YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY R. D. Sl F. N. DIX, AND OWNERS OF THK Abstract Records of Berrien County, "Will perfect titled of land, negotiate loans of money, and attend to collections In Register's Office, BERRIEX SPRIJVCJS, MICHIGAN. G. Y. Gray. S. B. Shepard._ F. M. Gray. BANKING HOUSE -O F- GRAY, SHEPARD&GRAY, (SUCCESSORS TO FULTON & ROSS.) {^d Natifmal Bank, Cliicago. 9th National Bank. N y. 'MilQC! A/ri/r>'l-l 2dNatiunalBank,J)ttroit., J.N llGto, iVXlOll. — DEALEB IN— GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, Crockery <& Glaesware, SPORTSMAN'S GOODS, NOTIONS &c., IVo. 40 Sta,te Street, ST. JOSEPH, - - MICHIGAN. CHARLES STEWART, -DEADER IN- Shelf & Heavy Hardware, Steel, Iron, Nailes, Stoves, Tinware, Glass, Sash, Doors, &c. 42 State St., St. Joseph, Mich. a. S. BO'X'LE. —DEALER IN— GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, TEAS AND COrrUE, Fish, Flour, Vegetables, Syrups, Molasses, Crockery, Stone, Wooden and Willow Ware, Candies, Green and Dried Fruits. THE BEST GOODS AT THE LOWEST CASH PRICE. Main Street, Opposite American House, Benton Harbor, - - Miehigan. McCARTEN HOUSE, J. McCAKTEN, Pi crprietor. * NEW BUFFALO, MICHIGAN. S. B. Shkpard. F. M. Gray. , P. L- Bartow. S. B. SHEPARD & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF NILES €RA€KERS, NO. 63 SECOND STREET, C. B. POTTER ^ BRO., Attorneys and Solicitors, 26 Ship Street, ST. JOSEPH, - - MICHIGAN. C. B. POTTER. A. H. POTTER. E. & E. C. PALMER, AND DEALBKS IN PROVISIONS. 38 State Street, St. Joseph, Michigan, -AN D- Foot of Territorial Street, Benton Harbor. St. Joseph Traveler. A Home Paper — Devoted to Republican Principles ai^d Local Interests. Published by THEODORE L. REYNOLDS, ST. JOSEPH, MICH:, At $2 per year, in advance. X9-Job Printing: Promptly Executed. -^^ OflSce in Ricaby's Block, State Street. BERRIEN COUNTY DIRECTORY ANB HISTORY COSTAININQ HISTORICAL AND DISCRIPTIVE SKETCHES OF THE VILLAGES AND TOWNSHIPS WITHIN THE COUNTY, AND THE NAMES AND ©COtTPA- TIONS OF PERSONS RESIDING THEREIN. 1 S^ 1 ED. B. COW^LES, Compiler* and. Publisher, NILES, MICHIGAN. BUCHANAN, MICH. E^COED ai£AM PBIKTINS aOUSZ, 1871. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1871, by EDWARD B. COWLES, in the Office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington. PREFACE. The preface is generally the last thing written, the last thing printed and the last thing read, and is often considered a nuisance. Ours shall at least have the virtue of being short. At the commencement of this work it was the intention of the publisher to present merely a Directory of Niles and of the several villages in the County, put as the work of canvassing progressed we were convinced that to make the work of the greatest usefulness to business men, we must include a list of land owners in the several townships. With the aid of the Supervisors we are enabled to present the names of resident land owners of each town. We have also procured the post ofiBce address, as far as possible, and in this respect we believe that we are in advance of any Directory ever published. Thia will explain the delay attending the publication of this book. We have been led to undertake the work, not for personal profit only, but for the purpose of providing a work at once useful and profitable to the people of the entire County. We have endeavored to make this Directory correct in all essen tial particulars, but we do not claim to be correct in every par ticular, such a thing in the line of Directories being unknown. In placing upon record the incidents connected with the early settlement of the various localities, we have been obliged for want of room, to omit many items of interest which will s PRKFAOE. be preserved for some better historian. If any errors in facts or dates are discovered the publisher will feel under obli gations if he is informed of the fact. Attention is called to the article on the " Geology of Ber rien County," by Prof. A. Winchell of Ann Arbor. For information going to make up the historical sketches, onr thanks are due many of the oldest inhabitants and to the representatives of the press for the use of files of their papers, and especially to D. B. Cook, of Niles. for files of the Niles Republican from 1842. The paper upon which this book is printed was made ex pressly for the Berrien County Directory by the Cleveland Paper Company; the printing was done by the Record Steam Printing House of Buchanan, and the binding was performed by Chaplin & Ihling of Kalamazoo. It is the intention to publish another Directory in three or four years, or as soon as the interests of the County demand it. ED. B. COWLES, Publisher and Compiler. Niles, Michigan. TABLE OF CONTENTS. Avery Village Directory 141 Bainbridge History 220 Bainbridge Township Directory 222 Benton History 326 Benton Harbor Directory 333 Benton Township Directory 312 Berrien County History 27 Berrien County OfiScers 11 Berrien County Population Statistics 19 Berrien Springs Directory 288 Berrien Township Directory 195 Berrien Township History 187 Bertrand Township Directory 12& Bertrand Township History 121 Buchanan History .247 Buchanan Village Directory 260 Buchanan Township Directory 275 Carey Mission 31 ¦Chikaming History 153 Chikaming Township Directory 154 Classified Business Directory 372 Coloma Village Directory 238 County OfScers from 1831 17 County Organizations 12 County Poor House 191 Dayton Village Directory '. 132 Galien History 133 Galien Township Directory .136' Gralien Village Directory 134 Geology of Berrien County 21 Hagar 240 Hagar Township Directory 241 10 TABLE OF CONIKNTS. Hill's Corners ^'^J Lake History •*¦'** Lake Township Directory ' 1°1 Laketon Village Directory 18" Lincoln History "^^ Lincoln Township Directory ^06 Millburg Village Directory 340 NewBufialo History 142 New Buflfalo Township Directory 149 New Buffalo Village Directory 145 New Troy Village Directory 177 Niles City Directory 76 Niles Directory , 66 Niles History 40 Niles Shipments 63 Niles Street Directory 74 Niles Township Directory 110 Oronoko History 281 Oronoko Township Directory 293 Pipestone History 203 Pipeston e Township Directory 205 Populatiori of Michigan Cities and Villages 383 Royalton History 298 Royalton Township Directory 300 Sodus History 203 Sodus Township Directory 205 St. Joseph History 341 St. Joseph Shipments 349 St. Joseph Township Directory 368 St. Joseph Village Officers from '34 to '70 349 St. Joseph Village Directory 354 Three Oaks History 153 Three Oaks Township Directory 165 Three Oaks Village Directory 160 Township Officers and Notaries Public 13 Watervliet History 229 Water vliet Township Directory 231 Watervliet Village Directory , 239 Weesaw History 170 Weesa w Township Directory 171 BERRIEN COUNTY OFFICERS Sheriff— irnVS F. WARNER. County C^erA— CHARLES E; HOWE. Register of Dee&— FRANK N. DIX. Judge of Probate— DAmEL CHAPMAN. County 2VeasMrer— SAMUEL HESS. Prosecuting Attorney — 0. W. COOLIDGE, Niles. Circuit Court Commissioners — B. M. PLIMPTON, Bu chanan ; N. A. HAMILTON, St. Joseph. County Surveyor — A. J. NOWLEN, Benton Harbor. County Ooroners—WM.. H. TRYON, Royalton; J. W. BREWER, St. Joseph. County Superintendent of /Sc^oo^s— EDWARD L. KINGS- LAND. COUNTY ORGANIZATIONS. BERRIEN COUNTY AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. William Bort, Prmc?ewi ; James Badger, Vice President; E. C. Paine, Treasurer ; Jerome B. Fitzgerald, Secretary, Directors — William Hurd, A. P. Knox, Michael Hand, D. 0. Woodruff, William Graves, John P. Vedder, Jos. S. Tuttle, Nathan Fitch, Wm. Chamberlain, Michael Herkimer. farmer's MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE ASSOCIATION. Samuel Thompson, President. Abram Corell, Vice President. Charles F. Howe, Secretary, Buchanan. Directors — Samuel Messenger, William Haslett, Thomas R. Martin, Michael Swobe, James Badger, Otis Stearns, of Ber rien County. Isaac Wells, David P. Gerberich, of Cass County. Samuel Witter, John F. Ullery, of St. Joseph County, Ind. BERRIEN COUNTY BIBLE ASSOCIATION. J. W. Hart, President; H. M. Dean, Vice President; B. S. Reed, Secretary; J. C. Larimore, Treasurer; L. B. Pier- son, 0. W. Coolidge, W. W. Knight, S. 0. Gardner, Uxecii- tive Committee. BERRIEN COUNTY TEACHERS* ASSOCIATION. Prof. A. J. Wood, President, Benton Harbor. Mrs. Maria McNab, Secretary, Berrien Springs. M. A. Kellogg, Ass't Secretary, New Buffalo. Mrs. A. J. Wood, Cor. Secretary, Benton Harbor. William J. Jones, Treasurer, Berrien Springs. TOWNSHIP OFFICERS AND NOTARIES PUBLIC. 13 A. J. Wood, M. A. Kellogg, Wm. J. Jones, Executive Com mittee. BERRIEN COUNTY HOBTICULTUEA^ SOCIETY. W. Smythe Farmer, President, Pipestone. W. B. Ransom, Vice President, St, Joseph, J. C. Ingham, Cor. and Bee. Secretary, Benton Harbor. H. A. Truax, Treasurer, St. Joseph. Township Officers and Notaries Public. BAINBRIDGE. T. J. West, Supervisor ; S. J. Barnard, Clerk ; Ambler Olds, Treasurer. Justices — Merritt Matrau, '72 ; John Byers, '73 ; John A. Mays, '74 ; A. Spink, '75. BENTOn. W. L. George, Supervisor ; H. H. Kidd, Clerk ; J. L. Winans, Treasurer. Justices — Josiah Swisher, '72 ; George W. Toles, '73 ; D. J. Morrison, '75. Notaries — S. Brunson, A. J. Nowlen, J. P. Thresher. BERRIEN. Joel Layman, Supervisor ; Isaac Rogers, Clerk; Harvey E. Murphy, Treasurer. Justices— A. W. Mars, '72 ; J. R. Taylor, '73 ; Michael Hand, '74 ; William Murphy, '75. Notaries — E. T. Dickson, Silas Ireland. 14 TOWNSHIP OFFICERS AND NOTARIES PUBLIC. BERTRAND.* Freeman Franklin, Supervisor; John H. Young, Clerk; George Rough, Treasurer. Justices — A. DeArmond, '71 ; Hiram Baker, '72 ; Michael Swobe, '73 ; W. R. Rough, '74. Notary — Wm. Hazlett. BUCHANAN. Amos H. Clark, Supervisor ; David E. Hinman, Clerk; B. F. Fisk, Treasurer. Justices— 'Da.mdi Fisk, '72 ; Edward Ballengee, '74 ; D. E. Hinman, '75. Notaries — W. D. Kingery, E. M. Plimpton, D. Terriere, D. A. Wagner, A. F. Ros3. CHIKAMING. Oliver L. Newkirk, Supervisor ; C. C. Sherrill, Clerk; J. L. Winans, Treasurer. Justices— John F. Goudy, '72 ; Albert L. Drew, '73 ; J. C. Miller, '74. Notaries — A. L. Drew, J. F. Miller. GALIEN. Stephen A. Denriison, Supervisor ; David D. Hinman, Clerk ; Ebenezer Harris, Treasurer. Justices— George A. Blakeslee, '72 ; David Dingman, '74. Notaries — George A. Blakeslee, George Partridge. HAGAR. H. N. Sheldon, Supervisor. Justices— A&ron H. Smith, '71 ; Wilson Sparks, '72 ; Ches ter Curtis, '73 ; Roswell Curtis, '74. Notary — E., L. Kingsland. LAKE. Isaac Hathaway, Supervisor ; C. M. Smith, Treasurer. Justices— Vetev Starr, '71; Joseph Giles ; Isaac Hatha way, '73. TOWNSHIP OFFICERS AND NOTARIES PUBLIC. 15 H LINCOLN. A. D. Brown, Supervisor. Justices— GrQulA Parrish, '71 , J. G. Wells, '72 ; G. Hetler, '73 ; L. E. Knowles, '74. NILES. Thomas R. Martin, Supervisor; S. C. Thompson, Clerk; S. Westfall, Treasurer. Notaries — J. Ballard, L. Sparks. NEW BUFFALO. George Weimer, Supervisor; John C. Dick, Clerk; Henry P. Nourse, Treasurer. Justices — George Weimer, '72 ; Dwight Plimpton, '73 ; John C. Dick, '74; A. Bennett, '75. Notaries — J. M. Glavin. J. V. Phillips, D. Plimpton, George Weimer. ORONOKO. Aaron Van Patten, Supervisor ; L. B. Marquisee, Clerk. Justices — Z. Fisher, '71 ; J. M. Watson, '73 ; Robert Hast ings, '74. Notaries — Daniel Chapman, Frank N. Dix, Roscoe^D. Dix, James Graham, S. Hess, Chas. E. Howe, B. F. Pennell,, W. Putnam. PIPESTONE. James F. Haskins, Supervisor. Justices— Wm. Burke, '71 ; John H. Oonklin, '72 ; George B. Tatman, '73 ; James F. Haskins, '74. Notaries — W. S. Farmer, J. F. Haskins. ROYALTON. Henry Ashoff, Supervisor. ST. JOSEPH. W. S. Maynard, Supervisor; J . W. Brewer, Clerk; J.J. Drake, Treasurer. 16 TOWNSHIP OFFICERS AND NOTARIES PUBLIC. Justices— J. M. Enos, '72 ; J. W. Brewer, '73 ; Hiram Brown, '75. Notaries — C. B. Potter, A. H. Morrison, C. W. Ormsbee, W. K. Lyon, G. S. Clapp. SODUS. L. Hemmingway, Supervisor. Justices— FreiF. King, '71 ; A. Sherwood, '72 ; D. Daniels, '73; Wm. L.King, '74. Notary — J. Fisher. THREE OAKS. E. K. Warren, Supervisor; William H. Breece, Clerk; Isaac W. Martin, Treasurer. Justices— T. C. Bradley, '72 ; Wm. K. Sawyer, '73; J. M. Smee, '74 ; Thomas Love, '75. Notaries — H. Chamberlain, Wm. H. Breece. WEESAW. B. C. Sanford, Supervisor. Justices— John C. Morley, '71 ; W. S. Morl6y, '72 ; Henry Searls, '73 ; Burr.Benton, '74. Notary — A. Sherwood. WATERVLIET. Wm. II. Merrifield, Supervisor. Justices— Geo. A. Ray, '71 ; I. B. Standish, '72 ; A. Bea- man, '73 ; J. H. Marvin, '74. COUNTY OFFICERS FROM 1831. The following is a list of County officers who have served the County up to the present time, with the year in which thev were elected. 1831— G. K. Green. 1832— B. 0. Hoyt. 1834 — James Randies. 1836 — Edwin Richardson 1838 — ^Alonzo Bennett. 1840^Alonzo Bennett. 1842 — Alonzo Bennett. 1844 — Thomas Love. 1846— Thomas Love. 1848— E. Mcllvaine. 1870—1 CLERKS. 1850— E. Mcllvaine. 1852— E. Mcllvaine. 1854— William S. MerrilL 1856— William S. Merrill. 1858— William S. Merrin. 1860 — George H. Murdock. 1862— D. Terriere. 1864 — George H. Murdock. 1866 — George H. Murdock. 1868— Charles E. Howe. Charles E. Howe. REGISTERS. 1831— Obed P. Lacey. 1850 1832— S. E. Mason. 1852 1834— S. E. Mason. . 1854 1836— A. J. F. Phelan. 1856 1838— Edwin Richardson. 1858 1840— Edwin Richardson. 1860 1842— Thomas Conger. 1862 1844— F. D. Johnson. 1864 1846— Charles F. Howe. 1866 1848— Charles F. Howe. 1868 1870— Frank N, Charles F. Howe. ! — Charles F. Howe. Warren Chapman. — ^Warren Chapman. — A. B. Leeds. I — A. B. Leeds. — A. B. Leeds. — Roscoe D. Dix. — ^Roscoe D. Dix. — Roscoe D. Dix. Dix. 18 COUNTY OFFICERS FROM 1831. SHERIFFS. 1831-1832-1834-1836- 1838- 1840- 1842-1844-1846-1848- 1834-1836-1838-1840-1842- 1844-1846- 1848- 1850- 1836- 1838-1840- 1842-1844- 1846-1848- 1850- 1852-1836-1842- 1844- 1846- 1848- 1850-1852-1854- - Augustus B. Newell. -Augustus B. Newell. -Fowler Preston. -E. S. Chapman. -A. B. Munger. -A. B. Munger. -J. Wittenmyer. -J. Wittenmyer. -0. R. Willard. -0. R. Willard. 1870— Linus 1850 — Thomas Coming. 1852 — Thomas Comins. 1854 — Nathan Fitch. 1856— Nathan Fitch. 1858 — James Graham. 1860— -James Graham. 1862— Charles D. Nich^ols. 1864— J. M. Seward. 1886— J. M. Seward. 1868— Linus F. Warner. F. Warner. TREASURERS. -B. C. Hoyt. -R. C. Paine. -William Lemon. -Thomas Love. -R. W. Landon. -R. W. Landon. -R. W. Landon. -R. W. Landon. -R. W. Landon. 1870- 1852— Calvin Britain. 1854— Charles D. Nichols. 1856— Charles D. Nichols. 1858— Thomas T. Glenn. I860— B. F. Pennell. 1862— B. F. Pennell. 1864— B. F. Pennell. 1866— B. F. Pennell. 1868— Samuel Hess. -Samuel Hess. -J. Wittenmyer. -J. Wittenmyer. -Jehiel Enos. -Jehiel Enos. -A. B. Staples. -A. B. Staples. -F. R. Pinnell. -Jas. L. Parent. -Jas. L. Parent. SURVEYORS. 1854— Amos Grey. 1856 — Jas. L. Parent. 1858— Jehiel Enos. I860— Robert Eaton. 1862— Robert Eaton. 1864—0. D. Parsons. 1866— Joseph F. Miller. 1868— Joseph F. Miller. 1870— A. J. Nowlen. -Charles Jewett. -James Brown. -James Brown.' -J. N. Chipman. -J. B. Fitzgerald. -Levi B. Taft. -James Brown. -David Bacon. PROSECUTING ATTORNEYS. 1856— E. 1858— p. I860— F. 1862— H. 1864— G. 1866— G. 1868— G. 1870— 0. M. Plimpton. 0. Rogers. 0. Rogers. H. Coolidge. S. Clapp. S. Clapp. S. Clapp. W. Coolidge. BERRIEN COUNTY POPULATION STATISTICS. 19 JUDGBS OF PROBATE. 1836— Thomas Conger. 1854— B. Mcllvaine. 1840— George Hoffman. 1856— B. F. Fish. 1844 — James Brown. 1860 — Charles Jewett. 1848— James Brown. 1864— Wm. S. Merrill. 1852 — Thomas Fitzgerald. 1868 — Daniel Chapman. Berrien County Population Statistics. Showing the population of the townships at different dates. 1840. 1845. 1854. 1860. 1870. Bainbridge, 251 613 574 938 1337 Benton, \ 237 641 1028 3116 Berrien, 543 566 999 1253 1405 Bertrand, 1298 1305 1084 1540 1522 Buchanan, 264 630 1282 1728 2973 Chikaming, 310 993 Galien, 141 404 528 856 Hagar, 269 438 834 Lake, 227 557 1006 Lincoln, 1181 New Buffalo, 123 416 873 834 1389 Niles, 1420 1935 3174 2722 1910 Niles City, 1030 2788 4648 Oronoko, 335 664 874 1252 1617 Pipestone, 277 875 1052 1379 Royalton, Sodus, 246 284 452 964 674 2190 906 St. Joseph, 489 628 703 1358 2994 Three Oaks, 539 1328 Watervliet, «••¦*¦ 545 1328 Weesaw, 142 155 404 753 1243 Berrien Go. Post Offices and Postmasters. p. 0. P. M. Salary. Avery. W. S. Wilson. $100 Bainbridge. Frank Stuart. 49 Benton Harbor. H. C. Morton. 1,200 Berrien Centre. Isaac Hess. 17 Berrien Springs. S. H. Smith. 540 Bertrand. D. C. Higbee. 69 Buchanan. N. H. Merrill. 1,200 Chikaming. Edmund Glavin. 31 Coloma. J. H. Marvin. 120 Dayton. S. B. Stout. 150 Eau Claire. Henry Rush. 55 Galien. G. A. Blakeslee. 230 Laketon. Geo. Bridgman. 69 Millburg. Mrs. Sarah Hill. 80 New Buffalo. D. Plimpton. 370 New Troy. Geo. B. Hiller. 59 Niles. Ed. S. Jewett. 2,600 Pipestone. J. W. Rulapaugh, 36 Pleasant Valley. D. F. Bakeman. 12 St. Joseph. T. L. Reynolds. 1,400 Sawyer. 12 Sodus. David Daniel. 61 Three Oaks. Wm. K. Sawyer, 340 Union Pier. 12 Watervliet. W. W. Allen. 170 Weesaw. C. M. Beard. 19 OE0L0(}Y OF BERRIEN COUNTY. Berrien County is everywhere so deeply buried beneath su perficial accumulations of sand, gravel and clay, that its under lying structure of solid strata has never, as yet, been precisely ascertained. The existing State Geological Survey will, in due time, undertake a detailed investigation of the south-wes tern portion of the State, and we may be able to arrive at ex act conclusions. For the present we are under the necessity of contenting ourselves with inferences as to the geological a"-e and character of the deep-seated rocks of Berrien County. In doing this, however, we are not in danger of falling into very serious errors. We find outcrops of rocky strata on all sides, at points not very far beyond the limits of the County. At Chicago, we have the Niagara limestone, which extends an unknown distance eastward beneath the southern bend of Lake Michigan, and, reappearing in northern Indiana, sweeps around through north-western Ohio, to the region between San dusky and Toledo. This formation, probably, does not extend into the south-western corner of Michigan. North of the Niag ara limestone, in northern Ohio, occurs, in due order, the Salina formation, which is known to underlie Monroe county, Mich igan, and probably also, would be found beneath the south western part of Berrien County. The outcrop strikes north west across the angle of the County, and, disappearing beneath 22 GEOLOGY OF BERRIEN COUNTY. Lake Michigan, makes its next outcrop near Milwaukee. This formation furnishes the gypsum of Sandusky, Ohio, and the brine of Syracuse, N. Y., and of Mt. Clemens, St. Clair, and Port Austin in this State. On the north and east, we have, at Bangor, in Van Buren county, Mendon and Leonidas, St. Joseph county, Athens, LeRoy and Mendon, Calhoun county, and Union City in Branch county, and apparently at some points in Kalamazoo county, a series of shales which I have designated the "Huron group." These shales are about 600 feet in thickness ; but from the line of outcrops just indicated, they dip north-eastward, and consequently do not pass under Berrien County. This County must be mainly underlaid by strata whose geo logical position is between the shales of the Huron group and the gypseous and saliferous marls and limestones of the Salina group. The following table exhibits, in order, the groups concerned in this inquiry : Carbon if I'rons J Marshall Group, j' ilnronGro\ii>=C/ti:mi(iig,Po)-taffe, (.u'nessee Derail i mouth of Lake Eric. They arrived at Mackinac near the close of the month, after a, rough voyage. In a few days they again set sail and went to a small island at the mouth of Green Bay. At this '"place LaSalle I'esolvedto send back to the Niagrtr;l-,tll<^s^!hoon. (>r with a, load oC furs to pay his debts, and the pilot and five men were detailed for this purpose, and thoy were ordered to return with all possible dispatch and join the parly )ieiir the southern part of the lake. Tu the meantime iia Siilie, with fourteen men, among whom Avasthe Franciscan liennepin, em barked in four canoes and steered soutlnvardly lowai'd the head of the lake, and then followed llic western shore as far as the mouth of the Miamis. They arrived on the 1st t up these many years to mark the grave of Father Joseph, the first white man who died here. The cross may he seen on the hill, just above the dam. Leaving now, tlie subject of the early tradtrs and C.-Jtholic missionaries, w^e pass on to speak of the original inhabitants of the territory we occupy. When the eaiiier explorere passed throuffh this section thev found a small branch of the Miami 30 HISTORY OF BERKIKN COUNTY. Indians. These afterward gave way to the Pottawatomies, who were generally more domestic in their tastes, and less warlike than some of the neighboring tribes. They inhabited all of south-western Michigan, as well as part of Indiana and Illi nois, but one of their favorite resorts was along the river St. Joseph, which was well stocked with fish and covered with flocks of wild fowls. In the forests on either side was an a,bundant supply of deer and other game. Their regard for this place is shown by the number of trails, and by the burial grounds which may now be seen in various parts of the Coun ty. The "Grand Sachem,'" Topenebe, was their principal chief. In 1795, as head chief of the Pottawatomies, he signed the. treaty which ceded all of southern Ohio to the United States. His name also appears on eleven subsequent treaties, entered) into at different times, which ceded northern Ohio, nearly all. of Indiana and Michigan, and parts of Illinois and Wisconsin. Pokagon was the second in rank, and was the reality of the noble red men of whom we read. lie was a man of consider able talent, and in his many business transactions with the early settlers, was never known to break his word. He set a ^ood example to his followers, by not indulging in "fire water." He was one of the first converts to the Catholic faith, and for this reason did not give as much countenance to the Carey mis sion as some of the other chiefs. Weesaw was the war chief of the tribe. He had a strong passion for pomp and ceremony, and in the grandeur and cost liness of his dress surpassed all others. He had three wives, one of whom was the daughter of Topenebe. She was his fa vorite, and on her he bestowed his warmest affections, the best oalico and the costliest jewelry. When he came with his train of wives to the village to trade, she always walked next behind him, the second in favor came next, while the other brought up the rear. He was killed by his son in a drunken row. There were three treaties by which the United States ob tained from the Indians the territory now embraced in Berrien UCSTORY OF BKBttlEN COUNTY. 31 Coutity. First— Treaty of August 29th, 1821, made by the Ottawas,Chippowas and Pottawatomies. Thoy cede all of aouth- wostorn Michigan except that part of Berrien County lying between the river and the lake. Second— Treaty of Septem- bor 20th 1828, at Carey mission. The Pottawatomies ceded that part of Berrien County lying west of the river, except a tract of land lying between the river and a direct lino running, from the State line, in the south-east corner of Gallon, to the river in section 12, Buchanan. This tract contained nearly fifty sections, and included all but four sections of the present township of Bertrand. The treaty was signed on the part of the United States, by Lewis Cass and Pierre Menard, and on the part of the Indians, by Topenebe, Pokagon, Weesaw, Moc casin, *^d many other head mon. Third — Treaty of Septem ber 2Gth, 1833, at Chicago, codes, among other tracts, theNiles reservations, the Indiana receiving in lieu thereof, lands be yond the Mississippi. Pokagon and his band having become Catholics, feared that by removing west they would loose their religion and the civilization thoy had already acquired, and re fused to sign the treaty, unless they were permitted to remain in Michigan. Permission was granted, and a supplementary treaty was entered into the next day to that effect. When the other Indians were taken west, Pokagon removed to Silver Creek, in Cass County, and bought land from the Government. He died in 1841, and his body rests in a vault in the Catholic church in Silver Creek. Carey Mission. Rev. Isaac McCoy, the missionary, made the first opening in the wilderness of the St. Joseph valley in 1822, when ha established Carey mission. The following pages in regard to this subject are taken from the Historical Address delivered 32 HISTORY OF BERRIEN COUSTY. by tlie late Judge Bacon before the Old Settler's Society, at Niles, in 1869 : This event, so important in the history of the countr;^, arid which was, in fact, the pioneer step in the way of its sfettle- ment, deserves particular notice. It was barely ten years since- the massacre at Chicago, and about the same time after the Uiemorable battle of Tippecanoe, and the disastrous defeat of* oar army at Brownstown, when, this . mission was established; Emigration had, in a great measure, stopped. Very few dared to venture beyond the older settlements, until he whose name we have just jnentioned- boldly entered -into the heart of the Indian country and began his mission school among the Pottawatomies, who dwelt on the river St. Joseph. The fact was soon made known throughoiut Indiana and Ohio, and at once adventurers prepared to follow the example of the missionary who had led the way. If McCoy had not founded the Carey mission, Thompson and Kirk might never have Crossed the Elkhart. The Rev. Isaac McCoy was born June 13th, 1783, near Uniontown, in the State of Pennsylvania. When about six years of age his parents removed to Jefferson County, in the State of Kentucky. In October, 1803, he married Iviiss Christina Polk, daughter of Capt. Charles Polk, of the last named State, and in March, 1804, after having been licensed to preach, he and his wife emigrated to the town of Vincennes, in the State of Indiana, where, he began his labors as missionary among the Indians, and accordingly removed in to the neighborhood of their villages on the Raccoon Creek, and there erected a double log cabin and opened his school. His devoted wife was his faithful helper, and she with their children followed him and shared with him his toils and privations. In the year 1820 he removed his school to Ft. Wayne, and there for two years devoted himself to his chosen work, thence removing to Carey, on the St. Joseph river, as has already been stated. On the 9th of October, 1822, McCoy, with Mr. Jackson and HISTORY OP BBUKIBS COUNTY. 33 family, four hired men and some of the oldest Indian boys — in all twenty persons — left Ft. Wayne for the purpose of erecting mission stations."' They»brought - with them two wagons drawn by oxen, one four horse wagon, and five milch cows. They ar rived on the 19th ;'of October, wet with rain and worn down with fatigue., They immediately began their work, cutting down trees and hauling them upon the ground, and fitting them tolie laid up into the four walls of a house. McCoy, though not fully recovered from an attack of fever, labored with the men and directed the work. On the 11th of November the buildings were in such a state of forwardness that McCoy left the party t* go on with the work,, and set out on his return to Ft. Wayne. It was Novem ber weather, stormy and cold. The missionary, famishing with hunger and shivering with cold, reached home after a ride of three days. Preparations having been made for the final re moval, McCoy, with his wife and five children, Mr. Dusenburg an assistant missionary, six laboring men and eighteen pupils .i,nd Indians, removed from Ft. Wayne on the 9th of Decem ber, 1822. They were stowed away in three wagons drawn by oxen, and one wagon drawn by four horses. They drove with them fifty fat hogs and five cows. Beds, bedding, clothing and provisions were packed into the wagons. Some were obliged to go on foot, and some rode on horseback. A large tent was carried along, and at night and on stormy days it afforded a shel ter for the whole company. The weather was cold ; there was three inches of snow on the ground, and ice had already formed in the swamps and on the streams. They made but three miles advance the first day ; the snow was carefully re moved, a fire built, the tent pitched, beds made on the ground, and the party encamped for the night. They retired early to rest and rose at four o'clock in the moaning, and had breakfast by candle light. This was their custom during the journey. Delays and hindrances happened daily. Wagons were broken which must be repaired, cattle strayed away at night and an niSTOEY OF BERRIEN COUNTY. entire day was spent in search for them. On the night of the 14th they encamped on the bank of the Elkhart. After cut ting away the ice they got safely over the river, but not until a day of hard labor and great exposure. Early in the morning of the 17th, McCoy, though very unwell, took two me'n with him and wsnt ahead of the party ten miles, to the St. Joseph, and biiilt latge fires on each bank by which they could warm themselves from time to time, as the slow and tedious work of crossing was going on. Although the water was deep and the ice was running fast, which made the crossing dangerous, they got safely over and encamped for the night. They were now eighteen miles from the French trading house at Bertrand, on the morning of the 18th of December. They made a desperate effort, and at night found a shelter un der the roof of the kind and hospitable Mr. Bertrand. They were now within six miles of the mission house. On the 19th they came to this place and forded the river near the foot of Main street, crossing it diagonally, and landing near the rear of Mr. Colby's garden. In an hour afterwards they reached their new home in the ivoods. When thoy arrived at Carey their stock of flour was nearly exhausted. Two wagons drawn by oxen were immediately sent to Ohio, by way of Ft. Wayne, to procure a supply. It was hoped they i ould return in a month. It was not, however, until the 18th of February that they arrived. The family had been on short allowance for more than four weeks. They had been able to buy from the Indi ans and French traders only a few bushels ol' corn. This was boiled and served as bread. On the 21st of February Mr. Johnson Lykins arrived, to the gi'cat joy of all. He had first been employed as a teacher when the school was established in the Wabash country. He came with themissionarytoFt. Wayne, and was an associate with Mr. McCoy. His ability, integrity and Christian devotion emi- faently fitted him for the work in which he wtis engaged.- He remained at Carey until the CBtablishment was broken up. HISTORY OF BERRIEN COUNTY. 'Sd' In February, 1828, he married, at Carey, Miss McCoy, eldest •daughter of the missionary. Dr. Lykins is yet living, and now resides at Kansas City, in the State of Missouri. The winter and spring of 1823 were times of great suffer ing with the mission family. Many of them were sick from over labor, and from exposure and privation. McCoy himself was confined to his house by fever. There was great activity among all the employees at the mission that spring. Theschoot was in full operation, the daily cares of the household and fam ily were large. A new farm was cleared and fenced, plowed and planted. Various as were the departments of labor, there was order and regularity in all of them. In May, 1823, Major Long, of the United States army, while on his way to explore the sources of the St. Peters, visited the mission. The following extract is taken from his report of that visit : "The report which we had received of the flatter ing success which had attended the efforts of the Baptist mis sionaries, induced us to deviate a little from our route, to visit this interesting establishment. * * * The spot was covered with a voiy dense forest seven months before the time we visited it, but by the great activity of the superintendent, he had suceeedcd, in the course of this short time, in building six o;ood log houses, i'our of which afford comfortable residen ces to the inmates ni' the establishment, the fifth is used as a school room, and the sixth forms a commodious blacksmith shop. In addition to this thev have cleared about fifty acres of laud, which is nearly all inclosed by a substantial, fence: Forty acres have already been plowed and planted with maize, a.nd every step has been taken to place the establishment upon an independent footing. The school consists of from forty to sixty children. It is thought it will soon be increased to one hundred. The plan adopted seems to be a very judicious one. It is to unite a practical and intellectual education. The boys aro msta'ucted in the English language, in reading, in writing and arithmetic. They sire made to attend to the usual occu- 36 HISTORY OF BERBIBN COUNTY. pations of the farm, and perform every operation connected with it, such as plowing, planting and harrowing. The girls receive the same instruction as the boys, and are in addition to this, taught spinning, knitting, weaving and sewing, both plain and ornamental. They have a flock of one hundred sheep, and are daily expecting two hundred head of cattle, collected in Tennessee, Kentucky and Ohio." On the 15th of June a drove of one hundred and twenty- one cattle arrived at Carey. They were a part of the drove of two hundred mentioned by Major Long, a part of them having been left at Ft. Wayne to recruit. Their stock was now increased to one hundred and fifty head. They very soon had sixty cows for their dairy, and large quantities of butter and cheese were made. They had a large stock of all the do mestic animals which are kept on a well conducted and well managed farm. It was commonly reported that they had about. two hundred head of cattle, about three hundred sheep and an immense herd of swine. The latter subsisted most of the time on nuts and roots which they found in the woods, and were in fine condition. The mission was now in full operation, but had not attained its full growth. New scholars were received, additions made of new teachers and new laborers. In Novem ber Miss Fannie Goodridgc, from Lexington, Kentucky, ar rived and became a teacher. She was followed, but at a later day, by Miss Wright and Miss Purchase, from Ohio, and by Mr. and Mrs. Polk, from Indiana. The late Major Britain was a teacher in 1827. In October, 1823, Charles Noble, E^q,, of Monroe, was commissioned by Gen. Lewis Cass, who was the Governor of, the Territory^of Michigan, to visit the Carey mission and make a report of its condition. In pursuance of his commissioa Mr. Noble came to the mission house and there spent three days in making his examination. The result of that visit, and the opinion, of that gentleman are spoken of by Gen. Cass in a letter to Mr. McCoy, in which he said: "Your report and that of HISTORY OP BERRIEN COUNTY. 37 Mr. Noble, are entirely satisfactory. The affairs of your agency appear to be in the best condition, and if the experiment is ev er successful, I am satisfied you will make it so." Although this year was one of prosperity, and although the products of the farm had been as large as could reasonably ihave been expected, still there was a lack of breadstuff at the mission. It is true they had gathered nine hundred bushels of corn, and a large quantity of vegetables, but they had not, as yet, raised any wheat, and flour was transported from Ohio in wagons. They were in need of clothing, and there was a debt of several hundred dollars incurred in support of the mission. To procure supplies Mr. McCoy left Carey on the 29th of December, and proceeded to Washington, and from thence, in February, he went to Philadelphia, New York, Bos ton, and other places. Wherever he went there was a general response to his appeals. On the 25th of May he embarked at Buffalo on a schooner, which was bound for Detroit, and the mouth of the St. Joseph. He had on board, besides boxes of clothing and goods, one hundred barrels of flour, twenty-four barrels of salt and thirty bushels of wheat for seed. He left the vessel at Detroit and came across the country on horseback, and arrived at Carey on the 11th of June, 1824. He found them all well and the work was going on prosperously. Mr. McCoy in his journal says : "I found them on short allowance of bread,. On the 16th we had exhausted all our flour and meal, except a few pounds reserved for the children and sick. All except myself wer'e in good spirits in regard to food, hour ly expecting the arrival of the vessel. I feared that contrary •winds, or other hindrances, might cause us to suffer, but I con cealed my anxiety. On the 18th we had only corn enough for one day, but our merciful God was still near us. The harbor where the vessel would stop was without inhabitants. We had sent two of our pupils to build and keep up a fire sit the place in order that the smoke, by being seen from the vessel, might 38 HISTORY OF BERRIEN COUNTY. point out the place of landing. The boys were directed to open a barrel of flour immediately on the landing of the ves sel, and hasten to us, a distance of twenty-five miles, with what they could bring. On the evening of the 18th, to our great joy, and mine in particular, one of the young men arrived with a mule packed with flour. We brought our property from the lake to the station upon the river in periouges. From that time forward the mission did not suffer for want of bread, nor did our pecuniary wants ever again become so great as they had been." The mission was prosperous during the next two years. The number of scholars increased. The farm was greatly enlarged ; more than two hundred acres were inclosed with substantial fence. About three hundred bushels of wheat were harvested in 1825, and a flouring mill erected, which was worked by horses or cattle. This was the first grist mill which was built west of Tecumseh or Ann Arbor. It was most nec essary for the comfort and convenience of the mission. Prior to this they had ground corn in a mill which was worked by hand. It required the constant labor of one man to make meal sufficient for daily consumption. The condition of the mission is clearly stated by the late John L. Leib, Esq., of Detroit, the government agent whose duty it was, among other things, to visit annually the Indian schools within the bounds of the Michigan Superin tendency. He visited the Carey mission in August, 1826, and made his report to Gen. Cass, from which the following extracts are ta ken : "On the 15th of August I proceeded to the Carey es tablishment, on the St. Joseph, where I arrived on the 21st, and was much gratified with the improvement in all its de partments. It is a world in miniature, and presents the most cheerful and consoling appearance. It has become a familiar resort of the natives, and from the benefits derived from it in various shapes, they begin to feel a dependence on, and recourse in it at all times, and especially in difficult and trying occa- siens. There are at present seventy scholars, forty-two males HISTORY OF BERRIEN COUNTY. 39 and twenty-eight females, in various stages of improvement. Two hundred and eight acres are now enclosed in fence, of which fifteen are in wheat, fifty in Indian corn, and eight in potatoes and other vegetable products. The residue is appro priated for pastures. There have been added to the buildings, sinee my last visit, a house and a most excellent grist mill, worked by horses. The usefulness of this mill can scarce ly be appreciated, as there is no other of any kind within one hundred miles, at least, of the establishment, and here, as be nevolence is the preponderating principle, all the surrounding population is benefitted. It is not in the immediate neighbor hood alone that the efforts of missionary exertions are felt. In distant places — near the mouth of the St. Joseph and at Grand River the most surprising changes have taken place. Strong and effective enclosures are made and making, and stock ac quired, and at the latter place the missionary family have erected several spacious buildings, including a school house, and improved some land." It was known from the very beginning that the Carey mis sion must fall before the white men who would emigrate to the country. The Indian title to the country would soon be ex tinguished, and then it would be purchased by actual settlers. Accordingly preparations were made at the mission for bring ing it to a close, and for its removal beyond the western boun dary of Missouri. It was not fully wound up, however, until 1832. HISTORY OF NILES. Squire Thompson was the pioneer farmer of the St. Joseph valley. A resident of Ohio, he visited the Carey mission in 1823, and chose a location on the flat a short distance above the site of the dam. He planted a field of corn that spring, and returned for his family which he brought here in the fall, to find that his corn had been destroyed by some evil disposed Indians. Such a man, however, was not easily discouraged. He soon built a log hut for his family, consisting of his wife and two children, and brought his food for the winter from In diana. His daughter Rachel, (Mrs. Rachel Weed, of Niles,) was born in October, 1825. She was the first white child born in the St. Joseph Valley. In the spring of 1826 he moved in to Cass county, north of Summervillc, where he lived until he moved to California, where he died in 1850, in the sixty-sixth year of his age. James Kirk came early in the spring of '24. He was the second settler in the County. For a time he lived in a log house in the same yard with Thompson, but afterward built a house on the side of the ravine near the depot. He also re moved west after a time. Baldwin Jenkins was a pioneer by birth. He was born at Fort Jenkins, in the wilds of Pennsylvania, and at an early day moved to Green county, Ohio. During the summer of 1824 HISTORY OP NILES. 41 he resolved to go west, and made a visit to Fort Wayne, where he heard of Carey, on the St. Joseph. Following the pathway made by McCoy nearly two years before, he visited the mis sion. He remained some time and examined the country on the east side of the river, andwaspleasedwith Pokagon prairie. In its crown of summer beauty the lonely prairie was surpass ingly lovely ; the somewhat rolling surface of the plain, which was overspread with luxuriant grass, starred and flamed with the most beautiful wild flowers. The oak forests, being desti tute of the thick underbrush which now so generally ' prevails, resembled some extensive park, and the early settler could drive anywhere without the aid of an ax, to cut a road. No one who has not seen can appreciate the beauty of our forests at that time. Selecting his future home he returned to Ohio and came back in the spring with Benjamin Potter and Nathan Young. They planted a field of corn and cultivated it during the summer. In the fall he went to Ohio agaiii for his family. Their first dwelling was an Indian hut. As this was a type of many of the first habitations in the west, a picture of one wiU serve for all. By the side of a spring or stream, large or small, a spot was chosen for a new home. This one was hard by a bubbling spring of excellent water, and where fuel was abundant. It was built of small logs, one upon the other, grooved at the ends so as to fit all around closely, the chinks being closed with strips of wood and mud — with small, oblong apertures for windows on the side, and another and larger in front for a door way, and still another in the roof for a chim ney, made of sticks and clay, but often only a hole was left in the roof through which the smoke, after lingering with the fam ily and the household goods till all was blue, would wander out at its own sweet will. The roof, flat but sloping, was composed of poles covered with boughs or straw. When the weather was inclement blankets would be put up at the windows. At night a blanket or sheet would serve as a door, and often the house dog, watching at the threshold, would awaken his mas- 42 HISTORY OF NIIiES. ter ^^hen the sneaking wolves, whose howl made darkness hid eous, approached too near. Within the hut there was no floor —articles of furniture were few but of the most serviceable kind. The bedstead was often made by inserting two poles into the side of the house and supporting the other ends, kept apart by a cross piece, by wooden stakes driven into the ground. Bark of the elm or basswood was used' in the place of bed cord. Other beds could be made on the floor or ground, ox in the loft, which was reached by a ladder. The picture is not overdrawn. Many of the earliest pioneers will recognize it as a true representation of their first dwell ings here. Those who came a few yeai-s later were better able to provide themselves with comfortable houses. When Mr. Jenkins moved his family he brought from his ' mill in Ohio, two barrels of flour, the greater share of which he divided among his neighbors who had none. In those days families living within ten miles of each other were near neigh bors. Their food, during the winter, consisted of pork, pota toes, and coarse meal ground at the mission or in Squire Thompson's hand mill. He carried corn to the mill on his back, since both of his horses died shortly after his arrival here. The only tea or coffee used by some families was that made from the avens root. It is the testimony of many that the winters of that period were much more severe than those- we now experience. They came early and stayed long, and the snow was deep. It was difficult to obtain hay with which to winter their stock, and the farmers were obliged to chop down the forest trees that the cattle might live by browsing. Jenkins, during the year PL826, kept quite a large dairy, and the family made large quantities of butter and cheese, which were marketed at Fort Wayne. At this time Cutteau had a trading post at South Bend, Joseph Bertrand near Bertrand village, and Burnett at the mouth of the river. These kept small stocks of dry goods, which were given in exchange for such supplies as they needed from the farmers. HISTORY OF NIuBS. 43 Mr. Jenkins was a man of uncommon intellectual power, though his abilities had never been cultivated by any systematic training. He had a most remarkable memory, and was per fectly at home on any historical subject that could be men tioned. He kept a complete diary of events in his mind, and could, at any time, recall the state of the weather, and the work which had occupied his time on the same day of the month, five, ten or twenty years previously. He could tell the name and age of every man, woman and child in the neighbor hood. He was one of the first County Judges appointed under the old Territorial law. He owned large tracts of land in Ber rien as well as in Cass. He died in 1847, at the house of his daughter, (Mrs. Isaac Murphy) at Berrien Centre, and his body rests in the cemetery at the Union church near the same place. John Lybrook came in the fall of 1824, with Squire Thomp son, who had returned to his former home for provisions. Du ring the winter he worked for Thompson and for the mission. Early in the spring he went back to Richmond, Indiana, and gave such glowing accounts of the country about Carey that several persons resolved to come and locate. The party, con sisting of John Lybrook, Joel Yard, John Johnson and his brother, set out in March, 1825. They traveled on foot, each carrying his clothes, provisions and an ax. They also brought a dog and a gun. At this time there was not a dwelling house between Richmond and Fort Wayne, and none between the lat ter place and Thompson's, except the trading houses at South Bend and Bertrand. No persons were to be seen on the route except a few hunters and traders. Wolves were plenty, and all night long would keep up an infernal howling about their camp fire. Arriving at the mouth of the Elkhart they found a canob which they at once "confiscated," and floated down the river to Thompson's. Johnson and his brother cleared several acres of ground on section 15, and planted it to corn. In the fall John Johnson, Sr., brought his family and settled near the river on the Ber- 44 HISTORY OF NILES. rien road. John Johnson, Jr., was a shoemaker by trade, and during the winter he was employed at the mission, where he made shoes for the pupils. He was also employed to take provisions to the mission at Grand River. Periouges were used for the purpose of transportation. These were canoes thirty or forty feet long, dug out from the largest whitewood trees. They were capable of carrying two or three tons burden. The usual freight was about twenty-five barrels of pork or corn meal. Four persons were employed for each periouge which was floated to the mouth of the river. Two of the party then walked along the water's edge and towed the boat by means of ropes. In this way they proceeded at the rate of about three miles an hour. Arriving at Grand River they "poled" thecargoto the mission near Grand Rapids. Several families settled on or near Pokagon Prairie at an early day, but as they were beyond the limits of our County, we only mention a few names. L^zziel Putnam came in 1825, arriving a few days before Baldwin Jenkins returned with his family. Uzziel Putnam, Jr., was the first white male child born in the valley. After Putnam, came Markham, Towns- end, Dickson, McKinney, Garwood, Burke, Edwards and ot'n- ers. Eli Ford came from Ohio to Pokagon Prairie in the latter part of 1827. The settlers at that time were beginning to sorely feel the need of a flouring mill. Mr. Ford was not a miller, but he was quite ingenious, and after thinking upon the .subject he offered to put up a mill, provided the settlers would furnish the means. Money and labor sufficient to insure suc cess were soon subscribed, and work was commenced early in the winter. It was a log building, situated on the Dowagiae creek on the site of Norton's mill. David Ford, a millwright from Pittsburg, Pa., assisted in the construction. It had only one small stone which was manufactured by Ford himself. Al though the mill was not finished, he commenced grindincr in the spring of 1828. This was a great improvement over the hand mill, yet there was one thing lacking — there was no bolter. HISTORY OF NILES. 