LOAN EXHIBITION IN AID OF THE '-^T ^atit^ fyrL National Academy of Design, Cor. of 23d Street and Fourth Avenue. CATALOGUE OF THE LOAN EXHIBITION IN AID OF THE ,£_±_ Consisting of Gems of the Modern, Foreign and American Schools of Painting and rare ex amples of various Art Industries, at the EL m m.m° Cor. of 23d Street and Fourth Avenue. jS**^8*""**^ arintirs, *5**wuu».»-.t^ i.3° The present Exhibition has been generously provided by a committee of citizens of New York, as a means of public enter tainment and instruction, and for the advancement of the deserving objects of the new Society of Decorative Art, which aims to provide instruction for women in design and production in all the I various art industries, and to promote the exhibition and sale of their works. The ladies and gentlemen interested in the enterprise have freely despoiled their walls and cabinets of their rarest pictures and their most costly and treasured examples of art fabrics, choice selections from the foreign and American schools of painting, and rare and beautiful works of dainty device and execution in bric-a- brac of all periods, in mediaeval furniture, armor, tapestries, embroid eries, laces, fans, carvings, draperies, gems, bronzes, china, pottery and all articles of household adornment, the whole forming a most unique display, which will no doubt be greatly enjoyed by all whose privilege it may be to see it, and which it is hoped will ma terially assist the generous efforts of the ladies who are striving to advance the important work of the society which it is sought to benefit. The Exhibition will be open for a short season only, as the various exhibits must soon be returned to their possessors. p,_| COMMITTEES Appointed at a Meeting of Citizens of New York, November 13th, 1877, to carry out the pur- J POSES OF THE PRESENT EXHIBITION. GENERAL COMMITTEE. William Cullen Bryant, Ch'm. Mr. Hamilton Fish, E. D. Morgan, John Jacob Astor, August Belmont, Wm. H. Vanderbilt, John H. Wolfe, Rutherford Stuyvesant, Howard Potter, J. Pierpont Morgan, Fred. W. Rhinelander, Gen. Di Cesnola, Mr. Parke Godwin, Edgerton Winthrop, J. W. Pinchot, Richard M. Hunt, W. Potter, F. Hopkinson Smith, Russell Sturges, John LaFarge, Mahlon Sands, Louis C. Tiffany, F. E. Church, W. Whittredge, Robert Gordon, Walter C. -Tuckerman, Wm. C. Prime, Robert Hoe, Jr., A. Thorndyke Rice, Joseph H. Choate, Robert L. Stuart, Daniel Huntington, Thos. Hicks, Jervis MoEntee, W. H. Bridgman, T. d'Oremieulx, John Hoey, Mrs. David Lane, * Hamilton Fish, Mrs. J. J. Astor, Parke Godwin, Jonathan Sturges, August Belmont, J. E. Zimmerman, Miss Catharine L. Wolfe, Mrs. A. S. Hewitt, S. L. M. Barlow, Robert L. Cutting, Sidney Webster, J. W. Wheeler, Lucius Tuckerman, Loyal Farragut, M. K. Jesup, W. E. Dodge, Jr., R. W. Cameron, Gen'l G. W. Cullum, Walter C Tuckerman, Miss Minna Godwin, Mrs. Francis C. Barlow, Frederic Stevens, J. Kearney Warren, Robert Deforest, James W. Pinchot, Morgan Dix, Howard Crosby, Joseph Hobson, John Sherwood, F. Chickering, M. 0. Roberts, H. E. Pellew, d'Oremieulx, Robert L. Cutting, R. M. Hunt, W. W. Phipps, Miss C. Furniss, Newbold, C. B. Arnold, Mrs. C. B. Wood. Special Committee on Pottery, China and Bric-a-Brac. Mrs. G. W. Cullum, Chairman. Mr. Robert Hoe, Jr., Gen. di Cesnola. j. Bailey Myers, Mr. Edgerton Winthrop, Mrs. F. C. Barlow, Mahlon Sands, Robert De Forest, Louis C Tiffany, Fred. Jones, W. C. Prime, Howard Crosby. E. C. Moore, Miss Newbold, Special Committee on Tapestries and Embroideries. Mrs. Mahlon Sands, Chairman, Mrs. Lucius Tuckerman, Mr. John LaFarge, Charles F. Blake, C. MoKim, John Taylor Johnston, Sam'l Colman, Richard Irvin, Sec'y. Mrs. Henry C. Potter, Miss Z. Gibbs, Morgan Dix, Special Committee on Laces and Fans. Mrs. R. L. Cutting, Chairman, Mrs. Sidney Webster, Mr. August Belmont, d'Oremieulx, F. Hopkdjson Smith, W. W. Phipps, Mrs. August Belmont, MIssItd'Oremieulx, Sec'y. Special Committee on Furniture and Mediaeval Eoom. Mr. Russell Sturges, Mrs. J. W. Pinchot, Chas. F. McKim, Joseph Hobson, Henry C. Eno, F. Stevens, R. H. Robertson, Miss Clara Potter, Sec'y. Special Committee on Lectures and Auxiliary Exhibitions Mrs. John Sherwood, Chairman. Mrs. M. O. Roberts, Mr. gDANiEL Huntington, F. Chickering, Chas. F. McKim, H. E. Pellew. J. Thorndyke Rice, Special Committee on Pictures. Mrs. M. K. Jesup, Chairman, Mr. T. d'Oremieulx, Mr. John Taylor Johnston, Mrs. G. F. Jones. J. W. Pinchot, Chapman, Worthington Whittredge, Miss C. L. Wolfe, F. Hopkinson Smith, Special Committee on Engravings. Mr. Russell Sturges, Mrs. Isaac Bell, J. W. Pinchot, Howard Crosby, Geo. L. Schuyler. C. Whitehead, D. Huntington, S. Webster, P. T. Miller, Hoyt. Committee on Reception and Arrangement. Mr. F. E. Church, Mrs. R. L. Cutting, WORTHINGTON WHITTREDGE, PfflPPS, T. Addison Richards, G. W. Cullum, Louis Tiffany, M. K. Jesup, Thomas Hicks, J. W. Pinchot, John LaFarge, d'Oremieulx, Walter C. Tuckerman F. C Barlow, S. Colman, M. 0. Roberts, Geo. L. Schuyler, Mahlon Sands, Committee on Insurance, Mr. William H. Bridgman and Mr. L. d'Oremieulx. Committee on Printing and the Press. Mr. T. Addison Richards and Mr. Walter C. Tuckerman. The Committee of Management. Mr. Parke Godwin, Mrs. D. Lane, J. W. Pinchot, T. M. Wheeler, T. Addison Richards, J. E. Zimmerman, Secretary and Treasurer. Mr. T. Addison Richards. The rooms ofthe Society of Decorative Art, are at No. 4 East 20th Street. CATALOGUE, Nos. 1 to 3 lent by Mr- J. Pierpont Morgan. 1 Twenty-four pieces old Egyptian Gold Jewelry taken from tombs. 2 Old Egyptian Bronze Finger-Ring. 3 Egyptian Necklaces, Bracelets and Ear- Rings, Antique Scarabei, modern setting from antique designs. Nos. 4 to 8 lent by Mrs. H. G. De Forest. 4 Modern Egyptian Silver Bracelets. % Modern Egyptian Silver Necklace. 6 Bracelet, Brooch and Ear- Rings, modern Syrian gold work. 7 Pendant and Ear-Rings, modern Egyptian. 8 Head-piece and Amulet from Jerusalem. 9 Indian Enamel Bracelet, from Delh. — Mrs. Eldridge. 10 Delhi Miniatures on Ivory, Necklace and Bracelet — Mrs. Samuel Wetmore. 11 Indian Silver Necklace. — Mrs. R. L. Cutting. Nos. 12 to 14 lent by Mrs. Hobson. 12 Russian Silver Girdle Clasp. 13 Russain Belt from the Caucasus. 14 Russian Silver Necklace. Nos. 15 to 18 lent by Mrs. Sidney Webster. 15 Norwegian Silver Buttons. 16 Old Norwegian Clasp, silver gilt. 17 Old Norwegian Chain and Pendant. 18 Old Norwegian Necklace and Pendant, silver gilt. 8 19 Swedish Silver Brooch, Dalecarlia. — Mrs. Hobson. 20 Danish Silver Belt.— Miss Fish. 21 Danish Gold Bracelets from ancient models, by Michel- sen, Copenhagen. — Mrs. Bech. 22 Danish Gold Bracelet from ancient models, by Michel- sen, Copenhagen. — Mrs. Frederic R. Jones. 23 Danish Wedding Girdle Clasp.— Mrs. Sidney Webster- 24 Old Norwegian Cross. — Miss New bold. Nos. 25 to 27, lent by Mrs. Bech. 25 Danish Gold Bracelet. 26 Danish Wrought Gold Pendant, by Christesen. •J7 Danish Pendant, from an ancient shield by Michelsen. 28 Reliquary, probably Bohemian work of the 14th cen tury. — Frederic W. Stevens. 29 Gold Crucifix and Pendant, 16th century, Cologne. — Mrs. Sidney Webster. 30 Old Dutch Silver Chatelaine, 18th century. — Mm Frederic W. Stevens. jL Silver Chatelaine, German, 18th century. — Mrs. Sidney Webster. 32 Russian Triptych. — Mr. Stro^ bridge. 33 Old Russian Silver Shrine Box, with miniatures of saints, &c. — Mrs. D. Neftel. 34 Russian Icon. — Frederic W Stevens. 35 Old Silver Pilgrim Bottle, Belgian. — Mrs. John A. Dix. Nos. 36 to 38 lent by Mrs. Frederic W. Stevens. 36 Italian Enamel Smelling-Bottle, 17th century. 37 Italian Enamel Smelling-Bottle, 16th century. 38 Italian Gold Ear-Rings, 16th century. 39 German Necklace from ISuremberg, 17th century. — Mrs. Frederic R. Jones. Nos. 40 to 42 lent by Mrs. George F. Jones. 40 Gold Chain worn by peasant women of Lombardy. 9 Silver-gilt Ear-Rings worn by peasant women of Tus cany. 42 Tuscan Peasant Ear-Rings. 43 Florentine Ear-Rings, gold and seed pearls. — Mrs. Fred eric R. Jones. 44 Peasant Ear-Rings of tlie Romagna. — Mrs. Frederic W. Stevens. 45 Gold Ornament worn by peasants at Ischia. — Mrs. Fred eric W. Stevens. 46 Italian Cameos, set in gold and enamel, l^th century. — Mrs. d' Oremienlx and Mrs. Tuckerman. 47 Necklace made at Naples after an antique found at Pompeii. — Miss Rosina Cropper. 48 Gold Necklace by Castellani. — Mrs. F. C. Barlow. 49 Mosaic Brooch by Castellani. — Mrs. R. W. De Forest. 50 Necklace of Antique Intaglii, setting of 18th cen tury. — Mrs. Musgrave. 51 Roman Clasp, 18th. century. — Mrs. Mallett. 52 Bavarian Peasant Necklace and Ear-Rings. — Mrs. Fred eric R. Jones 53 Creole Ear-Rings from Martinique. — Mrs. Frederic W. Stevens. 54 Creole Ear-Rings from Louisiana.— Mrs. Frederic R. Jones. 55 One Antique Necklace, one Antique Brooch, mounted by Tiffany.— Mrs. S. L. M. Barlow. 56 Necklace, style of Louis XIII., modern French work. — Mrs. George F. Jones. Nos. 57 to 59, lent by Mrs. Frederic W. Stevens. 57 St. Esprit Pendant, 17th century. 58 French Chatelaine of the 17th century. 59 French Chatelaine of the 17th century, by Boilly. •60 Chinese Bracelet, tortoise shell and gold. — Mrs. Wilson Phipps. ll? 61 Memorial Ring, with miniature of Louis XVI. — Egerto Winthrop. 62 Old Norman Necklace and Pendant. — Mrs. Belmont. 63 French Cross of the 17th century.— Mrs. Richard M Hunt. 64 Chrysolite Necklace, French, 15th century. — Mrs. Temple Kirkpatrick. 65 French Mourning Ring, end' of the 18th century. — Mrs. R. L. Cutting. 66 Norman Silver Pendant and Ear-Rings. — Mrs. George F. Jones. 67 Brooch and Ear-Rings by Castellani. — Mrs. H. G. De Forest. 68 Normandy Peasant Cap Pin. — Mrs. George F. Jones 69 Normandy Gold Pendant. — Mrs. George F. Jones. 70 French Cross and Ear-Rings from the Calvados. — Mrs- Frederic R. Jones. 71 French Necklace and Ear-Rings of Provence. — -Mrs. Frederick R. Jone*s. 72 French Enamel Bracelet, end of 18th century. — Egerton Winthrop. 73 Pendant, by Bigatti of Florence. — Miss Newbold. 74 Norman Jewelry, St. Esprit. — Mrs. Belmont. 75 Intaglii, scenes from the life of Scipio Africanus, set by Collingwood. — Mrs. Richard M. Hunt. 76 Gold Pendant Set, with turquoise and euaiuel, by Col lingwood. — Mrs. Richard M. Hunt. 77 Necklace, by Froment Meurice of Paris. — Mrs. Fred eric R. Jones. 78 Vernis-Martin Bonbon Box. Frederic W. Stevens. 79 Modern French Smelling Bottle, by Samper. Mrs. Frederic R. Jones. 80 Shell Cameo, formerly the property of the Empress Jo sephine, cut by Monelli and set by Pierret. J. Pier- pont Morgan. 11 81 Dutch Needle Cases, silver and enamel. — Mrs. J. Schuy7 ler Crosby. # 82 English Fob-Seal, worked in gold of different colors, 18th century. — Mrs. George F. Jones. 83 Bracelet. First California gold sent to New York, and used for any ornament. — Mrs. W. H. Aspinwall. 84 Specimens of American Goldsmith's Work, by Tiffany. Five pieces. 