iai»iffilllllBUiilllUII THE HISTOEY OF Fond du Lac County, WISCONSIN, CONTAINING A HISTORY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY, ITS EARLY SETTLEMENT, GROWTH, DEVELOPMENT, RESOURCES, ETC., ETC., AN EXTENSIVE AND MINUTE SKETCH OF ITS CITIES, THEIR IMPROVEMENTS, INDUSTRIES, MANUFACTORIES, CHURCHES, SCHOOLS, SOCIETIES, ETC., ETC., WAR RECORD, BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES, PORTRAITS OF PROMINENT MEN AND EARLY SETTLERS, ETC., ETC., ETC.; ALSO HISTORY OF WISCONSIN, CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES AND OF WISCONSIN, CONDENSED ABSTRACT OF LAWS OF WISCONSIN, MISCELLA NEOUS, ETC., ETC. IXjiiTTSTLR-A-TIEID.. CHICAGO : WESTERN HISTORICAL COMPANY. MDCCCLXXX. PREFACE. IN presenting this history to the citizens of Fond du Lac County, the desire is to place upon record whatever incidents of importance have transpired in this region since its first settlement, and that, too, in a reliable manner and in permanent form. As preliminary to the annals of the county, a brief sketch of Wisconsin is given, includ ing its Antiquities, Indian tribes, pre-Territorial times, its Territorial history, and an outline of the different Administrations since the State was admitted into the Union. This, it is thought, will prove attractive to the reader. It is followed by articles on Topography and . Geology of Wisconsin ; on its Climatology, Trees, Shrubs and Vines ; its Educational Inter ests, Agriculture, Mineral Resources and Railroads ; on its Lumber Manufacture, Banking, Commerce and Manufactures ; the Public Domain, and the Health of the State. All these articles are by able Wisconsin writers. Following these, are Statistics of the State, and an Abstract of its Laws and Constitution, and of the Constitution of the United States. Facts and figures, incidents and reminiscences, anecdotes and sketches are given in the county history, with a variety and completeness commensurate with their, importance. This has necessitated a persevering effort ; but the labor has been lessened by the cordial assist ance of many friends to the enterprise, to all of whom our grateful acknowledgments are tendered. They have enabled us to give the present generation, it is believed, a valuable reflex of the times and deeds of pioneer days, and to the pioneer men and women a lasting monument. Many of those still living have kindly extended their aid. To them, as well as to the Press and Pulpit, and also to the officers of the State Historical Society, we desire to express our sincere thanks for numerous favors received at their hands. April, 1880. THE PUBLISHERS. CHICAGO: CULVER, PAGE, HOYNE & CO., PRINTERS, 118 and 120 Monuok Street. CONTENTS. HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. Page. Antiquities 19 Indian Tribes 21 Pre-Territorial Annals 29 Wisconsin Territory 41 Wisconsin as a State 52 First Administration 62 Second Administration 57 Third Administration 59 'Fourth Administration 62 Fifth Administration 64 Sixth Administration 66 Seventh Administration 67 War of Secession Commenced 69 Eighth Administration 76 Ninth Administration 85 Statistics of Volunteers 90 Tenth Administration 92 Eleventh Administration 93 Twelfth Administration 94 Thirteenth Administration 97 Fourteenth Administration 99 Fifteenth Administration 104 Sixteenth Administration 109 Topography and Geology 110 The Archaean Age ". 112 Paleozoic Time — Silurian Age 115 Devonian Age 119 Glacial Period 120 Climatology 121 Trees, Shrubs and Vines 128 Fauna.. '. 134 Fish and Fish Culture 134 Large Animals — Time of their Disap- 1 pearanco 138 Peculiarities of the Bird Fauna 139 Educational 140 Original School Code 140 Agitation for Free Schools 141 School System under State Govern- , ment 141 School Fund Income 142 State University 143 Agricultural College 144 Normal Schools 144 Teachers' Institutes 146 Graded Schools 146 Page. Educational : Township System 146 Free High Schools 147 School Offices 147 State Teachers' Certificates 147 Teachers' Associations f 148 Libraries 148 State Superintendents 148 College Sketches . 149 Female Colleges 150 Academies and Seminaries 151 Commercial Schools..... 151 Agriculture '. 161 Mineral Resources 162 Lead and Zinc 162 Iron i 165 Copper 168 Gold and Silver 168 Brick Clays 168 Cement Rock 170 Limestone— Glass Sand 171 Peat— Building Stones 172 Railroads 173 Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul 173 Chicago & Northwestern 176 Wisconsin Central 178 Western Union 179 West Wisconsin 180 Milwaukee, Lake Shore & Western 180 Green Bay & Minnesota 181 Wiscunsin Valley 181 Sheboygan & Fonddu Lac 181 Mineral Point.. 182 Madison & Portage 182 North Wisconsin 183 Prairie du Chien & McGregor 183 Chippewa Falls & Western 183 Narrow Gauge 183 Conclusion 184 Lumber 185 Banking 191 Commerce and Manufactures 198 Furs 199 Lead and Zinc — Iron 200 Lumber ?T. 201 Grain 202 Page. Commerce and Manufactures : Dairy Products ; 203 Pork and Beef. .-.203 Hops .'..204 Tobacco — Cranberries .206 Liquors 205 Miscellaneous 206 Water Powers • 206 Manufactures 208 Conclusion 208 The PnblicDomain 210 Health 230 Geographical Position 230 Physical Features 230 Geology 231 Drainage -. .....232 Climatology : -.; 232 Rain Character 233 Isotherms .,...234 Barometrical :..234 Winds 235 Climatological Changes from Settling in the State ;...235 Influence of Nationalities 237 Occupations — Food — Education, etc 238 History of Disease 238 Ratio of Sickness, Ft. Howard and Win nebago , 230 Education of the Blind : 241 Institute of Deaf and Dumb 241 Industrial School for Boys 242 State Prison '. 242 State Hospital for the Tnsane 242 Northern Hospital for the Insane 243 City of Milwaukee 243 Health Resorts 244 Change of Diseases 246 - Pulmonary Diseases 248 Statistics 249 Population, 1875, of Township's, Alpha betically Arranged by Counties 249 Population by Counties 258 Nativity by Counties 259 Valuation of Property 260 Acreage of Principal Crops 261, 262 ABSTRACT OF WISCONSIN STATE LAWS. Page. Actions 283 Arrest.i 283 Attachment 284 Adoption of Children 276 Assignment of Mortgage 274 Assessment and Collection of Taxes 267 Assessmentof Taxes... 268 Bills of Exchange or Promissory Notes 272 Borrowed Money 267 Capital Punishment , 278 Collection of Taxes 270 Commercial Terms .¦ 285 Common Schools 266 Damages for Trespass ,279 Page. Elections and General Elections 263 Estrays 279 Exemptions 284 Fences 280 Forms of Conveyances 273 Forms of Mortgages 274 Garnishment 284 Highways and Bridges 270 Hours of Labor 273 Interest 277 Intoxicating Liquors 271 Judgments 284 Jurisdiction of Courts 277 Jurors 278 Page. Landlord and Tenant 281 Limitation of Actions 285 Marks and Brands 281 Married Women 283 Stay Law 284 Surveyors and Surveys , 282 Support of Poor 282 Suggestions to Persons Purchasing Books by Subscription 285 Title of Real Property by Descent 27o Weights and Measures 278 Wills 276 Wolf Scalps 278 Page. Wisconsin Sta+e Constitution 287 U. S. Constitution 297 MISC EI, L A N EO IT S . Page. Vote of Wisconsin for Governor and Presi dent 306-307 Population of the State.. Page. 308 IV CONTENTS. HISTORY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. Page. CHAPTER I.— Topography, Elevations of Different Points, Artesian Wells, Water Powers, Geological Formations, Phys ical Features 309 CHAPTER II.— Ancient Earth Works, Indian Occupancy, Early French Traders, United States Land Surveys, United States Land Districts, Fond du Lac Company, Origin of the Name Fond du Lac, An Early Trip to the Head of Winnebago Lake, First Settle ment in Fond du Lac County 324 CHAPTER III.—" The Old Military Road" and Other Early Highways, Pioneer Life, Fond du Lac County Boundaries Established, Early Political History, Fond du Lac County on Early Maps, Organization of the County, Pioneer Reminiscences 339 CHAPTER IV.— Territorial District Court and State Circuit Court, Municipal Court of the City and Town of Ripon, County Court, County Officers from 1839 to 1880, County Board of Super visors, Territorial, State and National Representation, Navigation of Lake Winnebago, Wisconsin Phalanx 384: CHAPTER V.— Fond du Lac County Bible Society, County Court House and Jail, County Poor Farm and Build ings, Agriculture in Fond du Lac County, The Dairying Interests of Fond du Lac County, County Agricult- Page. ural and Mechanical Society, Ripon Agricultural Association, Plank Roads, Railroads, Fonddu Lac County a Quar ter of a Century Ago, A Terrible Disaster 409 CHAPTER VI.— The Press of Fond du Lac County, Some of Fond du Lac County'B Illustrious Dead, "Indian Scare," First Things, County Statistics, Prosperity of the County, Political Parties, Ripon College 439 CHAPTER VII.— A Divorce Refused, Ori gin of the Republican Party,01d Set- tlers'Club of Fond du Lac County, Com mon Schools, Literature and the Fine Arts, Fond du Lac County's War Record, A Retrospect 513 CHAPTER VIII.— Citt of Fond du Lac. — Past and Present, Aborigines, Early Settlement, Village of Fond du Lac, City of Fond du Lac Incorporated, City Officers, 1852-1879, City of Fond du Lac a Quarter of a Century Ago, Fond du Lac Post Office, Fire Depart ment, City Lock-Up. Artesian Wells, Gas Works, Schools, Bonded Indebted ness, Public Halls, Hotels, Benevolent Institutions and Societies, Literary and other Societies, Public Library, Secret Societies, Churches, Banks. Manufacturing Interests, Yacht Clubs, Conflagrations, Rienzi Cemetery, Floods and Freshets, Incidents and Page. First Things, Early Times in Fond du Lac , 565 CHAPTER IX.— City of Ripon.— First Owners of Ripon, Early Settlement, Ripon's Early Progress, City Incor porated, City Officers 1858 to 1880, Post Office, Public Schools, Ripon Water-Power, Fire Department, Gas works, Hotels of Ripon, Public Halls, Churches of Ripon, Banks, Secret Societies,' Benevolent, Literary atid other Societies, Manufacturing Inter ests, Ripon Cemeteries, Conflagra tions, Ripon's Fighting Career, " The Booth War," First Things, Growth of the City, Ripon of To-Day 6«3 CHAPTER X.— City of Waupun.— First Settlement, Meaning of the word Waupun, First Events, Growth of Waupun, Village and City Officers 1857-1879, A Reminiscence, Churches, Waupun a Quarter of a Century Ago, Secret Societies, Waupun Pioneers, Manufactories, Banks, Old Settlers' Club, Waupun Library Association, Wisconsin State Prison, Waupun a Dozen Tears Ago, Waupun Fire Com pany No. 1, Dodge County Mutual Insurance Company, A Contrast, Waupun Schools, The Post Office, Waupun Agricultural and Mechanical Association, Cemeteries, Public Halls, Hotels, Fun in Ye Olden Time 695 CHAPTER XI.— Towns and Villages 733 Page. Aldrich, Jas. F 829 Althouse, M.J 721 Bragg, EdwardS 325 Bowers, S. S 415 Boardman, N 379 Bishop, L A 559 Benton, CH 505 Brand, W. B 211 Beach, E. M 937 Bovay, A. E 523 Brinkerhoff, J. H 703 Conklin, H 51 Carter, Jacob 956 Coolidge, J. H 991 Curtis, Gen. D 865 Drury, E. W 99 Dobbs, J 667 Ewen, S 147 PORTRAITS. Page. Eldredge, C. A 343 Eidenmiller, L 847 Galloway, E H 67 Gilson, N. S 649 Giffin, N. C 397 Huber, J. C 451 Hamilton, J 243 Hamilton, W.C 775 Hazen, Chester 757 Kinyon, A 595 Lamb, Dana '. 115 Mayhan, T. F 631 Meyer, Chas. J. L 433 McDonald, John 361 McDonald, Alex 577 Moore, M. D 275 Matteson, B. 0 811 Pier, Edward 35 Page. Pier, C. K 541 Perkins, Geo 291 Pool, Wm., Jr ; 973 Patty, B. S 793 Plocker, Wm .". 739 Russell, Geo. A 919 Ruggles, A. G 307 Sutherland, Geo. E 487 Starr, Wm 685 Sumner, S 901 Shattuck, H. S 469 Sherwin, W. C 1009 Town, Byron 179 Tallmadge. N. P 83 Upham, C. H 883 VanDuyne, D. R 613 Page. Alto .< 1057 Auburn 962 Ashford 966 Byron 1019 Calumet 1029 Eldorado 1024 Empire 1012 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. Pane. Eden 981 Fond du Lac 777 Forest 976 Friendship 935 Lamartine 1033 Metomen 1042 Marshfield 989 Page. Osceola 97.1 Oakfleld 1001 Hipon 881 Rosendale 913 Springvale 925 Taycheedah 997 Waupun 939 MAW OF mscoowsnf. CA.JL TT THE T HISTOEY OF "WISCONSIN. BY C. W. BUTTERFIELD. I.— WISCONSIN ANTIQUITIES. The first explorers of the valleys of the Great Lakes and the Mississippi and its tributaries, seem not to have noticed, to any considerable extent, the existence within these vast areas of monuments of an extinct race. Gradually, however, as the tide of emigration broke through the barriers of the Alleghanies and spread in a widely extended flow over what are now the States of the Northwest, these prehistoric vestiges attracted more and more the attention of the curious and the learned, until, at the present time, almost every person is presumed to have some general knowledge, not only of their existence, but of some of their striking peculiarities. Unfortunately, these signs of a long since departed people are fast disappearing by the never ceasing operations of the elements, and the constant encroachments of civilization. The earliest notices of the animal and vegetable kingdom of this region are to be found in its rocks ; but Wisconsin's earli est records of men can only be .traced in here and there a crumbling earth-work, in the fragment of a skeleton, or in a few stone and copper implements — dim and shadowy relics of their handicraft. The ancient dwellers in these valleys, whose history is lost in the lapse of ages, are desig nated, usually, as the Mound-Builders ; not that building mounds was probably their distinctive employment, but that such artificial elevations of the earth are, to a great extent, the only evi dences remaining of their actual occupation of the country. As to the origin of these people, all knowledge must, possibly, continue to rest upon conjecture alone. Nor were the habitations of this race confined to the territory of which Wisconsin now forms a part. At one time, they must have been located in many ulterior regions. The earth-works, tumuli, or " mounds," as they are generally designated, are usually symmetrically raised and often inclosed in mathematical figures, such as the square, the octagon, and the circle, with long lines of circumvallation. Besides these earth-works, there are pits dug in the^solid rock ; rubbish heaps formed in the prosecution of mining operations ; and a variety of implements and utensils, wrought in copper or stone, or moulded in clay. Whence came the inhabitants who left these evidences to succeed ing generations ? In other words, who were the Mound-Builders ? Did they migrate from the Old World, or is their origin to be sought for elsewhere ? And as to their manners and customs and civilization — what of these things ? Was the race finally swept from the New World to give place to Red men, or was it the one from which the latter descended ? These momentous ques tions are left for the ethnologist, the archaeologist, and the antiquarian of' the future to answer — if they can. 20 HISTORY OP WISCONSIN. Inclosures and mounds of the prehistoric people, it is generally believed, constituted but parts of one system ; the former being, in the main, intended for purposes of defense or religion ; the latter, for sacrifice, for temple sites, for burial places, or for observatories. In selecting sites for many of these earth-works, the Mound-Builders appear to have been influenced by motives which prompt civilized men to choose localities for their great marts; hence, Cincinnati, St, Louis, Chicago, Milwaukee and other cities of the West are founded on ruins of pre-existing structures. River terraces and river bottoms seem to have been the favorite places for these earth-works. In such localities, the natural advantages of the country could be made available with much less trouble than in portions of the country lying at a distance from water-courses. In Wisconsin, therefore, as in other parts, the same general idea of selecting points contiguous to the principal natural thoroughfares is found to have prevailed with the Mound-Builders ; for their works are seen in the basin of the Fox river of the Illinois, in that of Rock river and its branches, in the valley of Fox river of Green bay, in that of the Wisconsin, as well as near the waters of the Mississippi. While a few circumvallations and immense mounds, such as are common to certain other portions of the United States, are discoverable in Wisconsin, yet by far the largest number of earthworks have one peculiarity not observable, except in a few instances, outside the State. This characteristic is a very striking one The fact is revealed that they are imitative in form — ¦ resembling beasts, reptiles, birds, fish, man. All these, for convenience, are usually classed under the general name of "animal mounds," although some are in the similitude of trees, some of war clubs, others of tobacco pipes. Generally, these figures are in groups, though sometimes they are seen alone. For what purpose the'se earth-works were heaped up — they rise above the surface two, four, and sometimes six feet — or what particular uses they were intended to subserve, is unknown. It is, however, safe to affirm that they had some significance. A number resemble the bear ; a few, the buffalo ; others, the raccoon. Lizards, turtles, and even tadpoles, are out lined in the forms of some. The war eagle, and the war club has each its representative. All this, of course, could not have been a mere happening — the work of chance. The sizes of these mounds are as various as their forms. One near Cassville, in Grant county, very complete in its representation of an animal, supposed to be of the elephant species, was found, upon measure ment, to have a total length of one hundred and thirty-five feet. Another in Sauk county, quite perfect in its resemblance to the form of a man, was of equal length — a veritable colossus; prone, it is true, and soon to disappear, if it has not already been destroyed, by ravages of a superior civilization. In portions of Wisconsin, as well as in a few places outside the State, are found earth- works of another kind, but quite as remarkable as the "animal mounds," which, from their supposed use, have been styled "garden beds." They are ridges, or beds, about six inches in height and four feet in width, ranged, with much apparent method, in parallel rows, sometimes rectangular in shape, sometimes of various but regular and symmetrical curves, and occupying fields of from ten to a hundred acres. The Mound-Builders have left many relics, besides their earthworks, to attest their presence in Wisconsin in ages past. Scattered widely are found stone and copper axes, spear-heads, and arrow-heads, also various other implements — evidently their handiwork. As these articles are frequently discovered many feet beneath the surface, it argues a high antiquity for the artificers. Whether they had the skill to mould their copper implements is doubtful. Such as plainly show the work of hammering, indicate an ,art beyond that possessed by the Red men who peopled America upon its first discovery by Europeans. In a few instances, fragments of human skulls have been found so well preserved as to enable a comparison to be drawn between the crania of THE INDIAN TRIBES OF WISCONSIN. 21 this ancient race and those of modern ones ; the results, however, of these comparisons throw little, if any, light upon "the dark backward and abysm" of mound-building times. The evidences of an extinct people of superior intelligence is very strikingly exhibited ii> the ancient copper mines of the Lake Superior region. Here are to be found excavations in the soli-d rock ; heaps of rubble and dirt ; copper utensils fashioned into knives, chisels, and spear and arrow-heads; stone hammers; wooden bowls and shovels; props and levers for raising and supporting the mass copper; and ladders for ascending and descending the pits. These mines. were probably worked by people not only inhabiting what is now the State of Wisconsin., but territory farther to the southward. The copper was here obtained, it is believed, which has been found in many places, even as far away as the northern shore cf the Gulf of Mexico, wrought into various implements and utensils. But there are no traces in Wisconsin of a " copper age " succeeding a " stone age," discernadle in any prehistoric relics. They all refer alike to one age — the indefinite past ; to one people — the Mound-Builders. II.— THE INDIAN TRIBES OF WISCONSIN. When, as early, it is believed, as 1634, civilized man first set foot upon the territory now included within the boundaries of Wisconsin, he discovered, to his surprise, that upon this wide. area met and mingled clans of two distinct and wide-spread families — the Algonquins and Sioux. The tribes of the former, moving westward, checked the advance of the latter in, their excursions eastward. As yet there had been no representatives of the Huron-Iroquois seen west of Lake Michigan — the members of this great family, at that date dwelling in safety in the extensive regions northward and southward of the Erie and Ontario lakes. Already had the French secured a foot-hold in the extensive valley of the St. Lawrence ; and, naturally enough, the chain of the Great Lakes led their explorers to the mouth of Green bay, and up that water course and its principal tributary, Fox river, to the Wisconsin, an affluent of the Mississippi.. On the right, in ascending this bay, was seen, for the first time, a nation of Indians, lighter in- complexion than neighboring tribes, and remarkably well formed, -now well known as the- Menomonees. This nation is pf Algonquin stock, but their dialect differed so much from the surrounding;. tribes of the same family, it having strange guttural sounds and accents, as well as peculiar inflec tions of verbs and other parts of speech, that, for a long time, they were supposed to have a distinct language. Their traditions point to an emigration from the East at some remote period. When first visited by the French missionaries, these Indians subsisted largely upon wild rice, from' which they took their name. The harvest time of this grain was in the month of September. It grew spontaneously in little streams with slimy bottoms, and in marshy places. The harvesters went in their canoes across these watery fields, shaking the ears right and left as. they advanced, the grain falling easily, if ripe, into the bark receptacle beneath. To clear it from chaff and strip it of a pellicle inclosing it, they put it to dry on a wooden lattice above a small fire, which was kept up for several days. When the rice was well dried, it was placed in a skin of the form of a bag, which was then forced into a hole, made on purpose; in the: ground. They then tread it out so long and so well, that the grain being freed from the chaff;, was easily winnowed. After this, it was pounded to meal, or left unpounded, and boiled ir> water seasoned with grease. It thus became a very palatable diet. It must not be inferred that this was the only food of the Menomonees ; they were adepts in fishing, and hunted with skill the game which abounded in the forests. For many years after their discovery, the Menomonees had their homes and hunting 22 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. grounds upon, or adjacent to, the Menomonee river. Finally, after the lapse of a century and a quarter, down to 1760, when the French yielded to the English all claims to the country, the territory of the Menomonees had shifted somewhat to the westward and southward, and their principal village was found at the head of Green bay, while a smaller one was still in existence at the mouth of their favorite stream. So slight, however, had been this change, that the country of no other of the surrounding tribes had been encroached upon by the movement. In 1634, the Menomonees probably took part in a treaty with a representative of the French, who had thus early ventured so far into the wilds of the lake regions. More than a score of years elapsed before the tribe was again visited by white men, — that is to say, there are no authentic accounts of earlier visitations. In 1660, Father Ren6 Menard had penetrated the Lake Superior country as far, at least, as Kewenaw, in what is now the northern part of Michigan, whence some of his French companions probably passed down the Menomonee river to the waters of Green bay the following year ; but no record of the Indians, through whose territory they passed, was made by these voyagers. Ten years more — 1670— brought, to the Menomonees (who doubtless had already been visited by French fur-traders) Father Claudius Allouez, to win them to Christianity. He had previously founded a mission upon the bay of Chegoimegon, now Chaquamegon, or Ashland bay, an arm of Lake Superior, within the present State of Wisconsin, in charge of which, at that date, was Father James Marquette. Proceeding from the " Sault" on the third of November, Allouez, early in December, 1669, reached the mouth of Green bay, where, on the third, in an Indian village of Sacs, Pottawattamies, Foxes and Winnebagoes, containing about six hundred souls, he celebrated the holy mass for the first time upon this new field of his labors, — eight Frenchmen, traders with the Indians, whom the missionary found there upon his arrival, taking part in the devotions. His first Christian work with the Menomonees was performed in May of the next year. Allouez found this tribe a feeble one, almost exterminated by war. He spent but little time with them, embarking, on the twentieth of that month, after a visit to some Pottawattamies and Winnebagoes, " with a Frenchman and a savage to go to Sainte Mary of the Sault." His place was filled by Father Louis Andr6, who, not long after, erected a cabin upon the Menomonee river, which, with one at a village where his predecessor had already raised the standard ofthe cross, was soon burned by the savages ; but the missionary, living almost con stantly in his canoe, continued for some time to labor with the Menomonees and surrounding tribes. The efforts of Andre were rewarded with some conversions among the former ; for Mar quette, who visited them in 1673, found many good Christians among them. The record of ninety years of French domination in Wisconsin — beginning in June, 167 1, and ending in October, 1761 — brings to light but little of interest so far as the Menomonees are concerned. Gradually they extended their intercourse with the white fur traders. Gradually and with few interruptions (one in 1728, and one in 1747 of a serious character) they were drawn under the banner of France, joining with that government in its wars with the Iroquois; in its contests, in 1712, 1729, 1730, and 1751, with the Foxes; and, subsequently, in its conflicts with the English. The French post, at what is now Green Bay, Brown county, Wisconsin, was, along with the residue ofthe western forts, surrendered to the British in 1760, although actual possession ofthe former was not taken until the Fall of the next year. The land on which the fort stood was claimed by the Menomonees. Here, at that date, was their upper and principal village, the lower one being at the mouth of the Menomonee river. These Indians soon became reconciled to the English occupation of their territory, notwithstanding the machinations of French traders who endeavored to prejudice them against the new comers. The Menomonees, at this time, were very much reduced, having, but a short time previous, lost three hundred of their warriors' THE INDIAN TRIBES OF WISCONSIN. 23 by the small pox, and most of their chiefs in the late war in which they had been engaged by the then French commander there, against the English. They were glad to substitute English for French traders ; as they could purchase supplies of them at one half the price they had previously paid. It was not long before the sincerity of the Menomonees was put to the test. Pontiac's War of 1763 broke out, and the post of Mackinaw was captured. The garrison, however, at Gre^en bay was not only not attacked by the savages, but, escorted by the Menomonees and other tribes, crossed Lake Michigan in safety to the village of L'Arbre Croche ; thence making their way to Montreal. The Menomonees continued their friendship to the English, joining with them against the Colonies during the Revolution, and fighting on the same side during the war of 1812-15. When, in July, 1816, an American force arrived at Green bay to take possession of the country, the Menomonees were found in their village near by, very peaceably inclined. The commander ofthe troops asked permission of their chief to build a fort. " My Brother!" was the response, " how can we oppose your locating a council-fire among us ? You are too strong for us. Even if we wanted to oppose you we have scarcely got powder and ball to make the attempt. One favor we ask is, that our French brothers shall not be disturbed. You can choose any place you please for your fort, and we shall not object." No trouble had been anticipated from the Menomonees, and the expectations of the government of the United States in that regard were fully realized. What added much to the friendship now springing up between the Menomonees and the Americans was the fact that the next year — 1817 — the annual contribution, which for many years had been made by the British, consisting of a shirt, leggins, breech-clout, and blanket for each member or the tribe, and for each family a copper kettle, knives, axes, guns and ammunition, was withheld by them. It was found by the Americans, upon their occupation of the Menomonee territory, that some of the women of that tribe were married to traders and boatmen who had settled at t]ie head of the bay, there being no white women in that region. Many of these were Canadians of French extraction ;' hence the anxiety that they should be well treated, which was expressed by the Menomonees upon the arrival of the American force. At this period there was a consider able trade carried on with these Indians at Prairie du Chien, as many of them frequently win tered on the Mississippi. The first regular treaty with this tribe was " made and concluded" on the thirtieth day of March, 1817, "by and between William Clark, Ninian Edwards, and Auguste Chouteau, commissioners on the part and behalf of the United States of America, of the one part," and the chiefs and warriors, deputed by the Menomonees, of the other part. By the terms of this compact all injuries were to be forgiven and forgotten ; perpetual peace established; lands, heretofore ceded to other governments, confirmed to the United States ; all prisoners to be delivered up ; and the tribe placed under the protection of the United States, " and of no other nation, power, or sovereign, whatsoever." The Menomonees were now fully and fairly, and for the first time, entitled to be known as " American Indians," in contradistinction to the term which had been so long used as descriptive of their former allegiance — " British Indians." The territory of the Menomonees, when the tribe was taken fully under the wing of the Gen eral Government, had become greatly extended. It was bounded on the north by the dividing ridge between the waters flowing into Lake Superior and those flowing south into Green bay and the Mississippi ; on the east, by Lake Michigan ; on the south, by the Milwaukee river, and on the west by the Mississippi and Black rivers. This was their territory ; though they were prac tically restricted to the occupation of the western shore of Lake Michigan, lying between the mouth of Green bay on the north and the Milwaukee river on the south, and to a somewhat indefinite area west. Their general claim, as late as 1825, was north to the Chippewa country: 24 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. ¦¦cast to Green bay and Lake Michigan ; south to the Milwaukee river, and west to Black river. And what is most surprising is that the feeble tribe of 1761 had now, in less than three quarters ¦of a century, become a powerful nation, numbering between three and four thousand. The Menomonee territory, as late as 1831, still preserved its large proportions. Its eastern •division was bounded by the Milwaukee river, the shore of Lake Michigan, Green bay, Fox •river, and Winnebago lake ; its western division, by the Wisconsin and Chippewa rivers on the "west; Fox river on the south ; Green bay on the east, and the high lands whence flow the streams into Lake Superior, on the north. This year, however, it was shorn of a valuable and large part by the tribe ceding to the United States all the eastern division, estimated at two and one half million acres. The following year, the Menomonees aided the General Government in the Black Hawk war. That the Menomonees might, as much as possible, be weaned from their wandering habits, their permanent home was designated to be a large tract lying north of Fox river and east of Wolf river. Their territory farther west, was reserved for their hunting grounds until such time as the General Government should desire to purchase it. In 1836, another portion, amounting to four million acres, lying between Green bay on the east and Wolf river on the west, was dis posed of to the United States, besides a strip three miles in width from near the portage north, on each side of the Wisconsin river and forty-eight miles long — still leaving them in peace able possession of a country about one hundred and twenty miles long, and about eighty broad. Finally, in 1848, the Menomonees sold all their lands in Wisconsin to the General Govern ment, preparatory to their movement to a reservation beyond the Mississippi cf six hundred thousand acres ; but the latter tract was afterward re-ceded to the United States ; for, notwith standing there were treaty stipulations for the removal of the tribe to that tract, there were obstacles in the way of their speedy migration, resulting, finally, in their being permitted to remain in Wisconsin. Lands, to the amount of twelve townships, were granted them for their permanent .homes, on the upper Wolf river, in what is now Shawano and Oconto counties — a portion, but a very small one, of what was once their extensive possessions. To this reservation they removed in October, 1852. Thus are the Menomonees, the only one of the original tribes of Wisconsin who, as a whole, have a local habitation within its limits. This tribe refused to join the Sioux in their outbreak in 1861, and several of their warriors served as volunteers in the United States army during the late civil war. It is now over two centuries since the civilized world began to gain knowledge of the exist ence, in the far West, of a tribe of Indians known as the Winnebagoes — that is, men of the sea ¦ pointing, possibly, to their early migration from the shores of the Mexican gulf, or the Pacific. The territory now included within the limits of Wisconsin, and so much of the State of Michigan as lies north of Green bay, Lake Michigan, the Straits of Mackinaw and Lake Huron were in ¦early times, inhabited by several tribes of the Algonquin race, forming a barrier to the Dakotas or Sioux, who had advanced eastward to the Mississippi. But the Winnebagoes, although one of the tribes belonging to the family of the latter, had passed the great river, at some unknown period, and settled upon the head waters of Green bay. Here, this "sea-tribe," as early it is believed, as 1634, was visited by an agent of France and a treaty concluded with them. The tribe afterward called themselves Hochungara, or Ochunkoraw, but were styled by the Sioux Hotanke or Sturgeon. Nothing more is heard of the Ouenibigoutz, or Winnebegouk (as the Winnebagoes ¦were early called by the Jesuit missionaries, and the Algonquin tribes, meaning men from the fetid or salt water, translated by the French, Puants) for the next thirty-five years, although there is no doubt that the tribe had been visited meanwhile by adventurous Frenchmen when the second of December, 1669, some of that nation were noted at a Sac (Sauk or Sauki's) villa on Green bay, by Father Allouez. THE INDIAN TRIBES OE WISCONSIN. 25 As early at least as 1670, the French were actively engaged among the Winnebagoes trading. " We found affairs," says one of the Jesuit missionaries, who arrived among them in September of that year, " we found affairs there in a pretty bad posture, and the minds of the savages much soured against the French, who were there trading ; ill-treating them in deeds and words, pillag ing and carrying away their merchandise in spite of them, and conducting themselves toward them with insupportable insolences and indignities. The cause of this disorder," adds the mis sionary, " is that they had received some bad treatment from the French, to whom they had this year come to trade, and particularly from the soldiers, from whom they pretended to have received many wrongs and injuries." It is thus made certain that the arms of France were carried into the territory of the Winnebagoes over two hundred years ago. The Fox river of Green bay was found at that date a difficult stream to navigate. Two Jesuits who ascended the river in 1670, had "three or four leagues of rapids to contend with," when they had advanced " one day's journey " from the head of the bay, " more difficult than those which are common in other rivers, in this, that the flints, over which" they had to walk with naked feet to drag their canoes, were so " sharp and so cutting, that one has all the trouble in the world to hold one's self steady against the great rushing ofthe waters." At the falls they found an idol that the savages honored ; " never failing, in passing, to make him some sacrifice of tobacco, or arrows, or paintings, or other things, to thank him that, by his assistance, they had, in ascending, avoided the dangers of the waterfalls which are in this stream ; or else, if they had to ascend, to pray him to aid them in this perilous navigation." The devout missionaries caused the idol " to be lifted up by the strength of arm, and cast into the depths of the river, to appear no more " to the idolatrous savages. The mission of St. Francis Xavier, founded in December, 1669, by Allouez, was a roving one among the tribes inhabiting the shores of Green bay and the interior country watered by the Fox river and its tributaries, for about two years, when its first mission-house was erected at what is now Depere, Brown county. This chapel was soon after destroyed by fire, but was rebuilt in 1676. The Winnebagoes, by this time, had not only received considerable spiritual instruction from the Jesuit fathers, but had obtained quite an insight into the mysteries of trading and trafficking with white men; for, following the footsteps of the missionaries, and sometimes preceding them, were the ubiquitous French fur traders. It is impossible to determine precisely what territory was occupied by the Winnebagoes at this early date, farther than that they lived near tne head of Green bay. A direct trade with the French upon the St. Lawrence was not carried on by the Winne bagoes to any great extent until the beginning of the eighteenth century. As early as 1679, an advance party of La Salle had collected a large store of furs at the mouth of Green bay, doubtless in a traffic with this tribe and others contiguous to them ; generally, however, the surrounding nations sold their peltries to the Ottawas, who disposed of them, in turn, to the French. The commencement of the eighteenth century found the Winnebagoes firmly- in alliance with France, and in peace with the dreaded Iroquios. In 17 18, the nation numbered six hundred. They were afterward found to have moved up Fox river, locating upon Winne bago lake, which stream and lake were their ancient seat, and from which they had been driven either by fear or the prowess of more powerful tribes of the West or Southwest. Their inter course with the French was gradually extended and generally peaceful, though not always so, joining with them, as did the Menomonees, in their wars with the Iroquois, and subsequently in their conflicts with the English, which finally ended in 1760. When the British, in October, 1761, took possession of the French post, at the head of 26 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. Green bay, the Winnebagoes were found to number one hundred and fifty warriors only ; their nearest village being at the lower end of Winnebago lake. They had in all not less than three towns. Their country, at this period, included not only that lake, but all the streams flowing into it, especially Fox river; afterward extended to the Wisconsin and Rock rivers. They readily changed their course of trade — asking now of the commandant at the fort for English traders to be sent among them. In the Indian outbreak under Pontiac in 1763, they joined with the Menomonees and other tribes to befriend the British garrison at the head of the bay,. assisting in conducting them to a place of safety. They continued their friendship to the English during the Revolution, by joining with them against the colonies, and were active in the Indian. war of 1790—4, taking part in the attack on Fort Recovery, upon the Maumee, in the present State of Ohio, in 1793. They fought also on the side of the British in the war of 1812-15,. aiding, in 1814, to reduce Prairie du Chien. They were then estimated at 4,500. When, in 1816, the government of the United States sent troops to take possession of the Green bay country, by establishing a garrison there, some trouble was anticipated from these Indians, who, at that date, had the reputation of being a bold and warlike tribe. A deputation from the nation came down Fox river and remonstrated with the American commandant at what was thought to be an intrusion. They were desirous of knowing why a fort was to be established so near them. The reply was that, although the troops were armed for war if necessary, their purpose was peace. Their response was an old one : " If your object is peace, you have too many men ; if war, you have too few." However, the display of a number of cannon which had not yet been mounted, satisfied the Winnebagoes that the Americans were masters of the^situation, and the deputation gave the garrison no farther trouble. On the 3d of June, 18 16, at St. Louis, the tribe made a treaty of peace and friendship with the General Government; but they continued to levy tribute on all white people who passed up Fox river. English annuities also kept up a bad feeling. At this time, a portion of the tribe was living upon the Wisconsin river, away from the rest of the nation, which was still seated upon the waters flowing into Green bay. In 1820 they had five villages on Winnebago lake and fourteen on Rock river. In 1825, the claim of the Winnebagoes was an extensive one, so far as territory was concerned. Its southeast boundary stretched away from the source of Rock river to within forty miles of its mouth, in Illinois, where they had a village. On the west it extended to the heads of the small streams flowing into the Mississippi. To the northward, it reached Black river and the upper Wis consin, in other words, to the Chippewa territory, but did not extend across Fox river, although they contended for the whole of Winnebago lake. In 1829, a large part of their territory in southwest Wisconsin, lying between Sugar river and the Mississippi, and extending to the Wis consin river, was sold to the General Government; and, three years later all the residue lying south and east of the Wisconsin and the Fox river of Green bay ; the Winnebago prophet having before that date supported the Sacs in their hostility. Finally, in the brief language of the treaty between this tribe (which had become unsettled and wasteful) and the United States, of the first of November, 1837," The Winnebago Nation of Indians " ceded to the General Government " all their lands east of the Mississippi." Not an acre was reserved. And the Indians agreed that, within eight months from that date, they would move west of " the great river." This, arrangement, however, was not carried out fully. In 1842, there were only 756 at Turkey river, Iowa, their new home, with as many in Wisconsin, and smaller bands e':ewhere. All had become lawless, and roving. Some removed in 1848; while a party to the number of over eight hun dred left the State as late as 1873. The present home of the tribe is in Nebraska, where they have a reservation north of and adjacent to the Omahas, containing over one hundred thousand acres. However, since their first removal beyond the Mississippi, they have several times THE INDIAN TRIBES OF WISCONSIN. 27 changed their place of abode. Their number, all told, is less than twenty-five hundred. When the territory, now constituting the northern portion of Wisconsin, became very generally known to the civilized inhabitants of the eastern part of the United States, it was found to be occupied by Indians called the Chippewas. Their hunting-grounds extended south from Lake Superior to the heads of the Menomonee, the Wisconsin and Chippewa rivers ; also farther eastward and westward. At an early day they were engaged in a war with the Sioux — a war indeed, which was long continued. The Chippewas, however, persistently maintained their position — still occupying the same region when the General Government extended its jurisdiction, over the whole country south of the Great Lakes and west to the Mississippi. By treaties with the Chippewas at different periods, down to the year 1827, the General Gov ernment had recognized them as the owners of about one quarter of which is now the entire State. The same policy was pursued toward this tribe as with neighboring ones; in the purchase of their lands by the United States. Gradually they parted with their extensive possessions, until, in 1842, the last acre within what is now Wisconsin was disposed of. It was the intention ofthe General Government to remove the several bands of the Chippewas who had thus ceded their lands to a tract reserved for them beyond the Mississippi ; but this determination was afterward changed so as to allow them to remain upon certain reservations within the limits of their old- time hunting grounds. These reservations they continue to occupy. They are located in Bay field, Ashland, Chippewa and Lincoln counties. The clans are known, respectively, as the Red Cliff band, the Bad River band, the Lac Courte Oreille band, and the Lac de Flambeau band. Of all the tribes inhabiting what is now Wisconsin when its territory was first visited by white men, the Sacs (Sauks or Saukies) and Foxes (Outagamies) are, in history, the most noted. They are of the Algonquin family, and are first mentioned in 1665, by Father Allouez, but as separate tribes. Afterward, however, because of the identity of their language, and their asso ciations, they were and still are considered as one nation. In December, 1669, Allouez found upon the shores of Green bay a village of Sacs, occupied also by members of other tribes ; and early in 1670 he visited a village of the same Indians located upon the Fox river of Green bay, at a distance of four leagues from its mouth. Here a device of these Indians for catching fish arrested the attention of the missionary. " From one side of the river to the other," he writes, " they made a barricade, planting great stakes, two fathoms from the water, in such a manner that there is, as it were, a bridge above for the fishes, who by the aid of a little bow-net, easily take sturgeons and all other kinds of fish which this pier stops, although the water does not cease to flow between the stakes." When the Jesuit father first obtained, five years previous, a knowledge of this tribe, they were represented as savage above all others, great in numbers, and without any permanent dwelling place. The Foxes were of two stocks : one calling themselves Outagamies or Foxes, whence our English name ; the other, Musquakink, or men of red clay, the name now used by the tribe. They lived in early times with their kindred the Sacs east of Detroit, and as some say near the St. Lawrence. They were driven west, and settled at Saginaw, a name derived from the Sacs. Thence they were forced by the Iroquois to Green bay ; but were compelled to leave that place and settle on Fox river. Allouez, on the twenty-fourth of April, 1670, arrived at a village of the Foxes, situated on Wolf river, a northern tributary of the Fox. "The nation," he declares, "is renowned for being numerous ; they have more than four hundred men bearing arms ; the number of women and children is greater, on account of polygamy which exists among them — each man having commonly four wives, some of them six, and others as high as ten." The missionary found that the Foxes had retreated to those parts to escape the persecutions of the Iroquois. Allouez established among these Indians his mission of St. Mark, rejoicing in the fact that in less than 28 HISTORY OE WISCONSIN. two years he had baptized "sixty children and some adults." The Foxes, at the summons of De la Barre, in 1684, sent warriors against the Five Nations. They also took part in Denonville's more serious campaign ; but soon after became hostile to the French. As early as 169.3, they had plundered several on their way to trade with the Sioux, alleging that they were carrying arms and ammunition to their ancient enemies — frequently causing them to make portages to the southward in crossing from Lake Michigan to the Mississippi. Afterward they became recon ciled to the French; but the reconciliation was of short duration. In 1712, Fort Detroit, then defended by only a handful of men, was attacked by them in conjunction with the Mascou- tens and Kickapoos. However, in the end, by calling in friendly Indians, the garrison not only protected themselves but were enabled to act on the offensive, destroying the greater part of the besieging force. The nation continued their ill will to the French. The consequence was that their territory in 1 7 16 had been invaded and they were reduced to sue for peace. But their friendship was not of long continuance. In 17 18, the Foxes numbered five hundred men and "abounded in women and children." They are spoken of at that date as being very industrious, raising large quantities of Indian corn. In 1728, another expedition was sent against them by the French. Meanwhile the Menomonees had also become hostile; so, too, the Sacs, who were now the allies of the Foxes. The result of the enterprise was, an attack upon and the defeat of a number of Menomonees ; the burning of the wigwams of the Winnebagos (after passing the deserted village of the Sacs upon the Fox river), that tribe, also, at this date being hostile ; and the destruction of the fields of the Foxes. They were again attacked in their own country by the French, in 1730, and defeated. In 1734, both the Sacs and Foxes came in conflict with the same foe; but this time the French were not as successful as on previous expeditions. In 1736, the Sacs and Foxes were " connected with the government of Canada ; " but it is certain they were far from being friendly to the French. The conflict between France and Great Britain commencing in 1754, found the Sacs and Foxes allied with the former power, against the English, although not long previous to this time they were the bitter enemies of the French. At the close of that contest so disastrous to the interests of France in North America, these tribes readily gave in their adhesion to the con querors, asking that English traders might be sent them. The two nations, then about equally divided, numbered, in 1761, about seven hundred warriors. Neither of the tribes took part in Pontiac's war, but they befriended the English. The Sacs had migrated farther to the west ward ; but the Foxes — at least a portion of them — still remained upon the waters of the river of Green bay, which perpetuates their name. A few years later, however, and the former were occupants of the upper Wisconsin ; also, to a considerable distance below the portage, where their chief town was located. Further down the same stream was the upper village of the Foxes, while their lower one was situated near its mouth at the site of the present city of Prairie du Chien. At this date, 1766, the northern portion of what is now Wisconsin, including all that part watered by the streams flowing north into Lake Superior, was the home of the Chippewas. The country around nearly the whole of Green bay was the hunting ground of the Menomonees. The territory of Winnebago lake and Fox river was the seat of the Winnebagoes. The region of the Wisconsin river was the dwelling place of the Sacs and Foxes. During the war of the Revolution, the Sacs and Foxes continued the firm friends of the English. At the commencement of the nineteenth century, only a small part of their territory was included in what is now Wisconsin, and that was in the extreme southwest. In 1804, they ceded this to the United States ; so that they no longer were owners of any lands within this State. From that date, therefore, these allied tribes can not be considered as belonging to the PRE-TERRITORIAL ANNALS OE WISCONSIN. 29 Indian nations of Wisconsin. A striking episode in their subsequent history — the Black Hawk War — comes in, notwithstanding, as a part, incidentally, ofthe annals ofthe State. Deserving a place in a notice of the Indian tribes of Wisconsin is the nation known as the ' Pottawattamies. As early as 1639, they were the neighbors of the Winnebagoes upon Green bay. They were still upon its southern shore, in two villages, in 1.670; and ten years subsequent to that date they occupied, at least in one village the same region. At the expiration of the first quarter of the eighteenth century, a part only ofthe nation were in that vicinity — upon the islands at the mouth of the bay. These islands were then known as the Pottawattamie islands, and considered as the ancient abode of these Indians. Already had a large portion of this tribe emigrated southward, one band resting on the St. Joseph of Lake Michigan, the other near Detroit. One peculiarity of this tribe — at least of such as resided in what is now Wisconsin — was their intimate association with neighboring bands. When, in 1669, a village of the Pottawattamies, located upon the southeast shore of Green bay, was visited by Allouez, he found with them Sacs and Foxes and Winnebagoes. So, also, when, many years subsequent to that date, a band of these Indians were located at Milwaukee, with them were Ottawas and Chippewas. These " united tribes " claimed all the lands of their respective tribes and of other nations, giving the United States, when possession was taken of the western country by the General Government, no little trouble. Finally, by a treaty, held at Chicago in 1833, their claims, such as they were, to lands along the western shore of Lake Michigan, within the present State of Wisconsin, extending westward to Rock river, were purchased by the United States, with permission to retain possession three years longer of their ceded lands, after which time this " united nation of Chippewas, Ottawas and Pottawattamies " began to disappear, and soon were no longer seen in southeastern Wisconsin or in other portions of the State. Besides the five tribes — Menomonees, Winnebagoes, Chippewas, Sacs and Foxes, and Pottawattamies — many others, whole or in part, have, since the territory now constituting the State was first visited by white men, been occupants of its territory. Of these, some are only known as having once lived in what is now Wisconsin; others — such as the Hurons, Illinois, Kickapoos, Mascoutens, Miamis, Noquets, Ottawas and Sioux, are recognized as Indians once dwelling in this region ; yet so transitory has been their occupation, or so little is known of their history, that they scarcely can be claimed as belonging to the State. Commencing in 1822, and continuing at intervals through some of the following years, was the migration to Wisconsin from the State of New York of the remains or portions of four tribes : the Oneidas, Stockbridges, Munsees and Brothertowns. The Oneidas finally located west of Green Bay, where they still reside. Their reservation contains over 60,000 acres, and lies wholly within the present counties of Brown and Outagamie. The Stockbridges and Munsees, who first located above Green Bay, on the east side of Fox river, afterward moved to the east side of Winnebago lake. They now occupy a reservation joining the southwest township ofthe Menomenee reservation, in Shawano county, and are fast becoming citizens. The Brothertowns first located on the east side of Fox river, but subsequently moved to the east side of Winnebago lake, where, in 1839, they broke up their tribal relations and became citizens of Wisconsin territory. III.— PRE-TERRITORIAL ANNALS OF WISCONSIN. When, in 1634, the first white man set foot upon any portion of the territory now consti tuting the State of Wisconsin, the whole country was, of course, a wilderness. Its inhabitants, the aboriginal Red men, were thinly but widely scattered over all the country. Jean Nicolet, a Frenchman, who had been in Canada since 1618, and had spent several years among the 30 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. Indians, was the first of civilized men to unlock the mystery of its situation and people. French authorities upon the St. Lawrence sent him as an ambassador to the Winnebagoes, of whom he had heard strange stories. They were engaged in a war with the Hurons — allies of the French — a tribe seated upon the eastern side of the lake which bears their name, and Nicolet was empowered to negotiate a peace with them. " When he approached the Winnebago town, he sent some of his Indian attendants to announce his coming, put on a robe of damask, and advanced to meet the expectant crowd with a pistol in each hand. The squaws and children fled, scream ing that it was a manito, or spirit, armed with thunder and lightning ; but the chiefs and warriors regaled him with so bountiful a hospitality, that a hundred and twenty beavers were devoured at a single feast." Such was the advent of the daring Frenchman into what is now the State of Wisconsin. " Upon the borders of Green bay," wrote the Jesuit, Paul le Jeune, in 1640, " are the Meno monees; still farther on, the Winnebagoes, a sedentary people, and very numerous. Some Frenchmen," he continues, " call them the ' Nation of the Stinkards,' because the Algonquin. word Winipeg signifies ' stinking water.' Now they thus call the water of the sea ; therefore! these people call themselves ' Winnebagoes,' because they came from the shores of a sea of which we have no knowledge; consequently we must not call them the ' Nation of Stinkards,' but the ' Nation of the Sea.' " From these Men of the Sea, Nicolet passed westward, ascended Fox river of Green bay, and crossed the portage to the Wisconsin, down which he floated, until within three days of the Mississippi — the " great water " of his guides — which he mistook for the- sea. This adventurous Frenchman, when so near re-discovering the river which has given immortality to De Soto, turned his face to the eastward ; retraced his steps to Green bay, and finally returned in safety to Quebec. This was the first exploration of what is now Wisconsin — - only fourteen years after the landing of the Pilgrims upon the wild shores of New England. Wisconsin, for twenty-four years after its discovery, was left to its savage inhabitants. At length, in 1658, two daring fur traders penetrated to Lake Superior, and wintered there. They probably set foot upon what is now Wisconsin soil, as they made several trips among the sur rounding tribes. They saw, among other things, at six days' journey beyond thq lake, toward the southwest, Indians that the Iroquois had driven from their homes upon the eastern shores of Lake Huron. These Frenchmen heard of the ferocious Sioux, and of a great river — -not the sea as Nicolet had supposed — on which they dwelt. This was the Mississippi ; and to these traders is the world indebted for a knowledge of its existence; as De Soto's discovery was never used and soon became well-nigh, if not entirely, forgotten. From these upper countries, in the Sum mer of 1660, the two returned to Quebec, with three hundred Indians in sixty canoes, laden with peltry. This was, indeed, the dawn — though exceedingly faint — of what is now the commerce of the great Northwest. Nineteen years after flashed a more brilliant light; for, in 1679, the "Griffin," laden with furs, left one of the islands at the mouth of Green bay, on its return-^' spreading her sails for Niagara, but never more to be heard of. Following in the footsteps of the fur traders came the Jesuit missionaries to Lake Superior « one of them, Father Menard, as early as 1660, reaching its southern shore as far to the westward' probably, as Kewenaw, in the present State of Michigan. There is no positive evidence, however" that he or his French companions, visited any portion of what is now Wisconsin ; although the next year, 1661, some of his associates probably passed down the Menomonee river to Green bay Following Menard came Father Claude Allouez, arriving on the first day of October, 1665, at " Chagowamigong," or "Chegoimegon," now Chequamegon, or Ashland Bay, " at the bottom of which," wrote the missionary, " is situated the great villages of the savages, who there plant their fields of Indian corn, and lead a stationary life." Near by he erected a small chapel of bark — the- PRE-TERRITORIAL ANNALS OF WISCONSIN. 31 first structure erected by civilized man in Wisconsin. At La Pointe, in the present Ashland county, he established the mission of the Holy Ghost. The next Catholic mission in what is now Wisconsin was that of St. Francis Xavier, founded also by Allouez. Upon the second of December, 1669, he first attended to his priestly devotions Upon the waters of Green -bay. This mission, for the first two years of its existence, was a migratory one. The surrounding tribes were all visited, including the Pottawattamies, Menom onees, Winnebagoes, and Sacs and Foxes. However, in 167 1, one hundred and five years before the Declaration of Independence, there was erected, at what is now Depere, Brown county, a chapel for the mission of St. Francis Xavier. Thus early did the Jesuit Fathers, in their plain garbs and unarmed, carry the cross to many of the benighted heathen occupying the country circumscribed by Lakes Michigan, Huron and Superior, and the "great river" — the Mississippi. French domination in Wisconsin dates from the year 167 1, the very year in which it seems the indomitable LaSalle, upon his first expedition, passed the mouth of Green bay, but did not enter it. France then took formal possession of the whole of the country of the upper lakes. By this time, the commerce with the western tribes had so attached them to her interests that she determined to extend her power to the utmost limits — vague and indeterminate as they Were — of Canada. An agent — Daumont de St. Lusson — was dispatched to the distant tribes, proposing a congress of Indian nations at the Falls of Ste. Mary, between Lake Huron and Lake Superior. The invitation was extended far and near. The principal chiefs of Wisconsin tribes, gathered by Nicolas Perrot in Green bay, were present at the meeting. Then and there, with due ceremony, it was announced that the great Northwest was placed under the protection of the French government. And why not? She had discovered it — 'had to a certain extent explored it — had to a limited extent established commerce with it — and her missionaries had proclaimed the faith to the wondering savages. But none of her agents — none of the fur- traders — none ofthe missionaries — had yet reached the Mississippi, the " great river," concerning which so many marvels had been heard, and upon one of the eastern tributaries of which had already floated Nicolet. But the time for its discovery, or properly re-discovery, was at hand, if, indeed, it can be called, with propriety, a re-discovery, since its existence to the westward was already known to every white man particularly interested in matters appertaining to the North- West. Now, however, for the first time, its upper half was to be, to a certain extent, explored. For the first time, a white man was to behold its vast tribute, above the Chickasaw bluffs, rolling onward toward the Mexican gulf. Who was that man ? His name was Louis Joliet ; with him was Father James Marquette. Born at Quebec, in 1645, educated by the Jesuits, and first resolving to be a priest, then turning fur-trader, Joliet had, finally, been sent with an associate to explore the copper mines of Lake Superior: He was a man of close and intelligent observation, and possessed considerable mathematical acquirements. At this time, 1673, he was a merchant, courageous, hardy, enter prising. He was appointed by French authorities at Quebec to " discover " the Mississippi. He passed up the lakes to Mackinaw, and found at Point St. Ignace, on the north side of the strait, Father James Marquette, who had been chosen to accompany him. Their outfit was very simple: two birch-bark canoes and a supply of smoked meat and Indian corn. They had a company of five men with them, beginning their voyage On the seventeenth of May, 1673. Passing the straits, they coasted the northern shores of Lake Michigan, moved up Green bay and Fox river to the portage. They crossed to the Wisconsin, down which they paddled their frail canoes, until, on the seventeenth of June, they entered — " discovered " — the Mississippi. So the northern, the eastern and the western boundary of what is now Wisconsin had been reached at this date ; therefore, it may be said that its territory had been explored sufficiently for the forming of a 32 HISTORY OE WISCONSIN. pretty correct idea of its general features as well as of its savage inhabitants. After dropping down the Mississippi many miles, Joliet and Marquette returned to Green bay, where the latter remained to recruit his exhausted strength, while Joliet descended to Quebec, to report his "discoveries" to his superiors. Then followed the expedition of LaSalle to the west, from the St. Lawrence, when, in 1679, he and Father Louis Hennepin coasted along the western shore of Lake Michigan, frequently landing ; then, the return of Henri de Tonty, one of LaSalle's party down the same coast to Green bay, in 1680, from the Illinois; the return, also, the same year, of Hennepin, from up the Mis sissippi, whither he had made his way from the Illinois, across what is now Wisconsin, by the Wisconsin and Fox rivers to Green bay, in company with DuLhut, or DuLuth, who, on his way down the " great river " from Lake Superior, had met the friar ; and then, the voyage, in 1683, from Lake Michigan to the Mississippi river, by the same route, of LeSueur, and his subsequent establishment at La Pointe, in what is now Ashland county, Wisconsin, followed several years after by a trip up the Mississippi. The act of Daumont de St. Lusson, at the Sault Sainte Mary, in 167 1, in taking possession of the country beyond Lake Michigan, not being regarded as suffi ciently definite, Nicolas Perrot, in 1689, at Green bay, again took possession of that territory, as well as of the valleys of the Fox and Wisconsin rivers, and extending the dominion of Ne\v France over the country on the Upper Mississippi, and "to other places more remote." Thij voyage of St. Cosme, in 1699, when he and his companions frequently landed on the west coast of Lake Michigan, upon what is now territory of Wisconsin, completed the explorations in the west for the seventeenth century. Following in the footsteps of early explorations, of self sacrificing attempts of the Jesuits to carry the cross to the wild tribes of the West, of the first visits of the lawless coureurs de bois,. was the military occupation — if such it can be called — of what is now Wisconsin by the French, The ninety years of domination by France in this region were years of only nominal possession, The record of this occupation is made up of facts concerning the Indian policy of the French rulers ; their contests with the Sacs and Foxes ; their treaties, at various times, with different tribes ; their interest in, and protection of, the fur trade , and kindred subjects. The Indian tribes were, at most, only the allies of France. Posts — mere stockades without cannon, more for protection to fur-traders than for any other purpose — were erected upon the Mississippi at two points at least, upon what is now territory of Wisconsin. On the west side of Fox river of Green bay, "half a league from its mouth," was a French post, as early as 1721, where resided,, besides the commandant and an uncouth squad of soldiers, a Jesuit missionary ; and near by were collected Indians of different tribes. Of course, the omnipresent fur-trader helped to augment the sum-total of its occupants'. This post was, not long after, destroyed, but another was established there. When, however, France yielded her inchoate rights in the West to Great Britain— when, in 1761, the latter took possession of the country— there was not a French post within what is now Wisconsin. The " fort " near the head of Green bay, had been vacated for some years; it was found "rotten, the stockade ready to fall, and the houses without cover;" emblematic of the decay— the fast-crumbling and perishing state— of French supremacy, at that date, in America. Wisconsin, when England's control began, was little better than 'a howling\ wilderness. There was not within the broad limits of what is now the State, a single bona fide settler, at the time the French Government yielded up its possession to the English ; that is to say, there were none according to the present acceptation of the term "settler." The military occupation of Wisconsin by the British, after the Seven Years' War, was a brief one. La Bay— as the post at what is now the city of Fort Howard, Brown county, was called— was, on the twelfth of October, 1761, taken possession of by English troops, under Captain Belfour, of the Eightieth regiment. Two days after, that officer departed, leaving Lieutenant PRE-TERRITORIAL ANNALS OF WISCONSIN. 33 James Gorrell, in command, with one sergeant, one corporal and fifteen privates. There also remained at the post a French interpreter and two English traders. The name of the fortifica tion was changed to Fort Edward Augustus. This post was abandoned by the commandant on the twenty-first of June, 1763, on account of the breaking out of Pontiac's War and the capture of the fort at Mackinaw by the savages. The cause of this war was this : The Indian tribes saw the danger which the downfall of the French interests in Canada was sure to bring to them. They banded together under Pontiac to avert their ruin. The struggle was short but fierce — - full of " scenes of tragic interest, with marvels of suffering and vicissitude, of heroism and endui- ance ; " but the white man conquered. The moving incidents in this bloody drama were enacted to the eastward of what is now Wisconsin, coming no nearer than Mackinaw, which, as just mentioned, the savages captured ; but it resulted in the evacuation of its territory by British troops, who never after took possession of it, though they continued until 1796 a nominal military rule over it, after Mackinaw was again occupied by them. An early French Canadian trading station at the head of Green bay assumed finally the form of a permanent settlement — the first one in Wisconsin. To claim, however that any French Canadian is entitled to the honor of being the first permanent white settler is assuming for him more than the facts seem to warrant. The title of " The Father and Founder of Wis consin" belongs to no man. After Pontiac's War, one of the noted events in this region was the journey of Jonathan Carver, who, in 1766, passed up Fox river to the portage, and descended the Wisconsin to the Mississippi. He noticed the tumbling-down post at what is now Green Bay, Brown county. He saw a few families living in the fort, and some French settlers, who cultivated the land opposite, and appeared to live very comfortably. That was the' whole extent of improvements in what is now Wisconsin. The organization of the Northwest Fur Company ; the passage of an act by the British Parliament by which the whole Northwest was included in the Province of Quebec ; the joining of the Indians in this region with the British, against the Americans, in the War of the Revolution; the exploration of the lead region of the Upper Mississippi by Julian Dubuque; the passage of the ordinance of 1787 ; the first settlement of the territory northwest of the River Ohio; and the Indian war which followed, are all incidents, during British occu pation, of more or less interest for the student of Wisconsin history. He will find that, by the treaty of 1783 and of 1795, with Great Britain, all the inhabitants residing in this region were to be protected by the United States in the full and peaceable possession of their property, with the- right to remain in, or to withdraw from it, with their effects, within one year. All who did not leave were to be deemed American citizens, allowed to enjoy all the privileges of citizenship, and to be under the protection of the General Government. He will also find that less than two years was the whole time of actual military occupation of what is now Wisconsin by British soldiers, and that English domination, which should have ended at the close of the Revolu tion, was arbitrarily continued until the Summer of 1796, when the western posts, none of which were upon territory circumscribed by Lakes Michigan and Superior and the Mississippi river, were delivered into the keeping of the United States. Thus the supremacy of Great Britain over the Northwest was, after an actual continuance of thirty-five years, at an end. Although the General Government did not get possession of the region northwest of the Ohio, throughout its full extent, for thirteen years subsequent to its acquirement by the treaty of peace of 1783 with Great Britain, nevertheless, steps were taken, very soon, to obtain concessions from such of the colonies as had declared an ownership in any portion of it. None of the claimants, seemingly, had better rights than Virginia, who, by virtue of conquests, largely her own, of the Illinois settlements and posts, extended her jurisdiction over that country, erecting into a county 84 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. so much of the region northwest of the Ohio, as had been settled by Virginians or might after ward be settled by them. But as, previous to her yielding all rights to territory beyond that river, she had not carried her arms into the region north of the Illinois or made settlements upon what is now the soil of Wisconsin, nor included any portion of it within the bounds of an organ ized county, it follows that her dominion was not actually extended over any part of the area included within the present boundaries of this State; nor did she ever claim jurisdiction north of the Illinois river, but on the other hand expressly disclaimed it. Virginia and all the other claimants finally ceded to the United States their rights, such as they were, beyond the Ohio, except two reservations of limited extent ; and the General Govern ment became the undisputed owner of the "Great West," without any internal claims to posses sion save those of the Indians. Meanwhile, the United States took measures to extend its juris diction over the whole country by the passage of the famous ordinance of 1787, which established a government over "the territory of the United States, northwest of the River Ohio." But this organic law was, of course, nugatory over that portion of the region occupied by the British, until their yielding possession in 1796,. when, for the first time, Anglo-American rule commenced, though nominally, in what is now Wisconsin. By the ordinance just mentioned, "the United States, in congress assembled," declared that the territory northwest of the Ohio should, for the purposes of temporary government, be one district , subject, however, to be divided into districts, as future circumstances might, in the opinion of Congress, make it expedient. It was ordained that a governor, secretary and three judges should be appointed for the Territory; a general assembly was also provided for; and it was declared that religion, morality, and knowledge, being necessary to good government and the happiness of mankind, schools and the means of education should forever be encouraged. It was also ordained that there should be neither slavery nor involuntary servitude in the. said Territory, " otherwise than in the punishment of crimes whereof the party shall have been duly convicted." Thus was established the first Magna Charta for the five great States sinccthat' time formed out of "the territory northwest of the River Ohio," and the first rules and regulations for their government. Under this act of Congress,.' Arthur St. Clair was appointed governor of the Northwestern Territory, as it was called, and Samuel H. Parsons, James M. Varnum, and John Armstrong, judges, — the latter not accepting the office, , John Cleyes: Symmes was appointed in his place. Winthrop Safgeant: was appointed secretary. At different periods, counties were erected to include various .portions of the Territory. By the governor's proclamation of the 15th of August, 1796, one was formed' to include thewhole of the present area of Northern Ohio, west of Cleveland ; also, all of what is now the'State of Indiana, north of a line drawn from Fort Wayne "west-northerly to the southern part of Lake Michigan;" thewhole of the present State of Michigan, except its extreme northwest corner on Lake Superior ; a small corner in the north east, part of what is now Illinois, including Chicago ; and so much of the present State of Wis consin as is watered by the streams flowing into Lake Michigan, which of course included an extensive portion, taking in many of its eastern and interior counties as now constituted. This vast county was named Wayne. So the few settlers then at the head of Green bay had their local habitations, constructively at least, in " Wayne county, Northwestern Territory." It was just at that date that Great Britain vacated the western posts, and the United States took quiet possession of them. But the western portion of what is now Wisconsin, including all its territory watered by streams flowing northward into Lake Superior, and westward and southwestward into the Mississippi, was as yet without any county organization ; as the county of St. Clair, including the Illinois country to the southward, reached no farther north than the mouth of Little Macki naw creek, where it empties into the Eiver Illinois, in what is now the State of Illinois. The % 1 I 'U^Yl^^ er, 1842. The members had been elected under a new apportionment based upon a census , taken in the previous June, which showed a total population for the Territory of forty-six thou sand six hundred and seventy-eight — an. increase of nearly ten thousand in two years. A politi cal count showed a decided democratic majority in each house. Governor Doty's political proclivities were with the whig party. The contest between him and the legislature now assumed a serious character. He refused to " hold converse " with it, for the reason that, in his opinion, no appropriation had been made by congress to defray the expenses of the session, and, as a consequence, none could be held. The legislature made a representation to congress, then in session, of the objections of the governor, and adjourned ou the tenth of December, to meet again on the thirteenth of January, 1843. It was not until the fourth of February following that a quorum in both houses had assembled, when the legislature, through a joint committee, waited on the governor, and informed him that they had again met according to adjournment, and were then ready to proceed to business. Previous to this time, congress had made an appropriation to cover the expenses of the legislature now in session, which it was supposed would remove all conflict about its legality. But the governor had, on the thirtieth day of January previous, issued a proclamation, convening a special session of the legislature on the sixth of March, and still refused to recognize the present one as legal. Both houses then adjourned to the day fixed by the executive. A final adjournment took place on the seventeenth of April following. The term of two years for which Henry Dodge was elected as delegate, having expired at the close of the third session of the twenty-seventh congress, he was, on the twenty-fifth of Sep tember, 1843, re-elected, taking his seat for the first time on his second term at the commence ment of the first session of the twenty-eighth congress, Monday, December 4, 1843. On the thirtieth of October of this year, George Floyd was commissioned by President Tyler as 'mmm (Deceased.) FOND DU LAC WISCONSIN TERRITORY. 51 secretary of the Territory, in place of A. P. Field. The second session of the fourth legislative assembly of the Territory, commencing on the fourth of December, 1843, and terminating on the thirty-first of January, 1844 — a period of fifty- nine days — accomplished but little worthy of especial mention, except the submission of the question ofthe formation of a State government to a vote of the people, to be taken at the gene ral election to be held in September following. The proposition did not succeed at the ballot- box. The third session of the fourth legislative assembly did not commence until the sixth of January, 1845, as the time had been changed to the first Monday in that month for annual meet ings. Governor Doty having persisted in spelling Wisconsin with a "k" and an "a" — Wis- konsan — and some of the people having adopted his method, it was thought by this legislature a matter of sufficient importance to be checked. So, by a joint resolution, the orthography — Wisr the war up to the Thirteenth (including the First, re-organized), will average one thousand men each ; one company of sharpshooters for Berdan's regiment, one hundred and three men ; and seven companies of light artillery!" Of cavalry from Wisconsin, only Deutsch's company had been mustered into the United States, although three regiments had been authorized by the General Government before the close of Randall's administration. The governor, before the expiration of his office, was empowered to organize more artillery companies — ten in all ; and five additional regiments of infantry — making the whole number eighteen. On the tenth of December, he wrote :' " Our Fourteenth infantry is full and in camp. * * * Fifteenth has five companies in camp, and filling up. Sixteenth has eight companies in camp, and will be full by the 25th of December. Seventeenth has some four hundred men enlisted. Eighteenth will be in camp, full, by January 1. Seven maximum companies of artillery in camp. * ' * * Three regiments of cavalry — two full above the maximum; the third, ahout eight hundred men in camp." It will be seen, therefore, that a considerable number of men in the three branches of the service was then in camp that had not been mustered, into the service ; and this number was considerably increased by the 6th of January, 1862, the day that Randall's official term expired; but no more men were mustered in, until his successor came into office, than those previously mentioned, The First regiment — three months' — left "Camp Scott," Milwaukee, on the ninth of June, 1861, for Harrisburg, Pennsylvania^ — eight hundred and ten in number; John C. Starkweather, colonel. The regiment returned to Milwaukee on the seventeenth of August, 1861, and was mustered out on the twenty-second. The First regiment re-organized at "Camp Scott," Milwaukee. Its mustering into the service, as previously mentioned, was completed on the nineteenth of October. On the twenty- 76 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. eighth, it started for Louisville, Kentucky — nine hundred and forty-five strong — under command of its former colonel, John C. Starkweather. The Second regiment, with S. Park Coon as colonel, left "Camp Randall," Madison, for Washington city, on the eleventh of June, 1861 — numbering, in all, one thousand and fifty-one. The Third regiment started from " Camp Hamilton," Fond du Lac, for Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, under command of Charles S. Hamilton, as colonel, on the twelfth of July, 1861, with a numerical strength of nine hundred and seventy- nine. The Fourth regiment — Colonel Halbert E. Payne — with a numerical strength of one thousand and fifty-three, departed on the fifteenth of July, 1861, from "Camp Utley," Racine, for Baltimore, Maryland. The Fifth regiment left " Camp Randall," Madison, one thousand and fifty-eight strong, commanded by Colonel Amasa Cobb, on the twenty-fourth of July, 1861, for Washington city. On the twenty-eighth of July, 1861, the Sixth regiment, numbering one thousand and eighty-four, moved from Madison, having been ordered to Washington city. It was commanded by Colonel Lysander Cutter. The Seventh regiment— Joseph Van Dor, Colonel — with a numerical strength of one thousand and sixteen men — officers and privates, received orders, as did the Fifth and Sixth, to move forward to Washington. They started from Madison on the morning of the twenty-first of September, 1861, for active service. The Eighth infantry, ; nine hundred and seventy-three strong, commanded by Colonel Robert C. Murphy, left Madison, en route for St. Louis, Missouri, on the morning of the twelfth of October, 1861. The Ninth, or German regiment, with Frederick Salomon in command as colonel, did not leave "Camp Sigel," ' for active service, while Randall was governor. The Tenth infantry moved from " Camp Holton," Milwaukee, commanded by Colonel Alfred R. Chapin, on the ninth of November, 1861, destined for Louisville, Kentucky, with a total number of nine hundred and sixteen officers and privates. On the twentieth of November, 1861, the Eleventh regiment "broke camp" at Madison, starting for St. Louis, under command of Charles L. Harris, as colonel. Its whole number of men was nine hundred and sixteen. The Twelfth regiment, at " Camp Randall," Madison — Colonel George E. Bryant, and the Thirteenth, at " Camp Tfedway," Janesville — Colonel Maurice Maloney — were still in camp at the expiration of the administration of Governor Randall : these, with the Ninth, were all that had not moved out of the State for active service, of those mustered in previous to January 6, 1 861,— making a grand total of infantry sent from Wisconsin, up to that date, by the governor, to answer calls of the General Government, for three years' service or during the war, of nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-one men, in ten regiments, averaging very nearly one thousand to each regiment. Besides these ten regiments of infantry for three years' service, Wisconsin had also sent into the field the First regiment, for three months' service, numbering eight hundred and ten men ; Alexander's company of sharp shooters, one hundred and six; and Deutsch's company of cavalry, eighty-four: in all, one thousand. Adding these to the three years' regiments, and the whole force, in round numbers, was eleven thousand men, furnished by the State in 1861. Eighth Administration. — Louis P. Harvey And Edward Salomon, Governors — 1862-1863. Louis P. Harvey was inaugurated governor of Wisconsin on the sixth of January, 1862. The fifteenth regular session of the legislature of the State began on the eighth of the same month. In the senate, the republicans were in the majority; but in the assembly they had only a plurality of members, there being a number of " Union " men in that branch — enough, indeed, to elect, by outside aid, J. W. Beardsley, who ran for the assembly, upon the " Union " ticket, as speaker. Governor Harvey, on the tenth, read his message to the legislature in joint convention. " No previous legislature," are his opening words, " has convened under equal incentives to a disinterested zeal in the public service The occasion," he adds, "pleads WISCONSIN AS A STATE. 77 with you in rebuke of all the meaner passions, admonishing to the exercise of a conscientious patriotism, becoming the representatives of a Christian people, called in God's providence to pass through the furnace of a great trial of their virtue, and of the strength of the Government." On the seventh of April following, the legislature adjourned until the third of June next ensuing. Before it again assembled, an event occurred, casting a gloom over the whole State. The occasion was the accidental drowning of Governor Harvey. Soon after the battle of Pittsburgh Landing, on the seventh of April, 1862, the certainty that some of the Wisconsin regiments had suffered severely, induced the governor to organize a reibf party, to aid the wounded and suffering soldiers from the State. On the tenth, Harvey and others started on their tour of benevolence. Arriving at Chicago, they found a large num ber of boxes had been forwarded there from different points in the State, containing supplies of various kinds. At Mound City, Paducah, and Savannah, the governor and his party adminis tered to the wants of the sick and wounded Wisconsin soldiers. Having completed their mission of mercy, they repaired to a boat in the harbor of Savannah, to await the arrival of the Minne haha, which was to convey them to Cairo, on their homeward trip. It was late in the evening of the nineteenth of April, 1862, and very dark when the boat arrived which was to take the governor and his friends oh board ; and as she rounded to, the bow touching the Dunleith, on which was congregated the party ready to depart, Governor Harvey, by a misstep, fell overboard between the two boats, into the Tennessee river. The current was strong, and the water more than thirty feet deep. Every thing was done that could be, to save his life, but all to no purpose. His body was subsequently found and brought to Madison for interment. Edward Salomon, lieutenant governor, by virtue of a provision of the constitution of the State, upon the death of Harvey, succeeded to the office of governor of Wisconsin. On the third day of June, the legislature re-assembled in accordance with adjournment on the seventh of April previous, Governor Salomon, in his message of that day, to the senate and assembly, after announcing the sad event of the death of the late governor, said : " The last among the governors elected by the people of this State, he is the first who has been rembved by death from our midst. The circumstances leading to and surrounding the tragic and melancholy end of the honored and lamented deceased, are well known to the people, and are, with his memory, treasured up in their hearts." He died," added Salomon, " while in the exercise of the highest duties of philan thropy and humanity, that a noble impulse had imposed upon him." The legislature, on the thirteenth of June, by a joint resolution, declared that in the death of Governor Harvey, the State had " lost an honest, faithful, and efficient public officer, a high-toned gentleman, a warm hearted philanthropist, and a sincere friend." Both houses adjourned sine die, on the seventeuth of June, 1862. Business of great public importance, in the judgment of the governor, rendering a special session of the legislature necessary, he issued, on the twenty-ninth of August, 1862, his proc lamation to that effect, convening both houses on the tenth of September following. On that day he sent in his message, relating wholly to war matters. He referred to the fact that since the adjournment of the previous session, six hundred thousand more men had been called for by the president of the United States, to suppress the rebellion. " It is evident," said he, " that to meet further calls, it is necessary to rely upon a system of drafting or conscription, in Wisconsin." The governor then proceeded to recommend such measures as he deemed necessary to meet the exigencies of the timeSi The legislature levied a tax to aid volunteering, and passed a law giving the right of suffrage to soldiers in the military service. They also authorized the raising of money for payment of bounties to voluntee.rs. The legislature adjourned on the twenty- sixth of September, 1862, after a session of sixteen days, and the enacting of seventeen laws. 78 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. On the 7th of October, James H. Howe, attorney general, resigned his office to enter the army. On the 14th of that month, Winfield Smith was appointed by the governor to fill the vacancy. At the general election in the Fall of this year, six congressmen were elected to the thirty- eighth congress: James S. Brown from the first district; I. C. Sloan, from the second; Amasa Cobb, from the third ; Charles A. Eldredge, from the fourth ; Ezra Wheeler, from the fifth ; and W. D. Mclndoe, from the sixth district. Sloan, Cobb, and Mclndoe, were elected as republi cans ; Brown, Eldridge, and Wheeler; as democrats. The sixteenth regular session of the Wisconsin legislature, commenced on the fourteenth of January, 1863. J. Allen Barber was elected speaker of the assembly. The majority in both houses was republican. Governor Salomon- read his message on the fifteenth, to the joint convention,, referring, at length, to matters connected with the war of the rebellion. A large number of bills were passed by the legislature for the benefit of soldiers and their families. On the twenty-second, the legislature re-elected James R. Doolittle, to the United States senate for six years, from the fourth of March next ensuing. The legislature adjourned sine die on the second of April following. In' the Spring of this year, Luther S. Dixon was re-elected chief justice of the supreme court, running as an independent candidate. By a provision of the Revised Statutes of 1858, as amended by an act passed in 1862, and interpreted by another act passed in 1875, the terms of the justices of the supreme court, elected for a full term, commence on the first Monday in January next succeeding their election, At the Fall election there were two tickets in the field : democratic and union republican. The latter was successful, electing James T. Lewis, governor ; Wyman Spooner, lieutenant governor; Lucius Fairchild, secretary of state; S. D. Hastings, state treasurer; Winfield Smith, attorney general ; J. L. Pickard, state superintendent ; W. H. Ramsay, bank comp troller ; and Henry Cordier, state prison commissioner. War of Secession — Harvey and Salomon's Administration. When Governor Randall turned over to his successor in the gubernatorial chair, the military matters of Wisconsin, he had remaining in the State, either already organized or in process of formation, the Ninth infantry, also the Twelfth up to the Nineteenth inclusive ; three regiments of cavalry ; and ten batteries — First to Tenth inclusive. Colonel Edward Daniels, in the Summer of 1861, was authorized by the war department to recruit and organize one battalion of cavalry in Wisconsin. He was subsequently authorized to raise two more companies. Governor Ran dall, in October, was authorized to complete the regiment — the First cavalry — by the organiza tion of six additional companies. The organization of the Second cavalry regiment was author ized in the Fall of 1861, as an "independent acceptance," but was finally turned over to the State authorities. Early in November, 1861, the war department issued an order discontinuing enlistments for the cavalry service, and circulars were sent to the different State executives to consolidate all incomplete regiments. Ex-Governor Barstow, by authority of General Fremont, which authority was confirmed by the General Government, had commenced the organization of a cavalry regiment — -the Third Wisconsin — when Governor Randall received information that the authority of Barstow had been revoked. The latter, however, soon had his authority restored. In October, Governor Randall was authorized by the war department to raise three additional companies of artillery — Eighth to Tenth inclusive. These three batteries were all filled and went into camp by the close of 1861. Governor Randall, therefore, besides sending out of the State eleven thousand men, had in process of formation, or fully organized, nine regiments of infantry, three regiments of cavalry, and ten companies of artillery, left behind in WISCONSIN AS A STATE. 79 various camps in the State, to be turned over to his successor. The military officers of Wisconsin were the governor, Louis P. Harvey, commander-in- chief; Brigadier General Augustus Gaylord, adjutant general ; Brigadier General W. W. Tred way, quartermaster general ; Colonel Edwin R. Wadsworth, commissary general ; Brigadier Gen eral Simeon Mills, paymaster general; Brigadier General E. B. Wolcott, surgeon general; Major M. H. Carpenter, judge advocate; and Colonel William H. Watson, military secretary. As the General Government had taken the recruiting service out of the hands of the executives of the States, and appointed superintendents in their place, the offices of commissary general and paymaster general were no longer necessary ; and their time, after the commencement of the administration in Wisconsin of 1862, was employed, so long as they continued their respective offices, in settling up the business of each. The office of commissary general was closed about the first of June, 1862 ; that of paymaster general on the tenth of July following. On the last of August, i862„Brigadier General Tredway resigned the position of quartermaster general, and Nathaniel F. Lund was appointed to fill his place. Upon the convening of the legislature of the State in its regular January session of this year — 1862, Governor Harvey gave, in his message to that body, a full statement of what had been done by Wisconsin in matters appertaining to the war, under the administration of his predecessor. He stated that the State furnished to the service of the General Government under the call for volunteers for three months, one regiment — First Wisconsin ; under the call for volunteers for three years, or the war, ten regiments, numbering from the First re-organized to the Eleventh, excluding the Ninth or German regiment. He gave as the whole number of officers, musicians and privates, in these ten three-year regiments, ten thousand one hundred and seventeen. He further stated that there were then organized and awaiting orders, the Ninth, in " Camp Sigel," Milwaukee, numbering nine hundred and forty men, under Colonel Frederick' Salomon ; the Twelfth, in " Camp Randall," one thousand and thirty-nine men, under Colonel George E. Bryant; the Thirteenth, in "Camp Tredway," Janesville, having nine hundred and nineteen men, commanded by Colonel M- Maloney ; and the Fourteenth, at " Camp Wood," Fond du Lac, eight hundred and fifty men, under Colonel D. E. Wood. The Fifteenth or Scandinavian regiment, Colonel H. C. Heg, seven hundred men, and the Sixteenth, Colonel Benjamin Allen, nine hundred men, were at that time at "Camp Randall," in near readiness for marching orders. The Seventeenth (Irish) regiment, Colonel J. L. Doran, and the Eighteenth, Colonel James S. Alban, had their full number of companies in readiness, lacking one, and had been notified to go into camp — the former at Madison, the latter at Milwaukee. Seven companies of artillery, numbering together one thousand and fifty men, had remained for a considerable time in " Camp Utley," Racine, impatient of the delays of the General Govern ment in calling them to move forward. Three additional companies of artillery were about going into camp, numbering three hundred and thirty-four men. Besides these, the State had furnished, as already mentioned, an independent company of cavalry, then in Missouri,_raised by Captain Von Deutsch, of eighty-one men ; a company of one hundred and four men for Ber dan's sharpshooters; and an additional company for the Second regiment, of about eighty men. Three regiments of cavalry — the First, Colonel E. Daniels; the Second, Colonel C. C. Washburn; and the Third, Colonel W. A. Barstow ; were being organized. They numbered together, two thou sand four hundred and fifty men. The Nineteenth (independent) regiment was rapidly organ izing under the direction of the General Government, by Colonel H. T. Sanders, Racine. Not bringing this last regiment into view, the State had, at the commencement of Governor Harvey's administration, including the First, three-months' regiment, either in the service of the United States or organizing for it, a total of twenty-one thousand' seven hundred and eighty-three men. 86 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. The legislature at its regular session of r862, passed a law making it necessary to present all claims which were made payable out of the war fund, within twelve months from the time they accrued ; a law was also passed authorizing the investment of the principal of the school fund in the bonds of the state issued for war purposes ; another, amendatory of the act of the extra session of 1861, granting exemption to persons enrolled in the military service, so as to except persons acting as fiduciary agents, either as executors or administrators, or guardians or trustees, or persons defrauding the State, or any school district of moneys belonging to the same ; also author izing a stay of proceedings in foreclosures of mortgages, by advertisements. " The State Aid Law" was amended so as to apply to all regiments of infantry, cavalry, artillery and sharpshooters, defining the rights of families, fixing penalties for the issue of false papers, and imposing duties on military officers in the field to make certain reports. These amendments only included regi ments and companies organized up to and including the Twentieth, which was in process of organization before the close of the session. A law was also passed suspending the sale of lands mortgaged to the State, or held by volunteers ; another defining the duties of the allotment com missioners appointed by the president of the United States, and fixing their compensation. One authorized the issuing of bonds for two hundred thousand dollars for war purposes ; one author ized a temporary loan from the general fund to pay State aid to volunteers ; and one, the appoint ment of a joint committee to investigate the sale of war bonds ; while another authorized the governor to appoint surgeons to batteries, and assistant surgeons to cavalry regiments. The legislature, it will be remembered, took a recess from the seventh of April to the third of June, 1862. Upon its re-assembling, ~.. act was passed providing ror the discontinuance of the active services of the paymaster general, quartermaster general and commissary general. Another act appropriated twenty thousand dollars to enable the governor to care for the sick and wounded soldiers ofthe State. There was also another act passed authorizing the. auditing, by the quartermaster general, of bills for subsistence and transportation ofthe Wisconsin cavalry regiments. At the extra session called by Governor Salomon, for the tenth of September, 1862, an amendment was made to the law granting aid to families of volunteers, by including all regi ments of cavalry, infantry, or batteries of artillery before that time raised in the State, or that might afterward be raised and mustered into the United States service. It also authorized the levying of a State tax of two hundred and seventy-five thousand dollars to be placed to the credit of the war fund and used in the payment of warrants for "State Aid" to families of volunteers. Another law authorized commissioned officers out of the State to administer oaths and take acknowledgments of deeds and other papers. One act authorized soldiers in the field, although out ofthe State, to exercise the right of suffrage ; and another gave towns, cities, incorporated villages and counties the authority to raise money to pay bounties to volunteers. On the fifth of August, 1862, Governor Salomon received from the war department a dispatch stating that orders had been issued for a draft of three hundred thousand men to be immediately called into the service of the United States, to serve for nine months unless sooner discharged ; that if the State quota under a call made July 2, of that year, for three hundred thousand vol unteers, was' not filled by the fifteenth of August, the deficiency would be made up by draft ; and that the secretary of war would assign the quotas to the States and establish regulations for the draft. On the eighth of that month, the governor of the State was ordered to immediately cause an enrollment of all able-bodied citizens between eighteen and forty-five years of age, by counties. Governor Salomon was authorized to appoint proper officers, and the United States promised to pay all reasonable expenses. The quota for Wisconsin, under the call for nine months' men, was eleven thousand nine hundred and four. The draft was made by the governor in obedience to the order he had received from Washington ; but such had been the volunteering under the stim- WISCONSIN AS A STATE. 81 ulus caused by a fear of it, that only four thousand five hundred and thirty-seven men were drafted. This was the first and only draft made in Wisconsin by the State authorities. Subsequent ones were made under the direction of the provost marshal general at Wash ington. The enlisting, organization'and mustering into the United States service during Randall's administration of thirteen regiments of infantry — the First to the Thirteenth inclusive, and the marching of ten of them out ofthe State before the close of 1861, also, of one company of cavalry under Captain Von Deutsch and one company of sharpshooters under Captain Alexander, con stituted the effective aid abroad of Wisconsin during that year to suppress the rebellion. But for the year 1862, this aid, as to number of organizations, was more than doubled, as will now be shown. The Ninth regiment left " Camp Sigel," Milwaukee, under command of Colonel Freder.ck Salomon, on the twenty-second of January, 1862, numbering thirty-nine officers and eight hun dred and eighty-four men, to report at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. The Twelfth infantry left Wisconsin under command of Colonel George E. Bryant, ten hundred and forty-five strong, the eleventh of January, 1862, with orders to report at Weston, Missouri. The Thirteenth regiment — Colonel Maurice Maloney — left " Camp Tredway," Janesville, on the eighteenth of January, 1862, nine hundred and seventy strong, under orders to report at Leavenworth, Kansas, where it arrived on the twenty-third. The Fourteenth regiment of infantry departed from " Camp Wood," Fond du Lac, under command of Colonel David E. Wood, for St. Louis, Missouri, on the eighth of March, 1862, it having been mustered into the United States service on the thirtieth of January previous. Its total strength was nine hundred and seventy officers and men. It arrived at its destination on the tenth of March, and went into quarters at " Benton Barracks." The Fifteenth regiment, mostly recruited from the Scandinavian" population of Wisconsin, was organized at " Camp Randall," Madison — Hans C. Heg as colonel. Its muster into the United States service was completed on the fourteenth of February, 1862, it leaving the State for St. Louis, Missouri, on the second of March following, with a total strength of eight hundred and one officers and men. The Sixteenth regiment was organized at "Camp Randall," and was mustered into the service on the last day of January, 1862, leaving the State, with Benjamin Allen as colonel, for St. Louis on the thirteenth of March ensuing, having a total strength of one thousand and sixty-six. The regimental organization of the Seventeenth infantry (Irish), Colonel John L. Doran, was .effected at " Camp Randall," and the mustering in of the men completed on the fifteenth of March, 1862, the regiment leaving the State on the twenty-third for St. Louis. The Eighteenth regiment organized at " Camp Trowbridge," Milwaukee — James S. Alban, colonel — completed its muster into the United States service on the fifteenth of March, 1862, and left the State for St. Louis on the thirtieth, reaching their point of destination on the thirty- first. The Nineteenth infantry rendezvoused at Racine as an independent regiment, its colonel, Horace T. Sanders, being commissioned by the war department. The men were mustered into the service as fast as they were enlisted. Independent organizations being abolished, by an order from Washington, the Nineteenth was placed on the same footing as other regiments in the State. On the twentieth of April, 1862, the regiment was ordered to " Camp Randall " to guard rebel prisoners. Here the mustering in was completed, numbering in all nine hundred and seventy-three. They left the State for Washington on the second of June. 82 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. The muster into the United States service of the Twentieth regiment — Bertine Pinckney, colonel— was completed on the twenty-third of August, 1862, at "Camp Randall," the original strength being nine hundred and ninety. On the thirtieth' of August the regiment left the State for St. Louis. The Twenty-first infantry was organized at Oshkosh, being mustered in on the fifth of Sep tember, 1862, with a force of one thousand and two, all told — Benjamin J. Sweet, colonel- leaving the State for Cincinnati on the eleventh. The Twenty-second regiment— Colonel William L. Utley — was organized at "Camp Utley," Racine, and mustered in on the second of September, 1862. Its original strength was one thou sand and nine. It left the State for Cincinnati on the sixteenth. On the thirtieth of August, 1862, the Twenty-third regiment— Colonel Joshua J. Guppey— was mustered in at "Camp Randall," leaving Madison for Cincinnati on the fifteenth. The Twenty-fourth infantry rendezvoused at " Camp Sigel," Milwaukee. Its muster in wa* completed on the twenty-first of August, 1862, the regiment leaving the State under Colone Charles H. Larrabee, for Kentucky, on the fifth of September, one thousand strong. On the fourteenth of September, 1862, at " Camp Salomon," LaCrosse, the Twenty-fifth regiment was mustered into the service — Milton Montgomery, colonel. They left the State on the nineteenth with orders to report- to General Pope, at St. Paul, Minnesota, to aid in suppress ing the Indian difficulties in that State. Their entire strength was one thousand and eighteen. The regiment, after contributing to the preservation of tranquillity among the settlers, and deterring the Indians from hostilities, returned to Wisconsin, arriving at " Camp Randall " on the eighteenth of December, 1862. The Twenty-sixth — almost wholly a German regiment — was mustered into the service at "Camp Sigel," Milwaukee, on the seventeenth of September, 1862. The regiment, under com mand of Colonel William H. Jacobs, left the State for Washington city on the sixth of October, one thousand strong. The Twenty-seventh infantry was ordered to rendezvous at "Camp Sigel," Milwaukee, on the seventeenth of September, 1862 ; but the discontinuance of recruiting for new regiments in August left the Twenty-seventh with only seven companies full. An order authorizing the recruiting of three more companies was received, and under the supervision of Colonel Conrad Krez the organization was completed, but the regiment at the close of the year had not been mustered into the service. On the twenty-fourth of October, 1862, the Twenty-eighth regiment— James M. Lewis, of Oeonomowoc, colonel — was mustered into the United States service at "Camp Washburn," Mil waukee. k Its strength was nine hundred and sixty-one. In November, the regiment was employed in arresting and guarding the draft rioters in Ozaukee county. It left the State for Columbus, Kentucky, on the twentieth of December, where they arrived on the twenty-second ;s remaining there until the fifth of January, 1863. The Twenty-ninth infantry — Colonel Charles R. Gill — was organized at " Camp Randall," where its muster into the United States service was completed on the twenty-seventh of Sep tember, 1862, the regiment leaving the State for Cairo, Illinois, on the second of November. The Thirtieth regiment, organized at "Camp Randall" under the supervision of Colonel Daniel J. Dill, completed its muster into the United States service on the twenty-first of October, 1862, with a strength of nine hundred and six. On the sixteenth of November, one company of the Thirtieth was sent to Green Bay to protect the draft commissioner, remaining several weeks. On the eighteenth, seven companies moved to Milwaukee to assist in enforcing the draft in Mil waukee county, while two companies remained in " Camp Randall " to guard Ozaukee rioters. &t t° fa^*^*^, (DECEASED ) FOND DU LAC. WISCONSIN AS A STATE. 83 On the twenty-second, six companies from Milwaukee went to West Bend, Washington county, one company returning to "Camp Randall." After the completion of the draft in Washington county, four companies returned to camp, while two companies were engaged in gathering up the drafted men. The final and complete organization of the Thirty-first infantry — Colonel Isaac E, Mess- more — was not concluded during the year 1862. The Thirty-second regiment, organized at " Camp Bragg," Oshkosh, with James H. Howe as colonel, was mustered into the service on the twenty-fifth of September, 1862 ; and, on the thirtieth of October, leaving the State, it proceeded by way of Chicago and Cairo to Memphis, Tennessee, going into camp on the third of November. The original strength of the Thirty- second was nine hundred and ninety-three. The Thirty-third infantry — Colonel Jonathan B. Moore — mustered in on the eighteenth of October, 1862, at " Camp Utley," Racine, left the State, eight hundred and ninety-two strong, moving by way of Chicago to Cairo. The Thirty-fourth regiment, drafted men, original strength nine hundred and sixty-one — Colonel Fritz Anneke — had its muster into service for nine months completed at " Camp Wash burn," Milwaukee, on the last day of the year 1862. Of the twenty-four infantry regiments, numbered from the Twelfth to the Thirty-fourth inclusive, and including also the Ninth, three — the Ninth, Twelfth, and Thirteenth — were mus tered into the United States service in 1861. The whole of the residue were mustered in during the year 1862, except the Twenty-seventh and the Thirty-first. All were sent out of the State during 1862, except the last two mentioned and the Twenty-fifth, Thirtieth, and Thirty-fourth. The First regiment of cavalry — Colonel Edward Daniels— perfected its organization at " Camp Harvey," Kenosha. Its muster into the United States service was completed on the eighth of March, 1862, the regiment leaving the State for St. Louis on the seventeenth, with a strength of eleven hundred and twenty-four. The muster of the Second Wisconsin cavalry was completed on the twelfth of March, 1862, at "Camp Washburn," Milwaukee, the regiment leaving the State for St. Louis on the twenty- fourth, eleven hundred and twenty-seven strong. It was under the command of Cadwallader C. Washburn as colonel. The Third Wisconsin cavalry — Colonel William A. Barstow — was mustered in at " Camp Barstow," Janesville. The muster was completed on the 31st of January, 1862, the regiment leaving the State on the 26th of March for St. Louis, with a strength of eleven hundred and eighty -six. The original project of forming a regiment of light artillery in Wisconsin was overruled by the war department, and the several batteries were sent from the State as independent organizations. The First battery — Captain Jacob T. Foster — perfected its organization at " Camp Utley,' ' where the company was mustered in, it leaving the State with a strength of one hundred and fifty-five, on the 23d of January, 1862, for Louisville, where the battery went into "Camp Irvine," near that city. The Second battery — Captain Ernest F. Herzberg — was mustered into the service at "Camp Utley," October 10, 1861, the company numbering one hundred and fifty- three. It left the State for Baltimore, on the 21st of January, 1862. The Third battery — Cap tain L. H. Drury — completed its organization of one hundred and seventy at " Camp Utley," and was mustered in October 10, 1861, leaving the State for Louisville, on the 23d of January, 1862. The Fourth battery — Captain John F. Vallee — rendezvoused at "Camp Utley." Its muster in was completed on the ist of October, 1861, its whole force being one hundred and fifty one. The company left the State for Baltimore on the 21st of January, 1862. The Fifth bat- 84 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. tery, commanded by Captain Oscar F. Pinney, was mustered in on the ist of October, 1861, at. " Camp Utley," leaving the State for St. Louis, on the 15th of March, 1862, one hundred and fifty-five strong. The Sixth battery — Captain Henry Dillon — was mustered in on the 2d of October, 1861, at " Camp Utley," leaving the State for St. Louis, March 15, 1862, with a numer ical strength of one hundred and fifty-seven. The Seventh battery — Captain Richard R. Grif fiths — was mustered in on the 4th of October, 1861, at " Camp Utley," and proceeded on the 15th of March, 1862, with the Fifth and Sixth batteries to St. Louis. The Eighth battery, com manded by Captain Stephen J. Carpenter, was mustered in on the 8th of January, 1862, at ' "Camp Utley," and left the State on the 18th of March following, for St. Louis, one hundred and sixty-one strong. The Ninth battery, under command of Captain Cyrus H. Johnson, was organ ized at Burlington, Racine county. It was mustered in on the 7th of January, 1862, leaving " Camp Utley " for St. Louis, on the 18th of March. At St. Louis, their complement of men — one hundred and fifty-five — was made up by the transfer of forty-five from another battery. The Tenth battery — Captain Yates V. Bebee— after being mustered in at Milwaukee, on the -ioth of February, 1862, left " Camp Utley," Racine, on the 18th of March for St. Louis, one hundred and seventeen strong. The Eleventh battery — Captain John O'Rourke — was made up of the " Oconto Irish Guards " and a detachment of Illinois recruits. The company was organized at " Camp Douglas," Chicago, in the Spring of 1862. Early in 1862, William A. Pile succeeded in enlisting ninety-nine men as a company to be known as the Twelfth battery. The men were mustered in and sent forward in squads to St. Louis. Captain Pile's commission was revoked on the 18th of July. His place was filled by William Zickrick. These twelve batteries were all that left the State in 1862. To these are to be added the three regiments of cavalry and the nineteen regi ments of infantry, as the effective force sent out during the year by Wisconsin. The military officers of the State, at the commencement of 1863, were Edward Salomon, governor and commander-in-chief; Brigadier General Augustus Gaylord, adjutant general; Colonel S. Nye Gibbs, assistant adjutant general ; Brigadier General Nathaniel F. Lund, quartermaster general; Brigadier General E. B. Wolcott, surgeon general; and Colonel W. H. Watson, military secretary. The two incomplete regiments of 1862 — the Twenty-seventh and Thirty-first volunteers — were completed and in the field in March, 1863. The former was mustered in at "Camp Sigel" — Colonel Conrad Krez — on the 7th of March, and left the State, eight hundred and sixty-five strong, on the 16th for Columbus, Kentucky ; the latter, under command of Colonel Isaac E. Messmore, with a strength of eight hundred and seventy-eight, left Wisconsin on the ist of March, for Cairo, Illinois. The Thirty-fourth (drafted) regiment left "Camp Washburn," Milwaukee, on the 31st of January, 1863, for Columbus, Kentucky, numbering nine hundred and sixty-one, commanded by Colonel Fritz Anneke. On the 17th of February, 1863, the Twenty-fifth regiment left " Camp Randall " for Cairo, Illinois. The Thirtieth regiment remained in Wisconsin during the whole of 1863, performing various duties — the only one of the whole thirty-four that, at the end of that year, had not left the State. On the 14th of January, 1863, the legislature of Wisconsin, as before stated, convened at Madison. Governor Salomon, in his message to that body, gave a summary of the transac tions of the war fund during the calendar year; also of what was done in 1862, in the recruiting of military forces, and the manner in which the calls of the president were responded to. There were a number of military laws passed at this session. A multitude of special acts authorizing towns to raise bounties for volunteers, were also passed. No additional regiments of infantry besides those already mentioned were organized in 1863, although recruiting for old regiments continued. On the 3d of March, 1863, the congress of the United States passed the "Conscription Act." Under this act, Wisconsin was divided WISCONSIN AS A STATE. 85 into six districts. In the first district, I. M. Bean was appointed provost marshal ; C. M. Baker, commissioner; and J. B. Dousman, examining surgeon. Headquarters of this district was at Milwaukee. In the second district, S. J. M. Putnam was appointed provost marshal ; L. B. Caswell, commissioner; and Dr. C. R. Head, examining surgeon. Headquarters of this district was at Janesville. In the third district, J. G. Clark was appointed provost marshal; E. E. Byant, commissioner ; and John H. Vivian, examining surgeon. Headquarters at Prairie du Chien. In the fourth district, E. L. Phillips was appointed provost marshal ; Charles Burchard, commissioner; and L. H. Cary, examining surgeon. Headquarters at Fond du Lac. In the fifth district, C. R. Merrill was appointed provost marshal ; William A. Bugh, commissioner ; and H. O. Crane, examining surgeon. Headquarters at Green Bay. In the sixth district, B. F. Cooper was appointed provost marshal; L. S. pisher, commissioner; and D. D. Cameron, examining surgeon. Headquarters at LaCrosse. The task of enrolling the State was commenced in the month of May, and was proceeded with to its completion. The nine months' term of service of the Thirty-fourth regiment, drafted militia, having expired, the regiment was' mustered out of service on the 8th of September. The enrollment in Wisconsin of all persons liable to the " Conscription " amounted to 121,202. A draft was ordered to take place in November. Nearly fifteen thousand were drafted, only six hundred and twenty-eight of whom were mustered in ; the residue either furnished substitutes, were discharged, failed to report, or paid commutation. In the Summer of 1861, Company " K," Captain Langworthy, of the Second Wisconsin infantry, was detached and placed on duty as heavy artillery. His company was designated as "A," First Regiment Heavy Artillery. This was the only one organized until the Summer of 1863; but its organization was effected outside the State. Three companies were necessary to add to company "A" to complete the battalion. Batteries "B," " C" and " D " were, therefore, organized in Wisconsin^ all leaving the State in October and November, 1863. Ninth Administration— James T. Lewis, Governor — 1864-1865, James T. Lewis, of Columbia county, was inaugurated governor of Wisconsin on the fourth of January, 1864. In an inaugural address, the incoming governor pledged himself to use no executive patronage for a re-election ; declared he would administer the government without prejudice or partiality ; and committed himself to an economical administration of affairs con nected with the State. On the thirteenth the legislature met in its seventeenth regular session. W. W. Field was elected speaker of the assembly. The republican and union men were in the majority in this legislature. A number of acts were passed relative to military matters. On the ist day of October, J. L. Pickard having resigned as superintendent of public instruction, J. G. McMynn was, by the governor, appointed to fill the vacancy. On the fif teenth of November, Governor Lewis appointed Jason Downer an associate justice of the supreme court, to fill a vacancy caused by the resignation of Judge Byron Paine, who had resigned his position to take effect on that day, in order to accept the position of lieutenant- colonel of one of the regiments of Wisconsin, to which he had been commissioned on the tenth of August previous. The November elections of this year were entered into with great zeal by the two parties, owing to the fact that a president and vice president of the United States were to be chosen. The republicans were victorious. Electors of that party cast their eight votes for Lincoln and Johnson. The members elected to the thirty - ninth congress from Wisconsin at this election were : from the first district, H. E. Paine ; from the second, I. C. Sloan ; from the third, Amasa Cobb; from the fourth, C. A. Eldredge; from the fifth, Philetus Sawyer; and 86 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. from the sixth district, W. D. Mclndoe. All were republicans except Eldredge, who was elected as a democrat. The Eighteenth regular session of the Wisconsin legislature began in Madison on the elev enth of January, 1865. W. W. Field was elected speaker of the assembly. The legislature was, as to its political complexion, "Republican Union." On the tenth of April, the last day of the session, Governor Lewis informed the legislature that General Lee and his army had sur rendered. " Four years ago," said he, " on the day fixed for adjournment, the sad news of the fall of Fort Sumter was transmitted to the legislature. To-day, thank God ! and next to Him the brave officers and soldiers of our army and navy, I am permitted to transmit to you the official intelligence, just received, of the surrender of General Lee and his army, the last prop of the rebellion. Let us rejoice, and thank the Ruler of the Universe for victory and the pros pects of an honorable peace." In February preceding, both houses ratified the constitutional amendment abolishing slavery in the United States. At the Spring election, Jason Downer was chosen associate justice of the supreme court for a full term of six years. The twentieth of April was set apart by the governor as a day of thanksgiving for the overthrow of the rebellion and restoration of peace. At the Fall election both parties, republican and democratic, had tickets in the field. The republicans were victorious, electing Lucius Fairchild, governor; Wyman Spooner, lieutenant governor; Thomas S. Allen, secretary of state; William E. Smith, state treasurer; Charles R. Gill, attorney general; John G. McMynn, superintendent of public instruction; J. M. Rusk, bank comptroller; and Henry Cordier, state prison commis sioner. War of Secession — Lewis' Administration. The military officers for 1864 were besides the governor (who was commander-in-chief) Brigadier General Augustus Gaylord, adjutant general; Colonel S. Nye Gibbs, assistant adju tant general; Brigadier General Nathaniel F. Lund, quartermaster and commissary general, and chief of ordnance ; Brigadier General E. B. Wolcott, surgeon general ; and Colonel Frank H. Firmin, military secretary. The legislature met at Madison on the 13th of January, 1864. ¦"In response to the call of the General Government," said the governor, in his message to that. body, " Wisconsin had sent to the field on the first day of November last, exclusive of three months' men, thirty - four regiments of infantry, three regiments and one company of cavalry, twelve batteries of light artillery, three batteries of heavy artillery, and one company of sharp shooters, making an aggregate of forty-one thousand seven hundred and seventy-five men." Quite a number of laws were passed at this session of the legislature relative to military matters : three were acts to authorize towns, cities and villages to raise money by tax for the payment of bounties to volunteers; one revised, amended and consolidated all laws relative to extra pay to Wisconsin soldiers in the service of the United States ; one provided for the proper reception by the State, of Wisconsin volunteers returning from the field of service; another repealed the law relative to allotment commissioners. One was passed authorizing the gov ernor to purchase flags for regiments or batteries whose flags were .lost or destroyed inthe service : another was passed amending the law suspending the sale of lands mortgaged to the State or held by volunteers, so as to apply to drafted men; another provided for levying a State tax of $200,000 for the support of families of volunteers. A law was passed authorizing the governor to take care of the sick and wounded soldiers of Wisconsin, and appropriated ten thousand dollars for that purpose. Two other acts authorized the borrowing of money for repel ling invasion, suppressing insurrection, and defending the State in time of war. One act pro hibited the taking of fees for procuring volunteers' extra bounty ; another one defined the resi dence of certain soldiers from this St~te in the service of the United States/who had received WISCONSIN AS A STATE. 87 local bounties from towns other than their proper places of residence. At the commencement of 1864, there were recruiting in the State the Thirty-fifth regiment of infantry and the Thirteenth battery. The latter was mustered in on the 29th of December, 1863, and left the State for New Orleans on the 28th of January, 1864. In February, authority was given by the war department to organize the Thirty-sixth regiment of infantry. On the 27th of that month, the mustering in of the Thirty-fifth was completed at " Camp Washburn " —Colonel Henry Orff— the regiment, one thousand and sixty-six strong, leaving the State on the 18th of April, 1864, for Alexandria, Louisiana. The other regiments, recruited and mustered into the service of the United States during the year 1864, were: the Thirty-sixth— Colonel Frank A. Haskell; the Thirty-seventh— Colonel Sam Harriman; the Thirty-eighth— Colonel James Bintliff; the Thirty -ninth — Colonel Edwin L. Buttrick; the Fortieth — Colonel W. Augustus Ray; the Forty-first — Lieutenant Colonel George B. Goodwin; the Forty-second — Colonel Ezra T. Sprague ; the Forty-third — Colonel Amasa Cobb. The regiments mustered into the service of the United States during the year 1865 were: the Forty-fourth— Colonel George C. Symes; the Forty-fifth— Colonel Henry F. Belitz; Forty- sixth— Colonel Frederick S. Lovell ; Forty-seventh— Colonel George C. Ginty ; Forty-eighth — Colonel Uri B. Pearsall; Forty-ninth — Colonel Samuel Fallows; Fiftieth — Colonel John G-. Clark ; Fifty-first — Colonel Leonard Martin ; Fifty-second — Lieutenant Colonel Hiram J. Lewis ; and Fifty-third — Lieutenant Colonel Robert T. Pugh. All of the fifty-three regiments of infantry raised in Wisconsin during the war, sooner or later moved to the South and were engaged there in one way or other, in aiding to suppress the rebellion. Twelve of these regiments were assigned to duty in the eastern division, which con stituted the territory on both sides of the Potomac and upon the seaboard from Baltimore to Savannah. These twelve regiments were: the First (three months), Second, Third, Fourth,. Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, Nineteenth, Twenty-sixth, Thirty-sixth, Thirty-seventh, and Thirty-eighth.. Ten regiments were assigned to the central division, including Kentucky, Tennessee, Northern Alabama, and Georgia. These ten were: the Tenth, Twenty-first, Twenty-second, Twenty- fourth, Thirtieth, Forty-third, Forty-fourth, Forty-fifth, Forty-sixth, and Forty-seventh. Addedi to these was the First (re-organized). Thirty-one regiments were ordered to the western division, embracing the country west and northwest of the central division. These were : the Eighth, Ninth, Eleventh, Twelfth, Thirteenth, Fourteenth, Fifteenth, Sixteenth, Seventeenth, Eighteenth, Twentieth, Twenty-third, Twenty-fifth, Twenty-seventh, Twenty-eighth, Twenty-ninth, Thirty-first, Thirty-second, Thirty-third, Thirty-fourth, Thirty-fifth, Thirty-ninth, Fortieth, Forty-first, Forty- second, Forty-eighth, Forty-ninth, Fiftieth, Fifty-first, Fifty-second, and Fifty-third. During the war several transfers were made from one district to another. There were taken from the eastern division, the Third and Twenty-sixth, and sent to the central division; also the Fourth, which was sent to the department of the. gulf. The Twelfth, Thirteenth, Fifteenth, Sixteenth, Seven teenth, Eighteenth, Twenty-fifth, Thirtieth, Thirty-first and Thirty-second were transferred from the western to the central department. The four regiments of cavelry were assigned to the western division — the First regiment being afterward transferred to the central division. Of the thirteen batteries of light artillery, the Second, Fourth, arid Eleventh, were assigned to the eastern division ; the First and Third, to the central division ; the Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, Eighth, Ninth, Tenth, Twelfth, and Thirteenth, to the western division. During the war, the First was transferred to the western division ; while the Fifth, Sixth, Eighth, Tenth, and Twelfth, were transferred to the central division. Of the twelve batteries of the First regiment of heavy artillery — "A," "E," "F," "G," "H," "I," "K," "L," and "M," were assigned to duty in the eastern division ; "B" and "C," to the central 88 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. division; and "D," to the western division. Company "G," First regiment Berdan's sharp shooters, was assigned to the eastern division. The military officers of the State for 1865 were the same as the previous year, except that Brigadier General Lund resigned his position as quartermaster general, James M. Lynch being appointed in his place. The legislature of this year met in Madison on the nth of January. "To the calls of the Government for troops," said Governor Lewis, in his message, "no State has responded with greater alacrity than has Wisconsin. She has sent to .the field, since the commencement of the war, forty-four regiments of infantry, four regiments and one company of cavalry, one regiment of heavy artillery, thirteen batteries of light artillery, and one company of sharpshooters, making an aggregate (exclusive of hundred day men) of seventy-five thousand one hundred and thirty-three men." Several military laws were passed at this session : one authorizing cities, towns, and villages to pay bounties to volunteers ; another, incorporating the Wisconsin Soldiers' Home ; two others, amending the act relative "to the commencement and prosecution of civil actions against persons in the military service of the country." One was passed authorizing the payment of salaries, clerk hire, and expenses, of the offices of the adjutant general and quartermaster general from the war fund ; another, amending the act authorizing commissioned officers to take acknowledg ment of deeds, affidavits and depositions; another, amending the act extending the right of suffrage to soldiers in the field. One act provides for correcting and completing the records of the adjutant general's office, relative to the military history of the individual members of the several military organizations of this State ; another fixes the salary of the adjutant general and the quartermaster general, and their clerks and assistants; another prohibits volunteer or sub stitute brokerage. One act was passed supplementary and explanatory of a previous one of the same session, authorizing towns, cities, or villages, to raise money to pay bounties to volunteers ; another, amending a law of 1864, relating to the relief of soldiers' families; and another, pro viding for the establishment of State agencies for the relief and care of sick, wounded, and disabled Wisconsin soldiers. There was an act also passed, authorizing the borrowing of money for a period not exceeding seven months, to repel invasion, suppress insurrection, and defend the State in time of war, — the amount not to exceed $850,000. On the 13th of April, 1865, orders were received to discontinue recruiting in Wisconsin, and to discharge all drafted men who had not been mustered in. About the first of May, orders were issued for the muster out of all organizations whose term of service would expire on or before the first of the ensuing October. As a consequence, many Wisconsin soldiers were soon on their way home. State military officers devoted their time to the reception of returning regiments, to their payment by the United States, and to settling with those who were entitled to extra pay from the State. Finally, their employment ceased — the last soldier was mustered out — the War of the Rebellion was at an end. Wisconsin had furnished to the federal army during the conflict over ninety thousand men, a considerable number more than the several requisitions of the General Government called for. Nearly eleven thousand of these were killed or died of wounds received in battle, or fell victims to diseases contracted in the military service, to say nothing of those who died after their discharge, and whose deaths do not appear upon the mili tary records. Nearly twelve million dollars were expended by the State authorities, and the people of the several counties and towns throughout the State, in their efforts to sustaih the National Government. Wisconsin feels, as well she may, proud of her record made in defense of national existence. Shoulder to shoulder with the other loyal States of the Union, she stood — always ranking among the foremost. From her workshops, her farms, her extensive pineries, she poured forth stalwart WISCONSIN AS A STATE. 89 men, to fill up the organizations which she sent to the field. The blood of these brave men drenched almost every battle-field from Pennsylvania to the Rio Grande, from Missouri to Georgia. To chronicle the deeds and exploits — the heroic achievements — the noble enthusiasm — of the various regiments and military organizations sent by her to do battle against the hydra- headed monster secession — would be a lengthy but pleasant task ; but these stirring annals belong to the history of our whole country. Therein will be told the story which, to the latest time in the existence of this republic, will be read with wonder and astonishment. But an out line of the action of the State authorities and their labors, and of the origin of the various military organizations, in Wisconsin, to aid in the suppression of the rebellion, must needs contain a reference to other helps employed— mostly incidental, in many cases wholly charitable but none the less effective : the sanitary operations of the State during the rebellion. Foremost among the sanitary operations of Wisconsin during the war of the rebellion was the organization of the surgeon general's department — to the end that the troops sent to the field from the State should have a complete and adequate supply of medicine and instruments as well as an efficient medical staff. In 1861, Governor Randall introduced the practice of appoint ing agents to travel with the regiments to the field, who were to take charge of the sick. The practice was not continued by Governor Harvey. On the 17 th of June, 1862, an act of the legislature became a law authorizing the governor to take care of the sick and wounded soldiers of Wisconsin, and appropriated twenty thousand dollars for that purpose. Under this law several expeditions were sent out of the State to look after the unfortunate sons who were suffering from disease or wounds. Soldiers' aid societies were formed throughout the State soon after the opening scenes of the rebellion. When temporary sanitary operations were no longer a necessity in Wisconsin, there followed two military benevolent institutions intended to be of a permanent character : the Soldiers' Home at Milwaukee, and the Soldiers' Orphans' Home at Madison. The latter, however, has been discontinued. The former, started as a State institu tion, is now wholly under the direction and support of the General Government. Whether in the promptitude of her responses to the calls made on her by the General Govern ment, in the courage or constancy of her soldiery in the field, or in the wisdom and efficiency with which her civil administration was conducted during the trying period covered by the war of the rebellion, Wisconsin proved herself the peer of any loyal State. tabular statement. We publish on the following pages the report of the Adjutant General at the clos.e of the war, but before all the Wisconsin organizations had been mustered out. It shows that 85,000 brave men were ready to forsake home, friends and the comforts of peaceful avocations, and offer their lives in defense of their country's honor. Twenty-two out of every hundred either died, were killed or wounded. Thirteen out of every hundred found a soldier's grave, while only 60 per cent of them marched home at the end of the war. Monuments may crumble, cities fall into decay, the tooth of time leave its impress on all the works of man, but the memory of the gallant deeds of the army of the Union in the great war of the rebellion, in which the sons of Wisconsin bore so conspicuous a part, will live in the minds of men so long as time and civilized governments endure. Table showing total number of Volunteers originally in tbe several organizations from the State, and numerical strength at the close of war. ORGANIZATION. First Infantry, three months First Infantry, three years Second Infantry, three years Third Infantry, three years Fifth Infantry, three years , Sixth Infantry, three years Seventh Infantry, three years Eighth Infantry, three years *Ninth Infantry, three years Tenth Infantry, three years.. Eleventh Infantry, three years Twelfth Infantry, three years *Thirteenth Infantry, three years... Fourteenth Infantry, three years... Fifteenth Infantry, three years Sixteenth Infantry, three years Seventeenth Infantry, three years... Eighteenth Infantry, three years Nineteenth Infantry, three years.... Twentieth Infantry, three years ... Twenty-first Infantry, three years.. Twenty-second Infantry, three years, Twenty-third Infantry, three years.... Twenty-fourth Infantry, three years... Twenty-fifth Infantry, three years.. Twenty-sixth Infantry, three years.... Twenty-seventh Infantry, three years Twenty-eighth Infantry, three years... Twenty-ninth Infantry, three years... Thirtieth Infantry, three years Thirty-first Infantry, three years Thirty-second Infantry, three years... Thirty-third Infantry, three years Thirty-fourth Infantry, nine months.. *Thirty-fifth Infantry, three years Thirty-sixth Infantry, three years Thirty-seventh Inf., one, two & three, Thirty-eighth Inf., one, two & three... Thirty-ninth Inf., one hundred days... Fortieth Infantry, one hundred days.. Forty-first Inf., one hundred days.. Forty-second Infantry, one year Forty-third Infantry, one year Forty-fourth Infantry, one year Forty-fifth Infantry, one year. OtD 810945 1051 979 105811081029 973 870916 10291045 970970801 1066 941962973990 10021009 994 100310181002 865 961961 906 892961 1066 990 708 913 780776578877867877 869 GAIN BY RECRUITS. 75 5770 210 58 74 52 109 20 72 84 169 6020 7077 61 26 12 2 20 24 22 69 1864. 66 80 284684 171 343 236 180 85 268 314212439 76 547298 103 156120152139118 70 282 84 236 125 114220 188 370 164 14 9 25 7 2518 12 62 43 24 22 33 41 1 1210 34 56 15 4 4 4 10 2 68 17 1123 45 1576 104 130 235 142 '5 m 290 50 79 189 16 1 62 177 8385 1 88 136 2854 1 130 6. 1 3 32 11 64 7 GAIN BY DRAFT. 407 135 1864. 179 "iii 24 '206 155 21.3200 95 100 136 110 256167 147 1 72 115 19 2 71 223 13 gs 15 78 237204237218301219 13 363519392272 7 243287178 270 810 1508 1266215622562143 1932 1643 142210341965 2186 1931 2182 906 2200 196416371484 1129 1171 1505 11171077 1444 1089 11961137 108912191078 1474 1066 961 1088 10141144 1032 780 776 578 1008 913 1114 1001 LOSSES DURING THE SERVICE. 235261 247285 321 391 255 175 219 348 294 183 287 267 363 221220 136227288226289 173 422254 246231296 69 114275196 20 256296211 108 13 6 57 70 57 26 3 13 2246 5 78 5 5751 51 105 79 44 60 25212526 71 9746 115 157 208 46 414046 6 7120 31 56313952 52 5822 283 2921 29 55l 7 47 134 98 33 75 106 41 - 7 23 9 64 6 234738 32 23 152 115 99 31 124 138 65 125 57 81 103 46 33 27 . 37 1138 29 21 No Report. 7 29846H 945405513 473 320 191316319 336 321407 204386448 265345 222 261 196 281289 165 232248 221 184 340167189 170186 177 214 195208 g1- 2 18 4048 8 149 1 121 85 138 39 9280 719 871348 810 1424 1148 912 964739455 1264 1466 797 1355 320 12521101 843 805524 483 1006 416 406 772 447585 573 467 712710 925 637 472 "445 680 640 780 763 570 646 763 796 802 Forty-sixth Infantry, one year Forty-seventh Infantry, one year... Forty-eighth Infantry, one year Forty-ninth Infantry, one year Fiftieth Infantry, one year Fifty-first Infantry, one year Fifty-second Infantry, one year Fifty-third Infantry, one year First Army Corps, Infantry First Cavalry, three years Second Cavalry, three years Thijd Cavalry, three years Fourth Cavalry, three years Milwaukee First Battery Light Artillery Second Battery Light Artillery Third Battery Light Artillery Fourth Battery Light Artillery Fifth Battery Light Artilley Sixth Battery Light Artillery Seventh Battery Light Artillery Eighth Battery Light Artillery Ninth Battery Light Artillery Tenth Battery Light Artillery Eleventh Battery Light Artillery.... Twelfth Battery Light Artillery Thirteenth Battery Light Artillery.. Heavy Artillery Battery A, Heavy Artillery Battery B, Heavy Artillery Battery C, Heavy Artillery Battery D, Heavy Artillery Battery E, Heavy Artillery Battery F, Heavy Artillery Battery G, Heavy Artillery Battery H, Heavy Artillery Battery I, Heavy Artillery Battery K, Heavy Artillery Battery L, Heavy Artillery Battery M, Heavy Artillery Sharp Shooters, Gibbons' Brigade Band Blunt's Brigade Band U. S. Colored Troops Army and Navy Out of State Unassigned 914 927828986942 841486380 1124 1127 11861047 83 155 153170151155157 ¦158 161 155 47 8799 156 Total Remaining in service Nov. 1, 186\ 129149 146146151151 152151150 148 152 152 105 13 56792 295 137324 32 1 17 5 35 1 5 18 40 2 4 89 1 86 103 611 3361 597 630608810 53 35326064045090 5330 1 121 22 80 3011 12 37 32 171 540 14 12 11245 33 58 4 1616 2 25 9 193164 212 30 140 46 168 5 97 2752 2283 181816 38 202 21 53' 2361 5217 5961 76 1798 394 1325 61 385357 260 9 34 48 33 43 79 349266 7811 3931 29 33 15784 947 985832 1002 958 843511389 215 260225102523 2305 93 303243 270294 304 276344329296279 134 342188 25 361 185171 230 153 153 156 154 163157155 154 194 1533 244714 52 6868 91379 22 12 2624 24292925 6 24 3 30 14 12 34 10868 IS ¦•••••••* 34 9 8 28 67 6 141 87 42 14 31 29 41 8736 173127 34 41 47 * 48 ¦>s * 8 fi 16 5 8 851812 No Report. 366 91 103 67 - 33 271 5 215 9 126 64 350 23 74 2 No Report. 14 741 59 1 14 1 43 No Report. do do do do 25' 3362 2961 634 557418 474 483060 82 61 36 68 5356 6017 105 39 22 40 3167 1 6 10101010 10 6 58 775 16193 714 406 315 1444 1541 1691 t754 93 212 188177 171213197 237223227 9192 123 106 25 286 105 124110150146144144152144145 145 47 15 33 J6868 54052 4685 * November 1, 1865. f October 1, 1865. I Drafted men who paid commutation ; volunteers, substituted and drafted men, mustered out before assignment : musters in the field reported bv the War Department without stating organization. I To the number of 615 remaining jn the .service., November 1, 1865, should be added 145 .transferred from jthe Twentieth and Twenty-third Regiments. 92 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. Tenth Administration. — Lucius Fairchild, Governor — 1 866-1 867. The inauguration of the newly elected State officers took place on Monday, January 1, 1866. The legislature, in its nineteenth regular session, convened on the tenth. H. D. Barron was elected speaker of the assembly. The " Union " and " Republican " members were in a majority in both branches of the legislature. " Our first duty," said Governor Fairchild in his message, "is to give thanks to Almighty God for all His mercies during the year that is past.'' "The people of no nation 011 earth," he continued, "have greater cause to be thankful than have our people. The enemies of the country have been overthrown in battle. The war has settled finally great questions at issue between ourselves." Among the joint resolutions passed at this session was one submitting the question of a constitutional convention to frame a new constitution for the State, to the people. The legislature adjourned on the twelfth of April, having been in session ninety-three days. At the general election in November of this year, there were elected to the Fortieth congress : H. E. Paine, from the first district ; B. F. Hopkins, from the second; Amasa Cobb, from the third; C. A. Eldredge, from the fourth; Philetus Sawyer, from the fifth, and C. C. Washburn, from the sixth district. All were republicans except Eldredge, who was elected as a democrat. The proposition for a constitutional conven tion was voted upon by the people at this election, but was defeated. The twentieth session of the legislature commenced on the ninth of January, 1867. Angus Cameron was elected speaker of the assembly. The legislature was strongly " Repub lican-Union." The message of Governor Fairchild was read by him in person, on the tenth. On the twenty-third, the two houses, in joint convention, elected Timothy O. Howe United States senator for the term of six years, commencing on the fourth of March next ensuing. This legislature pissed an act submitting to the people at the next Fall election an amendment to section twenty-one of article four of the constitution of the State, providing for paying a salary of three hundred and fifty dollars to each member of the legislature, instead of a per •diem allowance, as previously given. A sine die adjournment took place on the eleventh of April, after a service of ninety-three days. To provide for the more efficient collection of license fees due the State, an act, approved on the day of adjournment, authorized the governor to appoint an agent of the treasury, to superintend and enforce the collection of fees due for licenses fixed by law. This law is still in force, the agent holding his office at the pleasure of the executive of the State. On the 27th of March, Chief Justice Dixon resigned his office, but was immediately appointed by the governor to the same position. At the election in April following, associate Justice Cole was re-elected, without opposition, for six years from the first Monday in January following. On the 16th of August, Associate Justice Downer having resigned, Byron Paine was appointed by the governor in his place. The republican State ticket, in the Fall, was elected over the democratic — resulting in the choice of Lucius Fairchild for governor ; Wyman Spooner, for lieutenant governor; Thomas S. Allen, Jr., secretary of state ; William E. Smith, for state treasurer ; Charles R. Gill,' for attorney general ; A. J. Craig, for superintendent of public instruction ; Jeremiah M. Rusk, for bank comptroller, and Henry Cordier, for state prison commissioner. Except Craig, all these officers were 'the former incumbents. The amendment to section 21 of article 4 of the constitution of the State, giving the members a salary instead of a per diem allowance, was adopted at this election. As it now stands, each member of the legislature receives, for his services, three hundred and fifty dollars per annum, and ten cents for every mile he travels in going to and returning from the place of the meetings of the legislature, on the most WISCONSIN AS A STATE. 93 usual route. In case of any extra session of the legislature, no additional compensation shall be allowed to any member thereof, either directly or indirectly. Eleventh Administration. — Lucius Fairchild, Governor (second term) — 1 868-1 869. The Eleventh Administration in Wisconsin commenced at noon on the 6th day of January, 1868. This was the commencement of Governor Fairchild's second term. On the eighth of January, 1868, began the twenty-first regular session of the legislature of Wisconsin. A. M. Thomson was elected speaker of the assembly. Of the laws of a general nature passed by this legislature, was one abolishing the office of bank comptroller, transferring his duties to the state treasurer, and another providing for the establishing of libraries in the various townships of the State. A visible effect was produced by the constitutional amendment allowing members ¦a salary, in abreviating this session, though not materially diminishing the amount of bnsiness transacted. A sine die adjournment took place on the sixth of March. At the election in April, 1868, Chief Justice Dixon was chosen for the unexpired balance of his own term, ending on the first Monday of January, 1870. At the same election, Byron Paine "was chosen associate justice for the unexpired balance of Associate Justice Downer's term, ending the ist day of January, 1872. At the Fall election in this year, republican electors were chosen over those upon the democratic ticket, for president and vice president ; and, as a consequence, Grant and Colfax received the vote of Wisconsin. Of the members elected at the same time, to the forty-first congress, all but one were republicans — Eldredge being a democrat. The successful ticket was : H. E. Paine, from the first district ; B. F. Hopkins, from the second ; Amasa Cobb, from the third ; C. A. Eldredge, from the fourth ; Philetus Sawyer, from the fifth, and C. C. Washburn, from the sixth district. These were all members, form their respective districts, in the previous congress — the only instance since Wisconsin became a State of a re-election of all the incum bents. On the thirteenth of January, . 1869, began the twenty-second regular session of the State legislature. A. M. Thomson was elected speaker of the assembly. A very important duty imposed upon both houses was the election of a United States senator in the place of James R. Doolittle. The republicans having a majority in the legislature on joint ballot, the excitement among the members belonging to that party rose to a high pitch. The candidates for nomina tion were Matthew H. Carpenter and C. C. Washburn. The contest was, up to that time, 'unparalleled in Wisconsin for the amount of personal interest manifested. Both gentlemen had a large lobby influence assembled at Madison. Carpenter was successful before the republican nominating convention, on the sixth ballot. On the twenty-seventh of January, the two houses proceeded to ratify the nomination by electing him United States senator for six years, from the fourth of March following. One of the most important transactions entered into by the legis lature of 1869 was the ratification of the suffrage amendment to the constitution of the United States. Both houses adjourned sine die on the eleventh of March — a very short session. At the spring election, on the 6th of April, Luther S. Dixon was re-elected without opposition, chief justice of the supreme court, for a term of six years-, from the first Monday in January next •ensuing. In the Fall, both democrats and republicans put a State ticket in .the field for the ensuing election: the republicans were successful, electing Lucius Fairchild, governor ; Thad deus C. Pound, lieutenant governor; Llywelyn Breese, secretary of state ; Henry Baetz, state treasurer ; S. S. Barlow, attorney general ; george F. Wheeler, state prison commissioner ; and A. L. Craig, superintendent of public instruction. The office of bank comptroller expired ¦on the 31st day of December, 1869, the duties of the office being transferred to the state 94 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. treasurer. At 'this election, an amendment to sections 5 and 9 of article five of the constitution of the State was ratified and adopted by the people. Under this amendment, the governor receives, during his continuance in office, an annual compensation of five thousand dollars, which is in full for all traveling or other expenses incident to his duties. The lieutenant governor receives, during his continuance in office, an annual compensation of one thousand dollars. Twelfth Administration. — Lucius Fairchild, Governor (third term) — 1870-187 1. On the third of January, 1870, commenced the twelfth administration in Wisconsin, Gov ernor Fairchild thus entering upon his third term as chief executive of the State; the only' instance since the admission of Wisconsin into the Union, of the same person being twice re-elected to that office. It was an emphatic recognition of the value of his services in the gubernatorial chair. On the twelfth of January, the twenty-third regular session of the legis lature of the State commenced at Madison. James ,M. Bingham was elected speaker of the assembly. Before the expiration of the month, Governor Fairchild received official information that over two hundred thousand dollars of the war claim of Wisconsin upon the General Govern ment had been audited, considerable more than one hundred thousand having the previous year been allowed. In the month of March, an energetic effort was made in the legislature, by members from Milwaukee, to remove the seat of government from Madison to their city ; but the project was defeated by a considerable majority in the assembly voting to postpone the matter indefinitely. According to section eight of article one of the constitution, as originally adopted, no person could be held to answer for a criminal offense unless on the presentment or indictment of a grand jury, except in certain cases therein specified. The legislature of 1869, proposed an amendment against the " grand jury system " of the constitution, and referred it to the legislature of 1870 for their approval or rejection. The latter took up the proposition and agreed to it by the proper majority* and submitted it to the people at the next election for their ratification. The sine die adjournment of both houses took place on the seventeenth of March,, 1870. Qn the first day of January, previous, the member of congress from the second district of the State, B. F. Hopkins, died, and David Atwood, republican, was elected to fill the vacancy on the fifteenth of February following. Early in 1870, was organized the " Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters." By an act of the legislature approved March 16, of that year, it was incorporated, having among its specific objects, researches and investigations in the various departments of the material, meta physical, ethical, ethnological and social sciences; a progressive and thorough scientific survey ofthe State, with a view of determining its mineral, agricultural and other resouices; the. advancement of the useful arts, through the application of science, and by the encouragement of original invention; the encouragement ofthe fine arts, by means of honors and prizes. awarded to artists for original works of superior merit; the formation of scientific, economical and art museums; the encouragement of 'philological and historical research'; the collection and preservation of historic records, and the formation of a general library; and the diffusion of knowledge by the publication of original contributions to science, literature and the arts. The academy has already published three volumes of transactions, under authority of the State. The fourth charitable institution established by Wisconsin was the " Northern Hospital for the Insane," located at Oshkosh, Winnebago county. It was authorized by an act of the legis lature approved March 10, 1870. The law governing the admission of patients to this hospital is the same as to the Wisconsin State Hospital. WISCONSIN AS A STATE. 95 On the third day of July, 1870, A. J. Craig, superintendent of public instruction, died of consumption, and Samuel Fallows was, on the 6th of that month, appointed by the governor to fill the place made vacant by his death. The census taken this year by the General Govern ment, showed the population of Wisconsin to be over one million sixty-four thousand. At the Fall election for members to the forty-second congress, Alexander Mitchell was chosen to represent the first district; G. W. Hazelton, the second; J. A. Barber, the third; C. A. Eldredge, the fourth; Philetus Sawyer, the fifth; and J. M. Rusk, the sixth district. Mitchell and Eldredge were democrats ; the residue were republicans. The amendment to section 8, of article 7 of the constitution of the State, abolishing the grand jury system was ratified by a large majority. Under it, no person shall be held to answer for a criminal offense without due process of law, and no person, for the same offense, shall be put twice in jeopardy of punishment, nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself. All persons shall, before conviction, be bailable by sufficient sureties, except for capital offenses when the proof is evident and the presumption great ; and the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall not be suspended unless, when in cases of rebellion or invasion, the public safety may require it. Governor Fairchild, in his last annual message to the legislature, delivered to that body at its twenty-fourth regular session beginning on the eleventh of January, 1871, said that Wisconsin State polity was so wisely adapted to the needs of the people, and so favorable to the growth and prosperity of the commonwealth, as to require but few changes at the hands of the legisla ture, and those rather of detail than of system. At the commencement of this session, William E. Smith was elected speaker of the assembly. A very carefully-perfected measure of this legislature was one providing for the trial of criminal offenses on information, without the inter vention of a Grand Jury. A state commissioner of immigration, to be elected by the people, was provided for. Both bodies adjourned sine die on the twenty-fifth of March. On the thirteenth of January preceding, Associate Justice Byron Paine, of the supreme court, died ; whereupon the governor, on the 20th of the same month, appointed in his place, until the Spring election should be held, William Penn Lyon. The latter, at the election in April, was chosen by the people to serve the unexpired time of Associate Justice Paine, ending the first Monday of Jan uary, 1872, and for a full term of six years from the same date. On the 3d of April, Ole C. Johnson was appointed by the governor state commissioner of immigration, to serve until his successor at the next general election could be chosen by the people. To the end that the administration of public charity and correction should thereafter be conducted upon sound principles of economy, justice and humanity, and that the relations existing between the State and its dependent and criminal classes might be better understood, there was, by an act of the legislature, approved March 23, 1871, a "state board of charities and reform" created — to consist of five members to be appointed by the governor of the State, the duties of the members being to investigate and supervise the whole system of charitable and correctional institutions supported by the State or receiving aid from the State treasury, and on or before the first day of December in each year to report their proceedings to the executive of the State. This board was thereafter duly organized and its members have since reported annually to the governor their proceedings and the amount of their expenses, as required by law. The "Wisconsin State Horticultural Society," although previously organized, first under the name of the " Wisconsin Fruit Growers' Association," was not incorporated until the 24th of March, 1871 — the object of the society being to improve the condition of horticulture, rural adornment and landscape gardening. By a law of 1868, provision was made for the publication of the society's transactions in connection with the State agricultural society ; but by the act 96 HISTOKY OF WISCONSIN. of 1 87 1, this law was repealed and an appropriation made for their yearly publication in separate form; resulting in the issuing, up to the present time, of seven volumes. The society holda annual meetings at Madison. At the November election both republicans and democrats had a full ticket for the suffrages ofthe people. The republicans were successful, electing for governor, C. C. Washburn; M. H. Pettitt, for lieutenant governor ; Llywelyn Breese, for secretary of state ; Henry Baetz, for state treasurer; Samuel Fallows, for superintendent of public instruction ; S. S. Barlow, for attorney general; G. F. Wheeler, for state prison, commissioner ; and O. C. Johnson, for state commis sioner of immigration. At this election an amendment to article four of the constitution of the State was ratified and adopted by the people. As it now stands, the legislature is prohibited from enacting any special or private laws in the following cases : 1st'. For changing the names of persons or constituting one person the heir-at-law of another. 2d. For laying out, opening, or altering highways, except in cases of State roads extending into more than one county, and mili tary roads to aid in the construction of which lands may be granted by congress. 3d. For authorizing persons to keep ferries across streams, at points wholly within this State. 4th. For authorizing the sale or mortgage of real or personal property of minors or others under disability. 5th. For locating or changing any county seat. 6th. For assessment or collection of taxes or for extending the time for the collection thereof. 7th. For granting corporate powers or privileges, except to cities. 8th. For authorizing the apportionment of any part of the school fund. 9th. For incorporating any town or village, or to amend the charter thereof. The legislature shall provide general laws for the transaction of any business that may be prohibited in the foregoing cases, and all such laws shall be uniform in their operation throughout the State. Industrially considered, the year 1871 had but little to distinguish it from the average of previous years in the State, except that the late frosts of Spring and the drouth of Summer dimin ished somewhat the yield of certain crops. With the exception of slight showers of only an hour or two's duration, in the month of September, no rain fell in Wisconsin from the eighth of July to the ninth of October — a period of three months. The consequence was a most calamitous event which will render the year 1871 memorable in the history of the State. The great drouth of the Summer and Fall dried up the streams and swamps in Northern Wisconsin. In the forests, the fallen leaves and underbrush which covered the ground became very ignitable. The ground itself, especially in cases of alluvial or bottom lands, was so dry and parched as to burn readily to the depth of a foot or more. For many days preceding the com mencement of the second week in October fires swept through the timbered country, and in some instances over prairies and " openings." Farmers, saw-mill owners, railroad men and all others interested in exposed property, labored day and night in contending against the advance of devouring fires, which were destroying, notwithstanding the ceaseless energies of the people, an occasional mill or house and sweeping off, here and there, fences, haystacks and barns. Over the counties lying upon Green bay and a portion of those contiguous thereto on the south, southwest and west, hung a general gloom. No rain came. All energies were exhausted from " fighting fire." The atmosphere was every where permeated with smoke. The waters of the bay and even Lake Michigan, in places, were so enveloped as to render navigation difficult and in some instances dangerous. It finally became very difficult to travel upon highways and on railroads. Time drew on — but there came no rain. The ground in very many places was burned over. Persons sought refuge — some in excavations in the earth, others in wells. The counties of Oconto, Brown, Kewaunee, Door, Manitowoc, Outagamie and Shawano were all more or less swept by this besom of destruction ; but in Oconto county, and for some distance into Menomonee county, Michigan, across the Menomonee river, on the west shore of WISCONSIN AS A STATE. 97 the bay and throughout the whole length and breadth of the peninsula, — that is, the territory lying between the bay and Lake Michigan, — the fires were the most devastating. The first week in October passed ; then came an actual whirlwind of fire — ten or more miles in width and of indefinite length. The manner of its progress was extraordinary. It destroyed a vast amount of property and many lives. - It has been described as a tempestuous sea of flame, accompanied by a most violent hurricane, which multiplied the force of the destructive element. Forests, farm improvements and entire villages were consumed. Men, women and children perished — awfully perished. Even those who fled and sought refuge from the fire in cleared fields, in swamps, lakes and rivers, found, many of them, no safety there, but were burned to death or died of suf focation. This dreadful and consuming fire was heralded by a sound likened to that of a railroad train — to the roar of a waterfall — to the noise of a battle at a distance. Not human beings. only, but horses, oxen, cows, dogs, swine — every thing that had life — ran to escape the impend-. ing destruction. The smoke was suffocating and blinding ; the roar of the tempest deafening ; the atmosphere scorching. Children were separated from their parents, and trampled upon by crazed beasts. Husbands and wives rushed in wild dismay, they knew not where. Death rode triumphantly upon that devastating, fiery flood. More than one thousand men, women and. children perished. More than three thousand were rendered destitute — utterly beggared, Mothers were left with' fatherless children ; fathers with motherless, children. Every where were homeless orphans. All around lay suffering, helpless humanity, burned and maimed. Such was the sickening spectacle after the impetuous and irresistible wave of fire swept over that portion of the State. This appalling calamity happened on the 8th and 9th of October. The loss of property has been estimated at four million dollars. At the tidings of this fearful visitation, Governor Fairchild hastened to the burnt district, to assist, as much as was in his power, the distressed sufferers. He issued, on the 13th of the month, a stirring appeal to the citizens of Wisconsin, for aid. It was promptly responded to from all portions of the State outside the devastated region. Liberal contributions in money, clothing and provisions were sent — some from other States, and even from foreign countries. Northwestern Wisconsin also suffered severely, during these months of drouth, from large fires. A compilation of the public statutes of Wisconsin was prepared during the year 1871, by David Tayor, and published in two volumes, generally known as the Revised Statutes of 1871. It was wholly a private undertaking ; but the legislature authorized the Secretary of state to purchase five hundred copies for the use ofthe State, at its regular session in 1872. Thirteenth Administration. — C. C. Washburn, Governor — 1872-1873. The thirteenth gubernatorial administration in Wisconsin commenced on Monday, January 1, 1872. The only changes made, in the present administration from the previous one, were in the offices of governor and lieutenant governor. The twenty-fifth regular session of the legislature began on the ioth of January, with a republican majority in both houses. Daniel Hall was elected speaker of the assembly. The next day the governor delivered to a joint convention of the legislature his first annual message — a lengthy document, setting forth in detail the general condition of State affairs. The recent great conflagrations were referred to, and relief suggested. The work of this session of the Leg islature was peculiarly difficult, owing to the many general laws which the last constitutional amendment made necessary. The apportionment of the State into new congressional districts was another perplexing and onerous task. Eight districts were formed instead of six, as at the commencement of the last decade. By this, the fourth congressional apportionment, each district: 98 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. elects one member. The first district consists of the counties of Rock, Racine, Kenosha, Wal worth, and Waukesha; the second, of Jefferson, Dane, Sauk, and Columbia; the third* of Grant, Iowa, LaFayette, Green, Richland, and Crawford ; the fourth, of Milwaukee, Ozaukee, and Wash ington ; the fifth, of Dodge, Fond du Lac, Sheboygan and Manitowoc ; the sixth, of Green Lake, Waushara, Waupaca, Outagamie, Winnebago, Calumet, Brown, Kewaunee and Door ; the sev enth, of Vernon, La Crosse, Monroe, Jackson, Trempealeau, Buffalo, Pepin, Pierce, St. Croix, Eau Claire, and Clark ; the eighth, of Oconto, Shawano, Portage, Wood, Juneau, Adams, Marquette, Marathon, Dunn, Chippewa, Barron, Polk, Burnett, Bayfield, Douglas, and Ashland. To this district have since been added the new counties of Lincoln and Taylor. After a session of seventy-seven days, the legislature finished its work, adjourning on the twenty-seventh of March. At the ensuing November election, the republican ticket for presi dent and vice president of the United States was successful. The ten electors chosen cast their votes in the electoral college for Grant and Wilson. In the eight congressional districts, six republicans and two democrats were elected to the forty-third congress ; the last mentioned from the fourth and fifth districts: C. G. Williams represented the first district ; G. W. Hazel ton the second; J. Allen Barber the third ; Alexander Mitchell the fourth ; C. A. Eldredge the fifth ; Philetus Sawyer the sixth ; J. M. Rusk the seventh ; and A. G. McDill the eighth district. Throughout Wisconsin, as in all portions of the Union outside the State, a singular pesti lence prevailed among horses in the months of November and December, 1872, very few escap ing. Horses kept in warm, well ventilated stables, avoiding currents of air, with little or no medicine, and fed upon nutritious and laxative food, soon recovered. Although but few died, yet the loss to the State was considerable; especially in villages and cities, resulting from the diffi culty to substitute other animals in the place of the horse during the continuance of the disease. The twenty-sixth regular session of the State legislature commenced on the eighth day of January, 1873, with a republican, majority in both houses^ Henry D. Barron was elected speaker of the assembly. On the ninth, Governor Washburn's message — his second annual one — was delivered to the two houses. It opened with a brief reference to the abundant returns from agricultural -pursuits, to the developments of the industries of the state, to the advance in manufacturing, to ,the rapid !extension in railways,' and to the general and satisfactory progress in education, throughout Wisconsin. He followed with several recommendations — claiming that "many vast and overshadowing corporations in the United States are justly a source of alarm," and that "the legislature can not: scan too closely every measure that should xome before it which proposed .to give additional rights and privileges to the railways of the state." He also recommended that the " granting of passes to the class of state officials who, through their public office, have power to confer or withhold benefits to a railroad company, be prohibited." The message was favorably commented upon by the press of the state, of all parties. " If Governor Washburn," says one of the opposition papers of his administration, " is not a great statesman, he is certainly not a small politician." One of the first measures of this legislature was the elec tion of United States senator, to fill the place of Timothy O. Howe, whose term of office would expire on the fourth of March next ensuing On the twenty-second of January the two houses met in joint convention, when it was announced that by the previous action of the senate and assembly, Timothy O. Howe was again elected to that office for the term of six years. On the twentieth of March, the legislature adjourned sine die, after a session of seventy-two days. Milton H. Pettiti, the lieutenant governor, died on the 23d day of March following the adjournment. By this sudden and unexpected death, the State lost an upright and conscientious public officer. FOND DU LAC WISCONSIN AS A STATE. 