YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY THE LIBRARY OF THE DIVINITY SCHOOL VOL. II. CONCERNING THE GENESIS OF THE VERSIONS OF THE N.T. — Habent sua fata lilelli — CONCBENING THE GENESIS OF THE VERSIONS OF THE N.T. REMARKS SUGGESTED BY THE STUDY OP P AND THE ALLIED QUESTIONS AS REGARDS THE GOSPELS VOL. II.—APPENBICES. BY H, C. HOSKIEE INTENDED AS A SUPPLEMENT TO TEE LIBRARY PUBLICATION OF THE MORGAN MS. LONDON BEENAED QUAEITCH 1911 LONDON : PKINTED BT WILLIAM CLOWES AND SONS, LIMITED, DUKE STMKT, STAMFORD STREET, S.E., AND GREAT WINDMILL STREET, W. CONTENTS. APPENDIX I. PAGE Collation of h in St. Mark, St. Luke and St. John , . 1 APPENDIX II, Book of Dimma. Introduction and Collation of St. John . . .9b Introduction and Collation of St, Matthew . . 176 APPENDIX III. Book of Moling. Introduction and Collation of St. Luke ix. ¦'57-xxiv. fi\ ,, „ „ i. 1-iv. 5 Notes on Luke viii. 14 , . , . . Note on Philoxenian Syriac ..... Note on the Freer MS Note on Codex B^' 278 357377 378 379380 Reprint of part of Dr. Stroud's -work on the Crucifixion , 382 Note as regards Mr, Horner's edition of the SahiJic Gospels 406 Colophon ,,,,,.... 407 Index to Vol, II, ,,,,.. . 409 Index of Scriptural Quotations in Vol. II. . .412 Index of Greek Manuscripts in Vol. II. , . . 421 " Obsecro eos quicunque voluerint bos describere libellos, imrao potius adjure per Christum, mdieem saeculorum, ut postquam diligenter descripserint, conferant, et emendent cum omni diligentia, ad exemplar unde caraxerunt (al. oraxerunt, traxerunt), et banc quoque adjurationem hoc in loco subscribant " Vita S, Columbae Adamnan, UI,, § xxiii. fin. " Quadam die Baitheneus ad Sanctum (Columb.) aocedens, ait, Necesse habeo ut aliquis de fratribus mecum Psalterium quod scripsi percurrens emendet . , , ," Ibid. I,, § xxiii, "Post baec verba, de illo descendens monticellulo, et ad monasterium revertens, sedebat in tugurio Psalterium scribens; et ad ilium trioesimi tertii psalmi versiculum perveniens ubi scribitur : ' Inquirentes autem Dominum non deficient omni bono' hie, ait, in fine cessandum est paginae ; quae vero sequuntur Baithenius scribat, Sancto conveni- enter congruit decessori novissimus versiculus quem scrip- serat, cui nunquam bona deficient aeterna: successori vero sequens patri spiritalium doctori fiUorum ' Venitefilii, audite me, timorem Domini doceho vos' congruenter convenit; qui sicut decessor commendavit non solum ei docendo sed etiam scribendo successit," Ibid. III., § xxiii. APPENDIX I. h. Here foUo-ws a collation -with the Clementine Vulgate of the text of h in St. Mark, St, Luke, and St, John, I have added the evidence in places -where it seems in teresting. The nearest MSS, to h are G and Z, Z being the nearest of all, in both singular and small and large com binations. This is the more interesting, as the provenance of Z is a puzzle. Our MS, h is in double columns of very short lines and must derive from a similar one. Z, ho-w- ever, is not copied direct from h, for the omissions by homoioteleuton found in h are not observed in Z, The single-page and single-column arrangement of Z, -with long and short lines, I have al-ways considered peculiar. It novp proves to be an independent fancy arrangement, and sho-ws us ho-w the short-line bicolumnar MSS, -were developed into differing Vulgate codices. As regards h and r consult Mark iii. 7, iv, 24, v, 6, 19, vii. 3, 4, xii. 40, xiv. 13 ; Luke i, 16, 63, ii. 40, iii. 37, iv. 11, 34, vi. 37, vii. 14, viii, 48, x. 18, xii, 2, xvi, 4, 11, 12, 25, xvii, 7, 22, 24, 29, xviii, 2, xix, 13, 16, 18, 20, 24, 25 ; John vi. 64 ; also ii. 1, 11, 22, iii. 10, 28, iv. 14, 39, 46, v, 30, vii, 53/viii. 1 ; viii, 50, ix, 10, xi, 50, xii. 3, 47, xiii, 4, xiv, 21, XV, 25, xvi, 2, As regards h and r^. consult Mark i, 45, ii. 8, 18, iv, 35, viii. 20, X. 15, xiii, 28, xiv, 47 ; Luke vi, 26, viii. 25, 32, ix. 5, X, 34, 40, xxi, 13, 25, xxiii. 8 ; John viii, 11, h -with e note Luke iv, 25, viii, 25, 56, xxiii. 51, xxiv, 13, etc. ; John i, 42, iv, 23, 35, viii, 10, ix, 12, 18. x, 21, xii. 22, xiii, 5, xvi, 3, 26, and compare xiv, 5, 24, Besides the special affiliation -with Z and G, there is a VOL. II. B 2 GENESIS OF VERSIONS OE THE ]Sr,T. great deal -with £F, Where ^ and h do not agree, ^ has been revised later. Again much in Y appears to have been influenced by h. As regards Amiatinus, this MS. maintains its indepen dence, and we are now^ with it, now against it with the group headed by £F. [Note, .however, Luke xviii. 18, — dicens A. d h only,] With E J and V in old forms we agree, and sometimes with C T, [The real Vulgate base of h is seen at such places as Luke vii. 16, 39, xvii, 4, xxiv, 4, etc.] With the later D E 3* B there is often such sensible agreement in groups and in spelling that this Vulgate h text undoubtedly lingered in Ireland, besides influencing G T outside. The points of contact in special places with 0 and X are quite -noteworthy. The most important special reading in St. Luke is at xviii. 19, where we read dicitis for dicis, " quid me dicitis bonum," with Marcion^ and MY e ix. 35. electus „ BDE Durmach a ffi I aur gig gat x. 14. — in iudicio „ del {and D^) 42. cum unum sit nee. new xi. 8. — et si ille persev, " pulsans '. with p*f f (^JMPY b d ^ fq^ xiv. 28, primus {pro prius) new xvii, 17, estis {pro sunt pr.) new 33, qui (^ro quicumque) bis with Z d syr xviii, 18, — dicens „ A d {and T>^') not syr 19, dicitis {pro dicis) „ tP and Marcion only 39, interrogabant new xix. 35. xxi. 9. xxii. 1. .30. APPENDIX I. (A) ilium {pro puUum) with CKZ c {d) e q. videritis (^ro audieritis) ,, D q {e) — azymorum new — meo with xxiii, 22, inueni xxiv, 13. 27. + et cleopas {post emmaus) -f- se {ante ipso) ACa>GIJMM?ETY Dimma gat d e I /j, Wordsw. text and D^' syr cu {not S, not pesh, not Dia- tess) ABGOYEeglBvii* a gat, gr plur, syr, copt eff2 {b [hiatq]) ic) JOHN iii. 8. aspirat {pro spirat) 23. aemnon V. 36. earn {pro ea) vi. 7. et {pro ut) viii. 13. — ei 44. — non est Veritas in eo 59. ut lapedarent eum X. 16 fin. [unum ovile] unus^ pastor (— et) 5 xi. 26, credidit 42, dixit {pro dixi) ,, OQ [not vett] Vigil Taps Optat [flat e] newnew [note that J with gr G 33 omit,j new with BT gat only [no vett] „ ig) only and Lucifer. „ fossat only and / (ut eum lapid. not carried into Words. note) ut mitterent in eum E 6 e ; ut mitterent super eum T> d I r S /J, „ AMY d and all Greeks new with d [contra L^'] and I 6 GENESIS OE VERSIONS OE THE N.T. XV. 14. praecipi {pro praecipio) with (DO*Z* praecepi) xvi. 3. - vobis „ most Vulgates but only gat belq aur Sfi of vett. We are also able to establish that the base of h is, like so many others, Graeco-Latin. It must go back a long way, obscured as it is by the thorough Vulgate revision. Consult Luke viii, 1, 31, 45; (ix, 59) ; xi, 8; (xii, 8) ; xii, 40 ; xiv, 29 ; (xvii, 22) ; (xxi, 28) ; xxiii, 22 ; xxiv, 4, Or John x, 15, 16 ; xi, 11, 27, 37, 48 ; xii, 40 ; xiii, 1, 14 ; xvi. 15, etc. Further, you cannot separate the Latin recension. Although h falls into line with certain family tendencies, there is aberration to other Latin MSS. not in closest intimacy with h. This is marked all the way through and points to one base ever so far back, this both in forms and renderings as well as in readings. It is curious, too, how every single MS., however formal its text may be, yet goes off into extraordinary and strange readings at unexpected times, h is no exception to this, for we have : Mark xiii. 20, illos for electos ; Luke i. 27, — viro alone with its sister Z ; vii. 13 -1- mulier ; viii, 42 — fere with d only ; x, 14 —in judicio -with del; xviii, 19 dicitis with Marcion and «.P ; John viii. 59 ut lapedarent eum, etc. Note, as regards k and h in Mark, a complete absence in h of the Old African color of k, yet at xii, 44, where k uses inopia for paenuria of h, they both (alone of Old Latin) drop the omnia. Again they both have the error (in different places) of ad or in marem (k ix, 42, h vii, 31), Again " ite et dicite " xvi, 7 is only given by k r^ of Old Latin with h. Again at xii, 34 for the usual es, h reads est with only G: ffi] k reads et no doubt for est ; k also with ^'writes moses. The scribe is careful, on the whole, and given to very little foolishness. There have been erasures (of whole lines) in places, but nothing can be read from the photographs of the first writing. APPENDIX I. (h) 7 For both m and n the contraction is ~^, thus SvTP, N0~^. Dotted y, or rather Y, is fairly frequent. In cap. 38 in Mark we notice xxxu,iii with a stroke after the u. The 21 is quite a feature throughout with an elbow, and witb Z quite Irish, thus X- In Mark (ix. 28) d occurs once for the usual d (in dixit) . In Luke (fo. 179) long f occurs for s in combination for uf {us). A\ occurs for ff) once at the beginning of the Magnificat. On fo, 159 verso €E is ligatured together. On fo, 158 Pm occurs for Pa, with cursive a, but is probably by a later hand. There are decorated capitals (I) at the beginning of St, Mark and St, John in real Irish arabesque, but Q at the beginning of St, Luke is not decorated. The last numbered chapter in St, Mark is at xiv, 1 (43), There is another at xvi. 15 unnumbered. In St, Luke the chapters cease at 71 (xxi. 37) and there are no indications of any thereafter except at xxiv, 13 (unnumbered). In St, Luke O'SSANNA and Beelzebud (but also Beelzebub), While parabola is constant in St, Mark, it shares a place with similitudo in St, Luke as in all Latin MSS,, the places where the different words occur being about equally divided. Interrogation (; ), though very rare, occurs. Neglect, therefore, the printers' semicolons in the collation. They are arbitrary division-marks. We print stops of the MS, in heavier type, Scri&tum is perpetual as in h in Matthew, In Luke there is a good deal of unnecessary interchange of i and e and of o and u; t for d partially ; / for ph not often {symfoniam) ; a peculiar place occurs at Luke iii. 1 a " z" being introduced between ituraeae and et. 8 GENESIS OF VERSIONS OF THE N.T. Lacunae in Luke are i. 75-ii, 21, iii, 15-33, xiii, 18-29, In John xviii, 10-end. We have added throughout the readings of the Books of Dimma and Moling (from photographs supphed by Trinity College Library), and would call attention to certain groupings as to spelUng, For instance : distruam for destruam (Luke xii, 18) DS'KTEZ Dimma S /* only ; clearly Irish, So procedit regularly the Irish school, Aliut and aput, istut are not Celtic, but Saxon, ScriStum which occurs throughout h, is not found in Dimma at all, and very rarely in Moling. St. Mark, INC- euANcieLium. secuNbuoT mAECum, [Semi-colons are arbitrary printers' marks, and do not represent stops in the MS. ; gat in Heer's edition has not been used,] i, 1, + sci {post initium)** {cf. q tit.) fili BGHY* Deer dfiFJqr aur 2, scribtum (sic semper h) EGO*XYZ* fff^ [isaia] - ego omn. {except W|^@LMOE*XYZ h d f ffilgrr^t aur 7, corrigiam plur calciamentorum 8, baptizo 'BG:W{h&UizoC'DTl),{bcdfff^lrt'D^'') APPENDIX I. (A) 9 Mark 8. baptizaiit ex emend, plur et Dimma r tS 9, galilaeae ; ibid, in iordanne ab iohanne ; 10. apertos caelos ; 11. conplacui 12, expellit ABa'H*LMOQX"=YZ*Z)eer Dimma ra 13, temptabatur; (cap, ii.) 14, iohannis, 15. - et init. G dfff^ tr{-et dicens Wcet gr X) adpropinquauitpaenitiemini Nova 19. iohannem ; ibid, in navi componentes retia, 20, zebedeo ; ibid, mercennariis, 21, synagoga (pro in syna- gogam) G (in synagoga adetS) 22, doctrinam sicut sicut Nova 23. spu • inmundo sic 25, ommutesce MT" (ommutescere M? *) OV [etiam in Luc] WXY b cde ff^ {hiat a) cf. n alibi omumbrans 26, sps ¦ ij^mt: inmundus sic ; ibid, exiuit, 27, quae {pro quaenam) + et {ante in potestate) Nova (in pot, + et in virtute T) et {pro etiam) ; ibid, inmundis ; ibid, oboediunt 28, istatim {pro statim) Nova (iste al ; iste statim d) — statim Dimma. (cap, iii,) i, 29. andraeae {pro andreae) [non alibi Luc. Joan.] 0 (andrae r). iohanne; 31, [eleuauit; errore vg (S, e\QN&nii] 31, adpraehensa; 32. adferebant, 33, omnes {pro omnis) Nova 34, [languoribus] ; ibid, eiciebat ; ibid, loqui ea ; ibid. quia {pro quoniam) KO^'QVZ Dimma aur {non vett) 35, deluculo 'DWQ'L0*Z Deer Dimma U p, 36, persecutus est ; 38, proximus {pro proximos) Nova 39, synagogis ; ibid. — in sec. {ante omni) ; ibid, eiciens 10 GENESIS OE VERSIONS OE THE N,T, Mark (cap, iiii,) i, 40, depraecans ; ibid. — ei, 41, dixit {pro ait) Tbe efff^ 42, dixissit 43, statim (iJro statimque) Aa'H*IMYZ* d ff^ (et statim KV a/ 3) 44, moses 45, + et (ante jam) vel etiam {pro jam) J)W r^ { - jam c d) in civitatem introire ; ibid, esse {pro esset) ; ad eum mundique {pro ad eum undique) (cap. V,) ii, 1, ii, 3. ferentes ad eum ; ibid, paralyticum, 4, summiserunt; ibid. grailoativT ; -iJicZ, paralyticus, 5, cum vidisset autem ; ibid. fin. — tua, 8, ipu SCO {pro spiritu suo) ELW g-i gat r^ [non p, hiat Dimma] 9, paralytico [^lon. ver. 5] -I- et {post surge) mult ; ibid, grabattum, 10, potestatem habet filius hominis ; ibid, paralytico, 11, grabattum 12, ille surrexit ; ibid, grabatto ; ibid, admirarentur, 13, egresus ; ibid. + its {ante rursus) ; ibid, omnesque 14. Leuin Alphei ; ibid, ad teloneum. (cap. vi.) ii, 15, ii. 16, cum peccatoribus et publicanis 17, medicum ; 18, iohannis 18, cur {pro quare) BDEa»HKM'0'=QEVX*Z Durmach Deer (quur CO*T) g^ r^ f^ (c) {hiat Dimma ut vid.) iohannis; 21. adsumentum; ibid, pannis sic; adsuit, 22, nouellum {pro novum ) vg codd plur d g^ I gat. t ? pri7n. [non sec.^ 3 (8) /a (cap, vii.) ii. 23, — dominus ; ibid, coeperunt praegredi, 26, introiit; 28, [dormrms pleno] APPENDIX I. (h) 11 Mark (cap, viii.) iii, 1, synagogam, 2, eum (pro ilium ^71,) D*GKBZ^ cdff^lr aur S 4, + si {ante licet) GKlliTOZ* g^ 5, supra ; ibid, caecitatem plur. 6, statim pharisaei, 7, init. + efi — autem ) — a (ante galilaea) r (a jud, et gal, b q) 8, hierosolymis ; ibid, iordanen ; ibid, tyrum, 9, -f- in {ante navicula) 10. inruerent; 11, [spiritus pZeno] immundi, 15, eiciendi ; 16, inposuit ; 17, inposuit ; 17, BoAN'eBges sic (Boar-nergis E) 18. phyLippum; ibid. Bartholomeum; ibid. Matt- heum ; ibid. Thoman ; ibid. Alphei ; Thaddeum, 19, Scarioth ; ibid. — et sec {ante tradidit) (cap, X.) iii, 20, iii. 22. hierosolymis 22, Beelzebud eicit ; 23 [parabolis] E /x** (Belzebuth /x*). (Beelzebup gi) 23, sa''-*na* {pro satanam) (sata I) ; ibid, eicere 24. stare regnum illut Z cum illut 25. insuper {pro super) Nova (in bee) poterit {pro potest) ; 26. sa'^'^^nas* sic 26. consurrexit potest {pro poterit). AD etc. 28. demittentur Nova (remittentur acff^e Cypr.) blasphemauerwnt BCVWXZq(E) (T) {..it Dimma) 29, habet dilecti 0 ff; (DL il dilicti) 30. [spml inmundum (cap, xj.) iv, 1, in nauem {pro nauim) 2, illos {pro eos) ; ibid, [parabolis] 4. aliut Ca^'GHT bdl* 12 GENESIS OF VERSIONS OF THE N.T, Mark iv. 4. — caeli illut 5. aliut 6. estuauit {pro exaestuauit) GHZ* I* a'^GHZ* i I* T Dimma ; L / extuauit ; aest, BEOX*Z* iraur; haest, C, 8, 1112 haberet {pro habebat) aliut offocauerunt {pro suffo- cauerunt) illut — et init. aliutadferebat Ca**GH i I* M I* (soffoc. Deer) HZ* Deer [non I] Deer c ffi Ca'*GH Deer all* ADE etc. -\- et {ante unum sec^ ; 10. parabolas. scire {pro nosse) ; ibid, [parabolis] ; 12. intellegant demittantur Deer, Dimma demitantur (V) (remittantur c). 13. [parabolam] [parabolas] 15, corda {pro cordibus) AB etc. Dimma d ffi aur /li {al. corde) 16, supra ; ibid, illut GZ* a I* 17, horta {pro orta) C g- (r ?) 20, supra ; ibid, inati {pro seminati) error + et {ante unum sec) 22, enim est (cap, xii,) iv, 24, remitieturadicietur — vobis sec. 25, illo {pro eo fin.) 26, si {pro sic est) iaciat homo 27, ac {pro & tert.). LOEV Dimma r (ra) S fi (remittietur _^2 remitiebitur I). (DG b d e I gat r^ -F gr DG 114 473 Evst 259) Nova. BKTVZ^ (CMT) {Deer) {q) adiciat homo aur APPENDIX I. (k) 13 Mark iv, 28, in spicam {pro in spica^Ti,) KM*GQZ d {mut. r) 29. -{- se {ante produxerit) messes Nova 30. adsimilabimus parabole EW(cP) illut aPGH I* 31. interram bis df{i)q. BOB e 18 fi prim.; GO* (#2) r sec. 32. holeribus ; 33. [parabolis] ; 34, [parabola] (cap, xiii.) iv, 35, in die ilia D[P* corp. oxon. rz 36, demittentes Dimma {r^ demittentis ; demiserunt e) adsumunt ; 37. in nauem 37. inpleretur CDa'LM'(0)E afff^ aur fi (inpleret d i q r) naues {pro nauis) B /"a (nauem d i q r) 38. supra dicent Z* (dicant G*) 40. magno timore potas {pro putas) ' Nova ; ibid, oboediunt (cap, xiiii.) v, 1. V, 2, in spiritui inmundo sic error 3, eum poterat ; 4, disrupisset ; ibid, conpedes 5, nocte ac die 6, occurrit {pro cucurrit) FH'@Z* r ; occurit aur ; cocurrit gat; accurrit i, ad- cucurrit b (c accucurrit) d e q. 7, dicit plur et I B aur summi {pro altissimi) ; 8 [spiritus plena] inmunde, 9, nomen mihi est plur 10, depraecabatur {vide infra) 11, magnos error 12, [deprecabantur] {vide supra) 13, eis (pro ei) ; ibid, sps inmundi ; ibid, milia, 14, nuntiauerunt ; ibid, facti ; 17, eum coeperunt 17. disceret Nova (vide tP et h in Luc. iv, 42) a (pro de) ADE et plur 14 GENESIS OF VERSIONS OF THE N.T. Mark V, 18, nauem depraecari BES'ILOEYZ* bdilq — a plur 19, adnuntia fecerit bSs INTa ? r ? (fecit bns Dimma) 20, omnis (cap, XV,) V, 21, — iesus L rursus ; ibid, ilium (pro eum) ; 22 archisynagogis 23, depraecabatur BEG etc. inpone ; 24, conprimebant ; ibid, ilium (pro eum fin.) ; 26, conpluribus 29, corpori BCG etc. quod (pro quia) 30, cognoscens in semetipso ; ibid, eo (pro illo) 31, iUius (pro sui) CaP^-^KLQETVZ d i q fi (ejus BEG a b c e f ffi aur) conprimentem ; 33, autem (pro vero) 33, procedit D^LEQ Durmach Dimma aur /* 34. in pacem diff^ cum graeco ek elprjvrjv 35, 36, archisynagogo ; 36, verbo quod dicebatur audito 37, sequi se 37, iohannen ^ a b d (l aur) 38, archisynagogi vidit lS,('^)GIi etc. fff2 1 S heiulantes 39, eis (pro illis) ; 40, inridebant ; ibid, adsumit ; 40, ingrediuntur DEH etc. erat puella 41, thalita Z* ; ibid, interpraetatum 42, obstipuerunt ABF etc. maximo (pro magno) 43, vehementes (sic) Nova (cap, xvi,) vi, 1, ilium (pro eum) illius (pro sui) BCEOTZ ff^ i (ejus GLQE Durmach Dimma fg^ d q aur fj.) APPENDIX I. (h) 15 Markvi. 2. synagoga ; ibid, talis error 3, iste (pro hie prim.) ; 4, eis (pro illis) ; ibid, et in cognatione sua et in domo sua 5, virtutes ullas 0* (virtutes multas KVX*Z cffi gi r) inpositis 6, in circuito (pro in circuitu) aur. in circuto e (cap, xvii,) vi, 7, conuocauit ; ibid, inmundorum 9, calciatus ffi s ANbALiis ") L*Q*tPE Eeg 1 A xviii (c in rasura) 3 Durmach 10, introieris Nova 11, negandi erint vos -terror (neque aud, vos DE (pro nee audierunt vos) \ 5P™sjj Dimma) 12, paenitentiam [vg. poen, = poen,] 13, eiciebat JVo7;a (cap. xviii,) vi, 14, herodes rex dicebant BM? abdff^i^** + gr. BD 6 271 iohannis BDE etc. inoperantur virtutes } W*Z* (op, virt, E etc. bfg-i (pro virt, oper.) 3 I fj) 15. helias; ibid. — quia sec. (ante propheta) mult. 16. iohannen ABTVXYZ (CO) /awr 17, iohannen AHOTXYZa6cZ/C#-2)(a«r) in carcerem CDGETW^fl^ abdff^Hqr 18, iohannis 'D'EiW'h'R aur p, — tibi Nova [licetibi q] cf. Diatess 20, iohannen ACHTXYZ* a 6 (iohanen (Z iohanem JP) [sANCTu" pleno] audiebant Nova 21, oportunus nataH suo C VZ* Far lat 2, Turon (tt. (pro natalis sui) j Harl, 2826, Cotton Tib. C A ii. Eeg 1 E vi a 6 (^ 16 GENESIS OF VERSIONS OF THE N.T. Markvi. 21. cenam 22. herodiades BOZ di simul-quae Nova 24, iohannis; 25, iohannis 26, - est Aa>*HOX<=YZ° bilfj,(-xex Dimma) recmnbentes (pro discumbentes) ; 27, speculatore ; 27, adferri ABEGHLEYZ* Dimma a d (adf eri) ff2lg aur fi ; auf erri r^ ; aufferri D ; (adferri vel adduci B) 28, illut GHZ* I* 29, illut GZ* Z* 30, renuntiauerunt ; ibid, illi (pro ei) 31, rediebant ; ibid, nee manducandi spatium 32, in naui mult 33, pedestre Bdffii -f- et (ante de omnibus) mult (cap. xviii,) vi, 34. vidit its turbam multam KOVXZ (r^) (ff^) (B) qui (pro quia) EGLQE Durmach a b d /i (ut vid.) docere illos ; 35. praeteriuit 37, illi (pro illis prim.) Nova -vos ACD[PHlJ»LQWYq Durmach ai fj, [non Dim ma = manducare vos] denariis ducentis ; ibid, eis (pro illis tert.) 39, faenum ; 40. + per (ante quinquagenos) 41, — et dedit discipulis] suis ut poneret ante eos error (ex homoiotel.) ) 43, - plenos fiq/^ (plenos plenos plenos G !) 44, milia ; 45, navem ; ibid, at Bethsaida Nova (cap. XX.) vi, 47, naues O 48, super ; 49, super ; ibid, fantasma BDE etc, 50. eum viderunt ; ibid, illis (pro eis sec) APPENDIX L (//) 17 Markvi, 51, in nauem 52, intellexerant ABH^@JPOWXYZ* bdf (#2) Iqraur (B) illorum (pro eorum) 53, peruenerunt; ibid, gennesareth; adplicuerunt 'E/^G®liWOZ* Dimma f (l (adplicaueruntBCDE IB) 54. convenerunt (pro cognoverunt) error 55, grabattis ABD etc. 56. depraecabantur BEG e^c (cap, xxi.) vii. 1, hierosolymis 3, omnis H lauent JPBD3>FGH@IK]\TQEV WZ^ Durmach Dimma c gi q B aur p,; labent CLOTXZ* I [tenentes] traditiones KVWX'Z r (J>) (tradi- tionum q) 4. - sunt prim. KM'VX*Z dg^r aur B 5, interrogant ABCH*K* ? QY cod caraf dff^l 6. esaias ; ibid, hypocritis scribtum OZ / q (contra morem) abest (pro est sec) tPBIlllTT Durmach p. [non Dimma] 7, - et ABH*IOYZ Eeg 1 B vii* .P bdff^lq (B) 9. [irritumj inritum DS^GLOEZ* Dimma a d f il q aur im (iritxi) 10, moses — honora patrem tuum et , . f error matrem tuam j aut (pro vel) ; 11, [corban] ; 12. quicquam. 14. intellegite; 17. [parabolam] 18. inprudentes ; ibid, intellegitis, 19. introit pluretafS VOL. II. c 18 GENESIS OF VERSIO NS OP THE N.T. Mark vii. 19. - vadit long^ plur ; Contra habent H"'«@KTX*Z (i) vg 20, de hominem sic error 21, cogitationes malae 22, [auaritiae]inpudicitia cum codd vulg omn (except. tP et vett omn avaritia.) (cap, xxii.) vii. 24, + its (post surgens) Gcff2 tyrii bil nemo (pro non) Nova 25, habebat filia ; ibid, [spiritum pleno] inmundum ; procedit a'OQEX* Durmach Dim ma aur fi 26, autem (pro enim) syraphoenis'sa sic (Z* a q) eiceret 27, — enim T Dimma g^ I aur 28, — et prim. d{G'X* acfff^g^nq) dicit ; ibid, ei (pro illi) ; ibid, sub mensa comedunt 29, de (pro a) plur ; [contra GZ* vg a a ff^nqr] 30, abisset ; ibid, exisse (cap, xxiii.) vii ,31, tyrii (a b n) ad marem Nova sed (cf. k ix. 42) 32, deprecantur AH*QX" (FY I) inponat ; 33, adpraehendens ; ibid. — eius prim. 33, expuensque ^ 0(V)Z aur (Kab dff^i (pro et expuens) ) expuens, - et) conspu- ( ensque r ? 34. , eppheTA sic eppheta BKM'OQZ*//^ i q ; epphetha Z^ 37 . surdus (pro surdos) I* (surdis c dff^i; sordos D Dimma) facit (pro fecit sec) CDa*FQ Dimma Durmach afl, LE gat ^ (bis) ra ? (praestat dff^ i) appendix: I. (h) 19 Mark (cap. xxiiii.) viii. 1, In illis diebus 2. super turba AS^HOYZ* r^ (aur) 4, unde estos (sic) poterit quis 6. supra; ibid, adponerent; ibid, adposuerunt 7. adponi ; 9, manducauerunt ; ibid. miUa (cap, XXV.) viii. 10, nauem; 11, temptantes 12. ingemescens ; ibid, quaerit signum 13, demittens DM" (demitens Dimma) (relinquens ff^) ascendens - nauim j AC^^^GHETYZ Dimma — et sec 5 (#2) aur B r^ fi 14, sumere panes ; 15. — et sec. (ante cauete) 15, herodes Nova 17. cognito ibs> ait illis cogitasi (pro cogitatis) Nova intellegitisathuc MY 18. non aures (pro et aures) nee aures d ; — et DE ra 19, milia + et (ante quot) ADItPWY Dimma d f g^ I aur B /u. 7-a [male Wordsw. " vg "] plenus Nova 20. milia quod (pro quot) CGOV dff^ih I qr sustuHstis DIPFGKVZ* Dimma a i ra (abstulistis k) 21, intellegitis; 22, Bethsaida ; 23, adprehensa; 23, oculus Nova inpositis; ibid, aliquid; viderit I* 25, inposuit oculus ffi [ita ut] videre (sic) clare omnia error c 2 20 GENESIS OF VERSIONS O'F THE N.T. Mark (cap. xxvi.) viii. 27. viii, 28, iohannem ; ibid, heliam ; ex (pro de) , Wabcdfiff^ik [non Dimma I q B fj,] aur 29, dicitis esse 30, coT'minatus (t-P aur ; conminatus G^a) 31, illos (pro eos) ; ibid, multa pati, 32. adpraehendens 33. [comminatus ; € hoc loco cominatus] 34, seipsum BGOTY etc. Dimma a dn aur fj. (al. se sibi) 35, earn faciet 36, faciet animae suae ABCH@KT (c) (/a) (i) (I) r r2 /J- (aur) 37, commutationes (pro ,,,is) (...em plur) 38, mea verba in gloriam b d (ev tt} Bo^rj D) ff^ i n (non a) I (non r) aur (cf. vade in pacem v, 34) [scis (pro Sanctis)] (cap, xxvii,) ix, 1, adsumit ; ibid, iohannen ; 2, — et (ante Candida) 2, super terram non potest ; 3, helias 3, mose ABGMOXYZ k ra 4, hie nos ABH e^c mosi AB(G)MOEXYZ (k) r^ heliae 5, quod (pro quid) Z* a n 6, [nubes] ; ibid, carissimus; 8, cui (pro cuiqua), 8, filiis (pro filius) error (fiUius L) 9, contenuerunt Dimma aput C[PGOEZ* a b df i n, aur (contra morem) 10, qui (pro quia) Nova heham ; ibid, primum venire ; 11. helias 11. scribtum DLOYZ/ir 12, helias scribtum GOYZ / i (mut. r) APPENDIX I, (h) 21 Mark (cap, xxviii,) ix. 13. ix. 14, [omnis] populos ; ibid, eum {pro lesum) accurrentesque (pro et accurr.) KLO*VXZ 15, conquiretis Nova (conqueritis H, conquiratis g'a) 16, 19, 24, [spiritum pleno] ; 17, adprehenderit 17, adlidit ABC etc. q ra (eHdit c^a, ehdet I aur) eum (pro illxim prim.) ; ibid, eicerent; 18. dicit 18, incrudula Nova aput C^GOBZ* bf adferte ; 19, ilium (pro eum sec) 19, eum (pro ilium) helisus a 20, hoc ei 21. potis Nova adjuba TX I 22, — sunt; 23, lacrimis 23, - Domine ACD[ ACD^GH*LMEY Dim ma diklrr2fi+gr >K]\TEVW Dimma q B im Nova [terraemotus] 9, regis 11, estis vos 14, abhominationem desolationes intellegat 17, praenatibus Nova (perigrinantibus^a, Sabatier, pelegrinantibus Buchanan) 20, omnes (pro omnis) Nova illos (pro electos) Nova 22, si potest fieri 25, et erunt stellae caeli BCa'JKLl!lTOTVX*Z Dimma aur quae sunt in caelis ; 28. [parabolam] 28, cognoscetis HOJKLQ Dimma d ra 30, transiet BC[i'™KLOQETVZ DwrTreac/i Dimma cor vat* acdff2ilqr IM aur 32, ilia BCKlJiTQTVWXZ Dimma cor vat* c ff2 q r aur B Iren Hil Aug - neque fiUus J. + grX. et codd gy. apudAmbr. 34, reHquid BCG J a /a praecipiat ABCFGH@JJ»MEYZ Eeg 1 B vii Durmach (ff-^ i I q (r) aur gig (m) 35, ergo (pro enim, post nescitis) [dominus pleno] (cap. xliii.) xiv, 1, azyma Nova (om. enim DGT, mut r) Sic vig, quia k. Sic vig, nesc, enim e Margaret uiduu"^ {pro biduum) X (0 = uiduo) k 2, enim (pro autem) ; ibid, popuh (pro in populo). 28 GENESIS OP VERSIONS OF THE N,T. Mark xiv, 5, [istud] ueniri (pro vaenundari) ACHJMEX^Y Beg 1 B vii* a dik q aur 6. opos (pro opus) error 8. - habuit facit (pro fecit) Nova 9, istut GHZ* banc (pro baec) Nova 10, scariothes 11. querebat oportune DMDY aur (B) 12. azymorum tP Margaret (azim. k I etc.) dicut (pro dicunt) error manducis Nova 13, in civitate MY a d (et? ttjv ttoXiv D) i (Z) r. lagoenam B[PJcPM:OT Dimma Cerne Mar- 16. 18.19. 20. 21. 25. 26.27. 28.30. 31. 32. garet aff2il aur (lagonam r) [baiulans]i; 14. [domino pleno]; 15. cenaculum, praeparauerunt BC(D)lI>cPM'OEX*Z Durmach Dimma df hi aur B (TL) me tradet - ei singillatim — manum scribtumest (pro erat) CDFJKO*TVX*Z cfff2ir aur ACS' etc. Dimma d i kl r2 aur B fi GJOTYZ* a fil ABS'HQMM'OQX'^Y Cerne a (om. ff2i im) quod (pro quia) ; ibid. - hoc ; illut GHZ* hymno Margaret — m me scribtum posteaquam ; 29. bis gallus voce"^ conmori getsemani GJOTYZ//aiZ ei (pro illi) ; ibid. — in te dederit GIJtPE /a (aur) (BDL a gat) fin. horem (pro orem) CO* (coram ra !) APPENDIX I. (h) 29 Mark xiv. 33, adsumit ABCIJcPOTYZ* Eeg 1 B vii affi Iqr IM iohannen pauereetaedere G 35, paulolu"^ Nova procedit D[PLOE Dimma Durmach IM [non aur] 36, possibilia tibi BCJKllTOEVZ Durmach f qrB 38, temptationem ; ibid, sps sic ; promtus AOTXYZ cZ/Ja I q (^a) — est ; 39, eundem, 40, illorum (pro eorum) ABCH@IKcPXYZ Eeg 1 B vii Margaret a aur ingrabati (pro grauati) ingrauati AFH*LMYZ gat I; degrauatia (grauati vett plur et vulg plur) 41, traditur (sic) filius hominis ACH e^c aur 42, tradit ACY cod caraf 43, [adhuc] ; ibid, scarioth ; ibid, ex (pro de) ; illo (pro eo sec) - multa JKLVX*Z a /a (turbae) q r aur ; multitude / + a (ante scribis) ABC etc 44, traditur (pro traditor) error (traditurus erat q) fin. - caute BCJKQETZ(F) Dimma Durmach k I aur 45, — aue 47, sacerdotes ra 48, conprehendere ; 49, cotidie ; ibid. [apud]. 49, adimpleatur (pro T (adimpleantur plur) impleantur) scribturae GJOYZ(T)/Z 51, Adulescens i]\.um (pro eum prim.) CS"°^G etc. Z f k aur (illos d, eos^a) 52. [ab eis] 53. conueniunt plur Dimma et a gil 30 GENESIS OF VERSIONS OP THE N,T. xiv, 54, sacerdotes ; ibid, et calefaciebat se ad igne"^ 55, aduersu"^^ ABH© JMTX^Y Ditrm Cerjte Z r aw morte Nova 56, 57, [adversus] 58, aUut GH*JZ* d I* 60. exsurgens [alibi exurgens] respondis G^HLOTXY Cerne Dimma I q (respondistis k) quicquam ; ibid, obiciuntur 61, rursus EX* Durmach aur B im dicit - dei ACD e^c 62, a dextris sedentem virtutes Nova - dei ; 63, [adhuc] [64. reum* ? (voluit*' forsan ream ?) (C = raeum)] 66. sacerdotes I* 67. nazoreno d I* q (nazoreo Z ffz) nazorene h 68. quod (pro quid) Nova cum Cerne (quem a) 69. Eursum BCFGKTVX^Z Dimma Margaret c 70. adstabant ; 72, et statim iterum gallus. XV. 1. concihum W(Q) — iesum Nova 4. respondis AH*LOTXYZ Dimma Cerne d I q quicquam ; 6, dimittere solebat; 11. Barabban 14. eis (pro illis) clamauerunt Z* 15. [Barabban ^Zejto ; up" = Bar abba] 16, -1- intro 1 BC e^c Dimma p'a gat syr (ante in atrium) J d (intus), foris vel extra B 17, purpuram BCGHJQEX(L) Durmach Dimma c dff2 I aur im inponunt 18. haue ADS'MQEXZ Dimma Cerne k aur (i (babe BC JOTX d /a I) 19, arundinem (harundinem G) 20. inluserunt APPENDIX I. (/i) 31 Mark XV. 21,22,23, 24, 26, cyreneum interpraetatummurratum quisquis (pro quisquid) titulos t-P Margaret FGH etc. 28, 29, 31.32. 33. 34. I* Nova JOTXYZ (Mat i) I im (contra morem) (superscribtio scribta ff^ inscribtus adimpleta scribtura G JOYZ (hiat i) r im (contra morem) ua ; ibid, destruit ; ibid. — dei ; ibid, aedificat ludentes ABC etc. I B conuiciabantur super (pro per) B@^MQW gat, Bentleius c ff2inB heloi • heloi * plur et I aur (B) fi lema CJ'MX*Z Margaret c g2 (gr XCL etc.) (lemach S, laema 1 1) (leaba aur) [sabacthani] interpraetatum BC e^c d il n aur 35, heham 36. inplens CDS'GLHiTO (T) (n) aur (h) im uedeamus Margaret helias 37, exspirauit ADEFGHcPM'QVX Dimma B im 38, a subsu"^ 1 ABCa>"8GH*IJH©IJKMOPQTYZ Dur mach gat b cfff^ I* qr ra aur im** (in solitudine e) in deserta B ; in desertis a d ; otn. Dimma. (cap. xi.) V, 17, iudae C p — et (sext. post iudae) Nova [Noti Dimma ut vid. iudaei compendiis pro iudae et] (om. et iudae Y) hierusalem ; ibid, erat domini. 19, eum (pro ilium pr. loco) aP*FKOZ d e ff2 I B r., p aur ilium (pro eum) 24, potestatem habet ; ibid, dimittere; ibid, paralytico + et (ante tolle) £FCDGKOTZ Dimma abdrBjM { — et tolle lectum tuum e) 25. surgens ; ibid, lectum. 26, adprehendit CDJMcPOPVXZ'= Dimma a /a {I B) p (cap, xii.) V, 27. teloneum V, 29, facit (pro fecit) Nova 30, bibetis (pro bibitis) Nova (bibet I q ; vett bibit) 32, in (pro ad) ; ibid, paenitentiam ; 33, iohannis. 34, possunt (jjropotestis)* * sed alia verba tion mutavit (cf. GKZ gat* a b c d eff2 p, gr H*!)} 36, a vestimento novo ; ibid, inmittit, (cap, xiii.) vi, 1, vi. 3, dauit (pro dauid) [non supra] aur eo (pro illo) 4. propositiones Z* b I*, r (propossitiones) 40 GENESIS OF VERSIONS OF THE N.T. Luke vi. 5, homines error 6. — et prim. DGOQ Dimma ab c e {-{¦ et init.) f ff2 g2l r r^ aur im Synagogam 7, - unde ) A(DaP)FGJMQY Dimma gat d (e) accusare j / (Z) (r) (8) g /tt ra ; CH* -\- unde ; ilium (pro eum) ; 9, sabbato 11, insapientia (pro insipientia) error? (gr avoiaH©Jie[OETXYZ* Dimma aur B (om. G a b ffi I q r) 46, [nam ego] ; ibid, exisse 47, procedit DHPGQE Dimma /u, aur (cotitra morem) illius (pro ejus) 48, et (pro at) OE r (itaque c) illi (pro ei) ; ibid, te saluam : 49, — quidam 49, a principe f Aff G0JMOXYZ a b (I) r ; (pro ad principem) J (a principem q !) (ab archi synagogo d) venit princeps syn, e 51, + ad (ante domum) 'ff CDJK]\TI?[OE=^'= TVWXZ cor vat g2 aur /m (et " in domum " vett plur cum gr.) [b I cum vg ; domi a] et iohannen et iacobu"^ m/ult. et vett. 52, — at ille dixit nolite flere Nova — puella mult. 53. quia (pro quod) 55. resurrexit (pro surrexit) Nova 56, — ejus D3PMY Durmach e (mut r) (cap. xxiiii.) ix, 5, reciperit (pro receperint) E[POEZ ra p.* 6, circumibant ACD e^c R 7, TeThABCA sic (CVW) aesitabat (T) 8. iohannes qui (pro quia sec) Nova helias ; 9. iohannen ; ibid, quis autem est iste ; 9. audio ego talia plur. Dimma et a c aur ii** (cap, XXV,) ix, 10, Et adsumptis adsumptis ^EC^PGKJ^^LWO Dimma bff2lr aur B p (adsumtis E@EX*Z' q) 11, illos (pro eos prim) 12, et (pro ut) c 46 GENESIS. OP VERSIONS OF THE N.T. Luke ^„ ix, 13, duos (pro duo) A^ (vid.) a* JOEY e //a I* q aur B 14, milia (cap, xxvi,) ix, 18, ix, 19, iohannen heliam ; ibid. — vero ; ibid, propheta unus 22, — dicens Nova Ti (pro pati)* suppl.** 23, seipsum ; ibid, cotidie 25. profecit 0 28. adsumpsit Bff CESPGHOd'MO befff2lr aur it. et iohannen et iacobum mult, et vett 29, factum ; ibid. — et tert. 31, moses ; ibid, helias ; conpleturus CDE S*Fi.PE Dimma ff2q r aur ji hierusalem 32. — ex&nt prim. — et sec. (ante evigilantes) Nova, et vigilantes JX*Y q r (evig. autem adefB) experti vero c 33, faciemus [p mosi; ibid, heliae; 34. [nubes] 35, electus (^ro dilectus) BDE Durmach affz I aur gig [mut. r] (Patric in Matt) copt arm gr t^BLH 1 36, quicquam (cap. xxvii.) ix. 37, ix, 39. adprehendit DJtPK Dimma etc. ilium (pro eum prim.) dilanias Nova (dilaniat B) 40. eicerent 41, aput CGcP Eeg 1 B vii a 6 //a I 43, inmundum (Wordsw. 43) 44, faciebant (fiebant CW) ix. 45. interrogare ilium KATOVZ 6/a aur (int. eum plur) 47. adpraehendens ff C(E) Eeg 1 B vii Z r aur (adpre, al.) (B) APPENDIX I. (h) 47 Luke ix, 47, — et ; ibid, eum (pro ilium) 48, recipiet (pro recipit sec.) Nova? (cf. p alibi). omnes vos ; 49. iohannes ; ibid, eicientem (cap, xxviii,) ix, 51, adsumptiones error — in ; ibid, hierusalem ; 52, nuntios 53, -ejus GJXZ* — in ; ibid, hierusalem 54, iohannes ignes [descendat] Nova (ignem Bed) 55/56, - dicens usque r cf. DlPFGQY gat Dur- acZ saluare } machDimmadlr2B iMctc. i et gr. XABC (cap, xxviiii.) ix. 57. ix. 58, et ait (pro dixit) 59, - et (ante sepehre) BCGH<=eKMM'TVZ c ^a Z S 60, — et (post vade) ; ibid, adnuntia 61, primum remitte mihi (pro permitte mihi primum) ordo cum plur. qui (pro quae) 62, in (pro ad sec) ; ibid, aspiciens (cap. XXX.) X, 1. X, 2. -suam ff CDa'*GIJ.PKM]!lTE*V*Z Wurz- burg " B " Durmach S (contra rell et vett) 4, calciamenta 5, [huic] domus ut vid. Nova. 6, illam ; 8. adponuntur ; 9, adpropinquauit 10. — autem cum vulg codd. longe plur., sed contra vett omn et p. except, aur, et r (supra lin) ; et in quamcumque civ, Dimma 11, adpropinquauit 12, sidomis Nova 13, quae in vobis factae sunt ; ibid, paeniterent 14. — in judicio (inter paginas) sed om. etiam del cum D*"" al. tribus 15, in (pro ad pritn) ; ibid, [demergeris] 16, me misit 48 GENESIS OF VERSIONS OF THE N.T. Luke (cap. xxxi.) X. 17, subiciuntur 18. satanan (pleno) fulgor BCDE[PGQETY Dimma e r aur n (fulgur vel fulgor B) 19. supra (pro super sec) ; 20, subiciuntur scribta ff EOXYZ filr,p (contra morem) 21, quia (pro quoniam) 22, -meo KD'^GB.*3M.'£qY a c dl etT)^ qui sit bis ; 23, - vos 24. audistis 'K'^GBM^Dimmaberi? p{cf.grliB) (cap, xxxii,) X, 25. legisperita Nova (legisperito S; legisperitor /a) temptans 26, ad (pro at) b dfff; i r scribtum ffEGXYZ / i [non I] q (contra morem) r 27, diligis CGHOTX (aur diliUgis) 30, hierusalem [iericbo] EW vg. c? dB (ibericho C, iherico T^a) ierico e dispohauerunt ff DS'OX^ Dimma (d) /a q [non r] aur B im inpositis 34, adpropians CES* etc. aur (ra) B p. inponens 35, abe (pro babe) C@* (cap, xxxiii,) x, 38, ? X, 40, [curae] adiubet OT d ra 41, solhcita 42, cum unum sit necessarium Nova (pro Porro unum est necessarium) (cap, xxxiiii,) xi, 1. in loco quodam ; ibid, iohannes docuit (- et) 3, cotidianum ; ibid, cotidie (pro hodie) 4, temptationem APPENDIX I. (A) 49 Luke xi, 8, — et si ille perseveraverit pulsans B*ff FGJMPY Durmach b dfq B cum gr. inprobitatem ; 9, vobis dico 11, petet BCMT b cff2il gatBentl (gr alTrja-et) 12, porrigit ACFGH*QTXYZ* fta 6 #2 i Z r (cap, XXXV.) xi, 14, eiciens illut GX aa J eicisset ff a'GHlNTOY #a i >¦ /* 15. beelzebud [non ver, 18] E Durmach eicit : 16, temptantes 17, desolatur ABff CFMOTX^YZ Eeg 1 B vii* vid. b f ff; iqr (deseretur a; d) 18, ipsius (pro ejus) ; ibid, [beelzebub] eicere me 19. [beelzebub] ; ibid, eicio , . eiciunt ; 20, eicio 20, praeuenit AB*ffCEa'H*QETYZ* b f q r pvenit S, pvenit /"¦) (provenit jfa i, anticipauit (Za , adpropinquauit d) 22, illo (pro eo) aufert BCEJcPM:TX*Z Eeg 1 B vii** Wurz- burg " BC " Durmach Dimma gat aur 23, adversum (pro contra) ; 24, inmundus 24, [de homine] ; ibid, perambulat [per loca] 25, invenerit (pro invenit), id est : " cum venerit in venerit " (c/, M? ; H*Wi) — earn ; ibid. — et ornatam 26, -1- et (ante tunc) ; ibid, adsumit ; — secum (post spiritus) sunt (pro fiunt) plur. et g; B aur (erunt /) ( — et stmt p) (cap. xxxvi,) xi. 27, xi. 28, quippini(i9ro ) AaP*@*MOPXY Eeg 1 B vii et E vi, quinimmo) I Cant 197, Cant, Univ. Kk 1 24 [quinimmo B*JKVWZ B vg] quippeni W Par. lat, 2, aur quippe enim F, Dunelm, A ii 16 VOL, II. E 50 GENESIS OF VERSIONS OF THE N.T. Luke . . _-. quippe vel nimpe l±""^ ; quippe quippe gat; manifestissime CT ; etiam d ; om. E a Oa bfff; i q syr [hiat I] immo ff DG(H)©°'^QE Dimma c e r ra p Tert. Aug. pevovv ^*AB*LAH al. pauc. pevovvye Bell. gr. xi. 28^72-. - illud; 29. ihi (pro ei) ; ibid. - prophetae 30. ionas fuit nineuitis ABff etc. 31. condemnauit BW e//a (*) solomonis ; ibid. — quam ; solomone (pro Salomon) ; 32. nineuitae; i6i(^, paenitentiam ; ibid. iona (pro ion&s) 34, simphx 0 36. [tenebrarum] ; ibid, inluminabit (cap, xxxvii,) xi, 37, aput GBT f [hiat I] S9 fin, iniquitatem error 40, intus (pro deintus) CDEJKQETZ Durmach Dimma c d e ff2ilr2B ji aur [ab intus r] 41. elemosynam 42. pharisaei A'=ffEKX*YZ c e aur (EQT Durtmch i q r r2 p; b gat) mentam ; ibid, bolus ; ibid, caritatem (cap, xxxviii,) xi, 43. xi, 45, nobis contumeliam 46, QUiNONEEATis (j9ro7 (qui ^ro quia KM'VWZg'r ra) quia oneratis) J portari 48, testamini (pro testificamini) cf, vett quidem ipsi aedificastis . i 49, - dei Nova (ex dixit seg-) om, claus, bdet W 51, eadem (pro aedem) E (ede Dimma) APPENDIX I, {h) 51 Luke (cap, xxxviiii.) xi. 53, — autem ; 54, capere aliquid ; ibid, ex (pro de) xii, 1, quae (ijro quod) ^'R'^'^^StiqZ ,'DBT ,* Dimtna (q),bcde (om. Words,) Imq (mut. r) gat p (quid cmr) 2, -autem KO*XZ r awr. e^ g^r X /am 13 4, quod (pro quid) ; 5. gehenna"^ 6. veneunt BffG'=@JJPKMO'=PVWX*Z c/g S gat ^ Cassiod. (venerunt E r) dipundio GTXZ efi aur (ABEHMY*) (d) (dupungio r) in oblivionem ff *[p* (obhtum d) 7. plures ; ibid. — vos 8. + in (ante ilium) Nova ; in illo mult 9. denegabitur 11, in synagogis DZ bflq soUiciti ; 12. quae (pro quid) ; ibid. — vos sec (cap. xl.) xii. 13. quidam ei ; 14. ei (pro illi) ; 17. quod (pro quia) 18. distrua'T' (pro destruam) DS'M'EZ Dimma B ^i 19, plurimus error comide 0* 20, — a (ante te) cf. vett 22, solliciti ; ibid. — vestrae ; vestiamini (pro induamini) 23, — plus sec ; 24. plures ; 25, adicere ; 26, solhciti 27, non (pro neque) ; ibid, solomon ; [o^^Ni (pro omni)] 28, faenum ; ibid, in agro est ; pusille EW (pusill? B) 31, — primum ; ibid. — et justitiam ejus ; adicientur (cap, xii,) xii, 32, conplacuit CES'F etc. 33, elemosynam ; ibid, veterescunt (pro veterascunt) adpropiat conrumpit Y dff; q (corumpit Dimma) 62 GENESIS OF VERSIONS OF THE N,T. Luke xii. 35, — in manibus vestris ; 36, [doMi'Nvr^ sic pleno] 36, et* (pro ut) FGX^Z* a c e 37, [dominus ^Ze7zo] 39, quia (pro quoniam) BCDE e^c vett sinerit Nova (siniret CTX* aur) seniret n perfodiri A*Bff , plur et vett [perfodi vg et A-'CTWXYZ* q B] perfoderi DB Dimma n 40, venit C^H.*'M.W^OX^Z ede aur (8) (gr epxerai) 41, — banc E 43. veneret Nova (venturus est DEE bfilqrii) inveniet BDE^'^^'QE Dimma b dfff^ ilqBp? et gr. 44, quia (pro quoniam) ; 45, pueros (^ro servos) 47, [dom.ini pleno] fin. multas DWEGMlSiBY Durmach Dimma di IB IM Cypr (gr ¦n-oXXa';) (multa Q ; multum E gat e q ; rell. et vg. multis) om. /a (cf. 47/48) (cap. xiii.) xii, 49, si {pro nisi ut) ^*JMOQYZ Durmach Dimma bff2iqr gig p, sic DIP^^E ; (si jam d) (cf. e) nisi mult etc IB aur ra 50. baptisma ; ibid, coartor ; 56. terrae et caeh 57. — a (ante vobis) X / (ex vobis r) (cap. xliii.) xiii, 1, nuntiantes ; 2, fuerunt ; 3. paenitentiam 4 init. -f- et (ante sicut) BKOVWZ cor. vat* aur. (sicut + et BGJE ajfar ; velut 8; vel sicut q ; aut d ef) siloam; ibid, fuerunt; ibid, hierusalem 5, si non paenitentiam / KM'VX*Z ^a q (r) [male habueritis (pro) TForc^sw), <^e-yg']potueritis poen. non egeritis) i i (Belsheim) pro penitu- 1 eritis cdff2 6. — et prim. in illam GlSi cff2i (om. p) APPENDIX I. (A) 53 Lukexiii. 8. dixit (pro dicit) ; ibid, [domine pleno] (cap. xliiii.) xiii. 10. synagoga ; 12. — eam ; 13. inposuit 14. archisyuagogus ; 15, respondit 15, + et (a/nte dixit) praesepi KVX*Z Tert. (praesepe i q) (hiat codex ab xiii, 18 cui simile est . . usque ad xiii. 29 accumbent ; incipit " in regno di" . . . 30. erant bis (cap. xlvi.) xiii. 31. xiii, 32, — et sec. (ante dicite) ; ibid, eicio ; 33. — die 33. hierusalem ; 34 hierusalem hierusalem 34. quotienspinnis ABff etc. b f aur, pennis S (alis Ir p) (pinnas CT q) (cap. xlvii.) xiv. 1. — iesus 3. leges peritos 0 4. adpraehensum BSPGHQiyTQE I r 7. primus G ff; (primum locum e) 8. eo (pro illo) 9. robore (pro rubore) H*OT I* [pudore r ; con- fusione a d ; verecundia /] 10. superios Nova [fin, ^iscuMBBNTiBuf sic] ; 12. cenam 12. cognatus Nova et ipsi te ; 13. - et 14. retributione (pro) ffKVZ Caesar Arelat resurrectione) ! ' 15. vidisset (pro audisset) (vidissent b I) 16. illi (pro ei) ff a"°«EVZ (om. T abde P et D«' 253) cenam vocabit Nova 17, cenae 18, ilia (pro illam) error (ilia aur) 21, nuntiauit; ibid, [domino pleno] 54 GENESIS OF VERSIONS OF THE N,T. Lukexiv. 21. ciuitates (F) (ciui sic p) dibiles (pro debiles) (dibeles E) (deuiles/) clodos ABff DS'FGOX^YZ abdefffilq r aur (clados H cludos E p) 22, [()nb compendio] ahuc*, athuc ex emend.* (athuc MY) locutus est (pro l (D)EaPFG(H*)EYZ* Durmach locus est) ' gat. corp oxon. a e /"a Z* g* ? r B p (hiat Dimmia ut vid) 23. [dominus pleno] ; ibid, [sepes] ; conpelle CDS'FGHrOJOE g aur B (copelle) p (opelle) (conpellere J^a) 24. cenam (cap. xlviii.) xiv, 25, xiv. 26, [adhuc] vide ver. 22 discipulos (sic) esse Nova ; ordo cutn Bff C etc. vett plur {di\Q compendio. ij) 27, [baiulat] [non potest] esse mens discipulos (sic) Nova ; ordo cum A'^Bff etc. 28. turrem primus (pro prius) [cf. Jo. ix. 8] Nova inter latt, (iTpooTov gr) d r primum ; e Aug. primo conputat DB ^FG@I JE defraur,S (coputat) p (oputat) [habeat] BSPJKlNTOVZ vg. a (otn. B lat. super gr) 29, et (pro ne) Nova (ut ne d B; nee q; ne forte im) inludere ; 31. [prius] ; ibid, mihbus bis 32. [adhuc] cf. h in ver 22 (hoc loco aduc T ; athuc FMY ; cf. xv, 20 aduc T 8) agentem Nova ligationem D^* (cf. Dff** et p ad xix. 14) 33. omnes GO /^ renuntiat [discipulus] cf vers. 26, 27 APPENDIX I, (A) 55 Luke xiv, 34, -I- quoque (post sal sec) 35, sterculinium a>Y (D B; AQBXf; C b ffiir p; q) (cap, xlviiii,) XV, 1. adpropinquantes 2, recepit E 4, illam (pro eam fin.) 5, inponet ff CZ efrp (WT i) (ponet c) umeros AEFG(H)KMM?VXYZ a d e f ff2 (i) I q [non r p] aur 7, uno peccatorem (unum peccatorem DQ Durmach a efl) paenitentiam habente AB(C)GH'=JMT, DH*0 QY (ff;) q, b i iustos D@*QX (Durmach istos) a c ef r B* (iustus G) [indigent] paenitentia 8, [drachmas , , drachmam] euertit (pro euerrit) ; 9, [drachmam] 10. paenitentiam agentem DFH*J'OX^Y Eeg 1 B vii afff; I p (habentem g) (hiat Ditnma ut vid) (cap. 1.) XV, 11, XV, 12, 13, adulescentior ; 13, [luxuriose] 17, ipse (pro in se) H* c mercennarii ; ibid. — in domo ; 18, illi (pro ei) 19 init. + et (ante jam) ; ibid, mercennariis . 20, [adhuc] esse (pro esset Nova supra ; ibid, ilium (pro eum fin.) 22, anulum ; ibid, calciamenta ; ibid. — eius sec 25, adpropinquaret Symfoniam (B/gr). synfoniam/a; synfoniae d 26, quae (pro quid) 27, et (pro isque) G I (W d//a iB at vel ad ille cum gr 6 Be) ; qui a Hier ad Dam ; quae ra 29. praeterii; ibid, haedum 56 GENESIS OF VERSIONS OF THE N.T. Luke (cap. Ii.) xvi, 1, vilicum aput GT a 6/#a * [non I] aur (contra morem) 2, vihcationis ; ibid, vilicare 3, vilicus; ibid, [dominus ^ZeTio] autfert Nova vilicationem 4, a vilicationem sic I* domus D[tPFH*V Dimma gatadrB (domu suam p) 5, [domini, domino pleno] ; 6, [accipe] 7, accepe Nova 8, laudabit TY/a [dominus pleno] ; ibid, vilicum 9, dico vobis ff ES'©KOQVZ a c dff; aur r r^ -1- gr DM al, mamonainiquitates Nova 11, inquo (pro in iniquo) error (iniquo DEG Dimma qr?r2B) (in inico d) mamona fidelis deff2r 12, fideUs Z* (silet Words, in vers. 11) deffir (cap, Iii.) xvi, 13, mamonae; 16, iohannen; ibid, illut bl* 17, [caelum et] terra sic error (caelum et terra I; caelu et terra Dimma aur B) 18 init. + et JPKVZ ducit alteram (cap. hii,) xvi, 19, et (pro qui) ; ibid, cotidie 21, - et nemo illi dabat 23, - autem (cf, Wordsw,) in sinum AXYfff; i I r (cf, rell) ; in sinus d e ; (in sinibus B) 24. [lazaru"P] sic ; ibid, [intingat] APPENDIX I, (A) 57 Luke xvi, 24, in aqua BCa>*F®EPMOTVWXZ cfg; (in aqua Dimma I q aur fi) aquam ; aqua Bd 25, recipisti DE[i»M Dimma r p 26, inter vos et nos ABE^'EHMOQEXY Dimma corp oxon. bemB [non A^'] mamagnum (pro magnum) error (chau~ magnum ^a) 27, in domo (pro in domum) ff JNTT (M*) q (in domu Dimma aur B p) 28, in locum hunc ; 29, mosen ; 30, [abraha"^] sic 30, paenitentiam; 31, mosen xvii, 1, ad discip, suos ait ; ibid, inpossibile 2, lapis molares (lapes molaris EE) inponatur; ibid, proiciatur (cap, liiii,) xvii, 3. — in te ; ibid, paenitentiam 4. + si (ante septies sec) JOXZ b aur (om, aur Wordsw) Ambr, etgrAKU etc, (+ hie s) paenitet 6. haberitis Nova (haheietis al, et d f s) habueritis mult et vett plur diceretis (pro dicetis) ; ibid, oboediret 7, habet (pro habens) GVWZ Durm Dimf (r p) 8. cenem 9, imperauerit (ut vid.) OVZ (cap, Iv.) xvii, 11, hierusale"^; ibid, transiebat 17, estis (pro sunt prim.) NOVA 18, alienigma I (cap, Ivi,) xvii, 20, respondit eis et dixit cum observationem error 22. - suos Aff [P*G@ JMY defsBpetgr KBDL desideritis H ^a ^ /* 23. — et sec seetemini (pro) e pro c, ut saepe t-P sectemini) ' 58 GENESIS OF VERSIONS OP THE N.T. Luke xvii, 24, fulgor ACDEIP^GIJEY Dimrna I [non supra] r aur 8 p 27 fin. omnis Nova (om.^ compendiis Dim B ii) 28, — sicut M'X*Z (a) bceff;g;qs [non r rj p] (sic I) 28/29/32, loth 28. — et (ante aedificabant) 29. sulpur omnis 33. qui (pro qui ff CDaP*GKPMOVYZ Durmach Dimma aur adeff;g;ilqrsS [non p] MZ/r (sulfur a»TW d, sulfor ra) (om. ab eff2ilq Iren, Tichon) B (omf compendio 8 p) X*Z* ede [non r r2 p nee al.] cumque prim) saluare (pro DJKQVZ Dimma gat e ff; B n salvam facere) (liberare bciq, bivicare d) . qui (pro qui- GKWlYZ a d e i (l) [non r] r^ cumque sec) vivificauit EOEX^Y d e — in prim. mult adsumetur ^ ff CDEa""8G@J0QEZ DimwM, adsumetur bis ) ab d ef ff; (l) q r aur (B) im 37, eis (pro illis) ; ibid, — et, (cap, Ivii,) 34, 35, (D) FEY/aZ* error (verebatur D3>FHMQEZ* Durmach Dimma r B p) xviii, 1, dificere 2, civitatem timebant verabatur(^ro re- verebatur) 5, suggillet 8, verumtamen (wi seTw^er) [Hoc Zoco ®veru?itamen] (cap, Iviii.) xviii. 9. BG D[POE Dimma p BffDEU'GIJ^POE Dimma bf #2 (l) I** q aur p xviii. 11. aput 12. possedeo 15. adferebant 16. eos vetare APPENDIX I. (h) 59 Lukexviii. (cap. xviii. (cap. xviii 16. enim est 17 BffEa>JOZ dei(B). (talium inquid est — enim I) ; — enim Dimma p GOXbdflaur (B) p G a b i [non I] intrauit illut Iviiii.) 18. -dicens A d (et'D^'),r2(e sil. Abbott) [vide I] 19, dicitis (pro dicis) t.P (et Marcion) moechaueris BffCGOX aur (/moecau- eris) (i moecchaueris) 27, inpossibilia ; tP a b i gig [non I] (aput prim. B f ; aput sec. G q; aput semel ff;) [apud semper r aur] ffDQX* g (cf rell) rehnquat Z*(G) Dimma cfff; i r Contra : HP^^JPKMTEWY etZaep 20, 24, ilium ibs ; 27, aput bis 29, relinquit 30. [venture] Ix.) 31, Iren Hier (contra Jov) Aug. [ventura Dimma] adsumpsit hierosolymas* (hierosolyma ex emetid) BffCDBGJOE bff2lraur p (@tPZ g) sumpsit e (..mis E c ; ..mam mult et B ; ..ma BEMZ a b f ff; I* q aur et lepoa-oXvpa APXFA ; hierusalem d e etgr XBDLE) scribta ff EIX*YZ / i [non I] (mut. r hoc loco) inludeturoccidentem (pro Occident) [habet eum seq . ] Nova die tertia erat autem (pro ) KOVWX*Z aur (abcdefiqr) et erat) 5 et gr 1. 