85 Cabinet containing Pottery and Porcelain, lent by Mr. W. C. Prime. Shelf at Top — 10 Tea-pots, Chinese and Japanese. Second Shelf — 7 Tea-pots. 1 China. 2 Botlcher Ware (Dresden), red stone ware with Japanese ornaments and red lacquer and gilt mostly gone. 3 Limbach in Germany. 4 Bow in England. 5 Volkstadi in Thur- ingia. 6 Furstenberg. 7 Ludwigsburg : Third Shelf — 1 Vienna (dark blue and gold). 2 Spode (porcelain) made in England, at Stoke (blue and white). 3 Dresden (-white, with Cupid holding spout). 4 Der by in England. 5 Dresden (a small graceful form). 6 Paris, De la Courtille factory. Fourth Shelf — 1 Castleford, in England. 2 Staffordshire, England, locality unknown (calico print). 3 Unknown factory (very rich and perfect tortoise shell painting on porcelain). 4 Dresden, "white and gold. 5 Castle ford. 6 Cobridge, England, pink decoration. N. B. 1, 2, 4 and 5 from old American families. Fifth Shelf — 1 English Pottery, with lustre borders, &c. (Newcastle ?). 2 Staffordshire Pottery printed with early American steamship. 3 Bristol Pottery. 4 Jap anese Porcelain. Sixth Shelf — 1 Staffordshire Pottery. 2 Shelion (Eng land) black print with lustre . 3 Castleford. 4 Un known, possibly Giustiniani Naples. 86 Cabinet containing specimens of Table Services in dec orative wares, lent by Mr. W. C. Prime. Top Shelf — Cups and Saucers from a Tea Service of WaMendorf Porcelain. Decoration a rebus. Second Shelf — Specimens from a Harlequin Service of Dresden. After dinner coffee cups and saucers, leaf shaped. Various decorations. Third Shelf — Cups and Saucers from Spode. Breakfast and Tea Service combined. Fourth Shelf — Cups and Saucers from Tea Service of Thuringian porcelain, Volkstadt (or as Marryat says, Kloster Veilsdorf.) These are painted en camaieu with delicious taste and skill. Each picture is a gem. Fifth Shelf — Plates from a Dinner Service. — Berlin. Sixth Shelf — Plates from Desert Service. — Worcester. Chamberlains. Seventh Shelf— Plates from Dinner Service.— Sevres, White and Gold. 12 87 Biscuit Figure, Chevalier Bayard, taken from Yersailles, Mark L. P. Louis Rex1. — Mrs. Dr. Hosack. 88 Magdalen at the Cross, old Sax.— August Belmont. 89 Biscuit Figure formerly belonging to Louis Sixteenth — Lafontaine. — Mrs. N. P. Hosack. 90 Algerine Quilt, embroidered. — Sam'l Colman. 91 Egyptian Hanging. — John La Farge. 92 1 Persian Embroidered Bed Spread. — Mrs. Ewart. 93 1 Ancient Persian Curtain, embroidered on silk, very old. — Mrs. Richard M. Hunt. 94 Persian Hanging. — John La Farge. 95 Eighteenth Century French Hanging. — John La Farge. 96 Embroidery, Persian Motive. — L. C. Tiffany. Nos. 97 to 104, lent by Mr. John La Farge. 97 Lyons Silk Hanging. 98 Japanese Bed Quilt. 99 Japanese Hanging. 100 Japanese Belt. 101 Japanese Dress. 102 Chinese Mandarin's Dress. 103 Lyons Scarf. 104 Japanese Dress. 105 Eastern Scarf.— L. C. Tiffany. 1 06 Japanese Hanging. — John La Farge. 107 Japanese Bed Quilt. — John La Farge. 108 Japanese Dress. — John La Farge. 109 Kurdistan Rug.— r 110 Curtain, Japanese Motive. — L. C. Tiffany. Ill Bronze Panel; spider-web inlaid. — Herter Brothers. 112, 113, 114 Japanese Costumes.— L. C. Tiffany and Sam'l Colman. 115 Japanese Altar Cloth. — Sam'l Colman. 116 Drapery, Egyptian Motive. — L. C. Tiffany. 13 117 Egyptian Costume.— L. C. Tiffany. 118 Japanese Drapery. — John La Farge. 119 Old Spanish Quilt.— L. C. Tiffany. Nos. 120 to 123 lent by Sam'l Colman. 120 Japanese Silk. 121 Japanese Costume, Silk Brocade. 122 Japanese Poets. Embroidered Hanging. 123 Japanese Hanging, from a Temple. 124 Old Japanese Quilt. — John La Farge. 125 Persian Embroidery. — Herter Bros. 126 One ancient Persian Curtain, embroidered on silk, very old. — Mrs. Richard M. Hunt. 127 Flemish Smelling-bottle, 17th century. — Mrs. Newbold. 128 Vernis-Martin Bonbon Boxes. — M. Egerton Winthrop. 129 Snuff-box, Louis XVI.— Mrs. F. S. Banks. 130 Antique Snuff-box, with false bottom for portrait. — Mrs. Woodbury Langdon. 131 Silver Patch-Boxes and Pastille-Burner. — Mrs. Frederic W. Stevens. 132 Old ^Chatelaine. Angels and Crucifix. — Mrs. John A. Dix. 133 Sicilian Gentleman's Seal, with pipe-stopper, &c, mono gram and coronet. — Mrs. J. Schuyler Crosby. 134 Egyptian God, from a tomb, bronze, inlaid with gold. — Mr. J. P. Morgan. 135 Match Box, Russian. — Mrs. James Kernochan. 136 2 Salt Cellars (reproduction of Beiivenuto Cellini) and 2 Salt Spoons. — Mrs. John Taylor Johnston. 137 Paper Cutter, given to Don Louis Farragut (a Spanish officer) by Christina of Spain, and presented by him to his kinsman, Admiral Farragut. — Mrs. D. G. Farragut. 138 Old Russian Silver Cup.— Mrs. Dr. Neftel. 139 Chitique Spoons.— Mrs. M. O. Roberts. 140 Old Silver Sugar Sifter.— Mrs. John A. Dix. 14 141 Fillagree Coffee Spoons, Norwegian. — Mrs. Sam'l Wet- more. 142 Ivory Comb and Paper Cutter, imitation of fillagree marble work of the Taj or Mausoleum of the Ganges. — Mrs. Eldridge. 143 Agate Cup (Chinese). — Mrs. Samuel Wetmore. 144 Vernis-Martin Jardineres.— Mr. Egerton M. Winthrop. 145 Minature on Cobweb. — Mrs. Astor. 146 6 Old Venetian Spoons, [bowls of crystal, handles enameled. — Mrs. John A. Dix. 147 2 Boxes in Mixed Metals, Japanese "Mokame" work. — E. C. Moore. 148 Russian Cup and Spoon. — Mrs. Kemochan. 149 Benares Brass Spoon. — Mrs. Eldridge. 150 6 Apostle Spoons. — Mrs. John A. Dix. 151 Old Russian Cup. — Mrs. Frederic Jones. 152 Norwegian Cup. — Mrs. T. H. Newbold. 153 4 Gold Spoons. — Mrs. Boes. 154 Llama from Peru, silver ; ancient relic. — Mr. Calyo. Nos. 155 to 164 lent by Mr. Jordan L. Mott. 155 Adoration. — Artist, Caston. 156 Objects of Art. — Artist, Desgoffe. 157 Popping the Question.-— Artist, Madan. 158 Falling Leaves. — Artist, G. W. Boughton. 159 The Dancing Lesson. — Artist, Leon Caille. 160 Landscape. — Artist, Rousseau. 161 The Two Friends. — Artist, David Coe. 162 The Bursting of the Bomb. — Artist, A. Schreyer. 163 Landscape. — Artist, Daubigney. 164 The Strolling Players.— Artist, Eastman Johnson N. A. Nos. 165 to 169 lent by John Hoey. 165 The King Is Within.— Artist, Meissonnier. 15 166 Egyptian Butcher. — Artist, Gerome. 167 Un Repas du Court. — Artist, Fichel. 168 L'Alm6e. — Artist, Gerome. 169 Artist, Vibert. Nos. 170 to 184 lent by Mr. J. Abner Harper. 170 Christening in the Black Forest. — Artist, G. Brion. 171 The Fountain of Love. — Artist, Jean Aubert. 172 Sheep. — Artist, Charles Jaques. 173 Thoughts of the Past. — Artist, Jaquet. 171 Cattle.— Artist, Van Marcke. 175 The Sweep. — Artist, Eastman Johnson. 176 Mating. — Artist, Kaemmerer. 177 Objects from the Louvre. — Artist, Blaize Desgoffe. 17S The Cup that Cheers. — Artist, F. Kraus. 179 Pages and Attendants; Time of Louis XIII. — Artist, Alfred Gues. 180 Playing at Jackstones. — Artist, E. Zamacois. 181 The Chase. — Artist, Fromentin. 182 The Discussion. — Artist, Steinheil. 183 The Magic Mirror. — Artist, Alma Tadema. 184 Forest of Fontainbleau. — Artist, Diaz. Nos. 185 to 187 lent by Mr. J. J. Astor. 185 Mother and Child.— Artist, C. L. Miiller. 186 Old Age of a Prince. — Artist, Lucius Rossi. 187 Scene in the Franco-Prussian War. — Artist, Detaille. Nos. 188 to 193 lent by Mr. William Astor. 188 Tale of Arab Horses. — -Artist, Fromentin. ] 89 Arab Horses Crossing the Brook. — Artist, Schreyer. 190 The New Novel. — Artist, Toulmouche. 191 The Court Martial. — Artist, Feniers. 192 La Petite Jeanette. — Artist, Merle. 193 The Refectory.— Artist, Vine St. Verche. 16 Nos. 194 to 196 lent by Morris K. Jesup. 194 Maidenhood. — Artist, Chapin. 195 Alhambra ; unfinished at the time of artist's death. — Artist, Ed. Zamacois. 196 Head of a Child.— Artist, S. M. Rouse. Nos. 197 to 201 lent by S. J. Harriot. 197 After the Shower. — Artist, William Hart. 198 A Home by the Sea.— Artist, W. Whittredge. 199 Sunset on the Ocean. — Artist, William T. Richards. 200, Alhambra. — Artist, Sam'l Colman. 201 A Lady of Rank at Prayer. — Artist, A. Lesrel. Nos. 202 to 204 lent by R. M. Hunt. 202 Susanna and the Elders. — Artist, J. F. Millet. 203 Peasant's Funeral : Black Forest. — Artist, Brion. 204 Boy and the Butterfly. — Artist, William M. Hunt. Nos- 205 to 207 lent by Mrs- Pbipps. 205 Portrait of Mrs. Benjamin. — Artist, Gilbert Stuart. 206 Portrait of Mrs. Sargent. — Artist, Gilbert Stuart. 207 Gov. Winthrop Sargent. — Artist, Gilbert Stuart. 208 Mary Magdalen. Artist unknown. — Mrs. J. L. McKeever. 209 Alexander Hamilton. Artist, Trumbull. — D. B. Ogden. Nos. 209a to 209b lent by Mr. J. W. Pinchot. 209a Ichabod Crane and the School Children. Artist, Geo. H. Boughton. 209& Winter on the Ice. Artist, Jervis McEntee. Nos. 210 to 213 lent by Miss J. Hunt. 210 Dominican Friars. — Artist, Elihu Vedder. 211 Children.— Artist, William M. Hunt. 212 Girl Spinning.— Artist, T. F. Millet. 213 Bather.— Artist, Diaz. Nos. 214 to 215 lent by John Wolf. 214 Don Quixote Entertained by the Student Basil and his Wife, Quiteria. — Artist, Gustave Dore. "The new-married couple entertained Don Quixote very nobly in acknowl edgement of his readiness to defend their cause; they esteemed his wisdom equal to his valour, and thought him both a Cid in arms and a Cicero in arts " Chap. XXIT. 17 215 An Arab Pacha Entering his Harem. — Artist, George Clairin. Nos. 216 to 218, lent by Robert L. Cutting. 216 La Surprise. — Artist, Alfred Stevens. 217 La Chatelaine.— Artist, Vibert. 218 The Grand Canal in Venice. — Artist, Ziem. Nos. 219 to 220, lent by James DeW. Cutting. 219 Sur Le Terrain.— Artist, Sorbi. 220 Le Sonate Interrompu. — Artist, Madrazo. 221 Wurtemberg Peasant Woman. — Artist, O'Becker, Berlin. August Belmont. 222 Maternal Solicitude.— Artist, W. Bouguereau. T. R. Butler. Nos. 223 to 227 lent by W. B. Dinsmore. 223 Dealer in Arms. — Artist, Gerome. 224 Rare Treasures.— Artist, Boutibonne. 225 The New Novel.— Artist, Willems. 226 Going to the Ball. — Artist, Toulmouche. 227 The Picnic— Artist, Rossi. Nos. 228 to 230, lent by Benj. J. Arnold. 228 La^Source — Young Girl and Cupid. — Artist, Pinchart. 229 Day Dreams. — Artist, Mme. A. Rastel. 230 The Antiquarian. — Artist, A. Glcsenti. 231 Portrait of Cardinal Bentivoglio. — Artist, Vandyck. Walter Cary Tuckerman. Scarred by the bayonet thrust of a British soldier quartered during the Revo lution upon the Cary family, in whose mausion house near Boston it hung for several generations. Nos. 232 to 234, lent by Henry G. De Forest, 232 The Vestal Virgin. — Artist, Hector Le Raux. 233 Sheep in a Stable. — Eugene Verboeckhoven. 234 Autumn Scene — Jervis McEntee. 235 Portrait— Mrs. A. C. Alden. 18 Nos. 236 to 237, lent by J. Crosby Brown. 236 Children in the Snow. — Artist, Edward Frere. 237 The Grandmother Fete. — Durenger. 238 Mars and Venus before the Gods of the Olympus, 1740. — Artist Boucher. C. F. Chickering. Nos. 239 to 267, lent by August Belmont. 239, 240 Old Delft Plates. 241 Silver Box ; old repouse. 242 Ivory Tankard; old Flemish, Representing the Four Seasons. 