45 The material for one was not to be had in the country, so that they were obliged to sift the flour by hand. Mrs. Ford, how ever, happened to think of a muslin dress which she had in her trunk, so this was brought forth and given for the public good, and the mill was in full running order. This was the first wa ter power mill in the County, and the first flour mill in western Michigan. Farmers living as far away as Beardsley Prairie, or Prairie Rondc, in Kalamazoo county, brought grain to this mill. Mr. Ford soon after built a saw mill at the same place. In the spring of 1828, Elij Bonnell and Mr. Teitsort, from southern Obio, settled at Niles. Mr. Bonnell built a log house near the site of Hunstable's store. This was the first dwell ing house in the place. Both were farmers and subsequently removed to Cass county. In September of the same year, Stephen Salee, a Polander,. who helped drive Napoleon from Russia, in his disastrous cam paign of 1814, moved into the township. He chose a pleasant location on the bank of the river, a mile below the present city limits. His nearest neighbor was John Johnson, who lived in the same section. Some time after his settlement he began the erection of a saw mill on the Dowagiac, a mile above thfr bridge. Although the long period occupied in building it obliged him to replace some of the timbers which had decayed by exposure, he persevered, and at the end of seventeen years was able to call it completed. Neil Sparks came from Indiana in October, and located some distance below Salee's, in the bend of the river. Spencer and Levi Sparks, his sons, reside in the township at the present time.. The next settlers, Obed P. Lacey, Isaac Gray, William Justice and S.B. Walling and wife, (who was a sisterofLacey's) arrived in October from Richmond, Indiana. They at once saw the nat ural advantages here offered for building up a city. Mr. Wal ling purchased the dwelling of Mr. Bonnell, who removed to LaGrange Prairie, where he died a few years since. Obed Lacey lived at Mr. Walling's, and was engaged with- 46 HISTORY OF NILES. him in the mercantile business. Mr. Lacey acted as postmas ter until the appointment of Isaac Gray, in 1830. The mail at that early day was carried to Chicago and Detroit by the soldiers on foot. Isaac Gray erected a cabin near the bank of the]river, south of Main street, and returned to Richmond for his family and a stock of goods in October, 1829. In the spring of 1830 he received a commission as postmaster of Niles, and was there fore the first commissioned postmaster in the village. During a trip to Detroit in October, of this year, he contracted the illness which caused his death, which occurred a short time af ter. Mrs. Gray, after the death of her husband, closed out the stock of goods, and returned to Richmond, but in about a year came back to Niles and engaged in the mercantile busi ness. She was a lady of great business tact, and managed her affairs successfully. She always made her own purchases, gen erally going to Buffalo for that purpose. She remained in this business until 1839. Margaret Gray, a daughter, became the wife of R. W. Landon, and Wm. B. Gray is a well known resi dent of Niles at the present day, having served, at different times, as supervisor, and as Recorder of the city. Ephraim Lacey, and his sons, Elijah and David, and a daugh ter Acenith, arrived on the 29th of April, 1829. They built a log house a short distance above the bridge which crosses the Dowagiac creek. At the land sale at Monroe that year Mr. Walling bought one hundred and ninety acres of land, which included the water power now occupied by the Linden Mills, and the Dowagiac creek about half a mile above the present •dam. Mr. Walling, as agent for Mr. Justice, also purchased at the same time the land upon which the business portion of Niles now stands. Justice deeded all that portion lying south of Main street to Elijah Lacey for the convenience of giving titles, although Ephraim Lacey and Mr. Walling were equal partners. The village was laid out and the plat recorded dur ing the summer. The proprietors gave the village its name HISTORY OF NILES. 47 from Hezekiah Niles, editor of the Niles Register. Morgan Wilson came during the latter part of summer and built a log house near the flour mills. He erected a tannery a few weeks later, and was the first tanner in Niles. Hiram Chilson arrived in December. He and Col. Daniel Olds left Ohio for the Superior lead mines, but Mr. Chilson was obliged to stop at Mackinaw on account of sickness, while Col. Olds went on to Green Bay. Mr. Chilson remained at Mackinaw until pai'tly recovered, when he took passage for St. Joseph, arriving there on the 4th of December, and in a few days after came to Niles. Col. Olds followed in 1830, having remained at Green Bay during the winter. The Laceys began the improvement of the water power in 1829, by thp* erection of a saw mill — the second saw mill in the County, Ford's being the first. The mill commenced ope ration in January, 1830. As soon as this was completed the proprietors began the erection of a flour mill, which was fin ished several months later. The first attempt to raise the mill was unsuccessful, as the mill was a large one for those days, the bents were heavy, and the strength of the men present not equal to the task. Another raising was had a few days later, when men from all the country about, some even from as great a distance as Door Prairie, assembled and the building was put up. This year was a promising one for the prospects of the future city. Garrit Shuert located on a farm which inclu ded the eastern portion of the present corporation. Col. Al- amanzon Huston first came to this County in 1828, as a ped dler and Indian trader. He located at Edwardsburg in 1829, but in May of this year he came to Niles and went into a log house which he had obtained of Mr. Justice. It stood on the north side of Main street, near the river. He soon had his house fitted up for a tavern, and during the summer erected a frame addition on the east side, part of which was occupied as a bar-room. Jacob Beeson opened a store at St. Joseph, but soon removed to Niles, which he found was a better trading 48 HISTORY OF NILES. point. His store was a part of the frame addition to Huston's tavern. He soon sold out his entire stock and returned for another. He traveled on horseback and carried his money in saddle bags. Henry Drew, from Vermont, arrived in Edwardsburg in November, 1829. He was a carpenter by trade, and not find ing employment in that village, came to Niles in May, 1830, where he was first employed in building the frame addition to Huston's tavern. The anniversary of Independence was appropriately cele brated on the 4th of July. A sycamore flag pole, sixty feet in length, was cut by Henry Drew on the farm of Mr. Shuert, and hauled to the ground on the afternoon of the 3d, and raised on the morning of the 4th. Tbe celebration took place on a piece of open ground in front of Huston's tavern, and be tween Mr. Walling's house and the river. Fifteen or twenty men were present at the first celebration in Niles. The Dec laration of Independence was read by Col. Edwards, of Ed wardsburg, and dinner was prepared by Col. Huston, and served in the shade of some saplings which had been tempora rily arranged on the ground for the occasion. Col. Huston, during the summer, had a frame house built on the hill, which is yet standing — 79 Main street. His fath er came this year with his family, and built a log house near the corner of Main and Third streets, in the rear of the mar ble yard. Hiram Chilson began the erection of a house this year, which occupied the site of Piatt's stores. Col. Olds bought a half interest in this house, and it afterward became the Council House, and Col. Olds acted as landlord. Eber Griswold, from Lockport, N. Y., came during the sum mer, and being pleased with the prospects of the village, built a log house on Sycamore street near the marsh, and sent Ed win Huston with a team to Detroit after his family, consisting of his wife and seven children. It took eight days to make mSTOST Ot EILS3. 49 the joomey from Detroit, and part of the family walked the whole ^stance. The marsh, whidi ext^ided from Sycamore street to the present rail road bridge on the norUi, and from the river to the blnff oa the east, produced excellent hay, which was cut this year by lir. Griswold. The only bam he had was the cellar under Hiram Cbilson's unfinished house, where part of the hay was stored, the ronainder being left in the cocks. There were several ponds in the marsh, and the frogs, in the months of spring gave free concerts, and "no postponement on account of the weather." The marsh was miry for several years, and the cattle were often stack in the maod(n» Kowlor, Thonius T. (^lonii, Uufu.'* W. Landon, Rufus W. Landon, Rufus W. Landon. 1869- 1860- 1861- 1862- 186;"!- 1861- 1865-1866- 1867- 1868- 1869-1870- 1869- 1800- 1861- 1862- 1863- 1864- Cri'V ()KKl(M.;it,>^ Fit AtiV/ors. -Elijah Laooy, -Rufus W. liiindoii, -i{.iifiiH W. .Liuulon, -Rufus W. liiindoii, -Henry ^1. Dean, -A. S. Howard, -Rufus W. Landon, -Evan J. Boninc, -Jacob (JeltmaeluM', -Evan J. Boninc, -Franklin Muzzy, -Franklin JMiiKzy, Trranifirrs. -David Aitken, -David Aitken, -David Aitken, -William U. Gray, -.lames E. OummingH, -TeiTonoe Dolan, OM 1859 10 1871. liirordt rs. William B. (iiiiy, William V. Fish, Williaiu C. Fisli, William C. Fi,sh, Tbcodoro Kowloi', 'riieodoi-e 0. Ucavev, Jerome 11. Fitzgerald, -h-roiuc 15. l*'itzgonild, .leroiiie I>. Fitzgerald, Jordine 15. I*'itzgcrald, James 11. Fuirchild, .luiiioB 11. Fnirchild. TrfasiirvrK. 1866 — Terroncc Dolan, 1800— Sylvester Koyser, 1867— Williaio J. Mdwavdw, 1868— Torrcnce Dolan, 1809— Terr <>nfle Dolnn, 1870— Warm. E. Corey. Ht.SlORY OF NILKS. 65 PO.STMASTKRS AT NILKS, WITH THE YEAR IN WHICH THBY WBRB APPOINTED. 1830— Isaae Gray, 1845— S. W. B. Chester, 1831- Obed P. Lacey, 1849— Noah Brookfield, 1833- Titus B. Willard. 1851— Geoige Goodman, 1835— C. K. Green. 1853— Wm. H. McOmber, 1836— Z. P. Mason, 1861— Francis Quinn, 1837— Ed. N. Bridges. 1863— Harvey Palme r, 1838— R. W. Landon, "1866— Wm. J. Edwards, 1841— .T. C- Larimore, 1867— Harvey Palmer. 1S69— Ed. S. Jewett. NILES DIRECTORY. CITY OFFICERS. Franklin Muzzy, Mayor ; James H. Fairchild, Rtcordir ; W. E. Cory, Treasurer : B. H. Fairchild, M. D., (Sty Phyti- cian ; J. B. Fitagei'ald, City Attorney. Common Council meets Wednesday evening. ALDERMES. First Ward. — M. D. Gragg, Henry Hira. Second Ward.—Q. W. Piatt, J. B. Fitsgerald. Third Ward.—Z. L. Crofoot, J. M. Ci-andell. Fourth Ward. — E. Murray, E. Slatteily. STAHDING COMMITTEES. Ways and Means — Fitzgerald, Piatt, Hirz. Streets — Murray, Piatt, Hir«, Crandell. Claims — EUrz, Crandell, Slatterly. jffcoitA— Piatt, Crofoot, Hirz. Cemetery — Crofoot, Fitzgerald, Gragg. Taxes — Crandell, Murray, Hirz. Lieensts — Slatterly, Crofoot, Gragg. Ordinanees — Fitzgerald, Flatt, Gragg. Fares — ^Plat^ Murray, Crandell. Printing — Gragg, Crofoot, Slatterly. MarshaU-^Biobert Chambers. N'lLKS DIRECTORY. 67 Comtahles — Geo. Fi'ancie, Josiah Woolcot, Isaac Lucas, R. M. Ferrell. FIRE DEPARTMENT J. S. Tuttle, Chief JSngimer ; Martin Dean, Robert Cham bers, Assistantft. Hope, No. 1— Geo. W. Piatt, Foreman. Dejiancf, No. 2 — E. Murray, Forenutu. Hope Hose Co., No. 1 — Dffiim'e Hose Co., No. 2 — Arthur Coffinger, For,'maii. BOARD OF EDUCATION. D. 0. Woodruff, President. R. 0. Paine, Sccreiarij. J. B. FitKgorald. II. M. Dean, .lohn K. Finley, M. D., .1. 8. Tuttle. SCHOOL STATISTICS. >so city in the State can boast of better school accommoda tions than Niles. The value of property, buildings ,n.nd grounds, owue«i by the school authorities, will probably equal $80,000. The buildings consist of tliree ward schools, one colored school and the eenti-al school. The number of sohola.i's in 1862 was 736 ; in '63, 844 ; in 64. 901 : in "65, 995 : in "66, 1,038 ; in "67, 1.088 : in '68, 1.100; in "69, 1.120. SCHOOLS AM> TEACHEKS FOR 1871. Princi^xil, George F. Edwards: Prt'cfptrcs-". Mis,* A. E. (Clover ; Assistant^ Miss Flora Cleland. GRA.MMAR SCHOOL. Miss Allie Ward, Miss Eliza J. Stines. ISTKRMEDIATK DKPARTMBXT. Miss L. D. Oowlen, Miss Franc Reedy. SECOND PRIMARY. M.ss Hattit A. Coan. Mise Carrie M. Bond. 68 NILBS DIBEOTORY. FIRST PRIMARY. Miss Mary A. Taggart, Miss Alice Phelps, Miss Florence Coffinger, Miss Emma Edwards, FOURTH WARD. Miss Lovena Hungerford, Miss Jennie Jackson. FIRST WARD. Miss Mattie Bartholomew. NORTH PRIMARY. Miss Ella Tibbetts. COLORED SCHOOL. Miss Alice Bobbins. Churches, Societies and Or&ranizations. BAPTIST OHORCU. Fourth street, corner of Broadway — Rev. Frank B. Cressey, Pastor; M. B. Gillett, R. Stiles, T. H. Potter, Deacons; M. B. Gillett, B. S. Reed, A. T. Mead, T. H. Potter, M. B. Ran dall, George Potter, Trustees ; W. W. Knight, Olerh ; T. H. Potter, Treasurer. Prayer meeting Wednesday evenings. Young people's prayer meeting Friday evenings. Membership 258. Sunday School. — S. 0. Gardner, Superintendent; B. S. Reed, Assistant Superintendent ; Hudson Randall, Treasurer; Edgar Gallup, Secretary ; George Potter, Librarian. Num ber of scholars, 250. Number of teachers, 27. GERMAN UNITED EV ANGELICAL CHURCH. Comer Sixth and Sycamore — Erected in 1865. Rev. Phil ip Werhiem, Pastor. Membership, 94. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Broadway, comer of Third — The Church was organized in 1836. The following list includes the names, in the order of NILES DIRECTORY. 69 their appointments, of all Pastors who have served the Church since its organization : F. B. Bangs, S. Steel, A. J. Eldred, T. H. Jacokes, R. PengiUy, J. Boyington, J. K. Gillette, A. J. Eldred, R. G. Crawford, Rev. G. S. Barnes, Pastor ; J. W. Hart, A. Egbert, L. F. Wilkin- H. Law, William Sprague, A. J. Eldred, Noah Fassett, B. F. Doughty, H. M. Joy, L. H. Pearce, George S. Barnes. Thomas P. McCool, James S. Harrison, W. H. Simpson, Richard C. Meek, James V. Watson, Jonathan Hudson, R. R. Richards, F. B. Gage, Jonathan Blanchard. Officers for 1871 : Clerk ; William Bort, J. W. Hajt, son, John Miley, W. A. Woodford, N. B. Reed, J. W. H. Smith, J. M. Pierson, Stewards ; T. T. Glenn, John Miley, Wm. Bort, J. W. Hart, A. J. Hatfield, D. C. Johnson, B. M. Redding, Trustees. Membership, 180. Sunday School. — J. S. Tuttle, Superintendent: J. \Y. Hart, Librarian ; Miss M. Wilkinson, Scrrtary : J. M. Pierson, Trrnsurn-. Number ef scholars, "280. Number of teachers, 27. I'KESBYTEllIAX CHURCH. Fourth street, south of Broadway — This church wa.s organ ized March 18th, 1834. The following are the names of those uniting at its organization : Nathaniel Bacon, Jane S. Bacon, Orrin Derby, Ro-xana Derby, C. K. Green, and Lydia A. Widner. Mrs. Roxana Derby is the only person of the num ber now living. At the close of the first year the membership had increased to eighteen. In August, 1835, at a meeting of the church and congregation held at the meeting-house it was unanimously resolved to present a call to the Rev. A. B. Brown to become the pastor. The following named persons were appointed a committee to present the call and make the necessary arrangements, viz : T. K. Green, Henry B. Hoff man, John G. Bond, and Nathaniel Bacon. At a meeting of 70 NILES DIRECTORY. the St. Joseph Presbytery held at Niles, September 5th, 1835^^ the Rev. Alexander B. Brown was installed a pastor of this church and congregation. Sermon preached by Rev. P. W. Warriner of White Pigeon. Charge by Rev. Luther Hum phrey to the pastor, and charge to the church by Rev. Mr. Corey of Mongoguanda Prairie. The following are the names of the pastors who have served the church from the time of its organization, with the year in which their pastorates commenced : Sept., 1835, Alex. B. Brown. Nov., 1844, Charles E. Lord. Nov., 1839, John W. Parsons. April, 1847, P. S. Pratt. March, 1840, Peter Boughton. Nov., 1848, Alfred Bryant. Oct., 1843, Hickox. Sept., 1863, John Sailor. April, 1865, T. Dwight Hunt. Present Officers — Rev. T. Dwight Hunt, Pastor; A. B. Chipman, Clerk.; J. C. Larimore, Treasurer; Martin Cleland, Wm. G. Ferson, George M. Coan, H. A. Chapin, J. D. Craig, Robert Kay, Elders; James F. Cross, Whitney, Deacons ; S. M. Finley, -James F. Oross, John D. King, D. H. Freed, Trustees. Membership, 290. Prayer meetings Wednesday evenings in lecture room. Ladies' prayer meeting each Wednesday at 3 P. M. Sunday School— F. W. Post, Superintendent; J. T. Searle, Assistant Superintendent; T. M. Finley, Secretary and Treasurer. Number of scholars, 348. Number of teachers, 31. ST. FRANCIS CHURCH. West street, corner of Clay — This new church building' is a massive and beautiful structure and is an ornament to the citv. It is 132 feet in length, and capable of seating 1,000 persons. It cost about $46,000. Rev. Father John Cappon, Pastor. Number of families belonging to the parish, 160. NILES DIRECTORY. 71 TRINITY CHURCH. Fourth street, corner of Broadway — Rev. Wm. Lusk, Rec tor. R. C. Paine, Senior Warden ; R. W. Landon, Junior Warden ; D. 0. Woodruff, W. W. Beeson, James L. Glen, J. P. Hewlett, Geo. S. Hitchcock, Vestrymen. Organized Nov. 24th, 1834. Sunday School — H. C. Gould, Superintendent. YOUNG men's CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION. Rooms No. 55 Main street. Free Reading Rooms open daily. Sabbaths excepted. Weekly prayer meetings on Fri day evening. Ezra W. Post, President ; Henry C. Gould, S. 0. Gardner, Vice Presidents; Henry E. Glenn, Recording Secretary; H. M. Dean, Corresponding Secretary; E. S. Reed, Treasurer. Board of Directors— 'W . W. Knight, Wm. Dillon, C. F. Bentley, J. D. Craig, J. E. Harder, J. L. Cady, Jacob Tittle, Edgar Gallup. Standing Committees — On Devotional Meetings — S. 0, Gardner, H. E. Glenn, J. E. Harder. Visitation and Mission Work — A. ^I. La Pierre, Joseph T. Searle, Edgar Gallup. Finance— R. M. Dean, T. H. Potter, Jacob Tittle. Sick — George M. Coan, F. A. Grimes, J. W. Hart. Beneficence— E. S. Reed, Wm. Dillon, T. M. Finley. Lectures— R. C. Gould, H. M. Dean, W. W. Knight. Rooms and Reading — H. E. Glenn, Judson Osborn, B. .S. Reed. XILES mechanic's CORNET BAND. Stewart \V. Davis, Leader ; Duane Kincaid, 2d Eb Cornet ; F. Fenton, 1st Bb Cornet ; C. Harris, 1st Eb Solo Alto ; H. Miller, 1st Eb Alto ; A. Scoville, 1st Bb Baritone; A. Egbert, 2dBb. Tenor; Wm. II. Davis, Eb Tuba; Wm. Goldie, Bass Drum ; Wm. Bullard, Side Drum. Band Room over ?Jo.-e3 Davis' pump shop. 72 NILBS DIRECTORY. OLD SETTLER'S SOCIETY. James L. Glenn, President ; J. Geltmacher, Thomas R. Mar tin, R. W. Landon, J. C. Larimore, Lewis Edwards, Vice Presidents ; J. B. Fitzgerald, Secretary ; R. C. Paine, Treas urer; Dr. J. K. Finley, Historian ; Wm. G. Ferson, G. S. BabcoOk, David Lacey, Wm. Hurd, R. T. Twombly, Fxeeu- tive Committee. FIRST NATIONAL BANK. R. W. Landon, President; J. C. Larimore, Vice President; Thomas L. Stevens, Cashier. Directors — George Kimmel, A. Sherman, R. C. Paine, David Rough. Capital stock, $100,000. Organized 1870. NILES GAS LIGHT COMPANY. James L. Glen, President; J. C. Larimore, Secretary ; R. C Paine, Treasurer. Directors — Q. W. Piatt, R. W. Landon, T. L. Stevens. Organized 1868. Capital stock, $40,000. NILES IIAKUFACTURING COMPANY. R. W. Landon, President; J. B. Fitzgerald, Secretary ; B. F. Fish, Treasurer. Directors — H. H. Coolidge, J. 0. Larimore, D. H. Hale, R. C. Paine, J. S. Tuttle. Organized Sept., 1868. Capital stock, $42,000. MASONIC. Saint Joseph Valley Lodge No. 4, F. and A. M. Officers : Wm. Graves, W. M.; Mills H. Landon, S. W.; A. W. Piatt, J. W.; Wm. R. Taggart, Sec'y ; R. W. Landon, Treas.; J. M. Babcock, S. D.; Chas. Underwood, J. D.; Henry Rounds, Tyler. V Organized June, 1842. Membership, 112. Meets Tuesday evenings, on or before the full of the moon. Niles Lodge, No. 97, F. and A. M. Officers : Charles L NILES DIRECTORY. 73 Allen, W. M.; Judson Peck, S. W.; Wm. Sanders, J. W.; A. J. Fox, J. D.; Wm. Reddick, Sec'y; H. A. Chapin, Treas.; Benj. Toney, Tyler. Organized 1858. Membership 100. Meets Monday even ings, on or before the full of the moon. Niles Commandery, No. 12. Officers: John Woodruff, C; E. A. Brown, G.; J. B. Thomas, C. G.; J. B. Fitzgerald, P.; L. 0. Woodruff, S. W.; Mills H. Landon, J. W.; Geo. Kim mel, Treas.; C. J. Sterling, Rec; Christopher Yorker, S. B.; David Clemmer, S. B.; Judson Peck, W.; Henry Rounds, Sentinel. Meets Friday evenings on or before the full of the moon. Niles Council No. 19. Officers : David H. Freed, T. I. G. M.; J. B. Fitzgerald, D. L G. M.; Cyrus M. Alward,P. C. W.; Charles J. Sterling, Rec; George Kimmel, Treas.; C. L. Allen, Steward ; Henry Rounds, Sentinel. Organized 1866. Meets Thursday evenings on or before the full of the moon. St. Joseph Valley Chapter No. 2, R. A. M. Officers: John Woodruff, H. P.; David Schnorff, King; J. B. Fitzger ald, S.; D. H. Freed, C. H.; J. A. Peck, P. S.; C. Yorker, R. A. C; Mills H. Landon, G. M. 3d V.; A. W. Piatt, G. M. 2d v.; W. A. Reddick, G. M. 1st V.; R. W. Landon, Treas.; T. M. Finley, Sec'y. Meets Thursday evenings, on or before the full moon. ODD FELLOWS. Berrien County Lodge No. 6, I. 0. 0. F. Officers : Isaac Lucas, N. G.; J. Julius, V. G.; William Bullard, Sec'y; J. S. Tuttle, P. Sec'y; R. Chamber, Treas. Membership 72. Organized in 1843. Paw-Wah-Ting Encampment No. 3, I. 0. 0. F. Officers : John Lambert, C. P. ; J. S. Tuttle, H. P. ; J. C. Prettyman, S. W. ; B. D. Harper, J. W.; Isaac Lucas, Scribe; J,' Julius, Treas. Instituted Feb. 10, 1846. Wiles Street Directory. Bond, from Third south, to the dam, (road to South Bend.) Broadway, from the river east, next south of Cedar. Brookfield, from St. Jo. Avenue west to city limits, (Chicago road.) Cass, from Water east to Maple Avenue, next north of Ferry. Cedar, from Front east to Maple Avenue, next south of Main. Champlain, from Third east to Ninth, next south of Michigan. Clark, from Mill west, next south of Emmons. Cherry Lane, from Fifth east to Main, next south of Maple. Day, from Fifth south, next north of M. C. R. R. Desaix, from Front west to River, north of R. R. Eagle, from Fourth north to Fifth, next north of Cass. Eighth, from Howard south to Main, next east of Seventh. Eleventh, from Cass south to Main, next east of Tenth. Elm, from Mill west, next south of Clark. Emmons, from Mill west, next south of Grant. Ferry, from Water east, next north of Sycamore. Fifth, from Summervillc road south, next east of Fourth. Fourth,''from M. C. R. R. south, next east of Third. Front, from north city limits south, (under R. R. bridge,) to Broadway. Grant, from Broadway bridge west to city limits (road to Bu chanan.) Hickory, from Fifth east to Maple Avenue, next south of Oak. High, from Front east, next south of M. C. R. R. Howard, from Fifth north, next north of Cass. Huron, from Bond east to Third. Lake, from Summerville road east, (Barron Lake road.) Main, from iron bridge east to Fifth, thence south-east to city limits. NILES STREET DIRECTORY. 75 Maple Avenue, from M. C. R. R. south to Broadway, next east of Twelfth. Maple Lane, from Fifth east to Main, next south of Hickory. Marmont, from Front west to River, next north of Desaix. Michigan, from Bond east to cemetery, next south of Cherry. Mill, from Grant south, next to the river. Mulberry, from Broadway north, next east of Maple Avenue. Ninth, from Cass south to city limits, next east of Eighth. Oak Lane, from Fifth east, next south of Broadway. Phoenix, from River north, next west of Front. Reddick, from Main north to Lake, next east of Mulberry. River, from Front north-west, along river bank. Second, from M. C. R. R. south to Broadway, next east of Front. Seventh, from Howard south to Oak, next east of Sixth. Sixth, from M. C. R. R. south to Main, next east of Fifth. State, from M. C. R. R. south, next west of St. Joseph Avenue. St. Joseph Avenue, from West Main south, to city limits. Summerville road, from Fifth north-east to Summerville. Superior, from Third east, next south of Champlain. Sycamore, from Water east, next north of Main. Tenth, from Cass south to Hickory, next east of Ninth. Third, fromM. C. R. R. south to city limits, next east of Second. Twelfth, from Sycamore south to Oak Lane, next east of Eleventh. Water, from Sycamore north to Cass, next to the river. West, from M. C. R. R. south to Brookfield, next west of State; West Main, from iron bridge west to West. Niles City Directory. Abbreviations. — For Av., read avenue ; bds., hoards; bet. between ; h., house ; manuf., manufacturer ; manufy., manu factory ; N., north ; nr., near ; propr., proprietor ; res., resi dence ; S., south. The word street is implied. Abell Ezra, farmer, h. Oak Lane, nr. Eleventh. Abbott A., ticket agent and telegraph operator, M. C. R. R. Adams L. Q., clerk, 32 Main, bds. Reading House. Adams Mrs. Nettie, h. Fourth. Alliver Mrs., domestic, Bond House. Allen Brothers, (J. A. & J. R. Allen) groceries and crockery, 25 Main. Allen Byron, painter. Allen John A., (Allen Brothers,) bds. Reading House. Allen Joe R., (Allen Brothers,) bds. Reading House. Allen Mrs. Mary, h. 3 Sycamore. Almstead Henry, laborer, h. Cass. Alward Cyrus M., lawyer, 47 Main, h. 73 Broadway. Ames Andrew J., h. 55 Grant. Andrews Fred, livery stable opposite M. C. R. R. depot, h. 17 Fifth. Anthony Michael, laborer, h. 93 Fourth. Anthony William A., music teacher, h. 93 Fourth. Antisdel George L., cooper, h. Ferry. Apted John K., grocery, 38 High, corner Fourth, h. same. Armstrong E. F., shoemaker, h. 91 Fifth. Augustine Louis, barber, Reading House, h. Grant. Aul John & Son, saloon, 73 Second, h. same. Aul George, cigar maker, bds. 73 Second. niles city DIRECTORY. 77 CHAS. M. UNDERWOOD. —DEALER IN— G-ENERAL HARDWARE, 18 Main Street, Corner of Second, IVILES, - - m:ichig!^aiv. Babcock Joshua R., lumber clerk. Front. Babcock George S., farmer, h. Lake. Babcock James M., farmer, h. Lake. Babcock W. I. lumber, lath, &c., Front, h. 32 Oak Lane. Bachman Anthony, butcher, bds. 79 Second. Bachman Emil, wines and liquors, 24 Main. Bachman Francis X., boots and shoes, 77 Second. Bachman John, shoemaker, h. Grant. Bachman Mrs. Magdalena, h. Grant. Bacholk Francis, shoemaker, h. 8 Hickory Lane. Bacon Caroline R., bds. 2 Bond. Bacon Mrs. Cyrus, h. Fifth. Bacon David, (Bacon & King,) h. Main, corner Fifth. Bacon Edward, lawyer, 86 Second, h. 13 Oak Lane. Bacon Fred H., law student with E. Bacon. Bacon John, mason, h. Grant. Bacon Joseph S., lawyer, 86 Second, h. Third nr. S. city limits. Bacon & King, (David Bacon & John King,) abstracts and real estate, 86 Second. Bacon S. D., mason, h. State. Bacon Stephen, lawyer, 45 Main, bds. Pike House. Badger Edward S., merchant miller. Second, bds; Reading House. Bailey Joseph W., photographer, 50 Main. Bailey S., carpenter, bds. 60 Third. Baker Angus, miller, h. Eighth. Baker Nicholas, blacksmith, bds. 60 Third. Ballard J., farmer, h. Chicago road. Ballard Mrs. Phebe, h. William. Barker Mrs. H. C, h. 20 Mill. I 78 NILES CITY DIRECTORY. Barrett John, teamster, h. 5 Cherry Lane. Barrett M. E., salesman with J. S. Tuttle. Barrett Thomas B., tailor, 108 Front, h. same. Barron Clement L., propr. Niles Museum, 55 Main,h. 52 Third. Barron Mrs. Hannah, h. 50 Third. Barron Mellville, clerk with Reed & Post, bds. 33 Fourth. Barron Mariam, organist Trinity church, bds. 50 Third. Barry Richard, painter, bds. 52 Third. Barton Henry, drayman, h. Fifth. Bassett L. N., watchmaker, 39 Main, bds. Reading House. Bateman Mrs. Helen A.,, school teacher, bds. 26 Broadway. Bauer George, saloon. Third, south of Main. Beall Franklin, teamster, bds. 5 Grant. Beall Septimus S., teamster, h. Elm. Beattie George, laborer, h. Cass. Beattie Robert, farmer, h. 63 West. Beecraft & Redding, wagon and carriage manuf., 88 Second. Beeson William B., dry goods and groceries, 19 Main, h. 7 St. Joseph Av. Beez Julius, workman on railroad, h. North Niles. Bell George, foreman lumber yard. Second, bds. State. Benard Jay, foundry man, h. Fifth. Bentley Charles F., (Bentley & Stow,) h. 42 Fourth. Bentley & Stow, (C. F. Bentley & Dennis Stow,) dry goods, 21 Main. Berands Frank, brewery, h. 9 Fifth. Berry John, harness maker, h. 29 Regent. Beswick Henry C, carpenter, h. 27 West. Beswick Mary, tailoress, 28 Main, bds. 27 West. Beuhr Carl, shoemaker, h. Cass. Bevier Henry, sash, doors and blinds, 7 Main, h. 8 Grant. Bierbauer S. Y., farmer, h. 10 Oak Lane. Bisel John, cooper, h. Fifth. Blodgett Henry, brickyard, h. Broadway corner Third. Bohn Christopher, saloon, 90 Second, h. same. Bond Carrie M., school teacher. Bond Mrs. Charles, h. 12 Bond. Bond George N., carpenter, h. 107 Third. Bond House, Wood & White, proprs.. Sycamore corner Second. Bonine & Dougan, (E. J. B. & W. T. D.,) physicians and sur geons, 57 Main. Bonine Evan J., (Bonine & Dougan,) h. 37 Fourth. Bonine James E., farmer, h. Cedar corner Third. NILES CITY DIRECTORY. 79 B. HOMER FAIRCHILD, M. D., Physician and Surgeon, Office 48 Main Street, Corner of Second. N8LES, miCHiQAPS. Borden James, laborer, h. Oak Lane. Bort William, propr. nursery, St. Joseph Av., nr. S. city limits. Bort Franklin W., patent roofing, h. St. Joseph Av. Bostwick Mrs. Marian F., bds. 38 Broadway. Bostwick Palmer B., author, bds. 20 Regent. Bostwick Willard S., saloon and billiard hall, 45 Main, h. 20 Regent. Bott Fritz, track repairer, M. C. R. R., h. North Niles. Bowers George, teamster, h. Ferry. Bowers Isaac, omnibus driver, Pike House. Bowers William, carpenter, h. Seventh, bet. Sycamore and Main. Bracken Rebecca S., telegraph operator, bda. Sixth. Bracken Reed, carpenter, h. Sixth, nr. R. R. Bracken John, carpenter, h. Sixth. Brackett Mrs. Ann, h. West. Bradbury D. S., peddler, h. 77 Cedar. Brethschneider Robert, farmer, h. Summerville road. Broffle Mrs. Henry, manuf. ornamental hair work, 3 Oak Lane. Brokaw William, butcher, h. 77 Third. Brookfield Noah, bds. 16 Front. Brookfield Mrs. R. A., h. Market. Brown Andrew, blacksmith, bds. 58 High. Brown James, lawyer, 82 Main, h. same. Brown John, flour packer, bds. 79 Front. Brown Mary, Principal select school, 101 Front. Brown M. A., groceries, 66 Main, h. 32 Broadway. Brown Samuel, clerk. Pike House. Brunson Sheldon, manager Reading House. Buck Mrs. Alice, h. Ferry. Buckman August, mason, h. 3 Desaix. Budd William G., jeweler, 39 Main, bds. Reading House. Bullard W. H., clerk with J. S. Tuttle, h. 47 Regent. 80 NILES CITY DIRECTORY. Bunbury Dennis, clerk with Woodruff, bds.^52 Third. Bunbury D. H., livery clerk with E. Bunbury. Bunbury Edward, livery stable, Second, cor. Cedar, h. 1 Cedar. Bunbury Thos. A., livery stable, Second, cor. Cedar. Burge Henry L., carpenter, 59 State. Burge John, carpenter, h. Tenth. Burns James, laborer, h. Sycamore. Burt Martin C, laborer, h. Barrett. Bnstin John, manuf. sash and blinds, h. Third. G Cady J. L., physician, 12 Oak Lane. Caesar Julius, whitewasher, h. Regent, cor. Ninth. Calkins J. M., carpenter, h. 17 Mill. Calkins E. L., (Calkins & Finley,) h. 13 Hickory. Calkins & Finley, (E. L. C. & T. M. F.,) drugs and books, 50 Main. Callaghan Mrs. Ellen, h. State. Callagahn Maggie, school teacher, 101 Front. Callagahn Thomas, laborer, h. West. Camfield Selah, stage driver, h. Ferry. Camp Henry, teamster, h. Second. Campbell Mrs. E. R., h. Broadway, bet. Third and Fourth. Campbell Mrs. Grace, h. 60 St. Joseph Av. Campbell William, laborer, bds. High. Canfield Levi, carriage maker, h. 116 Sycamore. Cannan William, farmer, h. Cherry. Cannon H., laborer, h. Hickory Lane. Cappon John, pastor Catholic Church, h. 95 State. Carson Thomas, laborer, h. Third. Case Mrs. Mandana, h. Oak Lane. Case S. H., farmer, h. nr. east end Oak Lane. Castor William H., carpenter, h. 18 Mill. Chamberlin W. H., dealer in lightning rods, h. 75 Front. Chambers Henry E., laborer, h. 99 Fourth. Chambers Robert, chief of police, h. 4 Bond. Chambers Walter, omnibus driver. Bond House. Chapin H. A. & Son, (H. A. & Charles A.,) insurance agents, 46 Main, h. 2 St. Joseph Av. Chapman Irvin, laborer, h. St. Joseph Av. Charles Elsie, milliner, bds. 32 Broadway. Charles Rufus K., supervisor, h. 3 Oak Lane. Charleston Robert, workman on rail road, h. 13 Ferry. NILES CITY DIRECTORY. 81 H. H. COOLIDGE & SON, 53 MAIN STREET, NILES, - - MICHIGAN. Chesterfield William, porter, Reading House. Chilson Hiram, carpenter, h. 10 Mill. Chipman & Son, (A. B. & G. N., C.) dry goods, 74 Main, h. 46 Broadway. Chipman Mrs. J. N., h. Broadway, cor. Third. Chipman G. N., (A, B. Chipman & Son) bds. 46 Broadway. Chipman Lorenzo Q., h. 16 Oak Lane. Chipman Marcus A., clerk, bds. Third. • Chipman Robert R., bds. Broadway cor. Third. Christer B., blacksmith. Church Charles W., clerk, 46 Main, bds. Reading House. Clark Alonzo B., h. 112 Main cor. Third. Clark John, teamster, h. River. Clark Willard H., clerk with Allen Brothers, h. 87 Main. Clasby Mrs. Cloe, h. Cass. Cleland Andrew T., manuf. fanning mills and safes, h. 34 Fourth. Cleland Albert T., carpenter, h. 23 State. Cleland Andrew Vincent, student, bds. 34 Fourth. Cleland Flora M., school teacher, bds. 34 Fourth. Cleland Martin, farmer, h. 101. Clemens John, blacksmith, bds. 60 Third. Coan George M., music teacher, bds. 115 Third. Coan Hattie, school teacher, bds. 115 Third. Coan Mrs. Mabel M.. h. 115 Third. Cochran Oliver, h. Oak Lane nr. Main. Codding Charles A., tinner, h. Third. Coder Sanford, blacksmith, h. State. Coffinger A. W., A. M. U. express driver, bds. 116 Front. •Cohn Ben., butcher, 123 Front. <:;oit Miss. A., h. 31 Fourth. 'Colby G. A., propr. Linden Mills, h. IT St. Joseph Av. 82 NILBS CITY DIRECTORY. Colby William, clerk, bds. 82 Fourth. Cole Cornelius, teamster, bds. 89 Main. Cole Tracy, farmer. Collins Benjamin Y., brick maker, h. 8 Broadway. Comley John, miller, h. Sixth. Compton A. W., bds. Ferry. Conklin Mrs. Elizabeth, h. Tenth. Cook Darius B., printing office, 44 Main, h. 103 Front. Cook Mrs. A. H., dress maker, h. 38 Front. Coolidge Emma, music teacher, 70 Broadway. COOLIDGE H. H. & SON (H. H. & O.W. C.) lawyers, 53 Main, h. 70 Broadway. Coolidge Nellie, school teacher, bds. 70 Broadway. Coolidge Orville W., (H. H. C. & Son) prosecuting attorney, h. 70 Broadway. Cooper Miss. D. A., bds. 46 Broadway. Cooper Hiram, stage driver, h. Cass. Cope Samuel, teamster, h. Second. Corwin Willard, foreman, Niles Democrat office. Cory Warren E., deck, 53 Main, bds. Pike House. Cotton Walter, harness maker, h. 24 Regei^t. Cousins Benjamin, farmer, h. Third, nr. S. city limits. Craig James D., physician, h. 95 Sycamore. Crandall Albert T., cook, Reading House. Crandall Emma, table waiter, Reading House. Crandall George, h. Sycamore, nr. Maple Av. Crandall Mrs. Hannah, bds. Bond House. Crandall Henry, champion foot-racer, bds. Sycamore, nr. Maple. Crandall Jake, hostler. Bond House. Crandall Mrs. Phebe, h. Ferry. Crandell Jacob R., cutter, 28 Main. Crawford F., merchant, h. 10 Bond. Cressey Frank B., pastor Baptist church, h. Seventh, bet. Syc amore and Regent. Crofoot John L., h. 97 Third. Cross Charles, clerk, bds. 87 Fourth. Cross James F., produce dealer, h. 87 Fourth. Cross Joel, blacksmith. Second, h. 121 Sycamore. Cross John J., farmer, h. South Bend road. Crowley Dennis, laborer, h. Fifth. Crowley John, laborer, h. Pokagon. Crowley Timothy, track repairer, M. C. R. R., h. Fourth. Cullin William, laborer, h. Third. :;iL£.? CITY DIRECTORY. The Leading Bepnblican Newspaper of the Northwest! •-•^ The Chicago Evening Post, The beat paper in the West prraent^ jta claims for pnblic patronage more .OL^dtDtly than eT^r betbre, haTingiron a tmanlmoiLa rerdict of approbation from the re^.Iiae pnblic. We 'lesire to let the p.aper stand or fell on In merits, and therefore offer a spe'.inieii ccpy, //-ee 0/ ijtarge. to all who irill aeiLd St»r it- TBE DAII.T ETEJflJfti POST ia alive, reliable. ;picy, thirty-iix colnmnr jp^r. necond to none in the Union, famished by malL or by newsdealers, at iVi per year. T^.e Ba?- CEBAT Post has added a enpplement which coLtaiii-r many choice literary ^'r leer' ona, in addi tion toits many other literary attractions. THE WEEKXY POST, is a large fcrtr-colnmn newspaper. eaiineytJy Stted&rconntrj- circulation. Its iinmenae success ia the best eTidence of its popnlarity. We foraish all the leading ma^zines at club prices with onr Weekly, and give the following c^h commi^dons : Any person who wiU act aa onr agent, and procure us two or more subscribers for the daily, at $10 a year, can retain 10 per cent- commismon, and 20 per cent, tor three or more subscribers to the weekly, at $1..50 a year each. Send for full list of prizes and premiums. POST PKISTISG CO., C-^!Cito,IlI. Cummins ^Irs. ^L S., h. 14 AVater. Cunningham Mrs. Sarah, h. Tenth. Curtis J. J., engineer, h. Cass nr. Si.xtii. Cutter C. C, painter, h. 9 Grant. Cutting John, janitor Union school, h. 58 Broadway. Cutting Walter G., harness maker, 34 3Iain, h. Regent cor. Tenth. Dailey A. G., conductor M. C. R. R., h. Fifth. Daily Martin, h. 58 State. Daily Charles, laborer. Daniels Mack, bkcksmith, bds. 60 Third. Dare Mr.?. Adaline, h. 84 Third. Dare Julia, bd^. 84 Third. Dashnaw Peter, laborer, h. 'Ja.i.-: nr. Ninth. Davi.s G. W., traveling a;rent, h. -52 St. Joseph Av. Davis John, bakery and grocery, 128 Front, h. 72 Fourth. Davis Lottie, clerk with J. Davis, bds. 72 Fourth. Davis Moses, pump-maker, h. 10 W. Main. DavLs William H., sawyer, h. Water, cor. .'Sycamore. Davis Willis B., sawyer, h. Water. Davison M. A., meat market, 73 Main, h. .same. Dawson & Wetherby (Jas. D. & W. P. W.,j boots and shoes, 31 Main. Dawson James (Dawson a Wetherby,) h. Tliird. Deam R., wagon maker, h. Second. Deam -John, wa;rori-m.akcr, h. 9 Rfgent, cor. Eighth. 84 NILES CITY DIRECTORY. Dean Henry M., (Larimore & Dean,) h. 42 Broadway. Dean Thomas, teamster, h. Fifth. Defrain Joseph, cooper, h. Third, nr. Howard. Delano William, fireman, h. Fifth. Delavan Thomas, clerk, 48 Main, bds. 76 Fourth. Demming Mrs., h. 121 Third. Demmons George, farmer. Deniston Mrs. Blenor, h. 83 Fifth. Deniston Ezekiel M., h. 8 St. Joseph Av. Deniston Thomas, carpenter, h. 121 Front. Dennison Frank, tinner, bds 54 Fourth. Derby Edwin C, (J. Messenger & Co.,) bds. 89 Main. Derby Frank, saloon, Bond House. Dettmar Adam, workman on railroad, h. Third. Dexter Miss C. M., dress and cloak making, 68 Main. Dickson Mrs. Anna H., h. 13 Oak Lane. Diggins Mrs. George, manuf. hair jewelry, curls, &c., 75 Main. Dillon William, carpenter, h. 113 Main. Dinan Michael, farmer, h. Ferry. Dodge Caleb K., foundry and machine shop, nr. M. C. Depot. Dodge Edwin A., machinist, h. 75 Broadway. Dodge Samuel S., h. 40 Fourth. Dokey D. J., sawyer, h. 26 Front. Dolan Mrs. Mary, h. Cass. Dolan Terrence, h. 44 Third. Dolloff L. W;, law student with Coohdge, bds. 8 Grant. Donahue Timothy, blacksmith. Done Anthony, cooper, bds. 20 Second. Donnelly James A., plasterer, h. Regent, cor. Twelfth. Doner Andrew, farmer, h. 16 Water. Doolin Jerry, laborer, h. Sycamore. Dougan George, carpenter, h: 85 Fourth. Dougan George W., express messenger, A. L. R. R., bds. 85 Fourth. Dougan Thomas F., carpenter. Dougan William T., (Bonine & Dougan,) h. Cedar, cor. Tenth. Douglass Fannie, school teacher, bds. Hickory Lane. Douglas Thomas, jewelry, books, stationery, 32 Main, h. Hickory Lane. Douster Fred, baker, h; Champlain. Drago Joseph, laborer, h. Hickory Lane. Drake William, painter, h; Grant. Draper William, saloon. Bond House. NILBS CITY DIRECTORY. 85 Draves WilUam, laborer, h. 35 Oak Lane. Drew Henry, h. 88 Cedar. Ducey Michael, farmer, h. Sycamore, nr. river. Ducey Thomas, laborer, h; Fifth. Duffer William, laborer, h. 8 Twelfth. Duffy Timothy, laborer, h. 123 Sycamore. Duit Louis, laborer, (M. C. R. R.,) h. Third. Dulan Maurice, track repairer, h. North Niles. Dulin Patrick, blacksmith, h. North Niles. Dunbar Mrs. Wm., h. 55 St. Joseph Av. Duncan L. A., editor Niles Republican, 45 Main, bds. Read ing House. Dune Michael, workman on railroad, h. 58 State. Dunn James, tailor, bds. Grant. Dunn John, bds. Third. Dunn Mrs. Margaret, h. Third. Dunn Patrick, teamster, h. Main, nr. city limits. Durne Fred, carpenter, 66 West. Durn Thomas, carpenter, h. Market. Dutch George, laborer, h. St. Joseph Av. Earl Ed. C, mason, h. Broadway. Earl Carrie, milliner, 55 Main, bds. 30 Broadway. Earle Mrs. Margaret, seamstress, bds. Fourth. Eastman Horace, dry goods, 72 Main, h. 32 Fourth. Edick Oliver, cooper, h. Third. Edmonds Elliott W., carpenter, bds, 4 Broadway. Edwards Mrs. C. M., h. State. Edwards Emma, school teacher. Edwards George F., Principal Union School, bds. Reading House. Edwards James, laborer, bds. Cass. Edwards James M., laborer, h. Cass. Edwards John W., h. 6 Bond. Edwards William J., farmer, h. Chicago Road. Egbert A., traveling agent, h. 18 St: Joseph Av. Egbert J. W., physician, 86 Second, b. 33 State. Eglin A. R., mason, h. 6 Mill. Eitzert Peter, tinner, h. North Niles. 86 NILES CITY DIRECTORY. Elsacer John, h. 13 Fifth. Emerson Mary, domestic, Reading House. Ensign Dr. Elias, dentist, over post office, h. 4 Oak Lane. Etzcorn John, laborer, h. Pokagon. Etzcorn Nicholas, taxidermist, bds. 52 Third. Evans Ira L., treasurer Stow's Circus, h. 97 Fourth. Evans Richard, cooper, h. Third. Evans William, flour packer, h. 13 Second. Everts A. M., tailor, h. Main, nr. E. city limits. Evick Henry, carpenter, h. West. Evick William 0., carpenter, h. Market. FaiUng Henry, foreman on railroad, bds. Ill Front. Faihng Mrs. Meribah, h. Ill Front. FAIRCHILD B. HOMER, physician, 48 Main. Fairchild James H., lawyer, 19 Main, h. 113 Third. Fairchild John B., money broker, h. Ninth, nr. Broadway. Farer Jacob, laborer, h. Fifth. Fellows Austin, carpenter, h. 62 Front. Fellows Henry, carpenter, h. 62 Front. Fellows Millie, domestic, 82 Third. Fenighty James, shoemaker. Fenton Atkins, h. 27 State. Kenton Frank E., merchant tailor, Reading House Block, bds. 31 St. .Joseph Av. Ferrell James, livery runner, bds. 1 Cedar. Ferriss Arthur, tailor, bds. 31 St. Joseph Av. Ferson William G., dry goods and fine groceries, 70 Main, h. 68 Fourth. Finch Robert Y., propr. foundry, Front, h. 82 Fourth. Finley Edward, foundry-man (Welling's.) Finley John K., physician, h. 59 Fifth, cor. Main. Finley Theodore M,, (Calkins & Finley,) h. 94 Fourth Finley Samuel B., h. 85 Main. Finley Samuel M., Internal Revenue Collector, 48 Main h 59 Fifth. ' ¦ Finnegan Thomas, teamster, h. Seventh, cor. Ferry. Fischer Christian, meat market, 79 Second. Fish Ben. F., money broker, h. 82 Third. Fisher Charles, tinner, with C. M. Underwood, h. Hickory Lane. NIL£S city: DIEECTOEY. 87 Fisher Charles, laborer, bds. 60 Third. Fisher John M., carpenter, bds. Fourth. Fisher William H., baggage man, Reading House. Fitzgerald J. B., lawyer, 49 Main, h. 98 Cedar. Firzgerald Michael, laborer, h. St. Joseph Av. Fitzgerald Patrick, laborer, h. 34 State. Flaherty John, workman on railroad, h. State. Fleiskhauer Benard, laborer, North Niles. Fleiskhauer Dodor, carpenter, North Niles. Flynn Bedford, bds. 15 Second. Flynn Thomas 0., h. 15 Second. Forler G. K., grocery and saloon, 58 High, h. same. Ford Henry A., publisher Michigan Teacher, 65 Main, h. 16 Oak Lane. Foster I. & J., millinery and dressmaking, 51 Main. Fowler Mrs Lettie, h. 90 Fifth. Fowler A. B., clerk with A. B. Chipman & Son. Fowler Robert, millinery and fancy goods, 55 Main, h. cor. Broadway and Third. Fowler Theodore, clerk, 5h Main, bds. cor. Broadwa,y and Third. Fox Alanson J., dry goods, 23 Main, h. 24 St. .Joaeph Av. Francis George, butcher, h. Sixth, cor. Ferry. Frankenberg B., clothing and gents' furnishing gcod.':, 28 Main, bds. Pike House. Fretts John, carpenter, 111 Main. Freed David H., harness maker, 34 Main, h. Grant. Fricke Charles, grocery and saloon, 89 Second. Fricke Henry, bar-tender, 89 Second. Frost T. D., carpenter, h. nr. s. end Ninth. Fuller A. E., h. West. Fuller William A., clerk in Post office, bds. West. Fuls Mrs. Mary, washerwoman, h. Fifth. o- Gaines Thomas, Agent American Express Co., Reading House, h. 62 Broadway. Gallup H. D. & Son (H. D. & E. H.,) groceries, 62 Mda, L 88 Broadway. Gallup E. H., (Gallup & Son) bds. 88 Broadway. Clalvin Mrs. Margaret, h. 35 Cass. Gardner Byron E., clerk, 58 Main. 88 NILBS CITY DIRBOTORY. "Gardner & Potter, (S. 0. G. & T. H. P.,) grocers, 53 Main. ¦Gardner S. 0., (Gardner & Potter,) h. Hickory Lane. 'Gaston Albert P., clerk with L. K. & H. C. Gould. Gates David, mechanic, h. Reddick. ^ehring John, baker, h. Fourth. Geltmacher Jacob, propr. Dacota Mills, h. 51 Front. George John R., sail-maker, h. 64 Broadway. George Simon, bds. 64 Broadway. Gibbons George, saloon, 95 Front, h. same. Gilbert E. P., tobacconist, 33 Main, h. 37 St. Joseph Av. Gilbert William J., law student with Edward Bacon. Glaven Patrick, workman on railroad, h. West. Glen James L., President Niles Gas Light Co., bds. 52 Third. Glenn Henry E., book-keeper, h. 91 Fourth. Glenn Dr. James B., dentist, 36 Main, h. Cherry Lane. Glenn Martin, saloon and boarding-house, Front. Glenn Thomas T., Agent Glen Falls Insurance Co., 36 Main, h. Cherry Lane. Glover Miss A. E., Preceptress Union School. Goetz Henry, flour and feed, h. Mill. . Goetz Isaac, student, bds Mill. Goldie William M. harness maker, Front, cor. Main, h. Emmons. Goodwin J. Thomas, clerk with Bentley & Stow, h. 43 St. Joseph Av. Gordy Jackson, farmer, h. Cherry Lane. Gossman A., cigar maker, 71 Second, h, same. Goucher Mrs. Mary, h. 12 Bond. Gould Lester K. & H. Clay, books and drugs, 44 Main, h. 4 St. Joseph Av. Gragg Mortimer D., freight agent M. C. R. R., h. 33 Fourth. Graham Andrew, clerk, Bond House. Graham Belle, domestic, 73 Broadway. Graham Carrie, school teacher, 101 Front. •Graham Mrs. Mary, h. 27 Oak Lane. 'Grand Frank, teamster (Geltmacher's), h. 70 Front. Grand Jack, flour packer, h. 79 Front. Gray F. M., (S. B. Shepherd & Co.) bds. W. cor. Grant. Gray Gordon Y., (Gray, Shepard & Gray) bds W. cor. Grant, GRAY, SHEPARD & GRAY, (G. Y. G., S. B. S. & F. M. G.,) Bankers, 45 Main. ¦Gray William B., contractor, h. 92 Sycamore. 'Green Charles W., carpenter, h. Sycamore, cor. illeTenth. NILES CITY DIRECTORY. 8S Green Mrs. Mary, h. 109 Front. Green Martin S., carpenter, h. Barrett. Griffin Mrs. Harriet, h. 7 Cherry Lane. Griffin Samuel H., merchant in St. Joseph, h. 109 Main. Griffith E. R., blacksmith, bds. 60 Third. Grimes F. A., tailor, 43 Main, h. Fifth. Griswold Benjamin C, h. 95 Third. Griswold Edward R., carpenter, h. Third, n. of Sycamore. Griswold Frank, clerk with Allen Brothers, bds 95 Third. Grosse Fred, laborer, h. Pokagon. Grouse John, clerk, bds. 52 Third. Guignon George, moulder, h. 63 West. Guignon Henry, moulder, h. 63 West. GUIHEEN, HERN & CO. (M. G, S. B. H., & Dr. 0. P. Horn), Editors and Proprietors Niles Democrat, 37 and 39 Main. Grimes James A., painter, h. 104 Fifth. Guiheen Maurice ((juiheen. Hern & Oo.) bds. 51 Front. Gunzburg S., hats, caps, furs, a.nd gents' furnishing goods, 43- Main. -T"T' JUL Hackley Mrs. Ann, h. Tenth. Hackley William, teamster, h. Tenth. Hadden Emma E., bds. 112 Broadway. Hale Perley, h. 26 Broadway. Hale Perley, Jr., architect, rooms 5 and 6, 4G ]\Iain, bds. 20' Broadway. Hale William H., miller, bds. 75 Front. Hall Amos T., clerk, bds. Fifth, bet. Sycamore and' Main. Hand Jackson, carpenter, h. 24 Michigan. Hand John, laborer, h. Ferry. Hand Lawrence, laborer, h. Ferry. Hansler John G., tinware, 14 Main, h. 36 Third. Hardy Harrison, laborer, h. Sycamore, cor. Twelfth. Harrington William H., clerk, Reading House. Harris Charles, bds. 30 Broadway. Harris Mrs. E., h. 30 Broadway. Harris George, bell boy, Reading House. Harris George W., shoemaker with J. T. Wares, h, Broad way, cor. Maple Av. Harris Henry, bds. 30 Broadway. 90 NILES CITY DIRECTORY. Harrison John W., wagon maker. Hart Charles W., manuf. window shades, h. 83 Fourtb- Hart Gilbert, h. 10 St. Joseph Av. Hart John W., book-keeper with J. S. Tuttle, h. 9 Oak Lane. Harter James B., clerk, 19 Main, bds. Fourth. Harter Laban, clerk with W. B. Beeson, h. Fourth. > Hastings James, h. Third, n. of Sycamore. Hastings Mrs. Joanna, h. Fifth. Hastings John, shoemaker, h. Fifth. Hastings Thomas. Hastings William, blacksmith, h. Fifth. Hatch Mrs. Sophronia, weaver, 92 Fifth.' Hatfield A. J., (Miley & Hatfield) fruit farm, west side, n. of railroad. Hatfield John W., plasterer, h. Hickory Lane. Hattenbach John, laborer, h. North Niles. Haygner George, miller, h. 54 Grant. Hayward Arby P., agricultural implements, 29 Main, h. 45 Grant. Heber Oscar, cigar maker, 71 Second, h. West. Henderson William, peanuts, h. Champlain. Henkle John, clerk with W. B. Beeson, h. 71 Second. Henry Charles. Henshaw W. B., traveling agent, h. market. Hern Samuel B., (Guiheen, Hern & Co.) bds. Front. Hess August, workman on railroad, h. North Niles. Hess Charles, barber, h. Grant. Hessemer Henry, night watch, h. Fifth. Hoyt Edward, shoemaker, h. 63 Grant. Hicks Timothy, telegraph agent, h. 99 Third. Higby N. F., h. Grant. Hill H.', wholesale liquors, 69 Second. Hilton Albert N., bds. 119 Main. Hilton Henry, farmer, h. 119 Main. Hinderer Charles, clerk in Post office, h. 89 Sycamore. Hirz Henry, grocery and saloon, 40 High, h. same. Hitt James M., miller, with J. Geltmacher. Hoban Patrick, section road master, M. C. R. R. Hodgkin William, clerk, 64 Main, h. 25 State. Hoern Mary, domestic, W. Main. Hofman Frederic, laborer, h. 9 Fifth. Hohn Bernard, carpenter, h. 103 Fourth. Hohn Mary, tailoress, 28 Main, bds. 103 Fourth. NILES CITY DIEECTORY. 91 HolUster John, carpenter, h. 22 Regent. Hopkins John, carpenter, h. Eleventh. Horan James, stone mason, h. Cass. Horan John, gardener, h. Grant. Horan Thomas, clerk, h. Cass. Horn 0. P., physician, 39 Main, bds. 51 Front. Hott Philip, wagon maker, h. 81 Front. Houghland Augusta, h. 14 Water. Houghland Edward G., book-keeper, Paine's Bank, h. 14 St. Joseph Av. Howard Algernon B., clerk with J. M. Wells, h. 29 State. Howard Edward, sawyer, bds. 39 Maple Av. Howard Edwin R. D ., clerk with Bentley & Stow, h. 29 State. Howard S. W., carpenter, h. 39 Maple Av. Howe Dr. George A., dentist, 44 Main, h. 80 Main. Howe Uriah, clerk, bds. 52 Third. Howland Austin R., carpenter, bds. State. Hewlett J. P., insurance agent, h. Hickory Lane. Huggins Ploddin H., carpenter, h. 36 St. Joseph Av. Hughes Robert, laborer, h. 17 Second. HuickMrs. Mary, h. 1 Regent. Hulin & Perry, (C. H. & S. P.,) carpenters and builders. Front, nr. Cedar. Hulin Charles, (Hulin & Perry,) h. 84 Fourth. Hiilin Mrs. Mary P., h. Oak Lane. Hull Mrs. Belle, milliner. Hull Isaac, painter, h. 110 Fourth. Hungerford Charles S., hats, caps, and furs, 38 Main, h. 28 Broadway. Hunstable Augustus, shoemaker, h. State. Hanstable S. P. L., boots and shoes, 18 Main h. 19 Oak Lane. Hunt Anson M., sculptor, h. 88 Fourth. Hunt Rev. T. Dwight, pastor Presbyterian church, h. 70 Oak Lane. Hunter Andrew, hostler, Reading House. Hunter Mrs. Elizabeth, nurse, h. Fourth. Huntler Emma, tailoress, bds. 113 Main. Huston General 0., blacksmith, bds. 54 St. Joseph Av. Huston Thomas H., dealer in ice, 54 St. Joseph Av. Hutchinson Harmon B. harness maker, 16 Main, h. 48 Grant. Hutson John, blacksmith, bds. 60 Third. Hutson John B., composition roofing. 92 NILBS CITY DIRECTORY. Isenbil Joseph, marble polisher, h. Fifth. Ives Edward B., photographer, 22 Main, h. West n. of Main. Jackson William II., farmer and wagon maker, h. St. Joseph Av. Jacoby N. & Co., (N. J. & T. Siewertsen) grocers, 42 Main. Jacoby N., (N. Jacoby & Co.) bds. 117 Front. James Charles, laborer, h. Second. Jarvis Burton, farmer, h. Market. ¦Jarvis Zed, book-keeper, bds. Market. Jeffery Henry M., propr. Niles Boarding House, 4 Broadway. Jeffery J. M., farmer, h. 11 2 Broadway. Jenkins Anderson, laborer, h. Cass. Jennings Esbon, street sprinkler, h. 97 Fourth. Jennings Martin, hostler (Bunbury's.) Jennings William D., hostler (Tefft's.) •Jerome George II., farmer, h. Third nr. S. city limits. Jewett Charles, lawyer, h. 70 St. Joseph Av. Jewett Ed. S., postmaster, h. 75 Fifth. Johnson Alfred W., carpenter, h. 18 Hickory Lane. Johnson Caroline, school teacher, bds. 38 Broadway. Johnson D. C, carpenter, h. Third. Johnson Jacob, laborer in brickyard. Johnson John, brewer, h. Third. Johnson Mrs. Maggie, h. ¦'>2 Michigan. Johnson S. il., road master, M. C. R. R.. h. Fifth. Johnson W. S., lumber, lime, lath &c.. Fifth nr. R. R. Johnson Z. M., butcher, Reading House block, h. Tenth (!or. Regent. Jones B. Iv., harness maker, 34 Main, h. 3 Oak Lane. Jones Lemuel B., carpenter, h. Maple. •loncs Lewis, (Jones & Pierson^ h. Fifth. .foiies & Pierson, (Lewis J. & J. M, P.,) planing, sash, doors, blinds, nr. M. C. depot. Jordan Dclos, moulder, bds. 6 Ferry. Josslyn William B., produce dealer, h. 2 Bond. Joy Mathew, h. Third. Judd Mrs. Helen, h. Ill Main. Julius .Jacob, clothing, 40 Main. NILES CITY DIRECTOEY. 93 Keep Constantly on Hand a Large Assortment of WWW mwwBMf) W^®WKW)f, Cassimeres, Carpets, Oil Clotiis, Furs, &c. We buy for cash, sell for cash, and cannot be undersold. 27 Main Street, - ' - Niles, Michigan. B. S. REED. E. W. POST. Kane John, laborer, h. West. Kane William, laborer, h. 55 West. Kantsowitg Moses, peddler, h. Second. Kellog Hall, 72 and 74 Main. Kelly Edward, laborer, h. Grant. Kelly Patrick, workman on rail road, h. Seventh. Kelly Thomas, shoveler, h. Ferry. Kiely William, trackman, h. 62 St. Joseph Av. Kiely William Jr., farmer, bds. 72 St. Joseph Av. Kimmel E. A., civil engineer, bds. Chicago St. Kimmel George, farmer, h. Chicago road. Kimmel Henry T., h. 15 Elm. King Mrs. D. W., h. Cedar, cor. Third. King John, (Bacon & King,) h. Hickory Lane. Kingsley John S., pump maker, 33 Sycamore. Kincaid Duane, clerk with Wm. Stone, bds. 17 Mill. Kline Jacob, shoemaker, h. Pokagon. Kline Peter, workman on railroad, h. Third. Klinger Alexander, jeweler, h. 28 Regent. Klomp Jacob, blacksmith, h. West. Knight Brothers, (G. II. & J. G.,) agricultural implements, foot of Main. Knight Godfrey H., (Knight Brothers,) bds. Reading House. Knight Jesse G., (Knight Brothers,) bds. Reading House. Knight William W., agt. Howe sewing machine, 27 Main, h. 17 Mill. Knott Christopher, workman on railroad, North Niles. Knott Henry, laborer, h. North Niles. Knott -John W., laborer, h. Pokagon. 