142'"« 209 (cf syr) intellegebant (sec. loco) adpropinquaret ffCDBa'GIJJ'M:MOEXZ Dimma ab ef {i)lqr aur p [iericbo] W vg c? d e S 39. interrogabant (pro increpabant) Nova ; per contra e = corripiebant ! Bell, tioti fluctuant. 32.33. 34. 35 60 GENESIS OF VERSIONS OF THE N.T. Luke xviii, 40, adpropinquasset mult, et (a) bfraur p (cf. rell) 43, sequaebatur 0 (cap, Ixi,) xix, 1, [iericbo] EW vg c? deS 2, zaccheus ; ibid, erat princeps ; 4, Sycomorum ; 4, ilium (pro eum) ; 5. [suspiciens ; ibid, zaccbee 7. devertisset BGKMOQEVZ Durmach aur p (devertit cilqr [male Words, divertit]) 8. zaccheus (cap, Ixii,) xix, 11. adiciens ; ibid, hierusalem ; 13. illis (pro eis) ; 13. minas Ba'FG*JOEX*Z Durmach e r 14. ilium (pro eum pr, loc.) 16, 18, 20. [domine ^ZeTio] 16. mina B^'FG* JMOEXZ DwrTwac/i e r minas Ba*FJMOEXZ Durmach e (manas ff;) mut. r (alias s) adquisivit ; 17. fidelis fuisti ; ibid, supra 18. minuta (pro mna) error ' (mina . . minas Bff^S* minas | FJMOBXZ Durmach { e r, p [twn supra]) 19. supra 20. mina Bff "S'FJMOEXZ Durmach e r 21. austeris A^B-^ff (C)D*EHId>KQETXZ DwrTwac/t Dimma a b dfff; Iqr aur (8) austeres 0 p (non infra) 22, [nequa~^] austeris homo ABff (C)DFG<^H0IcPMOQTXZ Eeg 1 B vii Durmach f (s) (homo austeris EKE Dimma abcqr aur B) homo austeres ff; {male Wordsw, austenis) 23, et (pro ut) illut (pro illam) G [illud ABff CDEFHEPM QTYZ* Eeg 1 B vii** d e g; gat p. 8 (ilia vel illud)] ilium 3* 0 Dimma (illu) b q 24, adstantibus APPENDIX I. (A) 61 Luke xix. 24. minam . . minas B ff "[PF JMOEX*Z Durmach r p, e (minas, om. minam) 25, [domine pleno] minas Bff'=SPFJMOEX*Z Durmach r [om. vers, eetb dff2 cum gr D] 26, — et abundabit 27, UGEti~^TAmeN tP aur (vertn 8 im ; veru tn Dimma) 28, -f- in (post ascendens) ff DS'JKMQEZ dffirB aur (q s) hierosolVma ABMlViXY (Ens') g s aur (of. B) (cap, Ixiii.) xix, 29, adpropinquasset ; ibid, betbfage ; bethania AB ff GHIOXYZ defsaurp (bethania Dimma 8) [oliueti] 30. [alligatum] ( ligatum Z ) 31, dicites (pro dicetis) Nova ; (dicitis 0 aur) 33, [domini ^Zeno] 35, — sua error ex supra seq. cum s sola (avTav Ta Iparia et eorum vestimta B) ilium (pro puUum) CKZ ceq (eum d -{- D^O [mut. r] inposuerunt; 37. adpropinquaret; 37, discendentium (pro discip.) DEFEY ; descen- dentium ABff CHeiJcPKliTOQTWXZ Eeg 1 B vii Dimma g-a aur gat S§?^ (cf. GM/ S, ISL) dmf) (pro deum) ff KZ c quae (pro quas) Nova (cf. d) 41. adpropinquauit 42, cognouissis Nova 43, circundabunt (sec. loco) *n % (pr. loco W) circiidabunt aur B bis ¦ 44, -tuos ACa'FGH0JMTX^YDMr7?iacAc/a*'s/x supra E a cff2 iqs [mut. r] 45, eicere 46. scribtu"^ scribtum ffETX*YZ/, /a (conifra morem) ilr 62 GENESIS OF VERSIONS OF THE N,T. Luke xix. 47, cotidie (cap , Ixiiii,) XX, 1, 3, principis — iesus error — unum < D JKETVZ Durmach cqpetgr NBLE 1 33 157 etc. (syr). {- unum verbum a eff;i) respondite CEMOE Dimma aff2lraur (respon. sic p) 4. baptismum ; ibid. iohannis ; ibid, inter se 6, sin autem iohannen M (cap. Ixv.) XX, 9, XX, 11. adficientes ff DEGJO Dimma aur im 13, 15. [dominus pleno] ; 14. inter se 17, scribtum ffEGX*YZ/iZr 18, supra bis (cap, Ixvi.) XX. 19, istam (pro hanc fiti.) 20. et (pro ut sec) cum omn (except (£, iS adrB) 21, ilium (pro eum) dices (pro dicis) Nova sed in ueritate uiam ^i doces ; 22, dare tributu"^ 23, temptatis 24. inBcribtione"^" ffEO'=TX*YZ [nonfl] ir (scrifttionem 0*^a) [Habet ei cum ff KVWZ] §€ 25. quae caesaris sunt caesari ; ibid, quae di sunt do 26. repraehendere ff Ea*GH@M:OEY r ; adprae, ci (respondere Dim/ma) (cap, Ixvii,) XX, 27, XX, 28, mosesscribsit ff EGIOXYZ fff2ilr uxore (pr. loco) error (uxore ff; aur p) filiis (pro liberis) 32 init. + et Z (+ autem QBfff;lqr) (cf, d et rell vett) 34, saeculi buius APPENDIX I. (A) 63 Luke XX, 34, nubent EFXZ 35. nubunt . . ducunt ; 37. moses 39. respondens ^ B0(E)Z dffiiq aur. dixit 5 BZ i aur [non d ff; q] — ei 40. audiebant DY* quicquam ; 41. dauid esse 43. scabillum EH(G)JM0(E)VX2.aMr (cap. Ixviii.) xx, 45. XX, 46, Synagogis JP (sin, S*EW E*H Dimma) primus (pro primos) Nova xxi. 4. abundante (pro abundanti) Nova quod (pro quo) (cap. Ixviiii.) xxi, 5, lapidibus bonis ; 6, supra ; 8, adpropinquauit ; 8, illos (pro eos) 9, uideritis (pro audieritis) D g (e) proelia seditionis ff; (turbationts e) non (pro nondum) 11. terremotus ; 12, inicient ; ibid, in synagogis ; 12. -I- in (ante custodias) BOVZ(D) g; q s p gig [non Dimma r] 13, contingent B(D)G(H)]!?[ Dimma g2?ilrr2 (s evenient) 16, morte adficient ffDEaPG@IJ«.PO(E)Z Dimma (a) /a (l) qs p 18, capillos Nova (cap. Ixx.) xxi, 20, hierasalem sic (et vi, 17) (ierosale 8) (hini p) adpropinquauit ; 21. in (pro ad) ; 21, descedant {pro disc.) ABCTXY (vett) ; descend ant ff JT c, secedant a e 22, scribta ffEGOX*YZ/t I r 23, pregnatibus BF praessura F©KZ/i I (non q, vide infra) supra AFHOXY/a^ 64 GENESIS OF VERSIONS OF THE N.T. X2d, 24, caden (pro cadent) error (cade sic /a) hierusalem 25, praessura ©KZ (i) I q (occursus hoc loco f [vide supra ver, 23] conclusio e, conflictio d, conpressio a) + et (ante maris) CH* JMQE ra Durmach ? il [non Dim/ma] 28, adpropinquat BffCDaPFG@IJ.PMOEZ adefB 34. [attendite] 35. laqueos Nova omnes que (pro omnes qui) Nova (cap, Ixxi.) xxi, 37, f _ xxi, 38, omnes 0 (omf compendio 8) xxii, 1, adpropinquabat plur,, Dimma et a fB aur ji. - azymorum Nova (cf. Diatess) 2. eu~^ (pro ibm) 3. cognominatur B'^'^^KMBYZDimmaaeilr gat Hil (vocatur AX^Y Cerne d B), [Bell, vulg, et vett. cog- nominabatur cum vg., vel vocabatur ffaP(G)HM] scarioth ; 6, oportunitatem 7. azymorum «P Margaret (azim, GHM'VW B) 8, iohannen ; 10, - quidam ; ibid, [amphora"^] 12, vobis ostendet cinaculum Nova 16, illut GcPZ i I* 18, [de generatione vitis] 19, faciente (pro facite) Nova (faciete S*) 20, cenauit ; 22. illi homini ; 22. traditur GMTZ Durmach ab c dilq aur gat 23, querere [cotitra morem h] Da. (querere J* Cerne) (conqrere 8) intra se DS'IMC 8 (om, EG) t Ahsunt deinde cap. APPENDIX I. (A) 65 Luke xxii, 25, ex eis (pro eis)* correxit ipse* 26, iunior (pro minor) minister (pro ministrator) [PKO VX*Z fir aur (minist vel ans B) 27, ministrat ; (sic contra morem h) [primo loco] a ? Margaret 28, temptationibus 30. -meo AO'^GUMWBTIY Durmach Dimma d e I iM [mut. r] et D" syr cu (noti S, noti pesh, non Diatess) ibt 31, cribaret (pro cribraret) CET (vett. variant) 33 fin. iret (pro ire) Nova (irae ff2 !) om q 34 init. et (pro at) cantauit lOE/ i ? (U (clamauit d) vocif erabitur 8 1 35, calciamentis (Wordsw. 35) 36 wi^, ad (pro at) 0 a dfff2 i I 37. scribtum ffEG0TX*YZ a ff; (contra morem) f il r 38, [at] ; ibid, gladii duo ; 40, temptationem 43, factus magonia \error (factum est cum in (pro factus in agonia) I ag. esset I) 44, [cum vg] 45. illos (pro eos) DS'ejKOEVWZ Durmach a b eilq aur 8 p [non Dimma] 46. temptationem 47. athuc MX'^Y (aduc T) adpropinquauit ; 48, ei (pro illi) 49, hii CDES'HeiM'JtETW Cer7ie aur p (Dimma) 50, princiipis (ut vid) Nova dextram; 53, cotidie 54, conpraehendentes BE^'GIMTE Cenie aur (r) (conpr^. I) sequabatur Nova 55. atrio 56. quaedem Nova VOL. II, F 66 GENESIS OF VERSIONS OF THE N.T. xxii, 59, adfirmabat BffCDEa'.P©IJOTZ Margaret Dimma Cerne f r 8 aur p erant error 60, quod (_pro quid) ^^VOBZ ff 2 (iticer tum Dinvma) gallus cantauit ff Ea'KOVWX*Z abcdflr aur (contra gr omn et D^) 63. inludebant 67, creditis (pro credetis) ABffff'GKPMM'OQE TYZ Eeg 1 B vii Durmach Cerne, et vett omn (except d q) xxiii, 2. accusare ilium ; ibid, dari ; 5, [commouet]; 5, 4- et (ante incipiens) 7, hierosolymis «.P Margaret 8. autem (pro enim ante cupiens) ES'^'^EZ r^ audiret (pro audierat) ; ibid, de illo (pro de eo) 9, ilium (pro eum) ; 10, etiam (pro autem) 11. inlusit 14, - et JKVY*Z [inueni] di) 18, mitte (pro dimitte) Nova; I = mitte ) barabban ; 20, illos (pro eos) 21, [succlamabant]crucifige crucifigite Nova [contra, sic p : crucifige cru nee amplius] ilium (pro eum) 22, inueni ABG@Y Eeg 1 B vii* a gat gr plur syr copt 26, adprehenderunt CDJ«PM0* Margaret Dimma ^fff'i ^ (al. adprae., adpch. m) inposuerunt ; 28, hieruaalem 34, faciant VZ (/a) Z (faciam/a) 35. expectans Bff CGIJJ'(M)OTW Margaret h ^ f ff-i I r 8 aur (exspectans ES* K(M)EVX*Z Cerne Dimma a gig) [spectans ADH@]\TQX"Y ^% c p; videns db] [deridebant] ; ibid, ilium (pro eum) APPENDIX I, (A) 67 Luke xxiii, 36, inludebant; ibid, ilh (pro ei) ; 37 init. - et 38, superscribtio ffEGO*XY Eeg lBviiff;U ... inscribta ff EGO*XY (scribta /a Q ' tulus scribtus / r) ilium (pro eum) grecis CDE* J* etc. Dimma ff; I q aur p (8 gcif) 39, tu est (pro tu es) error 40, ilium (pro eum) 44. [tenebrae] facte ff; (p ten, fact§ contra morem p) in universa terra usque in nonam hora> sic (nonam horam AB (D)H@ JMMTEY b q p; nona bora e ; bora nona d; nonam (— horam) Z* 8 [male Wordsw. d]) 46. exspirauit ADBiPWQY Dimma Cerne c dB p 47, glorificabit (pro ,,,uit) glorificabat @ Cerne, clarificabat c, honorificabat d, magni- ficabat g (...bant e^aO, magnificat b. 48. adherant GE 49, erant eum 51, concilio ABffCGKMOTXYZe/a2«Mr[7»Mi.r] arimathia ; ibid, iudeae 52. ad pilatu sic error (ad pilatti aur 8 p) 54. [parasceues] A*BGH©IJMOWX* cor vat mg I** vg inlucescebat ; 55. ipso (pro eo) 56, ungenta AB^BMrnOXYZ" Dimma I p xxiv. 3. ingraessae Nova ut vid.; vide viii. 2% vocae (cf. t-P alibi, et d) 4. -|- et (ante ecce) DEE Durmach Cerne bel q r 8 p et gr plur iuxta (pro secus) KOVZ Margaret Dimma* Certie af aur (sicut ff; !) om r 6. sit (pro est sec.) 'K0*XZcff;g2aur Tert 9. nuntiauerunt ; 10, magdalenae ; ibid, iohanna 11. credebant ; 12. [sola posita] ; 13. hierusalem ; F 2 68 GENESIS OF VERSIONS OF THE N,T. Luke xxiv. 13. fin. post enimaus -f- et cleopas e ff2 (cleofas et ammaus b [hiat g]) cf. Ambr. 15, adpropinquans ibat 18. cleopas ; ibid, hierusalem ^ 20, tradiderint (sic) eum (tradiderunt eum BODS' ©JK^OQETVWXYZ Durmach 8 aur im et gr NBLMXrA 6te,)hunc trad, E Dimma abdeff^r sacerdotum AffDFGKMO*QVXYZ (E Dimma gat. bdff2g; IrBp) 21. ibt - est ACD^'FGI JMEY Cerne c d eff, (r ?) 8 [noti Dimma p] 24. uiderunt (^ro inuenerunt sec.) BCDEJI&^QETZ Durmach Par 262* 13171, corp oxon. gat. abe (d e)fff; g; I (om. I Wordsw) r aur 8 (om Wordsw.) et gr syr ¦ 27. mose interpraetabatur ffCa'FGH©I]llT]!?[EYZ* Cerne** aur (E d I) scribturis ff EFO*X*YZ / 1 r + se (ante ipso) FGH@0* aur (semetipso c, sea) [male Wordsw. " de ipso" FGH @0* aur; cf. Sabatier de G, Banke de F, Belsheim de aur] 28. adpropinquauerunt ; 30. illis (pro eis) ; 30, et (pro ac) ff CDKQTVZ Durtnach** [non Dimma] a c (cf. d) ef ff; Irlii, 32, scribturas ff EFGO*X*Z fff; I [non r hoc loco] 33, hierusalem congregatus Nova ipsis (pro ilhs) ; 36, baec autem ; ibid, ibs stetit 37, [spiritum ^ZcTzo] 39, ipse ego sum ; ibid, [sps compendio] 40, baec (pro hoc) Fs (om Y) om. vers, a b d effilr etW 44, scribta ffEFGIO*TX*YZ//a [«om 2; non r hoc loco] APPENDIX I. (A) 69 Luke xxiv, 44, mosi ; 45, intellegerent ; 45, scribturas ffEGO*X*YZ/r; ea quae scribta (scripta blq) sunt b ff^l q 46, scribtum ff EFO*X*YZ fff; [non I] r die tertia Vulg codd plur contra vett plur et Dimma (om. bff I) 47. paenitentiam bierosol-yma «.P 48, estis testes 49, mittam (pro mitto) ff PKTVWXZ Cerne a g; aur cor vat mg. S KM?W Deer f p (cbanan ffZ, chanam F, channa WJL, chanaan ff; [ver 11 canan] aur) 2, [nuptias] nubtias ff SYZ 6, hydriae ; 7, hydrias 10, -autem Aff CDAa>FGJMQSTXY Z>eer c (habent vero EE Ditnma ff^ I aur) [8 = autem vero] binum (pro vinum sec] Nova 11. chana BFG@IJK]\T Deer r p (cbanan Z/, channa [PE, chanaan OMr) (cap. V,) ii, 13, hierosolyma ibs ordo cum omti. 14, nummularios ; 15, nummulariorum ; 15, effundifr Nova aest (pro aes) Nova (eas ff^ 17,. vero stmt scribtum ffAE0SX*YZ/(7raM^. r) 20, - in 22, scribturae ff AEGOSX*YZ / g (cotitra tnorem) r 23, hierosolymis (cap, vi,) iii. 1. iii, 2, eum (pro Iesum) dm (pro deus) BDIJlNTOQEZ' Durmach Deer c p (mut. r) [non Dimma] 3, natus (pro renatus) 4, cit* (pro dicit) errore ex bi dicit (&/4) 72 GENESIS OF VERSIONS OF THE N.T. iii. 4. senex sit phir. Dimma et ff; (8) (senescit 3'""' E) in ventre (ut vid) HBS ff; (in ventre Dim/ma I aur B) rursus (pro iterato) (ff)aPJKOVXZ Deer fossat (variant rell et vett) ; ire iterato rursus et nasci Dimma intrare JX nasci (pro renasci) 5, — sancto [introire] intrare Bar (cf. vers. 4) ; (videre aur et gr ^<*M) 8, aspirat OQ (non vett [flat e]) (Vigil Taps. Optat) non scis et (pro aut) plur. Dimma, ^ et eff; glmrBaurn (mut. d) 10, - in A'=[PFJMSY Durmach Deer [non Dimma] b efffi I g 8 (mut. d) ; in hierusalem p 12, creditis sec loco (pro credetis) AH*QES Jj I OMr et gr T^A etc. 13, e caelo (pro de caelo) Nova (vide «P et al. alibi) 14. moses 15, in ipso plur. Dimma <=, c g I aur (in eo r /i) (gr iv avTco BT", iir airro) L), 16, dilexit ds mundum 18, qui (pro quia) Nova (8 = % super on) [credit tertio loco] DEa'K*ETW Deer "=,§€ fffi* q8p*ut vid, 21, ejus opera plur et cgB (cap. vii.) iii, 22, in iudaeam terram ; 23, iohannes ; 23. aemnon Nova (aenon sic 8) 24, in carcerem iohannes 25. ergo (pro autem) ; ibid, iohannis 26, iohannen ACFSTX^YZ d I (iPff^ p) iordanen; 27. iohannes; ibid, quicquam 28, ego non sum plur. Dimma etcr p 31, supra bis APPENDIX I. (A) 73 John (cap. viii.) iv, 1, quia (pro quod) fecit (pro facit) 3P* (faceret gat q ; haberet a) [baptizat] (baptizabat T gat ff; p, baptizaret g, baptizet r) iohannes 3, iudeam (contra morem h) DElPGEW Dimma Deer aff; 8 aur ; iudeam I 5. sychar plur sychar (sycar e) (Esychar b) (cap, viiii,) iv, 6. [incipit cap viiii ad verba ibs ergo] ; ibid, super 9, [coutuntur] 10. bebere Nova 14. -ego- Gl^J^TYXZ c ff; q r 8 gig (13/14 om. claus. Dimma em p; cf. GI) 20. hierosolymis ; 21. veniet ; ibid, hierosolymis 23. patre (pro patrem) eff; [patre aur 8] (patri d cum gr omn) 25. adnuntiauit A© Deer bdff;! 26/27. uno tenore absque interpunctis 27. loquibatur O (loqbaf 8) loquibatur p ut vid. 28. rehquid CGOTV a bf aur hydriam; 29, 33, [numquid; C = niiquid] 30. - ergo ; 32. dixit 35. messes (pro messis) G e (messit b) eoce (pro ecce) errore 39. perhibentes Bff;rp? (prodentes a) 41. — in eum 42, loquellam plur. Dimrna et f ff; aur [noti a] (variant vett) loqlam 8 (cap, X,) iv, 43, et fuit (pro et abiit) C JT c (et fugit D ; et venit B gat g (rjXdev L, 106) ; om. abd efff; I q r) in gahlaea C J c 45. vidisset - error hierosolymis 74 GENESIS OF VERSIONS OF THE N.T. John iv. 45. in (pro ad) mult et vett plur [Contra " ad " AG ©KMliTQVW Dwnelm. A II 17 acr vg] 46. chana AS'^F JW(@) frp; (cf rell) 48. credetis D6'=KM' Dimma d (credites e) 51. nuntiauerunt 53, — ei* (suppl. ut vid. prim, man, ipsa) (cap, xi,) V, 1, 2, hierosolyniis ut vid. 2, bebreicae h ff; (hebreice E 0 e Z g r aur, ebreice DS'E p, hebraeice F JZ^ a, ebraice 8, ebraeioe d, habraice G cf, hebraicae AH, hebraycae C) bethzetba /a", betzetha ff;* (^rid^ada « 33; ^i^ada L; ^eXl^eOa D)' helzetha d*; bethzeta JZ* "' * ; bethzeda G ; bet- zeta b ; betzata I ; bezatha e ; bel- zetha d** r, belzatha a ; betesda /; bethesda q, 4, 07n., vers, DZ* '' ^ Durmach, Sam^all, 1395, Wirce- burg " C," (vide Schepps) dflq etgr aliq., syr cu (def, S ; non pesh, non Diatess), copt et Cant, 197 teste Wordsw, (sed hodie hiat Cant. 197: iii. 36-v. 33) 5, -et A^/\^*G1I*SX*Y letBKSYT etc.Aug; XXX octo Z ; xxx-viii DF Dimma a p 6. multum iam plur. Dimma et cd f 8 aur im ; (copiosum iam r ; om iam e cum gr 253, syr aeth) [iam copiosum I] habet plur. Dimma et c d; r? (mut), et 8 ii, (hf) (haberet vg CBH@IKMM'TWZ*e law; habuerit a b ; habebat X* f q; fecis- set#2,) V, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, grabattum ; 9, - ille 9, in illo die plur. Dimma et c aur im ; in ilia die al. et bfff; Iqr 8 (mut. a). Om. d e cutn D^' APPENDIX I. (A) 75 John V 10, - ergo 11, me fecit sanum 12, — tuum 13 init. His mult Dimma et c gig p syr arm aeth (autem I), cf, e (A) 15,19, 20, 22,23, 24,26, 28,30, 31, 33, 35,36. 39. 44, 45, C (infirmus autem b, infirmis d tantum, ille autem tantum g) autem (pro enim) mult - a A*AGH*JOSY d (cf. rell) turbam constitutam S*™* QZ Durmach Dimmia nuntiauit facere a se IcP]VT(DE) c e I 8, q, (ra) (d) quicquam demonstrauit HOTZ* Deer b f ff; aur Tert. (8 = demonfii) indicium omne omnis transit Nova Durmach Deer b c (tnut. a) transibit g 8, transeat DE Dimma vitam habere ; 27, -(- et (ante indicium) eius (pro filii Dei) - ipso GJZ* "^dr quicquam — ipso (fere omnes hoc loco) [;non ff; I q 8] et pro ipso D p Z Deer d I (Y aur) 36, iohanne ; Nova (om J cum gr G 33) iohannenexultare ad hora~ eam (pro ea) me misit scribturas ff GOSX*YZ / [non r^l (saepe I, sed saepius script.) aUr (tantum hoc loco) potestis vos ; ibid, est deo aput accuset moses sperastis [PGOSTZ* Deer a 6 //a ffiCGJKOTVXZ(BE) Deer abed ef (ffi) g Iq aur fossat ff ES'H* JOX* (silet Wordsw. de Z) Dimma gat b GENESIS OF VEB SIONS OF THE N,T. John V. 46. mosi scribsit 47, credetis (pro ^ creditis ^rmo > loco) ) (cap. xii.) vi, 1, vi, 3. subit (pro subiit) 5, dicit ; 6, temptans 7. et (pro ut) 9, hordeacios ff BFGOSX*YZ/ (scribit?:). credistis E ; credatis a ; credidistis D 8 ; crederetis T ; crederitis Dirmna AH p (ascendit G fossat b ef qr ; abiit a dff; I aur) Nova (g om) AAa'FGHK'^MO STVXYZ c f,B ordeacios (cf. rell) 10, faenum ; ibid, miha 13, hordeaciis ffE@IKQ b cf,8 ordeaciis (cf. rell) 14, — Iesus ; 17, nauem ; 17, chaparnaum (contra morem h) ff2 ; et cf. Z* : chapharnaum (cauarnaum Ditnma ; caf, DE) 18, exsurgebat plur Dimma et f q 8 p; [vg. et ff CAGJOWZ e exurgebat] insurgebat J> d. ff; aur ; insurgebant b ; iam surgebat a 19, super 21, in naui accipere eum 3PK0Z(VW) (accip, eum in navi p) fuit nauis plur Dimma et c g I aut IM fossat (ra) in qua ff DOZ a b d e I q (r) (r^) (qua aur 8) (in q Dimma fi) 22. in nauem; ibid, abissent ; 24, — in 27, vobis dabit plur Dimma et c 8 et gr ABLrAA etc. ; (vobis dat aur ; cf. gr ND) 31, manna manducauerunt scribtum ff E 0 STX* YZ / r 32, moses ; 33, descendit de caelo ; 35, eis (^7-o ei) 37, veniet (pro venit ) C©JM /; venerit D e p; sec. loco) ) venret E ; venientem q S eiciam plur et c 8 (cf. rell vett) 39, ilium (pro illud) APPENDIX I, (A) 77 John vi. 39.40, 41. 43, - in Aa>*F'=HIJMSTZ e 8 et gr BCBGHL etc-. enim (pro autem) resuscitabo ego plur et c f (q Ber) [cum vg. I Dimma ff2 m Aug] 44,45, — VIVUS murmurari — in — in scribtum docibilis FHJMSY(E) d (mormurari E /x) Dl'cPQETZ Durtnach* Deer Dimma f^ e ff;* r 8 gig Aff CaPFPJMSTZ e aur 8 ffEOSX*YZ/, g (contra morem), r. ff; (docebilis E) 46, pater (pro patrem ^rm.) error (a patre e) ; om.p* 49. his (pro is) in deserto manna COTV plur. Dimma et (b) c (d) ff; (e r aur) et gr BCDT 53. suACO sic* 59. s;nagoga (cap, xiii.) vi, 60, - et 61, aputmormorarent 63, quicquam -ego 64, ibs ab initio CAGE Deer f ff; (variant vett : intra a ; penes b; et c ; in g) Dimma (mormurarent DE) illeg. p DEY Dimma c p? Tert. Nova cum r ; om. claus. F ; om. ab initio ff;* ; om. ibs I. (deus E, Xpc im) 66,70, — non sec. (ante credentes) ambolabant ei (pro eis) 71, scariothis (cap, xiiii.) vii, 1, — autem ^ plur. Dimma et gat aur p "^ § sax, Cyr Aug et gr NG al. min 7 [Contra habent vett rell et V?|C gr plur] I CD JKZ° g aur (illi g fossat) et gr 16 69 127, Om.bcdelret D^' (eis supra lin. p) D[PFG Dimma etc. 78 GENESIS OF VERSIONS OF THE N,T, Jo'in __ ,„ vii. 1. in galilaea (.^.p,,^ ^. ,^ ) (S'0AFHM:Y Deer) . ?, ]1JPM Dimbdr[ „ ' m ludaea ( , ) a 2. [scenopegia] ; 7, quia (pro quod) ; 8, - autem ; 8, ascendam ff KJ&OTWXZ cor vat. editt, antiq, et ab c fossat ; om. claus. QE I* jm 12. multus plur et 8 ; magnus f q (b r) (om. a c d e ff* I aur et D^') 11/12 om. claus. Dimma. de eo erat in turba 18, ilium (pro eum) 19, moses ; 22 moses , , (mose ? illeg) 23, [circu~^cisionem] accepit DEO Durmach (ff;) I aur mosi; 25, hierosolymis; 26. numquid [tj^i niiquid] 28. docens in templo ibs mult. non scitis (pro CB2'"^K e^c (non nostis a e) nescitis) 30, adpraehendere ffEa>©IEXZ* d I r aw (apprae. A ; conprae, e) sit (pro misit) error 32. ministrus Nova (ministeria e) adpraehenderent ff^'GHOIEZ* b d r aur (apprae, K) conprae (a) e 33, — eis ; ibid, misit me ; 34 init. partim illeg 34, sum ego 35. seipsos AffCDAaPF@MQSTY Deer Dimma I q (ff;) 36, quaeritis Aff A etc. - vos AAS'FGHJMEY Dimma Deer e (gr 13-69) (cap. XV.) vii. 37. festi (pro festivitatis) a dff2m q (re) om. I. qui (pro quis) Aff AH'FH^MSY a c aur fossat 38. scribtura ff BGOSTX*YZ / 1 [mut. r] 39. - datus AFGS*YZ* (d) (f) 8 gr ^*DKLT^A etc. ps-Cypr. de Bebapt. cf. Orig. Thdt. fuerat (pro erat sec) ; 41. Xps venit 42. scribtura ffErOSXYZ/Zr APPENDIX I, (A) 79 John vii, 42, bethleem 44, adprehendere DEGJcPKMOVXZ" Deer a ff2 q 8 p; adpch, Dimma ilium (pro eum sec) ; 45, eum (pro ilium) 47, sedacti Nova (om. vers. Dimma) 48, aliquis ex principibus ; 50, dicit 51, nisi audierit ab ipso prius plur. Dimma et 8 aur. 52, numquid [vg. = nuquid] — scripturas plur. Dimma etfgqSp gat ^ cum gr omn [except D 229] syr copt arm aeth arab ? Hier in Esai. propheta a galilaea vii, 53/viii. 1. uno tenore cum plur Dimma et d e r aur ; Habent etiam b* c ff; I** r; (cap. xvi.) viii, 1. viii, 5. moses ; 6, baec (pro hoc) ; ibid, temptantes 7, autem (pro ergo) ; 9, exiebant ; ibid. — Iesus 10, — qui te accusabant Aff AM*SZ c d e et gr DMFA etc. 11, condemnabo[?;g'. =c6demnabo] aZ, a Zig, contemn, vel contempn,, damnabo ff; ; con- dempno E, condemno d; iudico e - iam Gd'KO*ETVWZ e ra aur p [non Ditnma] 12, [ambulat] vg. HJKOTZ c I Didym sax lucem (pro lumen) plur ef a dff; q 13, - ei BT ^ 14, veniam (pro venio) ffH^BJKMOQXZ e aur (venerim a b ; veni HPE Dimma Deer c f 18; venio W im) vadaT^ (pro vado sec) ff H'@ JKMQVXZ a aur ; eam b e 16. me misit 17, scribtum ff IOSX*YZ / 1 r 20, - iesus ACDASPGHQIJJ'MQSTY Deer p et vett plur [non Dimma q r 8 aur gig fossat] (hoc loco h contra Z) 80 GENESIS OF VERSIONS OP THE N,T, John viii, 20, gazofylacio MT I** (gazofil, cPJliTDE Deer f q r) gazafil, Dimma fi adpraehendit ff CB ff'lM'E bdlf aur (apprae, A ; conprae, e) (cap, xvii,) viii, 21, quaeritis mult et vett plur 22, dicit 25, quia (pro qui) AffCAa>*FHIJ.PM(0)QEST XZ b ; (quod al. Dimma et fi, quoniam d) 26. misit me ; 27, eis (pro ejus) ; ibid. — Deum mult 28. — eis a et gr BLT 29, — et sec relinquit mult et I q aur ra im 32, liuerauit 0 (liberauit Deer ]!?[SX a e/aZ, p liberauiit) liberavibit b 34, qua (pro qui) error 35, - autem sec mult et vett plur [Contra habet vg ( zum DEE a d r p (b) et gr DT 249 e^c] om. claus. Q Dimma 36, filius vos liuerauit Nova ; (liverabit d ; liberauit AEZ* m) 38. aput bis CFGW Deer abdffil (pr. XZ*/, sec. ?) - meum omn codd vulg [non p]et gl q|^ 42, diligeritis ff AHrOSX Deer 43, loquellam plur Dimma et bd efff2 Iqr aur cognoscetis BEZ Deer aur p 44, [quia] - non est Veritas in eo (g) solus cum Lucifero 45, quia (pro si) 46, arguit mult et g fossat 8 [non al. vett] om. vers, d jm — vobis sec ) ( fere omnes quare vos 3 ¦' 47, qui est ex do (pr. loco) 48, igitur (pro ergo) plur. Dimma et f g 8 p. om. abed eff2 Ir? aur 49, inhonoratis mult Dimma etf ff; fossat (cf. vett) APPENDIX I. (A) 81 John viii. 50. quaerit ^^ j Aff DAEaPFGJMESVX-^YZ^ . ^. /^ \ Dimma Deer b d r S p iudicat_ (iudicat H*QZ*Z*^ (jpro ludicet) J 54, ego (pro ergo) omn [except D Deer, vg C] noster (pro vester) vulg omn et f g aur 8 [non CEW Dimma p et rell vett] (verax r) 56, -I- et (ante vidit) 59, ut lapedarent eum (pro\ f fossat (ex x, 31) cf. Eus- ut jacerent in eum) 5 tathium ad loc. (ut mitterent in eum E 6 e ; ut mitterent super eum DdlrBp) (cap, xviii,) ix, 1, —Iesus; 2. sui (^ro ejus jp7-m,) ; 2, quamdiu [vg. = quadiu] quandiu D5PE Deer Dimma (cum vel qiidiu 6) qiidiu p in mundum sum Nova (in mundo sum, ordo cum vulg codd plur et gr plur syr ; non vett latt plur) in hoc mundo E Dimtna^ vett 6, leuit (pro liniuit) AAFMXYZ [non vett] illeg. p oculus (pro oculos) ff; 7, interpraetatur ? (partim illeg . init. vers. 7) Bff etc. 8, videbant primus (pro prius) ut in Luc. xiv. 28 (primum q) [Bell omn et vett prius except b = antea, gat ante] om. e I 9. eius (pro ei) -vero ABffDASPFJMOQESVXYZ Deer Dimma d 8 10, ocuh tui- (pro } CDAGKSTVYZ Dimma cor. tibi oculi) -^ vat. mg. b r fossat r; im Aug. (tui oculi 8 cum gr plur aov ol o^daXpoi) 11, ad natatoriam ; ibid, siloae ; ibid, vidi (pro video) 12 init. — et plur. Dimma et eff; cum gr A et min. VOL. II. G 82 GENESIS OF VERSIONS OP THE N,T. John ix, 13, ad pharisaews Nova 14. oculus (pro oculos) ff; (u pro o saepe h) 15. posuit mihi ; 15, 17, [oculos] 16. quia (pro qui) plur Dimma, d (quoniam), f I aur 8 p, et " quod sic" a b [Bell vett et ff CBGIJ.PKMTVWZ Deer vg qui] — autem (post alii) ; ibid, schisma 17. eo (pro illo) 18. quod (pro quia) Xeq (qui GV Deer b aur f; p ; quoniam acff^r; rell quia) om. claus d I 22. quia (pro quoniam) ; ibid. — esse ; extra synagogam J* 25, — eis ; 28, — ergo ; 28, es (pro sis) ADA[PFMOQESY Deer Dimma d q 8 (est ff;*, esto a) mosi ; 29, mosi ; 32, aperuit quis 33. quicquam 39 init. -et Aff CDABS'GI JMSTVXY DmTra? acl" fossat p (om. et dixit ei Iesus I* ; om. ver. 38 et 39 itiit. b) + ei (post dixit) ; 40, - quidam 41. haberitis E a X, 2, es (pro est) error (saepe ita h) 3. ostearius T 4, miserit (pro emiserit) G, D (misserit) (produxerit c ff;lr; . edu(c)erit E ; eduxerit/ 5, fugient ABff A^'FGH'^OJ'MOSXZ d et gr (fugiant Y) (cap. xviiii.) x. 7. X, 8, sed (pro et sec.) 11- -suis ACAaP*FGHIJcPMM:ESY Deer, Cant. 197, acdfU 12, 13. mercennarius 12. — autem vulg omn (except T Dimma) et (a) IM aur sax 15. obibus j^Jova APPENDIX I, (A) 83 John _^ X, 15, - meis Aff AS'FG'^JEY Deer adB cum gr 16, exhoccouili sic (pro ex hoc ouili) Nova fient 3 df etgr K^BDLX etc. [unum ovile] unus ^ AMY d cum gr omnibus pastor ( — et ult) ) [non Clem, graece] 17, pater dihgit (partim illeg.) ; 18, — et prim. 18, accipi 3*0 Deer Ditntna (ut vid) p 20, init. illeg. 21, habentes a e (cap, XX,) X, 22, [encaenia* ut vid. cum vg et @JKMOQ I] (dedicatio c (e) fff; r) hierosolymis hiemps 23. in portico solomonis ffCDS'FGeiKMMOEVWXYZ Deer (e) ff; I cbur r DABM*M?QE Deer Dur mach p GME a d e f ff; r (sala- monis DA[PS Dimma) plur. Dimma et ff; g aur p 31, — ergo (rel. vers, illeg) 32. opera bona (ut vid) 34, scribtum(dii illeg) 35, scribtura 38. quia in me est pater 39. prendere 40. iordanen 40, 41, 42. iohannes (cap. xxi.) xi, 1, xi, 2, [unguento] 3, (itiit. illeg) 4. + et (ante dixit) (b eff;* I) . per eum (pro per eam) A*BAa*H@ JKOESVYZ • Deer f ff;" fossat [illeg . p ; dubium Dimma] (per ipsum bel; per ipsam aur ; in ipso ff;*, in illo a e) G 2 ffBGSYZ/^r ffBOSYZ/Zr AffFM vide in Luc. 84 GENESIS OF VERSIONS OF THE N.T. John xi, 6, infirmatur BCDEJETX a b c dfff; I r B II gat (cf. gr) infirmaretur e 7, dicit ; 9, horae sunt ; 10, — in (ante nocte) 11, hoc (pro baec sec) ABffDAFH@iJjPKMOQ SVXYZ Deer g d 8 [non Dimma im] et gr. (postea c, postmodum r) dicit ; ibid, exsuscitem ; 14, dixit eis ibs 16, dydymus Z* ff; (dydiinus e im) 18, hierosolvma ABA e^c et vett. plur. 21. (init. illeg) 24, novissima AffDAa>FeKMXYZ2 a c d e ff; aur ij. 25, et si (pro etiam si) CDaP-^^GJETZ* Durmach Dimma adeflprB (licet ff;) fieret (pro fuerit) Nova [om. Q] (moriatur jiro mortuus fuerit e ^a) 26. credidit (j3ro credit) Nova (credet a ; rellcumvg) 27. - vivi - hunc ABff *CAa'*FJMSY Deer d 8 Aug. et gr. (nunc^) 28. - etMZ^, (ante vocat) Aff*"=' Aa'*+'^ H@KOSV YZ fossat ? [tion vett] om. adest et Dimma 29, surge (pro surgit) e7-ror 31. igitur (pro ergo) 32, caecidit CEa»OEZ* d e dixit 33, iudaeus Nova [in peeoouit sic] BIP@OQVWXY^ vg b ff; I (8) cor vat* fossat (infremuitfbat B) (infremuit in r; fremuit in a aur; f remit im; al. fremuit [cf. dp]) turuabit (sic) (TX / ff; turbabit ; conturbabit e) semetipsum BffKM:(0)WXZ b 8 aur Aug 35, lacrematus Nova [om. claus 8] (lacrymatus c .SC) lacrim. vulg omn et vett plur 37. dixerunt ex ipsis APPENDIX I, (A) 85 Johnxi, 37. potuit WZ b — nati -I- et (post ut) plur Dimma et (b) d elB p aur et gr syr 39, fetet plur et b e ff;l8 aur [illeg im] (putet E d, pudit p) [foetet D J Dimma vg] quadriduanus ; ibid, enim est 42, dixit (pro dixi) d (sed D*' ei-rrov) [cf. I : dixi(t) sic ut edit, ab Haase] ('dixi' sic p) 44, dicit ibs eis mult [non vett] cum gr BL Orig. (om. eis T a r aur) 45, partim illeg. sed hand dubio — et martham, — iesus (cap, xxii,) xi, 47, [facimus] 48. credunt Aff BGX*Z ff; et gr N* -1- et (ante locum) plur et g 8 et gr plur 49. [caiphas] — nomine plur Dim/ma et dff; g fossat aur 8 p quicquam 50, nobis (pro vobis) plur Dimma et c g f r gat 8 p cum gr ABGHIKA etc. [vobis vg E a (bobis) b d e ff;lauretgrBDJAMXTetc.] 51, quia (pro quod) ; 52, -I- et (ante ut) 54. aput FGJOET Dimma (contra morem apud vel ap) b ff; (inter adefB cum gr) ; loquebatur cum r, iudaeus Nova fin. - suis AAaP*FGH*QXY d 8 etgr KBDILFA etc. 55, hierosolyma; 56, conloquebantur; 56, veniat Aff ABa'*FGH@JOQXYZ ; veniet cPV Durmach df ff;g p; non ventur.., r; [venit vg, rell vulg codd et a b c e 8 gat aur] Vult veniat vel veniet Dimma. 86 GENESIS OF VERSIONS OF THE N.T. John (Wordsw. 57) 56. adpraehendant Bff CE[PG@IE (adpre. JMJSiTOXZ Deer b 8, apprae, AHY, appre, AFKQSVW vg, conprehendant ff;) ; (adpraehenderent d r ; adprehen- derent DJ'T Dimma (adpch,) af aur im; conpraehenderent e; comprehend- erent c) xii, 1, — paschae Nova fuerat Lazarus plur et 8 p (erat laz, CIlT abe dfff; r aur) 2, cenam AFHMESTWXYZ Deer abdefr 3, libra (pro libram) e (libra Dimma aur 8 p) [unguenti] primo loco Vide infra praetiosi BffBS'HJJNTOE r capilhs suis pedes eius fin. ungenti S* Deer [illeg p] (al. Aff AP HMSXYZ" Dimmia bis in versu) Dimma vero "honore ungenti" pro odore unguenti ! 4, dicit iudascariothis (vult prob. iudas scariothis) cf. d 6, ungentum Aff AFHMOSTVXYZ" Deer Dimma p ? veniit ABffCFGIJMOSWZ^ b (c) eff, aur B (fossat) cor vat* 7. sine plur b f aur p ef^ (varicmt vett) in die ABff CAGH@IKMM?OSTX(Y)Z / aur fossat iUut (contra morem h) Gab 12. hierosol-yma ; 13, osanna 14. scribtum ffEGIOSYZ/r 16. scribta ffEFGOSYZ/r 18. obuia (obbia Z) (obvia Dimma aur p) 20, gentilis (sic) quidam plur : gentiles quidam et f aur IM 22. ibm (pro iesu) HZ e (ad ibm abe dfff; I r) 24. (in terra vel in terram, Tiescio ; illeg) APPENDIX I. (A) 87 John (Wordsw. 24.) 25. adfert ADAESPGHIJOESY Ditnma Deer aur 8 xii. 26, bonorificauit BIJNTOSTXZ Deer efff; I aur (honorauit a ; honorabit r 8 ; honoret d) 27, saluum me fac (pro \ KO(Q)VX*Z aur (r) saluifica me) j ex bora hac in bora (sic) banc error, cf. vett rell cum ablat. 28, tuum nomen ; 29, factum esse ; 30. vox baec 31. eicietur 34. - oportet JZ*^'^ 35, (illeg., haud dubio tenebrae vos) conpraehendant (cap, xxiiii.) xii, 37. xii, 38, esaiae bracchium Z a b d e f ff-i (Mat q) r (brabium p !) 39. esaias 40, eorum cor omn et d 8 p aur cum ord gr [tion rell vett, noti Dimma, cum vg] — non (sec. ante intell.) plur [Noti tPT" vg ade f (I) et D^] ( — non prim, p) intellegant ; 41, esaias ; 42. de (pro e) ; 42, Synagoga ; ibid, eicerentur 47, saluum-faciam (pro salvificem) ut vid. GKINTOVZ aclr aur gat fossat (salvetur q ; salvem d e f q) om. claus ffi 48, iudicauit BI*OSZ*Deer/Z xiii. 1, + autem (post diem) phaschae Nova (cf. chaparnaum vi, 17) eius bora B ff CDI cP KM W OESTVW X*Z Durmach Deer Dimma b dlB cum ord gr (cap, XXV,) xiii, 2, cena Aff AG etc. 88 GENESIS OF VERSIONS OF THE N.T, John xiii. 2. corde (pro cor) plur et a cfq r ? fossat gat ii [" cor " vget CEPKO^TVW bdeffgmBaur] simon BCE JO*EV Deer gat e p syr schariothis Nova (C schariotis) 4, a cene (pro a coena) Nova praecincxit AB3PE r [praecinxit mult et Dimma c ef I aur (p)] 6. misit (pro mittit) ff CEKOSTVW abdffj mq r aur fossat q?^(S; missit [p p ; f udit / ; mitit Dimma peluem (^pro peluim) plur et a b d ef ff; (pelbem 0*T aur ; peine Z ; pelue I q) (piluem DA Ditnma p) labare OX e 7. dicit 8, habes (jjro habebis) A(C)AFGHKSXYZ a 6dZr? 10, - nisi / (B)ffAa'*FGH@J(K)M(0*)SX*YZ — pedes < Durmach Deer Dimma c aur gat { ' fossat p (Ea"°«E) 13. magir (pro magister) Nova [dne compendio] 14, vestros pedes Bff CJKlllTOZ b (f vobis pedes) 8 IM et gr plur 15, facietis Nova ut vid. (8 = faciatistte) 16, [domino pleno] ; ibid. — est sec, ; 18. impleatur; 18, scribtura ffBISYZ/r 19, ut credatis cum factum fuerit 20, -f- factum (ante misero) Nova (cap, xxvi.) xiii, 21, xiii, 24, dicit (pro dixit) primo loco 25, -f et (a7i^e dicit) c [non Dimma sed supra vers 10 + semel post lotus est Dimma cwm c] 26, intincxisset BAEFGi-PlSiTOE aur simoniscariotbis ^Simoni Ba"=IJcPKQRXZ (simoni scariothis I Dimma b c f I r aur jm «eZ simonis cariothis) ] (CET) a caryoto d I (simonis scamothi B) APPENDIX I. (A) 89 John xiii, 27, -f- tunc (ante introiuit ; ibid, ilium (pro eum) ; — et sec ; ibid, dicit 29. [quod]; ibid, [dixisset] ; 31. dicit 32, clarificauit Jis C^&KOYfXZbf ff; fossat aur p (pro clarificabit) \ (al. pr. vel sec) glorificauit ( bis d e (cap. xxvii.) xiii, 33, xiii, 35, mei discipuli estis ; 36 (fin. illeg.) 37, sequi te modo BD JKINTOEVZ Deer, Durmach ? [non Dimma] c aur p (modo sequi te S*) 38, - ei ponis AffCAa'FGHlJ'MM:*OSTWXYZ a b d e g q aur contra gr BAO Deer 6//a XIV. cantauit me ter 5, vadas (pro vadis) Z (eas e) 9, et non cognovistis me ; phillippe (sic interpuncta) c/, JP, etal? a?b?c?f? vidit bis (pro videt) ; 10, credis ; 13, — patrem (cap. xxviii,) xiv, 15, xiv. 16. paracletum. 17. cognoscitis ABAFGH*@*IJM]\TOSY &/^g|^ ; cognovistis TXZ* aur; agnoscitis a; scitis d r ; nostis c e_^2 d'GOEWX Deer bfff AB(C)D5PFGHIKMM'ESTVXYZ Deer b efff; q r aur p aput 18, orfanos 20, [cognoscetis] — sum 21, diligitur 22, scariothis CDE Jd'ETX*Z Dimma vett omn C([P)©JKO*QTV afrSaur fossat BE aPFG@i JcP]\T*E WZ Dimma Deer 8 p nobis manifesta turns es 23, mansiones ABffA^'FHeMOSTXYZDMrTreac/i (Deer mansionis) aur p (cf.cd Lucifer) aput GEW Deer a bfff; 90 GENESIS OF VERSIONS OF THE N.T. John p xiv. 24. diliget e** (dihgit sic e) meus (pro meos) Nova (me p) (sermonem meum E, verbum meum e) serbat CO (facit e, custodit a) (serbabit d) observat T g ; servet Margaret 25. aput FGcPEX Deer abff^ [nonf hoc loco] (vobiscum p) me (jpro vos) Nova (error) 26. paracletusqua,ecumque [vg. = qusecuque] 28, diligeritis ff AES'HEX/a ^ g (diligitis B, dilegitis Dimma) 30, quicquam (cap. xxviiii,) xv, 1, XV, 2. omne (pro omnem sec) ut vid. adferat 4, palmis [PGMS manseretis Nova (silet Wordsw) 6, aruit (pro arescet) eos (pro eum) plur et b c ff; gat fossat fi*; ilia a; ea/, mittunt; ibid, ardent (pro ardet) ; 8, adferatis 13, quis ponat 14. praecipi sic (pro praecipio) praecepi DO*Z* 15, dico (pro dicam) quaecumque [vg = quseciique] ; 16, adferatis 20, sermones mei [sermones B (Deer Dimma 8 sermonis) d e ff; I et W; om. mei vett plur ; verbi mei q] [domino pleno] 21. me misit [PKftTOVZ Durmach (Deer) abe def ff; qr p fossat gat [non 8 aur] 25, impleaturscribtus ffG^IOSYZ/ (scribtum EG* a [contra morem] r) oderunt (pro odio habuerunt) '^*KM:0YX*Z Deer a (d)eqr (B) aur APPENDIX I. (A) 91 John XV. 26. paracletus ; ibid, [apm compendio veritatis] 27, perhibetis (cap, XXX.) xvi, 1, xvi, 2, Synagogis se obsequium | B(C)D(E)a'JKMrOTVXZ (pro obseq, se) ) Dimma b ff; r 8 aur [non p] (se sacrificium a f q; se hostiam d, se culturam e, se ofi&cium Cypr ; — se c) 3, — vobis plur codd vulg etb el q aur 8 p [non al. vett, non Dimma] Cypr Lucifer 5, at (pro et prim) plur et I (ad) aur [non Dimma] (autem c d efff; q r B fossat) me misit ; 7, paracletus 9 fin, (credide)runt in me scribebat libr, in lin, xxiv (contra morem xxiii) postrema (Vide Z - in me) 10, videtis (pro videbitis) BEPZ* d goth 11, mundi buius ; ibid. — iam 13, [sps (compendio) veritatis] in omnem veritatem AD[PFGMQE') SXY Deer af q r 8 aur p\ cf. grace, in omni veritate c^a \et Wordsw, in veritate omnia I ad loc. in veritate omni b d J adnuntiauit BOZ*(X) ad(f)ff; (nuntiauit e) 14, clarificauit (pro .,.bit) MJllTOX/a (bonorificauit a q ; glorificauit d e) adnuntiauit 0 a d (f) ff;; nuntiauit e 15. quaecumque [vg, = qusecuque] accipit Z* Dimma a p et gr (accepit D) adnuntiauit 0 (SX) a (/) ff; 18. ioquatur (pro loquitur) JX*Z aur (loquetur B ; dicat r ; [dicit d] dixit a) 20, [plorabitis et] fleuitis (plorau. et fleu, 0) 21. [pressurae] 22, tollit ABS'FGMOSXY b (tollat E) 92 GENESIS OF VERSIONS OF THE N,T. John (aufert e / g ; auferet a ff; r) aipei gr NACD'LYA etc, xvi, 23, non interrogabitis me ) (interrogabitis BffDS'K quicquam (pro me i M'(0)EVWX*Z Dur- non rogabitis quid- f mach Deer a (b) cff^q quam) J 8 p* aur "n ) om. vers ' Dimma 24, quicquam 25, adnuntiabo ffCES'GeiJJPKM'OZDiTwwaDeer aur (8) (cf. rell) , (nuntiabo Baeq/i) 26 init. — in plur et b e g aur fossat 27, [amastis] vg. et BCEJTVXZ Dimma agqaur 8 cor. vat. dilexistis d (e) 33, [presBuramj habetis (pro habebitis) ff BH* J aur (habeatis Us in versu [PE, Dimma Deer Durmach e p) et gr plur e^ere (cap. xxxi.) xvii, 1, xvii, 3, solum ueru'^()m ffCDaPGHeJJ>KM:OTVWZ Margaret Dimma (Deer p solum deum verum) et vett ; " solum et verum ^m " g (exceptf* om. verum) misti (pro misisti) Nova 5. aput bis GEWZ* Deer ab ff2q [contra tnorem] (pr, QX8) [alibi semper ap], sec. PC df) claritatem DBFGH©KMOSTZ Dimma b e, gloriam / 6. mihi : de mundo hi erant, (pro mihi ) JZ* aur de mundo. tui erant) i 7 init. + Et ff^EMTZ* b eff; aur 11. [sancte pleno] (cap. xxxii. ad verba Pater Sancte xvii. 11) xvii. 12, ex his (pro ex eis) plur etf aur (e " ex is ") ; ex ipsis ff;, ex ilhs g, om. r peribit ABABJJPOS*TYZ(aP*) ¦ (periuit CFGHIMX) scribtura ff EGOSYZ / r APPENDIX I, (A) 93 John xvii, 14. odio eos habuit 15. ex malo (pro a malo) plur. Dimma et 8 " ex vel a" [non vett] (de W d) 15/16 de mundo a malo im 18. - tu plur et vett plur [Habent CIKJ'TWZ vgfgqp?] 20, pro his (pro pro eis) primo loco 21. ut mundus credat ; 24, ego sum 25, + et (ante mundus) (cap, xxxiii,) xviii, 1, xviii, 3, lanternis (pro latemis) omti. [lancternis a ; laTnif 8, laninff p] (except vg cor vat* E JW Margaret f latemis ; et aur lampadibus) 4. dicit quid (pro quem) BCDEGET Dimma Deer gat e p 7. eos interrogauit [quem] omnes in hoc loco 9. ex ipsis (pro ex eis) 10, eius auriculam dextram 10_^>i, Explicit codex ad verbum Malchus, " The question at issue is vs^hat right we have to reject the oldest Syriac and the oldest Latin when they agree." F. C. BuRKiTT, Introduction to Barnard's ' Clement of Alexandria,' 1899. ( 95 ) APPENDIX II. The Long-neolected Book of Dimma, I HA"VE been able to collate the Gospel of St. John in the book of Dimma from photographs. I have selected St. John, as the band-writing of the scribe of that Gospel, quite different from that of those of the other Gospels, is good and clear, and there is small chance of mistakes. The collation is -with the Clementine vg, and proves, as ¦we expected, to be quite interesting, and affords several clues to various points of transmission, -which, I am sure, can be gradually and successfully cleared up, (See pp, 177/200 for further introductory remarks and pp. 200 seq, for collation of St, Matthew.) I shall not enter largely into the question of palaeography. Professor Lindsay has recently gone over tbe MS,t and given us a list of the abbreviations used. I wish he had given us a collation of the text instead, or in addition, for intemal evidence must always be the sister of the palaeo- graphical science in determining the date of such MSS. His list of abbreviations seems to cover the ground fairly. He suggests that the scribe of St. John is con temporary. I agree, and would only add that he rarely uses the et symbol. Hence' the hand, -while contemporary, may be that of a scribe older in years than the others in the monastery. Prof. Lindsay says ititer is an i with cross stroke, but t Early Irish Minuscule Script., St. Andrews University Publica tions, No. vi., Oxford, Parker, 1910. Professor Lindsay does not state that the last fe-w pages of St, John's Gospel in the Book of Moling are in three columns of short (but unequal) lines. The central column is about the breadth of the MS, n. 96 GENESIS OF VERSIONS OP THE N,T. more often it is inT" ; super he says is sf ; this is not correct : super is sup~, while sf is supra, as is usually the case in such MSS, hoc and haec (that is h and E) are very clear and hardly ever liable to confusion, q however, the symbol for quem, is sometimes used for quae and quas, as more frequently in Moling, propter written j.~ | ^^^ ^^^^^ incorrect written thus. and ^roj9^erea ,, j)~ea ' The short-hand calls for ppT~ and ppT^ea, as we do find on occasion, but very rarely (fo, 135, Jo, xiii, 11), Prof, Lindsay is of opinion that the Gospels of St, Matthew, St, Mark and St, Luke are by one and " the same hand (which varies according to the deliberation or hurry of the writer) except the first leaf and a half." I have been unable so far, from lack of time, to check this by internal evidence, but the opening of St, Mark certainly does not appear at first sight to be by the same hand -who vprote St, Matthew, but, as the size of the writing and the number of lines to a page vary throughout, superficial judgment is out of place. The opening page of St, Luke and that of St, John are in one column ; the rest of the book is bicolumnar. In St, Luke a great change comes over the -writing after fo, 80 in the xiv, chapter. The speUing approximates " D " as latzarus, hut Dimma has several peculiarities, as mito, mitere, mitit for tmtto, mittere, mittit, and this uniformly. Missit on the other hand for misit almost invariably, and reduplication of s is generally favored, Loqutus for locutus nearly always, but not quite (against Moling) ; frecenter on the other hand once (I am speaking of St, John's Gospel only at present), Cauarnaum seems pecuhar to this MS, ; as also Tibriadis (so Deer occasionally and Moling however), and gazafilacio with Moling only. A curious >^^ for y in moyses is also found, sometimes replaced by i. APPENDIX II. {Dimma) 97 The symbols most easily to be confused are quia noti for quoniam ; Iesu or Iesum are also in danger of misin terpretation. b for p is found in babtizo, but never in scripta, scriptura, except in one place, and that is really quite interesting, where Dimma makes Pilate say (xix, 22) : — " quod scriSsi scrij?si " ; sometimes p for b in sapato (for sabbato) ; final d and t are not interchangeable, nor c for t, except on the rarest occasions. The spelling of pharisee varies according to the mood .of the vmter, Philip has the h sometimes, but often is without it. This brings us closest to

