Idols. Gravity commended, 1 11. 3. 4, 8, 11; Tit. 2. 2, 7. Greaves, 1 Sa. 17. 6. See Armour. . Greece, Ac. 20. 2; — prophecies concerning, Da. 6. 21; 10. 20; 11. 2; Zee. 9. 13. Greeks, a name for Gentiles in general, Ac. 19. in; 20. 21; Ro. 1. 16; 1 Co. 1. 22, 23., See Jno. 12. 20; Ac 14. 1; 17. 4, 12. Greetings, or Salutations, 1 Sa, 25. 5; 2 Sa. 20. 9; Mat. 23. 7; Lu. 11. 43; Ao; 15. 23; Ro. 16. 3, Ac; 1 Co. 16. 20, Ac; Ja. 1. 1. Grief, to be moderated, 2 Sa. 12. 20; 1 Co. 7. 30; 1 Th. 4. 13. See Sorrow. 30 GRI. THE BIBLE. HAB. Grinding corn. See Mill-stonks. Groves, places for idol worship, Ex. 34. 13; De. 12. 3; 16. 21; Ju. 3. 7; 6. 25; 1 Ki. 14. 15; 15. 13; 16. 33; 18. 19; 2 Ki. 17. 16; 18. 4; 21. 3; 23. 4; Is. 17. 8; Mi. 5. 14. Guide, God is to his people, 2 Chr. 32. 22; Ps. 25. 9; 31. 3; 32. 8; 48. 14; 73. 24; 78. 52; 119. 105; Is. 40. 11; 42. 16; 48. 17; 49. 10; 58. 11; Je. 3.4; Lu. 1. 79; 1 Th. 3. 11. Guile, forbidden, Eze. 21. 14; Ps. 32. 2; 34. 13; 1 Pe. 2. 1; 3. 10; Ee. 14. 5. See Ps. 55. 11; Jno. 1. 47; 2 Co. 12. 16; 1 Th. 2. 3; 1 Pe. 2. 22. See Deceit. Habakkuk, a prophet, Hab. 1. 1, 4c; his prayer, 3. 1, 4c Habergeon, or coat of mail, Ex. 28. 32; Job 41. 26. See Armour. Habitations, or dwellings,— tents. Ge. 12. 8; 18. 1; Ju. 4. 17, Ac; 2 Sa. 16. 22; 1 Ki. 20. 12; Can. 1. 5; Is. 38. 12; 40. 22; Je. 35. 7; Ac 18. 3. Cottages, or booths, Job 27. 18; Is. 1. 8; 24. 20; Jon. 4. 5; Zep. 2. 6. Houses, Ge. 19. 3; Le. 14. 45; 1 Sa. 9. 26: 2 Sa. 11. 2; Job 24. 16; Pro. 9. 1; 21. 9; Is. 22. 1; Je. 22. 14; 36. 22; Eze. 13. 10; Am. 3. 15; 6. 11; Mar. 2. 4; Lu. 6. 48. See Interior of, Ge. 43. 30; 1 Ki. 20. 30; 22. 25; 2 Ki. 1. 4; 4. 10; 11. 2; Ne. 13. 5; Da. 6. 10; Mat. 23. 6; Mar. 14. 15; Lu. 11. 7; 14. 7; Ac. 9. 37; 20. 9. Hadad, the Edomite, Ge. 36. 35, 36; 1 Ki. 11. 14, Ac; 1 Chr. 1 30. Hadadezer, king of Zobah, 2 Sa. 8. 3, 4c; 10. 16; 1 Ki. 11. 23; 1 Chr. 18. 3—8. Hagar, Ishmael's mother, Ge. 16. 1, 4c. ; 21. 9—21; Gal. 4. 22, 4c; (Agar). Her descendants, Ge. 25. 12; 1 Chr. 5. 10, 20; Ps. 83. 6. Haggai, a prophet, Ezr. 5. 1, 4c; 6. 14; Hag. 1. 1, Ac. Hail, storms of, Ex. 9. 18, 23>Jos. 10. 11; Ps. 18. 12; 78. 47, 48; 105. 32; 148>«; Hag. 2. 17; Re. 8. 7; 11. 19; 16. 21. Predicted, Is. 28. 2, 17; 30. 30; Eze. 13. 11; 38 22 v Hair of the head, Job 4. 15; Can. 4. 1; Is. 3. 34; Mat. 5. 36; 10. 30; Jno. 11. 2; 1 Co. 11. 14, 15; 1 Ti. 2. 9; 1 Pe. 3. 3. The leper's, Le. 13. 3, Ac; 14. 8, 9. The Nazarite's, Nu. 6. 5, 19; Ju. 16. 17, 19, 20. Absalom's, 2 Sa. 14. 26. Grey or hoary hairs, Ge. 42. 38; Le. 19. 32; De. 32.25; 1 Sa. 12. 2; Ps. 71. 18; Pro. 16. 31; Is. 46. 4; Ho. 7. 9. Ham, Noah's youngest son, Ge. 5. 32; '9. 22. His descendants, Ge. 10. 6; 1 Chr. 1. 8; 4. 20; Ps. 105. 23. Hainan, Est. 3. 1, 4c Hamath, a city and province of Syria, Nu. 34. 8; Jos. 13. 5; Ju. 3. 3; 2 Sa. 8. 9; 2 Ki. 14. 28; 17. 24; 18. 34; 2 Chr. 8. 3, 4; Is. 37. 13; Je. 49. 23; Eze. 47. 16; Zee 9. 2. Hamar, prince of Shechem, Ge. 33. 19; 34. 2, 6—26; Jos. 24. 32; Ju. 9. 28. Hanameel, Jeremiah's kinsman, Je. 32. 7—9, 12;— tower of, Ne. 3. 1; 12. 39; Je. 31. 38; Zee 14. 10. Hanani, a prophet, 2 Chr. 16. 7;— Nehe- miah's brother, Ne. 1. 2; 7. 2; 12. 36. Hand of the Lord,— his power, Ex. 6. 1; Nu. 11. 23; Is. 59. 1; Lu. 1. 66; Ac. 4. 28, 30. His favour, 2 Chr. 30. 12; Ezr. 7. 9; 8. 18, 22, 31; Ne. 2. 8; Ps. 37. 24; 104. 28; Jno. 10. 28, 29. His chastisement, Ex. 9. 3; 16.3; Ju 2. 15; 1 Sa. 5. 11; Job 19. 21; Ps. 32. 4; 38. 2; 106. 26; 1 Pe. 5. 6. See Arm of the Lord. Hands, laying on of— in blessing, Ge. 48. 14; Mat. 19. 13, 15; Mar. 10. 16;— in dedi cating, Ex. 29. 10; Le. 1. 4;— in ordaining, Nu. 8. 10; 27. 18; De. 34. 9; Ac 6. 6; 13. 3; 1 Ti. 4. 14; 5. 22; 2 Ti. 1. 6;— in working miracles, Mar. 6. 5; 8. 23, 25; 16. 18; Lu. 5. 13: 13. 13; Ac. 9. 17; 28. 8;— in impart ing the Holy Ghost, Ac 6. 6; 8. 17; 9. 17; 19. 6; 2 Ti. 1. 6; lie. 6. 2. Lifting up of, in prayer, Ex. 17. 11; Ps. 28. 2; 63. 4; 88. 9; 134. 2; 141. 2; 143. 6; La. 2. 19; 3. 41; Lu. 24. 50; 1 Ti. 2. 8;— in swear ing, Ge. 14. 22. Washing of, De. 21. 6, 7; 2 Ki. 3. 11; Ps. 26. 6; 73. 13; Mat. 15. 2; 27. 24; Mar. 7. 3. Hanging, death by, intamy of, Nu. 25. 4; De. 21. 23; Gal. 3. 13. , Instances of, Ge. 40. 19, 22; Jos. 8. 29; 10. 26; 2 Sa. 4. 12; 17. 23; 21. 8; Est. 2. 23; 7. 10; 9. 14; Mat. 27. 5. Hannah, Samuel's mother, 1 Sa. 1. 2, 4c; her song, 2. 1, 4c Hanum, the Ammonite, 2 Sa. 10. 1, 4c; 1 Chr. 19. 2, See. Happiness, of God's people, De. 33. 29; Job 5. 17; Ps. 1. 1, Ac; 32. 1; 36. 8; 40. 4; 63. 5; 65. 4; 73. 25; 106. 3; 112. 1; 119. 1; 128. 1; 144. 15; 146. 6; Pro. 3. 13; 28. 14; 29. 18; Is. 56. 2; Mat. 5. 3, 4c; Lu. 6. 20; 11. 28; 12. 43; Jno. 13. 17; Ro. 4. 7; 14. 22; Ja. 1. 12; 5. 11; 1 Pe. 3. 14; 4. 14; Re. 14. 13. Of Heaven. See Heaven. Of the wicked, is transitory and false, Job 20. 5; 21. 13; Ps. 17. 14; 37. 1. 2, 35, 36; 73. 17—20; Pro. 14. 13; Ec. 2. 1; 7. 6; Is. 22. 13; Lu. 12. 20; 16. 19—25. Haran, Abraham's brother, Ge. 11. 26—31. Land of, Ge. 11. 32; 12. 4, 5; 27. 43; 28. 10; 29. 4; 2 Ki. 19. 12. Hardness of heart, warnings against, De. 15. 7; 1 Sa. 6. 6; 2 Chr. 3U. 8; Ps. S)6. 8; Mar. 16. 14: He. 3. 8. Results of, Ex. 7. 13; 8. If; Pro. 28. 14; 29. 1'; Da. 5. 20; Mar. 6. 52; Jno. 12. 40; Ro. 1. 24, 26, 28; 2. 5; 11. 7, 8. Harlots, Ge. 34. 31; Le. 19. 29; 21. 7, 14; De. 23. 17; 1 Ki. 3. 16; Pro. 29. 3; Is. 57. 3; Je. 3. 3; 5. 7; Mat. 21. 31, 32; 1 Co. 6. 15. Figurative, Is. 1. 21; Je. 2. 20; Eze. 16. 1, 4c; 23. 1, 4c; Ho. 2. 1, 4c; Re. 17. 1, 4c Harmlessness enjoined, Ps. 34. 14; 120. 7; Pro. 25. 17; 30. 10; Mat. 5. 9, 39; 10. 16; Ro. 12. 18, 19; 16. 19; Phi. 2. 15; ITh. 4. 11; 2 Th. 3. 11, 12; He. 12. 14; Ja. 3. 14, 15, 17, 18. Harps, Ge. 4. 21; 1 Sa. 16. 16. 23; 1 Ki. 10. 12; Ps. 137. 2; Da. 3. 5; 1 Co. 14. 7; Re. 5. 8. " Used in rejoicing, Ge. 31. 27; Job 21. 12; Is. 5. 12; 24. 8;— in prophesying, 1 Sa. 10. 5; 1 Chr. 25. 3; Ps. 49. 4;— in praising God. 2 Sa. 6. 5; Ps. 33. 2; 43. 4; 57. 8; 81. 2; 108. 2; 150. 3; Re. 14. 2. See also Job 30. 31; Is. 16. 11; 30. 32; Eze. 26. 13; Re. 18. 22. Hart, the, De. 14. 5; 15. 22; 1 Ki. 4. 23; Ps. 42. 1; Is. 35. 6; La. 1. 6. See Hind. Harvest and Harvesting, Ge. 8. 22; 30. 14; 31 HAT. INDEX TO BEL. Ex. 23. 16; Eu. 1. 22; 2. 3, 4c. ; 1 Sa. 6. 13; 12. 17; 2 Sa. 23. 13; Job 5. 5; Ps. 126. 6; Pro. 6. 8; 26. 1; Is. 9. 3; 18. 5; Je.5. 17,24; 8. 20; 9. 22; 50. 16. See Gleaning. Spiritualized, Je. 8. 20; 51. 33; Ho. 6. 11; Joel 3. 13; Mat. 9. 37,38; 13.30,39; Mar. 4. 29; Lu. 10. 2; Jno. 4. 35; Ee. 14. 15. Hatred, condemned, Le. 19. 17, 18; De. 19. 11; Est. 5. 9-13; Pro. 3. '30, 31; 10. 12; 16. 17; 26. 24, 25; Mat. 5. 43, 44; Mar. 6. 18, 19; Ro. 1. 29; 1 Co. 14. 20; Ja. 1. 19, 20; 1 Jno. 3. 15; 4. 20. See Envy and Malice. Hatred of sin enjoined, Ps. 97. 10; 101. 3; 119. 104, 113, 128, 163; 139. 21, 22; Pro. 8. 13; Am. 5. 15; Eo. 12. 9; Re. 2. 6. Haughtiuess, condemned, 2 Sa. 22. 28; Ps. 131. 1; Pro. 16. 18; 18. 12; 21. 24; Is. 2. 11, 17; 3. 16; 13.. 11; Eze. 16. 50. See Pride. Haven, a sea-port, Ge. 49. 13; Ps. 107. 30; Ac. 27. 8, 12. Havilah, Gush's son.Ge.lO. 7;— country of, Ge. 25. 18; 1 Sa. 16. 7. nawk, the, Le. 11. 16; De. 14. 15; Job 39. 26. Hazael, king of Syria, 1 Ki. 19. 15—17; 2 Ki. 8. 7—15, 28, 29; 9. 14; 10. 32; 12. 17, 18; 13. 3, 22, Ac; 2 Chr. 22. 5, 6; Am. 1. 4. Hazeroth, Nu. 11. 35; 12. 16; 33. 17, 18. Hazor, city of, Jos. 11. 10; 15. 23; 19. 36; Ju. 4. 2; IKi. 9. 15; 2Ki. 15. 29; Je.49. 30,33. Head of the Church, Christ, Jno. 10. 16; Ep. 1. 10, 22, 23; 6. 23, 27, 32; Col. 1. 18. Heads of the people (rulers!, Ex. 18. 26; Nu. 1. 16; 25. 4; Jos. 23. 2;-l Chr. 12. 32; 2 Chr. 5. 2; 28. 12; Ps. 110. 6; Mi. 3. 1, 9, 11. Health, bodily, Ge. 43. 28; De. 34. 7; 2 Sa. 20. 9; Ps. 91. 5—7; Is. 33. 24; Je. 30. 17; 33. 6; Ac. 27. 34; Phi. 2. 27; 1 Ti. 5. 23. Spiritual, Ps. 42. 11; 43.6; 67. 2: Pro. 3. 8; 12.18; 13.17; 16.24; Is. 58. 8; Je. 8.15,22; 3 Jno.- 2; Re. 22. 2. Heart of man, unrenewed, Ge. 6. 6; 8. 21; Ps. 12. 2; 28. 3; 53. 1-3; 64. 6; 119. 70: Pro. 6. 18; 10. 20; 26. 23; 28.26; Ec.9. 3; Is. 44. 20; Je. 5. 23; 9. 26; 17. 9: 49. 16; Eze. 11. 19; Mat. 12. 35; 15. 18, 19; Lu. 6. 45; Ro. 1. 21; 2. 5; 8. 7; 2 Co. 3. 15; Ep. 4. 18; He. 3. 12. llenewed, De. 5. 29; 30. 6; 1 Sa. 2. 1; 2Chr. 19. 3; Ezr. 7. 10; Ne. 9. 8; Ps. 9. 1; 10. 17; 24. 4; 27. 8; 34. 18; 51. 17; 57. 7; 73. 1; 84. 2; 97. 11; 112. 7; 119. 10; Is. 57. 15; 61. 1; 66. 2; Je. 24. 7; Eze. 11. 19; 18. 31; 36. 26; Zee. 10. 7; Mat. 5. 8; 12. 35; Lu. 6. 45; 8. 15; Ac. 2. 46; 4. 32; 15. 9; Col. 3. 22; 1 Ti. 1. 5; 2 Ti. 2. 22; He. 10. 22; 1. Pe. 1. 22. Judicially hardened, Ex. 4. 21; 7. 13; 8. 15; 9. 12; De. 2. 30; Jos. 11. 20; Ps. 81. 12; 105. 25; Is. 6. 10; Je. 6. 3; 7. 26; Mar. 6. 52; Jno. 12. 40; Ro. 1. 24; 9. 17, 18; 11. 7, 10; 2 Co. 4. 3, 4; Ep. 4. 18, 19; 2 Th. 2. 10—12. God knows and tries, 1 Sa. 1. 13; 16. 7; 1 Ki. 10. 24; 1 Chr. 28. 9; 29. 17; Ps. 7. 9; 26. 2; 44. 21; 139. 2, 3, 23; Pro. 16. 1, 9; 17. 3; 21. 2; 24. 12; Je. 11. 20; 12. 3; 17. 10; 20. 12; Mar. 2. 8; Ac 1. 24; Bo; 8. 27; 1 Th. 2. i; Tie. 4. 12; Ee. 2. 23. Is in God's hand, 1 Sa. 10. 9, 26; 1 Chr. 29. 18; Ezr. 6. 22; 7. 27; Ne. 2. 12; Job 23. 16; Ps. 27, 14; Pro. 16. 1, 9; 21. 1; Je. 20. 9; Eze. 36. 26; Ac. 16. 14; 2 Co. 4. 6. See 1 Sa. 7. 3; 1 Ki. 8. 61; Ps. 4. 4; 90. 12; Pro. 2. 2; 4. 23; 12. 25; 13. 12; 14. 10; 15. 13, 15; 17. 22; 23. 26; 1 Jno. 3. 20. Heathen, Gentiles, idolaters, Le. 25. 44; 2 Ki. 16. 3; 17. 8, 11; Ezr. 6. 21; Ne. 6. 16; Ps. 2. 1; 9. 19; 33. 10; 135. 15; Je. 10. 2; Joel 3. 11, 12; Mat. 6. 7; 18. 17; Eo. 1. 19 —32; 2. 12—16; Gal. 2. 9; 3. 8. Heaven, the visible firmament, Ge. 1. 1,8, 14, 20; 7. 11; 19. 24; 27. 28; Le. 26. 19; De. 4. 11,19; 9.1; 11.11,17; 28.12,23; IKi. 8. 35; 18. 45; Ps. 19. 6; 103. 11; 147. 8; Is. 40. 12; La. 4. 19; Eze. 32. 7; Joel 2. 30; Am. 9. 6; Mat. 16. 1; 24. 30, 31,35; Mar. 13. 31; Lu. 21. 26. God's immediate presence or throne, Ex. 20.22; De. 3. 24; 10. 14; Jos. 2. 11; IKi. 8. 27, 30; 2 Ki. 2. 1, 11; Ps. 2. 4; 11. 4; 89. 6; 115. 3; 123. 1; 139.8; Is. 6. 1; 66. 1; Eze. 1. 1; Mat. 6. 9; Mar. 16. 19; Lu. 3. 21, 22; Jno. i. 13; 6. 38; 12. 28; Ac. 1. 11; 3. 21; 7.49,56; He. 8. 1; Re. 4. 2, Ac. Its inhabitants, angels, Job 16. 15; Ps. 89. 5; Is. 14. 12; Da. 4. 13; 23, 35; 8. 13; Mat. 18. 10; 22. 30; 24. 36; Mar. 12. 25; Lu. 2. 15; 10. 18; Gal. 1. 8; 2 Th. 1. 7; He. 5. 11; 19. 14;-the redeemed, 2 Ki. 2. 1, 11; Ps. 17. 15; Mat. 5. 3, 12; 7. 21; 25. 34; Jno. 14. 2; 2 Co. 5. 1, 2; Col. 1 5; He. 10. 34; 1 Pe. 1. 4; Re. 7. 9—17; 22. 1. 4c. Itshappiness, Ps. 16. 11; Da. 12.3; Mat. 5. 12; 13. 43; 16. 27; Lu. 12. 43; 19. 17; Jno. 12. 26; 14. 2; 17. 21; 1 Co. 2. 9; 13. 12; 15. 41; 2 Co. 9. 6; 1 Pe. 1. 4; Re. 14. 13. The wicked shut out from, Mat. 7. 21; 25. . 41; Lu. 13. 27; 1 Co. 6. 9; Gal. 5. 21, 4c; F.p. 5. 5; Re. 21. 8; 22. 15. A new heaven promised, Is. 65. 17; 66. 22; 2 Pe. 3. 13; Re. 21. 1, 4c. Heave-Offering. See Offerings. Hebrews, Abraham and his descendants so called, Ge. 14. 13; 39. 14; 40. 15; 41. 12; 43. 32; Ex. 2. 6, 11, 13; 3. 18; 10. 3; De. 15. 12; 1 Sa. 4. 6; 14. 11, 21; 29. 3; Je. 34. 9; Jon. 1. 9; Ac. 6. 1; 2 Co. 11. 22; Phi. 3. 5. Hebron, district and city of Ge. 23. 2; 35. . 27; 37. 14; Nu. 13. 22; Jos. 10. 39; 20. 7; Ju. 1. 10; 1 Sa. 30.' 31; 1 Chr. 6. 67; 12. 38; 2 Chr. 11. 10. Given to Caleb, Jos. 14. 13, 14; 15. 13; 21. 12; Ju. 1. 20. David reigns in, 2 Sa. 2. 1, 11; 3. 2; 5. 3, 5; 1 Ki. 2. 11; 1 Chr. 11. 3; 12. 3f ; 29. 27. Hedges, 1 Chr. 4. 23; Mat. 2i. 33; Mar. 12. 1. Figurative, Job. 1. 10; Pro. 15. 19; Ec. 10. 8; Is. 5.5; Eze. 13.5; La. 3. 7; Ho. 2. 6; - Lu 14 23 Heel, figurative, Ge. 3. 15; Ts. 41. 9; 49. 6; Je. 13. 22; Jno. 13. 18. Heifer, employed in sacrifice, Ge. 15. 9; Nu. 19. 2, 5, 9; De. 21. 3, 5, 6; 1 Sa. 16. 2; He. 9. 13;— in plowing, Ju. 14. 18. Illustrative, Is. 15. 5; Je. 46. 20; Ho. 4. 16; 10. 11. Heir, eldest son or inheritor, Ge. 16. 3, 4; 21. 10; 2 Sa. 14. 7; Pro. 30. 23; Je. 49. 1, 2;— Christ, Mat. 21. 38; Lu. 20. 14; Ro. 4. 13; 8. 17; He. 1. 2, 4. Heirs of God, 4c. ;— believers so called, Ro. 8. 17; Gal. 3. 29; 4. 7; Ep. 3. 6; Tit. 3. 7; He. 1. 14; 6. 17; 11. 7, 9; Ja. 2. 5; 1 Pe. 3.7. Helbon, now Aleppo, Eze. 27. 18. Hell, the grave, or state of the dead (Hades), Job 11. 8; 26. 6; Ps. 16. 10 (with Ac. 2. 24—27, 31); Ps. 49. 15 (marg.); 86. 13; 139. 8; Pro. 27. 20; Is. 14, 9, 15; Jon. 2. 2; 1 Co. 15. 55 {marg.); Be. 20. 13. 32 HEL. THE BIBLE. HON. The place of punishment for the wicked, De. 32. 22; Job 26. 6; Ps. 9. 17; 55. 15; Pro. 5. 5; 7. 27; 15. 11, 24; 23. 14; Is. 33. 14; Mat. 5. 22, 29, 30; 10. 28; 11. 23; 13. 42; 18. 9; 23. 15, 33; 25. 30, 46; Lu. 12. 5, 46—48; 16. 23; Re. 14. 10; 19. 20; 21. 8. Everlasting, Is. 33. 14; Da. 12. 2; Mat. 3. 12; 25. 46; Mar. 9. 44; Lu. 16. 26; Jude 13; Re. 20. 10. The abode of fallen angels, Mat. 25. 41; 2 Pe. -i. 4; Jude 6; Re. 20. 10, 14. Expressive of affliction, 2 Sa. 22. 6; Ps. 18. 5; 116. 3; Mat. 11. 23. See also Job 11. 8; Pro. 27. '20; Is. 5. 14; Eze. 32. 21; Am. 9. 2; Mat. 16. 18; Ja. 3. 6. Helmet, 1 Sa. 17. 5; 2 Chr. 26. 14; Je. 46. 4; Eze. 23. 24; 27. 10; 38. 5. Of salvation, Is. 59..17; Ep.6.17; 1 Th. 5.8. Heman, Joel's son, 1 Chr. 6. 33; 15. 17, 19; 25. 1, 4, 5;— Zerah's son, 1 Ki. 4. 31; 1 Chr. 2. 6. See Ps. 88. title. Hemlock, a poisonous herb, Ho. 10. 4; Am. 6. 12. Herds of cattle, Ge.18. 7; 47. 18; 32. 7; Ex. 10. 9; 1 Sa. 11. 5; 2 Sa. 12. 4; Is. 65. 10; Je. 31. 12; Hab. 3. 17. Of swine, Mat. 8. 30, 32; Mar. 6. 11, 13; Lu. 8. 32, 33; 15. 15, 16. See Flocks. Herdmen, Ge. 13. 7, 8; 26. 20; 1 Sa. 21. 7; Am. 1. 1; 7. 14; Zee 13. 5. Heresy, Ac. 21. 14; 1 Co. 11.19; Gal. 5.20; Tit. 3. 10; 2. Pe. 2. 1. Hermon, mount of, De. 4. 48; Jos. 12. 5; 13. 11; Ps. 89.-12; 133. 3; Can. 4. 8. Herod, the Great, Mat. 2. 3, 19; Lu. 1. 5. Herod, Antipas, Mat. 14. 1—12; Mar. 6. 11—28; 8. 15; Lu. 3. 1, 19, 20; 9. 7—9; 23. 7 —12; Ac. 4. 27; 13. 1. Herod, Agrippa, Ac. 12. 1, 20, 4e; 23. 35. Herodlans, Mat. 22. 16; Mar. 3. 6; 12. 13. Herodias, Salome's mother, Mat. 14. 3, 6; Mar. 6. 17, 19, 22; Lu. 3. 19. Heshbon, city of, Nu. 21. 25—30; 32. 37; De. 2. 24; Ju. 11. 26; Ne. 9. 22; Can. 7. 4; Is. 16. 8, 9; Je. 48. 2, Ac. Heth, ancestor of the Hittites, Ge. 10. 15; 23, 3, Ac; 25. 10; 27. 46; 49. 32; 1 Chr. 1. 13. Hezekiah, king of Judah, 2 Ki. 16. 20; 2. Chr. 28. 27; — puts away idolatry and re stores the temple-service, 2 Ki. 18. 1 — 6; 2 Chr.29. 3. Ac. ;30.1, Ac. ; 31.1,4c.;— conquers the Philistines, 2 Ki. 18. 8; 1 Chr. 4. 41;— at war with Assyria, 2 Ki. 18. 13; 2 Chr. 32.1 ; Is. 36.1. Ac ;— miraculously delivered from them in answer to prayer, 2 Ki. 19. 14 — 35; Is. 37. 14,36; — his sickness and re covery, 2 Ki. 20. 1—7:— his ostentation, 20. 12—19; Is. 39. 2, &c:— his death, 2 Ki.20. 20; 2 Chr. 32. 33. See Pro. 25. 1. Hiddekel, river of, Ge. 2. 14; Da. 10. 4. Hie], attempts to rebuild Jericho, (Jos. 6. 26;) 1 Ki. 16. 34. Hierapolis, city of. Col. 4. 13. High Places, for idol worship, Le. 26. 30; Nu. 22. 41; De. 12. 2; 1 Ki. 12. 31; 13. 2, 33; 14. 23, Ac; 2 Chr. 11. 15; 21. 11; Je. 48.35. For the worship of God, 1 Sa. 9. 12; 1 Ki. 3. 2, 4; 2 Chr. 33. 17. High-Priest, his robes, Ex. 28. 2, Ac. ; Le. 16. 4;— his duties as priest, Ex. 28. 12, 29; 30. 8; Le. 9. 22, 23; 16. 2, Ac; Nu. 8. 3, 11, 21; 1 Sa. 2. 36; 23. 9-12; 30. 7, 8; 2. Ki. 12. 10; 22, 4; He, 5, 1; 9. 7;— as ruler, Nu. 1. 3; 1 Sa, 7. 15—17; 8. 1—6; Mat. 26. 3, 67— 66; Lu. 22. 54—71; Ac 5. 21—28; 23. 2—5. Hin, a liquid measure, Ex. 29. 40; 30. 24; Le. 19.36; 23. 13; Eze. 4. 11; 45. 24; 46. 5, 7, 11. Hind, a female stag, Ge. 49. 21 ; 2 Sa. 22. 34; Job 39. 1; Ps. 18. 33; 29. 9; Pro. 5. 19; Can. 2. 7; Je. 14. 5; Hab. 3. 19. See Hart. Hinnom, valley of, Jos. 15. 8; 18. 16; 2 Ki. 23. 10; 2 Chr. 28. 3; 33 6; Ne. 11. 30; Je. 7. 31, 32; 19. 2; 32. 35. See Tophet. Hiram or Huram, king of Tyre, 2 Sa. 5. 11; 1 Ki. 5. 1, 8, Ac; 9. 11—27; 10. 11—22; 1 Chr. 14. 1; 2 Chr. 2. 3, &e Others of that name, 1 Ki. 7. 13—51; 1 Chr. 8. 5; 2 Chr. 4. 11—22. Hire. See Wages. Hireling, Job 7. 1, 2; 14. 6; Is. 16. 14; Mai. 3. 5; — a false minister. Jno. 10. 12, 13. Hittites, Ge. 25. 9; 26. 34; Ex. 23. 28; Ju. 1. 26; 3. 5; Jos. 9. 1; 1 Sa. 26. 6; 2 Sa. 11.6, 21; 12. 9, 10; Eze. 16. 3, 45. See Heth. Hivites, Ge. 10. 17; Ex. 3. 17; Jos. 9. 1. Hobab, Moses's brother-in-law, Nu. 10. 29 —32; Ju. 1. 16; 4. 11. Holiness of God. See God. Holiness of believers, Le. 11. 44; 19. 2; 20.7; Nu. 23. 21; Ps.4;4; 110,3; Lu. 1.75; Eo. 6. 19, 22; 8. 29; 12. 1; 13. 12; 1 Co. 3. 17; 2 Co. 7. 1; Ep. 1.4; 2. 21; 4. 24; Phi. 1. 27; Col. 1. 10—22; 1 Th. 2. 12; 3. 13; 4. 7; 1 Ti. 2. 8, 15; 2 Ti. 1. 9; Tit. 2. 3; He. 12. 10, 14; 1 Pe. 1. 15; 2 Pe. 3. 11. Of ministers, Is. 52. 11; Mat. 5. 13, 14, 16; Eo. 2. 21; 2. Co. 6. 3, 4, 6; 1 Ti. 3. 2, Ac; 4 12, Ac; Tit. 1. 8. Holy Ghost. See Spirit of God. Holy Band. See Palestine. Holy of Holies, laws concerning enter ing of, Ex.- 28. 29, 43; Le. 6. 16, Ac; 16. 2, Ac; Nu. 4. 5; 2 Chr. 29. 5; Eze. 41. 4; He. 9. 7;— contents of. Ex. 16. 33, 34; 25. 18— 22; 26. 33, 34; 40. 3, 21; Le. 16. 13; Nu. 17. 10; De. 31. 26; 2 Ki. 22. 8; 2 Chr. 3. 10—13; 5. 10; He. 9.4, 7. See Ps. 112. 19; Mat. 27. 51; He. 9. 12, 24; 10. 19, 20. Holy Things, laws concerning, Ex. 28. 38; Le. 5. 15; 22. 2, Ac; Nu. 4. 20; 5. 9;Ne.lO. 33; Eze. 20. 40; 44. 13; 1 Co. 9. 13. Homer or Omer, a measure, nearly six pints, Ex. 16. 16, 36; Le. 27. 16; Is. 5. 10; Eze. 45. 11— 14; Ho. 3. 2. Homicide, De. 19. 11, Ac; — distinguished from murder, Ex. 21. 13, 14; Nu. 35. 16, 21, 25;— justifiable, Ge. 9. 6; Ex. 22. 2; 35. 2; Le. 24. 16; Nu. 31. 7, 8; 35. 27;— unjustifi able, Ex. 21, 13; Nu. 35. 22—24 See EEF- uge, Cities of. Honesty, recommended, Ex. 20. 15; Le. 19. 13, 35; De. 25. 13—15; 1 Sa. 12. 3, 4; Pro. 11. 1; 20. 10, 23; 28. 8; Je. 17. 11; Ho. 12. 7; Mi. 6. 8, 11; Mar. 10. 19; Ac. 6. 3; Eo. 12. 17; 13. 13; 2. Co. 8. 21 ; 13. 7; Ep. 4. 28; Phi. 4. 8; 1 Th. 4. 6, 12; 1 Ti. 2. 2; He. 13. 18; 1 Pe. 2 12. Honey, used as food, Ge. 43. 11 ; Ex. 16. 31; 1 Sa. 14. 25—29, 43; 2. Sa 17. 29; 1 Ki. 14. 3; Pro. 24. 13; 25. 16, 27; Can. 5. 1 ; Is. 7.15, 22; Eze. 16. 13, 19; Mat. 3. 4; Mar. 1. 6; Lu. 24. 42. Expressive of fruitfulness, De. 8. 8; 32. 13; Job, 20, 17; Ps, 81, 16; Is. 7, 15, 22; Je. 33 HON. INDEX TO HOU. 41. 8: Eze. 16. 13;— of sweetness, Ju. 14. 18; Ps. 19. 10; 119. 103; Pro. 16. 24; 27.7; Can. 4. 11; Eze. 3 3; Ee. 10. 9. Not to be used in sacrifice, Le. 2. 1 1. See also, Nu. 16. 13; Ju. 14. 8, 9; 2 Chr. 31. 5; Kze. 27. 17. Honour, due to God, 1 Chr. 16. 27; Ps. 29. 2; 66. 2; 71. 8; 96. 6; 145. 5; Pro. 3. 9; Mai. 1. 6; 1. Ti. 1. 17; 6. 16; Ee. 4. 11; 5. 13, 14; 19. 7; 21. 24. Proceeds from God, Nu. 24. 11; 1 Ki.,3. 13; 1 Chr. 29. 12; Est,. 8. 16; Ps. 8. 6; Pro. 3. 16; 4. 8; 8. 18; 22. 4; 29. 23; Ec 6. 2; Da. 5. 18; Jno. 12. 26; Eo. 9. 21; 2. Ti. 2. 20. Due to the aged, Le. 19. 32; 1 Ti. 5. 1, 17;— to the good, Ps. 15. 4; Ac. 28. 10; Ro. 2. 10; -to each other, Ro. 12. 10; 13.7; Phi. 2. 3; 1 Ti. 5. 3; 1 Pe. 2. 17; 3. 7; 2 Pe. 1. 7. See Parents, Magistrates and Mas ters. False honour, Ps. 49. 12; Da. 4. 30—36; Jno. 5. 44; 12. 43; Col. 2. 23. True honour, 1 Sa. 2. 30; 1 Chr. 29. 12; Est. 8. 16; Pro. 3. 16; 4. 8; 22. 4; Lu. 14. lu; Jno. 8. 54; 12. 26. Hope, of the believer, Job 19. 25, 26; Ps. 16. 9; 71. 14; 119. 116; Pro. 10. 28; 14. 32; Ro. 5. 2, 5; 8. 24; 12. 12; 15. 13; Ep. 4. 4; 1 Th. 5. 8; He. 3. 6; 6. 19; 11. 1; 1 Pe. 1. 13. Subjects of, Job 6. 16; 14. 7; Ps. 16. 9, 10; . Ec 9. 4; Zee 9. 12. Objects of, I's. 33. 18; 39. 7; 42; 43; 78. 7; 119, 74; Je. 14. 8; 17. 13; Joel 3. 16; Ac. 23. 6; 24. 15; 26. 6, 7; Ro. 5. 2; 1 Co. 9. 10; 15. 19, 51, Ac; Gal. 5. 5; Col. 1. 23, 27; 1. Ti. 1. 1; Tit. 1.2; 2. 13; 1 Pe. 1. 21. Source of, Ps. 119. 81; Ro. 5. 1, 2; 15. 4; Col. 1. 5, 23; Gal. 5. 5; 2 Th. 2. 16. Fruits of Ps. 146. 5; Ro. 8. 24, 25; 1 Th. 1. 3; He. 6. 11; 1 Jno. 3. 3. Hope of the wicked, Job 8. 13; 11. 20; 27. 8; 31. 24; 41.9; Pro. 10. 28; 11. 7; 13. 12; Is. 20. 5, 6; La. 3. 18; Zee 9. 5. Hophni and Phinehas, 1 Sa. 1. 3; 2. 34; 4. 4, 11, 17. ¦ Hor, mount of, Nu. 20. 22, Ac; 21. 4; 33. 37, Ac; 34.7; De. 32. 50. Horeb, mount of, Ex. 3. 1; 17. 6; 33. 6; De. 1. 1, Ac; 4. 10; 5. 2; 9. 8; 18. 16; 29. 1; 1 Ki. 8. 9; 19. 8; 2 Chr. 5. 10; Ps. 106. 19; Mai. 4. 4. Horites, Ge. 14. 6; 36. 20; De. 2. 12, 22. Horn, a vessel, 1 Sa. 16. 1, 13; 1 Ki. 1. 39. Used to express honour, power, Ac; 1 Sa. 2. 1, 10; 2 Sa. 22. 3; Ps. 75. 4, 5, 10; 89. 17; 24; 92. 10; 112. 9; 132. 17; 148. 14; Je. 48. 25; La. 2. 3, 17; Eze. 29. 21; Da. 7. 7, 11, 21; 8. 3, 8, 9, 21; Zee 1. 21; Lu. 1. 69. Horns of the altar, Ex. 27. 2; 29. 12; 30. 2, 3, 10; 37. 25, 26; 38. 2; 1 Ki. 1. 50; 2. 28; Ps. 118. 27; Eze. 43. 15. See also, 1 Ki. 22. 11; 2 Chr. 18. 10; Job 16. 15; Mi. 4. 13; Hab. 3. 4; Zee 1. 18, 19, 21; Ee. 5. 6; 12. 3; 13. 1, 11; 17. 3, Ac. Hornets, a kind of wasps, Ex. 23. 28; De. 7. 20; Jos. 24. 12. Horse, the, described, Job 39. 19—22; Ps. 33. 17; 147. 10; Pro. 21. 31; Is. 30. 16; 63. 13; Je. 4. 13; 8. 6; Hab. 1. 8. See also, Ps. 32. 9; Is. 6. 28; Zee 1. 8; 6. 2 —7; Ee. 6. 2, 8. How used, Ex. 14. 9; 1 Sa. 13. 5; 2 Ki. 9. 17 —19; Ezr. 2. 60; Ne. 7. 68; Est. 6. 8—11; 8. 10; Job 39. 18; Eze. 23. 23; Mi. 1. 13; Zee. 6.2. See also, Ge. 47. 17; Ps. 32. 9; Pro. 21. 31; 26. 3; Ec. 10. 7; Je. 46. 4; Am. 2. 15; Zee. 14. 20. The Jews forbidden to trust in, De. 17. 16; Ps. 33. 17; 147. 10; Is. 2. 7; 30. 16; 31. 3; Ho. 14. 3. See 1 Ki. 4. 26; 10. 28, 29. Food of, 1 Ki. 4. 28; 18. 5. Used figuratively. Ps. 32. 9; Can. 1. 9; Is. 63. 13; Je. 8. 6; Zee 10. 3. Horsemen, Ge. 50. 9; Ex. 14. 9; 15. 19; 1 Sa. 13. 5; 2. Sa. 1. 6; 8. 4; 10. 18; 1 Ki. 4. 26; 2 Chr. 12. 3; 16. 8. Hosanna, an expression of prayer or praise, Mat. 21. 9, 15; Mar. 11. 9, 10; Jno. 12. 13. Hosea, a prophet, Ho. 1.1, Ac. Hoshea, last king of Israel, 2 Ki. 15. 30; 17. 1, Ac; 18. 1, Ac. Hospitality, recommended, Mat. 10. 40, 42; Ro. 12. 13; 1 Ti. 3. 2; 5. 10; Tit. 1. 8; He. 13. 2; 1 Pe. 4. 9. Instances,— Abraham, Ge. 18. 3, Ac;— Lot, 19. 2;— Labau, 24. 31;— Jethro, Ex. 2. 20; — Manoah, Ju. 13. 15;— Samuel, 1 Sa. 9. 22;— David, 2 Sa. 6. 19;— Barzillai, Ac; 2 Sa. 17. 27; 10. 32;— the Shunammite, 2 Ki. 4. 8;— Nehemiah, Ne. 5. 18;— Job 31. 17,32; — Zacharias, Lu. 19. 6;— Lydia, Ac 16. 15; — Publius, Ac, 28. 2;— Gaius, 3 Jno. 5. Host, an entertainer, Lu. 10. 35; Eo. 16. 23 Hostages, 2 Ki. 14. 14; 2 Chr. 25. 24. Hosts. See Armies. Of heaven, Ge. 32. 2; De. 4. 19; 17. 3; 1 Ki. 22. 19; Ne. 9. 6; Ps. 103. 21; 148. 2; Lu. 2. 13. See Stars. Hosts, Lord of , 1 Sa. 1 . 1 1 ; 2 Sa. 6. 2 ; 1 Ki. 18. 15; Ps. 24. 10; 46. 7; Is. 1. 24; 6. 3, 5; 47. 4; Je. 10. 16; 46. 18; Mai. 1. 14. Houghing, Jos. 11. 6—9; 2 Sa. 8. 4; 1 Chr. 18.4. Hours of the day, Mat. 20. 1—6; 27. 45, 46; Mar. 15. 25; Jno. 1. 39; 4. 6, 52; 11. 9; Ac 2. 15; 3. 1; 10. 3, 9; 23. 23. Houses, early mentioned, Ge. 19. 4; 24. 27, 31; 28. 2. Construction of, Ex. 1. 11—14; Le. 14. 40, 45; 1 Ki. 6. 22; 22. 39; Job 4. 19; Pro. 9. 1; Ec. 10. 18; Can. 1. 17; Is. 9. 10; Eze. 13. 10, 11; Am. 3. 15; 5. 11; Hab. 2. 11; Lu. 6. 48, 49; He. 3. 4. Various kinds of, Jos. 2. 15; Ju. 16. "26; Est. 2. 3; Can^2. 4; Je. 36. 22; Am. 3. 15. See Habitation, Chamber, and Win dows. Meaning country, family, or property, Ge. 39. 5; 45. 2; Ex. 13. 3, 14; 20. 17; De. 6. 21; 7. 8; 8. 14; Ju. 8. 35; 1 Sa. 25. 3; 2 Sa. 0. 11; 16.5. Household, Ge. 18. 19; 35. 2; 45. 11, 18; Jos. 6. 25; 7. 14, 18; 2 Sa. 19. 18; Job 1. 3; Pro. 31. 15, 21, 27; Mat. 24. 45; Ac 16. 16; Eo. 16. 10, 11: 1 Co. 1. 16;— of faith, Gal. 6. 10;— of God, Ep. 2. 19. Household-Gods, Ge. 31. 30; 35.2,4; Ju. 17. 3—5, 12; 18. 16—20, 22—24, 30, 31. Housetops, Jos. 2. 6; 2 Sa. 16. 22; 2K1. 19. 26; Ne. 8. 16; Ps. 102. 7: 129. 6; Pro. 21. 9; 25. 24; Is. 22. 1; 37. 27; Mat. 10. 27; 24. 17; Mar. 13. 15; Lu. 5. 19; 12. 3; 17. 31. Used for devotion and privacy, 1 Sa. 9. 25; 34 HOU. THE BIBLE. IDO. Is. 15. 3; Je. 19. 13; 48. 38; Ze"p. 1. 5; Ac. 10. 9. House of God. See Temple. Huldah, a prophetess, 2 Ki. 22. 14; 2 Chr. 34. 22. Humanity, or kindness, enjoined, Ex. 23. 4, 5; De. 22. 1; Pro. 11. 17; Lu. 10. 37; Ep. 4. 32; Col. 3. 12; 1 Pe. 3. 8. , Humility, inculcated, Job 33. 31; Ps. 138. 6; 144. 3; Pro. 6. 3; 11. 2; 16. 19; 18. 12; 22. 4; Is. 57. 15; Mi. 6. 8; Mat. 18. 1—4; 20. 23 —27; 23. 12; Mar. 9. 35; 10. 43; Lu. 9. 48; 11. 7; 18. 14; 22. 24; Ro. 12. 3, 10, 16; Ep. 4. 2; Phi. 2. 3; Col. 3. 12; Ja. 4. 10; 1 Pe. 5. 5. Reasons for, Job 7. 1; 8. 9; 11. 12; 14. 1; Mat. 11. 29; Lu. 14. 11; Jno. 3. 27; Eo. 3. 23; 1 Co. 4. 7; Ja. 4. 6. Advantages of. Job 2. 10; Ps. 25. 9; 34. 2; 69. 32, 33; Pro. 1. 32; 15. 33; 22. 4; 29. 23; Is. 57. 15; 66. 2; Mat. 18. 4; Lu. 14. 11; 18. 14; 1 Pe. 3. 4; Ja. 4. 6, 10. Examples of,— Elijah, 1 Ki. 19. 4;— David, 1 Sa. 22. 14; Ps. 131. 1;— Daniel, Da. 2. 30; — John Baptist, Lu. 3. 16; Peter, Ac. 3. 12; 10. 26;— Paul, Ac. 14. 15; 1 Co. 15. 9; 2 Co. 12. 11; Ep. 3. 8; ITi. 1. 15. SeeCHRiST, His Humility. . Hunger, Ex. 16. 3; 2 Sa. 17. 29; Pro. 19. 15; 27. 7; Is. 29. 8; La. 2. 19; 4. 9; Mat. 4. 2; 12. 1, 3; 21. 18; Lu. 15. 17; Ac. 10. 10; 2 Co. 11. 27; Phi. 4. 12. After righteousness, Mat. 5. 6; Lu. 6. 21. Hungry, to be fed, Job 22. 7; Pro. 25. 21; Is. 58. 7, 10; Eze. 18. 7; Mat. 25. 35. God provides for, De. 8. 3; Ps. 107. 9; 146; 7; Lu. 1. 53. Hunting, Ge. 10. 9; 25. 27; 27. 3, 5, 33; Le. 17. 13; 1 Sa. 26. 20; Job7. 12; 10. 16; 38. 39; Ps. 35. 7; Pro. 6. 5; 12. 27; Is. 24. 17; Je. 16. 16; Hab. 1. 8. Figurative, 1 Sa. 24. 11; Ps. 140. 11; Pro. 6. 26; La. 4. 18; Mi. 7. 2. Hur .Caleb's son, Ex. 17. 10—12; 24. 14; 31. 2. Husbandry, antiquity and honour of, Ge. 2. 15; 3. 23; 4. 2; 9. 20; 2 Ki. 3. 4; 1 Chr. 27. 26—31; 2 Chr. 26. 10; Pro. 12. 11; Ee 5. 9. Processes of, mentioned and described, Ge. 37. 7; 47. 23; Ex. 22. 6; Le. 19. 19; 25. 3; De. 11. 10; 25. 4; Ju. 6. 11; 14. 18; Ru. 2. 3; 3. 2; 1 Ki. 19. 19; Job 1. 14; 39. 10; Ps. 129. 7; Pro. 31. 16; Ec. 11. 4—6; Is. 5. 2, 5, 6; 17. 5; 25. 10; 28. 24; 32. 20; 44. 14; Je. 31. 5; 35. 7; Eze. 17. 7; Ho. 2. 6; 10. 11; Am. 6. 12; 7. 1; 9. 13; Mi. 1. 6; Mat. 3. 12; 6. 26; 13. 3, 24—30; Lu. 14. 34, 35; 17. 7; Jno. 15. 2; Ro. 11. 17—19 24; 1 Co. 3. 6-8; 9. 7. Implements used in, De. 16. 9; 23. 25; 1 Sa. 6. 7; 13. 20, 21; 2 Sa. 12. 31; Is. 7. 25; 18. 5; 28. 27, 28; 30. 24; 41. 15; Joel 3. 10; Am. 9. 9; Mi. 4. 3; Mat. 3. 12; Lu. 9. 62. See also, Le. 25. 4, 20; De. 22. 10; 1 Sa. 14. 14; Job 4. 8; Pro. 13. 23; 14. 4; 20. 4; Je. 26. 18; 1 Co. 9. 10. Husbandmen, Ge. 9. 20; 2 Ki. 25. 12; 2 Chr. 26. 10; Joel 1. 11; Zee 13. 5; Mat. 21. 33, Ac; Mar. 12. 2, Ac; 2 Ti. 2. 6; Ja. 5. 7. Husbands, duty of, Ge. 2. 24; Pro. 5. 15— 19; Mai. 2. 14. 15; Mat. 19. 4, Ac; 1 Co. 7. 3; Ep. 5. 25; Col. 3. 19; 1 Pe. 3. 7. Hushai, David's friend, 2 Sa. 15.32; 16. 16, Ac; 17. MJ. Hymenieus, 1 Ti. 1. 20; 2 Ti. 2. 17, 18. Hymns, Ac, to be used in worship, Mat 26. 30; Mar. 14. 26; Ac. 16. 25; 1 Co. 14. 26; Ep. 5. 19; Col. 3. 16; Ja. 5. 13. Hyperboles, used in Scripture, Ge. 11. 4; Nu. 13. 33; De. 1. 28; 9. 1; 28. 49; 2 Sa. 1. 23; Je. 4. 13; La. 4. 19; Da. 4. 11, 12; Am. 2. 9; 7. 10; Hab. 1. 8; Mat. 19. 24; 23. 24; Jno. 21. 25. Hyprocrisy, its guilt and punishment, Jobs. 13; 13. 16; 15. 34; 20. 5, 4c; 27. 8; 36. 13: Is. 29. 13, 15; 33. 14; 58. 2; Je. 42. 20 —22; Eze. 33. 31; Mai. 1. 14; Mat. 6. 2, 5; ' 7. 5, 21; 23. 13—23, 2a; 24. 51; Ac. 5. 5—10; 1 Ti. 4. 2; 1 Pe. 1. See Formality. Hyssop, a plant, Ex. 12. 22; Le. 14. 4, &e; Nu.19.6,18; Ps.51.7; Jno. 19.29; He. 9. 19. Ibshar, one of David's sons, 2 Sa. 5. 15; 1 Chr. 3. 6; 14. 5. Ichabod, Eli's grandson, 1 Sa. 4. 19—22; 14.3. Iconium, a town in Asia Minor, Ac. 13. 51; 14. 1, 19; 16. 2; 2 Ti. 3. 11. Iddo, a prophet, 2 Chr. 9. 29; 12. 15; 13. 22; —others of that name, 1 Ki. 4. 14; 1 Chr. 6.21; 27. 21; Ezr. 5. 1; 6. 14; 8. 17; Ne. 12. 4; Zee. 1. 1, 7. Idleness, censured, Pro. 10. 26; 12. 27; 18. 9; 19. 24; 22. 13; 26. 13—16; Eze. 16.49; 1 Th. 4. 11; 1 Ti. 5. 13. See Diligence. Bad effects of, Pro. 6. 10, 11; 10. 4; 12. 24; 15. 19; 19. 15; 20. 4, 13; 21. 25; 23. 21; 24. 30 —34; Ec. 10. 18. Idolatry, forbidden, Ex. 20. 2,4, 23; 22. 20; 23. 13, 24; Le. 26. 1; De. 4. 15, Ac; 5. 7; 11. 16; 17. 2; 27. 15; Ps. 97. 7: Je. 2. 9, 11; 1 Co. 10. 7, 14; 1 Jno. 5. 21; Re. 21. 8; 22. 15. Eidiculed, 1 Ki. 18. 26, 27; Ps. 115. 4—8; 135. 15—18; Is. 40. 19; 41. 22—24, 29; 44. 10 —20; 46. 1; Je. 2. 26—28; 10. 3—5. Its punishment, De. 13. 6—11; 17. 2—5; 27. 15; .Je. 8. 2, 3; 16. 1—11; 44. 21, 4c; Ho. 8. 5—8; Am. 5. 26, 27; Hab. 2, 19; 1 Co. 6. 9, 10; Ep. 5. 5; Ee. 14. 9—11; 21. 8; 22. 15; Its monuments to be destroyed, Ex. 23. 24; 34. 13; De. 7. 5, 25; 12. 1, 4c; 2 Sa. 5. 21; 2 Ki. 23. 14. Practised by the heathen, Ju. 16. 23; 2 Ki. 19. 37; Ps. 96. 5; Da. 3. 1; 5. 23; Ao. 14. 11—13; 17. 16; 19. 28; Eo. 1. 23, 26; 1 Co. 12. 2. By the Israelites and their rulers, Ex. 32. 1, 4c; Nu. 25. 1—3; Jos. 24. 14; Ju. 2. 11 —13; 3. 7; 8. 33; 10. 6; 17. 4, 5; 18. 30; 1 Ki. 11. 6—8, 33; 12. 23; 15. 13; 16. 31; 18. 19; 2 Ki. 17. 12, 4c; 21. 4-7, 21; 1 Chr 5. 25; 2 Chr. 28. 3; 33. 3—7; Is. 2. 8; Je. 2. 28; 11. 13; Eze. 8. 10; 16. 28—30; 23. 3, 19. Various objects, forms, and rites of, Ex. 32. 17—19; Nu. 22. 40; De. 12. 31; 29. 17; 1 Ki. 18. 26, 28; 19. 18; 2 Ki. 5. 18; 10. 20, 24; 16. 3; 21. 3; 23. 5; 2 Chr. 33. 6; Job 31. 26, 27; Ps. 115. 4; Is. 44. 17; 46. 7; 57. 5, 6; Je. 19. 13; 48. 35; Ho. 8. 11, 14; 13. 2; Am. 5. 26; Zep. 1. 5; Ac. 7. 43; 14. 13; Eo. 1. 23; 1 Co. 10. 7, 27, 28; Col. 2. 18. Idols, making of prohibited, Ex. 20. 23; 34. 17; Le. 19. 4; 26. 1; De. 5. 8—10; 16. 22. Names of, mentioned in scripture, Le. 18. 21; Nu. 21. 29; 25. 1—3; Ju. 2. 11—13; 6. 25; 8. 33; 9. 4, 46; 11. 24; 16. 23; 1 Sa. 5. 1 —3; 1 Ki. 11. 5, 33; 2 Ki. 1. 2, 16; 5. 18; 17. 30, 31; 19. 37; 23. 13; Is. 46, 1; Je. 44. 17, 35 IDU. INDEX TO ISA. 25; 50. 2; 51. 44; Eze. 8. 14; Am. 6. 26; Na. 2. 7; Ac. 7. 43; 14. 12; 19. 24, 27; 28. 11. Are weak and helpless, Ju. 18. 17; 1' Ki. 18. 27—29; 2 Ki. 18. 33, 34; 19. 12, 13, 17, 18; 2 Chr. 25. 14, 15; 32. 13; Is. 44. 9; 45. 20; 46. 1, 7, 8; Je. 10. 5; Da. 11. 8; Hab. 2. 18, 19; 1 Co. 8. 4; 12. 2. Offensive to God, De. 7. 25; 16. 22; Ho. 2. 17; Zee 13. 2. See Groves and High Places. Idumea. See EDOM. Ignorance of man, Job 8. 9; 11. 12; 32. 9; Ps. 73. 22; Pro. 27. 1; Ec. 7. 23; Is. 56. 10; 59. 8—10; Je. 10. 23; Ac. 3. 17; 17. 30; 1 Co. -1.20; 3.20; 8.2; Ep.4. 18; lPe.2.15. To be removed, Pro. 19. 2; Jno. 3. 19; 5. 39; Ac. 17. 11, 30; 26. IS; Eo. 1. 13; 1 Co. 10. 1; 12. 1; 1 Th. 4. 13; He. 5. 11, 12. Sins of ignorance, Le. 4. 2, 27; 5. 3, 4c; Nu. 15; 22—29; Lu. 23. 34; 1 Ti. 1. 13. Wilful ignorance, Jno. 3. 19, 20; 2 Pe. 3.5. Excusable ignorance, Jno. 9. 41; Eo. 14. 1; 15. 1; 1 Co. 8. 9; 9. 22. HTyricum, Ro. 15. 19. Images. See Idols. Imaginations, of the natural heart, are evil, Ge. 6. 5; 8. 21; De. 29. 19; 31. 21; Pro. 6. 18; Je. 23. 17; Mat. 15. 19; Lu. 1. 51; 2 Co. 10.5. See Heart. Immanuel, Is. 7. 14; 8. 8. See Christ's Names and Titles. Immortality of God. See God, Eternal, and Everlasting. Of the soul of man, Ec. 12. 7; Mat. 10. 28; , Lu. 23. 43; Ro. 2. 7; 1 Co. 15. 53; 2 Co. 5. 4; 2 Ti. 1. 10. See Future State. Immutability of God. See under God. Impenitent. See under Heart. Importunity. See Prayer. Imprecations, remarkable, 2 Ki. 1. 10; Job 3. 3, Ac; 5. 3; Ps. 28. 4; 69. 5, 13; 69. 22—28; 143. 12; Je. 18. 21; 20. 12, 14—18; La. 3. 64—66. See Swearing. Imputation, of sin to Christ, Is. 53. 6; Mat. 8. 17; 2 Co. 5. 21; Gal. 3. 13; He. 9. 28; 1 Pe. 2. 24; 1 Jno. 3. 6. Of righteousness to believers, Ps. 32. 2; 89. 16: Is. 61. 10; Ro. 4. 2, 6, 11, 22; 5. 1, Ac; 2 Co. 5. 19; Gal. 3. 6; Ja. 2. 23. Incense, a rich perfume, Ex. 30. 9; Can. 4. 6, 14; Je. 6. 20; Mat. 2. 11; Ee. 18. 13. Used in the worship of God, Ex. 25. 6; 30. 22, 4c; 37. 29; Nu. 16. 40; De. 33. 10; Ps. 66. 15. Manner of offering, Ex. 30. 1, 6— 8; 40. 5; Le. 2. 1, 15; 6. 15; 16. 12, 13; Nu. 7. 14; 16. 46; lChr.9.29;Is.60.6;Eze.8.11; Lu.1.9. Used improperly, Le. 10. 1, 2; 2 Chr. 26. 16—21; 34. 25; Is. 1. 13; 65. 3; 66. 3; Je. 11. 12, 17; 48. 35. Figurative, Ps. 141. 2; Mai. 1. 11; Ee. 5. 8; 8. 3, 4. Incest, forbidden, Le. 18. 6, 4c; 20.17; De. 22. 30; 27. 20, 22, 23; Eze. 22. 11; Am. 2. 7. Instances, Lot, Ge. 19. 33;— Reuben, Ge. 36. 22;— Judah, Ge. 38. 18; Amnon, 2 Sa. 13. 1, 4c;— Absalom, 2 Sa. 16. 22:— Herod, Mar. 6. 17;— in the church at Corinth, 1 Co. 5. 1. Inchantments. See Divination and Witchcraft. India, Est.l. 1; 8. 9. Industry, enjoined, Ge. 2. 15; 3. 23; Ep. 4. 28; 1 Th.'4. 11; Tit. 3. 1—4. See Dili- • GENCE. Infidelity. See Unbelief and Un believers. ln&rinities,wnavoidable,to be treated with consideration, Job 14. 1—4; Ps.78.39; 103. 14; Mat. 7. 3; Eo. 7. 14; 14. 1—3; 16. 1; Gal. 5.17; 6. 1; He. 4 15. Ingathering. See Feasts. Ingratitude, censured, Ps. 7. 4; 106. 7, Ac. ; Pro. 17. 13; Je. 3. 5; 18. 20; 2 Ti. 3. 2. Instances of, Ge. 31. 6; 40. 23; 41. 9; Ex. 17. 4; Ju. 8. 34; 9. 17, Ac; 1 Sa. 18. 6, Ac; 23. 5, 12; 24. 17; 25. 5, 21. Inheritance, laws respecting, Nu. 26. 53; 54; 27. 1, 11; 36. 1, Ac; De. 21. 15—17. Of God's people, Ac. 26. 18; Ep. 1. 11; 5. 5; Col. 1. 12; 3. 24; He. 9. 15; 1 Pe. 1. 4. Inns, Ge. 42. 27; 43. 21; Ex. 4. 24; Lu. 2. 7; 10; 34. Inspiration, of the HOLY Spirit, Ge. 41. 39; Nu. 12. 6; 24." 2—24; Ju. 13. 25: 1 Ki. 12. 22; 2 Chr. 15. 1; 29. 36; 30. 12; Eze. 11. 24; Da. 2. 19; 7. 1; Joel 2. 28; Am. 3. 7, 8; Mat. 10. 20; Jno. 6. 45; 14. 26; 16. 13; Ac. 1. 8, 16; 2. 4, 16—18; 6. 10: 8. 29; 11. 24; Ep. 3. 5; 2 Ti. 3. 16; He. 1. 1; 2 Pe. 1. 21. Instability, censured, Ge. 49. 4; 1 Ki. 18. 21; Ho. 6. 4; Ep. 4. 14; Col. 1. 23; Ja. 1. 6. Instinct, in animals, Job 6. 5; 37. 7, 8; 39. 13—17; Ps. 104. 20—22; Pro. 30. 24, 25; Is. 1. 3; La. 4. 3. Instruction, to be regarded, Ps. 50. 17; Pro. 1. 8, 24; 4. 13; 5. 12; 6. 23; 8. 33; 12. 1, 5; 13. 18; 15. 5, 31, 32; 19. 20; 23. 12; Je. 32. 33; Mat. 11. 21. Benefits of, Job 33. 16; Ps. 32. 8; Pro. 9. 9; 10. 17; 13. 1; Mat. 13. 23; 2 Ti. 3. 16, 17. Integrity, enjoined, Ge. 20. 5, 6; Job 2. 3, 9; Ps. 7. 8; 18. 20—24; 25. 21; 26. 1, 11; 41. ¦ 12; Pro. 11.3: 19. 1; 20.7. Exemplified, Ge. 39. 8, 9; 1 Sa. 12. 3; 2 Ki. 12. 15; 22. 7; Job 2. 3. See Uprightness. Intercession, of Christ, Jno. 17. 9, Ac; Eo. 8. 34; He. 7. 25; 9. 11, 14, 22, 26; 10. 19, 21; 1 Jno. 2. 1, 2. Of the Holy Spirit. See Spirit of God. Of Abraham for Sodom, Ge. 18. 23, Ac.;— of Lot, for Zoar, Ge. 19. 18;— of Moses, for the Israelites, Ex. 32. 11; Nu. 14. 17; De. 9. 18, 26;— of Job, for his friends, Job 42. 8, 10. See Prayer. Iron, mentioned and described, Ge. 4. 22; De. 8. 9; Jos. 8. 31; 2 Sa. 22. 35; 1 Chr. 22. 3; 29. 2, 7; Job 20. 24; 28. 2; 40. 18; Ps. 107. 10, 16; Pro. 27. 17; Ec. 10. 10; Is. 2. 4; 60. 17; Je. 15. 12; Eze. 22. 20; 27. 12, 19. Various articles made of, Nu. 35. 16; De. 3. 11; 27. 5; 28. 48; Jos. 8. 31; 17. 16, 18; Ju. 1. 19; 4. 3, 13; 1 Sa. 13. 19—21; 17. 7; 2 Sa. 12. 31 ; 23. 7; 1 Ki. 6. 7; 22. 11; 2 Ki. 6. 5, 6; 1 Chr. 20. 3; 22. 3; 2 Chr. 18. 10; Job 19. 24; Ps. 107. 16; 149. 8; Is. 45. 2; Je. 1. 18; 17. 1; 28. 13; Eze. 4. 3; Am. 1. 3; Ac 12. 10; Ee. 9. 9. Used figuratively, De. 4. 20; 28. 23, 48; 2 Sa. 23. 7; Job 41. 27; Ps. 107. 10; Is. 48. 4; Da. 2. 33, 40; Mi. 4. 13; 1 Ti. 4. 2. Irony, examples of, Le. 26. 34, 35; 2 Sa. 6. 20; 1 Ki. 18. 27; 2 Ki. 18. 23; Job 26. 2, 3; Is. 40. 19; Mar. 7. 9; 1 Co. 2. 6; 4. 8. Isaac, promised to Abraham, Ge. 17. 16; 18. 10; his birth, 21. 1; offered in sacrifice, ISA. THE BIBLE. JAC. 22. 9; his marriage, 24. 1, Ac. ; his family, 25. 24; goes to Gerar, 26. 1; is deceived by Jacob, 27. 18—29; God's promises and blessings to him, 26. 4, 24; his age and death, 35. 27—29. New Testament allusions to, Ro. 9. 10; Gal. 4. 28; He. 11. 9, 17—20; Ja. 2. 21. Isaiah, the prophet, son of Amoz, Is. 1. 1 ; his vision of God's glory, Is. 6. 1—4; re ceives his commission, 6. y, 4c ; sent to Ahaz, 7. 3, Ac; to Hezekiah, 2 Ki. 19. 2, Ac; 20. 1, Ac; 2 Chr. 32. 2;l; Is. 37. 6; 38. 4; 39. 3. New Testament quotations from (Esaias), Mat. 3. 3; 4. 14; 8. 17; 12. 17; 13. 14; 15. 7; Mar. 1. 2; Lu. 3. 4; 4. 17; Jno. 1. 23; 12.38, 4c; Ac. 8. 32; 28. 25; Eo. 9. 27; 10. 16; 15. 12. Iscariot. See Judas. Ishbosheth, Saul's son, 2 Sa. 2. 8—32; 3. 1—20; 4. 5, Ac. Ishmael, Abraham's son, Ge. 16. 11,4c; 17. 18—26; 21. 9—21; 25. 9—17; 1 Chr. 1. 28 —31;— an Ammonite, 2 Ki. 25. 23—25; Je. 40. 11—16; 41. 1, 4c. Ishmaelites, Ge. 25. 16, 18; 37. 25, 27; 39. 1; Ju. 8. 24; 1 Chr. 1. 28; 5. 10; Job 6. 19; Ps. 72. 10; 83. 6; Is. 13. 20; Eze. 27. 20, 21. See Arabians. Israel, a name given to Jacob, Ge. 32. 28; 35. 10; 47. 2r, 31; 1 Ki. 18. 31. Israelites, their origin, Ge. 12. 1—3; 17. 7. Separated by God from other nations, Ex. 6. 7; M. 5, 6; 23. 32, 33; 33. 10; 31. 12; Le. 20. 26; Nu. 23. 9; De. 4. 34; 7. 6; 14. 2; 26. IS, 19; 27. 9; Jos. 23. T; 1 Ki. 8. 53; Ps. 135. 4; Je. 33. 9; Am. 3. 2. Canaan promised to them, Ge. 13. 14, 15, 17; 15. 7, 18—21; 17. 8; 26. 2, 3; 35. 12; 48. 21; 50. 24; 1 Chr. 16. 18, 19; Ne. 9. 7, 8; Eze. 36. 28;— (conditionally), De. 28. 9; 2 Ki. 21. 8; 1 Chr. 28. 8; Je. 7. 5—7. God's covenant with them, Ex. 19. 5. 6; 20. 1, 4c; De. 29. 1, 4c; 18. 5; 2 Sa. 7. 24; 1 Chr. 17. 9, 10, 22;. Ps. 60. 5; Is. 59. 21; Je. 31. 33—37; 33. 17, 18; Joel 3. 20. Their sojourn and bondage in Egypt, Ge. 15. 13; 46. 2—7, 26, 27; 47. 1—6; Ex. chaps. 1 to 12; De. 4. 20; 5. 6; 26. 6, 7; 1 Ki. 8. 61; Ps. 105. 16, 4c; Is. 52. 4; Ac. 7. 18, 4c ;— deliverance from Egypt, Ge. 15. 11, 16; Ex. 2. 23—25; 3. 8—18; 6. 1-8, 11—29; 7. 2—15; 12. 31—51; 14. 23; 15. 1—22; 19. 4; De. 4. 31; 26. 8; Jos. 24. 17; 2 Sa. 7. 23; 1 Chr. 17. 21; Ps. 77. 15—20; 136. 11—15; Mi. 7.15. Stations and routes in the wilderness, Ex. 13. 18, 20; 15. 23, 27; 16. 1; 17. 1; 19. 1, 2; Nu. 10. 11-13; 11. 35; 12. 16; 14. 25, 45; 20. 1, 22; 21. 4, 16—20, 31; 22. 1; 25. 1; 26.3; 33. 1, 4c; De. 1. 6, 8; 2. 1—4, 13; 3. 1, 29; 10. 6, 7; Jos. 3. 1, 2; 4. 19. Sins in the wilderness, Ex. 17. 3; Nu. 11. 1 —3; 14. 1,4c; 16. 41; 32. 13-15; De. 1.34 -^0; Ps. 106. 24—27; 1 Co. 10. 5; He. 3. 16. Get possession of Canaan, De. 10. 11; Jos. 1, 4c. ; Ju. 2. 6; 21. 24; —expel the Canaan- ites, Jos. 12. 7, 4e; 24. 8; Ne. 9. 24, 25; Ps. 78. 55; Ac 13. 19; (but partially, Jos. 13. 13; 15. 63; Ju. 1. 21—36; 3. 1—6; Ps. ' 106. 34, 35;)— their numbers, Ge. 13. 16; 22. 15—17; 47. 27; Nu. 1. 44—46; 2. 32; 22. 5; 26. 51; De, 1, 10, 11; 10, 22; 2 Sa. 21. 9; 1 Chr. 21. 5; Ezr. 2. 64— 67;— their tribes, Ge. 49. 28; Ex. 28. 21; Nu. 1. 6—15; 13. 4 —15; 1 Ki. 18. 31; Eze. 48. 1, Ac; Ee. 7. 4—8. Governed by judges, Ju. 2. 16; 3. 9, 10, 16; 4. 4; '6. 11; 11. 4; 12. 8, 11, 13; 13. 24; 15. 20; Eu. 1. 1; 1 Sa. 19. 20;— by kings, Ju. 9. 6; 1 Sa. 8. 16, 19, 22; 10. 1; 16. 1, 13; 2 Sa. 2. 4; 5. 3; 1 Ki. 2. 12;— divided into two king dom-', 1 Ki. 11. 29, Ac; 12. 1, Ac;— their wars, Ju. 3. 12—14; 4. 2; 6. 1; 10. 8; 13. 1; 1 Sa. 12. 9;-2 Ki. 10. 32,33; 13.3; 15.37; 17. 20; Ps. 106. 40—42; Is. 42. 22—25; Je. 2. 14 — 16;— their wickedness, Nu. 14. 11; De. 9. 6; 2 Ki. 17. 13—21; 2 Chr. 36. 14; Je. 2. 7; 5. 11; 32. 30; 51. 5; Eze. 5. 6; 11. 12;— their punishment (threatened), Nu. 14. 12; De. 28. ib; Je. 13. 19; 15. 2, 4, 6, 14; Eze. 5. 7, 8, 17; Am. 2. 4; Mi. 1. 5, fr; 7. 13; (Inflicted,) 2 Ki. 14. i6, 27; 21. 11; 23. 6; Ps. 7e. 59, 60; Is. S. 8; 42. 22—25; Je. 2. 14, 16; 9. 16—24; 10. 25, 28, 29; 32. 33; Eze. 5. 12, 16; 36. 18, 19;— their captivities. See Captivity. Their destruction, (foretold.) 2 Ki. 21. 11 —13; Je. 9. 16; 15. 3; 24. 10; 25. 8, 9; 44. 27; Eze. 6. 12, 14, 15; 6. 7; Ho. 5. 9; (ac complished,) 2 Ki. 24. 1, 2;— a remnant spared, Ezr. 9. 8; Je. 4. 27; 5. 18; 30. 11; 40. 7—12; 44. 28; 46. 28; Eze. 6. 8; 14. 22, 23; Zee 13. 8, 9. Their restoration and future power, Ac, foretold, Is. 1. 26; 11. 13, 14; 14. 1-3; 41. 8, Ac; 49. 9—26; 61. 11; 54. 6—17; 60. 10— 14; 61. 4—9; 65. 9; 66. 8, Ac; Je. 3. 17; 12. 14, 15; 16. 14, 15; 23. 8; 24. 5, 6; 29. 14; 30. 3, 10, 16-20; 32. 36—14; 33. 7, 14, 20; 46.27; 50. 4, Ac.'; Eze. 6. 8; 11.18; 20.38,41; 37. 12. 21—28; Ob. 17. 18; Zep. 3. 9, 10, 17; Zee 9. 12; 10-. 6; 12. 6, 7; 13. 9; 14. 13, 14; Mai. 3.4. Isles of the Gentiles, Ge. 10. 5; Is. 42. 4, 10; 49. 1. Issachar, Jacob's fifth son, Ge. 30. 18; 35. 23;— his blessing, Ge. 49. 14, ID; De. 33. 18;— his descendants, Ge. 40. 13; Nu. 1. 8, 28; 2. 6; le. 15; 26. 23; Ju. 5. 15; 1 Chr. 7. 1; — their inheritance, Jos. 19. 17 — 23. See Eze. 48. 33; Re. 7. 7. Ithainar, Aaron's son, Ex. 6. 23; Le. 10. 6; Nu. 4. 28; 1 Chr. 24. 1, Ac. Iturea, a province of Syria, Lu. 3. 1. Ivory, tusks of the elephant, 1 Ki. 10. 18, 22; 22. 39; 2 Chr. 9. 17, 21; Ps. 45. 8; Can. 5. 14; 7. 4; Eze. 27. 