94 NILES CITY DIEECTORY. Knox Cholwell, lawyer, 45 Main, bds. Reading House. Knox Rienzi, lawyer, 45 Main. Koelner Henry, tailor, 28 Main, bds. 60 Third. Koldenbach B., blacksmith, h. Fifth. Korman Henry, clerk with Jacoby & Co., bds. 35 Sycamore. Kraus John, clerk 22 Main, bds. 52 Third. Krantz Martin, h. Second, cor. Sycamore. Karntz Martin Jr., clerk, bds. Second, cor. Sycamore. Krieger Fred, baker, h. 7 Fifth. Krell Mary, domestic, 60 Third. Krick & Montague, (S. G. K. & J. A. M.,) hardware, Main, cor. Third. Krick Solomon G., (Krick & Montague,) h. West, nr. Grant. Labadie Peter,' hotel runner, Bond House. Labo Abraham, teamster, h. Seventh. Lacey David, (D. & W. K. Lacey,) h. 32 Front. Lacey D. & W. K., proprs. Depot Mills, Front. Lacey William K., (D. & W. K. Lacey,) bds. Reading House. LaClere John, book keeper, h. west side, N. of railroad. LaFlesh Isaac L. auctioneer, 74 Second, h. Third. Lahey William, laborer, h. S. Ninth. Lainheart Maggie, domestic, Reading House. Lambert Edward, laborer, h. Water. Lambert John, bowling alley and saloon, 40 Main, h. Regent, cor. Reddick. Lambert George W., farmer, bds. 5 Front. Lambert J, A., cooper, h. 5 Front. Lambert William, wagon maker, h. n. Fourth. Landon L. H., insurance agent, 76 Main, h. 75 Fifth. Landon Mills H., assistant cashier First National Bank, bds. cor. Third and Cedar. Landon Rufus Wi, real estate broker. President First National Bank, 56 Main, h. Third, cor. Cedar. LaPierre A. M., mason, h. 70 Fourth. LaPierre Edward M., watchmaker, 43 Main, 70 Fourth. Lardner John, bds. 54 Broadway. Lardner William, h. 54 Broadway. Larimore & Dean, (J. C. L., & H. M. D.,) druggists, 46 Main. Larimore Joseph C, (Larimore & Dean,) h. 29 Fourth. Larkin James, printer's devil. Republican office, bds. Ferry. NILES CITY DIRECTORY. 95 ^MAB. m. WWfBEEW&&B, DEAI.SR IN Hardware, Agricnltnral Iilements, It SB-lf. 48 Main Street, Corner of Second, NELES, MICHIGAN. Larkin John, h. Ferry. Larkin Lawrence, laborer, h. Hickory Lane. Larkins Henry, bds. Ill Main. Larkins Robert, bds. Ill Main. Laundry Francis C, blacksmith, bds. Front. Laundry James R., blacksmith, bds. Front. LaVelle Michael, brick maker, h. State. Lavenburg Thomas, harness maker. Front. Lent 0. J., dealer in lightning rods, h. Ninth. Leonard Barney, laborer, h. 51 West. Leonard Thomas, laborer, h. Twelfth. LeRoy E. B., tailor, 27 Main, h. 15 Mill. Letson Isiah, stone mason, h. Grant. Levarr George, saloon and boarding hause, Front. Lewis Mrs. Harriet, h. Maple Av.. cor. Ferry. Lewis Ira, laborer. Lewis Lucy, bds. 54 Broadway. Likins Nelson, blacksmith. Second, cor. Cedar, h. Ninth, cor. Cherry. Lino James, livery, bds. 15 Fifth. Lino John, driver baggage wagon, Pike House. Livingston M., meat market, 123 Front. Lombard E. D., carpenter, h. west side, n. of railroad. Long Benjamin N., insurance agent, h. 84 Main. Long Nellie, table waiter. Bond House. Loomis J., physician, 80 Third, h. same. Loomis Kelsey, tinner, 20 Main, bds. Reading House. Loomis Lottie, table waiter. Bond House. Loomis Pettie, bds. 80 Third. Loranger Celistine, distillery, h. 28 Oak Lane. Loshbough Mrs. Catherine, h. Barrett. 96 , NILES CITY DIEECTORY. Loshbough Charles C, well digger, h. 47 St. Joseph Av. Loudas Mrs. Mary, housekeeper, 95 State. Lounds Thomas, blacksmith, h. n. Fifth. Lovejoy George W., poultry dealer, west side, n. of railroad. Lovett John, bds. 95 State. Lucas Isaac, deputy sheriff, h. Oak Lane. Ludderback George, carpenter, bds. 58 High. Lusk Rev. William, rector Trinity Church, 85 Fifth. Luther George, trackman, h. North Niles. Lynch John, laborer, h. 27 Fifth. Lyon C, millwright, h. 120 Sycamore, cor. Seventh. Lyons John, workman on railroad, h. Main. Mack B., boots and shoes. Front. !Mahoney Julia, domestic, 54 Main. Mahoney Michael, laborer, h. State. Maiforth Jacob, laborer, h. 95 Fourth. Makepeace Thomas, builder, h. 48 Grant. Maloney Thomas, laborer, h. 15 Regent. jNIann John C, tailor, 35 Sycamore. Manny John, h. 50 Third. Manson Mrs. J., h. 35 Third. Marston Joe P., clerk, bds. 30 Broadway. Martin , laborer, h. 22 Second. Mataford William, laborer, h. Regent, bet. Eleventh and Twelfth. iMather Mrs. D., h. 94 Sycamore. Mayer John, saloon, 91 Front, h. 39 Grant. Mayo Hannah, domestic, 15 Oak Lane. McChristian Minerva, milliner, 78 IMain. McClung Joe, bakery, 32 Main, h. same. McCormick John, laborer, h. Pokagon. McDonald William, river pilot, h. Main, cor. Tenth. McDonell Margaret, h. West. McDonell Thomas, h. West. JlcGee William, laborer, h. State. McGill Robert, laborer, h. Sycamore, nr. Twelfth. McGyrk Mrs. Ann, h. Williams. Mcllvaine E., justice of the peace, 42 Main, bds. 117 Front. McNair J. Monroe, clerk, 46 Main, h. same. McOmber .James, all aboard for the Reading House. NILES CITY DIRBCTOBT. 97 McOinber Kate, table waiter, Reading House. McWilliam Ashbury, blacksmith, h. Eighth. Mead Mrs. Agnes, h. 80 Third. Mead A. J., physician, 89 Sycamore, cor. Third. Mead Hattie, bds. 80 Third. Meinhard Dr. , physician, 120 Front. Mendenhall J. T., clerk, 38 Main, h. 72 Cedar. Meraby Matilda, millinery, 70 Main, bds. Ill Sycamore. Merritt E. D., shoemaker, h. Maple Av. Messenger J. & Co., (Jacob M. & Ed. C. Derby,) cabinet ware and furniture, 58 Main. Messenger Jacob, (J. Messenger & Co.,) h. 89 Main. Metcalf George, gardener, h. 80 Cedar. Micks Richard P., watchmaker, 43 Main, h. Regent. Miley & Hatfield, (J. M. & A. J. H.,) furniture, 41 Main. Miley John, (Miley & Hatfield,) h. Grant. Miller & Radewalt, (A. M. & C. R.,) blacksmiths. Front, nr. Cedar. Miller August, (Miller & Radewalt.,) h. Ill Third. Miller H., teamster, h. Oak Lane, E. of Main. Miller Henry, cooper, with Lacey, h. State. Miller Mrs., h. 59 Third. Miller William, saloon, 24 Main, h. 6 Phoenix. Misener Henry C, builder, bds. 12 St. Joseph Av. Misener Walter S., carpenter, h. 53 Grant. Mitchell Joseph, mason, h. Ninth. Montague John A., (Krick & Montague,) bds. Reading House. Moore Henry, butcher, h. Third. Moore Stephen, merchant, h. Regent, cor. Maple At. Moore William, carpenter, h. 63 Regent. Moran Mrs. Mary, h. Hickory Lane. Morast Jacob, barber, 41 Main. Morehouse Mrs. Helen, h. Tenth, cor. Sycamore. Morgan H. C, baker, with J. McClung, h. 84 Fifth. Morris George W., shoe maker, h. 79 Third. Morris P., farmer, h. Buchanan Road. Moses G., clerk, clothing store, 40 Main. Murchison A. M., school teacher. Murray Mrs. Catherine T., h. 38 Broadway. Murray Clara, bds. 38 Broadway. Murray Charles, blacksmith, h. Grant. Murray Elijah, wagon and carriage manof y. Second, cor. Sycamore, h. 13 St. Joseph Av. 98 • NILES CITY DIEECTORY. Murray Lafayette, blacksmith, h. State. Musson E. D., physician, 73 Main. Musson Mrs. E. D., female physician, 73 Main. Muzzy Franklin, la-wyer, 45 Main, h. 84 Third. Myer John, saloon. Second, h. 39 Grant. Nash George A., restaurant and ice cream saloon, Front. Neddo BasU, laborer, h. Front. Needham James, h. 65 West. Needham Joseph, carpenter, h. S. Third. Neil Jacob, whitewasher, h. Ferry. Nichols C. H., carpenter, h. 40 Michigan. Nieb Phillip, h. 132 Front. Nieman WUHam, workman on railroad, h. Fourth. Niles Bakery, S. B. Shepard & Co. proprs.. Second, cor. Sycamore. Niles Democrat, Guiheen, Hern & Co. proprs., 37 & 39 Main. Niles Gas Light Co., Jas. L. Glen, Pres't., Front. Niles Manufacturing Co., R. W. Landon, Pres't ; J. B. Fitz gerald, Sec'y. Niles Republican, L. A. Duncan, propr., 45 Main. Niles Mrs. S., h. 87 Main. Nolan Mrs. Sarah, h. 59 West. Noonan Edward, laborer, h. Cass. Norris Benjamin, carpenter, h. 94 Third. Norris James, carpenter, h. 92 Third. Norris John M., h. 40 Michigan. Norton Edward, merchant miller, 93 Second, h. 5 Oak Lane. Nutt Fred., cabinet maker, 58 Main, h. Cass. Nutt William. O'Brien Mary, domestic, West. O'Brien Michael, laborer, h. 115 Front. O'Brien Patrick, cooper, h. Third. O'Callahan Thomas, laborer, h. West. O'Connor John, teacher Catholic school, bds. 95 West. O'Connor Owen, laborer, b. Elm. Odell Mrs. Ann, h. 127 Main. NILES CITY DIEECTORY. 99 Olds Rev. C. C, Presiding Elder, h. Broadway, cor. Fifth. O'Neil John, foreman (R. R.,) h. Fourth. Orr James, veterinary surgeon, h. West. Orr William, veterinary surgeon, h. West. Orsler Mrs. J., tailoress, h. Ferry. Osborn Brothers (John & Judson,) music dealers and organ manuf's., 49 Main, h. 74 Fourth. Osborn C. M., agent Wheeler & Wilson sewing machine, 70 Main, h. 19 Regent. Osborn Jefferson, farmer, h. 75 Cedar, cor. Tenth. Osborn Robert, organ maker, 59 Main, bds. 74 Fourth. Oxner John, laborer, h. Cass. Page Louvelne, laborer, h. Sycamore. Paine John, clerk, 71 Main. Paine Rodney C, banker, 71 Main. Palmer Charles H., h. 68 Cedar. Palmer Harvey, insurance agent, h. St. Joseph Av. Palmer John, workman on railroad, h. 3 N. Fifth. Park Robert, cooper, h. Second. Parker George, grocer. Front, h. Grant. Parker Mrs. Hannah, h. 1 Ferry. Parker Marcella A., bds. 82 Third. Parker Mary, bds. 1 Ferry. Parmenter Preston, laborer, h. 27 Regent. Patch William, laborer, h. Water. Pateman David E., gardener, h. Chicago Road. Pateman Henry W., gardener, h. Chicago Road. Patterson George, barber, Second, h. 27 Fifth. " Peak Hall, Henry Goetz, agent, 38 & 40 Main. Peak William H., proprietor Peak Family Bell Ringers, h. 32 Broadway. Peck Judson A. wagon maker. Front, cor. Cedar, h. Syca more, cor. Sixth. Peck Wallace, carriage maker, h. Fourth. Perkins John, bar-keeper, Reading House. Perkins N. B., carpenter, h. Fifth. Perkins William H., tailor, 70 Main, h. Hickory Lane. Perry Sumner, (Hulin & Perry,) h. Barrett. Peterson Charles, carpenter. 100 NILES CITY DIRECTORY. Pettingell Moses, propr. Marble Works, 75 Main, h. 14 Oak Lane. Phillips F. X., cabinet maker, 41 Main. Picard Francis, h. 28 Oak Lane. Pierce John, laborer, h. Bond. Pierce S. F., telegraph operator M. C. R. R. Pierson J. M., (Jones & Pierson,) h. Seventh, cor. Sycamore. Pierson S. B., miller, h. Main, cor. Broadway. Pike House, H. H. Pike, propr., 90 Main, cor. Fourth. Pike Lute, student, bds. Pike House. Pinkelman Joseph, stone mason. Pinketon William, laborer, h. Ferry. Piatt Alonzo (G. W., H. C. & Co.,) h. 79 Main. Piatt Henry C, (G. W., H. C. & Co.,) h. Fourth, cor. Syca more. Piatt G. W., H. C. & Co., (George W., Henry C, and Wil liam E.,) hardware, 29 Main. Piatt George W., h. Fourth, cor. Sycamore. Piatt William E., (G. W., H. C. & Co.,) h. Fourth. Pointon William, printer. Democrat office. Porter Mrs. J. F., h. 72 Broadway. Post E. W., (Reed & Pgst,) h. Fifth. Potter T. H., (Gardner & Potter,) h. 54 Broadway. Potter W. H., clerk, 53 Main. Powers Edmund, laborer, bds. 22 Second. Powers Mrs. Richard, h. Main. Powers Simon, laborer, h. Grant. Powers William, whitewasher, h. Seventh. Pratt Mrs. Harriet E., h. Mill. Pratt Sylvester M., mail agent, h. 127 Main. Pratt William E., sailor, h. Mill. Prentice Frank, brewery, h. 9 Fifth. Prime Harry, painter, h. 2 Phoenix. Primrose John R., saddler, h. 104 Front. Pullman J. M. carpenter, h. 65 Cedar, cor. Tenth. Purtzline Libbie, laundress, Reading House. Putnam Hurlbut L., h. St. Joseph Av. Putnam Parley, h. 15 Front. Pyne Patrick, carpenter, h. 87 Fifth. <^ Quigley Maggie, domestic, Bond House. NILES CITY DIRECTORY. 101 Radewald Charles, (Miller & Radewald,) h. Cass, cor. Sixth. Rand Arion, baker, bds. 6 Ferry. Randall Abel, h. 15 Oak Lane. Randall Darius, physician, h. 18 Front. Randall Edson A., student, bds. 35 Oak Lane. Randall Myron B., milkman, h. 35 Oak Lane. Randall Ransom A., farmer, h. 10 Front. Rathburn Lucius, farmer, h. S. Third. Ratiken Mrs. Ellen, h. 50 State. Ray Reuben A., planing mill, h. Water, Reading House, S. Brunson, manager, Main, cor. Front. Reading Edgar, physician, propr. Reading House. Reagan Patrick, laborer, h. 44 Cass. Reddick William A. & John L., proprs. brick yard, West. Redding Benjamin M., farmer, h. 40 West. Redding E., cabinet maker, h. Grant. Redding Francis M., tinner, bds. 40 West. Redding Frank, poultry dealer, bds. Grant. Redding James, bds. 40 West. REED & POST, (B. S. Reed & E. W. Post,) dry goods and carpets, 27 Main. Reed B. S., (Reed & Post,) h. 34 Oak Lane. Reed M. F., drayman, h. Hickory Lane. Reed N; B., mechanic, h. 39 Broadway. Reedy Raymond B., clerk, 50 Main, bds. Tenth. Reedy William, carpenter, h. Tenth, bet. Sycamore and Regent. Reinhard A. grocer. Main, h. Third, cor. Broadway. Reinhard Daniel, wholesale liquors, 22 Main, bds. Third, cor. Broadway. Reinhard George, carpenter, h. 36 State. Reinhart Lizzie, laundress, Reading House. Reum Charles, laborer, h. 42 Cass. Reum J. Henry, laborer, h. Pokagon. Reynolds J. M., (Wells & Reynolds,) h. 86 Fourth. Reynolds Paterson, painter, h. Fourth. Ribble William H., farmer, h. Twelfth. Rice Reuben H., carpenter, h. 81 Broadway. Richardson Charles D., clerk, 43 Main, bds. 108 Main. 102 NILES CITY DIRECTORY. Richardson Dr. J. H., Monitor Ague Pills, 35 Main, h. 108 Main, bet. Sixth and Seventh. Richardson Stillman, physician, h. Grant, cor. St. Joseph Av. Riley John, engineer, bds. Fourth. Riley John, laborer, bds. Ferry. Robbins H. J., carpenter, h. 82 Broadway. Roberts John, teamster, h. 81 Cedar. Roberts S. E. clerk, with Reed & Post, h. Third, cor. Larned. Robinson D. D., blacksmith, h. 7 Grant. Rodefer George, horse dealer, h. 57 State. Rogers Lottie, assistant cook, Reading House. Rogeis William, blacksmith, bds. 60 Third. Rose Nathaniel K., carpenter, h. Fourth. Rosewarne Sidney, tinner, with Piatt. Rosewarne William H., farmer, h. 120 Broadway. Ross William T., shoemaker, foot of Main, h. Grant. Roth Adam, tailor, h. 33 Cass. Rotterwold Charles, blacksmith, h. 38 Cass. Rounds George W., painter, bds. Water, nr. Ferry. Rounds Henry, painter, h. Water, nr. Ferry. Rozel W., miller, with J. Geltmacher. Rudolph Henry, baker, h. N. Third. Ruply Eliza, bds. Tenth, cor. Regent. Rutledge .John, blacksmith, bds. 61 West. Rutledge Peter, tanner, h. 61 West. Rutledge Thomas W., currier, bds. 61 West. Ryan George W., foreman Republican office. Ryan Jerome C, printer, Republican office, bds. Reading House. s Salsbury Mrs. Hellen, h. Eighth. Sampson Mrs. , h. 114 Sycamore, cor. Sixth. Sanders William, carriage maker, h. 121 Main. Sanford Philo, h. 50 Broadway. Scarf William, harness maker, bds. 6 Ferry. Schaffrath John, stone mason, h. West. Scharlemann George L., clerk, 36 Main, bds. Pike House. Schmalzried John, butcher, Front, nr. Cedar. Schneewind F. & Co., (F. S. & Reinhard,) wholesale and retail grocers, 22 Main. Schneewind Francis, (F. S. & Co.,) h. 86 Main. NILES Crri.l>i±il!,ulORY. 103 Schrumpf Elias, workman on railroad, bds. N. Fourth. Schrumpf George, blacksmith, h. N. Fourth. Scose John, cooper, h. 35 Third. Scose Minerva, h. 35 Third. Scose James, cooper, h. 35 Third. Scouton Lillian, bds. 10 St. Joseph Av. Scovell George, carriage trimmer, bds. 4 Broadway. Searle Joseph T., carpenter, h. 28 Oak Lane. Sears William, lawyer, h. Ninth, cor. Cherry Lane. Seivert William F., laborer, h. Pokagon. Selden Herman D., cabinet finisher, bds. 4 Broadway. Serviss Charles T. carpenter, h. Third, nr. S. city limits. Serviss George W., carpenter, h. Sycamore. Serviss James, carpenter, h. Third, nr. city limits. Serviss William, carpenter, h. Third, nr. city limits. Serviss William W., drayman, h. Ferry, cor. Mulberry. Seward & Woodford, (J. M. S. & R. W.,) groceries and pro visions, 57 Main. Seward Julius M., (Seward & Woodford,) h. 54 West. Seymour , laborer, h. Front. Shafer Henry, brewer, h. Third. Shakespear A. J., Editor Kalamazoo Gazette, h. 54 Main. Shakespear Mrs. A. J., millinery, 54 Main. Shanahan Peter, h. 24 Oak Lane. Shearer Andrew, shoe shop, High. Sheehan Daniel, steam and gas fitting, 52 Main, h. same. Sheehan Thomas, tinner, with Piatt, bds. 52 Main. Sheldon Albert H., propr. Railroad Eating House. SHEPARD S. B. & CO., (S. B. S. & F. M. Gray,) bakeiy, Second. * Shepard S. B., (Shepard & Co.,) h. West, cor. Crant. Sherriff Sarah, Reading House, news depot. Sherriff Thomas, milkman. Shockley Clement, drayman, h. 18 Regent. Shockley Mrs. H. J., h. Eleventh. Shubert Samuel, machinist, h. 108 Fourth. Shurtleff Mrs. Joanna, h. 29 Oak Lane. Shurtleff R. F., land agent, bds. 29 Oak Lane. Siewertsen Thomas, (N. Jacoby & Co.,) bds. 117 Front. Simmons Mrs. A. G., h. 89 Fifth. Simmons C. H., carpenter, h. 30 Michigan. Simonson Carmon, hostler, bds. 17 Fifth. Simonson John, hostler, bds. 17 Fifth. 104 NILES CITY DIRECTORY. Sinclair William A., tinner, h. 48 State. Siply Henry, meat market, Reading House Block, bds. Tenth, cor. Regent. Skalla Joseph, cabinet maker, h. State. Skinner John H., wagon maker, 104 Front, h. 45 Fifth. Slate Lizzie, table waiter, Reading House. Slates WilHam, farmer, h. 92 Fifth. Smart Jacob, machinist, h. 110 Front. Smith C. P. carpenter, h. Oak Lane, B. of Main. Smith Daniel, brick mason, h. Sixth, bet. Main and Sycamore. Smith Eli, barber, h. Ferry. Smith Fred A., meat market, High. Smith George, shoemaker. Smith G. A., laborer, h. 59 State. Smith Henry, hostler, Bunbury's. Smith Henry D., barber, 24 Main. Smith H. N., farmer. West side. Smith H. P., h. 82 Fourth. Smith James H., plasterer, h. Ferry. Smith John, teamster, h. foot of Sycamore. Smith John, farmer, west side. Smith John W. H., prcpr. Hsindle factory, Buchanan, h. W. Main. Smith Lyman, traveling agent, h. Hickory Lane. Smith Samuel, painter, h. River. Smith WiUiam, cooper, with Lacey, h. Third. Smith WiUiam, shoemaker, h. 105 Third. Snake Fred, carpenter, h. Cherry. Snyder Garret, mechanic, h. 109 Third. Soule Alanson, cooper, with Lacey, h. 18 Second. Spaulding Akah C, carpenter, h. Eleventh. Spaulding Fred, (E. H. Spaulding & Bro.) Spaulding E. H. & Bro., cooper shop, opposite M. 0. depot. Spaulding E. H., h. Fourth. Spear Mrs. Amelia, h. Third. Spink Edwin, manuf. gates, h. 59 St. Jeseph Av. Spink Herbert A., patentee Automatic Gates, bds. 58 St. Joseph Av. Stateler Jacob, carpenter, h. 6 Ferry. Stead John H., gardener, h. Regent, nr. Maple Av. Stead John W., gardener, h. Ferry. Stebbins Fitz, clerk, with Krick & Montague, h. Fourth, cop, Cedar. NILES CITY DIRECTOEY. 105 Stebbins Uriah, foreman Linden Mills, h. 16 Front. Steinhover Henry, 58 Main. Sterling Charles J., (W. D. & C. J. Sterling,) h. 83 Main. Sterling Collins, carpenter, bds. 92 Third. Sterling Mrs. H. N., photographer, 43 Main, bds. 9 Hickory. Sterling W. D. & C. J., staple and fancy dry goods, 52 Main. Sterling William D., h. 83 Main. Stevens Thos. L., cashier First National Bank, h. West. Stone J. W., saloon and restaurant, 75 Second. Stone William, groceries and provisions, 37 ]\Iain, h. State. Storm Chris, laborer, h. North Niles. Storm Joockim, laHbrer, h. North Niles. Stow Dennis, (Bentley & Stow,) h. 42 ^lain. Stow William E., insurance agent. Straus Henry, gardener, h. 55 State. Stump Mary, chamber maid. Pike House. Supple James, laborer, h. Fifth. Sutter John J., butcher, h. State. Swan Henry, blacksmith, h. 60 State. Swartz John, laborer, h. Sycamore, nr. river. Swartz Louis, confectioner, bds. 38 St. Joseph Av. Sweet James, basket maker, h. Ferry, nr. Twelfth. Sweet Kneeland, h. 68 Cedar. Swift James, laborer, h. E. Oak Lane. T Taggart Arthur P., clerk, bds. 81 Fourth. Taggart Mary E., school teacher, bds. 81 Fourth. Taggart William L., millwright, h. 81 Fourth. Taggart William R., cashier Gray's Bank, bds. 81 Fourth. Taylor A. E. workman on railroad, h. Fifth. Taylor Mrs. E., dress and cloak making, 24 Main. Taylor Francis H., tailor, h. 31 St. Joseph Av. Taylor John H., paper hanger and white washer, h. Ferry. Teft James C, prop, livery stable, 63 Main. Terberbille Nettie, cook, Reading house. Terney John, workman on rail road, h. West. Thieadkill Jonah, miller, h. 113 Front. 'Tibbetts Amelia M., school teacher, bds. Ill Sycamore. Tibbitts Etta E., school teacher, bds. Ill Sycamore. Tibbetts John, marble cutter, h. Ill Sycamore. Titcomb William M., clerk, Bond House. 106 NILES CITY DIRECTORY. Tobin Phillip, contractor, h. Maple Av. Toll T. S., mechanic, h. Hickory Lane. Tompkins Joseph, carpenter, h. 13 Regent. Toney Benjamin F., carpenter, h. 5 Grant. Tormey Barney A., miller, with J. Geltmacher. , Towner Mrs. H. C, h. 31 Fourth. Trombav Ephraim, carpenter, h. Cass. Trombly Royal T., h. Third cor. Cedar. Trowbridge Jacob E., h. foot Sycamore. Trudeau James, billiard saloon, h. 86 Third. TuUer Eugene, blacksmith, h. Summerville road. Tuller Oilman, blacksmith, h. Fourth.. Tuttle Joseph S., tanner, currier, and lumber dealer, foot Main, h. Main cor. Fifth. Tyler William, laborer, h. Second. Tynan Patrick, cooper, h. 125 Sycamore. Tyroler M., ladies furnishing goods, 47 Main. TJ Ullery John, farmer, h. 39 Regent cor. Twelfth. Uncot Chris, workman on rail road, h. N. Third. UNDERWOOD CHARLES M., hardware, 48 Main, h. 38 Fourth. Underwood F, W., (Watts & Underwood,) bds. Reading House. Van Antwerp William, bar keeper, Reading House. Vastbinder Gilbert S., currier, h. 102 Fifth. Vincent Reed, wagon maker, cor. Fourth and Michigan, h. 121 Third. Virtue James, gardener, h. 100 Third. Virtue William, h. 100 Third. Vosbourght Albert, cabinet finisher, 41 Main, bds. Grant. V^ught J. T., carpenter, h. Hickory. Wageman Edward & Charles, confectionery, 5 Main, h. 38 St. Joseph Av. NILES CITY DIRECTORY. 107 Walker John G., saloon. Second. Walker A., h. 12 Hickory. Wallace Richard, night watch. Bond House. Walling Mrs. S. B., h. 32 Front. Walsh Patrick, teamster, h. State. Walter William, workman on railroad, h. Fourth. Walters John A., workman on railroad, h. North Niles. Walton Charles, trackman, h. Lake. Ward Alexandrine, school teacher, bds. 109 Front. Ward C. H., miller with Lacey, h. 6 Phoenix. Ward S. A., butcher, h. 117 Front. Ward James, carpenter, W. end Broadway bridge. Wares Moses, laborer, bds. West. Wares Judson T., boots and shoes, 36 Main, h. 90 Third. Warner Asher, bds. 4 Broadway. Warner E. A. & Son, livery and feed stable. Second. Warner Giles, fence builder, h. E. Broadway. Warner W. W., printer. Republican office. Warren John, bds. Reading House. Waterhouse Mrs. Margaret, h. Cass. Watkins George A., insurance agent, h. Ninth, cor. Cherry. Watts Fred, (Watts & Underwood,) h. 34 Grant. Watts & Underwood, (F. W. & F. W. U.,) boots and shoes 41 Main. Weaver J. H., blacksmith, h. 114 Front. Webb Isaac, laborer, h. Champlain. Webb Joseph J., fisherman, h. Champlain. Webb George, with M. Pettengill. Webb Maggie, domestic. State. Webber Henry, teamster, h. Sycamore cor. Twelfth. Webber John L., teamster, h. State. Webber Margaret, h. Grant. Webster Mrs. E. M., h. Hickory, nr. Main. Wedel Chris, teamster, h. 8 Phoenix. Weed Elihu, carpenter, h. Seventh, bet. Main and Sycamore. Weed H. F., gunsmith, h. 125 Main. Weed Mrs. Rachel, h. 25 Regent. Welling Frank, student, bds. 106 Front. Welling George, foundry man, bds. 6 Ferry. Welling W. J., foundry and machine shop, h. 106 Front. Wells C. C, (Wells & Reynolds,) h. 12 Regent. Wells D. B. P., h. 52 Broadway. Wells George M., government storekeeper, bds. Reading House. 108 NILES CITY DIRECTORY. Wells J. M., California tea store, 24 Main, h. State. Wells & Reynolds, (C. C. Wells & J. M. Reynolds,) confec tionery, 60 Main. Werheim Philip, pastor German church, h. 119 Sycamore. Wesselhoft Henry, shoemaker, h. 36 Grant. Wesselhoft Julius, shoemaker, bds. 36 Grant. Westervelt Mrs. C., h. 10 Broadway. Westfall James, mason, h. Seventh, bet. Main and Sycamore. Westfall J. E., carpenter, h. Regent, cor. Maple Av. Wetherby W. P., (Dawson & Wetherby,) h. 40 Oak Lane. Wheeler E., wagon maker, bds. 60 Third. White Fred, (Wood & White,) Bond House. White Frederick A., h. 31 State. White William J., farmer, h. Sycamore, cor. Eleventh. Whiting Truman, dining saloon, 42 Main, h. 52 St. Joseph Av. Whitten David, wood turner, bds. 60 Third. Wickham Thomas G., produce dealer, h. Fourth, cor. Sycamore. Wilbur E. P., clerk, bds. 90 Third. Wilcox Henry N., with C. M. Underwood, h. 76 Fourth. Wilder Mrs. Emma C, h. 28 Broadway. Wilkinson L. F., h. 12 St. Joseph Av. Willcox A. B., news and fancy goods, 64 Main, bds. 95 Syca more. Williams Caleb S., shoemaker, h. 57 West. Williams Mrs. E., h. Williams. Williams Henry B., laborer, h. Sycamore, cor. Maple Av. Williams John E., plasterer, h, 1 Phoenix. Williams W. H., farmer, h. 35 St. Joseph Av. Wilson Cal., city barber shop, 50 Main, h. Fifth. Wilson Mrs. Henrietta E., ladies' hair dresser, 50 Main. Wilson Margaret, dressmaker, 12 Bond. Wilson M. D. L., h. 7 Phoenix. Wilson Timothy, barber, h. 37 Cass. Wilson Tom., painter, h. North Niles.. Wilt Jerry, blacksmith, bds. 6 Ferry. Winans Samuel, groceries and provisions, 37 Main. Wing John C, groceries and provisions, Front, h. Main. Wing John C. Jr., carpenter. Wolfort Martin, workman on railroad, h. Pokagon. Wood W. G., h. 61 Third. Woodfall Thomas, hostler, Reading House. Woolever Elijah, engineer, h. Fifth. Woolever Frank, farmer, bds. Fifth. NILES CITY DIRECTORY. 109 L. K. & H. C. GOULD, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 44 Main Street, - - Niles, Michigan. Woolever Marshall, machine shop, Front, h. 105 Fourth. Woolever Wilmot, farmer, bds. Fifth. Wood Ed. C, farmer, h. Regent, cor. Twelfth. Wood James, teamster, h. St. Joseph Av. Wood & White, (M. D. Wood & Fred White,) proprs. Bond House, Second, cor. Sycamore. Woodford R., (Seward & Woodford,) h. 68 Broadway. Wdodrnff David 0., farmer, h. Chicago road. Woodruff J. & E., wholesale and retail grocers, 17 Main, cor. Front. Woodruff Edgar, (J. & E. Woodruff,) bds. Reading House. Woodruff John, (J. & E. Woodruff,) h. 16 St. Joseph Av. Wools J. C, contractor, (R. R.,) bds. Ferry. Wright Charles, laborer, h. Ferry. Wright John, porter, Bond House. Wright William, whitewasher, h. 3 Regent. Wurz Charles, clerk, High. Yartin Joseph J., laborer, h. Pokagon. Yauchstatter Thomas, marble cutter, with M. Pettengill. Young Luther C, book keeper, bds. 70 Main. Young Mrs. J. B., dress and cloak maker, 78 Main. Young Peter, cooper, (Lacey,) h. Cass. Young R. B., butcher, h. High. Niles Township Directory. Abbreviations. — ne, north east quarter ; nw, north west quarter ; r 18, range 18, (western part of the town along the river) ; se, south east quarter ; sec, section ; sw, south west quarter ; t 8, town 8, (portion of the township south of the city). The Post office address is the place giyen at the end of the line. Abrams Leonard, land owner, no sec 36, Niles. Aokerson George E., land owner, ne sec 17, Niles. Adams George W., land'owner, se see 11, t 8, Niles. Adams Horace, land owner, se sec 9, Niles. Adams Isaac, land owner, sw sec 13, t 8, Bertrand. Alberts Mrs. Eliza, land owner, se sec 24, Niles Alexander A. M., land owner, ne sec 1, r 18, Niles. Alexander John, farmer, sec 1, r 18, Buchanan. Alexander Mitchell, land owner, nw sec 6, Niles. Ashoraft Samuel, land owner, ne sec 14, Niles. 'Avers Garrett, land owner, ne sec 18, t 8, Niles. Babcock Hiram, land owner, se sec 28, Niles. Babcock Theodore, farmer, sec 28, Niles. Baker Caleb S.. land owner, ne sec 24, t 8, Niles. Ballard M. M. k 0. W.« land owners, sw sec 84, Nil«8. Barker Richard P., land owner, nw sec 2, t 8, Niles. Barmore N., land owner, sw sec 19, Buchanan. Barnhouse Samuel, land owner, sw sec 19, Buchanan. Batchelor Asa, land owner, ne sec 28, v 18, Niles. Batchelor David, land owner, ne sec 18, 1 8, Niles. Batchelor William H., farmer, sec 25, Niles. Bates Francis, carpenter, Bertrand village. NILES TOWNSHIP DIRECTOEY. Ill DEALERS IN Highest Price Paid for Country Produce. 42 Main Street, - - Niles, Michigan. Bates John, farmer, sec 14, Niles. Bates Levi, land owner, se sec 19, Niles. Batson William R., Niles. Beall James M., land owner, nw sec 24, Niles. Beattie Edward, farmer, sec 18, Niles. Behm Phillip, land owner, ne sec 14, t 8, Niles. Bell Stewart, land owner, sc sec 8, Niles. Bennett Isaac, Bertrand village. Binns T. D., land owner, sw sec 12, t 8, Niles. Blake 0. D., land owner, se sec 30. Bradberry Simeon, land owner, se sec 2, t 8, Niles. Branch Mary A., land owner, sw sec 6, Niles. Brethschneider Robert, land owner, sw sec 24, Niles. Broadhurst Thomas, land owner, ne sec 30, Niles. Brown Edwin, land owner, sw sec 19, Niles. Brown John, Farmer, sec 13, Niles. Brown J. K., master builder, sc sec 11, Niles. Bunker Mrs. Lura, land owner, ne sec 25, Niles. Bunker Orlando, land owner, ne sec 25, Niles. Burditt Darius, land owner, se sec 11, Niles. Burriss Charles, land owner, sw sec 19, Buchanan. Butler Benjamin, land owner,' sw sec 32 Buchanan. c Caldwell J. C, land owner, se sec 4, Niles. Calvin Phillip, land owner, se sec 17, Niles. Case S. A., land owner, ne sec 24, t 8, Bertrand. Case S. S., land owner, nw sec 24, t 8, Bertrand. Claffey James, farmer, Bertrand village. Clapp James M., land owner, ne sec 25. Clark Dennis, land owner, nw sec 16, Niles. 112 NILBS TOWNSHIP DIRECXOET. Clark Mary M., land owner, se sec 21, Niles. Olark 8. R., farmer, sec 16, Nilee. Claypool J. J., farmer, sec 3, Niles. Coan Henry M., land owner, nw sec 1, t 8, Niles. Cole Tracy, farmer, sec. 24, Niles. Cooper S., land owner, nw sec 24, r 18, Niles. Corchran William D., land owner, ne sec 32, Niles. Correll Abram, land owner, sw sec 33, Niles. Cortwright Martin S., land owner, se sec 24, r 18, Buchanan. Cox Church, land owner, se sec 10, Niles. Cox Delos A., land owner, ne sec 4, Niles. Crawford Elisha, faxmer, sec 11, t 8, Niles. Crosha Bernard, land owner, se sec 28. Cross John, farmer, sec 24, Niles. Crowley Jerry, land owner, sc sec 13, Niles. Cummings William, land owner, ne sec 28, Niles. Cu^hner James, farmer, ne sec 11, Niles. Cutshaw Josephus, land owner, se sec 8, Niles. Cutshaw Mort. M., land owner, sw sec 8, Niles. ID Daley Nathaniel, farmer, sec 11, t 8, Niles. Dalrymple Margaret, land owner, sw sec 24, r 18, Nile?. ¦ Davis John, land owner, sw Sec 8, Niles. Davis Moses, land owner, sw sec 13, Niles. Davis William B., land owner, nw sec 23, Niles. Day Charles, Bertrand village. Dearmond John, land owner, ne sec 30, Buchanan. Delambert Christopher, farmer', sw sec 9, Niles. Delambert Joseph, land owner, sw sec 9, Niles. Delong James W., land owner, nw sec 9^ Niles. Demott J. E., land owner, nw sec 7, Niles. Dickson Anna, land owner, sw sec 22, Niles. Didmar Barnhart, land owner, sw sec 16, Niles. Dignan T. & F., land owners, nw sec 14, Bertrand. Dilger Joseph, farmer, sec 22, Niles. Dixon J^W., land owner, nw sec 33, Niles. Donifin J. E., farmer, sec 19, Niles. Doucey Michael, land owner, se sec 25, Niles. Dragoo J. H., land owner, sw sec 6, Niles^ Draks Lorenzo, land owner, ne sec 13, t 8, Niles. Drew Henry, land owner, sw sec 1, Niles. NILES TOWNSHIP DIRECTORY. 113 Eastou Oliver H. P., land owner, ne sec 8, Niles. Ebner William, landowner, ne sec 21, Niles. Eddy Adam, land owner, ne sec 25, Niles. Edging Enalton, land owner, se sec 4, Niles. Edging James, land owner, nw sec 24, Niles. Edwards H. A., land owner, se sec 2, Niles. Edwards W. J., land owner, nw sec 11, t 8, Niles. Ely Earless, farmer, sw sec 13, Niles. Ely Orrin C, land owner, sw sec 13, Niles. IP Fenton James, tailor, Bertrand village. Fisher Henry, land owner, sec 32, Niles. Flegal Amanda, land owner, sec 22, Niles. Flegal Enoch, land owner, sec 22, Niles. Foster George, land own^r, se sec 5, Niles. Foster John, land owner, se sec 3, Niles. Fowler George, farmer, sec 14, Niles. Fowler Thomas, farmer, sec 14, Niles. Franz John G., land owner, sec 2, Niles. Gardner Ferdinand, land owner, ne sec 12, t 8, Niles. Gephart Henry, land owner, ne sec 25, Niles. Gillett Cleveland, farmer, sec 11, t 8j Niles. Glingspeigler George, land owner, nw sec 22, Niles. Graham Hannah, land owner, sw sec 6, Niles. Graham Porter, land owner, se sec 8, Niles. Graham W. G., land owner, sw sec 6, Niles. Grant 0., land owner, sw sec 29, Niles. Gray Mrs. Harriet, land owner, nw sec 22, Niles. Gray Samuel, farmer, sec 25, Niles. Griffin R. J., land owner, nw sec 1, Niles. Griffith Joseph, land owner, nw sec 20, Niles. Griffith & Roberts (A. J. G. & J. R.,) wagon and carriage manufy.. North of Niles, Niles. Griffith William H., land owner, sec 12, Niles. Groat James, land owner, ne sec 12, Niles. 114 NILES TOWNSHIP DIRECTOEY. Guyer John M., land owner, se sec 19, Niles. Haggertly Ira, farmer, sec 16, NUes. Hall Horace, land owner, ne sec 1, NUes. Hallock C, land owner, sec 13, Niles. HaUock Lewis, land owner, sw sec 24, r 18, Niles. Halpin Patrick, land owner, sw sec 4, NUes. HaioUton Asa, land owner, se sec 12, NUes. HamUton E. L., land owner, sw sec l2, NUes. HamUton J. J., land owner, ne sec 15, NUes. Hanley George, farmer, sec 18, NUes. Harding F. R., land o'wner, sw sec 18, Niles. Harger WUliam, land owner, se sec 2. Niles. Harter Laban, land owner, sw sec 24, NUes . Hass Mary, land o'wner. ne sec 10, NUes. Hatfield MUton, land o'wner, ne sec 10, NUes. Hatfield Nathan, land o'wner, se sec 31, Niles. Herman Christopher, land o'wner, nw see 1, r 18, NUes. Herrington A. S., farmer, sec 20, NUes. Higbee D. C, postmaster, Bertrand vUlage. HUton Henry, land o'wner, sec 9, NUes. HUton James, justice of the peace, Bertrand village. Hoadley Jared, land owner, se sec 28, NUes. Hoag Abram, land o'wner, ne sec 23, r 18, Niles. Hoffer J. R., land owner, nw sec 13, NUes. Hoit D. T., land owner, ne sec 22, NUes. Holler PhUlip, land o'wner, sw sec 18, Niles. Hoppin G. S., land owner, ne sec 2, t 8, NUes. Howard H. C, land owner, sw sec 31, Niles. Howard J. C, land o'wner, sw sec 31, NUes. Hudson James, land owner, se sec 13, Niles. Hunter A. G., land o'wner, ne sec 28, NUe«. Ingals Alonzo, land owner, nw sec 25, r 18,'Buchanan. Ingals James, land owner, se sec 23, r 18, Buchanaa. Irwin John, land owner, ne sec 1, r 18, Buchanan. Isler Christopher, land owner, ne sec 22, t 8. Ives William T., farmer, sw sec 28. NUes. NILES TOWNSHIP DIRECTOEY. 115 Jacob Joseph, land owner, sw sec 24, Niles. Johnson E. C, land owner, ne sec 23, Niles. Johnson John, land owner, sw sec 1, Niles. Johnson Purnel, land owner, sec 1, t 8, Niles. Jones Eliza, land owner, nw sec 8, NUes. Jones E. G., land owner, ne sec 9, Niles. Jones John, land owner, sw sec 24, r 18, Niles. .Jones J. M., land owner, sw sec 8, Niles. .Jones Sanford, farmer, se sec 5, Niles. Kay Robert, land owner, sw sec 14, Niles. Kelsey Abner, land owner, sec 15, Niles. Kelsey Aden, farmer, sec 15, NUes. Kline Charles, land owner, ne sec 13, Niles. Knott & Walters, workmen on railroad, sw sec 24, Niles. Knox A. P., land owner, sw sec 36, Niles. Krell Luke, railroad laborer, Niles. Lambert G. W., land owner, sw sec 13, Niles. Lambert William, land owner, ^ sec 28, Niles. Lambert William J., land owner, sw sec 19, Niles. Langston B. F., farmer, sec 24, Niles. Langston Hardy, land owner, se sec 24, NUes; Lawman P. D., land owner, nw sec 16, Niles. Leach Alonzo, land owner, ne sec 23, Niles. Leanhart George, hotel keeper, Bertrand viUage. Lingo Daniel D., land owner, nw sec 12, r 18, NUes. Long Wilber, farmer, sec 4, Niles. Loomis Wesley, farmer, sec 6, Niles. Lyan Michael, land owner, nw sec 23, t 18, Bertrand. IVl Madden James, land owner, se sec 33, NUes. Islalone WUliam, land owner, ne sec 23, t 8, Bertrand. Malsberry William, land owner, nw sec 28, NUes. 116 NILBS TOWNSHIP DIRICIORY. Marrs Mrs. Alexander, land owner, sw sec 2,'Niles. Marrs Anderson, sawyer, sec 1, Niles. Marrs Parker, propr. saw mill, se sec 1, Niles. Martin Thomas R., land owner, ne sec 5, Niles. Martin William, land owner, ne sec 13, Niles. Mathews Augustus, farmer, sec 2, Niles. Mathews James, land owner, sw sec 14, NUes. Mathews Jerry, preacher, sec 2, Niles. Mathews WUliam E., land owner, ne sec 22, t 8, Niles. May Phillip, land owner, nw sec 10, Niles. McCleary Alexander, land owner, nw sec 3, NUes. McCleary George, farmer, nw sec 3, Niles. McClung Frank, land owner, ne sec 11, Niles. Mcintosh David, land owner, sw sec 2, t 8 Niles. McKinzie Horace, land owner, sw sec 6, Niles. McKnight William, land owner, nw sec 13, Niles. Mead Henry, farmer, nw sec 19, Niles. Mead Robert, land owner, nw sec 19, Niles. Mell David, land owner, sec 2, Niles. Metzgar John, land owner, sec 29, Niles. Miller George, farmer, sec 33, Niles. Miner P. P., land owner, sw sec 1, t 8. Moore Harvey, land owner, ne sec 12, NUes. Morgan Henry P., land owner, nw sec 6, Niles. Morrell Charles, land owner, nw sec 27, Niles. Morrell Jacob, land owner, im, sec 27, Niles. Morris Perkins, land owner, Wif sec 24, Niles. Moss Jonathan, land owner, nw sec 11, Niles. Mulligan Owen, land owner, ne sec 24, t 8, Niles. Munson J. & J., land owners, se sec 30, Niles. Myer Christian, land owner, sec 20, Niles. IsT Neib Christian, land owner, ne sec 29, Niles. Neib David, farmer, sec 39, Niles. Neib Philip, land owner, ne sec 29, NUes. Norton Daniel, land owner, sw sec 13, Niles. Nye Henry, farmer, sec 1, NUes. Nye William, land o'wner, se sec 1, Niles. NILES TOWNSHIP DIEECTORY. IIT Orton John, land owner, nw sec 1, Niles. Papsoa George, land owner, ne sec 24, r 18, Buchanan. Parmalee N. R., land owner, ne sec 11, Niles. Peterson Henry, farmer, sec 13, t 8, Niles. Pfeil WUliam, land owner, nw sec 21, Niles: Piatt B. M., land owner, ne sec 31, NUes. Piatt J. M., land owner, ne sec 31, Niles. Pope John, land owner, sw sec 23, t 8, Bertrand. Post Alvah, land owner, ne sec 14, t 8. Potter Defay, farmer, ne sec 2, Niles. Potter Joshua, land owner, ne sec 2, Niles. Porter James, farmer, sec 9, Niles. Prebble J. P., land owner, nw sec 1, t 8, Niles. Price A. P., land owner, ne sec 13, r 18, Buchanan. Price M. A., farmer, sec 13, r 18, NUes. Price Thomas, land owner, nw sec 17, Niles. Ramft Ernst, land owner, sw sec 22, Niles. Real Sarah, land owner, nw sec 20, NUes. Rheim Fred, land owner, ne sec 13, t 8, Niles. Ribble Tobias, land owner, ne sec 24, Niles. Rice John, land owner, se sec 6, NUes. Rice Mrs. Sarah, sec 6, Niles. Richards Alfred, land owner, ne sec 25, Niles. Roberts Ephraim, sec 23, Niles. Rockwell Thomas, preacher, Bertrand viUage. Roe R. M., land owner, se sec 21, NUes. Rogers G. R., farmer, sec 9, Niles. Rosenberger V., land owner, se sec 12, t 8, Niles. Rough Solomon, mUler and land owner, nw sec 28, Niles. Russell Daniel, land owner, nw sec 18, Niles. Ryan T. H., land Owner, nw sec 9, Niles. 118 NILES TOWNSHIP DIRECTORY. Salee Dennis, land o'wner, nw sec'14, NUes. Salee Henry, land owner, ne sea 23, Niles. Salee Jerry, land owner, nw sec 14, Niles. Salee Stephen, land owner, sec-22, Niles. Samson E. M., land cwner, sec 10," t 8, Niles. Sampson J. W., land owner, se sec 13, t 8, NUes. Schneick Fred, land owner, ne sec 14, t 8, Niles. Schnorf David, land owner, nw sec 9, Niles. Schnorf Isaac, land owner, sw sec 2, Niles. Schnorf Sylvester, land owner, sw sec 2, Niles. Scotten Henry, land owner, se sec 11, Niles. Sharp Julius, land owner, sw sec 17, Niles. Sharp Samuel, land owner, nw sec 16, Niles. Shearer William, land owner and thresher, se sec 3, Niles. Sheriff T. M., land owner, sw sec 34, Niles. Shilladay Robert, land owner, sec 11, t 8. Simmons Leonard, land owner, ne sec 7> Niles. Skinner James C, land owner, ne sec 10, Niles. Smith Wesley, land owner, nw sec 14, t 8, Niles. Smith William, land owner, se sec 2, Niles. Snuff Greorge, land owner, se sec 3, Niles. Snuff Jackson, farmer, sec 8, Niles. Snyder John, land owner, sw sec 1, r 18, Niles. Snyder John, Jr., land owner, nw sec 1, r 18, Niles. Somer Frank, land owner, se sec 21, Niles. Somer John, land owner, sw sec 3, Niles, Sommers G. W., land owner, se sec 33, Niles. Sparks Harriet, land owner, sw sec 6, Niles. Sparks Levi, land owner, nw sec 7, Niles. Spftrks Spencer, land owner, se sec 1, r 18, Niles. Spinner "William, land owner, ne sec 12, Niles. Squires William A., land owner, t 8, Bertrand. Stafford Charles, land owner, nw sec 1, Niles. Starkweather Henry, land owner, ne sec 12, r 18, Buchanan. Starr A. J., land owner, w sec 19, Buchanan. Starr Elizabeth, land owner, ne sec 24, r 18, Buchanan. Starr Samuel, land owner, ne sec 24, r 18, Buchanan. Stayton J., land owner, sw sec 14, t 8, Niles. Stephens Calvin, land owner, ne sec 18, Niles. Stephens Joseph, land owner, sw sec 7, Niles. Storm? Lewis, land owner, nw sec 32, Niles. NILES TOWNSHIP DIRECTORY. 119 Stott W. C, land owner, aw sec 32, NUes. Stroup Elisha, land o'wner, nw sec, 24, t 8, Bertrand. Swift James, land owner^ sw sec 19, Niles. Tailor M. D., farmer, sec 1, r 18, Niles. Theyer, G. H., land owner, se sec 17, Niles. Thomson Mark, land owner, nw sec 9, Niles. Thompson Samuel, land owner, ne sec 32, Niles. Thompson S. C, land owner, nw sec 28, Niles. Theyer G. H., land owner, se sec 17, Niles. Tickenor G. E., land o'wner, se sec 7, Niles. Treat G. R., land owner, se sec 24, r 18, Niles. Treiber Jacob, land owner, sw sec 21, Niles. Tuller Harriet, land owner, ne sec 23, Niles. TJ Ulery Jacob, land owner, sec 4, NUes. Valentine Albert, farmer, sec 7, Niles. Vandeburg Charles, land owner, nw sec 17, NUes, Vandeburg Charles, Jr., farmer, sec 17, Niles. Vandeburg Volney, land owner, sw sec 8, Niles. Walker Charles, land owner, ne sec 11, NUes. Walker Soloman, farmer, sec 2, Niles. Wallace Caroline, land owner, sw sec 6, Niles. Walton R. A., land owner, sw sec 9, Niles. Wagner A. Z., land owner, nw sec 24, Niles. Weaver Henry, land owner, se sec 15, Niles. Weaver L. H., land owner, ne sec 17, Niles. Webb Amos, land owner, ne sec 11, Niles. Webber J. S., farmer, sec 12, t 8, NUes. Webber W. W., land owner, nw sec 12, t 8, Niles. WeUs B. P., land owner, se sec 22, NUes. WestfaU D. E., farmer, sec 21, NUes. WestfaU Jesse, land owner, ne sec 21, NUes. WestfaU Sylvester, farmer, sec 21, Niles. Whalen 'William, land o'wner, sw sec 4, Niles. Whipple Caleb, blacksmith, Bertrand viUage. Wood Cornelius, farmer, sec 22, Niles. 120 NILBS TOWNSHIP DtEBCTORY. Wood Edson, land owner, sw sec 22, NUes. Woodbridge Enoch, land owner, nw sec 39, Niles. Woodbridge Sarah, land owner, nw sec 31, Niles. Woodcock Hugh, land owner, nw sec 12, t 8, Niles. Woodford B. R., land owner, ne sec 12, t 8, Niles. Woodford W. H., land owner, ne sec 1, t 8, NUes. Wray W. M., land owner, ne sec 1, t 8, NUes. Wynn John, land owner, se sec 9, NUes. Young Cornelius, land owner, se sec 12, Niles. Young Cornelius, Jr., farmer, sec 11, Niles. Young David, land owner, ne sec 13, Niles. Young J. H., land owner, sec 13, Niles. z Zimmerer Arpoghast, land owner, ne sec 21, Niles. Zimmerman Ernst, land owner, se sec 12, Niles. Zwergle John A., land owner, ne sec 25, Niles. HISTORY OF BERTRAND. The larger portion of this town is designated as town 8, south of range 18 west. The eastern portion lies in range 17 west. A lai'ge part of the town consists of prairie land and bur oak openings, the surface being generally level, or but slightly rolling. Along the eastern boundary the land breaks off into hills, sloping towards the river, and a line of hills reaches through nearly the whole length of the northern border of the township. The first settlement made in the township was by Benjamin M. Redding, of Ohio. He visited the County in 1830, and located a farm on the site of Dayton village. In 1831, he brought his family from Ohio to Northern Indiana, a few miles south of Dayton, where they remained until the following year, when he had completed a saw mill and a dwelling house at his farm. After the village sprang up, it was called Redding's Mills, and the post office was known by the same name when it was first established ; but after the railroad was completed through the place, its name was changed to Dayton, probably for the reason that several of the families residing in the village were from Dayton, Ohio. The vUlage at present contains four stores, two hotels, one saw mill, flour mill, wagon shop, school house and a church. It has a population of over 200. 122 HISTORY OF BERTRAND. John De Armond settled on section 18, in the vicinity of Dayton, in September, 1834. He kept a small store and had an exten.sive trade with the Indians until they were removed west in 18:?6. His goods were brought from Cincinnati on wagons. Ten days were occupied in making the trip to Cin cinnati for goods, and ten days in returning. Among other early settlers in this part of the town were William Fuson, Eli Shockley, E. Tolman, Henry Meyers, Hugh C. Flanahan, and Wm. Hall. The Pottawatomies had undisputed possession of that por tion of Bertrand included in the reservation, until the treaty of September, 1833, when it was ceded to the United States. Although the land was not surveyed and placed in the market until the fall of 1835, settlers began to come in and locate claims in 18?)4. Ofle of the first settlers on the reserve was Samuel Street, who was permitted by Pokagon to select a claim as compensation for labor performed for the Indians. His claim was the farm now owned by D. Gitchell. Frederick Howe, of Courtland Co., N. Y., made a journey to the West in the fall of 1834, with the intention of selecting a farm in Illinois. He remained at Niles one night, and the next morning forded the river and pursued his journey. While passing through the reserve he came upon Portage Prairie, which pleased him so well that he concluded to make his home near this prairie, and having placed in his buggy a quantity of the black prairie soil to take home with him, he turned homeward and returned as far as Niles that night. He emigrated here during the first days of November, 1835, with his family of fourteen persons, and purchased the claim of Samuel Cannon, on section 11. The house on this claim was a very rude affair, and until it was repaired, protected the family about as well as a modern corn crib. To add to the unpleasantness of the situation, a snow storm set in one night shortly after their arrival, and in the morning the snow within was nearly as deep as the snow on the ground. Windows and HISTORY OF BERTRAND. 123 doors were considered personal property, and these had been taken away by the former occupants of the house. Mr. Howe brought a window with him, and a door was made the day after his arrival, from some boards which he obtained at a saw mill at McCoy's creek. The fireplace was made of split logs ; the chimney of split stakes, plastered on the inside with clay ; the roof of split shingles or " shakes" four feet in length, and the floor of split basswood logs fastened down by wooden pins. Houses have been made with no other tool than an ax. Mr. Howe resided on this farm until his death, in 1864. Among the early settlers on the reserve were Samuel Red den, Peter Truit, David Vanderhoff, William Batson, Jacob Bishop, Benjamin Franklin and Wm. Morley. The township was organized in 1836. At the town election in 1837, held at "Union Hall," in Bertrand village, Frederick Howe was elected Supervisor; James H. Montgomery, Clerk; Joshua Howell, John De Armond and Alanson Hamilton, Justices ; Michael Seligson and Jacob A. Dutton, Overseers of the Poor. A tax of $25 was voted for the support of the poor. The village of Bertrand was laid out by a stock company bearing the name of the Bertrand Association, of which Daniel G. Garnsey was the trustee and ajgent. The village was sur veyed by Alonzo Bennett in 1833. The Association was com posed in part of Eastern men who were of a speculative turn of mind, and speculation more than any one thing, ruined the village. John M. Barber was one of these speculators, and probably did more to injure the place than any other man. He owned a large number of lots, which he held at prices which were so high as to drive away those who would have made their homes there. One year, after the close of naviga tion, he bought aU the salt along the river and held it untU he raised the price to ten or twelve dollars per barrel. It is said that one farmer gave him one hundred bushels of potatoes in exchange for one barrel of salt. 124 HISTORY OF BERTRAND. The bridge over the river was completed in 1837. Bertrand was in the height or its prosperity in|,1838. At that time it contained seven dry goods stores, three groce ries, three hotels and one warehouse. It was a rival of Niles, but the enterprising and more liberal spirit of the people at Niles, tended to draw business and settlers to that point, and Bertrand began to decline in the scale of importance. Its business men and its citizens sold their property at reduced prices and went to other places, and it became almost a de serted village. It is now little more than a promising four corners. The first instance of a coroner's jury in Bertrand was over thirty years ago, in the case of Mr. Farran, who resided near Bakertown. Mr. Farran had a fretful and despondent nature, and being unable to meet a debt of fifty dollars due David Vanderhoff, allowed the matter to prey upon his mind until it brought on a fit of insanity. He arose quite early one morn ing, took a bedcord from the house, and went out to a field near by where he hanged himself to a small oak tree. It was probably an hour later when he was found by the children, who had gone to search for him. The neighbors were at once informed and before noon two or three hundred persons had assembled. Nothing was done to the body however, with the exception of putting up a blanket to shade it from the sun, until the arrival of the coroner in the afternoon, when an in quest was held and a verdict rendered in accordance with the facts. The Central Railroad was surveyed through the northern part of the township in 1847, and was located in nearly a straight line to Dayton, but was subsequently changed and turned northward to Buchanan. The grade between Niles and Buchanan is very heavy,' reaching the highest point in section 36. An impediment quite difficult to'' overcome was found in section 4, where the company found a swamp without a bottom. The filling over this swamp sank several times and BBBTRAND TOWNSHIP DIRECTORY. 125 the contractors became discouraged. The company sent word to fill it up on that line if it took all the dirt in iMichigan. Additional men were sent on and the work was continued day and night until the difficulty was overcome. The great rush of settlers into Bertrand was in 1S36-';)". in 1840 the population was 1,028. The population at the present time is 1,500, and it has been at that figure for the last twelve years. The assessed valuation of real and personal property for the year 1870 wa.s $615,790. Bertrand stands fai" in advance of any other town in the production of wheat, hay, wool, pork and whisky. Bertrand Township Directory. Abbreviations. — no, north east quarter : nw north west quarter; r 17, range 17, (eastern part of the town); se, south east quarter; sec, section; sw, south west quarter. The Post office address is the place given at the end of the line. Abeal Frederic, land owner, nw sec 14, Niles. Abel Edward, farmer, nw sec 10, Niles. Adams John, land owner, nw sec 6, r 17, Buchanan. Adams John E., land owner, sw sec 9, r 17. Anderson William, land ownei', sw sec 10, r 17. Anslow Edward, carpenter, ne sec 20, r 17. Bertrand. Amy Stephen, farmer, sec 13. Badger James, land owner, nw sec 17, r IT, iSiles. Badger William D., land owner, se sec 5, r 17, Niles. Baker George, land owner, ne sec 3, Buchanan. Baker Hiram, land owner, nw sec 3, Buchanan. 126 bertrand township directory. Baker Louis V., land owner, sw sec 3, Buchanan. Baker Stephen T., millwright, Batertown, Buchanan. Basmer George F., land owner, sw sec 10, r 17, Niles. Batson A. B., land owner, se sec 8, r 17, Niles. Batson Wilham, farmer, se sec 8, r 17, Niles. Batten John, land owner, sw sec 6, Dayton. Beardsley William G., land owner, nw sec 6, r 17, Buchanan. Behn Jacob, land owner, nw sec 21, r 17, Buchanan. Best David A., land owner, ne sec 4, Buchanan. Best John A., land owner, sw sec 2, Buchanan. Best John L., farmer, se sec 4, Buchanan. Beyrer Charles, land owner, se sec 3, r 17. Beyrer Lucas, land owner, sec 3, r 17, NUes. Bowen John, land owner, se sec 8, Dayton. Boyce Thomas, farmer, sec 22, Buchanan. Boyes Chauncy, land owner, sec 23, Buchanan. Boyer Edward, pastor Lutheran church, Buchanan. Bressler Daniel, land owner, sw sec 16, r 17, Niles. Bronson Denison S., laSd owner, nw sec 5, r 17, Buchanan. Bronson Leroy, land owner, ne sec 6, r 17, Buchanan. Brown David, propr. flour mUl, nw sec 22, r 17, Bertrand. Burruss Frank, farmer, sec 19, Dayton. Burruss James A , land owner, sw sec 6, Dayton. G Catlin Mary, land owner, sw sec 3, Buchanan. Cauffman James C, land owner, se sec 15, Buchanan. Cauffman Michael, land owner, sec 23. Clare Jacob, land owner, nw sec 16, Dayton. Conover Lydia, land owner, nw sec 6, Dayton. Copp William, land owner, nw sec 22, r 17, Bertrand. Curran John, land owner, ne sec 15, Buchanan. Curran Patrick, land owner, nw sec 15, Buchanan. Curran Thomas, land owner, se sec 15, Buchanan. ID Dalrymple Archibald, land owner, ne sec 8, Dayton. Dalrymple Chauncey, land owner, sw sec 18, Dayton. Dalrymple Oliver, land owner, ne sec 2, Dayton. Davis John, farmer, sec 18, Dayton. Dean B. F., land owner, ne sec 9, Niles. De Armond John, land owner, se sec 18, Dayton. De Armond Ruth, land owner, nw sec 5, Dayton. bbrteand township directory. 