lM?0ETX Deer fqi^ adferte (pro ferte) Bpet Gwill syr pesh (date e) ' present ' Diatess (Hogg) tullerunt (B adtull.) 9. uinu ut vid. pro vinum aurierant (pro hauserant) DAH*I(M')E Deer b e g q r fossat, auriebant//i? + autem (^os^ voc) beglr? gat p copt (tuncvoo.fq) 10, -I- homines (post fuerint) EE gat afq p ? (TZ* c) vero (pro autem) EE ff; I aur gat reservasti E r uinum bonum (sec. loco) SPT APPENDIX II. {Dimma) 11.3 John ii. 12, haec (^ro hoc) ^TW bf,q (hec) e!;^rM124*OxyrS*7 discendit DA5PES gat 8 (illeg im) cauarnati Nova? [non p] (caf, b rD Orig) 13. pasca p iudeor~ DSPEW/a q (8) (a) hirusolima Ihs ; 14. nummularios 15. flagillum DWB Deer p iecit cum DE ; ibid, nummulariorum 16. — et sec. (ante nolite) ; 17. vero sunt 18, 20. iudei DEW gat q 8 (CDE5P aur) [tion im] 19, illis (pro eis) B a e q 20, XLitii(_proquadragintaet sex) D'Ei'EBgatabr(d)p 22, + de templo corporis^ Nova ; cf. cor vat* + de sui (post dicebat) ) corde suo 23. hirusolimis in die festo in pasca pro in pascha in die festo (e I q r) iii. 1. ex pharissefs homo E 1, 4, 9, necodimus (D)E 1, iudeor- CDS'EW gatff; (8) 2. eum (pro Iesum) ad eum (pro ei) Nova ? -(- tu (^os^ quia) E [non vett] 3. -f res (= respondit) post ei errore vobis (pro tibi) Nova ? errore denouo (pro denuo) D[PQE Deer /u, [gr avwdev et goth. iupathro noti iupana (Erasm, solus inter latt. e supernis, ut etiam Sabatier desuper)] 4. senex sit ; ibid, (nuquid) -1- homo (post potest sec) ff; I q aur (a) et gr 131 ire iterato rursus ¦) Nova (cf. al) (pro iterato introire)) nasci (pro renasci) 7, denouo (pro denuo) DI3PQE Deer p [gr arcodev] (om. aff;) hiat goth 8, et (pro aut) ; ibid, vadit DE q 8 p (eat b r) 10, ifRt 8 (hierusalem p) VOL II. I 114 GENESIS OF VERSIONS OF THE N.T. John , iii. 11 fin. nemaccipistis sic Nova inter latt et gr. cum (pro non accipitis) gr N et Evan. 604 (Chrys) [Vide in p n pro nemo (sed hoc loco /i = n), hitic confusio inter ' non ' et 'nemo,' sed prob. ex vers. 32] 13. discendit DAE^^ES gat 8 p 14, moifef ATW p 15, in ipso (pro in ipsum) 16 init. sic h (id est enim compendio) dilexit enim (pleno) dilexit deus hunc mundum ita ut (pro ut prim) cum b et Hil ; ut etiam e 17, missit DE gat p + hunc (atite mundum prim) DE b efff; g I m q r gat Hil [non p] ut iudicet mundum bis rep. errore salueretur Nova ? [illeg p] saluus fiat h r 18, iudicabitur (pro iudicatur) BCDEGOE b dlq rBp? Hil Fulg. et Hogg (perperam ?) Diatess, credidit (pro credit) sec. loco 21. ut bis script, errore 21/22, po h~ bis script.* fin. 21 et init. 22 22. in iudeam TEam (q 8) babtizabat (ita : bapTizaba? ut baptizabaiwr ; cf.l: et ha^tizahatitur ab eo) 23, 25, 27, io (pro ioannes) 23, babtizans (D)A^ p (gat) enn (pro Aennon) E ; ennon/u, (Ambr 1/2) Hier salem p* (saleim p**) (Gr plur aaXeiii, al. a-aXrjp cum copt aliq) -{- multi (post yeniebant) DE Deer r fossat p aur gat [non gr syr] babtizabantur 3P(D) 24, in carcerem Iohannis ; 25, ergo (pro autem) 25. questio &DWGWfff; q aur (questio gat B, qsTio m) iudeis DSPEW/a (8) aur gat APPENDIX II. {Dimma) 115 John iii. 26, iohannem ; ibid, iordanen - tu BDSPJMTOX* alrp babtizat (D)a>E p (batizat q) 27, quicq + de terra (ante nisi) D p [non Deer] (cf. c e etgr aliq, syr (sed non cm S) -f a se) datum fuerit ei W 8 p; 28. ego non sum 29, sponsum ut vid. ) etiam p? Alibi confusio (pro sponsam) f inter ueta possibilis est ; non hoc loco [p~ (pro propter)] ; ibid, inpletum 32, audit (pro audivit) QY Deer S [wow p] (E) audiit e 33, accipit plur 34, missit DE gat p 35, dilegit DAWB p [oa jsro omnia contra morem] in manuf i DE JM" Durmach Deer gat (pro in manu) J b r [non p] 8 (super ev Trj x^ipi) contra gr syr ut ed. sed c = in sintt ejus iv, 1, pharissei ; ibid, quia (pro quod) ; babtizat DAS'E ; iohannis 2. quanq (pro quamquam) BD[P° "^ (ff.^ 8 p babtizaret aPE(D) 3, riliq^T iudeam DEIPGEW ff;r8 aur gat galiliam p 5, q;' (pro quae) (que D Deer q; q_8 p) [sichar] SPEV Deer c? vg p p~dium (pro praedium) 8 p, predium DWJP Deer ffi S gat 6. itenere DAWKM^Y Deer ff; 8 p (itere E) — sic "E a b e ff;* I r aur gat (fossat) [non p] gr fam 1 fam 69 aeth arm syr omn Diatess contra gr fere omn (et D^ d). Iren : ' Jesus autem f atigatus in itinere sedebat ' tantum. I 2 116 GENESIS OF VERSIONS OF THE N.T. .Tohniv. 6. super 7. aurire CDS'IMTOQET Deer e f [non q] r? aur p 8, ejus enim ordo novus ? (cf. copt) sed autem ejus fi abierunt DE J (a) 8 aur gat p (L^) 9, - ilia KEVZ ab de qr 8 [nonp] iudeus CDEa>GEW gat q (B) aur (p) a m^ bibere poscis B vett [non e f aur p] Aug (petis) et gr q;. (pro quae) iudei CDE S'EW gatff; [non 8] -f- cum (aw^e samaritanis) HPM? ff; I 8 [tion A^] [wow p] copt syr (om. claus abde gr a* D sed non syr, non Diatess) 10. [qf (pro quis)] p petiises (D petiisses) petiss^s S 11. aureas (^ro haurias) p, (al. aurias) haureas 8? Aliter b d e q r Aug 2/3 hauri- torium ut gr syr et Diatess 12. [q (pro qui)] sic saepe ; taceo de locis al. + istum (post puteum) DE gat p (al. -I- hunc) et gr 69 249 254 511 copt arm aeth syr 13/14, — non sitiet in aeternum : sed aqua quam ego dabo ei (ex homoiotel) . G gat I (p) +C^ 15, ei (pro ad eum) W^^B Deer b r [tion p] (a : illi) + bibere (bibe) post mihi [p Deer p syr S [non al] aquam banc Nova [non p] ; de aqua hac q aurire ACD A ete. Deer e f r aur (ad auriendum ff; ; cf. syr) fin. + aquam Nova cum copt [non p ut vid.] ( + amplius E ; + bine b) 17. et dicit ei (pro et dixit) r (dicit ei p ; dicit iUi q ; syr et Cyr Xeyei cvtw r\ yvvr} ( — respondit) dicens e babes (pro habeo sec) DEOQE b c d e ff; I r S (non A^"") aur gat p et gr HD Heracl ap. Orig 18. 'U- (2)ro quinque) (D " II ") APPENDIX II. {Dimma) 117 John iv. 19, profeta D^^OE ad eqr p 20, -I- in (ante hirusolimis sic) mult 21, in hirusolimis 22, iudeis CDAS^EW ff; aur gat [non B] 23, querit DGEJP Deer gatff; (B), queret e + eas (aw^e qui) Nova ; Deer p (+ eos) Cf. gr ToiovToix; ^TjTec t o v 9 irpoanvvovvTa'i avTOv (eos tales quaerit qui E) cf. syr copt adorant (pro adorent) p ; adorantes d 24, eum adorant 25. misias Deer p (missias 1IP*E) adnuntiabit 27. qris (pro quaeris) p (queris DG iP Deer gatff; q B) 28, hidriam E SPEW Deer /*? 29, q;' cunq; (p) numqd (w) 30 init. Et exierunt ( - ergo) E cor vat* b dr [noti p] + gr CD et syr omn copt 31, -f ejus (post discipuli) GE Deer gat (e) p 47. iudea galiha discenderet 48. credetis 49. discende 61. discendente nuntiauerunt - dicentes 52, - ei 53, 54, b dr [non p] et gr KD ; cf. copt simplieiter et gr Evst 52 Cum sah et Chrys cod tt ( — ei quia a b) [tion p] [non gr syr copt] dixisset (pro dixit) Nova ? [non p] (dixerat b e et Gwill syr pesh interp) + quia (ante fihus) e S (-f- quoniam d, + quod flqr; + on DINrAAII Cyr copt) [non /i] crededit ff; f (pro secundum) APPENDIX II. (Dimtna) 119 John iv. 54. a (pro a) 8 p iudea CDE'lPEW Deer gat ff;qr (8) [tion aur p] galiliam [wow p] V. 1. iudeorum CIPEW Deer gatff; q (8) aur hirusolimis 2. hirusohmis -)- super (ante probatica) mult. q;> (pro quae) eb^reice sic (ebreice DIPE Deer r? p) bezaida (D) •u- (pro quinque) DE gat p 3. + paraliticorum (post magna) Nova ; habent a b dip aur post aridorum cum D^'', et r PEG aridorum ; Diatess = ' paralysed ' peg aridorum ; cum gr aliq teste Sabatier langentium O cludorum E gat p (clodorum DT e r) exspectantium E3PG*M['Z^ r p (spectantium a I) 4. secundum tempus discendebat [P al. (e) + de caelo (aw^e in \ Nova (sine auctoritate) Cf. piscinam prim) f + tov deov Evst 52, 54 ; -J- Kvpiov Evati 251, 254 mouebat, wow mouebatur,^ AAa>ei;TO£rFH*M'SXY ut vid. > gat. Deer E Eeg 1 aqua (pro aqua) 3 A xviii a b ff; (e aur) quicumq; (pro qui) ElP-^^j^Q aur gat p (M) discendisset aliq et p in natatoriam (^ro in j ^^.^^^^^^^^ ^ ( ) piscmam sec. loco) ) ^ / \r-> motationem (pro motions) (E) Bern, p (tur- bationem e) aq;> (pro aquae) p quocumq; | AA£FaPFHM:SX^Y Deer (jjro quacumque)) r (B) p langore tenebatur A A etc. (pro detinebatur infirmitate) 5, xxxuiii- DF g'ata p; (Z, EQEW, TV, b q r 8) 120 GENESIS OF VERSIONS OF THE N.T. John V. 6, multum iam ; ibid, habet (ut vid) — ei Nova [non p.] 7. [languidus, wow langidus more Dimma] mitat Nova enim venio EM" gat ; enim ego venio G ah f q (ego enim dum venio e) — ego gat aur* (cum Aug et gr Y 249) discendit DAE[PE Deer gat b e [non B] p 8, -1- et (atite tolle) CDESPOEX Deer gat a b d e ff; r pet gr ADKH 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. [grabatum] AAEH©EWY Deer ?^,S(!i; (grauatum CT fff; aur p) 9. — ille ; ibid. sustuUit gat Is autem qui sanus fuerat effectus erat autem sabbatum in illo die (pro erat autem sabbatum in die illo) Nova (ex vers. 13) 10, — ergo m/ult et c p (cf. e et syr, contra gr copt) iudei CDESPETW Deer gat ff; q (B) [non aur] sanus (pro sanatus) JET, CDES'FMrVWZ Deer cor vat* c f aur p -\- efectus (post fuerat) Nova [effectus ver. 13] fin, -f- et ambula (^os^ tuum) Nova? (sine auctoritate) 11, ipse (pro ille) e f r Aug [non p] (gr iKeivo<;) 13, turbam constituta (pro | [P™*QZ Durmach f (cf. b) a turba constituta) 3 14. ei (pro illi) cum e p continguat D3*E Deer gat p (cf. B) 15. nuntiauit iudeis (CDEW Deer gat ff; B) 16, iudei CDEW Deer gatff (B) 17, + nunc (ante operor) Nova [noti p] 18, querebant DEtP Deer gatff; aur (S p) iudei CDE Deer gat (B) soluebat salum (ut vid.)* pro solum sol. Nova 19. [a se facere] quica; ibid, q;, cumq; -f eadem (post haec) (E gat) Eadem peg haec b e ff;q r Tert Hil Ambr APPENDIX II. (Ditnma) 121 John V. 20, dilegit D^Bp q;. ; 22, qg (pro quemquam) 23. missit D'^B gat p 24, 25, Amen afn r?(ef.V) 24, me missit (AEK gatbde fff; q r) -(DE)- veniet ADA^"eQ(E)SY gat b efff; I q r 8 (super epxerai). illeg p. transeat DE (r;) transiet AAS* etc. eff^rp aur ; transibit q 8 fin. -H aeternam ff; I fossat (p illeg) 25, audierunt cum A, vel audierant ut vid. audieSf p 26, vitam habere 28, monomentis ejus (pro filii Dei) E/i 29, uirae in die iudicii '. \ errore ? verba + in die tioti S adsunt in codd. aliis (pro iudicii) 30, quicquam quero DGWtP/^2 q aur (8 p) ; querero gat me missit Bp 31, -1- ergo (aw^e ego) Nova ? ergo (pro ego) [PFG ff;l r; p; iav 'yap min. aliq de me (pro de me ipso) 33. missistis iohannem D gat p 34. perhibeo ( jiro accipio) Nova; Tert requiro (gr omti Xan^avw). Diatess "do I seek witness," 35. exultare ad bora lumine (pro luce) 36. - autem testimonium' habeo iohanne q (pro quae prim) q;- (pro quae sec) me missit 37. missit b d ef I q [non p] Nova (eum gr Evan 253) Novus ordo (contra gr) p = quem vel quas D gat p DE gat p 122 GENESIS OF VERSIONS OF THE N,T. John V. 37, — ipse Nova cum syr cu[— ipse im, sed p 36/87 scribebat quia pater me missit pater (— et qui missit me, et — ipse)] (ille ipse c? eif D^"' !) ille aff; 38. missit D'^B gat p 39. q;- (pro quae) 42 fiti. + manens Nova cum gr 157 solo (¦{¦ ipsis I fossat fff;r) 43. accipistis (D)S*I*QE Deer gat aff; aur (foss) p 44. potestis vos accipistis (accepistis b) q" (pro quae) est a solo deo (cf. el et rell) queritis CDG'HEW Deer gat dff;q 8 aur p 45, accussaturus D3PE gat r p \ sum (pro sim) C JT a d r; p cor \ accuso e I aur vat mg q J accussat DAS* p (EE gat) moises TW gat p sperastis aFE[PH*JOX* b gat** [non p] 46. moisi AW p - crederetis sec. I (r ?) [non p] ipse (pro ille) Nova cum p (gr omn ; e'/cewo?) 47. enim (pro autem) DE gat deg [enim vel autem 8] (nam blr, sed cum a, nu goth) [lifif (pro litteris)] ; ibid, meis verbis crederitis (pro credetis fin.) (crederetis T ; cf. gr) vi. 1. galihae E Deer p tibriadis Nova cum p (vide vi. 23) 2. audiebat sic (pro videbant) error q (pro quae) p 4. pasca AT p iudeorum DSPEW Deer gatff; (B) 5, venisset (pro venit) Nova [tion p] (contra syr) veniret ber; gr e/^x^''''*' pilipum E (pihppum ff; p) fin. hii mult (hi 8) APPENDIX II. (Dimma) 123 vi, 6, temptans 7, pilipus E. (pin SIC /.t) (pilippus ^2) suficient (sufficient b) 9. u- (pro quinque) DEEW gat a p fiti. + homines? (phototyp illeg) D fossat ff; I (cf. e) -)- hominu p. 10. [foenum] cum D3PJE 8 p vg E p (a»*) DEEW gatarp [foenum] discumberuntu- (pro quinque) milia 11, accipit panes Ihs 12, (€ ver. 11) inpleti collegiteq;- (pro quae) suprauerunt Nova (sup~auerunt p) (superarunt d ; superauerauerunt ff;) a>0*QE Deer p ACA etc. vett [noti p] CDS'OQE Deer gat DE(a>) [illeg p] 13, inpleuerunt XII- (pro duodecim) cofinos u, (pro quinque) ordeacis q:- (pro quae) manducauefr cutn 8 = manducauerunt 14, — Iesus — vere profeta discenderunt 16,17, 18, 19. DAGE Deer gat d ff; aur DEW Deer gat abrB aur p Tqr p (coff. DE) copinos_^2 DEEW Deer gat a 8 aur p (5P 8) ordinaceis ut vid. p (qui T Deer) que q,qp mult et a e ff; r aur p ; manducarunt d 10m. vers. e DB'^B Deer gat beff;p nauem cauarnau Nova (caf, DE Deer b d ui noster in iv. 46) cab, 8 exsurgebat xxu (sic, — aut triginta) cum J solo et codd Chrys. (cotitra gr omn et syr et p) (r tnut. : quas et xxx) super 124 GENESIS OF VERSIONS OF THE N,T. John vi, 20. dixit (pro dicit) ES'^'^QET Deer b efl q aur gat (dicebat Dr;B super Xeyn) 21. in naui tFDAEGS'HQKM^OQETXYZ Durm. Deer c I aur ff; p gat fuit nauis in qua flFDOZ abdelq(r) (r;) [p " in q"] 22. q]' (pro quae) -I- ilia (aw^e una) DE p [vide 8] (b r et gr TAA ; e et gr K) introiisset D in nauem — soli Nova cum Chrys ; tantum (pro soli) ad(q); una e ; om. claus. syr cum gr 220 [abiissent] 23, supervenerant Nova? (supervenirent /i) (supervenissent b r) tibriade Deer p (vide vi. 1 et infra) manducauerunt CDa*FQETY Deer gat a (d) ff; aur; manducarent V* p gratias agentes deo DS* JE Eeg 1 A xviii /ossai aur r2'=i3 (gratias agentes dno p) vide Wordsw. ad loc. 24. - in cauarnaum Nova (caf. D bdr; cab, B) 25, -f non (post cum) error 26, queritis E Deer p (gat 8) 27, periit DAE Deer gat vobis dabit 29, missit DB gat p 31. in deserto (- manna) Deer [non p] (contra gr et syr omti) caeli (pro de caelo) D[P°'«QE p non vett (cf. goth _ himina = heavenly) + diis (post eis) E [nonp] (contra gret syr omn) 32. moises ATW [wow p] 33. -I- ille (aw^e qui) Nova cum syr pesh Gwill interpr. et copt (gr 0 KarajSaivwi) APPENDIX II. (Dimma) 125 John vi, 33. 34, 35, 36, eis (pro ei) omn veniet essuriet [umq]credidistis 37, ieciam 38, discendi me missit 39, missit 41 42, discendit de caelo ordo cum plur. (discendit DESPE Deer gat e p) + huic (ante mundo) D a bfff; mqr aur fossat p da nobis semper EE gat g p contra gr [non al.] Da nobis ( — semper aur) [error vg ei] — eis aur ACAa»*FH*JOSX''Y c p (e Cypr Jul Firm venerit) DE Deer gat 8 p GDW^^0qB^1§fff;Bgig aur p cor vat mg Aug DAE/i DE3PE Deer ^-aif 6 e Bp (dicendi r cotitra morem) ordo cum Q gat abdefff;qr p Tert Cypr (missit DE p) DE, Deer (contra morem) , gat p + quicquam (post ex eo) E ? Da*"«KET Deer gat b r aur p Tert (a dff;, efq, D*' syr cu S Diatess) ilium (pleno) plur etabef q (aur illii) Male Words. de r ; def. r ut edit, vel om. cum p [in nouissimo die] plur D(E) gat p ex emend, a prima tnatiu (mormur. DE) D^'^BYf Deer gat ff; q fere omn [ + vivus E gat "n vg ; + vitae DE p] DAE3PESY Deer gat e (r) p B Durmach gat b c g al S ^mc^ Quaest, et gr MN 604 al. viginti [non syr copt] [non p] + nunc (post ergo) DE aeth (vw peg ow gr BCT) copt goth artn 40. enim (pro autem) missit mormorabant iudei — vivus discendi - Iesus 126 GENESIS OF VERSIONS OF THE N,T. John vi. 42, discendi 43, 44,45, mormorare — in missitscriptum est profetis [docibiles] audit DAa*E Deer p [non B] (dis cendit 'E gat e) (D) (mormurari E p) D^^QBTZ Durm.achDeer gat^ eff;*r8gig DE gat p EGQE gat cor vat mg (a b efff; r aur) contra ord grace (om. est syr) (DS*E aeqp) mut. r DESPO'EW Deer gatab degq 8 p (J) Hil syr [non copt] et gr mult 6 aKovmv dedicit DAE 49. in deserto manna 50. discendens D[PS(Q) Deer p [non 8] discendit gat 51. discendi DAE[PE Deer gat bep [non B] 52/55 [cum vg verbatim] vg 53/55 = Wordsw. 52/55 56. + ipse (aw^e in me) Nova cum p 57. missit D gat p pater vivens EE (Deer) gat aur [non p] (pater vibus e, pater vivus ^2) DES'ES Deer gat beSp 58. 59. 60.61,63. 64. 67.68. discenditsinagoga cauarnaum -et mormorarent quicquam q;> (pro quae) - ego E[PE Deer p (caf, D b d r p) omn (except vg a deff; aur) (DE) illeg p semel DEY c Tert Aug (phototyp illeg p) — non (ante credentes) plur + in eum (post credentes) D / (wow gr syr) [non p ut vid.] •XII- DEEW Deer gat a (xi) berBp - ergo D/^ac efff; fossat rpetgrHBG etc. syr copt arm Bas Cyr Tert Cypr APPENDIX II. {Dimma) 127 Johnvi. 69, credimus CDEF etc. 70. xii- vos (pro vos duodecim) ordo cum I solo, copt et Epiphan. ; xii DEETVW Deer gat a b e r 8, vos elegi xii- p -f de mundo (post elegi) Nova [noti gr syr] zabulus 71, scariothis xii' (pro duodecim) vii, 1, - autem in galilia < in iudea qrebant iudei iudeorum QE Durmach [non p] mult, (sariothis Deer Dimma xiii. 2) D'EBW gata b r? 8 p ut 1 M cod. caraf. bdr [non p] 2 p (CDW Deer gat ff; 8 aur) CDEW Deer gat ff; [non q 8 aur] CDSPGEW Deer gatff; q (8) scenopigia D Deer ya(p'a^)(scenopiagir; scenopariaS) 3. transii (ita : Tfii) Nova ? [tIi p] iudeam CDEa*GOEW Deer gatff; [non q 8] — tua vett plur [nonf 8 p] et Durmach Deer cum gr N*DGU syr sah arm.Bas Cyr [non codd vulg ut vid. ap. Wordsw.] q:- (pro quae) (D Deer) 4. quipe (ita : qpe) Nova ? (qppe 8, qpe p) oculto Nova ? (cf. DtP) [wow ver. 10 Dimma] vult (pro i quaerit) Nova cum syr cu S et Diatess sed gr omn ^rjTei - ipse be 'se' r (neglexit Wordsw.) (illut d et B^'D^' syr) manifesta sic IJ- 7. quia (pro quod) fere omn 8, — autem inpletum CD[PGOE Deer gatff; aur 9, gaha Nova ? (cf. p alibi) illeg p 10, - non Nova (error ?) ' [occulto] (ef. ver. 4 ; vii. 10 oculto D) 11, iudei DWBYf Deer gat ff; (B) querebant DW Deer gat d ff; q (B p) 128 GENESIS OF VERSIONS OF THE N.T. John vii. 11/12, — ubi est ille usque ad quia ver. 12 ; saltus ex homoiotel. ab dicebant , , , dicebant error 13. iudiorum Nova 14. enim (pro autem) Nova ' et' a q, ' ith ' goth 15. iudei D[PGEW Deer ^a^** #2 (B) (turbae/) [lif af pro litteras] literas tPEE Deer gat q ?^ aur p dedicerit DAGY(E) Deer gat dedicit e 16. [eius pleno contra morem Dimma 3] missit DE gat p 17, cognoscit ES'FQ Durmach Deer gat* q [non p] loquor D AEa'MQy (G) deflqpB gat [cf. r 8] 18, q;EiTpriTO., querit sec. missitilium (pro eum) - hie (DBG Deer gatff; qBp) DSPE gat p non est in ipso (pro in illo non est) 19, 22, [rn'oyses] 19, queritis interficire 20, demonium querit interficire 22, circucissionem ex mo'-^ses esset (pro est) ii (non) pro et in sapato (pro sabbato) E & e ff;* syr [non p, non gr] Nova ; non est in illo c [non ff;, male Tisch.] et gr LX syr cu S aeth Clem D'K Deer gatff; (S p) D [wow p] D^GBW Deer fff; p(B) EW Deer gat ff; [non q] (B p) ff; (vide supra D) [non p] DE3P Deer (circuncis, B 'n ^ aur p) Nova E S ; sit 6 d r Nova (contra gr et syr) Nova (sabato D) E in vii, 23 (sabbo/2) D [wow p] circucidistis 23, sapato (pro sabbato) bis B + dato ut vid. (post indignamini) Nova cum hominem saluam (pro quia totum hominem sanum) Nova ( - totum X^') APPENDIX II, {Dimma) 129 John vii. 25, hirusohmis qiieEunT (pro quem quaerunt) errore (qm qET p) 26 init, - et . aFl.PI^M:*SVWXZ q Durmach a g gat aur [non p] et gr LX etc, 28, docens in templo Ihs ; ibid, me missit 29. veni (pro sum) Nova eum syr hier solo missit DE gat p 30. Querebant 8 (querebant DWY ff; p) adpchendere Nova missit DE gat p eum (^ro ilium) '3^'^^B der? [nonp] [eius pletio] etiam p 31. q;- (pro quae) que DM:EW q (B p) 32. pharissei (AW #2) mormorantem (DBp) misserunt D gat p pharisei aPW Deer (8) adjpchenderent Nova 33. dicit - eis Nova (Tert. alludens in tned. claus. ' ait ') missit DE gat p 34, quaeritis A£FD et mult sum ego mult 35, iudei EW Deer gat ff; q [non B] seipsos AEFCDA etc. [non p] hiturus (firoiturus),ito: hii'uf primo loco [non sec] (incipiet ire d I q) invenemus error nuqd p . 36, queritis[sum ego] JPDE Deer gat aur ff; (8 p) — vos AAS'FGHJMEY Deer e [noti p] et gr 13-69 38, dixit 39, - dixit Nova, error [dixit dixit d ; dicebat c ff;l m q aur Aug] roL. , II, K 130 GENESIS OF VERSIONS OF THE N.T. John ^^ ^^ vii. 39. non (pro nondum^r^m.) AEFDAEa'FGHQPJM ESY Deer p [non vett] fuerat (pro erat sec) plur 40, autem (pro ergo) E c ii e/^2 r (om. fossat I) itaque a ; ergo autem p ut vid. profeta DIPO aefqrp 41, galiha Nova? [nonp] , Xps venit 42, -S-S (pro Dauid) primo loco cum p; 3d 8 — et de Bethlehem castello ubi erat Dauid 'Nom ' cum p* Xps venit 43. Desensio (pro dissensio) Deer; desentio 8 (disensio [p*E) illeg p 44. adpchendere Nova missit D gat p 45, fariseos Deer (B d p) q fin. eum (pro ilium) 46, loqutus , (loquutus eX*Z) — homo sec. a et gr copt (cf. WX*<=i ced ff; aur p) [tioti syr. Diatess] 47, farissei E (e q) — numquid et vos seducti estis aur (ex homoiotel) 48, aliquis ex principibus ilium (pro eum) a [non p] pharisseis (gat 8) farisseis p 49. q;- (pro quae) maladicti D (quae et maledicta e ; maledicta est p ut vid.) 50, Dicit necodimus D 51. nisi audierit ab ipso prius, 52, galileus; 52, — scripturas quia pfeta a galiha p etc. vii. 53/viii, 1, mwo tenore absque interpuncto (cum r aurjM) (vide edit, r Abbott, p. 263) viii. 2. deluculo DSPOE Deer e (p delucolo) APPENDIX > II, {Dimma) 131 John viii, 3, 4- ad eum (aw^e mulierem) c ff; p Auct de Prom et gr EGHKO copt omisit libr. in primo ,,crib8e et pharisei ; scripsit Adducunt autem f ad eum, sed addidit ipse. pharisei KW Deer ff; depchensam ; 4, depchensa 5. moises ATW (om. p) 6. Haec (pro hoc vnit) plur dixerunt (pro dicebant) Nova ? (emov pro eXeyov Evan 258, Evst 49) temptantes possint S'lQ Durmach Deer I accussare DAEHPE Deer gat p in terram EFCDSaPIlTOQEZ Deer gat d (e) ff;P^et gr 7. autem (pro ergo) fere omnes p'us (prius ut vid) pro primus [nonp] Nova (prior deff; Auct de Prom Aug) mitat Nova 8. -1- digito (ante scribebat) Hier (dff;) gr D 28 31 74 [wow p] interram £F[PGOQEXZ Durtnach Deer gat dff; aur r; (e) (pro quae) 3tempnabo D p amplius iam 12, loqutus (loquutus @K) loquebatur b r - eis E JQ gat e r + hujus (ante mundi) a b r; p (DHE Durmach) Vigil Taps [tion gr syr copt] ambulabit plur fin. + aeternae DE r; p? [non gr syr copt] K 2 132 GENESIS OF VERSIONS OF THE N,T. John viii. 13, 14, 15 pharisei HPGW ff; (8) (farisei q (r) farissei D p) — de me ipso Nova cum syr hier [non p] ; — ipso ab d r Aug. Novat Ambr veni (pro venio) sec. loco IPE Deer gat cfpsyr eopt Ambr (veniam EFH'0J KOQXZ e aur ; venerim a b) [tion gr] venio primo loco W p ; om. claus. sec. CW* 8 Nova [tion gr lat syr copt] ambulatis (pro iudicatis) me missit 18 fiti. pater qui me missit iudei (pro ei) 16. 19 E gat p (Q) [wow p] om. qui misit me r G r ? ; om. A - si me sciretis forsitan et patrem meum sciretis Nova ? (Nom ex homoiotel. ?) [Chrys] 20 loqutusgazafilacio adpchendit 21, autem (pro ergo) (loquutus @KX) p (B) gazaphilacio 8 b r [non p] — ergo G a eq syr copt [non gr] r aur [non p] ( — Ihs Deer bdeetgr NBDL) plur vers. 22, om. in toto Nova (ex homoiotel. cum gr 245 258) Econtra vers, totus bis reperitur in r; ! CD[PH*JOQET*(W)X* Deer gat I* 8 aur r;p'^ creditis W 8 [wow p] et (pro ei) E ; ei et Q Deer ; oot. D /* ' dicit DSP Deer d [non p] (ait a e, 8 super emev) principium quod DEIP^^GQM fff; IqBgat r; p (vide acr et d) ; quia Aa etc. ; qui vg KM'JPVWY De«r « 26. missit me DE gat p — eis quaeritis om. in toto 23, — de prim. 24. 25. APPENDIX John viii. 26, 27, 29. q (pro quae) [ eis (pro ejus) fiti. mg ejus ; - Deum 29, missit 31. iudeos permanseritis 33, abrachae seruimus 34, Ihs eis II. {Dimma) 133 35 [•/tow q!' = qwae apud Ditnma] p omn (except C /a <=i 8 23. ei (pro illi) QE Durmach bff;p 8 aur p 25. et si (pro etiam si) CD^'-^^GJETZ* gat adeflprB (licet ff;) [om. etiamsi usque ad ver. 26 non morietur p (saltus ab credit in me)] 26. - vivit et E (gr Evan 64 Evst 47) Novat [non syr-copt] qui videt et a — in rae Nova cum gr Evst 53 [wow gr- syr-copt] vide p supra 27. ilia (pro illi) 3P Deer et G^^ Notmus Chrys [non p] (illi -I- martha CT a b c ff; I r aur syr S) om. ai/Tco D^' 57 - vivi plur [Habent ff; p et ETW*X" ¦=! §(E cor vat* Victorin] 28. suam sororem Nova (tion p) [cotitra ord. gr.] — adest et Nova (non p) [cf. venit syr et a d el p gat goth] 29 init. -f At [wow p] p et goth : ith ( -I- et bff; I syr , + autem EG (/) et gr aliq copt) surrexit (pro surgit) Da""=GKM:QEVWZ '=^ )FHMSXYZ'' (Deer gat* h) P (vide xi. 2) [ptiosi] p - et prim. AD AS*GEY Deer 8 p (non d) uncxit (contra morem Dimma) AElPlJlTOQEV Deer gat r aur [non p] Ihii : D r 8 aur (ejus F et Diatess arab p et grX syr S) capilhs suis pedes ejus plur honore (pro ex odore) Nova; def.p(hodQveC; odere ff; ; adore Deer ! — ex E a c e ; de^ro exr) 4. dicit (pleno) - ergo a e r fossat (def. p) et gr L 33 249 sah arm (' Bt ' 5 c ff;) Scariothes fFKMTV (scariotes T b) APPENDIX II. {Ditntna) 145 John xii, 4 fin. + est Nova errore (cf. a der aur in fin. eum) 5, ungentum A8PA, ete. venit AS'H® cPKQEVXYZ* Durmach Deer cor vat mg gat a r p (g vaenit) tricenti's denarfs (HPHM? 8 ; AE) esset (pro est) DESP^^QE Deer 8 fossat p aegenis CDEIP (wow p) 6, aegenis D (wow p) q; (D Deer) mitebantur Nova (more Dimma) exportabat IM^TW b ff; aur [non p] (gr omti e^aara^ev) 7. [sepulT'se] p 8. habebitis bis mult 9, iudeis p (contra morem) (CDEW Deer) [tion ff; 8] latzarli D gat -i 10, latzaru D gat]^"^"" t"^ interficirent Nova [non p] 11. ex iudeis EW Deer [non 8 p] 12, — autem a c d r 8 p aur (et pro autem e) et gr omn (except 157) goth sed non syr copt q (pro quae) p audiset (pro audissent) audisset ^KZ" fossat [twn p] hirosolima 13, acciperunt DE[PO Durm gat aur p (melius r : sumpserunt = eXa^ov cum goth nemun) obiam sic [non ver. 18] Deer (et ouiam r) ; obbiam AZ^ (in obviam drB p) OBsanna (absque accentu) Dab etc. (osianna p) iIeI 8 p 14. assellum E 8 p 15, [sion] Deer p (sio~ ff.^ assinae EIPE gat 8 p (D) 16, postquam (^ro quando) f[nonp]; liber e Dimma et f sol. inter latt gr et syr, sed = Diatess arab (Hogg et Hill) et cf. goth bithe VOL. II, L 146 GENESIS OF VERSIONS OF THE N.T. xTi" 17. q;- (D Deer) [lazarum wow latzarum] latzarum D gat ut supra monomento E [wow p hoc loco] 19, pharissei (W; E) autem (pro ergo) [P^'^JQE Durm gat e fff; I r fossat et 'K^ al [non p] (itaque e) 20. gentiles quidam fere omn ascenderunt (pro ...ant) 0 a aur p (venerunt gig contra rell) 21. hi'i BEFDAEa'IOW(Z*) Deer gat eff; aur hii (hie Z* d) filipum ut vid. ex pilipum (filippum D r) gahUae Deer p 22. philipus prim. Nova (ef. J*) pihppus ff; (piF sic p) andriae Nova cum p solo (et p andrias seq) pilipus see. pil" sic p (fil, D) pilippus ff; 23. — dicens Nova ; [non p] cf. simplieiter syr S 24. Ain airi' sic (Amen atn p) (ef. P) 25 (Wordsw. 24). adfert ADA ete. perdat (pro perdet) Nova [non p] (perdit ff; et gr KBL 33) 26. ministrauerit (pro ministrat\ J/^ow p; gr omn Bia- primo loco) Durmach e ( kov(i bis in versu; ministrat (pro ministrauerit [ ministrat bis in sec. loco) [P"^E a c dr? ) versu Gwill syr pesh (non Burkitt syr S q.v. Vult cum Dimma) 27. ex bora hac mult [non im] 28, tuum nomen mult — Et (ante clarificaui) Nova, cum syr omn et Dia tess GONTEA gr omn latt omti copt (Ubere om. Horner anglice) goth et Novat. HH Ambr Aug Hier Vigil Taps Gaudent Victorin, et Tert (Prax xxiii.): "Ita et in isto : Glori- ficaui et glorificabo rursus . . . dicens : Et glorificaui et glorificabo" ; (cap. xxiv.)': "Ab ipso patre coram de caelis filium . . , glori- ficante : Et glorificaui et glorificabo." Om. APPENDIX II, {Dimma) 147 John 2 vers p et vers 29 usque ad dicebat (dicebant p sic) xii, 29. q (pro quae) audiebat CDIPFGE Durmach Deer cor vat mg. ab g aur ; audierat/; cf, r,del Bff^ factum est (pro esse factum) B ? CIPHET Durmach b c dff;l r aur Ambr (a e) loqutus (loquutus @) 31. iecitur D (iecetur p cum Y) 32. tracham D [tion p] (traam T) 34. - hominis sec. Nova (ef. grB ; EFG 13-69 28 131 etc., om. cum Deer) om. claus. quis est iste fil, hominis p 35. - eis AAFKMSX^Y aur* r? [non p] (illi a) lumen (pro lucem) M d e m r 8 p aur Victorin Ambr 1/3 tenebrae vos opchendant (ophendant more p) fin. vadit D[P d 8 p fossat gat (eat ab emr) 36. [lucem bis - . lucis] (lumen d Victorin non Arnob) loqutus (loquutus H@X*) 38. issaiae ^(isaiae pet D®KM.YZvg) profetae DIPO a e ff; p (om. r ? gig) quem dicit inpleretur (pro impl. quem dixit) Nova (contra gr-syr, contra p) [brachium] 39. essaias [P Deer gat (esaias p) 40. excecauit E'^OYWZ Deer gat ff;q aur p(ohcec. a) + autem (aw^e oculos) Nova ( + Deus ^ Deer ; -)- on 253 259, -f- iniquitus p !) [cor eorum] . gat vg abe e fff; Iqr Ambr Aug contra rell et p : - non (ante videant) Deer p (ne pro non r) [error contra gr-syr-eopt] —- non (aw^e intellegant sic) plur [non /a] convertentur Nova [non p] 41. dicit W aur [non p] ¦ - L 2 148 GENESIS OF VERSIONS OF THE N.T. -et pharisseos de (pro e) sinagoga iecerentur 43, 44, me missit 45, et eum (pro eum) xn! 41. essaias 3* Deer gat (esaias p et al) loqutus gat* (loquutus HOX) 42, Veru Tn (8 p) opw^ pevroi (cf. goth Thanuh than svethauh) (interim tamen b c ff;*, iterum tamen I) BDEG JKEVWX" Durmach Deer gate efff; I gig p (GOW ; D) iudeos q solus (ef r i. 24) omnes (excepta vg ' e' et 8: ' a ') DAEtP Deer gat p etc. Dp [enimpleno, tantum; semper alibi compendio praeter iii. 16] in me credit (sec. loco) DEE gat c q Tert syr pesh [contra gr et p] (EE etc. ; D gat p missit) e [Perperam p ita : et qui videt eum et videt eum qui] me missit ordo cum E vett [non p] (missit Deer p hoc loco) 46, non maneat in tenebris ordo novus cum e syr et copt et Aug contra gr et p (Wordsw. 47) — non (ante custodierit) M. abe dfff;* I* r [noti p] fossat Ambr et gr DS min goth + ea (post custodierit) CTZ* c 1° r fossat [nonp] gr 229** syr omn copt (-)- et a) + eum Ambr; cf.fqB; om. claus. Aug 48. eum iudicet a e (cum Aug: se iudicet) [nonp] + ego (post quem) J abf et gr 346 [illeg p] loqutus gat* (loquutus H©) 49, loqutus (loquutus ©X* gat) missit D gat p 50, quod (pro quia mandatum ejus) Nova (contra gr- syr-copt) quia (pro quae) cf. e (q /i) — mihi Nova [contra gr-syr-copt d /*] APPENDIX II. (Dimtna) 149 Johnxiii. 1, -H autem (post festum) «P, autem ante festum pon. rell et p pascae ff; (pasce Deer q) illeg hoc loco p ejus bora mult et b d I 8 [contra vg EGJ p et rell vett] transiret E b e eff;q r [non p] de (pro ex) D*E3P'"«E Deer gat vett plur + usque (ante in finem) DEE Deer ab (e usque ad) fff; I q p fossat Ambr. 2. caena BCD etc. (c^na 8) zabulus 3P^E Durmach Deer missiset ESP Deer gat (D) (msisset q ; inmisset aur) + se (post missiset) (abe aur) elm r fossat in corde plur — eum Nova iudae hoc loco pro iudas a ef q r 8 aur sariothis ut vid. (compendio) Nova (vide Deer in vi. 71) J id est: " missiset se in corde ut traderet iudae simonis sario this." Nova Cf. DX vett. exiit caena accipissets6 pcinxit mitit piluem pcinctus 6. et bis script. 7. dicit 8. - ei sec. ^' et si (pro si) T ae BCD etc. 8 aur [PHE Deer gat aur p Ordo novus [contra gr] noti p tiec al Nova (misit mult, fudit/, sed mitit pro mittit more Dimma) Da Deer p 8 p (DW Deer gatff; q etc.) errore? (— etEdelmret gr BDL) ' gat bdelm aur ( -f et dixit E r p) Deer gat (Durmach) si enim Am.br 1/4 al nisi (gr iav prj) lauauero gat ; (a ?) (lauabero Durmach) 10, -\- semel (post lotus est) c (EGT) Tert Aug Pacian Optat Auct de Protn 150 GENESIS OF VERSIONS OF THE N.T, Johnxiii. 10. - nisi ) ,. T > mult — pedes ) 12, - et accipit W r p 14. vos ut vid. (tion -vos) pro vestros Nova (f Ambr semel vobis) -I- vester (post magister) Nova [contra lat et gr sed cum copt syr S et pesh ' Dom. vester et magister ves ter ' et Diatess : ' Your Lord and Master '] 15 fin. -j- aliis e p* et gr 249 (copt) Cypr [contra gr-syr] 16. Amen am sic (p) — est sec. missit DSP gat p (missus est a) 18. -f enim (ante scio) D3PE Deer c I q r p et gr KAKn dim III inpleatur CDIPINTO Deer gat dff;g foss (b) aur p manduca (pro manducat) Nova [a (pro contra)] symbolus similis est 3 pro ejus (vide Lindsay ' Early Irish Minus cule Script ' p. 13, Oxford 1910) 19. ut credatis cum factum fuerit mult fin, + filius dei Nova (spatium ut vid. in r) ( + de quo scriptum est J) 20. Am am sic (p) si quem missero (DS* Deer gat) qui accipit me accipit Nova ; cf. e fin. missit D Deer gat (illeg p) 21. -I- in (aw^e spiritu) [P'"bE a eff; I aur Am a sic pro Amen amen (p) (vide infra xiii. 38, et supra) me tradet DEQE p ? Ambr [non vett] 22, 4- se (post ergo) DQ (q) r (illeg p) -t- ejus (post discipuli) D (a) r p? hessitantes D Deer gat (illeg p) APPENDIX II. {Dimma) 15] John xih. 23. autem (pro ergo) a c dfff; qrB (enim D ; et fuit e) et gr mult 24. dixit (pro dicit) ut vid. sec. loco Nova cum syr contra gr (dixisset e ut Gwill syr pesh) 26. -I- et dixit (post Ihs) d et gr KD 13-69-346 arm copt aeth syr pesh Clim iii (simplieiter syr S dicit [ — respondit]) — est Nova ; cf. syr S ( — ille est fossat) - ego ^ b e pet gr 249 ; cf. rell simoni scariothis B etc. Deer gat (r) p 27. -f acceptam (post post) DE fossat 8 (f) sah cf. al vett latt a b el q r (cf. goth jab afar thamma hlaiba) bucellam CA ete. -f tunc (atite intr.) mult., gr mult et goth [non a b c dff;lr] introiit 8 ilium (pro eum) ; ibid. — et sec. ; ibid, dicit 28. a (aut pro ad) aut DEE ; et p? om. T a 6 c ff;* r (quare / q) aliquid gat dixerat Nova (dixisset e, dixit d q) 29. quia (pro quod) dicit (pro dixisset) mult q;) (pro quae) (DW Deer ff.^ [egenis] p ; sed vide supra xii, 5, 6 aegenis Dimma, sed 8 egenis isto loco 30, accipisset A5PH0EY Deer /x bucellam (sic) ille ordo cum de B (q) et gr plur [non p] (om. ille fossat) erat nox ( - autem) Nova ; non p [ut vid. cotitra gr-lat-syr-copt]. Non variant alii. Cf, tamen goth 30/31 : suns galaith ut, vasuh than nahts, than galaith ut, Kvath than Iesus ; et Cyril : eiidewi; i^rfXOev. yv Be vv^ ore i^yXdev. ore ovv i^rfXde 31. exiisset D 152 GENESIS OF VERSIONS OP THE N.T. John xiii. 31. dicit 32. - si Deus clarificatus est in eo et (cf. Tert et Wordsw. Sab. ad loc) clarificauit (pro clarificabit prim.) b (d) e aur pfff2retc(l*Tert) 33, 4- tempus (post modicum) c (/) I Ambrst. et gr KLXr 13 106 142 157 240 244 254 goth non syr (male Words worth d) [non p] quaeritis 3" AES* etc. iudeis p (DW Deer ff; q aur [non B] 33/34, et vobis dico. Modo mandatum Nova (ef. a) cf. syr S 34. — sicut dilexi vos ut et vos dihgatis inuicem D Z* '' ^ p, (JP c e m), et gr XT al. 10 35. mei discipuli 36. vos non potestis venire modo (pro non potes me modo sequi) Nova cum syr S (potestis V et gr 87) [wow p] 38. - ei A a (pro Amen bis) (p) vide supra (amen semel M e) me ter xiii. /xiv. uno tenore sine interpunctis. (cf. e qrB) xiv. 1, credite (pro creditis) DE gat vett. p** (except, fp*) 2. domu DY 8 p multae mansiones Ordo cum gat q r [noti p] (cum copt Iren bis Tert Hil et syr init. vers. "Multae sunt mansiones " ut Ambr e) 3. pparauero 8 /t (preparauero cP Deer /a) 4, — ego ab d eff;qr aur p Ambr et gr DLX c fiTis sic pro scitis prim. G (sitis 8, et ff; vers 3) nostis (pro scitis sec) D c e ^2 8 (cf. a) [non p] 5, possimus Nova cum p solo 7, cognoscetis (pro cognouissetis prim,) — et patrem meum utique cognouissetis, etiam cognoscetis (pro cognoscetis eum) APPENDIX II. {Ditnma) 153 John xiv, 7, Ita versus 7 : "Si cognoscetis me et a modo etiam cognoscetis et vidistis eum " Nova. Cf. rell apud Wordsw. 8, philipus Nova? 9, pilipe Nova? -\- meum (post patrem prim) c q et syr S [illeg p] (contra gr et contra patr latt) 10, credis plur 10/11, — Verba usque ad pater in me est. ex homoiotel. Saltus ab pater in me est ver. 10 usque ad alioquin ver. 12 vg, ver. 11 Wordsw. Error. 12, q (pro quae) — et (fflw^e ipse) D r? p Victorin (' etiam ' ff;) 13, - patrem 13/14, — ut glorificetur usque ad hoc faciam ex homoiotel. (cf. Ambr) om. 'uerl4F b 15, dilegitis D p 16, -I- meum (post patrem) DEE q [non p] ; Ambr 1/3, Hier (Isai 1/2) Victorin 1/2, Phoebad, Vigil Taps 1/2, Junil Bustic Maxim Taur paracletum mult ; paraclietum p 17, sps (pro spiritum) DE d Lucifer Victorin goth [non p et al.] -f veritatis (post mundus) ! Nova ! ¦vidit ©JQV^2 q Vigil Taps [noti p] nescit (pro nee scit eum) (DEQE Deer r gat p Lucifer) 19, videtis* (pro -vivetisj/iw,) Error [ex emend p] (om. claus e) 20, '- vos prim. V gat b em Victorin [non p] gr A 249 (' vox ' errore Deer) - sum CDEJ^BTX*Z gat pvett omn gr-syr goth 21, dilegit bis p^ dilegitur (dilegetur p)) DIP dilegam p ) 22, scariothis 154 GENESIS OF VERSIONS OF THE N,T, John xiv. 22. quia nobis manifestaturus te ipsum (— es) Cf. rell [cum plur p] -\- huic (ante mundo) E vett plur [non p ' mondo'] 23. dilegit (pro dihgit) j ^^ ^^^^^^^ ^ dilegit (pro diliget) ' ^ 24. dilegit DW? p sermo (pro sermonem) D3*QE*T''V g-ai** a sic (post clarificatus) error adferatis eficiamini Nova [tion p] 10. pceptaSis D(WDeerff;p[qprim.notisec.;videB]) - et pritn. gat dq B [noti p] et gr ABBX plur aeth goth syr otnn (except hier) et Novat 11. loqutus (loquutus H@ gat) inpleatur CDlNTO Deer gat d ff; 12. pceptum p (DW Deer gat ff; 8) -\- ego (ante dilexi) gat a et gr 239 (syr) goth Aug [non gr, noti p] 13, -h quam (ante ut) D p '^ fossat Cypr (Test et Auct dupl martyr) Hier (Gal) Ambrst Auct de Prom (goth ei hvas) quis ponat 14. q;- (E Deer) pcipio p (Deer gat ff; 8) 15. dico (pro dicam) plur q;-cumq; (D/28) 16. possui DS*E Deer gat r* (contra morem) p adferatis in nomine meo a patre meo (pro patrem in nomine meo) Ordo novus sed cf. eopt syr et (EY ab c ff;l q r fossat) de" a patre meo " contra gr. tov irarepa 19. fuisetis E (e^ vide supra) [essetis p cutn a d el q Cypr] 156 GENESIS OF VERSIONS OF THE N.T. John —^ XV. 19, dilegeret D iP /i 20, p~sequti gat* (persequuti aP©H gat**) 21. missit DIP Deer gat p 22. [locutus hoe loco] 22/24 — nunc autem excusationem usque ad et vide- rent ex homoiotel. Nova (om. p* usque ad ver 24 nunc) (Chrys) [redupl. in I] 24. — et (ante me) DET Durm ? Deer gat a c d eff;l q r p et D^ copt arm (tion bf syr pesh) 25, inpleatur CDG^ Deer gat e d ff; 26. paracletus (paraclietus p ut in xiv. 16 sed non ver. 26) — a patre prim. D q et G^"' Epiph (Chrys aliq) [contra p, rell et gr-syr-copt] perhibet OQEZ* Deer c 8 p fossat (et gr 229 Evst 50) 27. perhibetis plur xvi. 1. loqutus (loquutus 0 gat) 1/2. uno tenore : abhisq:- in sinagogis pro absque sin. Nova ; eas quae in sin. E p 2. vobis (pro vos prim.) E 8 p interficiet 8, interficiat gat aur (ef. D, et vett) occiderit ad eqr Lucifer Cypr ; interfecerit b c fff; I syr ; interficerit p; gr.6 drroKTeiva^ se obsequium mult [non p] do pstare gat (a) b (e) ff; r [non p] cf. Cypr Lucifer (cf. syr S et Diatess) 4. loqutus (loquutus H© gat) - eorum a d [non p] et D«' 68 (i^YFAA etc) copt arm aeth syr S hier Clim in goth reminiscemini ? E Durmach Deer gat p 5 (Wordsw. 4). — vobis (awife ab initio) D et syr hier [nonp] me missit DSP Deer gat p interrogit ? [wow p] (interrogat 8; cf. gat) 6. loqutus (loquutus H© gat) inplebit C gat (J*S) 7. — vohis prim. D gat [non p] APPENDIX II. {Dimma) 157 John xvi. 7, - enim D 6 c e^2* I m ; autem q ; nam/r [wow patr latt, non p] cf. goth unte jabai tantum paracletus, (paraclietus p, vide supra) 9. quid de peccato enim (pro de peccato quidem) D [wow p] (cf gr. rrept dpap7ia<; pev = copt, et vide syr S) fin. - in me Z* (wow h, vide App. I) [non p] 10, 16 [eTia wwo ductu pro et jam] Cf. Deer gat p 11. —mundi Nova [nonp; non gr-syr-eopt] — iam plur 12, init. 4- et D [wow p] portare bis script. (cf. + ea b e m etc) fin. -f ilia (post modo) [wow p] (E, a c d ff;r D^ Orig 3/5 Tert Hil copt [non syr]) 13. -f- haec (post sed) D b I [non p] (cf. 6aa av gr. mult et goth dik sva filu sve) q:,cuq; (DE 8 p q Deer) q:- (GWff; aur p) adnuntiabit 14. accipit Nova ut vid. [non p] accepit e (silet Wordsw) [non gr-syr-eopt] — et D [wow p] cf. gr 33, 14/15 1 om. claus. adnuntiabit ) aur 15. qcq: (DEW 8 p Deerff;) accipit Z* ap et grplur goth [non'^ syr-copt] (accepit D Durmach) [ adnuntiabit ^ 17. discipuh (pro ex discipulis) BEIP°^(G) JJ*QE T'X* abe fff;r (illeg p) 18. [cum vg verbatim] 19. ergo (pro autem) QE Durmach 8 et gr mult (om. X* ab d er aur) ' Et ' c _^2 ; illeg p ilium (pro eum) E Deer qBp 20. am am- sic me (pro vos prim.) Nova ; me vos D ; om. gat* contristabemini 2*0 Deer aur [non p] 21, peperit (pro pepeperit) CDE Deer aur ete. 158 GENESIS OP VERSIONS OF THE N,T, John _ xvi. 21. psurae p (presurae D Deer gat, praes. EHllT) 22. — quidem a contristabemini (pro tristitiam habetis) Notia [non p] (cf. syr S) cum Chrys XvirrjOrjaeaBe contra gr omn XvTTrjv e%eT6. 23. om. vers, in toto ex homoiotel. Nova_ cum Chrys [non p] 24. quicquam et (pro ut) D [wow p ; wow gr-syr-copt] 25. proverbis (sic pueEbi'f) bis S*EY Deer p (EZ* gatr) loqutus gat* (loquutus H0 gat**) — vobis sec. Nova cum, gr 242 [non p] (om. elaus. syr S) -I- meo (post patre) E [wow p] adnuntiabo 26 fin. — de vobis b c [non d, male Wordsw.] e et gr 36 Cyr Aug [non p] 27/28. exiui semel, wow bis cum B Deer eB gat; Ear; D _^2 ; T* & c^ [wow syr-copt] cf. gr et Tisch ad loc. [non p] 28. -1- hunc (cmte mundum) DIP'^'^E vett plur [non p] 30. sit (pro est) Nova (cf. d 8,ar q) [non p] te quis Nova cum a : te quisquam [contra gr, non p] 32. et (pro ut) Nova [non p, non gr ; om. iva syr hier ' B '] ui gat dispergemini gat [non p] — et tert. (ante non sum) Nova [non p, turn gr-syr-copt] ; " sed ">C©T a r Hil Ambr 33. loqutus " (loquutus H© gat) habeatis psuf a (pro habebitis press.) (IPE Durm e) + quia (aw^e ego) EGH a ef g r p gat Hil S Paulin (c ff; aur q Cypr Aug) et syr S Diatess [non pesh, non gr, non copt, Pon goth] xvii, 1. loqutus gat* (loquutus H@X gat**) APPENDIX II. {Dimma) 159 John xvii. 1, sublatis (pro subleuatis) J [von p] in caelum oculis Nova [tion p] 3. — autem W(0) Phoebad Arnob [non p] [solum deum verum] eum p etc. 4. facerera [wow p]ab c (e) f m q r Zeno Hil 2/3 Hier (Isai) Gwill syr interpr. perficiam aur 5. claritatem (pro claritate) DEFGH©KMOSTZ bep (gloriam /) [wow patr latt praeter Victorin ' redde mihi Pater honorem '] -f apud te (ante habui) Nova (cf. Iren) [Habet etiam itifine] cf. al. 7. q;. 8. q:- 8. acciperunt 2*0 (E) Durmach gat p missisti D gat p 10. - sunt prim, (post tua) Nova cum gr Evst 44 [wow p] ; om. claus g ; otn. sec. b efff;* q r 8 [non p] 11. isti (pro hi) D ^ r"* [non p]; ipsi d f; om. T (avToi KB 229** 254) sunt in mundo gat [non p] (om r* sed add. r° ' sunt in hoc mundo ') conserva (pro serva) 3*°'« QBfff;q r [non p] Hil 1/2, Leo [sed semes Dimma ver. 15, ' Take keep' syr S] 12. seruiabam Nova [non p] (custodiebam d r) et nemo bis script. ex industria ? (cf. al. in locis similibus) inpleatur DFGT Deer gatff; aur ,13. — autem - . D [non p] hoc (pro haec) ut vid. Nova ? [non p] inpletum CDFGOE Deer gatbd aur (plenum q) 14. odio eos 15. [serues] conserues Wl f q aur ; custodias r ex malo (pro a malo) mult [non p = a male] 160 GENESIS OF VERSIONS OF THE N.T. xvii, 16. - sicut et ego non sum de mundo Nova ; errore. [male Matthaei ad loc] 18. - tu mult missisti D gat p missi DE Deer gat [non p] 19. _ ego DMt-P b c e qr p fossat Ambrst Victorin et gr KA 71 248 604 Did Ath — et ipsi Nova cum Chrys bis ; — et abe Did Victorin [twn p] 20, Non pro his tantum rogo (pro Non pro eis autem rogo tantum) a (3* Durm gat b cfrfossat) - autem EFEJJllTOE bq gr Evan 60 21, ut mundus credat plur missisti D gat p 22, in unum (pro unum prim) D [wow d, turn p] (to ev D"') 23 init. .-f et BDE acdgr,gr 157 Evst 49 (D^^ 59) [wow p] missisti D Deer gat [non p] dilexi (pro dilexisti prim) YZ abd (r) aur gat Hier (Jov) et D^"" al. pauc (syr) [non p] 25, -f- et (ante mundus) - te see. G, A^ ] id est : " ego autem hif I cognoui et hii -I- te (post cognouerunt) I cognouerunt te " cum g'r 258 ( -I- me D sah) J Nova [non p] — me Nova [non p] missisti D gat p xviii, 1, [cedron] cebron p intrauit D r 8 [wow p] 2, frecenter Nova [nonp]. Cf. ti&ncilit&s in Matt. 3. accipisset IPEY gat p -{- a (ante phar.) DJ aur [nonp] (a fossat et gr K*DL Cyr) pharissefs (GW) farisseis D p (TE) lanternis (ita lanfu/f; p = lanfnif) APPENDIX II, (Dimma) 161 John_ xviii. 4. q:> (D Dcrsr gat) + ^i (^'^^^ ^^^*^^^) ! D (Deer) [wow p] ^'^^ ^ ^ - super eum ) a r dicit quid (pro quem) BCDEGET Deer e p gat syr S (Burkitt) contra gr omti queritis (CAHtP Deer gat aur qBp) 6. ciciderunt D Deer gat [non p] 7. — eos D [?iow p] [q = quem hoc loco] qm sic p q:-ritisi (CEE

JKM?OETVX*Z Durmach (Deer) abe eff;* q r aur; g = alapas palmas; goth slahins losin, (gr omn = icai iBcBoaav [vel i8i.8ovv] pama-paTa ; sed syr pesh (hiant syr eu S) et Diatess et percutiebant maxillas ejus ; aliter copt = ' and they were striking him ' ) -f- in faciem a c ; illeg p 4. exiit ; ibid. — ergo in eo nullam causam invenio 6. exiit ; ibid, spineam coronam ; ibid, porporeum 6, cruci adfige eum cruci adfige [wow p ut vid.] (D = cruci adfige eum cruci adfige eum) t cruci fige cruci fige b ff; ; cruci eum figerent a APPENDIX II, {Dimma) 165 John xix, 6, cruci adfigite (pro crucifigite) Nova (cruci figite ff.^ [Non D ex sil. Wordsw., non p?] (gr. OTavpaxraTe) f 7. iudei W Deerff; [non 8] -J- et dixerunt (ante nos) DH©T Deer r [noti p] et gr fam 69 syr hier ; simplieiter syr pesh et Diatess ' Dicunt ei,' — responderunt (hiat syr S) 9, p-toriu p {DWYf Deer gatff; 8) dicit plur 10, - ergo J^qr gat gig et gr K*A 28, fam 69, 248, 260, 435 al. eopt arm syr Cyr [non p] — ei W r [non p, non gr-syr-copt] — mihi non loqueris Nova [n-on gr-syr-copt] [nonp] [crucifigere] eum p et plur. figere te in crucem e (non supra ver. 6), cruci figendi te^2 dimitere (ita : dimif e) H 11, adversus DH ber Cypr? Ambr? (mut. p) tradidit me 12 init. — et mult \ querebat CEEt-P Deer gat aur [non ff; 8] dimitere Nova (vide H xix, 10) iudei W Deer [non ff; 8] dimitis (vide supra) cessans DH* — enim mult cessari DS* (cesari W^2, cgs, Cerne)/ 13, ergo (pro autem) plur ebreice DS* gdt (hebreice p sed infra cutn Dimma) galbatha Deer 8 illeg p 14, parascue D Deer illeg p [paschae] vide supra ; pascae p ut Dimma alibi t See g-r 252-258 and compare syr pesh, -which differentiates, where the Greek and Coptic do not (syr S unfortunately -wanting) : " sus- PENDE eum, SUSPENDB eum," and then " accipite vos et ceucifigitb eum," using different -words (see e ver. 15), Note also goth " ushra- mei ushramei ina," and then " Nimith ina jus jah hramjith." mut. p 166 GENESIS OF VERSIONS OE THE N.T. John r- . r, xix. 14. -ui- (pro sexta) D p [tertia 8 et Ak^N^D^LX] eis (pro iudaeis) D Deer gat Evst 48 [wow gr-syr-copt] (E eis iudaeis) illeg p + pilatus (ante ecce) Nova (cf, copt) [non p] 15, [crucifige] vide supra vers. 6 ; cruci eum fige hoc loco a ; tolle tolle crucifige eum hoc loco efff;qr aur 8 p (cf, pesh in ver, 6) dixit cessarem DS* p 16, [ut crucifigeretur] sed hoc loco b = cruci eum figerent ; et e: in crucem tolleretur [cf. e ver. 23 cum fixissent ( - cruci)] susciperunt DIP Cerne (Deer) gat aur p duxerunt ADAH©M'SY Cerwe / 8 fossat (E) [wow p] om. a b c eff;nr aur 17: baiolans DAEKPM?ES Oerwe gat Deer 8 p in eum exiuit Nova ut vid, locum qui dicitur caluariae Deer gat a b efff; q r p (cf, rell) Ordo cum syr pesh et eopt, contra graecum (vide tamen 245 604 etc) ebreice DEIP gat q p — autem mult etvett [non p DH©M° Cerne vg] 18. ibi (pro ubi) DM? Deer [non p] eum crucifixerunt plur (eum in crucem tulerunt e; cruci fixerunt eum ^2 ; cruci eum fixerunt CT) hinc et inde (pro hinc et bine) AGKSVWX^Y* Cerwe eeg cor vat* Auct de Promiss (cf. a ff;qr aur) [non p] 19, possuit IPE Deer gat p iudeorum [PW Deerff; (hiat 8) 20, - Hunc ergo titulum multi iudaeorum legerunt Nova ; cf. gr K 69 [non p] ciuitati (pro ciuitatem) a p (ciuitate BGM°0° Cerne) ciuitatis r ; gr rr]<; rroXem — erat prim. Nova cum p; cf. e — Iesus Nova [non p] ebreice DS* gat (e) p APPENDIX II. (Dimma) 167 xix. 20. grece DIPG etc (gee p) latine ( — et) CD3PE Deer [non p] (ebreice latinae et grece sic e) (hebreice latine et grecae ff;) 21, iudeorum bis Deer ff; (IPW aur) (hiat 8) regem (pro rex prim.) Nova [tion p] 22. "quod scri&si (contra morem Dimma) scrips!" sic\ { quod scrip (sic) scripsi e; quod scribsi scribi aur ) (scribsi bis EFEGOSXYZ gat) 23. acciperunt DIPO Deer Cerne* gat p IIII- (i)ro quattuor) DE gat p (quatuor BEHP r) tonicam \ DEW Cerne* gat (mut. p) tonica ) 24, - ergo D Deer c Cypr Auct de Prom gr fam 13 [illeg p] autem r ; (Et pro ergo syr. Diatess) inpleatur E ? EGO Deer gat c ff; aur - dicens abe eff;* r et gr KB 249 sah [nonp; non copt syr] - mea ? B et gr 127 [wow p] super (pro in) EEJ Deer cfff; q r aur fossat Ambr Maxim Taur (gr im) supra a n p — meam Nova [non p ; non gr-syr-copt] misserunt D Deer gat p 25, cleopae plur (cleope p et (b) qraur BHKEVZ) magdalenae BEFDAIP etc. [magdalene p et al.] 26. -f Ihs (post diligebat) D Deer [non p, non al.] 27. — dicit Nova cum Ambr (itiLuc) et Aug in Joh. [non p] — et BZ a eqr aur et gr N T* sah [tion p ; non copt-syr] suscipit (pro accepit)" Deer ; suscepit D r Ambr. [non p] in suam (pro in sua) DElP* [wow 3*™^, wow p] H©M?OEZ* <=, Durmach Deer cor vat tng Ambr ? (in suis r ; secum e ; om. c) gr et? ra iBia 28, -f iam (atite omnia) plur [tioti p] 168 GENESIS OP VERSIONS OP THE N,T. John xix, 28. dicit plur 29. possitum DEIPE Deer g-a^ /i sponciam ut vid. gat* [non p] aceto plenam (sec loco) Novus ordo cum.efp fossat Hil Auct de Prom — hyssopo (ef. vett) [non p] l,btullerunt(sic)circumponentesJfouMsorc?o[wo»/.t] 30, accipisset IPHOE Deer gat p — Iesus a [non n, non p] em et gr K* Chromat Aug (cf. Diatess) 30/31, -f Cum autem exspirasset velum templi scissum est medium a summo usque deorsum ( DIP"*E Deer r p (ad pro usque p) gr min aliq [non 28 157, non fam l,fam 13] syr hier. Cyr. ex ordine Diatess ) 31, iudei EW Deer [wow/z] q (hiat 8) parascue D [wow Deer, sed vide supra] parasciue p franguerentur D, p? 32. -t- simul (aw^e crucifixus) DE Deer abcf (ff;) q p aur fossat (gr awa-iavpwdevro'i avrw) (confixus erat illi in crucem e ; vide etiam vers. 41 ' ubi fixus cruci fuit ortus ' e) 34, [aperuit] p et mult exiit BCDa*M?T gat a f (exit p) aqua et sanguis e [wow p] et Y^' sah et copt Tert (Pudic et Bapt) Eus Ambr Epiph [non syr] 35, ejus testimonium see. (— ejus C pi) \om. wers, — et (ante vos) DDeerSpgr mult cop t [tion syr] ) E e (non Diatess arab) Hiant syr cu et S 36, inpleatur EG Deer gat c fossat aur -{¦ que dicit (ante os) q Gaudent syr pesh Diatess (hiat syr S) [wow p] -|- dicens gat 37, in quem transfixerunt videbunt Deer (D) [cotitra p, rell, et gr-syr-copt] 38. arimathia APPENDIX II. {Dimtna) 169 ;rohnxix. XX. 1. 38. occulte DW Cerne (Deer)bcfff;n8paur fossat gat (absconse r) G r [wow p] 3*W Deerff; [twn 8], iudg. Cerne DAS* gat p Nova cum p solo (toilet Deer) tullit gat D [wow p = nicodimus cum KE] mult et a b e f ff; 8 aur [mirrae p, et mirre TW] (alois platie p) aloin b DpIPO Deer Certie gat p plur et p ordo cum plur et p (iudeis DEW Deer #2) [non 8] E p DEIPE Deer gat p Nova cum p (vide supra D) EW Deer [wow 8] (om. b e ff;ti r) E p. Deer (hoc loco et infra, non supra) possuerunt 3PE Deer gat p [magdalene] et p monomentum E Deer p (monimentum d) ab hostio monomenti (pro a monumento) {DE ? d fret gr Vil 19** 22 157 209 473 sah copt arm aeth syr S ut Diatess [non pesh] [non p] ) { -ad sec. W*^^'^'''^3B Deer gate der [nonp]); infin.pag. 145 habet Dimma "et alium" sed init. pag, 146 " et ad alium " eis (pro illis) tullerunt Y Deer gat** [non p] + meum (post dominum) DEM? Cerwe r 8 [non p] et gr XA Evst 51 ; + vpui. copt aeth syr ; cf, Aug ad loc. monomento E Deer p (monimentum d) - autem. sec, iudeorum permissit tollit (pro tulit) 39. necodimus murrae alois* ? (illeg) •C- (pro centum) 40, acciperunt eum (pro illud) iudeis est 41, monomentum possitus 42, parascuen iudeorummonomentum 2, 170 GENESIS OE VERSIONS OF THE N,T. John"^ XX, 2, 3, possuerunt exit[ille alius] venierunt IPE Deer gat p E (exit p) monomentum D [wow p = venerunt] ; veniebant b dff;r E Deer p (monim, d) p~currit D Deer p (AlPEEY Cerwe a q v 8 aur) venerat (pro venit) Nova [noti p] prius (pro primus ; p'us sic) HP^^]^ 2)eer p et 8 p'us vel p'mus (prior abcf ff; d q r fossat aur) E Deer p (monim, d) DSPE Deer gat p D Deer q aur (p) (lentiamina d) 8FX Deer q aur (om. ver. 5 fin. p) (a**) (om. ver. 6 p) E Deer (monim, d) D Deer q aur p (lentiamine d) DEa*E Deer p [non gat] W p (separatum gat) Nova ? (illeg p) T Deer v, et 8 prius vel primus (prior acdeff;gqr aur fossat) illeg p monom sic (E Deer) (monimentum d) illeg p 9, non (pro nondum) ? ^ ffi [non gr-syr-copt] illeg p oportet £FD etc. 10, - iterum EE Durmach Deer a c g p; cf. syr S et Diatess, ad semetipsos discipuli 11. monomentum bis E Deer p? (monim, d) cum (pro dum) E Durmach 8 d [Habet Wordsw, 8, neglexit autem d]p(aber); ut c_;^2 (gr ax; ovv ixXaiev) 12. — in albis Nova inter latt-copt-syr cum gr 250, Eus [wow p] possitum Da*E Deer gat p monomentum 5, 6, possita 5, 6, lintiamina 5, introiit 6, introiit monomentum 7. lintiaminibus possitum seperatim ? 