I ALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY 3 9002 05350 6458 ... ¦- - ¦ : ¦-, . ; Prominent Men in Politics mm '¦-¦ ... ;-. t-- ¦¦:;.:¦¦-- >Y^ILE-¥M¥HIESflW«' *933 Prominent Men in Politics www to ^i€ Colorado 1903 HON. JAMES II. PEABODY HON. HENRY M. TELLER HON. W. S. BUCKLEY HON. FRANKLIN E. BROOKS HON. ALVA ADAMS HON. FRANK C. QOUDY HON. CHARLES S. THOMAS HON. JOHN CAMPBELL HON. GEORGE RICHARDSON HON. WARREN A. 11AGG0TT HON. WHITNEY NEWTON HON. W. II. ADAMS HON. JOHN CLEGIIORN HON. JAMES B. SANPORD HON. CELESTINO GARCIA HON. CHARLES E. STUBBS HELEN L. GRENFELL HON. IIAKUY II. SELDOM KIDGE HON. LEWIS S. RILEY HON. L. I,. AITKEN HON. Hl'ME LEWIS HON. DENNIS MUUTO HON. WEBSTER BALLINGEK HON. JOHN A. HOLMBERG HON. FRANK E. KIMBALL HON. WM. B. GOBIN HON. GEO. D. DULIN HON. ROBERT G. BRECKENUIDGE HON. ARTHUR CORNPORTH HON. GRANBY HILLYKR HON. CHAS. DAVIS HON. D. V. MEIKLEJOHN HON. P. A. MOORE HON. W. II. GABUEUT HON. R. M. BORN HON. A. L. PACE HON. HENUY PAUL HON. HENRY KNEISEL HON. WM. A. HILL HON. WM. L. CLAYTON HON. SAMUEL I, HALLETT HON. GEORGE V. COPP HON. M. Z. FARWELL HON. J. M. MADRID HON. EARL D. McGILL HON. JOHN F. FLEMING HON. CHAS. M. KINSEY HON. J. B. STEPHEN HON. HORACE T. DeLONG HON. JOHN A. RUSH HON. OTTO A. REINHARDT HON. LEANDER R. WEST HON. EDWARD T. TAYLOR HON. It. W. MORGAN HON. C. M. RY'AN HON. (I. II. VAN HORN HON. JAMES LYTTLE HON. WM. M. DINKLE HON. J. E. SANCHEZ HON. FRANK S. TESCH HON. ANDREW E. MULQUEEN HON. ('. a. COOPEIi HON. J. M. McDOUGAI, HON. JAMES OWEN HON. JOHN HIPP HON. GEO. W. ALLEN, JR. HON. S. H. STEVENS HON. M. M. SMITH HON. W. J. KING HON. JOHN KENNEDY HON. JOHN F. CHURCH HON. R. W. HASK1NS HON. HENRY L. ROBERTS HON. JOHN K. SHIREMAN HON. JNO. EWING HON. .1. FRANK ADAMS 153 HON. JAMES COWIE HON. TIMOTHY O CONNER HON. DANIEL DELANEY HON. MICHAEL WHITE HON. GEO. W. WHYTE HON. W. S. WHINNERY HON. W. A. TAYLOR HON. HIRAM A. LOWELL HON. C. H. MAO ARTHUR HON. JOHN P. VIVIAN HON. A. B. HOYT HON. M. J. MADDEN HON. II. C. WATSON DR. O. J. PFEIFFER HON. P. M. KEEN HON. JOHN J. MARRON HON. MAX. MORRIS HON. HARVEY E. GARMAN HON. JESSE R. MOLER HON. J. A. Mac LEOD ALICE M. RUBLE HON. LEWIS G. CAMPBELL HON. N. C. MILLER HON. I. B. MELVILLE HON. FRANK W. FREWEN HON. CHAS. J. HUGHES, JR. HON. CASIMERO BARELA HON. S. E. NAUGLE HON. F. V. GRAVES HON. THEODORE McGUlRE HON. B. L. JEFFERSON HON. W. A. DRAKE HON. JOHN B. MESEKVE HON. H. S. TOM KINS HON. CYRUS W. DOLPH HON. E. N. COOK HON. FRANK R. WOOD HON. FRANK E. JOHNSON HON. DANIEL HEALY HON. CHARLES s. SPRAGUE HON. l.KM. J. SMITH HON. A. D. MACKENZIE HON. CHAS. D. GRIFFITH HON. W. C. SLAWSON HON. WILLIAM C. BLAIR HON. HENRY J. HERSEY HON. EDWARD C. STIMSON ADJUTANT GENERAL SHERMAN M. BELL HON. THOMAS M. PATTERSON HON. FRED W. BAILEY INDEX Adams, Alva Dem. Adams, W. H. Dem. Adams, J. Frank Dem. Aitken, L. L. Rep. Allen, Jr., George W. Rep. Brooks, Franklin E. Rep. Barela, Casimiro Dem. Ballinger, Webster Dem. Buckley, W. S. . Dem. Bailey, Fred W. Dem. Born, R. JI. Dem. Breckenridge, Robert