¦, •¦ fl..,,, ;!'.,;.)¦) ¦•sjc i' '- I r* ;^ii:^ ^,1 I, YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY In Memory of RUSSELL LORD Yale 1910 S from the fund established in 1928 by his mother MRS. JOHN BRACKETT LORD NOTHING BUT NAMES NOTHING BUT NAMES AN INQUIRY INTO THE ORIGIN OF THE NAMES OF THE COUNTIES AND TOWNSHIPS OF ONTARIO BY HERBERT FAIRBAIRN GARDINER, M.A. Hamilton, Canada ¦Names are the pegs of history" Schoolcraft Toronto George N. Morang and Company, Limited 1899 Entered according to Act of ParUament of Canada, in the year one thoii.sand eig:ht hundred and ninety-nine, by George N. Morang & Company, Limited, in the office of the Minister of Agriculture. CaT^.2^0 PREFACE. Quote from my work as much as e'er you please ; For extracts, Io ! I'll put no angry face on ; Nor fill a hungry lawyer's fist with fees, To squeeze John Murray like the furious Mason. — Peter Pindar. Should any reader of this book feel disposed to demand his money back, his outraged feelings may be mollified by the assurance that the book was not written with malice aforethought; like Mrs. Stowe's Topsy, it never was born — it grew. A casual conversation with a gentle man, whose name had been given to a new township in northern Ontario, suggested " Township Names '' as the topic for an address at a church entertainment, and the lecture notes have continued to expand until they reached their present dimensions. The ground covered is that part of Ontario south of Lake Nipissing. In the northern part of Nipissing district and in Algoma there are many out lined, but as yet unnamed, townships, to which names will be given as the surveyors go on with their work. The publication of a volume relating to the names of the northern and north-western townships can be very properly postponed until the surveys are completed, but the field covered by this volume was neglected too long, hence the present difficulty of making the record complete. With the best will in the world to give credit to whom credit is due, the author cannot undertake to enumerate the hundreds of books consulted, nor to name the scores of correspondents from whom he obtained infor mation. Some of them are referred to in the text. No vi NOTHING BUT NAMES delusions are entertained with regard to the possible popularity of a compilation of this kind. The book will interest one class of Canadian readers, and its usefulness as a book of reference will increase with the passage of the years. Perhaps its perusal may stimulate members of Historical Societies and others to put upon record, for the use of future historians, facts relating to place-names which a few years hence will otherwise be difficult to obtain. There is abundant scope for investigation of this kind, in the names of towns and villages, of lakes, bays and rivers — even in the names of streets in towns and cities. A name is selected for a well-known reason, of which no record is made ; in course of time all the people acquainted with that reason have died or moved away, and succeeding genera tions are left to wonder and to guess about the origin of the name. The writer makes no claim to omniscience nor to infallibility ; he has simply done the best he could with the materials obtainable, and he invites criticisms and corrections, either public or private, and promises to make good use in the future of any suggestions that may thus come to him. CONTENTS county and township NAMES Glengarry County Stormont Dundas Grenville LeedsPrescott Russell Carleton Lanark RenfrewFrontenac Addington Lennox Prince Edward Hastings Northumberland PeterboroughDurham Victoria Ontario York SimcoePeel dufferinHalton WellingtonWaterloo PAGE. • 9 i6 21 28 ¦ 34 43 • 49 53 . 6276 . 1 12 131 ¦ 143 148 • 155174 . 180 192 . 198210 . 216 223 • 232 256 . 242 246 • 256 viii NOTHING BUT NAMES PAGE, Wentworth County .... 261 Lincoln " . . . . . 267 Welland " ... 274 Haldimand " . . ... 281 Brant " ...... 289 Norfolk "..... . 293 Oxford " ...... 301 Elgin " . . . . . . 307 Middlesex " ...... 313 Kent " . . . . . . ., 324 Lambton " ...... 333 Essex " . ..... 341 Perth " ... . . 349 Huron " . . . . . . . 358 Bruce " . . . . . -371 Grey "... . . 383 Haliburton District MUSKOKA "...... Parry Sound " ..... 441 Nipissing " . . . . . . . 482 Manitoulin Island ...... 517 395 419 COUNTY AND TOWNSHIP NAMES The first duty of the historical chronicler is, by common consent, some inquiry into the reason for the nomenclature of that particular locality which he may have chosen for his depredations. In this particular instance, however, we confess with regret that, in spite of many hours of careful research, we have been quite unable to arrive at any definite conclusion. Why Kensington should be so called, antiquarians and such like do not tell us with unanimous voice, which alone would justify conviction. — British Realm. "In the city of Hamilton, township of Barton, county of Wentworth, Province of Ontario, Dominion of Canada, North America." Whence come all these proper names ? When and by whom were they applied to the localities indicated ? What do the words mean ? Why were they chosen in preference to other names ? George Hamilton, in the year 1 813, divided a portion of his farm, lot 15 in the third concession of Barton, into building lots, and his surname was given to the village thus brought into being. The name of Barton is copied from a town in Lincolnshire, England, because the Canadian county of Lincoln, at the time when the township was named, extended from the Niagara River to the Dundas Creek (Desjardins Canal), taking in Barton and all the rest of the present South Riding of Wentworth. Wentworth county was named in honor of Sir John Wentworth, Governor of Nova Scotia, for reasons which will be explained further on. The name Ontario was given to the old Province of Upper Canada at Confederation (1867) because the word Canada was required for wider application. The name was taken from 2 NOTHING BUT NAMES Lake Ontario, and the Indians used it to express their idea of a "Handsome Lake." Canada may be a corruption of the Spanish "il Capo di Nada" (Cape Nothing) repeated by the Indians to the French as " Aea Nada " (nothing here), or it may be from the Iroquois " Kanata " (a collection of huts). America took its name from Amerigo Vespucci, an Italian navigator, born 145 1. The study of names is interesting, as is proved by the frequent newspaper discussions on the origin of local names. Nor is there any limit to the field for investigation. Places are named after men, and men assume the names of places. A township in Huron county was called Stanley in honor of Lord Stanley, who was Secretary for the Colonies, and one of Lord Stanle}''s ancestors took the name of Stanleigh from a stony tract of country in England. Arthur Collins, the author of the " peerage," published toward the close of the eighteenth century, wrote : " All our antiquaries agree that surnames have been taken from castles, manors, offices, etc., and that it was usual in former ages for younger sons to denominate themselves from the possessions or abodes of their ancestors." The names of places in Ontario have, with a few exceptions, been conferred within the last no years. After the Peace of Versailles the claims of the supporters of British monarchy, known as the United Empire Loyalists, caused the creation in Canada of the new pro vince now called Ontario. To the west of the river Ottawa lay a rich and extensive territory, which, at the close of the Revolutionary war, had scarcely begun to be settled. The great region enclosed by the Lakes and the St. Lawrence had less than 2,000 European dwellers gathered round the fortified posts on the rivers St. Lawrence, Niagara and St. Clair. With a view of separating the Loyalist refugees from the old French COUNTY AND TOWNSHIP NAMES 3 population, the home authorities caused Haldimand, the Governor of Canada, to have surveys made along the upper course of the St. Lawrence, on the northern shore of Lake Ontario, and on the rivers Niagara and St. Clair. Haldimand was not at first enthusiastic in the business, for on November 27, 1783, he wrote from Quebec to Lord North, saying that Canada would be of little service as a commercial country, and it would be useless to incur expense in defending it. He said the frontier to the east of the St. Lawrence should be left unsettled for some time, and then be settled by French Canadians, as an antidote to the restless New England population. He enlarged upon the danger of mischief by the settling of Loyalists, who could not agree with the Americans, and said that he would settle them on the St. Lawrence, towards the Ottawa, and on the Bay of Chaleurs. During the year 1784 about ten thousand new colonists were planted in Upper Canada or Ontario. Large numbers of disbanded officers and soldiers, with civilians who were quitting the United States as British Loyalists, thus became the pioneers of civilization and founders of a new colony. Governor Haldimand was recalled in 1785. In 1788 Lord Dorchester issued a proclamation, dated at the castle of St. Louis, Quebec, forming a certain number of new districts in the Province of Quebec. The territory afterward included in Upper Canada was formed into four districts, viz. : Lunenburg (properly Luneburg), which extended from the borders of Lower Canada to the Gananoque River ; Mecklenburg, from the Gananoque to the Trent ; Nassau, from the Trent River to Long Point on Lake Erie ; Hesse, which embraced the remaining parts of Western Canada, including Detroit. To each of these districts were appointed a Judge and a Sheriff. In 1791 the Pitt Act was passed, making Upper 4 NOTHING BUT NAMES Canada and Lower Canada separate provinces. At that time there were distributed along the St. Lawrence, the Bay of Quinte, Niagara frontier, Amherstburg, with the French settlement on the Thames, and the Indians at Grand River, about 20,000 souls, nearly all of whom had found their way into what is now the Province of Ontario since the close of the American War of the Revolution in 1783. Colonel John Graves Simcoe, the pioneer Governor of Upper Canada, who was Lieutenant-Governor under Lord Dorchester, entered upon the duties of his office July 8, 1792. Governor Simcoe divided the province into nineteen counties, which he called Glengarry, Stormont, Dundas, Grenville, Leeds, Frontenac, Ontario, Addington, Lennox, Prince Edward, Hastings, Northumberland, Durham, York, Lincoln, Norfolk, Suffolk, Essex, Kent. Simcoe's Ontario county included Wolfe, Howe, Amherst and the other islands between Gananoque and Prince Edward county. It was soon abolished, and does not appear on the map of 1798. Suffolk was located about where Elgin is now. The first Parliament of Upper Canada, in 1792, changed the names of the districts to Eastern, Midland, Home and Western. In the session of 1798, a bill was passed, "to ascertain and establish the boundary lines of the different townships of the province," and another bill forming eight districts, twenty-three counties and 158 townships. A map of the province, on the scale of twenty miles to one inch, was prepared by D. W. Smith, Acting Sur veyor-General of Upper Canada, a copy of which is given in the Dominion Archives of 1891. This map shows the Province of Ontario, as it was organized 100 years ago, and it will be referred to frequently in the following pages. COUNTY AND TOWNSHIP NAMES 5 Mr. C. C. James, in his paper on Municipal Govern ment, says the township is the basis or beginning of municipal organization in Ontario. Toward the close of the eighteenth century the first settlers brought to this province the township form of government of New Eng land, as distinguished from the county government of Virginia and neighboring States. In. the. early settlement of Ontario natural conditions had much to do with fixing the boundaries of the townships which were first laid out or surveyed along the St. Lawrence River, around the Bay of Quinte, in the Niagara Peninsula and in the vicinity of Detroit. These first scattered sections of settlements were gradually connected by government roads, military roads in some cases. As population increased new townships were surveyed along these roads. The result was a great variety in the size and the shape of the first townships. Dr. William Canniff, author of " The Settlement of Upper Canada" (1869) makes the following observations on the selection of place-names in Upper Canada : " The practice of naming places, rivers, etc., after Royal personages and those occupying prominent places in the public service, naturally arose from the intense loyalty which reigned in the bosoms of all who had for saken their old homes to settle under the old flag in the wilderness. It will be observed how general was the habit to give names derived from Great Britain and Englishmen. The most notable exception to this is found in connection with those places that received names during the time of Sir Peregrine Maitland, who had a fancy for bestowing Spanish names." Ontario's township and county names have been taken from the names of places in England, Ireland and Scotland ; from the names and titles of British statesmen, many of whom had official relations with the colony ; from the 6 NOTHING BUT NAMES soldiers and sailors who helped to acquire or to preserve Canada for the British Crown ; from King George the Third and his fifteen more or less interesting children and their titles ; from the Governors, Judges and other officials who have lived and labored in Canada ; while not a few of them were named after men whose chief title to distinction was their persistency and success in land-grabbing. Then there are Scripture names, botanical names and names of animals ; Greek names and Latin names ; French and Spanish names ; Christian names as well as surnames ; names of men eminent in science, and names of wild Indians. In tracing the origin of such a motley collection of names the investigator may be easily induced to follow a false trail. The people of a township which bears a peculiar name are almost sure to have a theory with regard to the origin of the name, which has emanated from some body's fertile brain, received the sanction of tradition and perhaps got into print. Then it is often reported that the one man, who would have been able to tell all about a township name, died just two, or five, or ten years ago, without having imparted the secret to any survivor. The inference is that the collection of data for a book on town ship names has been postponed too long, yet there is always room for hope that the possessors of the missing links will put in an appearance in time to make their knowledge available. Prof William F. Ganong, in his " Monograph of the Place-Nomenclature of New Bruns wick," says : "To find an origin for a place-name is usually easy, but to find the true origin is often difficult and sometimes impossible. The speculations of early writers, before the period of critical investigation about origins, are of little value. In cases where the form of a word is plain, but the cause of its application obscure, contemporary history must COUNTY AND TOWNSHIP NAMES 7 be searched, and where this fails, tradition may be consulted. But tradition is the least trustworthy of evidence, and in affairs beyond the memory of the narrator quite as likely . to be wrong as right, while for affairs of ancient date it is worse than valueless. This is chiefly because the mind of man, while craving an explanation of remarkable things, is satisfied with a reasonable explanation and does not crave conviction as to its correctness. Hence legends, guided chiefly by accidental resemblances between words, grow up to explain the origin of place-names whose real origin has been forgotten. Europe is full of such (Antwerp, Mouse Tower on the Rhine, etc.)." The same author says : " Next to being able to give the exact history of a name, it is important to give its first recorded use, for this is a very long step towards finding its origin." In accordance with this instruction, the figures printed in parentheses after the county and township names in this book are intended to show that the names were bestowed at or shortly before the dates given. Where direct statement was available it has been used, as in Fothergill's Almanac of 1824, the information to immi grants that townships named Eldon, Fenelon, Verulam, Harvey, Douro, etc., " are now under survey,'' or in Smith's Canada (185 1) that two ranges of townships have been marked out west of Renfrew, and that three of these townships have been already named, viz. : Br-ougham, Wilberforce and Grattan. In other cases it has been necessary to depend upon circumstantial evidence, such as this : The townships of Keppel, Albemarle and St. Edmund's do not appear on the maps in Smith's Canada (185 1 ). It is known that Lord Bury, son of the Earl of Albemarle, was in Canada in 1855, and went back to England in 1856, and that these townships are named after his family and their titles. Ergo, the date 1855, for the 8 NOTHING BUT NAMES names Keppel, Albemarle and St. Edmund's. Where it is on record, and no better authority is obtainable, the date of survey is taken from the Crown Lands Reports. In a few cases traditions — some of them perhaps bordering upon the absurd — have been given, in the absence of better information, which has not been obtain able either by research or by correspondence. Even at the risk of repeating " what everybody knows," the plan of the writer is to tell a little story about each person, place or thing from whom or from which the county or township name is taken — a feature which will enhance the value of the compilation fifty years hence. When one observes how slight is the knowledge of the present-day schoolboy regarding the public men of the pre-Confederation period, it is possible to estimate the mystery which will surround some of the township names in northern Ontario half a century after the completion of the surveyor's work. In the preface to his " Sketches of Upper Canada " (1822), Robert Gourlay says : "The surveys made during the government of the Duke of Richmond, having been received from Upper Canada, are now added, including more than fifty townships. The mischief done by the Duke of Richmond in laying out so many townships for settle ment, and hurrying poor emigrants into the depths of the wilderness, without thought or preparation, was infinite : discomfort, want, ague and death." Some of the names conferred upon townships about that period, e.g., Kaladar, Mulmur and Garafraxa, have proved very elusive, necessi tating the resort to unreliable tradition which Prof Ganong so properly deprecates. GLENGARRY COUNTY GLENGARRY COUNTY (1792) It's " welcome Glengarry; thy Clansman's fast friend ; " It's " welcome to joys that shall ne'er have an end." The halls of great Odin are open to thee, O " welcome Glengarry, the gallant and free." — Sir Walter Scott, Glengarry takes its name from the famous glen in Inverness, Scotland, on the little river Garry — a charming valley, abounding in the most fascinating scenery. It has, in its beautiful Loch Garry, and its endless succession of birch-clad knolls, a character quite peculiar. Near the mouth of the Garry, and close to the loch, are the ruins of the ancient castle of Invergarry, situated on a rock. It was burnt by the Duke of Cumberland after the rebellion of 1745. The chief of the Macdonnells in 1839 sold his estate of Glenquoich to Edward Ellice, Esq., (see Ellice township), and emigrated, along with a considerable part of his clan, to Australia. Near Invergarry Castle a small monument, erected by the late Colonel Macdonell of Glen garry, commemorates the vengeance inflicted by a former chief of Glengarry on the murderers of the Keppoch family. This eccentric chief was the original of the character of Fergus Mclvor in the novel of " Waverley." Macaulay says that the history of the Highland clans abounds with frightful tales, some perhaps fabulous or exaggerated, some certainly true, of vindictive massacres and assassinations. The Macdonalds of Glengarry, for example, having been affronted by the people of a parish near Inverness, IO NOTHING BUT NAMES surrounded the parish church on a Sunday, shut the doors and burned the whole congregation alive. While the flames were raging, the hereditary musicians of the mur derers mocked the shrieks of the perishing crowd with the notes of the bagpipe. The same historian describes the Macdonald of Glengarry who flourished in the time of William III. as "conspicuous by his dark brow and his lofty stature," and adds that " none of the rulers of the mountains had a higher sense of his personal dignity, or was more frequently engaged in disputes with other chiefs." After the battle of Culloden, in 1746, many Scottish High landers left the land of their birth, and quite a number of them on the invitation of Sir William Johnson found a home in the Mohawk Valley, in the Province (now State) of New York. When the Revolutionary war broke out, they remained loyal to the King, and left the United States, fighting their way to Canada and settling on the Niagara frontier, on the Bay of Quinte and on the banks of the St. Lawrence, where are now the counties of Glengarry and Stormont. The last-named settlement was augmented in the following manner. Between the years 1780 and 1790, consolidation of the small farms in the Highlands of Scotland caused great distress to the dispossessed tenants. Bishop McDonnell, born 1761, found employment for many of them in the Glasgow factories, but when trade became dull and employment failed, he got the King's permission to raise a Catholic regiment, which did good service in repressing the Irish rebellion of 1798. The disbanding of the regiment during the Peace of Amiens, 1802, again reduced the Glengarry men to want, and the Bishop applied for land in Canada on which they might settle. Premier Addington (Lord Sidmouth) wanted to send them to Trinidad, but finally the Bishop got for every one of the Glengarry regiment, who would consent to emigrate, a GLENGARRY COUNTY n grant of 200 acres of land in Canada. The Bishop raised the Glengarry Fencibles regiment for the war of 1812, and for this and other services Earl Bathurst granted him a salary of ;^6oo a year, and made him the first diocesan Catholic Bishop in the British dominions since the Refor mation. In 1839 Bishop McDonnell went to England with his friend. Dr. Rolph, of Ancaster, to arrange for more emigration of Highlanders to Canada. He died there in 1 840, aged 79 years. LANCASTER TOWNSHIP (1787) My lord, my answer is — to Lancaster. — King Richard II, This township was named after the maritime county of Lancaster in England, situated on the Irish Sea and noted for the production of coal, copper, lead and iron. The title of Duke of Lancaster has generally been borne by the reigning sovereign since the time of John of Gaunt, and from the property belonging to the Duchy arises a considerable part of the land revenue of the Crown. Lancashire is now the great seat of the cotton manufacture. In the town of Lancaster a fortress existed in Saxon times, which was destroyed by the Picts and Scots. During the civil wars between the rival Houses of York and Lancaster, the town suffered so much that it was nearly depopulated. The castle was used in modern times as a county jail. The selection of the township name, Lancaster, was doubt less intended as a compliment to King George III., Duke of Lancaster. On Patrick McNiff's map, made for Sir John 12 NOTHING BUT NAMES Johnson, Nov. i, 1786, Lancaster is called the "Lake Township," and the five river townships west of Lancaster were numbered but not named. The present names of these townships appear, however, in Lord Dorchester's proclamation of 1788. CHARLOTTENBURG TOWNSHIP (1787) Charlotte, having seen his body Borne before her on a shutter, Like a well-conducted person. Went on cutting bread and butter. — W. M, Thackeray, Probably because some German soldiers, who had fought on the British side in the war of the American Revolution, settled within its limits, this township was named after the town of Charlottenburg in the Prussian Province of Brandenburg, on the bank of the river Spree, connected with Berlin by a fine promenade — a place which takes its name from Sophia Dorothea Charlotte, the queen of Frederick William I., who in 1706 caused a palace to be built there. She was a daughter of George I., of England. Frederick the Great added a new chateau, and endowed it with a valuable gallery of art, which was injured by the Austrians in 1760. GLENGARRY COUNTY LOCHIEL TOWNSHIP (1816) Lochiel, Lochiel, beware of the day When the Lowland shall meet you in battle array. — Campbell, Lochiel township was cut off from the northern part of Lancaster in the year 18 16. " Eye witnesses describe murders perpetrated by the direct command of the Duke of Cumberland — wounded on the field ordered to be shot — one man hanged by his orders, without even the ceremony of investigation or trial — another lashed to the limit of physical endurance — others hacked with the broad sword to death. The country was laid waste with fire and sword. The castles of Lovat, Glengarry and Lochiel were burnt. Huts and hovels were destroyed ; vyithout distinction of age, or sex, or rank, without proof of guilt or the existence of suspicion, the miserable inhabitants were shot like wild beasts upon their mountains, or driven with their cattle to be butchered with them in the south, while naked women were compelled to ride on horses, and were thereafter violated." — Forbes' Jacobite Memoirs. "The virtues of Duncan Forbes and of Colonel Gardiner shed a lustre on the scene disgraced by the Duke of Cumberland and his myrmidons ; the generous devotion of Lochiel elevates a party for which such a victim as Lovat died." — North British Review. Achnacarry, the mansion of Lochiel, chief of the Clan Cameron, is delightfully situated, and completely em bosomed in wood. Close beside the present building are the walls of the old mansion, burned by the Duke of 14 NOTHING BUT NAMES Cumberland in 1746. The banks of the Loch Lochy are frequented by herds of Lochiel's celebrated red deer. A small wooded island at the lower end of the lake has been for ages the burying place of the family of Lochiel. Their name was originally MacMartin, but they adopted the name Cameron on the marriage of a daughter of their chief with a gentleman named Camarriens or Chambers. Sir Evan Cameron, whom Byron, in his note to Childe Harold, calls the " gentle Lochiel of the forty-five," was, according to Macaulay, " in personal qualities unrivalled among the Celtic princes. He was a gracious master, a trusty ally, a terrible enemy. His countenance and bearing were singularly noble. In person and manner Lochiel resembled Louis XIV. of France, but in stature the differ ence was great. Lochiel was tall and strongly built, and had few equals in agility and skill at his weapons, nor was he less distinguished by intellectual than by bodily vigor." KENYON TOWNSHIP (1798) Lord Kenyon's respected old father (like many Respected old fathers) was fond of a penny. . — Moore. Kenyon township takes its name from Lloyd, Lord Kenyon, born at Gredington, in Flintshire, 1732, died 1802. He was the son of a Welsh squire, called to the bar in 1756 ; he attracted the attention of Lord Thurlow, who appointed him Chief Justice of Cheshire. In 1782 he was made Attorney-General, and two years later Master of the Rolls. On the retirement of Lord Mansfield, in 1788, GLENGARRY COUNTY 15 Pitt made Kenyon Chief Justice of the King's Bench, with the title of Lord Kenyon, Baron of Gredington. He was disliked by the bar for his overbearing disposition and insolent manners, but favored by the public on account of the rigid impartiality of his decisions, and his profound knowledge of the law. He accumulated by his professional labors a fortune of ^^"300,000. Lord Kenyon on the Bench had no respect for class distinctions, and his severe judgments in certain gambling cases were most effective in checking that destructive vice, which had become so prevalent that the very houses of the nobility were turned into common gambling houses. There is a village called Kenyon, in Lancashire, Eng land, 13 miles from Manchester. i6 NOTHING BUT NAMES STORMONT COUNTY (1792) And well he knew that maiden's love Is by such lone endearments won, And much he feared that Athol's lord Erol and Stormont would o'er-run. — Ballad of King Gregory. Stormont county was so called in honor of David Murray, seventh Viscount Stormont and second Earl of Mansfield, born in 1727, buried in Westminster Abbey in 1796. He was Justice General of Scotland, joint clerk of the Court of King's Bench, Ambassador Extraordinary to Austria and France, a Secretary of State and President of the Privy Council. By his first wife, Viscount Stormont had one daughter, who married George Finch-Hatton, M.P., in 1785, and became the mother of George William Finch-Hatton, ninth Earl of Winchilsea. By his second wife, a daughter of Lord Cathcart, Viscount Stormont had four sons, the eldest of whom, David William Murray, third Earl of Mansfield, married Frederica, daughter of Most Rev. William Markham, D.D., Archbishop of York (see Markham township); and their son William David Murray, fourth Earl of Mansfield, born in 1806, lived till August 2, 1898, and was known as the Father of the House of Lords. He was elected to the House of Commons in 1830, and occupied a seat in that chamber until his succession to the peerage in 1840. The first Earl of Mansfield, William Murray, born 1705, died 1793, was an uncle of Viscount Stormont, the second Earl. He was Attorney-General in 1-754 and Chief Justice STORMONT COUNTY 17 of the King's Bench, 1756-88. His wife was Lady Eliza beth Finch, daughter of the sixth Earl of Winchilsea. It was of the first Lord Mansfield that Junius wrote : " No learned man, even among your own tribe, thinks you qualified to preside in a court of common law." His house was ransacked during the Gordon riots. Lord Mansfield decided that a slave setting foot on the soil of England thereby attained his liberty. The title of Stormont, which dates from 162 1, was taken from Stormont Loch and the beautiful district of Stormont in Perthshire. The seat of the family is Scone Palace, near Perth, an immense modern building occupying the site of the ancient palace of the kings of Scotland. Charles II. was crowned in the old edifice in 165 1, and the Chevalier de St. George in 171 5. Much of the old furniture has been preserved in the modern house, including a bed used by King James VI., and some of the handiwork of Queen Mary of Scotland. CORNWALL TOWNSHIP (1787) Or has thy good woman, if one thou hast. Ever here in Cornwall been ? For, an' if she have, I'll venture my life She has drank of the Well of St. Keyne. — Southey. This township takes its name from Cornwall, the most westerly county in Britain, which is nearly surrounded by the sea. From its soil and climate, Cornwall is apparently one of the least inviting of the English counties, but among its mineral products are tin, copper, lead, silver, gold, i8 NOTHING BUT NAMES cobalt, arsenic, antimony, soap rock and china stone, as well as topaz and asbestos. Tradition regards Cornwall as the birthplace of the renowned King Arthur, who suc ceeded his father about the year 516, and who was immediately engaged in warfare against the Saxons, with whom he fought twelve battles. In the reign of Athelstan, A.D. 968, all Cornwall was subjugated by the Saxons, after 500 years of strife. Macaulay describes the people of Cornwall two hundred years ago as a fierce, bold and athletic race, among whom there was a stronger provincial feeling than in any other part of the realm. The title of Duke of Cornwall has been borne by the eldest son of the reigning sovereign since the time of Edward the Black Prince, 1337. The selection of the name for this township was a compliment to the Prince of Wales, afterwards King George IV. Dr. Scadding says that Cornwall township is named after an English family, and not after the English county. Captain James Cornwall, R.N., was killed, off Toulon, in 1743. His monument is in Westminster Abbey. This theory, unsupported by explanation or argument, appears improbable. If the township was named after a man, it would more likely be Right Hon. C. W. Cornwall, M.P. for Rye, who was Speaker of the House of Commons in 1784 and also in 1791, when the division on the Canada Bill was recorded. Sir George Cornwall, M.P. for Herefordshire, voted against the bill. STORMONT COUNTY 19 OSNABRUCK TOWNSHIP (1787) The sin, the crying sin, of rambling Where Osnaburgh's good Bishop, gambling. Lost some few golden feathers from his wings. — P. Pindar. This township was called after Osnabruck, a town and province in Hanover, belonging to the House of Bruns wick, where George I. was born. Until 1802, Osnabruck was a bishopric, having been founded by Charlemagne. The last hereditary bishop, Frederick, Duke of York, son of King George III., ceded Osnabruck (also called Osnaburg) to Hanover, the office of a bishop being by no means appropriate to a man of his character and habits. The selection of the township name was intended as a compliment to Prince Frederick. ROXBOROUGH TOWNSHIP (1798) Once more the battle closes fierce and far. And Tweed's soft murmur dies in shouts of war, Round Roxburgh's walls lie leaguring hosts again — And Ancrum's moor is swept with sanguine rain. — VVilliam JVye Smith. This township took its name from Roxburghshire, a border county of Scotland, very rich in remains of monastic magnificence. In the days of border warfare, it was the scene of many a bloody fight, and Sir Walter Scott has 20 NOTHING BUT NAMES made many of its traditions familiar to the world. Rox burgh Castle was dismantled 400 years ago, and only a few fragments of the walls remain. James II. of Scotland was killed while besieging it. Right Hon. John Ker, third Duke of Roxburgh, was an intimate friend of King George III., whose affection for him was continually displayed, and with whom he may be said to have lived on terms of cordial and friendly intimacy. This friendship explains the selection of the township name. His Majesty had, in early life, promised to bestow upon the Duke the office of Keeper of the Great Seal of Scotland, and when Secretary of State Dundas insisted upon the appointment being given to the Duke of Gordon, there was a lively dispute between the King and his Minister. The Duke of Roxburgh introduced turnip husbandry, which amazingly improved his estates and increased his rental. He became a great collector of rare books, and after his death the sale of his library occupied forty-two days and produced above ;^22,0OO, the Marquis of Blandford paying ;^2,26o for a 147 1 edition of the " Decamerone di Boccaccio," which was afterwards sold to Earl Spencer for .