243 Silver Repouse" Box. 244 Old Chinese Plate ; Arms of Prov. of Utrecht. 215 Ivory Tankard ; old German. 246, 247 Old Urbino Vases, representing the Nativity and Adoration of the Magi. 248, 249 Two Figures, Old Cloisonne. 250 Five Old Urbino Plates. 251 Vase of Old Cloisonne. 252 Old China Pitcher ; very rare. 253 Teapot, Old Satsuma. 254, 255 Two Bowls, Old Cloisonne. 250 One Cup and two Bowls, Old Saxe. 257 One Cup and Saucer, Sevres, Louis XV. 258 One Cup and Saucer; Old Majolica Urbino; "The Good Shepherd." 259 Cup and Saucer, Old Saxe. 260 Three Japanese Dancers, Old Satsuma. 261 Old Berlin. 262 Figure, Old Frankenthal. 263 One Pair of Figures, Old Berlin. 264, 265 Five Vases ; one set old Japanese. 266 One old China Plate ; very rare specimen. ¦2£ yards. 9 Piece old Guipure (French), 1. i yd, w. 4 in. 10 A fine Lappet; bought in Italy. 11 Old Guipure Tape Pattern, 2 yds long, 6 in. wide, Italian. 12 Small piece old Mechlin, pointed style, cuff. 13 Open Guipure. 14 Small piece of Mechlin. — Mrs. Tuckerman. Nos. 554 to 578, lent by J. W. Paige, Esq., Boston. 54 Piece of Italian lace, with arms and figures. 555 Old Flemish, made when the Italian point was first copied in Flanders. 556 Old Flemish. 557 Old Mechlin Lace Chalice Veil. 558 Chalice Veil of Italian Lace, with arms of the Doria family. 32 559 Flemish Lace. 560 Italian Lace, 15th century, "Abbate Don Giovanni Battista Cattino " worked in it. 561 Flemish Lace. 562 Belgian imitation of Italian Guipure (old). 563 Venetian Point — a very rare piece. 564 Italian Point. 565 Italian Point. 566, 567, 568 French Point. 569 French Point, with flower plots upon it, Louis XV, ceil de perdrix. 570 Point d' Espagne. 571 Very old French Point. 572, 573 French Point. 574 Point d' Alencon. 575, 576 Point d' Argentan. 577 Binche, 1700-1785. 578 Point d' Angleterre. 579 Point d' Angleterre, time of Louis XIV. — Mrs. Charles H. Joy. 580 Brussels Point.— J. W. Paige. 581 Brussels, early 19th century. — J. W. Paige. 582 Coverlet, Lacis, with linen. — Mrs. Richard M. Hunt. 583 No. 1, Passement de Brabant, from '1640 to 170 ; No. 2, Point d' Angleterre, 17th century; No. 3. Mech lin Laces, early 17th century ; No. 4, Point de Venise. Mrs. Mahlon Sands. 584 Antique Roman Lace. — Mrs. Richardson. 585 Tape Guipure.— Mrs. Richardson. 586 Spanish Guipure. — D. Maitland Armstrong, Esq. 587 Spanish Guipure. — D. Maitland Armstrong, Esq. 588 Italian Lace. — Mrs. H. G. De Forest. 589 Pillow Lace, Italian, 17th century. — Mrs. Sidney Webster. 33 590 1 Piece Russian Lace. — Mrs. J. W. Pinchot, 591 Cape of Genoese Guipure. — Mrs. Dix. 592 1 Guipure Cape. 593 Genoese. — D. Maitland Armstrong, Esq. 594 Lent by Mr. J. W Pinchot. 595 Pillow Lace, Italian, 1550-1600.— D. Maitland Arm strong, Esq. 596 1 piece of old Greek Lace. — Mrs. De Forrest. 597 1 piece of Guipure Lace, 14; yards. 598 Point Coupe.— Mrs. J. W. Pinchot. 599 1 piece Greek Lace. — Mrs. J. W. Pinchot. 600 Flounce Venetian Rose Point, Flounce Venetian Rose Point, 1700 ; 1 Barbe Point d'Alencon, 1790 ; ! Barbe Point d'Angleterrie, 1790 ; 1 Chalice Veil Raised Ven etian Point, 1600. — Mrs. August Belmont. Nos. 601 to 607, lent by Mrs. J, E. Zimmerman. 601 Five Yards Punta Di Roma, part of an altar trimming, say 200 years old, pattern of 1592, probably a votive offering. 602 Bertha of Flanders Lace, Genoa Point, between 200 and 300 years old. 603 Sleeve of Point Duchesse, about 80 years old. 604 Lappet of very fine Flanders Lace, about 200 years old. 605 " Point de France ;" first made in France in 1665 ; intro duced by Colbert ; so named by Louis XIV. 606 Cape Viennoise Guipure, about 200 years old. 607 2| yards Venice Point of Louis XIII. period. Nos. 608 to 611, lent by Mrs. W. P. Furniss. 608 Old Mechlin Lace (Malines), about 1600. 609 4£ yards Flemish Lace, Malines ground, about the year 1700. 610 Cap (Fanchon) Venice Point. The origin of this lace -was the imitation of coral brought home to a lace worker (in point coupe) by her sailor lover, when she declared she would make something more beauti ful than this, woven by the mermaids of the seas, with her needle. 34 -oil Old Brussels Point, last century (a scarf). 612 Miniatures on Ivory of Buildings in Delhi, by a family of Hindoos who have enjoyed a reputation for this specialty for generations. — Walton W. Evans, Esq. ¦613 Flounce of Venetian Point.— Mrs. Hamilton Fish. 614 Venetian Point. — Mrs. Hamilton Fish. 615 1 Piece of Lace, Venetian Point. — Mrs. Phipps. 616 Coverlet in Venetian Point of various kinds, bearing on it the arms of the family in Venice for whom it was made. — Mrs. Rutherfurd Stuyvesant. 617 Nine Towels (old Italian), said to have been made by peasants ; two or three of them were put in the bridal chest which formed part of the bride's outfit. — J. W. Paige, Esq. -618 Table Cloth, Cut Point Milanese, 17th century — F. C. Macau ley, 619 Altar Cloth, probably Genoese work ; needle work on fine linen ; inserted pieces of reticella, with Vandyke border. — Mrs. John Taylor Johnston. 620 4£ Yards Insertion Point de Venise. 4|- yards Point de Venise Lace. Mrs. John Jay. •621 Mantilla, trimmed with 4| yards Point de Venise. — Mrs. John Jay. -622 Russian Lace, 16th, 17th and LSth centuries. — Mrs. Hobson. 623 Band of old " Run Lace."— Mrs. Richard M. Hunt. ¦624 Band of old " Run Lace."— Mrs. Richard M. Hunt. 625 Lace Cover.— D. Maitland Armstrong, Esq. .626 Italian Altar Lace. — Miss Bruen, Newport, R. I. 627 "The Annunciation," old Italian Altar Lace. — Miss Bruen, Newport, R. I. 628 Lacis or Darned Work, Italian. — J. W. Paige, Esq. 629 1 Piece of Spanish Blonde, wedding dress, 39 years old. — Mrs. Antoni Heywood. 35 6 3 Collar, Venetian Point en relief. — Mrs. Dix. 631 Dress from a Manufactory of Lace at Ipswich, Mass., purchased in 1824. — Mrs. George Ticknor, Boston. 632 Modern Irish Lace.— Mrs. H. G. De Forest. 633 Reproduction of a Cradle Cover in the layette of Louis XIV. — Mrs. Charles Perkins, Boston. 634 Modern Point a 1' Aiguille, tracery in gold. — Miss H. — 635 One Piece Russian Lace. — Mrs. Hobson. 636 Cardinal Cape, Raised Venetian, Point, 1640. — Mrs. Belmont. 637 Point d' Angleterre, 1670-1700.— Mrs. Astor. 638 Lappel, Guipure de' Malines, 1700 to 1750.— Mrs. T. d'Oremieulx. 639 One yard and 28 inches old Point de' Bruxelles. 640 A, Malines ; B, Regency ; close of last century. — Mrs. James Boorman Johnson. 641 Flemish Lace. — Mrs. Dix. 642 Barbe of old Mechlin, 1700-1750.— Mrs. Richard M. Hunt. 643 Malines, 1740-1800.— Mrs. T. d'Oremieulx. 644 Valenciennes de Flandre. — Mrs. Henry Tnrnbull. 645 Old Point.— Miss Bruen, Newport, R. I. 646 One Piece Guipure de Malines, formerly belonging to Marie Antoinette. — Mrs. R. D. Cameron. 647 English Point. — Miss Bruen. Newport, R. I. 648 Old Mechlin Lace.— Mrs. W. W. Parhine. 649 One Piece Old Mechlin, two old Jeweled Brooches. — 891 Brood way. 650 Old Mechlin. — Mrs. Richard M. Hunt. 651 Reproductions of Antique Laces, by Mrs. E. Carter.— 891 Broadway. 652 Fan, Roman Gouache, 1780, via Appia, near Rome, painted on kid.— Mrs. T. d'Oremieulx. 653 Brussels, early 19th century. — Mrs. Walter Langdon 36 654 Point d'Alencon, 1800.— Mrs. d'Oremieulx. 655 Lace Lappel, Valenciennes, 18th century. — Mrs. F. G. McCauley. 656 Point de Burano. — Mrs. Dix. 657 1 Piece Point de Venise a reseau. — Mrs. J. W. Pinchot. 658 1 Fichu Point d'Alenc on, 18th century ; 20 inches Point d' Angleterre ; 19^ inches old Valenciennes. — Mrs. Charles Burrall Hoffman. 659 Veil from the trousseau of the Princess Elizabeth of England, daughter of George III., and landgravine of Hesse Homburg. — Miss Bruen, Newport, R. I. 660 1 Lappel, Point ie Flandre.— Mrs. O. Sullivan. 661 1 Piece of old Mechlin Lace. — Mrs. E. G. Knapp. 662 Part of the trousseau of the Princess Elizabeth of Eng land, daughter of George III., and landgravine of Hesse Homburg; court train. -Miss Bruen, Newport, R.I. 663 Point d' Angleterre.— Mrs. C. B. Hoffman. 664 Mechlin.— Mrs. Octavius White 665 Mechlin. — Mrs. Octavius White. 666 French Point.— Mrs. Dix. 667 Mantilla, with flounce Point a L' Aiguille de France (1690-1730).-Mrs. W. H. Aspinwall. 668 Tablier of two flounces Point a L'Arguille de France (1685-1738).— Mrs. W. H. Aspinwall. 669 Very old Dutch Lace.— Mrs. H. G. De Forest. 670 Cape, Point d' Angleterre, 1650.- -Mrs. T. d'Oremieulx. 671 Old Point de Bruges.— Mrs. Dix. 672 Lappel, Point d' Angleterre, 1650.— Mrs. T. d'Ore mieulx. 673 1£ yards Spanish Point. — Mrs. Haight. 674 1 Flounce Spanish Point, — Mrs. Haight. 675 Embroidered Rug. — Herter Brothers. 676 Old Flemish Tapestry, after Teniers.--A. Belmont, Esq. 677 Chinese Embroidery. — Mrs. Hoey. 37 678 3 Japanese Costumes. — J. La Farge, Sam'l Colman. 679 Embroidered Portiere. — Herter Brothers. 680 2 Japanese Vases. — Mrs. Jos. Brooks. 681 Pitcher, Vallauris Ware.— Mrs. J. Kearney Rodgers. 682 Turkish Embroidery. — Miss Wirk. 683 Japanese Temple Robes of Woven Silk and Gold.— Sam'l Colman. 684 Piece of Gobelin Tapestry from the famous factory at Beauvais, in France. Subject, the Arts and Sciences. — S. L. M. Barlow. 685 Persian Embroidered Table Cover. — Mr. Bierstadt. 686 Embroidered Portiere. — Herter Brothers. 687 Old Albanian Embroidery. — J. Pierpont Morgan. 688 Sandwich Island Chief's Paddle.— Mi-. Calyo. 689 Suit of Persian Steel Chain Armour, with Corselets, Brassart Shield and Casque, damasceened in gold and and silver. — I. M. Mufioz. 690 Tapestry, early 17th century. Chinese Tea Party. — W. C. Prime. 691 Aubusson Tapestry Panel. — Herter Brothers. 692 Antique Embroidery, richly embroidered on white satin. — Theo. A. Havemeyer. 693 Old Albanian Embroidery. — J. Pierpont Morgan. 694 Japanese Dress, red crape embroidered. — H. G. De Forest. 695 Piece of Red Brocade. — Sam'l Colman. 696 Embroidered Portiere. — Herter Brothers. Nos. 697 to 700, lent by John La Farge. 697 Chinese Bed Spread. 698 1 Piece Embroidery. 699 Persian Embroidery. 700 1 Piece Embroidery. 701 1 Piece of Mexican Embroidery on Linen. — -General S. W. Crawford. 38 702 1 Cachemire and Gold and Silver Portiere, 3 yards long, 50 inches wide. — Howard & Co. 703 Leather Mat, North American Indian work ; presented to Dr. Mitchell after a conference with the Six Na tions. — Charles L. Atterbury. 704 Embroidered Rug. — Herter Brothers. 705 Old Tapestry. Two of a set of eight chair covers, were sent from Eng land at least one hundred years ago. They were intended for part of a bride's house-furnishing, and were then con sidered ancient and valuable.— Loaned by Mrs. Bussell Sage. 706 Altar Cloth ; red satin, embroidered in gold and colored silks, with oil painting of St. Vosmos and Damian ; Italian ; beginning of 18th century. — F. N. Macauley. 707 Turkish Embroidery, red velvet and gold. — H. G. De Forest. 708 2 Cushion Covers, embroidered in gold and silver, Turk ish work. — Mrs L. Tuckerman. 709 Antique Clock, Louis XVI.