G. Rep. Blair, William C. Rep. Bell, Sherman M. Rep. Campbell, John Rep. Campbell, Lewis G. Rep. Cornforth, Arthur . Rep. Clayton.William L. Dem. Copp, George V. Dem. Church. John F. Rep. Cook, E. N. . . Rep. Cowie, James . Rep. Cleghorn, John Rep. Cooper, C. A. Rep. DeLong, Horace T. Rep. Drake.W. A. Rep. Dolph, Cyrus W. Rep. Dinkle, William M. Dem. Dulin, George D. Rep. Davis, Charles Rep. Delaney, Sr., Daniel Dem Ewing, John Rep. Farwell, M. Z. . Rep. Frewen, Frank W. Rep. Fleming, John F. Rep. Garcia, Celestino Rep. Gabbert, W. H. Dem. Graves, F. F. . . Dem. Griffith, Charles D. Dem. Goudy, Frank C. Rep. Grenfell, Helen L. . Dem. Garman, Harvey E. Dem. Gobin, William B. Rep. Haggott, Warren A. Rep. Hughes, Jr., Charles J. Dem. Hoyt, A. B. . Rep. Hillyer, Cranby Rep. Haskins, R. W. Dem. Hipp, John Proh. Hill, William A. Dem. Hallett, Samuel I. Dem. Healy, Daniel F. Dem. Holmberg, John A. Rep. Hersey, Henry J. Rep. Jefferson, B. L. Dem. Johnson, Frank E Rep. Kennedy, John Dem. Keen, P. M. Rep. Kimball, Frank E. Rep. Kinsey, Charles M. Dem. King, W. J. Rep. Kneisel, Henry Dem. Lewis, Hume Dem. Lowell, Hiram A. Rep Lyttle, James . Dem. MacArthur, ('. H. Dem. .MacLeod, J. A. Rep. MaeKenzie, A. D. Dem. JIcGill, Earl D Rep. McDougal, J. JI. Dem. McGuire, Theodore . Dem. Governor, 1887 - 1889-1897—1899 . ... State Senator, Twenty-fourth Senatorial District State Senator, First Senatorial District Representative, El Paso and Teller Counties Actuary State Insurance Department Congressman-at-Large, Colorado . State Senator, Fourth Senatorial District . State Senator, Twentieth Senatorial District State Senator, Seventeenth Senatorial District State Senator, First Senatorial District State Senator, Fourteenth Senatorial District Representative, Rio Grande ( 'ounty Assistant Clerk House of Representatives Adjutant General, State of Colorado Chief Justice Supreme Court, Colorado State Senator, Twenty-ninth Senatorial District State Senator, Twenty-eighth Senatorial District State Senator, Seventh Senatorial District State Senator, Nineteenth Senatorial District . Representative, Jefferson County Representative, Boulder County Secretary of State Warden State Penitentiary Representative, San Juan County State Senator, Seventeenth Senatorial District State Senator, Tenth Senatorial District Representative, El Paso and Teller Counties Representative, Garfield County Representative, Bent and Kiowa Counties Representative, Weld County Representative, Arapahoe County State Senator, Fifteenth Senatorial District State Senator, Twenty-third Senatorial District Representative, El Paso and Teller Counties Representative, Eagle County Representative, Conejos Couuty Justice Supreme Court, Colorado State Senator, Twenty-second Senatorial District State Senator, First Senatorial District Attorney-at-Law . Superintendent of Public Instruction Representative, Arapahoe County Representative, Otero County Lieutenant Governor . Attorney-at-Law . . . . Representative, Mesa County ... Representative, Prowers, Baca and Las Animas < 'ounties Representative, Ouray County Attorney-at-Law . State Senator, Twelfth Senatorial District State Senator, Eleventh Senatorial District State Senator, Sixth Senatorial District State Auditor, Colorado Assistant Attorney-General, Colorado . State Senator, Thirteenth Senatorial District Deputy State Treasurer, Colorado State Senator, Eighteenth Senatorial District . Representative, Pueblo County Representative, Lake County Representative, Teller County Member Board of Regents, University of Colorado Representative, Clear Creek County State Senator, Second Senatorial District . Representative, Lincoln County Representative, Rio Blanco and Routt Counties Representative, Park County . Representative, El Paso and Teller Counties Representative, Custer County Representative, Yuma County Representative. Gunnison County State Senator, First Senatorial District Page Pueblo 11 Alamosa 25 Denver 153 Colorado Springs 41 Denver isa Colorado Springs 9 Trinidad 207 Como 47 Telluride 7 Denver 253 Alamosa 71 Monte Vista 57 Lake < 'ity 243 Denver 2411 Denver . 17 Cripple Creek 197 Colorado Springs 50 Greeley SI Durango sr, Bloomfield 143 Eldora . 225 Denver . 155 Canon City 27 Silverton 125 Grand Junction 99 Fort Collins 217 Colorado Springs 223 Carbondale 117 Las Animas 55 Erie (13 Denver 159 Del Norte 151 La Junta S7 Victor 203 Red Cliff 93 Conejos 31 Denver . 69 Denver 211 Denver . 239 Denver 13 Denver . 35 Denver . 1S9 Rocky Ford 53 Denver 21 Denver 205 Grand Junction 175 Lamar 61 Ouray 145 Denver . 131 Fort Morgan 79 Silverton S3 Leadville 231 Denver . 19 Denver 245 Steamboat Springs 215 Denver 229 Ouray 141 Pueblo I S3 Leadville 51 Goldfleld 95 Villa Grove 139 Georgetown 77 Pueblo 43 Hugo 169 Jteeker 115 Shawnee 171 Cripple Creek 193 Querida 237 Wray 91 Gunnison 127 Denver 213 Jladrid, J. JI. Rep. Madden, JI. J. . Dem. JIarron, John J. . Dem. Moore, F. A. . Dem. Jlorgan, R. W. Rep. Jlorris, Jlax . . Dem. Bloler, Jesse R. . Dem. Miller, N. C. . Rep. Meserve, John B. Rep. Mellville, I. B. . Rep. Meiklejohn, D. V. Rep. Murto, Dennis . Dem. JIulqueen, Andrew E. . Dem. Xaugle, S. E. . . Rep. Newton, Whitney . Rep. O'Conner, Timothy Rep. Owen, James . Rep. Patterson, Thomas M. . Dem. Peabody, James H- . Rep. Pace, A. L. . . Dem. Paul, Henry . . . Dem. Pfeiffer, 0. J. Rep. Riley, Lewis S. Rep. Roberts, Henry L. , . Dem. Rush, John A. Dem. Ryan, C. JI. . Rep. Reinhardt, Otto A. . Proh, Ruble, Alice M. Dem. Richardson, George Proh. Sanford, James B. . Rep. Stubbs, Charles E. Dem. Seldomridge, Harry H. Dem. Stephen, J. B. Rep. Sanchez, J. E. . Rep. Stevens, S. H. . Rep. Shireman, John K. Rep. Sprague, Charles S. . Dem. Smith, Lem J. Dem. Slawson.W. C. . Rep. Smith, M. M. . . Dem. Stimson, Edward C. Dem. Teller, Henry M. . . Dem. Thomas, Charles S. Dem. Taylor, Edward T. . Dem. Tesch, Frank S. Rep. Taylor, W. A. . Dem. Tomkins, H. S. Dem. Vivian, John F. Rep. Van Horn, G. H. . . Rep. West, Leander R. . Dem. Whyte, George