^800. The Duke died in 1804, and the lawyers reaped a rich harvest from the long litigation over his will. FINCH TOWNSHIP (1798) Finch was a younger brother's youngest son. Who pleased an uncle with his song and gun. — Crahbe. Finch township takes its name from Lady Elizabeth Finch, the aunt, or George Finch-Hatton, the son-in-law of Viscount Stormont. DUNDAS COUNTY DUNDAS COUNTY (1792) And ane, a chap that's real auldfarran, Dundas his name. Keep London still — no matter how they carp — Well, well, go back, and bid Dundas look sharp. — Peter Pindar. This county is called after Henry Dundas, Viscount Melville, son of Right Hon. Robert Dundas, born 1741, died 1811, who was a Minister under Rockingham, Shelburne and Pitt, Secretary of State both for the Home Department and for War, and whose name appears frequently as the writer and receiver of letters relating to Canada in the Archives. The Dundases of Arniston were descended from George Dundas, of Dundas, sixteenth in descent from the Dunbars, Earls of March. Macaulay describes King George III. as telling Henry Dundas to " keep his Scotch metaphysics to himself," when the Minister tried to persuade the King that it would be right to relieve the Catholics of their political disabilities. He also says that Henry Dundas, the Lord Advocate of Scotland, was " an able and versatile politician," and in speaking of Pitt's niggardly treatment of literary men, Macaulay says : " Even Dundas, who made no pretensions to literary taste, and was coq^tent to be considered as a hard-headed and somewhat coarse man of business, made Robert Burns an exciseman, with £10 a year ; and this was more than Pitt, during his long term of office, did for 22 NOTHING BUT NAMES the encouragement of letters." Dundas became Lord Melville and was dismissed from office and impeached for peculation, " though few believed that he himself profited by the scandalous dishonesty which prevailed in his office." After his trial. Lord Melville retired into private life and died at Edinburgh. His first wife was Elizabeth Rennie ; his second, Lady Jane Hope, sister of Lord Hopetoun, who afterwards married Lord Wallace (see Wallace town ship). A handsome monument, 136 feet high, with a statue fourteen feet high, was erected by subscription in Edinburgh to the memory of Lord Melville, who " never, in the exercise of his patronage, overlooked the claims of his own countrymen." A friendly biographer says he " possessed all the good and high qualifications which are boasted of as peculiar to Scotsmen, besides others not always allied with them." Dr. Doran, in his book on "Habits and Men," published in 1854, says: "We read now with something of wonder, of Charles Fox and the Prince of Wales getting drunk tete-a-tete in St. James street, and of Pitt and Dundas riding home in the same happy state from Addiscombe, bilking the turnpikes and being fired at for highwaymen." WILLIAMSBURG TOWNSHIP (1787) But see a beauty in King William's days. With that long waist, and those enormous stays. — Crabhe. This township was named in honor of Prince William Henry, third son of King George IIL, born 1765, who DUNDAS COUNTY 23 succeeded his brother George on the throne, as King William IV., in 1830, ^.nd died in 1837. At the age of fourteen he was entered as midshipman on the Prince George, of ninety-eight guns, under Admiral Digby. He saw rough service in the Bay of Biscay against the Spanish and French fleets, and in 1781 was attached to the fleet sent to the relief of Gibraltar, which succeeded in landing the provisions and gunpowder under a tremendous cannonade. Under Lord Hood and Lord Nelson he served on the American coast, visiting Jamaica, Havana, Louisiana, Boston and Quebec. The town of Sorel, at the mouth of the Richelieu River, was called William Henry in his honor. In 1789, Prince William Henry was created Duke of Clarence and Earl of Munster. In 1811 he succeeded Sir William Parker as Admiral of the fleet. In 181 8 the Duke of Clarence married Her Serene Highness Adelaide Amelia Louisa Theresa Caroline, Princess of Saxe Meinengen (see Adelaide township). As a child. Prince William was "the pet of the royal household. His gambols relaxed the cares of majesty and relieved the ceremonious- ness of courts." As a sailor, according to Lord Nelson, the Prince "had his foibles, as well as private men, but they were far overbalanced by his virtues." He paid attention to orders, showed respect to his superior officer, kept up strict discipline in his ship, which, Nelson wrote, was one of the finest frigates he had seen. As King, William IV., " a simple, genial sailor, walked in London streets, with his umbrella under his arm, frankly shook hands with old acquaintances, and was a favorite with the people." Stockmar's description of Prince William was : " Duke of Clarence — the smallest and least good-looking of the brothers ; decidedly like his mother ; as talkative as the rest." 24 NOTHING BUT NAMES MATILDA TOWNSHIP (1787) Yet all Matilda could, she gave In pity to her gentle slave. — Rokeby. Matilda township was named after the Princess Royal, Charlotte Augusta Matilda, born 1766, died 1828; first daughter of King George III. She married, in 1797, Frederick, King of Wurtemburg. Frederick William, the hereditary Prince of Wurtemburg, had been married before, and there was a mysterious rumor about the manner of the death of his first wife. When the Princess Royal of England had been married to him by the Archbishop of Canterbury, and they were about to leave England, " the Princess hung upon her father's neck overvvhelmed in grief, and it was not until her consort urged her to close the painful scene, that she could be prevailed on to leave her father. This was to be the beginning of a sad and disastrous life, during which the Princess acquitted herself with all the fortitude of a daughter of her house." Napoleon made her husband King of Wurtemburg, and the Princess, hating the French Emperor as only an English woman could, was obliged to treat him with civility to save her husband's kingdom. In letters written by her after her husband's death, she professed great attachment to him, and hoped to meet him in a better world. In 1821, she wrote : " God grant that we may see Great Britain again loyal and happy, as it was in former times, before the mania of democracy had more or less spread in every country of Europe." DUNDAS COUNTY WINCHESTER TOWNSHIP (1798) Have patience, noble duke ; I may not open ; The Cardinal of Winchester forbids. — King Henry VJ. Winchester township was named after the city in Hampshire, England, which was the home and capital of King Alfred the Great, and where he and King Canute were buried. The English Winchester is situated on the river Itchen. It was called by the Britons Caer Gwent, or the White City, from its being built on a chalky soil. Previous to the Christian era, that part of England was invaded, and the inhabitants extirpated or reduced to slavery, by a tribe from Belgic Gaul, who made Winchester their metropolis, till they were in turn conquered by the Romans. Near the city have been discovered sepulchral urns, coins and other Roman antiquities. Among the petty native princes who exercised a delegated authority under the Romans was Lucius, who lived in the second century and is supposed by some to have been the third in descent from the celebrated Caradock, or Caractacus, (see Caradoc township), and to have reigned at Winchester. He introduced Christianity and erected a cathedral church. At a subsequent period, the British prince Vortigern also made Winchester his capital, and Cedric the Saxon did the same. A memorial of Winchester's ancient superiority over London as the capital city remains in the denomination of measures, as Winchester ells and Winchester quarts. After the Norman conquest, Winchester was frequently the residence of the sovereign. William Rufus was crowned 26 NOTHING BUT NAMES there, and in his time the city had a royal mint, treasury and public record office, and likewise a royal palace and two strong castles, one for the King and the other for the Bishop. Henry III., son of King John, was born at Winchester, as was Prince Arthur, son of Henry VII. Hyde Abbey at Winchester was founded by Alfred the Great, and there he died and was buried. Winchester is entitled to be the centre of all the homage the whole empire may pay to the memory of the first King of United England, the real founder of the present world-wide empire. One thousand years ago, King Alfred freed England from foreign domination and made it a united kingdom. He founded schools and began the intellectual life of the English people. He introduced into England the system of accurate measurement of time. He founded the foreign commerce of England. He gave the English- speaking world its common law. He fought fifty-six battles by sea and land. He reigned for thirty years, and died leaving a private name and a public record unsullied and unstained, but luminous with such glory as few monarchs in any land or age have won or merited. MOUNTAIN TOWNSHIP (1798) Mountain township was named in honor of the Right Rev. Jacob Mountain, D.D., first Protestant Bishop of Quebec, born at Thwaite Hall, Norfolk, England, in 1750, died at Marchmont, the seat of General Sir John Harvey (see Harvey township) near Quebec, in 1825. The family was originally a French Protestant one, and the name was DUNDAS COUNTY 27 Montaigne. Dr. Mountain attended Caius College, Cam bridge, and was a friend of Mr. Pitt. In 1781 he married Miss Eliza Kentish, of Essex County, by whom he had four sons and two daughters. In 1793 he was appointed Bishop of Quebec, there being at that time only six clergymen in Lower Canada and three in Upper Canada. He was the father and the founder of the Anglican Church in British North America, and performed impor tant services as a member of the Executive and Legislative Councils. In the former capacity he sat frequently in the Court of Appeals. His son, George Jehoshaphat Mountain, D.D., born in 1789, was consecrated Bishop of Montreal in 1836, and was for many years Bishop of Quebec. He visited the Red River settlements in 1844, and in 1849 ministered to the fever-stricken immigrants at Grosse Isle, as he had done to those affected by the cholera in 1832-34. The second Bishop Mountain was the founder of Bishop's College, Lennoxville, Que. Colonel Arminie Simcoe Henry Mountain, another son of the first Bishop, born at Quebec, 1797, spoke and wrote most of the European and several of the Oriental tongues. He served in India under Sir Colin Halkett, Lord William Bentinck, Lord Gough and Lord Dalhousie. He died of fever in 1854, near Cawnpore. According to Lord Durham's report, 12,000 acres of Crown lands were granted to Dr. Mountain, Bishop of Quebec. 28 NOTHING BUT NAMES GRENVILLE COUNTY (1792) Who, 1 doubt not, will write (as there's no time to lose) By the twopenny post to tell Grenville the news ¦Moore. This county was named in honor of William Wyndham Grenville, born in 1759, died 1834. He was elected to the House of Commons in 1782, chosen Speaker in 1789, appointed Secretary of State for the Home Department and created Baron Grenville in 1790, Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs 1 791 -i 801, First Lord of the Treasury in 1806. He voted in favor of the Canada Bill. He was a brother of George Grenville, third Earl Temple, who was created Marquis of Buckingham in 1784, and who was Lord Lieutenant of Ireland ; a cousin of Right Hon. William Pitt, whom he assisted in promoting the Union with Ireland, but whose second Government he opposed until Mr. Pitt's death, when he united with Mr. Fox to form the short-lived Government of " All the Talents." Lord Grenville labored hard for Catholic Emancipation and thus incurred the violent dislike of King George III., who summarily dismissed him and the other Ministers who formed the Government. Lord Grenville once said in the British House of Lords, a body to which the Canadian Senate has sometimes been compared : " My Lords, you possess the power, a great power, for good. But there is a power which you do not possess — any more than the House of Commons, any more than the constitutional sovereigns of this country — you have not the power to treat with contempt the national will when it is legitimately GRENVILLE COUNTY 29 and constitutionally expressed." Lord Grenville's father, George Grenville, born 17 12, died 1770, a brother-in-law of William Pitt, first Earl of Chatham, was the reputed author of the famous Stamp Act, which was the immediate cause of the revolt of the American Colonies. He entered Parliament in 1741, was Chancellor of the Exchequer and First Lord of the Treasury in 1763, his brother. Lord Temple, being with Mr. Pitt in the opposition, but in 1765 Mr. Grenville resigned the Premiership, giving place to Lord Rockingham. " Grenville himself was ploddingly industrious and not without financial ability, but his mind was narrow and pedantic in its tone. Grenville had no mind to change his plans. In February, 1765, the Stamp Act was passed through both Houses with less opposition than a turnpike bill. At this critical moment Pitt was absent from the House of Commons, ill. It was wittily said, at a later day, that Mr. Grenville lost America because he read the American despatches, which none of his predecessors ever did." — Green. The Grenville family are well housed in a magnificent mansion at Stowe, in Buckinghamshire, the construction of which was begun more than two hundred years ago by Sir Richard Temple, who died in 1697. The edifice was enlarged by Lord Cobham and his descendants for several generations, until the entire front of the building is now 916 feet in length, the surrounding pleasure grounds covering 500 acres. The saloon is an oval of sixty by forty feet, encircled by Scagliola columns in imitation of Sicilian jasper, sur mounted by a magnificent frieze in alto-relievo, consisting of more than 300 figures, representing the procession of a Roman triumph and sacrifice ; the floor is of white Carrara marble in four-feet squares. In the manuscript library are some curiously carved chairs in ebony and ivory, which belonged to Cardinal Wolsey. 30 NOTHING BUT NAMES EDWARDSBURG TOWNSHIP (1787) Which done, God take King Edward to his mercy. And leave the world for me to bustle in. —King Richard III. This township was named in honor of Prince Edward, Duke of Kent. (See Prince Edward County). AUGUSTA TOWNSHIP (1787) Princes and Princesses I like, so loyal — Great George's children are my great delight ; The sweet Augusta, and sweet Princess Royal, Obtain my love by day, and pray'rs by night. — Peter Pindar. This township was called after Princess Augusta Sophia, second daughter of King George III., born in 1768, died unmarried in 1840. Queen Charlotte was not as good a hand to find husbands for her daughters as some Royal mothers have been. The Princess Royal in one of her letters speaks of Augusta's great shyness. As a letter writer herself, Augusta was, in her youth, impulsive and affectionate, pouring out her thoughts with a spon taneous warmth that lent a graphic literary power to her productions. She got the better of her shyness in time, for when the poet Moore visited the Princesses, Augusta went to the piano and played for him some new airs she had composed to his words. They chatted about Lord GRENVILLE COUNTY 31 Kenyon's stinginess (see Kenyon township), and Augusta told how her father used to send despatches to Lord Kenyon after seven o'clock, when he knew that the judge would have gone to bed to save candle-light. When Prince Edward died. Princess Augusta wrote : " God knows what is for the best, and I hope I bow with submission to this, my severe trial ; but when 1 think of his poor, miserable wife and his innocent, fatherless child, it nearly breaks my heart. She has conducted herself like an angel. She quite adored poor Edward, and they were truly blessed in each other." SOUTH GOWER TOWNSHIP (1798) To sing a song of old was sung. From ashes ancient Gower is come. — Pericles, Prince of Tyre. GowER township took its name from Admiral the Hon. John Leveson Gower, second son of tjie first Earl Gower, born 1740, died 1792, who distinguished himself as the Commander of Quebec and at the relief of Gibraltar,. 1782; and was Lord of the Admiralty, 1783-89. When Prince William was third lieutenant of the Hebe frigate in 1785, the Hon. John Leveson Gower hoisted his broad pennant on board, and proceeded on a cruise round Great Britain. His Royal Highness on that occasion saw more of his native country than any British monarch had ever seen before. Sir Granville, second Earl Gower, elder brother of the preceding, born 1721, created Marquis of Stafford 1786, died 1803, was a member of the House of Commons and filled various Ministerial offices 1744-54 r 32 NOTHING BUT NAMES was President of the Privy Council 1768-79 and 1783-94. Earl Gower and Hon. J. L. Gower both voted in favor of the Canada Bill. Earl Gower's son, George Granville Gower, second Marquis of Stafford (see Stafford township), became Duke of Sutherland, and his second son became Earl and Viscount Granville. The second son of the first Duke of Sutherland (grandson of Earl Gower, first Marquis of Stafford), became Earl of Ellesmere. The poet Gower, contemporary with Chaucer, was born at Swansea, in Glamorganshire. OXFORD TOWNSHIP (1798) The King to Oxford sent a troop of horse, For Tories own no argument but force ; With equal skill to Cambridge books he sent. For Whigs admit no force but argument. — Sir William Browne. This township was called Oxford on the Rideau, to distinguish it from Oxford on the Thames. (See Oxford county). WOLFORD TOWNSHIP (1797) Wolford in Devon, where brave Simcoe sleeps. Whose name in proud respect Ontario keeps. — Charles Dever. This township was named after Wolford, a property belonging to Governor Simcoe, near Honiton, in Devon shire. He was buried at his domestic chapel at Wolford. GRENVILLE COUNTY 33 A monument to his memory, by Flaxman, was erected in Exeter Cathedral. Dr. Scadding, in "Toronto of Old," mentions Captain J. K. Simcoe, R.N., of Wolford, in the county of Devon. In the Archives, there is mention of a letter from J. G. Simcoe to John King, dated Wolford Lodge, May 2, 1802, recommending the appointment of Mr. Bouchette (as Surveyor General) and asking that the letter be laid before Lord Hobart. 34 NOTHING BUT NAMES LEEDS COUNTY (1792) Leeds is as stiff as any stake And leaner, Dick, than any rake ; Envy is not so pale ; And though, by selling of us all, He has wrought himself in to Whitehall, He looks like bird of gaol. This county was called after Francis Godolphin Osborne, the fifth Duke of Leeds, who was Secretary of State for the Home Department in the Shelburne Govern ment in 1783, and whose wife, Lady Amelia D'Arcy, eloped with " mad Jack Byron," father of Lord Byron, the poet. The present holder of the title (1898) was mentioned as a possible successor of Lord Aberdeen as Governor-General of Canada, but objection was raised because he is proprietor of a gin distillery. The founder of this noble family was Edward Osborne, the young apprentice to Sir William Hewett, who jumped from London Bridge to save the infant daughter of his master. Osborne subsequently married the daughter, and later became Lord Mayor and member of Parliament for the city. The man who made the wealth of the family was Sir Thomas Osborne, the first Duke, who was a Minister under Charies II., was impeached by the House of Commons and imprisoned in the Tower, but who became the chief Minister of William III. It took him little more than twenty years to climb from the station of a Yorkshire country gentleman to the highest rank in the peerage. LEEDS COUNTY 35 Macaulay says that while the motion for his impeachment was under discussion, Leeds proceeded to tell, with great complacency, a story of himself which would, in our days, drive a public man, not only from office, but out of the society of gentlemen. Large tracts of Crown lands were bestowed upon him. Though rich in money and lands, Leeds' " frame was meagre, and his face, handsome and intellectual as it was, had a haggard look which indicated the restlessness of pain as well as the restlessness of ambition," inciting the Whigs to sing about him the verse quoted above. The city of Leeds, from which the Osborne family takes its title of Duke, is in the West Riding- of Yorkshire, and is noted for its manufactures of clothing, tobacco, earthenware, iron, brass, mustard, etc. Of the castle of Leeds, which was besieged by King Stephen in 1139, and in which Richard II. was confined in 1399, no trace now remains. A suburb of the city of Leeds bears the name of Woodhouse (see Woodhouse township). ELIZABETHTOWN TOWNSHIP (1784) Thus when Elizabeth desired That Melville would acknowledge fairly, Whether herself he most admired Or his own mistress. Lady Mary, The puzzled knight his answer thus exprest, " In her own country each is handsomest." — A Courtier's Response. This township was named after Princess Elizabeth, third daughter of King George III., born in 1770, died 1840. She was married in 181 8 to Frederick Joseph 36 NOTHING BUT NAMES Louis, reigning Landgrave of Hesse Homburg, who died in 1829. Princess Elizabeth was grave in her manners, affectionate to her friends and devoted to her parents, with whom she remained until her forty-ninth year, when she was married. In one of her letters, when a young woman, she expressed her impatience with Court quarrels, and wished she were the wife of some younger son. Her husband, the Landgrave, is described as a gross, corpulent German, of enormous dimensions, and always smelling of tobacco. His appearance and manners were ridiculed, one of the charges against him being that he snored at theatres. But there is nothing to show that Princess Elizabeth was ever dissatisfied with her " catch." Mrs. Trench wrote : " The Princess of Hesse Homburg will redeem the character of good behavior in conjugal bonds, lost or mislaid by her family. She is delighted with her hero, as she calls him." Her sisters used to visit her in her German home, and found her happy and contented, leading a decent, though quiet life. YONGE TOWNSHIP (1786) Whilst Yonge still prompts me to enlarge my views. And bids me soar with no ignoble flight. — POlwhele. The township was named after Right Hon. Sir George Yonge, born 1732, M.P. for Honiton, in the County of 'Devon, from 1763 to 1796. He was a member of the Shelburne Government in 1783, and Secretary of War from 1782 to 1794. Dr. Scadding says that Sir George LEEDS COUNTl 37 Yonge was a personal friend of Governor Simcoe. He died at Hampton Court in 1812, and the Baronetcy became extinct. The Canadian Archives refer to many letters written by Haldimand to Sir George Yonge 1782-85. He voted for the Canada Bill. ESCOTT TOWNSHIP (1840) Escott was called after the residence of the Yonge family at Escptt, Devonshire. Miss Amelia Yonge, daughter of Sir William Yonge, Bart., of Escott, Devon, became the second wife of Sir Edward Lloyd, Secretary of War, who died in 1795. Escott township was at one time called the Gore of Yonge. The name is on the map of 185 1, but not on the map of 1836. LANSDOWNE TOWNSHIP (1788) If Lansdowne will consent to share My humble feast, though rude the fare. —Moore. This township took its name from the title of William Fitzmaurice, second Earl of Shelburne, born 1737, died 1805, to whom Haldimand sent many reports on Canadian affairs. He sat in the House of Commons in 1761 for Chipping Wycombe ; was a Major-General in the armY in 1765 ; a principal Secretary of State 1766 ; First Lord of 38 NOTHING BUT NAMES the Treasury 1782 ; created Marquis of Lansdowne 1784. Speaking of George Grenville's Government (1763), Green says : " Its one man of ability was Lord Shelburne, a young Irishman, who had served with credit at Minden." But Shelburne did not show his ability in concluding the Treaty of Peace with America. More incompetent representatives of English and Canadian interests than the two men to whom the negotiations were chiefly entrusted (Messrs. Oswald and Vaughan) could hardly have been found if Lord Shelburne had searched the country through. " Lord Shelburne and his colleagues can, of course, never be freed from the discredit which attaches to such bargaining. With them the blame primarily lies for the generous endowment of the Republic with the gigantic boundaries on the south, west and north which so largely determined its future power and influence." It has always been believed that Lord Shelburne, afterwards Marquis of Lansdowne, was connected with the composition of the Letters of Junius. Sir Richard Phillips talked to the Marquis of Lansdowne about it only a week before the latter's death. The Marquis smiled and said : " No, no, I am not equal to Junius, I could not be the author ; but the grounds for secrecy are now so far removed by death that it is unnecessary the author of Junius should much longer be unknown. I knew Junius, and I knew all about the writing and production of these letters. But look at my condition, I don't think I can live a week. If I live over the summer, which, however, I don't expect, I will set that question at rest forever, and I will put my name to it. None of the parties ever guessed at as Junius was the true Junius." LEEDS COUNTY 39 LEEDS TOWNSHIP (1785) When of importance braggeth simple Leeds, When Gloster's far-fam'd wife for meekness pleads. — P. Pindar. See Leeds County. KITLEY TOWNSHIP (1798) Is called after Kitley, near Yeolhampton, in South Devon, the seat of the Bastard family. Worth's History of Devonshire says : " Kitley is now the chief seat of the ancient family of Bastard, which claim descent from the Robert Bastard who appears in ' Domesday ' as the holder of nine manors. They obtained Kitley by marriage with the heiress of the Pollexfens, Edmund PoUexfen, the last male of the family, dying in 1710." PoUexfen was a Whig barrister, who defended Richard Baxter on his trial before Judge Jeffries, who was on that occasion in one of his violent and insulting moods. Macaulay says that PoUexfen, who had long been at the head of the Western circuit and who had incurred unpopularity by holding briefs for the Crown at the Bloody Assizes and by appearing against Alice Lisle, was known to be at heart a Whig, if not a Republican. Under King William III. he was Attorney-General and then Chief Justice of the Common Pleas. 40 NOTHING BUT NAMES BASTARD TOWNSHIP (1798) Is called after the name of a well-known ancient Devonshire family which resided in modern times at Kitley, near Plymouth. (See Kitley township). Thomas Bastard, A.B., divine and poet, was born at Blandford Forum, in Dorsetshire. John PoUexfen Bastard, M.P. for Devonshire, voted against the Canada Bill in 1791. CROSBY TOWNSHIP (1798) When you have done, repair to Crosby place. —King Richard III, This township may be called after any of the eight villages of that name in England, the largest of which is in Lancashire, six miles from Liverpool ; or after Crosby Hall, an ancient residence fronting on Crosby Square in London, England ; or after Lieut. W. Crosby, mentioned in the Canadian Archives as being superintendent, in 1778, of the armed storeship Andrew, which was located in the Richelieu River ; or (and most likely) after Brass Crosby, Lord Mayor of London and M.P. for Honiton in 1771, whose short imprisonment in the Tower on the order of the King and Parliament came very near causing a bloody conflict between the citizens of London and the Parlia mentary supporters of Lord North. See Trevelyan's Life of Fox for a full account of Crosby's conduct in that LEEDS COUNTY 41 matter. The fact that Brass Crosby and Sir George Yonge were both Members of Parliament for Honiton, and that the latter was a friend of Governor Simcoe, makes it probable that the township was named after Brass Crosby. SOUTH BURGESS TOWNSHIP (1798) Great was thy Evening Cluster, — often graced With Dollond — Burgess — and Sir Humphry Davy. — r. Hood. This township was called after Rev. Thomas Burgess, a fellow student at Oxford with Premier Addington, who appointed hirn Bishop of Salisbury. Bishop Burgess was the author of about 100 publications on theology, slavery and other topics. James B. Burgess, M.P. for Helston, voted for Pitt's Canada Bill. SOUTH ELMSLEY TOWNSHIP (1798) Elmsley takes its name from Chief Justice William Elmsley, who died in 1805, aged forty-two, leaving a large family. The Archives contain applications from his widow, Mary, for a grant of land ; also that the Govern^ ment should buy his residences in Quebec, York and Newark for military or other public purposes. It would appear that the Chief Justice was not altogether unsuc cessful in acquiring land in his lifetime, for Lord Durham 42 NOTHING BUT NAMES in his report quotes Mr. Radenhurst as saying that Chief Justices Elmsley and Powell purchased from 20,800 to 50,000 acres, at prices ranging from a gallon of rum up to £6 per 200 acres, and the Elmsley property in Toronto has long been valuable. Chief Justice Elmsley was a brother of the celebrated classical critic and editor, Peter Elmsley, of Oxford, and a son-in-law of Mr. Benjamin HalloweU. (See HalloweU township). Dr. Scadding mentions that his son and heir. Captain John Elmsley, became a convert to the Church of Rome, and deeded land from his estate for St. Basil's College, Toronto. The younger Elmsley was a warm supporter of Sir Francis Bond Head during his Governorship, and is mentioned in Head's Narrative. Lord Elgin took up his residence at Elmsley Villa when he moved to Toronto after the destruction of the Parliament Buildings in Montreal. These five counties along the St. Lawrence River have retained the size and shape in which they were surveyed near the etid of the eighteenth century, except that Grenville and Leeds had originally three rows of town ships ; now they have two. The land west of Yonge township not being so good as that further east, there was a break in the settlement at that point, which began again at Kingston and extended westward. It will be convenient to notice first the counties that were formed to the north of those already described. PRESCOTT COUNTY 43 PRESCOTT COUNTY (1798) This county was named after Major-General Robert Prescott, born 17^5, died 1815. He took part in the American war; he was sent to Canada in 1796 to relieve Lord Dorchester ; he strengthened the forts of Quebec, and served as Governor of Canada, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick till 1799, when he was succeeded by Lieut.- Govemor Milnes. It appears that Governor Prescott listened to the complaints of the settlers who alleged that their rights had been infringed upon by the Board charged with the management of the Crown lands, of which Chief Justice Osgoode was the Chairman ; large tracts of land having been acquired, under one pretext or another, by members of the Board and their relations and friends. When Prescott laid the matter before the Home Govern ment, Judge Osgoode, who had, through his friends, great influence at Court, was able to bring sufficient pressure upon the Duke of Portland to secure the Governor's recall, much to the regret of a large majority of the people, who deemed him an honorable and upright man. Prescott wrote to Prince Edward, Duke of Kent, in August, 1797, speaking of the extravagant price of provisions in Upper Canada and of the drunkenness of the soldiers when they got their monthly pay ; and many other letters from his pen are found in the Archives. He died at Rose Green, near Battle, in Sussex, in his eighty-ninth year, and waS buried at Winchelsea. 