8, introiitprius (p'us) APPENDIX II. {Dimma) 171 John XX. 13, - ei BEE a q r (om. ilU DM" c e aur p) (male de a Wordsw) tullerunt Deer gat** [non p] possuerunt IPE Deer gat p 14. init. illeg 15, — Iesus Nova inter latt [noti p] ef. syr S ; et ixeivo'; pro 6 'lyaov; 28 solus inter graecos est (pro esset) DEJKETX*Z Deer bed ff;* 8 aur p et gr ianv sustullusti gat [non p] possuisti DIPE Deer gat p 17, — autem [wow p]. £F Ambr et gr A. Orig Eus Did Diatess [non syr] ; ergo d q et gr K'^^DLO ; om. elaus. c -f ad (aw^e patrem tert) D^'M'T Cerwe a eff; qrp H- ad (ante Deum) bis. D'^CBWT c q (r) fossat p (aur) (Hier) 18, mag (pro magdalene) Nova ? (magda alibi D) magdalene pleno p adnuntians 19. esset sero? (illeg) «PJW (q) essetergo sero p et al. - congregati AEFCDAIPFGM*ESTYZ* Deer Cerne adq p aur gat Vigil Taps et gr KABD etc. iudeorum AW Deer ff; (8) — eis cum iP et gr K* 245 et syr hier [non syr S, pesh, nee Diatess] [non p] Dimma bis repet. " et dx pax vobis et dx pax vobis " 20, haec cum (pro cum hoc) Nova, cum p ; hoc cum mult ; cum haec ^ ff; et ' his dictis ' a ; — hoc r ; hoc dicens 8 eis ostendit Ordo novus (— eis d q) [non p] gauissi gat p visso D gat (viso p) missit D gat Deer p mito Nova 21, 22, hoc (pro haec) ut vid. plur et p 172 GENESIS OP VERSIONS OF THE N.T. John XX. 22. ait (pro dixit) gat a c eff; r 8 (dicit plur et p; dit d) 23. remisseritis D5P (Y) gat q p remitentur Deer p (remitt. ADM?ESX eff; (q) r gat Cypr ; cf. K*') — et CETZ Deer 8 aur (Cypr.) et gr omn [excepta K]. Habent syrr copt. Si (jpro et) ad ef qr (ef. K* iav Se) retenueritis EIP*M?0 Deer (tenueritis a q) detenta (pro retenta) Ba'CDlPEGH©M(E) Durmach Deer b c (d) e gat p Novat erunt (pro sunt) E b e aur [non p] Novat Ambr 3/5 Maxim Taur Auct deProm. Gamdetit (cf. a q Cypr Aug Pacia/n Fulg tenebuntur; retinebuntur Leo et Aug 1/2) detinebuntur/r 24. de (pro ex) E^'^^ME gat a c aur r [non p] XII (pro duodecim) DEW Deer a b (d) e 8 p gat dedimus D Deer p 25. figura B £FDa*FEPM*M'OESXYZ* Dwrm Deer b c d e r 8 aur fossat Hil (mut. p) 25/26, illeg mut. 26/29, partim illeg mut. 29, — me E Deer a e tn r Cypr Hil Aug 1/3 [non p ; noti gr-syr-copt ; noti Tert] hiat ff; — thoma -I- et (ante credidisti) CH'^'^ET Deer g q gat p et gr K* arm -h me (post qui) Cerwe p gat fossat et K* 19** Evst 60 syr S pesh et Diatess 31, + aeternam (post vitam) BDEKOEZ Durmach b ef g q r p gat Iren Gaudent Faustin (d) et gr KC*DLT'» min (hiat ff;) [tion rell codd vg nee a c m 8 aur] xxi, 1. - discipulis cum vulg, codd, plur, et p [non vett (except, e aur), non gr, non syr, non copt] tibriadis (more Dimma) cum Deer, et p 2, dedimus D Deer p nathaniel Nova ? nathanel p ut vid. APPENDIX n. {Dimtna) 173 Johnxxi. 2. cannan Nova (canan XZ /, channan E) galiliae p zebedei Ca*GM:OEW Cerwe f q r (8 p) I— petrus Nova cum syr S [Simon Cephas Diatess] — et (ante exierunt) DH**GT Deer a d e q 8 et grpermult BCDEHKN etc, arm [non syr] Cyr mut, p [ nauem (pro in nauim) in nauem plur coeperunt (pro prendiderunt) IP^^OEX* Dur mach Deer er (&¦ ac f 8 aur), Coptic: JUnOYTA-ge ; ceperunt Gwill (pesh et syr S verbum idem) ; Gr, iiriaaav sed K* iKomacrav (cf, Cyr in vers, 6) 4, + iam (ante facto) mult htore 6, mitite Nova (more Dimma) dextram EZ*a b d e q r [illeg p] + partem (ante nauigii) DSP^^E Deer abode f q r 8 p Ambr (hiat ff.^ et gr pepr) (syr ' side,' wow inter latt) Post invenietis -I- dixerunt autem per totam noc- tem laborantes nihil coepimus In verbo autem tuo mitem: (sic) (DB3*E Durmach Deer g p et gr K"" aeth Cyr ex Luc) misserunt DS* Deer gat p (etiam Mwo ductu) E Deer Cerne b gat (et non etiam 8) trachere Nova [illeg p] (extrahere e, retrahere r 8) p (pro prae) (al, pre ?) " a" p et c d 8 A£FCDAE gat etc 7. dicit plur -f- itaque (post Simon) DS'^'^T b r 8 p (B) cf.syr; +ergoECerne'^gatdeq; -fvero/; -|- et a ; + autem c ; gr omti ovv cum copt audiuit (pro audisset) Nova cum eq (gr aKovcra^) vidisset p 174 GENESIS OF VERSIONS OF THE N.T, John xxi, 7, tonica Durmach gat p ; tunica A°CIET vg b c; tonicam DEM* Cerne* Deer ; rell tunicam pcinxit (pro succinxit) (E Durm Cerne Deer aer) cinxit gat d[p = succinxit cum plur) missit DS* gat p 8, enim (pro autem) Nova ; om. ace; vero bqr; etp cc- (pro ducentis) gat b p (DE cc-is. ; Deer -cctis-) variant inter se MSS. copt ; viginti a ut vid, ; om, syr S trachentes Nova ? 9. discenderunt DIPE Deer Cerne gat bep [non 8] possitas DE2*E Deer gat (possitum /i) — superpositum et panem* Nova cum syr hier G (sed ef. codd syr hier qui variant inter se) Manus secunda super piscem ' an ' scripsit, ita : piscem, wow aliter ad mutandum imvenit 10. adferte " ' AEFD etc prendistis ABEFCEOESXY Cerwe b (T 8) [non p] (cepistis vett plur) (cepistis vel prendistis 8) 11, -f quasi (post piscibus) E Durm Deer Cerne [contra gr-syr] sed ef. copt -f EGYOrf et fossat -H numero CL 7 tribus sic (pro centum quinquag, tribus) p (DE gat a b d 8) cliiii r ut edit. 12. audiebat (pro audebat) E Deer [non p] (gr. iToXpa) ex discipulis (pro discumbentium) E Durmach Deer (a d)fr p** [non p*] Gr. rtov padrjTmv (discipulorum e) discentium GH*M b ff; Wordsw. txt. 13, + benedixit (vel et benedixit) [^osi panem] DEW r (8) illeg p (df g et D^') syr S et hier dedit (pro dat) DEIPFEW acdefrB gat fossat et D^; dabat HQT" b 14, surrexisset BEFIP Deer etc. (ab efr [d]) surgens^; resurrexit a/ r; surrexit 6 e 15, iohannis APPENDIX II, (Dimma) 175 John . xxi. 15. dilegis DS* 16, iohannis dilegis DIP 17, iohannisdicit (pro et dixit pritno loco) Mult ; — et ABDH M?STY abretgrA tu omnia scis quia amo te (pro tu omnia nosti tu scis quia amo te) cf. EET Deer r gat dicit (pro dixit sec) 18/25 fin. partim illeg 23. [illeg pr. loco] moriretur D gat p (— et non dixit ei Iesus non moritur) morietur sec. CT b c ff;q^ gat (moreretur a ; moriretur D ; morieris der 25. posse capere q [tion p] (H°"'©W vg a ff; g fossat Orig^'') ; cf. gr copt As already said, St. John's Gospel is by a scribe quite contemporaneous with the rest of the Book, for -we find his way of spelling mitto with but one t borne out by the other -writer or writers elsewhere with mito. Again, while Dimma in St, John writes adprech. and D does not in this Gospel, yet elsewhere D uses this form, Dimma writes mortiis as loqiitus in Matthew, We have no time to exhibit the evidence as to Dimma, reduced to the irreducible minimum, in the other Gospels, but we cannot leave the subject so abruptly, and in the hope of stimulating further interest in this long-neglected document, which is of very great importance for the history of transmission, we subjoin a collation of the more important readings in St, Matthew. We should have preferred to collate St, Luke in Dimma, as part of that work in Moling has been done already by Professor Lawlor, and affords a basis for comparison. But we cannot afford to neglect the keys in Wurzburg J, which is only available in St. Matthew, 176 GENESIS OF VERSIONS OF THE N.T. As Wurzburg J, notwithstanding much vulgatizing, still retains quite an element of k, we can see how far Dimma ties up to Wurzburg J (which it does in some measure), and hence base some arguments on the possible relationship of Dimma to k. We have already seen a good deal of e's friendhness in St, John, and also of Syriac leaning in certain underlying parts of that Gospel, This, -with the strong abe affihations, lends some weight to Dimma. It remains to see whether, when k and r; are quite missing in St, John, we can consider them replaced by other Irish codices. And this we can learn more about if we consider Dimma's relations to these MSS, k r; elsewhere. For Dimma appears to be complete in St, Matthew, while k lacks iii, 11-iv, 2, xiv, 17-xv, 20, xv, 37-xxviii. fin., and r; wants i, 1-17, ii, 6-iv, 24, v, 30-xiii, 7, xiv, 1- xvi, 13, xviii, 31-xix, 26, xxvii, 69-xxviii, fin. In St, Mark Dimma appears to lack ii, 5-iii, 24 (r; lacks iii, 24-iv, 19, or the omission begins just where Dimma comes in again, which seems curious) ; rj also lacks V. 31-vi. 13, In St, Luke Dimma appears to lack xiv, 18 med.-xv, 18 peccaui, where precisely r2 is also wanting xiv, 18-xv, 25 medio. This is more than curious. In addition r; lacks Luke i, 1-13 (Abbott gives no readings in the genealogies iii. 24-end, but the codex ia extant at this place), vi, 39-vii, 11, xi, 54r-xii. 45, xvi, 16-xvii, 7, xxiii, 14-end. We have given the readings of Dimma very fully in our collation of Moling for St, Luke, Appendix III,, so do not do more here. Note the key to venerunt vetiti (for flauerunt venti) of k tP in Matt, vii. Dimma omits ' the winds blew ' in both verses 25 and 27 (the first time with copt, the second time with K* ; of, Epiphan). Before subjoining our collation of Dimma in St. Matthew, we must prefix a few words of introduction. APPENDIX II. {Dimma) 177 ST. MATTHEW, First, as regards our relations to d, note accommodation in many places, and consult: iii. 16, iv, 13 (cafarnaum), 14, V. 37, 41, ix. 4, 5, 20, x. 34 (putare), xi. 10, 23, xiii, 55, xiv, 13, 19, xvi. 1, xvii. 17, xviii. 18, xix. 14, 28, xxi. 6, 37, 38, xxii. 17, 26, xxiii. 5, 18, 25, 27, 31, xxiv. 14, 24, 43, XXV. 9, xxvi. 13, 35, xxvii. 42, 45. I am anxious to establish a relation with d or its parent (our connection is old, see dixit a d k Dimma with Greek at xi. 4, and note xv, 28, xix. 22), and I think the following is significant : When Dimma omits a phrase erroneously, generally three words, we find this often traces to a single line in d. Thus: iv. 18, — vidit duos fratres 1 occupies one line ix, 35. — et omnem infirmitatem j in d. So at xii, 38 he reads volumus a te, but writes a te volumus, recollecting the last words first. Now d's lines are of varying length, but the same is observed in some of the longer lines, and lopks like pure error oculi of Ditnma. Thus : xvii. 18. — et curatus est puer ex ilia hora Dimma is found to occupy one whole line in d (two in_^2) ; xi. 10. ante faciem tuam • qui praeparauit viam ") tuam ante te y so d. amen dico vobis ' non surrexit J Observe Dimma* omits ante faciem tuam. X. 15, in die judicii quam civitati illi so d. Again Dimma omits the first three words. So again xiv. 27 — habete fiduciam. Sometimes the last word of the line is omitted, as fumigans xii. 20 ; et videret xii. 22 ; eorum xii. 25. Compare also quite alone, Dimma and d (k) at x. 10 tieque for noti; and not only d but D^'' pyre against all others Greek and Latin. See syr: "Et non." Note further fuerit xiii. 48 d and Dimma alone ; xvii. 17 vobiscum ero d and Dimma only of Latins ; xviii. 18 ligaueritis Dimma d; XX. 6 toto die Dimma d; xxi. 19 in aeternum Dmwia d; VOL. II. N 178 GENESIS OF VERSIONS OP THE N,T, xxiii. 5 autem Dimma d; xxiii. 27 autem Dimma d Iren; xxiv, 14 toto Dimma d ; xxiv. 24 — ita Dimma d ; xxvi. 35 etsi Dimma d; d even joins us in consMlari (ii. 18), which I had considered to be pure Celtic or Scotic spelhng. Further, one of our unique readings (xv, 38) shows a muddle in d. Taking this in connection with other (disagreement, and Syriac agreement (as below) we are perhaps justified in pointing to the d influence as coming from an older codex than d itself, where the lines were perhaps shorter, but some of which d has preserved, Eemembering that q draws near to d in Matthew, and that in some respects b has been more revised (in ancient times) than q, it is interesting to note several unique readings of Dimma with q, the most notable being Matt, xviii, 31. faciebat, these two quite alone (iov fiebant) of the unjust servant. This is all the more noticeable as we do not follow some of g's unique but quite graphic touches (evidently pure though undateable revision), as at : xxiv. 33. in limine (for injanuis or adjanuas). xiii. 48. nugas (iox malos) of the rejecting of the fish. Note further Dimma and q at vi. 15. remiseritis abkq Dimma and Wurzburg J only, xiii, 33, -f dicens g;h q Dimma and a few Vulgates, 36. abiit (for venit) ab h q and Dimma only. xvi, 1, —ad eum d e q and Dimma L only. xxiii, 34, illis (bqr alone of vett) with Dimma and IPL gat, xxiv, 7. adversus regnum only Dimma and q. xxvi, 61. reaedifieabo q (iov aedificare), while Dimma B aedificabo alone of the rest, xxvii. 28. eum (for ei) q alone of vett with Dimma and M? only. Even in some spelhng, as blasfemauit, and even percusit xxvi. 68, APPENDIX II, {Dimtna) 179 As regards ffi and ff; I must refer to the collation, so as not to expand this short introduction unduly, Eemembering that k is absent after xv, 36 (although Tisch. gives a few readings in xvi,, existent in his day) we must not neglect e, which begins in the xiii*^ chapter. As regards e, note Syriac survival with Dimma at xiv, 31 (see also xix. 14) , Also note xvii, 8, — suos Dimma and e only ; xviii. 10, - in caelis prim. Dimma and e only (with E*) ; xxiv. 12, — Et init. Dimma and e only. Also xvii, 14 ad turbas, xxi. 19 vidit (pro videns), xxii. 10 discumbentibus, xxii, 17 dari censum, xxiii, 5 autem, xxiii. 18 qui (sec), xxiii. 21 in eo, xxiii. 27 autem, xxiii. 31 qui occid, profetas, xxiv, 27 apparet (hiat e xxiv, 49-xxviii, 2), xxviii, 2 supra, xxviii. 20 observare. The question remains of the missing k however. And I have an idea that arborum alone at xxi. 8 (for de arboribus), by Dimma, D, Wurzburg J and Hil. only, represents the k recension here. As to k itself, see remarks between the first and second hands in Dimma. Also note, beyond this point, viii. 6, in domu -f mea with k and p. X. 23. in ista ci-vitate (civitatem k) k and syr S (Ambr Epiph Aug). X. 32, - est -with gi k and compare Dimma's practice elsewhere, with syr. See xi, 4 with a d k and Greek ; and note : xiii. 28, — Et init. vyith Dimma J egik syr S, followed in same verse by vis eatnus only Dimma k. xiv, 5, quoniam Dimma and k only. ix. 20, annis xu Dimma and k only (annos xu k) in this order with syr against Greek. X. 10. nee (pro non init.) k only, but weg'Me by Dimtna and d against all the rest, X. 33. me negauerit d h k and Dimma. xi, 2, -\- ad eum. Wurz J h k and Dimtna. xii. 28. - ego Dimma and b c g^k. N 2 180 GENESIS OF VERSIONS OF THE N.T. Besides such traces of common origin as exiuit (several times), salamon etc. See also x, 21, To facilitate reference, here is a list of other passages where Dimma and k are close : Matt, V. 37, 41 ; vi, 13, 15, 31 ; vii, 22, 23, 27 ; viii. 5, 10, 18, 34 ; ix. 5, 13, 26 ; x. 26, 34 ; xi, 4 ; xii, 42, 48 ; xv. 22, I was a little disappointed at first not to find more agreement between Dimma and k. True there is some from time to time, as at the very beginning, and there is agreement alone at some rather remarkable places, viz.: vis eamus (xiii. 28), -I- mea (viii, 6) ; annis xu (ix, 20), Syriac order against Greek, but not as much as we expected. The truth is that k has been more revised than is generally supposed ; in places really quite as much as r;. In fact Dimma, Moling, and the Garlatid of Howth often preserve the older text actually lost in k. This is not what one would primarily expect, but it is a fact neverthe less, although in the direction inverse to what would be supposed. As regards Dimma and r2, besides spelling : excolentes (xxiii, 24), tonicam (xxiv, 18), distruere (distruare r.^ xxvi. 61, respondis (xxvi. 62), colophis (colofis r2) xxvi, 67, perigrinorum (xxvii. 7), calamidem (xxvii, 31), note this very particular agreement alone : XX. 1. messem (pro vineam) ^ xxi. 20. — dicentes xxii. 32. Deus Abracham, Deus Isac, Deus Dimma and lacob ( — et bis) § \ r; xxvi. 9. - istud , quite alone, 50. -I- fac (^05^ venisti) (DQ gat) xxvii. 19, passus sum also xxii. 30. 4- ex mortuis Dimma, -\- mortuorum r2, § Observe that this is repeated in the Visitation of the Sick appended to the MS, Dimma, exactly as in the text, (Sir Wm, Betham, Irish Antiquities, 1826). APPENDIX II. {Dimtna) 181 And observe further : Matt-. xviii, 22, septuagies ET septies BQ Wuvz J gat** Ditntna b r; xxiv, 12. - Et init. DE Dimma e r; ibid, -f- et (ante refrigescet) DEEX Wurzburg J gat Dimma r; 31. suos (pro ejus) QR Dimma gat r; 33, — in (ante januis) E Ditnma r; 41. altera (pro una sec) Q Dimma r; XXV. 43, suscipistis Dimma r; (suscep, f h r Arnob) also V. 13, 28?, 29; xiii. 19, 29, 30, 46, 47, 48; xvi. 18, 22; xvii. 4, 8; xviii. 15; xxi. 29/30, 42; xxii. 31; xxiii. 6, 25, 27 ; xxiv, 3, 27, 42 ; xxv. 25, 29, 36, 45 ; xxvi, 9, 10, 13, 58, 60, 72 ; xxvii. 7, 40, 44/45, 49/50, 55. It seems to me fairly easy to separate the old from the younger element. This younger element generally comes in with g;, but sometimes is accompanied by h (see iv, 29 una pars). Similarly with/, as at xvii. -9 ' ^awc visionem ' only Dimma S*™^ E and /. [Yet / and k are to be observed together alone, xii. 33 dinoscitur ; as indeed d k several times, as magis for potius x. 6, etc., x. 10 neque for wow; and h kin several places as xi. 2 in a reading, viii, 18 in a rendering circa.] There remain the unique reading^, which we cannot trace so far, but these are nearly all omissions, and mostly pure errors, doubtless, as : ii, 20 - terram ; iii. 3 - Domini ; iv. 8 - eum ; v, 29 - tuorum ; v. 31 — uxorem ; v. 45 — et ; vi, 26 — vos ; vi, 28 - de ; vii. 12 - ilUs ; viii. 10 - est et ; ix. 2 - confide ; ix, 7 - et abiit ; ix. 14 - nos ; ix, 35 - et om nem infirmitatem ; x, 23 - vos ; xi. 8 - moUibus vesti- tum; xii, 15 -inde; xii. 20 -fumigans; xii. 22 — et videret ; xii. 23 - turbae ; xii. 25 - eorum (although this may be deliberate, see xxii. 18) ; xii. 42 - ista ; xii, 45 - ibi ; xiii, 2 - ad eum ; xiii, 17 - videre ; xiv, 10 182 GENESIS OP VERSIONS O^ THE N.T. — misitque ; xv. 12 — Tunc ; xvi, 1 — de caelo ; xvii, 1 - illos ; xvii, 18 - et curatus est puer ; xviii, 15 — inter te ; xviii, 17 — sicut ; xxi, 15 — autem ; xxi, 26 — habebant ; xxii, 3 - suos ; xxiv, 45 — suam ; xxv, 3 — secum ; xxv, 9 — sufficiat ; xxvi, 26 — panem ; xxvi, 41 — et orate ; xxvi. 67 — ceciderunt ; xxvii. 23 — illi ; xxviii, 8 — cito. Note : xxiv, 14 -h in cordibus (post caritas) ; xxvi, 45 ut filius bom, tradetur (pro et , . , ), Now let us turn to h, and here we find much specifi agreement, (h begins iii, 15, and is only wanting other-wise between xiv, 32-xviii, 12,) Note V, 44 ; vii, 23, 27, 28 ; viii, 3, 5, 34 ; ix, 4, 5, 11, 15, 16, 28, 31, 34 ; x, 24, 26, 33 ; xi, 5, 17, 21, 23 ; xii, 13, 46 ; xiii, 2, 15, 17, 22, 28, 30, 33 ; xiv, 19, 22 ; xviii, 12, 19, 21, 26 ; xix, 10, 13, 28 ; xx, 12, 21 ; xxi, 8, 15, 16, 20, 27, 35, 43 ; xxii, 3, 7, 15, 16, 21, 26 ; xxiii, 3, 6, 15, 25, 26 ; xxiv, 27, 30, 34, 38, 39, 44, 45, 48 ; xxv, 3, 9, 37, 41 ; xxvi, 7, 17, 19, 20, 23, 25, 39, 52, 66, 72, 73, 75 ; xxvii, 6, 9, 14, 19, 20, 32, 38, 41, 43, 45, 49, 52, 53, 65, 68, 63; xxviii, 3, 7 ; and more specially : Matt, viii, 18, circa -with Dimma gat k ix, 3 fin. -I- quis potest dimittere etc. only a h and Dimma D ix, 35. sanans (pro curans) Dimma h only X, 34. putare * Dimma h with d ffi g^ (k ne putaueritis) xi, 2. -I- ad eum Dimma h k with Wurz J 13, lex et profetf This order survives alone in h Dimma and Tert (doubtless from vii, 12) xiii. 19, mahgnus dhr; only of vett with Dimma and DLQE Wurz J 30. messoribus -f meis h only with Dimma DLQE Wurz J gat 36, abiit (pro venit) only ab h q and Dimma 44 init. -f iterum only/ A q 8 and Dimma 46, bonam margaritam h "I una marg. speciosa Dimma j ^^^ pretiosa(m) APPENDIX II. {Dimma) 183 Matt, xxi, 4, -h Zachariam a c h and Dimma xxiu, 27, apparent e h 8 and Dimma Wurz J gat** 31. qui occ. prophetas d e g; h and Dimma xxiv. 18, tonicam h and DimmaDE'^BB gat. This is Scotic, and should be compared to the treatment of the present participle in h (praecepens xi. 1), as is the case in Dimma p and r2, Dimma and p eliding the i, and r2 adding it wrongfully, 38. -I- et (ante nubentes) Dimma and DLOQE'*'' ; Et nubebant h xxiv, 40, alter ^i h with Dimma FT xxv, 7, acceperunt b c h^and Dimma (against the rest and gr-syr) 29, etiam (pro et sec) h and Dimma only 33, hedos /i only with Dimrna^ These with xxiv, 18, gat and BCEKM?OVW I xi, 1 clearly point to 35,|hospis ^1 h only with j an Irish scribe for /i; 43,) Dimma and BD'^OBJ cf. also azimorum. 43. Buscepistis f h r only with Dimma suscipistis ibid, nudus eram h with Dimma and DQ xxvi, 13, quod fecit haec d h with Dimma and EQ Wurz J gat 41, ne (pro ut non) h with Dimma gat and LE Wurz J 53, — modo / h -with Dimtna DE* 58, exitum rei h, a ff; n q r and Dimma 59, adversum Ii and Dimma (adversus E acd nf) 60, invenerunt in eum (eo Dimma) quicquam Dimma h xxvii. 8, cognominatus h and Dimma r 35. diviserunt ¦+ sibi h, ab dg; and Dimma BQX 42, saluare h, d and Dimma [non gat teste Heer] 60, discessit (pro abiit) h and Dimma L r 65, milites h r and Dimma DLQE* Wurz J gat, as against custodes the other «e^i xxviii, 16, instructi h and Dimma L Wurz J c/a^ [mut. r]. 184 GENESIS OF VERSIONS OF THE N,T. Of these four seem absolutely unique : Matt, ix, 35 sanans, xi, 13 lex et pro., xxv, 29 etiam, xxvii, 8 cognominatus. As regards r (so often close to h) we are not in very large sympathetic relation, but there are a score of places where we touch close. We would point out : xxvi, 18. illi (pro ei) Dimma r. This is no ordinary variation. xxvii. 8, cognominatus (pro vocatus) h r and Dimma only, 60, discessit (pro abiit) h r and only Dimma L 65, milites h r and Dimma gat DLQE Wurz J as well as spelling at xxvi, 59 consilium, xxviii, 15 devul- gatum ; besides xvi, 13 (ut vid), xvii, 4, xxii, 34, xxv, 7, xxvi, 10, 29, 60, xxvii, 38, 53, 55, 58, Please observe Wurzburg J closely, Wurz J comes close in the xiv*'' chapter. Notice the places throughout, and beyond such things as xix, 9 -1- a marito (also p), xxi. 8 arborum (also p) ; and if any proof were needed to clinch the matter, see coUocauit Wurz J alone ) for locauit oi coUauit Dimma alone f all others. Close beyond again xxii, 10, ' et malos et bonos ' Wurz J, D and Ditjima only. Note xxiii. 27, apparent Dimma and Wurz J almost alone xxiv, 43, perfoderi Dimma and Wurz J ap parently alone xxvi, 71, nazareo Dimma ex em. So Land Wurz J gat xxvii, 1, omnes (pro seniores) Dimma L and Wurz J 25, - universus Dimma and Wurz J only, A careful study of Wurzburg J shows the exact hmits of revision in copying these MSS, Thus, xxvii, 9, while filii (pro a filiis) is preserved by Wurzburg J Dimtna and h, just above xxvii. 8 cogno- APPENDIX II. {Dimtna) 185 minatus (pro vocatus) of Dimma and h has been changed to vocatus (e sil. Koeberlin) with the rest. So at xx-di. 58 the dari of Dimma is changed to reddi by Wurz J, yet immediately below xxvii, 59 stands in both the corpore Iesu for corpore loseph, and xxvii, 65 milites ; and xxviii, 15 instructi with Dimma L h and g'a^. The point is whether we are not surely recovering the text of k in such survivals (as for instance xxi, 8, 33), I rather think so, or, rather, that scattered through PDEIPLQE Wurzburg J Dimma Moling 8 and r2 we have the elements of the original k in St, Luke, St, John and the parts of St, Matt, and St. Mark where k is missing; and where r; has been revised, often Wurz J, Dimma or Moling preserve the original. As regards Mohng (p) the collation must speak for itself. /ct is in a neat but rather cramped hand for Matthew, On page 39 (end of ch, vii., and viii, to verse 9) the first column, has every indication of being written by another hand, but the other scribe resumes on col. 2, and appears to hold to the end of the Gospel. We do not say anything further about the readings of P here; we refer to the readings pro and con given throughout this collation of Dimma, which should give a fair idea of the text of p in St, Matthew outside of the small part (xxiv, 12-xxviii, 4) hitherto so clearly published by Prof, Lawlor, We would, however, call attention to a remarkable conjunction of Dimma Moling and gr 157 at xvii, 22. -h peccatorum ] and again xxvi. 45, peccatorum -I- hominumj Also at xxvi, 9, where we omit istud with r2 and p only and 157. This is quite remarkable. Many Greeks have both TovTo and pvpov. But 157 actually drops both words alone among Greeks, These readings are not real Syriac readings, but it does seem to tie up 157 to Dimma and Moling, and therefore 186 GENESIS OF VERSIONS OF THE N.T, our point as to deep Syriac elsewhere has this very curious link. [Note our apposition at times with Birch's interesting Greek cursives 127, 235 (at xvii, 9, xxiv, 21 and elsewhere) and Evst 44 (xix. 6 and elsewhere).] Now, if with e and k we are close to Cyprian's text, and h shows us some lateral tendencies, we may fairly say that Dimma is just as old or older, for he takes us into the very heart of Tertullia/n's text. Sometimes quite alone. Note: Matt, xi. 13, lex et prophetae order of Dimma h only, with Tert xi. 25, — Domine Dimma alone with Tert distinctly XV. 13, — caelestis Dimma alone with Tert distinctly 26, Tert says "Non est auf erre"] both omitting &owmto, panem " ( while most vett Dimma: "Non est sumere [ turn it by using panem" J " non licet"- xix, 9, -^ a marito Dimma Tert 1/2, and again -|- a viro Tert in the other 1/2, Also note our malignus at xiii. 19 where Tert is silent, but he uses erue nos a maligno in vi. 13, With this is bound up the b text and Hil, which Dimma favors (but remember b is quite as old as Irenaeus, while h goes back through Lucifer to equally old times), so that our famous ' African ' and ' European ' division really disappears in Dimma ; or rather the merger is very noticeable. To go back still further, note : xxiii. 3, autem opera 27, autem (pro vero) d e ' ^'^^'^ and viii. 11. multi venient ab ete. xix. 26, -autem sec. yustm. As regards Syriac (nearly all of which appear to be real survivals), note the exceptional order at xv, 34, et pisciculos paueos, which can hardly be a mistake. APPENDIX II. (Dimma) 187 Matt. xix. 17, -f enim (post bonus) against not only Greek and latt vulg (except E) but against all vett. Further note : viii, 11, Order of Dimma with JP syr and Justin; and 9, -I- dico (ante fac) with syr cu S, DELQE gat vett ix, 18, -I- autem with only M and L*'' 3 cursives, but syr distinctly and copt. Also, very particularly, X, 10, neque pro non itiit. with d k only and syr xiv, 15, ut eant in castella et emant (pro ut euntes in castella emant). Not only pure Syriac against Greek and Latin, but quite alone among codices so far examined. 19. -f et dederunt clear Syriac 31. extendit manum et (pro extendens). So only e p and Gaudent with Dimma (cf. c). In p manum is ligatured so that it is impossible to say whether manum, manus, manum et, or manus et was intended. The construction, however, goes to the Syriac, xxii. 30, -f- ex mortuis with r; syr only 37, ex ter in versu (cum syr) xxv, 34, regnum para tum vobis. This is Syriac order (against Greek) -with only L*Q and/, ix, 20, fluxum sanguinis Again Syriac order against Greek aipoppovaa annis xu Again Syriac order and k X, 23, in ista civitate Again Syriac order of syr S (k) 28, corpus et animam Again Syriac order oi syr S XV, 34. et pisciculos paueos Again Syriac order (of syr cu S) (against Greek) xxi, 23, dedit tibi Again Syriac order (with only FE c aur) xvii, 17, Et (pro usquequo) So syr cu S X, 15, -I- quia 1 . ix. 22, -t- quia r-^- '^'' 188 GENESIS OF VERSIONS OF THE N,T. Matt. xix, 17. -t- enim (ante bonus) So syr cu S and only E'"' xxvi. 51, gladium (- suum) All Syriacs, no Greeks, and only LE* Wurz J with Dimma. And perhaps as clear and important as any : xiii. 39, "messis vero consummatio saecuh (-est), messores autem angeli (— sunt) " Exactly as syr S only with copt. Also xii. 22. itaque? (pro ita ut) cf. syr cu ^ ' et' pro ita ut xiii. 51. -I- dicit eis (cf. syr et vett) XV, 22, clamauit ad eum cf. syr S and Ephr. (with a'-^QEWurz J//i(fc)(8)/i) xviii, 19. + amen with vett mult and syr 33, - et (atite te) with syr S and only b eff; g^ gat XX. 22. -f- illis with syr S and a few xxvii. 41. + eum with a few vett and syr besides other places such as i. 6 ; iii. 15 ; v, 41 ; vii. 18 ; viii. 2, 5, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 27, 28, 34 (the whole of this viii* chapter shows deep Syriac influence) ; ix. 4, 11, 32 ; X. 4, 32, 34, 39 ; xi. 17 ; xii. 13, 14, 28, 35, 39 ; xiii. 18, 30, 46, 51 ; xiv. 24, 25 ; xxi, 19 ; xxv, 41 ; xxvi, 25, 53, As regards the Syriac additions in xii, 35 of cordis sui twice, followed by Dimma, but also in some measure sup ported by a few other authorities, note, as to its source in Dimma, that Dimma is nearly the only other authority to add enim in the introduction to the verse, as syr cu and Sdo"Et," As regards the readings of syr hier with which we agree, reference is asked to the collation. There are not very many, but a few seem of importance. For instance, Ditnma omits tote both in xxii, 21 and xxiv, 21, So does syr hier. Although Dimma outdoes them at xxvi, 56, omitting there, where they do not, Syr hier supports the addition of sed in xxviii, 10, only witnessed for by DELE Wurz J g; gat and Dimma. It is noticeable that syr hier agrees with syr S (cu wanting) and pesh at xxvi, 51, omitting suutn after APPENDIX II. (Dimma) 189 gladium. This no Greeks do, nor latt vett. It remains for Dimma, -with only LE* Wurz J, to support the full array of Syriacs against the undivided Greek hosts. This is really quite a curious place, I would like a re examination of 28 and 157 here. Not even the 1 family nor the 13 family show a trace of this. The account in St, Mark, however (xiv. 47), shows the Greek there to be ¦rrjv pa-)( 22. -t- quia so copt 2C6 ) xiii. 39. - est sec. — sunt so copt syr S and Dimma exactly VOL. II, 0 194 GENESIS OF VERSIONS OF THE N.T. Matt. xiv. 11. et puella dedit so copt Diatess Dimma E A;*?(LE) xvi. 4. quaerit signum copt order with "only b c and D^"^ xxi. 12. — Dei with copt and sah, aeth and arm and only b of Latins, and KBL 13-556 33 73 604 of Greeks xxii. 10. " Et malos et bonos " So Greek, but not Latins. Cf copt : nn CT-gcjuo'v it eai ft h eeitAKev xxiii, 15, -f autem pos^ Vae supported by g-a^ and one Coptic MS, 27. — quia by most Coptic. This 5f E so fre quently almost redundant is noticeably absent here in many MSS. and in Horner's text xxvi. 39. -f vis copt syr hier and latt with Dimma, against Greek xxvii. 35. diviserunt sibi 35. diviserunt sibi 1 . 38. crucifixerunt j 41. ^- eum as copi distinctly, with differing order, and syr with E cfffi hqrr; syr and Diatess 57. erat discipulus Coptic order against Syriac and against Greek which expresses it in one verb iparevdr) (as d = didicerat) Add further for Coptic order : xxvi. 17. pascha comedere order of sah (copt) xxvii, 60. in suo monomento novo alone with copt sah xxviii, 15, hoc verbum alone -with copt The unique readings stand out clearly in the collation and need not be repeated here. We should note, however, such things as : quid aut quomodo (x. 19), but this unique order is to be explained by the omission of aut quomodo by many. The scribe first copied quid, then turning to his reference books and finding quomodo aut quid he added ' aut quomodo ' after the ' quid.' Of other unique or rare readings, note (besides other APPENDIX II, {Dimma) 195 affinity with that old Graeco-Latin l<, as i, 6 - rex, v, 39 - tuam, ix, 28 4- duo) the following : Matt, i, 21, -ejus with Greek i<* only vii, 27, — et flauerunt venti with Greek N* only X, 14. -1- vel de castello illo with Greek K fam 13 partially, 61 and DL p (Q g;) xiii, 10, eis loqueris new order with ^** only and .Bws"™ xvii. 26, dicente autem illo withp-rJ^BCL, no Latin t;e^i xix, 25, — autem with H* only, and E c ^i xxvi, 25, -\- Ihs with ^* only of Greeks but most vett and stjr pesh Diatess xxvii, 49, liberare (pro hberans) with H* (-\- very few latinizing cursives) acoaai pro aoiaayv ; only g; gat DEaP™* go with Dimma, but / 8 agree with saluare. That the above are not fortuitous compare xvii, 26 where Dimma (with only p LQE Wurz J) abandons all Vulgates and all vett, and gives the introductory clause as NBCL Origen and Cyril. This is noteworthy, because, immediately followitig, xviii; 2. we omit Jesus, without any Latin authority, nor Syriac, but with gr NBFLV* 1 33 61 572* 604 Evst 259 and copt. Also note that the omission at : xii. 48, of dicenti sibi is supported by X^"' and also W^"'. I submit respectfully that the foregoing few passages conclusively point to a general polyglot influence in very early stages. Coupled with the rest of the curious trans mission evidenced by Dimma and to which we have just called attention in the foregoing pages, we have here as pretty a picture as can be called for of a gradual reduction of Dimma to a.d. 350, 250, and thence through Tert and syr to an age as far back as you wish to go, and thence to Justin (viii. 11, xix, 26), Ibiostnceasies of Dimma. The writer shows certain deep religious bias which o 2 196 GENESIS OF VERSIONS OF THE N.T. occasionally affects his text, as at v. 37 quicquid (pro quod), vi. 8 -\- caelestis post pater vester (again vi. 15), vii. 23 -1- omnes, viii. 12 -f foras, ix. 3 fin. -i- quis potest dem, peccata nisi di solus (so a h), ix. 30 -f- et confestim viderunt,' x, 15 -f vel domui, xi. 13 lex et profetae, xiii. 49 sancti (followed by eos for malos, showing how his mind was running ahead of his text), xiv. 35 4- adoraverunt eum, XV, 28 secundum verbum tuum, xvi. 8 -I- cogitationes eorum, xvii, 22 -|- peccatorum, xviii, 31 faciebat, xxi. 44 conquassabitur, xxii. 10 et naalos et bonos, xxiv, 12 -I- in cordibus, xxiv, 14 -f saeculi, xxv, 21 dni dl tui, xxvi, 40 potuisti. But again it is difficult to separate all these from Syriac affinities, for at : Matt, xii, 35, 4- cordis sui bis, though witnessed to only by Dimma gat QE, has the support of syr cu S and syr hier AB [besides in primo loco by ET / g; aur syr hier C], Note that Dimma, almost alone, adds Et at the beginning of verse (= syr). xxii. 30, 4- ex mortuis with (r;) syr only. Passages which should be weighed are also such as : • i, 2, —fratres ejus -with gig i, 6, — rea; with JM" gi g; k gat Ephr syr ii, 1, — Iesus with Deer xxviii, 8. —-cito with Mrs. Lewis' Clim i. Note also xxi. 32. To what messem (pro vineam) xx. 1, by Dimma and r2 only, is to be attributed we leave to our readers, Juvencus, many years before, shows how it had appealed to his mind (we quote him there in full), and the Irish monks [see their " Lives "] were so largely interested in agricultural pursuits that their mental attitude crops out here, the season of " messis " being the most important of the year. The history of conflations remains to be written. Here is a very nice illustration of an illegitimate con flation in the Old Syriac. In fact it is not a conflation APPENDIX II. {Dimtna) 197 of two genuine readings at all, but a forced amplification, which, however, as we shall see, is responsible for a sub division of the reading in two other MSS., leading to a new reading which has really no authority. In Matt, xiii. 46 the Greek runs : evpMv Be eva iroXvTipov papyaplryv, and the Latin : Inventa autem (una) pretiosa margarita. Now syr cu and S say : " And when he found a pearl (a certain pearl syr S) GOOD and of GEEAT PRICE." This is simply an unwarranted amplification as far as I can see (the Diatessaron simply " And when he found one pearl of great price"), but h (with r2 D and corp oxon) reduces the Syriac to : " Inveniens autem bonam maegaeitam," while Dimma plays this curious and interesting variation : "Inventa autem una margareta speciosa." Apart from the other Syriac affiliations of Ditnma we might not be able to trace this with certainty to the Old Syriac, but with such certain keys as xiii. 39 just above [alone with syr S " the harvest truly the conclusion of the age, and the reapers the angels," suppressing est and sunt] it becomes a certainty that speciosa is borrowed from the Old Syriac, and is an attempt to reduce its con flation to the working basis of one word. Unless, indeed, in Ditnma we are face to face with what lay behind the Old Syriac, But I hardly think this here. We have been watching for that elusive witness Gr 28. He comes at last, at xxi. 16, to witness for wow (ovk) rather than numquam (ovBerroTe) , alone of Greeks, -with us, DQE Wurz J b (mut. a a;n) e efffi, ;hr; p only. What do the Syriacs say ? Apparently numquam, with the rest of the Vulgates and d g^ and q (num numquam) ; at least the Syriacs say " non unquam," but Diatess says " did ye not read long ago." Of the other remaining Latins; g; reads "nonne," and B " notme forteesan," over ovBe irore. 198 GENESIS OF VERSIONS OF THE N,T. Now this is a place, I submit, which perhaps makes dating possible. If the Old Latins never saw the Diatess, then they and gr 28 drew from a Syriac other than those we know, preceding the Diatessaron, which, as we see, has pre served in the Arabic a composite reading, involving " non " and " long ago " rather than numquam. It conveyed clearly the ovBerrore of the Greek, but in a different way, and the Latins b e e f ffi,; h r; p, that is to say the re cension they represent, drew from the same old Graeco- Syriac source, to which even d did not have access, or neglected. It is also a reading antedating Irenaeus, Hogg's translation of the Diatessaron is perfectly correct, and both Ciasca and Hill have missed the point. The Arabic is " Have ye not read from the ancient," Nor is the passage complicated by an importation from St. Mark or St, Luke, for these Evangelists do not quote Psalm viii, 2. In connection with this note above xxi, 12 — Dei, I would like to say a few words about Philaster, whose well-known work against heresies commanded a wide circulation. Just as in the case of the codex Gigas and Lucifer, we can be pretty sure that the original of the Book of Dimma in the iv'" century lay on Philaster's desk, and that iv* century MS, clearly e-vidences its graeco-syriac-latin ancestry. For examine Philaster a little more closely. He is with us alone in the most unusual order (unique as far as I know) at : Matt. xix. 21. Si vis esse perfectus vade vende omnia quae habes et da pauperibus et veni sequere me et habebitis thesaurum in caelo. The clause which always comes last being set back as above only in Ditnma and Philaster. Again : Matt. ix. 16 the simple tnittit of Philaster and Dimma, against inmittit of the rest and em^aXXet of all Greeks, finds its counterpart in Syriac, APPENDIX II. {Ditnma) 199 Again, matter of order : Matt. xi. 13. legem et profetas. Jo. xiv. 2. multae mansiones 2/2. Matt. X. 28. corpus et animam 1/2. So Philaster, Dimma and (Syr). And at : Matt. xxv. 34. percipite of Moling Philaster Iren Lucif Optat Aug. But alongside of this, either Philaster is improvising or he shows us in Luke another recension not present in Dimma nor in other Latin or Greek or Syriac, for observe : Philaster's (1) in libra caelorum, Luke x. 20. (2) et qaam festino si finiretur, Luke xii. 50. (3) 0 duri corde et imprudentes animo, Luke xxiv. 25. The first may be an improvisation, but the next two do not seem to be. Consult Jrew and Epiph as to No, 2, Jrew: Kai rraw erreiyopai, et? avTo (et valde propero ad illud). Epiph: Kai ti atrevBoi eoj? ov mu) avTO. Both these convey both speed and anxiety as against the trvvexppat of all Greek MSS, No Latins really vary the coarctor, except r2 anxior, and d urguor. No, 3 is apparently new (consult Gwilliam's translation of Peshitto : ' carentes mente ') for with all the slight varia tions of Latin and Syriac none seem to give Philaster's imprudentes animo, a c d e Aug and Tert (the latter not given by Wordsworth) reading insensati. Again, where does Philaster get the following ? — No, 4. et ego vos sublevabo, M^t, xi, 28, That he is fairly free at times is seen when he quotes : "Quod si feceritis omnia dicite quod servi sumus inutiles,'" following very soon with the same quotation again, but using nequissimi for inutiles. 5 alone gives nequa, and e alone varies with supervacui. 200 GENESIS OF VERSIONS OF THE N.T. It is interesting to connect Philaster with Syriac, because he has the pure Latin readings in : Luke iv, 19, 4- et diem retributionis. Matt, xxv, 41, quem paravit Pater meus. Quite long extracts from Dimma (Matt, xxvii, 48/66, xxviii, 1-20; John i. 18/38) have been printed in "National MSS. of Ireland," 1874, part I., but there are many mis takes in them. For instance, in Matt, xxvii. 49/50 the true reading is aeepta lancea, not capta lancea. xxvii. 53, a munimentis is wrong. Codex reads de mun, ibid, omit ejus Wrong. Codex has the usual 3. 60. in suo munomento should be in suo monomento. 63. quia seductor Codex is plainly qtwd seductor. 64, veneant Codex plainly venient. 65, custodes Codex plainly milites. xxviii. 1. —prima- But even in the photograph p can plainly be seen, 7, praeeedit Code':s. praecedet. 19, eas Codex eos. The editor evidently did not understand Irish script. He gives a few spellings which I have neglected on pur pose, so that these do not appear in my collation. Collation op Dimma in St, Matthew, The genealogy is written in a very small and beautiful hand. We shall not anticipate the eventual pubhcation of this in full, and only indicate below the pecuhar read ings, leaving some of the speUing and abbreviation of proper names alone. Matt, i, 2, 4- autem (ante genuit pr) DLE Wurz J p gig copt — et fratres ejus Nova cum gig [non /i] 5. ex/ab ruth (illeg p) (om. tP copt) 6. - rex JW gat gig;lc Auct op imp gri^BT 171 604 570 [non Oxyr^] sah copt syr cu S pesh Ephr syr (illeg p) ; cf. Iren ad i, 12 APPENDIX II. {Dimma) 201 Matt. i. 9. — ozias autem gen. ioatham 11/12. ios. autem genuit iachoniam, iach, autem genuit in transmigrationem babilonis [pro iosias autem gen, lech, et fratres ejus in transmig, Bab. et post transmig. Bab.] (cf. Evan 127 230 233 et cf. syr hier) 16. Ita : iac autem genuit ioseph vir mariae de qua natus est Ihs Xps ( — qui vocatur) cui despon- sata virga maria , maria autem genuit Ihs qui dicitur Xps (ab c d g^) k (q.v.) syr S Tert. (illeg p) 17, ergo (pro itaque) plur 4- sunt (post gen, tert) DE'^E abed usque adventum X^i (pro usque ad Christum) k (in adv. hi' 5^) fin. 4- omnes itaque gen, ab abracham usque ad ventum Xpi XLii, (DH@X) ; ef.b c aeth. This ends the first double column. The second col. of the first page commences with i. 18, Xpi occupying the space of seven ordinary lines, the text continuing in a single column. The principal variations follow (neglecting some varia tions of spelhng). [We are not so careful here about the evidence of Vulgate Codd. (refer to Wordsworth), but are more con cerned about vett and syr.] i, 19. 4- homo (ante Justus) DESPLE Wurz J Deer gat a b cf gi g; r; p aur syr cu Ephr 20. in somnis aparuit (sic) ei «.P ex ea (pro in ea) EIP^^LMV Deer gat b cf g^r; (cf. syr-copt) 21, — eius Nova cum 1^* [non al. non Iren] 22. 4- hissaiam (ante profetam) 23. habet (pro habebit) ut vid. Iren 1/4 (concipiet E vett Tert Iren 1/4, concepiat p, accipiet aur Iren 2/4) pregnas erit k 202 GENESIS OF VERSIONS OF THE N.T. Matt, ii, 1, — Iesus Nova cum Deer [om. § II, , , III. Diatess : ' et vocavit nomen ejus Iesum. Cum ergo natus esset Iesus in Bethleem Judaeae ' ii. 25 ^w,-iii. 1 init.] 6. - ei CELM"=QET Deer DMrmac^grai* a c ffi gi. 2 q p a^ 243 Diatess 6, reget (pro regat) ABC ete. et p Wordsw. txt. Junil Afrie Sedul ; pascet Tert (recturus es h) 7, aparuit de novo (vide i. 20) ut in P (om. ab eis tempus stellae quae apparuerit eis p) ,8, h (pro et) wow h~ autem — et (ante ego) L q [non b] 11, h (pro et sec) 13, egressi essent (pro recessissent) ut CT (Durmach) syr pesh copt (cf. syr cu S simplieiter) illeg p in somnis aparuit (vide i, 20, ii, 7, 19) iP h (pro et prim) 14, — eius LE [wow p] recessit [contra D JLEW gat vg d] vide rell 16, h (pro et sec) 17. dictus (pro dictum) Nova ? (dictu k q p aur) (' divino numine doctus ' Juvenc) 18, consulari (scotice) DELQEY Deer Durmach d p 19, aparuit angelus dni ACD etc. gr HBDZ etc. aparuit «P 20, h (pro et tert.) — terram Nova 21. h (pro et bis) [terram ifll] 22. illuc (pro illo) mult h (pro et) 23, nathzareth Nova? natzarius Nova ? iii, 3, — Domini Nova 4, enim (pro autem) B gat p (cf, Diatess) h (pro et prim.) sonam (pro zonam) Y [wow p, nee al.] APPENDIX II. {Dimma) 203 Matt. iii, 5, exiebant sic EHT Wurz C gat vett mult [non p] (convehiebant k) cf, syr h (pro et bis) 6, in iordane ab eo 9, potest (pro potens est) ACD Wurz JC Deer ete. d gi.2 8 p gat Tert [non Iren] ex lapidibus DEFLQZ* Wurz J Deer a b cfffi g;q p (gr e/c) Jrew [wow Tert] 10, ad radices (pro ad radioem) DLETW Deer gat abcdfgi,;qp syr S Diatess (ad radice aur) [ad caudicem Tert (Sabatier : ad caudices)] [wow Irew gr lat et k ffi = ad radicem cum gr syr cu] -J pro ergo (cf. Lindsay p, 13 wow g) igitur k ; enim Jrew ; nu goth; — ergo LE Fulgent syr hier eopt (Hiat k iii, 11-iv, 2) 11. babtizauit Durmach (bapt, aliq) 12. h (pro et bis) mundauit (pro permundabit) Deer a mundabit L p Aug Vigil Taps ; purgabit d f Auct de prom Arnob ; Iren ad emundandam 1/2, emun- dans 1/2 ; Tert ad purgandam ; purgabitur Juvenc (hiat k) congregauit EFTX Deer ab df gi 15, — autem cum p = syr S (cf. eu) Ambr; Eesp, Jes, et dix, g; 16, — autem Nova ? (cf. 8 om. baptizatus autem) (ef. vett : et baptizato) h (pro et prim.) c§li ei (pro ei caeli) Nova cum p Diatess ; — ei syr MB Jrew (Clerm et Arund) al. aliq Vigil Taps 7 (pro et sec) sic tantum et iv. 6 4- de c§lo (ante sicut) DEQ Wurz C Deer abed gi h p gat D^ [wow Iren, non gr syr] 204 GENESIS OF VERSIONS OF THE N.T. Matt. iii. 16, colbam (sic pro columbam) Nova (cbliibam aur) — et tert. mult 17. h (pro et) iv, 3. 4- ad eum (post accedens) DELQE Deer abe dfgi.;h (k) 8 p* gat grplur syr 4, in pane solo 4- dei (post verbo) DJ c [non p] ) cf, b breviter — dei fin. c [non p] \ cum d gi (om, claus k) (Tert breve sed in Dei verbo) 5. h (pro et) 6. 7 (pro et prim.) supra 7. rursus (pro rursum) FX*Z (rursu 8 p aur) (iterum al. vett, item Iren ut ed) 8. — eum Nova 9, iUi haec omnia dabo tibi Nova Ordo eum syrcu, 10. 4- redro (post vade) 4- retro DEa*LQEX'= Wurz J Deer a b c ffi gi, ; p aur ; 4- post dh Aug 1/2 [wow Ignat Iren Hier Tert Hil k] satanas — enim A etc Wurz J h k aur [non p nee aZ.] Tert gr 247 (Jrew MSS, Arund et Merc 1) 11, minisTbant sic (Hil im, Matt, ministrant) 12, Tditus sic 13, natzareth Nova? cafarnaum S*E Wurz J d p, cafemaum Durmach (cab. 8) cf. 1quod p~eipit moyses -^monus (pro offer munus ) Nova ? 5 init. 4- Post haec DLQ(EE) Wurzburg Jab c ef gih k q p* (hiat d) syr cu 8 goth Hil Auct op imp [Non gr copt ; non Diatess pesh] Post haec ( — cum autem intr, Caph, syr S k) — autem p* et syr cu gr VX (Orig) qda centorio (pro centurio) (DELQ syr cu ab c gi g;h k q p gat Hil) [non gr] 6. in domu mea (pro in domo) DL k p sah copt aeth (in domu QE Wurz J) (' in garda ' goth) 8, 4- illi (post ait) DLQE Wurz J a b gih p (f k) syr eu S (W) [non gr] 9. sum homo Nova (ef. syr) [breviter ex industria Iren om.] alio (pro alii) plur 4- dico (ante fac) DELQE gat abe gi, ;, p (dico hoc fac) syr cu S [wow h teste Belsheim^ (cf. Diatess ' that he do ') 10, — est et Nova ( — est scotice et anglice ; vide in aliis locis) quia apud nullum (pro non) DL gat** pB^faml 4 22 ; cf. a gik q gat Auct op imp syr cu S copt 11. multi venient ab oriente et occidente (j9ro multi ab or. et occ. venient) J* syr Patr Justin etc. Faustus apud Aug [non p] APPENDIX II. {Ditnma) 213 Matt. viii. 12. 4- hujus (post regni) DE3*LQE Wurz J Durtn gat bcfgi,;h8 A^' Aug 1/4 [wow Jrew Cypr] 4- ejus p 4- foras (aw^e in tenebras) [wow p] cf. syr copt 13. - et (ante sicut) DELWX Wurzburg J gat a b gi ; h k q (hiat d) p syr eopt et gr HB Iren Chrys [non goth] ex ilia hora LOE a b c gi g; h I q gat (hiat d) [noti p] ab ilia hora B cum gr CA 33 al. pauc sah Bas Chrys 16. 4- inmundos (post spiritus) BDEa*KOQ(E)W Wurz J abcg;hq8 pgig aur (hiat d) gat Hil [curauit] 17. 4- quia (post dicentem) DLQ Wurz J gat** ab c gih (quoniam) q p egretudines Nova sed [p"«QE p egritudines ; aegritudines J Durmach ; valetudines Wurz "JA"h; languores ak 8 Tert 18, circa (pro circum) DE[P"^LE Wurz J gathk ytt^'* (circu 8 aur) iusit (more p) p 20, ilh (pro ei) [p*OTX'= cgihkB gig (illeg p) 21. suis (pro ejus) L [wow p] (om. ab chq gig Juvenc gr NB al. pauc) — me Nova cum g; ? 23, in navicula EFH@LMQEY Wurz Jbgi,;hqp aur [contra gr ; prob ex in navicula] 24, 4- erat autem illis ventus contrarius (post flucti- bus) DELQ(E) g; gat p (ex Marc) gr 4 59 108 218 240 251 262 265 syr hier (cf. Diatess a great tempest of whirlwind and wind) 26, — Iesus mult et a gi k q 8 p et gr syr copt [Habent b cffih gig syr S (Lewis Emend 1910) et 4- dominus Auct op imp] (Hiatit d f e r r;) [tranquillitas] trancilitas p (cf. Dimma Joh xviii. 2 frecenter) 214 GENESIS OF VERSIONS OP THE N.T. Matt.viii. 27, Homines autem illi (pro Porro homines) Nova ctrnn ffi syr cu S copt (a b cfgihkq gig) [non p] 28. 4- homines (post duo) DE[PLQE Wurz JA b c ffi gih q p aur gat** syr duo daemoniaci d 8 \ tvai daimonarjos goth ] '"' ^^ — exeuntes Nova cum