W. . Rep. Watson, H. C. . Rep. White, Michael . Dem. Wood, Frank R. . . Rep. Whinnery, W. S. . Rep. Representative, Las Animas County Representative, Arapahoe County Representative, Arapahoe County . . ... State Senator, Ninth Senatorial District Representative, Boulder and Arapahoe Counties Representative. Arapahoe County Representative, Arapahoe County ... Attorney-General. ( 'olorado . . . . Representative, Fremont County Assistant Attorney-General, Colorado . . . Representative, Delta County . . . . Representative. Arapahoe County . . . . . . Representative, Pitkin County . . Representative, Logan, Morgan, Arapahoe and Washington Counties State Treasurer, Colorado . . Deputy Secretary of State, Colorado . . . . State Senator, Third Senatorial District United States Senator, Colorado . . .... Governor, Colorado . . . • Representative, La Plata County . Representative, South Arapahoe County Jlember Board of Regents, University of Colorado Representative, Archuleta and Conejos Counties State Senator, Twenty-sixth Senatorial District State Senator, First Senatorial District Representative, Jlontrose County Publisher Representative, Arapahoe County Banker ..... . . Speaker, House of Representatives Representative, Arapahoe County State Senator, Third Senatorial District Representative, El Paso and Teller Counties Representative, Custer and Huerfano Counties Representative, Las Animas County Representative, Pueblo County Secretary State Senate Clerk State Senate Representative, Pueblo County Representative, Chaffee County Attorney-at-Law . . United States Senator, Colorado Attorney-at-Law . . ... State Senator, Twenty-first Senatorial District Insurance Commissioner, (.'olorado Representative, San Miguel County . .... Representative. Chaffee and Fremont Counties United States Surveyor General, t 'olorado Representative, Larimer County State Senator, Eighth Senatorial District Representative, Lake County . Representative, Weld County Representative, Sauguache County State Senator, Twenty-fifth Senatorial District Representative, Hinsdale and Jlineral Counties Page Jladrid . 89 Denver . 177 Denver . . 185 Florence 67 Lafayette . 109 Denver . . 187 Denver . . 191 Denver . 199 Florence . 219 Denver . 201 Hotchkiss 65 Denver 45 Aspen . 123 Sterling . 209 Denver . 23 Denver . 157 Denver . 129 Denver 251 Denver 3 Bayfield 73 Littleton 75 Denver . 181 Antonito 39 Idaho Springs . 147 Denver . 101 Jlontrose . Ill Denver . 103 Denver . 195 Denver . 19 Castle Rock 29 Denver 33 Colorado Springs 37 Colorado City 97 San Pablo 119 Trinidad 135 Pueblo 149 Colorado Springs 233 Denver . 235 Pueblo . . 241 Salida 137 Colorado Springs 247 Denver . 5 Denver . 15 Glenwood Sp rings 107 Denver . . 121 Telluride 167 Buena Vista 221 Denver . . 173 Loveland . 113 Golden 105 Leadville 163 Greeley . 179 Sauguache 161 Trinidad 227 Lake City . 165 Compiled and Published by THE PORTFOLIO PUBLISHING COMPANY DENVER, COLORADO Engravings and Printing by Smith-Brooks Printing Company Charles L. Eckels A. L. Emberson