— Mrs. Dr. Hosack. 710 Persian. — Mrs. A. B. Sands. 711 Bride's Face Veil, from Albania ; date unknown. — J. Pierpont Morgan. 712 2 Embroidered Turkish Towels. — Mrs. A. B. Sands. 713 2 Handkerchiefs, embroidered in silk and nun's hair in South America. 714 Dress Embroidered in Manilla. — Mrs John Hoey. 715 White Embroidered Linen Bed Spread, used by Louis XIV of France, with embroidered monogram and Crown. — Name not given. 716 One Old Embroidered Table Cover. — Mrs. Richard M. Hunt. 717 Turkish Embroidered Towel. — Mrs. A. B. Sands. 718 Scarf ; Fine Linen, Embroidered with Silk and Gold, from Cyprus. — H. G. De Forest. 719 Chinese Silk Embroidered Dress. — H. G. De Forest. 39 720 One Japanese Embroidery, with Imperial Crest in the centre ; 3 yards square. — Mrs. Ewart. 721 One Reboso, worn by Mexican women ; made of First Silk imported into Mexico— 200 years old.— Gen. S- W. Crawford. 722 Lady's Full Suit, worked in China, copied from a Royal Dress. Handkerchief, Cuffs and Collar.— Mrs. Charles A.. Little. 723 Persian Embroidery ; Tree of Life.— S. G. Ward. 724 One Robe worn by Emperor of China and taken from Pekin when the English took possession of the Palace. — Mrs. John E. Ward. 725 Towel from Damascus, Linen, Embroidered with Gold and Silks.— H. G. De Forest. 726 Specimen Japanese Embroidery ; the border contains the crests of the Daimios. — Morgan Dix. 727 Old Albanian Embroidery and a Greek Dress. — J. Pierpont Morgan. 728 Antique Handkerchief from Cyprus, embroidered with gold and silver. — H. G. De Forest. 729 Greek Dress, old; Linen, embroidered with gold and silk.— H. G. De Forest. 730 Old Albanian Embroidery. — J. Pierpont Morgan 731 to 733, lent by H. G. de Forest. 731 Scarf, embroidery on fine muslin, old Greek. 732 Scarf from Bagdad, muslin, embroidered with silk. 733 Large Linen Towel, Greek embroidery with gold, old. 734 Ladies' Jacket or Upper Dress, Chinese, from the Sum mer Palace of the Emperor. — John La Farge. 735 Pina Handkerchief. — Mrs. Osborne. 736 Embroidery upon Linen in floss, old Danish. — J. W. Paige. 737 Mat or Rug, crimson satin embroidered with gold. — H. G. De Forest. 738 Old Italian Needlework representing Adam and Eve, 17th century. — J. W. Paige. 40 739. Old Church Banner, Italian embroidery. — Mrs. Mahlon Sands. 740 Chinese Embroidered Pocket. — Mrs. W. W. Parkin. 741 Specimen of Embroidery, done during the Revolution at the Moravian School at Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. — Miss M. A. Coopel. 742 Old Italian Stuff.— D. M. Armstrong. 743 Satin Embroidered Vest, French, time Louis XVI. — Mr. Wm. C. Prime. 744 2 Cushion Covers, embroidered in colors on black cloth. Turkish work. — Mrs. L. Tuckerman. 745 Chinese Embroidery, bearing the Emperor's coat of arms on the royal color. Stolen from the palace in 1859. — Mrs. Marshall O. Roberts. 746 Old Church Banner, embroidered on silk, 13th to 14th century. — Mrs. Richard M. Hunt. 747 Embroidery from Albania of 16th, 17th and 18th cen turies. — J. Pierpont Morgan. 748-749 Old Spanish Cabinet, said to be of 15th century.— Major Theo. K. Gibbs. Nos. 750 to 752, lent by W. C. Prime. 750 Plateau Majolica (Pesaro 1560. Subject, Portraits of a Venetian Noble Family. 751 Two large Plateaux, Gennen; two large dishes Delft (hung against tapestry, east wall). 752 30 Delft Plates (hung around cornice). 753 Herald's Robe.— J. M. Sage. 754 Pair of Brass Repousse Candlesticks, 18th century.— Dr. William A. Hammond. 755 Casket, Italian, 14th century ; inlaid wood and bone.— D. M. Armstrong. 756 1 Old Italian Tiber Snuff Box.— Mrs. Iselin. Nos. 757 to 763, lent by D. Maitland Armstrong. 757 Stucco Box, Italian, 15th century. 758 Old Italian Carving. 41 759 Majolica Tile. 760 One Inlaid Casket, 15th century. 761 Bronze Crucifix, 14th century. 762 Rosary, Amber and Bone, old Italian. 763 Small Tile, Roman ebony, France. 764 Ohe German "Strong Box," used for Jewels, 15th century. — Mrs. Frederic Jones. 765 Venetian Glass Bowl, 17th century. — Mr. Thatcher M. Adams. 766 to 770 lent by D. Maitland Armstrong. 766 Bronze Bell, with Arms of Pope Sextus V. 767 Medieval Italian Lamp. 768 Scissors, steel inlaid with gold, Italian, 16th century. 769 Box, Stamped Leather, old Italian. 770 Stamped Leather Writing Case, Italian, 16th century. 771 Pair Old Venetian Mosaics. — I. M. Munoz. 772 Old Chalice, Italian, gilt, copper inlaid with silver.— D. M. Armstrong. 773 Antique Silver Gilt Perfume Burner and Jewel- Stand. — I. M. Munoz. 774 One Old Wood Carving, 1387.— D. Maitland Armstrong. 775 Holy Water Vase, Silver Repousse, Italian, 16th cen tury. — D. M. Armstrong. 776 One Antique Nutmeg Grater, Holland. — W. C. Prime. 777 Holy Water Vase, Italian, 18th century. — D. M. Arm strong. 778 Two Ebony Carvings. — W. C. Prime. 779 Two Pieces Terra Etched and Painted, 16th century. — D. M. Armstrong. 780 One Terra Cotta Bas-relief, Italian. — D. Maitland Arm strong. 781 1 Box Limoge Enamel. — I. M. Munoz. 782 Old Italian Embroidery. — D. M. Armstrong. 42 783 5 Narrow Bands from priestly vestments, very old. — Mrs. Richard M. Hunt. 784 Old Italian Stuff and Roman Lace. — D. M. Armstrongs 785 2 Paintings on Wood, Italian. — D. M. Armstrong. 786 Old Italian Coat of Arms, embroidered. — D. M. Arm strong. 787 1 Old Jewish Lamp.— Mr. Galaud. 788 1 Piece Tapestry, Flemish. — Mrs. W. L. Andrews. 789 1 Old Carved Box.— D. Maitland Armstrong. 790 I Piece Old Tapestry; 5 King's; Annunciation; Mar riage of St. Catherine. — Mrs. R. M. Hunt. 791 Fan, Louis XV.— Mrs. Richard M. Hunt. 792 Louis XV. Fan. — Mrs. Frederic Stevens. 793 Fan of the early part of the 18th century, formerly be longing to the Grand Duchess of Parma. — Mrs. W. A. Hammond. 794 Louis XV. Fan.— Tiffany & Co. 795 Old French Fan, time of Louis XIV.- Mrs. Mahlon Sands. 796 Fan.— Mrs. W. H. Schieffelin. 797 Fine Chinese Carved Fan.— Mrs. Alfred Gibbs. 798 1 Fan, 100 years. — Mrs. Samuel Wetmore. 799 1 Antique Fan.— Mrs. Eugene Schieffelin. 800 1 Carved Ivory Fan, from Nuremberg, modern. — Mrs. Astor. 801 Fan.— Mrs. John Jay. 802 Fan, over one hundred years old.— Mrs. G. E. Taylor. 803 Fan, brought to this country by the Lucas family at the time of the Edict of Nantes.— Mrs. Lewis Livingston. 804 1 Fan, Louis XVI.— Mrs. R. M. Hunt. 805 Chinese Fan. — Miss Hey ward. 806 Fan.— Mrs. John Jay: 807 1 Fan, over one hundred years old. — Mrs. Marston Taylor. 43 808 Fan, last of 18th century, mounted on steel and deli cately painted. — Miss Bruen. 809 Fan. This fan belonged to Maria Christina, of Spain, wife of Ferdinand VII., and presented by her to Mrs. Perry, wife of the American Consul, who assisted her in her flight during the Carlist troubles. Presented to Mrs. Farragut in 1867. — Mrs. Admiral Farragut. 810 1 Fan, over one hundred years old.— Mrs. Marston Taylor. 811 1 Fan, one hundred and fifty years old. — Mrs. Wetmore. 812 Fan, vernis-Martin, " Royaume de I'amour," time Louis XIV.— Mrs. Belmont. 813 1 Fan, vernis-Martin, 18th century. — Miss K. F. Strong. 814 Fan, vernis-Martin, 18th century. — Mrs. George Jones. 815 Fan, vernis-Martin, " Triomphe de I'amour," time Louis XIV. — Mrs. Belmont. 816 Fan, vernis-Martin, 18th century. — Mrs. Sidney Webster. 817 Painted Fan, Louis XV. — Mrs. Astor. 818 1 Fan, vernis-Martin, 18th century, Children of Israel worshiping the Golden Calf. 819 Kid Fan, vernis-Martin, "Moses in the Bulrushes," time Louis XIV.— Mrs. Belmont, 820 1 old Painted Fan.— Mrs. Astor. 821 Fan, painted in Boucher's style, 1704-1770, medallion in centre, " Hector and Andromache." — Mrs. J. E. Zim merman. 822 1 Painted Fan. —Mrs. Astor. 823 Vernis-Martin, 18th century. — -Mrs. Richard M. Hunt. 824 Japanese Fan from the collection of the Princess Ma- thilde. — Mrs. Lewis Livingston. 825 1 Fan, style, Louis XV. — Mrs. Phipps. Nos. 826 to 830, lent by Mrs. Belmont. 826 Fan, "Venus and Apollo," time, Louis XIV. 44 827 Fan, " Venus and Mars," time, Louis XV. 828 Fan, " Venus and Endymion,' ' time, Louis XV. 829 Fan, " Industry and Science, ' ' time, Louis XVI. 830 Fan, " Venus and Mars," time, Louis XV. 831 Fan, style Louis XVI.— Mrs. Charles E. Miller. 832 Fan, " Shepherd and Shepherdess," time, Louis XV. — Mrs. Belmont. 833 Fan, gold and pearl, carved sticks, paper mount, painted with mythological subject, French epoch Louis XVI. — Mrs. F. G. McCauley! 834 The Jolly Drones. Artist, Gavanni. — Benj. G. Arnold. 835 Fan of old Chinese Enamel. — Mrs. Frederic R. Jones. 836 1 Fan, Japanese gold sticks, with blue enamel and paint ing. — Mrs. S. L. M. Barlow. 837 Fan, "After the Hunt." Artist, Penne, 1872.— Mrs. Belmont. 838 1 Fan, carved ivory, 18th century. — Miss M. R. Fisher. 839 1 Fan, gold and enamel, Chinese. 840 Spanish Fan, carved mother-of-pearl sticks, mounted with diamonds and green enamel leaves. 841 Fan, Persian design, painted by S. Colman. 842 Lacquer and Tortoise-shell Fan. — Mrs. Charles Russell Hone. 843 "Reception des jour de I'an a la cour de 1' Empereur des Bebes. Artist, Emile Du Pont. — Mrs. Woolsey Johnson. 844 Chinese Fan. — Mrs. J. E. Zimmerman. 845 1 Fan, Tortoise-shell, painted. — Mrs. Sam'l Wetmore. Nos. 846 to 849, lent by Mrs. French. 846 Flounce of Venetian Flat Point, latter half of 17th cen tury, 4 yds 8 inches. 847 Genoa Point, guipure a res*eau, early 17th century, 1 yd. 848 Point d' Alencon Lace, 3 yds, Louis XVI period. 45 849 Venetian Rose Point, 17th century, 1^ yds. 850 Collar of Genoese Guipure.— Mrs. Dix. Nos. 851 to 854, lent by Mrs. French. 851 Point de France, 3 yards, Louis XIV period. 852 Point d' Alencon Cape, Louis XV period. 853 Pelerine of Venetian Point, late 16th century. 854 Sleeve Trimming Punto a Reticella Venetian, 16th century. Nos. 855 to 864, lent by Mrs. Lewis Livingston. 855 Old English Christening Veil. 856 Old English. 857 Old Mechlin. 858 Barbe Point d' Angleterre. 859 Point de Bruxelles a Colonnes. 860 Brussels Lace Veil. 861 Sleeve Trimming, Venice Point, Spanish design. 862 Point d' Angleterre. 863 Point d'Argentan. 864 Point d' Alencon. Nos. 865 to 867, lent by Mrs. T. d'Oremieulx. 865 Miniature. — Artist, Malbone. 866 Mr. le Comte de L****, miniature (1820) Paris. 867 S. A. Sme. le Comte de L* M****, prince of the blood (1780), Paris. 868 2 Antique Miniatures. — Mrs. R. L. Cutting. 869 Miniature by Vestier. — Mr. Egerton L. Winthrop. 870 Mrs. Jacob Morris, 1778.— Mrs. Sidney Webster. 871 Mr. de p****** Miniature, Painted in 1765 (Paris).— Mrs. T. d'Oremieulx. 872 Miniature of a British Officer, Painted in 1780. — Mrs. Goodliff. 873 Old English Locket, with Miniatures. — Mrs. J. Schuyler Crosby. 46 874 Miniature by Rosalba.— Mr. Egerton Winthrop. 875 Miniature on Vellum of Louis XIV, born 1638, died 1715 ; Circa, 1650.— F. C. McCauley. •876 Jacob Morris, Esq., 1778.— Mrs. Sidney Webster. 877 Napoleon, Painted by Isabey, given to Prinoe Dolgouroki by Napoleon- J. W. Paige, Esq., Boston. 