44 NOTHING BUT NAMES HAWKESBURY TOWNSHIP, EAST AND WEST (1798) As Canning vapors, or as France succeeds. As Hawkesbury proses, or as Ireland bleeds. -Moor, Dead all his money-loving soul's desires. When subtle Hawkesbury talks of patriot fires. —P. Pindar. This township took its name from Right Hon. Charles Jenkinson, Baron Hawkesbury (1786) and Earl of Liver pool (1796), born in 1727, died in 1808, to whom Haldimand sent returns from Canada in 1779. In early life he wrote a discourse on the conduct of the British Government in respect to neutral nations, and other works which so recommended him that he was appointed an Under Secretary of State in 1761. On Lord Bute's retirement, Mr. Jenkinson continued to support the Royal party, called the King's Friends, and his advancement was rapid and certain. His son, Robert Banks Jenkinson, born in 1770, inherited his father's abilities. At Oxford he became an intimate friend of George Canning, and he was elected to Parliament for the borough of Rye before he was old enough to take the oaths. On the accession of the Addington Ministry in 1801, the second Lord Hawkesbury, who took that title when his father obtained the Earldom, was appointed Secretary for the Foreign Department. In 1803, in his father's lifetime, he was called to the House of Lords by writ, and held the Home PRESCOTT COUNTY 45 Secretaryship until Mr. Pitt's death. On the dismissal of the Fox and Grenville Ministry, he again became Home Secretary, and opposed the abolition of the Slave Trade, Catholic Emancipation and Parliamentary Reform. When Mr. Perceval was assassinated. Lord Liverpool became Premier and held that position for fifteen years, dying in 1828. He was a capable man of business, but very careless of dress, and the simplicity of. the garb in which the Prime Minister of England walked the streets of London often provoked a smile. There are two villages named Hawkesbury in Glou cestershire and one in Warwickshire. LONGUEUIL TOWNSHIP (1798) This name was first applied to Old Longueuil on the south side of the St. Lawrence, in Chambly County, Quebec, a seigniory granted to Charles Le Moyne de Longueuil in 1672. Parkman names among the sons of Charles Le Moyne, of Montreal, who came to Canada in 1641, Longueuil and Iberville, Chateauguay and Bienville. Charles Le Moyne, Baron de Longueuil, succeeded his father, the first grantee, in 1676. In 1781, the oath of fealty was renewed by Dlle. Charles Le Moyne, Baroness de Longueuil, and by Guillaume Grant as the husband of Marie Catherine de Fleury d'Eschambault, widow of Charles Le Moyne, Baron de Longueuil, father of the Baroness aforesaid. On September 10, 1778, Lieutenant- Governor Cramahe wrote from Quebec to Captain- Foy 46 NOTHING BUT NAMES " respecting Captain Hall once prodigiously in love with Madame de Longueuil." John Lambert wrote in 1810: " The opposite Island of St. Helen belongs to the Baroness de Longueuil ; this lady married a gentleman of the name of Grant, and brought him very extensive and valuable landed property. The eldest son goes by the familiar ap pellation of Baron Grant." The late Baron de Longueuil was Charles Colmore Grant, seventh Baron, born at Cheltenham, England, in 1844, and a resident of Pitlochry, Perthshire, Scotland. He died at New York, December 13, 1898. He was a Protestant and a Conservative. The title was granted by Louis XIV. of France in 1700 and was recognized by Her Majesty Queen Victoria in 1880. New Longueuil, on the north shore of the St. Lawrence, in the County of Soulanges, Quebec, was granted to Sieur Joseph Lemoine, Chevalier de Longueuil, in 1734. It adjoins the township of Lancaster, Ontario. The Longueuils were prominent and active under both French and British rule, and the Archives show that they acquired various fiefs, including Chateauguay in 1673 and Beloeil in 1755. A Longueuil was acting Governor in 1726, and when La Jonquiere died in 1752, Longueuil took his place until the arrival of a new Governor. Longueuil went with 1,600 men to save Ticonderoga. Longueuil sent Canadians and Indians to pursue Rogers' Rangers in 1759- " Young Longueuil " went with Montcalm to sing the war song with the Indian converts of the Two Mountains.- The seigneur. Colonel the Baron de Longueuil, served on the British side in the Revolutionary War. In the Archives Governor Milnes is mentioned as sending to the Duke of Portland a letter dated June 12, 1801, from Col. de Longueuil, enclosing a bill of exchange for ;£^500 sterling, as a voluntary contribution of officers and men toward carrying on the war (with France). On the map PRESCOTT COUNTY 47 of 1828, the present Ontario township of Longueuil on the Ottawa River was called Seigniory of Pointe k I'Orignal. On Smith's map (1798) it was Longueuil. CALEDONIA TOWNSHIP (1810) O Caledonia, stern and wild ! Meet nurse for a poetic child. — Lay of the Last Minstrel. The township of Caledonia is called by the name given by the Romans to the northern part of Scotland. This township was part of Longueuil on Smith's map of 1798. On Walton & Gaj-lord's map (1836) Caledonia extends from Kenyon to the Ottawa, and Longueuil is not mentioned. ALFRED TOWNSHIP (1798) Nor less by Alfred at his southern Court Honour'd and known, as lord of harp and song. — John Fitchett. Alfred was named in memory of Prince Alfred, son of King George III., born 1780, died 1782. 48 NOTHING BUT NAMES PLANTAGENET TOWNSHIP (1798) And in his sprightly eye was set Some spark of the Plantagenet. — Lord of the Isles. Plantagenet is called from a surname of the royal family of England from Henry II. to Richard III. inclusive. The name is now borne through collateral descent by the Duke of Buckingham and Chandos (Grenville). RUSSELL COUNTY 49 RUSSELL COUNTY (1798) Were all the wealth of Russell mine. And all the rank of Howard's line. — The Bridal of Triermain. Russell County was called after Hon. Peter Russell, who served under Sir Henry Clinton and came to Canada with Governor Simcoe in 1792 as Inspector-General and was made a member of the Legislative and Executive Councils. Upon Simcoe's departure, Mr. Russell, as senior member of the Council, became acting Governor until the arrival of General Hunter in 1799. His name is frequently mentioned in the Canadian Archives, and not always in a '-complimentary manner. In fact, he appears to have been a land grabber. There is a letter from Governor Hunter to Mr. King, dated October 27, 1799, in which he says: " The Councillors are all good men ; Russell, had it depended on him, would have granted lands to the devil and all his family (as good loyalists) provided they could have paid the fees." McMullen says that Russell was accused of illegally making grants of land to himself and to his relatives and particular friends. Searches in the registry offices have fully confirmed these accusations. He made few personal enemies, but his avarice, and the manner in which he permitted land monopolies to arise, seriously interfered with the settlement of the province, and laid the foundations of many evils. Russell never married and died at Toronto a rich man, leaving a portion of his estate to the Baldwin family. NOTHING BUT NAMES RUSSELL TOWNSHIP (1798) See Russell County. CAMBRIDGE TOWNSHIP (1798) Choose between them, Cambridge, pray. Which is weakest, Cambridge, say. —Moore. The township of Cambridge was named after Prince Adolphus, Duke of Cambridge, son of King George III. (see Adolphustown township). Cambridge, the county town of Cambridgeshire, England, from which this title is ^ taken, ^tands upon elevated ground on the northwest of the river Cam. It was a British settlement and also a Roman station, and there are traditions about Julius Caesar taking scholars from Cambridge to Rome. Front ing the shire hall of Cambridge is Hobson's conduit, the gift of a rich hackney-man, in the reign of James I., whose tenacity in letting out his horses in strict rotation ga\e rise to the proverb of " Hobson's choice " — this or none. Cambridge University is believed to have been founded b\- Sigebert, King of East Anglia, about the year 631. Tittle doubt can be entertained that Saxon divisions and Danish ferocity had banished all knowledge from that part of Britain before the accession of Alfred the Great. There are now thirteen colleges at Cambridge, each possessing an interesting history. RUSSELL COUNTY 51 CUMBERLAND TOWNSHIP (1798) But the bold Lord of Cumberland, The gallant Clifford, seeks thy hand. — Scott. Cu.MBERLAND is called after Prince Ernest Augustus, Duke of Cumberland, fifth son of King George III. (see Ernestown township). Cumberland, from which the title is taken, is a northern county of England, part of its northern boundary being Scotland. Though Cumbria submitted to the Saxons in 593, it was governed by its own potentates till the tenth century. The Picts' wall, built by the Emperor Adrian in 121, crossed the whole island, from sea to sea, about 100 miles. It began near Carlisle. The mountains of Cumberland are rich in plumbago, lead, coal, copper and iron. Cumberland gave the title of Earl to the ancient family of Clifford, but since the reign of Charles I. it has been held as a dukedom by some of the Royal family. CL.ARENCE TOWNSHIP (1798) What scourge for perjury Can this dark monarchy afford false Clarence? — King Richard III. This township was named after Prince William Henry, Duke of Clarence, afterward King William IV. (See 52 NOTHING BUT NAMES Williamsburg township). The title of Clarence has been appropriated to the Royal family since the marriage of Elizabeth de Burgh, heiress of Gilbert de Clare, to Lionel, Duke of Clarence, son of King Edward III. CARLETON COUNTY 53 CARLETON COUNTY (1798) And mind — keep George as poor as a church mouse ; Vote not a half-penny for Carleton House ; This may appear like wonderful barbarity — But mind, Pitt, mind — he gains in popularity. — Peter Pindar, This county got its name from Sir Guy Carleton, afterwards Lord Dorchester, born 1724, died 1808, who accompanied Wolfe's expedition to Canada and took part in the battle of the Plains of Abraham. In 1767, General Murray going to England, the government of the colony devolved on Carleton. In 1770 he went to England, but returned to Canada in 1774, and defended Quebec from the attack of Montgomery and Arnold. In 1782 Carleton succeeded Sir Henry Clinton as Commander-in-chief of His Majesty's forces in America. In 1783 he evacuated New York and withdrew the British ships from America. In 1786 he was made a peer, with a pension of ;^i,ooo, and sent to Canada as Governor-General, which post he held till 1796. He was a strict disciplinarian, but kind of heart, and very popular with the French Canadians. He married, in 1772, Lady Mary Howard, daughter of Thomas, Earl of Effingham, and died in 1808, aged eighty-three. Carleton county is named on the map of 1798, but was not then organized, or divided into town ships, though portions of the present county of Carleton were included in Russell and Grenville counties. 54 NOTHING BUT NAMES GLOUCESTER TOWNSHIP (1798) Come, come, we know your meaning, brother Gloster. —King Richard III. Like Gloucester, who for pay can leave his party ; Some years ago I joined his corps so hearty. Thinking the Prince of Erebus ill treated. —P. Pindar. This township got its name from William Frederick, second Duke of Gloucester, born 1776, died 1834, son of Prince William Henry, Duke of Gloucester, who was a brother of King George III. The second Duke married his cousin Princess Mary (see Marysburg township). "He was not a man of talent," says Mr. Raikes, " as may be inferred from his nick-name of ' Silly Bill)',' but he was a quiet, inoffensive character." Greville speaks of the " Duke of Gloucester bowing to the company, while nobody was taking any notice of him, or thinking about him. Nature must have been in a merry mood when she made this Prince." He formed a great attachment to Warren Hastings and wrote many silly letters to him. Stockmar describes him in these words : " Duke of Gloucester — Prominent, meaningless eyes ; without being exceptionall}' ugly, a very unpleasant face, with an animal expression ; large and stout, but with weak, helpless legs. He wore a neck-cloth thicker than his head." Gloucestershire, from which county in England the title is taken, was the chief seat of warfare between the ancient Britons and the Anglo-Saxons ; also between the Saxons and the Danes. In 1465 the sanguinary battle of CARLETON COUNTY 55 Tewkesbury in this county terminated the civil war between Henry VI. and Edward IV. Other battles were fought in Gloucestershire between Charles I. and the Parliamentary forces; and on the landing of William, Prince of Orange, a skirmish took place at Cirencester, in which Lord Lovelace was taken prisoner. The city of Gloucester, situated on the eastern bank of the Severn River, enjoyed for a long time the exclusive manufacture of pins, introduced by John Tilsby in 1625. In the Cathedral are monuments to Edward TL, John Gower, the architect. Dr. Edward Jenner, and Robert Raikes, the founder of Sunday schools. In 1798 Gloucester township was a part of Russell county. OSGOODE TOWNSHIP (1798) Not to guzzle beer or whiskey. To the bar they got their call ; They're the newest batch of lawyers. Just turned out, from Osgoode Hall. — Robert Saunders. The township of Osgoode was named after William Osgoode, born 1754, died 1824. He was Chief Justice of Canada from 1792 to 1808; came from England with Governor Simcoe. Transferred to Quebec in 1794. Osgoode Hall in Toronto is named after him. " He died in affluent circumstances, the result of laudable prudence, without the smallest taint of avarice, or illiberal parsimony." He received a retiring allowance of ;^8oo a year which he 56 NOTHING BUT NAMES enjoyed for twenty-three years. Osgoode township belonged to Russell county before Carleton county was organized. NORTH GOWER TOWNSHIP (1798) See South Gower, Grenville County. The whole of this township was in Grenville in 1798. NEPEAN TOWNSHIP (1798) The township of Nepean is called after Sir Evan Nepean, Secretary for Ireland, 1804, to whom Haldimand sent many letters and reports from Canada in 1784-85. Dr. Scadding suggests Lieut.-General Nicholas Nepean, living in 1793 et seq., but as Mr. E. Nepean was Under Secretary in the Colonial Department (under Mr. Dundas) until 1795, when he was succeeded by Mr. Huskisson, it appears probable that the township was named in his honor. On August 14, 1789, Joseph Brant wrote to General Haldimand stating that the gold watch promised by Mr. Nepean turns out to be only gilt. In 1798 Nepean township was part of Grenville county. CARLETON COUNTY 57 GOULBOURN TOWNSHIP (1816) Praying, God save the Goulbourns all From mad Dissenters, great and small. -Moore. The township of Goulbourn got its name from Henry Goulbourn, born 1784, Under Secretary of State for the Home Department in 1810 ; for the Colonies in 1812 ; Chancellor of the Exchequer 1828-30 and 1841-45 ; died in 1856. Henry Goulbourn, as Under Secretary of State, signed the Treaty of Peace between Great Britain and the United States at Ghent in 18 14. MARLBOROUGH TOWNSHIP (1798) It was the Duke of Marlborough who put the French to rout, But what they fought each other for, I never could make out. — Southey. This township, which originally belonged to Grenville county, bears the name Charlborough on Smith's 1798 map, either as a misprint for Marlborough, or from Charlbury in Oxfordshire, seven miles from Woodstock, near which village is Blandford Park, successively owned by the Earl of Danby, the Earl of Clarendon, the Duke of Marlborough and the Duke of Beaufort. The Ontario township now called Marlborough is just north of Oxford on the Rideau, and as Blenheim Castle and Charlbury are both in Oxfordshire, either name is appropriate in that S8 NOTHING BUT NAMES connection. John Churchill, Duke of Marlborough, son of Sir Winston Churchill, was born at Ashe, Devonshire, in 1650. King James II. made him a peer, with the title of Baron Ey mouth, in 1682, and he was created Lord Churchill in 1685. King William III. made him Earl of Marlborough in 1689. He took Liege in 1702 and Queen Anne made him Marquis of Blandford and Duke of Marlborough in 1703. With Prince Eugene he conquered the French at Blenheim in 1704, and for that he received the grant of the manor of Woodstock. In 1706 he fought the famous battle of Ramilies. He died in 1722, in the reign of George I., and his remains were interred with great pomp in Westminster Abbey. (See Blenheim and Blandford townships). The town of Marlborough in Wiltshire, from which the Duke's principal title was taken, is named from its situation at the foot of a hill of chalk or marl. It was mentioned in Domesday Book and became a place of importance after the Norman Conquest, when a castle was erected, of which some traces are still visible. A Parliament was held at Marlborough in the fifty-isecond year of King Henry II I. 's reign. MARCH TOWNSHIP (1823) Myself,— and you, son Harry,— will toward Walus To fight with Glendower, and the Earl of March. — King Henry IV. This township was named in honor of the Duke of Richmond, Eari of March, Baron Settrington and Methuen of Torbolton. The title Eari of March is derived from the Marches in South Wales. CARLETON COUNTY 59 TORBOLTON TOWNSHIP (1S23) In the parish o' Tarbolton, Noar the bonnie toun o' .\vr, Young- Robin Burns loUowod the ploug'li, Happy .md free from oaro. His " father was a farmer," .¦Vs he tells us in his song, .Vnd Rob loved all the lassies, But he lovod none o' them long. — .4non. The name of this township is from a title of tlie Duke of Richmond. (See March township). Torbolton, also spelled Tarbolton, is a village in .Ajrsliire, Scotland, near which the father of Robert Burns resided in 1777. About half a mile from Torbolton, at the Mansion House of Coilsfield, ' Highland Marj- " worked as a dair}'maid. Coilsfield now belongs to the Earl of Eglinton. HUNTLEY TOWNSHIP (1823) N'ow uao be to yovi Huntley ! .And wherefore did ye sae ? I bade you bring him wi' you, But forbade \'ou him to slae. —Old Ballad. The name is from Huiitle\- Castle, a part of the extensive estate in .Aberdeen count}-, Scotland, which came to the fifth Duke of Richmond through his mother. Lady Charlotte Gordon, wife of the Duke of Richmond 6o NOTHING BUT NAMES who was Governor of Canada. Gordon Castle on the same estate is 560 feet in length, with a park eighteen miles in circumference. The Duchess of Gordon, wife of Alexander the fourth Duke, became somewhat noted as a matchmaker, because three of her daughters were married to Dukes — Lady Charlotte to Charles Lennox, the Duke of Richmond ; Lady Susan to William Montagu, Duke of Manchester ; and Lady Georgiana to John Russell, Duke of Bedford. Lady Charlotte, the Duchess of Richmond, had fourteen children, one of whom, Lady Sarah, wife of Sir Peregrine Maitland, lived in Canada about ten years, her husband succeeding her father temporarily as Governor and remain ing as Lieut.-Governor of Upper Canada. Lady Sarah Maitland has left traces of her presence in the naming of many townships. March and Torbolton were titles of her father and her brother ; Lord Huntley was the title of her mother's brother George in the lifetime of his father. He was the fifth Duke of Gordon, and when he died in 1836, that title became extinct, but it was revived by creation in 1876 and conferred upon the sixth Duke of Richmond. In 1794 Lord Huntley helped his mother to raise the regiment of Gordon Highlanders. On May 10, 1819, Lieut.-Colonel Innes wrote to the Marquis of Huntley about an application made by the Duke of Richmond to Earl Bathurst. See Archives of 1897. CARLETON COUNTY 6i FITZROY TOWNSHIP (1823) All that on Granta's fruitful plain Rich streams of regal bounty poured, And bade their awful fanes and turrets rise. To hail their Fitzroy's festal morning come, And thus they speak in soft accord The liquid language of the skies. — Thomas Gray, I76g. This township was named in honor of Sir Charles Augustus Fitzroy, K.C.B. , Captain-General and Governor- in-Chief of New South Wales, and Lieut.-Governor of the Island of Antigua ; son of General Lord Charles Fitzroy, M.P. for St. Edmund's Bury, who voted for the Canada bill, and grandson of the third Duke of Grafton ; born 1796, died 1858, having married in 1820 Lady Mary Lennox, eldest daughter of the Duke of Richmond who was Governor of Canada, and a sister of Lady Sarah Maitland, wife of Lieut.-Governor Maitland. , 62 NOTHING BUT NAMES LANARK COUNTY (1825) It was as sweet an autumn day As ever shone on Clyde, And Lanark's orchards all the way Put forth their golden pride. — Campbell. Warn Lanark's knights to gird their mail, Rouse the brave sons of Teviotdale. — Lord of the Isles. This county is named after Lanark, the county town of Lanarkshire, or Clydesdale, an inland county of Scotland, which produces coal and lead, and is the seat of many manufacturing industries. The town of Lanark is twenty- five miles from Glasgow and thirty-two miles from Edinburgh. Its proximity to the Falls of Clyde makes it a favorite place of resort for strangers in summer. It was in Lanark that the Scottish hero, Wallace, commenced his exertions to free his country from a foreign yoke. In the parish church is a statue of the hero. The village of New Lanark, established in 1783 by David Dale, of Glasgow, father-in-law of the famous Robert Owen, was the scene of a notable experiment in profit-sharing among the employees of the cotton manufactory. Sir Walter Scott describes some of the Lanark people and houses in " The Talisman." Rev. Richard Jones says: "In the year 1816 the townships north of the Rideau Lake, known as the Perth settlement, were settled principally by discharged soldiers, some of whom had been with Abercrombie in Egypt, with Wellington and Sir John Moore in Spain, LANARK COUNTY 63 with Cornwallis in America, but the greater part had seen service in 181 2, when Canada was the battle field. At a very great expense, the British Government tried to make these old soldiers and their families as comfortable as possible at the close of the war. They chose their locations without expense, and each man received, according to his rank, from one hundred to five hundred acres. They were also supplied with all necessary implements of husbandry, and tools for building purposes ; also, cooking utensils and blankets, with one year's provisions for each man, woman and child." Most of the present county of Lanark was originally included in Carleton county. .MONT.AGUE TOWNSHIP (1798) How far off is our brother Montague? Where is the post that came from Montague? — King Henry VI. This township was named in honor of Admiral Sir George Montague, who served on the ship Marlborough, of seventy-four guns, in 1770. He was born in 1750 and died in December, 1829. His father was Admiral John Montagu, with whom Haldimand corresponded in 1773, descended from the first Earl of Manchester, and his mother was Sophia Wroughton. He left the Royal Naval Academy at Portsmouth to enter the Preston, commanded by Captain (afterwards Lord) Gardner, in which ship he proceeded to the Jamaica station. At the commencement of the American war. Captain Montagu was sent to block ade Marblehead and Salem. He captured the Washington, 64 NOTHING BUT NAMES the first war vessel sent to sea by the American States. Subsequently, he covered the retreat and embarkation of the army under Sir William Howe, at the evacuation of Boston, for which he was thanked by Lord Howe. In the river Chesapeake, Captain Montagu rescued Lord Dun- more and Governor Eden, and after the reduction of New York he returned to England in ill-health. In 1779 he was appointed to the Pearl frigate and captured the Santa Monica. Then he went to the relief of Gibraltar and back to America, acting as senior officer at New York. In 1793 he accompanied Rear-Admiral Gardner to Barbadoes, and in 1794 joined the grand fleet, commanded by Earl Howe. In 1795 he was promoted to the rank of Vice-Admiral. From 1803 to 1808 Admiral Montagu held the chief command at Portsmouth, and in 1810 he was presented with a superb piece of plate by the Captains who had fitted out there. He married in 1783 his cousin, Charlotte Wroughton, and his eldest daughter married Vice-Admiral Sir John Gore. It is highly probable that Governor Simcoe knew Admiral Montagu during the war and had him in mind when the township was named. The family name of the Earl of Sandwich (see Sandwich township) was Montagu. John Lambert (1810) says that Cape Rouge, near Quebec, is remarkable for the interest given to it by Mrs. Brookes in her " Emily Montague." Mon tague Grove, near Hampstead, Middlesex, derives its name from Edward Montague, Esq., Master in Chancery, the friend of Lord Mansfield. The Duke of Montagu in the last century was George Brudenell, fourth Earl of Cardi gan, who in 1730 married Lady Mary Montagu, daughter of John, Duke of Montagu, and took his deceased father-in- law's title in 1776, in which year he was appointed to the Privy Council and made Governor to the Prince of Wales and the Duke of York. He died in 1790 and his title LANARK COUNTY 6^ 3 descended to his grandson Henry, second son of the Duke of Buccleugh, who died in 1845, when the title of Duke of Montagu expired. Matthew Montagu, M.P., voted for the Canada Bill, and Right Hon. F. Montagu opposed it. The family name Montagu was taken originally from the town of Montagu in Normandy, but it was written in Domesday Book and other old records in the Latin form ; thus Drogo de Monteacuto came over with the Duke of Normandy in 1066. Then the name became Montacute, Montagew, Montague and Montagu, ending as it began in the French form. It means sharp mountain. In 1798 Montague township was a part of Grenville county. BECKWITH TOWNSHIP (1816) The Beckwiths were a fighting race. And though they'd ne'er begin it. Where'er a fight was taking place You'd find a Beckwith in it. — D. Eaton. The name Beckwith is English, but it is intimately connected with Canadian history. Major Beckwith was sent from Niagara to Oswego by General Amherst in 1759. Sir George Beckwith was assistant Adjutant- General under Lord Rawdon in 1778, before the latter was dismissed by Sir Henry Clinton and succeeded by Major Andre as Adjutant-General. George Beckwith was the second son of Major-General John Beckwith, of a good Yorkshire family, who served with credit in the Seven Years' War. George entered the 37th regiment as an ensign in 1771, served with it in America from 1776 to s 66 NOTHING BUT NAMES 1782, was made Captain in 1777, appointed aid to Knyp- hausen in 1779, and aid to Sir Guy Carleton in 1782. He rose to the ranks of Major-General and Lieutenant- General. In 1797 he was made Governor of Bermuda ; of St. Vincent in 1804; of Barbadoes in 1808. He captured Martinique in 1809, receiving the thanks of Parliament, and was created a K.C.B. In 1810 he captured Gaude- loupe, the last French possession in the West Indies. Leaving Barbadoes in 18 14, he was appointed to the chief command in Ireland in 18 16, which he held till 1820, when he died unmarried. His mother survived him, dying in 1827, aged ninety-seven. Four of his brothers were also in the army, the eldest of whom, Captain John Beckwith, married Mary Haliburton, sister of Mr. Justice Haliburton, of Nova Scotia, and an aunt of the author of " Sam Slick." Colonel Sidney Beckwith, quartermaster-general, had charge of the troops sent to Bermuda in 1813. His reports to Lord Bathurst appear in the Canadian Archives. J. Beckwith was Naval Officer at Quebec under Lord Dal housie in 1823. Of the Beckwiths in Canada, Nehemiah, a loyalist, settled at Fredericton, N.B., and built sloops in partnership with Benedict Arnold. He married Julie Louise Le Brun, who came to Fredericton from Quebec with the family of Sir Guy Carleton, as companion and French governess to Miss Carleton. In 181 3 Nehemiah Beckwith purchased a large tract of land in the suburbs of Montreal, but the vendor dying before the deeds were completed the purchaser lost land and money. Mrs. Beckwith, n6e Le Brun, was said to be a cousin of the Due de Richelieu. Her son, Hon. John Adolphus Beckwith, born 1800, died 1880, was deputy surveyor-general of New Brunswick and a legislative councillor. His son, Adolphus George Beckwith, born 1839, has been deputy surveyor of New Brunswick and engineer of public works. LANARK COUNTY 67 Major-General Charles Beckwith, C.B., eldest son of John Beckwith and Mary Haliburton, born at Halifax, N.S., in 1789, entered the army when fourteen years old. In 1807 he served in Denmark, in 1808 in Sweden, in 1809 with Lord Wellesley in Spain, going through all the battles and winning a gold medal at Toulouse. At Waterloo Major Beckwith lost a leg. In 1827 he set out for the Vaudois Valleys to evangelize the inhabitants. He wrote several works in the Italian language. The monument over his grave at Torre-Pellice was erected " to the venerated memory of their illustrious and constant benefactor, Major-General Charles Beckwith, by the grateful Vaudois Church." He died at La Tour in 1862. RAMSAY TOWNSHIP (1823) Ramsay and famous Fergusson Gied Forth and Tay a lift aboon Yarrow and Tweed, to monie a tune. - Bums. The township of Ramsay takes its name from General George Ramsay, Earl of Dalhousie, born 1770, died 1838. 