99 Among the important acts passed by this legislature was one providing for a geological sur vey of the State, to be begun in Ashland and Douglas counties, and completed within four years, by a chief geologist and four assistants, to be appointed by the governor, appropriating for the work an annual payment of thirteen thousand dollars. An act providing for a geological survey, of the State, passed by the legislature, and approved March 25, 1853, authorized the governor to appoint a state geologist, who was to select a suitable person as assistant geologist. Their duties were to make a geological and mineralogical survey of the State. Under this law Edward Daniels, on the first ,day of April, 1853, was appointed state geologist, superseded on the 12th day of August, 1854, by James G. Percival, who died in office on the 2d of May, 1856, at Hazel Green. By an act approved March 3, 1857, James Hall, Ezra Carr and Edward Daniels were appointed by the legislature geological commissioners. By an act approved April 2, r86o, Hall was made principal of the commission. The survey was interrupted bya repeal, March 21, 1862, of previous laws promoting it. However, to complete the survey, the matter was reinstated by the act of this legislature, approved March 29, the governor, under that act, appointing as chief geologist Increase A. Lapham, April 10, 1873. Another act changed the management of the state prison — providing for the appointment by the governor of three directors ; one for two years, one for four years, and one for six years, in place of a state prison commissioner, who had been elected by the people every two years, along with other officers of the State. At the Spring election, Orsamus Cole, who had been eighteen years upon the bench, was re-elected, without opposition, an associate justice of the supreme court, for a term of six years from the first Monday in January following. The two tickets in the field at the Fall election were the republican and the people's reform. The latter was successful ; the political scepter p .ssing out of the hands of the republicans, after a supremacy in the State continuing unbroken since the beginning of the seventh administration, when A. W. Randall (governor for a second term) and the residue ofthe State officers, were elected — all republicans. The general success among the cultivators of the soil throughout the state during the year, notwithstanding "the crisis," was marked and satisfactory ; but the financial disturbances during the latter part of the Fall and the first part of the Winter, resulted in a general depreciation of prices. Fourteenth Administration. — William R. Taylor, Governor — 1874-75. The fourteenth administration of Wisconsin commenced at noon on Monday, the fifth day of January, 1874, by the inauguration of William R. Taylor as governor; Charles D. Parker, lieutenant governor; Peter Doyle, secretary of state; Ferdinand Kuehn, state treasurer; A. Scott Sloan, attorney general; Edward Searing, superintendent of public instruction; and Martin J. Argard, state commissioner of immigration. These officers were not elected by any distinctive political party as such, but as the representatives of a new political organization, including " all Democrats, Liberal Republicans, and other electors of Wisconsin, friendly to genuine reform through equal and impartial legislation, honesty in office, and rigid economy in the administration of affairs." Among the marked characteristics of the platform agreed upon by the convention nominating the above-mentioned ticket was a declaration by the members that they would " vote for no candidate for office whose nomination is the fruit of his own importunity, or of a corrupt combination among partisan leaders ;" another, " that the sovereignty of the State over corporations of its own creation shall be sacredly respected, to the full extent of protecting the people against every form of monopoly or extor tion," not denying, however, an encouragement to wholesome enterprise on the part of aggre- 100 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. gated capital — this "plank" having special reference to a long series of alleged grievances assumed to have been endured by the people on account of discriminations in railroad charges and a consequent burdensome taxation upon labor — especially upon the agricultural industry of the State. The twenty-seventh regular session of the Wisconsin legislature commenced at Madison on the fourteenth of January. The two houses were politically antagonistic in their majorities; the senate was republican, while the assembly had a " reform " majority. In the latter branch, Gabriel Bouck was elected speaker. Governor Taylor, on the fifteenth, met the legislature in joint convention and delivered his message. " An era," said he, "of apparent prosperity without parallel in the previous history of the nation, has been succeeded by financial reverses affecting all classes of industry, and largely modifying the standard of values." "Accompanying these financial disturbances," added the governor, " has come an imperative demand from the people for a purer political morality, a more equitable apportionment of the burdens and blessings of government, and a more rigid economy in the administration of public affairs." Among the important acts passed by this legislature was one generally known as the " Potter Law,'' from the circumstance of the bill being introduced by Robert L. D. Potter, sen ator, representing the twenty-fifth senatorial district of the' state.. The railroad companies for a number of years had, as before intimated, been complained of by the people, who charged them with unjust discriminations and exorbitantly high rates for the transportation of passengers and merchandize. All the railroad charters were granted by acts at different times of the State leg islature, under the constitution which declares that " corporations may be formed under general laws, but shall not be created by a special act, exeept for municipal purposes and in cases where, in the judgment of the legislature, the objects of the corporations can not be attained under general laws. All general laws, or special acts, enacted under the provisions of this section, may be altered or repealed by the legislature at any time after their passage." The complaints of the people seem to have remained unheeded, resulting in the passage of the " Potter Law." This law limited the compensation for the transportation of passengers, classi fied freight, and regulated prices for its transportation within the State. It also required the governor on or before the first of May, 1874, by and with the consent of the senate, to appoint three railroad commissioners ; one for one year, one for two years, and one for three years, whose terms of office should commence on the fourteenth day of May, and that the governor, thereafter, on the first day of May, of each year, should appoint one commissioner for three years. Under this law, the governor appointed J. H. Osborn, for three years ; George H. Paul, for two years ; and J. W. Hoyt, for one year. Under executive direction, this commission inau gurated its labors by compiling, classifying, and putting into convenient form for public use for the first time, all the railroad legislation of the State. At the outset the two chief railroad corporations of the State — the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul, and the Chicago and Northwestern — served formal notice upon the governor of Wis consin that they would not respect the provisions of the new railroad law. Under his oath of office, to support the constitution of the State, it was the duty of Governor Taylor to expedite all such measures as should be resolved upon by the legislature, and to take care that the laws be faithfully executed. No alternative, therefore, was left the chief executive but to enforce the law by all the means placed in his hands for that purpose. He promptly responded to the noti fication of the railroad companies by a proclamation, dated May 1, 1874, in which he enjoined compliance with the statute, declaring that all the functions of his office would be -exercised in faithfully executing the laws, and invoking the aid of all good citizens thereto. " The law of the land," said Governor Taylor, "must be respected and obeyed." "While none," continued he, WISCONSIN AS A STATE. 101 " are so weak as to be without its protection, none are so strong as to be above its restraints. If provisions of the law be deemed oppressive, resistance to its mandates will not abate, but rather multiply the anticipated evils." "It is the right," he added, "of all to test its validity through the constituted channels, but with that right is coupled the duty of yielding a general obedience to its requirements until it has been pronounced invalid by competent authority." The railroad companies claimed not merely the unconstitutionality of the law, but that its enforcement would bankrupt the companies, and suspend the operation of their lines. The governor, in reply, pleaded the inviolability of his oath of office and his pledged faith to the people. The result was an appeal to the courts, in which the State, under the direction of its governor, was compelled to confront an array of the most formidable legal talent of the country. Upon the result in Wisconsin depended the vitality of much similar legislation in neighboring States, and Governor Taylor and his associate representatives of State authority were thus compelled to bear the brunt of a controversy of national extent and consequence. The contention extended both to State and United States courts, the main question involved being the constitutional power of the State over corporations of its own creation. In all respects, the- State was fully, sustained in its position, and, ultimately, judgments were rendered against the corporations in all the State and federal courts, including the supreme court of the United States, and estab lishing finally the complete and absolute power of the people, through the legislature, to modify or altogether repeal the charters of corporations. Another act of the session of 1874 abolished the office of State commissioner of immigra tion, "on and after " the first Monday of January, 1876. The legislature adjourned on the twelfth of March, 1874, after a session of fifty-eight days. The office of state prison commissioner having, by operation of law, become vacant on the fifth day of January, 1874, the governor, on the twenty-third of that month, appointed for State prison directors, Joel Rich, for tw > years; William E. Smith, for four years; and Nelson Dewey, for six years : these to take the place of that officer. On the sixteenth of June, Chief Justice Dixon, whose term of office would have expired on the first Monday in January, 1876, resigned his seat upon the bench of the supreme court, Governor Taylor appointing Edward G. Ryan in his place until his successor should be elected and qualified. At the November election of this year, the members chosen to the forty-fourth congress were — Charles G. Williams, from the first district; Lucian B. Caswell, from the second; Henry S. Magoon, from the third; William Pitt Lynde, from the fourth; Samuel D. Burchard, from the fifth; A. M. Kimball, from the sixth; Jeremiah M. Rusk, from the seventh, and George W. Cate, from the eighth district. Lynde, Burchard and Cate were " reform ; " the residue were republican. At the same election, an amendment to section 3 of article 1 1 of the constitution of the State was duly ratified and adopted by the people. Under this section, as it now stands, it is the duty of the legislature, and they are by it empowered, to provide for the organization of cities and incorporated villages, and to restrict their power of taxation, assessment, borrowing money, contracting debts, and loaning their credit, so as to prevent abuses in assessments and taxation, and in contracting debts, by such municipal corporations. No county, city, town, village, school district, or other municipal corporation, shall be allowed to become indebted in any manner, or for any purpose, to any amount, including existing indebtedness in the aggregate, exceeding five per centum on the value of the taxable property therein, to be ascertained by the last assessment for State and county taxes previous to the incurring of such indebtedness. Any county, city, town, village, school district, or other municipal corporation, incurring any indebt edness as aforesaid, shall, before, or at the time of doing so, provide for the collection of a direct 102 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. annual tax sufficient to pay the interest on such debt as it falls due, and also to pay and discharge the principal thereof within twenty years from the time of contracting the Same. In 1872, the first appropriation for fish culture in Wisconsin was made by the legislature, subject to the direction of the United States commissioner of fisheries. In 1874, a further sum was appropriated, and the governor of the State authorized to appoint three commissioners, whose duties were, upon receiving any spawn or fish, by or through the United States commis sioner of fish and fisheries, to immediately place such spawn in the care of responsible pisci culturists of the State, to be hatched and distributed in the different waters in and surrounding Wisconsin. Two more members have since been added by law to the commission ; their labors have been much extended, and liberal appropriations made to further the object they have in view — with flattering prospects of their finally being able to stock the streams and lakes of the State with the best varieties of food fish. The year 1874, in Wisconsin, was characterized as one of general prosperity among farmers, excepting the growers of wheat. The crop of that cereal was light, and, in places, entirely destroyed by the chinch-bug. As a consequence, considerable depression existed in business in the wheat-growing districts. Trade and commerce continued throughout the year at a low ebb, the direct result of the monetary crisis of 1873. The legislature commenced its twenty-eighth regular session on the thirteenth of January, 1875, with a republican majority in both houses. F. W. Horn was elected speaker of the assembly. The governor delivered his message in person, on the fourteenth, to the two houses. "Thanking God for all His mercies," are his opening words, "I congratulate you that order and peace reign throughout the length and breadth of our State. Our material prosperity has not fulfilled our anticipations. But let us remember that we bear no burden of financial depression not common to all the States, and that the penalties of folly are the. foundation of wisdom." In regard to the " Potter Law," the governor said, " It is not my opinion that this law expressed the best judgment of the legislature .which enacted it. While the general principles upon which it is founded command our unqualified approbation, and can never be surrendered, it must be conceded that the law is defective in some of its details. . . . The great object sought to be accomplished by our people," continued the speaker, "is not the management of railroad property by themselves, but to prevent its mismanagement by others." Concerning the charge that Wisconsin was warring upon railways within her limits, the governor added, " She has never proposed such a war. She, proposes none now. She asks only honesty, justice and the peace of mutual good will. To all men concerned, her people say in sincerity and in truth that every dollar invested in our State shall be lawfully entitled to its just protection, whencesoever the danger conies. In demanding justice for all, the State will deny justice to none. In forbidding mismanagement, the State will impose no restraints upon any management that is h_nest and just. In this, the moral and hereditary instincts of our people furnish a stronger bond of good faith than the judgments of courts or the obligations of paper constitutions. Honest capital may be timid and easily frightened; yet it is more certain to seek investment among a people whose laws are at all times a shield for the weak and a reliance for the strong — where the wholesome restraints of judicious legislation are felt alike by the exalted and the humble, the rich and the poor." The first important business to be transacted by this legislature was the election of a United States senator, as the term for which M. H- Carpenter had been elected would expire on the fourth of March ensuing. Much interest was manifested in the matter, not only in the .two houses, but throughout the State. There was an especial reason for this ; for, although the then WISCONSIN AS A STATE. 103 incumbent was a candidate for re-election, with a republican majority in the legislature, yet it was well known that enough members of that party were pledged, before the commencement of the session, to vote against him, to secure his defeat, should they stand firm to their pledges. The republicans met in caucus and nominated Carpenter for re-election; but the recalcitrant members held themselves aloof. Now, according to usual precedents, a nomination by the domi nant party was equivalenc to an election; not so, however, in this case, notwithstanding the friends of the nominee felt sanguine of his election in the end. The result of the first ballot, on the twenty-sixth of January, was, in the senate, thirteen for the republican candidate ; in the assembly, forty-six votes, an aggregate of only fifty-nine. He lacked four votes in the assembly and an equal number in the senate, of having a majority .a each house. On the twenty-seventh, the two houses, in joint convention, having met to compare the record of the voting the day previous, and it appearing that no one person had received a majority of the votes in each house for United States senator, they proceeded to their first joint ballot. The result was, no election. The balloting was continued each day, until the third of February, when, on the eleventh joint trial, Angus Cameron, of LaCrosse,' having received sitxty-eight votes, to Carpenter's fifty-nine, with five scattering, was declared elected. As in the previous session so in this, — one of the most absorbing subjects before the legisla ture was that of railroads; the " Potter Law" receiving a due share of attention in both houses. The result was an amendment in some important particulars without changing the right of State control : rates were modified. The law as amended was more favorable to the railroad compa nies and was regarded as a compromise. The legislature adjourned sine die on the 6th of March. This was the shortest session ever held in the State except one oftwenty-five years previous. On the 16th of February, O. W. Wight was appointed by the governor chief geologist of Wisconsin, in place of I. A. Lapham, whose appointment had not been acted upon by the Senate. On the 24th of the same month, J. W. Hoyt was appointed railroad commissioner for three years from the first day of May following, on which day his one-year term in the same office would expire. At the regular Spring election on the 6th of April following, Edward G. Ryan was elected, without opposition, chief justice of the supreme court for the unexpired term of Chief Justice Dixon, ending the first Monday in January, 1876, and for a full term1 of six years from. the last mentioned date; so that his present term of office will expire on the ist Monday in Jan uary, 1882. An act providing for taking the census of Wisconsin on or beforethe ist of July,, 1875, was passed by the legislature and approved the 4th of March pievious. It required an enumeration of all the inhabitants of the State except Indians, who were not entitled to the right of suffrage. The result of this enumeration gave a total population to Wisconsin of one million two hundred and thirty-six thousand seven hundred and twenty-nine. At the November election, republican and " reform " tickets were in the field for State officers, resulting in the success of the latter, except as to governor. For this office Harrison Ludington was chosen by a majority, according to the State board of canvassers, over William R. Taylor, of eight hundred and forty-one. The rest of the candidates elected were : Charles D. Parker, lieutenant governor ; Peter Doyle, secretary of state ; Ferdinand Kuehn, treasurer of state, A. Scott Sloan, attorney general; and Edward Searing, superintendent of public instruction. The act abolishing the office of state commissionei of immigration was to take effect "on and after" the close of this administration; so, 01 course, no person was voted for to fill that position at the Fall election of 1875. During this administration the principle involved in a long-pending controversy between the State and Minnesota relating to valuable harbor privileges at the head of Lake Superior, was suc cessfully and finally settled in favor of Wisconsin. The influence of the executive was largely 104 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. instrumental in initiating a movement which resulted in securing congressional appropriations amounting to $800,000 to the Fox and Wisconsin river improvement. A change was inaugu rated in the whole system of timber agencies over State and railroad lands, by which the duties of agents were localized, and efficiency was so well established that many important trespasses were brought to light from which over $60,000 in penalties was collected and paid into the Treasury, while as much more was subsequently realized from settlements agreed upon and proceedings instituted. By decisive action on the part of the governor an unsettled printing claim of nearly a hundred thousand dollars was met and defeated in the courts. During this period also appro- - priations were cut down, and the rate of taxation diminished. Governor Taylor bestowed unre mitting personal attention to details of business with a view of promoting the public interests with strict economy, while his countenance and support was extended to all legitimate enter prises. He required the Wisconsin Central railroad company to give substantial assurance that it would construct a branch line from Stevens Point to Portage City as contemplated by congress, before issuing certificates for its land grants., The closing year of the century of our national existence — 1875, was one .somewhat discour aging to certain branches of the agricultural interests of Wisconsin. The previous Winter had been an unusually severe one. A greater breadth of corn was planted than in any previous year in the State, but the unusually late season, followed by frosts in August and September, entirely ruined thousands of acres of that staple. Fifteenth Administration. — Harrison Ludington, Governor — 1876-1877. The fifteenth administration of Wisconsin commenced at noon on Monday, January 3, 1876, by the inauguration of State officers — Harrison Ludington, as previously stated, , having been elected upon the republican ticket, to fill the chief executive office of the State ; the others, to the residue of the offices, upon the democratic reform ticket: the governor, like three of his predecessors — Farwell, Bashford, and Randall (first term) — having been chosen by a majority less than one thousand ; and, like two of his predecessors — Farwell and Bashford — when all the other State officers differed with him in politics. The twenty-ninth regular session of the legislature of Wisconsin began on the 12th of Janu ary, 1876, at Madison. The republicans were in the majority in both houses. Samuel S. Fifield was elected speaker of the assembly. On the 13th, Governor Ludington delivered in person, to a joint convention of that body, his message, communicating the condition of affairs of the State, and recommending such matters for the consideration of the legislators as were thought expedient : it was brief; its style condensed ; its striking peculiarity, a manly frankness. " It is not the part of wisdom," said he, in his concluding remarks, " to disguise the fact that the people of this State, in common with those of all sections ofthe Union, have suffered some abatement. of the prosperity that they have enjoyed in the past." "We have entered," he continued, "upon the centennial of our existence as an independent nation. It is fit that we should renew the- spirit in which the Republic had its birth, and our determination that it shall endure to fulfill the great purposes of its existence, and to justify the noble sacrifices of its founders." The legislature adjourned sine die on the 14th of March, 1876, after a session of sixty-three days. The chief measures of the session were : The amendment of the railroad laws, maintaining salutary restric tions while modifying those features which were crippling and crushing an important interest of the State ; and the apportionment of the State into senate and assembly districts. It is a pro vision of the constitution of the State that the number of the members of the assembly shall never be less than fifty-four, nor more than one hundred ; and that the senate shall consist of a number not rriore than one-third nor less than one-fourth of the number of the members of the WISCONSIN AS A STATE. 105 assembly. Since the year 1862, the aggregate allotted to both houses had been one hundred and thirty-three, the maximum allowed by the constitution; one hundred in the assembly and thirty- three in the senate. The number of this representation was not diminished by the apportion ment of ,1876. One of the railroad laws abolished the board of railroad commissioners, confer ring its duties upon a railroad commissioner to be appointed by the governor every two years. Under this law. DanaC. Lamb was appointed to that office, on the 10th of March, 1876. On the 2d day of February, previous, George W. Burchard was by the governor appointed state prison director for six years, in place of Joel Rich, whose term of office had expired. On the same day T. C. Chamberlin was appointed chief geologist of Wisconsin in place of O. W. Wight. The application of Miss Lavinia Goodell, for admission to the bar of Wisconsin, was rejected by the supreme court of the State, at its January term, 1876. "We can not but think," said Chief Justice Ryan, in the decree of refusal, " we can not but think the common law wise in excluding women from the profession of the law." "The profession," he added, "enters largely into the well-being of society, and, to be honorably filled, and safely to society, exacts the devotion of life. The law of nature destines and qualifies the female sex for the bearing and nurture of the children of our race, and for the custody of the homes of the world, and their maintenance in love and honor. And all life -long callings of women inconsistent with these radical and social duties of their sex, as is the profession of the law, are departures from the order of Nature, and, when voluntary, are treason against it." By a law since passed, no person can be denied admission to any court in the State on account of sex ; and Miss Goodell has been admitted to practice in the Supreme Court. By an act of the legislature, approved March 13, 1876, a State board of health was estab lished, the appointment of a superintendent of vital statistics, was provided for, and certain duties were assigned to local boards of health. The State board was organized soon after; the governor having previously appointed seven persons as its members. The object of the organization, which is supported by the State, is, to educate the people of Wisconsin into a better knowledge of the nature and causes of disease, and a better knowledge and observance of hygienic laws. By a law passed in 1868, as amended in 1870 and 1873, the secretary of state, state treasurer, and attorney general, were constituted a State board of assessment, to meet in the city of Madison, on the third Wednesday in May, 1874, and biennally thereafter, to make an equalized valuation of the property in the State, as a guide to assessment for taxation. In the tables of equalized valuations compiled by this board in 1876, the whole amount of taxable property in Wisconsin, is set down at $423,596,290 ; of which sum $337,073,148, represents real estate and $86,523,142 personal property. This being the year for the election of president and vice president of the United States, the two political parties in Wisconsin — republican and democratic — had tickets in the field. At the election on Tuesday, November 7, the republican presidential electors received a majority of the votes cast in the State, securing Wisconsin for Hayes and Wheeler. The eight congressional districts elected the same day their members to the forty-fifth congress, whose terms of office would expire on the 4th of March, 1879. Charles G. Williams was elected in the first district; Lucien B. Caswell, in the second; George C. Hazelton, in the third; William P. Lynde, in the fourth ; Edward S. Bragg, in the fifth ; Gabriel Bouck, in the . sixth ; H. L. Humphrey, in the seventh; and Thad. C. Pound, in the eighth district. A majority of the delegation was republican, the representatives from the fourth, fifth and sixth districts only, being •democrats. > 106 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. There was a general and spontaneous exhibition of patriotic .impulses throughout the length and breadth of Wisconsin, on the part of both native and foreign-born citizens, at the com mencement of the centennial year, and upon the fourth of July. The interest of the people of the State generally, in the Exposition at Philadelphia, was manifested in a somewhat remarkable manner from its inception to its close. By an act of congress, approved March 3, 187 1, pro vision was made for celebrating the one hundredth anniversary of American Independence, by holding in that city, in 1876, an exhibition of arts, manufactures,- and the products of the soil and mines of the country., A centennial commission, consisting of one commissioner and one alternate commissioner, from each State and Territory, was authorized to be appointed, to carry out the provisions of the act. David Atwood, as commissioner, and E. D. Holton, as alternate, were commissioned by the president of the United States, from Wisconsin. This commission gradually made progress in preparing for an international exposition. " The commission has been organized," said Governor Washburn, in his message to the legislature in January, 1873,, " and has made considerable progress in its work. The occasion will be one to which t'he American people can not fail to respond in the most enthusiastic manner." The president of the United States, by proclamation, in July, 1873, announced the exhibition and national celebra tion, and commended them to the people of the Union, and of all nations. " It seems fitting," said Governor Taylor, in his message to the Wisconsin legislature in 1874, " that such a cele bration of this important event, should be held, and it is hoped it will be carried out in a manner worthy of a great and enlightened nation." By the close of 1874, a large number of foreign governments had signified their intention to participate in the exhibition. The legislature of Wisconsin, at its session in 1875, deeming it essential that the State, with its vast resources in agricultural, mineral, lumbering, manufacturing, and other products and industries, should be fully represented at Philadelphia, passed an act which was approved March 3, 1875, to provide for a "Board of State Centennial Managers." Two thousand dollars were appropriated to pay its necessary expenses. The board was to consist of five members to be appointed by the governor ; and there were added thereto, as ex-officio members, the United States centennial commissioner and his alternate. The duties of the members were to dis seminate information regarding the Exhibition ; to secure the co-operation of industrial, scien tific, agricultural, and other associations in the State; to appoint co-operative local committees, representing the different industries of the State ; to stimulate local action on all measures intended to render the exhibition successful, and a worthy representation of the industries of the country ; to encourage the production of articles suitable for the Exhibition ; to distribute documents issued by the centennial commission among manufacturers and otheis in the State; to render assistance in furthering the financiarand other interests of the exhibition ; to furnish information to the commission on subjects that might be referred to the board; to care for the interests of the State and of its citizens in matters relating to the exhibition ; to receive and pronounce upon applications for space ; to apportion the space placed at its disposal among the exhibitors from the State; and to supervise such other details relating to the representation of citizens of Wisconsin in the Exhibition, as might from time to time be delegated by the United States centennial commission. The board was required to, meet on the first Wednesday of April, 1875, at the capitol, in Madison, to organize and adopt such by-laws and regulations as might be deemed necessary for the successful prosecution of the work committed to their charge Governor Taylor appointed Eli Stilson, J. I. Case, J. B. Parkinson, T. C. Pound, and E. A. Calkins, members of the board. Its organization was perfected, at the appointed time, by the election of J. B. Parkinson as pre sident, and W. W. Field, secretary. The ex-officio members of the board, were David Atwood, WISCONSIN AS A STATE. 107 United States commissioner, and E. D. Holton, alternate From this time forward, the board was untiring in its efforts to secure a full and proper representation of the varied interests of Wisconsin in the centennial exhibition of 1876. E. A. Calkins having resigned his position as member of the board, Adolph Meinecke took his place by appointment of the governor July 24, 1875. Governor Ludington, in his message to the legislature in January, 1876, spoke in commendation of the coming exhibition. " The occasion," said he, " will afford an excellent opportunity to display the resources and products of the State, and to attract hither capital and immigration." Soon after the' organization of the United States centennial commission, a national organ ization of the women of the country was perfected. A lady of Philadelphia .was placed at its ^ead; and a presiding officer from each State was appointed. Mrs. A^C. Thorp assumed the duties of chairman for Wisconsin, in March, 1875, appointing assistants in various parts of the State, when active work was commenced. This organization was efficient in Wisconsin in arousing an interest in the general purposes and objects of the exhibition. By an act of the legislature, approved March 3, 1876, the sum of twenty thousand dollars was appropriated to the use of the board of centennial managers, for the purpose of arranging for, and making a proper exhibition of, the products, resources, and advantages of the State at the exposition. The treasurer of Wisconsin was, by this act, made an ex-officio member of the board. By this .and previous action of the legislature — by efforts put forth by the board of managers — by individual enterprise — by the untiring labors of the "Women's Centennial Execu tive Committee," to whom, by an act of the legislature, approved the 4th of March, 1875, one thousand dollars were appropriated — Wisconsin was enabled to take a proud and honorable position in the Centennial Exposition — a gratification not only to the thousands of her citizens who visited Philadelphia during its continuance; but to the people generally, throughout the State. [, In Wisconsin, throughout the centennial year, those engaged in the various branches of agriculture and other useful avocations, were reasonably prosperous. The crop of wheat and oats was a light yield, and of poor quality ; but the corn crop was the largest ever before raised in the State, and of superior quality. The dairy and hog product was large, and commanded remunerative prices. Fruits were unusually plenty. Trade and business enterprises, however, generally remained depressed. By section five of article seven of the constitution of Wisconsin, the counties of the State were apportioned into five judicial circuits : the county of Richland being attached to Iowa, Chippewa to Crawford, and La Pointe to St. Croix. In 1850, the fifth circuit was divided, and a sixth circuit formed. In 1864, Crawford and Richland were made part of the fifth circuit. By an act which took effect in 1854, a seventh circuit was formed. On the first day of January, 1855, the sixth circuit was divided, and an eighth and ninth circuit formed, the county of Columbia being made a part of the last mentioned one. In the same year was also formed a tenth circuit; and, in 1858, Winnebago county was attached to it ; but, in 1870, that county was attached to the third 'circuit. In 1858, Kewaunee county was attached to the fourth circuit. An eleventh circuit was formed in 1864, from which, in 1865, Dallas county was detached, and made part of the eighth. By an act which took effect on the first day of January, 1871, the twelfth circuit was formed. In 1876, a thirteenth circuit was " constituted and re-organized." At that time, the whole sixty counties of the State stood apportioned in the thirteen judicial circuits as follows: First circuit, Walworth, Racine, and Kenosha; second circuit, Milwaukee, and Waukesha, third circuit, Green Lake, Dodge, Washington, Ozaukee, and Winnebago; fourth circuit, Sheboygan, Calumet, Kewaunee, Fond du Lac, and Manitowoc ; fifth circuit, 108 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. Grant, Iowa, La Fayette, Richland, and Crawford ; sixth circuit, Clark, Jackson, Monroe, La Crosse, and Vernon; seventh circuit, Portage, Marathon, Waupaca, Wood, Waushara, Lincoln, and Taylor; eighth circuit, Dunn, Pepin, Pierce, and St. Croix; ninth circuit, Adams, Columbia, Dane, Juneau, Sauk and Marquette ; tenth circuit, Outagamie, Oconto, Shawano, Door, and Brown : eleventh circuit, Ashland, Barron, Bayfield, Burnett, Chippewa, Douglas, and Polk ; twelfth circuit, Rock, Green, and Jefferson ; and the thirteenth circuit, Buffalo, Eau Claire, and Trempeleau, Marinette and New are now in the tenth ; Price is in the seventh circuit. The thirtieth regular session of the legislature of Wisconsin commenced, pursuant to law, on the ioth of January, 1877. The republicans had working majorities in both houses. J. B. Cassoday was elected Speaker of the Assembly. Governor Ludington delivered his message to the joint convention of the legislature the following day. " We should not seek," said he, in his concluding remarks, " to conceal from ourselves the fact that the prosperity which our people have enjoyed for a number of years past, has suffered some interruption. Agriculture has ren dered less return; labor in all departments has been less productive, and trade has consequently been less active, and has realized a reduced percentage of profit." " These adverse circum stances," continued the governor, " will not be wholly a misfortune if we heed the lesson that they convey. This lesson is the necessity of strict economy in public and private affairs. We have been living upon a false basis ; and the time has now come when we must return to a solid foundation." The legislature adjourned sine die on the 8th of March, after a session of fifty- eight days, passing three hundred and one acts — one hundred and thirteen less than at the session of 1876. The most important of these, as claimed by the dominant party which passed it, is one for the maintenance of, the purity of the ballot box, known as the " Registry Law." On the 3d day of April, at the regular Spring election, William P. Lyon was re-elected, without opposition, an associate justice of the supreme court for six years from the first Monday in January, 1878, his term of office expiring on the first Monday of January, 1884. Under a law of 1876, to provide for the revision of the statutes of the State, the justices of the supreme court were authorized to appoint three revisors. The persons receiving the appoint ment were David Taylor, William F. Vilas and J. P. C. Cottrill. By an amendatory law of 1877, for the purpose of having the revision completed for the session of 1878, the justices of the supreme court were authorized to appoint two additional revisors, and assign them special duties on the commission. H. S. Orton was appointed to revise the criminal law and proceedings, and J. H. Carpenter to revise the probate laws. Governor Ludington declined being a candidate for renomination. His administration was characterized as one of practical efficiency. As the chief executive officer of Wisconsin, he kept in view the best interests of the State. In matters coming under his control, a rigid system of economy prevailed. There were three tickets in the field presented to the electors of Wisconsin for their, suffrages at the general election held on the sixth of November, 1877 : republican, democratic, and the "greenback" ticket. The republicans were successful, electing William E. Smith, governor; James M. Bingham, lieutenant governor; Hans B. Warner, secretary of state; Richard Guenther, treasurer ; Alexander Wilson, attorney general ; and William C. Whitford, state superintendent of public instruction. At the same election two amendments to the constitution of the State were voted upon and both adopted. The first one amends section four of article seven ; so that, hereafter, " the supreme court shall consist of one chief justice and four associate justices, to be elected by the qualified electors of the State. The legislature shall, at its first session after the adoption of this amendment, provide by law for the election of two associate justices of said court, to hold their offices respectively for terms ending two and four years, respectively after the WISCONSIN AS A STATE. 109 end of the term of the justice of the said court then last to expire. And thereafter the chief justices and associate justices of said court shall be elected and hold their offices respectively for the term of ten years." The second one amends section two of article eight ; so that, heie- after, " no money shall be paid out of the treasury except in pursuance of an appropriation by law. No appropriation shall be made for the payment of any claim against the State, except claims of the United States, and judgments, unless filed within six years after the claim accrued." The year 1877, in Wisconsin., was notable for excellent crops. A depression in monetary matters continued, it is true, but not without a reasonable prospect of a change for the better within the near future. Sixteenth Administration. — William E. Smith, Governor — 1878 — 1879. At noon, on Monday, January 7, 1878, began the sixteenth administration of Wisconsin, by the inauguration of the State officers elect. On the 9th of the same month, commenced the thirty-first regular session of the Legislature. A. R. Barrows was elected Speaker of the Assembly. On the day following, Governor Smith delivered his message — a calm, business-like document — to the Legislature. Both Houses adjourned sine die on the 21st of March following. On the ist day of April, Harlow S. Orton and David Taylor were elected Associate Justices of the Supreme Court; the term of the first named to expire on the first Monday of January, 1888 ; that of the last men tioned, on the first Monday of January, 1886. In obedience to a proclamation of the Governor, the Legislature convened on the 4th day of June, A. D. 1878, in extra session, to revise the statutes, A. R. Barrows was elected Speaker of the Assembly. The Legislature adjourned sine die on the 7th of the same month. In November following, the members chosen to the Forty-sixth Congress were C. G. Williams, in the First District ; L. B. Caswell, in the Second ; George C. Hazelton, in the Third ; P. V. Deuster, in the Fourth ; E. S. Bragg, in the Fifth ; Gabriel Bouck, in the Sixth ; H. L. Humphrey, in the Seventh; and T. C. Pound, in the Eighth. The thirty-second regular session of the Legislature commenced on the 8th day of January, 1879. D. M. Kelly was elected Speaker of the Assembly ; the next day, the message of the Governor — a brief, but able State paper — was delivered to both Houses. On the 21st, Matthew H. Carpenter was elected United States Senator for six years, from the 4th of March thereafter, in place of Timothy O. Howe. The Legislature adjourned sine die on the 5th of March, 1879. On the ist day of April following, Orsamus Cole was elected Associate Justice of the Supreme Court, for a term of ten years. Wisconsin has many attractive features. It is a healthy, fertile, well- watered and well-wooded State. Every where within its borders the rights of each citizen are held sacred. Intelligence and education are prominent characteristics of its people. All the necessaries and many of the comforts and luxuries of life are easily to be obtained. Agriculture, the chief source of wealth to so many nations, is here conducted with profit and success. Generally speaking, the farmer owns the land he cultivates. Here, the laboring man, if honest and industrious, is most certain to secure a competence for himself and family. Few States have made more ample provisions for the unfortunate — the deaf and dumb, the blind, and the insane — than has Wisconsin. Nor has she been less interested in her reformatory and penal institutions. In her educational facilities, she already rivals the most advanced of her sister States. Her 'markets are easily reached by rail ways and water-navigation, so that the products of the country find ready sale. Her commerce is extensive ; her manufactures remunerative ; her natural resources great and manifold. In morality and religion, her standard is high. Her laws are lenient, but not lax, securing the greatest good to those who are disposed to live up to their requirements. Wisconsin has, in fact, all the essential elements of prosperity and good government. Exalted and noble, there fore, must be her future career. TOPOGRAPHY AND GEOLOGY. _ t By T. C. CHAMBERLIN, A.M., State Geologist. The surface features of Wisconsin are simple and symmetrical in character, and present a con figuration intermediate between the mountainous, on the one hand, and a monotonous level, on the other. The highest summits within the state rise a little more than 1,200 feet above its lowest sur faces. A few exceptional peaks rise from 400 to 600 feet above their bases, but abrupt elevations of more than 200 or 300 feet are not common. Viewed as a whole, the state may be regarded as oc cupying a swell of land lying between three notable depressions ; Lake Michigan on the east, about 578 feet above the mean tide of the ocean, Lake Superior on the north, about 600 feet above the sea, and the valley of the Mississippi river, whose elevation at the Illinois state line is slightly below that of Lake Michigan. From these depressions the surface slopes upward to the summit altitudes of the state. But the rate of ascent is unequal. From Lake Michigan the surface rises by a long, gentle acclivity westward and northward. A similar slope ascends from the Mississippi valley to meet this, and their junction forms a north and south arch extending nearly the entire length of ft": state. From Lake Superior the surface ascends rapidly to the watershed, which it reaches within about thirty miles of the lake. If we include the contiguous portion of the upper peninsula of Michigan, the whole elevation maybe looked upon'as a very low, rude, three-sided pyramid, with rounded angles. The apex is. near the Michigan line, between the headwaters of the Montreal and Brule rivers. The northern side is short and abrupt. The southeastward and southwestward sides are long, and decline gently. The base of this pyramid may be considered as, in round numbers, 600 feet above the sea, and its extreme apex 1,800 feet. Under the waters of Lake Michigan the surface of the land passes below the sea level before the limits of the state are reached. Under Lake Superior the land-surface descends to- even greater depths, but probably not within the boundaries of the state. The regularity of the southward slopes is interrupted in a very interesting way by a remarkable diagonal valley occupied by Green bay and the Fox and Wisconsin rivers. This is a great groove, traversing, the state obliquely, and cutting down the central elevation half its height. A line passing across the surface, from Lake Michigan to the Mississippi, at any other point, would arch upward from about 400 to 1,000 feet, according to the location, while along the trough of this valley it would reach an elevation barely exceeding 200 feet. On the northwest side of this trough, in general, the surface rises somewhat gradually, giving at most points much amplitude to the valley, but on the opposite side, the slope ascends rapidly to a well marked watershed that stretches across the state parallel to the valley. At Lake Winnebago, this diagonal 'valley is connected with a scarcely less notable one, occupied by the Rock river. Geologically, this Green-bay-Rock- TOPOGRAPHY AND GEOLOGY. Ill river valley is even more noticeable, since it lies along the trend of the underlying strata, and was in large measure plowed out of a soft stratum by glacial action. Where it crosses the water shed, near Horicon marsh, it presents the same general features that are seen at other points, and in an almost equally conspicuous degree. Except in the southern part of the state, this valley is confined on the east by an abrupt ascent, and, at many points, by a precipitous, rocky acclivity, known as "The Ledge " — which is the projecting edge of the strata of the Niagara limestone. On the watershed referred to — between the St. Lawrence and Mississippi basins — this ledge is as conspicuous and continuous as at other points, so that we have here again the phenomenon of a valley formed by excavation, running up over an elevation of 300 feet, and connecting two great systems- of drainage. On the east side of this valley, as already indicated, there is a sharp ascent of 200 feet, on an average, from the crest of which the surface slopes gently down to Lake Michigan. The uniformity of this slope is broken by an extended line of drift hills, lying obliquely along it and extending from Kewaunee county southward to the Illinois line and known as the Kettle range. A less conspicuous range of similar character branches off from this in the northwest corner of Walworth county and passes across the Rock river valley, where it curves northward, passing west of Madison, crossing the great bend in the Wisconsin river, and bearing northeastward into Oconto county, where it swings round to the westward and crosses the northern part of the state. As a general topographical feature it is not conspicuous and is rather to be conceived as a peculiar chain of drift hills winding over the surface of the state, merely interrupting in some degree the regularity of its slopes There will be occasion to return to this feature in our discussion of the drift. It will be observed that the southeastward slope is interrupted by valleys running across it, rudely parallel to Lake Michigan, and directing its drainage northward and southward, instead of directing it down the slope into the lake. The Mississippi slope presents several conspicuous ridges and valleys, but their trend is - toward the great river, and they are all due, essentially, to the erosion of the streams that channel the slope. One of these ridges constitutes the divide south of the Wisconsin river, already referred to. Another of these, conspicuous by reason of its narrowness and sharpness, lies between the Kickapoo and the Mississippi, and extends .through Crawford, Vernon and Monroe counties. Still another is formed by the quartzite ranges of Sauk county and others of less prominence give a highly diversified character to the slope. Scattered over the surface of the state are prominent hills, some swelling upward into rounded domes, some rising symmetrically into conical peaks, some ascending precipitously into castel lated towers, and some reaching prominence without regard to beauty of form or convenience of description. A part of these hills were formed by the removal by erosion of the surrounding strata, and a part by the heaping up of drift material by the glacial forces. In the former case, they are composed of rock ; in the latter, of clay, sand, gravel and bowlders. The two forms are often combined. The highest peak in the southwestern part of the state is the West Blue mound, which is 1,151 feet above Lake Michigan; in the eastern part, Lapham's peak, 824 feet, and in the central part, Rib hill, 1263 feet. The crest of Penokee range in the northern part of the state rises 1,000 feet, and upwards, above Lake Michigan. The dra'inage systems correspond in general to these topograpical features, though several minor eccentricities are to be observed. The streams of the Lake Superior system plunge rapidly down their steep slopes, forming numerous falls, some of them possessing great beauty, prominent among which are those of the Montreal river. On the southern slope, the rivers, in the upper portion of their courses, likewise descend rapidly, though less so, producing a succession of rapids and cascades, and an occasional cataract. In the lower part of their courses, the 112 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. descent becomes much more gentle and many of them are navigable to a greater or less extent. The rivers west of the Wisconsin pursue an essentially direct course to the Mississippi, attended of course with minor flexures. The Wisconsin river lies, for the greater part of its course, upon the north and south arch of the state, but on encountering the diagonal valley above mentioned it turns southwestward to the "Father of Waters," The streams east of the Wisconsin flow southerly and southeasterly until they likewise encounter this valley when they turn in the opposite direction and discharge northeasterly into Lake Michigan, through Green bay. Between the Green-bay-Rock-river valley and Lake Michigan, the drainage is again in the normal southeasterly direction. In the southern part of the state, the rivers flow in a gen eral southerly direction, but, beyond the state, turn westward toward the Mississippi. If the courses of the streams be studied in detail, many exceedingly interesting and instruc tive features will be observed, due chiefly to peculiarities of* geological structure, some of which will be apparent by inspecting the accompanying geological map. Our space, however, forbids our entering upon the subject here. The position of the watershed between the great basins of the Mississippi and the St. Law rence is somewhat peculiar. On the Illinois' line, it lies only three and one half miles from Lake Michigan and about 160 feet above its surface. As traced northward from this point, it retires from the lake and ascends in elevation till it approaches the vicinity of Lake Winnebago, when it recurves upon itself and descends to the portage between the Fox and the Wisconsin rivers, whence it pursues a northerly course to the heights of Michigan, when it turns westward and passes in an undulating course across the northern /part of the state. It will be observed that much the greater area ofthe state is drained by the Mississippi system. The relationship which the drainage channels have been observed to sustain to the topo graphical features is partly that of cause and partly that of effect. The general arching of the surface, giving rise to the main slopes, is due to deep-seated geological causes that produce an upward swelling of the center of the state. This determined the general drainage systems. On the other hand, the streams, acting upon strata of varying hardness, and presenting different atti tudes, wore away the surface unequally and cut for themselves anomalous channels, leaving corresponding divides between, which gave origin to the minor irregularities that diversify the surface. In addition to this, the glacier — that great ice stream, the father of the drift — planed and plowed the surface and heaped up its debris upon it, modifying both the surface and drainage features Looked at from a causal standpoint, we see the results of internal forces elevating, and external agencies cutting down, or, in a word, the 'face of the state is the growth of geologic ages furrowed by the teardrops of the skies. GEOLOGICAL HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. In harmony with the historical character of this atlas, it may be most, acceptable to weave our brief sketch of the geological structure of the state into the form of a narrative of its growth. THE ARCHAEAN AGE. laurentian period. The physical history of Wisconsin can be traced back with certainty to a state of complete submergence beneath the waters of the . ancient ' ocean, by which the material of our oldest and deepest strata were deposited. Let an extensive but shallow sea, covering the whole of the present territory of the state, be pictured to the mind, and let it be imagined to be depositing TOPOGRAPHY AND GEOLOGY 113 mud and sand, as at the present day. and we have before us the first authentic stage ofthe history under consideration. Back of that, the history is lost in the mists of geologic antiquity. The thickness of the sediments that accumulated in that early period was immense, being measured by thousands of feet. These sediments occupied of course an essentially horizontal position, and were, doubtless, in a large degree hardened into bedsof impure sandstone, shale, and other sedi mentary rock. But in the progress of time an enormous pressure, attended by heat, was brought to bear upon them laterally, or edgewise, by which they were folded and crumpled, and forced up out of the water, giving rise to an island, the nucleus of Wisconsin. The force which pro duced this upheaval is believed to have arisen from the cooling and consequent contraction of the globe. The, foldings may be imaged as the wrinkles of a shrinking earth. But the contor tion of the beds was a scarcely more wonderful result than the change in the character of the rock which seems to have taken place simultaneously with the folding, indeed, as the result of the heat and pressure attending it. The sediments, that seem to have previously taken the form of impure sandstone and shale for the most part, underwent a change, in which re-arrangement and crystalization of the ingredients played a conspicuous part. By this metamorphism, granite, gneiss, mica schist, syenite, hornblende rocks, chloritic schists and other crystalline rocks were formed. These constitute the Laurentian formation and belong to the most ancient period yet distinctly recognized in geology, although there were undoubtedly more ancient rocks. They are therefore very fittingly termed Archaean — ancient — rocks (formerly Azoic.) No remains of life have been found in this formation in Wisconsin, but from the natureof rocks elsewhere, believed to be ofthe same age, it is probable that the lowest forms of life existed at this time. It is not strange that the great changes through which the rocks have passed should have so nearly obliterated all traces of them. The original extent of this Laurentian island can not now be accurately ascer tained, but it will be sufficiently near the truth for our present purposes to consider the formation as it is now exposed, and as it is represented on the maps of the geological survey, as showing approximately the original extent. This will make it include a large area in the north-central portion of the state and a portion of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. All the rest of the state was beneath the ocean, and the same may be said of the greater portion of the United States .The height of this island was doubtless considerable, as it has since been very much cut down by denuding agencies. The strata, as now exposed, mostly stand in highly inclined attitudes and present their worn edges to view. The tops of the folds, of which they are the remnants, seem to have been cut away, and we have the nearly vertical sides remaining. huronian period. As soon as the Laurentian island had been elevated, the waves of the almost shoreless ocean began to beat against it, the elements to disintegrate it, and the rains of the then tropical climate to wash it ; and the sand, clay and other debris, thus formed, were deposited beneath the waters around its base, giving rise to a new sedimentary formation. There is no evidence that , there was any vegetation on the island : the air and water were, doubtless, heavily charged with carbonic acid, an efficient agent of disintegration : the climate was warm and doubtless very moist — circumstances which combined to hasten the erosion of the island and increase the deposition in the surrounding sea. In addition to these agencies, we judge from the large amount of carbonaceous matter contained in some of the beds, that there must have been an abundance of marine vegetation, and, from the limestone beds that accumulated, it is probable that there was marine animal life also, since in later ages that was the chief source of limestone strata. The joint accumulations from these several sources gave rise to a series of shales, sandstones and limestones, whose combined thickness was several thousand feet. 114 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. At length the process of upheaval and metamorphism that closed the Laurentian period was repeated, and these sandstones became quartzites; the limestones were crystalized, the shales were changed to slates or schists, and intermediate grades of sediments became diorites, ^quartz- porphyries and other forms of crystalline rocks. The carbonaceous matter was changed in part to graphite. There were also associated with these deposits extensive beds of iron ore, which we now find chiefly in the form of magnetite, hematite and specular orei These constitute the Huronian rocks. From the amount of iron ore they contain, they are also fittingly termed the iron-bearing series. As in the preceding case, the strata were contorted, flexed and folded, and the whole island was further elevated, carrying with it these circumjacent strata, by which its extent was much enlarged. The area of the island after receiving this increment was con siderably greater than the surface represented as Laurentian and Huronian on the accompanying map, since it was subsequently covered to a considerable extent by later formations. Penokee range, in Ashland county, is the most conspicuous development of the Huronian rocks in the state. The upturned edge of the formation forms a bold rampart, extending across the country for sixty miles, making the nearest approach to a mountain range to be found within the state. A belt of magnetic schist may be traced' nearly its entire length. In the northern part of Oconto county , there is also an important development of this formation, being an extension of the Menomonee iron-bearing series. A third area is found in Barron county, which includes deposits of pipestone. In the south central part of the state there are a considerable number of small areas and isolated outliers of quartzite and quartz- porphyry, that, without much doubt, belong to this series. The most conspicuous of these are the Baraboo quartzite ranges, in Sauk and Columbia counties, and from thence a chain of detached outliers extends northeasterly through several counties. The most southerly exposure of the formation is near Lake Mills, in Jefferson county. the copper-bearing series. Previous to the upheaval of the Huronian strata, there occurred in the Lake Superior region events of peculiar and striking interest. If we may not speak with absolute assurance, we may at least say wi*h reasonable probability, that the crust of the earth was fissured in that region, and that there issued from beneath an immense mass of molten rock, that spread itself over an area of more than three hundred miles in length and one hundred miles in width. The action was not confined to a single overflow, but eruption followed eruption, sometimes apparently in quick succession, sometimes evidently at long intervals. Each outpouring, when solidified, formed a stratum of trap rock, and where these followed each other without any intervening deposit, a series of trappean beds were formed. In some cases, however, an interval occurred, during which the waves, acting upon the rock previously formed, produced a bed of sand, gravel and clay, which afterward solidified into sandstone, conglomerate and shale. The history of these beds is lithographed on their surface in beautiful ripple-marks and other evidences of wave- action. After the cessation of the igneous eruptions, there accumulated a vast thickness of sandstone, shale and conglomerate, so that the whole series is literally miles in thickness. The eruptive portions have been spoken of as traps, for convenience ; but they do not now possess the usual characteristics of igneous rocks, and appear to have undergone a chemical metamorphism by which the mineral ingredients have been changed, the leading ones now being an iron chlorite and a feldspar, with which are associated, as accessory minerals, quartz, epidote, prenite, calcite, laumontite, analcite, datolite, magnetite, native copper and silver, and, more rarely, other minerals. The rock, as a whole, is now known as a melaphyr. The upper portion of each bed is usually characterized by almond-sized cells filled with the minerals above men tioned, giving to the rock an amygdaloidal nature. The native copper was not injected in a ( DECEASED) SPRINGVALE. TOPOGRAPHY AND GEOLOGY. 115 molten state, as has very generally been supposed, but was deposited by chemical means aftei the beds were formed and after a portion of the chemical change of the minerals above mentioned had been accomplished. The same is true of the silver. The copper occurs in all the different forms of rock — the melaphyrs, amygdaloids, sandstones, shales and conglomerates, but most abundantly in the amygdaloids and certain conglomerates. This series extends across the northern portion of the state, occupying portions of Ashland, Bayfield, Douglas, Burnett and Polk counties. When the Huronian rocks were elevated, they carried these up with them, and they partook of the folding in some measure. The copper- bearing range of Keweenaw Point, Michigan, extends southwestward through Ashland, Burnett and Polk counties, and throughout this whole extent the beds dip north-northwesterly toward Lake Superior, at a high angle; but in Douglas and Bayfield counties there is a parallel range in which the beds incline in the opposite direction, and undoubtedly form the opposite side of a trough formed by a downward flexure of the strata. PALEOZOIC TIME — SILURIAN AGE. Potsdam Sandstone. After the great Archaean upheaval, there followed a long period, concerning wnich very little 13 known — a " lost interval" in geological history. It is only certain that immense erosion of the Archaean strata took place, and that in time the sea advanced upon the island, eroding its strata and redepositing the wash and wear beneath its surface. The more resisting beds with stood this advance, and formed reefs and rocky islands off the ancient shore, about whose bases the sands and sediments accumulated, as they did over the bottom of the surrounding ocean. The breakers, dashing against the rocky cliffs, threw down masses of rock, which imbedded them selves in the sands, or were rolled and rounded on the beach, and at length were buried, in either case, to tell their own history, when they should be again disclosed by the ceaseless gnaw- ings of the very elements that had buried them. In addition to the accumulations of wash and wear that have previously been the main agents of rock-formations, abundant life now swarms in the ocean, and the sands become the great cemetery of its dead. Though the contribution of each little being was small, the myriad millions that the waters brought forth, yielded by their remains, a large contribution to the accumulating sediments. Among plants, there were sea-weeds, and among animals, protozoans, radiates, mollusks and articulates, all the sub-kingdoms except the vertebrates. Among these, the most remarkable, both in nature and number, were the trilobites, who have left their casts in countless multitudes in certain localities. The result of the action of these several agencies was the formation of extensive beds of sandstone, with interstratified layers of limestone and shale. These surrounded the Archaean nucleus on all sides, and reposed on its flanks. On the Lake Superior margin, the sea acted mainly upon the copper and iron- bearing series, which are highly ferruginous, and the result wa; the red Lake Superior sandstone. On the opposite side of the island, the wave-action was mainly upon quartzites, porphyries and granites, and resulted in light-colored sandstones. The former is confined to the immediate vicinity of Lake Superior ; the latter occupies a broad, irregular belt bordering the Archaean area on the south, and, being widest in the central part of the state, is often likened to a rude crescent. The form and position of the area will be best apprehended by referring to the accompanying map. It will be understood from the foregoing description, that the strata of this formation lie in a nearly horizontal position, and repose unconformably upon the worn surface ofthe crystalline rocks. The close of this period was not marked by any great upheaval; there 116 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. was no crumpling or metamorphism of the strata, and they have remained to the present day very much as they were originally deposited, save a slight arching upward in the central porti.nof the state. The beds have been somewhat compacted by the pressure of superin cumbent strata and solidified by the cementing action of calcareous and ferruginous waters, and by their own coherence, but the original character of the formation, as a great sand-bed, has not been obliterated. It still bears the ripple-marks, cross-lamination, worm-burrows, and similar markings that characterize a sandy beach. Its thickness is very irregular, owing to the uneven ness of its Archaean bottom, and may be said to range from 1,000 feet downward. The strata slope gently away from the Archaean core of the state and underlie all the later formations, and may be reached at any point in southern Wisconsin by penetrating to a sufficient depth, which can be calculated with an approximate correctness. As it is a water-bearing formation, and the source of fine Artesian wells, this is a fact of much importance. The interbedded layers of lime stone and shale, by supplying impervious strata, very much enhance its value as a source of fountains. Lower Magnesian Limestone. During the previous period, the accumulation of sandstone gave place for a time to the formation of limestone, ^and afterward the deposit of sandstone was resumed. At its close, with out any very marked disturbance of existing conditions, the formation of limestone was resumed,. and progressed with little interruption till a thickness ranging from 50 to 250 feet was attained. This variation is due mainly to irregularities of the upper surface of the formation, which is undulating, and in some localities, may appropriately be termed billowy, the surface rising and falling 100 feet, in some cases, within a short distance. This, and the preceding similar deposit, have been spoken of as limestones simply, but they are really dolomites, or magnesian limestones, since they contain a large proportion of carbonate of magnesia. This rock also contains a notable quantity of silica, which occurs disseminated through the mass of the rock; or, variously, as nodules or masses of chert ; as crystals of quartz, filling or lining drusy cavities, forming beautiful miniature grottos; as the nucleus of oolitic concretions, or as sand. Some argillaceous, matter also enters into its composition, and small quantities of the ores of iron, lead and copper,. are sometimes found, but they give little promise of value. The evidences of life are very scanty. Some sea-weeds, a few mollusks, and an occasional indication of other forms of life embrace the known list, except at a few favored localities where a somewhat ampler fauna is found. But it is not, therefore, safe to assume the absence of life in the depositing seas, for it is certain that most limestone has orignated from the remains of animals and plants that secrete calcareous material, and it is most consistent to believe that such was the case in the present instance, and that the distinct traces of life were mostly obliterated. This formation occupies an irregular belt skirting the Potsdam area. It was, doubtless, originally a somewhat uniform band swinging around the nucleus of the state already formed, but it has since been eroded by streams to its present jagged outline. St. Peter's Sandstone. At the close of this limestone-making period, there appears to have been an interval of which we have no record, and the next chapter of the history introduces us to another era of sand accumulation. The work began by the leveling up of the inequalities of the surface ofthe Lower Magnesian limestone, and it ceased before that was entirely accomplished in all parts of the State, for a few prominences were left projecting through the sand deposits. The material laid down consisted of a silicious sand, of uniform, well-rounded — doubtless well-rolled — grains. This was evidently deposited horizontally upon the uneven limestone surface, and so rests in a sense TOPOGRAPHY AND GEOLOGY. tIT unconformably upon it. Where the sandstone abuts against the sides of the limestone promi nences, it is mingled with material derived by wave action from them, which tells the story of its formation. But aside from these and other exceptional impurities, the formation is a very pure sandstone, and is used for glass manufacture. At most points, the sandstone has never become firmly cemented and readily crumbles, so that it is used for mortar, the simple handling with pick and shovel being sufficient to reduce it to a sand. Owing to the unevenness of its bottom, it varies greatly in thickness, the greatest yet observed being 212 feet, but the average is less than 100 feet. Until recently, no organic remains had ever been found in it, and the traces now col lected are very meager indeed, but they are sufficient to show the existence of marine life, and demonstrate that it is an oceanic deposit. The rarity of fossils is to be attributed to the porous nature ofthe rock, which is unfavorable to their preservation. This porosity, however, subserves a very useful purpose, as it renders this pre-eminently a water-bearing horizon, and supplies some ofthe finest Artesian fountains in the state, and is competent to furnish many more. It occupies but a narrow area at the surface, fringing that of the Lower Magnesian limestone on the south. See map. Trenton Limestone. A slight change in the oceanic conditions caused a return to limestone formation, accompa- 'nied with the deposit of considerable clayey material, which formed shale. The origin of the limestone is made evident by a close examination of it, which shows it to be full of fragments of shells, corals, and other organic remains, or the impressions they have left. Countless numbers of the lower forms of life flourished in the seas, and left their remains to be comminuted and consolidated into limestone. Apart of the time, the accumulation of clayey matter predominated,, and so layers of shale alternate with the limestone beds, and shaly leaves and partings occur in the limestone layers. Unlike the calcareous strata above and below, a portion of these are true limestone, containing but a very small proportion of magnesia. A sufficient amount of carbon aceous matter is present in some layers to cause them to burn readily. This formation is quite highly metalliferous in certain portions of the lead region, containing zinc especially, and con siderable lead, with less quantities of other metals. The formation abounds in fossils, many of them well preserved, and, from their great antiquity, they possess uncommon interest. All the animal sub-kingdoms, except vertebrates, are represented. The surface area of this rock borders the St. Peter's sandstone, but, to avoid too great complexity on the map, it is not distinguished from the next formation to which it is closely allied. Its thickness reaches 120 feet. The Galena Limestone. With scarcely a change of oceanic conditions, limestone deposit continued, so that we find reposing upon the surface of the Trenton limestone, 250 feet, or less, of a light gray or buff colored highly magnesian limestone, occurring in heavy beds, and having a sub-crystalline struc ture. In the southern portion of the state, it contains but little shaly matter, but in the north eastern part, it is modified by the addition of argillaceous layers and leaves, and presents a bluisb or greenish-gray aspect. It receives its name from the sulphide of lead, — galena, of which it contains large quantities, in the southwestern part of the state. Zinc ore is also abundant, and these minerals give to this and the underlying formation great importance in that region. Else where, although these ores are present in small quantities, they have not developed economic importance. This limestone, it will be observed by consulting the map, occupies a large area in the southwestern part of the state, and a broad north and south belt in east-central Wisconsin. It will be seen that our island is growing apace by concentric additions, and that, as the several formations sweep around the central nucleus of Archaean rocks, they swing off into adjoining states, whose formation was somewhat more tardy than that of Wisconsin. 118 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. Cincinnati Shales. A change ensued upon the formation of the Galena limestone, by virtue of which there fol lowed the deposition of large quantities of clay, accompanied by some calcareous material, the whole reaching at some points a thickness of more than 200 feet. The sediment has never become more than partially indurated, and a portion of it is now only a bed of compact «clay. Other portions hardened to shale or limestone according to the material. The shales are of various gray, green, blue, purple and other hues, so that where vertical cliffs are exposed, as along Green bay, a beautiful appearance is presented. As a whole, this is a very soft formation, and hence easily eroded. Owing to this fact, along the east side of the Green-bay-Rock-river val ley, it has been extensively carried away, leaving the hard overlying Niagara limestone projecting in the bold cliffs known as " The Ledge." The prominence of the mounds in the southwestern part of the state are due to a like cause. Certain portions of this formation abound in astonish ing numbers of well preserved fossils, among which corals, bryozoans, and brachiopods, pre dominate, the first named being especially abundant. A little intelligent attention to these might have saved a considerable waste of time and means in an idle search for coal, to which a slight resemblance to some of the shales of the coal measures has led. This formation underlies the mounds of the lead region, and forms a narrow belt on the eastern margin of the Green-bay-Rock- river valley. This was the closing period of the Lower Silurian Age. Clinton Iron Ore. On the surface of the shales j ust described, there were accumulated, here and there, beds of pecu liar lenticular iron ore. It is probable that it was deposited in detached basins, but the evidence of this is not conclusive. In our own state, this is chiefly known as Iron Ridge ore, from the remarkable development it attains at that point. It is made up of little concretions, which from their size and color are fancied to resemble flax seed, and hence the name " seed ore," or the roe of fish, and hence o51itic ore. "Shot ore" is also a common term. This is a soft ore occur ring in regular horizontal beds which are quarried with more ease than ordinary limestone. This deposit attains, at Iron Ridge, the unusual thickness of twenty-five feet, and affords a readily accessible supply of ore, adequate to all demands for a long time to come. Similar, but much less extensive beds, occur at Hartford, and near Depere, besides some feeble deposits elsewhere. Large quantities of ore from Iron Ridge have been shipped to various points in this and neigh boring States for reduction, in addition to that smelted in the vicinity of the mines. Niagara Limestone. Following the period of iron deposit, there ensued the greatest limestone-forming era in the history of Wisconsin. During its progress a series of beds, summing up, at their points of great est thickness,, scarcely less than eight hundred feet, were laid down. The process of formation was essentially that already described, the accumulation of the calcareous secretions of marine life. Toward the close of the period, reefs appeared, that closely resemble the coral reefs ofthe present seas, and doubtless have a similar history. Corals form a very prominent element in the life of this period, and with them were associated great numbers of mollusks, one of which (Pentamerus oblongus) sometimes occurs in beds not unlike certain bivalves of to-day, and may be said to have been the oyster of the Silurian seas. At certain points, those wonderful animals, the stone lilies (Crinoids), grew in remarkable abundance, mounted on stems like a plant, yet true animals. Those unique crustaceans, the trilobites, were conspicuous in numbers and variety, while the gigantic cephalopods held sway over the life of the seas. In the vicinity of th.' reefs, TOPOGRAPHY AND GEOLOGY. 119 there seem to have been extensive calcareous sand flats and areas over which fine calcareous mud settled, the former resulting in a pure granular dolomite, the latter in a compact close-textured stone. The rock ofthe reefs is of very irregular structure. Of other portions of the formation, some are coarse heavy beds, some fine, even-bedded, close-grained layers, and some, again, irregu lar, impure and cherty. All are highly magnesian, and some are among the purest dolomites known. The Niagara limestone occupies a broad belt lying adjacent to Lake Michigan. Lower Helderberg Limestone. On Mud creek, near Milwaukee, there is found a thin-bedded slaty limestone, that is believed to represent this period. It has neglected, however, to leave us an unequivocal record of its history, as fossils are extremely rare, and its stratigraphical relations and lithographical character are capable of more than one interpretation. Near the village of Waubeka in Ozaukee county, there is a similar formation, somewhat more fossiliferous, that seems to repre sent the same period. The area which these occupy is very small and they play a most insignifi cant part in the geology of the state. They close the record of the Silurian age in Wisconsin. During its progress the land had been gradually emerging from the ocean and increasing its amplitude by concentric belts of limestone, sandstone and shale. There had been no general disturbance, only those slight oscillations which changed the nature of the forming rock and facilitated deposition. At its close the waters retired from the borders of the state, and an interval supervened, during which no additions are known to have been made to its substructure, DEVONIAN AGE. Hamilton Cement Rock. After a lapse of time, during which the uppermost Silurian and the lowest Devonian strata, as found elsewhere, were formed, the waters again advanced slightly upon the eastern margin of the state and deposited a magnesian limestone mingled with silicious and almuninous material, forming a combination of which a portion has recently been shown to possess hydraulic properties of a high degree of excellence. With this deposition there dawned a new era in the life-history of Wisconsin. While multitudes of protozoans, radiates, mollusks and articulates swarmed in the previous seas, no trace of a vertebrate has been found. The Hamilton period witnessed the introduction of the highest type of the animal kingdom into the Wisconsin series. But even then only the lowest class was represented — the fishes. The lower orders of life, as before, were present, but the species were of the less ancient Devonian type. Precisely how far the deposit originally extended is not now known, as it has undoubtedly been much reduced by the eroding agencies that have acted upon it. That portion which remains, occupies a limited area on the lake shore immediately north of Milwaukee, extending inland half a dozen miles. The cement rock proper is found on the Milwaukee river just above the city. At the close of the Hamilton period the oceanic waters retired, and, if they ever subsequently encroached upon our territory, they have left us no permanent record of their intrusion. The history of the formation of the substructure of the state was, it will be observed, in an unusual degree, simple and progressive. Starting with a firm core of most ancient crystalline rocks, leaf upon leaf of stony strata were piled around it, adding belt after belt to the margin of lhe growing island until it extended itself far beyond the limits of our state, and coalesced with the forming continent. An ideal map of the state would show the Archaean nucleus surrounded by concentric bands of the later formations in the order of their deposition. But during all tht; 120 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. vast lapse of time consumed in their growth, the elements were gnawing, carving and channeling the surface, and the outcropping edges of the formations were becoming more and more jagged, and now, after the last stratum had been added, and the whole had been lifted from the waters that gave it birth, there ensued perhaps a still vaster era, during which the history was simply that of surface erosion. The face of the state became creased with the wrinkles of age. The edges of her rocky wrappings became ragged with the wear of time. The remaining Devonian periods, the great Carboniferous age, the Mesozoic era, and the earlier Tertiary periods passed, leaving no other record than that of denudation. THE GLACIAL PERIOD. With the approach of the great Ice Age, a new chapter was opened. An immense sheet of ice moved slowly, but irresistibly, down from the north, planing down the prominences, filling up the valleys, polishing and grooving the strata, and heaping up its rubbish of sand, gravel, clay and bowlders over the face of the country. It engraved the lines of its progress on the rocks, and, by reading these, we learn that one prodigious tongue of ice plowed along the bed of Lake Michi gan, and a smaller one pushed through the valley of Green bay and Rock river, while another immense ice-stream flowed southwestward through the trough of Lake Superior and onward into Minnesota. The diversion of the glacier through these great channels seems to have left the southwestern portion of the state intact, and over it we find no drift accumulations. With the approach of a warmer climate, the ice-streams were melted backward, leaving their debris heaped promiscuously over the surface, giving it a new configuration. In the midst of this retreat, a series of halts and advances seem to have taken place in close succession, by which the drift was pushed up into ridges and hills along the foot of the ice, after which a more rapid retreat ensued. The effect of this action was to produce that remarkable chain of drift hills and ridges, known as the Kettle range, which we have already described as winding over the surface of the state in a very peculiar manner. It is a great historic rampart, recording the position of the edge of the glacier at a certain stage of its retreat, and doubtless at the same time noting a great climatic or dynamic change. The melting of the glacier gave rise to large quantities of water, and hence to numerous torrents, as well as lakes. There occurred about this time a depression of the land to the north ward, which was perhaps the cause, in part or in whole, of the retreat of the ice. This gave origin to the great lakes. The waters advanced somewhat upon the land and deposited the red clay that borders Lakes Michigan and Superior and occupies the Green bay valley as far up as the vicinity of Fond du Lac. After several oscillations, the lakes settled down into their present positions. Wherever the glacier plowed over the land, it left an irregular sheet of commingled clay, sand, gravel and bowlders spread unevenly over the surface. The depressions formed by its irregularities soon filled with water and gave origin to numerous lakelets. Probably not one of the thousands of Wisconsin lakes had an existence before the glacial period. Wherever the great lakes advanced upon the land, they leveled its surface and left their record in lacustine clays and sandy beach lines. With the retreat ofthe glacier, vegetation covered the surface, and by its aid and the action of the elements our fertile drift soils, among the last and best of Wisconsin's formations, were produced. And the work still goes on, Beloit, Aug. 15, 1877. CLIMATOLOGY OF WISCONSIN. Bv Prof. H. H. OLDENHAGE. The climate of a country, or that peculiar state of the atmosphere in regard to heat and moisture which prevails in any given place, and which directly affects the growth of plants and animals, is determined by the following causes : ist. Distance from the equator. 2d. Distance from the sea. 3d. Height above the sea. 4th. Prevailing winds; and 5th. Local influences, such as soil, vegetation, and proximity to lakes and mountains. Of these causes, the first, distance from the equator, is by far the most important. The warmest climates are necessarily those of tropical regions where the sun's rays are vertical. But in proceeding from the equator toward the poles, less and less heat continues to be received by the same extent of surface, because the rays fall more and more obliquely, and the same amount of heat-rays therefore spread over an increasing breadth of surface ; while, however, with the increase of obliquity, more and more heat is absorbed by the atmosphere, as the amount of air to be penetrated is greater. If the earth's surface were either wholly land or water, and its atmosphere motionless, the gradations of climate would run parallel with the latitudes from the equator to the poles. But owing to the irregular distribution of land and water, and the prevail ing winds, such an arrangement is impossible, and the determination of the real climate of a given region, and its causes, is one of the most difficult problems of science. On the second of these causes, distance from the sea, depends the difference between oce anic and continental climates. Water is more slowly heated and cooled than land ; the climates of the sea and the adjacent land are therefore much more equable and moist than those of the interior. A decrease of temperature is noticeable in ascending high mountains. The rate at which the temperature falls with the height above the sea is a very variable quantity, and is influenced by a variety of causes, such as latitude, situation, moisture, or dryness, hour of the day and season of the year. As a rough approximation, however, the fall of i° of the thermometer for every 300 feet is usually adopted. Air in contact with any part of the earth's surface, tends to acquire the temperature of that surface. Hence, winds from the north are cold ; those from the south are warm. Winds from the sea are moist, and winds from the land are usually dry. Prevailing winds are the result of the relative distribution of atmospheric pressure blowing from places where the pressure is high est, toward places where it is lowest. As climate practically depends on the temperature and moisture of the air, and as these again depend on the prevailing winds which come charged with the temperature and moisture of the regions they have traversed, it is evident that charts show ing the mean pressure of the atmosphere give us the key to the climates of the different regions of the world. The effect of prevailing winds is seen in the moist and equable climate of West ern Europe, especially Great Britain, owing to the warm and moist southwest winds; and in the extremes of the eastern part of North America, due to the warm and moist winds prevailing in summer and the Arctic blasts of winter. 122 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. Among local influences which modify climate, the nature of the soil is one of the most important. As water absorbs much heat, wet, marshy ground usually lowers the mean tempera ture. A sandy waste presents the greatest extremes. The extremes of temperature are also modi fied by extensive forests, which prevent the soil from being as much warmed and cooled as it would be if bare. Evaporation goes on more slowly under the trees, since the soil is screened from the sun. And as the air among the trees is little agitated by the wind, the vapor is left to accumulate, and hence the humidity of the air is increased. Climate is modified in a similar man ner by lakes and other large surfaces of water. During summer the water cools the air and reduces the temperature of the locality. In winter, on the other hand, the opposite' effect is pro duced. The surface water which is cooled sinks to lower levels ; the warmer water rising to the surface, radiates heat into the air and thus raises the temperature of the neighboring region. This influence is well illustrated, on a great scale, in our own state by Lake Michigan. It is, lastly, of importance whether a given tract of country is diversified by hills, valleys and mountains. Winds with their warm vapor strike the sides of mountains and are forced up into higher levels of the atmosphere, where the vapor is condensed into clouds. Air coming in con tact, during the night or in winter, with the cooled declivities of hills and rising grounds becomes cooled and consequently denser and sinks to the low-lying grounds, displacing the warmer and lighter air. Hence, frosts often occur at these places, when no trace of them can be found at higher levels. For the same reason the cold of winter is generally more intense in ravines and valleys than on hill tops and high grounds, the valleys being a receptacle for the cold-air currents, which descend from all sides. These currents give rise to gusts and blasts of cold wind, which are simply the out-rush of cold air from such basins. This is a subject of great practical impor tance to fruit-growers. In order to understand the principal features of the climate of Wisconsin, and the conditions on which these depend, it is necessary to consider the general climatology of the eastern United States. The chief characteristic of this area as a whole is, that it is subject to great extremes — to all those variations of temperature which prevail from the tropical to the Arctic regions. This is principally due to the topographical conditions of our continent. The Rocky mountains con densing the moisture of the warm winds from the Pacific and preventing them from reaching far inland, separate the climate of the Mississippi valley widely from that ofthe Pacific slope. Between the Gulf of Mexico and the Arctic sea there is no elevation to exceed 2,000 feet to arrest the flow of the hot southerly winds of summer, or the cold northerly winds of winter. From this results a variation of temperature hardly equaled in any part of the world. In determining the climates of the United States, western Europe is usually taken as the basis of comparison. The contrast between these regions is indeed very great. New York is in the same latitude with Madrid, Naples and Constantinople. Quebec is not so far north as Paris. London and Labrador are equi-distant from the equator ; but while England, with her mild, moist climate, produces an abundance of vegetation, in Labrador all cultivation ceases. In the latitude of Stockholm and St. Petersburg, at the 60th parallel, we find in eastern North America vast ice fields which seldom melt. The moist and equable climate of western Europe in high latitudes is due to the Gulf Stream and the southwest winds of the Atlantic, which spread their warmth and moisture over the western coast. Comparison, however, shows that the climate of the Pacific coast of North America is quite as mild as that of western Europe ; and this is due to the same kind of influences, namely, to the warm, moist winds and the currents of the Pacific. And to con tinue the comparisoh still further, in proceeding on both continents from west to east, or from ocean into the interior, we find a general resemblance of climatic conditions, modified greatly, it is true, by local influences. CLIMATOLOGY OF WISCONSIN. 123 The extreme summer climate of the eastern United States is owing to the southerly and southwesterly winds, which blow with great regularity during this season, and, after traversing great areas of tropical seas, bear the warmth and moisture of these seas far inland, and give this. region the peculiar semi-tropical character of its summers. The average temperature of summer varies between 8o° for the Gulf states, and 6o° for the extreme north. While in the Gulf states. the thermometer often rises to ioo°,in the latitude of Wisconsin this occurs very seldom. During winter the prevailing winds are from the northwest. These cold blasts from the Arctic sea are deflected by the Rocky mountains, sweep down unopposed into lower latitudes, and produce all the rigors of an arctic winter. The mean temperature for this season varies between 60" for the Gulf coast and 15" for the extreme northern part of Wisconsin. In the northern part of the valley the cold is sometimes so intense that the thermometer sinks to the freezing point of mercury. The extreme of heat and cold would give a continental climate if this extreme were not accom panied by a profusion of rain. The southerly winds, laden with moisture, distribute this moist ure with great regularity over the valley. The amount of rainfall, greater in summer than in winter, varies, from the Gulf of Mexico to Wisconsin, from 63 inches to 30 inches. On the At lantic coast, where the distribution is more equal throughout the year on account of its proximity to the ocean, the amount varies, from Florida to Maine, from 63 to 40 inches. The atmospheric movements on which, to a great extent, the climatic conditions of the eastern United States depend, may be summed up as follows : " 1. That the northeast trades, deflected in their course to south and southeast winds in their passage through the Carribean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico, are the warm and moist winds which communicate to the Mississippi valley and the Atlantic slope their fertility. "2. That the prevalence of these winds from May to October communicates to this region a sub-tropical climate. " 3. That in the region bordering on the Gulf of Mexico, the atmospheric disturbances are propagated from south to north ; but in the northern and middle states, owing to a prevailing upper current, from west to east. " 4. That while this upper current is cool and dry, and we have the apparent anomaly of rain storms traveling from west to east, at the same time the moisture supplying them comes from the south. "5. That, in the winter, the south and southeast winds rise into the upper current, while the west and northwest winds descend and blow as surface winds, accompanied by an extraor dinary depression of temperature, creating, as it were, an almost arctic climate. " 6. That the propagation of the cold winds from west to east is due to the existence of a warmer and lighter air to the eastward. "7. That in summer the westerly currents seldom blow with violence, because, in passing over the heated plains, they acquire nearly the same temperature as the southerly currents, but in winter the conditions are reversed." The line of conflict of these aerial currents, produced by unequal atmospheric pressure, shift so rapidly that the greatest changes of temperature, moisture, and wind, are experienced within a few hours, these changes usually affecting areas of great extent. In the old world, on the other hand, the mountain systems, generally running from east to west, offer an impediment, especially to the polar currents, and the weather is therefore not so changeable. Wisconsin, situated in the upper and central part of the Mississippi valley, is subject to the same general climatic conditions which give this whole area its peculiar climate. The highest mean summer temperature is 720 Fahrenheit in the southwestern part of the 124 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. state, and the lowest 640 at Bayfield, Lake Superior. During the months of June, July and August, the thermometer often rises as hig^ as 90", seldom to ioo° In 1874 the mercury reached this high point twice at LaCrosse, and three times at Dubuque, Iowa. There are usually two or three of these "heated terms " during the summer, terminated by abrupt changes of temperature. The isotherm of 700 (an isotherm being a line connecting places having the same mean tem perature) enters this state from the west, in the northern part of Grant county, touches Madison, takes a southerly direction through Walworth county, passes through southern Michigan, Cleveland, and Pittsburg, reaching the Atlantic ocean a little north of New York city. From this it is seen that southern Wisconsin, southern and central Michigan, northern Ohio, central Pennsylvania, and southern New York have nearly the same summer temperature. Northwestward this line runs through southern Minnesota and along the Missouri to the foot of the mountains. Eastern Ore gon, at 47" 30' north latitude, has the same average summer temperature ; the line then returns and touches the Pacific coast at San Diego. The remarkable manner in which so large a body of water as Lake Michigan modifies the temperature has been carefully determined, so far as it relates to Wisconsin, by the late Dr. Lap ham, of Milwaukee. It is seen by the map that the average summer temperature of Racine is the same as that of St. Paul. The weather map for July, 1875, in the signal service report for 1876, shows that the mean temperature for July was the same in Rock county, in the southern part of the state, as that of Breckenridge, Minn., north of St. Paul. The moderating effect of the lake during hot weather is felt in the adjacent region during both day and night. Countries in the higher latitudes having an extreme summer temperature are usually charac terized by a small amount of rain-fall. The Mississippi valley, however, is directly exposed in spring and summer to the warm and moist winds from the south, and as these winds condense their moisture by coming in contact with colder upper currents from the north and west, it has a profusion of rain which deprives the climate largely of its continental features. As already stated, the average amount of rain-fall in Wisconsin is about 30 inches annually. Of this amount about one-eighth is precipitated in winter, three-eighths in summer, and the rest is equally dis tributed between spring and autumn — in other words, rain is abundant at the time of the year when it is most needed. In Wisconsin the rainfall is greatest in the southwestern part of the state ; the least on and along the shore of Lake Michigan. This shows that the humidity of the air of a given area can be greater, and the rainfall less, than that of some other. In comparison with western Europe, even where the mean temperature is higher than in the Mississippi valley, the most striking fact in the climatic conditions of the United States is the great range of plants of tropical or sub-tropical origin, such as Indian corn, tobacco, etc. The conditions on which the character of the vegetation depends are temperature and moisture, and the mechanical and chemical composition of the soil. " The basis of this great capacity (the great range of plants) is the high curve of heat and moisture for the summer, and the fact that the measure of heat and of rain are almost or quite tropical for a period in duration from one to five months, in the range from Quebec to the coast of the Gulf." Indian corn attains its full perfection between the summer isotherms 72" and 770, in Illinois, Iowa, Missouri, and Kansas ; but it may be grown up to the line of 65", which includes the whole of Wisconsin. The successful cultivation of this important staple is due to the intense heat of summer and a virgin soil rich in nitrogen. While Milwaukee and central Wisconsin have a mean annual temperature of 45 °, that of southern Ireland and central England is 500 ; the line of 72°, the average temperature for July, runs from Walworth county to St. Paul, while during the same month Ireland and England have a mean temperature of only 6o°. In Wisconsin the thermometer rises as high as 90^ and above, ' CLIMATOLOGY OF WISCONSIN. 125 while the range above the mean in England is very small. It is the tropical element of our sum mers, then, that causes the grape, the corn, etc., to ripen, while England, with a higher mean temperature, is unable to mature them successfully. Ireland, where southern plants may remain out-doors, unfrosted, the whole winter, can not mature those fruits and grasses which ripen in Wisconsin. In England a depression of 20 below the mean of 6o° will greatly reduce the quan tity, or prevent the ripening of wheat altogether, 6o° being essential to a good crop. Wheat, re quiring a lower temperature than corn, is better adapted to the climate of Wisconsin. This grain may be grown as far north as Hudson bay. Autumn, including September, October and November, is of short duration in Wisconsin. North of the 42d parallel, or the southern boundary line of the state, November belongs properly to the winter months, its mean temperature being about 32". The decrease of heat from August to September is generally from 8° to 9"; n" from September #0 October, and 140 from October to November. The average temperature for these three months is about 450. A beautiful season, ¦commonly known as Indian summer, frequently occurs in the latter part of October and in No vember. This period is characterized by a mild temperature and a hazy, calm atmosphere. According to Loomis, this appears to be due to " an uncommonly tranquil condition of the atmos phere, during which the air becomes filled with dust and smoke arising from numerous fires, by which its transparency is greatly impaired." This phenomenon extends as far north as Lake Superior, but it is more conspicuous and protracted in Kansas and Missouri, and is not observed in the southern states. Destructive frosts generally occur in September, and sometimes .in August. " ^.temperature of 360 to 40° at sunrise is usually attended with frosts destructive to vegetation, the position of the thermometer being usually such as to represent less than the actual refrigeration at the open surface." In 1875, during October, at Milwaukee, the mercury fell seven times below the freez ing point, and twice below zero in November, the lowest being 140 The winters are generally long and severe, but occasionally mild and almost without snow. The mean winter temperature varies between 23" in the southeastern part ofthe state, and 160 at Ashland, in the northern. For this season the extremes are great. The line of 200 is of im portance, as it marks the average temperature which is fatal to the growth of all the tender trees, such as the pear and the peach. In the winter of 1875 and 1876, the mean temperature for De cember, January and February, in the upper lake region, was about 40 above the average mean for many years, while during the previous winter the average temperature for January and Feb ruary was about 120 below the mean for many years, showing a great difference between cold and mild winters. In the same winter, 1875— '76, at Milwaukee, the thermometer fell only six times below zero, the lowest being 120, while during the preceding winter the mercury sank thirty-six times below zero, the lowest being 23". In the northern and northwestern part of the state the temperature sometimes falls to the freezing point of mercury. During the exceptionally cold Winter of 1872-3, at La Crosse, the thermometer sank nearly fifty times below zero; on Decem ber 24, it indicated 37" below, and on January 18, 430 below zero, averaging about 12" below the usual mean for those months. The moderating effect of Lake Michigan can be seen by observing how the lines indicating the mean winter temperature curve northward as they approach the lake. Milwaukee, Sheboygan, Manitowoc, Two Rivers, and the Grand Traverse region of Michigan, have the same average wintei temperature. The same is true regarding Galena, 111., Beloit, and Kewaunee. A similar influence is noticed in all parts of the state. Dr. Lapham concludes that this is not wholly due to the presence of Lake Michigan, but that the mountain range which extends from a little west of Lake Superior to the coast of Labrador (from 1,100 to 2,240 feet high) protects the lake region in no inconsiderable degree from the excessive cold of winter. 126 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. According to the same authority, the time at which the Milwaukee river was closed wi h ice,, for a period of nine years, varied between November 15 and December 1 ; the time at which it became free from ice, between March 3 and April 13. In the lake district, snow and rain are interspersed through all the winter months, rain being sometimes as profuse as at any other sea son. In the northwestern part the winter is more rigid and dry. Northern New York and the New England states usually have snow lying on the ground the whole winter, but in the southern lake district it rarely remains so long. In 1842-43, however, sleighing commenced about the. middle of November, and lasted till about' the same time in April — five months. The average temperature for the three months of spring, March, April and May, from Wal worth county to St. Paul, is about 45° In central Wisconsin the mean for March is about 27 °, which is an increase of nearly 7 Q from February. The lowest temperature of this month in 1876 was 400 above zero. April shows an average increase of about 90 over March. In 1876 the line of 45 Q for this month passed from LaCrosse to Evanston, 111., touching Lake Erie at Toledo, showing that the interior west of Lake Michigan is warmer than the lake region. The change from winter to spring is more sudden in the interior than in the vicinity of the lakes. " In the town of Lisbon, fifteen miles from Lake Michigan," says Dr. Lapham, " early spring flowers show themselves about ten days earlier than on the lake. In spring vegetation, in places remote from the lakes, shoots up in a very short time, and flowers show their petals, while on the lake shore the cool air retards them and brings them more gradually into existence." The in crease from April to May is about 15". In May, 1876, Pembina and Milwaukee had nearly the same mean temperature, about 55 ° The extremes of our climate and the sudden changes of temperature no doubt have a, marked influence, both physically and mentally, on the American people. And though a more equable climate may be more conducive to perfect health, the great range of our climate from arctic to tropical, and the consequent variety and abundance of vegetable products, combine to- make the Mississippi valley perhaps one of the most favorable areas in the world for the develop ment of a strong and wealthy nation. During the months of summer, in the interior of the eastern United States, at least three- fourths of the rain-fall is in showers usually accompanied by electrical discharges and limited to small areas. But in autumn, winter, and spring nearly the whole precipitation takes place in general storms extending over areas of 300, 500 and sometimes over 1,000 miles in diameter, and generally lasting two or three days. An area of low atmospheric pressure causes the wind to blow toward that area from all sides, and when the depression is sudden and great, it is accompanied by much rain or snow. On account of the earth's rotation, the wind blowing toward this region of low pressure is deflected to the right, causing the air to circulate around the center with a. motion spirally inward. In our latitude the storm commences with east winds. When the storm center, or area of lowest barometer, is to the south of us, the wind gradually veers, as the storm- passes from west to east with the upper current, round to the northwest by the north point. On the south side of the storm center, the wind veers from southeast to southwest, by the south- point. The phenomena attending such a storm when we are in or near the part of its center are usually as follows : After the sky has become overcast with clouds, the wind from the northeast generally begins to rise and blows in the opposing direction to the march of the storm. The. clouds which are now moving over us, discharge rain or snow according to circumstances. The barometer continues to fall, and the rain or snow is brought. obliquely down from the northern quarter by the prevailing wind. After a while the wind changes slightly hT direction and then ceases. The thermometer rises and the barometer has reached its lowest point. This is the center of the storm. After the calm the wind has changed its direction to northwest or west. The CLIMATOLOGY OF WISCONSIN. 127 wind blows again, usually more violently than before, accompanied by rain or snow, which is now generally of short duration. The sky clears, and the storm is suddenly succeeded by a tempera ture 10 or 20 degrees below the mean. Most ofthe rain and snow falls with the east winds, or before the center passes a given point. The path of these storms is from west to east, or nearly so, and only seldom in other directions. These autumn, winter, and spring rains are generally first noticed on the western plains, but may originate at any point along their path, and move eastward with an average velocity of about 20 miles an hour in summer and 30 miles in winter, but sometimes attaining a velocity of over 50 miles, doing great damage on the lakes. In pre dicting these storms, the signal service of the army is of incalculable practical benefit, as well as in collecting data for scientific conclusions. A subject of the greatest importance to every inhabitant of Wisconsin is the influence of forests on climate and the effects of disrobing a county of its trees. The general influence of forests in modifying the extremes of temperature, retarding evaporation and the increased humidity of the air, has already been mentioned. That clearing the land of trees increases the temperature of the ground in summer, is so readily noticed that it is scarcely necessary to men tion it ; while in winter the sensible cold is never so extreme in woods as on an open surface exposed to the full force of the winds. " The lumbermen in Canada and the northern United States labor in the woods without inconvenience, when the mercury stands many degrees below zero, while in the open grounds, with only a moderate breeze, the same temperature is almost insupportable." " In the state of Michigan it has been found that the winters have greatly increased in severity within the last forty years, and that this increased severity seems to move along even-paced with the destruction of the forests. Thirty years ago the peach was one of the most abundant fruits of that State; at that time frost, injurious to corn at anytime from May to October, was a thing unknown. Now the peach is an uncertain crop, and frost often injures the corn.'' The precise influence of forests on temperature may not at present admit of definite solu tion, yet the mechanical screen which they furnish to the soil often far to. the leeward of them, is sufficiently established, and this alone is enough to encourage extensive planting wherever this protection is wanting. With regard to the quantity of rain-fall, " we can not positively affirm that the total annual quantity of rain is even locally diminished or increased by the destruction of the woods, though both theoretical considerations and the balance of testimony strongly favor the opinion that more rain falls in wooded than in open countries. One important conclusion, at least, upon the meteorological influence of forests is certain and undisputed : the proposition, namely, that, within their own limits, and near their own borders, they maintain a more uniform degree of humidity in the atmosphere than is observed in cleared grounds. Scarcely less can it be questioned that they tend to promote the frequency of showers, and, if they do not augment the amount of precipitation, they probably equalize its distribution through the different seasons." There is abundant and undoubted evidence that the amount of water existing on the surface in lakes and rivers, in many parts of the world, is constantly diminishing. In Germany, observa tions ofthe Rhine,. Oder, Danube, and the Elbe, in the latter case going back for a period of 142 years, demonstrate beyond doubt, that each of these rivers has much decreased in volume, and there is reason to fear that they will eventually disappear from the list of navigable rivers. " The ' Blue-Grass ' region of Kentucky, once the pride of the West, has now districts of Such barren and arid nature that their stock farmers are moving toward the Cumberland mount ains, because the creeks and old springs dried up, and their wells became too low to furnish water for their cattle." In our own state " such has been the change in the flow of the Milwau- the arts ; makes good firewood ; should be planted along all the roads and streets, near every dwelling, and on all public grounds. 128 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. kee river, even while the area from which it receives its supply is but partially cleared, that the proprietor? of most of the mills and factories have found it necessary to resort to the use of steam, at a largely increased yearly cost, to supply the deficiency of water-power in dry seasons. of the year." " What has happened to the Milwaukee river, has happened to all the other water courses in the state from whose banks the forest has been removed ; and many farmers who selected land uqon which there was a living brook of clear, pure water, now find these brooks dried up during a considerable portion of the year.'' Districts stripped of their forest are said to be more exposed than before to loss of harvests,. droughts, and frost. . " Hurricanes, before unknown, sweep unopposed over the regions chus- denuded, carrying terror and devastation in their track." Parts of Asia Minor, North Africa, and other countries bordering on the Mediterranean, now almost deserts, were once densely populated and the granaries of the world. And there is good reason to believe " that it is the destruction of the forests which has produced this devastation." From such facts Wisconsin, already largely robbed of its forests, should take warning before it is too late. TREES, SHRUBS AND VINES. By P. R. HOY, M.D. It is not the purpose of this article to give a botanical description, but merely brief notes on the economical value of the woods, and the fitness of the various indigenous trees, shrubs and vines for the purpose of ornament. White Oak — Quercus Alba. — This noble tree is the largest and most important of the American oaks. The excellent properties of the wood render it eminently valuable for a great variety of uses. Wherever strength and durability are required, the white oak stands in the first rank. It is employed in making wagons, coaches and sleds ; staves and hoops of the best quality for barrels and casks are obtained from this tree ; it is extensively used in architecture, ship building, etc.; vast quantities are used for fencing ; the bark is employed in tanning. The domes tic consumption of this tree is so great that it is of the first importance to preserve the young trees wherever it is practicable, and to make young plantations where the tree is not found. The white oak is a graceful, ornamental tree, and worthy of particular attention as such ; found abun dantly in most of the timbered districts. Burr Oak — Q. Macrocarpa. — This is perhaps the most ornamental of our oaks. Nothing can exceed the graceful beauty of these trees, whennot crowded or cramped in their growth, but left free to follow the laws of their development. Who has not admired these trees in our exten sive burr oak openings ? The large leaves are a dark green above and a bright silvery white beneath, which gives the tree a singularly fine appearance when agitated by the wind. The wood is tough, close-grained, and more durable than the white oak, especially when exposed to frequent changes of moisture and drying; did the tree grow to the same size, it would be preferred for most uses. Abundant, and richly worthy of cultivation, both for utility and ornament. Swamp White Oak — Q. Bicolor. — Is a valuable and ornamental tree, not quite so large or as common as the burr oak. The wood is close-grained, durable, splits freely, and is well worthy of cultivation in wet, swampy grounds, where it will thrive. Post Oak^<2- Obtusiloba. — Is a scraggy, small tree, found sparingly in this state. The tim ber is durable, and makes good fuel. Not worthy of cultivation. TREES, SHRUBS AND VINES. 129 Swamp Chestnut Oak— (?. Prtnus.— This species of chestnut oak is a large, graceful tree, wood rather open-grained, yet valuable for most purposes to which the oaks are applied ; makes the best fuel of any of this family. A rare tree, found at Janesville and Brown's lake, near Bur, lington. Worthy of cultivation. Red Oak — Q. Rubra. — The red oak is a well-known, common, large tree. The wood is coarse-grained, and the least durable of the oaks, nearly worthless for fuel, and scarcely worthy of cultivation, even for ornament. Pin Oak — Q. Palustris. — This is one of the most common trees in many sections of the state. The wood is of little value except for fuel. The tree is quite ornamental, and should be sparingly cultivated for this purpose. Shingle Oak — Q. Imbricaria. — Is a tree of medium size, found sparingly as far north as Wisconsin. It is ornamental, and the wood is used for shingles and staves. Scarlet Oak — Q. Coccinea. — This is an ornamental tree, especially in autumn, when its leaves turn scarlet, hence the name. Wood of little value ; common. Sugar Maple — Acer Saccharium. — This well-known and noble tree is found growing abun dantly in many sections of the state. The wood is close-grained and susceptible of a beautiful polish, which renders it valuable for many kinds of furniture, more especially the varieties known as bird's-eye and curled maples. The wood lacks the durability of the oak ; consequently is not valuable for purposes where it will be exposed to the weather. For fuel it ranks next to hickory. The sugar manufactured from this tree affords no inconsiderable resource for 1 lie comfort ancj even wealth of many sections of the northern states, especially those newly settled, where it would be difficult and expensive to procure their supply from a distance. As an ornamental tree it stands almost at the head of the catalogue. The foliage is beautiful, compact, and free front the attacks of insects. It puts forth its yellow blossoms early, and in the autumn the leaves change in color and show the most beautiful tints of red and yellow long before they fall. Worthy of especial attention for fuel and ornament, and well adapted to street-planting. Red Maple — A. Rubrum. — Is another fine maple of more rapid growth than the foregoing species. With wood rather lighter, but quite as valuable for cabinet-work — for fuel not quite so good. The young trees bear transplanting even better than other maples. Though highly orna mental, this tree hardly equals the first-named species. It puts forth, in early spring, its scarlet 'blossoms before a leaf has yet appeared. Well adapted to street-planting. Mountain Maple — A. Spicatum. — Is a small branching tree, or rather shrub, found grow ing in clumps. Not worthy of much attention. Silver Maple — A. Dasycarpum. — This is a common tree growing on the banks of streams, especially in the western part of the state, grown largely for ornament, yet for the purpose it is the least valuable of the maples. The branches are long and straggling, and so brittle that they are liable to be injured by winds. Box Maple — Negundo Aceroides. — This tree is frequently called box elder. It is of a rapid growth and quite ornamental. The' wood is not much used in the arts, but is good fuel. Should be cultivated. It grows on Sugar and Rock rivers. White Elm— c7fo>z».r Americana. — This large and graceful tree stands confessedly at the head of the list of ornamental deciduous trees. Its wide-spreading branches and long, pendu lous branchlets form a beautiful and conspicuous head. It grows rapidly, is free from disease and the destructive attacks of insects, will thrive on most soils, and for planting along streets, in public grounds or lawns, is unsurpassed by any American tree. The wood is but little used in 130 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. Slippery Elm — V. Fulva. — This smaller and less ornamental species is also common. The wood, however, is much more valuable than the white elm, being durable and splitting readily. It makes excellent rails, and is much used for the framework of buildings ; valuable for fuel ; should be cultivated. Wild Black Cherry — Cerasus Serotina. — This large and beautiful species of cherry is one " ®i-W> !':' f?K:'' FOND DU LAC. WISCONSIN RAILROADS. 179 1864 congress made a grant of land to the state of Wisconsin to aid in the construction of a rail road from Berlin, Doty's Island, Fond du Lac, or Portage, by way of Stevens Point, to Bayfield or Superior, granting the odd sections within ten miles on each side of the line, with an indem nity limit of twenty miles on each side. The legislature of 1865 failed to dispose of this grant, but that of 1866 provided for the organization of two companies, one to build from Portage City by way of Berlin to Stevens Point, and the other from Menasha to the same point, and then jointly to Bayfield and Lake Superior. The former was called the " Winnebago and Lake Superior Railroad Company," and the latter the " Portage & Superior Railroad Company." In 1869 an act was passed consolidating the two companies, which was done under the name of the " Portage, Winnebago & Superior Railroad Company." In 187 1 the name of the company was changed to the " Wisconsin Central Railroad Company." The Winnebago & Lake Superior company was organized under Hon. George Reed as president, and at once commenced the construction of its line of road between Menasha and Stevens Point. In 1871 the Wisconsin Central consolidated with the " Manitowoc & Mississippi Railroad Company." The articles of consolidation provided that Gardner Colby, a director of the latter company, should be president, and that George Reed, a director of the former, should be vice president of the new organization ; with a further provision that Gardner Colby, George Reed, and Elijah B. Phillips should be and remain its executive committee. In 1-871, an act was passed incorporating the " Phillips and Colby Construction Company," which created E. B. Phillips, C. L. Colby, Henry Pratt, and such others as they might associate with them, a body corporate, with authority to build railroads and do all manner of thiijgs relat ing to railroad construction and operation. Under this act the construction company contracted with the Wisconsin Central railroad company, to build its line of road from Menasha to Lake Superior. In November, 1873, the Wisconsin Central leased ofthe Milwaukee & Northern com pany its line of road extending from Schwartzburg to Menasha, and the branch to Green Bay, for the term of nine hundred and ninety-nine years, and also acquired the rights of the latter com pany to use the track of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul company between Schwartzburg and Milwaukee, and to depot facilities in Milwaukee. The construction of the land grant portion of this important line of road was commenced in 1871, and it was completed to Stevens Point in November of that year. It was built from Stevens Point north one hundred miles to Worcester in 1872. During 1872 and 1873, it was built from Ashland south to the Penoka iron ridge, a dis tance of thirty miles. The straight line between Portage City and Stevens Point, authorized by an act of the legislature of 1875, was constructed between October 1, 1875, and October, 1876, seven ly-one miles in length. The gap of forty-two miles between Worcester and Penoka iron ridge was closed in June, 1877. E. B. Phillips, of Milwaukee, is president and general manager. This line of road passes through a section of our state hitherto unsettled. It has been pushed through with energy, and opened up for settlement an immense region of heavily timbered land, and thus contributed to the growth and prosperity of the state. The Western Union Railroad. The " Racine, Janesville & Mississippi Railroad Company " was chartered in 1852, to build a road from Racine to Beloit, and was organized the same year. The city of Racine issued its bonds for $300,000 in payment for that amount of stock. The towns of Racine, Elkhorn, Dele van and Beloit gave $190,000, and issued their bonds, and farmers along the line made liberal subscriptions and secured the same by mortgages on their farms. The road was built to Burling ton in 1855, to Delavan early in 1856, and to Beloit, sixty-eight miles from Racine, during the same year. Failing to meet the interest on its bonds and its floating indebtedness, it was sur- 180 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. rendered by the company to the bond-holders in 1859, who completed it to Freeport during that year, and afterward built to the Mississippi river at Savannah, and thence to Rock Island. The bond-holders purchased and sold the road in 1866, and a new organization was had as the " West ern Union Railroad Company," and it has sinee been operated under that name. In 1869, it bu'ilt a line from Elkhorn to Eagle, seventeen miles, and thus made a connection with Milwau kee over the Chicago, Milwaukee & St., Paul line. The latter company owns a controlling interest it its line. Alexander Mitchell is the president of the company, and D. A. Olin, general superintendent. West Wisconsin Railroad. The lands granted by congress in 1856 to aid in the construction of a railroad in Wisconsin, from Tomah to Superior and Bayfield, were disposed of as mentioned under the history of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul company. The La Crosse company, as we have seen, prevailed in the legislature of 1856, and secured legislation favorable to its interests ; but it failed to build the line of road provided for, and forfeited its right to lands granted. In 1863, the " Tomah & Lake St. Croix Railroad Company " was incorporated, with authority to construct a railroad from some point in the town of Tomah in Monroe county, to such point on Lake St. Croix, between town ships 25 and 31 as the directors might determine. To the company, by the act creating it, was granted all the interest and estate of this state, to so much of the lands granted by the United States to the state of Wisconsin, known as the St. Croix grant, as lay between Tomah and Lake St. Croix. A few months after its organization, the company passed substantially into the hands of D. A. Baldwin and Jacob Humbird, who afterward built a line of road from Tomah, via Black River Falls, and Eau Claire to Hudson, on Lake St. Croix, one hundred and seventy-eight miles, Its name was afterward changed to the "West Wisconsin Railroad Company." In 1873, it built its road from Warren's Mills via Camp Douglass, on the St. Paul road to Elroy, and took up its track from the first-named place, twelve miles, to Tomah. A law-suit resulted, which went against the railroad company, and the matter was finally compromised by the payment of a sum of money by the company to the town of Tomah. The road was built through a new and sparsely settled country, and its earnings have not been sufficient to enrich its stock-holders. It connects at Camp Douglass with the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul road, and at Elroy with the Chicago & Northwestern railway company's line, which gives the latter a through line to St. Paul. It is operated in connection with the Chicago & Northwestern railway, and managed in its interest. It is now in the hands of Wm. H. Ferry, of Chicago, as receiver ; H. H. Potter, of Chicago, as president^; and E. W. Winter, of Hudson, superintendent. The Milwaukee, Lake Shore & Western Railway. In 1870, the "Milwaukee, Manitowoc & Green Bay Railroad Company " was chartered to build a road from Milwaukee to Green Bay by way of Manitowoc, lt built its line from Mil waukee to Manitowoc in 1873, when its name was changed to " Milwaukee, Lake Shore & West ern Railroad Company." Under a decree of foreclosuue, it was sold Dec. 10, 1875, and its name was changed to " Milwaukee, Lake Shore & Western Railway Company," by which name it is still known. In 1866, the "Appleton & New London Railroad Company" was incorporated to build a road from Appleton to New London, and thence to Lake Superior. A subsequent amendment to its charter authorized it to extend its road to Manitowoc. It built most of the line from Appleton to that city, and then, under legislative authority, sold this extension to the Milwau- WISCONSIN RAILROADS. 181 kee, Lake Shore & Western railroad company. The last-named company extended it to New London, on the Wolf river, twenty-one miles, in 1876, where it connects with the Green Bay & Minnesota road. It now operates one hundred and forty-six miles of road, extending from Mil waukee to New London, passing through Sheboygan, Manitowoc and Appleton, which includes a branch line six miles in length from Manitowoc to Two Rivers. F. W. Rhinelander, of New York, is its president, and H. G. H. Reed, of Milwaukee, superintendent. The Green Bay & Minnesota Railroad. The line of road operated by this company extends from Fort Howard to the Mississippi river, opposite Winona, Minnesota. It is two hundred and sixteen miles in length, and was built through a sparsely settled and heavily timbered section of the state. It began under most discouraging circumstances, yet was pushed through by the energy of a few men at Green Bay and along its line. It was originally chartered in 1866 as the "Green Bay & Lake Pepin Rail road Company " to build a road from the mouth of the Fox river near Green Bay to the Missis sippi river opposite Winona. But little was done except the making of preliminary surveys in 1870. During 1870 and 187 1, forty miles were constructed and put in operation. In 1872, one hundred and fourteen miles were graded, the track laid, and the river reached, sixty-two miles farther, in 1873. In 1876, it acquired the right to use the " Winona cut-off " between Winona and Onalaska, and built a line from the latter point to La Crosse, seven miles, thus connecting its road with the chief city of Wisconsin on the Mississippi river. The city of La Crosse aided this extension by subscribing $75,000 and giving its corporation bonds for that amount. Henry Ketchum, of New London, is president of the company, and D. M. Kelly, of Green Bay, gen eral manager. Wisconsin Valley Road. The "Wisconsin Valley Railroad Company " was incorporated in 187 1 to build a road from a point on or near the line of the Milwaukee & La Crosse railroad, between Kilbourn City and the tunnel in said road to the village of Wausau, in the county of Marathon, and the road to pass not more than one mile west of the village of Grand Rapids, in the county of Wood. The road was commenced at Tomah, and graded to Centralia in 1872, and opened to that village in 1873, and during 1874 it was completed to Wausau, ninety miles in its whole length. Boston capitalists furnished the money, and it is controlled in the interest of the Dubuque & Minnesota railroad, through which the equipment was procured. The lumber regions of the Wisconsin river find an outlet over it, and its junction with the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul road at Tomah enables a connection with the railroads of Iowa and Minnesota. It gives the people of Marathon county an outlet long needed for a large lumber traffic, and also enables them to receive their goods and supplies of various kinds for the lumbering region tributary to Wausau. James F. Joy, of Detroit, is president, and F. O. Wyatt, superintendent. Sheboygan & Fond du Lac Railroad. The "Sheboygan & Mississippi Railroad Company " was incorporated in 1852, to build a road from Sheboygan to the Mississippi river. It was completed from Sheboygan to Plymouth in 1858, to Glenbeulah in i860, to Fond du Lac in 1868, and to Princeton in 1872. The extension from Fond du Lac to Princeton was built under authority of an act passed in 1871. Under a foreclosure in 1861 the line from Sheboygan to Fonddu Lac was sold, and the name of the company changed to " Sheboygan & Fond du Lac Railroad Company." The length of 182 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. the line is seventy-eight miles, and it passes through a fertile agricultural country. The city of Sheboygan, county, city and town of Fond du Lac, and the towns of Riverdale, Ripon, Brooklyn, Princeton, and St. Marie, aided in its building to an amount exceeding $250,000. D. L. Wells is president, and Geo. P. Lee, superindendent. The Mineral Point Railroad. The " Mineral Point Railroad Company " was chartered in 1852, to build a road from Mineral Point, in the county of Iowa, to the state line, in township number one, in either the county of Green or La Fayette. It was completed to Warren, in the state of Illinois, thirty-two miles, in 1855, making a connection at that point with the Illinois Central, running from Chicago to Galena. Iowa county loaned its credit and issued its bonds to aid in its construction. It was sold under foreclosure in 1856. Suits were brought against Iowa county to collect the amount of its bonds, and judgment obtained in the federal courts. Much litigation has been had, and ill feeling engendered, the supervisors of the county having been arrested for contempt of the decree of the court. Geo. W. Cobb, of Mineral Point, is the general manager. The Dubuque, Platteville & Milwaukee railroad was completed in July, 1870, and extends from Calamine, a point on the Mineral Point railroad, to the village of Platteville, eighteen miles, and is operated by the Mineral Point railroad company Madison & Portage Railroad. The legislature of 1855 chartered the " Sugar River Valley Railroad Company " to build a road from a point on the north side of the line of the Southern Wisconsin road, within the limits of Green county, to Dayton, on the Sugar river. In 1857 it was authorized to build south to the state line, and make its northern terminus at Madison. In 1861 it was authorized to build from Madi son to Portage City, and from Columbus to Portage City, and so much of the land grant act of 1856, as related to the building of the road from Madison, and from Columbus to Portage City, was annulled and repealed, and the rights and privileges that were conferred upon the LaCrosse company were given to the Sugar River Valley railroad company, and the portion of the land grant, applicable to the lines mentioned, was conferred upon the last named company. Under this legislation about twenty miles of the line between Madison and Portage were graded, and the right of way secured for about thirty of the thirty-nine miles. The LaCrosse company had done considerable grading before its right was annulled. In 1866 the company was relieved from constructing the road from Columbus to Portage City. In 1870 the purchasers of that part of the Sugar River Valley railroad lying between Madison and Portage City were incorporated as the " Madison & Portage Railroad Company," and to share all the rights, grants, etc., that were conferred upon the Sugar River railroad company by its charter, and amendments thereto, so far as related to that portion of the line. Previous to this time, in 1864 and 1865, judgments had been obtained against the Sugar River Valley company ; and its right of way, grading and depot grounds sold for a small sum. James Campbell, who had been a contractor with the Sugar River Valley company, with others, became the purchasers, and organized under the act of 1870, and, during the year 1871, com pleted it between Madison and Portage City, and in March, 187 1, leased it to the Milwaukee & St. Paul company, and it is still operated by that corporation. In 1871 the Madison & Portage company was authorized to extend its road south to the Illinois state line, and north from Portage City to Lake Winnebago. The same year it was consolidated with the " Rockford Central WISCONSIN RAILROADS. 183 Railroad Company," of Illinois, and its name changed to the "Chicago & Superior Railroad Company," but still retains its own organization. The Madison & Portage railroad company claims a share in the lands granted by acts of congress in 1856, and have commenced proceed ings to assert its claim, which case is still pending in the federal courts. North Wisconsin Railroad. The "North Wisconsin Railroad Company" was incorporated in 1869, to build a road from Lake St. Croix, or river, to Bayfield on Lake Superior. The grant of land by congress in 1856, to aid in building a road from Lake St. Croix to Bayfield on Lake Superior, under the decision of the federal court, was yet at the disposal of the state. This company, in 187 1, built a short section of its line of road, with the expectation of receiving the grant. In 1873, the grant was conferred upon the Milwaukee & St. Paul company, but under the terms and restrictions con tained in the act, it declined to accept it. The legislature of 1874 gave it to the North Wiscon sin company, and it has built forty miles of its road, and received the lands pertaining thereto. Since 1876, it has not completed any part of its line, but is trying to construct twenty miles during the present year. The company is authorized to construct a road both to Superior and to Bayfield, but the act granting the lands confers that portion from Superior to the intersection of the line to Bayfield upon the Chicago & North Pacific air-line railroad. This last-named company have projected a line from Chicago to the west end of Lake Superior, and are the owners of an old grade made through Walworth and Jefferson counties, by a company chartered in 1853 as the "Wisconsin Central," to build a road from Portage City to Geneva, in the county of Walworth. The latter company had also graded its line between Geneva and the state line of Illinois. This grade was afterward appropriated by the Chicago & Northwestern, and over it they now operate their line from Chicago to Geneva. Prairie du Chien & McGregor Railroad. This is a line two miles in length, connecting Prairie du Chien in Wisconsin, with McGregor in Iowa. It is owned and operated by John Lawler, of the latter-named place. It extends across both channels of the Mississippi river, and an intervening island. The railroad bridge consists of substantial piling, except a pontoon draw across each navigable channel. Each pontoon is four hundred feet long and thirty feet wide, provided with suitable machinery and operated by steam power. Mr. Lawler has secured a patent on his invention of the pontoon draw for railroad bridges. His line was put in operation in April, 1874. The Chippewa Falls & Western Railroad. This road was built in 1874, by a company organized under the general law of the state. It is eleven miles in length, and connects the " Falls " with the West Wisconsin line at Eau Claire. It was constructed by the energetic business men and capitalists of Chippewa Falls, to afford an outlet for the great lumber and other interests of that thriving and prosperous city. The road is substantially built, and the track laid with steel rails. Narrow Gauge Railroads. The " Galena & Southern Wisconsin Railroad Company " was incorporated in 1857. Under its charter, a number of capitalists of the city of Galena, in the state of Illinois, commenced 184 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. the construction of a narrow (three feet) gauge road, running from that city to Platteville, thirty- one miles in length, twenty miles in Wisconsin. It runs through a part of La Fayette county to Platteville, in Grant county, and was completed to the latter point in 1875. Surveys are being made for an extension to Wingville, in Grant county. The "Fond du Lac, Amboy & Peoria Railway Company " was organized under the general law of the state, in 1874, to build a narrow gauge road from the city of Fond du Lac to the south line of the state in the county of Walworth or Rock, and it declared its intention to consolidate with a company in Illinois that had projected a line of railroad from Peoria, in Illinois, to the south line of the state of Wisconsin. The road is constructed and in operation from Fond du Lac to Iron Ridge, a point on the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul railway, twenty-nine miles from Fond du Lac. The "Pine River & Steven's Point Railroad Company" was organized by the enterprising citizens of Richland Center, and has built a narrow gauge road from Lone Rock, a point on the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul road, in Richland county, to Richland Center, sixteen miles in length. Its track is laid with wooden rails, and it is operated successfully. The " Chicago & Tomah Railroad Company " organized under the general railroad law of the state, in 1872,10 construct a narrow gauge road from Chicago, in Illinois, to the city of Tomah, in Wisconsin. Its president and active manager is D. R. Williams, of Clermont, Iowa, and its secretary is L. M. Culver, of Wauzeka. It has graded about forty-five miles, extending from Wauzeka up the valley of the Kickapoo river, in Crawford county, Wisconsin. It expects to have fifty-four miles in operation, to Bloomingdale, in Vernon county, the present year (1877). The rolling stock is guaranteed, and the president is negotiating for the purchase of the iron. South of Wauzeka the line is located to Belmont, in Iowa county. At Wauzeka it will connect with the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul line. The public-spirited citizens of Necedah, in Juneau county, have organized under the general law of the state, and graded a road-bed from their village to New Lisbon, on the Chicago, Mil waukee & St. Paul company's line. The latter company furnish and lay the iron, and will operate the road. It is thirteen miles in length. Conclusion. The railroads of Wisconsin have grown up under the requirements of the several localities that have planned and commenced their construction, and without regard to any general system. Frequently the work of construction was begun before adequate means were provided, and bankruptcy overtook the roads in their early stages. The consolidation of the various companies, as in the cases of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul, the Chicago & Northwestern, and others, has been effected to give through lines and the public greater facilities, as well as to introduce economy in management. At times the people have become apprehensive, and by legisla tive action prohibited railroads from consolidating, and have sought to control and break down the power of these corporations and to harmonize the interests of the companies and the public. The act of 1874, called the "Potter law," was the assertion, by the legislative power of the state, of its right to control corporations created by itself, and limit the rates at which freight and passengers should be carried. After a long and expensive contest, carried through the state and federal courts, this right has been established, being finally settled by the decision of the supreme court of the United States. Quite all the railroads of Wisconsin have been built with foreign capital. The plan pursued after an organization was effected, was to obtain stock subscriptions from those immediately LUMBER MANUFACTURE. 185 interested in the enterprise, procure the aid of counties and municipalities, and then allure the farmers, with the prospect of joint ownership in railroads, to subscribe for stock and mortgage their farms to secure the payment of their subscriptions. Then the whole line was bonded and a mortgage executed. The bonds and mortgages thus obtained, were taken to the money centers of New York, London, Amsterdam and other places, and sold, or hypothecated to obtain the money with which to prosecute the work. The bonds and mortgages were made to draw a high rate of interest, and the earnings of these new roads, through unsettled localities, Were insufficient to pay more than running and incidental expenses, and frequently fell short of that. Default occurring in the payment of interest, the mortgages were foreclosed and the property passed into the hands and under the control of foreign capitalists. Such has baen the history of most of the railroads of our state. The total number of farm mortgages given has been 3,785, amounting to $4,079,433 ; town, county and municipal bonds, amounting to $6,910,652. The total cost of all the railroads in the state, as given by the railroad commissioner in his report for 1876, lias been $98,343,453.67. This vast sum is, no doubt, greatly in excess of what the cost should have been, but the roads have proved of immense benefit in the develop ment of the material resources of the state. Other lines are needed through sections not yet traversed by the iron steed, and present lines should be extended by branch roads. The questions upon which great issues were raised between the railway corporations and the people, are now happily settled by securing to the latter their rights ; and the former, under the wise and conciliatory policy pursued by their managers, are assured of the sa?fety of their investments. An era of good feeling has succeeded one of distrust and antagonism. The people must use the railroads, and the railroads depend upon the people for sustenance and protection. This mutuality of interest, when fully recognized on both sides, will result in giving to capital a fair return and to labor its just reward. LUMBER MANUFACTURE. By W. B. JUDSON. Foremost among the industries of Wisconsin is that of manufacturing lumber. Very much of the importance to which the state has attained is due to the development of its forest wealth. In America, agriculture always has been, and always will be, the primary and most important interest; but no nation can subsist upon agriculture alone. While the broad prairies of Illinois and Iowa are rich with a fertile and productive soil, the hills and valleys of northern Wisconsin are clothed with a wealth of timber that has given birth to a great manufacturing interest, which employs millions of capital and thousands of men, and has peopled the northern wilds with energetic, prosperous communities, built up enterprising cities, and crossed,the state with a net- Work of railways which furnish outlets for its productions and inlets for the new populations which are ever seeking for homes and employment nearer to the setting sun. If a line be drawn upon the state map, from Green Bay westward through Stevens Point, to where it would naturally strike the Mississippi river, it will be below the southern boundary of the pine timber regions, with the single exception of the district drained by the Yellow river, a tributary of the Wisconsin, drawing its timber chiefly from Wood and Juneau counties. The territory north of this imaginary line covers an area a little greater than one half of the state. The pine timbered land is found in belts or ridges, interspersed with prairie openings, patches of hardwood and hemlock, and drained by numerous water-courses. No less than seven large 186 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. rivers traverse this northern section, and, with their numerous tributaries, penetrate every county, affording facilities for floating the logs to the mills, and, in many instances, the power to cut them into lumber. This does not include the St. Croix, which forms the greater portion of the boundary line between Wisconsin and Minnesota, and, by means of its tributaries, draws the most and best of its pine from the former state. These streams divide the territory, as far as lumbering is concerned, into six separate and distinct districts : The Green bay shore, which includes the Wisconsin side of the Menomonee, the Peshtigo and Oconto rivers, with a number of creeks which flow into the bay between the mouths of the Oconto and Fox rivers ; the Wolf river district ; the Wisconsin river, including the Yellow, as before mentioned ; the Black river ; the Chippewa and Red Cedar ; and the Wisconsin side of the St. Croix. Beginning with the oldest of these, the Green bay shore, a brief description of each will be attempted. The first saw-mill built in the state, of which there is now any knowledge, was put in operation in 1809, in Brown county, two or three miles east from Depere, on a little stream which was known as East river. It was built by Jacob Franks, but probably was a very small affair. Of its machinery or capacity for sawing, no history has been recorded, and it is not within the memory of any inhabitant of to-day. In 1829, John P. Arndt, of Green Bay, built a water- power mill on the Pensaukee river at a point where the town of Big Suamico now stands. In 1834, a mill was built on the Wisconsin side of the Menomonee, and, two years later, one at Peshtigo. Lumber was first shipped to market from this district in 1834, which must be termed the beginning of lumbering operations on the bay shore. The lands drained by the streams which flow into Green bay are located in Shawano and Oconto counties, the latter being the largest in the state. In 1847, Willard Lamb, of Green Bay, made the first sawed pine shingles in that district ; they were sold to the Galena railroad company for use on depot buildings, and were the first of the kind sold in Chicago. Subsequently Green Bay became one of the greatest points for the manufacture of such shingles in the world. The shores of the bay are low, and gradually change from marsh to swamp, then to level dry land, and finally become broken and mountainous to the northward. The pine is in dense groves that crowd closely upon the swamps skirting the bay, and reach far back among the hills of the interior. The Peshtigo flows into the bay about ten miles south of the Menomonee, and takes its rise far back in Oconto county, near to the latter's southern tributaries. It is counted a good logging stream, its annual product being from 40,000,000 to 60,000,000 feet. The timber is of a rather coarse quality, running but a small percentage to what the lumbermen term "uppers." About ten per cent, is what is known as Norway pine. Of the whole amount of timber tributary to the Peshtigo, probably about one third has been cut off to this date. The remainder will not average of as good quality, and only a limited portion of the land is of any value for agricultural purposes after being cleared of the pine. There are only two mills on this stream, both being owned by one company. The Oconto is one of the most important streams in the district. The first saw-mill was built on its banks about the year 1840, though the first lumbering operations of any account were begun in 1845 by David Jones. The business was conducted quite moderately until 1856, in which year several mills were built, and from that date Oconto has been known as quite an extensive lumber manufacturing point. The timber tributary to this stream has been of the best quality found in the state. Lumber cut from it has been known to yield the extraordinarily high average of fifty and sixty per cent, uppers. The timber now being cut will not average more than half that. The proportion of Norway is about five per cent. It is estimated that from three fourths to four fifths of the timber tributary to the Oconto has been cut away, but it will require a much longer time to convert the balance into lumber than was necessary to cut its equivalent in amount, owing to its remote location. The annual production LUMBER MANUFACTURE. 187" of pine lumber at Oconto is from 50,000,000 to 65,000,000 feet. The whole production of the- district, exclusive of the timber which is put into the Menomonee from Wisconsin, is about 140,000,000 feet annually. The Wolf river and its tributaries constitute the next district, proceeding westward. The first saw logs cut on this stream for commercial purposes were floated to the government mill at Neenah in 1835. In 1842, Samuel Farnsworth erected the first saw-mill on the upper Wolf near the location of the present village of Shawano, and in the following spring he sent the first raft of lumber down the Wolf to Oshkosh. This river also rises in Oconto county, but flows in a southerly direction, and enters Winnebago lake at Oshkosh. Its pineries have been very exten sive, but the drain upon them within the past decade has told with greater effect than upon any other district in the state. The quality of the timber is very fine, and the land is considered good for agricultural purposes, and is being occupied upon the lines of the different railways which cross it. The upper waters of the Wolf are rapid, and have a comparatively steady flow, which renders it a very good stream for driving logs. Upon the upper river, the land is quite rolling, and about the head-waters is almost mountainous. The pine timber that remains in this ¦ dis trict is high up on the main river and branches, and will last but a few years longer. A few years ago the annual product amounted to upward of 250,000,000 feet; in 1876 it was 138,000,000, The principal manufacturing points are Oshkosh and Fond du Lac ; the former has 21 mills, and the latter 10. Next comes the Wisconsin, the longest and most crooked river in the state. It rises in the extreme northern sections, and its general course is southerly until, at Portage City, it makes a grand sweep to the westward and unites with the Mississippi at Prairie du Chien. It has numer ous tributaries, and, together with these, drains a larger area of country than any other river in the state. Its waters flow swiftly and over numerous rapids and embryo falls, which renders log- driving and raft-running very difficult and even hazardous. The timber is generally near the banks of the main stream and its tributaries, gradually diminishing in extent as it recedes from them and giving place to the several varieties of hard-woods. The extent to which operations have been carried on necessitates going further up the stream for available timber, although there is yet what may be termed an abundant supply. The first cutting of lumber on this stream, of which there is any record, was by government soldiers, in 1828, at the building of Fort Winne bago. In 1831, a mill was built at Whitney's rapids, below Point Bass, in what was then Indian territory. By 1840, mills were in operation as high up as Big Bull falls, and Wausau had a population of 350 souls. Up to 1876, the product of the upper Wisconsin was all sent in rafts to markets on the Mississippi. The river above Point Bass is a series of rapids and eddies ; the current flows at the rate of from 10 to 20 miles an hour, and it can well be imagined that the task of piloting a raft from Wausau to the dells was no slight one. The cost of that kind of transportation in the early times was actually equal to the present market price of the lumber. With a good stage of water, the length of time required to run a raft to St. Louis was 24 days,. though quite frequently, owing to inability to get out of the Wisconsin on one rise of water, sev eral weeks were consumed. The amount of lumber manufactured annually on this river is from 140,000,000 to 200,000,000 feet. Black river is much shorter and smaller than the Wisconsin, but has long been known as a very important lumbering stream. It is next to the oldest lumber district in the state. The first saw-mill west of Green Bay was built at Black River Falls in 1819 by Col. John Shaw. The Winnebago tribe of Indians, however, in whose territory he was, objected to the innovation of such a fine art, and unceremoniously offered up the mill upon the altar of their outraged. 188 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. solitude. The owner abruptly quitted that portion of the country. In 1839 another attempt to establish a mill on Black river was more successfully made. One was erected at the same point by two brothers by the name of Wood, the millwright being Jacob Spaulding, who eventually became its possessor. His son, Mr. Dudley J. Spaulding, is now a very extensive operator upon Black river. La Crosse is the chief manufacturing point, there being ten saw-mills located there. The annual production of the stream ranges from 150,000,000 to 225,000,000 feet of lo°-s, less than 100,000,000 feet being manufactured into lumber on its banks. The balance is sold in the log to mills on the Mississippi. It is a very capricious river to float logs in, which necessitates the carrying over from year to year of a very large amount, variously estimated at from 150,000,000 to 200,000,000 feet, about equal to an entire season's product. This makes the business more hazardous than on many other streams, as the loss from depreciation is very great •after the first year. The quality of the timber is fine, and good prices are realized for it when sold within a year after being cut. The Chippewa district probably contains the largest and finest body of white pine timber now standing, tributary to any one stream, on the continent. It has been claimed, though with more extravagance than truth, that the Chippewa pineries hold one-half the timber supply of the state. The river itself is a large one, and has many tributaries, which penetrate the rich pine district in all directions. The character of the tributary country is not unlike that through which the Wisconsin flows. In 1828 the first mill was built in the Chippewa valley, on Wilson's creek, near its confluence with the Red Cedar. Its site is now occupied by the village of Meno monee. In 1837 another was built on what is the present site of the Union Lumbering Company's mill at Chippewa Falls. It was not until near 1 865 that the Chippewa became very prominent as a lumber-making stream: Since that date it has been counted as one of the foremost in the north west. Upon the river proper there are twenty-two saw-mills, none having a capacity of less than 3,500,000 feet per season, and a number being capable of sawing from 20,000,000 to 25,000,000 The annual production of sawed lumber is from 250,000,000 to 300,000,000 feet ; the production of logs from 400,000,000 to 500,000,000 feet. In 1867 the mill-owners upon the Mississippi, between Winona and Keokuk, organized a corporation known as the Beef Slough Manufactur ing, Log-Driving and Transportation Company. Its object was to facilitate the handling of logs cut upon the Chippewa and its tributaries, designed for the Mississippi mills. At the confluence of the two rivers various improvements were made, constituting the Beef Slough boom, which is ¦capable of assorting 200,000,000 feet of logs per season. The Chippewa is the most difficult stream in the northwest upon which to operate. In the spring season it is turbulent and ungovernable, and in summer, almost destitute of water. About its head are numerous lakes, which easily overflow under the influence of rain, and as their surplus water flows into the Chippewa, its rises are sudden and sometimes damaging in their extent. The river in many places flows between high bluffs, and, under the influence of a freshet, becomes a wild and unmanageable torrent. Logs have never been floated in rafts, as upon other streams, but are turned in loose, and are carried down with each successive rise, in a jumbled and confused mass, which entails much labor and loss in the work of assorting and delivering to the respective owners. Previous to the organization of the Eagle Rapids Flooding Dam and Boom Company, in 1872, the work of securing the stock after putting it into the river was more difficult than to cut and haul it. At the cities of Eau Claire and Chippewa Falls, where most of the mills are located, the current, under the influence of high water, is very rapid, and for years the problem was, how to stop and retain the logs, as they would go by in great masses and with almost resist less velocity. In 1847 is recorded one of the most sudden and disastrous floods in the history of log-running streams. In the month of June the Chippewa rose twelve feet in a single night, LUMBER MANUFACTURE. 189 and, in the disastrous torrent that was created, piers, booms, or " pockets " for holding logs at the mills, together with a fine new mill, were swept away, and the country below where Eau Claire iy>w stands was covered with drift-wood, saw-logs, and other debris. Such occurrences led to the invention of the since famous sheer boom, which is a device placed in the river opposite the mill boom into which it is desired to turn the logs. The sheer boom is thrown diagonally across the river, automatically, the action of the current upon a number of ingeniously arranged "fins" holding it in position. By this means the logs are sheered into the receptacle until it is filled, when tbe sheer boom, by closing up the " fins" with a windlass, falls back and allows the logs to go on for the next mill to stop and capture its pocket full in like manner. By this method each mill could obtain a stock, but a great difficulty was experienced from the fact that the supply was composed of logs cut and owned by everybody operating on the river, and the process of balancing accounts according to the " marks," at the close of the season, has been one prolific of trouble and legal entanglements. The building of improvements at Eagle Rapids by the company above mentioned remedied the difficulty to some extent, but the process of logging will always be a difficult and hazardous enterprise until adequate means for holding and assorting the entire log product are provided. Upon the Yellow and Eau CJaire rivers, two important branches of the Chippewa, such difficulties are avoided by suitable improvements. The entire lumber product of the Chippewa, with the exception of that consumed locally, is floated in rafts to markets upon the Mississippi, between its mouth and St. Louis. The quality ¦of the timber is good, and commands the best market price in the sections where it seeks market. West of the Chippewa district the streams and timber are tributary to the St. Croix, and in all statistical calculations the entire product of that river is credited to Minnesota, the same as that of the Menomonee is given to Michigan, when in fact about one half of each belongs to Wisconsin. The important branches of the St. Croix belonging in this state are the Apple Clam, Yellow, Namekogan, Totagatic and Eau Claire. The sections of country through which they flow contain large bodies of very fine pine timber. The St. Croix has long been noted for the excellence of its dimension timber. Of this stock a portion is cut into lumber at Stillwater, and marketed by rail, and the balance is sold in the log to mills on the Mississippi. Such is a brief and somewhat crude description of the main lumbering districts of the state. Aside from these, quite extensive operations are conducted upon various railway lines which penetrate the forests which are remote from log-running streams. Ln almost every county in the state, mills of greater or less capacity may be found cutting up pine or hard-woods into lumber, shingles, or cooperage stock. Most important, in a lumbering point of view, of all the railroads, is the Wisconsin Central. It extends from Milwaukee to Ashland, on Lake Superior, a distance of 351 miles, with a line to Green Bay, 113 miles, and one from Stevens Point to Portage, 71 miles, making a total length of road, of 449 miles. It has only been completed to Ashland within the present season. From Milwaukee to Stevens Point it passes around to the east and north of Lake Winnebago, through an excellent hard-wood section. There are many stave mills in operation upon and tributary to its line, together with wooden-ware establishments and various manufactories requiring either hard or soft timber, as raw material. From Stevens Point northward, this road passes through and has tributary to it one of the finest bodies of tim ber in the state. It crosses the upper waters of Black river and the Flambeau, one of the main tributaries of the Chippewa. From 30,000,000 to 50,000,000 feet of lumber is annually manu factured oh its line, above Stevens Point. The Wisconsin Valley railroad extends from Tomah to Wausau, and was built to afford an outlet, by rail, for the lumber produced at the latter point. The extent of the timber supply in this state has been a matter of much speculation, and 190 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. is a subject upon which but little can be definitely said. Pine trees can not be counted or measured until reduced to saw-logs or lumber. It is certain that for twenty years the forests of Wisconsin have yielded large amounts of valuable timber, and no fears are entertained by holders of pine lands that the present generation of owners will witness an exhaustion of their supply. In some sections it is estimated that the destruction to, the standing timber by fires, which periodically sweep over large sections, is greater than by the axes of the loggers. The necessity for a state system of forestry, for the protection of the forests from fires, has been urged by many, and with excellent reason ; for no natural resource of the state is of more value and importance than its wealth of timber. According to an esti mate recently made by a good authority, and which received the sanction of many interested parties, there was standing in the state in 1876, an amount of pine timber approximating 35,000,000,000 feet. The annual production of lumber in the districts herein described, and from logs floated out of the state to mills on the Mississippi, is about 1 ,200,000,000 feet. The following table gives the mill capacity per season, and the lumber and shingles manufactured in 1876 : Green Bay Shore Wolf River Wisconsin Central R ailroad Green Bay & Minnesota Railroad Wisconsin River - - Black River .. Chippewa River Mississippi River — using Wisconsin logs Total ._ SEASON capacity. 206,000, coo 258,50 ),O0O 72,500000 34,500,000 222,000,000 101,000,000 311,000,000509,000,000 1,714,500,000 LUMBER MANUFACTURED IN 1876. 138,250,000138,645,077 31,530,00017,700,000 139,700,000 70.852,747 255,866,999380,067,000 1,172,611,823 SHINGLES MANUFACTURED IN 1876. 85,400,000 123,192,000132,700,000 10,700,000 106,250,000 37.675,000 79,250,000 206,977,000 782,144,000 If to the above is added the production of mills outside of the main districts and lines of rail way herein described, the amount of pine lumber annually produced from Wisconsin forests would reach 1,500,000,000 feet. Of the hard-wood production no authentic information is obtainable To cut the logs and place them upon the banks of the streams, ready for floating to the mills,, requires the labor of about 18,000 men. Allowing that, upon an average, each man has a family of two persons besides himself, dependent upon his labor for support, it would be apparent that the first step in the work of manufacturing lumber gives employment and support to 54,000 persons. To convert 1,000,000 feet of logs into lumber, requires the consumption of 1,20a bushels of oats, 9 barrels of pork and beef, 10 tons of hay, 40 barrels of flour, and the use of 2 pairs of horses. Thus the fitting out of the logging companies each fall makes a market for 1,800,000 bushels of oats, 13,500 barrels of pork and beef, 15,000 tons of hay, and 60,000 barrels of flour. Before the lumber is sent to market, fully $6,000,000 is expended for the labor employed in producing it. This industry, aside from furnishing the farmer of the west with the cheapest and best of materials for constructing his buildings, also furnishes a very important market for the products of his farm. The question of the exhaustion of the pine timber supply has met with much discussion during the past few years, and, so far as the forests of Wisconsin are concerned, deserves a brief notice. The great source of supply of white pine timber in the country is that portion of the northwest between the shores of Lake Huron and the banks of the Mississippi, comprising the LUMBER MANUFACTURE. 191 northern portions of the states of Michigan, Wisconsin and Minnesota. For a quarter of a century these fields have been worked by lumbermen, the amount of the yearly production having increased annually until it reached the enormous figure of 4,000,000,000 feet. With all of this tremendous drain upon the forests, there can be pointed out but one or two sections that are actually exhausted. There are, however, two or three where the end can be seen and the date almost foretold. The pineries of Wisconsin have been drawn upon for a less period and less amount than those of Michigan, and, it is generally conceded, will outlast them at the present proportionate rate of cutting. There are many owners of pine timber lands who laugh at the prospect of exhausting their timber, within their lifetime. As time brings them nearer to the end, the labor of procuring the logs, by reason of the distance of the timber from the water-courses, will increase, and the work will progress more slowly. In the future of this industry there is much promise. Wisconsin is the natural source of supply for a very large territory. The populous prairies of Illinois and Iowa are near-by and unfailing markets. The broad plains of Kansas and the rich valleys of Nebraska, which are still in the cradle of development, will make great drafts upon her forests for the material to construct cities in which the first corner-stone is yet unlaid. Minnesota, notwithstanding the fact that large forests exist within her own confines, is even now no mean customer for Wisconsin lumber, and the ambitious territory of Dakota will soon clamor for material to build up a great and wealthy state. In the inevitable progress of development and growth which must characterize the great west, the demand for pine lumber for building material will be a prominent feature. With the growth of time, changes will occur in the methods of reducing the forests. With the increasing demand and enhancing values will come improvements in manipulating the raw material, and a stricter economy will be preserved in the handling of a commodity which the passage of time only makes more valuable. Wisconsin will become the home of manufactories, which will convert her trees into finished articles of daily consumption, giving employment to thousands of artisans where it now requires hundreds, and bringing back millions of revenue where is now realized thousands. Like all other commodities, lumber becomes more valuable as skilled labor is employed in its manipulation, and the greater the extent to which this is carried, the greater is the growth in prosperity, of the state and its people. BANKING IN WISCONSIN. by john p. McGregor. Wisconsin was organized as a territory in 1836, and the same year several acts were passed by the territorial legislature, incorporating banks of issue. Of these, one at Green Bay and another at Mineral Point went into operation just in time to play their part in the great panic of 1837. The bank at Green Bay soon failed and left its bills unredeemed. The bank at Mineral Point is said to have struggled a little longer, but both these concerns were short lived, and their issues were but a drop in the great flood of worthless wild-cat bank notes that spread over the whole western country in that disastrous time. The sufferings of the people of Wis consin, from this cause, left a vivid impression on their minds, which manifested its results in the legislation of the territory and in the constitution of the state adopted in 1848. So jealous were the legislatures of the territory, of banks and all their works, that, in every act of incorporation for any purpose, a clause \va.; inserted to the effect that nothing in the act contained should be 192 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. taken to authorize the corporation to assume or exercise any banking powers ; and this proviso- was even added to acts incorporating church societies. For some years there can hardly be said to have been a:.y banking business done in the territory ; merchants and business men were left to their own devices to make their exchanges, and every man was his own banker. In the year 1839 an act was passed incorporating the " Wisconsin Marine and Fire Insurance Company," of Milwaukee. This charter conferred on the corporation, in addition to the usual powers of a fire and marine insurance company, the privilege of receiving deposits, issuing certifi cates of deposit and lending money,— and wound up with the usual prohibition from doing a banking business. This company commenced business at once under the management of George Smith as president and Alexander Mitchell as secretary. The receiving deposits, issuing certifi cates of deposit and lending money, soon outgrew and overshadowed the insurance branch of the institution, which accordingly gradually dried up. In fact, the certificates of deposit had all thet appearance of ordinary bank notes, and served the purposes of an excellent currency, being, always promptly redeemed in coin on demand. Gradually these issues attained' a great circulation all through the west, as the people gained more and more confidence in the honesty and ability of the managers ; and though " runs " were several times made, yet being successfully met, the public finally settled down into the belief that these bills were good beyond question, so that the amount in circulation at one time, is said, on good authority, to have been over $2,000,000. As the general government required specie to be paid for all lands bought of it, the Wis consin Marine and Fire Insurance company, by redemption of its " certificates of deposit," furnished a large part of the coin needed for use at the Milwaukee land office, and more or less, for purchases at land offices in other parts of the state, and its issues were of course much in request for this purpose. For many years this institution furnished the main banking facilities for the business men of the territory and young state, in the way of discounts and exchange?,. Its right to carry on the operations it was engaged in, under its somewhat dubious and incon sistent charter, was often questioned, and, in 1852, under the administration of Governor Farwell, some steps were taken to test the matter ; but as the general banking law had then been passed by the legislature, and was about to be submitted to the people, and as it was understood that the company would organize as a bank under the law, if approved, the legal proceedings were not pressed. While this corporation played so important a part in the financial history and commer cial development of Wisconsin, the writer is not aware of any available statistics as to the- amount of business transacted by it before it became merged in the "Wisconsin Marine and. Fire Insurance Company's Bank:" In 1847, the foundation of the present well-known firm of Marshall & Ilsley was laid by Samuel Marshall, who, in that year, opened a private banking office in Milwaukee, and was joined. in 1849 by Charles F. Ilsley. This concern has always held a prominent position among the banking institutions of our state. About this time, at Mineral Point, Washburn & Woodman (C. C. Washburn and Cyrus Woodman) engaged in private banking, as a part of their business, After some years they were succeeded by Wm. T. Henry, who still continues the banking office. Among the early private bankers of the state were Mr. Kellogg, of Oshkosh ; Ulmann and Bell, of Racine ; and T. C. Shove, of Manitowoc. The latter still continues his business, while that of the other firms has Leen wound up or merged in organized banks. In 1848, Wisconsin adopted a state constitution. This constitution prohibited the legislature from incorporating banks and from conferring banking powers on any corporation; but provided the question of " banks or no banks " might be submitted to a vote of the electors, and, if the decision should be in favor of banks, then the legislature might charter banks or might enact a. BANKING IN WISCONSIN. 