878 Miniature Portrait of Col. George Gibbs, Painted in Newport, 1794. — Mrs. Lucius Tuckerman. 879 Miniature of Madam Caulaincourt, copied from Isabey. 880 Marie Antoinette Watch & Chatelaine-Tiffany & Co. 881 Miniature of Marie Antoinette, inscribed on the back, "donne par la Reine a M. Le Comte de St. Aulaire en 1785."— J. W. Paige, Esq., Boston. -882 One Watch by l'Epine, last century,— Mrs. F. R. Jones. •883 Lady's Companion, with Medallions. -Tiffany & Co. 884 Two Watches, Dark Blue Enamel, studded with pearls and diamonds. 885 Two Snuff-Boxes, Enamel.— Mrs. S. L. M. Barlow. 886 Snuff-Box of Champline enamel in copper, lined with silver. — Mrs. John E. Body. 887 Mosaic— Mrs. Barlow. £88 Watch, Gold Enamel and Pearls. —Tiffany & Co. 889 One Old Gold Watch, by Dinrowe, in London. — Mrs. Frederic Stevens. 890 Agate and Gold Watch,— Messrs. Tiffany & Co. 891 Enamel gold and precious stones Louis XVI Snuff Box.— Messrs. Tiffany & Co. ¦892 1 Snuff-Box, Venetian glass, mounted in silver.— Mrs. John E. Body. "893 Gold Watch Repousse ; different colored gold. — Messrs. Tiffany & Co. ¦894 Watch, enamel.— Mr. Frederic Stevens. ¦S95 Snuff-Box. -M. F. S. Bangs. 47 ¦896 Watch, 150 years old, from Genoa.— Mrs. W. H. Aspinwall. 897 Snuff-Box.— Mrs. Barlow. 898 Watch, inlaid with precious stones, colored gold decoration, early part of last century. — Mrs. R. L. Cutting. 899 Watch and Chatelaine, belonging formerly to Mme. de Montespan. — Mrs. S. L. M. Barlow. 900 One Snuff-Box of Gold and Niello, made at the Royal Factory at Tonla, Russia, 100 years old. — Mrs. John E. Body. 901 Brass Watch, enamel back, Chinese figures. — Messrs. Tiffany & Co. 902 Watch, by Breguet.— Mrs. R. M. Hunt. 903 Marriage of Psyche (2 Pieces) Old Wedgwood. — Egerton L. Winthrop, Esq. 904 Enamel- face Watch and Working ^Cupids. — Tiffany & Co. 905 Gold Enamel Watch, Louis XVI.— Mr. Egerton Winthrop. 906 Watch 200 years old, before minute-hand, chain or hairspring was introduced. — I. C. Whitehouse. 907 Old Watch, silver. — Mrs. Frederick Stevens. 908 Old German Time-Piece, enamel and crystal. — Messrs. Tiffany & Co. 909 Ladies' Companion, pink enamel. — Tiffany & Co. 910 Silver Repeating Watch. —Mr. Egerton L. Win throp. 911 Miniatureof a Lady, 1773. -J. W. Paige, Esq., Boston. 912 Philip of Spain, said to have been taken during his lifetime, from a portrait by Rubens. — J. W. Paige, Esq.. Boston. 913 Portrait of Josephine, by Isabey, copied on por celain by Miss Hunt. — Miss Hunt. -914 Original Portrait of Napoleon I., attributed to David, given by the Emperor to Mr. Charles James Fox. — Mrs. Cameron. 48 Nos, 915 to 921 loaned by Br. William A. Hammond. 915 Circular piece of stained glass, with Swiss device, "Bear of Berne." 916 Circular piece of stained glass, Angel Playing Chimes, very old and beautiful ; from Church of St. Laurent, Nuremburg. 917 Square piece of Stained Glass, shield of Austria emblazoned, supported by two men-at-arms, etc., executed in 1542, a magnificent piece, style of Albert Durer. 918 Square piece of Stained Glass, two figures, 16th century. 919 Square piece of Stained Glass, representing the Crucifixion, a superb piece in the highest style of medieval art, attributed to Albert Durer ; from the Derschan collection. 920 Circular piece of Stained Glass, Byzantine eagle, very old. 921 Old Carved Venetian Table, supported by the single figure of a caryatid. 922 Satsuma Vase.— Sam'l Colman. 923, 924 Spanish Lustre. — J. Pierpont Morgan. 925 to 927, lent by Sam'l Colman. 925 Hispano Moresque Placque. 926 Satsuma Incense Burner. 927 Inlaid Pearl and Lacquer Box. 928 Carved Rhinoceros Horn. — Mrs. Sam'l Wetmore. 929 Japanese Temple Robe. — Sam'l Colman. 930 Rug, embroidered in blue silk, Turkish. — H. G. De Forest. 931 Power's Infant's Hand.— Mrs. Wm. B. Astor. 932 Altar Piece, marble, 11th century.— Mrs. James Brooks. 933 Vienna Cup and Saucer.— J. Pierpont Morgan. 49 934 Capo di Monte Spoons ; belonged to Murat, King of Naples. — Mrs. S. L. M. Barlow. 935 Cup and Saucer, Orleans. — Mrs. Newbold. 936 Limoge Enamel, 16th century — F. C. Macauley. 937 Cup and Saucer, Sevres, 1858. — Mrs. James Ker nochan. 938 Baptismal Spoons.— Mrs. J. H. Wolfe. 939 Roman Silver Pin. — Mr. Calyo. 940 Sevres Plate, soft paste, dated 1786. — Mr. Egerton M. Winthrop. 941 Lacquered Bowl, Japanese. — 49 Fifth avenue. 942 Drinking Cup, from Lima, silver mounting. — Mr. Calyo. 943 Cup and Saucer, Crown Derby. — Mrs. Newbold. 944 Old Saxon China, bell. — Mrs. Woodbury Langdon. 945 Dresden Cup. — Mrs. George Bird. 946 Old Dresden Box, 1758. From the collection of the Prince de Kaunitz "F.," with coronet. — Mr. Ed- gerton L. Winthrop. 947 Sevres.— Mrs. T. H. Newbold. 948 Old Vienna Plate, hard paste. — Mr. Egerton M. Winthrop. 949 Silver Brocade, Italian, 17th century. — John La Farge. 950 Old Gold Lacquer, Japanese. — Sam'l Colman. 951 Crystal Ball.— C. 0. Baldwin. 952 Japanese Inro. — M. Strowbridge. 953 Old Ming Vase, blue. — Sam'l Colman. 954 Old Gold Lacquer Box.— Sam'l Colman. 955 Japanese Embroidery, modern. — John La Farge. 956 Lacquer and Inlaid Cabinet. — Herter Brothers. 957 Fine gold lacquered Biscuit Box. — Herter Brothers No. 9.-T8 to 963, lent by Mr. Sam'l Colman, 958 Old Japanese Inro. 50 959 Old Gold Lacquer Box, leaf decoration. 960 Old Gold Lacquer Ball-shaped Box, floral decora tion. 961 Old Japanese Inro, Gold Lacquer, Blume Flower. 962 Old Japanese Inro. 963 Old Japanese Inro, figure with fan. 964 Old Japanese gold Lacquer Cabinet, with several pieces gold lacquer and pottery. — John La Farge and A. J. La Farge. 965 Cabinet.— Herter Brothers. 966 Brocade, French, 18th century. — John La Farge. 967 Japanese Gold Lacquer Panel. — A. J. La Farge. 968 Rare dark-colored Vase, Chinese. — Mrs. Samuel Wetmore. 969 An Antique Chalice, brought from Naples in 1823 by Gerlando Marsiglia, age 200 years. — Miss L. N. Cleveland, his granddaughter. 970 Silver gilt Punch Bowl and Stand, time of Crom well. — Mrs. John Taylor Johnston. 971 Dagger, with brass handle and sheath, motto on blade. — Mrs. J. Kearney Rodgers. Nos. 972 to 975, lent by Mrs. John Taylor Johnston. 972 Jade Vase and Stand, Chinese. 973 Jade Ornament, Chinese, from Rougemont collection. 974 Jade Vase and Stand, Chinese, from Rougemont collection. 975 Old Ivory Tankard. 976 Red Lacquer Box. — Herter Brothers. 977 Old Brass Hebrew Lamp from German Synagogue, with Solomon's seal and figures of Moses and Aaron. — Mrs. J. Kearney Rodgers. 978 Bronze Incense Burner. —Herter Brothers. 979 Teapot, Representation of the Broghton "Pa vilion." — Mr. L. D. Munson. 51 980 Bombay Backgammon Board.— Mrs. Eldridge. 981 Japanese Bowl. — E. C. Moore. 982 Gold Lacquered Box.— Herter Brothers. 983 Old Chinese Vase.— Sam'l Colman. 984 Old Japanese Plate.— August Belmont. 985 Sevres Plaque, by Solon.— Herter Brothers. 986 Old French Clock, Travertino Marble and Bronze.— Madam de St. James. 987 Two Groups of Bronze, by Barye, unique copies. Presented to Theophile Gautier by the author. — Lent by Mr. J. W. Pinchot. 988 Old Japanese Plate. — August Belmont. 989 Vase (Satsuma).— Dr. C. C. Lee. 990 Fire-Pot (Satsuma).— Herter Brothers. 991 Twelve Specimens of Ancient Pottery of Peru, Prehistoric, showing* no trace of the Potter's wheel. — W. W. Evans. 992 Pottery, New Mexico. — Mrs. Samuel. Wetmore. 993 Mexican Pottery. — Mrs Samuel Wetmore. 994 Mexican. — Miss Newbold. 995 Etruscan Vases, best period genuineness shown by the light weight. — Mr. Calyo. 996 Aztec Serpent. — Mr. Calyo. 997 Iron and Inlaid Cylinder Vase. — Herter Brothers. 998 Persian Armor Plate. — Mrs. J. H. Wolfe. 999 Blue Plaque, Longny.— Mrs. F. S. Banks. 1000 Sevres Plaque, by Solon, — Herter Brothers. 1001 Delft Horse. — Mrs. Frederic Jones. 1002 Japanese Album of Wood Cuts, choice impressions of the prints. — Jas. La Farge. 1003 Chinese Plate, picture of Ascension, time Main- tenon. — Mrs. F. S. Banks. 1004 2 Large Plates.— Mrs. F. S. Banks. 1005 Old Plate.— Mrs. H. G. De Forest. 52 1006 2 Japanese Earthenware Figures. — Mr. J. Pier pont Morgan. 1007 Imperial Jade Set, 3 pieces. — Mr. J. Pierpont Morgan. 1008 Persian Niello Bowl.— Mr. J. W. Pinchot. 1009 Persian Earthenware Box, silver mounted. — Mr. • J. W. Pinchot. 1010 4 Japanese Earthenware Sake Pots. — Mr. E. C. Moore. 1011 Japanese Lacquer on Bamboo Basket Work. — Mr. E. C. Moore. 1012, 1013 Placques made by Deck — Artist, J. Leg-rain. Mrs. Pierpont Morgan. 1014 Capo di Monte, Triumph of Ceres. — Mrs. N. P. Hosack. (Very fine). 1015 Delft Plaque. — Mrs. J. E. Zimmerman) 1016 Large Blue and White Porcelain Vase, Nankin ware.— Mr. E. C. Moore. 1017 2 Urbino Apothecary Jars. — Mrs. J. T. Johnston. 1018 Japanese Earthenware Vase. — Mr. J. Pierpont Morgan. 1019 Old blue and white Chinese Porcelain. — Mr. J. Pierpont Morgan. 1020 Old Chinese Tea Jar. — Samuel Colman. 1021 Clock, Louis XIII., 1625.— Mrs. F. S. Banks. 1022 Benares Lotah, Platter and Spoon.— Mrs. El dridge. 1023 Brass Flask and Stopper (India). — Mrs. Samuel Wetmore. 1024 Red Porphyry Vase, with gilt bronze mounting made out of a chip of the Porphyry Sarcophagus of Napoleon I. in the Church of the Invalides at Paris.— Mrs. T. d'Oremieulx. 10-5 Old Chinese Shrine.— Dr. Chas. C. Lee. 1026 Chinese Bronze Vase, with pedestal. 53 1027 Chinese Vase (bronze), with pedestal. 1028 3 Old Japanese Vases. — Mr. August Belmont. 1029 Old German Repousse Silver Salver and Cup, rep resenting Noah and the Arc— Mr. J. Pierpont Morgan. 1030 Old Chantilly Soft Paste Magot.— Mr. Edgerton M. Winthrop. 1031 Limoges Cup.— Mr. Edgerton M. Winthrop. 1032 East Indian Plate, Kofgari work on iron. — Mr. E. C. Moore. 1033 French Surface Enamel on copper.— Mr. J. Pier pont Morgan. 1034 Old French Faience. — Mr. J. Pierpont Morgan. 1035 Old Imari Jar and Cover. — Samuel Colman. 1036 Japanese Lacquer Plaque. — Miss B. G. Arnold. 1037 Old Etruscan Vase.— Mr. J. Pierpont Morgan. 1038, 1039 Pair Majolica Vases (Urbino). 1040, 1041 Pair Italian Majolica Vases.— Mr. J. Pier pont Morgan. 1042 Old Japanese Vase.— Mrs. Samuel Wetmore. 1043 Plaque, Deck. — Mrs. Samuel Wetmore. 1044 Peruvian Pottery Vase in shape of human head.— Earl Shinn. 1045 Satsuma Vase. — Mrs. Samuel Wetmore. 1046 Brass Waiter (hanging from cornice).— Mrs. Samuel Wetmore. 1047 Bust Cicero, antique bronze.— Mr. J. W. Pinchot. 1048 Old Japanese Plate.— August Belmont. 1049 Crackled China Vase (very fine).— W. C. Prime. 1050 Fire Pot (Satsuma). —Herter Bros. 1051 Iron Japanese Vase.— Mr. E. C. Moore. 1052 Italian Cabinet.— Mrs. N. P. Hosack. 1053 Hanging Vase, Majolica.— Mr. J. Pierpont Morgan. 1854 Vase, Copenhagen.— Mrs. Sam'l Wetmore. 54 1055, 1056 Pair of large old Japanese Vases. — August Belmont, Esq. 1057 Old Satsuma Vase. — Sam'l Colman. 1058 Porcelain Plates, Modern.— Mrs. N. P. Hosack. 1059 Louis Philippe Plate.— Mrs. C. C. Goodhue. 1060 Ivory Chair, 600 years old, belonged to the Kings of Delhi. The back legs each an elephant's tusk. — Mrs. F. S. Eldridge. 