68 NOTHING BUT NAMES DALHOUSIE TOWNSHIP (1823) After, Dalhousie's venerable walls Time-honor'd and for noble sons renovvn'd Stately up-rear'd o'er Esk's south-springing stream. —John Fitchett. Fill WeUington's cup till it beam like his glory, Forget not our own brave Dalhousie and Graeme ; A thousand years hence hearts shall bound at their story. And hallow the goblet that flows to their fame. — Walter Scott. The township of Dalhousie is named from George Ramsay, Earl of Dalhousie, Governor of Nova Scotia, founder of Dalhousie College, Halifax, who on the death of the Duke of Richmond was appointed by Lord Bathurst Governor-General of Canada. He could not leave Nova Scotia immediately, and Sir Peregrine Maitland performed the duties until Dalhousie's arrival in 1820. Mr. Christie, the historian, says " there was a manliness, candor and integrity in Lord Dalhousie that could not fail to command the respect of every unprejudiced mind acquainted with him." Lord Dalhousie was Governor of Canada until 1828, when he was appointed Commander- in-Chief of the forces in India. A recent number of the Acadian Recorder (Halifax) gives the following glimpse of old times: It was announced in the newspapers of 1826 that the Duke of Manchester, Sir Howard Douglas, Governor of New Brunswick, Governor Ready, of Prince Edward Island, and Sir T Cochrane would be in Halifax at the same time with the Earl of Dalhousie, who was expected from Canada late in July. On the night of the LANARK COUNTY 69 1st of August the inhabitants of Halifax gave a ball in honor of the Countess of Dalhousie. Her Ladyship was led into the room by the Hon. Michael Wallace, and dancing soon after commenced — Lady Dalhousie opening the ball with the Hon. Judge Haliburton, and they being followed by Lord Dalhousie and the Lady of the Master of the Rolls — Mrs. Robie. Dalhousie Castle is in the parish of Cockpen, Midlothian. PAKENHAM TOWNSHIP (1823) Old Hickory fought at New Orleans After the war was done ; There General Pakenham was killed. He was Lord Longford's son. —Jonathan Barnes. Pakenham was called after General Sir Edward Michael Pakenham, born 1778, killed at the battle of New Orleans, 1815, on which occasion General (afterwards President) Andrew Jackson commanded the American forces. In his despatch to Earl Bathurst, giving an account of the disaster at New Orleans, Major-General Lambert wrote : " It is not necessary for me to expatiate to you upon the loss the army has sustained in Major- General the Honorable Sir E. Packenham, Commander-in- chief of this force, nor could I do so in adequate terms. His services and merits are so well known that I have only, in common with the whole army, to express my sincere regret, which may be supposed at this moment to come particularly home to me. The brave commander of the forces, who never in his life could refrain from being at the 70 NO THING B UT NA MES post of honor, and sharing the dangers to which the troops were exposed, galloped on to the front to animate them by his presence ; it was there he received two wounds, one in his knee, and another, which was almost instantly fatal, in his body." General Pakenham's sister was the wife of the first Duke of Wellington. NORTH ELMSLEY TOWNSHIP (1798) See South Elmsley, Leeds County. DRUMMOND TOWNSHIP (1816) For Drummond is marching that pitiless day. And the feet of his soldiers are swift for the fray. — W. T. Uliite, The township of Drummond took its name from General Sir Gordon Drummond, born at Quebec, 1771, died in London, 1854. He was with Sir Ralph Aber crombie in Egypt, 1801, was an intimate friend of the Duke of Kent, and was sent to Canada in 1813 by the Duke of York as second in command to Sir George Prevost. He was wounded at Lundy's Lane, and in the fall of 1 8 14 succeeded Prevost as commander of the forces and administrator of the Government of the Canadas a LANARK COUNTY 71 position he held until 18 16. Sir Gordon Drummond's daughter, Eliza, married, in 1832, Henry Howard, Earl of Effingham. LANARK TOWNSHIP (1820) See Lanark County. DARLING TOWNSHIP (1823) Potent to hush all ventriloquial snarling, — And ease the bosom pangs of indigestion Thou art, sans question. The Corporation's love — its Doctor Darling. — Hood, This township was probably called after Colonel H. C. Darling, military secretary to Lord Dalhousie, the Gover nor-General in 1823. On September 10, 1822, he reported on the military settlements in Lanark. (See Archives 1897). Dr. Scadding speaks of General Darling, a friend and associate of Governor Simcoe, after whom Darling Island, now called Snake Island, in Lake Simcoe, was named. There was a Major Darling with General Amherst at the siege of Louisbourg in 1758, who may have become a General afterward. Governor Gore, after his final retire ment from the Government of Upper Canada, wrote to 72 NOTHING BUT NAMES Colonel Givins of York : " I learn that Lord Dalhousie has recommended a Major Darling to succeed to our poor friend Claus. I suppose his Lordship is satisfied with that gentleman's perfect knowledge of the Indian Nations to justify him in preferring him to so important an office." Dr. Scadding, quoting this, adds : " The rumor respecting the appointment of Major Darling did not prove to be well grounded. Colonel Givins himself became Colonel Claus' successor." This Major Darling was probably the Colonel Darling- mentioned by Fothergill as Military Secretary to Lord Dalhousie at Quebec in 1823. "Smith's Canada" (185 1 ) quotes a statement of "Mr. Darling, the Surgeon to the estabhshment at the Manitoulin." A Perth corre spondent says the township was named in honor of Grace Darling, but that is impossible, for the name appears in the list of townships in Fothergill's Almanac, published in 1824, when Grace Darling was only nine years old, and fourteen years previous to her heroic rescue of the passengers of the Forfarshire steamer in 1838. NORTH BURGESS TOWNSHIP (1798) See South Burgess, Leeds Countj?, LANARK COUNTY 73 SHERBROOKE TOWNSHIP, NORTH AND SOUTH (1820) Of all our soldier Governors From Murray down to Head, Sherbrooke the most efficient was. Historians have said. —Henry Irving. The township of Sherbrooke took its name from Sir John Coape Sherbrooke, born 1764, Governor of Canada in 1 8 16. Kingsford says he proved to be one of the wisest Governors of that period. " But all that Sherbrooke did accomplish was nullified by the ill-judged self-assertion of his incompetent successor, the Duke of Richmond." The health of Governor Sherbrooke was so poor that he could not remain long in Canada. He died in 1830 at Claverton in England. (See Sherbrooke township, Haldimand county). BATHURST TOWNSHIP (1816) Then, how could any party fail. That steer'd itself by Bathurst's tail ? — Moore. The township of Bathurst was named in honor of Henry, second Earl Bathurst, son of Baron Apsley, born 1762, died 1834. He was Lord Commissioner of the Admiralty, Commissioner for India, Foreign Secretary, 74 NOTHING BUT NAMES Colonial Secretary, President of the Council and First Lord of the Admiralty. He married a daughter of the Duke of Richmond, and was a brother-in-law of Lady Sarah Maitland. The Archives contain much correspond ence with Lord Bathurst, whose name was given to a district in Canada, afterwards abolished by Act of Parliament. LAVANT TOWNSHIP (1823) There was a sound of revelry by night. And Belgium's capital was gathered there, Her beauty and her chivalry. —Childe Harold. The name Lavant is taken from that of a village in Sussex, north of Chichester, near which is Goodwood, the splendid seat of the Duke of Richmond, agreeably situated in a spacious park. Goodwood races, established by Charles, the third Duke, in 1802, are annually run in this park. The multitude of names in Lanark and Carleton counties, derived from the ducal house of Richmond, is explained by the fact that Charles Lennox, the fourth Duke of Richmond, was making a tour in this vicinity, when he was attacked by the hydrophobia which resulted in his death. He had been bitten in the hand by a tame fox at Sorel on the river Richelieu, then called William Henry, but the wound healed and nothing was thought of it. Some weeks later, when proceeding from Col. Powell's military settlement at Perth to the settlement of the looth Prince Regent's disbanded regiment at the village of LANARK COUNTY 75 Richmond on the Goodwood River, he found himself unable to cross any stream of water, and violent symptoms developing he was carried to a barn, where he died in agony on August 28, 1819. There are old residents in Perth who maintain the tradition that it was delirium tremens and not hydrophobia that cut short the career of the Duke of Richmond. A descendant of the owner of the barn in which the Duke died insists that this is the correct story. His remains were conveyed to Quebec and buried there, with much pomp and ceremony, in the English cathedral. This was the Duke of Richmond who, before the death of his uncle, the third Duke, fought a duel with Prince Frederick, Duke of York, Lord Rawdon, afterwards the Marquis of Hastings, being one of the seconds. He married (see Huntley township) a daughter of the Duchess of Gordon, and it was his wife who gave the famous ball at Brussels, on the eve of the battle of Waterloo, which Byron has immortalized in the twenty -first and succeeding stanzas of the third canto of Childe Harold. The Duke was born in 1764, married in 1789, succeeded his uncle in the Dukedom in 1806, was appointed Governor of Canada in 18 1 8 and died in 18 19. He had previously been Viceroy of Ireland for six years and had filled other important stations. His son and successor, born 1791, served under the Duke of Wellington in Spain and at Waterloo, and had a distinguished career in Parliament. He married in 1817 Lady Caroline Paget, eldest daughter of the Marquis of Anglesey. (See Anglesey and Uxbridge townships). 76 NOTHING BUT NAMES RENFREW COUNTY From Paisley and from Greenock came the strappin' Renfrew laddies To make new homes in Canada and send home for their daddies. This county takes its name from Renfrewshire, anciently Strathgryffe, a west county of Scotland, the whole of which is included in the basin of the Clyde. Coal, alum and iron are produced in large quantities in Renfrewshire. The Stuart family had their earliest known patrimonial inheritance in the parish of Renfrew, in Renfrewshire, and it is from this circumstance that the Prince of Wales derives his title of Baron of Renfrew. McNAB TOWNSHIP (1825) The Campbell may come, as his promises bind him. And haughty McNab, with his giants behind him . . . Aye, that was McNab, in the height of his pride. When the lions of Dochart stood firm by his side. —Hogg, the Ettrick Shepherd. The name is derived from the late Archibald McNab, of McNab, the last of the Chiefs of the McNab clan, who was born in 1775 at Kinnel House, Killin, Perthshire, Scotland. His father was a physician ; he succeeded his uncle Francis McNab, of whom many comical stories are RENFREW COUNTY 77 told, in the Chieftainship. Archibald McNab emigrated to Canada with a portion of his clan in 1825 and settled on the Ottawa River. The arrangements he made with the settlers were on the old feudal system, and they did not work satisfactorily ; indeed, there was constant strife between the Laird and his tenants, until the Government in 1842 paid McNab $16,000 to get out, which he did, removing to Hamilton and living on the property where the Loretto Convent is now located. King street west, until 1852, when he went to Scotland to take charge of a small estate that had been left him in the Orkneys. He died in France in i860. McNab possessed a sword which had at one time belonged to Prince Charlie ; he presented it to Queen Victoria in 1855. Except one family, the McNabs all left Perthshire years ago, the old estate going into the hands of the Earl of Breadalbane. Archibald McNab was a strong Conservative and a great friend of Sir Francis Bond Head (see Head township), to whom he wrote a letter in 1837 offering the support of "the only Highland chieftain in America " and his clan. Dr. Scad ding says it was always evident that the Chief set a high value on himself " May the McNab of McNab's have the pleasure of taking wine with Lady Sarah Maitland ? " silenced the dinner table at Government House. The same author tells the familiar story about Archibald McNab, of Renfrew county, and Sir Allan McNab, of Hamilton, as follows : " Again at Kingston the ever- conscious Chief having written himself down in the visitors' book at the hotel as ' The McNab,' his juvenile relative, coming in immediately after and seeing the curt inscription, instantly entered his protest against the monopoly apparently implied, by writing himself down, in conspicuous characters, as ' The Other McNab.* " The Archives mention a letter, dated March 13, 1823, 78 NOTHING BUT NAMES from Maitland to Bathurst, transmitting a petition from McNab, of McNab, for a grant of land to settle part of his clan, and adding that his proposal is attended with risk to himself and embarrassment to the Provincial Government. BAGOT TOWNSHIP (1843) Call forth Bagot :— Now, Bagot, freely speak thy mind ; What thou dost know of noble Gloster's death. — King Richard II. The township is named after Sir Charles Bagot, second son of Sir William, sixth Baronet and first Baron Bagot, of Bagot's Bromley, Staffordshire ; born 1781, died 1843. His mother was Hon. Louisa St. John, daughter of Viscount Bolingbroke, and a descendant of the Minister of Queen Anne, to whom Pope addressed his " Essay on Man." Sir Charles Bagot married in 1806 Lady Mary Charlotte Anne Wellesley-Pole, eldest daughter of William, third Earl of Mornington. He was ambassador extraordinary to Russia before his appointment as Governor of Canada in 1841. A staunch Conservative and High Churchman, nephew by marriage of the Duke of Wellington, and having served under Canning as Under Secretary for Foreign Affairs, Sir Charles Bagot had a good record before coming to Canada. McMullen says he treated all parties with equal justice and made appointments in the most impartial manner. He had a severe attack of dropsy, and though the Home Govern ment consented to relieve him of duty, he was unable to RENFREW COUNTY 79 return to England before his death. " His stately wife, who had won golden opinions on all sides, never recovered from the loss of her husband." She died in 1845. BLITHEFIELD TOWNSHIP (1843) Takes its name from Blithefield House, a seat of the Bagot family. Walter Bagot (1590) was described as "of Blithefield and Bagot's Bromley." Rev. William Somer viUe, brother of Mark, sixteenth Lord SomerviUe, married in 1830 Charlotte, daughter of Rev. Walter Bagot, of Blithefield, County of Stafford. Their son, Lieut. Reginald Hugh SomerviUe, was killed at Sebastopol, September 8, 1855. On the map of 1836 the territory now included in Bagot and Blithefield is called Madawaska. BROMLEY TOWNSHIP (1843) Takes its name from Bagot's Bromley, in Stafford shire, the chief seat of the Bagot family. An ancestor of Sir Charles probably went over to England with the conqueror, as the name is undoubtedly Norman, and when Domesday Book was compiled a Bagot was in possession of the estate of Bagot's Bromley. At Abbot's Bromley, a town in Staffordshire, east of the City of Stafford and south of Uttoxeter, " the hobby horse dance, an ancient custom, was observed till the civil 8o NOTHING BUT NAMES war. The dancers carried on their shoulders deers' heads, painted with the arms of Paget, Bagot and Welles, to whom the chief property of the town belonged. The parish includes Bromley, Bagot's liberty and Bromley Hurst township. Bagot's Park is the deer park of Lord Bagot, whose seat is at Blithefield." — DuGDALE. Mr. Bromley, of Baginton, was Speaker of the House of Commons in the reign of Queen Anne. In 1706 the family seat at Baginton was burned, and Parliament voted money to restore it. At Baginton is barely to be traced the site of the castellated residence of Sir William Bagot, at which the Duke of Hereford, afterwards Henry IV., lodged the night previous to his projected personal contest with Thomas Mowbray, Duke of Norfolk, on Gosford Green ; the scene is described by Shakspeare. ADMASTON TOWNSHIP (1843) The name is that of a village in Staffordshire, west of Eccleshall and north of Newport. On the map of 1836 Admaston is called Kanmore, and Bromley is included in Ross township. RENFREW COUNTY 8i HORTON TOWNSHIP (1826) O Grey ! Peel ! Sadler ! Wilberforce ! Burdett ! Hume ! Wilmot Horton ! Think of your prose and verse, and worse — Delivered in Hog's Norton. — Tom Hood. This is the name of a village in the northern part of Staffordshire, between Leek and Congleton, but the town ship was named after R. J. Wilmot Horton, on whose motion a committee of the House of Commons was appointed in 1826 to devise a scheme of assisted emigra tion. The Archives of 1897 contain a list of papers collected by Mr. Wilmot Horton on the Canada Bill, 1822. The name is printed on a map of 1828 as Itorton, probably a misprint. On that map there are only two townships (MacNabb and Itorton) north of Lanark and Carleton. STAFFORD TOWNSHIP (1843) Lord Stafford's father, Duke of Buckingham, Is either slain, or wounded dangerous. — King Henry VI. This township is called after the name of the county in England, where Sir Charles Bagot's family lived. Staffordshire produces iron ore, limestone, fire stone, pipe clay, ochre and a valuable clay that stands the fire well. 82 NOTHING BUT NAMES The county is noted for its potteries, the manufacture of earthenware having been brought to great perfection by Mr. Wedgwood. During the contentions between the Houses of York and Lancaster a decisive battle was fought at Blore Heath in Staffordshire, and Lord Audley fell in the action. Stafford, the county town, gets its name from the river Sow having been forded there by means of a staff, hence Staff-ford. It was a place of importance at the time of the Conquest, for it is called a city in Domesday Book. Manufactures of leather, boots and shoes, hats and cutlery flourish in Stafford. Sir George Granville Gower, second Marquis of Stafford, married, in 1785, Elizabeth, Countess of Sutherland, and was himself created Duke of Sutherland in 1833. The Countess raised a regiment for the defence of Britain, called the Sutherland Fencibles. She had two sons and two daughters. Her second son, Francis, became Earl of Ellesmere. This noble lady, whose full title was Elizabeth Sutherland-Gower, Marchioness of Stafford, Countess of Sutherland, and Baroness of Strathnaver, was born in 1765, and her father died when she was one year old. Her right of succession to her father's estates and title was strongly disputed by male relatives, but was confirmed by the House of Lords in 1771. When scarcely five years old she thus became possessed of the most honorable title, and of the richest domains of any of the Scottish nobility. At the age of twenty she married the Marquis of Stafford, distinguished not more for his wealth and exalted rank than for his splendid patronage of the fine arts. Lady Elizabeth Mary, Dowager Marchioness of Westminster, the second daughter of the first Duke of Sutherland, died at London, November 11, 1891, aged ninety-four years. RENFREW COUNTY 83 WESTME.ATH TOWNSHIP (1830) Priiu'o WiUiam had soldiers Irom Ancaster Heath, Kini,' James pinned his faith to the boys from Westmeath ; When the hosts came together, one or both had to totter — Read the rest in the song that's entitled " Boyne Water.'' — Alfred Bannerman. Westmeath takes its name from a central county of Ireland, traversed by the rivers Shannon and Boyne. The family name of the Earl of Westmeath is Nugent. On the map of 1836 Westmeath includes Stafford and Pembroke townships. PEMBROKE TOWNSHIP (1843) De .\rgentine attends his side. With stout De Valence, Pembroke's pride. — Lord of the Isles. Here lyes swearing Pembroke — to dye he was loath. Vet when he departed, was choak'd with an oath. — Tract in Bodleian Library. Pembroke is the name of a Welsh county. George Augustus Herbert, eleventh Earl of Pembroke, was born 1759, died 1827. His mother was a daughter of the second Duke of Marlborough, and his first wife was a granddaughter, on her mother's side, of the third Duke of Marlborough. Robert Gourlay corresponded with the Earl of Pembroke on emigration in 1823. His second 84 NOTHING BUT NAMES son, Honorable Sidney Herbert, born 1810, died 1861, entered Parliament in 1832 and was Secretary at the Admiralty under Sir Robert Peel in 1841, Secretary at War in 1845, one of the most active and influential supporters of Peel's free trade policy ; again Secretary of War in 1852 and Secretary for the Colonies under Palmer- ston in 1855. He was created Lord Herbert shortl}' before his death. The title of the Earl of Pembroke is taken from Pembroke, a market town on Milford Haven in Pembroke shire, Wales, which is a great ship-building point and does a large coasting trade. The castle of Pembroke, which dates from mo, is one of the most splendid remnants of military architecture in Great Britain. It was the birth place of Henry VIL, King of England. Peter White, born 1794, died 1878, settled at Pembroke in 1828, when the nearest house was sixty miles distant, so he may be fairly considered the founder of the town. He entered the Royal Navy in 181 2, came to Canada in 1813 with Sir James Yeo, served on Lake Ontario during the war, and then embarked in the lumbering business. ROSS TOWNSHIP (1830) Here come the lords of Ross and Willoughby, Bloody with spurring, fiery-red with haste. — King Richard II. Ross is a Gaelic word, signifying a headland or promontory, also an isthmus and a wood. RENFREW COUNTY 85 Mr. William White, of Pembroke, says that the town ship of Ross, when surveyed by Mr. McNaughton (himself a Highlander) was partly settled by Highlanders from Ross county in Scotland, and he doubtless gave the town ship the name of Ross for that reason. Ross and Cromarty, two counties politically connected, extend across the island from the German Ocean to the Atlantic, and both coasts are indented with numerous bays and excellent harbors. There is a bare possibility that Ross township in Renfrew was named after Admiral Sir James Clark Ross, a British navigator and discoverer, born 1800, died 1862. He accompanied his uncle, Sir John Ross, on six voyages to the Arctic regions between 1818 and 1833, and went to Baffin's Bay in search of missing whale ships in 1835, being afterwards employed in making a magnetic survey of Great Britain and Ireland. Then he was sent to explore the Antarctic Sea. The Committee of the British Association recommended the voyage of Sir James Ross to Lord Melbourne. Lord Minto agreed, and on the 8th of April, 1839, they appointed Sir James Clark Ross to the com mand of the Erebus, with Commander F. R. M. Crozier in charge of the Terror. At Van Dieman's Land the expedition was to communicate with Sir John Franklin, who was to assist in establishing a third magnetic observatory. Shaping their course directly for the Magnetic pole, on January 11, 1841, they saw land. To the highest mountain of the distant range the name of Sabine was given, in honor of Lieut.-Col. Sabine, Secretary to the British Association, one of the most active promoters of the expedition, and still more distinguished by his admirable contributions to the progress of terrestrial magnetism. Another mountain was named after Sir Roderick Impey Murchison. An island was called Franklin Island, in compliment to Sir John Franklin. On 86 NOTHING BUT NAMES the 3rd of September, 1843, Sir James Ross landed at Folkstone, the Erebus and Terror having, when paid off> been in commission four years and five months. BROUGHAM TOWNSHIP (1851) Petticoat patriots, flounced John Russells, Burdetts in blonde, and Broughams in bustles. If difficulties mark his course. There's none aside will throw 'em With half the intellectual force Of gallant Henry Brougham. —Moore, -Punch, This township was named after Henry, Lord Brougham and Vaux, Lord Chancellor of England, born in Edinburgh, 1778, died 1868. He helped to start the Edinburgh Review in 1802, and contributed to it for twenty-five years. Mr. Brougham entered the House of Commons in 1810; he opposed the slave trade, favored Catholic Emancipation and reform of the Indian Govern ment, and condemned flogging in the army. He labored in the cause of popular education and gained great popularity by his efforts on behalf of Queen Caroline. The attorneys were so indignant at Mr. Brougham's efforts to reform the law and curtail their profits that they formed a combination to give him no briefs, but the plot fell through. As Lord Chancellor under Earl Grey, he made a fine record, and he helped to get the Reform Bill through the House of Lords. He censured the Canadian policy of the Whigs and attacked Lord Durham. Lord Brougham wrote " Sketches of Statesmen who flourished RENFREW COUNTY 87 in the time of George III.," and " Lives of Men of Letters and Science." The village of Brougham, in Westmoreland, and the ancient castle belonged to the Clifford family. Brougham Hall, the seat of Lord High Chancellor Henry Brougham, is about a mile from the ancient castle. An urn filled with Roman silver coins was dug up in the neighbourhood of the castle in 1792. GRATTAN TOWNSHIP (1851) Shade of our glorious Grattan, too. Whose very name her shame recalls ; Whose effigy her bigot crew Reversed upon their monkish walls. — Moore's Triumph of Bigotry, This township was named after Henry Grattan, an Irish statesman and orator, born in Dublin, 1750, died 1820. He became a member of the Irish Parliament in 1775, denied the right of the British Parliament to legislate for Ireland and opposed the union of the two kingdoms. His style of oratory was impassioned, and he was frequently entirely carried away and overcome by his subject. His private character was without a blemish. 88 NOTHING BUT NAMES WILBERFORCE TOWNSHIP (1851 O, Wilberforce, thou man of black renown. Whose merit none enough can sing or say, Thou hast struck one immense Colossus down, Thou moral Washington of Africa. — Don Juan. The name was given in honor of William Wilberforce philanthropist and statesman, born in Hull, England, 1759, died 1833. He voted for the Canada Bill, advocated the abolition of slavery with great persistency, and died just after the passage of the Emancipation Act. Through out his life a large proportion of his income was devoted to charity. His son, Robert Isaac Wilberforce, born 1802, died 1857, a friend of Pusey and Newman, joined the Roman Catholic Church. Another son, Samuel, became Bishop of Oxford, and was one of the ablest debaters in the House of Lords. ALICE TOWNSHIP (1855) 'Midst the din he seemed to hear Voice of friends, by death removed ; Well he knew that solemn air, 'Twas the lay that Alice loved. — Scott. Without any pretence of certainty, some of the Renfrew people say this township was named after Princess Alice Maud Mary, second daughter of Queen RENFREW COUNTY 89 Victoria, born 1843, died 1878, having married, in 1862, Louis IV., Grand Duke of Hesse. The Princess was only twelve years old when the township was named. PETEWAWA TOWNSHIP (1857) Minne-wawa ! said the pine trees. — Hiawatha, A LARGE river called the Petewawa, which rises near the head waters of the Muskoka River, empties into the Ottawa at Petewawa township. The township took its name from the river, and the river according to one account was called by the name of an Indian woman, Petewawa, whose house was on its bank. She died in 1873, aged 115 years. Mr. White, of Pembroke, says Petewawa was an Indian chief The word is pronounced in the Indian language and should be spelled Peet-wai-wai, and it means " the sound is coming." Schoolcraft says the final syllable "wa" in compound words, in the Chippewa language, stands for "voice." Dr. Jones says Petewawa means " approaching sound." On the map in Smith's Canada (185 1) the name of the river is spelled Petawauwee. Longfellow in Hiawatha mentions wawa, the wild goose, and waw-be-wawa, the white goose. 90 NOTHING BUT NAMES BUCHANAN TOWNSHIP (1857) Come forth, Buchanan of that ilk, Receive the praises due To pluck and patriotism whilk Had aye an end in view — Auld Scotia's glory and the good Of all her brave and brilliant brood. — William Murray. The opinion prevails in some parts of Renfrew county that this township was named in honor of Hon. Isaac Buchanan, fourth son of Peter Buchanan, of Auchmar, Stirlingshire, Scotland, born at Glasgow in 18 10, died at Hamilton, Ontario, in 1883, who represented Toronto in Parliament in 1841-44 and Hamilton 1858-64; became a member of the Government and President of the Council, 1864, and was very prominent as a wholesale merchant, with houses in Glasgow, New York, Montreal, Toronto, Hamilton and London. But Mr. Peter Toronto Buchanan (who died November 9, 1898), head of the clan Buchanan since the death of his father, Hon. Isaac Buchanan, said that Buchanan township was named after George Buchanan, of Arnprior, who lost his life at the Chats Rapids in the Ottawa River in 1840. George Buchanan and Andrew Buchanan, of the Bathurst District," and John Buchanan of the Ottawa District were Commissioners of the Court of Requests in 1833. George Buchanan of Arnprior led a portion of the Clan Buchanan to Canada, and was a leading man in the district. He was killed by the blow of a stick of timber at the breaking up of a raft in the rapids. His wife was Caroline (Kathleen) Powell, a RENFREW COUNTY 91 daughter of Colonel James Hamilton Powell, of H. M. 103rd Regiment of the line, who was Chairman of the Land Board, Superintendent of Military Settlers in the Perth District (now Lanark county) and High Sheriff of the District of Bathurst. Col. Powell died in the parish of Glen-colm-kill, county of Donegal, Ireland, in 1831, aged fifty-eight years, while there on a visit, and his wife, Matilda (Hume) Powell, erected a monument to his memory in the parish church. William Powell, son of Col. J. H. Powell, was Sheriff of Carleton, and died in 1889. He married in 1857 Rosanna Margaret, daughter of Col. William Wallis, of Port Hope. George Buchanan's younger brother, John, who was his partner in the lumber business, is buried at Hull, Quebec. Of George Buchanan's children, Victoria and George died at Malta, John died in Brazil, and William Frederick died at Winnipeg in 1886, aged fifty-eight years. George Buchanan's widow, nee Powell, married, secondly. Major Francis Ringler Thom son, commanding officer of the Royal Engineers in charge of the military canal works at Bytown {i.e., the Rideau Canal). Their daughter, Florence Ringler Thomson, is now the wife of Captain Brown Wallis (son of Colonel Wallis, of Port Hope) connected with the Land Patents Branch of the Department of the Interior at Ottawa, and late of H.M. looth Regiment. Major (he was Major- General at the time) and Mrs. Thomson died in England and were buried in the English Church graveyard at Epsom, Surrey. Rev. George Buchanan was sent out by Lord Bathurst as minister to the Glasgow Park Head emigrants, who settled in Lanark county. He had been left by his congregation for accepting a military commission at the time of the threatened Napoleonic invasion in 1803. 92 NOTHING BUT NAMES MATTAWATCHAN TOWNSHIP (1859) Mattawatchan might be another form of Madawaska, the name of a large river which flows through the township and empties into the Ottawa. Lovell gives the meaning of Madawaska as " never frozen." Sir D. W. Smith in his Gazeteer (1799) spelled it Mataouaschie, and Dr. Scadding says the word means " running through rushes.'' Prof Ganong says the present Maliseet Indian pronunciation is Med-a-wes-kak, with the accent on the third syllable. St. Vallier in 1688 spelled it Medouaska and Gyles in 1689 wrote Medawescook. In the grant of a seigniory in 1683 it was Madouesca, and a map of New Brunswick, dated 1686, shows Lac Medaouasca. The name is applied to a branch of the Aroostook River in Maine and to a lake in the Adirondacks, as well as to the rivers in New Brunswick and Ontario. Mr. William White thinks Mattawatchan is an entirely different word from Madawaska. It may be a diminutive, or other derivative, of Mattawa, or Mattawan, which means " where a river falls into a lake.'' Dr. Jones translates Mattawan " greasy " and says that Mattawatchan "likely refers to something greasy." RENFREW COUNTY 93 GRIFFITH TOWNSHIP (1859) And, with a license from our good lord mayor. Went to one Griffith, formerly a player. Twice have men tried a Crystal Palace dinner. Twice sought to find a Peeler on his beat, But never yet has Briton, saint or sinner. Performed great Darby Griffith's awful feat. — Swift, -Punch. There is an impression among the residents of Ren frew that this township was named in honor of a former Deputy Postmaster-General, but Col. White, who filled that office until a recent date, says that they must have mixed the names, as the gentleman in the Post Office Department was Mr. Griffin, not Griffith. The Archives mention Rear Admiral Griffith, ordered in 1820 to convey Dalhousie from Halifax to Quebec. Mr. William White, of Pembroke, thinks Griffith and Radeliffe come in with the Crimean names of Raglan, Brudenell and Sebastopol, as they were all surveyed about the same time. Kinglake says (Vol. II. , p. 449) : " Colonel Griffith, commanding the Greys (at Balaclava) was so struck, it seems, by a shot in the head as to be prevented from continuing to lead on his regiment." " Men of the Time '' mentions the death of Sir Richard John Griffith in 1878. William Griffith was an English physician and naturalist, born 18 10, died at Malacca, 1845. He wrote reports upon the botany of Assam, Afghanistan and Malacca, and collected animals and birds as well as plants. The Darby Griffith referred to by Punch was M.P. for Devizes in 1864. Whitaker's Almanac records the death of General Darby Griffith, C.B., November 17, 1887, aged seventy-seven. Sir Richard 94 NOTHING BUT NAMES John Griffith, of Londonderry and Pencraig, Anglesey, who made "Griffith's Valuation," born 1784, created a Baronet 1858, died 1878, was chief boundary surveyor and commissioner of the Irish Board of Works, 1851-64. SEBASTOPOL TOWNSHIP (1857) Alas, I had been dreaming Of days long, long ago ; I woke before Sebastopol, And not in Aherlow. -C, J. Kickhayn. Sebastopol, after which this township takes its name, is a fortified city of Russia in the Crimea. In 1854-55 Sebastopol was invested by the allied British, French, Sardinian and Turkish armies, and after a protracted siege, was taken Septei^ber 8, 1855. The "Fall of Sebastopol " was the occasion of great demonstrations throughout the British Empire, such as bonfires and illu minations. ALGONA TOWNSHIP, NORTH AND SOUTH (1857) Let me go with you, he whispered, O, my sweetheart, my Algonquin. — Longfellow, SCHOOLCRAFT says Algonac, a village of St. Clair county, Michigan, is a term derived from the word Algon quin and akee, meaning earth or land. Some time after the defeat of the Algonquins of the St. Lawrence valley RENFREW COUNTY 95 by the Iroquois, the former were collected by the Catholic Church into a mission, and settled at the Lake of Two Mountains, on the Utawas or Grand River of Canada, where their descendants still remain. That the name Algona was, like Algonac, derived from Algonquin appears probable from the following statement in Schoolcraft's " Thirty Years " : "A friend asked me to furnish him an aboriginal name for a new town. I gave him the choice of several. He selected Algonac. In this word the particle ac is taken from ace, land or earth ; and its prefixed dissyllable Algon from the word Algonquin. This system, by which a part of a word is made to stand for, and carry the meaning of, a whole word is common in Indian compound substantives." The word Algona is found as the name of a town in Kossuth county, Iowa. There is an Indian reserve at Lake Golden, in Algona township. FRASER TOWNSHIP (1854) May Heaven send you o' its gifts Its very choicest treasures. And bless your wife, and hae a care O'er a' the little Erasers. —A, H, Wtngfield, The names of so many Erasers are prominent in Canadian history that it is difficult to select the one in whose honor this township was named. General Simon Fraser, son of Lord Lovat the Jacobite, joined the 78th Regiment, or Eraser's Highlanders as Lieut.