6, 15; Am. 3. 15; 6. 4; He. IS. 12. Jabal, Lamech's son, Ge. 4. 20. Jabbok, a brook, Ge. 32. 22; De. 2. 37; 3. 16; Jos. 12. 2. Jabesh, Shallum's father, 2 Ki. 15. 10, 13, 14. Jabesh-Gilead, city of, Ju. 21. 8, Ac; 1 Sa. II. 1, 11; 31. 11—13; 2 Sa. 2. 5—7; 21. 12—14; 1 Chr. 10. 11, 12. Jabez, his prayer 1 Chr. 4. 9, 10. Jabin, king of Hazar, Jos. 11. 1 — 5, 10; — another, Ju. 4. 2. 3—17, 23, 24; Ps. 83. 9. Jabneth, a city of Dan, 2 Chr. 26. 6. Jachin, Simeon's son, Nu. 26. 12; 1 Chr. 4. 24 (Jarib); — a pillar in Solomon's temple, IKi. 7. 21; 2 Chr. 3. 17. Jacinth, a precious stone, Re. 9. 17; 21. 20. Jacob, Isaac's youngest son, -bis birth. JAE. INDEX TO JEE, Ge. 25. 26; buy's Esau's birth-right, 25. 30—34; obtains his blessing by craft, 27. 6—29; goes to i'adan-Aram, 28. 5; his vision at Bethel, 28. 10—22; his meeting with Rachel, 29. 2 — 12; his agreement with Laban, 29. 15 — 20; marries Leah and Rachel, 29. 23, 28; his sons, 29. 32, Ac; 30. 5—13, 17—20, 24; his parting from Laban, 30. 25, Ac; 31. 1—16; leaves Padan-Aram, 31. 17—21; pursued by Laban, 31. 23, Ac; his vision at Mahanaim, 32. 1, 2; wrestles with an angel, 32. 24 — 32; his meeting with Esau, 33. 1 — 15; his name changed, 35. 9; his distress at Joseph's supposed death, 37. 34, 35; sends to Egypt for corn, 42. 3; his vision at Beersheba, 46. 2 — 4; foes to Egypt, 46. 5, 6; Ac 7. 14—16; his escendants, 46. 8—27; 1 Chr. 2. 1, Ac; predicts his son's future destiny, Ge. 49. 1, Ac; He. 11. 20, 21; his age and death, Ge. 47. 9, 28; 49. 33. See also, Mai. 1. 2; Mat. 8. 11; Lu. 13. 28; Jno. 4. 6; Ro. 9. 13; He. 11. 9. Jael, Heber's wife, Ju. 4. 17—21. Jahaz, city of, Nu. 21. 23; Jos. 13. 18; 1 Chr. 6. 78 (Jazah); Is. 15. 4. Jailer, of Philippi, Ac. 16. 27—31. Jair, judge of Israel, Ju. 10. 3—5. Jairus, ruler of a synagogue, Mar. 5. 22 — 43; Lu. 8. 41—56: James, the greater, Zebedee's son, Mat. 4. 21; 10. 2; 17. 1; Mar. 1. 19, 29; 3. 17; 5. 37; 9. 2; 10. 35, 41; 13. 3; 14. 33; Lu. 5. 10; 6. 14; 8. 51; 9. 28, 54; Gal. 2. 9, 12; killed by Herod, Ac. 12. 1, 2. James, the less, brother or cousin to Jesus, Mat. 10. 3; 13. 55; 27. 56; Mar. 3. 18; 6. 3; 15. 40; 16. 1; Lu. 6. 15, 16; 21. 10; Ac. 1. 13; 12. 17; 15. 13; 21. 18; 1 Co. 15. 7; Gal. 1. 19; Ja. 1. 1; Jude 1. See 1 Co. 9. 5. Jannes and Jambres, 2. Ti. 3. 8. Japheth, Noah's son, Ge. 5. 32; 6. 10; 7. 13; 9. 18, Ac; 10. 1—5, 21; 1 Chr. 1. 5. Jared, Mahaleel's son, Ge. 5. 15 — 20; 1 Chr. 1. 2; Lu. 3. 37. Jasher, book of, Jos. 10. 13; 2 Sa. 1. la. Jashobeam, one of David's warriors, 1 Chr. 11. 11, 15, Ao. Jason, Paul's kinsman, Ac. 17. 5; Eo. 16. 21. Jasper, a precious stone, Ex. 28. 20; Eze. 28. 13; Ee. 4. 3; 21. 11, 18, 19. Javan, Japheth's son, Ge. 10. 2. Country of (Greece), Is. 66. 19; Eze. 27. 13, 19. Javelin, a kind of dart, Nu. 23. 7; 1 Sa. 18. 10, 11; 19. 9, 10. Jazer, city of, Nu. 32. 1; Jos. 13. 25; 2 Sa. 24.5; Is. 16.8,9. Jealousy, trial of, Nu. 5. 11— 31;— violence of, Pro. 6. 34; Can. 8. 6. See 2 Co. 11. 12. Of God, Ex. 20. 5, Ac; De. 29. 20; Ps. 78. 58; Is. 42. 13; Eze. 8. 5; 16. 38; Zep. 1. 18; Zee 1. 14; 1 Co. 10. 22. Jebusites, Ge. 15. 21; Nu. 13. 29; Jos. 15. 63; Ju. 1. 21; 19. 11; 2 Sa. 5. 6. Jeconiah. See Jehoiachin. Jeduthun, a musician, 1 Chr. 16. 38,41,42; 25. 6; 2 Chr. 29. 14; Ps. 39; 62: 77, titles. Jehoash, or Joash, king of Judah, 2 Ki. 11. 2, 12—21; 12. 1, Ac; 2 Chr. 23. 1, &c; 24. 22. King of Israel, 2 Ki. 13. 10, Ac; 14. 1—16; 2 Chr. 25. 17, 4c Jehoahaz, king of Judah, 2 Ki. 23. 31; 2 Chr. 36. 1 ;— carried to Egypt, 2 Ki. 23. 33; 2 Chr. 36. 4. King of Israel, 2 Ki. 10. 35; 13. 4-9. Jehoiachin (Coniah or Jeconiah), king of Judah, 2 Ki. 24. 6, 4c; 1 Chr. 3. 16, 17; 2 Chr. 36. 9;— his captivity, 2 Ki. 24. 12; Je. 22. 24, 25; 24. 1; 28. 4;— his return, Je. 52. 31. Jehoiada, high-priest, preserves Joash, 2 Chr. 23. 1; anoints him king, 2 Ki. 11. 4, .12; restores the worship of God, 2 Chr. 23. 16; repairs the temple, 2 Ki. 12. 7; 2 Chr. 24. 6; his death, 24. 15. Jehoiakim, king of Judah, his evil reign and captivity, 2 Ki. 23. 34; 24. 1—7; 2 Chr. 36. 4—8; Je. 22. 18; Da. 1. 2. Jehoram, or Joram, king of Judah, 1 Ki. 22. 50; 2 Ki. 8. 16—24; 2 Chr. 21. 1, 4c. King of Israel, 2 Ki. 1. 17; at war with Moab, 3. 6; killed by Jehu, 9. 21—24. Jehoshaphat, king of Judah, 1 Ki. 15. 24; 2 Chr. 17. 1, 4c. ; in alliance with Ahab, 1 Ki. 22. 2; 2 Chr. 18. 1; with Joram, 2 Ki. 3. 7; with Ahaziah, 2 Chr. 20. 35; reproved by Jehu, 2 Chr. 19. 2; by Eliezer, 20. 37; proclaims a fast, 20. 3; his victory over the Ammonites, 4c, 20. 22; his death, 1 Ki. 22. 50; 2 Chr. 21. 1. Ahilud's son, 2 Sa. 8. 16; 1 Ki. 4. 3. Jehoshaphat, valley of, Joel 3. 2. Jehovah, implying self-existence, 4c; — one of the Scripture names of God, Ex. 6. 3; Ps. 83. 18; Is. 12. 2; 26. 4; usually rendered by Lord. Jehovah- Jireh, the Lord will see or pro vide, Ge. 22. 14. Jehovah-Nissi, the Lord my banner, Ex, 17. 15. Jehovah-Shalom, the Lord send peace, Ju. 6. 24. Jehovah-Tsidkenu, the Lord our right eousness, Je. 23. 6; 33. 16. Jehovah-Shammel, the' Lord is there, Eze. 48. 35. Jehu, the prophet, 1 Ki. 16. 1—7; rebukes Jehoshaphat, 2 Chr. 19. 2 (20. 34). Jehoshaphat's sou, king of Israel, 1 Ki. 19. 16; 2 Ki. 9. 1; slays Joram, Ahaziah, the sons of Ahab, and the priests of Baal, 2 Ki. 9. 24; 10. 1, 18, Ac; his idolatry, 10. 29; his death, 10. 34. Jephthah, Gilead's son, Ju. 11. 1—5; his covenant with the Gileadites, 11. 7—28; his rash vow, 11. 30, 31; his victory, 11.32, 33; his daughter 11. 34—40; chastises the Ephraimites, 12. 1—6; his death, 12.7; his faith, He. 11.32. Jeremiah, the prophet, his mission, Je. 1. 4, 17; 7. 2, Ac; 17. 19; God's promise to him, 15. 19; mourns for Josiah and his country, 2 Chr. 35. 25; La. 1. Ac ; his messages to the king, Je. 21. 3, Ac; 34. 1; foretells seventy years' captivity, 25. 8 —14; apprehended but acquitted, 26. 8— 16; his letter to the captives at Babylon, 29. 1, Ac; in prison, 32. 2; 37. 15; 38. 6; released, 38. 7—13; buys a field, 32. 6—12; his prophecies written by Baruch, 36. 4, 32; he is carried into Egypt, 43. 5—7; gives his prophecy to Seraiah, 51. 59. See Mat. 2. 17: 16. 14; 27. 9; 1 Co. 1. 31; He. 8. 8-13. JEIS. THE BIBLE. JES. Jericho, city of, Jos. 2. 1; destroyed, 6. 1— 24; He. 11. 30; rebuilt (Jos. 6. 26); 1 Ki. 16. 34. Seealso, Jos. 16. 1; 2 Sa. 10. 5; 2 Ki. 2. 4; 25. 5; Je. 39. 5; Lu. 10. 30; 19. 1. Jeroboam, son of Nebat, 1 Ki. II. 28, 29; made king of the ten tribes, 12. 20; estab lishes idolatry, 12. 28; his hand withers, and is restored, 13. 4, 6; his death, 14. 19, Jeroboam, son of Joash, king of Israel, 2 Ki. 13. 13; 14. 16, 29. Jerubbaal. See Gideon. Jeruel, wilderness of, 2 Chr. 20. 16, Ac. Jerusalem, originally Salem, Ge. 14. 18; Ps. 76. 2; He. 7. 2; and Jebus, Jos. 15. 8; 18. 28; 1 Chr. 11. 4. See Jebusites. The king of, slain by Joshua, Jos. 10. 5, 23; itis allotted to Benjamin, 18. 28; taken by Judah, Ju. 1. 8: the Jebusites not ex pelled, 1. 21; taken and enlarged by David, 2 Sa. 5. 6—9; 20. 3; 1 Chr. 11. 4—8; preserved from pestilence, 2 Sa. 24. 16; ravaged by Shishak, 1 Ki. 14. 25; i Chr. 12. 2—4; by Jehoash, 2 Ki. 14. 13, 14; be sieged by Resin and Pekah, 2 Ki. 16. 5; Is. 7. 1; by Sennacherib, 2 Ki. 18. 17; 19. 1; by Nebuchadnezzar, 2 Ki. 24. 10, 11; taken by Pharaohnecho, 2 Ki. 23. 33—35; taken and burned by Nebuchadnezzar, 2 Ki. 25. 1, Ac; Je. 39. 1—8; 52.4—7,12—14; rebuilt by order of Cyrus, Ezr. 1. 1—4; 2. 68, Ac; 3, Ac; Ne. 2, Ac. Its position, Jos. 15. 8; 18. 28; Ps. 48. 2; 125. 2; its appearance, Ps. 50. 2; 122. 3; Can. 6. 4; La. 2. 15; its strength, 1 Ki. 3. 1; 2 Chr. 26. 9; Ne. 3. 1, Ac; Ps.48.12, 13; 122. 3; Je. 17. 19—21; its greatness, 1 Ki. 10. 26, 27; Ezr. 4. 20; Ps. 48. 2; Is. 22. 2; Je. 22. 8; La. 1. 1; its wickedness, 2 Chr. 28. 24; Is. 1. 1—4; Je. 5. 1—5; Eze. 8. 7— • 12; Mi. 3. 10, its punishments, 2 Ki. 21. 12—15; 2 Chr. 21. 18; Je. 5. 6—10; La. 1. 8; Eze. 5. 5—8. Its destruction foretold, Mat. 24. 21 — 29; Mar 13; Lu. 13. 34; 17 23, Ac; 19. 42—44; 21. 23, 24; signs of, Mat. 24. 6—15; Lu. 21. 7—12, 25—28. Christ's public entry into, Zee 9. 9; Mat. .21. 1; Mar. 11. 1; Lu. 19. 29; Jno. 12. 12; he laments over it, Mat. 23. 37; Lu. 13. 34; 19. 41. The New Jerusalem, Re. 21. 2, 10. Jeshimon,- city of, 1 Sa. 23. 24. Jeshua, or Joshua, high-priest, Ezr.- 2. 2; 3. 2; Hag. 1. 1; 2. 2; Zee 3. 1; 6. 11. Jeshurun, a name given to Israel, De. 32. 15; 33. 5, 26; Is. 44. 2. Jesse, David's father, Eu. 4. 17, 22; 1 Sa. 16; his descendants, 1 Chr. 2. 13. Jesting, censured, Pro. 26. 18, 19; Ep. 5. 4. Jesus Christ, the Son of God and Son of Man. For his divine character, 4c, see Christ. His incarnation foretold, Ge. 3. 15; 49. 10; Is. 7. 14; 11. 1; Eze. 21. 27; Da. 9. 24, 25; Mi. 5. 2; Hag. 2. 6—9; Mai. 3. 1. His genealogies, Mat. 1. 1—17; Lu.3. 23— 38. His conception and birth, Mat. 1. 18, 4c; 2. 1; Lu. 1. 26, 4c; 2. 1—7; his circumcis ion, Mat. 1. 25; Lu. 2. 21; presented in the temple, Lu. 2. 22—38; flight to Egypt, and return, Mat. 2. 13—23; Lu. 2. 39; his early life, Lu. 2. 40—52. His baptism. Mat. 3. 13—17; Mar. 1. 9—11; Lu. 3. 21—23; Jno. 1. 32, 33; his tempta tion, Mat. 4. 1—11; Mar. 1. 12, 13; Lu. 4.. 1—13; [He. 2. 14, 18;)— at the marriage at Cana, Jno. 2. 1 — 11. Attends the passover, and casts the trad ers out of the temple, Jno. 2. 13 — 25; his discourse with Nicodemus, Jno. 3. 1 — 21; baptises in Judea, Jno. 3. 22; preaches in Galilee, Mat. 4. 12—25; Mar. 1. 14; Lu. 4; 14; Jno. 4. 1—3, 43— 64; visits Samaria, Jno. 4. 4—42; at Nazareth, Mar. 6. 1—6; Lu. 4. 15—31; calls Simon, Ac, Mat. 4. 18—22; Mar. 1. 16—20; Lu. 5. 1—11; per forms many miracles, Mat. 4. 23—25; 8. 2 —4, 14—17; 9. 2—8; Mar. 1. 29-^5; 2. 1—12; Lu. 4. 38—44; 5. 12—26. See Miracles. Chooses the twelve, Mat. 10. 1 — 4; Mar. 3. 13—19; Lu. 6. 12—16; sends them out, Mat. 10. 5, Ac; Mar. 6. 7—11; Lu. 9. 1—6; the sermon on the mount, Mat. chaps. 5 to 7; Lu. 6.20—49; works miracles, Mat. 8. 1, 5 — 13; Lu. 7. 1 — 17; answers John Bap tist's disciples, Mat. 11. 2—19; Lu. 7. 18— 35; dines with a Pharisee, Lu. 7. 36 — 50; 11. 37—54; feeds the multitude, Mat. 14. 14—21; 15. 32—38; Mar 6. 35^H; 8. 1—9; Lu. 9. 12—17. Jno. 6. 6—14; walks on the sea, Mat. 14. 22—32; Mar. 6. 45—51; Jno. 6. 15—21; heals many diseases, Mat. 15. 30; 17. 14; Mar. 7. 24, Ac; 8. 22; 9. 17; Lu. 9. 38. See Miracles. Foretells his sufferings, Mat. 16. 21; 17 22; 20. 17; Mar. 8. 31; -9. 31; 10. 32; Lu. 9. 18, 22, 44; 18. 31; is transfigured, Mat. 17. 1— 13; Mar. 9. 2—13; Lu. 9. 28—36; (2 Pe. 1. 16;) reproves the apostles' ambition, Mat. 18. 1, 4c; Mar. 9. 33; Lu. 9. 46; 22. 24; and narrow-mindedness, Mar. 9. 38; Lu. 9. 49; sends out the seventy, Lu. 10. 1 — 16; at Jerusalem during the feast of taber nacles, Jno. 7. 2—53; convicts, and dis courses with the scribes, 4e, Jno. 8. 2 — 59; the seventy return, Lu. 10. 17 — 24; instruct a teacher of the law, Lu. 10. 25 — 37; teaches how to pray, Mat. 6. 5 — 18; Lu. 11. 1 — 13; various discourses with his disciples and the Pharisees, Lu. chaps. 12 to IS. The Samaritans reject him, Lu. 9. 51 — 53; he rebukes James and John, 9. 54 — 56; cleanses ten lepers, 17. 12 — 19; at Beth any, 10. 38 — 42; at Jerusalem, at the feast of dedication, Jno. 10. 22—39; at Betha- bara, 10. 40 — 42; raises Lazai us from the dead, 11. 1—44; enters Judea, Mat. 19. 1; Mar. 10. 1; blesses little children, Mat. 19. 13—15; Mar. 10. 13—16; Lu. 18. 15—17; ad dresses a rich young man, Mat. 19. 16 — 30; Mar. 10. 17—22; Lu. 18. 18—25; restores sight to two blind men, Mat. 20. 29 — 34; Mar. 10. 46—52; Lu 18. 35—43; visits Zacchseus, Lu. 19. 1 — 2S; again at Beth any, Jno. 12. 1, 9—11; makes a trium phal entry into Jerusalem, Mat. 21.1 — 11; Mar. 11. 1—10; Lu. 19. 29—44; Jno. 12. 12 — 19; cleanses the temple, Mat. 21. 12, 13; Mar. 11. 11; Lu. 19. 45, 46; Jno. 2. 13—17; lodges at Bethany, Mat. 21. 17; 26. 6; Mar. 14. 3; causes the barren fig-tree to wither, Mat. 21. 18—20; Mar. 11, 12—14, 20, 21; dis- JES. INDEX TO JOH. courses in the temple, Mat. 21. 23 — 46; 22. 1—14; Mar. 11. 27--33; 12. 1—12; Lu. 20. 1—19; answers the Pharisees, Herodians, and Sadducees, Mat. 22. 15—46; Mar. 12. 13 — 37; Lu. 20. 20 — 14; reproves the scribes andPharisees, Mat. 23. 1—39; Mar. 12. 38— 40; Lu. 20. 45— -47; commenda the widow's mite, Mar. 12. 41—44; Lu. 21. 1—4; fore tells the end of the Jewish economy, Ac, Mat. 24. 1—51; 25. 1—46; Mar. 13. .1—37; Lu. 21. 5 — 36; the chief priests conspire to put him to death, Mat. 26. 3—5; Mar. 14. 1, 2; Lu. 22. 1, 2; a woman anoints his head, Mat. 26. 6—13; Mar. 14. 3—9; Jno. 11. 2; 12. 3—9; Judas betrays him, Mat. 26. 14—16; Mar. 14. 10, 11; Lu. 22. 3—6; he prepares for the passover, Mat. 26. 17 —19; Mar. 14, 12—16; Lu. 22. 7—13; ob serves the passover with the twelve, and censures their ambition, Mat. 26. 20; Mar. 14. 17; Lu. 22. 14—18, 24—30; washes his disciples' feet, Jno. 13. 1 — 20; foretells his betrayal by Judas, Mat. 26. 21 — 25; Mar. 14. 18—21; Lu. 22. 21—23; Jno. 13. 18, 21 — 29; Judas leaves the company, 13. 30; Jesus warns' the apostles of coming danger, Mat. 26. 31—35; Mar. 14.27—31; Lu. 22. 31—38; Jno. 13. 36—38; institutes the Lord's supper, Mat. 26. 26—29; Mar. 14. 22—25; Lu. 22. 19, 20; 1 Co. 11. 23—26; comforts and exhorts his disciples, Jno. 14; 15; 16; prays for them, Jno. 17; his agony in the gardemMat. 26. 30, 36—46; Mar. 14. 26, 32—42; Lu. 22. 39—46; Jno. 18. 1; he is betrayed and apprehended, Mat. 26. 47—56; Mar; 14. 43—52; Lu. 22. 47—53; Jno. 18. 2—12; brought before Annas, Caiaphas, and the Jewish coun cil, Mat. 26. 57—75; Mar. 14. 53—72; Lu. 22. 64—71; Jno. 18. 13—28; before Pilate and Herod, Mat. 27. 1, 11^-23; Mar. 15. 1 —14; Lu. 23. 1—23; Jno. 18. 28—40; he is scourged, condemned, and led to cruci fixion. Mat. 27. 26—34; Mar. 15. 21—23; Lu. 23. 24^-49; Jno. 19. 17; his crucifixion, Mat. 27. 35—66; Mar. 15. 24—11; Lu. 23. 45, 47—56; Jno. 19. 18—42; his burial, Mat. 27. 59—61; Mar. 15. 41—47; Lu. 23. 50—55; his resurrection, Mat. 28. 1—8; Mar. 16. 1 —8; Lu. 24. 1—7; Jno. 20. 1—10; he ap pears to Mary Magdalene, Mat. 28. 1; Mar. 16. 9—11; Jno. 20. 11—18; to Peter 1 Co: 15. 6; to two disciples, Mar. 16. 12, 13: Lu. 24. 13—36; to the apostles, Mar. 16. 11 —18; Lu. 24. 36^9; Jno. 20. 19—23; and Thomas, Jno. 20. 24— 29; at the sea of Ti berias, Mat. 23. 16; Jno. 21. 1—14; in Gali lee, Mat, 28. 16 — 20; his ascension to heaven, Mar. 16. 19,. 20; Lu. 24. 50—63; Ac. 1. 9—12. Appears to Stephen, Ac. 7. 55; to Paul, Ao. 0. 4; 18. 9; 22. 6; 27. 23; to John, Re. 1.13. His second coming foretold. See under Christ. His discourses, on regeneration (with Nic- odemus), Jno. 3. 1—21; on spiritual life and worship (with the Samaritan woman), Jno. 4. 7—26; on various duties (on the mount), Mat. 5; 6; 7; Lu. 6. 20—49; in the synagogue of Nazareth, Lu. 4. 16—27; on fasting, Mat. 6. 16—18; 9. 14; Mur. 2. 18; Lu. 5. 33; on prayer, Mat, 6. 6—15; Lu. 11, 1—13; 18. 1 — 14; on watchfulness, Mat. 24. 42; Mar. 13. 33; Lu. 12. 35; 21. 34; on humility, Mat. 18. 1—6; Mar. 9. 33; Lu. 9. 46; 14. 7—11; Jno. 13. 12—17; on blas phemy, Mat. 12. 31; Mar. 3. 28; Lu. 12. 10; on persecution, Mat. 10. 37; Lu. 14. 26; on riches, Mat. 19. 16; Mar. 10. 17; Lu. 12. 13; 18. 18; on marriage, Mat. 19. 3—12; Mar. 10. 2 — 12; on th'e resurrection, Mat. 22. 23; Mar. 12. 18; on the last judgment, Mat. 25. 31. His miracles. See Miracles. His parables. Bee Parables. Jesus, or Joshua, Ac 7. 45; He. 4. 8. See Joshua. Jesting, forbidden, Mat. 12. 36; Ep. 5. 4. Jethro, a prince or priest of Midian, Moses's father-in-law, Ex. 3. 1; 4. 18; 18. 1, Ac. Jewels, Ge. 24. 63; Ex. 3. 22; 11. 2; 35. 22; Nu. 31. 51; 1 Sa. 6. 8, 15; 2 Chr. 32. 27; Eze. 16. 12, 17, 39; Ho. 2. 13. Illustrative, Job 28. 12, 17; Can. 1. 10; Is. 61. 10. Saints termed so, Mai. 3. 17. Jews. See Israelites. Jewry, the country of Judea, Da. 5. 13; Jno. 7. 1. Jezebel, Ahab's wife, 1 Ki. 16. 31; perse cutes tlie prophets of the L®rd, 18. 4; encourages idolatry, 18. 19; persecutes Elijah, 19. 1; causes Naboth's death, 21. 7, Ac; her wretched end, 2 Ki. 9. 30—37. See Re. 2. 20. - Jezer, Naphtali's son, Ge. 46. 24; Nu. 26. 49. Jezreel, city of, Jos. 19. 18; 2 Sa. 2. 9; 1 Ki. 18. 45; 21. 1—23; 2 Ki. 9. 21—87; 10. 6; Ho. 1. 4; 2. 22. Joab, David's nephew and general, 2 Sa. 2. 13; 8. 16; 20. 23; 1 Chr. 2. 16; kills Abner, Absalom, and Amasa, 2 Sa. 3. 27; 18. 14; 20. 10; causes Uriah's death, 11. 14; subdues the Ammonites, 12. 26; re- ¦proves David, 19. 1—7; quells Sheba's rebellion, 20. 14; supports Adonijah, 1 Ki. 1. 7; Solomon commands his death, 2. 5, 28—34. Joah, Josiah's secretary, 2 Chr. 34. 8. Another, 2 Ki. 18. 18. Joanna, Chuza's wife, Lu. 8. 2, 3; 24. 10. Joash. See Jehoash. Job, his character, Job I. 1, 8; 2. 3; Eze. 14. 14, 20; his calamities, Job 1. 13—19; 2. 7; his patient resignation, 1. 20 — 22; 2. 10; Eze. 14. 14, 20; Ja. 5. 11; his discourses in replytohisfriends,Job6; 7; 9; 10; 12—14; 16; 17; 19; 21; 23; 24; 26 — 31; his submis sion to God, 40. 3; 42. 1; his renewed pros perity, 42. 10—13; his age and death, 42. 16, 17. Jochebed, Moses's mother, Ex. 2. 1—10; 6. 20; Nu. 26. 59. Joel, the prophet, Joel 1, Ac; others of that name, 1 Sa. 8. 2; 1 Chr. 4. 35; Ne. 11.9. Johanan, warns Gedaliah, Je. 40. 13; res cues the Jews, 41. 11; goes to Egypt, and takes Jeremiah with him, 43. 1, 4c. See 2 Ki. 25. 23. John, the baptist, his coming foretold, Is. 40. 3; Mai. 4. 5; Mat. 11. 14; Mar. 9. 11; Lu. 1. 17; his birth, Lu. 1. 57; his dress and manner of life, Mat. 3. 4; Mat. 1. 6; 40 JOH. THE BIBLE. JUD. his testimony to Jesus, Mat. 3. 11; Mar. 1. 7; Jno. 1. 15, 19; 3. 27; his preaching and baptism, Mat. 3. 1;-Mar. 1. 1: Lu.3.3; Ac. 1. 5; 10. 37; 11. 16; 13. 24, 25; 18. 25; 19. 3, 4; his disciples, Mat.- 11. 2; Lu. 7. 18; Jno. 3. 25; Ac. 18. 24; 19. 1. He is imprisoned, Mat. 4. 12; 11. 3; Mar. 1. 14; 6. 17; Lu. 3. 19; and beheaded, Mat. 14. 9, 10; Mar. 6. 24; Lu. 9. 9. John, the apostle, called, Mat. 4. 21; loved by Jesus, Jno. 13. 23; 19. 26; 20. 2; 21. 7, 20, 24; takes charge of Christ's mother, Jno. 19. 27; banished to Patmos, Ee. 1. 9. See also, Lu. 9. 54. John, the evangelist (Mark), Ac. 12. 12, 25; 13. 5—13; 15. 37—39. Jonadab, Eechab's son, 2 Ki. 10. 15—17; Je. 35. 6. See Eechabites. Jonah, the prophet, 2 Ki. 14. 25; his mis sion, Jon. 1. 2; his disobedience, 1. 3; his punishment, 1. 17; his prayer, 2. 1; his preaching, 3. 2; his sinful anger, 4. 1; re proved by God, 4. 4—11. A type of Christ, Mat. 12. 39—41; 16. 4; Lu. 11. 29. Jonathan, a Levite, Ju.17.7 — 12; 18.19,30. Saul's son, his valour, 1 Sa. 14. 14, 15; his friendship for David, 18. 1; 19. 2; 20. 17; 23. 16; 2 Sa. 1. 26; his death, 1 Sa. 31. 2; lamented by David, 2 Sa. 1. 11, 17; others of that name, 1 Chr. 2. 32, 33; 11. 34; Ezr. 8. 6; 10. 15; Ne. 12. 11, 14, 35; Je. 40. 8. Joppa, a sea-port town, Jos. 19. 46; 2 Chr. 2. 16; Ezr. 3. 7; Jon. 1. 3; Ac. 9. 36, 42, 43; 10. 6, Ac; 11. 5, 13; now called Jaffa. Jordan, plains of, Ge. 13. 10, 11; 1 Ki. 7. 46; 2 Ki. 6. 2; 2 Chr. 4. 17. Jordan, river of, its waters divided, Jos. 3. 14—17; 5. 1; 2 Ki. 2. 8, 13, 14; Ps. 114. 3; miracles at, 2 Ki. 5. 10; 6. 4; John bap tises therejvMat. 3. 6, Ac; Mar. 1. 5; Lu. 3. 3; Jno. 1. 28. See also, Ge. 32. 10; Nu. 34. 12; Jos. 22. 25; Ju. 3. 28; 12. 6; 1 Ki. 17. 3; 1 Chr. 12. 15; Job 40. 23; Je. 12. 6; 49. 19; 60. 44; Zee 11. 3; Jno. 10. 40. Joseph, Jacob's son, his birth, Ge. 30. 24; his dreams, 37. 5, Ac. ; sold into Egypt by his brethren, 37. 28; Ac. 7. 9; in Potiphar's house, Ge. 39. 1—6; his chastity, 39. 7— 12; his imprisonment, 39. 20; interprets dreams, 40. 7—22; 41. 14—36; set over Egypt, 41, 41, Ac; his marriage and family, 41. 45, 50—52; his conduct to his brethren, 42—45; Ac 7. 13; and his father, Ge. 46. 28, 4c ; 47. 1, Ac; his blessing, Ge. 48. 3, Ac; 49.22—26; He. 11. 21; his death, Ge. 50. 26; removal of his bones, 50. 25; Ex. 13. 19. Joseph, Mary'shusband, an angel appears to him, Mat. 1. 19; 2. 13, 19; his flight to, and return from Egypt, Mat. 2. 13, 14, 20, 21) at Bethlehem, Lu. 2. 4, Ac See also Mat. 13. 55; Lu. 2. 41—46; Jno. 6.42. Joseph of Arimathea, a Jewish senator, Mat. 27. 57; Mar. 15. 42; Lu. 23. 50—52; Jno. 19. 38. Joseph, or Joses, son of Cleopas, Mat. 13. 55; 27. 56; Mar. 6. 3; 15. 40, 47; supposed to be the same as Barsabas, Ac 1. 23; 15. 22. Joshua, son of Nun, Ex. 17, 9, 13; 24. 13; 32. 17; 33. 11; sent to spy Canaan, Nu. 13. 8, 16; his faithful report, 14. 6—9, 38; ap pointed to succeed Moses, 27. 18, Ac; 34. 17; De. 1. 38; 3. 28; 31. 7, 8, 14, 23; 34. 9; Jos. 1.1 — 9; assumes the command, 1. 10, 11; passes the Jordan, 3. 9—17; an angel appears to him, 5. '13; God encourages him, 8. 1; his victories, chaps. 6—11; divides the land, 14—21; his inheritance, 19. 49; his exhortation, 23. 1, Ac; 24. 1, Ac; his age and death, 24. 29; Ju. 2. 8. See 1 Ki. 16. 34; He. 4. 8 (Jesus). The high-priest, Hag. 1. 1, 12, 14; 2. 4; Zee 3.1. Josiah, king of Jiidah, 2 Ki. 21. 24; 2 Chr. 33. 25; repairs the temple,2 Ki. 22.3, Ac; 2 Chr. 34. 8; finds the book of the law, 2 Ki. 22. 8; 2 Chr. 34. 14; keeps a solemn passover, 35. 1, Ac; he is slain, 2 Ki. 23. 29; 2 Chr. 35. 23; lamented by Jeremiah, 35. 25. Jotham, Gideon's son, Ju. 9. 5, 7 — 21, 57; — king of Judah, 2 Ki. 15. 1, 32—38; 2 Chr. 26. 21, 23; 27. 1—9. Joy of God's people, source of, Ne. 8. 10 — 12; Ps. 4. 7; 5. 11; 21. 6; 51. 12; 63. 7; 66. 1, Ac; 118. 15; Pro. 15. 23; Ec. 2. 26; Is. 35. 10; 61. 3; Lu. 2. 10; Jno. 3. 29; Eo. 15. 13; Gal. 5. 22. Objects of, Ezr. 6. 16; Ps. 20. 5; 33. 1; 43. 4; 89. 16; 122. 1; 149. 2; Is. 35. 2: 61. 10; Hab. 3. 18; Zee 9. 9; Ac. 13. 52; Eo. 5. 2, 11; 14. 17; Phi. 3. 3; 1 Th. 1. 6; 2 Ti. 1. 4; 1 Pe. 1. 8; fulness of, Ps. 16. 11; 149. 5; Jno. 15. 11; 16. 24; 17. 13; Ac. 2. 28; 1 Jno. 1. 4; 2 Jno. 12; Jude 24. Joy of the wicked, shortness of, Job 8. 13, 19; 20. 5; Ps. 37. 35, 36; Pro. 15. 21; Ec. 2. 10, 11; 7. 6; Is. 16. 10; Ja. 4. 9. Jubilee. See Feasts. Judah, Jacob's fourth son, Ge.29.35; saves Joseph, 37.26; his wickedness, 38. 15, 26; his supplications to his father and Jo seph, 43. 3; 44. 18—34; his blessing, 49. 8. — 10; his sons and descendants, 38. 3, 4; 46. 12; Ex. 1. 6; Nu. 1. 26, 27; 26. 19-22; 1 Chr. 2. 3, Ac; 4. 1, Ac; their inheri tance, Jos. 15. 1, 4c. Judah, kingdom of, 1 Ki. 12; 2 Chr. 10. 16, 4c See Israel and Captivity. Judas, the apostle (Jude, Lebbseus, or Thaddasus), Mat. 10. 3; 13. 55; Mar. 3. 18; 6. 3; Lu. 6. 16; Jno. 14. 22; Ac. 1. 13; Jude. Iscariot, Mat. 10. 4; Mar. 3. 19; Lu. 6. 16; Jno. 6. 70', 71; 12. 4, Ac; betrays Jesus, Mat. 26. 14,. 47; Mar. 14. 10, 43; Lu. 22. 3, 47; Jno. 13. 26; 18.2; his miserable death, Mat. 27. 3—10; Ac. 1. 16—20. See Ps. 69. 22, Ac .. Several of that name, Ac. 5. 37; 9. 11; 15. 22. Judges, appointed, Ex. 18. 21—24; De. 16. 18; Ezr. 7. 25; their qualifications and duties, Ex. 18. 21, 22; 21. 22; 23. 3, 6; Le. 19. 15; De. 1. 13, 16; 16. 18; 17. 8, 9; 2 Chr. 19. 6; Ezr. 7. 25; Ps. 82; Pro. 18. 5; 24. 23; 31. 8, 9. Bad judges, described, 1 Sa. R. 1—3; Is. 1. 23; Ho. 4. 18; Mi. 3. 9, 11; Zep. 3. 3; Lu. 18. 2; threatened, Pro. 17. 15; 24. 24; Is. 5. 23; 10. 1. Judging others, forbidden, Mat. 7. 1; Lu. 6. 37; Jno, 7. 24; Eo. 2, 1; 14, 3, 4; 1 Co. 4 41 JUD. INDEX TO KIN. 6; Ja. 4. 11, 12; ourselves, see Examina tion. J udgment, the last, foretold, 1 Chr. 16. 33 ; Ps. 1. 5; 9. 7; 50; 96. 13; 98. 9; Ec. 11. 9; 12. 14; He. 9. 27; 2 Pe. 3. 7;— to be adminis tered by Christ, Mat. 16. 27; 24. 30, 31; 25. 31; Jno. 5. 22, 27; Ac. 10.42; 17. 31; Bo. 2. 16; 14. 10; 2 Co. 5. 10; 2 Ti. 4. 1; Jude 14. 15; Re 22. 12; — time of unknown, Mat. 24. 36, 44; Mar. 13. 32; 1 Th. 5. 2; 2 Pe. 3. 9, 10. Signs preceding. Ho. 3, 5; Mat. 24. 5, 24; Lu. 21. 24—28; 2 Co.3.16; 2 Th. 2. 8; 1 Jno.2. 18; circumstances of, described; Da. 7. 10; Zep. 3. 8; Mat. 13. 49; 16. 27; 24. 30,31; 25. 32, Ac; 26. 64; Lu. 21. 27; Ac. 1. 11; 1 Co. 16. 52; 1 Th. 3. 13; 4. 16; 2 Th. 1. 7—10; 2 Pe. 3.7; Be. 1.7; 20.12. The Christian's anticipation of, Mat. 25. 34—40; Ro. 8. 33; 1 Co. 4. 5; 2 Ti. 4. 8; Ja. 1. 12; 1 Jno. 2. 28; 4. 17; Re. 11. 18. Judgments of God, Ex. 0. 6; Ps. 36. 6; 97. 2; 145. 17; Is. 26. 9; Ko. 2. 2; 11. 33; Ee. 16. 7; 19. 2. The wicked exposed to, Le. 26. 14—16; Nu. 14.^9; De. 32. 43; 2 Ki. 22. 17; 2 Chr. 7. 19, 20; 36. 16, Ac; Pro. 1. 24—31; Is. 26. 21; Je. 44. 4—6; Eze. 24. 13, 14. The righteous preserved under, Ge. 7. 1, 16; 19. 15—17; 45.7; 1 Ki. 17.9; 2Ki.4. 38 —41: 8. 1, 2; Job 5. 19, 20; Ps. 91. 7; Is. 26.' 20; Eze. 9. 6; Re. 7. 3. What they should lead to, Jos. 7. 6; 2 Chr. 12. 6; 20. 9; Ne. 1. 4; Est. 4. 3; Is. 22. 12; 26. 9; La. 3. 1—20; Joel 1—13; Jon. 3. 5, 6. Remarkable instances of, Ge. 4. 11, 12; 6. 7, 17; 9. 26; 19. 24—26; Ex. 9. 14, Ac; Nu. 14. 29, 35; 16. 33— 35; 21. 6; Jos. 7. 25; 1 Sa. 2. 34; 5. 6:6. 19; 15. 3; 2 Sa. «. 7; 2 Ki. 5. 27; 9. 35; Da. 4. 31; 5. 30; Lu. 1. 20; Ac 5. 1—10; 12. 23; 13. 11. Juniper, 1 Ki. 19. 4; Job 30. 4; Ps. 120. 4. Jupiter. Ac 14. 12: 19. 35. Justice, of God, De. 10. 17; 2 Chr. 19. 7; Ps. 145. 17; Je. 17. 10; 32. 19; Eo. 2. 6, 11; 3. 26; Col. 3. 25; 1 Pe. 1. 17; See God, his . Justice. Required of man,De. 16. 20; Is. 1. 17; Je. 22. 3; Eze. 45. 9; Mi. 6. 8; Mat. 7. 12; 22. 21; Lu. 6. 31; Ro. 13. 7; Phi. 4. 8. Justification, not through the law, Ac 13. 39; Ro. 3. 20, 28; 8. 3; Gal. 2. 16; 3. 11; 6. 4; He. 7. 19; nor by works, Job 9. 2; 25. 4; Ps. 130. 3; 143. 2; Ro. 11. 6. Is by grace, Ro. 3. 24; 4. 4, 16; 11. 5; Ep. 2. 8; 2 Ti. 1. 9; Tit. 3. 5;— through Christ, Is. 45. 25; 53. 11; Ac. 13. 38; Ro. 5. 9, 19; 8. 1, 3; 1 Co. 1. 30; 6. 11; 2 Co. 5. 21;— by faith, Ge. 15. 6; Jno. 5. 24; Ac. 13. 39; Ro. 3. 22—28; 4. 3, 16, 22; 6. 1; Gal. 2. 16; 3. 6— 9, 11, 24; Ep. 2. 8; He. 10. 38; 11.7; Ja. 2. 23. Benefits of, Ps. 32. 1. 2; Is. 50. 8, 9; 64. 17; Eo. 4. 6—8; 5. 1; 8. 28, 30, 33; 1 Co. 3. 22; Ep. 2. 18, Ac; 3. 12; Tit. 3. 7. Evidences of, Ro. 6. 1—22; 2 Co. 5. 14, 15; Gal. 2. 16—20; Phi. 3. 8, 9; 1 Th. 2. 10. Justus, Ac. 18. 7; (Barsabas) Ac. 1. 23; (Jesus) Col. 4. 11. Kadesh, or Kadesh-Barnea, Ge. 14. 7; Nu. 13. 26; 20. 16; 27. 14; 32. 8; De. 1. 19, 46; 32. 51; Jos. 10. 41; 14. 6; Ps. 29. 8; Eze. 47. 19. Kedar, Ishmael's son, Ge. 25. 13; 1 Chr. 1 29; hisdecendants, Is. 21. 16; 42. 11; 60.7; Je. 2. 10; 49. 28. Eze. 27. 21. See Ps. 120. 5; Can. 1. 5. Kedesh, town of, Jos. 19. 37; 20. 7; 21. 32; 1 Chr. 6. 76. Keilah, a city of Judah, Jos. 15. 44; 1 Sa. 23. 1—13; 1 Chr. 4. 19; Ne. 3. 17, 18. Kenltes, the, Ge. 15. 19; Nu. 24. 21; Ju. 1. 16; 4. 11, 17; 1 Sa. 15. 6; 27. 10; 30. 29; 1 Chr. 2. 55. Kerchiefs, used idolatrously,Eze. 13.18,21. Keturah, Abraham's second wife, (Je. 25. 1—1; 1 Chr. 1. 32, 33. Key, Ju. 3. 25; used figuratively, Is. 22. 22; Mat. 16. 19; Lu. 11. 52; Ee. 1. 18; 3. 7; 9. 1; 20. 1. Kidron, or Cedron, a brook near Jerusa lem, 2 Sa. 15. 23; 1 Ki. 15. 13; 2. Ki. 23. 4, 6; 2. Chr. 29. 16; Je. 31. 40; Jno. 18. 1. Kids, laws concerning, Ex. 23. 19; 34. 26; De. 14. 21. See Goats. Kidneys, Ex. 29. 13; Le. 3. 4, Ac; of wheat, De. 32. 14. Kindness recommended, Eu. 1. 8; 1. Sa. 15. 6; 2 Sa. 10. 2; 1 Ki. 2. 7; 1 Chr. 19. 2; 2 Chr. 10. 7; Pro. 19. 22; 31. 26; Eo. 12. 10; 1 Co. 13. 4; 2 Co. 6. 6; Ep. 4. 32; Col. 3. 12; 2 Pe. 1. 7. See Charity and Love. Kindness of God, Ne. 9. 17; Ps.31. 21; 36. 7; 63. 3; 103. 4; 117. 2; 119. 76; Is. 64. 8; Je. 9. 24; Lu. 6. 35; Tit. 3. 4. See under God. Eine, Ge. 32. 15; 41. 2; De. 7. 13; 32. 14; 1 Sa. 6. 7, Ac; 2 Sa. 17. 29; figurative, Am. 4. 1. Kings, first mentioned, Ge. 10. 8—10; 14. 18; 36. 31; Ex. 1. 8; Nu. 23. 21; Jos. 12. 7— 24. Desired by Israel, 1 Sa. 8. 5, Ac; granted by God in anger, 1 Sa. 8. 7—9, 22; 12. 16— 19; Ho. 13. 11; their manner described, 1 Sa. 8. 11 — 18; at first not hereditary, De. 17. 14, 15; 1 Sa. 13. 13, 14; 15. 28; afterwards hereditary, 2 Sa. 7. 12— 16; ,1 Ki. 8. 20; 11. 12. 13; Ps. 89. 35—37; 132. 11; Lu. 1. 32, 33. Chosen and regulated by God, De. 17. 14, 15; 1 Sa. 9. 16, 17; 12. 13; 16. 1, Ac; 2 Sa. 12. 7; 1 Ki. 11. 31; 19. 15, 16; 1 Chr. 28. 4; Ps. 76. 12; Pro. 8. 15, 16; 21. 1; Da. 2. 21; Eo. 13. 1. Ceremonies at installation of , 1 Sa. 10. 1; 16. 13; 2 Sa. 5. 3; 15. 10; 1 Ki. 1. 34, 38—40; 2 Ki. 9. 6, 13; 11. 4—14; 1 Chr. 29. 20—24; 2 Chr. 23. 9—11; Ps. 89. 20. Duties of, De. 17. 16—20; 2 Sa. 15. 2; 23. 3; 1 Ki. 2. 2, 3; Ps.2. 10; Pro. 14. 35; 16. 12; 17. 7; 20. 28; 25. 2; 31. 4—9; Is. 49. 23. To be honoured and obeyed, 1 Sa. 24. 8; 2 Sa. 14. 17; 1 Ki, 1. 23, 31; Pro. 24. 21; 25. 6; Ec. 8: 2; 10. 20; Mat. 22. 21; Eo. 13. 1— 7: 1 Pe. 2. 13, 17. Kings of Israel and Judah. See Chrono logical Table. Kingdom of God, or of heaven, lChr.29.11; Ps. 22. 28; 45. 6; 145. 11; Is. 9. 6, 7; 24. 23; Da. 2. 44; 7. 14, 27; Ob. 21; Zee 14. 9; Mat. 3. 2; 4. 17; 6. 13; 10. 7; 12. 28; Mar. 1. 15; Lu. 1. 33; 10. 9, 11; 11. 20; 17. 20; Jno. 18. 36; Ac 1. 3; 8. 12; 1 Co. 15. 24, Ac; Ep. 1. 20—22; 2 Pe. 1. 11; Ee. 11. 15; 19. 6. Its subjects, Mat. 5. 3; 7. 21; Lu. 9. 62; Jno. 3. 3; Ac. 14. 22; Ro. 8. 17; 14. 17; 1 Co. 6. 7—10; 15. 50; 2 Th. 1. 4, 5; 2. Ti. 2. 12; 4. 8; Ja. 2. 5; Ee. 1, 6; 5.10; 20, 4, 6; 22. 0. 48 KIN. THE BIBLE. IAW. Kinsman, duties and privileges of, Le. 2 1 . 2, 3; 25. 25. 48, 49; Nu. 27. 11; De. 25. 5; Eu. 2. 20; 3. 9—13; 4. 4—13; Je. 32. 7, 8; Mat. 22. 24. Kir, a city of Media, 2 Ki. 16. 9; Is. 15. 1; 22. 6; Am. 1. 5; 9. 7. Kir-Haresheth, a city of Moab, 2 Ki. 3. 25; Is. 16. 7, 11. Kirjath-Jearim, a town of Judah, Jos. 9. 17; 15. 9; 18. 14; Ju. Is. 12; 1. Sa. 7. 1; 1 Chr. 13. 6; 2 Chr. 1. 4; Je. 26. 20. Kish, Saul's father, 1 Sa. 9. 1; 14. 51; 1 Chr. 8. 33; 9. 39; others of that name, 1 Chr. 8. 30; 23. 21; 2 Chr. 29. 12. Kislion, or liison, brook of, Ju. 5. 21; Ps. 83. 9. Kiss, of affection, Ge. 27. 26, 27; 29. 11; 31. 2S, 55; 33. 4; 45. 15; 48. 10; 50. 1; Ex. 4. 27; 18. 7; Ru. 1. 9, 14; 1 Sa. 20. 41; 2 Sa. 14. 33; 19. 39; 1 Ki. 19. 20; Lu.7. 38,45; 15. 20; Ac 20. 37. Of charity or Christian love, Eo. 16, 16; 1 Co. 16. 20; 2 Co. 131 12; 1 Th. 5. 26; 1 Pe. 5.14. Of reverence, 1 Sa. 10. 1; Ps. 2. 12. Of idolatry, 1 Ki. 19. 18; Job. 31. 27; Ho. 13.2. Of treachery, 2 Sa. 20. 9; Mat. 26. 48, 49; Lu. 22. 48. Kite, the, Le. 11. 11; De. 14. 13. Kneeling, a posture for prayer, Ps. 95. 6; Is. 45. 23; Ro. 14. 11; Ep. 3. 14; Phi. 2. 10. Examples of it, 1 Ki. 8. 54; 2 Chr. 6. 13, Ezr. 9. 5; Da. 6. 10; Mat. 17. 14; Mar. 1. 40; 10. 17; Lu. 22. 41; Ac 7. 60; 9. 40; 20. 30; 21. 5. Knowledge, in general, its advantages, 2 Chr. 1. 10—12; Job 28. 12, Ac; Pro. 3. 13, Ac; 8. 10, 11; 15. 14; 16. 16; 19. 2; Ee 2. 26; Da. 1. 17; 2. Ti. 3. 15;— to be sought after, Pro. 1. 2—6; 2. 3—6; Ja. 1. 5;— in creases responsibility and guilt when acted against, .Nu. 15.30; De. 17.12; Lu. 12. 47; Jno. 9. 41; 15. 22; Ac 17. 30; Ro. 1. 21; 2. 17—21; Tit. 1. 16; Ja. 4. 17;— to be communicated, De. 4. 9; 6. 7; Ps. 78. 4; 119. 13; Joel 1. 3; Mat. 10. 27; Ro. 12. 7; 1 Pe. 4. 10. Of God, Ex. 18. 16; 1 Sa. 2. 3; Job. 37. 16; Pro. 2. 3— 5; Is. 11. 9; Je. 9.24; 24. 7; 31. 33; Da. 2. 20; Ho. 6. 3; Mat. 13. 11; Jno. 17. 3; Ac. 15. 18; 1 Co. 12. 8; Phi. 3. 8; 2,Pe. 2. 20. See God— His Omnisicience. Kohath, Levi's son, Ge. 46. 11; 1 Chr. 6. 16; his descendants, Ex. 6. 18; Nu. 4. 18— 20, 34, 37; 10. 21; 26. 57; 1 Chr. 0. 2—15; 2 Chr. 29. 12; 34. 12. Korah, Ex. 6. 21; Nu. 16. 1, Ac; 27. 3; Ps. 106. 17; Jude 11 (Core). Laban, Bethuel's son, and Eebecca's brother, Ge. 24. 29—60; 29. 5, Ac; 30. 25— 43; 31. 1, Ac. A town, De. 1. 1. Labour, appointed to man, Ge. 3. 19; Ex. 20. 9; Ps. 104. 23; Ec. 1. 8; 1 Co. 4. 12; 1 Th. 2. 9; 2 Th. 3, 10; its advantages, Ps. 128. 2; Pro. 10. 16; 13. 11; 14. 23; Ec. 2. 10, 24; 5. 12, 19; Ep. 4. 28. See Diligence and Industry. _ Labourer, Lu. 10. 7; 1 Ti. 5. 18; Ja; 5. 4. see Wages. Lachish, a city of Judah, Jos. 10. 31, 32; 12. 11; 15. 39; 2 Ki. 14. 19; 18. 14; 2 Chr. 11. 9; 25. 27; Is. 36. 2; Je. 34. 7; Mi. 1. 13. Laish, Jos. 19. 47 (Leshem); Ju. 18. 14, 29; Is. 10. 30. Lake, Jos. 11. 7; Lu. 5. 1. Used figuratively, Re. 19. 20; 20. 10, 4c. ; 21.8. Lamb, the, used in sacrifice, Ge. 4. 4; 22. 7, 8; Ex. 12. 3, 5; 29. 38, 39; Le. 3. 7. Ac; Nu. 6. 14; 28. 3, 4; 1 Sa. 7. 9; 1 Chr. 29. 21; 2 Chr. 29. 32; 35. 7; Is. 1. 11. Illustrative of gentleness, Ac; 2 Sa. 12. 3; Ps. 37. 20; 114. 4, 6; Is. 5. 17; 11. 6; 40. 11; 53. 7; Je. 11. 19; 51. 40; Ho. 4. 16; Lu. 10. 3; Jno. 21. 15. See also Ge. 21. 28, Ac; De. 32. 14; Pro. 27. 26; Am. 6. 4. Lamb, the paschal, a type of Christ, Ex. 12. 5, 46; Ee. 9. 3; Is. 63. 7: Jno. 1. 29; 19. 36; Ac. 8. 32; 1 Pe. 1. 19; Be. 5. 6, Ac. Lame, the, Le. 21. 18; 2. Sa. 5. 8; Pro. 26. 7. See MIRACLES. Lamech, a descendant of Cain, Ge. 4. 18 —24; Noah's father, Ge. 5. 25, 31. Lamps, in the tabernacle and temple, Ex. 25. 37; 27. 20; 30. 7; 40. 4; Nu. 8. 1—3; 1 Sa. 3. 3; 1. Ki. 7. 49; 1 Chr. 28. 15; 2 Chr. 29. 7; in heaven, Zee 4. 2; Ee. 4. 5. Used figuratively, 2 Sa. 22. 29; 1 Ki. 15. 4; Ps. 119. 105; 132. 17; Pro. 13. 9; 20. 20; Mat. 25. 3, 4. Landmarks, not to be removed, De. 19. 14; 27. 17; Job 24. 2; Pro. 22. 28; 23. 10. Languages, confounded, Ge. 11. 1 — 9. Gift of, to the apostles, Ac, Ac. 2. 1—13; 10. 46; 19. 6; 1 Co. 12. 10, 30. Laodicea, Col. 2. 1; 4. 13-16; Re. 1. 11; 3. 14. Lasciviousness, censured, Pro. 6. 25; Mat. 6.28; Mar. 7.21; Ro. 13. 13; 2 Co. 12. 21. Gal: 5. 19; Ep. 4. 19; 5. 3; Col. 3. 5; Ja. 1. 14, 15; 1 Pe. 4. 3; Jude 4. Lattice, Ju. 5. 28; 2 Ki. 1. 2; Can. 2. 9. Laughter, Ec. 3. 4; immoderate, Pro. 14. 13; Ec. 2. 2; 7. 3, 6; Ja. 4. 9; untimely, Ge. 18. 13. Laver, in the tabernacle, Ex. 30. 17, Ac; 38. 8; 40. 7; Le. 8. 11; in the temple, 1 Ki. 7. 38; 2 Chr. 4. 6. Law, of God, the, given to Adam, Ge. 2. 16; Ro. 5. 13, 14. To Noah, Ge. 9. 3, Ac. To the Israelites, Ex. 20. 1, 4c; Le. 26. 46; Nu. 36. 13: De. 1. 5; 4. 10, Ac; 5. 1, Ac; 6. 1, Ac; Eze. 20. 10, Ac. Its characteristics, De. 33. 2; Ps. 19. 7, 8; 111. 7; 119. 96, 142, 151; Eo. 7. 12, 14; 12. 2; 1 Ti. 1. 8; 1 Jno. 5. 3. Its requirements, Le. 19. 18; De. 6. 5; 10. 12, 13; 27. 26; Ps. 51. 6; Mat. 5. 28; 22. 36— 39; Mar. 10. 19; 12.29—31; Lu. 10. 25, Ac; Gal. 3. 10; Ja. 2. 10. Beading and teaching of, De. 6. 7; 11. 19; 31. 9—13; 33. 10; Jos. 8. 34; 2Ki. 23. 2; Ne. 8. 2—8; Ps. 34. 11; 78. 6; Mai. 2. 7; Mat. 23. 2, 3; Lu. 4. 16, Ac; Ac. 13. 15, 27; 15. 21" 22. 3. Tables'of, Ex. 31. 18; 32. 15, 16, 19; 34. 1, 4, 29; De. 5. 22 ; 10. 5; Jos. 8. 32; 1 Ki. 8. 9; 2 Chr. 5. 10; 2 Co. 3. 7; He. 9. 4. Book of, De. 17. 18; 30. 10; 31. 24—26; Jos. 1. 8; 2 Ki. 22. 8; 23. 2; 2 Chr. 34. 14, 15. Its curse removed by Christ from his people, Ac. 13. 39; Eo. 8. 3; 2 Co. 5. 21; Gal. 3. 13; Col. 2. 14. 43 The ceremonial law abolished by Christ, Mat. 27. 51; Jno. 19. 30; Ac. 15. 24; Gal. chaps. 2 to 5; Ep. 2. 15; Col.-2. 3—14; He. chaps. 7 to 10. The moral law still binding, Mat, 6. 17 — 48; 22. 36^0; Lu. 16. 17; Ro. 3. 31; 13. 8— 13; 1 Co. 7. 19; Ja. 2. 8, Ac; 1 Jno. 3. 22; 4. 21. Law of nature, or conscience, Eo. 1. 19; 2. 14. Lawgiver — God is the supreme, Ge. 2. 16, 17; Ex. 20; De. 33. 2; Is. 33. 22; Ja. 4. 12. Lawsuits, to be avoided. Mat. 5. 40; 18. 15 —17; Ro. 12. 17—19; 1 Co. 6. 1—7. Lawyers, Mat. 22. 35; Lu. 7. 30; 10. 25; 11. 46—52; 14. 3. Lazarus, Mary and Martha's brother, Jno. 11. 1—44; 12. 1—17. A beggar, Lu. 16. 20-25. Lead, a metal, Ex. 15. 10; Nu. 31. 22; Job 19. 24; Je. 6. 29; Eze. 22. 18, 20; Zee 5. 7, 8. Leah, Jacob's wife, Ge. 29. 16, Ac;— her offspring, 29. 32—35; 30. 17, 21; 34. 1; 35. 23;— her burial, 49. 31. See Eu. 4. 11. Learning, See Knowledge. Leaven, Ho. 7. 4; 1 Co. 5. 6. When used, Le. 7. 13; 23. 17; Am. 4. 5. When forbidden, Ex. 12. 15—20; 13. 7; 34. 25; Le. 2. 11; 6. 17; 10.. 12; De. 16. 4. Used figuratively, Mat. 13. 33; 16. 6, 12; Lu. 13. 21; 1 Co. 5. 6—8; Gal. 5. 9. Lebanon, mountains of, De. 1. 7; 3. 25; Jos. 13. 5; Ju. 3. 3; 1 Ki. 5. 14; Is. 29. 17; 40. 16; Je. 18. 14. Its cedars, 4c, 1 Ki. 5. 6, 15; 7. 2; 2 Ki. 14. 9; 19. 23; Ezr. 3. 7; Ps. 72. 16; 92. 12; Can. 3. 9; Is. 14. 8; 33. 2; 40. 16; Je. 18. 14; Ho. 14.7. Used figuratively, Can. 4. 11, 15; 5. 15; Is. 10. 34; 29. 17; 35. 2; 40. 16; 60. 13; Je. 22. 6; Eze. 31. 15; Ho. 14. 5; Hab. 2. 17; Zee. 11.1. Lebbaeus, See Judas. Legion, Mat. 26. 53; Mar. 5. 9; Lu. 8. 30. Lemuel, Pro. 31. 1, Ac Lending, recommended, De. 15. 7, 8; Ps. 37. 26; 112. 5; Mat. 5. 42; Lu. 6. 34, 35. Laws concerning, Ex. 22. 14. 15, 25; Le. 25. 37; De. 15. 2; 23. 19; 24. 10; Ne. 5. 7, Ac. Lentiles, Ge. 25. 31; 2 Sa. 23. 11. Leopard, Can. 4. 8; Je. 5. 6; 13. 23; Hab. 1. 8. Used figuratively, Is. 11. 0; Da. 7. 6; Ho. 13. 7; Be. 13. 2. Leprosy, laws concerning, Le. 13. 2, Ac; 14. 2, Ac; 22. 4; Nu. 5. 2; 12. 14, 15; De. 24. 8; Mat. 8. 4; Lu. 5. 14; 17. 14. Instances of, Nu. 12. 10; 2 Ki. 5. 1, 27; 7. 3; 15. 5; 2 Chr. 26. 19; Mat. 8. 3; Lu. 5. 12; 17. 12. See also Ex. 4. 0; 2 Sa. 3. 29; Mat. 10. 8. Letter, opposed to spirit, Ro. 2. 27, 29; 7. 6; 2 Co. 3. 6. Letters, or epistles, 2 Sa. 11. 14; 1 Ki. 21. 8; 2. Ki. 5. 6; 10. 1; 19. 14; 2 Chr. 21. 12; . Ezr. 4. 7; 5. 6; Ne. 6. 5; Is. 37. 14; Je. 29. 1; Ac. 9. 2; 15. 23; 22. 5; 23. 25; 2 Co. 3. 1; 2 Pe. 3. 16. Levi, Jacob's son, his birth, Ge. 29. 34; his cruel revenge, 34. 25, 26; 49 6—7; his blessing, De. 33. 8—11; his descendants, Ex. 6. 16—25; Nu. 26. 67—62; 1 Chr. 6. 1— 53. See Lu. 3. 24, 29. See also Matthew. Leviathan, Job 41. 1, Ac; Ps. 74. 14; 104. 26; Is. 27. 1. Levites, chosen for God's service, Nu. 1. 47—53; 3. 6; 18. 6; 1 Chr. 15. 2; accepted forthe first barn, Nu. 3. 12, Ac; 8. 16; their numbers, 3. 14—16, 39; 26. 57—62; conse crated, 8. 6, 14; their duties, 3.6, Ac; 4. 2, Ac; 8. 23 -26; 18. 2, 4c; De. 10. 8; 17. 9; 1 Chr. 23. 27—32; 26. 20; 2 Chr. 17. 8, 9; ' 30. 22; their inheritance, Nu. 18. 21—24; 35. 2—8; De. 18. 1, 4c. ; Jos. 21. 2, 4c. ; Ne. 12.44. See also Nu. 4. 3, 23, Ac; 8. 24—26; 1 Chr. 6. 16-48; 9. 14; 23. 24; Eze. 44. 10. Liberality, commended, De. 15. 7 — 14; Ps. 112. 9? Pro. 11. 25; 21. 26; Is, 32. 8; Lu. 12. 33; 1 Co. 16. 2; 2 Co. 9. 7, 13; He. 13. 16. Instances, Ex. 35. 21; Nu. 7. 23; Eu. 2. 16; 2 Sa. 9. 7, 10; 24. 21—23; Ne. 7. 70; Lu. 8. 3; 19. 8; Ac. 2. 45; 4. 34, Ac; 9. 36; 10. 2; 11. 29; 1 Co. 16. 17; 2 Co. 8. 1—5; 9; Phi. 4. 15. See Almsgiving and Hospitality. Libertines, Ac. 6. 9. Liberty, of the gospel, Lu. 4. 18; Eo. 6. 14, 17; 7. 6; 8.2,21; 1 Co. 6. 11; 9. 19; 2 Co. 3. 17; Gal. 1. 4; 3. 13; 4. 3—6; Col. 1. 13; 2. 20; Ja. 1. 25; 2. 12. Not to be abused, 1 Co. 7. 20—22; 8. 9; 10. 29—32; Gal. 5. 13; 1 Pe. 2. 16. Of conscience, Ro. 14. 4; 1 Co. 10. 25, Ac; Ja. 4. 12. See Freedom. Libnah, a city of Judah, Jos. 10. 29; 12. 15; 15. 42; 21. 13; 2 Ki. 8. 22; 19. 8; 23. 31; 2 Chr. 21. 10; Is. 37. 8. Libya, a country in Africa, Je. 46. 9; Eze. 30. 5; Da. 11. 43; Ac. 2. 10. Lice, plague of, Ex. 8. 16—18; Ps. 105. 31. Life, natural, from God, Ge. 2. 7; Job 12. 10; Ps. 66. 9; Da. 5. 23; Ac 17. 28. Its shortness, 1 Chr. 29. 15; Job 14. 2, 10; Ps. 39. 5, 11; 90. 5, 6, 9, 10; 103. 15, 16; Is. 40. 6; 51. 12; Lu. 12. 20; Ja. 1. 10; 4. 14; 1 Pe. 1. 24. Its vanity, Ge. 47. 9; Job 5. 7; 7. 16; 14. 1; Ec. 1. 2; 12. 1—8. To be given up if duty requiresit, Mat. 10. 39; 16. 25; Mar. 8. 35; Lu. 9. 24; 17. 33; Jno. 12, 25; Ac. 20. 24. Long life promised as a reward of virtue, Ex. 20. 12; De. 5. 33; 6. 2; Ps. 34. 12—14, Pro. 3. 2; 9. 11; 10. 27; Ep. 6. 3. Life, spiritual, Jno. 3. 5—15; 6. 51—58; 11. 25; Ro. 6. 4; 8. a, Ac; Gal. 2. 19, 20; Ep. 2. 1, 6; Col. 3. 3; 1 Jno. 4. 9. Life, eternal, Lu. 20. 36; Jno. 3. 15, 36; 4. 14; 6. 27, 54; 10. 28; 14. 19; 17. 2, 3; Eo. 2. 7; 6. 23; 1 Co. 15. 12-57; 1 Pe. 1. 4; 1 Jno. 2. 2; 2. 25; 5. 11; Jude 21; Ee. 2. 7; 7. 14 —17; 21. 4, 6. Light, created, Ge. 1. 3; Ps. 74. 16; Je. 31. 35; 2 Co. 4. 6. God is, Ps. 84. 11; 104. 2; Hab. 3. 4; 1 Ti. 6. 16; 1 Jno. 1. 6. Christ is. Is. 49. 6; Lu. 1. 78, 79; 2. 32; Jno. 1. 9; 3. 19; 8. 12; 9. 5; 12. 35, 46; Re. 21. 23. God's word is, Ps. 19. 8; 119. 105, 130; Pro. . 6. 23- 2 Pe. 1. 19. Children of light, Lu. 16. 8; Jno. 12. 36; Ep. 5. 8; 1 Th. 5. 5; 1 Pe. 2. 9. Used figuratively, 2 Sa. 23. 4; Pro. 4. 18; 44 LIG. THE BIBLE. LYS. Job 29. 24; Ps. 4. 6;' 27. 1; 34. 5; 97. 11; 112. 4; 119. 135; Is. 9. 2; 60. 19; Mat. 4. 16; 5. 16; Eo. 13. 12. Lightning, a symbol of God's presence, Ex. 19. 16; 20. 18; Ps. 97. 4; Eze. 1. 13, 14; Da. 10. 6; Mat. 28. 3; Ee. 4. 6; 8. 5; 11. 19; 16. 18. Sent by God as a judgment, 1 Sa. 12. 17, 18; 2 Sa. 22. 15; Ps. 18. 14; 144.6; directed by God, Job 28. 26; 37. 3; 38. 25; -Ps. 77. 18; 135. 7; 148. 8; Je. 10. 13; 51. 16; Zee 9. 14. See also Na. 2. 4; Mat. 24. 27; Lu. 10. 18; 17. 24. Lily, the, Mat. 6. 28; Lu. 12. 27. An ornament in the temple, 1 Ki. 7. 19, 22, 26; 2 Chr. 4.5. Illustrative, Can. 2. 