127 Deitmer Christopher, land owner, ne sec 15, r 17, Niles. Dempsey James, land owner, nw sec 5, Dayton. Dempsey John W., land owner, se sec 3, r 17, Niles. Dey John C, farmer, ne sec 4, r 17, Niles. Dey John G., land owner, ne sec 4, r 17, Niles. Divine John, land owner, sw sec 10, r 17, Niles. Dunbar Archibald, land owner, sw sec 22, Buchanan. Dunbar James F., farmer, sec 22, Buchanan. Dunbar Josiah, land owner, se sec 6, Dayton. Ebersol Henry, land owner, ne sec 23, Buchanan. Egbert Eli, land owner, ne sec 14, Dayton. Egbert Enoch, land owner, sw sec 8, r 17 , NUes. Egbert Jacob, land o'wner, sw sec 8, r 17, Niles. Emmons John T., land owner, sec 23, Buchanan. in Farran Henry, land owner, sw sec 9, Buchanan. Ferran John, land owner, Bakertown, Buchanan. Ferguson George S., land owner, sw sec 9, Dayton. Fetterly G., land owner, sw sec 15, r 17. Frame Jesse, land owner, nw sec 19, Dayton. Franklin Benjamin, land owner, se sec 2, Buchanan. Franklin Freeman, land o'lvner, se sec 3, Buchanan. Foster WUlie, land owner, sw sec 17, Dayton. French Samuel, land owner, sw sec 1, Buchanan. French WiUard B., land owner, nw sec 1, Buchanan. G- Gilbert Anna, land owner, ne sec 15, Buchanan. Gill Martin, land owner, se sec 10, r 17, NUes. GUlett Charles, land owner, sec 4, r 17, NUes. GiUett Cyrus E., land owner, sw sec 4, r 17, NUes. GUlett Mahlon B., land owner, nw sec 10, r 17, NUes. Gitchell David, land owner, se sec 5, r 17, NUes. Gray James, land owner, se sec 8, Dayton. Haas Valentine, land owner, nw sec 15, r 17, Bertrand. Hale Isaac, farmer, sec 4, Buchanan. Hamilton Alanson, land owner, ne sec 6, Dayton. HamUton Alfred, farmer, section 6, Dayton. 128 bertrand township directory. Hamilton Wright & Marion, land owners, se sec 4, Dayton. Hamilton Simeon, land owner, ne sec 4, Buchanan. Handley John, land owner, nw sec 16, Dayton. Harris Edward, propr. distillery, sec 5, r 17, Niles. Hafilett James D., farmer, se sec 2, Buchanan. Haslett WUUam, land owner, se sec 2, Buchanan. Hatfield Nathan, land o'wner, sw sec 20, r 17, Niles. Hathaway H. N. & W. G., saw mill and carding, Bakertown, Buchanan. Herkimer Michael, land owner, ne sec 18, r 17, Niles. Herman Charles, land owner, sw sec 15, r 17, Bertrand. He'witt John, farmer, sec 17, Dayton. Hildebrand John, land owner, sw sec 10, r 17, Niles. Hoag Elias, farmer, sec 7, Buchanan. Hoffhines Adam, land owner, sec 15, r 17, Bertrand. Holmes Enos, land owner, sec 4, Buchanan. Holmes Louisa, land owner, nw sec 3, Buchanan. House Amos, farmer, ne sec 13, Buchanan. Housewert Henry G., land owner, se sec 11, Buchanan. Housewert Jacob, farmer, nw sec 14, Buchanan. Housewert John, Jr., land owner, sw sec 12, Buchanan. Howe Charles F., land owner, ne sec 11, Buchanan. Howe Francis W., land owner, ne sec 2, Buchanan. Howe Frank M., farmer, sec 3, Buchanan. Howe Mrs. Sarah, land owner, nw sec 12, Buchanan. Hulbard Lewis, land owner, se sec 8. Hurley Eli, land owner, ne sec 15, Buchanan. Huston Abram J., land owner, se sec 10, Buchanan. Inegar .John, farmer, sec 16, r 17, Niles. Jones WiUiam A., land owner, ne sec 3, r 17, NUes. Kallaher Jeremiah, land owner, nw sec 6, Dayton. Keller John, land owner, sw sec 16, r 17, Bertrand. Kelly Hugh, farmer, sec 17, Dayton. Kingsley H. J., land owner, se sec 5, Dayton. Kingzey MUton, land owner, sw sec 22, r 17, Bertrand. Kitter Frederic, land owner, sw sec 15, r 17, NUes. Koontz Kosciusko, millwright, Bakertown, Buchanan. bbrteand township dirbctort. 129 Lashbaugh Anthony, farmer, sec 10, r 17. Lashbaugh James A., farmer, se sec 9, r 17. Lashbaugh Henry, land owner, se sec 9, r 17, Niles. Lear Jacob, land owner, nw sec 19, r 17, Buchanan. Legar William, sawyer, Bakertown, Buchanan. Leiter Abram, land owner, ne sec 17, Dayton. Lewis Aaron, farmer, sec 19, r 17, Niles. Linseymier Jacob, land owner, se sec 4, r 17, Niles. Linseymier William, land owner, sw sec 3, r 17, Niles. Long Isaac, land owner, nw sec 8, r 17, Niles. Main Norris, land owner, se sec 3, Dayton. Mark David, farmer, sec 17, r 17, Niles. Marsh Alonzo, land owner, ne sec 1, Buchanan. Martin John P., land owner, sw sec 6, Dayton. Martin Susan, land owner, ne sec 9, Dayton. McGowen John, land owner, sw sec 3, Buchanan. McKew Thomas, land owner, sw sec 16, Dayton. Messenger Samuel, land owner, ne sec 8, r 17, Niles. Metzgar Alexander, land owner, ne sec 5, Dayton. Mick Philhp, farmer, sec 21, Buchanan. MUler James, land owner, nw sec 4, r 17, Niles. Miller John H., land owner, sw sec 5, r 17, Niles. Mittan William H., farmer, sec 20, Buchanan. Mowry William, farmer, sec 4, Buchanan. Niles William, land owner, ne sec 6, r 17, Buchanan. Page Henry, farmer, sec 18, r 17, Buchanan. Parent James L., land owner, ne sec 4, r 17, Niles. Peer B. K., land owner, sw sec 3, Buchanan. Phillips James H., land owner, sec 19, Dayton. Pool John W., land owner, ne sec 9, r 17, NUes. Pope Chauncey G., land owner, nw sec 13, Buchanan. Potter George H., land owner, se sec 4, Dayton. Potter George W., land owner, ne sec 3, r 17, Niles. Proud Joseph, land owner, ne sec 9, Dayton. 130 bertrand township DIEECTORY. Ranstead John, farmer, se sec 8, Dayton. Ranch John M-> farmer and thresher, sec 13, Buchanan. Redden John, land owner, nw sec 10, Buchanan. Redden Levi L., land owner, ne sec lO, Buchanan. Redden S. W., land owner, sw sec 10, Buchanan. Redding Westley, land owner, ne sec 19, Dayton. Reynolds , land owner, nw sec 3, Buchanan. Rhoades Isaiah, land owner, se sec' 14, Buchanan. Rhoads Jacob, land owner, se sec 12, Buchanan. Rhoads Peter, land owner, ne sec 22, Buchanan. Richardson Mehala, land owner, ne sec 20, r 17, Bertrand. Rough David, miller and land owner, ne sec 13, Niles. Rough George G., land owner, sw sec 13, Niles. Rough George H., land owner, nw sec 8, r 17, Buchanan. Rough George W., land owner, se sec 7, r 17 Buchanan. Rough Jacob, land owner, ne sec 7, r 17, Buchanan. Rough John, land owner, nw sec 13, Buchanan. Rough John R., land owner, se sec 14, Buchanan. Rough Soloman, land owner, se sec 13, Buchanan. Rough William, farmer, nw sec 13, Buchanan. Rough William R., land owner, se sec 1, Buchanan. Rozell Henry, land owner, se sec 7, Dayton. s Saulsbary Loren, land owner, sw see 7, Dayton. Saunier Peter, land owner, ne sec 22, Buchanan. Schlagel Gotleib, farmer, ne sec 20, r 17, Bertrand. Schram William, peddler. Bakertown, Buchanan. Scott George, land owner, sec 24, Buchanan. Scott Stephen, ne sec 14, Buchanan. Shatterlee Benjamin, land owner, se sec 16, r 17, Niles. Shatterlee Benjamin Jr., farmer, se sec 16, r 17, Niles. Shatterlee George, land owner, nw sec 21, r 17, NUes. Shatterlee Jeremiah, farmer, nw sec 21, r 17, NUes. Shatto Samuel, farmer, sec 19, r 17. Sheldon Charles, farmer, sw sec 8, Dayton. Sheldon John A., land owner, sw sec 8, Dayton. Shook Moses, land owner, se sec 16, Buchanan. Smith C. B., farmer, nw sec 8, r 17, Niles. Smith W. W., farmer, nw sec 8, r 17, Niles. Spangle Samuel, land owner, ne sec 13. BEETRAND township DIRECTORY. 131 Spencer William B., farmer, sec 17, Dayton. Steiner Justin H., land owner, se sec 14, Niks. Stephens Benjamin, cooper, sec 18, Dayton. Straub Antony, land owner, sec 19, Dayton. Straup Samuel, land owner, ne sec 23, Niles. Streible Gotleib, land owner, e sec 16, r 17, Bertrand. Streible John G., farmer, sec 16, r 17, Niles. Stryker Garret C., land owner, se sec 17, Dayton. Stryker Josiah B., land owner, nw sec 20, Dayton. Swabe Michael, land owner, se sec 6, r 17, Niles. Swanger Elsa, land owner, ne sec 20, r 17. Swanger John L., carpenter, ne sec 20, r 17. Swarts Charles, land owner, se sec 10, NUes. S warts Peter, land owner, se sec 14, Niles. Swartz Isaac, farmer, sec 17, r 17, Niles. rp J Tanswell James, land owner, nw sec 10, r 17, Niles. ' Tripp Isaac E., land owner, nw sec 20, r 17, Niles. Tripp Nelson, land owner, nw sec 20, r 17, Niles. Tripp Silas "W., land owner, nw sec 20, r 17, Niles. Troup Jacob, land owner, ne sec 21, r 17, NUes. "^ Vanderhoff David, land owner, sw sec 7, r 17, Buchanan. Vanderhoff Henry, land owner, ne sec 15, Buchanan. Vanderhoff Thomas, land owner, se sec 9, r 17, Buchanan. Vanderhoff WeUington, farmer, sw sec 7, r 17, Buchanan. Vetter John Frederic, land owner, nw sec 15, r 17, NUes. Vite Henry, farmer, sec 11, Buchanan. Welch William, land owner, se sec 7, Dayton. WeUs Francis, land owner, sec 13, Buchanan. Wertz John G., grocer, Chicago Road, sec 17. Wheeler G., land owner, sw sec 3, Buchanan. White A. F., land owner, nw sec 19, Dayton. White C. E., farmer, sec 19, Dayton. Willard Joseph, land owner, nw sec 9, Dayton. Williams Charles, land owner, sw sec 3, Buchanan. Williams Harriet, land owner, ne sec 17. Wilson Nathaniel, land owner* nw sec 17, Dayton. Womer Peter, land owner, se sec 7, Buchanan. 132 DATTOir VILLAQB OIBBOTOBT. York Nathan, farmer, sec 10, Buchanan. York Silas, land owner, sw sec 3, Buchanan. Yorker Christopher, land owner, nw sec 6, Buchanan. z Zerbe Michael, farmer, ne sec 18, Dayton. Dayton Village Directory. Aernsburger maker. Antony, wagon Allan E., stone mason. Beckwith Edgar, grocery. Brewer Wm., farmer. Brewer Alvira, teacher. Brewer Susan, teacher. Brown Michael, farmer. Cady W. M., freight and ticket agent M. C. R. R. Dunbar Josiah, farmer. De Armond Alexander, physi cian. Eastwood Chas. W. Fox James, carpenter and joiner. Gogle John, miller. Hamilton Marion, miller. Harris John. Hobart Nelson, teamster. Hurd Abijah. Kann Henry, wagon and car riage maker. Kern Adam, shoe maker. Kingsley Harrison, farmer. Landon John, propr. Landon House. Latham Jackson, painter and wagon maker. McGowen Mrs. Rebecca. Morris Wm., track repairer. Needham B. F., propr. store and saw mill. Niel W. A., physician. Otto Sylvester, teamster. Phillips Mrs Lorinda. Phillips J., physician. Porter W. W., meat market. Puderbaugh John. Redding Nelson, carpenter" and joiner. Redding Zepheniah, flour and lumber mills. Rozell Henry, farmer. Rouse Joseph, section fore man M. C. R. R. Sidmore David, carpenter and joiner. Smead Emory, miller. Smith Fred, blacksmith. Stout S. B., Postmaster, propr. Hotel. Sweeney James, carpenter. TuUey James. VentUn Wm., track repairer. Weant John, carpenter. Weaver Aaron, merchant. Tiyeaver David, merchanl. ¦Willard A. P., agent Uninese Crystal Blue. history op galien. 133 Moore Charles, teamster. WUson S. K., propr. saw miU. Moore Isaac, butcher. Young John, clerk. HISTORY OF GALIEN. Galien is designated as town 8, south of range 17 west. It is a fractional township containing about twenty-two sections. The surface is just rolling enough to make good farming land. It was formerly covered with a dense forest of timber — beech and maple interspersed with whitewood, ash, and black walnut. The Galien river flows through the northern portion of the town, affording good power for water miUs. The township was organized in February, 1844. At the election in the spring of that year, held at the house of James Edson, William Burns was elected Supervisor ; H. Ballinger, Clerk; William H. Wilson, William Burns, J. P. Johnson and A. Abshire, Justices. Thirty-one votes were cast at the first election. In 1845, the population was 141. In 1870 it was 856. George A. Blakeslee settled at Galien ia 1853. At that time the " vUlage" consisted of a saw mill and one or two log houses. The post office was established in July, 1855, and Mr. Blakeslee erected a store in 1856. Galien is now a lively vUlage containing a saw and planing miU, three dry goods and 134 galien village directory. grocery stores, drug store, flour and feed store, bakery, photo graph gallery, wagon shop, harness shop, two shoe shops, two butcher shops, three blacksmith shops, a handle factory, one church (German Lutheran), and a new graded school building. The village has a population of over three hundred, and will soon be incorporated. The most important establishment in Galien is the handle factory of Smith & Montross, which gives constant employ ment to thirty men. This is the most extensive factory of the kind in the county and is capable of turning out more than a million of handles each year. These are shipped to all parts of the United States and the Canadas, and large quantities are also sent to Europe. religious organizations. The Lutherans have the largest membership and the only church in the village. Rev. D. Behrens,''pastor. The Methodists hold meetings in the school house. Mem bership about 30. The Baptists have services in' Blakeslee's Hall. Member ship, 30. Later Day Saints meet in Blakeslee's Hall. Membership, 45. George A. Blakeslee, President; John Hodge, Teacher. The United Brethren also have an organization. Cfalien Village Directory. ArtJs Charles, laborer. Grice Andrew J., laborer. Ash Peter, blacksmith. Hegley Levi, manuf. cradle Bacon Herbert L., bakery. fingers. Baker Wm. V., general store. Henry John, barber. Beck Christopher, laborer. Hess George, laborer. Berzley William, carpenter Herrington Frank, laborer. an-d joiner. Hinman David D., physician. Blakeslee George A., dry Howell James, carpenter. goods, groceries, lumber. Jackson Samuel, tinware. galien village directory. 13c Blakeslee & Emery, flour and feed. Blakeslee Sarah, school teacher Brittain Josiah, basket maker. Bristol N. E., assistant saw yer, handle factory. Butler Richard, turner, han dle factory. Bugbee Cyrus F., constable. Byusater Frank. Carl Joseph, sorter and riv eter, handle factory. Chase George AV., carpenter. Chilson Mrs Charlotte, tai loress. 'Chilson Theron, packer, han dle factory. Clark Charles, handle bender. Clo.sson W. J., saloon, drugs and groceries. Cornwell James, mechanic. Cornwell David, engineer. Curtis Cyrus, engineer handle factory. Curtis Edward, finisher, han dle factory. Cutshaw Franklin B., carpen ter. Critchet Peter, saloon, drugs and groceries. Davis Charles, physician. Davis William W., physician and surgeon. Day Albert E., laborer. Day James, laborer. Dayton Reuben, propr. Ho tel. Davison Alexander A., car penter. Deaoine Augustus, feeder bolting saw, handle fac tory. Kenyon Orlando A., railroad employee. Klasner Jacob, livery stable. ^McOmber Joab, turner, han dle factory. McMaster William, mechanic. ^lark Henry, shoemaker, Mear Jacob, laborer. Mell John R., carpenter. Myers N. E., laborer. Myers Jacob S., carpenter. Nickwin John, laborer. Partridge George, dry goods and groceries. Partridge Henry, faii.-jer. Patterson George W., minister. Prouty Charles H., ticket agent, M. C. R. R. Sawyer Charles, laborer. Scott John, millwright. Scott Marvin, carpenter and joiner. Shearer Andrevr, ^slioemaker. Smith Edwin, principal of school. Smith k Montrose, propre. Wolverine Handle Fac tory. Smith Charles E., handle fin isher. Smith Henry C, carpenter. Smith Henry E., sawyer in handle factory. Smith Wright, foreman lian- die factory. Spencer Phineas D., laborer. Stackus James, wagon maker. Stoner David, laborer. Swain DeForest, laborer. Swain George, ^laborer. Swain James ' A., foreman lumber ya.rd. 136 g.alien township dihectory. die factory. Emery Alexander, flour and feed. Emery Mrs. Eliza, mUliner and dressmaker. Fairfield Edmund J., laborer, Grice Samuel A., carpenter. Harris Ebenezer, head sawyer handle factory. Dingman David, meat market. Dolph Allen, saloon. Dumbletoa AVilliam, boarding house. Dumbleton Columbus, turner, handle factory. , DruUiner Frank, laborer. Eiscle David, workman, han- Wheaton Wm. H. H., laborer. White Lorenzo D., school teacher. Witte Charles, harness maker. Wooley John, laborer. Wooley Mrs. Ann. Wooley Henry, laborer. Wooley Horace, laborer. Young Levi, carpenter. Troutfetter John, workman on railroad. Wethered Henry, clerk. Wheaton James, laborer. Wheaton Mrs. SaUie A. Wheaton Reuben B., carpen ter. Wheaton Silas W., laborer. Galien Township Directory. Abbreviations. — ne, north east quarter ; nw north west quarter ; r 17, i-ange 17, (eastern part of the town); s,e,,soutfi east quarter ; sec, section; sw, south west quarter. The Post office address is the place given at the end of the line. J^ Albro Mrs. S., land owner, ne sec 19, Galien. Artis Christopher, land owner, nw sec 3, Galien. Baker Lucius P., land owner, se sec 2, Galien. Balton John, land owner, ne sec 1, Galien. Balton Susan, land owner, se sec 11, Galien. Bennett Henry, land owner, ne sec 17, Galien. Boyle Edward, land owner, nw sec 1, Galien. Boyle Hugh, land owner, nw sec 1, Galien. Bradley Charles E., land owner, se sec 12, Galien. galien township directory. 137 Bradley J., land owner, se sec 12, Galien. Bramhall Joseph, land owner, sc sec 19, Galien. Bratney Alexander, la«d owner, sw sec 20, Galien. Brewer William, land owner, ne sec 23, Galien. Brown James, land owner, sw sec 2, Galien. Bryant David, land owner, nw sec 13, Galien. Bryant George, (Landis & Bryant,) sec 23, Galien. Bryant Tunis, land owner, sw sec l2, Galien. Buck Joseph, land owner, se sec 14, (j alien. Buck William, land owner, ne sec 24, Galien. Butler Morgan & George, land owners, se sec 8, Galien. Burns Albert, farmer and miller, se sec 2, Galien. G Clark Albert, land owner, ne sec 22, Galien. Clark Silas, land owner, ne sec 15, Galien. Cowell Ira, land owner, se sec 15, Galien. Cranmer Michael B., land owner, nw sec 21. Crays Alexander, land owner, ne sec 20. Cuthbert David A., land owner, nw see 10, Calien. ID Davidson Frank V., land owner, nw sec 11. , Davidson Mrs. ^lary, land owner, sec 1. Denison Stephen A., land owner, sw sec 11, Galien. Dolph Stephen, land owner, nw sec 8, Galien. Donoho Barney, land owner, ne sec 5, Galien. Dowling & Pinyard, props saw mill and handle factory, nw sec 16, Galien. Egleston AVilliam, land owner, nw sec 16, Galien. Fairfield Pardon, farmer, se sec 9, Galien. Fenton Eben, land owner, sw sec 22, Galien. Freeland Susan, land owner, ne sec 14. o- Goodenough Alonzo, land owner, sw sec 17, Galien. Goodenough Francis H., landowner, se sec 18, Galien. Goodrich William, land owner, nw sec 2, Galien. Green George L., land owner, sw sec 2, Galien. 138 (i. A lien township dihectory. Groom.s Joseph, land owner, no sec 15, Galien. Grooms Joseph F., land owner, ne sec 15, Galien. Hardy William, land owner, ne sec 14, (J alien. Hart Isaac, land owner, sc bee 8, Galien. Harris Mrs. Lydia, land owner, ne soc Ki, (Jalien. Harris Warren, sawyer, sw sec 1, ti alien. ilcck.-ithon Chris, land owner, nw sec 20. Hess Mrs. A., land owner, nw sec "''>, tialien. Hitchcock Freeman, land owner, ne sec 2, Giilien. House John, land owner, sw sec 13, Oalien. Huston R. B., land f)wner, sec 4. Galien. Hutchinson Jane, land owner, nw sec 17. Ingles Charles II., laml owner, nw sec 2-'), Galien. Ingfes "Joorge W., land owner, nw sec 2-!, Galien. James Gardner K., land owner, ne sec 17, Galien James Joseph G., land owner, sw sec 9, Galien. Jerue Frank, land owner, ne sec 17, Galien. Jewell William E., land owner, sw sec 8, Galien. Kane .John K., land ownor, nw sec 16, Galien. Kauper Frederic, land owner, ne sec 6, Avery. Kauper John, land owner, ne sec 6, Avery. Kinney Zachariah, land owner, sw sec 18, Averj-. Lagore Moses land owner, sw sec 11, Galien. Landis Jacob, (Bryant & Landis,) propr. saw mill, nw sec 22, Galien. Lee George W., land owner, se sec 9, Galien. Loshbaugh George, land owner, sw sec 15, Galien- Loshbaugh George, Jr., farmer, sw sec 15, Galien 1^ Martin Joseph, farmer, nw sec 20, Galien. McGethren Michael, land owner, se sec 22, Galien. McMaster A., land owner, se sec 14, Galien. GALXES TOWNSHIP DIRECTORY. 139 ilUler Anson H., land owner, sw sec 14, Gralien. ilixeU Lawrence, land cwner, sw sec 17. Murphy Albert, land owner, nw sec 12, Gralien. NeweU George H., land owner, ne sec 12, Galien. Noggle Perry, land owner, ne sec 11, Galien. Norman -Jacob, land owner, sw sec 9, (jalien. Owen Davis, land owner, E Eastman Leonard, turner. Eberling Charles, painter. Ebert Henry, clerk. Ewan Thornton, traveling agent. Freckman Charles, saloon. Gallus Wm., watch. Gerdes Fred., dry goods and groceries. Gilbert H. H., R. R. agent. Glavin John M., propr. saw mill. Grancow Charles, carpenter. Guhlsdorf Christian, farmer. H Harmann Augustus, painter. Hambleton Jesse, engineer. Hastings R. S., stave factory. Hein Christopher, night watch. Hennessy Mrs. Catharine. Henry Wm., carpenter. Hicks Rev. George S., pastor M. E. church. Hill John R., nursery. Horn George, farmer. Ii Kamm Fred., turner. KeUing Albert, billiard saloon. Kellogg U. H., physician and surgeon. ¦ Kierstead C; J., hardware. Krohn Charles, carpenter. Krnger Chas:, (Bahl & Kruger.) Kuhls Wm., physician. .NEW BUFFALO VILLAGE DIRECTORY. 147 L Lexon Henry, section master. Lohman Charles, drayman. Lubke Louis, wagon maker. Luhr Henry, merchant. 1ST McCartney H. C, bakery. McCarten J., propr. McCarten House. McCoUum Neil, sailor. McCarten Wm. H., manuf. fruit baskets. Mangold Jacob, engineer. Markel George, engineer. Marvin Clara, school teacher. Mason Phares, farmer. Merrika Henry, cooper. Metelman Wm., general store. Miller Antony, meat market. IV Nichols C, propr. Nichols House. Nourse Henry P. & Co., (H, P. Nourse fc J. AV. AAHlkinson,) dry goods, groceries, &c. O O'Connor Daniel, laborer. I» Palmer Jlrs. — — -, seamstress. Peo John, blacksmith. Peo Ernest, sawyer. Pflughaupt Fred., blacksmith. Phelps CoUins, house-mover. Phillips Jerome. Phillips John V., lawyer, notary public. PhiUips Christian, shoemaker. Phillips John H., clerk. Plimpton D., post master. Plimpton Mary E., assistant post master. Powers Patrick, laboror. <^ Quantrill Charles, fruit grower. QuantriU Benjamin, mover of buildings. It Racher Charles, teamster. 148 NEW BUFFALO VILLAGE DIRECTORY. Robbins Mrs. Hannah. Roeder Christian, section foreman M. C. R. R. Roeder Fritz, turner. Romann C, carpenter. Rood L. J., carpenter. Rosener Frank, turner. S Schalmo Mike, saloon. Schaffer Christopher, night watch (factory.) Schroeder Louis, laborer. Schroeder Fred, sawyer. Schuler Phil, stave cutter. Schwimm Nicholas, stave cutter. Self ken Henry, track repairer. Shanley Thomas, engineer. Smith John, cabinet maker. Smith James, chair maker. Smith James, Jr., turner. Stratton Mrs. M., milHner. Struad Frank, cabinet maker. T Tapping Mrs. Mary. Terwilliger David, minister. Tuttle Daniel, sawyer. Vantassel W. R., carpenter. Verigo Joseph, cabinet. Walter John, laborer. Weed E. D., drugs. Weed G. R. & W. H., dry goods and groceries. Wehr Peter, saloon and boarding house. Weigel Henry, saloon. Weigel Hehry, Jr., carpenter. Weuner George, supervisor; insurance agent. Wells Moses. WeUs Amasa, carpenter. Wells Alphens, machinist. WeUs W. Henry, carpenter. Wetterau Ernest, shoemaker. Woodmansee L., vinegar factory. Z Zeigler George, master buUder. New Buffalo Township Directory. Abbreviations. — ne, rwrth east quarter ; nw, north west quarter ; se, south east quarter ; sec, section ; sw, south west quarter ; t 7, town 7, (northern part of the township.) The post office address is the place named at the end of the line. — Ahrens Christian, land owner, se sec 11, New Buffalo. Andrew Charles, land owner, se sec 11, New Buffalo. Artis John, land owner, nw sec 14, New Buffalo. Batzel Eustus, land owner, sec 20, New Buffalo. Battelneyer Ernest, land owner, sw sec 1, New Buffalo. BeckteU U. B., land owner, nw sec 12, New Buffalo. Beeson Charles, land owner, sw sec 16, New Buffalo. Bocherd John, land owner, nw sec 16, New Buffalo. Bock Michael, land o'wner, nw sec 20, New Buffalo. Breck Andrew, land o'wner, ne sec 36, t 7, New Buffalo. Brown Mrs. Jane, land owner, nw sec 8. Butts Isaac, land Qwner, nw sec 20, New Buffalo. Camfield L., land owner, ne sec 36, t 7, New Buffalo. Cooper William, land owner, sec 18, New Buffalo. Crosby H. E., land owner, sec 12, New Buffalo. Crosby J. B., land owner, nw sec 13, New Buffalo. Cummins James, land owner, sw sec 11, New Buffalo. Cummings Mrs. Alzada, land owner, sec 23, New Buffalo. Cunningham J. D., land o'wner, nw sec 7, Three Oaks. Davis Benjamin F., land owner, se sec 7, New Buffalo. DeueU A. H., land owner, nw sec 21, New Buffalo. DeueU Charles, land owner, se sec 16, New Buffalo. 150 NEW BUFFALO TOWNSHIP DIRECTORY. DeueU Joseph, land owner, nw sec 20, New Buffalo. Devinie Henry L., land owner, se sec 12, New Buffalo. Dingman Isaac, land owner, nw sec 21, New Buffalo. Doir Christian, land owner, ne sec 23, New Buffalo. Eastman Dexter, land owner, ne sec 17, New Buffalo. Edinger Jacob, land owner, nw sec 1, New Buffalo. Edinger Phillip, land owner, sec 1, New Buffalo. Evert Fritz, land owner, nw sec 22, New Buffalo. Evert John, land owner, nw sec 13, New Buffalo. Evert John, Jr., land owner, nw sec 22, New Buffalo. Evert William, land owner, nw sec 22, New Buffalo. IP Fields Lorenzo, land owner, nw sec 18, New Buffalg. Foster George S., land owner, ne sec 18, New Buffalo. C3- Gloede Charles, land owner, sw sec 2, New Buffolo. Gloede William, land owner, sec 31, New Buffalo. Glossenger John, land owner, sec 31. Godfrew W. H., land owner, ne sec 19, New Buffalo. Gotto Mrs. , land owner, nw sec 22, New Buffale, Gowdy Frank, land owner, sec 36, New Buffalo. Guhlsdorf Christian, land owner, se sec 15, New Buffalo. HI Hans Edward, land owner, nw sec 16, New Buffalo. Harmann Augustus, land owner, sw sec 12, New Buffalo. Harmann Christian, land owner, sw sec 15, New Buffalo. Hartman John, land owner, se sec 36, New Buffalo, Helfen William, land owner, sw sec 15, New Buffalo. Helmes John, land owner, ne sec 16, New Buffalo. Henning John, land owner, se sec 15, iNew Buffalo. Hermann Mark, land owner, sw sec 17, New Buffalo. Hill John R., land owner, sw sec 11, New Buffalo. Hillman Frederic, land owner, sw sec 45, New Buffalo. Holbrook Festus A,, land owner, sec 17, New Buffalo. Horn Christian, farmer, nw sec 23, Ne^ Buffalo, Horn George, land owner, nw sec 16, New Buffalo. Horn John, land owner, sw sec 12, New Buffalo. new buffalo TOWNSHIP DIEECTORY. 151 0" Johnson Josiah, land owner, sw sec 35, New Buffalo. Jones James, land owner, nw sec 18, New Buffalo. Jung Jacob, land owner, nw sec 16, New Buffalo. Kingery Woodson, land owner, ne sec 12, New Buffalo. Klassen John, land owner, ne sec 16, New Buffalo. Kliss Frederic, land owner, se sec 14, New Buffalo. Kruger Carl, land owner, se sec 16, New Buffalo. Kruger Christian, lend owner, n'w sec 22, New Buffalo. Kruger Louis, land owner, nw sec 23, New Buffalo. Kruger Fritz, land owner, nw sec iS, New Buffalo. Lake George W., land owner, ne sec 12, New Buffalo. Ledyard Charles, land owner, sw sec 20, New Buffalo. Link Frank, land owner, sw sec 13, New Buffalo. Lohmann Charles, land owner, nw sec 14, New Buffalo. Martin Isaac, land owner, se sec 7, New Buffalo. Mason Mary E., land owner, se sec 3, New Buffalo. Maudlin Thomas, land owner, ne sec 18, New Buffalo. McCarten Thomas, land owner, sec 31, New Buffalo. McCoUum NeU, land owner, nw sec 14, New Buffalo. McKee Alexander, land owner, se sec 6, Three Oaks. Merika Henry, land owner, sw sec 12, New Buffalo. Merrill George L., land owner, nw sec 10, New Buffalo. Millard Andrew, land owner, se sec 36, New Buffalo. MUlard Daniel, land owner, sw sec 18, New. Buffalo. Moore Thomas, land owner, se sec 35, New Buffalo. Mossbrugger Joseph, land owner, sw sec 12, New Buffalo. Murray John, land owner, ne sec 21, New IBuffalo. Nash George, land owner, se sec 16, New Buffalo. Nolan Augustus, land owner, nw sec 26, New Buffalo. IP Paddock Abram, land owtier, ne sec 7, Three Oaks. Pagel John, land owner, nw sec 12, New Buffalo. 152 NEW BUFFALO TOWNSHIP DIRBCTORY. Pahner William L., land owner, sec 19, New Buffalo. Phillipa J., land owner, sec 20, New Buffalo. PhUlips Jerome, land owner, sw sec 16, New Buffalo. Phillips Mrs. R. L., land owner, sw sec 15, New Buffalo. Ran John P., land owner, nw sec 6, New Buffalo. Richter Franklin, land owner, se sec 13, New Buffalo. s Schultz Henry C, land owner, nw see 16, New Buffalo. Schwenk Mrs. E., land owner, ne sec 24, New Buffalo. Schwenk Henry, land owner, nw sec 24, New Buffalo. Schwenk Jacob, land owner, nw sec 24, New Buffalo. Shaddock George land owner, ne sec 18, New Buffalo. Sherridan John, land owner, se sec 18, New Buffalo. Siegmund Adolph, land owner, ne sec 24, liew Buffalo. Siegmund Catherine, land owner, sec 19, New Buffalo. Siegmund Louis, land owner, se sec 13, New Buffalo. Siegmund Reinhard, land owner, se sec 13, New Buffalo. Siegmund William, land owner, ne sec 22, New Buffalo. Slater George W. k S., land ©"wners, ne sec 21, New Buffalo. Smith Ira, land owner, nw sec 36. Snyder Levi, land owner, w sec 31, New Buffalo. Spalding Theodore, land owner, sw sec 15, New Buffalo. Stuck John, land owner, se sec 12, New Buffalo. Timm Christian, land owner, nw sec 21, New Buffalo. Walter John, land owner, ne sec 23, New Buffalo. Walter Christian, land owner, se sec 18, New Buffalo. Warner Mrs. Margaret, land owner, ne sec 18, New Buffalo. Weideman Michael, land owner, nw sec 14, New Buffalo. Weigel Henry, land owner, nw sec 15, New Buffalo. Weishaupt John, se sec 13, New Buffalo. Werwe John, land owner, se sec 6. Wigger John, land owner, nw sec 23, New Buffalo. Wilkes Edward, land owner, nw sec 14, New Buffalo. Wittenbury John, land owner, se sec 16, New Bu&lo. Wolf Charles, land owner, n sec 20, New Buffalo. Woodke Augustus, land owner, se sec 2, New Buffalo. HISTORY OF CHIKAMING. This township, designated as town 7, south of range 20 west, was organized, in 1856. The name is an Indian word meaning "lake." The Galien wiver flows through the south east por tion of the town. The land between the river and the lake is generally elevated. The highest point on the railroad between New Buffalo and St. Joseph is in this town, near Wilkinson's station where the road bed is 98 feet above the river at New Buffalo. Large quantities of wood and timber have been ship ped from Chidkaming. The most extensive shipper has been J. W. Wilkinson, who settled in the town in 1855. Three piers have been built into the lake at different points along the shore for the convenience of shipping. From 2,000 to 5,000 cords of wood have been shipped to Chicago each year for the last twelve years. It may fairly be said that this excellent town is getting out of the woods and will soon take its place among the most pros perous towns in the County. Enterprise, capital and well di rected labor has begun a work well adapted to the development and prosperity of the town. No better location can be found for the cultivation of fruit. The town has three stations on the railroad — Town Line, Wilkinson's and Chickaming. The post office is ' at Chickaming station. The population of the town in 1860 was 310; in 1870 it was 1,000. Chikaming Township Directory. ABBREViATiONS.-s^ne, north east quarter ; nw, north west quarter; se, south east quarter; sec, section; sw, southwest quarter. The Post office address is the place given at the end of the line. Adams B. S., land owner, sec 10. Adamson David, land owner, se sec 26, Three Oaks. Ames Mrs. Mary F., authoress, sw sec 19, New Buffalo. Andrews Phillip B., land owner, se sec 3, Chikaming. Babcock WiUiam C, clerk. Union vUlage. Baker Albert, farmer, sw sec 23. Baker John, land owner, se sec 25, Three Oaks. Baxter Selah, laud owner, nw sec 11. Bennett John H., land owner, ne sec 24. Birguron Lewis land owner, se sec 1. Birkhalsz August, land owner, sw sec 10, Chikaming. Boice Mrs. Sarah, land owner, nw sec 11. Brewer R. C, land owner, ne sec 12, New Troy. Burnett Charles, land owner, ne sec 24, Three Oaks. Burnett Jerome, land owner, nw sec 14, Three Oaks. Burtis Francis, land owner, ne sec 30. a Carner Jerome, land owner, nw sec 12, New Troy. Carpenter Albert, land owner, nw sec 26. Carpenter Andrew, land owner, sw sec 26. Carpenter Joseph, land owner, sw sec 26. Cary W., land owner, se sec 12, New Troy. Chase George, land owner, nw sec 10, Chikaming. Clark A. K., carpenter, ne sec 19, Chikaming. Climer Andrew, land owner, ne sec 2. Cobb George, land owner, ne sec 15, Three Oaks. CHIKAMING TOWNSHIP DIRBCTORY. 155 Cook James A., land owner, nw sec 14. Crawford T. L., land owner, sw sec 25. Cross P. S., land owner, nw sec 10 Chikaming. 3D David John, land owner, sw sec 29. Dawson Daniel land owner, sw sec 20. Deady Michael, land owner, se sec 9, Chikaming. Desbrow Mrs. Ann, land owner, ne sec 39, Chikaming- Drew A. L., land owner, nw sec 26, Three Oaks. Drew H. L., land owner, sw sec 22, Three Oaks. Drew P. G., land owner, se sec 27, Three Oaks. Erdman Christian, land owner, nw sec 16, Chikaming. IP • Fisher Amos, land owner, nw sec 30. Fisher William, land owner, sec 19, Chikaming. Findall John, land owner, se sec 25. Fletcher Robert, land owner, ne sec 29. Fradinburg Aaron, land owner, sw sec 1, New Troy. Fradinburg George, land owner, ne sec 2, New TrOy. Fuller Henry, land owner, ne sec 3, New Troy. Or Galusha J., land owner, sw sec 24, Three Oaks. Garland Gleorge, land owner, ne sec 30, Chikaming. Garland Gieorge, Jr., land owner, ne sec 19. Gatush Xerxes, land owner, sw sec 24. Gibson John S., land owner, nw sec 22. Gillett & Drew, (0. C. GiUett & H. L. Drew,) proprs. steam saw mill, sec 26. Glavin Edmund, post master, Chikaming, sec 16. Gleason Patrick, land owner, se sec 29. Goodwin R. M. & G. H., props, saw miU, sec 25, r 21. Gowdy & Gibson, (J. F. Goudy & J. S. Gibson,). proprs. steam saw mill, Wilkinson's,, New Buffalo. Green L. F., land owner, se sec 22. Griffin Zadoc, land owner, ne sec 13, New Troy. Griffith William, land owner, ne sec 27. 166 CHIKAMING TOWNSHIP DIRECTORY. Hess Christian, land owner, ne sec 25. HUyard Mrs. Ann, land o'vraer, sw sec 2. Hilton & Pike, land owners, sec 17. Hinchman Burwell, land owner, ne sec 23. Hinchman George, land owner, sw sec 13, Three Oaks. Hinchman Milton, land owner, nw sec 23, Three Oaks. HoUett A.mos, land owner, se sec 13, New Troy. Howell N. F., land owner, sw sec 22. I Ingall Benjamin, land owner, nw sec 30. J- Jenkins Job, land owner, nw sec 12, New Troy. Keith W. A., land owner, ne sec 12, New Troy. Kelly T. H., land owner, se sec 9, Chikaming. Lock Eli, land owner, sw sec 30. Mallory N. G., land owner, sec 25, r 21. Mansfield Joseph, land owner, sw sec 14, Three Oaks. McCarten Anthony, land owner, sw sec 29. McCarten Charles, land owner, se sec 30. McCarten Edward, land owiier, se sec 50. McKie James, land owner, nw seC 23, Three Oaks. Miller John C, land owner, nw sec 30, Miller Mrs. M, D., land owner, ne sec 30. Minard Henry, land owner, ne sec 16, Chikaming. Minster' John, land owner, nw sec 29. Montague George, land owner, se sec 20, Chikaming. Morgan Ralph, land owner, sec 19, Chikaming. Myers Adam, land owner, ne sec 29. Myers Nelson E., land owner, ne sec 29. Nelson George, land owner, sw sec 10, Chikaming. ( CHIKAMING TOWNSHIP DIRECTORY. 157 Niece Peter, land owner, ne sec 25. Nieman John, land owner, se sec 16, Chikaming. O Oharton Nicholas, land owner, sw sec 1. Packard L., land owner, se sec 9, Chikaming. Patridge Joseph, land owner, sw sec 22, Three Oaks. Peckham Richard, land owner, nw sec 20, Chikaming. Phelps Charles W., land owner, sw sec 2. Pierce Alfred, land ovraer, ne sec 12, New Troy. Pinnell S. F., land o'wner, sw sec 20. Preston Alvah, land owner, se sec 23, New Troy. Priest Samuel, land owner, ne sec 25. Robertoy Frank, land owner, ne sec 16, Chikaming. Romans Samuel, land owner, sw sec 13, New Troy. s Sawyer Silas, land owner, ne sec 10. Sherrill Mrs. A. M., land owner, ne sec 27, Three Oaks. Skinner James, Jr., land owner, se sec 23, Three Oaks. Smith Mrs., land owner, nw sec 22. Smith Charles, land owner, se sec 16. Spaulding J. H., land owner, se sec 2. Spinning D. U., land owner, nw sec 15, Chikaming. Steveson Charles, land owner, se sec 2. Stewart Nathan, land owner, sw sec 25. Stratton Charles B., land owner, ne sec 29. Stratton Norman, land owner, ne sec 22. "V Vekeman John, land owner, sec 10. . Vondaning Lewis, land owner, se sec 27, Three Oaks. Warren Horace, land owner, se sec 26, Three Oaks. Warren W., land owner, se sec 22, Three Oaks. Wilcox H. F., land owner, sw sec 14. Wilcox Leroy F., land owner, se sec 15. Wilcox M. F., land owner, sec 15. 158 HISTORY OF THREE OAKS. WUkinson J. A., land owner, sec 19, New Buffab. Wilkinson J. W., land owner, sec 19, New Buffalo. WUlard Levi, land owner, ne sec 29. WiUiams Jesse, land owner, sw sec 26. Wright A. H., land owner, se sec 3. HISTORY OF THREE OAKS. Designated as town 8, north of range 20 west. It is a frac tional town, containing about 22 sections. The first settle ment in this township, which was formerly a part of New Buffalo, was made in 1835, by Richard Love of Ohio. [Che territory embraced in the township was then an unbroken wil derness, but after an opening had been made by Mr. Love other settlers came in from time to time, so that in 1843 as many as ten famUies could have been counted. The first saw mill was erected by Asa H. Jacobs in 1845, and the first flour mUl was built in 1854. The township was organized in 1856, The southeastern portion of the township is rolling and sandy. The remaining portion is a level clay, and for grass land it cannot be sui-passed. In some localities the land is so level as to hardly admit of drainage, and many householders are obliged to do without cellars. The village of Three Oaks owes its existence to the Central Railroad. Henry Chamberlain settled hpre in 1853 and laid out a village. A store was put in operation the following, year and the young village also possessed a shoe shop, blacksmith HISTORY OF THREE OAKS. 159 shop and a saloon. The post office was established in 1854. The place was known at first as Chamberlain's Station, but was changed through the influence of Mr. Chamberlain to Three Oaks. The name was suggested by the location of three large oak trees, which stood in the rear of the brown hotel. The growth of the village was slow for several years, but for the last six or eight years it has been rapid, the population of the township and village having doubled since 1864. The vil lage was incorporated March 20th, 1867. A town hall was erected during the same year. The principal shipments during years past have consisted of lumber, stave bolts and cord wood, but as the supply of timber becomes less, these give way to the shipments of .agricultural products. The North Western Gas Pipe Company have their factory at this place. They make tubing of from one to twenty inch bore. The tubes, which are made of ash or whitewood, are bound 'with iron and covered inside and out with a composition which is said to render them as indestructible as iron. This is the only manufactory of the kind in the West. The company furnishes employment for thirty or forty men. The village has two dry goods stores, four groceries, two drug stores, two millinery stores, two hotels, two harness shops, two boot and shoe shops, two wagon shops, hardware store, jewelry store, bakery, photograph gallery, meat market, furniture rooms, livery stable, two churches, one lawyer and four physicians. It has a population of over 500. It is said by those who are best able to judge that more mer chandise is disposed of at Three Oaks than at any place of its size on the Central Railroad. Three Oaks Village Directory. VILLAGE OFFICERS. Robert D. Cross, Picmcierai: W. H. Breece, Clerk; James L. McKie, John D. MUler, J. M. K. Hilton, Jesse Sheffield, Trustees ; Richard S. Breece, Marshal. BOARD OF EDUCATION. Robert D. Cicq^b, President: Wm. Chamberlain, Secretary; J. M, K. Hilton, E. G. Eby, Wm. K, Sawyer, Luther Sage, Churches, Societies and Organizations. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. Rev. p. B. Parrey, Pastor ; Wm. Chamberlain, Thomas M, Stevehs, Crosby, Deacons ; Henry Chamberlain, J, L, McKie, Thomas M. Stevens, Crosby, J. M. K. Hilton, Robert D. Cross, Trustees. Sunday SchooL^-Fi. K. Warren, Superintendent. Number of scholars, 100. Number of teachers, 10. J5APTIST CHURCH. , Rev. E. L. Millis, Pastor; Charles C. Sherrill, Mark Sherrill, Deacons ; H, R. Pike, Charles d Sherrill, Albert Drew, Oliver Marston, Mark SherriU, J. G. Sanborn, Trustees; C. C. Sherrill, CTer;fc. Sunday School. — C. C. SherrUl, Superintendent. Number of scholars, 50, Number of teachers, 9. The Methodists and the Lutherans have organizations in the village. THREE OAKS LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. H. J. ChurchUl, President; WUliam Lloyd, Vice Presi dent; John W. Bennett, Sec'y ; Joseph H. Ames, Treas.. Meets Friday evening of each week. THREE OAKS VILLAGE DIRECTORY. 161 TEMPERANCE ASSOCIATION. J. W. Martin, President; 0. N. Valentine, Vice Presi dent; Mary Sanborn, Sec'y; Amanda Miller, l^eas. Meets first Monday of each month. MASONIC. Three Oaks Lodge No. 239, F. and A. M. Officers : James W. Ransom, W. M.; Isaac W. Martia, S. W.; Levi Morrow, J. W.; 0. Churchill, Treas; John W. McKie, Sec'y; Robert D. Cross, S, D.; M. Stevenson, J. D.; Henry Russell, Tyler. Organized June, 1868. Membership, 50. Meets Tuesday, on or before full moon. THREE OAKS CORNET BAND. C. C. Paine, leader, Eb cornet ; John Thursby, Bb cornet ; Lewis MUler, baritone ; John Voglesine, 1st alto ; Ira Len nox, 2d alto; Harry Hammond, tenor; A. B. Wright, bass drum ; Frank Wright, side drum. Village Directory— Alphabetical. AUen George, carpenter. Anderson James, pedler. Archer A., engineer in pipe factory. BaUey SUas W., harness maker. Bane Daniel, laborer. Barger S. W., workman on railroad. Barmore Edgar, harness maker. Barnes George W., physician and druggist. Bear John, carpenter. Bennett & Budlong, (George Bennett and Robert Budlong,) proprs. handle factory. Bennett John W., workman in handle factory. Bennett Henry, handle factory. Bennett Levi, workman in handle factory. Bratt Barnatus, carpenter. 162 THREE OAKS VILLAGfB DIRBCTORY. Bratt David, well digger. Bratt William A., wagon maker, Breece Richard 8,, carpenter. Breece William H,, lawyer and notary public. Brush A, S., propr. Brown Hotel. Budlong Robert, (Bennett & Budlong.) Burton EUiott, carpenter, C Case Mrs. Ann, milliner. Camfield Luther, laborer. Chamberlain Henry, merchant and farmer. Chamberlain WUliam, merchant and post master. Chatterson George, tinner. Cherry B., laborer. Cherry Stephen, carpenter. Churchill Harvey J., clerk, ChurchUl Mrs. Lydia, Churchill Orrin, physician and druggist. Clark Alexander, propr. saw mill. Close Charles, hotel and billiard hall. Cross Robert D., President of the village. 13 Dretelo Peter, teamster. Drew H. L,, lumber dealer. Eby E. G., harness maker. Farrington T, B,, propr, North Western Pipe Company, Pinch James, carpenter. Finch Lewis, wagon maker. Fitch Asahel, clerk. Fitch Julius D., farmer. Fox Gerrit D,, laborer, Franklin DeU, school teacher. Freeman A, J., sawyer. Fredle Joseph, tinner. Proedle Zaver, laborer. <> Goit R. B,, groceries, flour and feed, I-I Hall Alexander, teamster. THREE OAKS VILLAGE DIEECTORY. 163 Hammond Henry, works pipe factory. Hammond Mrs. Susan A. Harger Alexander C, blacksmith. Haskins Nathan, teamster. Haskins Rasselas, teamster. Helmholtz Henry, shoemaker. Hilton John M. K., Supervisor. Hurlbut G., foreman gas pipe factory. L Larzelere Ed., freight and ticket agent M. C. R. R. Latta Franklin, laborer. Lennox Ira, miller. Levy Mrs. M. J., milUner. Loveland C, turner in pipe factory. Loyd WilUam, shoemaker. Lushbaugh .Joseph, shoemaker. IM Martin David P., carpenter. Martin Isaac, plasterer. Martin ,J. E., clerk. Martin & McCann, (Isaac W. M. & Thos. McC.,) groceries and provisions. Martin William, laborer. McCann Thomas, (Martin & McCann.) McCool A. AY., physician. McGee Ebenezer, farmer. McKie James L., merchant. McKie John W., carpenter. ' • McKimson Enoch, laborer. McKimson Nicholas, laborer. McWethey Melancthon, shoemaker. MiUer Adonis, turner in gas pipe factoi-y. SliUer John D., wagon maker. Millis Rev. E. L., pastor Baptist church. Moss Barton, turner in handle factory. Moss GUbert, turner. Munger A., laborer. Myers J., laborer. ]V Nelson WUliam, clerk. O Oakman WiUiam G., livery stable. 164 THREE OAKS VILLAaS DIRECTORY. Paff Jacob, laborer. Paine Charles C, turner in handle factory. Palmer Henry, telegraph operator. Parry John U., agent WUson's sewing machine. Parrey Rev. P. B., pastor Congregational church. Pike Horace R., (Hilton & Pike.) Ransom Horace B., laborer. Remington Cool, sailor. Remington Joseph, sailor. Rhulow Fred, fariner. Ritzier Engleburg, saloon, Rosewarren Richard, farmer. Rowell Frank M., laborer. Rowell Wesley W., laborer. Sage Luther, shoemaker. Sanders Henry, blacksmith. Sawyer William K., cabinet ware- Seeker Abram, laborer. Searing Pavid S., bakery. Service 0. H., laborer. Shay Michael, workman in pipe factory. Shedd E. N., drayman. Shedd Erasmus, farmer. ^ Sheffield Benjamin, handle factory. Sheffield Jesse, propr. handle factory. Shaffebarger William, section foreman, M. C. R. R. Smee & Thursby, (J[acob M. S. & Henry T.,) proprs. handle factory. Smith Darius H., carpenter. Smith Jonathan, butcher. Stafford Stephen, laborer. Stephens John A,, speculator. Stevenson & Oakman, (M. J. S. & Wm. G. 0.,) livery stable. Strehle Joseph, farmer. Strehle Peter. T Tailor Frank, tinner. Tholdorf Adobhus, carpenter. Tholdorf Fred., painter. three oaks township directory. 165 Tholdorf Theodore, blacksmith. Thursby Henry, (Smee & Thursby.) Thursby John, turner in handle factory. Turner S., groceries and confectionaryi ' V Valentine Charles N., deputy^ P. M. and express agent. Van De Ah Nicholas, laborer. Wallace W. 0., machinist. ' Watren Edward K., (McKie & Warren.) Warren Fred P., jeweler, photographer and insurance agent. Warren William, dealer in patent rights. Wetchner P., laborer. Wilcox Hiram B., physician. Wilcox Merrills, assistant foreman, pipe factory. ' Wooding John, lumberman. • Wooley Charles, meat market. Wright A. B., railroad carpenter. Three Oaks Township Directory Abbreviations, — ne, yiorth east quarter ; nw, north west quarter ; se, south east quarter ; sec, section ; sw, south west' quarter ; t 7, town 7, (northern row of sections.) The post office address is the place given at the end of the Une. Backman Jacob, land owner, ne sec 3. Bartels Henry, land owner, se sec 36, t 7, Avery. Behler Antone, land owner, se sec 5, Three Oaks. Bohnankamp Prank, land owner, sw sec 36, Avery. Bradley T. 0., land owner, sw sec 33, Three Oaks. Brown Cora C, land ovmer, sw sec 16, Three Oaks. Brugger George, land owner, ne sec 3, Three Oaks. 3 166 THREE OAKS TOWNSHIP DIRBCTORY. Cady Harvey, land owner, ne sec 36, t 7, Avery. Chapman Henry, land owner, nw sec 34. Chase S. B., land owner, ne sec 34, Three Oaks. Clapp Laura, land owner, ne sec 36, Avery. Collins Laton, land owner, se sec 17, Three Oaks. Coockson Henry, land owner, se sec 34, Three Oaks. Cortney J., land owner, sw sec 14, Three Oaks. Crampton Edgar P., land owner, se sec 33, Three Oaks. ID Davis A. W,, land owner, sw sec 15, Three Oaks. Davis Lowell, ^nd owner, sec 23, Three Oaks. De Bour John, land owner, se sec 34, t 7, Three Oaks. De Bour S., land owner, se sec 34, t 7, Three Oaks. Decker William, land owner, se sec 34, t 7, Three Oaks, Dedrick Fred, land owner, ne sec 9, Three Oaks, De Grout Garrett, land owner, sw see 35, Three Oaks, Deberin Cark, land owner, nw sec 12, Avery, Drew P. G., land owner, nw sec 35, Three Oaks. Dykerman William, land owner, nw sec 2, Three Oaks. Elsassor Jacob E., land owner, sw sec 36, Three Oaks. . in Fetterly August, lar\d owner, nw sec 5, Three Oaks. Fetterl^ Edward, land owner, se sec 4, Three Oaks. Fisher George N., land owner, sw sec 34, Three Oaks. Finch Samuel, land owner, sw sec 36, Avery. Fitch J. D., land owner, se sec 14, Three Oaks. Francis & Brown, land owners, ne sec 21, Three Oaks. Francis Charles & Son, proprs. flour and saw mill, se sec 20,, Three Oaks. Or Goit Christian, land owner, sw sec 4. Goldback John, land owner, sw sec 10, Thre^Oaks. Goodall WiUiam, land owner, sw sec 16, Three Oaks. Gridley H., land owner, nw sec 21, Three Oaks. Gridley Leonard, land owner, nw sec 21, Three Oaks. Gridley W. S.j land owner, sw sec 22, Three Oaks. THREE OAKS TOWNSHIP DIRECTORY. 167 Griffin A. S., land owner, ne sec 22, Three Oaks. Hable William, land owner, nw sec 36, Avery. Hanville James, land owner, se sec 21, Three Oaks. Hardy John, land owner, se sec 3, Three Oaks. Hellinger Fedder, land owner, sw sec 33, Three Oaks. Hehise Samuel, land owner, se sec 4, Three Oaks. Hensinga John, land owner, nw sec 2, Three Oaks. Hess John, land owner, sw sec 11, Three Oaks. Hess John N., land owner, nw sec 36, Three Oaks. Hess Samuel, land owner, nw sec 11, Three Oaks. Holton Rackham, land owner, se sec 36, Avery. Holton Mrs. Rebecca, land owner, se sec 36, Avery, Houser Jacob, land owner, se sec 3, Three Oaks. Houser S., land owner, ne sec 4, Three Oaks. Hyer William, land owner, ne sec 36, Avery. Ingersol E. G., land owner, nw sec 20, Three Oaks. ik: Kinney Z., land owner, se sec 22, Three Oaks. Lammerhert Henry, land owner, sw sec 12, Three Oaks. Leroy William R., land owner, se sec 10. Lewis Hannah, land owner, ne sec 17. Lusso Augustus, land owner, sw sec 4, Three Oaks. Lusso Ckristiauj land owner, se sec 4, Three Oaks. Lusso Fred, land owner, se sec 5, Three Oaks. im: Maddux' Samuel, land owner, sw- sec 12, Avery, Mann Perry, land owner, nw sec 16, Three Oaks. Marrow James, land owner, nw sec 14, Three Oaks. Martin A. C, land owner, nw sec 9, Three Oaks. Martin Isaac, land owner, ne sec 22, Three Oaks. Martin John, land owiier, w sec 22 Three Oaks. Martin E. S., land owner, sec 22, Three Oaks. McCarten Daniel, land owner, nw sec 32. McCarten John, land owner, sec 32. 