11. - autem mult vel (pro aut) E Wurz J gat [non p] ( — aut castellum ab dffihk Hil Ambr etc) 12. illam (pro eR,m) Nova? (domum k) 13, -ilia ACD etc ad vos revertetur plur 14, -1- de (ante civitate) mult et p et syr copt [tion abd(k)h (ffi) q 8, non gr] 218 GENESIS OF VERSIONS OF THE N,T. Matt. X. 14, 4- vel de castello illo DL p (Q g;) et gr ^ 13-346- 556 61 copt (ef. Diatess castello pro civitate) 15, 4- quia (post vobis) syr et TLB copt (Aug contra Faust) ; cf. Iren Ubere [non al.] — in die judicii Nova fin. 4- vel domui DL [wow p, non vett, tion gr syr copt] 17 fin. —vos Nova cum Hil 18, — ad (ante reges) Latt aliq etffi p aur cum gr Iren Tert ?; cf. a b c f ffi gi h k q 8 Cypr Hil [ducemini plur et p] 19. quid aut quomodo Ordo novus ut vid. contra gr [noti p, non al.] ; cf. Ambr Aug Vig Taps Ennod Cypr 4/5 abk et syr S syr hier B, Diatess simplieiter " quid " tantum loquemini&is ELE* (c/, Q) [wow yit] loquim, D 20, loquemini EQE(L) Wurz J p aur 21. — filii J [wow vett, non p, sed cf. k : et insurgent sibi ( — filii) super parentes] 22; 4- hominibus (^os^ omnibus) DE etc. 23. — vos Nova in ista civitate Nova cum syr S (k goth) contra pesh et gr (ef. Ambr semel Epiphan et Aug in una civ. ; cf, Wurz A) cf, Iren (Tert) a civitate in civitatem ut Orig amplius (Philocal xviii.) et gr 473 veniet L* [wow p, al.] 24, supra bis Nova neque (pro nee) FS*Z* gat a b h 8 p* 25, domini (pleno) pro dominus Nova [non p] dom" k ef. Juvenc : " Discipulo satis est vires aequare magistri Vel Domini similem virtutem prendere servo " 26 init. Nee (pro ne) D[PLO [wow p] " Non " CET Wurz J aur [Becte in notulis Wordsw., male vers. 25 in textu] est enim dfffi gi h k (— est mult et I p) ( — enim T Wurz J, supra lin. in p sedpr. man) APPENDIX II. {Ditnma) 219 Matt. X. 26. ocultumi D [wow p, al.] sciatur A(PTX°Y ^ c gi q [non p al.] 27 init. 4- et sic errore audistis ESPLM? (H) Durm gat a d p 28. occidere non possunt (pro non poss. occ.) Nova cum Novat et Tert (Gnost) interficere non valeant [wow p, sed non possunt ocidere (sic)] putius LE p ; magis d k ffi Ireti eum timete plur et p corpus et animam DLE Wurz J syr S Clem hom Iren Tert ter Lucif Auct op imp Aug 4/6, contra gr, contra Diatess [noti p] 29, veniunt ACD etc. b (mut. a) d f gi h k I p aur eis (pro illis) BB p (his d Iren) (neuter eorum Cypr epist) cadit DE[PQE Wurz J Durm b (mut. a) c B p Tert Cypr S Paulin fin. sine patris vestri voluntate Iren Cypr goth (DQE® vett et aur Tert Hil Aug) [p cum vg] 30/31 illeg 31, 4- eos (j90si timere) DELQg'iM^e^c, ; 4- multo Wurz J ; 4- eos aw^e tim. a ? [noti p] 31 fiti. — vos Nova cum c (cf. Tert) [noti p] 32 fin. — est gi k p? cf. syr gr 33. me negauerit (pro neg. me) (B) d h k (Tert) etc copt contra gr syr [non p al.] fin. [Habet est] 34, putare (pro arbitrari) d ffi gih [non p] Hier in Esai ; cf. k Tert ne putaueritis ; cf. syr S (aliter cu) venerim pacem mitere (BDE Wurz J Durm ete. p) syr S Hier (Esai) Auct op imp 38, sequatur D3*LQE Wurz J Durm gat g; S (sequatur sic p, pr. man. vid) 39 init. 4- Et Hil 1/2 ; cf. syr cm S 4- enim ; 4- autem g; [Qqui sic p] 40. recipit me sec. loco DB Aug [tioti p al.] 220 GENESIS OP VERSIONS OF THE N,T. Matt. xi, 1, - est D 4- verba haec (post Ihs) a""SLQE Wurz J (EW gat D aur) b [non q] g; p transit ELQE gat p 2, 4- ad eum (post mitens) Wurz Jhk [non p] Hil ; -h ad Iesum ^1 Auct quaest 3. ait illis euntes dicite (pro ait illi) DE gat (LE aur) b p gig (cf. gi et al. et Auct de prom) 4. dixit (pro ait) [non vulg ut vid., nonp] sed cum gr omti etad kffi syr 5. 4- et (ante pauperes) DJL Wurz J gat ab dgi,; h q 8 p gig aur cum gr syr goth [non copt (q.v) cum rell latt] 7, 4- babtizta (post iohanne) (DLQE Wurz J ab c gi.;h p cmr Auct quaest) in deserto EFL Z * Wurz J gatagi aur Evst 44 Juvetic [non gr] [agitatam] 8, sed quid existis videre videre hominem (sic — molH- bus vestitum) Nova 9. — et D Wurz J Durm ? gi [non p al.] (cf. syr et Iren) Aug 1/2 (cf. copt 2te wow ^E), Cf. b c: Dico vobis etiam plus quam proph. (pro Etiam dico vobis et plusquam proph.) Auct quaest : Dico vobis quoniam plusquam proph, = syr ; cf d S gig 10, ante faciem tuam supra lin. sed a pr. man. preparauit* BFOX d f giq (sed correxit Dimma man. pr. prob) 11, - autem (post qui) Nova ? 13. lex et profet§ Nova cum h et Tert (Aphraat) ; (ex ord in vii, 12 ?) om. lex et syr S [wow p al.] 17, 4- vobis (post lamentauimus) E[PLQ Wurz J gat a bff;h q 8 p syr arm aeth gr mult [tion goth eopt, non gr H BDZ 1 248 Evst 48 rell latt et k] 21, [corozain] Bezaida , . tiro (thiro p) APPENDIX II, {Dimma) 221 Matt. discendis DL bff;p (discendes 3*E gd tunc plur - Domine Nova cum gi** ? p** Tert Phoebad (' Deus, pater ' ffi) abscondi Nova (abscondis k) xi. 21. fuissent (pro essent) E^'FM'E Wuiz J gat fh 8 ex emend [non p] (om. claus ff;) . quae in vobis factae sunt Nova? [non p, non syr gr] 22. 4- quia (aw^e tiro) Nova inter latt et gr sed eum copt ; ef. syr 23. 4- noiii (??) ow^e nuquid Nova ; errore (ne d) ad (pro in prim.) D^LQE Wurz Jgatbdfffi h [non k] q 8 p aur Iren (gr etu?) exaltaueris BCH etc. ad (pro in sec) D JLQ Wurz Jed ffi h [noti bfq aur p] k gig Iren (om. 8) (gr ecos) 25. 26, quia (pro quoniam) EQE Durm ffi 8 aur [nonp, al.] Hil 27, quisquam (pro quis) DLQ gat [non p] Aug 1/5 Juvenc ; aliquis d (om. Wurz J k) xii. 1, sabbato per sata plur 2, 4- illos (post videntes) DLQ gat a b e (d) ffi, ; (gi) h (8) p cum gr CDL A fam 13 syr 4- eis (post licet) plur et b c ff;? gi (h) I aur gig p contra gr syr ( 4- eis post facere «.P) sabbatis facere Ordo novus (om. sabbatis k syr cu S ; om, sabbatis facere ffi) mut. ff; 3. m (pro Dauid) p (Symb. AA habet Freer W«0 essurit (pro essuriit) gat (LE p esurit) esuriret b cgi Aug Ambrst; esurisset J^i h k 5, sabbatis quia Nova ? 7. contemnetis ( pro condemnassetis) Nova? (contempsissetis B) 8, est enim plur ( — est p) 10, 4- erat (post homo) D[PLQ (E) Wurz J abe d f (/i) #2 gi. 2h (q) S p gig (aur) gat** (illic homo k) cf. B 222 GENESIS OF VERSIONS OF THE N.T. Matt. xii, 10, habens manum ffi (Arnob) [non p, al.] 11. eis (pro ilhs) D gat dfq aur (non p, al.] hex (pro habeat) habet CDa*H*KQTV Durm gat b cdfgikqB (super e^ei), aur p ; exei D 511 (habens ffi h) — haec E a b [non q = ista] c dfffi gihk [non aur] D^" (syr) [non p, habet h cum gr omn tovto] [tenebit et] leuauit BEX (Durm) a (h) (ff;) (gi) apprehendens elevabit J\ (gig), adprehendens leuauit h, tenet eam et levat d, teneat eam et excitet k 12. [ove] 13, 4- manum suam (post extendit) DLE Wurz J ab c h (ff;) gi p (Arnob) syr aeth [non gr praeter 209 test. Scholz Tisch non Lake] 4- et (awi!e altera) DESPFcP etc a fff; (h) p 14. — autem Nova ; " et euntes " E, et exeuntes ^ ^ f ffi ffi 9 1 h (d) ; cf. syr, etk' et exiebunt' eum perderent plur 15, - autem Nova? At Ihs sciens (- autem) q. Quo cognito ( - autem) ffi 4- cogitationes eorum (post sciens) Nova cum Chrys (ex vers. 25) Cf. Hil "sciensque eorum consiha" secessit ADEtP etc. et p — inde Nova (eum Juveneo solo) - sunt Nova? [sequebantur a b eff;gi (q)] 17. ad'pleretur sic 18, conplacuit anima mea (DELQE Wurz J abd ffi.2 g2 h k q 8 p Cassiod Junil) supra Nova ? adnuntiabit EQ (D Wurz J) bdf ffi.; gi q aur (8) p Iren Tert 20. -fumigans Nova [Habent omn, et Tert fumigans 1/2, ardens 1/2] extenget (B) extinget L p APPENDIX II. {Ditnma) 223 Matt, xii. 22. 4- homo (post ei) Da*(,P)LQEW Eeg 1 A xviii Wurz A gat a b cfff; gi, ; I aur gig p (ffi h syr) itaq (pro ita ut) Nova cum syr cu S (ut supra lin. E) it ut d (velut J* alibi) (— ut B) fin. — et videret Nova (Contra habent et videret 4- et .audiret B b ffi h syr) 23, -turbae Nova (— omnes Chrys) -S^ (pro Dauid) p 24, videntes < pro audientes) Nova? [nonpneeal.] demonia (pro daemones) LQ a c'dfffi. ; gih k q 8 (p demon sic) Hil Ambr Aug Paciati 25, — eorum Nova (Vide infra de novo xxii. 18) 26. si enim (pro et si) DLQE Wurz J b ff; gi q p Hil Ambr (d, a, cffih; k si et) satanan fere omti se supra lin. 27. demonia (pro daemones) gat* abe dfffi_ ;gihq8 [tion p] Ambr Aug Auct op imp ; hie k (hii ?) iecient Nova cum ffi (gr L al) Cyr [non p nee al.] 28. — ego bcgik Evan 235 Ambr Auct op imp [noti p] utique (pro igitur) a b c f ffi ff; h gi q [non p] Hil ; nempe k ; scitote quia Vigil Taps ; gr apa ; ' henceforth ' syr cu (illeg S) ; om. pesh ; ' then ' Diatess Hogg Hill ; g&.pA. eopt 33 fin. cognoscitur BGEQ'WX Durm gat bff; g;hmq aur 8 Hil ; cognoscetur Wurz A aff; (gi) p* ex emend ; agnoscitur plur et c (d) ffi ; agnoscetur B gi p* ; dinoscitur / k 35. 4- enim (post bonus) DLE Wurz J b g;; cf. syrcu S. (-{- nam Juvencus) (Bbonus yu.) 4- cordis sui (ante profertpr.)^L^'' 33 157 115 syr DBE(T) / g; gat aur gr pauc syr hier C Fulg 4- cordis sui (ante profert sec) QE gat (Tichon) Fulg 36. loquti aur (cf. Dimma in Joh, et JP in Matt loqutus) eu S syr hier AB Diatess (Luc vi. 45) [wow p] [non citat Iren] 224 GENESIS OF VERSIONS OF THE N,T. Matt. xii. 37. iustificauerie BCE etc. contemnaueris (condemnaueris BC etc) 38, a te volumus Novus ordo 39, Ihs autem (pro qui) a b c f ff; gi h q aur gig [non p] ; cf. J syr ; ille autem k (syr gr copt) ; at ille ffi ; qui autem B querit signum D (Juvenc) b contra gr syr [non p] 40, caeti LlNTE ff; p (coeti AD etcfhgiq aur) 41, Iona (pro Ionas) plur [non a b h, d, ffi, p] 42, - ista Nova (cf. EW) contemnabit (D gat ex emend) salamonis DL gat k p salamon D? L? gat (salamone k) (Salomon p et al. pauc) 44, — eam ACD etc. vett plur [non cff;hp] 45, 4- secum (post adsumit) DLQEX* Wurz J gat abe dff; gi.;hkqB p aur gr (ef. syr cu et S qui variant inter se) — secum (post spiritus) j E gif — ibi Nova abi q, illic k Optat, in eum gi h, in ea a syr pesh, in eo & c ff; ex syr ? contra gr ixei et eopt AJUHA.'V* [ibi p] 46. init. illeg. fiti. cum eo (jpro ei) DLQ Wurz J ab c ffi,; gi h q p syr eopt (cf. 8 46/47) [avTO) gr omn] 47, loqui tecum (pro te) DLQ Wurz J b c (d) fff; gi h q p Auct op imp syr pesh philox Diatess (te videre a) [om. vers, syr cu S ffi k] conloqui illi k in vers. 46 48, ille (pro ipse) ADFX^Y Wurz JfffikBp Wordsw. txt (gr) Eespondens autem Ihs a Qui autem respondens d Dixit autem ffi - dicenti sibi W^' X*^"" (et E"") [wow p al] 49. ait (pro dixit) Nova cum Aug 1/2 ; Hil respondit 50 fiti. — est Nova [cf. ord in syr cu S] APPENDIX II. {Dimma) 225 Matt, xiii, 1, de domu DLQ Wurz J p (om. abdeffiff;gik Hil syr S [wow cu] et D^" [non al. gr']) 2, — ad eum Nova in navicula DEH@LQE Wurz J gat gi q p omnes turbae stabant DE JQ Wurz J ab cff;h p (Hil) 5, — autem Nova ? 6, qui (pro quia) DH*E (eo quod k ffi) noti syr, non p (cf. Juvetic) 8, autem 4- vero Nova (vero omn except. L vg dffickqlp gig gat = autem) om. r; 10, eis loqueris Novus ordo cum gr K* contra gr syr ( — eis AC etc. Tert) 14, — in plur (cum graeco) (sed super eos k, cf. syr S ) om. a c g; et syr cu 15, 4- suis (post auribus prim) DS*LQE Wurz J bcg;h (k)r;griiC 157 syr copt arm aeth Ireti conclusserunt Q (DE3PL Wurz J g;h r; p Tert) excluserunt 8 oculis vidiant p (ordo cum plur) 17, — -videre Nova 4- vos (ante videtis) L cfgip gat syr Hil 2/3 CTem""-" + vos (ante audistis sic BCE[PJ0X*1 wow Irew aur b c gi h k r; p) . DL Wurz J / wow gr bcfhpsyr Clem^'"^ Hil 1/3 Orig Eus^^"^ 18, autem (pro ergo) DLQJ* Wurz J p e r; syr (contra gr copt) [non k] om. Diatess 19, malignus (pro maius) DLQE Wurz J d hr; p (nequam k) [rell omn mains] (sed cf. Tert in vi. 13 Erue nos a maligno) 20, supra plur 21. — est Nova (eum Diatess cf. Luc viii, 13) 22, in spinis seminatus est BEX* gat b (a c d e)f (#2) (9i) h (k) q (B) gr contra syr VOL. II. Q 226 GENESIS OF VERSIONS OF THE N.T. Matt. xiii, 23, — qui see. Nova ? (gr 6 tov Xoyov uKovav) adfert DE etc •C' aliud LX ( — autem) aliud xxx ( — vero) (E J) #2 (cf k) 24, eis (pro iUis) ES'J'LQ gat dflr;p 26, - et sec Da*LQ Wurz J (EE) Durm gat ab c d gi_;ff;hk qr; aur p D^ fam 13 248 syr cu S contra gr plur copt pesh Diatess 28 init. — et J gi e h k syr S Diatess [non p] Ad ille /, At ille q 8, ille autem copt, qui autem d, quibus ait ( — et) e, qui ait ( — et) h vis eamus ut vid. eum k solo (cf. Gwill syr pesh Diatess cf. copt [aliter syr eu SJ) 29. cum eis simul D Wurz J r2 Diatess contra gr syr cum eis ( — simul 8) ; ' cum eis et ' Durmach ; — cum eis q> b efff; gi.;hq S Aug[p cwm vg] 30 init. 4- sed DELQE Wurz J a 6 c ^2 S^i. 2 ^ /* r2 gig aur syr cu S copt Juvenc [non k, non Diatess] Gr acjteTe awav^aveadai, sed B 1 235 al septem ac/jere ovv av^. et U al decem a<^ere ovv avvav^. — et (ante in tempore) Nova ? (tote pro Kai Chrys) -f- meis (post messoribus) DLQE Wurz J gat h (r;) p syr philox [tion gr rell syr copt] 32. habitant a**EY p (Hil) (habitaent sic gO maneant e 33. 4- dicens (ante simile) ABDEIPLQE Wurz J gat g;hl q p arm gr NCLMUX/am 13 126 131 157 243 al. [non syr eu S, breviter Alia parabola : ta/ntum cum k] [in farinae] 35, est (pro erat) BDE ete. Durm d efff; gi.;h k I aur gig 8 p [non ACaP^FHLMTY vga b cffi q] aliter gr per feta (pro per prophetam) error (vide ff;) a,bsconsa ^•"kL QE Wurz J Durm gat ab dfffi;gi;h(k)r;Bp APPENDIX II. {Dimtna) 227 Matt. xiii. 36. abiit (pro venit) a b h q Chr [non p nee al.] He left the mult, and came to the house syr et Diatess (gr et Orig) dessere (dissere ABCD ete) 4- tritici et (ante zizan.) D[P°'8QETW Wurz J gat** corp oxon p Durm a b eff; gi_ ;hr; [non gr syr copt] (agri et ziz. e) 37. - illis plur semen (pro seminat) error (semin . , mut. a). Cf. syr seminator 38, 4- hie (atite mundus) DE[P'"8:EQ Wurz J abce fffi gih qr; p [non k, non gr syr] 39, — est sec gi, ; Collat Carth syr S copt [non gr (except 28 (511) 604)] vero (pro autem sec) EQ ffi — sunt syr S copt (cf. gij [non gr] 44 init. 4- Iterum fhqBA^'et gr mult Hil syr pesh philox Orig Diatess cum gr mult (cf. J? aur gig ; b Wurzburg A) [wow p] — abscondito Nova ? 46, una margareta speciosa (pro una pretiosa marg.) Nova [wow p nee al. sed ord. habet una marg. pret, cum DQE corp oxon] Cf. good and of great price syr cu S Cf. D corp oxon h r; bonam margaritam tantum et a (b) d e (ff;) gi k pretiosam margaritam vendit (pro vendidit) Da*V e g; (S ?) p habet (pro habuit) Nova cum 8 [non p] (habe bat d) ' Ta eavTov iravra ' Chrys y 47 init. 4- Et Nova eum gr 238 et Diatess (cf. n«Jk.2sm Off copt) in mari CDE gat a b d e f g; q r; [non p] gr 604 congregat ut vid. eum D Wurzburg J r; p Aug 1/2 (congregati QX*) colligat k, coUegit bfff; q, colhgit Auct quaest; ef. rell et syr (L^") 48. fuerit (pro esset) d (om. p) ducentes (pro educ.) DE Wurz J r; ; (duxerunt Q 2 228 GENESIS OF VERSIONS OF THE N.T. Matt, gi Ambr syr copt, eduxerunt a bfff; h q p, posuerunt e, inposuerunt k) xiii, 48. -f- in (ante bonos) Nova (errore)' 4- sua (post vassa DE3*LQE) Q gig (abf aliter ff; gi h) Aug 1/2 Auct quaest [non p] j syr [non gr] [non syr praeter syr hier A] . 49. sancti (pro angeli) txt. Habet angeli marg. eos (pro malos) txt. malos superscript* (cf. Auct quaest) 61 init. 4- dicit eis D(EQ) Wurz J cf. vett et r; p syr et gr mult [tion k] 4- drie (post etiam ^w.) D^'^'^QE Wurz J gat p vett et gr plur copt syr pesh Diatess [non syr cu S] 52. 4- ihs (post illis) S* gat** c et gr CU 157 [wow p, ql.] [at ille ait ilhs/] 55. 4- et iohannis (post iacobus) DEEIP^^Q (cf. gr) d p gat (r;) cum gr mult Orig 58, illeg (Hiat r; xiv. 1-xvi. 13) xiv. 1. famam illeg 1/2. — Iesu et ait pueris suis Hie est ut vid. Error (cf. Diatess § xviii. 1 ... 5) 2. 4- quem ego decolaui (post babtista CDE) DE a*"'«QT Wurz J (E corp oxon) vett mult et gat p [non k] D^ sax Diatess fin. illo (pro eo) EW/ 3 fin. 4- pilippi SP^^E gat p (DEQH"® Wurz J aur gig vett et gr syr copt) [non k] 5. eum (pro ilium) KLlliTQEVZ Wurz J corp oxon dkB gig (om. vers, p) plin (pro populum) plebem al. ? (turbas k; turbam 8) quoniam (pro quia) Nova cum k solo [errei pro on B* 604] 6. herodidiadis sic APPENDIX II. {Dimma) 229 Matt. _„ xiv, 6, 4-triclinio(^osimedio) DElPH^BQETWWurz J corp oxon b c e f ff; gi, ; h q p* ; in medio convivio gat, in convivio ^i [wow gr copt ; non k] brevius om. in medio syr S, sed syr cu ' in the midst of the entertainment ' (Burkitt) et ' coram accumbentibus ' syr pesh Diatess 8, 4- dixit (aw^e da) - inquit (j90si mihi) ( •'' - hie CDEcPET Wurz J gat b c f ffi ff; gi h gig p copt [non gr non syr ut vid.] 9, + herodis (post rex) DE (Q Wurz J) a b c gi.; ffi. 2(h) q p [non gr syr] cum eo (pro pariter) Nova ( 4- eo E ; 4- eos qui ffi) cf. syr. (gr o-vvavuKeipevov;); discumbentes B, conrecumbentes d (k), simul recumbentes al. vett [cum vg p] 9/10, uno tenore et p 10, - misitque Nova ? (om. mut. c) 11, adlatum CDEa*°'«@JT gat b dff; gih kg aur (oblatum e, ablatumWurz J/ya) et puella dedit (pro et attulit) E eopt Diatess (Mc vi. 28) (LQ) k*? et gr 243 299 kui to /copa- aiov e8wK6v. puella autem attulit/ J^2 ; puella autem detuht b gi ; ilia autem attulit ffi ; ilia nefas , , . portat Juvenc ; puella autem tulit p ; puella habet syr cu Diatess, non syr S pesh ; tulit syr cu S pesh, sed dbdit Diatess. 13, et bis script. secuti (pro secutae) S* a d u (secute ff.^ 15, discipuli ad Ihm (pro ad eum disc, ejus) Nova [non p nee al. ut vid.] eant (pro euntes) I Syr contra gr, ef. copt 4- et (aw^e emant) ( [wow al. latt nee p] 16, illis (pro eis) pr. loco E^PFLE^i gi (cunctis Juvenc) (om. vett mult) 230 GENESIS OF VERSIONS OF THE N.T. Matt. xiv, 16, - vos [P*L g^ [non p, al.] 18. — eis D a b dffi.28 p Juvenc et gr omn praeter P [wow syr] (Ihs — eis q aur) adferte mult et p 19. supra [foenum] plur — et (aw^e dedit) L Wurz J Durmach gfj. j [wow p] et frangens dedit df 8 cum gr 4- suis (post discipuhs) DE JLQE Wurz J gat a b eff; h p aur syr gr fam 13 [wow gr copt] 4- et dederunt (ante discipuli) autem Nova ante discip. Habent post discip. QT'^ syr et Diatess copt (b), et post tunhis'fin. p [non gr-lat] 20, coffinos DE (FLME b dff; h q) [non p = cophinos cum plur] 21. — autem ? Nova ? erat (pro fuit) Nova ? Et erant qui mand. ffi (cfgr); evantviiidfB 22. Ihs iusit (pro copulit Iesus) iusit IPLE (cf. rell) — iusit p* 4- suos (post discipulos) BH etc et gat p gr aliq syr omn copt aeth et precerent ut vid, et praecederent Wurz J e /* aur (ut praecederent Q) et procederent Arnob •{• ipse (post donee) DQE Wurz J ab eff; gih q p Diatess ut vid, (ex Marc) Hil 23/24, partim illeg 24, (iactabatur ??? illeg) agitabatur ? fortasse operi- retur, vide led. in viii. 24 [Non vexabatur cum d (syr cu pesh afflictaretur), wow 'damaged' cum Diatess, non turbata cum Arnob, non laborabat cum e, non erat jactata cum B (Ju venc), etiam noti jactabatur ^^ttr] lactabai' p 4- illis (post enim) DQE Wurz J Durm abe ffi. i g^ h q aur gig gat p (autem ¦ illis) syr Diatess [non gr] APPENDIX II. {Dimtna) 231 Matt. xiv. 25. 4- ihs (ante ambulans) DE Wurz J a b c efff; h p syr Auct prom. Dominus Hil 26. -\ddente (pro videntes) Nova? id es^videntem . , . ambulantem 4- clamare (ante clamauerunt) Nova ? Cf. syr: "And from their fear they gave a cry " Cf. Juvenc: " Clamoremque simul confusa voce dederunt " (hiant k r;) in p : fantasma -i- 7 p Timore cla sic 27, — habete fiduciam Nova cum Evan 235 Auct de prom [tion p nee al.] 28. ei (jpro autem) Wurz J solo et e (ilh) ffi p et syr eu (autem 4- ei DEE b dfffi_ ;hq p** gr plur eopt) simplieiter Evati 157 'AiroKp. Be 0 rreTpo'i tatitum venire ad te plur et p gr aliq syr copt 29 init. Et (pro At) DE a ffi p Diatess (qui autem d Hil, ille autem e eopt, ipse autem /) mare (pro aquam) EQ Durmach p gat syr hier B (aquas d B gig cum gr) 30. fac me Nova ? (me fac E p al. pauc) (cf. gr syr) al. salva me vel libera me (— fac) 31. extendit (pro ex tendens) 4- et (ante adpre hendit) aur Wurz J e p syr et Gaudent Brix ; cf.c = et apprehendit ilium et ait illi (tatitum) (dubium in p ob manum vel manum et) 32, ascendisset EBEX* Wurz J §,bc e f ffi. ; gi h q aur gat syr cu et hier Diatess (Hil) [non p] contra gr syr S pesh 33, vere di filius es QW g;f8 aur Ambr et gr otnn (except D^' = d et it. rell omn et p et vulg rell) 34. genezareth Wurz J (E gennes.) q (gennez.) (p genesareth) 35. 4- adorauerunt eum et (post ihius) E Wurz J ffi p ([P^f'Q gat** abcff; Hil) [twn gr] 232 GENESIS OF VERSIONS OF THE N.T. Matt, xiv. 35. terram (pro regionem) Nova ? (cf, syr S) (rell omn et p regionem, etffi confinem) XV. 3. transgrediemini WBQB gat p (scotice) (irastm- mini 7rew 1/2) ; sine intellectu estis q 4. dixit deus Nova cum ff; [contra syr rell latt et p et gr] > 4- tuum (post patrem) tnMlt j 4- tuam (post matrem) S*°'«K''QE> syr [non Iren] Wurz Jab cfff; g p gat] 5. monus (pro munus) (scotice) L*E* p (om, claus ffi) 6, bonorificauit AC etc, (bono sic in p) vel (pro aut) Q ffi [non p] (' et ' EP b c q) — suam AS** Wurz J etc. b ff; gi gr min Ambr Hier (— aut matrem suam ade syr eu gr NBD Aug) [non p] mandata Nova (mandatu 8) [mandatum p''^ ut rell] Tr]v evToXrjv Gr plur; tov vopov N*CT° fam 13 ; sed tov Xoyov N''BD copt Iren 8. ipsorum (pro eorum) gat [non p, eum rell] illorum b eff; (ejus ffier^"*') 12 init. — Tunc Nova hoc verbo IPQEW Wurz J a (mut. b) c #2 (ffi) giqp aur gat syr copt ( — hoc mult et d 8 Aug 1/2 gr) 13. — caelestis Nova cum Tert? (et Patr al, vide Sabatier) 14. 4- quia (ante caeci) Nova cum Diatess (cf. syr CM S 4- illi) — et plur cadent [p^cPLQ ffzgi.iqB p Cypr 1/2 (Hil : casum in foveam esse communem) 21, tiri IPLT (syriae e ; nota bene styri k) 22, cannanea S*E(L) 4- ad eum (post clamauit) j a""8QE Wurz J / post illym d \ ffi (k) (8) p - ei AB*CF adefffig;q aur \ cf, syr S Ephr, mi (pro mei) Nova ? (mihi e) APPENDIX II. {Dimma) 233 Matt. XV, 23. 4- ullum (amte verbum) Nova cum g; (cf. syr copt) [non p, nee al.] 26. - bonum Nova cum Tert (cf, gr syr) [non p], non hcet ab c dffi_;gi Hil ete, et D*'' Orig OVK e^eaTiv, non oportet toUere Hier (Dam) [copt cum vg non est bonum] 27, catuh a** Wurz J gat ffi 8 (catuUi [pi p) 28, dixit (pro ait) d effik q 8 cum gr (syr) [non p] secundum verbum tuum (pro sicut -vis) Nova [non p] fortasse confusio apud Dimma ex modo scribendi f (secundum) et f (sicut) illius (pro ejus) ACFH@<.PLMO"'«QEY Wurz J c q p 29, -h iterum (post venit) QE Wurz Jab cfff; gfi. ; p [non gr eopt syr] 30, claudos caecos nmlt 32, 4- huic (^osi turbae) BQ(B b ffi AmbrVigil Taps) gat eg; (d) f p Hil + gr pauc, copt syr quia jam triduum est quod (pro quia triduo jam) q (QEL Durm b c ffi,; gi. ; p aur Ambr Hil) 33, ut saturentur turbae tantae L Wurz J/ (d) g;q p [EQE a b (c) (gi)ffi (ff;) (k)] ; cf. gr xoprdcrai ut syr. 34, panes habetis plur et pisciculos paueos Ordo novus cum syr cu S (pesh Diatess) [contra gr copt et rell latt et p]. fishes a few (qalil ut Diatess arab) syr S ; fishes small (tsara) syr eu ; a few of fishes httle (dqdqa) pesh. 36, 4- Ihs (_posi; accipiens) eJPBQWZ^Wuxz J gat** abcf gi.;ff; p; 4- Dns Hil [non gr syr] 37, — omnes Nova cum aur* 38, quatuor milia hominum qui manducauerunt Nova (Hil Juvenc) 39, venerunt (pro venit) cum B, et C^ 258 (ex gr yXdov pro rfxdev, sed rjXOov non inter MSS. gr exeeptis C 258 ut vid) xvi, 1, - ad eum B d e q [tion b] B cutn gr et 234 GENESIS OF VERSIONS OF THE N.T. Matt, syr [non p] [non Diatess non Tert] cf. copt -ad eum post access,, habet eum post temtantes xvi, 1, -de caelo Nova 2, -\- eras (post erit) ELEg'2 p gat corp oxon.(Q) Econtra — erit b [sed non q] enim est J ffi gi [tion p, rell] (Wordsw. 3) 4. deiudicare (pro diiudicare) Nova cum p**; .iudicare LMQET'X Wurz J aur gat d 8 p* Aug ; aestimare (E) ab cff;giq; [discernere e ffi Juvenc; ' examine ' Diatess (Hogg)] ibid. — scire m/ult quaerit signum b c et D^""* copt (et e : inquirit signum) [wow p, rell] 6, Ihs autem (pro Qui) vett [Non ffi g;k? (Tisch) p aur gat vulg] gr syr cu S copt atendite vobis (pro intuemini) QE Wurz J, Cf, 1 tuimini I , p vett, et p: adtendite [ ^*'' r,* (Jren) 7. Tunc (pro At illi) [wow p] abed eff; Lucif syr S (gi q) D«' 4 (" Et " k teste Tisch, cum syr cu Diatess [non S]), Hodie non exstat kpost XV, 36 ; illi autem /, illi ergo q 8. 4- cogitationes eorum (post Ihs) LQE Wurz J corp oxon g; p (cf. a b giff; Lucif) 9. de quinque panibus LQE Wurz J b cffi p et (pro in) cf. vett et p 10, panes LQE^'' Wurz J b dfffi qBp (ef gr) et (pro in) ef. S*L Wurz J etc. vett [non p] 12, dx (pro dixerit) E ab c d ef ffi. ; q [non p] cauete (pro cauendum) LQE Wurz J [wow p] syr cu (adtendite d ; adtendere q ; eavere B) om. b c ff; Hier°^^ [non copt = Xe A.peg] (ut cauerent e, ut abstinerent a ffi) fin. 4- adtendere sibi (L)QE b p* ; + advertere sibi Wurz J, 4- adtenderent sibi a c gi 13, interrogauit (pro interrogabat) Nova eum pet r? (interrogabit/) [gr omn r/prnTo] APPENDIX II. {Dimma) 235 Matt. xvi. 13. 4- me (aw«e dicunt) BE*JLOETZ* Wurz J vett et p et gr mult syr (me hom. dicunt Jrew) 15 init, 4- Et Nova [non p] cum ffi ; 4- At (K^ Se) (Aug Et ille : tantum) dicitis esse CLT gat a b d e f q 8 [non p] Optat Aug Capreol Carthag cum gr (om. esse Hil Ambr) 18, - quia L ff; gi r; Eus Chrys Aug (al.) [non p] et gr 1 [wow 118-209] 6 inferni BE ete. Wurz J gat afff; g; (inferi gi) 8 p aur Hil 19, qciique pr. q (quae e ; quaecumque JQ b ef ffi. igir Tert (Cypr) [non a d 8 aur p] gr 1 Orig Eus Gildas) erunt ligata JQE b c ef ffi, ; gi qr; (mut. r) Tert Cypr [non a d 8 p aur] qciique sec (quae e ; quaecumque JLQE Wurz J b cfffi, ;giq p Cypr [non adB aur] gr 1 Orig Eus Tert Cypr Gildas) erunt soluta JLQE Wurz J b c ef ffi, ; g\ q T; (mut. r) Tert Cypr [non a d8 p aur] gr 1 Orig Eus Tert Cypr Gildas [et in caelis bis] 20, imperauit (pro praecepit) vett [non codd vulg nonf ffi giB p aur] et d = comminatus est (cf. Diatess) eireTiprjaev B^ [Bell omn SieareLXaro] e = increpauit Origen " Biea-TeiXaTO . . . eireTiycrev." 21. 4- a (ante principibus) (J) c [non p] (a sacerdo- tibus e Jrew) 22. et dicere (pro dicens) ELE Wurz J corp oxon abed(ffi)ff; gi r; p D^ 238 23, satanas BE etc. 24. seipsum EE Wurz J (BQ)dg;r r; gig aur gat Hil ; se tantum Iren ; se sibi b (mut. a) c e ff; 236 GENESIS OF VERSIONS OF THE N.T. Matt, gi Lucif; se ipsum sibi LQ corp oxon q p Hil ? ; semetipsum sibi Hier (Eust) Aug xvi, 27, nam filius hominis (pro Fil, enim hom.) LE Wurz J r;a b c ff; q; cf. syr. incipiet enim filius hominis venire e futurum est enim ut fil, hom, veniat/ (8) maestate sic (pro gloria) (a b cffiAvit Vien) claritate e gloriam d xvii, 1, 4- factum est (post Et init) ELQE Wurz J vett plur et p [non q 8 p** aur] D^" [non rell gr] — illos Nova (Juvenc) 2. resplendiuit (pro resplenduit) Wurz J solus (B) [non p rell] splenduit Aiig ; circumsplen- det Hil 1/3 ; eflfulsit d ffi ; refulsit Faustin ; fulgebat e, Aliter syr copt Bel vers 2 post sol illeg, 4, nobis (pro nos) Ea*H@LO''QE Wurz JA r r; p aur [faciamus] facieinf sic p (cf. faciam HP* M.O*Y b ffi gr HBG*) trea (pro tria) KLM'E*V p [non al] 4- et (ante moysi) mult 5, nubs CEa*'"«LE vett et p (nups Wurz J) — et (ante ecce sec) Nova [non p] ( — ecce sec. B syr) [non eopt = OYOg ic] meus ins ut vid. Nova (cf. ' my son and my beloved ' syr cu copt) beneconplacui (BoplacuO ( - bene B d ffigi p Hil Ambr Auct op imp) 6. 4- ecce (ante audientes) LQ Wurz J p [non al.] 8, - suos Nova cum e et Evst 44 Ihin solum cum q r;8 [non p al.] et copt syr et gr (except. D*^' sol, Ihin eum vulg omti et rell It) 9, illis (pro eis) plur + banc (post visionem) ^"^^fEvan 235 [non vett, non p] (otn. visionem ffi) sed gr to opapa, APPENDIX II. {Ditnma) 237 Matt. hinc mirabile est non al, latt adjung, ' banc' Cf. syr pesh, et copt enigopAJLlA. xvii, 10, oportet EJLQETWZ* Wurz J (QT) gat abed ef ffi, ;gi,;qr; p aur 13 fin. -eis P^*EH.*JOXX gig aur [non vett, non yu,] eum Z^ ? 14, ad turbas JLQE Wurz J e p gig aur (aliter ffi Et ecce de turba accessit) 15. dicens supra lin. 17. - autem plur [quousque] vobiscum ero [wow p] Ordo novus cum d et gr NBCDZ 1 33 124 604 Orig (vobiscum sum ffi Eus) contra syr et rell gr et (pro usquequo)* syr cu S [wow p] (usquequo supra lin. Dimma) et quousque syr pesh Diatess ; quandiu ffi adferte ilium hue EQE Wurz J gat (om. hue confusio apud Dimma etffi (cf- D^"^ syr hier) ) — ei mult 24/25, non soluit . . . quid tibi illeg, 25. Habet vel censum, — tributum ! Nova ( — vel censum syr hier B) 26. dicente autem illo (pro et ille dixit) LQ Wurz J (E) p [non vett] sed Orig Cyr et gr 1pH'l" rfoveerfiKoc ffeju. ovre^stJurfHC. xviii, 18. ligaueritis (pro allig.) Nova cum Wurz Z dfB p* gat Hil Aug (Gr ByariTe) in caelis (pro in caelo) bis EHP°'*'Q(L) (d semel) f (r;) Hil copt gr DL 22 33 157 [non p] 19, 4- amen (ante dico) EE Wurz J (Q) a 6 efffi gi,;hnqr p* gr mult syr cu S sah copt Cypr -^ autem S (cum A*"' M^) ; -h audite e quia supra lin. om. H* syr cu S Diatess gr min 604 al decem ; " quasi duobus con venerit "ff; quaciique (pro quamcuque) BETXZ Wurz J / (aur) (quiacumque Durm) quaecumque A* EHBLMO^Y a [non n] bffigi.;hq (B) p [quamcumque rell et c d Cypr Ambr] 20, duo sunt Notxi cum ff; (contra gr syr) cf. Coelestin : ubi duo vel tres cong, fuerint -f et ego (aw^e sum) EQE Wurz Jab [non q] c e (ffi) ffi (mMt. n)hgip gat (Cypr) etc. Ego pro ibi sum r2 illorum (pro eorum) Nova (ipsorum p) (cum eis e) [Bell omn eorum] 21, ad eum Petrus E3*@M abe efffi. ;gihqr;p aur gat et gr plur syr Lucif; — ad eum d et ^**BD . 4- ei (post dixit) E Wurz J a b c dfffi, ; gi h r; syr cu Diatess copt sah Lucif (4- ad eum p) Gr N*BD quod si peccauerit in me frater meus quoties et dimitam ei (pro quoties peccabit , , . dimit- tam ei) E Wurz J g; ; cf. vett et r; p 22, septuagies 4- et (ante septies fin) LQ Wurz J b [non q] r; gat** (septies septuagies p) (cf. syr) 23, adsimulatum HO* (simulatum B) (adsimil, p et ABC ete. mnilt) 24. — ei plur [non p] 25. - eius prim, plur (et p) APPENDIX II. (Dimma) 241 Matt. xviii. 25;zw, 4-debitum ABEKLM'0^''^QEX'=YZiWurz JA gat** vett jylur etBp [non d e aur] ' reddi tantum ' Durmach ; ' et restitui ' d 26, procedens AB etc gat et p rogabat (pro orabat) BCEJP Wurz J Durm ^ic. cfffi g; gat 8 p ; obsecrauit e (male Wordsw obsecrabat) 4- diie (post in me) ELQET" Wurz J h r r; p gat (domine pro in me b) + dne post dicens ^mgj y^^ giqB gig aur syr hier Diatess copt 27, demissit pr. Nova (dimissit L gat) (dimisit p cum plur) remissit sec. loco Q (E a 6 c/2 h p) donauit/i ; relaxauit Hil ; concessit Juvenc illi (pro ei) E ffi gi (eifilh 8) [non p] 29. procedens BEa>LO*EXY p aur 31. faciebat (pro fiebant) Nova cumq [nonp] (' ejus quae acta erant ' e) - et (ante venerunt) E Wurz J; - et venerunt C h gat (Gr Kai eX0ovTe<; Bieaa^a-av) Hiat r; xviii, 31-xix. 26 32, et ait illi supra lin. Nova ? demissi (demisi OEX e) remisi h q al, donaui ffi 33, — et (aw^e te) gat b off; gi cum syr S [wow p] ( — et te X*) [wow gr] te quoque Lucif conservo tuo QET vett. 34, reddet Nova [non etiam p = red- deret pleno, non redd*' et] xix, 1, transtulit se (pro migrauit) QE Wurz J ab c d cf ffi,;gi,; qr 8 p Hil (transiit h ; ef. Dia tess) gr peTypev, cf. syr; reliquit.4MC^ op imp galilea CEff* gat ete. (galilia p) iudae E gat iordanen 3, 7, 8. demitere, 5, demitet, demitere, .sed 9. demisserit ; 9, demisam VOL. II. R 242 GENESIS OF VERSIONS OF THE N,T. Matt. xix, 4, — hominem omnes 6, — iam QE Wurz J 8 (super en) p Evst 44 ; cf. syr, Diatess, et Tert Ubere et breve [oiunxit] coniuncxit EF® gat b (Buchanan) p, coniunxit q 8 al., cf, rell 7, dari plur et p 8, permissit Nova cum gat p fin, non sic fuit ABCIP Wurz J etc, Wordsw txt b [non q] p (Tert 1/2) (Jrew et e non ita factum est) 9, ob causam fornicationis Q Wurz J corp oxon aur a b (e) fff; gi h (q) (r) p gat Aug 1/3 (excepta causa forn, c ^i Aug 1/3 ; cf, d) -f a marito (ante duxerit sec) Q Wurz J p (cf. syr hier) 4- a viro Tert 1/2, 4- a marito Tert 1/2 10, viri (pro hominis) E ab c d [non efp]ff; gi hm qr aur gig D^ Evst 259 Ambr Auct op imp Ambrst ( omffi) [uxore] 11, — illis fere omn codd vulg et gat g; I p [noti "Wvgabcde fff; gih q 8 etgr syr copt] 12, iunachi ter Nova [non p] (iunuchi ter E) [spadones a b c effi,; gih Cypr Tert] 13, 4- ejus (post autem) BEX'= Wurz J a cfffi h p Diatess syr cu pesh [non gr, non syr S copt] prohibebant (pro increpabant) a bfffiff; h q gig aur Hil Aug (vetabant Auct op imp) gr omn (et copt literatim) erreTip/qa-av, Verbum hoc semper oKavBaXov apud latt, ; corripie bant e (conminati sunt d), increpant p 14, autem (pro vero) EOEJ* Eeg IBviideflq 8 p gr omn et copt (om, g; h syr eu S) venire ad me et nolite eos prohibere (JEH'P OQE Wurz J 6 gig aur gat Aug Ambr) = Diatess (Mc x, 14) syr S contra gr ; cf. syrcu, habet fin. cum gr 157 4- ut venirent ad me [wow ya = et nol, prob, ad me ven.] APPENftix II. (Dimma) 243 Matt. xix. 14. enim est|[wo?i p] LQX dhqr (8) (cf gr. syr) — enim aliq. 17. 4- enim (aw^e bonus) E syr cm S (4- quandoqui dem Diatess) [non gr, non vett latt, non p] 18. ille (pro illi) p. Cf ff;hAmbr (4- iUe Q/) cf. simplieiter " Trota? ^yaiv " HB, " 6 Se aicova-a<: Xeyei Trota? " Orig ; enrovTo<; . . Xeyei iroiaf Chrys. 20. adohscens 3*^KLV (adolescens p et EJJNTQEW) - a iuventute mea ACS**JP etc. ffi gi,;l p aur gr ^EOTWX cdeg; ffi q r; aur) 30. [dauib- pZewo sic] 'S^ p. 31. 'S-S cum p 32 init. — Et J [non al latt tiec p nee gr syr copt] — et sec. Wurz J ; — Et stetit Iesus et r; xxi, 4, inpleretur CELT aur p (AEH*MO'=YZ Wurz J gat a b e ff; q 8 Hil Auct op imp) -h zachariam (aw^e profetam) a c h Evati 42 Chrys Hil [twn al. tiec syr copt ; al. pauc et p + esseia] 5, 4- et (atite sedens) plur et p 6. eis (pro illis) E dB Auct op imp [non p, al.] 7. super eum (pro super eos) DKMTQZ* (Wurz J) abd ef ffi, ; (g;) h q r; p Auct op imp Arnob [non c gi 8 aur] D*^" Orig. super pullum Diatess et pesh 8. plurimae autem turbae DQE Wurz J g; p (cf. syr copt) (major autem pars turbae h, cf. gr 6 -Be TrAeicTTo? oxXo<; ; plurimi autem r2) cedebant ESPHL etc. aur b h ff; (q) ced. 8, cidebant gi [non p = caed.j arborum (pro de arboribus) D Wurz J Hil p* contra syr ; eic tcov BevBpcov Nr2 (rell avo tcov BevBpwv) 9. Osanna bis (ossanna p cum DL) fihi (pro filio) a**QE gat (DELWZ* Wurz J a e g; p Iren Hil fili) gat ; fili" sic d 246 GENESIS OF VERSIONS OF THE N.T. Matt.xxi. 9. ^^ cum p 11. galiliae (galilae gat, p contra morem gahhae) 12. — Dei cum sah copt et b [non al. latt nee q nee p] Gr NBL 13-556 [wow 69-124-346] 33 73 604 aeth arm sax^°''' [non EY] (Orig) Method (Chrys) Hil 1/2 13. eam (pro illam) DEFlllTQEVZ gat b dfffi gihr;8p speloncam DLE gat* 8 p 15. — autem Nova 4- Ihs (post fecit) DEQE Wurz J gat a b [tion q] ce fffi, ;hr;p cum Orig gr 28 syr hier (6 Kvpio6rr . . nejui . . rtejm] xxii, 42, 43, 45, dd («« ter p) 43, 4- Ihs (post illis) BEDffBOQEWurz Jfffig; r r; p gat gr BZ 12233157 copt arm aeth Afnbr 44, ad extris (adexTrif p gat) 45. 4- in spu (ante vocat) DE[P°'8FQW Wurz J a b c d f ff; g; h r r; 8 p gat [non effiq aur] gr DKMAII al. xxiii, 3, autem opera (pro opera vero) Nova ? cutn B (autemfvero opera) et Iren Hil 1/3 [wow d] cum gr (et vero opera EHQETW Wurz J) ; autem facta c e, autem faciunt Hil 1/3 Aug ter, facta vero hff; q, vero facta r;, sec, opera eorum ( — vero) p gig gat 4- ipsi (post enim) Q(E) Wurz J b cff;g; h r; gat 4. autem (pro enim) plur (enim ex autem ex emend p'^^) honera CDEHPOETeP Eeg 1 B vii ff; q aur 8 p 5, autem (pro vero) d e q 8, p (supra lin) Ambr (ergo DQX/2) 6, - autem Nova cum Cypr (Hil) T^arm (Aphraat) (Et syr) yap 157 e AES* etc, convivis (pro coenis) q r; ; conviviis ab ff;h (r) Auct op imp Hil [non Cypr Test., e, rell vett] cenis p, ut mult 13. qui (pro quia) DKllTQTWYZ^P ffi gi r; p Auct op imp Hil Gildas autem (pro enim) DEHPFLQE dffi. ; gat et W [non p] ipsique Hil (om. 8 aur Clim i) 14. om. vers. Dimma cum mult et p 15, 4- autem (post Vae) [PW gat et M"""' [twn p nee al, ut vid.] APPENDIX II. {Dimma) 253 Matt. ..^ xxiii. 15. qui (pro quia) DEQJKOTQTVZ* aur h [non p, al.] Hil Aug ter Optat Auct op imp circumitis BCD etc. (circitis p) 16. in templum BDLQEP* f ffi, ; g;hr; gat [non fj.] Hil [gr ev tco vaco] 18. m altare ADEJPKL ete. et p qui (pro quicumque sec) A*E©E Wurz J d e gfi S [wow p] (si quis autem/) 20. in altare ABD et mult et p 21, qui (pro quicumque) plur hoe loco cum gr in ipso (pro in illo) D* [wow p, al.] in illo (pro in ipso_;?w.) Nova cum e in eo (silet Wordsw de D) eum d; in eo vel ipsti 8 [non p cum rell in ipso] Gr avTov 23. menta , , anetum , , cimminu (cyminu p aur) 24, excolentes gat g; r; 8 (exculentes EL) [wow p = excolantes] liquantes vett plur Lucif camellum BD3*JLE gat a (mut. b) et vett plur (camillu p !) 25, qui (pro quia) E-^EVW Wurz J '=\ §, f r; 8 Hil Auct op imp [non p] foris (pro deforis) Nova cum Auct op imp ; d foras (a foris e) [deforis p et rell] 25, 26, parabsidis CDEILO'""'ETX* Eeg 1 B vii (a) h 8 p aur gat 25, rapia sic (rapinas^2) inmunditia 26, 4- et (ante id) plur et gr [non p ^°^ gat f^,Sffl] 27, qui (pro quia) V Auct op'imp (Aphraat) cf. copt, contra morem copt [non vett, non p] qua gi apparent (pro parent) eum Wurzburg J ^ r2 S p (Iren) autem (pro vero) Dde [non 8 p] Iren (syr ' Et ') 28, aparetis quidem et foris [vel a foris, dubium] (pro aforis quidem paretis) Nova (QS'L gat 8 p) 29, Vae -vobis vobis Nova 254 GENESIS OF VERSIONS OF THE N.T. Matt. xxiii. 31. qui occiderunt profetas Ordo tiovus ititer vulg cum d e g; h q r r; [non p] et gr syr copt Auct op imp, sed 8 : occidentium prophetas 34. ilhs (pro eis) sec loco ^Bq r p; om. Eabde ff; h r; gat 37, [gallina] (om. quemadmodum gallina congregat pullos suos p* ; cf. gig filios suos pro pullos suos) 4- suas (posi; alas) DEa*H@LQT abed etc. (FE Wurz J fff; etc) [non ffi] xxiv, 1, aedificatione BCDEIQETWX*^P Wurz J Ada Harl 2788 ffi gi (h) I (r) (r;) (gat) p (cf. rell vett) 3, consummationem r; gat** (BT). Error [nonp]; con,summationes d ff; 7. consurgens (pro consurget) Nova (consurgent 0* ut L*') adversus regnum (pro in regnum) Nova cumq (E a b c ff; r r; contra, E Cypr Aug Arnob Auct op imp efh super, d supra), Gr em, copt escerf [p cum vg ' in '] 9, hominibus (pro gentibus) D [wow p, al.] cf. syr cu S [wow Diatess] (om. P I et gr C:E fam 1 131 Evst 44) 9/10. illeg : propter . ; . tradent 11, feopfetae sic (feudopfetse p) 12 init. - Et DE e r2 Aug (cf. Hier ad Tit) [tion p] [non gr syr copt] habundabit CDEIPEW p aur gat 4- et (ante refrigescet) DEEX Wurz J r; p aur gat [non gr syr] -f in cordibus (post caritas) Nova 14, — regni gi r sax post [twn EY] [non p nee al.] (Orig) (Hil) (Aug 1/3) Hesych Auct de prom Chrys Auct op imp toto (pro universo) Nova cum d 8 ; per totum e h (r) r; p* Cypr APPENDIX II. {Dimtna) 255 Matt. xxiv. 14 fin, 4- saeculi E [turn al.] cf. Diatess 'The end of all ' (cf. Juvetic : Et tunc finis erit, currentia saecula solvens) 15. abhominationem DE3*ePKL etc. a q 8 p gig a danielo DESPJ ete. f ffi g; I (vide rell) per danielum p 16, fugient D@LP* Wurz J* g; 8 <=\ Juvenc Tichon ? (incertum p) 17, discendat DSPLE b gi gat (discendant r2 ; discendent p, descendet gig) domu DLllTQEV Wurz J p 8 [Nota bene alius librarius scribebat, pergens xxiii, 25 in MS, A 8] 18. revertetur DH^@ 8 [tion p] tonicam DE[PLE gat h p (tonicas r;, vestimenta 8) 19, p'gnantibus sic (E) pregnantibf sic p; pele- grinatibus ff; ! 20, ergo (pro autem) DE Wurz J c S (super 8e) Diatess [non p, cum rell autem] om. aur chieme (pro in hieme) cheme E.; in cheme Wurz J teste Koeberlin [Habet in ?] dieme r2 ; hiemae gat ; hyeme p ete. 21, - tunc JZ* Wurz J b [non q] gi ff; r [twn p] EF 61 235 Evst" tres, Iren 1/3 Hil Hier (Eeel) Aug 1/3 syr hier 22. fuisset (pro fieret) Nova (fuerit D) (p ?) esset a d ffi Cypr, salvasset r2, remansisset Auct de prom, salvaretur e 24. ieodoxp'i DE (L p seudo%pt) feodoprofetae 0 (EL seudopfetae) — ita Nova cum d Aug [non p] 27. fulgor CDE etc et p exiit BEQEVX g; aur gat (exit p) apparet DQE (L) Wurz J e ^2 (adparet more k) r; 8 p** Cypr Vigil Taps - et (ante adventus) DKllTQ ? EVZ Wurz J 256 GENESIS OF VERSIONS OF THE N.T. Matt. a d ffih q r; p Hier (algas) copt Diatess syr [non hier] Auct op imp et gr plur xxiv. 28. — et (ante aquilae) fere omn [non Iren Ambr] 30. apparebit DE[pQE J* Wurz J cor vat mg Durm efg;lrr;8p gat Cypr Auct op imp Aug 4- se (post plangent) DEFLP* Wurz J abcff; (h) q r; aur gat gig p* (QEW) Tichon Auct op imp maestate (semper sic Dimmia) maistate L 31, ogrebunt sic Nova [Aug ut coUigant] (concolligent d, coUigent e Cypr) suos (pro ejus) QE gat r; 8 [non p] (om. Hil) quatuor DES'LE gat '=\^r [non QT, male Wordsw. (non p)] 32, autem (pro jam) Nova inter latt cum H^' (ef. syr et Diatess) cf. gr 604 w? yap orav 33. — in (ante januis) E r2 yw. [gr omn em 0vpat<; et syr] in limine q, cf, Diatess ; in ieiuniis jfa! 34, haec generatio plur haec omnia Wad (e) ff; gi. ; h (r) gr aliq 157 etc (- haec tPjM'EZ" b f ffi p gig aur Auct op imp) 36. autem bis script errore pater solus fere omn 38. 4- illis (posi! diebus) ETX b [non q] c dfff; h (r supra Un.) r; aur gat [tionp], Cf.gr etB^'D^' 38, 39, diluiu HPLEP r p 38, 4- et (aw^e nubentes) DLOQE=*^ (a) [non d] h (ff;) m (r;) (p) Auct op imp syr et Diatess et gr N° DL nuptu (pro nuptui) plur et c f I g; q 8 gat, nupto b aur, nuptiis d, nuptu gi ut edit Wordsw 39. - et (ante adventus) QEZ* '^^ a b dffi g;hqr r; 8 (super km A) p cum gr BD copt Diatess syr [non hier] 40, 41, adsumetur mult APPENDIX II. (Dimma) 257 Matt. xxiv, 40, alter (pro unus sec.) FT ffih r [non p] Auct op imp (alius _^2 r; Hil Ambr Juvenc) cf. gr m al. 41. altera (pro una sec) Q r; [non p] gat sax, alia/, ahus ffi h (Wordsw. 43) 42. qua die vel qua ^ora sic [ex vers 50] DEa*"'^QE Wurz J r r; p (qua hora vel qua die gat, qua hora aut qua die e) fin. est (pro sit) DJlJiTQEV Wurz J abdf ffi ffi gi h gig aur p (venit e, veniet qrB Iren) Gr ep-^^eTui (Wordsw. 44) 43, quia (pro quoniam) E df Auct op imp [non p] perfoderi (pro perfodi) cum Wurz J solo (perfodiri plur) perfudiri p ; perfodire gi q, perfodere J^i, perforari d (Wordsw. 45) 44. Ideoqueetvos BCD e^c. Wurz J Dwrm efg; aur (itaque et vos Nicet) 4- qua (ante hora) DE etc. Wurz. J ab eh (gi) q r; 8 p aur ; quia nescitis qua hora c et al. (Wordsw. 46) 45. quisnam est (— putas) LE Wurz J a. 6 c fff'i ffihrr; (QX) (om. p*) ; quis enim d q Auct op imp, quis igitur Jrew, quis est ergo e - suns S* J a d eff;g;hr f; [non p] Iren Hil Ambr (ejus b f Auct op imp) et gr aliq NBDIL 1 33 414 415 — suam Nova [non gr syr] (Wordsw. 48) 47. —sua Nova, eum Hil etb: —bona sua [wow q] (Wordsw. 49) 48, mains ille servus DE Wurz J gat a b d ff;g;hr r; p(- ille gr 243 Jrew Hesych Chrys) — maius E ffi (Tfordsw. 50) 49. manducat SPE Wurz J g-ai* (manducit yti""') manducare a Iren bis gr mult ebriis plur (ebreis L, ebris [P™^E, hebriis C) ebriosis p et mult XXV, 2. fatu§ (cotitra morem Dimma) cum p, et 8 (fatugtstult^) VOL. II, s 258 GENESIS OF VERSIONS OF THE N,T, Matt. XXV. 3. 4- suis (posHampadibus) DES*'"^ E Wurz J b (mut. a) c f ff; h r r; p lux Arnob Auct quaest syr grplur ; 4- suas dqB Auct op imp sumserunt AFHTXYZ gat* fffi q [illeg p] (tulerunt Arnob, acceperunt d) — secum Nova 7. acciperunt (pro ornauerunt) acceperunt b [non q] c h (r) r; p contra gr syr copt et sah 8, extinguntur fere omn [non W vg b] 9. 4- autem (post responderunt) DLQ Wurz J d q 8 Aug Auct op imp [non p] et gr Diatess eopt sah ; Et resp, h (Be Kai 253) non ne forte (pro ne forte non) [cf. eopt : " 2C6 JUHnOTe "] (DBcPLE Wurz J brr; p gat non ne forte non ut vid) nequando non d — sufficiat Nova (ficiat Wurz J; ita: ' non ne forte non ficiat ') sed putius ite (pro ite potius) Nova cum ff; (syr Diatess — potius) gr aliq [non /i = ite putif sic] 10. — ad nuptias Nova eum Auct op imp sol. [Cf. Iren Ubere in Parab solv.] 11. — vero mult [non syr copt] venerunt (pro veniunt) [PO°EW Wurz B c df ff; I (r;) p D^"^ eopt syr cotitra gr aperii Nova [non p nee al. ut vid.] 14. perigre [PE [non p] 21. quia supra Un, om. 8 eum gr omn [non d (om. elaus ff.^ [Habet copt enJ^H dni di tui [wow p] BOE* Durmach [non iti vers 23, sed isto loco habetit etiam BLOE et Wurz J Durm ; vers 23 habet p diii absque tui cutn Mard^°^] 22. 4- alter (ante qui) LE (gat) [tion p] is qui (- et) ffi [om. vers 22/23 a r^] 25, 4- ego (atite abii) DLQE Wurz J** g; gat ( 4- ergo ffi h r r;) [noti p] cf. Diatess ' itaque ego timui et abii ' APPENDIX Matt. XXV, 26, - ejus 27, numularis ussura 28. ab illo 29, etiam (pro et sec) II. (Dimma) 259 DL / [non p] (suus ffi) [PLY/x DLE p (om. ff;) Nova eum ffi [tion p] Nova eum h (r;) p Tert Hil Hier in Jer. Auct de voc gent (anglice " even that ") 30. Inutilem autem (pro Et inutilem) DQ (Et inutilem servum nequam p*) iecite DLE p 31, Et cum (pro Cum autem) DE [wow p, nee al.] ovv 124 251 ; om. Orig maestate , , maestatis more Dimma supra Nova cum B 32. cedis [vide infra] b (edis T) (h§dis p) 33, quidem oves DQE Durmach 8 p (gr to. pev rrpo^uTa, copt O'VOg rfieCtOOY JU.6lt) — quidem b [non q] e dfffi, ; h r Cypr etc. 33, 34. ad extris p 33. hedos BCEKMCOVW gat h gi q 8 ut vid. (edos T) aedos b [haedos p et al.] 34. possedite LE Durmach [twn at.], percipite p solus cum Iren ter Cypr Epiphati Lucifer Optat Aug ter Philaster regnum paratum vobis L*Q / Maxim (cf. DE Wurz J c r; p gat Cypr Lucif Epiphan etc) Ordo syr copt contra gr 35, bibire Nova ? [nan p] hospis BDWOBffihgi*p colligistis CLE p (et coUegistis Vita S. Moling) 36. 4- fui (post nudus) [P' Wurz J Jrew 1/2 Aug 1/2 (4- eram QE g; Ambr 3/3 Valer Leo syr contra gr) [non p] operuistis midt 4- fui (post infirmus) Nova eum fffi B Cypr 1/4 infirmatus sum d Cypr 2/4 ; syr contra gr ; + eram r^ [non p] s 2 260 GENESIS OF VERSIONS OF THE N,T, Matt.XXV. 36. fui (pro eram post carcere) QE d fffi hrr;Bp* gat* Cypr Hil ; om. ADaPFH*Y q 37, [pauimus te] BE^'^^QEY.S 6 (nmt. a) c (ff;) r; p syr 4- aut (awi^e sitientem) Ea*"«QE Wurz J gat dfff; h rr;8p Auct op imp eum gr syr eopt 38. [coUegimus] (suscipimus p et al.) 40. quandiu D[PLO*E <=icff;8 p aur etc. ; quandiiu a, quando h (in quantum d, copt XE 6cJ>0C0rt, gr e oaov) quod Diatess de (pro ex) [his fratribus meis] multetfg; [non p et al.] 41. - ct pritn. LQETZ a b [tion q] g; r; B (super A^"' Kai) p gat Cypr 1/3 Jrew Valer Auct op imp syr copt (error ex dicet et) [non gr] sinisteris ut vid. (sinistris p) (senistrahbus 8) 4- ejus DEQE beh p gat syr Cypr quern (pro qui sec.) B p et vett [noti q] Iren Tert Cypr Hil etc. ; quod, a d, om. gi ; paratum tantum B pparauit pater meus (pro paratus est) E p (vett) et D^' [wow gr syr copt] 43. hospis BDa*OE h p suscipistis (pro collegistis) r2 [wow p sed vide supra vers 38] suscepistis f h r Arnob, recipistis ff;, adduxistis Cypr (gr avvyyayere) 4- eram (post nudus) DQ([P') Wurz Jhp Ambr syr cotitra gr (4- fui r2) 44. - ei plur — Domine L Juvenc [non p nee al.\ 45. quandiu DWB'M.O*B<=^ ab eff; B p aur etc. (in quantum d, copt X6 ec|>OCOrf , gr ecf)' oaov) ex (pro de) Q cffir; aur Cypr Aug Auct de prom [non p] 46. hi (hiiBCDefc.) isti hr?p (tunc ibunt isti p^'"^) ilh ffi, injusti r; suphcium (pro suppl.) DL/S (poenam d gi APPENDIX II, {Dimma) 261 Matt. Junil, poenas q ; vett plur et p ignem) ambustionem Cypr Aug 5/6, combustionem Aug 1/6 Fulg Auct de prom. Gr xoXaaiv xxvi. 1. Factum est autem (— Et) DE Wurz J (wow vett, non p) 3. caifas D[PE(T) bBp 5. enim (pro autem) E* [wow p] (om. r; et copt mult) 6. in domu DL 8 p (in domum EZ* q r Ambr) 7. ungenti ABD etc. et p infudit (pro effudit) DE a b ff; q r p (Hil) (perfudit d) (Gr KaTe-^eev) ejus (pro ipsius) E*a"°«LQE Wurz J a be dfff; h q r r; 8 p gat aur Ambr et gr avTov recumbente ipso (pro recumbentis) DE*LO QE*X* abcff;hqrr;8p gig aur ([p^s Wurz J/: recumb. eo) 9. — istud Nova cum r; p gr 157 et Ambr 1/2 (Aug) venundari plur et p pretio magno (pro multo) [P"^QE r2 (DL Wurz J ffip aur, BY" 8, E J, 0«' / g^) praetio tantum a b c h q r, caro tantum d ; om.ff; 10. - huic mult et p et gr-syr [Non BEH^eKM'Os'VWZ^ vg b c Ambr] bonum opus (pro opus enim bonus) DE5PLQ Wurz J Cerwe rrip(— enimplur et ae etc) noti gr, sed cf. syr eopt 11. habebitis (sic) pauperes Ordo novus contra gr (cf. syr S : " there are the poor for at all times with you.") habebitis sec. loco mult 12, autem (pro enim) E Wurz J [wow p nee al.] ungentum' AEFHMEZ" gat [non p hoc loco] 13. quod fecit haec EQ Wurz J d h r; B gat Epiphan (Aug) cutn gr [noti p] 262 GENESIS OF VERSIONS OF THE N.T. Matt.xxvi. 14. dn sic (= dicitur) BCD etc. vett plur p** [non ffi r p* , c] dictus 8 (gr o Xeyopevos) scarioth plur 17. azemorum DS*LE Cerwe p** r; (aziem. E) azsem. p"^^ ; az§m. gat pascha comedere (pro com, pascha) DE [wow p] et : pascha manducare b (q) h Hil contra gr syr (sed 'j7-aa-x,a (f>ayeiv Epiph ex ev. Ebion) et cf. sah et ord eopt (Hiat r; xxvi. 18-45) 18. quendam plur illi (pro ei) Nova cum r [non p nee al.] (om. q) 19. precipit (pro constituit) QE (Wurz J pab f hr gat) ; Gr aweTa^ev, M*U al pauc irpoaeTa^ev, sed copt dixit [parauerunt] 20. discubuit LE ab e ff;h qr gig gat** aur [non p, eum rell] — duodecim J syr pesh et edit Seh. [non S] Orig [non p] 23. parabside CDEIETX* b (parapside q) 8 p (c h) gat, parabsiden Cerne 25. respondit QE Wurz J c gat et syr contra gr (Eesp p more p) traditurus erat (pro tradidit) DJQEL(E) (Wurz J) a b e [non d = qui tradebat] fff^ (h) q (r) 8 gat gig aur [non p] ilium (pro eum) Nova (om. aur) — dixit DE* [non p nee al.] 4- Ihs (post ilh) DE JLQE Wurz J a b c f ff;h qr p* gat W''' 440 Orig syr pesh Diatess [non syr S] (Juvenc) ille aur 26. — panem Nova 29. 