1, 2, 16; 4. 5; 5. 13; 7. 2; Ho. 14. 5. Linen, Ex. 28. 42; Le. 6. 10; 13. 47, 48; 19. 19; 1 Sa. 2. 18; 1 Ki. 10. 28; Mat. 27. 59; Mar. 14. 51; Re. 15. 6; 19. 8, 14. Lion, the, its characteristics, Ju. 14. 18; 2 Sa. 17. 10; Job 10. 16; 28. 8; 38. 39; Ps. 17. 12; 58. 6; Pro. 28. 1; 30. 29, 30; Is. 31. 4; Na. 2. 11. Its habits, Nu. 24. 9; De. 33. 20; 1 Sa. 17. 34; 1 Ki. 13. 24; 20. 36; Ps. 7. 2; 10. 9; 104. 21, 22; Is. 30. 6; 31. 4; 38. 13; Je. 2. 15; 4. 7; 5. 6; La. 3. 10; Ho. 11. 10; 13. 8; Am. 3. 8, 12; Mi. 5. 8; Na. 2. 12. See also, Ju. 14. 5, 18; 1 Sa. 17. 35; 2 Sa. 23. 20; 1 KI. 13. 24, 26; Job 4. 11; Da. 6. 7, 16. Illustrative, Ge. 49. 9; De. 3. 3, 20, 22; 2 Sa. 1. 23; 23. 20; Ps. 91. 13; Je. 49. 19; Eze. 19. 1; Ho. 5. 14; 2 Ti. 4. 17; 1 Pe. 5. 8; Re. 5.5. Listeth, Mat. 17. 12; Mar. 9. 13; Jno. 3. 8; Ja. 3. 4. Litters, Is. 66. 20. Lizards, Le. 11. 30. Lo-Ammi and Lo-Kuhamah, Ho. 1. 6 — 9; 2. 1. Loaves, 1 Sa. 25. 18; 1 Ki. 14. 3; 2 Ki. 4. 42; 1 Chr. 16. 3; Mat. 16. 9; Mar. 6. 44; Lu. 11. 5; Jno. 6. 9, Ac. Wave loaves, Le. 23. 17. See Bread. Locusts, Ps. 109. 23; Pro. 30. 27; Is. 33. 4; Na. 3. 15, 17; Re. 9. 7. Sent as a plague, Ex. 10. 4, Ac; De. 28. 38, 42; 1 Ki. 8. 37; Ps. 78. 46; 105. 34; Joel 1. 4; 2. 25; Re. 9. 3. Used as food, Le. 11. 22; Mat. 3. 4. Log. See Measures. Lois, Timothy's grandmother, 2 Ti. 1. 5. Lord's-Day, Ee. 1. 10. See Sabbath. Lord's Supper, the, instituted, Mat. 26. 26; Mar. 14. 22; Lu. 22. 19; 1 Co. 11. 23. Observed, Ac. 2. 42, 46; 20. 7, 11. Eules for proper observance of, 1 Co. 5. 7, 8; 10. 16,21; 11. 17—34. See Communion. Lot, Abraham's nephew, Ge. 11. 27, 30; 12. 5; 13. 1—12; 14. 11, 16; 19. 1, Ac; Lu. 17. 28 32* 2 Pe. 2. 7 8. His descendants,' Ge. 19. 36— 38; De. 2. 9, 19. Lots, casting of, appointed and disposed of by God, Le. 16. 8—10; 1 Sa. 14. 41;.Pro; 16. 33; 18. 18; Je. 13. 25. Instances of, Nu. 26. 55; 33. 64; Jos. 15. 1, Ac; Ju. 20. 9; 1 Sa. 14. 42; 1 Chr. 24. 6; 25.8; Est. 3. 7; 9. 24; Ps. 22. 18; Jon. 1.7; Mat. 27. 35; Lu. 1. 9; Jno. 19. 24; Ac. 1. 26. Love of God to man, De. 10. 15; Job 7. 17; Is. 49. 15, 16; 54. 10; Je. 31. 3; Zep. 3. 17; Ho. 11. 1; Jno. 3. 16; 17. 26; Eo. 5. 8; 9. 11—13; Ep. 1. 4; 2. 4; 2 Th. 2. 16; He. -12. 6; 1 Jno. 3. 1, 2; 4. 10. See also God, His Love. Love of Christ. See Christ, His Love. Love qf man, to God, De. 6. 5; 10. 12; 11. 1; 30. 20; Ps. 31. 23; 42. 1, 2; 63. 1; 116. 1; 145. 20; Is. 26. 8, 9; Da. 9. 4; Mat. 10. 37; 22. 37; Jno. 14. 15, 21, 23; Ro. 8. 28; Gal. 5. 6, 13; Ep. 5. 2; Phi. 1. 9; 2 Th. 3. 5; 1 Pe. 1. 7, 8; 1 Jno. 2. 5; 5. 3; Jude 21. To relatives and friends, Ge. 22. 2; 24. 67; 29. 18, 20; 47. 12; Ex. 2. 2; Ju. 11. 34, 35; Ru. 4. 15; 1 Sa. 1. 5; 18. 1, 3; 2 Sa. 1. 26; 13. 39; 18. 33; 1 Ki. 3. 26; 2 Ki. 4. 14, Ac; Pro. 5. 19; 31. 10—12; Is. 66. 13; Jno. 11. 31; 19. 26; Ep. 5. 26—28, 33; Tit. 2. 4, Ac. To all men, Le. 19. 18—34; De. 10. 19; Mat. 5. 43—46; 22. 39; Lu. 10. 27; Ro. 13. 8, 10; Gal. 6. 10; 1 Th. 3. 12; Col. 3. 14; 1 Ti. 1. 5; Ja. 2. 8; 1 Jno. 2. 9. See Affection, Charity, and Kind ness. . Love of Christians towards each other, Jno. 13. 34; 15. 12, 17; Ro. 12. 9, 10; 2 Co. 8. 24; Gal. 5. 13; Phi. 2. 1, 2; 1 Th. 4. 9; 2 Ti. 1.2; He. 10.24; 13.1; IPe. 1. 22; 3.8; 4. 8; 1 Jno. 3. 10, Ac; 4. 7, 11, 20; 2 Jno. 1, 4c; 3 Jno. 1, Ac. See Communion. Love of country, Ne. 2. 3; Ps.25. 22; 51. 18; 122. 6; 126. 1; 137. 5; Ro. 10. 1. Love of the world, Mat. 6. 24; 13. 22; 19. 22, 23; 1 Ti. 6. 9, 10; 2 Ti. 4. 10; Ja. 1. 27; 4. 4; 1 Jno. 2. 15. Lucifer, Is. 14. 12. Lucius, of Cyrene, Ac. 13. 1; Ro. 16. 21. Lucre, love of, forbidden, 1 Ti. 3. 3, 8; Tit. 1. 7. See Covetousness. Luke, the evangelist, Lu. 1. 3; with Ac. 1. 1; supposed to be the same as mentioned, Col. 4. 14; 2 Ti. 4. 11; Phile. 24. See Ac. 16. 12; 20. 5; 27. 1; 28. 13—16. Lukewarmness, censured, 1 Ki. 18. 21; Mat. 8. 21, 22; Lu. 9. 57, Ac; Ac. 26. 29; Ee. 3. 15. Lunatics, Mat. 4. 24; 17. 15, Ac. See Mad ness. Lusts of the flesh, to be repressed, Mat. 5. 28, 29; Ro. 8. 13; 1 Co. 9. 27; 10. 6; Gal. 5. 16—19; Col. 3. 5; 1 Th. 4. 5; 2 Ti. 2. 22; 1 Pe. 2. 11. See also, Nu. 11. 4; Ps. 106. 14; Pro. 6. 25; Ep. 4. 22; 2 Ti. 4. 3; Ja. 1. 14, 15; 1 Jno. 2. 16, 17; Jude 16, 18. Luz, or Bethel, Ge. 28. 19;— in Arabia, Ju. 1. 26. See Bethel. Lycaonia, in Asia Minor, Ac 14. 6, Ac Lycia, in Asia Minor, Ac 27. 5. Lydda, town of, Ac 9. 32, Ac Lydia, Ac. 16. 14, 15, 40. Lying, or falsehood, forbidden, Jos. 7. 11; Ps. 62. 4; 101. 7; 119. 163; Pro. 6. 17; 12. 22; 14. 25; Is. 30. 9; Je. 23. 25, 26; Ho. 7. 13; Na. 3. 1; 1 Jno. 2. 21, 22; 4. 20. Its punishment, Ps. 5. 6; Je. 50. 36; Ho. 10. 13; Re. 21. 8, 27; 22. 15. Examples of, Ge. IS. 15; 27. 19; Ju. 16. 10; 1 Sa. 21. 2; Mat. 26. 72; Jno. 8. 44; Tit. 1. 12. See Deceit. Lysias. See Claudius. 45 LYS. INDEX TO MAR. Lystra, a city of Lycaonia, Ac. 14. 6, 8 — 21; 16. 1,2; 2Ti. 3. 11. Maachah, Nahor's son, Ge. 22. 24; his descendants, De. 3. 14; Jos. 12. 5. Absalom's mother, 2 Sa. 3. 3. Queen of Judah, 1 Ki. 15. 10, 13; 2 Chr. 15. 16. Others of that name, 1 Ki. 2. 39; 1 Chr. 27. 16. Macedonia, a province in Greece, Ac.16. 9, 10; 18. 5; Ro. 15. 26; 2 Co. 8. 1—5; 9. 2, 4; 11. 9. Machpelah, Abraham's burying place, Ge. 23. 9, 17, 19; 25. 8, 9; 35. 29; 49. 29—32; 50. 12, 13. Madness, feigned by David, 1 Sa. 21. 13— 15; Ps. 34. title. Inflicted upon Nebuchadnezzar, Da. 4. 31 —33. Imputed to Jesus, Jno. 10. 20;— to Paul, Ac. 26. 24. See also, De. 28. 28; 2 Ki. 9. 11; Pro. 26- 18; Ec. 2. 2; 7. 7; Je.25.16; 61. 7. Magi, or wise men, Mat. 2. 1, Ac Magicians, of Egypt, Ge. 41. 8; Ex. 7. 11, 22; 8. 7, 18, 19; 9. 11. Of Chaldea, Da. 2. 2, Ac; 4. 7; 5. 7. 11. Magistrates, to be obeyed and respected, Ex. 22. 28; De. 17. 8, Ac; Ec. 10. 20; Ac. 23. 5; Ro. 13. 1—7; Tit. 3. 1; 1 Pe. 2. 13— 17; 2 Pe. 2. 10. Their duties, Ex. 18. 21; 23. 6—8; De. 1. 16; 16. 19; 2 Sa. 23. 3; 2 Chr. 19. 6, 7; Ezr. 7. 25: Job 29. 12, 16; Da. 6. 4; Eo. 12. 8. See Ju. 18. 5; Lu. 12. 11; Ac. 16: 20. Mahanaim, city of, Ge. 32. 2; Jos. 21. 38; 2 Sa. 2. 8: 17. 24, 27; 19. 32. Mahlon, Ruth's husband, Eu. 1. 2, 5, Maid-Servants, laws respecting, Ex. 20. 10; 21. 7, 27, 32; De. 15. 17; 16. 11. See also, 2 Sa. 6. 22; Job 31. 13; Ps. 123. 2; Is. 24. 2; Je. 34. 9; Joel 2. 29. Majesty, of God, 1 Chr. 29. 11; Job 37. 22; Ps. 29. 4; 45. 3; 93. 1; 96. 6; 104. 1; 145. 5; Is. 2. 10; 24. 14; Na. 1. 3, Ac; Hab. 3. 3, Ac. See under God. Of kings, 1 Chr. 29. 25; Est. 1. 4; Ps. 21. 5; Da. 4. 30, 36; 6. 18, 19. Makkedah, ;ity of, Jos. 10. 10, 17—21, 29; 15. 41. Malcharo, or M'ilcom, an Ammonitish idol, 1 Ki. 11. 33; Zep. 1. 5— supposed to be the same as Moloch — which see. Malchus, Caiaphas's servant, Mat. 26. 51; Mar. 14. 47; Lu. 22. 50; Jno. 18. 10. Malefactors, De. 21. 22; Lu. 23. 32; Jno. 18. 30. Malice, condemned, Job 31. 29, 30; Ps. 7. 15, 16; 35. 12—16; Pro. 17. 5; 24. 17; Eze. 35. 5; Ac. 4. 25—27; Eo. 1. 29; 1 Co. 5. 8; 14. 20: Gal. 5. 20: Ep. 4. 31; Col. 3. 8; Tit. 3. 3; Ja. 5. 9; 1 Pe. 2. 1, 16. Instances, Ge. 4. 5, 8; 27. 41; 34. 7; 37. 5, 18—20; 1 Sa. 18. 9—11; 19. 10; 1 Ki. 21. 9, 10; Ne. 2. 10; Est. 3. 5, 6; Da. 6.4—9; Mar. 6. 17—19; 11. 18; Lu. 11.54; 3 Jno. 10. See Envy. Mammon, Mat. 9. 24; Lu. 16. 9, 13. See COVETOUSNESS. Mamie, AbrahamV f'Jtnd, Ge. 14. 13, 24; his country, 13. 18; 18,1; 23. 17; 35. 27; 50. 13. Man, his creation, Pe. 1. 26, 27; 2. 7, 21, 46 9. 6; De. 4. 32; Job 15. 7; Is. 43. 7; Ac. 17. 26—28; 1 Co. 15. 45. His original sinless state, Ge. 1. 27; 2. 7, 25; 5. 1; Ps. 8. 5; Ec. 7. 29; 1 Co. 11. 7. His fall, Ge. 3. 1—19; 6. 5; 8. 21; Eo. 5. 12, 19; 2 Co. 11.3. His present sinful condition, Ge. 6. 5, 12; 1 Ki. 8. 46; Job 15. 14; Ps. 14. 2. 3; 51. 6; 53. 2, 3; Pro. 20. 9; Ee 7. 20; 9. 3; Is. 43. 27; Je. 3. 25; 17. 9; Jno. 3. 6, 19; Eo. 3. 10, 19, 23; 7. 18; 8. 7; 1 Co. 2. 14; Gal. 5. 17; Tit. 3. 3; 1 Jno. 1. 8; 5. 19. His mortality, Job 7. 1—10; 14. 5, 10, 12; Ps. 90. 3, 4c; 103. 15, 16; Ee 12. 7; Eo. 5. 12; 1 Co. 15. 22. See Death, temporal. His future state unless redeemed. See Hell. Man, regenerated, Ps. 32. 1, 2; 73. 23—26; Is. 64. 6, 17; Ro. 5. 1; 6. 6; 8. 1, 33—39; 1 Co. 6. 19, 20; 15. 22; 2 Co. 3. 18; Ep. 2. 1, 5 —10; 4. 24; Col. 1. 21; 3. 10; 1 Pe. 1. 18— 23; 2 Pe. 1. 3—8; 1 Jno. 1. 3; 3. 1. See Christ, his mediation, and Regenera tion. His final blessedness, Job 19. 26, 27; Ps. 16. 11; Is. 64. 4; Da. 12. 2, 3; Mat. 13. 43; 22. 30; 25. 34, 46; Lu. 14. 14; 20. 36; 22. 29, 30; Jno. 6. 29; 10. 28; 14. 2, 3; 17. 22, 24; Eo. 6. 22, 23; 8. 17—19, 30; 1 Co. 2. 9, 10; 15. 43, 49; 2 Co. 4. 17, 18; 5. 1; Phi. 3. 21; Col. 3. 4; 1 Th. 4. 17, 18; 2 Th. 1. 7, 10; 2. 14; 2 Ti. 2. 10; 4. 8; He. 4. 9; 10. 34, 35; 1 Pe. 1. 3; 3. 9; 5. 4, 10; 1 Jno. 3. 2; Ee. 3. 5, 12, 21; 7. 9, 13-17; 20. 4; 21. 1—5; 22. 5. Manasseh, Joseph's son, Ge. 41. 51; his blessing, 48. 8, 20; his descendants, Nu. 1. 34; 26. 29; Jos. 22. 1; 1 Chr. 5. 23; 7. 14; their inheritance, Nu. 32. 33; 34. 14; Jos. 13.29, 4c; 17. 1, Ac King of Judah, 2 Ki. 21. 1; 1 Chr. 3. 13; 2 Chr. 33. 1, Ac; Mat. 1. 10 (Manasses);— his captivity and return, 2 Chr. 33. 11 — 19; his death, 2 Ki. 21. 18; 2 Chr. 33. 20. Mandrakes, Ge. 30. 14—16; Can. 7. 13. Manna, given to Israel for food, Ex. 16. 4, 14, Ac; De. 8. 3; Ne. 9. 15, 20; Ps. 78. 24, 25; Jno. 6. 31. Its appearance and taste, Ex. 16. 14, 31; Nu. 11. 7, 8. Preserved in the Ark, Ex. 16. 32—34; He. 9.4. See also, Nu. 11. 4—9; 21. 5; Jos. 5. 12; Ps. 105. 40. Illustrative, Jno. 0. 32—35; 1 Co. 10. 3; Ee. 2.17. Manoah, Samson's father, Ju. 13. 2, Ac; 16. 31. Manslaughter, laws respecting, Ex. 21. 12, 18; Nu. 35. 6, 22; De. 19. 4; Jos. 20. 3; 1 Ti. 1. 9. See Cities, of refuge. Manstealing, forbidden, Ex. .21. 16; De. 24.7. Mantle, 1 Sa. 15. 27; 28. 14; 2 Ki. 2. 8, 13l See Garments. Marah, Ex. 15. 23; Nu. 33. 8. Maran-atha, 1 Co. 16. 22. See Anath ema. Marble, 1 Chr. 29. 2; Est. 1. 6; Can. 5. 15; Ee. 18. 12. Mark. See John, the evangelist. Marriage, its institution, Ge. 2. 21—24; Pro. 18. 22; 19. 14; Mat. 19. 4, 5; He. 13. 4. Its nature and design, Ge. 1. 28; 2. 18; 9. MAR. THE BIBLE. HUE. 1; Pro. 31. 10—31; Mai. 2. 14, 15; Mat. 19. 5, 6; Eo. 7. 2, 3; 1 Co. 6. 16; 7. 2, Ac; Ep. 5. 31; 1 Ti. 5. 14; He. 13. 4. Customs^and ceremonies connected with, Ge. 24. 3, 4, 57, 58; 28. 2; 29. 21—30; 34. 6 —12; Ex. 22. 17; De. 7. 3; 25. 5; Ju. 14. 2, 10, Ac; Ru. 4. 1, 10—12; 1 Sa. 18. 20—27; 25. 39^1; Ps. 45. 9—15; Can. 3. 11; Is. 49. 18; Je. 43. 11; H.o. 3. 2; Mat. 22. 2—12, 24 —27; 25. 1—12; Jno. 2. 1-10; 3. 29. Laws concerning, Ge. 34. 14; Le. 18. 6 — 18; 21. 7, 13—15; De. 7. 3; 20. 7; 22. 13, Ac; 24. 1, Ac; 25. 5; Jos. 23. 12; Ezr. 9. 12; Ne. 13. 23—25; Mat. 19. 6, 4c; Ro. 7. 2, 3; 1 Co. 7. 1, Ac; 2 Co. 6. 14; Ep. 5. 22—33. Happiness of, Ps. 128. 3; Pro. 12. 4; 18. 22; 19. 14; 31. 10, Ac. Unhappiness of, Pro. 12.4; 19. 13: 21. 9, 19. Its duties. See Husbands and wives. None in heaven, Mat. 22. 30; Mar. 12. 25; Lu. 20. 36. See also Betrothal, Divorce, and Po lygamy. Mars' Hill, Ac. 17. 22. See Areopagus. Martha, Lazarus's sister, Lu. 10. 38 — 42; Jno. 11. 1, Ac; 12. 2. Martyrdom, Mat. 10. 21, 28, 37; 16. 24—27; 24. 9; Mar. 8. 34—38; Lu. 14. 26; Jno. 16. 2; Ac. 20. 24; 21. 13; 1 Pe. 4. 19 ; Ee. 2. 10; 12. 11; 17. 6. Its reward, Mat. 5. 10; Ro. 8. 17; 2 Ti. 1. 12; 2. 12; 1 Pe. 4. 13; Re. 2. 10; 6. 9, 11; 7. 14—17; 20 4. Examples, Ge. 4. 8; (Lu. 11. 51; 1 Jno. 3. 12;) 1 Ki. 18. 4; 19. 10; Je. 26. 23; Mar. 6. 27; Jno. 21. 18, 19; Ac. 7. 58; 12. 2; 22. 4, 20; 26. 10; Re. 2. 13. Mary, the mother of Jesus, her genealogy, Mat. 1. 6—16; addressed by Gabriel, Lu. 1. 26—37; her thanksgiving, Lu. 1. 46—55; married to Joseph, Mat. 1. 18—25; brings forth the Saviour, Mat. 1. 18; 2. 1, 11; Lu. 2. 4—7. See also Mat. 12, 46; Mar. 3. 31; 15. 40, 47; 16. 1; Lu. 2. 21, Ac; 8. 19; Jno. 2. 1, Ac; 19. 26—27; Ac. 1. 14. See Joseph. Lazarus's sister, Lu. 10. 39, Ac; Jno. 11. 5, 4c; anoints Jesus, Mat. 26. 6, 7; Mar. 14. 3; Jno. 11. 2; 12. 3. Mother of James and Joses, Mat. 27. 66 — 61; 28. 1; Mar. 15. 40, 47; 16. 1; Lu. 23. 55; 24. 1; Jno. 19. 25. Mother of Mark, Ac. 12.12. Mary Magdalen, dispossessed of seven devils, Mar. 16. 9; Lu. 8. 2; at the cruci fixion, Mat. 27. 56; Mar. 15. 40; Jno. 19. 25; sees Christ first, Mat. 28. l-^S; Mar. 16. 9; Jno. 20. 1, 11—17. Masons. See Trades and Professions. Massah, Ex. 27. 7; De. 6. 16; 9. 22; 33. 8. Masters, their authority, Col. 3. 22; 1 Pe. 2 18 Their duties, Ge. 18. 19; 31. 7; 35. 2, 3; Ex. 20. 10; Le. 19. 13; 25. 39—55; De. 5. 12—14; 24. 14; Jos. 24. 15; Job 31. 13, 15; Je. 22. 13—17; Mai. 3. 5; Mat. 8. 5; Lu. 7. 2; Ac. 10. 2; Ep. 6. 9; Col. 4. 1; Phile. 10—20; Ja. 5. 4. Mattan, a priest of Baal, 2 Ki. 11. 18; 2 Chr. 23. 17. Matthew, or Levi, the evangelist and apostle, Mat. 9. 9; 10. 3; Mar. 2. 14; 3.18; Lu. 6. 27—32; 6. 15; Ac. 1. 13. Matthias, chosen apostle, Ac. 1. 23, 26. Mattock, 1 Sa. 13. 20, 21; 2 Chr. 34. 6; Is. 7. 25. Maul,' Pro. 25. 18. Mazzaroth, Job 38. 32. Measures, of length— cubit, Ex. 25. 10; 1 Sa. 17. 4; 1 Ki. 6. 2; 7. 15, 24; 2 Chr. 3. 15; Eze. 40. 23, Ac; 43. 13; Da. 3. 1; Zee 5. 2; Jno. 21. 8; Re. 21. 17.' See Cubit. Fathom (about 6 feet 8 inches), Ac. 27. 28. Finger, Je. 52. 21. Furlong. See Furlong. Hand-breadth (about 4 inches), Ex. 25. 25; 1 Ki. 7. 26; Ps. 39. 5; Eze. 40. 5; 43. 13. Mile (about one-fifth more than an Eng lish mile), Mat. 5. 41. Eeed (about 10 feet 10 inches), Eze. 40. 3; 42. 16; 45. 1; Re. 11. 1; 21. 15, 16. Span (about 10 inches), Ex. 28. 16; 1 Sa. 17. 4; Is. 40. 12; La. 2. 20; Eze. 43. 13. Of capacity— bath. See Bath. Cab, for solids (about 3 pints), 2 Ki. 0. 25. Cor, or homer, for liquids (about 75 gal lons), Eze. 45. 11—14; Ho. 3. 2. Ephah (same as the bath), see Epiiah. Firkin for liquids (about the same as the bath), Jno. 2. 6. Hin, for liquids (about six quarts), Nu. 15. 4—6; 28. 14; see Hin. Log (nearly a pint), Le. 14. 10, &c Measure, for solids, 2 Ki. 7. 1 (about 2£ gallons), Lu. 16. 6 (equal to the ephah); Re. 6. 6 (about a quart). See Weights. See also Ge. 18. 6; Le. 19. 35; De. 25. 14, 15; 1 Sa. 25. 18; 1 Ki. 4. 22; 5. 11; 18. 32; Ezr. 7. 22; Job 38. 5; Pro. 20. 10; Je. 13. 25; Ha. 2. 16; Mi. 6. 10; Mat. 13. 33; Lu. 16. 6, 7. Meat-offering. See Offerings. Meats, clean and unclean, to the Jews, Le. 11. 1, Ac; De. 14. 3—21; Eze. 4. 14; Ac. 10. 14. To Christians, Ac. 10. 15; 15. 20, 29; Ro. 14. 2, 3. 14-23; 1 Co. 8. 4—13; 10. 25-33; Col. 2. 16; 1 Ti. 4. 3. 4; Re. 2. 14, 20. Meddling, censured, 2 Ki. 14. 10; 2 Chr. 25. 19; Pro. 17. 14; 20. 3; 24. 21; 26. 17. Medeba, a city of Reuben, Jos. 13. 16; Is. 15.2. Medes, the, 2 Ki. 17. 6; 18. 11; Ezr. 6. 2; Est. 1. 19; Is. 13. 17; Je. 25. 25; 51. 11; Da. 5. 28; 6. 8, 12, 15: 9. 1; 11. 1; Ae. 2. 9. Media, country of Ge. 10. 2 (Madai); Est. 1. 3, 14, 18; 10. 2; Is. 21. 2; Da. 8. 20. See Persia. Mediator. See Christ, his mediation. Medicine, Pro. 17. 22; Je. 8. 22; 30. 13; 46. 11; Eze. 47. 12. Meditation, duty and advantages of, Ge. 24. 63; Jos. 1. 8; Ps. 1. 2; 4. 4; 19. 14; 39. 3; 49. 3; 77. 12; 104. 34; 107. 43; 119. 15, 78, 97, 148; 143. 5; Pro. 4. 26; 1 Ti.4. 15. Meekness, enjoined, Gal. 5. 23; 6. 1; Ep. 4. 2; Phi. 2. 2, 3; Col. 3. 12, 13; 1 Ti. 6. 11; 2 Ti. 2. 25; Ja. 1. 21; 3. 13; 1 Pe. 3. 4, 15. Advantages of, Ps. 22. 26; 25. 9; 37. 11; 76. 9; 147. 6; 149. 4; Pro. 3. 34; 16. 32; Is. 57. 15; 61. 1; 66. 2; Zep. 2. 3; Mat. 5. 5; 11. 29. Is a fruit of the spirit, Gal. 5. 22, 23; Ep. 6. 18, 21; Ja. 3. 17, 18. Christ an example of, Ps. 45. 4; Is. 53. 2, 7; Mat. 11. 29; 21. 5; Lu. 23. 31; 2 Co. 10. 1. Other examples, Ge. 13. 8, 9; Nu. 12. 3; 1 47 MEG. INDEX TO MIN. Sa. 24. 8—15; Je. 26. 14; 1 Co. 2. 3; 1 Th. 2.7. See Gentleness and Humility. Megiddo, a city of Manasseh, Jos. 17. 11; Ju. 1. 27; 5. 19; 1 Ki. 9. 15; 2 Ki/9. 27; 23. 29, 30; 2 Chr. 35. 22; Zee 11. 12 (Megiddon). Melchizedek, king of Salem, Ge. 14. 18 —20; Ps. 110. 4; He. 5. 6, 10; 6. 2n; 7. 1—21. Melita, '.island of, Ac. 28. 1—11. Now Malta. Melons, Nu. 11. 5. Memphis, or Noph, a city of Egypt, Is. 19. 13; Je. 2. 16; 46. 14| Eze. 30. 13; Ho. 9.6. Menahem, king of Israel, 2 Ki. 15. 14, Ac Mephibosheth, Jonathan's son, 2 Sa. 4. 4; 9. 3—13; 16. 1—4; 19. 24-30; 21. 7. Saul's sou, 2 Sa. 21. 8. Merab, Saul's daughter, 1 Sa. 14. 49; 18. 17, 19. Merari, Levi's son, Ge. 46. 11; 1 Chr. 6. 1 ; his descendants, Ex. 6. 19; Nu. 3. 36; 7. 8; 10. 17;. Jos. 21. 7, 34; 1 Chr. 6. 63, 77; 23. 21. Merchandise, De. 24. 7; Pro. 3. 14; 31. IS; Is. 23. 18; Eze. 27. 9; 28. 16; Mat. 22. 5; Jno. 2. 16; Ee. 18. 11, 12. Merchants, Ge. 23. 16; 37. 25, 28; 1 Ki. 10. 15; 2 Chr. 9. 14; Ne. 3. 32; Job 41.6; Can. 3. 6; Is. 23. 2, 8; Eze. 17. 4; 27. 3, 13, Ac; Na. 3. 16; Mat. 13. 45; Re. 18. 3j 23. Mercurius, or Mercury, Ac. 14. 12. Mercy, of God, Ex. 33. 19; 2 Sa. 24. 14; Ps. 40. 11; 62. 12; 79. 8; 89. 28; 103. 4; 138. 8; Is. 1. 18; 54. 7; 55. 3; La. 3. 32; Ho. 14. 4; Ro. 9. 15, 18; 2 Co. 1. 3; Tit. 3. 5; 1 Pe. 1. 3. See under God. The duty of man, 2 Sa. 21. 7; 1 Ki. 20. 31; Job 6. 14; 19. 21; Ps. 37. 21; 112. 5; Pro. 3. 3; 12. 10; 14. 31; 19. 17; Je. 6. 6; 12. 6; Da. 4. 27; Ho. 6. 6; 12. 6; Mi. 6. 8; Zee. 7. 9; Mat. 5. 7; 18. 33; 23. 23; Lu. 6. 36; 10. 30, Ac; Ro. 12. 8, 19; Phi. 2. 1; Col. 3. 12; Ja. 2. 13' 3. 17. Its reward, Ps. 37. 26; 41. 1; Pro. 3. 3, 4; 11. 17; 14. 21; 16. 6; 21. 21; Is. 5S. 6-12; Mat. 5. 7; Mar. 11. 25; Lu. 6. 35; He. 6. 10. Mercy-seat, the, Ex. 25. 17, Ac; 26. 31; 37. 6; 40. 20; Le. 10. 2, 13; 1 Chr. 28. 11; He. 9.5. Merlbah, Ex. 17. 7; Nu. 20. 13, 21; 27. 14; De. 32. 51; 33. 8; Ps. 81. 7. Merit, human, no plea before God, De. 9. 4; Job 35. 7; Pro. 16. 2; Eo. 4. 2; 11. 6; 2 Ti. 1. 9; Tit. 3. 5. Merodach, or Berodach, kings of Baby lon, 2 Ki. 20. 12; 25. 27; Is. 39. 1, 2; Je. 52. 31;— a Babylonish idol, Je. 50. 2. Merom, lake of, Jos. 11. 5. Meroz, Ju. 5. 23. Mesha, king of Moab, 2 Ki. 3. 4, 5, 21—27. Meshach, See Abednego. Mesech, Japheth's son, Ge. 10. 2; 1 Chr. 1. 5, 17. Country of, Ps. 120. 5; Eze. 27. 13; 32. 26; 38. 2, 3; 39. 1. Mesopotamia, Ge. 24. 10; De. 23. 4; Ju. 3. 8, 10; 1 Chr. 19. 6; Ac 2. 9; 7. 2. See Aram, Padan-aram, Syria, and Ur. Messiah (Anointed), foretold, Is. 2. 2; 9. 6, Ac; 32. 1, Ac; Je. 23:'5; 33. 15—17; Eze. 34. 23—31; Da. 2. 44; 7. 27; 9.26; Am 9.11— 15; Mi. -1. 2; Zee 3, 8; 6. 12; 9. 9; 12. 10. (See Jesus Christ, his incarnation foretold.) Expected, Mat. 2. 4—6; Mar. 15.43; Lu. 2. 26. 38; 24. 21; Jno. 4. 25; 10. 24; 11. 27; Ac. 1.6. Metals, De. 8. 9; Job 28. 1, 2, 6; Is. 1. 25; 60. 17; Da. 2. 32, Ac. See Brass, Gold, Iron, Lead, Silver, and Tin. Methuselah, Enoch's son, Ge. 5. 21—27; 1 Chr. 1. 3; Lu. 3. 37. Micah, various of that name, Ju. 17. 1, Ac; 18. 4, Ac; 1 Chr. 5. 5; 8. 34; 9. 15; 2 Chr 34. 20; Ne. 10. 11; Je. 26. 18; Mi. 1. 1, Ac. Micaiah, a prophet, 1 Ki. 22. 8, Ac; 2 Chr. 18. 8, Ac Michael, the archangel, Da. 10. 13, 21; 12. 1; Jude 9; Re. 12. 7. Michal, Saul's daughter and David's wife, 1 Sa. 14. 29; 18. 20, Ac; 19. 11—17; 25. 44; 2 Sa. 3. 13;— her rebuke, 2 Sa. 6. 16—23; 1 Chr. 15. 29. Mlchmash, a city of Benjamin, 1 Sa. 13. 6; 14. 1, Ac. Midian, Abraham's son by Keturah, Ge. 25. 2; 1 Chr. 1. 32. Descendants of, Ge. 25. 4; 37. 28, 36; Ex. 2. 16; 18. 1—12; Nu. 22. 4; 25. 6, 15—18; 31. 2. Ac; Ju. 6; 7; 8; 1 Chr. 1. 33; Ps. 83. 9; Is. 9. 4; 10. 26; 60. 6. Land of, Ex. 2. 15—22; 1 Ki. 11. 18; Hab. 3.7. Midwives, Ex. 1. 16, 20. Migdol, Ex. 14. 2; Je. 44. 1. Milcah, Ge. 11. 29; 22. 20; 24. 15. Mildew, De. 28. 22; 1 Ki. 8. 37; Am. 4. 9; Hag. 2. 17. Miletus, or Miletum, Ac 20. 15; 2 Ti. 4.20. Milk, Ge. 18. 8: Lu. 4. 19; 5. 25; Pro. 30. 33; Can. 5. 1, 12; Is. 28. 9; La. 4. 7; Eze. 25. 4; 1 Co. 9. 7; of camels, Ge. 32. 15; of cows, 1 Sa. 6. 7, 10; Is. 7. 21, 22; of goats, Pro. 27. 27; of sheep, De. 32. 14; Is. 7. 21, 22. Figurative, of plenty and fertility, Ge. 49. 12; Ex. 3. 8; Le. 20. 24; De. 11.' 9; 32. 14; Jos. 5. 6; Is. 7. 22; Je. 11. 5; Eze. 20. 6, 15; Joel 3. 18; of the first principles of the gospel, 1 Co. 3. 2; He. 5. 12, 13; 1 Pe. 2. 2. See also Job 10. 10; 21. 24; Can. 4. 11; Is. 65. 1; 60. 16; 1 Co. 9. 7. Mills and Millstones, Ex. 11. 5; Nu. 11. 8; De. 24. 6; Ju. 9. 63; Job 41. 24; Is. 47. 2; Je. 25. 10; Mat. 18. 6; 24. 41; Re. 18,21,22. Millet, Eze. 4. 9. ' 11 illo, house or family of, Ju. 9. 6, 20. A place in Jerusalem, 2 Sa. 5. 9; 1 Ki. 9. 15, 24; 11. 27; 2 Ki. 12. 20; 1 Chr. 11. 8. Mind, the, the understanding, Nu. 16. 28; 1 Chr. 28. 9: Da. 5. 20; Mar. 5. 15; Lu. 1. 29; 10. 27; Eo. 14. 6; Ep. 2. 3; Col. 1. 21; 2 Ti. 1. 7; Re. 17. 9;— the intention, 1 Chr. 22. 7; Pro. 21. 27; Hab. 1. 11;— the heart or affections, Ge. 26. 35; De. 18. 6; 28 65; Is. 26. 3; Ac. 17. 11; 2 Co. 7. 7;— the mem ory, De. 30. 1; Ps. 31. 12; Is. 46. 8; Mar. 14. 72' Tit. 3. 1 Mind of the Lord, Le. 24. 12; 1 Sa. 2. 33; Eo. 11. 34;— of Christ, 1 Co. 2. 16;— of the Spirit, Eo. 8. 27. Carnal mind, Ro. 8.7; Col. 2. 18; — spiritual mind, Ro. 8. 6; — reprobate mind, Ro. 1. 28. Minister, applied to Christ, Mat. 20. 28; Mar. 10. 45; Ro. 15. 8; Gal. 2. 17; He. 8. 2, 6;— to the holy angels, Ps. 103. 21; 104. i; MIN. THE BIBLE. MOA. Da. 7. 10; He. 1. 14;— to the fallen angels, _ 2 Co. 11. 15;— to magistrates, Ro. 13. 4, 6. Ministers, of the Jewish economy. See Priests and Levites. Of the Christian dispensation, Col. 1. 23, 25;— their qualifications, Ac. 20. 19; 2 Co. 3. 5, 6; 6. 4; 12. 14; Ep. 3. 14; 4. 12; 6. 21; Phi. 3. 17; 2 Th. 3. 9; Col. 1. 7; 4. 7; 1 Ti. 3. 1—9; 4. 12; 2 Ti. 2. 24; 4. 5; Tit. 1. 6—9; 1 Pe. 5. 2 3. Their 'duties, Mar. 16. 15; Jno. 21. 15—17; Ac 1. 25; 6. 4; 20. 2S; Eo. 12. 7; 15. 25; 1 Co. 1. 17; 4. 2; 9. 16; 10. 33; 16. 15; 2 Co. 3. 3; 4. 1; 5. 18; 6. 3; Col. 4. 4, 17; 1 Th. 2. 2; 3. 2; 1 Ti. 3. 4, 6—16; 5. 17, 20; 2 Ti. 4. 6; 1 Pe. 4. 11; 5. 2; 2 Pe. 1. 12. Their privileges, Mat. 10. 10, 40; Lu. 10. 7, 16; Jno. 13. 20; Ro. 15. 27; 16. 4; 1 Co. 4. 1; 9. 7, 13; 11. 1; 16. 16; Gal. 6. 6; Ep. 6. 19; Phi. 2. 29; 1 Th. 2. 6; 4. 8; 5. 12; 2 Th. 3. 9; 1 Ti. 5. 18; 2 Ti. 2. 6; He. 13. 17. Their claims, Mat. 23. 3; Eo. 15. 30; 16. 9; 1 Co. 4. 1; 9. 7—11; 16. 16; 2 Co. 8. 7; Gal. 4. 14; 6. 6; Ep. 6. 19; Phi. 2. 29; 4. 3: 1 Th. 3. 6; 5. 13; 1 Ti. 5. 17; He. 13. 17, 18! Are called of God, Jno. 10. 1; Ac. 1. 15, 26; 14. 23; 26. 16; 1 Co. 4. 1; 2 Co. 3. 6; 6. 4; Gal. 1. 15, 16; 1 Ti. 1. 12; 4. 14; Tit. 1. 5; He. 5. 4; 6. 4;— guided by the Spirit, Lu. 24. 49; Ac 2. 4; 13. 2, 4; Ro. 15. 16; 1 Co. 12. 5; Ep. 3. 5, 7; 4. 12; 1 Pe. 4. 10, 11. Are styled pastors, Ep. 4. 11; teachers, 1 Co. 12. 28; labourers, Mat. 9. 38; 1 Co. 3. 9; stewards, 1 Co. 4. 1, 2; 1 Pe. 4. 10; watchmen, Is. 52. 8; Ep. 6. 18; bishops, 1 Ti. 3. 1; Tit. 1. 7; rulers, 1 Ti. 5. 17; preach ers, 1 Ti. 2. 7; 2 Ti. 1. 11; elders, Tit. 1. 5; 1 Pe. 5. 1; servants, 2 Ti. 2. 24; 2 Pe. 1. 1; angels, Re. 2. 1, 8, 12, 18; 3. 1, 7, 14. Mint, an herb, Mat. 23. 23. Miracles — display the power and glory of God, Nu. 14. 22; De. 11. 2-7; 29. 22—24; Jno. 2. 11; 9. 3; 11. 4. Are evidence of a divine commission, Ex. 4. 1—5; 19. 9; Jos. 2. 10; 5. 1; 1 Ki. 18. 36 —39; Mat. 11. 3—6; Mar. 16. 20; Jno. 3. 2; 5. 36; 9. 16, 33; 10. 25; 20. 30, 31; Ac. 2. 22; 10. 38; 14. 3; He. 2. 4. Are wrought by divine power, Mat. 10. 1; 12. 28; Ac. 3. 12; 15. 12; 16. 25, 26; 19. 11; Eo. 15. 19; 1 Co. 12. 10;— through faith, Mat. 9. 28, 29; 17. 19, 20; 21. 21; Mar. 9. 22 —21; 11. 23; Lu. 17. 6; Jno. 14. 12; Ac. 3. 16; 6. 8; 1 Co. 13. 2. See also Mat. 11. 20—24; Mar. 6. 52; Lu. 16. 31; 23. 8; Jno. 2. 23; 12. 37; 15. 24; Ac. 4. 16; 8. 6, 7. Miracles, wrought by Moses and Aaron, Ex. 4. 2—9, 30; 7. 9, 10, 20; 8; 9; 10; 12. 29, 30; 14. 15—31; 15. 23—25; 17. 6; Nu. 16. 28 —32; 20. 8—11; 21. 8, 9. By Joshua, Jos. 3. 10—17; 4. 18; 6. 6—20; 10. 12—14; Ju. 7. 16-22. By Samuel, 1 Sa. 12. IS. By the prophet of Judah, 1 Ki. 13. 4—6. By Elijah, 1 Ki. 17. 1, Ac; 18. 36, Ac; 2 Ki. 1. 10—12; 2. 8 (Ja. 5. 17). By Elisha, 2 Ki. 2. 14, Ac; 4. 1, Ac; 6. 10, Ac; 6. 6, Ac; 13. 21. Isaiah, 2 Ki. 20. 7, 11. The seventy disciples, Lu. 10. 9, 17. . The apostles, Ac, Ac 2. 43; 5. 12. Peter, Ac, 3. 7; 5, 5, 10; 15. 16; 9. 34, 40, Stephen, Ac 6. 8. Philip, Ac 8. 6, 7, 13. Paul, Ac. 13. 11; 14. 10; 16. IS; 19. 11, 12; 20. 10—12; 28.3, S; (and Barnabas) Ac. 14. 3. Miracles of Christ (in chronological or der), turns water into wine. Jno. 2. 1 — 11; heals a nobleman's son, Jno. 4. 46 — 54; causes a miraculous draught of fishes, Lu. 5. 4 — G; cures a demoniac, Mar. 1. 23 . — 26; heals Peter's mother-in-law, Mat. 8. 14, 15; Mar. 1. 30, 31; heals a leper, Mat. 8. 2, 3; Mar. 1. 40 — 45; heals a centurion's servant, Mat. 8. 5—13; raises a widow's son, Lu. 7. 12—15; calms the tempest, Mat. 8. 23—26; cures demoniacs, M at. 8. 28 — 32; cures a man of palsy, Mat. 9. 1—8; Mar. 2. 3—12; stops the issue of blood, Mat. 9. 20—22; Lu. 8.43-48; raises Jairus's daughter, Mat. 9. 18, 19, 23—26; Lu. 8. 41, 42, 49 — 56; cures two blind men, Mat. 9. 27—30; cures a dumb man, Mat. 9. 32, 33; cures an infirm man, Jno. 5. 5 — 9; restores a withered hand, Mat. 12. 10—13; cures a demoniac, Mat. 12. 22; feeds five thou sand, Mat. 14. 15 — 21; walks on the sea, Mat. 14. 25—27; heals a Canaanitish woman's daughter, Mat. 15. 22 — 28; heals the deaf and dumb, Mar. 7. 32—35; feeds four thousand, Mat. 15. 32 — 38; cures the blind, Mar. 8. 22—25; casts out a devil. Mat. 17. 14—18; cures the blind, Jno. 9. 1 — 7; procures tribute money, Mat. 17. 27; heals an infirm woman, Lu. 13. 11 — 13; cures a dropsy, Lu. 14. 2—4; cleanses ten lepers, Lu. 17. 12 — 14; raises Lazarus, Jno. 11. 11 — 44; cures two blind men, Mat. 20. 30—34; Mar. 10. 46—52; blights the fig- tree, Mat. 21. 18—20; heals Malchus's ear, Lu. 22. 50, 51; causes another miraculous draught of fishes, Jno. 21. 6. Miracles, wrought through evil agents, Ex. 7. 11, 22; 8. 7, 18; De 13. 1, 2; 1 Sa. 28. 7—14; Mat. 24. 24; Ac. 8. 9—11; 2 Th. 2. 9; Ee. 13. 13, 14; 16. 14; 19.20. Miraculous gifts. See Gifts, spiritual." Miriam, Moses's sister, Nu. 26. 59; her song, Ex. 15.20,21; her sedition and pun ishment, Nu. 12. 1, 4c; her death, Nu. 20. 1. Mirth, vanity of, Pro. 14. 13; 25. 20; Ec 2. 1, 2; 7. 3, 4. Mischief, its punishment, Ps. 7. 14—16; 9. 15; 57. 6; 64. 8; 140. 2; Pro. 26. 27; Ec. 10. 8; Is. 33. 1; Ac. 13. 10. Mite, the widow's, Mar. 12, 42; Lu. 21. 2. See Money. Mitre, the high priest's, Ex. 28. 4, 36—39; 29. 6; 39. 30, 31; Le. 8. 9; 16. 4; Zee 3. 5. Mizpah, or Mispeh, a city of Judah, Jos. 15. 38; 18. 26; 1 Sa. 7. 5, 6; 10. 17—24. A city of Gad, Ge. 31. 49; Ju. 10. 17; 11. 11, 29, 34; 20. 1. See 1 Ki. 15. 22; Ne. 3. 19; Je. 40. 6. Mizraim, Ham's son, Ge. 10. 6, 13. Mnason, a disciple, Ac. 21. 16. Moab, Lot's son, Ge. 19. 37. Moab, country of, Nu. 21. 13; 22. 1; De. 2. 9, 18; 34. 5, 6; Ju. 11. 15; Ru. 1. 2, 4; Je. 48. 21—24; Eze. 25. 9. Moabites, the, spoiled by the Amorites, Nu. 21. 26 — 30; — oppose the passage of Israel. Nu. 22; 23; 24; Ju. 11. 17, 18;— ex cluded from the congregation, De, 23. 3; 49 MOC. INDEX TO MOT. Ne. 13. 1, 2;— at variance with Israel, Ju. 3. 12—30; 1 Sa. 14. 47; 2 Sa. 8. 2; 23. 20; 2. Ki. 1. 1 ; 3. 5—27: 13. 20; 24. 2; 2 Chr. 20. 23; Ps. 83. 5, 6;— their character, Is. 16. 6; Je. 48. 11, 14, 29; Zep. 2. 9. 10. Prophecies concerning, Ex. 15. 15; Nu. 21. 29; 24. 17; Is. 11. 14; 15. 1, 4c; 16. 6—14; 25. 10; . Je. 9. 25, 26; 25. 15—33; 48. 1, 4c, Eze. 25. 8—11; Am. 2. 2; Zep. 2. 9. Mocking, censured, Job 13. 9; Ps. 35. 16; Pro 14. 9; 17. 5; 30. 17; Is. 28. 22; Gal. 6. 7. Instances, Ge. 21. 9; 2 Ki. 2. 23; 2 Chr. 30. 10; 36. 16; Mat. 20. 19; 27. 29, Ac; Lu. 22. 63; 23. 11, 36; Ac 2. 13; 17. 32. Moderation, commended, Lu. 12. 15, 22 — 30; ICo 7.29,31; Phi. 4. 5. Modesty enjoined. Ge. 24. 65; 1 Sa. 25. 23, 24; Ep. 5. 3,4; 1. Ti. 2. 9; 1 Pe. 3. 3, 4. See Humility. Molech, Moloch, or Milcom, an A in in o- nidish idol— its worship observed, 1 Ki. 11. 7; '2 Ki. 16. 3; 21. 3, 6; 23. 10.; Je. 32. 35; Am. 5. 26; Ac. 7. 43. Forbidden, Le. 18. 21, 20. 2, 4; 2 Ki. 23. 10; Je. 32. 35; Eze. 20. 31. Money, Ge. 23. 16; 42. 25, 35; 43. 12, 21;— of gold and silver, Ge. 13. 2; 23. 15. Nu. 22. 18;— of brass, Ex. 35. 24; 38. 29; IChr. 29. 7; Mat. 10. 9. Stamped, or in pieces, Ge. 33. 19; Job42. 11; Mat. 17. 27; 22. 19, 20; Lu. 20. 24. Coins or weights used by the Jews — Talent of gold (about £5250), Ex. 25. 39; 37. 24; 1 Ki. 9. 14; 2 Ki. 23. 33; 1 Chr. 29. 4, 7; 2 Chr. 36. 3. Talent of silver (about £375), Ex. 38. -25; 1 Ki. 16. 24; 20. 39; 2 Ki. 5. 22, 23; 15. 19. Shekel of gold (about £1 16s. 6d.), Nu. 7. 14, 20, 26, Ac; Ju. 8. 26; 1 Ki. 10. 16. Shekel of silver (about 2s. 6d.), Ge. 23. 15; Le. 5. 15; 27. 3; De. 22. 19. 29; Jos. 7. 21; Ju. 17. 2; 2 Sa. 18. 11, 12; 2 Ki. 15, 20. Half-shekel, or bekah, of silver (about Is. 4d.) Ex. 30. 15; 38. 26. Third of a shekel of silver (about 10d.), Ne. 10. 32. Fourth of a shekel of silver (about 8d.), 1 Sa. 9. 3. Gerah, or piece of money— the twentieth part of a shekel i about lid.), Nu. 3. 47; 1 Sa. 2. 36. Maneh, sixty shekels; Eze. 45. 12. Penny— the Roman denarius (about 7jd.l, Mat. 18. 28; 20. 2, 13; Mar. 6. 37. See Penny. Piece of money— the Grecian stater, (about 2s. 6d.), Mat. 17. 27. Farthing— the tenth part of a penny (three farthings), Mat. 6. 26; 10.29; Lu. 12. 6. Mite (about three-eighths of a farthing), Mar. 12. 42; Lu. 21. 2. Money-Changers, Mat. 21. 12; 25. 27; Jno. 2. 14, 15. Month's — time reckoned by, Ge. 29. 14; Ju. 11. 37; 1 Sa. 6. 1; 1 Ki. 27. 7; Est. 2. 12; Ac. 18. 11; Re. 13. 5; — twelve in the year, 1 Ki. 4. 6, 7; 1 Chr. 27. 2—15; Est. 2. 12; 3. 7, 13; Je. 52. 31; Eze. 32. 1; Re. 22. 2. Jewish months — Abib, or Nisan (March), Ex. 12. 2, 18; 13. 4; 23. 15; 34. 18; Ne. 2.1; Est 3 7 Zif, or Tyar (April), Nu. 1. 1; 1 Ki. 6. 1, 37. Sivan (May), Est 8. 9. 50 Tammuz (June), Zee 8 19. Ab(July), Zee 7. 3. Elul (August), Ne. 6. 15. Ethanim, or Tizri (September), 1 Ki. 8. 2. Marchisom, or Bui (October 1, 1 Ki. 6. 38. Chisleu (November), Zee 7. 1. Tebeth (December) Est. 2. 16. Sebat (January) Zee 1. 7. Adar (February), Ezr. 6. 15; Est. 3. 7, 13; 8.12. Ve-Adar, or Second Adar— added every third year to make the lunar year equal to the solar. " See Year. Moon, the, its creation and use, Ge. 1. 14 — 16; De. 33. 14; Ps. 8. 3; 104. 19; 136. 9; 148. 3; Je. 31. 35. Idolatrous worship of, 2 Ki. 23. 6; Je. 7. 18; 8. 2, 44. 17—19, 25;— forbidden, De. 4. 19; 17. 3—6; Job 31. 26—28. Illustrative, Ps. 89. 37; Ec. 12. 2; Can. 6. 10; Is. 3. 18, 13. 10; 60. 20; Joel 2. 10; 3. 15; Mat. 24. 29; Ee. 6. 12; 12. 1. See also Jos. 10. 12; Job 25. 5; Ps. 72. 5, 7; 1 Co. 15—41. New Moon. See Feasts. Mordecai, Esther's guardian, Est. chaps. 2. to 10;— another, Ezr.,2. 2; Ne. 7. 7. Moriah, mount of, Ge. 22. 2; 2 Chr. 3. 1. Morning, eye-lids of, Job 41. 18; wings of, Ps. 139. 9. Morsel, of bread. Ge. 18. 5; Ju. 19. 6; Eu. 2. 14; Job31. 17; Pro. 17. 1; 23. 8; He. 12. 16. Mortal, man is, Job 4. 17; Eo. 6. 12; 8. 11; ICo. 15.53; 2 Co. 4. 11. Mortar, a, Nu. 11. 8; Pro. 27. 22. Morter, cement; Ge. 11. 3; Ex. 1. 14; Le. 14. 42, 45; Is. 41, 25; Eze. 13. 10; Na. 3. 14. Mortgage, Ne. 5. 3. Moses, the Jewish lawgiver — his birth and parentage, Ex. 2. 1—10; 1 Chr. 6. 3; Ac. 7. 20; He. 11. 23;— he slays an Egyptian, Ex. 2. 11 — 14, his sojourn in Midian, Ex. 2. 15 — 20; 3. 1;— his marriage and family, Ex. 2. 21, 22;— called of God, Ex. 3. 1—29; 4. 1—19;— returns to Egypt, Ex. 4. 20—31; —delivers Israel out of Egypt, Ex. 5. 14; conducts them through the wilderness. See Israelites. Eeceives the law in Sinai, Ex. 19. 3—6; 20 —23; 24. 18. Delivers it to Israel, 34. 10, Ac; 35. 1, Ac; Leviticus; Nil. 5; 6; 15; 28—30; De. chaps. 11—26; Jno. 1. 17. Instructed concerning the tabernacle, Ex. 26—31; 35; 40; Nu. 4; 8—10; 18; 19. His anger with and intercession for Israel, Ex. 32. 11—22; 33. 12, 13. Desires to see and sees God's glory, Ex. 33. jg 23- 34. 5 7. Fasts forty days, Ex. 34. 28; De. 9. 9, 18. His face shines, Ex. 34. 29; 2. Co. 3. 7, 13. His sin and punishment, Nu. 20. 7 — 12; 27. 12—14; De. 1. 35—37; 3. 23— 26. His charge to Joshua, De. 3. 28; 31. 7, 8, 23. His age and death, De. 34. 1 — 8. His character, Nu. 12. 3, 7, De. 34. 10—12; 1 Chr. 23. 14; He. 3. 2. Appears with Christ, Mat. 17. 3; Mar. 9. 4; Lu. 9. 30. See also Ps. 90; 103. 7; 106. 26; 106. 16; Is. 63. 12; Je 15. 1; Lu. 16. 29; Jno. 3. 14; Eo. 10. 5; He. 11. 24—28; Jude 9. Mote, Mat. 7. 3—6; Lu. 6. 41, 42. MOT. THE BIBLE. NAM. Moth, a fly, emblematic of frailty, Job 4. 19; 13. 28; 27. 18; Ps. 39. 14; Is. 50. 9; Ho. 5. 12; Mai. 6. 19; Ja. 5. 2. Mothers, their duties, Pro. 29. 15; 31. 1; Is. 66. 12, 13; 2 Ti. 1. 5; 3. 15; Tit. 2. 4, 5. Their claims, De. 27. 16; Pro. 1. 8; 6. 20; 10. 1 ; 23. 22; 30. 11; Ps. 35. 14. See Children and Parents. Mountains, illustrative of God's power, De. 32. 22; Ju. 5. 5; Job 9. 5; 28. 9; Ps. 65. 6; 95. 4; 97. 5; 104. 32; 114. 4, 6; 144. 5; 148. 9; Is. 40. 12; 42. 15; 64. 1, 3; Je. 4. 24; Am. 4. 13; Mi. 1. 4; Na. 1. 5; Hab. 3. 6, 10. Emblematic, Ps. 36.- 6; 46. 2, Ac; 72. 3; 83. 14, 15; 125. 2; Is. 2. 2, 14; 40. 4: 44. 23; 55. 12; Da. 2. 35, 44, 45; Zee 4. 7; Mat. 17. 20. Refer to Abarim, Amalek, Ararat, Calvary, Carmel, Ebal, En-Gedi, Ephraim, Gaash, Gerizim, Gilboa, Gilead, Hermon, Hor, Horeb, Leba non, Moriah, Nebo, Olives, Paran, Pisgah, Seir, Sinai, Tabor, Zion. Mourners, 2 Sa. 14. 2; Ec. 12. 5; Is. 67. 18; Je. 9. 17; Ho. 9. 4. Mourning, for sin, Ezr. 10. 6; Ps. 38. 6; 51. 2; Pro. 5. 11; Is. 59. 11, 12; Eze. 7. 16; Ho. 4. 3; Joel 2. 12; Zee 12. 10—14; Mat. 5. 4; ICo. 5. 2; 2 Co. 7. 7; Ja. 4. 9. For calamities and judgments, Ex. 33. 4; Ne. 1. 4; Est. 4. 3; Pro. 2J. 2; Is. 3. 26; Je. 4. 28; 6. 26; La. 2. 10; Eze. 2. 10; Joel 1. 10; Mat. 24. 30. For the dead, Ge. 23. 2; 27. 41; 37. 34; 50. 3 — 11; Nu. 20. 29; De. 14. 1; 34. 8; 1. Sa. 15. 35; 16. 1;31. 13; 2 Sa. 1.12, 17; 3. 31; 11.20; 12. 16; 13. 37; 14. 2; 18. 33; 19. 1; 1 Ki. 13. 29; 14. 13; 2. Ki. 6. 30; 1 Chr. 7. 22; 2 Chr. 35. 24; Ps. 35. 14; Ec 12. 5; Je. 6. 26; 9. 17; 22. 18; Am. 8. 10; Mi. 1. 16; Zee 12. 10; Mat. 2. 18; 9. 23; Mar. 16. 10. Mowing, Ps. 72. 6; 129. 7; Am. 7. 1. Mufflers, Is. 3. 19. Mulberry-Trees, 2. Sa. 5. 23, 24; 1 Chr. 14. 14, 15. Mules, Ge. 36. 24; Le. 19. 19; 2 Sa. 13. 29; 18. 9; 1 Ki. 1. 33; 10. 25; 18. 5: Ezr. 2. 66; Est. 8. 10; Ps. 32. 9; Is. 66. 20; Eze 27. 14; Zee 14. 15. Murder, forbidden, Ge. 9. 6; Ex. 20. 13; De. 5. 17; Mat. 5. 21, Ac; 19. 18; Eo. 13. 9; 1 Pe. 4. 15; 1 Jno. 3. 15. Its punishment, Ge. 4. II, 12; 9.5,6; Ex. 21. 12; Nu. 35. 16, Ac, Je. 19. 4—6; Mat. 22. 17; Lu. 23. 19; Gal. 5. 21; Ee. 21. 8; 22. 15. ¦ Laws respecting, Ge. 9. 6; Ex. 21. 14; 22. 3; Le. 21.17; Nu. 35. 30; De. 19. 11—13; 21. 1—9. Instances of, Ge. 4. 8; Ju. 9 5, 24; 2 Sa. 3. 27; 12. 9; 20.8—13; 1 Ki. 16. 9; 21. 5—14; 2 Ki. 15. 10; 21. 23; 2 Chr. 24. 21. Murmuring, forbidden, La. 3. 39; Jno. 6. 43;TCo. 10. 10; Phi. 2. 14; Jude 16. Of Israel, Ex. 14. 11; 15. 24; 16. 2, Ac; 17. 2, Ac; Nu. 11. 1, Ac; 14. 1, Ac; 16. 41; 20. 2, 4c; 21.5. Punishment of, Nu. 11. 1; 12. 1, 10, 15; 14. 27—19; 16. 35, 45; 21. 5, 6; Ps. 78. 30, 31; 106. 25, 26. Instances of, 1 Ki. 19. 4; Job 3. 1, 4c; Je. 20. 14—18; Jon. 4. 8; Mar. 14. 4, 5; Lu. 15. 2; 19. 7; Jno. 6. 41—13; 16. 61; Ac. 6. 1. Murrain, Ex. 9. 3; Ps. 78. 50 (margin), Music, invented, Ge. 4. 21. Wonderful effects of, 1. Sa. 10. 5, 6; 16. 14 —17, 23; 2. Ki. 3. 15. Used in public worship, 2. Sa, 6. 5, 4c. ; 1 Chr. 13. 8; 16. 28; 16. 42; 2 Chr. 7. 6; 29. 25; Ezr. 3. 10, 11; Ps. 33. 2; 81. 2; 92. 3; 108. 2; 150. 3—6; Da. 3. 5; Am. 5. 23. On festive atfd public occasions, Ex. 15. 20; 1 Sa. 18. 6; 2 Chr. 5. 11—13; 23. 11, 13; Ne. 12. 27; Is. 5. 12; 14. 1] ; Am. 6. 5; Mat. 9. 23; 11. 17; Lu.' 15. 25; 1 Co. 14. 7. In heaven, Re. 5. 8; 14. 2, 4c; 15. 2, 4c Musical Instruments. Refer to Cornet, Cymbals, Dulcimer, Harp, Organ, Pipe, Psaltery, Sackbut, Tabret, Timbrel, Trumpet and Viol. See also, Nu. 10. 2; Jos. 6. 8; 2 Sa. 6. 5; 1 Ki. 10. 12; 1 Chr. 23. 5; 2 Chr. 7. 6; Ps. 33. 2; 150. 4; Ec. 2. 8; Eze. 28. 13; 1 Co. 13. 1. Mustard Seed, Mat. 13.31; Mar. 4.30; Lu. 13. 18. Muzzling, the ox, De. 25. 4; 1 Co. 9. 9; 1 Ti. 5.18. Myra, a city of Lycia, Ac. 27. 6. Myrrh, Ge. 37. 25; 43. 11; Ex. 30. 23; Est. 2. 12; Ps. 45. 8; Pro. 7. 17; Can. 1. 13; 5. 1, 5; Mat. 2. 11; Mar. 15. 23; Jno. 19. 39. Myrtle, the, Ne. 8. 15; Is. 41. 19; 55. 13; Zee 1. 8—11. Mysia, Ac. 14. 7, 8. Mysteries, things hidden or obscurely re vealed; De. 29. 29; Ac. 1. 7; 1 Pe. 1. 12; Re. 10. 7. The gospel brings to light, Mat. 13. 11 ; Lu. 8. 10; Ro. 11. 25; 16. 25; 1 Co. 2. 7; 4. 1; 1:). 2; 15. 51; Ep. 1. 9; 3. 3, 9; 5. 32; 6. 19; Col. 1. 26; 2. 2; 2 Th. 2. 7; 1. Ti. 3. 9, 16. Mystery, of the kingdom of heaven, Mat. 13. 11; Mar. 4. 11; Lu. 8. 10; of the gos pel, Ep. 6. 19; Col. 1. 26, 27; of godliness, 1 Ti. 3. 16; of iniquity, 2 Th. 2. 7; Re. 17. 5. Naaman, a Syrian captain, 2 Ki. 5. 1 — 18; Lu. 4. 27. Nabal, Abigail's husband, 1 Sa. 25. 2, 4c Naboth, 1 Ki. 21. 1, 4c; 2 Ki. 9. 21—26. Nadab, Aaron's son, Ex. 26. 23; 21. 1, 9;— ci-,o AUTTTTT King of Israel, 1 Ki. 14. 20; 15. 25—31. Nahash, king of Ammon, 1 Sa. 11. 1, 4c; 12. 12; 2 Sa. 10. 2; 17. 27; 1 Chr. 19. 1. Zeruiah's sister, 2 Sa. 17. 25. Nahor, Abram's brother, Ge. 11. 26—29; 24. 10;— his descendants, Ge. 22. 20; 29. 5. Nahum, the prophet, Na. 1. 1, 4c; another, Lu. 3. 25. Nails, figurative, Ezr. 9. 8; Ec. 12. 11; Is. 22. 23. Nain, town of, Lu. 7. 8 — 11. Name, value of a good one, Pro. 15. 30; 22. 1; Ec. 7. 1;— how to obtain it, Ps. 112. 6; Pro. 10. 7. Name, of God, proclaimed, Ex. 34. 5, 14; to be reverenced, Ex. 20. 7; 23. 21; Le. 19. 12; 24. 11—16; De. 5. 11; 28. 58; Ps. 72. 19; 111. 9; Mi. 4. 5. Mat. 6. 9; 1 Ti. 6. 1, 4c; and praised, Ps. 34. 3; 72. 17. Name of Jesus, to be reverenced, Ac. 4. 12; Ep 1. 21; Phi. 2. 10; 2 Th. 1. 12; He. 1. 4; Ja. 2. 7. Prayer to be made in, Ps. 124. 8; Jno. 14. 13; 16. 23; Ro. 1. 8; Ep. 5.20; Col. 3. 17; He. 13. 15; 1 Pe. 2. 5. To be confessed, 2 Ti. 2. 19. 51 NAM. INDEX TO QBE. Miracles performed in, Ac. 3. 6; 4. 10; 19. 13. Baptism administered in, Mat. 28. 19; Ac. 2. 38. Names given or changed, for particular reasons, Ge. 5. 29; 17. 5, 15, 19; 21. 6; 29. 33, 4c; 32. 28; 35. 10; 2 Sa. 12. 25; Da. 1. 7; Mat. 1. 21; Lu. 1. 7, 13; Jno. 1. 42. Naomi, See Book of Euth. Naphtali, Jacob's sixth son, Ge. 30. 7, 8; 35. 25; 46. 24;— his blessings, Ge. 49. 21;— his descendants, 1 Chr. 7. 13. Tribe of, their number, Ac, Nu. 1. 42; 2. 25; 10. 27; 13. 14; 26. 48—50; De. 33. 23; Ju. 1. 33;— their conquests, Ju. 1. 33; 4. 10; 5. 18; 6. 35; 7. 23;— their inheritance, Jos. 19. 32—39; 20. 7; 21. 32; 1 Ki. 15. 20; 2 Chr. 34. 6. See also, 1 Ki. 4. 15; 15. 20; 2 Ki. 15. 29; 1 Chr. 12. 34; 27. 19; 2 Chr. 34. 6; Is. 9. 1, 2; Mat. 4. 13—15. Narcissus, Eo. 16. 11. Nathan, a prophet, 2 Sa. 7. 1—17; 12. 1— 25; 1 Ki. 1. 8—45; 1 Chr. 29. 29; 2 Chr. 9. 29. David's son, 2 Sa. 5. 14; Zee 12. 12; Lu. 3. 31. Various, 2 Sa. 23. 36; 1 Chr. 2. 36; Ezr. 8. 16* 18 39 Nathanael, Jno. 1. 45—51; 21. 2. Navy, a fleet of ships, 1 KI. 9. 26, 27; 10. 11, 22; 2 Chr, 8. 17. Nazareth, a city of Zebulon, Christ dwells and teaches there, Mat. 2. 23; 21. 11; Mar. 1. 24; 10. 47; Lu. 1. 26; 2. 39, 51; 4. 16, 34; Jno. 1. 45; 18. 5; Ac. 2. 22; 3. 6; 26. 9. Wickedness of its inhabitants, Mar. 1. 9; ¦ Lu. 4. 29; Jno. 1. 46. Nazarites, rules concerning, Nu. 6. 2 — 21. See also, Ju. 13. 6, 7; 16. 17; La. 4. 7; Am. 2. 11, 12; Lu. 1. 15; Ac. IS. 18. Nebaioth, lshmael'sson,Ge. 25.13; 1 Chr. 1. 29. Nebat, Jeroboam's.father, 1 Ki. 11. 26. Nebo, city of, Nu. 32. 3, 38; 1 Chr. 5. 8; Ezr. 2. 29; 10. 43; Ne. 7. 33; Is. 15. 2; Je. 48. 1, 22. Mountain of, De. 32. 49; 34. 1. Chaldean idol, Is. 46. 1. Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, his conquest of Judea, 2 Ki. 2t; 25.1—21; 2 Chr. 36. 6—13; Ezr. 5. 12; Ne. 7. 6; Je. 27. 6—21; 28. 3—14; 34. 1; 39. 5, 6; 52. 4—30; Da. 1. 1; — his dreams, Ac, Da. 2; 3; 4. Prophecies concerning, Je. 20. 4—6; 21. 4 —7; 25. 8, Ac; 27. 6, Ac; 28. 2—4, 12—14; 32; 34; Eze. 26. 7; 29. 17—21. Nebuzar-Adan, Nebuchadnezzar's gen eral, 2 Ki. 25. 8, Ac; Je. 39. 1—14; 40. 1—6. Nehemiah, governor of Judea, Ne. 1, Ac. Others of that name, Ezr. 2. 2; Ne. 3. 16; 7. 7. Neighbour, duty to, Ex. 20. 16; 22. 26; Le. 19. 18; De. 5. 20, 21; 15. 2; 27. 17; Pro. 3. 28; 24. 28; Mat. 19. 19; Ro. 13. 9, 10: 15. 2; Ep. 4. 25; Gal. 5. 14; Ja. 2. 8. See Lu. 10. 29—37. Nergal, an idol, 2 Ki. 17. 30. Nero. See Cesar. Nethinims, servants of the Levites, 1 Chr. 9. 2; Ezr. 2. 43—70; 7. 7, 24; 8. 17, 20; Ne. 3.26,31; 7.46, Ac; 11.3, 21. Netophah, city and district of, 1 Chr. 9. i 16; Ezr. 2. 22; Ne. 7. 26; Je. 40. 8. New Birth. See REGENERATION. New Moon. See MOON. Nicanor, a deacon, Ac. 6. 3—6. Nicodemus, a Jewish ruler, Jno. 3. 1—21; 7. 50—52; 19. 