1061 Louis XV Chair, with old hand-worked tapestry. — H. L. 1862 Soup Tureen, period of James XV. —Mrs. Wood bury Langdon. 1063 Old Rice Jar (Pekin).— 49 Fifth Avenue. 1064 Pair Green Chinese Vases, from collection of Mar quis of Hastings, bronze mounting of the time of Louis XV. The peculiar quality of the surface is called Chagrine. — Mrs. John Taylor Johnston. 1065 Piece of Old Turkish Embroidery. — Mrs. A. B. Sands. 1066 Old Chinese. — Mr. Edgerton L. Winthrop. 1067 Japanese Painting on Silk, Imperial family. — Mr. E. C. Moore. 1068 Greek Embroidery, Modern. — Mr. H. G. De Forest. 1069 Chinese Embroidered Screen. — Mrs. Samuel Wet more. 1070 Old Albanian Embroidery. — Mr. J. Pierpont Morgan. 1071 Arab Mat.— Mrs. Robert W. De Forest. 1072 Japanese Vases.— Mrs. Brooks. 1073 Red Silk Table Cover, richly embroidered, Turk ish, old.— Mr. R. W. De Forest. 1074 2 Bronzes, "The Gladiators," from Gerome' s pic ture of Caesar Ave. 1075 1 Piece of Albanian Embroidery. — Mrs. A. B. Sands. 55 1076 2 Japanese Embroideries. — Mr. J. La Farge. 1077 Japanese Dress, red crape embroidered. — John La Farge. 1078 Japanese Vase.— Mrs. Samuel Wetmore. 1079 Antique Greek Embroidery, red silk on linen. — Mr. H. G. de Forest. 1080 1 Old piece of Brocaded Silk, early part of the 18th century. — Mrs. Richard M. Hunt. 1081 Lacquered Screen, with silk panel, Japan. — Mar tin Gillett & Co. 1082 A. Point de Burano, middle 18th century. B. Two pieces Point d' Alencon, late 18th century. — Mrs. James Boorman Johnston. 1083 Lappel, Point d' Angleterre. — Mrs. M. Macauley. 1084 Flounce, Point d' Angleterre. — Mrs. M. Macauley. 1085 1 carved Ivory Fan. — Miss Heywood. 1086 Ivory carved Fan, belonging to the Landgravine of Hesse Homburg. — Mrs. Francis Hall. 1087 Painted Japanese Fan. — Mrs. St. Clair. 1088 Old German Fan. — Miss Bruen. 1089 Fan from collection of Countess Gurowski nee Bourbon. Spanish artist, beginning of 18th cen tury. — Mrs. Wm. Farrar Smith. 1090 French Fan. — Miss Hunt. 1091 Old French Fan. — Miss Cropper. 1092 Old French Fan, Louis XV.— Mrs. Mahlon Sands. 1093 Old French Fan.— Mrs. Mahlon Sands. 1094 Vernis-Martin.— Miss Hunt. 1095 1 Watch and Chatelaine, gold, studded with dia monds and enamel. — Mrs. S. L. M. Barlow 1096 Two old Brooches of the time of Louis XIV. — Mrs. C. C. B. Fulton. 1097 Stomacher, Venetian Point, en relief.— Mrs. Dix 1098 Old Tapestry.— Mrs. George Gilman. 1099 Old Flemish Tapestry.— Mrs. S. L. M. Barlow 56 1100 Gobelin Tapestry. — Marcotte & Co. Nos. 1101 to 1105, lent by Mrs. Samuel Wetmore; 1101 Nose Ring, from Hindoustani. 1102 Necklace, Earings and Bracelet, from British India. 1103 Old Maltese work in gold, Cross and Chain. 1104 Egyptian Silver Bracelet, modern work. 1105 Chinese Enameled Bracelet. 1106 Handkerchief — Reproduction of old Italian Point, made in a convent in Sienna. Design probably taken from the Font in the Baptistry at Pisa. — Mrs. Bigelow Lawrence. 1107 Fan from Bombay — Lent by Mrs. Howard Crosby. 1108 Feather Fan from Brazil— Lent by Miss Fish. 1109 Feather Fan from Siam— Lent by Mrs. Hamilton Fish. 1110 Royal Hawaiian Feather Cape, presented by his Majesty, late Kamehameha IV., to late William Lee, Chief Justice Hawaiian Nation — Lent by A. W'akeman, Jr., Esq. 1111 Old Chinese — Lent by Egerton L. Winthrop, Esq. 1112 Japanese Fan — Lent by Mrs. Belmont. 1113 Unfinished Portrait, supposed to have been painted by Sir Thomas Lawrence — Lent by T. M. Wheeler. 1114 Japanese Vase — Lent by Mrs. Sam'l Wetmore. 1115 Cloisonne Vase — Lent by Hon. Hamilton Fish. 1116 Jewel Case, containing : 1. Carved Gold Bracelet — Indian Gods in relievo. 2. Set of Chinese Jewelry, carved amber and gold. 3. Filagree Bracelet, serpents, &c. — India. 4. Tiger-Claw Jewelry from India. — Lent by Madame Vouros. 5. Old Spanish Cross. 6. Bare Old Cameo — cut in stone. 7. Old Scandinavian Wedding Bing. 8. Old Scandinavian Wedding Bing. 9. Old Scandinavian Wedding Ring — for neck. 10. Copy of Bracelet found in Pompeii. 11. Bing found in Pompeii. 57 12. fcTwo Moorish Lamps. — Lent by Mrs. Ely Goddard. 13. Audience Hall — Delhi (large). 14. Golden Temple — Univetzur (large.) 15. Tomb of Rurgert-Singh — Lahore (small). 16. Taj Delhi (small). 17. Portrait of Noormahal (small). 18. Small Paintings — seven on one card. — Lent by C. H. Rockwell, Esq. 19. Old Italian Cross.— Lent by Mrs. Howard Crosby. 1117 Cabinet containing, 1. Berlin perforated Fruit Dish, 1750. 2. Sevres Center Piece Celadin. 3. Marie Antoinette Cup, Saucer and Cover. 4. Dresden Perforated Box (round), 1796. 5. Dresden Cup and Saucer, dark blue, 1770. 6. Berlin Fluted Jars, 1750. 7. Ivory figures. 8. Imperial Chinese Soup Bowl (3 pieces). 9. Hungarian Bowl and Ewer, open work. 10. Ivory Figures. 11. Small Jeweled Sevres Vases, pate tendie, 1753. 12. Sugar Bowl, Austrian, 1800. 13 . Cream Cup, Austrian, 1800. 14. Small Hungarian Dish. 15. Louis""XV. Sevres Vases. 16. Meissen Cups, with initials B. F., 1709. 17. Austrian Tea Set and Platter, with Chinese decoration, 1800. 18. Meissen Cups, with initials B. F., 1709. 19. Small Jeweled Sevres Vases, pftte tendre, 1753. 20. Sevres Cashepot, 1793. 21. Louis XV. Sevres Vases. 22. Majolica Vases. — Lent by Mrs. Robert Eemsen. 23. Old Boman Clock. 24. Enameled Salt Cellar, old. 25. Small Brass Clock, old Italian 26. Old Persian Cup. — Lent by D. Maitland Armstrong, Esq. 27. Five Plates, scenes from the story of the Prodigal Son (delft). — Lent by Sidney Webster, Esq. 28. Fine Benares Brass. — Lent by Mrs. D. M. Stimson. 29. Two Incense Burners. — Lent by Mrs. Ely-Goodard. 1118 Roman Apron, old— Lent by D. Maitland Arm strong, Esq. 1119 Pastel Portrait of Louis XV s Daughterly Dela- tour — Lent by Capt. Astie. 1120 Group— Lent by W. S. Hoyt, .Esq., including : Old German Spinning Wheel; a Chinese Temple Drum; Old Chinese Vase, enamel on copper; Cross-bow, 13th century; Italian Armor, 17th century ; French Halberd; Spanish Arquebuse, 1680 ; Japanese Helmet, etc. 58 1121 Exhibits by the Society of Decorative Art, occupying the west end of the south or large gallery. All articles in this group are for sale. 1122 Case containing Prints by Early Italian Masters.— Lent by Henry F. Sewall, Esq. 1 A. Veneziano, " Venus and Cupid," after Baphael. 2 Marco da Ravenna, " Venus and Cupid on Dolphins," after Raphael. 3 A. Veneziano, "Hercules and the Lion," after Raphael. 4 " "A Cupid pouring water over another,'' after Raphael. 5 Marc Antonio, "The Wine Press," after Raphael. 6 " "St. Peter," 7 Antonio Pollainolo, "A Combat of Gladiators," 8 Andrea Mantegna, "Virgin and Child." 9 Marco da Ravenna, " Catena Dance," after Raphael. 10 Specimen of Niello Work, "An Emperor and followers." 11 " " Papal Conclave. " 12 Baccio Baldini, Vignette to the 2d Canto of the Inferno of Dante. Florence edition of 1481 (the first book in which copperplate prints were used). 13 Mocetto, "The Calumny of Apelles" (background a square in Venice). 14 Andrea Mantegna, " The Entombment. " 1123 Case containing prints of early Italian masters. — Lent by H. F. Sewall, Esq. 1 Marc Antonio. " Mary and Martha ascending the steps of the Temple," after Baphael. 2 "Cupid and the Graces," from Raphael's fresco in the Farnesina. 3 " "Jupiter and Cupid," the same. 4 ' ' Martyrdom of " St. .Felicita, ' ' after Raphael. 5 Marc Antonio. "Vulcan, Venus and Cupid," in the early manner of the Engraver, the figures in the style of Francia, and the back-ground imitated from Albert Durer. , 6 " " Peace," after Raphael. 59 7 Marc Antonio. " Holy Family," after Raphael. 8 " St. Cecilia," after Raphael. 9 " Mount Parnassus," from Raphael's draw ing for the Fresco in the Vatican. 10 " The Cassolette," from a drawing of Raph ael for a piece of silverware executed at Rome, for Francis 1st. 11 A. Veneziano. " The Man and Maiden," after Raphael. 12 Marc Antonio. " The Judgment of Paris," after Raphael. 1124 Case containing prints by old Italian masters — Lent by H. F. Sewall, Esq. : 1 A. Veneziano, "A Lion Hunt." 2 Ottavio Leone, 2 portraits. 3 Cherubino Alberti, "Portrait of Henri IV. of France." 4 Agostino Veneziano, " Portrait of Cosmo de Medici. " 5 Cornelius Van Dalen, "Portrait of Boccacio, after Titian." 6 Marc Antonio, " Portrait of Acliellini, a Bolognese Poet," in the early manner of the engraver. 7 Giorgio Ghisi, " Portrait of Michael Angelo. " 8 " " "Victory," after Julio Romano. 9 Marc Antonio, "Virgin and child and angels," copied from a wood cut of A. Durer. 10 Julio Bonasone, "Portrait of Raphael," from the life. 11 " " " Portrait of Cardinal Bembo. " 12 C. Van Dalen, "Portrait of Giorgione,'' after Titian. 13 Agostino Caracci, " Portrait of his father. " 1125 Case containing Prints, by old Italian Masters. — Lent by H. F. Sewall, Esq. 1 Ottavio Leone, "Portrait of Simon of Vouet," and another. 2 C. Van Dalen, " Portrait of Areteno," after Titian. 3 Eneas Vico, "Portrait of Charles V., Emperor. 4 Martin Rota, ' ' Portrait of Ferdinand, Emperor. 5 Nic. Beatrizet, "Portrait of Ant. Salamanca," a Print Dealer in Borne. 6 Caesar Reverdino. "An Infant playing the Bagpipe to others Dancing." 7 Baptista Franco, "Scourging of Christ." 8 Mc. Beatrizet, " The Annunciation," after Michael Angelo. 1126 Case containing Prints by early German masters. — Lent by H. F. Sewall, Esq. 1 Martin Schoen. " St. Gabriel and the Dragon." 2 " " Virgin and child. " 60 3 Martin Schoen. "Crucifixion." 4 " "The Adoration ofthe Kings." 5 " "Symbol of St. Luke." 6 " "Baptism of Christ." 7 " "Peasant and Family Going to Market." 8 " " Repose in Egypt. " 9 Israel Von Meoken. ' ' A Music Party. " 10 " "A Similar Subject." 11 Martin Schoen. "Two Goldsmith's Apprentices Fighting." 12 Anonymous master. "A Playing Card," Corea, 1470. 13 Martin Schoen. " A Griffin. " 14 Israel Von Mecken. " The Five Foolish Virgins." 15 Franz Von Bocholt. " Sampson and the Lion." 16 Martin Schoen. " The Nativity. " 17 Israel Von Mecken. " The Crucifixion." 18 Israel Von Mecken. " The Flagellation." 19 " "The Five Wise Virgins." 1127 Case containing printSgby Albert Durer. — Lent by H. F. Sewall, Esq. 1 The Cannon — Landscape. (Engraved on Iron). 2 The Great Fortune. 3 A Coat of Arms. 4 Virgin and Child. 5 Virgin and Child. 6 Portrait of Albert Durer, by Melchior Lorch. 7 St. Jerome in the Desert. 8 The War Horse. 9 The Knight of Death. 10 Nemesis. 11 St. Sebastian. 12 The Three Winged Genii. 13 The Melancholy. 14 Portrait of Perckheimer. 15 Portrait of the Elector Frederick of Saxony. 16 Portrait of the Elector Albert of Mayence. 1128 Case containing Prints by Albert Durer — Lent by H. F. Sewall, Esq. : 1 The Crucifixion. 2 Dance of Peasants. 3 Virgin and Child. 4 The Witch. 5 St. Anothony near the City. 6 Virgin and Child. 61 7 St. Sebastian attached to a Pillar. 8 The penance of St. Chrysostom— St. Genevieve in the fore ground. 9 Virgin and Child on a Crescent. 10 The Peasant and his Wife at Market. 