168 THREE OAKS TOWNSHIP DIRECTORY. McGee E., land owner, se sec 9, Three Oaks, McKie Thomas, land owner, se sec 17, Three Oaks. , Miger Fred, land owner, sw sec 3, Three Oaks. Miller A., land owner, se sec 10, Three Oaks. MiUer Henry, land owner, se sec 10, Three Oaks. Miller N. W., land owner, ne sec 21, Three Oaks. Morrow Levi, land owner, nw sec 23, Three Oaks. :isr Nash Vincent, land owner, ne sec 14, Three Oaks. Noller Peter, land owner, sw sec 35, Three Oaks; Notter P., land owner, ne sec 4, Three Oaks. o Ottwell Emery, land owner, sw sec 16, Three Oaks. Paddock Stephen F., land owner, sw sec 9, Three Og,ke Palmer John, land owner, nw sec 3. Payne Joseph, land owner, se sec 36, Avery. Piatt Henry, land owner, nw sec 28, Three Oaks. Piatt Jacob, land owner, nw sec 21, Three Oaks. , Piatt Joseph, land owner, se sec 21, Three Oaks. Pulaski Joseph, land owner, ne sec 8, Three Oaks, lEl Ransom J. W., land owner, se sec 11, Three Oaks, . ,., Ray George, land owner, ne sec 24, Three Oaks. Redden T., land owner, nw sec 34. Redmond John, land owner, se sec 10, Three Oaks. Rhulow Fred, land owner, ne sec 3, Three Oaks, Ricke Fred, land owner, ne sec 10, Three Oaks. Russell Henry, land owner, sw sec 33, Three Oaks. Russell Mrs. L., land owner, nw sec 4, Three Oaks; Rust Joseph} land owner, ne sec 3, Three Oaks. Rust M., land owner, se sec 3, Three Oaks. Rust & Wehler, land owners, sec 3, Three Oaks. Rutsler Joseph, land owner, nw sec 10, Three Oaks. Rytfier, C. 0., land owner, nw sec 2, Three Oaks. Ryther E., land owner, sw sec 24, Three Oaks. s Scott Thomas, land owner, ne sec 1, Avery, THREE OAKS TOWNSHIP DIRBCTORY, 169 Shedd Erasmus, land owner, sec 10, Three Oaks. Shedd Grove, land owner, sw sec 10, Three Oaks. Shedd Harry H., land owner, ne sec 23, Three Oaks. Shedd Milo D., farmer and thresher. Three Oaks. Sheely Godfrey, land owner, nw sec 4, Three Oaks. Sheridan Richard, land owner, se sec 21, Three Oaks. Sitlige George, land owner, nw sec 14, Three Oaks. Smith Daniel, land owner, se sec 16, Three Oaks. Smith Isaac, land owner, sw sec 14, Three Oaks. Smith James, land owner, nw sec 21, Three Oaks. Smith Walter, land owner, ne sec 34, ^hree Oaks. Soper S. V. R., land owner, ne sec 21, Three Oaks. Stanager Thomas, land owner, se sec 1, Avery. Stanfield J., land owner, nw sec 2, Three Oaks. Stattmeler A., land owner, nw sec 8, Three Oaks. Stewart Jacob, land owner, sw sec 4, Three Oaks. Sullivan John, land owner, ne sec 12, Avery. T Thomas Albert, land owner, se sec 16, Three Oaks. Valentine WiUiam, land owner, ne sec 24, Three Oaks. Wagner Carl, land owner, sw sec 3, Three Oaks. , Wagner George, land owner, nw sec 3, Three Oaks. Weidiman EUzabeth, land owner, sw sec 17, Three Oaks. Wellwood Robert, land owner, se sec 2, Three Oaks. Wertzer Max, land owner, nw sec 9, Three Oaks. Wherle Henry, land owner, se sec 3, Three Oaks. Wills Jonathan, land owner, w sec 17, Three Oaks. Wright A., ,land owner, sw sec 11, Three Oaks. Wright Elnier, land owner, ne sec 35, Three Oaks. HISTORY OF WEESAW. Weesaw is designated as town 7, south of range 19 west. It became an organized township in 1837, and until 1844 in cluded Galien. The surface is generally level and the soil is varied. In some parts it is clayey, in others gravely, and a good portion is a sandy loam, equally good for farming pur poses and the cultivation of fruit. The town contains nearly every variety of timber. In the vicinity of New Troy was formerly a forest of pine, nearly all of which has been manu factured into lumber. The township is well watered by the branches of the Galien, one flowing from the south and the other from the east, and uniting a little way above New Troy. Hickory Creek rises in the northeast corner of Weesaw and flows northward. Among the persons who Uved in Weesaw at the close of 1837, were Hiram and Solomon Gould', Stephen Hobart, T. A. At kins and Sidney S. Ford, in the vicinity of New Troy. George Brong settled in the northeast corner, near HUl's Corners. The Pierces' and Hills came soon after. The family of James Stratton came iato the County in 1837 and moved into Weesaw in 1838. The first saw mill at New Troy was erected by Wil lard, Stoner & Ames. The lumber was for a time rafted down the Galien to New Buffalo. The population of Weesaw in 1845 was 155 ; in '54 it was WEESAW TOWNSHIP DIRECTORY. 171 404 ; in '60 it was 753, and in '70 it was 1,247. There are two post offices in the township — New Troy and Weesaw, at Hill's Corners. The former has a daily mail and the latter a weekly. New Troy is a pleasant vUlage of about two hundred peo ple. It is a little over two miles from the station of Troy, on the Michigan Lake Shore RaUroad, and five mUes from Avery. It contains two saw mills, one flour miU, two general stores, one saloon, two shoe shops, two hotels, flour and feed store, wagon shop, and one church — Methodist. The enterprising people of the district are building a graded school house, which will cost when completed $6,000. Hill's Corners, or Weesaw, has a hotel, wagon shop, store, blacksmith shop, school house and a Baptist church. Weesaw Township Directory. AsBRBVlATiONa. — ne, north east quarter; nw, north west quarter ; se, south east quarter ; sec, section ; sw, south west quarter. The post office address is the place named at the end of the line. — - Abley Fredley, land owner, nw sec 19, New Troy. Adams Austin, land owner, sw sec Ij Weesaw. Aldrich John, land owner, nw sec 19, New Troy. Allen P. A., land owner, ne sec 31, Avery. Andrews John, land owner, nw sec 11, Weesaw. Babcock John A., land owner, sw sec 14, Weesaw. Babcock Russell, farmer, ne sec 7, New Troy. 172 WEESAW TOWNSHIP DIRECTOEY. Baldwin Daniel, land owner, ne sec 36. Barnhard Levi N., land owner, sw sec 18, New Troy ' Beard C. M., post master, and dealer in dry goods, groceries, hardware, boots, shoes, &c,, Hill's Corners, Benton Burr, Isbnd owner and justice of the peace, se sec 22, Galien. Bizzy Peter, land owner, ne sec 28, Galien. BUnkey Frederick, land owner, ne sec 31, Avery. Boals George M., land owner, nw sec 19. Boyce George, land owner, se sec 3, Weesaw. Boyce John, land owner, nw sec 11, Weesaw. Boyce Marian W., land owner, New Troy. Boyce S. P., farmer, sec 3, Weesaw. Boyce William M., land owner, se sec 3, Weesaw. Boyl William, land owner, se sec 24, Dayton. Boyle George, land owner, ne sec 12, Weesaw; Boyle Gotleib, land owner, ne sec 14, Weesaw. Boyle Hugh, land owner, sw sec 24, Dayton. Briggs Giles, land owner, se sec 18, New Troy. Brodbeck S. P., land owner, se sec 18, New Troy, Brown John, land owner, se sec 31, Avery, Buck Benjamin B., land owner, sw sec 17, New Troy. Buck Lafayette, farmer, sec 17, New Troy. Buck Joseph, farmer, sec 17, New Troy. Buck Robert N., land owner, se sec 17, New Troy. Case Simeon H., land owner, nw sec 24, Weesaw. Chapman J. B., land owner, sw sec 6, New Troy. Chesterman John, land owner, se sec 17, New Troy. Chrisman Geo. W., boarding house, Weesaw, Clark James, land owner, se sec 22, New Troy. , Conant Henry J., land owner, nw sec 32. Curran John, land owner, se sec 6, New Troy. Daniels P. A., propr. steam saw mill, nw sec 7, New Troy. Dempsey John, land owner, se sec 28, Galien. Dicky Jonathan, land owner, sw sec 17, New Troy. Doyle George, land owner, ne sec 26, Weesaw. Dunkelberger W., land owner, nw sec 30, Avery. WEESAW TOWNSHIP DIRECTORY. 173 Eaton Robert, land owner, sw sec 35, Galien. Eister Elias, land owner, sec 8, New Troy. Elias John, farmer, Weesaw. Enter John, land owner, ne sec 34, Galien. Ferry Charles, land owner, sw sec 15, Weesaw. Ferry Chauncey, land owner, sw sec 15, Weesaw, Ferry Emery, land owner, sw sec 15, Weesaw, Francis Lathrop, land owner, sw sec 12. Weesaw. Or Galinger Benjamin, land owner, se sec 10, Weesaw. GaUvan Michael, land owner, ne sec 23, New Troy. Gardner & Boyle, (Aaron E. G, & Gotleib B.,) proprs. saw mill, sw sec 12, Weesaw, Gaunt Job, land owner, se sec 25, Gifford Byram, land owner, ne sec 31, Avery. Glidden Greenleaf, land owner, w sec 17, New Troy. Gonder John, land owner, ne sec IT, New Troy. Good David M., land owner, nw sec 18, New Troy. Griffith Joel M., land owner, nw sec 20, New Troy. Hagley Gotleib, land owner, se sec 14, Weesaw. Hagley John, land owner, nw sec 13, Weesaw. Hagley Mrs. Margaret, land owner, ne sec 13, Weesaw. Hall Artemus T., land owner, ne sec 35, Dayton. Hall Elijah, land owner, se sec 36, Dayton. Hall William M., farmer, Dayton. Hanover John, land owner, se sec 11, Weesaw. Hartline Joshua, land owner, ne sec 1, Weesaw. Haines Belden, land owner, nw sec 15. Haynes John, land owner, se sec 19, Avery. Henderson Orr, land owner, nw sec 25, Weesaw. Henderson Joseph R., land owner, se sec 23, Weesaw. Hensley Samuel, Herman A. B,, land owner, nw sec 20, New Troy. Hickman John L,, land owner, ne sec 24. Holmes Daniel, land owner, sw sec 36. House WiUiam M,, land owner, ne sec 23, Weesaw. 174 WEESAW TOWNSHIP DIRECTORY. Howarter Daniel, land owner, sw sec 19, New Troy. Hultz Henry, land owner, sw sec 35, Galien. Hutsler David, land owner, nw sec 6, New Troy. I IngersoU Horace, land owner, se sec 23, GaUen. Ives F. M., land owner, sw sec 26, Galien. J" Jones Jasper A., land owner, sw sec 36, GaUen. Keith Harrisouj farmer, Weesaw. Kelly Joseph, land owner, sw sec 27, Galien. Kempton David P., land owner, nw sec 2, Weesaw. Kempton W. W., blacksmith, HiU's Corners, Weesaw. Kesler Horace C, New Troy. Lamb Alexander, land owner, nw sec 36, Dayton. Lamb Curtis, land owner, nw sec 36, Dayton. Lamb Hugh, land owner, ne sec 26, Dayton. Lamb John, land owner, se sec 25, Dayton. Lamb WiUiam, land owner, nw sec 25, Dayton. Lewin Thomas, land owner, ne sec 9, New Troy. Lodge John W., land owner, sw sec 25. Logan Abram C, land owner, ne sec 11, Weesaw. Logan Levi, land owner, se sec 11, Weesaw. Ludnam Smith, land owner, se sec 10, Weesaw. Lumbard Albert, land owner, se sec 22, Weesaw. im: McDaniel Warren, school teacher, sw sec 2, Weesaw. McDonald John, land owner, se sec 21, Galien. Mills Dayton, land owner, nw, sec-12, Weesaw. Morley Milton J., propr. Hotel, HiU's Corners, Weesaw. Morley WiUiam S., land owner, se sec 22, Galien. Mulligan Moses, land owner, se sec 22. Murdock Ephraim, land owner, nw sec 34, Galien. Murdock John, land owner, se sec 32, Avery. Murdock Mrs. Mary, land owner, nw sec 34, Galien. Mutchler John, land owner, se sec 11, Weesaw. WBBSAW TOWNSHIP DIRBCTORY. 176 Nolan Mrs. GueUa, land owner, se sec 20. Norris Andrew J., land owner, nw sec 23, Weesaw. Orris George A., land owner, nw sec 13, Weesaw. Orris John, land owner, ne sec 11, Weesaw. Ostrander David, land owner, sw sec 20. Paddock Mathew M., land owner, se sec 34, GaUen. Painter Jerry, land owner, se sec 15, Weesaw. Painter John, land owner, sw sec 14, Weesaw. Patterson G. W., land owner, sw sec 36, GaUen. Paul Abram, land owner, nw sec 22, Galien. Payne Thomas, land owner, se sec 31, Avery. PenneU Union, land owner, sw sec 11, Weesaw. PenweU D. W. & Bro., proprs. saw nuU, sec 14, Weesaw. PenweU G. F. & Bro., proprs. saw miU, sec 23. PenweU Samuel C, land owner, ne sec 15, Weesaw. Pierce Alfred, land owner, nw sec 7, New Troy. Pierce George, land owner, se sec 27, New Troy. Platts Jacob, land owner, nw sec 35, GaUen. Pooler SUas, land owner, nw sec 8, New Troy. Post Louis D., land owner, sw sec 27, GaUen. Pratt Nathan, land owner, nw sec 11, HUl's Corners. Rathburn Darwin, land owner, se sec 2. Rees John P., sawyer with A. Sherwood. Rice FrankUn A., land owner, sw sec 11, Weesaw. Richardson H. A., land owner, nw sec 33, GaUen. RUey Clark V. Roberts George G., land owner, se sec 32, Avery. Roberts Louis, land owner, ne sec 32, Avery. Roberts Thomas, land owner, ne sec 32, Avery. Rose James M., land owner, ne sec 25, GaUen. Searls Henry, land owner, se sec 2, Weesaw. Shafer Reuben M., land owner, ne sec 1, Weesaw. 176 WBBSAW TOWNSHIP DIRECTORY. Sherwood Alonzo, land owner, and propr. saw mill, n sec 5, New Ttoy. Slate Thomas C, justice of the peace, se sec 15, New Troy. Slater Isaac M., land owner, ne sec 17, New Troy. Smith Abram, land o'wner, se sec 35. Smith Chauncey, land owner, sw sec 7, New Troy. Smith Peter, land owner, nw sec 11, Weesaw. Smith Peter K., land owner, se sec 6, New Troy. Smith Samuel, land owner, ne sec 10, Weesaw. i Smith Samuel R., land owner, se sec 6, New Troy. Smith Wesley, land owner, sw sec 1, Weesaw. Smith WiUiam H., land owner, sw sec 5, New Troy. Spencer Erasmus, farmer, Weesaw. Spooner WiUiam, land owner, nw sec 12, Weesaw. Stearns Otis, land owner, se sec 13, Weesaw. Stephens D. S., wagon maker, HiU's Corners. Stephens WiUiam R., land owner, sec 12, Weesaw. Stetson Cyremus, land owner, se sec 27. Stoner John W., farmer, sec 4, New Troy. Strayer Reuben, land owner, se sec 19, New Troy. Strong Charles W., land owner, sw sec 1, Weesaw. Strong William, land owner, ne sec 2, Weesaw. Taylor Silas S., land owner, nw sec 32, Avery. Tebbw H. D., land owner, sec 5, New Troy. Tiffany Isaac C, land owner, ne sec 7, New Troy. Tripp William, land owner, sw sec 15, Weesaw. Twiliker Cornelius, farmer, Weesaw. TJ Umphry Peter, land owner, sw sec 3, New Troy. Vanderlyn Charles, land owner, .se sec 14. Vanderlyn William, land owner, nw sec 24, Weesaw. Vetter Jacob, land owner, se sec 30, Avery. Vinton Addison, land owner, nw sec 1, Weesaw. Warman James, farmer, sec 24. Washburn Bennett, land owner, sw sec 2, Weesaw. Washburn David, land owner, nw sec 1, Weesaw. NEW TROY VILLAGE DIRECTORY. 177 Washburn John, farmer, sec 2, Weesaw. Washburn Mary, land owner, se sec 2, Weesaw. Washburn Samuel, land owner, sw sec 11, Weesaw. Wharton Louis, land owner, sec 8, New Troy. White Elias M., farmer, sec 23, Galien. White J. D., farmer, sec 10, Weesaw. Wirt G. A., farmer, sec 19, New Troy. Wirt George W., land owner, ne sec 19, New Troy. Williams John M., land owner, ne sec 15, Weesaw. Witte John, tailor, sec 34, Galien. Wood Robert N., land owner, nw sec 8, New Troy. Woodcock Seymour, land owner, ne sec 6, New Troy. Wooley Joseph, land owner, se sec 23. Wright Hoel, land owner, nw sec 24, New Troy. New Troy Village Directory. Ballengee Henderson, carpen ter. Ballengee Warren, clerk. Ballengee Edward, laborer. Borden James E., carpenter. Bostick Charles, physician. Bostick Ann, teacher. Brewer R. C, farmer. Bryant S. P., miller. Buck Ben B., land owner. Carroll Richard, miller. Carroll Charles, clerk and in surance agent. i Cox John A., lumberman. Curran David, laborer. Curran John, miUwright. Dickey Abram, farmer. Dickey Wm., farmer. Edwards Burton, blacksmith. Morley Alvin, land owner. Morley John C, justice of the peace. Morley Ebenezer P., surveyor and landowner. Morley Lewis, physician and surgeon. Morley Wm., minister. Morley Henrietta, school teacher. Neiss Samuel, carpenter. Neiss Isaac, painter. Nye Marvha H., teacher and farmer. Oister E. K. carpen^. Oister Daniel, casrpoiter. Perring John C, »v-hel?e maker. Perring Lot, Idiorw. 178 NBW TROY VILLASE DIRBCTORY. Emerson Gideon, lumberman. Freshly Andrew F., &rmer. Fuller Dayton, head sa'wyer. FuUerton Wm., teamster. Gethergood John, &rrier. Glidden Greenlief, land owner. Gonder Wm. R. & Bro., (Wm. R. & Daniel Gondw, flour and feed. Hawkins A. J., farmer. Hayes A. F., teamster. Herman Dr. A. B. HiU Edward, propr. HUl House and steam saw mill. HUl Jacob, clerk, Hill House. HiU Abner, teamster. Hiller Geo. B., shoemaker, post master. HiUer AnnaE., school teacher. Kenfield Erastus. Kimbol Martin, carpenter. Kitell John, laborer. Lord Thomas C, wood turner. Miller Arthur, land owner. Misner Charles, saloon. Morley Ambrose, propr. flour and saw mill. Pierce Geo. & Arnold W., genrral store. Pierce Wm. S., lawyer and fermer. Pierce Wm. S., Jr., farmer. Pierce Pitt J., lumber owner. Pooler Silas, teamster. Potter Mrs. Fanny, Preston Alvah, blacksmith. Prestoh Augustus, laborer. Prettyman Burton, lumber man. Quick Mrs. Deborah, Seaver Mrs. Susan. Smith J, Willet, teacher. Smith Harwood, cai'penter. Spade J. W., carpenter. Spaulding Abnei', blaeksmith, Staokas James, wagon maker. Staokas J. & J., carpenters. Stebbins Sherman B., team ster. Stratton James, oai-penter and land owner. Streeter Wm. H., millwright. TirreU Hosea, boot and shoe maker. Vary ChurchiU, millwright. HISTORY OF LAKE. Lake, designated as town 6 south, range 19 west, constituted a portion of Oronoko until 1846. The township is divided by a strip of low swampy land which traverses it from north-east to south-west. This portion is but Uttle improved as yet but is suscep tible of becoming excellent pasture and meadow land. The east side, bordering on Oronoko is more diversified and was settled several years before the west side. Along the lake shore, especially in the vicinity of Laketon, is a line of hills which protect the level plains beyond from the cold lake winds. At the first election held in Lake in April 1846, eighteen votes were cast and they were cast by the fol lowing persons — Edward Ballengee, Ruel Blackman, Harmon Bean, Horace Godfrey, David Hill, Henry Hess, John Harner, Ben. Lemon, Henry Lemon, I. E, Munger, E. P. Morley, B. M. Pennell, Comfort Pennell, Wear PhilUps, Samuel Phillips, Samuel Shafer, John Starr, and Jacob Vetter. B. M. Pennell was elected Supervisor; Comfort Pennell, Clerk; Benjamin Lemon, Treasurer; Edward Ballengee, Dan iel PhiUips, C. Pennell and Ben. Lemon, Justices. Edward Ballengee was elected Supervisor the foUowing year. Laketon is the only village and post office in the township. 180 HISTORY OP LAKE. It is the largest and most promising viUage on the line of the railroad between New Buffalo and St. Joseph. The village was laid out by George Bridgman who, in company with Charles P. Howe of Berrien, built a saw mill at this place a dozen or more years ago. Like most steam saw mills it was destroyed by fire and rebuilt. A wooden railway conveyed the lumber to the lake shore, a mile distant, whence it was shipped to Chi cago. This town cannot be excelled as a friiit growing local ity, although but little has been grown heretofore because of the difficulty of getting to markpt. The rail road furnishes an outlet now and several thousand peach trees have been set out near Laketon since the road was commenced. The vUlage contains a school house, steam saw mill, tannery, dry goods store, two groceries, hotel, stave and heading fac tory &c. The population of Lake in 1860 was 557 ; in 1870 it was 1006, The assessed valuation of real and personal property in 1870 was $137,885. ODD FELLOWS. Lake Lodge No. 143, L 0. 0. P. officers: C. D. Case, N. G.; M. C. Traver, V. G,; 0. A. E, Baldwin R. S. ; C. M. Smith, Treas.; T. C. Hebb, P. S. Membership 35. Organized 1870 Lake Township Directory. Abbreviations. — ne, mrth east quarter; nw north west quarter; r 20, range 20, (southwest corner of Lake) ; se, sou^ east quarter; sec, section; sw, soiUh west quartef. The Post office address- is the place given at the end of the line. Artz Charles, land owner, ne sec 14. Ashcroft Ebenezer, land owner, se sec 33, New Troy. Ashcroft Ransom, land owner, se sec 36, r 20, Laketon. Awrand Francis, land owner, nw sec 13, Berrien Springs. Baker Mrs. P., land owner, sw sec 20, Laketon. Baker George, land owner, ne sec 31, Laketon. Baldwin D. R., blacksmith, sec 24: Baldwin Eli, land owner, se sec 11, Berrien Springs. Baldwin WilUam M., farmer, sec 30, Lake. Bartholomew W. M., flour and saw mill, sw sec 2, Berrien Springs. Beach WilUam H., land owner, se sec 25, r 20, Laketon. Blackman Ruel, land owner, sw sec 36, Weesaw. Blakeman Joel, land owner, sw sec 16, Laketon. Brenkhard, Jacob, land owner, sw sec 11, Berrien Springs. Briggs Porter, land owner, sw sec 16, Laketon. Brown Alexander, land owner, se sec 14, Berrien Springs. Bro'wn Daniel, land owner, sw sec 10, Laketon. Burns James, land owner, se sec 36, r 20, New Troy. Christie William, land owner, se sec 13,. r 20, Laketon. Olymer Andrew, land owner, se sec 35, r 20. Cooper Jasres, land owner, sw sec 8, Laketon. 182 LAKE TOWNSHBP BEBBCTORT. Curtis Jariiee, land owner, sw sec 30, Laketon. Cutler C. L., land owner, nw sec 5. Daker Thomas, land owner, sw sec 17, Laketon. Daker WiUiam, land owner, sw sec 17, Laketon. Eaton Henry, land owner, sec 35, r 20, Laketon. Evans David S., land owner, sw sec 2, Berrien Springs. Field Edwin, land owner, se sec 22, Laketon. Ford Henry, land owner, se sec 30, Laketon. a- Godfrey Horace, land owner, se sec 25, Berrien Springs. Gress Uriah, land owner, se sec 30, LaJketon. Haller Fred J., land owner, ne sec 25, r 20, Laketon. Haller Jacob, land owner, ne sec 25, r 20, Laketon. Hand Marcus, land owner, se sec 17, Laketon. Harmon George, farmer, sec 14, Harney John, land owner, se sec 25. Hawley H. W., land owner, sec 28. Heathman Elliott, land owner, sw sec 29, Laketon. Heathman Isabella, land owner, ne sec 29, Laketon. Heathman James, land owner, sw sec 29, Laketon. Heathman L., land owner, sw sec 29, Laketon. Hebb Thomas C, land owner, se sec 19, Laketon. Hendrix Charles, land owner, nw sec 16, Laketon. Hendrix Nelson, land owner, nw sec 16, Laketon. Hendrixon John, land owner, ne sec 16, Laketon. Hess Mrs. C, land owner, sw sec 12, Berrien Springs. Hicks B,, land owner, ne sec 17, Laketon. Hinman Adna, land owner, ne sec 25. HUl David, farmer, sec 36, Weesaw. Hill David, Jr., farmer, sec 36, Weesaw. HoUis Thomas, land owner, nw sec 10. Huston John, land owner, se sec 8, Laketon. Hyatt C. S., land owner, ne sec 13, Berrien Springs. LAKE TO'WNSHIP DIRECTORY. 183 Johns John, land owner, se sec 13. Johns Lewis, land owner, nw sec 4. Johns Peter, land owner, se sec 3. Johns Simeon, land owner, nw sec 15. Johnson Eton, land owner, nw sec 1, Berrien Springs. Johnson Andrew, land owner, nw sec 1, Berrien Springs. Khaler James, land owner, ne sec 11, Berrien Springs. Kill James H., land owner, sw sec 21, Laketon. Kramer Gotleib, land owner, se sec 36, Weesaw. Landon Norman E., land owner, ne sec 27, Berrien\Springs. Lemon Benjamin, propr. saw mill, se sec 24, Berrien Springs. Lemon Henry, land owner, ne sec 3. Leonard Stephen, jobber, se sec 32, New Troy. Lightfoot Thomas, land owner, se sec 30, Laketon. Lockey James W., land owner, nw sec 2, Berrien Springs. Lockey John, land owner, se sec 13, Berrien Springs. Lord Charles, land owner, ne sec 24, Berrien Springs. Marrs Samuel, land "owner, ne sec 2, Berrien Springs. Martindale John, land owner, se sec 8, Laketon. McCarthy WUUam, land owner, ne sec 36, Berrien Springs. McKean Solomon, land owner, sec 29, Laketon. McOmber Rufus, land ownerj ne sec 2, Berrien Springs. Mead Mrs. E., l^nd owner, se sec 3, Berrien Springs. Mead H. P., propr. steam saw mill, sec 8, Laketon. Mead Varney P., land owner, ne sec 20, Laketon. Mead WiUiam S., land owner, nw sec 29, Laketon. Miller George, land owner, ne sec 15, Laketon. Miller 0. P., farmer, sec 15, Laketon. Moltch Ludwig, land owner, nw sec 16, Laketon. Morley James, farmer, sec 25, New Troy. Murray Alfred, fiEirmer, sec 17; Laketon. Myers Henry, land owner, ne sec 16, Laketon. Myers Michael, land owner, sw sec 10, Laketon. Myers Philip,, land owner, se sec 21, Laketon. iM IiAKfl TOWNSiBIP DIBIiOTOBY. Neidlinger EU, land owner, se sec 11, Berrien Springs. Neidlinger George, land owner, se sec 2, Berrien Springs. NeidUnger Solomon, land owner, sec 11, Berrien Spriiiigs. Nixon John H., land owner, se sec 27. PenneU Comfort, land owner, ne sec 12, Berrien Springs. Pletcher, Ohristion, land owner, ne sec 36. Price Mordacai, land owner, sw setf 20. Raas Jacob land owner, sw sec 11, Berrien Springs. Rader John, land owner, nw sec 16, Laketon. Rice William L,, land owner, ne sec 15, Laketon. Riddle Samuel, land owner, se sec 18. Rohl John, land owner, nw sec 86„r 20, Laketon. Royce J, H., land owner, nw sec 24, Berrien Springs. Rifesell Anderson, land owner, ne sec 17, Laketon. B Sage D. R., land owner, sw sec 21. Sassaman Henry, land owner, sw sec 11, Berrien Springs. Sassaman Mrs. M., land owner, ne sec 11, Berrien Springs. Sassaman Mrs. S., land owner, ne sec 11, Berrien Springs. , Sassaman William H., land oWner, se sec 10. Seamore John, land owner, ne sec 22, Laketon. Shafer John, propr, saw miU, sw sec 13, Berrien Springs. Shafer John, Jr,, land owner, n sec 24, Berrien Springs. Sheely Noah, land owner, ne sec 14. Shuler WUliam, land owner, ne sec 9, Laketon. Soward John, land owner, nw sec 15, Laketen. Soward John, Jr., land owner, nw sec 15, Laketon. Spang' John, land owner, se sec 7, Laketon. Stanard Daniel, land owner, ne sec 19, Laketon, Stanard Lewis, land owner, nw sec 19, Laketon, Stanard WiUiam" M., land owner, sw sec 19, Laketon. Starr Gabriel, land owner, se sec 11, Berrien Springs, Starr Joel, land owner, sec 2, Berrien Springs. Starr John, land owner,, nw sec IVBerrien Springs. Starr Petw, land owner, ne sec 14. Sunday John, land owner, nw sec 24, Berrien Springs. LAKE TOWNSHIP DIRECTORY. 185 Sunday John H., farmer, sec 24, Berrien Springs. Taylor Ward M,, land owner, se sec 12, Berrien Springs. Terry Kinyon, land owner, sw sec 2, Berrien Springs. Terry Samuel, land owner, sw sec 2, Berrien Springs. Tift EUas 0,, land owner, sw sec 36, r 20. Thornton J. M., land owner, se sec 9, Laketon. Turner Joseph, land owner, sw sec 20, Laketon. TJ Usher William, land owner, nw sec 20, Laketon. Walton Mrs. Mary, land owner, sw sec 36. Walton Richard, land owner, se sec 36. Walton William A,, land owner, ne sec 36, Washburn David, land owner, sw sec 36. W'feston P. L., land owner, se sec 19, Laketon. Weston William, land owner, nw sec 36, Laketon. Wheeler Mrs. Delia, land owner, se sec 16. Wheelock William L., land owner, sw sec 19, Laketon. Whipple A, S., land owner, ne sec 31, Laketon, Whipple D. H., land owner, nw sec 31, Laketon. Whipple H. W., land owner, nw sec 31, Laketon. Whipple J. W., land owner, se sec 31, Laketon. Whipple William S., land owner, ne sec 30, Laketon. Woodhouse Thomas, land owner, nw sec 5, Laketon. Wright Ezra, landowner, se sec 17,, Laketon. Wright H., land owner, se sec 16, Laketon. Wright Steven, land owner, se sec 16, Laketon, Wright Thomas, engineer and sawyer, se sec 32, New Troy. Wright William, land owner, sw sec 16, Laketon. Laketon Village Directory. Barringer J. F., physician. Berdortha Burritt S., Smith & Berdortha.) Blinks William, stave and heading factory. Brander Ralph. Bridgman George, fruit grower. Bridgman Mrs. Sarah C, deputy post master. Briggs Louis, saloon. Brown & Copeland, dry goods, groceries, &c. Bucklin k Foster, saw mill and stave factory. Cooper Farmer, farmer. Christy WUliam, harness maker. _ Defield David. Decker Thomas, Jr., carpen ter. , Digman Patrick, shoemaker. Duit Jack, laborer. Edgcomb Capt. John, propr. Hotel. GUes Joseph, cooper. Gregory Hiram, gunsinith. Highland Henry, laborer. James Silas, manuf. staves. June Cyrus, mail carrier. Kimmel George, laiboref . Logan Peter, laborer. Logan Samuel, laborer. Loop John, propr. boarding house. Loveland Andrew, fireman. Maudlin Solomon, physician. Medari8& Co., (Elijah M.,^& 0. R. Brown,) steam saw miU. Moss James, farmer. Roll William, laborer. Skeefer Lorenz,'blacksmith. Smith & Berdortha, (C. M. S. k B. S. B.,) groceries, provisions, &c. Smith David, laborer. Stevenson Charles, engineer. Thomas J. W., foreman of saw mUl. Traver M, C, carpenter. Van Alkenburg Henry, la borer. Valentine George S., minis ter. Webster & Whiten, (J. Web ster & J. Whiten,) tan nery. Wyeth Failes, laborer. HISTORY OF BERRIEN. Berrien township lies in the eastern row of townships with Pipestone on the north, Niles on the south and Oronoko on the west. It is one of the richest and most productive prov inces of the country, and was one of the first to attact the at tention of the earliest pioneers. The larger portion of the to'wn is what is termed timbered land. The other portion con sists of "oak openings." The surface, with the exception of a few sections, is generally level. It is well watered by nu merous Uttle lakes, and in the western part are three small streams which flow into the river. The township was surveyed in 1826 by Noah Brookfield, and designated as town 6 south, range 18 west. It ranks second in the order of settlement, John Johnson, as early as the fall of 1827, having located on section 29, where he yet resides. He is now the oldest inhabitant of the County, his residence in it dating from March, 1825. His wife is a sister of John Lybrook, the oldest inhabitant of Cass county. G. H. Claypool soon after settled in the same neighborhood: These two families were the only residents of the township for a couple of years. In the summer of 1829 Isaac and John Smith visited the township! and located near the eastern border on sections 13 and 24. They brought their families the next faU, 188 HISTORY OF BEBBISN. During the same year Lawrence Oavenangh changed his re sidence from Wolfs Prarie to the bend of the river, but sold two or three years later to Andrew Burke, who becaane a resi dent of Cass county in 1828. In 1831, William Lemon came from Ohio and located near the river in section 19, (B. D. Townsend's farm). The creek which flows through the place furnished the power for the first saw mUl in the town, which was erected by him a short time after. Michael Hand came about the same time on to section 30. Shadrach Pord came to Pokagon Prairie in 1827, and engaged in trading and buying furs of the Indians, and in 1832 settled on the banks of the river in section 19 of this town ship. EU Ford, of whom we spoke in the history of Niles, sold his mill on the Dowagiac. during the year '32 and boi^ht a farm just across the river from Berrien Springs. His wife (Mrs. Marrs) still resides amid the scenes of her earUer days. Hugh Marrs and Adam Michael came to Pokagon Prairie in 1830. In 1831 Mr. Marrs entered a farm in this town in section 7. Two years after he sold this place and entered the , farm now owned by David Riggin. Mr. Michael in 1832 en tered land in section 21. With him came Isaac Murphy, who afterwards married a daughter of Baldwin Jenkins, and com menced his residence on the farm he now owns. Prior to 1832 all the voters of the southern half of the County were obUged to go to Niles to cast their ballots. In April of this year a petition, asking that this township be set off from Niles, was signed by neaily aU the electors of the town, and presented to the Legislative Council by Calvin Bri tain, who represented this County. The township was organ ized during this year and until Oronoko was organised, it extended to the lake. The Mediator this year was Lawrence Cavenaugh, and the Clerk, Francis B. Murdock, Daring this year Julius Brown movfed from Niles on to the farm now ' owned by E. A. Brown. At the election in the spring of 1833 the foUowing officers HISTORY OJ BEERIEN; 189 were elected: Supervisor, Pitt Brown; Clerk, Francis B. Murdock; Assessors, WilUam F. St. John, Hezekiah HaU and Julius Brown ; Constables, Stephen Pardee, Henry Lemon ; Fence Viewers, John Johnson and WiUiam C. Webster. The election was held at the house of Pitt Brown, who Uved "under the hiU " at Berrien village. Ameng the settlers who came soon after this event were James GUlespie, who settled on section 31; EUas Parker, on section 29, where he built a saw mill; John Powers, on section 15 ; Thomas Riggin and Hiram Hinchman, on section 23 ; Andrew Tate on section 17, in October, 1834. John Tate, his son, resides on the same place and is a prominent local politician, having been six times elected to the office of Super visor. Cyrus Hinchman entered land on section 11. It was on the farm now owned by Billy WiUis, that he raised the great pumpkin, which went beyond anything in the line of pumpkins ever seen by the " oldest inhabitant.'" It was so large and heavy that a man conld hardly raise it from the ground. In the faU Mr. Hinchman took it to Niles and traded it for a bar rel of salt. Richard McOmber settled in sections 16 and 17 in 1835. This farm was afterwards sold to the County. David Moore and Martin Friley located in the northwest corner of the town. In 1836 Henry Rush settled near the town Une in section 5. Among the pioneers not already mentioned were Francis R. Pinnell, Thomas Easton, E. B. Walker, Nathan Fitch, SUas Ireland, and Luke Webster. The pioneers had many difficulties to contend with. Many of them on arriving at their destination were obUged to occupy the same lodging they had had while making the journey here* namely, in the covered wagon or on the ground by its side ; leading a cs^p life untU they had laid up a log cabin for a re sidence. The wolves were very neighborly and showed a strong inclination to form a closer acquaintance with all the 190 HISTORY OP BBERMN. young cattle, shoep or pigs which were not properly aared for by their owners. Another pest which proved very trpublosome during the summer months, appeared in the shape of the tall nettles which grow wherever an opening was made large enough to admit the sunlight. They would sting the legs' of horses, causing them to roll and prance in the most lively manner. Farmers were obliged to put leggins on their horses, whUe cultivating corn, to prevent their being stung by them. The township has two post offices — Berrien Centre and Eau Claire. The Berrien Centre office was established in 1857. Z. Wright was the first post master, succeeded in 1860 by Isaac Murphy, who resigned in October, 1870. Isaac Hess is the present P. M, The Eau Claire office was established in 1861, Henry Rush, P. M. The population of Berrien township in 1840 was 643 ; in '45 it was 566. There was a rapid increase during the next ten years, the population in '54 being 999 ; and in 1860 it was 1,253; in 1870, 1,405. There has been a corresponding in crease in real and personal property. In 1858 the assessed valuation was $188,726, In 1860, $296,377. The town has four blacksmith shops, four saw mills, six churches and eight school houses. Below is a list of Supervisors and clerks who have been elected since the organization of tbe township : — Supervisors. Clerks. 1833— Pitt Brown, Francis B, Murdock, 1834— Pitt Brown, WiUiam F. St. John, 1835— Pitt Brown. WiUiam F. St. John. 1836— Pitt Brown. Thomas Love. 1837 — Pitt Brown. Francis D, Johnson. 1838— Pitt Brown. Thomas Love. 1839— Pitt Brown, Thomas Love. 1840 — Pitt Brown, Thomas L. Stevens, 1841 — Alonzo Bennett. Thomas L. Stevens, 1842 — Julius Brown, • Amos Gray. 1843 — Julius Brown, Cyrus Hinchtnan, HISTORY OP BERKIEN. 191 1844 — Andrew L. Burke. 1845 — George Murphy. 1846^Andrew L. Burke. 1847— Andrew L. Burke. 1848 — Andrew L. Burke. 1849— George Murphy. 1850— Silas Ireland. 1851— SUas Ireland. 1852— SUas Ireland. 1853— J. P. Haskins. 1854— SUas Ireland. 1855— Ralph Denn. 1856 — Silas Ireland. 1857— Peter G. Cuddeback. 1858— WiUiam S. Maynard. 1859— Ethan A. Brown. I860— Peter G. Cuddeback. 1861— Peter G. Cuddeback. 1862— Peter G. Cuddeback. 1863- John Tate. * 1864— John Tate. 1865— John Tate. 1866— Harvey R. Murphy. 1867— John Tate. 1868— John Tate. 1869— John Tate. 1870— John P. Peck. CyBus Hinehman. Cyrus Hinchman. George Murphy. George Murpqy. George Murphy. Silas Ireland. Daniel Boon. Truman Royce. Truman Royce. H. S. Robinson. H. S. Robinson. H. S. Robinson. H. S. Robinson. John L. Kessler. WiUiam P. Weed. Peter G. Cuddeback. Henry L. Johnson. George Cuddeback. Edward Cady. Edward Cady. Edward Cady. Edward Cady. Edward Cady. Edward Cady. Erastus Murphy. Erastus Murphy. Erastus Murphy. THE COUNTY HOUSE is in Berrien township and is situated a mile and a half east of Berrien Springs. The following description of the new house and its surroundings was written by the Editor of the St. Jo seph Herald : THE POORHOUSE is a very fine building, an ornament and honor to its project ors, a credit to the humanity of the people of Berrien county and a just object of pride. It is back from the road some ten rods, is two stories high, is built of red brick upon a slightly rising knoll, which gives the basement an entrance from the ground level, while the front porch stands on the summit level 192 HISTORY OP BERRIEN. of a finely graded lawn, well adorned with evergreens and desiduous trees. The roof is flat and ornamented with a cu- pulo, with, a ball and vane to finish off the architectural sym metry of the building. The blinds add finely to the general effect. INSIDE, everything is sweet and clean. Under the direction of Henry Boon, keeper, of Berrien Springs, and his good wife, the wheels of the establishment run like clock-work. The roOms' are all large and airy, 12 feet in the clear. The male and female departments, both in the upper story, are separated by a solid partition wall and are entered by stairs taboo to the other sex. Every room is well ventilated by windows and transoms. The main floor contains the ' superintendent's parlor, the keeper's private apartment, the male and female .hospital apartment and the pauper's dining room, beside several smaUl rooms for correctional pur^oses-^so pleasant as now to be used by the servants for private rooms. ' THE BASEMENT is admirable and extends under the whole house. It is divided into family and pauper's kitchen, a pantry, an engine room and cellar, a store room, and the cells for obstreperous paupers. The kitchen is high, Ught and, admits an abundant free cir culation of air. It has a large, well designed cook stove, com petent to provide for all who may occupy the building, and it is assisted by a steaming apparatus connected with the boiler of the engine which will cook bread by the dozen loaves and potatoes by the half barrel. It also contains a series of tubs fixed to the wall and likewise connected with the , steam appa ratus, and also with the cold water cisterns, whereby all of the large washings of the establishment may be easily, neatly and rapidly done. This is also the family dining room. The paupers' kitchen adjoins this room and is used mainly for containing the utensils in common use by them. HISTORY OP BBBRlBiK. The cells adjoin this room, connecting out-doors with the open air, by a passage and iron barred windows. There are three ceH«. THE HBATTNG APPARATUS. , This is a. triumph of modern civiUzation. With only five cttr ten founds of steam, every room in this whole great house is thoroughly warmed. No ipart is omitted by day or night, every room has its generator, even the unfortunate inmate of the barred cell has the comfort of complete and constant warmth, though in his frenzy, he may destroy every garment and tear his comfortable blankets to shreds. The ceUar is as fine as any other part of the fine house. Frost cannot entor it, it has always an abundance of fresh air, and is probably the best in Berrien County. WATER. The well is 85 feet deep, and from this and the cisterns, by means of a self-adjusting windmiU, water is pumped and forced into a large tank near the roof, whence a natural supply faUs to the zinc sinks in different parts of the house, so distributed that every person has a full supply of clean water for every purpose, while the water in the engine boiler by means of a self-adjuster can never get low. The bam is large, convenient and full of hay. The farm consists of 160 acres, of which 115 are cleared ; 18 will in 1870 be in corn, three in potatoes, 15 in wheat, 25 summer- fallow, 16 mowing and the balance in pasture and wood. Twenty-two dollars have been spent m garden seeds, and this department, under the dharge of an old gardener, wiU be large and fine; 125 apple trees are in bearing, 50 set oat this year ; also 45 pear trees and 15 cherry trees. Every lot is well watered; the Wholle fiarm is under fence ; the troodland is fuU of 'fine beech, maple and whitewood. 194 HISTOfeY OP B'BRRIEN. Churches and Organizations. BERRIEN CENTRE CORNET BAND. W. B, Harmon, leader, 1st Eb cornet ; E, T. Gray, 2d Eb cornet ; Avett Michael, Bb cornet ; Henry Null, Eb alto ; W. P. Dean, Eb alto ; Henry Bowerman, Bb tenor ; W. E. Peckj Bb tenor; Wm. A. Hess, Bb baritone; S. H. Brenner, Bb baritone ; Henry Becker, Eb tuba ; J. P. Peck, bass drum ; Isaac Murphy, Jr., tenor drum. W. P. Dean, Sec'y. BAPTIST CHURCH. Rev. James Ashley, Pastor ; E. T. Dickson, Clerk ; John H. Shearer, Peter PUe, Deacons; Z. P. Wright, T. K, Cly- borne, Harvey Murphy, J. Miars, S, Wright, Trustees. Organized March, 1865. Membership, 70. Union Sunday School. — S. Wright, Superintendent ; T. K. Clyborne, Ass't Superintendent ; Cyrus B. Shearer, Sec'y and Librarian; Charles Knapp, Treasurer. Number of scholars, 102. Number of teachers, 8. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHUR"CH. On Pucker street. Rev. G. C. EUiott, Pastor; J, Stafford, J. Skinner, S. Van Vlear, J. Orten, B. Nye, A. Cuddeback, P. Curtis, Trustees. UNITED BRETHREN CHURCHES. Franklin Chapel. — Rev. L. D. Lightner, Pastor ; John Williams, J. B. Crall, W. Layman, Trustees.. Maple Grove Church.— Uev. L. D. Lightner, Pastor ; D. S. Weaver, Class Leader ; J. W. Becker, D. S. Weaver, J. B. CraU, J. F. Peck, Trustees. Sunday School. — Norman Nims, Superintendent; J. P. Peck,, Assistant Superintendent ;. Fvmk'W&Ti, Sec'y; D. S- Weaver, Treas.; Henry Hess, Librarian. Number of scholars, 80. Number of teachers, 10. Pleasant Hill Church. — Rev. L. D. Lightner, Pastor; H. Mathews,- CTas« Leader / J. Groat, D. Weaver, Trustees. Berrien Township Directory. Abbreviations. — ne, north east quarter; nw, north west quarter ; se, south east quarter '; sec, section ; sw, south west quarter. The post office address is the place named at the end of the line. Abell Ezra, land owner, ne sec 27, Niles. Barnhart Albert, farmer, sec 30, Niles. Barnhart Henry, farmer*, sw sec 1, Niles. Barnhart Jacob, land owner, nw sec 1, Niles. Barnhart Samuel, land owner, sw sec 1, Niles. Bartholomew George, land owner, ne sec 2. Bartley Francis, land owner, ne sec 3, Eau Claire, Bays James, farmer, sec 23, Berrien Centre. Beach Clark, land owner, ne sec 5, Eau Claire. Becker J. W., land owner, sw sec 4, Berrien Springs. Becker John J., farmer, sec 3, Berrien Springs. Becker Jonas, land owner, se sec 4, Berrien Springs. Becker Joseph A., land owner, nw sec 10, NUes. Becker Samuel, farmer, se sec 4, Berrien Springs. Benhart Edward, land owner, nw sec 27. Bennett John, land owner, sesec 22. Boon Daniel, land owner, se sec 20, Berrien Springs, Boon Plemming, farmer, sec 20, Berrien Springs. Boon Henry H., farmer. County farm, Berrien Springs. Booth Albert, farmer, se sec 12, Dowagiac, Booth G. M., land owner, se sec 12, Dowagiac. Booth WilUam, farmer, se sec 15. Borden Minerva, land owner, sw sec 36, NUes. Bortle Peter, land owner, n sec 26, Niles. Bowerman Henry, carpenterj sec 15, Berrien Centre. Brenner Jacob, land owner, nw sec 15, Berrien Centre. Brenner Soloman H,, school teacher, sec 10, Berrien Centr6. 196 BEBBISN lOWirSHTP IXIBBCIOBY. Brong H. B., land owner, sw sec 4, Berrien Springs. Brong Stephen, land owner, nw sec 9, Berrien Springs. Bronston John, land owner, nw sec 7, Eau Claire. Bronson Bnfui, land swner, m sec 1, Eau Claire. Brown Darius, land owner, se sec 17, Berriea Spring. Brown Ethan A., land owner, sw sec 17, Berrien Springs. Brownell C. S., land o'wner, sec 18, Berrien Springs. Buckley Elisha, land owner, sw sec 5, Eau Claire. Burke A. L., land owner, se sec 26, Niles Burke John, land owner, nw sec 32, Niles. Cady Edward, land owner, ne sec 22, Niles. CaldweU John, land owner, ne sec 4, Eau Claire. Caldwell Patience, land owner, sw sec 32. Cassel Rebecca, land owner, nw sec 10, Berrien Springs. Cheney David M., land owner, sw sec @. Cheny Hannah L., land owner, nw sec 6, Eau Claire. Clark Kessiah, land owner, ne sec 5, Eau Claire. Claypool Daniel H., farmer, sec 29, Niles. Claypool Noah H., farmer, sec 21, Niles. Clyborne T. K., land owner, sw sec 23, Berrien Centre. Clyborne Wilson A., farmer, sw sec 23. Berrien Centre. Clymer Christopher, land owner, ne sec 82, Niles. Cole R. B., land owner, ne sec 36, NUes. Ccwles H. H. & E. B., land owners, swsec 11, Berrien Centre. Cuddeback A. J., land owner, sw sec 26, Niles. Cuddeback George, land owner, sw sec 26, Niles. Cuddeback S. M., land owner, nw sec 23, Niles. Cortis Benjamin, land owner, se sec 1, Niles. Curtis Dewitt C, land owner, se sec 1, Dowagiac- Curtis Ferry, land owner, ne sec 35, NUes. Curtis Susan, land owner, nw sec 36, Niles. Curtis S. A., land owner, sw sec 36, NUes. Cuthbert George, land owner, en sec 4, Eau Claire. Cutler Frank, wandering minstxel, sec 27, Berrien Centre. Cutler L. H., land owner, nemee 27, Berrien Centre. Crall J. B., land owner, nw sec 10, Berrien Centre. CraU Samuel B., farmer, sec 16, Berriea Odotre. DarUnjg Oh»9le8,'fiimer.riec 27. Davie Mam, land owaer, ne sec 9, Eau Claire. BERRIEN TOWNSHIP DIRECTORY. 197 Dean George, farmer, sec 4, Ea.u Claire. Dean James, land owner, se see 4. Denn WilUam, land owner, nw sec 8, Eau Claire. Devenport & Geyer, props, saw mill, sec 29. Dickson Edwin T., laiid owner, se sec 10, Berrien Centre. Donahue John, farmer, sec 31, Niles. Dunbar P. A., land owner, nw sec 8, Eau Claire. Easton A. J., land owner, ne sec 10, Berrien Centre. Easton George, land owner,. ne sec 11, Berrien Centre. Elliott P. W., land owner, sw sec 9, Eau Claire. IF Falkner John, farmer, sec 15, Berrien Centre. File Peter, land owner, sw sec 34, Niles. Fisher Chester, farmer, nw sec 14, B*rien Centre. Fitch N'athan, land owner, ne sec 31, Niles. Plewellyn David M., land owner, ne sec 21, NUes. Pord C. M., farmer, sec 19, Berrien Springs. Pord Eli, land owner, ne sec 36, Niles. Ford Ephraim, land owner, sec 18, Berrien Springs. Ford Shadrack, land owner, sec 19, Berrien Springs. Foster David M., land owner, ne sec 21, NUes. Fowler B: M., land owner, sec 34. Pox WendeU, land owner, ne sec 28. Niles. Frank Peter, land owner, sw sec 20. Frank W. P., farmer, sec 20. G- Garrett Samuel, stone mason, sec 1. Garrison Alfred, land owner, sw sec 27, Niles. •GiUaspie John, land owner, sec 31, NUes. GiUaspie Mrs. , land owner, nw sec 25, Summerville. 'Godown Albert, land owner, nw sec 8, Eau Claire. Groat Cyrus, school teacher, sw sec 36, Niles. ^Groat James, land owner, sw sec 36, Niles. Hand Michael, land owner, w sec 30, Niles. Haney Hezekiah, farmer, sec .4. Hastings Thomas, land owner, se sec 17, Niles. 198 BERRIEN TOWNSHIP DIRECTORY. Haugh James C, farmer, sec 25, Niles. Hesmer Philip, land owner, nw sec 33, Niles. Hess Henry, land owner, nw sec 15, Berrien Centre. Hess Isaac, post master Berrien Centre, sw sec 10, Hess WiUiam A,, carpenter, nw sec 15, Berrien Centre, Hipp B, W,, propr. saw mill, nw sec 6, Eau Claire. Hipp H. B., land owner, ne sec 6, Eau Claire. Hooker William G,, land owner, sw sec 10, Berrien Centre. Huston Charles M,, laborer, sec 6, Eau Claire. Hutton J. P., land owner, ne sec 29. Ireland Cary, farmer, sw sec 24, Summerville. Ireland Silas, land owner and surveyor, sw sec 24, SummerviUe. Irwin George, land owner, ne sec 29. Jenkins James, land owner, ne sec 23. Jenkins James L., land owner, ne sec 2. Jenkins John, land owner, ne sec 3, Eau Claire. Jenkins Isaac, land owner, nw sec 2, Eau Claire. Jennings Abram, farmer, se sec 10, Berrien Centre. Johnson Daniel, land owner, nw sec 29. Johnson John, Jr., land owner, nw sec 28, Niles. Jones Wesley M., land -owner, ne sec 28. Keigley Almond, land owner, ne sec 4, Eau Claire. Keigley Johnathan, land owner, nw sec 4,^ Eau Claire. Keltner WUUam M., land owner, sw sec 26, Niles. Kessler John L., land owner, se sec 21, Niles; Kibler Joe W., land owner, nw sec 23, Berrien Centre. Enapp Charles, school teacher, sec 21, NUes. Knapp Krugsley, farmer, sec 21, Niles. Xj Lackinaw John, land owner, n sec 28. Lamore Lewis, land owner, nw sec 5, Eau Claire. Lane W. D., land owner, se sec 6, Eau Claire. Lapp Elias, land owner, nw sec 1. Layman Daniel, land owner, ne sec 11, Niles. Layman Esom, land owner, nw sec 13, Niles. BERRIEN TOWNSHIP DIRECTORY. 199 Layman Giles, land owner, ne sec 2, Niles. Layman Joel, land owner, sw sec 12, Niles. Layman John, farmer, se sec 11, Niles. Layman Sarah E., land owner, se sec 11, Niles; Lemon Aurelia B., land owner, sw sec 20. Light Isaac, land owner, nw sec 16. Lingrell Robert, farmer, sec 25. Lingrell William, farmer, sec 25. Lybrook Isaac, land owner, sec 30. im: Magill Ralph , land owner, sw sec 16, Berrien Springs. MagiU Seth, land owner, nw sec 21, Berrien Springs. Marquis Joseph, farmer, sec 10, Berrien Centre. Mars Andrew W., carpenter, sw sec 10, Berrien Centre. Marrs Prank, farmer, sec 18, Berrien Springs. Marrs Hugh, land owner, se sec 18, Berrian Springs. Marrs Thomas^ propr. steam saw mill, sw sec 10, Berrien Centre. Martin N. H., farmer, sec 33, Niles. Mathews George, farmer, sec 35, Niles. Mathews James, land owner, ne sec 35, Niles. Mathews James D., land owner, ne sec 26, Niles. Mathews Samuel H., farmer, sec 26, Niles. ' McClung Daniel, land owner, ne sec 35, Niles. McClung J. P., land owner, NUes. McComber James P., land owner, se sec 8, Berrien Springs. McCoy Nathan, ne sec 12, Niles. McCoy WiUiam A., thresher, ne sec 12, Niles. McCune Aaron, land owner, nw sec 27, Niles. McMlUen Harvey, farmer, sec 28, NUes. McOmber Francis, land owner, ne sec 8, Berrien Springs. Medsker John, land owner, n sec 34, NUes. Michael Adam, farmer, sec 11, Niles. Michael Averet, carpenter, ne sec 15, Berrien Centre. lilichael B. H., land owner, nw sec 22, Berrien Centre. Michael EUjah, land owner, nw sec 3, Eau Claire. Michael E. P., farmer, sec 1, Eau Claire. Michael Jesse, farmer, sec 3, Eau Claire. Michael Mortimer, carpenterj nw sec 22, Berrien Centre. Michael Nicholas, land ovmer, sw sec 3, Eau Claire. MiUer E. D., land owner, sw sec 29. Miller George, land owner, ne sec 29. 200 BERRIEN TOWNSHIP DIRECTORY. MiUer WilUam H., land owner, sw sec 19. Mitchell Francis, land owner, se sec 6, Eau Claire. Moore Burrosse, land owner, se sec 24, Summerville. Moore Robert P., landowner, se sec 24, SumpierviUe. Murphy Catherine, land owner, nw sec 5, Eau Claire. Murphy Charles, farmer, sw sec 14, Berrien Centre. Murphy Erastus, land owner and town clerk, ne sec 16, Ber rien Centre; Murphy George, farmer, sec 2. Murphy Harvy R., carpenter, sw sec 14, Berrien Centre. Murphy Isaac, land owner, sec 15, Berrien Centre. Murphy Isaac, Jr., amateur, sw sec 15, Berrien Centre. Murphy John, land owner, sw sec 2. , Murphy John, Jr., farmer, sec 14, Berrien Centre. Mnrphy William, land owner, sw sec 14, Berrien Centre. Murphy William, Jr., farmer, sec 9. Miars Isaac, land owner, nw sec 20. Miars Joseph H., land owner, ne sec 21, Berrien Springs. Nims Norman, land owner, sw sec 8, Berrien Springs. Nott A. P., land owner, ne sec 33. Nott George W., farmer, sec 19, Berrien Springs. Null Henry M., farmer, nw sec 15, Berrien Centre. Nye Benjamin, land owner, sw sec 35, Niles. Nve John, land owner, sw sec 39, Niles. o O'Brien Patrick, land. own er,,se sec 2, Berrien Centre, Park A. W,, land owner, se sec 36. Peck John P., land owner, ne sec 10, Berrien Centre. Phillips Frederic, land owner, ne sec 1. Pinnell Francis R., land owner, se sec 35, Niles. Powers John, land owner, sw sec 1 5, Berrien Centre. ' Powers Lew, another minstrel, sw sec 15, Berrien Centre, Purden Thomas, land owner, se sec 6, Eau Claire. Purden Wallace, land owner, se sec 6, Eau Claire. Puterbaugh Frank, farmer, sec 9, Eau Claire. Reed James, farmer, sec 32, NUes. BERRIEN TOWNSHIP DIRECTORY. 201 CHAS. M. UNDERWOOD. —DEALER IN— GENERAL HARDViTARE, 48 Main Street, Corner of Second, Riggin David, land owner, se sec 23, Niles. ^ Riggin Thomas, thresher, nw sec 14, Berrien Centre. Robinson H. L., land owner, ne sec 16, Berrien Springs. Rodewald Frederick, land owner, nw sec 34, Nilfes. Roe Alonzo, land owner, se sec 28. Rogers J. H., land owner, sw sec 33, Niles. Rogers Sarah A,, land owner, ne sec 35, Niles. Royce Horace, land owner, se sec 16, Berrien Centre. Rush Henry, post master Eau Claire, ne sec 5. Rutter Ben. H., land owner, sw sec 11, Berrien Centre. Rutter Henry L., farmer, sw sec 11, Berrien Centre. s Savage James M., land owner, nw sec 35, Niles. Savage WUUam H., farmer, sec .35, Niles: Seidle George, land owner, se sec 35, r 18. Shaffer Coon, amateur, nw sec 15, Berrien Centre. Shaffer Joshua, carpenter, nw sec 15, Berrien Centre. Shaffer Zeph, sawyer, Marr's mill, sw sec 10, Berrien Centre. Shearer Cyrus B., farmer, nw sec 15, Berrien Centre. Shearer John C, farmer, sec 15, Berrien Centre. Shiifgledecker M., land owner, ne sec 3, Eau Claire. Shong Samuel, land owner, ne sec 16, Berrien Centre. Simpson Ezra, land owner, sec 25, Berrien Springs. Simpson Samuel, land owner, nw sec 25, Berrien Springs. Simpson William, land owner, se sec 29. Smith Isaac, land owner, se sec 13, Niles. Smith James, land owner, ne sec 24. Smith John, land owner, sec 13, NUes. Smith WilUam, land owner, se sec 13, Niles. Suavely Sol, farmer, sec 16, Berrien Centre. 202 BERRIEN TOWNSHIP DIRBCTORY. Snorf John, land owner, se sec 27, Niles. Snow 0. D., land owner, sw sec 16, Berrien Springs. Stafford Joseph, land owner, sw sec 25, Niles. Stevens Edwin, land owner, ne sec 7, Eau Claire. Stinebower C, land owner, sw sec 34, Niles. Suran John, land owner,, se sec 26, Niles, T Tanner R. C, carpenter, nw sec 27. Tate John, land owner, nw sec 17, Berrien Springs. Tatman William S., land'^ owner, ne sec 2, Eau Claire. Taylor J. A., land owner, ne sec 28. Taylor Jam^ R., land owner, se sec 5. Tenant Catherine, land owner, ne sec 6, Eau Claire, Tenant Rachel, land owner, ne sec 6, Eau Claire. Toney Aaron, land owner, se sec 14, Berrien Centre. Townsend Benjamin D., land owner, ne sec 19, Berrien Springs. TJ UUefy David H. , land owner, se sec 34, Niles. Ullery John H., land owner, nw sec 26, Niles. Van Gorder Ira, farmer, sec 14, Niles. Van Vlear Samuel, land owner, ne sec 33, Niles. Walker Joseph, land owner, se sec 35, Niles. Waltz Michael, blacksmith, nw sec 10, Berrien Centre. Ward Daniel, land owner, e sec 8, Berrien Springs. Ward Frank, farmer, sec 8. Weaver D. S., land owner, se sec 5, Eau Claire. Webster Cyrus, farmer, sec 22, Niles. Webster H. A., land owner, se.sec 9, Berrien Centre. Webster P. H., land ownei:, nw sec 11, Berrien Centre. Webster Tyra, land owner, nw sec 21. Webster W. C, land owner, se sec 32. Wedel George, land owner, ne sec 34, Niles. Wheeler S. C, farmer, sec 25. Williams James A., land owner, ne sec 1, Dowagiac, Willis Billy, landowner, nw sec 14, Niles. WUHs Shelah, land owner,* sw sec 16, Berrien Springs. Willis Walker, farmer, nw sec 14, Niles. HISTORY OP PIPESTONE. 