193. general banking law, but no such special charter or general banking law should have any force. until submitted to the electors at a general election, and approved by a majority of votes cast on that subject. In 185 i, the legislature submitted this question to the people, and a majority of the votes were cast in favor of " banks." Accordingly the legislature, in 1852, made a general banking law, which was submitted to the electors in November of that year, and was approved by them. This law was very similar to the free banking law of the state of New York, which had then been in force about fifteen years, and was generally approved in that state. Our law authorized any number of individuals to form a corporate association for banking purposes, and its main provisions were intended to provide security for the circulating notes, by deposit of state. and United States stocks or bonds with the state treasurer, so that the bill holders should sustain no loss in case of the failure of the banks. Provision was made for a bank comptroller, whose main duty it was to see that countersigned circulating notes were issued to banks only in proper amounts for the securities deposited, and upon compliance with the law, and that the banks kept these securities good. The first bank comptroller was James S. Baker, who was appointed by Governor Farwell, The first banks organized under the new law were the " State Bank," established at Madu son by Marshall & Ilsley, and the "Wisconsin Marine and Fire Insurance Company's Bank," established at Milwaukee under the old management of that company. These banks both went into operation early in January, 1853, and, later in that year, the " State Bank of Wisconsin " (now Milwaukee National Bank of Wisconsin), and the " Farmers' and Millers' Bank " (now First National Bank of Milwaukee), were established, followed in January, 1854, by the "Bank of Mil waukee " (now National Exchange Bank of Milwaukee). From this time forward banks were rapidly established at different points through the state, until in July, 1857, they numbered sixty — with aggregate capital, $4,205,000; deposits, $3,920,238; and circulation, $2,231,829. In October, the great revulsion and panic of 1857 came on, and in its course and effects tried pretty severely the new banks in Wisconsin. Some of them succumbed to the pressure, but most of them stood the trial well. The great source of loss and weakness at that time was found in the rapid decline of the market value of the securities deposited to protect circulation, which were mostly state bonds, and largely those of the southern states; so that this security, when it came to be tried, did not prove entirely sufficient. Another fault of the system, or of the practice under it, was developed at this time. It was found that many of the banks had been set up without actual working capi tal, merely for the purpose of issuing circulating notes, and were located at distant and inaccessible points in what was then the great northern wilderness of the state ; so that it was expensive and in fact impracticable to present their issues for redemption. While these evils and their rem edies were a good deal discussed among bankers, the losses and inconveniences to the people were not yet great enough to lead to the adoption of thorough and complete measures of reform. The effect of these difficulties, however, was to bring the bankers of the state into the habit of consulting and acting together in cases of emergency, the first bankers' convention having been held in 1857. This was followed by others from time to time, and it would be difficult to over value the great good that has resulted, at several important crises from the har.i.onious and con servative action of the bankers of our state. Partly, at least, upon their recommendations the legislature, in 1858, adopted amendments to the banking law, providing that no bank should be located in a township containing less than two hundred inhabitants ; and that the comptroller should not issue circulating notes, except to banks doing a regular discount deposit and exchange business in some inhabited town, village, city, or where the ordinary business of inhabited towns, villages and cities was carried on. These, amendments were approved by the people at the fall 194 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. election of tbat year. Banking matters now ran along pretty smoothly until the election in i860, of the republican presidential ticket, and the consequent agitation in the southern states threatening civil war, the ¦effects of which were speedily felt; first, in the great depreciation of the bonds of the southern states, and then in a less decline in those of the northern states. At this time (taking the state ment of July, i860,) the number of banks was 104, with aggregate capital, $6,547,000; circula tion, $4,075,918; deposits, $3,230,252. During the winter following, there was a great deal of uneasiness in regard to our state cur rency, and co -.tinuous demand upon our banks for the redemption of their circulating notes in coin. Many banks of the wild-cat sort failed to redeem their notes, which became depreciated and uncurrent; and, when the rebellion came to a head by the firing on Fort Sumter, the banking interests of the state were threatened with destruction by compulsory winding up and enforced •sale at the panic prices then prevailing, of the securities deposited to secure circulation. Under these circumstances, on the 17th of April, 1861, the legislature passed " an act to protect the holders of the circulating notes of the authorized banks of the state of Wisconsin." As the banking law could not be amended except by approval of the electors, by vote at a general election, a practical suspension of specie payment had to be effected by indirect methods. So this act first directed the bank comptroller to suspend all action toward banks for failing tp redeem their circulation. Secondly, it prohibited notaries public from protesting bills of banks until Dec 1, 1861. Thirdly, it gave banks until that date to answer complaints in any proceed ing to compel specie payment of circulating notes. This same legislature also amended the banking law, to cure defects that had been developed in it. These amendments were intended to facilitate the presentation and protest of circulating notes, and the winding up of banks failing to redeem them, and provided that the bank comptroller should not issue circulating notes •except to banks having actual cash capital ; on which point he was to take evidence in all cases ; that after Dec. 1, 1861, all banks ofthe state should redeem their issues either at Madison or Milwaukee, and no bonds or stocks should be received as security for circulation except those of the United States and of the state of Wisconsin. Specie payment of bank bills was then practically suspended, in our state, from April 17 to December 1, 1861, and there was no longer any plain practical test for determining which were good, and which not. In this condition of things, bankers met in convention, and, after discus sion and inquiry as to the condition and resources of the different banks, put forth a list of those whose issues were to be considered current and bankable. But things grew worse, and it was evident that the list contained banks that would never be able to redeem their circulation, and the issues of such were from time to time thrown out and discredited without any concert of action, so that the uneasiness of people in regard to the financial situation was greatly increased. The bankers finally met, gave the banks another sifting, and put forth a list of seventy banks, whose circulating notes they pledged themselves to receive, and pay out as current, until Decem ber 1. There had been so many changes that this pledge was thought necessary to allay the apprehensions of the public. But matters still grew worse instead of better. Some of the banks in the " current " list closed their doors to their depositors, and others were evidently unsound, and their circulation so insufficiently secured as to make it certain that it would never be redeemed. There was more or less sorting of the currency, both by banks and business men, all over the state, in the endeavor to keep the best and pay out the poorest. In this state of things, some of the Milwaukee banks, without concert of action, and acting under the apprehen sion of being loaded up with the very worst of the currency, which, it was feared, the country banks and merchants were sorting out and sending to Milwaukee, revised the list again, and BANKING IN WISCONSIN. 195 threw out ten of the seventy banks whose issues it had been agreed should be received as current. Other banks and bankers were compelled to take the same course to protect them selves. The consequence was a great disturbance of the public mind, and violent charges of bad faith on the part of the banks, which culminated in the bank riots of June 24, 1861. On that day, a crowd of several hundred disorderly people, starting out most probably only with the idea of making some sort of demonstration of their dissatisfaction with the action of the banks and bankers and with the failure to keep faith with the public, marched through the streets with a band of music, and brought up at the corner of Michigan and East Water streets. The banks had just sufficient notice of these proceedings to enable them to lock up their money and valuables in their vaults, before the storm broke upon them. The mob halted at the place above mentioned, and for a time contented themselves with hooting, and showed no dispo sition to proceed to violence; but, after a little while, a stone was thrown through the windows of the Wisconsin Marine and Fire Insurance Company's Bank, situated at one corner of the above streets, and volleys of stones soon followed, not only against that bank, but also against the State Bank of Wisconsin, situated on the opposite corner. The windows of both these institutions and of the offices in the basements under them were effectually demolished. The mob then made a rus-h into these banks and offices, and completely gutted them, offering more or less violence to the inmates, though no person was seriously hurt. The broken furni ture of the offices under the State Bank of Wisconsin was piled up, and the torch was applied by some of the rioters, while others were busy in endeavoring to break into the safes of the offices and the vaults of the banks. The debris of the furniture in the office of the Wisconsin Marine and Fire Insurance Company's Bank, was also set on fire, and it was plain that if the mob was not immediately checked, the city would be given up to conflagration and pillage — the worst elements, as is always the case with mobs, having assumed the leadership. Just at that juncture, the Milwaukee zouaves, a small military company, appeared on the scene, and with the help of the firemen who had been called out, the mob was put to flight, and the incipient fire was extin guished. The damage so far done was not great in amount, and the danger for the moment was over ; but the situation was still grave, as the city was full of threats, disturbance and apprehension. By the prompt action of the authorities, a number of companies of volunteers were brought from different places in the state, order was preserved, and, after muttering for three or four days, the storm died away. The effect of that disturbance and alarm was, however, to bring home to the bankers and business men the conviction that effectual measures must be taken to settle our state currency matters on a sound and permanent basis, and that the issues of all banks that could not be put in shape to meet specie payment in December, must be retired from circulation and be got out of the way. A meeting of the bankers was held; also of the merchants' association of Milwaukee, and arrangements were made to raise $100,000, by these two bodies, to be used in assisting weak and crippled banks in securing or retiring their circulation. The bankers appointed a committee to take the matter in charge. It happened that just at this time Governor Randall and State Treasurer Hastings returned from New York City, where they had been making unsuccessful efforts to dispose of $800,000 of Wisconsin war bonds, which had been issued to raise funds to fit out Wisconsin volunteers. Our state had never had any bonds, on the eastern market. For other reasons, our credit was not high in New York, and it had been found impossible to dispose of these bonds for over sixty cents on the dollar. The state officers conferred with the bankers to see what could be done at home ; and it was finally arranged that the bankers' committee should undertake to get the state banks to dispose of their southern and other depreciated state bonds on deposit to 196 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. secure circulation, for what they would bring in coin, in New York, and replace these bonds with those of our own state, .which were to be taken by our banks nominally at par — seventy percent. being paid in cash, and the different banks purchasing bonds, giving their individual obligation for the thirty per cent, balance, to be paid in semi-annual installments, with an agreement that the state should deduct these installments from the interest so long as these bonds should remain ou deposit with the state. By the terms of the law, sixty per cent, of the proceeds of the bonds had to be paid in coin. The bankers' committee went to work, and with some labor and difficulty induced most of the banks to sell their southern securities at the existing low prices in New York, and thus produce the coin required to pay for our state bonds. From the funds provided by the merchants and bankers, they assisted many of the weaker banks to make good their securities with the banking department of the state. By the 19th of July, six of the ten rejected banks that had been the occasion of the riot, were made good, and restored to the list. The other four were wound up, and their issues redeemed at par, and, before the last of August, the value of the securities of all the banks on the current list were brought up to their circulation, as shown by the comptroller's report. Wisconsin currency at the time of the bank riot was at a discount of about 15 per cent., as compared with gold or New York exchange. At the middle of July the discount was 10 to 12 per cent., and early in August it fell to 5 per cent. The bankers' committee continued their work in preparation for the resumption of specie payment on December 1. While the securities for the bank circulation had been made good, it was, nevertheless, evident that many of the banks on the current list would not be equal to the continued redemption of their bills in specie, and that they would have to be wound up and got out of the way in season. Authority was got from such institutions, as fast as possible, for the bankers' committee to retire their circulation and sell their securities. The Milwaukee banks and bankers took upon themselves the great burden of this business, having arranged among themselves to sort out and withhold from cir culation the bills of these banks, — distributing the load among themselves in certain defined proportions. Instead of paying out these doubted bills, the different banks brought to the bank ers' committee such amounts as they accumulated from time to time, and received from the committee certificates of deposit bearing seven per cent, interest, and these bills were locked up by the committee until the securities for these notes could be sold and the proceeds realized. Over $400,000 of this sort of paper was locked up by the committee at one time ; but it was all converted into cash, and, when the first of December came, the remaining banks of this state were ready to redeem their issues in gold or its equivalent, and so continued to redeem until the issue of the legal-tender notes and the general suspension of specie payment in the United States. In July, 1 86 1, the number of our banks was 107, with capital, $4,607,000; circulation, &&1,9°1 ; deposits, $3,265,069. By the contraction incident to the preparations for redemption in specie, the amount of cur rent Wisconsin bank notes outstanding December 1, 1861, was reduced to about $1,500,000. When that day came, there was quite a disposition manifested to convert Wisconsin currency into coin, and a sharp financial pinch was felt for a few days ; but as the public became satisfied that the banks were prepared to meet the demand, the call for redemption rapidly fell off, and the banks soon began to expand their circulation, which was now current and in good demand all through the northwestern states. The amount saved to all the interests of our state, by this successful effort to save our banking system from destruction, is beyond computation. From this time our banks ran along quietly until prohibitory taxation by act of congress drove the bills of state banks out of circulation. BANKING IN WISCONSIN. 197 The national banking law was passed in 1863, and a few banks were soon organized under it in different parts of the country. The first in Wisconsin was formed by the re-organization of the Farmers' and Millers' Bank, in August, 1863, as the First National Bank of Milwaukee, with Edward D. Holton as president, and H. H. Camp, cashier. The growth of the new system, however, was not very rapid ; the state banks were slow to avail themselves of the privileges of the national banking act, and the central authorities concluded to compel them to come in ; so facilities were offered for their re-organization as national banks, and then a tax of ten per cent. was laid upon the issues of the state banks. This tax was imposed by act of March, 1865, and at once caused a commotion in our state. In July, 1864, the number of Wisconsin state banks was sixty-six, with capital $3,147,000, circulation $2,461,728, deposits $5,483,205, and these figures were probably not very different in the spring of 1865. The securities for the circulating, notes were in great part the bonds of our own state, which, while known by our own people to- be good beyond question, had never been on the general markets of the country so as to be cur rently known there ; and it was feared that in the hurried retirement of our circulation these bonds would be sacrificed, the currency depreciated, and great loss brought upon our banks and. people. There was some excitement, and a general call for the redemption of our state circula tion, but the banks mostly met the run well, and our people were disposed to stand by our own- state bonds. In April, 1861, the legislature passed laws, calling in the mortgage loans ofthe school fundr and directing its investment in these securities. The state treasurer was required to receive Wisconsin bank notes, not only for taxes and debts due the state, but also on deposit, and to- issue certificates for such deposits bearing seven per cent, interest. By these and like means. the threatened panic was stopped ; and in the course of a few months Wisconsin state currency was nearly all withdrawn from circulation. In July, 1865, the number of state banks was twenty-six, with capital $1,087,000, circulation $192,323, deposits $2,284,210. Under the pressure put on by congress, the organization of national banks, and especially the re-organiza tion of state banks, under the national system, was proceeding rapidly, and in a short time nearly every town in our own state of much size or importance was provided with one or more of these institutions. In the great panic of 1873, all the Wisconsin banks, both state and national (in common: with those of the whole country), were severely tried; but the failures were few and unimpor tant; and Wisconsin went through that ordeal with less loss and disturbance than almost any other state. We have seen that the history of banking in Wisconsin covers a stormy period, in which great disturbances and panics have occurred at intervals of a few years. It is to be hoped that a more peaceful epoch will succeed, but permanent quiet and prosperity can not rationally be expected in the present unsettled condition of our currency, nor until we have gone through the temporary stringency incidental to the resumption of specie payment. According to the last report of the comptroller of the currency, the number of nationaE banks in Wisconsin in November, 1876, was forty, with capital $3,400,000, deposits $7,M5>36o„ circulation $2,072,869. At this time (July, 1877) tne number of state banks is twenty-six, with capital $1,288,231,, deposits $6,662,973. Their circulation is, of course, merely nominal, though there is no legal obstacle to their issuing circulating notes, except the tax imposed by congress. COMMERCE AND MANUFACTURES. By Hon. H. H. GILES. The material philosophy of a people has to do with the practical and useful. It sees in iron, coal, cotton, wool, grain and the trees of the forest, the elements of personal comfort and sources of material greatness, and is applied to their development, production and fabrication for purposes of exchange, interchange and sale. The early immigrants to Wisconsin territory found a land teeming with unsurpassed natural advantages ; prairies, timber, water and minerals, invit ing the farmer, miner and lumberman, to come and build houses, furnaces, mills and factories. The first settlers were a food-producing people. The prairies and openings were ready for the plow. The ease with which farms were brought under cultivation, readily enabled the pioneer to supply the food necessary for himself and family, while a surplus was often produced in a few months. The hardships so often encountered in the settlement of a new country, where forests must be felled and stumps removed to prepare the soil for tillage, were scarcely known, or greatly mitigated. During the decade from 1835 to 1845, so great were the demands for the products of the soil, created by the tide of emigration, that the settlers found a home market for all their surplus products, and so easily were crops grown that, within a very brief time after the first emigration, but little was required from abroad. The commerce of the country was carried on by the exchange of products. The settlers (they could scarcely be called farmers) would exchange their wheat, corn, oats and pork for the goods, wares and fabrics of the village merchant. It was an age of barter ; but they looked at the capabilities of the land they had come to possess, and, with firm faith, saw bright promises of better days in the building up of a great state. It is not designed to trace with minuteness the history of Wisconsin through the growth of its commercial and manufacturing interests. To do it justice would require a volume. The aim of this article will be to present a concise view of its present status. Allusion will only be incidentally made to stages of growth and progress by which it has been reached. Few states in the Union possess within their borders so many, and in such abundance, elements that contribute to the material prosperity of a people. Its soil of unsurpassed fertility ; its inexhaustible mines of lead, copper, zinc and iron ; its almost boundless forests ; its water-powers, sufficient to drive the machinery of the world ; its long lines of lake shore on two sides, and the " Father of waters " on another, — need but enterprise, energy and capital to utilize them in building an empire of wealth, where the hum of variedjndustries shall be heard in the music of the sickle, the loom and the anvil. The growth of manufacturing industries was slow during the first twenty-five years of our history. The early settlers were poor. Frequently the land they tilled was pledged to obtain means to pay for it. Capitalists obtained from twenty to thirty per cent, per annum for the use of their money. Indeed, it was the rule, under the free-trade ideas of the money-lenders for them to play the Shylock. While investments in bonds and mortgages were so profitable, few were ready to improve the natural advantages the country presented for building factories and work-shops. COMMERCE AND MANUFACTURES. 199 For many years, quite all the implements used in farming were brought from outside the state. While this is the case at present to some extent with the more cumbersome farm machinery, quite a proportion of that and most of the simpler and lighter implements are made at home, while much farm machinery is now manufactured for export to other states. Furs. The northwest was visited and explored by French voyageurs and missionaries from Canada at an early day. The object of the former was trading and gain. The Jesuits, ever zealous in the propagation of their religion, went forth into the unknown wilderness to convert the natives to their faith. As early as 1624, they were operating about Lake Huron and Mackinaw. Father Memrd, it is related, was with the Indians on Lake Superior as early as 1661. The early explorers were of two classes, and were stimulated by two widely different motives — the voyag eurs, by the love of gain, and the missionaries, by their zeal in the propagation of their faith. Previous to 1679, a considerable trade in furs had sprung up with Indian tribes in the vicinity of Mackinaw and the northern part of " Ouisconsin." In that year more than two hundred canoes, laden with furs, passed Mackinaw, bound for Montreal. The whole commerce of this vast region then traversed, was carried on with birch-bark canoes. The French used them in traversing wilds — otherwise inaccessible by reason of floods of water at one season, and ice and snow at another — also lakes and morasses which interrupted land journeys, and rapids and cataracts that cut off communication by water. This little vessel enabled them to overcome all difficulties. Being buoyant, it rode the waves, although heavily freighted, and, of light draft, it permitted the traversing of small streams. Its weight was so light that it could be easily carried from one stream to another, and around rapids and other obstructions. With this little vessel, the fur trade of the northwest was carried on, as well as the interior of a vast continent explored. Under the stimulus of commercial enterprise, the French traders penetrated the recesses ot the immense forests whose streams were the home of the beaver, the otter and the mink, and in whose depths were found the martin, sable, ermine, and other fur-bearing animals. A vast trade in furs sprung up, and was carried on by different agents, under authority of the French government. When the military possession of the northwestern domain passed from the government of France to that of Great Britain in 1760, the relationship of the fur trade to the government changed. The government of France had controlled the traffic, and made it a means of strength ening its hold upon the country it possessed. The policy of Great Britain was, to charter companies, and grant them exclusive privileges. The Hudson bay company had grown rich and powerful between 1670 and 1760. Its success had excited the cupidity of capitalists, and rival organizations were formed. The business of the company had been done at their trading-stations —the natives bringing in their furs for exchange and barter. Other companies sent their voyageurs into every nook and corner to traffic with the trappers, and even to catch the fur-bear ing animals themselves. In the progress of time, private parties engaged in trapping and dealing in furs, and, under the competition created, the business became less profitable. In 1815, congress passed an act prohibiting foreigners from dealing in furs in the United States, or any of its territories. This action was obtained through the influence of John Jacob Astor. Mr. Astor organized the American fur company in 1809, and afterward, in connection with the North west company, bought out the Mackinaw company, and the two were merged in the Southwest company. The association was suspended by the war of 1812. The American re-entered the field in 1816. The fur trade is still an important branch of traffic in the northern part of the state, and, during eight months of the year, employs a large number of men. 200 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. Lead and Zinc. In 1824, the lead ore in the southwestern part of Wisconsin began to attract attention. From 1826 to 1830, there was a great rush of miners to this region, somewhat like the Pike's Peak excitement at a later date. The lead-producing region of Wisconsin covers an area of about 2,200 square miles, and embraces parts of Grant, Iowa and La Fayette counties. Between 1829 and 1839, the production of lead increased from 5,000 to 10,000 tons. After the latter year it rose rapidly, and attained its maximum in 1845, when it reached nearly 25,000 tons. Since that time the production has decreased, although still carried on to a considerable extent. The sulphate and carbonate of zinc abound in great quantities with the lead of southwest Wisconsin. Owing to the difficulty of working this class of ores, it was formerly allowed to accumulate about the mouths of the mines. Within a few years past, metallurgic processes .have been so greatly improved, that the zinc ores have been largely utilized. At La Salle, in the :state of Illinois, there are three establishments for smelting zinc ores. There is also one at Peru, 111. To smelt zinc ores economically, they are taken where cheap fuel is available. Hence, the location of these works in the vicinity of coal mines. The works mentioned made in 1875, from ores mostly taken from Wisconsin, 7,510 tons of zinc. These metals are, therefore, impor tant elements in the commerce of Wisconsin. Iron. The iron ores of Wisconsin occur in immense beds in several localities, and are destined to prove of great value. From their product in 1863, there were 3,735 tons of pig iron received at Milwaukee; in 1865, 4,785 tons; in 1868, 10,890 tons. Of the latter amount, 4,648 tons were from the iron mines at Mayville. There were shipped from Milwaukee, in 1868, 6,361 tons of pig iron. There were also received 2,500 tons of ore from the Dodge county ore beds. During 1869, the ore beds at Iron Ridge were developed to a considerable extent, and two large blast furnaces constructed in Milwaukee, at which place there were 4,695 tons of ore received, and 2,059 tons were shipped to Chicago and Wyandotte. In 1870, 112,060 tons of iron ore were received at Milwaukee, 95,000 tons of which were from Iron Ridge, and 17,060 tons from Esca naba and Marquette, in Michigan. The total product of the mines at Iron Ridge in 1871 was 82,284 tons. The Milwaukee iron company received by lake, in the same year, 28,094 tons of Marquette iron ore to mix with the former in making railroad iron. In 1872, there were received from Iron Ridge 85,245 tonsof ore, and 5,620 tons of pig iron. Much of the metal made by the Wisconsin iron company in 1872 was shipped to St. Louis, to mix with the iron made from Missouri ore. The following table shows the production of pig iron in Wisconsin, for 1872, 1873 and 1874, in tons : Furnaces. Milwaukee Iron Company, Milwaukee. Minerva Furnace Company, Milwaukee Wisconsin Iron Company, Iron Ridge. Northwestern Iron Company, Mayville Appleton Iron Company, Appleton Green Bay Iron Company, Green Bay. National Iron Company, Depere Fox River Iron Company, W. Depere . Ironton Furnace, Sauk county 1872. 21,818 3.350 5.033 4,8886,9103,420 5.6oo 1,780 52,797 1873- 29,326 5,822 4.155 4.137 8,0446,141 7.999 6,8321,528 73.98o 1874. 33.000 3.306 3,000 6,5006,000 6,500 7,0001.300 66,600 COMMERCE AND MANUFACTURES. 201 The Milwaukee iron company, during the year 1872, entered into the manufacture of mer chant iron — it having been demonstrated that the raw material could be reduced there cheaper than elsewhere. The Minerva furnace company built also during the same year one of the most compact and complete iron furnaces to be found any where in the country. During the year 1873, the iron, with most other material interests, became seriously prostrated, so that the total receipts of ore in Milwaukee in 1874 amounted to only 31,993 tons, against 69,418 in 1873, and 85,245 tons in 1872. There were made in Milwaukee in 1874, 29,680 tons of railroad iron. In 1875, 58,868 tons of ore were received at Milwaukee, showing a revival of the trade in an increase of 19,786 tons over the previous year. The operation of the works at Bay View having suspended, the receipts of ore in 1876, at Milwaukee, were less than during any year since 1869, being only 31,119 tons, of which amount only 5,488 tons were from Iron Ridge, and the total shipments were onlv 498 tons. Lumber. The business of lumbering holds an important rank in the commerce of the state. For many years the ceaseless hum of the saw and the stroke of the ax have been heard in all our great forests. The northern portion of the state is characterized by evergreen trees, principally pine; the sduthern, by hard-woods. There are exceptional localities, but this is a correct state ment of the general distribution. I think that, geologically speaking, the evergreens belong to the primitive and sandstone regions, and the hard wood to the limestone and clay formations. Northern Wisconsin, so called, embraces that portion of the state north of forty-five degrees, and possesses nearly all the valuable pine forests. The most thoroughly developed portion of this region is that lying along the streams entering into Green bay and Lake Michigan, and border ing on the Wisconsin river and other streams entering into the Mississippi. Most of the pine in the immediate vicinity of these streams has been cut off well toward their sources ; still, there are vast tracts covered with dense forests, not accessible from streams suitable for log-driving purposes. The building of railroads into these forests will alone give a market value to a large portion of the pine timber there growing. It is well, perhaps, that this is so, for at the present rate of consumption, but a few years will elapse before these noble forests will be totally destroyed. Most of the lumber manufactured on the rivers was formerly taken to a market by being floated down the streams in rafts. Now, the railroads are transporting large quantities, taking it directly from the mills and unloading it at interior points in Iowa, Illinois and Wisconsin, and some of it in eastern cities. From five to eight thousand men are employed in the pineries in felling the trees, sawing them into logs of suitable length, and hauling them to the mills and streams during every winter in times of fair prices and favorable seasons. The amount of lumber sawed in i860, as carefully estimated, was 355,055,155 feet. The amount of shingles made was 2,272,061, and no account was made of the immense number of logs floated out of the state, for manufac ture into lumber elsewhere. The amount of logs cut in the winter of 1873 and 1874 was 987,000,000 feet. In 1876 and 1877 the Black river furnished 188,344,464 feet. The Chippewa, 90,000,000; the Red Cedar, 57,000,000. There passed through Beef Slough 129,384,000 feet of logs. Hon. A. H. Eaton, for fourteen years receiver of the United States land office at Stevens Point, estimated the acreage of pine lands in his district at 2,000,000, and, taking his own district as the basis, he estimated the whole state at 8,000,000 acres. Reckoning this at 5,000 feet to the acre, the aggregate pine timber of the state would be 40,000,000,000 feet. The log product annually amounts to an immense sum. In 1876, 1,172,611,823 feet were cut. This is about the average annual draft that is made on the pine lands. There seems to be no remedy for the 202 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. wholesale destruction of our pine forests, except the one alluded to, the difficulty of transporta tion, and this will probably save a portion of them for a long time in the future. At the rate of consumption for twenty years past, we can estimate that fifty years would see northern Wiscon sin denuded of its pine forests ; but our lumber product has reached its maximum, and will probably decrease in the coming years as the distance to be hauled to navigable streams increases. In the mean time lumber, shingles and lath will form an important factor in our commerce, both state and inter-state, and will contribute millions to the wealth of our citizens. Grain. Up to 1841, no grain was exported from Wisconsin to be used as food; but, from the time of its first settlement in 1836 to 1840, the supply of bread stuffs from abroad, upon which the people depended, was gradually diminished by the substitution of home products. In the winter of 1840 and 1841, E. D. Holton, of Milwaukee, purchased a small cargo of wheat (about 4,000 bushels), and in the spring of 1841, shipped it to Buffalo. This was the beginning of a traffic that has grown to immense proportions, and, since that time, wheat has formed the basis of the commerce and prosperity of the state, until the city of Milwaukee has become the greatest primary wheat mart of the world. The following table gives the exports of flour and grain from Milwaukee for thirty-two years, commencing in 1845 : 1845184618471848184918501851 18521853185418551856185718581859i860 1861 '1862 1863 18641865 1866 1867 1868 1869 187018711872 1873 1874 18751876 FLOUR, bbls. 7.550 15,756 34,840 92,732 I36. °57 100,017 51,889 92.995 104,055145.032181,568 188,455 228.442 298,668 282,956 457,343 674.474 7n,405603,525 414,833 567,576720,365 921,663 ,017,598 220,058 225,941 211,427 ,232,036 805,200 217-579 ,163,346 ,654,028 WHEAT, bus. 95,510 213,448598,411 602,474 1,136,023 297,570317.285 564,404 956.703 1,809,452 2,641,746 2,761,976 2,581,311 3,994,213 4,732,9577,568,608 13,300,495 14,915,680 12,837,620 8,992,479 10,479,777 11,634,749 9,598,452 9,867,029 14,272,79916,127,83813,409,46711,570,565 24,994,266 22,255,380 22,681,020 16,804,394 CORN, bus. 2,500 5,000 13,828 2,220 270 164,908 112,132 218 472 43,95841,364 37,204 1,485 9.489 88,989 140,786 71,203 480,408 266,249 342,717 93,806 103,173 419,133 1.557,953 197,920 556,563 226,895 96,908 OATS, bus. BARLEY, bus. 4,000 2,IOO 7,892 363.841 131,716 404,999 13,833 5,433 2,775 562,067 299,002 64,682 1,200 79,094 831,600811,634326,472 1,636,595 622,469 536,539 351,768210,187772,929 1,323,234 990.525 726,035 1,160,450i,377,56o 15,000 15,270 103,840 322,261 291,890 339,338 63,379 10,398 800 63,17853,2i628,056 5.220 44,800 133.449 23,47929,597 18,988 30,82295,036 120,662 469.325576,45393L725 688.455 464,837 867,970 1,235.481 RYE, bus. 54.69280,365 "3,443 20,030 5,378 n,577 9,735 29,810 126,301 84,047 18,210 5L444 255,329 106,795 9M43 78,035 62,494 208,896209,751255,928 79.87998,923 220,964 COMMERCE AND MANUFACTURES. 203, Up to 1856, the shipments were almost wholly of Wisconsin products ; but with the comple tion of lines of railroad from Milwaukee to the Mississippi river, the commerce of Wisconsin became so interwoven with that of Iowa and Minnesota, that the data furnished by the transpor tation companies, give us no definite figures relating to the products of our own state. Dairy Products. Wisconsin is becoming largely interested in the dairy business. Its numerous springs, streams, and natural adaptability to grass, make it a fine grazing country, and stock thrives remarkably well. Within a few years, cheese-factories have become numerous, and their owners are meeting with excellent success. Wisconsin cheese is bringing the highest price in the markets, and much of it is shipped to England. Butter is also made of a superior quality, and is exten sively exported. At the rate of progress made during the last few years, Wisconsin will soon take rank with the leading cheese and butter producing states. The counties most largely inter ested in dairying, are Kenosha, Walworth, Racine, Rock, Green, Waukesha, Winnebago, Sheboy gan, Jefferson and Dodge. According to estimates by experienced dairymen, the manufacture of butter was 22,473,000 pounds in 1870; 50,130,000 in 1876; of cheese, 1,591,000 pounds in 1870, as against 17,000,000 in 1876, which will convey a fair idea of the increase of dairy produc tion. The receipts of cheese in Chicago during i8'76, were 23,7 80,000 pounds, against 12,000,000 in 1875 ; and the receipts of butter were 35,384,184, against 30,248,247 pounds in 1875. It is esti mated that fully one-half of these receipts were from Wisconsin. The receipts of butter in Milwaukee were, in 1870, 3,779,114 pounds; in 1875, 6,625,863; in 1876, 8,938,137 pounds; ot cheese, 5,721,279 pounds in 1875, and 7,055,573 in 1876. Cheese is not mentioned in the trade and commerce reports of Milwaukee until 1873, when it is spoken of as a new and rapidly increasing commodity in the productions of the state. Pork and Beef. Improved breeds, both of swine and cattle, have been introduced into the state during a few years past. The grade of stock has been rapidly bettered, and stock raisers generally are striving with commendable zeal to rival each other in raising the finest of animals for use and the market. The following table shows the receipts of live hogs and beef cattle at Milwaukee for thir teen years : YEARS. LIVE hogs. BEEF CATTLE. YEARS. LIVE HOGS. BEEF CATTLE. 1876 1875 1874 1873 1872 1871 1870 254,317 144,961 242,326241,099 138,106 126,164 66,138 36,80246,71722,748 17,26214,172 9,220 12,972 1869 1868 I867 1866 18651864 I863_ 52,296 48,717 76,75831,88l 7,546 42,250 56,826 12,52113,200 15,52712,955 14,230 18,34514,655 204 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. The following table shows the movement of hog products and beef from Milwaukee since 1862 • Shipments by Rail PORK, HAMS, MIDDLES AND SHOULDERS. LARD. BEEF. and Lake. Barrels. Tierces. Boxes. Bulk, lbs. Barrels. Tierces. Barrels. Tierces. Totals 1876 62,461 56.778 53,702 80,01090,03888,940 77,655 69,805 73,526 88,888 74,72634,013 67,933 9°,387 56,432 15,43915,29217,124 24,954 20,11520,192 15,819 9.546 13,146 11,614 7,805 2,7135,927 15,81112,685 42,67828,37439,57262,211 39,209 14,938 5,8755,298 3.239 4,522 34,164 5,000 11,634 5,123,818 2,736,778 1,494,1121,915,610 4,557,95° 5,161,941 4,717,630 2,325,150 1,768,190 454,786 863,746 3,301 601 9,110 4,065 6,2763,932 2,535 1,180 3,637 2,523 3,287 1,929 5,677 10,98713,538 21,356 18,95018,509 24,39927,765 19,746 io.gso 8,5685,055 8,820 6,292 2,4877,207 10,546 6,76r 7,333 4,734 5,oi5 5,365 4,757 3,892 4,427 7,538 10,15018,98411,852 10,427 36 866 42,98733,174 3.439 421 707 " 1875 --- " 1874 " 1873 462 1872 1,500 " 1871- -- - 1,606 1870 925 " 1869 2,185 ¦' 186S 2,221 " 1867 " 1866 6,8044,584 " 1S65 5,528 " 1864 " 1863 1862 _ 5,871 6,3773,217 Hops. The culture of hops, as an article af commerce, received but little attention prior to i860. In 1865, 2,864 bales only were shipped from Milwaukee. In addition, a large amount was used by the brewers throughout the state. In 1866, the amount exported was increased, and 5,774 bales were shipped to eastern markets. The price, from forty-fiVe to fifty-five cents per pound, stimulated production, and the article became one of the staple products of the counties of Sauk, Columbia, Adams and Juneau, besides being largely cultivated in parts of some other counties. ln 1867, 26,562 bales were received at Milwaukee, and the prices ranged from fifty to seventy cents per pound. The estimated crop of the state for 1867 was 35,000 bales, and brought over $4,200,000. In 1868, not less than 60,000 bales were grown in the state. The crop everywhere was a large one, and in Wisconsin so very large that an over-supply was anticipated. But few, however, were prepared for the decline in prices, that far exceeded the worst apprehensions of those interested. The first sales were made at twenty-five to thirty-five cents per pound, and the prices were reluctantly accepted by the growers. The price continued to decline until the article was unsalable and unavailable in the market. Probably the average price did not exceed ten cents per pound. Notwithstanding the severe check which hop-growing received in 1868, by the unprofitable result, growers were not discouraged, and the crop of 1869 was a large one. So much of the crop of 1868 remained in the hands of the growers, that it is impossible to estimate that of 1869. The new crop sold for from ten to fifteen cents, and the old for from three to five cents per pound. Hop-cultivation received a check from over-production in 1868, from which it did not soon recover.- A large proportion of the yards were plowed under in 1870. The crop of 1869 was much of it marketed during 1870, at a price of about two and one-half to three and one- half cents per pound, while that of 1870 brought ten to twelve and a half cents. During the year 187 1, a great advance in the price, caused by the partial failure of the crop in some of the eastern states, and the decrease in price causing a decrease in production, what was left over of the crop of 1870 more than doubledin value before the new reached the market. The latter opened at thirty cents, and steadily rose to fifty and fifty-five for prime COMMERCE AND MANUFACTURES. 205 qualities. The crop of 1872 was of good quality, and the market opened at forty to fifty-five cents as the selling price, and fell fifteen to twenty cents before the close of the year. A much larger "quantity was raised than the year previous. In 1873 and 1874, the crop was fair and prices ruled from thirty-three to forty-five cents, with increased production. About 18,000 bales were reported as being shipped from the different railway stations of the state. Prices were extremely irregular during 1875, and, after the new crop reached market, fell to a point that would not pay the cost of production. In 1876, prices ruled low at the opening of the year, and advanced from five to ten cents in January to twenty-eight to thirty in November. Over 17,000 bales were received at Milwaukee, over 10,000 bales being of the crop of the previous year. Over 13,000 bales were shipped out of the state. Tobacco. Tobacco raising is comparatively a new industry in Wisconsin, but is rapidly growing in importance and magnitude. It sells readily for from four to ten cents per pound, and the plant is easily raised. It is not regarded as of superior quality. It first appears as a commodity of transportation in the railway reports for the year 187 1, when the Prairie du Chien division of the St. Paul road moved eastward 1,373,650 pounds. During the four years ending with 1876, there were shipped from Milwaukee an average of 5,118,530 pounds annually, the r. axi- mum being in 1874, 6,982,175 pounds; the minimum in 1875, 2,743,854 pounds. The crop of 1876 escaped the early frosts, and netted the producer from five to seven cents per pound. The greater part of it was shipped to Baltimore and Philadelphia. Comparatively little of the leaf raised in the state is used here or by western manufacturers. The crop of the present year, 1877, is a large one, and has been secured in good order. It is being contracted for at fronrfour to six cents per pound. Cranberries. The cranberry trade is yet in its infancy. But little, comparatively, has been done in devel oping the capabilities of the extensive bodies of marsh and swamp lands interspersed throughout the northern part of the state. Increased attention is being paid to the culture of the fruit ; yet, the demand will probably keep ahead, of the supply for many years to come. In 185 1, less than 1,500 barrels were sent out of the state. In 1872, the year of greatest production, over 37,000 barrels were exported, and, in 1876, about 17,000 barrels. The price has varied in different years, and taken a range from eight to fifteen dollars a barrel. Spirituous and Malt Liquors. The production of liquors, both spirituous and malt, has kept pace with the growth of population and with the other industries of the state. There were in Wisconsin, in 1872, two hundred and ninety-two breweries and ten distilleries. In 1876, there were two hundred and ninety-three of the former and ten of the latter, and most of them were kept running to their full capacity. Milwaukee alone produced, in 1876, 321,611 barrels of lager beer and 43,175 barrels of high wines. In 1865, it furnished 65,666 barrels of beer, and in 1870, 108,845 barrels. In 1865, it furnished 3,046 barrels of high wines; in 1870, 22,867 barrels; and in 1875, 39,005. A large quantity of the beer made was shipped to eastern and southern cities. The beer made in 1876 sold at the rate of ten dollars per barrel, the wholesale price of the brewers bringing the sum of $3,216,110. The fame of Milwaukee lager beer is widely extended. This city has furnished since 1870, 1,520,308 barrels which, at the wholesale price, brought $15,203,170. The total production of beer by all the two hundred and ninety- three breweries of the state for 1876, was 450,508 barrels. 206 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. In 1876, Milwaukee produced 43,175 barrels of high wines, or distilled spirits, and the state of Wisconsin 51,959 barrels. In 1870, the former produced 108,845 barrels of beer and 22,867 barrels of distilled spirits, and in the same year the state of Wisconsin produced 189,664 barrels of beer and 36,145 barrels of distilled spirits. Miscellaneous. Porcelain clay, or kaolin, is found in numerous places in Wood and Marathon counties. The mineral is found in but few places in the United States in quantities sufficient to justify the investment of capital necessary to manufacture it. In the counties mentioned, the deposits are found in extensive beds, and only capital and enterprise are needed to make their development profitable. Clay of superior quality for making brick and of fair quality for pottery, is found in numerous localities. The famous " Milwaukee brick," remarkable for their beautiful cream color, is made from a fine clay which is abundant near Milwaukee, and is found in exten sive beds at Watertown, Whitewater, Edgerton, Stoughton, and several places on the lake shore north of Milwaukee. At Whitewater and some other places the clay is used with success for the making of pottery ware. Water-lime, or hydraulic cement, occurs in numerous places throughout the state. An extensive bed covering between one and two hundred acres, and of an indefinite depth, exists on the banks of the Milwaukee river, and not over one and a half miles from the city limits of Milwaukee. The cement made from the rock of this deposit is first-class in quality, and between twenty and thirty thousand barrels were made and sold last year. The capacity of the works for reducing the rock to cement has been increased to 500 barrels per day. Stones suita ble for building purposes are widely distributed throughout the state, and nearly every town has its available quarry. Many of these quarries furnish stone of fine quality for substantial and permanent edifices. The quarry at Prairie du Chien furnished the stone for the capital building at Madison, which equals in beauty that of any state in the Union. At Milwaukee, Waukesha, Madison, La Crosse, and many other places are found quarries of superior building stone. Granite is found in extensive beds in Marathon and Wood counties, and dressed specimens exhibited at the " Centennial " last year, attracted attention for their fine polish. Marbles of various kinds are likewise found in the state. Some of them are beginning to attract attention and are likely to prove valuable. The report of Messrs. Foster & Whitney, United States geol ogists, speaks of quarries on the Menomonee and Michigamig rivers as affording beautiful varie ties and susceptible of a high polish. Richland county contains marble, but its quality is gen erally considered inferior. Water Powers. Wisconsin is fast becoming a manufacturing state. Its forests of pine, oak, walnut, maple, ash, and other valuable woods used for lumber, are well-nigh inexhaustible. Its water-power for driving the wheels of machinery is not equaled by that of any state in the northwest. The Lower Fox river between Lake Winnebago and Green Bay, a distance of thirty-five miles, furnishes some of the best facilities for manufacturing enterprise in the whole country. Lake Winnebago as a reservoir gives it a great and special advantage, in freedom from liability to freshets and droughts. The stream never varies but a few feet from its highest to its lowest stage, yet gives a steady flow. The Green Bay and Mississippi canal company has, during the last twenty-five years, constructed numerous dams, canals and locks, constituting very valuable improvements, All the property of that company has been transferred to the United States government, which has entered upon a system to render the Fox and Wisconsin rivers navigable to the Mississippi. The fall between the lake and Depere is one hundred and fifty feet, and the water can be utilized COMMERCE AND MANUFACTURES. 207 in propelling machinery at Neenah, Menasha, Appleton, Cedar, Little Chute, Kaukauna, Rapid Croche, Little Kaukauna and Depere. The water-power at Appleton in its natural advantages is pronounced by Hon. Hiram Barney, of New York, superior to those at Lowell, -Paterson and Rochester, combined. The water-power of the Fox has been improved to a considerable extent, but its full capacity has hardly been touched. Attention has been drawn to it, how ever, and no doubt is entertained that in a few years the hum of machinery to be propelled by it, will be heard the entire length of the thirty-five miles. The facilities presented by its nearness to timber, iron, and a rich and productive agricultural region, give it an advantage over any of the eastern manufacturing points. The Wisconsin river rises in the extreme northern part of the state, and has its source in a great number of small lakes. The upper portion abounds in valuable water privileges, only a few of which are improved. There are a large number of saw-mills running upon the power of this river. Other machinery, to a limited extent, is in operation. The " Big Bull " falls, at Wausau, are improved, and a power of twenty-two feet fall is obtained. At Little Bull falls, below Wausau, there is a fall of eighteen feet, partially improved. There are many other water-powers in Marathon county, some of which are used in propelling flouring- mills and saw-mills. At Grand Rapids, there is a descent of thirty feet to the mile, and the water can be used many times. Each time, 5,000 horse-power is obtained. At Kilbourn City a large amount of power can be obtained for manufacturing purposes. Chippewa- river has its origin in small streams in the north part of the state. Explorers tell us that there are a large number of water powers on all the upper branches, but as the country is yet unsettled, none of them have been improved, and very few even located on our maps. Brunette falls and Ameger falls, above Chippewa Falls city, must furnish considerable water- power, but its extent is not known At Chippewa Falls is an excellent water-power, only partially improved. The river descends twonty-six feet in three-fourths of a mile. At Duncan creek at the same place, there is a good fall, improved to run a large flouring mill. At Eagle Rapids, five miles above Chippewa Falls, $120,000 has been expended in improving the fall of the Chippewa river. The city of Eau Claire is situated at the confluence of the Chippewa and Eau Claire rivers, and possesses in its immediate vicinity water-powers almost unrivaled. Some of them are improved. The citizens of Eau Claire have, for several years, striven to obtain legislative authority to dam the Chippewa river, so as to improve the water-power of the Dells, and a lively ¦contest, known as the " Dells fight," has been carried on with the capitalists along the river above that town. There are immense water-powers in Dunn county, on the Red Cedar, Chippewa :-.nd Eau Galle rivers, on which there are many lumbering establishments. In Pepin county also there are good powers. The Black river and its branches, the La Crosse, Buffalo, Trempealeau, Beaver, and Tamaso, furnish many valuable powers. The St. Croix river is not excelled in the value of its water privileges by any stream in the state, except the Lower Fox river. At St. Croix Falls, the water of the river makes a descent of eighty-five feet in a distance of five miles, and the vol ume of water is sufficient to move the machinery for an immense manufacturing business, and the banks present good facilities for building dams, and the river is not subject to freshets. The Kinnekinnick has a large number of falls, some of them partially improved. Within twenty-five miles of its entrance into Lake St. Croix, it has a fall of two hundred feet, and the volume of water averages about three thousand cubic feet per minute. Rock river affords valuable water- privileges at Watertown (with twenty-four feet fall), and largely improved ; at Jefferson, Indian Ford and Janesville, all of which are improved. Beloit also has an excellent water-power, and it is largely improved. Scattered throughout the state are many other water-powers, not alluded 208 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. to in the foregoing. There are several in Manitowoc county ; in Marquette county, also. In Washington county, at West Bend, Berlin, and Cedar Creek, there are good water-powers, partly utilized. At Whitewater, in Walworth county, is a good power. In Dane county, there is a water-power at Madison, at the outlet of Lake Mendota ; also, a good one at Stoughton, below the first, or Lake Kegonsa ; also at Paoli, Bellville, Albany and Brodhead, on the Sugar river. In Grant county there are not less than twenty good powers, most of them well-developed. In Racine county, three powers of fine capacity at Waterford, Rochester and Burlington, all of which are improved. The Oconto, Peshtigo and Menomonee rivers furnish a large number of splendid water- powers of large capacity. The Upper Wolf river has scores of water-powers on its main stream and numerous branches ; but most of the country is still a wilderness, though containing resources which, when developed, will make it rich and prosperous. There are numerous other streams of less consequence than those named, but of great importance to the localities they severally drain, that have had their powers improved, and their waterfalls are singing the songs of commerce. On the rivers emptying into Lake Superior, there are numerous and valuable water-powers. The Montreal river falls one thousand feet in a distance of thirty miles. Manufactures. The mechanical and manufacturing industries of Wisconsin demonstrate that the people do not rely wholly upon agricultural pursuits, or lumbering, for subsistence, but aim to diversify their labors as much as possible, and to give encouragement to the skill and ingenuity of their mechanics and artisans. All our cities, and most of our villages, support establishments that furnish wares and implements in common use among the people. We gather from the census report for 1870 a few facts that will give us an adequate idea of what was done in a single year, remembering that the data furnished is six years old, and that great advancement has been made since the statistics were gathered. In 1870, there were eighty-two establishments engaged in making agricultural implements, employing 1,387 hands, and turning out products valued at $2,393,400. There were one hundred and eighty-eight furniture establishments, employing 1,844 men, and making $1,542,300 worth of goods. For making carriages and wagons there were four hundred and eighty-five establishments, employing 2,184 men, and their product was valued at $2,596,534; for clothing, two hundred and sixty-three establishments, and value of product $2,340,400 ; sash, doors and blinds, eighty-one shops, and value of product $1,852,370 ; leather, eighty-five tanneries, employing 577 men, and value of products $2,013,000; malt liquors, one hundred and seventy-six breweries, 835 men, and their products valued at $1,790,273. At many points the business of manufacturing is carried on more or less extensively ; indeed, there is hardly a village in the state where capital is not invested in some kind of. mechanical industry or manufacturing enterprise, and making satisfactory returns ; but for details in this respect, the reader is referred to the department of local history. The principal commodities only, which Wisconsin contributes to trade and commerce, have been considered. There remains quite a number of minor articles from which the citizens of the state derive some revenue, such as flax and maple sugar, which can not be separately considered in this paper. Concluding Remarks. Statistics are usually dry reading, but, to one desiring to change his location and seeking information regarding a new country and its capabilities, they become intensely interesting and of great value. The farmer wishes to know about the lands, their value and the productiveness of the soil ; the mechanic about the workshops, the price of labor, and the demand for such wares COMMERCE AND MANUFACTURES. 209 as he is accustomed to make ; the capitalist, concerning all matters that pertain to resources, advantages, and the opportunities for investing his money. Our own people want all the infor mation that can be gained by the collection of all obtainable facts. The sources of such infor mation are now various, and the knowledge they impart fragmentary in its character. Provision should be made by law, for the collection and publication of reliable statistics relating to our farming, manufacturing, mining, lumbering, commercial and educational interests. Several of the states of the Union have established a " Bureau of Statistics," and no more valua ble reports emanate from any of their state departments than those that exhibit a condensed view of the material results accomplished each year. Most of the European states foster these agencies with as much solicitude as any department of their government. Indeed, they have become a social as well as a material necessity, for social science extends its inquiries to the physical laws of man as a social being; to the resources of the country; its productions; the growth of society, and to all those facts or conditions which may increase or diminish the strength, growth or happiness of a people. Statistics are the foundation and corner-stone of social science, which is the highest and noblest of all the sciences. A writer has said that, " If God had designed Wisconsin to be chiefly a manufacturing state,. instead of agricultural, which she claims to be, and is, it is difficult to see more than one parties ular in which He could have endowed her more richly for that purpose." She has all the mate rial for the construction of articles of use and luxury, the means of motive power to propel the machinery, to turn and fashion, weave, forge, and grind the natural elements that abound in such) rich profusion. She has also the men whose enterprise and skill have accomplished most sur~. prising results, in not only building up a name for themselves, but in placing the state in a proud; position of independence. It is impossible to predict what will be the future growth and development of Wisconsin. From its commercial and manufacturing advantages, we may reasonably anticipate that she will in a few years lead in the front rank of the states of the Union in all that constitutes real great ness. Her educational system is one ofthe best. With her richly endowed State University, her- colleges and high schools, and the people's colleges, the common schools, she has laid a broad and deep foundation for a great and noble commonwealth. It was early seen what were the- capabilities of this their newly explored domain. The northwestern explorer, Jonathan Carver, in 1766, one hundred and eleven years ago, after traversing Wisconsin and viewing its lakes of crystal purity, its rivers of matchless utility, its forests of exhaustless wealth, its praiirtess of won derful fertility, its mines of buried treasure, recorded this remarkable prediction of whie-h. we see the fulfillment: "To what power or authority this new world will become dependent after it has arisen from its present uncultivated state, time alone can discover. But as the seat of; empire from time immemorial has been gradually progressive toward the west, there is no doubt bul that at some future period mighty kingdoms will emerge from these wildernesses, and stately palaces and solemn temples with gilded spires reaching to the skies supplant the Indian, h,utSj whose only decorations are the barbarous trophies of'their vanquished enemies." " Westward the course of empire takes its way ; The four first acts already passed, A fifth shall close the drama with the day ; Time's noblest offspring is the last." THE PUBLIC DOMAIN. By D. S. DURRIE. In the early part of the seventeenth century, all the territory north of the Ohio river, including the present state of Wisconsin, was an undiscovered region. As far as now known, it was never visited by white men until the year 1634, when Jean Nicolet came to the Green bay country as an ambassador from the French to the Winnebagoes. The Jesuit fathers in 1660 visited the south shore of Lake Superior ; and, soon after, missions were established at various points in the northwest. The French government appreciating the importance of possessing dominion over this sec tion, M. Talon, intendant of Canada, took steps to carry out this purpose, and availed himself of the good feelings entertained toward the French by a number of the Indian tribes, to establish the authority of the French crown over this remote quarter. A small party of men led by Daumont de St. Lusson, with Nicolas Perrot as interpreter, set out from Quebec on this mission, in 1670, and St. Lusson sent to the tribes occupying a circuit of a hundred leagues, inviting the nations, among them the Wisconsin tribes inhabiting the Green bay country, by their chiefs and ambassadors, to meet him at the Sault Sainte Marie the following spring. In the month of May, 1671, fourteen tribes, by their representatives, including the Miamis, Sacs, Winnebagoes, Menomonees, and Pottawattamies, arrived at the place designated. On the morning of the fourteenth of June, " St. Lusson led his followers to the top of the hill, all fully equipped and under arms. Here, too, in the vestments of their priestly office were four Jesuits : Claude Dablon, superior of the mission on the lakes, Gabriel Druillettes, Claude Allouez, and Andre. All around, the great throng of Indians stood, or crouched, or reclined at length with eyes and ears intent. A large cross of wood had been made ready. Dablon, in solemn form, pronounced his blessing on it ; and then it was reared and planted in the ground, while the Frenchmen, uncovered, sang the Vexilla Regis. Then a post of cedar was planted beside it, with a metal plate attached, engraven with the royal arms ; while St. Lusson's followers sang the exaudiat, and one of the priests uttered a prayer for the king. St. Lusson now advanced, and, holding his sword in one hand, and raising with the other a sod of earth, proclaimed in a loud voice " that he took possession of all the country occupied by the tribes, and placed them under the king's protection. This act, however, was not regarded as sufficiently definite, and on the eighth of May, 1689, Perrot, who was then commanding for the king at the post of Nadouesioux, near Lake Pepin on the west side of the Mississippi, commissioned by the Marquis de Denonville to manage the interests of commerce west of Green bay took possession, in the name of the king, with appropriate ceremonies, of the countries west of Lake Michigan as far as the river St. Peter. The papers were signed by Perrot and others. By these solemn acts, the present limits of Wisconsin with much contiguous territory, came under the dominion of the French government, the possession of which continued until October, 1761 — a period of ninety years from the gathering of the chiefs at the Sault Ste. Marie in 1671. From the commencement of French occupancy up to the time when the British took posses sion, the district of country embraced within the present limits of this state had but few white inhabitants besides the roaming Indian traders; and of these few, the locations were separated by a distance of more than two hundred miles in a direct line, and nearly double that distance by (Deceased.) — ' FOND DU LAC. THE PUBLIC DOMAIN. 211 the usual water courses. There was no settlement of agriculturists; there were no missionary establishments; no fortified posts at other points, except at Depere and Green bay on Fox river, and perhaps at Prairie du Chien, near the junction of the Wisconsin and the Mississippi. The French government made no grant of lands; gave no attention to settlers or agrica.- turists, and the occupation of the country was strictly military. There were, indeed, a few grants of lands made by the French governors and commanders, previous to 1750, to favored indi viduals, six of which were afterward confirmed by the king of France. There were also others which did not require confirmation, being made by Cardillac, commanding at Detroit, under special authority ofthe king; of this latter kind, one for a small piece of thirty acres bears with it, says a writer, " so many conditions, reservations, prohibitions of sale, and a whole cavalcade of feudal duties to be performed by the grantee, that in itself, it would be a host in opposition to the agricultural settlement of any country." The grants just referred to, relate to that part of the French possessions outside the limits of the present state of Wisconsin. Within its limits there was a grant of an extensive territory including the fort at the head of Green bay, with the exclusive right to trade, and other valuable privileges, from the Marquis de Vaudreuil, in October, 1759, to M. Rigaud. It was sold by the latter to William Gould and Madame Vaudreuil, to whom it was confirmed by the king of France in January, 1760, at a very critical period, when Quebec had been taken by the British, and Montreal was only wanting to complete the conquest of Canada. This grant was evidently intended as a perquisite to entrap some unwary persons to give a valuable consideration for it, as it would be highly impolitic for the government to make such a grant, if they continued mas ters of the country, since it would surely alienate the affections of the Indians. The whole country had already been virtually conquered by Great Britain, and the grant of course was not confirmed by the English government. Of the war between the French and English governments in America, known as the French nnd Indian war, it is not necessary to speak, except in general terms. The English made a. determined effort to obtain the possessions claimed by the French. The capture of Quebec, in 1759, and the subsequent capitulation of Montreal in 1760, extinguished the domination of France in the basin of the St. Lawrence ; and by the terms of the treaty of Paris, concluded February 10, 1763, all the possessions in, and all the claims of the French nation to, the vast country watered by the Ohio and the Mississippi were ceded to Great Britain. Among the first acts of the new masters of the country was the protection of the eminent domain of the government, and the restriction of all attempts on the part of individuals to acquire, Indian titles to lands. By the King of England's proclamation of 1763, no more grants of land within certain prescribed limits could be issued, and all private persons were interdicted the liberty of purchasing lands from the Indians, or of making settlements within those prescribed limits. The indulgence of such a privilege as that of making private purchases of the natives, conduced to the most serious difficulties, and made way for the practice of the most reprehensible frauds. The policy pursued by the English government has been adopted and acted upon by the government of the United States in the extinguishment of the Indian title to lands in every part of the country. In face of the proclamation of 1763, and within three years after its promulgation, under a pretended purchase from, or voluntary grant of the natives, a tract of country nearly one hundred miles square, including large portions of what is now northern Wisconsin and Minnesota, was claimed by Jonathan Carver, and a ratification of his title solicited from the king and council. This was not conceded ; and the representatives of Carver, after the change of government had 212 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN, brought the lands under the jurisdiction of the United States, for a series of years presented the same claims before congress, and asked for their confirmation. Such a demand under all the circumstances, could not justify an expectation of success; and, of course, has often been refused. But notwithstanding the abundant means which the public have had of informing themselves of the true nature and condition of Carver's claim, bargains and sales of portions of this tract have been made among visionary speculators for more than half a century past. It is now only a short period since the maps of the United States ceased to be defaced by a delineation of Ihe " Carver Grant." The mere transfer of the dominion over the country from the French to the English govern ment, and the consequent occupation of the English posts by the new masters, did not in any great degree affect the social condition of the inhabitants. By the terms of capitulation, the French subjects were permitted to remain in the country, in the full enjoyment of their civil and religious privileges. The English, however, did not hold peaceable possession of the territory acquired. The war inaugurated by Pontiac and his Indian allies on the military posts occupied by the English soon followed, and in the month of May, 1763, nine posts were captured with much loss of life. In the spring of 1764, twenty-two tribes who were more or less identified in the outbreak, concluded a treaty of peace with General Bradstreet at Niagara. The expedition of Colonel George Rogers Clark to the Illinois country, and the conquest of^the British posts in 1778 and 1779,. had the effect to open the way for the emigration of the Anglo-American population to the Mississippi valley; and at the close of the revolutionary war, Great Britain renounced all claim to the whole territory lying east of the Mississippi river, The dominion of the English in the Illinois and Wabash countries, ceased with the loss of the military posts which commanded the Northwestern territory of the United States. As a result of the enterprise and success of Clark, Virginia obtained possession of the Illinois country ; his expedition having been undertaken and carried forward under the auspices of that state. Several of the eastern states under their colonial charters, laid claim to portions of the land comprised in the territory northwest of the Ohio river. The claim of Massachusetts was derived from a grant from King James of November 3, 1620 ; and included from lat. 42° 2' to about lat. 450, extending to theNsouth sea; Connecticut claimed from lat. 410 north to 420 2 . The claims of Virginia were from grants from King James, bearing date, respectively, April 10, 1606, May 23, 1609, and March 12, 1611, and an additional claim for the territory conquered by Clark in the Illinois country ; but they extended no farther north than the southern end of Lake Michigan, It is a popular impression that the territory of the present state of Wisconsin was compre hended in the lands northwest of the river Ohio, over which Virginia exercised jurisdiction, and, consequently, was included in her deed of cession of lands to the United States. This opinion so generally entertained by writers on American history, is a statement which does not appear to have any solid foundation in fact. Virginia never made any conquests or settlements in Wiscon sin, and at no time prior to the proffer of her claims to the general government had she ever exercised jurisdiction over it. In fact, there were no settlements in Wisconsin except at Green Bay and Prairie du Chien before that time, and these were made by French settlers who were in no wise interfered with while the revolution continued. In Illinois it was otherwise ; and the possession of its territory by Virginia was an undisputed fact. During the revolution the title of the sovereignty in Wisconsin was actually in Great Britain, and so remained until the definite treaty of peace in 1783 ; at which date England yielding her right constructively to the United States, retaining possession, however, until 1796 ; at which time the western posts were transferred to the United States. THE PUBLIC DOMAIN. 213 All the claiming states finally ceded their interests to the general government, giving the latter a perfect title, subject only to the rights of the Indians. The deed of cession from Virginia was dated March i, 1784. The other states ceded their claims, some before this date, others subsequent thereto. Virginia made a number of stipulations in her deed of cession; among others, that the French and Canadian inhabitants and the neighboring villages who had professed themselves citizens of Virginia, should have their possessions and title confirmed to them, and be protected in the enjoyment of their rights and liberties; that 150,000 acres of land near the rapids of the Ohio, should be reserved for that portion of her state troops which had reduced the country; and about 3,500,000 acres between the rivers Scioto and Little Miami be reserved for bounties to her troops on the continental establishment. In consequence of certain objectionable stipulations made by Virginia as to the division of the territory into states, the deed of cession was referred back to that state with a recommenda tion from congress that these stipulations should be altered. On the 30th of December, 1788, Virginia assented to the wish of congress, and formally ratified and confirmed the fifth article of compact which related to that subject, and tacitly gave her consent to the whole ordinance of 1787. The provisions of this ordinance have since been applied to all the territories of the United States lying north of the 360 40'. After the adoption of the constitution ofthe United States the the new congress, among its earliest acts, passed one, recognizing the binding force of the ordi nance of 1787. Of this ordinance it has been said : " It was based on the principles of civil liberty, maintained in the magna charta of England, re-enacted in the bill of rights, and incorporated in our differ ent state constitutions. It was the fundamental law of the constitution, so to speak, of the great northwest, upon which were based, and with which harmonized all our territorial enactments, as well as our subsequent state legislation, and, moreover, it is to that wise, statesman-like document that we are indebted for much of our prosperity and greatness." After the close of the revolutionary war, enterprising individuals traversed the whole country which had been ceded to the government, and companies were formed to explore and settle the fertile and beautiful lands beyond the Ohio ; but the determination of the British cabinet not to evacuate the western posts, was well known, and had its effect on the people who were disposed to make settlements. The western tribes were also dissatisfied and threatened war, and efforts were made by the government to settle the difficulties. A grand council was held at the mouth of Detroit river in December, 1787, which did not result favorably, and two treaties were subsequently held, which were not respected by the savages who were parties to them. Soon an Indian war ensued, mich resulted at first disastrously to the American troops under Generals Harmar and St. Clair, but finally with success to the American arms under General Wayne. The treaty of Greenville followed. It was concluded August 3, 1795. At this treaty there were present eleven hundred and thirty chiefs and warriors. It was signed by eighty-four chiefs and General Anthony Wayne, sole commissioner of the United States. One of the provisions of the treaty was that in consid eration ofthe peace then established, and the cessions and relinquishments of lands made by the tribes of Indians, and to manifest the liberality ofthe United States as the great means of render ing this peace strong and perpetual, the United States relinquished their claims to all other Indian lands northward of the river Ohio, eastward of the Mississippi, and westward and south ward of the great lakes and the waters united by them, except certain reservations and portions before purchased ofthe Indians, none of which were within the present limits of this state. The Indian title to the whole of what is now Wisconsin, subject only to certain restrictions, became. 214 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. absolute in the various tribes inhabiting it. By this treaty it was stipulated that, ofthe lands relin quished by the United States, the Indian tribes who have a right to those land% were quietly to enjoy them ; hunting, planting, and dwelling thereon so long as they pleased ; but, when those tribes or any of them should be disposed to sell them, or any part of them, they were to be sold only to the United States, and until such sale, the United States would protect all of the tribes in the quiet enjoyment of their lands against all citizens ofthe United States, and all other white persons who might intrude on the same. At the same time all the tribes acknowledged them selves to be under the protection of the United States, and no other person or power what soever. The treaty also prohibited any citizen of the United States, or any other white man, settling upon the lands relinquished by the general government ; and such person was to be considered as out of the protection of the United States ; and the Indian tribe on whose land the settlement might be made, could drive off the settler, or punish him in such manner as it might see fit. It will be seen that the Indians were acknowledged to have an unquestionable title to the lands they occupied until that right should be extinguished by a voluntary cession to the general government ; and the constitution of the United States, by declaring treaties already made, as well as those to be made, to be the supreme law of the land, adopted and sanctioned previous treaties with the Indian nations, and consequently admitted their rank among those powers who are capable of making treaties. The several treaties which had been made between commissioners on the part of the United States and various nations of Indians, previous to the treaty of Greenville, were generally restricted to declarations of amity and friendship, the establishment and confirming of bounda ries, and the protection of settlements on Indian lands ; those that followed were generally for a cession of lands and provisions made for their payment. It is proposed to notice the several treaties that took place after that held at Greenville, showing in what way the territory of the present state, came into possession of the government. As will be seen hereafter, it required trea ties with numerous tribes of Indians to obtain a clear, undisputed title, as well as many years before it was fully accomplished. i. A treaty was held at St. Louis, November 3, 1804, between the Sacs and Foxes and the United States. William Henry Harrison was acting commissioner on the part of the govern ment. By the provisions of the treaty, the chiefs and head men of the united tribes ceded to the United States a large tract on both sides of the Mississippi, extending on the east from the mouth of the Illinois to the head of that river, and thence to the Wisconsin ; and including on the west considerable portions of Iowa and Missouri, from the mouth of the Gasconade north ward. In what is now the state of Wisconsin, this grant embraced the whole of the present counties of Grant and La Fayette and a large portion of Iowa and Green counties. The lead region was included in this purchase. In consideration of this cession, the general government agreed to protect the tribes in the quiet enjoyment pf their land, against its own citizens and all others who should intrude on them. The tribes permitted a fort to be built on the upper side of the Wisconsin river, near its mouth, and granted a tract of land two miles square, adjoin ing the same. The government agreed to give them an annuity of one thousand dollars per annum. The validity of this treaty was denied by one band of the Sac Indians, and this cession of land became, twenty-eight years after, the alleged cause of the Black Hawk war. 2. Another treaty was held at Portage des Sioux, now a village in St. Charles county, Mis souri, on the Mississippi river, September 13, 1815, with certain chiefs of that portion of the Sac nation then residing in Missouri, who, they said, were compelled since the commencement of THE PUBLIC DOMAIN. 215 the late war, to separate themselves from the rest of their nation. They gave theirassent to the treaty made at St. Louis in 1804, and promised to remain separate from the Sacs of Rock river, and to give them no aid or assistance, until peace should be concluded between the United States and the Foxes of Rock river. 3. On the 14th of September, a treaty was made with the chiefs of the Fox tribe at the same place. They agreed that all prisoners in their hands should be delivered up to the govern ment. They assented to, recognized, re-established and confirmed the treaty of 1804, to the full extent of their interest in the same. 4. A treaty was held at St. Louis, May 13, 1816, with the Sacs of Rock river, who affirmed the treaty of 1804, and agreed to deliver up all the property stolen or plundered, and in failure to do so, to forfeit all title to their annuities. To this treaty, Black Hawk's name appears with others. That chief afterward affirmed that though he himself had " touched the quill " to this treaty, he /knew not what he was signing, and that he was therein deceived by the agent and others, who did not correctly explain the nature of the grant; and in reference to the treaty of St. Louis in 1804, and at Portage des Sioux in 1815, he said that he did not consider the same valid or binding on him or his tribe, inasmuch as by the terms of those treaties, territory was described which the Indians never intended to sell, and the treaty of 1804, particularly, was made by parties who had neither authority in the nation, nor power to dispose of its lands. Whether this was a true statement of the case, or otherwise, it is quite certain that the grant of lands referred to was often confirmed by his nation, and was deemed conclusive and binding by the government. The latter acted in good faith to the tribes, as well as to the settlers, in the disposition of the lands. 5. A treaty of peace and friendship was made at St. Louis, June 3, 1816, between the chiefs and warriors of that part of the Winnebagoes residing on the Wisconsin river. In this treaty the tribe state that they have separated themselves from the rest of their nation ; that they, for themselves and those, they represent, confirm to the United States all and every cession of land heretofore made by their nation, and every contract, and agreement, as far as their interest extended. 6. On the 30th of March, 1817, the Menomonee tribe concluded a treaty of peace ana friendship at St. Louis with the United States, and confirmed all and every cession of land before made by them within the limits of the United States. 7. On the 19th of August, 1825, at Prairie du Chien, a treaty was made with the Sioux, Chippewas, Sacs and Foxes, Winnebagoes, Ottawas and Pottawattamies, by which the boundary between the two first nations was agreed upon ; also between the Chippewas, Winnebagoes and other tribes. 8. Another treaty was held August 5, 1826, at Fond du Lac of Lake Superior, a small settlement on the St. Louis river, in Itaska county, Minn., with the same tribes, by which the previous treaty was confirmed in respect to boundaries, and those of the Chippewas were defined, as a pbrtion of the same was not completed at the former treaty. 9. A treaty was made and coricluded August 1, 1827, at Butte des Morts, between the United States and the Chippewa, Menomonee and Winnebago tribes, in which the boundaries of their tribes were defined; no cession'of lands was made. 10. A treaty was made at Green Bay, August 25, 1828, with the Winnebagoes, Pottawat tamies and other tribes. This treaty was made to remove the difficulties which had arisen in consequence of the occupation by white men of that portion of the mining country in the south western part of Wisconsin which had not been ceded to the United States. A provisional 216 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. boundary was provided, and privileges accorded the government to freely occupy their territory until a treaty should be made for the cession of the same. This treaty was simply to define the rights of the Indians, and to give the United States the right of occupation. n. Two treaties were made at Prairie du Chien, on the 29th of July, 1829, and August 1, 1829 : at the first date, with the Chippewas, Ottawas and Pottawattamies, by which these nations ceded all their lands which they claimed in the northwestern part of Illinois ; and at the latter date with the Winnebagoes, by which that nation ceded and relinquished all their right, title and claim to all their lands south of the Wisconsin river, thus confirming the purchase of the lead- mine region. Certain grants were made to individuals, which grants were not to be leased or sold by the grantees. By this important treaty, about eight millions of acres of land were added to the public domain. The three tracts ceded, and forming one whole, extended from the upper end of Rock river to the mouth ofthe Wisconsin, from latitude 41° 30' to latitude 430 15', on the Mississippi. Following the meanderings of the river, it was about two hundred and forty miles frbm west to east, extending along the Wisconsin and Fox rivers, affording a passage across the country from the Mississippi to Lake Michigan. The south part of the purchase extended from Rock Island to Lake Michigan. 12. Another important treaty was made at Green Bay, February 8, 1831, between the Meno monee Indians and the United States. That nation possessed an immense territory. Its eastern division was bounded by the Milwaukee river, the shore of Lake Michigan, Green bay, Fox river, and Lake Winnebago; its western division, by the Wisconsin and Chippewa rivers on the west, Fox river on the south, Green bay on the east, and the high lands which flow the streams into Lake Superior on the north. By this treaty all the eastern division, estimated at two and a half millions of acres, was ceded to the government. By certain other provisions, the tribe was to occupy a large tract lying north of Fox river and east of Wolf river. Their territory farther west was reserved for their hunting-grounds until such time as the general government should desire to purchase it. Another portion, amounting to four millions of acres, lying between Green bay on the east and Wolf river on the west, was also ceded to the United States, besides a strip of country, three miles in width, from near the portage of the Wisconsin and Fox rivers north, on each side of the Wisconsin river, and forty-eight miles long — still leaving the tribe in peaceable possession of a country about one hundred and twenty miles long, and about eighty broad. By supplementary articles lo the treaty, provision was made for the occupancy of certain lands by the New York Indians — two townships on the east side of Lake Winnebago. 13. At the conclusion of the Black Hawk war, in 1832, for the purpose of clearing up the Indian title of the Winnebago nation in the country, a treaty was made and concluded at Fort Armstrong, September 15, 1832. All the territory claimed by this nation lying south and east of the Wisconsin and Fox river of Green bay, was ceded to the United States, and no band or party of Winnebagoes was allowed to reside, plant, fish or hunt on these grounds, after June 1, 1833, or on any part of the country therein ceded. 14. On the 27th of October, 1832, articles of agreement were made and concluded at Green Bay between the United States and the Menomonee Indians, by the terms of which that nation ceded to the New York Indians certain lands 011 Fox river. 15. An important treaty was made at Chicago, September 26, 1833, between the United States and the Chippewas, Ottawas and Pottawattamies. Those nations ceded to the government all their lands along the western shore of Lake Michigan, and between that lake and the land ceded to the United States by the Winnebago nation at the treaty at Fort Armstrong, September \ THE PUBLIC DOMAIN. 217 15, 1832, bounded on the north by the country lately ceded by the Menomonees, and on the south by the country ceded at the treaty at Prairie du Chien, July 19, 1829 — containing about five millions of acres. 16. On the 3d of September, 1836, a tieaty was made at Cedar Point with the Menomonees, by which lands lying west of Green bay, and a strip on the upper Wisconsin, were ceded to the United States — the quantity of land ceded being estimated at four millions of acres in the Green bay portion ; on the Wisconsin river, a strip three miles wide on each side of the river, running forty-eight miles north in a direct line, equivalent to 184,320 acres. 17. On the 29th of July, 1837, a treaty was made with the Chippewas of the Mississippi, at Fort Snelling, and the United States, the nation ceding to the government all their lands in Wisconsin lying south of the divide between the waters of Lake Superior and those of the Mississippi. 18. Certain chiefs and braves of the Sioux nation of the Mississippi, while visiting Washing ton, September 29, 1837, ceded to the United States all their lands east ofthe Mississippi, and all their islands in said river. 19. The Winnebago nation, by the chiefs and delegates, held a treaty with the' government at Washington, November 1, 1837. That nation ceded all their lands east of the Mississippi, and obligated themselves to remove, within eight months after the ratification of the treaty, to certain lands west of the river Mississippi which were conveyed to them by the treaty of Sep tember 21, 1832. 20. The Oneida or New York Indians, residing near Green Bay, by their chief and repre sentative, on the 3d of February, 1838, at Washington City, ceded to the United States their title and interest in the land set apart by the treaty made with the Menomonees, May 8, 1831, and the treaty made with the same tribe, October 7, 1832, reserving about 62,000 acres. 21. Another treaty was made at Stockbridge on the 3d of September, 1839, by which the Stockbridge and Munsee tribes (New York Indians) ceded and relinquished to the United States the east half of the tract of 46,080 acres which was laid off for their use on the east side of Lake Winnebago by treaty of October 7, 1832 22. On the 4th of October, 1842, a treaty was made at La Pointe, on Lake Superior, with the Chippewas. All their lands in the northern and northwestern parts of Wisconsin were ceded to the United States. 23. The Menomonee nation, on the 18th of October, 1848, at Pow-aw-hay-kon-nay, ceded and relinquished to the United States all their lands in the state, wherever situated — the gov ernment to furnish the nation as a home, to be held as Indian lands are held, all the country ceded to the United States by the Chippewa nation August 2, 1847, the consideration being the sum of $35°>00°> to be paid according to the stipulations of the treaty. A supplementary treaty was made on the 24th of November, 1848, with the Stockbridges — the tribe to sell and relinquish to the United States the township of land on the east side of Lake Winnebago, secured to said tribe by treaty of February 8, 1831. 24. A treaty was made with the Menomonee nation, at the falls of Wolf river, May 12, 1854, being a supplementary treaty to one made October 18, 1848. All the lands ceded to that nation under the treaty last named was ceded to the United States — the Menomonees to receive from the United States a tract of country lying on Wolf r^-er, being townships 28, 29 and 30, of ranges I3» M. i5> l6- 25. A treaty was made with the Chippewas of Lake Superior, at La Pointe, on the 30th of September, 1854. That nation ceded to the United States all lands before owned by them in ¦common with the Chippewas of the Mississippi — lying in the vicinity of Lake Superior in Wis- 218 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. consin and Minnesota. 26. On the 5th of February, 1856, a treaty was held with the Stockbridge and Munsee tribes, at Stockbridge. All the remaining right and title to lands in the town of Stockbridge, possessed by them, was ceded to the United States ; and the said tribes were to receive in exchange a tract of land near the southern boundary of the Menomonee reservation, and by treaty made at Keshena, February n, 1856, the Menomonees ceded two townships to locate the said tribes. With this last treaty, the Indian title to all the lands of the present state ,of Wisconsin was ceded to the United States government, except a few small reservations to certain tribes, and a perfect, indefeasible title obtained to all the territory within its borders. In the region of country which is now the state of Wisconsin, the settlements in early times were, as before stated, near Green Bay and at Prairie du Chien. Soon after the organization of the Northwest territory, the subject of claims to private property therein received much attention. By an act of congress approved March 3, 1805, lands lying in the districts of Vincennes, Kas kaskia and Detroit, which were claimed by virtue of French or British grants, legally and fully executed, or by virtue of grants issued under the authority of any former act of congress by either of the governors of the Northwest or Indiana territory, which had already been surveyed, were, if necessary, to be re-surveyed ; and persons claiming lands under these grants were to have until November 1, 1805, to give notice of the same. Commissioners were to be appointed to examine, and report at the next session of congress. An act was also passed, approved April 25, 1806, to authorize the granting of patents for lands, according to government surveys that had been made, and to grant donation rights to certain claimants of land in the district of Detroit, and for other purposes Another act was approved May n, 1820, reviving the powers of the commissioners for ascertaining and deciding on claims in the district of Detroit, and for settling the claims to land at Green Bay and Prairie du Chien, in the territory of Michigan ; the commis sioners to have power to examine and decide on claims filed with the register of the land office, and not before acted on, in accordance with the laws respecting the same. The commissioners discharged the duties imposed on them, and in their report to congress in reference to the claims at Green Bay, they said that the antiquity of this settlement being, in their view, sufficiently established, and that they, being also satisfied that the Indian title must be considered to have been extinguished, decide favorably on the claims presented. About seventy-five titles were con firmed, and patents for the same were sent to the proper parties by the government. In relation to the Prairie du Chien titles, they reported " that they had met few difficulties in their investi gations ; that, notwithstanding the high antiquity which may be claimed for the settlement of that place, no one perfect title founded on French or British grant, legally authenticated, had been successfully made out; and that but few deeds of any sort have been exhibited." This they attribute to the carelessness of the Canadians in respect to whatever concerned their land titles, and accords with whatever is known in this regard, of the French population throughout the country. They therefore came to the conclusion that whatever claim the people of the place possessed, and might have for a confirmation of their land titles, they must be founded upon proof of con tinued possession since the year 1796 The commissioners further say, that " since the ancestors of these settlers were cut off, by the treaty which gave the Canadas to the English, from all inter course with their parent country, the people both of Prairie du Chien and Green Bay have been left, until within a few years, quite isolated, almost without any government but their own ; and, although the present population of these settlements are natives of the countries which they inhabit, and, consequently, are by birth citizens of the northwest, yet, until a few years, they have had as little political connection with its government as their ancestors had with the British. Ignorant of their civil rights, careless of their land titles, docility., habitual hospitality, cheerful THE PUBLIC DOMAIN, 219 submission to the requisitions of any government which may be set over them, are their universal characteristics." In reference to grants by the French and English governments, the commissioners say, they " have not had access to any public archives by which to ascertain with positive certainty, whether either the French or English ever effected a formal extinguishment of the Indian title at the mouth of the Wisconsin, which also may be said of the land now covered by the city of Detroit , that the French government was not accustomed to hold formal treaties for such purposes with the Indians, and when the lands have been actually procured from them, either by virtue of the assumed right of conquest, or by purchase, evidence of such acquisition is rather to be sought in the traditionary history of the country, or in the casual or scanty relations of travelers, than among collections of state papers. Tradition does recognize the fact of the extinguishment of the Indian title at Prairie du Chien by the old French government, before its surrender to the English; and by the same species of testimony, more positive because more recent, it is estab lished also, that, in the year 1781, Patrick Sinclair, lieutenant governor ofthe province of Upper Canada, while the English government had jurisdiction over this country, made a formal purchase from the Indians ofthe lands comprehending the settlement of Prairie du Chien." The territories and states formed from the section known as the Northwest territory, were : 1 The Northwest territory proper (1787-1800) having jurisdiction over all the lands referred to in the ordinance of 1787. In 1802, Ohio was organized as a state with its present boun daries. 1. Indiana terrritory was formed July 4, 1800, with the seat of government at Vincennes That territory was made to include all of the northwest, except what afterward became the state of Ohio. 3. Michigan territory was formed June 30, 1805. It was bounded on the south by a line drawn east from the south bend of Lake Michigan, on the west by the center of Lake Michigan. It did not include what is now Wisconsin. The upper peninsula was annexed in ^36. The state of Michigan was formed January 26, 1837, with its present boundaries. 4. Illinois territory was formed March 2, 1810. It included all of the Indiana territory west of the Wabash river and Vincennes, and a line running due north to the territorial line. All of Wisconsin was included therein, except what lay east of the line drawn north from Vincennes. 5. Indiana was admitted as a state April 19, 1816, including all the territory of Indiana territory, except a narrow strip east of the line of Vincennes, and west of Michigan territory, her western boundary. 6. Illinois was admitted as a state April n, 1818. It included all of Illinois territory south of latitude 420 30'. All of Wisconsin was added to Michigan territory. In the month of Octo ber of that year, the counties of Michilimackinac, Brown and Crawford were formed, comprising besides other territory, thewhole ofthe present state of Wisconsin. 7. Iowa district was attached to Michigan for judicial purposes, June 30, 1834, out of which Des Moines and Dubuque counties were formed. 8. Wisconsin territory was formed April 20, 1836. The state was formed May 29, 1848. The territory of Wisconsin being a part of the Northwest territory claimed, and congress by direct action confirmed to her, all the rights and privileges secured by the ordinance of 1787, one of which was that congress should have authority to form one or two states in that part of the territory lying north of an east and west line, drawn through the southerly bend or extreme of Lake Michigan. Notwithstanding this plain provision of the ordinance, which is declared to 220 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. be articles of compact between the original states and the people and states in the said territory, and forever to remain unalterable unless by consent ; yet congress, in establishing the boundaries of the state of Illinois, extended that, state about sixty miles north of the line established by the ordinance. This action was claimed to be unjust and contrary to the spirit and letter of the compact with the original states. The legislative assembly of Wisconsin passed resolutions which were approved January 13, 1840, that it was inexpedient for the people of the territory to form a constitution and state government until the southern boundary to which they are so justly entitled by the ordinance of 1787 shall be fully recognized by the parties of the original com pact. Owing to various complications over which the territory had no control, her people never succeeded in obtaining from congress what they considered tb.eir just rights. It was also contended by many, that the portion of country set off to Michigan on Lake Superior given as a compensation in part for the strip of land awarded to Ohio from her south ern border, should also have. constituted a portion of Wisconsin, especially as Michigan never made the least claim to it by her delegate in congress, who was decidedly opposed to the exten sion of Michigan beyond the limits of the lower peninsula. The first survey of the public lands northwest of the Ohio river, was made pursuant to an act of congress approved May 20, 1785 The geographer of the confederation was diected to commence the survey of the government lands on the north side of the river Ohio — the first line running north and south, to begin on said river at a point that should be found to be due north from the western termination of a line which had been run as the southern boundary of the state of Pennsylvania-; the first line running east and west, to begin at the same point, and to extend through the whole territory. The survey comprised seven ranges, composing ten counties of the present state of Ohio. Other surveys followed when the Indian title was extinguished. Thomas Hutchins, who held the office of geographer, is believed to be the inventor of the mode of laying out land which was then introduced by him, and is still in general use by the government. Soon after the government had acquired title to the Indian lands south of the Wisconsin river, the public authorities commenced a systematic survey of the lands, for the purpose of bringing the same into market at the earliest possible period. The public lands in Wisconsin are, as elsewhere in the west, surveyed in uniform rec tangular tracts, each six miles square, by lines running north and south, intersecting others running east and west. These townships are numbered from two lines called the principal meridian and the base line. The principal meridian by which the Wisconsin surveys are gov erned is that known as the fourth, and extends from the Illinois boundary line to Lake Superior, at the mouth of Montreal river, about two hundred and eighty-two miles. It divides Grant from LaFayette county, and passes through the eastern parts of Vernon, Monroe, Jackson, Clark, Chippewa, and Ashland counties. The base line separates Wisconsin from Illinois in north latitude forty-two degrees, thirty minutes. There are nearly seventeen hundred townships in the state. Each township is subdivided into thirty-six sections by lines running, parallel to the sides of the township, one mile apart. A section is, therefore, one mile square, and contains six hundred and forty acres. In fractional townships, each section is numbered the same as the corresponding section in whole townships. Each section is subdivided into half-mile squares, called quarter-sections, each containing one hundred and sixty acres, and the subdivision is carried still further into half-quarter or quarter-quarter sections. It is found necessary to estab lish at stated intervals standard parallels, commonly called correction lines, to obviate the effect of the curvature of the earth's surface. The convergence in a single township is small, though quite perceptible, the actual excess in length of its south over its north line being in the state THE PUBLIC DOMAIN. 221 about three rods. The townships north of the base line, therefore, become narrower toward the north, and if continued for too great a distance, this narrowing would cause serious inconvenience. In the state of Wisconsin there are four of these correction lines. The first is sixty miles north ofthe base line,, and accordingly runs between townships ten and eleven. The second is between townships twenty and twenty-one, and so on. They are usually sixty miles apart. On these parallels, which form new base lines, fresh measurements are made from the principal meridian, and the corners of new townships are fixed six miles apart as on the originalbase line. This method of procedure not only takes up the error due to convergency of meridians, but arrests that caused by want of precision in the surveys already made. The northern or western sections of townships, which contain more or less than six hun dred and forty acres, are called fractional sections, for the reason that the surplusage or deficiency arising from errors in surveying, and from other causes, is by law added to or deducted from the western or northern ranges of sections according as the error may be in run ning the lines from east to west, or from north to south. As soon as the surveys were completed in southern Wisconsin and the Green Bay section, and a knowledge of the superior qualities of the land for agricultural purposes were known to the people, the emigration became large. In fact much land was taken possession of by settlers in advance of being surveyed and brought into market. As soon as the land offices at Green Bay, Mineral Point, and Milwaukee were located, public announcement was made by the govern ment, ofthe time ofthe sale, when the lands were put up to the highest bidder, and such as were unsold were afterward subject to private entry. The first sales were held at Green Bay and Mineral Point in the year 1835. The sale at Milwaukee was in 1836. From the reports of the general land office, it appears that from 1835 to 1845 inclusive, there were sold at the three land offices from public sale, 2,958,592T^j- acres, amounting to $3,768,106.51. Fort Howard military reservation was set apart by order of the [president March 2, 1829, and comprised all the lands lying upon Fox river arid Green bay, in township 24 north, range 20 east, 4th principal meridian, being about four thousand acres. The lands were abandoned for military purposes, by the war department, December 4, 1850. By an act of congress approved March 3, 1863, the commissioner ofthe general land office was authorized and directed to cause the reservation, including the site ofthe fort, containing three and four-hundredths acres, situated in the county of Brown, between Fox river and Beaver Dam run, and which is not included in the confirmations to T. C. Dousman and Daniel Whitney, nor in the grant to the state of Wis consin, under,resolutions of congress approved April 25, 1862, granting lands to Wisconsin to aid in the construction of railroads, to be surveyed and subdivided into lots not less than one- fourth of an acre, and not more than forty acres, deducting such portions of the same as the public interest and convenience may require ; and when so surveyed and platted, to be sold sep arately at auction. On the ioth of November, 1864, under directions of the commissioner, the lands were offered for sale at auction at the fort. About one-half of the lands were sold, and purchased by actual settlers, and but few for speculation. The fort and the lands contiguous were sold for six thousand four hundred dollars. The other lands sold brought about the sum of nineteen thousand dollars. That portion of the reservation unsold was to be subject to private entry at the appraised value, and that portion lying between Duck creek and Beaver Darn creek, was subject to entry as other public lands were offered. On the 20th of May, 1868, a joint resolution of congress was approved, by which the com missioner of the general land office was authorized and directed to cause a patent to be issued to the Chicago & Northwestern railroad company in pursuance of a resolution passed by con- 222 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. gress, granting the same to the state of Wisconsin, approved April 25,1862, and by act ofthe legislature approved June 16, 1862, granting the same to that company for eighty acres of land, as was .surveyed and approved by said commissioner June n, 1864 The lands thus donated are now used hy the railroad company for their depot grounds The Fort Crawford military reservation was purchased from J H. Lockwood and James D. Doty by the government in the year 1829, and covered the front and main portions of farm lots numbered thirty-three and thirty-four, of the private land claims at Prairie du Chien, and com prised about one hundred and sixty acres. Fort Crawford was built on this tract in 1829, 1830 and 1 83 1. There was also a reservation of section eighteen, township seven, north of range four west, known as the Cattle Yard. This land was at the mouth of the Kickapoo river, and is now known as the village of Wauzeka. In addition to these lands which were located in Wis consin, there was a reservation of lands lying on the west side of the Mississippi river, in Iowa. The lands in Wisconsin were relinquished by the secretary of wai, January io, 1851, and were originally set apart by the president of the United States, February 17, 1843. In the month of April, 1857, the secretary of war authorized Hon H. M. Rice, of Minne sota, to sell that part of the reservation not improved, in tracts not exceeding forty acres each; and, in the month of June of that year, he sold at auction five hundred and seven acres of the reserve opposite Fort Crawford, none of which was claimed by actual settlers ; and in the month of December, 1857, he sold the remainder to claimants of lands, also on the west side, and the section in Wisconsin known as the Cattle Yard, amounting to i77t6/"o acres. A portion of this reservation was subdivided into town lots, 80 by 140 feet, with streets 66 feet and alleys 20 feet wide November 17, 1864, the acting commissioner of the general land office, by order of the war department, offered for sale at public auction at La Crosse the reservation at Fort Crawford, which had been surveyed and subdivided into town lots, eighty by one hundred and forty feet, with streets sixty-five feet and alleys twenty feet wide, conforming to the plat of the village of Prairie du Chien. The lands unsold were subsequently opened to private entry and disposed of. The lands of the Fort Winnebago reservation were set apart by order of the president, February 9, 1835, and consisted of the following territory: sections two, three, and that part of four lying east of Fox river, and fractional section nine, all in township twelve, north of range nine east , also fractional section thirty-three, in township thirteen, north of range nine east, lying west of Fox river, and the fraction of section four, township twelve north, of range nine east, lying west of claim numbered twenty-one of A. Grignon, and adjacent to Fort Winnebago, reserved by order of the president, July 29, 185 1. the whole amounting to about four thousand acres. September the first, 1853, these lands were by order of the president offered for sale at public auction at the fort, by F. H. Masten, assistant quartermaster United States army, having previously been surveyed into forty acre lots, and were purchased by J. B. Martin, G. C, Tallman, W. H. Wells, Wm. Wier, N. H. Wood, M. R. Keegan, and others. The first land offices in Wisconsin were established under an act of congress approved June 26, 1834, creating additional land districts in the states of Illinois and Missouri, and in the territory north of the state of Illinois. The first section provides " that all that tract lying north of the state of Illinois, west of Lake Michigan, south and southeast of the Wisconsin and Fox rivers, included in the present territory of Michigan, shall be divided by a north and south line, drawn from the northern boundary of Illinois along the range of township line west of Fort Winnebago to the Wisconsin river, and to be called — the one on the west side, the Wisconsin land district, and that on the east side the Green Bay land district of the territory of Michigan, which two districts shall embrace the country north of said rivers when the Indian title shall be THE PUBLIC DOMAIN. 22-3 extinguished, and the Green Bay district may be divided so as to form two districts, when the president shall deem it' proper ;" and by section three of said act, the president was author ized to appoint a register and receiver for such office, as soon as a sufficient number of townships are surveyed. An act of congress, approved June 15, 1836, divided the Green Bay land district, as estab lished in 1834, " by a line commencing on the western boundary of said district, and running thence east between townships ten and eleven north, to the line between ranges seventeen and eighteen east, thence north between said ranges of townships to the line between townships twelve and thirteen north, thence east between said townships twelve and thirteen to Lake Michigan ; and all the country bounded north by the division line here described, south by the base line, east by Lake Michigan, and west by the division line between ranges eight and nine east," to be constituted a separate district and known as the " Milwaukee land district.'' It included the present counties of Racine, Kenosha, Rock, Jefferson, Waukesha, Walworth and Milwaukee, and parts of Green, Dane,Washington, Ozaukee, Dodge and Columbia. An act was approved March 3, 1847, creating an additional land district in the territory. All that portion of the public lands lying north and west of the following boundaries, formed a district to be known as the Chippewa land district: commencing at the Mississippi river on the line between townships twenty-two and twenty-three north, running thence east along said line to the fourth principal meridian, thence north along said meridian line to the line dividing town ships twenty-nine and thirty, thence east along such township line to the Wisconsin river, thence up the main channel of said river to the boundary line between the state of Michigan and the territory of Wisconsin. The counties now included in this district are Pepin, Clark, Eau Claire, Dunn, Pierce, St. Croix, Polk, Barron, Burnett, Douglas, Bayfield, Ashland, Taylor, Chippewa, and parts of Buffalo, Trempealeau and Jackson. An act of congress, approved March 2, 1849, changed the location of the land office in the Chippewa district from the falls of St. Croix to Stillwater, in the county of St. Croix, in the proposed territory of Minnesota; and, by section two of the act, an additional land office and district was created, comprising all the lands in Wisconsin not included in the districts of land subject to sale at Green Bay, Milwaukee, or Mineral Point, which was to be known as the Western land district, and the president was authorized to designate the site where the office should be 1 icated. Willow River, now Hudson, was selected. The district was usually known as the St. Croix and Chippewa district, and included St. Croix, La Pointe, and parts of Chippewa and Marathon counties. By an act of congress, approved July 30, 1852, so much ofthe public lands in Wisconsin as lay within a boundary line commencing at the southwest corner of township fifteen, north of range two east of the fourth principal meridian, thence running due east to the southeast corner of township fifteen, north of range eleven, east of the fourth principal meridian, thence north along such range line to the north line of the state of Wisconsin, thence westwardly along said north line to the line between ranges one and two east of fourth principal meridian, thence south to the place of beginning, were formed into a new district, and known as the Stevens Point land district, and a land office located at that place. The boundaries enclosed the present counties of Juneau, Adams, Marquette, Green Lake, Waushara, Waupaca, Portage, Wood, Marathon, Lincoln, and Shawano. By the same law, the LaCrosse land district was formed of the following territory: "Commencing at a point where the line between townships ten and eleven north touches the Mississippi river, thence due east to the fourth principal meridian, thence north to the line between townships fourteen and fifteen north, thence east to the southeast corner of township fifteen north, of range one east of the 224 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN fourth principal meridian, thence north on the range line to the south line of township number thirty-one north, thence west on the line between townships number thirty and thirty-one to the Chippewa river, thence down said river to its junction with the Mississippi river, thence down said river to the place of beginning." The present counties of Vernon, La Crosse, Monroe, Buf falo, Trempealeau, Eau Claire, Clark, and parts of Juneau and Chippewa were included in its limits. By act of congress, approved February 24, 1855, an additional district was formed of all that portion cf the Willow river land district lying north of the line dividing townships forty and forty-one, to be called the Fond du Lac district — the office to be located by the president as he might from time to time direct. The present counties of Douglas, Bayfield, Ashland, and part of Burnett were included within its boundaries. By an act of congress, approved March 3, 1857, so much of the districts of land subject to sale at La Crosse and Hudson, in the state of Wisconsin, contained in the following boundaries, were constituted a new district, to be known as the Chippewa land district : North of the line dividing townships twenty-four and twenty-five north; south of the line dividing townships forty and forty-one north ; west of the line dividing ranges one and two east; and east of the line dividing ranges eleven and twelve west. The location of the office was to be designated by the president as the public interest might require. The present counties of Chippewa, Taylor, Eau Claire and Clark were in this district. There are at the present time six land offices in the state. They are located at Menasha, Falls of St. Croix, Wausau, La. Crosse, Bayfield and Eau Claire. By the provisions of law, when the number of acres of land in any one district is reduced to one hundred thousand acres, sub ject to private entry, the secretary of the interior is required to discontinue the office, and the lands remaining unsold are transferred to the nearest land office, to be there subject to sale. The power of locating these offices rests with the president (unless otherwise directed by law), who is also authorized to change and re-establish the boundaries of land districts whenever, in his. opinion, the public service will be subserved thereby. The pre-emption law of 1830 was intended for the benefit of actual settlers against compe-- tition in open market with non-resident purchasers. It gave every person who cultivated any part of a quarter section the previous year, and occupied the tract at the date mentioned, the privilege of securing it by payment of the minimum price at any time before the day fixed for the commencement of the public sale. To avail himself of this provision he was to file proof of cultivation and occupancy. As men frequently located claims in advance of the survey, it occasionally happened that two or more would find themselves upon the same quarter section^ in which case the pre-emption law permitted two joint occupants to divide the quarter section equally between them, whereupon each party received a certificate from the land office, author izing him to locate an additional eighty acres, elsewhere in the same land district, not interfering with other settlers having the right of preference. This was called a floating right. This pro vision of the law was ingeniously perverted from its plain purpose in various ways. As fast as these evasions came to the notice of the department, all certificates given to occupants of the same quarter section in excess of the two first, or to more than one member of the same family, to employees, to any person who had not paid for eighty acres originally occupied, as well as those which were not located at the time of such payment, and the additional tract paid for before the public sale, were held to be worthless or fraudulent ; but a large number of these certificates had been issued, and passed into the hands of speculators and designing men, and were a source of almost endless vexation and annoyance to settlers. The law of 1830 THE PUBLIC DOMAIN. 22& expired by limitation in one year from its passage, but was revived by the law of 1 834 for two vears. In the interim no settler could obtain his land by pre-emption. The law of 1834 extended only to those who had made cultivation in 1833, consequently the settlers of later date were excluded from its benefits. Meanwhile the fraudulent floats were freely used to dispossess actual settlers as late as 1835. The pre-emption law of congress, approved September 4, 1841, provided that every person who should make a settlement in person on public land, and erect a dwelling, should be author ized to enter a quarter section (one hundred and sixty acres), at the minimum price (one dollar and twenty-five cents per acre), and thus secure the same against competition ; and if any person should settle upon and improve land subject to private entry, he might within thirty days give notice to the register of the land office of his intention to claim the land settled upon, and might within one year upon making proof of his right, enter the land at the minimum price. At the public land sales at Mineral Point, held in 1835, all those tracts on which lead was. found, or on which it was supposed to exist, were reserved to the United States, and were leased under certain regulations by the government for a rent of ten per centum of all the lead raised. The quantity of land thus reserved was estimated at one million acres. Considerable difficulty was found in collecting these rents, and subsequently it was abandoned, as the amount expended in collecting exceeded the value of the lead collected. In the period of four years the government suffered a loss of over nineteen thousand dollars. The act of congress, approved July 11, 1846, authorized the sale of the reserved mineral lands in Illinois, Wisconsin and Iowa, and provided that, after six months' public notice, the lands should not be subject to the rights of pre-emption until after the same had been offered at public sale, when they should be subject to private entry. The law also provided, that, upon satisfac tory proof being made to the register and receiver of the proper land office, any tract or tracts of land containing a mine or mines of lead ore actually discovered and being worked, would be sold in such legal subdivisions as would include lead mines, and no bid should be received therefor at less than the sum of two dollars and fifty cents per acre, and if such tract or tracts. should not be sold at such public sale, at such price, nor should be entered at private sale within twelve months thereafter, the same should be subject to sale as other lands. This act was changed by an act approved March 3, 1847, providing that any one being in possession by actual occupancy of a mine discovered prior to the passage of this act, who should pay the same rents as those who held leases from the secretary of war, should be entitled to purchase the lands prior to the day of sale at five dollars per acre. Mineral lands were to be offered for sale in forty acre pieces, and no bids were to be received less than five dollars per acre, and if not sold they were then to be subject to private entry at the same price. In 1847 or 1848 the reserved mineral lands were sold at public sale at Mineral Point at two dollars and fifty cents per acre, and they were all disposed of at that price. Soon after the formation of Wisconsin territory, an act was passed by its legislature, approved January 5, 1838, incorporating the Milwaukee and Rock river canal company, and by an act of congress approved June 18 of the same year, a grant of land was made to aid in the construction of the canal. The grant consisted of the odd-numbered sections on a belt of ten miles in width from Lake Michigan to Rock river, amounting to 139,190 acres. Of those lands 43,447 acres were sold at public sale in July, 1839, at the minimum price of two dollars and fifty cents per acre. Work was commenced on the canal at Milwaukee, and the Milwaukee river for a short distance from its outlet was improved by the construction of a dam across the river, which was made available for manufacturing and other purposes. A canal was also built about a mile in length and forty feet wide, leading from it down on the west bank of the river. Much 226 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. dissatisfaction subsequently arose ; the purchasers at this sale, and others occupying these canal and reserved lands felt the injustice of being compelled to pay double price for their lands, and efforts were made to repeal all laws authorizing further sales, and to ask congress to repeal the act making the grant. The legislation on the subject of this grant is voluminous. In 1862 the legislature of the state passed an act to ascertain and settle the liabilities, if any, of Wisconsin and the company, and a board of commissioners was appointed for that purpose. At the session of the legislature in 1863, the committee made a report with a lengthy opinion of the attorney-gen eral of the state. The views of that officer were, that the company had no valid claims for damages against the state. In this opinion the commissioners concurred. On the 23d of March, 1875, an act was approved by the governor, giving authority to the attorney-general to discharge and release of record any mortgage before executed to the late territory of Wisconsin, given to secure the purchase money or any part thereof of any lands granted by congress to aid in the construc tion of this canal. The quantity of lands unsold was subsequently made a part of the 500,000 acre tract granted by congress for school purposes. It is believed thewhole matter is now closed against further legislative enactments. The next grant of lands made by congress ior internal improvements in Wisconsin, was one approved August 8, 1846, entitled ''an act to grant a certain quantity of land to aid in the improvement of the Fox and Wisconsin rivers, and to connect the same by canal." By this act there was granted to Wisconsin on her becoming a state, for improving the navigation of the above-named streams, and constructing the canal to unite the same, a quantity of land equal to one-half of three sections in width on each side of Fox river, and the lakes through which it passes from its mouth to the point where the portage canal should enter the same, and each side ofthe canal from one stream to the other, reserving the alternate sections to the United States with certain provisions in relation thereto. On the 3d of August, 1854, an act of congress was approved, authorizing the governor of Wisconsin to select the balance of lands to which the state was entitled to under the provisions of the act of 1846, out of any unsold government lands sub ject to private entry in the state, the quantity to be ascertained upon the principles which gov erned the final adjustment ofthe grant to the state of Indiana, for the Wabash and Erie canal, approved May 9, 1848. In the years 1854 and 1855, acts of congress were passed, defining and enlarging the grant. Under the grants of 1846, 1854 and 1855, the number of acres donated for this purpose and certified to the state, was 674,100. After the admission of Wisconsin into the Union, by an act of its legislature, approved August 8, 1848, a board of public works was created, through which the work of improving the said rivers, by the application thereto of the proceeds of the sale of the lands granted by con gress, was undertaken by the state. It soon became apparent that the moneys realized from the sale of lands were insufficient to meet the obligations of the state issued by its board of public works as they became due ; and in 1853 the work was turned over to the Fox and Wisconsin Improvement company, a corpora tion created under an act of the legislature of Wisconsin approved July 6, 1853. In 1856, by an act of the legislature of Wisconsin, approved October 3, 1856, the lands granted by congress then unsold were granted by the state, through the said company, to trustees, with power to sell, and to hold the proceeds in trust for the payment of state indebtedness, the completion of the work, thereafter for the payment of bonds issued by the said company, and the balance, if any, for the company itself. In February, 1866, the trustees, in execution of the powers contained in the deed of trust made to them, and pursuant to a judgment of the circuit court of Fond du Lac county, sold at public sale at Appleton, Wisconsin, the works of improvement and the balance of lands granted THE PUBLIC DOMAIN. 227 by congress then unsold, and applied the proceeds to the purposes expressed in the deed of trust. The proceeds were sufficient to pay in full the expenses of the trust, the then outstanding state indebtedness, and to provide a fund sufficient to complete the work according to the plan specified in the act approved October 3, 1856. Under an act of the legislature of Wisconsin approved April 13, 1861, and the acts amend atory thereof, the purchasers at said sale, on the 15th day of August, 1866, filed their certificate in the office of the secretary of state, and thereby became incorporated as the Green Bay and Mississippi canal company, holding, as such company, the said works of improvement. At a subsequent date, under instructions from the engineer department of the United States, the surveys of the Fox and Wisconsin rivers were placed in the charge of General G. K. War ren, and by act of congress approved July 7, 1870, the secretary of war was authorized to appoint a board of arbitrators to ascertain how much the government should pay to the suc cessors of the Improvement company, the Green Bay and Mississippi canal company, for the transfer of all its property and rights; and by a subsequent act, approved June 10, 1872, an appropriation was made therefor. The legislation on matters connected with the Fox and Wisconsin river improvement would make a chapter of itself. The work is now in charge of the government, and will be prosecuted to completion in a satisfactory manner. On the 29th of May, 1848, an act was approved by the president "to enable the people of Wisconsin territory to form a constitution and state government, and for the admission of such state into the Union," by which certain propositions were to be submitted to the convention which were to be acted upon, and subsequently submitted to the people for their approval. The first constitutional convention was held in October, 1846, and, having framed a constitution, it Was submitted to a vote of the people at the election in 1847, and it was rejected. The second ¦convention met December 15, 1847, and, having formed a constitution, it was adopted by the people at the election in 1848. The following are the propositions proposed by congress : 1. That section sixteen numbered in every township of the public lands of said state, and where such section has been sold or otherwise disposed of, other lands equivalent thereto, and as contiguous as may be, shall be granted to the said state for the use of schools. 2. That seventy-two sections, or two entire townships, of land set apart and reserved for the use and support of a university by act of congress approved June 12, 1838, are hereby granted and conveyed to the state, to be appropriated solely to the use and support of such university in such manner as the legislature may prescribe. 3. That ten entire sections of land to be selected and located under the direction of the. legislature, in legal subdivisions of not less than one quarter of a section from any of the unap propriated lands belongingNto the United States within the state are granted to the state for ¦completing the public buildings, or for the erection of others at the seat of government, under the direction of the legislature. 4. That all salt-springs within the state, not exceeding twelve in number, shall be granted to the state, to be selected by the legislature, and when selected, to be used or disposed of on such terms, conditions, and regulations as the legislature shall direct. The title to all lands and other property which accrued to the territory of Wisconsin by - grant, gift, purchase, forfeiture, escheat, or otherwise, were, by the provisions of the constitution of the state, vested in the state ; and the people of the state, in their right of sovereignty, were declared to possess the ultimate property in and to all lands within its jurisdiction ; and all lands, the title of which shall fail from a defect of heirs, shall revert or escheat to the people. The act of congress for the admission of the state into the Union gave formal assent to the 228 HISTORY- OF WISCONSIN. grant relative to the Fox and Wisconsin river improvement, and the lands reserved to the United States by said grant, and also the grant to the territory of Wisconsin, for the purpose of aiding in opening a canal to connect the waters of Lake Michigan with those of Rock river, were to be offered for sale at the same minimum price, and subject to the same rights of pre-emption as other public lands of the United States. By the provisions of the state constitution, the secretary of state, the state treasurer and attorney-general, were constituted a board of commissioners for the sale of the school and university lands, and for the investment of the funds arising therefrom. In the year 1850 the commissioners put into market, for the first time, the school lands which had been donated to the state. The total quantity of lands offered was 148,021, 44-100 acres, which sold for the sum of $444,265.19. By an act of congress, approved September 4, 1841, there were granted to the state 500,000. acres of land, which were, by act of the territorial legislature of 1849, appropriated to the school fund, and the unsold lands of the Milwaukee and Rock river canal company, amounting to about. 140,000 acres, were to be included as a part of the above grant. These lands, and the sixteenth section of each township, make up the whole of the school lands of the state. The whole number of acres sold up to the year 1877 is 1,243,984 acres, and there remain unsold, subject to entry, 216,016 acres. The state university land grant was made in 1838, and seventy-two sections set apart and reserved. The lands were selected in 1845 and 1846. On the 15th of December, 1854, an act of congress was approved, relinquishing to the state the lands reserved for the salt-springs, and seventy-two sections were granted in lieu thereof, in aid of the university of the state The number of acres amounts to 92,160, all of which have been sold except 4,407 acres, which are subject to entry. Under the re-organization and enlargement of the university, under provisions of chapter 114, of general laws of 1866, section thirteen provides, among other things, that the income of a fund to be derived from the sales of the two hundred and forty thousand acies, granted by congress by act approved July 2, 1862, entitled : "An act donating lands to the several states and territories which may provide colleges for the benefit of agriculture and mechanic arts," be devoted to the state university, and the funds arising therefrom to be known as the " agricultural college fund." All of the grant of lands have been sold except 51,635 acres, The quantity of lands donated by act of congress August 6, 1846, for the purpose of completing or erecting public buildings at the seat of government, known as " Capitol Lands," amounted to ten entire sections, or six thousand four hundred acres. A grant of lands was made to the state by act of congress, approved September 28, 1850, of all the swamp and overflowed lands within its limits. The total number of acres of this grant, as certified to the state from the government, to the year 1877, is 1,869,677. A grant of land was made by congress, approved March 3, 1863, for the construction of a military road from Fort Wilkins, Michigan, to Fort Howard, Wisconsin, of every alternate section of public lands, designated by even numbers for three sections in width on each side of said road, and subject to the disposal of the legislature. In 1865 sales of land were made to the number of 85,961.89 acres, which realized the sum of $114,856.54. An act of congress was approved June 25, 1864, granting lands to the state to build a military road from Wausau, Wisconsin, to Ontonagon, on Lake Superior, of every alternate section of land designated as odd sections, for three sections in width on each side of the road. The grant was accepted by the state by law, approved April 10, 1865. An act was also passed by congress, approved April 10, 1866, granting to the state of Wis consin a donation of public lands to aid in the construction of a breakwater and harbor and ship THE PUBLIC DOMAIN. 223 canal at the head of Sturgeon bay, Wis., to connect the waters of Green bay with Lake Michigan. The grant was for 200,000 acres of land. The grant was accepted by the legislature of 1868.. In 1874, the samebody by resolution transferred to the Sturgeon bayandLake Michigan ship canal and harbor company 32,342 acres, and the remaining portion was authorized to be sold for agri cultural purposes by said company. The first railroad grant in Wisconsin was by act of congress, approved June 3, 1856', by trie- first section of which there was granted to the state, for the purpose of aiding in the construction. of a railroad from Madison or Columbus, by the way of Portage City, to the St. Croix river or lake, between townships twenty-five and thirty-one, and from thence to the west end 0$ Lake: Superior and to Bayfield ; and from Fond du Lac, on Lake Winnebago, northerly tO' the state line,, every alternate section of land designated by odd numbers, for six sections in width on each side. of said roads, respectively; the land to be applied exclusively in the construction: of said roads,, and to no other purpose whatever, and subject to the disposal of the legislature, and the same- shall remain public highways for the use of the government, free from toll and other ebarges- upon the transportation of property or troops of the United States, with other conditions as to> the disposal of said lands. The grant was accepted by the legislature by an act approved October 8, 1856, and on the- nth of the same month an act was approved granting a portion of the lands to the La Crosse &: Mississippi railroad company, who were to carry out all the requirements of the original grant- A supplementary act was approved the same session, October 13, incorporating the Wisconsin & Superior railroad, which company was required to commence the construction of their road 011 or before January 1, 1857, and to complete the same to Oshkosh before August 1, 1858. Of this land grant John W. Cary says : " That portion of the grant given to aid in the construction oF a railroad northerly to the state line was conferred on the Wisconsin & Superior railroad company.. This company was organized in the interest of the Chicago, St. Paul & Fond du Lac railroad company, and that part of the grant was transferred to it. The road was, in 1859, extended to- Oshkosh, and thence to Menasha, and finally to Green Bay. In the panic of 1857, the company- failed to meet its obligations, but was afterward enabled to go on, and continued in possession until June 2, 1859, when its road was sold on the foreclosures of the mortgages given thereon V and on the sixth of the same month the present Chicago & Northwestern railroad company was. organized under the statute, by purchasers at said sale, and took possession." A large portion of the original grant was given for the construction of a road from Madison, or Columbus to the St. Croix river, as before stated. The La Crosse company, during the years. 1857 and 1858, completed its main line to La Crosse; the Watertown line, from Watertown to- Columbus, and partially graded the line from Madison to Portage City. Neither it nor its suc cessors ever received any part of the lands of the land grant. In 1856 and 1857, the La Crosse & Milwaukee railroad graded most of the line from Madi son to Portage. After the failure of the company, this line was abandoned, and so remained1. until 1870, when a new company was organized, under the name of the Madison & Portage City railroad company. In 1873, an act was passed chartering the Tomah & Lake St. Croix rail-roadi company, and repealing and annulling that portion of the land grant which bestowed the lands- from Tomah to Lake St. Croix upon the La Crosse company, and bestowing the same upon the.- company chartered by this act. This road is known as the West Wisconsin railroad. An act of congress was approved May 5, 1864, granting lands to aid in the construction.* oi" certain roads in the state. This was a re-enactment of the law of 1856, and divided the grant. in three sections, one of which was for a road from a point on the St. Croix river or lake, between 230 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. townships twenty-five and thirty-one, to the west end of Lake Superior, and from some point on the line of said road, to be selected by the state, to Bayfield — every alternate section designated by odd numbers, for ten sections in width on each side of said road, with an indemnity extending twenty miles on each side, was granted, under certain regulations ; another, for aiding in building a road from Tomah to the St. Croix river, between townships twenty-five and thirty-one — every alternate section by odd numbers, for ten sections in width on each side of the road ; another for aiding and constructing a railroad from Portage City, Berlin, Doty's Island, or Fond du Lac, as the legislature may determine, in a northwestern direction, to Bayfield, on Lake Superior, and a grant of every alternate section designated by odd numbers, for ten sections in width on each side of said road, was donated. The legislature of 1865 failed to agree upon a disposition of the grant. The succeeding legislature conferred the grant partly upon the "Winnebago & Lake Superior Railroad Company," and partly upon the " Portage & Superior Railroad Company," the former April 6, 1866, and the latter April 9, 1866. The two companies were consolidated, under the name of the "Portage, Winnebago & Superior Railroad," by act of the legislature, March 6, 1869, and by act of legis lature approved February 4, 1871, the name was changed to the "Wisconsin Central Railroad." HEALTH OF WISCONSIN. By JOSEPH HOBBINS, M.D. An article on state health, necessarily embracing the etiology, or causes of disease, involves the discussion of the geographical position of the state ; its area, physical features ; its elevations, depressions; water supply; drainage; its mean level above the sea; its geology; climatology; the nationality of its people ; their occupations, habits, food, education ; and, indeed, of all the physical, moral and mental influences which affect the public health. Geographical Position. The geographical position of Wisconsin, considered in relation to health, conveys an imme diate and favorable impression, which is at once confirmed by a reference to the statistical atlas of the United States. On its north it is bounded by Lake Superior, Minnesota, and the northern peninsula of Michigan ; on the south by Illinois ; on the east by Lake Michigan, and on the west by the Mississippi. It lies between 420 30' and 460 55' N. latitude, and between 870 and 920 50' W. long.; is 285 miles long from north to south, and 255 in breadth from east to west, giving it an area of some 53,924 square miles, or 34,511,360 acres. Its natural surface divisions, or proportions, are 16 per cent, of prairie, 50 of timber, 19 of openings, 15 of marsh, mineraf undefined. North of 45 " the surface is nearly covered with vast forests of pine. The proportion of the state cultivated is nearly one-sixth. Physical Features. Among these, its lacustrine character is most conspicuous, so much so that it may not inaptly be called the state of a thousand lakes, its smaller ones being almost universal and innumerable. HEALTH OF WISCONSIN. 231 It has an almost artificially perfect arrangement of its larger rivers, both for supply and drainage, is rolling in its surface, having several dividing ridges or water sheds, and varies from 600 to 1,600 feet above the level of the sea, Blue Mounds being 1,729 feet above sea level. Its pine and thickly wooded lands are being rapidly denuded, and to some extent converted to agricultural purposes ; its marshes in the north are being reclaimed for cranberry cultivation, and in the more thickly settled parts of the state for hay purposes. The surface of the state is beautifully diver sified with stream, waterfall and rapids ; richly wooded bluffs several hundred feet in height, assuming the most romantic and pleasing forms, and composed of sandstone, magnesian limestone, granite, trap, etc. The health and summer resorts of Wisconsin are illustrative of its beauty, and its numerous mineral springs have long since formed an important feature of its character for salubrity. Geology. The geology of Wisconsin does not require from us but a very general notice, as it is only from its relation to disease that we have to consider it. This relation is in a measure apparent in the fact that everywhere the topographical features are governed by the strata below them. The relationship will be seen still further in the chemical or sanitary influence of the geological structures. Through the greater part of the south half of the state limestone is found, the cliff prevailing in the mineral region, and the blue in the other parts ; while in the north part of the state the primitive rocks, granite, slate, and sandstone prevail. South of the Wisconsin river sandstone in layers of limestone, forming the most picturesque bluffs, abounds. While west of Lake Michigan extends up to these rocks the limestone formation, being rich in timber or prairie land. Sandstone is found underneath the blue limestone. The general dip of the stratified rocks of the state is toward the south, about 8 feet to the mile. Medical geology treats of geology so far only as it affects health. Thus, some diluvial soils and sands are known to be productive of malarial fevers ; others, of a clayey character, retaining water, are productive of cold damp, and give rise to pulmonary and inflammatory diseases ; while others still, being very porous, are promotive of a dry and equable atmosphere. In the Potsdam rocks arise our purest waters and best supply, while our magnesian limestone rocks (a good quality of this kind of rock being composed of nearly equal parts of carbonate of lime and carbonate of magnesia) affect the water to the extent of producing simple diarrhoea in those unaccustomed to drinking it, as is observed in southern visitors, and was especially noticeable in the rebel prisoners at Camp Randall, though singularly enough do not seem to produce stone and gravel, as is alleged of the same kind of water in the north of England. Why this is so — if so — is a question of some interest. Goitre and cretinism are both attributed to the use of the same magnesian limestone water. Goitre is by no means an uncommon affection here, but not common enough, perhaps, to warrant us in thinking its special cause is in the water. Boiling the water is a preventive of all inj urious effects. There is still another obj ection — partic ularly applicable to cities — to this kind of water, the carbonates of lime and magnesia which it contains, not simply making it hard, but giving it the power to promote the decomposition of organic matters, and thus where the soil is sandy or porous, endangering the purity of our well- water. Geology in general affects all our soils and their products ; all our drainage; even our architecture, the material with which we build. Our building stone for half of the state is a magnesian limestone, a rather soft or poor quality of which will absorb one-third of its bulk of water, or two and a half gallons to the cubic foot, while most kinds of sandstone are nearly as porous as loose sand, and in some of them the penetrability for air and water is the same. (A single brick of poor quality will absorb a pint of water). Such materials used in the construction 232 - HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. of our climate, or of all the changing causes which influence it — in a positive manner, our horticultural writers, to make the difficulty still greater, affirming that it has several climates within dtself; still, sufficient data have been gathered from sufficiently reliable sources to enable us to form a tolerably accurate idea of the subject. Tiie great modifiers of our climate are our lakes. These, bounding as they do, the one, Lake Superior {600 feet above the level of the sea. 420 miles long and 160 broad), on the north side of the state, and the other, Lake Michigan (578 feet above the sea level, 320 miles long and 84 broad)3 on the east side of the state, serve to govern the range of the thermometer and the mean temperature of the seasons, as much as they are governed in New England by the ocean. Our climate is consequently very much like that of the New England sea-board. They both •exhibit the same extremes and great extremes, have the same broadly marked continental features .at some seasons, and decided tropical features at others. It is of special interest in this con nection to know that the climate between the eastern coast and the lakes increases in rigor as ¦one advances west until the lakes are reached, and again becomes still more rigorous as one -advances into the interior west of the lakes, thus affording proof, if proof were wanting, of the modifying and agreeable influences of large bodies of water During the winter the mean temperature of the east on the New England coast is 8.38 •higher than the west (beyond the lakes) ; during the spring 3.53 lower ; during the summer 6.gg .lower; and during the autumn 1.54 higher. In the mean temperature for the year there is but a fractional difference. That the winters are less rigorous and the summers more temperate on ithe Great Lakes is demonstrated to be owing not to elevation, but, as on the ocean, to the equal izing agency of an expanse of water. On the lakes the annual ratio of fair days is 117, and on the New England coast 215; the HEALTH OF WISCONSIN. 23-3 ¦cloudy days are as 127 to 73; the rainy as 63 to 46 , and the snowy as 45 to 29 In the former the prevailing weather is cloudy, and in the latter it is fair. The immense forests on the upper lake shores of course exercise a considerable influence in the modification of our temperature, as well as in the adding to our rain-fall and cloudy days. A climate of this character, with its attendant rains, gives us that with which we are so abundantly supplied, great variety of food, both for man and beast, the choicest kinds of fruits and vegetables in the greatest profusion, and •of the best quality, streams alive with fish, woods and prairies with game, the noblest trees, the most exquisite flowers, and the best breeds of domestic animals the world can boast of. The semi-tropical character of our summer, and its resemblance to that of New England, is shown by the mean temperature — 700 — for three months at Salem, Massachusetts, at Albany, New York, at southern Wisconsin, Fort Snelling and Fort Benton on the Upper Missouri, being the same ; while* at Baltimore, Cincinnati and St. Louis, it is 750, and around the gulf of Mexico it is 80" Another feature of our climate is worthy the notice of invalids and of those who make the thermometer their guide for comfoit. It is a well-ascertained fact that during the colder seasons the lake country is not only relatively, but positively, warmer than places far south of it. The thermometer, during the severe cold of January, 1856, did not fall so low at the coldest, by ioQ to 15° at Lake Superior as at Chicago at the same time. This remark holds true of the changes of all periods of duration, even if continued over a month. The mean temperature at Fort Howard, Green Bay, Wisconsin, 600 feet above the level of the Atlantic, latitude 440 40', longitude 87 °, observations for nine years, is 44.93; and at Fort Crawford, Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin, 580 feet above the level of the Atlantic, latitude 430 3', longitude 90" 53', observa tions for four years, is 45.65, giving a just idea of our mean temperature for the state. Under the head of distribution of heat in winter, it is found that the maximum winter range at Fort Winnebago, Wisconsin, for sixteen years, is 9.4. Hyetal or Rain Character. Wisconsin is situated within what is termed the area of constant precipitation, neither affected by a rainy season, nor by a partial dry season. The annual quantity of rain on an average for three years at Fort Crawford, was 29.54 inches, and at Fort Howard the mean annual on 'an average of four years, was 38.83 inches. The annual quantity of rain, on an average of three years was 31.88 inches at Fort Winnebago, situate (opposite the portage between the Fox and Wisconsin rivers) 80 miles west of Lake Michigan and 112 miles southwest of Green Bay. The rain-fall is less in the lake district than in the valley of the Mississippi in the same latitudes. One of the peculiarities of our winters is the almost periodical rain-fall of a few days in the middle of the winter (usually in the middle of January), which extends to the Atlantic coast, while north and northwest of us the dry cold continues without a break, winter being uniform and severe, characterized by aridity and steady low temperature. Another peculiarity of our climate is, the number of snowy and rainy days is increased disproportionately to the actual quantity — the large bodies of water on the boundaries of the state, contrary to the popular opinion, reduc ing the annual quantity of rain in their immediate vicinity instead of adding to it, the heavier precipitation being carried further away. One of the most pleasing features of our climate is its frequent succession of showers in summer, tempering as it does our semi-tropical heat, increasing the fertility of the soil, and carpeting our prairies with a green as grateful to the eye as that of England. The hygrometric condition of Wisconsin may be judged of with proximate accuracy by that given of Poultney, Iowa : 234 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN Day. Temperature of Air. Temperature of Evaporat'n Humidity, per cent. Day. Temperature of Air. Temperature of Evaporat'n Humidity, per cent. ioth II 12 . __ 13 14 -- --- 92° 87 92 96 93 78° 75 77 8178 51 55 48 50 44 19'h 20. _ 21 29 - 30 - 94° 97968184 81°81807271 55 484763 50 The average depth of snow for three years, at Beloit, Wisconsin, was twenty-five inches, while at Oxford county, Maine, the average for twelve years was ninety inches. The isohyetal lines of the mean precipitation of rain and melted snow, for the year 1872, show that of Wiscon sin to be thirty-two. Isotherms. The mean temperature of spring is represented by the isotherm of 45 ° F. which enters Wis* consin from the west about forty miles south of Hudson, passing in a nearly southeast direction, and crosses the south line of the state near the west line of Walworth county. It then passes nearly around the head of Lake Michigan, then northeast until it reaches the latitude of Milwaukee, whence it passes in a somewhat irregular course east through Ontario, New York, and Massa chusetts, entering the ocean in the vicinity of Boston. The summer mean isotherm of 700 F, enters Wisconsin from the west but little farther north than the spring isotherm, and passes through the state nearly parallel with the course of that line, crossing the southern boundary near the east line of Walworth county ; passing through Chicago it goes in a direction a little south of east, and enters the Atlantic at New Haven. The mean isotherm of 470 F. for autumn, enters the state about twenty miles north of Prairie du Chien, passing in a direction a little north of east through Portage, and enters Lake Michigan near Manitowoc. The isotherm of 20° F, representing the mean temperature of winter, enters the state near Prairie du Chien, passes east and north and enters Lake Michigan at Sturgeon bay. The annual mean temperature is repre sented by the isotherm of 45 ° F. which enters the state near Prairie du Chien, passes across the. state in a direction a little south of east, and enters Lake Michigan a little south of Milwaukee, What influence these isotherms have upon our belts of disease there are no data to show, But from their influence upon vegetable life, one can not but infer a similar good influence on the animal economy. This is a question for the future. Barometrical. Yearly mean of barometer at 320 F. as observed at the University of Wisconsin, altitude 1,088 feet above the sea : 1869 28.932 inches. 1870 _ _. .28.867 " 1871- 28.986 " 1872 ...28.898 " 1873 28.892 inches, 1874 28.867 " 1875 28.750 " 1876 28.920 " Atmospheric pressure, as indicated by the barometer, is an important element in the causation of disease, far more so than is generally thought. The barometer indicates not only the coming of the storm, but that state of the atmosphere which gives rise to health at one time, and to disease at another. When the barometer is high, both the body and mind have a feeling of elasticity, of vigor and activity, and when the barometer ranges low, the feelings of both are just the reverse ; and both of these states, commonly attributed to temperature, are mostly the result of change in the barometric pressure. Many inflammations, as of the lungs, etc., commonly HEALTH OF WISCONSIN. 235, attributed to change in the temperature, have their origin in barometrical vicissitudes. Winds. Generally speaking, the atmospheric movement is from the west. It is of little purpose what the surface wind may be, as this does not affect the fact of the constancy ol the westerly- winds in the middle latitudes. The showers and cumulus clouds of the summer always have this movement. The belt of westerly winds is the belt of constant and equally distributed rains, the feature of our winds upon which so much of our health and comfort depends. Climatological Changes from Settling the State. There are many theories afloat concerning the effects of reclaiming the soil and the destruc tion of its forests. To us, a new people and a new state, the question is one of great moment, the more so that it is still in our power not only to watch the effects of such changes, but still more so to control them in a measure for our good. As to the effects upon animal and vegetable life, it would appear that so far as relates to the clearing away of forests, the whole change of conditions is limited to the surface, and dependent for the most part on the retention and slow evaporation in the forest, in contrast with the rapid drainage and evaporation in the open space. The springs, diminishing in number and volume in our more settled parts of the state, do not indicate a lessening rain-fall. It is a well ascertained fact that in other places so denuded, which have been allowed to cover themselves again with forests, the springs reappear, and the streams. are as full as before such denudation. With us, happily, while the destruction of forests is going on in various parts of the state, their second growth is also going on, both in the pineries, where new varieties of hard-wood take the place of the pine, and in the more cultivated parts of the state, cultivation forbidding, as it does, the practice so much in vogue some years ago, of running fires through the undergrowth. Thus, though the renewal of forests may not be keeping pace with their destruction, it would seem clear that as time advances, the springs and streams in the more cultivated sections of the state will fill and flow again, increasing in proportion as the second growth increases and expands. The change, however, from denudation, though strictly limited to the surface, affects the surface in other ways than simply in the retention and evaporation of rain. When the winter winds are blowing, the want of the sheltering protection of belts of trees is bitterly felt, both by man and beast. And so, too, in the almost tropical heats of the summer ; both languish and suffer- from the want of shade. Nor is the effect of denudation less sensibly felt by vegetable life. The growing of our more delicate fruits, like the peach, the plum, the pear, the better varieties of the cherry and gooseberry, with the beautiful half-hardy flowering shrubs, all of which flourished so well in a number of our older counties some twenty years ago, are as a rule no longer to be found in those localities, having died out, as is believed, from exposure to the cold winds, to the south west winds in particular, and for want of the protecting influence of the woods. In fruits, how ever, we have this compensation, that, while the more tender varieties have been disappearing, the hardier and equally good varieties, especially of apples, have been increasing, while the grape (than which nothing speaks better for climatology), of which we grow some 150 varieties, the strawberry, the raspberry, blackberry and currant, etc., hold their ground. Nor are the cattle suffering as much as formerly, or as much as is perhaps popularly believed, from this want of forests or tree shelter. With the better breeds which our farmers have been able of late years to purchase, with better blood and better food, and better care, our stock instead of dwindling in condition, or in number, from the effect of cold, has progressed in quality and quantity, and. competes with the best in the Chicago and the New York markets. 236 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. There can, however, be no doubt that the planting of groves and belts of trees in exposed localities, would be serviceable in many ways ; in tempering the air and imparting to it an agreeable moisture in the summer; in modifying the severity of the cold in winter ; in moderating the extreme changes to which our climate is subject; and thus in a measure preventing those discomforts and diseases which occur from sudden changes of temperature. Besides, these plantings, when made between our homes or villages and malarial marshes southwest of us, serve (by the aid of our prevailing southwest winds) to break up, to send over and above and beyond us the malarial substratum of air to which we are otherwise injuriously exposed. The effects of reclaiming the soil, or "breaking " as it is called in the west, have, years ago, when the state first began to be settled, been disastrous to health and to life. The moist sod being turned over in hot weather, and left to undergo^ through the summer a putrifying fomen- tative process, gave rise to the worst kind of malarial, typhoid (bilious) and dysenteric disease. Not, however, that the virulence or mortality altogether depended upon the soil emanations. These were undoubtedly aggravated by the absolute poverty of the early settlers, who were wanting in everything, in proper homes, proper food and proper medical attendance, medicines ¦and nursing. These fevers have swept the state years ago, particularly in the autumns of 1844 and 1845, but are now only observed from time to time in limited localities, following in the autumn the summer's " breaking." But it is pleasing to be able to add that through the advancing prosperity of the state, the greater abundance of the necessaries and comforts of life, and the facilities for obtaining medical care, the diseases incident to " settling " are much less common ¦and much less fatal than formerly. Relations of Climatology to Sanitary Status. One of the principal reasons for gathering climatological observations, is to obtain sanitary information, which serves to show us where man may live with the greatest safety to his health. Every country, we might perhaps correctly say every state, has, if not its peculiar diseases, at least its peculiar type of diseases. And by nothing is either this type or variety of disease so much influenced as by climate. Hence the great importance of the study of climatology to health and disease, nay, even to the kind of medicine and to the regulating of the dose to be .given. It is, however, best to caution the reader that these meteorological observations are not ¦always made at points where they would most accurately show the salubrity of a geographical ¦district, by reason of the fact that the positions were chosen not for this special purpose, but for purely military purposes. We allude to the forts of Wisconsin, from which our statistics for the most part come. Another caution it is also well to bear in mind in looking over the class of diseases reported at these stations in connection with their observations. The diseases are those of the military of the period, a class from which no very favorable health reports could be expected, considering their habits, exposure, and the influences incidental to frontier life. The geography of disease and climate is of special interest to the public, and a knowledge ¦especially necessary to the state authorities, as it is only by such a knowledge that state legis lation can possibly restrain or root out the endemic diseases of the state. In connection with the gathering of vital statistics must go the collection of meteorological and topographical statistics, as without these two latter the former is comparatively useless for sanitary purposes. More particularly does this apply to the malarial diseases of the state. Acclimation is very rarely discussed or even alluded to by our people in relation to Wisconsin, for the reason that, come from whatever part of Europe men may, or from the eastern states, acclimation is acquired for the most part unconsciously, rarely attended by any malarial affection, Xinless by exposure in such low, moist localities, where even the natives of the state could not HEALTH OF WISCONSIN. 237 live with impunity. It seems to be well enough established that where malaria exists, whether in London, New York, or Wisconsin ; where the causes of malarial disease are permanent, the effects are permanent, and that there is no positive acclimation to malaria. Hence it should follow that since life and malaria are irreconcilable, we should root out the enemy, as we readily can by drainage and cultivation, or, where drainage is impossible, by the planting of those shrubs or trees which are found to thrive best, and thereby prove the best evaporators in such localities. Our climate, approximating as it does the 45th degree (being equi-distant from the equator and pole), would a priori be a common ground of compromise and safety, and from this geographical position is not liable to objections existing either north or south of us. Influence of Nationalities. Our population is of such a confessedly heterogeneous character that naturally enough it suggests the question : Has this intermingling of different nationalities sensibly affected our health conditions ? Certainly not, so far as intermarriages between the nations of the Caucasian race are concerned. This opinion is given first upon the fact that our classes of diseases have neither changed nor increased in their intensity by reason of such admixture, so far as can be learned by the statistics or the history of disease in the northwest. Imported cases of disease are of course excepted. Second, because all that we can gather from statistics and history concern ing such intermingling of blood goes to prove that it is beneficial in every respect, physically, mentally and morally. England, of all nations, is said to be the best illustration of the good attending an intermingling of the blood of different nations, for the reason that the English character is supposed to be, comparatively speaking, good, and that of all countries she has been perhaps more frequently invaded, and to a greater or less part settled by foreign peoples than any other. From a residence of nearly a quarter of a century in the center of Wisconsin, and from an adequate knowledge of its people, whose nationalities are so various and whose intermarriages are so common, it is at least presumable that we should have heard of or noted any peculiar or injurious results, had any such occurred. None such, however, have been observed. Some fears have been expressed concerning the influence of Celtic blood upoh the American temperament, already too nervous, as is alleged. It is scarcely necessary to say that these fears are unsupported by figures or facts. Reasoning from analogy, it would seem safe to affirm that the general inter mingling by intermarriage now going on in our population, confined to the Caucasian nationali ties, will tend to preserve the good old Anglo-Saxon character, rather than to create any new char acter for our people. If this view needed support or confirmation, it is to be found in some Yery interesting truths in relation to it. Mr. Edwin Seguin, in his work on Idiocy, lays special stress on the influences of races in regard to idiocy and other infirmities, like deafness. He says that the crossing of races, which contributed to the elimination of some vices of the blood (as may be the case in the United States, where there are proportionally less deaf and dumb than in Europe), produces a favorable effect on the health of the population, and cites as an example, Belgium, which has fewer deaf and dumb than any country in Europe, owing to the influence of the crossing of races in past ages from the crowds of northern tribes passing, mingling and partly settling there on the way to England. , We are aware that it has been predicted that our future will give us a new type, distinct from all other peoples, and that with this type must come not only new diseases but modifications or aggravations of the present diseases, in particular, consumption and insanity. But so long as we are in a formative state as a nation, and that this state seems likely to continue so long as the country has lands to be occupied and there are people in Europe to occupy them, such spec ulations can be but of little value. 