39. Nicolas, a deacon, Ac. 6. 5. Nicolaitanes, Ee. 2. 6, 15. Nicopolis, city of, Tit. 3. 12. Night-Watches. See Watches. Nile, river of, Eze. 29. 1—10. See Sihor. Nimrod, Ge. 10. 8—10; 1 Cbr. 1. 10; Mi. 6. 6. Nineveh, city of , Ge. 10. 11; 2 Ki. 19. 36; Is. 37. 37; Jonah; Na. 1. 1; 2. 8; 3. 1, Ac; Zep. 2. 13; Mat. 12. 41; Lu. 11. 32. Nisan. See Months. . Nisroch, an idol,'2 Ki. 19. 37; Is. 37. 38. Nitre, Pro. 25. 20', Je. 2.-22. No, city of, Je. 46. 25; Eze. 30. 14—16; Na. 3. 8. Noah, the patriarch, Ge. 5. 28—32; 6; 7; 8; 9; He. 11. 7; 1 Pe. 3. 20; 2 Pe. 2. 5. Alluded to, Is. 54. 9; Eze. 14. 14, 20; Lu. 17. 26, 27. Zelophehad's daughter, Nu. 26. 33; Jos. 17. 3. Nob, city of, 1 Sa. 21. 1; 22. 18, 19; Ne. 11. 32; Is. 10. 32. Noph. See Memphis. Nurse, used figuratively, Is. 49. 23; 1 Th. 2. 7. Nymphas, Col. 4. 15. Oak, the, Ge. 36. 4, 8; Jos. 24. 26; Ju. 6. 11; 2 Sa. 18. 9; 1 Ki. 13. 14; Is. 2. 13; 6. 13; Eze. 6. 13; 27. 6; Ho. 4. 13; Am. 2. 9; Zee 11.2. Oars, Is. 33. 21; Eze. 27. 6, 29. Oath, of God, Ge. 22. 16; Ex. 17. 16; Nu. 14. 28; De. 1. 34; 4. 21; 1 Sa. 3. 14; 2 Sa.3. 9; Ps. 95. 11; 110. 4; Is. 14. 24; 54. 9; Lu. 1. 73; Ac. 2. 30; He. 6. 13, 17. Oaths, to be performed, Nu. 30. 2, Ac; Jos. 9. 18—20; 2 Chr. 15. 14, 15; Ps. 15. 4; Eze. 17. 14, 15; Mat. 6. 33. Not to be lightly taken, Ex. 20. 7; Le. 5. 1, Ac; 19. 12; Ec. 9. 2; Je. 4. 1, 2; 23. 10; Zee 6. 3; Mat. 5. 34; 23. 16; Ja. 5. 12. False oaths condemned, Le. 6. 3: 19. 12; Je. 5. 2; 7. 9; Zee 5. 4; 8. 17; Mai. 3. 5. Forms of, Ge. 14. 22; 24. 2, 9; 31. 53; 42. 15; 47. 29; De. 6. 13; Ju. 8. 19; Ru. 1. 17; 3. 13; 1 Sa. 1. 26; 3. 17; 20. 42; 25. 26; 2 Sa. 19. 7; 1 Ki. 2. 42; 22. 16; Da. 12. 7: Mat. 26. 63; 2 Co. 1. 23; Gal. 1. 20; 1 Th. 2. 5; Instances, Ge. 21.23; 24.3; 31.63; 47.31; 50. 5, 25; Jos. 2. 12; 9. 15; 14. 9; 1 Sa. 14. 24; 20. 42; 28. 10; 2 Ki. 11. 4; Ezr. 10. 5; Ne. 5. 12; 10. 29; Ps. 132. 2; Mat. 14. 7; Ac 23. 21. See Vows. Obadlah, the prophet, Ahab's servant, 1 Ki. 18. 1—16; Ob. 1, Others of that name, 1 Chr. 3. 21; 7. 3; 8. 38; 9. 16f 27. 19; 2 Chr. 17. 7; 34. 12; Ezr. 8. 9; Ne. 10. 5; 12. 36. Obed, David's grandfather, Ru. 4. 17; 1 Chr. 2. 12. Others of that name, 1 Chr. 2. 37; 11. 47; 26. 7; 2 Chr. 23. 1. Obed-Edom, takes charge of the ark, 2 Sa. 6. 10; 1 Chr. 13. 14; 15. 24;— his sons, 1 Chr. 26. 4. Obedience to God required, Ge. 2. 16; Ex. 19. 5; 20. 1, Ac; 23. 21; Le. 26. 3; De. 6. 1, 62 OBE. THE BIBLE. OBD. 4c; 11. 1, 4c; 1 Sa. 15. 22; Is. 1. 11; Je. 7. 23; 26. 13; 38. 20, 4c; Mi. 6. 8; Mat. 5. 48; Jno. 14. 15; Ac 5. 29; Ja. 1. 25; 1 Jno. 2.4. Eewarded,Ex. 23. 22; De. chaps. 8 to 11; 28. 1—14; Pro. 25. 12; Is. 1. 19; Jno. 7. 17; 14. 23; He. 11. 8; 1 Pe. 1. 22; Re. 22. 14. Better than sacrifice, 1 Sa. 15. 22; Ps. 60. 8; 51. 16; Pro. 15. 8; Is. 1. 11, Ac: Je. 7. 21; Ho. 6. 6; Am. 5. 22; Mi. 6. 6; Mat. 9. 13; 12. 7. Obedience to, superiors, see Magis trates, Masters, and Parents. Obedience of Christ, Ps. 40. 8, 9; Jno. 4. 34; 12. 60; 15. 10; Ro. 5. 19; Phi. 2. 8; He. 6. 8; 7. 26; 10. 7; 1 Pe. 2. 22. Obeisance, Ge. 37. 7, 9; 43. 28; Ex. 18. 7; 2 Sa. 1. 2; 14. 4; 15. 5; 1 Ki. 1. 16; 2 Chr. 24. 17. See Bowing. Oblations. See Offerings and Sacri fices. Obstinacy, or Stubbornness, reproved, De. 21. 18—21; 30. 17; 1 Sa. 15. 23; Ps. 68. 4; Pro. 29. 1; Is. 30. 9; 42. 18; 43. 8; Je. 5. 21; Eze. 12. 2; Mat. 13. 15; Jno. 5. 40; Ac 3. 23; 7. 51. Oded, a prophet, 2 Chr. 28. 9. Odour, a sweet smell, Le. 26. 31; 2 Chr. 16. 14; Da. 2. 4, 6; Jno. 12. 3. Offences, to be avoided, Mat. 5. 29; 18. 7, Ac; 1 Co. 8. 9; 9. 19, Ac; 10. 32; 2 Co. 6. 3; Phi. 1. 10. How to behave under, Pro. 25. 9; Mat. 18. 15. See Stumbling-block. Offerings, first mentioned, Ge. 4. 3, 4. Consisted of animals, Le. 1. 2, 14; 3. 2, 7; —of fruits and meats, Le. ?.. 11; 23. 10; Ne. 10. 39;— of drink or wine, Ex. 29. 40; Nu. 15. 4, 7; Ho. 9. 4;— of money, Ex. 30. 13. Laws concerning, Ex. 22. 29, 30; Le. 1, Ac; Nu. 9. 13; 15. 14—16; De. 15. 21; Is. 66. 20; Mai. 1. 13, 4e; 3.3; Mat. 5. 23, 24; Burnt-offering, Ge. 8. 20; 22. 7; Ex. 18. 12; 40. 29; Le. 1. 3— 17: 6. 9; Nu. 28. 10, 14; 1 Ki. 3. 4; Ezr. 3. 5; Ps. 61. 16, 19; 66. 15; Is. 40. 16; He. 10. 6—8. Drink-offering, Ge. 35. 14; Ex. 29. 40; Le. 23. 13; Nu. 15. 5, 10; 28. 10, 14; De. 32. 38; Ezr. 7. 17; Ps. 10. 4; Joel 2. 14. Free-will offering, Le. 22. 18; 23. 38; De. 12. 6, 17: 16. 10; 23. 23. Heave-offering. Ex. 29. 27; Le. 7. 14; Nu. 15. 19; 18. 24; 31. 29, 41; De. 12. 6. Meat-offering, Ex. 29. 41; 30. 9; Le. 2. 1, 4c. ; 14. 10; Nu. 15. 4; Ju. 13. 19; Ezr. 7. 17; Eze. 46. 5. Peace-offering, Ex. 24. 5; 32. 6; Le. 3. 1— 17; 7. 11; Nu. 7. 17, 4e; Ju. 20. 26; 1 Ki. 9. 25; Am. 5. 22. Sin-offering, Ex. 29 14: 30. 10; Le. 4. 3— 35; 6. 25; 10. 17; 16. 25; Nu. 8. 8; Ezr. 8. 35. Thank-offering, Le. 7. 12; 22. 29; 2 Chr. 29. 31; 33. 16; Ps. 50. 14. Trespass-offering, Le. 5. 6—19; 6. 6; 7. 1, 37; 1 Sa. 6. 3; Eze. 40. 39. Wave-offering, Ex. 29. 26; Le. 7. 30; 23.15; Nu. 18. 11. Offering of first-fruits, Ex. 22. 29; Le. 2. 14; Nu. 18. 12; De. 18. 4; Ne. 10. 35, 87;— of jealousy, Nu. 5. 15. Offerings of the wicked, Pro. 15. 8; 21. 27; Is. 1. 13. Og, king of Bashan, Nu. 21. 33; De. 3. 1. Oil, how procured, Ex. 30. 24; Le. 24. 2; Est. 2. 12; Job 24. 11; Ps. 104. 14, 15; Ho. 2. 22; Hag. 2. 16; Mi. 6. 15. How preserved, 1 Ki. 1. 39; 17. 12; 2 Ki. 4. 2; 9. 1; 1 Chr. 27. 28; 2 Chr. 32. 28. Uses of; Ge. 28. 18; 35. 14; Ex. 25. 6, 27. 20; 29. 7; 37. 29; Le. 2. 1; 7. 10; 14. 16, 26; 24. 1; Nu. 15. 4—10; 1 Sa. 10. 1; 16. 1, 13; 1 Ki. 1. 39; 17. 12; 19. 16; 2 Ki. 4. 1; 2 Chr. 2. 10; Ps. 23. 5; 104. 15; 133. 2; Pro. 21. 17; Eze. 16. 13; Ho. 2. 5, 8; Mat. 25. 3; Mar. 6. 13; Lu. 7. 46; 10. 34; Jno. 12. 3; Ja. 6. 14. Qualities of, Ps. 55. 21; 109. 18; Pro. 5. 3; Is. 1. 6; Lu. 10.34. Traded in, 1 Ki. 5. 11; 2 Ki. 4. 7; Eze. 27. 17; Ho. 12. 1; Lu. 16. 6. Used figuratively. Ps. 23. 5; 45. 7; 89. 20; 141. 5; Is. 61. 3; Zee 4. 12; Mat. 25. 1; He. 1.9. See also, Pe. 8. 8; 12. 17; 1 Ki. 17. 12; 2 Chr. 11. 11; Je. 31. 12; Joel 2. 19, 24; Hag. 1. 11. ' Ointments, uses of, Ps. 132. 2; Ec. 9. 8; 10. 1: Is. 1. 6; Mat. 26. 7; Mar. 14. 3; Lu. 7. 37; Jno. 11. 2; 12. 3. Holy ointment, Ex. 30. 23. Old Age, to be respected, Le. 19. 32; Pro. 16. 31; 20. 29; 23. 22; 1 Ti. 5. 1; its infirm ities, Ps. 90. 10; Ec. 12. 1, Ac; its duties, Tit. 2. 2; 1 Pe. 5. 1—4. Instances of longevity, Ge. 5. 1, Ac; 25. 7; 35. 29; 47. 28; 50. 26; De. 34. 7; Jos. 14. 10. Olive Oil, Ex. 27. 20; 30. 24; Le. 24. 2; De. 8. 8; 2 Ki. 18. 32. a. Olive-Tree, Ge. 8. 11; De. 24. 20; 28. 40; Ju. 9. 9; Ne. 8. 15; Job 15. 33; Ps. 52. 8; 128. 3; Is. 17. 6; Je. 11. 16; Ho. 14. 6; Hag. 2. 19; Zee. 4. 3, 12; Ro. 11. 17,24; Re. 11.4. OUve- Yards, Jos. 24. 13; 1 Sa. 8. 14; 2 Ki. 5. 26; Ne. 5. 11; 9. 25. Olives, Mount of, 2 Sa. 15. 30; Zee 14. 4; Mat". 21. 1; 24. 3; 26. 30; Mar. 1. 1; 13. 3; Lu. 21. 37; Jno. 8. 1; Ac. 1. 12. Olympic Games, the, alluded to. See Games. Omer. See Measures. Omnipotence, Omnipi-esence, and Om niscience of God. See under God. Omri, king of Israel, 1 Ki. 16. 16—28; 2 Ki. 8. 26; Mi. 6. 16. On, or Heliopolis, city of, Ge. 41. 45. Onan, Judah's son, Ge. 38. 4—10. Onesimus, Col. 4. 9; Phile. 10—21. Onesiphorus, 2 Ti. 1. 1G— 18; 4. 19. Onyx, a precious stone, Ex. 28. 20; 39. 13; . Job 28. 16; Eze. 28. 13. ¦ Ophir, 1 Ki. 9. 28; 10. 11; 22. 48; 1 Chr. 29. 4; 2 Chr. 8. 18; 9. 10; Job 22. 24; 28. 16; Ps. 45. 9' Is. 13. 12. Oppression, forbidden, Ex. 22.21; De. 24. 14; Ps. 12. 5; Pro. 14. 31; 22. 16, 22; Ee 3. 16; 4. 1; 5. 8; Is. 58. 6; Je. 22. 17; Eze. 22. 7, 29; Mi. 2. 2; Zee. 7. 10; Mai. 3. 5; Ja. 4. Oracle, the Most Holy place, 2 Sa. 16. 23; 1 Ki. 6. 5, 16; 8. 6; 2 Chr. 3. 16; 4. 20; Ps. 28 2 The Scriptures, Ac. 7. 38; Ro. 3. 2; He. 5. 12; 1 Pe. 4. 11. Ordinances of God, Ex. 18. 20; Le. 18. 4; 53 OKD. INDEX TO PAB. Job 38. 33; Ps. 119. 91; Je. 31. 35, 36; Mai. 3. 7, 14; Ro. 13. 2; He. 9. 1, 10. Ordination to an office, 1 Chr. 9. 22; Da. 2.24. To the Christian ministry, Mar. 3. 14; Ac. 1. 22; 6. 6; 14. 23; 1 Ti. 2. 7; 3. 10; 4. 14; 5. 22; 2 Ti. 2. 2; Tit. 1. 5. Organ, a musical instrument, Ge. 4. 21; Job 21. 12; 30. 31; Ps. 150. 4. Orion, a constellation, Job 9. 9; 38. 31; Am. 5. 8. Ornaments, Ge. 24. 22; 35. 4; Ex. 33. 5; Nu. 31. 50; Pro. 1. 9; 4. 9; 25. 12; Can. 1. 10; Is. 3. 18—22; Je. 2. 32; 1 Ti. 2. 9, 10; Ja. 2. 2; 1 Pe. 3. 3—5. Oman. See Araunah. Orphans, charge concerning them, Ex. 22. 22; De. 10. 18; 24. 17; 27. 19; Job 22. 9; 31. 17; Pro. 23. 10; Is. 1. 17, 23; Ja. 1. 27. Are under God's protection, Ps. 10. 14, 18; 08. 5; 146. 9; Prp. 23. 11. Ostentation censured, Pro. 25. 14; 27. 2; Mat. 6. 1. Ostrich, the, Le. 11. 13; Job 39. 13—18; La. 4.3. Othniel, judge of Israel, Jos. 15. 17; Ju. 1. 13—15; 3. 9—11. Oven, Ex. 8. 3; Le. 2. 4; 7. 9; 26. 20. Illustrative, Ps. 21. 9; La. 5. 10; Ho. 7. 4 —7; Mai. 4. 1; Mat. 6. 30; Lu. 12. 28. Owl, the, Le. 11. 16; De. 14. 15, 17; Job 30. 29; Ps. 102. 6; Is.13. 21; 34. 11—15; Je. 50. 39; 43. 20; Mi. 1. 8. Ox, the, Nu. 22. 4; De. 14. 4, 5; 1 Sa. 15. 14; Ps. 69. 31; 144. 14; Pro. 14. 4; 27. 23; Is. 1. 3; Jo. 46. 20; Ho. 10. 11. Laws concerning, Ex. 21. 28, 35; 22. 1; 23. 4; Le. 17. 3; De. 5. 14; 22. 1, 10; 25. 4; Lu. 13. 15; 1 Co. 9. 9; 1 Ti. 5. 18. Uses of, Ex. 20. 24; Nu. 7. 0; 1 Sa. 6. 7; 1 Ki. 1. 9; 19. 19, 21; 1 Chr. 12. 40; Job 1. 14; Is. 30. 24; 32. 20; Ho. 10. 11; Am. 4. 12. Padan-Aram, country of, Ge. 21. 10; 25. 20; 28. 2—7; 31. 18; 35. 9, 26; 46. 15. Painting the face, 2 Ki. 9. 30; Jo. 4. 30; Eze. 23. 40. Palace, a kingly residence, 1 Ki. 16. 18; 21. 1; 2Ki. 15. 25: 2 Chr. 0. 11; Ezr. 4. 11; Ne. 1. 1; 7. 2; Est. 2. 3; 3. 15; Da. 4. 4; 6. 18; Mat. 26. 58; Phi. 1.13. The temple, 1 Chr. 29. 1, 19; Ps. 48. 3, 13; 78.09; 122.7. The church, Ps. 45. 15. See also, Ps. 45. 8; 144. 12; Can. 8. 9; Am. 3. 9; Mi. 5. 5; Lu. 11.21. Palestina, Ex. 15. 14; Ps. 92. 12; Is. 14. 29, 31. Palestine, its aborigines, Ge. 10. 15 — 20; De. 7. 1;— their expulsion, Ge. 15. 16; Ex. 23. 23; Le. is. 25; De. Is. 12. Promised to the Jews, Go. 12. 7; 13. 14—18; 15. 18—21; 17. 8; 26. 3; 28. 13, 15; 35. 12; Ex. 6. 4. Its fertility, Ex. 3. 8; Nu. 13. 27; De. 8. 7 — !>; De. II. 10—12. Its population, 1 Ki. 3. 8; 2Chr. 1. 9. • Its commerce, 1 Ki. !). 26—28; 10. 22—29. Its limits, Ge. 10. 19; 15. 18; De. 1. 7; Jos. 1. 4; 1 Ki. 4. 21, 21; 6. 21; 2 Chr. 8. 1—6; 9.26. Divided into provinces by Solomon, 1 Ki. 4, 7— 19;-^mto two kingdoms, 1 Ki. 11, 35; 54 12. 19;— into provinces by the Romans, Mat. 2. 22; Lu. 3. 1. See Canaan and Israel. Palmer-Worm, Joel 1. 4; 2. 25; Am. 4. 9. Palm-Tree, the, Ex. 15. 27; Le. 23. 40; Nu. 32. 9; De. 34. 3; Ju. 1. 16; 3. 13; 4. 5; Ne. 8. 15; Ps. 92. 14; Can. 7. 8; Je. 10. 5; Eze. 41. 19; Joel 1. 12. Emblematic, Le. 23. 40; Ps. 92. 12; Can. 7. 7; Jno. 12. 13; Re. 7. 9. An ornament of the temple, 1 Ki. 6. 29; 7. 36; 2 Chr. 3. 5; Eze. 40. M; 41. 18. City of palm-trees, De. 34. 3; Ju. 1. 16; 3. 13; 2 Chr. 28. 15. Palsy, cured by Christ, Mat. 4. 24; 8. 6; 9. 2; Mar. 2. 3; Lu. 5. 18. By his disciples, Ac. 8. 7; 9. 33. PamphyUa, Ac. 2. 10; 13. 13; 14. 24; 27. 5. Paper Beeds, Is. 19. 7; 2 Jno. 12. Paphos, city of, Ac. 13. 6—13. Parables, Nu. 23. 7; Job 27. 1; 29. 1; Ps. 49. 4; 78. 2; Pro. 26. 7; Eze. 20. 49; Mi. 2. 4; Mat. 13. 34; Mar. 4. 2; Lu. 8. 4—10. In the Old Testament — Balaam's, Nu. 23. 7; 24. 3, Ac; Jotham's, Ju. 9. 7—20; Nathan's, 2 Sa. 12. 1—9; Joab's, 2 Sa. 14. 1—13; a son of the prophet's, 1 Ki. 20. 39 —44; Jehoash's, 2 Ki. 14. 9; 2 Chr. 26. 18; Isaiah's, Is. 5. 1. Parables of Christ — the barren fig-tree, Lu. 13. 6— 9;— the blindleading the blind, Lu, 6. 39; — the beam and mote, Lu. 6. 41, 42;— candle lighted, Mar. 4. 21; Lu. 11. 33 — 36; — children of the bride-chamber, Mat. 9. 15;— creditor and debtors, Lu, 7. 41—47; — the dishonest steward, Lu. 16. 1 —13;— the fig-tree, Mat. 24. 32— 34;— the importunate friend, Lu. 11. 5— 9;— good and bad servants, Mat. 24. 45—51; the good shepherd, Jno. 10. 1—6; — the house divided, Mar. 13. 25; — the hidden treas ure, Mat. 13. 44; — the husbandmen, Mat. 21. 33—45; Mar. 12. 1; Lu. 20. 9;— the im portunate widow, Lu. IS. 1—8;— kingdom divided, Mar. 13. 24;— the king going to war, Lu. 14. 31— 33;— the labourers, Mat. 20. 1—16;— leaven, Mat. 13. 33; Lu. 13. 20; — lost piece of money, Lu. 5. 8, 10;— the lost sheep, Mat. IS. 12; Lu. 15. 3— 7;— the man taking a far journey. Mar. 13. 34—37; — the marriage feast, Mat. 22. 1 — 14; — men bidden to a feast, Lu. 14. 7 — 11; — mustard-seed, Mat. 13. 31, 32; Mar. 4. 30— 32; Lu. 13. 19;— the net, Mat. 13. 47- 50;— old garment and new cloth, Mat. 9. 16; — old bottles and new wine, Mat. 9. 17;— the pearl of great price, Mat. 13. 45, 46;— the pharisee and publican, Lu.^18. 9—14; — the pounds, Lu. 19. 12 — 27; — the prodi gal son, Lu. 15. 11— 32;— therich fool, Lu. 12. 16 — 21;— therich man and Lazarus, Lu. 18.19—31; — seed growing secretly. Mar. 4. 26— 29;— the sheep and goats. Mat. 25. 31 -^16;— the sower Mat. 13. 1—23; Mar. 4. 3 — 20; Lu. 8. 5 — 11 ; — thestrong man armed, Mar. 3. 27; LU. 11. 21;— the unjust stew ard, Lu. 16. 1—8;— the talents, Mat. 25. 14—30;— the tares, Mat. 13. 24— 43;— the ten virgins, Mat. 25. 1—13;— the tree and its fruit, Lu. 6. 43— 45;— the good Samari tan, Lu. 10. 30— 37;— the two sons, Mat. 21. 28 — 32; — the unclean spirit, Mat. 12.43 — 45; Lu. 11. 24— 26;— the unjust judge, Lu. PAR. THE BIBLE. PEE. ' 18. 1—8;— the unmerciful servant. Mat. 18.. 23 — 35; — the vine and branches, Jno. 15. 1 —5;— the vineyard, Mat. 21. 33 — 46;— the wise and foolish builders, Mat. 7. 24—27. Paradise (Eden),Ge.2. 8—13; 3. 22; (heaven) Lu. 23. 39—43; 2 Co. 12. 4; Ee. 2. 7. Paran, wilderness of, Ge. 21. 21; Nu. 10. 12; 12. 16; 13. 3, 26; De. 1. 1; 33. 2; 1 Sa. 25. 1; 1 Ki. 11. 18; Hab. 3. 3. Parchments, 2 Ti. 4. 13. Pardon. See Forgiveness. Parents, to be honoured, Ex. 20. 12; De. 5. 16; Pro. 1. 8; Ep. 6. 2;— laws against curs ing or smiting them, Ex. 21. 15 — 17; Le. 20. 9; Pro. 20. 20. Their duties to their children— to educate them, Ge. 18. 19; Ex. 10. 2; De. 4. 9; 6. 6, 7; 11. 19; 32. 46; Ps. 78. 6; Pro. 22. 6; Joel 1. 3; Ep. 6. 4; Tit. 2. 4;— to correct them, 1 Sa. 3. 13; Pro. 13. 24; 19. 18; 22. 15; 23. 13, 14; 29. 15, 17;— to bear with them, Ep. 6. 4; Col. 3. 21: to provide for them, Lu. 11. 11 —13; 2 Co. 12. 14; 1 Ti. 5. 8;— to treat them with impartiality, Ge. 37. 3, 4; Mat. 22.16; ITi. 5. 21. Examples of good parents, Ge. 18. 19; 1 Sa.1.28; IChr. 28.9—20; Job 1.5; Pro.31. 1—9; 2 Ti. 1. 5; 3. 15;— of bad parents, Ju. 17. 3; 1 Sa. 2. 22—36; 3. 13; 20. 33; 2 Chr. 22. 3; 33. 6; Mar. 6. 24. See Children. Parmenas, a deacon, Ac. 6. 5, 6. Parthians, Ac 2. 9. Partiality, to he avoided, Le. 19. 15; De. 1. 17; 16. 19; Pro. 18. 5; 24. 23; Mai. 2. 9; Mat. 22. 16; 1 Ti. 5. 21; Ja. 2. 1, 9; 3. 17; Jude 16. Partridge, 1 Sa. 26. 20; Je. 17. 11. Pashur, Ezr. 2. 38; Ne. 10. 3; Je. 20. 1—6; 21. 1. Passover. See Feast. Pastor (Shepherd), Ps. 23. 1; Is. 40.11; Je. 2. 8; 3. 15; 10. 21; 23. 1—4; Eze. 34. 2, Ac; Zee. 13. 7; Mat. 9. 36; Jno. 10. 2—16; Ep. 4. 11; He. 13. 20. Pasture, Ge. 47. 4; A Chr. 4. 39—41; figura tive, Ps. 23. 2; 74. 1; 79. 13; 95. 7; 100. 1, Ac; Eze. 34. 14; Jno. 10. 9. Pathros, city of, Is. 11. 11; Je. 44. 1, 15; Eze. 29. 14; 30. 14. Patience, recommended. Job 2. 10; Ps. 37. 1, 7; Pro. 3. 11; 24. 10; Ec. 7. 8; Mi. 7. 7, 9; Lu. 21. 19; Ro. 12. 12; 1 Th. 5. 14; He. 10. 36; 12. 1, Ac; Ja. 1. 3; 5. 7; 1 Pe. 2. 19; 2 Pe. 1. 6. Instances of, Nu. 12. 3; Job 1. 20—22; Ps. 40.1; 1 Th. 1.3; He. 10.34. Christ our example of, Is. 53. 7; 1 Pe. 2. 23. Patmos, island of, Re. 1. 9. Patriarchs, Ac. 2. 29; 7. 8, 9; He. 7. 4;— history of the, Ge. 5, Ac. Patterns. See Examples. Paul, or Saul, the apostle— his early life, Ac. 7. 58; 8. 1; 9. 1, 2, 21; 18. 3; 22/3—5, 28; 23. 6; 25. 4, 5, 9—12; Ro. 11. 1; 1 Co. 15. 9; Gal. 1. 13, 14; 23; Phi. 3. 6; 1 Ti. 1. 13. His miraculous conversion, Ac. 9. 3—19; 22. 6—16; 26> 12—19. He goes into Arabia and returns to Damas cus, Gal. 1. 17; — escapes from Damascus and visits Jerusalem, Ac. 9. 23 — 29; Gal. 1. 18;— goes to Cllicia and Syria, Ac. 9. 30; Gal. 1. 21;— teaches at Antioch (in Syria), Ac. 11. 25, 20;— is sent to Jerusa lem with alms, Ac, 11. 30;— returns to Antioch, Ac. 12. 25. Leaves Antioch on his first missionary journey, Ac 13.2, 3;— visits Cyprus, Anti och (in Pisidia), Iconium, Lystra, Derbe, Pamphylia, Attalia, and returns to Anti och, Ac. 13. 4, Ac; 14. 1, Ac Sent to Jerusalem a second time, Ac 15. 2 — 4; — returns to Antioch, 15. 30. Leaves Antioch on his second missionary journey, Ac. 15. 36 — 41;— visits Lystra, Phrygia, Galatia, Troas, Philippi, Thes- salonica, Berea, Athens, Corinth, Ephe- sus, Jerusalem, and returns to Antioch, Ac 16; 17; 18. 1-22. Leaves Antioch on his third missionary journey, Ac 18. 23; — visits Ephesus, Mace donia, Corinth, Troas, Philippi, Miletus, Csesarea, and Jerusalem, Ac 19; 20; 21. 1 — 17; — is persecuted there, 21. 27 — 40;— defends himself, 22. 1 — 21; is bound and imprisoned, 22. 24—30; is brought before the council, 23. 1 — 10; —is sent to Csesarea, 23. 23— 25;— his accusation and defence before Felix, 24. 1 — 27; — he appeals to Cffisar,25.11 ; — his defence before Agrippa, 26. 1—32;— he is sent to Rome, 27. 1—8; is shipwrecked at Melita (Malta), 27. 9 — 14; 28. 1 — 8;— arrives at Syracuse, 28. 11, 12; —at Puteoli, 28. 13, 14;— at Rome, 28. 16—31. His devotedness, Eo. 1. 8, 15; 1 Co. 1.4; 4. 14, 4c; 2 Co. 1. 8—24; 2. 1, Ac; 6. 1—13; Col. 1. 9, 28, 29; 1 and 2 Th. Ac. His humility, 1 Co. 15. 8, 9; Ep. 3. 8; 1 Ti. 1. 15. His sufferings, Ac. 14; 16; 19; 21. 27; 27; 1 Co. 4. 9; 2 Co. 11. 23—28; 12. 7; Phi. 1. 12, 13; 2 Ti. 3. 10, 11. Miracles wrought by him. See Miracles. Pavilion, 1 Ki. 20. 12, 16; Je. 43. 10. God's, 2 Sa. 22. 12; Ps. 18. 11; 27. 5; 31. 20. Peace, to be preserved, Ps. 34. 14; 120. 7; 133. 1; Pro. 3. 30; 15. 17; 25. 8; Zee 8. 11, 19; Mat. 5. 9; Mar. 9. 60; Ro. 12. 18; 14. 19; 1 Co. 7. 15; 2 Co. 13. 11; Ep. 4. 3; 1 Th. 6. 13; 2 Ti. 2. 22; He. 12. 14; 1 Pe. 3. 11. To be prayed for, Ezr. 6. 10; Ps. 122. 6—8; Je. 29 7' 1 Ti. 2. 2. Is the gift of God, Le. 26. 6; 1 Ki. 2. 33; 4. 24; 2 Ki. 20. 19; 1 Chr. 22. 9; Ps. 29. 11; 147. 14; Pro. 16. 7; Is. 45. 7; Je. 14. 13; 1 Co. 14. 33. Promised, Ps. 72. 3—7; 125. 5; 128. 6; Is. 2. 4; 11. 13; 32. 18; Ho. 2. 18; Hag. 2. 9. Peace of mind, Zee 9. 10; Jno. 14. 27; Ac 10. 36; Ro. 1. 7, Ac; 5. 1; 8. 6; 14. 17; Ep. 2. 14, 17; Phi. 4. 7; Gal. 5. 22; Col. 3. 15; 1 Th. 5. 23; 2 Th. 3. 16; Ja. 3. 17; Re. 1. 4. Peace of God, Job 22. 21; Ps. 37. 37; 85. 8; 119. 165; Ro. 1. 7; 6. 11; 1 Co. 1. 3; Gal. 1. 3; Col. 3. 15; 2 Th. 3. 16. Peace-makers, Mat. 5. 9; Ja. 3. 18. Peace-offering. See Offerings. Peacock, 1 Ki. 10. 22; 2 Chr. 9. 21; Job 39 13 Pearl, Job 28. 18; Mat. 7. 6; 13. 45; 1 Ti. 2. 9; Re. 17. 4; 18. 12, 16; 21. 21. Peculiar people, Ex. 19. 5; De. 14. 2; 26. 18; Ps. 135. 4; Tit. 2. 14; 1 Pe. 2. 9. Pedigree. See Genealogy. Pekah, king of Israel, 2 Ki. 15. 25—30; 2 Chr. 28. 6; Is. 7. 1. 55 FER. INDEX TO PHE. Pekahiah, king of Israel, 2 Ki. 15. 22—25. Pelatiah, 1 Chr. 3. 21; Eze. 11. 1, 13. Peleg, Eber's son, Ge. 10. 25; 11. 16. Pelican, the, Le. 11. 18; De. 14. 17; Ps. 102. 6. Feniel, or Penuel, Ge. 32. 30; Ju. 8. 8; 9. 17; 1 Ki. 12. 25. Penny, a Roman coin (about 7J d. ), Mat. 18.28; Mar. 6. 37; 12. 15; 14.5; Lu. 7.41; 10. 35; Jno. 12. 5; Re. 6". 6. Pens, mentioned, Ju. 5. 14; Job 19. 24; Ps. 45. 1; Is. 8. 1; Je. 8. 8; 17. 1; 3 Jno. 13. Pentecost. See under Feast. Penuel. See Peniel. Peor, a mountain, Nu. 23. 28; 25. 3, 18; 31. 16; Jos. 22. 17. Perdition, Mat. 25. 46; Jno. 17. 12; Phi. 1. 28; 1 Ti. 6. 9; He. 10. 39; 2 Pe. 3. 7, 0) Ee. 17.8, 11; 20.14,15. The son of, Jno. 17. 12; 2 Th. 2. 3. Perfection, God is, De. 32. 4; 2 Sa. 22. 31; Job 36. 4; Mat. 5. 48. Of Christ, He. 2. 10; 5. 9; 7. 28. Of saints, Ge. 6. 9; Job 1. 1—8; 2. 3*, 1 Co. 2. 6; Ep. 4. 12; Phi. 3. 15; Col. 1. 28; 3. 14; 2 Ti. 3. 17. To be aimed at, Ge. 17. 1; De. 18. 13; 1 Ki. 8. 61; Pro. 4. 18; Mat. 5. 48; Lu. 6. 36; 2 Co. 7. 1; 13. 9, 11; Ep. 5. 1; Phi. 3. 12; He. 13. 21. To be prayed for, Jno. 17. 23; Col. 4. 12; 1 Th. 3. 10; He. 13. 21; 1 Pe. 5. 10. Not fully attainable now, 2 Chr. 6. 36; Job 9. 20; 15. 14; Ps. 119. 96; Pro. 20. 9; Eo. 3. 10; 1 Jno. 1. 8. Finally attained, Ep. 4. 13; Col. 1. 28; 4. 12' He. 12. 23. Perfume, Ex. '30. 34, 35; Pro. 7. 17; 27. 9; Is. 57. 9. Perga, Ac. 13. 14; 14. 25. Fergamos, Ee. 1. 11; 2. 12—17. Perizzites, the, Ge. 13. 7; 16. 20; Ex. 33. 2; Jos. 3. 10; 12. 8; Ju. 1. 4; 2 Chr. 8. 7; Ezr. 9. 1; Ne. 9. 8. Perjury, forbidden, Ex. 20. 16; Le. 6. 3; 19. 12; De. 5. 20; Eze. 17. 16; Zee 5. 4; 8.17; 1 Ti. 1. 10. Instance of, 2 Chr. 36. 13. Persecution, foretold, Mat. 10. 18; 13. 21; 23. 24; Mar. 10. 30; Lu. 11.49; 21. 12; Jno. 15. 18—21; 2 Ti. 3. 12. How to be endured, Mat. 5. 12, 44; 10. 22; Ac. 5. 41; Eo. 12. 14; 1 Co. 4. 12; 15. 19, 32; 2 Co. 12. 10; Phi. 1. 28; He. 10. 34; 1 Pe. 4. 13—19. Good resulting from, Mat. 6. 10; 16. 25; Mar. 8. 35; Lu. 6. 22; 9. 24; 1 Pe. 4. 14; Ja. 1. 2; Ee. 6. 9; 7. 13. Instances of, Ge. 37. 18, 19; 1 Sa. 18. 11; 26. 2; Ezr. 4. 4—24; Ne. 4. 1—8; Je. 38. 4 —6; Da. 3; 6; Ac 6. 57-60; 8. 1; 9. 1; 12. 1, 2; He. 11. 35—38. Perseverance, in duty, enjoined, Mat. 10. 22; 24. 13; Mar. 13. 13; Lu. 9. 62; Ac. 13. 43; 1 Co. 15. 58; 16. 13; Ep. 6. 18; Col. 1. 23; 2 Th. 3. 13; 1 Ti. 6. 14; He. 3. 6, 14; 10. 23, 38; 2 Pe. 3. 17; Ee. 2. 10, 25. Of the saints, Job 17. 9; Ps. 94. 14; 125. 1, 2; Pro. 4. 18; Is. 54. 4—10; Je. 31. 3; 32. 38 —40; Jno. 3. 5, 14; 5. 24; 10. 27, 28; 17. 6, 9, 21, 24; Ac. 20. 28; Eo. 8. 28, 30; Gal. 4. 6; Ep. 1. 3, 23; 3. 10—12; Phi. 1. 6; 1 Th. 5. 24; 2 Th. 2. 13, 14; Tit. 2. 14;. 3. 5; He. 13.S. Persia, kingdom of, 2 Chr. 36. 20; Ezr. 1. 1 —5; Est. 1. 3, Ac; 10. 2; Da. 6. 1; Eze. 27. 10; ,38. 5; prophecies respecting, Is. 21. 2; Da. 5. 28; 8. 20; 10. 13, 20; 11. 2. Persons of men, not regarded by God, De. 10. 17; 2 Chr. 19. 7; Job 34. 19; Ac. 10. 34; Ro. 2. 11; Gal. 2. 6; Ep. 6. 9; Col. 3. 25; 1 Pe. 1. 17. See Partiality. Perverseness, Pro. 11. 3; Is. 59. 3; Eze. 9. 9. Pestilence, a judgment from God, Le. 26. 25; Nu. 14. 12; De. 28. 21; Je. 14. 12; 27. 13; 34. 17; Eze. 5. 12; 6. 11; 7. 15; Hab. 3. 6; Mat. 24. 7; Lu. 21. 11. Instances, Nu. 14. 37; 16. 46—50; 25. 9; 2 Sa. 24. 13, 15; Ps. 78. 50. . Peter, the Apostle, called Mat. 4. 18—20; 10. 2; Mar. 1. 16; Lu. 5. 10; Jno. 1. 40—42. His zeal, Mat. 14. 28; 16. 22; 26. 33, 35; Mar. 14. 29; Lu. 22. 33; Jno. 13. 37; 18. 10. His confession of Christ, Mat. 16. 16—19; Mar. 8. 29; Lu. 9. 20; Jno. 6. 67—69. His confidence reproved, Mat. 16. 22, 23; Lu. 22. 31; Jno. 13. 37, 38. Denies Jesus, Mat. 26. 70—75; Mar. 14. 66 —72; Lu. 22. 56—62; Jno. 18. 17, 26—27. His commission, Jno. 21. 16 — 17. His preaching and labours, Ac 1. 15, &c; 2. 14—40; 3. 1, Ac; 4. 8—33; 5. 1, Ac; 8. 14-r25; 9.. 32—43; 10. 5^8; 12. 3—18; 15. 7—11; Gal. 1. 18; 2. 7—14. See 1st and 2nd Peter See also, Mat. 8. 14; 16. 17; 26. 51; Mar. 1. 29; 14. 47; Lu. 4. 38; 5. 1—9; 22. 50; Jno. 1.40; 18.10; 21.18,19. Pethor, Nu. 22. 5; De. 23. 4. Phalti, 1 Sa. 25. 44; 2 Sa. 3. 15. Pharaoh, kings of Egypt of that name — I. Of Abraham's time, Ge. 12. 15—20; II. Joseph's friend, Ge. 37. 36; 40. 41: 45. 16 —20; 47. 1—10, 14—26; 50. 4—6. III. Is rael's oppressor, Ex. 1. 8—22; 2. 5 — 10, 23; He. 11. 24; IV. To whom Moses was sent, Ex. 3; 5; 7; 8; 9; 10; 11: 12. 29—32; 14; Can. 1. 9; Eo. 9. 17; V. Of David's time, 1 Ki. 3. 1; 7. 8; 9. 16; 11. 15—22; 2 Chr. 8. 11; VI. Of Solomon's time, 1 Ki. 3. 1; 9. 16; VII. Of Hezekiah's time, 2 Ki. 18. 21—24. Pharoah-Necho, 2 Ki. 23. 29—35; 2 Chr. 35. 20; 36. 3; Je. 22. 10; 35. 5—7; 46. 2, Ac; Eze. 17. 17. Pharaoh-Hophrah, Is. 19. 1, Ac; 20. 4; 30. 2; Je. 44. 30; 46. 2, 16; Eze. 29. 1, Ac; 30. 20—26; 31. 2, Ac; 32. 2, Ac. Pharez, Ge. 38. 29; Eu. 4. 18;— another, Mat. 1. 3; Lu. 3. 33. Pharisees, a sect of the Jews — their pecu liar tenets, Ac; Mat. 3. 7; 9. 34; 12. 24; 23. 5; Lu. 5. 23; 7. 30; Jno. 7. 32, 48; Ac. 22. 3; 23. 6, 8; 26. 5. Their character, Mat. 23. 6—10; 14. 15, 23; Mar. 7. 3, 5—8; 12. 40; Lu. 5. 33; 16. 14, 15; 18. 9—12; Ac. 9. 1, 2; 15. 5; Phi. 3. 5, 6; Gal. 1. 14. Their conduct towards Christ, Mat. 9. 11, 34; 12. 24, 38; 16. 1; 19. 3; 21. 45, 46; 22. 15, 35; Lu. 6. 7; 7. 36, 39; 11. 37; 15. 1, 2; 16. 14; Jno. 4. 1-3; 7. 32, 45; 11. 35, 47, 53, 57; condemned by Christ, Mat. 5. 20; 12. 39; . 16. 6, 11, 12: 23. 13, Ac; Lu. 11. 44; 12. 1. Pharpar. See Abana. Phebe, Eo. 16. 1, 2. Phenice, a tnwn in Crete, Ac. 27. 12. Phenicia, or Phenice, a province of Syria, Ac 11. 19; 15. 3; 21. 2. 56 Phicol, Ge. 21. 22, 32; 26. 26. Philadelphia, a town in Asia Minor. Ee. 1. 11; 3. 7—13. Philemon. See Epistle of Philemon. Philip, the Apostle, Mat. 10. 3; Mar. 3. 18; Lu. 6. 14; Jno. 1. 43—46; 6. 5—7; 12. 21, 22; 14. 8, 9; Ac. 1. 13. The deacon, Ac. 6. 5; 8. 26; 21. 8. Herod's brother, Mat. 14.3; Mar. 6. 17; Lu. 3. lj 19. Philippi, a city of Macedonia, Ac. 16. 12 —40; 20. 6; Phi. 1. 1; 1 Th. 2. 2. Philistia, country of the Philistines, Ps. 60. 8; 87. 4; 108. 9. Philistines, the, their origin and country, Ge. 10. 13. 14; 21. 22, 34; 26. 8; Ex. 13. 17; De. 2. 23; Jos. 13. 2, 3; Ju. 3. 3; 2 Ki. 8. 2, 3; 1 Sa. 6. 16; 30. 14; Je. 47. 4; Am. 9. 7; Zep. 2. 5. At enmity with Israel, Ju. 3. 1—3; 10. 7, 8; 13. 1; 14. 19; 15.7, 16; 1 Sa. 4. 1, 11; 7. 7—14. 13, 3, 4, 17—23; 14. 1, Ac; 17. 4—10; 19. 8; 23. 1; 28. 1; 29. 1; 31. 1—10; 2 Sa. 5. 17; 21. 15—22; 2 Chr. 21. 16; 28. 18; Ps. 83. 7; Is. 9.11,12. Their character, Ju. 16. 23; 1. Sa. 5. 2; 17. 1; 28. 1; Is. 2. 6; Zee 9. 6. Prophecies respecting, Is. 2. 6; 9. 12; 11. 14; Je. 25. 20; 47. 1, Ac; Eze. 25. 15—17; Am. 1. 6—8; Zep. 2. 4—7; Zee 9. 3, 6. Philosophy (human), vanity of, Ac. 17. 18; ICo. 1.19; 2.6; Col. 2. 8. Phinehas, Eleazar's son, Ex. 6.25; Nu.25. 6—13; 31. 6; Jos. 22. 11, 34; 24. 33; Ju. 20. 28; 1 Chr. 6. 4; 9. 20; Ps. 106. 30. Eli's son, 1 Sa. 1. 3; 2. 12, 22—34; 3. 13; 4. 11—22; 14. 3. Phrygia, country of, Ac. 2. 10; 16. 6; 18. 23, Phylacteries, Ex. 13. 9; Nu. 15. 38, 39; Mat. 23. 5. See Frontlets. Physicians (embalmers), Ge. 50. 2; (doc tors) 2 Chr. 16. 12; Mat. 9. 12; Mar. 2. 17; 5. 26; Lu. 5. 31; 8. 43; Col. 4. 14. Figurative, Job 13. 4; Je. 8.22; Lu. 4. 23. Pigeons, Le. 1. 14; 6. T; 15. 14, 29; Nu. 6. 10. See Dove. Pi-Hahiroth, Ex. 14. 2, 9; Nu. 33. 7. Pilate, the Roman governor of Judea, Mat. 27; Mar. 15; Lu. 3. 1; 13. 1; 23. 1— 25, 60; Jno. 18. 28—40; 19; Ac. 3. 13; 4. 27; 13. 28; 1 Ti. 6. 13. Pilgrimage, human life compared to a, Ge. 47. 9; Ex. 6. 4; Ps. 119. 54; He. 11. 13; 1 Pe. 2. 11. PlUars, 1 Ki. 7. 15; 10. 12; Est. 1. 0; Can. 3. 10; Je 1. 18. Of memorial, erected by Jacob, Ge. 28. 18; 31. 13; 35. 20;— by Joshua, Jos. 4. 8, 20; 24. 26;— by Absalom, 2 Sa. 18. IS. In the tabernacle, Ex. 26. 32, 37; 36. 36, 38. • In the temple, 1 Ki. 7. 15— 21; -2 Chr. 3. 17. Of cloud and fire, Ex. 13. 21; 33. 9; Nu. 12. 5; Ne. 9. 12; Ps. 99. 7. Of salt, Ge. 19. 26; Lu. 17. 32. See also 1 Sa. 2. 8; Job 26. 11; Ps. 75. 3; Can. 5. 15; Gal. 2. 9; 1 Ti. 3. 15; Ee. 3. 12; 10. 1. Pilots, Eze. 27. 8, 28. Pine Tree, Ne. 8. 15; Is. 41. 10; 60. 13. Pinnacle of the temple, Mat. 4. 5; Lu. 4. 9. Pisgah, mountain of, Nu. 21. 20; 23. 14; De. 3. 27; 4. 49;- 34. 1. Pisidia, province of, Ac. 13. 14; 14. 21. Bison, river of, Ge. 2. 11, 12. Fit— a hiding place, 1 Sa. 13. 6; 2 Sa. 17. 9; Je. 41. 7— 9;— a prison, Is. 24. 22; 30. 14; 51. 14; Zee 9. 11;— a water tank, Ex. 21. 33, 34; Le. 11. 36; 2 Ki. 18. 31; Is. 30. 14; Je. 14.3. Figurative, of the grave or death, Nu. 16. 30, 33; Job. 17. 16; 33. 18, 24, 28, 30; Ps. 28. 1; 30. 3, 9; 55. 23; 69. 15; 88. 4; 143.7; Is. 14. 15; 38. 17; Eze. 26. 20; 32. 18. 23;— of deep distress, Ps. 40. 2; 88. 6;— of hell. Ee. 9. 2; 20. 1. Pitch, Ge. 6. 14; Ex. 2. 3; Is. 34. 9. Pifhom andEameses,Ge.47, 11; Ex. 1. 11. Pity, shown by God, Ps. 103. 13; Is. 63. 9; Eze. 36. 21; Joel 2. 18; Ja. 5. 11. Eequired of man, Job 6. 14; Ps.41. 1,2; Pro. 19. 17; 28. 8—10; Is. 63. 9; Mat. 18. 33. See Compassion and Mercy. Plague, inflicted, Ge. 12. 17; Ex. 32. 35; Eze. 14. 19; Hab. 3. 5;— threatened, Le. 26. 24; De. 28. 21; Re. 8; 9; 11; 16. See Pes tilence. Plagues of Egypt, Ex.7, to 12. Planets, 2 Ki. 23. 5. Plants, created, Ge. 1. 11. Used figuratively, Ps. 128. 3; 144. 12; Can. 4. 13; Is. 5. 7; 17. 10; 53. 2; Je. 2. 21; 48. 32; Eze. 34. 29; Mat. 15. 13. Platter, Mat. 23. 25; Lu. 11. 39. Pleasure, worldly, its vanity, Pro. 21. 17; Ec. 2. 1 — 12; 7. 4: exhortations against, Lu. 8. 14; 16. 19; Phi 3. 19; 1 Ti. 5. 0; 2Ti. £. 4; Tit. 3. 3; He. 11. 25; Ja. 5. 5; 1 Pe. 4; 2 Pe. 2 13. True pleasure, 1 Chr. 29. 17; Ps. 16. 11; 36. 8; Is. 51. 3. Pledges, Ex. 22. 26; De. 24. 6, 13; Job 22. 6; Eze. 18.7; Am. 2. 8. Pleiades, Job 9. 9; 38. 31. Plenty, the gift of God, Ge. 27. 28; De. 28. 11; Ps. 65; 68. 9; 104. 10; 144. 13; Joel 2. 26; Ac. 14. 17, &c. Demands thankfulness, Ex. 23. 16; De. 16. 10; Ps. 103. 1.5. Plowing, De. 22. 10; 1 Sa. 14. 14; 1 Ki. 19. 19; Job 4. 8; Pro. 20. 4; Is. 28 24; Ho. 10. 11, 13; Joel 3. 10; Lu. 9. 62; 17. 7; 1 Co. 9. 10; 2 Co. 6. 14. Plowmen. See Trades. Plow-Shares, Is. 2. 4; Mi. 4. 3; Joel 3. 10. See Husbandry. Plumb-Line, Am. 7. 7, 8. Plummet, 2 Ki.21. 13; Is. 28. 17; Zee 4. 10. Poison, of serpents, De. 32. 24; Ps. 58. 4; 140. 3;— of dragons, De 32. 33;— of asps, Job 20. 16; Ro. 3. 13. See Job 6. 4; Ja. 3. 8. Pollution, ceremonial, Ex. 20. 25; Le. 5. 2; 11. 24 — 47; 13; 15; 17. 15; 21; 22; Nu. 5; 9. 6; De. 21. 23; 2 Ki. 23. 16; Ezr. 2. 62; Je. 7. 30; Da. 11.31; Mai. 1.7, 12. Moral, Pro. 6. 24—29; Eze. 20. 13,31; 23. 30; 36. 18; Mi. 2. 10; Ac. 15. 20; 1 Co. 15. 33; Ep. 5. 3—11; 2 Pe.2. 20. Polygamy, disapproved of,Ge. 2. 24; Mat. 19. 4; Mar. 10. 6; Eo. 7. 3; 1 Co. 7. 2. See Marriage. Pomegranate, Nu. 13. 23; 20. 5; De. 8. S; 1 Sa. 14. 2; Can. 4. 3, 13; 6. 7, 11; 7. 12; 8. 2; Joel 1. 12; Hag. 2. 19. On the priest's robe, Ex. 28. 33, 34; 39. 24 —26. On the pillars-of the temple, 1. Ki. 7. 18— 20, 42; 2 Ki. 25. 17; 2 Chr. 3. 16; Je. 52. 2z. 57 POO. INDEX TO PEA. Pools, Ex. 7. 19; 2 Sa. 2. 13; 4. 12; 1 Ki. 22. 38; Ne. 3. 15; Is. 7. 3; 22. 9; 35. 7; 41. 18; Jno. 5. 2; 9. 7. Poor, the, by God's appointment, De. 15. 11; 1 Sa. 2. 7; Job 1. 21; 34. 19; Ps. 75. 7; Pro. 17. 5; 22. 2; Mat. 26. 11; Mar. 14. 7; Jno. 12. 8. Their claims, Ex.23. 11; Le. 19. 10; 23. 22; 25. 26, 35; De. 14. 29; 15. 7—10; Ps. 41. 1; 112. 9; Pro. 11. 24, 25; 14. 21, 31; 19. 17; 21. 13; 22. 9; 28. 27; 29. 7; Is. 58. 6—10; Mat. 25. 34—46; Mar. 10. 21; 2. Co. 8. 7; 9. 7—9; Gal. 2. 10; 1 Ti. 6. 17—19. Not to be oppressed, Ex. 22. 25; 23. 3; De. 15. 7; 24. 14; Job. 24. 4—10; Ps. 12. 5; 14. 6; 82. 3; Pro. 14. 31; 17. 6; 22. 16, 22; 28. 3; Ec. 5. 8; Is. 3. 14; Je. 22. 3; Eze. 8. 12; 22. 29—31; Am. 2. 6; 4. 1, Ac; 5. 11; 8. 4; Zee 7. 10; Ja. 2. 2. Not to be despised, Le. 19. 15; De. 1. 17; 16. 19; Pro. 24. 23; 28. 21. Those who despise them condemned, De. 15. 9; 24. 15; Pro. Hi 26; 17. 5; 21. 13; 28. 27; Mat. 25. 41^6; Ja. 2. 15, 16; 1 Jno. 3. 17. Their condition, Job 21. 4; Ps. 10. 2; Pro. 13. 8; 14. 20; 18. 23; 19. 4; 30. 9; Eo. 9. 15. Promises to, see Promises. Poor, of the church, provision for, Ac. 6. 1; 1 Co. 16. 1; 2 Co. 8; 9; Gal. 2. 10. " Poor, in spirit, 1 Sa. 2. 8; Is. 66. 2; Mat. 5. 3; Lu. 6. 20. Poverty, advantages of, Ps. 37. 16; Pro. 15. 16; 16. 8; 19. 1; 28.6, 11; Ec.5. 11, 12; Mat. 19. 23; Lu. 6. 20; 12. 13. Disadvantages of, Pro. 14. 20; 18. 23; 19. 4, 7; 30. 9; Ec. 9. 15. Causes of, Pro 6. 6—15; 10. 4; 13. 4; 19. 15; 20. 13; 23. 21; 28. 19. Poplar-Tree, Ge. 33. 37; Ho. 4. 13. Porch, Ju. 3: 23; IChr. 28. 11; 2 Chr. 29. 11; Mat. 26. 71. Post, a messenger, 2 Chr. 30. 6; Est. 3. 13; 8. 14; Job 9. 25. Potiphar, Ge. 37. 36; 39. 1, 4. Pottage, Ge. 25. 29—34; 2. Ki. 4. 33—40. Potter. See Trades and Professions. Power, of God. See God. Of man, emanates from God, Nu. 22. 38; De. 8. 18; 2 Sa. 22. 18, 33; 2 Chr. 25. 8; Job 12. 16; Ps. 44. 6, 7; 62. 11; 68. 35; Pro. 8. 15; Is. 40. 29; Da. 2. 20, 21; 4.35,37; Mar.3.15; Jno. 19. 11; Ac. 3. 12; 4. 7—10; Eo. 13. 1, 2; 2 Co. 4. 7; — is vain and transitory, 2 Ki. 19. 26; Job Et. 17; 34. 24; Ps. 33. 16, 17; Lu. 1. 51, 52. All power given to Christ, Mat. 9. 6; 11.27; 28. 18; Jno. 3. 35; Ep. 1.20; IPe. 3. 22; Re. Powers of heaven, Mat. 24. 29; Mar. 13. 25; Lu. 21. 20; Ep. 3. in. Praise, of God, exhortations to, De. 10. 21; Ju. 5. 2; Ps. 22. 23; 67. 3; 69. 34; 103. 20; 107. 8; 119. 164; 148. 1, Ac; Is. 12. 25; 38. 19; 42. 10; Je. 31. 7; Da. 2. 23; Hab. 3. 3; Joel 2. 26: Lu. 1. 46, 68; Ac 2. 47; 16. 25; Ep. 1. 6; Ee. 19. 5, Ac Should be frequent, Ps.'34. 1; 35. 28; 71. 6; 119. 164; 145. 2; He. 13. 15; with the un derstanding and heart, 1's. 47. 7; 111.1; 13S. 1; 1 Co. 11. 15; Ep. 5. 19; Col. 3. 16. Expressed by music, 1 Chr. 16. 41, 42; 23. 5; Ezr. 3. 11; Ps. 13. 6; 13. 49; 21. 13; 30. 4; 33. 3; 89. 1; 104. 33; 147. 1; 150. 3, 5; Is. 12. 5; 42. 10; 44. 23; 48. 20; 49. 13; Mat. 26. 30; Ac. 16. 25; Ep. 5. 19; Col. 3. 16; Ja. 5. 13. In psalms and hymns, 1 Chr. 16. 9; Ps. 81. 2; 95. 2; 98. 5; 105. 2; Mat. 26. 30; 1 Co. 14. 26; Ep. 5. 19; Col. 3. 16; Ja. 6. 13. In public, Ps. 9. 14; 100. 4; 118. 19, 20; He. 2 12 Motives to, Ps. 63. 3; 89. 1; 103. 1—4; 106. 1; 138. 2; 139. 14; Is. 44. 23; 1 Co. 15. 67; 2 Co. 9. 15; Ep. 1. 3, Ac. Subjects of, Ex. 15. 7; 1 Chr. 16. 25; 2 Chr. 20. 21; Ps. 9. 1; 21. 13; 26. 7; 28. 7; 57. 9; 63. 3; 75. 1: 89. 1; 103. 1—5; 106. 1; 111. 1, 2; 138. 6; Is. 6. 3; 12. 2—5; 24. 14; 25. 1; 44. 23; Eze. 3. 12; Lu. 1. 63, 70; 2. 10—14; 1 Co. 15. 57; 2 Co. 2. 14; 9. 15; Ep. 1. 3—6; 1 Pe. 1. 3; Ee. 1. 5; 7. 9. Instances, Ge. 14. 20; Ex. 15. 1; 18. 10; 1 Sa. 2. 1; 1 Chr. 16. 36; 29. 10—13; Ezr. 3. 10; Ne. 8. 6; Ps. 119. 164; Is. 38. 19; Lu. 1. 46— 55, 64, 67; 2. 13, 20,28,38; 18. 43; 19. 37; 24. 53; Ac. 2. 47; 3. 8; 16. 25: Bo. 11. 33; 1 Pe. 1.3; Re. 4. 11; 6. 9, 13; 15.3. Praise of men, Pro. 27. 2; Mat. 6. 1; Jno. 6. 44; 12. 43; Ro. 2. 29; 1 Co. 10. 18; Gal. 5. 26; Phi. 2. 3. Prayer, to God, exhortations and encour agements to, 1 Chr. 7. 14; 16. 11; Job 33. 26; Pb. 4. 1; 27. 6; 105. 4; 116. 2; 122. 6; Is. 55. 6; 63. 15, Ae;66.24; Am. 5.4; Zee 13.9; Mat. 5. 44; 7. 7; 9. 38; 26. 41; Mar. 11. 24; Lu. 11. 9, 19; 18. 1, Ac; 21. 36; Jno. 14. 13; Ro. 10. 12; 12. 12; 15. 30; 1 Co. 7. 5; Ep. 6. 18; Phi. 4. 6; Col. 4. 2; 1. Th. g. 17; 1 Ti. 2. 1, 8; He. 10. 19—22; Ja. 5. 13; 1 Pe. 1. 17; 3. 7; 4. 7; Jude 20. Addressed to God, Ps. 5. 2; Mat. 4. 10 ;— to Christ, Lu. 23. 42; Ac. 7. 59;— to the Holy Spirit, 2 Th. 3. 5. To be offered in the name of Christ, Jno. 14. 13. 14; 15. 16; 16. 23; Ep. 5. 20; He. 13. 15; 1 Pe. 2. 5. In faith, Ps. 145. 18; Pro. 15. 29; Mat. 21. 22; Mar. 11. 24; Jno. 15. 7; 1 Ti. 2. 8; He. 10. 22; 11. 6; Ja. 1. 6. With fervour, Ps. 59. 17; 119. 68; Je. 29. 13; La. 3. 41; Lu. 6. 12; 11. 8; 18. 1; Eo. 12. 12; Ep. 6. 18. With frequency, Ps. 5. 3; 65. 17; 86. 3; 119. 164; Da. 6. 10; Lu. 2. 37; 18. 1; 21. 36; Ao. 10. 2; 1 Th. 3. 10; 6. 17; 1 Ti. 2. 8; 5. 5; 2 Ti. 1. 3; 1 Pe. 4. 7. With humility and simplicity, 2 Chr. 7. 14; Ec. 5. 2; Mat. 6. 6, 7; Lu. 18. 11; Jno. 9. 31; Ja. 4. 8. With perseverance, Ge. 32. 26: Lu. 11. 5, 8; 18. 1—7; Eo. 12. 12; Ep. 6. 18; Col. 4. 2; 1 Ti. 5. 3. For temporal good, Ge. 28. 20; Pro. 30. 8; Mat. 6. 11. For spiritual blessings, Mat. 6. 33; Col. 3. 1; He. 4. 16. Preparations for, Ps. 66. 18; 145.18; Pro. 15. 8, 29; 28. 9; Is. 1. 15; 29. 13; 59. 2; Mar. 7. 6; 11. 25; Jno. 9. 31; 1 Ti. 2. 8; Ja. 1. 6; 4.3. Accompaniments of. Ge. 18. 27; 1 Ki. 8. 33; Ne. 1. 4, 7; Ps. 66. 17; Je. 31. 9; 36. 7; Da. 9. 3, 4—11; Ho. 12. 4; Lu. 21. 36; Ac. 13. 3; Phi. 4. 6; Col. 4. 2; 1 Pe. 4. 7. Its power with God, Ps. 34. 15; 145. 18; Is. FEE. THE BIBLE. FBI. 30. 19; Je. 29. 12; Mat. 7. 7; Jno. 15. 7; Ja. 1. 5; 5. 14; 1 Pe. 3. 12; 1 Jno. 3. 22; 5. 14. Answers promised to it, Job 33. 26; Ps. 6. 9; 32, 6; 66. 19; Is. 65. 24; Zee 13. 9; Mat. 21. 22; — remarkable instances of answered prayer, Ge. 17. 20; 24. 12, 15; 32. 9; Ex. 17. 4; 32. 11, 31; Nu. 14. 13; De. 3. 23; Ju. 6. 17; 13. 8; 15. 18; 16. 28; 1 Sa. 1. 10; 7. 9; 2 Sa. 7. 18; 1 Ki. 3. 9; 4. 10; 8. 22; 18. 36; 2. Ki. 19. 15; 20. 2; 1 Chr. 29. 10; 33. 13; 2 Chr. 6. 12; 14. 11; 20. 6; 33. 12; Ezr. 8. 23; 9. 6; Ne. 2. 4; 4. 9; 9. B; Est. 4. 16; Ps. 5. 1, Ac; Da. 9. 3; Am. 7. 2, 5; Jon. 2. 1, Ac; Hab. 3. 1, Ac; Lu. 1. 13; 23. 42; Ac 4. 29; 10. 1; 12. 5; 16. 25; 28. 8. Private Prayer, Ge. 32. 24; Job 22. 27; Ps. 5. 3; 55. 16, 17; 88, 1; Da. 6. 10; Ho. 12. 4; Mat. 6. 6; Lu. 11. 1; 18. 1, 18; Ac. 9. 11;— examples of, Ge. 19. 20; 24. 12; 32. 9— 12; Ju. 6. 22, 36; 1 Sa. 1. 10; 2 Sa. 7. 18; 2 Ki. 20. 2, 11; 2 Chr. 33. 18; Ezr. 9. 5; Ne. 2. 4; Je. 32. 16; Da. 9. 3, 17; Jon. 2. 1; Hab. 1. 2; Mat. 14. 23; 26. 36; Mar. 1. 35; Lu.2.37; 18. 19, 29; Ac. 9. 11; 9. 40; 10.9,30. Family, or Social Prayer, Je. 10. 25; Mat. 18. 19, 20; Ac. 1. 13; 10. 9; 12. 12;— examples of, Ge. 12. 5, 8; 35. 2, 3, 7; Jos. 24. 15; 2 Sa. 6. 20; Job 1. 5; Ac. 1. 13, 14; 10. 2; 16. 25; 20. 36; 21. 5. Public Prayer, Ex. 20. 24; 2 Chr. 7. 14, 16; Ps. 42. 4; 95. 6; 122. 1: Is. 56. 7; Zee 8. 21; Mat. 12. 9; 18. 20; Lu. 1. 10; 4. 16; 11. 2; Ac. 3. 1; 12. 5; 1 Co. 14. 14—17; He. 10. 25;— examples of, Jos. 7. 6,9; 1 Chr. 20. 10—19; 2 Chr. 6. 1, Ac; 20. 6—13; Ne. 9. 1, Ac; Ac. 2. 46; 3.1; 4. 24; 12. 5, 12; 13. 3; 16. 16. Postures in prayer, Nu. 16. 22; Jos. 5. 14; 1 Ki. 8. 22; 1 Chr. 21. 16; 2 Chr. 6. 16; Ps. 28. 2; 95. 6; Is. 1. 15; La. 2. 19; Mat. 26. 39; Mar. 11. 25; Lu. 22. 41; Ac 20. 36; 1 Ti. 2. 8. Forms of prayer, Ge. 18. 23; 24. 12; Ex. 32. 11, 31; Nu. 6. 2! 10. 35; 14. 13; De. 21. 8; 26. 3, 5, 13; Ju. o. 13, 36, 39; 2 Sa. 7. 18; 2 Chr. 6. 1, Ac; 20. 6; Ezr. 9. 5; Ne. 1. 4; 9. 1, Ac; Pro. 30. 7; Je. 32. 16; Jon. 2. 1; Hab. 2. 1, Ac; Mat. 6. 9; Lu. 11. 2.; 22. 42; 23. 42; Jno. 11. 41; 12. 27; 17. 1, Ac; Ac. 4. 24; 7. 59; Ep. 3. 16. Prayer of the hypocrite condemned, Ps. 109. 7; Pro. 1. 28; 28. 9; Mat. 6. 5. toeaching the gospel, a divine institution, Is. 61. 1; Jon. 3. 2; Mat. 28. 19; Mar. 16. 15; Lu. 9. 2, 60; 24. 46; Ac. 10. 42; 1 Co. 1. 17—29; 9. 16; 12. 4—11. 2 Co. 6. 19. Eules for, Ac. 20. 20, 27; 1 Co. 2. 1—7, 13; 3. 10, 11; 4. 12; 14. 1, Ac; 2 Co. 3. 4—8; 4. 5, 6; 5. 20; 6. 3, Ac; Col. 1. 28; 1 Th. 2. 7, 8; 1 Ti. 3. 8; Tit. 2. 1. Preaching, of Jonah, Jon. 3. 2 — 4. Of Johu the Baptist, Mat. 3. 1—12; Jno. 1. 6, 15—27, 29—34; 3. 27—36. Of Jesus, Mat. 4. 17; 6; 6; 7; 23; Mar. 1. 14; Lu. 4. 18. Of the Apostles. Mat. 28. 19; Mar. 16. 15; Lu. 9. 60; 24. 47; Ac. 2. 14; 3. 12; 4. 2; 5. 42; 8-; 9. 20, 27; 10. 36^8; 11. 19; 13. 5, 16—41; 14. 15, 25; 17. 3, 13, 18; 20. 18—36; 28. 31; Eo. 10. 8, 11; 1 Co. 1. 17; 2. 2; 4; 15. 11—14; 2 Co. 11. 4; Gal. 1. 8; 5. 11; Ep. 2. 17; 3. 8; Phi. 1. 15—18; 1 Ti. 3. 16; 2. Ti. 4. 2; Tit. 1. 3; He. 4. 2. Success attending, Ac. 2. 41; 4. 4; 8. 35— 40; 10. 34^14; 16. 14, 31—34; 1 Co. 3. 6. Precious Stones, 1 Ki. 10. 1, 2, 11; 2 Chr. 9. 10; Job. 28. 5, 6; Eze. 27. 22. Refer to Ag ate, Amethyst, Beryl, Carbuncle, Coral, Chalcedony, Chrysolite; Chrysophrasus, Diamond, Emerald, Jacinth, Jasper, Onyx, Pearl, Ruby, Sapphire, Sardine, Sardonyx, Topaz. Predestination, Ac. 4. 2S; Ro. 8. 29, 30; 1 Co. 2. 7; Ep. 1. 5, 11. See Election. Presbytery, Lu. 22. 66; Ac. 22. 5; 1 Ti. 4. 14. Presents, Ge. 20. 14; 24. 22, 23; 32. 13; 33. 10; 43. 11; 45. 22; Ju. 3. 15; 6. 18; 1 Sa. 9. 7; 16. 20; 17. 18; 18. 4; 1 Kir 10. 10, 25; 2 Ki. 6. 5; 8. 8; 17. 4; 18. 31; 20. 12; 2 Chr. 9. 23; Ne 8. 12; Est. 9. 19; Pro. 18. 16; 19. 6; Ps. 72. 10; Eze. 21. 15; Am. 2. 6; Mat. 2. 11. See Gifts. Presumption, reproved or punished, Ge. 11; Nu. 14. 44; De. 1. 43; 18. 20; 1 Sa. 6. 19; 2 Sa. 6. 6; 2 Chr. 26. 16; Ps. 19. 13; Pro. 27. 1; Lu. 12. 18; Ac. 19. 13; Ja. 4. 13; 2 Pe. 2. 10; 3 Jno. 9; Re. 8. 7. Sins of censured, Ex. 21. 14; Nu. 15. 30; De. 17. 12; Ps. 19. 13; 69.5; Mat. 18. 17; Lu. 12. 47; Ja. 4. 17. See Ps. 19. 13. Prevarication, Ge. 12. 11; 20. 2,9; 26.7, 18; 2 Ki. 5. 25,»Ae 5. 1, Ac. See Deceit and Lying. Pride, condemned, 1 Sa. 2. 3; Pro. 6. 16; 8. 13; 16. 5; 21. 4; Ec 8. 3; Ro. 12. 3, 16; 1 Ti. 3. 6; 6. 4; Ja. 4. 6; 1 Jno. 2. 10. Its origin, Mar. 7. 20—23. Its consequences, Ge. 3. 22 — 24; Ps. 10. 2; 59. 12; 101. 5; Pro. 13. 10; 21. 24; 26. 12; 28. 25; Is. 10. 33; 28. 1; Je. 43. 2; Da. 5. 20; Mar. 7. 20, 22; Lu. 18. 14. Its punishment, Ex. 18. 11; Le. 26. 19; Ps. 18. 27; 31. 23; Pro. 11. 2; 16. 18; 18. 12; 29. 23; Is. 2. 12; 9. 9; 13. 11; 16. 6; 23. 9; 28. 1, Ac; Je. 13. 9; 60. 32; Da. 4. 37; Ho. 5. 5; Zep. 2. 10; Mai. 4. 1; Mat. 23. 12; Lu. 1. 51; Ja. 4. 6. Examples of, 2 Sa. 17. 23; 2 Chr. 32. 25; Est. 3. 5; Da. 4. 30; 5. 20, 22, 23; Mar. 12. 38, 39; Ao. 12. 