4- quia (post vobis) DEtp-^^LQE frBp*? gat; + quod Cerne* g;; 4- quoniam J^2; + on gr mult Epiph et syr [om. Lewis interpr syr S anglice] copt [tioti Iren Ctjpr] APPENDIX II. {Dimma) 263 Mait. ixvi. 29. quo (pro cum) LQX* ? Cypr Eucher (qum X^ quum C@T) quod E, quando Jrew (gr orav, copt gOTAIt) [illud] 30. imno (pro hymno) LET (ymno DIPWZ" Cerwe fqp gat gig) ymnizantes S 35. etsi (pro etiamsi) cutti a prob., aur et d (hesitabat B) Cf. syr ' si ' cum p*; eav 1^° oportuit Nova ? [twn p oportuerit pZewo] 36. getzemani D (cf. Y,J,Tabp,dff; r) 37. adsumpto BDE e^c mestus ACDES'F@?cPMOETWEeglBvii (mestuus b) Certie ff; gi h I q 8 p aur gat 39. procedit DEa*LOX (8) p** (procedens J^) - mi AFLE*X* ?Y a 8 p Just Iren Cypr Hier (Pel) Aug Chrys etc. et gr LA fam 1 al decem (cf. syr) [syr omits pronunciation of possessive pronoun] Cf. copt et sah " xe nA^ICJUX." — si ut vid. Nova ? [possibile est leg. sed illeg verba transeat a me calix iste] fin. 4- vis BDEa'°«H"=®LOQETXY'^Z* a b [non q] c ff; g; h r p copt Hil Ambr Cassiod Maxim syr hier 40. potuisti QE Wurz J ff; g; gig gat A'" Jg^P' (Juvenc) [non al, non p, mut. r] ut iti Marc xiv, 37 ' et ait Petro Simon dormis? Non potuisti? Aliter Diatess : And he said unto Cephas, Simon didst thou sleep. Could YE thus not , , ," 41, - et orate Nova (cf. Juvenc : ' Sed vigilate, precor, ne vos tentatio raptos ') ne (pro ut non) LE Wurz J h r? [non p] gat Tert Hil Hier (Jov) Ambr Fulg (ut ne g; r ?) temptationem 264 GENESIS OF VERSIONS OF THE N.T. Matt. xxvi. 41. prumptus DE'^Km:BY gi 8 (prumtuaBZ^ gat p) vero (pro autem) Q S [wow p] (om. Iren, Tert semel Phoebad) 42. [pater mi] ; ibid, [illii] 43 fin. 4- a somno (post gravati) E ? Wurz J b [non q] (gat g^ syr S [wow p] ( 4- from their grief and anxiety Diatess) 45, 46, adpropinqua-yit BCD etc. 45, ut (pro et tert. ante filius) Nova inter omn ut vid. eum Ambr (Psa 39) Cf. B^'tov viovpro KUi 6 vio<; — tradetur Suppl. marg* + hominum (aw^e peccatorum) QE* [non p] et gr 157 245 253, Cf. "the sinners" (Burkitt syr S) eum copt 47. ipso (pro eo prim.) plur Lucif etp (illo Cerwe _^i) turba multo sic (plurima multitude p) 48. ilium (pro eunx prim) DE c 8 p** gat 50. -t- fac (post venisti) Nova cum r; p gat ; -^ fac (post amice) DQ 51, eduxit (pro exemit) Nova [ex Jo. xviii. 10] (mut. a) ejecit d (S : exemit vel evaginauit ; ^ ignorat 8 " eduxit " nostri hoe loco, sed cf. Jo. xviii, 10) — suum LE* Wurz J Hil syr omn [non p] [non gr] 52, 4- in (aw^e gladio) DEa*"^LQE* Wurz J Cerwe g;h8 p gat cum graeco [non Patr latt et contra Tert diserte ; non d (contra gr)] 63. et exibebit CELT Cerwe gat b (et exibet p, E) - modo DE* fhB syr S (ef. vett, habent im be. post meum, q r; in loc. ante rogare) om. B ex industria super apn. (modo bis in p, post possum et post mihi) om. gr 253 258 Habet fin vers eopt 'frtO'V 65, in ilia hora usque ad gladiis illeg cotidie APPENDIX II. {Dimma) 265 Matt. xxvi. 56, implerentur ABFH e^c — Tunc L (Juvetic) [non p nee al.] 57. caifan 3P*LT bdnrp (h D3P"^E) 58. exitum rei (pro finem) aff;hnqrr;p; finem rei E [wow F] SP^^ffeLQT Cerwe (finem buius rei E* Wurz J) XZ* Wurz Abdf S^"* gat Diatess arab [none ffi gi g;] Cf. Copt eniXtOK, contra sah 6-e-A.H. Juvenc : "extremum opperiens tanto sub turbine finem" 59. consilium* ? TY* gi* r gat adversu (pro contra) h r;, 8 adversufcontra, adversus Eaednfr(p) gig aur 60. 4- in eo quitquam (post invenerunt) c (ff; h) r r; p (L Wurz J) (cf. d, f, ff;, h ad init. vers) 4- et (ante cum) ELE Wurz J Cerwe gat c dfff; h 61, distruere DWBBYIuxz J gat gip; distmuaxer;; dissolvere d (gr KaToXvcrai) 4- hoc (post templum) DE[P"« Wurz J b [non q] c dff; hrr;p aur et gr C^ syr sedificabo (pro resedificare) E (reaedifieabo q) (cf. Diatess et Syr et Lewis interpr) Gr. 245 258 62, Surgens autem (pro Et surgens) Nova (-EtBB*) respondis ACF@MT Cerwe gi q r; [non p] 64, ad extris (a dexteris p**) — Dei plur cum nubibus (pro in nub.) gat a b eff; p** Ambr. semel Ambrst Ephr per Juvenc, super d q syr gr eopt 65. blasfemauit Da*LE q r; p** (blasfemat p*) (om. gi) blaspemauit gat blasfemi® DaPLQET(Y) qr;S (blasfemea p ; ef. invideam in Dimma itifra xxvii. 18) 66, responderunt et (pro respondentes) Bab [tion q] cff2h (r;) gat (p) D^' et syr (cf copt) cotitra gr 67, exspuerunt (pro expu.) BWiP Cerne c [nonp nee al. ut vid.] 266 GENESIS OF VERSIONS OF THE N.T. Matt. xxvi. 67, — ejus prim. b [tion p tiec al.] colophis [wow p^'^] DE*, colofis r; (coloph'ifza un i apto colophizat 8) — ceciderunt Nova (cf. a, et 8 supra) cedentes r2 TI 68. profeza sic (cf-h: "profeta") percusit 3P q [noti p = percusset] 69, — ad eum Nova cum c et syr S ? [non p tiec al.] Om. Burkitt. Habet Lewis in interp. atiglice. Perpere ? Cf. syr sim. vid. ancella DH*LE aur (ex ancellis gat p) anchilla w (mut. a) et cum tu cu Ihu sic error 70. coram omf = coram omnes errore fiti. 4- neque intellego E gat b [non q] r r; p*, et D^' ovSe emLQETt.P Wurz J ab c p* (dqr quoniam) fff, ; gi h r; 8 gat damnatus est sic BCDLEX* Wurz J b e d giff^qB p (cf. f h) arteos sic [sed xxvi. 15 argenteos p^ewo] 5, 6. [argenteis pletio] 9, [argenteos pletio] 6 init. 4- Tunc LEWurzjl'-^- ^2/^ t^^c autem bcfff;hrr;gat p*[Y^-^^.^''"''^^i^*''''^ -autem LE Wurz J f /*^;^*^- ^'^^^^ , befff;hrr;gatp*\^^ (-autem) B; I om. autem aur corban Da*LE* Eeg 1 B vii Wurz Jfgiq f; aur gat B (vide p r.^ B^^ 7. accepto (pro inito) Wurz J eumf,ff; (adcepto) q r;, accipientes 8 sed : facto 4- inter se cr p* , accepto 4- inter se abdff;h perigrinorum D[PL r2 p (pelegrinorum ff-^ peregrinis vel hospitibus S"' "'"^ 8. — hoc prim. Nova (supra liti. K) quod d r; ; Propterea (— hoc) gat cognominatus (pro vocatus) Nova cum hr p [non r;] (appellatus d) acheldemach plur quod est (pro hoc est) ElP^^QE Wurz J 6 c [wow ff; male Wordsw.] gi.;h q r r; p gat lux ; (id est LT) om. ACDFH*X'Y 9. adimpletum Efff; h r (adinpl, ..P* gatff; (r p) ) adpretiati plur adpretiauerunt plur fihi (pro a fihis) CD3P"»«LQT'= Wurz J A ^i ; h aur (fili) ; filiis p* ; filius r2 (Lawlor) 268 GENESIS OF VERSIONS OF THE N.T, Matt. ' _ _ . xxvii. 11. [psidem] . , psis ELE p*? (presis semper Dimma 14 15 21 23) ei (pro illi) plur 14, -ad llYfuTzB* abcdf ffi,;gi,;hqrr; gat aur [non 8] D^ sah contra gr rrpo^ oiiBe ev prjpa. respon et uUu yti*""' (eopt O-vKe g?M ) 15. osuerat sic D5PLQT (8) r; (CONsuerat) p** (consuetude erat r p*) demitere populo Ordo cum omn [exeeptis J vg d B] 16. habebant E@KLM Wurz JB*C abcdg;hf ff;qrr; aur 8 p gat (et fuit in vinclis Juvenc) barabas Nova cum gat* p (cf. Deerff; Jo. xviii. 40) et gr aliq 17. baraban gatgir;p (barabam jfj) 18, invidea Nova [non al. nee r;] (Cf. p xxvi. 65 blasfemeam) 19. ad ilium (pro ad eum) plur Cerne etp** [sed rum Ea**OQEWX* vg gat adffiqB p* r;] 4- sit (csw^e tibi) BELQ Wurz J a bffi. ; h q r;B p gat aur ; tibi sit DWmeg;drHil passus sum (pro passa sum) Nova cum r;. (passas sum E) ex erroribus ; passa sunt ff; propter ilium hodie per visum Ordo novus eum copt sola [contra gr syr] — per -visum ff; 20, populo E*E gat a b [non q]eff;hrp (Juvenc plebis) populi r2 (Lawlor) [tion gr except. Evst 44] barabban (hoc loco B p baraban, vide supra Dimma) 21. barabban r2 (etc) (baraban p, etiam hoc loco) 22. dixit . DL Wurz J S 23, — illi (aw^e magis) Nova (qui autem d) om,. vers, gi APPENDIX II. {Dimma) 269 Matt. XXVU. 24. 4- in populo (post fieret) Wurz BDE** b [non q] p* lux ; Habent post tumultus [P"^ E 4- suas (post manus) ES'^^HJP d [contra 3^^] ff^zQihr r; p* gat copt syr Act pil [non gr] 25. — universus Nova cum Wurz J (Juvenc : ' Hoc magis inclamant ' tow^wm] Gr omn rra<; 6 Xao^ praeter B = 6 Xao? -Tra? .' 26. barabban (hoe loco L p baraban) vero (pro autem) Q a 6 [wow q] ff; gig [non p] cf. gr TOV Be illis (pro eis) Nova cum gat om. b q 8 gig copt syr gr N*ABrAn al. 27. in pretorio plur 28. exeuntem sic error? ut D*a*'=ILQET*V et 8 exeuntes super eKBvaavTe<; (cf. f gi lux et plur : et exuentes eum ; et d : et vestientes eum) exeuntes ilium h ; cf. rell (et vestief p) calamidem DLE (cf. chlam. Z h) (tonicam porpoream et calamidem p) cocinea DE r2 (coxineum /, coccinia p) eum (pro ei) INT Cerne* q [non p] (ea gi) contra gr avTw 29. illeg a&' posuerunt usque ad arundinem in dexTa q 8 (in dexteram D[P' JLQE Wurz J Durm Cerne b ff;hr (r;) p) et gr aliq (illeg inludebant ei) haue (aue p) 30, exspuentes AJP Cerwe c, ffi [non xxvi. 67] p** (conspuentes d) 31. eum (pro ei) QE gat a b c dff; hfqrr; contra gr except. 157 238 Evst 47 48 [noti p] (Dominum Ihm lux) om. gi calamidem DLE* ra [wow ver 28] p (chlam. Z h) 270 GENESIS OF VERSIONS OF THE N,T, Matt. xxvii. 31. suis (pro ejus) D[P*Q (/a^ZMa; [wow /i] (vesti menta sua d h, vestimente sua r;) cifigereT" sic = crucifigeretur LQE Wurz J [wow p] (gr et? to aravpcoaai, hinc 8 " craci- figi ") cruci eum figerent a b; om. r; 32. cirineum [P et cirinium r; (cyrin, DEFQE gat ff;, dren. HTW, cirenium L) quirineum h 4- veniente obvia sibi (ante nomine) BlP^^lPL OEXYZ(EQ@) Wurz J BDE Cerwe lux gat a b [non q] (d) eff;h (g;) (r) r; (p) B^ angarizauerunt D5P^LQE(E) Wurz J Cerne B p aur ; angariszauerunt gat 34, mixtum plur gustastasset Nova (custasset M, gaustasset P) 35, 4- sibi (pos^ divisserunt sic cMJwDL) BQX Cerwe* abdg;hq eopt [non p, al.] Gt BiepepiaavTO — ut impleretur ad fin. vers, cum mult Wurz J Durm et dfffi, ;g;let grplur syr [Habent eeontra tamen ET'^^Q et ABH'^OEM' 0*WXYZ Eeg 1 B vii Wurz BCDEFH ab c g;h qr r;8 p aur gat gig syr hier] Librarius noster ad ' mitentes ' explicit ; surrexit et abiit; (aliis documentis haud dubie eonsuUis) reversus, calamo novo scribere incipit. 38. crucifixerunt Da*FLE(Q) Wurz J Durm c gi g; h q r r; 8 p* copt syr hier C (crucifixissent /) [Gr. a-TavpovvTai] [cum eo] (eum L* et B [super avTu]) duos E[PLQE Durmach cfr r; p* unu bis EEfgihqrr;et: unum . , alteram /.t*? (unus . , alter a ; unus , , alius ^2) 39, blasfebant sic (blasfemabant D^BBT qrr;, sed blasphemant Q) 40. ua sic 8 (ua r2) Vuach gig, vath W APPENDIX II. (Dimma) 271 Matt, xxvii. 40, distruebas j OP-^sLQEX* Wurz J bffihB r; re^dificabas ) p gat*) te ipsu (Gr aeavTov) DLQE Wurz J gat r; 8 (teabc dq) salvum te fac h; om. ff; 4- nunc (post discende sic) BQE ff; (ex vers 42) [wow r; p]; 4- wv post teipsum Clim i 41, iludentes p (etc) diludentes gat 4- eum (ante cum) E cfffi h q [non b] r r; [noti p] p** copt syr et Diatess Cassiod [non gr] 42. saluare (pro saluum facere) d (salbare) h 8 gat gr syr [noti p] (Aug: ' ahos salvavit seipsum non potest ' :) discendat (ut semper) D3PL0E Cerwe gat r; p [noti b] 43. confidet ACD. e^c, Wurz J Cerwea^i A,rr2 awr (confidat gat, et confidat p) (si conf. a hi, b d eum D^ fam 1 et copt) speravit Tert dno (pro Deo) CEQT ffi g; p gig Ambr 1/2 (error prob. ex diii apud mult) et nunc liberet eum si vult LQE ut vid. et Wurz J (cf. p) [di] 44, iproperabant plur (sed inproperant E, exprobant Hil, increpitant Juvenc) 44/45, -f et postquam crucifixus est QE Wurz J a b c r; aur Auct de protn (B) 45, ab hora autem sexta dff;h (r) p* ; ab hora sexta, — autem a Gaud Lactant ; — autem Q copt 46, beh heli p. AC etc laba Q (labath r2) [wow p = lama ut a'EXDTLW etc.] sabachtani BZ /i (zaba'=thani sic p, sabachani Wurz J, sabathani r;) me dereliquisti EJcPLOs'ET(DQ) Eeg 1 B vii Wurz ' A B J' abc(d) fff,. ; h I q r; gat aur p* Tert 272 GENESIS OP VERSIONS OF THE N,T. Matt. xxvii. 47. helia r; p aur (hehanbf) ; 49, helias 48, illeg. ab acceptam usque ad fin. bibere 49, caeteri DILEP c? ffi (c§ti p) si (pro an) E ab e d fff; h q r r;B p* Goth : Let, ei saihvam [contra copt xe] liberare (pro liberans) DE[P"'« g; p** ? gat ; saluare f 8 goth et H* 69 47 56 58 70 180 Evst 259 aaxrai, pro crmamv rell ; et liberat E (d) , et liberaret Q, et liberauit ab ff;q r;, et liberabit c, et salvabit h r, et saluet p* 49/50. 4- alius autem aeepta lancea pupungit latus ejus et. exiuit aqua et sanguis (ex Jo. xix, 34) cum (DE[P"«LQE Wurz J Eeg 1 E vi Harl 1023 corp oxon r; p*) (gat) et gr f^BCLUr 5 48 67 115 127* aeth 50, damans iterum ¦ Ordo novus cum Ambr, — iterum h syr S gr FL al decem Cyr (Orig) emissit DLE gat p 61. scisum est ES*LEY gat r;p [non al,] ; discinditur Hil 1/2, scindetur 1/2, Bcinduntur Juvenc usque ad (pro usque) Nova cum p* et Auct de prom 52. munimenta Nova dormientium (pro qui dorm,) D[PO*QE*X* abcdff;hqrr; gat 8 Auct de prom Gaud Hil (p* domientium) et gr 63, qui exeuntes [pro ex exeuntes vg sic (neglexit Wordsw.)] Nova cum gat munimentis Nova ? et multis apparuerunt DQE Cerwe a b [non q] ff;hr (r;) aur p Ambr Gaud Auct de prom Chrys contra gr syr copt goih 54. Centorio DLE(Y) r2 p visso D gat (cum vidissent p*rr;; videntes d B) di filius plur 55, 4- videntes (post a longe) DE Wurz J B APPENDIX II, (Dimma) 273 Matt, abed fff; hqr;B p goth (copt) syr gr omn, et LE post multae ( 4- aspicientes H^@M) xxvii. 55. fuerant (pro erant sec.) CDEQEWX Wurz J Durm gat affir;B p; hr (fuerunt) (simt d) ilh (pro ei) QE gat hr r;8 p* 56, magdalenae (vide infra vers 61) - mater (post loseph) E b [non q] eff; (r?) p gat (!>?*) [noti al. noti r;) 57, arimathia (arimathea p) erat discipulus L #i [ rion p, non syr] Cf. eopt : rt eA.qepjuiA.eHTHC (didicerat d, discipulus vel disci- pulauit B ; gr ipaTevSr] ut goth siponida) 58. petit ABDE etc Wurz J A Durm Cerne* bdf ff; gi h q r; p aur dari (pro reddi) DELQE Wurz A [wow J] f g; h r r; 8 (super airoBoOrivai) gat p copt syr goth [Gr. omn ut vid. arroBodrjvai praeter 248 marg] sah eTpeVTA^q ff A.q. 59. acepto Nova ? (cum accipisset L p syr) sed gr Xa^oov Ihu (pro loseph) QE Wurz J b (cf. LE fffi h r p) 60. possuit [PLQE gat p in suo monomento nouo Ordo novus ut vid. cum copt ^erf neqJutgA.'v ilRepi (contra gr syr) ; monomento (contra morem hoc loco) cum E ad hostium CDa*ILOTcP Cerwe Margaret p* monomenti E discessit (pro abiit) L ^ r, S (discessit vel abiit), p* discesset. (Gr airrjXdev) 61, magdalena LE Cerwe (etiam ver 66) bq r p VOL, II, T * 274 GENESIS OF VERSIONS OF THE N.T. Matt.yxvii. 62. [parasceuenj 4- omnes (aw^e principes) D [wow p, tion al.] 63, dicentes bis script error [domine pleno] quod (pro quia) Ea*"«LQEZ* b (nmt. a fff; hnqrB p Auct deprom post tertium diem (pro post tres dies) ELQE(D) a bfff; hnq [non p] gat (r) Auct de prom 64. venient L [wow p, non al.] (venientes dfB eum gr eXdovTe';) resurrexit (pro surrexit) T/ [wow p, non al. ut vid.] 65. milites (pro custodiam) DLQE* Wurz J hr p* gat Aug [non ffi g; 8, hiant e k r;] custodes J Wurz B a (mut. n) be df ff; gi q aur D^ copt arab (contra gr KovaTwBiav) et goth vardjans Juvenc : Et Pilatus ad haec : Miles permittitur, inquit : Servate, ut vultis, corpus tellure sepultum, Tert : Tunc Judaei detractum et sepulcro conditum magna etiam militari manu cus- todiae diligentia circumsederunt ne , , , xxviii, 1, magdalenae 2, discendit D3PLQE Cerwe gat [non b] p supra ") ' supra ' e ( — eum) [Incipit de novo ( e ad xxviii. 2] fin. ei? ut vid, f 'supra vel in , eum vel eo' B; ) " super lapidem " Diatess 3, fulgor CDE p etc. (furgor aur [Belsheim]) vestimenta mult + Candida (ante sicut nix) DEa*"*L(EQ) Wurz J a bfff; hqrBp (d e albus cum gr) vestimenta ejus candidum sic gat 6. [venite et videte] plur et vett plur et p Diatess [Contra ABa*JJ>MOVYZ d gi I q B — et (om, Wordsw, dl 8) et gr syr copt] APPENDIX II. {Ditnma) 275 Matt. xxviii, 6, possitus D[PLE gat p 7, 4- ex mortuis (post surrexit) Nova ? 4- a mortuis DF JLQE Wurz J c / ff; g; q 8 p* gat aur cum copt gr syr pesh Diatess [non syr S Clim i] — et (ante ecce prim.) ut vid. JZ* gat — ecce pr. X* ab c dff;h p* D*' precedet D(H0JLTJP ^ §) ff; h q 8 gat Vigil Taps [non p] praecidet e dixi (pro praedixi) CEILE*T'' a b [non q] c d effi, ;h8gat (cf. al) Aug et gr [non p] (dixit DQ Wurz J / corp oxon Diatess) 8. — cito Nova ut vid. (Chrys) cum Clim i monomento E nuntiare omw 10. 4- sed (ante ite) DELE Wurz J g; gat Chrys syr hier (ABC) Diatess [non p ut vid.] nuntiate omn 11. abissent plur adnuntia sic (pro nunciauerunt) lapsu scribendi. Beipsa, librarius perturbatus (fortasse ad cenam vocatus) et hoe verbo nondum perfecto, hesitabat. Deinde reliqua praecipitanter (ut vid. plane in rel. cap) describere maturauit ita ut ultimos Evangelii versus paueos perfieeret. adnuntiauerunt DE

't-. Pure Syriac heads this verse, xx. 25, with the omission of ergo. XX. 26 : " in responsi OBBM ejus." This is really curious, and may be due to a polyglot. Compare the coptic where the root po poJOY occurs in both the Coptic words for atiswer and keep silence (held their peace, held on to their mouths). Thus: exeit neqXJrtepoYiW A'VXA.puJOV. The last word in sahidic is also APPENDIX in, (Moling) 285 A.'VKA.pcxJO'V, Is it not the pcx)0'V iu an old polyglot which brought out this Latin orem ? There is nothing in the Matthaean or Marcan parallels to justify the addition, nor in the Syriac, Note the agreement at xx. 30 with syr S, and curious suppression (alone) of ei xx. 38 fin. [ef. Origeti, who says distinctly that in St, Luke the verse read simply "For God is not the God of the dead but of the living," stopping there, and omitting altogether "omnes enim vivunt ei."] It is not as if our scribe were habitually careless of such matters, for he is not, and as can be seen above, xx. 26, he writes carefully from some strange copy, r; actually substitutes Deo for ei. XX, 24. There is a peculiar conjunction of copt and syr S in the phrase " Show me a denarius ; the image with the inscription — whose is it." No others have anything but et except DQ p vel. In seeking for authority for this vel, I came across the Coptic rfeJU (which Horner so often translates atid) and find syr S goes with it. Having drawn sahidic and p together, it is interesting to find syr S here agreeing with coptic For, having established that the separate bases of sah copt are still inseparably intertwined with the Latin, we go a step further here and connect coptic and syr S even in this small place, which takes us a long way back, (Such places as xxii, 34 might be studied, -F ei syr eu S and pesh with copt and sah, without Greek or Latin support,) In xxi, there are no exciting clues till we come to verse 36, where p adds fur. He writes " tanquam fur laqueus enim superveniet in omnes." Whence this fur? I cannot find anything but ' a snare ' (gr. rrayL<;) in any authorities ; e uses the word museipula, rather an inferior kind of snare — a mousetrap ! The only available clue is in the coptic (the sahidic is quite different), whence it would have been just possible 286 GENESIS OP VERSIONS OF THE N.T. in a Coptic bilingual MS, for the eye of the scribe to have been misled by the Coptic letters of the first word of the verse, and his mind thinking of the meaning of laqueus transliterated from the Coptic word meaning sicut or quasi, especially as the Coptic sound for the second word laqueus is somewhat similar (faseh), beginning with c|). Here is the Coptic : _ jui4>pHi" rtoYcj>Aty This is not intended to be ingenious. There is the pos sibility of such a thing in view of our other affiliations, and such clues are really interesting to follow. In ch. xxi. note at verse 12 the little touch of 4- in before vobis with gr-syr-copt and only DQ (+v'ett). Again (same verse) + in (ante custodias) BOVZ (D) p and syr [not Greek]. Again, verse 34, -|- in (ante curis) compare eopt and syr cu S. Note xxi, 28 adpropinquauit for appropinquat, with all syr Hipp Tert but only Greek fam 1, with Latins X*T Dimma I m r p. In xxi. 35 the orbis terrae of D^^Q Dimma r; is found in p with Jrew syr cu S, D*M' omit omnis with fam 1, 108 Greek only. In xxii. note at verse 18 hac generatione p (gen. hac b) with syr cu S only, while E 6 / with gr. 157 copt add hujus after vitis. xxii. 24 — et is significant. Not only does it date to Origen, but there was old trouble there, for copt sub stitutes de novo. Again, verse 30, we are with Origen syr eu [against syr S] d el D^" and thirteen Vulgates in omitting meo after regno. For some reason Latin D here writes regno Dei (with Tert). In xxii, 39 a sahidic touch comes in again alone. It is not that the presence or absence of a connecting particle in itself would signify anything, but the place is peculiar (cf. syr S), and with the previous sahidic touches it ia quite significant. APPENDIX III. (Moling) 287 xxii. 42 -t- voluntas a second time after tua appears to be quite new. Note the way, however, in which Tertullian turns it. xxh. 43 -f- et (ante prolixius). So ab c r and 18 Vul gates, This turns tbe Greek phrase Kai yevopevo^ ev aywvia exrevea-Tepov ¦irpoar)v)(eTo, and the addition is therefore not found in the Greeks. Syr eu, however, has it. Although syr S omits the verse, it looks very much like an under lying part of the Old Syriac text, for the pesh does not so render, but suppresses a second " and." See Burkitt and Gv?iUiam. This trifle becomes important at this grave place. At xxii, 57 we abandon all Vulgates and omit eum after negauit (with perfect correctness) with ab e fl a good many important Greeks and syrr copt sah arm aeth, who are aU entirely agreed, although Tischendorf here, for some unknown reason (abandoning the beloved NB and eight other imcials), preferred the testimony of AD*EG HUVAA. I consider this rather important. In such a place a consensus of the Versions should surely have a casting vote, and this eum is undoubtedly an accretion. I should hke to see the new Vulgate note this in its margin, xxii. 67, dixero vobis (pro vobis dixero) may only be an error, but Coptic order justifies it against Gr. and Latin, We note a unique change of order at xxiii. 5, per universam iudiam docens. Frequently when such a change occurs there is a reason for it. As we have not aUuded to this before, we wiU say that it is simply due to a various reading, of which the scribe had knowledge. Thus, b eilq (without proper authority) omit docens, but they omit it from the beginning of the sentence where it belongs in gr-syr-eopt. Only N* 64 of authorities outside the Latin omit. Now the scribe first omitted, and then finding there was not sufiBcient authority he added it at the close of the sen tence. As I say, there are numerous instances of this. 288 GENESIS OP VERSIONS OP THE N,T. (See xxiv, 1 ; the omission of arotnata by most Old Latins no doubt led to the change of order found only in p and the Coptic) At xxiii, 14 we observe agreement by Q yw. alone of -1- ilium ( + eum Q) with syr cu S pesh Diatess and copt, but no Greeks, Notice e, however. In the rest of the verse there is merely confusion with verses 16 and 22, as in the case of syr cu S sah copt. xxiii, 31 : quasi for quia si (WZ* e p) is interesting, because syr cu S aeth with gr B and two evangelistaries suppress the si (not Diatess arab). xxiii, 34 : The form ignosce for dimitte, alone among Latins, shows us that we have to do with an extraordin ary base. Not even A 8 give us any alternative reading, Iren and Hil use remitte (as Gwill syr pesh), but Jerome (adv. Pelag.), Augustitie and Auct Quaest were famihar with ignosce, which has not reached us in the Latin MSS, so far unveiled, r; is missing after xxiii. 14, but Iren alluding to it (Chr. Passio) says " rogabat Patrem ut IGNOSCEEET his qui se crucifixerant." Notice treatment of xxiii. 63, These things are no accidents, any more than the treatment of xxiii, 40, which at first sight might appear accidental. Nor the order chosen at xxiii. 42. These things are deliberate. Even xxiii, 51 appears to be a survival of the reading arising from the treatment in copt and syr pesh. xxiv. The treatment of this whole chapter will bear watching in connection with other authorities, and as to composite Syriac and Greek treatment, xxiv, 3 appears new (see Diatess). xxiv, 14 gives us a new order, xxiv, 16 : wee appears unjustified. xxiv. 35 : order alone with c e, Ditnma and r. xxiv, 50 : — foras a e. Notice also the position occu pied by the Arabic Diatessaron throughout the chapter, I am well satisfied to have had this opportunity of supplementing Prof, Lawlor's publication of the text of APPENDIX III. {Moling) 289 St. Luke iv, 5-ix. 66, I have not analysed this section here, as I have the rest, as anyone can do so for himself. Whereas the points in a dry-looking collation are often overlooked by the casual student. It is not a matter for congratulation as to our critical acumen that we have so long and so grievously overlooked Mohng, "Ignosce " in Luke xxiii. 34 should alone have directed our attention to other things. The discoverers and editors of syr cu and S would have found much in Dimma, Moling and r; to add to their notes on the Syriac had they taken the trouble to analyse the Irish texts. The concurrent Sahidic and Coptic base of Moling, with its syriasms and unique readings, certainly takes us to 176 A.D, and earlier, and I question whether there exists a more interesting Latin MS, in all the libraries of Christendom, Our relations with r; are unfortunately complicated by the spasmodic and at times severe revision of that MS, But certain things are left uncorrected in r; which agree alone, or nearly alone, with p, as Luke X, 4, in die judicii 29. — et xii. 51, mittere. 54, ab(h) oriente (m) et ab occassu 56, discernere 58. perducat and r; conflated the p reading at xi. 22 with the ordinary one by writing dirupiet et distribuet. xiii, 4, — habitantes 11, quaedam (pro quae) ibid, susum 12. liberata 17, virtutibus ' 19. habitauerunt xiv, 18, omnes simul xvi, 2. dispensare 3, dispensationem :viii, 15, — et 17, reciperit 20, -F ait ilh ihs 24. intrare 30, in saeculo autem 34, absconsum 38. exclamauit xix, 9, - et 42. — et pr. VOL. 11. u 290 GENESIS OP VERSIONS OP THE N.T. Luke xxii, 18, veniet xxiii, 6, galiliam 7 init. — et p on the other hand can be shown to preserve much of the r; base which has perished in the latter by its Vulgate covering. I regret to have had to be so concise in these few words of introduction to Moling, The subject deserves ampler treatment, but we have already run hundreds of pages beyond what we set out to do, and we have had to compress our remarks; it is with deep regret that we leave this interesting subject, [We have not been able to check the readings of I or give new ones. The references to I are from Words worth's, Scholz' or Tischendorf's notes. But we have revised gat from Heer's edition. ] St. Luke, ix. 57. eum (pro ilium) 68. Et ait (pro dixit init) foveas habent -\- ubi requiescant (post nidos) capud 59. [permitte mihi primum ire et] 60. — ut mortui sepeliant ; id est breviter, " sine mortuos suos," sine auctoritate gr-syr-copt (excepto gr 69 — Owyjrai tov (pro quae) Vult qui ? cum plur. ; que P (quae scripsit p: "q ") APPENDIX III. {Molitig) 291 Luke ix. 62. - suam Cf. ab q I, etc., gr B aliq. Iren Orig Cyr Tert Ambr Aug [Here is an array of Greeks and Latins confirming p.] in aratrum aspiciens X, 1, Lxxii DOZ, EFET, etc. (sep- tuaginta bfqrB Tert) -H in omnem (ante locum) syr hier A [hiant BC] eopt [non al.]. (Due originally, perhaps, to inverted order in most vett of the Latin,) 2. -\- est (post multa) ber Non al gr-lat Cf. copt HE 3. + ergo (post ite) gat syr eu [non S] Non gr lat. Cf. eopt sol. amplius : AAA-tyE -|- ffOUTerf ; et copt MSS. tres -\- !Ae. Et pro ite b ; om. a 4. poera (pro peram) E calcimenta sic 5, quacq; EM*OQe/g 6, ilia (pro ilium) 7, domu (pro domo prim.) HlNTV Dimma 8 [mercede sua] de domu (pro de domo) DlNTQEV Dimma (8 : a domu) 8, 10, [quamcunque ut vid.] 8, susciperint adponentur QE 8 9, — illis syr cu S (wow gr-lat-copt- goth-pesh-Diatess) adpropinquauit 10, reciperint (pro susceperint) B'^G(B) Dimma gat : recep. TO^tW; suscip.awr; accipientd; acceperint gig 11, adessit (adesit T, adhessit D gat Dimma) ¦h in pedibus (post vestra) DEQ vett [non Dimma] adpropinquauit 12. -t- autem (post dico) OQX gat adfq aur [wow Dimma] u 2 292 GENESIS OP VERSIONS OP THE N,T. Luke X. 12, remisius E gat 13, quae in vobis factae sunt [in cilicio et cinere] paeniterent 14. remisius ES'E, Dimma gat iri die judicii (pro in judicio) cfrr; gr fam 13 arm aeth syr cu [non S pesh] goth 15, cafarnauu sic [ut Dimma Matt, iv, 13] caf, DQT bdr; capharnahum C ; (ca)farnauum E ; caparnaum 8 + nnqti (ante usque prim.) DQ, a dr, e il, (b q) exalta es (pro exaltata) (DQ, / q gat, eil 8) syr -\- immo (aw^e usque sec) cf. syr cu, goth (-\- aut a? b d i, ¦{- an r) 16, me missit 17, LXXII DEX(ETW) gat d e (lxx bfiqB) demoniasubiciuntur 18. [satanan] fulgor 19, sup^pn'm, supra sec (pleno) 20. vobis spiritus subiciuntur — autem Nova ? scribta 21, -J- ihf (post exultata) aliq + in (ante spiritu) aliq quia (pro quoniam) fuit placitum* (pro placuit) F gat (Cf. al) 22 init. -^ et conversus ad discipulos dicit* Cf. vett [non Dimma] qui sit bis (pro quis sit bis) 23, — vos mult. Dimma vett et gr 24, [quod]profetae DIP (Dimma) deff;qr iusti (pro reges) [wow Dimma] Q bqrut Matt. APPENDIX III. (Moling) 293 Luke xiii, 17, vel forsan ex goth : confusio ititer thiuth et thiudanos) [wow gr-syr-eopt] sed om. Y a d e ff; i I Tert Method et D*"' X, 24. audistis E[PGHMS[ Dimma beh r; (Abbott vers. 23) 25. temptans 26 init. j (pro at) cum a solo [tion Dimma] arm aeth q (pro quid) quod ? [non Dimma] [scriptum] vide supra scribta [qino pro quomodo] 27 init. + Et c Tert. Non Wordsw. Sed q Bentl -t- at, et dff;i + ad, (e gat autem et gr Be) ; qui a [non 8 = ille super o Be] dileges D3* Dimma [ex t, corde t, et ex t. an, t, et ex omn, vir. t. et ex om. m. t,J eum vg. sed vide p iti Marc cum Eeg 1 E vi, (syr k r;) 4- diliges (ante proximum) D gat a e [non Dimma] 28, -t- ihf (post dixitque) OQ cfff;lq aur gig r et gr F^MX, Om. vers. Dimma 29, semetipsum Nova — Et c r2 [wow gr-syr-copt-goth] non Dimma 30, discendebat DS'(P) gat Dimma (ascendebat e !) hierusale hericho D Dimma dispohauerunt 8FD[P0X^ gat Dimma ff; hiqB aur (dispohantes d) spol. c e inpossitis D3P gat Dimma (inpostis q) 31. Accedit E gat discenderet D[P gat Dimma et r; discenderat (dis cendebat b r, desc. eff; q ; discendens e) [viso] visso D gat -\- semivivo (post illo) Nova ut vid. [ex vers. 30 ubi habet p] [pTiuit] 32, -f- cum (oflite videret) Nova ut vid. eum e (cf. q 8 veniens et videns) 294 GENESIS OF VERSIONS OP THE N.T. LnkeX, 32, pertransit 33, — autem E I [non gr-syr-copt] 34, adpropians + illi (ante alligauit sic) + ad eum r [wow gr-syr- copt] 7 fundans (pro infundens) = syr. [Non gr-lat-eopt] et inf. 6 e ; et superf . / ponens (pro imponens) ff'D aur (cf. syr) possuit r ad stabulum (pro in stab,) [pQ Dimma Durmach b c fff; i qr r; (gr. ek iravBoxelov) 35, erogaueris (pro supererogaueris) 8 super A rrpoa- 8airavr) 8) 36, - totum prim. £PDEKZ° Dimma gat aur gig (e) syr S (variant rell) [tenebrarum illeg] lucidum erit (prqb. ; partim illeg) DE Dimma r; ( — erit gr syr) inluminabit 37, fariseua D g' (T Dimma r) ingresus WB gat 38. farisaeus T >• (D Dimma) cogitans (pro reputans) ff; r (recogitans a, putans i, cogitare in semetipso d, secum dis- putans c, cf.f 8 videns (om. claus. gr omti except D 130''"' 251, BiuKpivopevos) sed ef. syr cu 4- prius (post non) (E vett, gr copt syr pesh Tert) non Dimma APPENDIX III. {Moling) 299 Luke xi, 38, babtizatus DET Dimma (gat) antequam pranderet (pro ante prandium) d r (b fffi i I q qig) «/, copt ; contra syr gr 39, ihs (pro Dominus) J e [om. Wordsw. e] et gr U al. sex, syr pesh copt ad illu ad illu (bis) farisaei Q q r (D Dimma r;) farisae d plusquam (pro quod prim) (prius quam D) prius quod (Q) B b c e i I r fin. [iniquitate] 40, intus (pro deintus) CDEJKQETZ Dimma Durmach gat c d e ff;h i 8 aur r; (ab intus r) 41, elymosina K(DGEa'E) 42. farisaei (pro pharisaeis) Q Durmach (Dimma DEW c e i q r r;) cf. copt ; (b gat) contra gr qui (pro quia) DEPMTVW '=\ff;g; Dimma b c i I q r r; Aug syr contra gr eopt menta boluspreteritis D gat Dimma q 8 aur caritateomitere Dimma (more Dimma mito etc) 43. farisei 1 . , , .„ . , . , > vide supra ad ver. 42 qui (pro quia) ) sinagogis ES*W gat Dimma 8 aur (syn. P*) 44, 4- scribae et farisaei hippocritae (post vobis) ( Q bf (i) q r; (r) 8 ) syr pesh et gr aliq male ex Matt [quia] sup sic (ut 8 alibi) super E Dimtna e i 4- ilia (post sup,) DE Dim/ma b eff;il q syr pesh (cf. syr cu copt) fin. — nesciunt ? 45 init. illeg nobis contumiliam DSPEY Dimma gat* 46 fin. 4-ipsas DM:Q(B) Dimtnaf ilr (er;) aur** syr pesh 47. profetarum DH'OE Dimma d eqr 300 GENESIS OF VERSIONS OP THE N.T. Luke xi. 48, ergo testimonium perhibetis (pro profecto testifi camini) abfqrr; quidem ipsi 49, profetas D3P0EW Dimt/ma d e q r 50, profetarum D[POE Dimma d e qr effussus DEE gat Dimma q 51. 4- justi (post abel) Q Dimma c eir r; aur gr aliq 124 157 etc. ex Matt perit Dimma i r (cf. vett) 62. qui (pro quia) DlNTQEVWZ Dimma S i r 8 (pleno super on) aur syr (non gr) abstulistis DM'Q(E) Dimma ilr aur cf. rell et D^'' 167 syr eKpv-^are — clauem usque ad fin. vers.* suppl man** in marg Cf. Ephr tantum intrabant** DE^""^ Durmach Dimma I aur r; gat (Q) 53. farisaei g' r (D Dimma) 64. querentes HE

mult fin. — vos ) 8. qui* (pro quicumque) ef Tert syr, cf. d quia omnes qui (oo-Tts Evst 53) mut. r in me* (pro me) mult in illo (pro ilium) mult 9, [negauerit me]* me negau, vult StopOcoT. cum D Dimma e (r) omnibus (pro hominibus) error ? sed cf. copt abnegabitur a c (d) r 4- et ipse (post abnegabitur) (b) ff; (i) I q (r) (ef. syr eu, syr hier ; ef. eopt, noti gr except X eum copt) 4- coram do et (ante coram ang, Dei) Nova ef. b ex Matt (cf. Tert) 10, Et bis script. (om. Et OX^ aur !) - in (ante fihum) error sed cf. copt er blasfemauit ' sic 11, sinagogas 4- templi (post magistratus) Nova solliciti 12, init. 4- in (ante spiritus) error ex " 1+ (enim) spiritus "? spu sic i apud Belsheim (cf. 302 GENESIS OF VERSIONS OP THE N.T. Luke e loquamini pro dicatis aw^e spiritus ; forsati in ex exemplar, sim.) xii. 12, - in (ante ipsa) a (eadem) cf. Tert (om. in ipsa hora Orig gr 33) q (pro quid) = quae (a) plur 13, 14. 15, 16.17. 18. fin. 19. — vos sec. quidam ei* 7 (pro At) ei (pro illi) 4- 6 (aw^e homo) 20. 23, 24. fere omn ' Et ' nova lectio (Qui a) eos* (pro illos) -ab est eius possedetueberes adtulit quod (pro quia) distruamillfc EbrB gat Aug (gr avOparre) [non Dimma] bq Nova? Clem (cf. Tisch ad loc.) est vita sua c DE Dimma Nova ? (huberes Cn^) BEFCJ(E) Dimma efaur - mea Da*M'EZ Dimma h 8 Dimma Nova cum Dimma et sah. - posita X^ff; ilr etgr 10*° (om. claus abode) -f- et (aw^e comede) Nova inter latt ? D Dirhma EG gat f gr 69 Orig arm aeth errore DSP [wow Dimma] Nova cf. copt 4- et (aw^e bibe) 4- et (ante epulare) syr eu S [nonpeshnon gr a^t] hocte (pro nocte) pparasti ideoque (pro ideo) solliciti 4- vestro (post corpori) DM" Dimma a cor vat* gig et gr aliq syr pesh copt init. 4- nonne Q Dimma I gr Evan 234 Evst 36 (4- enim syr E b c d e et gr mult copt) — plus sec. volatilia caeli (pro corvos) M? [wow al. nee Dimma] d e (f) I r gig D^' (J volucres) [wow syr gr] APPENDIX III. {Moling) 303 Luke xii. 24. plures 25, enim (pro autem) DE [wow Dimma] syr cu S copt adiecere Dimma gat (adiecire E) 26. solliciti 27. 4- agri (posHilia) DiPKQ'W[nonDimma]vett mult et gr X 130 aliq syr cu neunt plur salamon DEX gat (salemon rf A.Y [wow gr] ut diceret (pro dicere) b eff; ilmqr syr (contra gr) 18. omnes simul CT a eff; I (r) r; syr hier copt excussare D3PE Dimma 312 genesis of versions of the n.t. Luke Hiant Dimma xiv, 18-xv. 18, r; xiv. 18-xv, 25. xiv. 18/19. partim illeg 18. excussatum DE[P(E) q gat 19, vado (pro eo) a r 4- et ideo venire non possum (post ilia) DQ (a) bcff;imqr(d) (I) et D'"' excussatum DE5PE gat 21. nuntiauit [ciui pro ciuitatis] et (pro ac) id est : j cludos E gat 22. 4- et (aw^e factum) Nova inter latt et gr ; cf. copt ; et syr cm S 4- ecce locutus (pro locus) mult et a eff; h I r 8 gat 23. 4- circa (aw^e saepes [sic]) b c ff;f (mut. i) qr {hiant Dimma r;) Ambr. Non gr [excepto Evan 264 em (pro e«) tov; oSoi"j] a = circa vias et saepes ; Auct de Prom circa sepes ac vias. Cf, syr in locum, et copt UBiX. Cf. etiam Diatess " into the roads and the ways and the path." Silet Wordsw. de circa opelle introire dfr 4- quoscunque inveneris (post introire) D(E)QE gat a r, Diatess ex Matt [non gr-syr-copt-goth] inpleatur GDE'i^ J d ff; q aur 24, gustauit AFGTY e 26. 4- suam (post matrem) W gat d et D*' 243 syr eopt Bas [non gr-goth] discipulus esse mult, vett plur et gr plur 27. baiolat DEPM?E 8 gig gat meus discipulus esse (a) d r et D^ [wow gr rell] (Ireti) 28. turrem omw. [except W vg] oputat DE[PFG@IJE etc 28/29, partim illeg APPENDIX III. (Moling) 313 Luke xiv. 28. -{¦ illi ut vid. post necessarii sunt Nova? Cf.syr. (cf. afr) 29, 4- forte (ante posteaquam) (d e r) et gr omn prjTTOTe et eopt JttHJTUJC perficire ut vid. Cf. 8 : perfinire incipient Ede inludere 30 iwi^, -h et (aw^e dicentes) ut vid. Nova, inter latt et gr, eum SYE. et pro ei 29 fin H^ edificare W gat 31. nonne (pro non) KW a d f ff; i r 8 cum gr ov^i et goth niu [wow copt = XtH, wow syr] X- DEEW gat ber [non 8] milibus bis XX- D(E)FETW gatberB adversum (pro ad) D™°Q (b) c (f)ff;il (q) (r); gr err', super d, syr ' contra ' 32. adhuc illo 1 adhuc illo longe sic bis mitens (hoc loco tantum, more Dimma) gat 33. omnes (pletio) GO (otn. c ff; i I q) renuntiat possedet D 34. - autem sah et Pistis Sophia ; Cf. vett [non gr-copt-syr] 4- quoque (post sal) mult concidietur (pro condietur) NOVA XV. 35. in sterculinio C Durmach bff;ir (H*KT c, q, ade) contra gr foris a b cff;r mittitur DEQE Durmach gat c 1. adpropinquantes 2. mormurabant D farissei D (^ qr) quod (pro quia) b eff;i q (quare a r, quoniam d) (reoipit errore) 3. parabulam DS'^GE gat 4. -c- DEE 314 genesis op versions of the n.t. Luke ,„ „„, XV, 4, dimitet (dimittet £FE[PM'Q(V) c ff; 8 (e) dimmittet b ) •xc- viiii- ET gat a b e (r) in montibus (pro in deserto) I ; in montibus in deserto 0 eff;; in solitudine e eum syr cu ; rell et gr copt ev tio epr]pw vadet H]\TO fin. illam (pro eam) 5. inponet £FCZ (]\TT) e / A, r (im- ponet INTT i) ponet c supra (pro in) in vel supra S ; super EE gat** aedr cum gr eiri, et eopt EXEW, goth ana, etiam syr. 5/6. Mwo tenore cum gaudio veniens (pro gaudens et veniens) Nova inter omn, cf. Tert allud. [hiat r;] cf. syr pesh et Diatess ; gaudens veniens d 6. domui (pro domum) Nova Gr et? tov oikov Cf, copt uno verbo : EITIHI q (pro quae) Dubium ob quae vel quem vel quam ; saepius apud p = quae Quem B 7. 4- autem (post dico) QdetD^ P-p* ; 4- enim G ; 4- ergo e ; 4- ' now ' syr cu supra (pro super) prim, X* 8 penitentiam 7/8. mut. 8. dragmas plur [dragmam illeg] evertit (partim illeg ; ,.,.tit) plur 4- suam (post domum) Q ff; Ambr sah [non Iren] (Aug. in tota domo sua) 9, dragmam plur 10. supra (pro super) r ; in c ^2 i unum peccatorem D a efl (q) paenitentiam agentem DFH*P'OX^Y Eeg 1 B vii afff^hKq) 12. 4-iUi(posf dixit) \ , ,, , . ^ - ,• ¦ labcff;lr gig syr cu I simplicius — ex illis patri ) e j ^ APPENDIX III. {Moling) 315 Luke XV. 12, 13. [adolescentior] 3P JEW vg 8 12, [qpro quae] quod d Cf. gr contingat JVo^a (continget !POE, tanget d) divissit DE gat 13. luxoriose (D)EapiGHJ'©OVZ (q) 8 aur 14, consumpsit omnia (pro omnia consummasset) ordo E a e 8 gr syr copt goth (Confusio ex gr gen) consumpsit vett, non vulg. d = cum erogasset autem omnia famis £FCDEa>e.PGOT gat vett adeff;lqraur aegere ut vid. CS'X* gat (agere E) [wow vett] 16. abit Nova? adhessit D[p gat** 4- is (post et tert) D b e I q aur (c, ff; i syr) 4- o rroXiTT]^ 262, " qui " a (more a) missit D gat 16 iwi^, qui (pro et) Nova inter omn ut vid. more a, vide supra, sed non hoc loco [non gr, noti copt, twn sah]. — et syr S solus cum G*" inplere DEaPFJT(C) gatff; aur 17. mercinarii DS'(E) (e) 8 aur — in domo fere omn. [Habent W vg gig] habundant CDEOT aur [non vett] 18, ilh (pro ei) plur 19, mercinari's [p Dimma (D, E e S aur) 20, illeg ' cum autem , , , longe esset ' eum (pro iUum) D d — est prim. Nova (cf. syr eopt) — et miser, motus est ff; occurrens BDElPIlT Dimma aur gat 8 [male Wordsw. d; d = currens] ,, cedit (pro cecidit) id est procedit? eum r (pro cidit) (cicidit D gat Dimma) 21, - ei d [non D^'] e sah-eopt? gr 209 — iam Nova inter latt ut vid. cum i (teste Belsheim) cum gr 237 Evst 54 (cf. syr) (eti~ pro et jam Dimma) 316 GENESIS OF VERSIONS OF THE N,T. Luke XV. 21. fin. 4- fac m^ sicut unum de mercinariis tufs EQT [wow Dimmia] (gat) (d) et gr ^*BDUX al. [non syr copt goth] 22. anulum longe plur calciamenta plur pedibus (pro pedes) ElVTO gat [tioti Dimma] a b efff; I r aur (cf. eopt et syr) contra gr [ejus] vg gat et BO vett plur gr DGPX 28 69 al. copt 23, aepulemur B£FDJ]\T abdfq aur 24. [epulari] 25. propincaret A^owa (mM^. r2 = ...cauit) (proximans d) gr ijyyia-e ; sah = erropevdy ek siphonia ([PTWY e) simphonia Dimma 26. q (pro quid) Dimma ; quae plur. quaenam b, sed quidnam a efrr; 27. eum (pro ilium) d e om.D recipit Q Durmach Dimma gat r r; 28. egresus Nova cum gat 29. nuq bis Dimma ; nunquam «.PMf| c 8 i p~teriui Dimma (D) h~du (sic pro hoedum) hedum AEFIVW ef 8; edu Dimma T sepularer B£FDEGHO a bfff; (q), r gat [sed laetemur vers. 23] 30, tuam (pro suam) EQ e (e) ff;i q 8 et gr omn syr [cotitra copt ?] om. Durmach b d ; suam Dimma et rell. meritricibus D Dimma 31. ille (pro ipse) W d e f (gr omti 6 Be, excepta fam 13 cum Diatess et syr pesh 6 Be Trarrjp) fihi ut vid. Aff*M? Ditnma i ; om. a d D^' fuisti et es (pro es) Q [wow Dimma] I (abeqrr;) goth [non gr-syr-copt, non Tert] 32. tepulari EPCDGHO abd [nonf] q r aur gat aepulare E ff; (Dimma) 4- te (post autem) Dimma r Diatess ; cf. V; ; APPENDIX III, (.Ifolilig) 317 Luke (4- nos a bfff., syr pesh eopt) ; + te po,si! gaudere FOX gat I syr cu (non S) ; 4- nos i sah XV. 32. gaudire Nova xvi. 1. -etprim. D'3?KYW Durm gat [twn Dimma] b def lrr;etgr SY 64 6987 123 235 244 245 260 261 268 433 435 al. goth copt arm aeth syr vilicum plur (dispensatorem err; vide infra p) defamatus DES'(G) Dimma gat r; 8) (diffatus ff; !) delatus i ( erat (pro est) WX* b e ff; i q r ¦^'' ^''^V^v (fuerat a) (om. vett Wordsw)) disipasset [P^ 2. vihcationis plur (dispensationis r;, actus e ; hiat r) dispensare (pro villicare) r r; (D") (actum administrare a e; ef. Iren " ac- toribus et dispensatoribus ") 3. intra se dispensator (pro vill. intra se) Nova eum r (actor e) dispensationem (pro villic.) r r2 (actum e) possum (pro valeo) [posso r !] Nova cum Aug et syr ; Gr omn la-xvco et latt omn valeo ; eopt tyxeJLlXOJUl ; sah 60AX [erubesco] confundor ade 4. cogito (pro scio) Nova (om. E gat) cogitaui cefilr, cognoui ab ff;q; gr eyvwv (syr et copt) ; goth andthahta mik dispensatione (pro villic.) r (actu e) in domii suam Nova inter latt et inter gr- syr-copt-goth [domo suas q*] 5. dixit (pro dicebat) Nova eum r ex syr? (gromn eXeyev, except. Evan 248 enre) 6. — centum cados olei dixitque Nova. error litteras tuas (pro cautionem tuam) D b cff;q r r; gat (d) et gr ^*) TW 8 (Dimma ?) dimisam aur. demisam Dimma, demissam V duxerit (pro ducit sec. loco) Nova eum Tert (gr yapMv) 19, et (pro qui) plur (sed : qui a 6 e i g S §(£) porpura D [wow al. non Dimma] bi'so (bisso 2'^TW Dimma gat) cotidie mult 20. [meMicus sic] 21. cupens ut vid. pro cupiens (concupiscens e) — et nemo illi dabat omw [except. KTW I m gig 'n ,§ffl gr fam 13 130 Greg syr hier (A) Aphraat] venebant ut vid. 22, • abrache, abrachae Dimma (abrahe CTW abrahf B) mortus Nova ? (cf. Ditnma alibi) — et (aw^e dives) eum b solo [non q] [contra gr omn, eopt, et syr cum e diserte : " et dives ille "] 320 GENESIS OF VERSIONS OF THE N.T. Luke xvi. 23. - autem BCDMQTZ Dim Durm gatff; h i q et gr H* [cf. interpuncta et Tisch ad loc] videbat (pro vidit) ABCDFHJQTXY Dimma c (videt ff; r) abraa D lazar" (pro lazarum) more p eum Dimma 8 24. abraa D 8 lazar"" Dimma B (lazum q) [intingat] GJO*Z^ vg vett mult (tingat Z*, Tanguat sic Dimma) [in aqua] plur refregescet (pro refrigeret) Nova [cf. a (et Tert) ad xxi. 26 a refrigescentibus] 25. abraa 8 q (pro quia) Nova ; vult ? (qui G) [quia Dimma] quoniam a dei (om. ff; = recordarecipisti) recipisti DE[PM Dimma gat h (ff;) r hie 8 hiic E consulatur D[P^E Dimma (ef. Dimma et p in Jo) 26. chaus D3PH0EV Dimma de (ff; cbau) hiatus terrae a 28. -u- (pro quinque) DE venient (pro veniant) Nova ? (gr omn eXOuxriv) in locum hunc plur 29. abraa DT profetas D3P0 Dimma eff;qr fin. eos (pro illos) CT d 30. abrm Nova (abraam S ut vers 29) [a (pro ex inprimo*, vult tamen ex)] a mortuis c ; de mort. d, ex vel a mortuis B 31. profetas D3*0 Dimma eqr surrexerit ADGHMY Dimma f h etc. [resur- rexerit Dimma et al.] ad illos ierit a^2 ; ad illos ierint i I ; ad illos abierit c g ; ad illos abierint b ; abierit a mortuis e. APPENDIX III. (Moling) 321 Luke Cf. gr 225 246 TTopevdy = syr S [non Diatess = if a man from the dead rose] surrexerit et ierit ad eos dr; ef. Ireti resurgens ad illos eat et D^'' avaaTrj kui aireXdrj rrpov avTovi. xvii, 1, Bt ad disc, suos ait plur inpossibile plur 2, utills (jyro utilius) HY* inponatur plur proieciatur DS* Dimma pussillis D[P*E r B [noti Ditntna] 3, Adtendite BEFH©IJO Dimma gat d e f q r aur (antendite ff.^ — in te plur et syr eopt gr KABL 254 [A^ow DEFW vg ede qrB Ambr gr DXFAAH] peni (pro poenitentiam) 4. [poenitet] 5, diie (pro domino) BDFGHQT Durm gat bee ff; qr [non syr copt goth, non gr excepto 436 om.] (ad Dominum Dimrna) — adauge* (Habet supra lin** : auge, cutn Da>KOQEX*Z'= Durmach a ff; i r* 8 gig aur ; adde d ; adice e, Jrew) 6, diceretis plur (diceritis £FDHO Dimma) eradicere gat (eradice tP) obediret plur 7, qui habet (pro habens) r (GVWZ Durmach Dimma f h) cum syr copt contra gr e-xwv pascantem cum tP solo regreso gat (regro gig) dT (= dicit pro dicet vel dicat) CES* etc ede (dicet pZewo Dimma) recumbae Nova (cf. xvi, 7 scribae ff; et p ; xviii. 18 bonae E ff;q p) 8. dT cum Dimma ( = dicit pro dicet vel dicat) E GJP'Q '=\%ef8 Durmach Hil VOL. II. Y 322 GENESIS OF VERSIONS OF THE N.T. Lukexvii. 8, caenem EFCD ete, Dimrna 9. p^cinge nuqd sibi (pro ei) (D)M Dimma ff; q (procinge i) ABff' ete, vett [non adf 10, p""cepta dibuimus e s aur Cypr copt syr = ei ; om. X* cum gr permult et goth] D Dimma ff; q B Nova [non Dimma] 11, in hirii galileam 12, 4- in (post ingrederetur) D Dimma et vett [except, c f aur] cum gr goth copt [quoddam] quodam E q s; quondam ff;; quendam ade casstellum Nova [non Dimma] •X- DEFEW Dimtna r s 8 gat** 13, p~ceptor D Dimma ff;q8 (preceptor P) 14. [sacerdo" sic] 15, regresus est WB gat 16, cicidit DE Dimma gat 17, ¦%¦ EEW Dimma gat b s 8 noi (pro novem) Nova (noem Dimma sed cf. Dimma ad Matt, xviii, 12 nonagenta noim) Cf. 17/18 e : et nemo ex eis ( — novem ubi sunt) 19, 4- et (aw^e vade) DE JE Dimma a c efff; r aur gat contra gr syr 20, farisseis D Dimma (EE q r) respon eis 4- et = respondit eis et plur 22, desideritis 'H.ff;hr (desiderabitis M? Dimma) 23, (dnf pro dicent) Dimma dicent pZewo ecce hic ecce illic ( - et) mult, he q etgr DKLXn 33 al. Tert [contra vett latt plur Dimma et syr ; et gr plur copt 4- y] 24. fulgor conruscans (pleno) Nova; corruscansE, chorruscans gat APPENDIX III. {Moling) 323 Luke xvii. 24. 30. fi (pro filius) vult haud dubie filius [ver. 26 filii pletio] ; sed ef.efs ver. 24 : adventus fihi, et al. vett in ver. 30 27. bibant (0) vide infra 4- et (aw^e uxores) DE[PKEVZ^ Dimma gat cor vat* eum syr cotitra gr eopt et vett (cf. goth) diluiu S* Dimma r ? perdedit 0 [wow Dimma] 28, 29, 32. loth 28. [bibebant] vide supra edificabant W Ditnma (fdif. B) 29, exiuit EQE Durmach Dimma gat d e Iren a sodomitis (pro a sodomis) Nova Gr omn arro XoBopcov ; syr ex Sedum ; copt ^eti C02S.0JUIA., sulphor GE (om. a b eff;i I q) Bolphur Dimma, solfor D 31, vassa DS'E Dimma 8 in domu DE Dimma 8 discendat DE3*(E) Dimma gat rediat 3* [wow Dimma] 33, qcq; 6is quesierit ff; 8 (qu^s, P* gat) quess, Dimma saluare (pro saluam facere) DJKQVZ Dimma Durmach e ff; h 8 r; gig gat gr syr (d biuicare, bciq liberare), Gr. longe plur croaaaL ; sed D ^cooyovya-ai, BL Trepnroirja-aa-dai, ; ef. copt uiuicabit (pro uiuificabit) Nova 34, 4- autem (post dico) ES'^'^GJPKE gat [non Dimma] e, gr A 229** 251 264 ; -f- apyvf et Diatess ; 4- enim a syr cu in uno lectulo Novus ordo eum syr et Iren contra ord gr eopt sah ; lectulo lectio nova ; om. uno CT gat c et B*'' 34. adsumetur 35, adsumetur bis ' T 2 324 GENESIS OF VERSIONS OF THE N.T. Lukexvii. 