203 WUlis WiUiam A., thresher, nw sec 14, NUes. Winn John, land owner, sw sec 36. Wright Charles D., land owner, se fee 26, Niles. Wright Z. F., land owner, sw sec 22, Berrien Centre. Wyant Williatn, land owner, sw sec 33. HISTORY OF PIPESTONE. This township Ues between Berrien and Bainbridge and is designated as town 5 south, range 17 west. The surface is generally rolUng and broken, although there are some compar atively level districts. It is nearly all timbered land, and the soil is a clay loam, rich and productive. It is well watered by Pipestone creek and its branches. There are a number of ex cellent farms in the town. Among the number is that of Wm. Smythe Farmer, who is the most extensive farmer in Berrien County. Pipestone was not settled as soon as its sister towns on either side, but for several years after Berrien and Bainbridge had been organized, it remained "in the woods." In the spring of 1837 might have been seen a pioneer resolutely enteriiig the dense and unbroken forest which then covered the territory of this township, wWe the woodman's ax had seldom been heard; This was Pipestone's first settler, James Kirk, a relative of William Kirk who settled at NUes in 1824. He left his fami- 204 HISTORY OF PIPESTONE. ly at the house of Henry Bush, in Berrien, while he cut a road through to his land, in section 20. His son, James L, Kirk, occupies the same farm. During the next fall a second settler appeared in the person of Dr. Morgan Enos, who located at "Shanghai Comers," so called, it is said, because the Doctor was the first to import the Shanghai chickens. William Boughton came a few weeks later and erected a cabin a short distance south of the Comers. In 1838, Joab Enos, a brother of Morgan Enos, and Loren Marsh moved into the same neighborhood. Among others who came at an early day were Edward Hart, Robert Ferry, J. ^. Has kins and Orlando Boughton. The township was formerly annexed to Bainbridge, but was organized as a separate township in 1842. At that time, and until 1857, it included Sodus. The first election for township officers was held in 1842, at the house* of Wm. Boughton. Twenty-seven votes were cast, and resulted in the election of James B. Larue, Supervisor ; Morgan Enos, Clerk, and Loren Marsh, Treasurer. The Justices were James B. Larue, Loren Marsh, David S'. Rector and Ebenezer Farley. A village by the name of Pipestone was at one time laid out at " Shanghai," but it never existed beyond a name. The post office was established in 1846. Orlando Bon^ton carried the maU, on foot, once a week to Berrien Springs. An other post office, Pleasant Valley, was estabUshedinthe spring of 1870, in the north-east comer of the township. In 1845 the population of Pipestone, including Sodns, was 277. In 1854 it had increased to 785. The progress of set tlement and cultivation of the soil has been rapid since then, the population of Pipestone alone, in 1860, bemg 1,062. Tbe population in 1870 wa» 1,379. THE METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Is the only church edifice in the town. Bev. E. L. Kellogg, Pastor ; A. Robinson, Andrew J. Tibbs, Robert Cassidy, Stew- PIPESTONE TOWNSHIP DIRECTORY. 205 •^^^^^^^w^— — ^ I — — — ¦ ¦ I ards ;, M. W. Jennings, Davidson Gardner and Theodore Clark, Trustees. Services once in two weeks. Sunday School — Milo A. Jennings, Superintendent ; An drew J. Tibbs, Assistant Superintendent. Number of teach ers, 8. Number of scholars, 60. Number of volumes in U- brary, 175. * k Pipestone Township Directory. Abbreviations. — ne, north east quftrter ; nw, north west quarter ; se, south edikt quarter; sec, section; sw, south west quarter. The post office address is the place named at the end of the line. Andrus Elysus, land owner, nw sec 15, Pleasant Valley. Antisdale David, land owner, se sec 6, Pipestone. Antisdale WilUam, farmer, se sec 6, Pipestone. Archer Dewitt C, farm hand, sec 16, Pipestone. Archer John, land owner, se sec 14, Pleasant VaUey. Armstrong Hiram, land owner, ne sec 36, Pleasant Valley. Aumack Jacob, land owner, se sec 22, Pleasant Valley. Babcock David, land owner, sw see 27, Eau Claire. Bachman Eritz, land owner, nw sec 13, Pleasant VaUey. Backman Henry, land owner, nw sec 2, Pleasant Valley. BaUey David, land owner, sec 32, Eau Claire. Bailey Hiram, farm hand, sec 2, Pleasant VaUey. Bakeman D. P., post master, Pleasant Valley, sec 1. Barden JuUus, land owner, se sec 18, Pipestone. Barkley WUUam, land owner, se sec 35, Eau Claire. Beals Almon, land owner, ne sec 36, Eau Claire. 206 PIPESTONE TOWNSHIP DIRECTORY, Bedford J. W., land owner, sw sec 24, Pleasant Valley, Bishop Charles, land owner, ne sec 3. Blackman Mrs. Catharine, land owner, sw sec 10, Pipestone. Blanchard G. L,, land ownerj se sec 15, Pleasant Valley. Blanchard W. D., farmer, sec 12, Pleasant Valley. Boughton Orlando S., land owner, ne sec 19, Pipestone. Bowman J. C, physician, se sec 18, Pipestone. Bowman Nicholas, land owner, sw sec 17, Pipestone. Brant Alonzo, land owner, bw sec 2, Pleasant Valley. Brant EUas, land owner, riw sec 5, Pipestone. Brant Francis, land owner, nw sec 5, Pipestone. Brant PhiUip, carpenter, sec 5, Pipestone. Brant William, land owner, nw sec 5, Pipestone. Brant W. C, land owner, sw sec 6, Pipestone. Brong Martha, land owner, se sec 18, Eau Claire. Brown WUliam, land owner, sw sec 28, Eau Claire. Burbank C. H,, land owner, se sec 8, Pipestone. Burbank J. E,, land owner, ne sec 8, Pipestone, Burke John, carpenter, nw sec 5, Pipestone. Burke WilUam, land owner, nw sec 5, t'ipestone. Burnett Robert, land owner, sw sec 19, Pipestone. Burnett Robert,. Jr., land owner, nw, sec 29, Pipestone. Burns Peter, land owner, se sec 28, Eau Claire. Burton Mary, land owner, sw sec 19, Pipestone. Burton William, land owner, nw sec 19, Pipestone. Buzzard Wright, land owner, nw sec 28, Eau Clair. a Caldwell George, land owner, se sec 33, Eau Claire. Calvin Ransom A., land owner, sw sec 26, Eau Claire. Cary David, land owner, nw sec 14, Pipestone. Cassidy R, & W. H,, land owners, ne sec 18, Pipestone. Caswell J. P., millwright, se sec 18, Pipestone. Chamberlain Alfred L., land owner, ne sec 5, Pipestone. Chamberlain Elizabeth, land owner, ne sec 5, Pipestone. Clark John, land owner, nw sec 8, Pipestone^ Clark L, N., land owner, sw sec 9, Pipestone. Clark Theodore, land owner, sw sec 9, Pipestone. Clark WUliam 0., land owner, nw sec 18, Pipestone Closson Ester, land owner, sw sec 13, Pleasant Valley. Collins William, land ow:ner, sw sec 3, Pipestone. Conklin John H., land owner, sw sec 13, Pleasant Valley. Cook John, land owner, ne sec 6, Pipestone. PIPESTONE TOWNSHIP DIRECTORY. 207- Cook Parmelia, land owner, ne sec 36, Pleesant Valley. Cook Richard, land owner, se sec 25, Pleasant Valley. Correll Samuel, land owner, he sec 32, Eau Claire. Correll William, land oWner, sw sec 28, Eau Claire. Crabb Bentley, land owner, nw sec 6, Pleasant Valley. ID Davis MUes, land owner, nw sec 34, Eau Claire, Denna Harley, land owner, se sec 7. Dennis Mathias, farm hand, sec 16, Eau Claire. Dewey Enoch, land owner, se sec 2, Pleasant Valley. Dewitt PhilUp, land owner, se sec 16, Pipestone. Dewitt James, land owner, nw sec 14, Pipestone. Doane P. W., land owner, se sec 5, Pipestone. Doane W. H., land owner, ne sec 8, Pipestone. Dorendoff George, land owner, nw sec 2, Pleasant Valley, Doud Heman, land owner, fe sec 18, Pipestone. Drew Isaac C, land owner, nw sec 19, Pipestone. Easton Henderson, land owner, sw sec 26, Eau Claire. Edson John E., farmer, sec 17, Pipestone, ElUott David, land owner, ne sec 22, Eau Claire. Ely Joseph M., farmer, sec 4, Pleasant Valley. Ely Russell A., farm hand, sec 24, Pleasant Valley. Enos Samuel C, propr. Shanghai Mills, sec 18, Pipestone. Enos W. H., land owner, sw sec 18, Pipestone. Evans Abram, land owner, sw sec 30, Eau Claire. Eva'h^ Thomas, land owner, sw sec 31, Eau Claire. Farmer Thomas, land owner, sw sec 31, Eau Claire. Farmer Wmf Smythe, land owner, sw see 32, Eau Claire. Farrow John, land owner, sw sec 3, Pipestone, Farrow Wilson, land owner, ne sec 11, Pipestone. Ferry John, land owner, sw sec 25, Eau Claire. Ferry Robert, land owner, sw sec 22, Eau Claire. Ferry Robert, Jr., land owner, nw sec 26, Eau Claire. Fox Edwin B., land owner, sw sec 32,,Ean Claire: Franz John, land owner, nw sec 18,: Pipestone. Friend William, land owner, se sec 5, Pipestone. Furst Frederic, land owner, ne sec 1, Pleasant VaUey. 208 PIPESTONE TOWNSHIP DIRECTORY. C3- Gano David, land owner, sw sec 33, Eau Claire, Gano F. W., farmer, sec 33, Eau ClairO. Gano Josiah, land owner, nw sec 23, Eau Claire. Gardner Charles P., farmer, sec 18, Pipestone. Gardner Davidson, land owner, sw sec 7, Pipestone. Gardner J. H., land owner, se sec 8. Gilbert Louisa, land owner, se sec 18, Pipestone, Gilbert Nathan, farm hand, sec 17, Pipestone. Glass Mrs, Chrisphcmia, land owner, ne sec 6, Pipestone. Glass Henry, land owner, nw sec 6, Pipestone. Goodrich L. & G., farmers, sec 12, Pleasant Valley. Gray Jesse^ land owner, ne sec 33, Eau Claire. Green A. W., land owner, nw sec 18. Pipestone. Green Henry, land owner, nw sec 6, Pipestone. Green William, land owner,'ne sec 10, Pipestone. Greenman Ransom, farmer, sec 20, Pipestone. Hackley Calvin, land owner, sw sec 19, Pipestone. Hackstedt Fred, land owner, sw sec 2, Ple^^sant Valley. Hackstedt Henry, land owner, nw sec 13, Plea,sant Valley. Hackstedt William, land owner, sw sec 12, Pleasant ^Valley. Hart Edward, land owner, sw sec 32, Eau Claire. Hartleroad Adam, land owner, sw sec 11, Pleasant Valley, Hartleroad Charles, land owner, ne sec 15, Eau Claire. Hartman George C, land owner, ne sec 30, Eau Claire. Hartsell David, land owner, sw sec 10, Pipestone. Hartsell J. C, land owner, se sec 4, Pipestone. Haskins C. W,, land owner, se sec 19, Pipestone. Haskins James P., land owner, ne sec 19, Pipestone. Haskins T. J., land owner, sw sec 20, Pipestone. , Hill DeWitt C., land owner, se sec 36, Dowagiac. Hoadly Aaron, land owner, se sec 5, Pipestone. Hoadley James, land owner, sw sec 4, Pipestone. Hogue J. R., farmer, sec 17, Pipestone. Hogue Warren L., land owner, nw sec 8, Pipestone. Hogue William R,, land owner, se sec l7, Pipestone, Horstman Henry, land owner, se sec 12, Pleasant Valley. , Holly S. B., land owner, nw sec 20, Pipestone. Holmes Thomas, land owner, nw sec 1, Pleasant Valley. Hoyt Benjamin, land owner, ne sec 36, Pleasant Valley. PIPESffONE TOWNSHIP DIRECTORY. 209 Inman J. W., land owner, sw sec 4, Pipestone. 0" Jackson, Anderson, land owner, nw, sec 14, Pipestone. Jennings Charles E., land owner, se sec 8, Pipestone. Jennings M. A., land owner, sw sec 8, Pipestone. Jennings M. W., land owner, sw sec 8, Pipestone. Jilson Job, land owner, sw sec 31. J'ones T. W., farmer, sec 31, Eau Claire. Kegley Andrew, land owner, se sec 34, Eau Claire. Kegley Ora, land owner, se sec 34, Eau Claire. Kendall Henry, land owner, sw sec 31, Eau Claire. Kennedy Andrew land owner, sw sec 10, Pleasant VaUey. Kerstetter Christian, land owner, nw sec 21, Pipestone. King Rufus, land owner, nw sec 20, Pipestone. King WiUiam, land owner, se sec 19, Pipestone. Kirk James L., land owner, ne sec 20, Pipestone. Knapp L. L., land owner, ne sec 6, Pipestone. Kramer Adam, land owner, sw sec 11, Pipestone. Krohn WiUiam, land owner, se sec 14, Pleasant Valley. Kyle Alexander, land owner, se sec 5, Pipestone. Kyle A. R., farmer, sec 29, Pipestone. L Lake David, land owner, ne sec 8, Pipestone. Lake Stephen, land owtier, sw sec 5, Pipestone. Langelan WilUam, land owner, nw sec 4. 'Lapham Daniel, land owner, sw sec 5, Pipestone. Lapham S. E., land owner, nw sec 5, Pipestone. Large Joseph, land owner, ne sec 10, Pipestone. Lavarnway Charles, land owner, sw sec 11, Pipestone. Lavarnway WiUiam, land owner, sw sec 16, Pipestone. Lavarnway WUliam, Jr., land owner, nw sec 30, Pipestone. Lewis AnseU, land owner, se sec 9, .Pipestone. Lewis Anson, land^ owner, ne sec 16, Pipestone. Lewis Jesse, land owner, se sec 9, Pipestone. Lewis P. C, land owner, se sec 5, Pipestone. Lynch Thomas, land owner, se sec 18, Pipestone. 210 PIPESTONE TOWNSHIP DIEECTORY. Marrs Hugh, farmer, sec 27, Eau Claire. Marsh Thomas, land owner, ne sec 27, Eau Claire. , Mason Jonathan, land owner, sw sec 30, Eau Claire. Mathews Daniel, land owner, sw sec 5, Pipestone. Maynard Samuel, land owner, ne sec 22, Eau Claire. McElhaney J. W., land owner, sw sec 16, Pipestone. Mead Smythe, land owner, ne sec 2, Pleasant Valley. Merritt H. B., land owner, sw sec 20 Pipestone. Mershown Benjamin, land owner, se sec 23, Eau Claire. Miller H. W., farm hand, sec 10, Pipestone. Mominie S. T., land owner, nw sec 10, Pleasant Valley. Moore Benjamin, land owner, se sec 5, Pipestone. Moore G. W., land owner, sw sec 6, Pipestone. Moore Jackson, farm hand, sec 35, Pleasant Valley, Moore Jerome, land owner, sw sec 5, Pipestone. Moore Z. W., land owner, sw sec 5, Pipestone. Morley John A., farm hand, sec 12, Pleasant Valley. Moss Lemuel, farm hand, sec 3, Pipestone. Newman J. T,,, land owner, sw sec 19, Pipestone. Nichols Merritt, land owner, nw sec 8, Pipestone. Nostrant J. H. & P,, land owners, sw sec 1, Pleasant Valley. o O'Brien George S., land owner, nw sec 7, Pipestone. Parks Sylvester, land owner, ne sec 21, Pipestone. Parshall Gideon, land owner, sw sec 5, Pipestone. Pegg Elisha, land owner, sw sec 23, Eau Claire. Pegg Warren, farm hand, sec 23, Eau Claire. Pegg WUson, farm hand, sec 23, Eau Claire. Perdue EUzabeth. land. owner, nw sec 19, Pipestone. Potter B. P., land owner, nw sec 4, Pipestone. Potter C. H., land owner, nw sec 9, Pipestone. Price Sylvester, land owner, sw sec 20, Pipestone. Price Timothy, land owner, se sec 18, Pipestone. Puterbaugh A., land owner, nw sec 10, Pipestone. Puterbaugh David, land owner, nw sec 26, Eau Claire. Puterbaugh, P., land owner, sw sec 15, Pipestone. PIPESTONE TOWNS.aiP DIRECTORY 211 Puterbaugh- Jacob, land owner, ne sec 10, Eau Claire. Raymond J., farm hand, sec 8. Reams A. L., land owner, se sec 18, Pipestone. Reams Erastus, land owner, sw sec 21, Eau Claire. Reams Margaret, land owner, se sec 29, Eau Claire. Reams Mary, land owner, se sec 18, Pipestone. Reams S. C, land owner, se sec 17, Pipestone. Reese C. & R., land owners, se sec 33, Eau Claire. Ridenour E. D. G., land owner, ne sec 36, Dowagiac. Ridernour Wm. M. G., land owner, nw sec 36, Dowagiac. Rigney Patrick, land owner, sw sec 27, Eau Claire. Robinson A. R., land owner, sw sec 9, Pipestone. Rowe John, land owner, nw sec 12, Pleasant Valley. Rulapaugh J. W., post master, sec 18, Pipestone. Runkle J. C, land owner, ne sec 1, Pleasant VaUey. Rnsch John, land owner, ne sec 11. S Sabin Mrs. C. C, land owner, se sec 18, Pipestone. Sabin J. C, farmer, sec 8, Pipestone. Sanders Nathaniel, land owner, se sec 34, Eau Claire. Seaman Henry, land owner, nw sec 3, Pleasant Valley. Sharpe George, farm hand, sec 36, Eau Claire. Shaul Alexander, land owner, sw sec 13, Pleasant VaUey. Shenafelt H., land owner, nw sec 11. Shepard M. R., land owner, se sec 4, Pipestone. Shifflet WUliam, land owner, se sec 34, Eau Claire. Shingledecker W., land owner, sw sec 34, Eau Claire. Shoemaker Mrs. L., se sec 3. Smith Abram, land owner, ne sec 7, Pipestone. Smith EUzabeth, land owner, sw sec 21, Pipestone. Snow C P., land owner, sw sec 14, Pleasant VaUey. SoreU EUc, land owner, nw sec 4, Pipestone. SoreU OUver, land owner, sw sec 4, Pipestone. Srackangast George, land owner, sw sec 1, Pleasant VaUey. Stevens Henrv, land owner, sw sec 12, Pleasant Valley. Stewart Jam®, land owner, nw sec 28, Pipestone. Stewart T. M. & J., land owners, nw sec 27, Pipestone. Sutherland J. R-, land owner, se sec 3, Pipestone. 212 PIPESTONE TOWNSHIP DIRECTORY. T Tatman G. B., land owner, sw sec 36, Eau Claire. Tatman L. A., land owner, sec 36, Eau Claire. Terry John, land owner, nw sec 16, Pipestone. Thumm Jacob, land owner, nw sec 18, Pipestone. Thumm Johm, land owner, ne sec 7, Pipestone. Tibbs A. J., land owner, ne sec 17, Pipestone. Tibbs Jacob, land owner, sw sec 16, Pipestone. Tompkins John W., land owner, nw sec 9, Pipestone. Trowbridge John, farm hand, sec 20, Pipestone. Trswbridge OUver, land owner, sw sec 15, Pipestone. Trobridge Mrs. OUve, land owner, ne sec 23, Pipestone. True William, land owner, ne sec 36, Dowagiac. Tuttle R. J., land owner, sw sec 34, Eau Claire. Vanhorn E., land owner, ne sec 35. Warren Anna S,, land owner, nw sec 17, Pipeston. Webster Robert, land owner, sw sec 18, Pipestone. Webster R, L., land owner, sw sec 18, Pipestone. Welch John, land owner, se sec 26, Eau Claire. Welch Thomas, land owner, se sec 26, Eau Claire. Wells W. H., farm hand, sec 25, Eau Claire. Wells W. P., land owner, ne sec 34, Eau Claire. Wilson Charles, farm hand, sec 19, Pipestone. Wolf Frederic, land owner, nw sec 12, Pleasant Valley: Works Julius, land owner, se sec 29, Eau Claire; Worth Mrs. Peter, land owner, nw sec 20, Pipestone. Wright J. J., land owner, ne sec 4. This township lies west of Pipestone and its western boun dary is the St. Joseph river. It is a fractional town contain ing only about twenty sections. The surface and the character of the soil differs but Uttle from Pipestone, except that there is a larger proportion of sandy soil, which is better adapted to the raising of fruit. The first improvement in the town was made in 1836 by James B. Larue, who, during that year commenced the erec tion of a saw mill on Pipestone creek' in section 3. WilUam Rector came to St. Joseph in 1836 and to Sodus in 1837. David S. Rector settled in the township in 1840, and his son David Rector, came about the same time. Among other early settlers were Soloman and Jonathan Foster, near the river ; Abner .and Edward Buckman on sec tion 13 ; Ebenezer Farley on ^ection 22 ; WaUis Tabor, near the river. A flour miU was built by Joab Enos in 1853 on Pipestone creek, which flows through the northern part of the town, and offers a strong water power. Considerable attention is bein^ paid to fruit growing, espe cially in the northwestern portion. The town has a post office, two saw mills, two flour mills, ¦ 214 SODDS TOWNSHIP DIRECTORY. four blacksmith shops, two churches — United Brethren and Church of God. The population of Sodus in 1864 was 742. In 1870 it was 906. The assessed valuation of real and personal property for 1870 was $107,090. The average value of land per acre is about $60. 8odis TownsMp Directory. Abbreviations. — ne, north east quarter; nw, north west quarter ; sc, south east quarter ; sec, section ; sw, south west quarter. The post office address is the place named at the end of the line. -A- Akwright Ester A., land owner, sw soc 11, Sodus. Akwright James, land o>\ner, sec 9, Sodus. Allen Israel M,, land owner, se sec 26. Andrews Samuel, farmer, sec 5. B Baer Abraham, land owner, nw sec 12, Sodus. Barker Ja,ne, land owner, ne sec 16, Sodus. Beeney Theodore, farmer, sec 26. Bell WilUam, land owner, ne sec 23, Sodus. Brant Norman, land owner, ne sec 1. Brant Phineas, land owner, so sec 11, Sodus. Brant Simeon, land owner, ne sec 1. Brehant Henry, land owner, ne sec 1 1, Sodus. Brooks .Albert, land owner, sw sec 2, Sodus. Brooks John, farmer, sec 1, Sodus. Brown Orrin, land oWner, sec 3, Sodus. SODUS TOWNSHIP DIRECTORY. 215 Buche Charles, land owner, ne sec 22. Buckman Abner, land owner, nw sec 11, Sodus. Buckman George, land owner, se sec 12. Buckman John, land owner, nw sec 13, Sodus. Burk Samuel, land owner, se sec 12. Burke James, land owner, sec 4, St. Joseph. Burnett Austin, land owner, nw sec 1, Sodus. c Calvin John K., farmer, sec 24, Sodus. Carpenter John, land owner, sw sec 23, Sodus. Carpenter William R., land owner, ne sec 23, Sodus. Chadwick L. W., land owner, nw sec 1, Sodus. Chadwick Linus, farmer, sec 1, Sodus. Chandler Josiah, propr. saw mill, sec 1; Sodus. Clark Alfred, land owner, nw sec 5, St. Joseph. Constantine FeUx, land, owner, sw sec 14, Sodus. Constantino Joseph, farmer, sec 15, Sodus. Cowles F. R., land owner, ne sec 3, Sodus. Cowles Orlando, propr. saw miU, sw sec 2, Sodus. JD Daniel David, post master, Sodus, ne sec 10. Deamer Samuel, farmer, sec 3, Sodus. Doxey Isaiah, land owner, nw sec 5, St. Joseph. Drew Charles, farmer, sec 16. Drew Thaddeus, land owner, se sec 16. Dumas Napoleon, land owner, sw sec 23. Dunbar Clageon M., land owner, nw sec 26. Dunbar Lyman, land owner, nw sec 36, Ean Claire. Eagle John L. , farmer, sec 36. Earl Asa, farmer, sec 3, Sodus. Earl John, land owner, ne sec 2, Sodus. Earl Samuel, land owner, ne sec 13, Sodns. Edward Rock, land owner, nw sec 11, Sodus. Ellis Thomas, land owner, sw sec 2, Sodus. Early Ebeniezer, land owner, sec 22. Finnegan Francis, land owner, see 9, Sodus. Finaegan Hannah, land owner, nw sec 15, Sodns. 216 SODyS TO'WNSHIP DIRBOXOaY. Fisher Josephus, land owner, se sec 24, Sodus, Gano George, land owner, ne sec 9, Sodas. Gano Hiram, land owner, aw sec 25, Sodua. Gano John, land owner, sw sec 24, Sodus. Gano William A., land owner, no aoo 25, Eau Claire. Garrison Alvin, farmer, see 24, Sodus. Garrison Elihu, farmer, see 24, Sodas. Garrison James, land owner, ne sec 25, Eau Claire. Garrison WiUiam, blacksmith, ne sec 25. Eau Olaire. Gilbert Giles, farmer, see 35. Gillson Jermain, land owner, se sec 13. Gleason Charles, land owner, no sec 26, Sodus. Golen Joseph, land owner, sw sec 28. Goodrich E. G., land owner, no see 3, Sodus. Goodaell Samuel, land owner, ne sec 5. Guv Elisabeth, land owner, so sec 24. U:iriow Erastus. land owner, sw sec IS, Sodus. Harman J. B., land owner, no sec 4, Sodua. Hart Orlando, land OAvner, nw sec 24, Sodus. Haxvy Luoena, land ownei', nw soc 4, Sodus. Haskins Asaheh land owner, res. St. Joseph. Haskins Almerian, land owner, sw soc 12. Haskins Malcolm, propr. Sodns flour mills. Heath John, land owner, see 1. Helmick Jacob, land owner, so sec 85. Hemingway Jesse, land owner, no sec 21, Hemingway Luther, land owner, nw soc 35. Hemingway WiUiam R., land owner, ne sec 15, Sodus. Heriok Hiram, land owner, sw sec 35. Hogue Charles, land owner, sw aoo 24, Sodus. Hogue James, land owner, sw sec 35, Eau Claire. Holister H. L., land owner, ne sec 5, St. Joseph. I \ Ingalabee Orson,^ land owner, ne sac 27. 0" Jerue Francis, land owner, nw sac 28. SODUS TOWHSHIP DIRECTORY. 217 Jerue John, land owner, ne sec 22. Jerue Ontwain, land owner, ne sec 22. Joyal Lewis, farm hand, sec 23. Keigley George, land owner, ne sec 22. King Degolier, land owner, se sec 11, Sodus. King EUzabeth, sec 3. King F. P., land owner, ne sec 26, Sodus. King Job, land owner, sw sec 3, Sodus. King J. k J. E., land owners, nw sec 22, Sodus. King Richard J., land owner, ne sec 11, Sodus. King William L., land owner, ne sec 16, Sodus. Kingsland F. L., land owner, se sec 5, St. Joseph. Koach Henry, land owner, ne see 5, St. .Joseph. Lawrence Thomas, land owner, ne sec 14, i^O'tus. Lavarnway William, farmer, sec 1-1. Lett Gathering!, land owner, ne sec 36, Eau Claire. Lett George W., land owner, se .sec 25, Eau Claire. Lett Othias B., land owner, se sec 25, Eau Claire. Likes Abraham, blacksmith, ne sec 2-1, Sodus. Lynch John, farmer, .«ec 12, Sodus. Maddux Isaac, land owner, ne see AB, Eau Claire. Marrs Samuel, land owner, sw sec 1, Sodus. Mason James, land owner, sw sec 36, Eau Claire. McDougal Leander, land owner, sec 10, Sodus. McDougal Marshall P., farmer, .sec 15, Sodus. McGoldrich Peter, land owner, nw sec 5, St. Joseph. McKean Vincent, land owner, sw sec 23. McKenzie John S., land owner, ne sec 11. Moore Milo, land owner, nw sec 11, Sodus. Mudge Mica C, land owner, nw sec 36, Eau Claire. Murphy John, land owner, ne sec 35, Eau Claire. Nichols Albert, land owner, sec 10, Sodus. Noe Eliad, land owner, nw sec 4, Sodus. Noe Henry, land owner, nw sec 5, Benton Harbor. Noe Wesley, farmer, sec 4, Benton Harbor. 218 SODUS TOWNSHIP DIRECTORY. o Olney Nathan, land owner, ne sec 25, Eau Claire. ParahaU Myron, sec 13. Price Benjamin, land owner, ne sec 24, Sodus. Price Henry, land owner, nw sec 23, Sodus. Randall John S., land owner, se sec 1, Sodus. Reasor Isaac H-,. land owner, sec '4. Rector Charles, miller, sec 2, Sodus^., Rector David S., propr. flour miU.^(sec 2) and land owner, sec . 14, Sodus. Rector George H., miller, sec 14, Sodus. Rector Hiram, land owner, sec 23, Sodus. Rector Wallace, farmer, sec 14, Sodus. Rector William H., land owner, se sec 14, Sodus. Rickard Martin, land owner, nw sec 12, Sodus. Rickard Mary, land owner, nw sec 12. Roberts S. & L., wagon , makers and blacksmiths, ne sec 25, Eau Claire. Rogers James, land owner, nw sec 11, Sodus. Rose William, land owner, ne sec 1. Rush John B., land owner, se sec 23, Sodus. s Saulpaugh Samuel, land owner, ne sec 27. Schmuhl Charles, blacksmith, se sec 3, Sodus. Sharai Edwin, farmer, sec 27. t Sha,rai John, land owner, nw sec 2, Sodus. Sharai Luke, farmer, sec 22. Sharai Peter, land owner, nw sec 15. Sharai T., land owner, ne sec 27. Shell Albert, land owner, nw sec 24, Sodus. Shell Daniel, land owner, nw sec 24. Sherman Job, land owner, ne sec 2, Sodus. Sherman William, land owner, ne sec 2,, Sodus. Sherwood Asa, land owner, sw rec 25, Eau Claire. Shewalter Jacob, farmer. Sides John A., farmer, sec 36, Eau Claire. Smith Walter, land owner, nw sec 3, Sodus. SODUS TOWNSHIP DIRECTORY. 219 Sparr Frank, land owner, ne sec 4, Sodus. Spencer Albert, land owner, nw sec 35, Eau Claire. Spink Samuel, land owner, ne sec 16, Sodus. Stanard Davidson, farmer, sec 27. Statler Dennis, land owner, sw sec 23. Statler Jacob, farmer, sec l6. Stephens EUphas, land owner, ne sec 25, Eau Claire. Stephens Thomas, farmer, sec 25, Eau Claire. Stevens John,, land owner, ne sec 36, Eau Claire. Strome Joseph, land owner, ne sec 4, Sodus. Stump John H., land owner, nw sec 3, Sodus. Stump Mrs. M., land owner, se sec 4, Sodus. Suran John C, land owner, nw sec 11, Sodus. T Tftbor Earnest, farmer, sec 26. Tabor Wallis, land owner, sw sec 26. Thomas WUUam, land owner, sw sec 23. Thompson William, land owner, se sec 35, Sodus. ' Tyce Myron, land owner, sec 26, Eau Claire. Tillman Henry, land owner, sec 5. Towner Nelson, land owner, sec 9, Sodus. , Trumley Moses, land owner, se sec 15. TJ Ulrey John S,, land owner, ne sec 5, St. Joseph. "V Versaw Francis, land owner, sw sec 15. Versaw Frank E,, land owner, sw sec 15. Versaw James, farmer, sec 15. Versaw Luke, land owner, ne sec 16. Webster Yelviu 0., land owner, ne sec 35, Eau Claire. Wetzel Joseph, land owner, se sec 11, SOdus. Winter Charles, land owner, se sec 23, Sodus. Wyrick Joseph, farmer, sec 27. The township of Bainbridge lies east of Benton and nonth of Pipestone. It has a high elevation, there being but three small streams in the tqwn. One of these (Blue creek) fur nishes the water power at Millburg. Another brook passes through the north east corner in the direction of the Paw Paw river, and a branch of Pipestone creek passes through the south east corner. Some farmers have wells which are eighty or even one hun dred feet deep. The township has four or five small lakes, the largest being Pipestone lake, in the south east corner. The .surface is somewhat diversified, being in some parts, as in section 33, quite level, while in others it is quite undulat ing, some of the undulations falling little short of big hills. As an agricultural township it is second to none in the County except Bertrand. The soil is of a fine sandy loam and produces the finest wheat iii the world. The timber is chiefly oak, or what is better known as " oak openings." In the north east corner is a- small tract, about four sections, of tim^bered land. Some portions of the town ship vfere originally covered with nothing but scrubby oak, and the early settlers were led to believe that land which produced such dwarfed and stunted trees must be of little value. But experience has demonstrated the fact that they afce among the HISTORY ©F BAINBRIDSE. 221 most productive lands we have, especially for cereals. The town is nearly all in a high state of cultivation and is improv ing every year. The township was first settled about the time that the terri torial road was finished to St. Joseph. In that year (1835) J. P. Davis erected a log tavern on the site of the present res idence of D. J. West, in section 20. The elections were held at the tavern for several years, and it. was a great convenience to those who passed on this road to St. Joseph, and to the land seekers who made it their headquarters. Martin Tice came in 1835 and located near Mr. Davis, on the farm where he Uves at the present time. In 1836 Mr. Davis died — the first death in the township. Subsequent settlers were David Byers, John Byers and Francis Johnson, who reside in the town at the present time ; Samuel McKeyes, S. B. Ransom, WaUis Tabor, Stephen R. Shepard, Israel KeUogg, Levi and Philo Woodruff, Mr. Stick- ney and Adam Miller £fll arrived before the close of 1837. A large portion of the land was taken ,up at this time by speculators who subsequently sold to actual settlers. The first township election was held April 3, 1837. J. B. Ransom was elected Supervisor ; J. H. Enos, Clerk ; Samuel McKeyes, David Byers, Wallis Tabor and William Boughton, Justices. The first marriage in Bainbridge was "perpetrated" in 1838 and the victims were Henry Selter and Mary Young. David Byers, Esq., performed the ceremony. There is no village in the town, Millburg being just over the line in Ben ton. It has a post office by the name of Bainbridge, near the *' center." In the northwestern quarter of the town is a large colony of Germans, who are an industrious people and are rapidly ac quiring wealth. The township has four churches — The Catholic, German 222 BAINBRinaB township DIRBCTORY. Methodist, Lutheran and Baptist. The United Brethren have an organization, but as yet have no church. The population of the township in 1840, when it included Pipestone and Watervliet, was 251 ; in 1854 it was 574. Its present population is 1,350. Bainbridge Township Directory. Abbreviations. — ne, north east quarter; nw, north v/est quarter; se, south east quarter; sec, section; sw, southwest quarter. The Post office address is the place given at the end of the line. __ Adams James, land owner, ne sec 7, Millburg. Adams Samuel H., land owner, ne sec 7, Millburg. Andrew E. L., land owner, sw sec 31. Antis Christian, land owner, nw sec 16, Bainbridge. Arney Benedict, land owner, se sec 21. Arnt Charles, land owner, ne sec 16, Bainbridge. Arnt Christian, land owner, sw sec 9, Bainbridge, Arnt Daniel, land owner, ne sec 6, Bainbridge. Arnt Frank, land owner, nw sec 14, Bainbridge. Arnt Jacob, land owner, ne aec 16. Arnt Jacob, Jr., land owner, se sec 16, Aukky Victor, land owner, nw sec 17, Bair Jacob, land owner, nw sec 27, BainBtidge. Barnard R. P., land owner, ne sec 27, Bainbridge. Barnard S,, land owner, nw sec 34, Bainbridge. Barnard S. J., land owner, ne sec 33, Bainbridge. Bennett Allen, land owner, sw sec 22. BAINSKtDQB TOWNSHIP OmsCTOSY. 223 Bwewster J. D., land owner, sw sec 24, Bainbridge. Bishop Dewitt, land owner, ne sec 20, Millburg. Bishop J. K., land owner, se sec T, I^burg. Bradt John W., land owner, se sec 34, Bainbridge. Bradt Hagelms, land owner, sw sec 35. Brant Aogostas, land owner, se sec 31, Millburg. Brant Axtix^xes, land owner, ne sec SI, I^lHMirg. Brant Daniel, land owner, sw s^ 32, MUlborg. Btant Jerome, land owner, ne sec ^, MiUborg. Brant Marion, land owner, sw see «>1, MiUborg. Br»nt Nathanid, land owner, nw see 32. MHlbui^. Brant Port^, land owner, se sec 31, Millbuig. Brant Warr^i, land owner, ne sec 29, Millburg. Brodri^ James, land owner, nw sec 1^ Waterniet. Brodrick Mike, land owner, se sec 1, WatervUet. Budg^ntl ^lliam, land owner, nw sec 25, Bainbridgt; B«Uinger Simon, land owner, nw sec 15. Bainbridge. Borkhard H@iry, land owner, sw sec 5. Millburg. Bom^t Austin, land owner, ne sec 31. Bntsbaek milfip, }and owner, ne sec 4. Burs John, knd owner, ne sec 26, Bainbridge. Bon Lewis, land owner, se sec 12, Keelerville, Byo' Justin, land owner, nw sec 6. !l^iers David, land owner, ne sec 24, Bainbridge. l^ers John, land owner, ne sec 24, Bainbridge. l^ers Martin, land owner, se sec 15, Bainbridge. Ouupbell George- land owner, se sec 26, Badnbridge. OampbeU John, land owner, se sec 27, Bainbridge. (^urd John, land owner, se sec 25. Ohaqppei C, B., land owner, sees 17 and 18. MUbarg Clan: W. L., land owner, se sec 1. 01(»e Edwin, land owner, sw sec 21, ISUborg. Clowser Samuel, &nnor, ne sec IS, Keelerville. dowser William J., land owner, ne sec 13, Keelerville. Oollis George, land owner, se sec 39, MUlburg. CoDis John, land owner, sw sec 21, MiUbnrg. Connoly John, land owncs', ne sec 1. Oo4& WiDiam H., land owno-, sw sec S5. Cook WiUiam J., land owner, ne sec 27. CraJ>b EU, land owner, se sec SO, MiUburg. Cribbs E. W„ land owner, sw sec 11. 224 BAINBRIDGE TOWNSHIP DIRBOTOBY. Cribbs Jacob, land owner, nw sec 11. Curtis Ezra, land owner, se sec 12. ID Dean Daniel R., land owner, nw sec l8,'"MiUbarg. Desample John, land owner, nw sec 10. Denner John, land owner, sec 5, Millburg. Dix Edward, land owner, nw sec 30, Benton Harbor. Dix Elbridge, farmer, MiUburg. Dix Orrin H., land owner, sw sec' 29, Millburg. Doctor Christian, land owner, ne sec 14, Bainbridge. Dodge Balaam, land owner, ne sec 23, Bainbridge. Dukersher Henry, land owner, se sec 4. Lb 1 JlZj Eber Cosher, land owner, sw sec 16, Bainbridge. Elgas Wendell, land owner, sec 14, Bainbridge. Ellis Daniel, land owner, sw sec 31. Enders Mrs. , land owner, se sec 23, Bainbridge. Endrick Jacob, land owner, ne sec 22, Bainbridge. Ernsberger David, la.nd owner, ne sec 10, Bainbridge. IF Parnum Henry, farmer, sec 24, Bainbridge. Felter J. J., land owner, sw sec 20, Jlillburg. Fowler Isaac, land owner, se sec 25. Frazee J. W., farmer, Bainbridge. Frozard Gasper, land owner, nw sec 1, Watervliet. Gammer Henry, land owner, nw sec 11, Bainbridge, Garling Henry, land owner, sw sec 2, Watervliet. Garrison J. J., land owner, sw sec 21. Green Thomas, land owner, ne sec 29, Millburg. Grisnold Guy, land owner, sw sec 34. Guy J M., land owner, sw sec 6, Jlillburg. Gysler Henry, land ownei", se sec 11. Habbitzel George, land owner, ne sec 21. Haid K., land owner, sw sec 9. Hapner Peter, land owner, ne sec 2, WatervUet. BAINBRIDSB TOWNSHIP DIRECTORY. 225 Harmon George, land owner, sw'sec 4, Harrington George, land owner, sw sec 18, Millburg. Hart S; W., land owner, se sec 30, Millburg. Hefner John, land owner, ne sec 28, Bainbridge. Hickmot Daniel, land owner, so sec 36. Higbee Calvin, land owner, nw sec 28, Millburg. Hiler Charles, farmer, nw sec 23, Bainbridge. Hiler Jacob, land owner, nw sec 23, Bainbridge, Hill Amos, land owner, se sec 20, Millburg. HUl D. J., land owner, se sec 20, Millburg. ^ Hill Edward, land owner, sec 30, Millburg. HiU WiUiam H., land owner, nw sec 29, MiUburg. Hofer Adam, land owner, nw sec 4, Holmdrake Thomas, land owner, se sec 34. Howard Rhinaldo, land owner, sec 31. Hughes Henry, land ownei-, sec 18, Millburg. Hughes Alfred, land owner, ne sec 6, Millburg. Hungerford Calvin, land owner, sw sec 19, Millburg. Hunter Robert, land owner, aesec 32, MiUburg. Ingraham EUsha, land owner, nw sec 28, MUlburg. Johnson Francis, land owner, sw sec 34. Kaiser Joseph, land owner, nw sec 17. Kammerer Conrad, land owner, nw sec 18, MiUburg. Kammerer John, land owner, sw sec 6, Millburg. Kent Charles, land owner, se sec 19, MiUburg. Kesler Philip, land owner, sw sec 17, MUlburg. Kibler N., land owner, sec 8. Kitren S., land owner, ne sec 15. Kitren Samuel, land owner, nw sec 17, Bainbridge. Knapp Alvah, land owner, ne sec 36. , Knieber Peter, land owner, ne sec 5. Kneiber Christian, land owner, ne sec 5. Kocher Stephen, land owner, sec 7, Millburg. Kraetzer G., sash, door and blind factory, se sec 3, Watervliet. Kreitrier Creorge, land oWner, se sec 6, Millbiurg. Krieger Adam, land owner, se sec 3,- Watervliet. Krieger Daniel, land owner, se sec 9, Bainbridge. 226 BAINBRIDGE TOWNSHIP DIRECTORY. Krieger Jacob, land owner, se'sec 9. Krieger Jacob D., land owner, nw sec 22, Bainbridge. -Krieger Peter, land owner, ne sec 8, Millburg. Kulow Frederic, land owner, sec 5. Lentz Joseph, land owner, sw sec 5, Millburg. Leonard Uriah, land owner, ne sec 2. Lewis J., land owner, se sec 19, Millburg. Lewis Philettus, land owner, ne sec 19, MUlburg. Lewis S. H., farmer, sec 29, Millburg. Losben Martin, land owner, nw sec 4. Mai'shall George, land owner, sec 30, Benton Harbor. Matrau Joseph, land owner, nw sec 14. Matrau Merritt, land owner, se sec 29, MiUburg. Matrau Mitchell, land owner, ne sec 33, MiUburg. Matrau Morgan, land owner, ne sec 14, Bainbridge. Matrau Paul, land owner, ne sec 11, Bainbridge. Mays John A., land owner, sw sec 18, MiUburg. Meech Stephen H., land owner, nw sec 36. Merrill J. H., land owner, se sec 18, Millburg. Merrill Ripley, land owner, se sec 30, Millburg. MiUer Barton, land owner, nw sec 27. MUler Adam, land owner, se sec 24, Bainbridge. Mitesell Oscar, land owner, se sec 35. Moore Benjamin, land oivner, nw sec 31. Morgan John, land owner, ne sec 32. Moser Charles, land owner, nw sec 2. ') 3sr Nichols MUo, land owner, se sec 30, MUlburg. Olds Ambler, land owner, nw sec 14, Bainbridge. Pale Adam, land owner, ne see 8, Millburg. Pearl Warren, land owner, sec 30. Pearsall David, minister and land owner, se sec 7, Millbttrg. Pearsall J. S., land owner, nw sec 21, Millburg. Pearsall WilliW, laud owner, «e mc 1, MiUburg. BAINBRIDGE TOWNSHIP DIRECTORY. 227 Peters Edward, land owner, sw sec 25, Bainbridge. Peters George land owner, ne sec 26, Millburg. Peters J. H., land owner, sw sec 15, Bainbridge. Pettis Daniel, land owner, sw sec 28, Millburg. Pettis Mortimer, farmer, sw sec 28, Millburg. Potes Christian C, land owner, nw sec 18, MiUburg. Potes George, land owner, se sec 12, Bainbridge. Reed David, laud" owner, ne sec 31, MiUburg. Rome Mrs. , land owner, ne sec 4. Ruggles Freeman, land owner, se sec 1, Watervliet. Rmnsey Elisha, land owner, se sec 7, Millburg. Russell Charles, land owner, sw sec 3. s Sale Henry, land owner, sw sec, 23, Banbridge. Sale Ja.cob, land owner, se sec 23, Bainbridge. Sale Phillip, land owner, sec 23, Bainbridge. Seber Joseph, land owner, sec 16. Sedgwick Stephen, land owner, ne sec 30, Millburg. See Ira, land owner, ne sec 29, Millburg. Selter Henry, land owner, nw sec 15. Seron John, land owner, nw sec 1, WatervUet. Sharrai Henry, land owner, se sec 8, MUlburg. Sharrai Jacob, land owner, ne sec 17. Shai-rie John, land owner, se sec 16, Bainbridge. Shause Jacob, "land owner", sw sec 4, MUlburg. Sherer Christian, land owner, nw sec 21, Bainbridge. Sherman "H. B., land owner, nw sec 31. Sherrie Peter, land owner, se sec 4. Shippy Charles, land owner, ne sec 34, Bainbridge. Shippy George M,, land owner, nw sec 36, Bainbridge. Shromb Adam, land owner, sw sec 15, Bainbridge. Skinner James, land owner, nw sec 27, Bainbridge. Smith Peter, land owner, nw sec 2, WatervUet. Smith PhilUp, land owner, ne sec 26, Bainbridge. Smith W. R., land owner, nw sec 35, Bainbridge. Smithberger Peter, land owner, ne sec 9, Bainbridge. Spencer Sidney, land owner, ne sec 19, Millburg. Spink Alberto, land owner, sw sec 19, Millburg. Spink Grsemus, land owner, sw sec 29, Millburg. Staner John, land owner, ne sec 36. 228 BAXNaRIDSE TOWNSHIP DEEISCTORT. Stiles A. F., land owner, sec 30, Benton Harbor. Strese Frederic, land owner, nw sec 29 iMiUburg. Strickland John, land owner, ne sec 30, Millburg. Stroble Joseph, land owner, se sec 17. Stuart G. Frank, post master, Bainbridge, sec 1-5, Stuart John, land owner, sec 18, MiUbnrg. Summerel John, land owner, nw sec 24. Summerel WiUiam, land owner, sw sec 12, Bainbridge. Sutherland Albert, land owner, sw sec 33, MiUburg. Sutherland Bnshrod W., land owner, se sec 28, MUlburg. Sutherland Ebenezer, land owner, sw sec 33. Sutherland George, land owner, se sec 25, MiUburg. Sutherland Justus, land owner, ne sec 22, Badnbridge. Sutherland WiUiam, land owner, se sec 33, Millburg. Swartz John, land owner, ne sec 10. Sweet WilUam, land owner, nw sec 31. T Thompson H. E., land owner, se sec 20, MiUburg. Tice Martin, land owner, se sec 17, MiUburg. Tyler J. B.*, land owner, se sec 3, WatervUet. "V Van Vranken G., land owner, e sec 28, MiUburg. Vetter Joshua, land owner, sw sec 11, Bainbridge. Vincent Joseph, land owner, se sec 34. Walton Mrs. -, land owner, ne sec 34. Watson WiUiam H., land owner, ne sec 1, Watervleit. Weber Charles, land owner, sec 7, MiUburg. Weber Charles B., land owner, ne sec 8, MUlburg. Weber Gharlra D., land owner, sw sec 8, MiUburg. Weber Frederic, land owner, sec 9. Weber Jacob, land owner, sec 8, MUlburg. Weber Jacob, land owner, sw sec 22. Weber Peter, land owner, sec 9, MiUburg. West D. J:, ;bnd owner, ne sec 20, Millburg. Wratmore J. A., land owner, ne sec 7, MiUburg. WUder George, land owner, aw sec 7, MiUburg. Williams Jolm, land owner, se sec 30, MiUbarg. Willis WilUam I^., tfar^her and land owner, ne sec 13, KeeJ- eravUle. HISTORY OF WATERVLIET. 239 Wise George, land owner, sec 24. Wise Sam, farmer, ne sec 25, Bainbridge. Woodart WilUam R,, land owner, sec 20. Woodruff" Aseph, land owner, sw sec 10, Bainbridge. Woodruff Newton R,, land owner, nw sec 14. Woodruff Simeon, land owner, nw sec 10. Woodwoyth WUliam, land owner, ne sec 1, WatervUet. Worth WilUam N., land owner, se sec 11, Bainbridge. IT Yendis Albert, land owner, sw sec 28, Millburg. Yerington George, thresher, ne sec 23, Bainbridge. Young Edwin, land owner, ne sec 10, Bainbridge. Yund Samuel, land owner, nw sec 23, Bainbridge. HISTORY OF WATERVLIET. The township of Watervliet, designated as town 3 south, range 17 west, occupies the north east corner of Berrien Coun ty. It has most excellent land for farming and the raising of fruit. The surface is rolling and was formerly covered with heavy forests of timber, principally oak, beech and maple. The largest lake in the County — Paw Paw lake — is situated near the centre of the township. The Paw Paw river takes a meandering course from east to 230 HISTORY OP WATERVLIET. west through the middle of the town. There are two vUlages within its borders^WatervUet and Coloma. At WatervUet viUage the river furnishes the power for a fiour mill and the largest saw mill in the County, and immense quantities of lumber are manufactured here. The logs are floated down the river to the mill, and a large portion of the lumber has heretofore been rafted down the river to St. Joseph, there being no dams or obstructions in the river below this point. Keel-boats were employed on the Paw Paw in the early days, and ran as far as Paw Paw viUage, carrying the goods of the merchants at Kalamazoo and Schoolcraft from St. Joseph. The completion of the Chicago and M. L. S. Railroad affords a new outlet for the lumber and the large quantities of agricul tural products from the rich country around. WatervUet village contains two general stores, one grocery, harness shop, tin shop, wagon shop, three blacksmith shops, flour mUl, planing miU, two saw mills, a hotel and two churches- — Methodist and Baptist. Coloma has two stores, a flour mill, two wagon shops, four shoe shops, two blacksmith shops, cabinet shop, meat market, hotel and two churches — Congregational and Methodist. The first opening in the town was in 1836, when the im provement of the water power was commenced, a large force of workmen being brought on for that purpose. Settlers came in slowly for several years. Among the earUer settlers were Isaac Moffat, Moses Osgood, Stephen R. Gilson, Ives WoUng- ford, Dr. Crawford, James Johnson and James Paul. In 1854 Watervliei had a population of 545 and the valua tion of real and personal property was about $80,000. In 1870 the population was 1,650, and the value of real and personal property $181,374. Watervliet Township Directory. Abbreviations. — ne, north east quarter; nw, north west quarter ; ,se, south east quarter; sec, section; sw, soutJi west quarter. The post office address is the place named at the end of the line. Abernathy William, land owner, sw sec 35, Watervliet. Allen Geo. P., land owner, se sec 7, Coloma. Andrews Adam, land owner, sw sec 32, Coloma. Andrews George, land owner, sec 17, Coloma. Aucumpaugh Jacob, land owner, ne sec 5, Coloma. Austin Thomas, land owner, sw sec 35, WatervUet. Baker James, land owner, nw sec 24, WatervUet. Baldwin Moses, land owner, ne sec 12, Watervliet. BaUou Charles, land owner, ne sec 36, WatervUet. Bauchman Stephen, land owner, ne sec 19, Coloma. Beaman A., land owner, ne see 27, WatervUet. Becht Christopher, land owner, ne sec 19, Coloma. Becht M., land ownei-, se sec 31, Coloma. Becker Hem-y, land owner, nw sec 32, Coloma. Becker Thomas, land owner, ne sec 20, Coloma. Becker WiUiam, land owner, ne sec 31, Coloma. Beulo Frank, land owner, se sec 17, Coloma. Black N. J., land owner, sw sec 20, Coloma. Blackman George H., land owner, sw sec 6, Coloma. Blake John, land owner, sw sec 26, WatervUet. Blake Mrs. , land owner, nw sec 9, Coloma. Bow P. 0., land owner, sw sec 14, WatervUet. Boyer Austin, steam saw mill and land owner, ne sec 20, Coloma. Bradford Kinyon, land owner, sw sec 16, Coloma. Brant Ed., land owner, sw sec 17, Coloma. 232 WATERVLIET TOWNSHIP DIRECTORY. Bratton Abner, land owner, se sec 30, Coloma. Bratton Milo, land owner, ne sec 31, Coloma. Bridges Lyman, land owner, nw sec 11, Watervliet., Bridger Wilson, land owner, ne sec 14, Watervliet. Brooks J. J., land owner, nw sec 22, Watervliet. Brown George A., land owner, nw sec 18, Coloma. Buchanan Ed, land owner, se sec 7, Coloma. Bunker John, larid owner, sw sec 19, Coloma. Biirke PhilUp, land owner, nw sec 16, Coloma. , Burnett Charles, land owner, ne sec 35, Wiitervliet. Burnett George, land owner, ne sec 35, Watervliet. Burnett James, land owner, ne sec 35, Watervliet. c Camp Charles, land owner, nw sec 12, Watervliet. Carmady Dennis, land owner, se sec 36, Watervliet. Chapman H., land owner, nwsec 10, Watervliet. Clapsaddle William G., land owner, nw sec 17, Coloma. Clark Avery, farmer, Coloma. Clark Dennis, farmer, Coloma. Clark Pardin, land owner, ne sec 28, Coloma. Clymer Albert, land owner, nw sec 7, Coloma. Cole S. T., land owner, se sec 7, Coloma. Oolyar Williatia, land owner, nw sec, Coloma. Coon M. B., land owner, nw sec 12, Watervliet. Cooper Frank, land owner, ne sec 13, Watervliet: Cooper Jacob, land owner, nw sec 8, Coloma. Craig Wesley, land owner, ne sec 8, Coloma. Crumb A. W., land owner, se sec 17, Coloma. Curgill James, lan/d owner, se sec 4, Coloma. Curtis B. I., land owner, ne sec 21, Coloma, Outtler Edwin, land owner, se sec 3, Coloma. Cuttler Jesse, land owner, nw sec 32, Coloma. Cuttler L. H., land owner, ne sec 31, Coloma. Cuttler Myron, land owner, se sec 3, Coloma. ID Dean A,, land owner, nw sec 18, Coloma. Dedrick WiUiam, land owner, ne sec 9, Coloma. Deleny N., land owner, se sec 4,- Coloma, Dell William A,, land owner, nw sec 21, Coloma. Dewitt Charles, land owner, sw sec 6, Coloma. Dobbyn Henry, land owner, se sec 17, Coloma. WATERVLIET TOWNSHIP DIRECTORY. 233 Douglass Robert, land owner, se sec 35, WaterVliet. Dunbar William P., land owner, nw.sec 8, Coloma, Dukeshan Charles, land owner, se sec 31, 'Coloma. Durall William, land owner, nw sec 31, Coloma. Earl Warren, land owner, nw sec 28, Coloma. Eber Ed,, land owner, sw sec 2, Watervliet. Emerson B. P., land owner, sw sec 24, Watervliet. Fay Julia A., land owner, ne see 12, Watervliet. Filkin S. R., land owner, sw sec 20, Coloma. Fitzsimmons Thomas, land owner, se sec 28, Coloma. Freeman R., land owner, sec 24, Watervliet., Friday David, land owner, se sec 32, Coloma. Gilson S. R., land owner, se sec 20, Coloma. Gilson Warren D., land owner, se sec 20; Coloma. Goff John, land owner, nw sec 9, Coloma. Golden George, land owner, ne sec 6, Coloma. Gray Charles T., land owner, ne sec 30, Coloma. Gregg R. B., land owner, se sec 7, Coloma. Greenman Christopher, nw sec 12, Watervliet. Grove Walter S., land owner, sw sec 3, Coloma. Haily Dennis, land owner, se sec 25, Watervliet. Haily Patrick, land owner, se sec 25, Watervliet, Hamilton J. M., land owner, sw sec 31, Coloma. Harris George, land owner, sw sec 6, Coloma. Hart R. S., land owner, se sec 7, Coloma. Hawks Azur, land owner, se sec 1, Watervliet- Hawks B., land owner, se sec 24, Watervliet. Hawks C, land owner, ne sec 24, Watervliet. Henesy Ed. I., land owner, ne sec 28, Watervliet. Hentzell Ernest, land owner, sw sec 18, Coloma. HoUand Henry R., land owner, sec 23. Watervliet. Hosbein Edwin, land owner, nw sec 33, Coloma. Hosbein Simon, land owner, nw sec 33, Coloma, Hudson R. E., land owner, ne sec 30, Coloma. 234 WATERVLIET TOWNSHIP DIRECTORY. Hughes Daniel, land owner, nw sec 31, Coloma. Humphrey Lewis, land owner^ se sec 32, Coloma. Huntoon Henry, land owner, ne sec 21, WatervUet. Hnntoon S., land owner, sw sec 22, Watervliet. Hutchins Henry, land owner, se sec 2, WatervUet. Hutchins Grange, land owner, ne sec 25, Watervliet. Iliff J. C. farmer, Coloma. Ingraham Lyman, land owner, ne sec 5, Coloma. Ingraham Solon, land owner, sw sec 4, Coloma. Jones 3. H., land owner, sw sec 16, Coloma. Johnson Perry, land owner, sw sec 3, Coloma. Kelly Josiah, land owner, sw see 13, Coloma. Kellogg E. L., land owner, se sec 29, Coloma. KeUy WUliam, land owner, se sec 2, WatervUet. Kennicott Charles, land owner, nw sec 24, Watervliet. Kinyon .James, land owner, sw sec 31, Coloma. Knapp John W., land owner, ne sec 25, WatervUet. Knapp Nathan, land owner, sw sec 17, Coloma. • Knapp Russell, land owner, se sec 17, Coloma. Knapp S. S., land owner, se sec 29, Coloma. Knapp Thomas, land owner, sw sec 17, Coloma. Koontzman L, land owner, sw sec 33 Coloma. Kritner Frank, land owner, se sec 32, Coloma. Kritzer P., land owner, sw sec 29, Coloma. Lamb John C, land owner, nw sec 22, Coloma. La Mott Charles, fanner, Coloma. La Mott Joseph, land owner, se sec 9, Coloma. Lefler William D., land owner, ne sec 31, Coloma. Lock wood Charles, land owner, ne sec 5, Coloma. Mast George F., land owner, nw sec 19, Coloma. Mattice A. C, land owner, ne sec 8, Coloma. McKabe John, land owner, se sec 36, Watervliet, McKean J. L., land owner, sw .-ec 9, Coloma. WATERVLIET TOWNSHIP DIRECTORY. 235 McKee RusseU, land owner, sec 34, WatervUet. Merrifield WilUam H., land owner, sw sec 19, Coloma. Michaels George, land owner, se sec 21, Coloma. Miller Martin, land owner, ne sec 31, Coloma. Morelock August, land owner, sw sec 33, Coloma. Mowan B., land owner, sw sec 7, Coloma. Munjoy David, land owner, nw sec 4, Coloma. Muth George, land owner, sec 32, Coloma. Newton Dorick, land owner, nw sec 13, Watervliet. Niver D. J., land owner, se sec 19, Coloma. Osgood B. P., land owner, se sec 8, Coloma. Osgood Moses, land -owner, ne sec 20, Coloma. Palmenten WilUam, land owner, sw sec 25, Coloma, Peck H, W., land, owner, sw sec 7, Coloma. Peck Orlin, farmer, sec 7, Coloma. Pepple George W., land owner, ne sec 11, WatervUet. Peter WiUiam, land owner, sw sec 33,- Coloma. Pike J. C", land owner, sw sec 31, Coloma. Pinnell Wesley P., land owner, ne sec 19, Coloma. Pitcher Andrew, land owner, se sec 5, Coloma. Pitcher Jerome, land owner, sw sec 4, Coloma. Potter P. A., land owner, ne sec 18, Coloma. Ray D. C, land owner, ne sec 2, WatervUet. Ray George A., land owner, nw sec 1, Watervliet. Ray H. J., land owner, sw sec 22, WatervUet. Ray John B., land owner, nw sec 3, Watervliet. Reese Benjamin, land owner, se sec 23, Watervliet. Rice Eli, land owner, ne sec 30, Coloma. Rider 0. B., land owner, sw sec 17, Coloma. Ronner Antony, land owner, nw sec 19, Coloma. Russell Thomas, land owner, nw sec 30, Coloma. Ryno John B., land owner, se sec 28, Coloma. 