21—23; Re. 3. 17. Priests, before Moses, Ge. 4. 3, 4; 8. 20; 12. 7, 8; 14. 18; 22. 9; 26. 25; 32. 20; 35. 7. The seed of Aaron appointed as, Ex. 29. 9; 40. 15; Nu. 3. 10; 16. 40; 18. 7. Their qualifications, Le. 21. 17—23; Ezr. 2. 62; Ne. 7. 64. Their consecration, Ex. 28. 3; 29. 4, Ac; 40. 13, 14; Le. 8. 6, Ac; Nu. 3. 3. Their garments, Ex. 28.40, 43; 29. 9, 21; 39. 27, 28, 41; 40. 15; Le. 6. 4; Ezr. 2. 68, 69; Ne. 7. 70, 72; Eze. 44. 19. Their duties, Ex. 27. 20, 21; 30. 7, 8; Le. 1 to 6; 13. 2—59; 15. 30; 23. 10, 11; 24. 3-9; 27. 8; Nu. 4. 5—15; 6. 23—27; 10. 1—10; 18. 1, 5, 7; De. 17. 8-13; 20. 1—4; 21. 5; 26. 3, 4; 33. 8, 10; Jos. 3. 6, 17; 6. 3, 4, 12; 2 Chr. 29. 34; 35. 11; Mai. 2. 7; Lu. 1. 9. Their revenues, Le. 7. 6, Ac; 24. 9; Nu. 3. 48, 51; 5. 8; 6. 19; 18. 8, 12, Ac; 31. 29, 41; De. 18. 3, 4; 1 Sa. 21. 4—6; Ne. 10. 37, 38; Mat. 12. 4; 1 Co. 9. 13; He. 7. 6. Their courses, 1 Chr. 24. 1—19; 2 Chr. 8, 14; 35. 4; 36. 14; Ezr. 2. 36—39; Lu. 1. 5. Reproved for sin, 1 Sa. 2. 13—17, 22—24; Is. 28. 7; Je. 1. 18; 5. 31, Ac; 6. 13; Ho, 5; 6; Mi. 3. 11; Zep. 3. 4, 4c; Mai. 2, 4c. FBI. INDEX TO PBO. See also, Le. 10. 8; 21. 1—7, 13; 22. 1—8, 10; Nu. 19. 6; Eze. 44. 21; He. 7. 11; 10. 31. See High-Priest. Priests of Baal, 1 Ki. 18. 40; 2 Ki. 10. 19; 11. 18. Priesthood of Christ, Ps. 110. 4; Is. 53. 5, 10; Je. 33. 17; Zee 6. 12; Eo. 8. 34; Ep. 5. 2; Tit. 2. 14; He. 4. 14; 5. 1, 4; 7. 11, 25; 8. 1, Ac; 9. 26; 10. 5, 10—14; 1 Jno. 2. 1; —of Christians, 1 Pe. 2. 5; Ee. 1. 6; 6. 10; 20. 6. Prince of peace, Is. 9. 6; of life, Ac 3. 15. Of this world, Jno. 12. 31; 14. 30; 16. 11; of the power of the air, Ep. 2. 2; of devils, Mat. 9. 34. Principalities, Je. 13. 8; Eo. 8. 38; Ep. 1. 21; 3. 10; 6. 12; Col. 1. 16, 18; 2. 10, 15; Tit. 3. 1. FriscHla. See Aquila. Prisons, Ge. 39. 20; Ju. 16. 21; 1 Ki. 22. 27; 2 Ki. 17. 4; 25. 27, 29; Je. 32. 2; 37. 21; Mat. 4. 12; 18. 30; Lu. 23. 19; Ac. 6. 18; 16. 23—26. Figurative, Ps. 142. 7; Ee. 4. 14; Is. 42. 7; 49. 9; 53. 8; 61. 1; 1 Pe. 3. 19; Ee. 2. 10; 20. 7. See Bondage. Prodigal Son, the, Lu. 15. 11. Profanity, condemned, Le. 18. 21; 19. 12; 22. 9; Ne. 13. 18; Eze. 21.* 25; 22. 8; Mai. 1. 12; Mat. 12. 5; 1 Ti. 6. 20. Profession of faith, Mat. 9. 29; 10. 32; 16. 15—17; Jno. 9. 36—38; Ac. 8. 37; Ro. 10. 9, 10. Tobe held fast, 1 Ti. 6. 12; He. 3. 1; 4. 14; 10. 23. Frognosticators, Is. 47. 13. Promises of God, their value and cer tainty, Nu. 23. 19; De. 7. 9; 1 Sa. 15. 29; 1 Ki. 8. 56; Ps. 77. 8; 8J. 3, 34; 105. 8, 42; 118. 89, 90; Is. 26. 1; 41. 10; 42. 16; 46. 11; Je. 32. 40; La. 3. 31, 32; Lu. 1.45; 2 Co. 1. 20; He. 6. 17; 10. 23; 13. 5; Ja. 1. 17; 2 Pe. 1. 4. Promises to individuals— Noah, Ge. 8. 21; 9. 9, 4c;— Abraham, Ge. 18. 10 (see Abra ham);— Hagar, Ge. 16. 10; 21. 17, 18;— Isaac, Ge. 26. 2;— Jacob, Ge. 28. 13; 31. 3; 32. 12; 35. 11—13; 46. 3;— David, 2 Sa. 7. 5. 12— 17;— Solomon, 2 Chr. 1. 7—12; 7.12. Promises to the 'righteous— in general, Ex. 23. 25; De. 26. 11; 28. 3, Ac; Ps. 58. 11; 84. 11; Pro. 12. 2; 13. 9; 21. 21; Is. 3. 10; 1 Co. 3. 21, 22; 1 Ti. 4. 8. Of temporal blessings (general), Ps. 23. 1, 5; 34. 9, 10; Mat. 6. 33; 1 Ti. 6. 6, 17; Phi. 4. IB. Of food and raiment, Ps. 37. 3; 111. 6; 132. 15; 147. 14; Pro. 13. 25; Is. 65. 13; Joel 2. 26; Mat. 6. 25, 26, 30—32. Of long life and health, De. 5. 33; 6. 2; Job 5. 26; Ps. 34. 12, 14; 91. 16; 103. 3—6; Pro. 3. 2, 7, 8; 4f 22; 9. 11; 10. 27. Of safety and protection, De. 33. 12; Job 4. 7; 5. 23; 11. 18, 19; Ps. 4. 8; 34. 20; 91. 1, 4, 10; 112. 7; 116. 8; 121. 1, Ac; 125. 2; Pro. 1. 33; 3. 23, 24; 18. 10; Is. 4. 5. 6; 27. 3; 33. 16; 43. 2; Ho. 2. 18; Zee 2. 5; 1 Pe. 3. 13. Of peace, Le. 26. 6; Ps. 29. 11; 119. 165; 125. 5; 147. 14; Is. 26. 12; 32. 18. Of direction, Ps. 37. 23; 48. 14; 73. 24; Pro. 3. 6; 16. 9; Is. 28. 26; 42. 16. Of honour, De. 28. 13; 1 Sa. 2. 30; Ps. 91. 60 14, 15; 111. 6; 112. 6; Pro. 3. 16; 4. 8; 10. 7; 14. 19; 22. 4; Jno. 12. 26; Re. 3. 9. Of success and prosperity, Ex. 23. 25; De. 11. 14, 15; 28. 12; 30. 9; Job 11. 15, 17; 22. 24, 28; Ps. 1. 3; 37. 5; 107. 38; 112. 2; 128. 2; Pro. 10. 22; Is. 30. 13; 65. 21, 23. Of family blessings, De. 4. 40; 7. 13; Job 6. 24; 8. 6; Ps. 37. 25; 102. 28; 112. 2; 116. 14; 127. 3, Ac; 128. 3, Ac; 147. 13; Pro. 3. 33; 11. 21; 12. 7; 13. 22; 14. 11, 26; Je. 32. 39. Promises in trouble — of preservation, Job 5. 19; Ps. 31. 23; 32. 6, 7; 91. 10; Pro. 12. 21; 16. 19;— of support, Ps. 9. 9; 22. 24; 27. 14; 37. 24, 39; 41. 1; 46. 1—3; 55. 22; 136. 23; 137. 7; 144. 14: 145. 14; Is. 25. 4; Je. 16. 19; Mat. 11. 28; Jno. 16. 33; 2 Co. 4. 8, 9; —of deliverance, Job 8. 20, 21; 11. 16; 36. 16; Ps. 18. 27, 28; 30. 5; 34. 19; 42. 11; 71. 20; 78. 13; 107. 19; 126. 6, 6; 146. 8; Pro. 12. 13; 21. 8; 24. 16; Je. 31. 12, 13; Ho. 6. 6. See Affliction. Promises in sickness, Ex. 15. 26; 23. 25; Job 33. 24—28; Ps. 41. 3; 91. 3-«; 103. 3; 116. 6; Je. 33. 6; 1 TI. 2. 15;— in old age, Ps. 71. 9; Pro. 16. 31; Is. 46. 4. Of Deliverance from famine and want, Job 5. 20, 22; Ps. 33. 18, 19; 37. 19; 107. 9; 146. 7; Is. 41. 17; Eze. 36. 29, 30; Hab. 3. 17, 18; Zee 10. 1; — from war and enemies, De. 20. 4; 23. 14; 2S. 7; 2 Ki. 6. 16; 17. 39; 2 Chr. 14. 11; Job 5. 20; 8. 22; Ps. 17. 7; 37. 32, 33, 40; 60. 12; 97. 10; 112. 8; 118. 7; Pro. 3. 25, 26; 16. 7; Is. 25. 5; 41. 11, 12; 64. 17; Je. 32. 17, 18; Lu. 1. 71, 74: Ac. 18. 10; He. 13. 6;— from oppression, Ex. 22. 26,27; Ps. 12. 5; 35. 10; 72. 4, 14; 109. 31;' 146. 7; Ec. 5. 8; Is. 54. 14;— from slander, Job 5. 21; Ps. 31. 20; 37. 6; 57. 4; Is. 51. 7; Mat. 5. 11; 1 Pe. 4. 14;— from death, Job 33. 28; Ps. 68. 20; 91. 7; 107. 18, 19. Promises to the stranger, De. 8. 18; Ps. 11. 16; 146. 9;— to the poor, Job 5. 15, 16; 36. 15; Ps. 9. 18;, 68. 10; 69. 33; 72. 2, 12, 13; 102.' 17; 107. 41; 113. 7; 132. 15; Is. 14. 30; Ja. 2. 5; — to the orphan and widow, Ex. 21. 22, 23; De. 10. 18; Ps. 10. 14, 18; 68. 6; 146. 9; Pro. 15. 25; 23. 10; Je. 49.- 11; ' Ho. 14. 3;— to the captive, De. 30. 4; Ps. 68. 6; 146. 7; Is. 49. 25. Promises of spiritual blessings — in gen eral, Ps. 25. 10, 14; 34. 10; 84. 11; Ro. 8. 30; Ep. 1. 3, 4; Gal. 6. 16; 2 Pe. 1. 3, 4. Conversion, De. 30. 6; Ps. 110. 3; Je. 24. 7; 31. 18; 50. 4, 5; Eze. 11. 19, 20; 36. 26; 2 Ti. 1. 4; Tit. 3. 5. Repentance, Eze. 20. 43; 36. 31; Ho. 2. 6, 7; Mat. 9. 13; Ac. 3. 26; 5. 31. Faith, Jno. 6. 45; Phi. 1. 29; Ep. 2. 8. Justification and pardon, Ex. 34. 7; Nu. 23. 21; Ps. 65. 3; 80. 8; 103. 12; 130. 4, 8; Is. 1. 18; 43. 25; 44. 22; 45. 25; 53. 11; Je. 3. 12, 22; 31. 34; 33. 8; Eze. 33. 16; 36. 25; Ho. 14. 4; Mi. 7. 18, 19; Zee 13. 1; Mat. 1. 21; 12. 31, 32; Ac. 13. 38, 39; Eo. 3. 24; 6. 1, 9; 8. 33:34; 1 Co. 6. 9—11; 2 Co. 5. 21; Tit. 3. 7; He. 8. 12; 10. 17; 1 Jno. 1. 7. Reconciliation, Is. 27. 5; Ro. 5. 9, 10; 2 Co. 6. 18; Ep. 2. 13, 17; Col. 1. 21—23; He. 2. 17. Adoption, Is. 63. 16; Je. 31. 9; Jno. 1. 12; Ro. 8. 14, 15; 9. 26; 2 Co. 6. 18; Gal. 3. 26; 4. 4—7; Ep. 1. 5; 1 Jno. 3. 1, 2. FBO. THE BIBLE. FBO. Sanctification, Is. 1. 18; Je. 31. 33; Eze. 36. 25—27; Jno. 17. 17, 19; 1 Co. 6. 11; Ep. 2. 10; Phi. 2. 13; 1 Th. 5. 23; 2 Th. 2. 13; Tit. 2. 14. Answers to prayer, see Prayer. Knowledge and wisdom, Pro. 2. B— 9; 28. 5; Ps. 16. 7; 51. 6; Ee 2. 26; Is. 2. 3; 29. 18, 24; 32. 3, 4; 35. 8; 42. 7; 52. 6; Je. 31. 34; Ho. 6. 3; Mat. 11. 25; Jno. 8. 12f, 1 Co. 2. 14, 15; 2 Co. 4. 6; Ja. 1. 5; 1 Jno. 5. 20. Teaching and guidance, Ps. 23. 3; 25. 8, 12; 32. 8; 73. 24; Is. 30. 21; 48. 17; 49. 10; 58. 11; 61. 8; Jno. 7. 17. Of the means of grace, Ps. 23. 2; Is. 30. 20; 41.18; 49.9,10; 52.7,8; 66.7; 62.6; Je. 3. 15; 31. 12, 14; Eze. 34. 15; Ep. 4. 11—13. Of a blessing on ordinances, Ps. 36. 8, 10; 63. 2—5; 65. 4; 68. 24; 84. 4, 10; 89. 15, 16; 92. 13; Is. 12. 3; 60. 7; Mat. 18. 20. Of Grace, against sin and temptation, Ec 7. 18, 26; Ro. 6. 14; 8. 2—4; 1 Co. 10. 13; 2 Co. 12. 9; Gal. 5. 16; He. 2. 18; 2 Pe. 2. 6; — to overcome the world and the devil, Lu. 22. 31, 32; Jno. 16. 33; 17. 15; Eo. 16. 20; Gal. 1. 4; 1 Jno. 2. 14; 5. 4, 5, 18; Ja. 4. 7;— to persevere, Ps. 94.18; 138. 8; Jno. 10. 28, 29; 17. 11; Eo. 8. 38, 39; 1 Co. 1. 8; 2 Co. 1. 21; Phi. 1. 29; 2 Th. 3. 3; 1 Pe. 1. 5; Jude 24. Promises of an interest in God, Ge. 15. 1; 17. 7; Le. 26. 12; Ps. 48. 14; Is. 41. 10; 54. 6; Je. 30. 22; Eze. 34. 24; 2 Co. 6. 16, 18; He. 8. 10; 11. 16; Ee. 21. 3;— of his pres ence, Ex. 33. 14; De. 31. 8; 2 Chr. 15. 2; Ps. 140. 13; Is. 41. 10; Joel 2. 27; Jno. 14. 23;— of his love, De. 7. 13; Ps. 146. 8; Pro. 15. 9; Is. 62. 5; Je. 31. 3; 32. 41; Ho. 14.4; Jno. 16. 27; 17. 25, 26; Eo. 9. 25; 1 Jno. 4. 16;— of his meroy, Ex. 33. 19; De. 4. 31; Ps. 103. 17; Is. 30. 18; 60. 10; Je. 31. 20. Of an interest in Christ, Is. 43. 12; Jno. 1. 16, 17; 6. 57; Eo. 6. 8, 11; 8. 31; 1 Co. 1. 30; Ep. 1. 7; 2. 1, 5; Gal. 2. 20; He. 4. 14— 16; 1 Pe. 1. 18, 19; Ee. 1. 6. Of the Spirit, Pro. 1. 23; Is. 32. 15; 53. 21; Eze. 36. 27; Lu. 11. 13; 12. 12; Jno. 4. 10; 7. 38, 39; 14. 16—18; 16. 13; Eo. 8. 15, 26; 1 Co. 2. 10; Gal. 3. 14. Of support in death, Ps. 23. 4; 37. 37; 48. 14; Pro. 14. 32; Is. 25. 8; Ho. 13. 14; 1 Co. 16. 56—67; 2 Co. 4. 19; 2 Ti. 1. 12. Of a glorious resurrection, Job 19. 26, 27; Ps. 16. 9, 10; Is. 26. 19; Da. 12. 2; Lu. 20. 35, 36; Jno. 5. 28, 29; 6. 39, 54; 11. 25; Ro. 8. 11; 1 Co. 15. 21, Ac; 2 Co. 5. 1-^k; Phi. 3. 21; 1 Th. 4. 14, 17. Of eternal life and bliss in heaven, Ps. 16. 11; 49. 14; Is. 60. 2Q; Da. 12. 3; Mat. 13. 43; 25. 21, 46; Jno. 6. 47; 14. 2, 3; 17. 22, 24; Ro. 2. 7, 10; 5. 17; 6. 23; 8. 18; 1 Co. 2. 9; 2 Co. 4. 17; He. 4. 9; 2 Ti. 4. 8; 1 Pe. 4. 13; 2 Pe. 3. 13; 1 Jno. 2. 25; 5. 11, 13; Jude 24; Ee. 2. 10; 3. 4; 7. 15, Ac; 21. 4; 22. 5. Promises to the penitent, Le. 26. 40; De. 4. 30, Ac; 30. 2, 3, 8; 2 Chr. 7. 14; 30. 9; Job 33. 27, 28; Ps. 37. 27; Pro. 1. 23; 28. 13; Is. 55. 7; Je. 3. 12; 4.14; 18. 8; 26. 3, 13; 36. 3; Eze. 9. 4; 18. 21, Ac; 33. 14, Ac; Ho. 6. 1; Joel 2. 12—14; Zee 1. 3; Ac. 2. 38; 3. 19; 1 Jno. 1. 9. To the obedient, Ex. 19. B; Le. 25. 18; De. 4. 1; 6. 3, 18; 7. 12; 11. 27; 13. 17; 29. 9; 13, 15, 16; 32. 46, Ac; 1 Ki. 2. 3; 1 Chr. 22, 12, 13; 2 Chr. 15. 7; Job 36. 11; Ps. 25. 10; 50. 23; 106. 3; 119. 1, 2, 6; Pro. 19. 16; 29. 18; Is. 1. 19; Je. 7. 23; 13. 17; Mat. 5. 19; 7. 21; 12. 50; Jno. 7. 17; Phi. 4. 9; Ja. 1. 25; 1 Jno. 2. 17; 3. 22; Re. 22. 14. To the contrite and humble, Job 22. 29; Ps. 4. 12; 9. 12; 22. 26; 25. 9; 34. 18; 37. 11; 61. 17; 138. 6; 147. 3, 6; 149. 4; Pro. 3. 34; 16. 32; 22. 4; 29. 23; Is. 11. 4; 29. 19; 57. 15; 66. 2; Zep. 3. 3; Mat. 5. 3—5; 18. 4; 23. 12; Ja. 4. 6; 1 Pe. 3. 3, 4. To those who love God, Ex. 20. 6; De. 7. 9; Ne. 1. 6; Ps. 91. 14; 145. 20; Jno. 14. 21; Eo. 8. 28; 1 Co. 2. 9; Ja. 1. 12; 2. 5;— who trust in God, Ps. 2. 12; 18. 30; 32. 10; 34. 8, 22> 37. 3, 40; 40. 4; 125. 1; Pro. 16. 3, 20; 28. 25; 29. 25; Is. 25. 9; 26. 3; 30. 18; 49. 23; 57. 13; Je. 17. 7, 8; La. 3. 25; Na.l. 7; 1 Pe. 5. 7;— who fear God, Ps. 25. 14; 31. 19; 85. 9; 103. 11; 115. 13; 128. 1: 147. 11; Pro. 14. 27; Ec 8. 12; Mai. 4. 2; Lu. 1. 50; Ac. 10. 35;— who seek God, De. 4. 29; 1 Chr. 28. 9; 2 Chr. 15. 2; Ezr. 8. 22; Job 8, 5, 6; Ps. 69. 32; Is. 45. 19; Je. 29. 13; La. 3. 25; Am. 5. 4. Promises to the Church— of increase, Ps. 2. 8, 9; 22. 27, 28; 67. 7; 68. 31; 72. 11, 17, 19; 86. 9; 102, 15, 16; 110. 3; Is. 2. 2, 3; 11. 10; 19. 21, 24, 25; 23. 18; 27. 6; 40. 3—5; 42. 1, 4; 45. 23, 24; 49. 6, 12, 18; 61. 4, 16; 52. 10; 53. 10—12; 54. 1—3; 65. 4; 59. 19; 60. 3, 8—10; 65. 17; 66. 8, 18—23; Da. 2. 44; 7. 13, 27; Am. 9. 11; Zee. 2. 10; 6. 15; 8. 21— 23; 14. 9; Mai. 1. 11; Mat. 8. 11; 24. 14; .Jno. 12. 32; Ee. 7. 9, 10; 11. 15; 12. 10;— of glory, Ps. 45. 13; 48. 2, 12; 87. 3; Is. 46. 13; 64. 11; 60. 1,-13, 19; 62. 2; Re. 21. 10, Ac; —of purity, holiness, Ac, Ps. 72. 3—7; 85. 10-13; Is. 2. 4; 4. 3,4; 11. 6—9; 32. 16; 33. 5, 6; 45. 8; 68. 11; 60. 21; 61. 11; Zee 14.20; Mai. 3. 3, 4; Jno. 17. 20—23; Ep. 4. 16; Be. 19. 8; — of security aDd prosperity, Ps. 102. 13, 16; Is. 4. 5, 6; 27. 2; 33. 20—22; 51. 3; 54. 14—17; 65. 19; 06. 10—14; Je. 33. 16; Da. 7. 27; Mat. 16. 18. Of the restoration of the Jews. See Is raelites. Promises pleaded, Ge. 32. 12; 2 Chr. 6. 16, 17; Ne. 1. 8—10; 9. 32; Ps. 119. 49, 169; Je. 14. 21. Promotion, 1 Sa. 2. 7; Ps. 75. 6; Da. 2. 21; remarkable instances of, Ge. 39. 1, Ac; 41. 39; Ex. 3. 1, 10; 2 Sa. 2. 4; 5. 1; 9. 1, Ac; 12. 7, 8; (Ps. 78. 70, 71;) 2 Ki. 9. 2; Da. 1. 19; 2. 48, 49; 3. 30. Prophecy, Ge. 49. 1; Nu. 24. 14; Is. 44. 7; 46. 21; Joel 2. 28; Lu. 1. 70; 24.-25; Ac. 2. 16, 17; 1 Co. 12. 10; Ep. 4. 11; 1 Th. 5. 20; 1 Pe. 1. 10—12; 2 Pe. 1. 19—21; Re. 1. 1; 11 13' 19. 10' 22. 19. Prophecies fulfilled, Ge. 15. 13, with Ex. 2. 24; 6. 1—8; 12. 40;— Ge. 18. 10, with 21. 1;— Ge. 37. 5—11, wilh 42. 6;— Jos. 6. 26, with 1 Ki. 16. 34;— 1 Sa. 2. 34, with 4. 11; —1 Sa. 28. 19, with 31. 2— 6;— 1 Ki. 13. 2, with 2 Ki. 23;— 1 Ki. 13. 22, with 23. 30;— 1 Ki. 14. 10—14, with 15. 29;— 1 Ki. 16. 3, with 11. 12;— 1 Ki. 17. 1, "with IS. 41— 44;— 1 Ki. 20. 22, with 20. 26;-l Ki. 21. 19, with 22. 38;— 1 Ki. 21. 21, with 2 Ki. 10. 11;— 1 Ki. 21. 23, with 2 Ki. 9. 34— 37;— 2 Ki. 3. 17, with 3. 20;— 2 Ki. 7. l-with 7. 18;— 2 Ki. 7. 2, with 7. 19, 20;— 2 Ki. 10. 30, with 61 FBO. INDEX TO PSA. 15. 12;— 2 Ki. 13. 14—19, with 13. 25;— 2 Ki. 19. 7, with 19. 37;— 2 Ki. 20. 17, with 24. 13; 25. 13, 17. Prophecies respecting Christ, with their fulfilment— his nature and advent, Ge. 3. 15; 12. 3; 17. 7; 21. 12; 22. 18; 26. 4; 28. 14; 49. 10; Ps. 2. 7; 9. 6; 72. 17; 132. 11; Is. 40. 5, 9; Je. 23. 5; Da. 9. 24; Mai. 3. 1; (Lu. 1. 32, 35; 2. 1; Gal. 3. 16; 4. 4; He. 11. 17— 19; Ac. 13. 23; Ro. 1. 3.) His birth and early life, Ps. 72. 10; Is. 7. 14; 40. 3; Je. 31. 15, 22; Ho. 11. 1; Mi. 5. 2; Mai. 3. 1; (Mat. 1. 18, 22, 23; 2. 1—18; 3. 1, 3; Lu. 1. 17; 2. 4—7.) His ministry, De. 18. 15—18; Ps. 45. 7; 78. 2; 110. 4; Is. 9. 1, 2; 11. 2; 29. 18; 32. 3, 4; 35. 5, 6; 42. 7; 61. 1, 2; Hag. 2. 7, 9; Zee 9. 9; Mai. 3. 1; (Mat. 3. 16; 4. 12—16, 23; 11. 4—6; 13. 34, 35; 21. 1—5, 12; Lu. 2. 27— 32; 4. 16—21, 43; Jno. 2. 13—16; 3. 34; 11. 47; Ac. 3. 20—22; 10. 38; He. 5. 5, 6.) His character, Ps. 69. 9; Is. 40. 11; 42. 2,3; 53. 9; (Mat. 12. 15—20; He. 4. 15; 1 Pe. 2. 22.) His sufferings and death, Ex. 12. 46; Ps. 2. 1, 2; 16. 10; 22. 1, Ac; 34. 20; 41. 9; 52. 12—11; 69. 4, 7—9, 20; 118. 22; Is. 8. 14; 49. 7; 50. 6; 52. 14; 53. 3—7, 12; Da. 9. 26; Mi. 5. 1; Zee 11. 12, 13; 12. 10; 13. 7; (Mat. 14. 65; 20. 28; 21. 42; 26. 15, 31, 36, 63; 27. 7, 12—14, 30, Ac; Mar. 15. 28; Lu. 22. 42, 44; 23. 12, 34; Jno. 1. 11; 7. 5, 48; 13. 18, 21; 15. 24, 25; 19. 1, 5, 18, 33—37; 20. 25; Ac. 2. 31; 4. 27; Eo. 9. 32; 15. 3; 1 Pe. 2. 8.) His resurrection, ascension, and inter cession, Ps. 16. 9, 10; 68. 18; 110. 1; Is. 26. 19; 53. 10; Zee 6. 13; (Lu. 24. 6, 31, 34, 51; Ac. 1. 9; Eo. 8. 34; He. 1. 3.) See cihrist and Jesus. Prophecies by Christ, Mat. 12. 40; 17. 22; 20. 18; 24. 2, 11; 26. 21, 32, 34; Mar. 9. 31; 10. 32, 39; 13. 2, 14—37; 14. 18; 16. 17; 27. 30; 16. 17; Lu. 9. 22; 13. 33; 18. 31—33; 19. 43; 21. 6; 22. 21, 31; Jno. 2. 19; 6. 70; 11. 23; 12. 23; 13. 18, 38; 14. 16, 26; 15. 26; 16. 2, 32; 21. 18; Ac. 1. 5, 8. Prophets, inspired and sent by God, 1 Sa. 3. 4, 14; 9. 6; 2 Chr. 36. 15; Ezr. 6. 2; Is. 6. 5—9; 44. 26; Je. 1. 5; 23. 9; 35. 15; Eze. 3. 17; Da. 8. 15—26; Ho. 12. 10; Joel 2. 28; Am. 3. 7; Lu. 1. 67—70; Ac. 28. 25; Ep. 4. 11; 2 Ti. 3. 16, 17; He. 1. 1; 2 Pe. 1. 21; Ee. 22. 8. Their duties, De. 18. 20; 1 Sa. 15. 10, 16— 19; 2 Sa. 12. 7—12; 1 Ki. 18. 18; 2 Ki. 17. 13; 2 Chr. 15. 1, 7; 24. 19; Je. 25. 4, 5; 26. 2; Eze. ». 5—8; 3. 8, 9, 17—21; 1 Co. 14. 32. Different modes of delivering their pre dictions, De. 32. 44; 1 Sa. 10. 5; 2 Sa. 12. 1—6; 2 Ki. 3. 15; 2 Chr. 21. 12; Is. 5. 1—7; 8. 1; 20. 2—4; Je. 7. 2; 11. 6; 19. 1, 10; 27. 2, 3; 36. 2; 43. 9; Eze. 4. 1—13; 12. 3—7; 17. 2—10; Ho. 1. 2—9; Hab. 2. 2. Their honourable position, Nu. 12. 8; 1 Sa. 3. 3—14; 9. 7, 8; 1 Ki. 14. 3; Ezr. 6. 2; Da. 10. 11—21 ; Am. 3. 7; Re 22. 8, 9. False prophets, De. 13. 1—5; 18. 20; 1 Ki. 13. 18; 22. 22, 24; 2 Chr. 18. 5; Is. 9. 15; Je. 6. 13; 14. 13—17; 23. 1, 9; 28. 16; 29. 31; Eze. 13. 3; 14. 9; Mat. 7. 15, 22; 24. 11, 24; 1 Jno, 4. 1; 1 Pe. 2. 1. Prophets (or teachers) under the Chris - tian dispensation, Ac. 2. 17, 18; 11, 27; 13. 62 1; 19. 6; Eo. 12. 6; 1 Co. 11. 4, 5; 12. 10— 14; 13. 9; 14. 1, Ac. Prophetesses, Ex. 15. 20; Ju. 4. 4; 2 Ki. 22. 14; Ne. 6. 14; Is. 8. 3; Eze. 13. 17; Joel 2. 28; Lu. 2. 36; Ac. 21. 9; Re. 2. 20. Propitiation. See Atonement and under Proselytes, Ge. 17. 3; Ex. 12. 48; Ezr. 6. 21; Est. 8. 17; Is. 56. 3, 7; Exe. 14. 7; Mat. 23. 15; Ac. 2. 10; 6. 5; 8. 27; 13. 43. Prosperity no evidence of. God's favour, Job 12. 6; 20. 5; 21. 7; Ps. 17. 10; 73. 3, 13; 92. 7; Ec. 8. 14; 9. 1; Je. 12. 1; Hab. 1. 16; Mai. 3. 14; Mat. F. 46; Lu. 13. 1; 16. 19; Jno. 9. 2; Ac 28. 4. Its dangers, De. 6. 10; Pro. 1. 32; 30. 8; Lu. 6. 24; 12. 16; Ja. 5. 1. Of the wicked, not to be envied, Job 12. 6; 20. 5; 21. 7, 18; Ps. 37. 1; 73. 1; 92. 7; Ec 8. 12; Je. 12. 1, Ac; Lu. 16. 19. See Afflictions. Proverbs, De. 28. 37; 1 Sa. 10. 12; 24. 13; 1 Ki. 4. 32; Pro. 1, Ac, Ec. 12. 9; Eze. 18. 2, 3; Lu. 4. 23; Jno. 16. 25, 29; 2 Pe. 2. 22. Providence of God, the, Ex. 21. 13; Ne. 9. 6; Job 1. 12; 2. 6; 5. 6; 23. 14; Ps. 3. 6; 4. 8; 65. 9; 104. 27; 105. 14; 113. 7; 127. 1; 135. 6; 136. 25; 145. 9; 147. 6; Pro. 16. 9; 19. 21; 20. 24; 21. 30; Is. 37. 28, 29; Je. 10. 23; 31. 35; La. 3. 22; Da. 4. 34; Mat. 6. 26; 10. 29 —31; Lu. 21. 18; Jno. 3. 27; Ac. 17. 28; Phi. 4. 19. Sometimes mysterious, Ps. 18. 11; 36. 6; 73. 16; 77. 19; Ro. 11. 33. Province, 1 Ki. 20. 14; Ezr. 4. 15; 6. 2; Est. 1.1; Ac. 23. S4; 25. 1. Prudence recommended. Pro. 12. 16, 23; 13. 16; 14. 8, 15; 15. 6; 16. 21; 18. 16; 19. 11; 22. 3; 27. 11, 12; Ho. 14. 9; Am. 6. 13; Mat. 10. 16; Ja. 3. 13. Psalms, classification of — Penitential psalms, Ps. 6; 32; 51; 102; 130; 143. Prayers— for pardon of sin, Ps. 6; 25; 38; 51; 130; — in affliction and trouble, Ps. 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 10; 13; 1"; 22; 28; ' ; 41; 44; 49; 64—57; 69; 64; 69-71; 77; 79; 80; 83; 86; 88; 94; 102; 109; 120; 140—143; under per secution, Ps. 44; 60; 74; 79; 80; 83; 89; 94; 102; 123; 137; — relative to public worship, Ps. 26; 27; 42; 43; 63; 65; 84; 92; 95—100; 118; 122; 132; 144; 146—150. Expressive of trust in God, Ps. 3—5; 11; 12; 16; 20; 23; 27; 28; 31; 42; 43; 52; 54; 66; 57; 50; 61—64; 71; 77; 86; 108; 115; 118; 121; 125; 131; 138; 141. Thanksgiving Psalms — for personal mercies, Ps. 9; 18; 30; 32; 34; 40; 61—63; 75; 103; 108; 116; 118; 138; 144; 145;— for mercies to the church, Ps. 33; 46—48; 65; 66; 68; 75; 76; 81; 86; 87; 95; 98; 105—107; 117; 124; 126; 129; 134—136; 149. Psalms of Praise, Ps. 3; 4; 9; 16; 18; 23; 30 —34; 36; 40; 46; 65—68; 84; 86; 91; 99; 100; 103; 107; 111; 113; 116; 117; 121; 126; 146; 146. Psalms of Adoration, Ps. 2; 3; 8; 18- 19; 24; 29; 33; 45-48; 60; 65—68; 76; 77; 89 91-100; 104-108; 110; 111; 113-118; 134 136; 139; 145—150. ¦ ' ' Psalms of Instruction— on the excel lency of God's law, Ps. 19; 119;— the van ity of human life, 14; 39; 49; 53; 73; 90;— PSA. THE BIBLE. BAM. the character of good and bad men, Ps. 1; 3; 4; 5; 7; 9—15; 17; 24; 25; 32; 34; 36; 37; 41; 60; 62; 53; 58; 62; 73; 75; 82; 84; 91; 92; 94; 101; 112; 119; 121; 125; 127—129; 133; 149. Prophetical and Typical psalms, Ps. 2; 8; 16; 22; 24; 31; 35; 40; 41; 45; 50; 55; 68; 69; 72; 87; 88; 102; 109; 110; 118; 132. Historical psalms, Ps. 78; 89; 105; 106; 135; 136. Exhortations to practical piety, Ps. 1; 4; 11; 19; 24; 32; 37; 41; 49; 81; 84; 95; 119; 125. -Psaltery, a musical instrument, Ps. 33. 2; 57. 8; 71. 22; 81.2; 92.3; 108.2; 144.9; 150.3. Ptolemais, Ac 21. 7. FubHcans, or tax-gatherers, their charac ter, Mat. 5. 46 ; 9. 11 ; 11. 19; 1 8. 17 ; Lu. 3.12. Converted, Mat. 21. 32; Lu. 5. 27; 7. 29; 15. 1; 19. 2. FubUus, Ac. 28. 7, 8. Ful, king of Assyria, 2 Ki. IB. 19; 1 Chr. 5. 26. Punishment of sin, temporal, Ge. 3, 16— 19, 23, 24; 4. 11, 12; 6. 7; 7. 23; 9. 25; 12. 17; 19. 24, 25; Nu. 12. 10; 20. 12; 2 Sa. 12. 15; 2 Chr. 36. 15—21; Job 27. 13—23; Is. 57. 21; 1 Co. 5. 1—5; 11. 29—32; 1 Ti. 1. 20;— eternal, Ps. 11. 6; Pro. 8. 36; 21. 15; Is. 66. 24; Da. 12. 2; Mar. 3. 29; Lu. 3. 17; 2 Th. 1. 9; Jude 7;— see Hell and Wicked. Punishment (civil) among the Jews. Banishment, Ezr. 7. 26 (Re. 1. 9). Beheading, Ge. 40. 19; Mar. 6. 16, 27. Burning, Ge. 38. 24; Le. 20. 14; Da. 3. 6. Casting from a rock. 2 Chr. 25. 12; Lu. 4. 29. Crucifixion, Mat. 20. 19; 27. 35. Cutting in pieces, Da. 2. 5; Mat. 24. 51. Death by the sword, 1 Sa. 15. 33; Ac. 12. 2. Fine, Ex. 21. 22; De. 22. 19. Hanging, Nu. 25. A; De. 21. 22, 23; Jos. 8. 29; 2 Sa. 21. 12; Est. 7. 9. 10; Gal. 3. 13. Imprisonment, Ezr. 7. 26; Ps. 105. 18; Je. 38. 6; Zee 9. 11; Mat. 5. 25; (in stocks) Je. 20. 2; Ac. 16. 24. Mutilation, Ju. 1. 5—7; 2 Sa. 4. 12; Eze. 23. 25. ' Plucking out the hair, Ne. 13. 25; Is. 50. 6. Putting out the eyes, Ju. 16. 21; 1 Sa. 11. 2. Eestitution, Ex. 21. 36; 22. 1—4; Le. 6. 4, 5; 24. 18; Ezr. 7. 26. Eetaliation, Ex. 21. 24; De. 19. 21. Sawing asunder, He.-ll. 37. Scourging, De. 25. 2, 3; Mat. 27. 26; Ac. 22. 25; 2 Co. 11. 24, 25. Stoning, Le. 24. 14; De. 13. 10; Ac. 7. 59. Wild beasts (exposing to), Da. 6. 16, 24 (1 Co. 15. 32). Purchases, Ge. 23. 3; Eu. 4. 7; Je. 32. 7, 44. Purifications of the Levitical law, Ex. 19. 10; 29. 4; Le. 8. 15; 12. 6; 13—16; Nu. 8. 6; 9. 4; 19. 7—12; 31. 23; 2 Chr. 4. 6; Mai. 3. 3; Ac. 21. 24; means used for, Ex. 24. 6—8; Le. 13. 13; Nu. 19. 9; He. 9. 13, 19. Of women, Le. 12; Est. 2. 12; Lu. 2. 22. Purim. See Feast. Purity of heart required, Jos. 24. 14; 1 Sa. 16. 7; 1 Chr. 29. 8; 29. 17; Ps. 7. 8; 24. 4; 51. 6; 73. 1; 119. 80; 125. 4; Pro. 4. 23, 26; 24. 9; Mat. 5. 8; Lu. 8. 15; 11. 39; Eo. 2. 29; 6. 19; Ep. 1. 4; Phi. 2. IB; 1 Ti. 1. 5; 2 Ti. 2. 22; Ja. 4. 8:2 Pe. 3. 14. See Holiness. Purple, Ex. 25. 4; 26. 1, 4c; Nu. 4. 13; Est, 63 8. 15; Pro. 31. 22; Je. 10. 9; Eze. 27. 7; Da. 5. 7; Mar. 15. 17; Lu. 10. 19; Ac. 16. 14. Puteoli, Ac. 28. 13. Quails, the Israelites fed with, Ex. 16. 12; Nu. 11. 31; Ps. 78. 27; 105. 40. Quarelling.Le. 26. 25; 2 Ki. 5.7; Mar. 6. 19. To be shunned, Pro. 3. 30; 17. 14; 20. 3; 25. 8; Col. 3. 13;— cause of, Ja. 4. 1. See Strife. Quarries, Ju. 3. 19, 26. Quartus, a disciple, Eo. 16. 23. Quaternion, Ac. 12. 4. Queen, 1 Ki. 10. 1, 4, 10; Ne. 2. 6; Est. 1. 9; Ac. 8. 27. Figurative, Ps. 45. 9; Je. 44. 17, 25; Re. 18. 7. Quick, the living, Nu. 16. 30; Ac. 10. 42; 2 Ti. 4. 1; 1 Pe. 4. 5. Quicken, to give life (natural), Ge. 2. 7; Ps. 71. 20; Jno. 5. 21; Ro. 4. 17; 8. 11; (spiritual), Ps. 80. 18; 119. 25, 4c; 2 Co. 3. 6; Ep. 2. 1, 5; Col. 2. 13. Quick-sands, Ac 27. 17. Quiver, Ge. 27. 3; Job 39, 23; Ps. 127. 5; Is. 22. 6; 49. 2; Je. 6. 16; La. 3. 13. Baamah, Cush's fourth son, Ge. 10. 7; his descendants, Eze. 27. 22. Babbath, the capital of Ammon, De. 3. 11; 2 Sa. 11. 1; 12. 26; 1 Chr. 20. 1; Je. 49. 2, 3; Eze. 21. 20; 25. 5; Am. 1. 14. Babbath-Moab — the capital of Moab, Nu. 21. 28; Is. 15. 1. . Babbi, Mat. 23. 7, 8; Jno. 1. 38, 49; 3. 2, 26; 6. 25; 20. 16 (Rabboni). Babshakeh, 2 Ki. 18. 17—37; 19. 1—8; Is. 36; 37. 4—13. Baca, Mat. 5. 22. Race, Ps. 19. 5; Ec. 9. 11; 1 Co. 9. 24; He. 12. 1. See Games. Rachel, Jacob's wife, Ge. 29; 30; 31; 32. 22; 33. 1-7; 35. 1—20; 1 Sa. 10. 2; Je. 31. 15; Mat. 2. 18. Bage, censured, 2 Ki. 19. 27; Ps. 2. 1; Pro. 14. 16. See Anger. Bahab, Jos. 2. 1, 4e; 6. 17—25; Mat. 1. 5; He. 11. 31; Ja. 2. 25. A name given to Egypt, Ps. 87. 4; 89. 10; Is. 51. 9. Bailing, condemned, Pro. 15; 1 ; 1 Co. 5. 11; 1 Ti. 6. 4; 1 Pe. 3. 9; 2 Pe. 2. 11; Jude 9. Instances of, 1 Sa. 25. 14; 2 Sa. 16. 7; Mar. 15. 29, Ac. Raiment. See Garments. Bain. Job 5. 10; 28. 26; 36. 27, 28; 37. 6; 38. 28; Ps. 77. 17; Ec. 11. 3. Promised, Le. 26. 4; De. 11. 14; 28. 12; Joel 2.23. Sent as a punishment, Ge. 7; Ex. 9. 34; 1 Sa. 12. 17; Ps. 105. 32. Withheld, 1 Ki. 8. 35; 17. 1; 2 Chr. 6. 26; Is. 5. 6; Je. 14. 4; Am. 4. 7; Zee 14. 17; Ja. 5. 17. Seasons of, Pro. 16. 15; Can. 2. 11; Je. 5. 24; Ho. 6. 3; Joel 2. 25. Typical of God's goodness, Le. 26. 4; De. 32. 2; 2 Sa. 23. 4; Ps. 68. 9; 84. 6; 147. 8; Je. 5. 24; Ho. 10. 12; Joel 2. 23; Ac. 14. 7. Figurative, De. 11. 11; 32. 2; 2 Sa. 23. 4; Job 29. 23; Ps. 72. 6; Is. 55. 10; Ho. 6. 3. Bainbow, Ge. 9. 12; Eze. 1. 28; Ee. 4. 3; 10. 1. Baisins, 1 Sa. 25. 18; 30. 72; 2 Sa. 16. 1; 1 Chr. 12. 40. Kamali, a city of Benjamin, Jos. 18. 25; BAM. INDEX TO EEP. Ju. 4. 5; 1 Sa. 1. 1, 19; 7. 17; 8. 4; 22. 6; 25. 1; Ne. 7. 30; 11. 33; Is. 10. 29; Je. 40. 1; Ho. 5. 8;— of Napthali, Jos. 19. 29, 36. Barneses. See Pithom. Bamoth-Gilead, De. 4. 43; 1 Ki. 22; 2 Ki. , 8. 29; 2 Chr. 22. 6. Bams, used in sacrifice, Ge. 15. 9; 22. 13; Le. 9. See Ge. 22. 13; Da. 8. 3, 4c. Rams' horns, Jos. 6. 4, Ac. Rams' skins, Ex. 25. 5; 26. 14; 35. 7; 36. 19. Battering-ram, Eze. 4. 2; 21. 22. Bansom, Ex. 21. 30; 30. 12; Job 33. 24; 36. 18; Ps. 49. 7; Pro. 6. 35; 13. 8; 21. 18; Ho. 13. 14. Christ is, for the church, Mat. 20. 28; Mar. 10. 45; 1 Ti. 2. 6. Bape, laws against, De. 22. 15;— instances, Ju. 19. 25; 21. 19; 2 Sa. 13. 1. Bashness, censured, Ps. 31. 22; 116. 10; Pro. 14. 29; Ec. 5. 2; Is. 32. 4; Ac. 19. 36. Ravens, unclean, Le. 11. 15; De. 14. 14;— feed Elijah, 1 Ki. 17. 4, 6;— God feeds them. Job 38. 41; Ps. 147. 9; Lu. 12. 24. See also, Pro. 30. 17; Can. 5. 11; Is. 34. 11. Bavening, Ps. 22. 13; Eze. 22. 25, 27; Mat. 7.15. Eazor, Ps. 62. 2; Eze. 5. 1. Beading of the law, Ex. 24. 7; Jos. 8. 34; 2 Ki. 22. 8—13; 23. 1—3; Ne. 8. 3, 18; 9. 3; Lu. 4. 16—20. Of the prophets, Lu. 4. 16. Of the epistles, Col. 4. 16; 1 Th. 5. 27. Beaplng, Le. 19. 9; 23. 10—22; 25. 5, 11; Ru. 2. 9. Figurative, Job 4. 8; Ps. 126. B; Pro. 22. 8; Ho. 8. 7; Mat. 12. 20; Jno. 4. 36; 1 Co. 9. 11; 2 Co. 9. 6; Gil. 6. 7, 8; Re. 14. 15, Ac. Beason, to be used in religion, Is. 1. IS; 5. 3; Lu. 12. 67; 1 Co. 10. 15; 11. 13;. 1 Pe. 3. 15. Not a sufficient guide, De. 12. 8; Pro. 3. 5; 14. 12; Ro. 1. 22, Ac; 1 Co. 2. 13, 14. ' Bebekah, Isaacs wife, Ge: 22. 20—23; 24. 15, 67; 25. 19—34; 26. 1—11, 35; 27. 6, 43; 49. 31; Eo. 9. 10. Bechabites, 1 Chr. 2. 55; 2 Ki. 10. 15, 23; Je. 35. 6—19. Reconciliation, of God and man, Eo. 5. 10; 2 Co. 5. 18; Ep. 2. 16; Col. 1. 20. See Atonement. Of man and man, Ge. 33. 4; 45. 14; 2 Sa. 14. 32; Mat. 5. 23; 18. 21; Ro. 12. IS. Becorder, Ne. 12. 22; 2 Sa. 8. 16; 2 Ki. 18. 18; 2 Chr. 34. 8. Bedemption, of land, Ac, Le. 25; 27. 17 —33; Eu. 4. 4; Ne. 5. 8. See First-born. Of man, 1 Co. 1. 30; Gal. 1. 4; 3. 13; Ep. 1. 7; Col. 1. 14; Tit. 2. 14; He. 9. 12; 1 Pe. 1. 18; Ee. 5. 9. See Atonement and Christ. Bed-sea, the, Ex. 10. 19; 13. 18; 23. 31; De. 11. 4; Ps. 106. 7, 9, 22; He. 11. 29. Beed, Job 40. 21; Mat. 27. 29; Mar. 15. 36. Symbolical of weakness, 1 Ki. 14. 15; 2 Ki. 18. 21; Is. 36. 6; 42. 3; Eze. 29. 6; Mat. 11. 7; 12. 20; Lu. 7. 24. A measure (6 cubits and 3 inches), Eze. 40. 3; 41. 8; Re. 11. 1; 21. 15, 16. Refiner, Mai. 3. 2, 3. See TRADES. Befuge, God is to his people, De. 33. 27; 2 Sa. 22. 3; Ps. 9. 9; 14. 6; 46. 1; 57. 1; 59. 16; 62. 7, 8; 91. 2, 9; 142. 4,5; Je. 16. 19. Cities of refuge. See Cities. Begeneration, a new birjh, Mat. 19. Jno. 1. 13; 3. 3—21; Eo. 6. 23; 12. 2; 2 Co. 4. 16; 5. 17; Gal. 6. 15; Ep. 2. 1—5; 4. 22— 24; Col. 3. 10; Tit. 3. 5; 1 Pe. 1. 23; 1 Jno. 3. 9, 14; 4. 7; 5. 4, 18. Eepresented by baptism, Jno. 3. 5; Eo. j. I 4; Col. 2. 12; Tit. 3. 5. "» iLApplied to the resurrection, Mat. 19. 28; fHo. 8. 11; 1 Co. 15. 42. — Register, a public record, Ezr. 2. 62; Ne. 7. 5, 64. Behob, a city of Asher, Nu. 13. 21; Jos. 19. 28;. 21. 31. Behoboam,king of Judah, 1 Ki. 11. 43; 12. 1—24; 14. 21—31; 15. 6; 2 Chr. 9. 31; 10; 11; 12; 13. 7. Bejection, or abandonment by God for impenitence, Ps. 81. 12; Pro. 1. 29; Mat. 7. 23; Mar. 16. 16; Jno. 3. 18; Ac. 7. 4S; Bo. 1. 24; 2 Th. 2. 11; Be. 3. 16. Rejoicing. See JOY. Release, year of. See Jubilee. Beligion, Ja. 1. 27. Bemission of sins. See Forgiveness. Bemphan, an idol, Ac. 7. 43. Bending, the clothes, expressive of grief, 2 Sa. 13. 19; 2 Chr. 34. 27; Ezr. 9. 5; Job 1 20; 2. 12; Joel 2. 13, Ac See Clothing. Benewing. See BEGENERATION. Bepentance, its nature, Ge. 39. 9; 1 Ki. 8. 47, 48; Job 42. 6; Ps. 40. 12; 51. 4, 17; 101. 3; 119. 59; Je. 50. 4; Eze. 18. 21; 20. 43; 36. 31, 32; Ho. 14. 1, 2; Joel 2. 12; Zee 12. 10; Ac. 3. 26; 2 Co. 7. 10; Ep. 4. 22. Its necessity, Ps. 7. 12; Eze. IS. 30; Lu. 13. 3; 15. 7; 24. 47; Ac. 2. 38; 3. 19; 17. 30; 26. 20; 2 Pe. 3. 9. Exhortations to, 2 Chr. 30. 6; Job 11. 13; Is. 1. 16; 31. 6; Je. 3. 1, Ao.; 4. 1, Ac; 5. 1, Ac; 26. 1, Ac; 31. 18; Eze. 14. 6; 18. 30; Ho. 6. 1; 12. 6; 14. 1; Joel 1. 8; 2. 1, Ac; Zep. 2. 3; Zee 1. 3; Mai. chaps. 1 to 4; Mat. 4. 17; 9. 13; Mar. 1. 15; Lui 13.- 3; Ac. 3. 19; 17. 30; 20. 21; 26. 20; Ee. 2. 6, 16, 21; 3. 3, 19. Motives to, 1 Sa. 7. 3; Ne. 1. 9; Job 22. 23; Ps. 32. 5; Is. 1. 16; 65. 7; Je. 4. 1; Eze. 33. 11; Zee 1. 3; Ee. 2. 5. Danger of delaying it, Ps. 18. 41; 119. 60; Pro. 1.28; 29. 1; Is. 55.6; Je. 17. 16; 11. 11; 14. 10; Eze. 8. 18; Mi. 3. 4; Zee 7. 13; Mat. 25. 10; Lu. 12. 20; 19. 44; Ac. 3. 23; Ro. 13. 12; 2 Co. 6. 2; He. 3. 7, 13, 15; 12. 17; Ee. 2. 22. If genuine, will obtain pardon, Le. 26. 40; De. 4. 29; 30. 1, 3; Pro. 28. 13; Is. 55. 6, 7; Je. 18. 8; 36. 3; Eze. 18. 21; 36. 31; Ac. 2. 38. Preached by John.the Baptist, Mat. 3. 2; Mar. 1. 4; Lu. 3. 3;— by Jesus, Mat. 4. 17l Mar. 1. 15; Lu. 13. 3, 5. Ascribed to God, Ge. 6. 6; De. 32. 36; 1 Sa. 15. 1; 2Sa. 24. 16. Instances, Ju. 10. 15, 16; 2 Sa. 12. 13; 2 Chr. 33. 12, 13; Job 42. 6; Jon. 3. 5—8; Mat. 12. 41; 26. 75; Lu. 19. 8; 23. 40, 41; 2 Co. 7. 9. Repetition, in prayer condemned, Mat. 6.9. Bephaim, valley of, 2 Sa. 6. 18, 22; 23. 13; 1 Chr. 11.15; 14.9; Is. 17. 6. Bephidim, Ex. 17. 1, 8; 19. 2; Nu. 33. 14, 15. Reproach, how to he borne, Mat. 5. 11; 1 Co. 4. 12; He. 11. 24—26; 13. 13; 1 Pe. 4. 4. 64 BEP. THE BIBLE. BIG. Beprobate, Eo. 1. 28; 2 Co. 13. B—tl; 2 Ti. 3. 8; Tit. 1. 16. Reproof, how to be given, Le. 19. 17; 2 Sa. 12. 1—13; Ps. 14. 1—5; Pro. 9. 8: 24. 25; 27. B; Lu. 17. 3; Jno. 8. 7—9; 1 Th. 5. 14; 2 Th. 3. IB; 1 Ti. 5. 1, 20; 2 Ti. 4. 2; Tit. 1. 13; 2. 15. How to be received, Pro. 10. 17; 12. 1; 13. 18; 15. 5, 10, 31; 19. 20; 27. 5; 28. 23; 29. 1; Ec. 7. 5. Instances, 1 Sa. 13. 13; 2 Sa. 12. 7; 1 Ki. 14. 7; 21. 20; 2 Ki. 5. 26; Is. 39. 5; Mat. 3. 7; Ac. 7. 51; 8.20; Gal. 2. 11. Reputation, Pro. 22. 1; Ec 7. 1; 10. 1; Lu. 6.26; 2 Co. 8. 21; 3 Jno. 12. Besen, city of, Ge. 10. 12. Besignation, instances of, Ge. 22. 3 — 12; 43. 14; Le. 10. 3; Ju. 10. 15; 1 Sa. 3. 18; 2 Sa. 12. 23; 15. 26; 2 Ki. 4. 26; 20. 19; Job 1. 21; 2. 10; Lu. 1. 38; Ac. 7. 59; 21. 13, 14; 2 Co. 12. 9; Phi. 4. 11; 2 Pe. 1. 14. Respect, how and when to be shown, Pro. 25. 6; Lu. 14. 10; Ro. 12. 10; Phi. 2. 3; 1 Pe. 2. 17; 3. 8. Best, the portion of the righteous, De. 3. 20; 12. 9; 1 Chr. 23. 25; Job, 3. 17; Ps. 55. 6; 116. 7; 132. 14; Is. 14. 3; Je. 6. 16; Mat. 11.28, 29; 2Th. 1.7; He. 4. 1—11. See Sabbath. ' Restitution, enjoined, Ex. 21. 18, 33 — 35; 22. 1—17; Le. 5. 16; 6. 4; 24. 18, 21; Nu. 5. 5, 7; 1 Sa. 12. 3; Eze. 33. 15. See Lu. 19. 8. Restoration of the Jews foretold. See Israelites. Resurrection of the body, Job 19. 25, 26; Ps. 16. 10; 49. 15; Is. 26. 19; Da. 12.2, 13.- Declared and proved by Christ and the apostles, Mat. 17. 23; 22. 29—32; Mar. 12. 24; Lu. 14. 14; 20. 35; Jno. 5. 21, 28; 6. 39; 11. 23; 14. 2, 3; Ac. 4. 2; 17. 18; 24. 15; 26. 8; Ro. 6. 5; 8. 11; 1 Co. 15. 1, Ac; 2 Co. 4. 13, 17; 5. 1-4; Phi. 3. 20; Col. 3. 3; 1 Th. 4. 15; 5. 23; 2 Pe. 1. 11; He. 6. 2; 1 Jno. 3. 2; Re. 20. 12. Denied and doubted by Sadducees, Ac, ' Mat. 22. 23; Lu.20. 27; Ac. 17. 32; 23. 8; 1 Co. 15. 12; 2 Ti. 2. 18. Besurrection of Christ — foretold, Mat. 16. 21; 17. 9, 23; 20. 19; Mar. 9. 9, 31; 14. 28; Jno. 2. 19. Witnessed, Mat. 28. 9; Mar. 16. 9; Lu. 24. 13—34; Jno. 20. 19, 24, 26; Ac. 1. 22; 2. 24, 32; 3. 15; 4. 33; 6. 31, 32; 10. 40, 41; 13. 30, 37; 17. 3, 18, 31; 23. 6; Ro. 1. 4; 1 Co. 15. 6; Ep. 1. 19, 20; Phi. 3. 10; 1 Th. 1. 10; 1 Pe. 1. 3—11. Beuben, Jacob's eldest son, Ge. 29. 32; 30. 14; 35. 22; 37. 21—29; 42. 22, 37; 46. 8; 1 Chr. 5. 1—3, 18;— his blessing, Ge. 49. 3, 4; . De. 33. 6. Tribe of, Nu. 1. 20; 10. 18; 16. 1; 26. 5—9; Jos. 22. 10—29; 1 Chr. 5. 18—22; 2 Ki. 15. 20; 1 Chr, 5. 6,26;— their inheritance, Nu. 32. 1, Ac; De. 3. 12, 16—20; Jos. 1. 12—16; 12. 6; 13. 15—23; 22. 1—6; Eze. 48. 31; Ee. 7.5. Bevelation of God's will, different modes of, Ge. 3. 8, 9; 4. 9; 6. 13; 15. 1; 31. 24; 40. 8; 41. 28; Ex. 3. 2; 28. 30; Nu. 12. 6—8; Ju. 6. 12; 13. 3, 9; 1 Sa. 9. 9, 20; 28. 6; Da. 2. 19; Joel 2. 28; Mat. 10. 19; Lu. 1. 11, 26; 2. 26; Ac. 2. 1, Ac; 9. 4; 1 Co. 14. 30; Gal. 3. 19; He. 1. 1, 2; 2. 1-4; Ee. 1. 19. Scripture is a revelation from God, 2 Ti. 3. 16;lPe. 1. 11; 2 Pe. 1. 21. See Inspiration. Bevenge, to be refrained from, Le. 19. 18; Pro. 20. 22; 24. 29; Mat. 5. 39; Ro. 12. 19; 1 Th. 5. 15; 1 Pe. 3. 9. Reverence, due to God, Ex. 3. 5; Le. 19. 30; Ps. 89. 7; 111. 9; He. 12. 28. To men, Ex. 22. 28, Ac; Eo. 13. 1; Ep. 5. 33, &c. See Honour. Reviling, forbidden, Ex. 21. 17; 22. 28; Mat. 5. 22; 1 Co. 6. 10; 1 Pe. 2. 23; 3. 9; 2 Pe. 2. 11; Jude 9. Rewards. See Promises. Bezin, king of Syria, 2 Ki. 15. 37; 16. 6, 9; Is. 7. 1. See Ezr. 2. 48. Bezon, of Damascus, 1 Ki. 11. 23. Eheglum, a eity of Italy, Ac. 28. 1, bodes, island of, Ac. 21. 1. Biblah, a city of Syria, 2 Ki. 23. 33; 25. 6; Je. 39. 5; 52. 9—11. Biches— the gift of God, De. 8. 18; 1 Sa. 2. 7; 2 Chr. 1. 12; Job 22. 25; 24. 12; 36. 19; Pro. 10. 22; Ec. 5. 19; Da. 11. 43. Not to be. unduly sought for, Pro. 23. 4; Mat. 6. 19—21; 1 Ti. 6. 9. To be acquired by hcftest labour, Pro. 10. 4; 12. 11; 13. 4; 22. 29; 28. 19. Their vanity and uncertainty, Job 36. 19; Pro. 11. 4, 28; 15. 16; 23. 5; 27. 24; Ec. 5. 12; 6. 1; Je. 9. 23; Eze. 7. 19; Mat. 6. 19; Lu. 12. 16, Ac; 1 Ti. 6. 17; Ja. 1. 11; 5. 1; Re. 18. 16, 17. Danger of possessing, De. 6. 10 — 12; 8. 13, 14; 32. 15; Pro. 18. 11; 22. 7; 28. 11; 30. 8; Ec 5. 12; Eze. 28. 5; Da. 5. 4, 23; Mat. 13. 22; 19. 22—24; Mar. 8. 36; 10. 23—25; Lu. 6. 24; 9. 25; 12. 34; 1 Ti. 6. 9, 17; Ja. 2. 6, 7; 5. 1—5. Proper use of, 1 Chr. 29. 3, 12—14; Pro. 3. 9; 14. 20; 19. 4; 22. 7; Ec. 7. 12; Mat. 19. 21; 27. 57; Lu. 16. 9; Eo. 12. 13; 1 Ti. 6. 18; 1 Jno. 3. 17. Duty of the rich, De. 8. 17; 1 Chr. 29. 3, 12; Job 31. 16, 24; Ps. 62. 10; Je. 9. 23; Mat. 6. 19; 19. 21; 1 Ti. 6. 17; Ja. 1. 9, 10; 1 Jno. 3. 17. Ill-gotten riches, Jos. 7. 21; Job 20. 15; Pro. 10. 2; 16. 8; 20. 21; 21. 6; 22. 16; 28. 8, 20; Je. 17. 11; Hab. 2. 6; Lu. 16. 11, The true riches, Pro. 3. 16; 8. 18; 10. 22; Mat. 6. 19, 20; Lu. 12. 33; Ro. 11. 33; 1 Co. 4. 8; 2 Co. 8. 9; Phi. 4. 19; 1 Ti. 6. 18; Re. 2 9' 3. 18. Biddle - Samson's, Ju. 14. 12— 19; — Eze- kiel's, Eze. 17. 2. Bighteous, the, described, 2 Chr. 34. 2; Job 1. 1, 8; 2. 3; Ps. 15. 1, Ac; 37.21; 112. 5; Pro. 10. 20; 12. 5, 10; 13. 5; 15. 28; 21. 12, 26; 28. 1; 29. 7; Eze. 18; 6, 32; Mat. 12. 35; Mar. 6. 20; Lu. 1. 6; Jno. 1. 47; Ac. 10. 1, 2; 11. 24; 1 Jno. 3. 7. Their happiness and privileges, Nu. 23. 10, 23; 24. 5—9; Ps. 37. 23; Pro. 12. 2; 13. 22; 14. 14; 28. 5; Is. 3. 10; 33. 15, 16; Ro. 2. 10; 5. 7; 10. 5, 9; 2 Co. 3. 18; 6. 18; Ep. 2. 19; Col. 1. 12; 3. 4; He. 12. 14; 1 Jno. 3. 2; Re. 2. 7, 11, 17, 26, 28; 3. 5, 12, 21; 22. 14. Blessed in their posterity, Ex. 25. 5, 6; De. 4. 40; 12. 25; Ps. 37. 26; 103. 17; Pro. 11. 21; 12. 7; 14. 26; 20. 7; Lu. 1. 50. Inherit eternal life, Da. 12. 2; Lu. 18. 30; 65 BIG. INDEX TO SAL. Jno. 3. 15; 4. 14; Ro. 2. 7; 1 Ti. 6. 19; Tit. 1.2; 1 Jno. 2. 25: Jude 21. Compared with the wicked, Ps. 1. 37; 49. 68; 73. 1, Ac; Pro. 4. 16; 14. 9; 28. 1, Ac; Is. 3. 10. Righteousness of God, Ps. 11. 7; 36. 6; 48. 10; 71. 19; 97. 2; 111. 3; 119. 137, 142; 145. 17; Je. 9. 24; Da. 9. 7; Re. 16. 5. Righteousness of Christ, Is. 54. 17; Je. 23. 6; 33. 16; Ho. 2. 19; Mai. 4. 2; Ho. 1. 17; 3. 22; 10. 3; 1 Co. 1. 30; 2 Co. 5. 21; Phi. 3. 9; 2 Pe. 1. 1. Righteousness, faith counted for, Ge. 15. 6; Ps. 106. 31; Eo. 4. 3; Gal. 3. 6; Ja. 2.23. Of man, described, De. 9. 4; Is. 64. 6; Da. 9. 18; Phi. 3. 9. Bimmon, a Syrian idol, 2 Ki. B. 18; — a rook, Ju. 20. 45; 21. 13;— a city, Jos. 15. 32; 19. 7; Ne. 11. 29. Rings, used as ornaments, Ge. 24. 22; 38. 18; Nu. 31. 50, 51; 2 Sa. 1. 10; Job 42. 11; Can. 5. 14; Is. 3. 16, 21; Eze. 16. 12; Ho. 2. 13; Ja. 2. 2. Given as a mark of honour and favour, Ge. 41. 42; Est. 3. 10; 8. 2; Lu. 15. 22. Used in the tabernacle, Ex. 25. 12 ; 26. 29, Ac. See Ear-rings aim Signets. Rioting and Bevelling forbidden, Pro. ' ' 1. 12. 23. 20; 28. 7; Lu. 15. 13; Eo. 13. 13; 1 Pe. 4. 4; 2 Pe. 2. 13. Biver of life, Re. 22. 1, Ac.;— of God, Ps. 65. 9. See also, Ps. 36. 8; 46. 4; Eze. 47. 2; Zee 14. 8. Bobbery, forbidden, Le. 19. 13; Ps. 62. 10; Pro. 21. 7; 22. 22; 28. 24; Is. 10. 2; 61. 8; Eze, 18. 10; 22. 29; Am. 3. 10; 1 Co. 6. 8; 1 Th. 4. 6. Punishment of, Ex. 22. 1; 1 Sa. 12. 6; Pro. 6. 31;— see Stealing. Bobes, 1 Sa. 18. 4; 24. 4; 2 Sa. 13. 18; 1 Ki. 22. 10, 30; 1 Chr. 15. 27; 2 Chr. 18. 9, 29; Eze. 26. 16; Jon. 3. 6; Mi. 2. 8; Mat. 27. 28; Lu. 15. 22; 20. 46. Of the redeemed, Re. 6. 11; 7. 9, 13, 14;— of righteousness, Is. 61. 10. See Ephod and Garments. Bocks, noted ones, Ex. 17.6; Nu. 20. 10, 11; Ju. 7. 25; 15. 8; 20. 45; 1 Sa. 14. 4; 23. 28; 24. 1; 1 Chr. 11. 15. Water brought from, Ex. 17. 6; Nu. 20. 10; 1 Co. 10. 4. God is the rock of his people, De. 32. 4, 15; 2 Sa. 22. 2; 23. 3; Ps. 18. 2; 28. 1; 31. 2; 61. 2; Is. 17. 10; 26. 4; 32. 2. Bod of Moses, Ex. 4. 3, Ac; 7. 10;— of Aaron, Nu. 17. 1, Ac; He. 9. 4. Eoe, a kind of deer, De. 12. 15; 14. 5; 2 Sa. 2. 18; 1 Ki. 4. 23; 1 Chr. 12. 8; Pro. 5. 19; 6. 5; Can. 2. 9, 17; 4. 5; 7. 3; Is. 13. 14. Bolls. See Books. Rome, city of, Ac. 2. 10; 18. 2; 19. 21; 23. 11; 28. 16; Ro. 1. 7, 15; 2 Ti. 1. 17. Ruby, a precious stone, Job 28. 18; Pro. 3. 15; 8. 11; 20. 15; 31. 10. Bufus, Mar. 15. 21; Ro. 16. 13. Kulers. See Magistrates. Bush, a plant, Job 8. 11; Is. 9. 14; 19. 15; 35. 7. Ruth. See Book of Euth; Mat. 1. 5. Rye, Ex. 9. 32; Is. 28. 25. Sabaoth (hosts or armies), the Lord of, Ro. 9. 29; Ja. 5. 4. Sabbath, the, instituted, Ge. 2. 2, 3; Ex. 20. 11. Charge to keep it, Ex. 16. 23; 20. 8, 10; 23.' 12; 31. 12; 34. 21; 35. 2; Le. 23. 3; 25. 3; De. 6. 12; Ne. 10. 31; 13. 15; Is. 56; 58. 13; Je. 17. 21; Eze. 20. 12. Manner of keeping it, Ex. 20. 10; Le. 19. 30; 26. 2; Ne. 10. 31; 13. 15—22; Ps. 118. 24; Is. 58. 13; Eze. 20. 12; 44. 24; 46. 3; Mat. 12. 12; Mar. 6. 2; Lu. 4. 16, 31; 13. 10; Jno. 20. 19; Ac. 13. 14, 15, 27, 42, 44; 15. 21; 17. 2, 3; 18. 4; 20. 7; 1 Co. 15. 20; Re. 1. 10. Promises to them who keep it, Is. 56. 2, 4 —7; 58. 13, 14. Those who break it threatened, Ex. 31. 14, 15; 35. 2; Je. 17. 27; Eze. 20. 15, 16, 23, 24; 22. 8, 14, 26, 31; 23. 38, 46;— punished, Ex. 16. 27; Nu. 15. 32; Ne. 13. 18. The hypocritical observer of it censured, Mat. 12. 1, 11; Mar. 2. 23, 27; Lu. 13. 15; Jno. 7. 23. Changed from seventh to first day of the week to commemorate Christ's resurrec tion, Mat. 28. 1; Mar. 16. 2, 9; Jno. 20. 1, 19, 26; Ac. 2. 1 (with Le. 23. 15); 20. 7; 1 Co. 16. 1, 2; Re. 1. 10. Is a sign or type, Ex. 31. 13, 17; He. 4. 4, 9. Sabbath-Day's journey, 2 Ki. 4. 23; Ac. Sabbatical year, Ex. 23. 10; Le. 25. 1; De. 15.1. Sabeans, apeopleof Arabia, Job. 1. 15; Is. 45. 14. Sackbut, a musical instrument, Da. 3. 5, 7. Sackcloth, used in mourning, Ge. 37. 34; 2 Sa. 3. 31; 1 Ki. 20. 32; 21. 27; 2 Ki. 6. 30; Ne. 9. 1; Est. 4. 1; Job 16. 15; Ps. 30. 11; 36. 13; 69. 11; Jon. 3. 6, Ac; Joel 1. 13. As clothing, 2 Ki. 1. 8; Is. 20. 2; Zee 13. 4; Mat. 3. 4; Re. 11. 3. Illustrative, Ps. 30. 11; Is. 3. 24; 22. 12; 32. 11; 50. 3; Ee. 6. 12. Sacrifices. See Offerings. Sacrilege, Pro. 20. 25; Mai. 3. 8, 9; Eo. 2. 22. Sadducees, a sect of the Jews — their doc trines, Mat. 16. 6, 11; 22. 23—34; Mar. 12. • 18—27; Lu. 20. 27—38; Ac. 23. 8:— rebuked by Christ, Mat. 16. 1—12;— by John, Mat. 3. 7;— persecute the apostles, Ac. 4. 1—3; 5. 17, 18, 40. Saffron, Can. 4. 14. Saints, the, 1 Sa. 2. 9; 2 Chr. 6. 41; Ps. 16. 3; 37. 28; 106. 16; Eo. 1. 7:8. 27; 16.2; 1 Co. 1. 2; 6. 2; Ep. 6. 3. See Eighteous. Salamis, a city of Cyprus, Ac. 13. 6. Salathlel, 1 Chr. 3. 17; Mat. 1. 12. Salem, Ge. 14. 18; Ps. 76. 2; He. 7. 1, 2. Salmone, a city of Crete, Ac. 27. 7. Salome, Zebedee's wife, Mar. IS. 40; 16. 1. Salt, Nu. 18. 19; 34. 12; Ju. 9. 4B; 1 Ki. 2. 21; 2 Chr. 13. 5; Job 6. 6; Eze 16. 4; Mar. 9. 60;— used in sacrifices, Le. 2. 13; Mar. 9. 49;— Christians compared to, Mat. 6. 