-Colonel. They served at Louisbourg, Montmorenci and the Plains of Abraham. The General died in 1782. Another Simon Fraser in 1806 found his way across the Rocky Mountains, 96 NOTHING BUT NAMES and gave his name to the river in British Columbia. Captain Thomas Fraser and Captain William Fraser were' among the earliest settlers on the St. Lawrence. Thomas Fraser was one of the gentlemen summoned to Governor Simcoe's first Legislative Council in 1792. Several Erasers drew land in Edwardsburg township before 1802. Captain Thomas Fraser and Duncan Fraser took an active part in the war of 1812-14. Thomas Fraser, of Prescott, was appointed to the Legislative Council, October, 1816. Captain Thomas Fraser, a U.E. Loyalist, Sheriff of the Johnstown District and member of Parliament, once owned the ground at Ottawa on which the Parliament Buildings now stand. His son. Col. R. D. Fraser, M. P. for Leeds, was at the battle of Chrysler's Farm. R. D. Fraser's son, Dr. A. H. Fraser, served in the Crimean and American Wars, and settled at Brockville. Colonel the Hon. Alexander Fraser, of Fraserfield, in Glengarry county, was a member of the Legislative Council of Canada. A. Fraser, appointed to the Legislative Council in 1841, died in 1854. J. Fraser, also appointed in 1841, resigned in 1843. Isaac Fraser, of Ernestown, for many years M.P.P. for Lennox and Addington, " was a man of great decision of character, and his opinion always commanded great respect." The names of Donald Fraser and Simon Fraser are in the list of Commissioners of the Court of Requests for the Bathurst District in the report of the Committee on Grievances (1835). Several correspondents state that the township was named after the late Hon. C. F. Fraser, Commissioner of Public Works in the Mowat Government of Ontario, but that is most improbable, as he was a mere child when the township was named. The balance of the testimony is in favor of one of the Erasers who was engaged in the lumber business. RENFREW COUNTY 97 McKAY TOWNSHIP (1855) No, Sandy MacKay is a douce decent man, And there's naething about him that's mean ; He's kind and warm-hearted and bauds oot his han' When he sees you're in want o' a freen'. —A. H. Wing field. This township was named after Hon. Thomas McKay of Ottawa, M.P. for Russell county in 1835, and a member of the Legislative Council from 1841 till his death in 1855. He recorded his solitary vote against the address in the session of 1850, for the reason that there was no mention of the secularization of the Clergy Reserves in the speech from the Throne. Thomas McKay was a Commissioner of the Court of Requests for the Ottawa district in 1833. He gave evidence before the grievance committee in 1835. Rideau Hall, the residence of the Governor-General, in the village of New Edinburgh, a suburb of Ottawa city, was built for a private residence by the late Hon. Thomas McKay. It has been occupied by the representatives of Her Majesty since the time of Lord Monck. Hon. Thomas McKay's son, Lieut. Charles McKay, born in Montreal in 1836, was studying in Edinburgh when the Crimean War broke out and he joined the 97th Regiment. He reached the Crimea in 1856 after the fall of Sebastopol. On the outbreak of the Sepoy Rebellion in 1857, he went to India with his regiment, and had hard fighting at Chaundra Moorshegunge and before Lucknow. He remained in garrison at Lucknow till January, 1859, when he was ordered to Banda, in Oude, where he died of smallpox after three days illness on February 13, 1859, in the gS NOTHING BUT NAMES twenty-third year of his age. The War Office in i860 sent to his mother at Ottawa a medal which had been granted for Lieut. McKay's services and gallant conduct. WYLIE TOWNSHIP (1864) This township was named after Hon. James Wylie, a member of the Legislative Council before Confederation, who was born in Paisley, Scotland, and on coming to Canada with his wife and family about 1 820 settled in the township of Ramsay. His name appears in the Report of the Committee on Grievances (1835) as one of the Com missioners of the Court of Requests for the Bathurst district. Mr. Wylie was a merchant in Ramsay village (now Almonte). He was appointed to the Legislative Council in 1849 and died in 1854. His wife (n6e Mary Hamilton) was also a native of Paisley, as were many of the first settlers in Ramsay township. His son, James H. Wylie, engaged in the milling business at Almonte and became postmaster of that town. Mr. James Watson Wylie, grandson of Hon. James Wylie, born at Almonte in 1 86 1, married a daughter of Judge Logie, of Hamilton. RENFREW COUNTY 99 ROLPH TOWNSHIP (1855) And there they laid down all their plans Of this great revolution. And destined Rolph to be the head Of their new constitution. -rCobourg Star, l8j8. This township was named after Hon. John Rolph, LL.D., M.D., M.R.C.S., Eng., born at Thornbury, Glou cestershire, England, March 4, 1793. His father was Dr. Thomas Rolph, his grandfather George Rolph, an attorney and solicitor, and his great grandfather John Rolph, who was buried at Thornbury in 1757. Hon. John Rolph studied at Cambridge University, and took up both law and medicine, the latter under Sir Astley Cooper. He came to Canada in his youth and lived first in Norfolk, then in Dundas, and in 1832 went to Toronto. Before leaving England he was called to the Bar of the Inner Temple, and in 1821 he was called to the Bar of Upper Canada. Elected to Parliament for Middlesex in 1824, he soon became a prominent Reformer. In 1835 he was appointed a member of the Executive Council. Dr. Rolph was not in favor of an appeal to arms, but desired a mighty popular demonstration of Canadians, French and English, to impress the Imperial Government with the necessity of a change of Colonial policy. He escaped to the United States after the Rebellion of 1837-38, but was pardoned and returned to Canada in 1843. He was again elected to Parliament and became President of the Council and Minister of Agriculture in the Hincks-Morin Govern ment. He disapproved of the coalition of 1854, sat out the remainder of that Pariiament in opposition, and then lOo NOTHING BUT NAMES retired to private life. After his return from the United States, Dr. Rolph established a School of Medicine in Toronto, which was incorporated in 1853 under the title of the " Toronto School of Medicine." He died at Mitchell, Perth county, Ontario, in 1870. LYNDOCH TOWNSHIP (1862) This is the oily Baronet, Graham Who ffays his foes, and delights 1 and delights to flay em. — Punch. This township was named after Thomas Graham, Baron Lynedoch, the ablest of Wellington's lieutenants, a son of Thomas Graham of Balgowan, in Perthshire. He was born in 1750. His mother was Lady Christian Hope, daughter of the Earl of Hopetoun ; he married in 1774 Hon. Mary Cathcart, daughter of Lord Cathcart, whose other two daughters were married on the same day to the Duke of Atholl and Lord Stormont. His wife dying in 1792, Mr. Graham in 1793 accompanied Lord Hood to the south of France, and in 1794 he raised a corps which formed part of General the Earl of Moira's army. He went to Gibraltar in 1795, became attached to the Austrian army, then returned to Gibraltar and took part in the attack on Minorca. He besieged Malta 1798-1800, until the French surrendered the fortress, and he went to Egypt in 1801. Then he served in Ireland, the West Indies, Sweden and Spain, receiving the thanks of Parliament. In 1 8 14 he was appointed to the command of the forces in Holland and raised to the peerage, with a pension of ;^2,ooo a year. In 1821 he was raised to the rank of General. He died on December 18, 1843. RENFREW COUNTY BRUDENELL TOWNSHIP (1857) E'en bluff Lord Brudenell's self admired the strain, In all the tuneful agonies of pain ; Who, winking, bea;t with duck-like nods the time. And call'd the music and the words sublime. — Peter Pindar. This township was named in honor of James Thomas Brudenell, seventh Earl of Cardigan, born 1797, died 1868. He entered the army in 1824, and by the aid of his wealth, in those days of purchase, he was rapidly promoted, and in 1830 was Colonel of the isth Hussars. Tried by Court martial for tyranny," he was reinoved, but in 1832 he was restored to the service as Colonel of the nth Hussars- Lord JBrudenell was a member of the House of Commons from 18 1 8 to 1837, when he succeeded his father as Earl of Cardigan. In 1840 he fought a duel with Captain Tuekett, whom he wounded. Lord Cardigan was acquitted by the House of Lords, but public opinion was against him. On the autbreak of the Crimean War he was made a Major-General. He led the Six Hundred in the charge of the Light Brigade at Balaklava, October 25, 1854, having received an order from his sister's husband. Lord Lucan, to perform the impossible task of capturing certain guns from the Russians. For this exploit he was made a K.C.B. Upon Lord Cardigan's death, the Earldom oi Cardigan, Barony of Brudenell and the Baronetcy went to' his cousin, Sir George W. F. Brudenell-Bruce, second Marquis of Ailesbury, who married Lady Mary Caroline Herbert, daughter of the eleventh Earl of Pembroke, and sister of Right Hon. Sidney Herbert, Secretary for the Colonies in 1855. (See Pembroke township). The name I02 NOTHING BUT NAMES of Brudenell is an ancient one, being traced back to \^'illiam de Bredenhill, who held lands in Oxford in the time of Henry III. It was sometimes written Brodenhull. It appears frequently in the "Peerage" and in such paragraphs as the following : " Shardeloes Park, a mile from Amersham, Bucks, was formerly in the possession of the Brudenells, which family terminated in a peeress, and brought Shardeloes to the Cheynes." " Anna Maria Brudenell, the infamous Countess of Shrewsbury, married one of the Bruges, or Br}'dges, family, afterwards raised to the Dukedom of Chandos ; her former husband, the Earl of Shrewsbury, died from a wound received in a duel with the Duke of Buckingham, during the fighting of which the Countess had the audacity to hold the horse of her gallant, disguised as a page. Charles the Second was frequently the guest of this notorious woman at the mansion of Avington, which thus became the scene of that licentious monarch's pleasures." Charles Lennox, the first Duke of Richmond, married a widow whose maiden name was Anne Brudenell. HAGARTY TOWNSHIP (1862) This township was called after Hon. John H. Hagarty, Chief Justice of Ontario, born at Dublin, 1S16, educated at Trinity College, Dublin ; came to Toronto in 1834; was appointed to the Bench, 1856; Chief Justice of the Common Pleas, 1868. His judical decisions are careful and correct, and Judge Hagarty has earned a good reputation as a poet. RENFREW COUNTY 103 RICHARDS TOWNSHIP (1862) Where Richards wakes a genuine poet's fires, And modern Britons glory in their sires. —Byron. This township took its name from Chief Justice Sir William Buell Richards, born at Brockville in 181 5. His father was Stephen Richards, who married Phoebe Buell, a daughter of William Buell, a U. E. Loyalist, and his wife Martha Norton. William Buell Richards was called to the bar in 1837. In 1848 he was elected to Parliament as a Reformer for Leeds county, defeating Ogle R. Gowan, the Orange Grand Master. Mr. Richards was Attorney- General in the Hincks Government in 1851. In 1853 he was made Judge of the Common Pleas, Chief Justice in 1863, and Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the Dominion in 1875, a position which he resigned in 1878. He died on January 26, 1889. " As a Judge he occupied a very high place in public esteem, and his decisions always commanded the highest respect of bench and bar." His grandfather William Buell came to Brockville in 1785, and in 1800 he was elected to Parliament, defeating Reuben Sherwood. In 1867, two brothers of Chief Justice Richards were defeated in South Leeds, one for the Commons and the other for the Ontario Legislature. Albert Norton Richards had been M.P. for South Leeds before Confederation and was appointed Solicitor-General in the Sandfield Mac donald Government in 1864, but going back for re-election he was defeated in a contest made memorable by the part taken in it by Sir John A. Macdonald and Hon. D'Arcy I04 NOTHING BUT NAMES McGee (See McMullen's History of Canada). Mr. A. N. Richards was afterwards Lieutenant-Governor of British Columbia. Stephen Richards, the other brother, was elected M.P.P. for Niagara, after his defeat in South Leeds, and he held the office of Commissioner of Crown Lands under John Sandfield Macdonald from 1867 to 1871 and remained in the Legislature as a private member till 1875. Mr. Richards., Mr. E. B. Wood and Mr. Sandfield Macdonald represented the Reform element in the coalition ; Mr. John Carling and Mr. Matthew Crooks Cameron were their Conservative colleagues. (See Chaffey and Medora townships). RAGLAN TOWNSHIP (1857) Three Lords were mixed in that affair, Lucan and Raglan blundered both, The third, who showed a hero there. Did their joint bidding, greatly loath. -Punch. The township was called after James Henry Fitzroy Somerset, Lord Raglan, son of the fifth Duke of Beaufort and of a daughter of Admiral Boscawen. He was born in 1788 and entered the army in 1804. He was attached to Sir Arthur Wellesley 's staff in the expedition against Copenhagen in 1807, and during the Peninsular War he was close to the great Duke's side, first as aide-de-camp and then as military secretary. In 18 14 he married Lad)- Emily Harriet Wellesley, daughter of the third Earl of Mornington, and niece of the Duke of Wellington. She was a sister of Lady Bagot. (See Bagot township). At RENFREW COUNTY 105 Waterloo, Lord Fitzroy Somerset lost his right arm from a shot, but when peace was restored he learned to write with his left hand and resumed his work as secretary. After Wellington's death, he was made Master-General of the Ordnance, was appointed a Privy Councillor and was raised to the peerage as Baron Raglan, of Raglan, Monmouth county. When the Crimean War broke out Lord Raglan was sixty-six years old. The story of his achievements and difficulties from the time of his appointment to the com mand of the army of invasion until June 28, 1855, when he died of cholera in the camp before Sebastopol, is told at length in Kinglake's six volumes on " The Invasion of the Crimea." It was a strange coincidence that the ship which carried Lord Raglan to the Crimea — the Caradoc — was the same one in which his remains were borne back to his native land. Le Xord, a Russian newspaper, paid the following tribute to Lord Raglan : " As a subject he performed his duty by obeying the command of his sovereign, and as a soldier he valiantly defended the honor of his flag ; but even in the execution of his duty he preserved unblemished to his death his own personal dignity and that of his country. He has fallen, like so many others, a victim to this disastrous war. Honored be his memory, and respected be his grave, which will be as sacred on the soil of Russia as on that of England." io6 NOTHING BUT NAMES RADCLIFFE TOWNSHIP (1859) When Radeliffe fell, afflicted Physic cried, " How vain my power ! " and languished at his side. — Samuel Wesley. A Pembroke correspondent says that Radeliffe town ship was named after a local lumberman, but there is no record of any such man in the Crown Lands Department. If it is a Crimean name, as some affirm, the following reference from Kinglake, Vol. I., p, 537, may apply : "During this conflict, the four regiments which stormed the redoubt had undergone cruel slaughter. In the 23rd Regiment, besides Colonel Chester, Wynn, Evans, Conolly, Radeliffe, Young and Butler were killed." Another Radeliffe, who served in the Indian Mutiny as well as in the Crimea, was General Sir William PoUexfen Radeliffe, K.C.B., born 1823, knighted 1886, died March 23, 1897. He married in 1870 Isabel Elise, daughter of Hon. Peter Boyle de Blaquiere. They resided at Mortimer-Mortimer, Berks. Hon. Thomas Radeliffe, born 1794, died at Amherst Island, 1 841, entered the army in 181 1 and served under the Duke of Wellington through the whole of the Peninsular campaigns, receiving eight wounds. Having settled in the township of Adelaide, Upper Canada, in 1832, he took part in the defence at the time of the Rebellion of 1837-38, and captured the schooner Ann, with several rebel leaders on board. He was a member of the Legislative Council of Upper Canada. One of his sons was city clerk of Toronto. Another lived in Goderich. There are villages named Radeliffe in Bucks and Lancashire, England. RENFREW COUNTY 107 SHERWOOD TOWNSHIP (1862) Let stags of Sherwood leap for glee And bound the deer of Dalloun Lee ! The broken bones of Bannock's shore Shall in the greenwood ring no more. —Scott. This township is named after Judge Henry Sherwood, born at Brockville. He was Solicitor-General in the Hincks Government, though a pronounced Conservative. His father was Levius P. Sherwood, who was a Legislative Councillor in the forties, and was also a Judge. George Sherwood, another son of Levius, was Clerk of Assize. Adiel Sherwood, a cousin of Levius, born in New York State in 1779, was Colonel of the Militia, Clerk of the Peace, Commissioner of the Land Board, Sheriff and Treasurer of the Johnstown District. He lived to a great age, and has furnished much information to historians about the settlement of the country north of the St. Lawrence. Thomas Sherwood, the father of Adiel, and uncle of Levius, born at Stratford, Connecticut, was the first actual settler in the county of Leeds, where he arrived in 1784. Being one of the first magistrates appointed by Governor Simcoe, Thomas Sherwood frequently performed the marriage ceremony. Samuel Sherwood was the first appointed lawyer for the Johnstown District. He had studied two or three years with lawyer Walker, of Montreal. He was elected to Parliament in 1801. Reuben Sherwood surveyed the township of South Crosby before the year 1800. He took an active part in the war of 1 812- 14 The first male child born in Leeds was James Sherwood, son of Thomas Sherwood. io8 NOTHING BUT NAMES BURNS TOWNSHIP (1874) And Robert Burns, respecting which they're getting up a row ; I've heard he made good songs, and such, when following of his plough. — Punch. This township is named after Judge Robert Easton Burns, son of the Rev. John Burns, a Presbyterian Minister who settled at Niagara in 1804. Judge Burns, who was appointed to the Bench in 1850, and died in 1863, concurred with Chief Justice Sir John Beverley Robinson in his judgment on the Anderson Slave Case, that the escaped slave, accused of murder in making his escape, should be returned to the United States. " The public voice was loudly raised against the decision, as a quasi-recognition of slavery." JONES TOWNSHIP (1863) Brave heart, let not thy head Acquire the name of block ; Let Jones be killed by steel or lead, But not be slain by stock. — Punch. This township was named after Judge Jonas Jones, son of Ephraim Jones, who settled in Augusta and was a member of the first Parliament of Upper Canada, held at Newark. Of Ephraim's sons, Charles was an M.P. and Legislative Councillor, William was a merchant at Delta, Alpheus was Collector of Customs and Postmaster at RENFREW COUNTY 109 Prescott, and Jonas became a Judge. The latter was educated by Dr. Strachan. He studied law, served in the war of 1 81 2, was present at the attack on Ogdensburg in 181 3, rose to the rank of Colonel in the militia, was appointed Judge of the Bathurst and Johnstown districts, then Judge of the Court of Queen's Bench in 1837. He moved to Toronto and died there in 1848, aged fifty-seven. A biographer says that " his decisions gave great satis faction ; his manliness of character and honesty of purpose caused him to be much beloved." Judge Jones' sister Charlotte married Judge Levius P. Sherwood. Sophia married Sheriff Stewart. Eliza married H. J. Boulton, afterwards Governor of Newfoundland. Judge Jones had eight sons and three daughters, of whom the eldest, David Ford Jones, a manufacturer at Gananoque, born in 1818, was elected to Parliament in 1864, 1874 and 1878. Dr. Solomon Jones served with Burgoyne's army before coming to Canada. He was a member of Parlia ment and Judge of the Johnstown District Court. His three brothers, Daniel, John and David joined him in Canada. Durham Jones, a son of Solomon, was a prominent citizen, and Ormond Jones was Registrar of Leeds county. Lossing says that Captain David Jones, whose wife, Jane McCrea, was killed in 1777, lived in Canada to a good old age. Jonathan Jones, his brother, assisted to raise a company in Lower Canada in 1776, and joined the British army in garrison at Crown Point. John, known as Mahogany, Jones escaped from Boston jail and arrived in Quebec in 1780. Sir Daniel Jones, born 1794, died at Brockville in 1838. He visited Eng land in 1835, and was knighted by King William IV., being the first native of Upper Canada to receive that honor. His death cast a gloom over his native place. NOTHING BUT NAMES HEAD TOWNSHIP (1859) So find me now Sir Francis Head, — A learned man is he, — Successor to the brave Sir John I vow that man shall be. — Lord Glenelg, per Cobourg Star, 1838. Mr. Peter Buchanan was of opinion that this township was named after Sir Francis Bond Head, born in 1793. He served with W^ellington in Spain and at Waterloo. In 1835 he most unexpectedly received the appointment of Governor of Upper Canada ; arrived at Toronto in January, 1836, and remained till 1837, his term covering the period of the Mackenzie rebellion. McMullen says " there can be very little doubt entertained that the singular and very imprudent conduct of Sir F. B. Head produced, in a great measure, the wretchedly organized rebellious outbreak in Upper Canada." He died in 1875. The general verdict, based upon the date of its survey and other circumstances, is that Head township was named after Sir Edmund Walker Head, Governor-General of Canada 1855-61, descended from an honoroble family in Kent, who was a brilliant scholar and a careful writer. His most notable achievement in Canada was assisting to work the " double-shuffle " in 1858, which made him very unpopular with the Reform party. On his return to England he was gazetted to a Civil Service Commissionership and elected Governor of the Hudson's Bay Company, a position which he retained until his death in 1868, when the baronetcy became extinct. His only son John was drowned in the St Maurice River in 1859. RENFREW COUNTY MARIA TOWNSHIP (1859) Prepare, Maria, for a horrid tale Will turn thy very rouge to deadly pale. -Burns, This township is supposed to have been named in honor of Anna Maria Yorke, wife of Sir Edmund W. Head, whom she married in 1838. They had one son, John (see Head township) and two daughters, Caroline and Amabel Jane, the former of whom was married in 1879 to Lieut. Charles William Herbert, of the Royal Navy. CLARA TOWNSHIP (1863) Clara, this beauty, had a figure light. Her face was handsome, and her eyes were bright — Crabbe. The friends of the lady who intended to immortalize her by giving her Christian name to this township were badly advised, for the most diligent enquiry has failed to discover a single person who knows Clara's other name. 1 1 2 NOTHING B UT NAMES FRONTENAC COUNTY (1792) From far Quebec to Frontenac, they said, King's ships and forts gave up the half their stores. — W. Kirby. Giving Frontenac's proud message to the clustered British .ships : " I will answer your commander only by my cannons' lips." —Arthur Weir. This county got its name from the French Governor, Louis de Buade, Count de Frontenac, who was born in 1620 and died in 1698, having been a power in Canada for twenty-five years. On the old maps the name of the county is spelled Frontignac, a word which is defined as a sweet muscat wine made in Frontignan, in the Department of Herault. The Duke de St. Simon said that Frontenac found it hard to bear the imperious temper of his wife, and he was given the Government of Canada in 1672 to deliver him from her, and afford him some means of living. He built Fort Frontenac at Cataraqui and fought the English and their Indian allies at every opportunity. Colden says: " De Frontenac stands conspicuous among all his nation for deeds of cruelty. Nothing was more common than for his Indian prisoners to be given up to his Indian allies to be tortured." It was in Frontenac's time that slavery was legalized in Canada. One hundred years later it was abolished by Governor Simcoe's ParHament. McMullen says Frontenac died, as he had lived, loved by some for his courage and military virtues, hated by others for his cruel temper and proud and overbearing manners, but respected and feared alike by friend and foe, and with the credit of having, with trifling aid from France, supported FRONTENAC COUNTY 113 and increased the strength of a colony which he found, on his reappointment, at the brink of ruin. He also died, as he had lived, in bad odor with the Jesuits, and was shrived in his last hours by a Recollet Father, and buried in the RecoUet Church instead of in the Cathedral. The Jesuits retaliated by abusing him in his grave. WOLFE ISLAND TOWNSHIP (1792) So fell the brave on Queenston's Heights, when Brock Rolled back aggre.ssion and repelled the foe ; So fell the brave where Wolfe sustained the shock That laid his young heart low. , — Charles Songster. The name Grand Isle was changed to Wolfe Island by proclamation dated July i6th, 1792, the new name being conferred in honor of General James Wolfe, a native of Westerham, near Sevenoaks, Kent county, England. He was the son of a Colonel who had served with distinction under Marlborough. His mother, Henrietta Thompson, came of a Yorkshire family of good position. James entered his father's regiment of marines before he had completed his fifteenth year. He fought at Dettingen, at Culloden, and on the continent, and became commander of the 20th regiment in 1749. He soon made his mark as an officer, and such young men of rank as the Duke of Richmond and the Marquis of Blandford sought commis sions under Wolfe as their immediate chief When the battle of Minden was fought in 1759, Wolfe was beyond the Atlantic. When Lord Loudoun was recalled from America, and Major-General Amherst received the com mand-in-chief, the brigadier-generals appointed to serve 1 1 4 NO THING BUT NA MES under Amherst were Lawrence, \\'hitmore and ^^"olfe. After Louisbourg was taken Wolfe was made a Major- General and sent with 8,000 men to take Quebec. With him were .Admiral Saunders, Colonel (afterwards Sir William) Howe, General Townshend and other men whose names are preserved in Canadian geograph}-. Quebec was taken in September, 1759, but U'olfe received two wounds, one of which proved mortal. He was not \et thirty-four years of age, having been born in January, 1726. Grande Isle was granted to LaSalle in 1675, who sold it. In 1795 D. A. Grant and Patrick Langan bought it from AI. and A. Curotte. In 1S19 the Baroness de Longueuil, heir of D. A. Grant, asked the Government to change the feudal title to tenure in free and common HOWE ISLAND TOWNSHIP (1792) Besides, the prince is all for the land-service. Forgetting Duncan, Nelson, Howe and Jervis. — Don luan. Swift at his call to draw the vengeful sword. Undaunted Howe the Indian wilds explored. — JJ'. Ardens, lyOi. Dr. Scadding thinks Howe Island was named in honor of Richard, Earl Howe, a British Admiral, born 1735, died 1799. He served under Anson in the Pacific and was promoted in 1745 for defeating two French vessels of superior force. In 1755 he joined Admiral Boscawen's fleet en route for Louisbourg, and in 1759 aided .Admiral Hawke to defeat the French at Ouiberon FRONTENAC COUNTY 115 Bay. In 1765 he was in Parliament, and in 1770, as Rear Admiral of the Blue, he commanded a fleet in the Mediter ranean. In 1776 he sailed for North America, as joint commissioner with his brother. General Sir William Howe, for restoring peace, which he was unable to accomplish. He fought the Americans and their French allies during the war, and in 1782 was made a peer of Great Britain. In that year he relieved Gibraltar, besieged by the com bined navies of France and Spain. Pie continued in active duty till 1797. His elder brother, George, fell at Ticon deroga in 1758 ; his other brother, Sir William Howe, who served under Wolfe at Quebec in 1759, and was commander-in-chief of the British forces in America 1775-78, died in 1814. It is quite possible that the Island was called after Sir William Howe, instead of Earl Howe. The title descended to the Curzon family. PITTSBURG TOWNSHIP (1787) When Pitt expired in plenitude of power, Though ill success obscured his dying hour. Pity her dewy wings before him spread, For noble spirits "war not with the dead." -Byron, Thrice happy man, on whom Dundas and Pitt, With all the energy of human wit. Have lavished the wild torrent of their praise, Deck'd thy bald head with Glory's brightest rays. —Peter Pindar (Dr, Wolcot). This name commemorates Right Hon. William Pitt, second son of William, first Earl of Chatham, and of Lady s> ii6 NOTHING BUT NAMES Hester, onl\' daughter of Richard Grenville and Countess Temple, born at Hayes, Kent, Alay 28, 1759. He studied at Pembroke College, Cambridge, and took his seat in Parliament as member for Appleb)- in 1781. At the age of twenty-three he was Chancellor of the Exchequer in the Shelburne Administration. At twent\--five he was Premier. He fought France, effected the Union of Great Britain and Ireland, encouraged commerce, ruled Parliament by his eloquence and the Kingdom by his popularit}-, and died unmarried in 1806, leaving Parliament to pa\" his debts amounting to £4.0,000. Macaulay sa\-s that his " bitterest enemies did not dare to accuse him of touching unlawful gain." He was the author of the Constitutional Act of 1791, which made Upper Canada a separate province. Pitt flourished in a time when part}- spirit ran ver\- high, and he was consequenth- adored and reviled, as opinions swa\'ed ; but after his death onh- one sentiment seemed to prevail among political opponents as well as friends, and he was universally allowed to be an illustrious and a good man. Samuel Rogers, who lived from 1763 to 1S55, in his reminiscences of public men, had this to sa\- of Pitt and Dundas : " During his boyhood Pitt was ver\- weakh-, and his physician, Addington ^^Lord Sidmouth's father\ ordered him to take port wine in large quantities : the consequence was that, when he grew up, he could not do without it. Lord Grenville has seen him swallow a bottle of port in tumblerfuls before going to the House. This, together with his habit of eating late suppers (indigestible cold veal pies, etc.) helped undoubtedly to shorten his life. Stothard, the painter, happened to be one evening at an inn on the Kent road when Pitt and Dundas put up there on their way from Walmer. Next morning, as they were stepping into their carriage, the waiter said to Stothard, 'Sir, do you observe these two gentlemen?' 'Yes,' he FRONTENAC COUNTY 117 replied; • and I know them to be Mr. Pitt and Mr. Dundas.' ' Well, sir, how much wine do you suppose they drank last night ? Seven bottles, sir.' " KINGSTON TOWNSHIP (1783) The town's nam'd Kingston, Hull's the furious river. And from Hull's dangers I say Lord deliver. —John Taylor. Kingston, the first township surveyed in this locality for the Loyalists, was so called in honor of King George III., the city of the same name corresponding to Queen- ston at the other end of Lake Ontario, which was called after Queen Charlotte, wife of George III. There are twenty-one places called Kingston in England, the chief of which are Kingston upon Hull, in Yorkshire, and Kingston upon Thames, in Surrey. LOUGHBOROUGH TOWNSHIP (1798) Loughborough was an awful knave. The King said, in his rage ; What would King George say, could he see Lord Rosslyn on the stage ? — B, Austen. This township took its name from the title of Alex ander Wedderburn, Baron Loughborough and Earl of Rosslyn, born in Edinburgh, 1733, died in Berkshire, 1805. He advanced rapidly as a lawyer and, obtaining a seat in ii8 NOTHING BUT NAMES Parliament in 1771, he was appointed Solicitor-General in Lord North's Ministry, in which office he defended Lord Clive when accused of maladministration in India. In 1788 he was made Attorney-General, and in 1780 Chief Justice of the Common Pleas, when he was„ raised to the peerage as Baron Loughborough in the county of Leicester. In 1793 he became Lord Chancellor under Mr. Pitt. Green says that Lord Loughborough, the Chancellor, treacherously communicated Pitt's Catholic emancipation project to the King. " I count any man my personal enemy,'' George broke out angrily, to Dundas, " who proposes any such measure." This drove Pitt from office> 1 80 1. Grenville followed him into retirement, and Adding ton succeeded as Premier, Loughborough being created Earl of Rosslyn in the county of Midlothian. Mitcham Grove in Surrey, eight miles from London, is a handsome seat which was presented to Lord Loughborough, when he was Mr. Wedderburn, by Lord Clive, for his excellent defence of that nobleman in the House of Commons. The North British Review said : " Lord Thurlow and Lord Loughborough were probably men as devoid of principle as any in the preceding generation," and when King George III. heard that Loughborough was dead, he remarked : " He has not left a greater knave behind him in my dominions." The present Earl of Rosslyn (1898) has dissipated his fortune and is dancing on the stage for £2 per week. The market town of Loughborough, in Leicestershire, on the road from London to Manchester, from which Wedderburn's title was taken, is said to have been a royal village in the times of the Saxon Kings of England. It has many manufactures. FRONTENAC COUNTY 119 STORRINGTON TOWNSHIP (184: This township, formed from portions of Pittsburg, Kingston and Loughborough, was named after the village of Storrington in Sussex, England, seven miles from Arundel and nine miles from Petworth. It was the residence of the mother of Sir Henry Smith, who was born at London, England, April 23, 181 2, and came to Canada with his father in 1822. He was elected to the Canadian Legislative Assembly as member for Frontenac in 1842, was Solicitor-General in the early fifties and Speaker from 1856 to i860, in which year H.R.H. the Prince of Wales visited Canada and conferred upon the Speaker of the House the title of Knight Bachelor. Sir Henry was defeated in 1862, but was elected to the Legislative Assembly of Ontario in 1867 and remained M.P.P. for Frontenac until his death, September 18, 1868. He was a Q.C. and a Bencher of the Law Society for many years. His son, Col. Henry R. Smith, is Sergeant-at-Arms in the Canadian House of Commons. PORTLAND TOWNSHIP (1798) While Canning's colleagues hate him for his wit, And old dame Portland fills the place of Pitt. — English Bards and Scotch Reviewers, Portland got its name from William Henry Caven dish Bentinck, third Duke of Portland, born 1738, died I.X-- NOTHING BUT NAMES I SoQ, who married Lad}- Doroth\- Cavendish.'bnl}' daughter of \Mlliam, fourth Duke of Devonshire. He was Lord Lieutenant of Ireland in 17SJ, First Lord of the Treasur}- in i,"Sj; and 1807, Secretar}' for the Home Department in 1704, Secretar}- for the Colonies in 1796, and there is much correspondence in the Canadian Archives from him and addressed to him. The historians describe him as weak and vacillating, and call him the "nominal Premier." In the footnote of the couplet quoted above, Byron sa\s : " A friend of mine, being asked wh\- his Grace of Portland was likened to an old woman, replied, ' he supposed it was because he was past bearing.' His Grace is now gathered to his grandmothers, >.