246 WATKRVUKT TOWNSHIP DIRKCTORY. S Safibrd John, land owner, sw sec 9, Coloma, Sayland H., land owner, nw seo 80, Ooloma. Seeley J., farmer, Coloma, Shafier Warsaw, land owner, seo 8, Coloma. Sharer Charles, land own©i\ sw soo 84, Watervliet. Shiver Walter, land owner, nw sec 7, Colom«. Shiver WiUiam IL, land ownei*, sw seo 6, Coloma. Shrinei* John A., land owner, sw seo 17, Coloma. Slooum James, land ownei*, sw seo 25, Watervliet. Smith Albion, land owner, se seo 27, Watervliet. Smitli Oharlos, land owner, so soc 21, Coloma. Smith Isnnc. land owner, se seo 21, Coloma. Smitli Sobftstian, land owner, se soo 27, Watervliet. Soulo R., land ownei*, sw soo 26, Watervliet. Soule W. Z., land owner, sw seo 26, Watervliet, Spalding EU, Iwvd owner, ne see 1(>, Coloma. Sponeer E. T., land owner, nw seo 22, Watervliet. Stanbaugh Thomas, land owner, sw soo 85, WatervUet. Standish Isaac R., land ownoi*, se aoo 28, Watervliet. Sticknoy Oscnv C, laud owner, »e soo 12, Watervliet. Stiokney WilUam R., hwul owner, sw seo 1, WatervUet. Sticknoy Z. K., land ownov, sw seo 1, WatervUet. Stratton Philandei*, land owner, aw soo 11, Watervliot. Strong Geovgo, lan\l owner, uw soo 15, WatervUet. Sullivan Tim, land owner, se seo 86, Watei'vliet. Swain .\avon, land owuor, so soo 35, Watei'vliet. Toaoliout Ira, laud owner, so seo 17, Coloma. TerriU E. D.. land ownoi*, no soo 80, Coloma. Tei*i*y Oscar, laud owner, sw soo 24, AVatervliot. Thurbur Martha, land owner, sw soo 6, Watervliet. Tinkani A. T., land owner, sw seo 80. Townaond David, land owner, sw soo 25, WatQ,vvli6t. Troley Silas, land owner, ne soo 27, Watervliet. Vakerman John, land owner, sw see 86, Watervliet. Valentine C, land owner, ne seo 28, Coloma, Vanderburgh Martin, land OAvnei*, so seo 85, Woitervliet. Vanhouson M., land owner, sw soo 8, Coloma. WATERVLIET TOWNSHIP DIRECTORY. 287 Wai'nei" C, land owner, ne seo 8, Coloma. "Watson WiUiam, land owner, sw sec 36, WatervUet. Weimer Joseph, land owner, ne sec 84, Watervliet, Weimer Loretta, land owner, nw seo 17, Coloma. Wendick Vincent, land owner, nwsec 19, Coloma. Whitcomb Charles B., land owner, ne sec 9, Coloma. Wigent A. G., land owner, sw sec 14, WatervUet. Wigent David, land owner, nw sec 27, Watervliet. Wigent James D., land owner, se sec 22, WatervUet, Wigent John E., land owner, sw sec 8, Coloma. WiDcs Ira, land owner, sw sec 27, WatervUet. WilUams Henry, land owner, ne sec 17, Coloma. Williams H. L., land owner, nw sec 21, Coloma. Wilson James, land owner, nw sec 6, Coloma. Wilson William, land owner, se seo 24, Watervliet. Winch Ira B,, turning-lathe and peach basket manufy north of Coloma. Wolford Joseph, land owner, se sec 81, Coloma. Woodruff Bfffliry, land owner, sw seo 22, WatervUet. Woodward Jesse, land owner, nw sec 21, Coloma. Woodward Polly, land owner, sw sec 21, Coloma. Woolcott Samuel, land owner, sw sec 24, Watervliet. Worden John M., land owner, nw sec 28, Coloma. Wright Dennis, land owner, sec 26, Watervliet. IT Yates A„ land owner, sw sec 1, Coloma. Yoinig Jacob, land owner, sw sec 15, Coloma. Coloma Village Directory. Armstrong A., carpenter and wagon maker. Ball Sawyer, proprietor flour miU. Bee & Vincent, (Wm. B. & Lysander V.,) meat mar ket, flour and feed. Black Emerett. Bryant Delos, farmer. Burke James M., cabinet maker. Collins M. W., carpenter. Crumb Wells, farmer. Dyer N. T., wagon maker. Garrow Martin, blacksmith. Gilson Alonzo D,, farmer. Gilson G, D., shoemaker. Gilson Marvin, fruit grower. Harder T, S,, laborer, Hewett George, shoemaker, Ingraham Minot, dry goods, groceries, &c, Judd , & Stillman, painters, glaziers and paper hang ers. Knapp Joseph, basket factory and steam saw mill. LongweU & Co., (G. W. L. & A. I. Brush,) groceries, crockery, &c. Martin Dunham, carpenter. Marvin John L., wagon maker. Marvin H. M., physician and surgeon. .Marvin J. H,, post master and insurance agent. Moon Daniel, shoemaker. Muth David, farmer. Perry C. C, town clerk and constable. Robinson Alfred, farmer. Stewart A., blacksmith. Thomas John, tannery. Vincent Alonzo, propr. hotel. Vincent Lysander, (Bee & Vincent.) Vincent Sherman, farmer. WaUingford Ives, shoemaker, Weimer Perry, mUler, Worden Thomas, farmer, GOOD TEMPLARS. Coloma Lodge No,' 652, I, 0. of G, T, Organized June, 1869, Present officers:^ EUas D, TerriU, W. C. T.; Mrs. Caroline TerriU, W. V.'t,; Eliza A, Stewart, W. S.; Ives WaUingford, W. T.; Fred Bee, W. P, S,; Henry Wigent, W. 0, G,; Julius Spencer, W. I, G,; Mrs, EUza Stewart, W. C; This lodge meets every Friday evening. Members 65. ODD FELLOWS, Colom.a Lodge No, 140, I, 0. .of 0, P. Organized March WATERVLIET VILLAGE DIRECTORY. 239 19th, 1870. Present officers : James 0. Keath, N. G.; Jesse Woodward, V. G.; J. H. Marvin, P. G.; George Strong, R. S.; Joseph Knapp, Treas.; Michael Vonhousen, W.; Ed Brant, Conductor; Thomas Pockett, Guardian. Members, 33. Meets Wednesday evening each week. MASONIC. Coloma Lodge No. 162, P. & A. M. Officers : W. W. McKee, W: M.; B. Sutherland, S. W.; L. Vincent, J. A.; A. Stewart, Treas.; C. C. Perry, Sec'y.; J. W. Knapp, S. D.; Thomas Becker, J. D.; L. F. Earl, Tyler. Organized in 1864. Membership 38. Meets Saturday evening on or before full moon, at Masonic Hall, Coloma. Watervliet Village Directory. AUen W. W., post master, dealer in dry goods, gro ceries, &c. Baldwin W. M., (Swain, Ol ney & Co.) Bradt H. D., wagon maker and blacksmith. Branch H., shoemaker. Bonefoye Nelson, carpenter. Brown R. C, miUer, with Swaine, Olney & Co. Brown S. D., workman in mill. Brown WiUiam, propr. hotel. Burnside & Haskell, (S. J. B. & S. M. H.,) meat mar ket. Burr John, laborer. Cady A. J., clerk with Swain, Olney & Co. Johnson D. C, sawyer, (S., 0., & Co.) Knapp J. W,, laborer, Lewis J. W., laborer. ModUn Wright, teamster. Moore Daniel, laborer. Moore WUliam, laborer. Olds Albert, laborer. Olney B. A., (Swain, Olney & Co.) Parsons George, (Swain, Ol ney &- Co.) Petrie Charles, sawyer. Pockett Thomas, carpenter and joiner. Reed J. W. laborer. Sale John, laborer. Spiers R. B., physician and surgeon. 240 HISTORY OP HAGAR. CUfford E. D., carpenter and joiner. Coons Albert, sawyer. ' Crager Jacob, propr. Paw Paw and St. Joseph stage Une. DrescoU Richard, blacksmith. Gary John, mill hand. Havens E. R., clerk with W. W. Allen. HaskeU S. M., (Burnside & HaskeU. Henesy WiUiam, laborer. Holland Henry, saw mill and farm. Hone Joseph, tinware. Johnson Charles, land owner. Stoddard Bd., groceries, crock- . ery, ko. Swain, Ohiey & Co., (I. N. Swain, B. A. Olney, W. M. Baldwin, G. Parsons,) proprs^ flour mill, saw mill, and dealers in dry goods, groceries, &c. Tooley S. Harness maker. Tucker B. B., physician and surgeon. Vannetter R. N., blacksmith. Werwie Joseph, sawyer. Wigent James D., farmer. Wright D. S., carpenter. HISTORY OF HAGAR. Hagar lies in the northern end of the County, bounded on the west by Lake Michigan and on the east by WatervU^.. It is designated as town 3 south, range 18 west. The soU is the same sandy loam found in most of the lake shore towns of Ber rien County, and is very productive when properly cultivated.. The land breaks off abruptly along the lake shore in high bluffs or clay banks, in some places over one hundred feet in height. Paw Paw river passes through the south east eorner and in its valley are some of the most beautiful farms in the County. HAGAR TOWNSHIP DIRECTORY. 241 With the exception of the south east corner, Hagar was not improved as early as its sister towns. In 1837 Hagar and Watervliet were organized as one township, which bore the name of Paw Paw. In 1846 Hagar was organized as a sepa rate township. The population in 1854 was 296 ; in '54 it was 463, and in 1870 it was 884 — an increase of 80 per cent, in six years. With the exception of Benton it shows the largest percentage of increase in the County. No town is better adapted to fririt growing than Hagar and a large number of farmers are turning their attention in this direction. There is not a store, church, post office or mill in the town ship. It has several good school houses. The Michigan Lake Shore Railroad has a station by the name of River Site in the township, thi Daffey Martin, teamster. Dahrymple George, carpenter. Dabrymple Jacob, carpenter, h. Portage. Danii Stephen A., propr. TremontJHouse, 62 Front, cor. Oak. Davenport WilUam R., pump maker, h. Lake. Davis WiUiam H., tinner, h. Main. Day Andrew C.,|farmer, h. 21 Front, cor. Portage. Day Clark, horse tamer, bds. Eagle House. 264 BUCHANAN VILLAGE DIRECTORY. DeArmond EUzabeth, domestic, Front, Decker EUza, h. Portage, nr. M. C. R. R. DeLambert E. & L., dressmaking and millinery, 68 Front. DeMont P. G., carpenter, h. Second. DeMont Richard A., viUage marshal, h. Second. Dempsey A. S., carpenter, h. Oak. Dempsey Joseph, propr. billiard saloon, 34 Front. Denn Lewis, journeyman tailor, h. Portage. Deuel Jeremiah, h. Portage. DeViney James G., track man. DeViney Mrs. J. G., dressmaker, Front, DeWing W, M., traveling agent, h. Portage. Dick Edwin, wood turner, bds Oak, Dodd Erasmus S., physician. Front, h. Day's Avenue. Dodd LeRoy, manuf. Dodd's cough balsam and liver pills, 41 Front. Dodge Addie, dressmaker. Dodge Josephine, domestic, Front. Dodge Penner B. Drake James, hack driver, Eagle House. Dumbolton S., stone cutter, h. Portage. Duncan Brink, clerk with Redden & Duncan. Duncan James, (Redden & Duncan,) h. Main. Dunning Philander B., h. Main. Dunning Mrs. P, B., millinery and hoop skirt manuf,. Main; Durand Austin, wagon maker. . Dutton Joseph S., laborer, h. Front. Dutton Mrs. Jane, h, Detroit, Dutton Mrs. Maria, nurse, h. 10 Front. E Eaton Elias, (Eaton k Simmons,) h. Main. Eaton & Simmons, (E. E. & C, A. S.,) groceries, 49 Front. ' Eaton Elias, Jr., clerk, h. Main. Eaton J. M., joiner, h. Front. EUiott Vena, bds. Oak. Ely 0. S., gunsmith, Day's Avenue. Eply P. R., hostler, bds. Day's Avenue. Eply Samuel W., tailor, 40. Front, h. .Day's Avenue. Estes Abijah, Day's Avenue. Estes Salmon L., clothing, 50 Front, h. Main. Evans Amos P., painter and deputy sheriff, h. Main. Evans Charles, teamster, h. Second. BUCHANAN VILLAGE DIRECTORY. 265 Fancher Jonathan, school teacher, h. Main. Fellows Hiram, track man, h. Oak. Fender Jehn, tailor, 45 Front, h. Clark, Ferris James, minister, (Advent Christian,) h. Front. Fisk Benjamin P., mover of buildings, bds. Second, Fox WiUiam H, & Co,, dry goods, 44 Front. Fox George, (W, H. Fox & Co.,^ bds. Lake. Fox L, Perry, (Richards k Fox,) h. Lake, French James E,, groceries and provisions. Days Avenue, nr. M, C. depot, French Mary, school teacher. Fulton Thomas M,, banker, h. 79 Front. Gabrielson Isaac L., printer, Advent Christian Times office, bds. 89 Front. Gardner Silas, track man, h. Railroad. Gates Mrs. Lucy, h. Fourth, Gates Marcus ,D., blacksmith, h. Fourth. Getzman Charles, harness maker. Giberson John, harness maker, h. West. Gilbert Fred, mason, h. Portage. Gilbert Thomas, mason, h. Portage. Glover Harrison, butcher, h. Fourth. Glover James, carpenter, h. Portage. Clover Jay 0., cooper, h. West. Glover WiUiam H., cooper, h. Fourth, Goslim Peter B,, blacksmith, h. Clark. Graham John, internal revenue assessor, h. 92 Front, Qraham Joseph 0., clerk, h. Lake, Griffin Ezra M,. buUder, h. Front. Griffin C. 0., carpenter, bds. Front. Griffith, Isaac, farmer. - Griffith Mrs. Eunice, dress maker, h. Bertrand Road. Grosvenor Joseph V., h. Oak. H ) Haggerty Artie, farmer. Haggerty Hattie, domestic. Hahn Adam, cabinet maker, h. River. Hahn Jacob P., undertaker, S. Oak. Hahn Lewis, laborer, Day's Avenue. HaU Henry J., carpenter and joiner, h. West. 2Si BUCHANAN VILLAGE DIRECTORY. HaU Emma, domestic. Lake. Ham Edgar, wood carver, h. Second. Hamilton Luther, well digger. Hamilton Nathaniel, auctioneer, h. S. Oak. Hamilton Warner 0., farmer, h, 113 Front, Hamlin Dr, W. S., general agent Hamlin's wizard oU, h, 101 Front, Harding WiUiam T., farmer, h. Day's Avenue, Harper Benjamin D., foreman Record Printing Houses hi Fourth. Harrington Aimer S., farmer, h. Portage. Harris George A,, watchmaking and repairing. Main. Harrison Mrs. Almira, h. Day's Avenue. Harrison Mrs. Lucretia, h. Third, * Havens Nelson, butcher. Front, h. Second. Hermance William G., patentee. Hermance M?s. Sarah, h. Portage. Hess Benjamin, carpenter, h. Day's Avenue. Hess EUza, tailoress, bds. 88 Front. Hess Michael, carpenter, h. 88 Front. Hetchler Nathaniel. Hewitt John W., laborer. Hibberdine James, laborer. Hicks A. B., painter, h. Front. High Eli, mechanic, (Black's,) h. w s Oak. High Charles, clerk with W. H. Fox & Co., bds. vfs Oak. High Samuel, wood turner, h. Oak. Hildreth Luther B., farmer. Himes Joshua V., Editor Advent Christian Times, h. 112 Front- Himes Walter I., (Rogers & Himes,) h. 109 Front.- Himes WiUiam L,, Editor Advent Christian Quarterly, bds, 112 Front. Hinman David E., lawyer, 47 Front, h. 90 Front. Hirons John, carpenter, h, 94 Front, Hoag William B., capitalist, bds. 82 Front, Hobart Henry R., drayman, h. Day's Avenue. Hobart Stephen, farmer. Portage. HoUiday Hiram G., carpenter, h. Portage. Holmes Fred W., foreman and clerk, lumber yard, Diy's Av,, h. Portage. Howard k Demont, (J. H. & R. A, DeMont,) 54 Front. Howard John, (Howard & DeMont,) h. Portage. Howe Albert, pressman. Ad: Chris. Times office, bds. 89 Front. BUCHANAN VILLAGE DIRECTORY. 267 Howe Franc A., dressmaker, 46 Front. Howe Hezekiah J., dry goocb, 47 Front, h. 89 Front. Hudson Mrs. Loraine, h. Oak. Hunt George, journeyman cooper, bds. Second. I Irwin James, h. Second. Irwin Wentworth, laborer, (Black's,) h. Day's Avenue. J Jeffery P. 0., wood carver. Jeffery George A., printer. Advent Christian Times office. Jeffery WiUiam R., laborer, bds. Fourth. Jenkins Eli, miller, bds. Oak. Jones Martha A,, teacher select school,' Oak. Jones Charles R., barber, 46 Front, h. 18 Front. Jones Thomas J., barber, 46 Front, h. 18 Front. Jordan Amasa A., farmer. Day's Avenue. Kane Susan, school teacher, h. Oak. Kedder George, wood turner, h. Day's Avenue. KeUy Charles S., harness maker. Front. Kemp William, laborer. Kempfield Anna, domestic. Kendall Mrs. Ann, h. Berrien. KendaU Ponsonby, mason, bds. Berrien. Kendall Edmund, bds. Berrien. KendaU Mary, taUoress, bds. Berrien. Kingery John H., (Blake & Kingery,) h. West, nr. Second. Kmgery WilUam D., (Wagner & Kingery,) bds. West, nr. Second. Kinney Patrick H., miller, h. Chicago. Kinney WUUam, mason, h. Front. Kinyon Horace H., groceries and provisions, 53 Front. Kirk David, laborer, h. Fourth. Kyte Charles, horse trainer, bds. Front. L Lang Mrs. EUen, h. Portage. Lane Lewis, laborer, h. Portage. Lawton Philip, cabinet maker, bds. Tremont House. Lee Mrs. Martha, h. Second. Leeds Mary, school teacher, bds. 73 Front. Lehmer William, teamster. 268 BUCHANAN VILLAGE DIEECTORY. LeSuer Henry D., traveling agent, h. Main, cor. Third, Logan John M,, laboi:er, h. River. Logan Mrs, Mary A,, h. River, Long Edith, school teacher, bds. Roe. Long Samuel P., farmer, h. Roe. Lough WiUiam, laborer, h. Day's Avetaue. Lovejoy Charles, horse trainer, bds, 2 Front, Luther J, & A. W., cloths and crockery, 45 Front, h, 76 Fronts McCleaf D. A., miller, h. Portage, cor. Second. NcC'ollum S. Everet, (Batchelor & McCoUum,) h. 86 Front. McCoUum Mrs. Elizabeth, h. Front. McComb Robert, peddler, h. S. Portage. McCoy Clarance, carpenter, h. w s Main,, McCoy Russell, farmer, h. w s Main. McDonald David S., nursery, h. w s Day's Avenue. McEwen II. P. wagon maker, h. Portage, McLin George H,, physician, 59 Front, h, e s Portage. McNeil George B., blacksmith, h. Fourth, McOmber Richard, farmer, h. 113 Front, Maine Orin, farmer, h. Oak, , Maine Orin, Jr,, laborer, bds. Oak. Maloy George W., carpenter, h. Oak, Manchester Abel J,, painter, Mansfield D, R. & M, S., pastors Advent Christian Church, h, w s Detroit, Mansfield Elijah D,, book-keeper. Advent Christian Times; office, h. w s Lake, ; Mansfield Jennie, compositor, bds. Detroit. ' Marhoff & Warner, (Henry^ M. & E, A, W.,) manuf. doors, sash and blinds, S, Oak, Marhoff Henry, (Marhoff & Warner,) h. e s Oak, Marsh Orson, workman on railroad, h. Day's Avenue, Marshall WiUiam, carpenter, h. Day's Avenue. Martin Albert, teamster, h- Fourth. Matchett Mrs. Martha A., h. Third. Matchett WiUiam, laborer, h. Third. Matthews Webster, (Matthews & Baker.) h. Portage. Matthews A. C, student, bds Front. i Matthews James M., (Baker & Matthews,) h. Fourth, Mead Myron C, (Mead & Weisberger,) Day's Avenue, Mead & Weisberger, propr, saw mill, Oak, BUCHANAN VILLAGE DIRECTORY. 269 WMM wmmmAM TEA^mhm, AHT EDUCATIONAL MOMTHLY, DEVOTED TO EDUCATIONAL INTELLIGENCE, To the practical work of the School Room, and to the Philosophy of Educaton. j^P" TERMS. — Twelve and a half cents a number for any time. Four copies one year, five dollars. Specimen copies, ten cents. Every Teacher and School Officer should have it ! NIUES, MICHIQAN. Merrill Norris H., post master, h. w s Oak. Merrill George W., blacksmith, h. West, nr. Front. Metzgar Gotleib, h. Front. , Michael Noah, tinware, Front, h. 81 Front. Miller Samuel, carpenter, h. Day's Avenue. Mills Wellington, painter, h. Oak. 'Molsberry W. P., biUiard hall and bowUng alley, 37 Front, h. Main, nr. Second. Montgomery David, painter, h. Portage. Montross R. W., (Smith & Montross,) h. Oak. Moriey & Talbot, (B. T. Moriey k W. H. Talbot,) foundry and machine shop. Portage, nr. M. C. R. R. Morris Garret, bible agent, h. Main. Morris John, clerh with Binns k Rose, h. Main. Morris Royal, laborer, h. Main. Morse Henry L., traveling agent, h. Oak. Morse _Samuel, barber, h. Oak. Moulton John B., agent Wheeler k Wilson sewing machine, h. West. Mowrey Hiram N., blacksmith. Day's Avenue. Myers Piatt B., (Smith & M.,) physician, h. Main, cor. Third. TV Nash D. C, grocery, 60 Front, h. same. Nash' Mrs. Matilda, h. Third. Noble George W., boots and shoes, 50 Front. Norris Nathan W., turner, (Black's,) h. Day's Avenue. O OUn P. G., retired farmer, h. Day's Avenue. Onan James, miUef, with Rough and Pears, h. Chicago. Onan Dennis, shingle sawyer, bds. Chicago. 270 BUCHANAN VILLAGE DIRECTORY. Osborn WiUiam, drugs and books, 41 Front, h. Main. Parketon Charles H., manuf, window shades, Parrish Jesse N,, dealer in lumber and stock, Fourth, Pattengill William, laborer, h. Roe, Pears WUliam, (Rough & Pears,) flouring miU, h, 87 Front, Pierce Ross W., physician, 49 Piront, h, 82 Front, Pierce George W,, harness maker, h. Fourth, Pierce Ashman, clerk, bds. Day's Avenue. PUmpton Emory M., lawyer, 47 Front, h. w s Oak. Post Mrs. J. N,, h. Oak, Potter Frank N. , wood carver, h, s s Clark. Potter Solon 0., carpenter, h. Oak, Powers WilUam, shoemaker, h. Oak, Powers Alfred P,, laborer, h. 66 Front, Proud & Pease, (D. P. k D. N. P.,) livery stable, 26 Front. Rea W. W., harness maker. Front, h. Oak. Rea C. Hayden, harness maker, h, Clark, Rea Elizabeth, tailoress, bds. Front. , ' Reafer Henry, laborer. Redden k Duncan, (Samuel W. R, & James D.,) grocers, 43 Front, Redden Samuel W., (Redden k Duncan,) h. Portage, Richards k Fox, (Alfred R, k L. P, P,,) lumber dealers, Day's Avenue. ' Richards Alfred, (Richards k Fox,) h. Fourth, Richards George H., manuf. zinc collar pads. Portage, h. Third, Richardson Mrs. Lucy, h. Portage, Richardson Gershon, laborer, Portage, Richardson George J., laborer, West, Riley Augusta, milliner. Rinker Mrs. Nancy. Robinson Parker, cooper. Roe John M,, physician, 48 Front, cor. Main, h, w s Oak. Roe EU, Sr., h. Main, Roe J, H,, singing teacher, h, s s Oak, ' Rogers 0., laborer, h. Portage, Rogers & Himes, (R, H. R, & W, I, H,,) variety store, 48 Front, cor. Main, Rogers Robert H,, (Rogers & Himes,) h, Terre Coupee Roadl Rose 0. W,, (Binns & Rose,) h. Portage, BUCHANAN VILLAGE DIRECTORY. 271 S. D, DANN, Proprietor. 4W This is a well appointed House, and of a capacity to accommodate all who will favor it with their patronage. Good Livery in attendance. 62 Front Street, Corner of Oak, BUCHANAN, - - MICHIGAN. Rose James, farmer, h. Third. Rosenquest Henry A., printer. Record office, bds. Main. Ross & Son, (J. D. & A. P.,) bankers, 46 Front, cor. Main, h. 67 Front. Ross Mrs. Amanda, h. Oak. Ross Mrs. Clara, h. Fourth. Rouse Charles, painter, h. Clark. Rouse Mrs. Mary, h. Third. Russ H, E,, teamster, h. Front. Russell Stewart, bds. Oak. Russell Irvin, carpenter, h. Oak. Rynearson & Sanders, (Isaiah R. & P. C. S.,) boots and shoes, Front. Rynearson Isaiah, (R. k Sanders,) h. Berrien. Rynearson Jefferson, engineer, h. Berrien. Rynearson Josiah, laborer, h. Berrien. Rynearson Peter B., watch making and repairing, 49 Front. Rynearson Werter, miller, (Rough & Pears' mill,) h. Berrien. Rynearson William, farmer, h. Bertrand Road. Sampson H. G., farmer, h. Portage, south of M. C. R. R. Sampson Maria, school teacher, bds. Portage. Sampson Emma, school teacher, bds. Portage. Sampson Nettie, school teacher, bds. Portage. Sanders F. C, (Rynearson & S.,) h. Portage. Sargood Joseph,, turner. Schram Valentine, laborer, h. Portage. Schram WiUiam, pedler, h, Portage. Shackleton John, saloon, 31 Front. Shaffer JuUus, baker, bds. Tremont House. Sherwood Lyman, carpenter, h. Fourth. 272 BUCHANAN VILLAGE DIRECTORY. Sherwood Ja,mes, carpienter. Sherwood John, laborer. Portage. Shiffer James, mason. Portage. Shook John, shoemaker, Railroad st. Sickafoose Rev. George, Presiding Elder, (United Brethren,) h. n s Fourth. Simmons Thomas, carpenter and joiner, h. Lake. Simmons C. A,, (Eaton & Simmons,) h. Third, Simmons Mrs. Lucy, h. Third. Simmons WilUam, teamster. Skinner Charles, horse trainer, bds. 2 Front, nr. Pair Grounds. Skinner Wm., horse trainer, bds. 2 Front. Smith Charles, bds. Third. Smith, Elston & Co., props, handle factory. Oak. Smith James, laborer. Second. Smith & Myers, (James S. &P. B. M.,) druggists, 58 Front. Smith James, (Smith & Myers,) h. 58 Front. Smith James M., printer. Record office, bds. Tremont House. Smith John, workman. Railroad. Smith Perry, Ijaborer. Smith Philo, engineer, handle factory. Smith & Montross, (G. W. S. k R. W. M.,) proprs. Wolverine Handle Factory, at Galien, Smith G, W., (Smith k Montross,) h. e s Portage, Smith Sanford, (Smith & Sons,) h. Day's Avenue. Smith & Sons, (S., J. & M.,) groceries and provisions, 39 Front, h. Day's Avenue. Smith W. H., workman, M. C. R. R. Smith Seth, baggage master, M. C. R. R., h. Portage. Smith Mrs. Margaret A., h. Berrien. Snyder Charles, mason, h. River, Sparks Eldon, produce dealer, bds. Main cor. Third. Sparks Allen, workman, (Black's.) Sparks Hellen L., compositor, Advent Christian Times office. Spencer B. IL, cabinet maker. Black's, h. Lake. St. John James, cooper, bds. Oak. Storm Henry C, book-keeper. Black's, bds. Main. Strausheidt Mrs. Sarah E., h. Lake, nr. Front. Strong Horace P., shoemaker, 51 Front, h. Main. Strong Mrs. Susan B., school teacher, h. Main. Strong Howell, clerk, h. Second. Swearingen Mrs. Sarah, h- Portage. BUCHANAN VILLAGE DIRECTORY. 273 CHAS. M. UNDERWOOD. —DEALER IN— G-ENERAL HARDTTV'ARE, 48 Main Street, Corner of Second, NILES, - - IVIICHIOAIV. T Talbot WiUiam H., (Moriey & T,,) h. Oak. Taylor Joseph, shoemaker, h. Alexander. Terriere Daniel, general insurance agent, h. 73 Front. Terriere Alice, school teacher, bds. 73 Front. Thomas Theodore W., turner, h Main. Totten Daniel, farmer, h. Main. Town George, laborer, bds. Tremont House. Treat David B., freight and ticket agent, M. C. R. R. TREMONT HOUSE, S. D. Dann, propr., 62 Front, cor. Oak. Tryon J. T., manuf. carvings, h. Portage. Van Antwerp George, painter. Front. Vh,ickevoy William, workman on Railroad, h. Oak. Vincent William A., carpenter. Voorhees J. V., cooper... Wagner & Kingery, '(D. A, W, & W. D. K.,) ptoprs. Bferrien County Record, Main. Wagner D. A., propr. Christian Proclamation, h. Main, nr. Third. Wagner Lilian, compositor. Record and Proclamation offices. Walter Gotleib, tailor, h. Fourth. Walton James A., propr. Eagle House, Main. Waner Daniel, carpenter, h. Portage. Warner E. A., (Marhoff & W.,) h. Clark. Warren Fred., h. Berrien. WatSon Mrs. S. A., h. Day's Avenue. Watson Walter, foreman, foundry, h. Day's Avenoe. Weaver Albert M., hardware clerk, h. 68 Front. Weaver P. M., (CoUins & W.,) h. 77 Front. 274 BUCHANAN VILLAGE DIRECTORY. I Weaver AUce A., school teacher, bds. 77 FrOnt. Weed Mrs. Phoebe, Second. Weese Hiram, farmer, h. River. Weese Leonard, laborer. River. Weisgerber John, (Mead & W.,) h. Day's Avenue. Welch John C, jeweler and news dealer, 59 Front, h. Day'-g Avenue. Wheeler Edward, teamster. Portage. White Mrs. Virginia, h. Front. Whitehead Lizzie, music teacher, bds. at Wm. Pears, Whitehead David, miller, bds, Alexander. Whitman Scott, live stock dealer, h. Main. Wilcox EUza, domestic, Second. Wiley M. W., clerk, Eagle House. Willard John, mason, h. Front. Willard John G., laborer. Willard Augustine, foreman Black's bedstead factory, h. Oak. Willard Mrs. H. A., taUoress, h. West. .^:^ Williams Harry C, foreman Advent Christian Times office, bds. 89 Front. Williams J. C, laborer, h. Portage. WilUams Hattie, dressmaker, bds. Portage. Wilson J. M., dentist, Main. Wilson B., master builder, h. Day's Avenue. WUson Mrs. Honor, dressmaker. Main, cor. Front. Widner Mrs. R. E., agent Singer's Sewing Machiae, h. w s Lake. Widner Frank P., bds. Lake. Wood Henry, laborer, h. Late. Wood James K., clerk with H. J. Howe, h. Detroit. Wood WilUam, carpenter, Main. Wood Orin, clerk. Wood W. P., wagon maker, h. Day's Avenue. Woodbridge Dr. Horace A., ocuhst, 13 Front. Wynn Mrs, EUzabeth, h. Fourth; Wynn Morgan,' teamster, h. Fourth. Z Zahn JuUa A., tailoress, bds. Chicago, Buchanan Township Directory. Abbreviations. — rue, north east quarter ; nw, north west quarter; se, south east quarter; sec, section; sw, southwest quarter. The Post office address is the place given at the end of the line. X T Alien Sydney, land owner, nw sec 33, Buchanan, Alverd Charles, land owner, se sec 31, Dayton, Andrews Frederic, land owner, ne sec 34, Buchanan, Andrews John, land owner, nw sec 27, Buchanan, Atkins Nelson, land owner, se sec 23, Buchanan, Atkinson James, land owner, se sec 11, Buchanan, Baldwin M, H., land owner, sw sec 18, Buchanan. Barber John, land owner, se sec 5, Buchanan. Barnes Hiram, land owner, nw sec 5, Buchanan. Barnhouse WUUam H., land owner, sw sec 15, Buchanan. Bates Alvin, land owner, se sec 2, Buchanan. Baner Jacob, land owner, ne sec 5, Buchanan. Beck John, land owner, se sec 16, Buchanan. Beck EUjah, land owner, ne sec 25, Buchanan. Beckwith Edgar, land ovmer, nw sec 19, Buchanan. Beckwith Edwin A., land owner, se sec 20, Buchanan. Beckwith Mrs. L. H,, land owner, ne sec 20, Buchanan. Becker George P., land owner, ne sec 36, Buchanan. Bell Martin, farmer, Buchanan. BUss Debert, land owner, se sec 33, Buchanan. BoUe Gotleib, land owner, sw sec 7, Buchanan. Bradley Henry, land owner, sw sec 2, Buchanan. Broceus Abram, land owner, se sec 27, Buchanan. Broceus Raymond, land owner, se sec 7, Buchanan. Broceus William, landowner, ne sec 11, Buchanan, Burgoine Robert, land owner, ne sec 3, Buchanan. 276 BUCHANAN TOWNSHIP DIBBOTOBY, Burkhart B., land owner, ne sec 31, Buchanan. Burns William, land owner, sw sec 83, Buchanan, a Camp Miner, land owner, sw sec 19, Buchanan, Camp Samuel, land owner, nw sec 19, Buchanan. Carpenter Marcus, land owner, sw sec 3, Buchanan, Case Allen, land owner, se sec 8, Buchanan. Case James K,, land owner, sw sec 28, Buchanan. Chamberlain Benjamin, land owner, se sec 86, Buchanan ClaA P. F,, land owner, se sec 35, Buchanan, Clark John, land owner, ne sec 22, Buchanan, Clark R, V., land owner, se sec 4, Buchanan. Colvui George W., land owner, nw sec 11, Buchanan. Colvin Jefferson. Colvin Wilkinson, land owner, sec 4, Buchanan. t Cool Frederic, land owner, sw sec 6, Buchanan. Cool Gotleib, land owner, nc sec 7, Buchanan. Conradt Gotleib, land owner, se sec 17, Buchanan, Conradt WUliam land owner, ne sec 20, Buchanan. Coveny Joseph, land owner, sw sec 6, Buchanan, CuUen James, land owner, se sec 31, Dayton. Daley Mrs, Ann, land owner, sw sec 32, Dayton, Dalrymple George, land owner, sw sec 25, Buchanan. Decker EUza, land owner, ne sec 28, Buchanan. Decker Isaac, land owner, sw sec 8, Buchanan. Dempsey Samuel, land owner, sw sec 32, Dayton. Dempsey MUton J. Denend WUUam, land owner, ne sec 81, Dayton. Diment Benjamin, land owner, nw sec 5, Buchanan. Donley Jerry, land owner, sw sec 32, Dayton. Dragoo Mrs. Barbara A., land owner, sec 23, Buchanan. Dragoo Julius M,, land owner, se sec 15, Buchanan. Dragoo Lodema, land owner, sw sec 15, Buchanan. Dragoo Uel, land owner, sw sec 14, Buchanan. Dutton David, land owner, se sec 21, Buchanan. Ebersol Henry, land owner, nw sec 28, Buchanan. BUCHANAN TOWNSHIP DIRECTORY. 277 Pedorus George, land owner, no seo 21, Buchanan. Ferris Melissa, land owner, sw sec 12, Buchanan. Fisk David, land owner, nw sec 34, Buchanan. Foster Mary D., land owner, sec 32, Dayton. Fuller Joseph, land owner, se sec 8, Buchanan, Gazley David, land owner, ne sec 2, Buchanan, Hamel Henry, land owner, sw sec 16, Buchanan. Hanover WilUam, land owner, bw sec 18, Buchanan. Hartline Joel, land owner, sec 6, Buchanan. Haskins H. H., land owner, sw sec 18, Buchanan. Hastings WiUiam, land owner, nw seo 25. Hess Henry, land owner, sw sec 16, Buchanan. Hess John H., land owner, nw sec 21, Buchanan. HUdreth Mrs. 0. J., land owner, ne sec 27, Buchanan, Hoff George, farmer, sec 21, Buchanan, Hoff George, Jr., land owner, se seo 21, Buchanan. Hoff John, land owner, ne sec 21, Buchanan. Hunter Albert G. Hunter T. J., land owner, se sec 10, Buchanan. Huse Mathias, land owner, nw sec 30, Dayton. Ingersol C. J., land owner, nw sec 34, Buchanan. Inglewright A. W., land owner, sw sec 7, Buchanan. Inglewright WUliami land owner, n sec 2, Buchanan. or Jennings Jasper* land owner, ne sec 10, Buchanan. ' Johnson R. £., land owner, se sec 5, Buchanan. Juday Jerome, land owner, Sep 18,Buchanan. Juday John, land owner, nw seo 18, Buchanan. Kayler Jefferson. Keuey Bros., land ownejs, se sec H, Buchanan. KeUy Williaqi, land ownisr, nw sec $3, B^aohuian. 278 BUCHANAN TOWNSHIP DIRECTORY. Keniston James, land owner, ne sec 19, Buchanan. Kirkindall Van, land owner, sec 14, Buchanan. Leslie Hartley, land owner, se sec 29, Dayton. Long Jacob, land owner, sw sec 28, Buchanan. Lumbard A. W., land owner, sw sec 26, Buchanan. Madren Leonard, land owner, se sec 8, Buchanan. Marble John, land owner, nw sec 36, Buchanan. Markley George, land owner, ne sec 3, Buchanan. Marsh Alonzo, land owner, sw sec 36, Buchanan. , Marsh Marvin, land owner, se sec 36, Buchanan. Mason Oscar, land owner, ne sec 34, Buchanan. McCracken Charles, land owner, se sec 4. McGuinn Bryen, land owner, sw sec 30, Dayton. McNally Thomas, land owner, se sec 31, DaytonI McOmber Richard, land owner, sw sec 26, Buchanan. Mead WiUiam, land owner, se sec 27, Buchanan. Merrill William S., land owner, nw sec 35, Buchanan. Metz George, land owner, sec l9, Buchanan. Miller Aaron, land owner, se sec 27, Buchanan. Miller Anson, land owner, sw sec 10, Buchanan. Miller Jacob E., land owner, nw sec 22, Buchanan. Mitchell Tapley, land owner, se sec 8, Buchanan. Mitchell John, land owner, sw sec 9, Buchanan. Montague Orin, farmer, sw sec 23, Buchanan; Moon Richard, land owner, nw sec 21, Buchanan. Moon Zimri, land owner, ne sec 26, Buchanan. Morgan L. B., land owner, nw sec 34, Buchanan. Morley Mrs. CeUa, land owner, se sec 21, Buchanan. Morley William, land owner, sw sec 34, Buchanan. Muchler John, land owner, se sec 8, Buchanan. Myrick E., land owner, ne sec 11, Buchanan, Nutt Joseph W., land owner, nw sec 10, Buchanan. Paxton WilUam S,, land owner, sw sec 20, Buchanan. Pennell B. M., land ownerj sw sec 34, Buchanan. PenweU E. W;, land owner, nw sec 20, Buchanan. BUCHANAN TOWNSHIP DIRECTORY. 279* Perrott John, land owner, se sec 27, Buchanan. Perry V. N,, farmer, sec 22, Buchanan; ' Potter Alonzo, land owner, sw sec 31, Dayton. Price Benjamin. Raver George, land owner, ne sec 5, Buchanan. Reynolds James, land owner, nw sec 26, Buchanan. Richards Alfred, land owner, se sec 26, Buchanan. Rinker Nancy, land owner, se sec 26, Buchanan. Roach Samuel, l&,nd owner, ne sec 9, Buchanan. Roe Charles, land owner, ne sec 22, Buchanan. Roe Eli, Jr., land owner, ne sec 26, Buchanan. Rose William J., land owner, sw sec 8, Buchanan. Rundell Robert, farmer, sec 21, Buchanan. Rundell Milicent, land owner, ne sec 21, Buchanan. Russ H. E., land owner, sw sec 25, Buchanan. s Samson H. G., land owner, se sec 35, Buchanan. Searls George, land owner, ne sec 14, Buchanan. Seai'ls John, land owner, se sec 14, Buchanan. Shaw Levi, land owner, sec 11, Buchanan. Shemaly WilUam, land owner, nw sec 3, Buchanan. Shepardson Amos, land owner, ne sec 29, Buchanan. Shepardson Ira, land owner, sw sec 19, Buchanan. Sherwood 0. M. Sherwood Mrs. G., land owner, nw sec 14, Buchanan. Sherwood H. C, land owner, ne sec 33, Buchanan. Simmons WUliam. \ Simson Charles, land owner, nw sec 10, Buchanan. Slater Jerry, land owner, se sec 30, Buchanan. Smith George, land owner, ne sec 6, Buchanan. Smith George M., land owner, nw sec 15, Buchanan. Smith J. J., land own^r, se sec 15, Buchanan. Snyder Jacob, land owner, sw sec 2, Buchanan, Snyder Joseph, land owner, ne sec 27, Buchanan, Sparks Joseph, land owner, nw sec 25, Buchanan, Spaulding Edwin, land owner, sw sec 4, Buchanan, Spauldulg E. P., land owner, ne sec 10, Buchanan. Spaulding L. W., land owner, sw sec 4, Buchanan. Spennetta Dominic, land owner, sw sec 17, Buchanan. Susan Stephen, land owner, se sec 16, Buchanan. 280 BUCHANAN TOWNSHIP DIRECTORY. Swartz Christian, land owner sw sec 32, Dayton; Sylvester Darius, land owner, nw seo 3, Buonaaan, Teich Alphons, land owner, sw sec 8, Buchanan. TidweU William. Totten Daniel, land owner, ne sec 26, Buchanan. Tomlinson Albert, land owner, ne sec 15, Buchanan, Tomlinson A, J., land owner, sw sec 28, Buchanan. Vanderlin Charles. V Wade Frank, farmer, nw sec 80, Buchanan. Wagner A. Z., propr saw mUl, ne sec 26, Buchanan, Watson Lawson, land owner, se sec 22, Buchanan, Weaver Benjamin, land owner, se sec 18, Buchanan. Weaver David, land owner, sw sec 8, Buchanan, Weaver Elmer. Weaver Jacob, Weaver John. Weaver Samuel, land owner, sw sec 27, Buchanan. Whalen Patrick, lapd owner, nw sec 19, Buchanan. Wilber John, land owner, sw sec 26, Buchanan. Wilson Henry, land owner, sw sec 12, Buchanan. Wilson Nathaniel, land owner, se sec 21, Buchanan. Wolkins Peter, land owner, sec 6, Buchanan. Wood Benoni, land owner, sw sec 2, Buchanan. Wray Peachy, land owner, sw sec 20,. Buchanan. Wray Riley, land owner, nw sec 28, Buchanan. HISTORY OF ORONOKO. This township is designated as town 6 south, range 18 wesi. The face of the country is generaUy rolling and is nearly all susceptible of cultivation, as there are but few acres of waste or unavaUable land in the town. Two or three small streams flow from different parts of the town into the river. In the vicinity of Berrien Springs is a fertile prairie of about a thou sand acres, known as Wolfs Prairie. This is the only prairie in the County outside of Bertrand. It is the general opinion of the earUer settlers that the prairie was once covered with a forest, which was destroyed by a wind storm, and that the ground was cleared and cultivated by the Indians. Indications of former com fields were plainly visible when the first settlers came. Many of the old forest trees which escaped the des tructive wind storm are yet standing in the vUlage and are guarded with much care by the older settlers. Wolfs Prairie ^t an early day attracted pioneers, the first of whom was Law rence Cavenaugh, who afterwards removed to Berrien Town ship. John Pike arrived at Carey Mission on the 2d of May, 1829. A few weeks after he moved his family and goods in a pe riouge, down the river to Wolfs Prairie, where he lived until 1832, when he removed to Royalton.^ George Kimmel of Somerset Co., Penn., visited the County ;282 ' HISTORY OK ORONOKO, ;in 1829. He bought at tbe land office in Monroe soveral hun- •dred acres of land lying in and around Wolf's Prairie. In May 1831, he, with two sons and a number of workmen ar-' rived on the ground and commenced work. The remainder of his family did not arrive untU June, 1888. Francis B, Murdock, a son-in-law, of Mr, Kimmors, came in 1831, Ho moved from Eli Ford's miU, on a raft, down the Dowagiac and the St, Joseph to Berrien. The house which ho -erected was near the site of James Graham's residence, Pitt Brown was another settlor of '81, He came in July of (that year. Ho was proprietor of the ferry which was built soon after his arrival, and the first post master. Ho kept the ¦office in his tavern under the hill below the west end of the 'bridge, where ho afterwards had a store. Ho was Supervisor .of Berrien township from 1833 to 1840. Edward Ballengee visited Berrien in the fall of 1832 and purchased an unfinished frame building which stood near the present Dofield House. After contracting for lumber and ma- tterial to finish the building ho returned to Indiana, fti April .of the following year be moved his goods to Borrion iind opened .a storo. ThomKH Love was subsequently his partner in the jnaercantile business, Mr, BaUengee left Berrien about 1840 .and is at present a resident of Buchanan, In tho meantime he has resided in Indiana, in California and in sovoral places in ithis County and in Cass. Lyman A, Barnard is tho oldest inhabitant of the viUage. He has resided in this vicinity forty-two years and claims to be good for forty more. In 1832 be built a boat of fifteen tons burden at LaGrange Prairie and hauled it to tbe river at Niles where he launched it, and floated it down the river to St, Joseph and put a mast in it, lie crossed the lake several times in his little boat, and on his first trip to Chicago cleared fifty dollars. He was for some time in the employ of Britain and Feeland, and navigated the river, receiving and delivering goods and collecting money for his employers, /One evening HISTORY OE OBONOKO, 283 when Barnard had returned to St, Joseph from a trip up the river where he had been collecting money, be called to report to Feeland and found him gambling with Captain Whittaker, He had staked the last of his money and had lost. Turning to Barnard he asked in a low voice what luck he had had. Barnard handed him about $500 which he had collected, at the same time endeavoring to persuade him to desist from playing, as Whittaker was a successfnl gambler and more than a match for his opponent- The playing was continued until the five hundred were lost. It was but a short time after this event that Whittaker bought the land at iNew Buffalo, and, with others, laid out a viUage, It is probable that the money which he invested in his New Buffalo speculation was the same which he had won from Feeland, The viUage of Berrien was surveyed and platted in August, ' 1831, by Samuel Mars, deputy surveyor. Pitt Brown, Horace Godfrey, now living in Lake, and Francis B, Murdock were tbe original proprietors. Among the other pioneers who came into Oronoko at an early day were Wm, P, St, John, Hezekiah HaU, Wm, Web ster, Stephen Purdy, Joseph Feather, Mr, Leonard and Abram Freed, The first steamer that navigated the St, Joseph was the Newburyport, which came up the river as far as Berrien Springs in the summer of 1832, where she ran aground and was taken back to St, Joseph in a damaged condition. The MatUda Barney, built by Deacon and McCaleb of St. Joseph, was more successful in 1833, and made trips up to South Bend. The following year another boat, the Davy Crocket, was brought around fi'om Presque Isle to compete with the Matilda Barney for the river trade. The appearance of these two boats on the river was an event of some importance to early travelers, and it was celebrated in song, the poet of the occasion being Nathan Young, an eccentric, person, weU known to most of the older settlers. 284 HISTORY OF ORONOKO. throughout the County. A few of the verses as written by Mr. Young, describing the "unpleasantness" between the boats, are reproduced : "Now Davy Crocket came to town AU dressed up like a dandy; From Presque Isle has come around To spark MatUda Barney. "Now Davy he approached near. With her began to blaniby, ' Your company not wanted here,' RepUed Matilda Barney. " ' 0 how can you treat me so, My dearest Miss Matilda ; Suice you have got no other beau. And I love you so dearly ?' " 'You appear to be a nice young man,' RepUed Matilda Barney. " You are also an oljUging friend, More than I would wish to have you." On one trip " MatUda Barney" was so unfortunate as to run upon a snag and break her wheel, and had to be towed to St. Joseph by the "Crocket." As both had stem wheels she could be towed only by lashing her alongside, as described in the "poem." " At length Matilda she grew lame, And Davy made towards her ; She soon consented for him To see her safe to the moutbaof the river. " It was hand in hand they both locked arms. And down they came together, DeUshted with each other's charms, Was like sister any brother. " It is now they are in St. Joseph Bay, Beneath the stOrms and weather, But whether they are married or~no, It is there they lie together." HISTORY OF ORONOKO » 286 Otonoko was set off from Berrien and made a separate totm- ship in 1837. The first election was held at the house of WU Uam F. St. John. Edward BaUengee was the first Supervisor and Wm. F. St. John wa« the first Clerk. UntU 1846, Oronoko extended from the river to the lake. The larger por tion of Berrien Springs was formerly in Berrien township, and the elections were held in Pitt Brown's tavern, but in 1847 the river was made the boundary line between the two townships. The population of Oronoko, mcluding Lake, in 1840 was 335 ; in '45 it was 664 ; in '54 the population of Oronoko alone was 874, and the valuation of real and personal property was about $260,000. In 1870 the population was 1,617 and the assessed valuation was §406,990. Berrien Springs was designated as the County seat in 1837. NUes would have been pleased to have had it removed to that place since it was the largest viUage in the County. One of the old settlers affirms that NUes wanted every thing, and when the appropriation was made for a light house at St. Jo seph NUes wanted that. Berrien formerly had the reputation of disposing of a good deal of bad whisky, but it appears that at one time a strong temperance element existed in the vUlage and one of the whisky dealers came to grief in this manner : He opened a " grocery," which was understood to mean "whisky barrel," and the ladies to the number of forty held a private meeting, elected officers, passed prohibitory resolutions, and armed with axes and hammers marched to the grocery, which they entered. Miss Peck read the resolutions to Mr. Green and asked what he would take for his whisky. He repUed, " One hundred doUars." This they refused to give. They then took posses sion of tiie barrel, roUed it into the street and cut the hoops, and the earth drank it up. Mr. Green was warned that if he persisted they would tar and feather him. The boys then ob tained a bier, and placing the barrel upon it marched through 286 BERRIEN SPRINGS VILLASE DIRECTORY. the streets tolUng a cow beU, and finally went to the river and deposited it there. The village was incorporated in 1863. Its population in 1870 was 662. Being situated in a rich farming country, its merchants enjoy ft good trade. The sales of. J. M. Piatt amounted to $50,000 in 1870. The oldest ma'chant in the village is P. Kephart, who has been in business twenty-five years. J. M. Piatt commenced business in 1847. The viUage has three stores seUing dry goods and groceries, three groceries, boot and shoe store, two drug stores, two hotels, jewelry store, news and book store, two churches, two wagon shops, four blacksmith shops, planing mill and handle factory, one lawyer and four physicians. Berrien Springs Village Directory. CORPORATION OFFICERS. Lyman A. Barnard, President; B. P. Feather, Clerk; A, Kephart, Treasurer; Charles E. Howe, Assessor; S. H. Smith, Robert Rennie, D. Chapman, J. D. Barber, J. M. Piatt, B. P. Pennell, Trustees. BOARD OF EDUCATION, Roscoe D. Dix, President; B. F. Feather, Secretary; B. F. PenneU, P. Kephart, G. S. Pardee, G. H. Murdock. BERRIEN SPRINGS GRADED SCHOOL. John N. Foster, Principal ; Mrs. Maria McNab, Interme diate Department; Mrs. Mary J. Smith, Primary Depart ment. BKRBTKH SPBINGS VILLA6E DIRBCTOBY. 28f Churches and Qi^faiiizatioiis. HBTHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Present edifice erected in 1846. Dedicated in 1849; Rev. David Boms, Pastor; Jesse Helmick, Cleri; Jacob Ewalt, J. W. Carlisle, J. K. Hubbard, Bethuel Farley, B. Edson, Traatees. Membership 150. Sunday School. — J. W. H. Carlisle, SuperinOenderd. Num ber of scholars 75. Number of teachers 15. UNHBD BBBTHREN CHURCH. Rev. D. D. Lightner, Pastor; B. D. Townsend, Glass Leader; WilUam Stahl, Joseph Feather, Tnuiees. Member ship 20. Union Sunday Sbhool. — ^ilrs. B. F. PenneU, Superintend- ent ; 3. N. Foster, Director. Number of scholars 80. Num ber of teachere 16. The Advents and the Lutherans have organizations in the village, but as yet have no churches. • BERRIEN SPRINGS DEBATING CLUB. A. Kephart, President; 8. H. Smith, Secretary; John N. FostCT, Treasurer. Meets Monday evenings from Ist of October to Ist of April. LADIES LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. Mrs. M. C. Pennell, President ; Mrs. Jennie Dix, Vice President; Mrs. M. C. Howe, Sec'y; Miss TUUe Lemon, Treas. Socials on Saturday evening of each week. PIONEER BASS BALL CLUB, James Graham, President ; George Graham, L. F. Warner andB.D. Dix, rice Prmaenf*; J.M.Piatt, Treas.; F.N. Dix, Oor. See'y.; 0. J. Richardson, Bee. See'y. Frank N. Dix, Captain of first nine. S88 BBBBtBN SPRINGS VILLAGE DIRBCTORY. MASONIC. Western Star Lodge No. 39, F. & A. M. Officers : L. B. Marquisee, W. M.; W. H. Miller, S. W.; R. D. Dix, J. W.; D. H. Rater, Sec'y; Ezra Wilson, OVeas.; F. N. Dix, S. D.; Noah Claypool, J. D.; W. C. Barber, Tyhsr. Meets Wednesday evening on or before full moOn, at Masonio HaU. G. A. R. Leader Post No. 18. Charies E, Howe, P. C; R. D. Dix, S. V. C; F. N. Dix, J. V. C; J. R. Boyer, Adj't.; D. G. W. Gaugler, Q. M.; C. B. Johnson, Q. M. S.; A. D! Cheney, Serg't Major.; James N. Parker, 0. D.; B. P. Feather, 0. G, Membership 45, Meets every alternate Friday evening. Village Directoiy—Alphabetical. Abbreviations. — Cor., corner; h., house; propr., propri etor. The word street is impUed, A. Ackerman James, mason, Aiken Charles, painter, Anderson Thomas W,, physician and surgeon, h. Main. Anderson John, farmer. Armstrong Mrs. Lydia. Armstrong S. G., physician and surgeon. Atterbury Frank, harness maker, h. Ferry. Atterbury Charles, school teacher, bds. Ferry. Ayers A., saloon and biUiard baU, Ferry. Baker Jack, miller. Barber Darius. Barber Mrs. R. W. BERRIEN SPRINGS VILLAGE DIRECSORT. 289 Bartholomew Mrs. Lucretia. Bartholomew Mattie, school teacher. Bartholomew Mrs. Sarah L. BeU Mrs. Amanda, h. Main. Benedict Mary M., school teacher. Benson Asa W., teamster. Benson Joel, cabinet maker. Besheus Charles, harness maker. Ferry. Boon Preston, gardener. Ferry. Brown Jacob, farmer, h. Ferry. Bowles Alfred, brick layer. Bowling George, gunsmith. Ferry. Boyer J. K.. grocer. Ferry, h. Main. Brayman Alonzo, carpenter, h. Mechanic. Brayman Mrs. A., milUner and dressmaker. Brayman Hattie, school teacher. Brayman Mrs. Harriet, Brown Darius, miUwright. Brown Mrs. Hannah. Burns Rev. David, pastor M. E. church. C Case B. F., grocery and saloon, Ferry. Chapman Daniel, judge of probate, office in Coort Mouse. Cheney A. D., mechanic. Claar George, tinware, Ferry. Clark & Pennell, (W. C. & B. P. P.,) irj gpods and groceries. Colvin Austin W., books and news depot, P. O.livdidiog. Conklin Charles, shoemaker. Crum Mrs. Elizabeth. I> Davidson Jams M., farmer. Davidson Joseph H., carpenter. Davidson Lyman J., carpenter. Davidson Mrs. Salina N. Davidson Hiram C, clerk. Davis Aiidrew J., saloon, Ferry, Davis N. J,, groceries and crockery. Defield House, Mrs. Mary E. Defield, pr<^|^i^«r. Defield John, manager D^^d Heqse.] Delaplane Jew, hostler and base ballist. ^90 BERRIEN SPRINGS VILLAGE DIRECTORY. Dickey Frank, laborer. Dix Frank N., county remstor, Dix Roscoe D., (R. D. &T. N. Dix.) DIX R. D. & F. N., abstracts and real estate, register's office, Dudley Charles C, painter. Dudley Oscar A., carpenter. £: ElUott Thomas T., carpenter. Eply W. H., draper and tailor, Perry. Essiok David, meat market, Perry. Essiok James, carpenter. Ferry. Essiok Richard, tinner, with Georgo Claar. Fay Oscar, carpenter. Feather Benjamin P., village recorder. Ferrell James, laborer, Mam. Ferriss Reed, teamster. Fifield Osgood, carpenter. Filkins Peter J., mason. Fisher John, blacksmith. Fisher Joseph, saloon, Ferry. Fletohor George, shoemaker. Foster John N., principal Union School. Gates Lewis W., farmer. Gaugler D. G. W., furniture, Ferry. Gardner Clifton, carpenter. Gorham Erie, carpenter. Main. Gorham Ira, blacksmith. Gorham John, farmer. Graham Jainea, deputy sheriff. Granger James, millwright. H HaU Mrs. EUzabeth. Hall Harvey, carpenter. Hess Samuel, county treasurer. Hickman William, laborer. Hinckly Edward, stono mason, h. Ferry. , . Hipp & Jewell, (M. H. & B. Gt. J.,) flour and feed and agrionl tural implements, Howard Mrs, Elizabeth. BERRIEN SPRINGS VILLAGE DIRECTORY. 291 Howe Charles E., county derk. Howe Charles F., surveyor. Howe J. Warren, supervisor and farmer. Hubbard David K., shoemaker, Mechanic. Hnmeston Henry, former. Hunter Joseph, mason, h. Ferry. J Jacobs Ameria, stone mason. Johnson Carl, propr. Niles Express. Kephart P. & Son, (P. K. & A. K.,) dry goods and groceries. Ferry, cor. Main. Kephart P. & Son, (P. K. & H. K..) drugs, Ferry, cor. Me- chanio. Kibler Mrs. Rohama. L Lamb Mrs. Margaret, weaver. Lemon Mrs. A. B., milUnery, Ferry. ME Marquissee L. B., boots and shoes, Ferry. Mason W. P., physician, Main. McOmber Fred, jeweler and watchmaker. Ferry. Mealoy A. J., h. Bluff. Miars Mrs. Katherine. Miars Henry, brick mason, h. Hamilton. MiUer George T., mechanic. MiUer J. R., traveUng agent, h. Main. Millham Richard, teamster. Munger Charles, clerk. Murdock George H„ insurance agent. Murphy George, laborer. Pardee George S., farmer, h. Murdock. Pardee Jane A. E., school teacher. Parker Ed., shoemaker. Parker James, painter, h. Ferry. PameU B. F., (Clark & Fennel^) h. Main. Perring Frederic, wagon maker. Piatt fames M., dry goods, groceries, hardware, &c, Perry, cor. Main. Piatt George B., clerk. 292 BERRIEN SPRINGS VILLAGE DIRECTORY. Potts Jonas, laborer. Punches Aaron, laborer. Reed Otis, propr. Eagle Hotel. Reiber John, tinner. Reiber William P., physician and surgeon, h. Main. Reiter D. H., druggist. Pastor Lutheran church. Rennie Robert, carpenter, h. Mechanic. Richardson Charles, farmer. Royce Mrs. Rebecca. Shearer Alpheus G., propr. planing mUl and spoke factory, h. Mechanic. Shearer John H., farmer, h. Mechanic. Simmons Mrs. Betsey. Sischo Mrs. P. M. Smith Sylvester H., post master and insurance agent. Snyder Peter, farmer. Spor Joseph, machinist. Stahl WiUiam, cabinet maker, Ferry, h. Kimmel. Stevens Simon, farmer. St. John Luther, carpenter, h. Hamilton. St. John William P., blacksmith. Stough Henry, blacksmith and wagon maker. Stow I. M., penman and painter. Stowe John, circus proprietor. Stowe Wesley, circus clown and justice of the peace. Sweet Mrs. Mary P. Sympson James, farmer. T Tewksbury Mrs. Etta. Tewksbury RoUo, blacksmith. TreadweU Mrs. Polly P. y Van Deusen Nicholas, carpenter and joiner- Vinton & Swank, (H. S. Vinton & Cyrus Swanfe,) blacksinijia, Ferry, cor. Mecho^io- Wansbrongh £!. M., school teaeb92'. Warner Linus F., sheriff. Warts Mrs. C, milliner. Ferry. ORONOKO TOWNSHIP DIRECTORY. 298 Watson Charles B., barber, Ferry, h. Main. Watson James M., justice of the peace. Wells Eber, laborer. Wicoff J. C, auctioneer and billiard saloon. Ferry. Wilkinson Mrs. EUzabeth A. Willis John M., thresher. Wilson Thomas, farmer. WoUum James, carpenter. Wood George, groceries and provisions. Ferry, cor. Mechanic. Oronoko Township Directory. Abbreviations. — ne, north east quarter ; nw, north west quarter; se, south east quarter; sec, section; sw, southwest quarter. The Post office address is the place given at the end of the line. Baker Valentine, farmer, sec 32. Beach Joseph, land owner, sec 33. Bechtel David, land owner, sw sec 3, Berrien Springs. Bechtel Jacob, Jr., land owner, sw sec 3, Berrien Springs. Bidinger Adam, land owner, se sec 8, Berrien Springs. Bidinger James, farmer, se sec 8, Berrien Sprhags. Bidinger Martin, farmer, se sec 8, Beririen Springs. Bihluim Andrew, land owner, ne sec 28. Boal John, land owner,, sec 8, Berrien Springs. Boon John, land owner, se sec 13, Berrien Springs. Boyl Christian, farmer, sec 32, Weesaw. Boyl Godfrey, land owner, sw sec 31, Weesaw. Bronson Palmer, land owner, ne sec 3, Berrien Springs. , a Claypool S,, land owner, nw sec 21, Berrien Springs. 