238 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. Occupations, Food, Education, etc., as affecting Public Health. The two chief factors of the social and sanitary well-being of a people are a proper educa tion of the man and a proper cultivation of the soil. Our two principal occupations in Wisconsin are education and agriculture, the learners in the schools being in excess of the laborers on th& soil. A happier combination could scarcely be desired, to form an intelligent and a healthy people. How this will affect our habits in the future it is easy to conceive, but for the present it may be said (of so many different nationalities are we composed), that we have no habits which serve to distinguish us from the people of other northwestern states. A well-fed and a well-taught people, no matter how mixed its origin, must sooner or later become homogeneous and a maker of customs. In the mean time we can only speak of our habits as those of a people in general having an abundance of food, though it is to be wished the workers ate more beef and mutton, and less salt-pork, and that whisky was less plentiful in the land. The clothing is sufficient, fuel is cheap, and the dwellings comfortable. Upon the whole, the habits of the people are conducive to health. It is thought unnecessary to refer to the influence upon health in general of other occupations, for the reason that manufacturers, traders and transporters are for the most part localized, and perhaps not sufficiently numerous to exercise any marked influence on the state health. History of Disease. In searching for historical data of disease in Wisconsin, we are able to go back to, tne year 1766, commencing with the aborigines. The Indians, says Carver, in his chapter on their diseases, in general are healthy and subject to few diseases. Consumption from fatigue and exposure he notices, but adds that the disorder to which they are most subject is pleurisy. They are like wise afflicted with dropsy and paralytic complaints. It is to be presumed that while Carver is speaking generally, he means his remarks to apply, perhaps, more particularly to those Indians with whom he lived so long, the Sioux of this state. That they were subject to fevers is gathered from the use of their remedies for fever, the " fever bush " being an ancient Indian remedy, and equally valued by the inhabitants of the interior parts of the colonies. Besides this, they had their remedies for complaints of the bowels, and for all inflammatory complaints. These notices. sufficiently indicate the class of diseases which have certainly followed in the wake of the Indi ans, and are still occurring to his white brother, making it plain enough that lung diseases, bowel complaints, and fevers are in fact native to the state. The fact must not be ignored that the Indian is subject to the same diseases as the human race in general. After Carver, we may quote Major Long's expedition in 1824. The principal disease of the Sacs appears to be a mortification ofthe intestinal canal, more common among men than women,. the disease proving fatal in four days if not relieved. It is unaccompanied with pain, and is neither hernia, dysentery, nor hemorrhoids. Intermittents were prevalent, and the small-pox visited them at different periods. As the Chippewas have a common Algonquin origin with the Sacs, and as their home and customs were the same, it may be expected that their diseases were simi lar. The principal disease to which the Chippewas are liable is consumption of the lungs, generally affecting them between the ages of 30 and 40 ; they linger along for a year or two, but always fall victims to it. Many of them die of a bowel complaint which prevails every year. This disease does not partake, however, of the nature of dysentery. They are frequently affected with sore eyes. Blindness is not common. Many of them become deaf at an early age. Referring to the report ofthe commissioner of Indian affairs for 1854, we find that the decrease in the number of the Menomonees is accounted for by the ravages of small-pox, in 1838,, HEALTH OF WISCONSIN. 239 of the cholera, in 1847 (which latter was superinduced by misery and starvation), and by the fever, which from time to time, commonly in the winter, has been raging among them, being clearly the consequence of want of provisions and other necessaries. The report for 1850 says, there has been considerable sickness among the Winnebagoes for several months past ; dysentery has been the prevalent disease, confined mostly to children. For 1857 : the Winnebagoes have suffered considerably from chronic diseases, scrofula and consumption. For 1859 : the chief malady among the Winnebagoes is phthisis pulmonalis and its analogous diseases, having its source in hereditary origin. Some of the malignant diseases are occasionally met with among them, and intermittent and remittent fevers. In 1863 : of the Menomonees, there is a large mortality list of the tribes under my charge. Measles and some of the more common eruptive diseases are the causes. But the most common and most fatal disease which affects the Indians at this agency is pneumonia, generally of an acute character. There is but little tubercular -disease to be found in any of these tribes, Menomonees, Stockbridges, Oneidas, etc. In the report for 1865, one can not but notice with some regret the absence of all allusion, except to small-pox, to the diseases ofthe Indians. Regret, because reliable information of such diseases serves a variety of valuable purposes, for comparison, confirmation, etc., of those of the white population. For these reasons, if for none other, it is to be hoped that the attention of the proper authorities will be called to this feature of such reports. The first reliable report on the diseases of the people (as distinguished from the Indians) of Wisconsin to which we have had access, is Lawson's Army Report of Registered Diseases, for 10 years, commencing 1829, and ending 1838 (ten years before the admission of Wisconsin into the Union as a state). FORT HOWARD, GREEN BAY. Intermittent fever _. 30 Remittent do - __ 11 Synochal do 4 Typhus do _ . Diseases of respiratory organs 101 Diseases of digestive organs 184 Diseases of brain and nervous system 9 Dropsies __ _ 1 Rheumatic affections 61 This abstract exhibits the second quar ters only, the mean strength being 1,702. All other diseases 1 14, excepting vene real diseases, abcesses, wounds, ul cers, injuries, and ebriety cases. Under the class of diseases of the respiratory organs, are comprised 384 catarrh, 6 pneu monia, 60 pleuritis, and 28 phthisis pulmonalis ; under the class of digestive organs, 376 diar rhoea and dysentery, 184 colic and cholera, and 10 hepatitis; under the class of diseases of the brain and nervous system, 15 epilepsy, etc. The deaths from all causes, according to the post returns, are 25, being ij^ per cent, per annum. The annual rate of intermittent cases is 6, and that of remittent is 3, per 100 of mean strength. Table of Ratio of Sickness at Fort Howard. , Seasons. MEAN STRENGTH. NUMBER TREATED. RATE PER 1,000 OF MEAN STRENGTH TREATED QUARTERLY. 10 first quarters . 1,7641,7021,526i,594 715 726 1,073 636 405 425703399 10 second " 9 third " 10 fourth Annual rate 1.647 3,150 1.913 240 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN, Every man has consequently, on an average, been reported sick about once in every six. months, showing this region to be extraordinarily salubrious. The annual ratio of mortality,, according to the medical reports, is -j-%- per cent. ; and of the adjutant-general's returns, iyV per cent. FORT WINNEBAGO. Intermittent fever 21 Remittent fever 10 Synochal fever I Typhus fever - — Diseases ofthe respiratory organs 141 Diseases of digestive organs go Diseases of brain and nervous system.. 2 Rheumatic affections 26 This abstract exhibits the fourth quarters only, the mean strength being 1,571. All other diseases, 80, with the exceptions as above. Under the class of diseases of the respiratory organs are comprised 448 catarrh, 11 pneu monia, 29 pleuritis and 10 phthisis pulmonalis; under the head of digestive organs, 193 diarrhoea and dysentery, 149 colic and cholera, and 17 hepatitis; under the class of brain and nervous, system, 1 epilepsy. The total number of deaths, according to the post returns, is 20. Of these,, 3 are from phthisis pulmonalis, 1 pleuritis, 2 chronic hepatitis, 1 gastric enteritis, 1 splenitis, etc.. TABLE OF RATIO OF SICKNESS AT FORT WINNEBAGO. Seasons. MEAN STRENGTH. NUMBER TREATED. RATE PER 1,000 OF MEAN STRENGTH TREATED QUARTERLY. 1,535 1,505 1,527 1.571 552517581 495 360 343 380315 io third " 10 fourth " Annual ratio 1.534 2,145 1,398 Every man on an average is consequently reported sick once in eight months and a half. FORT CRAWFORD. Intermittent fever .262 Remittent fever 61 Synochal fever. _ — - Typhus fever — Diseases of respiratory organs 177 Diseases of digestive organs 722 Diseases of brain and nervous system 16 Rheumatic affections 58 This abstract exhibits the third quarters only, the mean strength being 1,885. All other diseases, 309, with the same list of exceptions as above. Under the class of diseases of the respiratory organs are included 1,048 of catarrh, 28 pneu monia, 75 pleuritis and 13 phthisis pulmonalis; under the head of digestive organs, 933 diarrhoea and dysentery, and 195 colic and cholera; under the head of brain and nervous diseases, 7 epilepsy, etc. The total of deaths, according to the post returns, is 94, the annual ratio being 2fV Per cent. The causes of death are : 6 phthisis pulmonalis, 6 epidemic cholera, 1 common cholera, 4 remittent fever, 3 dysentery, etc. In the third quarter of 1830 there were 154 cases of fever, while the same quarter of 1836, with a greater strength, affords but one case, the difference- seeming to depend upon the temperature. HEALTH OF WISCONSIN. 241 The relative agency of the seasons in the production of disease i*n general is shown in the annexed table : TABLE EXHIBITING THE RATIO OF SICKNESS. Seasons. MEAN STRENGTH. NUMBER TREATED. RATIO PER I.OOO OF MEAN STRENGTH TREATED QUARTERLY. 1,660 i,7491,885 1,878 987 1,2671,948 1,270 595 724 1.033 676 1,793 5,472 3,052 Consequently every man on an average has been reported sick once in nearly every four- months. But high as this ratio of sickness is, at this fort, and, indeed, at the others, it is low considering the topographical surroundings of the posts. But besides these injurious topograph-. ical and other influences already alluded to, there were still other elements of mischief among the men at these stations, such as " bad bread and bad whisky," and salt meat, a dietary table- giving rise, if not to " land-scurvy," as was the case at the posts lower down in the Mississippi, valley (more fatal than either small-pox or cholera), at least to its concomitant diseases. The reason for using these early data of the United States Army medical reports in pref erence to later ones is, that even though the later ones may be somewhat more correct in certain, particulars, the former serve to establish, as it were, a connecting link (though a long one) between the historical sketch of the diseases of the Indian and those of the white settler ; and again — - these posts being no longer occupied — no further data are obtainable. To continue this historical account of the diseases of Wisconsin, we must now nave recourse to the state institutions. The Institution for the Education of the Blind. The first charitable institution established by the state was formally opened in 1850, at Janesville. The census of 1875 showed that there were 493 blind persons in the state, those of school age — that is — under 20 years of age, probably amounting to 125. The number of" pupils in the institution that year, 82 ; the average for the past ten years being 68. If the health report of the institution is any indication of the salubrity of its location, then, indeed, is Janes ville in this respect an enviable city. Its report for 1876 gives one death from consumption, and a number of cases of whooping-cough, all recovered. In 1875, ten cases of mild scarlet fever,. recovered. One severe and two mild cases of typhoid fever, recovered. For 1873, no sick list,. For 1872, the mumps went through the school. For 187 1, health of the school reasonably good ;: few cases of severe illness have occurred. The Institute for the Deaf and Dumb. This was organized in June, 1852, at Delavan. The whole number of deaf and dumb per-_ sons in the state, as shown by the census of 1875, was 720. The report for 1866 gives the- number of pupils as 156. Little sickness, a few cases of sore throat, and slight bowel affections comprise nearly all the- ailments; and the physician's report adds: "The sanitary reports ofthe institution from its, earliest history to the present date has been a guarantee of the healthiness of the location. Having gone carefully over the most reliable tabulated statements of deaf-mutism, its parent-- 242 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. age, its home, its causes, and its origin, we would most earnestly call the attention of the public to the fact that the chief cause comes under the head of congenital, 75 of the 150 pupils in this institution having this origin. Such a fearful proportion as this must of necessity have its origin in a cause or causes proportionately fearful. Nor, fortunately, is the causation a mystery, since most careful examination leaves not a shadow of doubt that consanguineous marriages are the sources of this great evil. Without occupying further space by illustrative tables and arguments, We would simply direct the attention of our legislators and thoughtful men to the law of this dis- €ase — which is, that the number of deaf and dumb, imbeciles, and idiots is in direct keeping with the degree of consanguinity. With such a law and exhibit before us, would not a legislative inquiry into the subject, with the view of adopting preventive means, be a wise step? The evil is fear ful ; the cause is plain; so, too, is the remedy." Industrial School for Boys. TJiis institution is situated on the banks of the Fox river, at Waukesha, and was organized "in i860. The whole number of the inmates since it was opened in July, i860, to October 10, 1876, was 1,291. The whole number of inmates for 1876 was 415. Of these, since the period of opening up to date, October, 1876, 25 have died : 8, of typhoid fever ; 1, of typhoid erysipelas; 1, of gastric fever; 3, of brain fever; 1, nervous fever; 2, congestion of the lungs; 2, congestive chills; 5, of consumption ; 1 of dropsy; and 1 of inflammatory rheumatism. The State Prison". This was located at Waupun in July, 1857. On September 30, 1876, there were 266 inmates. But one death from natural causes, occurred during the year. The health of the prisoners has been unusually good, the prevalent affections attendant upon the seasons, of a mild and manageable character. State Hospital for the Insane. This institution, located near Madison, was opened for patients in July, i860. The total number of admissions since it was opened has been 1,227 males, 1,122 females, total 2,349. Over one half of these have been improved ; nearly one third recovered ; while less than one quarter have been discharged unimproved. Total number of deaths, 288. At the commencement of the year, October 1, 1875, there were in the hospital 376 patients. In the report for the year ending September 30, 1876, we find the past year has been one of unusual health in the hospital. No serious epidemic has prevailed, although 20 deaths have been reported, 7 fatally ill before admis sion, 4 worn-out cases, etc. Insanity, coming as it does, under this head of an article on State Health, is of the highest interest from a state point of view, not only because so much may be done to remedy it, but that still more can and ought to be done by the state to prevent it. Our insane amount to 1 in 700 of the whole population, the total number in hospitals, poor-houses and prisons being in round numbers 1,400. It is a striking fact, calling for our earnest consideration, that the Germans, Irish and Scandinavians import and transmit more insanity — -three to one — than the American-born population produce. The causes assigned for this disparity, are, as effecting importation, that those in whom there is an hereditary tendency to disease constitute the migratory class, for the reason that those who are sound and in the full possession of their powers are most apt to contend successfully in the struggle to live and maintain their position at home; while those who are most unsound and unequal to life's contests are unable to migrate. In other words, the strongest will not leave, the weakest can not leave. By this, the -character of the migratory is defined. As affects transmission, poverty is a most fruitful parent of insanity, so too is poor land. Says Dr. Boughton, superintendent of the Wisconsin State Hospital for the Insane: Z6* (Deceased.) FOND DU LAC. HEALTH OF WISCONSIN 243 Wisconsin is characterized by a large poor class, especially in the northern part of the state, where people without means have settled on new and poorly paying farms, where their life is made up of hard work, exposure to a severe climate, bad and insufficient diet, cheerless homes, etc., etc. These causes are prolific in the production of insanity. It is easy, therefore, to trace the causes that give us so large a per cent, of insane in many of the counties of the state. Nor is it of less interest to know, as Dr. B. adds : We draw our patients from those families where phthisis pulmonalis, rheumatism and insanity prevail. Insanity and rheumatism are interchange able in hereditary cases, so too are insanity and phithisis. What may be accomplished by intel ligent efforts to stem the increase of insanity in our state ? Much. Early treatment is one means, this is of course curative in its character. And its necessity and advantage are well illustrated in table No. 10 of the annual report of Dr. Boughton, for 1876, where it is seen that 45.33 of males, and 44.59 of the females who had been sent to the State Hospital having been insane but three months before admission, were cured, the proportion of cures becoming less in proportion to the longer duration of insanity before admission. As a preventive means, the dissemination of the kind of knowledge that shows indisputably that insanity is largely hereditary, and conse quently that intermarriage with families so tainted should on the one hand be avoided by the ¦citizen, and on the other hand, perhaps, prevented by the state, (congress at the same time restraining or preventing as far as possible persons so tainted from settling in this country.) By the State, inasmuch as the great burthen of caring for the insane falls upon the state. Still other preventive means are found in the improved cultivation of our lands and in our improved education ; in fact, in whatever lessens the trials ofthe poor and lifts them out of ignorance and pauperism. It is only by culture, says Hufeland, that man acquires perfection, morally, mentally and physically. His whole organization is so ordered that he may either become nothing or anything, hyperculture and the want of cultivation being alike destructive. The Northern Hospital for the Insane. This hospital was opened at Oshkosh, May, 1873. The total number under treatment September 30, 1876 was — males 246, females 257, total 503. No ailment of an epidemic charac ter has affected the health of the household, which has been generally good. The report of Dr. Kempster is full of suggestive matter for the legislator and sociologist. City of Milwaukee. Still adhering to the plan, in writing the sanitary history of the state, of gathering up all the health statistics which properly belong to us, we now take up those of Milwaukee, the only city in Wisconsin, so far as we know, that has kept up a system of statistics of its diseases. The city is built on each side of the mouth of Milwaukee river, on the west shore of Lake Michi gan in lat. 430 3' 45" N., long. 87" 57' W., and is considered remarkable for its healthy climate. The board of health has furnished us with its report for 1870 and downward. The character of its mortality from June 19, 1869, to March 31, 1870, is thus summarized: In children under five years of age, 758 out of 1,249 deaths, consumption, 93; convulsions, 128; cholera infantum, 59; diarrhoea, 128; scarlet fever, 132; typhoid fever, 52 ; inflammation of the lungs, 41 ; still born, 79. This disproportionate number of still-born children is attributed in part to a laxity of morals, The deaths from consumption in Milwaukee are 75^ out of every 100, one third less out of a like number of deaths than in San Francisco, in which city, in 4,000 deaths, 441 died of con sumption, being n out of every' 100 deaths for the year ending July, 1869. The deaths for 1870 numbered 1,655, the population being at the last census report, 71,636. 244 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. Table of Principal Causes. Consumption — 143 Inflammation of lungs 56 Convulsions 259 Diarrhoea 131 Diptheria 74 Scarlet fever. • 52 Typhoid fever 49 Old age _ _. 28 Still-born 123 The Milwaukee population being about 72,000, Ihe death rate -per annum for every 1,000 inhabitants would be 21, after proper deductions of deaths from other causes than from disease, showing very favorably as compared with other cities. Glasgow has 39 to every 1,000; Liverpool, 36; London, 25 ; New Orleans, 54; New York,. 32 ; San Francisco, 24; Milwaukee, 21. Among seventeen of the principal cities of the Union, Milwaukee ranks the ninth in rate of mortality. An impression has prevailed that Milwaukee is subject to a large and disproportionate amount of lung and allied diseases. Statistics disprove this, its deaths from consumption being only 6 per cent., while those of Chicago are 7.75 ; of St. Louis, 9.68; of Cincinnati, 11.95; ar>d of Boston, 19.31. But few cases of malarial disease occur in Milwaukee, and fewer cases of intestinal fever than in the interior of the state. The mortality among children is explained by its occurring chiefly among the poor foreign-born population, where all that can incite and aggravate disease is always to be found. This, (the historical part of the health article), will doubtless call forth from the profession much additional and desirable matter, but excepting what will further appear under the head of Madison it is proper to say that we have exhausted the sources of information on the subject within our reach. Health Resorts. Next in order would seem to come some notice of the summer and health resorts of Wiscon sin, which, significant of the salubrity of the state, are not only becoming more numerous, but also more frequented from year to year. , Madison, the capital of the state, with a population of 1 1,000, is built on an isthmus between two considerable lakes, from 70 to 125 feet above their level; 80 miles west of Milwaukee, in latitude 430 5' north, and longitude 890 20' west, in the northern temperate region. The lake basins, and also the neck of land between them, have a linear arrangement, trending northeast and southwest. The same linear topography characterises the whole adjacent country and the boun dary lines of its various geological formations, this striking feature being due to the former move ment of glacier ice over the face ofthe country-. At two points, one mile apart, the Capitol and University hills, respectively 348 and 370 feet above the level of Lake Michigan, rise prominently above the rest of the isthmus. Both of these hills are heaps of drift material from 100 to 126 feet thickness, according to the record of the artesian well. The neck of land on which M adison stands is of the same material. The same boring discloses to us the underlying rock structure, pene trating 614 feet of friable quartzose sandstone belonging to the Potsdam series, 10^ feet of red shale belonging to the same series, and 2091^ feet of crystalline rocks belonging to the Archaean. In the country immediately around Madison, the1 altitude is generally considerably greater, and the higher grounds are occupied by various strata, nearly horizontal, of sandstone and limestone. The Potsdam sandstone rises about 30 feet above the level of Lake Mendota, on its northern shore, where at McBride's Point it may be seen overlaid by the next and hitherto unrecognized layer,^ one of more or less impure, dark-colored, magnesian limestone; to which the name of Men- dota is assigned, and which furnishes a good building stone. The descent of these strata is about. HEALTH OF WISCONSIN. 245 9 feet to the mile in a due southerly direction. Overlying the Mendota beds are again sandstone layers, the uppermost portions of which are occasionally charged with 10 to 20 per cent, of calca reous and dolomitic matter, and then furnish a cream-colored building stone of considerable- value. Most of this stratum which has been designated as the Madison sandstone, is, however, quite non-calcareous, being either a ferruginous brown stone, or a quite pure, white, nearly loose sand. In the latter phase it is of value for the manufacture of glass. In a number of quarries, cuttings and exposed places around the city, the Madison beds are seen to be overlaid by a gray ish, magnesian limestone, the lower magnesian, varying very considerably in its character, but largely composed of a flinty-textured, heavy-bedded, quite pure dolomite, which is burnt into a good quality of lime. Its thickness exceeds 80 feet. Madison, with the conveniences and com forts of a capital city, from its easy access by railroads, from not only in itself being beautiful,. but from its beautiful surroundings, from its good society, charming climate, and artesian: mineral water, is naturally a great summer resort. Though there are no vital statistics of the city to refer to, a residence of nearly a quarter of a century has made us sufficiently acquainted with its sanitary history, which is more or less the sanitary history of this part of the state, and in a measure ofthe state itself. In 1844 and 1845,. it was visited by an epidemic malarial fever of a bilious type, and not unfrequently fatal, which passed very generally through the state, and was attributed to the turning up of the soil. It was most virulent in the autumns. Again in 1854 it was visited by a light choleraic epidemic, which also swept the state, assuming very generally a particularly mild type. Again in 1S57 it suffered. lightly from the epidemic dysentery, which passed through the state. In 1865, it suffered from a visitation of diptheria, the disease prevailing generally over the state at that time. It hasaIso> had two visitations of the epidemic grip (grippe), or influenza. The last invasion, some five- years since, commencing in a manner perhaps worthy of noting, by first affecting the horses very generally, and again, by beginning on the east side of the city, while the other epidemics for the past twenty-five years (unless the choleraic visitation was an exception) came in on the south west side of the city, as has been the case, so far as we have been able to observe with the light epidemics to which children are subject. But little typhoid fever is found here, and the aguish. fevers when they occur are light and easy of control. There is but little diarrhoea or dysen tery. Pneumonia and its allied affections are more common, so is rheumatism, and so neuralgia- Inflammatory croup, however, is very rare, sporadic diptheria seeming to be taking its place. All the ordinary eruptive fevers of children are and always have been of a peculiarly mild type. 1 Prairie du Chien, situated immediately at the junction of the Wisconsin with the Mississippi,. is built about 70 feet above low water, and 642 feet above the level of the sea. The cliffs on. both sides of the river present on their summits the lower strata of the blue Silurian limestone- of Cincinnati, beneath which are found sandstone and magnesian limestone down to the water's edge. We give this notice of Prairie du Chien for the purpose of bringing to the knowledge of the public that it possesses one of the most superb artesian wells in the state, which is attracting many persons by its remedial mineral properties. Green Bay sanitarily may be considered as sufficiently indicated under the head of Forf Howard. It is, however, proper to add that from its geographical positron and beautiful situa tion at the head of the bay, its easy access both by railroad and steamboat, its pleasant days and cool summer nights, it has naturally become quite a popular summer resort, particularly for southern people. Racine, some 25 miles south by east by rail from Milwaukee and 62 by rail from Chicago, is built upon the banks and some 40 feet above the level of the lake. Its soil is a sandy loam and 246 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. gravel, consequently it has a dry, healthy surface, and is much frequented in the summer for its coolness and salubrity. Waukesha, 18 miles west of Milwaukee by railroad, is a healthy, pleasant place of resort at all times on account of its mineral water, so well known and so highly appreciated throughout the country. Oeonomowoc, 32 miles by railroad west by north of Milwaukee, is a healthy and de lightfully located resort for the summer. Its many lakes and drives form its chief attractions, and though its accommodations were considered ample, during the past summer they were found totally inadequate to meet the demands of its numerous visitors. The Dalles, at Kilbourn City, by rail 16 miles from Portage, is unsurpassed in the northwest for the novelty, romantic character, and striking beauty of its rock and river scenery. It is high and dry ; has pure water and fine air, and every-day boat and drive views enough to fill up a month pleasantly. Lake Geneva, 70 miles by rail from Chicago, is built on the north side of the lake, is justly celebrated for its beauty, and its reputation as a summer resort is growing. Green Lake, six miles west of Ripon, and 89 northwest from Milwaukee, is some 15 miles long and three broad, surrounded by beautiful groves and prairies; and is claimed to be one of, the healthiest little places on the continent. Devil's Lake is 36 miles by rail north of Madison. Of all the romantic little spots in Wis consin, and they are innumerable, there is none more romantic or worthy of a summer visitor's admiration than this. It is, though shut in from the rude world by bluffs 500 feet high, a very favorite resort, and should be especially so for those who seek quiet, and rest, and health. Sparta, 246 miles by rail from Chicago, is pleasantly and healthily situated, and its artesian mineral water strongly impregnated with carbonate of iron, having, it is said, over 14 grains in solution to the imperial gallon, an unusually large proportion, attracts its annual summer crowd. Sheboygan, 62 miles by rail north of Milwaukee, from its handsome position on a bluff over looking the lake, and from the beauty of its surroundings as well as from the character of its mineral waters, is an attractive summer resort. Elkhart Lake, 57 miles by rail north of Milwaukee, is rapidly acquiring a good name from those seeking health or pleasure. Change in Diseases. In order to ascertain whether the classes of diseases in the state at the date of Carver's travels are the same which prevail to-day, we have compared his description of them with those tabulated in the army medical reports of Forts Howard, Crawford and Winnebago, and again with those given in the U. S. Census for 1870, and with the medical statistics of the city of Milwaukee. The three distinct and prominent classes prevailing from Carver's to the present time, are, in the order of prevalence, diseases of the respiratory organs, consumption, pneumonia, bronchitis, etc.; diseases of the digestive organs, enteritis, dysentery, diarrhoea, etc.;- and the malarial fevers. At Fort Howard alone do the diseases of the digestive organs seem to have outnumbered those of the respiratory organs. So far as it is possible to gather from the reports of the commissioners of Indian affairs, these features of the relative prevalence of the three classes of disease are not disturbed. There are, however, some disturbing or qualifying agencies operating and affecting the amount or distribution of these classes in different areas or belts. , For instance, there are two HEALTH OF WISCONSIN. 247 irregular areas in the state; the one extending from the Mississippi east and north, and the other starting almost as low down as Madison, and running up as far as Green Bay, which are more subject to malarial diseases than are the other parts of the state. While it is found that those parts of the state least subject to diseases of the digestive organs are, a belt along the western shore of Lake Michigan, and a belt running from near Prairie du Chien north into the pineries. Again, it is found that the part of the state most subjec1 to enteric, cerebro-spinal and typhus fevers, is quite a narrow belt running north from the southern border line into the center of the state, or about two-thirds of the distance toward the pineries. All along the western shore of Lake Michigan, and stretching across the country by way of Fond du Lac to the Mississippi, is a belt much less subject to these disorders. It is equally beyond question that the western shore of Lake Michigan, and the southern shore of Lake Superior, as well as the western half of the southern boundary line of the pineries, are less affected with consumption than the interior parts of the state. The tendency of these diseases is certainly-to amelioration. The sanitary history of Wiscon sin does not differ 'from that of any other state east of us, in this striking particular ; the farther you trace back the history of disease, the worse its type is found to be. It follows, then, that the improvement in public health must progress with the general improvement of the state, as has been the case with the eastern states, and that the consequent amelioration of our malarial diseases especially will tend to mitigate infectious diseases. The ameliorating influences, how- ever,>that sanitary science has brought to bear upon disease, of which England is so happy an illustration, has scarcely as yet begun to be known to us. But the time has come at last when this science is moving both the hearts and minds of thinking and humane men in the state, and its voice has been heard in our legislative halls, evoking a law by which we are, as a people, to be governed, as by any other enactment. The organization of a state board of health is a new era in our humanity. In this board is invested all legal power over the state health. To it is com mitted all the sanitary responsibility of the state, and the greatest good to the people at large must follow the efforts it is making. There are many other points of sanitary interest to which it is desirable to call the attention of those interested in Wisconsin. It is a popular truth that a dry climate, all other things being equal, is a healthy climate. Our hygrometrical records show Wisconsin to have one of the driest climates in the United States. Choleraic diseases rarely prevail unless in a comparatively stagnant state of the atmosphere, where they are most fatal. Where high winds prevail such diseases are rare. The winds in Wisconsin, while proverbially high and frequent (carrying away and dissipating malarial emanations), are not destructive to life or property, as is the case, by their violence, in some of the adjoining states. A moist, warm atmosphere'is always provocative of disease. Such a state of atmosphere is rare with us, and still more rarely continuous beyond a day or two. Moist air is the medium of malarial poisoning, holding as it does in solution gases and poisonous exhalations. Its character is readily illustrated by the peculiar smell of some marsh lands on autumnal evenings. Such a state of moisture is seen only in our lowest shut-in marshes (where there is but little or no air-current), and then only for a very limited period, in very hot weather. But too much importance is attached by the public to a simply dry atmosphere for respira tory diseases. The same mistake is made with regard to the good effects in such disorders of simply high elevations. Dry air in itself or a high elevation in itself, or both combined, are not necessarily favorable to health, or curative of disease. In the light and rare atmosphere of Pike's Peak, an elevation of 6,000 feet, the pulse is accelerated, the amount of sleep is dimin ished, and the human machine is put under a high-pressure rate of living, conducive only to its 248 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. injury. The average rate of the pulse in healthy visitors is from 115 to 120 per minute (the normal rate, in moderate elevations, being about 75). And where there is any organic affection -of the heart, or tendency to bleeding from the lungs, it is just this very dry atmosphere and high ¦elevation that make these remedies (?) destructive. Hence it is that Wisconsin, for the generality of lung diseases, especially when accompanied with hemorrhage, or with heart disease, is prefer able to Colorado. It may be objected, that the diseases of the respiratory organs are in excess •of other diseases in Wisconsin. This feature, however, is not confined to the cold belt of our temperate latitudes — our proportion of respiratory diseases, be it noted, comparing most favor ably with that of other states, as may be seen in the following table : Climatological Distribution of Pulmonary Diseases. STATES. Deaths by Phthisis. Per cent. Deaths by all of entire diseases of Res- Mortality, piratory Organs. Per cent. of entire Mortality. Massachusetts, 1850, U. S. Census 3.426 2,558 657 866 290 17-65 8.83 14-55 7.36 9.99 4,41s 3,988 1,084 1-799 535 22.27 13-77 24.00 Illinois, 1849-50, U. S. Census Wisconsin, 1849-50, U. S. Census 15-00 18.43 Now, while the mortuary statistics of the United States census for 1850 are acknowledged to be imperfect, they are, nevertheless, undoubtedly correct as to the causes of mortality. But "besides this statistical evidence of the climatological causes of disease,. there are certain relative general, if not special, truths which serve to guide us in our estimate. Respiratory diseases of .all kinds increase in proportion as the temperature decreases, the humidity of the air being the •same. Another equally certain element in the production of this class of diseases is variableness of climate. Still, this feature of our climate is only an element in causation, and affects us, as -we shall see in the table below, very little as compared with other states. Indeed, it is still •disputed whether there is not more consumption in tropical climates than in temperate climates. This much is admitted, however, that consumption is rare in the arctic regions. Dr. Terry says the annual ratio of pulmonary diseases is lower in the northern than in the southern regions of the United States, and Dr. Drake, an equally eminent authority, recommends those suffering from or threatened with pulmonary affections, to retreat to the colder districts of the country, citing among others localities near Lake Superior — a recommendation which our experience of nearly half a century endorses. Proportion of Pneumonia to Consumption in the Different States. STATES. CONS. PNEUM. STATES. CONS. PNEUM. Massachusetts . . Ohio 3,4242,558 866 549 895 647 North Carolina 562 1,288. 290 664429 194 Illinois When we compare the general death-rate of Wisconsin with that of the other states of the Union, we find that it compares most favorably with that of Vermont, the healthiest of the New England states. The United States census of 1850, i860 and 1870, gives Wisconsin 94 deaths to 10,000 of the population, while it gives Vermont 101 to every 10,000 of her inhabitants. The STATISTICS OF WISCONSIN. 249 "census of 1870 shows that the death-rate from consumption in Minnesota, Iowa, California and Wis consin are alike. These four states show the lowest death-rate among the states from consumption, the mortality being 13 to 14 per cent, of the whole death-rate. Climatologically considered, then, there is not a more healthy state in the Union than the state of Wisconsin. But for health purposes something more is requisite than climate. Climate and soil must be equally good. Men should shun the soil, no matter how rich it be, if the climate is inimical to health, and. rather choose the climate that is salubrious, even if the soil is not so rich. In Wisconsin, generally speaking, the soil and climate are equally conducive to health, -and alike good for agricultural purposes. STATISTICS OF WISCONSIN. 1875. ADAMS COUNTY. POPULATION. ToW»S, Cities ahd White. Colored a) s 0a ta s s ta to 0)to be < 200 77 244 164 261 117 204240 163 444 74 126121 199 189 501 127 198 71 221 153 200 100193 229 137 403 62 118 99 131182 433 115 2 4 398154 Dell Prairie 317461217397469300847 136 244 220830371934242 Total 3,451 3,045 2 4 6,502 ASHLAND COUNTY. 268 141 180141 448282 La Pointe Total 409 321 730 BAYFIELD COUNTY. Bayfield.. 538 493 1 BABRON COUNTY. POPULATION. Towns, Cities and White. Colored 6 Villages. 0a0 ta dri S 0S3 ta tiboOlubobo < 343 459364326 214 122 240 235397319 216 182 84 106 628856 683 542 396 206 426 2,068 1,669 3,737 BROWN COUNTY. 1,032 Aswabanon Allouez Bellevue Depere Depere village Baton Fort Howard city Gleomore Green Bay city Green Bay Holland Howard Humbolt Lawrence Morrison New Denmark Pittsfield Preble .Rockland Scott Suamico West Depere village.. Wrightstown Total 18,376 210 143 371410 943 291 1,889 591 3,966 581 784687519499 765616 384838434 774477982 1,222 175136337358 956 208 1.721 482 4,017 542705 579467408 633529335792 372 696452 941 1,058 3 5 '29 2 6 6 25 6 385279 711768 1,911 499 3,610 1.073 8,037 1,123 1,489 1,266 986909 1,3981,145 719 1,642 806 1,470 929 1,923 2,295 16,8 53 45 35,373 250 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. BURNETT COUNTY. POPULATION. Towns, Cities and White. Colored Villages. CD Is 0 a ta a; 3 s ta toVt-tobo ¦«! 433-231 87 751 379 191 82 11 5 12 4 7 14 827 434 195 652 28 25 1,456 BUFFALO COUNTY. 296 34 307138376369 292277 413339 275 215 402341717899 552 465 500 254 293 279 137 336321282227 372309 240212 383306671 664501 421 494 2 3 550 637 586 275 712 690574 504 785 648 515 I lton 427 785 647 1,388 1,563 1,053 886 Fountain City village 994 7,517 6,702 2 3 14,219 CALUMET COUNTY. Brillion 864666 1,061 668 1.0081,016 837 910 690 809507 1,000 592875 949753865639 1216 3 1 161 7 16 4 156 1.692 1,173 2,093 1,267 1,8841,965 1,590 2,092 Wood ville 1,329 7,720 6,989 193 183 15,085 CLARK COUNTY. Beaver Colby Eaton Fremont.... Grant Hewet Hixon Loyal Lynn Levis Mentor Mayville Pine Valley Perkins Sherman . . . Unity Warner Weston Washburn . York Total.. 106303183 67 353 58 205 262 84 151 347 137 789 36 132132186 226 70 171 91 210 142 47 310 43 123 237 71 113 307 123 736 37 120 107 121153 68 135 3,294 197 513 325 104663101328 499 155 264 654 260 1,525 73 252239 307379 138306 7,282 CHIPPEWA COUNTY. i POPULATION. Towns, Cities and Villages. White. Colored a s ta a s ta 60 uL.to bo 361488654 3,286 329 1,3601,046 346 442 269 420606 1,755 288 1,074 638252368 6 a 4 908 1,260 5,050 617- Chippewa Falls city 2,434 1,688 598 810- 8,312 5,670 6 7 13,995 COLUMBIA COUNTY. 512639 481912 662662376749 515596 541705449 444 853759130 2,164 630409 423 486580 33 497584400991 647 618351 712497506 505 743437 409862737119 2,161 556374347442540 34 1 43 7 I 30 1,009.1,223 881 1,903 1,309 1,280. 727 1,461 i.oia 1,103 1.046. Lodi 1,448 886. 858 1,721 1,496, 249 4,837 1,186. 783 770 92& 1,120 West w. Vii. of Randolph. . 67- 14,710 14,069 15 9 88.803 CRAWFORD COUNTY. 177 851755 798313 498394411 429404 184 485 704773583 186 765688766 258 404826852 535 424209 468 687 697 511 4 2 12 3 3 '5" 11 363 1,616 1.44S1,564 571 903 Prairie du Chien city- 72076S 964 Third ward 828 Fourth ward - .-. Scott .". 898 953 1,8911,470 Utica 1 094 Total 7,759 7,276 18 15,035 DOUGLAS COUNTY. Superior . 346 3 741 STATISTICS OF WISCONSIN". 251 DOOR COUNTY. DUNN COUNTY. Colfax Dunn .- Eau Galle Elk Mound.. Grant. Lucas Menomonee . New Haven... Red Cedar..., Rock Creek... Sheridan Sherman Spring lirook Stanton , Tainter , Tiffany Weston Total . . . . 178 170 578 458 577 490 261 231 490 463 1 239 190 1,959 1,467 5 2 130 124 130 115 349 313 327 203 1 156 146 379 308 628 548 271 229 1 2 400 263 128 117 212 188 7,394 6,021 7 5 DODGE COUNTY. Ashippun Beaver Dam town Beaver Dam city Burnett Calamus Chester Clyman Elba Emmet Fox Lake town Fox Lake village Herman Hubbard Horicon village Hustisford Juneau village Lebanon LeRoy Lomira Lowell Mayville village Oak Grove Portland Rubicon Randolph village, E. ward Shields Theresa Trenton...; Westford Williamstown Watertown city, 5 &« w'ds Waupun village, 1st ward, . Total 24,785 742 700 794 707 1,656 1,795 567 524 593 519 451 403 694 636 701 701 724 632 471 381 451 508 985 911 1,143 1,097 591 599 907 841 156 154 833 804 832 759 1,014 929 1,318 1,245 532 537 1,006 951 668 653 956 912 149 168 559 506 1,072 1,026 956 806 586 558 615 618 1,435 1,520 628 441 23,541 35 POPULATION. Towns, Cities and White. Colored Villages. a i* 3 sV to Vu soto ¦< 210 359 344'244 420208 377 166394 226268 290 331 286230 186 316279210 382206325 107 278 192 211259 301 244 181 396 675 623 454 802 414 702 273 672 418 479 549 632 530 401 4,343 3,677 8,020 348 1,036 1,067 492954429 3,433 254 245662531302687 1,176 503663 245 400 13.427 1,442 1,501 3,455 1,091 1,112 854 1,330 1,402 1,356 853 1,012 1.896 2,240 1,1901,748 310 1.6371,5971,943 2,563 1.069 1,9581,3211,868 318 1,065 2,098 1,7621,1451,233 2.955 1.070 48,394 DANE COUNTY. POPULATION. Towns, Cities akd White. Colored ai a OJ s C3boft)toto •4 Albion 679592 451555559579575853680 703597 493677 586 576 419 4,858 813726866540655530470569592 553522728585515 283 547546562813 629518 582543446474 531 558546740549727571413 575 587 575361 5,174 818691850538 704 444448 C87559504495664 622 457306479491 555808 558 484 i ii 4 41 3 2 1 "l 13 1 4 20 12 1 1 1,2611,135. 897 1,03010901,1371,1211,5931,130-1,430 1,168 906 CrossJPlains 1,253, 1,173 788 10,093 1,6351,417 1.718 1,079 1,359 974 919 1,057 1,151 1,057- 1,018 1,392 1,207 972 589 1,026 1,039 1,118 1,621 1,191 1,003 26,894 25,814 60 30 52,798 FON DU LAC COUNTY. Ashford . . . . , Auburn Alto Byron Calumet Eden Empire Eldorado Fond du Lac Forest Friendship Fond du Lac city- First ward Second ward Third ward Fourth ward Fifth ward...- Sixth ward Seventh ward Eighth ward Lamartine Metomen Marshfield Oakfleld Osceola Ripon Rosendale Ripon city- First ward Secondward Rpringvale Taycheedah Waupun Waupun village, N. ward Total 1,064 877 725685 : S3 763527840768 793 582 1,1091,1561,0851,374 594739655 720 780 918 1,055 748684630611872 777642783666498 25,149 799 686661649713 490 747 676 686524 1,1751,2481,2041,398 563727659 753731 919 891 673 667581584981 862 580 717 644478 24,604 80 2,006 1,6761,4111,3461,3721,476 1,029 1,5871,445 1,479 1,1072,3002,4092,2952,774 1,157- 1,481 1,3691,5231,513 1,838 1,952 1,4211,351 1,211 1,200 1,854 1,6471,222 1,500. 1,311 979, 50,241 252 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. EAU CLAIRE COUNTY. POPULATION. Towns, Cities and White. Colored VILLAGES. i 0!gft; 0>"a boft)3)bo «! 549461419 4,646 221 158 701496260 93 327393 507383387 3,777 179 163553463243 78 290327 13 4 1,056 844 706 8,440 400 321 1,254 959 171 617 720 8,724 7,250 13 4 15,991 GREEN COUNTY. 476 565585 669 695759 348450 867 540462 1,525 550 530 639 446 477520 437585554 750654 751350 433 847486441 1,693 658 445 597530 393496 "l" 6 2 1 2"3 1 1,150 1,1381,428 1,349 1,510 701 1,714 3,227 1,110 975 1,238 876 vork.._. .::::::::::::::::: 1,016 Total 11,102 10,900 14 11 22,027 GRANT COUNTY. 865 413 974607 487 709 425935611446 1,047 558636539 458 1,376 359 671 369109 400500 2,000 1,373 429 716 486330536380 293 805413 996599512677 384835 531 397 1,074 ¦491 557481 423 1,358 349604357 97 381 440 2.054 1,268 401613469274481354 269 27 52 2 20 31 1,717 826 1,978 1,206 999 Clifton 1,386 809 1,7701,144 2,121 1,049 1 6 1 "2" 1,020 2,742 708 3 2 16 1 319 1,275 726 Millville 781940 4,0602,644 855 1,330 955604 1,017 734562 Plattville Wlngville Total 20.037 18,944 65 40 39,086 GREEN LAKE COUNTY. POPULATION. Towns, Cities and White. Colored 8 a0) a) S boft)Uto 548 1,586 707729452630 737 537 1,076 390 232 554 1,755 691759 442654682521 1,015 336225 1 6 1 1 "6" 1,102 3,341 1,399 1,500 895 1,285 1,4191,058 2,091 726 458 7,632 7,642 9 6 15,274 IOWA COUNTY. 1,004 390 1,8541,5651,078 818806 1,458 484785 1,299 480362 934367 1,8701,459 972705 715 1,581 443 712 1,174 4.34358 2 1 5 3 4 11 3 "2" 4 1,930 757 3,725 3,024 2,059 1,526 1,527 3,054 927 1.497 2,473 914 720 Total 12,384 11,714 26 9 21.133 JACKSON COUNTY. 1,428 699549714669 226613 128 448565 1,334 620477554588 197 546 82 429467 5 1 2,768 1,319 1,0361,268 1,257 423 1,159 310 877 1,032 6,039 5,294 5 1 11,339 JEFFERSON COUNTY. 669770375 1,215 665920 2,081 1,744 745799 571798 757 248 526 418 1,115 3.286 635 747350 1,192 608 857 1,9581,810 720 752 515 778 72b255489397 1,065 3,283 4 26 32 1 21 "l' 4335 "i' 13 1,312 1,522 734 2,415 1,273 1,777 4,041 3,556 1,499 1,551 1,086 1.576 1,483 503 1,016 815 2,180 Watertown city, 1st, 2d, 3d, 6,569 17,702 17,137 40 29 34,908 STATISTICS OF WISCONSIN. 253 JUNEAU COUNTY. population. Towns, Cities ani> White. Colored ft; Villages. a) li 0) ft) £ o3 to fti ato <1 117 135 397390309 553556274259 178 548 1,001 558 267 748 419 510 774 119115343322249 519510 240224 160569864573 248 690377460719 1 2 "f 11 236250 740712558 1.0721,066 514483338 1,1181,8651,133 516 1,438 796970 1,495 KIldare..r Total 7,993 7,301 3 3 15,300 KENOSHA COUNTY. Brighton Bristol Kenosha city Paris Pleasant Prairie Randall "Somers Salem Wheatland Total 561 505 585 552 2 2 2.426 2,533 7 7 539 479 734 723 5 5 297 252 793 657 5 5 697 669 434 433 7,066 6,803 19 19 1,0661.137 4,959 1,018 1,457 549 1,450 1,366 867 13,907 KEWAUNEE COUNTY. 687532706 742 747 1,337 497 623917718 632 506706 657726 1,233 440 !534 780 685 1,319 1,0381,4121,399 1,473 2,570 937 1.157 1,697 1,403 Franklin Kewaunee town & village. Red River Total 7,506 6,899 14,405 LA CROSSE COUNTY. Barre Bangor Burns Campbell Farniington •Greenfield Hamilton Holland La Crosse city— First ward.... Second ward.. Third ward... Fourth ward.. Fifth ward -Onalaska town Onalaska village., ¦Shelby . Washington Total ,. 12,263 366 667516528919 426863 461 1,131 725 1,784 596 1,195 712393482499 348604 485375940 380839 402 1,205 640 1,916 753982666 287 355 433 11,590 37 714 1,271 991906 1,862 806 1.703 2,392 1,373 3,711 1,354 2.183 1.37S 680 837922 23,945 LA FAYETTE COUNTY. Towns, Cities and Villages. Argyle Belmont Benton Blanchard Darlington Elk Grove Fayette Gratiot Kendall Monticello New Diggings Seymour Shullsburg Wayne White Oak Springs Willow Springs Wiota 7. Total population. 583 571 660 591 1 886 795 273 256 1,330 1,341 2 510 423 602 595 866 855 468 420 238 231 1 922 883 522 416 1,253 1,287 1 554 527 231 215 555 509 935 866 1 4 11,388 10,781 2 1,154 1,2511,681 529 2,671 933 1,1971,721 888469 1,805 938 2,540 1,081 446 1,064 1,801 22,169 LINCOLN COUNTY. Jenny. 523 372 895 MARQUETTE COUNTY. 362 384 381 260 459356219331277274343 343163 338 370330 338271425 352179 338253268326 307146 304 1 732714719531884708398669.530542669650309642 Shield Westfield 4,490 4,207 1 8,697 MARATHON COUNTY. 109585359373 135 414232307479 159 439 1,560 110 263 50 539 223298 129 351 235 238 430 119385 1,260 114 215 1 159 1,124 582 671 264 765 467 545909 278 824 2,820 224 479 5,524 4,586 1 10,111 254 HISTOKY OF WISCONSIN. MANITOWOC COUNTY. POPULATION. White. Colored Towns, Cities and aJ Villages. a* a) bo • (3 a; 3 s to bo Cato Centerviile, Cooperstown Eaton Franklin Gibson Kossuth Liberty Manitowoc city Manitowoc town... Mishicott Meeme Manitowoc Rapids. Maple Grove Newton , Rockland Schleswig Two Rivers village, Two Rivers town. . . Two Creeks Total MILWAUKEE COUNTY. MONROE COUNTY. Adrian Angelo Byron Clifton Glendale . , , Greenfield . Jefferson.. La Fayette, La Grange. . Leon Little Falls. Lincoln New Lyme, Oak Dale... Portland . . . Ridgevllle.Sheldon....Sparta Tomah Wellington, Wilton Wells Total.. 373 308 274 256 193 138 408 381 706 591 387 328 507 459 234 206 422 396 33 35 404 338 333 277 2 1 462 381 81 74 370 323 6 11 478 408 630 400 1,814 516 342 1,923 6 1 1,154 1,077 460 397 575 335 512294 11,000 9.925 47 54 951 955 1,906 824 780 1,604 881 883 1,714 773 791 1,564 935 887 1,822 934 875 1,809 1,176 1,084 2,260 738 692 1,420 3,326 3,498 1 5,724 606 528 1,234 885 767 1,652 901 853 1,754 1,060 1,014 2,074 779 644 1,423 1,057 1,016 2,073 594 549 1,143 1,005 953 1,958 1,019 932 1,951 858 857 1,715 343 313 656 19,535 18,921 1 38,456 Milwaukee city — 4,427 6,8743,6935,025 4,3153.9293.289 3.3324,3303,5843.397 2,026 1,758 945 1,343 2,416 1,232 1,155 2,876 1,812 5,1016,6173,4835,491 3,978 3,9953,7743,336 2,3283,5773,250 1,9881,694 878 1,2991,8151,1991,051 2,370 1,755 18 70 77 3 6 7(110 2 9,532 13,491 7,190 Fifth ward 8,3107,9347,072 6.6688,6587,1616,647 4,0143,452 1,823 2,6464,233 2,4312,206 5,2463,567 Franklin "2" 1 2" 1 Greenfield 61,758 60,979 96 94 122,927 681530 331789 1,297 715 966 440 886742613 843 155710 886 1,146 742 3,7502,231 857 1,087 629 21,026 OCONTO COUNTY. population. Towns, Cities and White. Colored Villages. 03 IS a0 Ph bo 0)uboto Gillett 196 551 152 1,446 563 2,371 1,495 744 268 179 361 108 1,086 453 2,086 1,022 537185 3 1 26 2 1 IT 375 260 2,587 1,017- 4,467 2,520. 1,281 453 7,786 6,017 13,812 OUTAGAMIE COUNTY. 3,307 489538546836 238536 170689 850 842 719562980 263408 111100 290 759 3,403 492429463718 179 516 140 655 731811 669633937 236 338100 247 624 11 44 21 9 3 I 7 6,730 " 981 1,009 1,559 1,052- 310 1,353 1,581 1,658 1,388 1,095 1,917 499 746 203. 200 637- 1,384 Total 13,233 12.313 22 20 25,558. OZAUKEE COUNTY. Cedarburg Belgium Fredonia Grafton Mequon Port Washington Saukville Total 1,376 1,268 1,043 1,009 992 924 910 844 1 1 1,617 1.522 1,497 l,48l 1,081 979 8,516 8,029 1 1 PIERCE COUNTY. 2,6442,052 1,916 1,756 3,139 2,978. 2.060 16,545 Clifton 388307 645 287 380628124556544 484 535963 430 167 403 513 297 326 S24250554248343542 101514 480415 644 934869 141 827454252253 1 29 10 4 24 92 712 Diamond Bluff 557 1,200 El Paso 535 723 1,170 225 Martell 1,070 1,024 888 1,183 River Falls 1,916 799 82if 730.9?S Trimbelle 549 679- Total 7,977 7,045 44 35 15,101 STATISTICS OF WISCONSIN. 255 POLK COUNTY. POPULATION White. Colored Towns. Cittks and \ fr ¦« Vklen LHack Brook... Balsam Lake.., Eureka Farmington Lincoln Luck Lorain.......... Laketown, MUltown , ¦Osceola St. Croix Falls. Sterling 510 447 957 376 318 694 266 268 12 9 555 209 174 383 425 , 352 777 399 322 721 209 141 r,ti 47 453 61 45 106 160 157 317 105 85 in 9 209 486 428 914 208 198 406 134 110 244 3.548 3,045 78 65 6,736 PORTAGE COUNTY. 650376 248394277 126 522309 244541571141 651 783 234 719741 315 575 345230332 233 120 497295 199 496 514130 616 711134 612687 289 1 1,225 721478726 509 Hull 1,019 604 443 1,037 1,085 271 1,2671,494 368 1,331 1,428 604 -Stevens Point city— 7,842 7,0" 1 14,856 PEPIN COUNTY. ROCK COUNT*. 194 497271311 759 315 593 120 181 478233274644 288535 117 2 375 1,406 606 1,128 Waterville 3,060 2,750 2 445377 2,162 506542 966 1,060 613463 5,040 611 434598562 945 483639609 522580 592 1,009 19,758 433344 2,371 473498952 950 523 400 5,015 576 387533515 930471603546 497558537 1,015 2 39 2 "2" 1 34 4 1I1 2 1 33" "l" 2 26 1 1 4,605 981 1,041 2,011 1,136 lil91 822 1,131 1,079 1,877 954 1,2421,155 1,0191,138 1.131 2 025 19,127 90 | 64 39.039 KACINE COUNT*. POPULATION. Towns, Cities and While. Colored Villages. 6 s a fr QJ fr -1^ Burlington . Caledonia...Dover Mt. Pleasant Norway , Racine city., Raymond Rochester... Waterford.., YorkviUe... Total . . 1,403 1,502 538 1,237 506 6,571 824436789 810 1,4241,345 455 1,104 457 6,590 710408725755 11 4 62 2 51 1 14,616 13,973 69 53 RICHLAND COUNTY. Akan Bloom Bueha Vista. Dayton Eagle Forest....... Henrietta... Ithaca Marshall Orion Richland Richwood...Rockbridge. Sylvan Westford.... Willow Total . . ST. CROIX COUNTY. Baldwin.. Baldwin village, Cady Cylon Erin Prairie Emerald Eau Galle Hammond Hudson Hudson city Kinnikinnick... Pleasant Valley Rush River Richmond Somerset Springfield Stanton Star Prairie St. Joseph Troy Warren Total 160 119 355 247 184 145 235 209 636 567 173 128 277 250 648 572 346 297 979 993 4 1 394 331 361 260 329 316 604 635 1 277 261 372 308 259 223 358 314 164 166 520 396 378 304 1 8,009 6,941 6 1 SAUK COUNTY. Baraboo Bear Creek Helton Dcllona Excelsior . . Fairfield..., Franklin... Freedom... 2,026 1,931 11 R 406 402 416 413 311 281 567 485 1 382 342 483 449 560 497 2,827 2,847 993 2,341 963 13.274 L634 344 1,5141.56S 28.702 361 381 742 685 614 1,299 560 526 1,086 573 525 1,098 598 587 1,185 912 490 422 463 448 911 622 597 1,219 463 440 903 353 334 687 902 965 5 2 1,874 749 690 1 1,440 588 544 1,132 527 483 1,010 527 477 1,004 435 403 10 3 851 8,896 8,436 16 5 17,353 279602 331 447 1,203 303529 1,220 643 1,977 725 621 645 1,140 538 680 482672 330 916683 14.966 3,976 808 829 592 1.053 724 932 1,057 256 HISTOEY OF WISCONSIN. SAUK COUNTY.— Cont'd. POPULATION. White. Colored Towns, Cities and Villages. ei QJ V V 3 OJ fr £ fr < Greenfield Honey Creek.. Ironton LaValle , Merrimack Prairie du Sac Reeds burg Spring Creek. Sumpter Troy Washington...Westfield Winfield Woodland Total 391 374 1 766 648 622 1,270 678 6)3 1,311 604 549 1,153 456 430 886 954 1,045 1,999 1,114 1,126 2 2,242 533 516 1,049 392 381 773 551 501 1,052 567 526 1,093 683 632 3 2 1,320 439 378 827 645 575 1,220 13,816 13,088 17 11 26,932 SHAWANO COUNTY. 53 206 363 272 150 477 147 243 80 238 164 9072 131 405219218 30 130 345198124 441 135196 68 228 136 89 60 93 362 216 197 i'l4 *12 •3 »10 83 Belle Plaine 470 282 148 466 Palla 179 132 224 78945541'5 Shawanotown Shawano city 3,548 3,048 26 13 6,635 *Stockbridge Indians. SHEBOYGAN COUNTY. 1,004 1,152 1,5351,167 864637 552 1,369 793 283754796565 1,150 736918993612872616 969 1.085 1,4021,149 793 544 541 1,306 776267 750 710631 1,192 683 953917 563815 606 1 1,973 2,2372,9372,316 1,658 1,1811,093 2,675 1,569 550 1,504 1,5061,196 2.342 1,4191,8711,9101,1751,687 1,222 Mitchell Scott Sheboygan city — Second ward Sheboygan Falls village ... Wilson Total 17,368 16,652 1 34,021 TREMPEALEAU COUNTY. POPULATION. Towns, Cities and White. Colored Villages. be 4)uboba < a fr n 3 S fr Arcadia , Albion Burnside Caledonia....Dodge Ettrick Gale Hale Lincoln Preston Pigeon Sumner Trempealeau Total.... 1,464 1 368 2,832 370 201 169 547 493 1,040 293 212 510 285 291 576 774 741 1,515 889 856 1,745 557 463 1,020 410 335 745 755 706 3 1,464 316 303 619 406 412 878 882 795 1 1,678 7,844 7,144 4 14,992 TAYLOR COUNTY. I 542 I 297 I 7; I 3 I VERNON COUNTY. 849 476 734 483506361703358 451 650519 584 642554 254464 659355 1,046 522 442403 458 640456451343 638 359 434 569 487524552 561 223435 621 266 970 473441 344 1 55 1 1 53 1 1,374 939 812 1,341 717 Greenwood 885 1,219 1,006.1,108. 1,1941,115- 447 899- 1.280' 623 "l " ' ! 2,016 996 883 747 11,166 10,245 58 55 21,524 WALWORTH COUNTY. 591713836 385704510836541 514 506 443736490 1,001 596502530655 2,060 516729 933379685589 844 468 495449427664435973584 476481 616 2,325 7 1 1 7 2 9 "8" 8 1,1071,442 1,785 764 Bast Troy 1,389 1,099 1.6S0 1,010 1,009 955 812 1,400 926 1,989 1,180 978 Troy 1,011 1,270 4,896 Total 13,149 13,067 18 25 26,359 STATISTICS OF WISCONSIN. 25T WASHINGTON COUNTY. POPULATION. Towns, Cities and White. Colored « Villages. 0Ja 6 g bo u60bo 951660 612878 1,030 1,4031,028 731936 1,005 855451 601 857689571839 955 1,3211,014 703 820819 160907 855444624 1 1,808 1,350 1,183 3 1,717 1,985 2.727 2,042 1,434 Polk 1,7561,740 380 1,9121,710 893 1,225 12,282 11,576 4 23,862 WAUKESHA COUNTY. 1,128 792617746761 1,205 778 563766887464759996 1,054 619 657 1,0311,318 1,095 716 605629658 1,143 736 573 684 820419710 1,1151,016 540 588700 1,449 44 4 21 1 4 5 '16 2,228 1,509 1,3761,421 2,348 1,4501,707 1,474 2,1212,080 1,247 1,735 2,807 15,140 14,196 33 26 29,425 WAUPACA COUNTY. 393 478 426131 411456 111 478 383 408534 588192510875511566 448205 938 413261 427 384451390119363 402 112 439 376363 203 532182 426 801 495 512397 184 1,036 369237 388 1 22 4 777929817 250 774858 223 917764771 1,0371,120 372966 1,6821,006 1,078 Lind tittle Wolf 389 1,976 782 498 Total 10,146 9,451 5 4 19,646 WAUSHARA COUNTY. POPULATION. Towns, Cities and Villages. White. Colored % 6a ¦n alS V bo ubobo ¦< 537692137 256 122 223443309300331459473193 180 384 245 322347 473666 147 244 114 256 399 279369277397437 185186 319 226 325361 4 6 1,0201,358 284500236479842 Bloomneld 856 378 703 471647 708 5,953 5,560 4 6 11,523 WINNEBAGO COUNTY. Black Wolf..: 393459691389 1,579 276 697573 2,062 610 1,622 8,672 463 1,055 579 588596 1,342 460 396438 609 331 1,961 252 578550 1,961 510 1,690 8,263 405 1,018 499553 535 1,230 417 3 1 31 "3' "4 3 3 41 "3" .... 789897 1,300. 720 3,170 534 1,275 1,123 4,023 1,124 3,313 17,015 868 2,079 1,0781,141 1,131 2,577 877 23,106 21,825 51 51 45,033. WOOD COUNTY. Aburndale Centralia city Dexter Grand Rapids city Grand Rapids Lincoln Port Edwards Rudolph Remington Saratoga Sigel Seneca Wood Total 102 74 176 429 371 1 800 191 113 304 737 680 1 1,418 376 297 '< 1 677 231 194 425 193 117 810 255 317 472 79 73 152 159 144 303 231 201 1 433 183 165 849 125 104 229 3,291 2,750 6 1 6,048 558 HISTOEY OF WISCONSIN. POPULATION BY COUNTIES. SUMMARY FROM STATE AND FEDERAL CENSUS. 1840. 1850. 1855. 1860. 1865. 1870. Adams Ashland... . Barron Bayfield Brown Bulfalo Burnett 'Calumet 'Chippewa Clark., Columbia Crawford Dane Dodge Door Douglas Dunn Eau Claire... Fonddu Lac. Grant Green Green Lake.. Iowa Jackson -Jefferson ¦Juneau Kenosha Kewaunee. . . La Crosse La Fayette... Lincoln Manitowoc .. Marathon Marquette Milwaukee..Monroe Oconto Outagamie...Ozaukee Pepin Pierce Polk Portage Racine Richland Rock St. Croix Sauk Shawano ¦Sheboygan... Taylor Trempealeau Vernon Walworth Washington.. Waukesha... WauDaca Waushara.... Winnebago.. Wood Total.... 2,107 275 1,502 314 67 139 926933 3.978 "914 18 5,605 1,623 3,475 1,701 809 102 133 2,611 343 135 187 6,215 1,743 615 9,565 2,498 16,639 19,138 14,51916,198 8,566 "9, 522 "ii>; 31 7 "10,734 11,531 "3,702 489508 31,077 1,250 14,973 963 20,750 624 4,371 '"8,370 17.86219,48519,258 10,167 305,391 6,699 832 3,631 838 232 17.965 3,323 37.71434,540 739 385 1,796 "24!78t 23.170 14,827 'l5i205 1,098 26,869 "l2;397 1,109 3,904 16,064 "13,048 447 1,427 46.265 2,407 1,5014,914 12,973 '"i',720 547 5,151 20,673 5,584 31,364 2.040 13,614 254 20,391 4,823 22,662 18,897 24,012 4.4375,541 17,439 552,109 6.492 515 13 353 11,795 3,864 12 7.895 1,895 789 24,441 8,068 43,92242,818 2,948 812 2,704 3,162 34,15431,189 19,80812.66318,967 4.170 30,438 8,770 13,900 5,530 12,18618,134 "22,416 2,892 8,233 62,518 8,4103,592 9,587 15,682 2,3924,672 1,400 7,507 21,360 9,732 36,690 5,392 18,963 829 26,875 '"0,566 11,007 26,496 23.62226,831 8,851 8,770 23,770 2,425 5,698 256 15,282 6,776 171 8,6383,278 1,011 26,112 11,011 50,19246,841 3,998 532 5,1705,281 42.029 33,618 20,646 12,596 20,657 5,631 30,597 10,013 12,676 7,039 14,834 20,358 "26! 762 3.678 . 7,327 72,32011,652 4,858 11,85214,882 3,002 6,324 1,677 8,145 22,884 12,186 26.033 7.255 20,154 1,369 27,671 '"5,199 13.644 25,773 24,019 27,029 11.208 9,002 29,767 2,965 775,881 868.325 6,601 221 538 344 25,168 11,123 706 12,335 8,311 3,450 28,802 13,075 53,09647,035 4,919 1,122 9,488 10,769 46.273 37,97923,611 13,195 24,544 7,687 34,050 12,396 13,177 10,281 20,295 22,667 "33, 369 5,885 8,057 89.936 16,562 8,322 18,440 15,579 4,659 10,003 3,422 10,640 26,742 15.736 39,030 11,039 23,868 3,165 31,773 "i6',728 18,673 25,99223.905 28,258 15,53311,379 37,325 3,911 6,503 750 3,737 1,032 35,373 14,219 1,456 15,065 13,995 7,282 28,803 15.035 52,79848,394 8,020 741 13,42715,991 50,24139,08622,027 15,274 24,133 11,339 34,908 15,30013,907 14,405 23,94522,169 895 38.456 10,111 8,597 122,927 21,026 13,812 25,558 16,545 5,816 15,101 6,736 14,856 28,702 17,353 39,039 14,956 26,932 6,635 34,021 849 14,99231,52436,259 23,862 29,425 19,64611,523 45,033 6,048 1,236,729 In a note to the territory of Indiana returns appears the following: sippi, had 65, and Green Bay 50 inhabitants.. 'On the 1st of August, 1800, Prairie du Chien, on the Missis- STATISTICS OF WISCONSIN. 259 NATIVITY BY COUNTIES. CENSUS OF 1870. Adams Ashland Barron Bayfield Brown... Buffalo Burnett Calumet Chippewa Clark Columbia ..... 'Crawford Dane ... Dodge Door Douglas gunn au Claire Fonddu Lac.. Grant Green GreenLake... Iowa Jackson Jefferson Juneau Kenosha Kewaunee .... La Crosse La Fayette Manitowoc Marathon Marquette .... Milwaukee Monroe ¦Oconto Outagamie....Ozaukee Pepin Pierce Polk Portage Racine Richland Rock Sauk Shawano Sheboygan St. Croix Trempealeau. Vernon Walworth Washington .. Waukesha VVaupaca. ..... Waushara Winnebago ... Wood M 5,351 174 246288 14,728 6.854 144 7,661 4,725 2,751 19.652 9,612 33,456 28.708 2,806 712 6,268 7,394 31.477 28,565 18.532 9,098 15,366 5,764 21,747 9,3619,066 4,642 11,695 15,93516868 3,1395,128 47,697 12,512 4,591 11,741 8,728 3,3517,460 2,2497,213 15,949 13.954 30,712 17,308 1,688 19,192 7,4516,339 13.605 20,822 13.86818,36811.011 8,702 25.209 2,538 2,649 148 132 175 11,098 4,433 100 5,658 2,7641,196 12,233 5,808 22,73820,934 1,903 340 3.1773,336 20.112 19,390 10,643 4.535 12,562 2,966 15,407 5,3595,959 4,208 6,779 11,34615,109 2.333 3,342 37,183 6,7222.6778.0608,214 1,612 3,618 931 4,337 11,336 6,547 15,209 9,795 1,133 14,957 4,1583,7007,232 11,214 12,504 13,304 6,225 ii88? 1,587 Fokeio?.' Bon.\. 1,250 47 292 56 10,440 4,269 562 4.674 9,150 511 3,463 397 19,640 684 18,327 565 2,113 290 410 133 3.220 437 3.375 767 14,796 1,754 9,414 386 5,079 272 4,097 290 9,178 346 1,923 291 12,293 369 3,011 336 4,081 138 5,486 159 8,602 580 6.724 186 16,496 518 2,746 216 2,928 151 42,233 884 4,038 356 3,730 1,645 6,689 796 6,836 110 1,308 208 2,498 310 1,173 191 3,421 401 10,791 270 1,777 168 8,318 755 6,552 386 1,478 111 12.557 323 3,584 816 4,393 209 5,040 184 5.150 391 10,051 97 9,906 332 4,528 508 2,577 264 12.070 1,558 1,374 636 127 12 127 23 1,687 173 4 165 1,437 226 *£ S 142 422 273 56 4 167 120 81 2,046 186 1,6311,336 8941 147 342 1,291 2,531 598597 3,897 151 934395650 47 570 2,281 223 49 252 1,973 510111 171 4891 102 46 217 1,878 222 1,3X2 765 27 303 150 185189 931 110 2,1165 260 508 1,531 42 225 18 7 4 1,442 242 1 500 417 45 1,332 906 2.9552,301 228 66 227487 2,572 1,281 942412 1,239 137 1,0671,104 813313488 2,345 1,133 103537 4,604 641422 792 475 118 422 102 369 1.039 431 2.870 946 24 943 1,202 286 306 1,729 882 1,593 517307 1,399 171 r. 26 11 23 112125 1 13 39 18 629 48 465356 23 6 5154 317 189 506286 92 182 81 100 IB 109 111 52 26 198502 8738 85 18 29 3419 99 289 46 490 103 5 3856 141 87 148 35 397 6042 146 34 133 8 41 3 2,733 1.971 1 3,267 958235 2,774 640 6.276 12,656 426 60 842 835 7,3723,585 892 2,634 1,447 250 8.445 518 2,082 1,611 2,831 729 9335 2,239 1.661 29,019 1,601 797 3,2624,422 300449 172 1,223 3,859 481 1,142 3,433 1,096 8,497 294 776 661 1,173 8,2134,335 1,243 816 5,261 299 39 "51 34 4 30 1,515 OK ItRA 35 160 187 27 4 17 34 125 212941 11 392252 17 93 19 1 288 3823 6192 27 16 27 3982 25 7865 4 119 6 22 3081 134 3739 11 53 3 537 3 98 1 451556551 3 439 79 764 6,601 383 344 93 1,336 871 156 543 1,017 27 1,647 944384 ¦. ' 2997 2,646 993 1,420 7331 636573 321 37 98 484 1,052 483 795 1,088 237 1,428 93 146 234940 2.633 3,138 579 40 486 1,225 220 762106 102 67 168 34 1 34 402 195167 43 27 547 4 343 12 309 3 11 2,011 2,360 1,524 40 72 7 11 1 11 703 124 6 41 281 1 296 54 26 31 941 35 1 67 46 216 97 16 2 44 39 193118 1,247 1 31 6 144 11 3027 271 21 153 3 1 447 43 3 54 20 7 76 85 6711 50 601 1299 3 16 35407996 6.-. 3 300 23 947 4 29 "44 3 17 77 3 23 1 627 71 32 13 1 19 1 44 4894 3 51 "'4 864 2579 785 34 "ri 1 5 49 4 6 34 ' 8 1,682 15 5848 2 1 23 371 20 3 49 11 131 37 82 3 51 21 98 131215 3 15 55 71 4455 3 5 130 2 60 56 16 "19106 47 1,294 3 52 71 9 39 28 2 278 557 369 723 51 260 HISTOEY OF WISCONSIN. VALUATION OF PROPERTY IN THE STATE OF WISCONSIN. Assessed Valuation of Taxable Property for the year 1876. Adams Ashland Barron Bayfield Brown Buffalo Burnett Calumet. Chippewa....Clark Columbia....Crawford Dane. Dodge Door./. Douglas Dunn. Eau Claire... Fond du Lac. Grant Green Green Lake. . Iowa..: Jackson Jefferson... . Juneau Kenosha Kewaunee... LaCrosse La Fayette. . . Lincoln Manitowoc . . Marathon Marquette Milwaukee... Monroe ...'..., Oconto Outagamie...Ozaukee Pepin Pierce Polk Portage Racine Richland Rock St. Croix Sauk Shewano Sheboygan....Taylor Trempealeau. Vernon Walworth Washington. . Waukesna Waupaca Waushara.... Winnebago...Wood Total Value of per sonal property. $ 179,771 42.666 146,374 21,705 442,287438,501 32.419 373.946 965,624281,813 1,875,049 527,043 4,610.768 2,446,793 135,107 19,434 1,052,3001,354,142 2,489,759 2,502,795 1,966,599 789,736 1,233,676 472,124 1,753,985 660.125 1,320,957 546.678 1,336,2711,196.502 13.654 1,141,320 335,078 326,668 15,345,281 658,191 455,741 623,744 381,784 235,283 738,082 237,567 564,079 2,418,248 612,171 4,462,048 816,768 1,364,772 121,267 1,903,861 53,812 840,378924,835 3.187,722 1,062,347 3,165,504 480,837343.509 3,081,308 251,669 Value of real estate. If 624,168 889,523 1,043,964 533,167 2,195,053 890,028 442,765 2.107,2114,359,2452,355,972 7,083,892 1,457,586 14,882,179 11,014,318 659,650410,227 1,875,148 4,204,233 11,649,769 7.039,2016,290,8293,485,8194,348,4521,040,4177,896,8331,607,245 4,488,186 2,560,6414,015.568 4,775,417 1,532,542 5,290,599 1,744,901 1,033.967 46.477,283 1,994,911 3,411,5573.348,267 2,803,688 595,316 2,435,319 1,121,5991,592,018 8,071,811 1,908,386 13,931,410 3,110,4454,036,813 685,917 7,096,170 816,421 1,904.988 2,288,420 10,559,519 4,927,634 11,892,119 1,826,9081,343,029 9,810,290 598,920 Total. 9 803,939932,189 1,190,338 554,872 2,637,3401,328,529 475,184 2,481,1575,324,869 3,637.785 8,958,9411,984,629 19,492,94713,461,111 ¦794,757 429.661 2,927,448 5,558.375 14,139,528 9,541,9968,257,428 4,275,5555,582,128 1,512,541 9,650,818 2,267,3705,809.143 3,107,319 5,351,8395,971,919 1,546,196 6,431.923 2,079,979 1,360,635 61,822;564 2,653.1023,867,2983,972,0113,185,472 830,599 3,173,4011,359.166 2,156,097 10,490,059 2,520,557 18,393.458 3,927,2135,401,585 807,184 9,000,031 870,233 2.745,3663,213.255 13,747,241 5,989,981 15,057,623 2, 30?, 745 1,686.538 12,891,598 850,589 $274,417,873 $351,780,354 Valuation of Untaxed Property, prom Assessors' Returns por 1875 and 1876. Co., town, city and Tillage property. i 6,147 2,340 '"ft 300 43,325 15,300 '"iii'oo "'si 360 29,785 '"7!206 45,800 "17; 163 "72,136 49,32052.505 25,650 "ift28'6 600 12,600 "ift'300 10,750 31,000 28,210 15,700 5,680 1,318,506 5,368 "lfti'oo 5,280 25 13,950 ""abb'6 22,700 525 88,000 11,400 9,0002,000 10,725 350 1,500 70,200 7,500 700250 21,350 6,380 1,500 School, col lege and academy property. 82 ,063,636 9 9,900 4,925 '""MOO 102.635 27,787 1,500 ""5,160 3,000 115,605 11,000 ¦"8ft 630 ""JU'2'4 3,200 16,933 60,500 197,405 66,875 "36, 774 " 66) 200 "46;365 17,720 3,500 55,930 9,640 21,24827,202 8,735 771,265 13,200 '"9ft290 18,415 8,247 73,675 10,940 25,91624,635 "'5ft6b6 7,211 4,1252,800 2,000 ' 150,200 500 34,940 21,08029,495 Church and cemetery property. 2,735,817 « 4,713 1,000 125 2,685 83,369 29,760 3,000 13,220 55,014 1,300 91,142 4,100 359,390 121,075 7,029 2,351 3.200 56,930 259,900 109,405 76,995 23,840 55,026 15.075 172,300 19,280 46,860 18,521 110,643 71,610 '"641874 16,82512,080 1,212,390 33,158 38,10073,37532,920 4,160 25,115 5,272 42,470 236,000 37,915 242,650 41,370 87,670 5,714 123,895 "'2ft'3b'6 2,325 129,310120,670 218,760 34,41022,524 36,86027,000 Railroad property. $1,220,000 94,025 150 78 "l75i 885 64.095 110,000 89,800 34,400 421,604 627,155 95,450 2,000 4,774,828 61,50075,000 237.915120,000 51,800 300 "102; 600 146,901 50,65317,58576,720 347,515 136,000 22,026 70,400 260,975 "rei!95o 68,720 22,500 "56,' 830 336,400 8,300 ' 186! 000 2,300 84,780 2,720 U. S., state and all other property. 7,487,627 3 400 2,780 900 1,340 10,421 100 252.987 14,400 200 60.00016,78032,245 600 2,730 600 3l' 200 6,275 10.500 2,525 15,30074,800 400 3,595 682,800 2,340 "3,006 3,4709.835 1,000 5,735 900 120,950 34.650 5,8501,150 41,600 775 1,300 140.000 60,033 200 2,325 1,2001,5507,740 1,662,388 9 21,158 1,228,265 125 10,385, 326,638 73,897 4,500 34,393. 60,174 184.875312,028125.200 699.357 296 305 7 229 22 638 428 004 833 153 478,950384.520 170.020 88.070 183,680 253,599 402.300 77.35F. 123.825 49,516 264,043202.340 10,040 254,828. 110,380 26,495 5,257,555 71651 114,820524,580196.090 44,253 114.740 22,047 147,686,845,250, 38,440, 1,107,250 217,340, 113.130 14,925 194,775380,800 35,725 26,050 670.710 188,213 220,150 74.22567.954 159,065 88,960 18,524,196, STATISTICS OF WISCONSIN. 261 ACREAGE OF PRINCIPAL CROPS GROWN IN 1876. Counties. Adams Ashland Barron Bayfield Brown Buffalo Burnett Calumet Chippewa Clark Columbia Crawford Dane Dodge Door Douglas Dunn Eau Claire.... Fonddu Lac, Grant Green Green Lake... Iowa Jackson Jefferson Juneau Kenosha Kewaunee LaCrosse La Fayette Li ncoln Manitowoc Marathon Marquette Milwaukee Monroe Oconto Outagamie Ozaukee Pepin Pierce Polk Portage Racine Richland Rock St. Croix Sauk Shawano Sheboygan Taylor Trempealeau . Vernon Walworth Washington... Waukesha Waupaca Waushara Winnebago Wood... . NUMBER OP ACRES. 5,146 5 4.070X Total 1,445.650)< 16.38448.507M 1,179 32.860M10.442 2,457 64,472 19.054 89,253 128,708 4,771 " '27,308 2««S587,612 29,643 4,409 37,06421,676 19,953 33,569 11.598M 4,782 17,702 38.8P0 4,4d3 262 4.538M 4.5489,517 11,774 31,634 2,490 8 076 27 -25M W190M 41,187 9.293 15.701M 7.884M 13.228X 12.384M 77,810 27,701 6,485 45,959 60K 53.656 42,27720,588 , 53,691 34.140 13.516 12 573 49 999 637 11,456 1 26 639M 20 13,923 9.213X 216M 4,5832,734 1,596 40,274 19.173 84,07229,40iar 352 5 9,671 11.76518.208K 98,70958,168 15.608 46,980 8,071}* 28,37911.848W 15,815 l,(lo6 10,581 61,549 854 X 355 15.121 7.104M 12,608 714 4 761 2 684M 6,9248,984 4,104 11,0761 '.904& : '.460X i .',041)4 5,390 33.816K 1,904 8.244 32 12,106 22,499 45.45611.613 26,318 9.524 18.726M15,404 958 1,025.80154 5,353 84. 3,477k 15 5.732 12.573M 637 9,8589,032 2,408 24,071 10,58467,120 25,592iT 3,391 50 13,833 7,183 20,763 62,054 34,191 8,013 34,43312.189k; 16,845 14.272M14,174 10,632l',249 U.194 712 31.437M 5,0204,873 10.213HS 12.H64 3,4122.447M 9,473 4,475 8.3381,842 9.086K 15,241k!11.606M60.103 17,541 24,46934 4.408k; 16,704 54M 15,034 23.0552822514.104 18.980 7,448 8.847 13,813 1,029 Barley. 83 759M 5,012 2,751 58 4,04834 1,258 208 7.6943.912 23,499 11,463 696 "'i',56'6 1,242 8 554 2,839 666k? 1,170 2.609M 1,7398,773 445 1.649 2.1643,045 1,273 20 4,299 670 93 5,063 1,769 357 940M 4,116m 61334 2,851 440 1.284M 2,22bTj 19.424 2.022 2,197)4 205 7,519 2 2.381)4 5.542 8.934M6.614 8,527 1,060 63634 1,427 29M 854.861M; 183.03054 Rye. ,8,488 28234 5,254 870 26423 IM 185 95 7 648 1.588 7.410 '2,13434 788 1,156 933 754M 3.2963,793)43,4551,892 613 7,611 3,137 611 3.5208,177 1,735 5,233 116 10.503 3,07434 1,377 724514 2.430M 563258 326 7.665K2,212 1,770V 15.038M 173 6.164K 1,160)4 4,332 3 550 633 4.875M 6,0027,659 4,363 15,416 982372M 175,314)4 Hops. 060 17M 9M 10M 3 59334 18 317)4 136 68 11 44 113 28 212 179M 71M 840 1,169 249M 13 139 65 390 3 HM15 25M 58434 31M 499M 41M !,118M 49 M 42 18710734 29 23929534IJ110 . 14 11,184)4 5M 3 15 8,459)4 2944 1 "lOO 2« 2*2M 2,10534. 14 UK 4,842 Sif 45 153J4. 1« 2 25.S17 363 22 10.145 16,670 10 3 X 4.285K 282 4 1,169 113 ff ; (Tt 62,008)4 262 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. ACREAGE OF PRINCIPAL CROPS GROWN IN 1876. Counties. Adams Ashland .Barron Bayfield Brown Buffalo Burnett Calumet .. ¦Chippewa Clark Columbia Crawford Dane Dodge Door Douglas. Dunn Eau Claire..., JFond du Lac. Grant Green Green Lake.. Iowa Jackson Jefferson Juneau Kenosha Kewaunee...La Crosse La Fayette Lincoln Manitowoc Marathon Marquette Milwaukee Monroe Oconto ¦Outagamie Ozaukee Pepin Pierce Polk Portage Racine Richland Rock St. Croix Sauk Shawano Sheboygan Taylor Trempealeau.. Vernon Walworth Washington... Waukesha Waupaca Waushara Winnebago... TVood.... Total. NUMBER OF ACRES. Cultivated Grasses. 3,161 241 1,843)4 100 5.769M 39 13,361 9,348 32,326 4,925 53,219 29.562 257 100 10,032 "ii. 609 37,79228,833 13,92015,566 5,316 17,407 8,705 29,856 5,665 11.390 22,719 316 32.256M 5,4533,387 20,557 14,217 6,170 11,681 8,528 ' 12,974 2,642 10.142M 21.515M 18.924M57.132M14,293 25,22234 4,111 40,123 173 18,738 20,19745.093 6,513 38.629 13,540 9,770 23,433 235 1,018)4 771 266341M 30 150 90934 120M 1,017 425 1,91854 2,493 3,585 3.780M 20 100 2.701M3,038 1,159 921 1.650M 510 2,209 1,738 1,0601,487 781 •1,633 106 2,251 667926 3.030M 1,520 836 51 1,56634 724 591 2,01634 1,548341,153)4 2,930 1,176 3,209)4 548 2,723 99 878)6 1,241 2.183M 46,821 3,9821,6951,3421,630 169 Apples. 133,420)4 755534 25 k, 17M 37 104 618 SO 10 219 61M 16 5 46419452)4 1834 1099 26 108 138 50 137)4 9971 13 100 41 17812834 46M 10)4 122M 10 104)4 64M 133 3441M 140 55)4 ),430 383 98 45 35 13,624)4 58 2834 5 552M 78 1.533M 2,4604,830)4 16,254 2 61M 2,93534 2,766 5,980)4 1,467 1.987M 100 2,233 339 2,170 44 239994 689 46 1,8561,:: 406 1,26634 77 11 60)4 16,004 479 3,676 457 1.05434 73* 1,730 2 279)4749 4.056M 50,095 4,952 205836)4 1,561 139,891)4 ,v;ited .nttriTies. 4M 36 "30 45 '"520'2,757M 151 1 4,412 20 1 580 3,101 2 134 137 30 185 1,053 194400 25,040 1,162,000 24,175 12,739 "57,463 126,000 51,879 "lii',463 49.369M "506!6b'6 5,414 "44,986 126,116 20.313M 22,39351.02653.88033,774 "'19,896 37.573 29.76324,037 "257,341 26! 525 16,211 33,756 Clover Seed, Bushels. 19,433 22,077 182,671 "52,156 28.718M 65,39457.587M 3,606 88.058M 80,53368,057 "l2! 149 91.194 50,22150 080 42,69082,98566,51025,73793,242 17,664% 4,090 226M 553 1,733 1,689 50 2.969)4 3.489M 1,500 3,848 1,037 566 1,515 107 5,269 781 1,3241,174 30 1,007 774)4 1,073 113 1,666 121 2 343 840 2,160)45,416 80 1,348)4 16 10,738 370 1,134 3,798 16,080 1,529 610 117 730 76,945)4 ABSTRACT OF LAWS WISCONSIN. ELECTORS AND GENERAL ELECTIONS. Sbc. 12. Every male person of the age of twenty-one years or upward, belonging to either of the following classes, who shall have resided in the State for one year next preceding. any election, shall be deemed a qualified elector at such election : 1. Citizens of the United States. 2. Persons of foreign birth who shall have declared their intention to become citizens con formably to the laws of the United States on the subject of naturalization. 3. Persons of Indian blood who have once been declared by law of. Congress to be citizens; ofthe United States, any subsequent law of Congress to the contrary notwithstanding. 4. Civilized poisons of Indian descent not members of any tribe. Every person convicted of bribery shall be excluded from the right of suffrage unless restored to civil rights ; and no person who shall have made or become directly or indirectly interested in any bet or wager depending upon the result of any election at which he shall offer to vote,. shall be permitted to vote at such election. Sec. 13. No elector shall vote except in the town, ward, village or election district in which. he actually resides. Sec. 14. The general election prescribed in the Constitution shall be held in the several! towns, wards, villages and election districts on the Tuesday next succeeding the first Monday in November in each year, at which time there shall be chosen such Representatives- in Congress, Electors of President and Vice President, State officers, and county officers as are- by law to be; elected in such year. Sec. 15. All elections shall be held in each town at the place where the last towa-meeting- was held, or at such other place as shall have been ordered at such last meeting, or as shall have been ordered by the Supervisors when they establish more than one election pollr except that the first election after the organization of a new town shall be held at the place directed in the act or proceeding by which it was organized ; and all elections in villages constituting separate elec tion districts and in the wards of cities, shall be held at the place to be ordered by the Trustees of such village, or the Common Council of such city, at least ten days before, such election, un less a different provision is made in the act incorporating such village or city.. Sec. 16. Whenever it shall become impossible or inconvenient to hold: an election at the place designated therefor, the Board of Inspectors, after having assembled at or as aeair as prac ticable to such place, and before receiving any votes may adjourn to the nearest convenient place for holding the election, and at such adjourned place shall forthwith proceed with the election. Upon adjourning any election as hereinbefore provided, the Board of Inspectors shall cause proc lamation thereof to be made, and shall station a Constable or some other proper person at th& place where the adjournment was made, to notify all electors arriving at such place of adjourn ment, and the place to which it was made. 26 i HISTORY OF WISCONSIN Sec. 20. A registry of electors shall annually be made : 1. In each ward or election district of every city which, at the last previous census, had a population of three thousand or more. 2. In each ward or election district of every incorporated village in which, by law, sep arate elections are held ; which village at the last preceding census, had a popula tion of fifteen hundred or more. 3. In every town containing a village which, at said census, had a population of fifteen hundred or more, in which village separate general elections are not by law required to beheld. 4. In all towns any part of which shall have been embraced in any part of any city or village in which a registration by this chapter is required. Such registration shall be made in the manner provided by this chapter. The persons authorized by law to act as Inspectors of Election in each of such towns, wards or election dis tricts shall constitute the Board of Registry therefor. Sec. 21. The said Inspectors shall have their first meeting on Tuesday, four weeks pre ceding each general election, at the place where said election is to be held ; and in election districts at which there were polled at the previous general election three hundred votes or less, they shall sit for one day, and in districts at which there were more than three hundred votes polled, they shall have power to sit two days if necessary, for the purpose of making such list. They shall meet at 9 o'clock in the forenoon and hold their meetings open until 8 o'clock in the evening of each day during which they shall so git. The Clerks appointed by law to act as Clerks of Election shall act as Clerks of the Board of Registry on the day of election only. The proceedings shall be open, and all electors of the district shall be entitled to be heard in relation to corrections or additions to said registry. They shall have the same powers to preserve order which Inspectors of Election have on election days, and in towns vacancies in the Board shall be filled in the same manner that vacancies are filled at elections. Sec. 22. The said Inspectors at their first meeting, and before doing any business, shall severally take and subscribe the oath of Inspectors at a general election, and said Inspectors shall at their first meeting make a registry of all the electors of their respective districts, placing thereon the full names, alphabetically arranged according to surnames, in one column, and in another the residence by number and name of street or other location, if known. If any elector's residence is at any hotel or public boarding-house the name of the hotel or boarding-house shall l>e stated in the registry. They shall put thereon the names of all persons residing in their elec tion district appearing on the poll-list kept at the last preceding general election, and are author ized to take therefor such poll-list from the office where kept, omitting such as have died or removed from the district, and adding the names of all other persons known to them to be elect ors in such district. In case of the formation of a new election district since the last preceding general election, the said Board therein may make such registry from the best means at their command, and may, if necessary, procure therefor certified copies of the last poll-list. They shall complete said registry as far as practicable at their first meeting, and shall make four copies thereof, and certify the original and each copy to be a true list of the electors in their district so far as the same are known to them. One of said copies shall be immediately posted in a conspicuous place in the room in which their meeting was held, and be accessible to any elector for examina tion or making copies thereof, and one copy shall be retained by each Inspector for revision and correction at the second meeting. They shall within two days after said first meeting file the original registry made by them, and said poll-list in the office of the proper town, city or village clerk, and may, in their discretion, cause ten printed copies of said registry to be made and posted in ten of the most public places of said election district, or may publish the same in a newspaper at an expense not exceeding one cent for each name. Sec. 23. The Inspectors shall hold their second meeting at the same place designated for holding elections on 'the Tuesday two weeks preceding the election. They shall meet at 9 o'clock in the forenoon. In election districts having less than three hundred voters, as shown by the ABSTRACT OF LAWS. 265 preliminary registry, the Board shall complete the registry on the same day ; but if there are more than that number of voters, they shall sit two days. They shall remain in session until 8 o'clock in the evening. They shall revise and correct the registry first by erasing the name of any person who shall be proved to their satisfaction by the oaths of two electors of the district to be not entitled to vote therein at the next ensuing election, unless such person shall appear and if chal lenged, shall answer the questions and take the oath hereinafter provided ; secondly, by entering thereon the names of every elector entitled to vote in the district at the next election who shall appear before the Board and require it, and state his place of residence, giving street and num ber, if numbered, or location, as hereinbefore provided, if challenged answer the questions, and take the oaths provided in case of challenge at an election ; but if any person shall refuse to answer all such questions or to take such oath, his name shall not be registered. Any person who is not twenty-one years of age before the date when the registry is required to be corrected, but will be if he lives until the day of election, shall have his name put on the registry if he be other wise qualified to be an elector. Any elector who did not vote at the previous general election Bhall be entitled to be registered either at the preliminary or the final registration of electors by appearing before the Board of Registration of his election district and establishing his right to be registered, or, instead of a personal appearance, he may make his application to be registered to the Board in writing. Such application shall state the name and period of continuous resi dence in the election district and place of residence therein, giving the number and street of the applicant, and, in case the person making the application is of foreign birth, he shall state when he came to the United States and to the State of Wisconsin, and the time and place of declaring his intention of becoming a citizen of the United States, and that he is entitled to vote at the election. Upon receiving such application, the Board of Registration shall register the name of such applicant, if it appears to the Board that the applicant is, by his statement, entitled to vote. Such statement shall be made under oath, and shall be preserved by the. Board and be filed in the office of the village or city clerk, as the case may be. All city and village clerks shall keep blanks for making the application for registration, as provided by this section. The form shall be prescribed by the Secretary of State. Every person named in this section shall be subject to the same punishment for any false statement or other offense in respect thereto as is provided in case of such false statement or other offense by an elector offering to vote at an election. After such registry shall have been fully completed on the days above mentioned, no name shall be added thereto by any person or upon any pretext. Within three days after the second meeting the said Board shall cause four copies of the registry to be made, each of which shall be certified by them to be a correct registry of the electors of their district, one of which shall be kept by each Inspector for use on election day, and one shall forthwith be filed in the office of the proper town, city or village clerk. All registries shall at all times be open to pub lic inspection at the office where deposited without charge. Sec. 24. On election day the Inspectors shall designate two of their number at the opening of the polls, who shall check the names of every elector voting in such district whose name is on the registry. No vote shall be received at any general election in any ward or election district defined in Section 20, if the name of the person offering to vote be not on said registry made at tho second meeting as aforesaid, except as hereinafter provided ; but in case any one shall, after the last day for completing such registry, and before such election, become a qualified voter of the district, he shall have the same right to vote therein at such election as if his name had been duly registered, provided he shall, at the time he offers to vote, deliver to the Inspectors his affi davit, in which he shall state the facts, showing that he has, since the completion of such regis try, become a qualified elector of such district, and the facts showing that he was not such elector on the day such registry was completed, and shall also deliver to such Inspectors the affi davits of two freeholders, electors in such election district, corroborating all the material state ments in his affidavit. In case any person who was a voter at the last previous general election shall not be registered, such person shall be entitled to vote on making affidavit that he was enti tled to vote at the previous election, and that he has not become disqualified by reason of removal 206 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. from the election district or otherwise, since that election, which affidavit shall also be corrobo rated by the affidavits of two freeholders, as is provided for other non-registered voters. No one freeholder shall be competent to make at any one election corroborating affidavits for more than three voters. All of said affidavits shall be sworn to before some officer authorized by the laws of this State to take depositions. The Inspectors shall keep a list of the names and residence of the electors voting whose names are not on said completed registry, and attach said list to the registry and return it, together with all such affidavits, to the proper town, city or village clerk, No compensation shall be paid or received for taking or certifying any such affidavits. On the day following the election, one of said poll-lists and one copy of the registry so kept and checked shall be attached together and filed in the office of the proper town, city or village clerk, and the other of said poll-lists and copy of the registry so kept and checked shall be returned to the County Clerk with the returns of the election. Such Inspectors shall give notice by advertisement in a newspaper printed in the city, village or town where such registration was made, ofthe registry, and shall include in such notice all additions to and omissions from the preliminary list, and shall also state where the election is to be held. In case there be no newspaper printed in such city, village or town, such notice shall be given by posting copies thereof in three or more public places in each ward or election district in such city, village or town. For publication of such notice in any such newspaper the publisher thereof shall be entitled to tne same compensation per folio as is prescribed for publishing other legal notices. COMMON SCHOOLS. Sec. 413. The formation of any school district shall be by written order of the Town Board, describing the territory embraced in the same, to be filed with the Town Clerk within twenty days after the making thereof. The Supervisors shall deliver to a taxable inhabitant of the district their notice thereof in writing, describing its boundaries, and appointing a time and place for the first district meeting, and shall therein direct such inhabitant to notify every quali fied voter of the district, either personally or by leaving a written notice at his place of resi dence, of the time and place of such meeting, at least five days before the time appointed therefor, and said inhabitant shall notify the voters of such district accordingly, and indorse thereon a return containing the names of all persons thus notified, and said notice and return shall be recorded as a part of the record of the first meeting in such district. Sec. 414. In case such notice shall not be given, or the inhabitants of a district shall neg lect or refuse to assemble and form a district meeting when so notified, or in case any school dis trict having been formed or organized shall afterward be disorganized, so that no competent authority shall exist therein to call a special district meeting, in the manner hereinafter pro vided, notice shall be given by the Town Board, and served in the manner prescribed in the pre ceding section. Whenever a district meeting shall be called as prescribed in this and the preceding section, it shall be the duty of the electors of the district to assemble at the time and place so directed. Sec. 415. Whenever it shall be necessary to form a district from two or more adjoining towns, the Town Boards of such towns shall meet together and form such districts by their writ ten order, describing the territory embraced in such district, signed by at least two of the Super visors of each town; and shall file one such order with the Town Clerk of each town, and deliver the notice of formation to a taxable inhabitant of such district, and cause the same to bo served and returned in the time and manner hereinbefore prescribed ; and any such district may be altered only by the joint action of the Town Boards of such towns in the same manner that other districts are altered. Sec. 416. Every school district shall be deemed duly organized when any two of the offi cers elected at the first legal meeting thereof shall have consented to serve in the offices to which they have been respectively elected, by a written acceptance thereof filed with the clerk of the first meeting, and recorded in the minutes thereof; and every school district shall be considered. ABSTRACT OF LAWS. 26T as duly organized after it shall have exercised the franchises and privileges of a district for the term of two years. Sec. 425. The annual meeting of all school districts in which graded schools of two or more departments are taught, shall be held on the second Monday of July, and of all other school districts on the last Monday of September, in each year. The hour of such meeting shall be seven o'clock in the afternoon, unless otherwise provided by a vote of the district, duly recorded at the last previous annual meeting ; but at any annual meeting a majority of the electors present may determine that the annual meeting of such district shall be held on the last Monday of August instead ofthe last Monday of September. Said determination to take effect when a copy of the proceedings of said annual meeting in reference to such change shall have been filed with the Town Clerk in which the schoolhouse of such district is situated, and to remain in force until rescinded by a like vote of the electors of such district. Sec. 426. The Clerk shall give at least six days' previous notice of every annual district meeting, by posting notices thereof in four or more public places in the district, one of which shall be affixed to the outer door of the schoolhouse, if there be one in the district, and he shall give like notices for every adjourned district meeting when such meeting shall have been adjourned for more than one month ; but no annual meeting shall be deemed illegal for want of due notice, unless it shall appear that the omission to give such notice was willful and fraudulent. Sec. 427. Special district meetings may be called by the Clerk, or, in his absence, by the- Directors or Treasurer, on written request of five legal voters of the district, in the manner prescribed for calling an annual meeting ; and the electors, when lawfully assembled at a special meeting, shall have power to transact the same business as at the first and each annual meeting, except the election of officers. The business to be transacted at any special meeting shall lie particularly specified in the notices calling the same, and said notices shall be posted six full days prior to the meeting. No tax or loan or debt shall be voted at a special meeting, unless three-fourths of the legal voters shall have been notified, either personally or by a written notice left at their places of residence, stating the time and place and objects of the meeting, and specifying the amount proposed to be voted, at least six days before the time appointed therefor. Sec. 428. Every person shall be entitled to vote in any school district meeting who is qualified to vote at a general election for State and county officers, and who is a resident of such. school district. ASSESSMENT AND COLLECTION OF DISTRICT TAXES. Sec. 469. All school district taxes, unless otherwise specially provided by law, shall be assessed on the same kinds of property as taxes for town and county purposes ; and all personal property which, on account of its location or the residence of its owner, is taxable in the town, shall, if such locality or residence be in the school district, be likewise taxable for school district purposes. BORROWING MONEY. Sec. 474. Whenever, upon any unusual exigency, any school district shall, before the annual meeting, vote a special tax to be collected with the next levy, the district may, by vote, author ize the District Board to borrow for a period not exceeding one year a sum not exceeding the amount of such tax, and by such vote set apart such tax when collected to repay such loan, and thereupon the District Board may borrow such money of any person and on such terms and exe cute and deliver to the lender such obligation therefor, and such security for the repayment, including a mortgage or pledge of any real or personal property of the district, subject to the. directions contained in the vote of the district as may be agreed upon and not prohibited by law. Sec. 498. Every District Clerk who shall willfully neglect to make the annual report for ms district as required by law shall be liable to pay the whole amount of money lost by such 268 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. district in consequence of his neglect, which shall be recovered in an action in the name of and for the use of the district. Sec. 499. Every Town Clerk who shall neglect or refuse to make and deliver to the County Superintendent his annual report, as required in this chapter within the time limited therefor, shall be liable on his official bond to pay the town the amount which such town or any school district therein, shall lose by such neglect -or refusal, with interest thereon ; and every County Superintendent who shall neglect or refuse to make the report required of him by this chapter to the State Superintendent shall be liable to pay to each town the amount which such town or any school district therein shall lose by such neglect or refusal, with interest thereon, to be recovered in either case in an action prosecuted by the Town Treasurer in the name of the town. Sec. 503. Every member of a district board in any school district in this State in which a list of text-books has been adopted according to law, who shall, within three years from the date of such adoption, or thereafter, without the consent of the State Superintendent, order a change of text-books in such district, shall forfeit the sum of fifty dollars. ' Sec. 513. Every woman of twenty-one years of age and upward may be elected or appointed as director, treasurer or clerk of a school district, director or secretary of a town board under the township system ; member of a board of education in cities, or county superintendent. Sec. 560. In reckoning school months, twenty days shall constitute a month and one hun dred days five months. ASSESSMENT OF TAXES. Sec. 1035. The terms "real property," "real estate" and "land," when used in this title, shall include not only the land itself, but all buildings, fixtures, improvements, rights and privileges appertaining thereto. Sec. 1036. The term " personal property," as used in this title, shall be construed to mean and include toll-bridges, saw-logs, timber and lumber, either upon land or afloat, steamboats, ships and other vessels, whether at home or abroad ; buildings upon leased lands, if such build ings have not been included in the assessment of the land on which they are erected ; ferry-boats, including the franchise for running the same ; all debts due from solvent debtors, whether on account, note, contract, bond, mortgage or other security, or whether such debts are due or to become due ; and all goods, wares, merchandise, chattels, moneys and effects of any nature or description having any real or marketable value and not included in the term " real property," as above defined. Sec. 1037. The improvements on all lands situated in this State, which shall have been entered under the provisions of the act of Congress entitled " An act to secure homesteads to act ual settlers on the public domain," approved May twentieth, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two, and which shall be actually occupied and improved by the person so entering the same, or his heirs, shall be subject to taxation, and such improvements shall be assessed as personal property. All taxes levied thereon shall be collected out of the personal property of the occu pant of such lands, and in no other manner. Sec. 1038. The property in this section described is exempt from taxation, to wit: 1. That owned exclusively by the United States or by this State, but no lands contracted to be sold by the State shall be exempt. 2. That owned exclusively by any county, city, village, town or school district ; but lands purchased by counties at tax sales shall be exempt only in the cases provided in Sec tion Eleven Hundred and Ninety-one. 3. Personal property owned by any religious, scientific, literary or benevolent association, used exclusively for the purposes of such association, and the real property, if not leased, or not otherwise used for pecuniary profit, necessary for the location and con venience of the buildings of such association, and embracing the same not exceeding ABSTRACT OF LAWS. 269 ten acres ; and the lands reserved for grounds of a chartered college or university, not exceeding forty acres ; and parsonages, whether of local churches or districts, and whether occupied by the pastor permanently or rented for his benefit. The occasional leasing of such buildings for schools, public lectures or concerts, or the leasing of such parsonages, shall not render them liable to taxation. 4. Personal property owned and used exclusively by the State or any county agricultural society, and the lands owned and used by any such society exclusively for fair grounds. 5. Fire engines and other implements used for extinguishing fires, owned or used by any organized fire company, and the buildings and necessary grounds connected therewith, owned by such company, and used exclusively for its proper purposes. 6. The property of Indians who are not citizens, except lands held by them by purchase. 7. Lands used exclusively as public burial-grounds, and tombs and monuments to the dead therein. 8. Pensions receivable from the United States. 9. Stock in any corporation in this State which is required to pay taxes upon its property in the same manner as individuals. 10. So much of the debts due or to become due to any person as shall equal the amount of bona-fide and unconditional debts by him owing. 11. Wearing apparel, family portraits and libraries, kitchen furniture and growing crops. 12. Provisions and fuel provided by the head of a family to sustain its members for six months ; but no person paying board shall be deemed a member of a family. 13. All the personal property of all insurance companies that now are or shall be organized or doing business in this State. 14. The track, right of way, depot grounds, buildings, machine-shops, rolling-stock and other property necessarily used in operating any railroad in this State belonging to any railroad company, including pontoon, pile and pontoon railroads, and shall henceforth remain exempt from taxation for any purpose, except that the same shall be subject to special assessments for local improvements in cities and villages and all lands owned or claimed by such railroad company not adjoining the track of such company, shall be subject to all taxes. The provision of this subdivision shall not apply to any railroad that now is or shall be operated by horse-power, whether now or hereafter constructed in any village or city. 15. The property, except real estate, of all companies which are or shall be engaged in the business of telegraphing in this State. 16. The real estate of the Home of the Friendless in the city of Milwaukee, not exceeding one lot in amount, is exempted, so long as the same shall continue to be used as such home. 17. All property of any corporation or association formed under the laws of this State for the encouragement of industry by agricultural and industrial fairs and exhibitions, which shall be necessary for fair grounds, while used exclusively for such fairs and exhibitions, provided the quantity of land so exempt shall not exceed forty acres. 18. Such tree-belts as are or may be planted and maintained in compliance with chapter sixty-six of one of these statutes. Sec. 1191. Real property, upon which the county holds any certificates of tax sale, shall continue liable to taxation and to sale for unpaid taxes, and the county shall be the exclusive , purchaser at the sale ; but when a tax deed shall be issued to the county, and it shall hold tax certificates of sale unredeemed on the same property for two successive years subsequent to the date of the sale on which such deed shall issue, including certificates of sale made prior to the passage of these statutes, such property shall thereafter be exempt from taxation until the same is sold by the county. The County Clerk shall annually, before the first day of June, furnish to the Assessors of each town a list of the lands in such town exempt under this section. Noth ing in this section shall be so construed as to apply to lands owned by minors, married women, widowed women, idiots or insane persons. 270 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. COLLECTION OF TAXES. Sec. 1089. The Town Treasurer of each town, on the receipt of the tax-roll for the cur- rent year, shall forthwith post notices in three or four public places in such towns, that the tax- roll for such town is in his hands for collection, and that the taxes charged therein are subject to payment at his office at any time prior to the first day of January in such year ; and after the said first day of January he shall proceed to collect the taxes charged in such roll and remaining unpaid, and for that purpose shall call at least once on the person taxed, or at any place of his usual residence, if within the town, and demand payment of the taxes charged to him on such roll. Sec. 1090. On all taxes paid or tendered at the office of such Treasurer prior to said first day of January, he shall remit all of the 5-per-cent collection fees, except so much thereof as he is authorized by law to have for his fees upon taxes so paid. Sec. 1091. Town orders shall be receivable for taxes in the town where issued, and shall be allowed the Town Treasurer on settlement of town taxes ; and county orders and jurors' cer tificates shall be receivable for taxes in the county where issued, and shall be allowed such Treas urer on settlement of county taxes with the County Treasurer, but no Town Treasurer shall receive town orders in payment for taxes to a larger amount than the town taxes included in his assessment-roll exclusive of all taxes for school purposes, nor county orders and jurors' certifi cates to a greater amount than the county tax included therein. Sec. 1097. In case any person shall refuse or neglect to pay the tax imposed upon him, the Town Treasurer shall levy the same by distress and sale of any goods and chattels belong ing to such person, wherever the same may be found within his town ; and if a sufficient amount of such property cannot be found in such town, the Town Treasurer may levy the same by dis tress and sale of the goods and chattels belonging to such person, wherever the same may be found in the county or in any adjoining counties. Sec. 1098. The Town Treasurer shall give public notice of the time and place of such sale, at least six days previous thereto, by advertisement, containing a description of the prop erty to be sold, to be posted up in three public places in the town where the sale is to be made. The sale shall be at public auction, in the daytime, and the property sold shall be present ; such property may be released by the payment of the taxes and charges for which the same is liable, to be sold ; if the purchase-money on such sale shall not be paid at such time as the Treasurer may require, he may again, in his discretion, expose such property for sale, or sue, in his name of office, the purchaser for the purchase-money, and recover the same with costs and 10-per-centum damages. Sec. 1099. If the property so levied upon shall be sold for more than the amount of tax and costs, the surplus shall be returned to the owner thereof; and if it cannot be sold for want of bidders, the Treasurer shall return a statement of the fact, and return the property to the person from whose possession he took the same ; and the tax, if unsatisfied, shall be collected in the same manner as if no levy had been made. HIGHWAYS AND BRIDGES. Sec. 1223. The Supervisors of the several towns shall have the care and supervision of the highways and bridges therein, and it shall be their duty : 1. To give directions for repairing the highways and bridges within their respective towns, and cause to be removed all obstructions therefrom. 2. To cause such of the roads used as highways as have been laid out but not sufficient!}' described, and such as have been lawfully laid out and used as such up to the then present time, but not fully and sufficiently recorded, to be ascertained, described and entered of record in the Town Clerk's office. ABSTRACT OF LAWS. 271 3. To cause bridges which are or may be erected over streams intersecting highways to be kept in repair. 4. To divide their respective towns into so many road districts as they shall judge conven ient, and specify every such division in writing under their hands, to be recorded in the office of the Town Clerk ; but no such division shall be made within ten days next preceding the annual town meeting. 5. To assign to each of the said road districts such of the inhabitants liable to pay taxes on highways as they think proper, having regard to the nearness of residence as much as practicable. 6. To require the Overseers of Highways from time to time, and as often as they shall deem necessary, to perform any of the duties required of them by law. 7. To assess the highway taxes in their respective towns in each year, as provided by law. 8. To lay out and establish upon actual surveys, as hereinafter provided, such new roads in their respective towns as they may deem necessary and proper ; to discontinue such roads as shall appear to them to have become unnecessary, and to widen or alter such roads when they shall deem necessary for public convenience, and perform all other duties respecting highways and bridges directed by this chapter. INTOXICATING LIQUORS. Sec. 1548. The Town Boards, Village Boards and Common Councils of the respective towns, villages and cities may grant license to such persons as they may deem proper, to keep groceries, saloons or other places, within their respective towns, villages or cities, for the sale in quantities less than one gallon of strong, spirituous, malt, ardent or" intoxicating liquors, to be drank on the premises ; and in like manner may grant licenses for the sale in any quantity of such liquors not to be drank on the premises. The sum to be paid for such license for the sale of such liquor to be drank on the premises shall not be less than twenty-five nor more than one hundred and fifty dollars ; and for the sale of such liquors not to be drank on the premises shall be not less than ten nor more than forty dollars. Sec. 1549. Every applicant for such license shall, before delivery thereof, file with sucli town, village or city clerk a bond to the State in the sum of five hundred dollars, with at least two sureties, to be approved by the authorities granting the license, who shall each justify in double its amount over and above their debts and liabilities and exemptions, and be freehold ers and residents of the county, conditioned that the applicant, during the continuance of his license will keep and maintain an orderly and well-regulated house ; that he will permit no gambling with cards, dice or any device or implement for that purpose, within his premises or any out-house, yard or shed appertaining thereto ; that he will not sell or give away any intoxi cating liquor to any minor, having good reason to believe him to be such, unless upon the writ ten order of the parents or guardian of such minor, or to persons intoxicated or bordering upon intoxication, or to habitual drunkards ; and that he will pay all damages that may be recovered by any person, and that he will observe and obey all orders of such Supervisors, Trustees or Aldermen, or any of them, made pursuant to law. In case of the breach of the condition of any such bond, an action may be brought thereon in the name of the State of Wisconsin, and judgment shall be entered against the principals and sureties therein named for the full penalty thereof; and execution may issue thereupon by order of the court therefor, to satisfy any judgment that may have been recovered against the principal named in said bond, by reason of any breach in the conditions thereof, or for any penalties of forfeitures incurred under this chap ter. If more than one judgment shall have been recovered, the court, in its discretion, may apply the proceeds of said bond toward the satisfaction of said several judgments, in whole or in part, in such manner as it may see fit. Sec. 1550. If any person shall vend, sell, deal or traffic in or for the purpose of evading this chapter, give away, any spirituous, malt, ardent or intoxicating liquors or drinks in any 272 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. quantity whatever without first having obtained license therefor, according to the provisions of this chapter, he shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and, on conviction thereof shall be punished by fine of not less than ten nor more than forty dollars, besides the costs of suit, or, in lieu of such fine, by imprisonment in the county jail of the proper county not to exceed sixty days nor less than twenty days ; and, in case of punishment by fine as above provided, such per son shall, unless the fine and costs be paid forthwith, be committed to the county jail of the proper county until such fine and costs are paid, or until discharged by due course of law ; and, in case of a second or any subsequent conviction of the same person during any one year, the punish ment may be by both fine and imprisonment, in the discretion of the court. Sec. 1551. Upon complaint made to any Justice of the Peace by any person that he knows or has good reason to believe that an offense against this chapter, or any violation thereof, has been committed, he shall examine the complainant on oath, and he shall reduce such com plaint to writing and cause the same to be subscribed by the person complaining. And if it shall appear to such Justice that there is rcaionable cause to believe that such offense has been committed, he shall immediately issue Iris warrant, reciting therein the substance of such com plaint and requiring the officer to whom such warrant shall be directed forthwith to arrest the accused and bring him before such Justice, to be dealt with according to law ; and the same war rant may require the officer to summon such persons as shall be therein named to appear at tho trial to give evidence. Sec. 1552. The District Attorney of the proper county shall, on notice given to him by the Justice of the Peace before whom any such complaint shall be made, attend the trial before such Justice and conduct the same on behalf of the State. Sec. 1553. Every supervisor, trustee, alderman and justice of the peace, police officer), marshal, deputy marshal and constable of any town, village or city who shall know or be credi bly informed that any offense has been committed against the provisions of this chapter shall make complaint against the person so offending within their respective towns, villages or cities to a proper Justice of the Peace therein, and for every neglect or refusal so to do every such officer shall forfeit twenty-five dollars, and the Treasurer of such town, village or city shall pros^ ecute therefor. * Sec. 1557. Any keepsr of any saloon, shop or place of any name whatsoever for the sale of strong, spirituous or malt liquors to be drank on the premises in any quantity less than one- gallon, who shall sell, vend or in any way deal or traffic in or for the purpose of evading this chapter, give away any spirituous, ardent or malt liquors or drinks in any quantity whatsoever to or with a minor, having good reason to believe him to be such, or to a person intoxicated or bordering on a state of intoxication, or to any other prohibited person before mentioned, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor ; nor shall any person sell or in any way deal or traffic in, or, for the purpose of evading this chapter, give away, any spirituous, ardent, intoxicating or malt liquors or drinks in any quantity whatsoever within one mile of either of the hospitals for tho insane ; and any person who shall so sell or give away any such liquors or drinks shall be. deemed guilty of a misdemeanor. BILLS OF EXCHANGE AND PROMISSORY NOTES. Sec. 1675. All notes in writing made and signed by any person or for any corporation, and all certificates of the deposit of money issued by any person or corporation, whereby he or it shall promise to pay to any person or order, or unto the bearer, any sum of money, as therein mentioned, shall be due and payable as therein expressed, and shall have the same effect and shall be negotiable in like manner as inland bills of exchange, according to the custom of mer chants. But no order drawn upon or accepted by the Treasurer of any county, town, city,_village or school district, whether drawn by any officer thereof or any other person, and no obligation nor instrument made by such corporation or any officer thereof, unless expressly authorized by law ABSTRACT OF LAWS. 273 to be made negotiable, shall be, or shall be deemed to be, negotiable according to the customs of merchants, in whatever form they may be drawn or made. Sec. 1680. On. all bills of exchange payable at sight, or at future day certain, within this State, and all negotiable promissory notes, orders and drafts payable at a future day cer tain, within this State, in which there is not an express stipulation to the contrary, grace should be allowed in like manner as it is allowed by the custom of merchants on foreign bills of exchange payable at the expiration of a certain period after date or sight. The provisions of this section. shall not extend to any bill of exchange, note or draft payable on demand. Sec. 1684. All notes, drafts, bills of exchange or other negotiable paper maturing on Sunday or upon any legal holiday shall be due and payable on the next preceding secular day. HOURS OF LABOR. Sec. 1728. In all manufactories, work-shops and other places used for mechanical or manufacturing purposes, the time of labor of children under eighteen years of age and of women employed therein, shall not exceed eight hours in one day ; and any employer, stockholder, director, officer, overseer, clerk or foreman who shall compel any woman or any child to labor exceeding eight hours in any one day, or who shall permit any child under fourteen years of age to labor more than ten hours in any one day in any such place, if he shall have control over such child sufficient to prevent it, or who shall employ at manual labor any child under twelve years of age in any factory or work-shop where more than three persons are employed, or who shall employ any child of twelve and under fourteen years of age in any such factory or woris> shop for more than seven months in any one year, shall forfeit not less than five nor more than fifty dollars for each such offense. Sec. 1729. In all engagements to labor in any manufacturing or mechanical business, where there is no express contract to the contrary, a day's work shall consist of eight hours, and all engagements or contracts for labor in such cases shall be so construed ; but this shall not apply to any contract for labor by the week, month or year. FORM OF CONVEYANCES. Sec. 2207. A deed of quitclaim and release of the form in common use or of the form hereinafter provided, shall be sufficient to pass all the estate which the grantor could lawfully convey by deed of bargain and sale. fcjEC 2208. Conveyances of land may be in substantially the following form: WARRANTY DEED. A B, grantor of County, Wisconsin, hereby conveys and warrants to C D, grantee,, of County, Wisconsin, for the sum of dollars, the following tract of land in County. [Here describe the premises.) Witness the hand and seal of said grantor this day of , 18 — . In the presence of) I . [seal.] j quitclaim deed. [seal.] A B, grantor, of County, Wisconsin, hereby quitclaims to C D, grantee, of County, Wisconsin, for the sum of dollars, the following tract of land in County, {Here describe the premises.) Witness the hand and seal of said grantor this day of , 18 — . In presence of ~) [seal. [seal. 274 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. Such deeds, when executed and acknowledged as required by law, shall, when of the first of the above forms, have the effect of a conveyance in fee simple to the grantee, his heirs and assigns of the premises therein named, together with all the appurtenances, rights and privileges thereto belonging, with a covenant from the grantor, his heirs and personal representatives, that he is lawfully seized of the premises ; has good right to convey the same ; that he guaran tees the grantee, his heirs and assigns in the quiet possession thereof; that the same are free from all incumbrances, and that the grantor, his heirs and personal representatives will forever war rant and defend the .title and possession thereof in the grantee, his heirs and assigns against all lawful claims whatsoever. Any exceptions to such covenants may be briefly inserted in such deed, following the description of the land ; and when in the second of the above forms, shall have the effect of a conveyance in fee simple to the grantee, his heirs and assigns, of all the right, title, interest and estate of the grantor, either in possession or expectancy, in and to the prem ises therein described, and all rights, privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging. MORTGAGES. Sec. 2209. A mortgage may be substantially in the following form : A B, mortgagor, of County, Wisconsin, hereby mortgages to C D, mortgagee, of County, Wisconsin, for the sum of dollars, the following tract of land in County. [Here describe the premises.) This mortgage is given to secure the following indebtedness : ''Here state amount or amounts and form of indebtedness, whether on note, bond or otherwise, time or times when due, rate of interest, by and to whom payable, etc.) The mortgagor agrees to pay all taxes and assessments on said premises, and the sum. of — dollars attorney's fees in case of foreclosure thereof. Witness the hand and seal of said mortgagor this day of , 18 — . In presence of ~\ ¦ V [seal.] ¦ — — — j [seal.] when executed and acknowledged according to law shall have the effect of a conveyance of the land therein described, together with all the rights, privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging in pledge to the mortgagee, his heirs, .assigns and legal representatives for the payment of the indebtedness therein set forth, with covenant from the mortgagor that all taxes and assess ments levied and assessed upon the land described during the continuance of the mortgage shall be paid previous to the day appointed by law for the sale of lands for taxes, as fully as the forms of mortgage now and heretofore in common use in this State, and may be foreclosed in the same manner and with the same effect, upon any default being made in any of the conditions thereof as to payment of either principal, interest or taxes. ASSIGNMENT OF MORTGAGE. Sec. 2210. An assignment of a mortgage substantially in the following form : For value received I, A B, of , Wisconsin, hereby assign to C D, of , Wis consin, the within mortgage (or a certain mortgage executed to by E F and wife, of County, Wisconsin, the d;iy of , 18 — , and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of ¦¦ — County, Wisconsin, in Vol. of mortgages, on page ), together with the — - and indebtedness therein mentioned. Witness my hand and seal this day of , 18 — . In presence of ) '¦ )• A B. [SEAL.] fe ,t- 'tf- ¦ ttBSSm ...... Wisi^y&js WSSiif */.. W "'"-*/ FOND DU LAC. ABSTRACT OF LAWS. 275 shall be sufficient to vest in the assignee for all purposes all the rights of the mortgagee under the mortgage, and the amount of the indebtedness due thereon at the date of assignment. Such assignment, when indorsed upon the original mortgage, shall not require an acknowledg ment in order to entitle the same to be recorded. TITLE TO REAL PROPERTY BY DESCENT. Sec. 2270. When any person shall die, seized of any lands, tenements or hereditaments, or any right thereto, or entitled to any interest therein in fee simple, or for the life of another, not having lawfully devised the same, they shall descend subject to his debts, except as provided in the next section, in the manner following : 1. In equal shares to his children, and to the lawful issue of any deceased child, by right of representation ; and if there be no child of the intestate living at his death, his estate shall descend to all his other lineal descendants ; and if all the said descendants ¦ are in the same degree of kindred to the intestate, they shall share the estate equally, otherwise they shall take according to the right of representation. 2. If he shall leave no lawful issue, to his widow ; if he shall leave no such issue or widow, to his parents, if living ; and if either shall not be living, the survivor shall inherit his said estate. If a woman shall die, leaving no issue, her estate shall descend to her husband, if she shall have one at the time of her decease, and if she shall leave, surviving her, neither issue nor husband, to her parents, if living ; and if either shall not be living, the survivor shall inherit her said estate. 3. If he shall leave no lawful issue, nor widow, nor father, nor mother, his estate shall descend in equal shares to his brothers and sisters, and to the children of any deceased brother or sister, by right of representation. 4. If the intestate shall leave no lawful issue, widow, father, mother, brother nor sister, his estate shall descend to his next of kin in equal degree, except that when there are two or more collateral kindred in equal degree, but claiming through different ances tors, those who claim through the nearest ancestor shall be preferred to those claiming through an ancestor more remote ; provided, however, 5. If any person die leaving several children, or leaving one child, and the issue of one or more other children, and any such surviving child shall die under age, and not having been married, all the estate that came to the deceased child, by inheritance from such deceased parent, shall descend in equal shares to the other children of the same parent, and to the issue of any such other children who shall have died, by right of representation. 6. If, at the death of such child, who shall die under age, and not having been married, all the other children of his said parent shall also be dead, and any of them shall have left issue, the estate that came to said child by inheritance from his said parent, shall descend to all the issue of the other children of the same parent ; and if all the said issue are in the same degree of kindred to said child, they shall share the said estate equally ; otherwise they shall take according to the right of representation. 7. If the intestate shall have no widow nor kindred, his estate shall escheat to the State, and be added to the capital of the school fund. Sec. 2271. When the owner of any homestead shall die, not having lawfully devised the same, such homestead shall descend free of all judgments and claims against such deceased owner or his 'estate, except mortgages lawfully executed thereon, and laborers' and mechanics' liens, in the manner following : 1. If he shall have no lawful issue, to his widow. 2. If he shall leave a widow and issue, to his widow during her widowhood, and, upon her marriage or death, to his heirs, according to the next preceding section. 3. If he shall leave issue and no widow, to such issue, according to the preceding section. 4. If he shall leave no issue or widow, such homestead shall descend under the next pre ceding section, subject to lawful liens thereon. 276 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. OF WILLS. Sec. 2277. Every person of full age, and any married woman of the age of eighteen years and upward, being of sound mind, seized in his or her own right of any lands, or of any right thereto, or entitled to any interest therein, descendible to his or her heirs, may devise and dis pose of the same by last will and testament in writing; and all such estate not disposed of by will, shall descend as the estate of an intestate, being chargeable, in both cases, with the pay ment of all his debts or her debts, except as provided in the next preceding chapter, and in sec tion twenty-two hundred and eighty. Sec. 2278. Every devise of land in any will shall be construed to convey all the estate of the devisor therein, which he could lawfully devise, unless it shall clearly appear by the will that the devisor intended to convey a less estate. Sec. 2279. Any estate, right or interest in lands acquired by the testator, after the making of his will, shall pass thereby in like manner as if possessed at the time of making the will, if such shall manifestly appear, by the will, to have been the intention of the testator. Sec. 2280. When any homestead shall have been disposed of by the last will and testa ment of the owner thereof, the devisee shall take the same, free of ail judgments and claims against the testator or his estate, except mortgages lawfully executed thereon, and laborers' and mechanics' liens. Sec. 2281. -Every person of full age, and every married woman of the age of eighteen years and upward, being of sound mind, may, by last will and testament in writing, bequeath and dispose of all his or her personal estate remaining at his or her decease, and all his or her rights thereto and interest therein, subject to the payment of debts ; and all such estate not dis posed of by the will shall be administered as intestate estate. Sec. 2284. All beneficial devises, legacies and gifts whatsoever, made or given in any will to a subscribing witness thereto, shall be wholly void, unless there be two other competent sub scribing witnesses to the same ; but a mere charge on the lands of the devisor for the payment of debts, shall not prevent his creditors from being competent witnesses to his will. Sec. 2285,. But if such witness, to whom any beneficial devise may have been made or given, would have been entitled to any share of the estate of the testator, in case the will was not established, then so much of the share that would have descended or been distributed to such witness as will not exceed the devise or bequest made to him in the will, shall be saved to him, and he may recover the same of the devisees or legatees named in the will, in proportion to and out of the parts devised or bequeathed to them. Sec. 2286. When any child shall be born, after the making of his parent's will, and no provision shall be made therein for him, such child shall have the same share in the estate ofthe testator as if he had died intestate ; and the share of such child shall be assigned to him, as pro vided by law, in case of intestate estates, unless it shall be apparent from the will that it was the intention of the testator that no provision should be made for such child. Sec. 2290. No will, or any part thereof, shall be revoked, unless by burning, tearing, can celing or obliterating the same, with the intention of revoking it, by the testator, or by some person in his presence, and by his direction, or by some other will or codicil in writing, executed as prescribed in this chapter, or by some other writing, signed, attested and subscribed in the manner provided in this chapter, for the execution of a will ; excepting, only, that nothing con tained in this section shall prevent the revocation implied by law, from subsequent changes in the condition or circumstances of the testator. The power to make a will implies the power to revoke the same. OF THE ADOPTION OF CHILDREN. Sec. 4021. Any inhabitant of this State may petition the County Court, in the county of his residence, for leave to adopt a child not his own by birth; but no such petition made by a married person shall be granted, unless the husband or wife of the petitioner shall join therein ABSTRACT OF LAWS. 277 nor shall any such petition be granted, unless the child, if ofthe age of fourteen years, or more shall consent thereto in writing, in the presence of the court. Sec. 4022. No such adoption shall be made, without the written consent of the living parents of sucF child, unless the court shall find that one of the parents has abandoned the child, or gone to parts unknown, when such consent may be given by the parent, if any, having the care of the child. In case where neither of the parents is living, or if living, have abandoned the child, such consent may be given by the guardian of such child, if any ; if such child has no guardian, such consent may be given by any of the next of kin of such child, residing in this State, or, in the discretion of the court, by some suitable person to be appointed by the court. 2. In case of a child not born in lawful wedlock, such consent may be given by the mother, if she is living, and has not abandoned such child. Sec. 4023. If upon such petition and consent, as herein provided, the County Court shall be satisfied of the identity and the relations of the persons, and that the petitioners are of suffi cient ability to bring up, and furnish suitable nurture and education for the child, having refer ence to the degree and condition of its parents, and that it is proper that such adoption shall take effect, such court shall make an order, reciting said facts that, from and after the date thereof, such child shall be deemed, to all legal intents and purposes, the child of the petitioners ; and by such order the name of such child may be changed to that of the parents by adoption. Sec. 4024. A child so adopted, shall be deemed for the purposes of inheritance and succes sion by such child, custody of the person and right of obedience by such parents by adoption, and all other legal consequences and incidents of the natural relation of parents and children, the same to all intents and purposes as if such child had been born in lawful wedlock of such parents by adoption, excepting that such child shall not be capable of taking property expressly limited to the heirs of the body of such parents. The natural parents of such child shall be deprived, by such order of adoption, of all legal rights whatsoever, respecting such child, and such child shall be freed from all legal obligations of maintenance and obedience to such natural parents. INTEREST. The legal rate of interest is 7 per cent. A higher rate of interest, not exceeding 10 per cent, may be contracted for, but the same must be clearly expressed in writing. If a higher rate than 10 per Cent is collected or paid, the party so paying may, by himself or his legal rep resentative, recover treble the amount so paid above the 10 per cent, if the action is brought within one year, and all bills, notes, or other contracts whatsoever, whereby a higher rate than 10 per cent is secured, shall be liable for the principal sum, but no interest shall be recovered. JURISDICTION OF COURTS. The Circuit Courts have general jurisdiction over all civil and criminal actions within their respective circuits, subject to a re-examination by the Supreme Court. The County, Courts shall have jurisdiction over the probate matters in their respective counties, and shall have exclusive appellate jurisdiction in the counties of Brown, Dodge, Fond du Lac, Milwaukee and Winnebago in all cases of appeals from Justices of the Peace in civil actions, and all cases commenced in Justices' Courts therein, there shall be an answer put in, showing fhat the title of lands will come in question. And such Courts' shall have concurrent and equal jurisdiction in all civil actions and pro ceedings with the Circuit Courts of said counties to the following extent respectively : The County Court of Brown, when the value of the property in controversy, after deduct ing all paymeuts and set-offs, shall not exceed five thousand dollars. The County Court of Dodge County, when such value shall not exceed twenty-five thousand dollars. 278 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. The County Court of Fond du Lac, when such value shall not exceed twenty thousand dollars. The County Court of Milwaukee, when such value does not exceed five million dollars. The County of Winnebago, when such value does not exceed twenty thousand dollars. They shall have jurisdiction of all actions for foreclosure where the value does not exceed the above amounts, and of all actions for divorce or for affirmation or annullment of marriage contract. Justices of the Peace have jurisdiction in civil matters where two hundred dollars or less are involved. The criminal jurisdiction of Justices extends to all cases where the fine is one hundred dol lars, or the imprisonment six months. JURORS. All persons who are citizens of the United States, and qualified electors of the State shall be liable to be drawn as jurors, except as provided as follows : The following persons shall be exempt from serving as jurors : All officers of the United States, the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Secretary of State, Attorney General, State Superintendent and Treasurer ; all Judges, Clerks of Courts or Record ; all county officers, Constables, attorneys and counselors at law, ministers of the Gospel of any religious society, practicing physicians, surgeons, dentists, aud the President, professors and instructors of the University and their assistants, and of the several colleges and incorporated academies ; all teachers of the State Normal Schools, one teacher in each common school, the officers and employes of the several State institutions, one miller in each grist-mill, one ferry man at each licensed ferry, one dispensing druggist in each prescription drug-store, all telegraph operators and superintendents, conductors, engineers, firemen, collectors and station-agents of any railroad or canal, while in actual employment as such ; all officers of fire departments, and all active members of fire companies organized according to law ; all persons more than sixty years of age, and all persons of unsound mind or subject to any bodily infirmity amounting to disability ; all persons who have been convicted of any infamous crime, and all persons who have served at any regular term of the Circuit Court as a grand or petit juror within one year, except he shall be summoned on a special venire or as a talesman. CAPITAL PUNISHMENT. Capital punishment has been abolished in this State. WOLF SCALPS. A bounty of five dollars is paid for each wolf scalp. WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. Whenever either ofthe articles, as commodities hereafter mentioned, shall be sold by the bushel, and no special agreement as to measure or weight thereof shall be made by the parties, the measure shall be ascertained by weight, and shall, be computed as follows: Sixty pounds for a bushel of wheat, clover seed, potatoes or beans. Fifty pounds for a bushel of green apples ; fifty-six pounds for a bushel of rutabagas, flax seed, rye or Indian corn shelled, and seventy pounds of Indian corn unshelled; fifty pounds for a bushel of rape seed, buckwheat, beets, carrots or onions ; forty-eight pounds for a bushel of barley ; forty-five pounds for a bushel of timothy seed ; forty-four pounds for a bushel of pars nips ; forty -two pounds for a bushel of comm;m flat turnips ; thirty-two pounds for a bushel of oats ; and twenty-eight pounds for a bushel of dried apples or dried peaches. ABSTRACT OF LAWS. 279 No person shall sell, buy or receive in store any grain at any weight or measure per bushel other than the standard weight or measure per bushel fixed by law ; and, for any violation, the offender shall forfeit not less than five nor more than fifty dollars. DAMAGES FOR TRESPASS. Any person who shall willfully, maliciously or wantonly destroy, remove, throw down or injure any fence, hedge or wall inclosing any orchard, pasture, meadow, garden, or any field whatever on land belonging to or lawfully occupied by another, or open and leave open, throw down, injure, remove or destroy any gate or bars in such fence, hedge or wall, or cut down, root up, sever, injure, destroy or carry away when severed, any fruit, shade, ornamental or other tree, or any shrub, root, plant, fruit, flower, grain or other vegetable production, or dig up, sever or carry away any mineral, earth or stone, or tear down, mutilate, deface or injure any building, sign-board, fence or railing, or sever and carry away any part thereof, standing or being upon the land of another or held in trust, or who shall willfully, maliciously or wantonly cut down, root up, injure, destroy or remove or carry away any fruit, ornamental or other tree, or any shrub, fruit, flower, vase or statue, arbor, or any ornamental structure, standing or being in any street or public ground in any city or village, in any private inclosure or highway, or destroy, remove, mutilate or injure any milestone or board, or any guide-post or board erected in any highway or public way, or on any turnpike, plank-road or railroad, or deface or obliterate any device or inscrip tion thereon, or cut down, break down, remove, mutilate or injure any monument erected or tree marked for the purpose of designating the boundaries of any town or tract of land or subdivision thereof, or deface or obliterate any figures, letters, device or inscription thereon, made for such purpose, or break, remove, destroy or injure any post, guard, railing or lamp-post or lamp thereon, erected or being on any bridge, street, sidewalk, alley, court, passage, park, public ground, highway, turnpike, plank or rail road, or extinguish or break any lamp on amy such lamp-post, or tear, deface, mutilate or injure any book, map, pamphlet, chart, picture or other property belonging to any public library, or take and carry away the same with intent to con-; vert to his own use, or shall injure or destroy any personal property of another, shall be pun ished by imprisonment in the county jail not more than six months, or by fine not exceeding one hundred dollars. Any person who shall willfully, maliciously or wantonly kill, maim, mutilate, disfigure or injure any horse, mule, cattle, sheep or other domestic animal of another, or administer poison to such animal, or expose any poison, with intent that the same may be taken or swallowed by such animal ; and any person who shall overdrive, overwork, overload, maim, wound, torture, torment, cruelly beat or kill any such animal belonging to himself or another, or being the owner or having the care or charge thereof, shall fail to provide necessary food, water or shelter for any such animal, or who shall turn out and abandon, without proper care and protection, or cruelly work any such animal when old, diseased, disabled or unfit for work, or shall carry or confine any live animal, fowl or bird, in a cruel or inhuman manner, or who shall cause, procure or abet any cruelty above mentioned, or the fighting or baiting of bulls, dogs or cocks, shall be punished by imprisonment in the county jail not more than six months or by fine not exceeding one hun dred dollars. ESTRAYS. No stray, except horses and mules, shall be taken up by any person not a resident of the town in which it is found ; nor unless it is found upon land owned or occupied by him. Every finder for a stray must notify the owner, if he is known, within seven days, and request him to pay all reasonable charges and take the stray away. If the owner is not known, he must file a notice with the Town Clerk within ten days, who shall transmit a copy thereof to the County Clerk. If the stray is not worth five dollars, the finder shall post a copy of such notice in two pub lic places in such town ; if it exceed five dollars in value, he shall publish such notice four sue- 280 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. cessive weeks either in some newspaper published in the county or in an adjoining county, if one be published nearer his residence than any published in his county ; but if no newspaper is pub lished within twenty miles of his residence, then he must post such notice in three public places in his county. Such notice shall describe the stray by giving its inarks^ natural or artificial, as near as possible, the name and residence of the finder, specifying the section and town, and the time when such stray was taken up. For neglect to post up or publish as required, the finder shall be liable to double the amount of damages sustained by the owner. For neglect to post or publish for one year, the finder shall be liable for its full value, to be recovered in the name of the town, and the amount recovered to be added to the school fund of such town. The finder shall, within one month, cause the stray to be appraised by a Justice ofthe Peace and a certificate of such appraisal signed by such Justice filed in the Town Clerk's office. The finder shall pay the Justice fifty cents for such certificate, and ten cents per mile for each mile necessarily traveled to make the same. The owner may have the same restored to him any time within one year after such notice is filed in the town Clerk's office, by proving that the stray belongs to him, and paying all lawful charges incurred in relation to the same. If the owner and finder cannot agree as to the charges. either party, on notice to the other, may apply to a Justice of such town to settle the same, who, for that purpose, may examine witnesses upon oath, and the amount found due, with the costs, shall be a lien upon such stray. If no owner applies for the return of such stray, as pro vided, and the same is not worth more than ten dollars, it shall become the absolute property of such finder ; but if the appraisal shall exceed ten dollars, it shall be sold at public auction by the Sheriff or any Constable of the county, on the request of the finder, and he shall be entitled to one-half the proceeds, and the other half shall be paid to the Treasurer of the town within ten days. If the finder shall neglect or refuse to cause such sale, he shall pay to the town the value of such stray, to be recovered by the town. If any person, without the consent of the owner, shall take away such stray, without first paying the lawful charges, shall be liable to the finder for the value of such stray. If the finder shall neglect to do any act prescribed above, he shall be precluded from acquiring any right in such stray, and from receiving any charges or expenses relative thereto. FENCES. The Overseers of Highways in their respective towns, the Aldermen of cities in their respective wards, and the Trustees of villages in their respective villages, shall be Fence Viewers, and in towns having less than three road districts, the Supervisors shall be Fence Viewers. All fences four and a half feet high, and in good repair, consisting of rails, timber, boards or stone walls, or any combination thereof, and all brooks, rivers, ponds, creeks, ditches and hedges or other things which shall be considered equivalent thereto, in the judgment of the Fence Viewers, within whose jurisdiction the same may be, shall be deemed legal and sufficient fences Every partition of a fence, or line upon which a fence is to be built, made by the owners of the adjoining lands, in writing, sealed and witnessed by two witnesses, or by Fence Viewers in writing, under their hands, after being recorded in the Town Clerk's office, shall oblige such owners and their heirs, as long as they remain owners, and after parting with the ownership, until a new partition is made. A division of a partition fence, or line upon which a partition fence between adjoining lands shall be built, may be made by Fence Viewers in the following cases : 1. When any owner of uninclosed lands shall desire to inclose the same, he may have the line between his land and the adjoining land of any other person divided, and the portion upon which the respective owners shall erect their share of the partition fence assigned, whether such adjoining land be inclosed or not. 2. When any lands belonging to different persons in severalty, shall have been occupied in common, or without a partition fence between them, and one of the occupants shall be desirous ABSTRACT OF LAWS. 281 to occupy his part in severalty, and the others shall refuse or neglect, on demand, to divide with him the line where the fence ought to be built, or to build a sufficient fence on his part of the line, when divided, the occupant desiring it may have the same divided, and the share of each assigned. 3. When any controversy shall arise about the right of the respective occupants in parti tion fences, or their obligations to maintain the same, either party may have the line divided, and the share of each assigned. In either case, application may be made to two or more Fence Viewers of the town where the lands lie, who shall give reasonable notice in writing to each party, and they shall in-writing under their hands, divide the partition fence or line, and assign to each owner or occupant his share thereof, and in the second and third cases direct within what time each party shall build or repair his share of the fence, having regard to the season of the year, and shall file such deci sion in the Town Clerk's office. If either party shall neglect or refuse to build or repair within the time so assigned, his part of the fence, the other may, after having completed his own part, build or repair such part, and recover double the expense thereof. Where the whole or a greater share than belongs to him has been built by one of the occu pants, before complaint to the Fence Viewers, the other shall be obliged to pay for his share of such fence. Where uninclosed land is afterward inclosed, the owner shall pay for one-half the partition fence upon the line between him and any other owner or occupant. If any person shall determine not to keep inclosed any part of his hind adjoining any par tition fence, and shall give six months' notice of such determination to all adjoining occupants, he shall not be required to maintain any part of such fence during the tirne his lands shall lie open. LANDLORD AND TENANT. The common law right to destrain for rent, is abolished. The atonement of a tenant to a stranger shall be absolutely void, and shall not in anywise effect the possession of his landlord, unless it be made 1. With the consent of the landlord ; or 2. Pursuant to, or in consequence of, a judgment or order of a court of competent juris diction; or 3. To a purchaser upon a judicial sale, who shall have acquired title to the lands by a conveyance thereof, after the period for redemption, if any, has expired. A tenancy, a will or sufferance may be determined by the landlord, giving one month's notice to quit, or the tenant giving one month's notice of his intention to quit, or if the terms of payment are for less than a month, notice equal to the time between payments, or for non-payment of rent, fourteen days' notice to quit.. Such notice shall be served by delivering the same to such tenant, or toi some person of proper age residing on the premises, or if no such person can be found, by affixing the same in a conspicuous part of the premises, where it may be conveniently read, and, at the expi ration of the time required after the service of such notice, the landlord may re-enter, or main tain an action for the recovery ofthe possession thereof, or proceed in the manner prescribed by law to remove such tenant without further or other notice to quit. If, after giving notice of deter mination to quit, the tenant neglects or refuses to deliver up the premises, he shall be liable to double the rent agreed upon, to be collected the same as single rent. MARKS AND BRANDS. Every Town Clerk shall, on application of any person residing in his town, record a description of the marks or brands with which such person may be desirous of marking his horses, cattle, sheep or hogs ; but the same description shall not be recorded or used by more than one resident of the same town. If any person shall mark any of his horses, cattle, sheep 282 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. or hogs, with the same mark or brand previously recorded by any resident of the same town, and while the same mark or brand shall be used by such resident, he shall forfeit for every such offense $5 ; if any person shall willfully mark or brand any of the horses, cattle, sheep or hogs, of any other person with his mark or brand, he shall forfeit for every such offense $10 ; and, if any person shall willfully destroy or alter any mark or brand upon any of the horses, cattle, sheep or hogs of another, he shall forfeit $10, and pay to the party injured double damages. SURVEYORS AND SURVEYS. A County Surveyor is elected every two years. The surveybr may appoint and remove deputies at will, on filing a certificate thereof with the County Clerk. He shall be responsible on his bond for the faithful performance by every deputy of his duties. It shall be the duty of the County Surveyor : (1.) To execute, himself or by his deputy, any survey which may be required of him by order of court, or upon application of any individual or corporation. (2.) To make a record of the plat and field notes of each survey made by him or his deputies, in record books kept therefor, and to so arrange or index the same as to be easy of reference, and to file and preserve in his office the original field notes and calculations thereof. (3.) To safely keep all books, records, plats, files, papers and property belonging to his office ; afford opportunity to examine the same to any person desiring, and deliver the same to his successor in office. (4.) To furnish a copy of any record, plat or paper in his office, to any person on demand and payment of his legal fees therefor. (5.) To administer to every chainman and marker assisting in any survey, before com mencing their duties as such, an oath or affirmation faithfully and impartially to discharge the duties of chainman or marker, as the case may be ; and the surveyor and his deputies are empowered to administer the same. (6.) To perform such other duties as may be required by law. The surveyor and his deputies may demand and receive the following fees, except it be other wise agreed upon with the parties employing them, to wit : For each day's service, $3. For each mile traveled in going from his office to the place of rendering service and return ing, 10 cents. For plat and certificate, except town plats, 50 cents. For recording a survey, 50 cents. For each chainman and marker necessarily employed, $1.50 per day, unless they be fur nished by the person for whom the survey is made. For making a copy, 10 cents a folio, and 25 cents for his certificate. SUPPORT OF THE POOR. Every town shall relieve and support all poor and indigent persons lawfully settled therein, whenever they shall stand in need thereof, excepting as follows : The father, mother and children, being of sufficient ability, of any poor person, who is blind, old, lame, impotent or decrepit, so as to be unable to maintain himself, shall, at their own charge, relieve and maintain such poor person in such manner as shall be approved by the Super visors ofthe town where such person may be, and, upon the failure of any such relative so to do, the Supervisors shall apply to the County Judge for an order to compel such relief. Legal settlement may be acquired by one year's residence in a town of this State. ABSTRACT OF LAWS. 283 MARRIED WOMEN. In Wisconsin, the marriage of a femme sole, executrix or administratrix, extinguishes her authority ; and of a female ward, terminates the guardianship as to custody of person, but not as to estate. The husband holds his deceased wife's lands for life, unless she left, by a former husband, issue to whom the estate might descend. Provisions exist by which powers may be given to married women, and regulating their execution of them. If husband and wife are impleaded, and the husband neglects to defend the rights of the wife, she applying before judg ment, may defend without him ; and, if he lose her land, by default, she may bring an action for ejectment after his death. The real estate of females married before, and the real and per sonal property of those after February 21, 1850, remain their separate property. And any married woman may receive, but not from her husband, and .hold any property as if unmarried. She may insure the life of her husband, son, or any other person, for her own exclusive benefit. The property of the wife remains to her separate use, not liable for her husband's debts, and not subject to his disposal. She may convey her separate property. If her husband desert her, or neglect her, she may become a sole trader; and she may insure his life for her benefit. Her husband is not liable for her debts contracted before marriage ; the individual earnings of the wife are her separate property, and she may sue, and be sued alone, in regard to the same. She may make and hold deposits in savings-banks. She may, by a separate conveyance, release her dower in any lands which her husband has conveyed. If a woman has authority, she can transact all her husband's business for him ; and while they live together, the wife can buy all family things necessary for the support of the family, and for which he is liable. The husband is responsible for necessaries supplied to his wife, if he does not supply them himself; and he continues so liable, if he turns her out of his house, or otherwise separates him self from her without good cause. But he is not so liable, if she deserts him (unless on extreme provocation), or if he turns her away for good cause. If she leaves him, because he treats her so ill, that she has good right to go from him, this is the same thing as turning her away, and she carries with her his credit for all necessaries supplied to her ; but what the misconduct must be, to give this right, is uncertain. In America the law must be, and undoubtedly is, that the wife is not obliged to stay and endure cruelty and indecency. If a man lives with a woman as his wife, and represents her to be so, he is responsible, the same as if she were his wife, even if it is known that she is not his wife. ACTIONS. All distinctions have been abolished, and there is now but one form, which- must be prose cuted in the name of the real party in interest, except in case of executors, administrators and trustees, and which is begun by the service of a summons on the defendant, to be answered within twenty days. ARREST. Defendant may be arrested : 1. In an action to recover damages not on contract, where the defendant is a non-resident, or is about to remove from the State, or where the action is for injury to the person or character, or for injury to, or wrong taking, detaining or converting property, or in an action to recover damages for property taken under false pretenses. 2. In an action for a fine or penalty or for money received or property embezzled or fraudulently misapplied by a public officer or attorney, solicitor, or counsel or officer of a corpora tion as such, or factor agent or broker, or for misconduct or neglect in official or professional employment. 3. In an action, to recover property unjustlv detained where it is so concealed that the Sheriff cannot find the same. 284 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. 4. Where the defendant was guilty of fraud in contracting the debt, or in concealing or disposing of the property for the taking, detaining or disposing of which the action is brought. An affidavit must be made on the part of the plaintiff, stating the cause of action and one of the above causes. ATTACHMENT is allowed on an affidavit that the defendant is indebted to plaintiff, and stating the amount and that it is due on contract ; and, 1. That defendant has absconded, or is about to abscond, or is concealed to the injury of his creditors. 2. That defendant has assigned, disposed or concealed his property or is about to do so with intent to defraud creditors. 3. That the defendant has removed, or is about to remove, his property from the State with intent to defraud creditors. 4. That the debt was fraudulently contracted. 5. That he is a non-resident. 6. Or a foreign corporation. 7. That he has fraudulently conveyed or disposed of his property with intent to defraud creditors. The amount sued for must exceed GARNISHMENT is allowed on an affidavit on behalf of the creditor, that he believes that any third person (naming him) has property effects, or credits of defendant, or is indebted to him. also in execution, on a similar affidavit. JUDGMENT is a lien on real estate in the county where rendered from the date of docketing, and in other counties from the time of filing a transcript and the lien continues for ten years. It bears interest at 7 per cent, or as high as 10 per cent if stipulated for in the contract. STAY LAWS. In Justices' Courts, on giving bond with surety within five days after judgment was ren dered, stay of execution is allowed, as follows : On sums not exceeding $10, exclusive of costs, one month ; between $10 and $30, two months ; between $30 and $50, three months ; over $50, four months. EXEMPTIONS. A homestead not exceeding forty acres, used for agriculture and a residence, and not included in a town plat or a city or village ; or, instead, one-quarter of an acre in a recorded town plat, city or village. Also, 1, Family Bible ; 2, Family pictures and school-books ; 3, Private library ; 4, Seat or pew in church ; 5, Right of burial ; 6, Wearing-apparel, beds, bed steads and bedding, kept and used in the family, stoves and appurtenances, put up and used, cooking utensils and household furniture to the value of $200, one gun, rifle or fire-arm to the value of $50 ; 7, Two cows, ten swine, one yoke of oxen and one horse or mule, or, in lieu thereof, a span of horses or mules, ten sheep and the wool therefrom, necessary food for exempt stock for one year, provided or growing or both, one wagon, cart or dray, one sleigh, one plow, one drag and other farm utensils, including tackle for the teams to the value of $50 ; 8, Provis ions and fuel for the family for one year ; 9, Tools and implements or stock-in-trade of a ABSTRACT OF LAWS. 285 mechanic or miner, used and kept, not exceeding $200 in value, library and implements of a professional man to the value of $200 ; 10, Money arising from insurance of exempt property destroyed by fire; 11, Inventions for debts against the inventor; 12, Sewing-machines; 13, Sword, plate, books or articles presented by Congress or Legislature of a State; 14,' Printing- material and presses to the value of $1,500 ; 15, Earnings of a married person necessary for family support for sixty days previous to issuing process. LIMITATIONS OF ACTIONS. Real actions, twenty years ; persons under disabilities, five years after removal of the same. Judgments of Courts of Record of the State of Wisconsin and sealed instruments when the cause accrues within the State, twenty years. Judgments of other Courts of Record and sealed instruments accruing without the State, ten years. Other contracts, statute liabilities other than penalties and forfeitures, trespass on real property, trover detinue and replevin, six years. Actions against Sheriffs, Coroners and Constables, for acts done in their official capacity, except for escapes, three years. Statutory penalties and forfeitures, libel, slander, assault, battery and false imprisonment, two years. Actions against Sheriffs, etc., for escapes, one year. Persons under disabilities, except infants, may bring action after the disability ceases, provided the period is not extended more than five years, and infants one year after coming of age. Actions by representatives of deceased persons, one year from death ; against the same, one year from granting letters testamentary or of administration. New promise must be in writing. COMMERCIAL TERMS. $ — Means dollars, being a contraction of U. S., which was formerly placed before any denomination of money, and meant, as it means now, United States currency. £ — Means pounds, English money. @ — Stands' for at or to ; ft for pounds, and bbl. for barrels ; 1$ for per, or by the. Thus : Butter sells at 20@30c f ft, and Flour at $8@12 f bbl. % for per cent., and # for numbers. May 1. Wheat sells at $1.20@$1.25, " seller June." Seller June means that the person who sells the wheat has the privilege of delivering it at any time during the month of June. Selling short is contracting to deliver a certain amount of grain or stock at a fixed price, within a certain length of time, when the seller has not the stock on hand. It is for the interest ofthe person selling short to depress the market as much as possible, in order that he may buy and fill his contract at a profit. Hence the " shorts " are termed " bears." Buying long is to contrive to purchase a certain amount of grain or shares of stock at a fixed price, deliverable within a stipulated time, expecting to make a profit by the rise in prices. The "longs " are termed " bulls," as it is for their interest to " operate " so as to " toss " the prices upward as much as possible. SUGGESTIONS TO THOSE PURCHASING BOOKS BY SUBSCRIPTION. The business of publishing books by subscription having so often been brought into disre pute by agents making representations and declarations not authorized by the publisher, in order to prevent that as much as possible, and that there may be more general knowledge of the relation such agents bear to their principal, and the law governing such cases, the following statement is made : A subscription is in the nature of a contract of mutual promises, by which the subscriber agrees to pay a certain sum for the work described ; the consideration is concurrent that the publisher shall publish the book named, and deliver the same, for which the subscriber is to pay the price named. The nature and character of the work is described by the prospectus and sample shown. These should be carefully examined before subscribing, as they are the 286 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. basis and consideration of the promise to pay, and not the too often exaggerated statements of the agent, who is merely employed to solicit subscriptions, for which he is usually paid a com mission for each subscriber, and has no authority to change or alter the conditions upon which the subscriptions are authorized to be made by the publisher. Should the agent assume to agree to make the subscription conditional or modify or change the agreement of the publisher, as set out by the prospectus and sample, in order to bind the principal, the subscriber should see that such condition or changes are stated over or in connection with his signature, so that the publisher may have notice of the same. All persons making contracts in reference to matters of this kind, or any other business, should remember that the law as written is, that they cannot be altered, varied or rescinded verbally, but, if done at all, must be done in writing. It is therefore important that all persons contemplating subscribing should distinctly understand that all talk before or after the sub scription is made, is not admissible as evidence, and is no part of the contract. Persons employed to solicit subscriptions are known to the trade as canvassers. They are agents appointed to do a particular business in a prescribed mode, and have no authority to do it any other way to the prejudice of their principal, nor can they bind their principal in any other matter. They cannot collect money, or agree that payment may be made in anything else but money. They cannot extend the time of payment beyond the time of delivery, nor bind their principal for the payment of expenses incurred in their business. It would save a great deal of trouble, and often serious loss, if persons, before signing their names to any subscription book, or any written instrument, would examine carefully what it is ; if they cannot read themselves call on some one disinterested who can. CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OF WISCONSIN. coN"r>E]srsEr). PREAMBLE. We, the People of Wisconsin, grateful to Almighty Gfod for our freedom ; in order to secure Us blessings, form a more perfect government, insure domestic tranquillity, and promote the general welfare ; do establish this Constitution. Article I. DECLARATION OF RIGHTS. Section 1. All men are born free and independent, and have, among other rights, those of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. Governments are instituted to secure these rights. Sec. 2. There shall be neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except for the punish ment of crimes. Sec. 3. Liberty of speech and of the press shall not be abridged. Sec. 4. The right of the people to peaceably assemble to consult for the common good shall never be* abridged. Sec. 5. The right of trial by jury shall remain inviolate. Sec. 6. Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel pun ishments inflicted. Seg. 7. In criminal prosecutions, the rights of the accused shall be protected. Sec. 8. Criminal offenses shall be prosecuted on presentment of a grand jury. No one shall be twice put in jeopardy for the same offense, nor be compelled to be a witness against himself. Every one shall have the right of giving bail except in capital offenses ; and the writ of habeas corpus shall not be suspended, except in case of rebellion or invasion. Sec. 9. Every person is entitled to a certain remedy for all injuries or wrongs. Sec. 10. Treason consists in levying war against the State, or giving aid and comfort to its enemies. Two witnesses are necessary to convict a person of the crime. Sec. 11. The people are to be secure against unreasonable searches and seizures. Sec. 12. Bills of attainder, ex post facto laws, or laws impairing obligation of contracts, shall never be passed. Sec. 13. No property shall be taken for public use without compensation. Sec. 14. All laws in the State are allodial. Feudal tenures are prohibited. Sec. 15. The rights of property are the same in resident aliens and citizens. Sec. 16. No person shall be imprisoned for debt. Sec. 17. Wholesome exemption laws shall be passed. Sec. 18. Liberty of conscience and rights of worship shall never be abridged. The public money shall never be applied to sectarian uses. Sec. 19. No religious test shall ever be required as a qualification for any office. 288 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. Sec. 20. The military shall be in strict subordination to the civil power. Sec. 21. Writs of error shall never be prohibited by law. Sec. 22. A free government can only be maintained by adhering to justice, moderation, temperance, frugality and virtue. Article II. BOUNDARIES. Section 1. The boundary of the State, beginning at the northeast corner of the State of Illinois, runs with the boundary line of Michigan, through Lake Michigan and Green Bay, to the mouth of the Menominie River ; up that stream and the Brule River to Lake Brule ; along the southern shore of that lake to the Lake of the Desert ; thence in a direct line to the head of Montreal River ; down the main channel of that stream to the middle of Lake Superior ; thence through the center of said lake to the mouth of St. Louis River ; up the channel of that stream to the first rapids ; thence due south to the main branch of the St. Croix ; down that river and the Mississippi to the northwest corner of Illinois ; thence due east with the northern boundary of that State to the place of beginning. Sec. 2. The propositions in the enabling act of Congress are accepted and confirmed. Article III. SUFFRAGE. Section 1. The qualified electors are all male persons twenty-one years of age or upward, who are (1.) white citizens ofthe United States; (2.) who are white persons of foreign birth that have declared their intentions, according to law, to become citizens ; (3) who are persons of Indian blood and citizens, of the United States ; and (4.) civilized Indians not members of any tribe. Sec. 2. Persons under guardianship, such as are non compus mentis or insane, and those convicted of treason and felony and not pardoned, are not qualified electors. Sec. 3. All votes shall be by ballot, except for township officers when otherwise directed by law. Sec. 4. No person shall be deemed to have lost his residence by reason of his absence on business for the State or United States. Sec. 5. No person in the army or navy shall become a resident of the State in conse quence of being stationed therein. Sec. 6. Persons convicted of bribery, larceny or any infamous crime, or those who bet on elections, may be excluded by law from the right of suffrage. Article IV. LEGISLATIVE. Section 1. The Legislative, power is invested in a Senate and Assembly. Sec. 2. Members of the Assembly shall never number less than fifty-four, nor more than one hundred; of the Senate, not more than one-third, nor less than one-fourth of the mem bers of the Assembly. Sec. 3. Census shall be taken, every ten years, of the inhabitants ofthe State, beginning with 1855, when a new apportionment of members of the Senate and Assembly shall be made ; also, after each United States census. Sec. 4. Members of the Assembly shall be chosen on the Tuesday succeeding the first Monday of November of each year. Sec. 5. Members of the Senate shall be elected for two years, at the same time and in the same manner as members of the Assembly. CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OF WISCONSIN. 289 Sec. 6. No person shall be eligible to the Legislature, unless a resident of the State one year, and a qualified elector. Sec. 7. Each House shall be the judge of the qualifications of its members. A majority shall be necessary to form a quorum. Sec. 8. Each House shall make its own rules. Sec. 9. Each House shall choose its own officers. Sec. 10. Each House shall keep a journal of its proceedings. Sec. 11. The Legislature shall meet at the seat of government once a year. Sec. 12. No member shall be eligible to any other civil office in the State, during the term for which he was elected. Sec. 13. No member shall be eligible to any office of the United States, during the term for which he was elected. Sec. 14. Writs of election, to fill vacancies in either House, shall be issued by the Gov ernor. Sec. 15. Except treason, felony and breach of the peace, members are privileged from arrest in all cases ; nor subject to any civil process during a session. Sec. 16. Members are not liable for words spoken in debate. Sec. 17. The style of all laws shall be, " The people of the State of Wisconsin rep resented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows : " Sec. 18. Private or local bills shall not embrace more than one subject. Sec. 19. Bills may originate in either House, and a bill passed by one House may be amended by the other. Sec. 20. Yeas and nays, at the request of one-sixth of the members present, shall be entered on the journal. _ Sec. 21. [Each member shall receive, as an annual compensation, three hundred and fifty dollars and ten cents for each mile traveled in going to and returning from the seat of gov ernment]. As amended in 1867. Sec. 22. Boards of Supervisors may be vested with powers of a local, legislative and administrative character, such as shall be conferred by the Legislature. Sec. 23. One system only, of town and county government, shall be established by the Legislature. Sec. 24. The Legislature shall never authorize any lottery, or grant any divorce. Sec. 25. Stationery, for State use and State printing, shall be let by contract to the low est bidder. Sec. 26. Extra compensation to any public officer shall not be granted after service is rendered, nor shall his compensation be increased or diminished during his term of office. Sec. 27. The Legislature shall direct, by law, in what manner and in what Courts suits against the State may be brought. Sec. 28. Public officers shall all take an oath of office. Sec. 29. The Legislature shall determine what persons shall constitute the militia, and may provide for organizing the same. Sec. 30. Members of the Legislature shall vote viva voce in all elections made by them. Sec. 31. [Special legislation is prohibited (1) for changing the name of persons, or con stituting one person the heir-at-law of another; (2) for laying out, opening or altering high ways, except in certain cases ; (3) for authorizing persons to keep ferries ; (4) for authorizing the sale of the property of minors ; (5) for locating a county seat ; (6) for assessment of taxes ; (7) for granting corporate powers, except to cities ; (8) for apportioning any part of the school fund ; and (9) for incorporating any town or village, or to award the charter thereof]. Added by amendment, in 1871. Sec. 32. [General laws shall be passed for the transaction of any business prohibited by. Section 21 of this Article.] Added by amendment, in 1871. 