13; Mar. 9. 49; Lu. 14. 34;— pillar of, Ge. 19. 26. Salt-pits, Zep. 2. 9;— springs, Ja. 3. 12;— valley of, 2 Sa. 8. 13; 2Ki. 14. 7; 1 Chr. 18. - 12; 2 Chr. 25. 11. Salt-Sea, Ge. 14. 3; Nu. 34. 12; De. 3. 17; Jos. 3. 16; 12.3; IB. 1. Salutations, antiquity of, Ge. 18. 2; 19. 1. Occasions of, Ge. 47. 7; Ju. 18. B; 1 Sa. 10. 3; 17. 22; 25. 14; 30. 21; 2 Sa. 8. 10; Ps. 129. 8; Mat. 10. 12; Lu. 1. 40, 44; Col. 4. 18. Forms of, Ge. 43. 29; Ju. 19. 20: 1 Sa. 15. 13; 25. 6; 2 Sa. 20. 9; Ru. 2. 4; Ps, 129. 8; Mat. 26. 49; 28. 9; Lu. 1. 28; 10. 5. See Greetings. Salvation, is from God only, Ps. 27. 1; 98. 1—3; Is. 12. 2; 46. 13; 49. 6, 9; 54. 1, 2; 59. 16, 20; 63. 4, 5;- Je. 3. 23; 23. 5, 6; Ho. 13. 9; Lu. 1. 68, 72; 2. 30—32; Jno. 3. 16, 17; Ac. 5. 31; 13. 46, 47; 2 Co. 6. 18; 2 Ti. 1. 8—10; Tit. 3. 4, 5; 1 Jno. 4. 9, 14. Through Christ, Mat. 1. 21; 18.11; Lu. 2. 10—12; 14. 25, 28, 30—32; 19. 8—10; Jno. 3. 14,17; Ac. 4. 10— 12, 27; 5.30,31; 15. 11; 16. 30; Ro. 1. 6; Phi. 3. 20; 1 Ti. 1. 15; 2Ti. 2. 10; He. 5. 5, 9; 7. 24, 25; 1 Jno. 4. 9, 14; Ee. 1. 5, 6. Offered to all, Is. 45. 22; 51. 1; Eze. 18. 32; 33. 11; Mat. 11. 23; Jno. 1. 9, 29; 7. 37; 1 Ti. 2. 4; Tit. 2. 11; 2 Pe. 3. 9; Ee. 22. 17. The day of salvation, Is. 49. 8; 2 Co. 6. 2. Samaria, city of, 1 Ki. 16. 24—29; 18. 2; 20. 1, Ac; 22. 10; 2 Ki. 6. 20; 7. 1, Ac; 13. 1— 9; 14. 23; 15. 8, 17, 27; 17. 24; 18. 9; Ezr. 4. 10; Ne. 4. 2; Jno. 4. 4—9; Ac. 1. 8; 8. 5—14; 9. 31; 15. 3. Prophecies relating to, Je. 31. 5; Eze. 16. 51, 53; 23. 4—10; Ho. 8. 5, 6; 13. 16; Am. 8. 14; Mi. 1. 6—9. Country of, 1 Ki. 13. 32; Ezr. 4. 10; Lu. 17. 11; Jno. 4. 4; Ac 8. 1. Samaritans, Mat. 10. 6; Lu. 9. 52; 10. 33; 17. 16; Jno. 4. 9, 39; 8. 48. Samos, island of, Ac. 20. 15. Samothracia, island of, Ac. 16. 11. Samson, Manoah's son— his birth, Ju. 13. 24;— his marriage, 14. 1, Ac;— subdues the Philistines, 15. 7, Ac.;— his betrayal, revenge, and death, 16. 4, Ac (He. 11. 32). Samuel, the prophet, his birth and early life, 1 Sa. 1. 20, Ac; 3. 1, Ac.;— God re veals his will to him, 3. 11;— he reforms and judges Israel, 7. 1, Ac; 8. 1, Ac;— receives and anoints Saul, 9. 11, Ac; 10. 1, Ac; exhorts the people and king, 12. 1, Ac; rebukes Saul, 13. 13; 15. 16;— an oints David, 16. 11, Ac; 19. 18;— hisdeath, 26. 1; 28. 3;— appears to Saul, 28. 9, Ac. See also, 1 Chr. 9. 22; 6. 28—33; 26—28; Ps. 99. 6; Je. 15. 1; Ac 3. 24; 13. 20; He. 11. 32. SanbaUat, governor of Samaria, Ne.2. 10; 4.1, Ac; 6.2; 13. 28. Sanctify, to set apart, Ex. 13. 2; 19. 10; 22. 23; 30. 29; De. 5. 12; Is. 8. 13; 29. 3; Je. 1. 6; Jno. 17. 17, 19; Ep. 5. 26; 1 Th. 5. 23. Sanctification, by Christ, Jno. 17. 19; 1 Co. 1. 2, 30; 6. 11, 20; Ep. 2. 4—6; 5. 26; 1 Th. 5. 9, 10; Tit. 2. 14; He. 2. 11; 9. 13, 14; 10.10; Judel. By the spirit, Eo. 15. 16; 2 Th. 2. 13; 1 Pe. 1.2. Fruits of, Eo. 6. 22; Ep. 5. 7—9; 1 Th. 4. 3, 4. Sanctuary, the Holy of Holies, Le. 4. 6; 1 Ki. 6. 16;— the temple, 2 Chr. 20. 8;— the place for public worship, De. 12. 5; Ps. 42. 2; 63. 1; 84. 1. Ac; Eze. 48. 8; He. 8. 2. God is the sanctuary of his people, Is. 8. 14; Eze. 11. 16. See also Ps. 20. 2; 68. 24; 73. 17; 77. 13; 78. 54; 96. 6; 134. 1, Ac; 150. 1, Ac; He. 9. 1, Ac. Sand of the sea, emblematical of great numbers, Ge. 22. 17; 32. 12; 41. 19; Jos. 11. 4; Ju. 7. 12; Ho. 1. 10; He. 11. 12; Ee. 20. 8. Of great weight, Job 6. 3; Pro. 27. 3. Sandals, Mar. 6. 9; Ac. 12. 8; See Gar ments. Sapphire, a precious stone, Ex. 24. 10; 28. 18; Job 28. 16; La. 4. 7; Eze. 1. 26; 10. 1; 28. 13; Re. 21. 19. Sarah, Abraham's wife, Ge. 11. 29; 12.5; — denied by Abraham, 12. 14; 20. 2;— dis misses Hagar, 16. 6; — her name changed, 17. 15; — bears Isaac, 21. 2; — her death and burial, 23. 2, 19;— see also, Is. 51. 2; Gal. 4. 22; He. 11. 11; 1 Pe. 3. 6. Sardine, or Sardius, a gem, Ex. 28. 17; Eze. 28. 13; Ee. 4. 3; 21. 20. Sardis, city of, Re. 1. 11; 3. 1—6. Sardonyx. See Onyx. Satan, See Devil. Satyr, Is. 13.21; 34.14. Saul, son of Kish, sent out by his father, 1 Sa. 9. 1; — entertained and anointed by Samuel, 9. 17, Ac; 10. 1, Ac; Ac. 14. 21;— prophesies, 1 Sa. 10. 9; 19. 24;— chosen king, 10. 17, 24; — rescues Jabesh-Gilead, 11. 11; — arms the people and defeats the Philistines, 13. 3; 14. 20;— his disobedience and rash vow, 13. 8; 14. 24, 38;— subdues Israel's enemies, 14. 31, 47;— deserted by Samuel, 15. 35;— sends for David. 16, 19;— first honors and then persecutes him, 18; 19; 20; 23; 24; 26;— kills the priests at Nob, 22. 9; consults the witch of Endor, 28. 7; —his death, 31. 2; 1 Chr. 10. 7;— his burial, 1 Sa. 31. 12, 13; (by David) 2. Sa. 21. 12— 14;— David's lamentations for him, 2 Sa. 1. 17— 27;— his descendants, 2 Sa. 21. 8; 1 1 Chr. 8. 33; 9. 39. Saul of Tarsus. See Paul. Saviour, Christ is, Lu. 2. 11; Jno. 4. 24; Ac. 5. 31; 13. 23; Ep. 5. 23; Phi. 3. 20; He. 7. 25; — from sin, Mat. 1. 21; from Satan, He. 2. 14; 1 Jno. 3. 8; from the world, Gal. 1.4; from death, 1 Co. 15. 55—57; from the grave, Ho. 13. 14; 1 Co. 15. 22; Phi. 3. 20; from hell, 1 Th. 1. 10. See Christ, Salvation. Savour, Ge. 8. 21; Le. 26. 31; Nu. 15. 3; 28. 13; Ec. 10. 1; Can.l. 3; Joel 2. 20; Mat. 5. 13; 2 Co. 2. 14—16; Ep. 5. 2. Saws, 2 Sa. 12. 31; 1 Ki. 7. 9; 1 Chr. 20. 3; Is. 10. 15; He. 11. 37. Scales, of fishes, Le. 11. 9; De. 14. 9; on the eye, Ac 9. 18; — balances, Is. 40. 6. Scape-Goat, a type of Christ, Le. 16. 22; Is. 53. 4; 1 Pe. 2. 24. Sceptre, a rod or staff of authority, Ge. 49. 10; Nu. 24. 17; Est. 4. 11; 5. 2; Ps. 45. 6; Eze. 19. 11, 14; He. 1. 8. Sceva, Ac. 19. 14—16. Schism in the church, condemned, 1 Co. 1. 10; 3. 3; 11. 18; 12. 25; 2 Co. 13. 11. Schools, of the prophets, 1 Sa. 19. 18—24; 2 Ki. 2. 3, 5; 4. 23; of Tyrannus, Ac 19.9. Schoolmaster, the law is, Gal. 3. 24. Scoffers and Scorners, described and con demned, Ps. 1. 1; Pro. 1. 22; 3 34; 9. 7; 13. 1; 14. 6, 9; 15. 12; 19. 29; 21. 24; 24. 9; 29. 8; Is. 29. 20; 2 Pe. 3. 3; Jude 18. Scorpion, De. 8. 15; 1 Ki. 12. 11, 14; Eze. 2. 6; Lu. 10. 19; 11. 12; Re. 9. 3, 5, 10. Scourging. See Punishments. Scribes, transcribers of the law, Ju. 5. 14; 67 2 Sa. 8. 17; 20. 25; 1 Ki. 4. 3; 2 Ki. 12. 10; 19. 2; 22. 8; 1 Chr. 27. 32; Ezr. 7. 6; Est. 3. 12; Je. 36. 26; Eze. 9. 2, 3. Doctors or expounders of the law, Mat. 12. 28, with 22. 35; 12. 38, 39; 1 Co. 1. 20;— cen sured and silenced by Christ, Mat. 15. 2; 23.2; Mar. 2. 16; 3.22; Lu. 11. 15; 20.1;— conspire against Christ, Mar. 11. 18; Lu. 20. 19; 22. 2, Ac. Scrip, a small bag, 1 Sa. 17. 40; Mat. 10. 10; Mar. 6. 8; Lu. 22. 35, 36. Scriptures, the, are the word of God, Pro. 30. 5; Is. 40. 8; Mar. 7. 13; Lu.4. 4; 11. 28; Ep. 6. 17; He. 4. 12; 1 Pe. 1. 2, 3. Given by inspiration, Ao. 1. 16; 2 Ti. 3. 16; He. 3. 7; 2 Pe. 1. 21. Their purpose and use, De. 6. 9; 8. 3; 17. 4, 19; Ps. 19. 7; 85. 8; 119. 9, 93, 130; Mat. 4. 4; 21. 42; Jno. 5. 39; 16. 3; 17. 17; 20. 31; Ac. 17. 11; 20. 32; Ro. 15. 4; 16. 26; 1 Co. 10. U; Ep. 5. 26; 6. 17; 2 Ti. 3. 16; Ja. 1. 18; Pe. 1. 2, 3; 2. 2; 2 Pe. 1. 19—21. For public reading, De. 31. 11—13; Ne. 8. 3; Je. 36. 6; Ac. 13. 15. For frequent meditation, De. 6. 6; 11. 18 — 20; 17. 18—20; Ps. 1. 2; 11?;. Jno. 5. 39; 2. Pe. 3. 2. To be preserved entire, De. 4. 2; Pro. 30. 5, 6; Be. 22. 18, 19. Danger of rejecting them, Pro, 1. 20—31. Is. 65. 12; Mar. 16. 16; Lu. 10. 16; Jno. 3. 36; 12. 48; He. 2. 3; 10. 28; 12. 25. Are called— the book, Ps. 40. 7; Ee. 22. 19; the book of the law, Ne. 8 3; Gal. 3. 10; the book of the Lord, Is. 34. 16; the holy Scriptures. Ro. 1. 2; 2 Ti. 3. 15; the law of the Lord, Ps. 1.2; Is. 30. 9; the oracles of God, Ro. 3. 2; 1 Pe. 4. 11; scripture of truth, Da. 10. 21; the sword of the spirit, Ep. 6. 17; the word, Ja. 1. 21—23; 1 Pe.2. 2; the word of God, Lu. 11. 28; He. 4. 12; the word of Christ, Col. 3. 16; the word of truth, Ja. 1. 18. See Law of God. Scroll, the heavens compared to, Is. 34. 4; Ee. 6. 1 1. Sea, the, formed by God, Ge. 1. 10; Ex. 20. 11; Ps. 95. 6; Ac 14. 15;— controlled by God, Job 26. 10; 38. 8, 10; Ps. 65. 7; 89. 9; 107. 29; 135. 6; Pro. 8. 27; Is. 50. 2; Na. 1. 4; Hag. 2. 6. Its greatness, Job 11. 9; Ps. 68. 22; 77. 19; 104. 25; Ec 1. 7. Illustrative, Is. 5. 30; 43. 2; 48. 18; 57. 20; Je. 6. 23; La. 2. 13; Eze. 26. 3, 4; Hab. 2. 14; Ja. 1. 6; Ee. 4. 6; 15. 2. Sealing, of letters or deeds, Ge. 38. 18; Ex. 28. 11; 1 Ki. 21. 8; Ne. 9. 38; 10. 1 ; Est. 3. 12: 8. 8; Je. 32. 9—12, 44; Da. 6. 17; 12. 4; Mat. 27. 66. Of the twelve tribes, Re. 7. Of the Holy Spirit, 2 Co. 1. 22; Ep. 1. 13; 4.30. The seven seals opened, Re. 10. 4, Ac. Used figuratively, Can. 8. 6; Ja. 2. 24; Da. 12. 4; Hag. 2. 23; Jno. 3. 33; Ro. 4. 11; 1 Co. 9. 2; Re. 20. 3. See Signets. Seasons, appointed, Ge. 1 14; Ps. 104. 19; —their regular succession promised, Ge. 8.22. Sebat. See Months. Secret Things— known to God, De. 29. 29; Job 15. 8; Ps. 44. 21; 90. 8; Ec. 12. 14; Mat. 6. 4; Mar. 4. 22; Ro. 2. 16. Will be revealed by God, Job 31. 4; Ps. 25. 14; 139. 12; Pro. 3. 32; 5. 21; Am. 3. 7; Mat. 10. 26; 11. 25; 13. 35; Ro. 16. 25; 2 Co. 3. 13. Secrets of others, to be concealed, Pro. 17. 9; 25. 9; Mi 7. 5; Mat. 18. 15. Sects. See Herodians, Nicolaitanes, Pharisees, and Sadducees Sedition, condemned, Gal. 5. 20; 2 Pe. 2. 19. Seed and Seed Time, Ge. 1. 11, 29; 8. 22; Le. 11. 37; 19. 19; De. 22. 9; Ps. 125. 6, 6; Ec. 11. 4, 6; Is. 32. 20; 55. 10; Mat. 13. 4, Ac; Jno. 12. 24; 1 Co. 15. 36, 38. Illustrative, Job 4. 8; Ec 11. 6; Ho. 10. 12; Zee 10. 9; Mat. 13. 3, 32; Lu. 8. 11; Jno. 12. 24; 1 Co. 9. 11; 15. 36—38; 2 Co. 9. 6; Gal. 6. 7, 8; 1 Pe. 1. 23; 1 Jno. 3. 9. Seed, of Abraham, Ge. 12. 7; 13. 16, Ac; Ro. 1. 3; 4. 16; Gal. 3. 16;— of the woman, Ge. 3. 15; Ee. 12. 1, Ac. Seer, 1 Sa. 9. 9; 2 Sa. 24. 11. See Pro phet. Seethe, Ex. 16. 23; 23. 19; 34 26; De. 14. 21. Seir, ancestor and country of the Horites, Ge. 36. 20. Mount Seir, Ge. 14. 6; 32. 3; 36. 8, 20; De. 2. 5; Jos. 24. 4; 2 Chr. 20. 10, 23; 25. 11. Prophecies concerning, Nu. 24. 18; De. 33. 2; Is. 21. 11; Eze. 25. 8; 35.2. Sela, or Selah, capital of Edom, 2 Ki. 14. 7; Is. 16. 1. Selah (stop or pause), Ps. 3. 2, 4, 8; 4. 2, 4; 7. 5; 9. 16, 20; 32. 5, Ac; Hab. 3. 3, 9, 13. Seleucia, a City of Syria, Ac. 13. 4. Self-denial, a duty, Mat. 5. 29; 16. 24; 18. 8; Mar. 8. 34; Lu. 9. 23; 1 Co. 8. 13; 9. 17—27; 10. 23—33; 2 Co. 10. 6; Gal. 5. 24; Tit. 2. 12. Christ the great example of, Jno. 5. 19, 30; 13. 12—17; Eo. 15. 3—5; 2 Co. 8. 9; Phi. 2. 5—7; He. 12. 3, 4. Self-Examination. See Examination. Selfishness condemned, Is. 56. 11; Eo. 15. 1; 1 Co. 10. 24; 2 Co. B. 15; Phi. 2. 4, 21; 2 Ti. 3. 2; 4. 10; Ja. 2. 8. See Covetous- NESS. Selling, rules for, Le. 19. 13, 36; 25. 14; Pro. 11. 1; 16. 11; 20. 10,23. Self- Will, condemned, Ps. 75. 5; Tit. 1. 7; 2. Pe. 2. 10. Sennacherib, king of Assyria, invades Judah, 2 Ki. 18. 13; 19. 9; 2 Chr. 32. 1; IB. 36. 1;— his army cut off, 2 Ki. 19. 35; 2 Chr. 32. 21; Is. 37. 36;— his death, 2Ki. 19. 37; Is. 37. 37. Sensuality, condemned, Am. 6. 4; Lu. 16. 19, Ac; 1 Co. 15. 32; Ja. 5. 5. Sepharvaim, a tribe of Samaritans, 2 Ki. 17. 24; 18. 34; 19. 13; Is. 36. 19; 37. 13. Sepulchres, Ge. 23. 6; Ju. 8. 32; 1 Sa. 10. 2; 2 Sa. 2. 32; 4. 12; 17. 23; 21. 14; 2 Ki. 9. 28; 13. 21; 21. 16; 23. 16; Is. 22. 16; Mat. 23. 27, 29; 27. 60; Mar. 15. 46; Lu. 23. 55; Jno. 19. 41; Ac. 7. 16. See Burial and Grave. Seraiah, high-priest, Je. 51. 59; 52. 24—27. Seraphim, Is. 6. 1 — 4. Sergius Paulus, Ac 13. 7—12. Serpents, Ge. 3. 1—14; 49. 17; De. 32. 24; Job 26. 13; Ec 10. 8, 11; Is. 27. 1; 59. 5; 65. 25; Am. 6. 19; Mi. 7. 17; Mat. 10. 16; Mar. 16. 18; Jno. 3. 14; 1 Co. 10. 9; Ja. 3. 7. 68 Used figuratively, Ge. 49. 17; Ps. 140. 3; Pro. 23. 31; Is. 14. 29; Je. 8. 17; Mat. 23. 33; Ee. 12. 9; 20. 2. Cursed, Ge. 3. 14; 2 Co. 11. 3. Fiery serpents, Nu. 21. 4—9; De. 8. 15. See Asp and Dragon. Servants, duties of, Pro. 18. 9; Mai. 1. 6; Jno. 6. 12; Ep. 6. 5—7; Col. 3. 22; 1 Ti. 6. 1; Tit. 2. 9, 10; 1 Pe. 2. 18—25. Laws concerning, Ex. 20. 10; 21; Le. 19. 13; 25. 44, Ac; De. 5. 14; 23. 15; 24. 14. See Bondsmen. Serug, Abraham's grandfather, Ge. 11. 22 —26. Seth, Adam's son, Ge. 4. 25; 5. 3—8; Nu. 24.17; 1 Chr. 1.1; Lu. 3. 38. Seven, the number of perfection, Ge. 2. 2; Ex. 20. 8—11; Le. 25. 4, 5; Jos. 6. 4— 1C; Pro. 9. 1; Is. 30. 26; Zee 3. 9; Ee. 1. 20; 4. B; B. 1; used to signify many times, Ps. 12. 6; 119. 164; Pro. 24. 16; Is. 4. 1. Seventy elders, Ex. 18. 23; 24. 1; Nu. 11. 16— 29;— disciples, Lu. 10. 1—20;— weeks, Da. 9. 24;— years of captivity, 2 Chr. 36. 21; Je.25. 12; Da. 9.2. Shadow, figurative of protection, Ps. 17. 8; 36. 7: 63. 7;— of life, Job 14. 2; 17. 7. Shadow of death, Job 3. 5; 10. 21; 12. 22; 16. 16; 24. 17; 34. 22; Ps. 23. 4; 44. 19; 107. 10, 14; Is. 9. 2; Mat. 4. 16; Lu. 1. 79. Shadrach. See Abednego. Shallum, Ge. 46. 24; Nu. 26. 49; 1 Chr. 7. 13;— king of Israel; 2 Ki. 15. 10, 14. Shalmaneser, king of Assyria, 2 Ki. 17. 1, Ac; 18. 9—12. Shambles, the flesh market, 1 Co. 10. 25. Shame, the fruit of sin, Ge. 2. 25; 3. 7, 10; Ex. 32. 25. Just cause of shame, Ge. 38. 26; 1 Sa. 10. 4, B; 2 Sa. 10. 5; Ezr. 9. 6; Ps. 13. 5; 25. 3; Pro. 13. 5; Is. 42. 17; Je. 2. 26; 3. 25; Lu. 13. 17; 16. 3; Jno. 3. 20. Unreasonable shame, 2 Ki. 2. 17; Mar. 3. 38: Lu. 9. 26; Ro. 1. 16; 2 Ti. 1. 8. Sh "mg-ar, judge of Israel, Ju. 3. 31; 5. 6. Shammah, one of David's mighty men, 2 Sa. 23. 11—17. Shaphan, a scribe, 2 Ki. 22. 8—11; 2 Chr. 34. 14—18. Shaphat, several of that name, Nu. 13. 5; 1 Ki. 19. 16; 1 Chr. 3. 22; 5. 12; 27. 29. Sharon, or Saron, 1 Chr. 5. 16; 27. 29; Can. 2. 1; Is. 33. 9; 35. 2; 65. 10; Ac. 9. 35. Shaving, Ge. 41. 11; Le. 14. 8, 9; 19. 27; 21 6; Nu. 6. 9; Ju. 13. 5; 16. 16—19; 2 Sa. 10. 4; Job 1. 20; Ac. 18. IS; 21.24; 1 Co. 11. 6. Shearing sheep, Ge. 32. 12; 1 Sa. 25. 4, 11; 2 Sa. 13. 23; Is. 53. 7. Sheaves, of the first fruits, Le. 23. 10, 11; —left in the field, De. 21. 19; Job 24. 10; —Joseph's, Ge. 37.7. Figurative, Ps. 126. 6; Mi. 4. 12; Mat. 13. 30. Sheba, several persons of that name, Ge. 10. 7, 28; 25. 3; 2 Sa. 20. 1, 22. Country of, 1 Ki. 10. 1; 2 Chr. 9. 1; Job 6. 19; Ps. 72. 10; Je. 6. 20; Eze. 27. 22; 38. 13. Queen of, Ki. 10. 1; 2 Chr. 9. 1; Mat. 12. 42. Shebna, a scribe, 2 Ki. 18. 18; 19. 2; Is. 22. 16—19; 36. 3; 37. 2. Shechem, son of Hamor, Ge. 34. 2—12, 25. City of Ge. 12. 6; 33. 18; 35. 4; 37. 12; Jos. 17. 7; 20. 7; 21. 21; 24. 1, Ac; Ju. 8. 31 ; 9. 1, Ac; 21. 19; 1 Ki. 12. 1; Ac; 1 Chr. 0. 67; 7. 28; 2 Chr. 10. 1, Ac; Ps. 60. 6; 108. 7; Je. 41. 5; Ho. 6. 9. See Sychar. Sheep, an important part of eastern wealth, Ge. 4. 1; 13. 5; 24. 35; 26. 14; Job 1. 3; 42. 12. Described, De. 14. 4; Ju. 5. 16; 2 Sa. 24. 17; Job 31. 20; Ps. 107. 41; 114. 4, 6; 144. 14; Can. 4. 2; Eze. 36. 37; Jno. 10. 4, 5. Tending of, Ge. 29. 6—10; Ex. 2. 16; 3. 1; 1 Sa. 16. 11; 17. 20; 24. 3; 2 Sa. 7. 8; Job 30. 1; Ps. 23. 2; 65. 13; Can. 4. 2; Is. 61. 5; 65. 10; Jno. 10. 1, 4, 27. See Shearing. Uses of, Ex. 25. 5: De. 32. 14; 1 Sa. 25. 18; 1 Ki. 1. 19; 4. 23; Ne. 5. 18; Job 31. 20; Pro. 31. 13; Is. 7. 21, 22; 22. 13; Eze. 34. 3; 1. Co. 9. 7; He. 11. 37. Offered in sacrifice, Ge. 4. 4: 8. 20; 15. 9, 10; Ex. 20. 24; Le. 1. 10; 1 Ki. 8. 5, 63; 2 Chr. 30. 24, Ao. Used figuratively, Ps. 44. 11; 49. 14; 74. 1; 78. 52; 79. 13; 119. 176; Is. 53. 6, 7; Eze. 34. 16; Mat. 10. 6; 25. 32; Lu. 15. 5, 7; Jno. 10. 7—26; 21. 16, 17; He. 13. 20; 1 Pe. 5. 2. See Lambs. Shekel, a weight, Ge. 24. 22; Ex. 30. 23; 1. Sa. 14. 26; Eze. 4. 10. See Weights. A piece of money, in gold, Nu. 7. 14, Ac; Ju. 8. 26; 1 Ki. 10. 16;— in silver, Ge. 23. 15; Ex. 30. 13, 15; De. 22. 19, 29; 2 Ki. 15. 20. See Money. Stem, Noah's second son, Ge. 5. 32; 6. 10; 7. 13; 9. 18, Ac; 10. 1, Ac; 11. 10, Ac;— his descendants, Ge. 10. 21—32; 11. 10— 32; 1 Chr. 1. 4, 17. Shemaiah, the prophet, 2 Chr. 11. 3; 12. 5;— others of that name, Ezr. 8. 13; Ne. 3. 29; Je. 36. 12, Ac. Shepherd, Christ is to his people, Jno. 10. 14; He. 13. 20; 1 Pe. 2. 5; 5. 4. Shepherds, Ge. 4. 2; 29. 9; 33. 13, 14; 46. 32; 1 Sa. 16. 11; 17. 40; 1 Chr. 4. 39; Am. 3. 12; Lu. 2. 8—20; 15. 4, 5; Jno. 10. 12, 14. See Pastor and Sheep, tending of. Shewbread, Ex. 25. 30; Le. 24. 5—9; 1 Sa. 29. 6; 2 Chr. 13. 11; Mat. 12. 4; Mar. 2. 26; Lu. 6. 4; He. 9. 2. Sheshbazzar, Ezr. 1. 8; B. 14. Shibboleth, Ju. 12. 1—6. Shield, God is to his people, Ge. 15. 1 ; De. 33. 29; Ps. 33. 20; 84. 11; 115. 9; Pro. 30. 5. Of faith, Ep. 6. 16. Solomon's shields, 1 Ki. 10. 17. See Ar mour. Shiloah, waters of, Is. 8. 6. Shiloh, the Messiah, Ge 49. 10. A city of Ephraim, Jos. 18 1, Ac; 19. 51; 21. 2; 22. 9, Ac; Ju. 18. 31; 21. 12, Ac; 1 Sa. 1. 3, Ac; 2. 14, 3. 21; 4. 3, Ac; 14. 3; 1 Ki. 2. 27; 14. 2, Ac.; Ps. 78. 60; Je.7.12, Ac; 26. 6, Ac; 41; 5. Shimei, 2 Sa. 16. 5; 19. 16; 1 Ki. 2. 8, 36. Shinar, Ge. 10. 10; 11. 2; Da. 1. 2. Ships, antiquity of, Ge. 6. 11—22; 7; 8 (the ark); 49. 13; Nu. 24. 24; Ju. 6. 17. Mentioned and described, 1 Ki. 9. 26—28; 10. 11. 22; 22. 48, 49; 2 Chr. 8. 18; 9. 21; 20. 36; Job 9. 26; Ps. 104. 26; 107. 23; Pro. 30. IS, 19; Is. 18. 2; 23. 14; 27. 9, 27; 33. 21; 43. 14; 60. 9; Eze. 27. 5, 7; Da. 11. 30; Jno. 1. 5; Mat. 4. 22; Lu. 6. 1, 2, 4—9; Ac. 27. 2, 6, 30, Ac; Ja. 3. 4. Shipmaster, Jon. 1. 6; Re. 18. 17. Khipwreck, Ac. 27 (2 Co. 11, 25; 1 Ti. 1. 19). 69 SHI. INDEX TO SIN. Shishak, king of Egypt, 1 Ki. 11. 40; 14. 25; 2 Chr. 12. 2—9. Shittim Wood, Ex, 25. 10, Ac; 26. 15, Ac; 27. 1, 6; 38. 1, 6. Shoe, taking off the, as a token of rever ence, Ex. 3. 5; Jos. 5. 15;— of resigning a right, De. 25. 9; Ru. 4. 7; — of humiliation, 2 Sa. 15. 30; Is. 20.-2.3; Eze. 24. 17, 23. To bear, or unloose, Mat. 3. 11; Mar. 1. 7; Jno. 1. 27. See Garments and Sandals. Shoulder, in sacrifices, laws concerning, Ex. 29. 22, 27; Le. 7. 34; 10. 14; Nu. 6. 19. Used figuratively, Ge. 49. 15; Ne. 9. 29; Is. 10.27; 49.22; Zee 7. 11. Shrines, Ac. 9. 24. Shunem, a city of Issachar, Jos. 19. 18; 1 Sa. 28. 4; 2 Ki. 4. 8. Shunammite. See Abishag. Shur, a city of Arabia, Ge. 16. 7; Ex. 15. 22; 1 Sa. 15. 7; 27. 8. Shushan, or Susa, metropolis of Persia, Ne. 1. 1; Est. 2. 8; 3. 15; 8. 15; Da. 8. 2. Shuttle, life compared to, Job 7. 6. Sick, the, to be visited and prayed for, 2 Ki. 8. 29; Job 2. 11; Mat. 25. 36; Ja. 5. 14, 15. Sickle, De. 16. 9: 23. 25; Je. 50. 16. Figurative, Joel 3. 13; Mar. 4. 29; Ee. 14. 1-i — 17. see Eeaping. Sickness, why permitted, De 28. 22, 27; 1 Sa. 5. 6, 12; 2 Sa. 12. 15; Job 2. 7, Ac; Ps. 94. 12; Jno. 9. 3; 11. 4; 1 Co. 11. 30. How to be borne, 2 Chr. 6. 12; Job B. 17; Ac. 14. 9; Ja. 5. 13—15. See Afflictions. Sidon, or Zidon, the capital of Phoenicia, Ge. 10. 15, 19; Jos. 11. 8; 19. 28; Ju. 1. 31; 10. 6; 18. 28; 2 Sa. 24. 6; 1 Ki. 17. 9; 1 Chr. 1. 13; Mat. 11. 21, 22; 15. 21; Mar. 3. 8; 7. 24, 31; Lu. 4. 26; 6. 17; 10. 13, 14; Ac. 12. 20; 27. 3. Sieges mentioned in Scripture, Jos. 6. 2— 20; 7. 2—4; 8. 1—19; 10. 28—39; Ju. 9. 34, 45,50; ISa. 11. 1; 23. 1; 30. 1; 2Sa. 11. 1; 12. 26—29; 1 Ki. 16. 15, 17; 20. 1; 22. 4, 29; 2 Ki. 17. 5; 18. 13; 24. 10; 25. 1. Signet, a seal, Ge. 38. 18; Ex. 28. 11, 21, 36; Da. 6. 17; Hag. 2. 23. See Seals and Eings. Signs given; the rainbow, Ge. 9. 13; — cir cumcision, Ge. 17. 11; Ro. 4. 11;— the Sab bath, Ex. 31. 13;— Jonah, Mat. 12. 38; Mar. 8. 11;— miracles, Ex. 4. 8, 9, 17, 28; Jno. 2. 18; 20. 30. See also, Ge. 1. 14; 15. 8; 24. 14, 15; Ex. 3. 12; 4. 9; 1 Ki. 13. 3; Is. 7. 11; 8. 18; 20. 3; Eze. 24. 24. Sihon, king of the Amorites, Nu. 21. 21; De. 1. 4; 2. 26; 3. 2; 4. 26; 29. 7; 31. 4; Jos. 2. 10; 9. 10; 12. 2; 13. 10; Ju. 11. 19; 1 Ki. 4. 19; Ne. 9. 22; Ps. 135. 11; 136. 19; Je. 48. 45. Silus, or Silvanus, Ac. 15. 23, 40; 16. 19, 22; 17. 1—15; 18. 5; 2 Co. 1. 19; 1 Th. 1. 1; 2 Th. 1. 1; 1 Pe. 5. 12. Silence, sometimes commendable, Pro. 11. 12; 17. 28; 26. 4; Ec. 3. 7; Am. 5. 13; Mi. 7.5; ITi. 2. 11: Ja. 1. 19. Through grief, Le. 10. 8; Job 2. 13; Ps. 39. 2, 14. Of women in the chufch, 1 Co. 14. 34; 1 Ti. 2.11. Silk, Pro. 31. 22; Eze. 16. 10. Siloam, pool of, Jno. 9. 7. See Bethesda. Tower of, Lu. 8. 4. Silver first mentioned, Ge. 23. 15, 16. Employed in the tabernacle, Ex. 26. 19, 4c; 27. 17; 36. 24, Ac; 38. 19; Nu. 7. 13. Used as money, Ge. 23. 15; 37. 28; 44. 2; De. 22. 19; 1 Ki. 16. 24; 2 Ki. 5. 22. Various articles made from, Ge. 44. 2; Ex. 3. 22; Nu. 7. 13, 84; 2 Sa. 8.10; 1 Chr. 28. 15, 16; Ezr. 6. B; Est. 1. 6; Ps. 115. 4; Is. 2. 20; 30. 22; 40. 19; Je. 10. 9. Described, Ps. 68. 13; Je. 10. 9; Eze. 22. 20. Illustrative, Ps. 12. 6; 66. 10; Pro. 10. 20; Is. 1. 22; Je. 6. 30; Ezr. 22. 18; Da. 2. 32, 39; Zee 13. 9. See also, 1 KI. 10. 25; 1 Chr. 29. 4; Job 28. 1; Pro. 8. 19; 17. 3; 25. 4; Is. 60. 17; Zee 13. 9. Silversmith, Ac. 19. 24. Simeon, Jacob's second son, Ge. 29. 33; 34. 7, 4c; 35. 23; 42. 24; 43. 23; 46. 10. His blessing, Ge. 49. 5 — 7. His descendants, Ex. 6. IB; Nu. 1. 22; 26. 12; 1 Chr. 4. 24; 12. 26. Their inheritance, De. 27. 12; Jos. 19. 1— 9; Ju. 1. 3; 2 Chr. 15. 9; 34. 6; Eze. 48. 24. Others of that name, Lu. 2. 25; 3. 30; Ao. 13. 1; 15. 14. Similitude, De. 4. 12, 15; 2 Chr. 4. 3; Ho. 12. 10. Simon, the brother (or kinsman) of Jesus, Mat. 13. 55; Mar. 6. 3. Zelotes, the Canaanite, Mat. 10. 4; Mar. 3. 18; Lu. 6. 15; Ac. 1. 13. Peter. See PetEh. A Pharisee, Lu. 7. 36—60. A leper, Mat. 26. 7; Mar. 14. 3. Of Cyrene, Mat. 27. 32; Mar. 15. 21; Lu. 23. 26. A tanner, Ac. 9. 43; 10. 6, 4c. A sorcerer, Ac. 8. 9 — 24. Simplicity, singleness of heart, Ps. 19. 7; 116. 6; Pro. 9. 4; Ro. 12. 8; 2 Co. 1. 12; 11. 3; Col. 3. 22. Ignorance or inexperience, 2 Sa. 15*11; Pro. 1. 22; 7. 7; 9. 4; Ro. 16. 18. Sin, its entrance into the world, Ge. 3. 1 — 6; Ro. 5. 12. Its immediate consequences, Ge. 3. 14 — 19; 4. 11, 12; Nu. 32. 23; Job 14. 1; Eze, 18. 4. 20; Jno. 3. 19; Ro. 6. 23; 1 Co. 15. 56; Gal. 5. 19; Ja. 1. 15; Re. 19. 12—14; 22. 16. All men born in and commit, Ge. B. 3; 1 Ki. 8. 46; 2 Chr. 6. 36; Job 16. 14; 25. 4; Ps. 51. 5; 62. 2, 3;-130. 3; Pro. 20. 9; 24. 16; Ee 7. 20; Jno. 8. 7; Ro. 3. 9; Gal. 3. 22; Ja. 3. 2; 1 Jno. 1. 8. Described, Ge. 6. 5; De. 9. 7; Is. 1. 18; Mat. 15. 19; Jno. 15. 22; 16. 8; Ro. 3. 20; 4. 15; 14. 23; 1 Co. 15. 56; Ja. 1. 15; 2. 9; 1 Jno. 3. 4; 6. 17. Christ's blood cleanses from, Lu. 22. 20; Jno. 1. 29; Ro. 8. 25, 26; Ep. 1. 7; He. 9. 12-14, 22; 1 Pe. 2. 24; 1 Jno. 1. 7. Presumptuous sin, Nu. 15. 30; Ps. 19. 13; 59. 5; Lu. 12. 47; Ro. 1. 32; He. 10. 26. Sin against the Holy Ghost, Mat. 12. 31; Mar. 3. 28; Lu. 12. 10; see He. 6. 4; 10. 26; 1 Jno. 5. 16. See Confession, Bepentajjce, and Fob- GIVENESS. Sin, city of, Eze. 30. 15. 70 SIN. THE BIBLE. SOU. Wilderness of, Ex. 16. 1; 17. 1; Nu. 13. 21; 20; 27. 14. Sinai, mountof, Ex. 19. 11, Ac; 24. 16; 31. 18; 34. 2, 29;Le.26. 46;De.33.2; Ju. 5. 5; Ne. 9. 13; Ps. 68. 8, 17; Ac. 7. 38; Gal. 4. 24; He. 12. 18, Ac. See Horeb. Wilderness of, Ex. 19. 1; Nu. 1. 1, 19; 3. 4; 9. 1, 5; 10. 12; 33. 15; Ac. 7. 30. Sincerity enjoined, Jos. 24. 14; 1 Sa. 12. 24; 16. 7; 1 Chr. 28. 9; 29. 17; Ps. 32. 2; 73. 1; Mat. 5. 8; Ro. 12. 9; 1 Co. 5. 8; Ep. 6. 24; Phi. 1. 10; Col. 3. 22; Tit. 2. 7; 1 Pe. 2. 2. Singing in divine worship, Ex. 15. 1; 1 Chr. 6. 32; 13. 8; 16. 9; 2 Chr. 20. 22; 29. 30. Ne. 12. 27; 1 Co. 14. 15. See Hvmns and Praise. Sion, De. 4. 48. See Hermon and Zion. Sirion, mount, Dei 3. 9; Ps. 29. 6. Sisera, Ju. 4. 2, Ac; 5. 24; 1 Sa. 12. 9; Ps. 83.9. Sivan. See Months. Slander, censured, Ex. 23. 1; De, 19. 16; 22. 19; Ps. 15. 3; 34. 13; 50. 19, 20', 64. 3; 101. 5; Pro. 10. 18; Eo. 1. 30; 2 Co. 12. 20; Ep. 4. 31; 1 Ti. 3. 11; Tit. 3. 2; Ja. 4. 11. Evil consequences of, Ps. 31. 13; Pro. 16. 28; 17. 19; 18. 8; 26. 20; Eze. 22. 9. How it is to be borne, Mat. 5. 11; 1 Co. 4. 12; 1 Pe. 2. 21-23. Sleep, its value, Ec. B. 12;— not to be in dulged to much, Pro. 6. 4, 9; 20. 13; 23. 21; 24. 33. Figurative, Ps. 13. 3; Da. 12. 2; Mat. 27. 52; Mar. 13. 36; Jno. 11. 11; Ac 7. 60; Ro. 13. 11; 1 Co. 11. 30; 15. 20; Ep. 5. 14; 1 Th. 4. 14; 5. 10. Sling, Ju. 20. 16; 1 Sa. 16. 40—50; 25. 29; 2 Ki. 3. 25; 2 Chr. 26. 14; Pro. 26. 8. Slothfulness, censured, Pro. 12. 24, 27; 16. 19; 18. 9; 19. 15, 24; 21. 25; 22. 13; 24. 30; Ec. 10. 18; Mat. 25. 26; Ro. 11. 8; 12. 11; 1 Th. 5. 6; He. 6. 12. Sluggard, the, Pro. 6. 6—11; 10. 26; 13. 4; 20. 4; 26. 13—16; Ec. 10. 18. Smith. See Trades. Smyrna, a city of Asia Minor, Ee. 1. 11; 2 8—11. Snow, 2 Sa. 23. 40; Job 9. 30; 37. 6; Ps. 147. 16; 148. 8. Used figuratively, Ex. 4. 6; Nu. 12. 10; Ps. 51. 4; Is. 1. 18; La. 4. 7; Da. 7. 9; Mat. 28. 3; Mar. 9. 3; Ee. 1. 14. Snuffers of gold, Ex. 25. 38; 37. 23. So, king of Egypt, 2 Ki. 17. 4. Soap, Je. 2. 22; Mai. 3. 2. Sobriety commended, Eo. 12. 3; 1 Th. 5. 6, 8; 1 Ti. 2. 9; 3. 2; Tit. 1. 8; 2. 2, 4, 6; 1 Pe. 1. 13; 4. 7; 6. 8. Socket, Ex. 26. 19; 25. 37; 27. 10, 12, Ac. Sodden, Ge. 25. 29; Ex. 12. 9; Le. 6. 28; 1 Sa. 2. 15; La. 4. 10. Sodom, city of, Ge. 10. 19; 13. 10—12; 14. 2 —17;— destruction of, Ge. 19. 1, Ac; De. 29. 23; 2 Pe. 2. 6. Wickedness of its inhabitants, Ge. 13. 13; 18. 20; 19. 4—13; Is. 3. 9; Eze. 16. 49; Jude 7. Sodomites, 1 Ki. 14. 24; 22. 45. See also, Le. 18. 22; 20. 13; De. 23. 17. Soldiers, Mat. 28. 12; Lu. 3. 14; Jno. 19. 2; 23. 32; Ac. 10. 7; 21. 32; 27. 31. Christians so called, 1 Ti. 1 18; 2Ti. 2. 3, 4. Solomon— his birth, 2 Sa. 5. 14; 12. 24;— made king, 1 Ki. 1. 38; 1 Chr. 23. 1; 29. 22; —David's charge to, 1 Ki. 2. 1—9; 1 Chr. 22. 5—19; 28. 9, 10;— sacrifices at Gibeon, 1 Ki. 3. 4; 2 Chr. 1 3; chooses wisdom, 1 Ki. 3. 5; 2 Cbr. 1. 7; Ec. 1. 13;— his wise judgments, 1 Ki. 3. 16. His reign, 1 Ki. 1. 10—53; 2; 4; 7. 1—12; 9; 1 Chr. 29. 23—25; 2 Chr. 1; 8;— his wisdom, 1 Ki. 3. 4—28; 4. 29—34; 10. 1—9, 24; 2 Chr. 9. 1—8: Mat. 12. 42;— his riches and hon our, 1 Ki. 4. 26; 10. 10—23, 25—29; 2 Chr. 9. 9—28; Mat. 6. 29. Builds the temple, 1 Sa. 7. 12; 1 Ki. chaps. 5 to 7; 1 Chr. 7. 11; 2 Chr. chaps. 2 to 5; Ac 7. 47; — his prayer at the dedication, 1 Ki. 8. 22; 2 Chr. 6. 12. Visited by the queen of Sheba, 1 Ki. 10; 1 Chr. 9; Mat. 6. 29; 12. 42. His idolatry, 1 Ki. 11. 1; Ne. 13. 26;— his death, 1 Ki. 11. 41; 2 Chr. 9. 29. His writings, 1 Ki. 4. 32; Pro. 1. 1; 10. 1; 25. 1; Ec. 1. 1; Can. 1. 1. Son. See Children. Sons of God. Ge. 6. 2; Job 38. 7; Ho. 1. 10; Lu. 3. 38; Jno. 1. 12; Ro. 8. 14, 19; Phi. 2. 15; 1 Jno. 3. 1. See Adoption and Christ. Son of man, Da. 7. 13; Mat. 8. 20; 9. 6; 10. 23; 11. 19; 12. 8; Ac 7. 26; Ee. 1. 13; 14. 14. Songs, Ge. 31. 27; Pro. 25. 20; Eze. 26. 13. Spiritual, Ep. 5. 19; Col. 3. 16; Ja. 5. 13. Of Moses, Ex. 15. 1; De. 32. 1;— of the Israelites, Nu. 21. 17; — of Deborah, Ju. 5. 1;— of Hannah, 1 Sa. 2. 1;— of David. 1 Sa. 22. 1 ;— of Mary, Lu. 1. 46;— of Zacha- rias, Lu. 1. 68. See Hymns and Praise. Soothsayer, Is. 2. 6; Da. 2. 27; 5. 7, 11; Mi. 5. 12; Ac 16. 16. Sorcerer, Ex. 7. 11; Is. 57. 3; Je. 27. 9; Da. 2. 2; Mai. 3. 5; Ee. 21. 8; 22. 15. See Divi nation and Witchcraft. Sorrow, just causes of, 2 Sa. 12. 13; Ps. 119. 136, 158; Mat. 26. 38, 75; Phi. 2. 27. Good effects of, Ps. 34. 18; 61. 17; 126. 6; Ec. 7. 3; Mat. 5. 4; 2 Co. 7. 10; Ja. 4. 9. Bad effects of, Pro. 12. 25; 15. 13, 15; 17. 22. Godly sorrow, Ps. 51. 4; 2 Co. 7. 10. See Affliction, Mourning and Re- pentance. Sosipater, Eo. 16. 21. Sosthenes. Ac. 18. 17; 1 Co. 1. 1. Soul, or spirit of man, the, Ge. 35. 18; Le. 17. 11; De. 11. 13; 13. 3; 1 Ki. 8.48; 17.21; 1 Chr. 22. 19; 2 Chr. 15. 12; Ps. 19. 7; 49. 8; 67. 1; 62. 1, 5; 63. 1; Is. 55. 3; 61. 10; Je. 31. 12; La. 3. 25; Mi. 6. 7; Mat. 16. 26; Mar. 12. 33; He. 6. 19; 1 Pe. 2. 11. Its existence after death, Ec. 3. 21; 12. 7; Mat. 10. 28; 22. 32; Lu. 16. 22; 23. 43; 2 Co. 5. 6, 8; Phi. 1. 23; Ee. 6. 9; 20. 4. See Future State and Eesurrection. Soul, or person, Ge. 12. 5; 46. 15, 18, 25, 27; Ex. 12. 4; Le. 4. 2; 18. 29; 22. 11; 23. 30; Nu. 9. 13; 19. 15; Pro. 11. 25; 27.7; Ho. 9. 4; Ac. 2. 41, 43; 3. 23; 27. 37; Ro. 2. 9; 13. 1; Re. 16.3. _ „ „_ „ The vital principle, Ge. 2. 7; 1 Sa. 25. 9; Job 12. 10; Ps. 107. 5; Eo. 12. 7; Je. 51. 6; Mat. 10. 28; 1 Th. 2. 8; 5. 23; He. 4. 12; 10. 39. The affections or feelings, Ge. 34. 3, 8; 1 Sa. 18. 1; 2 Sa. 13. 39; Job 3. 20; 33. 20; Pro. 13. 4, 19; 27. 7; Is. 29. 8; Re. 18. 4. Sour Grapes, Je. 31. 29; Eze. 18. 2. 71 SOV. INDEX TO STB. Sovereignty of God. See under God. Sow. See Seed. Figuratively, Job 4. 8; Pro. 11. 18; 22. 8; Ho. 10. 12; Gal. 6. 7, 8. • Sower, the, Mat. 13. 3; Mar. 4. 3; Lu. 8. 6. Spain, Ro. 15. 24, 28. Span, Is. 40. 12; 48. 13. See Measures. Sparrow, Ps. 84.3; 102. 7; Mat. 10. 29, 31; Lu. 12. 6, 7. Spear, Jos. 8. 18; 1 Sa. 17. 7; 26. 7; 2 Chr. 11. 12; Jno. 19. 34. See Arms. Speckled, Ge. 30. 32; 31. 8; Je. 12. 9; Zee 1.8. Speech, the proper government of, Ps. 34. 11; Pro. 4. 24; 10. 10, 19; 15. 4; 17. 20; 18. 6, 13, 21; Ec. 10. 12; Mat. 5. 22; 12. 36; Ep. 4. 29; 5. 3; Col. 3. 8; 4. 6; 1 Th. 6. 11; Tit. 3. 2; Ja. 1. 26; 1 Pe. 3. 10. Benefit of when seasonable, Pro. 12. 25; 15. 23; 16. 24; 25. 11, 15. Spices, used in the tabernacle, Ex. 25. 6; 30. 23—25, 34—38; 37. 29;— in perfuming, Est. 2. 12; Ps. 45. 8; Pro. 7. 17; Jno. 12. 3;— in embalming, 2 Chr. 16. 14; Mar. 16. 1; Lu. 23. 66; Jno: 12. 7; 19. 40. Spies, sent to Canaan, Nu. 13. 2, Ac; 14. 35; De. 1. 22; He. 3. 17;— sent by Joshua, Jos. 2. 1, 4c; -2. 4, 4e; 0. 17, 23. See Eahab. Spikenard, Can. 1. 2; 4. 13, 14: Mar. 14. 3—9; Jno. 12. 3—7. Spirit of God (the Holy Spirit, or Holy Ghost), Ge. 1. 2; Ps. 51. 11; Is. 6. 3, 8; 63. 11; Mat. 3. 11; Mar. 3. 29; Lu. 2. 25; 11. 13; Jno. 7. 39; 12. 41; Ac 1. 8. He is God, Mat. 28. 19; Lu. 2. 26; Ac. 1. 16; 5. 3, 4, 9; 28. 25 (Is. 6. 8, 9); 2 Co. 13. 14; He. 3. 7 (Ex. 17. 7);— and Creator, Ge. 1. 3, 26; Job 26. 13; 27. 3; 33. 4; Ps. 104. 30; Ee. 11. 11. He is eternal, He. 9. 14;— omnipresent, Ps. 139. 7—12; 1 Co. 3. 16;— omniscient, 1 Co. 2. 9— 11;— omnipotent, Lu. 1. 35; Eo. 15. 13, 19; 1 Co. 12. 4—11. Called the Comforter, Jno. 14. 16, 26; 15. 26; 16. 7; Ac. 9. 31; Ro. 15. 13. The Teaoher, Jno. 14, 26; 16. 13; 1 Co. 2. 9, 13; 12. 3, 8; 1 Th. 1. 5; 2 Pe. 1. 21; 2 Ti. 3. 16; He. 3. 7. The Witness, He. 10. 5; 1 Jno. 5. 9. The Spirit of God, Ge. 1. 2; 6. 3; 41. 38; Ex. 31. 3; 35. 31; Nu. 24. 2; 1 Sa. 10. 10; 2 Chr. 15. 1; Pro. 1. 23; Eze. 11. 24; Mat. 3. 16; 12. 28; Ro. 15. 19; 1 Co. 2. 14; 7. 40; 12. 3; 1 Pe. 4. 14; 1 Jno. 4. 2. The Spirit of the Lord, Nu. 11. 29; Ju. 3. 10; 6. 34; 1 Sa. 16. 13; 2 Chr. 20. 14; Ac. 5. 9;— of Christ, Ro. 8. 9; 1 Pe. 1. 11. The Spirit of truth, Jno. 14. 17; 15. 26; 16. 13; 1 Jno. 4. 6;— of holiness, Ro. 1. 4; — of grace, Zee. 12. 10; He. 10. 29;— of promise, Ep. 1. 13;-of glory. 1 Pe. 4. 14. His agency in Christ's birth, 4c, Mat. 1. 18, 20; Lu. 1. 35; Jno. 3. 6; Ro. 1. 4; 8. 11; He. 9. 14; 1 Pe. 3. 18; 1 Jno. 5. 6, 8. His. union with Christ, 1 Co. 15. 45; 2 Co. 3. 17; Gal. 4. 6; Phi. 1. 19; 2 Th. 2. 8. His personality. Mat. 3. 16; 28. 19; Mar. 1. 10; Lu. 3. 22; Jno. 1. 33; 2 Co. 13. 14; Ep. *.30. He regenerates, Jno. 3. 3—5; 4. 10—14; 6. 63; Tit. 3. 5—7; — convicts of sin, Jno. 16. 8; Ac. 2. 37;— sanctifies, Ro. 8. 6, 4c; 1 Co. 6. 11; Gal. 5. 22—26; 2 Th. 2. 13;— dwells in believers, 1 Co. 2. 9—16; 6. 17; 12. 13; Gal. 3. 5; 4. 6; 5. 25; Ep. 2. 22; 3. 16; 5. 18; 1 Pe. 1. 11; 1 Jno. 3. 24. Promised to ministers of the word, Is. 48. 16; Ac. 8. 29; 10. 19; 13. 2; 16. 7; 1 Co. 2. 13;— to all believers, Ps. 51. 11; 1 Co. 3. 16; 6. 19; 12. 13; Ep. 1. 13; 1 Th. 4. 8; Jude 20. See under Promises and Inspira tion. Blasphemy against. See Blasphemy. Spirit of man, his soul, Pro. 20. 27; Ac 7. 59;— the temper of his mind, Pro. 14. 29; 16. 18; Ec. 10. 4; Je. 61. 11; Hag. 1. 14; Lu. 9. 56. Spirit of antichrist, 1 Jno. 4. 3; of bond age, Ro. 8. 15; of divination, Ac 16. 16; of fear, 2 Ti. 1. 7; of slumber, Ro. 11. 8. Spirits, to he tried, Mat. 7. 15; 1 Co. 12. 10; 1 Ti. 4. 1; 1 Jno. 4. 1; Re. 2. 2. Familiar spirits, Le. 19. 31; 20. 6, 27; De. 18. 9—12; 1 Sa. 28. 3, 7—9; 2 Ki. 21. 6; 23. 24; IChr. 10. 13; 2 Chr. 33. 6; Is. 19. 3. Spiritual body, 1 Co. 15. 44; Phi. 3. 21; 1 Jno. 3. 2. Spiritual gifts, Ro. 1. 11; 1 Co. 12. 7—14; 13.1,2,8. See Gifts. Spitting, a mark of contempt, Nu. 12. 14; De. 25. 9; Job 30. 10; Is. 50. 6; Mat. 26. 67; 27. 30; Mar. 10. 34; 13. 65; 15. 19. Spoil, law concerning, Nu. 30. 27; Jos. 22. 8; 1 Sa. 30. 24. Spouse, Can. 4. 8,9; B. 1; Ho. 4. 13, 14. See Husband and Wife. Sprinkling of blood, Ex. 12. 22; Le. 14. 7, 16; 16. 14; Nu. 8. 7; 19. 18, 19; He. 11. 28; —of the blood of Christ, He. 10. 22; 12. 24; 1 Pe. 1. 2. Sta bility recommended, Ps. 17. 4; Pro. 24. 21; Mat. 7. 21; Mar. 13. 13; 1 Co. 15. 58; Ep. 4. 14; 1 Th. 5. 21; He. 10. 23; 13. 9; Ja. 1. 6. Standards, Nu. 1. 52; 2.3, 10, 18, 25; Is. 49. 22; 69. 19. Stars, created, Ge. 1. 16; Job 38. 7. See Ge. 15. 15; Nu. 24. 17; De. 4. 19; Ps. 8. 3; 136. 9; 148. 3; Je. 31. 35; Mat. 2. 2; 1 Co. 15. 41; He. 11. 12; Re. 2. 28; 9. 1; 22. 16. Called hosts of heaven, 2 Ki. 17. 16; 21. 6; Is. 34. 4; Je. 33. 22. Figurative, Nu. 24. 17; Da. 8. 10; Jude 13; Re. 1. 20; 8. 10, 11. Stature, Nu. 13. 32; 1 Sa. 16. 7; 2 Sa. 11. 20; Mat. 6. 27; Ep. 4. 13. Statute, Ex. 15. 25; 29. 2; Le. 3. 17. Statutes of God, Ps. 19. 8; 119. 12, 4c. See Law of God. SteaUng forbidden, Ex. 20. IB; Le. 19. 11; Ps. 50. 18; Mat. 15. 19; 1 Co. 6. 10; Ep. 4. 28; IPe. 4. 15. Punishment for, Ex. 22. 1—5; Pro. 6. 30, 31; Zee 5. 4. See Eestitution. Steadfastness enjoined, De. 10. 20; Job 11. 15; Ps. 78. 8; t Co. 15. 58; 1 Th. 5. 21; He. 3. 14; 4. 14; 10. 23; 1 Pe. 6. 9; 2 Pe. 3. 17. Steel, 2 Sa. 22. 36; Job 20. 24; Ps. 18. 34; Je. 15. 12. See Metals. Stephanus, 1 Co. 1. 16; 16. IB, 17. Stephen, a deacon, Ac 6; 7; 8. 2. Steward, temporal, Ge. 16. 2; 24. 2; 43. 19; 44. 1; Lu. 8. 3;— spiritual, Lu. 12. 42; 1 Co. 4. 1, 2; Tit. 1. 7; 1 Pe. 4. 10. STI, THE BIBLE. TAB. Stiffnecked, Ex. 32. 9; 33. 3; De. 10. 16; Ac. 7. 51. Stocks, Job 13. 27; 33. 11; Pro. 7. 22; Je. 20. 2; Ac 16. 24. Stoicks, Ac. 17. 18. Stones, precious, Ex. 28. 17,4c; Eze. 28. 13; Re. 21. 19. See Jewels. Corner-Btone, Ps. 118. 22; Is. 28. 16; Mat. 21. 42; Mar. 13. 10; 1 Pe. 2. 6. Stoning to death. See Punishments. Store-Cities, 1 Ki. 9. 19; 2 Chr. 8. 4, 6. Stork, the, Le. 11. 19; De. 14. 18; Ps. 104. 17; Je. 8. 7. Storms, remarkable, Ge. 19. 24; Ex. 9. 23; Jos. 10. 11; Ao. 27. 18, 20. Strange women, 1 Ki. 11. 1; Pro. 2. 16; 5.3, 20; 6. 24; 23. 27. Strangers, laws respecting, Ex. 12. 43; 22. 21; 23. 9; Le. 19. 33; 22. 10; Nu. 1. 51, Ac, 18. 17; De. 1. 16; 10. 18; 17. 15; 23. 7; 21. 14; Eze. 44. 9; Mai. 3. 5. Marriage with forbidden Ex. 34. 16; De. 7. 3; 25. B; Ezr. 10. 2; Ne. 13. 27. Strife, Ge. 13. 7; De. 1. 12; Lu. 22. 24; 1 Co. 3. 3; Gal. 5. 20. To be avoided, Pro. 17. 1, 14; 20. 3; 26. 17; Eo. 13. 13; 1 Co. 3. 3; Phi. 2. 3, 14; 2 Ti. 2. 23; Tit. 2. 9; Ja. 3. 14, 16. Whence it proceeds, Pro. 10. 12; 13. 10; 15. 18; 22. 10; 16. 28; 23. 29; 26. 20; 28. 25; 30. 33; 1 Ti. 6. 4; 2 Ti. 2. 23. Stripes, number of limited, De. 25. 1—3; 2 Co. 11. 24. Stubble, Ex. 5. 12;— figurative, Job 21. 18; Ps. 83. 13; Is. 47. 24; Mai. 4. 1; 1 Co. 3. 12. Stubbornness, See Obstinacv. Study, Pro. 15. 28; Ec. 12. 12; 1 Th. 4. 11; 2 Ti. 2. 15. Stumbllngblock, Le. 9. 14; Is. 57. 14; Eze. 7. 19; Ro. 11. 9; 11. 13; 1 Co. 1. 23; 8. 9; Re. 2.4. Submission, See Resignation. Succoth, in Egypt, Ex. 12. 37; 13. 20; Nu. In Canaan, Ge. 33. 17; Jos. 13. 27; Ju. 8. 5 —16; l.Ki. 7. 46; 2 Chr. 4. 17; Ps. 60. 6; 108. 7. Succoth-Benoth, a Babylonish idol, 2 Ki. 17. 30. Sufferings, of Christ. See Christ. Of the Apostles, Ac. 5. 40; 9. 6; 12. 13, 60; 14. 19; 16. 23; 20. 21; 21. 13; 22; 1 Co. 4. 11; 2 Co. 1. 4; 4. 8—18; 6. 4; 11. 23; Phi. 1. 29; 1 Ti. 4. 10; 2 Ti. 3. 10; 1 Pe. 2. 19; 4. 12—19. See Afflictions. Summer, Ge. 8. 22; Ps. 32. 4; 74. 17; Pro. 6. 8; 10. 5; Am. 8. 1. Sun, the, created, Ge. 1. 14; Ps. 19. 4; 74. 16; 1 Co. 15. 41. Worship of condemned, De. 4. 19; 17. 3; Job 31. 26; Eze. 8. 16, 18. Stood still, Jos. 10. 12;— went back, 2 Ki. 20. 9;— darkened, Lu. 23. 24. See Is. 24. 23; 30. 26; 60. 19; Joel 2. 10, 31; 3. 15; Mai. 4. 2. Superscription, Mat. 22. 20; Mar. 12. 16; 15.26; Lu. 20. 24; 23.38. Superstition, censured, Ec. 7. 16; 11. 4; Je. 10. 2; Mar. 3. 7; Ac. 17. 22; Gal. 4. 10. See Ac. 25. 19. . „ „ „„ Superstitious, Ro. 14. 1; 15. 1; 1 Co. 9.20 22 Supper, Mar. 6. 21; Lu. 14. 12, 16; Jno. 12. 2;— symbolical, Ee 3. 20; 19. 9, 17. See Lord's Supper. Supplication, See Prayer. Suretyship, Ge. 43. 9; 44. 32; Ps. 119. 122; Pro. 6. 1—6; 11. 15; 17. 18; 20. 16; 27. 13; He. 7.22. Surname, Mat. 10. 3; Mar, 3. 16; Lu. 22. 3; Ac. 1. 23; 12. 12. Susanna, Lu. 8. 3. Swaddle, La. 2. 22; Eze. 16. 4; Lu.2. 7. Swallow, the, Ps. 84. 3; Pro. 26. 2; Is. 38. 14; Je. 8. 7. Swan, the, Le. 11. 18; De. 14. 16. Swearing. See Oaths. Swine, unclean, Le. 11. 7; De. 14. 8; Ps. 80. 13; Is. 65. 4; 66. 3, 17; Mat. 8. 20; Lu. 15. 16. Devils sent into, Mat. 8. 30—32; Mar. 5. 11 —13; Lu. 8. 32, 33. Figurative, Mat. 7. 6; 2 Pe. 2. 22. Sword, a weapon of war, Ge. 3. 24; 34. 25; Ex. 32. 27; Jos. 24. 12; Ju. 7. 22; 1 Sa. 13. 22; 17. 39; 18. 4; 21. 9; 1 Chr. 5. 18; 21.27; Ne. 4. 18; Job 20. 25; Ps. 7. 12; 57. 4; 149. 6; Pro. 5. 4; Eze. 21. 15; Na. 3. 3; Mat. 26. 51. The symbol of war and judgment, Le. 26. • 6, 25; De. 32. 25; 2 Sa. 12. 10; 2 Chr. 20. 9; Ezr. 9. 7; Ps. 78; 62; Is. 34. 6; 61. 19; Je. 5. 12; 14. 13, 15,4c; Eze. 5. 2, 17; 14. 17; 21. 9. The word of God so called, Ep. 6. 17; He. 4.12. Sycamine, or Sycomore Tree, 1 Ki. 10. 27; 1 Chr. 27. 28; 2 Chr. 1. 15; 9. 17; Ps. 78. 47; Is. 9. 10; Lu. 19. 4;— fruit of, Am. 7. 14. Sychar. See Shechem. Syene, a city of Egypt, Eze. 29. 10. Sympathy, recommended, Ec. 7. 2, 4; Ro. 12. 15; 1 Co. 12. 26; Gal. 6. 2; He. 13. 8; 1 Pe. 3. 8. Synagogues, places for public worship, Ps. 74. 8; Mat. 4. 23; 6. 2, 5; 12. 9; 13. 54; 23. 1—7; Mar. 1. 23, 29; 5. 22; 6. 2; Lu. 4. 16, 33, 48; 7. 5; Jno. 6. 59; 9. 22; 18. 20; Ac 6. 9; 9. 20; 13. 14; 15. 21; 17. 1; 18. 4, Ac. Services of, Ne. 8. 18; 9. 3; 13. 1; Mat. 6.5; Lu. 4. 16. Rulers of, Mar. 5. 22; Lu. 4. 17, 20; Ac. 13. 15; 18. 8, 17. Syracuse, a city in Sicily, Ac. 28. 12. Syria, kingdom of, Ge. 10. 22; Ju. 10. 6; 1 Ki. 22. 31; 2 Ki. 5. 1, Ac; Is. 7. 8. Conquered by David, 2 Sa. 8. 3—6; 10. 6, 15, 19;— under Solomon, 1 Ki. 10. 29;— armies of besiege Samaria, 1 Ki. 20. 1— 12; 2 Ki. 6. 24— 29;— Ahab slain by, 1 Ki. 22. 34; 2 Chr. 18. 33;— overcome by Israel, 1 Ki. 20. 13—20, 26—30; 22. 3—36; 2 Ki. 7. 5, 6; 13. 14—19. Prophecies respecting, Is. 7. 8, 16; 8. 4; 17. 1—3; Je. 49. 23, 24, 26; Am. 1. 1, 5. The gospel preached in, Mat. 4. 24; Ac. 15. 23,41; 18.18; Gal. 1.21. Syrians, the, Ju. 10. 6; 2 Sa. 8. 5; 10. 11; 1 Ki. 20. 23, 25; 2 Ki. 5. 18, 20; 18. 26; Ezr. 4. 7; Eze. 27. 18; Da. 2. 4. Syrophoenician woman, Mar. 7. 26—30. Taanach, city of, Jos. 17. 11; 21. 25; Ju. 1. 27. Taberah, a station in the wilderness, Nu. 11. 1-3; De. 9. 22; Ps. 78. 17—21. Tabernacle, a tent or dwelling, Nu. 24. B; Job 11 14; 12, 6; Mat. 17. 4. 3 Figurative, 2 Co. 5. 1, 4; 2 Pe. 1. 13, 14; Re. 15. 5. Tabernacle, the Holy, ordered to be built, Ex. 25 to 27;— its construction, Ex. 36 to 38;— its erection, Ex. 40; — covered by the clouds, Ex. 40. 34; Nu. 9. 14;— man ner of its removal, Nu. 1. 50; 9. 18'; — in the wilderness, Nu. 7;— at Shiloh, Jos. 18. 1;— in the temple, 2 Chr. 5. 1—10;— its ser vice, Nu. 4. Typical of Christ, He. 8 to 10. Tabernacles, feast of. See Feast. Tabitha. See Dorcas. Tables of stone. See Commandments. Tablets, Ex. 35. 22; Nu. 31. 50; Is. 3. 20. Tabor, mount, Jos. 19. 22; Ju. 4. 6, 14; 8. 18; 1 Sa. 10. 3; Ps. 89. 12; Je. 46. 18; Ho. 5. 1; Mat. 17. 1. Town of, 1 Chr. 6. 77. Tabret, a musical instrument, Ge. 31. 27; 1 Sa. 10. 5; 18. 6; Job 17. 6; Is. 5. 12; 24. 8; 30. 32; Eze. 28. 13. Tadmor, city of, 1 Ki. 9. 17, 18; 2 Chr. 8. 4. Tahaphanes, a oity of Egypt, Je. 2. 16; 43. 7—11; 46. 14; Eze. 30. 18. Tale-Bearing, censured, Le. 19. 16; Pro. 11. 13; 17. 9; 18. 8; 20. 19; 25. 9; 26. 20, 22; 1 Ti. 5. 13; 1 Pe. 4. 15. See Slander. Talent. See Money. Tamar, Judah's daughter-in-law, Ge. 38. 6—30; Mat. 1. 3;— David's daughter, 2 Sa. 13. 1, Ac; 1 Chr. 3. 9;— Absalom's daugh ter, 2 Sa. 14. 27. City of, Eze. 47. 19; 48. 28. Tammuz, an idol, Eze. 8. 14, Tanner. See Trades. Tares, parable of, Mat. 13. 24. Targe t. See Armour. Tarshish, Javan's son, Ge. 10. 4; 1 Chr. 1. 7. City of, 1 Ki. 10. 22; 22. 48; 2 Chr. 9. 21; 20. 36; Ps. 72. 10; Is. 23. 1, 6, 10; 60. 9; 66. 19; Eze. 27. 12; 38. 13; Jon. 1. 3; 4. 2. A Persian prince, Est. 1. 14. Tarsus, city of, Ac 9. 11; 11. 25; 21. 39; Tartak, an idol, 2 Ki. 17. 31. Tatnai, governor of Samaria, Ezr. 5. 3, 6; 6. 6, 13. Tax, 2Ki. 23. 35; Da. 11. 20; Lu. 2. 1—3; Ac. 3. 27. See Tribute. Teaching; the, of God, Ps. 71. 17; Is. 54. 13; Je. 34. 34; Jno. 6. 45; Gal. 1. 12; Ep. 4. 21; 1 Th. 4. 9; 1 Jno. 2. 27; of Christ, Mat. 5, Ac; 7. 