\here he sleeps as sound as ever : but e\en his sleep was better than his colleagues' waking.' The Duke's second son, Lord William Charles Bentinck, was Governor-General of India 1S27-35 v*ee Bentinck townshipX The famih" is descended from the Dutch friend of King \\'illiam III., \\' illiam Bentinck, who, from personal regard, and at the risk of his life, la}- in the bed with the Prince of Orange when the latter had the small pox, and the ph\sician declared that it would improve his chances of reco\er\- to have a healthy bo}- lie with him. \Mien the Prince of Orange became King of Kngland, he loaded Bentinck with estates and honors, and was \-er\- patient when Bentinck became jealous of the new favorite, Keppel. The first Earl of Portland married Miss Frances Villiers. ^lacaula}- devotes much space to his history and the description of his peculiarities, up to the time when " Portland retired from the Court to enjo\- at his ease immense estates scattered o\er half the shires of England, and a hoard of read}- mone}-, such, it was said, as no other private man in Europe possessed." The Isle of Portland, in Dorsetshire, from which the title was taken, is one continued bed or rock of freestone, FRONTENAC COUNTY 121 covered with arable land. It has two lighthouses, a remarkable cavern, and a castle that was erected by Henry VIII. Portland stone has been used since the time of James I. in the erection of the magnificent mansions of England. BEDFORD TOWNSHIP (1798) But yet, before we go, let's not forget The noble Duke of Bedford, late deceas'd. — King Henry IV. Suffice it, when the dance begun. The Stewards numbered — eighty-one. For each fair pride of Huntingdon, (Heedless of all her beaux' alarms), Gladden'd old Bedford with her charms. —The Ball, 1821. The name comes from the county of Bedfordshire, in England, which got that name in the reign of Alfred the Great, probably from Bedan Forda, the Fortress on the Ford. The town of Bedford sent two members to Parlia ment as early as 1295. The first Duke of Bedford was John Plantagenet, Regent of France. Jasper Tudor, uncle of Henry VIL, was a Duke of Bedford. Edward VI. made John, Lord Russell, Earl of Bedford, and the title of Duke of Bedford was bestowed upon the representative of the Russell family by William III. "In Bedfordshire, near the close of the eighteenth century, the Duke of Bedford, of Woburn Abbey, strove to emulate the deeds of Townshend, the Norfolk squire, and the growth of corn and the production of meat were vastly increased." Francis Russell was Duke of Bedford 1771-1802, which 122 NOTHING BUT NAMES includes the period during which this township in Upper Canada was surveyed and named. His grandfather, John, was President of the Council in the Bedford-Grenville Ministry (1764) and his brother and successor John (born 1766) was Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, after the death of Mr. Pitt. This John Russell was the Duke of Bedford who married, as his seco'nd wife, Georgiana, daughter of the Duchess of Gordon, sister of the Duchess of Richmond and the Duchess of Manchester, and an aunt of Lady Sarah Maitland. The story of John Bunyan's experience in Bedford jail is too well known to require repetition. HINCHINBROOKE TOWNSHIP (1798) When Nelson sailed the Hinchinbrooke, And CoUingwood the Hornet, The Spaniard who got in their way Had lasting cause to mourn it. — Orlando Peterson, One of the titles of the Earl of Sandwich is Viscount Hinchinbrooke, taken from a village in Huntingdonshire, sixty miles from London, in which there is an ancient nunnery. Lord Nelson commanded the ship Hinchin brooke in 1780. On January 22, 1830, Hinchinbrooke House, the seat of the Earl of Sandwich, was destroyed by fire. It was built on the site of an old priory founded by William the Conqueror, which in 1537 was granted by Henry VIII. to Richard Williams, alias Cromwell. Lord Viscount Hinchinbrooke, M.P. for Huntingdonshire, voted for the Canada Bill, in 1791. FRONTENAC COUNTY OSO TOWNSHIP (1823) Oso is the Spanish word for a bear, and the name is obviously one of Sir Peregrine Maitland's selection. OLDEN TOWNSHIP (1823) Was so called from John Olden, a surveyor. Mr. Robert Flynn, an old resident of the township, says that what are known as the double-fronted townships, in the range of Sherbrooke, Oso, Olden, Kennebec and Kaladar, were surveyed under contract from the old Canadian Government to Elmore and Smith, commencing as far back as 1829, and supposed to be completed in 1835. The contractors took land in different townships for part pay, hence the Smith and McCady estates in many of the townships mentioned, or in that range ; but the fact is, when some of these townships were ordered to be resurveyed, commencing in 1858, it was found that many townships had been only partly surveyed, and land that was wholly under water had been drawn by intending settlers. " It was quite clear," Mr. Flynn says, " that Olden township was sublet to be surveyed by a man named John Olden, as his name was found by myself cut with a knife on the bark of beech trees ; day and date, June 12, 1 83 1." Mr. Olden must have been to the fore several years earlier than that, as the name of Olden township is in Fothergill's Almanac for 1824. 124 NOTHING BUT NAMES KENNEBEC TOWNSHIP (1823) You can see his fiery serpents. The Kenabeek, the great serpents, Coiling, playing in the water. -Hiawatha, Kennebec is an Indian name, brought to Upper Canada from New Brunswick or Maine (possibly by Benjamin HalloweU), in the days when grants of a whole township of land to an individual were not uncommon. Prof Ganong says Kennebec is variously stated to mean long river, deep river and a snake, but is uncertain. The diminutive is Kennebecasis. School craft translates gitshee kenabik, "the great serpent.'' The wagon road from Quebec to Boston, completed in 1830, is called by N. P. Willis the Kennebeck road. PALMERSTON TOWNSHIP (1822) If the devil have a son. Then be sure it's Palmerston. — German Couplet, Pleased that his speech had every party riled. The virtuous Palmerston sat down and smiled. — Punch. This township is named after Henry John Temple, third Viscount Palmerston, born at Broadlands, Hampshire, 1784, died 1865. He succeeded to his title at the age of eighteen, but being deprived by the Act of Union of taking his seat in the House of Lords, he contested an FRONTENAC COUNTY 125 election to the House of Commons for Cambridge Univer sity with Lord Henry Petty, afterwards Marquis of Lansdowne, when he was twenty-one years old. He was defeated, but soon after took his seat for Bletchingley, and in 1807 was made a junior Lord of the Admiralty in the Portland Government. From 1811 to 1831 he represented Cambridge University, holding office under Perceval, Canning and Grey. He was Foreign Secretary under Melbourne, opposed the Ashburton Treaty by which the boundary between Maine and New Brunswick was settled in 1846, and was again Foreign Secretary in the Russell and the Aberdeen Governments. In 1855 he was head of the Ministry which brought the Crimean War to a close, and in 1857 he despatched an army to suppress, the Indian Mutiny. His Government was defeatdd in 1858, but he was Premier again in 1859. Lord Palmerston was in office nearly half a century altogether. His oratory was as effective on the hustings as on the floor of Parlia ment, though he seldom rose to eloquence. In extreme old age he carried his years most gallantly, and his death was regarded as a national loss. He married in 1839 the Dowager Cauntess Cowper, daughter of the first Viscount Melbourne, but left no issue. Lord Palmerston was described as " indefatigable in business, fond of the pleasures of society and of great culture." The awe which the name of Palmerston inspired on the continent of Europe, especially during the period 1835-41, explains the couplet quoted above. The wife of the late Earl of Bradford had a sister, of whom it was said she was the only woman who refused offers of marriage from two prime ministers. She was a Miss Forester, and in her youth refused Lord Palmerston. She married the Earl of Chesterfield, and as his widow refused Lord Beaconsfield. 126 NOTHING BUT NAMES CLARENDON TOWNSHIP (1822) Hail, may a future age admiring view A Falkland or a Clarendon in you. — Byron, The name is in honor of George William Frederick Villiers, fourth Earl of Clarendon and Baron Hyde of Hindon (see Hindon township), great grandson of the second Earl of Jersey whose son, Thomas Villiers, was created Baron Hyde by right of his wife Charlotte Hyde, in 1756, and Earl of Clarendon by patent in 1776. The fourth Earl (who was an elder brother of the late Charles Pelham Villiers, the great free trader, M.P. for Wolver hampton for more than sixty years and father of the House of Commons until his death in 1898, aged ninety- six) was born in 1800 and died in 1870. He was Minister Plenipotentiary to Spain in 1833, Lord Privy Seal and Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster in the Melbourne Government, and three times Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs. He supported the repeal of the Corn Laws in 1846, was President of the Board of Trade under Lord John Russell, and took the office of Lord Lieutenant of Ireland in the famine year 1847. As a member of the .Aberdeen and Palmerston Governments, Lord Clarendon conducted the negotiations relative to the Crimean War and signed the Treaty of Paris in 1855. He married Lady Katherine Grimston, daughter of the first Earl of Verulam, and widow of John Foster-Barham, (see Verulam town ship). The title of Earl of Clarendon, first enjoyed by Sir Edward Hyde, was derived from a spacious park near Salisbury, formerly the site of a royal palace, but now FRONTENAC COUNTY 127 noted as the place where King Henry II. summoned in 1164 the great Council of Peers and Prelates from which emanated the celebrated regulations so well known in history as the " Constitutions of Clarendon.'' By those the clergy were declared amenable to the civil power, and hence arose the contest between that monarch and Thomas a Becket. BARRIE TOWNSHIP (1822) To the west of Lake Simcoe, a good place to tarry, On Kempenfeldt Bay, is the nice town of Barrie. — Muskoka Rhymer. This township was named after Commodore Robert Barrie, who was stationed at Kingston for some years after, and perhaps during a part of, the war of 18 12-14. He may have been the Captain Barrie who burned two French storeships in 18 11, or the Captain Barrie who commanded the St. Lawrence, Albion and Dragon, which chased Captain Barney up the River Patuxent before the capture of Washington City in 18 14. There certainly was a Captain Robert Barrie with Admiral Griffith and Sir John C. Sherbrooke on the coast of Maine in 18 13. One historian says : " Barrie takes its name from Commodore Barrie, who commanded the British squadron at Kingston during the war of 1812-15." In 1823 he was Acting Commissioner of the Navy at Kingston. (See Archives 1897). The name is also applied to the village of Barrie- field, near Kingston, and to the town of Barrie in Simcoe county, through which he passed in 1828. Dr. Scadding says : " In the year 1828, Commodore Barrie was in York (Toronto) Harbor." '' His Majesty's schooner Cockburn," says the Loyalist (newspaper) of June 7th, " bearing the 128 NOTHING BUT NAMES broad pennon of Commodore Barrie, entered this port on Monday last, and on landing at the garrison, the Commo dore was received by a salute, which was returned b}- the schooner. The }'acht Bullfrog was in compan}- with the Cockburn. Commodore Barrie," it is added, " proceeds b}- land to Lake Simcoe, and thence on a tour of inspection at the several Naval Depots of the lakes." The same author mentions that Commodore Barrie conve}-ed Sir Peregrine Maitland from Kingston to York on H.M yacht Bullfrog, October, 1828. During that }-ear Drummond Island was given up to the Americans, and the 68th Regi ment under Lieut. Carson, which had been stationed there, was removed to Penetanguishene. The gossip was that Barrie's visit to Drummond Island had something to do with its cession. In connection with the naming of the three townships just mentioned and the two just west of them. Dr. Scadding says in " Toronto of Old," p. 362 : " It would seem that some one having access to the map or plan of a newly surveyed region had inscribed across the parallelo grams betokening townships a fragment of a well-known Latin sentence, ' jus et norma,' placing each separate word in a separate compartment. In this wa}- Upper Canada had for a time a township of ' Jus,' and, more wonderful still, a township of ' Et' In the Upper Canada Gazette of March 11, 1822, these names are formalh- changed to Barrie and Palmerston respectively. In the same adver tisement, ' Norma,' which might have passed, is made ' Clarendon.' Other impertinent appellations are also at the same time changed. The township of ' Yea ' is ordered to be hereafter Burleigh, with a humorous allusion to the famous nod, probably. The township of ' No ' is to be the township of Grimsthorpe, and the township of ' Aye ' the township of Anglesea." FRONTENAC COUNTY 129 CANONTO TOWNSHIP, NORTH AND SOUTH (1858) A dapper young man from Toronto Came down to hunt deer in Canonto ; He drank too much grog. Caught his gun on a log ; Nobody knows where his soul's gone to. — The Machine. An aged Indian told a Kingston gentleman that Canonto was the name of a Frenchman who lived there many years ago. The township is at the extreme north of Frontenac, and is accessible from the Ottawa, via the Madawaska River. MILLER TOWNSHIP (1860) I thought this good as all Joe Millar's jokes. And so I up and told it to the folks. — Peter Pindar, This township was named after Hugh Miller, the famous geologist, born in Cromarty, Scotland, in 1802, died at Portobello, near Edinburgh, in 1856. From his seventeenth to his thirty-fourth year he was an operative mason, during which period he was an omnivorous reader,. and with his hammer in his hand he was always on the lookout for fossils. He became not only a self-taught geologist, but a geologist capable of teaching others. He published a volume of poems in 1829, and wrote letters to the newspapers, until in 1840 he was called to be editor of I30 NOTHING BUT NAMES the Edinburgh Witness. In that paper he published the essays afterward collected under the title of " The Old Red Sandstone," which were immediately recognized by savants as important additions to geological science. At the meeting of the British Association in 1840 his labors and their results were the principal theme. Mr. Miller wrote " Footprints of the Creator " in reply to " Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation," and he had just completed his " Testimony of the Rocks " when his death ensued, as the result of over-work. ADDINGTON COUNTY ADDINGTON COUNTY (1792) As London to Paddington, So Pitt is to Addington. — George Canning, True, master Pope ; but had you lived till now. You'd star'd to see the Howard humbly bow To beg St. George's Cross from Blister's son. The Honi Soit from " Doctor " Addington. — Spirit of the Public Journals, 1804. This county was named from Henry Addington, Viscount Sidmouth, born 1755, died 1844, who entered Parliament in 1782, and was Speaker of the House of Commons from 1789 to 1801, and afterwards Chancellor of the Exchequer and Premier of England. Macaulay says that Addington was universally admitted to have been the best Speaker that had sate in that chair since the retirement of Onslow. But nature had not bestowed on him very vigorous faculties. He was a favorite with the King, whom he resembled in narrowness of mind, and to whom he was more obsequious than Pitt had ever been. But Addington took his elevation (to the Premiership) quite seriously, attributed it to his own merit, and con sidered himself as one of the great triumvirate of English statesmen, as worthy to make a third with Pitt and Fox. The Prince of Wales, afterward King George IV., had a personal dislike to Addington. After Pitt's death in 1806, Lord Sidmouth (Addington) formed a coalition with Fox and Grenville. In 1812, he was Secretary for the Home Department in Lord Liverpool's Ministry, and he did not 132 NOTHING BUT NAMES retire from public life until 1S22, when Sir Robert Peel succeeded him. Lord Sidmouth outlived all the great men who were his contemporaries in the days of his greatest activity, and died at the age of eighty-nine years. AMHERST ISL.AND TOWNSHIP (1792 When future sires their progeny shall tell. How Johnson conquered and how Braddock fell ; How valiant Wolfe, by generous motives fired, In the same moment conquered and e.xpired ; Amherst shall swell the list — to him belong Th' undying verse and tributary song. — Gentleman's .Magasine, 7760. Amherst Isl.\ND got its name from Jeffery, Lord Amherst, born 1717, who commanded the British troops at Louisburg in 175S, and captured Montreal from the French in 1760. He was appointed Commander in Chief of the British forces in America, was Governor of \'irginia in 1763, and Governor of Guernse}- in 1770. Haldimand wrote to liord Amherst from Quebec in 17S0. In 1793 he was Commander of the British army, but was superseded by the Duke of York in 1795. He was then made a Field Marshal and died at Montreal in 1797. He was succeeded by his nephew, William Pitt Amherst, who was Ambassa dor to China and Governor-General of India. ADDINGTON COUNTY 133 ERNESTOWN TOWNSHIP (1784) " And whom would we have for King if the young Princess were to die?" " The devil in Ernest." — Punch, This township was named in honor of Prince Ernest Augustus, Duke of Cumberland (see Cumberland town ship), and King of Hanover, fifth son of King George III., born 1771, died 185 1. He succeeded to the throne of Hanover in 1837, and his son George, born in 18 19, was the last King of Hanover. Prince Ernest was educated in Germany, and entered the army in 1790. He saw plenty of active service during the next ten years, and at Tournay, in 1794, he lost his left eye and was severely wounded in the arm. In 1801 he was made Colonel of the 15th Hussars. About the same time he began to take an active part in politics, being a bitter opponent of Catholic Emancipation. In 1807 he went abroad and joined the Prussian army in the struggle against Napoleon. He married in 181 5, and went abroad in 181 8, residing in Berlin most of the time until 1828, when he went back to England to oppose the Roman Catholic Relief Bill, and in 1829 he made a speech in the Lords declaring that it was impossible for him to continue to act with the Duke of Wellington, after the measures which his Grace had adopted on the Catholic question. Baron Stockmar's description of the Duke of Cumberland was : " A tall, powerful man, with a hideous face ; can't see two inches before him ; one eye turned quite out of its place." Edgar Sanderson, M.A., in his book on " The British Empire in 134 NO THING B UT NA MES the Nineteenth Century," says that the Duke of Cumber land "became thoroughly hated by the bulk of the nation. His political principles were repugnant to the spirit of the age. His private character did not command esteem. His chief claim to a place in history, or notoriety, apart from his odious tyranny as King of Hanover, is derived from his connection with a somewhat dangerous conspiracy against the claims and rights of the Princess Victoria. In 1828 he became Grand Master of all the Orange Lodges on both sides of the Irish Channel. The Orangemen were exasperated by the Act of 1829, admitting Catholics to Parliament, and a conspiracy was formed for the exclusion of the Princess Victoria from the throne, and for the succession (to William IV.), in her stead, of the Duke of Cumberland. It was the energy and intelligence of Mr. Joseph Hume, the sturdy Scottish Radical, that were chiefly instrumental in disclosing the conspiracy. The Duke of Cumberland was censured in the House of Commons by Lord John Russell. It was for this plot, amongst other reasons, that the British public, in 1837, were ver}' glad to see the departure of Ernest, Duke of Cumberland, when he became King of Hanover." CAMDEN (EAST) TOWNSHIP (1787) And Camden was there, who, that morning, had gone To fit his new Marquis's coronet on. -Moore, Camden takes its name from Charles Pratt, Earl Camden, Viscount Bayham, born in Devonshire, in 1714, died 1794. In 1752 Pratt maintained the right of juries to decide upon the nature and intention of alleged libels, ADDINGTON COUNTY 135 and it is mainly owing to his exertions that this doctrine finally became recognized as the law of England. In 1757 he was made Attorney-General under Lord Chatham and knighted. In 1762 he became Chief Justice of the Common Pleas, but did not remain on the Bench. He was raised to the peerage in 1765, opposed the taxation of America, argued the libel question against Lord Mansfield, and was for nine years President of the Council under the younger Pitt. In 1792 he pressed Mr. Fox's declaratory libel bill through the House of Lords, against the opposi tion of Lord Thurlow. Macaulay says " Lord Camden's integrity, ability and constitutional knowledge commanded the public respect." His son, John Jefferies Pratt, born 1759, entered the House of Commons in 1780 and in 1794, the year of his father's death, became a Lord of the Treasury. He was Lord Lieutenant of Ireland through a critical period in the history of that country, and was afterwards Secretary of State and President of the Council. In the office of Teller of the Exchequer, he amassed great wealth. He was created Marquis of Camden in 1812 and died in 1840. Camden Place, in Chislehurst parish, has its name from the famous William Camden, who composed his Annals of Elizabeth on this estate, of which the Marquis of Camden is the present owner. SHEFFIELD TOWNSHIP (1798) Respect to Dryden, Sheffield justly paid. And noble Villiers honor'd Cowley's shade. —Pope. This township was called after John Baker Holroyd, Lord Sheffield, an Irish peer, born 1734, died 1 821, after 136 NOTHING BUT NAMES filling many Ministerial offices. It was Lord Sheffield, who, in the debate on the Constitutional Act of 1791, moved, while Burke was speaking, that dissertations on the French Constitution, when the Canada Bill was before the House, were not in order. Mr. Anstruther also called Burke to order. Fox felt bound to support Sheffield's motion, which Burke resented, and they were never again friends. Lord Sheffield's motion was withdrawn. His third wife was Lady Anne North, daughter of Frederick, Lord North, George III.'s Minister during the Revolution ary War, and afterwards Earl of Guilford. One of Lord Sheffield's daughters married, in 1797, General Sir William Henry Clinton. She lived till 1854. KALADAR township (1820) Kaladar has the appearance of an East Indian word, and there have been many surmises as to its origin and meaning. The word Killedar, meaning " A Governor of a Fort," is given in " a glossary explaining such of the Persic and Indian words as are most commonly used in the East India settlements," which was published in the Gentleman's Magazine in 1769. Captain Seely's "Wonders of Elora" (1824) contains the following: "The house of the Killahdar is said to be a handsome building, enclosed by a large viranda. The fortress at present mounts but few guns. Our system of military tactics and operations has put these hill-forts out of fashion." Elliot's History of India, Vol. IV., p. 393, gives Kalidah as the name of a place. Kalandar was a name applied to a genus of ADDINGTON COUNTY 137 beggars in India. Richard F. Burton in " Sind Revisited " says : " He is a Kalandar, or Calendar, as those dear old Frenchified Arabian Nights do so delightfully confuse the word, and an excellent specimen of his class, the vagrant saint, is he. (This Arabic word is properly applied only to a Sufi, or Mystic, who works out his own salvation without the guidance of a spiritual master). His long, matted, filthy locks are crumpled up under a calotte of greasy felt, formed like a western fool's cap ; his neck, arms and legs are bare. I never beheld, even amongst the most horrid-looking devotees of India, a face in which the man, the baboon and the fiend so fearfully and wonderfully blend. As for the ugly individual's manners, you will soon see enough of them We might order our Afghan servants, who, in spite of the sanctity of Kalandarhood, look eagerly for the job, to instruct the fellow in the biensdances. But he would certainly use his staff; the dagger might then appear, and the consequence would be serious. . . . There are points of difference in the comparison ; the Kalandar, I fear, was Low Church, and probably never drank cru.sty old port Among the Hindus he is a Rajah Bhartari." Other words, bearing a resemblance to Kaladar, are Kalidasa, called the Hindu Shakespeare, who lived in the fifth century, and wrote dramas which charmed such a critic as Goethe, and Kaladana, a species of morning glory found in the warmer parts of the Old Worid. If Kaladar is of Spanish origin, it means heat, though C is generally used instead of K in that language- Mr. R. Flynn, of Olden, is satisfied that Kaladar is the name of some Irish person or estate, but he cannot give details. He probably had in mind the county of Kildare. Mr. J. J. B. Flint, of Belleville, says his father told him that Kaladar was a corruption of "kill a deer"— deer 138 NOTHING BUT NAMES having been ver}- plentiful in that vicinity in the early days. That is, of course, a mere guess, which grew into a tradition. ANGLESEA TOWNSHIP (182; Though Anglesea's steed, with a retrograde pace, So delightfully curvets and prances, Tis before the King's friends he retreats with such grace ; His enemies dread his advances. — Epigram on George IV.'s Coronation. .A.NGLESEA was named in honor of Henry William Paget, Earl of Uxbridge and IMarquis of Anglesea, born 1768, died 1854. During the wars of the French Revolu tion he raised a regiment of infantr}-, and served in Flanders under Prince Frederick, Duke of York. In the Peninsula he rendered great assistance to Sir John Moore, and at ^^'aterloo, as second in command to the Duke of \^'ellington, the Earl of Uxbridge commanded the allied cavalry of the arm}'. It was at the close of the battle, and when the enemy were in full retreat, that Lord Uxbridge lost his leg. There was a story that when Lord Uxbridge's leg was broken by a shot during the battle of Waterloo, he was carried to the rear, and passed the Duke of Wellington, to whom he said in the language of the period : " Lost my leg, b}- G 1 " to which the Duke replied : " Hav« you, b}- G ! " and that these were the only words which passed between the two heroes during the battle. His services were recognized by the conferring of the Marquisate and the orders of the Bath and the Garter. He was appointed Master General of the ADDINGTON COUNTY 139 Ordnance with a seat in the Cabinet, and on March i, 1828, he was sworn in as Lord Lieutenant and Governor- General of Ireland. He was very popular with the Irish people, whose good-will he conciliated by measures taken in their interest, but the Duke of Wellington recalled him for speaking in favor of Catholic Emancipation, a policy which the Duke himself soon after supported. The Marquis of Anglesea had three wives and thirteen children. One of his daughters. Lady Caroline Paget, married Charles Lennox, the fifth Duke of Richmond, a son of the Duke who was Governor-General of Canada, and a brother of Lady Sarah Maitland. Henry Paget, the second Marquis of Anglesea, married in 1833 Henrietta Maria, daughter of Sir Charles Bagot, Governor-General of Canada. The Isle and County of Anglesea, in North Wales, from which the title is taken, was called by the ancient Britons Mon, signifying remote, which was Latinized by the Romans into Mona, the " nurse of Wales," from its fruitfulness, and changed by the Saxons into Angles-ey, or the Englishmen's Island. It was the principal establish ment of the Druids in Britain, until the island was invaded by the Romans, A.D., 59, who ordered their groves to be cut down. Before the erection of the suspension bridge, the passage of the numerous droves of cattle through the Strait of Menai to the mainland was a very extraordinary sight ; they were made to swim over, guided by the drovers in boats. 