37. eis (pro illis) plur (ubicqO — et plur et gr longe plur [Non EO vg b d (contra D^) aur et gr ^0 ; cf. syr et latt eum Orig Cyr Chrys ra vrrap'^ovra pov = Diatess et Hier semel 13. e longe Nova (de longinquo e) 14, discendit DES'FM'E Dim gat b e 8 (hoc loco, twn saepe) — ab illo cum 8 solo (super v yap e«:e«w>) Variant gr syr et latt sed non om. humiliauerit (pro humiliat) Nova cum c ; cf. copt syr et Gwill depresserit (gr Tarreivuv) humiliabit aur ; r invertens (q.v) 15, Adferebant BaFDE[PGIJ.POE Dimma gat bfff;hq aur (I) - et gatabdlr; D^ 25 60 64 goth copt [non syr eu S pesh] vidisent sic (pro viderent) vidissent ^'""'QE Durmach e [twn Dimma] 16, sinete 3P [wow Dimma] parauulos sic (pro pueros) paruulos DKETW 8 [non Dimma] (infantes adir tnale ex vers. 15 gr Ta 0p€ayr) pro et? yS.) betbfage plur bethania AB£FGHIOXYZ defhs aur gr 131 [Dimma — Bethania] [misit] missit D Dinima 30. 4- vos (posi; contra)- BDEa"°8KM'0QETW^af [wow Dimma] ^ §, q r aur copt Diatess (4- nos syr) " t^v KUTevavn Kwpyv" gr. tantum assinae D3*Y Dimma (E) r [alligatum] ; ibid, [umqua sic pleno] 31, vobis (pro vos) DE© Durmach d [D^ vpa^] et gr 435 vpLv [twn Dimma] — ei EM' Durmach [non Dimtna] ede ff;il qr s syr eu S et gr 130'" XBDFLE 28 243 al pauc Orig. Syr S sic habet ; abest sic iw syr cu 32, misi (more Dimtna) E3*ET* Dimma r* 4- ihs (post ilhs) KM?W [wow Dimma] cfff; i (I) q r gig non gr-syr-eopt 36, adduxerunt (pro dux.) a e r s But Gwill syr pesh interpr ; eduxerunt Dimma (adducentes d) iect antes Nova [non Dimtna] inpossuerunt WB Dimma gat 37, adpropinquaret mult discensum DE3*GE Dimma gat a (mut. b) des8 discentium (pro discip.) GM Eeg 1 A xviii f 8 (male Wordsw d), dicentium 3* corp oxon Durmach. Vide Wordsw ad loc (discendentium Ditnma et mult) viderent Nova (videbant gat a r) 38, [qui venit rex] 39. pharissseorum E 332 GENESIS OF VERSIONS OF THE N.T. !Luke xix. 40. hi supra Un. ; 41. adpropinquauit 41. [ciui pro civitatem] 42. cognovises Nova cum Dimma — etprim. DE Durmach Dimma a e ff;l r r;S [non gr, non Iren'^- '"'•] Cf. syr (equidem i) q. D 43, — et circumdabunt te sec BD3P0Q Durtnach Dimma r etc. conagustabunt (sic : oagustabunt) (E) Cf. continebunt a, conpraehendent d 44, prosternabunt ut vid. pro prosternent Nova. Cf, a = pauimentabunt, Gr omn iBa^iovai ; Eus iBa^iierdrjar) - tuos ACa*FGH@JMTX^Y Durmach [non Dimma] c ff; h i I s gat [non gr- syr-copt, non r;] 45, ingresus gat (more p) caepit D Dimma iecire Nova ; iecere D Dimma 46, vocabitur (pro est) E e r (vacabitur !) gat et gr C 28 252 436 Evst 48 aeth Epiph. [non syr-copt] erit c I et gr BLE (om, t^*) " est vocabitur " Dimma ! spelonq = spelonquam (speloncam DW Dimma gat, speluncham G) 47, cotidie plur princeps (pro principes) pr. \ B Durm gat* c q 8\ ^ ^-. „ -^^^^^ / • - N f [»*ow gr-syr-copt] princeps (pro principes) see. I ¦- » » j^ ¦> OYJ querebant CD gatff; 8 48. invenebant Nova (saepe ita p) XX, 1, angelizante sic 2. tibi dedit cum f solo et cum gr Evst 48 [i^ow gr-syr] 8. - Iesus mult APPENDIX III. {Moling) 333 Luke XX. 3. - unum CJKETVZ Durmach [tioti Dimma] c h q gr iiBBB fam 1, fam 69, 33 157 syr S pesh ( — unum verbum a e ff;i r? (mut) syr cu) sed Xoyov eva AKMSU*n 28 122 al. respon sic (pro respondete) respondite CEMOE Dimma gat aff; hir aur 4, babtismii ut vid. DSP Dimma id (vide infra) 6, quod (pro quia si) Nova om. quia eff; ilqr 6. omnibus (pro hominibus) Nova, errore iohaii ut vid. ioh~ Dimma profetam DS'O Dimma eqr 9. partim illeg init. ,,epit (cepit?) parabulam D3PGE Dimma gat ' et ipse peregre fuit ' illeg ( — et ipse ? eum gr syr copt — ipse) — fuit ? cutn r; ; Dimma = et ipse perigre fuit 10, cessum D[PG Dimma gat ; cesum W aur (cf. q vers. 12 ' cesum ') demisserunt (0) 11, addedit 0 mitere ut vid. (more Dimma) Hoc loco Dimma mTe cedentes B3PW aur (c§d, P> Eeg 1 B vii B) caed. Dimma adficientes EFDEGJO Dimma gat aur contumilia D[P Dimma [dimiserunt ut vid.] dimiss, Dimma gat 12, addedit OE eicierunt [P (ieccef t Dimma) 13, viniae Dimma (vini§ 8) (vinae E) Cf, DtP ad XX. 9 viniam quod (pro quid) Nova ? (sed cf. xxii. 35 aliquid = ali cum symbolo quod) 14, inT se Dimma 8 fiet (pro fiat) J i [non Dimma al.] ; Gr yevrjTai, sed 1 18 118 131 = ea-Tai ; et . , , erit clqr Gwill syr ; et , , , sit e ; kui rjpmv eaTui 334 GENESIS OF VERSIONS OF THE N.T. Luke pro Iva tjpmv yei'ijrai C fam 1, 18 syr cu S pesh (twn copt) ; kui ovtoi^ ea-Toi ypiov Diatess ; Habebimus Jrew ex Matt. XX. 15. iecectum DE (iectum Dimma) 16. veniam (pro vineam) Nova (vinia 8) ; illeg in vers 15 sed vin , . ut vid. 17. aspicens Nova (Vice versa r; scepe diciens) — hoc Q a e r, S [ex ord gr non A^] gr 142* 145 258 Epiphan [non syr copt] Cf. Diatess breviter ex Matt xxi, 42 edificantgs ut vid. (r) fin. angeli sic 18. ciciderit bis D Dimma gat ([PE) supra sec. DE(H) f ffi h i q [tion Dimma = sup" bis] 1^ fin. istam (pro banc) omw [exeeptis vg P* a d] 20. et (pro ut sec. ante traderent) omw [except. (£. a d r S] contra gr plur "eh to" vel wffTe NBCDL et gouCTE copt, sed syr Diatess sah goth ' et ' cum latt p~sidis D Dimma ff;q8 (pr§, tP) 21, ilium (pro eum) omti [except, vg Dimma gig ?] acipis Nova (adcipis ff^ - sed Nova [personas ed e sic] in veritate viam di doces (pro sed viam Dei in veritate doces) plur 22. tributa ? dare Ordo DG©MVWZ* Dur mach [non Dimma] vg a d i q aur* 8 et gr cessari D Dimma (W q ces,) cesari 8, cessari gat 23. autem supra lin. temptatis plur 24. vel (pro et) cum DQ, siwe auctoritate. [Contra " et " rell omn Dimma et gr-syr] Copt ita : X6 +glKUJrf ffCAA -^-eni- FpA.c|>H, ut syr S prorsus isto modo : " the image with the inscription," APPENDIX III. {Moling) 335 Luke XX, 24, cessaris D Dimma (W) cfsaris 8, caessaris gat 25, — ergo a d e ff; i I q D*'' aeth syr cu S Diatess [non pesh] sah copt = XE ; goth = us-nu-gibith, reddens gr arro-Toivvv-BoTe q (pro quae) bis (D gat) S cessaris cessari D[P(EQ Dimma) cesaris cesari 8, cgssaris caessari gat di sunt do plur fin. 4- reddite copt [non gr-syr-goth, nee latt al.] 26, rep~chendere Nova (ei respondere pro ejus reprehend ere Dimma). -\- sunt (post mirati) BO Dimma aur (gr davpaaavTe Breviter syr cu S — ei plur J 40. [audebant] contra D (et Y*) h errore audiebant (vide ad xviii, 26) qq sic pro quidquam 41, M esse 8 (ee ^^ Dimma, ordine EBvg) 42. et ipse bis script 42, 44. "SiS 8 (om. Dimma in 42, d's sic 44) 42. ad^xtris sic (adextris Dimma uno ductu) ; adextriis gat ; ad dextris GtP a e i qr 43, [scabellum] 46, Adtendite AB£F etc amabant (pro amant) Nova ut vid, (cf. spatium in r) ; cf. copt ; (gr i^CXovvtwv = aman- tium d) ; amantibus 8 ; aman tantum e sinagogis S*EW(E) Dimma ; syn. P h discubitos BDGItPMETY Eeg 1 B vii Ditntna al q aur 8 ff; (accubitos 5*0) APPENDIX ni. {Moling) 337 Luke XX, 46. convivis 2* Dimma [tion vett] 47, domi ? ut vid. Nova danatione sic xxi, 1. gazaphilogiii Nova. gaza... ut Dimma B 2. mitentem eum Dimma (more Dimma) 3. paupercula (pro pauper) D3P™^GE Dimma gat** c ff; (i) I m q r r; 8 (paupera ads) 4. ex abundantia A*ff'FGH0OEX<^Y gat (d) q 8 (DE[P Dimma gat r; ex hab.) submiserunt (pro sibi miserunt) om. sibi H ; submiserunt nova ut vid. [non Dimma] ; sua (pro sibi) d s ; et D teste Wordsw. Forsan cotifusio interDet d; silet Wordsw ded; scripsit librarius d vere "de abun- dantias uo," quod (pro quo) mult victum bis script ha (pro habuit)* buit supra lin. ab avn^aXXovri ? 5. lapidibus bonis omw 7. p~ceptor Dimtna DVW#2 q (8). pr§. ^ gat 8. quoniam (pro quia) DQDurmaehe (c£OLodff;iq) om. e r et gr NBLX et syr Tert (quod vel quia Dimma, symb. incertum) adpropinquauit fin. illos (pro eos) omw [except, vg et s] 9. prohelia (pro praeha) Nova (p'lia Dimma sic) non (pro nondum) omw et gr-eopt [except vg G cor vat mg a f syr Diatess] 11. iwi^. - et AGH ete. Dimma d 8 gr AL 237 al pauc [non syr-eopt-gr plur] sed instantius a e terr. 4- quoque 12. iniecient D Dimma gat 4- in (ante vobis) DQ Durmach [twn Dimma] et gr-syr-copt (super vos ade; supra vos 8 ; in vos c fff; i qr s) in sinagogis ET(E*) Dimma r-,, syna gogis BCKOXZ vett (sinagogis e sic) ; VOL. II. ^ 338 GENESIS OF VERSIONS OP THE N.T. Luke sinagogas S*W ; synagogas Bell cum gr accus ; syn, J* xxi, 12, 4- in (atite custodias) BOVZ [wow Dimma] g; h q s gig (4-ad D) syr [non gr] tradentes (pro trahentes) A£FCDE5PGHM0E X*Y Dimma gat (B) r; (gr ayop^vov^ vel array opxvovi) p~sides DT Dimma ff; i q (pr§, i.P gat) p~8edes 8 14, p^meditari (DW Dimma ff; I q) 8. pr§, P (respon" sic) 16, cognitis ut vid. Nova [twn Dimrna cognatls plane ; cognatiis gat] adficient £FDE Dimmia ete. 17, hodio C Dimma [twn al.] 4- hominibus (post omnibus) Q Dimma 'n §> f iffi) i q r r; gat cor vat*; homin. pro omn. c; 4- gentibus s (gr omn. vtro rruvTwv tamtum) 20, hiru adpropinquauit plur desolutio sic (desolutio 3P Dimma, disso- lutio EH) 21, iudea CDEa>P*OW Eeg 1 B vii Dimma gat e ff;i r s (8) (iudia E) in montes plur discendant QE(D) Durmach Ditnma gat r r;, descendant £FJTE ? c intrant G* [wow Dimma] r; [non r] (introeant e) 22. ipleantur (D^FOT gat a dff;) (B) 23. prignantibus D Dimma nutiyentibus ut vid. = [nutrientibus ; vide com- petidiutn iti tribus xxii. 30] sed Dimma = nutiuentibus ut vid. p~resura vel p~resuria vel p~resunia (presura D, p~"sura Ditnma gat) APPENDIX ni. (Moling) 339 Lnke \xi, 23, supra AFHOXY ff; h [non vett ut vid., twn Dimma = sup""] 24. hiru inpleantur DE3>JE gat dff; (repl, hoc loco a, et compl, W) tepora* (tepora q) 25. p^sura D Dimma p"" (pro prae) D Dimma ff; 8 [noti q] confussione DEEY Dimma gat (confessione e) 4- et (aw^e maris) CH*JMQE Durmach [non Dimma] h r; (G) ; 4- ut (ante sonitus) / fluctu sic B (ff; fluctum) 26. pro (pro prae) Nova ut M? ad xxii, 45 ( pre D Dimma ff; q 8 ut supra) ' a' a d exspectatione CES* etc. Dimma c6m°uebunT"' (pro movebuntur) ^^'^®B Dimma r gig (H^) syr pesh Gwill 28, — autem Nova [om. elaus syr hier (ABC), twn al syr, nee Diatess] adpropinquauit (pro appropinquat) X* Dimma (T, I m r) et gr fam 1 [non al] syr Hipp Tert (Marc et Besurr adpropinquaverit) om. claus. c redeptio (0*) 29, eis (pro ilhs) Nova ad eos q [non al.] 32. p~teriuit 0(M' i aur) (ff;) [non Dimma] 34. adtendite . ABEFCD etc Dimma grauerentur gat [twn Dimma nee aZ.] 4- in (ante curis) Nova eum r solo 4- in aw^e cogitationibus, Cf. copt rfEXil et syr cu S [wow gr] superveniet GH Ditnma r; (instet a, adsistet e, adsistat Jrew) 35. tag^ tanquam aliq et ab e 8 aur 4- fiir (aw^e laqueus) NOVA (inter omti) Cf. Proleg de copt z 2 340 GENESIS OF VERSIONS OF THE N.T. Lukexxi. 35, 38, xxii, 1, Adpropinquabat azemorum pasca 2, querebant P* 8 eum (pro Iesum) orbis terjiae (pro omnis terrae) D™^Q Durmach Dimma r; ; cf. syr cm S = Jrew ( — omnis) Om. iraa-T]'; fam 1 108 D* cum latt. W ff; [manicabat] mult DES*E Dimma Cerne gat (azim, GIM'TVW r a^r) H [wow al.]; phascha Dimma (alibi pascha except. 13 15) (querebant D Ditnma ff; q aur) omn [except. W Margaret I §C gr Evst 44 48 49] ilium a multDEEWZ Dimma gat abi B B (pecc. DP*) p^coniam gat DE gat q B (qu§r, P* Margaret) querebant ff; fere omn [opp, JOZ vg. a bfir] oportunum tempus e DE[PE Dimma Cerne gat H ? (vide vet%l) I.P Eeg 1 B vii Dimmia gat aur Margaret (ACHTYZ) pasca T 10. (ciui pro civitatem ut semper) — quidam plur anphora BEGKEV Dinima gat b I* B (ani. DT) (om. Tert) - aq, Dimma ; aq; gat (W q aque) aqu§ P sequemini E[PKQEV Dimma Certie rr;B (semini d) (Cf. r; ad xvii, 23) 11, pasca (silet Wordsw) 12, vobis ostendit plur caenaculum B£FCD ete. Ditntna Margaret, cin, h 18. autem .supra Un. pasca D (q = pacha) ; (phascha Dimma) 3. scarioth xii 4. abit 5, 6, [pecunia]querebat oportunitate 7, azemorum 8, pasca iohanne APPENDIX ni. {Moling) 341 Luke xxii, 14. xii DEEW Dimma gat 8 (om. abed eff; i I r) 15. pasca DT (phascha sic Dimma) 16. inpleatur CDWJOB gat aff; 17, [accipite aSsg'Me hoc] contra vett (except Dimma gat aur) calicem pro hoc D r r2 18, 4- hac (aw^e generatione) b [non q] syr cu S (4- hujus post vitis E bfgr 157 copt) fin. veniet r2 [wow Dimma] 19, acepto q* (adcepto J^a) — et (ante dedit) QW [wow Dimma, non al.] (sed deditque habent soror D et Liturg Bom Moz Ambros) 20. cenauit plur caenauit Dimma £FCDG@ KOQ Margaret (cenauerunt/; cenatum est E gat* Bom Ambros) noui testamenti EO Dimma cg;r gat* aur Orig (Cf. Lit Bom Ambros ; Cf. Iren Obi Euch) 22, difinitum S*KE Dimma (D gat aur diff,) illi homini plur et Dimma [non ET gat vg. a b (contra q) f 8] Cf. syr cu expresse ; — homini d e D^' ; ef. Tert 23. querere D gat h (qufrere J* Cerne) [non Dimma, variat inter quaer. et quer.j 24. - est E — et CD(E)QETDMrmacA, [wow Dimma] abe [non e, male Tisch] ff;ilqrr; (gat) gr ^ 127* 615 Orig. syr cu S (habet orf copt (= de novo) pro et). [Habent et d 8f] contensio D Dimma 26, 4- si (posi sic) Nova 1 cf. q (4- estis ra) - sicut prim. Nova 3 ef&ciatur ut bq iunior (pro minor) mult p~cessor DP* Dimma ff; (8) 27, aut (a) pro an DGQ Durmach Dimma vett [non 8 aur] 28. temptationibus (tept.) plur [Non ATXYZ] 342 GENESIS OF VERSIONS OF THE N.T. Luke xxii. 29. dispossuit S'E Ditnma gat r 30. -meo AC^GIJMWBUY Durm Dimma gat dehletgrD syr cu Orig [tion S pesh copt] regno Dei D (cf. Tert) certe sine auctoritate cod. nostri tronu (pro thronos) Nova, throno Durmach ; thronus G [cf. copt gAW epoitoc] gr em Opoviov xii DEEW Dim Certie gat abd, f (contra morem), iBr; aur ifBt Ditnma 8 (q) 31. expetit (ex emetid. ut vid) [non Dimma cum vg] DQ r2 ; expetiit Durmach; (Givill. petit ; copt 'shall ask') cf. 8: 'querebat vel expetiuit ' crebraret DES* Dimma gat crebrare 8 (scribraret Ma; ef. rell) 32. deficiet G (deficeret a Tert) [twn Dimma] 34. Et (7) pro At plur (Om. eopul. syr) qui a (more a) cantauit (pro cantabit) lOE [wow Dimma] / /i i Z (clamauit d) sed errore. (vociferabitur B) abnegabis nosse me (me iw marg)* Cf. c d al. (gr 124 258) 35. saculo J*. (G) [wow Dimma] (sacello e) [calceamentis cum vg J] non Dimma nuqd Dimma nl (pro nihil) (nil M?) nuUius bde 36. saculum P* (8) [noti Dimma] (sacellum d e) J X ,T r JT i Not^ Dimma vendet Nova [noti d]) tonicam DES*E Dimtna Cerne gat [emat] emet d 37. ipleri CD'^JO(B) a (8) aur gat [Noti Dimma passim impl.] Et quod cum (pro et cum) mult [nott Ditnma] (quod et cum a c d e i 8) quod ut cum ff; APPENDIX III, (Moling) 343 Luke xxii, 37. iniustis (pro iniquis) plur [non Dimma^ et a e e i gat* (gr otnn dvopav) 38, gladii duo plur [satis est] 39, egresus gat (more p) (ingressus Q Dimma) consuitudinem D[P [wow Dimma] — autem = sahid. Nova inter latt-gr-copt (cf. syr Q simplieiter " and his disciples vyith him ") eum (pro ilium) ET gat d ff; (om. c) 40, temptationem plur 41, iectus Nova (cf. a lap. ictus ; sed lapides missionem.d) possitis DES'E Dimma gat r 42, transfer a me calicem hunc E gat (If) 4- voluntas (post tua) Nova ; sah ? (mut. sah) [non gr-syr-copt] Cf. Tert : ' Nisi quod mea sed tua fiat voluntas ' 43, 4- et (ante prolixius) AB£FS>FHejKM:OQ EVXY Durmach Dimma Cerne a b [non q] c r syr cu 44, gutte GW Dimma; gutt§P*[wowaZ.] 46, surrexiset Nova illos (pro eos) D[P0JKOEVWZ Durmach [non Dimma] abehilqB aur (quos invenit c) p (pro prae) Dimma 8 (D ff;q) " pro " M" vide supra p xxi. 26 ; a tristitia cd; a maerore a 46, — quid dormitis DE gat et sah 113* (sed cf. Diatess et D^' d) 4- et (atite orate) DEQ Durmach Ditnma f I q gat syr cu [noti S pesh] sah 113" contra gr " avuGTavTe'i irpoaev'^eade " temptationem plur 47. illo (pro eo) DQE Durmach [noti Dimma] gat beff;iqr? [duodeci pleno, contra morem a] anticidebat Nova [tion Ditnma] 344 GENESIS OF VERSIONS OF THE N,T. Luke xxii. 47. adpropinquauit mult 49, Videntis ut vid. error ¦ hii CDE3P etc. h aur (hi Dimtna) om. r percutimus diie si vis in gladio (pro Domine si percutimus in gladio) Nova (Domine si vis perc, in gladio Q Durmach ut vid. ; Domine si vis percutimus eos in gladio Dimma; Domine vis percutiemus eum in gladio b ; dmb si percutiemus in gladio d) 61, 4- eis (posfait) D'^Q Durmach [non Dimma] (4- ei E gat ; 4- ilh aiet T^') [tioti syr-copt] [sinite]sanabit Nova ut vid. (errore) [tion Dimma] 62, venerunt* q [wow Dimrna^ gladi's 3*E [noti Dimma] (cf. i ad xxii, 38 gladi) 53, cotidie plur 54, opchendentes Nova (oph. Dimma) (contenentes d) de longe (pro a longe) Nova (paxpodev gr omn except. DA al pauc arro paxpoOev) 56. atrio plur [non vg J] 56. ancella DB*3' Dimtna gat qda Dimma (D 8) qufdamP'Cerweg'ai; quaedem A 67, - eum (post negauit) a b efi I r gr NBD^KL MSTXn al 40 syr eopt sah arm aeth Gb. Laeh. W-H reete [Non Tisch. ed viii !] 58, [pusillum] puss. D5PEY, Dimma (contra morem) — O (atite homo) EGE [noti Dimma] b c d f ffi i q [mut. a] (om. 0 homo syr cu S pesh a b ff; i I q r contra gr) 59. quidem 0 (quis d) om. b e il q adfirmabat B£FCD ete. Dimma Certie fhr gat aur 8 (cf. rell) galileus CDE5P0EW Dimma Cerne ff; i q r gat (galilfus P') 60, [quid*] [cantauit gallus] Cotitra : gall. cant. £FE3P KOVWX*Z gat abcdf hi r aur APPENDIX III. {Moling) 345 Luke xxii. 61, dixit (dx) pro dixerat AB£FCD[pJOQETXY Dim gat vett omn [except. aur] (gr emei) 62. egresus (ut semper p) gat amarissime (vel ...ae) [pro amare] Durtnach* Dimma q (non al) Cf. copt d^^n CvHtyAty I cotitra sah gH o-VCItyE. 63. inludebant cedentes CIPP'VWZ aur (c?d. 8) [non Dimma = caed.] 64. profetiza a>Q Dimma (DO) a (contra morem) i (contra morem) q r ; profeta r2 ; profitiza e (ef. p infra xxiv. 19) [nobis abest] cum plur et Ditnma 65. blasfemantes DT Dimma a (contra morem) dqr; blaspem, e 66. consihum (pro concil.) Durmach B [non Dimma] (consensum c) 67. dixero vobis Ordo tiovus ut vid. inter latt et gr., sed cum eopt syr [credetis] CDEH@JKVWX Dimma Margaret gat cor vat d q vg 68. (respon sic pro respondebitis) respondetis BCDEa*QET vett plur [non Dimma Margaret a r aur] demitetis Dimma (H dimitetis) demittetis BGE, demittitis aur xxiii. 2. accussare ilium (pro ilium accus.) DS*QE Durm Dim Cerne B (ordo eum plur) cessari D^'E Dimma (c§ss. gat) (ces. P*W Cerwe; c?s. I 8) (r;) 3. iudeorum ut vid. D'^W Dimma ff; q aur gat (iud^or, P* Eeg 1 B vii Cerne I 8) respoii ( = respondit) pro respondens ait Bad gat (cf. syr eu S simplieiter ait) 4. ni (pro nihil) Nova ? 5. per universam iudiam docens Ordo tiovus 346 GENESIS OF VERSIONS OF THE N.T. Luke ut vid. (om. docens b e i I q gr \i* 64 [non syr eopt] ; iudiam nova ut vid. xxiii. 5, 4- et (aw^e incipiens) mult et Dimma Cerne [non W vg vett plur] galilia (gallia E) 6, audens Nova (vide infra cupens) galiliam r2 galileus CDE3P0EW Dim Cerne Margaret aur gat (galilf us P*) [a galilea vett plur] 7 init. — et DQ [wow Dimma] r2 [wow gfr-sj/r-copi] — ipse ( — et ipse vett plur syr pesh Diatess) [non syr cu S, wow eopt, twn gr, non Dimma afr 8] Om. claus X^' errore 4- in (aw^e hirusolimis sic pleno) D Dimma Durmach b qB cum gr copt syr 4- in (aw^e illis) BCS'G Dimma Durtnach abe dfq r (8) et gr copt 8. biro (pro herodes) Nova [sed herodem supra vers. 7 et itifra vers. 11 p] cupens Nova (vide supra audens) [wow ititerpr. B] ; volens d = deXiov gr audiret plur [audierat vg V Dimma c ; audieret q] de illo plur 9. ilium (jiro eum) plur nl (pro nihil) respoii sic* (bat supra lin.**) 10. etiam (pro autem) plur et Dimma (autem supra lin. p**, eum CDG@TX* vgadfff;Br gr et syr ; autem etiam E gat ; om. W sah copt) igitur c accussantes DEiPE Dimma Cerne 11. [hero~] vide supra vers. 8 inlussit DW^ Dimma (inlusisset/) remissit [wow vers. 7] DE gat 12. hirodis Dimma (herodis E^P^QE, ei5 S tjers. 11) ante (pro antea) E Ditnma (an) b c ff; q aur APPENDIX III, (Molitig) 347 Luke (om. syr eu S [non pesh Diatess'\) ante ea gat ; om. elaus. d et D^' xxiii, (14 Wordsw) 13, eos (pro illos) c df [non Dimma] 14, [obtulistis] Al. opt. sed B = attuhstis nu a -f ilium (post interrogans) cum e* [i Hum sic omittens nullam] 4- eum Q cum syr cu S pesh Diatess copt [twn gr] 4- mortis (post causam) Nova (ex vers. 15 22) ef. apapTrjfia sah eopt in eo (pro in homine isto) d (ex vers. 22) ef. sah gr 69 syr eu et cf. r " in hoc de his " accussatis DE[PE Dimma Cerne 15. biro sic (Hirodis Dimma) nl (pro nihil) 17 fin. 4- vinctum DQ [non Dimma] c q gig? (I et gr 229 mg 611 quemcumque vol, populus et Betrpiov 6v ¦rjOeXuiv) Cf. syr S Beapiov ; transponunt al. ; om, vers. al. 18, baraban Nova hoc loco ut vid. eum gat, Dimma. etff; barabam (Cf. P* Dimma alibi) 19, [ciuitate pleno, contra morem p : ciui] misus EiPE Dimma (more Dimma) Cerne 20, loqutus Nova (more Dimma in Joh [non Dimma hoe loco] contra morem p) loquutus 0X (ut semper) illos (pro eos) omw dimif e sic (dimitre H*) 21. suclamabant (pro succ) Dimma (subcl, B£FCGJP>0*TVZ Eeg 1 B vii ff; q) clam, / aur ; procl. a ; clamauerunt c d crucifige cru sic [Non Dimma = crucifige eum crucifige eum] ilium (pro eum) plur [Non EOEW Dimma Margaret gat c dl B aur vg] 25, misus E Dimma aur gat petabant txt vid. Nova cutn gat [tioti Dimma] 348 GENESIS OF VERSIONS OF THE N.T. Luke xxiii. 25. vero autem* (pro vero) Nova, sed 8 = autem vero (Evan 244 tov lyaovv Be) fin. 4- susciperunt ergo ihin et portans crucem ducebatur* DQ Dimma I (c ff; r) [non gr-syr-copt] 26, (simonem quendam cyrenensem illeg) inpossuerunt S*E Dimma gat r 27, — ilium Nova [tion gr-syr-copt] eum gat et r lamantabant Nova [non Dimma] (lamen- tabant BCD etc., vett ; lamantabantur Y) 28, — Iesus cum P* solo [non a, male Wordsw.] non gr-syr-copt hirii 29. — ecce E [wow Dimma] a b d eff;l r D^ fam 13, 666 syr eu R Diatess arm aeth [Habent copt syr pesh] beate EW (beat^ P* Eeg 1 B vii) beata e 31. quasi (pro quia si) M"Z* e. Cf. syr cu S aeth gr B Evst 257 259 om. si [wow Diatess] viride BEFDX Dimma ? Cerne* aur facient (pro faciunt) Cerne [non Dimma^ fiat (pro fiet)* sed correxit ipse p* fiet (8 = fiat) 32. Dducebantur errore 33. caluarif (contra morem p) P* (caluarie EW) caluariu B ubi (pro ibi) EQ gat [non Dimma tiec al.] senistris 3* [wow Dimma] syn. gat 34. ignosce (pro dimitte) Nova inter libros tiostros matiuscript. latt sed eum Hier (adv Pelag) Aug et Auct Quaest et Ireti (Chr Passio) " rogabat Patrem ut ignosceret his qui se crucifixerant " quod (pro quid) Nova [non Ditnma] [sortes] 35. diridebant DE[P.PM'*E Dimma aur gat, ridebant 8 ! super A e^epvpKTTjpi^ov APPENDIX III. {Moling) 349 Luke xxiii, 35, ilium (pro eum) plur faciet (pro faciat) Nova (facit EIP^^E) [faciat Dimma rell] Xpc sic, (non vers. 39 = -xpi) cutn Margaret cf. P* alibi 36. inludebant plur acceptum (pro acetum) Nova ; accetum CP*EY Eeg 1 B vii Dimma r aur (om. claus syr cu S [wow Diatess^ oferentes (pro off.) Nova offerebant DS'O Dimtna Certie b d eff; Iqr aur D^^ illi (pro ei) plur 37, — et (aw^e dicentes iwi^.) omw et D'^" sah copt, tion al. [except. acfB §>iit] iudeorum (contra morem p) D [PP* W Eeg 1 B vii Ditnma ff; q (8), iudforum Cerwe gat 38, inscripta (pro scripta) Mult et Ditntna b q 8 (inscribta EFEGO*X"YZ* h) inscriptio superscripta d ilium (pro eum) omw lif is Dimma (literis PE r ? aur S ?^) grecis CDP etc. Dimma ff;hlq aur ebreici's DWW Dimma (T) (8) iudeorum DIPHOW Dimma gat ff; q (B) 39, blasfemabat D[P Dimma q 40. ilium (pro eum) plur et Dimma [sed non DEG BHvg adf qrB] in ea (pro in eadem) cum c e (syr hier B) forsan error ex damnatione seq., sed cf. copt. fiti. — es Nova cum e (ex industria ; sic scribebat libr. : " quod in ea danatione n nos qdem iustae ") Cf. d et nos sumus (pro es) ; cf. r (tnut.) ; ff'i est pro es habet 41. iustae* C Dimma (cf. xvi. 7, xvii. 7, xviii, 18) nl (pro nihil) 42. memento mei diie (pro Dne mem. mei) (b q r) 350 GENESIS OF VERSIONS OF THE N,T. Luke 8 [non Dimma] gr AC^M^EXrAAO al, syr pesh et hier C Orig ; — dne a et gr NBC*DL, Cf, Tisch ad loc xxiii, 44, tenebrae fact§ (ff; h) (tenebr§ fact? P Eeg 1 B vii 8) usque in nonam horam ABDH@JMM'EY [wow. Diwwwa] b q (e) h contra ord gr copt ; ' usque in nonam ' 8 super A ecu? mpa'; evaTtji;. 46, exspirauit ADEPM'QV Ditnma Cerne c dh 8 gat Tert (Marcion) 47. centorio DE Dimma [non vett] 48. revertabantur Nova ut vid, [non Dim/ma] 49, autem supra lin. (om. aur) secute W q (secut? tP Eeg 1 B vii I) erant eum fere otnn (fuerant eum Dimma) galilia E 51. consilio eorum et actibus Ordo novus. Cf. copt et syr pesh lectt. in commune hab. ut vid. contra gr arimathea ut vid. voluit libr. Nova [noti Dimma] (ciui sic) iude iud§ P* (iudee W, iudae EQEV Durmach Dimma) exspectabat E[PKM'EVX*Z(Q) Dimma Cerne q 62. petiuit Nova eum Dimma et d 53. depossitum DE3PE Dimma gat + in (ante sindone) £FDE[P'"SH@IO*QEX* Dim Cerne gat abode f ff;lqr aur et D^"' 440 cum syr copt [wow gr] 4- mundo (post sindone) 4- munda Q gr min ; + nouam b fam 13 157 [wow Tert, tioti syr sed ef. eopt syr pesh] possuit DEIPE Dimma gat r - eum* E 6 cum gr fam 1 69 22 33 arm (copt) [tion syr] monomento EO* Dimma APPENDIX III. (Molitig) 351 Luke xxiii. 63, possitus DE3*E Dimma gat 64. parascuse Dimma (parascue D ; para- scevae Durmach; parasceue A°3PP*M' QX°Y Eeg 1 B vii / r S aur gig ; cena purae e, cenae purae abcq, cena pura^2) sapatu (pro sabbatum) Nova (cf. Dimma im, Joh) . inluscebat Nova 65. subsequtg Nova; subsecut§ P* Eeg 1 B vii ^ai (subsequutae H©X*) ipso {pro eo) fere omn [non r] galilia Nova (ut B alibi) [mouMmentum 7ioc loco] et Dimma ; monom. E possitum D[PE Dimma gat r (E) 56. revertantes Nova [non Dimma] ungenta ABFHMM'OXYZ'' Dimma h I [sabbato] vide supra xxiv. 1. deluculo BDO*B Dimma ff; aur [monwmentum] monom. E Dimma 4- maria magdalena (ut EiS alibi) et altera maria Nova eum Dimma (4- maria magdalena [sic eum P*K a d xxiv. 10] et alt. maria et quaedam cum eis E) 4- yvvaiKet C^GH al. pauc. Eus aromata quae paraverant Ordo twviis cum copt (syr) Diatess [contra lat-gr] Tert " cum odorum paratura," Om, aromata abed eff; I r D^'' syr cu S, Hinc inversio in p 2, a monomento E [wow Dimma] r (hoc loco) 3. ingresse [twn ingrese more p] EW ff; q (ingress§ P* Eeg 1 B vii) fin. 4- in monomento Nova ititer omnes [non gr-syr-eopt] sed cf. Diatess 4. consternate EW q (consternate P* Eeg 1 B vii Cerwe B) + et (aw^e ecce) DEE Durm Cerne gat [non Dimma] behlq rS grplur [non syr copt] 352 GENESIS OF VERSIONS OF THE N,T, Luke xxiv, 5, Cum autem factae* (voluit haud dubie timidae cum r) Legimus vero : Cu timerent (iw marg.) autem factae declinauerunt Nova cum r [non Dimma] sed inclinauerunt cdr syr. Diatess, D^ eKXeivav [grplur KXivovaav] eas (pro illas) DE d r [non Dimma]' queritis E gatff; q aur 8 (queritis P) 6. (non est hic sed illeg) galilia D 8. recordat§ P* Eeg 1 B vii (recordate W) 9 iwi^, Et et (bis) regress? P* 8 (regresse W q) egresse ff; de monumento DQ Durmach [non Dimma] renuntiauerunt Dimma a b c e q r (gr arrrjyyeiXav) 10. [magdalenae] vide supra iohanna illis (pro eis) DQ [wow Dimma] (ipsis M? ^ 6ff;q) — quae sec. [twn Dimtna] b d e ff; q gr X*ABD ete. syr cu S [wow 8, male Wordsw] haec dicebant ad apostolos (pro die. ad aposi, haec) (EE) [wow Dimma] b e ff;q syr eu S 11. deleramenta DEBDimma Certie aur gat (^GZ c 8) ; ef. a delira Id est: " delira verba ista " pro " deliramentum (eum gr omti Xrjpo<;) verba ista " cum (syr pesh ut vid), sed noti eum syr eu S Diatess eopt aeth credebant omw 12. surgens autem petrus (pro Petrus autem surgens) Nova ; ef. 8: autem petruS' surgens. Om. vers. E a b d e I r D'' [tioti syr cu S copt] [monumentum] mono. E* [wow Dimma] lintiamina D[p Ditnma 8 APPENDIX III, (Molitig) 353 Luke xxiv. 12. [sola] possita DQE Durmach Dimtna (possita, — sola [P) abit E Dimma (non alibi) gat 13, 4- in (ante ipsa) Cerne b c dff;8 (non Dimma) [silet Wordsw] (gr ev avTy Trj yp. ; a ev Tr] avTtrj yp.) LX- DEFOETWZ Dimma (gat) afB hiru ammaus DE*a*E Dimma al* (b e ff; r) amauus gat ; ulammaus d 14, loqibantur (ef. 8 aur) de his omnibus ad invicem Ordo tiovus ( — ad invicem ab ff;l r gat) accederf (= accederunt) accederant DEO*E accid. Dimma rell 15, quererent . DW (qu?r, P*) adpropinquans mult 16, eorum (pro illorum) A^ESPF etc., vett [non Dimma ff; I aur] nee (pro ne) Nova inter omn [gr tov pv emyvatvai avTov ut Versionn. ut vid.] ; recognoscerent wwo ductu gat, ut non d cognoscerent d e gat 17. ad alterutrum (pro ad invicem) Dimma a r gat syr pesh Diatess (one v?ith another copt) et Orig. Gr irpo'; aXXyXov;, D 7rpo<; eavTov;. Om. syr eu S 18. 4- erat (post nomen) D3*™*E Dimma gat e e I r aur (a) cleopas plur perigrinus D Dimma (advena d ; pere- grinus vel incola 8 ; peregrinaris c e) hiru 4- in (am,te his) E Dimma a b c d f ff^r 8 (gat) gr orrni copt; istis absque in e (om. in his diebus syr cu S, wow Diatess) 19. [nazareno] VOL. II. - A gr 354 GENESIS OF VERSIONS OF THE N,T, Luke xxiv, 19, — vir DEZ Dimma Durmach a b f g;l r [noti gr syr copt] profita ut vid, cf. e supra xxii, 64 (profeta Da*0 Dimma e r) plebe (pro populo) Dimma b (ff;) I r gat 20, tradiderunt eum BCDIP Durmach Cerne etc., [non Dimma] 8 aur (h) gr NBL etc. Orig syr sumu sacerdotu sic . Nova (voluit summi sacerdotum cum ASFDFG etc) (E b dff; h I r 8) non Dimma dapnationem E3P@EW(E) [wow Dimma rell] 21. — esset Nova (ef. vett) ifKl Dimma 8 quo (pro quod) DMTY aur (ex quo EQE Dimma gat a c d e, a quo 8, gr a' ov) — haec sec E e [contra baec 4- omnia syr cu S pesh, Diatess (Vat twn Borg)] 22. — et Q Durmach e [non Dimmia] 22, 24. [monumentum] mono. E [wow Dimma] 24 fin. viderunt (pro invenerunt) plur et vett et gr-syr-eopt [contra A^^SPFGHeiP KMM^OVWXY vg Tisch., ed. antiq. sitie auctoritate, (ex dittogr. ut vid. invenerunt supra)] 25. (in omnibus quae locuti sunt prophetae illeg) 27, incipens Nova (more p) mc^si moysi DIP profetis D5PE Dimma e r 28, adpropinquauerunt nvult - se DEIPFGMM'E Durm Dim gat 8 Wordsw txt [contra Aplur., vett et vg !] 29, cogerunt S'E Cerwe 8 (coxerunt d) [non Dimma = rogauerunt cutn E] ad vesper" declinat dies (pro advesperascit et inclinata est iam dies) Simplieiter ititer omn p cum Dimtna (vide r mut) APPENDIX ni. (Moling) 355 Luke Cf. J : ad vesperum declinav.it iam dies ; ad vesperum declinawi^ dies edl. Aliter D (duas lectt. eonfundans), aliter rell, et vett (cf. a, b eff; r et CET ; aliter syr copt) xxiv. 30, ihis (pro eis) plur accipit S*QEY Dimtna gat r (gr Xa^av tov apTOV evXo'yrj6rj ; Gwill syr pesh : conspectus est) 35, in panis fractione Ordo novus cum Dimma r et gat : in panis fractionem et eum c e in panis fractura (cotitra Iren et gr-syr-copt) 36, — autem** Cor vat* ace [non gr-syr-copt] ihs stetit plur et Dimma (36. et dicit ... 53 fin. partim illeg) 39. 4- meos ? (post pedes) DEIP°«EW Dimtna a b dff; Ir 8 gat gr plur syr [tion Tert] ipse ego sum omw cum gr AXFAAII al. [except. vgcdeff; Tert ego ipse sum, secZ gr mMlt = eyo) eipi avTO'i] Om. avTo<; 300 syr eopt X"" ¦41. non credentibus illis a, d (eis) f ff; (r) (8). [twn Dimma]. (Cf. E gat e) cum ord. gr amaruvvToav avrcov Tjf~ ( pro prae) Dimma DJ^Wff; q 8 (pr§. l),"a" de 42. [et favum mellis] Cf. Tisch et Burgon 44. 4- mea (post verba) Ea"°«E Dim gat (d) r gr ABDKLNXn 33 157 Evst 53 syr hier [non syr S pesh Diatess] inpleri CD^^FO aff; r aur gat 2 A 2 356 GEISTESIS OF VERSIONS OF THE N,T. Lukexxiv, 44, [mo'^-.fi] 4- in (aw^e profetis sic eum DIPO e) Nova ut vid. eum gat c et gr NL syr [non Diatess] 4- in (ante psalmis) E Dim gat c r et syrr [cotitra gr et Diatess] 46, die tertio AY Cerne [non Dimma] 47. p'dicari Dimma 8 (D q) pr^dicari tP 49, prommisionem vel promissionem (diff. legere) Ec de (aBr gat) promissum Dimma al. sedite ut vid. E r [noti Dimma] (ciui) quousque E(S*) ; usquequo S; (usque dum gat d r ?) [twn Dimmia eum vg] indusemini ut vid. Nova ab excelso (pro ex alto) DE [wow Dimma] abexalto sic gat (a summo a) 60. — foras ut vid. a e [non Dimma nee al.] gr NBC*L 1 33 157 ((copt)) syr pesh [non S Diatess] usque ad (pro in) cum gat a et gr ^(E) Deer Dimma ff; gat (B) EY Deer Dimma (D)LE Dimma gat ^B Deer [non al. twn Dimma] (Iren) ut luceat r iusti tia profeta vocauerispreibis remisionem vissitauit 79 iwi^, 4- et inluminare — in sec. DSPJLMQ Dimma Deer a d r r; aur 8 Iren et gr omn et eopt : n EJU. 80. 4- in (ante spiritu) D'3?BQB Dimma Deer Betiehor gat a bff; qr? r; aur Ireti eopt [non gr] [in desertis] usque ad diem QEW Durmach Benchor r; [non vett] illeg Dimma fin. israhelpZewo (contra morem ifiii) ii, 1, in illis diebus DQE Dimma a c e et Chron. gr^^" Dimma S'QE Dimma Deer r; (Durmach cussare) LQETY(D) Durmach Deer Dimma q r; aur DO Deer Dimma ff; q gat aur (B) Nova (sirie T Dimma, syrie W) ETW Deer \ cyri nomine 2*LQE Dimma gat r; 3 Durmach E(L) DS'GJPLOEWY Dimma a ff;l qr aur (gat 8) iudiam Deer plur et Dimma Dimma (dd 8) mult., et Dimma sic DV Dimma [ex domo B] 5. profeteretur [wow ver. 3] DLO(E) Deer Ditntna exit cessareagusto 2. presidesirice cirino 4- nomine 4. gahha iudeam — m see. ¦^5 bis bethle de domu profeteretur [wow ver. 368 GENESIS OF VERSIONS OF THE N.T, Luke ii, 6, sibi disponsata Q [wow Dimma = disp. sibi] — uxore Nova inter vulg cum Dimma, P (teste Tisch) (e) f q** d (r) r; eum ^J.PM?E Deer (lisana Dimma) abilane (abilante Durmach) (abihane QT Deer efr) abiline cP (abihanae Dimma al) tetracha tert. DE Deer Dimma 2, suprincipibus sic (suprincipe d sic) [caipha] iohanne 3, predicans D Deer Dimma gat (cP I B) babtismu D(L)E Deer Dimma penitentiae a'L(W) Deer Dimma ff; gat B remisione EY Deer Dimma d 4, issaie ([hPL) (essaie Dimma al) APPENDIX III. {Moling) 373 Luke iii. 4. profetae D3*L0E Dimma eqr 6, inplebitur CD[PL Deer Dimma a ^2 S'ti^ 7, exiebant plur (E exiebat, G exierant) [exibant W Dimma vg] babtizarentur LE Deer Dimma (D gat) ab ira ventura Ordo novus inter vulg ut vid. eum a b c f ff; q r aur syr copt Ambr Athan contra gr goth [contra Dimma a ven tura ira et contra : ' futura ' DS'^'^LQE Deer Durmach, non vett] (def. r; ; incipit iii. 8) 8, [psenitentiEe] pen, Ditnma 3PLE abraa DW 8 (T) [wow Dimma] potest (pro potens est) plur Dimma Deer gat et b g;h 8 aur (gr BvvaTui, goth mag) [contra q et vett rell Iren bis Arnob Ambr etc.] abrache Deer E, CTS, L) abrachae Dimma 9, ad radices CDS^^sGLETV Dimma Deer corp oxon. ioh oxon. e ef r aur Artiob Ambr Paulin et goth ut vid. vaurtim possita DIPLE Dimma Deer gat r facens Nova 10. turb§ 8 (W) 11. tonicas DlPE Dimma gat aescas D Dimma 12. pupHcani DS'E Dimma babtizarentur D[PE Deer Dimma (gat) eum (pro ilium) a d [non Dimma, noti al.] 13. (nl (pro nihil) sic) ntnl B (nhl Dimma) q (pro quam quod) = quia. Nova [irepi pro rrapa Evst 44**] (- quod ASPFHQOQY Deer gat 8) [quam quod Dimma] fin. — faciatis a b e e q r 14. venerunt autem et milites et interrogauerunt eum (pro interrogabant autem eum et milites) Nova (eum Tert) ; interrogauerunt (pro ...bant) Gb c dff;l qr, etgr CD calumpnia W gat (cf. D) '374 GENESIS OF VERSIONS OF THE N.T. Lukeiii. 14, stipendis [P (E) gat (stipentis Deer, stipendif Dimma) 15, iohanne Xpo sic 16, respon = respondens Aoc Zoco D Durmach Dimma cblr? (d) (D^) iohannis IP^K^OE Dimma aur dixit (pro dicens) D Dimma [non Durmach] e(bl) dr babtizo vos aqua ordo Q Deer eum (d) (e) f ¦ copt syr Orig D^ fam 1 (fam 13) 127 131 ? 132 611 Ambr Cypr Aug [non Dimma] (babtizo Dimma DE gat) venit mult corregiam D Dimma d (coregiam e) calciamentorum babtizabit DS* Dimma (B gat) 17, aerea Nova (haream C ff;) congregauit BMM'OTYZ* Deer bf (colligat e) triticum suum in orreum (pro triticum in horreum suum) E Dimma (boh) ; triticum siium in hor reum suum gat sah ; cf. tov pev anov gr DEGA fam 13, 237 476; - avTov post arzoOyKyv N» D 13 (Z e boh (orreum T"*) [eum A et rell r; vid.] oburet mult 18, populum plur 19, Herodis pr. D[P^GE Deer Dimma gat tetracha DE Dimma (detracha Deer) Herodis see. E Deer gat (hirodis Dimma) 20, — et (am,te inclusit) Q (E) Dimma Durmach gat cum gr N*BDS [contra rell et tnin omn et goth] b d e r; (eopt) Diatess io in carcere BDGIJcP etc. ?^ Deer Dimma gat aceff;qgig "Colb"^r Tert copt (enityTEKo) APPENDIX III, {Molitig) 375 Luke in. 21 22 babtizaretur babtizato discendit beneconplacui 23. tringenta 24. matha 25, lannsB nauQ DE Deer Dimma (gat) D(E gat) Deer Dimma Da>GlM?E Dimma Deer gat b e D Durmach Deer Dimma (e) f r;B Nova Q Dimma ([P Durmach) gr 440 Evst 259 mult (lavvai B L 33) DS'QE Deer Durmach gat g; I (gr et copt rf«S.OYJUi) hes (pro hesli) Nova (hessi |^ ; essau E eaaai 69) 26, mathath (pro mahath) Nova mathathie TW (Dimma) ioseth (pro ioseph) JJ'M? Harl 2797 Dimtna ? 27, ianna Nova cum gr 40 251 (ioana B) lavav 22 lavvav 259 Q Ditnma gat (E) et gr 66 58 61 69 604 pr,aaa Durmach Dimma (cosan IJM?§C a gr 90 234 643 571 ; variant rell) GIJM?T Dimma (X*) B Durmach gat (lyaco pro laay gr 1 131, ivo-ov BL 13 33 69 346 copt) elizar (elizer E) copt E?sE^Ep zorim (pro lorim) iP^Q Durmach (zoris r, zorum Deer ; sorim E) 30. semeon DQE Dimma 4- qui fuit zoanse (post iona) Nova eliacim 31, melcha ressa 28. cossa 29. helmada iessu 32. mathathia obeth boos nasson 0J*KMQT gat '^^^aq aur 8 a'*JQET Deer Durmach Dimma '-'^ § aur a>iQ gat Durmach (B, D, T) DGET Dimma Deer abel q aur gr M 78 (obeht ff;) DQ(E) Deer Durtnach gat abde ff; etgr N'^ABDLM 40 69 72 507 (^ooa^ 118 209 !) boz Dimma (B) Deer q gr 124 (copt r( ^agnes. et ad puu. . j^gtin ^'^°^-' ^ ''"¦) and since (Augustine De cw. Dei, 5 xi.) -^ave made it their business to mention, for very obvious and beautiful reasons. See the late Bishop Wordsworth's note on this subject ad loc in his Greek Testament, I need say nothing more, except that the indictment against B stands ; it stands because the MS, occasionally departs from its running text on absolutely untenable grounds, and its changes are not found to be innocent and childlike ones, as its chief sponsor informed us was the case. The extraordinary thing about this is that the Eevised Version did not put a marginal note on this passage. The reason is that they could not say, " Some ancient authorities omit of Christ," because only owe ancient authority did so. I am not exaggerating in the least. I can point to a place which proves it. In the first epistle of St. John ii, 25 the text runs in E,V, : " And this is the promise which he promised us even the life eternal," but the margin informs us that " some ancient authorities read you." B^" however is the only one of Greeks with am fu of Latins, all clearly sheer mistakes ; the cursive 31 does so too, but only 31* from incuria. Is it not sad, in such a passage, for the E. V, so to stultify itself ? No editor has done this, neither Lachmann, Tischendorf, Tregelles, nor Westcott and Hort, Of course vpek and ypeU, vpa<; and 'jyiia?, vpwv and -ripMu are often confused in the Epistles. In this first epistle of John the cases of vpei<: or vp^^'! occur eighty-nine times, and are very frequently ex changed in MSS. with varying numerical authority. Yet the E, V, marg. notes but owe other case (i. 4) ! 382 ¦ GENESIS OP VERSIONS OF THE N.T. EXCUESUS ON THE PHYSICAL CAUSE OF CHEIST'S DEATH. On second thoughts it has seemed to me advisable to supplement what I have written in Vol. I., pp. 401/416, by reprinting a small section of Dr. Stroud's book. Accordingly I submit here a reprint of pp, 128/156 from the edition of 1871, which is itself a verbatim reprint of the original edition of 1847 : — Section III, The flow of blood and water from the side of Christ, when pierced some time after his death by the soldier's spear, has been a source of difficulty and perplexity both to ancient and modern commentators. To account for so extraordinary a circumstance, many of the former had recourse to their favourite expedient of miraculous inter position, designed, as they imagined, to convey important symbolical instruction. Several of the latter, amongst whom the Bartholines and the Griiners are the most considerable, have on the contrary ascribed it to serous effusion, either into the pericardial or pleural sacs, naturally produced by that extreme debility which they suppose to have attended the Saviour's death, Tlie two opinions are, it is evident, mutually destructive, and for the re futation of both the arguments already proposed might perhaps be deemed sufficient, but others will here be added. In favour of miraculous agency for such a purpose neither necessity nor proof can be alleged, and that which really occurred on this occasion was of a widely different character. It will now be shown that serous effusion into the pectoral cavities did not take place, and, if it had, would not account for the fact; whilst rupture of the heart, which furnishes a complete solution of it, is distinctly intimated by all the circum- EXCURSUS, 383 stances. In order to explain the effusion of blood and water from the side of Christ, it is necessary to understand the nature of the wound inflicted on him, namely, that it was a stab to the heart. This appears from the prediction of Zechariah quoted by John,—" They shall look on him whom they pierced ";— for in this passage both the Hebrew and the Greek terms signify a fatal wound, and in the Old Testament the meaning of the former is almost always that of stabbing to the heart, a practice famihar to tbe ancient Israelites, on which account mention is so often made in that portion of Scripture of smiting under the fifth rib; so that the prediction might with perfect propriety have been rendered,—" They shall look on him whom they pierced to the heart." f — It appears also from the circumstances of the case, and the evident intentions of the soldier in wounding the body of Christ; not, as some have supposed, through mere wantonness or in solence, but for a very reasonable and even necessary purpose, namely, to ascertain, or insure his death. For the soldiers had received a command from the Eoman governor to despatch the crucified persons, in order that their bodies might be removed and buried before sunset, then rapidly approaching. After breaking the legs of the two malefactors they came to Jesus, whom in appearance as well as in reality they found already dead. But the sudden death of a young and robust man, after a crucj- fixion of only six hours, was extraordinary, and to them t "Ipi, to thrust through, to pierce, stab, as with a sword or Bpear." — Gesenius's Hebrew and English Lexicon; — "'EKKivTem, pungo, stimulo, transfigo, transverbero ; — NuVrm, vel Nutra-m, pvmgo, punotim eoedo, vulnero, fodioo ;" — Schleusner's Lexicon of the Greek Test, — See also Numbers, chap, 25, v. 6-8 ; — Judges, chap. 9, v. 53, 54 ;— 1 Sam. chap, 31, v, 3, 4 ;— 2 Sam. chap. 2, v, 22, 23 ; chap, 3, v, 27; chap, 4, v, 5, 6; chap, 18, v, 14; chap. 20, v, 9, 10;— 1 Chron. chap. 10, V, 3, 4 ;— -Prov, chap, 12, v, 18 ;— Isaiah, chap, 13, v, 15 ;— Jerem, chap. 37, v. 9, 10 ; chap. 51, v, 4 ;— Lament, chap, 4, v, 9 ;— Zechar, chap. 12, v, 10 ;— John, chap, 19, v, 34, 37 ;— Bevel, chap, 1, V, 7 ; &o. 384 GENESIS OF VERSIONS OF THE N,T. unaccountable. Like the Gruners, and other modern authors, the soldiers might readily have suspected that he was not actually dead, but only in a fainting state, and they had good reason to make sure of the fact; for, if through carelessness or mistake they had suffered any of the crucified persons to escape, they would have been answerable for the neglect with their lives. An example of such severity occurs in Luke's account of the persecu tion of the early Christians at Jerusalem by Herod Agrippa I., who, having been disappointed in his designs against Peter, owing to the deliverance of the apostle from prison by miraculous interposition, ordered the guards, although perfectly innocent in the matter, to be put to death. The Eoman practice of despatching in some instances crucified persons by breaking their legs, stabbing them with swords or spears, &c,, is well known, and, as above noticed, has been fully described by Salmasius, Lipsius, Bosius, and others. When the soldier, therefore, pierced the side of Christ, he did nothing more than what was usual, and, having such an object in view, would naturally inflict a decisive wound, that is, a stab to the heart. This opinion has accordingly been adopted by a great number of theological writers, many of whom are cited by Thomas Bartholinus, a Danish physician, who however in an express treatise ou the subject follows the guidance of his father Caspar, and objects to this opinion, for nb better reason than that, when speaking of the wound, and of the scar which remained after Christ's resurrection, the evangelist John mentions the side only, and not the heart. As a faithful witness of the transaction, John of course relates only what he saw, but leaves his readers to draw a rational inference from the facts described, which can be none other than that here stated.f The subject is t Thomas Bartholinus, De latere Christi aperto, &c,, pp, 17-22, 45, &o. ; — Idem. Epistola ad Hieron, Bardium, pp, 565-570, — Acts, chap, 12, V, 18, 19, EXCURSUS, 385 treated with considerable accuracy in the Pictorial Bible, from which the following is an extract : — " In the accounts of our Lord's crucifixion there are several circumstances which exhibit differences from the customary practice of the Eomans, and which were in fact so many points of accommodation to the peculiar notions of the Jews, and operated rather favourably for the condemned persons. In the first place, the Eomans usually left the crucified ones to linger on in their tortures till life became extinct, and this commonly did not happen till the third or fourth day, and some even lingered until the seventh. Soldiers were stationed to prevent interference or rehef from friends, till they were dead, and a guard was even after wards maintained, that the bodies might not be stolen away and buried. For the Eomans left the bodies to consume on the crosses, as formerly [happened] on gibbets in this country, by the natural progress of decay, or from the ravenings of birds, or, if the cross were low, beasts of prey. But, as such lingering deaths, as well as the con tinued exposure of the body, were most wisely and mercifully forbidden by the letter and spirit of the law of Moses, which directed that criminals — ' hanged on a tree ' — should be taken down before sunset, the Eoman soldiers in Judea were directed to extinguish, on the approach of sunset, what remained of life in those upon the cross. We see that the two thieves were thus des patched by their legs being broken, and the body of Christ would doubtless have been thus treated; but it had been foretold that not a bone of him should be broken, and he expired before this became necessary. The spear-thrust given him by the soldier was doubtless to ascertain whether he were really dead, or only in a swoon, and the resulting evidence that life had departed from him rendered further measures unnecessary; indeed, the wound then inflicted, being in the left side, piercing the pericardium, as evinced by the outflow of blood and lymph, would have been sufficient, and was no doubt VOL. II, 2 c 388 GENESIS OF VERSIONS OF THE N,T. intended to produce death, if Jesus had not been dead already. (See John, chap. 19, v, 33,) Piercing the side is said to have been one of the common methods of accelerating the death of crucified persons, as well as the breaking of their bones," — Nearly similar is the view taken by Eambach. — " The indignity " — says he, — " offered to our Saviour's body was this : a soldier with a spear stabbed it in the breast, or side. This was done, indeed, out of wantonness or insolence; or perhaps the soldier might at the same time have an intention of trying whether Jesus was really dead, or only in a swoon. He therefore stabs him with, a spear near the heart, that he might see whether he had still any life in him ; so that by giving him a wound he designed to despatch him, in case any life remained .in him. That it was no small wound which the spear made in the breast of our blessed Lord, but a large incision, appears from what he says to the incredulous Thomas after his resurrection, — ' Eeach hither thy hand, and thrust it into my side,' — What followed this injurious piercing of our Saviour's side is likewise mentioned by St. John in these words, — 'And forthwith came thereout blood and water.'