290 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. Article V. Section 1. The executive power shall be vested in a Governor, who shall hold his office two years. A Lieutenant Governor shall be elected at the same time and for the same term. Sec. 2. Governor and Lieutenant Governor must be citizens of the United States, and qualified electors of the State. Sec. 3. Governor and Lieutenant Governor are elected at the times and places of choosing members of the Legislature. Sec. 4. The Governor shall be (1) commander-in-chief of the military and naval forces of the State; (2) he has power to convene the Legislature in extra session ; (3) he shall, communi cate to the Legislature all necessary information ; (4) he shall transact all necessary business with the officers ofthe State; and (5) shall expedite all legislative measures, and see that the laws are faithfully executed. Sec. 5. [The Governor's salary shall be five thousand dollars per annum.] As amended in 1869. Sec. 6. The Governor shall have power to grant reprieves and pardons. Sec. 7. The executive duties shall devolve upon the Lieutenant Governor when, from any cause, the executive office is vacated by the Governor. Sec. 8. The Lieutenant Governor shall be President of the Senate. The Secretary of State shall act as Governor when both the Governor and Lieutenant Governor are incapacitated from any causes to fill the executive office. Sec. 9. [The Lieutenant Governor shall receive a salary of one thousand dollars per annum.] As amended in 1869. Sec. 10. All legislative bills shall be presented to the Governor for his signature before they become laws. Bills returned by the Governor without his signature may become laws by agreement of two-thirds of the members present in each house. Article VI. administration. Section 1. A Secretary of State, Treasurer and Attorney General shall be elected at the times and places of choosing members of the Legislature, who shall severally hold their offices for two years. Sec. 2. The Secretary of State shall keep a record of the official acts of the Legislature and Executive Department. He shall be ex officio Auditor. Sec. 3. The powers, duties and compensation of the Treasurer and Attorney General shall be prescribed by law. Sec. 4. Sheriffs, Coroners, Registers of Deeds and District Attorneys shall be elected every two years. Article VII. JUDICIARY. Section 1. The Senate shall form the Court of Impeachment. Judgment shall not extend further than removal from office ; but the person impeached shall be liable to indictment, trial and punishment, according to law. Sec. 2. The judicial power of the State is vested in a Supreme Court, Circuit Courts, Courts of Probate, and in Justices of the Peace. Municipal courts, also, may be authorized. Sec. 3. The Supreme Court shall have appellate jurisdiction only. Trial by jury is not allowed in any case. The Court shall have a general superintending control over inferior courts, and power to issue writs of habeas corpus, mandamus, injunction, quo warranto, certiorari, and other original and remedial writs. FOND DU LAC. *<7 CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OF WISCONSIN. 293 Sec. 4. [The Supreme Court shall consist of one Chief Justice, and four Associate Justices, each for the term often years.] As amended in 1877. Sec. 5. The State shall be divided into five Judicial Circuits. Sec. 6. The Legislature may alter the limits or increase the number of the circuits. Sec. 7. There shall be a Judge chosen for each Circuit, who shall reside therein ; his term of office shall be six years. Sec. 8. The Circuit Courts shall-have original jurisdiction in all matters civil and crim inal, not excepted in this Constitution, and not prohibited hereafter by law, and appellate juris diction from all inferior courts. They shall have power to issue writs of habeas corpus, man damus, injunction, quo warranto, certiorari, and all other writs necessary to carry their orders and judgments into effect. Sec. 9. Vacancies in the office of Supreme or Circuit Judge shall be filled by the Gover nor. Election for Judges shall not be at any general election, nor within thirty days before or after said election. Sec. 10. Judges of the Supreme and Circuit Courts shall receive a salary of not less than one thousand five hundred dollars, and shall hold no other office, except a judicial one, during the term for which they are respectively elected. Each Judge shall be a citizen of the United States, and have attained the age of twenty-five years. He shall also be a qualified elector within the jurisdiction for which he may be chosen. Sec. 11. The Supreme Court shall hold at least one term annually. A Circuit Court shall be held at least twice in each year, in each county of this State organized for judicial pur poses. Sec. 12. There shall be a Clerk of the Circuit Court chosen in each county, whose term of office shall be two years. The Supreme Court shall appoint its own Clerk. Sec. 13. Any Judge of the Supreme or Circuit Court may be removed from office by vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to both Senate and Assembly. Sec. 14. A Judge of Probate shall be elected in each county, who shall hold his office for two years. Sec. 15. Justices ofthe Peace shall be elected in the several towns, villages and cities of the State, in such manner as the Legislature may direct, whose term of office shall be two years. Their civil and criminal jurisdiction shall be prescribed by law. Sec. 16. Laws shall be passed for the regulation of tribunals of conciliation. These may be established in and for any township. Sec. 17. The style of all writs and process shall be " The State of Wisconsin." Criminal prosecutions shall be carried on in the name and by authority of the State ; and all indictments shall conclude against the peace and dignity of the same. Sec. 18. A tax shall be imposed by the Legislature on all civil suits, which shall consti tute a fund, to be applied toward the payment of the salary of Judges. Sec. 19. Testimony in equity causes shall be taken the same as in cases at law. The office of Master in Chancery is prohibited. Sec. 20. Any suitor may prosecute or defend his case in his own proper person, or by attorney or agent. Sec. 21. Statute laws and such judicial decisions as are deemed expedient, shall be pub lished. No general law shall be in force until published. Sec. 22. The Legislature at its first session shall provide for the appointment of three Commissioners to revise the rules of practice in the several Courts of Record in the State. Sec. 23. The Legislature may confer judicial powers on one or more persons in each organized county of the State. Powers granted to such Commissioners shall not exceed that fo a Judge of a Circuit Court at chambers. 294 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. Article VIII. FINANCE. Section 1. Taxation shall be uniform, and taxes shall be. levied upon such property as the Legislature may prescribe. Section 2. [No money shall be paid out of the treasury except in pursuance of an appro priation by law. Claims made against the State must be filed within six years after having accrued.] As amended in 1877. Sec. 3. The credit of the State shall never be given or loaned in aid of any individual, association or corporation. ; Sec. 4. The State shall never contract any public debt, except in the cases and manner provided in this Constitution. Sec. 5. A tax shall be levied each year sufficient to defray estimated expenses. Sec. 6. Debts not to exceed one hundred thousand dollars may be contracted by the State, which shall be paid within five years thereafter. Sec. 7. The Legislature may borrow money to repel invasion, suppress insurrection or defend the State in time of war. Sec. 8. All fiscal laws in the Legislature shall be voted on by yeas and nays. Sec. 9. State scrip shall not be issued except for such debts as are authorized by the sixth and seventh sections of this article. Sec. 10. No debt for internal improvements shall be' contracted by the State. Article IX. EMINENT DOMAIN AND PROPERTY OF THE STATE. Section 1. The State shall have concurrent jurisdiction on all rivers and lakes border ing on Wisconsin. Sec. 2. The title to all property which has accrued to the Territory of Wisconsin shall vest in the State of Wisconsin. Sec. 3. The ultimate property in and to all lands of the State is possessed by the people. Article X. EDUCATION. Section 1. The supervision of public instruction shall be vested in a State Superintend ent and such other officers as the Legislature shall direct. The annual compensation of the State Superintendent shall not exceed twelve hundred dollars. Sec. 2. The school fund to support and maintain common schools, academies and nor mal schools, and to purchase apparatus and libraries therefor, shall be created out of (1) the proceeds of lands from the United States ; (2) out of forfeitures and escheats ; (3) out of moneys paid as exemptions from military duty ; (4) out of fines collected for breach of penal laws ; (5) out of any grant to the State where the purposes of such grant are not specified; (6) out of the proceeds ot the sale of five hundred thousand acres of land granted by Congress Sep tember 14, 1841 ; and (7) out of ihe five per centum of the net proceeds of the public lands to which the State shall become entitled on her admission into the Union (if Congress shall con sent to such appropriation of the two grants last mentioned.) Sec. 3. District schools shall be established by law which shall be free to all children be tween the ages of four and twenty years. No sectarian instruction shall be allowed therein. Sec. 4. Each town and city shall raise for common schools therein by taxation a sum equal to one-half the amount received from the school fund of the State. CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OF WISCONSIN. 295 Sec. 5. Provisions shall be made by law for the distribution of the income of the schools fund among the several towns and cities for the support of common schools therein ; but no appropriation shall be made when there is a failure to raise the proper tax, or whan a school shall not have been maintained at least three months of the year. Sec. 6. Provision shall be made by law for the establishment of a State University. The proceeds of all lands granted for the support of a university by the United States shall consti tute "the University fund," the interest of which shall be appropriated to the support of the State University. No sectarian instruction shall be allowed in such university. Sec. 7. The Secretary of State, Treasurer and Attorney General shall constitute a Board of Commissioners to sell school and university lands and for the investments of the proceeds thereof. Sec. 8. School and university lands shall be appraised and sold according to law. The Commissioners shall execute deeds to purchasers, and shall invest the proceeds of the sales of such lands in such manner as the Legislature shall provide. Article XI. corporations. Section 1. Corporations without banking powers may be formed under general laws, but shall not be created by special act, except for municipal purposes, and in cases where, in the judgment of the Legislature, the objects of the corporation cannot be attained under general laws. Sec. 2. No municipal corporation shall take private property for public use, against the consent of the owner, except by jury trial. Sec. 3. Cities and incorporated villages shall be organized, and their powers restricted by law so as to prevent abuses. [No county, city, town, village, school district, or other municipal corporation, shall become indebted to exceed five per centum on the value of the taxable property therein.] As amended in 1874. Sec. 4. Banks shall not be created except as provided in this article. Sec. 5. The- question of " bank " or '' no bank " may be submitted to the voters of the State; and if a majority of all the votes cast shall be in favor of banks, the Legislature shall have power to grant bank charters, or pass a general banking law. Article XII. Section 1. Amendments to the Constitution may be proposed in either house of the Legis lature, and referred to the next Legislature and published for three months previous. If agreed to by a majority of all the members elected to each house, then the amendment or amendments shall submit them to the vote of the people; and if the people shall approve and ratify such amendment or amendments, they shall become a part of the Constitution. Sec. 2. If a convention to revise or change the Constitution shall be deemed necessary by the Legislature, they shall recommend to the electors of the State to vote at the next general election for or against the same. If the vote shall be for the calling of such convention, then the Legislature, at its next session, shall provide for the same. Article XIII. miscellaneous provisions.. Section 1. The political year for Wisconsin shall commence on the first Monday in Jan uary in each year. General elections shall be holden on the Tuesday succeeding the first Monday in November. Sec. 2. A duelist shall not be qualified as an elector in this State. Sec. 3. United States officers (except Postmasters), public defaulters, or persons convicted of infamous crimes, shall not be eligible to office in this State. 296 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. Sec. 4. A great seal for the State shall be provided, and all official acts of the Governor (except his approbation of the laws), shall be authenticated thereby. Sec. 5. Residents on Indian lands may vote, if duly qualified, at the polls nearest their residence. Sec. 6. Elective officers of the Legislature, other than the presiding officers, shall be a Chief Clerk, and a Sergeant-at-Arms, to be elected by each House. Sec. 7. No county with an area of nine hundred square miles or less, shall be divided, without submitting the question to the vote of the people of the county. Sec. 8. [The Legislature is prohibited from enacting any special or private laws, for locating or changing any county seat.] See amendment adopted in 1871, as Sec. 31 (Subdivision 5) of Art. IV. ¦ - Sec. 9. Officers not provided for by this Constitution shall be elected as the Legislature shall direct. Sec. 10. The Legislature may declare the cases in which any office shall be deemed vacant, and also the manner of filling the vacancy, where no provision is made for that purpose in this Constitution. Article XIV. SCHEDULE. Section 1. All rights under the Territorial government are continued under the State government. Territorial processes are valid after the State is admitted into the Union. Sec. 2. Existing laws of the Territory of Wisconsin not repugnant to this Constitution shall remain in force until they expire by limitation or are altered or repealed. Sec. 3. All fines, penalties or forfeitures accruing to the Territory of Wisconsin shall inure to the use of the State. Sec. 4. Territorial recognizances, bonds and public property shall pass to and be vested in the State. Criminal prosecutions, offenses committed against the laws, and all actions at law and suits in equity in the Territory of Wisconsin shall be contained in and prosecuted by the State. Sec. 5. Officers holding under authority of the United States or of the Territory of Wis consin shall continue in office until superseded by State authority. Sec. 6. The first session of the State Legislature shall commence on the first Monday in June next, and shall be held at the village of Madison, which shall be and remain the seat of government until otherwise provided by law. Sec. 7. Existing county and town officers shall hold their offices until the Legislature of the State shall provide for the holding of elections to fill such offices. Sec. 8. A copy of this Constitution shall be transmitted to the President of the United States to be laid before Congress at its present session. Sec. 9. This Constitution shall be submitted to the vote of the people for ratification or rejection on the second Monday in March next. If ratified, an election shall be held for Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Treasurer, Attorney General, members ot the State Legisla ture and members of Congress, on the second Monday of May next. Sec. 10. [Omitted. See Section 1, Chapter 3, Acts of Extra Session of 1878.] Sec. 11. The several elections provided for in this Article shall be conducted according to the existing laws of the Territory of Wisconsin. Sec. 12. [Omitted. See Section 1, Chapter 3, Acts of Extra Session of 1878.] Sec. 13. The common law in force in the Territory of Wisconsin shall continue in force in the State until altered or suspended by the Legislature. Sec. 14. The Senators first elected in the even-numbered Senate districts, the Governor, Lieutenant Governor and other State officers first elected under this Constitution, shall enter upon their duties on the first Monday of June next, and hold their offices for one year from the first Monday of January next. The Senators first elected in the odd-numbered districts and the CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. 297 members of the Assembly first elected shall enter upon their duties on the first Monday of June next, and continue in office until the first Monday in January next. Sec. 15. The oath of office may be administered by any Judge or Justice of the Peace, until the Legislature shall otherwise direct. We, the undersigned, members of the Convention to form a Constitution for the State of Wisconsin, to be submitted to the people thereof for their ratification or rejection, do hereby certify that the foregoing is the Constitution adopted by the Convention. In testimony whereof, we have hereunto set our hands, at Madison, the 1st day of Feb ruary, A. D. 1848. Morgan L. Martin, President of the Convention and Delegate from Brown County. Thomas McHugh, Secretary. CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. COZSTDKHSTSEr). PREAMBLE. We, the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquillity, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. ARTICLE I. Section 1. All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives. Sec. 2. The House of Representatives shall be composed of members chosen every second year by the people of the States, and electors shall have qualifications for electors of the most numerous branch of the State Legislature. Representatives must be twenty-five years of age, and must have been seven years citizens of the United States, and inhabitants of the State in which they shall be chosen. Representatives and direct taxes shall be apportioned among the several States according to population, which shall be determined by adding to the whole number of free persons, including apprentices and excluding Indians not taxed, three-fifths of all other persons. The enumeration shall be made within three years after the first meeting of Congress, and every ten years there after in such manner as Congress shall by law direct. States shall have one Representative only for each thirty thousand, but each State shall have at least one Representative ; and until such enumeration shall be made, New Hampshire shall choose three ; Massachusetts, eight ; Rhode Island, one ; Connecticut, five ; New York, six ; New Jersey, four ; Pennsylvania, eight ; Del aware, one ; Maryland, six ; Virginia, ten ; North Carolina, five ; South Carolina, five, and Georgia, three. Vacancies in the representation from any State shall be filled by elections, ordered by the executive authority of the State. 298 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. The House of Representatives shall choose their Speaker and other officers, and shall have the sole power of impeachment. Sec. 3. The Senate shall be composed of two Senators from each State, chosen'by the Legislature thereof for six years ; and each Senator shall have one vote. Senators shall be divided as equally as may be into three classes immediately after assem bling, in consequence of the first election. The first class shall vacate their seats at the expira tion of the second year ; the second class, at the expiration of the fourth year, and the third class, at the expiration of the sixth year, so that one-third may be chosen every second year; and vacancies happening by resignation or otherwise during the recess of the Legislature of any State may be filled by temporary appointments of the Executive until the next meeting of the Legislature. All Senators shall have attained the age of thirty years, and shall have been nine years citizens of the United States, and shall be inhabitants of the State for which they shall be chosen. The Vice President of the United States shall be President of the Senate, but shall have no vote, unless they be equally divided. The Senate shall choose their other officers, and also a President pro tempore, in the absence of the Vice President, or when he shall exercise the office of President. The Senate shall have the sole power to try impeachments. When sitting for that purpose, they shall be on oath or affirmation. When the President is tried, the Chief Justice shall pre side, and concurrence of two-thirds of the members present shall be necessary to conviction. Judgment in cases of impeachment shall be limited to removal from office and disqualifica tion to hold any office under the United States ; but the party convicted shall be liable to trial and punishment according to law. Sec. 4. The Legislature of each State shall prescribe the times, places and manner of holding elections for Senators and Representatives, but Congress may make or alter such regu lations, except as to the place of choosing Senators. Congress shall assemble annually, on the first Monday in December, unless a different day be appointed. Sec. 5. Each House shall be the judge of the elections, returns and qualifications of its own members, and a majority of each shall constitute a quorum to do business ; but a smaller number may adjourn from day to day, and may compel attendance of absent members, under penalties. Each House may determine its own rules of proceeding, punish its members, and, by a two- thirds vote, expel a member. Each House shall keep a journal, which shall be published at their discretion, and one-fifth of those present may require the yeas and nays to be entered on the journal. Neither House shall adjourn for more than three days without the consent of the other, nor to any other place than that in which they are sitting. Sec. 6. The compensation of Senators and Representatives shall be fixed by law, and paid out of the Treasury of the United States. They shall be privileged from arrest during attendance at the session of their respective Houses, except for treason, felony and breach of the peace, and shall not be questioned in any other place for any speech or debate in either House. No Senator or Representative shall, during the time for which he was elected, be appointed to any civil office under the United States which shall have been created or the emoluments whereof shall have been increased during such time ; and no person holding office under the United States shall be a member of either House during his continuance in office. Sec. 7. All bills for raising revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives, but may be amended by the Senate. Every bill passed by the House of Representatives and the Senate shall, before it becomes a law, be presented to the President ; if he approve, he shall sign it ; but if not, he shall return CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. 299 it, with his objections, to that House in which it originated, who shall enter the objections on their journal and proceed to reconsider it. If, after reconsideration, two-thirds shall agree to pass the bill, it shall be sent, with the ^objections, to the other House, and, if approved by two- thirds of that House, it shall become a law. But in all such cases, the yeas and nays shall be taken, and entered upon the journal of each House, respectively. Any bill not returned by the President within ten days (Sundays excepted) after it shall have been presented to him, shall be a law, as if he had signed it, .unless Congress, by adjournment, shall prevent its return, in which case it shall not be a law. Every order, resolution or vote requiring the concurrence of the Senate and House of Rep resentatives (except a question of adjournment), shall be approved by the President before tak ing effect ; or, being disapproved by him, shall be repassed by a two-thirds vote of each House, as in the case of a bill. Sec. 8. Congress shall have power : To lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises, to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States ; but all duties, imposts and excises shall be uniform throughout the United- States ; To borrow money on the public credit ; To regulate commerce with foreign nations, and among the several States and with the Indian tribes ; To establish a uniform rule of naturalization, and uniform laws on the subject of bank ruptcies ; To coin money, regulate the value thereof and foreign coin, and fix the standard of weights and measures ; ' To provide for the punishment of counterfeiting the securities and current coin of the United States ; To establish post offices and post roads ; To promote the progress of science and useful arts, by securing for limited times to authors and inventors the exclusive right to their respective writings and discoveries ; To constitute tribunals inferior to the Supreme Court ; To define and punish piracies and felonies committed on the high seas, and offenses against the laws of nations ; To declare war, grant letters of marque and reprisal, and make rules concerning captures on land and water ; To raise and support armies, but no appropriation of money to that use shall be for a longer term than two years ; To provide and maintain a navy ; To make rules for the government and regulation of the land and naval forces ; To provide for calling forth the militia to execute the laws of the Union, suppress insur rection and repel invasions ; To provide for organizing, arming and disciplining the militia, and for governing such parts of them as may be employed in the service of the United States — the several States to appoint the officers and to train the militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress ; To exercise exclusive legislation, in all cases, over the seat of Government, and over all forts, magazines, arsenals, dock-yards and other needful buildings ; and To make all laws necessary and proper for carrying into execution all powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any department or officer thereof. Sec. 9. Foreign immigration or the importation of slaves into the States shall not be pro hibited by Congress prior to the year one thousand eight hundred and eight, but a tax or duty may be imposed not exceeding ten dollars for each person so imported. The writ of habeas corpus shall not be suspended, unless, required by the public safety in cases of rebellion or invasion. No bill of attainder or ex post facto law shall be passed. 300 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. No capitation or other direct tax shall be laid, unless in proportion to the census or enu meration hereinbefore directed to be made. No tax or duty shall be laid on articles exported from any State. In regulating commerce or revenue, no preference shall be given to the ports of one State over those of another ; nor shall vessels bound to or from one State be obliged to enter, clear or pay duties in another. No money shall be drawn from the Treasury unless appropriated by law ; and accounts of the receipts and expenditures of all public money shall be published from time to time. No title of nobility shall be granted by the United States ; and no person holding any office under them shall accept any present, emolument, office or title from any foreign State, without the consent of Congress. Sec. 10. No State shall enter into any treaty, alliance or confederation ; grant letters of marque and reprisal; coin money; emit bills of credit; make anything but gold and silver coin a tender in payment of debts ; pass bills of attainder, ex post facto laws, or law impairing the 'obligation of contracts, or grant any title of nobility. No State shall, without the consent of Congress, lay any imposts or duties on imports or exports, except for the execution of its inspection laws ; and all such duties shall be for the use of the United States; and all such laws shall be subject to the revision and control of Congress. No State shall, without the consent of Congress, lay any duty of tonnage, keep troops or ships of war in time of peace, enter into any agreement or compact with another State or with a foreign power, or engage in war unless actually invaded or in imminent and immediate danger. Article II. Section 1. The executive power shall be vested in a President. He shall hold office for four years, and, together with the Vice President chosen for the same term, shall be elected as follows : Each State shall appoint in the manner directed by the Legislature, a number of electors equal to the whole number of its Senators and Representatives in Congress ; but no Senator or Representative or person holding any office under the United States shall be appointed an elector. [ The third clause of this section has been superseded and amended by the Wth Amendment.] Congress may determine the time of choosing the electors, and the day on which they shall give their votes, which day shall be the same throughout the United States. A natural born citizen, or a citizen of the United States at the time of the adoption of this Constitution, only shall be eligible to the office of President; and he must have attained the age of thirty-five years, and been fourteen years a resident within the United States. If the President be removed from office, die, resign, or become unable to discharge the duties of his office, the same shall devolve upon the Vice President, and Congress may provide by law for the case of removal, death, resignation or inability of both the President and Vice President, ' declaring what officer shall then act as President, and such officer shall act accordingly, until the disability be removed or a President elected.* The President shall receive a compensation for his services, which shall be neither increased nor diminished during the period for which he shall have been electedf and within that period he shall not receive any other emolument from the United States or from any of them. Before entering upon office he shall take the following oath or affirmation : " I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will, to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States." * By act of March 1, 1792, Congress provided for this contingency, designating the President of the Senate pre tempore, or if there be none the Speaker of the House of Representatives, to succeed to the chief Executive office in the event of a vacancy in the offices of both President and Vice President. t The President's salary was fixed February 18, 1793, at 826,000, and was increased March 3, 1873, to $50,000. CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. 301 Sec. 2. The President shall be the Commander-in-Chief of the army and navy of the United States, and of the militia of the several States, when in actual service of the United States; he may require the written opinion of the principal officers of the several executive departments upon subjects relating to the duties bf their respective offices, and shall have power to grant reprieves and pardons for offenses against the United States, except in cases of impeachment. He shall have power, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, to make treaties, provided two-thirds of the Senators present concur, and shall nominate to the Senate ambassa dors, other public ministers and consuls, Judges of the Supreme Court, and all other officers of the United States whose appointment is not otherwise provided for ; but Congress may vest the appointment of inferior officers in the President alone, in the courts of law, or in the heads of departments. The President may fill all vacancies that may happen during the recess of the Senate, by granting commissions which shall expire at the end of their next session. He shall, from time to time, give Congress information of the state of the Union, and recommend measures to their consideration ; he may, on extraordinary occasions, convene both Houses or either of them, and, in case of disagreement between them as to the time of adjourn ment, he may adjourn them to such time as he shall think proper ; he shall receive ambassadors and other public ministers ; he shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed, and shall com mission all the officers of tjie United States. Sec. 4. The President, Vice President and all civil officers of the United States, shall be removed from office on impeachment for and conviction of treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors. , Article III. Section 1. The judicial power of the United States shall be vested in one Supreme Court, and in such inferior courts as Congress may establish. The Judges, both of the Supreme and inferior Courts, shall hold their offices during good behavior, and shall receive a compensa tion which shall not be diminished during their continuance in office. Sec. 2. The judicial power shall extend to all cases, in law and equity, arising under this Constitution, the laws of the United States, treaties, cases affecting ambassadors, other public ministers and consuls, all cases of admiralty and maritime jurisdiction ; to controversies to which the United States shall be a party; controversies between two or more States ; between a State and citizens of another State ; between citizens of different States ; between citizens of the same State claiming lands under grants of different States, and between a State or the citizens thereof and foreign States, citizens or subjects. In all cases affecting Ministers and Consuls, and those in which a State is a party, the Supreme Court shall have original jurisdiction. In all other cases mentioned, the Supreme Court shall have appellate jurisdiction, both as to law and fact, subject to exceptions and regu lations made by Congress. All crimes, except. in cases of impeachment, shall be tried by jury, and in the State where the crime was committed ; but Congress shall fix the place of trial for crimes not committed within any State. Sec. 3. Treason against the United States shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court. Congress shall have power to declare the punishment of treason, but no attainder of treason shall work corruption of blood or forfeiture, except during the life of the person attainted. Article IV. Section 1. Each State shall give full faith and credit to the public acts, records and judi cial proceedings of every other State, and Congress may prescribe the manner in which such acts, records and proceedings shall be proved, and the effect thereof. 302 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. Sec. 2. The citizens of each State shall be entitled to all privileges and immunities of citizens in the several States. Fugitives from justice in any State found in another State, shall, on demand ofthe Execu tive, be delivered up and removed to the State having jurisdiction of the crime. No person held to service or labor' in one State under the laws thereof, escaping into another, shall, in consequence of any law or regulation therein, be discharged from such service or labor, but shall be delivered up on claim of the party to whom such service or labor may be due. Sec. 3. New States may be admitted to the Union, but no new State shall be formed within the jurisdiction of any other State; nor by the junction of two or more States, or parts of States, without the consent of the Legislatures of the States concerned, as well as of Congress. Congress shall' have power to dispose of and to regulate and govern the territory or other property belonging to the United States ; and nothing in this Constitution shall be construed to prejudice any claims of the United States, or any particular State. Every State shall be guaranteed a republican form of government, and shall be protected against invasion ; and on an application of the Legislature, or of the executive (when the Legis lature cannot be convened), against domestic violence. Article V. Congress, whenever two-thirds of both Houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose amend ments to this Constitution, or, on application of two-thirds of the Legislatures of the several States, shall call a convention for proposing amendments, which, in either case, shall be valid to all intents and purposes, as part of this Constitution when ratified by the Legislatures of three-fourths of the several States, or by conventions in three-fourths thereof, as the one or the other mode of ratification may be proposed by the Congress ; provided that no amendment which may be made prior to the year one thousand eight hundred and eight shall in any manner affect the first and fourth clauses in the ninth section of the first article ; and that no State, without its consent, shall be deprived of its equal suffrage in the Senate. Article VI. All existing debts and engagements shall be valid against the United States under this Constitution. This Constitution and the laws of the United States made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land, and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby ; anything in the Constitution or laws of any State to the contrary notwithstanding. Senators and Representatives, members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by oath or affirmation, to support this Constitution ; but no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States. Article VII. The ratification of the Convention of nine States shall be sufficient for the establishment of this Constitution between the States so ratifying the same. Done in convention by the unanimous consent of the States present, the seventeenth day of September, in the year of our Lord one thousand seyen hundred and eighty-seven, and of the independence of the United States of America the twelfth. In witness whereof we have hereunto subscribed our names. GEORGE WASHINGTON, President and Deputy from Virginia. [Other signatures omitted.] CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. 303 Amendments to the Constitution of the United States of America. Proposed by Congress and ratified by the Legislatures of the several States, pursuant to the Fifth Article of the original Constitution. Article I. Congress shall make no law respecting religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech or of the press ; or of the right of the people peaceably to assemble and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. Article II. A well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. Article III. No soldier shall, in time of peace, be quartered in any house without the consent of the owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law. Article IV. The right of the people to be Secure in their persons and property against unreasonable searches and seizures shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched and the persons or things to be seized. Article V. No person shall be held to answer for any infamous crime unless on an indictment of a grand jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia, when in actual service in time of war or public danger ; nor shall any person be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb for the same offense ; nor shall he be compelled, in any criminal case, to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty or property without due process of law ; nor shall private property be taken for public use without just compensation. Article VI. In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, and to be informed- of the nature and cause of the accusation ; to be confronted with the witnesses against him ; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the assistance of counsel for his defense. Article VII. In suits at common law, when the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury shall be otherwise re-examined in any court of the United States than according to the rules of the common law. Article VIII. Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines, imposed, nor cruel and unusual pun ishments inflicted. 304 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. Article IX. The enumeration in the Constitution of certain rights shall not be construed to deny or dis parage others retained by the people. Article X. The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively or to the people. Article XI. The judicial power of the United States shall not be construed to extend to any suit in law or equity commenced or prosecuted against one of the United States by citizens of another State, or by citizens or subjects of any foreign State. Article XII. The electors shall meet in their respective States, and vote by ballot for President and Vice President, one of whom, at least, shall not be an inhabitant of the same State with themselves ; distinct ballots shall be made for President and Vice President, and distinct lists made of such ballots and of the number of votes for each, which lists they shall sign and certify and transmit sealed to the seat of government, addressed to the President of the Senate ; the President of the Senate shall, in presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the certificates, and the votes shall then be counted ; the person having the greatest number of vote3 for Presi dent shall be President, if such number be a majority of the whole number of electors appointed ; if no person have such majority, then from those having the highest numbers, not exceeding three on the list of those voted for as President, the House of Representatives shall choose imme diately by ballot the President. But, in choosing the President, the vote shall be taken by States, each State having one vote ; a quorum for this purpose shall consist of a member or mem bers from two-thirds of the States, and a majority of all the States shall be necessary to a choice. If, whenever the right of choice shall devolve upon them, the House of Representatives shall not choose a President before the foifrth day of March next following, then the Vice President shall act as President, as in the case of death or disability of the President. The person having the greatest number of votes as Vice President shall be the Vice President, if such number be a majority of the whole number of electors appointed, and if no person have a majority, then from the two highest numbers on the list, the Senate shall choose the Vice President ; a quorum for the purpose shall consist of two-thirds of the whole number of Senators, and a majority of the whole number shall be necessary to a choice. But no person ineligible to the office of President shall be eligible to that of Vice President of the United States. Article XIII. Section 1. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof, the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction. Sec. 3. Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation. Article XIV. Section 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, or subject to the juris diction thereof, are citizens of the United States, and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States ; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty or property without CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. 305 due process of law, nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the law. Sec. 2. Representatives shall be apportioned among the States according to population, counting the whole number of persons in each State, including Indians not taxed. But when the right to vote is denied to any of the male inhabitants of a State, being twenty-one years of age and citizens of the United States, or in any way abridged, except for participation in rebellion or other crime, the basis of representation therein shall be reduced in the proportion which the number of such male citizens shall bear to the whole number of male citizens twenty- one years of age in such State. Sec. 3. No person shall hold any office under the United States or under any State, who having previously, as an officer of the United States of any State, taken an oath to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid and comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may, by a vote of two- thirds of each House, remove such disability. Sec. 4. The validity of the public debt of the United States, including pensions and bounties, shall not be questioned. But neither the United States nor any State shall assume or pay any debt or obligation incurred in aid of insurrection or rebellion against the United States, or any claim for the loss or emancipation of any slave ; but all such debts, obligations and claims shall be held illegal and void. Sec. 5. Congress shall have power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article. Article XV. Section 1. The right of citizens to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States, or by any State, on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude. Sec. 2. Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF COUNTIES AND CITIES WITH GUBERNATORIAL AND PRESIDENTIAL VOTES. Note. — The Republican or Democratic majority in each county is given as between Smith and Mallory. Green back majority is only given when the vote for Allis exceeds the others, and is taken from the highest vote. COUNTIES. ! GOVEENOB. 1877. PEESIDENT. 1876. Smith. Malloiy. AHiB. Maj. HayeB. Tilden. Maj. 580 86 459 40 13871075 336 450 685 449 2048 806 36132333 477 21 11741208 30862620 1823 879 1461 802 1917 1045 938247 19681409 27 1365 301 447 5843 1102 1059 777 437521 1523 916 1080 2304 233 163 203 34 1740 810 24 1130 693153 1597 1008 3903 4267 126 28 407805 3414 1938 849 896 1175 391 2418 883 907 558 11151300 15 1951 755 730 6388 1096 764 2005 1579 171 545 363917 1906 lib R. 347 D. 77 R. 256 R. 6 D. 353 R. 265 R. 312 D. 680 D. 18 G. 367 R. 451 D. 202 D. 290 D. 1934 R. 351 D. 7 R. 767 R. 403 D. 328 R. 682 R. 974 D. 17 R. 286 R. 411 D. 201 R. 162 R. 31 D. 311 R. 853 R. 109 G. 142 D. 586 D. 454 D. 283 D. 545 R. 6 R. 295 D. 1228 D. 1142 R. 350 R. 978 R. 553 R. 163 R. 398 981109 644 86 2755 1186 285 1012 15961255 3532135554363236 1095 42 2033 2266484547232601 1739 2651 1507 2874 17141610 561 2644 2424 71 2700 668 697 99812558 1813 1859 583836 2135 1019 18553560 442189 257 74 3647 1162 28 2145 1774 660 2493 1604 57266361 596 67 894 1785 5660 3198 17351514 2348 718 4134 1458 14321654 2481 2299 174 390817961112 12026 2030 1174 36085480 394985362 1794 2880 R. 539 D. 80 53 2 1015 76 R. 387 R. 12 D. 892 Buffalo R. 24 R. 257 389589 816 118146 614381 283 D. 1133 D. 178 Clark R. 595 R. 1039 D. 249 D. 291 i . 3125 R. 499 D. 25 412597 1249 1037 580 215 1021 521296 463 5120 524 269 169 98 746 76 12281019 157992 17 123 408 60 728112 ' R. 1139 R. 481 D. 815 R. 1525 R. 866 R. 225 R. 303 R. 789 D. 1260 R. 256 R. 178 D. 1093 R. 163 R. 125 D. 103 D. 1208 D. 1128 D. 415 D. 2046 R. 528 R. 639 D. 1749 D. 1897 R. 447 R. 1152 Polk R. 650 R. 61 R. 680 Gubernatorial and Presidential Votes— 1877-1876— Continued. COUNTIES— Continued. GOVERNOR. 1877. PRESIDENT. 1876. Smith. Mallory. Allis. Maj. Hayes. Tilden. Maj. 1201 337515581826 269 1598 195 2483 1678 2904 994 2484 1473 1282 2068 247231 320 377219 25 16 31 2i9 210 620862150 50 432226 771 281 712740349146 4816 260 115 84 172 270 724 69 245 155 87 1052 270 55 248252 232 210 76 729 1620 1489 922605 1737 254731 416 1374 2187 2388 990257 2238 196 622 361109197 17 5 128 294 123459884 8542 333 207 -605 314 671 1057 284 811 5027 249 146125 '167 311954 127 405267 61 921239 73 440270 687 49 170 705781 93 574 92 750 53 170 846160 187 276 772377 1887 601201 6 240 36 R. 472 R. 1756 R. 70 R. 904 D. 336 D. 139 D. 59 R. 1452 R. 1262 R. 1530 D. 1993 R. 96 R. 483 R. 1025 D. 170 G. 354 D. 291 D. 41 R. 268 R. 22 R. 8 G. 81 D. 97 D. 65 R. 87 R. 161 D. 22 G. 45 G. 60 R. 99 R. 19 R. 166 D. 33 R. 41 D. 317 R. 61 D. 165 D. 211 R. 11 G. 230 D. 41 R. 5 D. 41 D. 230 D. 58 D. 160 D. 112 R. 26 R. 131 R. 31 D. 18 D. 192 D. 18 D. 445 R. 161 G. 130 20385755 1775 3395 582 3224 240 236027644212 13213129264220805092 658549 357 745 456 14 64 1591 2814 1736 2201 873 3633 246 790 1117197030473335 1592 548 4426 745911 465 627312 3193 R. 447 R. 2893 R. 39 R. 1194 D. 291 D. 409 D. 6 R. 1570 Wood CITIES. R. 1647 R. 2242 D. 1726 D. 206 R. 1060 R. 1532 R. 666 D. 87 D. 362 D. 108 Beloit R. 118 R. 144 Buffalo D. 17 9733 143 3 250520 196110 181 3 3142 351 131767 1050 21 376 118 24 6 375 28 7 3 10 8233 1368 145 164 20 300 D. 29 Chilton 475254 1205 1382 669121 696250 1036 514 1085 834660291 8218 348 511 206 222 399 1496 572212 10131542 288 191 647224 848544 15491262 512 344 9625 324 385208238506 1910 D. 97 R. 42 R. 189 D. 160 R. 81 D. 70 R. 49 R. 26 R. 188 D. 30 D. 464 D. 418 R. 148 D. 53 D. 1407 R. 24 R. 126 D. 2 D. 16 D. 107 D. 414 366215 143 1672 397 87 576423 372 280 210 532377 108 1324 333 83 873563 1296 52 595 D. 166 D. 162 R. 35 R. 348 R. 64 R. 4, D. 298 D. 140 D. 923 R. 228 D. 385 18 POPULATION OF THE UNITED STATES. Area in States and square Territories. Miles States. Alabama Arkansas California Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts..Michigan* Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey NewYork North Carolina. Ohio Oregon 50, 52, 188, 4. 2, 59,58,55,33,55,81,37,41,31, 11, 7, 56.83,47.65.75, 112, 95, POPULATION" 484,560,537, 125,187, 1,184, 2,539, 1,680,1,191. 364, 1,321; 726:626,780, 1,457,1,184,- 439,827, 1,721, 123, 42, 318, 906, 4,382, 1,071, 2,665, 90, MilesR. R. 1875. 1872. 1,350.544 528,349 857,039 * Last Census of Michigan 992471 247 454015748 109 891 637792 399011915 915894351 059 706922295 993 491300096759361260 923 taken in 1874, 1,651,9121,334,031 598,429 246,280 52,540 1,026,502 4,705,208 1,671 25 1,013 820227466 2,1085,9043.5293.160 1,7601,123 539 871 820 1,606 2,235 1,612 990 2,580 828593790 1,265 4,470 1,190 3,740 169 States ahd Territories. States. Pennsylvania Rhode Island. i.. South Carolina... Tennessee... Texas Vermont Virginia West Virginia..... Wisconsin Total States. Territories. Arizona Colorado Dakota Dist. of Columbia. Idaho Montana New Mexico...... Utah Washington Wyoming Total Territories. Area iu square Miles. 46,000 1,306 29,38545,600 237,504 10,212 40,90423,00053,924 1,950,171 113,916104,500147,490 60 90,932 143,776 121,201 80,05669,94493,107 965,032 Population. 1870. 3,521, 217, 705, 1,258, 818.330, 1,225, 442, 1,054. 38,113,253 9,658 39,864 14,181 131,700 14,999 20,59591.87486,786 23,955 9.118 442,730 1875. 258,239 925,145 1,236,729 Miles R. R. 1872. 5,113 136 1,201 1,520 865 675 1,490 485 1,725 59,587 392 375 '498 1,265 Aggregate of U. S.. 2,915,203 38,555,983 60,852 * Included in the Railroad Mileage of Marylard. PRINCIPAL COUNTRIES OF THE WORLD; Population and Area. Population. Date of Census. Area In Square Miles. Inhabitants to Square Mile. Population. China British Empire Russia United States with Alaska. , 1'rance Austria and Hungary Japan Great Britain and Ireland. , German Empire Italy Spain Brazil Turkey..: Mexico Sweden and Norway Persia Belgium Bavaria Portugal Holland A ew Grenada Chill Switzerland Peru Bolivia Argentine Republic Wurtemburg Denmark Venezuela Baden Greece Guatemala '. Ecuador Paraguay '. Hesse Liberia San Salvador Hayti Nicaragua Uruguay Honduras San Domingo ..'' Costa Rica '.' Hawaii 446,500.000226,817,108 81,925,400 38,925,600 36,469.80035,904,40034,785,30031,817,10029,906,092 27,439,921 16,642,000 10,000.000 16,463,000 9,173.0005,921.5005,000,0005,021,300 4,861,4003,995,200 3,688,300 3,000.0002,000,0002,669,1002.500,000 2,000,0001,812,000 1,818,5001,784,700 1,500,000 1,461,4001,457,9001,180,0001,300,0001,000,000 823,138 718,000600,000572,000 350,000 300,000350,000 136,000165,000 62,950 1871 1871187118701866186918711871187118711867 18691870 1870 1669 18711868187018701869 1870 18711869 18711870 1871 1870 1871 ,'1871 "l 871 18711871 1871 1871 1870 3,741,8464,677,4328,003,778 2,603,884 204,091 240.348 149,399121,315160,207118,847195 775 3,253,029 672.621 761,526 292,871635,964 11,373 29,29234,494 12,680 357,157 132.616 15,992 471,838497,321 871,848 7,533 14,753 368,238 5,912 19,353 40,879 218,928 63,787 2,9699,576 7,335 10,20558,17166,722 47,092 17,827 21,505 7.633 119.3 48.6 10.2 7.78 178.7149.4 232.8 262.3 187. 230.9 85. 3.07 24.4 20. 7.8 441.5 165.9 115.8 290.9 8.4 15.1 166.9 241.4 120.9 4.2 247. 75.3 28.9 5.9 15.6 277. 74.981.856. 80. Pekin London St. Petersburg. Washington ... Paris Vienna Yeddo London Berlin Rome Madrid Rio Janeiro ConstantinopleMexico Stockholm Teheran Brussels Munich Lisbon Hague Bogota Santiago Berne Lima Chuquisaca Buenos Ayres.. Stuttgart Copenhagen.... Caraccas Carlsruhe Athens Guatemala Quito Asuncion Darmstadt Monrovia Sal Salvador... Port au Prince Managua Monte Video... Comayagua San Domingo... San Jose Honolulu 1,648,800 3,251,800 667,000 109,199 1,825,300 833,900 1,554,900 3,251,800 825,400244,484332,000 420,000 1,075,000 210,300 136,900120,000 314,100169,500 224,063 90,10045,000 115,400 36,000 160,100 25,000 177,800 91,600 162,042 47,000 36,600 43,40040,00070.000 48,00030,000 3,000 15,000 20,000 10,000 44,500 12.000 20,000 2.000 7,633 FOND DU LAC. HISTORY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. CHAPTER I. Topography— Elevations of Different Points— Artesian Wells— Water Powers— Geo logical Formations— Physical Features. topography. When Southeastern Wisconsin first emerged from the ocean, it doubtless presented an essentially plane surface, having a slight inclination to the east and southeast. The inequalities which it now presents are due to subsequent changes, the results of three classes of agents, acting at different times and under different conditions. 1. During the long ages between the emergence of the land and the drift period, the streams were cutting their beds deeper and deeper into the rock, and rendering the former level surface more and more irregular. The softer rocks were more readily eroded than the harder ones, and this helped to increase the unevenness. There was a tendency of the streams, so far as the slope favored, to follow the less resisting belts of soft rock. The little streams gathered into the larger ones in a manner not unlike that by which the branches of a tree are united into the trunk. The unevenness of surface produced by erosion of this nature possesses a certain kind of system and symmetry readily recognizable. As this erosion occupied the time preceding the glacial period, we may conveniently designate the features produced by it, pre- glacial. We have the best example of this kind of surface conformation in the lead region, over which the drift forces did not act, and which has not been resubmerged, so that we have the results of this class of action pure and simple. As we proceed eastward into the region of drift action in the central part of the State, these features are modified more and more by the results of glacial action, until, in Eastern Wisconsin, they become wholly obscured, except in their grander outlines. 2. The modifications of the surface constituting this first class .of topographical features were produced by running water ; those of the second class, which were formed next in order of time, were caused by ice in the form of glaciers, it is confidently believed, and by the agencies brought into action through their melting. The work of the ice was twofold : First, in the level ing of the surface by planing down the hills and filling up the valleys ; and second, in the cre ation of a new uneven surface, by heaping up in an irregular and promiscuous manner the clay, sand, gravel and bowlders it had formed, thus giving the surface a new aspect. Among the features produced by the action of the ice are parallel ridges, sometimes miles in length, having the same direction as the ice movement, hills of rounded, flowing contour, sometimes having a linear arrangement in the direction of glacial progress, mounds and hummocks of drift promis cuously arranged on an otherwise plane surface, oval domes of rock (roches moutonees), sharp gravel ridges, often having a tortuous, serpentine course, transverse to the drift movement, 310 HISTOKY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. peculiar depressions known as " kettles," and half-submerged rock gorges, known as " fiords," all of which combine to form a peculiar and distinctive surface contour. The melting of the ice mass gave rise to swollen lakes and flooded rivers, which eroded at some points and filled up at others, and so still farther modified the face of the country. All these peculiarities, being the result, directly or indirectly, of the ice action, may be denominated glacial features. 3. Subsequent to the glacial period, the wearing action of the streams was resumed, but under somewhat new conditions, and carved out a new surface contour, the features of which may be termed post-glacial. To the agencies, ice and water, assisted slightly by winds, the topographical peculiarities of the county are*chiefiy due. There is no evidence of violent eruptions, upheavals or outbursts. There was, indeed, the gradual elevation and depression of the surface, and probably some little flexure of the crust ; but the region has been free from violent agitation, and owes none of its salient topographical features to such causes. Having thus briefly considered the general methods by which the present aspect of the county was produced, we may now more satisfactorily examine some of its special features. No part of Wisconsin can properly be said to be mountainous, nor does it, over any consid erable area, sink to a dead level. It presents the golden mean in a gently undulating, diversified surface, readily traversible in all directions by the various highways of communica tion. Setting aside minor details, the State presents two general slopes — a short, abrupt declivity northward to Lake Superior, and a long, gentler incline southward. Through the center of this southward slope there extends a moderate north and south elevation, or arch — a low anti clinal axis — giving a southeasterly and southwesterly inclination to the strata on either side. Fond du Lac County is situated in the center of the eastern slope. The rock floor of this county would indicate an east southeast inclination of twenty-three feet to the mile, and a similar inclination continues beneath Sheboygan County and Lake Michigan. The bottom of that lake, at the depth of the ocean level (589 feet), is in the same geological horizon as Fond du Lac City. Take for example, the lower magnesian limestone, which is the lowest rock of any formation that outcrops in the county. The upper surface ia easily recognized, being well defined. It outcrops in the town of Ripon, in the bluffs west of Ripon City, at an elevation of 382 feet above Lake Michigan. At the High School artesian well in the city of Fond du Lac, it was found at the depth of 425 feet, the surface of the well being 172 feet above Lake Michigan. The rock is, therefore, 625 feet lower than the top of the bluff at Ripon. At the village of Elmore, Section 15, town of Ashford, the lower mag- ' nesian limestone is found at 802 feet below the surface of the artesian well, which surface is 411 feet above Lake Michigan. The rock is, therefore, 391 feet below the surface of Lake Michigan, and 773 feet lower than the top of the bluff at Ripon. ELEVATIONS OF DIFFERENT POINTS. Among the most instructive of the minor characteristics of the topography of Fond du Lac County are the elevations of a number of different points of its surface above Lake Michigan. These are given in feet. By adding 589 feet to those of any given point, the result will be the elevation above the ocean. Township 13 north, of Range 18 east (Ashford) : Section 2, north line, 441 feet ; Section 2, average 516 feet ; Section 3, railroad cut, 459 feet; Section 11, northeast quarter, 498 feet; Section 13, center, 466 feet ; Section 23, Elmore Village, 421 feet ; Section 23, surface kettle formation, 444 feet ; Section 24, west side of the river, 322 feet. Township IS north, of Range 19 east (Auburn) : Section 8, center north half, 490 feet ; New Cassel bridge, 438 feet; New Cassel depot, 466 feet; Section 30, Five Points, 468 feet; Section 30, railroad crossing, 409 feet ; Section 32, southeast quarter, Milwaukee River, 376 feet. HISTOEY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. 311 Township 17 north, of Range 19 east (Calumet}: Section 26, middle north line, 381 feet; Section 28, near west line (stream), 335 feet ; Section 35, northwest quarter, 410 feet. Township 14- north, of Range 18 east (Eden)-: Section 6, northwest corner, 433 feet ; Section 22, center, 463 feet ; Section 22, south line, 489 feet; Section 24, southwest quarter, 472 feet ; Section 25, north half (creek), 404 feet ; Section 25, northwest quarter, 515 feet ; Section 27, northeast quarter, river, 434 feet ; Section 27, southeast quarter, 432 feet ;, Section' 27, north line, northeast quarter, 415 feet. Township 15 north, of Range 18 east (Empire) : Section 4, southeast corner, 399 feet ; Section 12, northwest quarter, lowland, 368 feet. Township 15 north, of Range 19 east (Forest) : Section 7, east half, Shlboygan River, 356 feet ; Section 9, southwest quarter, 410 feet ; Section 9, southeast corner, stream, 360 feet ; Section 13, center northeast quarter, 498 feet ; Section 13, east line, northeast quarter, 497 feet ; Section 14, near east line, 445 feet ; Section 14, center, 428 feet ; Section 16, northeast quarter, 389 feet ; Section 24, center north half, 424 feet ; Section 25, southwest quarter, stream, 451 feet ; Section 36, center, northwest quarter, 515 feet. Township 16 north, of Range 19 east (Marshfield) : Section 6, northwest corner (estimated), 402 feet ; Section 6, stream, 360 feet ; Section 6, southwest corner, 406 feet ; Section 6, south east corner, 433 feet ; Section 14, southeast quarter, Reichart quarry, 357 feet ; Section 16, south line, Maria Hotel, 365 feet ; Section 17, north line (estimated) railroad, 371 feet ; Section 17, southwest corner, hill, 442 feet : Section 20, near center, hill, 450 feet ; Section 24, south east quarter, 424 feet ; Section 25, north line, 420 feet ; Section 30, southwest quarter, Steffer's Quarry, 409 feet ; Calvary Station, 363 feet ; St. Cloud Station, 349 feet. Township 15 north, of Range lJf east (Metomen) : Section 1, northeast quarter, River's quarry, 350 feet ; Reed's Corners Station, 407 feet ; Brandon Station, 421 feet. Township llf. north, of Range 19 east (Osceola): Section 1, middle west line, 500 feet; Section 4, northwest quarter, cross roads, 458 feet ; Section 11, southeast quarter, stream, 453 feet; Section 13, Long Lake, 443 feet; Section 30, east half, pond, 413 feet; Section 32, north line, 518 feet; Section 34, general level, 504 feet ; Section 35, north half, Canton, 566 feet. Township 16 north, Range 14- east (Ripon): Ripon Station, 352 feet; cliff, west of road, 341 feat; City Falls, under tressel bridge, 332 feet; city, top of St. Peters, near lime-kiln, 351 feet ; city, top of hill, west of lime-kiln, 373 feet ; St. Peter's, west of lime-kiln, 358 feet ; Coomb's quarry, bottom, 370 feet; Section 2 (estimated), southeast corner, 309 feet; Section 19, middle west line, 304 feet ; Section 20, northwest quarter of northwest quarter, 327 feet ; Section 20, northwest of center, quarry, 400 feet ; Section 20, little west of center, 397 feet ; Section 20, near middle of south line,' 350 feet ; Section 20, southwest quarter of southeast quarter, 351 feet; Section 20, northeast quarter of northwest quarter, 381 feet; Section 21, quarry southwest of Mr. Starr's, 364 feet ; Section 26, northwest quarter, 366 feet ; Section 28, north line northeast quarter, 370 feet ; Section 29, northeast quarter, near center, 350 feet ; Section 29, northeast quarter, top of limestone, 370 feet; Section 29, twenty rods south of limestone, 341 feet; Section 35, southeast quarter, 364 feet; Section 36, southeast quarter, stream, 343 feet. Township 16 north, of Range 15 east (Rosendale) : Rosendale Station, 313 feet ; West Rosendale Station, 304 feet ; Rubicon Station, 440 feet ; Section 4, southwest quarter, 288 feet ; Section 4, southwest quarter, quarry, 278 feet ; Section 28, northwest quarter, river, 271 feet ; Section 32, southeast corner, 345 feet. Township 16 north, Range 18 east (Taycheedah) : Lake "Winnebago, 162 feet ; Section 5, middle north line northwest quarter, 305 feet ; Section 5, center, 386 feet : Section 22, south west corner, hill, 450 feet ; Section 22, middle north line, 438 feet ; Section 25, north line, hills, 408 feet; Section 25, north line, valleys, 358 feet ; Sections 29, southwest quarter of southeast quarter, 341 feet ; Section 32, north-northwest quarter, railroad, 219 feet. Township 14 north, of Range 15 east (Waupun) : Waupun Station, 314 feet ; Horicon marsh, 280 feet. 312 HISTOEY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. ARTESIAN WELLS. The term artesian is frequently applied to deep wells, without regard to whether water flows at the surface or not ; but it will here be confined to flowing wells, without regard to depth. Flowing wells depend upon these requisite conditions : There should be an impervious stratum to prevent the escape of the water below ; a previous water-bearing stratum upon this to furnish the flow of water ; a second impervious layer upon this, to prevent the escape of the- water above, it being under pressure from the fountain-head. These must dip, and there must be no adequate outlet for the water at a lower level than the wellv There must also be a suffi cient collecting area or reservoir in connection with the porous stratum, and it must have suffi cient elevation to act as a fountain-head. Wells of this description in Eastern Wisconsin are divided into six different classes, according to the formation from which they derive their flow : (1) Those that derive their flow entirely from the drift; (2) those that derive their flow from the junction of the drift with the indurated rocks below; (3) those that originate in the Niagara limestones ; (4) those that arise from the Galena and Trenton limestone ;. (5) those from the St. Peters sandstone ; and, (6) those from the primordial zone. The wells of Fond du Lac County belong to the first, second, fourth and fifth classes. In number and variety of source, these flowing wells of the county stand pre-eminent. In the city of Fond du Lac, there are three classes of comparatively shallow wells that derive their flow from within twenty feet of the surface of the galena limestone rock, either above or below it, it being from two to nearly one hundred feet beneath the soil. In the first, flowing water is found in the blue clay which underlies the superficial red clay. The water is usually reached in a stratum of quicksand, from six inches to six feet in thickness. In the second, the flow is obtained between what is locally known as "concrete" and the rock. This concrete, which varies from two to twenty feet in thickness, is the lowest member of the drift at this point, and seems to consist of partially cemented sand and gravel. The first flow of water is usually accompanied by a green or brown sand. The flow of the third class originates in the-, same rock, within from six to twenty feet of its surface and is unaccompanied, in general, by sand of any kind. The vast majority of the wells of the city belong to one of these three Classes. " Hunter's Magnetic Saline Fountain " derives its flow from the deeper limestone stratar as is shown from the following sections : Feet. Red clay 26 Blue clay, bowlders and concrete 30 First water-course at 56 Brown limestone 14 Second water-course at 70 Brown limestone 40 Third water-course at 110 White limestone 30 Fourth water-course at 140 Crystalline cherty limestone 20 Cherty limestone 27 Fifth water-course at 187 Total depth 187 The following is an analysis of the rock taken from this well : Lime 28.80 Magnesia 20.76 Protoxide of iron .' 2.19 Soda .......v.."!!......'...!....'."!...!..! 20 Chlorine " ..............."" trace. Sulphuric acid 10 Carbonic acid 45.51 Total 97.66 HISTOEY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. 313 From this it appears that this rock, in common with nearly all the so-called limestone of Eastern Wisconsin, is really a dolomite. The following is an approximate analysis of the water •of this well, leaving off decimals in calculating the proportions : 1. Carbonate of lime 5 % Carbonate of potash 4 3. Carbonate of magnesia , 6 4. Carbonate of soda 4 5. Sulphate of lime 12 6. Sulphate of potash 10 7. Sulphate of magnesia 17 8. Sulphate of soda 13 9. Chloride of sodium 14 10. Chloride of potassium 3 11. Silica 5 12. Traces of iron 13. Traces of bromine... * 14. Free carbonic acid — ¦ Waste 7 Total 100 The water has been extensively used for its remedial qualities. The fountain on First street, belonging to B. Wild & Co., represents a yet more deep-seated system. This well is 326 feet deep, and passes entirely through the galena and Trenton lime stones, reaching the St. Peters sandstone below, whence it derives a flow of forty-eight gallons per minute. The stream has been carried by pipes fifty-three feet above the surface. It flows with such force, that, with hose and a quarter-inch nozzle attached, it projects a stream from thirty to thirty-five feet high, and forty-eight feet horizontally. The following is an analysis of the water of this fountain : Lime 0.063 Magnesia 0.040 Soda : 0.061 Silica 0.013 Sulphuric acid 0.049 Chlorine 0.045 Carbonic acid 0.090 ¦Combined as follows: Chloride of sodium 0.074 Sulphate of soda 0.073 Lime 0.010 Bicarbonate of soda Lime 0.105 Magnesia 0.083 Silila 0.012 Total 0.357 The following is the section of the well on the High School grounds : reet Drift, red and blue clay 95 Magnesian limestone (Trenton and galena) 195 St. Peters sandstone 135 Total , 425 The section of S. B. Amory's well is as follows : Feet fSoil, 3 feet = ) Drift \ Red clay, 37 feet Y 93.0 (Blue and bowlder, 53 feet ) t-„ f Galena, 142 feet \ 9n9 n Limestone.. | Trenton60feet } 2OJ.0 St. Peters sandstone 131.3 Lower magnesian limestone 2.0 Total 428.3 314 ' HISTOEY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. In searching for the fountain-head of the wells that belong to the first class — those belong ing entirely to the drift — possible sources are found on almost every side, to the east, south, west and northwest. To the east and south, there lies a large ledge of Niagara limestone, under laid by impervious shale, from the surface of which issue frequent springs. The clay deposits of the basin in which the city of Fond du Lac lies, abut against and overlap this shale. The junction is, in all probability, permeable to water, which would thus reach the porous strata of sand and gravel that are found within the blue clay. That this is the true explanation of the- artesian wells of Taycheedah and Byron is more than probable. To the west, the blue clay rises- to the surface, and lies upon, or graduates into, the more gravelly drift hills of that region, and may not improbably derive thence its water supply. The fountain-heads of the second and third classes — those that rise from the " concrete " and from the limestone — are doubtless the same, or at least their fountain heads are associated, except perhaps those of the deep wells, whose reservoir is more distant ; in all cases, it is probably to the westward. Lamartine and adjoining towns furnish favorable conditions. The surface of the rock, as well as its layers, rise in that direction. The slight local exception to this in the western portion of the city is not sufficient to affect the general problem. The rock appears at the surface to the southwest, along Seven Mile Creek, at an elevation of 122 feet above Lake Winnebago. The general surface of the town of Lamartine is about 150 feet above the lake, and consists of low hills and ridges interspersed with marshes. The surface drainage is very imperfect. The hills and ridges are composed of the varying mixed material of the unassorted drift, and are more or less permeable to water. Phenomena connected with the boring of wells in this region, show that certain of the layers of the underlying magnesian limestone are practically impervious to water, while others are not. These with the clay above furnish the necessary pervious and impervious strata, and complete the requisite conditions. The fountain head of Mr. Wild's well is to be found along the line of outcrop of the St. Peters sandstone, within which its reservoir undoubtedly lies. Near Ripon, the St. Peters sandstone outcrops at an elevation of about 325 feet above Lake Michigan, or about 150 feet above the surface of the well, thus giving an abundant elevation. The flowing wells of Taycheedah are from sixty to seventy feet deep, but do not reach the rock. It seems most probable that they derive their flow from veins having their origin at the surface of the shale beneath the ledge, as already explained. The water in, some of the wells is highly impregnated with sulphuretted hydrogen. In the town of Byron, adjoining Fond du Lac on the south, on the farms of Henry Bush, D. D. Jones and Mr. Searles, there are several wells having a rather scanty and variable flow. They are not, however, immediately affected by rains. The wells belonging to Mr. Jones are seventy feet deep. Rock was struck at Mr. Searles' at a depth of 170 feet — but did not yield a flow. The fountain head of these is probably in the bluffs to the south. The artesian wells of the town of Oakfield are located in Sections 9, 15, 16 and 17, and occupy an extensive depression stretching northeastward to Fond du Lac. H. D. Hitt has three wells from sixty-eight to seventy-four feet deep. The following is a typical section : 1, surface soil ; 2, marl ; 3, blue clay ; 4,' small vein of sand ; 5, alternate" blue clay, sand and gravel ; 6, rock at from forty-eight to fifty-four feet from the surface. Water flowed in a small stream before the rock was struck. Mr. Whittaker secured a fine flow in a vein of sand beneath blue clay, at from twenty to twenty-two feet from the surface. S. Scovil, residing on Section 17, has two flowing wells, one forty-eight and ¦ the other seventy- five feet deep. The first mentioned is thirty-seven feet in blue clay and twelve feet in limestone. It is situated near the western extremity of the depression before mentioned, where the surface gradually rises toward the drift hills that form the " divide " between the Mississippi and St. Lawrence basins. The latter lies somewhat farther eastward, and penetrates fifty feet of pure clay, without seams of sand or gravel, and extends twenty-five feet into the limestone beneath. This well has a brisk, steady flow, about one inch in cross section, and is not noticeably affected by rains. The former one is much affected by rains, the change being noticeable within twenty-four hours. > HISTOEY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. 315 The wells of Mr. Hatch and Mr. Wells are similarly affected. These do not penetrate the rock. There are two systems here, the more superficial, whose veins lie near the junction of the drift and limestone, being sometimes above and sometimes below, and whose reservoir is in the vicinity and is superficial ; and the deeper one, whose fountain-head is more distant.. The reservoirs in both cases are probably to the westward and northwestward. At the mill of W. N. Davis, on the shore of Lake Winnebago in Calumet, are two fine wells, giving a copious flow of clear, cold, sparkling water, impregnated with considerable iron and some sulphuretted hydrogen. It is about ninety feet in depth. All the drift wells in Fond du Lac County may be considered as constituting one group, owing their origin to the basin-shaped depression occupied by Lake Winnebago, the superficial layer of which is impervious and prevents the water from escaping into the lake until pierced. The deepest artesian well sunk in the county was put- down by J. Dobbins, at the village of Elmore,' Section 15, town of Ashford. The upper coral bed was at the surface. FEET. Depth of Niagara limestone 245 Depth of Cincinnati clay 242 Depth of Galena and Trenton limestone 214 Depth of St. Peters sandstone 101 Depth of Lower Magnesian limestone 202 Depth of Potsdam sandstone 244 Total depth.: 1,248 Surface of the well above the ocean 989 Depth of the bottom of the well below the sea level 259 WATER POWERS. The great Interior and the West are laboring under an error, which intelligent action may remove. They produce vast quantities of crude material needing manufacture. This bulky and heavy matter they transport a thousand miles to be worked up. They likewise produce immense quantities of food. This they carry the same thousand miles to feed those who manu facture the other material. They then bring back the manufactured article, murmuring at its expense, and praying for cheaper transportation. More simply and truly stated, the situation is this : At one end of a thousand miles is a man and his tools ; at the other end is the heap ' of crude material he is to manufacture, the bulky food he is to eat, and the market for his prod ucts ; and the problem is, " Shall the mountain go to Mohammed, or will Mohammed come to the mountain? " An intelligent, practical answer to this will go some way toward solving the problem of cheaper transportation. Agriculture, mining and manufacture, form a triangle of industries that are mutually dependent, and the nearer they can be brought together, the more successful will each be. The question then — What facilities for manufacturing does our State present ? — becomes one of the highest importance, especially as to our preponderating agri cultural interests. Chief among these is water-power. In Eastern Wisconsin (and Fond du Lac County is to be considered in that district or portion of the State) there is a vast amount of water-power situated in the heart of an exceedingly rich farming country, with abundant facilities for transportation ; and this is not by any means a subordinate consideration, in the midst of an intelligent, cultured society. What is needed is for capitalists to fully realize that the natural facilities for manufacturing in the Interior must, in the immediate future, be utilized to their utmost capacity. A Washburn in another State, and a Meyer at home, are gifted with sufficient prescience to foresee this, and the legitimate result is an unbounded success. But what of the water-powers of Fond du Lac County ? A comparison of the streams and smaller marshes as laid down on the Government plats, with what we now see, shows important changes in their size. Large areas that are represented as marsh on the plats of the United States surveys, are now comparatively dry and arable. Many of the smaller streams have dis appeared or become mere periodical runs. These changes have been much more marked in the forest regions of the country than in the prairies or openings, and are so intimately connected 316 HISTOEY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. , with the clearing-away of the timber, that it is a fair inference that this is the main cause. The timber in some portions was very heavy and consequently permitted but a very feeble under growth. The removal of the trees left the surface almost entirely bare, and a large portion was put at once under cultivation. The effect of so great a change naturally made itself felt upon the drainage of wooded portions of tne county; To the extent to which this has gone thus far it has, doubtless, on the whole been a benefit, as it has induced a drier, lighter, warmer soil, and more healthful atmosphere. But the limits of benefit in this direction may be assumed to have been reached, and the danger now to be apprehended is that it will proceed to an injurious extent. This, however, can be avoided by fostering the growth of forest trees. But the water-power of the county has not been benefited by the change ; on the contrary, it has been injured by it. There are, however, a number of streams in the county which fur nish good powers, but their efficiency is not remarkable in any particular instance. The surface of the country nowhere rises to any great altitude ; while four rivers — the Manitowoc, the Sheboygan, the Milwaukee and the Rock — have more or less of their head-branches within the county limits. The streams flowing into Winnebago Lake are of inconsiderable length, and have no great fall. The most efficient powers, therefore, must be sought for outside the county — down the rivers just mentioned, and particularly upon the Lower Fox. But the lack of superior water-powers is compensated by easily and readily attainable steam-powers, which are rendered available as well as profitable, because of the abundance of cheap fuel. GEOLOGICAL FORMATIONS. Archean Rock. — The northern part of the State is occupied by the upper portion of the Archean rock, called the Huronian, the lower or Laurentian series being nowhere visible in Wisconsin. These rocks dip to the south and east, and form the ground floor on which lies the paleozoic formation, consisting of sandstone and limestone, which constitute the upper formation in this part of the State. Its average depth beneath the surface of Fond du Lac County is about 1,000 feet. ' The artesian well sunk by John Dobbins at Elmore penetrates the Archean rock to the depth of twelve feet. Potsdam Sandstone. — On the great floor thus formed lies the Potsdam sandstone to the depth of 200 to 250 feet, but nowhere does it come to the surface in this county. Lower Magnesian Limestone. — Upon the Potsdam sandstone lies the lower magnesian limestone. This is very irregular in thickness, varying from 60 to 150 feet. It appears at the surface in the town of Ripon, west and north of the city of Ripon in high bluffs, and has been bored into in the city of Fond du Lac, in the sinking of the artesian well at the high-school building, at the depth of 420 feet, and at S. B. Amory's well on Division street, at a depth of 426 feet, 3 inches. St. Peters Sandstone. — Upon the wavy and irregular surface of the lower magnesian limestone, rests the St. Peters sandstone. It is the only sandstone which outcrops in the county, and then only in two towns, in Section 31, town of Metomen, and in the town of Ripon, west and north of the city of Ripon. In Section 17, it is cut through by the Sheboy gan & Fond du Lac Railroad, and in Section 9 by the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railroad. It is exposed in several places in the bluffs west of Ripon, and is everywhere a soft, crumbling sandstone, usually white or yellow ; being permeable to water, it forms the reservoir for the principal supply of the deep wells in the city of Fond du Lac and vicinity. At the high-school artesian well, it is 293 feet from the surface, and 130 feet deep ; at S. B. Amory's, 295 feet from the surface, and 131 feet thick. Trenton Limestone. — There lies on the St. Peters sandstone the Trenton or blue lime stone, about seventy-five feet thick, which only outcrops in the west tier of sections in the towns of Alto and Metomen, where it is much covered with drift and soil, and in the town of Ripon, where the lower beds, which are partly buff colored, are well displayed ; also at the falls within the city of Ripon, caused by the waters of Silver Creek running over the limestone and wash ing away the St. Peters sandstone from beneath ; also a few rods west of the business part of that HISTOEY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. 317 ¦city, where the lowest layers of this rock are about forty feet higher than at the falls, and along the bluff-in ,the west part of that city where the lower beds are twenty to thirty feet higher, from which point they dip south until they disappear beneath Crystal Creek. North and east of Ripon City, the formation becomes quickly covered with deep drift and soil and is but little exposed. Q-alena Limestone. — Immediately upon the blue or Trenton limestone rests the gray or galena limestone, possessing similar characteristics. It derives its name from the fact that it is the main formation that bears galena or lead in the southwestern part of the State. It differs from the Trenton in being deeper bedded and having a more irregular texture, weather ing into rough, craggy forms, sometimes with a rotten appearance. The galena forms the surface rock of the west half of the county, embracing some of its most fertile towns. It underlies the towns of Friendship, Fond du Lac, north half of Byron, the north half and west half of Oakfield, Lamartine, Eldorado, Springvale, Waupun, Alto, Metomen and the east half of Ripon. This rock is easily disintegrated by atmospheric action, while it loses a part of its lime and magnesia (being a dolomite). It produces a valuable clayey soil for agricultural purposes. , The thickness of the rock is about 125 feet, it being penetrated for artesian wells in different parts of the county and yielding a considerable number of flowing wells. There are quarries of this rock in different parts of the western towns. The stone at Waupun is the most valuable for building purposes, dressing well but coarse under the hammer and chisel. The most eastern outcrop in the county is at Moore's quarry in the Third Ward of the city of Fond du Lac. There are also beds of this stone open in Sections 7 and 16 in the town of Fond du Lac, and at Seven Mile Creek in the town of Lamartine. The galena rock underlies the soil of the beautiful prairies, fine groves and oak openings which, in a state of nature, so highly adorned the county. Cincinnati Shales and Limestone. — The galena limestone is succeeded by a series of shales and limestone known as the Cincinnati group, which constitute the upper series of the Lower Silurian period. This formation is about one hundred and fifty feet thick, and protrudes immedi ately from beneath the ledge. Its disintegration forms a most tenacious clay soil, on which flow the springs and brooks which so abundantly water the plain beneath the ledge. This formation outcrops through the entire length of the county, from Calumet Mills on the east side of Lake Winnebago to Section 32 in the town of Oakfield, traversing the county in a northeast and •southwest direction. The soil from this formation forms the most valuable grazing land in the county. The shales, which form a part of this formation, bear such resemblance to the shales of the coal fields that there was some boring for coal in and beneath it. There never has been any native mineral coal found in any formation as old as this. The carboniferous formations are much more recent than the Silurian series which form the surface rock of the county. Upper Silurian Series. — This formation rests upon the Cincinnati clays, and is the most prominent and important rock formation in the county. It forms a bold ridge throughout the length of the county, elevated about two hundred feet above the level of the valley beneath. This formation is well exposed, the ledge traversing the towns of Calumet, Taycheedah, Empire, Eden, Byron and Oakfield, and the rock underlying the towns of Marshfield, Forest, Osceola, Ashford and Auburn. In the latter towns, it is not much exposed, being covered \heavily with glacial drift, some places 300 feet deep. In this State, the Upper Silurian series consists of the Clinton iron ore and the Niagara group. The Clinton Iron Ore is absent or nearly so in this county, being nowhere visible as an outcrop. The Niagara Gfroup, which forms the rock in the east part of the county, consists of the Mayville beds, the Byron beds and the lower and upper coral beds. The Mayville Beds, being the lowest member of the group, resting immediately on the Cincinnati clay and forming the principal portion of the front of the ledge, are the best exposed rock in the county. East of the village of Taycheedah, at the old brewery, it is quarried 818 HISTOEY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. extensively, and also at the Berry farm, Section 5, there is a good quarry. The rock is much used for heavy foundations in Fond du Lac City and vicinity. This rock is, in general, a rough, coarse, gray magnesian limestone, possessing the same general character throughout its entire area. I The best stone is almost a pure dolomite, consisting of about 52 per cent of carbonate of lime and 43 per cent of carbonate of magnesia, and has been much used for the manufacture of lime in the towns of Taycheedah and Oakfield. The Mayville beds are about sixty feet thick. The beautiful marble stone which forms the front of the Patty Hotel in Fond du Lac City, was obtained from the rock in the town of Taycheedah. Byron Beds. — Reposing upon the coarse-textured Mayville beds last described, lies a somewhat thicker series of beds, bearing a strong contrast to them in color, texture, stratifica tion and general character. The ledges of the former are rough in aspect, and dull in color, these of the latter are usually smooth and white. The texture of the former is generally coarse, and often very uneven, that of the Byron beds is always fine, and sometimes so close and compact as to be lithographic in character. The color, when not white, is a light gray or cream tint. The texture is either very fine, close and compact, or fine grained. The bedding is either thin, producing excellent flagging, or attaining more considerable dimensions, and furnishes cutting and building stone, the very best in the State. The lower beds of this forma tion are thin bedded, while in the upper portion, the beds are thicker. The rock is called the Byron, because its best development in Wisconsin is in the town of Byron, in this county. The purity of the rock admirably fits it for the manufacture of lime. It makes a strong and white article, and is among the best in the United States. In selecting stone for this purpose, the granular variety is generally to be preferred, from its superior purity, and because of its porous nature it allows the carbonic gas that is discharged in the burning to escape readily, thus facili tating an easy and complete calcination. In the towns of Oakfield and Byron, kilns have beera established that manufacture an excellent lime, some of which is shipped to the Chicago market; being almost a pure dolomite, consisting of 54J per cent of carbonate of lime and 44J per cent of carbonate of magnesia, it makes a very strong cement. The greatest observed thickness of the Byron beds is about 110 feet. It outcrops in the towns of Oakfield, Byron, Eden, Empire, Taycheedah and Marshfield. The thicker beds furnish an excellent building stone, either rough dressed for ordinary masonry, or cut for the finer classes of work. In some instances a color as fine as statuary marble may be obtained. Lower Coral Beds. — Next in order of succession comes the lower coral beds. The rock of this formation is a rough, heavy-bedded dolomite or magnesian limestone, not unlike the Mayville beds. The layers are something very massive, ten to twelve feet intervening between distinct bedding joints. In texture the rock is coarse, crystalline, granular and usually rather soft, which gives the weathered outlines a very rough, craggy, pitted exterior. The prevailing color is gray, verging toward white and yellow. Much of the rock is nearly pure dolomite well fitted to the manufacture of lime ; but, like the Mayville beds, it requires much discrimination in selecting the best for that purpose. The lower coral beds are about fifty feet thick. Upper Coral Beds. — This rock' occupies the highest horizon of any rock in the county, being the most recent of our rock system. It underlies the- soil in the towns of Auburn, Osceola, the east half of Ashford and east half or Forest. It is rather a thin-bedded dolomite, generally of a buff color, but in its unweathered condition often gray. It is usually fine grained, compact and hard. It shows a tendency to split into irregular, rudely, lenticular flakes. The stone is of little value for construction or for lime. Some layers make a tolerable flag. In Sections 2 and 11 in the town of Ashford, the North-Western Union Pacific Road cuts through it. There is also a quarry opened in it at the village of Elmore, in the same town, in Section 15, which exhibits a very heavy-bedded rock/ The thickness of this formation may be estimated at fifty feet. The Soil— The latest geological formation is the soil. This is produced by the disintegra tion of the drift and of the rock, where it approaches the surface. In Fond du Lac County, HISTOEY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. 319' where the sandstone comes to the surface, it forms small patches of sandy soil, remarkable for its warmth and fertility. The limestone gives the soil a loamy character observed on ihe higher prairies, where that rock approaches the surface. There is a deep and exhaustless red clay to be found in the timber land. As a whole, the soil of the county is not surpassed by any in Wisconsin for fertility. The soil of the marshes is a deep, black, vegetable mold. PHYSICAL FEATURES. Fond du Lac County, lying as it does on the dividing line between the immense forests of hardwood and pine which extend northward to Lake Superior, and the vast expanse of prairie that stretches away to the west and southwest until it meets the Rocky Mountains, happily unites within its own territory the principal characteristics and resources peculiar to both these districts. While in the north and east it enters those hardwood forests which have added so much to the prosperity and success of the manufacturing interests of Wisconsin, in the south and west it reaches out and embraces a portion of those prairies of inexhaustible agricultural resources, which are the pride of the Great Central West. The general surface appearance of Fond du Lac County is attractive, being generally undu lating enough to afford good draining, without being hilly, presenting a pleasing variety of groves of valuable timber and light openings, interspersed with stretches of prairie, marsh and meadow lands, beautifully undulated with gentle ascents and declivities, which swell away in the distance, forming many truly charming landscapes. But little, if any, is so uneven or hilly as to render it undesirable for agricultural purposes, and a large portion of the flat, marshy land which was originally considered worthless, has, at a trifling expense, been transformed into valuable meadow; while there are some 3,000 acres of peat marsh, having an inexhaustible supply of peat of a good quality, varying from six to twenty feet in depth, which may, in the not distant future, become a source of wealth to its owners. The most notable of the physical features of the county are its lakes, rivers, creeks, springs, " the ledge," and marshes. Winnebago Lake, the largest body of fresh water wholly within a single State of the Union, is the most striking physical feature of Fond du Lac County. It has an elevation above Lake Michigan of 162 feet ; above the ocean of 751 feet. It is about thirty miles in length, north and south ; eight to fifteen miles in width, east and west. " It reclines its head in Fond du Lac County — the city lying as its crown." The number of sections of land covered by its waters within the limits of the county are about thirty-four. Were the lake to be drained, the land reclaimed within the county would lie in Townships 15 and 16 north, of Range 17 east, and in Townships 16 and 17 north, of Range 18 east. The northern boundary of the county crosses the lake from east to west as follows : From the southwest corner of Calumet County extending west on the south line of the county to a point in the lake " in the range line between Ranges 17 and 18 east ; thence south on said range line to the range of the town ship line between Townships 16 and 17 north ;" thence west to a point where the north line of the county of Fond du Lac leaves the lake. So much of the lake as lies south and east of these- lines is within the county of Fond du Lac. It is a matter of record that one imaginative person named J. E. Tuttle, of Fond du Lac, doubtless believing in some awful convulsion that would make the dry land appear where now is only water, and having faith that when the dry land should appear, Uncle Sam would at once send out surveyors and run the proper lines, did, on July 11, 1861, mortgage to Richard H. Tallman, of Ogle County, 111., to secure the payment of $5,000, the east half of Section 28 and the southwest quarter and northeast quarter of Section 27, in Township 17 north, of Range 18 east, all in Fond du Lac County ! When that mortgage is foreclosed, the purchaser will doubt less discover that railway stocks are not the only things that are " watered " — that real-estate mortgages are liable to the same manipulations, in the hands of sharpers. In earlier years, the quantities of fish, mostly suckers, bull-pouts, catfish and sturgeon^ taken from Winnebago Lake would seem incredible at the present day, although these fi3h are still abundant in the spring. Pike, pickerel and bass are almost as abundant now as ever, but 320 HISTOEY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. v are not taken in such quantities as the other varieties. In 1859, fish sold in the city of Fond da Lac for 10 cents per bushel, and suckers and bull-pouts were sold for 25 cents per sleigh load to the farmers who fed their swine upon this eminent brain food. At that, time, all the streams flowing into the lake were crowded with fish in a manner that will never be witnessed again. Lake Winnebago, being for the most part comparatively shallow, is not very cold in sum mer, and freezes early and to a great depth in winter. It is not much more than 120 feet in depth in its deepest part, and the south end will not average over fifteen feet in depth. It has no first-class harbors in Fond du Lac County, the only ones in use being at Pipe Village and the city of Fond du Lac. A moderate expenditure of Government money at either of these places would render them much more safe, and good enough for all the commerce done on the lake. They were nearly impassible during the summer of 1879, as the water in the lake was lower than at any period since 1848, when the dam at Neenah was erected, raising the water in the whole lake, and in all the streams emptying into it. A mention of Island Park, or Garlic Island, as it was called for years on account of the abundance of leeks or wild onions found upon it, may properly be made in connection with this article, although it is situated beyond the boundaries of Fond du Lac County. It is a high, dry, splendidly wooded island, nearly twenty- five miles from the city of Fond du Lac, surrounded by deep water and fine fishing grounds. It is owned by a company of individuals living in Oshkosh and Fond du Lac, by whom it has been beautified by the erection of several large summer-houses and clearing away all weeds and under brush. It is the resort during the summer months of numbers of pleasure seekers, mostly from Fond du Lac and Oshkosh. Other Lakes. — There are about twenty small lakes and numerous ponds wholly within the county of Fond du Lac, with Rush and Winnebago Lakes bordering it on the north. The most beautiful of all these lakes is De Neveu, situated in a valley entirely surrounded by forests, about three miles from the city of Fond du Lac. On the map it will be found in Sections 30 and 31. On all sides are bold shores, and its waters are deep, clear and cold. It is cool in summer and does not freeze over until late at winter, owing to the numerous springs on its shores and in its bed. It has several large summer cottages, numerous fine boats, and, in the summer, either shore is well lined with the white tents of campers. It abounds in pickerel, pike and rock, black, green and strawberry bass, which are caught liberally by the pleasure seekers. Pickerel weighing thirty pounds have been caught in this lake. As a ducking and excellent fishing place, Long Lake, in Sections 13, 24 and 25, of the town of Osceola, is of the most importance, although Duck Lake, in the town of Ashford, Mullet Lake, in the town of Forest, and Lake Fifteen, in the town of Auburn, are famous. Rivers. — Fond du Lac County might well and properly be called the birthplace of rivers, for it has the honor of being the source of more rivers and creeks than any other in Wisconsin— perhaps in the Union. And what may be considered still more remarkable, these streams actually flow in four contrary directions — east, west, north and south. All of these streams have their sources in springs or small spring lakes, and were, therefore, in an early day, abundantly stocked with excellent fish. In fact, the stories told by the early settlers of the quantities of suckers, mullet and red-horse taken from them seem almost incredible, although they are well supported °l> the Seven rivers having their source in Fond du Lac County, only two, the East arid West Branches of the Fond du Lac River, belong wholly to the county. Of these, the West Branch is the larger. It has three principal sources — one on Section"l4, town of Metomen ; one on Section 14, town of Ripon, and the other on Section 7, town of Rosendale. It is nowhere a navigable stream. It is dammed in the town of Eldorado, where it turns during a por tion of the year the Scribner flouring-mill, and in the town of Fond du Lac, where it turns the John C. Bishop mill. It unites with the East Branch in the city of Fond du Lac, a half-mile trom where it empties into Lake Winnebago. The East Branch of the Fond du Lac River has its principal source in Sections 5 and 13, in the town of Oakfield, where it is called Seven Mile Creek. Its other sources are on Sections HISTOEY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. 321 20, in Byron (tne camp-ground spring), and 16, in Lamartine. Near the village of Oakfield, this stream turns two flouring-mills during portions of the year, and a flouring-mill on Section 27, town of Fond du Lac. After its confluence with the West Branch in the city of Fond du Lac, the stream is navigable for a short distance, but is mostly used for rafting logs. A station ary bridge at Scott street prevents boats from passing farther up. There was once talk of com pelling the city to make swing bridges over the Fond du Lac River as far as it had been declared navigable water, but nothing definite was ever done. Rock River, which is only a small stream in Fond du Lac County, rises in large springs in Sections 3, 16 and 19, in the town of Alto, and in Section 25, in the town of Metomen. The stream flows east past Waupun, where there is a small water-power. Although comparatively an unimportant stream in this county, Rock River is one ofthe important streams of the States of Wisconsin and Illinois. Grand River has its source in springs in Sections 16 and 19, in the town of Metomen, and in Section 19, in the town of Alto. It flows westward through Green Lake County into the Fox River, turning four mills in the town of Metomen. Milwaukee River has three branches — East, Middle and West — in Fond du Lac County. The head-waters of the East Branch are discharged from Long Lake, in Sections 13 and 14, town of Osceola. The Middle Branch has its source in Section 23, Osceola, and the West. Branch mostly in Round Lake, in Section 27, Osceola, although large feeders come from springs in Sections 25, in Byron, and 12 and 17, Eden. There are several mills turned in these towns by the three branches of the Milwaukee River, which flows south into Lake Michigan at Milwaukee. Sheboygan River takes its rise mostly in the eastern portion of the town of Empire, and in Section 6, town of Osceola. It flows eastward into Lake Michigan at the city of Sheboygan. Manitowoc River rises in the towns of Calumet and Forest. It is a favorite ducking and fishing stream, being deep and sluggish for the most part, and abounding in wild rice. It flows northeast into Lake Michigan at Manitowoc. De Neveu Creek has its principal sources in Twin Lakes, in Sections 9 and 16, in the town of Eden, and in De Neveu Lake, in the town of Empire. Being the outlet of De Neveu Lake, on G. De Neveu's land, it was first called De Neveu's Creek, which soon grew into its present name. It is a small stream, very swift, and subject to damaging freshets. In the spring, it is full of fish which run up from Lake Winnebago, into which it flows, in the town of Fond du Lac. One of the branches turns the Empire Woolen Mills, and the old Conklin flouring-mill, east of the city pf Fond du Lac. Silver Creek has its source in a spring which is the largest in Fond du Lac County,, situ ated on the farm of Almon Osborn, in Section 2, in the town of Metomen, and in another very large spring on M. Hargraves' farm on Section 1, in the town of Metomen. It flows to the westward through the city of Ripon, where it makes a rapid descent and furnishes a strong, though limited, water-power, into Green Lake. It turns, during a large portion of the year Dellinger's and Bateman's flouring-mills, in the city of Ripon, and Strong's and Crawford's mills, in the town of Ripon. The town of Metomen has the honor of being the source of Rock and Grand Rivers and Silver Creek. Rock River waters flow to the Gulf of Mexico, while the waters of the others, although flowing at first in different directions, empty in Lake Michigan through Green Bay. A few miles distant may be found the sources of the Fond du Lac and Milwaukee Rivers, which flow in exactly opposite directions, but finally reach Lake Michigan. The large number of springs in Fond du Lac County show precisely where the "water-shed" is located. Springs. — The county of Fond du Lac, especially in the town of Metomen, and those in which the " Ledge " is situated, is remarkable for the number and size of its springs, and the cool ness, deliciousness and purity of their waters. The most careful estimates place the number of springs in the county at 2,000, the most of which flow from the Ledge. The largest is on the farm of Almon Osborn, in Section 2, in the town of Metomen, it being the principal source 522 HISTOEY OF1 FOND DU LAC COUNTY. of Silver Creek. In Section 1, in the town of Metomen, M. Hargraves is the owner of a very large spring. The springs in Sections 16 and 19, in the town of Metomen, make the Grand River, and in Sections 3, 16 and 19, of Alto, make the Rock River. In Section 20, •in the town of Byron, at the camp-grounds, is a very large spring, and also on Fred M. Phelps' farm, in Section 28, in the town of Empire, and on the farm of David Giddings, in the same town. G. De Neveu has a large spring near De Neveu Lake. This lake is fed by four springs of considerable size, one* of great purity and beauty being on John S. McDonald's land on the east shore of the lake, not more than a dozen feet from the water's edge, nor more than twenty inches above its surface. In Section 5 of the town of Eden, Section 10 of Metomen, Section 4 of Osceola, and Sections 16 and 13 of Byron, are large springs which never run dry or dimin ish their flow. The Ledge road and the Green Bay and Taycheedah plank road are crossed by water from hundreds of clear, cold springs, which, in some localities, occur every two or three yards. The Ledge. — The Ledge, as it is popularly known, is an abrupt outcropping of the lime stone crust, which extends from the northeast to the southwest across the county, through the iowns of Calumet, Taycheedah, Empire, Byron and Oakfield. It consists of the elevated edge of a thick layer of limestone, well broken and thoroughly marked by the erosion of the glacial period, and varies from a small mound to a bold, perpendicular cliff two hundred feet in height. It is remarkable for the thousands of clear, cold springs which gush from its cleft face from base to summit. Large quantities of lime are burned from its loosened fragments, and stone for 'buildings, cellars and bridges is obtained in any amount desired. In some localities, this Ledge is shattered, and in others it is cracked into mighty blocks of stone, whose perpendicular seams. and rents are wide enough for the passage of a person or a horse. At a place called Darlings' Gap, in the town of Oakfield, these features are particularly noticeable, many acres of land being strewn with blocks of stone which reach to the tops of the tallest trees, and frequently above them, and which in some instances stand out boldly and alone like the pyramids, as though dropped from the clouds. That portion of the Ledge which is not thus broken into fragments, is divided by innumerable but regular seams and pierced by fissures of large size. These seams ;and fissures, and the caves and hollows which abound along its entire length, were, when the •country was first settled, the homes of foxes, lynxes, bears, wild-cats and gray wolves, as well as squirrels and snakes without number ; and such of these animals as are left in the country are still to be found in the Ledge where they are safe from all assaults. The fat, sluggish snakes known as the "prairie bulls," which infested the tall grass of the prairies before disturbed by the settlers in great numbers, still abound in the recesses of the Ledge. Back of Allen's Mill, in the town of Taycheedah, iron ore was found about the year 1870 in paying quantities, but nothing was done with the discovery, owing to a lack of means. The iron is of the same quality as that found in large quantities at Iron Ridge, in Dodge County. The Ledge is covered with butternut, hickory, basswood, three kinds of oak, a few beech ¦trees, and in Oakfield with red cedar. It is a remarkable and interesting physical feature, both ¦to the geologist, naturalist and pleasure seeker. "The ledge, or hilly and elevated land east of the plain," says a writer in 1846, "is mostly owned by some of the first men in Wisconsin Territory, who have here some society of their own, although located at quite respectable distances apart. Among them are the Hon. N. P. Tallmadge, Gov. Doty, Henry Conklin, Mons. La Borde, a French gentleman, and several others. The hill rises by a gentle slope, about 100 feet, and extends north and south some twenty miles. All along its face are found, at short intervals, springs of the finest water, from which the brooks give abundant water to the plains below. On the same ground, too, are as handsome building sites as can be found anywhere, rivaling the best on the Hudson River, and commanding views extending over the country for thirty miles around, and the waters of the beautiful lake (Winnebago) as far as the eye can reach. Here are also plenty of splendid old oaks thick enough to grace a gentleman's park or lawn in a style that would require a lifetime to reach in the East. At the foot of the hill are some of the most beautiful ponds that I ever saw, HISTOEY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. 323 the water almost as transparent as the air itself, and literally alive with as fine pickerel, trout and other fish, as ever an epicure laid his eyes on. I walked an entire forenoon, and rode most of the afternoon over these charming grounds, and as I gazed at times, while standing in the shade of majestic oaks, at the luxuriant grass, more than two feet high everywhere, the fine cultivated fields, and the tiny lakes on the farms of Mons. La Borde and John Thompson, Esq., of Pough keepsie, .it seemed as if a fairy land had actually been reached. "At the east of the lands of the gentlemen named above, on the main road to Sheboygan, are some half-dozen more Dutchess County farmers, located' on farms of choicest quality, proving what has often been proved before, that where farmers from Dutchess County settle, you can always depend upon finding a first-rate country. On the premises of Mr. Conklin is a large and well-cultivated garden, in which I saw onions that in size and quality would bring tears to the eyes of a Weathersfield Yankee, and his other vegetables came almost up to the extravagant Western stories we see in the papers now and then. Among other things, I was shown a mullein eight and one-half feet high." Marshes. — In the popular sense of the term, the county contains but very few marshes. A marsh is really composed of low, wet land which is unfit for cultivation or use. Fond du Lac County contains no such, for all are used either as pastures or meadows. They consist of flat lands which are overflowed in spring and fall, but are generally dry enough in summer to admit of being worked upon with mowing machines, hay-tedders and wagons. The annual over flow adds greatly to the productiveness of these marshes, and the bay crops taken from some of them are truly astonishing. Two crops a year are cut when the fall rains do not begin too early. The usual mode of procedure is to stack the hay in dry weather, on the highest por tions of the marsh, and haul it off on the ice in winter. For pasturing horses and cattle, the hay marshes of Fond du Lac County are unsurpassed. But they are not usually adapted tothe keeping of sheep, being too damp and cold, nor for dairy purposes, as the grass does not pro duce as rich or abundant flow of milk as tame grasses. For horses and young stock, they are of peculiar value, as the latter grow sleek and thrifty upon it, while horses troubled with heaves or pulmonary diseases, are generally cured by grazing one or two seasons upon marsh grass. These marshes are to be found in every town in the county, but they are usually small and more than one-half of them have been reclaimed by the drain and plow. The largest one of them is called the " Eldorado Marsh," and is mostly within the town of Eldorado. It is cut in twain by the West Branch of the Fond du Lac River, and is all in use as pasture or meadow land, mostly the latter. The next in size is the Lamartine Peat Marsh, situated in the town of Lamartine. It takes its name from large quantities of peat which underlie its surface. A company was formed in Fond du Lac for the manufacture — that is, digging and drying — of peat, but the enterprise was long since abandoned. As the country grows older, these marshes are more and more encroached upon by the plow and seeder, and those which have been drained,as all will ultimately be, are very productive. CHAPTER II. Ancient Earth Works— Indian Occupancy— Early French Traders— United States Land- Surveys— United States Land Districts— Fond du Lac Company— Origin of the Name Fond du Lac— An Early Trip to the Head of Winnebago Lake— First Settlement in Fond du Lac County. ancient earthworks. Within the boundaries of Fond du Lac County are found many notable and interesting evi dences of prehistoric occupation and existence. The geographical position of the county is such as to intimately associate it with some of the important chains or series of earthworks that are found extending along most of the favorable routes for primitive transportation between the great lakes and the Mississippi River. The county in this regard seems to confirm the generally accepted theory that primitive man or the Mound-Builders, whoever they were, existed in greatest numbers along the borders of lakes and rivers ; and the more prominent these bodies of water and the position occupied appear, with relation to the great problems of transportation and subsistence, the more important and numerous are these ancient artificial works. The importance of the Fox and Wisconsin Rivers and their navigable tributaries has been recognized by all nations and tribes that have a written or traditional history, and the numerous evidences of a prehistoric character, found along their entire course, would seem to warrant a conclusion that these rivers have furnished a medium for transportation from the days of primitive man's unrecorded existence down to the present time. " In this great thoroughfare of ancient and modern times, Lake Winnebago occupies a central and important position, and to this circumstance the county is, no doubt, chiefly indebted for the numerous and interesting historic and prehistoric evidences within its limits. The situation of the mounds (many of them) seems to establish a belief that the observation since the settlement of the county by the whites, with relation to the gradual diminution in volume of the lakes and rivers, is not exceptional as to the present, but that this decrease has been continuous from the time the mounds were erected ; and, with relation to the importance of some of the streams associated with the Mound-Builders, their present condition would not justify conclusions that are consistent with former proportions. Not only is it certain that there has been a notable decrease in the volume of all existing bodies of water, but in some instances appearances would ' indicate that even quite large lakes have entirely disappeared, and that some of the works of the Mound-Builders now stranded on an inland hillside, at the time of their construction marked the water-line of their primitive proportions. With these inferences confirmed, we are aided in an explanation as to the peculiar location of a large number of notable inland formations. As an example, we find a chain of mounds extending from Lake Winnebago in the town of Taycheedah to the head-waters of the Sheboy gan River in the town of Marshfield, and thence along down the entire course of the river to Lake Michigan. There would seem to be little doubt that these earthworks marked the most feasible route between the points mentioned, provided the river was a navigable stream. The records of the voyagers and explorers seem to confirm this, as they mention a portage from Lake Winnebago to the Sheboygan River, and thence down the same to Lake Michigan. Another similar instance "is found in the line of mounds extending from Lake Winnebago- along the West Branch of the Fond du Lac River to the town of Lamartine, and thence across a HISTOEY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. - 327 portion of the town of Waupun to the head-waters of the Rock River. This route, also, was available at the time of the explorers of two hundred years ago, although, at the present time, the streams mentioned are quite insignificant in their proportions. The advantages of these routes are quite apparent when examined with relation to canoe voyaging or other primitive means of transportation. A detailed reference to the numerous works of the Mound-Builders found in the county would extend this article far beyond its prescribed limit. In general terms, therefore, we must group all found in large areas together, only specifically mentioning one or two notable formations. As usual in these formations, spherjcal works, numerically considered, occupy the leading position, while the irregular works rank first in size and importance, and would require special drawings and explanations .to render a description valuable or intelligent. . In addition to the prominent series referred to, extending eastward and southward from Lake Winnebago, there are portions of other series found in the northwestern part of the county in the vicinity of Rush Lake that are quite peculiar and interesting, and include animal and reptile imitations of large proportions. In the southeastern portion of the county also, near Long Lake, quite extensive works are , still traceable, and along the shore and vicinity of Lake Winnebago, in the northeastern part of the county, mounds are found in all directions. In some of the mounds examined are found, near the surface, relics of Indian origin, such as flint arrtfwheads, beads, etc., while farther below, and always near the base line, come the stone implements and the remnants of human bones that crumble into dust as soon as brought to the surface. Stone and flint implements are found in various portions of the county. Relics of a modern character, evidently associated with the earliest days of civilized communications, such as coins, medals, weights, bottles, etc., have been found, and would furnish materials for an interesting chapter in the county records. Much as might be written of the interesting features of the earthworks, the crowning wealth of Fond du Lac County is the harvest of native-copper implements that has already been gathered within its borders, as this county may justly claim pre-eminence in the number and variety of these rare and valuable relics. There have been gathered in the county over forty pieces, and they include all, or nearly all, the varieties yet dis covered. From one mound alone no less than twenty-six copper tools and ornaments have been taken, and these, in addition to a number of other pieces, have been collected in a private way by a citizen of the county who has, with one exception, brought together more of these relics than have been secured by the most enthusiastic collectors or prominent societies. In richness and variety, these specimens are unrivaled, as they include lance, spear and arrow heads, gouges, chisels and axes, fleshers, knives and needles, together with some quite unique personal orna ments that are found in no other collection. Concerning the origin of these native-copper tools much is left to conjecture. They have been found side by side with the stone and flint imple ments in the shallow grave of the Indian warrior, among skeletons in a good state of preservation, and forest trees of centuries' growth have reared their branches over the massive earthworks where the crumbling remains of the mysterious race of builders have been enshrined with native- copper tools and ornaments through the ages of unrecorded existence. INDIAN OCCUPANCY. As early as the year 1615, Samuel Champlain heard of a tribe of Indians living many leagues beyond Lake Huron, called the Five Nations, better known at a later date as the Mas coutins. Their homes were upon the Fox River at that time, as it is believed, and here they were visited by civilized men a little over half a century after. It is presumed that their vil lages were located within the present limits of Green Lake County, somewhere on Fox River between Berlin and Lake Puckaway, and that they claimed as their hunting-grounds, among much other territory, that now included within the boundary lines of the county of Fond du Lac. The nearest tribe to the Mascoutins down the river was that of the Winnebagoes, whose 328 HISTOEY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. homes were at the mouth of that stream. To the south, extending perhaps well up Rock River, was the territory of the Illinois. In the immediate neighborhood of the Mascoutins (but in what direction is uncertain) were the Kickapoos and the Miamis. The former is supposed to have at one time occupied the region around the head of the lake. The Illinois, who lived in a country "where there was a quantity of buffaloes," were afterward driven beyond the Mississippi, but subsequently returned to the river which still bears their name. Meanwhile, there commenced an emigration of the Mascoutins and their kindred, the Kickapoos and Miamis, to the southward, as far at least as the south end of Lake Michigan. Their place was taken by the Foxes and their relatives, the Sacs, and, in time, these also emigrated, but not to the southward ; the course taken by them was to the west and southwest. It is certain the Foxes claimed for a time the country now forming Fond du Lao County, as well as much other circumjacent territory. Then came the Winnebagoes from below, that is, from the head of Green Bay, moving up the Fox River by degrees, having out lying villages within the present limits of Fond du Lac County and in the valley of Rock River. The Menomonees also occupied the Winnebago Lake country. Their territory was on the east side of the lake, but did not extend very far south. The southeast portion of the present county of Fond du Lac lay within territory claimed by the Pottawatomies, whose homes were principally upon Lake Michigan. A small part of the county was ceded to the United States by the Menomonees ; a much larger portion, however, was comprised in the lands sold by the Winnebagoes in 1832. The residue was included in the Pottawatomie cession of 1833. In 1828, the Winnebago nation occupied the country immediately in the vicinity of the present city of Fond du Lac, and along the west shore of Lake Winnebago to what is now the city of Menasha. They then had large villages on each branch of the Fond du Lac River just above the forks. They also had a village at the mouth of the creek on the east side of the lake, above Taycheedah. The Menomonee village of Calumet ("Pipe Village"), even as early as 1817, seemed to be anything but of recent origin. Its location was not identical with the village of the same name in the present town of Calumet. The exact time when these three villages were finally vacated by their Indian occupants is not known with certainty, though in 1834 they were found by the Government surveyors unoccupied. EARLY FRENCH TRADERS. Frenchmen from Canada, trading with the Indians, were early visitors to what is now Fond du Lac County. The name Fond du Lac was applied by them as the remotest point in the lake from Green Bay. There was a trading-post established in 1787, at the forks of the Fond du Lac River, by Jacob Franks, of Green Bay. It was occupied by Jacques Poltier, Franks' clerk, for a , brief period. Franks, in 1791, sent his nephew, John Lawe, to this point. Augustin Grignon subsequently had a trading-post on the West Branch, just below the first- rapid, and very near the spot where are now the shops of the Chicago & North-Western Railway, in the city of Fond du Lac. Peter B. Grignon, now a venerable resident of Green Bay, and a nephew of Augustin Grignon, passed one winter on the West Branch, just below First street, about 1819. The cel lar of his shanty, partjally overgrown by willows, could be seen when the village was finally settled. It was situated not far from the La Belle Wagon Works blacksmith-shop, between For est and West Division streets. It seems, also, that at the Winnebago village, near where Taycheedah now is located, white men were at times located for the purpose of trading with the Indians. At this point, the Menomonees, Pottawatomies, and other tribes, came to traffic with the Frenchmen. Laurent Ducharme was one of the earlier traders here. A Spaniard by the name of Ace traded at this place a little later. Ace and his clerk were enticed a short distance from his house, by some Indians of the Rock River band, and murdered. The Indians then endeavored to enter the house, but the wife of Ace, with a gun, kept them at bay until assist ance arrived from the friendly Indians of the Taycheedah Village, when she was conveyed, to Green Bay with her family and goods. Soon afterward, a Canadian trader by the name of M '' HISTOEY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. 329 Ohavodreuil, selected the post for his winter quarters, and engaged a Menomonee hunter to supply him and his men with meat. This Indian, who lived with his wife in a wigwam near by, becoming jealous of the trader, shot and killed him. Michael Brisbois' and Joseph Rolette, of Prairie du Chien, were occasionally at this point trading during the early part of the present century. The white traders would sometimes ascend the Fond du Lac River, with canoes laden with goods, and thence make a " portage " of about two miles to Rock River, descending that stream to the Mississippi. This was not the route usually taken, but it brought them to Indian villages they could not otherwise reach. "John Lawe * * * was a native of York, England. His father was a captain in the English army, and his mother an English Jewess, a sister of Jacob Franks, who had come to Green Bay as early as 1795, as a clerk in the trading establishment of Oglevie, Gillaspie & Co., of Mackinaw, who had a store at Green Bay. John Lawe was educated at Quebec, and Joseph Rolette, so well known as a trader and early settler at Prairie du Chien, was one of his schoolmates. When his uncle, Mr. Franks, had been about three years with Oglevie, Gillaspie & Co., he ceased, serving as clerk, and went to Canada and obtained a stock of goods. He returned to the bay and opened a store, bringing his nephew, John Lawe, with him, then a young man of sixteen years. This was in the summer of 1797. " Lawe engaged in his uncle's employ, and the following winter was sent with a supply of Indian goods, accompanied by Louis Bauprez, - to Fond du Lac River, which was then known among the French and traders by that name, and took possession of the old trading-post, about a mile and a half above the mouth of that stream, on its eastern bank. This had been a winter , trading-post for many years. Laurent Ducharme, who one year caught a large number of ducks there by means of a net, salting and preserving them for winter's use, was about the earliest trader at that point ; then one Ace, a Spaniard, and, subsequently, one Chavodreuil ; and still later, Michael Brisbois and I wintered there two winters. " The Indians, whose trade was there sought, were the Winnebagoes, who had a village where Taycheedah now is, three miles east of Fond du.Lac City, and had other villages along Rock River. Mr. Lawe afterwards spent several winters at different points among the ¦ Indian hunting bands between Green Bay and the Mississippi, and up to the time when his uncle left the country and went back to Canada, which was about the commencement of the war of 1812, leaving Mr. Lawe as his successor as a merchant and trader ; and he continued more or less in the Indian trade as long as he lived." — Seventy-two Years' Recollections of Wisconsin. By Augustin Grignon. None of the trading-stations at the villages near the head of the lake can be considered as having been settlements. The houses of the white men were only built for temporary purposes — to traffic in with the Indians. Nor was either of the villages continuously occupied by the white traders. Sometimes, indeed, they carried their packs of merchandise upon their backs from Green Bay. Solomon Juneau would occasionally leave his home where the city of Milwaukee now stands, with eighty pounds weight upon his back, going to Sheboygan, and thence to Lake Winnebago, returning by the way of the villages at the head of the lake. This primitive mode of transportation has been improved upon between those points since that day. UNITED STATES LAND SURVEYS. Immediately after the close of the Black Hawk war, and after the acquisition by the United States of the Indian title to all the land west of Lake Michigan, a survey was commenced by the General Government. The northern boundary of Illinois, which was fixed April 11, 1818,' on the line of 42° 30' north latitude, was made the base line of the surveys. A principal north and south line (known as the Fourth Meridian) was run, extending from the base line to Lake Superior. This line is west of the territory now included in Fond du Lac County ; running on the east boundary of what is now the county of Grant, and on the west boundary of La Fayette aud Iowa Counties, and thence onward due north at a distance west of the west boundary of Fond du Lac County of seventy-two miles ; striking Lake Superior near the mouth of Montreal River, on the east boundary line of Wisconsin and at the most westerly point -of the State of Michigan. 330 HISTOEY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. Parallel lines to the Fourth Meridian were run every six miles on the east and west sides of it. The intervening six miles between these lines are called ranges. Range 1 east is the first six miles east of the Fourth Meridian ; Range 2 east is the second six miles ; and so on to Lake Michigan — Fond du Lac County lying in Ranges 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 and 19 east. Parallel lilies north of the base line were run every six miles, which, crossing the ranges at right angles, cut the whole into blocks six miles square called townships. These are numbered by tiers going north from the base line, as Townships 1 north, Townships 2 north, and so on. As the present most southern boundary of Fond du Lac County is at a distance of seventy-two miles north of the base line — or twelve townships — of course the first tier of townships in the county is num bered 13 north, and as there are five tiers they are numbered consecutively, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17 north. But, these tiers are not all full ; for, in the southern tier (Townships 13 north), there are only two townships — one in Range 18 east, and one in Range 19 east ; and in the northern tier (Townships 17 north), there are only two fractional townships — one in Range 18 east, and one in Range 19 east. After the completion of the survey of a township, it was subdivided into sections and quar ter-sections. The following is a hjstory of the survey of the county, including township lines and the subdivisions of townships : TOWNSHIPS. By Whom Surveyed. Date of Contract. When Surveyed, Township 13, Range 18 East (Ashford) : Township Lines Subdivisions '. Township 13, Range 19 East (Auburn) : Township Lines Subdivisions Township 14, Range 14 East (Alto) : Township Lines Subdivisions Township 14, Range 15 East (Waupun) : Township Lines Subdivisions Township 14, Range lb' East (Oakfield) : Township Lines Subdivisions Township 14, Range 17 East (Byron) : Township Lines Subdivisions Township 14, Range 18 East (Eden) : Township Lines ; '., Subdivisions Township 14, Range 19 East (Osceola) : Township Lines ; Subdivisions Township 15, Range 14 East (Metomen) : Township Lines Subdivisions , Township 15, Range 15 East (Springvale) : Township Lines Subdivisions Township 15, Range 16 East (Lamartine) :> Township Lines Subdivisions , Township 15, Range 17 East (Fond du Lac) Township Lines Subdivisions Mullett & Brink.. Hiram Burnham.. Mullett & Brink.. Hiram Burnham.. Mullett & Brink. John Brink Mullett & Brink. A. G. Ellis Mullett & Brink. A. G. Ellis Mullett & Brink.. Hiram Burnham.. Mullett & Brink.. Hiram Burnham. Mullett & Brink.. Hiram Burnham. Mullett & Brink., John Brink Mullett & Brink. John Brink , Mullett & Brink. John Brink /July 9, 1833 \ August 17, 1835... December 22, 1834... July 9, 1833 December 22, 1834... July 9, 1833 September 4, 1833.. . N.&W.J'ly 29,1833 E.&S.Aug.l7,1835 December 26, 1835... N.&E-.J'ly 29,1833 S.&W.Aug.l7,1835 December 26, 1835. /July 9, 1833 X August 17,1835... December 22, 1834... / July 9, 1833 X August 17,1835.. December 22, 1834... July 9, 1833 December 22, 1834... July 9, 1833 September 4, 1834... July 9, 1833 , September 4, 1834.. July 9, 1833 September 4, 1834... Mullett & Brink. N. King July 9, 1833 August 22, 1834. 1st quarter 2d quarter, 3d quarter, 1st quarter, 2d quarter, 2d quarter 4th quarter. 3d quarter 1st quarter, 4th quarter 2d quarter, 1st quarter, 4th quarter, 1st quarter 2d quarter 3d quarter, 1st quarter, 2d quarter, 2d quarter, 1st quarter, 2d quarter, 2d quarter. 4th quarter. 2d quarter, 4th quarter 2d quarter, 4th quarter, 1st quarter, 2d quarter. 1834.1835.1835.1834.1835. 1834. 1834. 1834.1836. 1836. 1834. 1836. 1836. 1834.1835. 1835. 1834. 1835. 1835.1834. 1835. 1834. 1834. 1834. 1834,1834.1834. 1834. 1835. HISTOEY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. 331 TOWNSHIPS. Township 15, Range 18 East (Empire and south part of Taycheedah} : Township Lines : Subdivisions Township 15, Range 19 East (Forest) : Township Lines , Subdivisions Township 16, Range 14 East (Ripon) : Township Lines Subdivisions Township 16, Range 15 East ^ Rosendale) : Township Lines Subdivisions Township 16, Range 16 East (Eldorado) : Township Lines Subdivisions ,, Township 16, Range 17 East (Friendship) : Township Lines Subdivisions Township 16, Range 18 East (Taycheedah and part of Calumet) : Township Lines Subdivisions Township 16, Range 19 East (Marshfield) : Township Lines .T Subdivisions Township 17, Range 18 East (West part of Calumet) Township Lines Subdivisions ! Township 17, Range 19 East (East part of Calumet) Township Lines Subdivisions Mullett & Brink. N. King Mullett & Brink. N. King Mullett & Brink. John Brink By Whom Surveyed. Mullett & Brink. John Brink Mullett & Brink. John Brink Mullett & Brink. John Brink Mullett & Brink. N. King Mullett & Brink. N. King Mullett & Brink. A. G.Ellis Mullett & Brink. A. G. Ellis Date of Contract. July 9, 1833 August 22, 1834. July 9, 1833....... August 22, 1834., July 9, 1833 September 4, 1834. July 9, 1833 September 4, 1834. July 9, 183} September 4, 1834. July 9, 1833 September 4, 1834. July 9, 1833 August 22, 1834.. July 9, 1833 August 22, 1834. July 9, 1833 August 22, 1834. July 9, 1833 August 22, 1834. When Surveyed. 1st1st 1st 1st 2d4th2d 4th 2d1st2d 1st quarter, 1834. quarter, 1835. quarter, 1834. quarter, 1835. quarter, 1834. quarter, 1834. quarter, 1834. quarter, 1834. quarter, 1834. quarter, "1835. quarter, 1834- quarter, 1835. 1st quarter, 1834. 2d quarter, 1835. 1st quarter, 1834. 2d quarter, 1835. 2d quarter, 1834. 4th quarter, 1834. 2d quarter, 1834. 4th quarter, 1834. The towns of Fond du Lac each contain surveyed territory described by the Government survey as follows : Towns. Townships North. Ranges Bast. Alto 14 14 Ashford 13 18 Auburn 13 19 Byron 14 17 r 16 (including only Sees. 1, 2, 3 and4)..18 Calumet J 17 (fractional) 18 (l7 fractional) 19 Eden 14 18 Eldorado 16 16 Empire 15 (except Sees. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6). ..18 Fonddu Lac 15 (slightly fractional) 17 Forest 15 19 Friendship 16 (fractional — -lying west of Winne bago Lake) 17 Towns. . TownBhips North. Ranges East. Lamartine 15 16 Marshfield 16 19 Metomen 15 14 Oakfield 14 1 16 Osceola 14 19 Ripon 16 14 Rosendale 16 15 Springvale 15 ....15 f 16 (except Sees. 1. 2, 3 and 4. The Tavcheedah \ township is fractional) 18 ' | 15 (including only north tier of sec tions 18 Waupun 14 15 number op acres in each TOWNSHIP ACCORDING TO THE government survey. Townships. T. 13 N., R. 18 T. 13 N., R. 19 T. 14 N., R. 14 T. 14 N., R. 15 T- 14 N., R. 16 T. 14 N., R. 17 T. 14N.,R. 18 T. 14 N., R. 19 T- 15 N., R. 14 T. 15 N., R. 15 T. 15 N., R. 16 east 23,096.97 east 22,901.99 east 23,153.31 east 23,212.26 east 23,514.28 east 23,112.67 east 23,144.40 east 22,547.99 east 23,038.99 east 23,155.98 east 23,249.52 Townships. AcreB. T. 15 N., R. 17 east 22,751.54 T. 15 N.. R. 18 east 23,129.92 T. 15 N., R. 19 east , 22,730.68 T. 16 N., R. 14 east 22,959.90 T. 16 N., R. 15 east 23,036.07 T. 16 N., R. 16 east 23,134.04 T. 16 N., R. 17 east 12,190.61 T. 16 N., R. 18 east 18,324.15 T. 16 N., R. 19 east 23,054.57 T. 17 N., R. 18 east 4.742.13 T. 17 N., R. 19 east 12,097.22 332 HISTOEY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. NUMBER OP ACRES IN EACH TOWN IN FOND DU LAC COUNTY. Towns. Acres. Marshfield 23,054.57 Metomen 23,038.99 Oakfield .23,514.28 Osceola 22,547.99 Ripon (including the city) 22,959.90 Rosendale 23,036.07 Springvale 23,155.98 Taycheedah 19,813.86 Waupun (including North Ward of city) 23,212.26 Total 462,289.18 Towns. Acres. Alto 23,153.31 Ashford 23,096.97 Auburn '. 22.901.99 Byron 23,112.67 Calumet 19,146.91 Eden 23,144.40 Eldorado 23,134.04 Empire 19,348.12 Fond du Lac (including the city) 22,751.54 Forest 22,730.68 Friendship 12,175.13 Lamartine 23,249.52 This would make an average to each of the twenty-one towns in the county of 22,013.77 acres. A full township contains 36 sections of 640 acres each, or 23,040 acres. Ten towns overrun that number and eleven fall below it. The towns of Ashford, Auburn, Alto, Waupun, Oakfield, Byron, Eden, Osceola, Metomen, Springvale, Lamartine, Fond du Lac, Forest, Ripon, Rosendale, Eldorado and Marshfield are each co-extensive with a township, as surveyed by the General Government. In this list also would be included the town of Friendship, were it not that a small fraction of fifteen and forty- eight hundredths acres, in the southeast corner (on the south side of Lake Winnebago), is excluded and assessed for taxation in the town of Taycheedah. This fraction must, therefore, be subtracted from the 12,190.61 acres, and the remainder — 12,175.13 acres — is the exact number in the town of Friendship. The town of Fond du Lac (including the city of Fond du Lac) is identical with the original surveyed Township 15 north, of Range 17 east. This township is slightly fractional, caused by a small portion being covered by the water of Lake Winnebago, the shores of which are meandered. The town of Empire is identical in its territory with Township 15 north, of Range 18 east, except that the north tier of sections, containing 3,781TVo- acres, is excluded and forms a part of Taycheedah. This reduces the actual number of acres from 23,129.92 to 19,348.12. The town of Taycheedah includes the tier of sections which are lost to Empire ; also the whole of fractional Township 16 north, of Range 18 east, excepting therefrom the north tier of sections, which go to the town of Calumet. By subtracting 2,307.57 acres, forming this tier, from 18,324.15 acres — the whole number in fractional Township 16 north, of Range 18 east— and adding thereto 3,781.80 acres, forming the first-mentioned tier, and we have, as the result, for the town of Taycheedah, 19,798.38 acres. To this must be added the small fraction of 15.48 acres in the southeast corner of Township 16 north, of Range 17 east, making a total of 19,813.86 acres. The town of Calumet is formed of fractional Townships 17 north, of Ranges 18 and 19 east, and the tier of sections on the north side of fractional Township 16 north, of Range 18 east, lost to Taycheedah. In this tier of sections there are 2,307.56 acres ; in fractional Town ship 17 north, of Range 18 east, 4,742.13 acres ; and in fractional Township 17 north, of Range 19 east, 12,097.22 acres, aggregating in the town of Calumet 19,146.91 acres. It will be observed that, while there are in Fond du Lac County twenty-two townships (four of which are fractional), there are but twenty-one towns. Lake Winnebago, having its shores meandered in Townships 15 north, of Range 17 east (town of Fond du Lac) ; also in 16 north, of Range 17 east (town of Friendship) ; in 16 north, of Range 18 east (towns of Taycheedah and Calumet) ; and in 17 north, of Range 18 east (town of Calumet). The land in those townships covered by its waters was not surveyed by the United States. The land covered by the waters of " Crooked Lake," now known as " Fifteen Lake," in Township 13 north, of Range 19 east (town of Auburn) ; that covered by the waters of " Long Lake," in Township 14 north, of Range 19 east (town of Osceola) ; that covered by the waters HISTOEY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. 333 of "Little Sheboygan Lake," now called Mullet Lake, in Township 15 north, of Range 19 east (town of Forest) , and that covered by the waters of " Rush Lake," in Township 16 north, of Range 14 east (town of Ripon), was, also, not surveyed by the Government Surveyors, the shores of these lakes being meandered, as were those of Lake Winnebago. UNITED STATES LAND DISTRICTS. By the end of 1833, a large amount of the public land in what is now Southern and East ern Wisconsin had been surveyed, and the fact being duly reported by the Surveyor General, Congress, by an act approved June 26, 1834, created two land districts. They embraced all that tract north of the State of Illinois, west of Lake Michigan, south and southeast of the Wis consin and Fox Rivers, included in the then Territory of Michigan. It was divided by a north and south line, drawn from the northern boundary of Illinois, between Ranges 8 and 9, to the Wisconsin River. All east of that line was called the Green Bay Land District ; all west, the Wisconsin Land District. Within the first-mentioned district was included the whole of the present county of Fond du Lac. A Land Office of this Eastern District was established at Green Bay, which was duly opened by the Government, and a notice given of a public sale of all the then surveyed public lands lying therein. In accordance with this announcement a sale took place at Green Bay in 1835. Lands not disposed of at that sale were thereafter open to private entry at the Land Office in Green Bay. Most of the land in the county was there obtained from the General Government at $1.25 an acre by early settlers and speculators. FOND DU LAC COMPANY. Prominent citizens of Green Bay were the first to give an impetus to the settlement of what is now the county of Fond du Lac, by forming, in November, 1835, a joint-stock association or company, organized for the purpose of buying and selling real estate at or near the head of Lake Winnebago, in what was then Brown County, Wisconsin Territory. The first action taken was the drawing-up of Articles of Association and the signing of them by the parties interested. The names of these parties with the number of shares taken by each — a share being f 100, were : J. D. Doty, 46 shares ; Joshua Hathaway, 12 shares ; John P. Arndt, 40 shares ; George Mc Williams, 20 shares ; R. E. Clarey, 10 shares ; R. B. Marcy, 4 shares ; F. F. Hamilton, 35 shares; David Ward, 3 shares; Brush, Rees & Co., 6 shares; C. C. Sibley, 12 shares; William Brown, 64 shares ; Henry S. Baird, 3 shares ; M. E. Merrill, 10 shares ; R. S. Satterlee, 20 shares ; Silas Stedman, 10 shares ; Samuel Ryan, 7 shares ; Alexander J. Irwin, 4 shares ; D. Jones, 15 shares ; W. Alexander, 4 shares ; E. Childs, 14 shares, and M. Scott, 3 shares. By the. 1st day of January, 1836, the Company had become the owners of 3,705 acres of land, in what are now the city and town of Fond du Lac, in the present county of Fond du Lac. At that date, the officers — and they were the first ones of the association — were James Duane Doty, President ; David Jones, George McWilliams, F. F. Hamilton and W. H. Bruce, Direct ors. They had already laid out a village — it was surveyed in November, 1835, by A. G. Ellis — which received the name of " The Town of Fond du Lac." The village plat, after having the" east tier of blocks added by Doty in New York City, whither he had gone to have it litho graphed, was acknowledged, before a notary, " to be a true plat," August 22, 1836, and recorded, the next day, in the Register's office of Brown County. It included territory bounded on the north by the north line of the southeast quarter of Section 3, in Township 15 north, of Range 17 east, and by Winnebago Lake ; on the east by the present Amory street in the city of Fond du Lac ; on the south by what is now Merrill street, of the city, and on the west by a line drawn north and south about eight hundred feet west of Fond du Lac River, and by the north and south quarter line of the before-mentioned Section 3 ; that is to say, it embraces nearly the whole of the north three-quarters of Section 10, in the township and range just mentioned, and nearly all of the east half of the said Section 3. The territory lies immediately north of the heart of the city, and is wholly included within its limits. 334 HISTOEY OF FOND, DU LAC COUNTY. This plat of what was expected to be, in the near future, a city, after being lithographed, was extensively circulated; though, when the ground was surveyed into blocks and lots, there was not a house in what is now Fond du Lac County. The outside world was notified, in a brief paragraph on the plat, that " Winnebaygo Lake is thirty miles long and ten miles wide." " The town," it was declared, " is fifty-eight miles south-southwest from Green Bay ; thirty-three miles from the bank of Lake Michigan, at the mouth of Sheboygan River ; fifty-four miles from Fort Winnebaygo, and fourteen miles from Rock River." In the spring of 1836, the Company began the building of a house on Lot 9, Block 9, in their "town," on the east side of Brooke street ; it was finished in the summer. This was the first house erected in Fond du Lac County. It was a double log house, with an open hall through the center and a stairway ; there were also rooms above.' It had a back addition, used as a kitchen. Brothertown Indians "(civilized) came from Brothertown, some fifteen miles distant, to raise the structure. The object of the Company, in building the house, was to provide a place of entertainment for travelers and to start a settlement. In all these plans for inducing an emigration toward " the head of the lake," Doty was the ruling spirit. He chose the place for several reasons, one of which was that he thought the Rock and Fond du Lac Rivers might be connected by canal and thus open a continuous waterway by this route from Green Bay to the Mississippi, the greater share of trade then going toward that river. He became possessed of this idea by hearing the stories of Indian traders who had paddled canoes, loaded with goods, up the Fox River, across Lake Win nebago, up the Fond du Lac River, and then across land about two miles, to the Rock River, Both streams were much larger then than now, so that idea had fewer ridiculous features than at present. After purchasing the site of the "town" and a considerable body of land in the immediate vicinity, amounting, in all, as we have seen, to over three thousand acres, the Company began to dispose of the same to settlers and others. An act, incorporating the Company, was approved February 9, 1842. " Whereas," says the preamble, " in the year 1835, an association of sun dry persons was formed at Green Bay, for the purchase of real estate, under the name of the Fond du Lac Company, which association became, and was, and still is, possessed of a quantity of land situated in the county of Fond duLac and vicinity, in the Territory of Wisconsin; and, whereas, said association has sold and conveyed, to divers persons, tracts and lots of land in the manner specified in their Articles of Association : Be it enacted by the Council and House of Representatives of the Territory of Wisconsin : Section 1. That Samuel Ryan, Henry S. Baird, David Jones, John P. Arndt, and all such persons as now are or may hereafter be stockholders in the said corporation, shall be and they are hereby declared to be a body corporate and politic, under the name and style of the Pond du Lac Company ; and, as such corporation, are hereby declared capable of suing and being sued, answering and being answered unto, pleading and being impleaded, defending and being defended, in all courts and places, and in all actions, suits, matters and causes whatever ; and said company shall have a continued succession for the term of five years, and have a common seal and change the same at pleasure. The next section of the act limited the amount of capital stock to 342 shares of $100 each, and declared that the Company should not purchase any more land, but could improve what they then owned. Section 3 provided for the adoption of by-laws. Section 4 declared that conveyances already made in conformity to existing by-laws should be binding on the incorpo rated Company. The fifth section provided that nothing in the act should be so construed as impairing any contract previously made. By-laws were afterward drawn up and adopted for the government of the Company. On the 19th day of February, 1844, a chancery suit was instituted by Mason C. Darling, a stock holder, against the Company, in the District Court of Brown County, Andrew G. Miller, Judge, asking, among other things, for the dissolution of the Company, a settlement of its concerns and distribution of assets among the stockholders. Edward Pier was, on the 9th of March, 1844, by the Court, appointed a Receiver of the estate of the Company. Afterward, in 1846, A. G. ' Ellis, a master in chancery, sold all the lands and town lots of the Company that had not been disposed of previous to the commencement of the suit by Darling. These were all situated in HISTOEY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. 335 the town of Fond du Lac. The proceeds of the sale were finally distributed, after paying costs and expenses, to the parties entitled to the same, under order of the Court. Meanwhile, "An act to repeal an act entitled 'An Act to Incorporate the Fond du Lac Company,' approved Feb ruary 9, 1842," was passed : > Be it enacted by the Council and Souse of Representatives of the Territory of Wisconsin : Section 1. That the act entitled " An Act to Incorporate the Fond du Lac Company," approved February 9, 1842, is hereby repealed : Provided, That said company shall be liable for all debts which may have been contracted by said company, in as full and ample a manner as if this act had not been passed. Approved February 8, 1845. So the Fond du Lac Company became a thing of the past. ORIGIN OF THE NAME FOND DU LAC. The three words Fond du Lac are from the French language, and signify literally, " the bottom of the lake." The word "fond " means literally "bottom ;" but its figurative meaning is also " that which is farthest " or "most remote." The south end of Lake Winnebago, as well as the western end of Lake Superior, were always alluded to by traders living at Green Bay, Mackinaw, Sault Ste. Marie or Detroit, as points in those lakes most distant ; and, conse quently, the appellation among them was " the Fond du Lac Superior," the " Fond du Lac Winnebago," etc., meaning the farther end or extreme from their headquarters. It has noth ing to do with the " head of the lake " although this is actually the case in both instances. Had the outlet been at the farther end of these lakes, instead of being near the places just named, the expression, according to the French idea conveyed by the term " fond," would have been equally- proper. The name was afterward given to the river which has its mouth at " the Fond du Lac Winnebago" and, very appropriately, to the county having its territory around and adjoining the same. It is probable that the name was given to the locality at an early day, so soon, in fact, as the French traders began at the Indian villages in the vicinity to trafiic with the natives. The exact date when this took place is not known with any degree of certainty, though it was certainly in the last century. AN EARLY TRIP TO THE HEAD OF WINNEBAGO LAKE. It was on the 16th of February, 1836, that Colwert Pier and his younger brother, Edward, started with a horse and sled from Green Bay to go to the head of Winnebago Lake, and take a look at the country in that vicinity. He had previously a talk with the ofiicers of the Fond du Lac Company about locating there. There was no road at that time except what the Broth ertown and Stockbridge Indians had made, as far as the Grand Kaukalau in Fox River where these Indians then resided. From the Bay to that place, the travel in winter was mostly upon the ice. When the Grand Kaukalau was reached, the two ascertained that these Indians, who were preparing to move up and improve their lands on the east side of the lake, had a road cut as far where the Stockbridge Mission was afterward established, and that the route mentioned was the best one to go to Fond du Lac. They also learned that there were four or five families living there at that time. The brothers concluded to take the road indicated. They reached the place the first day, and stopped with a Stockbridge family by the name of Jourdan over night. Jour- 'dan had a small cabin and a shed. In the last-mentioned building, the travelers put their horse. The next morning after they had their breakfast, Mr. Jourdan very kindly piloted them to the lake, and told them that he had heard folks say that Fond du Lac was up that way. There were six to eight inches jof snow upon the ice and a sharp crust upon the snow. There was no track to be seen, consequently it was slow traveling. The two brothers had been told that Fond du Lac River came into the lake on the west side of the prairie in the timber. They therefore made their way toward 4he woods, and came to the shore about half a mile east of the mouth of the stream. They then bore to the west until the river was reached, when they came up it on the east side as far as what is now Tract 38 in the city of Fond du Lac (the pres ent residence of George McWilliams), where they made a fire and some hasty preparations for S36 HISTOEY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. camping during the night, although it was then but little past mid-day. They fed their horse, ate some dinner, and about 3 o'clock P. M., started to look for a farm, leaving their horse tied where they had rested and taken their last meal. James D. Doty, of the Fond du Lac Company, was, by agreernent, to meet them at the point they had now reached, and show them the lands belonging to his association. The two brothers looked over the land on the east side of the river, some distance up the stream. They came down through the timber and got back to where they had left their horse, at dark. Here they found Doty, Dr. Richard M. Satterlee, Lieut. Merrill and a soldier named Collins. The party had come up the river, found the horse belonging to the two land- hunters and encamped for the night. The weather was intensely cold, but they had provided a large stock of wood for fire, which, before the next morning, was mostly consumed. The two brothers slept some that night, had an early breakfast, got what information they could from Doty, and then took their course toward the west. They crossed the river below the forks and walked up across Sections 9, 8 and 18. There was no snow upon the prairie, but about this time, which was near 12 o'clock M., the snow began to fall, and the two started to return to camp. They came down across Section 10 and struck the West Branch, when they found themselves in an unpleasant situation, and for some time, they could not find the spot they sought. They had not learned that the river had two branches. They, however, became satisfied of the fact after wandering about and reaching the forks. They then came up and found their camp. The brothers then gave their horse what oats they had left, ate what provisions they had, and started east. They crossed two creeks and then turned north toward the lake. It continued to snow very fast. Our travelers homeward soon reached a place where the reeds were higher than a man's head, causing them to fear that they would lose their way ; but they had a small pocket compass which was of much service. Colwert Pier rode on the sled and carried the com pass in his hand, while his brother Edward went as far ahead as he could be seen, being directed by Colwert on his course. About 4 o'clock, they came in sight of the lake, when it ceased snowing. They went on the lake a little east of where Taycheedah now is, when they soon dis covered a team coming out of the timber east of them. This proved to be Doty and his party, who soon joined the two others, and all went on together to where Stockbridge was afterward located. The two brothers (Colwert and Edward Pier) stopped with their friend, Timothy Jourdan again, returning to the bay next day. This ended the journey ofthe two brothers. It was their first visit to the head of the lake, was in itself not particularly noteworthy only in this —it led to the return, in a few months, to the head of the lake, of Colwert Pier, the first settler in Fond du Lac County. FIRST SETTLEMENT IN FOND DU LAC COUNTY. After the return of Colwert Pier and his brother, Edward Pier, to Green Bay, from their trip in February, 1836, to " spy out the land" at the head of Winnebago Lake, they met the Directors of the Fond du Lac Company, and made arrangements for each to have a quarter- section of their land, they being well satisfied with the country around the head of the lake. In addition to this, if the parents of the two brothers joined them, they were to have a quarter- section also, adjoining theirs. It was agreed that the two should move to Fond du Lac, that Colwert should open the "Fond du Lac House," as a tavern, and that both should improve their farms. In short, they were to commence the settlement of the lands of the Fond du Lac Com pany, which would be. the first settlement at the head of the lake. Now that many of the hardy sons of toil who broke the wilds of Fond du Lac County and converted them into fruitful fields, who filled its towns and cities with 'many habitations, lie quietly m mother earth, their enterprising spirits having fled from the busy world around, those who enjoy what were once their possessions are curious to know of the vicissitudes of former days, and to learn the names of those who laid the foundations of those improvements which have been so largely instrumental in bringing this region to its present importance. And particularly HISTOEY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. 337 are they anxious to hold in remembrance the name of the first white settler in Fond du Lac County. The first of the pioneers — let it never be forgotten — was Colwert Pier. Sometime near the close of the month of May, Mr. Pier started on horseback from Green Bay, to go to Fond du Lac, to begin a settlement — -the first in the county. His wife, in com pany with a Mrs. Robean, a lady who had taken up a tract of land on the east side of Winnebago Lake, and was going there to settle, followed her husband in a Durham boat, commanded by Capt. Samuel Irwin, and propelled by Indians and half-breeds. The boat was loaded with merchandise, provisions and household goods, which were to be carried to Grand Kaukalau, Fond du Lac and other points. The custom then was where the water was deep in the Fox River, and sluggish, to propel with oars, and where there were more current and less depth, to use poles, until the rapids were reached, when the men got into the water, took hold of the boat and pushed it up against the current. In this way it was got up to the Grand Kaukalau. At this point, all had to be unloaded and carried three-fourths of a mile, above the Rapids. This was usually done by Frenchmen and half-breeds, who resided in the vicinity, and had teams of some kind, while the boatmen forced the boat up the rapids. When this was done, the goods were re-loaded and the boat pushed up to the Grand Chute, near where Appleton now is. Here all the load had again to be taken out, the barrels rolled, and the other loading carried by the men, above the falls. A long cable was then made fast to the bow of the boat, then carried above the chute and put around a tree, while two men were stationed there to take up the slack as the others lifted the boat over and up to where the water was smooth again. The next stretch was to the outlet of Lake Winnebago, where one-half of the load had to be taken out and carried up to the lake, then the cable was made fast to the boat and the men forced it up the rapids. While the party in the boat was on the way, there was a rumor of an Indian war circulated along the route. To this Capt. Irwin paid no attention until he ran into Fond du Lac River, when he met about seventy Indians upon the bank. Usually they were very talkative, but now for some cause all were silent ; not a word was exchanged between those on the boat and those on the land ; this was the more noticeable as, before, those that were met, whenever within speaking distance, communicated very freely. Capt. Irwin began to feel that really there might be some ground for the war rumor. On the 6th day of June, 1836 — a day ever to be held in remembrance by the people of Fond du Lac County as the one on which was commenced the first settlement — the boat reached the spot where had been raised the " Fond du Lac House," by the Fond du Lac Company, where Mrs. Pier had the satisfaction of greeting her husband, who had preceded her. The boat arrived about noon, just below where the railroad bridge now is, when the goods belonging to Mr. Pier were speedily put on shore, and Capt. Irwin was soon making his way, in his craft, down the river. , Said Capt. Irwin, subsequently : "I bade good-bye to Mrs. Pier with feelings not unmixed with sorrow. She endeared herself to all of us by her uniform kindness. She assisted us in our cooking, and cheered us by her looks and words through all the trying scenes of the nine days we were on the voyage. When we left her on the bank of the Fond du Lac River, a lone region, surrounded by hundreds of Indians, with no one but her husband to protect her, we all felt sad." "I have often thought," says a recent writer, " that if she had lived, her version of those times and those scenes would be of great interest to some .of the ladies now living in the county. She once told me that when Capt. Irwin's boat was out of sight, and she and her husband were left alone — feeling that they constituted the only civil ized inhabitants of the entire region — she sat down upon the ground and cried a considerable time, then wiping away her tears, she resolutely got up and walked to the house where her home Was to be, and took a calm view of the surroundings. She found the log building to consist of three log cabins united ; there was an open hall between the dining-room and sitting-room, and a kitchen in the rear, the floor of which had been laid by her husband after his arrival, but pre vious to her coming. He had also put in two windows and a door. ' My husband tried to soothe and comfort me, but I felt that he needed,' said she, 'some one to comfort him as well ; 338 HISTOEY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. so I took hold, and helped him put up the stove, and I went about putting our house in as good condition as circumstances would permit.' Within half an hour, a'squaw came in, and by signs, made Mrs. Pier understand that she wishe.d to exchange some feathers for flour. These she pur chased, and, as she afterward discovered, paid liberally for them, for, in half an hour, her room was filled with squaws wishing to ' swap ' feathers for pork. Her stock in trade consisted of one barrel of pork and two of flour. That afternoon she bought of the squaws feathers sufficient to make two good-sized feather beds, and paid for them in pork and flour." From June 6, 1836, to March 11, 1837, Colwert Pier and his wife were the only residents in Fond du Lac County. On the day last mentioned, his brother, Edward Pier, arrived at " the Fond du Lac House," bringing a family consisting of his wife and two daughters, the youngest about four weeks old. These two families composed the entire population until June 1, when Norman Pier, from Middlebury, Vt., and Albert Kendall, from Rochester, in the same State, arrived. These young men were unmarried, and were added to the occupants of " the Fond du Lac House." On the 17th, Miss Harriet Pier (afterward Mrs. Alonzo Raymond) arrived at Fond du Lac. There were now three women in the county, but soon after, on the 3d of Sep tember, the father (Calvin) and the mother (Esther) came on, bringing with them their son, Oliver W. Pier, a lad of fourteen years. The Piers and young Kendall were all the occupants of Fond du Lac County thenceforward to the beginning of March, 1838. On the first day or that month, Mrs. Fanny Pier, wife of Colwert Pier, died, after a short illness. She was attended by Dr. David Ward, of Green Bay, he being the nearest resident physician. She, the pioneer woman in Fond du Lac County, was the first to go hence forever ! The funeral was held on the 3d of March, and was attended by the few pioneers, who were all mourners. The sermon was preached by the Rev. Cutting Marsh, missionary to the Stockbridge Indians. It was a sad and solemn occasion. CHAPTER III. " The Old Military Eoad " and Other Early Highways— Pioneer Life— Fond du Lac County Boundaries Established— Early Political History — Fond du Lac County on Early Maps— Organization of the County — Pioneer Eeminiscences. "THE OLD MILITARY ROAD" AND OTHER EARLY HIGHWAYS. The first highway or road Fond du Lac County had was called the "military road," and was built at Government expense for the transportation of supplies from Green Bay, or Fort Howard, as the army "post" was then called, to Fort Winnebago, now Portage, and Fort Crawford, now Prairie du Chien. In the summer, provisions were transported in batteaux by water from Fort Howard to Forts Winnebago and Crawford, but in winter this could not be done. Therefore, early in 1835, Lewis Cass, then Secretary of War, sent out orders to open, lay out and bridge a road from Fort Howard to Fort Crawford, via Fond du Lac and Fort Winnebago. The soldiers at Fort Crawford were ordered to build and bridge the road to Fort Winnebago ; those stationed at Fort Winnebago from their post to the Fond du Lac River and bridge that stream, and those at the " Bay," or Fort Howard, to open the road from their post to Fond du Lac. The soldiers at these three posts were under command of Brig. Gen. George Mercer Brooke, after whom Brooke street, the first in the city of Fond du Lac, was named, and com posed the Fifth Regiment of the standing army. The road was laid out by Lieut. Centre and James Duane Doty. Mr. Doty was appointed because he knew the route better than almost any other man in the Territory. The road from Forts Crawford and Winnebago reached Fond du Lac in 1835, and the East Branch was bridged at that time where the Forest Street bridge now stands.' The city had a bridge, therefore, for the use of Indians and wild beasts, before it had a white settler. The other end of the road was through dense hardwood forests, and to open it was a much more difficult and arduous undertaking. It did'not reach the branch already finished to Fond du Lac until 1838. Its course through the city was straight from the tollgate at Luco, in the town of Fond du Lac, to where the Express Office now stands in the city. In the mean time, the bridge built by the Fort Winnebago soldiers over the East Branch at Fond du Lac had been swept away, and, in 1837, Mr. Doty received permission to divert the course of the mili tary road and build a bridge on Brooke street, where the railroad bridge now crosses the East Branch on that street, and, during the season, George McWilliams, with a company of men brought mostly from Stockbridge, built a bridge at the point mentioned, which served until the Chicago & North-Western Railway bridge was built. The abutments, stringers and covering were of logs which were cut within the present corporate limits of Fond du Lac, and floated to the desired location. The military road was a crude affair. On the prairies stakes were driven as guides ; through' the woods trees were felled, and the various streams were bridged with logs. Through the towns of Calumet and Taycheedah the old military road, repaired since by public taxation, is still in use as a public highway. Military street, in the city of Fond du Lac, extends southwest toward Waupun and, merging into the " Waupun road," is on the site ofthe old military road as far as the first tollgate in the town of Fond du Lac. At that point it left the present " Waupun road," passing north of the Four Mile House, in the edge of Lamartine, to the Drury place, where it again was identical with the road-bed of the " Waupun road " as far as Schoolhouse No. 1 on Section 34, in Lamartine. It there extended more directly westward through the villages of Brandon and Fairwater, in Metomen, to Green Lake County. From Section 34, town of Lamar tine, no traces of the original military road can be found, as it consisted of little more than oak 340 HISTOEY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. stakes driven into the soil as guides, which, as soon as the country became settled, the farmers' removed, and all traces of what cost the Government a snug sum disappeared forever. In 1837-38, there was a road opened to Fond du Lac County from Sheboygan. In the fall of the last-mentioned year, one was also opened and bridged to Fox Lake. This road had pre' viously been surveyed by Jacob P. Brower. In the winter of 1839, there was a road opened by way of Waupun to Madison, the capital of the State. The first road laid by county authority was one from the village of Fond du Lac south toward Milwaukee, which was viewed in Novem ber, 1840, by Seymour Wilcox, George White and M. Collins. This much it may be said of roads in Fond du Lac for many years : Through timbered land there were some definite marks to inform the traveler of the road's locality ; through openings, prairies, and marshes he had a wide field for selecting his route, but must have a care to find the bridge over the next stream. POINEER LIFE. Records of the olden time are interesting, and they are not without their lessons of instruc tion. By the light of the' past, we follow in the footprints of the adventurous and enterprising pioneer. We see him, as it were, amid the labors and struggles necessary to convert the wilder ness into a fruitful field. We sit by his cabin fire, partake of his homely and cheerfully granted fare, and listen to the accounts which he is pleased to give us of frontier life, and of the dangers, trials, hardships and sufferings of himself and others in their efforts to make for themselves homes in regions remote from civilization, and unexplored hitherto, save by wandering Indians and the beasts of the forests and prairies. Through these ancient records, we make our way along to the present. From small beginnings, we come to the mighty achievements of industry, the complex results of daring enterprise, subduing and creative energy, and untiring perse verance. Following on in the path of progress and improvement, we see once waste places rejoicing under the kindly care of the husbandman ; beautiful farms, with all the fixtures and appurte nances necessary to make the tillers of the soil and their families contented and happy, are spread out before us; villages and cities have arisen as if by magic, and by hundreds, thou sands, and tens of thousands, human souls are congregated within their precincts ; the mart of trade and traffic, and the workshop of the artisan are thronged ; common schools, academies and colleges have sprung up ; young and ardent minds — children of the rich and poor — may press forward together in the acquisition of science ; churches are built, and a Christian ministry is sustained for the inculcation of religious sentiments and the promotion of piety, virtue and moral goodness ; the press is established whence floods of light and glory may emanate for the instruc tion and benefit of all ; railroads are built to bring the products of every clime and the people from afar to our doors; and the telegraph, "upon the lightning's wing," carries messages far and near. Let the records of the olden time be preserved ; in after years our children, and our children's children, will look over them with pleasure and profit. The first important business ofthe poineer settler,. upon his arrival in Fonddu Lac County, was to build a house. Until this was done, some had to camp on the ground or live in their wagons — perhaps the only shelter they had known for weeks. So the prospect for a house, which was also to be a home, was one that gave courage to the rough toil, and added a zest to, the heavy labors. The style of the home entered very little into their thoughts — it was shelter they wanted, and protection from stress of weather and wearing exposures. The poor settler had neither the money nor the mechanical appliances for building himself a house. He was content, in most instances, to haye a mere cabin or hut. Some of the most primitive construc tions of this kind were half-faced, or, as they were sometimes called, 'cat-faced" sheds or " wike-ups," the Indian term for tent or house. It is true, a " claim " cabin was a little more in the shape of a human habitation, made, as it was, of round logs, light enough for two or three men to lay up, about fourteen feet square— perhaps a little larger or smaller — roofed with bark or clapboards, and sometimes with the sods of the prairie, and floored with puncheons (logs split onca in two, and the flat side laid up) or with earth. For a fire-place, a wall of stones arid HISTOEY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. 