29, Ac;— of the Holy Spirit, Jno. li. 26; 16. 13, 14; 1 Co. 2. 9 —13; 12. 8; 1 Jno. 2. 20, 27. Teachers appointed in Israel, Nu. 11. 25; 2 Chr. 15. 3; 17. 7; Ezr. 7. 10. See Schools. In the Christian church (ministers, Ad, Ac. 13. 1; Eo. 12. 7; 1 Co. 12. 28; Ep. 4. 11; Col. 1. 28; 3. 16; 1 Ti. 3; Tit. 1. 5. False teachers foretold, Mat. 24. 11, 24; Ac. 20. 29; 1 Ti. 4. 1; 2 Pe. 2. 1; 1 Jno. 2. 18; Jude 17;— described, Is. 9. 15; Je. 5. 13; 6. 13; Eze. 14. 9; 22. 25; Ho. 9. 7; Mi. 2. 11; 3. 11; Zep. 3. 4; Ac. 13. 6; 2 Co. 11. 13; 1 Ti. 6. 3; 2 Ti. 3. 8; Tit. 1. 11; 2 Pe. 2; Jude 4; Ee. 2. 14, 20; — warnings against, De. 13. 1; Is. 8. 20; Mat. 24. 5; Ro. 16. 17; Gal. 1. 6; Col. 2. 8; 1 Ti. 1. 7; 4. 1; He. 13. 9; 1 Jno. 4. 1; 2 Jno. 10. Tekoah, a city of Judah, 2 Sa. 14. 2; 2 Chr. 2. 24; 4. 5; 11. 6; 20. 20; Je. 6. 1; Am. 1. 1. Tema, Ishmael's son, Ge. 25. 15; 1 Chr. 1. 30;— country of, Job 6. 19; Is. 21. 14; Je. 25. 23. Teman, Esau's grandson, Ge. 36. 11, 16; 1 Chr. 1. 53. Edom thus called, Je. 49. 20; Eze. 25. 13; Am. 1. 12; Ob. 9; Hab. 3. 3. Temperance, recommended, Pro. 23. 1; 1 Co. 9. 25; Gal. 5. 23; Ep. 5. 18; Tit. 1. 8; 2. 2; 2 Pe. 1. 6. Its advantages, Ps. 112. 3; Pro. 3. 2, 8, 16; 23. 29—35; 1 Pe. 2. 11. Temple, the First, preparations for, by David, 1 Chr. '22. 2—5, 14—16; 29. 2—6;— built by Solomon, 1 Ki. 6. 7;— dedicated, 1 Ki. 8;— repaired by Joash, 2 Ki. 12. 1 — 15; by Hezekiah 2 Chr. 29; by Josiah, 2 Chr. 34; — burnt by the Chaldeans,. 2 Ki. 25. 9; 2 Chr. 36. 19. The Second, built, Ezr. 3; 5 to 8; Zee 8. 9;— cleansed, Ne. 13. 9. See Eze. 40, Ac; Hag. 2. 9. See also Mat. 4. B; 24. 1; 27. 51; Mar. 11. 16; Jno. 2. 15, 20; Ac 3. 2; 21. 30. Figurative, Ps. 11. 4; Jno. 2. 19, 21; Ep. 2. 21; Re. 7. 15. Tempt, or try, God does his people, Ge. 22. 1; De. 8. 2, 5; 2 Chr.-32. 31; Jobl, Ac; Ps. 66. 10; Da. 6; 12. 10; Zee 13. 9; Lu. 22. 31, 40; He. 11. 17; Ja. 1. 12; 1 Pe. 1. 7; 4. 12. Men tempt God, Ex. 17. 2; Nu. 14. 22; De. 6. 16; Ps. 78. 18; 95. 9; 106. 14; Is. 7. 12; Mat. 4. 7; 1 Co. 10. 9. Satan tempts men, Ge. 3. 1—13; 1 Chr. 21. 1; Mat. 6. 13; 26. 41; Lu. 22. 40, 46; Ep. 6. 10—18; 1 Th. 3. 5; 1 Pe. 5. 8;— tempted Jesus, Mat. 4. 1—11; Mar. 1. 13; Lu. 4. 1 —13; He. 4. 15. See Devil. Temptations to be guarded against, Mat. 6. 13; 26. 41; Ep. 6. 1,0, Ac; 1 Pe. 5. 9. Tempter, the, Mat. 4. 3; 1 Th. 3. 5. Tents. See Habitations. Terah, Ge. 11. 24—32; Jos. 24. 2. Teraphim, images, Ge. 31. 34; Ju.. 17. 5; 18. 14; 1 Sa. 19. 13; Eze. 21. 21; Ho. 3. 4; Zee 10. 2. TertuUus, Ac. 24. 1, 2. Testament, or Covenant, the New, Mat. 28. 28; Mar. 14. 24; Lu. 22. 20; 1 Co. 11. 25; 2 Co. 3. 6; He. 7. 22; 9. 15, Ac; 12. 24. Testator, He. 9. 16, 17. Testimony, evidence, Ac. 14. 3. The law, Ex. 25. 16, 21; 2 Ki. 11. 12. The ark, Ex. 16. 34; 30. 6. The Scriptures, Ps. 19. 7; 119*. 2, 14, 4c The gospel, 1 Co. 1. 6; 2. 1; 2 Ti. 1. 8; Ee. 1. 2 9' 6. 9" 19. 10 Tetrarch', Mat.' 14.' 1; Lu. 3. 1; Ac. 13. 1. Thaddaras. See Judas. Thanksgiving, a duty, De. 8. 10; Ps. 51, 14; 69. 30; 92. 1; 139. 14; 147. 1; Is. 25. 1, 4c; Col. 3. 17; 1 Th. 5. 18; 1 Ti. 4. 4; He. 13. 15; 1 Pe. 2. 9, 4c. At meals, Mar. 8. 6; Jno. 6. 11; Ac. 27. 35; Eo. 14. 6; Ep. 5. 20; 1 Ti. 4. 3. See Praise and Psalms. Theatre, Ac. 19. 29, 31. Thebez, a city of Ephraim, Ju. 9. 60—54. Theft. See' Stealing and Thief. Theophilus, Lu. 1. 3; Ac. 1. 1. Thessalonica, the capital of Macedonia, Ac'17. 1—13; 27. 2; Phi. 4. 16; 1 Th. 1. 1; 2Ti. 4.10. , ¦ THE. THE BIBLE. TEA. Theudas, Ac. 5. 36. Thief, punishment of, Ex. 22. 2; De. 24. 7; Zee 5. 4; 1 Co, 6. 10; 1 Pe. 4. 15. Described, Job 24. 14; Je. 2. 26; 49. 9; Lu. 10. 30; Jno. 10. 1. The thief on the cross, Mat. 27. 38; Mar. 15. 27; Lu. 23. 40. Used figuratively, Mat. 24. 43; Lu. 12. 39; 1 Th. 5. 2; 2 Pe. 3. 10; Re. 3. 3; 16. 15. Thistles, Ge.3. 18; 2 Ki. 14. 9; 2 Chr. 25. 18;— illustrative, Mat. 7. 16; Lu. 6. 43. Thomas, an apostle, Mat. 10. 3; Mar. 3. 18; Lu. 6. 15; Jno. 11. 16;. 14. 5; 20. 24; 21. 2; Ac. 1. 13. Thorns, the earth's curse, Ge. 3. 18; — used to inflict "punishment, Ju. 8. 7, 16; — a crown of put on Christ, Mat. 27. 29; Mar. 15. 17; Jno. 19. 2;— figurative, Ho. 2. 6 Threshing corn, De. 25. 4; 2 Sa. 24. 22; 1 Chr. 21. 20; Is. 27. 27; 28. 27; Ho. 10. 11; Am. 1. 3; 1 Ti. 5. 15. Illustrative, 2. Ki. 13.7; Is. 21. 10; 41. 15; Je. 51.33; Mi. 4. 13; Hab. 3. 12; 1 Co. 9. 9, 10. Threshing-Floor, Ge. 50. 10; Nu. 18. 27; Ju. 6. 11, 37; Ru. 3. 2, &c; 2 Sa. 23. 1; 24. 18; 2 Ki. 6. 27; Ru. 3. 2, 4c; Ho. 9. 1. Throne, 1 Ki. 2. 19; 10. 18, 20;— God's, Ps. 11. 4; Is. 66. 1; Ac 7. 49; Ee. 3. 21. Thummim. See Urim. Thunder, Ex. 9. 23; 19. 16; 20. 18; 1 Sa. 7. 10; 12. 18; 2 Sa. 22. 14; Job 37. 5; Ps. 18. 13; 29. 3—9; 74. 48; Re. 4. 5; 10. 3, Ac; 16. 18. Thyatira, a city of Asia Minor, Ac. 16. 14; Re. 1. 11; 2. 18—29. Tiberias, a city of Galilee, Jno. 6. 1, 23;— sea of, Jno. 21. 1. Tiberius, emperor of Rome, Lu. 3. 1. Tiglath-Pileser, king of Assyria, 2. Ki. 15. 29; 16. 7; 1 Chr. 5. 6, 26; 2 Chrr 28. 20; Timbrel, a musical instrument, Ex. 15. 20; Ju. 11. 34; 2 Sa. 6. 5; 1 Chr. 13. 8; Ps. 68. 25. Time, its shortness. Job 14. 1; Ps. 89.47; 102. 3, 11;— its uncertainty, Pro. 27. 1; Ja. 4; 13. To be improved, Ec. 12. 1; Mat. 6. 25; Lu. 19. 42; Jno. 9. 4; 12. 35; Eo. 13. 11; 2 Co. 6. 2; Gal. 6. 9; Ep. 5. 16; Col. 4. 5; Re. 10. 6. Its divisions— years, Ge. 15. 13; 2Sa. 21. 1; Da. 2. 2; see Year.— Months, Nu. 10. 10; Job 3. 6; seeJMONTHs.— Weeks, Da. 10. 2; see Weeks. — Days, Ge. 8. 3; Job 1. 4; Lu. 11. 3; see .Days.— Hours, Da. 5. 5; see Hours,— Moments, Ex. 33. 5; Nu. 16. 24; Job 7. 18; Is. 27. 3; 64. 7, 8; Lu. 4. 5; 1 Co. 15. 32. _ The last times, Mat. 16. 3; Ac 3. 21; 1 Th. 5. 1; 2 Th. 2. 2, 4e; 1 Ti. 4. 1; 2 Ti. 3. 1. Timnath, a city of Judah, Ge. 38. 12; Jos. 14. 10, 57; Ju. 14. 1. Timothy, an evangelist, Ac. 16. 1—3; 17. 14—16; Eo. 16. 21; 1 Co. 16. 10; 2 Co. 1. 1, 19; Phi. 2. 19; 1 Th. 3. 2; 1 Ti. 1. 2; 4. 13; 6. 11; 2 Ti. 1. 2—5; 3. 14, 15; He. 13. 23. Tire, a head-dress, 2 Ki. 9. 30; Is. 3. 18; Eze. 24. 17 23. Tirhakah.'king of Ethiopia, 2Ki. 19. 9. Tirshatha, Ezr. 2. 63; Ne. 7. 70, 4c. Tirzah, a city of Ephraim, Jos. 12. 24; 1 Ki. 14.-17; 15. 21; 16. 8, 15; 2 KI. 15. 16; Can. 6. 4. Tizri. See Months. Tithes, Ge. 14. 20; 28. 22; Lu. 11. 42. Claimed by God, Le 27. 30; Pro. 3. 9; Mai. 3. 8. Granted to the Levites, Nu. 18. 21; Ne. 10. 37; 2 Chr. 31. 5; He. 7. 5. Laws concerning, Le. 27. 32; Nu. 18. 26; De. 12. 6; 14. 22, 28. Titus, an evangelist, 2 Co. 2. 13; 7. 6, 13— 15; 8. 6, 16, 23; 12. 18; Gal. 2. 1, 3; 2 Ti. 4. 10; Tit. 1. 4. Tobiah, Ne. 2. 10, 19; 4. 3; 6. 1, 12; 13. 7—9. Togarmah, Ge. 10. 3; Eze. 27. 14. Tola, Ge. 46. 13; Nu. 26. 23; Ju. 10. 1; 1 Chr. 7. 1. ToU, Ezr. 4. 13, 20; 7.24. Tomb, Job 31. 32; Mat. 8. 28; 23. 29; 27. 30; Mar. 5. 2, 3; 6. 29. See Burial, Grave. Tongue, the, to be controlled, Ps. 31. 20; 34. 13; 39. 1; Pro. 21. 23; 25. 15; Ep. 4. 29; Ja. 1. 26; 1 Pe. 3. 10;— its power, Ps. 10. 7; 12. 4; 62. 4; 57. 4; Pro. 18. 21; Je. 9. 5; Ja. 3. 5. Tongues, confusion of, Ge. 11. 1 — 9; — gift of, Ac. 2. 3; 10. 46; 19.6; 1 Co. 12 10; 13. 1; 14. 2. Topaz, a precious stone, Ex. 28. 17; 39. 10; Job 28. 19; Eze. 28. 13; Ee. 21. 20. Tophet, 2 Ki. 23. 10; Je. 7. 31, 32; 19. 6, 11, Ac. Torch, Zep. 12. 6; Nu. 2. 3, 4; Jno. 18. 3. Torment, Mat. 4. 24; 8. 29; Mar. 5. 7; Lu. 16. 23; Re. 9. 5; 14. 11; 18. 7, 10. Tortoise, Le. 11. 29. Towers, Ge. 11. 4; 35. 21; Ju. 8. 9, 17; 9. 46, 51; 2 Ki. 5. 21; 2 Chr. 14. 7; 26. 9, 10; Ps. 48. 12; Is. 5. 2; Je. 31. 38; Eze. 29. 10; 30. 6; Hab. 2. 1; Mat. 21. 33; Lu. 13. 4; 14. 28. Illustrative, 2 Sa. 22.51; Ps. 61.3; Pro. 18. 10; Can. 4. 4; 7. 4; Je. 6. 27. Trachonitis, Lu. 3. 1. Trade, Le. 25. 14; Pro. 20. 14; Eze. 27. 1, Ac; 28. 16; Ho. 12. 7. Trades and Professions mentioned in the scriptures : — Apothecary, or perfumer, Ex. 30. 25,35; Pro. 7. 17; 27. 29; Ec 10. 1; Is. 57. 9. Baker, Ge. 40. 1; 1 Sa. 8. 13; Je. 37. 21; Ho. 7. 4, 6. Blacksmith. See Smith. Brickmaker, Ge. 11. 3; Ex. 1. 14; 6. 7, 8, 18; 2 Sa. 12. 31; Is. 9. 10; Na. 3. 14. Calker, Eze. 27. 9, 27. Carpenter, 2 Sa. 5. 11; 1 Ki. 12. 11; 2 Chr. 24. 12; Ezr. 3. 7; Is. 41. 7; 44. 13; Je. 24. 1; Mat. 13. 65; Mar. 6. 3. Carver, Ex. 31. 5; 1 Ki. 6. 18, 29; Ps. 74. 6; Pro. 7. 16. Confectioner, Ex. 30. 35; 1 Sa. 8. 13. Cook, 1 Sa. 8. 13; 9. 23, 24. Embalmer, Ge. 60. 2, 3, 26. Embroiderer, Ex. 28. 39; 35. 35; 38. 23. Engraver, Ex. 28. 11; Is. 49. 16; 2 Co. 3. 7. Founder, Ju. 17. 4; Is. 41. 7; Je. 6. 29; 10. 9, 14; 51. 17. „ , „ Fuller, 2 Ki. 18. 17; Is. 7. 3; 36. 2; Mai. 3. 2> Mar. 9. 3. Gardner, Je'. 29. 5; Ec 2. 5; Am. 9. 14; Jno. 20. 15. Goldsmith, Ne. 3. 8, 31, 32; Is. 40. 19; 41. 7; 46. 6. „ Husbandman, Ge. 4. 2. See Husband men. 75 TBA. INDEX TO TBU. Mason, Ex. 20. 25; 2 Sa. 5. 11- 2 Ki. 12. 12; 1 Chr. 22. 15; 2 Chr. 24. 12; Ezr. 3. 7; 1 Co. 3. 10. Musician, 1 Sa. 18. 6; 1 Chr. 15. 16; 2 Chr. 15. 14; 23. 13; 34. 12; Ec. 12. 4; Da. 3. 5. Plowman, De. 22. 10; 1 Ki. 19. 19; Job 1. 14; Pro. 20. 4; Is. 28. 24; 61. 5; Ho. 10. 11; Am. 6. 12; 9. 13; Lu. 9. 62; 17. 7; 1 Co. 9. 10. Potter, 1 Chr. 4. 23; Is. 30. 14; 64. 8; Je. 18. 2; 19. 1; La. 4. 2; Zee 11. 13; Mat. 27. 10. Befiner, 1 Chr. 28. 18; Job 28. 2; Ps. 66. 10; Pro. 17. 3; 24. 5; Zee 13. 9; Mai. 3. 2, 3. Eopemaker, Ju. 16. 11; Ac. 27. 32. Scribe, Ju. 5. 14; 2 Ki. 18. 18; 25. 19; 1 Chr. 27. 32; Ezr. 7. 6; Mat. 8. 19; Mar. 12. 32. Ship-builder, 1 Ki. 9. 26; 22. 48; Eze. 27.5. Silversmith, Nu. 10. 2; 1 Chr. 28. 14, 15, 17; Is. 40. 19; Je. 10. 9; Eze. 27. 12; Ac. 19.24. Smith, 1 Sa. 13. 19; 2 Ki. 24. 14; Is. 44. 12; 54. 16; Je. 29. 2; 2 Ti. 4. 14. Spinner, Ex. 35. 25; Pro. 31. 19; Mat. 6. 28; Lu. 12. 27. Tanner, Ac. 9. 43; 10. 6. Tent-maker, Ge. 4. 20; Ao. 18. 3. Vine-dresser, Ju. 6. 13, 14; 1 Ki. 25. 12; 2 Chr. 26. 10; Is. 61. 5; Je. 31. 5; 52. 16; Joel 1. 11. Weaver Ex. 35. 35; De. 22. 11, 12; 1 Sa. 17.7; 1 Chr. 4. 21; Job 7. 6; Pro. 31.13; Is. 19. 9; 38. 12; 59. 5, 6; Eze. 27. 7. Tradition, Mat. 15. 1—20; Mar. 7. 1—23; Col. 2. 8; 2 Th. 2. 15; 3. 6; Tit. 1. 14; 1 Pe. " 1.18. Traffic, 1 Ki. 10. 15; Eze. 17. 4; 28. 5, 18. Traitor, Lu. 6. 16; 2 Ti. 3. 4. Trance, Nu. 24. 4, 16; Ac. 10. 10; 11. 5; 22. 17 Transfiguration of Christ, Mat. 17. 2; Mar. 9. 2; Lu. 9. 28; 2 Pe. 1. 18. Transgression. See Sin. Translation, of Enoch, Ge. 5. 24; He. 11. 5;— of Elijah, 2 Ki. 2. 1, Ac. Treachery, to be guarded against, Ju. 9. 23; Je. 9. 4; 12. 6; Mai. 2. 16; 2 Ti. 3. 3. Instances, Ge. 34. 13; 1 Sa. 21. 7; 22. 9 (Ps. 62); 2 Sa. 3. 27; 16. 1— 11; 20. 9; 1 Ki. 21. 5; 2 Ki. 10. 18; Je. 40. 13; 41. 5; Mat. 26. 47. Treason, instances of, 2 Sa. 15. 1, Ac; 18. 9; 20. 1, 22; 1 Ki. 1. 5; 2. 13, 23; 15. 27; 16. 1, 9, 18; 2 Ki. 11. 1, 14; 15. 10, 14; 2 Chr. 22. 10; Est. 2. 21. Treasury of the Lord, Jos. 6. 19; 1 Chr. 9. 26; 28. 11; Ne. 13. 12, 13; Mat. 27. 6; Mar. 12. 41; Lu. 21. 1; Jno. 8. 20. Trees, laws concerning, Le. 19. 23; 27. 30; De. 16. 21; 20. 19. . Various kinds mentioned, Ge. 43. 11; Ex. 15. 27; 36. 20; Nu. 6. 4; 24. 6; De. 6. 11; 8. 8; 2 Sa. 5. 23, 24; 1 Ki. 6. 10; 10. 11, 12, 27; 19. 4, 5; 2 Ki. 19. 23; 23; 2 Chr. 9. 10, 11; Ps. 37. 35; 78. 47; 104. 17; Ec. 12. 5; Can. 2. 3; 8. 5; Is. 1. 30; 6. 13; 41. 19; 44. 4, 14; 55. 13; Je. 1. 11; Eze. 15. 2; 17. 5; 31. 8; Joel 1. 12; Am. 7. 14; Zee 1. 8; Mat. 13. 32; Lu. 19. 4. Used figuratively, 1 Chr. 16. 33; Nu. 24. 6; Ps. 1; 92. 12; Pro. 3. 18; Ee 11. 3; Can. 2. 3, Ac; Is. 41. 19; Eze. 17. 24; 31. 5,10; Da. 4. 10, 14; Mat. 3. 10; 7. 17; 12. 33; Lu. 3. 9; 6. 43; 21. 29; Bo. 11. 24; Jude 12; Be. 2. 7. Tree of life, in Eden, Ge. 2. 9; 3. 22; (Pro. 3. 18; 11. 30; Eze. 47. 7, 12;)— in heaven, Ee. 2. 7; 22. 2, 14. Of knowledge, Ge. 2. 17; 3. 3. Trench, 1 Sa. 17. 20; 26. 6; 1 Ki. 18. 32; Lu. 19. 43. Trespass-Offering. See Offerings. Trial of faith. See Afflictions and Temptations. Of the heart. See under Heart. Tribes of Israel, blessed, Ge. 49. 1 Ac; Nu. 23. 20; 24; De. 33 1, Ac; their num bers and orders, Nu, 1. 1; 2. 1, Ac; 10.14; 26. 1, Ac; 2 Sa. 24. 1, Ac; 1 Chr. 21. 1, Ac. (Re. 7. 4);— their princes, 1 Chr. 27. 16. Tribulation. See Afflictions. Tribute, imposed by Solomon, 1 KI. 9. 21, 22* 2 Chr 8 8 9 By the Romans, Mat. 17. 27; 22.21; Lu.20. 22. To be paid, Mat. 17. 24—27; Lu. 20. 25; Ro. 13.6; IPe. 2.13. See also Nu. 31. 28—41; Ezr. 4. 13, 20; 7. 24; La. 1. 1; Lu. 23. 2. Trinity of persons in the Godhead, Mat. 28.19; 2 Co. 13.4; 1 Jno. 5.7. See Christ and Spirit. Troas, a city of Phrygia, Ae. 16. 8; 20. 5; 2 Co. 2. 12; 2 Ti. 4. 13. TrogyUium, Ac. 20. 15. Troop, a, Ge. 49. 19; 1 Sa. 30. 8; 2 Sa. 2. 25; 3. 22; Ho. 7. 1. Trophimus, Ac 20. 4; 21. 28, 29; 2 Ti. 4. 20. Trump or Trumpet, a musical instru ment, 1 Chr. 13. S; 1 Co. 14. 8; 15. 62. Its various uses, Le. 25. 9; Nu. 10. 2, Ac; 31. 6, 7; Ju. 3. 27; 2 Ki. 9.13; 11.14; 1 Chr. 13. 8; 15. 24; 2 Chr. 5. 12, 13; 7. 6; 15. 14; 22. 13; Ezr. 3. 10; Ps. 81. 3; Eze. 33 2—6. Feast of Trumpets. See Feast. The seven trumpets, Re. 8; 9; 11. 15. The last trump, 1 Co. 15. 52; 1 Th. 4. 16. See also, Ex. 19. 16; 20. 18; Jos. 6. 4, 20; Ju. 7. 16, 22; Job 39. 24; Is. 58. 1; Ho. 8. 1. Trust in God, motives to, 2 Sa. 22. 31; Ps. 13. 5, 6; 32. 10; 34. 8; 103. 13; 125.1; Pro. 28. 25; Is. 26. 4; 60. 10; Je. 32. 17, 27; Da. 3. 28; Nu. 1. 7; 1 Ti. 6. 17; 1 Pe. 5. 7. Is a duty, Job 38. 41; Ps. 22. 4; 31. 19; 37. 3; 66. 3; 91. 2; 104. 27; 115. 9; 118. 8; 147. 9; Pro. 16. 20; 29. 25; 30. 5; Je. 17. 6, 7; 39. 18. No other to be trusted, Job 31. 24; Ps. 44. 6; 49. 6; 62. 10; 146. 3; Pro. 11. 28: 28. 26; Is. 30. 1-3; Je. 9. 4; 46. 25; 49. 4; Eze. 33. 13; Mar. 10. 24; 1 Ti. 6. 17. See God the sole object of Trust. Truth, the, Jno. 1. 17; 4. 24; 5. 33; 14. 6; 17. 17 19; 18. 37; Ro. 2. 8; 1 Co. 13. 6; 2 Co. 4. 2; Gal. 3. 1: Ep. 4. 21; 6. 14; 1 Ti. 2. 7; 4. 3; 6. 5; 2 Ti. 2. 15; 4. 4; Ja. 5. 19; 1 Jno. 2.21; 2 Jno. 2. Sincerity of speech, Ps. 15. 2; 51. 6; Pro. 3. 3; 8. 7; 12. 17, 19; Zee 8. 16; 1 Co. B. 8; Ep. 4. 25; 1 Jno. 3. 18. See Lying. Faithfulness, Ge. 24. 27; Ps. 85. 10; 91. 4; 98. 3. Truth of God. See under God. 76 THY. THE BIBLE. VAI. Tryphena and Tryphosa, Eo. 16. 12. Tubal, Japheth's fifth son, Ge. 10. 2 (Is. 66. 19; Eze. 27. 13; 32. 26; 38. 39). Tubal-Cain, Lantech's son, Ge. 4. 22. Tumult, 1 Sa. 4. 14; 2 Sa. 18. 29; 20. 1; 83. 2; 1 Ki. 12. 16; Mat. 27. 24; Ac 14. 5; 17. 5; 21. 34. Turtle-Dove. See Dove. Tychicus, Ac 20. 4; Ep. 6. 21; Col. 4. 7; 2 Ti. 4. 12; Tit. 3. 12. Types of Christ:— Persons:— Aaron, Ex. 28. 1, with He. 5. 4, 5; Le. 16. 15, with He. 9. 7, 24. Abel, Ge. 4. 8, 10, with Ac 2. 23; He. 12. 24. Abraham, Ge. 17. 5, with Ep. 3. 14, 15. Adam, Ge. 1. 26; Eo. 5. 14; 1 Co. 15. 45. David, 2 Sa. 8. 15, with Eze. 37. 24; Ps. 89. 19, 20, with Phi. 2. 9, 4c Eliakim, Is. 22. 20—22, with Ee. 3. 7. Isaac, Ge. 22. 1—14, with He. 11. 17—19. Jacob, Ge. 32. 28, wilh Jno. 11. 42; He. 7. 25. Jonah, Jon 1. 17, with Mat. 12. 40. Joseph, Ge. 50. 19, with He. 7. 25; Ps. 106. 17—22, with Phi. 2. 6. 11, Ac. Joshua, Jos. 1. 5, 6, with He. 4. 8, 9; Jos, 11. 23, with Ac. 20. 32. Melchizedek, Ge. 14. 18—20, with He. 7. 1—17. Moses, Ex. 32. 11—13, 30—32, with Ro. 8. 34; 1 Pe. 2. 24; Nu. 12. 7, with He. 3. 2; De. 18. IB, with Ac 3. 20—22. Samson, Ju. 16. 30, with Col. 2. 14, 15. Solomon, 2 Sa. 7. 12, 13, with Lu. 1. 32, 33; 1 Pe. 2. 5. Zerubbabel, Zee 4. 7—9, with He. 12. 2, 3. Things: — Ark, the, Ge. 7. 16, with 1 Pe. 3. 20, 21;— of the covenant, Ex-. 25. 16, with Ps. 40. 8; Is. 42. 6. Atonement, sacrifices of, Le. 16. 15, 16, with He. 9. 12, 24. Brazen serpent, Nu. 21. 9, with Jno. 3. 14, 15. Burnt-offering, Le. 1. 2, 4, with He. 10. 10. First-fruits, Ex. 22, 29, with 1 Co. 15. 20. Manna, the, Ex. 16. 11—15, with Jno. 6. 32 —35. Merey-seat, the, Ex. 25. 17—22, with Eo. 3. 25; He. 4. 16. Paschal Lamb, Ex. 12. 3—6, 46, with Jno. 19. 36; 1 Co. 5. 7. Eockof Horeb, Ex. 17. 6, with 1 Co 10. 4. Scape-goat, Le. 16. 20—22, \rithls. 53. 6, 12. Tabernacle, the, Ex. 40. 2, 34, with Col. 2. 9; He. 9. 11. Tyrannus, Ac. 19. 9. Tyre,' or Tyrus, city of, Jos. 19. 29 ; 2 Sa. 5. 11; 24. 7; 1 Ki. 5. 1; 7. 13, li; 9. 11—11; 2 Chr. 2. 3—16; Mat. 11. 21, 22; 15. 21; Mar. 3. 8; Ac. 21. 3, 7. Prophecies respecting, Ps. 45. 12; Is. 23; Je 25; 22; 27. 2—6; lize. 26 to 28; Joel 3. 4—8; Am. 1. 9; Zee. 9. 2--4. TJlai, river of, Da. 8. 2. Unbelief, sinfulness of, Jno. 16. 9; Eo. 11. 32; Tit. 1. 15; 1 Jno. 5. 10;— causes of, Mar. 16. 14; Lu. 8. 12; 24. 25; Jno. 5. 38, 44; 8. 45; 10. 26; 12. 39; Ac. 19. 9; 2 Co. 4. 4; Ep. 2. 2; 2 Th. 2. 12; He. 3. 12;— conse quences of, 2 Ki. 7. 2; Ps. 78. 19; 106. 24; Is. 53. 1; Mat. 24. 11, 12; Jno. 12. 37; 16. 9; Ac. 14. 2; 19. 9; 2 Ti. 3. 2—5; 2 Pe. 2. 12;— danger of, Mar. 16. 16; Lu. 12. 46; Jno. 8. 24; Eo. 1. 28; 2 Ti. 12;— examples of, Ge. 3. 4; Nu. 20. 12; 13. 14; De. 9. 23, Ac; Ps. 78. 106; Mat. 13. 37; Lu. 1. 20; 22. 67; Jno. 12. 37; 20. 25; Ac. 14. 2; 17. 5; He. 3. 19, Ac. Unbelievers, to be avoided, Mat. 6. 15; Ro. 16. 17; 2 Co. 6. 14; Phi. 3. 2; 2 Th. 3. 6, 14; 1 Ti. 6. 5. Their doom, Mar. 16. 16; Jno. 3. 18; Ro. 11. 20; Ep. 5. 6; He. 3. 19; 4. 11; 11. 6; Ja. 5; 2 Pe. 2; 3; Jude 5; Ee. 19. 20; 20. 10; 21. 8. Uncleanness, ceremonial, laws concern ing, Le. 5; 7; 11; 12; 15; 22; Nu. 5; 19; De. 23. 10; 24. 1. See Purification. Under the gospel, Mat. 23. 27; Ac. 10. 9— 16, 28; 15. 28; Ro. 6. 19; 2 Co. 12. 21; Ep. 4. 19; 6. 3, 5; Col. 3. 5; 1 Th. 4. 7; 2 Pe. 2. 10. Unclean animals, Le. 11; 20. 25; De. 14. 3. Understanding, natural, an insufficient guide, Pro. 3. 5; Ro. 1.31; 1 Co, 1. 19—31; 3. 19— 21;— spiritual, De. 4. 6; 1 Ki. 3. 9; 1 Chr. 22, 12; Pro. 2. 6; 9. 10; Ep. 1. 18; 2 Ti. 3. 15. Unfeigned, 2 Co. 6. 6; 1 Ti. 1. 5; 2 Ti. 1. 5; 2 Pe. 1. 22. Ungodly, the, 2 Sa. 22. 5; 2 Chr. 19. 2; Ps. 1. 1, 4, 6; Ro. 4. 5; 6. 6. See Wicked. Unicorn, the, Nu. 23. 22; 24. 8; De. 33. 17; Job 39. 9—12; Ps. 22. 1; 29. 6; 92. 10; Is. 34.7. Union with Christ, as head of the church, 1 Co. 12. 12, 27; Ep. 1. 22; 4. 16; 5. 30; Col. 1. 18, 24;— means of, Jno. 6. 56; 15. 4, 7;' Gal. 2. 20; Ep. 3. 17; 1 Jno. 2. 24; 3. 24; 2 Jno. 9; — evidence and fruits of, Jno. 15. 5, 7; Ro. 8. 1, 10; 2 Co. 5. 17, 21; Phi. 3. 9; 1 Jno. 2. 28; 3. 6, 24; 4. 13. Illustrated, Jno. 15. 1, 5; 1 Co. 3. 19; 12. 12, 27; Ep. 2. 20; 5. 25—32; 1 Pe. 2. 4. Unity of the church, Jno. 10. 16; Ac. 2. 42 -47; Eo. 12. 5; 1 Co. 10. 17; 12. 13; Gal. 3. 28; Ep. 1. 10; 2. 19; 4. 4; 5. 23, 30. Exhortations to, Eo. 12. 16; 15. 5; 1 Co. 1. 10; 2 Co. 13. 11; Ep. 4. 3; Phi. 1. 27; 2. 2; 4. 2; 1 Pe. 3. 8. Unleavened. See Leaven. Uphaz, Je. 10. 9; Da. 10. 5. Ur, land of, Ge. 11. 28; 15. 7; Ne. 9. 7; 1 Chr. 11. 35. Uriah, the Hittite, 2 Sa. 11. 3, Ac; 12. 9; 23. 39; 1 Ki. 15. 5; Mat. 1. 6 (Urias). Urijah, the priest, 2 Ki. 16. 10—16; Is. 8. 2; —the prophet, Je. 26. 20, 21. Urim and Thummim, Ex. 28. 30 ; Le. 8. 8; Nu. 27. 21 ; De. 33. 8; 1 Sa. 28. 6; Ezr. 2. 63; Ne. 7. 65. Usury, censured, Ex. 22. 25; Le. 25. 36; De. 23. 19; Ne. 5. 7, 10; Pro. 28. 8; Is. 24. 1, 2; Je. 15. 10; Eze. 18. 8, 13, 17; 22. 12. Allowed from strangers, De. 23. 20. Uz, Aram's son, Ge. 10. 23 ; 1 Chr. 1. 17;— Nahor's son, Ge. 22. 21;— Esau's descend ant, Ge. 36. 28; 1 Chr. 1. 42. Country of, Job 1. 1; Je. 25. 20; La. 4. 21. Uzzah, 2 Sa. 6. 3—8; 1 Chr. 13. 7—14. Uzziah, 1 Chr. 6. 24; 27. 25. See AzARIAH. Uzziel, Kohath's son, Ex. 6. 18; Nu. 3. 19; 1 Chr. 6. 2, 18 ; — others of that name, 1 Chr. 7. 7; 25. 4; 2 Chr. 29. 14; Ne. 3. 8. Vail, an article of female dress, Ge. 24. 65; 77 VAL. INDEX TO WAX. 38. 14; Eu. 3. 15; Can. 5. 7; Is. 3. 23; 1 Co. 11. 1—10;— used by Moses, Ex. 34. 29—35; 2 Co. 3. 13—18. ' Of the temple, Ex. 26. 31; 36. 35; 40. 3; Le. 16. 2; Mat. 27. 61? Mar. 15. 38; Lu. 23. 45; He. 6. 19; 9. 3; 10. 20. Figurative, Is. 25. 7: 2 Co. 3. 14—16; Ep. 2. 14; He. 10. 20. VaUeys mentioned in scripture-Berachah, 2 Chr. 20. 26;— Elah, 1 Sa. 17. 2;— Jezreel, Jos. 19. 18;— Shaveh, Ge. 14.17;— 2 Sa. 18. 18;— Siddim, Ge. 14. 3;— Succoth, Ps. 60. 6;— of vision, Is. 22. 1. Refer to Achor, Eshool, Hinnom, Jehosha phat. Vanity of all earthly things, Ps. 39. 5, 11; 49; 62. 9; 90; 94. 11; 144. 4; Pro. 31. 30; Ec. 1. 2; 2; 4; 11. 10; 12. 8; Is. 40. 17, 23; 1 Co. 3. 20; Ja. 1. 26. Or conceit, censured, De. 8. 17; 9. 4; Ps. 62. 10; Pro. 20. 6; 26. 27; 26. 12; 27. 2; 30. 8; 1 Co. 8. 2; 2 Co. 10. 17; Ee. 3. 17. Heathen idols and idolatry, De. 32. 21; 1 Ki. 16. 13, 26; 2 Ki- 17. 15; Je. 10. 8; 14. 22; 18.J5; Ac. 14. 15. Vapour, Job 36. 27, 33; Ps. 135. 7; 148. 8; Je. 10. 13; 51. 16; Ac. 2. 19. Vashti, Est. 1. 12—19. Vengeance, belongs to God, Ge. 4. 16; De. 32. 35, 41; Ps. 94. 1; 99. 8; Is. 34. 8; 35. 4; Je. 50. 15; Eze. 24. 25; Na. 1. 2; Eo. 12. 19; 2 Th. 1. 8; He. 10. 30; Jude 7. Venison, Ge. 25. 28; 27. 3, 19, 26, 33. Vermilion, Je. 22. 14; Eze. 23. 14. . Vessels, of the tabernacle, Ex. 25. 29, 38; 37. 16, 23; 38. 4; 40. 9; Nu. 3. 26; 1 Ki. 8. 4. Of the temple, 1 Ki. 7. 40, 45; 2 Ki. 25. 14; 2 Chr. 36. 7, 10; Ezr. 1. 7; Je. 27. 16—22; 28. 3; Da. 5. 2. Of wrath, Ro. 9. 22;— of mercy, Ro. 9. 23. Vesture, Ge. 41. 42; De. 22. 12; Ps. 102. 26; He. 1. 12; Re. 19. 13, 16. Lots cast for Christ's, (Ps. 22. 18.) Mat. 27. 35; Jno. 19. 24. Vials; 1 Sa. 10. 1; Re. 5. 8;— the seven vials, Re. 15. 7; 16. 1, Ac; 17. 1; 21. 9. Vices, various, enumerated, Mat. 15. 19, 20; Mar. 7. 21; Ro. 1. 19, Ac; 1 Co. 6. 9; Gal. 6. 19—21; 2 Ti. 3. 2; Tit. 3. 3; 1 Pe. 2. 1; 4. 3, 15; Re. 21. 8. Victory, is from God, Ex. 15. 1—19; 17. 8; Jos. 6; 8; 10, Ac; Ju. 4: 7; 8; 11, Ac; 1 Sa. 14; 17; 47, Ac; 2 Chr. 14. 8; 20. 22; Ps. 33. 16; 46. 9; 60. 12; 76. 6; 108. 13; 144. 10. Over death, Is. 25. 8; 1 Co. IB. 54—67. Vines, Ge. 40. 9, 10; 49. 11; Le. 25. 3, 5, 11; Nu. 6. 4; 13. 20; De. 6. 11; 32. 32; 2 Ki. 4. 39; 18. 31; 2 Chr. 26. 10; Can. 2. IB; 6. 11; 7. 12; Is. B. 2; 16. 8; 18.6; 24. 7; 82. 12; Je. 8. 13; Eze. 15. 2, 6; 17. 6; Ho. 9. 10; Joel 1. 7; 2. 22; Hag. 2. 19; Mat. 26. 29. See Grapes and Wines. Figurative, Ju. 9. 12; Job 15. 33; Ps. 80. 8, 14; 128. 3; Is. 5. 2, 7; Je. 2. 21; 6. 9; Eze. 15. 6; 17; Ho. 10. 11; 14. 7; Mi. 4. 4; Zee 3. 10; Jno. 15. 1, Ac; Ja. 3. 12; Re. 14. 8. Vine-Dressers. See Trades. Vinegar, Nu. 6. 3; Ru. 2. 14; Ps. 69. 21; Pro. 10. 26; 25. 20; Mat. 27. 48. Vineyards, first mentioned, Ge. 9. 20. Described, Nu. 22. 24; Pro. 24. 31; Ps. 107. 37; Is. 1. 8; 5. 2, 5; Mat. 21. Laws respecting, Ex. 22. 5; 23. 11; Le. 19. 10, 23—25; 25. 3—5, 11; De. 20. 6; 22. 9; 23. 11, 24; 24. 21. See also, De. 28. 39; 1 Ki. 21. 1—7; Ne. B. 3; Pro. 24. 30; 31. 16; Can. 8. 11; Is. 6. 1— 10; 27. 2; Am. 4. 9; Mat. 20. 1—4; 21. 28, 33; Lu. 13. 6; 1 Co. 9. 7. Vintage, the, Le. 26. 6; Ju. 8. 2; Job 24. 6; Is. 16. 10; 24. 13; 32. 10; Je. 48. 32; Mi. 7. 1; Zee 11. 2. See Grapes. Viol, a musical instrument, Is. 6. 12; 14. 11; Am. 5. 12, 23; 6. 6. Viper, Job 20. 16; Is. 30. 6; 69. S; Ac 28. 3. Figurative, Mat. 3. 7; 12. 34; 23. 33; Lu. 3. 7. Virgin, laws concerning, Ex. 22. 16; Le. 21. 3, 14; De. 22. 23, 28; 1 Co. 7. 25, 28, 34. Figurative, 2 Ki. 19. 21; Is. 23. 12; 37. 22; 47. 1; Je. 14. 17; 18. 13; 31. 4, 21; 46. 11; La. 1. 15; Joel 1. 8; Am. 5. 2. Virtue (morality I, Pro. 31. 10, 29; Gal. 5. 22; Phi. 4. 8; 1 Ti. 6. 11; (Christian forti tude), 2 Pe. 1. 4; (power), Mar. 5. 40; Lu. 6. 19; 8. 46. Vision, valley of, Is. 21. 1. Visions, sent from God, Ge. 12. 7; Nu. 12. 6; 24. 4; 1 Sa. 3. 1, 15; 2 Sa. 7. 17; Job 7. 14; Ps. 89. 19; Is. 1. 1; Joel 2. 28; Mat. 17. 19; Lu. 1. 22; 24.. 23; Ac 2. 17; 10. 11; 2 Co. 12. 1. To Abraham, Ge. 12.1; 13. 14; 16. 1; 17. 1; 20. 3;— to Jacob, Ge. 28. 10; 35. 1, 9; 46. 2;— to Pharaoh, Ge. 41; — to Moses, Ex. 3. 2; Ac. 7. 30:— to Samuel, 1 Sa. 3. 2;— to Mi- caiah, 2 Ki. 22. 19;— to Nathan, 2 Sa. 7. 4, 17;— to Isaiah, Is. 6. 1—8;— to Ezekiel, Eze. 1; 8; 10; 11; 37; 40 to 48;— to Nebu chadnezzar, Da. 2. 28; 4. 5;— to Daniel, Da. 2. 19; 7, Ac;— to Amos, Am. 7. 1—9; 8. 1—6; 9. 1;— to Zechariah, Zee 1, Ac; —to Joseph, Mat. 1. 20; 2. 19;— to Peter, Ac. 10. 9;— to Paul, Ac. 9. 3, 6, 12; 16. 9; 18. 9; 22. 18; 27.23; 2 Co. 12. 1—4;— to Ana-. nias, Ac. 9. 10;— to Cornelius, Ac. 10. 3; —to John, Ee. 1. 4, Ac. Voice of God, the, heard in Eden, Ge. 3. 8, 10;— by Abraham, Ge. 22. 11;— at Sinai, Ex. 19. 19; 20; De. 4. 12, 33, 36; 5. 22—26; —by Samuel, 1 Sa. 3. 4— 10;— by Elijah, 1 Ki. 19. 12;— by Job, Job 38. 1, Ac;— by Isaiah, Is. 6. 8;— by Ezekiel, Eze. 1. 24, 28; 9. 1; 10. 5; 43. 2;-by Daniel, Da. 8. 16; 10. 9;— by the Apostles, Ac; Mat. 3. 17; 17. 6; Mar. 1. 10; 9. 7; Lu. 3. 22; 9. 35; Jno. 12. 28; 2 Pe. 1. 18;— by Paul, Ac. 9. 7;- by John, Ee. 1. 10. Its majesty and power, Job 37. 4; 40. 9; Ps. 18. 13; 46. 6; 68. 33; Joel 2. 11. Vows, laws concerning, Le. 27. 1, Ac; Nu. 30. 1, Ac; De. 12. 6, Ac; 23. 21—23; Ps. 60. 14; 66. 12; 66. 13; 76. 11; 116. 18; Ec. 5. 4; Je. 35. 6; Mai. 1. 14. Instances, Ge. 28. 20; 31. 13; Nu. 21. 2; Ju. 11. 30; 1 Sa. 1. 11, 21; Ps. 132. 2; Pro. 31. 1; Jon. 1. 16; 2. 9; Ac. 18. 18; 21. 23, 26. Vulture, Le. 11. 14; De. 14. 13; Job 28. 7; Is. 34. 15. Wafers, used in the offerings, Ex. 29. 2, 23; Le. 2. 4; 7. 12; 8. 26; Nu 6. 15. Wages, Ge. 29. IB; 30. 28; 31. 7; Ex. 2. 9; Le. 19. 13; De. 24. 15; Ju. 5. 4. Of sin, Ro. 6. 28. Wailing, Est. 4. 3; Je. 9. 10, 18; Eze. 27. 31; Mar. 5. 38. See Mourning. 78 WAI. THE BIBLE. WHI. Waiting on God, Pb. 25. 3, B; 27. 14; 33. 20; 37. 7, 9, 34; 40. 1; Pro. 8. 34; 20. 22; Is. 40. 31; 49. 23: Je. 14. 22; La. 3. 25; Hab. 2. 3; Zep. 3. 8;' Lu. 12. 36; Eo. 8. 25; 1 Co. 1. 7; Gal. 5. 5; 1 Th. 1. 10; 2 Th. 3. 5. ¦Walking with God, Ge. 5. 22 24; 6. 9; De. 5. 33; 28. 9; Jos. 22. 5; 1 Ki'. 8. 36; Ps. 1; 112; Pro. 2. 7; Is. 2. 3; 30. 21; Je. 6. 12; 7. 23; Eze. 37. 24; Eo. 8. 1, 4; 2 Co. 5. 7; Ge. B. 16, 25; Col. 2. 6; 1 Th. 2. 12; 1 Jno. 2. 6; Be. 3. 4. Wantonness censured, Is. 3. 16; Eo. 13. 13; Ja. 5. 5; 2 Pe. 2. 18. War, laws concerning, De. 20. 1, Ac; 23. 9; 24. 5. A judgment, Le. 26. 25; Ju. 3. 8, 12; 4. 2; 6. 1; 10. 7; 2 Chr. 10. 9; Is. 5. 25; Je, 6. 15; Eze. 14. 17. See also, Ex. 17. 16; Nu. 31. 1; De. 7. 1; 1 Sa. 15. l—3i Ju- 4. 1. -Washing, a ceremonial rite, Ex. 29. 4; 30, 19; 40. 12; Le. 6. 27; 13. 54; 14. 8; 17. 16; De. 21. 6; 2 Chr. 4. 6; — superstitious, cen sured, Mat. 15. 2, 8; Mar. 7. 3; Lu. 11. 38. Washing the feet, Ge. 18. 4; 19. 2; 24. 32; 43. 24; Ju. 19. 21; 1 Sa. 25. 41; 2 Sa. 11. 8; Can. 5. 3; Lu. 7. 38; Jno. 13. 5—14; 1 Ti. 5. 10. The hands, De. 21. 6; Ps. 26. 6; Mat. 27. 24. Used figuratively, Job 9. 30; Ps. 51. 2, 7; 73. 13; Is. 1. 16; 4. 4; Ac. 22. 16; Ep. 5. 26; Tit. 3. 5; He. 10. 22. Washing of Christ's blood, 1 Co. 6. 11; Ee. 1. 5; 7. 14. Watches of the night — divisions of time, Ex. 14. 24; Ju. 7. 19; 1 Sa. 11. 11; Ps. 63. 6; 90. 4; 119. 148; Mat. 14. 25; 24. 43; Mar. 6. 48; Lu. 12. 38. Watchfulness enjoined. Mat. 24. 42; 25. 13; 26. 41; Mar. 13. 35; Lu. 12. 35; 21. 36; 1 Co. 10. 12; 16. 3; Ep. 5. 15; 6. 18; Col. 4. 2; 1 Th. 5. 6; 2 TL 4. 6; 1 Pe. 4. 7; 5. 8; Ee. 3. 2; 16. 15. Watchmen, 2 Sa. 18. 25; 2 Ki. 9. 18; Ne. 4. 9; 7. 3; Ps. 127. 1; Can. 3. 3; 5. 7; Is. 21. 6, 11; Je. 6. 17; 31. 6; 51. 12; Eze. 3. 17; 33. 2; Hab; 2. 1: Mat. 27. 65. Used figuratively, Ps. 130. 6, 6; Is. B2. 8; 56. 10; 62. 6; Je. 6. 17; Eze. 3. 17; He. 13. 17. Watch-Towers, 2 Chr. 20. 24; Is. 21. B, 8. Water, formed into seas, Ge. 1. 2, 6, 9. Miracles connected with, Ge. 21. 19; Ex. 7. 19; 14. 21; 15. 23; 17. 6; Nu. 20. 7—13; Jos. 3. 13—17; 2 Ki. 2. 8, 14; 3. 20; 6. 6; Mat. 14. 25; Mar. 6. 48; Jno. 2. 3; 6. 19. Water of jealousy, Nu. 5. 17, Ac;— of puri fication, Nu. 19. 1, Ac.;— of life, Ee. 21. 6; 22. 1, Ac Illustrative, Ge. 49. 4; Nu.24. 7; Ps. 65. 9; 66, 12; 124. 4; Is. 8. 6; 17. 13; 30. 20; 41. 17; 44. 3; 55. 1; Je. 2. 13; Eze. 36. 25; 47; Zee 13. 1; Jno. 3. 5; 4. 10; 7. 38; Ee. 7. 17. Water-spouts, Ps. 42. 7. Wavering, He. 10. 23; Ja. 1. 6. See Sta bility. Wave Offering. See Offerings. Wax— used figuratively, Ps. 22. 14; 68. 2; 97. 5; Mi. 1. 4. Wayfaring, Ju. 19. 17; 2 Sa. 12. 4; Is. 35. 8; Je. 9. 2; 14. 8. Weak in faith, how to treat, Mat. 18. 6, 10; Eo. 14. 1; 15. 1; 1 Co. 8. 7; 9. 22; 1 Th. 5. 14; He. 12. 12. Wealth. See Riches. Weaning, Ge.,21. 8; 1 Sa. 1. 22; Ps. 131. 2; Is. 11. 8; 28. 9. Weasel, Le. 11. 29. Weaver. See Trades. Wedding, Mat. 22. 3—11; Lu. 12. 36; 14. 8. See Marriage. Dresses and ornaments worn at, Ps. 45. 13, 14; Can. 3. 11; Is. 49. 18; 61. 10; Mat. 22. 11; Re. 19. 7, 4c; 21. 2. See Garments and Ornaments. Week— seven days, Ge. 29. 27, 28; Le. 23. 15, 16; Da. 10. 2; Mat. 28. 1; Lu. 18. 12. Feast of weeks, Ex. 34. 22; De. 16. 9; Ac. 2.1. The seventy weeks, Da. 9. 24. Weeping, a mark of contrition, Ju. 2. 4, . 6; Ps. 6. 6; 69. 10; Is. 22. 12; Je. 31. 9; Joel 2. 12; Mat. 26. 76. Of grief, Ge. 21. 16; 50. 1; Eu. 1. 9; 2 Sa. 16. 23, 30; 18. 33; 2 Ki. 20. 3; Ps. 6. 6; Mar. 6. 10; Lu. 19. 41; Ac. 20. 31. Instances, Ge. 21. 16; 27. 38; 33. 4; 37. 35; 42. 24; 43. 30; 45. 2, 14; 46. 29; Nu. 11. 4; De. 34. 8; Ju. 20. 23; 21. 2; 1 Sa. 1. 7; 20. 41; 2 Sa. 1. 17; 3. 32; 13. 36; 15. 23, 30; 18. 33; 2 Ki. 20. 3; Is. 38. 3; Mar. 14. 72; Lu. 7. 38; 19. 41; Jno. 11. 2, 35; 20. 11. Weights, ought to be just, Le. 19. 35; De. 25. 13—15; Pro. 11. 1; 16. 11; 20. 10, 23; Eze. 45. 10; Mi. 6. 10. See Balances. How regulated, Ex. 30. 24; 2 Sa. 14. 26. Jewish weights — Gerah, or piece of silver (about 11 grains), Ex. 30. 13; Eze. 45. 12. Bekah, or half -shekel (13} grains), Ge. 24. 22; Ex. 38. 26. Shekel (nearly half-an-ounce), Ge. 23. 15, 16; 24. 22; Ex. 30. 13; Eze. 4. 10; 45. 12. Dram, or drachm (60 grains), 1 Chr. 29. 7; Ezr. 2. 69: 8. 27; Ne. 7. 70, 71. Maneh, mma, or pound (50 ounces), Ne. 7. 71; Eze. 45. 12; Jno. 12. 3; 19. 39. Talent (about 114 pounds), Ex. 25. 39; 38. 25, 26; 2 Sa. 12. 30; Re. 16. 21. See Money. Wells, their great value, Ge. 21. 30; 26. 15, 18; Ex. 15. 27; Nu. 20. 17; 21. 16, 17; Jno. 4. 6. Mentioned in Scripture, Ge. 16. 14; 21. 19, 30, 31; 26. 20—22; 29. 3, 4; Ex. 15. 27; Nu. 21. 16—18; 2 Sa. 23. 15; 1 Chr. 11. 17, 18; Jno. 4. 6, 11. See also, Ge. 24. 13, 43; 49. 22; De. 6. 11; 2 Sa. 17. 18; 2 Ki. 3. 19, 25; 2 Chr. 26. 10; Ps. 84. 6; Pro. 5. 15; Can. 4. 15; 2 Pe. 2. 17. Wells of salvation, Is. 12. 3. Weil-Spring of life, Pro. 16. 22; of wisdom, Pro. 18. 4. Whale, Ge. 1. 21; Job 7. 12; Eze. 32. 2; Jon. 1. 17, with Mat. 12. 40. Wheat, Ge.30. 14; Ex.9. 32; 29. 2, 4c; De. 32. 14; Ju. 6. 11; 1 Ki. 5. 11; Ps. 81. 16; Eze. 27. 17; Mat. 3. 12; 13. 25; Lu. 16. 7; 22. 31; Jno. 12. 24. Wheels for chariots, 4c, Ex. 14. 25; Ju. 5. 28; Is. 28. 28. Potter's Je. 18. 3. Seen in vision, Eze. 1. 15, 16; 3. 13; 10. 9, 10, 13. See also, Ps. 83. 13; Pro. 20. 26; Ec. 12. 6; Is. 5.28; Na. 3. 2. Whirlwinds, 1 Ki. 19. 11—13; 2 Ki. 2. 1, 11; Job 37. 9; 38. 1; 40. 6; Ps. 58. 9; Pro. 1. 27; Is. 66. 15; Je. 23. 19; 25. 32; Eze. 1. 4; Da. 11. 40; Am. 1. 14; Zee 9. 14, 4c. 79 WHI. INDEX TO WOE. Whispering condemned, Pro. 16. 28; 26. 20; Eo. 1. 29; 2 Co. 12. 20. See Slander and Tale-bearing, White raiment, of Christ, Mat. 17. 2; Mar. 9. 3; Lu. 9. 29;— of angels, Mat. 28. 3; Mar. 16. 5;— of saints, Re. 3. 4. 4. 7; 7. 9, 13; 15. 6; 19. 8, 14. " White stone, Re. 2. 17; cloud, Re. 14. 14; horse, Ee. 6. 2; 19. 11; throne, Re. 20. 11. Whore, Pro. 2. 16; 5. 3; 7. 5; 9. 13. See Harlots. Whoredom. See Adultery, Fornica tion, Idolatry, and Incest. Wicked, the, their character, Job 24. 2; Ps. 10. 3; 36. 1; 37. 21; 50. 17; 58. 3; Pro. 2. 12; 4. 16; 6. 12; 16. 27; 21. 10; 24. 2; Is. 59. 3; Eze. 18. 10; 22. 6; Eo. 1. 29; 3. 11—18. Their punishment. See Punishment. Widows, to he protected, honoured, and relieved, Ex. 22. 22; De. 14. 29; 24. 17; 27. 19; Job 22. 9; 29. 13; Ps. 94. 6; Is. 1. 17,23; Je. 7. 6; Mar. 12. 40; Lu. 20. 47; Ac. 6. 1; 9. 39; 1 Ti. 5. 3; Ja. 1. 27. Especially cared for by God, De. 10. 18; Ps. 68. 5; 146. 9; Pro. 15. 25; Je. 49. 11. Marriage of, De. 25. 5; Mar. 12. 19; Le. 21. 14" Eze. 44. 22 See' also, Ge. 38. 11; 2 Sa. 14. 5, 4c; 1 Ki. 17. 8, 4c. ; Mar. 12. 42; Lu. 7. 12; 18. 3; 21. 1. Wife,value of a good one, Ps. 128. 3; Pro. 6. 15; 11. 16; 12. 4; 19. 14; 31. 10—31; Mai. 2. 14. Her duties, Ge. 3. 16; Ex. 20. 14; Eo. 7. 2; 1 Co. 7. 3, 4e; 11. 10; 14. 34; Ep. 5. 22, 24, 33; Col. 3. 18; 1 Ti. 2. 11; 5. 9; Tit. 2. 4; 1 Pe. 3. 1—5. A type of the church, Ep. 5. 23; Ee. 19. 7; 21. 9. Levitical laws concerning, Ex. 21. 3, 22; 22. 16; Nu. 5. 12; 30. 6, Ao.; De. 21. 10, 15; 24. 1; Je. 3. 1; Mat.-19. 3; Wilderness, the, Ex. 13. 3; 15. 22; Nu. 10. 12; 13. 3; 14. 2, 29; De. 1. 19; 32. 10; 1 Ki. 19. 4; Is. 40. 3; Mat. 3. 1; 15. 33; Lu. 8. 29. WiU of God, his pleasure, Da. 4. 35; Ao. 21. 14; Ep. 1. 5;— his written word and law, Mat. 7. 21; Ep. 5. 17; 6. 6; 1 Th. 4. 3; 5. 18. Is irresistible, Da. 4. 17; Jno. 1. 13; Eo. 9. 19; Ep. 1. 5; Ja. 1. 16. Will of man, corrupt, Lu. 13. 34; Jno. 5. 40; 1 Pe. 4. 3;— sanctified, Le. 1. 3; 19. 6; Ps. 110. 3; Jno. 15. 7. Willow, Le. 23. 40; Job 40. 22; Ps. 137. 2; Is. 15. 7; 44. 4. Wind, the, Ge. 8. 1; Ex. 10. 19; IB. 10; Nu. 11. 31; 2 Ki. 19. 7, 3S; Job 27. 21; 37. 9, 17; Pro. 25. 23; 30. 4; Eze. 17. 10; 37. 9; Je. 4. 11: Jno. 1. 4; Am. 4. 13; Mat. 8. 26; Lu. 12. B5; Ac. 27. 14. Illustrative, Job 7. 7; 8. 2; Is. 41. 29; Eze. 37. 9; Jno. 3. 8; Ac. 2. 2; Ep. 4. 14; Ja. 1. 6; 3. 4. Windows, Ge. 6. 16; 8. 6; 26. 8; Jos. 2. 15, 21; Ju. 5. 28. See Lattice. Figurative, Ge. 7. 11; 8. 2; Mai. 3. 10. Wine, making of, Ge. 9. 20; 14. 18; 27. 25; 40. 11; Ne. 13. 15; Can. 8. 2; Is. 25. 6; 63. 2. Varieties of, Ne. 5. 18; Pro. 9. 2; 23. 31; Is. 27. 2; 49. 26; Am. 9. 13; Mi. 6. 15. Preserving of, 1 Sa. 25. 18; 1 Chr. 27. 27; Hab. 2. 15; Mar. 2. 22; Lu. 5. 39. Uses of, Ju. 9. 13; 19. 19; Ps. 104. 15; Pro. 31. 6; Ec. 10. 19; Lu. 10. 34; Jno. 2.3—10; Ep. 5. 18; 1 Ti. 5. 23. Its abuse. See Drunkenness. Illustrative, Pro. 9. 2; Ps. 60. 3; 75. 8; Is. 25. 6; 55. 1; Je. 13. 12; 25. 15; Ee. 16. 19; 17. 2* 18. 3. Wine-Press, Ne. 13. 15; Job. 24. 11; Is. 5. 2' Mat. 21. 33. Figurative,' Is'. 63. 1—6; La. 1. 15; Ee. 14. 19, 20; 19. 15; Winnowing, Eu. 3. 2; Is. 30. 24. Winter, Ge. 8. 22; Ps. 74. 17; Pro. 20. 4; Can. 2. 11; Je. 36. 22; Am. 3. 15; Mat. 24. 20; Ac 27. 9; 2 Ti. 4. 21. Wise Men, Ge. 41. 8;— of the east, Mat. 2. 1, Ac. Wisdom of God, Job 36. 4; 38 to 41; Ps. 104. 24; 136. 5; 139. 6; Pro. 3. 19; 6. 9; Is. 40. 13—28; Je. 10. 7, 12; 32. 19; Ro. 1. 20; 11. 33; 1 Co. 1. 24; Ep. 1. 6—8; 3. 10. The true wisdom, De. 4. 6; Job 28. 12—28; Ps. 90. 12; 111. 10; Pro. 3. 13; 8. 11; 9. 10; 16. 16; 24. 3, 14; 28. 7; Ec. 2. 13: 7. 19; 9. 13; 12. 11; Je. 9. 24; Mat. 7. 24; Ja.8. 13, 17. Worldly wisdom, Job 6. 13; 11. 12; Pro. 3. 7; Is. 5.21; Zee 9. 2; Je. 8. 12; Mat. 11. 25; 1 Co. 1. 17; 2. 4; 3. 19; 2 Co. 1 12: Ja. 3. 15. Witches, Ex. 22. 18; Le. 20. 27; De. 18. 10, 11; (of Endor) 1 Sa. 28. 7—25. Witchcraft, forbidden, Ex. 22. 18; Le. 19. 26,31; 20.6, 27; De. 18. 10; 2 Ki. 23. 24, Mai. 3. 5; Mi. 5. 12; Re. 21. 8; 22. 15. Practised, 1 Sa. 28. 7; 2 Ki. 9. 22; 17. 17; 21. 6; 2 Chr. 33. 6; Ac. 8. 9; 16. 16; 19. 19. Withered hand healed, 1 Ki. 13. 4—6; Mat. 12. 10; Mar. 3. 1—6; Lu. 6. 6. Witness, false, forbidden, Ex. 20. 16; 23. 1; Le. 19. 11; De. 5. 20; 19. 16; Ps. 27. 12; 35. 11; Pro. 6. 16—19; 12. 17; 19. 5, 9, 28; 21. 28; 25. 18; Je. 7. 9; Zee 5. 4; Lu. 3. 14. Instances, 1 Ki. 21. 13; Mat. 26. 60; Mar. 14. 66. -Witnesses, two or more required, Nu. 35. 30; De. 17. 6; 19. 15; Mat. 18. 16; Jno. 8. 17; 2 Co. 13. 1; 1 Ti 5. 19. The two witnesses, Re. 11. 3, Ac. Wives. See Wife. Wolf, the, Ge. 49. 27; Is. 11. 6; Je. B. 6; Jno. 10. 12. Figurative, Ex. 22. 27; Zep. 3. 3; Mat. 7. 16; 10. 16; Lu. 10. 3; Ac 20. 29. Woman, created, Ge. 1. 27; 2. 21— 23;— de ceived, Ge. 3. 1—6; 2 Co. 11. 3; 1 Ti. 2. 14. Described (virtuous). Pro. 31. 10—31; Lu. 10. 39, 42; Ro. 16. 1, 6, 12; (wicked), Pro. 6. 24—28; 7. 1, Ac; Ec. 7. 26. See also, 1 Co. 11. 6, Ac; 14. 34; 1 TI. 2. 9. 11; 5. 14; Tit. 2. 3, 4; 1 Pe. 3. 3. Wool, Ju. 6. 37; 2 Ki. 3. 4; Pro. 31. 13; Is. 1.18. Word of God, Christ so called, Jno. 1. 1, 14; 1 Jno. 1. 1; 6. 7; Ee. 19. 13. See Scriptures. Words of men, Ec. 5. 2; Fze. 35. 13; Mai. 2. 17; 3. 13; Mat. 12. 36, 37. Works of God, in creation and providence, Ge. 1. 1, Ac; Job 5. 9, Ac; 9. 5, Ac; 37. 6, 14—23; Ps. 8; 19. 1, Ac; 76. 1; 89. B, 4c; 104. 1; 111; Ec. 8. 17; Je. 10. 12; Ao. 17. 23—28; Ro. 1. 19, 20. In redemption, Ps. 103. 1, 4c; Is. 63. 1, Ac; 63. 1, Ac; Jno. 5. 17; 6. 29; Ac. 2. 11; 1 Co. 1. 30; Ep. 1. 3—14; 2. 10; Re. 15. 3. They all praise him, Ps. 111. 2—9; 145. 10; 148. 1, Ac; Ac. 14. 17; Eo. 1. 19; Ep.l. 6 -12; 3. 20; Ee. 21. 6. WOB. THE BIBLE. zuz. Works of men, they shall be Judged by them; J6h 34. 11; Ps. 62. 12; Pro. 24. 12; Is. 3. 10; Je. 17. 10; 32. 19; Eze. 7. 8, 27; 24. 14; Mat. 16. 27; Eo. 2. 6; 2 Co. 5. 10; 1 - Pe. 1. 17; Ee. 2. 23; 20. 12; 22; 12. Good works. Mat. 5. 16; Ac. 9. 36; 26. 20; 2 Co. 9. 8; Ep. 2. 10; Phi. 2. 12; Col. 1. 10 1 Th. 4. 11; 1 Ti. 2. 10; 2 Ti. 2. 21; 3. 17; Tit. 2. 14; 3. 8, 14; He. 10. 24; 13. 16, 21; Ja. 2. 17; 3. 13 See Obedience. Works, of the law, do not justify, Eo. 3. 20; 4. 2; 11. 6; Gal. 2. 16; 3.2, Ac; Ep. 2. 8. See Justification. World, the universe, Jno. 1. 10; — this globe, 1 Sa. 2. 8; Ps. 24. 1; 90. 2;— the Eoman empire, Lu. 2. 1; Ee. 13. 3. Ungodly men, Jno. 7. 7; 14. 17, 22, 27; 15. 18; — conformity to, forbidden, Eo. 12. 2; Gal. 6. 14; Ja. 1. 27; 4. 4; 1 Jno. 2. 15; 5. 4. Wormwood, De. 29. 18; Pro. 5. 4; Je. 9. 15; 23. 15; La. 3. 15, 19; Am. 5. 7; Ee. 8. 11. Worship, due to God only, Ex. 20. 1; 30. 11; De. 5. 7; 6. 13; Mat. 4. 10; Lu. 4. 8; Ac. 10. 25; 14. 13. Ac; Col. 2. 18; Re. 19. 10; 22. 8. See Obedience. Paid to Jesus. Ac 7. 59; 9. 14; 1 Co. 1. 2; He. 1. 6; Re. 5. 8—10. Wrath of God, De. 9. 7; Jos. 22. 20; 2 Chr. 19. 2" 24 18. Wreaths', Ex. 28. 14, 4c; 1 Ki. 7. 17; 2 Chr. 4. 12. Writing, on stone, Ex. 34. 1; De.10. 2; 27. 3, 8;^on parchment, 4e; De. 6. 9; 24. 1; 31. 19; Ju. 5. 14; 2 Chr. 26. 22; Ne. 9. 38; Is.'8. 1; 30. 8; Je. 17. 1; Eze. 9. 2; 37. 16, 20; Hah. 2. 2; Lu. 1. 3,.63; 3 Jno. 13; Re. 1. 11. On the heart. Pro. 3. 3; 7. 3; Je. 31. 33; He. 8. 10. See Books, Letters, and Scriptures. Tarn, linen, 1 Ki. 10. 28; 2 Chr. 1. 16. V car, beginning of changed, Ex. 12. 1; Le. 23. S. Sabbatical year, Ex. 23. 10; Le. 25. 1; De. 15. 1. Year of jubilee, Le. 25. 8. See Jubilee. See also, Months and Time. Yoke, Nu. 19. 2; De. 21. 3. An emblem of bondage, or servitude, Ge. 27. 40; Le. 26. 13; Ac. 15. 10; Gal. 5. 1; 1 Ti. 6. 1. Christ's is easy, Mat. 11. 30; Eo. 12. 1; 1 Jno. 5. 3. Young persons, duty of, Is. 3. B; La. 3. 27; Tit. 2. 6; 1 Pe. 5. 6. Examples, of good ones, 1 Ki. 18. 12; 2 Chr. 34. 3; Ps. 71. 5, 17; Lu. 2. 52; 2 Ti. 3. 15;— of bad ones, Ge. 38. 7; 1 Sa. 2. 12; 3. 13, 32; 2 Sa. 15. 2, 4c; 2 Ki. 2. 23. See Children. Zaccheus, Lu. 19. 1—10. Zachariah, or Zechariah, king of Israel, 2 Ki. 14. 29; 15. 8— 11;— otheri of that name, 2 Chr. 24. 20—22; Ezr. 5. 1; Zee 1. 1, 7; Is. 8. 2; Mat. 23. 35; Lu. 11. 51. Zacharias, John the Baptist's father, Lu. 1. 5—67; 3. 2. Zadok, a priest, 2 Sa. 8. 17; 15. 24; 20. 25; 1 Ki. 1. 8^5; 1 Chr. 12. 28; 16. 39; Eze. 44. 15; —his descendants, 2 Chr. 31. 10; Ezr. 7. 2. Others of that name, 2 Ki. 15. 33; 2 Chr. 27. 1; Ne. 3. 4, 29; 10. 21; 11. 11; 13. 13. Zalmon, or Salmon. Ju. 9. 46; Ps. 68. 14. Zalmunna, Ju. 8. 5, 4c; Ps. 83. 11. Zamzummims, De. 2. 20. Zarephath, 1 Ki. 17. 9: Lu. 4. 26. Zeal, godly, Ex. 32. 20; Nu. 25. 7—11; 2 Chr. 31. 21; Ps. 106. 30; 119. 139; Ec 9. 10; Ac. 20. 24; Gal. 4. 18; Col. 4. 12, 13; Tit. 2. 14; Jude 3; Ee. 3. 19. Improper, Mat. 10. 35; Lu. 9. 55; 21. 16; Jno. 16. 2; Ro. 10. 2, 3; Phi. 3. 6. Zebedee, Mat. 4. 21; 10. 2; 20.20—23; Mar. 1. 19. Zeboim, Ge. 14. 2; 19. 25; De. 29. 23; Ho. 11.8. Zebul, Ju. 9. 28—31. Zebulun, his birth, Ge. 30. 20; 35. 23;— his blessing, Ge. 49. 13; De. 33. 18;— his de scendants, Nu. 1. 30; 26. 26; Jos. 19. 10; Ju. 4. 6; 5. 14, 18; 6. 35. See also, 2 Chr. 30. 11, 18; Ps. 68. 27; Is. 9; 1; Eze. 48. 26; Mat. 4. 13; Re. 7. 8. Zedekiah, king of Judah, 2 Ki. 24. 17—20; 25. 1—7; 2 Chr. 36. 10—13; Je. 37. 1, 4c; 38. 5—26; 39. 4—7; 52. 1—11. A false prophet, 1 Ki. 22. 11, 24; 2 Chr. 18. 10, 23. Zelophehad, his daughters, Nu. 27. 1 — 11; 36. 10; Jos. 17. 3; 1 Chr. 7. 15. Zenas, a lawyer, Tit. 3. 13. Zephaniah, a priest, 2 Ki. 25. 18; Je. 21. 1; 29.25; 37. 3; 52.24. A prophet, Zep. 1. Ac Zerah, Simeon's son, Ge. 46. 10; Nu. 26. 13. King of Ethiopia, 2 Chr. 14. 9—15; 16. 8. Others of that name, Ge. 36. 13, 17; Nu. 26. 20; Jos. 7. 18; 1 Chr. 1.37; 2. 6; 4. 24; 6. 21; Ne, 11. 24. Zerubbabel, or Zerohabel, Salathiel's son. Ezr. 2. 2; 3. 2; Ne. 12. 47; Hag. 1. 1, 14; Zee 4. 6; Mat. 1. 12; Lu. 3. 27. See Sheshbazzab. Zeruiah, David's sister, 2 Sa. 2. 18; 3. 39; 8. 16; 16. 10; 1 Chr. 2. 16. Ziba, 2 Sa. 9. 2—12; 16. 1; 19. 