140 NOTHING BUT NAMES ABINGER TOWNSHIP (1859) And we turn'd to each other, whispering, all dismay'd. Lost are the gallant three hundred of Scarlett's Brigade, — Tennyson. This township was named in honor of Sir James Scarlett, Baron Abinger, of Abinger, in Surrey, born 1769, died 1844. He represented Cockermouth, Peterborough and Norwich in Parliament, was Attorney-General in 1827 and Lord Chief Baron of the Exchequer in 1834. His second son, Sir James Yorke Scarlett, born 1799, had command of the heavy cavalry in the Crimean War. On October 25, 1854, his brigade made the famous charge at Balaklava, routing more than double their number of Russian Cavalr}' with great slaughter ; and on the same day they brought out of action the light brigade which had charged under Lord Cardigan with equal gallantry but less success. EFFINGHAM TOWNSHIP (1872) With Howard of Effingham in command, She feared not the Spaniard by sea nor by land. Drake, Hawkins and Frobisher, nevertheless. Were ready to fight, and to die, for Queen Bess. — Old Song. The township is named after Henry Howard, Earl of Effingham, born in 1806, died 1889, who married, in 1832, Eliza, only daughter of Sir Gordon Drummond, who was ADDINGTON COUNTY 141 Governor of Canada 1814-16. He was the son of Sir Kenneth Alexander Howard, Earl of Effingham, who was Earl Marshal at the coronation of George IV., and who married Lady Charlotte Primrose, daughter of the third Earl of Rosebery. The village of Effingham, from which the Howards take their title, is in Surrey. The first Lord Howard of Effingham was William, brother of Catharine Howard, fifth wife of King Henry VIII. He was one of the Merchants- Adventurers to Muscovy, and was made a peer in 1553, and became Lord High Admiral under Queens Mary and Elizabeth. DENBIGH TOWNSHIP (1859) Lord Aylesbury, and Denbigh's Lord also. His Grace the Duke of Montague likewise, With Lady Harcourt, joined the raree-show. And fix'd all Smithfield's marv'ling eyes. —P. Pindar. Denbigh was called after Denbighshire in Wales, which abounds in mines of lead, iron and coal ; also slate, lime and freestone rocks. The town of Denbigh was bestowed by Edward I. on Hugh Lacy, Earl of Lincoln, who built the castle and sheltered the town with a wall. Queen Elizabeth in 1563 gave it to her favorite Dudley, Earl of Leicester. Richard Middleton was Governor of Denbigh castle in the reigns of Edward VI., Mary and Elizabeth. His sixth son, Hugh Middleton, removed to London, worked the lead and silver mines in Cardigan shire, made a large fortune and spent it in supplying 142 NOTHING BUT NAMES London with water from the New River. He also under took to reclaim from the sea 2,000 acres on the Isle of Wight. ASHBY TOWNSHIP (1857) In Ashby churchyard many a Hastings lies ; There let them rest until the dead arise. — Ed-ward Freeman, ASHBY takes its name from Ashby de la Zouche, a market town of Leicestershire, England, which has a ruined castle in which Mary Queen of Scots was once confined, and a church which was the burying place of the Hastings family. There are no less than fifteen villages in England bearing the name of Ashby. Ashby de la Zouche took its name from the ancient family of the Zouches, who acquired possession of the manor in the reign of Henry IJI. The crown afterwards granted it to the Hastings family. A free grammar school was founded in the town of Ashby by Henry, Earl of Huntingdon, in 1567. The mansion at Ashby was for 200 years the residence of the descendants of Sir William Hastings, a particular favorite of Edward IV. LENNOX COUNTY 143 LENNOX COUNTY (1792) And Lennox, with a gallant band. Waits but thy coming and command. To waft them o'er to Carrick strand. —Lord of the Isles. This county was named after Charles Lennox, third Duke of Richmond, born 1734, died 1806. At the coronation of King George III. he carried the sceptre with the dove. In 1765 he was ambassador extraordinary to the court of France ; in 1766 Secretary of State ; in 1782 Master General of the Ordnance. In 1778 he introduced a motion in the House of Lords to recognize the inde pendence of the United States. Lord Chatham rose to speak against the motion, but fell back in a swoon and died four days later. In 1780 the Duke brought forward a bill in the Lords for establishing annual Parliaments, universal suffrage, and equal electoral districts, but the sweeping measure was rejected without a division. One of his sisters was Lady Caroline Lennox, who married Henry Fox, without her parents' consent, and was the mother of Right Hon. Charles James Fox. Another sister was the beautiful Lady Sarah Lennox whom George III. wanted to marry, and who became the mother of the Napiers, distinguished in the Peninsular War. The Duke established the Goodwood Races in 1802. He married a daughter of the Earl of Aylesbur}', but left no son and was succeeded by his nephew, the Duke of Richmond who was Governor-General of Canada. Lord George Lennox, M.P for Sussex, voted for the Canada Bill. 144 NOTHING BUT NAMES RICHMOND TOWNSHIP (1786) I do remember me, — Henry the Sixth Did prophesy, that Richmond should be King, When Richmond was a little, peevish boy. — King Richard III. Richmond and Leeds, each Duke a first-rate star, One fam'd for politics, and one for war ; The open Hawkesbury, stranger to all guile. Who never of a sixpence robbed our Isle. —P. Pindar. The name of this township has the same origin as that of Lennox county. The town of Richmond, from which the family of Lennox takes its title of Duke, is located on the river Swale, in Yorkshire, which river was regarded with peculiar veneration by the Anglo-Saxons, from the circumstance of 10,000 persons having been baptized in it when the missionary Paulinus converted the Northum brians to Christianity in the seventh century, The castle was repaired in 1761 by the Duke of Richmond, and north of the town are the ruins of a convent of Grey Friars. LENNOX COUNTY 145 FREDERICKSBURG TOWNSHIP, NORTH AND SOUTH (1784) All our daughters like Louisa, All our sons like Frederick be ! Hear me in the grave, Louisa ! Ever flourish Germany ! —Heinrich Heine. Over the mountains winding down. Horse and foot, into Frederick town. — Whittier. This township was named after Prince Frederick, second son of King George III., Duke of York and Albany, born 1763, died 1827. (See York township). Frederick was hereditary Bishop of Osnabruck, in Germany, but he was educated for a military career, receiving his first commission in 1780, when he went abroad under the charge of General Richard Grenville for a period of seven years. He took his seat in the House of Lords in 1787, and spoke in the debate on the regency question. In May, 1789, he fought a duel with Colonel Lennox, afterwards fourth Duke of Richmond, on which occasion the seconds. Lords Moira and Winchelsea, reported that " Lieutenant-Colonel Lennox fired, and the ball grazed His Royal Highness' curl, and both parties behaved with the most perfect coolness and intrepidity." Another report of the duel says that the Duke of York did not fire his pistol, but remarked that he had come out merely to give Colonel Lennox satisfaction, and if Colonel Lennox did not feel satisfied he might fire again. In 1791 Prince Frederick was married to Frederica Charlotte, Princess Royal of Prussia, eldest 146 NOTHING BUT NAMES daughter of King Frederick Wilham II. War being declared in 1793, the Duke of York set out for Holland at the head of a brigade of guards, and was soon engaged in actual warfare, at Dunkirk and elsewhere. In 1795 he was made a Field Marshal and Commander-in-Chief of the British army. In 1799 he headed another expedition in Hollan'd, and in 1801 he laid the first stone of the Military Asylum at Chelsea. As the years passed, Frederick became tired of his Prussian wife, and a friendly biographer says that "the allurements of the least virtuous of the female sex, the excitement of the turf the hazard of the die and the pleasures of the table became elements of his gratification." His conduct was publicly investigated by the House of Commons, and, the feeling in the country being strong against him, he temporarily resigned his position in the army in 1809. The Prince of Wales, on his accession to the Regency in 18 11, replaced Frederick. Queen Charlotte dying in 18 18, the Duke of York was appointed guardian of the person of his afflicted father. The turf was still his highest gratification, though he took some share in the debates against Catholic Emancipation. According to one account the Duke of York was tall and handsome in person, and dignified, yet affable in manner. Stockmar's description is : " The Duke of York — Tall, with immense embonpoint and not proportionately strong legs ; he holds himself in such a way that one is always afraid he will tumble over backwards ; very bald ; one can see that eating, drinking and sensual pleasures are every thing to him. Spoke a good deal of French, with a bad accent." LENNOX COUNTY 147 ADOLPHUSTOWN TOWNSHIP (1784) Oh, do not upbraid me, the boon that I crave Is not more than Adolphus, ma'am, yields ; Believe me, a shilling's a very close shave From Pall Mall to Lincoln's-inn-Fields. — A Cabman s Canzonet. This township was named after Prince Adolphus Frederick, Duke of Cambridge, Earl of Tipperary and Baron of Culloden, seventh son of King George III., born 1774, died 1850. (See Cambridge township). Stockmar says of him : '' Cambridge — Quiet, unpretending face, retiring disposition, more moderation and self-restraint than his brothers ; he encouraged music and took part in charities and public dinners. No scandals attached to his name. He was good, dignified and fluent." Prince Adolphus served as viceroy of Hanover for some time and married Princess Augusta, daughter of Frederick, Land grave of Hesse Cassel. His son, Prince George, Duke of Cambridge, born in 18 19, became Commander-in-Chief of the armies of the United Kingdom. His daughter. Princess Mary Adelaide, married the Duke of Teck, and her daughter, being the wife of the Duke of York, will in all probability be Queen at some future day. 148 NOTHING BUT NAMES PRINCE EDWARD COUNTY (1792) Some potentate — or royal or serene — With Kent's gay grace, or sapient Gloster's mien. —The Waltz. Then added, in a tone of fervent prayer : " Bless we Prince Edward's name for evermore." — W. Kirby. Prince Edward county was called by the French Presqu' isle de Quinte. Its present name was given in honor of Prince Edward Augustus, Duke of Kent and Strathearn, fourth son of King George III. and father of Her Majesty Queen Victoria, born 1767, died 1820. At the age of 17 he was sent to Germany to be educated for a military career, and his biographer says it required the experience of years to relax the strict ideas of martial observance acquired in that country. On reaching his 23rd year he was recalled to England, where he held the rank of Colonel of the 70th Foot, ^nd ten days later he was ordered to Gibraltar. He joined his regiment at Gibraltar and in 1791 sailed with it for Quebec, whence he went to the West Indies and led the storming party in the attack on Fort Royal, Martinique. Returning to North America, he was appointed Governor of Nova Scotia, and when on a visit to England he was appointed Commander in Chief of all the forces in British America. The people of Halifax showed their attachment for Prince Edward by voting 500 guineas to buy him a diamond star. The Canadian Archives contain letters which show PRINCE EDWARD COUNTY 149 how carefully the Duke of Kent looked after business, and what a deep interest he felt in the prosperity of British North America. The name of St. John's Island was changed to Prince Edward Island in compliment to him. While stationed at Quebec, desiring to see Upper Canada, the Prince drove to Montreal in a caleche, drawn by a French pony, thence he took a batteau or row boat, to Kingston, and schooner to Niagara. He saw the Falls and a Mohawk Indian dance. On his return he called at Marysburg, in Prince Edward county, and it was in consequence of that brief visit that the county received its present name. In 1803 the Duke of Kent was made Governor of Gibraltar, where he made himself unpopular by enforcing strict discipline and closing most of the wine shops, though he abolished corporal punishment in his regiment He was deeply in debt and Parliament was very tardy in coming to his relief In 1818, he married Princess Victoria Maria Louisa, daughter of the Duke of Saxe-Coburg, and widow of the Prince of Leiningen. Their first child died, but the second, Princess Alexandrina Victoria, lived to wear the Crown of Great Britain for more than si.xty years. The Duke of Kent died in 1820, in his fifty-third year, having neglected to change his boots when he had got his feet wet. He is described as a handsome man, possessing a charming manner, and to petitioners for assistance he was uniformly kind and gracious. Even Stockmar could say nothing worse of him than this : " Duke of Kent — A large, powerful man ; like the King, and as bald as anyone can be ; the quietest of all the Dukes I have seen ; talks slowly and deliberately ; is kind and courteous." John Lambert (1810) wrote: " The Duke of Kent is at the head of the Canadian (Masonic) lodges, and is indeed looked up to as the patron of all the Canadian youth. His Royal Highness during I50 NOTHING BUT NAMES his residence in Canada paid great attention to the inhabi tants, particularly the French ; his politeness and affability gained him the esteem of the people, many of whom, I believe, really look upon him as their tutelar saint and patron ; at least such is the style in which I have heard him spoken of" MARYSBURG TOWNSHIP (1786) I'm musing on the style, Mary, Of the frock you wore last night ; I thought no modiste's guile, Mary, Could make you such a fright. I dare not speak my mind, Mary, On your corsage or your skirt. The truth is oft unkind, Mary, And your feelings might be hurt. — Moonshine. This township was named in honor of Princess Mary, daughter of King George III., born 1776, died 1857. She was married in 18 16 to her cousin William Frederick, Duke of Gloucester, (see Gloucester township), and the last twenty-three years of her life were spent as a childless widow. Her oldest sister, the Princess Royal, wrote : " I always thought Mary mild, good and amiable, but I was less intimate with her than with my other sisters." A portion of Marysburg township is supposed to have been included in the seigniory granted to La Salle during the French regime. PRINCE EDW.IRD COUNTY 151 SOPHLXSBURG TOWNSHIP (1788) I leave Sophia ; it would please me well. Before we part, on so much worth to dwell. — Crahbe. Sophia will have it (Sophia has sense) The culprit h;is only increased his offence. — Sir Gt'or^r Rose. This township was called after Princess Sophia, daughter of King George III., born 1777, died, unmarried, in 1S4S. The Princess Royal wrote: "It grieves me to hear that poor, dear Sophia is so seriously ill, and I fear she will not long survive our beloved mother. We must ever look on her as a hot-house plant." She lived out her full three score and ten }-ears, notwithstanding her delicate health in her youth. AMELIASBURG TOWNSHIP (1787 Fools ! was not Hesse as poor as a church mouse. Till good .\melia sent her thousands o'er ? .\t once lank poverty forsook the house, And stead of straw, a carpet g-raced the floor. — Peter Pindar. Life's taper losing fast its feeble fire. The fair .\niolia thus bespoke lier sire : " Not long the light these languid eyes will see. Receive the token and remember me." —John Wolcot. This township was called after Princess .Amelia, the youngest child of King George III., born 1783, died 1810. 152 NOTHING BUT NAMES Of her the Princess Royal wrote : " Poor, dear Amelia has had a long and dreadful illness. She is a sweet, amiable, pious, good little soul, patient beyond all description. I never saw so good a disposition, so thoughtful and considerate to those about her, and careful to disguise her suffering for fear of vexing others." To which may be added : " Amelia I Everyone who has read Thackeray remembers her — the pretty little maiden prattling and smiling in the arms of the fond old king, her father — and then her death in the bloom of woman hood, and the shock to the father's reason." HILLIER TOWNSHIP (1823) This township is named after Major George Hillier, of the 74th Regiment, Aide-de-Camp and Secretary to Sir Peregrine Maitland. Dent says that Major Hillier was employed by the Lieutenant-Governor in many little transactions requiring the exercise of coolness and tact. He hints that Hillier used to use methods commonly associated with the name of Walpole to induce recalcitrant members of the Legislative Council to vote contrary to their convictions. Mr. John Gait, in his Autobiography, says : " Enter Major Hillier, a neat little gentleman, in full military uniform, with sword, sash and epaulettes, who makes two awfully profound obeisances at the bar ; is half inclined to make two more as he passes the stove pipe ; and when he gets before the Speaker's chair, Lord Atter- bury's reply to the Earl of Rochester, ' Yours to the centre, my Lord,' is well imitated by two bows, so very low, so very long, and so very solemn, as almost to say, PRINCE EDWARD COUNTY 153 'Yours to the antipodes, Mr. Speaker.'" Major Hillier married Caroline H., daughter of Col. Givins, Agent of the Indian Department HALLOWELL -TOWNSHIP (1797) With thoughts of death the warrior's pride to soften, Ben. HalloweU to Nelson gave a coffin. — George Hamilton. This township took its name from Benjamin Hallo- well, of Boston, who was a large proprietor of lands on the Kennebec river, in Maine, prior to the Revolution, but being proscribed and banished in 1778, and included in the Conspiracy Act a year later, his entire estate was confiscated, his country residence was used as a hospital during the siege of Boston, and his pleasure grounds were converted into a place of burial for the soldiers who died. Sabine says that the British Government granted Mr. HalloweU lands in Manchester and two other towns in Nova Scotia, and " a township in Upper Canada which bears his name." That is probably incorrect, as HalloweU township had inhabitants when it was cut off from Marysburg and Sophiasburg in 1797. He may have got some land there, but certainly not the whole township. Mr. H.tlloweirs son-in-law, Mr. Elmsley, had recently been appointed Chief Justice of Upper Canada in 1797, and that was the reason his name was applied to the newly formed township. Mr. HalloweU died March 28, 1799, in his 75th year, and was buried in the Garrison Burying ground, Toronto. His son was Admiral Sir Benjamin HalloweU, K.C.B., who presented Lord Nelson 154 NOTHING BUT NAMES with a coffin. There is a city named HalloweU on the Kennebec river, in Maine, the settlement of which dates back to 1754. ATHOL TOWNSHIP (1835) Cam' ye by Athol, lad wr' the philabeg? —James Hogg. " To talk now of starving " — as great Athol said — (And the nobles all cheer'd, and the bishops all wonder'd) " When, some years ago, he and others had fed Of these same hungry devils about fifteen hundred." — Moore. Athol got its name from John Murray, fourth Duke of Athol, who married a daughter of Lord Cathcart, or his son, Major General Lord James Murray, who married Lady Emily Percy, daughter of the Duke of Northumber land. The Duke of Athol was Grand Master of the Masons in England, and gave a charter to Mr. Jarvis,- Provincial Secretary of Upper- Canada. He also appointed Prince Edward, Duke of Kent, Grand Master for Nova Scotia, a circumstance which may have had to do with the naming of Athol township in Prince Edward County. He spent ;^200,ooo on the erection of a new family mansion on the estate in Perthshire, but his death in 1830 prevented its completion. The number of larch trees planted by the Duke was twenty-seven millions, besides several millions of other sorts of trees. One of his plantations covered 11,000 acres. The Athol district in Perthshire is forty-five miles long by thirty broad, and between two of its hills is the pass of Killiecrankie, where Grahame of Claverhouse gained a victory and met his death in 1689. HASTINGS COUNTY 155 HASTINGS COUNTY (1792) 'Tis the Lord Hastings, the King's chiefest friend. — King Henry I' I. This county was called after Francis Rawdon Hastings, son of Sir John Rawdon, Earl of Moira, and his third wife, Elizabeth Hastings, eldest daughter of Theophilus, ninth Earl of Huntingdon, born 1754, died 1826. At the age of sixteen Francis entered the army, and in June, 1775, he "stamped his fame for life" at the Battle of Bunker's Hill. He was made aide-de-camp to the Commander-in-Chief, Sir Henry Clinton, and in 1778 was nominated Adjutant-General, with the rank of Lieutenant- Colonel. After the battle of Camden in which he commanded one wing of the army. Lord Rawdon was appointed to a distinct command in South Carolina, and in 178 1 he defeated Greene at Hobkirk's Hill. Returning to England he was captured by a French cruiser. On his release he was created Baron Rawdon by King George III. He succeeded to the Earldom of Moira in 1793, and in the following year he was sent in command of 10,000 men to relieve the Duke of York, in Flanders. In 1804, the Earl of Moira married Flora Muir Campbell, Countess of Loudoun, the Prince of Wales giving away the bride. In 1812, on the death of Mr. Perceval, Lord Moira undertook to form a Government, but could not agree with some of his colleagues on questions relating to appointments. He was appointed Governor of Bengal, and was soon successful in terminating the Nepaul War 156 NOTHING BUT NAMES for which he received the thanks of Parliament. In 1822 he returned to England and was appointed Governor of Malta. He died at Naples in 1826, having had previously conferred upon hirri the titles of Viscount Loudoun, Earl of Rawdon and Marquis of Hastings. On his retirement from the Government of India, the East India Company presented the Marquis of Hastings with iJ6o,ooo, but he died so poor that the Company, in grateful recog nition of his services, after his death presented his heir with ;£^40,ooo more. Green says, " Lord Hastings deserves credit for paving the way for the abolition of the suttee.'-' The tragic stor}- of his daughter, Lady Flora Hastings, who died of a broken heart in 1839, °" account of the unjust accusations of members of the Royal household, is one of the most painful episodes of Her Majesty's reign. Lord Rawdon was, as elsewhere mentioned, the Duke of York's second in the duel with Colonel Lennox, afterward the Duke of Richmond. "The old Indian names along the Quinte shores were nearly all trampled under foot in the shameless tuft- hunting of our early Governors ; one instance will suffice. At Belleville, the ancient River Sagonaska was re-named to flatter the Earl of Moira ; and even his baronies were detailed in the County of ' Hastings,' and the townships of ' Rawdon ' and ' Hungerford.' " — Picturesque Canada, p. 651. The Hastings family got its name from the town of Hastings, in Sussex, which was called after a Danish sea-captain who infested the coasts of England in the reign of Alfred the Great, and who built a fort there to protect his- troops in winter. William the Conqueror gained his memorable battle over Harold II. at Hastings, which put an end to the Saxon dynasty of Kings of England. HASTINGS COUNTY 157 SIDNEY TOWNSHIP (1787) Not bolder truths of sacred Freedom hung From Sidney's pen or burn'd on Fox's tongue. — Moore. Sidney was named in honor of Thomas Townshend, Viscount Sydney, born 1732, died 1800, Secretary of State. Haldimand addressed reports from Canada to Lord Sydney in 1784. His son, John Thomas Towns hend, second Viscount Sydney, born 1764, died 1831, was Under Secretary of State 1789, Lord of the Admiralty 1790-93, and Lord of the Treasury 1793-1800. (See Townsend township). In 1798, speaking on Lord Minto's motion to fine and imprison Lambert and Perry, Lord Sydney characterized the Morning Chronicle as a scandalous paper, which he would not admit into his house. THURLOW TOWNSHIP (1787) When Thurlow this nonsense sent, (I hope I am not violent). Nor men nor gods knew what he meant. — Byron. When Brudenell talks of elegance and ease ; When Thurlow turns the first of devotees. — P. Pindar, This township was named after Edward, Baron Thurlow, of Ashfield and Thuriow, Suffolk, son of Rev. 158 NOTHING BUT NAMES Thomas Thurlow, rector of Ashfield (see Ashfield town ship), born at Little Ashfield in 1732, died at Brighton in 1806. He entered Parliament in 1768 as a supporter of Lord North, was Solicitor-General in 1770, Attorney- General in 1771 and Lord Chancellor in 1778. when he was raised to the peerage. Possessing the unbounded confidence of the King, he was retained in office, when Rockingham and Shelburne, his political opponents, were at the head of the Government, and he lost no opportunity to defeat their leading measures. In 1783, he took the great seal under Pitt, and kept it for nine years, but when he began to tamper with the Prince of Wales and the Whigs, Pitt distrusted him and got him dismissed. He was a man of overbearing and passionate character, a bully rather than a debater in Parliament, though occasionally an impressive and eloquent speaker. TYENDINAGA TOWNSHIP (1800) No Mohawk I, in scenes of horror bred, I scorn to scalp the dying or the dead. -P. Pindar. This township is called after Thayendanegea, the Indian name of the Mohawk Chief Brant (see Brant county). At the close of the war, the Indians who had fought on the British side were granted 92,700 acres of land on the Bay Quinte, but a portion of it was afterward surrendered. There is still an Indian reserve in Tyen- dinaga township. Ty-en-de-na-ga means " tied together,"^ like a bundle of sticks. On Smith's map the word " Mohawks " is printed, instead of Tyendinaga. HASTINGS COUNTY 159 RAWDON TOWNSHIP (1798) I Wyllyam, King, the thurd yere of my reigne. Give to thee Paulyn Roydon, Hope and Hopetowne Wyth al the landes up and downe, From heven to verth, from yerth to hel. — Extract from deed of land. Whilst Rawdon by his side, with martial face, Commandeth him to swallow with a grace ; Would make an interesting scene, indeed. And show the courage of King Charles' breed. — P. Pindar. Rawbon was named in honor of Francis Rawdon Hastings, first Viscount Loudoun. (See Hastings county). One of Moore's poems is addressed to the Lady Chariotte Rawdon. HUNTINGTON TOWNSHIP (1798) Go, uncle Exeter, — Warwick, — and Huntington, — go with the King. — King Henry V. Might speak, his sport at evening done. The Roving Earl of Huntingdon. — The Avenel, 1821. This township was called Huntington from Elizabeth Hastings, the mother of Francis Rawdon, first Viscount Loudoun, who was a daughter of the Earl of Huntington. The title is taken from a small inland county of England. William the Conqueror in 1068 gave the Earldom of i6o NOTHING BUT NAMES Huntingdon to Waltheof, a noble Saxon, on whom he also bestowed the hand of his niece Judith ; but that lady betrayed her husband who was executed for a treasonable conspiracy against the Government David, Prince of Scotland, having married the heiress of Waltheof, was made Earl of Huntingdon in 1108, and the honor continued in his family till 12 19. The market town of Huntingdon was the birthplace of Oliver Cromwell, April 25, 1 599- Huntingdon county in Quebec, with the same origin, is still generally spelled with a "d," for which a " t " has been substituted in the name of the Ontario township. HUNGERFORD TOWNSHIP (1798) For this one speech Lord Hastings well deserves To have the heir of the Lord Hungerford. — King Henry VI. This township was called Hungerford, from a title of the Hastings family, conferred in 1436. Baron Hastings, of Ashby de la Zouche, was murdered in the Tower by order of Richard, Duke of Gloucester. His son Edward Hastings was summoned to Parliament in 1482 as Baron Hungerford, his wife being a daughter of Sir Thomas Hungerford, and their son George was created Earl of Huntington. The town of Hungerford in Berkshire, on the banks of the river Kennet, has a curious relic in its town hall, denominated the Hungerford horn, which was given as a charter to the town by John of Gaunt. Hunger ford Park was formerly the residence of the Barons of Hungerford, who took their name and title from the town; a neat mansion in the Italian style occupies the site of the HASTINGS COUNTY i6i old house, which was built by Queen Elizabeth and given to the Earl of Essex. The hospital at Corsham, in Wiltshire, was founded by Lady Margaret Hungerford in 1668. An ancient mansion at Ampney Down, Gloucester shire, built by the family of the Hungerfords in the time of Henry VIII., belongs, with the manor, to the Cornwall family of Eliot. John Peach Hungerford, M. P. for Leicester, voted for the Canada Bill. MARMORA TOWNSHIP (1820) ' The name of Marmora comes from the Latin word for marble, which abounds in the township. MADOC TOWNSHIP (1820) Great Cian's son ; of Madoc old He ask'd no heaps of hoarded gold. — Thomas Gray. Now, last and greatest, Madoc spreads his sails, Cacique in Mexico, and prince in Wales. -Byron. The name is from Madoc, a Welsh prince, who, according to the Cambrian chroniclers, sailing westward in 1 1 70 with a small fleet, discovered America. He returned to Wales, having left twenty of his crew in the new country, and fitting out another fleet of ten sail he started on a second voyage from which he never returned. Travellers claimed to have found traces of Welsh settle ment in Mexico, but Humboldt denied their authenticity. i62 NOTHING BUT NAMES Madoc is the subject of one of Southey's poems, founded on the Legend of St. Brendan. The harbor of Port Madoc, at Tre-Madoc in Carnarvonshire, is well sheltered. Near it is an embankment erected by Mr. Maddocks, at a cost of ;£' 1 00,000. ELZEVIR TOWNSHIP (1820) Grown rarer with the fleeting years, .\ldines, Bodonis, Elzevirs. — Andre n' Lang. I go back to my post, and collect (I must own 'Tis a taste I had never before, my dear John) Antiques and small Elzevirs. — Lucile, by '^Chvcn .Meredith," ( Lord Lytton ). Elzevir was so called from the name of a Dutch family who for 130 }-ears were engaged in the business of book-selling and printing, and whose name is identified with accurate and beautiful typography. The first was Lodewijk Elzevir, who started business at Leyden in 1580, and who before 1617 had published 150 works. His five sons all followed the same trade. The Greek New Testament is among their masterpieces. At least 1,600 works were published by the Elzevirs. Pieter, a book seller at Utrecht, and Abraham the second, who did University printing at Leyden down to 1712, were the last of the family in the trade. In 1820 a descendant was Governor at Curacoa. " Elzevirs " are with difficulty distinguished, the name having been stolen by other printers, and the Elzevirs having issued many anonymous works to escape political or religious censure. The meaning of the word Elzevir is elm or firewood. Scad- • ding says that in 1805 John Bennett published at Toronto HASTINGS COUNTY 163 " The Upper Canada Almanac," printed in fine Elzevir type ; it was an exact copy of the almanacs of the day published in London. LAKE TOWNSHIP (1822) Write but like Wordsworth, live beside a Lake, And keep your bushy locks a year from Blake. — Hints from Horace. The township of Lake is called after Viscount Gerard Lake, born 1744, died 1808, who was commander-in-chief in Ireland during the insurrection of 1798, conducted the Mahratta war in India and took Delhi in 1803, and brought the Mogul Emperor into vassalage to Great Britain. In his reference to the rebellion in Ireland, Green says : " Few in fact had joined the insurgents in Wexford when Lord Lake appeared before their camp upon Vinegar Hill with a strong force of English troops on the 2 1st of May. The camp was stormed and with the dispersion of its defenders the revolt came suddenly to an end." Viscount Lake's eldest son, Francis Gerard, who was a general in the army, died in 1836. His second son, George, was killed at Vimiera, Portugal, in 1808. His third son, Warwick, third Viscount, died in 1848, leaving two daughters. Sir John Harvey married a daughter of the first Viscount Lake. (See Harvey town ship). 1 64 NOTHING BUT NAMES TUDOR TOWNSHIP (1822) In the reign of bluff King Harry swells but seldom died in bed. For the bloated Tudor's weakness was a loving subject's head. — H. K. Cockin. Tudor is the name of a dynasty of English sovereigns, founded by Henry VIL, who was born at Pembroke Castle in South Wales in 1456 and died at Richmond in 1509. The claim of the Tudors to the Crown originated with the marriage of Owen ap Tudor, a Welsh gentleman, to Catharine of France, widow of King Henry V. Queen Elizabeth was the last of the Tudor sovereigns, but the present royal family is descended from the Tudors through Margaret, daughter of Henry VIL, who married James IV. (Stuart) of Scotland, and was great-grandmother of King James I. of England. GRIMSTHORPE TOWNSHIP (1822) The name of this township is taken from Grimsthorpe Castle, on the river Glean, in Lincolnshire, a seat of the Duke of Ancaster. It was originally built by Charles Brandon, Duke of Suffolk, to entertain King Henry VIIL, whose sister Mary, Queen Dowager of France, became Brandon's wife. Grimsthorpe Park is one of the most beautiful in the country. The Dukedom of Ancaster was extinct for many years, owing to a failure of issue in the Bertie family, but it has been revived during the last HASTINGS COUNTY 165 decade. Normanton Park, near Stamford, is another of the family seats. Sir Peregrine Maitland, who named this township, was related to Sir Peregrine Bertie, owner of Grimsthorpe Castle. WOLLASTON TOWNSHIP (1857) None, but the Prince of Darkness, and his crew, Newton and Galileo who include, Priestley, and WoUaston, and Davy too, Who will be joined by all the wicked brood Of your philosophers, that men delude. — The Uliramontajie Crab. This township is named after Dr. William Hyde Wollaston, the celebrated chemist, born in London, 1766, died 1828. He was president and secretary of the Royal Society, and extended Dalton's " atomic theory." As an exact analyst, Wollaston was deservedly celebrated. Some of his inventions have been of great advantage to science. His discoveries in regard to the malleability of platinum, and his manufacture of platinum vessels for the distillation of acids, brought him more than ;^30,ooo, and he used his means generously to encourage Dalton and other experimenters who had the misfortune to be poor. There are a couple of villages in England named Wollaston, one of which is noteworthy. In Wollaston Chapel, Alberbury, on the border between Montgomery county, Wales, and Shropshire, England, is a brass plate with this inscription: "The old, old, very old man, Thomas Parr, was born at the Glyn, in the township of Wennington, within the chapelry of Great Wollaston and i66 NOTHING BUT NAMES parish of Alberbury, in the county of Salop, in 1483. He lived in the reigns of ten Kings and Queens of England (Edward IV. to Charies I.) ; he died in London, November 13, 1635, and was buried in Westminster Abbey, aged 152 years and nine months. At the age of 105 he did penance in the church of Alberbury, for criminal connection with Catherine Milton, by whom he had offspring." LIMERICK TOWNSHIP (1857) To the heroes of Limerick, the City of the Fights, Be my best blessing borne on the wings of the air. — James Clarence Mangan. This township is named after the city and the county of Limerick, in Ireland, the former noted for its ship building, its commerce and its castle ; the latter for its numerous military earthworks, ancient castles and ruins of religious houses. The city is situated on the estuary of the river Shannon. Limerick made a gallant defence against the Parliamentary army under Ireton in 165 1, and was the last place in Ireland to submit to William III. in 1 69 1. The origin of the name Limerick is somewhat obscure. The ancient form, Luimenach, occurs in the annals long before the city was founded, and appears to have been first applied to the estuary of the Shannon. Mr. Maurice Lenihan in his elaborate work entitled, " The History of Limerick " (which has long been out of print), states on the authority of a very old legend, preserved in the books of Leccan and Ballymote, that the name originated in the following way : Two gladiators were competing here in single combat for the HASTINGS COUNTY 167 championship of Munster and Connaught The- hosts on both sides were clad in grey-green luimins (cloaks). When the combat commenced, and the assembled crowds pressed round to see and enjoy it, the heat became so great that they threw off their luimins in heaps on the strand. Their attention was so intently engaged by the combatants that they did not perceive the flowing of the tide until it had swept the cloaks away, upon which some of the spectators exclaimed, "Is Luimenochola in t-inbhear anossa," i.e., " cloaky (or cloakful) is the river now." Hence the name Luimenach. But though the name Luimenach was originally applied to the Lower Shannon, and continued to be so applied up to 843, A.D., it was evidently transferred shortly after to the fortress erected by the Danes, who about the middle of the ninth century made this spot one of their maritime stations, surrounding it with walls and towers, enclosing the area now known as the English town. CASHEL TOWNSHIP (i860) My bitter woe it is, lov^ that we are not far away, In Cashel town, though the bare deal board were our marriage-bed this day. — Samuel Ferguson. This township takes its name from the city of Cashel in the county of Tipperary, Ireland, (the ancient Carsiol, the "habitation in the rock,"), famous for the rock of Cashel outside the city, crowned with the finest collection of ruins in Ireland, consisting of Cathedral, monastery and castle, built about the twelfth century. Donald O'Brien, King of Limerick, took the oath of allegiance to Henry II. at Cashel in 11 72. Cashel was the ancient 1 68 NOTHING BUT NAMES residence of the sovereigns of Munster, and is often dignified by the title of " the City of Kings." Cashel was Sir Robert Peel's first constituency. He was elected there in 1809. FARADAY TOWNSHIP (1857) Not Taylor o'er his tests and trials, Not Faraday