341 earth — frequently the latter only, when stone was not convenient — was made in the best practi cable shape for the purpose, in an opening in one end of the building, extending outward, and planked on the outside by bolts of wood notched together to stay it. Frequently a fire-place of this kind was made so capacious as to occupy nearly the whole width of the house, fn cold weather, when a great deal of fuel was needed to keep the atmosphere above freezing point — for this wide-mouth fire-place was a huge ventilator — large logs were piled into this yawning space. To protect the crumbling back-wall against the effects of the fire, two back-logs were placed against it, one upon the other. Sometimes these were so large that they could not be got in in any other way than to hitch a horse to them. The animal was driven in at the door, when the log was unfastened before the fire-place. It was afterward put in position. The horse would be driven out at another door. For a chimney, any contrivance that would convey the smoke out of the building would do. Some were made of sods, plastered on the inside with clay ; others — the more common, perhaps — were of the kind we occasionally see in use now, clay in sticks, or " cat in clay," as they were sometimes called. Imagine, of a winter's night, when the storm was having its own wild way over this almost uninhabited land, and when the wind was roaring like a cataract of cold over the broad wilderness, and the settler had to do his best to keep warm, what a royal fire this double back-log and well-filled fireplace would hold ! It was a cozy place to smoke, pro vided the settler had any tobaccO ; or for the wife to sit knitting before, provided she had any needles and yarn. At any rate, it gave something of cheer to the conversation, which very likely was upon the home and friends they had left behind when they started out on this bold venture of seeking fortunes in a new land. For doors and windows, the most simple contrivances that would serve the purpose were brought into requisition. The door was not always immediately provided with a shutter, and a blanket often did duty in guarding the entrance. But, as soon as convenient, some boards were split and put together, hung upon wooden hinges and held shut by a wooden pin inserted in an auger-hole. As a substitute for window-glass, greased paper, pasted over sticks crossed , in the shape of sash, was sometimes used. This admitted the light and excluded the air, but, of course, lacked transparency. In regard to the furniture of such a cabin, it varied in proportion to the ingenuity of the occupants, unless it was where settlers brought with them their old household supply, which, owing to the distance most of them had come, was very seldom. It was easy enough to impro vise tables and chairs ; the former could be made of split logs — and there were instances where the door would be taken from its hinges and used at meals, after which it would be re-hung ; the latter were designed after the three-legged stool pattern, or benches served their purposes. A bedstead was a very important item in the domestic comfort of the family, and this was the fashion of improvising one : A forked stake was driven into the ground diagonally from the corner of the room and at a proper distance, upon which poles reaching from each were laid, The wall ends of the pole either rested in the openings between the logs, or were driven into auger-holes. Barks or boards were used as a substitute for cords. Upon this the tidy house wife spread her straw tick, and, if she had a home-made feather bed, she piled it up into a lux urious mound, and covered it with her whitest drapery. Some sheets hung behind it for tapestry added to the coziness of the resting-place. This was generally called a " prairie bedstead," and, by some the " prairie rascal." The house thus far along, it was left to the deft devices of the wife to complete its comforts, and the father of the family was free to superintend out-of-door affairs. If it was in season, his first important duty was to prepare some ground for planting, and to plant what he could. The first year's farming consisted mainly of a "truck patch," planted in corn, potatoes, turnips and other vegetables. Generally, the first year's crop fell far short of supplying even the most rigid economy of food. Many of the settlers brought with them small stores of such things as seemed indispensable to frugal living, such as flour, bacon, coffee and tea. But these supplies were not inexhaustible, and once used were not easily replaced. A long winter must 342 ¦ HISTOEY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. •come and go before another crop could be raised. If game was plentiful, it helped to eke out their limited supplies. But even when corn was plentiful, the preparation of it was the next difficulty in the way. The mills for grinding it were at such long distances that every other device was resorted to for reducing it to meal. Some grated it on an implement made by punching small holes through a piece of tin or sheet-iron, and fastening it upon a board in concave shape, with the rough side ¦out. Upon this the ear was rubbed to produce the meal. But grating could not be done when the corn became so dry as to shell off when rubbed. Some used a coffee-mill for grinding it ; and a very common substitute for bread was hominy — a palatable and wholesome diet — made by boiling corn in a weak lye till the hull or bran peeled off, after "which it was well washed to cleanse it of the lye. It was then boiled again to soften it, when it was ready for use, as occa sion required, by frying and seasoning it to the taste. Another mode of preparing hominy was by pestling. A mortar was made by burning a bowl-shaped cavity in the end of an upright block of wood. After thoroughly cleaning it of the charcoal, the corn could be put in, hot water turned upon it, when it was subjected to a severe pestling by a club of sufficient length and thickness, in the large end of which was inserted an iron wedge, banded to keep it there. The hot water would soften the corn and loosen the hull, while the pestle would crush it. When breadstuffs were needed, they had to be obtained from long distances. Owing to the lack of proper means for thrashing and cleaning wheat, it was more or less mixed with foreign substances, such as smut, dirt and oats. And as the time when the settlers' methods of thrash ing and cleaning may be forgotten, it may be well to preserve a brief account of them here. The plan was to clean off a space of ground of sufficient size, and, if the earth was dry, to dampen it, and beat it to render it somewhat compact. Then the sheaves were unbound and spread in a circle, so that the' heads would be uppermost, leaving room in the center for the per son whose business it was to turn and stir the straw in the process of thrashing. ' Then, as many horses or oxen were brought as could conveniently swing around the circle, and these were kept moving until the wheat was well trodden out. After several " floorings " or layers were thrashed, the straw was carefully raked off and the wheat shoveled into a heap to be cleaned. This clean ing was sometimes done by waving a sheet up and down to fan out the chaff as the grain was dropped before it ; but this trouble was frequently obviated when the strong winds of autumn were all that was needed to blow out the chaff from the grain. This mode of preparing the grain for flouring was so imperfect that it is not to be wondered at that a considerable amount of black soil got mixed with it, and unavoidably got into the bread. This, with an addition of smut, ¦often rendered it so dark as to have less the appearance of bread than mud; yet upon such diet the people were compelled to subsist for want of a better. Not the least among the pioneers' tribulations, during the first few years of the settlement, was the going to mill. The slow mode of travel by ox teams was made still slower by the almost total absence of roads and bridges, while such a thing as a ferry was hardly ever dreamed of. The distance to be traversed was as often as far as sixty to ninety miles. In dry weather, common sloughs and creeks offered but little impediment to teamsters ; but during floods and the breaking-up of winter, they proved exceedingly troublesome and dangerous. To get stuck in a slough, and thus be delayed for many hours, was no uncommon occurrence, and that too, when time was an item of grave import to the comfort and sometimes even to the lives of the settlers' families. Often a swollen stream would blockade the way, seeming to threaten destruc tion to whoever would attempt to ford it. With regard to roads, there was nothing of the kind worthy of the name. Indian trails were common, but they were unfit to travel on with vehicles. They were mere paths about two feet wide — all that was required to accommodate the single-file manner of Indian travel ing. When the early settlers were compelled to make these long and difficult trips to mill, if the country was prairie over which they passed, they found it comparatively easy to do in summer when grass was plentiful. By traveling until night, and then canming out to feed the teams, ..'¦ FOND DU LAC. HISTOEY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. 345 they got along without much difficulty. But in winter such a journey was attended with no little danger. The utmost economy of time was, of course, necessary. When the goal was reached, after a week or more of toilsome travel, with many exposures and risks, and the poor man was impatient to immediately return with the desired staff of life, he was often shocked and disheartened with the information that his turn would come in a week. Then he must look about for some means to pay expenses, and he was lucky who could find employment by the day or job. Then, when his turn came, he had to be on hand to bolt his own flour, as, in those days, the bolting machine was not an attached part of the other mill machinery. This done, the anxious soul was ready to endure the trials of a return trip, his heart more or less concerned about the affairs of home. Those milling trips often occupied from three weeks to more than a month each, and were attended with an expense, in one way or another, that rendered the cost of breadstuffs extremely high. If made in the winter, when more or less grain-feed was required for the team, the load would be found to be so considerably reduced on reaching home that the cost of what was left, adding other expenses, would make their grain reach the high cash figure of from $3 to $5 per bushel. And these trips could not always be made at the most favorable season for traveling. In spring and summer, so much time could hardly be spared from other essential labor; yet, for a large family, it was almost impossible to avoid making three or four trips dur ing the year. Among other things calculated to annoy and distress the pioneer, was the prevalence of wild beasts of prey, the most numerous and troublesome of which was the wolf. While it was true, in a figurative sense, that it required the utmost care and exertion to "keep the wolf from the door," it was almost as true in a literal sense. There were two species of these animals — the large black timber wolf, and the smaller gray wolf that usually inhabited the prairie. At first, it was almost impossible for a settler to keep small stock of any kind that would serve as a prey to these ravenous beasts. Sheep were not deemed safe property until years after, when their enemies were supposed to be nearly exterminated. Large numbers of wolves were destroyed during the early years of settlement. When they were hungry, which was not uncommon, particularly during the winter, they were too indiscreet for their own safety, and would often approach within easy shot of the settlers' dwellings. At certain seasons, their wild plaintive yelp or bark could be heard in all directions at all hours of the night, creating intense excitement among the dogs, whose howling would add to the dismal melody. It has been found by experiment that but one of the canine species — the hound — has both the fleetness and cour age to cope with his savage cousin, the wolf. Attempts were often made to capture him with the common cur, but this animal, as a rule, proved himself wholly unreliable for such service. So long as the wolf would run the cur would follow ; but the wolf, being apparently acquainted with the character of his pursuer, would either turn and place himself in a combative attitude, orelse act upon the principle that "discretion is the better part of valor," and throw himself upon his back in token of surrender. This strategic performance would make instant peace between these two scions of the same house ; and not infrequently dogs and wolves have been seen playing together like puppies. But the hound was never known to recognize a flag of truce; his baying seemed to signify " no • quarter ; " or, at least, so the terrified wolf under stood it. Smaller animals, such as panthers, lynxes, wildcats, catamounts and polecats, were also sufficiently numerous to be troublesome. And an exceeding source of annoyance were the swarms of mosquitoes which aggravated the trials of the settler in the most exasperating degree. Persons have been driven from the labors of the field by their unmerciful assaults. The trials of the pioneer were innumerable, and the cases of actual suffering might fill a volume of no ordinary size. Timid women became brave through combats with real dangers, and patient mothers grew sick at heart with the sight of beloved children failing in health from lack of commonest necessaries of life. The struggle was not for ease or luxury, but was a constant one for the means of sustaining life itself. i,. 346 HISTOEY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. FOND DU LAC COUNTY BOUNDARIES ESTABLISHED. An act of the Territorial Legislature, entitled " An Act to Divide the Counties of Brown and Milwaukee," approved December 7, 1836, provided, in part, as follows : Section 9. That townships [thirteen]* north, of ranges eighteen and nineteen east, and townships fourteen, fifteen and sixteen, of ranges fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen and eighteen, and townships seventeen and eighteen, of ranges fourteen, fifteen and sixteen, shall be and hereby are constituted a separate county, and be called Fond du Lac; and the seat of justice of said county is hereby established at the town of Fond du Lac. Sec. 10. Th^t towns [townships] seventeen, eighteen, nineteen and twenty, of ranges seventeen, eighteen, nineteen and twenty, be and they are hereby constituted a separate county and called Calumet ; and the seat of jus tice of said county is hereby established at the town of Whitesboro. ******* ****** Sec. 12. That townships numbered fourteen and fifteen, of ranges nine and ten; townships fourteen, fifteen and sixteen, of range eleven; townships fourteen, fifteen, sixteen and seventeen, of range twelve, and townships fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen and eighteen, of ranges thirteen and fourteen east, . * * * shall be and hereby are constituted a separate county and be called Marquette, and the seat of justice of said county is hereby established at the ,town of Marquette, The territory thus set off as Fond du Lac, included all the present county, except the towns of Osceola, Forest and Marshfield, and so much of Calumet as lies in Townships 17 north, of Ranges 18 and 19 east ; also, nearly all the south half of what is now the county of Winnebago. By an act of the Territorial Legislature, approved January 6, 1840, all that territory included in Fond du Lac County north of Townships 16, in Ranges 14, 15, 16 and 17 east, was taken from it to form a portion of Winnebago County. The same act took from Calumet County fractional Townships 17, in Ranges 18 and 19 east, and added them to Fond du Lac County, constituting nearly the whole of the present town of Calumet. By the provisions of an act approved January 22, 1844, " all that portion of Lake Winnebago lying south of a direct line drawn from the point where the southern boundary of the Brothertown Reservation enters said lake on the east, to the town[ship] line between towns[hips] sixteen and seventeen on the west side of said lake," was made a part of the county of Fond du Lac. By an oversight of the Legislature in the act approved December 7, 1836, constituting, among others, the counties . of Fond du Lac and Marquette, already mentioned, five townships in Fond du Lac — Townships 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18 north, of Range 14 east — were also included in the county of Marquette. By the erection of Winnebago County, two of these townships — Townships 17 and 18 north, of Range 14 east — were assigned to that county, still leaving three — Townships 14, 15 and 16 north, of Range 14 east — as belonging both to Fond du Lac County and Marquette. To cure this defect, an act was passed, which was approved March 6, 1848, and which brought Fond du Lac County to its present limits, as follows : " An Act to Define the Boundaries of Fond du Lac County, and the Jurisdiction of Counties to Lake Winnebago ; also to legalize the acts of said county, as to certain towns therein organ ized." - Be it enacted by the Council and House of Representatives of the Territory of Wisconsin : Section 1. That township number thirteen north, of range number eighteen east, and townships number thir teen, fourteen, fifteen and sixteen north, of range number nineteen east; and also all that part of Lake Winnebago lying south of a line extending due west from the south line of the late Brothertown Reservation, to a north and south line corresponding to the division line between ranges number seventeen and eighteen, and all that part of the same lake lying south of an east and west line extending from the intersection of the town line between towns six teen and seventeen with said lake, and running east to the range line hereinbefore mentioned, are hereby made and declared to be a part of the county of Fond du Lac. Sec. 2. That townships number fourteen, fifteen and sixteen north, of range number fourteen east, embracing the organized towns of Ceresco, Alto and Metomen, and included by the act of the seventh day of December, 1836, in both the counties of Fond du Lac and Marquette, are hereby declared to be a part of the county of Fond du Lac, as recited by the several acts organizing said towns. «. « . *Pat T?™abiP 13 n°rth, of Ranges 18 and 19 east (now the towns of Ashford and Auburn), were the ones intended to be described iu the first clause of Section 9 of tins act, is made certain by the act of March 6, 1848, hereafter mentioned. HISTOEY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. 347 , Sec. 3. The acts of the county of Fond du Lac exercising jurisdiction over either of the before-mentioned town ships, or the acts of the town's organized therein, shall not be deemed invalid or illegal in consequence of either of said townships having been included in any other county, or for not having been included in the said county of Fond du Lac. Sec. 4. That all that part of Lake Winnebago lying north of the north line of the county of Fond du Lac, as hereinbefore described, and west of the range line separating ranges number seventeen and eighteen, as extending • through said lake, is hereby declared to be a part of the county of Winnebago ; and all that part of said lake lying east of said range line and north of the north line of Fond du Lac, as hereinbefore described, is hereby declared to be a part of the county of Calumet. All process issuing to officers of either of the counties bordering upon Lake Winnebago, may be served upon the waters of said lake by the officer or person charged with the service thereof; and the said counties shall, for all the purposes of civil and criminal process, have concurrent jurisdiction on the said waters. Timothy Burns, Speaker of the House of Representatives. Hokatio N. Wells, President of the Council. Approved March 6, 1848. Henri Dodge. The above-mentioned act brought into the county of Fond du Lac the territory constitut ing the present towns of Osceola, Forest and Marshfield, and made certain what was left doubt ful by the act of December 7, 1836, as to the territory now included in the towns of Ashford and Auburn, by making it unmistakably a part of Fond du Lac County. By the revised statutes of Wisconsin of 1849, the boundaries ofthe county were established, as at present constituted, as follows : * Section 10. The district of country included within the following boundaries shall form and constitute the county of Fond du Lao, to wit : Beginning at the southeast corner of township thirteen north, of range nineteen east of the meridian line aforesaid ; rhnning thence north, on the range line between ranges nineteen and twenty, to the south line of the Indian reservation ; thence west ,on said south line to a point in Lake Winnebago in the range line between seventeen and eighteen east ; thence south on said range line to the range of the township line between town ships sixteen and seventeen north ; thence west to the northwest corner of township sixteen north, of range fourteen east; thence south on the range line, to the southwest corner of township fourteen north, of range fourteen east ; thence east on the township line to the northwest corner of township thirteen north, of range eighteen east ; thence south to the southwest corner of the last-named township ; thence east on the township line to the place of beginning. These boundaries have since been affirmed by the revised statutes of 1858, and a second time by the revised statutes of 1878 ; they are, therefore, the legal boundaries of the county at the present time. EARLY POLITICAL HISTORY. Fond du Lac County is bounded on the north by the counties of Calumet and Winnebago ; on the east by Calumet and Sheboygan ; south by Washington and Dodge, and west by the county of Green Lake. Its eastern boundary is about twenty-four miles west of Lake Michigan ; its western boundary, about one hundred and twenty miles east of the Mississippi. It has an area, including what is covered by Winnebago Lake, of about seven hundred and eighty square miles. This territory, with all the Northwest, was claimed by France from 1671 to 1763, when it was surrendered to the British. By the "Quebec Act" of 1774, the whole was placed under the local administration of Canada. It was, however, practically put under a despotic military rule, and so continued until possession passed to the United States. Before the last-mentioned event, and during and after the Revolution, the conflicting claims of Virginia, New York, Massachu setts and Connecticut to portions of the country were relinquished to the General Government. All the claims were based upon chartered rights, and Virginia added to hers the right of con quest of the "Illinois country " during the Revolution. As early as October, 1778, she declared, by an act of her General Assembly, that all the citizens of that commonwealth who were then settled, or should thereafter settle, on the western side of the Ohio, should be included in a dis tinct county, which should be called Illinois. No Virginians were then settled so far north as what is now Wisconsin ; and, as none thereafter located so far north before she relinquished all her rights to the United States, it follows that no part of our State was included in Illinois County, and that she never exercised any jurisdiction over any portion of Wisconsin; nor did she make claim to. any portion of it by right of conquest. Notwithstanding the passage of the ordinance of 1787, establishing a government over the territory northwest of the Ohio River, which territory was acquired by the treaty of 1783 from 348 HISTOKY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. Great Britain, possession only was obtained by the United States of the southern portion, the northern part being held by the British Government until 1796. Arthur St. Clair, in February, 1790, exercising the functions of Governor, and having previously organized a government for the country under the ordinance above mentioned, established in what is now the State of Illi nois, a county which was named St. Clair. But, as this county only extended north "to the mouth of the Little Mackinaw Creek on the Illinois," it did not include, of course, any part of the present Wisconsin, although being the nearest approach thereto of any organized ^county up to that date. The next county organized was that of Wayne, in 1796, which was made to include, besides much other territory, all of the present State of Wisconsin, watered by streams flowing into Lake Michigan. The present limits of Fond du Lac County were thus brought into Wayne ' County, except so much as is drained by the head streams of Rock River. From 1800 to 1809, what is now included within its boundaries was within the Territory of Indiana, and in the last, mentioned year, passed into the Territory of Illinois. It is probable that Indiana Territory exercised jurisdiction over what is now Wisconsin to the extent of appointing two Justices of Peace — one for Green Bay and one for Prairie du Chien. In the year 1809, the Illinois Terri torial Government commissioned three Justices of the Peace and two militia officers at Prairie du Chien, St. Clair County having been extended so as to include that point and, probably, , Green Bay. In the course of time, other Illinois counties subsequently had jurisdiction, until 1818, when what is now Wisconsin became a portion of the Territory of Michigan. Under the government of the latter, the district of country now forming Fond du Lac County, was first included within the limits of the county of Brown, and so continued until it became itself a county. FOND DU LAC COUNTY ON EARLY MAPS. In John Farmer's "Map of the Territories of Michigan and Ouisconsin," of 1830, Win nebago Lake, with ¦ surrounding country, is delineated with considerable accuracy. Indian villages are plentiful but none of white men. At the " head ofthe lake "is WhiteBosom's village, and, not very far to the northwest, is another representation of an Indian town, but the name of the latter is not given. It is on the east side of the lake. Farther to the north, on the west side, is Smoker's Village, and still farther on, the village of the Black Wolf. Across the lake, • in a northeast direction from Black Wolf's town, is seen the Menomonee village of Calumet. Upon this map, Fond du Lac River appears very much confused. Its west branch is called Martin's Creek, its eastern branch Crockodile River. Then there is another west branch-hav ing no name. " Doty's Route" is distinctly marked, traversing the country along the east side of Winnebago Lake, in a southerly direction ; then, after crossing " Crocodile River " it takes a southwesterly course to an Indian village on "Doty's Creek," beyond what are the present boundaries of Fond du Lac County. Brown County, including beside much other territory all of what is now Fond du Lac, has on this map, for its northern boundary, a line running from a point between the Great and Little Bays de Noquet west to " Lac Vieux Desert ; " for its southern boundary, the Illinois line. On a map by the same author, of the date of 1836, the county of Brown is, shown, but deprived of a large part of its southern territory where " Milwalky Co." appears, extending from the Illinois line north sixty-six miles, and from Lake Michigan west about seventy-five miles. All of Brown County south and east of Green Bay and Fox River, is represented as surveyed into townships, including, of course, what is now Fond du Lac County. Between the "Stockbridge & Brothertown In. Reserve " and the "head of the lake," there is represented/, an Indian village called " Pope's Village," a misprint for " Pipe Village," (Calumet). The " Crockodile River " now empties into the lake between the mouth of Fond du Lac River and "Pope's Village." The first map of " Wiskonsin Territory, Compiled from Public Surveys," gives Fond du Lac as one of the surveyed counties of the Territory, noting thereon the village of Fond du Lac in its proper position at the " head of the lake," but the river upon which it is located has the HISTOEY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. 349 name " Soochera." The " U. S. Military Road," from Green Bay to Fort Winnebago (now Portage, Columbia Co.), passes through the county, first in a southwesterly direction, then nearly west. From this road branches off another, running southwest to " Waushara," on the south side of " Fox Lake," in what is now the northwest part of Dodge County, thence to " Dekorr'a," on the east side of the Wisconsin River, below the "portage," in what was then Portage (now Columbia) County. On this map, Fond du Lac County is represented as containing, besides its present limits, the whole of what is now Winnebago County, south of the Fox River. " Osh kosh," is a small village in this county, wholly on the south side of Fox River, at the point where it flows into Winnebago Lake. In the northwest part of the county is "Rush Lake." A road or trail crosses the Fox River at the outlet of the " Great Butte Des MortsLake," run ning in a southwest direction to "Ida," on the north side of "Swan Lake," in "Portage County;". thence in a northwest course to " Fort Winnebago," traversing first the northwest portion of what is represented as Fond du Lac County, then the southeast part of what was Marquette County at that date and the northeast corner of Portage County as then constituted. This was a very direct route, going northeast from Fort Winnebago to Green Bay. ORGANIZATION OE THE COONTY. When in December, 1836, a certain portion of the territory of Brown County was desig nated as a new county, and called Fond du Lac, no provision was made for its organization. It had not a sufficient population. There was, indeed, but one family residing within its designated boundaries. All that could be done was to say where its county-seat should be, and that the county should be attached to some other county for judicial purposes. The county seat was "established at the town of Fond du Lac," and the county was "attached to the county of Brown for judicial purposes." Finally, by an act of the Territorial Legislature, approved March 11, 1839, the county was to be organized, but "for the purposes of county government only;" it was still to remain apart of Brown County for all judicial purposes. The act of organization says : Section 5. The county of Fond du Lac shall be organized for the purposes of county government only from and after the first Monday in April next, at which time the election for county officers shall be held at the places and in the manner provided by law, and the candidate for County Commissioner having the highest number of votes shall serve two years from and after the first Monday in August next ; the candidate having the next highest shall serve for one year from the time aforesaid, and the candidate being third on the list shall serve until the first Monday bf August next, or until their successors are duly elected and qualified. The returns of the first election shall be made to the Clerk of the County Commissioners of Brown County, who shall canvass the votes and certify the result of the election in the manner provided in other cases. Sec. 6. The said county shall remain attached to the county of Brown for judicial purposes, and shall pay annually into the county treasury of Brown County 5 per cent of all taxes levied and collected in said county of Fond du Lac, for the purpose of defraying the expenses of courts ; and the qualified voters of said county shall have power, on the first Monday of April next, to elect a collector to discharge the duties incident to that office in place of the Sheriff ; and such Collector shall continue in office until the first Monday of August next and until bis successor shall be elected and qualified, and thereafter a collector shall annually, on the first Monday of August, be elected, and in case of a vacancy in the office of Collector, the County Commissioners shall have power to supply such vacancy until the next annual election. Sec. 7. All duties in relation to any election required to be performed by a Sheriff within said county may be performed by a deputy, to be appointed in such county by the Sheriff of the county of Brown. An election was held, August 6, 1839, under this law, resulting in the choice of John Bannister, Edward Pier and Reuben Simmons, as Commissioners ; A. Raymond, Treasurer ; and J. Bannister, Register. The Commissioners organized their Board on the 9th of October following, by electing Reuben Simmons, Chairman, and Mason C. Darling, Clerk. Upon the entering of these officers upon their respective duties, the county of Fond du Lac was organized for all but judicial purposes, and began its onward career of prosperity. It was not until "from and after the first Monday of March," 1844, that Fond du Lac County ^as, fully organized. An act to organize it for judicial purposes was approved January 22 of that year, the provisions of which were as follows : Section 1. That from and after the first Monday of March next, the county of Fond du Lac shall be organized for judicial purposes, and shall enjoy all the privileges of other counties of this Territory. 350 HISTORY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. Sec. 2. The counties of Sheboygan, Calumet and Marquette are hereby attached to the county of Fond du Lao for judicial purposes. Sec. 3. The said judicial county, composed of the counties of Fond du Lac, Sheboygan, Calumet and Mar quette, shall remain a part of the Third Judicial District, and the courts therein shall be held by the Judge of the said district, at such times as shall be established by law. Sec. 4. The first election of Sheriff for said judicial county shall be held in the several counties before named, on the first Tuesday of April next, and thereafter at the time prescribed by law ; and the return of said election shall be made to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Fond du Lac County, who shall proceed to canvass the same as the law requires. Sec. 5. All writs, processes, appeals, recognizances, or other proceedings, sued or commenced in the District Court of Brown County, prior to the said first Monday of March next, shall be prosecuted to final judgment and execution issued thereon in the same manner they might or could have been had this act not passed ; and execu tion on any judgment heretofore rendered in said court, shall have the like force and effect, an 1 maybe executed and returned by the Sheriff of said county of Brown, anything in any law of the Territory to the contrary notwith standing. Sec. 6. The county seat of Fond du Lac County is hereby established upon the north half of the northeast quarter of Section Fifteen, Town[ship] Fifteen north, of Range Seventeen east, in the town of Fond du Lac; Pro vided, a good and sufficient warrantee deed, duly executed, of a public square for the location of county buildings, embracing at least ninety thousand square feet [be delivered by the owners thereof to the county] ; and a bond entered into with the Board of Supervisors of the county, conditioned to provide a suitable room for holding courts for the use of said county for the term of three years, the whole to be free of charge to the county, and to be entered •of record in the Register's office of said county ,t But it is herein further provided, that unless such deed and bond, •duly executed, shall be thus recorded on or be'fore the first Monday of March next, the county seat shall be and -remain as now established by law ; and the Supervisors of said county shall be hereby authorized to provide a build ing for the temporary holding of such courts until county buildings shall be prepared at the county seat ; and such building thus provided (a certificate of such fact being recorded in the office of the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors ¦of said county), shall be deemed to be the Court House of said county. Sec. 7. All appeals to be taken in the manner provided by law, from the decisions of the Probate Court of •the district composed of the counties of Sheboygan and Manitowoc shall be made and returned to the District Court of Brown County, any law to the contrary notwithstanding. Sec. 8. From and after the first Monday of March next, the county of Marquette shall be organized for county purposes, and the first election for county officers of said county shall be held on the first-Tuesday of April next, at the house of S. W. Beall, the place appointed by law for holding the annual town meeting, and the returns of the election of such county officers shall be made to the Town Clerk of the town of Marquette, who is hereby author ized to canvass the same and to issue certificates of election. Sec. 9. Such election shall be conducted in all respects as the law requires for conducting the town meetings, and it shall be the duty of the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Fond du Lac County to post up notices of such election, and also of the town meeting of the town of Marquette, at two or more places in such county ten days at least before the day of such meeting. Sec. 10. The several towns in the counties of Calumet and Marquette, and the county of Sheboygan, shall annually pay^o the Treasurer of Fond du Lac County, 8 per centum of all taxes, except schoolhouse taxes, levied therein, to assist in defraying the expenses of courts. And it is hereby made the duty of the Collectors of the sev eral towns in the counties aforesaid, and of the Collector of the county of Sheboygan, to collect and pay such per centage to the Treasurer of the county of Fond du Lac, on or before the first Monday of January in each year ; and the receipt of such Treasurer shall be a good and sufficient voucher for such amount in settlement with the Treasurer of his own proper town or county, and the Collectors of such towns and counties shall be liable to the county of Fond du Lac, under their official bonds, for the payment, as aforesaid, for the percentage herein mentioned. Sec. 11. From and after the first Monday of March next, all assessments that shall be made in the county of Fond du Lac, for the purpose of raising taxes, shall embrace improvements on real estate, in addition to the property now liable by law to taxation. v Sec 12. The Clerks of the Boards of County Supervisors of the counties of Calumet and Marquette, and the Clerk of the Board of Commissioners of Sheboygan County, shall be required to forward to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Fond du Lac County, on or before the first Monday of April next, a certified copy of the poll-lists of the last annual election ; and the Board of Supervisors of the county of Fond du Lac is hereby required to meet at the Clerk's office, in said county, on some day prior to the first day of May next, for the purpose of preparing a list of jurors, and taking any other measures necessary to carry out the provisions of this act. Sec. 13. The Clerks of the several towns in the counties of Fond du Lac, Calumet and Marquette, and the Clerk of the Board of Commissioners of Sheboygan County, shall post up notices of the election of Sheriff for such county at the proper places, at least ten days prior to the said day of election. * Sec. 14. [This section brought the southern part of Lake Winnebago within the bounds of Fond du Lac County, and is recited in the article entitled " Fond du Lac County Boundaries Established," to be found elsewhere.] , Sec. 15. [This section submitted the question of the annexation of Winnebago County to Fond du Lac County for judicial purposes, to the legal voters of the first-mentioned county, for adoption or rejection, " on the day of the annual town meeting in April next." The election was held on the 2d of that month, at which time twenty-five votes were cast iu favor of being attached to Fond du Lac County, and five against.] HISTORY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. 351 PIONEER REMINISCENCES. I.— By Samuel A. Storrow. 1817. At mid-day of the 22d of September [1817], I took leave of Maj. [Zachary] Taylor and the officers of the Third Regiment [then stationed at Green Bay], who had most kindly enter tained me. I likewise took a reluctant leave of my excellent companion, Mr. Pierce. For the residue of the day, my course lay on the left bank [west side] of the [Fox] river, through good lands and a growth of oak. I passed two springs strongly impregnated with sulphur, and at night stopped at a rapid of the river called Kakalin, being the last house and the last whites I expected to see for the distance of 250 miles [to Fort Dearborn, now Chicago]. On the 23d, I entered the wilderness, attended by my Indian guide and a soldier of the Third Regiment, who led a pack-horse loaded with provisions and presents for the natives. We forded the Fox River, and, losing sight of it, proceeded in a westwardly direction ; at first through a small Indian path, and, this failing us, through a wilderness entirely trackless. The journey this day was painful and uninteresting. The thickness of the forest rendered marching difficult, and almost entirely impeded the horse ; but for exertions in assisting him over crags and cutting away branches and saplings with our tomahawks, we should have been obliged to abandon him. The land was broken with hillocks and masses of rock. The growth of timber indicated a cold soil, notwithstanding which we occasionally saw the sugar maple. At night we lay on the ground. On the morning of the 24th, we resumed our march, extremely chilled. The thickness of the forest prevented the rays of the sun from coming to the earth, and during the previous night the guide [supposed to be Tomah, a Menomonee chief] had obliged us to keep small fires, from fear of the Winnebagoes, who were about us, and from whom there is always cause for apprehension. After a toilsome march of eight or nine hours, we arrived abruptly at the shores of a circular lake, which I found to be Lake Winnebago. I never experienced a more grateful transition than from the damp and tangled wood to the sunny margin of this beautiful water. It is nearly round, and apparently about sixty miles in circumference. For a short time, we walked upon the beach, but, finding it too narrow, we were again obliged to resort to our uncomfortable way through the thicket. While upon the beach, I remarked that the number of primitive rocks were unusual for this region. Granite, micaceous schistus, quartz pebbles and trap were mixed with unequal proportions of secondary limestone. On the upland, the formations were exclu sively of limestone. My intention was to reach an Indian village, said to be on the southern shore of the lake. Having journeyed all day, and slept in the same manner as the previous night, we resumed our march on the morning of the 25th. Amelioration of the grounds, a few foot-paths and traces of habitation denoted that we were near the object of our destination, and, shortly afterward, in passing from a wood, we saw it [the Indian village] at a distahce. It was a village of Fals Avoines [Wild Oats (wild rice), that is, Menomonees], situated on the edge of a prairie which borders Lake Winnebago. The lake lay before it on one side [that is, on the west side], and on the other the prairie, rising with a gentle acclivity from the margin of the water. The spot was well chosen for beauty, warmth and fertility. There was nothing about it that indicated a recent commencement. The grounds bore marks of long cultivation, and the few trees that were left standing seemed as if distributed for ornament and shade. The village has received the name of Calumet ["Pipe Village"] ; it consists of about one hundred and fifty souls, and has rarely been visited by whites, except a few voyageurs on their way to the Ouisconsin [Wis consin River]. At our approach, the villagers poured from their cabins, and gave a general shout from the unwonted sight (as I supposed) of a white man. Tomay [believed to be Tomah], the guide, was received with kindness, and his introduction procured what I supposed to be the same for myself. But as their unrelaxing features, coldness and taciturnity would indicate anything rather than 352 HISTORY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. courtesy, it required the fullest conviction both of his and their intentions to enable me to place such civility to its proper account. I seated myself on the grass, and was surrounded by the whole population of Calumet, the men eyeing me with contemptuous indifference, the females and children with a restless and obtrusive curiosity. The distribution of tobacco among the former, and vermilion, salt, thread and needles among the latter, led to a better understanding, and a reciprocity of good offices. Tomay was to leave me at this place, after furnishing me with another guide ; a business which could not be performed before the accomplishment of all the ceremonies of introduction. I was therefore ushered, between the arms of two dingy \brethren, to a small lodge, where we formed a circle, smoked out of the same pipe, which went the rounds from mouth to mouth, and ate from a large kettle of wild rice placed in the midst of us. Our repast was made without the utterance of a single word, and I know not how long the silence and uncomfortable posture in which I sat might have continued, had I not made signs to Tomay that I wished to make a general visit to the lodges and then depart. In this visit, I found nothing more than I had seen among nations from whom I had expected less. Sloth, filth and indifference as to the goods or ills of life, form the same characteristics of the remote Indians as of those nearer to us. The similarity of traits is radical ; disparity of situation makes but accidental shades. Necessity gives to the foresters an energy which contact with the whites takes from the lower tribes. They present . fewer instances of helplessness, petty vices and premature decay from intemperance, but substitute in their stead the grosser and more unrelenting features of barbarism. In the different cabins, the right of proprietorship seems well understood, but in none were there more goods than were requisite for immediate use ; and such food as did not serve for the day was generally trampled under foot. They seemed affectionate to their children, who were, to a peculiar degree, sprightly and handsome. The younger women possess good features, but wither at an early age from the smoke of the cabins and hard labor in the fields. While I had been feasting in the lodge, my man had received food in the field, where he sat an object of the wonder of all the children of the village. Tomay had procured me two guides, no one being willing to undertake the task alone, from fear of the Winnebagoes. I now prepared to depart, and endured the too affectionate embrace of Tomay and a large portion of his tribe ; the black and red testimonials of which were left on my cheek. After this operation, from which the sisterhood were excluded, I departed with my two guides and attendant, amidst the shouts of the village. My course was now for Chicago. The soldier who was with me had a trifling knowledge of some of the Indian languages, but not sufficient to procure an explanation of the sort of country we were to find, or the difficulties we had to encounter ; we therefore looked to our Indian companions for nothing, relying solely on our own strength and perseverance to carry us through the unknown region. The first direction was southwardly for about four miles, over a fertile prairie, occasionally shaded by a small growth of oak ; passing this we inclined toward the west, and, after traversing a swamp, entered an extensive prairie, low and without trees, but bearing a luxuriant growth of grass of an average height of five feet. On the north, it bordered the Winnebago Lake, and on every other side was fringed with forests appearing on the edge of the horizon. At a late hour we reached higher ground, where we slept. Since leaving the village, we had passed several cabins, and many Indians of a singular and grotesque appearance, armed with bows and arrows. On the 26th, having left the low prairie, we traversed a more elevated tract, distributed in gentle undulations, from the summit of which I could see grounds of the same character extend ing in every direction. There were no forests nor any undergrowth, more than low shrubbery. The immense park, for it bore, that appearance, was beautified by a growth of oak, occasionally single, and sometimes in groups, as if planted by art. I could scarcely imagine that a distribu tion so consonant to the laws of taste could have been made without the agency of man. [This "park," as every Wisconsin reader will readily see, was an '» oak opening."] At about. mid day, the face of the country changed to a lower and wet soil, which continued for the distance of HISTORY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. ' 353 four or five miles, when it gave place again to one higher and better watered, although inade quately, with small. rivulets, and covered with white and red oak, and sometimes hickory. The white oaks were of the largest size. In the afternoon, I arrived at the bank of a shallow, slug gish stream [Milwaukee River] about fifty yards in width, running toward the southeast. The fine tract I had passed in the early part of the day was badly watered. From 4 o'clock of the preceding day to 1 of the present, I met no signs of water, not even the smallest brook. On the morning of the 27th, I found a severe frost. There was no water where we lay. The ground being swampy; we dug a large hole with our tomahawks, and it was soon filled ; but although this spot was but one hundred yards distant from the fire, neither of the Indians would ¦ go to it alone.- They frequently,- during the night, put their ears to the ground, as if to listen for noises. At about 10 o'clock, after having passed grounds inferior to those of yesterday, we came to a small and handsome body of water about eight miles in circumference [Cedar Lake, in the present towns of West Bend and Polk in Washington County] ; shortly after to a second [Silver Lake] of about three miles ; and after that, to a third [Little Cedar Lake] of about five miles in circumference [the former in West Bend, and the latter in West Bend and Polk]. I remained for some time to admire the beauty of these sequestered waters. Their stillness was disturbed only by the wild fowl, that were too little accustomed to the sight of man to heed my approach. The lands shortly became better, and more abundantly wooded and watered than those of yesterday, the white oak being the largest I had ever seen. The country may be said to be without rocks, the few I had seen during the last two days were detached, and of granite. The march of the present day has been more interesting than that of the day preceding, being relieved from the sameness of the prairies by occasional forests. In passing from the latter into the former, I realized the effect of wuat Denon describes on the plains of Egypt under the name of mirage. The thickets do not cease gradually, but change abruptly from forest into glade, so as to present to the traveler the atmosphere above the distant meadow, in the certain shape and appearance of water. The illusion was many times so perfect as to convince me that, on leaving the wood that was about me, I should be led to the margin of some great lake of which I had before received no account. The Indians were equally deceived, and finding the error by seeing the wood skirted by land instead of water, cried out " Manitou " (devil) — imputing the optical • illusion to the agency of a spirit. Throughout the day, the course had been southeast. I supposed myself to be not far distant from the dividing ridge between the Mississippi and Lake Michigan [that is, between the streams flowing into Rock River and the Milwaukee] ; knowing that the elevation was not very remote from the lake itself. Some of the prairies bore the appearance of having become so by art. At night, I slept in one which was a perfectly formed parallelogram of about 900 yards by 500. We commenced our march at sunrise of the 28th. The [two Indians] guides, who, during part ofthe preceding day, had been sullen and silent, seemed now in entire ignorance ofthe way, and were leading toward the northeast. I refused to follow them, and after a fruitless and vexatious attempt to understand each Other, or know if they understood the way, I insisted on their leaving me ; which they did after a long and unintelligible altercation. I should not have resorted to this measure, which left me alone in the wilderness, had I not been convinced that a day's march, properly directed, would bring me to the shores of Lake Michigan, or the River Millewackie [Milwaukee], where there are large settlements of Pottawatomies ; but following them I might be led I knew not where. Of their worthlessness I had already been convinced. Mv attendant and myself, being now left alone, pursued an eastwardly direction by compass, to endeavor to reach the shores of the lake. In the afternoon, we saw a track leading toward the southward; we followed it, and finding to our joy that it widened, continued in it until toward evening, when I caught from an eminence a distant view of a great water, which I supposed to be Lake Michigan. On nearer approach, I perceived a river and an Indian village,' the coincidence of which convinced me that I had reached the Millewackie at the confluence with the lake. 354 HISTORY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. II.— By Henry S. Baird. 1859. The principal trading-posts, at that period [1824], in Northern Wisconsin, were the follow ing : Milwaukee, Sheboygan and Manitowoc, on Lake Michigan ; Menomonee River, Peshtigo and Oconto, on Green Bay ; Fond du Lac, Calumet and Oshkosh, on Winnebago Lake ; Wolf River, Lake Shawano and the portage of the Fox and Wisconsin. At all these points, Indian villages were located ; and it is a remarkable feature in -the settlement of Wisconsin, that all or nearly all ofthe principal cities which now meet our view were originally sites of Indian villages. For many years prior to 1824, the northern portion of Wisconsin was occupied by the Winne bagoes, Menomonees, Chippewas and some Pottawatomies. But the two first-named tribes owned nearly all of the country in the present State lying on Lake Michigan and the Missis sippi, Wisconsin, Fox and Wolf Rivers ; the Winnebagoes, on the west side of Winnebago Lake, on the Upper Fox and on the Wisconsin, the Menomonees on the east side of Winnebago Lake, on the Lower Fox, on the Wolf River, on Green Bay and on the west shore of Lake Michigan. Both of these tribes were then powerful and held in great awe by the few white inhabitants then in this country. The Winnebagoes, in 1824, numbered, perhaps, upward of six thousand ; the Menomonees between three and four thousand. III.— By Henry Merrell. In March, 1836, 1 wanted to go [from Fort Winnebago, now Portage, Columbia -Co., Wis.] by way of Sheboygan, on a journey to New York ; so the commanding officer [of the fort] gave a soldier by the name of Moore a furlough for the rest of his time — about a month — and his dis charge, for the purpose of accompanying me. 1 got a jumper-sleigh and a harness, calculating to throw the sleigh away when it was necessary ; put my horse before the jumper, and Moore and I started. We went to Fond du Lac, where we found, on the bank of the stream, part of an old wigwam and decided to encamp in it. I went to building a fire, and Moore went to the stream for water. I heard him talking and supposed some Indian had come up ; but on his return he said he was swearing ; for he had to cut through three feet of ice before he got water. We made our tea, ate our supper, and slept finely. Next morning we started east, but, after getting upon the highlands, the small bushes were so thick I told my companion we could not take the sleigh any farther ; so we left it and packed our baggage on the horse, Moore and I walking. When I got tired I mounted the horse and rode, and after getting rested would jump •off and lead him. At length we struck a trail and followed it, supposing it must lead to Sheboygan ; but after going some distance, I concluded it led too far south ; so we altered our course and struck north of east. As night approached, I selected a camping-ground near a little lake, as we supposed. The snow was so frozen to the ground we could not get it off; so I cut a lot of bushes with the leaves on and spread them on the frozen snow, upon which we lay after building a good fire and eating our supper. Moore said he cut through three feet of ice for water and struck into mud, thus proving it to be a marsh instead of a lake. We had to melt ice for water. The next day we pushed on, and, hearing the report of a gun, I called aloud and an Indian came up, who directed us to a trail which took us to a house on the river, where a man by the name of Follet was living. I had intended stopping here a day to look at some land I had purchased, but Fol let told me he had no hay or anything for my horse, and there was none to be had, as there were no other inhabitants in that region. I found he had some cornmeal and I persuaded him to let me have a peck, for which I paid him $1. I then decided upon going on in the morning. Moore struck up a bargain with Follet for a pony to ride to Chicago, so we mounted in' the morning and renewed our journey. IV.— By Ebenezer Childs. 1858. The next day [early in February, 1838] I started alone from Fort Winnebago, [now Portage] for Green Bay. There was not then a house between Fort Winnebago and Fond du HISTORY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. 355 Lac. The snow was deep across the prairies. I overtook two Stockbridge Indians nearly exhausted from fatigue and cold. I carried them in my j umper to the first timber, where we stopped and made a large fire and left them. The snow was so deep that my horse could not draw them. They stayed there until the next day and got home safe. If it had not been for me, they would undoubtedly have perished on the prairie. I arrived at Green Bay safe and sound. There was then but one house between Fond du Lac and Green Bay. The first log house erected in Fond du Lac was built in 1836 ; and Thomas Green kept the first public house there. V.— By D. P. Mapes. 1870. In February, 1849, myself and sons, from my home near by, where I had lived the pre ceding four years, came upon the beautiful spot — now Ripon — with axes in hand to strike the first blows which were to change this beauty of nature into a village, that, with the help of the pioneers, is now a beautiful city — a fine specimen of the work of man. The boys could not resist that feeling for the beautiful which made them regret the necessity of spoiling so perfect a picture, and I was as soft in my feelings as they ; but man must labor and must earn his bread by the sweat of his brow — the ax must go to the tree — feeling must yield to fertility. Then and there I struck the blow which began what is now the city of Ripon. I purchased the ground with certain conditions, some of which were that I should build a grist-mill and public house within a year, and that I should keep the house myself for twelve months. I was to have the water-power and every alternate lot. This called for an outlay of at least $10,000, and was a big undertaking ; for what few dollars I had were in' wild lands around what afterward became the city of Ripon, and in the improvements I had been able to make ; but the mill was com pleted, the house was built and both were running in time. The hotel was called the Ripon House, then the American ; now Wood's Hotel occupies the site. When the house was finished (that is, the Ripon House) we had to give an opening party, for this was the custom in those days, and it was a great event. The parties of those times were social, and brought great good feeling — extending acquaintances and making friendships over a large section of country. People came from considerable distances to meet each other and find neighbors. It was no small job to make Ripon to equal or outdo its neighbors ; all of them had two, three or more years the start of us. We were on no navigable waters ; we then had no rail roads ; and our little stream, although beautiful, was small for a water-power. One of our first and best efforts was the commencing of a college. We were then laughed and jeered at for calling it a college, but how is it now ? I think it is worthy of the name, and of all the efforts we made to get it. When Ripon had not a dozen dwellings, we put up and inclosed the first college building. Our object was to draw around us a class of inhabitants that would have pride to educate their children, and they would be good for every good work. But it was a great undertaking : the country was new and the settlers very poor ; and we had to resort to every honorable means to induce them to take hold of the work. I well remember our getting up a Fourth of July celebration so as to get the people together. We were all too poor to pay 50 cents for a dinner, so we made it a picnic, and the people came out in crowds. Speakers addressed the assemblage, dwelling upon the advantages of a college and working up an intense interest. With an old fife and drum at the head, we formed a procession and worked up such enthusiasm that every one was for doing all he could. A newspaper was another item in the early progress of Ripon which required effort and labor to establish, and without this the city might still have been little else than a four-corners. We made many efforts to get a printer among us, but without success, until in 1853 one of our own number, A. P. Mapes, was induced to start the Herald, and blow a horn for Ripon. We have had since that time several papers started, and they have been generally conducted with ability. Among the early editors were E. L. Runals, C. J. Allen, T. J. Mapes and George W. Parker. In 1849, we had no churches. Episcopal services, by the Rev. Mr. Ingraham, of Dartford, were sometimes held in a shanty on the bank of Silver Creek, and, occasionally, the Rev. Mr. 356 HISTORY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. Murphy, of Waupun, held Baptist services. He preached at Ceresco to the Wisconsin Phalanx ; but the Phalanx, through their President, Warren Chase, had to report to the Governor of the State yearly, and in one of his reports Mr. Chase said : " We have religious services by the Baptists, but not of that high order that the people are prepared to appreciate." Elder Murphy preached no more. That admirable system ofthe Methodist Church, by which their circuit min ister travels between rich and poor settlements, and can get out of the poor into the rich before' he starves, is an excellent arrangement, for which all new settlements should thank them. To this system we were also indebted for occasional religious services. In 1849, where the public square now is in Ripon was brush and underwood. The popu lation of the place then consisted of myself and family and of my two sons and their families. Then came the Pedericks — father and sons ; then E. L. Northrup and wife, and with them, as clerkj E. P. Brockway ; then Asa Hill and family ; then — well, they came so fast after this that I cannot follow them ; but it was from these first settlers that our help in energy and liberty came. In 1849, the present town of Ripon, the post office, and what is now the First Ward of the city, was called Ceresco. Now they are all Ripon. Some may ask, why these names ? And why this change ? Ceresco was the name given to the entire town by the Wisconsin Phalanx, an association that had settled in the valley' in 1844, and who had control of all town matters in its earliest days. Ripon was at first the name of what is now only a part of the qity. It originated in this way : At the time I purchased of Gov. Horner, he asked the privilege of giving the name* to pur village. This I granted with these restrictions : First, that it should not be a personal name ; second, that it should not be like any other name in the United States ; third, that it should not be an Indian name ; and, lastly, that the name should be short. Horner's ancestors came from Ripon, England. That name he selected ; and, as it was not open to any ofthe objections I had mentioned, it was adopted. In 1849, we had no railroads except some of basswood with the rails running the wrong way, and if any of us made a trip to Milwaukee in a week it was considered fast time. We now make the journey in a day, and grumble because it is slow. In 1849, the naked prairies were our only race-course and fair-grounds, and there were no associations to run fhem. Now, we have a beautiful driving-park and fair-grounds, with a fine inclosure, track, stands, buildings and everything complete, but, above all, two hundred stock holders—two hundred as live men as ever associated in any enterprise. The organization of this association — " The Ripon Agricultural Association "—and the getting-up of its grounds and buildings in thirty days, and the extraordinary success of its undertakings, are something border ing on the marvelous ! These two hundred men are just as liberal, go-ahead, energetic men as you find anywhere. It is to these and to others like them that the city of Ripon owes most of its prosperity. Pioneers always have some doleful tales to tell of privations and hardships gone through with in settling up a new country, but I have none to relate. When I was a boy, I had some experi ence in the hardships of clearing up heavy timber, but here we had none of that. Our meadows were all ready to put in the scythe and cut all the hay we wanted. The ground was already ' cleared, ready to put in the plow. Could there be anything more delightful than our work in improving our prairie farms ? And they have paid so well ! You farmers must not get the blues. Wheat will rise in value. If it does not, raise something else. Your lands are rich, you have good markets at your door,- and you get your lumber here in Ripon as cheap as it can be purchased anywhere in the country. The climate here is as good as any in the world ; no long droughts, but alternate rain and sunshine. I hear some wishing they could sell out and go where the winters are shorter. Why are you so fearful of winter ? You are not obliged! to do more than -to make the contrast agreeable. Your fuel is cheap ; so fill your stove, look out of the window and whistle at the cold. Do not go away from Central Wisconsin to find a better place— you cannot do it ! You may be proud to say, when away from home, that you hail from Ripon. HISTORY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. 357 If your daughter is educated at Ripon College, that will pass her to a good husband ; if your son is schooled here, his addresses will be cordially received in the best families of the country. I have seen the little girl grow up here to be the accomplished lady ; to be the bride gracing the drawing-rooms of Eastern cities. My own daughter was schooled here. She and her husband went away from Ripon. They brought her back and laid her upon that beautiful hill ! Beautiful? Yes, if there can be. beauty in a graveyard, it is in that spot of ground lying in the Very center of the city, so retired from the stir and bustle of business ; it is " death in the midst of life." I have dear friends there; and when the time comes that I must go, you that may be present, lay me quietly by their side. Were I to tell you how many years I have lived, you might think that that time cannot be delayed long, and it may not be, but it is not the number of years that always make men old, but how those years have been lived ! I had almost forgotten some of our early institutions. When I speak of our first livery stable it will cause a smile upon the face of him who recollects the proprietor — Jesse Campion. Do you see him ? an English plowman, with a walk that gave a peculiar swing to his body, as though one foot was traveling on the land and the other in the furrow. His " 'orses" were three, one spavined, and two ringboned. He used to carry his passengers by weight ; distance was -of no account, for his customers had to pay his bills on the road. His was the first wedding in the city. He married a Yankee girl. The first dray horse in Rjpon was " Dick." He had the misfortune to break a leg while on the road from Milwaukee to Ripon, and was turned out to die; but "Dick" did not die. His leg calloused over so that he could be used, and the public did their draying with him. He was a sort of public property, for he who got " Dick " up first had the best right. But the citizens began to quarrel who should use him, and, as he was my property, I sold him into other service. Our first Congregational clergyman was a young man by the name of Sherrill. He was fresh from the schools, and had much to learn of Western men and manners. He officiated at the second wedding, and weddings of those days were not as Ripon weddings now are. The groom was a young carpenter of about twenty years, the bride a young girl of about thirty. They, had walked about six miles to the village and found. Mr. Sherrill away from home, but he was expected back soon. They waited ; the hours went away slowly to them ; the girl got very impatient, and would go to the window every few minutes, fearing, apparently, that he wvould not come so as to marry them that night. But he came at last, and the poor girl was happy. At an early day, when the community resorted to hot bricks, and, perhaps, a little No. 6 for medicine, we had no drug stores. Perhaps Mr. Northrup or Mr. Starr might have supplied us with opodeldoc or pain-killer, but that would have been all. Now we have fine- and extensive drug stores, the^fixtures of which are alone worth more than the whole of Ripon was then. Now we have extensive stocks of boots and shoes ; but, in pioneer days, the best you could do was to get a pair of stogies of Mr. Starr. I remember one pair that he sold. An immigrant, who had just moved into the town of Rosendale, walked into Ceresco barefooted to get himself boots. He said he had a pair at home that were calfskin, but for every-day use they were too costive ! Mr. Starr sold him a pair less costive. If we had in those early days a milliner shop, the business must have been poor, for, at that time, our ladies were glad to trim over their old bonnets, and make the new ones themselves. Now, it is changed. , In War times, this business was prosperous, and the shops made money, and built up several fine establishments for such as kept up with the fashions and tastes of the day. I think the gentlemen, who have now to pay millinery bills, ought to be thankful for the late improvements ; for a lady's hat used to cost $10 and upward, but they must be cheaper now they are so very small. I do not mean to ridicule the fashions, for I like to see a well- dressed lady, and see her dress in the fashion. Gentlemen who travel much know how a well- dressed lady looks to them after making a trip up in the backwoods where the poor woman has to work hard and go barefooted. 358 HISTORY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. Now, take Ripon as it was and compare it with the present, and are we not all satisfied with its progress? Take Ripon as she is and compare her with otlier places, and is there not full reason to be proud of her? VI.— By Gustave De Neveu. 1875. On the 20th day of April, 1838, 1 came from Detroit to Green Bay on a rickety old steam boat whose name I have forgotten, but believe it was called the Pennsylvania. We had a terri bly rough passage and came pretty near going down to the bottom of Lake Huron. The water was knee-deep in the cabin ; we had to stand on chairs and tables or to lie in the upper berths in order to keep ourselves dry. This was during a dark night opposite Saginaw Bay. We were unable to make the safe harbor of Presque Isle in the dark, as there was not a single lighthouse in those days on the eastern shores of Michigan between Fort Gratiot and Mackinaw, a stretch of about two hundred and fifty miles, and had to put back to Port Huron. While in Green Bay, hearing excellent accounts of the country about the head of Lake Winnebago, its farthest end, as the French name of Fond du Lac implies, I made up my mind to visit it. Through the kind offices of Messrs. Charles and Alex. Grignon, sons of Augustin Grignon, of Big Butte des Morts Lake, I procured the services of two Menomonee Indians, who understood French, and started with them in a bark canoe. At night, the canoe was drawn upon the shore, carefully propped on edge, answering the purpose of a tent ; a fire was kindled 6pposite, and as we always had plenty of ducks and fish besides the provisions we had brought along, we were very comfortable. Thus I visited Neenah, Garlic Island, the present site of the city of Oshkosh and Lake Buttes des Morts as far as Winneconne. At Oshkosh, Mrs. Stanley, of that place, wishing to visit the family of Edward Pier, asked me to give her passage in my boat, which, as there was plenty of room, I readily granted. We passed the old log house, erected by the Fond du Lac Company, which many of you no doubt remember, and landed on the prairie, near the place where Mr. George McWilliams' house stands, this point being apparently 'the head of canoe navigation, and walked across the prairie to the house of Mr. Pier, which was in sight from that point and about one mile and a half distant. Like all the other houses in the country at that time, it was constructed of logs. It stood not far from the place now occu pied by his residence. We were very cordially received. Hearing of a little lake seen by Mr. Pier in the vicinity, I resolved to visit it, and so the next morning I started with Albert Ken dall, a brother of Mrs. Pier. We found the lake and walked clear around it, returning to Mr. Pier's house by noon. The lake was charming in its quiet beauty; its placid face reflected the surrounding woods which bent down over it as if endeavoring to kiss the waves. I was quite charmed by the scene and resolved that Uncle Sam and myself would have a trade about that lake. This was consummated on the 17th of May by my purchasing the -lake and all the land around it, and- also the quarter-section in the town of Fond du Lac now owned by Mr. James Wright, being something over five hundred acres. Permit me here to correct, for perhaps the hundredth time, a mistake which, the more it is contradicted the more it seems to gain currency, viz., that I purchased that lake believing it to be a marsh. From what I have just said, my hearers will certainly know how utterly impos sible it was for me to have made such a mistake. I presume that the report originated from the fact that when I arrived at Green Bay to buy the tract, I found that the Government Surveyor who had surveyed the lake in the winter had failed to perform his duty, and had found it more convenient to report it as a marsh than to ascertain its nature and meander it as he should have done. The officers in the land office had no discretionary powers in the premises and I had to pay for the lake which the partiality of my neighbors had named after rae, or to go without it. But I do not regret my action. The lake is well worth all I had to pay for it. The next day I went back to my bark canoe, taking back Mrs. Stanley to Oshkosh, well pleased with her visit. At Grand Chute, now Appleton, I enjoyed the splendid excitement, not free from danger, of shooting down the fall, some seven feet almost perpendicular, and of admir ing the skill with which the guides avoided the rocks in the rapids below, the contact of which would have been instant death. HISTORY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. 359 . j A few days later, having completed my purchase and procured some necessary articles, I took advantage of the company of a body of troops marching from Green Bay to Fort Winne bago, now Portage. Capt. Marryatt, the humorous novelist, was- one ofthe party. We were together much of the time, shooting pigeons and partridges, while the soldiers were engaged in cutting and repairing the military road. The Captain was on his way to St. Louis, with the intention of visiting the Western plains to the Rocky Mountains, and invited me to accompany him at his expense. I thankfully but firmly declined the offer, having traced out a different line. After all, Capt. Marryatt never visited the Western plains-, being recalled home sooner than he had expected. And now commenced for me the hardships incident to a new settlement in a wild country — hardships of such a discouraging nature that when I look back upon those early days, I often wonder how I could have withstood them, why I did not run away from my purchase and go back to a civilized country, where I could earn my living in a far easier way. But Horace was probably not the first who observed that man is so constituted that he is rarely satisfied with the condition in which he finds himself, and is seduced mostly by what he does not possess. That is what ailed Robinson Crusoe and many others, besides myself. I had been for a few years past following the profession of a teacher of the French language, for which I was tolerably well qualified ; but my perverse nature and desires would lead me to become a tiller of the soil, for which I was not qualified at all, and, let me add, probably never can be ; for farming is, in the main, composed of two things : a very moderate amount of theory and a very large amount of practice. After a while, things began to look very discouraging. There was a large amount of things to be done, such as clearing, fencing, building, etc., and an equally large amount of nothing to do them with. My pile, never very large, grew smaller by degrees, and I soon found the bottom of it. At the time I erected my log house, in May, 1838, there were four others in the county, those of Colwert Pier, of Edward Pier, the old Fond du Lac House and that of Luke Laborde, mine being the fifth and the only one of them still left standing. Dr. Darling, who had origin ally settled at Sheboygan, came to-Fond du Lac about the time I did, but did not build his log house, long since removed and whose place is now occupied by Darling's Block, until the fall following. That year, a few families settled in the county, among whom I remember particularly Mr. Calvin Pier, his wife and such members of his family as were not already here ; also Joseph Olmsted, his son-in-law; Mr. Wilcox settled at Waupun. A. D. Clark was erecting a saw-mill on the school section. Two brothers by the name of Palmer were staying with John Bannister. Frank McCarty and Reuben Simmons moved to Taycheedah with large families, in the early spring of 1839. John T. Denniston and family lived with me. Among the early settlers I remember, besides those named above, Patrick Kelly, William Stewart, Alonzo Raymond, John Case, Samuel Wilkinson, William Hayes, Harvey Peck (now of La Crosse), William Lalondre, Raphael St. Mary and Brouillard, Joseph and Frank King, William Parsons, Samuel Butler, John Treleven and his three brothers — Joseph, Daniel and Thomas, George W. Eliott, B. F. Smith, Mr. Perry (father of two bankers of Fond du Lac), D. C. Brooks, Charles, Juba and Erastus Olmsted, Gen. Ruggles, Joseph Clark, who, if I mistake not, were all here by or before 1842. In the fall of 1841, Mr. Joseph L. Moore started a store at Taycheedah, and Mr. Frank Moore, his relative, came with him. It was a great convenience for the people to have a store where they could procure necessaries. Moses Gibson started a store upon the Main street of Fond du Lac, about the same time, and Messrs. Clock and Weikert also opened one in the old Fond du Lac log house. Until 1840, the Indians in this county outnumbered the whites at least ten to one; they were generally friendly, bringing venison and other game and wild honey and skins for sale or exchange; but sometimes they would kill hogs that they never paid for and had a way of set ting the woods on fire while hunting deer, burning up fences and pastures. In 1840, John Bannister took the United States census, and I think the number of whites of all ages was 139, all told, in Fond du Lac County. 360 HISTORY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. In 1843, Col. H. Conklin moved with his family to the farm now owned by Mr. Lyman Phillips. Gov. Tallmadge also came along about that time, and the ledge in Empire and Eden was rapidly settled by Messrs. David Lyons,' John and Henry Westervelt, Germond, Shoe maker, Mayhew, Sweet, Hatch, Vincent, and many other gentlemen, who came principally from Dutchess County, N. Y., a valuable accession to the bounty. Before 1841, the settlers received all their goods and furniture from Green Bay, by way of the Fox River and Lake Winnebago. They were brought up in Durham boats, carrying eight Or ten tons and propelled up the rapids by a crew of ten or twelve men, the price charged being $1 per hundred pounds. The boats belonged to a company with the high-sounding name of Fox River Transportation Company. Considering the laborious process of propelling the boats up the rapids and making several portages, the price was certainly reasonable, although when added to Green Bay prices it made commodities very dear to people who had hardly any means of raising money. The settlers generally brought with them clothing enough to last a year or two ; but in spite of all the good wife could do in the way of mending and patching, it could not last for ever. Everything is perishable in this world and somehow clothes have a wicked way of being most perishable of all; after awhile the original garments would not bear the patches. What m as to be done ? Good looks will hardly pay for a new suit, especially in a country where there are no stores. So it came to pass that the settlers bought from the Indians buckskin coats, without being too particular about their being second-hand articles and smelling smoky. Almost every one of the early settlers sported his Indian coat in, those days, and I must confess that they were quite .light and comfortable, but they looked neither dandy nor very dignified. Even the grave old doctor who founded the city of Fond du Lac wore one of the things at times, and I must say that he did not look like a learned doctor at all. But still he looked somewhat like an Indian doctor. The Indians called- him Mushkiki-enini, the medicine man. The pants were often made of buckskin also ; more frequently the tattered garment was faced with buckskin over the front, which operation gave it a longer lease of life and usefulness, and, like charity, threw a, mantle over many failings. Could you now see those courageous and worthy men, many of whom have reached their last resting-places, leaving honored names and good deeds behind them, file down Main street on a busy day, it would no doubt provoke a smile, but with them it was the result of sheer necessity. What about their fare ? Milk and butter they had in abundance, and also pork and excellent potatoes. They had enough of coarse food ; but as you know, variety is the spice of life, and to eat constantly pork and potatoes and beans is apt to become monotonous in the end. George W. Featherstonehaugh, of Calumet, said that he had fed so constantly on pork, that he could not look a hog in the face without feeling guilty and blushing. Tea and coffee were quite scarce articles, as well as sugar, and were not used freely, although a little was kept for company. The country was ransacked for substitutes. Even such- articles as wheat, barley, peas, beans, dandelion roots, crust coffee and many other substitutes, were resorted to and decorated with the names of tea and coffee, but when you came to taste, especially without sugar, the fraud was too palpable and would not go down, in spite of all assurances that the drink was very healthy indeed, far more so than the real articles, which, as everybody, knows, are notori ously injurious to the system. I drank water mostly in those days. The mail carrier had to do many errands for the settlers, buying for them in Green Bay such light articles as tea or tobacco, and he was therefore a very popular character with the settlers. But, after all, the greatest dependence in emergencies", and the one most practiced, was borrowing. Every family knew pretty accurately the condition of the neighbors' flour or pork barrel and supply of groceries. In case of sudden emergencies, some youngster was dis patched to the neighbor with compliments and the request of the loan of a cupful of tea or some sugar, a few pounds of pork, or a panful or two of flour for a few days. Those few days were often protracted into weeks, but the borrower was seldom called upon to return the loan HISTORY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. 363 until the lender herself found her own provision exhausted, when frequently both parties had to wait together for better times and more propitious skies. After the establishment of stores the practice became less general. Yet, in spite of these many privations, the settlers had many happy days. The positions in which they were placed made them more dependent on one another than now, and they were consequently excellent neighbors and always ready to assist each other, whether for a raising or a logging bee ; there was, I think, a greater cordiality. Often they would start in the morning, with the old sled drawn by the yoke of oxen, and visit a neighbor perhaps three or four miles away, and make a day of it, returning in time to do the chores and the milking, after enjoying their visit far more than our fashionable calls are now enjoyed. At those visits, each party told all its news, and talked over its plans for the future. Party politics were entirely ignored in those days, and the offices were bestowed upon the best men. There was also an inexpressible charm about the deep solitudes of the smiling prairies, dotted with beautifully variegated flowers. Delicious wild strawberries were so plenty in places, that one could hardly take a step without crushing some. The country was a very paradise for those who were fond of shooting, and many times I have got, in two or three hours, as many prairie chickens and pigeons as I could carry ; so that the people of the house declared they would throw them away unless I would do my share of the picking. The fish and water-fowl were equally abundant. This county has now attained a large population and considerable wealth. The original 139 of 1840 have grown into more than 50,000 in 1875. The poor early settlers are now living either in affluence, or, at least, in ease and comfort. Their days of hardships, privations and toil have passed away, and they can now sit under their own vine and fig-tree to enjoy the repose they have so richly earned. Wealth has increased at a greater ratio than population. Good dwellings have taken the place of the old log cabin, refinement has succeeded cramped poverty. Fine turn-outs and good roads have replaced the sled, and the ox team, and the Indian trail. Schoolhouses, some of them elegant structures, dot the land. This is as it should be, and with you I rejoice that it is so. But are we not running from one extreme into another? Are we not living a little too fast? Are our cakes and pies and puddings, our ice creams and sweet meats and dainty fare generally as conducive to health and bodily vigor as the coarser food of former days? Do we take sufficient bodily exercise? Vigorous exercise creates a vigorous appetite for strong, solid food ; a lack of it leads to dyspepsia and pallid cheeks, to a want of desire for food ; the appetite has to be coaxed with dainty delicacies and condiments which are injurious to the system. Late hours aggravate the evil. Please think a little on these things; they deserve the consideration of all. Remember that there is neither happiness nor beauty without health. I would especially say a word of advice to those who are tempted to run into debt for the acquisition of perishable articles of luxury. The day of reckoning must come and embitter the enjoyment. Debt, in itself an evil under any circumstances, is only tolerable when contracted for purposes of legitimate production, the acquirement of imperishable real estate or articles of necessity, never for the gratification of luxurious living or ostentation. Better wait a year or two and get what you wish when you have the money to pay with. The periodical recurrence of .commercial revulsions is always traceable, in a greater or lesser degree, to the prevalence of extravagant living and display and consequent debt in the community. Failures are simply impossibilities with those who owe nothing. A man who is largely in debt is like Damocles with a sword suspended by a thread over his head. He does not know when the sword is coming down; he is in constant dread and consequently cannot be happy. Micawber is right ; let us live within our means and display nothing but what is our own — what we have paid for. A little reflection will enable you to understand how slow the improvement of the county must have been in the early times of its settlement. Nature had done much, it is true; the climate was healthful, although the winters were cold, the soil was as fertile as could be wished, prairies were inviting, and only required to be turned over to produce abundantly ; but everything ¦ss 364 HISTORY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. had to be done, and there was not even a blacksmith-shop or a mill within twenty miles. We frequently ground wheat, or parched-corn, in our coffee-mills. If an ax or hoe was lost or broken, we had to procure others from Green Bay, sixty miles distant, a journey of three to four days on horseback, the roads being impassable for wagons on account of the deep mud holes ; nor do I think that there was a single lumber-wagon in the settlement or a good span of horses. Hauling was mostly done with oxen with a sled or a cart. Our mails were brought to us on the back of an Indian pony every Friday evening. John Bannister was the Postmaster at the old Fond du Lac log house. On that day, I usually left my place about 5 o'clock in the afternoon and walked down six miles to get my. mail. But I never went without my dog and my trusty double-barrel. Sometimes on my return, between 10 and 11 at night, it was so dark that I could not see my way. I had to feel the old Indian trail, which was worn some six inches below the adjoining level, and if I stepped out of that trail I knew it instantly. I occasionally saw glaring eyes apparently looking at me as I walked along, but was never attacked. The mail carrier was a French boy of seventeen or eighteen, called Narcisse Baudoin. Upon one occasion, having left the mail-bag with Mr. Bannister, he jumped on his pony to go and spend the night as usual with Laborde, three miles distant. When about half a mile from the house, he was suddenly attacked by a pack of wolves, which bit his nag very badly as well as his own legs, and did not relinquish their purpose until he reached the house and people came out to his help with lights. If he had had much farther to go, he would have been inev itably devoured by the ferocious brutes. Improvement, I repeat, was slow. How could it be otherwise ? How far could fifty pairs of arms go toward improving this great county or developing its resources ? You need not be told that all improvements are the results of human labor and capital. The labor means men to perform it, and they were not here ; the capital, if we except a few tools, house furniture and provisions, was totally wanting. There was not a man who could show $200 in cash, and very few who had even $10. That was the time of wild-cat money. The banks of Michigan had all failed or suspended. There was one bank at Mineral Point which was good. There was also one bank at Green Bay, called the Bank of Wisconsin. In January, 1840, the cashier and teller took the assets of the bank and started in a double sleigh for Detroit. They were pursued and overtaken by some Green Bay people, and surrendered some of the wild-cat money, but it did not make much difference, for the money was good for nothing. Probably what the Waupun man took along with him was better money. Everything has changed since the early days, but who would repine ? Who would regret the past ? Who would go back to the old hardships and privations ? Who would wish to see again the long caravans of Indian ponies, squalid squaws and uncombed papooses ? Who would desire to see again his bed sheets black with swarms of. mosquitoes, to hear the whole night long their hateful music, to feel again their stings, as well as those of other unnamable insects ? For my part, I say most emphatically that I would not ; such experiences are enough for one human life. Mr. and Mrs. Lo have long since vanished from the scene ; the young Los are not within sight or hearing, and we do not regret thenL Novelists and poets have invested the Indian character with romance and poetry. Hiawatha is very good as a work of fiction ; but we, who have seen the Indian in all his squalor and debasement, cannot see the poetic side of him at all. We know what the Indians are, and we are extremely fond of their absence. We have tried to educate them in the arts of peace and civilization — in habits of industry and of self-supporting reliance. Our efforts have proved mainly miserable failures. Like the denizens of their native forests, they are untamable, and, like them, they will finally disappear. The onward march of civilization is not to be arrested by one species any more than by the other. Forward is the motto. What a sublime spectacle is presented to us by this nineteenth century, the grandest of all those that preceded it ! What great discoveries have been made by the astronomer, the HISTORY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. 365 chemist, the physicist, the mathematician, the geologist and the other men of science who are patiently interrogating nature and wresting from her grasp the most hidden secrets ! What grand results have already been achieved ! The steamboat, the railroad, the tele graph, the photograph and many other wonderful inventions, are only the earnests of future dis coveries and triumphs of Scientific and mechanical skill. The steam engine and its workings are more familiar to us than the hand-loom and the donkey were to the people of Biblical history. The ten thousand voices of the press scatter news, science and literature broadcast, even to the dwelling of the humblest. By means of improved machinery, man or woman can earn more comforts by one day's labor than could formerly be procured by a week's laborious toil. Let us foster all laudable industries by honoring and rewarding those who have made discoveries bene ficial to the human race. They who pass away from earth, without posterity being the gainer for their having lived, have lived in vain. From scientific research alone can mankind ever hope to attain advancement.! Let us, then, by all means, encourage the spread and study of science. Let it be taught independently of any religious or political bias or prejudice, simply for the sake of the great truths which flow from the study of the history of our earth, as indel ibly written in its strata, as well as in the ever active, unalterable laws and properties of matter. Through the study of nature and her immutable laws only, can men hope to ever arrive at a comprehension of the true attributes of the Deity. In this new land, on this fruitful soil, let all well-meant ideas and investigations have a hearing and a respectful examination, even though they may conflict with doctrines and beliefs hoary with age. Free discussion is never dreaded by those whose position is impregnable, or by the sincere friends of truth. Ever since Adam ate of the fruit of the tree of knowledge, have his descendants, like Oli ver Twist, felt an irrepressible desire for more. An impulse so persistent and so universal can not be wrong. It is an inalienable part of the human mind, and I, for one, never can believe that nature has yet spoken her last revelation to man. Her last word is to be obtained only by patient scientific research and investigation, if at all. VII.— By Edward Pier, 1877. On the 17th of June, 1836, my father arrived at Green Bay, in search of his three sons, whom he had sent West two years before, to seek their fortunes. He had been quite sick on the boat coming up the Lakes, and was in feeble health. I had purchased one small pony and engaged others, so that when my father came, I could accompany him to where my brother Col wert was. The Frenchmen at the Bay from whom I expected to hire ponies, tried or pretended to find theirs, but without success ; we, therefore, on the 20th, started with one only. I tried every man I met to hire a horse to ride to Fond du Lac, but without success. When we got to Shanty Town, about half-way to Depere, I asked an old Frenchman where I could hire a horse for my father to ride to Fond du Lac,'to be gone a week. He said that he had a good one, and that if I would give him a dollar a day for its use, I might have him. I asked him where his horse was. He told me it was on the commons. I told him several men had been looking three days for their ponies, and could not find one. He declared he could get his in one hour. We waited two and a half, when he came with his horse. That night we got as far as Grand Kaukalau, and stopped with one of the Stockbridge Indians over night. My father was quite sick during the night, so that I gave up the idea of going any farther. I was up early to look after the horses. The feed was good but the fence was poor. I found the animals all right. My father was very anx ious to see Colwert and his wife, also the country where we intended to make our future homes. An old squaw gave him some medicine ; made him a strong cup of tea, which he drank, but he could not eat much breakfast. He said that he would go on as far as he could, for he did not like to go home until he had seen all his children. We found the way exceeding wet. It was almost one continuous slough of water and mud for sixteen miles to where the Stockbridge Mission was then building. Here we found the Rev. Cutting Marsh, a missionary to the Indians. He had a house up and partly inclosed ; also a stable completed. He let us have all the feed for our 366 . HISTORY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. horses he had — about six quarts of oats. My friend, Mr. Joseph King, was with us, so that we had three horses. We got some dinner with the missionary, and about 3 o'clock we left to find our way as best we could to my brother's. Before our arrival at Fond du Lac, we encount ered a severe rainstorm ; swam our horses across a swollen creek ; got lost in the darkness as night came on ; but, finally, after much difficulty, reached my brother's house. We stayed here a few days, but it rained most of the time, and the creeks were overflowed and more than half of the surface of the country was under water. My brother and I were anxious to know what our father thought ofthe country for farming purposes; but he was unwell, a long way from home, and quite outside of all civilization ; he said but little on any subject. All we got from him in relation to the place was that it looked like a good country for grass. As my father was a farmer, and had haying and harvesting at home to attend to, he soon felt it was necessary to start for home. A slibrt distance before we arrived at the Bay, I asked him if he thought mother would ever see this country. After riding several rods he replied, that if she ever expected to see her children or be near them, she would have'to come here, " for," said he, " three of her children are here now and the rest of them will come, and they will never leave such a country as you and Colwert are in and go back to Vermont." Before he started home, he gave me the money to pay for the 160 acres which we had reserved for him, and said that he was going to return to tell his family what he thought of our location, and to consult with them ; and that he should write us what they concluded to do. In a few days, he left Green Bay for home. And thus ended my second visit to Fond du Lac. In September, I received a letter from my brother Colwert, in which he said that he had a quantity of hay cut and ready to stack, but that he had no one to help him stack it, and request ing me to come to Fond du Lac and help him. On the 14th, I started to go there. When I reached Wright's (now called Wrightstown), I stopped — as was the custom with all others at that time — to feed my horse and get dinner. I there met a stranger from New York State, by the name of Harkness, who inquired where I was going. I replied that I was going to the upper country. " Well, sir," said he, " when you get to Fond du Lac, I would advise you to stop at least a week. I stopped there nearly two weeks to rest. Look at the country, and get acquainted. Why, sir, they are the best people I ever met, and that is the best-kept house this side of Buffalo. After you pass there, you will not find another such place if you travel 500 miles." I said to him that I thought I would avail myself ofthe benefit of his experience, and stop when I got there ! The next day I reached my brother's, but now came two days of damp weather. Mr. Benjamin Funk, from the region ofthe lead mines, came along the next day with a drove of cattle, going to the Bay. Of him we purchased two yoke of oxen and a cow and a calf, to pay for which I gave him an order on Daniel Whitney, at the Bay. The weather now became fair, and we stacked the hay. I sold my horse to a man from Manitowoc, and walked back home. This ended my third visit to Fond du Lac. Some time in December, 1836, I received another letter from my brother at Fond du Lac, in which he told me that he was getting short of provisions of all kinds, and that it was not expedient for him to leave his wife there alone for the length of time that it would take him to go to the Bay and return ; that he wished me to get some man to pack a couple of horses and bring him some provisions, if no other way could be found. I spoke to Mr. Whitney about the mat ter, and he told me that he had agreed to send some goods to my brother to trade with the Indians, and that he ought to have done it before, " And now," said he, "I will furnish a horse and train if you will go and take a load up to your brother's." I said to him that there was no road, and that I could not get there with a team. He ridiculed the idea, and said there was not the least trouble, that the ice on the lake (Winnebago) was good. I said to him that I was not accustomed to the lake, and that I was not pleased with the idea of attempting to cross it alone. But his reply was that I was not accustomed to a frontier life ; that there was not the slightest danger on the lake ; that I could not make a hole in the ice in half an hour large enough to get a horse into the water, and that, as yet, there were no cracks in the ice. Said he, " If you will go, I will risk the horse." So, on the 20th of December, I started from Green Bay, for the HISTORY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. 367 fourth time, for Fond du Lac. It was a mild, misty morning. Before I got to Wright's, it rained quite hard. While I was there,, the wind came from the north and the rain changed to snow. I started, and before I reached the Stockbridge Mission, the weather was quite cold. The harness on the horse was frozen so stiff that it was hard to get it off. The next morning was extremely cold, so much so that the Rev. Mr. Marsh tried to dissuade me from going on that day ; " For," said he, " I fear you will perish before you reach your brother's." However, knowing that my brother was short of provisions, I thought best to try to get to him. I went on the lake at Pipe Village. I found the snow so badly drifted that I was com pelled to tread the snow for some rods before the horse could get through to the lake. This, I think, detained me near or quite an hour. In the mean time, the wind blew so severe from the southwest that it was with difficulty that I could keep my horse from turning around. After I got on the lake, the snow was so strongly driven by the force of the wind, that I could only see a few feet before the horse. The snow upon the lake was in drifts, with places of sometimes half a mile of smooth, uncovered ice. The cold ,was so intense that I was obliged to go on foot or perish. It was the worst day but one that I can remember, and that was January 1, 1864. I traveled as fast as possible until about 3 o'clock, when my horse dropped his hind feet through the ice into the water. I was behind the train. I sprang to him as soon as possible, and loosened him, but, in his struggles to get out, I saw that the ice was crumbling and break ing off. Soon he was in the water all except his head. There was a drift of snow of several rods in width where he went in, so that I was able to stand. I put the lines around his neck and choked him, and, in his struggles, I pulled him on the ice, but it immediately broke, and when he went in again, he took me with him. I sprang on top of him and went over him, and caught on the ice on the other side. I was in the water up to my waist. I then got out. I believe it was pretty quick and spry work I did. My overcoat was frozen stiff. I now discovered that my hands were frozen. I then whipped them around my body until the blood was pressed into them, and they felt warm. I then went round the broken ice and placed the horse's head or neck across the shaft. He was quivering, but otherwise motionless. I saw that he was gone,, and I now started to find the only house in Fond du Lac County. My boots were filled with water and frozen stiff. My clothes were wet up to my waist. About this time, I saw the sun for the first time through the day. It appeared to be about an hour above the horizon. Where the ice was covered with snow I could get along very well ; but where it was smooth it required all my strength and utmost care to stand. I succeeded in reaching land just before the sun disappeared. The prairie had not been burned and the snow was about seven or eight inches, including the grass. Near the lake it was blown to the depth of two feet or more. The wind was blowing strong from the southwest, and the weather was intensely cold. I made the best time possible to reach my brother's house, knowing that was the only chance for my life. Of course I was in great anxiety for fear I could not find it. I struck the timber about one hundred rods north of the house. The cattle had been out on the east side of the timber that day ; and I will here say that I never was so glad in my life to see the tracks of a cow, as it was just as darkness was closing in upon me, on the 21st of December, 1836 ! I soon reached the house, when I found that my hands were badly frozen, and also my cheeks. I found in the house my brother's wife and a lad from Brothertown, whom my brother had persuaded to stop with her until his return ; for, not having heard from me, and their pro visions being short, he had started that morning in company with a traveler who came along, to go to the Bay. Some idea of the storm I encountered may be had when I state that we had passed very near without seeing each other's teams at all. The next morning, the young lad accompanied me back to the spot where my horse had been left. I found him in the same position in which I had left him the night before. 368 HISTORY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. VIII.— By Louisa Parker Simmons. 1879. My husband, Reuben Simmons, was born in Litchfield, Conn., being left an orphan when quite young. He served an apprenticeship as carpenter and joiner, and then went to Bain- bridgeat the age of eighteen. Soon after this, we were married. I was born at Old Milton, in Saratoga County, N. Y. We lived in Whitestown, that State, many years, where our five chil dren were born, four sons and one daughter. In the fall of 1836, my husband took his eldest son, Alonzo, and went to Green Bay, then Wisconsin Territory. He remained there all winter, taking contracts for building, and accumulated quite a little sum of money. Early the next spring, leaving Alonzo at Green Bay, Mr, Simmons started for home on the steamer Hendrick Hudson, arriving in due time at Delta, Oneida County, where we then lived. We soon made preparations to move to Green Bay, starting on our journey on the 4th of July, 1837. At Rome, N. Y., my husband chartered a canal-boat, and in about two weeks we reached Buffalo, where we remained five days. We then took passage on the steamer Constitution for Detroit, arriving there in safety, and remaining there eleven days awaiting a boat for Green Bay. We finally took passage on the old steamer Bunker Hill, a condemned boat. On the second day out, the steamer took fire, but by great labor and care of both passengers and crew, it was saved from burning, but it had to be continually watched during the residue of the pass age. The next day, when out of sight of land, the main shaft broke, but by hoisting a jib we ran back over a hundred miles to Presque Isle, where a wooden shaft was put in in place of the broken one. By a constant application of oil, this was made to answer the purpose, and we sdl landed safely at Green Bay, after a long and stormy passage. We took up our residence there, keeping a boarding-house, my husband working at his trade. In the fall, he, with three others, took a large log canoe and paddled up the Fox River to Lake Winnebago, carrying his own provisions and other necessaries, and camping on shore wherever night overtook him. After traversing the shore of the lake, he finally reached the mouth of the Fond du Lac River, up which he and his companions paddled their canoe, camp ing near the log house which had been erected by the Fond du Lac Company in the spring of 1836, on Lot 9, Block 9, in "the town of Fond du Lac," better known as "The Old Fond du Lac House." It was a double log house, and was quite large and roomy. In the morning, they started out, and for some days traveled over the beautiful wild prairies — all in a state of nature, covered with wild flowers in every direction. My husband and his companions returned to Green Bay safely after a very pleasant trip. James Duane Doty was a resident of Green Bay, though not at that date a Judge ; he had been out of office for over five years. He was, in addition to being one of the principal share holders in the Fond du Lac Company, also the owner of much other real estate in the Territory. After his becoming acquainted with us, he was anxious to have my husband take his farm, afterward known as the George D. Ruggles farm (south half of the northeast quarter, and the north half of the southeast quarter of Section 6, in Township 15, of Range 18 east), in the pres ent town of Taycheedah. Mr. Simmons entered into a contract with Doty — the latter agreeing to furnish lumber and materials for building a house on the farm, my husband to erect it at Doty's expense. In the winter of 1838-39, Mr. Simmons hauled all his lumber and materials for the house from Green Bay through the woods, he having, the previous fall, drawn a load of lumber up to what was to be our new home and built a board shanty, 12x16 feet, making three tiers of bunks on one side. He put a cook stove in one corner and provisions in another. In that way he, with his three men, lived during the winter while building the house, living very warm and cozy. My husband finished the house in the spring. It was large, and was the second frame house erected in Fond du Lac County. In March, 1839, we all came from Green Bay and moved in. Our family consisted of my husband and myself, our little daughter, eight years old, and "our four sons ; also, two hired men, one of whom was a Brothertown Indian. Our house had loose boards laid down for a floor and blankets hung up at the windows. Mr. Simmons afterward HISTORY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. 369 finished the house and we remained there until the next spring, when we moved on a larger farm of Mr. Doty's, afterward known as the Phillips farm. It was the south half of Section 7, in Township 15 north, of Range 18 east, in the present town of Empire. It had a large stock of cattle, from sixty to one hundred head, where my husband, with his four boys and two hired men, carried on farming on a large scale for the then new country. All our butter, cheese, honey (which was abundant, wild in the woods) and pork he had to take to Green Bay in win ter or by boat in summer, there being no nearer market at that time. These articles he traded for necessaries for the family. His usual way was to go to Green Bay each spring and fall with a Durham boat, taking his youngest son, Amasa P., to help guard the goods and talk to the Indians, and four Indians to propel the boat. On his return heavily loaded, arriving at the rapids, he would Junload half of the goods, leaving his son to guard them, and, with the Indians, who would wade by the side of the boat, lift it over the entire rapids, then unload and, remaining there himself, send the Indians back to get the remainder of the goods, and so on over all the rapids until they arrived at Winnebago Lake, then, by coasting around the shore, he would get home, after a trip of about seven days. If the family ran short of any necessaries after that time, they had to go without until the next trip, as there were no stores nearer than Green Bay, sixty miles away. I would sometimes run short of pins and the boys would cut thorns from the trees, which I used, making a very good substitute. On one occasion, the boys' boots gave out and for a long time they had to wear Indian moccasins. Yet, in all these years, the entire family were happy, being blessed with good health, plenty rfc eat and plenty of work to do. In the fall of 1841 and the following winter, my husband built a house on what we now (1879) call our old homestead, which he had purchased while we were living at Green Bay. It adjoins the city limits of Fond du Lac and is the east half of the northeast quarter of Section 23, in Township 15 north, of Range 17 east, in the town of Fond du Lac. We moved on the place in the spring of 1842, where I have ever since resided — my husband dying ten years ago, at the age of seventy-three years. I am now (1879) in my eighty-fifth year. In the fall of 1839, Mr. Simmons and our son, A. P. Simmons, went to Green Bay for- their winter supply, taking four Indians along to propel the boat. They had a quick and pleas ant trip going down, loaded the boat with necessaries and started back. That night it com menced raining and rained nearly every day for two weeks. They had a hard time during the entire return trip, and when five days out their provisions were exhausted; but as good luck would have it, they found some Indians on the river bank of whom they bought some wild rice, and, by boiling it, made it quite palatable. On that the entire party lived for eight days. There were bands of four tribes of Indians here for some years after we came : Menomo nees, Pottawatomies, Winnebagoes and Chippewas. The two latter were treacherous and very troublesome at times. On one occasion, the Menomonee chief gave out that as soon as the grass grew in the spring, so their ponies could live, they would drive off or kill all the whites. This alarmed the few settlers, and a meeting was held by them and cautionary measures taken. Dr. M. C. Darling wrote to the Department at Washington, informing the authorities of our situ ation, but no reply was received. One warm day, my husband, with all his men and boys, being down on the ridge clearing and breaking up a large piece of land for corn, saw something shining very bright below Tay cheedah, at the edge of the woods, and could not imagine what it was. He took a pony and rode down to make inquiries. When he arrived where Taycheedah now is, he met Col. Worth (after ward General in the Mexican war) with a regiment of soldiers. They encamped there for the night, and, after a hearty shake, the Colonel asked Mr. Simmons if he could furnish them with some eatables. He told him he could, and started for home ; arriving there, he had the cows all driven up, twenty-two in number, and, milking them, put the milk on an ox wagon, together with pork, bread, flour, butter, honey, cheese and other articles ; he then started with his yoke of oxen, and when he arrived at the camp a file of soldiers were detailed to guard the wagon and its contents, and Mr. Simmons handed it out to the soldiers until it was all gone. The next 370 HISTORY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. day, Col. Worth moved up to Fond du Lac and then camped again, when my husband again met him with a similar load. The Colonel had come to remove the troublesome Indians west of the Wisconsin River and wanted interpreters. Mr. Simmons had a half-breed by the name of Charles Bopery working for'him, who could talk good English and the four Indian languages. He let the Colonel have him, and he remained with him until the troublesome Indians had been collected and taken to the west side of the river. We were never troubled with them again, Some months after, a band of twenty or thirty came back to Fox Lake and encamped. A Mr. Stevens, an old pioneer, the only settler in that section of the country, a brave, noble man, went out alone and tore down their wigwams and drove them off never to return again. When Col. Worth got the Indians on the banks of the Wisconsin River, ready to cross, they all refused to go, saying their forefathers were buried here and they would die here too. The Colonel brought up a platoon of soldiers and (the Indians all being in their canoes) fired over their heads, but that did not frighten them. He next brought up a field piece (cannon) and fired that off; then he told them the next time he would load with grape and cannister and fire amongst them. The old chiefs talked it over and finally concluded it was too much for them, and they paddled over to their new home, adjoining the reservation of the Sioux Indians, who were their deadly enemies. Old Father Halsted, a Methodist missionary, located among the Stockbridge and Brother- town Indians, was the first man who ever preached a sermon in this county. A good old-fash ioned Christian gentleman, he would ride up here and preach to us as often as he could, say once every two or three weeks. He first preached in the house of Edward Pier and from that time, for a number of years, preached to the early settlers, speaking in different houses at differ ent times, the people paying him in flour and other necessaries, and sometimes a very little money — little indeed, for the people had but very little. In an early day, the Government cut a military road or track through the woods from Fort Howard (Green Bay) to Fort Winnebago (Portage). It was a poor apology for a road, but could be used in winter and, in very dry weather, in summer. That was all the road we had out here until 1841 or the next year. Some men in Milwaukee sent word they would meet the settlers at the Milwaukee River and cut a track or road through. The inhabitants accepted the offer, and one day a gang started out with a large pair of oxen owned by Mr. Simmons with ox chains and provisions for the trip. The party consisted of E. M. Simmons, Oscar and Oliver Pier and Harvey J. Peck. They cut the underbrush, moved the logs and bridged the small streams with poles, making a passable road. The boys met the Milwaukee party at the river and camped together over night, having a big jollification. That was the first Milwaukee road, and in dry weather we could go through with teams, taking a small load of wheat, which would sell for 45 to 50 cents a bushel. The next winter, a road was cut through to Sheboygan in a similar manner and by the same parties here. A few years after emigration starting, a plank road was built in nearly the same track. Then there was an outlet for grain to the lake and people began to prosper. The first Fourth of July celebration held in the county was in our front yard. We built a bower of green boughs, then drove stakes in the ground and laid on boards for a table. This we covered with tablecloths. The seats around the table were built in the same way. Then we took a sheet and with pieces of red and blue cloth made a respectable flag, which we attached to. a long pole. One of the men climbed to* the top of the tallest tree and fastened it there. It showed plainly for miles around. This was the first American flag raised by citizens in the county. Most of the people in the county — men, women and children — came, each family bringing what they could of good things to put on the table; and when all was on, it was a bountiful table, indeed, enough for all and plenty to spare. When everything was ready, they all formed in line. Alonzo Simmons, with his violin, played Washington's March, and they marched and countermarched until they were all finally seated at the table. Dr. Darling delivered an address and many toasts were drank. Taking it all together, it was a grand old time, and all went to their homes happy indeed. , HISTORY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. 371 The prairie fires were sometimes terrible. In March of the spring that Mr. Simmons built his house on "the old homestead," we had all the timber to build with, which had been hauled the fall and winter before.. It was piled up closely, the snow was gone and the grass dry. One day in the forenoon, we saw black smoke arising in the south, when my son, A. P. Simmons, took a pail and, riding his horse as fast as possible, arrived there in time to "back fire" and save the timber; but the next thing was to save himself; he jumped on to his horse, the fire after him, leaping sometimes twenty feet, then catching again. At last, becoming cornered, he had to turn and ride through the fire with all speed, and, in doing so, burnt the hair all off where it was not covered with his cap and also the hair off the sides of his horse. He got back home nearly exhausted. It was quite common to have our hay-stacks burned. One fall, our hay was nearly all burned, and, having a large stock of cattle, my husband had to go to the woods and cut down trees and let the cattle browse off the tops. By care, he brought them through the winter without losing any. On a certain day, some fifteen or twenty Indians came to our house. They had been having whisky from Luke Laborde's, enough to make them ugly. All our men folks were away three- fourths of a mile, and I was alone with my two youngest children — Amasa, twelve years old, and Eliza Jane, nine. The Indians came in and demanded whisky. I told them we had none, but they would not believe me. The pantry door being open, they saw some bottles standing on the shelf and were determined to get to them, but I told them they must not. At last, they made a rush for it, and I, having prepared myself for the emergency, took a' small chair in one hand and a pair of tongs in the other, stopped them and finally drove them out. The last one I pushed out, and he fell on his back, hurting him somewhat. They were very mad, and said they were going home for their guns and left. I then sent Amasa on horseback for his father, and he came home immediately. Soon after he arrived, the Indians came back with guns, but, when they saw him, they stood around a short time and then left. The next day, the chief brought a fine, fat deer, dressed, and made me a present of it, saying I was a very brave squaw ; and I never had any trouble with that band after. The first store in this county was started by James B. Clock and George Weikert. They bought a small stock of goods and put them in the north half of the old Fond du Lac House, and, by boring holes in the logs and driving in pins and laying on slabs and pieces of boards, laid their goods on and made quite a respectable store. The first singing school was at the little old schoolhouse, built where the city now is. A paper was circulated and each one subscribed what they could and sent to Sheboygan, and a Mr. Robinson (now living at Ripon) came and taught the school two nights each week during the winter for $3 a week, the people boarding him and his horse during his stay. The first dancing school was taught by A. H. Clark at our house, there being no other large enough for that purpose. My husband had put up a temporary partition through the center of the house, and, by taking it down each time there was a dance, it made quite a good dancing hall, being 18x32 feet. For some years, large dancing parties were held there, until the old Badger Hotel was built, where the city now is, on the corner of Main street and Western avenue. That was the first hotel, strictly such, built in this county. IX.— By George White. 1879. I emigrated from Green Bay to Fond du Lac County in 1837 — to the town of Calumet. At that time, there was but one house between mine and Milwaukee — seventy-nine miles — and that was occupied by Colwert Pier and brother. The Brothertown Indians were our neighbors on the nOrth, and the Menomonees were the roaming occupants of the prairie. We moved from Green Bay in a yawl-boat, and after entering Winnebago Lake, we hoisted sail and with a pleasant wind soon came in sight of the prairie on which my house was built. We had never before seen a prairie, and the impression the sight produced was enchanting. It reminded us of the poet's description of the "sweet fields arrayed in living green," in the Promised Land. We found our log house prepared for our use ; and for several years it became the occasional shelter for the 372 HISTORY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. night of the lawyers and judges going from Milwaukee to Green Bay, to attend court. Such were seasons of social intercourse without the restraints of courtly etiquette. In the early settlement of the town of Calumet, wild game was abundant, and the deer were hunted for their skin and meat. One Sunday morning, my hired man came into the house in a great hurry, saying, " Mr. White, where is your gun? There is a deer in the road close by." Said I to him : " The poor animals are entitled to one day in seven for a breathing-spell and respite from death, and my gun shall not be the instrument of his death." The timid animal escaped. Another anecdote: The mountain wolves were plenty. One day I was raking wheat on the lot, and hearing the cry of distress from one of my hogs, I dropped my rake and ran in the direction of the cry, and, within about fifty rods, I came in sight of a large wolf who had nearly killed a hog that would weigh one hundred pounds. He fled, when he saw me, into the bush. As the hog could not live I put him out of his misery, and near by I set a trap between two saplings, built a circular brush fence on one side, put the carcass next to it and in front of the bait. I buried my trap, fastened by a log chain. Next morning early, with my two dogs, I went to the place and found the chain in its place and the trap gone. The dogs traced the wolf through the underbrush for about half a mile, when, emerging into the open woods, they espied him. The bulldog grappled with him till I prevented further contest. He was as passive as a lamb, and allowed me to tie his mouth and legs, and, with assistance, carry him home. I was, obliged, by the importunities of the Menomonee3, to open a small store for their accommodation, but refused, under all circumstances, to furnish them with "fire water." As a proof of their honesty, I must chronicle an event that occurred at their yearly pay ground. I had trusted them during the year with goods to be paid for either in skins, or at their yearly payment in money. I attended their payment, and employed a half-breed as an inter preter and assistant, who stood with me at the door of the Agent's tent. At length an Indian came out with his money in silver in one corner of his blanket. A trader, that had sold him whisky, demanded his pay, and seized hold of the blanket, determined to have it. My half- breed commenced to interfere in my behalf, but I told him to desist, and just then the Agent took the Indian into the tent. Several hours after, as I was standing conversing with some gentlemen, I felt my coat pulled, and, looking round, I saw a hand filled with silver extended toward me. The squaw of Kiskotopway, my debtor, tendered to me the amount of my claim, saying her man had sent it to me in preference to paying the man who crazed the Indians with < The act of Congress establishing the Territorial Government of Wisconsin provided for the division of the Territory into three judicial districts, and for the holding of a District Court by one of the Justices of the Supreme Court in each district, two terms each year in each organized county in the district. The three Justices were Charles Dunn, David Irvin and William C. Frazer. By an act of the Territorial Legislature, approved November 15, 1836, the counties of Brown and Milwaukee (the first named including the Territory afterward designated as Fond du Lac County) were . constituted the Third District, ynd assigned to Justice Frazer. Although in December following, a county was set off from Brown and called Fond du Lac, its few inhabi tants (only two, in fact,) were amenable to the mother county, to which its offspring was attached for judicial purposes. It so remained until 1844; so that the judicial government of Brown County during that period was also the judicial government of Fond du Lac. For nearly eight years after the first settlement of the last-mentioned county, it was as completely under the juris diction of Brown County in all things appertaining to court matters, as though it had been " a part and parcel ' ' thereof. By the statutes of Wisconsin Territory of 1839, the counties of Milwaukee, Brown (to which was attached Fond du Lac, as just mentioned), and Racine, also other unorganized coun ties, composed the Third District, to which Justice Andrew G. Miller, the successor of Justice Frazer (deceased) was assigned. Fond du Lac County continued in this district until the adop tion of the State Constitution in 1848, but was divorced from Brown County, as to all judicial matters, four years before ; that is to say, in 1844, when it was organized judicially, as, in 1839, it had been for the purposes of county government only. The first court, therefore, held within its limits was a Territorial District Court, and these were continued until superseded by the State Circuit Courts, upon the admission of Wisconsin into the Union. The first term of the Territorial District Court for Fond du Lac County commenced in 1844. The court set for the first time at the schoolhouse in Fond du Lac, June 5, Justice Andrew G. Miller, presiding. The other officers of the court were : Isaac Brown, Clerk ; George McWilliams and R. Aiken, United States Deputy Marshals ; John J. Driggs, Sheriff; Alonzo Raymond, Crier.; Thomas W. Sutherland, District Attorney ; and M. C. Darling, Foreman of the Grand Jury. The first chancery case tried was John J. Driggs vs. Susan Driggs, divorce. Morgan L. Martin was solicitor for the complainant. The petition was dismissed. Driggs was at that time Sheriff of the county. The next suit in chancery was also a divorce case, Lory Ann Stevens vs. Martin Stevens. The complaint was more successful in this case than in the other. The court decreed "that the marriage between the petitioner, Lory Ann Stevens, and the defendant, Martin Stevens, be dissolved, and the same is hereby dissolved accordingly ; and the said parties, and each of them, are and is freed from the obligations thereof." The first law case was an action in replevin — an appeal from a Justice's Court. The title of the action was " Augustus Grignon vs. Henry A. Gallup." " And now June 5 [1844], comes the defendant's attorney and moves the court [Andrew G. Miller] to dismiss this appeal for reasons HISTORY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. 385 filed ; and the said motion being argued by counsel, it is thereupon considered and adjudged by the court that this appeal and all proceedings in this case be dismissed." The next case was "The United States vs. Charles L. Amidon," indictment for adultery, found at the June term, 1844. Amidon was tried at the October term of the court following, before a jury composed of George W. Elliott, Robert Wilkerson, Lucius Hawley, Lewis Cro foot, James Clark, Peter Crowell, Edward Beeson, James Wauby, John C. Hammer, Henry Conklin, John E. Fisher and David Copp — " twelve free, honest and lawful men of-the county." The defendant was adjudged not guilty. / When the State Constitution was adopted, in May, 1848, it provided for five Circuit Courts and Districts, of which the counties of Brown, Fond du Lac, Winnebago, Calumet, Manitowoc and Sheboygan should compose the Fourth Judicial Circuit. The judges for these circuits were to be elected for two, three, four, five and six years respectively, and thereafter each judge should hold office for a term of six years. Kewaunee County, which had always before been attached to Manitowoc for judicial purposes, was added as a separate countv to the Fourth Circuit ; but the counties of Brown and Winnebago had been set off into the Tenth and Third Circuits respectively. The terms of court for Fond du Lac County are begun on the third Monday of April and fourth Monday of October of each year ; and every term shall be a special term for the whole circuit. A special term for the whole circuit is also held at Fond du Lac, on the second Monday of February in each year. Alexander W. Stow, of Fond du Lac, was the first Judge of the Fourth Judicial Circuit, holding the office from August 28, 1848, to January, 1851; the second was Timothy 0. Howe, of Green Bay, from January, 1851, to April, 1855, when he resigned ; the third was William R. Gorsline, who was elected in April, 1855, to fill the vacancy made by Judge Howe's resignation. In 1856, Judge Gors line was duly elected, but resigned before his term was finished. David Taylor, who was the fourth Circuit Judge, was appointed to fill the vacancy. Judge Taylor was afterward elected for a term of six years, beginning in January, 1863. The fifth, who is the present incumbent, was Campbell McLean, whose first term began in January, 1869, and whose second began in January, 1875. MUNICIPAL COURT OF THE CITY AND TOWN OP RIPON. This is a Court of Record, and has exclusive jurisdiction in all cases of appeal from Justices' Courts, in civil cases, within the city and town of Ripon. It has also original juris diction and powers in all civil actions within the limits just named, equal to and commensurate with the Circuit Court of Fond du Lac County, to the amount of $50,000. Appeals from this court to the Supreme Court are in all respects the same as from the Circuit Court. This some what anomalous court was created by an act of the Legislature of 1861, and the law is incor porated in the Revised Statutes of 1878. The occasion of its creation was because of the city and town of Ripon being so remote from the county seat. The first Judge of this court was P. B. Kissam, from May, 1861, to July, 1862. The second was M. W. Seely, from July, 1862, to May, 1865. Judge Seely was succeeded by E. L. Runals, who held office from May, 1865, to May, 1869. His successor, L. E. Reed, now on his third term, commenced his first term in May, 1869. COUNTY COURT. The General Government, in the act organizing the Territory of Wisconsin, provided for Probate Judges, to adjudicate the estates of deceased persons, as also those of minors, idiots and the insane. Until the year 1850, the designation of the office continued to be Judge of Probate, when it was changed to County Judge, and the court to that of County Court. As Fond du Lac County was not organized for judicial purposes until 1844, of course previous to that time matters of administration of estates and the probating of wills were brought before the Brown County Judge of Probate. In that year, the county was organized for all purposes, and a Judge of Probate elected ; but as several counties were attached to this county for judicial purposes, the jurisdiction of the court extended beyond the limits of Fond du Lac, until they were all fully organized. 386 HISTORY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. The first Judge of the Probate Court of Fond du Lac County was empowered to appoint a Clerk and also a public administrator. John A. Eastman was the first Register or Clerk ; Rufus P. Eaton, the first public administrator. These offices were subsequently abolished. The first Judge of Probate was Mason C. Darling ; the first County Judge (1850) was Charles M. Tompkins. In 1877, the Legislature passed a law conferring civil jurisdiction on the County Court of Fond du Lac County. It was given co-ordinate jurisdiction with the Circuit Court in cases where the matters involved did not exceed $20,000. This greatly increased the business of the office. In view of this increase of labor, an additional salary of $1,000 per year was allowed by the enactment of 1877. The terms of the court are begun on the first Tuesday of every month. By general order, every Tuesday of each month, except the first, is a special term of court. For the trial of cases under his civil jurisdiction, the law requires the County Judge to hold three general and two special terms at the Court House in each year. The general terms begin on the second Mon days of May, September and January. The special terms begin on the second Mondays in April and October. The following have been the different Probate and County Judges of Fond du Lac County : Mason C. Darling, during 1844 ; Thomas J. Townsend, 1845 ; Mason C. Darling, 1846 ; John Bannister, 1847, 1848, 1849 and 1850 ; Charles M. Tompkins, 1850, 1851, 1852 and 1853 ; David E. Wood, 1854, 1855, 1856, 1857 ; Robert J. Flint, 1858, 1859, I860. 1861, 1862, 1863, 1864 and 1865 ; Mareellus K. Stow, 1866 and a portion of 1867 ; W. D. Conklin (appointed to fill vacancy made by resignation of M. K. Stow), a portion of 1867, 1868 and 1869; J. Mayham, 1870, 1871, 1872 and 1873; N. C. Giffin (appointed to fill vacancy made by the death of J. Mayham, and afterward elected for the term beginning January 1, 1874), 1873, 1874, 1875, 1876 and 1877 ; George Perkins, 1878, 1879, and now in office. COUNTY OFFICERS FROM 1839 TO 1880. County Clerks.— Mason C. Darling, 1839 and 1840 ; B. F. Smith, a portion of 1841 ; M. C. Darling, balance of 1841, 1842, 1843 and 1844; Theodore Conkey, 1845 ; Francis McCarty, 1846 and 1847 ; J. D. Curtis, 1848 ; Eli Hooker, 1849 ; A. B. Davis, a portion of 1850 ; Chauncey J. Allen, a portion of 1850, 1851 and 1852 ; Albert W. Paine, 1853 and 1854 ; Asher Armstrong, 1855 and 1856 : C. F. Kalk, 1857 and 1858 ; James V. McCall, 1859 and 1860 ; A. B. Cary, 1861 and until his death, in 1862 ; L. M. Wyatt, last half of 1862 ; Charles W. Prescott, 1863, 1864, 1865 and 1866 ; C. H. De Groat, 1867, 1868, 1869 and 1870 ; W. H. F. Smith, 1871 and 1872 ; J. H. Coolidge, 1873 and 1874 ; H. J. Davidson, 1875, and until he died, in 1876 ; Thomas Bryant, the last portion of 1876 ; Edmund Blewett, 1877, 1878, 1879 and 1880. Clerks of the Circuit Court— -Isaac Brown, 1844, 1845, 1846, 1847, 1848, 1849 and 1850 ; Fayette S. Brown, 1851 and 1852 ; John J. Driggs, 1853, 1854, 1855 and 1856 ; John C. Bishop, 1857 and 1858; Edward Beaver, 1859 and 1860; David Babcock, 1861, 1862, 1863 and 1864; M. W. Simmons, 1865 and 1866; George W. Carter, 1867, 1868, 1869 and 1870 ; Maurice McKenna, 1871, 1872, 1873. 1874, 1875 and 1876 ; James Russell, 1877 and 1878 ; S. G. Leland, 1879 and 1880. Sheriffs.— Colwert Pier, 1842; J. J. Driggs, 1844 ; D.W. Bromlev, 1845; Alonzo Raymond, 1846; James Ebert, 1847; Fred F. Davis, 1849 and 1850; Francis D" McCarty, 1851 and 1852; Robert Jenkinson, 1853 and 1854 ; Edward Beaver, 1855 and 1856 ; George W. Mitchell, 1857 and 1858; Andrews Burnham, Jr., 1859 and 1860; George F. Wheeler, 1861 and 1862; J. D. L. Eyclesheimer, 1863 and 1864 ; H. A. Francis, died during the first year of his term, 1865 ; John Peacock,, who was H. A. Francis' Under Sheriff, ran without opposition for Sheriff in 1865, received 2,025 votes, and was declared elected by tfye courts, holding office during the balance of 1865 and for the full term of 1866 and 1867 ; Hiram S. Town, 1868 and 1869 ; Mor timer B. Pierce, 1870 and 1871 ; Peter Rupp, 1872 and 1873 ; Nicholas Klotz, 1874 and HISTORY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. 387 1875 ; Hazen R. Hill, 1876 and 1877 ; Edward Colman, 1878 and 1879; Neil C.Bell, present incumbent. County Treasurers. — Alonzo Raymond, during 1839, 1840 and 1841 ; Mason C. Darling, 1842 ; B. F. Smith, 1843 ; B. F. Moore, 1844 ; Isaac Brown, 1845, 1846 and 1847 ; Kirk land Gillet, 1848 and 1849; Peter V. Sang, 1850, 1851 and 1852; Orin S. Wright, 1853; Robert Jenkinson, 1854 and a portion of 1855 ; George W. Sawyer, during the last month of 1855 ; Andrew J. Reed, 1857 and 1858 ; John B. Wilbor, 1859 and 1860 ; John Potter, 1861 and 1862 ; C. C. L. Webster, 1863 and 1864 ; J. A. Smith, 1865 and 1866 ; Thomas Bryant, 1867, 1868, 1869 and 1870; Edward Beeson, 1871, 1872, 1873 and 1874; John W. Hall, 1875 and 1876 ; J. C. Perry, 1877 and 1878 ; Louis Manderscheid, 1879 and 1880. District Attorneys. — -Up to the organization of the State Government, the office of District Attorney was filled by appointment by the County Board, as occasion required. In 1844, George L. Hosmer was appointed ; S. S. N. Fuller, in 1845 ; Ainazi L. Williams, in 1846 and 1847, and J. M. Gillet in 1848. Thereafter, the office was filled by election, as follows: S. S. N, Fuller, 1849 and 1850; William H. Ebbetts, 1851, 1852, 1853 and 1854; Edward S. Bragg, 1855 and 1856 ; Isaac S. Tallmadge, 1857 and 1858 ; Albert W. Paine, 1859 and 1860 ; James Coleman, 1861, 1862, 1863 and 1864; George Perkins, 1865, 1866, 1867, 1868, 1869 and 1870 ; George P. Knowles, 1871 and 1872 ; S. L. Brasted, 1873, 1874, 1875 and 1876 ; N. S. Gilson, 1877 and 1878; J. J. Foote, 1879 and 1880. Register of Deeds.— John Bannister, 1839, 1840 and 1841 ; Oscar Pier, 1842, 1843 and 1844; John Bannister, 1845; S. S. N. Fuller, 1846; Edgar Conklin, 1847; Nelson Wood, 1848, 1849, 1850, 1851 and 1852; Rudolph Ebert, 1853 and 1854; William White, 1855 and 1856; N. H. Jorgensen, 1857 and 1858; Solon G. Dodge, 1859, 1860, 1861 and 1862; A. P. Mapes, 1863 and 1864; Dana C. Lamb, 1865, 1866, 1867, 1868, 1869 and 1870; J. D. L. Eyclesheimer, 1871, 1872, 1873 and 1874; Calvin L. Pierce, 1875, 1876, 1877 and 1878; Frank B. Hoskins, 1879 and 1880. County Surveyors. — The little surveying required by the county up to 1848, was done by " the piece," by John Bannister and Horace W. Newton. Thereafter, the office was filled by election as follows : H. W. Newton, 1849 and 1850 ; Joseph Fairbanks, 1851 and 1852 ; Peter O'Laughlin, 1853 and 1854 ; Joseph Fairbanks, 1855 and 1856; H. W. Newton, 1857 and 1858 ; Joseph Fairbanks, 1859 and 1860 ; Lathrop Ellis, 1861, 1862, 1863, 1864, 1865 and 1866 ; J. V. De Vry, 1867 and 1868 ; H. W. Newton, 1869 and 1870 ; Jacob Haessley, 1871, 1872, 1873 and 1874; James Bowe, 1875 and 1876; Jacob Haessley, 1877, 1878, 1879' and 1880. Coroners. — There was little for a Coroner to do at first, and none were provided for until 1848, the first election being held that year, and the incumbent's time began with the succeed ing January. Those who have held the office are as follows : Joel A. Baldwin, 1849 and 1850 ; Alonzo Raymond, 1851 and 1852 ; Lewis Crofoot, 1853 and 1854 ; Jerre Homiston, 1855 and 1856 ; Josiah Barnett, 1857 and 1858 ; George Moore, 1859 and 1860 ; Asher Armstrong, 1861 and 1862 ; J. W. Hall, 1863 and 1864 ; I. Tompkins, 1865 and 1866 ; Z. L. Chapman, 1867, 1868, 1869 and 1870 ; L. B. Taylor, 1871 and 1872 ; James O'Reiley, 1873, 1874, 1875 and 1876 ; Peter V. Sang, 1877 and 1878 ; William Burns, 1879 and 1880. COUNTY BOARD OF . SUPERVISORS. County Commissioners. — Reuben Simmons, John Bannister and Edward Pier, during 1839, 1840 and 1841; George White, Edward Pier and Alonzo Raymond, during 1842, until April, when the county was governed by a Board of Supervisors, composed of a representative from each town. Board of Supervisors. — George White, of Calumet, and Henry Conklin, of Fonddu Lac, for 1842 ; Edward Pier, of Fond du Lac, and John J. Driggs, of Calumet, for 1843 ; Edward Pier, of Fond du Lac, and George White, of Calumet, for 1844 ; Edward Pier, of Fond du Lac, 388 HISTORY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. Rufus P. Eaton, of Calumet, Frederick F. Davis, of Waupun, and Lester Rounds, of Ceresco, for 1845 ; Edward Pier, of Fond du Lac, Lester Rounds, of Ceresco, Almon Osboin, of Meto men, Samuel Sanborn, of Rosendale, Edward Sykes, of Lime, William Stewart, of Byron, and Daniel B. Whiting, of Waupun, for 1846. 1847. — Edward Pier, of Fond du Lac ; George White, of Calumet; William Stewart, of Byron; Harvey Buell, of Oakfield; Henry C. Giltner, of Forest; A.C. Everest, of Seven Mile Creek ; John H. Adams, of Auburn ; Samuel Sanborn, of Rosendale ; Milton Tolcott, of Alto ; T. C. Snow, of Waupun, and George D. Ruggles, of Taycheedah. 1848. — R. F. Adams, of Auburn ; Edward Pier, of Fond du Lac ; Samuel Sanborn, of Rosendale; Charles Willard, of Oakfield; George White, of Calumet; Milton Tolcott, of Alto ; T. C. Snow, of Waupun ; William Stewart, of Byron ; G. D. Ruggles, of Taycheedah, and A. C. Everest, of Seven Mile Creek. 1849 — George White, of Calumet ; Charles Doty, of Taycheedah ; Selim Newton, of Fond du Lac ; H. C. Giltner, of Forest ; James M. Adams, of Auburn ; Peter Vandervoort, of Eden ; William Stewart, of Byron ; James Patterson, of Oakfield ; Peter V. Sang, of Lamartine ; Jonathan Dougherty, of Rosendale ; D. P. Mapes, of Ceresco ; Warren Whiting, of Spring vale ; H. C. Eggleston, of Metomen; Samuel A. Carpenter, of Alto; Moses Campbell, of Waupun, and M. S. Barnett, of Eldorado. The Board was largely increased and somewhat changed by the elections in newly organized towns, and at the last meeting of the year was composed of* the following : P. V. Sang, of Lamartine ; Jerome Yates, of Rosendale ; William Stewart, of Byron; Thomas S. Wilcox, of Auburn; D. D. Wilcox, of Chili; P. Vandervoort, of Eden ; George W. Elliott, of Taycheedah ; J. C. Lewis, of Fond du Lac ; W. I. Ripley, of Oakfield; Warren Whiting, of Springvale; H. W. Bruce, of Friendship; William Starr, of Ceresco; Moses Campbell, of Waupun; R. P. Eaton, of Calumet; Joseph Wagner, of Forest; Peter Wilsey, of Metomen, and Henry Boardman, Of Alto. 1850 — Edwin Flint, of Fond du Lac ; Francis S. Crons, of Taycheedah ; Joseph Wagner, of Forest; Thomas S. Wilcox, of Auburn; Joseph Lawler, of Eden ; D. D. Wilcox, of Ashford ; William Stewart, of Byron ; George White, of Calumet ; H. W. Bruce, of Friendship ; L. M. Dunham, of Eldorado; C. F. Hammond, of Rosendale ; Robert Jenkinson, of Metomen; War ren Whiting, of Springvale ; William Starr, of Ceresco ; Samuel K. Vaughn, of Waupun ; Fay ette S. Brown, of Lamartine ; James Patterson, of Oakfield ; Daniel Wilcox, of Alto. . 1851 — Seth G. Pickett, of Ashford ; Thomas S- Wilcox, of Auburn ; Henry Boardman, of Alto ; N. M. Donaldson, of Waupun ; James Patterson, of Oakfield ; Daniel C. Brooks, of Byron; Joseph Lawler, of Eden; J. W. Whitney, of Osceola; C. P. Dunning, of Metomen; Henry I. Ackerman, of Springvale ; Andrew Smith, of Lamartine ; Isaac Brown, of Fond du Lac ; John Y. Westervelt, of Empire ; Joseph Wagner, of Forest ; Warren Chase, of Ceresco ; C. F. Hammond, of Rosendale ; L. M. Dunham, of Eldorado ; Miner Wilson, of Friendship and John Islett, of Taycheedah. 1852— Edward Pier, of Fond du Lac Town ; E. H. Galloway, of North Ward of city of Fond du Lac ; W. H. Hiner, of South Ward of city of Fond du Lac ; Brigham Payne, of Friendship ; N. S. Thompson, of Eldorado ; C. F. Hammond, of Rosendale ; E. A. Newton, of Ceresco ; George W. Parker, of Metomen ; James McElroy, of Alto ; N. M. Donaldson, of Waupun; A. C. Whiting, of Springvale; F. S. Brown, of Lamartine; Oscar Hurlbut, of Oakfield ; D. C. Brooks, of Byron; William Stewart, of Eden; J. Y. Westervelt, of Empire; Henry Crownhart, of Ashford; C. D. Gage, of Auburn; C. W. Prescott, of Osceola; Joseph Wagner, of Forest ; Charles Geisse, of Taycheedah, and Augustus Hugssen, of Calumet. 1853— Peter Johnson, of Ashford; William Pool, of Auburn; William Brisbane, of Alto; N. M. Donaldson, of Waupun ; 0. Hurlbut, of Oakfield ; Henry Conklin, of Byron ; Aaron Walters, of Eden ; John Beeson, of Osceola ; G. W. Parker, of Metomen ; A. C. Whiting, of Springvale; Edward Pier, town of Fond du Lac; Jerod Chapel, of North Ward of the city of Fond du Lac ; John Nichols, of South Ward of city of Fond du Lac ; J. E. Fisher, of Empire ; Joseph Wagner, of Forest ; T. B. Robbins, of Ceresco ; G. D. Curtis, of Rosendale ; B. F. HISTORY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. 389 Hatch, of Eldorado; A. Henning, of Friendship ; Charles Geisse, of Taycheedah ; W. R. Tall madge, of Calumet and P. V. Sang, of Lamartine. 1854— Isaac Brown, of First Ward, J. M. Taylor, of Second Ward, G. W. Sexmith, of Third Ward, of city of Fond du Lac ; S. N. Hawes, of Fond du Lac Town ; Peter Johnson, of Ashford ; William Pool, of Auburn ; R. M. Harwood, of Alto ; Daniel Wilcox, of Waupun ; H. D. Hitt, of Oakfield ; Henry Conklin, of Byron; Aaron Walters, of Eden; S. L. Marston, of Osceola ; William Plocker, of Metomen ; A. C. Whiting, of Springvale ; R. R. Crowe, of Lam artine ; John Berry, of Empire; Joseph Wagner, of Forest; A. B. Beardsley, of Ceresco ; Ber- tine Pinkney, of Rosendale; B. F. Hatch, of Eldorado ; John Stoddard, of Friendship; 0. R. Potter, of Taycheedah and John Boyd, of Calumet. At a special session for the year 1855, the names of Joel Savage and Alexander Cronk appear, but credited to no town. 1855 — Jacob Haessley, of Ashford ; William Chapman, of Auburn ; Rufus M. Harwood, of Alto ; N. M. Donaldson, of Waupun ; H. D. Hitt, of Oakfield ; C. B. Brown, of Byron ; A. Walters, of Eden; S. L. Marston, of Osceola; A. F. Bush, of Metomen; S. A. Chase,. town of Fond du Lac ; John Berry, of Empire ; Joseph Wagner, of Forest ; A. B. Beardsley, of Ceresco; Clinton Matteson, of Rosendale ;. P. Macken, of Eldorado ; John Stoddard, of Friendship ; 0. R. Potter, of Taycheedah ; John Boyd, of Calumet ; Henry Conklin, of the First Ward, D. E. Hoskins, Second Ward, J. M. Taylor, Third Ward, George W. Sexmith, Fourth Ward, and E. Delany, Fifth Ward, of Fond du Lac City ; W. B. Disbrow, of Spring vale, and E. B. Lyman, of Lamartine. 1856 — Jacob Haessley, of Ashford ; H. Parsons, of Auburn ; R. M. Harwood, of Alto ; Joel Savage, of Waupun ; H. D. Hitt, of Oakfield ; Franklin Nye, of Byron ; A. Walters, of Eden; E. C. Airhart, of Osceola; William Plocker, of Metomen; W. B. Disbrow, of Spring vale ; F. S. Brown, of Lamartine ; S. A. Chase, of Fond du Lac Town ; H. Conklin, First Ward, John B. Wilbor, Second Ward, J. M. Taylor, Third Ward, T.| S. Henry, Fourth Ward, and E.' Delany, Fifth Ward, of Fond du Lac City ; A. T. Germond, of Empire ; S. K. Barnes, of Forest ; D. P. Mapes, of Ceresco ; Clinton Matteson, of Rosendale ; P. Macken, of Eldo rado ; John Stoddard, of T riendship ; T. Magnussen, of Taycheedah ; Joseph Wagner, of Marshfield ; John Boyd, of Calumet. 1857— K. A. Darling, First Ward, J. B. Wilbor, Second Ward, C. A. Rider, Third Ward, George Williams, Fourth Ward, and E. Delany, Fifth Ward, of Fond du Lac City ; C. D. Gage, of Auburn ; Peter Johnson, of Ashford ; A. Walters, of Eden ; William Mitchell, of Osceola ; Franklin Nye, of Byron ; Charles Carberry, of Friendship ; S. A. Chase, town of Fond du Lac; F. S. Brown, of Lamartine; P. Macken, of Eldorado; Orin Hatch, of Oak field ; H. N. Jewett, of Springvale ; H. W. Wolcott, of Rosendale; Joel Savage, of Waupun ; A. H. Rounsville, of Waupun Village ; 0. L. Olmstead, of Alto ; A. Thomas, of Ripon ; William Plocker, of Metomen; A. T. Germond, of Empire; S. K. Barnes, of Forest; Charles Geisse, of Taycheedah ; J. Wagner, of Marshfield ; John Boyd, of Caluitfet. 1858— E. A. Brown, First Ward, Edward S. Bragg, Second Ward, J. M. Taylor, Third Ward, John Maginnis, Fourth Ward, L. Canfield, Fifth Ward, of Fond du Lac City ; J. Goss, of Fond du Lac Town; John Stoddard, of Friendship; Delos Wilcox, of Auburn ; John A. Hendricks, of Ashford ; A. Walters, of Eden ; Asher Armstrong, of Osceola ; F. Nye, of Byron ; John Boyd, of Calumet ; A. T. Germond, of Empire ; J. W. Hall, of Forest ; Charles Geisse, of Taycheedah ; H. C. Giltner, of Marshfield ; F. S. Brown, of Lamartine, P. Macken, of Eldorado; W. B. Disbrow, of Springvale; T. Conklin, of Oakfield; B. H. Bettis, of Waupun; A. H. Rounsville, of Waupun Village; R. M. Harwood, of Alto; William Plocker, of Metomen ; J. W. Sanders, of Rosendale ; A. Thomas, of Ripon Town ; William Starr, First Ward of Ripon City ; Lyman Town, Second Ward of Ripon City. 1859— J. H. Hayford, First Ward, E. S. Bragg, Second Ward, T. W. Dee, Third Ward, George Williams, Fourth Ward, and C. R. Harrison, Fifth Ward, of Fond du Lac City ; G. K. Stanchfield, town of Fond du Lac ; John Stoddard, of Friendship ; William Pool, of Auburn; A. Dierenger, of Ashford; J. M. Adams, of Byron; A. Walters, of Eden; C. W- 390 HISTORY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. Prescott, of Osceola; A. T. Germond, of Empire; John Tracey, of Forest; Joseph Wagner, of Marshfield ; John Boyd, of Calumet; Charles Geisse, of Taycheedah ; F. S. Brown, of Lam artine; P. Macken, of Eldorado; W. B. Disbrow, of Springvale; 0. Hatch, of Oakfield ;,B. H. Bettis, of Waupun Town; A. H. Rounsville, of Waupon Village; J. McElroy, of Alto; William Plocker, of Metomen; J. W. Sanders, of Rosendale; A. Thomas, of Ripon Town; H. S. Town, First Ward, city of Ripon; H. T. Henton, Second Ward, city of Ripon. James Henderson was admitted to the Board on motion, for that year, but credited to no locality. I860— Edward Beeson, First Ward, E. S. Bragg, Second Ward, G. W. Sawyer, Third Ward, R. A. Baker, Fourth Ward, C. R. Harrison, Fifth Ward, of the city of Fond du Lac ; G. K. Stanchfield, of Fond du Lac Town; John Stoddard, of Friendship ; Charles D. Gage, of Auburn ; A. Dierenger, of Ashford ; N. C. Lewis, of Byron ; A. Walters, of Eden ; C. Mat teson, of Rosendale ; A. T. Germond, of Empire ; John Tracy, of Forest ; J. Wagner, of Marshfield; John Boyd, of Calumet; Charles Geisse, of Taycheedah; W. S. Warner, of Lam artine ; P. Crane, of Eldorado ; George F. Wheeler, of Springvale ; 0. Hatch, of Oakfield ; B. H. Bettis, of Waupun Town ; C. B. Whitton, of Waupun Village ; J. McElroy, of Alto ; A. Osborn, of Metomen ; S. Fordice, of Rosendale ; A. Thomas, of Ripon Town ; W. Kings bury, of First Ward, Ripon City; H. T. Henton, of- Second Ward, Ripon City. 1861— W. D. Sherwood, First Ward, Peter Rupp, Second Ward, B. F. Moore, Third Ward, R. A. Baker, Fourth Ward, and M. Lockwood, Fifth Ward, of Fond du Lac City ; S. A. Chase, of Fond du Lac Town; Charles Carberry, of Friendship; C. D. Gage, of Auburn; Joseph Wagner, of Marshfield; 0. P. Phelps, of Byron; A. Walters, of Eden; C. W. Pres cott, of Osceola; John Meiklejohn, of Empire; J. W. Hall, of Forest; John Boyd, of Calu met; B. F. Smith, of Taycheedah; W. S. Warner, of Lamartine; L. M. Dunham, of Eldo rado ; Warren Whiting, of Springvale ; B. R. Harrington, of Oakfield ; Joseph Fairbanks, of Waupun Town; T. W. Markle, of Waupun Village; A. J. Mattoon, of Alto; William Plocker, of Metomen ; Stanton Fordice, of Rosendale ; T. B. Robbins, of Ripon Town ; J. McCord, of Second Ward, Ripon City. At the election in November of 1861, the form and manner of the county government was ¦changed, at which time a Supervisor was elected for each of the five Assembly Districts. The result was as follows : 1862 and 1863— Henry C. Bottum for the First District; R. M. Harwood, Second Dis trict ; B. F. Moore, Third District ; John Berry, Fourth District, and S. L. Marston, Fifth District. 1864 and 1865—1. N. Woodruff, First District; Dr. Elliott Brown, Second District; B. F. Moore, Third District; Joseph Wagner, Fourth District ; W. H. Metcalf and N. Filby, Fifth District. 1866 — Henry Wright, First District ; William Thompson, Second District ; E. H. Gallo way, Third District ; John Boyd, Fourth District ; Aaron Walters, Fifth District. Before the election in the fall of 1866, the county was divided into six districts, instead of five. A Supervisor at large was added, increasing the County Board to seven members, and one-half the members were elected every year. Under this plan, the County Board was com posed of the following members : 1867 — Gustave de Neveu, at large ; Henry Wright, First District ; William Thompson, Second District; James Ewen, Third District; E. H. Galloway, Fourth District; A. Walters, Fifth District ; J. E. Meiklejohn, Sixth District. 1868— Gustave de Neveu, at large ; A. M. Skeels, First District ; B. H. Bettis, Second District ; James Ewen, Third District ; E. H. Galloway, Fourth District ; A. Walters, Fifth District ; Joseph Wagner, Sixth District. 1869— E. H. Galloway, at large; A. M. Skeels, First District; B. H. Bettis, Second District; Hannibal Woodworth, Third District ; U. D. Mihills, Fourth District; Aaron Walters, Fifth District ; J. Wagner, Sixth District. HISTORY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. 391 1870 — E. H. Galloway, at large ; A. M. Skeels, First District ; A. J. Yorty, Second Dis trict ; Hannibal Woodworth, Third District ; S. A. Chase, Fourth District ; A. Walters, Fifth District, and Joseph Wagner, Sixth District. The County Board was at this time changed back to the " Town Principle " of representa tion, the first election being held in April, 1870, and has since continued in that form. The •different Boards have been as follows : 1870— For Ashford, Jacob Haessley ; for Auburn, J. P. Post ; Alto, H. C. Williams ; Waupun, Warren Whiting ; Oakfield, E. A. Putnam ; Byron, D. D. Treleven ; Eden, Henry Hayes ; Osceola, Daniel Cavanagh ; Metomen, John Wormwood ; Springavle, S. Wilkinson ; Lamartine, E. P. Hall; Fond du Lac Town, G. K. Stanchfield ; Empire, A. T. Germond; Forest, J. W. Hall; Ripon Town, A. A. Loper; Rosendale, J. W. Sanders; Eldorado, C. W. Frederick ; Friendship, J. Kinsman ; Taycheedah, B. F. O'Laughlin ; Marshfield, J. Wagner ; Calumet, Thomas Boyd ; First Ward of Fond du Lac City, H. Shattuck ; Second Ward, C. L. Ailing; Third Ward, H. P. Brown ; Fourth Ward, William Rueping; Fifth Ward, U. D. Mihills ; First Ward, Ripon City, William Workman ; Second Ward, J. J. Foote ; North Ward, village of Waupun, T. W. Markle. 1871 — For Alto, James McElroy ; for Ashford, Peter Johnson ; Auburn, J. V. Harter ; Byron, D. D. Treleven ; Calumet, C. Thuerwachter ; Eldorado, C. W. Frederick ; Eden, N. Klotz ; Empire, A. T. Germond ; Forest, J. W. Hall ; Friendship, J. Kinsman ; Fond du Lac Town, D. C. Lamb ; Lamartine, E. P. Hall ; Metomen, A. J. Yorty ; Marshfield, J. Wagner ; Osceola, D. Cavanagh ; Oakfield, V. E. Galloway ; Ripon, A. A. Loper ; Rosendale, E. C. Stewart; Springvale, S. Wilkinson ; Taycheedah, B. F. O'Laughlin; Waupun, Warren Whit ing; First Ward of Ripon City, S. Sumner; Second Ward, J. Dobbs, Jr.; First Ward of Fond du Lac City, William Koehne ; Second Ward, C. L. Ailing ; Third Ward, H. P. Brown; Fourth Ward, S. A. Chase; Fifth Ward, 0. C. Bissell ; North Ward of Waupun Village, T. W. Markle. 1872 — For Alto, G. II. Downey ; for Ashford, Peter Johnson ; Auburn, Andrew Dier- enger ; Waupun, Warren Whiting ; Oakfield, N. Filby ; Byron, John Bell ; Eden, N. Klotz ; Osceola, D. Cavanagh ; Metomen, R. C. Kelley ; Springvale, S. Wilkinson ; Lamartine, E. P. Hall; Fond du Lac Town, H. Van Allen; Empire, A. T. Germond; Forest, J.W.Hall: Ripon Town, A. A. Loper; Rosendale, H. C. Bottum ; Eldorado, James Lewis ; Friendship, Hector Munroe; Taycheedah, B. F. O'Laughlin ; Marshfield, J. Wagner ; Calumet, Lambert Brost ; First Ward of Ripon City, William Workman ; Second Ward, H. S. Town ; First Ward of city of Fond du Lac, William Koehne ; Second Ward, C. F. Kalk ; Third Ward, S. W. Edson ; Fourth Ward, C. L. Encking ; Fifth Ward, Nathan Parker; North Ward of Waupun Village, T. W. Markle. 1873 — Michael Serwe, for Ashford ; A. Dierenger, Auburn ; G. H. Downey, Alto ; Joseph Fairbanks, Waupun ; E. A. Putnam, Oakfield; John Bell, Byron; Ignatius Klotz, Eden ; D. Cavanagh, Osceola ; John Wormwood, Metomen ; T. K. Gillett, Springvale ; A. A. John son, Lamartine ; D. C. Lamb, Fond du Lac Town ; A. T. Germond, Empire ; J. W. Hall, Forest ; A. A. Loper, Ripon Town ; H. C. Bottum, Rosendale ; James Lewis, Eldorado ; Hector Munroe, Friendship ; B. F. O'Laughlin, Taycheedah ; J. Wagner, Marshfield ; Lambert Brost, Calumet ; George E. Sutherland, First Ward of Ripon City ; J. Dobbs, Second Ward of the same ; L. R. Lewis, First Ward ; C. F. Kalk, Second Ward ; M. W. Simmons, Third Ward ; C. A. Galloway, Fourth Ward ; N. Parker, Fifth Ward, of Fond du Lac City ; J. W. Oliver, North Ward of Waupun Village. 1874 — John A. Hendricks, for Ashford; C. Oeder, Auburn; G. H. Downey, Alto; War ren Whiting, Waupun Town ; E. A. Putnam, Oakfield; John Bell, Byron ; I. Klotz, Eden ; D. Cavanagh, Osceola ; John Wormwood, Metomen ; T. K. Gillett, Springvale ; A. A. Johnson, Lamartine ; D. C. Lamb, Fond du Lac Town ; John Meiklejohn, Empire ; J. W. Hall, Forest; A. A. Loper, Ripon Town ; H. C. Bottum, Rosendale ; C. W. Frederick, Eldorado ; Charles Carbery, Friendship ; Michael Wirtz, Taycheedah ; Lambert Brost, Calumet ; William Wolf, Marshfield ; T. W. Markle, North Ward of Waupun Village ; J. Bowen, First Ward of Ripon 392 HISTORY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. City ; J. Dobbs, Second Ward of Ripon City ; T. F. Mayham, First Ward ; C. L. Allingr Second Ward ; M. W.! Simmons, Third Ward ; S. A. Chase, Fourth Ward, and John Gill, Fifth Ward, Fond du Lac City. 1875— Michael Thelen, for Ashford ; C. Oeder, Auburn ; G. H. Downey, Alto ; L. H. Hills, Waupun Town ; A. A. Swan, Oakfield ; John Bell, Byron ; I. Klotz, Eden ; D. Cava nagh, Osceola ; John Wormwood, Metomen ; F. M. Wheeler, Springvale ; P. Greening, Lamar tine ; John Meiklejohn, Empire ; Peter Loehr, Forest ; E. P. West, Ripon Town ; II. C. Bot tum, Rosendale ; C. W. Frederick, Eldorado ; Joseph Kinsman, Friendship ; Michael Wirtz,. Taycheedah ; Lambert Brost, Calumet ; Richard Schrage, Marshfield ; T. W. Markle, North Ward of Waupun Village ; E. L. Northrup, First Ward of Ripon City ; J. Dobbs, Second Ward of Ripon City ; J. F. M. Gaertner, First Ward, C. L. Ailing, Second Ward, John, Spence, Third Ward, C. L. Encking, Fourth Ward, 0. C. Bissell, Fifth Ward, Leroy Graves, Sixth Ward, A. Habermann, Seventh Ward, and 0. Hatch, Eighth Ward, Fond du Lac City. 1876— Michael Thelen, for Ashford ; C. Oeder, Auburn ; G. H. Downey, Alto ; W. T. Brooks, Waupun ; A. A. Swan, Oakfield ; John Bell, Byron ; I. Klotz, Eden ; D. Cavanagh, Osceola ; P. K. Pickard, Metomen ; T. K. Gillett, Springvale ; Phillip Greening, Lamartine ; H. Van Allen, Fond du Lac Town ; John Meiklejohn, Empire ; Peter Loehr, Forest ; E. P. West, Ripon Town; H. C. Bottum, Rosendale; John Reimer, Eldorado; P. McMonagle,. Friendship ; Michael Wirtz, Taycheedah ; Lambert Brost, Calumet ; Frederick Konz, Marsh field ; T. W. Markle, North Ward, Waupun Village; J. P. Taggart, First Ward, Ripon City; J. Dobbs, Second Ward, -Ripon City; S. S. Bowers, First Ward, Byron Town, Second Ward, J. C. Lowell, Third Ward, S. A. Chase, Fourth Ward, 0. C. Bissell, Fifth Ward, Leroy Graves, Sixth Ward, David Chamberlain, Seventh Ward, and A. T. Little, Eighth Ward, Fond du Lac City. 1877— Michael Thelen, for Ashford ; C. Oeder, Auburn ; G. H. Downey, Alto ; L. H. Hills, Waupun Town; A. A. Swan, Oakfield; John Bell, Byron; I. Klotz, Eden; D. Cava nagh, Osceola ; John Wormwood, Metomen ; A. C. Whiting, Springvale ; W. S. Warner, Lamar tine ; H. Van Allen, Fond du Lac Town ; Edward Colman, Empire ; William Ralston, Ripon Town; George D. Curtis, Rosendale; John Reimer, Eldorado; J. Kinsman, Friendship; M. Wirtz, Taycheedah ; T. Konz, Marshfield ; Lambert Brost, Calumet ; E. L. Northrup, First Ward, Ripon City ; J. Dobbs, Second Ward, Ripon City ; John Musgat, First Ward, C. Serwe, Second Ward, B. F. Moore, Third Ward, C. H. De Groat, Fourth Ward, J. F. Fontana, Fifth Ward ; J. W. Crippen, Sixth Ward, John Gallagher, Seventh Ward, and A. T. Little, Eighth Ward, Fond du Lac City ; T. W. Markle, North Ward, Waupun Village. 1878— W. D. Ash, for Brandon Village ; F. L. Bacon, Waupun Town ; John Bell, Byron ; L. Brost, Columet; E. C. Stewart, Rosendale; G. H. Downey, Alto; Phillip Greening, Lamar tine; Theodore Herrling, Friendship; I. Klotz, Eden; F. Konz, Marshfield; C. Oeder, Auburn; P. K. Pickard, Metomen; A. R. Hargrave, Ripon Town; John Reimer, Eldorado; Richard Ring, Osceola ; A. A. Swan, Oakfield ; M. Thelen, Ashford ; F. M. Wheeler, Spring vale; John Wiley, Empire; M. Wirtz, Taycheedah; John Will, Forest; Henry Van Allen, Fond du Lac Town; W. B. Kingsbury, First Ward, of Ripon City ; Jerre Dobbs, Second Ward, of Ripon City ; F. B. Hoskins, First Ward, Joseph Radford, Second Ward, B. F. Moore, Third Ward, A. H. Bruett, Fourth Ward, 0. C. Bissell, Fifth Ward, Fred Grill, Sixth Ward, William Ladewig, Seventh Ward, and Martin Kaeding, Eighth Ward, of Fond du Lac City; T. W. Markle, North Ward of Waupun Village. 1879— T. F. Mayham, for First Ward, C. L. Ailing, Second Ward, Azro B. Taylor, Third Ward, A. H. Bruett, Fourth Ward, 0. C. Bissell, Fifth Ward, B. F. Sweet, Sixth Ward, Daniel Schaefer, Seventh Ward, and M. Kaeding, Eighth Ward, of Fond du Lac City ; W. D. Ash, village of Brandon, F. L. Bacon, Waupun Town ; John Bell, Byron ; L. Brost, Calumet; E. Babcock, Ripon Town; L. B. Dunham, Fond du Lac Town; G. H. Downey, Alto: J. M. Geerey, First Ward, of Ripon City ; E. L. Runals, Second Ward, of Ripon City ; T. K. Gillett, Springvale ; T. Herrling, Friendship ; I. Klotz, Eden ; James Lafferty, Empire -r HISTORY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. 393 T. W. Markle, North Ward, of Waupun Village ; W. D. Nash, Lamartine ; C. Oeder, Auburn ; P. K. Pickard, Metomen ; Richard Ring, Osceola; F. R. Shepard, Oakfield; J. K. Scribner, Eldorado; E. C. Stewart, Rosendale; M. Thelen, Ashford; John Will, Forest; M. Wirtz, Taycheedah ; Fred. Konz, Marshfield. Chairmen of the County Board. — Reuben Simmons, 1839 and 1840 ; John Bannister, 1841 ; George White, 1842 ; John J. Driggs, 1843 ; Edward Pier, 1844 ; Rufus P. Eaton, 1845; Lester Rounds, 1846; George D. Ruggles, 1847 ; David P. Mapes, 1848 ; Peter V. Sang, 1849 and 1850 ; William Starr, 1851 ; Isaac Brown, 1852 ; N. M. Donaldson, 1853 ; Peter V. Sang, 1854; Henry Conklin, 1855; N. M. Donaldson, 1856; John Boyd, 1857; William Plocker, 1858; Joseph Wagner, 1859; George W. Sawyer, 1860; John Boyd, 1861; B. F. Moore, 1862, 1863, 1864 and 1865; E. H. Galloway; 1866, 1867, 1868 and 1869; V. D. Mihills, 1870; Dana C. Lamb, 1871 ; Joseph Wagner, 1872; Jerre Dobbs, 1873; F. F. Parsons, 1874; Jerre Dobbs, 1875, 1876, 1877 and 1878; Lambert Brost, 1879. territorial state and national representation. l— Fond du Lao County's Representation in the Territorial Legislature. First Session of the First Legislative Assembly, 1836. — Members of the Council, Henry S. Baird and John P. Arndt. Representatives — Ebenezer Childs, Albert G. Ellis and Alexander J. Irwin.;* District composed of Brown county, which included Fond du Lac not yet organized. Second Session, 1837-38. — Members of Council, John P. Arndt and Joseph Dickinson, f Representatives — Ebenezer Childs, George McWilliams and Charles C. Sholes. Special Session, 1838. — Members of Council, Alexander J. Irwin and John P. Arndt. Representatives — George McWilliams, Charles C. Sholes and Ebenezer Childs. First Session of the Second Legislative Assembly, 1838. — Members of Council, Alex ander J. Irwin and Morgan L. Martin. Representatives — Ebenezer Childs, Charles 0. Sholes, Barlow Shackleford and Jacob W. Conroe. Second Session, 1839. — Members of Council, Morgan L. Martin and Alexander J. Irwin. Representatives — Ebenezer Childs, Charles C. Sholes, Barlow Shackleford and Jacob W. Conroe. Third Session, 1839-4-0. — Members of Council, Morgan L. Martin and Charles C. P. Arndt. Representatives — Ebenezer Childs, Jacob W. Conroe, Charles C. Sholes and Barlow Shackleford. Fourth (extra) Session, 1840. — Members of Council, Morgan L. Martin and Charles C. P. Arndt. Representatives — Ebenezer Childs, Barlow Shackleford, Charles C. Sholes and Jacob W. Conroe. First Session ofthe Third Legislative Assembly, 1840-41-- — Members of Council, Charles C. P. Arndt and Morgan L. Martin. Representatives — William H. Bruce,J Mason C. Darling, and David Giddings ; District composed of Brown, Fond du Lac, Manitowoc and Sheboygan Counties. Second Session, 1841-4®- — Members of Council, Morgan L. Martin and Charles C. P. Arndt.§ Representatives — Mason C. Darling, Albert G. Ellis and David Giddings ; District ¦composed of Brown, Fond du Lac, Manitowoc, Portage and Sheboygan Counties. First Session of the Fourth Legislative Assembly, 184&-43- — Member of Council, Morgan L. Martin. Representatives — Albert G. Ellis, Mason C. Darling and David Agry ; District composed of Brown, Calumet, Fond du Lac, Manitowoc, Marquette, Portage, She boygan and Winnebago Counties. Second Session, 1843-44- — Member of Council, Morgan L. Martin. Representatives — Albert G. Ellis, Mason C. Darling and David Agry ; District composed of Brown, Calumet, Fond du Lac, Manitowoc, Marquette, Portage, Sheboygan and Winnebago Counties. , * Seat successfully contested by George McWilliams. ¦j- Elected in place or H. S. Baird, resigned. Mr. Dickinson's seat was contested and vacated; replaced by Alexander J. Irwin. t Seat successfully contested by Albert G. Ellis. % Killed by James E. Vineyard, February 11, 1842. 394 HISTORY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. Third Session, 1845. — Member of Council, Randall Wilcox. Representatives — Masons C. Darling, Abraham Brawley and William Fowler ;* District composed of Brown, Calumet, Fond du Lac, Manitowoc, Marquette, Portage, Sheboygan and Winnebago Counties. Fourth Session, 1846. — Member of Council, Randall Wilcox. Representatives — Abra ham Brawley, Mason C. Darling and Elisha Morrow ; District composed of Brown, Calumet, Fond du Lac, Manitowoc, Marquette, Portage, Sheboygan and Winnebago Counties. First Session of the Fifth Legislative Assembly, 1847. — Member of Council, Mason C. Darling. Representatives — Elisha Morrow and Hugh McFarland ; District composed of Brown, Columbia, Fond du Lac, Manitowoc, Marquette, Portage and Winnebago Counties. Special Session, 1847.— Member of Council, Mason C. Darling. Representatives — Moses S. Gibson and G. W. Featherstonhaugh ; District composed of Columbia, Brown, Calumet, Fond du Lac, Manitowoc, Marquette, Portage and Winnebago Counties. Second Session, 1848. — Member of Council, Mason C. Darling. Representatives — G. W. Featherstonhaugh and Moses S. Gibson ; District composed of Brown, Columbia, Calumet, Fond du Lac, Manitowoc, Marquette, Portage and Winnebago Counties. II— Fond du Lac County's Representation in the Constitutional Convention of 1846- AND OF 1847-8. The first convention to frame a constitution for the State of Wisconsin assembled at Madison, the capital, on the 5th day of October, 1846, and adjourned on the 16th day of Decem ber following, having framed a constitution, which was submitted to a vote of the people on the first Tuesday in April, 1847, and rejected. In this convention, Fond du Lac County was represented by Warren Chase, Lorenzo Hazen and Moses S. Gibson. A second convention to frame a constitution for the State assembled at Madison, on the 15th of December, 1847, and adjourned on the 1st day of February, 1848, having framed a constitution, which was submitted to a vote of the people on the second Monday in March fol lowing, and adopted. In that convention Fond du Lac County was represented by Samuel W. Beal and Warren Chase. III.— Fond du Lac County's Representation in the State- Senate. Warren Chase, 1848-49 ; John A. Eastman, 1850-51 ; Bertine Pinkney, 1852 ; A. M. Blair, 1853 ; Charles A. Eldredge, 1854-55 ; Edward Pier, 1856-59 ; E. L. Phillips, 1860-61 ; George W. Mitchell, 1862-53 ; George F.Wheeler, 1864-67 ; Edward S. Bragg, 1868-69 ; Hiram S. Town, 1870-71; W. H. Hiner and Joseph Wagner, 1872-75; H. H. Hiner and Daniel Cavanagh, 1876-77 ; A. A. Loper and Lewis Wolff, 1878-79 ; George Sutherland and P. H. Smith, 1880-81. In 1872, the Eighteenth Senatorial District was made to include the whole of Fond da Lac County, except the towns of Calumet, Marshfield, Forest, Osceola, Auburn, Ashford, Tay cheedah and Eden, which, with the county of Sheboygan, formed the Twentieth District. This- apportionment remains unchanged. The Eighteenth District has thus far 'been represented by Hiner, Loper and Sutherland ; the Twentieth by Cavanagh, Wolff and Smith. IV. — Fond du Lac County's Representation in the Assembly. 1848 — Charles Doty and Jonathan Daugherty. 1849 — Morgan L. Noble and Jonathan Daugherty. 1850 — Morgan L. Noble and Bertine Pinkney. 1851 — Morris S. Barnett and Charles L. Julius. 1852-^-Benjamin F. Moore andN. M. Donaldson. 1853 — Querin Loehr, Isaac S. Tallmadge, Charles D. Gage andN. M. Donaldson. 1854 — Major J. Thomas, N. M. Donald son, Isaac S. Tallmadge and Edward Boener. 1855 — John Boyd, B. R. Harrington, George W. Parker and William H. Ebbetts. 1856 — Isaac Brown, Peter Johnson, Joseph Wagner and George W. Parker. 1857 — Edmund L. Runals, M. S. Barnett, John B. Wilbor, Major J. Thomas and Aaron Walters. 1858 — Edmund L. Runals, Henry D. Hitt, F. D. McCarty,. *A Brothertown Indian. HISTORY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. 395 Joseph Wagner and William S. Tuttle. 1859 — Alvan E. Bovay, Warren Whiting, John C. Lewis, 0. H. Petters, elected in place of E. K. Barnes, who died before taking his seat, and Silas C. Matteson. 1860— A. E. Bovay, B. H. Bettis, John C. Lewis, John Boyd and Walcott T. Brooks. 1861— C. T. Hammond, B. H. Bettis, Selim Newton, John W. Hall and Horace Stanton. 1862 — C. F. Hammond, W. W. Hatcher, Campbell McLean, John Boyd, and H. C. Hamilton. 1863 — Willian Starr, Freeman M. Wheeler, E. H. Galloway, Samuel O'Hara and E. Foster. 1864— William Starr, James McElroy, E. H. Galloway, Charles Geisse and Edgar Wilcox.* 1865— D. C. Van Ostrand, J. H. Brmkerhoff, James Sawyer, Thomas Boyd and Jonathan Large. 1866 — A. M. Skeels, George F. Clark, James Coleman, Joseph Wagner and Andrew Dierenger. 1867 — A. M. Skeels, A. C. Whiting, James Coleman,. L. H. Cary, C. D. Gage and Joseph Wagner. 1868— Henry C. Bottum, R. C. Kelly, D. B. Conger, S. A. Chase, Nicholas Klotz and Joseph Wagner. 1869 — H. C. Bottum, B. H. Bettis, I. K. Hamilton, W. S. Warner, Andrew Dierenger and Charles Geisse. 1870 — Jerry Dobbs, Jr., R. Sleyster, John Boyd, U. D. Mihills, D. Cavanagh and Charles Geisse. 1871 — J. Bowen, J. A. Baker, G. T. Thorn, U. D. Mihills, M. Lonergan and Joseph Wagner. 1872 — A. J. Yorty, E. Colman and A. Walters. 1873— A. A. Loper, R. M. Lewis and T. M. Fay. 1874— David Whitton, T. S. Weeks and James Lafferty. 1875— William Plocker, George Hunter and M. Serwe. 1876 — J. K. Scribner, E. A. Putnam and Lambert Brost. 1877 — W. T. Innis, W. T. Brooks, T. W. Spence and Lambert Brost. 1878 — James Fitzgerald, A. A. Swan, Michael Wirtz and Uriah Wood. 1879 — Henry C. Bottum, Phillip Greening, T. W. Spence and M. Thelen. 1880— W. A. Adamson, D. D. Treleven, J. F. Ware and I. Klotz. V.— Fond du Lac County's Representation in Congress. The act of Congress, approved April 20, 1836, organizing the Territory of Wisconsin, con ferred upon the people the right to be represented in the National Congress by one delegate, to- be chosen by the votes of the qualified electors of the Territory. Under this authority, the Territory was represented in Congress by the following delegates : George W. Jones, elected October 10, 1836 ; James D. Doty, September 10, 1838 ; James D. Doty, August 5, 1840 ; Henry Dodge, September 27, 1841 ; Henry Dodge, September 25, 1843.; Morgan L. Martin, September 22, 1845 ; John H. Tweedy, September 6, 1847. JBy the Constitution, adopted when the Territory became a State in 1848, two Representa tives in Congress were provided for, by dividing the State into two Congressional Districts. The Second District included, along with other counties, that of Fond du Lac. Under this authority, an election was held May 8, 1848, and Mason C. Darling was elected to represent the Second District. He took his seat June 9 of that year. At the first session of the State Legislature — June 5 to August 21, 1848 — the State was divided into three Congressional Dis tricts. Fond du Lac County fell into the Third District. This apportionment continued unchanged until 1861. The Third District was represented in Congress as follows: Thirty- first Congress, James Duane Doty ; Thirty-second, John B. Macy ; Thirty-third, John B. Macy ; Thirty-fourth, Charles Billinghurst ; Thirty-fifth, Charles Billinghurst ; Thirty-sixth, Charles H. Larrabee ; Thirty-seventh, A. Scott Sloan. At the fourteenth session of the Legislature of Wisconsin — January 9th to May 27, 1861 — the State was divided into six Congressional Districts. Under this apportionment, Fond du Lac County fell into the Fourth District. For the next ten years, this District was represented in the National Legislature by — Thirty-eighth Congress, Charles A. Eldredge ; Thirty-ninth, Charles A. Eldredge ; Fortieth, Charles A. Eldredge ; Forty-first, Charles A. Eldredge ; Forty- second, Charles A. Eldredge. The present Congressional apportionment was made at the forty-fifth session of the Legis lature — January 10, to March 27, 1872 — when the State was divided into eight districts. Fond du Lac County was included, by that apportionment, in the Fifth District. From that time to the present, the Representatives from this district have been — Forty-third Congress, Charles 396 HISTORY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. A. Eldredge ; Forty-fourth, Samuel D. Burchard ; Forty-fifth, Edward S. Bragg ; Forty-sixth, Edward S. Bragg. NAVIGATION OF LAKE WINNEBAGO. The first white man that ever navigated Winnebago Lake was John Nicolet — the first of civilized men to set foot upon any portion of what is now the State of Wisconsin. This was in the year 1634. His craft was the bark canoe. Then followed the French trader and the Jesuit missionary in their canoes of the same material. It was not until Green Bay had become an American settlement that Durham boats were used upon Lake Winnebago. These were dis placed to a great extent by sailing boats and small steamers, not many years subsequent to the first settlement of Fond du Lac County. But few people of the present day know what " Dur ham ' ' boats are like. They were very substantial scows, and would float from fifteen to fifty tons of freight. The logs from which they were made were elevated on " horses " several feet above the ground, and a pit excavated under them in which, below, the logs, "whip-sawyers" stood while sawing or " ripping" them into planks. The boats had walks built near the gun wale on both sides on which the crew walked while propelling the clumsy craft with poles. Sometimes, when the water became too deep for " poling," a square sail was hoisted, which, how ever, was a means of but little progress. The first steamboat that ever ran upon Lake Winnebago was the Manchester, brought by Capt. Stephen Houghtaling from Buffalo, N. Y., in 1843. The woodwork was overhauled and some of it replaced at Brothertown. The craft was then taken to Taycheedah, where the machinery was repaired and put in order, and where its first trip was made. It was a small, slow boat, with well-worn locomotive machinery, and did not finish its first voyage out of Tay cheedah, as planned, being obliged to return for further repairs. In the fall of 1843, B. F. Moore ran her up the Wolf River with supplies. She was the first boat to ascend that stream, and the crew were obliged to cut away the lumber rafts and driftwood in its numerous bends before it was possible to proceed. At Shawano, the engine crank was broken, and two men, Charles Westcott and Aaron Ninham, took a portion of the broken piece to Green Bay to secure a new casting. This they soon did, and although weighing 151 pounds actually carried it on their backs through an unbroken forest and over uribridged streams back to the boat, a dis tance of more than forty miles. During the first few years she ran upon Lake Winnebago, the Manchester was mostly engaged in towing rafts of logs or lumber, transporting supplies and carrying a little freight. On one occasion, she was eleven days making a trip with a raft in tow, between Fond du Lac and Oshkosh, and frequently, in rough weather, she required two days for the same journey with only a small load. In 1847, she was overhauled and made regu lar trips. Full information as to time, passenger and freight rates, which are of interest now, may be obtained from the following notice and advertisement, copied from the Fond du Lac Whig of May 13, 1847 : " We take pleasure in inviting the attention of the public to the steamboat advertisement which appears in to-day's paper. The Manchester is a beautiful and commodious boat, com manded by Capt. Houghtaling, and fitted up for convenience or pleasure, and plies between Fond du Las and the Rapids, three times a week, and returns on alternate days. From the gentle manly bearing and enterprise of the captain, the accommodation offered by the crew, the con venience of the boat and the cheapness of the fare and freight, we hesitate not to recommend this as the best route to the rapids or any landing on the lake shores." The advertisement referred to in the foregoing is as follows : >, " 1847. Lake Winnebago Steamboat Arrangement. The Manchester, Houghtaling, Master, will run during the season between Fond du Lac and Neenah, as follows : Departures. Leaves Taycheedah, Mondays, 7 o'clock A. M. Leaves Fond da Lac, Mondays, 8 o'clock A. M., for Oshkosh, touching at Brothertown. Leaves Oshkosh, Tuesdays, 8 o'clock A. M., for Taycheedah and Fond du Lac, touching at Brothertown. Leaves Taycheedah, Wednesdays, 7 o'clock A. M. Leaves Fond du Lac, 8 o'clock A. M., for Neenah (foot of the lake,) touching at Brothertown and Oshkosh. Leaves Neenah, Thursdays, 7 o'clock A. M., for Taycheedah and ND DU LAC, HISTORY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. 