24. Zidon. See Sidon. Zif. See Months. Ziklag, city of, Jos. 15. 31; 19. B; 1 Sa. 27. 6; 30. 1; 2 Sa. 1. 1. Zilpah, Ge. 29. 24; 30. 9, 10; 35. 26. Zimri, king of Israel, 1 Ki. 16. 9—20; 2 Ki. 9. 31;— others of that name, Nu. 25. 14; 1 Chr. 2. 6; 8. 36. Zin, wilderness of, Nu. 13. 21; 20. 1; 27". 14; 33. 36; 34. 3; De. 32. 61; Jos. 15. 1. Zion, hill of, 2 Sa. 5. 7; 1 Ki. 8. 1; 1 Chr. 11. 5; Ps. 2. 6; 48. 2; 50. 2; 74. 2; 78. 68; 87. 2; 102. 13, 16; 110. 2; 132. 13—18; Is. 1. 27; 24. 32; 51. 3; Je. 13. 12; Zee 8. 3; Ro. 11. 26; He. 12. 22; Re. 14. 1. Ziph, cities of, Jos. 15. 24, 65; 1 Sa. 23. 14, 19; Ps. 64. title. Zipporah, wife of Moses, Ex. 2. 21; 4. 20, 25; 18. 1—6. Zoan, or Tanis, acity of Egypt-Nu. 13. 22; Ps. 78. 12, 43; Is. 19. 11; 30. 4; Eze. 30. 14. Zoar, city of, Ge. 14. 2; 19. 22; De. 34. 3; Is. 15.6; Je. 48. 34. Zobah, a kingdom of Syria, 1 Sa. 14. 47; 2 Sa. 8. 3; 1 Ki. 11. 23. Zophar, one of Job's friends, Job 2. 11; 11; 20; 42. 7. Zorah, city of, Jos. 19. 41; Ju. 23/2—25! 16. 31; 18. 2; 2 Chr. 11.10. Zuzims, Ge. 14. 5. 81 THE PARABLES, MIRACLES, AND DISCOURSES OF OUR LORD. Matt. Mark. Luke. John. The Parables of our Lord. 1. The Sower, xiii. 1-23 iv. 1 20 viii. 5-15 2. Tho Tares, xiii. 24-29 3. The Mustard Seed, xiii. 31-32 iv. 31-32 xiii. 18, 19 4. The Leaven, 5. The Draw-Net, xiii. 33 xiii. 20, 21 xiii. 47-48 ... 6. The Lost Sheep '. xviii. 12-14 xv. 4-7 7. The Lost Piece of Money, .... xv. 8-10 8. The Prodigal Son, .... xv. 11-32 .... 9. The Pharisee and the Publican, xviii. 9-14 10. The Two Sons, xxi. 28-32 .... 11. The Hid Treasure, xiii. 44 .... 12. The Pearl of Great Price xiii. 45-46 .... 13 The Marriage of the King's Son, xxii. 11-14 14. The Great Supper, xxii. 1-10 xiv. 16-24 15. The Wicked Husbandmen, xxi. 33-41 .... 16. The Talents, .. ' xxv. 14-30 17. The Pounds, .... xix. 12-27 18. The Barren Fig-tree, xiii. 6-9 19. The Labourers in the Vineyard, xx. 1.16 20. The Good Samaritan X. 36-37' .... 21. The Unmerciful Servant, xviii. 23-35 ... 22. The Two Debtors, ... vii. 41, 42 23. The Unjust Steward .... xvi. 1-13 24. The Rich Man and Lazarus, .. xvi. 19-31 25. The Ten Virgins, xxv'.'i-13 ... 26. The Importunate Widow, ... xviii. 1-8 27. The Friend at Midnight, xi. 6-13 28. The Seed Growing Secretly, .. iv. 26-29 29. The Rich Fool, 30. The Unprofitable Servant, ... xii. 16-21 .... xvii, 7-10 .... The Miracles of our Lord. 1. Water turned into Wine, .... .... ii. 1-11 2. Healing the Nobleman's Son, .. '.... iv. 46-54 viii. 2-4 i. 4045 V. 12-15 4. Cleansing of Ten Lepers, .... xvii. 11-19 6. Healing the Centurion's Servant, viii. 6-13 vii. 1-10 6. Casting out of Unclean Spirits, 7. Healing of Simon's mother-in-law, .. viii. 16, 17 i. 23-28 iv. 33-37 viii, 14, 15 i. 29-31 iv 38, 39 8. Stilling of the Tempest, 9. Second Stilling of the Tempest, viii. 23-27 iv. 36-41 viii. 22-25 xiv 22-33 vi. 46-51- vi. Mil 10. The Gadarene Demoniac, viii. 28-34 V. 1-20 Viii. '26^36 11. Healing of the Paralytic Man, ix. 1-8 ii. 1-12 v 17-26 12. Raising of Jairus's Daughter, .. ix. 18-26 V. 22-43 viii. 41-66 13. Raising of Lazarus, .... .... xi. 1-54 14. liaising of the Widow's Son, .. .... vii. il-17 IB. Healing of the Infirm Man, 16. Healing of the Withered Hand, .... .... v. lis' xii. 9-13 Ui. 1-6 vi. 6-ii 17. Healing of the Woman with the Spirit of Infirmity .... .... xiii. 11-17 .... 19. Two Blind Men Healed xii. 22-37 iii. 22-30 xi. 14-23 ix. 27-31 20. Healing of a Blind Man, viii'. 22-26 21. Healing of a Blind Man on the' Sab bath ix., x. 21 22. Healing of Two Blind Men, .. xx. 29-31 x. 46-52 xviii. 35-43 23. The Issue of Blood, .. .. ix. 20-22 V. 24-34 viii. 43-48 24. The Syrophenician Woman, . . 2B. Feeding Five Thousand, 26. Tribute Money Provided xv. 21-28 vii. 24-30 xiv. 13-21 vi. 30-44 ix. 10-17 vi. i-ii xvii. 24-27 82 THE PAEABLES, MIRACLES, AND DISCOUESES OF OUR LORD. The Discourses of our Lord. 1. Sermon on the Mount, .. 2. Address to the Twelve, .. 3. Address to the Seventy, 4. Eegarding John the Baptist, B. Eegarding Defilement, • .. 6. Eegarding Offences, 7. Eegarding Divorce, 8. Eegarding the Destruction of Jerusa lem, 9. In the Synagogue at Nazareth, 10. Eegarding the Scribes and Pharisees 11. Eegarding Covetousness and Worldly Cares 12. Eegarding Self-denial 13. The Coming of the Kingdom of God,. 14. With two Disciples on the road to Emmaus, IB. With Nicodemus, .. 16. With the Woman of Samaria, 17. On His Equality with God, 18. On the Bread of Life, 19. With the Jews at the Feast of Taber nacles 20. With the Disciples in the upper room. Matt. Mark. v.-vii. x. 5-42 vi. 7-11 xi. 1-19 xv. 1-20 vii. 1-23 xviii. 1-20 ix. 33-50 xix. 3-12 x. 2-12 xxiv.xxiii. xiii. Luke. vi. 17-49 ix. 1-5 x. 1-20 vii. 19-35 xxi.iv. 16-32 xii. 1-59 xiv. 25-27 xvii. 20-37 xxiv. 13-35 John. iii. 1-21 iv. 1-42 V. 17-47 Vi. 27-58 vii. 14- viii. xiii.-xvi. SUPPOSED CHRONOLOGY OP THE ACTS AND EPISTLES. A.D. (Tiberius.) 783—788 (Caligula.) 30 30—3535—40 40—43 43—46 (Claudius.) 46—54 (Nero.) 55—60 814—816 60—63 (Nero.) 6162 6363 6363 6164 65(7)65 820 65 66 825 71 860 75(?) 96 97 Introduction to the Acts of the Apostles (i. 1 — 14). Events till the appointment of deacons (i. 15— vi. 6). " " conversion of Cornelius (vi. 7— x.). " " establishment of th« Church at Antioch (xi. 1 — 26). " " end of Paul's first missionary journey (xi. 27— xiv. 28). [xviii. 22). " " end of Paul's second missionary journey (xv. 11— Epistles:- 1 Thess. (52); 2 Thess. (53). [xxvi). " *' end of Paul's third missionary journey (xviii. 23 — Epistles:—! Cor. (57); 2 Cor., Gal. (57); Rom. (58). Paul's Imprisonment at Csesarea, and voyage to Rome (xxvii., xxviii.). James' General Epistle to Jewish Christians. Paul writes his Epistle to Ephesians. [Colosste (Col. i. 1 — 7). Timothy and Epaphroditus arrive at Rome, bringing tidings from Paul's Epistle to Colossians. [slave. " •* Philemon, on behalf of Onesimus, his runaway " " the Philippians. " " the Hebrews, explaining how the Old Dispensa tion is developed into the New. Timothy liberated (Heb. xiii.). Paul visits Crete; leaves Titus in charge of Church there. Peter writes his first Epistle to Jews and Gentiles scattered abroad and persecuted. Paul goes to Macedonia. " writes first Epistle to Timothy, at Ephesus (1 Tim. i.-— vi.). " " Epistle to Titus. " winters at Nicopolis, Dalmatia, Troas. Jude writes his Epistle. Peter writes his second Epistle to Jewish and Gentile Christians scattered through Pontus. Paul's second imprisonment in Rome; tried before Nero. Paul's second Epistle to Timothy, summoning him to Rome. " martyrdom. Peter's martyrdom at Rome. Destruction of Jerusalem by Titus. John writes his three Epistles. Jude writes his Epistle. John writes the book of Revelation. " his Gospel. 83 HARMONY OF THE GOSPELS. Contents. Matt. Mark. Luke. John. PART I. Events connected with the Birth and Childhood of our Lord. Time — About thirteen years and a half. Introduction to John's Gospel, - 1. 1-18 Preface to Luke's Gospel, - 1.1-4 - An angel appears to Zactiarias .— Jerusalem, 1.5-25 An angel appears to Mary.— Nazareth, Mary visits Elizabeth. — Jutta? - 1.26-38 ¦ __ 1. 39-56 Birth of John the Baptist.— -Jutta? - 1. 57-80 — - An angel appears to Joseph.— Nazareth, - 1. 18-25 The birth of Jesus. — Bethlehem, - 2. 1-7 — ¦. The Genealogies of Jesus, - - - - 1. 1-17 3.23-38 — An angel appears to the shepherds.— Near — — 2. 8-20 i The circumcision of Jesus and His present- ) ation in the Temple. — Bethlehem. Jeru- \ 2.21-38 The visit of the Magi,— Jerusalem. Beth- \ The flight into Egypt.— Bethlehem, - 2. 1-12 2. 13-15 The massacre of the Infants.— Bethlehem, 2. 16-18 The return from Egypt. — Nazareth, - At twelve years of age Jesus goes to the 1 Passover. — Jerusalem. - - - -j 2. 19-23 ¦ 2. 39, 40 . — 2. 41-52 PART II. Announcement and Introduction ov our Lord's Public Ministry. Time — About one year. The. ministry of John the Baptist.— The 1 Desert. The Jordan, - - - - r The baptism of Jesus.— The Jordan, - 3.1-12 1.1-8 3. 1-18 — 1_ 3. 13-17 1.9-11 3. 21-23 The temptation.— Desert of Judea, - Testimony of John the Baptist to Jesus. ) — Bethabara beyond Jordan, - - - I 4. 1-11 1. 12, 13 4. 1-13 — — 1.19-34 Jesus gains disciples.— The Jordan. Gal- 1 ilee? ------_.} -¦ •^^— 1.35-51 The marriage at Cana of Galilee, — 2. 1-12 PAET ru. Our Lord's First Passover, and the Subsequent Transactions until the Second. Time— One year. At the Passover Jesus drives the traders ) out of the temple. — Jerusalem, i Miracles at the Passover.— Jerusalem, — 2. 13-25 2.23 Our Lord's discourse with Nicodemus.— ) Jerusalem, -----_ f Jesus leaves Jerusalem, but remains in ) ' — 3. 1-21 Judea and baptises. Further testimony ( of John the Baptist.— AUnon, - - - ) 84 3.22-36 HARMONY OF THE GOSPELS. Contents. Matt. Mark. Luke, John. 4. 13-16 4. 18-22 Jesus departs into Galilee after John's 1 4. 12; imprisonment, -'- - - - - ) 14. 3-5 Our Lord's discourse with the Samaritan ) woman. Many of the Samaritans believe > on him. — Sychar, Shechem or Neapolis, ) Jesus teaches publicly in Galilee.. - - 4. 17 Jesus again at Cana, where He heals the son ol a nobleman lying ill at Caperna um. — Cana of Galilee, - Jesus at Nazareth; He is there rejected; and fixes His abode at Capernaum, The call of Peter, Andrew, James, and' John, with the miraculous draught of fishes. — By the Sea of Galilee: near Ca pernaum, ------ -j Jesus teaches in the Synagogue and heals a demoniac. — Capernaum, - - - : The healing of Peter's wife's mother, and ) g 1417 many others. — Capernaum, - - -1 ' Jesus with His disciples goes from Caper naum throughout Galilee, - - -j The healing of a leper.— Galilee, - - 8. 2-4 The healing of the paralytic. — Capernaum, 9. 2-8 The call of Matthew. — Capernaum, - - 9. 9 . PAET IV. Our Lord's Second Passover, and the Subsequent Transactions until the Third.— Second Tear of His Minis try. Time — One year. Jesus attends the second Passover.— Jeru- 1 salem, ------- j The pool of Bethesda; the healing of the 1 infirm man.— Jerusalem, - - - - J Our Lord's subsequent discourse. — Jerusa- ) lem, ------- -J The disciples pluck ears of grain on the 1 Sabbath. — On the way to Galilee ? - - ) The healing of the withered hand on the 1 Sabbath. — Galilee:' Capernaum, - -J Jesus arrives at the sea of Tiberias, and is ) followed by multitudes, - - - 1 Jesus withdraws to the mountain, and 1 chooses the twelve; the multitudes fol-> low Him. — Near Capernaum, - - ) The sermon on the mount.— Near Caper- 1 naum, ------- j The healing of the centurion's servant. — 1 Capernaum, -------) The raising of the widow's son. — Nain, John the Baptist in prison sends disciples ) to Jesus. — Galilee: Capernaum, - -J Discourse of Jesus arising out of the Bap- 1 tist's message. — Capernaum, - - - ( While sitting at meat with a Pharisee, i Jesus is anointed by a woman who had > been a sinner. — Capernaum, - - ) Jesus, with the twelve, makes a second cir- 1 cuit in Galilee, - - - - - - 1 The healing of a demoniac. The Scribes 1 and Pharisees blaspheme. — Galilee, -I The Scribes and Pharisees seek a sign. 1 Our Lord's reply.— Galilee, - - -I His mother and brethren desire to re-) strain him, - - - - - - - ) 85 12. 1-8 » 12. 9-14 12. 15-21 10.2-4 5. 1; 8. 1 8.5-13 11. 2-19 11. 20-30 12. 38-15 1.14;6. 17-20 1. 14, 16 1. 21-28 1. 29-34 1.35-391. 40-45 2. 1,-12 2. 13, 14 .23-28.1-6.7-12 3. 13-19 4.14;3. 19, 20 4. 14, 15 4.16-31 5. 1-11 4. 31-37 4.38-41 4.4244 5. 12-16 5. 17-26 5.27,28 }4. 1-3 4.4-424.4345 4. 46-54 3. 19-30 3. 31, 32 5.1 5.2-9 5.1047 6.1-56. 6-11 6. 12-19 6. 2049 7. 1-10 7. 11-17 7. 18-35 7. 36-50 8.1-311. 14, 15, 17-23 11. 16, 24- HARMONY OF THE GOSPELS. Contents. Matt. Mark. Luke. John. The true disciples of Christ His nearest) relatives. — Galilee, - - - - -J At a Pharisee's table, Jesus denounces j woes against the Pharisees and others. [ — Galilee, -------) Jesus discourses to His disciples and the ) multitude. — Galilee, - - - - - 1 Eeference to the slaughter of certain Gal ileans. Parable of the barren fig-tree.— Galilee, - Parable of the sower. — Sea of Galilee : near] Capernaum, -------J Parable of the tares. Other parables.— ) Near Capernaum, - - - - - j Jesus directs to cross the lake. Incidents, j The tempest stilled. — Sea of Galilee, - J The two demoniacs of Gadara. — S. E. coast 1 of the Sea of Galilee, - - - - - ) Levi's feast. Discourse concerning fast-) ing. — Capernaum, - - - - -) The raising of Jairus's daughter. The \ woman with an issue of blood. — Caper- [ naum, --------) Two blind men healed and a dumb spirit ) cast out. — Capernaum, - - - - ) Jesus again at Nazareth, and again rejected, A third circuit in Galilee. The twelve in structed and sent forth. — Galilee, - Herod supposes Jesus to be John the Bap tist whom he had just before beheaded. Galilee? Persia, - The twelve return, and Jesus retires with them across the lake. Five thousand are fed. — Capernaum, N. E. coast of the Sea of Galilee, - Jesus walks upon the water. Night on the Sea of Galilee. Gennesareth, - Our Lord's discourse to the multitude in ' the synagogue at Capernaum. Hints at Judas' treachery. Many disciples "turned back. Peter's profession of faith. — Ca pernaum, ------- 12.46-50 3.33-35 PAET V. From the Third Passover during our Lord's Ministry until His final Departure from Galilee' at the Festival of Tabernacles. Time— Six months. Our Lord justifies His disciples for eating with unwashen hand. Pharisaic tradi tions. — Capernaum, - Our Lord goes to the coasts of Tyre and Sidon, -------- The daughter of a Syrophenieian woman is healed.— Region of Tyre and Sidon, Jesus departs from Tyre and Sidon, - A deaf and dumb man healed; also many others. Four thousand are fed.— The The Pharisees and Sadducees again re quire a sign.— Near Magdala. - - - The disciples cautioned against the leaven of the Pharisees, etc — N. E. coast of the Sea of Galilee, ------ 13. 1-23 13. 24,53 8.28-34 >.l 9. 10-17 9'. 18--26 9.27-3413.54-689.36-38 10. 1, 642 11. 1 14. 1, 2, 6-12 14. 13-21 14. 22-36 15. 1-20 15.2115 21-28 15.2915.29-3815. 39 1 16. 1-4 J 16.4-12 4.1-254.26-344.3541 5. 1-21 2.15-225.22-43 6.1-6 6.6-13 6. 14-16, 21-29 6.3044 6.45-56 7.1-237.247. 24-30 7.31 7. 31-37 8.1-9 8.10-128. 13-21 8. 19-21 11. 37-54 12. 1-69 13.1-98.4-188.22-25 8.2640 6.29-39S. 41-56 } 9. 7-9 9. 10-17 6. 1-14 6, 16-21 6-. 22-71 7.1 HAEMONY OF THE GOSPELS. CONTENTS. Matt. Mark. Luke. John. A blind man healed. — Bethsaida (Julias), Peter and the rest again profess their faith ) in Christ. — Region of Csesarea Philippi, - ] Our Lord foretells His own death and res- ' urrection, and the trials of His follow ers. — Regwn of Csesarea Philippi, - The transfiguration. Our Lord's subse-1 quent discourse with the three disciples. J — Region of Csesarea Philippi, - - - ) The healing of a demoniac, whom the dis- ) ciples could not heal.— Region of Csesa- J rea Philippi, - - - - - - -) Jesus again foretells His own death and I resurrection. — Galilee, - - - -I The tribute-money miraculously provided. ' — Capernaum, ------ The disciples contend who should be the greatest. Jesus exhorts to humility, forbearance, and brotherly love.— Caper naum, -------- Jesus goes up to the feast of tabernacles. His final departure from Galilee. vInci» dents in Samaria, The seventy instructed and sent out. — S&-~\ rnaria, --------/ Ten lepers cleansed. — Samaria? PAET VI. The Feast of Tabernacles, and the Subsequent Transactions until oub Lord's arrival at Bethany six days before the Fourth Passover. Time — Six months, less one week. Jesus at the feast of tabernacles. His) public teaching.— Jerusalem, - - - J The woman taken in adultery.— Jerusalem, Further public teaching of our Lord. He ) reproves the unbelieving Jews, and es-> capes from their hands.— Jerusalem, - ) A lawyer instructed. Love to our neigh- ) bour defined. Parable of the good Sa-V maritan. — Near Jerusalem, - - -1 Jesus in the house of Martha and Mary.— J Bethany, - - - - - -j The disciples again taught now to pray.— I Near Jerusalem, - - - - - 1 The seventy return with joy— Jerusalem, A man born blind is healed on the Sab bath. Our Lord's subsequent discourses. — Jerusalem, - - - - - - Jesus in Jerusalem at the feast of dedica-) tion. He retires beyond Jordan. — .. - salem. Bethabara beyond Jordan, - The raising of Lazarus.— Bethany, - The counsel of Caiaphas against Jesus. He retires from Jerusalem — Jerusalem. > Ephraim, - - ¦„"."." „..' s Jesus beyond Jordan is followed by multi tudes. The healing of the infirm woman on the Sabbath.— Valley of Jordan. Pe- 16. 13-20 16. 21-28 17. 1-13 17. 14-21 17. 22, 23 17.24-27 18. 1-35 .22-26.27-30 8. 31-38 9.1 9.2-13 9. 14-2930-32 33 33-60 9. 18-21 9.22-27 9. 28-36 9.37-43 9.4345 9. 46-50 9. 51-62, 10. 1-16 17. 11-19 7.2-10 Our Lord goes teaching and journeying to wards Jerusalem. He is warned against Herod,— Persia, - -,."."." Our Lord dines with a chief Pharisee on , the Sabbath. Incidents.— Pereea, - -i 19. 1, 2 7. 11-3S 8.18.2-11 8.12-59 10. 25-37 10.3842 11. 1-13 10. 17-24 10.1 9.141 10. 1-21 10. 2242 11. 146 11. 47-64 13. 10-21 13. 22-35 14. 1-24 87 HAEMONY OF THE GOSPELS. Contents. What is required of true disciples 1-Perasa, Parables of the lost piece of money, lost ) sheep, and prodigal son. — Peraea, - - ) Parable of the unjust steward. — Persea, - The Pharisees reproved. Parable of the ) rich man and Lazarus. — Pesera. - - ( Jesus inculcates forbearance, faith, hu-j mility. — Persea, - - - - - -j Christ's coming will be sudden.— Persea, - Parables: The importunate widow. The ) Pharisee and publican, — Persea, - -) Precepts respecting divorce. — Persea, Jesus receives and blesses little children. — Persea, ------- The rich young ruler. Parable of the la bourers in the vineyard. — Persea, - Jesus a third time foretells His death and resurrection. — Persea, - James and John make their ambitious re quest. — Persea, - - - - - -J The healing of two blind men near Jericho, The visit to Zaccheus. Parable of the ten ) pounds. — Jericho, - - - - -J Jesus arrives at Bethany six days before ) the Passover. — Bethany, - - - - ) Mary anoints Jesus' feet.— Bethany, . PAET VII. Our Lord's Public Entry into Jerusa- salem, and the subsequent transac tions before the fourth passover. Time— Five days. Our Lord's Public entry into Jerusalem, i — Bethany. Jerusalem, - - - - ( The barren fig-tree. The cleansing of the ( temple. — Bethany. — Jerusalem, - -\ The barren fig-tree withers away.— .Be-) tween Bethany and Jerusalem, - - j Christ's authority questioned. Parable of j the two sons.— Jerusalem, - - -J Parable of the wicked husbandmen. — Je-\ rusalem, ------ -j Parable of the marriage of the king's son. | — Jerusalem, - - - - - -J Insidious question of the Pharisees and ) Herodians: tribute to Ciesar.— Jerusalem, { Insidious question of the Sadducees: the I resurrection. — Jerusalem, - - - -j A lawyer questions Jesus. The two great ) commandments. — Jerusalem, - - I How is Christ the son of David ?— Jerusa- \ tern, ------- _J Warnings against the evil example of the ) Scribes and Pharisees. — Jerusalem, - J Woes against the Scribes and Pharisees. ) Lamentation over Jerusalem. — Jerusa-\ lem, -----___) The widow's offering. — Jerusalem, Certain Greeks desire to see Jesus.— Jeru- \ sal em. ------- -j Reflections upon the unbelief of the Jews. ) —Jerusalem, - - - - - - [ Jesus on taking leave of the temple, fore-' tells its destruction and the persecution of His disciples. — Jerusalem. Mount of Olioes, -------- 19. 3-12 19. 13-15 19. 16-30 i. 1-16 20. 17-19 20. 20-28 20.29-34 Matt. Mark. Luke. John. 21. 1-11, ) 14-17 } 21. 12, 13, 18,19 21. 20-22 21. 23-32 21. 3346 22. 1-14 22. 15-22 22. 23-33 22.3440 22. 4146 23. 1-12 23. 13-39 24. 1-14 10 2-12 10. 13-16 10. 17-31 10. 32-31 10.3545 10.4642 11. 1-11 11. 12-19 11. 20-26 IL 27-33 12. 1-12 12. 13-17 12. 18-27 12. 28-34 12. 35-37 12. 38, 39 12.4012. 4144 13. 1-13 14.25-35 15. 1-32 16. 1-13 16. 14-31 17. 1-10 17. 20-37 18. 1-14 18. 16-17 18. 18-30 18. 31-34 ( 18. 3543 (19.1 19.2-28 19. 2iM4 19. 4548 21. 37, 28 20. 1-8 20. 9-19 20. 20-26 20.274020. 4144 20. 45, 46 20.4721.1-1 21. 5-19 11. 55-57 12. 1, 9-11 12.2-8 12. 12-19 12. 20-36 12. 37-50 HARMONY OF THE GOSPELS. Contents. Matt. Mark. Luke. John, The signs of Christ's coming to destroy Jerusalem, and put an end to the Jewish state and dispensation. — Mount of Olives, Transition to Christ's final coming at the day of judgment. Exhortation to watch fulness. Parables: the ten virgins; the five talents. — Mount of Olives, - - - Scenes of the judgment day. — Mount of Olives, -------- The rulers conspire. The supper at Beth any. Treachery of Judas.— Jerusalem. 24.1642 24.43-61 25. 1-30 25. 3146 26. 1-16 13.14-37 14. 1-11 21. 20-36 22.1-6 PAET VIII. The Fourth Passover; our Lord's Pas sion; and the accompanying events until the end of the jewish sab BATH. Time — Two days. Preparation for Hie Passover.— Bethany. ) Jerusalem. ------) The Passover meal. Contention among tne ) twelve.— Jerusalem, - - - J Jesus washes the feet of His disciples.— Je- 1 rusalem, ------- J Jesus points out the traitor. Judas with- ) draws. — Jerusalem, - - \ Jesus foretells the fall of Peter, and the ) dispersion of the twelve.— Jerusalem, ) The Lord's Supper.-rJerwsatora, - Jesus comforts His disciples. The Holy) Spirit promised.— Jerusalem, - - I Christ the true vine. His disciples hated j by the world.— Jerusalem. - - - ) Persecution foretold. Further promise of the Holy Spirit. Prayer in the name of Christ.— Jerusalem. - Christ's last prayer with His disciples.— Je- I rusalem, - - - - - " \ The agony in Gethsemane. — Mount of Ot- 1 ives, - - - - - - > Jesus betrayed, and made prisoner. — Geth- I semane, - - - - - ~ ,T x J Jesus before Annas and Caiaphas. Peter ( thrice denies him. — Jerusalem. - I Jesus before Caiaphas and the Sanhedrim. He declares himself to be the Christ: is condemned and mocked.— Jerusalem, - The Sanhedrim lead Jesus away to Pilate. 1 — Jerusalem, - ----- ) Jesus before Herod.— Jerusalem, Pilate seeks to release Jesus. The Jews 1 demand Barabbas.— Jerusalem. - . f Pilate delivers up Jesus to death. He is ) scourged and mocked.— Jerusalem. i Pilate, after a third time seeking to re lease Jesus, delivers him to be crucified. — Jerusalem, _ - - - - Judas repents and hangs himself .—Jerusa- j ton, - - - - - - J Jesus is led away to be crucified.— Jerusa- J lem, .------ 26. 17-19 26.20 26. 21-25 26. 31-35 26. 26-29 14. 12-16 14. 17 | 14. 18-21 14. 27-31 14. 22-25 26.30, 3646 26. 47-56 26. 57, 58, 69-75 26. 69-68 27. 1, 2, ) 11-14 t 27. 15-26 27. 26-30 27.3-10 22. 7-13 22. 14-18, 24-30 22. 21-23 22. 31-38 22. 19, 20 14. 26 ) 3242 J 14. 43-52 14..53, 64 66-72 14. 55-65 15. 1-5 15. 6-15 15. 15-19 22. 3946 22. 47-53 22. 54-62 22. 63-71 23. 1-5 23. 6-12 23. 13-25 27.31-34 15.20-23 23.26-33 12.2-8 13. 1-20 13. 21-35 13. 36-38 1 COR. 11. 23-25 JOHN. 14. 1-31 15. 1-27 16.1-3317. 1-26 18.118. 2-12 18. 13-18 25-27 18. 19-24 18. 28-38 18. 38, 40 19. 1-3 19. 4-16 ACTS. 1.18,19 JOHN. 19. 16, 17 89 HARMONY OF THE GOSPELS. Contents. Matt. Mark. Luke. John. The crucifixion and its incidents. — Jeru- ) salem, ------- j The Jews mock at Jesus on the cross. He j prays for His enemies. He commends > His mother to John. — Jerusalem. - J Darkness prevails. Christ expires on the ) cross.— Jerusalem, - - - - { The veil of the temple rent, and graves opened. Confession of the centurion. The women at the cross.— Jerusalem. The taking down from the cross. The burial. — Jerusalem, - - - - The watch at the sepulchre.— Jerusalem, PART IX Our Lord's Eesurrection, His Subse quent Appearances, and His Ascen sion. Time— Forty days. Morning of the resurrection. — Jerusalem, Visit of the women to the sepulchre. Mary. ) Magdalene returns. — Jerusalem, - J Vision of angels in the sepulchre. — Jeru- \ salem, ------- ] The women return to the city. Jesus meets ) them. — Jerusalem, J Peter and John run to the sepulchre. — Je- I rusalem, ------ j Our Lord is seen by Mary Magdalene at the 1 sepulchre. — Jerusalem, - - J Eeport of the watch. — Jerusalem, Our Lord is seen by Peter. Then by two ) disciples on the way to Emmaus. — Jeru- \ salem. Emmaus, ----- ) Jesus appears in the midst of the apostles, ) Thomas being absent. — Jerusalem, - ] Jesus appears in the midst of the apostles, ) Thomas being present. — Jerusalem, - j The apostles go away into Galilee. Jesus ( shows himself to seven of them at the j sea of Tiberias. — Galilee, - - - ( Jesus meets his apostles and about five ) hundred brethren on a mountain in Gal- [ ilee, ------- ) Our Lord is seen of James; then of all the I apostles.— Jerusalem, j The ascension.— Bethany, - - - - i Conclusion of John's Gospel, 27.35-38 27.394427.45-5027. 51-56 27. 57-61 27.62-66 28.24 28.128.6-728. 8-10 3. 11-15 1 COR. 15.5 1 COR. 15. 5 MATT. 28. 16 ACTS. ) 1.3-8 J ACTS. ) . 9-12 J 15. 24-28 15. 29-32 15.33-37 15. 3841 15. 4247 16.116.2-416.5-716.8 16. 9-11 16. 12, 13 16. 14-18 16. 19, 20 23. 33, 34, 38 23. 35-37, 3943 23.4446 ( 23. 45, ( 4749 24.1-324.4-824. 9-11 24. 12 24. 13-35 24. 3649 24. 50-53 19. 18-24 19.25-27 19. 28-30 19. 81-42 20. 1, 2 20. 3-10 20. 11-18 20. 19-23 20. 24-29 21. 1-24 1 COR. 15.6 1 COR. 15.7 JOHN. 20. 30, 31 21.25 90 CHRONOLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT, ACCOEDING TO TJSHEE. 4004 The Creation and Fall of Man. 4003 Birth of Cain and Abel. 3875 Murder of Abel. 3874 Seth born, Adam 130 years old. 3382 Enoch born, Jared being 162. 3317 Methuselah born, Enoch being 65. 3130 Lamech born, Methuselah being 187. 3074 Adam dies, aged 930 years. 3017 Enoch translated, aged 365 years. 2962 Seth dies, aged 912 years. ' 2948 Noah born, Lamech being 182. 2468 Deluge foretold 120 years before it came. 2448 Japhet born, Noah being 600 years old. 2446 Sheni born. 2353 Lamech dies, aged 777 years. 2348 Methuselah dies, aged 969 years, hav ing lived 243 years with Adam and 600 years with Noah. 2348 The Deluge. 2207 Tower of Babel; confusion of tongues. 1998 Noah dies, aged 950—350 years after flood. 1996 Abram afterward called Abraham born. 1921 Call of Abraham, enters Canaan aged ¦75. 1918 Lot goes to Sodom. 1913 God makes a covenant with Abraham. 1910 Ishmael born. 1897 God covenants with Abraham and his seed and circumcision insti tuted. 1897 Sodom and Gomorrah destroyed by fire. 1896 Isaac born. 1872 Abraham's faith tried ; sacrifice of Isaac. 1859 Sarah dies, aged 127 years. 1856 Isaac marries Eebekah. 1846 Shem, son of Noah, dies, aged 600 years; Abraham being 150 years old and Isaac 50. 1836 Esau and Jacob born, Isaac 60 years old. 1821 Abraham dies, aged 175 years. 1773 Ishmael dies, aged 137 years. 1753 Jacob marries Leah and Eachel. 1745 Joseph born, Jacob being about 90. 1728 Joseph sold by his brethren. 1716 Isaac dies, aged 180 years. 1706 Jacob and his sons go into Egypt. 1689 Jacob dies, aged 147 years. 1635 Joseph dies, aged 110 years. 1571 Moses born 1531 Moses' flight into Midian. 1491 Moses at the burning bush. 1491 The Exodus from Egypt. 1451 Moses dies, aged 120. 1451 Entrance into Canaan. 1444 Allotment of Canaan. 1443 Joshua dies, aged 110 years. 1338 Deborah and Barak. 1296 Euth's marriage to Boaz. 1291 Gideon's victory over Midian. 1188 Jepthah's vow. 1156 Birth of Samson. 1155 Birth of Samuel. 1116 Death of Samson and Ell. 1096 Saul anointed king. 1063 Samuel anoints David king. 1063 David slays Goliath. 1060 David's flight from Saul. 1056 Saul's death. David made king of Judah. 1049 David made king of all the tribes. 1025 Eevolt of Absalom. 1016 Death of David. Solomon made king. 1004 Dedication of the temple. 976 Death of Solomon. Eevolt of ten tribes. DIVIDED MONARCHY AND PROPHETS. B.C. JUDAH. B.C. PEOPHETS. B.C. ISRAEL. 976 Eehoboam. 910 Elijah to 896. 976 Jeroboam I. 959 Abijah. 896 Elisha to 884. 955 Nadab. 956 Asa. 862 Jonah. 953 Baasha. 915 Jehoshaphat. 787 Amos. 931 Elah. 889 Jehoram. 785 Hosea to 725. 930 Zimri. 885 Ahaziah. 760 Isaiah to 712. 930 Omri. 883 Athaliah (Queen). 750 Micah to 710. 917 Ahab. 877 Joash. 713 Nahum. 898 Ahaziah. 838 Amaziah. 690 Joel. 897 Jehoram. 808 Uzziah. 630 Zephaniah. 883 Jehu. 756 Jotham. 629 Jeremiah to 588. 855 Jehoahaz. 742 Ahaz. 606 Daniel to 534. 838 Jehoash. 726 Hezekiah. 600 Habakkuk. 823 Jeroboam IL 697 Manasseh. 595 Ezekiel to 574. 771 Zachariah. 642 Anion. 587 Obadiah. 770 Shallum. 640 Josiah. 520 Zechariah to 500. 770 Menahem. 609 Jehoahaz. 520 Haggai. 420 Malachi. 761 Pekahiah. 609 Jehoiakim. 759 Pekah. 599 Jehoiachin. 730 Hoshea. 599 Zedekiah. 721 Captivity of the Ten 588 Destruction of temple. Tribes. CHRONOLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT— Gontinubd. THiSi m m IS B.C. 753 Rome was founded. 700 The first coinage of money in the world. 612 Nineveh destroyed. 606 Jews taken captives to Babylon. 588 Destruction of Jerusalem', and the temple burnt. 580 Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego east into the fiery furnace. Decree of Nebuchadnezzar to acknowl edge the God of the Jews. 538 Babylon taken by Cyrus. 637 Daniel cast into the den of lions. Darius wrote to all nations to rever ence the God -of Daniel. The leading philosophers of Persia, Greece and China gain and teach some idea of God. 536 Return of the Jews under Zerubbabol. b.c. ^8i 516 Dedication of the second Temple. \fflm 45U Esther made queen. 'ttfiH 458 Ezra collects the Scriptures. .#. 452 llaman's plot defeated. The feast of !•¦;¦ Purim instituted. - -j;'; 445 Nehemiah builds the wall of Jerusa- :M\ lem. Bible first < his history. 420 Last book of Old Testament by Mai- * achi. :.;; 332 Alexander the Great visits Jerusalem; ::• 285 Septuagint version begun at Alexan dria. ¦ 135 First money of the princes of Judea ¦ coined. |; 5 Birth of John the Baptist. ,'u\ 4 Birth of Jesus Christ. jjHj history closed, Herodotn^.AejHJij E of the world's nistoriangf#fpUi history. GOD DWELLING IN US. J " Whosoever shall confess that Jesus is i the Son of God, God dwelleth iu him, and i he in God."— 1 John 4. 15. „ "I will pray the Father, and He shall give you another Comforter, that He may abide with you forever; even the Spirit of Truth; whom the world cannot receive, be cause it seeth Him not, neither knoweth Him; but ye know Him; for He dwelleth with you, and shall bo in you." — John 11. 18, 17. "Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you 1 "—1 Cor. 3. 16. ''What ? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost, which is in you?"— 1 Cor. 6. 19. "For ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said: I will dwell in them, and walk in them." — 2 Cor. 6. 16. " In whom ye also are builded together, for an habitation of God through the Spirit."— Eph. 2. 22. "If the Spirit of Him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you. He that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by His Spirit that dwelleth in you."— Horn. 8. 11 ; 16. 26. "And hereby we know that He abideth in us, by the Spirit which He hath given us."— 1 John 3. 24. " Hereby we know that we dwell in Him and He in us, because He hath given us of His Spirit."— 1 John 4. 13. "Lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world." — Mat. 28. 20. " As Thou, Father, art in me, and I in Thee, that they also may be one in us."— John 17. 21. " I in them, and Thou in me,"— John 17. 23. " That the love where with thou hast loved me may be in them, and I iu them.-"— John 17. 26. "I am in my Father, and ye in me, and ; I in you."— John 14. 20. "If a man love. me he will keep my j words: and ray Father will love him, and ' we will come unto him, and make our abode with him."— John 14. 23. " If we love one another, God dwelleth in us." — 1 John 4: 12. "He that keepeth His commandments dwelleth in Him, and He in him."— 1 John 3. 24. " He that eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, dwelleth in me and I in Him." —John 6. 66. " Abide in me, and I in you. I am the vine, ye are the branches. He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit; for without me ye can do nothing." — John 15. 4, 5. " He hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee."— Heb. 13. 6. "He that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him."— 1 John 4. 16. " That good thing which was committed unto thee keep by the Holy Ghost, which dwelleth in us." — 2 Tiro. 1. 14. • "For it is not ye that speak, but the',, Spirit of your Father which speaketh in you."— Mat. 10. 20. " Fear thou not, for I am with thee; be not dismayed, for I am thy God. I will strengthen thee ; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold- thee with the right hand of my righteousness. For I, Jeho vah, thy God will hold thy right hand, saying unto thee : Fear not; I will help thee.'1— Isaiah 41 10, 13, 14. " When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee ; when thou walkest through the Are, thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee. For I am Jehovah, thy God, the Holy One of Israel, thy Saviour."— Isaiah 43. 3. SPECIAL PRAYERS. Scripture Names. Recorded. Subjects. Aaron and priests. . Num. 6. 22—26. . The Aaronic blessing of Israel. Abraham Gen. 15. 2. . . For a son. — 17.17,18. . For Ishmael's acceptance. — 18.33. . . For mercy on Sodom. Abraham's servant. — 24.12. . . Success in his mission, when sent to find a wife for Isaac. Prov. 30. 1. . . For moderation in his desires. Actsl 24. . . , On choosing an apostle. " 2 Chr. 14. 11. . . When going to battle with Zerah the Ethiopian. Dan. 9. 4. . . . For the restoration of Jerusalem. 2 Sam. 7. 18. . . For a blessing on his house. After his sin with Bath-sheba. 2 Sam. 24. 17. . After numbering the people. 1 Chr. 29. 10—19. Thanksgiving at close of life. i Early Church. . . Acts 4. 24. . . . For support under persecution. 1 Kin. 17. 20. . . For the restoration of the widow'; son. — 18. 36. . . For Divine attestation of his mission. — 19.4. . . For death. 2 Kin. 6. 17. . . For his servant's eyes to be opened. — 18. . . That the army st-nt to take him may be blinded. Intercession for the people. Confession of sin in the people's alliances with the heathen. Habakkuk. . . . Hab. 3. 1—16. . For revival of God's work. 1 Sam. 1. 11. * . For the gift of a son. 2 Kin. 19. 15. . . For protection against Sennacherib. When dangerously ill. — 20. 3; Is. 38. 3. 2 Chr. 30. 18. . . For the unprepared who had eaten of the pass- Deut. 21. 6. 8. . Expiation of undiscovered murder. — 26. 5—10. . Confession on presenting first fruits. — 13—15. . The prayer of the tithing year. 1 Chr. 4. 10. . . For the Divine blessing. Gen. 32 9. . . . For deliverance from Esau. Jehoshaphat. . . . 2 Chr. 20. 6. . . For protection against the armies of the Mo- abites and Ammonites. Jeremiah Jer. 14. 7. . . . In a great famine. — 15. 15—18. . For comfort. Matt. 11. 25, 26. . Thanksgiving. John 11. 41, 42. . Thanksgiving for the Father's acceptance of His prayer. — 12.27. . . Imploring His Father's aid. — 17. . . . For Himself, His apostles, and all believers. For unity. Matt. 26. 39. . . Under suffering in Gethsemane. Luke 23. 34. . . For His murderers. Matt. 27. 46. . . Under suspension of Divine consolation. Jonah 2. 2. . . For deliverance from the great fish. Josh. 7. 7—9. . . After Achan's sin. Confession of God's goodness, and their na tion's sins Lord's prayer. . . The model of supplication for relief of human needs. Manoah Judg. 13. 8, 9. . For Divine guidance in training his child. Forgiveness for the people's idolatry. Moses Ex. 32. 11.. . . — 33. 12. . . . For the Divine presence. Num. 10. 35, 36. . At the setting forth and stopping of the ark. — 11. 11—15. For Divine help to govern the Israelites. — 12. 13. . . For Miriam, for cure from leprosy. Moses. . . . , . — 14. 13—19. For the people disappointed at the spies' report. — 27.15.. . For a successor. To enter Canaan. Neh. 1. 5. . . . For the remnant in captivity. Nehemiah For protection against Sanballat and Tobiah. Penitent thief. . . Luke 23. 42. . . To be remembered by Jesus. Pharisee's prayer. . — 18. 11. . . Thanksgiving for his own righteousness. Publican's prayer. . — 18.13. . . For Divine mercy. Judg. 16. 28. . . To be avenged on his enemies. 1 Kin. 3. 5—9. . For wisdom to govern Israel. Dedication of temple. Acts 7. 59, 60. . Commendation of his soul; forgiveness of his murderers. 58 THE "I AM "Before Abraham was, I am."— John 8. I am the Light of the world."— John 8 12. ' " I am the Door." — John 10. 7. " I aS the Way, and the Truth, and the Life."— John 14. 6. " I am the living Bread. -John 6. 51. " I am the Bread of Life."— John 6. 35, 48. " I am the true Vine."— John 15. 1. •¦ I am the good Shepherd."— John 10. 11 14 '" I am the Eesurreotion and the Life.' — John 11. 25. " OF JESUS. " I am with you alway."— Mat. 28. 20. " I am with thee." — Acts 18. 10. " There am I in the midst of them. — Mat. 18. 20. " I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending:"— Kev. 1. 8. " 1 am the first and the last."— Eev. 1. 17. " I am from above." " I am not of this world."— John 8. 23. " I am he that liveth."— Eev. 1. 18. " 1 am Jesus whom thou persecutest."— Acts 9. 5. "Be with me where I am."— John 17. THE "ME'? OF JESUS. " Te believe in God, believe also in Me." —John 14. 1. "All things are delivered unto Me." — Mat. 11. 27. " All power is given unto Me in heaven and in earth." — Mat 28. 18. " He that hath seen Me hath seen the Father."— John 14 9. " Whosoever liveth and believeth on Me shall never die "—John 11. 26. " He that believeth on Me hath everlast ing life." -John 6. 47. " Come unto Me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden."— Mat. 11. 28. "Him that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out." — John 6. 37. " He that cometh to Me shall not hun ger." — John 6. 35. "He that believeth on Me shall never thirst."— John 6. 35. "No man cometh to the Father but by Me."— John 14. 6. ..,.,. ,„ " In Me ye may have peace."— John 16. " By- Me if any man enter in, he shall be saved." — John 10. 9. " Follow Me."— Mat. 8. 22; 9. 9; Mark 8. 34; 10. 21; John 21. 22. " Follow Me, and I will make you fish ers of men."— Mat. 5. 19. " He that followeth Me shall not walk in darkness." — John 8. 12. " They follow Me: and I give unto them eternal life."— John 10. 27, 28. "Abide in Me and I in you." — John 15.4. " He that abideth in Me and I in him."— John 15. 5, 7. " Apart from Me ye can do nothing."— John 15. 6. " As thou Father art in Me, and I in thee."— John 17. 21. " He that eateth Me, he also shall live because of Me." — John 6. 57. "Suffer the little children to come unto Me."— Mark 10. 14. " Learn of Me."— Mat. 11. 29. " Whoso ever will come after Me." — Mark 8. 34. " Te have done it unto Me."— Mat. 26. 25, 40. "Te did it not to Me."— Mat. 25. 42, 45. "If any man serve Me, let him follow Me."— John 12. 26. " He that receiveth you, receiveth Me." —Mat. 10. 40. •' He that loveth father or mother more than Me."— Mat. 10. 37. " He that is not with Me is against Me." —Mat. 12. 30. "He that gathereth not with Me, scat- tereth."— Mat 12. 30. " Whosoever shall be ashamed of Me." —Mark 8. 38. " I if I be lifted up will draw all men unto Me."— John 12. 32. "Whosoever shall confess Me before men "—Mat. 10. 32. " Te shall be witnesses unto Me." — Acts 1. 8. "If a man love Me, he will keep my words."— John 14. 23. " To-day shalt thou be with Me in para dises'—Luke 23. 43. BELIEVERS SAVED. "He that believeth on me hath everlast ing life."— John 6. 47. " I give unto them eternal life and they shall never'perish." —John 10. 28. " Beoause I live, ye shall live also."— John 14. 19; 11. 26. " He that believeth on the Son hath ev erlasting life."— John 3. 16, 36. "And shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life."— John 5. 24. •' Whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ is born of God " — 1 John 5. 1. " Be loved, now are we the sons of God."— 1 John 3. 2. "We know that we have passed from death unto life." — 1 John 3.14. 94 "And this is the record, that God" hath given to us eternal life." — " These things nave I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life.'*— 1 John 6. 10—13. " Giving thanks unto the Father, which hath made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light; who hath delivered us from the power of dark ness, and hath translated us into the king dom of his dear Son; in whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins."— Col. 1. 12— 14.— Eom. 8.1,38,39; 5.1. YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY 3 9002 05047 1318 '