11 The Satyr and his Family. 12 A Peasant Scolding his Wife. 13 The Coat of Arms with the Skull. 14 Study of Figures. (An iron plate.) 15 St. Jerome Writing in his Room, 16 Adam and Eve, 17 'The Knight and Lady. 18 The Sndarium. (An iron plate.) 19 The Miraculous Conversion of St. Hubert. 20 The Prodigal Son. 1129 Case containing prints by the "little" German Masters, and other Germans of the period im mediately following — A. Durer. — Lent by H. F. Sewall, Esq. 1 George Penz, "Thetis advising Chiron respecting the edu cation of Achilles." 2 Hans Lautensack, " A Landscape." 3 G. Penz, " Jason and Medea." 4 Anonymous Master, using initials F. G., " Mutuis Scaevola. " 5 H. Lautensack, " His own portrait." 6 Hans Brosamer, A Portrait. 7 H. Lautensack, Portrait of Schurstab. 8 Hans Beham "Judith with the head of Holof ernes. " 9 Anonymous Master, of the initials H. L., "Angels with the Symbols of the Passion " i 10 Lucas Krug, "Nativity." 11 Mair, • ¦ A young gentleman making a call. " 12 Henry Aldegrever, " His own portrait." 13 Bartholomew Beham, " Portrait of the Emperor Ferdinand." 14 Anonymous Master, of the initials I. B., " Portrait of Me- lancthon. " 15 Hans Beham, " Five small subjects. " * 16 Albert Altdorfer, "Portrait of Luther." 17 Hans Beham, " The Christian Religion Victorious," three states of the same plate. 18 David Hopfer, " Subjects from the Proverbs of Solomon." 19 Henry Aldegrever, "The labors of Hercules," in thirteen pieces. 6"2 1130 Case of Prints by Lucas VanlLeyden.— Lentfby H. F. Sewall, Esq. 1 Portrait of a Young Man. 2 Two circles of Infants. 3 Sampson and Delilah. 4 Repose jn Egypt. 5 Virgin and Child standing on a crescent. 6 Cain killing Abel. 7 St. Catharine. 8 Esther in the presence of Ahasuerus. 9 Solomon adoring the Idols. 10 Portrait of Lucas. 11 St. Jerome. 12 Faith, Hope and Charity. 13 The Triumph of Mordecai. 14 Susannah of the Elders. 15 David playing the Harp before Saul. 1131 Case containing etchings by Jacques Callot and by Claude Lorraine — Lent by H. F. Sewall, Esq. 1 Callot. " St. Nicholas Preaching at the entrance of a Wood. 2 Claude. " Landscape— The Wooden Bridge," and a counter- proof of the same. 3 Callot. " History of the Prodigal Son," on 11 pieces. 4 Claude. "The Flight into Egypt." 5 Callot. " Festival on the Arno. " 6 " " Portrait of Deruet. " 7 Claude. " Landscape — Time, Apollo and the Seasons." 8 " "Landscape — The Draughtsman. " 9 Callot. "View in Paris." 10 Claude. " Cattle Drinking," and 2 other small sketches. 11 Callot. "Pandora." 12 Claude. " Landscape—Herdsmen and Cattle. " 13 Callot. ' ' View in Paris. " 14 " " Punishments in the great Square of Florence." 15 Claude. "View of a Seaport." 1132 Case containing Prints — Lent by H. F. Sewall,. Esq. 1 Henry Goltzius and his pupils, Muller and Matham. 2 Triumph of Galatea, after Raphael's fresco in the Farnesina. 3 A Chiar-obscuro, wood cut. 4 Portrait of Buyckn, by John Muller. 5 Portrait of Coenhert, the master of Goltzius. 6 Danfe, by James Matham. 63 7 An anonymous Portrait. 8 Portrait of Broeckhor. 9 Portrait of John Bol. 10 Portrait of Ortelius. 11 Portrait of Young Frisius and his Dog. 12 Portrait of Olivier, by James Matham. 13 Portrait of Nicquetius. 14 The Slaughter of the Innocents, an unfinished piece. 15 A portrait of Goltzius. 16 Portrait of Mademoiselle D'Egmont. 17 Portrait of Coenhert, by an engraver of the school' of Goltzius. 18 Dead Christ in the Lap of the Virgin, engraved in the man ner of Albert Durer. 1133 Case containing Prints, Dutch Etchers — Lent by H. F. Sewall, Esq. : 1 Antony Waterlo, " Landscape, with the Death of Adonis." 2 Paul Potter, " The Piping Shepherd. " 3 Nicolas Berghem, "The Three Cows in Repose. " 4 AldertEverdingen, "Landscape — Wild Scenery. " 5PeterBoel, " The Boar Hunt. " 6 Cornelius Visscher, " Portrait of his Mother." 7 Godfrey Schalcken, "Portrait of Gerard Douw — his Master." 8 Nicolas Bergen, " The Ruined Fountain — Shepherd and Cattle." 9 Herman Swanavelt, -'Landscape — Venus Lamenting the Death of Adonis." 10 Herman Sal't-leven, ' ' Landscape— The Cottage near the Rocks. " 11 Cornelius Dusart, ' ' Scene in a Cabaret. " 1134 Case containing prints by and after Anthony Van Dyck.— Lent by H. F. Sewall, Esq. 1 Portrait of Van Dyck, engraved by Vorsterman. 2 " the Earl of Mansfield, engraved by Van Voersfc. 3 ' ' Peter Breughel, etched by Van Dyck. 4 " John Breughel, " 5 " Franciscus Franck, " 6 " DeMomper, the head, " 7 " DeWael, " 8 Christ presented with the Reed, " 9 Portrait of Antonio DeLasys, engraved by Neefs. 10 Van Dyck's Wife and Child, engraved by Bartolozzi. 64 11 Portrait of Philip LeRoy, engraved by Pontius. 12 " Countess of Casklhaven, engraved by Lombart. 13 '' Delmonte, engraved by Vorsterman, the head etched by Van Dyck. 14 Portrait of Justus Lipsius, engraved by Bolswaert. 15 Holy Family, " 16 Portrait of Van Dyck, the head etched by himself, the print finished by Neefs for the " Centum Icones." 1135 Case containing Prints, Rembrandt's Etchings— Lent by H. F. Sewall, Esq. 1 The Ecce Homo. 2 Christ Preaching. 3 Portrait of Himself as a Youth . 4 " " " Leaning on a Stone Sill. 5 " " Utenbogardus, the Gold Weigher. 6 " " Coppenol, called " The Little Coppenol. " 7 Christ Healing the Sick, called " The Hundred Guilder Print." 8 The Three Crosses. 9 The Old Man with White Beard. ( 10 An Old Woman, called Bembrandt's Mother. 11 Portrait of Himself — Drawing. 12 Portrait of Saskia, his wife, called " The Great Jewish Bride." 1136 Case containing Rembrandt's Etchings. 1 Portrait of Coppenol, called "The Great Coppenol." 2 The Same— The plate cut down. 3 Peter and John at the Beautiful Gate of the Temple. 4 Abraham and Hagar. 5 The Woman Sitting before a Dutch Stove, 3d state. 6 The same, 4th state. 7 The Card-Player, 1st State. 8 The same, 2d state. 9 The same, 3d state. 10 Portrait of Lutma, the Goldsmith. 11 Landscape, called Six's Bridge. 12 The Rat-Catcher. 13 Landscape with Windmill. 14 " with Man Drawing. 15 " with Obelisk. 16 " with Canal. 17 Portrait of Young Haaring. 18 " " Cornelius Ansloo. 19 Landscape, called the Three Trees. 65 1137 Case containing 14 prints, portraits by engravers of the French school, lent by H. F. Sewall, Esq. 1 Gerard Edelinck. Portrait of Charles Le Brun. 2 Ficquet. " Crebillon. 3 Pierre Drevel. " The Duke of Orleans, son of the Regent. 4 Nanteuil. " Louis XIV. 5 Thos. de Leu. " Marie de Medici. 6 Ficquet. ' ' Madame de Maintenon. 7 The same. " Rigaud. 8 Nanteuil. " Louis XIV. 9 The same. " Anne of Austria. 10 Van Schuppen. " Louis XTV. 11 Nanteuil. " Queen Christina of Sweden. 12 Thos. de Leu. " Henry IV 13 Masson. " Brisacier. 14 Morin. " Carlo Borromeo, 1138 Case containing Modern Etchings, early proofs, some very rare. — Lent by Samuel P. Avery, Esq. 1 Daubigny, Landscape. 2 " " 3 Menyon, La Gallerie de Notre Dame. 4 Menyon, Le Stryge. 5 Millais, " Spring Flowers. rt 6 Galliet, "War." 7 Corot, "Landscape." 8 J. F. Millet, "La Jacotense." 9 J. F. Millet. "La Cordeuse." 10 Bosseau, "Landscape." 11 Pleauvre, "Landscape." 12 Storm and Gravesands, "Return from Fishing." 1139 Case containing Modern Etchings, eleven early proofs, some very rare. — Samuel P. Avery, Esq. 1 Chaplin, " Drove of Swine. " 2 Flaming, after Rembrandt. 3 Bracquemont, "Portrait." 4 Jules Jacquemart, after Reynolds. 5 Bracquemont, after Turner. 6 Flaming, " Sketches from Nature, etc." 7 Flaming, " Rotterdam. " 8 Detaille, " Trial Plate. " 9 Flaming, " Portrait of Meryon. " 10 Detaille, "A Cuirassier." 11 Flaming, " Portrait of De Labre. " 66 1140 Case containining Modern Etchings, nine early proofs, some very rare.— Samuel P. Avery, Esq. 1 Coutry. After Van Marcke. 2 Hook. " Scene in Holland." 3 Daubigny. 4 Redgrave. " On the Thames. " 5 Jules Jacquemart. "Medallion portrait, TheopbiU Gautier." 6 Lalanne. " French Coast. " 7 Haden. " Study of Trees. " 8 Haden. " Road through a Wood. 9 Haden. " Old Chelsea. " 1141 Case containing Eleven Modern Etchings, early proofs. — S. P. Avery, Esq. 1 Legros, Portrait of Thos. Carlyle. " 2 Jules Jacquemart, ' ' A Mask. " 3 Philip Gilbert Hamerton, "Two Stumps of Driftwood. 4 Bellay, "Portrait of Paul Baudry. " 5 Ribot, "Portrait of Vollon." 6 Desboutin, "Portrait of Lepic." 7 Rajon, "Portrait of Mrs. Rose." 8 Whistler "Joe." 9 " "Annie Haden." 10 " "Rotherhithe." 11 Meryon, "LaMorgue," with autograph verses. 1142 Portrait of the Emperor Maximilian. — Artist, Diirer. 1143 Portrait of Luther. — Hans Brosamer. 1144 Portrait of Catherine Von Boren, wife of Luther. — Hans Brosamer. 1145 Church of the Virgin at Ratisbon. — Artist tin- known. 1146 Portrait of Varnbuler. — Diirer. 1147 Portrait of Diirer. — Attributed to Diirer, but prob ably not his. 1148 The Crown of Thorns.— Attributed to Diirer, but not by him. This is signed A. K. 1149 The Nativity.— Boldrini. 67 1150 The Martyrdom of the Roman Legion. Italian School, 16th century. — Artist unknown. One of the largest known woodcuts. 1151 Caricature of the Laocoon. — Attributed to Titian, said to have been drawn by him to ridicule Bandinelli and the prevailing mania for ancient art. Engraved by Boldrini. 1152 Sampson. — Designed by Titian. Engraved by Boldrini. 1153, 54, 55 Portraits of Charles V. by Lucas Cranac. 1156 The Last Supper. — Cartoon, by Am. Seitz. Len* by W. H. Osborn, Esq. 1157 The Ascension. — Cartoon, by Seitz. Loaned by William H. Osborn, Esq. 1158 Portrait of Madame de Genlis. 1159, 1160 Chinese Vases, blue and gold.