399 Fond du Lac, touching at Oshkosh and Brothertown. Leaves Taycheedah, Fridays, 7 o'clock A. M. Leaves Fond du Lac, Fridays, 8 o'clock A. M. for Oshkosh, touching at Brothertown. Leaves Oshkosh, Saturdays, at 8 o'clock A. M. for Taycheedah and Fond du Lac, touching at Brothertown. Fare : From Taycheedah to Brothertown, 25 cents. From Taycheedah to Osh kosh, 50 cents. From Taycheedah to Neenah, 75 cents. From Fond du Lac to Brothertown, 25 cents. From Fond du Lac to Oshkosh, 50 cents. From Fond du Lac to Neenah, 75 cents. From Brothertown to Oshkosh, 50 cents. From Neenah to Oshkosh, 50 cents. From Neenah to Taycheedah, 75 cents. From Neenah to FOnd du Lac, 75 cents. Meals extra. Freight : Whisky, per barrel, 25 cents ; flour, 12 cents ; pork, 25 cents ; grain, per bushel, 6 cents ; household furniture, per barrel, bulk, 12^ cents. The above charges for freight are from any ofthe above ports to any other port." The next steamer after the Manchester was the Peytona, built in 1849 by the Peytona Company at Neenah, for Capt. Estes. She was one of the best boats ever built on the lake. The third steamer was the D. B. Whitaker, built by Capt. James and Mark R. Harrison, at Oshkosh, in 1849, and put to service the following year. In 1851, the Harrison Brothers (Mark R. is the artist, now living in Fond du Lac, and Capt. James is a Mississippi steamboat captain), built the John Mitchell, at Menasha. During the same year, the Ryans built at this same place the Menasha, which was the largest steamboat ever upon Lake Winne bago. She had two engines, and was elegantly appointed in every way. Soon after, the Jenny Lind was launched, and steamboating became almost a mania. There was very little freight ing to do, and if all the people on the shores of the lake had patronized the boats regularly, it would hardly have made a paying business. Everybody who put any money into steamboating at that time lost it. In 1852, John Bannister, K. A. Darling and B. F. Moore having pur chased the Peytona, ran her that season at such a loss that Bannister and Darling declared they would never touch her again. Mr. Moore therefore overhauled the boat, and ran her himself the next season, 1853, and made money enough to pay for her and all running expenses. But the others lost more disastrously than ever. During that fall and the succeeding season of 1854, B. F. Moore, of Fond du Lac, and John Fitzgerald, of Oshkosh, bought all the boats on the lake. They overhauled and ran seven of them, but laid up the balance. Among those in service were the Neenah, Barlow, Eureka, Peytona and William A. Knapp. This combination continued during 1854, 1855 and 1856, with profit to its proprietors. After that, Mr. Moore sold out to Mr. Fitzgerald, and Fond du Lac lost her shipping interests. At that time, the bar at the mouth ofthe Fond du Lac River prevented the entrance of steamers, and Mr. Moore built a pier out into the lake, which he rented to the Oshkosh Boat Company for several years afterward. In 1854, the Barlow, one of Moore & Fitzgerald's fleet, blew up at Oshkosh, killing two firemen. Henry Orr, a Scotchman, who was clerk of the Peytona, is now a millionaire, and residing an Scotland. Capt. Houghtaling, the first steamboat captain on Lake Winnebago, and who has three sons in Fond du Lac, died at Detroit of a broken blood-vessel, while returning from Pittsburgh with a boat for Lake Winnebago trafiic. Since Mr. Moore sold his boats, the shipping interests have all remained at Oshkosh, until August, 1877, when the " Fond du Lac Steamboat Company," composed of the leading business men of the city of Fond du Lac, purchased the L. P. Sheldon for $2,000. It was overhauled and christened the Commodore Benton. It was run during 1877 by Capt. Sam. Houghtaling, and during 1878 by Capt. George Lindsley. For some unaccountable reason, the enterprise did not pay, although it resulted in reducing freight on the railways between Green Bay and Fond du Lac, from 25 to 40 per cent. The Oshkosh boatmen, jealous of the Commodore Ben ton's success in securing excursion parties, raised the cry that she was an old boat, liable to explode her boilers at any moment, and that killed her passenger traffic. She was sold in the fall of 1878 to John S. McDonald for $800, who sent her to Oconto to engage in towing rafts. Fond du Lac is now neither the proprietor of any boats save lumber tugs, nor in the enjoyment 400 HISTORY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. of regular trips from boats owned elsewhere, although very large quantities of wood, logs and! lumber are brought each season by the Oshkosh steamers. THE WISCONSIN PHALANX. In the year 1843, the country was agitated to a certain extent by the discussion of Fourier's principles of association, and by the zeal with which the New York1 Tribune, and some other papers of recognized standing, defended " the science of new social relations, "vand the re-organiza tion of society. The glowing accounts received by some of the citizens of Southport (now Kenosha), Wis., concerning the prospects of several societies already commenced, was the means of bringing this subject of " the union of labor and capital," before the Franklin Lyceum of that little village, in the fall and winter of the year just named. In the discussion which fol lowed many members took part. "Its vast economies, its equitable distributions, its harmony of groups and series, its attractive industry, its advantages for schools, meetings, parties and social festivities," were all brought forth and dilated upon. On the 13th of November, 1843, the question came up for the first time before the Lyceum in the following words : " Does the system of Fourier present a practicable plan for such a re-or ganization of society, as will guard against our present social evils?" It was discussed, on the 21st of the month, by Michael Frank, T. Newell, S. Fish and E. W. Hadley, in the affirmative ; by E. M. Kinney, C. Durkee and L. P. Harvey, in the negative. On the same evening this question was proposed : " Does the system of Fourier present a practicable plan of social reform ?" It was discussed by a number of the members on the evening of the 28th. At the- same time, a third question was proposed bearing on the same subject : " Are mankind naturally so depraved, and is society composed of such discordant material, as to render the adoption of Fourier's system impracticable?" It was ably discussed on the evening of the 5th of Decem ber, 1843. On that evening, the subject came up a fourth time in the shape of this question : "Would the system of Fourier, if adopted, tend to diminish the evils of society?" This was thoroughly discussed at the next meeting — December 12, 1843 — and was the last one concerning "the union of capital and labor," brought before the Lyceum. The result of these discussions was that an organization was formed in Southport, in the spring of 1844, with a President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer, to see if the plan of Fourier could be carried into practical effect. Articles of Agreement Were drawn up and signed — the association taking the name of The Wisconsin Phalanx. Several hundred dollars were raised by the sale of stock at $25 a share. The next step was the selection of a location and the entry and pre-emption of a few hundred acres of land belonging to the General Government, where the owners of the stock were to assemble and enter at once upon a new life, socially and financially. Ebenezer Childs, a well- known citizen of Green Bay, Wis., who was familiar with many parts of the Territory, was employed by the association to hunt a proper location for trial ofthe experiment determined upon by its members. Childs took with him three men, and after about twelve days' search upon the Government domain in Central Wisconsin, came to a tract of land in Township 16, north of Range 14 east, in the county of Fond du Lac. The men who went with Childs were good judges of land, and were empowered to accept or reject such location as he should point out to them. The spot was in a beautiful valley, on a small stream that tumbled over cliffs of lime rock, and after a course of three miles, emptied its clear waters into Green Lake. Childs recommended this site as the most favorable, all things considered, of any they had yet visited, and as one eminently fitted for the location of the Wisconsin Phalanx. His companions accepted his views, and it was determined ' by them that the tract on which they stood should be the spot where the association would test its theories concerning the union of capital and labor. The next step to be taken was the purchase of a few hundred acres of land from the Gen eral Government at the place fixed upon ; and for that purpose money was collected — about HISTORY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. 401 eight hundred dollars — and put into the hands of Warren Chase, the leading spirit of the move ment. He sent the funds to Green Bay, where the land office for the Green Bay Land District was located, where several quarter-sections which had been selected were entered in the name of Michael Frank, " a quiet citizen of the village of Southport, of irreproachable character and far too honest to defraud any person, and one in whom everybody had confidence, who knew him." While these transactions were going forward, the members of the Phalanx had collected teams, cows, tools, provisions and tents, and started — nineteen men and one boy — with three horse-teams and several ox-teams to the land of promise, by way of Watertown, in Jefferson County, Wis. They left home on Monday, and after " marching and camping and camp ing and marching," reached their destination on Sunday, May 27, 1844. They camped the night before on the north bank of Silver Creek, near where the stone mill was afterward erected, in what is now the city of Ripon ; "and on the morning of May 27 — to them ever memorable — they repaired to the valley below, on the beautiful plain surrounded by hills, like an amphitheater, and one of the most beautiful spots nature has formed in Wisconsin, and there, on their own lands, pitched their tents." " They were as good material, probably, as was ever got together for a like experiment. They did not belong, even in part, to the class of ' the unappreciated, the played-out, the idle, and the good for nothing generally;' on the contrary, they were persons whose industry and general shrewdness had already been coined into a good equipment of live stock, farm materials, implements, and other necessaries for fitting out a new enterprise. What was better, they had all, as pioneers, undergone that training in hard work and privation which fortified them against discontent and homesickness. They were rather religious than irreligious, and among them were two who had studied as preachers in evangelical denominations ; but there was nothing like religious bigotry visible in the Phalanx ; on the contrary, every body was liberal." The members of this association who had thus struck boldly into an uninhabited region for, as they believed, a principle, were Alexander Todd, Jerome C. Cobb, Warren Chase, Jacob Beckwith, Nathan Hunter, John Limbert, T. V. Newell, H. Gordon Martin, William E. Hol brook, Uriah Gould, Lester Rounds, Laban Stilwell, James Stuart, William Dunham, Joseph S. Tracy, Carlton Lane, George H. Stebbins, Seth R.' Kellogg, Chester Adkins ; nineteen in all. A boy also came along, but he soon after left: On the morning of Monday, May 28, 1844, preparations began for the building of three frame houses ; the first ground was broken on that day in plowing up the sod where the cellars were to be dug ; breaking for crops was also commenced on the same day. The working force — besides the nineteen men and boy — was eight yoke of oxen and thirty-four horses. The Phalanx had, in all, fifty-four head of cattle. Their first care besides the erection of the neces sary buildings to shelter their soon-expected families, was of course to get in their crops as soon as possible, the season being already far advanced. Twenty acres of potatoes, buckwheat, turnips, and other vegetables, were put in, but a white frost on the morning of June 10 destroyed most of the corn, beans and vines. The long days were filled with toil by these hardy pioneers, and the short nights were devoted to sleep on the ground, under the tents, of which there were three. A Scotch sailor cooked for them in the open air ; and they ate their meals. on rough boards under the shade of a bower, when it did not rain ; and when it did, they ate standing, to. avoid an excess of water on the body, and because they could shed the rain better in that position. The dwellings were twenty by thirty feet each, one and one-half stories high, and thirty feet apart. They were completed from oak trees which furnished, without saw-mill, the frames, the clapboards, the shingles and the floors. Lumber for the stairs and upper floor was brought from a distance. These buildings stood on what is now Lot 2 in Block 4, and were the first houses of any kind bjailt within the present limits of the city of Ripon. In coming to their new homes, the members of the association left their families behind them. Before the three houses were inclosed some of their wives and children arrived, brought by horse teams, which were kept constantly going from and to the old and new homes. 402 HISTORY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. The next arrival at the "domain," after those who reached the valley May 28, was Ebenezer Childs. He came June 4, but only remained until the 24th of September following. On the 4th of July, a liberty pole was raised, and the stars and stripes floated proudly in the breeze. The most important improvement needed, it was now seen, was the building of a saw-mill and the erection of a dam across Silver Creek. It was late in winter before the saw-mill was in run ning order, and then the creek was too much frozen for use. The consequence was that the Phalanx had to go without many boards to protect man and beast from the inclemency of the weather, during all the cold months ; but the hay, which was abundant, supplied largely the place of boards for shelter for their animals, and was used for beds for the families. There was " broken up " and sowed to winter wheat one hundred acres of prairie the first year. When the families (about twenty, who all ate at a common table in the basement of one of the houses, where all the cooking was done) were all packed for winter quarters, and " the boys" were hunting fence timber and saw-logs on the Government land, Warren Chase started for Madison to secure a charter, or act of incorporation, for the society. The act had been care fully drawn up by him, and submitted to the members and approved, and he was authorized to secure its passage with as few amendments as possible. After much labor in lobbying, he was successful, his bill having passed the Assembly and Council, the two houses of the Territorial Legislature. It was approved by N. P. Tallmadge, on the 6th day of February, 1845, the Governor remarking, interrogatively, to Chase as he signed the act, " It will not compromise my Democracy to sign it, will it?" The charter was in these words : An Act to Incorporate the Wisconsin Phalanx. Be it enacted by the Council and House of Representatives of the Territory of Wisconsin : Section 1. That Warren Chase, Uriel Farmin, Lester Rounds, Jacob Beckwith, Laban Stilwell and William Dunham, and all others who shall become associated with them as members, shall be, and they are hereby declared to be, a body corporate, or politic, to be known and designated as the Wisconsin Phalanx, and as such corporation are hereby declared capable of suing and being sued, answering and being answered unto, pleading and being impleaded, defending and being defended, in all courts and places in all suits, actions, matters and causes whatever. And the said corporation shall have a continued and perpetual succession, and shall have power to make a common seal and change the same at pleasure. Sec. 2. The said corporation shall have power to own and hold real estate and personal property in j oint stbck, to purchase and transfer property, real or personal, at pleasure, using the common seal and signature of the corporation. But in no case shall said corporation sell and convey real estate without the consent of all the stock holders, or a special law of the Legislature of this Territory for that purpose. The evidence of stock in this cor poration shall be kept in a book denominated a stock-book, which book shall at all times be a sufficient evidence to any person or persons title to stock or interest in said corporation, and shall be a public record of the same. "Sec. 3. The property real and personal of said corporation shall be held in stock, numbered in shares of $25 each, and transferable at the will of the holder; but no transfer shall be effectual until recorded on the books of the corporation by the recording officer of the Phalanx. Sec. 4. The said corporation shall be located in the town of Ceresco, in the county of Fond du Lac, to which town the business operations of the Corporation shall at all times be restricted. Provided, however, that nothing herein contained shall be so construed as to prohibit 'the corporation from owning and occupying timbered or meadow lands in any other town, and provided further that the quantity of land held by said corporation shall never exceed forty acres to each person belonging thereto. Sec. 5. The corporations or the officers thereof, shall have no power to contract any debt in their incorporate name or by virtue of this act, to issue any notes or scrips, or evidences of debt whatever ; and if said corporation, or its Board of Managers, shall contract or assume to contract any debt in the name of said corporation, each indi vidual member thereof shall be personally liable to pay such debt. Sec. 6. Warren Chase, Lester Rounds and Uriel Farmin, are hereby authorized and empowered to open books and receive subscriptions for stock in said corporation, on the third Monday in February, A. D. 1845, at the house of Lester Rounds, in the town of Ceresco, in the county of Fond du Lac, W. T., and to continue open said books at such times and places as they shall deem proper, until the Council hereinafter mentioned shall be elected ; immedi ately after which they shall deliver said books and subscriptions to said Council. No subscriptions for stock shall be entered upon the books without the consent of all persons am horized to open said books while the same are in their possession. All subscriptions for stock not paid on or before the time designated for the payment of the same shall be forfeited. Sec. 7. The books of said corporation shall be open at all times for inspection by any member, or stockholder, or omcer of the township, county or territory, acting in his official capacity ; and the stock in said corporation owned by any shareholder shall be at all times liable to attachments and execution for the private debts of such stockholder, _ in the same manner as is provided in Sections 105, 106 and 107 of an " Act concerning judgments and executions ; and Section 107 of said act shall apply in all particulars to the corporation created by this act, and to its orncGrs. HISTORY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. 403 Sec. 8. The first meeting of said corporation shull be held at the house of Lester Rounds, in the town of Ceresco, county of Fond du Lac, on the first Monday in April, A. D. 1845, at 9 o'clock A. M., which meeting shall proceed to choose Chairman and Secretary for said meeting, after which they shall proceed to elect by ballot the following officers (a majority of votes being necessary for a choice) : One President, one Tice President, one Secretary, one Treasurer and nine Councilmen. The President and Vice President shall be ex officio members of the Council. Said officers shall hold their respective offices until the second Monday of December following, and until others shall be elected to fill their places, unless sooner removed by the Council, as hereinafter provided. Sec. 9. There shall be an annual meeting of the stockholders and members of said corporation holden on the second Monday of December in each year, in the town of Ceresco, at such place as the Council shall determine, for the election of officers to fill the places of those whose terms of office expire on the same day. Said meeting shall continue from day to day until such officers are elected. Every male member and stockholder over twenty-one years of age, present or absent, shall at all times be entitled to one vote by person or by proxy in the election of officers, but in no other case shall either a member or a stockholder vote by proxy. The term of office of each officer shall expire on the second Monday of December in each year, or as soon thereafter as another shall be elected to fill his place. Sec. 10. A person may be a stockholder without being a member ; a member without being a stockholder. Sec. 11. It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all meetings of the members or stockholders ; to sign all papers and documents for the Phalanx ; to make out and present at each annual meeting of the corporation a general statement of the affairs of the Phalanx ; and to have a general supervision of the business of the Phalanx, subject at all times to the direction of the Council. Sec. 12. The Vice President shall be President of the Council and, in the absence or disability of the Presi dent, shall perform all duties devolving upon him; in which case the Council shall elect a President pro tern. Sec. 13. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to keep all record books and papers for the Phalanx and Council, and transact such other writing as the corporation or Council may direct. Sec. 14. It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to receive, keep, disburse and pay out all moneys belonging to the corporation, pursuant to instructions from the Council, and to keep an account of all moneys received and paid out, and furnish a copy of the same to the Secretary weekly. Before entering upon the duties of his office he shall execute a bond to the corporation, with sufficient sureties to be approved of by the Council in such sums as they , shall deem proper, which bond shall be conditioned for the security, faithful keeping and disbursement of all moneys coming into his hands pursuant to the direction of the Council. Sec. 15. The President, Vice President and nine Councilmen Bhall form a Board of Managers, two-thirds of which shall form a quorum for the transaction of business. The Council shall receive and determine upon all appli cations for membership and subscriptions for stock, and no person shall be permitted to become a member or stock holder without the consent of all composing the Board of Managers. The Council shall arrange and determine all business for the corporation, both financial and industrial, and shall havespower to make such rules, regulations and by-laws for the government of members as they may deem proper ; provided always that said rules, regulations and by-laws shall in no wise conflict with the provisions of this act or with the laws of this Territory. The Council shall have power to remove the Secretary or Treasurer, or any member of their Board, by a vote of three-fourths of all the members composing the Board, for neglect or mismanagement of his official duties. The Council shall i-n case of such removal call a meeting of the members and stockholders to fill the vacancy occasioned by such removal. Sec. 16. There shall be annual meetings of the members and stockholders on the first Monday of December in each year, at which time a settlement shall be made with each member. Previous to, and preparatory for which meetings, the Council shall make or cause to be made, an assessment and appraisal of all property, real and personal, belonging to the Phalanx ; and if said appraisal shall exceed the cost and last appraisal of said property, the increase shall be divided as follows : One-fourth shall be credited as a dividend for stock, in proportion to the time said stock has been paid in since the last appraisal ; the remaining three-fourths shall be credited to labor in such man ner as the by-laws shall determine. The amount due each member or stockholder upon settlement shall be paid in money or stock, as the Council Bhall determine, but the kind of payment shall be alike to all. It shall be the duty of the Council to transact all business of the corporation not otherwise provided for. Sec. 17. The Council shall establish a public school in which shall be taught all the different branches of science usually taught in the common schools of the Territory, which school shall be open and free to the children of all the members of the corporation, and shall be continued nine months in each year. All teachers of the arts and sciences except those hereinafter excepted, shall be paid as follows, viz., three-fourths of the amount shall be deducted annually from the amount credited to capital, and one-fourth from the amount credited to labor, previous to the individual settlement with the members and stockholders. Sec. 18. There shall always be a free toleration of religious opinion, and every member shall be protected in his or her religious belief; and no member of the corporation shall ever be taxed without his or her consent for the support of any minister or teacher of religion. Sec. 19. This act may be altered, amended or repealed at any time by the Legislature of the Territory of Wis consin. Sec. 20. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Warren Chase returned from Madison armed with his charter, to the valley where the Wis consin Phalanx- had its abiding-place. " Now, we are safe," said the members, " for our prop erty will be in our own hands." On the 17th of February, 1845, Warren Chase, .Lester Rounds and Uriel Farmin, as directed by Section 6 of the charter, met at the house of Lester Rounds, in Ceresco, prepared 404 HISTORY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. and opened a book as a stock-book for the Phalanx, and commenced receiving subscriptions for stock. Officers were soon elected under the charter, and the " tempest-in-a-teapot " excitement which lasted until it was done, subsided, and the Wisconsin Phalanx was " a thing of life " in the spring of 1845. " The neighbors, who had begun to locate in the vicinity," afterward wrote Warren Chase, " were greatly alarmed by it, and most of them were sure it would do mischief; for it had great power, they said, and would monopolize." "During the summer of 1845, the saw-mill was making boards; the 'long home' was going up in sections which continued to lengthen until twenty tenements of twenty feet each were joined together in two rows, with a hall between, all under one roof with a ridiculous plan of a double front house and hip-roof, looking more like a rope-walk, or salt works, than a house." The members all lived a " unitary life," that is, they ate at a common table and worked a common farm. " But the families all had separate homes to retire to after meals. A stone schoolhouse had been erected, and a school commenced, which never stopped except for neces sary vacations, until the society ran out its race ; and then it left the children of the members qualified for teaching the other schools and children of their own ages around them. " They felt the great advantages and economies of combined labor and living ; but some were not satisfied with- the unitary life, especially of houses, and sighed for the retirement of quiet meals in family circles, as of old. Others were greatly pleased with the unitary table. Both males and females were about equally divided on this subject ; but the plans and buildings had been commenced for the unitary living, and could not easily be changed. The single men, of whom there were quite a number, were very much opposed to a change. This apple of discord finally grew until it was of sufficient power to break up the society, with other feebler aids." The evenings, after the toils of the day were ended, were divided between business and sociality. Monday night, there was a business meeting of the Council. Tuesday evening, there was a meeting of the Philolothian Society ; various subjects were discussed and a paper read called the Gleaner. Its motto was, " Let the gleaner go forth and glean, and gather up the fragments that nothing be lost." On Wednesday evening, a singing-school was held. A dance and social meeting enlivened Thursday evening. There was no meeting on Friday evening. Saturday evening was a general meeting for reports from foremen. The various branches of labor were carried on under the direction; of persons selected by the members, which persons kept in a public manner exact accounts of all labor expended in each departments — this showing the exact cost of each crop of grain, etc. At the end of each fiscal year, three-fourths of the net product was divided for the labor to each in proportion to the amount of labor performed after deducting suitable rewards for extraordinary skill. All labor was voluntary, the members working when and where they chose, and receiving credit only for the amount of work done. From the second annual statement of the Phalanx, published in the Harbinger, December 27, 1845, for the fiscal year ending the first of the month, signed by its President — Warren Chase — it appears that the estimated value of the property on hand was $27,725.22, and was wholly unencumbered. The association was free from debt, except about $600 due to members who had advanced cash for the purchase of provisions and land ; but to balance that, it had over $1,000 coming from members on stock subscriptions not then due. The whole number of hours of labor performed during the previous year, reduced to the class of usefulness, was 102,760. The number expended in cooking, etc., and deducted for the board of members was 21,170 hours. The number remaining after deducting for board was 81,500, to which the amount due labor was divided. In this statement, the washing was not taken into account, families having done their own. The whole number of weeks' board charged members (including children graduated to adults) was 4,234. The cost of board was, provisions, 44 cents and five hours' labor per week. The whole amount of property on hand was $27,725.22. The cost of prop erty and stock issued up to December 1, 1845, was $19,589.18. ' The increase during the year HISTORY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. 405 ibeing the product of labor, etc., was $8,136.04. One-fourth of this was credited to capital, being 12 per cent per annum on stock for the average time invested ; and three- fourths to labor, being 7J cents per hour. It will be seen, then, that the Phalanx was a joint-stock experiment in which it was attempted to recognize the rights of both capital and labor ; that every hour of labor was carefully recorded, and received its reward in wages — save five hours per week for each individual, which was included in the cost of board ; that one-fourth of the increase of property during the year gave to stock 12 per cent per annum ; and that three-fourths of the increase gave to labor 7J cents an hour. In the Harbinger of January 9, 1847, the third annual statement of the President of the Phalanx was published. It included an exhibit for 1846. It says: " We have now 180 resident members; 101 males, 79 females; 56 males and 37 females over the age of twenty-one years. About 80 have boarded at a public table during the past year, at a cost of 50 cents and two and a half hours' labor — whole cost, 63 cents. The others have, most of the time, had their pro visions charged to them and done their own cooking in their respective families, although their apartments are very inconvenient for that purpose. Most of the families choose this mode of living more from previous habits of domestic arrangement and convenience than from economy. We have resident on the domain 36 families and 35 single persons ; 15 families and 30 single persons board at the public table ; 21 families board by themselves, and the remaining five single persons board with them." In a pecuniary point of view, the year 1846 was less favorable than > 1845. The reasons given were ' a new farm to work,' and a light crop of wheat ; still, the Phalanx paid 5 cents an hour for labor, and 6 per cent on capital. " They have now," wrote the President, " about 40 families resident and near 2,000 acres of land, and are in a prosperous condition. During the first and part of the second year, they boarded mostly at one boarding-house, so far as eating together, but otherwise lived in separate families. Finding this mode less economical and more inconvenient than they anticipated, the families have since lived mostly entirely separate, but change occasionally, following at all times their choice. Board and provisions are advanced during the year as they are needed, always in proportion to labor done and stock, and deducted at the annual settlement from each member's account. In matters of opinion, they are not, as many suppose, a company of fanatics ; there are some among them of all varieties of opinion, from the doctrines of Swedenborg or the New Jerusalem Church, down to skepticism and infidelity. In politics, they are Democrats, Whigs, Abolitionists and Native:Reformers, with a large proportion of the latter. All this variety of opinion has a tendency to improve the public mind, but never disturbs their business opera tions. Most oi them are great readers, and they take a great variety of papers, and exchange with each other. " They are all temperance people, using no spirits except for medicine, and seldom for that, for many of them are believers in the system of hydropathy now in use, and several are also dietics [dietists], using no meat, tea or coffee ; but these are not general principles with them. They avoid, as much as possible, profane language, and endeavor to set good examples for their children. They keep up a school all the time at the expense of the society, and pay much attention to education. " They are often called Fury- ites, Four-year-ites or Fourierites, but they deny all ' ites ' and 'isms,' each individual being responsible for his own individual opinions, and nobody else's. Their society belongs to the American Union of Associationists, and with them believe in a joint- stock property, a co-operative labor and equitable distribution of property. Their efforts thus far prove as successful as they anticipated, and, with two or three exceptions, their members are contented and happy. They have no arbitrary laws, but they buy and sell stock and go or stay where and when they please. They have an excellent location, one well adapted to test the sys tem they are endeavoring to prove, and, from present appearances, seem almost certain of success." " It is a fine sight," says another writer, " at sunrise to turn from the hill west of Ceresco and look down upon the prairie stretching away to the east, with its border of heavy timber, its 406 HISTORY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY- gentle undulation, its ravines, the creek, its serpentine course marked by scattered oaks and thick bushes, until it winds down into the valley or basin which holds this little Phalanx, and, after doing its duty in driving various machinery, disappears in the distance. The long build ing with its numerous windows which is used as the dwelling of many of the families, the mills, the detached houses and offices — some built of stone and very neat in their appearance, — the numerous stacks of hay and grain, the fat and sleek-looking cattle and hogs, and the industrious inhabitants, busied about their various duties, make indeed an interesting and beautiful scene." The following is the statement for the year ending December 6, 1847 : The Wisconsin Phalanx was organized as an Industrial Association, in the spring of 1844, and commenced practical operations May 27 of the same year, in the unoccupied town since called Ceresco, which makes this the fourth annual settlement. The moral and social condition of the Phalanx has experienced no sudden and striking changes ; yet it is believed that those who look not alone upon the external surface of things, will have noticed that decided and constant progress, which must ever attend the earnest efforts of truthful men and women to place themselves in just and harmonious relations to each other. The social intercourse of the members is governed by that correct moral feeling, which must be gratifying to all who come within its influence. Religious meetings of some kind have been sustained regularly during the year, and occasional opportunities have occurred of listening to lectures on reform from some of the leading reformers of the age. In the education department, we have not yet been able to make that improvement which we desire, owing to the want of sufficient buildings and conveniences for reducing the management of this branch to lhat regular system, which, by an adaptation of external circumstances to the internal nature, harmoniously unfolds that " variety in unity" without which there is no complete educational development. Music, vocal and instrumental, has been taught to some extent, yet, laboring under the disadvantages mentioned above, there has not been that attention paid to its cultivation which its importance demands. For want of materials and from a determination to free ourselves from debt and contract none for any improve ments, we have not yet built so as to establish a library and reading-room — but there are taken by the members 136 copies of newspapers and periodical publications of thirty-nine different kinds, a constant interchange of which (comprising as they do the best publications of the age) gives us many facilities for information which isolated society cannot possess. The number of resident members is 157, viz., 84 males, 73 females — 32 males and 39 females under twenty-one years; 52 males and 34 females over twenty-one years; 18 persons above the age of twenty-one unmarried. The whole number of resident families is 32 — we have resident with us, who are not members, one family and four single persons. Four families and two single persons have left during the year, the stock of all of whom has been purchased, except of one family and one single person — the former intends returning, and the latter one owes but $25. We have lost by death the past year three persons — one married lady, aged thirty-five, and two infants — all by consump tion. Generally, the health of the members has been remarkably good. The Phalanx has sustained a public boarding-house during the latter and major part of the year on an improved plan from the former method, at which most of the single persons and part of the families have boarded at a cost of 75 cents per week. The remaining familes board at their own apartments. The number of hours' labor performed during the year, reduced to the medium class, is 93,446. The whole amount of property at the appraisal is $32,564.18. The net profits of the year are $9,029.73, which gives a divi dend to stock of nearly 7| per cent and 7 3-10 cents per hour to labor. The Phalanx has purchased and canceled during the year $2,000 of stock ; we have also by the assistance of our mill (which has been in operation since June), and from our available products, paid off the incumbrance of $1, 095.33, with which we commenced the year— made our mechanical and agricultural improvements, and advanced to members in rent, provisions, clothing, cash, etc., $5,237.07. The annexed schedule specifies the kinds and valuation of the property on hand. Seventeen hundred and thirteen acres of land at $3 $ 5,139 00 Agricultural improvements 3 509 77 Agricultural products 5 244 16 Mechanical improvements 12 520 00 ' Livestock 2,983 50 Farm and garden tools j 219 77 Mechanical tools 380 5Q Personal property, miscellaneous 1 567 42 Amount $32 564 18 Benjamin Wright, President. Note— At the annual charter election of the Phalanx, held December 13, the following persons were elected: Stephen Bates, President; William Starr, Vice President; Uriel Farmin, Secretary; A. Devine Wright, Treasurer; Jacob Beckwith, Jacob Woodruff, Carlton Lane, Chester Adkins, Benjamin Wright, Robert D. Mason, James Hebden, Seth B. Kellogg and Benjamin Shelden, Councilors. The report for 1848 shows the Phalanx as still a paying institution. It gave a dividend to stockholders of 6£ per cent, and 6J cents an hour for labor. The next year, 1848, divided HISTORY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. 407 about 8 per cent on the capital. For the year 1849, the Phalanx had 120 residents ; 8J cents were paid an hour for work. The cost of board was 75 cents per week. It will thus be seen that financially the institution was a success ; socially, however, it was a failure and steps were taken looking to its dissolution. The following act of the Legislature was approved January 29,1850: An act to amend an act entitled " An act to incorporate theTVisconsin Phalanx.' The People of Ihe State of Wisconsin represented in Senate and Assembly do enact as follows : Section 1. An act entitled "An act to incorporate the Wisconsin Phalanx," • approved February 6, 1845,- is hereby so amended as to allow and authorize the council to sell and convey real estate by their official act ; also to lay out and have recorded a village plat, with streets and squares and public lots. Sec 2. The said act is further amended by repealing sections sixteen and seventeen of the same. Sec. 3. It shall not be lawful for the council or other officers of said Phalanx to purchase real estate in their corporate capacity after the passage of this act. Sec. 4. This act shall take effect from and after its passage. Moses M. Strong, Speaker ofthe Assembly. • Samoel W. Beall, Lieutenant Governor and President of the Senate. In April, 1850, an appraisal ofthe lands ofthe Phalanx was fixed upon in small lots (some being cut into village and some into farm lots). They then commenced selling at public sale for stock, making the appraisal the minimum, and leaving any lands open to entry, after they had been offered publicly. During the summer of 1850, most of the lands were sold, and most of the capital stock canceled, under an arrangement by which each stockholder should receive his pro portional share of any surplus, or make up any deficiency. Most of the members bought either farming lands or village lots and became permanent inhabitants. They divided about 8 per cent above par on the stock. Some of the members regretted the dissolution, others seemed to care very little about it. The social features, which many disliked, and speculation of members outside the institution, brought on the death-throes of the Wisconsin Phalanx. The names of all those who were members of the society during its existence are as follows : Warren Chase, Mary P. Chase, Milton M. Chase, Charlotte D. Chase, Albert Chase, Lester Rounds, Aurillia Rounds, Sterling P. Rounds, Rhoda A. Rounds, Horace E. Rounds, James Stuart, Almira Stuart, Agnes Stuart, Robert L. Stuart, John P. Stuart, Helen P. Stuart, Thomas Stuart, Frederick O. Stuart, Jacob Beckwith, Hannah Beckwith, James G. Tracy, Joseph S. Tracy, Uriah Gould, Nathan Hunter, Chester Adkins, Laban Stilwell, Julia Stil well, William B. Stilwell, Rachael Stilwell, Julia A. Stilwell, Charles E. Stilwell, Truman V. Newell, Esther Newell, Charlotte E. Newell, Asa Bissell Newell, William E. Holbrook, Will iam Dunham, Almira Dunham, Adelia A. Dunham, William H. Dunham, Carlton Lane, Har riet Lane, W. Irvin Lane, Eugene F. Lane, Charles W. Lane, Alpheus Lane, H. Gordon Martin, Julia Martin, Augustus Martin, Mary Etta Martin, Robert Martin, Caroline Martin, Alexander Todd, Jerome T. Cobb, George H. Stebbins, Mrs. George H. Stebbins, Seth R. Kellogg, Ebenezer Childs, William Seaman, Arelisle Seaman, Arelisle C. Seaman, William H. Seaman, Charles F. Seaman, Charles W. Henderson, Harriet Henderson, George H. Hen derson, Antoinette Henderson, Daniel Hager, Volney C. Mason, Hiram Barne3, Eliza Barnes, Mary E. Barnes, Marshall Barnes, Uriel Farmin, Eliza Farmin, Mareellus Farmin,' Marcelia Farmin, Albert Farmin, Luther Jenette Farmin, Isabel E. Town, Hiram S. Town, Edward D. Town, Nathan Strong, Sarah Strong, Sylvia H. Strong, Phoebe Ann Strong, Betsey Strong, William Boutelle, David B. Dumham, James Hebden, George Limbert, Margaret Limbert, John Limbert, Elizabeth Limbert, Newton O. Adkins, William D. Strong, Eunice Strong, Harriet N. Strong, Henry V. Strong, Ann Eliza Strong, Cynthia A. Strong, Alice A. Strong, James M. Bacon, Corintha Bacon, Ellen A. Bacon, Emma J. Bacon, Eveline F. Bacon, Emer- ette L. Bacon, William Workman, L. M. Parsons, Oscar Wilson, Jacob Woodruff, Warren W. Braley, Morris Farmin, Lucinda M. Farmin, Hiram Farmin, Giles Farmin, Mahlon Farmin, Almira Farmin, Otis H. Capron, Robert Shelden, Gilbert Lane, Benjamin Shelden, Isaac Russell, Mary Anna Russell, Nathan H. Strong, Sarah Strong, Lewis G. Strong, Benjamin F, 408 HISTORY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. Strong, Sarah A. Strong, James R. Strong, Emily Strong, Asenath Hubbell, William W. Hubbell, John A. Hubbell, George W. Clark, Mary M. Clark, W. H. Clark, George Clark, Gersham Danks, Caroline A. Danks, Adeline E. Danks, Henry C. Danks, Richard D. Mason, William Starr, Linus B. Brainard, James Clarkson, Job Bennett, Stephen Bates, Emily Bur gess, Russel Smith, Eliza Smith, Julia M. Smith, Hezekiah G. Smith, Martin L. Smith, Ellen E. Smith, Phoebe Ann Smith, James M. Edgerton, Byron S. Sanborn, Adaline Sanborn, Josephine M. Sanborn, Arabella A. Sanborn, Caroline M. Sanborn, Mary A. Sanborn, Betsey Parsons, Levi Parsons, Pamila Woodruff, Frank Woodruff, Mary R. Wilson, Samuel Babcock, Rachael Babcock, Aaron C. Babcock, Henry C. Babcock, Walter S. Babcock, Stephen V. Babcock, Simeon Babcock, Hitty Ann Babcock, Charles F. Timan, Mrs. Sophia Stevens, William P. Stevens, Eunice E. Stevens, Duane Doty Stevens, Robert Miller, Margaret Miller, Margaret A. Miller, William Miller, Elizabeth Miller, Minerva J. Miller, Mary Jane Miller, Lucina Miller, John Irving, Mary Irving, Elsy M. Irving, Isabella Miller, George Miller, Lucy M. Kellogg, Agnes Kellogg, Helen S. Kellogg, Sarah Limbert, Emma J. Limbert, Al bert Shepard, Nancy Shepard, Merrit Shepard, Albert Shepard, Jr., Mary Bennett, David 0. French, James M. Boutelle, Charles W. Carntz, David D. Martin, Mary E. Martin, Mary J. Martin, Cassius C. Martin, Esther Martin, Louisa Shelden, Olive Slielden, Shelden, Mary J. Lane, Elihu R. Rounds, Melissa B. Rounds, Mary J. Rounds, Lucy A. Hunter, James M. Clark, Mrs. Celestia M. Clark, James Maxwell Clark, Miss Celestia M. Clark, Alice Caro line Clark, Benjamin Wright, Sally Wright, A. D. Wright, Julia A. Wright, S. J. Wright, Melvira M. Wright, David Simpson, Harriet Edgerton, Leroy Edgerton, Orrin Devine Wright, Melissa J. Adkins, George Adkins, Garrett H. Baker, Elmina Baker, Mary Eliza Baker, Ellen L. Baker, Hannah D. Baker, Charlotte A. Haven, Harriet H. Haven and Matthew Limbert. Warren Chase, the leader of the Ceresco Colony, was born in Pittsfield, N. H., January 5, 1813. Was educated at the academies of Pittsfield and Gilmanton, N. H., and in 1835 emi grated to Michigan and settled in Monroe, where he married Mary T. White, of Newport, N. H., who died in November, 1875, leaving three children, the eldest, Milton Chase, M. D., now living in Otsego, Mich., and who was Assistant Surgeon of the Sixth Michigan Volunteer In fantry during the war, the second, Mrs. C. C. Whelpley, residing in Cobden, 111., and the third, Albert, Chase, residing in St. Mary's, Mo., not married. In the spring of 1838, Mr. Chase moved from Monroe to Southport, Wis. (now Kenosha), Where he resided till the spring of 1844, when he came with a colony and settled in the northwestern corner township of this county which at that time had no settler and which the colony named Ceresco (now Ripon.) He re sided there until 1853, when he moved to Battle Creek, Mich. During this time, he held the office of Chairman of the Board of Supervisors one year, was elected a member from this county, of the two Constitutional Conventions, and to the first State Senate from this and Winnebago Counties, which then constituted the Senatorial District. In the second session of the Senate, he was on the Judiciary Committee when the revised statutes were adopted.* In 1872, Mr. Chase was elected one of the Presidential Electors of Missouri, residing then in St. Louis. In 1876, he moved to California and settled in Santa Barbara, where he now resides and is editor of the Santa Barbara Independent. In September, 1879, he was elected to the State Senate of California for three years from the three counties of Santa Barbara, Ventura and San Luis Obispo, and took his seat in the Senate of that State January 5, 1880, the day- he was sixty-seven years old. * He was the Free-Soil candidate for Governor of the State in 1850, and on the Electoral Ticketfor Hall and Julien in 1852, and delegate to the National Convention, CHAPTER V. Fond du Lac County Bible Society— County Court House and Jail — County Poor Farm and Buildings— Agriculture in Fond du Lac County— The Dairying Interests of Fond du Lac County — County Agricultural and Mechanical Society— Ripon Agri cultural Association — Plank Roads — Railroads— Fond du Lac County a Quarter of a Century Ago— A Terrible Disaster. FOND DU LAC COUNTY BIBLE SOCIETY. On the 17th day of June, 1847; a meeting of the friends of the Bible cause was held at the Court House, in the village of Fond du Lac, for the purpose of forming a Bible Society for the county, which should be auxiliary to the North Wisconsin Bible Society. A constitution was presented and adopted, after which William H. Sampson was elected President ; M. S. Gib son, Vice President ; L. C. Spofford, Secretary, and K. Gillett, Treasurer. These officers were chosen for one year. The object of the Society was declared, by the constitution, to be " to pro mote the circulation of the Scriptures without note or comment." For the next twenty years annual and called meetings were held to promote the circulation of the Bible within the county, when, on February 24, 1867, at an annual meeting, a new constitution was adopted. The society was now named " The Bible Society of Fond du Lac County, Auxiliary to the American Bible Society." The object of the Society was declared to be " to promote the circulation of the Holy Scriptures, ' without note or comment,' and, in English, those of the commonly re ceived version." The officers under the new constitution (elected for one year) were, for Presi dent, I. K. Hamilton; Vice President, N. C. Griffin; Secretary, J. E. Peabody; Treasurer, J. C. Huber. At the annual meeting held December 15, 1878, John S. McDonald was elected President; Prof. C. A. Hutchins, Vice President ; P. B. Haber, Secretary, and J. C. Huber, Treasurer. COUNTY COURT HOUSE AND JAIL. The Court House is by no means a credit to the county of Fond du Lac, nor in keeping with its wealth and importance. Another building to take its place is expected soon to be erected. As a new Court House is now a necessity and likely soon to be a reality, the present rickety structure, which, during ten years, has been the butt of all manner of jokes by judges, lawyers, newspapers and travelers, will be dealt with more briefly in this history than it otherwise would have been. On the 4th of March, 1844, Dr. Mason C. Darling and Naomi Darling, his wife, executed a warranty deed to the Board of Supervisors of the county of Fond du Lac, Territory of Wis consin, of the land on which the Court House now stands, the consideration being $ 1 in hand paid, and a contract to build and locate a County Court House thereon. This parcel of land is on the corner of Main street and Western avenue, and is described in the deed as follows : "North half of the northeast quarter of Section 15, Town 15 north, of Range 17 east, of the Fourth Meridian east, in Green Bay Land District, and containing 90,000 square feet." At the same time, Dr. Darling entered into the following bond : Know all Men by these Presents, That I, Mason C. Darling, of Fond du Lac, county of Fond du Lac, Ter ritory of Wisconsin, am hereby held and firmly bound unto the Board of Supervisors of the county of Fond du Lac, in the sum of $500, good and lawful money of the United States, to be paid to the said Board of Supervisors or their successors, to which payment well and truly to be made, I do bind myself, my heirs, executors and adminis trators firmly by these presents, sealed with my seal, and dated this 4th day of March, A. D. 1844. The condition K. A. P. Darling, \ witmsses_ [Signed] Mason C. Darling. 410 HISTORY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. of this obligation is such that if the above bounden Mason C. Darling, shall provide, or cause to be provided, a suit able room for the use of the county of Fond du Lac, free of expense, then this obligation shall be null and void,. otherwise to remain in full force and virtue. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year first above written. K. A. P. Darling, 1 Helen M. Darling, j These instruments were acknowledged before Alonzo Raymond, Justice of the Peace, and recorded by Oscar Pier, Register of Deeds, on the same day. On the 14th of October, 1846, the Board of Supervisors accepted plans for a Court House by Brown & Arnold (Isaac Brown and Leonard Arnold) and directed that the plans be left with Edward Pier for the inspection of mechanics. The Board paid Arnold $10 for plans and specifications. The manner of paying for the Court House and " Gaol " (jail) was determined by the Super visors like this : October 14, 1846, $1,400 was appropriated out of the treasury for the jail, which was a part of the building ; one-half of balance to be paid February 1, 1848, and the residue, February 1, 1849. With a drollery not appreciated at the time, doubtless, it was solemnly ordered that if anything remained after the "residue" had been paid, it should draw 10 per cent interest. At a special session of the Board, the report of the Building Committee was accepted September 11, 1848, adding $100 for " stoves and fixtures for the Court House." The building, above the basement, which is of stone and was the first County Jail, is of wood, and three stories in height. The second floor is used for elections by the town of Fond du Lac, and for jury rooms, and the third floor for elections by the First Ward of the city, and for holding terms of the County and Circuit Courts. It is dirty, shabby, and poorly ventilated ; nevertheless, the wits of the State have exhausted their stock-in-trade in praising it, as witness the following : "The same year that Wisconsin was admitted into the Union as a State, Fond du Lac County built a Court House. At that time, it was regarded as a model architectural pile, and it was built to stay. It was founded upon a rock ; for men were ¦ pure in those days ; and the winds and rains of forty years have beat upon that house, and still it stands, a noble wreck in ruinous perfection. The elements have failed to sap it, and no amount of prayer or profanity has been sufficient to consign it to ' where the worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched.' Incendiaries, who are thoroughly depraved and have not one redeeming quality, have persist ently and maliciously withheld the torch. Like the Pennsylvania Democrat, who has wended his way to the polls every election since 1840, and consistently put in a vote for Gen. Jackson, the Fond du Lac Court House maintains its position and repels all innovations. The story that the wood of which a part of it is composed was once a part of a celebrated vessel, and that a boy who was on board the vessel cut his name in one of the planks with a jack-knife, is doubt less untrue. It is believed that a young lawyer, in Judge McLean's court, cut the name him self, while waiting for the opposing counsel to make his plea, and that the word is ' Joseph,' instead of ' Japhet.' And still the building is pretty old." The following imaginative sketch is from a Fond du Lac paper: "The plans for our elegant new Court House were drawn up a few days before election. The building was to cost not less than $9,000,000. The contract, which has been awarded, required that the mate rial should be purchased at the following rates : Stone, $1,000 per cord ; lumber, $956 per thousand ; shingles, $100 per thousand, and nails $40 per pound. "The building is now finished and ready for occupancy. It stands on the old site, at the head of Fourth street, and is an imposing structure. It is 400x400 feet square, 100 feet from the ground to the cornice and 400 feet to the splendid bronze statute on the dome. It is built of the finest Parian marble, trimmed with purple porphyry. The basement is for the use of the County Board, and has a committee-room in the back end with walls forty feet in thickness. It has no windows, and but one small iron door. In one corner is a splendid bar-room and back of it a poker-room. The first floor above the basement is divided into six rooms — three on either side of the hallway— which are occupied by the Clerk of the Court, County Clerk, Register of HISTORY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. 411 Deeds and County Superintendent. The second floor is the court room. It takes up the entire dimensions of the building, with the exception of the vestibule. At the west end is the bench for the Judge. It is built of solid granite, trimmed with pearl and Mt. Ophir gold, the seat being hollow for ice in summer and hot air or coals in winter. Under the desk is a large cup board with time-lock, for bottles and demijohns, and a newly invented beautiful spirit lamp ingeniously arranged for making toddies. These are all out of sight of the audience. On the -right of the bench is a monster pair of highly finished and perfect scales, in which every case is weighed by the Judge ; and on the left a dungeon in which refractory witnesses are confined until they will swear as they have been instructed. The garret is used for empty bottles. " The dome is a beautiful piece of workmanship, something of which the tax-payers should be proud, for it is not every county that can boast of a steeple 400 feet high and surmounted by a bronze statue. The whole building is carpeted and richly furnished, and is lighted with electricity. "It is indeed a magnificent pile, shimmering in the sunlight like a mountain of jewels, and giving all better thoughts by its striking resemblance to the walls of the City of Life. It is the temple of justice, whose glittering dome shines like a beacon far over the prairies, rivers and lakes, guiding the benighted travelers from Green Bay, Sheboygan, Madison and Milwaukee to the Second City, with all her splendors and purity of politics." The County Register's office, which may be called an appendage of the Court House, a one-story building of brick, stone and iron, was finished in 1854, by John Nichols, and cost about $1,200. It is fire proof, the floor and walls being stone and roof being covered with .ashes to the depth of two feet. There were no fire-proof rooms in the Court House, which fact made necessary the erection of this building, which stands on the northwest corner of the lot donated in 1844 by Dr. Mason C. Darling to the county for county buildings. It is now as full of records as is convenient, and if a new Court House is not built soon, a new Register's office will be required. When the Court House was erected, it combined a court-room, offices for all county offi cials and a jail in the heavy stone basement. After a few years, this basement not only got out of repair, but was too small for all intended purposes, namely, a place of confinement for pris oners and a residence for the Sheriff and Jailer. Therefore, in 1869, the County Board made an appropriation for the erection of a county jail building, and the contract was let to Theodore Eul. The superintending architect was Thomas H. Green, of Fond du Lac, but the specifica tions and plans, which required that the structure should be of stone and iron, were by G. P. Randall, of Chicago. It was finished ready for occupancy in 1869 ; is located on the west side of Linden street, not far from Western avenue, in the city of Fond du Lac, and cost $42,000. The main walls are of Fond du Lac gray limestone, with dressings for the doors and windows, ¦of Joliet stone. The cells, of which there are twenty-eight single and six double ones, arranged in two tiers, are inclosed by slabs of Joliet stone. The portion of the jail building used as a residence and office by the Sheriff, is 34x45 feet, and two and one-half stories high, with base ment for kitchen and storerooms. The prison proper is 34x58 feet, two stories high and very strongly built. The outer walls, through which prisoners have several times made their escape, were strengthened with iron in 1878. No prisoners ever escaped when locked in their cells. COUNTY POOK FARM AND BUILDINGS. The County Poor Farm consists of 172 acres of as good farming lands as exist in Fond du Lac County, situated in Sections 21 and 28, town of Fond du Lac. The first purchase of land for the purpose of supporting and furnishing a home and a place to work for the indigent inhab itants of the county, was made in December, 1856, being seventy acres of the present farm. The cost was $2,640. Other tracts have since been add«d, the last being by M. W. Simmons, •of twenty-six acres, at a cost of $1,040. Thus the whole farm embraced 176 acres, less the ¦right of way for the Chicago & North-Western, and the Fond du Lac, Amboy k Peoria (narrow 412 HISTORY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. gauge) Railways. -The farm is in an excellent state of cultivation, nearly enough potato.es, wheat, oats, rye, corn and vegetables for the paupers and insane being produced from it. Cows are also kept, which produce milk and butter, and, in 1879, 10,000 pounds of pork and 2,000 pounds of beef were produced and packed on the farm. To do this, not a dollar was expended by the county for labor, the paupers under Michael Gaertner, Overseer of the farm, being able to perform all the work of tilling, seeding, harvesting and storing. This is a better showing than for previous years, because never before had there been so many paupers able to perform manual labor sent to the Poor, Farm. . The buildings, except the Insane Asylum, erected in 1878, are not worthy of extended mention. The building occupied by the Overseer of the Poor Farm is of wood, and those occupied by the paupers are of gravel and considerably out of repair; that is, they are old and cracked. They were all erected by the county. Until 1878, the incurably insane and all the paupers, whether sick or not, were confined together. This was a source of trouble to the Overseer, of danger to the paupers, and of annoyance and continued irritation to the demented. Therefore, during 1878, under the statutes which grant authority to each county to provide for the incurably insane by and within its own borders, a commodious, substantial and beautiful building of brick, iron and stone was erected. The architect was Thomas H. Green,, of Fond du Lac, and the cost about $7,000. It is a model building for asylum purposes, and its inmates are as comfortable, safe and well cared for as those of the State hospitals for the insane. The main building is 28x70, with thirty-two dormitories, arranged in two tiers, sixteen on each floor. The building is two stories high, with basement. On the west side is a wing 14xl7J feet, used as a reception room below and for the attendants above. The entire building is ceiled with matched and beaded oak, and is provided with an admirable system of ventilation. It contains two Boyanton furnaces for warmth, in which wood cut on the farm is burned. Although in use only one year, the asylum is nearly full of incurables. At the beginning of 1880, the county poor buildings had fifty-eight inmates. Of these, thirty-one are insane. .The list shows that twenty-one are chargeable to Fond du Lac City, three to Fond du Lac Town, two to Ashford, three to Auburn, three to Alto, one to Calumet, two to Friendship, one to For est,, three to Eldorado, four to Lamartine, one to Metomen, two to Ripon, three to Oakfield, two to Osceola, two to Waupun, two to Taycheedah, and three are "transients." Up to the December session of the County Board in 1879, the general system of support ing the paupers of the county had been in vogue. That is, all the expenses of maintaining the Poor Farm and its inmates, as well as furnishing fuel, clothing and food to those indigent per sons who did not live at the farm, was charged to the whole county in a general tax. This was not satisfactory to all cities and towns, as some of them had no paupers and others had a large number of them. Under this system, the county was divided into three districts, and the County Board, by statute authority, elected a Superintendent of Poor for each district. This was supplanted by the town system in December, 1879. The Superintendents offices were abolished and the Chairman of each town and ward charged with looking after the poor of his precinct. The County Farm is kept up, but the expense of running it and supporting the paupers is charged to the towns or wards which have paupers thus maintained, in proportion to the number each has been credited with at the farm. The average cost of supporting the paupers and incurably insane, including all salaries, medical attendance and aid furnished to families not at the county farm, has been about $12,000 per year. It is thought the new system will reduce these figures somewhat. Before the county purchased a Poor Farm in 1856, its paupers were cared for at certain rates by C. D. Kendall, who lived near the present Poor Farm. HISTORY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY". 413 AGRICULTURE IN FOND DU LAC COUNTY. He who follows agriculture is the pioneer in all new countries, and prepares the way for lawyer, editor, miller, minister, blacksmith, and all others who depend upon anything but farm ing for a livelihood, and who never fail to come after them when the soil has been made suffi ciently productive. The early settlers of Fond du Lac County were no exception to this rule. On the 21st of April, 1837, Colwert and Edward Pier turned the first furrow in the county about one mile south of where the Court House now stands in the city of Fond du Lac. Six days later, they sowed wheat, oats and peas. The year before this, a few potatoes and garden vege tables were raised near the corner of Brooke and Rees streets, in the city of Fond du Lac, by Colwert Pier. In the town of Waupun .the work of tilling the soil was begun in the spring of 1839, by Seymour Wilcox, John N. Ackerman and Hiram Walker. They raised no wheat, but had potatoes, corn and roots enough for their own use. From these small beginnings agriculture has grown to astonishing proportions in Fond du Lac County, and, although considerable attention is given to manufacturing, still represents the bulk of capital and population. Any other condition of things would be unnatural, as, with its rich soil and good markets, the county has always furnished a field for the most profitable returns of industry, skill and means applied to the labor of tilling the ground. The whole county is more than usually well watered. Where there are no springs, lakes and streams, good water is obtained at a moderate depth. Generally speaking, the soil is most suitable for raising wheat, or was when new, and that has always been the principal product. Winter wheat was largely sown at first and returned profitable yields, especially in the "openings." Spring wheat throve better on the prairies, where the soil was less adapted to winter grain, and the winter winds were more severe. Win ter grain was abandoned almost entirely, and for twenty-five years, up to 1879, spring wheat has taken the lead. In the fall of that year, owing to the unprofitable returns from an overworked soil, and the disastrous effects of drought, chinch-bugs and weevil, large quantities of winter wheat were put in everywhere in the county. The nine towns constituting the western portion of the county of Fond du Lac — Ripon, Metomen, Alto, Waupun, Springvale and Rosendale — in soil and surface, differ somewhat from the towns lying east of them. Nature seems to have indicated this difference by extending Lake- Winnebago southward, in part dividing the east from the west on the borders of the timber and prairie. In the nine towns just named, there are prairies, openings and marshes, and originally, there were groves of heavy forest trees. The territory is well watered by springs and brooks, by Silver Creek, and by branches of Rock, Fond du Lac, and Grand Rivers. The soil is an argillaceous loam, moderately mixed with sand and lime, and resting on a thin layer of lime stone much broken and occasionally interspersed with knobs of gravel ; underlying the whole is a red sandstone which occasionally crops out in the ravines. On a few of the highest points on the prairies, mostly in the towns of Ripon and Metomen, the limestone comes to the surface, but, in some of the higher points in the openings, the gravel appears at the surface. This por tion of the county, as elsewhere explained, dates the commencement of its settlement virtually in the years 1844 and 1845, although there were a few settlers there before those years. Most of the first farmers came from New England, and adopted, generally, the mode of farming then practiced in the East. Since that time, experience as to the capacity of the soil and as to the climate, has caused, of course, considerable change in the methods of farming in this region as it has elsewhere. The towns in the eastern portion of the county have more lime in the soil, more swamps of tamarack and ash, more glades of wild hay, more tracts of heavy timber, more hills, more gravel beds and more heavy outcroppings of limestone. In short, the soil and capacity of farms are more diversified. The towns through which the "Ledge" extends are more adapted to the successful raising of sheep than those which have more glades and meadow lands. Some portions are also well 414 HISTORY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. adapted to the dairying and stock raising, and the profit of adding these departments of farm ing to that of simple plowing and sowing has recently become apparent. Nearly every town now has one or more cheese factories, and some have creameries also, factories for making first butter and then "skimmed" cheese from the same milk. The quality of the butter and cheese made in Fond du Lac County is first-class. Wheat and hay produced here are second in quality to the products of no other county, and large quantities of pork, wool and beef, of excellent quality, are annually exported. The city of Fond du Lac is one of the best and most extensive wheat and wool markets in the State, while the city of Ripon is a leading point in the exporta tion of live stock. The town of Ripon leads all other towns in fruit raising, although producing orchards may be found in all sections of the county. Grapes, cherries and all kinds of berries are grown with profit wherever the farmers are disposed to devote the necessary labor and skill to their culture. The business of breeding thorough-bred stock of all kinds has also got a strong foothold. In the cattle department, B. C. Matteson, of Rosendale, stands at the head, while A. Hargrave, of Ripon, Dorian Mihills, of Taycheedah, and Sexmith Brothers, of Fond du Lac, are engaged in the same line. In the sheep department Henry Corliss, of Ripon, Ben. J. Gilbert, of Fond du Lac, and Bushnal Dodd, of Rosendale, are the leading breeders of blooded stock. Farmers have recently turned their attention to' raising sugar cane, and the contracted crop for 1880 is a large one. The plan is for farmers to contract with the owners of sugar factories for any number of acres at $25 per acre, provided the crop averages, for instance, five stalks to the hill and the rows of hills are only three feet apart. The syrup made from amber sugar cane is pleasant to the taste, very sweet, of a beautiful amber color and commands a ready sale, being adapted to nearly all the departments in which sugar is used. For 1875, the State census reports show that the county produced 90,302 acres of wheat, ' 21,966 of oats, 16,755 of corn, 4,494 of barley, 234 of rye and 50 acres of hops. FARM PRODUCTS FOR 1859. NAMES OF TOWNS. Ashford Auburn Byron , Eden Osceola Calumet Empire Forest Marshfield Taycheedah Fond du Lac (Town Friendship Lamartine Waupun Village Waupun Town Oakfield Eldorado Springvale Ripon Town Metomen Alto Rosendale Total 6 ft 85533940 11556 6968 35447558 9317468994298145 7390 2554 11481 1436 12598 16235 14860 22143 1852915010 1719918447 2722521186 300 10167 7241 352 90 7540 4035 300 400200 81 1040 100 37812 1428077608 3741318049 42226 39615 22265 5556237544 19675 5103 42381 10095 6783668819 51923 109941144262130467 143593 84619 o o 2949 627 6763 2241 '556 14565048 754 133110546177 256 3239 190 315997042628687424244165 19397943 7802 308967055256268680425789633189508405 4367 23126723 269369208654 10332 96789508 671667348388 9 o r 9 5 118 10 1590 109 400272 174 451 126 2S6 232561 80257 1176088 71477142082 $1967 646954 $880043 $141798)$1021841 16019 131593462531614 12188 19347 28450 15940 18119 29775 26235 12850 37850 1159037175 40675 42890 45970 39765 42595 4617543948 33035 14779 4767230442 1262830833 42085 19934366363888031730 8360 4415711192 49875 5961357271 76135 64185589676112870556 .l-o as r 6731 3230 7947 48332714 5203 4855 4161 5837 60106105232965345090 90378674831392198904 12250 7556 8166 OC3 39766 18009 5561935275 1534234086 46940 24095424734489037835 10689506911628258912682876558485354 7308971217 68684 78722 FOND DU VAC HISTORY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. 417 NUMBER OE ACRES OF FARM PRODUCTS FOR 1879. APPLE ORCHARD. NAMES OF TOWNS. Wheat. Corn. Oats. Barley. Eye. Potatoes Root Crops. No. Of A cres No. of Bearing Trees. Hops. Cultiva ted Grass. Gro'g Timber. 45752792 379350405496 14763020 4753 3038 42002116*4300 4316 7710 4573 2498" 15935490691657804556* 428 36 750 574 1537 576f 712 426489 892958400548 1000 295 20301084 ' 500322 1120 1150 493 13-38* 148 5 1050 828 1038 975} 1051 920455 10691121 620 716| 1000 975 12901098 650 322 11701137 745 924 9916 525573- 563697* 547 220 236491 749300637i400486 745 543240 129 270697^344f 431 i 78 25 184 35 60 13 6 4 20 1115 66 15 41 35 10 32 125* 21 9 125 132* 111*134122 212 82 137 94 110 59} 189 135100 74* 160 2669 167184 89| 19 175 89| 112*206* 98f67 155 169f 74 100 44| 120 70 93 281 87 42 217236 49* 142f 49 3 4736 1727314058502757 1650 29143811 1853 2570 13031040 1440 4510 90862150 1009 885097481538 46474477 200 8* 2* 1 15751332 1269 2638 1410 21320 2659 1694 27994000 1246 3300 915 3775 2550 1300 407 1221 2620 44 1944 199 2950 6688 Alto 683 2270 7824 Eden 1776 2039 3 4 1353 771 1200 7 1654 900 212 1665 Oakfield li 1581 6250 349 7 846 1113 2444 3 977 Oity of Waupun, North Ward 32 Total 87538 17368} 19270 9903* 724} 2523J 36* 2683} 81106 12 60212 45577 farm products eor 1879 — (Continued). NUMBER OF BUSHELS. NAMES OF TOWNS. Wheat. Corn. Oats. Barley. Bye. Potatoes. Root Crops. Apples. Clover Seed. Timothy Seed. 50905 45247 639708455068194 19724 48254 71990 3355943800 336735830044064861305823023800 73531 71128 621196439459385 5922 640 1710022390 485452559425830 8703 211282629827417 11823 2753024000 5034 43810 37935 14000 4501546755 49865 16800 24590 4483 328593239237825 44034 36875308202676935398 3255919852 250853400023445 54970 33133 21000 14109 390423932531818 43099 2115 500 6500 613078857984 68898532 32497759 869133269842 11000 5324 733072967000 62053656651050256182 705 300 2804 210291 2088 513654665730 7197 6495 4270 39448504 2830 3984 4689 4060508763453845 4000 70725363707268666683 702 1840 843* 12351609 2837 174 1855 300 1704 865966 800 729121 61 731157259400233627 35* 419480251256 200 152 274 434* 233 6 Alto 630 75 1 Eden 171 8 490 1600 300 2686 50 130 391 259 340860 56 Marshfield 530 1960 5141 150 1796 1520 5564 1554 3106 1640 40 659 Oakfield 1012 120150 1390 51 1300 38501685 235 800 25 236 170 64 2351 1603 205 65 270 11 1171509 574651 718095 143020 13514 116340 14361 37229* 6864 G 2212 418 HISTORY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. farm products for 1879 — (Continued). Milch Cows. No. of Acres Har vested for Seed. Number of Pounds. NAMES Or TOWNS. No. Value. Clover. Timothy. Flax. Hops. Tobacco. Cultivated Grasses. Butter. Cheese. 500 595 804 773734 501 483683505 577509 850 463803 685 650 108 704 583 714 971291 17 55008638 111801390311574 8740 966 10494 10100 8655 8066 13600 6482 1381513225 6500 1698 12252 12701 5589 17605 5407 267 570538 67 44 482* 101 164300116 329 13* 176 366148 219 80 5150000 29120002184000 7938000 20040 11115 52555 17397 4868 7430 27155 46010 22680 17000 2016030000 9890 61050 44567 10000 3108051060 36025 9430 32850 2550 200 58279 232 6128 104590 Alto 24280 67000 15655 Eden 45329 6580000 12000000 9614000 148000 42760004600000 1640000 63480007790000 2400000 5400000 4674000 5768000 628000 3063 221 14234 5 1500 3200 1000- 4J 38283 2420O 300 145000 125 13700- 146 13* 25300 Oakfield 137685- 45000 3231 35 1680 10575 124 198 234* 135 24370 100336 190255 11 168500 50 6550 Waupun City, North Ward 5 1100 Totals 13503 9.nfiQ.17 A.A.-\ Ol 511* 9453 50 90098613 609679 1217692- The farmers of Fond du Lac County support one agricultural paper, the Farmer, at Fond du Lac, and have several brisk and well-attended farmers' clubs, with more in process of organization. THE DAIRYING INTERESTS OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. The dairying interests of Fond du Lac County have grown to dimensions of importance,. second, perhaps, to those of but one other county in Wisconsin. It is the pioneer county in dairying, and would be second to none except for the rich returns of other agricultural pursuits. The soil is not especially adapted to grazing and to nothing else, as is the case with dairying sections outside of Fond du Lac County, but is simply good, rich soil, suitable for grazing or grain. \ The first factory cheese shipped out of Wisconsin, the first cheese 'factory and the first Dairyman's Association in the State, all belonged to Fond du Lac County. ' The very first cheese made, as the beginning of an experimental business enterprise, was- made in the spring of 1844, by Chester Hazen, in the town of Springvale. In 1850, he kept twenty cows for their milk, and made the product into cheese, after the improved plan, using: vats. During thirty years from that time, cheese-making as a business for profit has been con tinued on that same farm by the same man, and always with satisfactory results. In 1852, Warren Florida, of the town of Waupun, began making cheese from a small dairy of cows ; and George D. Curtis, of Rosendale, began also in a small way the same season. About the same time, perhaps a year later, Henry Bush, of Byron, put a dairy of cows on his farm and began making cheese. From that period on, home dairying increased more or less r£P u- un °nd du LaC County' until the da7s of cheese factories. During the war, owing to- the high price of cheese, new dairies sprang into existence in almost everv portion of the county, and made money for their proprietors. HISTOKY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. 419 The first cheese factory erected in Wisconsin was built by Chester Hazen, in the town of Springvale, Fond du Lac County, and put in operation in the season of 1864, with the milk from 100 cows. The factory was a great curiosity, and was considered an experiment. The next season, 1865, he had the lacteal product of 200 cows; that of 400, in 1868, and of 1,000, in 1870. Business of an equally large scale was continued by Mr. Hazen's factory four or five years after 1870, until other factories began to be built around him, when it dropped to 500 cows, the product of which number is now made into cheese at his factory. The second cheese factory in Fond du Lac County was erected in 1866, in the north por tion of Springvale, by Vincent & Waterman. Later in the same season, Strong & Hammond built a factory in Oakfield, and during the following fall or winter it was ready for milk. Dur ing the season of 1867, J. J. Smith built a factory in Ripon. This is now but little used, the farmers about Ripon having recently very largely dropped the dairying business, owing to the unprofitable price of cheese. During the next four or five years, a comparatively large number of factories were built, and most of them did a flourishing business. The report made for 1870 showed the following factories in operation that year : Ladoga factory — 625 cows, 1,923,264 pounds of milk, made into 194,544 pounds of cured cheese; Brandon factory — 423,719 pounds of milk, 42,058 pounds of cured cheese ; Rosendale factory — 475 cows, and made 44 tons of cured cheese; Waupun factory — 150 cows, 76,954 pounds of green cheese; Treleven's factory, in Fond du Lac — 150 cows and 31,108 pounds of cured cheese; Ripon factory — 300 cows, 63,454 pounds of green cheese; Oakfield factory — 800,000 pounds of milk, which made 88,889 pounds of cheese; Alto factory — 175 cows, 290,561 pounds of milk, and 31,092 pounds of cheese; J. A. Smith's factory, in Fond du Lac — 56 cows, from which were made 15,000 pounds of cheese in ninety days; Spafford's factory, in Fond du Lac — 100 cows, from which were made 16,908 pounds of cheese; Ellsworth's factory, in Metomen — 150 cows, from which were made 14 tons of cheese. In 1870, the first factory cheese shipped from Wisconsin in car lots, was sent from the Hazen factory, at Ladoga, Fond du Lac County. Since then the practice of shipping and box ing at the factories has become common. In 1879, there were thirty cheese factories in operation in Fond du Lac County, in which were manufactured 2,244,000 pounds of cheese, which, although a falling-off of nearly 25 per cent from the product of 1878, is still four times as great as the product of 1870. To make this amount of cheese in 1879, required the milk of 4,500 cows. At the International Dairy Fair held in December, 1878, at the American Institute, New York, the first prize for Wisconsin factory cheese, was awarded to Chester Hazen, of Fond du Lac County. In 1870, the first Dairyman's Association ever organized in the State of Wisconsin was formed in Fond du Lac County. Chester Hazen was President, and H. C. Strong, Secretary. At its second meeting, held February 10, 1871, Chester Hazen was re-elected President; F. S. Jenkins and W. J. Jennings, Vice Presidents ; H. D. Hitt, Treasurer, and H. C. Strong, Secretary. A Board of Directors, consisting of William Knight, of Alto; Charles Norris, of Brandon ; James Cornell, of Byron ; D. D. Treleven, of Fond du Lac ; A. C. Whiting, of Springvale ; Abel Bristol, of Oakfield ; H. C. Waterman, Rosendale ; William Starr, of Ripon ; John Howard, of Waupun, and Ed Reynolds, of Metomen, was also elected. A neat report in pamphlet form was published, and the Association was in a healthy condition. In 1872, the State Dairyman's Association was formed, and Chester Hazen was its President, the Fond du Lac County Association being merged with the State Association. Chester Hazen, who is now Vice President of the State Dairyman's Association, was its President during 1872, 1873 and 1874. He has done much to make a reputation abroad for Fond du Lac County cheese and butter, which now bring the highest market price in all the Eastern cities. While Fond du Lac County does not lead all other counties at the present time in the value of her butter and cheese products, she has the honor of first demonstrating that dairying could 420 HISTOKY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. be successfully followed in Wisconsin, and thus put other localities, where grain raising was more unprofitable, in possession of knowledge that has since made them richer, and also made Wis consin famous for the very finest quality of butter and cheese. Dairying has fallen off since the beginning of 1879 in Fond du Lac County for the very best of reasons, viz., the ruinously low prices paid for butter and cheese. During that year, butter could actually be bought for 7 cents and cheese for 4J to 5 cents per pound, and those who could contract their butter for 10 cents or 12 J per pound thought themselves exceedingly fortunate. Many farmers would not sell at such insignificant prices and dropped at once the business of making butter and cheese. At the beginning of 1880, however, both these articles rose to much higher prices, cheese bringing from 14 to 16 cents and butter 20 to 22 cents per pound, and the outlook for dairy keepers is again bright. Not all the factories in Fond du Lac County mentioned as cheese factories are used in the manufacture of cheese alone, some of them being creameries where butter alone, or both butter and cheese are made. Perhaps the most novel and finest equipped creamery in the county is near the farm of A. Atwood, in the town of Waupun. The milk in this creamery is cooled by draughts of cold air which have passed into a large tunnel made for the purpose and passed many rods under ground to the building. These currents are sufficiently cold and always steady and reliable, the earth at the depth to which the tunnel was dug being always cool. This was the first creamery of the kind ever erected, and was first run during 1878 by W. T. Brooks. COUNTY AGRICULTURAL AND MECHANICAL SOCIETY. The Fond du Lac County Agricultural and Mechanical Society was organized on the 5th of July, 1852, at Rosendale, and the first fair was held there on the 26th and 30th days of September following. The amount of premiums awarded that year was $261.50, but the spirit proved to be willing and the flesh weak in the distribution, for the amount actually realized and divided was only 13 per cent ofthe awards. The next year, 1853, the fair was held at Fond du Lac, and, being instructed by the result of the year before, the Society's Committee made the more modest award of $199, and managed, from the receipts, to pay 87J per cent of the awards. The next year, 1854, by a judicious compromise, the premium obligations appear, to have been fully dis charged by the distribution of $78 in cash and twenty-six volumes of the transactions of the State Agricultural Society. In 1855, the fair was held at Fond du Lac, and showed an encour aging degree of improvement — the premiums awarded being $160 in cash and several volumes of Patent Office Reports. In 1856, the figures, for some reason, show a slight falling-off — the amount of awards being $157.50. The year 1857 was a little better, and shows premiums to the amount of $192.50 ; and from this date the fairs and affairs of the society show a decided recuperation. The fair was held at Ripon on the 23d and 24th days of September, 1858, and was a success, the total receipts amounting to $282.07, of which there was awarded and dis bursed as premiums, $245.50. In 1859, was the "big year " — the Society having realized from admission, membership tickets and subscriptions, the snug sum of $452.15, of which $211.75 was invested in conveniences and fixings, then much needed by the Society, and $252.60 disbursed as premiums. This fair was held in Fond du Lac. Last year, 1860, the Society was also self- sustaining, and held an interesting fair at Fond du Lac, paying from its own resources $276 cash premiums. As to the fair of 1861, " It is not unfair to presume that with ordinary fair-play it would have proven a successful affair, but unwelcome warfare interfered sadly with its welfare." All succeeding fairs after the first one have been held in the city of Fond du Lac. The Society leased grounds on the southern limits of the city which had been purchased and fitted up as a race track by the " Fond du Lac Stock Growers' Association." The Society erected an exhibition building, and the necessary appurtenances for holding fairs. There the annual shows were held with varied success and reverses until 1874, when, on the 20th of June of that year, a re-organ ization of the Society was effected, on the stock plan, and the following By-Laws were adopted : Section 1. The annual meeting of the Society shall be held in the city of Fond du Lac on the first Wednesday succeeding the first Monday in January, in each year, at 12 o'clock noon. HISTORY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. 421 Sec. 2. The affairs of the Society shall be under the direction of a Board of thirteen Directors, who shall be elected by ballot at the annual meeting. A majority of all the votes oast shall be necessary to an election, and no person shall be eligible to election as a Director unless he is a stockholder, and has paid all assessments made upon the shares, of stock held by him. Sec. 3. Shares of stock on which assessments shall have been paid, shall be entitled to one vote, but no stock shall be represented by proxy. * Sec. 4. The Board of Directors, on receiving official notice of their election, shall within one week after receiv ing such notice, meet and elect from among their number a President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer, and an Executive Committee of five, including the President and Secretary, who shall be ex officio members of said committee. Sec. 5. The Executive Committee shall have, under the direction of the Board of Directors, general supervision of the affairs of the Society, and perform such other duties as may be imposed upon them by the Board of Directors. Sec. 6. The Treasurer shall give bonds for the faithful performance of his duties as the Board of Directors may direct. Sec. 7. No moneys shall be paid out of the Treasury unless appropriated by a majority of the Executive Com mittee, and on the warrant of the President, attested by the Secretary, except the premiums awarded may be paid upon the certificate of the Secretary. , Sec. 8. Special meetings of the Board of Directors may be called by the Secretary upon the written request of three Directors. Sec. 9. The Secretary shall cause to be published in at least two newspapers published in the city of Fond du, Lac, notice of all regular meetings of the Society, at least two weeks prior to such meeting. Sec. 10. Vacancies occurring- in the Board of Directors may be filled by a majority of Directors elect. Sec. 11. A majority of Directors elect shall be necessary to constitute a quorum. Sec. 12. These by-laws may be amended by a majority of the stockholders present at any regular or adjourned meeting of the Society. Sec. 13. In all matters otherwise not provided for, the Board shall be governed by the usual parliamentary usages. Sec. 14. Each stockholder shall be entitled to one ticket, admitting himself to the grounds at all times, when under the control of the Society, which ticket shall be forfeited when in any hands except his own. Sec. 15. No entry fee shall be charged for articles on exhibition. Sec. 16. No certificate of stock shall be transferable except on the books of the Society, and in case of transfer, the President and Secretary shall cancel the old certificate and issue a new certificate to purchaser. Under the new order of things, George Keys, of Empire, was elected President, H. G. Halsted, pf Rosendale, Treasurer, and Dana C. Lamb, of Fond du Lac, Secretary. The capital stock was fixed at $15,000, in shares of $25 each, and more than $10,000 was subscribed. The new company, in consideration of the improvements made by the old organization, assumed to pay its debts, including the premium-list of 1873. The grounds were put in good condition, a fine amphitheater and numerous cattle and horse sheds built, wells sunk, the track put in order, and preparations made for a grand exhibition, and the hopes of the new directory were not disap pointed, as the fair of 1874 was acknowledged to have been one of the finest exhibitions ever held in the State. The next year, under the same officers, the fair was again successful. In 1876, the following named gentlemen were elected as officers : President, Chester Hazen, Spring vale ; Vice President, John H. Martin, Fond du Lac ; Secretary, Dana C. Lamb, Fond du Lac ; Treasurer, Henry G. Halsted, Rosendale. That year, the receipts of the fair, shown by the report of the Treasurer, reached nearly $3,000. The fair of 1877, by the same officers, nearly or quite equaled the former ones under the re-organization. The officers for 1878 were: H. D. Hitt, of Oakfield, President ; F. B. Hoskins, of Fond du Lac, Treasurer, and Gustave de Neveu, of Empire, Secretary. Owing to bad weather, the receipts of the fair for 1878 were light, and no premiums were paid. The fair of 1879 was blessed with fine weather, and the receipts were sufficient to meet all demands. RIPON AGRICULTURAL ASSOCIATION. The Ripon Agricultural Association was undertaken by Ripon in its mature years, but it was indebted for its establishment, in great part, to the same men who had carried forward earlier enterprises of a public nature to success. It originated in the "Farmers' Club" — a voluntary institution, which had been in successful operation for two years or more — in the summer of 1866. Like all American operations, it elicited a world of talk, and, like most Ripon opera tions, that talk resulted in successful action. The usual machinery of public meetings, committees and subcommittees, was resorted to — nothing can be done in this country without 422 HISTORY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. - public meetings and committees — and, as ever, the question of first importance was that of ways and means. Upon a careful comparison of views, it was decided that it would be practicable to organize and commence business on a paid-up capital of $5,000. But how to obtain the $5,000 was the question. It was a very considerable amount of money to raise when there was no immediate prospect of a return. It was thought that a subscription of $25 by each citizen interested would be most available ; and it was, therefore, resolved that the capital of the Asso ciation should be divided into shares of $25 each ; and, as a special inducement to subscribers, it was proposed that each holder of paid-up stock should be entitled to a free ticket, giving him self and family free access to the fair grounds on all occasions whatever. This was, undoubtedly, the proposition which made the movement a success. The irrepressible D. P. Mapes went to work to obtain subscriptions ; and, if any one thinks it is a small piece of work to sell two hundred shares of stock in an agricultural association, for $25 each, and get his money as he goes along, just let him try it; his efforts will probably result in taking a large share of conceit out of him. It was, indeed, a great amount of labor; but it was accomplished in the course of five or six weeks. An organization was effected under the general law ; a board of directors elected ; the money was paid into the hands of a treasurer; and, in point of fact, the victory was won. Then came the question of location, the size and shape of the grounds, length of the trotting-course — or whether there should be a trotting-course at all — fencing the grounds, making sheds, stalls and what not ; and, after a decision was reached on these innumerable questions, there was still an immense amount of actual work to be done to carry the decision into effect. It was, in fact, nothing short of a summer's work for the men engaged in it. But the end was at last reached, or "straining full in view," and then there arose another very important question — " Can the work be finished up in time to hold a fair during the fall of 1866 ?" The majority of the Directors responded " doubtful ! " But two or three said there should be no doubt about it ; it must be done, and it was done. The fair was held very late — on the 11th, 12th and 13th days of Octo ber, of that year. This was the first fair of the Ripon Agricultural Association, and it was a success. The officers of the Association since its organization are as follows: 1866 — President, A. M. Skeels; Secretary, E. P. Brockway; Treasurer, H. M. Chapin. 1867 — President, A. M. Skeels; Secretary, E. P. Brockway; Treasurer, C. F. Wheeler. 1868 — President, A. M. Skeels; Secretary, E. P. Brockway; Treasurer, C. F. Wheeler. 1869 — President, A. M. Skeels; Secretary, E. P. Brockway; Treasurer, C. F. Wheeler. 1870 — President, A. M. Skeels; Secretary, T. Marshall ; Treasurer, C. F. Wheeler. 1871 — President, A. M. Skeels; Secretary, T. Marshall ; Treasurer, C. F. Wheeler. 1872 — President, A. M. Skeels ; Secretary, T. Marshall; Treasurer, C. F. Wheeler. 1873— President, A. M. Skeels; Secretary, T. Mar-, shall; Treasurer, C. F. Wheeler. 1874— President, H. S. Town; Secretary, T. Marshall; Treasurer, C. F. Wheeler. 1875 — President, H. S. Town; Secretary, T. Marshall; Treasurer, C. F. Wheeler. 1876— President, H. S. Town; Secretary, W. B. Kingsbury; Treasurer, C. F. Wheeler. 1877— President, C. F. Hammond; Secretary, B. Kingsbury; Treasurer, J. M. Little. 1878 — President, C. F. Hammond ; Secretary, H. W. Wolcott ; Treasurer, C. F. Wheeler. 1879— President, H. W. Wolcott; Secretary, W. B. Kingsbury; Treasurer, C. F. Wheeler. 1880 — President, H. S. Town; Secretary, G. F. Horner; Treasurer, A. Osborn. On the 9th of November, 1866, the Association purchased for their grounds seventeen acres, in the northeast part of the city, about a mile from the business portion of Ripon. Fairs have been held each year since the organization of the Association with uniform suc cess. The buildings upon the grounds are in excellent condition and well adapted for the purposes intended ; there is also a fine half-mile race-track. Other improvements are in good order ; in short, the grounds are complete in all their arrangements. HISTORY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. 423 PLANK ROADS. To secure firm and smooth thoroughfares for the transportation of their produce, the atten tion of the people of Fond du Lac County was early called to the necessity of constructing plank roads. Companies were chartered and the work commenced. In 1852, a plank road was finished and brought into use from the city of Fond du Lac to the city of Sheboygan on Lake Michigan. In 1853, this road was continued northwesterly from Fond du Lac to Rosendale, and although contemplated to pass through the villages of Ripon and Ceresco to Fox River, it was never completed farther than the east line of the town of Rosendale. After being used a few years, it was suffered to fall to decay and was finally declared by the proper authority a free public highway and such it has since remained. "This road," wrote a citizen of Fond du Lac, in 1854, " is well graded and covered with solid oak plank, possesses firmness and promises dur ability. It affords an easy transit to the traveller, altogether preferable to the hemlock-knot roads of the east." That the citizens of Fond du Lac County may now fully appreciate the struggles' and anxie ties of a quarter of century ago — before the era of railways — to insure cheap transportation for produce and easy means of communication, the following account is reproduced from a pub lication of that time relative to plank road projects : "There is a company organized with a charter for the construction of a plank road from Mil waukee to Green Bay. The work is already commenced, and some fifteen or twenty miles of the road now in use between Calumet and Green Bay. The line of this road runs through the entire width of Fond du Lac County, passing through the towns of Calumet, Taycheedah, Fond du Lac, Empire, Eden, Ashford and Auburn. The plank road from Fond du Lac to Waupun commenced the present season [1854], will pass through the intermediate towns of Lamartine and Oakfield. The line of the Sheboygan and Mayville plank road passes through Fond du Lac, and thence on the line between Byron and Oakfield into the county of Dodge. Ornro and Wa"upun plank road will run through Rosendale and Springvale to Waupun. Port Washington and Fond du Lac plank road will pass through Osceola, Auburn, Eden and Empire, to Fond du Lac. Fond du Lac and Waukau plank road will run from Fond du Lac through Eldorado and Rosendale into the county of Winnebago. Oshkosh, Algoma and Ripon plank road will run through the north part of Rosendale to Ceresco. Plymouth and Waupun plank road will pass through Osceola, Eden, Byron and Oakfield to Waupun. Fond du Lac and Oshkosh plank road on the west shore of Lake Winnebago, will run through the towu of Friendship. How soon and how many of the roads will be constructed is for the future to disclose ; yet one thing is certain, the will and the capacity to accomplish are adequate to supply all the real necessities of the community in respect to plank roads." And, notwithstanding all these schemes and all this labor, there is not now a plank road in the county of Fond du Lac. The era of those roads was brief and spasmodic ; it soon gave way to more important railway enterprises. RAILROADS. As introductory to the sketch of the railways of Fond du Lac County, it will be profitable to copy from an article of a quarter of a century ago, an account of the improvements of the line then existing, bringing at once to the attention of the reader what had, at that early day, become a reality, and the numerous projects already agitating the public mind. The writer says : " While the people of Fond du Lac County have been active in securing the advantages derived from good plank roads through its various sections, they have not been indifferent to the more important enterprise of connecting the great producing portions of the county with the i port towns ' and principal markets, by the construction of railroads. " The Rock River Valley Union Railroad is the only one which has been brought (1854) into use in Fond du Lac County. This was completed in 1853, from Fond du Lac through Oakfield to near the village of Waupun, on the line of Dodge County. The length of the road 424 HISTORY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. now in use is about twenty miles. Two trains run daily each way. The Horicon & Berlin Railroad is now in process of construction, and will accommodate the western part of the county, passing through Waupun, Alto, Metomen and Ceresco [now Ripon]. There are also charters obtained and companies organized for the construction of the Milwaukee, Fond du Lac & Green Bay Railroad, the line of which runs through the towns of Auburn, Ashford, Eden, Fond du Lac and Friendship, in this county ; for the Port Washington & Fort Winnebago Railroad, running through Auburn, Ashford, Byron, Oakfield, Waupun and Alto ; for the Sheboygan & Mississippi Railroad, passing the entire length of the county from east to west, running through the towns of Forest, Empire, Fond du Lac, Eldorado, Rosendale and Ceresco [now Ripon]. " These constitute the principal railroads now contemplated to pass through this county. Great interest is manifested aud proportionate exertions made for the completion of some of these roads, and should the agricultural interests of the county continue to enjoy the prosperity which has attended them for the two past seasons, it will not be long before the county will possess sufficient wealth, without difficulty to construct all the roads that necessity demands. Some of these roads will probably never have but a chartered existence, while others are as sure of being brought into actual and profitable use as that common prosperity attends the exertions of the people." Having thus presented a general view of the railway enterprise in Fond du Lac County, as it existed a quarter of a century ago, it is necessary to call the reader's attention to the rise and progress of each road actually constructed and now in operation within the limits of the county, and to such other facts as may tend to recall the interest attaching to them from the date of their inception to the present time. The Chicago $• North- Western Railway. — Portions of what now constitute this line of rail way were built before any work was done in Wisconsin, but the first work done on the Chicago & North-Western Railway line proper was in the city of Fond du Lac, in 1851. The year before, a line was built from Chicago to Elgin, 111., but not by any of the builders of what is now the Chicago & North-Western Railway ; hence, Fond du Lac is really the birth'- place of this mighty fan of railway lines. The people of Fond du Lac County had thought but little about railways, most of their time, attention and spare money being devoted to plank roads. There were, however, a few far-seeing men who looked forward to a time when travelers, merchants, miners, lumbermen and manufact urers would need something better than plank roads for their accommodation, and to them Fond du Lac was indebted for a line of railway at an early date. They worked with an enthusiasm and persistence truly remarkable, when it is known that little or no encouragement was received from the masses, whose heads had been turned by plank roads. John B. Macy and T. L. Gillet, of Fond du Lac, and A. Hyatt Smith, of Janesville, were leading spirits in the formation of the Rock River Valley Union Railroad Company, as the road and corporation were first named. They met with numerous obstacles, some almost insurmountable, as they had not sufficient means to build a railroad over the contemplated route, and the inhabitants, had they been able to subscribe for stock, seemed to have little interest in the success of the project. Of this feature, J. A. Watrous wrote in the Fond du Lac Appeal: "As early as 1849, there was some talk of iron rails for Fond du Lac, but those who had any faith in the attempts were very few in number. The local papers held out no inducements, in which respect they v differed radically from modern local papers. Columns of space were devoted to plank-roads in process of construction, and to giving proceedings of meetings called for the purpose of devising ways and means for starting new ones, while a short paragraph suf ficed for the railroad enterprise. This seems almost unaccountable to people of the present day, in view ofthe decayed and almost forgotten plank-roads, their short lives and little service." Discovering that nothing could be done in Fond du Lac without outside aid, John B. Macy went East several times, with maps and plans, and finally succeeded in getting Robert J. Walker, of Washington, interested in the enterprise. Late in 1850, a contract was let to Bradley & Co., HISTORY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. 425 of Vermont, practical railroad builders of large experience, to construct a certain portion of the road. T. F. Strong, Sr., ofthe contractors, came West in 1850, and looked the route over, rid ing the entire distance from Chicago to Fond du Lac on horseback. He then returned to his home in Burlington, Vt., but removed to Fond du Lac early in 1851. When the people saw him enter the village with 160 horses, followed soon after by loads of shovels, picks, wheelbarrows and other tools, they aroused from their lethargy. Then there was faith ; then there was enthu siasm ; then there was railroad on the brain. On the 19th of December, 1850, T- L. Gillet advertised that the stock-books of the new rail road were open at his store. Five per cent of the stock was to be paid in advance, and the balance in 8-per-cent installments, quarterly. July 10, 1851, was fixed upon for breaking ground, and arrangements were made for celebrating the event in true Western style. People along the proposed line, from as far south as Sharon, were present. The State officials were to be present. Members of the bar and officials of the various counties through which the road was to run were to come. At an early hour the morning of the 10th, teams began to pour into the village from all directions. Walworth, Rock, Jefferson and Dodge Counties sent large dele gations. Waupun's delegation came in many conveyances, with flags flying and band playing. Most of the State officers were present. The starting of the immense procession was announced by the booming of the village cannon. A. Hyatt Smith, President of the Rock River Valley Union Railway, headed the procession. Then came the Directors and other officers of the Company, and the contractor, T. F. Strong, Sr., followed by the State, village, and county offi cials, the judges, members of the bar from the various parts of the State, and the people generally, in large numbers. Peter V. Sang was Marshal of the Day, and William H. Ebbetts Robert Conklin and Isaac S. Tallmadge, Assistants. The oldest inhabitants speak of that memora ble railroad celebrating procession as one of the largest and most enthusiastic ever seen in Fond du Lac County. Preceded by the bands, the procession marched to the spot where work was to begin — a few rods north of the passenger depot, on West Division street, and formed a hollow square. The President of the Day, M. C. Darling, opened the ceremonies with a brief but elegant address, and introduced A. Hyatt Smith, the President, to whom was handed the spade carried in the procession by Tim F. Strong, son of the contractor, and, as he cut the tough sod and tossed it into the air, a shout went up that made the earth tremble. When quiet was restored, Edward S. Bragg, toast-master, read the regular toasts, as follows : Walworth County — Though last on the line of the road in Wisconsin, may she be first in her contributions for the great enterprise of the State. Rock County — Like the rock that Moses smote, it contains in its bosom a fountain that shall refresh a thirsty people. Jefferson County — Not unlike the illustrious statesman after whom she was christened, she loves freedom and is bound to pursue it with an iron horse. Dodge County — Her iron ore, the Valley road the magic wand that turns it into gold. Fond du Lac County — She cannot wait to go East by water. The toasts were appropriately responded to by parties from the various counties named. Brief speeches were made by Attorney General S. Park Coon and others. The procession was re-formed and marched back to the village, where it was dismissed, and as many as the Lewis House would hold gathered for a banquet which was an elaborate affair and participated in with much spirit. The speeches of prophecy made on that occasion were considered very extrava gant, and only one or two had the faintest idea they would ever be verified. John B. Macy, who had labored for years in "Behalf of the enterprise, and had given the whole subject much thought, assumed the garb of a prophet on that occasion in this toast : The Rock River Valley Union Railroad — It will be the connecting of the great chain of rail roads between the Gulf of Mexico and the Pacific Ocean. The present generation will see this prediction fulfilled. In 1872, when the North-Western's lines reached Ishpeming, Mich., John B. Macy's- prophecy was fulfilled.. 426 HISTORY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. For various reasons work on the new road could not be pushed with any great degree of effectiveness. The grading was not difficult, but the almost impassable condition of the roads rendered it exceedingly difficult to get the iron, which came by the way of Green Bay, and a portion of it by teams and wagons as far as the north end of Lake Winnebago. This was a very costly mode of transportation, as the road, being broad gauge — six feet between rails — required heavy equipages. The first engine came by water from Buffalo to Sheboygan and was hauled by teams to Fond du Lac, in 1852, requiring a fair-sized brigade of oxen and horses, and several weeks to accomplish the work. It was named the " Winnebago," in honor of the lake from which it drank. It weighed fifteen tons. It was used for a long term of years on the road, and then as a switch-engine at Fond du Lac, after being changed to standard width. It is now in good con dition and doing good service in the yards at Green Bay, under its original name. The second one came from Taunton, Mass., and landed at the same point — Sheboygan. To trans port this engine to Fond du Lac, there were secured fourteen yokes of oxen and seven spans of horses, and it took six weeks to make the trip of forty-five miles. Some days it was not possible to haul it more than eighty rods between sun and sun. It was purchased in 1853, by T. F. Strong, Sr., who had leased the road. It cost $10,000. It was a muddy piece of machinery when it reached Fond du Lac, having passed through more sloughs than any other locomotive which ever came to the State. It was named " The Fountain City," in honor of Fond du Lac, and is now owned by the Erie Railway. When, in 1853, the track was laid a distance of fifteen miles out of Fond du Lac, and the grading nearly completed to Chester, in Dodge County, the corporation failed, largely in debt to the contractors among others. Mr. Strong leased the road, purchased strap-iron at Chicago, completed the line to Chester, added the engine just mentioned, and commenced operating the road. The travel became quite an item, as did the freight, but it was soon found that it would not warrant him in running, so he purchased a large quantity of pine and other logs, trans ported them by car to Rock River, a few rods north of Chester station, and floated them down stream. They met with ready sale at the mills along the river, and not a few of them went as far as Janesville. Before the strap-iron was put down, the wooden sleepers upon which it was placed answered for a track a considerable length of time. In fact, the first logs ever trans ported by rail in the State, or in the West, were hauled on cars which ran a portion of the dis tance between Fond du Lac and the Rock River on wooden rails. For successful railroading purposes these would suffer materially by a comparison with the steel rails of the present time. The rate of speed made on them was very slow, the number of miles an hour hardly exceeding the number of times a day some portion of the train was off the track. In 1855, the city of Fond du Lac voted $350,000 aid ; the company was re-organized and the road pushed on to La Crosse (now Minnesota) Junction, in Dodge County, under the name of the Chicago, St. Paul & Fond du Lac Railway. Hard times were not to be overcome by a change of name, and the road moved slowly. The same contractors and company, under an Illinois charter, had built a road as far as Janesville from Chicago. Early in 1859, the Legislatures of Illinois and Wisconsin authorized a re-organization of the company, which then took the present name of Chicago & North-Western. The road was rapidly built, that year, between Janesville and Minnesota Junction, thus opening a line of 177 miles, in ja, few months more than eight years from the time ground was broken at Fond du Lac. Mr. Strong completed the road and ran trains to Oshkosh, in 1860 ; to Appleton, in the early part of 1861 ; to Green Bay, in 1862, which was the terminus until 187J, when the road , was pushed on to Ishpeming, Mich., Its present terminus, before the close of 1872, when it con nected with lines running to Lake Superior. Once upon John B. Macy's return from one of his New Yprk trips in behalf of the Rock River Valley Union Railway, a number of his warm friends gave him a reception dinner. In his speech, he predicted that within twenty years the road would extend from the Indiana line to HISTORY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. 427 Lake Superior. At this same dinner, an ardent Whig offered as a toast : A. Hyatt Smith, ¦our next Governor ; John B. Macy, our next Congressman. Macy afterward went to Con gress, but Smith (A. Hyatt) has not yet reached the executive chair. In 1859, before the two divisions met, the track was reduced from " broad " to " standard " guage, that, is, from six feet to four feet eight and one-half inches, and celebrating excursions were had in honor of the completion of the connecting link, ending, as elsewhere described, in the terrible "Belleville Disaster." It may be truthfully said that the Chicago & North-Western Railway originated in Fond du Lac, and the corporation now owns more miles of railroad in Fond du Lac County than all the other railway corporations combined. The old line passes through the towns of Friendship, Fond du Lac, Oakfield, Byron and Waupun, and its lines in the county are nearly one hundred miles in length. The Sheboygan $• Fond du Lac Railroad. — This road is now a part of the Chicago & North-Western Railway, it having been purchased by that corporation early in 1879. In Fond du Lac County it is a modern railway, so far as road-bed and rolling-stock are concerned, but it3 originators were Fond du Lac County men, and the enterprise was one of the very earliest of its kind in the Territory of Wisconsin. Early in 1846, agitation of the matter of a railroad between the villages of Fond du Lac and Sheboygan was begun, resulting in a charter passing the Legis lature in the winter of 1846-47. About the 1st of February, 1847, Dr. Mason C. Darling, N. P. Tallmadge, John A. Eastman and Moses S. Gibson, of Fond du Lac, and Messrs. Harri man, Farnsworth, Conklin and Moore, of Sheboygan, were appointed Commissioners to take sub scriptions, issue stock and organize the company. The capital stockxwas to be not over $500,000, divided into 10,000 shares of $50 each, work to be commenced when 200 shares had been taken. Those who subscribed for stock were to pay 10 per cent down, and the balance in installments when called for. On Thursday, March 11, 1847, a mass convention was held at the building called the Court House, in the village of Fond du Lac, which was largely attended by citizens of Sheboygan and Fond du Lac Counties. Nothing was done, except to make speeches, adopt resolutions and pledge faith. That was too early for the construction of a railroad from local resources, and no work was actually done at that time. Agitation of the subject never ceased, however, and March 8, 1852, the Legislature chartered the Sheboygan & Mississippi Railroad Company, with the privilege of building a road from Sheboygan to the Mississippi River. In 1853, an act empowered the company to build a branch to the Fox River, and on April 5, of that year, the organization of the company was effected. There was a mutual understand ing between the prominent citizens of Fond du Lac and Sheboygan Counties that if the city and county of Sheboygan, with such local aid as might be obtained along the route, would build the road to Glenbeulah, on the western line of the county, the city and county of Fond du La: would furnish means for its continuation. Therefore, the city and county of Sheboygan and the villages of Plymouth and Sheboygan Falls voted aid, and a contract to construct the line from Sheboygan to Glenbeulah was entered into by Edward Appleton and Theodore Atkinson, of Boston, and Van Epps Young, now of Grand Rapids, Mich., under the firm name of Edward, Appleton & Co. Ground was broken under this contract at Sheboygan on June 4, 1856. Work was suspended in the fall of 1857, but resumed the following summer, and, with what skill was then known in railroad building, was pushed with such vigor as to have the cars run ning to Sheboygan Falls January 17, and to Plymouth June 6, 1859 — a total distance of fourteen miles. Work was then temporarily dropped on account of the refusal of the towns of Sheboy gan Falls and Plymouth to grant the aid expected from them; An arrangement was made, soon after, however, with capitalists at the East, known as "The Loan Company," of Yarmouth, Mass., by which means enough money was obtained to complete the line to Glenbeulah, which was accomplished March 29, 1860. Here the road rested from further construction, and Edward Appleton, its first Superintendent, began to operate it, his line being twenty miles in length. All further efforts to secure the continuation of the road proved unavailing, as it had fallen mostly into the hands of Eastern capitalists, thus alienating its local friends. Therefore, on the 428 HISTORY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. 2d of March, 1861, the company was re-organized and named the Sheboygan k Fond du Lac Railroad Company, with Samuel P. Benson,' of Winthrop, Me., as President; John 0. Thayer, of Sheboygan, as Secretary and Treasurer, and Edward Appleton as Superintendent. But even this was not satisfactory, and the western terminus of the road remained at Glenbeulah until 1868, after the complete withdrawal of the Eastern parties. The city of Fond du Lac, where the enterprise originated in 1846, had become anxious for the completion of the road to that point at least. A proposition to furnish the necessary aid was submitted to a popular vote, and defeated by a small majority. A. G. Ruggles, of Fond du Lac, took hold of the matter, and, in April, 1867, procured the passage of a bill authorizing the county of Fond du Lac to aid the Sheboygan & Fond du Lac Company, by the payment of $30,000 in county orders when the line should be built to the west line of the town of Marshfield ; $30,000 more when it reached the west line ofthe town of Taycheedah ; $30,000 when it was in running order to the city of Fond du Lac ; $30,000 more when it was finished half the distance to the city of Ripon, and $30,000 more — a total of $150,000 — when the road was built and ironed ready for cars to Ripon. At the vote taken November 5, 1867, there was a majority of 673 in favor of the proposition, but the towns of Eldorado, Alto, Waupun, Springvale, Calumet, Lamartine, Forest, Metomen, Byron, Auburn, Taycheedah, Ashford and Osceola gave majorities against the proposed aid. On the strength of this promised aid a contract was let April 14, 1868, with Wild, Peck & Bruett, for the construction of the road to the city of Fond du Lac. Work was immediately begun, and pushed with great energy, as it was thought the county orders could be used as cash at once, the county's credit being good and the orders being drawn to bear 7 per cent interest until cashed. But when work had so far progressed as to entitle the Company to the first installment of $30,000, Warren Whiting served an injunction through the Circuit Court, on the County Treas urer, to restrain him from payment of the amount promised and then due. The decision of the Court upon hearing was adverse to the Company, being virtually, " that a. tax for a private purpose is unconstitutional ; " and that the public use of a railroad is not such as to make the levy of a tax in aid of its construction valid. But the matter did not rest there, as the county had issued bonds which were in the hands of innocent purchasers. An action in the United States Court was commenced by a holder of these bonds against the county of Fond du Lac. The case subsequently reached the United States Supreme Court. The most important point decided was that a railroad is a public highway, so that a State may levy a tax for its construc tion, although built and owned by a private corporation, thus overruling the decision of the State Supreme Court. In the Whiting case, a levy was made under the Olcott judgment, and the County Treasurer's safe and the poor-farm were each sold for $1, after which the Court House was put up. The sale was only a formal affair, but a patriotic son of Erin who was present did not propose to see this famous relic thus sacrificed, and bid it up to $11, at which it was struck off to him. This property was afterward redeemed by the county and the bonds properly met. Trains were regularly running between Fond du Lac and Sheboygan soon after January 1, 1869. The completion of the road to the city of Fond du Lac secured to the Com pany $90,000 of aid, but the further extension of the line as the Company's charter permitted, was then dropped, although negotiations were continued with the Wisconsin Central Railroad Company. Finally, in September, 1871, T. F. Strong, Sr., of Fond du Lac, then President of that road, opened negotiations with Wells, French & Co., of Chicago, for the completion of the road to Princeton, on the Fox River, in Green Lake County. This portion of the line was more rapidly constructed than any other, and Princeton was reached May 20, 1872. The dis tance from Princeton to Sheboygan is seventy-eight and one-half miles, and from the time the first charter was granted in the winter of 1846-47, to the completion of the road to the former place, was nearly twenty-six years. In 1879, the road was sold to the Chicago & North-Western Railway Company, by whom it is now owned and managed. The Sheboygan & Fond du Lac Railroad, as it is yet known, passes through the towns of Marshfield, Taycheedah, Fond du Lac, Lamartine, Eldorado, Rosendale and Ripon, a distance, with all the deviations to avoid marshes and hills, of nearly thirty-nine miles. The general offices, since the road was completed HISTORY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. 429 to Fond du Lac, have been located in that city, and the officers since the organization of the Company in 1861, with the dates of their election, have been as follows : Presidents — Samuel P. Benson, of Winthrop, Me., March 2, 1861 ; E. L. Phillips, of Fond du Lac, January 26, 1862 ; Harrison 0. Barrett, of Glenbeulah, Wis., January 26, 1863 ; S. M. Bruett, of Cincinnati, Ohio, April 20, 1866 ; A. G. Ruggles, of Fond du Lac, April 13, 1868; S. M. Bruett, of Cincinnati, Ohio, March 16, 1870; T. F. Strong, Sr., of Fond du Lac, January 3, 1871; A. G. Ruggles, of Fond du Lac, January 17, 1873; John A. Bentley, of Sheboygan, April 25, 1873 ; James F. Joy, of Detroit, Mich., July 15, 1873; John A. Bentley, of Sheboygan, December 11, 1873; Daniel L. Wells, of Milwaukee, Wis., January 19, 1876; A. G. Ruggles, of Fond du Lac, January, 1877, and up to the sale to the Chicago & North- Western Railroad, in 1879. Vice Presidents — E. L. Phillips, of Fond du Lac; J. L. Moore, of Sheboygan; A. G. Ruggles, of Fond du Lac ; Edwin Slade, of Glenbeulah, and John A. Bentley, of Sheboygan. Secretaries — John 0. Thayer, of Sheboygan; H. G. H. Reed, of Glenbeulah; Edwin Slade, of Glenbeulah. Treasurers — -John 0. Thayer, of Sheboygan ; T. R. Townsend, of Sheboygan, and A. G. Ruggles, of Fond du Lac. Superintendents — Edward Appleton, of Sheboygan; S. M. Barrett, of Cincinnati, Ohio; Harrison 0. Barrett, of Glenbeulah; Timothy F. Strong, Jr., of Fond du Lac ; Charles C. Smith; Brandon Mozley, of Detroit; John A. Bentley, of Sheboygan; Edwin C. French, of Fond du Lac ; George P. Lee, of Fond du Lac, and L. R. Emmerson, of Fond du Lac. Attorneys — John A. Bentley, of Sheboygan; George P. Knowles and Elihu Colman, of Fonddu Lac. The Chicago, Milwaukee cf St. Paul Railway. — The prosperous and well-managed railroad which accommodates the- western portion of Fond du Lac County was not known as the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway until 1875, nor did it belong to that corporation. It was chartered in 1852 as the Milwaukee & Horicon Railroad, to extend from Horicon, Dodge County, on the Milwaukee & La Crosse road, through Fond du Lac County to Berlin, in Green Lake County, a distance of forty-two miles. The charter was obtained and the work begun by John B. Smith, Jasper Vliet, Daniel A. Richards and others, of Milwaukee, who furnished the capital, so iar as their private fortunes went, and secured means from other sources to complete the road. The most prolific of these sources was the farm-mortgage system, the first one of which for this road was given by David P. Mapes on his homestead in Ripon. These mortgages were sold, most of them at a discount, and money enough was finally secured to complete the line of railway. When it reached Ripon and cars were running to that city, an elaborate rail way celebration was indulged in by a large concourse of people. The road was finished to Waupun February 15; Brandon, October 15; Ripon, in November, 1856. It was completed to Berlin early in 1857. The line of this road extends across the towns of Waupun, Metomen and Ripon. It opened the trade of these towns to the markets of Milwaukee, as the Milwaukee & La Crosse road had already been built and connections were made at Horicon. But the road could not be made to pay. John B. Smith, its first President, and his associates had put all their property into the enterprise, and as there were large debts unpaid from the construction and equipment, and others for ordinary running expenses accumulating, suits were begun against the Company by its creditors, and a flood of litigation was added to its already overwhelming burdens. One of these suits, begun in 1858 and 1859, resulted in the "Horicon Railroad war." The railroad finally passed into the hands of L. Ward, as Receiver, who held it with its appurtenances until 1863, when it was sold to Russell Sage, Washington Hunt and others, of New York. Soon after, in the same year, these parties sold the road to the Milwaukee & St. Paul Railroad Company, which had just been organized. This was the first of that Company in Fond du Lac County. 430 HISTORY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. i. The Milwaukee & Horicon road made its original projectors and builders poor. When it passed, in 1860, into Lyndsey Ward's hands as Receiver, it was in debt $10,000 for running expenses, besides all other debts for construction and equipment. The present corporation was organized under the name of the Milwaukee & St. Paul Rail way Company May 5, 1863, as the successor by purchase of the La Crosse & Milwaukee, the Milwaukee & Western, the Milwaukee & Horicon, and the Ripon & Wolf River Railways, a total Of 233 miles of railroad. The first officers were D. M. Hughes, President; G. W. Rogers, Vice President ; E. H. Goodrich, General Manager ; S. S. Merrill, Superintendent ; Russell Sage, Jr., Secretary; Alanson Cary, Treasurer. The Company owned 43 locomotives, 29 passenger coaches, 11 baggage and express cars, 662 box cars, and 132 flat cars, all worth $1,200,800. D. M. Hughes was President from July, 1863, to July, 1864 ; Russell Sage from July, 1864, to July, 1865, and Alexander Mitchell continuously since that time. S. S. Merrill has been Gen eral Manager since 1865. The other officers are John W. Cary, Solicitor, A. V. H. Carpenter, General Passenger Agent. The name was changed by an act of the Legislature, in February, 1875, to the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway, on account of the construction of the line between the cities of Chicago and Milwaukee. The Ripon & Winnebago Railroad Company was organized in 1856, principally at Oshkosh and Ripon, for the construction of a line of railroad between these two cities. About two-thirds ofthe necessa*ry grading was done when the financial depression made it impossible for the Com pany to finish the work. In 1870, the right of way, grade and other real property of this road was purchased by a company, and the name of the road and corporation changed to the Oshkosh & Mississippi, but only the grading was finished when it was leased to the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Company, which corporation laid the iron, put the road into run ning order, and still retains control of it. To complete the Oshkosh & Mississippi line, the city of Ripon voted and paid $15,000, and the town of Ripon $5,000, each receiving therefor stock of the road at par, and in amounts equal to the aid voted. The " Air Line " road to Milwaukee from Fond du Lac, now owned and controlled by the Chicago & North-Western Railway Company, was originated by C. J. L. Meyer, of Fond du Lac, who thought that Fond du Lac City and County should have a nearer and more direct connection with Milwaukee over a competing line of road. He secured a charter for the line in 1871, under the name of the Milwaukee & North-Western Railway, the first officers of the Com pany being : President, Charles J. L. Meyer, of Fond du Lac ; Vice President, Harrison Lud ington, of Milwaukee ; Secretary, John S. McDonald, of Fond du Lac ; Treasurer, William H. Hiner, of Fond du Lac. In 1872, the name was changed to the North-Western Union Rail way Company. Mr. Meyer .secured the right of way ; had $75,000 of aid voted by the city of Fond du Lac ; $55,000 by Washington County ; $15,000 by the village of Kewaskum, Washington County ; $25,000 by West Bend, and $15,000 by Barton, in the same county, and. $15,000 by the town of Ashford, in Fond du Lac County. He began the construction of the line at Milwaukee, in 1872, and for a time pushed the matter with great energy ; but the Com pany had not the means to finish sixty-three miles of first-class railroad, and was therefore com pelled to sell to the Chicago & North-Western Company, already a heavy holder of Northwestern Union Bonds, which was done the same year. The road was finished in 1873, and passes through the towns of Fond du Lac, Eden, Ashford and Auburn. Although the exclusive property of the Chicago & North-Western Railway Company, the Air Line, or North-Western Union road maintains a separate organization, holding annual elections. Its officers, however, are all officers of the Chicago & North-Western Company. The formality of a separate organization for ten years was required by the Air Line charter. The Fond du Lac, Amboy $ Peoria Railway. — This, a narrow-gauge railway, extends from Fond du Lac, through the towns of Fond du Lac and Byron, in Fonddu Lac County, to Iron Ridge, in Dodge County, a distance of twenty-eight miles. Alonzo- Kinyon, a prominent citizen of Lee County, 111., who originated the Chicago & Rock HISTORY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. 431 River * Railroad, and was its President, conceived the plan of connecting the iron, cop per, lumber and manufacturing regions of Wisconsin with the corn and coal regions of Illinois, by a more direct route than any then in existence. He was one of the earliest advo cates of the convenience and economy of the narrow-gauge system of railways, and decided to connect, if possible, the two sections of country mentioned, by the narrow-gauge railway. Accordingly, on the 30th of May, 1874, at Amboy, 111., the Articles of Association of the Fond du Lac, Amboy & Peoria Railway Company were signed by Alonzo Kinyon, of Amboy, and Egbert Shaw, of Lee Center, 111., W. P. Wolf, of Tipton, Iowa, and T. H. Mink and B. A. Mink, of Clarence, Iowa. Soon after, these Articles of Association were recorded in the office of the Secretary of State of Illinois, and in Lee, Bureau, Peoria, Marshall and Ogle Counties of that State. In December of the same year, the same parties organized under the laws of Wisconsin, for the purpose of building and operating a narrow-gauge railway from Fond du Lac to the line between Illinois and Wisconsin, and connecting with the lines projected in the former State. The Wisconsin Division was to extend through the counties of Fond du Lac, Dodge, Jefferson, Waukesha, Milwaukee and Walworth or Rock ; and on December 26, 1874, Gov. William R. Taylor issued the necessary patent. Alonzo Kinyon was chosen President of the Illinois, and W. P. Wolf, President of the Wisconsin Division. The construction of the road was to begin at Fond du Lac, but at. the same time, right of way and the lease of several thousand acres of coal-fields were obtained in Marshall, Bureau, and, Peoria Counties, 111. After the preliminary survey had been made, it was found the laws of Wisconsin did not provide for the consolidation of corporations or associations existing in different States. Mr. Kinyon thereupon proceeded to Madison, with a bill obviating this, which the Legislature promptly passed. The towns along the proposed line took active steps to give aid, but the city of Fond du Lac was unable to furnish further railway aid on account of the law limiting municipal indebtedness. The Legislature, therefore, passed a bill allowing municipalities to extend aid to railroads by guaranteeing the interest on the bonds of the road to be aided. The consolidation of the two companies was effected March 22, 1875, by the choice of Alonzo Kinyon, President ; the Board of Directors being W. P. Wolf, Egbert Shaw, T. H. Mink, B. A. Mink, Joseph T. Kinyon and Clark Sprague. The various towns in Dodge County voted aid in town bonds, and gave, also, the grade of the old Mayville & Iron Ridge Railroad, while the city of Fond du Lac guaranteed the payment of interest for ten years Ch $200,000 of the first-mortgage bonds of the Company, $30,000 of which were to be appropri ated for the erection of railroad-shops in that city. In June, 1875, Mr. Kinyon was authorized to locate the line of the road, and John S. McDonald, of Fond du Lac, I. M. Bean, of Mil waukee, and Samuel A. White, of Whitewater, were chosen trustees of the mortgage, the amount of bonds being limited to $10,000 per mile. Soon after, the Company contracted with D. E> Davenport & Co. for the construction of the road from Fond du Lac to Milwaukee, by way of Iron Ridge. The Company afterward canceled their contract. Mr. Kinyon then resigned the presidency to take the contract of finishing the road, thinking this would best pro tect the interests of the Company. It was understood, however, that, when finished, he should be re-elected President of the road. The contract provided that the Company should pay for the construction and equipment of the road, $10,000 per mile, in bonds ; $3,000 per mile in stock and whatever aid could be secured. At this time, S. W. Lamoreux, of Dodge County, and George P. Knowles, of Fond du Lac, were added to the Board of Directors. W. P. Wolf was elected President, and George P. Knowles, Assistant Secretary, with the custody of the books and rec ords at the city of Fond du Lac. A great amount of trouble and litigation now followed. Finally, after all matters had been settled, the Railway Company took possession of the road on the 1st day of May, 1878. Its entire cost was $200,000. The Company, thinking the contract under which aid had been secured from the city of Fond du Lac had not been completely fulfilled, proposed to the City Council to cancel it and 432 HISTORY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. destroy the $200,000 of guaranteed bonds. This proposition was promptly accepted, as these bonds had been made an issue in the municipal election of 1878, resulting in the election of Orrin Hatch— who favored "burning the narrow-gauge bonds" — as Mayor. The bonds were therefore burned in the furnace of Robert A. Baker's bank early in 1879, with much ado, in presence of the city officers, and quantities of the ashes were preserved in glass vessels. Thus the road was secured to the city without the expenditure of a dollar of aid or the burden of a single bond. The Company also relinquished $30,000 in subscriptions for bonds made by citizens of Fond du Lac, which, with the surrender of all claim to the city bonds, gained the confidence and good will of the community. At the annual meeting of the stockholders, in May, 1879, Alonzo Kinyon, of Fonddu Lac, and W. P. Wolf, of Tipton, Iowa, who had devoted their time, energy and means to the con struction of the road, were made, respectively, President and Vice President of the Company. Mr. Kinyon was also elected Superintendent, and Mr. Wolf, Secretary. George P. Knowles, of Fond du Lac, was chosen Solicitor, the balance of the Board of Directors consisting of E. N. Foster, Alexander McDonald and M? D. Moore, of Fond du Lac; J. A. Barney of Dodge County, and S. V. Landt, of Tipton, Iowa. The Fond du Lac, Amboy & Peoria Railway, notwithstanding its trials and tribulations, is on a paying basis, paying its interest in advance. It is the only competing line running into the city of Fond du Lac, and affords a valuable outlet, by the way of the Chicago. Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway, for the many manufactories of the city. FOND DU LAC COUNTY A QUARTER OF A CENTURY AGO. "In general appearance," says a writer in 1854, "this county presents one vast undulated field of marsh, prairie, openings, and timber lands, covered with an infinite variety of grass, herbs, shrubs and plants. It is ornamented with the most luxurious and beautiful flowers, and watered with innumerable flowing streams, seeking the level of Michigan and Winnebago Lakes, or uniting to make the Rock River a common channel through which to pour their waters into the Mississippi." The enthusiastic writer continues : " Perhaps the eye of man has never rested on a spot of earth which, for beauty, fertility, health and convenience, is better calculated to meet his wants a/id supply his necessities, since shut out from the primeval garden. Moderate climate, exhil arating atmosphere, and water of unequaled purity, have given to this county the rapid growth and unrivaled prosperity, which has, without revulsion or even check, marked its progress from its first settlement. Each successive year contributes to develop the advantages enjoyed in this county, and at no time have the inducements to the agriculturist, the mechanic and the capitalist, been greater to establish themselves in this county than the present year. This county does not present as great a variety of soil as many other sections of country ; about all por tions even to the black mold prairie, partaking largely of argillaceous properties ; yet all the varieties of the grains, grasses, roots and fruits common to Northern latitudes are produced in abundance when judiciously cultivated." " No doubt," continues the writer, " there are districts of country which can produce greater crops of some of the grains and with less labor ; but here pure air and wholesome water, so necessary to health of body and mind, give vigor, elasticity, and hardihood to the en tire constitution, and a zest to industry ; so that without overtasking the natural powers with excessive toil, the amount of exercise necessary to the development and health of the physical and moral powers wisely and justly directed are sufficient to abundantly supply all the necessities of life, many of its luxuries, and make constant improvements in its conveniences." In speaking of Winnebago Lake, he says : " This beautiful sheet of water, thirty-five miles in length from north to south, eight to fifteen in width from east to west, reclines its head in the bosom of this county — the city of Fond du Lac lying at its crown, as the name signifies HISTORY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. 435 1 Head or extremity of the Lake.'* Upon the west side, near its center, this lake receives the water of Fox and Wolf Rivers, at the city of Oshkosh. Wolf River, descending from the great " pinery," furnishes the common highway for the transportation of boards, logs and tim ber, immense rafts of which are annually floated down to the [Winnebago] Lake, towed by steamboats to Fond du Lac and manufactured by steam mills into such form as the wants of the city [of Fond du Lac] and country require. An extensive surrounding district is thus supplied with pine lumber at a small advance above its value in its native forest. There is also an im mense amount of logs and sawed lumber carried by railroad from this place [Fond du Lac City] to Rock River, thence floated to Janesville to supply a large district destitute of pine. " In return for this lumber, Fond du Lac contributes largely to furnishing the provisions and clothing for the vast army of laborers who are constantly employed in the various branches of labor, which brings the treasures of the far distant forest to the city market or farmer's door. It also furnishes axes, saws, chains, and all kinds of implements necessary to the various branches of the work, constituting a commercial interest of great importance. To the cheap and safe communications between the fertile fields of Fond du Lac County and the almost inex haustible pineries, this county is largely indebted for the rapid and continued increase of its population and wealth which has marked its progress, year by year, from its first settlement up to the present time. And yet its present improvements and wealth are but the developments of an insignificant portion of its capacity. Its surface of more than seven hundred square miles is only dotted with comparatively small improvements, while vast unfurrowed fields of prairies, openings, and woodlands, like a wide-spread garden clad in nature's beauty, are inviting the tiller's hand. Improvements here can receive no check from exhaustion until the agricultural, mechan ical and commercial operations are quadrupled, and quadrupled again, which, according to the ratio of the past and the prospects of the present, cannot be many years. In contemplating the growth of this county in population, wealth and improvements, public and private, the mind is unavoidably driven to the conclusion, that Fond du Lac possesses natural advantages and facilities for the promotion of the prosperity and happiness of man seldom found in other parts of the world." " The Indian's trails," continues the writer, "are obliterated — have long since ceased to guide the traveler. The whole county, like a vast checkerboard is now cut into squares and triangles by smooth, graded roads over which heavy -burdened wagons roll with steady pace, and vehicles ¦of pleasure glide with rapid motion. " There is a first-rate plank road from Fond du Lac to Sheboygan and another to Rosen dale. There is in contemplation a railroad from the head of Lake Winnebago to Rock River in the county of Dodge, with others to be built, and plank roads also, in almost every direction, having Fond du Lac for one terminus. Vast fields of wheat, corn, oats and barley, bowed with the weight of substantial wealth, wave their rich treasures where so lately wild flowers bloomed alone. The howling of wolves and savage yells of the Indian no longer rend the air and chill the blood with sensations of horror. The wigwam and its inmates, with all the associations of rude and savage life, have disappeared, as the tide of civilization, like a prairie fire, has swept over the country. Wild plums, apples and cherries, like wild men who plucked them, have given place to those which are more refined and the highly cultivated. Many thousands of apple trees of choice varieties have been planted within the past year [1854]. " Encouraged by the luxurious growth and abundant productiveness of those which were early cultivated, agriculturists are now beautifying and enriching their farms with the best varieties of apple, pear, plum and cherry trees. While the citizens of this county have mani fested so much zeal and energy in the cultivation of their farms, they have not neglected the moral and intellectual field, but have exhibited their high sense and active appreciation of the cultivation of the youthful mind in common schools, by the erection of 141 schoolhouses in the various districts, most of which are both convenient and elegant, while a few yet remain of the * This definition of " Fond du Lac " is not strictly correct. For the literal as -well as figurative meaning of the word, the reader is referred to the article already given, entitled, " Origin ofthe name Fond du Lac." H 436 HISTORY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. rude edifices hastily thrown up to serve a temporary purpose. At an average cost of $200 these buildings would amount to $28,200. In them have been taught the past year [1853], 4,866 scholars ; average time in the districts, about eight months." In speaking bf the health of the county at that date, 1854, the writer says: " Some idea of the salubrity of the atmosphere and purity of the water may be formed from the healthful- ness of the inhabitants. The pale face, sunken cheek, cadaverous countenance and ' hectic cough are seldom met with in this county. Butchers are patronized far more liberally than physicians. The unusual absence of disease in this county was noticed more particularly by the early settlers, from the fact that they anticipated the visitation of those bilious diseases so com mon in new countries. The Fond du Lac Journal of May 4, 1849, contained the following remarks on the subject of health : ' We can assert without fear of contradiction that the climate of Wisconsin is healthier than that of any Eastern State, and Fond du Lac County far more healthy than any Eastern county. In proof of this, we have the universal affirmation of the old residents here. For three years (1842, 1843 and 1844), when the population of the county ranged from 300 in 1842 to 1,500 in 1844, there was not a single death from disease in Fond du Lac County. We do not believe another like instance can be found in the' world. Since that time, sickness has been almost a stranger here. Up to the present time, this place [the l village of Fond du Lac] has never been visited with any general sickness. Disease and death have followed the transgression of the natural and Divine laws here as in other places, but the inhabitants are abundantly warranted in their fixed belief, that this is a very highly favored part of the world as regards health.' " The abundantly satisfied writer continues his discourse thus : " It has already been said that ' the present improvements in this county were but the development of an insignificant fraction of its capacity.' Every new facility for communication or transportation between this and the Atlantic States adds to the value of the products of this county, increases the agricultural inter ests, and advances the market value of the soil. The construction of the plank road from Fond du Lac to Sheboygan, opening an easy land communication to Lake Michigan, advanced the value of wheat and other grains in this county at least 20 per cent, and reduced the cost of transporting freight from Sheboygan to Fond du Lac 75 p"er cent. But a new era is just dawn ing in the improvement of the Fox River between Winnebago Lake and Green Bay, which must result in advantages to the city and county of Fond du Lac far greater than any other improve ment either accomplished or contemplated." " In forming an estimation of the future of Fond du Lac County," continues the writer, " some guidance may be found in the brief records of the past ; the actual enumerations taken at the different periods show clearly that the increase of its population has been by no wild panic rush, but by an ever-increasing stream. In 1840, the number of its inhabitants was 139 ; in 1842, the number was 295 ; in June, 1846, it was 3,544 ; in December, 1847, it had increased to 7,459 ; in June, 1850, to 15,448 ; and it is confidently believed that at the present time [1854] it is more than 30,000. " It is now [1854] about ten years since the Indians were removed from this county. Up to that time, there were only a few scattering pioneer settlements of a few individuals. In the short space of ten years the inhabitants have multiplied to probably more than 30,000. In 1850, the real estate was valued at $1,473,197 ; personal, at $32,956 ; total, $1,606,153. Since that period, the property has undoubtedly more than doubled ; and the rapid progress of public improvements and individual enterprise warrants the belief that, if there should be no providential calamity or revulsion of business, both population and wealth will increase for the next decade at least as fast as that of the past." HISTORY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. 437 A TERRIBLE DISASTER.* On the 12th day of October, 1859, one thousand people from Chicago, Janesville, Water- town and other places along the line of the Chicago & North-Western Railway reached the city of Fond du Lac. They came in twenty-five passenger cars, the occasion being the celebration of the completion ofthe road from Chicago to Fond du Lac. A banquet was had at the Lewis House ; every house and street in the city was illuminated, and a grand ball was given in Amory Hall, then the most elegant finished place of entertainment in this part of the State. An eye-witness says : " As the noble span of iron horses drew the twenty-five cars proudly into Fond du Lac, no town, I think, could look more beautiful. It was thoroughly illuminated. It seemed that not a window had been neglected. The long streets, up and down, at right angles, were walled on either side with a sheet of pearly light, sending up a soft shine over the whole city, blending with tho subdued moonlight, through the slight haze and mild atmosphere of Indian summer, in a fine mellow glare that was enchanting. " The Zouave Cadets, preceeded by the Chicago Light Guard Band, were escorted through the streets by the Fond du Lac Fire Department, with torch-lights. The cadets are a company of much more merit than most youthful military bands possess. Their uniform is partially of the Turkish costume. " Main street was thronged with people and vehicles, having more the appearance of Broad way than any other street that I have ever seen in the West. " The tallest kind of a supper was in readiness at the Lewis House and over three hundred partook of it. Mr. Ewen, the landlord, was quite efficient in making all comfortable who could get under the roof of his spacious house, though the regular beds were all given up to the ladies. About one-third ofthe excursion party were ladies. All the hotels were filled 'jam full.' " The committee of arrangements, in behalf of the citizens of Fond du Lac, provided for all who were the invited guests of the railroad, free of charge, and when the hotels could hold no more, we were packed away in private houses and churches. It fell to my lot to get room to indulge in a horizontal position at Plymouth Church, where a hundred or so of us went to sleep ' after the revel was done,' as quick as if a person had been discoursing. " The ball at Amory Hall was well enjoyed, and rather too well attended for the dance to go off easily. All who had tickets of invitation to the excursion were admitted to the ball free, so there was not a sufficient general acquaintance among those attending to relieve it of its awkwardness. And then some of the cadets who were quite soldierly in the street, at the ball reminded me of supernumeraries in the grand ball of the Capulets. The music by the Light •Guard Band, of Chicago, was as fine as ever I heard in a ballroom. Amory Hall has, without question, the most elegantly finished interior of any hall in the State, and is one of the largest and loftiest. " The main expense of the whole affair, as far as Fond du Lac was concerned, was defrayed by her own citizens, and their endeavors, for the most part, showed excellent taste." On Tuesday morning, November i, 600 people in twelve coaches, left Fond du Lac to return the visit of the Chicagoans. At Watertown, two more coaches were added and more passengers were taken aboard. Although the cars were crowded, it was a happy throng. The train was running slowly, at a rate of speed not exceeding ten miles per hour. When eight miles below Watertown, a heavy ox which was drinking near the unfenced track, frightened at the approaching train, sprang directly in front of it and was caught in a culvert. The pilot of the locomotive struck the firmly fastened obstruction instead of pushing under it and the locomo tive and five cars were thrown from the track. A scene of indescribable confusion, horror and suffering, instantly supplanted mirth and gayety. No one could tell how many lives were lost, for there were at least 200 persons in the demolished cars, from the, wreck of which it did not appear possible for one of them to escape alive. T. F. Strong. Sr., at once sent his son, Timothy * Although this disaster occurred in another county, it is a part of the History of Fond du Lac, because it resulted in the death of seven of its citizens. 438 HISTORY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. F., to Watertown for physicians, liquor, bandages, beds and assistance. Young Mr. Strong appropriated without permission the first horse and vehicle he could find, and ran them to Watertown, where a gravel train just unloaded was found. He rnade known his errand, and the cars were soon laden with everything the village contained that would be of service on such an occasion. He then telegraphed to the Chicago office. Fourteen were actually killed or died soon after, of whom seven were from Fond du Lac. These were Major J. Thomas, United States Marshal, who was plunged into a mud-hole and held there by the wreck until he drowned ; Timothy L. Gillet, one of the first directors of the road, who was crushed, torn in twain and disemboweled ; Jerome Mason, express agent and telegraph operator, who was thrown across the stove at the middle of his body and burned in a most shocking manner, and only recognized by his boots ; John Boardman and Isadore Snow, carpenters, who were both instantly killed ; Edward H. Sickles, a book-binder, who had the lower portion of his body crushed, and who lived several hours : Van Buren Smead, of the Democratic Press, who had his skull fractured, and did not die until November 29. The balance of those killed were four from Oshkosh, and three from Watertown and other places. Those from Fond du Lac who were seriously injured were Robert Flint, Mrs. R. M. Lewis, Mrs. James Kinney, Mrs. John Radford, Edward Beeson, J. Q. Griffith, James W. Partridge, A. D. Bonesteel ; others were bruised and cut. Strangely enough, Dr. A. D. Raymond had a presentiment that something would happen, and took with him a case of surgical instruments and lint, as did also Dr. T. S. Wright. The Fond du Lac Commonwealth of November 2, said : " The smash-up took place in the woods, on low, marshy ground, there being a deep ditch on each side filled with water. The engine and cars that left the track were plunged into the water, mud and soft ground, and not less than three cars were utterly demolished — a mass of splinters above the body of the car, and the strong frames driven deep into the earth. There were seven cars filled to a jam that did not get thrown from the track or any person injured on them save those who were standing on the platform. * * * In one minute after the crash, we never sa,w a cooler set of men, or a band of more heroic women. They leaped to the work of saving others with remarkable effectiveness, and it seemed but a few moments before all were dragged from the ruins, the dead decently cared for, and the wounded made far more comfort able than one would conceive possible in such a location. The cushioned seats of cars laid upon doors made passable beds, while the ladies' skirts were freely stripped to make bandages for the wounded." Johnson's Creek, about eighty rods south of the culvert where the accident hap pened, was then called Belleville, hence the casualty is known as the " Belleville Disaster." OHAPTEE VI. The Press of Fond du Lac County— Some of Fond du Lac County's Illustrious Dead— An "Indian Scare "—First Things— County Statistics— Prosperity of the County- Political Parties — Ripon College. the press of fond du lac county. Fond du Lac County has always been blessed with newspapers of more than ordinary ability, influence and respectability. The general intelligence and prosperity of a community may be fairly measured by the character of the newspapers published therein, and the liberality with which they are supported. An intelligent, thrifty and enterprising community demands newspapers of the same attributes, and sooner or later that demand is always supplied. Fond du Lac has not been in advance of her newspapers, from the days of the first Journal and Whig, down to the present publications, and possibly has not been up to them in liberality and enterprise. The village had very good local newspapers before it contained a church or a Court House, and very soon after the first schoolhouse was erected within the present city limits. They have kept fully up to an excellent standard eversince ; always praising and pointing out to the world, without money or price, the advantages of soil, health, climate, location, growth, society, edu cation, culture and enterprise of the place ; inciting new improvements and enterprises, where they did not already exist, and wielding, in the case of one or two of them at least, a strong influence in shaping political and State, as well as local, affairs. They have, therefore, played a very important part in the development and growth of the locality and the State, and the best history would rightly be considered far from complete if it contained no accounts of the various newspaper publications of Fond du Lac. In the sketches which follow, those are the most liberally treated of whose files were the most perfect and afforded the most material. Many volumes of the different newspapers have been destroyed, lost or borne away by those interested in their publication or the history they contain. This necessarily abbreviates the histories of some of them, although the most that is worth recording and preserving in pages like these has been obtained and verified. The Fond du Lac Journal. — Followed through all its manifold changes of name and pro prietors, the Fond du Lac Journal is tbe oldest paper in Fond du Lac County. On the 1st day of October, 1846, the Journal made its appearance. It was six-column folio, printed on mate rial brought by John 0. Henning, now of Hudson, Wis., and Eli Hooker, now of Waupun, from Ithica, N. Y. As the Territory of Wisconsin was under Democratic administration, the paper was devoted to the advocacy of the principles of that party, although Mr. Hooker was a Whig. The county then contained about 3,500 inhabitants, and the paper was meagerly pat ronized, though all who were able did what-they could to sustain it. Henning & Hooker contin ued together until March 23, 1847, when Mr. Hooker purchased an interest in the Whig, with J. M. Gillet, and Edward Beeson, a practical printer, took his place and proprietary interest in the Journal. In July, 1848, Mr. Beeson purchased his partner's interest in the business and became editor and sole proprietor of the paper. He continued to manage its publication in a moderate and dignified manner, compelled, however, to use the utmost economy in all financial matters, until March 23, 1849, when he sold the whole establishment to John A. Eastman, now of Benton Harbor, Mich., and Alfred A. White. On June 22 of the same year, the Journal was enlarged by Eastman & White to a seven-column folio, and improved by the addition of some new type. The new type evidently was purchased in Milwaukee, for in that issue was printed this : " We 440 HISTORY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. have been to Milwaukee on the stage-road, and must say that we never saw such horrible roads in all our experience. From one end of the road to the other, it was a succession of stumps, stones, logs, ditches, mud-holes, log-bridges, etc. We broke our wagon twice, tore our horses' shoes off and pounded our bones until we were blue." The editor appears to have been mollified after reaching Milwaukee, for he declared in the same article that the city " is improving very fast — her growth has been unparalleled, * * * The hill is- covered with beautiful residences, many of brick, and all show the progressive spirit of the age. Milwaukee is des tined to be one of the largest cities in the West. Her location insures this." The historian does not need to testify that the editor proved to be a wise prophet. The Journal at this time contained over thirteen columns of advertisements. In its issue of June 29, it "tooted its own horn," as the Whig paper remarked, by announcing in big type that the Journal was " the largest paper, and had the largest circulation of any in Northern Wisconsin," and $30 would buy a column advertisement in it for a year. It also contained an article hetcheling Zachary Taylor, the new Whig President, because he had turned out Demo cratic office-holders and appointed men of his own party in their places. Sam Ryan, of the Republican, now editor of the Appleton Crescent, recent Democratic candidate for Secretary of State, had just been appointed Postmaster of Fond du Lac, and he came in for a good share of the punishment. The same issue was graced by an elegant obituary notice of James K. Polk, who had died a few months after retiring from the Presidency. A few issues later on, evidences of such newspaper fights as occur in modern journalism, appear in the cry of " lie," and "falsifier," against the Republican. At the same time the Journal calmly published the listof unclaimed letters, signed by Sam Ryan, editor of the Republican, as Postmaster. In August, September, and during the fall, the paper was given up to political news and discussions quite as much as now, and political parties appeared to be as numerous. Calls were issued in the Journal for Democratic, Union Democratic, Whig, Free-Soil and Independent con ventions, and the proceedings of each, with the nominations, were published. In the Journal of September 28, 1849, appeared a letter from Mr. D. Lamb, in the town of Rosendale, describing how a black bear, weighing 400 pounds, was killed by himself and the neighbors in his grove. The issue of October 12 contained a brief account of the suicide of Ira Church, and the dissolution notice of Eastman & White. The paper was thereafter published by Eastman & Beeson, Edward Beeson having become possessed of the half-interest in the establishment owned by Mr. White. The issue of October 12 also contained over two columns of the county delin quent tax list. On November 9 was published the proceedings had by a large meeting of the citizens to consider the matter of a plank road from Fond du Lac to Milwaukee, and the next issue was liberally devoted to the proceedings of a meeting held at Watertown, by the officers of the Beloit & Taycheedah Railroad, a line of railway which existed only on some maps that were pronounced to be " beautifully drawn," but which was being energetically pushed by the leading citizens of Fond du Lac to something more tangible. The issue of March 8, 1850, had an amusing account of how the charter election of the village of Fond du Lac, which was to have been held on Monday, the 4th of the month, was entirely forgotten by the busy people, and no election was held. On the 26th of April, 1850, the Journal announced in large type that John B. Macy, who was then in New York, had negotiated a loan of $1,000,000 with which to build the Rock River Valley Railroad. On the 29th of May, 1851, Mr. Beeson again became editor and sole proprietor by pur chasing John A. Eastman's interest. He continued alone in the business until June 23, 1853, when M. J. Thomas (son-in-law to John B. Macy, afterward U. S. Marshal, and killed in the Bellville disaster, who was not a practical printer), exchanged a half-interest in the National Democrat, which establishment he had just purchased, for an equal interest in the Journal. The firm name then became Beeson & Thomas, with M. J. Thomas, editor, and the two papers were merged under the name ofthe Fond du Lac Union. It was one column wider than the HISTORY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. 441 Journal, having eight columns to the page. The first number appeared June 24, 1853. The reason for the change appeared in the following extract from the editorial announcement in the initial number : " It is well known to our readers that for some two or three years a species of family quar rel has existed in the ranks of the Democratic party of this city and county. This quarrel has gradually gained strength until now it threatens to defeat the success of the party. * * The time has arrived when we have either to restore harmony in our ranks, or suffer defeat." The article goes on to recite how each paper, the National Democrat and the Journal, was the organ of a different faction in the party, and expressed the belief that the union of the two papers would unite the two contending factions, saying : " Believing that such a union and the establishment of such a paper will materially aid in harmonizing and securing the ascendency of our party, we have united the Journal and the Democrat, and substituted therefor the Fond du Lac Union." , The paper was liberally adorned with thrifty looking advertisements and would be a credit able paper for the Fond du Lac of to day. It was published over Baker Brothers & Hoskin's store, on Main street, which was the building then located where Robert A. Baker's bank now stands. When Mr. Beeson entered into partnership with M. J. Thomas, he made it a part of the contract that if the matter was not satisfactory to him at the end of one year, the partnership should be dissolved. Therefore, in the last issue of the first year of the Union, June 15, 1854, a notice of dissolution was published, Mr. Beeson selling out to Mr. Thomas. The change was owing to differences of opinion on certain important topics. This was noticeable to the public through the differing editorials signed respectively "B." or " M. J. T.," as the case might be. Mr. Beeson continued three months in the office to settle up its business, and on July 27, 1854, Andrew J. Reed, of Buffalo, N. Y., purchased an interest in the establishment, and the paper was then published by Thomas & Reed. In the fall of this year, the Union published the tax notice of the county, and was well filled with advertisements. June 21, 1855, a new "head" was purchased for the paper and the make-up was changed. February 7, 1856, A. J . Reed sold his interest to M. J. Thomas, but remained a short time as associate editor, as Mr. Thomas was a delegate to the National Democratic Convention which nominated James Buchanan for President. On Saturday, March 8, 1856, the Daily Union was begun by M. J. Thomas as proprietor, Thomas & Reed, editors. Mr. Reed continued with the paper only one week. The publication was a five-column folio, and contained fourteen columns of advertisements, mostly taken from the Weekly Union, and were a source, therefore, of very little »profit. Mr. Thomas announced at the beginning that he expected to do the extra work of the first year for nothing in order to place the daily upon a paying basis. This paying basis could not be reached, although a very good paper was published, and the matter used in the daily was transferred to the weekly, thus lessening the expense of that publication ; and on November 13th of that year — the next week after election — the Daily Union was suspended. February 12, 1857, S. C. Chandler, of the Beaver Dam Republican, purchased an interest in the Union, and the firm then became "Thomas & Chandler, editors and proprietors." July 13 of the same year, W. H. Brooks, who entered the rebellion afterward and became a confederate officer, purchased Mr. Chandler's interest, and became one of the editors and proprietors. In January, 1858,- the Union was transferred to Augustus L. Smith, a, nephew of ex-Gov. Horatio Seymour, and now a prominent citizen of Appleton. He managed the business until May 22, 1858, when the whole establishment was sold to Samuel M. Smead, "who is still a resident of Fond du Lac. The next week, May 29, the Union was merged with the Journal into the Democratic Press. The old type of both papers was discarded and new material throughout purchased. The firm which published the Democratic Press consisted of S. M. and Van B. Smead and T. F. Strong, Jr. 442 HISTORY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. The Journal here mentioned as being merged with the Union into the Democratic Press, was started by Van B. Smead and J. Beeson (the latter a brother to Edward Beeson, who is now the editor of the Wisconsin Farmer), February 21, 1857. It was a handsomely prepared and neat appearing sheet, price $1.50 per year in advance. The first number contained the delinquent tax list of Calumet County. To publish this tax list (Calumet County had no paper then), was one of the main reasons why this paper, taking the name of the Journal, was started. It contained, during two and one-half months, a story entitled " Meadowdale," writ ten by Van B. Smead, which attracted considerable local attention, and was considered a very pleasant story. May 16, 1857, Mr. Beeson sold his interest, and, July 25, the names of Van B. Smead, A. J. Rockwell and T. F. Strong, Jr., appeared at the head as editors and proprie tors. In October, Mr. Rockwell sold out to his partners, who continued the Journal until May 22, 1858, and the next week afterward it was merged with the Union into the Democratic Press. The Democratic Press, by S. M. and V. B. Smead and T. F. Strong, Jr., was printed on new type and made a fine appearance. S. M. Smead was editor. As Mr. Strong was General Passenger Agent of what is now the Wisconsin Division of the Chicago & North-Western Rail way, on February 23, 1859, he sold his interest to the Smead brothers. The paper secured the official printing of the city and county, and the Government printing for the Wisconsin Land Office. On the 1st of November, 1859, Van B. Smead was injured at the Belleville disaster, which happened to the first excursion train ever run out of Fond du Lac, and on December 21, died, in the Planter's Hotel, at Watertown, Wis., of those injuries, aged twenty-three years. His brother, S. M. Smead, then became editor and proprietor, continuing as such until November 20, 1861, when he sold the establishment to T. F. Strong, Jr. He continued as editor of the paper until January 4, 1862, when Mr. Strong issued a sheet with complete new dress and new style of make-up and typographical arrangement. The paper remained the same in size, but had six wide, instead of the seven ordinary columns, not a black or large letter in it, and was set, advertisements and all, after the most stylish manner of the New York Herald. Copies of it have been preserved as specimens of the finest paper in appearance and elegant make-up ever printed in Wisconsin. Under the head and extending nearly across the page, were the words: " Conducted by Tim. Follette Strong." Mr. Strong had, in addition to him self, a local, political and managing editor, and every article, advertisement and line was prepared with the utmost care and elegance. It was an elephant, financially, and up to May 28, 1862, when Edward Beeson purchased the entire establishment, sunk over $4,000, Mr. Beeson sold a one-half interest immediately after purchasing the Democratic Press from Mr. Strong, to King man Flint, now deceased, and son of the late Robert Flint, who sold again in August to S. D. Stanchfield, a lawyer. In September, Mr. Beeson sold his interest to A. P. Swinefbrd, now of the Marquette, (Mich.) Mining Journal, the firm becoming, September 17, Swineford & Stanch field. In January, 1864, Mr. Swineford discontinued the Oshkosh Review, to which he had been giving some attention for a year, and purchased Mr. Stanchfield's ' interest in the Democratic Press, the material in both offices being consolidated at Fond du Lac. This was during the rebellion, and the Press was considered a pretty " hot " paper, strongly Democratic. February 7, 1865, a Daily Press, a four-column folio, was begun, of which Martin H. Crocker, now a lawyer of Ishpeming, Mich., was associate editor. In June, 1865, Thomas J. Goodwin bought a half-interest in the Press, but sold it again to Mr. Swineford in November. In 1855, Mr. Swineford wer^ to Canada, where he remained, operating in oil and mining until August, 1866, during which time James H. Lambert and A. C. Palmer were left in charge of the Press. In September, 1866, James Swineford, afterward Chief of Police of Fond du Lac, purchased a half-interest in the paper, and soon after, while A. P. Swineford was in Canada, took complete possession of the office on account of a debt, and discontinued the paper. When he purchased the first half-interest a large power press was ordered, which arrived at the depot in Fond du Lac all right, but not being taken out or paid for, was sent back to the manufactory. HISTORY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. 