- — This was undoubtedly an extraordinary event, since the providence of God directed the soldier's spear to make an incision in the place where these different humours were lodged, and at the same time hindered these two fluids from inter mixing ; for St. John, who stood by, could plainly dis tinguish both blood and water issuing from the wound." — On a subject of this kind, the opinion of Dr, Priestley is not undeserving of notice, — " The death of Jesus " — he observes, — " was so evident to the soldiers who attended the execution, and who no doubt (being used to the business) were sufficient judges of the signs of death, that, concluding him to be actually dead, they did not break his bones, as they did those of the other persons who were executed along with him. One of them, how ever, did what was fully equivalent to it, for he thrust a EXCURSUS, 387 spear into his side, so that blood and water evidently flowed out of the wound. Now, though we may be at a loss to account for the water, it was certainly impossible so to pierce the body as that blood should visibly and instantly flow from the wound, without piercing either the heart itself, or some large blood-vessel, the rupture of which would have been mortal, "f-The views of the Griiners concerning this point are to the same effect, and on account of the medical character of the authors, are perhaps still more entitled to attention. Admitting therefore as a fact, that not long after the death of Christ his heart was pierced by a spear, the next inquiry relates to the blood and water which immediately flowed from the wound. On this subject two opinions have prevailed in modern times : the one, that the blood and water were mixed, and derived from one or both of the pleural sacs ; the other, that they issued separately, the blood from the heart, the water from the pericardium. The former opinion was supported by the Bartholines, the latter by the Griiners, Before entering into this discussion, it may be proper to state, for the information of readers not familiar with anatomical details, that as the heart is surrounded by the pericardium, so each lung is enveloped by a double membrane or bag, called the pleural sac, adhering by its outer surface to the lung and side, and inclosing between its layers a space or cavity, which in health is merely bedewed with a little watery fluid or vapour, serving the purpose of lubrication ; but in certain morbid states is capable of containing a consider able quantity of serous liquid, either pure or tinged with blood. In reference to the effusion of blood and water from the side of Christ, the Eev, Mr. Hewlett, a com mentator of judgment and research, expresses himself in the following dubious manner. — " Medical writers afford t Eambach, On the sufferings of Christ, vol, iii; pp, 271, 272 ; — Dr. Priestley, On the Resurrection of Jeaus, pp. 12, 13, 2 c 2 388 GENESIS OF VERSIONS OF THE N.T. numerous instances of a large effusion of bloody lymph into the cavities of the pleura, from diseases of' the lungs, and in cases of violent death with long struggling A skilful and learned physician informed the editor that in cases of violent and painful death there is usually an effusion of lymph, or of lymph mixed with blood, into the cavities of the chest and abdomen It is, however, reasonable to acquiesce with those who are of opinion that the evangelist here intended to express more than a pathological fact." — The physician meant in this passage was no doubt the late Dr. Willan, who — in his "History of the Ministry of Jesus Christ," — makes a similar remark, equally indicative pf doubt and uncertainty. — " We have instances of watery effusion into the cavities of the pleura to a considerable amount, in cases of violent death with long struggling The phenomenon here mentioned by the evangelist is generally looked on as miraculous," f Hieronymus Bardus ascribes the blood to the heart, and the water to the pericardium, both of which he supposes were pierced by the soldier's spear ; but is at a loss to understand how the two liquids could have issued separately without a miracle, which to this extent he consequently admits. His correspondent Thomas Bar tholinus judiciously rejects supernatural agency altogether, but his own view of the matter is equally inadmissible. He objects to the notion that the heart and pericardium were wounded, because in that case be imagines their contents would not have flowed out immediately nor completely, but that a part of them would have escaped into the bottom of the chest. He therefore prefers the explanation proposed by his father Caspar, and previously t Hewlett's Bible, &o, ; Notes on John, chap, 19, v, 34, and Acts, chap, 1, V, 18 ; — Dr, Willan, Historjf of the Ministry of Jesus Christ, &c, ; p, 195,— Mr, Hewlett also regards Luke, chap, 22, v, 43, 44, as of doubtful authority. EXCURSUS. 389 mentioned; namely, that the spear opened one of the pleural sacs, and discharged a collection of bloody serum, which he thinks would naturally have been formed there during the sufferings of crucifixion, especially in a person of dehcate frame and feeble constitution, which, hke Priestley and others, he improperly attributes to Christ. The Griiners, on the contrary, maintain the opinion of Bardus, with the addition of some erroneous notions of their own. Thus, in commenting on John, chap. 19, V, 34, the elder Griiner observes,—" It was doubtless the left side that was pierced by the soldier's spear. Accord ing to tbe testimony of John, immediately after the infliction of this wound there flowed out blood and water. Such an effusion could scarcely have taken place except from the left side, under which, besides the lung, hes the pericardium full of water when a person dies after extreme anxiety, as likewise the heart, connected with the arch of the aorta. The lung slightly wounded might have yielded a little blood, but certainly not water. That conjecture is therefore the most probable, and the most in accordance with forensic medicine, which derives the blood from the [left] ventricle of the heart, and the water from the pericardium. "t — In a special treatise on the cross and crucifixion. Kipping draws the same conclusion, with the exception of regarding the water poured out on this occasion as naturally contained in the pericardium. — " The soldier " — he remarks — " pierced with a spear the Eedeemer's left side, not to try whether he was dead, but, supposing that he was in a dying state, to deprive him entirely of life, and put an end tb his pains ; also, that he might thus be [legally] removed from the cross, on which according to the Jewish law he could not be left. He t Thomas Bartholinus, De latere Christi aperto, &c. pp. 17-22, 45, 165 ; — Hieron. Bardus, Epist. ad Thom. Bartholinum, ibid. pp. 553- 556 ; — Thom. Bartholinus, Epist. ad Hieron. Bard, rescripta, pp. 565 -570; — Kuinoel, Comment, in Lib. Historic. Nov. Test., John, chap, 19, V. 34. 390 GENESIS OF VERSIONS OF THE N.T. transfixed the heart, for it was from thence that the blood flowed, and by the same stroke previously wounded the pericardium, which contains a quantity of water for the purpose of cooling the excessive heat of the heart." — This opinion has been adopted by Bishop Watson in his Apology for the Bible, — " John " — says he, — " tells us that he saw one of the soldiers pierce the side of Jesus with a spear, and that blood and water flowed through the wound ; and, lest any one should doubt of the fact from its not being mentioned by the other evangelists, he asserts it with peculiar earnestness ; — ' And he that saw it bare record, and his record is true, and he knoweth that he saith true, that ye might believe,' — John saw blood and water flowing from the wound; the blood is easily accounted for, but whence came the water ? The anatomists tell us that it came from the pericardium. So consistent is evangelical testimony with the most curious researches into natural science,"! This consistency is indeed perfectly admirable, and extends much further than the learned bishop could have imagined, but not exactly in the manner which he supposed : for in the ordinary state of things the quantity of water found in the pericardium after death is so minute that in a case like that under consideration it would have been abso lutely imperceptible. Haller states that a small quantity of water, not exceeding a few drachms, has frequently been found in the pericardium of executed persons ; but, except under very peculiar or morbid circumstances, the eminent anatomists John and Charles Bell deny the occurrence altogether, — " If " — they observe, — " a person have laboured under a continued weakness, or have been long diseased, if a person have lain long on his death-bed, if the body have been long kept after death, there is both a condensation of the natural halitus in all the parts of t M, H. Kipping, De Cruce et Cruoiariis, pp. 187-195: — Bishop Watson, Apologies for Christianity, and the Bible, pp, 313, 314, EXCURSUS. 391 the body, and an exudation of thin lymph from every vessel, there is water found in every cavity, from the ventricles of the brain to the cavity of the ankle-joint, and so in the pericardium amongst the rest. But, if you open a hving animal, as a dog, or if you open suddenly the body of suicides, or if you have brought to the dissecting-room the body of a criminal who has just been hanged, there is not in the pericardium one single particle of water to be found. When such fluid is to be found, it is of the same nature with the dropsical fluids of other cavities. In the child, and in young people, it is reddish, especially if the pericardium be inflamed ; in older people it is pellucid, or of a hght straw colour ; in old age, and in the larger animals, it is thicker, and more directly resembles the hquor of a joint." — The slight discrepancy observable between writers on this subject may, as Klefeker has remarked, be referred to their having described the state of the pericardium under very different circumstances. Naturally it exhibits scarcely anything which deserves the name of liquid ; but after some forms of violent death, more especially when attended with obstructed circulation, it may contain a little serum, either pure or mixed with blood. An effusion of the latter kind is said to have been noticed in stags killed after a hard chase ; and in some rare instances of sudden death occasioned by strong mental emotion, the peri cardium has been found distended with blood, owing jrobably, as Morgagni suspected, to organic disease, and the rupture of vessels ; but, for the statement of the Gruners, that after death accompanied with anxiety the pericardium is full of water, there is no evidence. t t Haller, Element. Physiolog, Corp, Human, vol. i. pp. 282, 283 ; — John and Charles Bell, Anatomy of the Human Body, vol. ii. pp. 53 -55 ; — Johan Bohn, De Eenunciatione Vulnerum, pp. 226, 227 ; — J. P. Klefeker, De Halitu Pericardii, pp, 25-28 ; G. M. Zecchinelli, Sulla Angina del Petto, &c. vol. i. pp. 95, 96 ; — Morgagni, De Causis et Sedibus Morborum, vol iii. pp. 462-467. 392 GENESIS OF VERSIONS OF THE N.T. Whether, however, such conditions are of common occurrence or not, their occurrence at the death of Christ is disproved by the well-known facts bf the case. Neither the period of three hours occupied by his peculiar mental sufferings, nor that of six hours which comprised the entire crucifixion, were sufficient to occasion in a young and vigorous person such an effusion of blood or serum into the pectoral cavities as is here supposed. Had it really happened within so short a space of time, it would have produced symptoms of debility and suffocation, quite incompatible with the intelhgence, the presence of mind, and the loud and pious exclamations which immediately preceded his death ; and the manner of that death, in stead of being sudden and unexpected, would have been slow and progressive. Still less, if possible, would such an effusion have accorded with the discharge of blood and water from the side of Christ, when afterwards pierced by the soldier's spear. As this remarkable fact was witnessed by the apostle John, a person of bumble rank, destitute of medical or other learning, and at the time of observa tion probably removed to some distance from the cross, whilst the soldiers were occupied in despatching the crucified persons, it is obvious that the discharge of blood and water must have been considerable, and the dis tinction between the two substances strongly marked. Bloody serum, whether originally effused in that state, or resulting from subsequent mixture, would not have presented this character ; for it would neither have issued rapidly, nor in sufficient quantity, nor would its distinction from ordinary blood have been so striking as to have attracted the attention of an uninformed and somewhat distant spectator. Moreover, unless blood has been previously extravasated, little or none can by any kind of wound be extracted from a dead body, except by the action of gravity, the heart being usually empty, or, if otherwise, devoid of power to expel its contents. This important fact, overlooked by most other writers, was EXCURSUS. 393 perceived and acknowledged by the Griiners, who never theless failed to discover the true explanation, and were induced to adopt the inadmissible opinion that Christ was not actually dead when pierced by the soldier's spear, but merely in a faint and languid condition, which allowed the heart to act feebly, and, on being wounded, to pour forth its blood, preceded by the water which they suppose had previously collected in the pericardium, — "Blood and water" — they remark, — "flowed from the wound together, and as it appears with force, which is the act not of a dead, but of a living body. Therefore, when Christ on the cross was stabbed by the soldier, he still retained a degree of life, although extremely feeble and ready to expire ; but on receiving the wound in his breast, he must be regarded as having truly and suddenly died, for by this wound the fountain of life must have been exhausted, and its small remaining force entirely ex tinguished." — In confutation of this opinion it is sufficient to adduce, as has been already done, the testimony of the evangelists, that the condition of Christ immediately before his death was not that of debility, but of agony, and that he died some time before receiving the wound with the spear, and not of course, as the Gruners and others pretend, in consequence of that wound. The state ment of John on this point is clear and decisive, — " So the soldiers came, and broke the legs of the flrst and of the other who was crucified with Jesus ; but on coming to him, as they perceived that he was already dead, they did not break his legs : one of the soldiers, however, pierced his side with a spear, and immediately there came forth blood and water," — But supposing, for the sake of argument, that Jesus was really although feebly alive at the time, there could have been little or no effusion of any kind, and certainly none of blood and water from his side when it was pierced with a spear ; for in such cases there is little or no serous fluid in the pericardium, the blood does not separate into its constituents, and the 394 GENESIS OF VERSIONS OF THE N.T. heart is nearly empty, and scarcely able to maintain tbe slightest motion in its contents, much less to discharge tbem with force from the body ; so that, after all, nothing is gained by this extravagant and antiscriptural supposi tion. The neglect or contradiction by these otherwise estimable authors of the narratives of the evangelists, as if they were not entitled to the fullest confidence, is much to be regretted, since it vitiates their reasonings on the subject, and leaves a painful impression that they were not entirely free from the lax and neological sentiments which they undertook to oppose, t It will now be shown that the effusion of blood and water from the side of Christ, whereof no satisfactory solution can otherwise be given, is fully explained by the rupture of his heart ; and that the exact and critical accordance of this presumed event with all the circum stances of the case, taken in conjunction with the argu ments previously adduced, may justly be regarded as completing the demonstration that it was the true and immediate cause of his death. It has been already proved that in such cases rupture of the heart is the result of its own violent action, and generally occurs in the left, or principal ventricle. Of such action the mental agony endured by Christ during the last three hours of his crucifixion, and which not long before forced from him a bloody sweat, was a real and adequate cause ; and the rapid manner of his death implies that the rent was large and sudden. Eapid as it was, the space of a minute or two would naturally however intervene, and this would afford a sufficient time for his uttering the two short sentences ascribed to him by the evangelists, — ["All] is accomplished : Father ! into thy hands I commit my spirit;" — as likewise for a discharge of blood from tbe ruptured heart into its inclosing capsule. The excessive t Kuinoel, Comment, in Lib, Historic, Nov, Test., John, chap, 19, v. 31-34, EXCURSUS. 395 excitement which led to this catastrophe would occasion the words to be pronounced with vehemence, and the previous accumulation in the heart and great vessels produced by such excitement would cause the effusion to be copious. From the researches of Lancisi, Eamazzini, Morgagni, and other anatomists, it appears that a quart of blood, and sometimes much more, might thus be collected in the pericardium, where it would speedily separate into its solid and liquid constituents, technically called crassamentum and serum, but in ordinary language, ¦ — "blood and water."f — Several instances have been adduced of the common use of such language even by medical writers, and, as before observed, it is not less natural than common, since the crassamentum contains the greater part of the solid and more essential ingredients of the blood, whilst, with the exception of albumen, the serum consists chiefly of water. Accordingly, in the book of Exodus, the blood of the paschal lamb sprinkled at evening on the lintel and door-posts of the Israelitish dwellings in Egypt, is still termed blood when viewed by the destroying angel at midnight, although at that time nothing but the solid coagulum could have remained.:]: Other examples of a similar kind will be subjoined. It has also been shown that, as the object of the soldier in wounding the body of Christ must have been either to ascertain or to insure his death, he would purposely aim at the heart, and therefore transfix the lower part of the left side, an act sufficiently intimated by the statement of the evangelist, — " They did not break his legs : one of the soldiers, however, pierced his side with a spear," — In so doing he would open the pericardium obliquely from below ; and, supposing that capsule to be distended with t B. Ramazzini, Opera, p, 171 ; — J. M, Lancisi, Opera, vol, i., pp, 157-159, &c. ; — Morgagni, De Causis et Sedibus Morborum, vol. ii., pp. 296, 297; vol, iii, pp, 442, 443; vol. iv. p, 557,— See also Dr, Fischer's case, at pp. 97, 98. t Exodus, chap. 12, v. 21-23, 396 GENESIS OF VERSIONS OF THE N.T, crassamentum and serum, and consequently pressed against the side, its contents would by the force of gravity be instantly and completely discharged through the wound, in a full stream of clear watery liquid inter mixed with clotted blood, exactly corresponding to the remaining clause of the sacred narrative, — "and immediately there came forth blood and water." — The amount of such contents must of course vary with the circumstances, but may be very considerable, and there fore, when outwardly discharged, sufficiently conspicuous. In one of the instances on record it was — " about a quart of blood and water " ; — in another, — "five or six pounds by weight " ; — in a third, — " an immense quantity of coagu lated blood " ; — and in two cases of spontaneous rupture of the left ventricle of the heart described by Taxil St. Vin cent, — " an enormous collection of half-coagulated blood." f It will next be shown that, whilst such an effusion would necessarily have followed rupture of the heart, it could not have occurred under 'any other conceivable circumstances ; thus proving, by a sort of experimentum crucis which leaves no alternative, that the former was truly and exclusively the immediate cause of the Saviour's death. The laws which regulate the separation of the blood into its constituents are still involved in some degree of obscurity, partly, because the process is con nected with the mysterious principle of life, which the blood possesses in common with the solids of the body. In its perfect and living state the blood is a complex but uniform liquid, composed chiefly of water, albumen, and fibrine, holding in solution minute quantities of sahne matters, and having diffused through it numerous organised particles, which, being the source of its colour, are called the red globules. This constitution of the blood is maintained more or less completely as long as it remains within the vascular system, and during hfe ; but t Journal Universal des Sciences Medicales, vol. xix. pp. 257-960, EXCURSUS. 397 on the failure of either of these conditions, it undergoes a remarkable change. In ordinary circumstances, the blood when discharged from its vessels soon loses its vitahty, and not long after becomes dissevered. The fibrine spontaneously concretes into a soft spongy mass, within the insterstices of which the red globules are entangled and detained. The other ingredients, namely the water, albumen, and saline matter, continue liquid ; and, as the specific gravity of the two portions is different, they necessarily separate from each other, and there results a large quantity of transparent straw-coloured liquid, in which a smaller quantity of dark red coagulum sinks or swims, according as it is more or less firmly consolidated. The blood retained in the vascular system after death often undergoes a somewhat similar change, but neither so rapidly nor so completely. The coagulation of the fibrine takes place more slowly, the red globules are more uniformly diffused amongst the other ingredients, and the consequence is that in the heart and vessels of dead bodies pale or red coagula often occur, but clear and colourless serum is very seldom found. If, however, at or before death blood is extravasated into the pericardium, or any of the other serous capsules, it suffers the same change as if it were removed from the body ; that is to say, it speedily separates into serum and crassamentum. In confirmation of these statements, some authorities and examples will now be cited. The influence of vital conditions in modifying the spontaneous decomposition of the blood is mentioned by several physiologists.^" In persons killed by lightning," — says Mr. Mayo, — " by blows on the stomach, by the bite of venomous serpents, or through the influence of acrid vegetable poisons, or in persons dying from violent mental emotion, the blood is said to be found fluid, and the muscles do not become rigid."! — The principle was more fully expounded by the t Herbert Mayo, Outlines of Human Physiology, pp. 30, 31. 398 GENESIS OF VERSIONS OF THE N.T. celebrated John Hunter, who writes as follows : — " In many diseases not inflammatory, namely, those called putrid, where the solids have a tendency to fall into those changes natural to animal matter deprived of its pre serving principle, the blood has no disposition to coagulate. Many kinds of death, as well as putrid diseases, produce this effect on the blood, an instance of which was met with in a gentleman, who, being in perfect health, died instantaneously from passion; this having been so violent as to produce death in every part at once, and his blood did not coagulate. A healthy woman was taken in labour of her fourth child. As the child was coming into the world, the woman died almost instantly. On opening the body next day, there appeared no cause for death whatever, every part being natural and sound ; but the blood was in a fluid state, nor did it coagulate on being exposed. A soldier, a healthy young man, confined for desertion, received a blow on the pit of his stomach from one of his comrades, from which he dropped down, and died almost instantly. On opening the body no pre ternatural appearance was observed, but the blood was in a perfectly fluid state, and did not coagulate when taken out of the vessels, and exposed a considerable time. In animals struck dead by lightning the blood does not coagulate, nor [do] the muscles contract, both being killed at once. There are other instances. Two deer were hunted to death, in which case they acted till tbe very power of action ceased, and of course death ensued. On opening them the blood was fluid, only a little thickened, and the muscles were not rigid, as we find them where they are capable of acting from the stimulus of death. In both cases the life of the solids and of the blood was destroyed at the same time, and at once."! — These observa tions strongly support the conclusion already established, that the death of Christ was not the result of simple t John Hunter, Works, vol. 1. pp. 238, 239. EXCURSUS. ^ 399 exhaustion, occasioned either by the ordinary sufferings of crucifixion, or by the influence of powerful passions, independently of rupture of the heart ; since in the former case he could neither have exhibited for so long a time the signs of mental and bodily energy, nor could his blood after death have divided into its constituents ; a process which the opposite state of agony must on the contrary, by exalting vital action, have tended to promote. In. mentioning the flow of blood and water from the side of Christ, it is most probable that the apostle John was at first unacquainted with the nature and import of the fact which he related; but that by meditation and inquiry he subsequently became aware of the different conditions assumed by blood under different circumstances ; and hence, in Eevelation xvi. 3, when describing the visionary conversion of the sea into liquid blood, he says, — " 'EyeveTo alpa o)? veKpov ; It became blood like that of a corpse," The fact that clear serum is very rarely found within the heart and great vessels, and consequently that the blood of Christ, which actually separated into its con stituents, must have been previously extravasated into some internal cavity where that change might have taken place, is proved by the most satisfactory evidence, Schwencke, one of the earlier writers on this subject, briefly remarks, — ^"In dead bodies the separation of the blood into its parts is not strictly observed, for within the vessels it is found mixed and fluid," — Mr, Paget, of St, Bartholomew's Hospital, who has vdtnessed several hundreds of dissections, and taken accurate notes of the condition of the blood found after death in nearly a hundred and fifty of the bodies which he examined, in timates in a published report, and still more explicitly in a letter to the author, — " I have never found clear serum, such as I could suppose to be separated from the blood in its coagulation, collecting in any part of the body after death," — Dr, John Davy, whose practice as an army 400 GENE.SIS OF VERSIONS OF THE N.T. physician has been most extensive, was for many years accustomed in the examination of dead bodies to pay attention to the condition of the blood in the heart and great vessels, especially in reference to coagulation, and of about two hundred of these inspections he has published detailed accounts. The result is that, although he has found the blood either wholly solid, wholly hquid, or in various intermediate conditions, he met with only a single instance, and that under very peculiar circumstances, in which a portion of clear serum was detached from the crassamentum.! In his excellent work on Human Physio logy, Dr, Carpenter remarks, — "Instances occasionally present themselves in which the blood does not coagulate after death, and in most -of these there has been some sudden and violent shock to the nervous system, which has destroyed the vitality of solids and fluids alike. This is generally the case in men and animals killed by light ning, or by strong electric shocks, and in those poisoned by prussic acid, or whose life has been destroyed by a blow on the epigastrium. It has also been observed in some instances of rupture of the heart, or of a large aneurism near it, and a very interesting phenomenon then not unfrequently presents itself : the coagulation of the blood which has been effused into the pericardium (tb^ effusion having taken place during the last moments of life), whilst that in the vessels has remained fluid,"J — The variable tendency of blood in dead bodies either to separate into its constituents or not, according as it is situated within or without the vascular system, and the occurrence of a complete division into crassamentum and colourless serum in extravasated blood only, are here stated so distinctly as almost to preclude the necessity of any ! Thomas Schwencke, Hzematologia, pp, 90, 91 ; — Dr, John Davy, Researches Physiological and Anatomical, vol, ii, pp, 190-213, X Dr. W, B. Carpenter's Principles of Human Physiology, &c,, pp, 475, 476, EXCURSUS. ' 401 further quotations ; but for the sake of illustration a few examples will be annexed. The Commentaries of the Academy of Bologna, for 1757, contain an account by Galeati of a man who, after having long enjoyed good health, and taken much eques trian and other exercise, adopted . a sedentary mode of life, in consequence of which he laboured for more than thirty years under various pains and ailments, and at length died suddenly. Besides several other lesions ob served in the body, a small rupture was found in the left ventricle of the heart; and the pericardium was so dis tended as to occupy a third part of the cavity of the chest. On opening it, a large quantity of serum was discharged, and two pounds of clotted blood were seen adhering at the bottom, — In the London Medical Eepository for 1814, Mr, Watson relates the case of a gentleman between fifty and sixty years of age, who died suddenly from the rupture of an aneurism of the aorta ; and observes,— " The sac had burst by an aperture of nearly three fourths of an inch in length into the pericardium, which, as well as the sac itself, was filled with coagula and serum, to the amount of about five pounds," — The London Medical and Physical Journal for May, 1822, reports, from the Paris Atheneum of Medicine, an instance of spontaneous rupture of the heart in a gentleman aged about sixty-five years, of moderate habits, and in the full enjoyment of health. With the exception of the rupture, the heart was in every respect perfect, its substance being neither softer nor thinner than usual, — "The pericardium, which appeared much distended, had a blueish colour, and presented an evident degree of fluctuation, contained a quantity of serum and coagulated blood," — The same Journal, for April, 1826, mentions a case in which a small aneurism of the aorta burst by a minute orifice into the pericardial sac, and occasioned immediate death, — "On opening the body, the pericardium was found to be distended with blood ; separated however into coagulum VOL, II, 2 D 402 GENESIS OF VERSIONS OF THE N.T. and serum."! — Wheeler's Manchester Chronicle, for November 22nd, 1834, describes a diseased aorta, which bad ruptured by a small aperture into the pericardium, and must have induced almost instantaneous death. On inspection the heart was found enlarged, and — " the pericardium " — says the surgeon, Mr. Oilier, — " contained about a quart of blood and water " ; — which he afterwards explains by saying, — " The blood was separated, although indistinctly, into serum and crassamentum." — Morgagni relates a similar case ; also another, in which an aneurism of the aorta produced sudden death by bursting into the left pleura, which enclosed a large quantity of clear water and coagulated blood, whilst the blood in the heart and vessels was liquid and black. The late Sir David Barry died suddenly, owing to the bursting of an aneurism of the aorta into the right pleural sac, which contained a great quantity of clear serum, intermixed with large coagula of blood, the whole effusion amounting to full five pints. A parallel case is reported in the Edinburgh Medical and Surgical Journal for January, 1843, in which, — " the cavity of the right pleura was found to be almost filled with blood, which had separated into serum and crassamentum ; the former amounted to three pints, and the coagulated portion, which was exceedingly firm, weighed about three pounds." — The Dublin Medical Transactions, for 1830, mention the case of a robust man who died suddenly from pulmonary hemorrhage bursting into the left pleural sac, which on examination was found to contain — " about three quarts of blood, the serum supernatant to a great degree, as in blood allowed to stand after venesection, and the clot in considerable quantity, but very soft, occupying the most dependent portion of t Comment, de Rebus in Scient. Nat. et Medioina gestis, 8vo, Lipsise, 1758 : vol, vii, pp, 389, 390, — London Medical Repository, vol, i, pp. 99-102 ; London Med, and Phys, Journal, vol, xlvii, pp, 432, 433 ; vol, Iv, pp, 271-274, EXCURSUS. 403 the cavity The heart was sound, and empty of blood, and the blood of the body generally was fluid." ! The facts above stated are, it is presumed, sufficient to prove that the blood and water which flowed from the side of Christ, when pierced by the soldier's spear, were the result of a previous effusion into the pericardial sac of a quantity of blood, which had there separated into serum and crassamentum, and was derived from rupture of the heart. The only conceivable alternatives are simple hemorrhage into the pericardium, and dilatation of one or more of the cardiac chambers ; each of which conditions might, like rupture itself, be induced by violent action of the heart owing to agony of mind, and in each of which the blood might be found after death divided into its constituents. Of these alternatives the former is liable to the objection that the few instances of the kind placed on record seem to have depended either on the rupture of a blood vessel, or on some peculiar laxity of the pericardial capillaries, implying local debility or disease. But, as no defect of this or any other description could have existed in the body of Christ, which was perfect and vigorous, and when previously tested in the garden of Gethsemane had been proved to be free from such predisposition, this solution is inadmissible. Objections still stronger apply to the other alternative, namely, dilatation of one or more of the cardiac chambers, for in that case neither wouh the mode of death have been equally speedy and sudden, nor would the quantity of blood retained in the heart have exceeded a few ounces ; and, as even of this small quantity the whole could scarcely have been discharged through the wound made by the spear, the consequent flow of blood and water would not have been sufficiently con spicuous to attract the attention of the evangelist John, t Morgagni, De Cans, et Sed, Morb, vol, iii. pp, 116-118 ; 433-436, — Medico-Chh-urg, Review for 1836, vol, xxiv. pp. 298-300.— Edin. Med, and Surg, Journal ; vol. Iix, pp, 115-117,— Dublin Med. Trans, New Series, vol, i, part i, pp, 11-16, 2 D 2 404 GENESIS OF VERSIONS OF THE N,T. and induce him to insert it in his narrative, A weightier objection is suggested by the different time required for the coagulation of blood, according as it is situated within or without the vascular system. When effused into the pericardium owing to a rupture of the heart, which proves almost immediately fatal, its mode of concretion cannot materially, differ from that which occurs when it is drawn from the body during life. In the latter case it happens, generally speaking, in a few minutes, and the complete separation of the serum and crassamentum in an hour; the process being more rapid when the original tempera ture of the blood is maintained than when it is allowed to cool,! From a great number of accurate dissections, Mr, Paget has ascertained that this change takes place much more slowly in blood remaining after death within the heart and great vessels than in that which has been removed from them. — " In the majority of cases " — he observes,—" the blood does not coagulate in the body for the first four hours after its rest has commenced, and in many it remains fluid for six, eight, or more hours, and yet coagulates within a few minutes of its being let out of the vessels." t — This important fact, not hitherto generally known, is decisive of the point now under consideration. For the death of Christ happened at the ninth hour, that is, about three o'clock in the afternoon, on Friday, the first day of the paschal festival, which as is well known was celebrated at the vernal equinox ; and his body was embalmed and laid in the tomb before six the same evening, when the sun set, and the Jewish sabbath began. Between the time of his death and that when his side was pierced by the soldier, the longest t Hewson on the Blood, pp, 1, 5, 25, 26, 120 ;— Hey, pp, 37, 38 ;— Hunter, pp, 19, 21, 22;— WUson, pp, 28-31 ;—Thackrah, pp. 33, 84, 67, 91, t James Paget, Esq., On the Coagulation of the Blood after Death; in the London Medical Gazette for 1840;— New Series, vol. i. pp, 613-618, EXCURSUS, 405 interval which can with any probability be assigned is two hours; an interval which, although abundantly sufficient for the separation of extravasated blood into its constituents, more especially in the pericardium of a body still warm, and fixed in an erect posture on a cross, was, as it now appears, far too short for the coagulation of blood still remaining in the heart. In conclusion, it may therefore with certainty be affirmed that between the agony of mind which the Saviour endured in the garden of Gethsemane, and the profuse sweat mixed with clotted blood which so rapidly followed it, violent palpitation of the heart must necessarily have intervened ; this being the only known condition which could have been at once the effect of the former occurrence and the cause of the latter. In hke manner, when on the cross this agony was renewed, and by the addition of bodily suffering was increased to the utmost intensity, no other known condition could have formed the connecting link between that mental anguish and his sudden death, preceded by loud exclamations, and followed by an effusion of blood and water from his side when afterwards pierced with a spear, than the aggravation even to rupture of the same violent action of the heart, of which the previous palpitation and bloody sweat were but a lower degree and a natural prelude. If, whilst every other explanation hitherto offered has been shown to be untenable, the cause now assigned for the death of Christ, namely, euptuee OF THE HEAET FROM AGONY OF MIND, has been proved to be the result of an actual power in nature, fully adequate to the effect, really present without counteraction, minutely agreeing with all the facts of the case, and necessarily implied by them, this cause must, according to the principles of inductive reasoning, be regarded as demonstrated, THE END. ( 406 ) Note, Mr. Horner's new edition of the four Gospels in the sahidic dialect, published in March 1911, has not been available (except in one or two places as on pp, 343, 359, Vol, II,), as all the matter touching sahidic in Appendices II, and III, of this vol, was already in print. We ask reference to this most valuable work by Mr, Horner, The notes are a wonderful advance over those in the bohairio volumes, and bear testimony to his thoroughness and care. I wish to state that by " copt," in my volumes, " boh " is imphed, or " boh " and " sah " ; never sah alone. ( 407 ) quif pocefc TDeo piacepe nouifftmo in cempone Uajiiacir mfisnibuf uetMcacif op-omibuf eicepcif concempcoiAitouf mutToi pfefencif ifciuf "Oeutn pacfem insenicum ceti ac cepfae "oominum Gt) eox)emque pitium fecuta ance pfimosemcum "Oeumque fpificum f anccuin ue^Aum unum atciffimum Inuoco uc auntium milii opoi^cuniffimum triinimo pnefcec omnium fiti -oefeiAuiencium quem angetofium mitibuf confociabic "oommuf . Antiphons of St, Columoille's hymn "Alius peositoe," ( 409 ) INDEX TO VOL. II. Adamnan facing p, 1 Augustine 105 255 288 348 377 381 eto Auot, op, imp, 258 etc Burkitt, F, C, 94 101 ^77 6 98 106/7 142 etc h q 103 note 302 358 866 etc Clem, of Alex, 378 Columbanus, Life of facing p, 1 Conflations 107 196 seq 280 282 284 289 297 Coptic 99 192 seq 279 aeq 357 seq Cyprian 219 eic J)^ contra d 28 264 :etc Decoration 7 Dictation 360 Dunma 8 95-276 Dimma and syriac 99 102 127 186/188 etc 212 „ „ syr cu Bin. 102 187 233 237 etc „ ,, syr pesh 103 etc „ „ syr Mer 103 162 (174) 188 etc „ „ Diatess 104 189 190 197 232 246 255 etc „ ,, all syriacs 99 105 146 189 „ „ co2Jtic 116 152 174 192/4 221 229 238 246 273 275 „ „ sahiddc 167 239 „ „ syr-copt 134 190 218 230 258 259 Dimma and copt-Diatess 229 ,, „ copt-syr-goth 273 „ „ a 105 130 155 160 163 etc „ „ 5 106 144 288 246 257 266 etc ,1 „ c 266 etc „ „ d 100 177 217 227 287 254 etc „ „ e 148 150 152 168 179 236 eto „ „ / 104 145 181 236 251 „ „ ff; 240 258 263 etc „ „ g; 233 263 etc „ „ h, 182 183 „ „ Jc 179 180 185 205 226 228 etc „ „ Jc^, 102 „ „ q 152 168 175 178 241 254 etc „ „ rj 180 181 244 261 etc „ a and goth 141 163 „ and goth 151 153 154 212 219 etc „ „ JP 98 135 171 176 187 212 214 243 „ „ K 201 211 225 262 eto ,, ,, Iren 186 etc „ „ Justin 186 206 „ „ Tert 186 etc „ „ gr 28 100 171 157 100 185 „ in St. Mark 107 note 410 GENESIS OF VERSIONS OF THE N.T. Dimma's unique readings 99 seq 181 seq 195 seq 227 Epiphan. Erasmus 100 211 eto 113 etc Freer MS. (see Greek MS. W) 192 note 195 379 Gallandius 378 Glaue and Helm 283 Gothic 281/3 360 361 and see under Dimma Gothic-Latin 360 Grabe 103 note Gregory, C, R. 359 GwiUiam, G. H. 100 h 1-93 h^e 1 h-le 6 18 A-r 1 A-Ta 1 h-G,h-Z 1 h-OXh-iS'h^A 2 h unique readings 3/6 Heer, J. M. 283 Hermas 378 Hieronymus 348 etc Homer, G. 359 406 Ignatius 381 Interrelation of Versions 357 etc Irenaeus 103 note 10? 115 152 186 219 288 etc 348 361 Jerome, St. 379 Justin 186 187 212 378 381 Juvencus 222 226 244 etc k 107 164 etc 303 etc I 290 Lawlor, H.J. 175 185 278 seg 357 377 Lectionaries 106 Lindsay, W. M. 95 and note 96 150 204 Lucifer ' 138 153 186 198 234 etc Maroion 2 ani note 59 283 326 379 Michigan, Univ. of 379 Moling 8 108 185 278 seq „ unique readings 279 seq „ and gothic 282 seq 285 „ „ Coptic 306 357 seq 874 ,, „ sahidic 280 seq 857 seq „ „ copt-sah 284 seq 357 seq „ „ copt-syr pesh 806 Moling-Dimma-safe 302 Mojing-Dimma-Dmiess 305 Moling and a 293 294 302 807 311 812 819 „ „ a^ 296 „ „ b 319 350 etc „ „ bq 358 „ „ c 309 etc 370 „ „ d 283 eto „ e 299 805 307 350 „ „ d e 311 etc 315 „ „ d e r 808 818 „ „ / 307 808 310 332 371 „ ., ff; 298 „ „ i 307 „ I 294 308 310 811 369 „ „ q 311 „ „ b q 302 „ r 307 308 810 311 312 317 389 371 „ „ r; 289 eto 863 „ Tertullian 361 etc National MSS. of Ireland n 95 note 200 INDEX TO VOL. II. 411 p 98 106/7 142 etc Philaster 198 seq Philoxenian syriac 878 Physical cause of Christ's death 380 382 seq Prophecy 380 Revised Version 880 381 8 199 Sabatier 113 119 232 eto Sahidic 280 seq 343 357 seq 406 Sanders, H, A. 379 Schmidke 379 Sedulius 98 107 142 etc Spelling 8 96/97 108 175 178 Stroud, Dr. (extract) 382 seq Syriac 357 361 Syriac order 187 Syriac, coptic and greek 192 Tertullian 99 eto 186 etc 225 282 287 803 309 319 324 843 etc 361 Tischendorf 344 etc 357 381 Tregelles 381 Unique readings 3/6 99 seq 181 seq 195 seq 279 seq Versions, consensus of 287 Wurzburg J 175 176 184 185 281 Westcott and Hort 844 380 381 Wordsworth, the late Bishop 381 ( 412 ) INDEX OF SCRIPTUEAL QUOTATIONS IN VOL, II, Paalm Matt viii, 2 198 vi. 8 196 xl. 877 13 186 cxxiii. 877 14 198 Matt. . 15 178 196 i, 1/6 200 16/34 209 2 198 196 26 181 6 195 196 205 28 181 9/23 201 82 303 16 205 34/vii, 17 210 17 205 vii. 12 181 189 21 195 18/27 211 ii, 1/iii, 4 202 23 196 1 196 24/27 101 176 B 189 25 193 6 205 27 195 13 205 28/viii, 11 212 20 181 viii. 6 179 180 193 iii, 3 181 9 187 5/16 203 10 181 193 16 189 11 186 187 195 16/iv, 13 204 12 193 196 iv, 8 181 12/26 218 13 205 292 18 181 182 14/22 205 27/ix, 5 214 18 177 ix. 2 181 23/v, 36 206 3 182 196 25 193 6/18 215 V, 29 181 7 181 31 181 14 181 37/vi. 2 207 18 187 87 196 18/85 217 39 195 20 179 180 187 45 181 22 187 vi, 4/16 208 28 195 11 roEX C »F J SCR [PTU RAL QUOTATIONS. Matt. Matt. ix, 30 196 xiii. 1/22 225 35 177 181 182 184 2 181 35/x, 14 217 10 195 X, 1 198 17 181 5 303 19 182 186 6 181 23/85 226 10 177 179 181 187 193 28 179 180 189 14 195 30 182 379 14/26 218 83 178 15 . 177 187 193 196 86 178 182 18 303 86/48 227 19 194 39 188 193 197 23 179 181 187 44 182 26/40 219 46 182 197 28 187 199 47 190 32 179 48 177 178 33 179 48/xiv. 6 228 34 182 49 196 xi, 1/21 220 51 188 2 179 181 182 xiv. 2 190 4 191 5 179 8 181 6/16 229 9 193 10 181 10 177 11 190 194 13 182 184 186 196 199 15 187 190 192 21/xii. 10 221 16/24 230 22 193 19 187 190 193 25 186 25/85 231 28 199 27 177 xii. 10/20 222 31 187 15 181 35 196 20 177 181 35/xv. 22 232 22 177 181 188 XV. 12 182 22/36 223 18 186 23 181 14 190 25 181 22 188 28 179 23/xvi. 1 233 33 181 26 186 35 188 189 196 28 196 37/50 224 34 186 187 38 177 39 191 42 181 xvi, 1 178 182 45 181 1/13 234 48 195 4 194 413 to (N CO Oi 1^ wO03O M CO O I— I 05 03 o c- OS 00 OO 05 Ot-C-Ot-(MOQO«0'*05tt)(MOrHCOrHr-lrHOOOOt;g'cOt-,,Jla5«)CO'>fl000003(N"OCOOa300COrHOOO03t*'^OOaOQ003Tj<030Q"^03QOWaa3000300»OOOOOOOQOiSQOl:r03>«OOQOOt*t-trOO"^000300I:-l00005",HTHClrHrHrHrHff1rHrHC^i-(rHPlrH(MrHrH01rHTHrHrH'^THi-)rHC^rHrH(NrHTHrHrHCN "' 00CO to 0> 03 y-\ ,,^ T-^ 3 M oeosDOOOOOcooo(N«IMPlffl C-OOOOrHOfNt-t-rHrHrHC^COCOCOCO lOWmC-iHrHTtlC-IMTji^tOO rHf-lC^COCOCO rHf-(r-iiH rH rH t-t-'05S'''>na303(MCqOt-OOrHr-iaOQOIMCOrjHCO!OaOrHOtD'*Ot-rHOOlOC003tO'*Ojeocooot-aocot-t-QOCO°'03t-coQooo-*c-ooao-*c-aD'*oooo'*ooo>o>0300-*oot-0300-*ooc-Ti<03 rH(M(NrHrHrH(NrHrHrH(MrHrHrH(MrHrH(MrHrHrH(MrHrH(NrHrH(NrHrHrHrHrH(NrHrHrHrHC 00 03 CT »« rH CO rH rH CT CT CO CO 03 3 § !_ ^tOOSTtlt-rHCTlOtOOOrHtOCTCT rHrHCTCTCTCTCT rHCT '^ -^ 00 OS I— I ooCT OoCT ^ OMO00rHin00OrHCTt-5CTe0»t>00''OCTC05!;rtSCTCTCTCTcocoeo^^-*Tt(^«3iOino«cototot6 oooCToocoto^goi:~oaooooot-03C2CTCTCTrHrHrHCTrHCT tDI>Q0OW5"^t003 r-i rH ^.^ ^.^ rH CD CT s CO CT 03 s O rH 00 03 coeoc-rH'lOS(MCOcDCOt>t-iHCNOi-ICOCD t-C:-t*rH-^lO'^OtfSOsOCD(M'<#t>iOOcDCOCDCN(M'^Oi:Mr-tCOCD COCOCOrHCOCOCOCMCOTHiHrHClC^COCOCOCOiHCOCOCOrHCOCMCOi-lrH CM O OS OS O CO 00 Tt< '^ CO CD Tt^ '^ iH * O -! 03 t- 00 00 rH CO CO CO H r— I rt o CO rt lOCDt-rHlOCOtDOrHCT-*C-tr-OrHrHTtlCOt-t-t-O Tjl-^lOlOlOlOlOlOlOlOtO eoOCTlOeOOOCBOJCD-*TjlrH rHrHrHT-iCTCO-^ t- 3 OrHCTC0-*OCTTt(t>q3 tO-H loioioioiotococoioio CTCO CT CT CT rH I 1 rH O 00CTlO eoCT CO fl a rH 0) O CT M § CT rH .H o 03 IO ira "*^ 03 CO IO CO m rH Cfl rH rH ^^ O 03 03 rH 00 Tj( 03 CT O eo ^ CO to CT CO CO CO CT CO to ¦* tX t- rH to CT O CT rH t- CT CT CO CO CO rH CO to 00 t- CT to rH O 03 rH »0 to CT CT CT CO rH rH CO C0CTt-CT>OCTt-tDTl ^ rH CO O rH t- 5» CO CO eo lo ira o lo CT to «o fH n! 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