2S4 oronoko T0WN6HIP DIRECTORY. Cowan John, land owner,, nw 8«c 9, Berrien Springs. Cromwell James 0., land owiier^ sw sec 17^ Berrien. Swings- Cromwell Vincent, land owner, se sec 17, Berrien Springs- ID Dean James P., land owner, sw sec 17, Berrien Springs. Dester Jacob, land owner, ne sec 10, Berrien Springs. Dougherty WiUiam, land owner, ne sec 13, Berrien Springs. Dudley Oscar A., land owner, se sec 13, Berrien Springs. Earnest Horatio N., laborer. Edwards Richard, land owner, sec 30. Eidson William B,, land owner, sec 2, Berrien Springs. Evans Lewis, land owner, nw sec 8, Berrien Springs, Ewalt George, land owner, sec 14, Berrien Springs. Ewalt George H., land owner, sw sec 16, Berrien Springs. Farley Bethuel, land owner, sec 23, Berrien Springs, Feather Daniel T,, land owner, sec 7, Berrien Springs. Feather John IL, land owner, sec 7, Berrien Springs. Feather Joseph, land owner, ne sec 23, Berrien Springs, Feather Joshua, farmer, sec 7, Berrien Springs. Feather Joshua, Jr., land owner, sec 7, Berrien Springs. Feather Moses, land owner, sec 7. Feather Reuben P., farmer, ne sec 23, Berrien Springs, J'eather Wijliam J,, land owner, sw sec 14, Berrien Springs. Fisher Lewis^ land owner, sw sec 16, Berrien Springs. Fisher Zackariah, land owner, ne sec 19, Berrien Springs. Fisher Francis, land owner, nw sec 8, Berrien Springs. Freed David A., land owner, sw sec 24, Berrien Springs. French Isaac, land owner, sec 8, Berrien Springs. a- Gar Abel, land owner, ne sec 21, Berrien Springs. Graham George, land owner, sec 13, Berrien Springs. Hadlock Samuel E., land owner, sec 19, Berrien Springs. Hall Chauncey A., land own^r, se sec 5, Berrien Springs, Harner John, Jr,,,laind owner, sec 81, Harner Michael, land owner, sec 30. OHONOKO TOWNSHIP DIRECTORY. 296 Harner M^chaelj Jr., farmer, see 31. Harner WUUam H., land owner,! nw^ec 8, • Berrien, Springs. Harper Wilson; land owner, see 16, Berrien Springs. HartUn Isaac, land owner, se sec 4, Berrien Springs. Hastings Robert, land owner, sw sec 8, Berrien Springs. Heim John, land owner, nw sec 10, Berrien Springs. Helmick Barns, land owner, nw sec 34. Helmick Eli, land owner, ne sec 34, Helmick Hiram S., land owner, sec 4, Berrien Springs. Helmick Jesse, land owner, sec 34. Helmick John S., land owner and blacksmith, ne sec 33. Henney David, land owner, sw sec 17, Berrien Springs. Hinish David B., land owner, sw sec 4, Berrien Springs. Holdeman Angeline, land owner, ne sec 9, Berrien Springs. HoUis William, land owner, se sec 19, Berrien Springs. Ingleright Andrew, land owner, sec 27. Ingleright George W., land owner, ne sec 27. Ingleright John W., land owner, se sec 22, Berrien Springs. Ingleright WiUiam H. ' Ireland Elon M., land owner, sw sec 23, Berrien Springs, Jackson William, land owner. Jennings John W., land owner, sec 19. Johnson Ezekiel, land owner, sec 11, Berrien Springs. Jones William J., land owner, se sec 16. Kimmel George H., land owner, sec 4. Knight Jonathan, land owner, nw sec 11, Berrien Springs. Kritzer John, Jr., land owner, sw sec 30. Lake George, land owner, nw sec 30, Lemon Aurelia B , land ownerj se sec 13, Berrien Springs. Lemon Andrew, land owner, se sec 17, Berrien Springs. Lockman Mattis, land gwner, sw sec 15, Berrien Springs. Long Isaac, land owner, se sec 17, Berrien S|)rings. Long Joseph, land owner, sec 16, Berrien Springs. LdrdDavidj land owner, ne sec 17, Berrien Springs. 2t6 ¦" ORONOKO TOWNSHIP DIRECTORY. Lord Samuel, land owner,, nw sec 16, Berrien Springs. Lower Jacob, land owner, sec 30. Lyon Patrick, land owner, ne sec 10, Berrien Springs. lye Mars George W., land owner, ne sec l5, Berrien Springs. Marsh Dewey, land owner, sw sec 31, Berrien Springs. Marsh Edward, land owner, sec 30, Berrien Springs. Marsh Sanford, land owner, ne sec 31, Berrien Springs, Martin John S., land owner, sec 24, Berrien Springs. MarJjin Joseph, land owner, nw sec 19, Berrien Springs. Michael. Samuel, land owner, nw sec 17, Berrien Springs. Morabiter Frank, land owner, nw sec 19. Moyer Henry J., land owner, sec 9, Berrien Springs. Moyer Mrs. Lydia, land owner, nw sec 9, Berrien Springs. Nash Harrison, land owner, ne sec 8, Berrien Springs. Neidlinger Daniel, land owner, se sec 10, Berrien Springs. Neidlinger P., land owner, nw sec 32, Berrien Springs. Nelson Laura, land owner, nw sec 29, Berrien Springs. Nelson Orlando, land owner, sec 29, Berrien Springs. Nichols Charles D., land owner, sw sec 11, Berrien Springs. Palmer Elias, land owner, se sec 20, Berrien Springs. Parce Hiram M., land owner, sw sec 11, Berrien Springs. Parce LaPayette, land owner, nw sec 3, Berrien Springs. . Parce Leonard L., land owner, ne sec 3, Berrien Springs. Parkerton G. N., land owner,, sec 32. Pennell A. C, land owner, sec 27, Berrien Springs. Pennell Edgar S., farmer, sec 27, Berrien Springs. Pontius Reuben, land owner, nw sec 30. ^ PuUen Charles M., land owner, sw sec 8, Berrien Springs. PuUen George P,, land owner, sec 3, Berrien Springs. PuUen Cloyd, land owner, sec 4, Berrien Springs. Ransom & Randall, proprs. flour mill, sec 11, Berrien Springs. Reynolds George H., land owner, nw sec 24, Berrien Springs. Reynolds John, land owner, nw sec 35. Richardson Reuben H., land owner, ne sec 11, Berrien Springs, Ritchie Samuel, land owner, sw sec 27, Berrien Springs, OROlSOKO TOWNSfitP DIRECTORY. .fSY s Sadler Philip, land owner, sw sec 9, Berrien Springs. Shearer Jeremiah, land owner, ne sec 22, Berrien Springs. Shemaly Lewis, farmer, sec 33, Berrien Springs. Shemaly Samuel, land owner, se sec 33, Berrien Springs. Shemaly iWilliam, land owner, sec 34, Berrien Springs. Shultz John G., landowner, ne sec 28, Berrien Springs. Simons Fred, land owner, ne sec 20, Berrien Springs. Simons Gibson, land owner, sw sec 16, Berrien Springs. Simons Nicholas, land owner, ne sec 20, Berrien Springs. Slater Alexander, farmer, sw sec 11, Berrien Springs. Sleight Barrett L., farmer, sec 11; Berrien Springs. Sleight Jesse B., lan(| owner and minister, sec 11, Berrien Springs. Small Adam, land owner, ne sec 16, Berrien Springs. Smith Peter, land owner, se sec 29, Buchanan. ^nyder Peter, land owner, ne sec 24, Berrien Springs. Spaulding Timothy C, land owner, nwsec 23, Berrien Springs. Staton James P., land owner, sec 13, Berrien Springs. Stemm Adam K., land owner, ne sec 9, Berrien Springs. Stemm Henry, land owner, ne sec 17, Berrien Springs. Stemm John, land owner, nw sec 9, Berrien Springs. Storick Hiram E., land owner, sw sec 15, Berrien Springs. Storick Isaac R., land owner, sec 22, Berrien Springs. Storick John, land owner, nw sec 28, Berrien Springs. Storick Lewis, land owner/se sec 29, Berrien Springs. Stover Israel M., land owner and blacksmith, nw sec 17, Ber rien Springs. Stover John H., blacksmith. Stow A. D., land owner, sec 20, Berrien. Springs. Sylvester EUzabeth, land owner, se sec 2, Berrien Springs.' Sylvester Moses A., land owner, se see 2, Berrien Springs. T Tabor William M., land owner, sec 33, Berrien Springs. Tudor Samuel, land owner, se sec 24, Berrien Springs. Tuttle Riley J., blacksmith, nw sec 20, Berrien Springs. Van Patten Aaron, land owner, nw sec 26, Berrien Springs. Van Patten M., land owner, se sec 22, Berrien Springs. 29^8 HISTORY OF ROYALTON. Wall Lewis, land owner, nw sec 15, Berriesi Springs. Walton James, land owner, nw sec 18. Wellington Socrates L., land owner, ne sec 18. Whetstone Josiah, land owner, se sec 14, Berrien Springs. Whetstone Tobias, land owner, se sec 10, Berrien Springs. Wiedman George F., land owner, se sec 16, Berrien Springs, Williams Jesse, land owner, ne sec 27. Wilson Ezra D., propr. saw mill, se sec 27. Wilson M-, land owner, nw sec 19. Winfield Broderick, land owner, nw seo 21, Borvion Springs, Wiro Andrew, land owner, se seo 18. Wire John, land owner, nw sec 20, Berrien Springs. Wood Stephen, land owner, se sec 14, Berrien Springs. HISTORY OF ROYiLTON. Royalton is designated as to«n 4 south, range 18 west, and is bounded on the south by Oronoko, on the west by Lincoln, and is separated on the east from Sodus by the St. Joseph, over which there is no bridge within the limits of thib township. Along the river the land is broken in some places into ra vines, but tho country back from the river is more level, and ia rich and productive. The town contains many fine farms as well OS large orchards. Royalton formerly extended from tho HISTORY OF BOYALTON. 299 river to the lake, but a few years ago the western portion was organized as a separate township. The first settlement waa at "Royalton vUlage," which was laid out by Major Timothy S. Smith in 1834. Major Smith resided here for many years, having moved here in 1828 after having taught a year at Gary Mission. He subsequently went to California. John Pike settled at Royalton viUage in 1832. He was a native of North Carolina, bom in 1782, and emigrated to Ohio in 1804. He afterwards resided at Richmond, Ind., at Cin cinnati, and in Vigo county, Ind. In 1829 he came to Berrien County, Uving at Berrien Springs for a time and removing to Royalton in 1832. His restive nature would not aUow him to reside here long, and after a few years he ronoved to the vicinity of Lafayette, Ind., and from there to Northern Iowa, where' he died in February, 1870, aged 88 years. BKs son, William Pike, is a farmer and fruit grower, and has been a resident of Royalton for nearly forty years. William H. Tryon is an old settler, having resided on section 29 since 1838. He is an extensive fruit grower, having on his farm nearly ten thousand frait trees. Mr. Tryon has been for several years one of the County Coroners. David Shearer was residing on section 30 when Mr. Tryon came. The assessed valuation of real and personal property in 1870 was $156,535. The population was 1,040. Royalton Township Directory. Abbreviations. — ^ne, north east quarter ; nw, north west quarter : r. 19, range 19, (western part of the township) ; se, south east quarter ; sec, section; sw, south ivest quarter. The post office address is the place named at the end of the Une. Abbe Albert, liiud owner, se sec 12, St. Joseph. Alguire Rodney, land owner, nw sec 30, St. Joseph. Archer Madeline, land owner, nw sec 33, Berrien Springs. Archer AVilliam, land owner, se sec 32, Berrien Springs. Arnold Reiley, land owner, sw sec 18, St. Joseph. Ashoff Henry, fruit grower, nw sec 20, Berrien Road, St. Joseph . 1 Ballcnger Robert, land owner, ne sec 29, Berrien Springs. Baswell Ezra, land owner, sw sec 18, St. Joseph. Baumgardner William, land owner, sw sec 18, St. Joseph. Bemis Lincoln, land owner, se sec 30, St. Joseph. Birdsey A., fruit grower, se sec 1, r 19, Berrien Road, St. Joseph. Birdsey L., land owner, ne sec 13, r 19, St. Joseph. Bliss George, land owner, nw see 28, Berrien Road, Berrien Springs. Bort J., land owner, nw sec 30, St. Joseph. Bort John, land owner, nw sec 18. Brewer Stephen, land owner, sw sec 19, St. Joseph. Briney Adam J., land owner, nw sec 19, St. Joseph. Brown Jefferson, land owner, ne sec 33, Berrien Springs. Brown J. M., land owner, ne sec 28, St. Joseph. Brown Louisa, land owner, nw sec 28, St. Joseph. Brown Rodney, land owner, ne sec 33, St. Joseph. Brunker Charles, land owner, sec 19, St. Joseph. Brunker John, land owner, sec 18, St. Joseph. nOYALXON XOWNSHIP DIRKO'lORY. 301 Brunker William, land owner, sw sec 18, St. Joseph. Bufford Samuel, land owner, se sec 8, St. Joseph. Bunker Carlton, land owner, ne sec 18, St. Joseph. Burkett Andrew, land owner, sw sec 16, St. Joseph. Burkett Henry, land owner, ne sec 8, St. Joseph. Burkett James, land owner, nw sec 16, St. Joseph. c Canada Thoma,s, land owner, se sec 32, Berrien Springs. Carlton James, land owner, sw sec 8, St. Joseph. Carlton A. IL, land owner, sw ace 7, St. Joseph. Chrishman Paul, land owner, no sec 17, St. Joseph. Christian Hans, land owner, so sec 19, St. Joseph. Collier Royal D., land owner, sw sec 20, St. Joseph. Oordorvillo Cornelius, land owner, nw sec 30, St. Joseph. Cramer V. R., land owner, ne sec 7, St. Joseph. Crandell Kidder, land owner, nw sec 30. Curtis Alfred, land owner, ne sec 12, r 19, St. Joseph. Curtis Cornelius, land owner, nw sec 7, St. Joseph. Cuvort llii-hard, land owner, nw sec 2. Closson, H. 0. Hunter, J. F. Miller, U. Osborn, M. Munson, Stewards ; J. M. Sorter, W. D. Sherwood, J. P. Miller, 0. Osborn, E. G. Reynolds, Trustees. Membership 150. Church erected in 1868. / ODD FELLOWS. Benton Lodge No. 132 1. 0. O. F. Officers : Wells Brown, N. G.; J. L. Winans, V. G.; S. L. Van Camp, Sec'y; J. 0. Ingham, P. S.; R. Ricaby, Treas,; J. C. Abbott, D. D. G. M. & R, Organized July, 1869, Membership 95, Meets Tuesday evening of each week at Odd Fellows Hall, over Brunson & Winan's store. Lake View Lodge, Degree of Rebecca No. 23, I. 0. 0. F. Officers : WeUs Brown, N. G.; Mrs. I. C, Abbott, V, G,; Mrs, E. E. Parks, Treas. Organized March, 1870. Membership 30. Meets second and fourth Saturday of each month. FRUIT GROWERS ASSOCIATION, Samuel Jackson, President : 3. C. Ingham, Recording Sec'y; George K. Hopkins, Treasurer; George W. Toles, Cor. Seo'y and Librarian. Organized in January, 1867. Membership 80. Number of volumes in library 97. UNION SCHOOL LITERARY SOCIETY. Prof. A. J. Wood, President ; Conley Hunter, Vice Pres. ; Charles Dodge, Sec. ; Emma Osborn, Treas. Meets Monday evening. Benton Harbor Street Directory. BeUevue, from Pipestone, south of churches, oast to Colfax Avenue. Bluff, from Pipestone east, foot of the bluff. Britain Avenue, from Colfax Av. east, next south of BeUevue. BENTON HARBOR VILLAGE DIRECTORY. 383 Colfax Avenue, from Seventh south, (Town Line Road.) Elm, from Pipestone west, next south of Main. Fifth, from Main north, next east of Sixth. Fourth, from Main north, next east of Fifth. Main, principal business street, running east and west. Maple, from Pipestone east next north of Britain Av. Michigan, from Pipestone, southwest to Colfax Av. Oak, from Pipestone west, next south of Elm. Park, from Water east, next north of Territorial. Pipestone, from Main southeast to viUage limits. Sixth, from Bluff north, next east of Pipestone. Territorial, from Water east, next south of Main. Water, from Main northeast to Main. Yillage Directory— llphabetical. Abbreviations. — For Av., read avenue; bds., boards; bet., between;, cor., corner ; e s., east side; h., house; manuf., manufacturer ; manufy., manufactory ; nr., near ; n s., north side; propr., proprietor; res., resident ; s s, south side ; w s, west side. The word street is implied. Abbott I. C, (Abbott & Walker,) h. e s Michigan. Abbott & Walker, (I, C, A, &T. A, W.,) dry goods, groceries, clothing, &c., cor. Main and Water. AlUson Mrs. Grace, h. s s Territorial. Almandinger John, pUe driver, h, n s Territorial. American House, E. Nichols, propr., 27 and 29 Muin, eor. Pipestone. Antisdale S, G., confectionery. Main. Atwood W. D., tinner, (ex-Packing Co.,) bds. American. 334 BENTON HARBOR VILLAGE DIRBCTORY. Babcock Nehemiah, mover of buildings. Baushke Albert, blacksmith. Main, h. same. Bell George, physician, cor. Main and Pipestone, , bds. Michigan. Bell John, (Gates & BeU,) h. e s Michigan. Bell & Winans, (J. Bell & R. Winans ,) physicians and sur geons, cor. Main and Pipestone. BENTON HARBOR PALADIUM, J. P. Thresher, propr.. Main, cor. Water. Bisbee Gus, clerk with Gates & Bell. Blaisdell Stephen W., wagon maker. Main, h. Territorial. Blake Joseph, horse farrier, h. Main. ' Bowman John, fruit grower, h. n s Britain Av. Bowman Joseph, carpenter and builder, h. s s Britain Av. BOYLE C. S., groceries and provisions, Ma^in, h. cor. Territo rial and Fourth. Boyle W. W., clerk with C. S. Boyle. Bracken John, laborer, h. s s Terrritorial. Brammall Edwin, tinner, with Brunson & Winans. Bratt John, fruit grower, h. s s Britain Av. Bratt Mrs. JuUa, h. Territorial. Brevard A., constable, h; Park, nr. depot. Briggs A. T., h. Pipestone. Brunson & Williams, (A. B. k J. L, W.,) hardware, Main. Brunson Allen, (Brunson & Winans,) h. Pipestone. Brunson Sterne, fruit grower, h. Pipestone. Brunson Rush, band leader, h. Pipestone. Buchanan William, laborer, h. n s Elm. Buckwheat William, engineer, steam saw mill. Burr Cushan, constable, h. BeUevue. Burr Edwin, clerk with Brunson & Winans. Burridge Mrs. N. A., h. cor. Pipestone and Michigan. Burt Andrew, laborer, bds. Colfax Av. C Dallendcr S. R.,, .saloon, Main, h. same. Campbell John, laborer, h. n s Territorial. Carr John, sailor, h. Seventh. ¦Chapman Frank T., ship carpenter, h. Sixth, bet Main and Bluff. Clark W, H. photogi'apher, Water, Daly Jerry, carpenter, bds, M, Dodge. Daniel George W,, clerk in post office, Darche J. H., propr. basket factory, cooper shop and foundry, and machine shop. Park, h. Main. Davis Levi, laborer, h, s s Territorial, Dewitt Fred., laborer, steam saw mill, Dobberthien C, H,, tobacco and cigars, Main, h, Michigan. Dodge Charles S., engineer, bds, M, Dodge. Dodge Martin, propr. hotel, cor. Territorial and Sixth. Donegan William, grocery, meat market and saloon, Main, cor: Seventh, Doty J. W., confectionery and eating house, cor. Main and Sixth, h. same, E ¦ Edwards & Son, jewelers and grocers. Main, Edwards Wm, H,, Jr., (Edwards & Son,) res. St. Joseph. Eldredge B. B., lumber yard, Main. Ells & Co., (Benj, & GeOrge EUs,) bakery, Water h. Elm, Ells Charles. Excelsior Packing Co., C. H. TarbeU & A. Plummer, proprs. F Farnam Isaac, carpenter, h. Park. Farnam Mathias, carpenter, h. cor. Water and Territorial. Felt John, land agent, h. Territorial, cor. Fifth. Ferguson WiUiam, h. Territorial. Finley Mary, table waiter, American House. Fonger HamUton, farmer, h. s s Seventh. Fonger James, brick mason, bds. Seventh. Fowler Levi, h. Sixth, nr. Bluff. Gates & Bell, (J. 0. Gates & Dr. J. BeU,) drugs and 'medi cines, 23 Main. Gates John C„ (Gates & Bell,) h, s s Mam. Gibson Daba C, laborer, h. s s Territorial. Glendenin Robert, fr«iit box maker, Darche s factory. Goodrich John B., clerk with E. G. Reynolds. Green Daniel, head sawyer, bds. Isaac Farnam. BKNTON HARBOR VILLAGE DIlVBOT'OllY . HaU Brothers, (L, A, & A.,) spoke factory and planing mi^, Main, Hamilton J. G., harness shop, 28 Main, h. same. Hamlin Almansa, carpenter, b. ns Oak. Hammond Charles, wood worker, h. Territorial. Hansen Peter, merchant tailor, Main, h. same. Hanser John, teamster, h. s s Territorial. Hart Mrs. Betsy, h. Territorial, cor. Fifth. Hawkes A. A,, can maker, (Ex, Packing Co.,) bds. Oolfax Av, Hull Samuel, wagon maker, h. Seventh. Hertges Antone, tailor, with P. Hansen, Hess &i Watson, (Wm. J, H, & J. Watson,) builders. >•; Hess WilUam J., (Hess & Watson,) h. s s Pipestone. llickey L,, sailor, h, Britain Av, Homes James C, clerk with H. C, Morton & Son, Hoodless WilUam, saloon, Main, h. same, Hopkins George K,, fruit grower, h. s s Pipestone. Hopkins H, W,, farmer, bds. W.. H. Kirby. Howard Alice, domestic, Colfax Av. Hulburd Orsemus, carpenter, h, 14 Main. Hulburd Mrs. 0., millinery and fancy goods, 14 Main. Hull R. E,, real estate and insurance, over E, G. Reynolds, Hutchins A,, foreman Palladium office. I Ingham J. C., fruit grower, h. Britain Av., cor, Colfax. J Jackson John, moulder, with J, II, Darche. Jennings H, C,, farmer, h, Pipestone, cor. Elm. Johnson Guy, fruit grower, h. Britain Av., oor, Colfax. Johnson J. R,, h. Seventh, M. Kidd Henry 11., clerk with Abbott & Walker, h, BeUevue. Kidd Andrew J,, h, Michigan, Kinney P, M„ (Murphy & Kinnoy,) h. Main, op, Cong, church, Kirby James A,, h. Main, nr. Sixth, Kirby William, works planing miU, h. Main, Kirby W, H. & Oo„ (W. H. K. & L, |!, Bicknell,) propm, Benton MiUs. Kirby WeUington, h. Main, nr. Sixth. Kirby WiUiam H,, (Kirby & Co,,) h. Colfax Av. Kneeland R. A., dentist, over Gates & Bell. BBitraOW HARBOR VILLAGE DIBEOTOKY. 337 Knowlee A., builder, shop Elm. Knowles Henry, sawyer, h. Territorial, oor. Fiflh. Kramer Josepn, 'shoemaker, with B. 0. Luce, bds. American. L Lamport M. G., hardware, Water, h. Pipestone, oor Britain. Lander T.M,, groceries, flour and feed. Main, nr. Pipestone. Lason John H., carpenter, h. Elm. Long Joseph, saloon. Main, h. same. Luce B. C, boots and shoes, Main, h. Michigan. m: Martin Dr. S. E., h. Bluff. McOprmick Jackson, butcher, h. n s TerritoriaL Mclnnes Angus, shoemaker, with B. C. Luce, bds. American. Mclnnes Neil, shoemaker, with B, C. Luce, bds. American. Mclntire H., laborer, h. n s Territorial. McKean Leander, clerk with Murphy & Kinney. McMichael Nelson E„ news depot, post office building. Merchant Eugene, printer. Palladium office. Miller H. P., saloon and billiard hall. Main. h. same. MiUer John, carpenter, h. Territorial, cor. Sixth, Miller John, shoemaker, with B. C. Luce, bds. American. Modie Thomas J., wagon and blacksmith shop, Pipestone, h. Pipestone. Montgomery P. D., foreman basket factory, h. Pipestone. Moore George B,, teamster, h. Territorial, Moore Miss L, E,, domestic, Colfax Av, Morrison Alonzo, sailor, bds. Seventh. Morrison Charles, sailor, bds. Seventh. Morrison John, master of the Benton, h. e s Seventh. Morrison John, saloon. Main, h. same. Morton H. C. & Son, (H. C, & Stanley Morton,) dmggistB, Main, h. Territorial, nr. E, village Umits. Morton SUas, h. Michigan. Morton Stanley, deputy post master. Motsaph George, carpenter, h, n s Main, MulUgan David; works canning factory, bds, M. Dodge. Murphy J, W,, shoemaker, with B, C. Luce, h. TerritoriaL Murphy & Kinnejr, (Patrick M. & P. M. K.,) groceries, crock ery, provisions, &c., Main. Naddeau Cleophas, blacksmith. Park. Nichols B., propr. American House, cor. Main and Pipestone. 338 BBSOPON HARBOR .'VILLAGE D'IRHCTOBY. Nichols Frank, miller, with Kirby & Co.,. h. Pipestone^ ' o ¦ ' ¦ ' '" Olds Dexter, h. Michigan. Owens Mrs. A. J., music teacher, h. Britain Av. Owens M. S., fruit grower, Britain Av., nr. Pipestone. F Palmer E. & E. C, groceries, flour and feed. Territorial. Palmer George W., farmer, bds- Colfax Av. Patterson Nelson, teftmster, h. Bond. Patterson William, laborer, h. Eighth. / Peaslee Charles, carpenter, h. s s Territorial, nr, creek, ' Peek H. N. & Co., (H. N. Peck & C. Colby,) basket factory,' at Redware house. Pecor John, laborer, steam saw mill. Pender James, workman at saw mill, h. Seventh. Petrie C. C, harness shop. Main, h. Michigan, Petrie H. E., harness maker, h. Michigan. PhilUps G., miller, (Kirby & Co.,) h. Seventh. Phinney John H., pattern maker with J. H. Darche, h. Terri torial Road. Pierce Myron E., clerk with Reynolds, h. s s Elm. Plummfer A., (Ex, Packing Co.,) h. Seventh. Pulsipher E. K., carpenter, h. Fifth. <^ Quint B. M,, dry goods, Pipestone. U, Randolph Henry, workman on raUroad, bds. Territorial, cor. Sixth, Reed Charles, engineer with J, H', Darche, h. Park. * Reeve James A,, flour mill, town line. Reynolds E. G., dry goods, groceries, &c., Main, h. n s Ehn. Ricaby Robert, distillery, Michigan, cor Seventh., Rice E. & G., dry goods, groceries, clothing, &c.. Main, h. Elm, Rice G., (E. & G, Rice,) h. Seventh. I i^f^ "^i^ Rich Peter C, laborer, h. n s Territorial. 5 Riford A. B., lawyer and insurance agent,iWater,'. h, s sEhn, Riford Joseph, fruit grower, h, Pipestone. Riford Seth, fruit grower, h. Pipestone, cor. BeUevue. '_:!^ Robbins N,, forwarding and commission. Dealer in groceries, provisions, crockery, plaster, &c.. Main. Robbins WendeU P., clerk with N. Robbins. BENTON HARBOR VILLAGE DIEECTORY. 339 Rogers EUzabeth, chambermaid, American House. Romine E,, cooper, h. Park. Romine Homer, cooper, h. Park. RusseU Judson, groceries and provisions, Main, h, same. Salisbury Darius J., wagon maker, Seventh, nr. Main. Salisbury Edgar, clerk, bds. D, J, SaUsbury. SaUsbury Joseph M,, wagon maker, bds. w s Seventh. Salzman John,' shoemaker, h. Seventh, Scott J, A,, shoemaker, Main, h, Pipestone, cor. Bluff. Shombo John, fireman, saw mill. Shorno A. D., carpenter, h. e s Colfax A v. Silvers Daniel, h. Seventh. Silver James, laborer, h. s s Territorial. Silver Jeremiah, farmer, h. Michigan. Simonds & Bryant, (H. A. S. & G. H. B.,) butchers, groceries and feed. SkilUng S. E., lumber dealer, h. n s Elm. Smith Charles, laborer, s s Territorial. Smith John R.. sailor, h. Main. Smith Mrs. Mary, bds. A, U. Shorno. Spiers Thomas, merchant tailor, Water, h. n s Elm, Stoddard Charles, hack driver, American House. Sturgeon WUliam, carpenter, h. s s Britain Av. T TarbeU C. H., (Excelsior Packing Co.,) bds. American. Teetzel Hiram, blacksmith, h. Seventh. Teetzel Hiram, Jr., blacksmith, h. Seventh. Thomas J., boots and shoes, Main. Toles Geo. W. justiceof the peace. Water, h, Britain Av. .Tripp Phillip, shoemaker. Main, bds. P. T. Chapman. Tromble Frank, laborer, saw miU. Tremble Lewis, laborer, saw miU. Tully Christopher, champion basket maker, bds. Territorial. Tyler A. H., carpenter, h. Michigan, ¦V Van Vlear Robert F,, clerk with E, & E, C, Palmer. Vuylsteke A, & Cc, (A. V, & Fred V,,) planing miU and cabinet factory, E, end Main, 'W Walker Thomas A., (Abbott & Walker,) h. Sixth, nr. Bluff. 316 MILLBURG VILLAGE DIRECTORY, Warner Charles, h. SeTenth| Whiting E. J., laborer, h. Territorial, nr. E. village Umits. Wickwire Orlow, carpenter, bds. Tyler. Wikstram Gharlee, sailor, h. Mchigan. Wilkins Thomas G., carpenter, h. Pipestone, nr. Bluff. Wilson Robert, butcher, with Donegan. Winans James L., (Brunson & Winans,) h. Michigan, cor. Pipestone. WincheU J. B., architect, h. n s Oak, nr. Michigan. Windsor Amos, h. Sixth, bet. Main and Bluff. Wood Brecie, bds. Michigan. Wright Thurlow, cooper, with J. Darche. MUlburg Village Directory. Blakeslee WiUiam, mechanic. Brooks Mrs. Francis. Buchanan Leroy, laborer. Buchanan M. V., propr. hotel Conklin Charles, blacksmith. Dean Daniel, carpenter. Enos Ira, carpenter. Enos RosweU, farmer. Gifford Mrp. H. L. Hess George W., carpenter. Higbee Myron, hutcher. HUl Mrs. Sarah, post master. Hurd D. T. Johnson Franklin, laborer. Kitring George, farmer. Paddock David, fjurmer. RandaU A. M., (W. RandaU & Bra.) Prouty C, laborer. RandaU & Bro., (W. & A. M.,) props, flour and saw m3I and general store. Randall Mrs. Lucretia. Rooth C, brewer. Ross James, physician. Reed Rufus D., shoemaker.;' Schofield A. L;, wagon maket Stewart John W., millwright. Taylor , boots and shoes. • Townsend. Zebulum, hhA- smith. Vincent Horace, carpenter. Vincent Albert. Whiting John, blacksmiA. Wilder WiUiam, farmer. Wilson Samud, fanner. HISTORY OF ST. JOSEPH. The permanent settlement of St. Joseph dates from 1828, when the Indians ceded the land to the United States and Cal vin Britain located here. Major Britain occupied the previ ous year in teaching at Cary Mission, near Niles. He foresaw that a city of commercial importance must at some time stand at the mouth of such a river as the St. Joseph, and he made haste to secure the first claim. The harbor had previously been known to sailors by the name of Saranac. In the fall of 1727 Captain Hinckley, while on his way to Chicago with a cargo of supplies for the garrison, was obUged to take refuge from a storm at Saranac, and cold weather immediately set ting in compeUed him to remain during the winter. He built a small log house, near the present sidewalk leading down to Morrison's dock. The river at this time, and until the piers were built, emptied into the lake opposite the present Ught- house. The sand hills on the peninsula between the north side of the river and the lake were twenty or thirty feet high, but these have been carried by the wind further inland, and the mouth of the river was changed when the piers were built, so that its mouth is now some sixty rods north of the old chan nel. Augustus B. Newell came in 1829 and erected a log house 342 HISTORY OF ST. JOSEPH. below the hiU near the foot of State street. Major Britain made his home at Newell's, and during '29 he built a small warehouse on the bank of the river near the site of Chapman & Smith's, In May of this year Daniel T, Wilson came. He now resides north of Benton Harbor and is the oldest settler of this part of the County. His father's family came in the fall of the same year. With them came Pamelia Ives (Mrs. Bartlett,) who has resided here ever since, and who is the old est inhabitant of St. Joseph. Benjamin Chandler came also in '29 and erected a house on the bluff in the rear of Mr. Kreiger's residence. Benjamin C. Hoyt arrived in July of the same year. He soon became engaged in the mercantile business, and during the forty years of his residence here has been one of the most prominent business men of St. Joseph, having successively served as a member of the Common Council and as president of the village, beside having been elected to other positions of trust. Other settlers who came about the time of Mr. Hoyt's ar rival were Calvin Bartlett, Mr. Hough and Major Timothy S. Smith, who loated in Royalton, and L. L. Johnson, near the lake shore a mile north of St. Joseph. During 1829 and 1830 the land in this part of the County was surveyed and in September, 1830, Major Britain and Mr, NeweU purchased at the land office in Monroe, the tracts which they had already secured by pre-emption. In 1831 the viUage was laid out by Major Britain ; the Mansion House was erected by Newell on the bluff near the site of Kreiger's new hotel ; the old Ughthouse was commenced and a post office was established, and Major Britain appointed post master. The first marriage in St, Joseph was performed this year by Major T. S, Smith, at the Mansion House, The parties were Calvin Bartlett and. Pamelia Ives, Their oldest son, Amos C, Bartlett, now residing in Buchanan, was the first white chUd born in St, Joseph, HISTORY Of ST, JOSEPH, 343 , In. 1832. Thomas Fitzgerald rtooved from Indiana to this place. He was the. first lawyer who located in St. Joseph, He was elected a member of the State Legislature in 1838, and immediately after, at the time the country was flooded with wild cat currency, he received the appointment of Bank Commissioner. After residing here about fifteen years he re moved to Niles, and in 1848-'49 occupied a seat in the United States Senate. ^ His son, J, B, Fitzgerald, was a member of the State Senate at the same time. Owing to the wide-spread terror caused by the Black Hawk war in the spring of 1832, but few settlers located in St, Joseph during that or the following year. Among the few yho came during those years were Edward P, Deacon and Wil liam McCaleb, who in 1832 erected a steam saw riiill on the river bank about half way between the bayoo bridge and the foot of Main street. It was during this year that the first attempt was made to navigate the river with a steamer. The boat was called the Newburyport, and under command of Captain White made a trip as far as Berrien, when she ran aground and was brought back in a damaged condition, and the idea was abandoned until the following year, when Deacon k McCaleb built the " Ma tUda Barney." Joseph Fisbay of Pittsburg, Pa., was the carpenter, and P, B, Andrews, now residing in Chikaming, built the engine. Leveret Plum was the first engineer, and the boat was commanded by Daniel WUson, The "Matilda "' remained on the river several years. During the winter of 1833-'34 another hotel, the Michigan House, was finished. ' It was a log building and stood below the hill west of State street. In March, 1834, the viUage of St, Joseph was incorporated by act of the Legislative CouncU of the Territory. .At this time the viUage contained twenty-seven dwelling houses. At a meeting of the "freemen" at the school house on the first Monday in May the township board were elected the board for 344 HISTORY OF ST. JOSEPH, holding the viUage election. The board consisted of WiUiam Hough, Supervisor; Amos S. Amsden, Justice, and B.C. Hoyt, Clerk. After the votes were caSivassed the following parsons were declared to have been duly elected : Thomas Fitzgerald, President ; E. P. Deacon, Treasurer ; Fowler Pres^ ton, Marshal ; B. C. Hoyt, James P. Lord, WiUiam McCaleb, Calvin Britain and John Wittenmyer, Trustees. B. C. Hoyt was afterwards elected clerk of the board. The sum of $400 was levied upon the taxable property of the village for the pse of the corporation this year. As money was scarce it was dif- £cult to coUect taxes, and an ordinance which was passed by the board of Trustees some months afterwards, authorized the marshal to " take promissory notes from the residents of the viUage for 'the unpaid part of the tax, which (notes) may be paid by digging and burning stumps in the streets at 25 cents per stump." This year (1834) was far more active in improving St. Jo seph than any of its predecessors. Large amounts of freight were this year received for inland villages, such as Kalamazoo, Schoolcraft, Paw Paw, Three Rivers, South Bend and NUra. AU the merchants in those villages had their goods shipped to St. Joseph, whence they were taken up the river. The Paw Paw was navigable in small keel boats as far as Paw Paw vU lage. A large number of new residents were added during the year, and among the number R. B. Duncan, [George and Ed ward Kingsley, Curtis Boughton, Samuel R. Russel, Robert Hollywood, Hiram Brown and Edwin Richardson. Hiram Brown arrived on the 4th of July, and at once engaged in the forwarding and commission business. The first wheat exported from this port was shipped by Mr. Brown during the fall. The river was at that time crossed by means of a ferry at the old Burnett place. Afterwards a ferry was established near the present bridge. In the autumn of 1834 the first survey of the Detroit and HISTORY OF ST. JOSEPH. 345;' St. Joseph RaUroad was made by Lieut. Berrien and a corp& of Burveyors. The citizens heard of his approach and a party went to the ferry to meet him and welcome him to the hospital- ¦ ity of the viUage. This contemplated road raised the hopes of the people, in anticipation of the day which was thought to be not far distant when their village would become a large and important city. Speculation ran high, and so did the price of real estate. Lieut. Berrien remained several days as the guest of the village, and surveyed the mouth of the river preparatory to the work on the harbor. It was about this time that the sand hUls north of the harbor were purchased by Girdnes Hubbard & Co., a few wealthy men from the East. It is said that the sum of $18,000 was invested in these sand hills, which were graded and laid out into lots. From a plat of the contemplated city on record in the Register's office, we learn that the larger portion was to have been north of the river. The streets and lots as laid out extended from the lake to the Paw Paw. A race was to have been* dug from the Paw Paw to the lake, by the L. L. Johnson place, and this was to have been lined with mUls and manufactories. On the south of the river vari ous lots were set apart for religious and educational purposes. An academy was to have stood on the southeast corner of Church and Broad streets, and a Court House on the north west corner of Broad and Main. In other respects the ideal of "South St. .Joseph " has been very nearly reaUzed in the St. Joseph of to-day. If all the land within five miles of the mouth of the river had been a swamp, the unlucky owner «f which would have been glad to have sold for a doUar an acre, St. Joseph might have been a successful rival of Chicago. But St. Joseph stood high and dry, its healthfulness was aU that could have been desired, and the soU was fertUe. The pioneers had a good thing and they knew it, and the moving spu-its of tbe viUage drove away many a man who would have ' settled here, by the enormous price asked for land. t The foUowing list includes aU the names of voters residiiig 346 HISTOEY OF ST. .lOSBPH. in the corporation at the close of 1835 : Dr. A. S. Amsden, Wm, Axtell, Hiram Brown, A, M. Brownell, Calvin Bartlett, Calvin Britain, Cnrtis Boughton, Thomas Conger, Micajay Chauncey, R. B, Duncan, A. G. Deacon, Moody Emerson, Thomas Fitzgerald, John Harris, [B. C- Hoyt, Wm. Hough, Robert Hollywood, Benj, Johnson, Joel D. Howe, George Kingsley, J, F, Lord, Capt, Martin, R, B. Martin, Charles A, Morton, Wm. McCaleb, J. F, Porter, Wm, Patterson, T. E. Phelps, Fowler Preston, A. 8. Preston, Abram Pike, J, N. Rogers, Edwin Richardson, S, B, Russell, Dr. T, Wheeler,. J. Wiftenmyer, Daniel T, Wilson, Isaac Pangborn, Wm. C. Weaver, J, H, Wells, Soloman Smith, The harbor J)ier8 were commenced in 183. Terriere, " Harvey Palmer, " E. M. Plimpton, " Wm. E. Stow, " J. H. Marvin, Coloma. G. A. Watkins, " A. Bennett, New Buffalo. Wm; R. Morrison, St. Joseph. Geo. Weimer, " " Wm. C. Stewart, " " Agents— Real Estate. Sorter & Racliff, Benton Worthy Putnam, Berrien Harbor. Springs. R. E. HuU, Benton Harbor. Bacon & King, NUes.'^ R. D. & P. N. Dix, Berrien D. A. Winslow, St. Joseph. Springs. Agricaltural Implements. Brunson & Winans, Benton A. P. Hayward, Niles. Harbor. Knight & Bros.^ *' CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 373 Hipp & Jewell, Berrien Krick & Montague, Niles. Sprhags. C. M. UNDERWOOD, « Collins & Weaver, Buchanan. W. J. WeUing, " Moriey &' Talbot, « Platt & Bro., St. Joseph. R.Y. Finch, Niles. CHAS. STEWART, " Architects. J. B. WincheU, Benton Har- Perley Hale, Niles. bor. Auctioneers. J. C. Wicofl", Berrien Springs. I. L. LaFlesh, Niles. N. Hamilton, Buchanan. J. H. Birdsey, St. Joseph. Bakers. J. W. Doty, Benton Harbor. J. McClung, Niles. EUs & Co., " " S. B. Shepard & Co., Niles. Wm. H. Cox, Buchanan. Hennmg & Breighthaupt, St. H. L. Bacon, GaUen. Joseph. H. C. McCartney, New Buf- J. W. Wilson, St. Joseph. falo. D. S. Searing, Three Oaks. John Davis, Niles. Banks. W. ^\'. Carpenter, Benton First National, Niles. Harbor. R. C. Paine, Furst National, Buchanan. B. C. Hoyt & Son, St, Joseph: Gray, Shepard & Gray, Niles. Barbers. M. L. Hackley. Benton Har- L. Augustine, Niles. bor. J. Morast, " C. B. Watson, Berrien Geo. Patterson, " Springs. Cal. WUson, " W. Diggins, Buchanan. L. Proctor, St. Joseph. T. J. Jones & Son, " J. Pointer, " Blacksmiths. Fred PhUUppy, Avery. Alvah Preston, New Troy. A. Bauschkee, Benton Harbor. A. Spaulding, " " T. J. Modie, " " Beecraft & Redding, Niles. ffiram Teetzel, « " J. Cross, ¦" 374 CLASSIFIED BCSDISSS 9IBBCIQRT. W. F. St. John, Berlin NSes. Houry Stoo^ " " ^^ton k Smnk, " " Atwood & MowrCTjBacliamn. D. K Beurdsley & Co., " MmiU & Cialea, *' M. Garrow, CSobHia. A. Stewart, " H. Kann, Dayton. Peter Asb, Galien. John Pes, New Bu&k>. Ered Pflaaghaopf, New Buf falo. 8t J. B. Lmmdry, N. UkiDS, MiDer & Badewalt, S. ^anon, St. Jos^h. W. H. Maynard k Gow, Joseph. J. S. Hagar, St. Joeqib. A. C. Haiger, Tbree Oaks. Henry Swondeis, " " Theo. l%oldor^ « « H. D. Bradt, Watervliet. B.I>iesooil, *< B. N. Yuinetter, " BcAseUers taA Staiteaers. Gates & Bell, Benton Harbor. N. E. McMichael, '< " A. W. Colvin, B^rien Springs Wm. Oabom, Buchanan. J. C. Welch " G. A. Blak^ee, CraUen. Calkins & Finlej, Niles. T. DoQ^asB, NUes. L. K. & H. C. GOULD, '' A. B. Wilcox, " G. H. Crane &Gol, St. Joaqdu E.&E.C. PALMER.- « O. Gfaurchil], Three Oaks. Boots and Shoes. B. C. Luc^ Benton Harbor. J. Thomas, " ' L. B. ^Marquisee, Berrien ^ Springs. Wm. Cotton, Buchanan. Fred Sanders, " G. W. Noble, Terriere & Strong " I. WaUingford, Coloma. A. Shearer, Gsdien. L. Sage^ Three Oaks. F. X. Backman, Nik& Dawstm & Wetherby, " S. P. L. nonstable, « B. Mack, « J. T. Wares & Co., « W. H. Brjpson, St. Joseph. Fox & WMte, « « O. W. Oviatf, " « A. L. Potter, « « Carpenters and Bnildcrs. G. B. Avery, Avery. J. Bowman, Benton Harbor. F. T. Chapman, " « J. Daly, "^ " M. Farman, " W. J. Hess, W. H. Wdls, New Buffalo. G. Zagler, "' H. G. Beswick, G.N.Bond, R. Bracken, J. K. Brown, Niles. CtaS£IFI£D BinSISBSf lylSSCTOftT. ITS Ol fiaibaini, B«iatoii Hwbor. A.D Sfeomo, " A. BnTwu>- B«nia Spatii^s. Ol a. Dodkj, ^ N. Yaa Bei^ea, " W. A. He^ Beriea Ceatre- K. Bowwttaos " liiekMiBrts. - F. Bat«e^ Bertrand. L. K Alc&aBder, Baebamaa. I. Brown, F, e. Di^oKt- J. eaov«v B.M.&^ B.fi«^BLMuniB, ** W. Bonh^, J. Frists. ': C- •» - wreen, ** S. W- Hawarl. - H«!ia & P*rty, A. W. JcilBSIHk " T. M»k^eM*v " H. C Migener, " J. M. Paltmauti. »* J- Wm^ H. Balleigee, N«v Troy. $. Sd^. ** H. SsLisk, J- gSadkas, A. J. B»tte. St. J. H. B, Cnw^nri, • J. H- DaT25. - * C O. Hajwardls A- Li^ring^oM, ~ E.F.B^old^ A. gieakw, " "^ J. C. Stone, G. AUok l^reeOa^ R> S- Bneece, D. P. Martin. " J. W. McKe. ~ B. H. ^ndi^ " A. TboWksrf; * A. R Wi^% - E. W. Oifiord. WaJtenrKefc T.P0«k«4. D. S- Wrigbs, Ctnbise a»i Wa?« Sa»«fe<«w««. I. J. Moi&. B<«e9tt Hsjtfeisr. elaiR»»- J. Cro^. J. H- Siis:,«r. 376 CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY. N. T. Dyer, Coloma. R, Vincent, Niles, H. Kann, Dayton, S, Hannon, St, Joseph. J, Stackas, GaUen, W, H, & S. B, Maynard, St, S. Lubke, New Buffalo. Joseph, A, L. Schofield, Millburg. H. D. Bradt, Wa'-ervUef. Clothiers and Herclliaiiit Tailors. P. Hansen, Benton Habor, J. Julius, E, &E, G, Rice, " " T. Spiers, " " W. H. Eply, Berrien Springs. S, W, Eply, Buchanan. S; L. Estes, " J, & A, W, Luther, " John^ Fender, T. B. Barrett, P. E, Fenton, B. Frankenberg, Niles. St. Joseph,- NUes; S, G. Antisdale, Benton Har bor, J. "W, Doty, Benton Harbor, Wm, H, Cox, Buchanan, G, A. Nash, Niles. C. 0, Wells, E.B, Leroy, W, H. Perkins, E. S, CadweU, J. Jacobson, J. Martin, Frank Taylor, " " Fred Wurz, " " Swain, O'Iney & Co., Water vliet. Niles, 3. M, Wells, A, B. Wilcox, E. & C, Wageman, A. Clock, St, Joseph, J, M. Wilson, " S. Turner, Three Oaks. Coopers. J. H. Darche, Benton Harbor. G. Lacey, Niles. N, Arney, Buchanan, E, H. Spaulding & Bro., " ¦ Dentists. B. A. Kneeland, Benton Har- J, B, Glenn, Niles. bor, G. A, Howe, " J, M, Wilson, Buchanan. H, C, Rockwell, St, Joseph, E. Ensign, NUes. N. B. Stump, " " Doors, Sasii and Blinds. Marhoff k Warner, Buchanan. 0, M. UNDERWOOD, NUes. Henry Bevier, NUes. Pfaff & Preston, St, Joseph. Jones & Pierson, " G, Kraetzer, Watervliet, Dress and Cloak Makers. Mrs. A. Brayman, Berrien Miss C. M. Dexter, Niles, Springs, I, &' J, Poster, " CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY, 37f Mrs, C. Wartz, Berrien Springs, Mrs. J. Bordman, Buchanan. Mrs. Nellie Catlin, " E, & L, Delambert, " Mrs, H, WUson, " Mrs. A, H. Cook, NUes, Margaret Wilson, Niles: Mrs, J, B, Young, " Miss C. Armstrongs St Joseph.. Mrs. S. S. Battis, " " Mrs. W, A. Brown, » " Mrs, J, Preston, " " Mrs, M, Smith, DriEggists and Apothecaries. Gates & Bell, Benton Harbor, ia. e. Morton & Son, Benton Harbor, P, Kephart k Son, Berrien Springs. D, H, Reiter, Berrien Springs. Wm, Osborn, Buchanan, Smith k Myers, " Critchett & Closson, GaUen, RandaU & Bro., Millburg. E. D. ¥t^eed, New Buffalo, Calkins & Finley, NUes, L, K, & H. C, GOULD, NUes. J. H. Richardson, " Larimore k Dean, " BUls & Webster, St. Joseph. C. H. Crane k Co., " , E. k E. C. PALMER, '• B. M. Springsteen, " 0, ChurchiU, Three Oaks. G. W. Barnes, " Dry fioods, Carpets, Etc. Wilson & Sherrill, Avery. Abbott k Walker, Benton Harbor. B, M,^uint, Benton Harbor, E. & KG. Rice, " B, G, Reynolds, " Clark & Pennell, Berrien Springs. P, Kephart & Son, J, M. Platt, Binns & Rose, Euchanan, Wm, H, Fox, H. J, Howe, " Redden & Duncan, " Rogers & Himes, " M, Ingraham, OcJloma, J, C, Marble, Dayton. B. F, Needham, " Wm. Y. Baker, Galien, G, A, Blakeslee, New Buffalo. Fred Gerdes, W. Metelman, " H. P. Nourse k Co., " G. & A. Pierce, New Troy. Wm. B. Beeson, Niles. Bentley & Stow, " Chipman & Son, Horace Eastman, ** Wm. G. Ferson, A. J. Fox, REED & POST, W. D. k C. J. Sterling, " E. W, &P. Collins, St. Joseph, J. Jacobson, B. F, King, J, Martin, Phillips & Zekind, C, C. Sweet & Bro,, G. R. Morrison & Co., Sle- vensville. 378 CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY, Geo, Partridge, Galien, C., M. Beard, Hills Corners. Brown & Copeland, Laketon, Randall & Bro., MUlburg, Bahl & Kriiger, New Buffalo, Flour, Feed, W, H, Kirby & Co,, Benton Harbor, N, Robbins, Benton Harbor, Simonds & Bryant, " J, A. Reete, " Wm, Blake, Buchanan, Blake & Kingery, " Rough k Pears, " Beebe & Vincent, Coloma. Blakeslee & Emery, GaUen. Armstrong & West, New Buf falo. Chamberiain & Co., Three Oaks. J. L, McKie, Throe Oaks. W, W, Allen, WatervUet, Swain, Olney & Co.,^ "^ Grain« Etc. Gonder & Bro,, NewTroy;- E, S. Badger, J, Geltmacher, D, k W. K. Lacey, J. M, Hale & Co., E. Norton, " Wells, Paget k Co., St Joseph, E. k E, C. Palmer, " J. Robinson, ' " " " Swain, Olney & Co., Water vliet. Niles. <{" C, S. & H chanan. Furniture Dealers and CaMnet Makers. J. P. Hahn, Buchanan.' S. Butler, New Buffalo. J, Messenger, Niles i' Miley & Hatfield, Niles. W, K, Sawyer, Tbree Oakg. Groceries and Provisions. Vuylsteke &Oo., Benton Har bor. Wm. Stahl, Berrien Springs, S. Black, Bu- Wilson k Sherrill, Avery, C, S. BOYLE, Benton Harbor, W. Donegan " Edwards & Son, " Murphy & Kinney, " N. Robbins, " J, RusseU, J, K. Boyer, Berrien Springs. B, F, Case, " N, J, Davis, " Geo, Wood, " Baker & Matthews, Buchanan, Binns & Rose, Eaton k Simmons, J, E. French, (C W, Metelman; New Buffalo, Pierce k Arnold, New Troy, Allen Brothers, ' Niles, J, K, Apted, M. A. Brown, John Davis, Charles Fricke, H, D, Gallup k Son, Gardner k Potter, H, Hirz, Schneewind & Co., S. Winans, J. & E, Woodruff, W, A, Brown, St. Joseph, J. Duncan, " a« ((ti<( (Ili CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRBCTORY. 379 Buchanan, H, H. Kinyon, D. C. Nash, Redden & Duncan, " Smith & Sons, " LongweU & Co., Coloma. B.-Beckwith, Dayton. G. A. Blakeslee, Galien. Kritchett & Closson, " Geo. Partridge, " Smith & Berdortha, Laketon. John Adams, New Buffalo, E, & E, C, Palmer, St, Joseph* A. E. PERKINS, " Z. Rice, « Chamberlain & Co., Three OakSi R. B. Goit, Three Oaks. Martin & McCann, " J. L. McKie, Hilton & Pike, " W. W. Allen, WatervUet. Swain, Olney & Co, " Fred Cerdes, Hardware, Stoves, Tinware. Brunson k Winans, Benton C. J. Kierstead, New Buffalo. Harbor. M. G. Lamport, Benton Har- , bor. Collins k Weaver, Buchanan. W. H. Davis, G. ChurchUl, " Krick & Montague, NUes. G. W.,H.C. Platt & Co., " C, M, UNDERWOOD, " Platt & Bro., St. Joseph. CHAS. STEWART, " R. D. Cross, Three Oaks, Hotels. McCARTEN, New Buffalo. Ed. HUl, New Troy. Bond, NUes. PIKE, " Reading, " A. S. Brush, Three Oaks. C. Close, Three Oaks. W. Brown, WatervUet, Hoyt, St, Joseph. National, " Perkins, " American, Benton Harbor. Defield, Berrien Springs. Eagle, Berrien Springs. Eagle, Buchanan. TREMONT, Buchanan. A. Vincent, Coloma. Landon, Dayton. S. B. Stout, Dayton. J. Edgcomb, Laketon. M. V. Buchanan, Millburg. American, New Buffalo. Iron Foai)ders and Machinists. J.H. Darche, Benton Harbor. R- Y. Finch, Niles. Morley & Talbot, Buchanan. W. J. WeUmg, O.K. Dodge, Niles. R. J. Hamilton, St. Joseph. Jewelers and Watchmakers. W». Hw»d., Benton Har- ^^ "^ ''.^iX^"*''"' bor. ila ¦ 380 CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRBCTOBY. Fred McOmber, Berrien T. Douglass, NUes, Springe. Wm, Ricaby, St. Joseph, G. A. Harris, Buchanan. M. & A. Shepard, " P. B. Rynearson, « P. P. Warren, Three Oaks. J. C. Welch, " Lawyers* A. B. Biford, Benton Harbor. J. B. Fitzgerald, Niles. W. Putnam, JBerrien Springs. C. Jewett, " J. M. Albert, Buchanan. C. Knox, « D. E. Hinman, " F, Muzzy, W, D, Kingery. « E. A. Rowley, E, M. Plimpton, « Wm. Sears, J. V. PhilUps, New Buffalo, G, 8, Clapp, St, Joseph. C, M, Alward, NUes, J. E. Chamberiain, Edward Bacon, " T. H. DePuy, David Bacon " N. A. Hamilton, 3. S, Bacon, « W, K, Lyon, S, M, Beeson, " C, W, Ormsbee, James Brown, " C, B, POTTER & BRO., H. H. COOLIDGE & SON, St, Joseph. , „Niles. D, A. Winslow, St, Joseph. J, H. FairchUd, Niles, W, H, Breece, Three Oaks. S. M. Finley, " Lime, Plaster, Sic. N. Bobbins, Benton, Harbor. E. H. Spaulding & Bro., Niles. Collins & Weaver, Buchanan. J. S, Tuttle, NUes. ™V \ ^''^'"'^' " Chapman & Smith, St. Joseph. W. S. Johnson, NUes, Jennings & Son, " Livery and Sale Stables. E. Nichols, Benton, Harbor. J. C. Tefft, Niles. Batchelor & McCoUum, Bu- Warner & Son, « chanan. D. E. Bunbury, St. Joseph. Proud & Pease, Buchanan. Wilson & Brooks, " E. Bunbury, NUes. W. G. Oakman, Three Oaks. Lomher, Lath, Shingles. ?• ^°^^. A^^'^- RandaU & Bro., MiUburg. B. B. Eldredge, Benton Har- A. E. Moriey, NewTrovT _^^ tor. Ed. Hill, « -^ N. Robbins, Benton Harbor. A. Sherwood, " CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIEECTORY. 381 T. Marrs, Berrien Centre. Richards & Pox, Buchanan. Mead & Weisberger, " A. Z. Wagner, " S. K. Wilson, Dayton. G. A. Blakeslee, Galien. Medaris & Co., Laketon. Meat Markets W. Donegan, Benton Harbor. Simonds & Bryant,. Benton Harbor. D. Essiok, JBerrien Springs. Howard & DeMont, Buchanan. Matthews & Baker, " Bee & Vincent, Coloma. D. Dingman, Galien. A. MiUer, New Buffalo. M. Davison, NUes. Millinery and Fancy Goods A. H. Crowell, Benton Har- Mrs. P. B bor. Mrs. 0. Hulburd, Benton Harbor, Mrs, A. B, Lemon, Berrien Springs. W. I. Babcock, NUes. W. S, Johnson, " J, S. Tuttle, " Wallace & Barnes, St, Joseph. T. & P. Pew, " Swain, Olney & Co., Water-- vlet. NUes, il M. Livingston, C. Sanders, J, Schmalzried, F, A. Smith, S, A, Ward, C. Wooley, Three Oaks, J, Kepler, St, Joseph. Lewis Hagar, " Burnside & Haskell, Water vUet. lill Dunning, Bu chanan. E. &L. Delambert, Buchanan. I. & J. poster, NUes. R. Fowler, M. Tyroler, News Dealers. Benton J. C, Welch, Buchanan. Sarah Sheriff, NUes, Berrien A, B, Wilcox, " M. & A. Shepard, St. Joseph. Fbotographers. W. H. Clark, Benton Harbor. Mrs. H. N. Sterling, Niles. M. Cathcart, Buchanan. Wm. Ricaby, St. Joseph. S. W. Bailey, NUes. P. P- Warren, Three Oaks. E. B. Ives, Physicians. Geo. BeU, Benton Harbor. L, Moriey^New Troy. N. A. E. McMichael, Harbor. W. Colvin, Springs. BeU & Winans, Bonine & Dougan, NUes. 882 CLASSIFIED BUSIKE9S DIRECTORY. T, S. W. Anderson, Berrien Springs. G. Armstrong, Berrien Springs. W. F. Mason, Berrien Springs. W, P. Reiber, « F. H. Berrick, Buchanan. E. S. Dodd, G. H. McLin, P. B. Myers, R. W. Pierce, J. M. Roe, H. M. Marvin, Coloma. A. DeArmond, Dayton. W. A, Niel, . " J. PhiUips, « Chas. Davis, Galien, W, W, Davis, " J, F, Barringer, Laketon, S, Maudlin, " J, Ross, MUlburg, M, M, Clark, New Buffalo. U. H, Kellogg, " C, Bostwick, New Troy. <( u J. L. Cady, Niles. J. D. Craig, " J. W. Egbert, " B, H. FAIRCHILD, " J, K. Finley. " 0, P. Horn, " J, Loomis, " A. J, Mead, « Dr. Meinhard, " E, Reading, S. Richardson, L. E. Spears, 8, C, Bowman, Pipestone. G. W. Barnes, Three Oaks. 0. ChurchiU, « A. W. McCool, « H. B, WUcox, « D, B. Crane, St, Joseph, 8, W, Holland, « R, D, Paiker, " A, H, Scott, " A, K, Webster, " R. B, Spiers, Watervliet, B, B, Tucker, " Tobacconists. C, H, Dobberthien, Benton E. P, Gilbert, Niles- Harbor, A, Gossman, Niles. J, E, French, Buchanan. L, Orthouse, St. Joseph, Sewing Machines. Mrs, 0. Hulburd, Benton Harbor, Mrs, M, S, Crofoot, Buchanan, J, B, Moulton, " Mrs, R, E, Widner, " W. W, Knight, NUes, NUes. C, M, Osborn, Wm. Sears, H. E. Ghray, St. Joseph. H,C, Miles, « J. T. Richardson, " Ed. 8. Stewart, '• POPULATION OF CITIES & VILLAGES OF MICHIGAN. Adrian 8,451 Albion „. 2,100 Algonac 782 Allegan 2,374 Alma 402 Alpena 2,612 Ann Arbor '. 7,363 Augusta 608 Battle Creek 5,838 Bay City 7,067 BeUevue 608 Benton Harbor. 703 Berrien Springs 662 Big Rapids 1,237 Brighton 440 Brooklyn 544 Buchanan 1,719 Burr Oak 724 Capac 320 Caro 480 Cassapolis 728 Centreville 749 Charlotte 1,354 Chesaning . . . ; 784 Clinton 760 Coldwator 4,392 Constantine 1,290 Corunna 1,410 Decatur 1,461 Detroit 79,619 Dowagiac 1,943 Dundee 800 East Saginaw 11,373 EastTawas 606 Eaton Rapids 1,221 Fentonville 2,346 Flint 5,385 Powlerville 853 Flushing 680 Galesburg 834 Grand Haven 3,164 Grand Ledge 840 Grand Rapids 16,587 Grass Lake 800 Hancock 1,600 Hastings 1,793 Hillsdale..., 3,541 Holland 2,328 Holly 1,478 Homer 684 Houghton,? 1,460 Howell .• 1,469 Hubbardston 531 Hudson 2,690 Ionia 2,494 Ithica 321 Jackson 11,532 Jonesville 1,440 Kalamazoo 9,100 Lansing 5,446 Lapeer 1,776 Lawrence 555 •xl Hi hi; a> a » a * -hi I g.f^ O O O © !2j IzJ !^ izj !2} g g g g g ,g g g g g ^ g g g g IH b< f tr< =^ s- S O P--65 O C6 tn .? e s^r* wbs^ nsi- n> o ?r- . o " J~'s.^J* J^ to Oi . j-i 03tO*^OCO-^Ol(33-'~O3"Co'to'O0 -^ 00^ -4 -f^01t«MOlt4i.MOQOOI-'OOl*».bOK)*.CSOlhfi.MOiOOCOO? 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