44$ The city and county were then without a Democratic paper until Thursday, May 2, 1867, when Edward Beeson started the paper under the old name, that of the Journal. It was begun as a seven-column folio, and enlarged September 30, 1869, to nine columns. December 15, 1870, Michael Bohan came from West Bend, where he had been for twelve years Clerk of the County Board, and purchased a one-half interest in the Journal, taking possession January 5, 1871. In the fall of 1871, Mr. Beeson was elected County Treasurer by the Democrats, and as the duties of the office demanded his attention, he sold his interest in the newspaper to Mr. Bohan, who, on the 26th of August, 1872, began the publication of the Daily Journal, in sup port of Horace Greeley for President. S. D. (Pump) Carpenter, now publishing a paper in Missouri, was political editor at a salary of ,$100 per month, and T. F. Strong, Jr., local editor. Mr. Carpenter remained just one month, being too costly for the enterprise, and the daily was discontinued January 2, 1873. On September 11, 1873, Mr. Bohan sold the Journal to Tim. F. Strong, Jr., and James Russell, the firm becoming " Strong & Russell, editors and pro- proprietors." They changed the form of the paper May 7, 1874, to a six-column quarto, and published it in an entirely new dress. In its new form it was a handsome paper and its selec tions were the choicest to be had. The paper was conducted with marked success under this management for a period of fifteen months. The publishers were also interested in the Star Book and Job Printing Office, which was opened by Homer G. Leonard, the firm being Leonard, Russell & Strong. The latter concern became badly involved about this time, and the Journal owners were forced to consolidate the paper with the job office to save their interest therein, under a joint-stock organization, which obtained a charter and assumed charge of both offices, January, 1875, under the name of the Star Printing Company, with a capital stock of $21,000. Mr. Russell was placed in editorial charge of the Journal under this new arrange ment, and Mr. Leonard was given the position of manager of the mechanical department. H. H. Dodd undertook the financial management, but shortly became dissatisfied with his duties, resigned, and was succeeded by L. Q. Olcott, Esq. Becoming again involved in consequence of the business stagnation which settled on all business industries shortly afterward, the office was sold in July, 1879, to Mr. L. W. Safford, who immediately leased the property to Messrs. Russell & Olcott, who continued the publication of the Journal until the succeeding January, having in the mean time established a flourishing daily, the Morning Journal, in connection with their weekly. In January, Mr. Olcott retired from the connection, leaving Mr. Russell sole publisher of the Journal, and proprietor of the job office connected with it, under whose management both are now conducted. The Journal has been the official paper of the county longer than any of its cotemporaries and has always been Democratic in politics. The Fond du Lac Whig. — On Monday, December 14, 1846, the first number of the Fond du Lac Whig made its appearance, James Monroe Gillet, editor and publisher. Its place of publication was in the second story of Lyman Bishop's building, situated on the corner of Main and Third streets. This building now stands near by on the north side of Third street, and is used for a dwelling. Hiram Morley, now of the Oshkosh Standard, was foreman of the office. The Whig was a five-column folio, 20x27 inches in size, printed in brevier type. The. first number contained seventeen and one-half columns of reading matter and two and one-half columns of advertisements. The reading matter treated of the Mexican war, then in progress ; the Constitutional Convention, then in session at Madison ; contained a pyramid of Whig States, consisting of Ohio, Maine, Florida, Vermont, Georgia, Kentucky, Maryland, Delaware, New Jersey, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, North Carolina and New York; an enunciation of "true Whig" principles; description of the new and wonderful Morse telegraphic instruments ; the probable complexion of Congress ; news of the horrible sufferings in Ireland from famine ; a poem — " The Unknown Way " — by William Cullen Bryant ; an account of a preliminary meeting to consider the Fox River improvement, held at the Court House; original poetry by "W;" a stab at Gov. Dodge for refusing to 444 HISTORY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. adjourn the Constitutional Convention over Thanksgiving Day ; receipts of the Green Bay Land Office ; a warning against counterfeit bills on Indiana State banks ; a very full account of the exchange of prisoners of war with Mexico, and how the soldiers fared ; some miscellaneous matter and the editorial announcement. From this announcement is taken the following extract : / "In assuming the control of a public journal, even though it be humble as our own, we feel it is not without its responsibility. It is at all times not only proper but necessary that parties should have political papers devoted to their support and advancement ; but no party has a right to claim of any journal a blind support of all men and all measures. Happily, the party to which we belong, and which has our whole energies and most hearty wishes, requires of no man, of no press, an unscrupulous support of any man or any measure. It acknowledges no watchword but the public good ; no law but that of reason. It calls upon all men to read, to think for themselves. It asks no support from men who do not in their hearts believe Whig principles are the sure foundations of our political institutions. It asks all for principle, nothing for men. It has no political opinions for a particular locality, but it aims at the pro motion of those well-defined principles equally applicable to the North, the South, the East and the West, and which have been the' landmarks of the party from its organization till now. Devoted alone to the welfare of the republic, it acknowledges no leaders ; yields subjection to no regencies ; is not the victim of clans or designing men, but presses straightforward in the old beaten track, forsaken by the aspiring, ambitious, unscrupulous men who would rule or ruin. Political aspirants and demagogues who would control all, who have personal advance ment and the spoils for their motto, find no favor in its ranks, and have learned long since to seek an asylum in other folds. " Confident that the best interests of the country are involved in the success of Whig principles and the Whig party, we shall lend our feeble aid to their advancement, expecting no reward but the consciousness of having done our duty. "Our paper will be conducted independently of bias or devotion to men. We shall do what shall seem to us right, and, if we err, let it be remembered that that is but human. We do not expect to be without faults, and only ask the same candor in criticism of our course which we would cheerfully extend to others. " Our flag is already in the breeze. The name of our paper indicates its politics. Our course will be independent." The advertising patronage was meager indeed, the whole number of paid announcements, cards and advertisements, numbering seventeen, beside Mr. Gillet's card as a lawyer and an appeal for wood. Local matter received very little attention, doubtless because there were very few local mat ters of importance to attend to. The general make-up of the publication, the ability of its articles and its typographical appearance would compare favorably with the weeklies of to-day. The paper was liberally taken by the citizens of the village and vicinity, but the other sources of income, such as job work, legal publishing and advertising, did not reach a prodigious size. On the 25th of March, 1847, Mr. Eli Hooker left the Journal because that paper was Democratic and he was a Whig, and bought a half-interest of Mr. Gillet in the Whig. The paper was then published by Gillet & Hooker, editors and proprietors. The paper continued under their management, with better satisfaction to its patrons than its proprietors, until October 13, 1847, when the firm of Gillet & Hooker dissolved by consent, the paper appearing October ' 21, with Mr. Gillet as editor and proprietor. He announced that it was his intention to enlarge and improve the Whig if those indebted to the concern would square up. At the same time, however, there appeared over Mr. Gillet's signature the announcement that the type and furni ture of the Whig would be sold at auction or private sale on the 10th day of the following HISTORY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. 445 December. The advertising patronage had begun to increase and consisted of eleven and one- half columns of »" live ads " — more than one half of the entire space of the paper. The paper continued on until Monday, November 22, on which day the last number of the Whig appeared. The real cause of its suspension was a difference between Mr. Gillet and Mr. Hooker on financial as well as other matters, in the final adjustment of which Mr. Gillet retained the name, franchise, good will and subscription of the office, and Mr. Hooker took the material, which he moved to Waupun, and used in starting a job office. Among the lawyers who advertised them selves in the Whig at the time of its demise, were Timothy 0. Howe, then of Oshkosh, now of Green Bay ; Drury & Eastman (Erastus W. Drury and John A. Eastman), Gillet & Tompkins (J. M. Gillet and C. M. Tompkins), S. S. N. Fuller and A. L. Williams, of Fond du Lac ; C. W. Washburn (Howe & Washburn), and C. E. P. Hobart, Oshkosh ; S. W. Beall, Taycheedah, and J. J. Brown, Waupun. Benjamin F. Moore, now proprietor of the extensive La Belle Wagon Works, advertised pine lumber; J. C. Lowell, now proprietor of the bus line, was "fashionable tailor;" Dr. Elliot Brown and Isaac Orvis (Oakfield) were distressed over strayed cows ; A. G. Ruggles, now Pres ident of the First National Bank, and F. F. Davis had dissolved partnership ; D. R. Curran had pills, patent medicines and plasters, and pure wines and liquors for medicinal purposes ; Peter V. Sang spoke of his land office at Seven Mile Creek ; J. L. Ault could shoe horses, and shoes them still on Third street ; L. J. Farwell & Co. had hardware ; Capt. A. J. Langworthy, now of the Milwaukee State Journal, had a machine-shop at Milwaukee ; Lyman Bishop adver tised harnesses, and Gibson & Wright a drug store. The market report, prices being governed almost wholly by Milwaukee, showed wheat to be worth 52 cents; oats, 20 cents; flour, $3.25 per cwt.; pork, $2.50 per cwt.; potatoes, 31 cents and scarce; eggs, 20 to 22 cents; "good butter," 13 cents; venison, 6 cents and abundant; chickens, 25 cents per pair ; partridges, 10 cents each ; beef, 3 cents per pound, alive ; lard, 5 cents ; corn, 31 cents ; apples, green, $1 per bushel, and barley, 20 cents. Among the marriage notices were those of John J. Driggs, merchant, to Elvira Olmsted, ¦of Middlebury, Vt., at Fond du Lac, January 1, 1847 ; at the same time and place, Tracy P. Bingham, druggist, to Martha S., eldest daughter of J. J. Driggs; at Waupun, in January, Rev. W. G. Miller, of Fond du Lac, to Mary E. Brown, of Waupun ; at Fond du Lac, January 9, Robert Wilson to Rachael M. Bevier ; March 10, Lyman Bishop, of Fond du Lac, to Maria S. Probart, of Le Roy, Wis.; at De Pere, March 11, Charles D. Robinson, of the Green Bay Advocate, to Sarah A. Wilcox ; at Green Bay, June 1, Sam Ryan, Jr., of the Republican, to Laura F. Knappen, of Plattsburg, N. Y.; on September 24, at Sheboygan, William Farnsworth, of Sheboygan, to Mrs. Martha Farnsworth, of Racine ; at Fond du Lac, September 20, James B. Clock to Eliza Simmons; at Ithaca, N. Y., October 5, D. R. Curran, of Fond du Lac, to Eveline Stoddard, of Ithaca ; at Janesville, July 7, Edward V. Whiton (afterward Chief Jus tice of the Supreme Court of Wisconsin), to Miss Amorett Dimock ; at Madison, July 5, John Y. Smith, editor of the Wisconsin Argus, to Miss Harriet Wright. The Whig was James Monroe Gillet's first and only newspaper venture. But, from the ability, dignity and clear-headedness displayed in this volume, it is fair to suppose, had he con tinued in the editorial business, he would have become as eminent in that profession as he after ward did in the law. The Fond du Lac Republican. — On the 6th day of January, 1848, Mr. Sam Ryan, now editor of the Appleton Cresent, began the publication, in the village of Fond du Lac of the Fond du Lac Republican, in the interest of the Whig party. He had been publishing the Green Bay Republican, but at the suspension of the Whig by Gillet & Hooker, was sent for by Moses Gib son, John Bannister, Edgar Conklin, and others, who desired another paper to take its place. Mr. Ryan promptly responded, as Fond du Lac was considered one of the most promising villages in the Territory, moving his whole establishment from Green Bay. The sturdy old Washington hand press on which the Republican was printed was first used by H. O. Sholes, now of Lawrence, 446 HISTORY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. Kan., in the publication of the Green Bay Republican in 1841. It was destroyed by fire at Oconto,. Wis., in the year 1856. The paper was given about the same patronage as had been given the Whig before it, and received more as it grew older. In July, 1850 — two and one-half years after its establishment — the name of the paper was changed from Republican to Fountain Cityr Fond du Lac then being known as the " Fountain City," although it was but a village with a village charter. Although the paper had every appearance of thrift, its publication was not a paying business, and in order to keep it running several of the prominent property holders — three of whom are mentioned above — made up purses for Mr. Ryan at different times. But this was satisfactory to neither Mr. Ryan nor the donors, and the Republican, or Fountain City, was discon tinued in December, 1850, and Mr. Ryan returned to Green Bay to manage the Spectator. It was not a paying publication from its first to its last issue, although a creditable paper to the place and the profession. Mr. Ryan was a Democratic candidate for Secretary of State at the election held November 4, 1879, but was defeated. He was Postmaster of Fond du Lac from April, 1849 to October, 1850, having been appointed by the Whig President, Zachary Taylor. While he was Postmaster, William McGee was the ostensible editor of the paper. The Fond du Lac Patriot. — On the 30th of April, 1851, John D. Hyman began the publication, in the village of Fond du Lac, of the Fond du Lac Patriot, a seven-column folio, which advocated the principles of "genuine Democracy." He had moved from Northern Alabama and settled in Oshkosh, starting a Democratic paper in that city, which received little patronage. He therefore brought his establishment to Fond du Lac, but the publication of his paper was not attended with the necessary success. He continued it, however, until January 31, 1852 — nine months — when the whole concern was purchased by Amos Reed (afterward appointed Secretary of Utah Territory). Mr. Reed changed the name of his paper to the National Democrat on the 4th of February, 1853. He continued its publication until June, 1853, when he sold it to M. J. Thomas. Mr. Thomas bought an undivided half-interest in the Journal of Edward Beeson ; Mr. Beeson bought a like interest in the National Democrat of Mr. Thomas, and the two papers were merged immediately into the Union, Beeson & Thomas pro prietors. The Fountain City Herald. — On Tuesday, November 9, 1852, Mr. Royal Buck, now a resident of Nebraska, began the publication of the Fountain City Herald by the use of the well-worn material on which the Wisconsin Palladium had been published at Madison. It was an eight-column folio, 26x38 inches in size. In his editorial bow Mr. Buck announced his intention to do good and praise the Whig party rather than make money. He said : "It has been truly said that the press is the power which moves the world. This being true, how necessary that its powers, its energies and its abilities be so concentrated and wisely managed as to render it truly the tyrant's foe, the people's friend. When its energies and its powers are brought to bear against tyranny, against vice, licentiousness, crime and the thousand evils which are everywhere springing up to turn the erring feet of mortal man from the paths of honor, virtue and religion, then, indeed, it is a harbinger of good, a true friend of the people, however many the curses which may be heaped upon the heads of its conductors by the scape- gallows, whose deformities are laid bare by the scalpel of truth. But let a venal, time-serving spirit assume control of the press; let factitious demagogues subvert its power and turn it into an organ attuned to sing paeans to the moneyed influence of friends or an engine of personal abuse of enemies whose pecuniary interests or ambitious aspirations happen to come in conflict with some idol, and its high, its noble calling is prostrated aud its putrid breath is ever on the breeze ready to enter into and poison every vein of the body politic, and with an unsparing hand scatter broadcast the seeds of faction, strife, vice and immorality over the entire land'. Here then, on the broad platform of right we propose to take our stand, and, with reason for our pilot and truth for our helmsman, we launch our bark." The paper started out with seven columns of advertisements, some of them "dead" and put m "to fill up," and twenty-five columns of reading matter. This was a large paper and a liberal amount of reading matter for the times and the number of patrons. The reading matter HISTORY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. ' 447 of the first issue was devoted largely to the death of Daniel Webster, which occurred October 24, 1852 ; the result of the election of the week before for county officers, Senators, Assembly men and Congressmen; an account of the Franklin expedition and a large amount of mis cellaneous selections. The advertisements consisted mostly of those for patent medicines, rail roads and steamboats, less than a half a dozen being local. A column was devoted to the different hotels, business houses and mills of the city, which were as follows : Hotels — Lewis House, James Ewen; Exchange, Badger Hotel, City Hotel, by Waldron & Scott; U. S. Cot tage, by H. P. Olds; American Hotel, by Sam Hale; Commercial Hotel, by A. S. Tripp; Ohio House, by C. Gromme; Main Street Hotel, by Peter Rupp. Attorneys — Ed S. Bragg, Robert Flint, John A. Eastman, D. E. Wood, W. H. Ebbetts, E. E. Ferris, I. S. Tallmadge, Jared Chapell, Gillet, Truesdell & Tyler, Eldredge & Waite, Stanchfield & Hodges, R. M. Hanks, Drury & Dodge, C. M. Tompkins, A. B. Davis, A. W. Paine. Physicians and Surgeons — ¦ William Wiley, W. T. Galloway, J. Pantillon, R. P. Root, W. H. Walker, A. J. Towey, J. M. Adams, T. S. Wright, L. Kellogg. General Stores — Sewell & Brother, D. Everett Hoskins, John Bonnell, George Keyes. E. R. Ferris, A. P. Lyman, Carswell & Dee, W. A. Dewey, Brownson & Laughlin, A. S. Gregory, T. Drummond, Hoyt & Rider, Case & Lowell; John Marshall, Baker & Brother, James Smith, William Hughe3, M. K. Stow, William Chandler, S. Kirk, W. A. Foster, J. W. Carpenter, Henry Blithe and George Crawthe. Clothing Houses — J. B. Wilbor, K. Freeman, Simon Madowachand T. Crowther. Drugs and Medicine3 — Wright & Hiner, D. R. Curran, J. R. & J. W. Partridge. Wines and Liquors — A. Gillies, A. Meisseur, Meyers and Henry Rahte. Boots and Shoes — P. Servatius, J. Higgs, L. D. Tyler, Mann Brothers and A. Lovett. Stoves and Tinware — T. Wallace, E. Perkins, K. Gillet & Co. Hats and Caps — H. & D. Sickles, George Henning. Leather and Harness — A. Batchelder, J. H. Spencer, A. Bishop, G. W. Swift. Warehouses — C. M. Tompkins, J. H. Clum, E. H. Galloway. Hardware — William Farnsworth. Watchmakers and Jewelers — D. Smith, Wright & Hiner. Printing Offices — National Democrat. by Amos Reed & Brother ; Journal, by Edward Beeson ; Fountain City Herald, by Royal Buck. Lumber- Yards — J. C. Lewis, Gen. John Potter, T. S. Henry & Co., B. Olcott. Saloons — Myron Orvis, Charles Johnson, Conklin & Lowry. Cabinet Shops — J. Barrett, Heil & Nepaeh, Charles Blankenburg. Livery Stables — Burnham & Demy, Morris & McCarty. Blacksmith-Shops — C. L. & A. Pierce, J. Ault, T. Williamson, J. Leeman. Bakeries — Henry Blithe, Smith and Gibson. Paint-Shops — James Gupp, R. Spink, Gibson & Wilkins. Gun- Shops — J. Fish, S. B. J. Amory. Foundry — H. B. Budlong & Co. Sash and Blind Factory —Sherman Brothers. Meat Markets — Edwards & Penny, Tompkins & McChain, Cooper. Exchange Bank — Darling, Wright & Co. Post Office— C. M. Tompkins. The second week the Herald did not appear, as a heavy rain storm came on and no paper was to be had in the city. The paper, however, appeared regularly after that, its advertising and other patronage increasing to very respectable proportions until September, 1856, when the franchise, good will and subscription-book were sold to J. A. Smith, the material being jobbed out to various parties, Edward Beeson purchasing about $1,000 worth. On the 24th day of July, 1854, without much previous advertising, Mr. Buck issued a daily evening edition of the Herald. It was a four-column folio, 19x26 inches in size, the advertisements it contained being mostly made up from the Weekly Herald. It was continued, with only a short interval once or twice, until September, 1856, when J. A. Smith, now of Sheboygan Falls, bought it together with the balance of the Herald establishment. The Western Freeman. — The first number of the Western Freeman appeared in Fond du Lac October 5, 1854, J. A. Smith, now of Sheboygan Falls, editor and proprietor. The material on which it was printed formerly constituted the outfit of the Sheboygan Falls Free Press, and was brought by Mr. Smith from that village. It was a six-column folio, of comely appearance and careful make-up, advocating " Republicanism, temperance and the Maine liquor law at $1.50 per annum, invariably in advance." It was clean, respectable and dignified, and soon began to flourish as newspapers then went. Its advertising patronage increased until the <6th of December of the same year, when it was enlarged to a seven-column folio. It then had 448 HISTORY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. thirteen columns of "live" advertising matter, and was fighting strongly and boldly against the Fugitive Slave Act. In its issue of January 31, 1855, is published an article written by Sherman M. Booth while in prison in Milwaukee for violating the Fugitive Slave Act. On the 25th of April, Mr. Smith put at the head of his columns, " Official paper of the city," and he was the first official printer under the law requiring the City Clerk to let the printing to the. lowest bidder, doing all the work— printing blanks as well as publishing legal notices and Council proceedings — for nothing during one year. On the 5th of May, the paper contained the first Constitution and By-Laws of the Fond du Lac Agricultural Society. On the 11th of July, 1855, the paper published an account of the trial of Sherman M. Booth, at Madison, for the value of the slave Glover, at which he was convicted, the slave being valued at $1,000. This verdict the Freeman denounced with unfeigned indignation, say ing: "The result, when we consider the manner in which a jury was impaneled, will not surprise any one. All who had any prejudice for Mr. Booth were not allowed to be jurors, while those who admitted they were prejudiced against him were allowed to sit. Every man, as we understand it, confessed himself under obligation to take the law from Judge Miller. A jury trial under such a course of procedure is nothing but an aggravating and expensive mockery. It is nothing but the dictum of Judge Miller, who is one of the meanest tools of tyranny ! A court with such a Judge is a disgrace to Wisconsin, and is fast becoming a dan gerous and intolerable nuisance." On the 10th of January, 1856, the Freeman adopted a new style of make-up and had for its motto, in letters four columns in width, " Freedom for all mankind." The last number of the Western Freeman was published on Wednesday, September 3, 1856. Mr. Smith had purchased the Fountain City Herald of Royal Buck, because there was " not business enough" to make two paying Whig papers, and merged the two the next week into the Commonwealth. The Fond du Lac Commonwealth. — The first number of the Fond du Lac Weekly Com monwealth appeared on Wednesday, October 15, 1856, the publication office being in Darling's Block. It was the result of the union of the Western Freeman, by J. A. Smith, now of Sheboygan Falls, and the Fountain City Herald, by Royal Buck, now of Nebraska, and was published by Smith & Orvis. As the Commonwealth of the present time is a continuation of the same paper without break or change of name, it is the oldest paper under an unchanged name in the county, being in its twenty-seventh year from the foundation of the Western Freeman, of which it is a continuation, and twenty-fourth year from the change of name to Commonwealth. The paper was a seven-column folio, and had a large advertising patronage, becomiilg heir by the consolidation to the patronage of two papers. The Daily Herald, which Mr. Buck had begun before the consolidation, was continued by Mr. Smith until the fore part of 1857, when it was dropped for want of paying patronage. Mr. Smith continued the weekly with a peculiar ability which was satisfactory to its patrons, being his own business manager and editor, until April 6, 1859. At that time, Smith & Orvis sold to Bryant & Lightbody, Mr. Smith being retained by them as editor. This arrangement continued until October 31, 1860, when Mr. Smith bought out Mr. Lightbody, the firm then becoming Smith & Bryant. Mr. Smith was editor as formerly, and Mr. Thomas Bryant, afterward proprietor of the Globe office in Fond du Lac, and now business manager of the Omaha (Neb.) Bee newspaper, was its mechanical manager. In September, 1862, occurred what was popularly called the " Indian scare," and the Commonwealth furnished its trembling readers with a lengthy, entertaining and amusing account of it, which was copied far and wide. It was the work of J. A. Smith, and worthy the ludicrous occasion. Files of the paper from this date are missing, having been destroyed in the flood of 1869. Mr. Bryant sold his share in the business to J. A. Smith a short time afterward, and, Novem ber 14, 1864, Charles H. Benton, now of the heavy firm of hardware dealers, C. H. Benton & HISTORY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY, 449' Co., purchased an interest in the establishment, and the firm became Smith & Benton, publish ers of the Commonwealth at Fond du Lac and a Commonwealth at Ripon, the latter being considered a " branch " of the former, and under the management of A. T. Glaze. Mr. Benton made an exceeding spirited newspaper man, and succeeded in provoking a lively fusilade from the opposition papers, which was pronounced at the time highly entertaining by the newspaper readers of the city. January 15, 1865, Mr. Benton severed his connection with the Commonwealth, and J. A. Smith became again editor and sole proprietor. On the 1st of October, 1866, he engaged Ed. McGlauchlin as "city editor and collector," and the publication of a Daily Commonwealth was began. It was a large paper — patronizing telegraph lines and well filled with good matter. Business was at its best in Fond du Lac and although costly the daily was a paying investment. Mr. McGlauchlin made the local department very attractive. In March, 1868, Mr. Smith made arrangements with the publishers ofthe Chicago Daily Post to use one side of their paper ready printed as it was issued in that city, and print the next day's Commonwealth on the other side. The paper was then a nine-column sheet and full of reading matter, one side being the Chicago Post — editorial, news, local and miscellaneous — and the other the Fond du Lac Commonwealth. This plan was dropped in less than a year and with it the Daily Commonwealth. While thus published it was cruelly dubbed the Corn-Post. In August, 1869, J. A. Watrous purchased the Commonwealth with Thomas B. Reid and S. S. Fifield, and on the 22 day of August, 1870, began the publication of the Fond du Lac Daily. This proved to be the first successful daily paper in Fond du Lac, although the city had been blessed with six other very creditable daily publications. This daily took a somewhat different course, devoting column after column for weeks and months to the various manufacturing industries of the city, giving them and the locality more advertising than they had received before during- their entire existence. The managers also engaged a corps of entertaining writers, and the paper very soon took an advanced position among the daily publications of the Northwest, pub lishing regularly the afternoon Associated Press dispatches. In October, 1870, Mr. Reid sold his interest in the establishment, and the paper was then published by " the Commonwealth Company," and soon after by J. A. Watrous & Co. J. A. Watrous was editor, but the paper had such regular contributors as C. K. Pier (a member of the Commonwealth Company), George M. Steele, President of Lawrence University, and Miss Allie Arnold, now deceased. On the 26th of September, 1871, Howard M. Kutchin, who had been publishing the Fort Atkinson Herald, purchased a one-third interest in the establishment and became one of the editors and publishers. This added largely to the strength of the paper, as Mr. Kutchin was an able writer and experienced printer ; but the plan of maintaining a corps of correspondents was not abandoned on that account. It was instead, enlarged upon, and Rev. T. T. Kutchin and others added to the list. This proved a valuable feature, for, credit being given to these correspondents for their articles, it widened the circle of the paper's friends and patrons, as well as added to its literary merits. Watrous & Kutchin continued editors and proprietors, both the daily and weekly becoming profitable and influential publications, until April, 1876, when J. A. Watrous, having the duties of Grand Templar of the Temple of Honor on his hands, leased his interest to Mr. Kutchin for one year. At the end of that time he sold out entirely to Mr. Kutchin, who published the paper as editor and proprietor until the middle of Novem ber, 1879, when Charles G. Elliot, founder of the Schuylkill (Penn.) Republican, purchased an interest in the establishment, becoming business manager. Since Mr. Watrous severed his connection with the Commonwealth, V. W. Richardson, T. F. Strong, Jr., of Fond du Lac, and L. A. Lange, have been local editors, the latter now- holding that position. The Commonwealth has been, during many years, one of the leading Republican, papers of the State, always dealing promptly and pointedly, and from a standpoint of its own, with- all questions of public policy. It has also devoted an unusual amount of space to the manufacturing and other interests of the city and to the matter of heavy and unnecessary taxation. In this direction,. 450 HISTORY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. it waged a warfare so incisive and unrelenting as to turn public attention to the abuses complained of, which resulted in the correcting of the most flagrant of them, as well as in making thou sands of new friends throughout the county. In the fall of 1878, the Commonwealth began, single-handed, to advocate the election of Matthew H. Carpenter to the United States Senate ; and to the persistency and ability with which the canvass was carried on through its columns, more than to anything and all things else, is attributable Mr. Carpenter's election, which took place in January, 1879. Since the financial question became a factor in the political campaigns, the paper has given a goodly share of attention to a strong and clear discussion of its various phases, thereby earn ing the reputation of furnishing the most sound and able financial discussions that appeared in the Northwest. As a Republican newspaper, it has always taken a most active part in all campaigns, mak- its influence felt in the most unmistakable manner, lt did not, however, spare the Republican party or the party leaders, when they chanced to be in the wrong, believing it far better to eradicate an evil than to attempt to hide it by silence. This honorable policy sometimes incurred the displeasure of the Republicans who happened to be criticised, but it secured respect from all quarters, showing an honesty of purpose that gave the utmost meed of praise wherever deserved, and administering the severest censure with equal freedom and vigor. The Common wealth is, as it has been for several years, the leading Republican newspaper of Central Wisconsin. The Fond du Lac County Democrat. — In 1867, a strange genius, named Thompson, with out any warning, began the publication of a good-looking Democratic paper, called the Fond du Lac County Democrat. He had no means and soon left the place, the paper and office material falling into the hands of Borghart & Goodwin (Mortimer Borghart and Thomas J. Goodwin), who continued its publication until the concern was swallowed up by its debts and expenses. Hundreds of people subscribed for the paper, paying in advance, who never received a copy of it. The Saturday Reporter. — On Saturday, August 25, 1860, John J. Beeson, now publish ing the Independent, at Vancouver, Washington Territory, issued the first number of the Sat urday Reporter from the second story of the building on the corner of Main and Second streets, now occupied by A. B. Taylor's hardware store. It was a neat, clean and attractive five-column folio, devoted almost wholly to local news, and was printed from the material on which Smead & Strong printed the Journal up to 1858. Mr. Beeson was a printer, having learned the trade of his father, Edward Beeson. Having always lived in Fond du Lac, he knew everybody, and was therefore well equipped for the editor of a local newspaper. In announcing his new publication, Mr. Beeson said his main object was to " build up a business that would pay." He should not make it an active partisan paper, but would nevertheless be neutral in nothing. The first number contained scarcely three columns of advertising and about seventeen columns of reading matter. The price was $1 per annum, or 10 cents per month in advance. Although modest in size and pretentions, the paper was well received everywhere. It advocated nothing in particular, took little part in politics, temperance or religion, that little being always mild and inoffensive ; but was energetic in securing a place for every morsel of local news, and had a brief but pleasant manner of mentioning everything and everybody. This manner of conduct ing the little paper made no enemies, and secured many new subscribers and friends. Thus it was run during the great rebellion, giving warm encouragement to the Union cause and all connected with it, without change in style, tone or appearance, until April 29, 1865, when it was enlarged to six columns per page. No other change was visible, except an increase in local matter. In February, 1866, Mr. Beeson again enlarged the Reporter, this time to a seven-column folio, and, on the 30th of January, 1869, to a nine-column paper, with a corresponding increase in the space devoted to home affairs, and continued on in the same pleasing, unsensational, but withal, successful style. On November 22, 1873, James L. Thwing, a graduate of Lawrence University, left the Milwaukee Sentinel corps and purchased the Saturday Reporter of Mr. Beeson. He was alone FOND DU LAC. HISTORY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. 453 as editor and publisher until January 10, 1874, when H. R. Farnum, of the Madison Journal corps, purchased a half-interest in the establishment and added a large job office, something the Reporter had always before been without. Mr. Farnum devoted himself to the business of the concern, and Mr. Thwing exclusively to the preparation of matter for the paper. This arrange ment was a happy one, the former adding rapidly to the business and the latter adding several new and pleasant features, as well as polish and completeness, to the paper. Under the ener getic management of the new firm, patronage increased so rapidly that, on the 29 th of May, 1875, new material throughout was purchased and the paper enlarged to a ten-column folio. The local department was made a prominent feature of the paper, as before, an assistant editor being employed almost exclusively for that work. On the 17th of July, 1875, Rev. C. D. Pillsbury, now Pastor of the Methodist Episcopal Church at Ripon, purchased Mr. Farnum's interest in the establishment, and the firm then became "Thwing & Pillsbury, editors and proprietors." Mr. Pillsbury never gave his whole attention to the paper, and, October 1, 1878, Mr. Thwing, having leased his partner's interest, became editor and publisher. On the 9th of February, 1878, the form of the paper was changed to a quarto, six columns to the page. During Mr. Thwing's connection with the Reporter, the paper has always maintained sev eral distinctive newspaper features. These consisted of "Our Saturday Night," "Farm and Home," " Hits by the Paragraphists," " County Correspondence," "Thin Spaces," "Person als" and "Miscellany," besides "Local" and "Editorial" in liberal allowances. In these special departments, Mrs. J. L. Thwing has occasionally aided her husband in the preparation of matter for the paper. The Saturday Reporter, which has never changed its name or missed an issue since its foundation, has always been a carefully prepared, clean and moderate toned newspaper. It has never taken any aggressive part in politics, but never failed to give dignified and cordial support to the nominees of the Republican party. It has always aimed to be strictly a family rather than a political newspaper, devoting a liberal amount of space to choice selections and extracts, miscellany, humor and fiction. During several years previous to 1877, the Journal, the Courier (German) and the Tribun (German), were printed on the Reporter press, and, during the first week after the great fire at Oshkosh, in April, 1876, the Oshkosh Daily Northwestern was not only printed, but the type was set in the Reporter office. During the past year, the Reporter has been the official paper of the city, and is in a flourishing condition. Its weekly circulation being considered the larg est of any paper published in the city, it has, during several years, published, for the Govern ment, the list of letters remaining uncalled for at the post office. The Fret Volks Presse. — On the 1st day of October, 1878, Charles Bruderle began the publication, in Fond du Lac, of the Frei Volks Presse, a large German weekly, devoted to Greenbackism and Socialism, with Prof. C. F. Kumlau as editor. Prof. Kumlau severed his con nection with the paper after a few months, and Mr. Bruderle continued its publication under his own editorial management until the fall of 1879, when it was suspended for want of patronage. The Fond du Lac Tribun. — The Tribun, a German weekly Republican newspaper, was started in the city of Fond du Lac August 14, 1874. In April of the following year, the establishment was moved to Sheboygan, where the paper has since been published as the She boygan Tribun. It is prospering and is regarded as one of the leading German papers of the Lake shore. The founder, Alfred Marschner, Sr., died on the 17th day of September, 1875, since which time the business has been conducted in the name of his widow, Auguste Marschner. The present editor and manager of the paper is Alfred Marschner, Jr. The Nordwestlicher Courier. — This is a Democratic German weekly newspaper founded by Dr. Carl de Haas, May 4, 1871, and published in the third story of the Post Office Block, Fond du Lac. The first publishers were Carl de Haas & Son. It was begun as a five-column quarto weekly, published on Thursday, at $2 per annum, and a six-column folio, semi-weekly, published Wednesday and Saturday, at $4 per year. The semi-weekly was never a paying enterprise, and i 454 HISTORY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. was discontinued May 31, 1873. A supplement containing general miscellany was issued with the weekly after the second year, free. In January, 1874, the Courier was enlarged to a six- column quarto, which is its present form and size. In April, 1875, Dr. Carl de Haas died, and the paper was continued by his sons, under the firm name of Fred de Haas & Brothers. They continued its publication until April, 1878, when the whole establishment was sold to W. F. Weber, the present editor and proprietor. November 13, 1879. Mr. Weber enlarged the sup plement, thus furnishing a large amount of reading matter. The paying subscribers of the Nordwestlicher Courier number over two thousand, and its publication is a source of profit. The Appeal. — The first number of the Appeal appeared in Fond du Lac May 10, 1876. It was a six-column folio, published monthly at 50 cents per annum, by J. A. Watrous, Grand Templar of the Temple of Honor in Wisconsin. It is devoted mostly to temperance, but is not the organ of the Temple of Honor or any other society. In May, 1878, the Appeal was enlarged to seven columns to the page, the price remaining as before. During the first three years of its existence, Watrous distributed gratis nearly forty thousand copies of the Appeal, its publication thereby being made a source of loss rather than of profit. It is now on a paying basis, and has a very large circulation, extending into a number of the surrounding States and Territories. It is published from the office of the Daily Commonwealth, in the city of Fond du Lac. Although mainly devoted to temperance matters, the Appeal has always contained a large amount of historical, personal and biographical sketches, rendering it to those not inter ested in its leading feature, a most interesting and valuable publication. It is proper to record, in connection with this account of the paper, the manner in which the matter for the Appeal is prepared. Mr. Watrous, who has by far the greater share of his time taken up by his duties as Grand Templar, has prepared much of the editorial, historical sketches, personals and other matter for his paper, in hotels, while riding on the cars, and at any other time or place where a few moments could be utilized from travel or business. If he got a day at home, double duty was done by going to the "case" and composing articles as he set the type for them, using no copy. This work he called " rest," and for many months was all the rest he had. The Wisconsin Farmer. — The first number of the Wisconsin Farmer was published from the Globe Steam Printing Office, No. 6 Forest street, Fond du Lac ,by Beeson, Lockin & Wing, on the 25th day of September, 1879. It is a sixteen-page publication, with four wide columns to the page, printed on fine calendered paper, and devoted exclusively to the interests of the farmer, dairyman and stock raiser. It is the only publication of the kind in Wisconsin, and is rapidly increasing in circulation. Edward Buson is editor, H. D. Wing associate editor, and John W. Lockin, business manager. The liberal encouragement the paper is receiving indicates that it is destined to become a permanent and prosperous publication. The People's Champion. — On the 31st day of August, 1877, articles of incorporation, under the title of the " People's Printing and Publishing Company," were adopted for the pur pose of " printing and publishing the People's Champion newspaper in the city of Fond du Lac, and doing a general printing and publishing business and to accumulate capital for the stockhold ers." The capital stock was to be $6,000, in 2,000 shares of $3 each. The incorporators were J. R. Tallmadge, E. A. Toubell, J. L. Colman, L. F. Stowe, J. O. Barrett, I. R. Sanford, A. Moody, F. E. Hoyt, E. Hoyt and Fred Gesswein. These were all residents of the city of Fond du Lac, except J. O. Barrett, of Glenbeulah, Wis., who was editor in chief of the paper, and I. R. Sanford, business manager, who came from M. M. Pomeroy's paper at Chicago. The initial number of the Champion appeared September 12, and was printed by the Star Printing Company, the type being owned by the publishers. The paper was a six-column quarto with but very little advertising patronage, and was the organ of the Greenback party. Although by vigorous can vassing a list of more than two thousand subscribers was secured, the paper continuously lost money, and several times made suspensions of a few weeks. At the close of 1878, the incor porators gave the good will and material of the entire establishment to I. R. Sanford — J. O. Barrett having made satisfactory arrangements to withdraw — who published the paper with a " patentinside " for a time, finally reducing it one-half in size. At the beginning of 1879, E. B. HISTORY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. 455 Bolens (now publishing the Ozaukee Star) entered into partnership with Mr. Sanford, bringing with him a large power press and other material on which the Madison Star had been published. The Champion office was then removed from the Star Printing Company's office to the Patty House Block, and did its own press work. There were two mortgages on the material; the one held by Dr. C. W. Barnes being foreclosed, the outfit was sold by the Sheriff to John W. Lockin, of the " Globe Printing Office," except that portion of the type that belonged to Mr. Sanford which was moved by him to Appleton in October, where the Champion was again published. The Northern Farmer. — In January, 1863, E. H. Jones & Brother began in Fond du Lac the publication of an agricultural paper called the Northern Farmer, for the purpose of adver tising their seed and farming-implement business, which was so well received that only one num ber was issued gratis. A subscription lisc was opened and arrangements were made with Edward Beeson to print a larger paper once each month. The paper was a complete farmers' publica tion, treating a large variety of subjects, and at $1 per annum soon had nearly eight hun dred subscribers. It was a sixteen-page sheet, with three columns to the page, and had correspondents of reputation in various localities, East and West. Jones Brothers were editors and proprietors during five years. They sold to Fred D. Carson, who took possession in Feb ruary, 1868. He soon after enlarged the paper to twenty pages, and increased its circulation, but in 1869 removed to Janesville, where he continued to publish the Northern Farmer during several years. The Ripon Herald. — This paper was commenced in the (then) village of Ripon, December 14, 1853, by Addison P. Mapes and Irving Root, editors and proprietors. It had for its motto "Rip-On!" It was a weekly — published every Wednesday, subscription price, "$1.25 in advance." Root retired from the firm of Mapes & Root the next spring, and the issue of the paper of April 1, 1854, had the name of A. P. Mapes as editor and proprietor, who says : " The proprietorship of the Herald has changed inasmuch that Mr. Root has withdrawn from the firm, leaving us to ' paddle our own canoe.' We do not make this announcement with out reluctance, for we have, in the short space of time with which we have been associated with him, formed such an attachment and appreciating idea of his worth as an individual, and of his skill in his profession, that we are loth to part company with him ; but family ties call him far away, and we have no inclination to gratify our feelings at the expense of the feelings of others. So mote it be !" The Herald was finally sold to Alvin E. Bovay, the material of which, after serving for a time under a change of name, became a part of the Commonwealth office, where what was left of it now is. The Ripon Free Press. — Number 1, Volume I, bears date April 7, 1870. It was started by L. B. Everdell, a graduate of Ripon College, of the Class of 1868. The paper passed into the hands of George C. Duffie, a classmate of the above named, who had furnished the capital to begin its publication. He resigned his position in the college, and until April, 1874, gave his attention to the business of making the paper a success. In 1872, George M. West & Co. bought the Free Press, and ran it awhile, but failing to meet their obligations, turned over the property at the end of the year to Mr. Duffie. During a considerable part of the time Prof. (now President) E. H. Merrell of the college, was associated with Mr. Duffie in the paper, under the style of George C. Duffie & Co. On April 1, 1874, Messrs. T. D. Stone and D. E. Cramer purchased the Free Press newspaper and job office of George C. Duffie for $3,300. At this time, the policy of the paper underwent a through change. The paper commenced the advocacy of legal prohibition and the necessity of the organization of a separate political party devoted to that purpose. To this end steps were taken to call a mass State convention. The call was couched in terms that none could misunderstand, as follows : We, the undersigned, citizens of Wisconsin, believing that intemperance is the great evil, sin and crime of this republic ; believing it to be the right and duty of the people to suppress this great evil, by prohibiting the sale of intoxicating drinks as beverages ; believing that this is the nearest and highest political duty which the American 456 HISTORY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. people are now called upon to discharge ; believing that the "liquor question" is the legitimate and only worthy successor ofthe "slavery question" in American politics ; believing that the mission of the Republican party ended with the overthrow of slavery, and the reconstruction of the old slave States on a free basis ; and believing that no political party now in existence is either able, competent or willing to deal effectively with this gigantic crime, which mocks at the feeble efforts and restraint of " license laws," "local option law," and the like, do hereby uuite in call ing a mass convention of the temperance citizens of the State, to assemble in the city of Ripon on the 13th day of October next, at 10 o'clock, A. M., to form a separate and independent political party; with prohibition as its central idea. If any localities prefer to be represented by chosen and accredited delegates, welland good ; but it is to be dis tinctly understood that all citizens of the State, coming in good faith, with the purpose above set forth, will be rece'ived as members ofthe convention. And, further, we hereby invite all temperance men who are in favor of pro hibition, whether ready for independent political action, or not, tabe present, and participate in the proceedings of of the convention. This document was signed by over one thousand eight hundred voters of Wisconsin, repre senting people in twenty-seven different counties. In Fond du Lac County alone there were about two hundred and fifty signers to this call. At the meeting Lester Rounds, of Eureka, was made Chairman, and C. F. Hammond, Sec retary. The following resolution, which was passed unanimously, shows the sense of the meeting : Resolved, That we, citizens of Wisconsin, temperance men and prohibitionists in State convention assembled, do declare it to be our firm, matured and unalterable purpose here and now, to inaugurate within the State of Wisconsin a new political party, separate from and independent of all existing parties, having for its central idea the suppres sion of the dramshops of the land, and the total prohibition of the sale of all intoxicating drinks to be used as a beverage. The party so inaugurated or founded, shall be a branch of and auxiliary to the national party, based on the same fundamental idea in its intents. We propose, before adjournment, to eiect a State Committee, and take such other steps as may be necessary to perfect the organization. At the conclusion of the two-days session, Maj. A. E. Bovay was elected Chairman of the State Central Committee, and the usual party machinery set in motion. President William E., Merriman, of Ripon College, was the author of the platform of principles, and Prof. E. H. Merrell warmly advocated the measure by a public speech. The Free Press was the only paper friendly to this movement, and through its earnest advocacy of the principle was the new party fanned into existence. On account of failing health, Mr. Don E. Cramer sold his interest in the Free Press to D. B. Lyon November 1, 1876. Mr. Lyon employed his son, Hiram M. Lyon, to look after his interest, and the firm name of Stone & Lyon appears in the files until August 15, 1878, when J. R. Bloom took the place of Lyon in making the style of the firm. Shortly after this, Mr. T. D. Stone became sole manager, but retained the old firm name until January 1, since which time the business has been in his hands. In February, 1879, the office was moved to its present commodious quarters in Bovay's Block. The Wisconsin Good Templar. — This newspaper was first published at Madison, Wis., February 7, 1873, and its first copy shows that it was edited by T. D. Stone and A. F. Booth, with Samuel D. Hastings and T. D. Kanouse associate editors. It was the official organ of the Grand Lodge of Good Templars. It contained eight pages — five columns of reading to the page. In the early part of April, 1873, the proprietors removed the paper to Ripon. The first issue in the last-named place was published April 4, 1873. July 8, 1873, T. D. Stone bought the interest of A. F. Booth, and the editorship of the paper continued under his sole management as long as it was published. The last number was printed in August, 1874. From its first to its last copy, it was an uncompromising and persistent advocate of the legal prohibition of the liquor traffic. Like all temperance periodicals it was a financial failure. It contained the best thoughts of the leading advocates of the cause in the State, and was by all odds the largest and best-conducted sheet that had ever been printed in behalf of the movement in Wisconsin. At one time its circulation reached 900 copies, but a large number of these were three-month's sub scribers. Its editor says that more than half of his time was taken in traveling from Lodge to Lodge, begging for subscribers, and that the little amount thus received was often eaten up in hotel bills and stage fare. When the paper suspended publication, the proprietor not only found himself short a year and a half of hard work, but also a considerable sum of money. To his credit be it said that all unexpired subscriptions were filled with either the Free Press or any temperance paper that the party designated. HISTORY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. 457 - The Ripon Star. — In December, 1858, H. C. and Addison P. Mapes began the publication of a six-column folio newspaper called the Star, which was devoted to the interests of the Demo cratic party, so far as parties were concerned. It gave considerable attention to Ripon College and to matters pertaining to Ripon City and vicinity. In 1861, Col. Edward Daniels' cavalry were in camp several weeks on College Hill, within a few rods of where the Star was published. The editors of the Star took occasion to mention soldiers in general, and Col. Daniels' cavalry in particular, in such terms as at once enraged them. The cavalry boys, therefore, after an issue which was particularly distasteful to them, went in a body just at dusk and scattered the type on which the Star had been published, in the street. The paper never made its appearance after that. Our Paper. — The first iperiodical of Brockway (Ripon) College was entitled Our Paper, the first number of which was issued in August, 1856. It was edited by a committee. The salutatory ran thus : "Kind readers : In filling the station assigned to us by the partiality of our asso ciates, by whom we were chosen to edit the following humble pages, we have endeavored to give all our contributors a fair representation, rather than select entirely from our best writers. And we would tender this as an apology to those whose articles we have been obliged unwillingly to reject. To the public we would say, that all we hope is that the few truths presented may be allowed a hearing, and that, balancing the good we wished to accomplish against the many imper fections incident to a first attempt, the latter may be overlooked. Hoping in the future to meet you in a wider field, we remain your obedient servants — The Committee." The paper contained twenty-four pages, but was only an octavo in size ; and was made up (with an occasional refer ence to the college) of contributions from the students of the institution. College Days. — In the spring of 1868, the senior class of Ripon College began the publi cation of a handsome thirty-six page monthly called College Days. The editors were George C. Duffie and Miss M. S. Cook, and Horace Tracy was the publisher. It was devoted to the interests of Ripon College, and to chronicling the movements and achievements of its graduates and stu dents. In 1872, the magazine form was changed to the quarto newspaper form. After the first year, committees were chosen annually to edit the College Days until 1876, when, on account of hard times, the publication of a college paper was dropped. It was a newsy, lively and enter taining publication — equal to similar papers issued by much older and richer institutions. Ripon College News-Letter . — At the beginning of the college year of 1879, George D. Heron began the publication of the Ripon College News-Letter, a quarto of fine appearance at $1 per year, and printed on tinted book paper. It already has a large circulation, and is well patronized by the business men of Ripon. It is considered a fixture of the college, being backed by parties who are able to support it. The mechanical work of publishing the News- Letter is done at the office of the Ripon Free Press. Ripon Weekly Times. — In October, 1857, George W. Parker began the publication at Ripon of a seven-column folio, called the Western Times, at $1.50 per year, in advance. This paper was continued about two years, when it fell into the hands of Chauncey J. Allen, who learned his trade in the Fond du Lac Journal office, with Edward Beeson. He soon had George Burnside for a partner and changed the name of the paper to the Ripon Weekly Times. Mr. Allen, the editor, was liberal in his views, and an able, entertaining writer. It was a suc cessful paper during his life, but was discontinued after his death, which occurred during the war of the rebellion. The Ripon Spur. — During several years previous to the rebellion, E. L. Runals owned, edited and published a paper called the Spur. It was noted for ability and dignity, and while in existence was an influential publication. The first number appeared in June, 1855. In September, 1856, the name was changed to Ripon Home, Runals & Fuller, publishers. In 1857, Mr. Runals sold to Fuller & Fitch, by whom the paper was continued for a time. The Prairie City Record. — On the 14th of May, 1863, Nelson Bowerman and N. C. Strong, under the firm name of Bowerman & Strong, began the publication of the Prairie City Record. Mr. Strong withdrew from the establishment in the following October, and the paper 458 HISTORY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. was continued by Mr. Bowerman. It was not a financial success, and the last issue of the paper was on December 24, 1863. The Ripon Commonivealth. — The first paper issued under this title was on the 22d of January, 1864. J. A. Smith, of Fond du Lac, was the proprietor, and A. T. Glaze local edi tor and manager of local business. One side of the paper was usually printed at Fond du Lac and sent to Ripon to be completed. The salutatory contained these paragraphs : " The good people of Ripon and vicinity are herewith greeted with a newspaper — the Ripon Commonwealth — successor, so far as most of the printing materials, subscription lists and advertising patron age are concerned, of the late Prairie City Record. * * To stand by the Govern ment and the administration now, saving it from overthrow by the most gigantic rebellion ever confronted by a nation ; to support that administration while it is as worthy of it as now, to the utter extinction of every armed rebel, if need be; to the advocacy of keeping all promises made by the President to the slaves now our grateful allies; and to supporting all the measures necessary to wipe out rebellion and its heaven-defying cause — is just what we intend to do, so long as such effort is needed and we are spared to strike the blows." The paper continued under the same management until December 2, of the same year, when Smith & Benton became the editors and publishers, Glaze continuing as local editor; but on the 16th of June, 1865, J. A. Smith was again the only proprietor. On the 13th of April, 1866, he called in, as an asso ciate in the proprietorship of the paper, Thomas Bryant. The paper was then published under the firm name of Smith & Bryant, but this arrangement continued only to August 3, following, when Mr. Smith again became sole owner. On the 22d of February, 1867, A. T. Glaze, who had since the beginning of the paper been its local editor and manager, purchased of Mr. Smith his entire interest in the Commonwealth. Mr. Glaze, in announcing himself as editor and pro prietor, said: "I have bought the Ripon Commonwealth office and book bindery, believing the people will at least give me the support which they have the past year, and leaving it to our generous patrons to say whether we shall sink or swim." Mr. Glaze continued as proprietor until April 1, 1874, when he sold to W. H. Bailhache and Mason Brayman, who entered upon editorial duties under the firm of W. H. Bailhache & Co., saying: "The general course of the paper will not be materially changed. * * * It will be identified with those principles and policies which lie at the foundation of the Republican party." This manage ment continued until May 21, 1875, when Mr. Brayman sold his half-interest to E. L. Scofield. The paper was published under the firm name of Bailhache & Scofield until October 1, 1875, when Mr. Bailhache sold to C. N. Hodges, and under the name of Scofield & Hodges the paper was edited and published until October 1, 1877, at which time E. L. Scofield became sole editor and proprietor. January 1, 1878, a half-interest was leased to B. J. Price for one year. When that lease terminated, Mr. Schofield became sole editor and proprietor, and has since continued as such. The paper has always been Republican in politics and thoroughly devoted to the advancement of the city of Ripon. The Ripon Representative. — In 1867, George W. Peck began the publication of an inde pendent weekly newspaper in Ripon, under the name and style of the Representative. He devoted the paper to humor more than is usual with country newspapers, and was also one of the pioneers in advertising the beauties of Green Lake. In 1868, during the Presidential campaign, the paper was arrayed on the side of Democracy, where it thereafter continued while Mr. Peck was at the helm. In 1869, Mr. Peck went to New York with M. M. Pomeroy (" Brick"), and leased the Representative to H. B. Baker, who changed its name to the Prairie City Local, and continued the paper through the following winter. He then went to California, and the material was soon afterward used to publish the Free Press. The Waupun Times.— This is the oldest paper in Waupun. It is now in its twenty-third year, and is an eight-column folio. The first number was issued September 14, 1857, by J. H. Brinkerhoff (the present Postmaster of the city) editor and proprietor. It was a seven-column folio, and a neat-looking, spicy sheet. The merchants of the place gave him a liberal advertis ing patronage, and the Times started with a good list of subscribers, many of whom have stuck HISTORY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. 459 by it during the nearly twenty-three years it has been published. In his first editorial, Mr. Brinkerhoff says : " We have been induced to commence the publication of the Times, not because we thought it would pay — make us " rich " — but from the conviction that the interests of Waupun demand a paper ; that there is sufficient enterprise among the inhabitants to sustain one, and that we might be our own master ; only hoping that such encouragement, in the way of patronage, might be extended us as shall enable the Times and us to live. Coming among you as we do — relying solely upon our own efforts, and under obligations to no party or man — we shall follow our own inclination in all matters, claim the right to do pretty much as we please, and that which we consider most beneficial 'to the community at large, and shall be inde pendent in everything and of everybody. " We do not claim neutrality in politics or anything else, but we do not intend to enter the political arena further than to acquaint our readers with the prospects and doings of the respect ive parties. We here assert, however, that, with the exception of an absolute hostility to those principles which would deprive the foreign-born of the right of suffrage, we are unbiassed in our political views — have a greater regard for principle and right than party. The interests of Waupun and ' circumjacent vicinage ' shall receive our especial attention, and it shall be our endeavor to foster and build up every interest identified with its growth and prosperity. Par ticular regard will be paid to home matters, and, after we get the ' hang of the barn,' we intend that in local news the Times shall excel." The promises of its founder the Times has fulfilled and is fulfilling. It is no longer inde pendent in politics. When the flag of our country was threatened by traitors in 1861, the independent flag was pulled down and the star-spangled banner placed in its stead at the top of the columns ; and ever since, the Times has been firm in its allegiance to the principles of the Republican party. In the first number of the Times appear the business cards of many who are still in Wau pun. E. Hooker advertises that he will attend to all kinds of legal business ; D. W. Moore prescribed medicines then as now ; H. L. Butterfield not only administered physic, but sold drugs ; R. W. Wells dealt in drugs, books, paints and oils ; Thomas Stoddart was in the same line of business and was Postmaster as well ; Rank & Manz and John Howard were merchant tailors ; John Taylor and S. Rebbles were among those who kept groceries and dry goods ; B. B. Baldwin had a sash, door, blind and turning establishment ; M. J. Althouse made pumps and drilled wells ; John McFarland shod the horses ; the Exchange was the hotel of the village ; William Morgan did all the barbering ; E. Hillyer was Secretary of the Dodge County, Mutual Insurance Company ; L. B. Balcom was in the forwarding and commission business ; T. Car penter made and sold harnesses ; Phelps Moore kept the Empire Livery Stable ; there were advertised two banks — the Waupun Bank and the Corn Exchange Bank. Among the contributors to the first number of the Times was George E. Jennings, who still occasionally furnishes articles that are as graceful in thought and diction as then ; W. H. Taylor indulged then as he now sometimes does in a paper on " Waupun ; Its Past, Present and Future." For nearly eight years, Mr. Brinkerhoff furnished mental pabulum for the readers of the Times, when he sold the office and business to Rev. D. A. Wagner. The latter became involved in a church quarrel and made the Times his personal organ. In 1866, a year after he bought the. office, he sold it again to Messrs. Eli & Jesse Hooker ; in about three months, Eli Hooker bought out his partner, and for a year conducted the Times very successfully ; he made it pay, but having an extensive law business requiring his attention, he sold out in about a year, J. R. Decker, his. foreman, being the purchaser. He took possession October 1, 1867, and did not allow the business to suffer under his labors. On October 1, 1868, the present editor and proprietor, Philip M. Pryor, then a young man not out of his teens, took possession, Mr. Decker going to Columbus, Wis. With no capital but energy and a determination to succeed, Mr. Pryor has, for more than eleven years, Veen continually making improvements in the office, and doing all in his power to increase the influence and standing of his paper. He makes it a rule never, under any circumstances, to 460 HISTORY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. allow his paper to become the medium for any one to vent personal Bpite, believing it to be unjournalistic ; nor to permit any ungentlemanly language or personal attacks to appear in its columns, or to allow anything of a local interest to pass unnoticed. The present flourishing condition of the Times is the result. The Prison City Item. — Sometime in 1859, William Euen began the publication of a paper called the Item. His office was in the South Ward or Dodge County side of the village, and the paper, which was a five-column folio, appeared monthly. Mr. Euen was a politician, a manufacturer of Euen's Strengthening Plasters, and a humorous fellow, and his paper was given somewhat to fun. He continued it about one year as a monthly, and then turned it into a weekly, which was continued with varying fortunes until the beginning of 1861, when it was suspended and never revived. De Ware Burger. — In 1859, Dr. A. C. Van Altena brought De Ware Burger from Sheboygan County to Waupun, where it was published in the Holland language until the latter part of 1860, by S. H. Salverda, Dr. Van Altena's son-in-law. It was discontinued for want of patronage, there being but few Hollanders in the county to subscribe for it, and only one or two merchants or business men in the vicinity to furnish advertising patronage. The Little Badger. — During the latter part of 1860, a small newspaper called the Little Badger was started in Waupun by S. H. Salverda, which was printed in both the English and Holland languages. It lived a precarious life of a few months and died for want of patronage, its editor and proprietor afterward moving to Milwaukee. The Waupun Leader. — On Tuesday, August 28, 1866, Joseph W. Oliver, and Martin C. Short, under the firm name of Oliver & Short, began the publication of the Prison City Leader, an eight-column folio, Republican in politics. The material on which the paper was printed was moved from Dartford, Green Lake County, where the same firm published the Green Lake Spectator. The first few issues of the Leader were with "patent inside," after which the entire paper was printed at home. The first number contained nearly eleven col umns of home advertisements and about three columns of " foreign ads." The paper started out with a good list of subscribers, and grew at once into popular favor on account of its devo tion to local matters and decent tone in treating of all things. An old " Washington " hand press and a very limited amount of other material constituted the Leader office at the begin ning. In 1868, the paper was changed to a five-column quarto, but the experiment proving unsatisfactory, the folio form was again resumed, and the name changed from the Prison City Leader to the Waupun Leader, which title it has since borne. On the 6th of October, 1871, Martin C. Short, who is now editor and publisher of the Brandon Times, sold his half-interest to R. H. Oliver, and the paper has since been edited and published by Oliver Brothers. J. W. Oliver learned his trade in the old Markesan Journal office before the rebellion, in which he took an active part as a member of the Thirty-second Wisconsin Volunteers, and R. H. Oliver passed his apprenticeship in the Leader office with Oliver & Short. The Leader proprietors were the second in bringing steam presses into Fond du Lac County, and they now have one of the neatest and best-equipped country offices to be found anywhere, with an extensive amount of material and three large presses. In February, 1879, the paper was changed to a six- column quarto, and is a handsome, thrifty sheet in make-up and general appearance, and of the utmost cleanliness and respectability in matter. It was begun on the Dodge County side of Waupun, in Amadon's (now Seely's) Block, being moved to the Fond du Lac County side, into Rank's Block, in 1869, and in August, 1877, to its present quarters in the old female prison building on Prison street near Main. Connected with the office is a lathe for repairing, iron- turning and general work ; a stereotyping machine for jobs, advertisements and other work, the first successfully used in Wisconsin, and made entirely by J. W. Oliver ; a force-pump with 100 feet of hose for fire purposes, and a telephone, made by J. W. Oliver, which extends from the office to his house, several blocks away. There is no other printing office in the vicinity, if, indeed, in the State, with all these appliances, and all in such perfect and effective working order. It is a model country printing and publishing office. HISTORY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. 461 The first printing material ever brought to Waupun was that on which the Whig had been printed in the village of Fond-du Lac, and was bought by Eli Hooker in the winter of 1847— 48. Immediately afterward, George Howe came from Angelica, N. Y., with the old Ramage press on which the first edition of Morgan's "Exposition of Masonry" was printed, and Mr. Hooker entered into partnership with him in the job-printing business. This old press, made of wood, and on which two impressions with a screw were required to print one side of a sheet, was soon after sold to a man in Calumet County. The Brandon Times. — Soon after the close of the rebellion, October 1, 1865, George M. West began the publication, in the village of Brandon, of a Republican newspaper called the Times. It was a four-column folio, Independent in politics. In November, 1871, Martin C. Short became editor and proprietor. He is also Postmaster of Brandon, having been appointed by President Grant, and personally attends to both the post office and the newspaper office in the same building. Although published in a small village, the Times has been supported with more than the usual liberality, and would be a creditable paper for a much larger place. The Times is now on its fifteenth volume and prosperous. It is now a seven-column folio, and has been straight and strong Republican ever since owned by Mr. Short. The New Cassel Clarion. — On the 15th of January, 1876, Dr. L. Eidemiller began the publication, in the village of New Cassel, of a four-column local paper called the Clarion. It was devoted entirely to local news and advertising, and although well patronized, the locality considered, was discontinued before the end of the year. The Waucousta Representative.— In November, 1869, Freeman Sackett and Spencer began the publication of the Waucousta Representative, a four-column folio, devoted to local matters exclusively in the town of Osceola. Mr. Sackett afterward became editor of the Phillips (Wis.) Times, and Mr. Spencer owns a job printing office in the city of Fond du Lac. The paper was filled with original poetry, locals, "jokes," in shape of burlesque advertisements and carica tures. These caricatures were executed on wood with a pocket knife by Byron Hall and Free man Sackett, and were richly enjoyed by the country-folk. The enterprise was not a paying one and was comparatively short lived. SOME OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY'S ILLUSTRIOUS DEAD. Edward Piee was a son of Calvin Pier, a tanner and currier, and later in life, a farmer, and was born in New Haven, Addison Co., Vt., March 31, 1807. The maiden name of his mother was Esther Evarts, and her father was a soldier a short time in the Revolutionary war. Edward attended school during the winter months after his seventh year, until he attained the . age of twelve, when his school days were terminated. He was early and thoroughly trained to work, and probably no young Vermonter ever applied himself with more diligence to any and every task assigned him, or was more faithful in the discharge of filial obligations. When he was twelve years old his family moved to the town of Ripon, in his native county, and there Edward passed his youth and early manhood, the whole household living in rustic simplicity. The house was built in the woods overspread by forest trees, and its chimney was made of boards, and up through it the children could look and see the birds which came to sing their morning songs. In addition to farming, Edward learned to make and mend shoes, being his own teacher ; for in those days on the Green Mountains, one of the great studies was how to save the hard- earned money. Hoping to find land easier to cultivate than the soil of Vermont, but without intending to slacken his industrious habits, Mr. Pier, on the 25th of August, 1834, started for that part of Michigan Territory which is now the State of Wisconsin. Five years before, June 2, 1829, he had married Miss Harriet N. Kendall, of Rochester, Vt., who with courage and a cheerful spirit, went with him to the land of the Menomonees and the Pottawatomies. Two brothers, Colwert E. and Oscar, also accompanied him. They arrived at Green Bay in just four weeks — a remarkably quick trip in those days. In the autumn of that year, Colwert, the 462 HISTORY OF FOND DU LAG COUNTY. eldest of the three brothers, made a prospecting trip, extending into Illinois, and, in the summer of 1835, Edward made a still longer trip extend into Southern Illinois, where he purchased a herd of cows and young cattle for Charles D. Nash, and drove them to Green Bay — a distance of four hundred miles, much of the way through a country of bridgeless streams. In February, 1836, the brothers, Colwert and Edward, visited the laid-out village of Fond du Lac, then without a house or a settler. After Colwert had brought his family there, he was visited by Edward, who was accompanied by his father. They left Green Bay on the 20th of June, 1836, and soon after arrived at Colwert Pier's, where they remained a few days and then returned to the Bay. This was Edward Pier's second visit to Fond du Lac. In September, he again visited his brother Colwert. The next December, learning that his brother was nearly out of provisions, he started with a load but came near losing his life while crossing Lake Winne bago, by breaking through the ice with his horse. He arrived at his brother's on the 21st of December. It was his fourth visit to Fond du Lac in the year 1836. In March, 1837, he settled near Fond du Lac Village. From that time forward until incapacitated by age, Mr. Pier was known as a hard-working and eminently successful man, both in his agricultural pursuits and in his interests in manufactories and as a merchant. During his life, he held several important public offices, which he filled satisfactorily, capably and honor ably. He was a member of the first Board of Supervisors (then known as commissioners) of Fond du Lac County, and was President of that body for ten consecutive years. At different times, he was elected County Treasurer, State Senator, and for ten years was chosen Superintendent of the Poor. At one time, he held the important office of Trustee of the State Insane Asylum at Madison. Besides these public offices, he filled the position of President of two banks with conscientious and scrupulous honesty and fidelity. On the 21st of August, 1864, hi3 wife breathed her last. Mr. Pier always claimed that whatever he had been to the community was directly attributable to his excellent companion. He survived her a number of years, his death occurring on the 2d of November, 1877. He left four children to mourn the loss of a kind, indulgent, affectionate and painstaking father — Ann P., wife of J. W. Carpenter ; Ruth R., now Mrs. L. J. Harvey ; Carrie S., wife of H. R. Skinner, and Colwert K., now (1880) President of the Savings Bank of Fond du Lac. In Edward Pier's death, the people of Fond du Lac County sustained a loss. He closed a life of usefulness and the public were touched when one was taken away who occupied so large a space in their minds. He was a frank, genial man, and a public-spirited citizen. He was prompt in his benefactions ; and when a life like his closes, it leaves a vacancy, not merely in the family circle and among closest friends, but among all those reached by the fame and name of charitable deeds. Nathaniel Potter Tallmadge, was born in the town of Chatham, Columbia Co., N. Y., February 8, 1795. His father, Joel Tallmadge, was a man of sterling integrity and incorruptible patriotism. In the war of the Revolution, he served his country with fidelity, and was present to witness the surrender of Gen. Burgoyne in 1777. The family is of Saxon descent, as the name (originally Tollemache) plainly indicates. According to Burke, " it has flourished with the greatest honors in an unin terrupted male succession in the county of Suffolk since the first arrival of the Saxons in England, a period of more than thirteen centuries. Tollemache, lord of Bentley and Stoke Tollemache in the county of Oxford, lived in the sixth century, and upon the old manor-house of Bentley is still the following inscription : " Before the Norman into England came, Bentley was my residence and Tollemache my name." At a very early age, the subject of this sketch displayed an earnest desire for knowledge, and a perseverance in its pursuit that stops at no trifling obstacle. While yet at the district school where the family resided, he chanced to get hold of an old Latin grammar and imme diately determined to master the language. He subsequently pursued his classical studies under HISTORY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. 463 the tuition of William H. Maynard, who at length became distinguished as a lawyer and states man. Young Tallmadge commenced his collegiate course at Williams College, in Massachu setts, where he remained nearly two years, when he removed to Schenectady, and finally gradu ated with honors in July, 1815. He commenced the study of law in Poughkeepsie, in the office of his kinsman, Gen. James Tallmadge, who then stood in the front rank of his profession. He was a close student, and when other young men, professedly engaged in similar pursuits, were returning home late at night from convivial assemblies, he might be seen alone, by the dim light of his lamp, absorbed in his studies. At the age of twenty-three, he was admitted to the bar. In 1824, he began to take an interest in political affairs, and, in 1828, was a member of Assembly from Dutchess County. In the same body were Elisha Williams, Erastus Root, Francis Granger, Benjamin F. Butler, Luther Bradish, Ogden Hoffman, Robert Emmett and others scarcely less distinguished. Mr. Tallmadge soon ranked with the most prominent mem bers and, during the revision of the statutes, he took an active part, discussing with acknowl edged ability the most profound questions of political economy and jurisprudence. In 1829, Mr. Tallmadge, at the earnest solicitation of his Democratic fellow-citizens, reluctantly consented to be a candidate for the place made vacant by Peter R. Livingston, who had gone over to the opposite political party. He was accordingly nominated aud elected to the State Senate without formal opposition. He took his seat in January, 1830, and soon became distinguished as one of the ablest debaters in that body. He had always sustained the canal policy of De Witt Clinton, and when a Chairman of the Committee on Canals was wanted the choice fell on Mr. Tallmadge. At the same time, the subject of railroads began to attract ipublic attention in this country. No man in the State was better informed in respect to the experiments in Europe than Mr. Tallmadge, and his information was embodied in an elaborate report to the Senate, in which he discussed the feasibility of a railroad along the banks of the Hudson, and intimated that travelers, in haste to reach their destination, would soon leave the stream for the shore, and the spectator be " amazed at velocity which only lags behind the celerity of thought." Twenty years elapsed and the Hudson River road was completed. Before the expiration of his term in the State Senate, Mr. Tallmadge was elected United States Senator for the term of six years, and entered upon the duties of that office in December, 1833. He was the youngest member of that body, but his talents, both as a lawyer and legislator, made him conspicuous even among the eminent orators and statesmen of the generation that has just passed away. He exerted a powerful influence during the slavery agitation in Congress. Mr. Calhoun maintained that the Senate should not receive the petitions for its abolition, either in the District of Columbia or elsewhere. Mr. Tallmadge took a firm stand against him, insisting that the people had an undoubted right to offer any petition to Congress, and that so long as such petitions were couched in respectable terms, the Senate was bound to receive them. The Senator from South Carolina could not let the matter rest, and at length Mr. Tallmadge, in a masterly speech, took occasion to present the subject in its essential principles, its historical relations and its practical bearings. Mr. Van Buren was in the Chair and the Senate Chamber was crowded with anxious listeners. Mr. Calhoun was not prepared to reply ; many Southern Senators admitted the great force of the argument for the right of petition, and the President of the Senate personally complimented Mr. Tallmadge for the sound discretion and distinguished ability which characterized his speech. When Mr. Calhoun subsequently returned to the sub ject, he was promptly met and silenced by the Senator from New York. It was near the close of his first term in the Senate that Mr. Tallmadge felt constrained to oppose certain measures recommended by Mr. Van Buren, which excited the displeasure and hostility of the latter. Mr. Tallmadge was not the man to be intimidated by denunciation or diverted from the purpose inspired by his sense of duty. The controversy was pointed and vehement. The press, in the interest of Mr. Van Buren's administration, charged Mr. Tall madge with political apostacy. The last personal interview between those gentlemen was char acterized by great freedom and not a little asperity of speech. The President insisted that the Senator from New York did not comprehend the spirit and wishes of the people. " I will show 464 HISTORY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. you." said Mr. Tallmadge, " that I do understand the people. I am one of them — born in the- same county with yourself. But. I am much more recently from- amongst them than you are. You have been abroad, luxuriating on aristocratic couches, and mingling in lordly associations, until you have forgotten what constitutes a republican people." " Well," rejoined Mr. Van Buren, "we shall see." " Be it so," said the Senator from New York, " be it so, ' thou shalt see me at Philippi.' " Mr. Tallmadge did not misjudge in presuming that the public sentiment would sustain him. The sympathies of the people were with him ; and on his return to New York from congres sional session, he was honored with a grand ovation. An immense cavalcade met him at the steamboat landing and escorted him through Broadway to the Astor House. The streets were thronged and his presence excited the greatest enthusiasm. In the evening, he was honored with a public reception at National Hall. Mr. Tallmadge proceeded to organize the Democracy of New York with a view of prevent ing the re-election of Mr. Van Buren. This purpose was fully accomplished and in the suc ceeding national canvass the latter was defeated. Gen. Harrison was the Presidential candi date of the Whigs, and Mr. Tallmadge would have been the choice of the nominating conven tion for Vice President, but he declined the nomination. Had his personal ambition been equal to his ability, he would doubtless have numbered among the Presidents of the United States. In January, 1840, he was returned to the Senate of the United States from New York, and his re-election was regarded as a triumph of principle over partisan restraints and the un^ scrupulous exercise of executive power. " We hail," said an influential paper, "the return of of Mr. Tallmadge — the great conservative chieftain, who refused to quail beneath executive denunciation and party ostracism — to the Senate of the United States, with the most profound and heart-felt joy. It bespeaks the vitality of principle and the triumph of a righteous cause in the land." Mr. Tallmadge was offered a seat in Gen. Harrison's cabinet, and subsequently a foreign mission, both of which he declined. At the close of the session of 1844, Mr. Tyler nominated him for the office of Governor of Wisconsin Territory. He had just purchased lands near the village of Fond du Lac, with a view of making it a permanent home ; and, after mature deliberation, he resolved to resign his seat in the Senate and accept the place offered him by President Tyler. His nomination was at once unanimously confirmed by the Senate. Dur ing his Senatorial career, he served on the committees charged with management of the public lands, on the Committee on Naval Affairs, and on that of Foreign Relations, on all of which he displayed the same industry and ability. With the acceptance of the Governorship of Wiscon sin Territory and the entering upon the duties of that office, ended his career in the political arena, outside of Wisconsin. In the United States Senate, he deserved and was accorded an eminent position. " His style," says a writer of the day, "is lucid and classical — he reasons with force and energy. His language is copious, and his powers of illustration always apparent. His speeches are frequently interspread with poetical allusions, which appear — not like awkward strangers — but fitting with ease the context * * * and the subject-matter to which they are applied. This is a legitimate exercise of the credit system in letters. Scholarship and literary attainments are evident in everything that escapes him." When he came to Wisconsin, the country well understood that some of the most important reforms had received from him an earnest advocacy. It well knew that he was one of the first to urge a reduction in the rates of postage ; and that every beneficent measure — whether designed to check executive usurpation, to enfranchise labor, or otherwise to guard the liberties of the people and the sanctity of the law — received his cordial support. It could not forget his indignant condemnation of every form of injustice, and his supreme devotion to principle ; nor could it be unmindful of the intelligent and liberal influence he had exerted in public affairs; and the large place he occupied in the public confidence and esteem. "I find in my account-book," writes Gustav de Neveu, " that I commenced giving French lessons on the 5th day of December, 1844, to a class composed of Miss Laura Tallmadge, John Tallmadge, Mary and James Doty, and Fanny and James Conklin, at their respective homes, HISTORY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. 465 alternating each week from house to house, and three times a week, teacher and pupils .meeting at the appointed house for the purpose. The three families lived about one and a half miles apart, the house of Col. Conklin northernmost, on Section 7, Township 15, Range 18 ; Gov. Doty, on south half of the same section, and Gov. Tallmadge, farther south, near the north line of Section 19. The house of Gov. Doty, being in the middle, was about half a mile from that of Col. Conklin, and not much over a mile from Gov. Tallmadge's. " It is my impression," continues Mr. de Neveu, "that the family of the latter came here in the summer of 1844, but that neither he nor his son Isaac, then unmarried and who was sec retary to his father during the latter's brief office as Governor of Wisconsin, were there at the time. The family occupied a large and. for that period, elegant and convenient log house, built in anticipation of their coming by Harry Giltner. Grier Tallmadge was at West Point ; Miss Louisa Tallmadge, afterward Mrs. Boardman, was at a female seminary, East (I think Mrs. Willard's, at Troy, N. Y). There were then in the family Mrs. Tallmadge, nee Smith ; Miss Laura, Miss Julia, afterward Mrs. A. G. Ruggles ; William and John. William died in that house a year or two afterward, and was buried on a mound visible from his bed, and belonging to the estate, in accordance with his request. This was the origin of the beautiful Rienzi Cem etery. William was its first occupant. The Governor then generously donated ten acres for the purpose of a burying-ground, to a company who were to expend all the receipts for the sale of lots in adorning and beautifying it. Accessions have been made by purchase since, both from Gov. Tallmadge and from other parties, and the cemetery now contains, I think, about fifty-five acres. It is beautifully located, commanding an extensive view of lake and prairie, as well as of the city, to which it is easily accessible and about three miles distant. " Mr. E. Beeson, who lives in Fond du Lac, tells me that he thinks Gov. Tallmadge's family came in the spring or summer of 1844. They stopped at his house, then four miles south of the city, on a Saturday evening, staying over night and the next day. The two boys took down their guns in the morning, and Mrs. Tallmadge, who was then knitting, said to them : ' Do you know, boys, that you are going to break the Sabbath ?' to which Mrs. Beeson remarked : ' Why, Mrs. Tallmadge, what are you doing yourself?' This was a surprise, and Mrs. Tallmadge, who had mechanically taken up her knitting without thinking of the day, put it by in a hurry. " I believe that Governor Tallmadge spent much of his time in Washington in the early years of his settlement here. Some seventy acres of prairie had been broken on the farm, the fall preceding the arrival of the family, by his brother, William R. Tallmadge, and Cornelius Davis, who afterward built a mill on the creek that runs through Section 7, near what was J. D. Doty's residence. Gov. Tallmadge was considered a resident of this county to the time of his death, in November, 1864. He died at his daughter's house, in Michigan. His remains were brought to Fond du Lac, and he was buried by the side of his son and wife in the family lot in Rienzi Cemetery." Mr. Tallmadge reared a large family, consisting of Isaac S., W. D. (deceased, and the first buried in Rienzi Cemetery, near Fond duLac), Grier (who died a Captain in the rebellion), Mary, Louisa, Laura, John, James, Julia T. (Mrs. A. G. Ruggles, of Fond du Lac) and Emily. His wife, Abbey Smith, daughter of Judge Isaac Smith, of New York, was one of the first women of Wisconsin. She was a lady of culture and breadth, but gave a large share of her time to doing good. Her charity was like rain — descended alike upon the just and the unjust. She loved hospitality, too, nearly as well as her husband, and for some years joined Mr. Tallmadge in the strife to see which should entertain most liberally and cordially — his own ample house or that of his near friend and neighbor, John B. Macy. The last few years of Gov. Tallmadge's. life were spent in feeble health; and he resided some of the time among his friends in. the East. Just before he died, a visitor to his "forest home," on the Ledge in the town of Empire, remarked that one who possessed such a home, ought to live forever to enjoy it. "Oh," replied the Governor, "I have no idea of remaining here, I am only preparing this for some one else, who has no better situation. I understand that up ;there (looking toward heaven), where I am going, they have much finer places than this." He 466 HISTORY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. died at dusk after a beautiful sunset, while the leaves were falling from the forest trees that shaded his pleasant home, on the 2d of November, 1864, in the seventieth year of his age. Before his death, Mr. Tallmadge prepared the manuscript for a biography of himself, suffi cient to make a large volume, and entrusted it to S. B. Brittain, of New York. It has not yet been published. The ashes of Nathaniel Potter Tallmadge rest on the top of the hill in the "old grounds" of Rienzi Cemetery, about four miles from Fond du Lac, in a spot chosen by himself, when he gave, free of cost, that portion of his farm for cemetery purposes. James Duane Doty t was a native of Salem, Washington Co., N. Y., where he was born in 1799. In the year 1818, he settled at Detroit, Mich.; and, a young lawyer of good repute, he was the next year admitted to the Supreme Court of that Territory, and was the same year promoted rapidly to places of public trust, being appointed Secretary of the Legislative Council, and Clerk of the Court. Gov. Cass, in 1820, made his famous tour of the Great Lakes, and the Mississippi to its source, traveling a distance of 4,000 miles with his party, in five bark canoes. Doty was selected by the Governor to command one of the birch flotilla, C. C. Trowbridge and John H. Kinzie each having charge of another. The trip from Detroit to Mackinaw and the Sault Ste. Marie consumed nearly ninety days, and was one of great difficulty and peril. It was on this- occasion that Gov. Cass, supported by his assistants and canoe-men, in the presence of the assembled dignitaries of the fierce Chippewas, and in defiance of their menaces, pulled down the British flag, which those Indians had displayed on the American side of the straits on his- arrival, and hoisted the Stars and Stripes in its place. Doty was present, and aided with his own hands in displaying the American flag. The party left Detroit early in May, traversed the lakes, and reached the source of the Mississippi, held conferences with various Indian tribes, and returned the last of November. Doty, besides having charge of one of the canoes, acted as secretary of the expedition. In the winter of 1822-23, Congress passed an "Act to provide for the Appointment of an Additional Judge for the Michigan Territory," and to establish courts in the counties of Michili mackinac, Brown and Crawford ; these counties embracing, besides much other territory, all of what is now the State of Wisconsin. From the numerous applicants for the place, President Monroe selected Doty for the new Judge. In May, 1823, he was already on the way to his new circuit, accompanied by his wife, whom he had just married. Doty lost no time in entering upon his duties as a Judge of a country sufficient in extent for an empire. He repaired forthwith to Prairie du Chien, organized the judiciary of Crawford County, and opened court. It was no easy task to inaugurate justice in these wilds, to create sheriffs, clerks and jurors out of half-breed Indian traders, voyageurs and couriers du bois; but the tact, talent and perseverance of the young Judge prevailed. Doty had thought to make Prairie du Chien his resting-place, his home, but finally determined on a permanent residence at Green Bay, where he resided twenty years. The Judge proceeded to organize courts in Michilimackinac and Brown Counties, where he found the inhabitants generally disposed to render every assistance in bringing a wild country subject to law and order. The terms were held with regularity throughout the whole district. He continued to discharge his onerous duties for nine years, and until superseded by Judge Irwin, in 1832. Relieved from the cares and responsibilities of the judgeship and courts, he immedi ately commenced, on his own resources, a personal examination, by repeated tours, of the coun try that now constitutes Wisconsin and Northern Illinois. It was then inhabited and possessed largely by the aborigines. He visited every village of note, made himself acquainted with, and gained the good will of, the chiefs, and contributed in no small degree to the good under standing which followed between the Government and these savage tribes. HISTORY OF (FOND DU LAC COUNTY. 467 In 1830, Congress made an appropriation for surveying and locating a military road from Green Bay to Chicago and to Prairie du Chien. " Doty and Lieut. Center were appointed Com missioners to survey and locate these roads. Doty's talents for usefulness were now conceded and appreciated by all. The people of the District of Michigan, west of the lake, elected him to the Legislative Council in 1834, in which he served with marked ability for two years. It was while he was a member of that body that the policy of a State government began to be agitated. This he favored and he was the first to introduce a measure looking to its accomplishment, which finally prevailed. Returning from the Legislative Council, he became an active operator in the public land sales, which were opened at Green Bay in 1835—36. The rapid settlement of the country beyond the Great Lakes called for a new Territorial government — a separation from Michigan. Congress passed the act creating the Territorial government of Wisconsin in 1836. Henry Dodge received the appointment of Governor, and assembled the first Legislature at Belmont. One of the most important matters brought before that body, and to be settled by it, was the location of the seat of government. Doty, though remaining in private life, had not been idle, and especially was not uninterested in this matter of a capital for Wisconsin. There was great excitement over the matter in the Legis lature. While others were planning, Doty was acting. He appeared at Belmont as a lobby- member; and almost before the Solons knew of it, by his superior tact had brought about a vote fixing the seat of government at Madison. There was a good deal of sparring and fault finding with Doty and his management at the time, but all agree now that it was then, as it has seen to be since, just the right place for the capital. Wisconsin, as an organized Territory, had now a delegate in Congress. Doty succeeded George W. Jones in 1838, and served till 1841, when he was appointed Governor of Wiscon sin by President Tyler, serving nearly three years, and was succeeded by N. P. Tallmadge. While Governor and Superintendent of Indian Affairs, the Indians in Minnesota — Sioux and Chippewas — began to be uneasy and troublesome. The War Department instituted a com mission for conference with them. Doty, on account of his known acquaintance with Indian character, was selected as Commissioner, and made two highly important treaties with the Northwestern Indian tribes, which, however, were not accepted by the Senate. He was a member of the first Constitutional Convention in Wisconsin in 1846; was elected to Congress from the Third District under the State organization of 1848, and re-elected in 1851, and procured by his industry and influence important legislation for the State and his constituency. In 1853, he retired once more to "private life," to be recalled by President Lincoln in 1861, first as Superintendent of Indian Affairs, and subsequently as Governor of Utah ; hold ing this last appointment at the time of his death, June 13, 1865. He lived in Fond du Lac County, town of Empire, for two years — from 1844 to 1846 — when he removed to Menasha, on Doty's Island, his last residence. Marcellus Kent Stow was a prominent and respected citizen of Fond du Lac County. He came from a stock famous in Northern New York, in the early part of this century, for learning, wit and hospitality. His father was Judge Silas Stow, of Lowville, Lewis Co., N. Y., one of the most brilliant men of his day, an able lawyer and judge, and elegant classical scholar, a member of Congress in 1812, and the friend and compeer of Chancellor Kent, De Witt Clinton, Gen. Brady, Judges Cowen, Carnes and other luminaries of that period. In an old number of the Albany Evening Journal may be found this mention of the old Judge, his social station and surroundings : " One of the most hospital and generous of men. Numerous were the guests that thronged the old ' Stow mansion ; ' the quiet village, nestled there in the north, and fringed with the woods that inclosed Black River, was often graced with wit, learning and beauty that even a 468 HISTORY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. metropolis might have envied. Fine equipages swept along the old ' State road ; ' song and wine and wit and eloquence sparkled and flowed ; men of rank from Europe came there ; scholars from University halls ; statesmen from the national councils ; soldiers who had gal lantly fought ; women who had reigned as belles in brilliant circles far away." In such an atmosphere the subject of this sketch was born and reared, and he inherited and bore through life, the high traits and characteristics of a noble sire. There were three brothers of them, all distinguished for great native talent, high culture, eloquence, judicial ability and integrity and eminent social gifts. Hon. Horatio J. Stow was for many years a distinguished lawyer and Judge of the Record er's Court of Buffalo. He was a member of the Constitutional Convention, and a State Senator of New York in 1857. Alexander W. Stow, many years ago Chief Justice of Wisconsin, and a resident of Fond du Lac County, was, despite his eccentricities, a man of most wonderful mental powers and attainments, a scholar and lawyer almost without a peer in our State annals, of the soundest judgment and unblemished integrity. Mareellus Kent Stow was, like all the sons of the "old Judge," educated to the legal pro fession, and was for several years an able and popular member of the Lewis and Jefferson , County bars, and Judge of the Jefferson County Court. Afterward he became actively engaged in shipping, banking and real-estate operations at Sacket's Harbor, then in its palmy days. Some curious old documents preserved among his papers, while contributing facts to his biography, illustrate strikingly the dignity of old-time ways as compared with our "Young American " idea of things. One of these is an elaborate and formal military commission issued and signed by De Witt Clinton, Governor, sealed with "our seal for military commissions," the device of which is a wonderful spread eagle perched on a globe, with the legend " Excelsior " inscribed about the margin. This document appoints and constitutes " Mareellus K. Stow, Judge Advocate of the Twenty-sixth Brigade of Infantry of our State," and bears date April 12, 1825. Another is a parchment diploma "by the Hon. John Savage, Chief Justice of the State of New York," with the seal of the Supreme Court artistically attached by and on a white satin "tag," and bearing date the 26th day of October, "in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty-seven, in the fifty-second year of the Independence of the United States of America." This document authorizes and licenses the said Mareellus K. Stow to appear and practice in the Supreme Court as an attorney. This is followed ten years later by a like parchment, dated April 4, 1837, " by the Hon. R. Hyde Walworth, Chancellor of the State of New York," admitting and licensing Mar eellus K. Stow as a solicitor and counselor in, the Court of Chancery of the State of New York. These diplomas or licenses were only issued upon most rigid examination and proofs of several years of professional study and preparation. Now-a-days, the sweeping of a lawyer's office for a few months, the exhibition of requisite " cheek," and subscription to a dog-eared roll of attorneys in the Clerk's office develops a full-fledged barrister, authorized to practice in law, chancery and all courts short of the high court of heaven. Judge Stow married, at Brownville, Jefferson Co., N. Y., in October, 1837, Mary W., the daughter of Gen. Thomas Loomis, then and since a prominent man in the Black River sec tion of New York, and, in the year 1852, came with his wife and children to the city of Fond du Lac. He purchased several tracts of land in Section 11, and erected the Stow homestead in the oak grove on East Division street, where he resided continuously until his death in June, 1871. His widow, loved and respected by all, with two of the children, Miss Anna and James W., yet occupy this old homestead. He brought with him here and ever maintained the character of an able, upright, enter prising business man. His acquaintance was co-extensive with the population of this city and county. Every one knew him then and remembers him now as an exceptionally generous, genial and hospitable gentleman. #¦¦¦¦ gn FOND DU LAC. HISTORY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. 471 He was an honored member of the bar of Fond du Lac County, and, in 1865, was elected Judge of the County Court, which position he filled with marked ability, dignity, integrity and promptness, until his failing health compelled his resignation in 1868. Then for four long weary years, cheered only by the devotion of a noble wife and loving children, and the general friendship and sympathy of our community, he gradually but surely failed in body and mind, lingering in the valley of the shadow of death until that evening in June, his life went down with the sun as peacefully and gently as an infant falling asleep in its mother's arms. He died June 10, 1871. His surviving children are William L. Stow, General Agent at Toledo, Ohio, of the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Railway Company ; Mary E., wife of W. D. Conklin, of Fond du Lac ; Fred D. Stow, General Central Agent of the Merchants' Dispatch Transportation Com pany, at Buffalo, N. Y.; Miss Anna P. Stow, and James W. Stow, Corresponding Clerk of the First National Bank, at Fond du Lac. John B. Macy. The career of John B. Macy in Fond du Lac County was brief, if measured by years, but it was rich in great events and colossal in work for the public. He was born in Nantucket, R. I., March 25, 1799, and, after finishing the liberal education which all New Englanders in easy circumstances receive, embarked at once in a series of heavy business transactions, contracts and speculations, which ended only with his tragic death. At the sale of the Fond du Lac Company's lands, Mr. Macy came to Wisconsin and made heavy purchases of real estate, and, in 1850, moved with his family to the town of Empire, near de Neveu Lake. He began building at once on a large scale, and although he soon had a magnificent place, with stone archways, handsome drives and a large yard shaded by all the trees common to Wisconsin forests and nurseries, continued the erection of buildings until his •death. He was all activity and enterprise — a leading spirit in all the great undertakings of the day. Perhaps no man did so much for the city of Fond du Lac, in the way of advertising the location, wealth, health and future prospects of the place, as John B. Macy. Wherever he went, he talked enthusiastically of the Fountain City, and always declared that before he reached his hundredth birthday, it would contain 30,000 inhabitants and a half-dozen railroads. He cer- -tainly did more than any other man to attract capital to Fond du Lac County, for it was through his repeated visits to the East, and by virtue of his enthusiastic persistency that Robert J. Walker and other heavy capitalists were induced to invest liberally in what is now the Chicago & North- Western Railroad, which had its beginning in the city of Fond du Lac. One great scheme no sooner neared a successful consummation than he rushed into another. He planned and handled the largest enterprise as easily as ordinary men do their most trivial every-day affairs. In 1852, he was sent to Congress in order to be in a position to more rapidly help on his railroad schemes and the Fox River improvement, but was defeated in 1854 for re-election on account of what was termed his " un-Democratic action " on the Kansas-Nebraska bill. Notwithstanding his large and perplexing business affairs, Mr. Macy found much time for social gatherings. He loved whole-souled generosity, and his house was the scene of more hospitality — dispensed with a peculiar aristocracy that showed a proud family and a good breed ing, at the same time with that cordiality and indiscrimination that made everybody, whether rich or poor, not only welcome, but perfectly equal and at home — than any other in the county, not excepting that of N. P. Tallmadge's. Mr. Macy was drowned from the burning steamer Niagara, about one mile from Port Wash ington, on Lake Michigan, September 24, 1856. His body was never recovered. He was a man of extraordinary physical development and of commanding presence, being considerably over six feet in height, elegant in carriage, perfect in address and entertaining in -conversation. He had two children — John B., who died in 1850, and Elizabeth B., who married M. J. Thomas, only to be left- a widow in November, 1859, by reason of the Bellville disaster, 472 HISTORY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. where Mr. Thomas, then United States Marshal, was killed. She now resides in Buffalo, N. Y., but without any relatives belonging to the Macy family. The quaint but ample homestead erected by Mr. Macy is now owned and occupied by David Giddings. It is but a few rods from de Neveu Lake and attracts the attention of all visitors and travelers. Mason C. Darling was born in Amherst, Mass., in May, 1801, of old Puritan Yankee stock. His family settled in Massachusetts and Rhode Island. He graduated at Berkshire Medical College, Pittsfield, and practiced in Greenwich, Amherst and adjoining towns. In 1823, he married Naomi Ingram, of Amherst. He was sent for several terms as Rep resentative to the Legislature of Massachusetts. In 1837, being obliged to quit practice, on account of ill health, he emigrated to Sheboygan, Wis., where he held some lands and interest in mill property,, in connection with R. B. Marcy (now Brigadier General of United States Army). In 1838, he exchanged his property at Sheboygan, with J. D. Doty, for property at Fond du Lac, Wis., and settled there in 1838 ; his family arriving there in June of the same year. At Fond du Lac, his property was south of and adjoining the old Fond du Lac Company plat, and he owned also an interest in the Fond du Lac property. He platted his land, built upon it, gave away lots for schoolhouses, Court House site and grounds, churches, for merchants, mechanics, lawyers and doctors, and, in the course of a few years, he found a thrifty village growing around him. Meantime, he practiced medicine, kept a public house for travelers, entered lands for settlers, built houses and stores for citizens and business men, gave away much of his pro perty to induce settlers and improvements, and lived to see his village grow into the city of Fond du Lac. He was a man not without faults, but with many excellent qualities. He had his friends and enemies, as all men of positive qualities will have. From 1840 to 1847, he was chosen a member ofthe Territorial Legislature. In 1846-47, he was chosen Speaker of the House. In 1847-48, he was elected to the Council of the Ter ritorial Legislature. In 1848, he was elected a member of Congress from the Second District of Wisconsin. He was the first Mayor of Fond du Lac. In 1864, he removed to Chicago, where he had business and investments, and, in 1866, he died there of diphtheria, and was buried in Rienzi Cemetery, Fond du Lac, in sight of the city which he had founded. For a number of years before his death, he was a member of the Con gregational Church at Fond du Lac, and was a consistent member of it at the time of his death. Whether wisely or not, the inception, the start and growth of Fond du Lac as it is, was due largely to the shrewdness, vigor, energy and watchful care of Mason C. Darling. But for his gifts of lots for various purposes, the city would possibly have been built at Taycheedah. Henry Conklin was born in 1794, near Poughkeepsie, Dutchess Co., N. Y. He received a common-school education, commenced business as a merchant at Poughkeepsie, and soon after became propri etor of the Main Street Docks and engaged extensively in the forwarding and shipping trade on the Hudson River. He was the cotemporary and friend of Cornelius Vanderbilt in the North River steamboating and transportation enterprises of fifty years ago. He was one of the founders of the " up-river" whaling trade, and built the first (and we believe only) three whal ing-ships, with their apartment docks, oil-houses, etc., at Poughkeepsie. He also developed the iron-ore beds at Beekman and Amenia, organized companies, built furnaces and inaugurated and carried on, at that day, an extensive shipping trade in pig iron, etc., with the old Albany and Troy stove and iron manufactories. He held several local offices, and represented Dutchess County in the New York Legislature several terms, as a Henry Clay Whig. The anti-tariff disturbances and financial crashes of ' 1838-40 shattered the handsome fortune his energy and enterprise had built up, and led him to HISTORY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. 473 seek new fields in the Far West. After spending the summer of 1841 in prospecting the wil derness of the Northwest, he, in the fall of that year, gathered together the remnant of his fort une, his family and household goods, and emigrated to this, the spot he had selected for his future home. We thought then that " out West " was easily accessible, compared with the means of transportation within the reach of our grandfathers. Yet, the subject of this sketch, with ample means to use the fastest lines, by steamboat to Albany, by canal to Buffalo, by " the stanch and fast upper- lake steamer Columbus," to Green Bay, by Durham boat up the Fox River and Winnebago Lake, only got his family and " plunder " into their " diggins " after a month's toil and travel. Col. Conklin, as he was then, in accordance with the custom of the country, called, and which title he bore and was always known by, brought with him his indomitable pluck, enter prise and business habits, together with perhaps more capital in cash than was then possessed by the whole county besides. He settled first at the big spring, under the Ledge, where Sheriff Colman now resides, built the old log house, since moved and now standing on the west side of the highway just beyond Colman's. This house was a palace in those days. The first house with real shingles, with pine floors, board partitions and " pmted-up " with real lime mortar — luxurious materials, all carted from Green Bay or Fort Howard, over the old military and Doty road. He entered large tracts of land in Empire, Byron, Oakfield and on Calumet prairie : started several farms, built the first grist-mill, the "Mountain Mill," three miles east ofthe city of Fond du Lac, and afterward built the Oakfield Mills. He drove overland from Ohio the first large flock of sheep to this county, and distributed them amongst the few farmers then settled and settling here. He stocked and fitted up the first extensive dairy farm in this part of the county, each 1,000 acres of land with fifty to one hundred cows ; three barrel churns, worked by machinery with horse or dog power, after the old style, before cheese and butter factories were dreamed of. Ever liberal, active, sanguine, he invested his means in, or lent a helping hand to, many of the pioneer exterprises of our county, connected with farming, milling and stock-raising on a large scale — eschewing his old ventures in the mercantile and city lines of business. His ideas were, like those of many pioneers, in advance of his times. With the then limited mar kets, machinery and transportation, a successful Dalrymple wheat farm or Colorado stock ranche was impracticable if not impossible. His Whig principles found no congenial clime in this red-hot Loco-foco section, and it is believed he never, after an early day, aspired or interested himself much in politics. He was, with his good wife, a faithful, consistent Christian, and member of the Baptist denomination, and prominent among the founders and supporters of the first Baptist Church of Fond du Lac. After about 1856, he lived a quiet, retired life, in the city of Fond du Lac ; suffered long from ill health, culminating in paralysis and softening of the brain, and died in the year 1868, aged seventy-four years. Many an old settler is indebted to the kind heart and open hand of the " old Colonel " for a quiet lift or a fair start in life' here, and the memory of his genial disposition and manly character is green in the hearts of all our surviving pioneers, as well as many of the later generation. Allie Arnold Crawford was born in the city of Fond du Lac February 10, 1850. She was the only daughter of Leon ard and Lucy Arnold. Her life measured but a brief space in years. It is seldom one meets a person who combined so many noble qualities, and who possessed no bad ones. She was respected and loved by, and had the confidence of, all classes. The poor man, woman or child received a greeting as cordial as was extended to the rich and refined. Nothing could induce her to utter a word or do an act that would wound the feelings of any one. Nothing gave her more pain than to think that a word or deed of hers could be construed as conveying a slight 474 HISTORY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. offense. She was a pure-souled, tender-hearted, sweet-tempered, large-minded, noble woman. No one could become acquainted and converse with her without feeling that he was in the pres ence of a person far above the average. Modest, unassuming, great — great in intellect, good ness of heart, purity of character, and in all that goes to make up a perfect type of a woman. She graduated from the high school in 1867, with the highest honors. It was about this time that one of her essays attracted general attention, and was pronounced by many as one of the best written papers that had come from the pen of a Wisconsin student. She had written many poems previous to that, some of which were published and well received. From the date of her graduation up to within a month or two before her death, she wrote a great deal, both prose and poetry. Commencing with the Fond du Lac press, it was but a short time until she was requested to write for some of the foremost papers and magazines in the country. Her productions always commanded a good price. During the three last years of her life, she was a regular contributor to the Christian Union, the Christian at Work, Harper's Weekly, the New York Independent, the Chicago Advance and various other papers. Her "Easter Morn ing," published in Harper's Weekly, was highly praised by some of the best authors in the country. Had her physical strength equaled her mental, and had her life been spared, Mrs. Crawford would have become one of the very first among the long list of lady writers in Amer ica. Her loss to the home circle, the social and literary world, and to humanity, was very .great. She died at Traverse City, Mich. The words "Allie Arnold is dead," sank deep into the hearts of every man, woman and child who knew her. They felt that they had met a great loss. Never was sorrow more genu ine. One of earth's purest gems had passed over to that other and better world. Mrs. Crawford left a devoted, grief-stricken husband, mother and brother to mourn the loss of one they loved with all their hearts. Mrs. Arnold, her mother, was at her bedside for months, ministering to her every want as only a mother could. She left one child, a beautiful little girl six months old. " She was," says a writer, "at a very tender age deprived by death of her father's guard ianship, and early became to her widowed mother and younger brother, not only the loving daughter and affectionate sister, but their counselor, comforter and sustainer. " As the truest instincts of the human heart, either in individuals or as public sentiment, demand 'honor to whom honor is due,' so, at school and in social life, the highest honors were royally and gratefully accorded to her. Her marriage to Mr. Charles A. Crawford, of Traverse City, Mich., took place on September 8, 1872. From this time until her death, two years later, Traverse City was her home. The transfer of homes brought no loss to the flower, and friends, new and old, wondered at the marvelous florescence of brain and heart. " But it was through her graceful and gifted pen that the light from her beautiful soul-life went gleaming away in every direction beyond the circle of those who could receive the inspira tion from personal association. She seemed to have divined — perhaps unconsciously — that our ideals must be, to a great extent, personally incarnated in order to accomplish the greatest good upon human heart ; so brain and heart were mutual helpers, and the young life was full of promise and prophecy, the fulfillment of which was growing daily more beautiful until the steps began to falter, and even then the life-work went on, for the true ' Allie ' — the clear mind and pure, loving heart — did not falter. " The amount of work she accomplished was something marvelous. She was, for years, a regular contributor to the Fond du Lac papers, also a frequent contributor to Harper's Weekly, the Advance, the Christian at Work, the Christian Union, and other prominent papers. " The numerous regretful and appreciative press notices of her death, in these and other papers, attest the high esteem in which her writings are held. "Among the many beautiful poems found in her published volume, 'A Few Thoughts for a Few Friends,' all deserving of high praise, we may name ' Blind Handel,' ' The Gates Ajar,' ' The Forest Easter,' and 'After the Storm,' as having received special commendation and ful filled a special mission. Her writings are truly a precious legacy to her little daughter. HISTORY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. 475 " The praise which was most grateful to her was not admiration of her genius ; it was to know that her words had quickened lives to higher and purer purposes, and that she had inspired others to 'make stepping-stones of their dead selves to better things.' " Edwin H. Galloway. The subject of this sketch was a native of Harrisburg, Lewis Co., N. Y., where he was born April 12, 1825. His father, Charles Galloway, was a farmer by occupation, and ranked high as a citizen and neighbor. Edwin, in his younger days, was sent with the other children • to the district school, but subsequently finished his studies at the Lowville Academy. At the close of school, he entered the employ of a merchant of Lowville, where he remained two years. At the age of twenty-three, of slight physical build, with poor health and with money capital hardly equaling his necessary traveling expenses, he started westward, locating at Fond du Lac in the spring of 1848. The place then was but a small village, known to but few, but speedily destined, with such citizens as young Galloway, to develop its resources — to spring forth into prominence, prosperity and importance. Recognizing at a glance the natural advantages sur rounding Fond du Lac, he commenced early to operate in real-estate, and followed it success fully for many years. A short time only he tried the mercantile business, dropping it to take up lumbering in all its various and extensive branches. In this and his real estate business he continued until 1866, when by reason of poor health, which forbade the active employment nec essary in carrying on a business embracing numerous large enterprises, he commenced gradually to withdraw his investments and reduce his affairs to within the limit of his physical strength. For ten years previous to his death, he was a large stockholder and one of the managers of the Savings Bank of Fond du Lac, of which institution he was Vice President at the time of his decease. Although for nearly twenty-five years, Mr. Galloway ranked among the most active and successful business men of the State, his well-known social qualities — his good nature and uni form gentlemanly deportment, seem never once to have left him. In this particular he was quite remarkable. Always kind, considerate and attentive, rich and poor alike sought his counsel and aid, and they never sought in vain. His genial temperament could never be destroyed by the annoyances or cares of business strife. He was peculiarly a domestic man — devotedly attached to home and family. He was always to be found at his office or at the family fireside, the only exception to his rule being on occasions when, having accepted some of the numerous public positions so continually urged upon him, the performance of official duties necessitated his absence from both — a condition requiring the keenest sacrifice on his part. He served two terms in the Legislature ; several terms as Chairman of the County Board of Supervisors ; was City Treas urer of Fond du Lac and its Mayor ; and served the public in various other capacities. In 1871, he was strongly supported for the Republican nomination for Governor, but peremptorily declined being a candidate. A leading, and perhaps the leading characteristic of the man was his almost unlimited benevolence and seemingly unbounded charity to the poor. During a quarter of a century at Fond du Lac, whenever any society, enterprise, or project having in view the well- being of the community, needed aid or encouragement, it always found a ready and bountiful friend in Mr. Galloway. Toward the poor, toward those in trouble, those sick or in distress, his action and sympathies were like a father, intent in doing all that lay in his power to relieve and make happy. He was married, November 5, 1850, to Maria H. Adams, whom he left a widow (and who still survives him) with four children — a son and three daughters. He died in the town of Fond du Lac May 7, 1876. His memory is cherished as one of the oldest, most respected, and best-loved citizens of Fond du Lac County. Robert Flint was born in Wyoming County, N. Y. He studied law with John C. Spencer, in Canandaigua, and afterward practiced his profession in Buffalo for many years, winning, on merit, a fine 476 HISTORY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. reputation as counselor and pleader. He came West with J. R. Doolittle in 1850, choosing his location at Fond du Lac, which was afterward his residence to the time of his death. Doolittle, as is well known, settled at Racine. Mr. Flint had determined to make the West his home because he liked the enterprising character of its people, and for the benefit of his health. Asthmatic difficulties had already interfered greatly with his public speaking, and the disease had obtained too firm a seat to be removed. He finally practically abandoned the practice of so much of his profession as demanded argument, but always kept an office and conducted business in the other , departments of his calling. In 1852 Mr. Flint entered into the contest for the Circuit Judgeship, but was beaten by a small majority. In the spring of 1860, he was elected County Judge, and, four years after, re-elected, serving with great satisfaction. Throughout his whole life he was very studious, and this is true not only as to matters of legal information, but in regard to scientific, historical, and other sub jects. He read extensively and took notes of suggestions and impressions thereby derived dur ing his lifelong application. It was a pleasure that never grew dull for him, to delve for riches of knowledge among books. He had a fine library in the line of his profession ; and so gener ously did he appreciate its worth that he kindly invited young attorneys whose legal books were few, freely to refer to his large collection. Many of the lawyers of Fond du Lac will ever remember the cordial welcome given them by him when they most needed encouragement and advantages which they did not possess. A large number were once students in his office. The health of Judge Flint had been broken for some years — numerous physical afflictions taking, successively, a hold upon him, and finally conquering his powerful constitution. In the accident on the North-Western Railway occurring to the first through train from Fond du Lac, he sustained severe injuries to one of his limbs. Some two years before his death, he was severely hurt by falling down a flight of stairs, and this was the initial trouble to those which followed. He belonged to a long-lived family. His father had been dead only two or three years, when, on Feb ruary 17, 1877, he departed this life. He was buried in Rienzi Cemetery, near the city of Fond du Lac. He was a man honored and respected as a citizen, worthy as a lawyer, and valuable as a friend. Mrs. S. "VV. Beall. Mrs. Samuel W. Beall, nee Elizabeth Fenimore Cooper, was born at Cooperstown, Otsego Co., N. Y., in 1814. Her father, Isaac Cooper, was the son of Judge Cooper, the founder of the place to which his name was given, and brother of James Fenimore Cooper. Her mother was Mary Morris, grand-daughter of Lewis Morris, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence, and niece of Gov. Morris, of Morrisania. Her youth was passed at her native place, which, even at that time, by its natural beauty and picturesque surroundings, gave promise of the exceptional place it now occupies among the most beautiful of American cities, fully justifying the good taste and foresight of the clever and cultivated pioneers in choosing such a spot for a home for themselves and their descendants. In May, 1827, she was married to Samuel W. Beall, of Frederick, Md., a descendant ofthe Randolphs of Virginia. In June of the same year, she came to Green Bay, Mr. Beall having been appointed Receiver of Public Moneys at the Land Office. Green Bay was at that time in the Territory of Michi gan and little more than a military post, and had few attractions to offer to a young, delicate and tenderly reared lady, like Mrs. Beall. But, during her residence of about four years in the society which began to gather about the fort as a nucleus, she was both its inspiring and presiding genius, and displayed from the beginning a rare ability in devising and pushing to success the charitable purposes of her life. She was chiefly instrumental in founding the first Christian society, the church known to-day as the First Episcopal Church of Green Bay. She wrote the first New Year's address, and with her pen helped sustain the first newspaper. The advantages for rapidly amassing a fortune having enabled Mr. Beall to retire from business, Mrs. Beall with her husband and children, returned to Woodside, on the shore of HISTORY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. 477 Otsego Lake, near Cooperstown- Here the lavish hospitality of Mr. Beall and the graces of Mrs. Beall, attracted to her elegant and spacious mansion Fenimore Cooper, Washington Irving, and whatever was best in Eastern New York. But, the financial crisis of 1837 having made great inroads upon the ample fortune of Mr. Beall, he accepted a lucrative Government appointment and returned to Green Bay, and thenceforward Mrs. Beall identified herself for life with the interests of Wisconsin, easily resuming in the then thriving Western town the social position .she was wont to fill so well in the small circle about the old fort, and, applying herself anew and with added interest to her many charities ; and the incidents of her social life and her works have been among the pleasant- est reminiscences of the older inhabitants of " The Bay." Mrs. Beall was a few years at Green Lake, where Mr. Beall was. engaged in agriculture upon some of his lands. And when, in 1847, she removed to Taycheedah, at the southern extremity of Lake Winnebago, her family contained seven children, three sons and four daugh ters. Here she organized and superintended a Sunday school, and, mainly by her personal efforts, kept up public religious services, and devoted much of her time to works of active Chris tian charity. But, to the demands upon her patriotism during the great civil war, she responded with her all. Her husband and sons were in the army, and Mrs. Beall herself by the bedside of the sol diers in the military hospital. Upon her removal to Fond duLac in 1867, she began her great work of building up the Home for the Friendless, and was its President until her failing strength made it necessary to resign that position and accept the Vice Presidency. At the time of her decease, in February, 1879, she was one of the Trustees of this benign institution, which she had placed upon a secure foun dation. William Plocker was born at London, England, May 28, 1811. His father was a Hollander, who spelled his name Plokker, and his mother was an English lady. He was educated and brought up in Amsterdam, Holland. He left there as recorded above, landing at Boston July 1, 1827. In 1829, he moved to Orleans County, N. Y., and engaged in farming, teaching and clerking. In 1839-40, he was Collector of canal tolls at Brockport, N. Y., and later, cashier in Buffalo and Albany of the Western Transportation Company. In 1845-47, he was clerk and then Master of the fine steamer Wiskonsan, plying between Buffalo and Chicago. From this he obtained the title of Captain, by which he was always afterward known. In 1847, he settled at Fairwater, Fond du Lac County, where he thereafter lived and accumulated a competence. He was Supervisor of Metomen many years, Chairman of the County Board in 1857, Town Clerk some years, and a member of the Assem bly in 1875. He is well remembered in Fond du Lac. His slow, steady walk, as with hands clasped behind him he carefully scanned many times over the architecture, signs and features of every building as he passed, marked him at once with every person. He loved to take dinner at the American House, and when he visited his niece, Mrs. James Spence, which was often, he hardly ever failed to spend a day at the residence of Mrs. Keyes Darling, being an old friend to both Mrs. Darling and her husband. He was a great lover of bezique, and loved to visit those who played his favorite game. Singularly, enough, he returned to Boston to die, the place where he first set, foot upon American ground. He loved America and praised her people and Government wherever he went. While returning from a concert in Boston on the evening of December 11, he fell while on a street car and died without speaking, December 20, 1878. His will was remarkably clear and concise, and written in that elegant hand which, even after three-score years had passed, was the pride of the " Captain." The special cash legacies of the will amounted to about $6,000, and the remainder of his large property was divided ratably 478 HISTORY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. i among his sisters and brother, or their heirs. The special legacies were, however, to all appear ances, bestowed upon faithful servants or cherished friends — no one whom he loved being for gotten. To the Wisconsin State Historical Society he bequeathed his copy of the Nuremberg Bible, described hereafter. To H. T. Henton, a favorite spy-glass. To Charles Forbes, his collection of coins, which comprises many rare and valuable ones. To R. C. Kelley, of Brandon (whom he paid the high compliment of making his executor without bond), Harper's Monthly, bound, from the beginning. To Mrs. George Todd, his niece, twelve volumes of rare books not otherwise bequeathed. To Mrs. Cornelia Spence, of Fond du Lac, his niece and sister to Mrs. George Todd,. "the contents of his leather trunk." To James Spence, of A. Spence & Son, Fond du Lac, husband of his niece Cornelia, Harper's Weekly, complete; London News, complete, and numerous rare novels collected, arranged and bound by him. To Francis McK. Plocker, his nephew, manuscript book of "Anecdotes and Comicalities," in his own handwriting, and further described below. To Charles P. Knapp, his Patent Office Reports, which were complete from the time the first report was issued. To Cornelia Spence, "above named, the same," in addition to other things, a peculiar and valuable silk quilt, wrought in ancient times in an Italian nunnery. This quilt was the gift of a priest whom Mr. Plocker had befriended. The document ends in rhyme — "In witness whereof I hereunto My hand and seal have set, In presence of those whose names Below subscribe and witness it." Then follows the signature of William Plocker. "This will was published, sealed and signed, By the testator in his right mind ; In presence of us who at his request Have written Our names these facts to attest." Then follow the signatures of C. P. Knapp, Leander Ferguson and William D. Ash. In one clause of the will is disclosed a bit of the tenderest romance, strongly characteristic of the fidelity and constancy of the man, which, as the party interested is now living in the county, will not be mentioned further. Suffice it to say it furnishes one of the reasons why he lived and died an old bachelor. His collection of stereoscopic views number over five hundred, and covered the places most interesting to him in Europe and America. Many of them were very fine. The Nuremberg Bible, bequeathed in the will to the State Historical Society, is a book about 18x12 inches, and six inches in thickness. It is heavily bound in what appears to be thick, whitish hog-skin, and is in perfect condition, although printed in 1710. It is in good German, printed on thick, yellow paper which looks as if it might have been made of wheat straw and water — the straw not finely cut — as it undoubtedly was. The title-page is in glaring red ink, which has not faded, apparently, in the least. All the principal events are finely but quaintly illustrated by steel engravings. Many of the passages are greatly dissimilar from the corresponding ones in modern Bibles, the fault, probably, of translating into German. His scrap-book is of absorbing interest. On the first page is a yellow leaf of paper on which is written in brown ink and in the " Captain's " clear hand, the following : " Left Amsterdam on the 5th of April, 1827, at 7 o'clock in the morning. Left the Helder ™™ 8t£ of APril> l-82?, at 4 o'clock in the morning. Arrived in London on the 12th of April, 1827, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. Left London on the 13th of May, 1827, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. Arrived in Boston on the 1st of July, 1827, at 4 o'clock in the morning." HISTORY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. 479* Everything he ever did is thus accurately noted down. His father paid his passage money for the trip here mentioned, but in order to gratify his desire for information, he worked before the mast as a common seaman. This " scrap-book " contains all the notes he ever gave and receipts for all the money expended by or for him. He must have been an honest man, or he would not have dared thus to preserve for the public the record of every act of his life ! Among other receipts is one for board, washing, room-rent and fires at the Park Hotel, Madison, for $129.70 in full, and signed by M. H. Irish. This amount included all his expenditures while in Madison as Assemblyman from the First District. This was the only time the Captain ever was in the Legislature. On the middle pages of the book, which is a large one, are bills of various denominations of all the insolvent State banks, as well as counterfeit bills on those and other banks — each marked " fraud," "failed," or " counterfeit," as the case might be, with the date of issue or failure. Among these — and there are very many of them, — is a counterfeit on the Wisconsin Fire and Marine Bank, of Milwaukee, dated July 4, 1847, and signed by Alex ander Mitchell. It must have cost some time and money to collect even these bank bills. Further on may be found page after page of signatures. These comprise almost all the promi nent men of the county and State — many of them marked, as is the signature of Gen. Halbert E. Paine, " a good friend of mine ;" or "an honest man," or " good business man," as he might know the different men. He has also at least a thousand signatures of such persons as Jeff Davis, Mrs. L. H. Sigourney, Lincoln, John G. Saxe, Fillmore and the leading authors, states men and poets, beginning from the earliest colonial times. When or how he became possessed of them he left nothing to indicate. The signatures of the prominent county and State men were evidently clipped from business or other letters received during the last twenty-five years. Further on in this scrap-book, appear to be all the letters he had ever received, many of them fifty years old and written in various languages. Also all the receipted bills of expenses in his European travels. These bills are all modest. The manuscript book of "Anecdotes and Comicalities," mentioned in the will, is one of the most interesting in the whole collection. All the incidents, storie3, jokes, anecdotes and peculiarities of all he ever knew, are recorded in his own hand in the quaintest, drollest manner imaginable. Sometimes an anecdote is written in the form of a snake, or like a triangle, or a house, parallelogram, crescent, full circle, star or whatever at the time seemed to strike his fancy. Every letter and mark of punctuation is perfect throughout. Probably no other book was ever written like it in the world. It is quaint, interesting and valuable. He. had also a large num ber of Chinese and Pacific Island curiosities, some of them not to be duplicated in any antiquar ian in the country. He saved, arranged systematically and properly marked, everything coming into his possession. All his newspaper, secret society and other receipt papers were arranged in groups, and all the papers received from the federal Government, and so on, in other groups. The Fort Wilkins Agate, one of the greatest newspaper curiosities extent, was found care fully preserved. The first copy is dated July 4, 1846. It is a folio, and all printed with a quill pen. It is as fine as ordinary bourgeois type. The name of the editor and printer could not be learned, but from the peculiar expressions it may be presumed to be the work of the Captain. He had also carefully preserved his first commission as Postmaster of Fairwater, which is signed by Cave Johnson as Postmaster General, and dated July 1, 1848. His collection of postage and revenue stamps was also large and valuable. William R. Tallmadge was born in Schennectady, N. Y., February 12, 1800. He went with his father to Tioga County, N. Y., then a wilderness, in early boyhood, where he grew to be a man and engaged in business. He was first a farmer and then a lumberman, and one of the most energetic and extensive dealers of that day. He remained in business in Tioga until the crash of 1837, when he failed. Two years before he made the West his home, he came and looked over the ground, and, in 1844, came directly to Fond du Lac County, which has ever since been his place of residence. He was married first to Miss Laura, daughter of Russell Gridley, a prominent man 480 HISTORY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. of Tompkins County. The fruits of this union were three children — Russell G. Tallmadge, of Fond du Lac ; Kelsey D., who died some years ago, and Sarah, now Mrs. Robert Conklin, of Peebles Corners. The mother of these children died about forty years ago. Several years after, he married Sarah T. Reeve, of Goshen, N. Y., by whom he had four children ; three are still living — Helen, now Mrs. W. Northam, Calumet ; and Mary and William, both single and living at. the old homestead. Maj. Tallmadge had some distinguished brothers — N. P., was Governor of Wisconsin when it was a Territory, and was fourteen years United States Senator from New York ; Daniel was one of the best lawyers in New York City, where he was afterward on the Supreme Bench ; the other members of the family were Joseph, Dr. Joel, Sutherland, Franklin, Mary and Hannah. Dr. Joel, Gov. N. P., Franklin and Maj. W. R. settled near Fond du Lac, in Fond du Lac County, and all raised large families. A quarter of a century ago, almost every other man met in the vicinity Fond du Lac was a Tallmadge. Among the more prominent nephews and nieces, as they can be easily recalled, are : Mrs. A. G. Ruggles, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Tallmadge, Mrs. Delany and William Tallmadge, of Fond da Lac ; J. J. Tallmadge, Calumet ; Mrs. Laura Galloway and Henry Tallmadge, Eau Claire ; I. S. Tallmadge, NewYork City; Mrs. Mary L. Baldwin and Mrs. Emily Tallmadge, Chicago; Solomon A. Horseheads, New York; Eric, Elkhart Lake, Wis.; Franklin, Los Angeles, Cal.; Butler, San Francisco, and Mrs. Francis Campbell, Winona, Minn. The Major first broke ground near Rienzi Cemetery, the original plat of which was a gift to Fond du Lac by Gov. N. P. Tallmadge ; both were buried there. Next, he and Conklin bought and inclosed 1,200 acres where J. C. Lyons now lives, in Empire. From this place, the Major moved to Calumet and purchased a large farm. On it he lived and labored, building a large house and enjoying fruitful, well-tilled acres. About thirty years ago, he sowed 600 acres of winter wheat — a great undertaking for that time — which proved from cold weather a total failure. This, with the death of his son Kelsey, a stirring, energetic man, was a blow from which he never fully recovered. He was the projector of the Green Bay and Taycheedah plank road, a portion of which he built. He and J. R. Tallmadge also built the Empire Cemetery and ' Milwaukee gravel roads under contract, losing some money by the operation. If Maj. Tallmadge had been endowed with many unpleasant faults, he lived long enough in Fond du Lac to have them thoroughly found out. But he was not thus endowed. He was a man of the greatest charity, broad, liberal views and unbounded hospitality. He loved a full house and a bountifully spread table, and generally had both. He was in no sense an "old fogy," but read the latest literature and embraced the freshest and most progressive ideas. Few men have taken part in more or greater changes in Wisconsin than Maj. Tallmadge, and few left a cleaner record. He died January 2, 1879, at his home in the town of Calumet. James Monroe Gillet was born at Le Roy, N. Y., April 21, 1821, in a country beautiful and wild with hills and rich with orchards and vines. He went to a common district school, and at Ellicottville, then as now the county seat of his native county, until he was thirteen years of age. Thereafter, he worked summers and taught school winters, often teaching branches he never had studied him self, working nights to keep ahead of his classes. He became a successful teacher in this way, at the same time beginning to read law from borrowed books. At about the year of his major ity he visited St. Louis, where he continued the business of teaching, but the climate did not suit, and he returned to New York and entered the law office of Hon. Maurice Brown, at Ham- mondsport. Here he was a remarkably thorough student, and became at once noted for won derful clear-headedness, honesty and proficiency. In due time, he passed a creditable examination and was admitted to the bar. He soon after married, at Penn Yan, Miss Emmiline E. Smith, who joined her destiny with his on the 9th of September, 1845. She shared his sorrows, lightened his burdens and rejoiced in his pleasures for thirty-three years ; nursed him tenderly in his long sickness ; was present to close his dying eyes, and survives to mourn the loss of a HISTORY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. 481 loving and noble-hearted husband. A year after his marriage, Mr. Gillet drove to Wisconsin with his own horse and buggy, leaving his young wife to follow by water and stage, which she did shortly after. He came as a lawyer to Fond du Lac, when both were young. He found but little law practice at first, being a stranger. " He therefore thought a newspaper would pay better than a law office ; so on Monday, the 14th day of December, 1846, he published the first number of the Fond du Lac Whig, a paper which might be called the foundation of the Com monwealth. His paper, printed by his own strength thirty-three years ago,«was a five-column folio, of perfect respectability and cleanliness, and showing a mind of no small force and inde pendence. The second number was issued with one side printed. The reason for this does not appear anywhere in the yellow volume ofthe Whig. His salutatory was characteristic and manly. He closed by declaring: " We shall do what shall seem right to us ; and if we err, let it be remembered that it is but human. We do not expect to be without faults ; and only ask the same candor in criticism of our course which we will cheerfully extend to others. Our course will be independent." And it was. At the head of the paper was " J. M. Gillet, editor and proprietor. Published every Monday, at Fond du Lac by the editor and proprietor." Thus, during the first year he devoted his time to the Whig rather than to law. He finally took an important case, and in its trial made a reputation which placed him at once in the front rank as a lawyer, a place he maintained for a third of a century — until failing health drove him inch by inch from his business. After he once secured a reputation as a lawyer, he never lacked for business, money or friends. He lent and gave to whomsoever asked, as freely as though he could dip gold like water from the ocean. Notwithstanding this generosity that amounted to a fault, he at one time had accumulated a large property, either in real estate or encumbrances on land, which the shrinkage of hard times, with one Or two dis honest clients, almost entirely used up. But this did, not matter so long as he had his health, for he could earn abundantly. He ran for State Senator once, but was beaten, as he had not the faculty to command political workers, and did nothing, allowing people to vote for him or not, as they pleased. He was glad he was beaten, and never dabbled in politics again. The fatal sickness was brought on by catching cold. In the fall of 1878, he went to Michigan and afterward to Colorado, from which he received great benefit. His business and finances suffering from his long sickness made him uneasy, and he returned home to work. This was his fatal mistake. He died May 31, 1879. He was one of a family of five children. George M., the eldest, very well known in Wisconsin, died in 1852. B. S. and W. B. reside in Fond du Lac. Erastus J. lives at Buffalo, N. Y., and lone A., first wife of Judge W. D. Conklin, died in 1867. His children were George Finley, who died in 1860 ; Maria Corinne, wife of C. V. Pettibone; Morrison M., who has adopted his father's profession ; Miss Mary Inez and Louis H. Gillet. J. M. Gillet was no politician, no intrigue, no trickster. He was an open-hearted, gener ous, talented man, who loved his friends and loved to show, in some material way, his regard for them. He might have been the ideal for the poet's " Nature's own nobleman, friendly and frank, A man with hisheart in his hand." The character and qualities of a man like him cannot be described in a few brief moments. They are best understood , and appreciated by those who have seen them unchanged and undi minished in all the intricacies of business for himself or others, and the innumerable changes of life. An intimate friend bears this testimony to the excellency of his life : " Take him all in all, he was a noble specimen of a man. Learned and wise in his profession, his mind well stored with a knowledge of the world and of man, affable, courteous and a gentleman in all his associa tions ; neither improvident nor parsimonious ; a strong friend but a weak enemy ; neither a bigot nor an iconoclast ; one who rejoiced with the prosperous and sympathized with those in afflic tion; neither brilliant in intellect nor wanting in judgment, wit or imagination; neither osten tatious in dress or deportment, nor without care for appearances ; neither a worshiper of the 482 HISTORY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. learned or great, nor one who despised the poor and ignorant, but a sound, sagacious, well- - informed, able and conscientious man, ever ready for his task, and able to perform it well. Such in brief, were some of the traits, in our judgment, of our deceased friend. He possessed the elements of true greatness. Such traits as became more apparent, the nearer you approached the individual. Not those which dazzle from a distance and captivate the crowd, not those which bring a man into notice without merit and keep him there without ability. In the true sense of the word great, he was a great man, and yet many of the great men of earth fall to dust and are soon forgotten. " True glory is duty fitly and faithfully fulfilled. Mr. Gillet remained to the day of his death a private citizen. He never held, that I am aware of, a public position either by election or appointment. That he would have graced such a position, and discharged its duties with honor to himself and usefulness to the public, no one will deny ; but he was too modest to reach it. In these times the man seeks the position, not the position the man, and he was not one to ask for place or power. If such came to him at all, it must come to him unasked. He was twice a- candidate for State Senator, but others outstripped him in the race. He could not, or did not, condescend to buy or ask for votes. I say could not, for all presume he acted his nature, when he remained quietly at home at work, and let his fellow-citizens act their pleasure. He would not stoop to ask for place, nor belittle himself by advocating a faith in which he did not believe. This was clearly shown when he was offered the place of Postmaster here. He could not bend to the powers then in control, so he had to step aside for others. Thus never asking for place or position, he remained a private citizen, and it is as a private citizen we know him and must honor him. Aside from the influence he had on his immediate associates, he made his mark in life in his profession as a lawyer, and the records of the court bear the memories of his greatness. " The deceased practiced in all the courts of the land, from that of a Justice of the Peace, to that of last resort — the Supreme Court of the nation — and the records of his work are to be found in the reports. " He never resorted to a trick to gain a point, but waiving many technical questions to get at the merits of the controversy between the parties, he was anxious that the true issue might be determined, and litigation cease. Not only was he a peer among the ablest at the bar, but in social life he was pre-eminent. He was not a great conversationalist, but having traveled much, and being well posted in the literature and knowledge of the day, he was a desirable and enter taining companion. He was never morose, crusty or absent minded ; always cheerful, ready to listen or be listened to ; to communicate or receive communications, and to join in any amuse ments in which his companions might be engaged at the time. " His life-work is done, and as we recall to mind his traits, his virtues and his failings, may we not hope the good he did in life will live hereafter ?" Concerning the standing of Mr. Gillet as a lawyer, another of his friends puts this testi monial upon record : " It is unnecessary for me to speak of Mr. Gillet's standing as a lawyer. We have often lis tened to his eloquence — an eloquence which appealed to the intellect. We have often witnessed his masterly handling of important cases and his display of legal learning. He was a self-made man. His success was the result of his own vigorous intellect and of his untiring industry. He loved his noble profession. " The edifice of public liberty is erected upon the administration of justice, and to stand, as he stood, pre-eminent among those who have beautified and adorned the temple of justice, is- among the loftiest positions allotted to man. " To many who knew him, Mr. Gillet will be remembered only as a great lawyer. By some, however, his memory will be cherished for his character as a man and as a friend. They will remember him as one of Nature's noblemen. They will think of him as he appeared on those occasions when all care was thrown aside and he became the genial companion. HISTORY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. 483 " He was generous to a fault. He never turned a deaf ear to the cry of poverty. He never refused to give to any one who asked. He never seemed to realize that money had any other value than to alleviate suffering or to contribute to the happiness of friends. His large- heartedness, was displayed in other ways. He was always courteous to members of his profes sion. He was ever ready to grant a favor. Many a young lawyer at this bar can remember the assistance and counsel so freely given by our departed friend. Among all the older mem bers of the bar, he was the one to whom the younger members went with the most freedom for advice. They always saw in his grave but pleasant face a welcome. He always gave credit and encouragement to others. He never pushed a young lawyer into the background when associated with him in a cause, but rather encouraged him to take a leading part in the trial or argument. " Mr. Gillet died before the measure of his years was full. His intellect was in the prime of its vigor. Old age had not yet abated its force or dimmed its clearness. In the very meri dian of his manhood, in the very midst of busy, useful labor, his rugged constitution and physical frame of power was compelled to yield to the destroyer." Says another of his enthusiastic admirers : " He arose from the ranks, and early taking an advanced place, as well in the practice of his profession as in the hearts of his fellow-men, he grew more and more in the respect of the community and the admiration of his friends, until his labors were brought to a close by his mortal sickness and untimely death. "There was nothing in the early life of Mr. Gillet, so far as I have learned, that marked him for especial prominence. But he had energy. He had industry and perseverance. He had application to his business and a single purpose to be faithful to his clients, and successful in his practice, and, above all, he had that personal character and honor which gained and deserved the confidence of his associates and those with whom he transacted business." Samuel Wotton Beall, known in Wisconsin, since 1851, as "Governor Beall," was born in Montgomery, Prince George Co., Md., in the year 1807. He descended from families of note on both sides ; on his father's, his lineage could be traced through men of great physical power, and, through marriage, with such families of note as the Randolphs, Stewarts and Johnstons, of Virginia, the Carrolls, of Carrollton, and the Singletons of South Carolina. His father married a Miss Wotton, niece of the great Dr. Wolton, who came over with Lord Baltimore, being Lord Baltimore's first cousin, and a descendant of the old poet Wolton, famous in Queen Elizabeth's time. Samuel W. Beall was educated at Union College, under Dr. Nott, where he took the , highest honors in Greek and Latin ; afterward he studied law at Litchfield, whence so many famous lawyers have been admitted to the bar. He married Miss Elizabeth Fenimore Cooper, in 1827, and, through the influence of a close friend of his family, old Chief Justice Taney, received the appointment (at that time of great responsibility) of Receiver for the sale of public lands of the Northwest, what is now Michigan and Wisconsin. He took his young and charming wife and started for his home in the far West. He located at Green Bay, then a small fort, and, from the Land Office established there, sold for the Government most of the lands now in Wisconsin, Illinois and Michigan. Here, on the 4th of July, 1828, his first child was born (a man now well known in Washington Territory), christened Singleton Wotton Beall. Mr. Beall returned to Cooperstown in 1834, where he and his lovely wife enjoyed a most lux urious life, he having bought one of the most beautiful places in the whole town, called " Wood- side." Here, for some years, they gathered about them a circle of cultured, refined society, of whom Mrs. Beall's uncle, the world-renowned J. Fenimore Cooper, Washington Irving, Watson Webb, and others formed the center, while Russell, the noted English-ballad singer, added to the circle the charm of his remarkable voice. Several children were born to them in this beau- ful home. 484 HISTORY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. The results of the terrible crisis of '37, in the failure of one for whom Mr. Beall had indorsed generously, forced him to surrender all his means to pay the debts of others, and 1840 found him with his wife and now large family, again domiciled at Green Bay, henceforth to be identified with the growth and progress of the then far West. Soon after his return, he moved on to land on the banks of the beautiful Green Lake, where he improved and cultivated a farm. He was the first to introduce blooded cattle into the Northwest, the well-known short horn bull " Major Star," being one of his importations. While here acting the part of Cin- cinnatus of old, his beloved mother died in Maryland, leaving him over thirty slaves and a certain amount of bonds and mortgages. Southerner though he was, and straitened, in circum stances (as compared to his previous life), the spirit of the free West and a noble heart moved him to liberate his slaves, and, what was wisely and well done, to devote the entire proceeds of the sales of the bonds and mortgages to the support of these slaves for two years, and as long indeed as the means lasted and long enough for the slaves to learn what liberty meant, and how to earn a living for themselves — an act truly worthy of record in any man's life. While carrying on his farm, he was chosen among the first delegates to the convention at Madison, to draw the form of a State Constitution, which Constitution, however, was not accepted at Washington at this time. Shortly after this, he came to Fond du Lac County, leaving his oldest son, Singleton, to carry on the farm. Building a home in Taycheedah, then far more thrifty and promising than Fond du Lac, he devoted himself to his old profession, the law. A year or two afterward, he was chosen Delegate from Fond du Lac County, to draw up another Con stitution of the State of Wisconsin, which was accepted, arid Wisconsin became a State. When Mr. Dewey was elected Governor, Mr. Beall was chosen Lieutenant Governor, and ' his Presidency of the Senate, during the term of his office, was noted for unusual dignity, order and just ruling. His term expiring, he was appointed Indian Agent, and was among the first, as Agent for the Government, to take to Washington chiefs of tribes under his care. Of these were the sachems of the Munsie and Stockbridge tribes. One chief of the latter tribe, John Quinny, created much interest and wonder by the delivery before Congress of a most erudite and eloquent speech, now recorded in history as a sample of remarkable power and pathos. This speech was written by Mr. Beall, and taught word by word to the chief, even to the gestures, who proved an apt scholar to sq brilliant a teacher. The original manuscript is still in the hands of the family. So much for the romance often connected with Indian history, and as often misleading. On the settlement of the Stockbridge Indians on their reservation, he gave up the Agency and devoted his time to his profession. As a criminal pleader, he was noted far and wide, and he swayed juries as he only can whom Nature has intended as a leader of men. In 1859, impelled by that spirit of Western enterprise to which it had become the habit of his life to yield, he led a party to Pike's Peak. While on this expedition, he, with some others, located the city of Denver. This place immediately started into rapid growth, and, the follow ing winter, Col. Beall was sent to Washington to obtain a charter for the city — a journey in those days of danger and long duration. From Denver, he returned not enriched by the work done for others, in time to devote his strength and brave heart to his country. At the age of fifty-four years, he offered himself as a private soldier to Col. Delaney, whose regiment was then in the State in camp. But just as he was leaving to take his place in the ranks, he received the appointment, through the aid of friends in power, of Lieutenant Colonel of the Eighteenth Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry, under Col. Alban. He was with this regiment in its first battle, so noted in the history of bloody struggles of the war, Pittsburg Landing. His men had not even received their full rounds of ammunition. In fact, the Eighteenth Wisconsin arrived at night, were pushed directly to the front, never having even fired a gun by file, and in the early morning was receiving the brunt of the first charge from the enemy. However, they fought, well, and by 2 o'clock P. M., the Colonel and Major were dead, Lieut. Col. Beall and Adjutant Edward Colman, now of Fond HISTORY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. 485- du Lac, severely wounded, and the regiment cut to pieces. , The youngest son of Col. Beallr Lewis Upton, seventeen years of age, was with his father throughout the whole fight, and showed himself worthy of his brave sire, whose coolness upon the field was remarked by officers and men on both sides. Lieut. Col. Beall was sent home to die, while his young son remained, proving himself a true soldier throughout the war, falling terribly wounded at the fatal storming of Petersburg, Va., dying at last after two years of unparalleled suffering with these wounds. Col. Beall, when he had only partially recovered, returned, against the advice of the surgeons, to his regiment, and was at the storming of Vicksburg, and in most of the battles in which the Army of the Tennessee took part before that event. After the capture of Vicksburg,. he returned home, and finding his health enfeebled by his old wounds and the Southern climate, he entered the Invalid Corps, and was given command of the rebel prison at Elmira, which, under his charge, was noted for its cleanliness, and the prisoners have all testified to the human ity as well as justice shown them. At the close of the war, Col. Beall felt that his active work as a soldier was done, and too proud, as a pensioner or in an office now unnecessary to the country, he resigned a position he might have held for years. In 1867, he went with Col. Johnson, of Omro, to Montana, locating at Helena, and through his great frontier experience, soon became a prominent man in the fast-growing town. He at once took a leading interest in the welfare of the place, as he had nearly ten years before in Denver, and his well-known ability as connected with the history of Wisconsin, naturally, pushed him into the politics of that Territory. This brought him into contact with George M. Pinney, then Postmaster at Helena and an editor. Col. Beall. acting for the Government, charged Pinney with the acts of which the people of Helena complained, and afterward, as he entered Pinney 's office, was shot twice by him. At Pinney 's trial for the murder of Col. Beall, which Col. Meredith, commandant of the post, tes tified was a farce, and the jury an illegal one, he was acquitted. Thus ended the life of a prominent man of the West, and one of the remarkable men of his time. To understand the character of Col. Beall, one should have known him personally, and should know well the history of the different elements which have made the varied American, character. For even among the diversified individualities produced by our peculiar American civiliza tion, Col. Beall stands still unique and certainly unrivaled. He was a "gentleman of the old school." His virtues were not of the austere type of New England ; his faults were not the glaring defects of the extreme South ; but if there be in character as in climate, a happy medium, then of such medium was Col. Beall a shining example. His gentle blood, enriched by a long line of illustrious ancestors, gave a certain largeness to his whole being. So his generosity was always princely. His dignity was not too cold, thus repelling approach, but still too grand to permit familiarity. This largeness, so rare, made him above all meanness himself, and slow to suspect meanness in others. Sometimes with princely wealth, at other times more unfortunate, he seemed above the degrading influences of good or ill fortune. William Starr occupies a prominent place among the illustrious dead, not only of Fond du Lac County, but of Wisconsin. He was born at Middleton, Conn., March 3, 1821, and was the youngest of eleven children. His father was a thrifty but poor mechanic, who died just before Mr. Starr was born, thus leaving him mostly the shaper of his own life and fortunes. In 1829, when eight years old, Mr. Starr went to Lewis County, N. Y., then a new and sparsely settled country, and there lived on a farm with his stepfather for the next six years. • He experienced many of the hardships of a pioneer life, occupied in clearing the lands of heavy timber, and in obtaining a scanty support. Neither could the advantages of a public school be 486 HISTORY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. enjoyed, nor could the boy be spared from hard and necessary labor to acquire a fair education. Still he seems to have improved to the utmost the meager opportunities furnished him for study* ing the eommon English branches, and became in them an apt and diligent scholar. He formed at this time the habit of learning the contents of his school-books in his leisure hours, after din ner, in the evenings, and on rainy days. He thus gratified, to some^extent, his overmastering passion for reading. He literally devoured everything in the shape of books that came within his reach. He always desired to become possessed of a complete education, a feeling in which his mother had a share. Therefore, at the age of fourteen, he began school at the academy at Watertown, N. Y., dividing several of the following closely worked years 'between books and severe labor on the farm. He preserved through his busy life the text-books used at this time, and at the time of his death, they were found neatly arranged among the choicest books of his library. They were free from rents, ink blots, dirt and broken covers. As difficult as the cir cumstances of Mr. Starr's life made the attainment of an education, he managed to go to the depths of classical branches, and through his busiest years did not relinquish the study and con templation of mathematics, Greek and Latin. His earlier plan was to become thoroughly quali fied for teaching, but after teaching two years in the public schools of Leyden and Watertown, N. Y., he resolved to abandon that vocation altogether, finding that he possessed ability of high order for managing large business enterprises. It was then thought that the West afforded opportunities for gratification in this direction, .and Mr. Starr, therefore, determined to emigrate to that section, which he did, landing at Keno sha, Wis., June 13, 1843. Not finding anything as anticipated, Mr. " Starr opened a select school in Kenosha, July 5, of that year, in which were taught Latin and Greek, and all the higher English branches. Here he remained nearly two years. Early in 1845, he removed to Ceresco, now Ripon, where he opened a school, which was abandoned soon after for mercantile pur suits. In these he was wholly successful, as he was in managing the large farming and lumber ing operations, in which he engaged later, and to which he gave some attention up to the time of his death. Mr. Starr was married to Mrs. Annie Clark, at Ripon, Wis., on the 12th of December, 1857. His wife and one son, William James, survive him. Mr. Starr was the second Postmaster of Ripon, holding his commission until March, 1850. He was a member of the Legislature in 1863-64, and also held various town and county offices, the duties of which were attended to with care and fidelity. He sought no offices, but always took a deep interest and an active part in all matters pertaining to local and State govern ment and to the choice of public servants. His greatest labor, however, was in the educational work of Ripon and Wisconsin, to which were devoted many of the best years of his life. A co-worker with Mr, Starr pays this tribute to his usefulness in that field of labor : ^ " In his connection with the Board of Regents of Normal Schools, he performed the most useful and lasting work of his life. He was appointed a member of this board in 1864, and three years after was elected its President. To' this honorable and responsible office he was chosen annually thereafter by his associate Regents. His insight into educational problems and methods ; his rare abilities as a business man ; his careful and courteous regard for the opinions and preferences of others ; his habits of close and independent thinking ; his accurate judgment and his stern integrity of character, all qualified him for his leading position in the management of our normal-school enterprises, which must be classed among the most distinguished and suc cessful movements ever inaugurated by our State. It would not be appropriate in this article to describe the chaotic condition of the initial efforts of the State to create a normal-school sys tem, when he became a member of the Board. We have not the time even to outline the opera tions of this Board for the past fourteen years in maintaining yearly our institute work, in the organization ofthe four Normal Schools, in the judicious expenditure of hundreds of thousands of dollars in the support of them, and in employing their Faculties and supervising their instruc tion and the progress of their pupils. A large share of this varied and difficult work fell to <% &^ ^L