— W. C. Prime, Esq. 1161 Old Persian Vase — bronze and enamel. Lent by Sidney Webster, Esq. 1162 Old Genoese Velvet. Lent by D. Maitland Armstrong, Esq. 1163, 1164 Vases. TOWN TOPICS Meicie's ' ' David, ' ' is one of the finest models of youthful beauty modern art has produced. " Une Bouquetiere" a bronze bust by Aizelin, is one ofthe most recently imported works. The new Faun, by C. Mariolon, of Paris, is one of the most interesting bronze figures recently published. A reproduction of the charming figure of Youth, from the tomb of the lamented Regnault, is exhibited at Tiffany's. Pink and black Pearls, Catseyes, Moonstones, Asterias, Hyacinths and other rare Jewels not widely known, are much sought after by persons of taste. Messrs. Tiffany & Co., devote the whole of their second floor to the display of their magnificent collection of Bronzes and other artistic metal work. Messrs. Tiffany & Co'S large stock of Fans includes a great variety of elegant paintings upon kid and silk, and some novel combinations of lace with painted medallions. The Sancta Maria of E. Delaplanche, now on exhibition at Tiffany's, is an interesting and impressive work. The features are of a darker shade than the body of the figure, and the effect of the remarkable drapery is heightened by touches of gilding upon the high lights. The fashion of wearing tiger's claws set as articles of personal ornament, has extended from England to this country. A beautiful Scarf Pin at Tiffany's has a claw mounted with a delicate tracery of gold, and a miniature tiger of gold, exquisitely sculptured, standing on all fours. Messrs. Tiffany & Co., the great Jewelers of New York City, have issued a little pamphlet, for complimentary distribution that cannot fail to be of service to .persons having gifts to select. It contains a condensed account of each of their departments, and lists of articles appropriate for presents. They offer to mail it to any address on request. Messrs. TIFFANY & CO., have made extensive prepara tions for the approaching CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS. Their stock of Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Silverware, Artistic Bronzes, Keramics, Bric-a-Brac, Stationery and elegant articles of vertu is the largest and most varied ever exhibited. After December the 10th until Christmas, the establishment will be kept open during the evenings, and the rare opportunity afforded of inspecting this brilliant collection of artistic goods by gaslight. Union Square, New York. TIFFANY & CO. will send to any address, on request, a little pamphlet they have recently published giving a short account of each of their departments, lists of articles appropriate for presents for Ladies, Gentlemen and Children, and blank spaces on each page for memoranda. ADDEESS AS ABOVE. f&- (!) DAYIS COLLAMORE & CO., T4T MtOADWAY* ESTABLISHED 1848. ISIE'W" YORK. IMPORTERS OF Pottery, Porcelain, J) -AND- GLASS. Special attention is given to matching old sets of China and Glass, and family patterns are not copied unless by permission. ^j/qgte, |(i|itkk anil ^{pttogranys Engraved on Glass or Decorated on China in the Most Artistic Manner. " BENNETT FAIENCE " NOW ON EXHIBITION. *&> () P. J. ULRICH, IMPOETEE AND MANUFAGTUEEE OP Hi m. RTISWfej —FOR- Painting, Drawing, Modeling, Gilding, Decal- comanie, Wax Works, Etc. ALSO, OBJECTS OF ART, The Most Complete Assortment at Moderate Prices. 120 Fourth Avenue, Corner 12th Street, rill. f ^***J ' ' ' . ' ; " gT'j I GILMAN COLLAMORE, 731 Broadway, N. Y. 'Would call trie attention of Collector's to Tuts fine collection, of ARTISTIC POTTERY, FAIENCES Deck,, HcLvilancL, JJaarin, Schopin, Doulton, rfc. PORCELAINS from Dresden, (Royal Worcester, JUTinton, CopelanoZ, anoZ the various French, Manufactories. Also to his immense Stock of Dinner and, breakfast Sets of French and Eng lish rn,aru2factare. All at VERY Reasonable Prices. 731 BROADWAY, (¦LOne Door above Waverly Place, NEW YORK. .1 ' >==*- £ BAWO & DOTTER, IMPORTERS, 30 & 32 BARCLAY ST., NEW YORK. 3 RU DE LA FONDERIE, LIMOGES, FRANCE. OFFER AT RETAIL FROM THEIR DIRECT IMPORTATIONS, . Dinner, Tea and Chamber Sets, AND OTHER DECORATED CHINAS, Bohemian Vases and Toilet Sets, Parian Marble Figures, Groups and Busts, BOHEMIAN FAIENCE, FRENCH CLOCKS, ETC., ETC. Our display will meet refined tastes, and an inspection is invited from lovers of the beautiful. () During the Holidays, all goods at Retail at Importation Prices. () TRADE MASK. F. W. DEYOE & CO., Corner of Fulton and William Streets, New York, MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS OF ARTISTS7 MATERIALS. (Factories : — Horatio and Jane Streets, New York.) F. W. DEVOE & CO., MA"NTJFACTTJREES OIF ARTISTS' OIL COLORS, IN TUBES; Cara, Acateii Boards, Hoards, and Oil-SteMing Paners ; Fine Brushes for Oil and Water Color Painting, VARNISHES, WATER COLOR LIQUIDS, OILS, ETC. Drawing Papers Sketching Books and Blocks, Pencils, Mathematical Instruments, CHARCOAL AND CRAYON DRAWING MATERIALS, Illustrated Books on Art, Folding and Studio Easels, Drawing Boards, Studies, Manikins and Lay-Figures, Out-of-door Sketching Boxes. WINSOR & NEWTON'S CAKE AND MOIST WATER COLORS. Tube Colors, Canvas, Etc. ; also, French and German Goods. SCULPTORS' TOOLS, MODELING WAX AND CLAY. PLASTER CASTS FOR MODELS. ANTIQUE POTTERY AND PORCELAIN TILES, WITH MATERIALS FOR POTTERY AND CHINA DECORATION. Fresco Designs and Colors, and Brushes for Fresco and Scenic Painting. WAX FLOWER SUPPLIES :— COLORS, TOOLS, MOULDS AND BRUSHES. Manufacturers or White Lead, Zixc White, Colors and Varnishes. Fred'k W. Devoe. James F. Drummond. Fred'k Saunders, Jr. J. Seaver Pagg "UNDER THE LILACS," By LOUISA M. ALCOTT, -A. SERIAL STORY FOE GIRLS, "TOWER-MOUNTAIN," by Gustavns Frankenstein, A "ROBINSON CRUSOE" STORY. BEGIN IN THE DECEMBER NUMBER OF ST. NICHOLAS. EDITION, 100,000 CO"E»I"E:iS. Some idea of the attractions offered in the VBJIISTMAS HOLIDAY NVMBES of St. Nicholas, of which 100,008 copies will be issued, „?? Ijf EW COVER is by the English Artist, WALTER OKANE, -the famous designer of " The Baby's Opera. " Christmas comes but once a year, When it comes it brings good cheer. maybe gained from the following: There are poems by HENRY W. LONGFELLOW and WILLIAM CUL- LEN BRYANT; a fine hitherto unpublished sketch of Boy Life, by the Late THEODORE WINTHROP ¦ and a short story by the author of " ALICE IN WONDER LAND;" a new fairy story, "Sweet Marjoram Day," by FRANK R STOCKTON, "THE PETERRK1NS, CHA RADES," by LUCRETlA P. HALE; a poetic riddle by Dr. J. G. HOLLAND, and a comparison between the manners of young folks m old times and nowadays, by GAIL HAMILTON. Of the Btory element, the brightest feature is the be ginning ofthe new serial by MISS ALCOTT, entitled '¦ UNDER THE LILACS," with illustrations by MARY HALLOCK FOOTE. " The story is quiet and lovely in feeling, full of life, and of quaint, jolly bits of childhood. It is character istic of MISS ALCOTT IN HER BEST VEIN; but it is not intended lor young readers of vitiated taste who need, or think they need, sensational stories. The BOY IN THE STORY is a character that will charm all BOYS fully as much as its girl readers. The Chr;stmas Number contains also the opening of a new SERIAL STORY FOR BOYS, a tale of tropical life, by GUSTAVUS FRANKENSTEIN, entitled "TOWER-MOUNTAIN." admirably illustrated by the artists Moran and Kelly ; A PORTRAIT OF MISS ALCOTT, with a sketch of her life; several poems by TWO LITTLK AMERICAN GIRLS ; a PLAY and a CHRISTMAS CAROL (set to music); and a halt dozen complete short stories, bright, funny, exciting and pathetic, &c, &c. o XCfi < E- 2S zo az< o ST. NICHOLAS FOR 1878, Besides Miss Alcott's serial for Girls, and the three serials for Boys, to follow each other in rapid success- sion, will contain a short serial story by the AUTHOR OF "THE SCHONBERGCOTTA FAMILY;" and an article, "AROUND THE WORLD IN A YACHT, BOYSI" has been promised by a brilliant writer, now on the actual tour of the world in his own yacht. There will be contributions by a DAUGHTER OF THE FAMOUS PETER PARLEY, and a Letter to Young Americans by GEORGE MACDONALD. The "HOW" SERIES of instructive papers, by various authors, will tell HO ,v to bind your own books ; HOW they mine coal; HOW "to enjoy yourselves at home; HOW to be an agreeable guest; HOW to enter tain company ; HOW to be a carpenter; HOW to make an ice-boat; HOW to build a house; HOW India Rub ber is gathered; HOW matches are made; HOW money is made; HOW mackerel are caught; HOW they laid the Atlantic cable; HOW they mine in California; HOW they work in the tea-country; HOW to be a parlor magician; etc. There will be also a series of stories and sketches of Foreign Life. TRAVEL AND AltVENTXTRE, such as "Old Nicolai," (a Russian Story), "A Day among the "Welsh Castles," "Easter in Germany," " The Indians of the Amazon," " How Kitty was lost in a Turkish Bazaar," " Master Montezuma," (a Mex ican story), "Hansa, the Lapp Maiden," and many others. " Jack-in-the-Pulpit," '-Young Contributors' De partment,'' "Letter-Box," "Riddle-Box," and "For Very Little Folks," will be continued. The Tour bound volumes of St. Nicholas already published are the most wonderful, beautiful and attract ¦ ive Christmas Present for Young People. Each volume is complete in itself. Vols. 1 and 2, $3.00, .Vols. 3 and 4 '$4.00 each. Subscription Price, $3.00 a Year, postage paid. Single copies, 25 cents each. Sold by all Book-Sellers and News-Dealers. SCRIBNER & CO., 743 Broadway, New-York. jms imieiiiiT. BENTLEY BEOS. MArJUFACTTJEEES AUD IMPOETEES OP AN D N OYELTIES IN Ladies' Fancy Needlework. 102 WALKER STREET, N. Y. Send stamp for Catalogue and Price-List of APPLIQUE PATTERNS, Crewel Work, Russia Embroidery, Roman Embroidery, Aida Canvas Embroi dery, Cretonne Embroidery, Stamped Goods, Stamping Patterns, Rugs, Lambrequins, Wall-Pockets, Cigar-Cases, &c EMBROIDERY TO ORDER FOR THE TRADE IN ANY QUANTITY. We have a special line of Embroidery Silk, made expressly for Artistic Embroidery. Sample Cards on application. tf RUFUS M. BRUNDIGE, 880 & 882 BROADWAY (Opposite Arnold, Constable & Co,) JWFORTER AND DEAI.EF JH FRENCH CHINAS, - GLASS-WARE TABLE CUTLERY FANCY GOODS, &c &c, SUITED FOR HOLIDAY AND BRIDAL GIFTS, AT Degorated Dinner Sets, " 237 pieces, $60 00 Ivory Handle: Dessert Knives, - per doz. 2 50 Crystal-EngraveD-Sets, - 64 pieces, 25 00 China- Decorated, and Glass Cut and Engraved to Pattern, with Initials, Crests, Monograms, Etc. POTTERY FOR DECORATION, <> -&r W^h Art and Candles. Wsl*- Among the 'many attractive things in the way of Deco rative Art are the Painted Candles. They are an adornment to the Parlor,- Ballroom, or Boudoir, and the designs and work put upon them are such as to stand the same criticism as painting upon" canvas. They consist of Decorations to match Interiors, Furniture (Antique or Modern), Wall Ornaments, Original Drawings, Birds, Figures, Flowers, Bouquets, Monograms — for Wed dings or individuals, Family Crests, Silhouettes, , in feet everything Artistic. The first to introduce these articles to the American public were the Allan Hay Co., No. 1179 Broadway, New York. In their Salesroom are to be found the choicest patterns. The newest features among them are the Egyptian, Persian, Turkish and Chinese designs, in character and hiero glyphics, with interpretaiions, which will be prized by the Scholar as well as admired for beauty of execution. The Allan Hay Co. begs to advise parties in quest of these goods to give them a call, as their importations are large and they mean to lead in this business. They give special attention to ornamenting candles for Parties, Weddings, etc. Also, for the Church, Ecclesiastical De signs, and Latin Inscriptions. We call special attention to our Tinted Candles, such as Ladies' Boudoir (a twisted pattern), in pink, green, laven der, and assorted. Also, Field's Self-Fitting Ends, in plain white and colors. C> « i?s- E. WELLS SACKETT. -g**E GEO. W. SACKETT. •^ ^s SackEtt ^ CORSES OF BINE. 56 AND 58.'iWlLLIAM STREET, New York. BARBOUR'S IRISH FLAX THREADS, FOR IJVEI'IESRI-A.lLi MACRAME LACE, UP-TOWN DEPOT For the sale of Threads and the "LACE BOOK," and Instructions in Lace Making, DOMESTIC SEWING MACHINE COMPANY BUILDING, CORNER 14th STREET AND BROADWAY. 134 Church Street, New York, 153 Franklin Street, Boston, 1