above his phials E'er hung with fonder care. — Punch. This township is named after Prof Michael Faraday, born 1 79 1, died 1867, a chemist and natural philosopher, who studied under Sir Humphrey Davy, and made many important discoveries relating to metals, gases and electricity. He produced a new variety of glass for optical purposes, wrote a book of three volumes on electricity and excelled as a popular lecturer. Prof Faraday received many distinctions from learned societies and institutions, and the Queen allotted him a residence at Hampton Court in 1858, as well as a pension of ;^300 a year which was granted to him in 1835. DUNGANNON TOWNSHIP (1857) My sentence passed and my courage low When to Dungannon I was forced to go. — Street Ballad. Dungannon is the name of a town in the county of Tyrone, Ireland, eleven miles from Armagh. It has a royal school and hospital, and manufactures of linen and earthenware. The Duke of Wellington's mother was a daughter of Viscount Dungannon. HASTINGS COUNTY 169 MAYO TOWNSHIP (1857) Or who, with a grain of sense, would go To sit and be bored by Lord Mayo ? — Moore. " Northward lies the mountain-land of Mayo, a district as large as Sutherland, over-populous on its seaboard, yet wild and desolate within." — GRENVILLE Cole. Mayo is the name, of a county in Ireland, of which Castlebar is the capital. Right Hon. Richard Southwell Bourke, sixth Earl of Mayo, born 1822, died 1872, entered the House of Commons in 1847 and was Secretary of State for Ireland in three Conservative Governments. He was appointed Governor-General of India in 1868, and was a most efficient administrator. When visiting the Andaman Islands in 1872 he was fatally stabbed by a fanatic convict and died almost immediately, leaving " a name second to none of the illustrious men who filled before him the high office of Governor-General of India." Parliament voted a pension to Lady Mayo and a large memorial fund was raised by voluntary contributions. HERSCHEL TOWNSHIP (1857) God bless us ! What to Herschel dare you say, The astronomic genius of the day. Who soon will find more wonders in the skies, And with more Georgium Siduses surprise ? —P. Pindar. This township is named after Sir John Frederic William Herschel, born 1790, died 1871; the only son of I70 NOTHING BUT NAMES Sir \\'illiam Herschel, the distinguished astronomer. He followed closely in his father's footsteps, took observations of the whole firmament of the southern hemisphere, calculated the density of the atmosphere, and was universally respected as an authorit}- on all the branches of his favorite subject In 1850 he was appointed Master of the Mint. The elder Herschel was born in Hanover in 1738 and died in England in 1822, having married in 1788 Mrs. INIary Pitt MONTEAGLE TOWNSHIP (1857) Tom Spring-Rice was veri' nice Till he began to talk ; Lord Monteagle is no eagle — Just a common hawk. — T. White. This township is named in honor of Right Hon. Thomas Spring-Rice, Lord Monteagle, born in Limerick, 1790, died 1866. He married a daughter of the Earl of Limerick in 181 1, entered Parliament in 1820 as a \^ hig, was Home Secretary in 1827, and afterwards Secretary of the Treasury, Secretar}- for the Colonies and Chancellor of the Exchequer. One of these offices he shared with Mr. Edward Ellice (see Ellice township). Lord Monteagle was a man of small stature and a dull and tedious speaker. The London Times, in his obituar}- notice, said : " If we must not speak of Lord Monteagle as either a very strong or a high-minded man, we must do him justice as a shrewd one, and a good partizan. If he was not a brilliant Minister, he was at least a useful one." HASTINGS COUNTY 171 CARLOW TOWNSHIP (1866) The brave O'Bryne he was there From Ballymans, I declare, Brought Wicklow, Carlow and Kildare To march at his command. — Street Ballad, This township takes its name from Carlow, a town and a county in Ireland, noted for frequent struggles between the Irish and the English. In 1798 Carlow was a centre of military activity. Its agriculture has greatly improved during the present century. Carlow Castle^ built in the twelfth century, was the nucleus of the town, which was made a borough in 1208. McCLURE TOWNSHIP (1857) He found the Northwest Passage, to be sure ! What use was it to any but McClure ? The township of McClure takes its name from Sir R. J. McClure, born at Wexford, Ireland, 1807, died 1873. f^s served in the Lake fleet during the Canadian Rebellion of 1838 ; took part in Sir John Ross' Arctic Expedition in 1848, and commanded the expedition which discovered the Northwest Passage in 1850. For this service he was knighted and received a reward of ;^5,ooo. He afterward served in the Chinese War and rose to the rank of Vice-Admiral. Captain Sherard Osborne's book says : " The subsequent recovery, by Captain Leopold McClintock, of the relics and records of the expedition under Sir John Franklin, proved that his 172 NOTHING BUT NAMES ill-fated crew, coming from the Atlantic, did in the year 1848 perish on the coast of America, on or about the mouth of the Great Fish River. That position has been long known to communicate directly with the Pacific Ocean by way of Behring's Strait The priority of the discovery of the Northwest Passage clearly, therefore, belongs to Franklin's expedition ; but the credit of discovering two other water communications, ice-choked though they be on either side of Banks' Land, between the waters of the Atlantic and Pacific, belongs to Sir Robert McClure." WICKLOW TOWNSHIP (1857) And on far Wicklow's hills they urge their firm and rapid way, ,\v\A well may proud Lord Grey exult to view their stern array. -M.J, McCann. WiCKLOW is the name of a county in Ireland, Province of Leinster, with a county town also called Wicklow, which exports grain and copper and lead ores. There are various other minerals in the county, and the soil is tolerably fertile. BANGOR TOWNSHIP (1859) Though Delany advised you to plague me no longer, You reply and rejoin like Hoadly to Bangor. —Swift, This township is named after Bangor, a city in Carnarvonshire, Wales, surrounded by beautiful scenery. HASTINGS COUNTY 173 which brings many summer visitors to the place. The cathedral of Bangor was erected about the year 525 and burned down in 1402, and not rebuilt for ninety years. Bishop Berkeley alienated the lands belonging to the cathedral and even sold the bells of the church. There are also an ancient city called Bangor in County Down, Ireland, a Bangor parish in Flintshire, and a Bangor city in Maine, U.S. 174 NOTHING BUT NAMES NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY (1792) And now the vessel skirts the strand Of mountainous Northumberland. — Marmion, This county is called after Northumberland, one of the largest counties in England, as well as the most northerly. More than a third of the county is moun tainous. The river Tweed forms the boundary between Northumberland and Scotland. At Hexham, Flodden and Berwick in Northumberland, great battles were fought. At Alnwick is the princely mansion of the Dukes of Northumberland. MURRAY TOWNSHIP (1792) And there'll be Murray commander, And Gordon the battle to win. This township was named after James Murray, fifth son of Alexander Murray, fourth Baron Elibank. He was a Brigadier-General at the siege of Louisbourg, and General Wolfe had formed the highest, opinion of his courage and conduct He took a prominent part in the siege of Quebec in 1759, and after the capture he was appointed Governor of the city. His duties were arduous and exacting, for he had neither enough clothing nor NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY 175 enough provisions for the garrison, and he was short of money. Drunkenness became so prevalent that Murray withdrew the licenses he had granted to some of the taverns, and when a soldier found drunk was arrested he got twenty lashes every morning till he told where he obtained the liquor. The Governor endeavored to regulate the markets and to establish the price of grain, and he strengthened the fortifications, but there was much sickness among his troops. Anstruther's 58th battalion constituted part of the force under Murray at that time (see Anstruther township). On July 14, 1760, Murray left Quebec for Montreal, and on his way he felt it his duty to burn the town of Sorel, because its inhabitants were still in the field against the British forces. He wrote to Mr. Pitt : " 1 pray God that this example may suffice, for my nature revolts when this becomes a neces sary part of my duty." He landed at Montreal and assisted Amherst. In the fall of 1763 General Murray was appointed Captain-General and Governor of the Province of Quebec. Under him the Canadians were denied no privilege, and his policy was to reconcile them to the new Government. He well understood that 80,000 souls could not be told that their manners and customs had been arbitrarily set aside at the demand of a score of new comers. He was recalled and made a report to Lord Shelburne, defending his policy. He afterward served as Governor of Minorca, 1774, and defended that fortress against the French and Spanish, spurning an offer of ;^ 1 00,000 if he would surrender the place. He was also Governor of Hull. He died at his house in West minster, March 19, 1794, and when his body was opened for embalmment, several bullets, by which he had been wounded in the German and American wars, were found. 176 NOTHING BUT NAMES BRIGHTON TOWNSHIP (1852) So congenial their tastes that, when Fum first did light on The floor of that grand China-warehouse at Brighton. — Moore. This township, cut off from Murray and Cramahe, was named after the village of Brighton, so called on account of the long beach extending into Lake Ontario, in front of the township, reminding one of Brighton, the famous watering place in Sussex, England, where George IV., when Prince of Wales, built the pavilion in 1784. The English Brighton, now the most populous town in the county, was about the middle of the last century a small village composed of fishing huts, and scarcely known by name. Brighton is an abbreviation of Brighthelmstone, derived from Brighthelm, a Saxon Bishop, who made it his residence. After the Conquest it was granted to William de Warren. CRAMAHE TOWNSHIP (1792) Was called after Hector Theophilus Cramahe, a Swiss Protestant, who had been a member of Governor Murray's Council and also his secretary, and whom Murray described as a gentleman, an excellent scholar, master of the French language and a valuable assistant to him. Cramahe administered the government during Sir Guy Carleton's absence from the country 1770-74, the period in which the Quebec Act was under consideration. NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY 177 Garneau says that Cramahe in 1772 permitted the consecration of a coadjutor to the Catholic Bishop, and in 1773 he recommended that the French Canadians should be treated liberally and with justice in the matter of religion, and Lord Dartmouth promised to follow a generous policy. Mrs. Cramahe received a pension of £\'^0, the warrant stating it to be given her "as widow of the late Hector Theophilus Cramahe, Lieutenant- Governor of Detroit, pursuant to the order of the Lords of the Treasury, 31 May, 1790." Cramahe took the oath of office, Oct 12, 1785, but, so far as can be traced, never entered on the government of Detroit. The last warrant for his salary is dated May i, 1787. HALDIMAND TOWNSHIP (1792) See Haldimand county. HAMILTON TOWNSHIP (1792) The steed of princely Hamilton Was fleeter than the mountain wind. — Scott. The township was named after Henry Hamilton, who was Lieutenant-Governor of Canada for one year, 1785, after Haldimand retired and before Lord Dorchester returned. He had been appointed Civil Governor at Detroit in 1777, and in 1778 he undertook an ill-advised expedition against Vincennes, acting under the orders of Lord George Germain, conveyed to him through Mr. Cramahe. Hamilton is described as a man of personal courage, but defective in judgment. He was taken 178 NOTHING BUT NAMES prisoner and suffered great hardships, before Haldimand could arrange with General Washington for his exchange. After his release he returned to Canada, and while serving as a Member of the Council, before his elevation to the Governorship, he acted and talked injudiciously, rendering his early removal from office necessary. SEYMOUR TOWNSHIP (1798) There stands the castle, by yon tuft of trees, Mann'd with three hundred men, as I have heard ; And in it are the Lords of York, Berkley and Seymour ; None else of name, and noble estimation. — King Richard II. The township was called Seymour, after Lady Elizabeth Seymour, daughter of the Duke of Somerset, and wife of Hugh Smithson, created Duke of Northumber land, and who became Baroness Percy after her husband's death, in 1786. The name of Seymour is derived from Saint Maur in Normandy. It is the family name of the Marquis of Hertford. PERCY TOWNSHIP (1798) I am the Prince of Wales ; and think not, Percy, To share with me in glory any more. — King Henry IV. Percy is the old family name of the Dukes of North umberland, taken originally from the village of Percy in Normandy. Henry de Percy in the reign of Edward I. acquired the baronetcy of Alnwick. NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY 179 ALNWICK TOWNSHIP (1798) Lord Percy made a solemn feast In Alnwick's princely hall ; And there came lords and there came knights. His chiefs and barons all. — The Hermit of Warkworth, by Bishop Percy. The township is called after Alnwick, the county town of Northumberland, England, on the high road from London to Berwick, famous for its castle, the residence of the Duke of Northumberland, which was repeatedly besieged by the Scots in ancient times. Alnwick is near the river Alne, from which it derives its name. An abbey was founded there by Eustace St. John in 1147. Alnwick Castle has been for many years a fortress of great strength. It was celebrated in border history, and was peculiarly fatal to the Kings of Scotland, of whom Malcolm II. and his son Edward fell before it, and William the Lion was taken prisoner. It is related that King John, annoyed by the miry state of the roads, directed that the freemen of Alnwick should be made by the ceremony of rushing through a muddy pool, dressed in white. SOUTH MONAGHAN TOWNSHIP (1820) South Monaghan is called after the county of Monaghan, in Ireland. i8o NOTHING BUT NAMES PETERBOROUGH COUNTY (1849) Through London streets upon a day, The Earl of Peterborough took his wa\', All in his pompous coach — perhaps to dine ; The mob of London took it in their head, This was the Duke of Marlborough, so dread To F5enchmen on the Danube and the Rhine. —P. Pindar. Swift said the Earl of Peterborough, Who conquered Spain in style most thorough. Was " never matched in modern reading But by his namesake, Charles of Sweden." Macaulay termed him, when in health, " A learned, amorous Charles the Twelfth." This county, which was at the time of the Union Act of 1840 known as the north riding of Northumberland, takes its name from the town of Peterborough, which, previous to 1825, was known as Indian Plain or Scott's Landing. In that }-ear Colonel Peter Robinson, of Newmarket, (a brother of the late Chief Justice of Upper Canada) was sent out by Earl Bathurst in charge of 2,000 emigrants. He conducted them from the south of Ireland to the Indian Plains, where he encamped them, and subsequently settled them in the neighboring townships. One day at a dinner party which Colonel Robinson gave in his tent, the question arose what name to give the future town. It was then decided that it should be called Peterborough, after Colonel Robinson. There were present at the dinner Hon. Thomas Stewart, Mr. Ale.x. McDonald, Dr. Reid, of Perth, Mr. Sydney Bellingham, M.P. for Argenteuil, and one or two others. The name was PETERBOROUGH COUNTY i8i adopted, and Colonel Robinson gave orders that Peter borough should be laid out in town and park lots, and promised each of his guests a town and a park lot The land upon which the town stands was then valued at one dollar per acre. Another account mentions that there were 415 families, comprising 2,024 persons altogether, in Colonel Robinson's band of emigrants. Dr. Francis Connin, who died in 1854, was acting surgeon to one of the transport vessels. Colonel Robinson built a long boat and made a preliminary ascent of the Otonabee River with twenty native Canadians and thirty of the healthiest of the immigrants. Not one of them escaped the fever and ague and two died. Peter Robinson served under General Sheaffe in the war of 1812-14. He escaped from Mackinaw through the enemy's fleet. He purchased a mill at Newmarket in 18 12, and was Commissioner of Crown Lands in 1827. He entertained Sir John Franklin and Sir John Ross when they were on their way to the Arctic regions. He was a son of Christopher Robinson of Virginia, who was wounded in the Revolutionary war. After the peace, the elder Robinson removed to Canada, where Governor Simcoe made him Deputy Surveyor- General of Crown Lands. His salary, half-pay and an estate of 2,000 acres placed him in circumstances of comfort. His son (Sir John Beverley Robinson, brother of Peter), born 1791, was appointed Attorney-General of Upper Canada in 1818 ; Chief Justice in 1829 ; created a Baronet in 1854 and died in 1863. The form of the name chosen in honor of Mr. Peter Robinson was doubtless determined or suggested by the city of Peterborough in Northamptonshire, England, which was anciently called Medeshamstede, or the dwell ing in the meadow, and is so mentioned in the Saxon Chronicle which records the foundation of the monastery 1 82 NOTHING BUT NAMES there by Paeda, the first Christian king of IMercia. .Archdeacon Paley, author of the Evidences of Christianity, was born at Peterborough in 1743. He died in 1805. Charles Alordaunt, Earl of Peterborough, was born in 1658 and died in 1735. NORTH MON.AGHAX TOWNSHIP (1820) Takes its name from a county in Ireland ; same as South Monaghan, Northumberland county. OTONABEE TOWNSHIP (1820) Oton.\bee is an Indian word meaning mouth water, so called from the place where the Otonabee river empties into Rice Lake through a delta. .\SPHODEL TOWNSHIP (1821) And urging still her airy flight. She gains those smiling realms of light Where sons of bliss immortal dwell In golden groves of .Asphodel. — Annual Register, l~j;S. .Asphodel is a Greek word meaning a plant of the lil}- family, like the daffodil, which probably abounds there. Homer sometimes uses asphodelos as an adjective, as in Odyssey XI. 539 — "asphodelos leimon," the asphodel PETERBOROUGH COUNTY 183 meadow, which the shades of heroes haunted. Hence Picturesque Canada, p. 642 : " With propriety, probably unconscious, a township, on the lower edge of Rice Lake, has been named Asphodel, no unfit name for well-watered meadows, where the shades of Indian heroes may still linger." ENNISMORE TOWNSHIP (1829) This township is called after William Hare, Viscount Ennismore, second Earl of Listowel, the father of Lady Sophia Macnamara, lady of the bedchamber to Princess Louise, Marchioness of Lome. His father Richard, Viscount Ennismore, was M.P. for Cork, and died in 1827. This township was called Emily Gore on the map published in 1828, and also in Bouchette's book (1832), but in the Canadian sessional papers of 1830 it is called Ennis more. The Irish Ennismore is in the county of Kerry. SMITH TOWNSHIP (1821) Smiths ! the Smiths are hydra-headed ; Smiths grow up three deep in rows ; Smiths, in countless hosts and legions, Everywhere have poked their nose. -A. Wingfield. The township of Smith may have been named after Sir David William Smith, the Surveyor-General, who made a map of Upper Canada in 1798, was a member of the first three Canadian Parliaments and Speaker in two 1 84 NOTHING BUT NAMES of them, born 1764, died at Alnwick, England, in 1837. His father, Col. John Smith, was commandant at Niagara and died there in 1795. Sir D. W. Smith was created a baronet in 182 1. He married Anne O'Reilly, of County Longford, in 1788, and for his second wife Mary Tyler of Devizes, in 1803. Morgan speaks of the consummate ability with which Sir David Smith administered the affairs of the Duke of Northumberland, in the county of ^ Northumberland. In 1817, 1818 and again in 1820 the Government of Upper Canada was administered by Hon. Samuel Smith, a U.E. Loyalist, who was entirely uncon nected with the Family Compact, and was a man of ability and integrity. He died at his residence in Toronto, October 20, 1826, leaving seven daughters and two sons. It is quite possible that this township was named after Hon. Samuel Smith. DOURO TOWNSHIP (1821) One of the titles of the Duke of Wellington was Baron Douro, given him because Wellington achieved the brilliant exploit of crossing the river Douro in the face of the French army under Soult, and driving them with great loss from Oporto, and beyond the limits of Portugal. Sir Peregrine Maitland, who probably named the township, served under Wellington. PETERBOROUGH COUNTY 185 DUMMER TOWNSHIP (1821) For here impetuous Powell wheels and veers His royal guards, his British grenadiers. — Joel Barloiv. This township is named after Hon. William Dummer Powell, born at Boston, 1755, Chief Justice of Upper Canada for a considerable period previous to 1825, and Speaker of the Legislative Council. Dent describes him as a gentleman of somewhat diminutive size, but withal of handsome and imposing appearance. In conjunction with Rev. Dr. Strachan he for many years practically directed the administration of affairs in Upper Canada. " Francis Gore and Sir Peregrine Maitland might successively posture as figure-heads under the title of Lieutenant- Governors, but the real depositories of power were the Rector and the Chief Justice." Mr. Powell acquired large tracts of the Crown Lands and his son held several offices of emolument The name Powell — originally Ap Howell —is Welsh. BELMONT TOWNSHIP (1823) In Belmont is a lady richly left. And she is fair, and, fairer than that word. Of wondrous virtues. — Merchant of Venice. The word means beautiful mountain. Roger, lord of Belmont-le-Rogier, styled De Beaumont, was summoned to the Council of the Norman William when he proposed to invade England. He furnished sixty vessels to the 1 86 NOTHING BUT NAMES fleet His son Roger was also a valiant supporter of the Conqueror ; at Senlac he " broke an English square." He was rewarded with a barony and ninety manors in the English counties. He was said to be the wisest man between England and Jerusalem, and played the kings of France and England like pawns upon a chess-board. Henry I. created him first Earl of Leicester. There is a Belmont in the canton of Vaud, Switzerland, and there are two Belmonts in France. In Shakespeare's play, Belmont is the seat of Portia, on the continent. Belmont Castle is Lord Wharncliffe's seat in Perthshire, Scotland. Belmont House, in the County of Kilkenny, Ireland, was the seat of Sir Henry Winston Baron, M.P. for Waterford in 1 84 1 et seq. HARVEY TOWNSHIP (1821) Is there one, who but once would not rather have known it, Than written, with Harvey, whole volumes upon it. — Moore. But Lord Nelson he hailed them with masterful grace — " Cap'n Harvey, I'll thank you to keep in your place.' — Henry Newbolt. The township is called Harvey after Sir John Harvey, born 1778, supposed to be a natural son of Lord Paget, Earl of Uxbridge and Marquis of Anglesey ; served in the Mahratta war under Lord Lake, (see Lake township), whose daughter Elizabeth he married ; was appointed Deputy Adjutant-General to the army in Canada (1812); planned and took part in the battle of Stony Creek (June 5th, 1813); was Governor of New Brunswick, Newfound land and Nova Scotia. Died in 1846. PETERBOROUGH COUNTY 187 BURLEIGH TOWNSHIP (1822) Here he lives in .state and bounty. Lord of Burleigh, fair and free. Not a lord in all the county Is so great a lord as he. — Tennyson. If Dr. Scadding's conjecture is correct, this township is named after William Cecil, Lord Burleigh, born at Bourne in Lincolnshire, 1520, died 1598 ; for forty years a leading Minister under Edward VI. and Queen Elizabeth. He was buried at Stamford. Macaulay in his review of Dr. Nares' Memoirs of Lord Burleigh says that "he had no aspirations after the crown of martyrdom " and blames him for sacrificing the lives of others. Hume says that Burleigh died equally regretted by the sovereign and the people, and that he had risen by the mere force of merit. He entertained the Queen twelve times in his country house, each visit costing him two or three thousand pounds, and his silver plate was worth more than ^^42,000. See Barrie township for Dr. Scadding's explanation of the naming of Burleigh township. The old name of Yea could have no reference to the Crimean hero. Col. Lacy Yea, of the 7th Fusiliers, whose death is described by Kinglake, as the township bore the name of Burleigh more than thirty years before the date of the Crimean War. In the county of Kinross, Scotland, are the ruins of Burleigh Castle, which gave title to Lord Burleigh, attainted in 17 16. As Burleigh and Grimsthorpe townships were re-named at the same time, by Sir Peregrine Maitland, he doubtless had in his mind Burleigh House, near Stamford, as well as Grimsthorpe Castle. Lord Burleigh's hospital, monument and residence were all at, or near, Stamford. (See Stamford township). NOTHING BUT NAMES METHUEN TOWNSHIP (1823) They thocht to lie in Methven kirkyard, Araang their noble kin, But they maun lie on Lynedoch brae, To beek foment the sun. —Ballad of Bessie Bell. This township was called Methuen, in honor of the Duke of Richmond, Baron of Methuen in the peerage of Scotland. The village of Methuen, or Methven, in Scotland, is six miles from Perth, and Methven Castle adjoins the village. Near Methven Robert Bruce was defeated in 1306 by the English under the command of Aymer de Valence, Earl of Pembroke. Corsham House in Wiltshire was purchased in 1747 by Paul Methuen, Esq., who began a collection of pictures by the first masters, such as Poussin, Carlo, Dolci, Titian, Claude, Murillo, Rembrandt, Vandyke, Guido, Rubens, Holbein and Sir Peter Lely, and threw the house open for public inspection on Tuesdays and Fridays. His grandson became Baron Methuen. GALWAY TOWNSHIP (1857) Why lingers she from Erin's host So far on Galway's ship-wrecked coast ? — Campbell. I'll seek her through Galway, and I'll seek her all through Clare, I'll search for tales or tidings of my traveller everywhere. — Francis A. Fahy, This township was called after the county of Galway in the west of Ireland, which includes the celebrated PETERBOROUGH COUNTY 189 district of Connemara, principally devoted to grazing and fishing. There are many Celtic cromlechs and Anglo- Norman castles in the county. The town of Galway, capital of the county, is an ancient seaport, with Queen's College, the collegiate church of St Nicholas and the Franciscan convent among its principal buildings. Galway was formerly the emporium of Ireland, and its commerce with Spain was considerable. CAVENDISH TOWNSHIP (1862) Look sharp, or he'll smuggle himself, contraband. More fearful than Cavendish, into our land. — Punch. Cavendish took its name from Henry Cavendish, born at Nice, 173 1, (during a visit of his mother. Lady Charles Cavendish), died in London, 18 10. He was a gentleman of great wealth and a man of high attainments in chemistry and in general physics, a friend of Davy, Dalton and other eminent scientists of his day. Dr. Cavendish measured the density of the earth, discovered the composition of water, made experiments with hydro gen, etc. Distinguished in science for the accuracy of his experiments and the brilliancy of his discoveries, he was no less distinguished in private life for the excellence of his character, the regularity and simplicity of his habits, and his liberality toward other men of science. There is a village named Cavendish in Suffolk, England, fifty-seven miles from London, where John de Cavendish, Chief Justice of the King's Bench, 1372-81, lived. He was beheaded by the insurgents at Bury, and the Cavendishes of the ducal house of Devonshire are descended from him. 190 NOTHING BUT NAMES ANSTRUTHER TOWNSHIP (1861) Gloomy as soot, with faces grim and swarth. They march most sourly leering every one. Yet very keen at Anster loan to share The merriments and sports to be accomplished there. — Prof. Tennant. What if my good friend Hastings goes to pot ? Adams and Anstruther have flung hard stones ; He finds his situation rather hot ; Burke, Fox and Sheridan may break his bones. —P. Pindar. The name is taken from a group of two or three towns in Fifeshire, Scotland, bearing the name of Anstruther, sometimes contracted to Anster. Rev. Dr. Thomas Chalmers was born at Anstruther, in Fife, March 17, 1780, and Anstruther was the residence of the renowned Maggie Lauder, commemorated in the popular song of that name. There was an officer named Anstruther at the capture of Quebec and a Mr. John Anstruther, M.P. for Craill Pittenweem, who took part in the debate which caused the quarrel between Burke and Fox. He voted against the Canada Bill. The name is yet represented in the House of Commons and in various departments of the Imperial service. The London Canadian Gazette of January, 1898, contained the follow ing item: — " Sir Windham C. J. Carmichael-Anstruther, ninth baronet of Nova Scotia, and fifth of Great Britain, of Anstruther, Fifeshire, died on Wednesday of last week, at his seat, Carmichael House, Thankerton, aged 74. He was the only son of Sir Windham Carmichael-Anstruther, PETERBOROUGH COUNTY 191 eighth baronet, and was born in 1824." The Anstruthers have held the office of heritable carver to the royal household in Scotland since 1585. A Captain Anstruther, of the 23rd Regiment, was killed at the storming of the redoubt in the Crimea. —Kinglake, vol. I., page 537. Lt-Col. A. W. Anstruther, commanding the Royal Artillery, at Halifax, N.S., 1890, comes from a P'ifeshire family that traces its ancestry back to the Norman Conquest. CHANDOS TOWNSHIP (1862) What that malty stuff which Chandos Drivels as no other man does. — Moore. " Duke of Chandos " is one of the titles of the Duke of Buckingham (Grenville), conferred upon Richard Temple Nugent Brydges Chandos Grenville in 1796 when he married Lady Anne Eliza, daughter of James Brydges, third and last Duke of Chandos. (See Grenville county and Brudenell township). Brydges used to be written Brugge, Bruges, Brugh, and Brigge, and one of the Brugges married a descendant of " Robert de Chandos," a noble warrior, famed for his feats in arms, who came out of Normandy with William the Conqueror, and won large possessions for himself in Monmouthshire, Wales. 192 NOTHING BUT NAMES DURHAM COUNTY (1792) So, safe he sat in Durham aisle, And prayed for our success the while. — Marynion. This county is called after Durham county in England, famous for its coal, lead and iron mines, and for its great manufactures. The name is a corruption of the Saxon words Dur, a hill, and Holme, a river-island, a description applicable to the city from which the county takes its name. The county, or bishopric, derived its original privileges from a grant made to St Cuthbert by Egfrid, King of Northumberland, 685. (See Ekfrid town ship). The great Roman road, called Watling street, passes the river Wear at Walsingham in Durham. Durham city is situated on a rocky eminence which is almost surrounded by the river Wear. Its history is intimately connected with the legend of St. Cuthbert. Duncan, King of Scotland, attacked thei town in 1040, but he was defeated and made prisoner. William I. devas tated the whole district with fire and sword, so that for sixty miles from Durham to York there was not a house standing, and a dreadful famine ensued. After the suppression of the rebellion of the Nevilles in the reign of Elizabeth, sixty-six persons were executed at Durham. DURHAM COUNTY 193 HOPE TOWNSHIP (1792) Come, gentle Hope, with one gay smile remove The lasting sadness of an aching heart. — Helen Maria M'ilUams. Hope is named after Colonel Henry Hope, a member of the Legislative Council, to whom Hamilton transferred the government in 1787, pending the return of Governor Carleton from England to Canada. One of the Quebec Gates was called Hope Gate in his honor. His health was poor and he got leave to return to England, but died at Quebec, April 13, 1789, and was buried there with military honors. Dr. Scadding attributes this name to Admiral Sir George Hope, but the position of the town ship in the row with Murray, Cramahe, Hamilton and Clarke would indicate that Hope was also named after a Governor of Canada. CLARKE TOWNSHIP (1792) 'Tis grown the choicest wit at court, .A.nd gives the maids of honor sport ; For, since they've talked with Dr. Clarke, They now can venture in the dark. —Swift. The township of Clarke was named after Major- General Alured Clarke, who was Lieutenant-Governor in 1792, and who appears, from the correspondence in the Archives with Dundas, Simcoe and others, to have been a careful and capable business man. Sir Alured Clarke was 194 NOTHING BUT NAMES born about 1745 ; served in Germany under Lord Granby in 1759; accompanied Howe to New York ; was Lieuten ant-Governor of Jamaica 1782-90; in 1795 was sent with reinforcements to India ; became Commander-in-Chief in India, was raised to the rank of field marshal, and died in 1832, aged eighty-seven. DARLINGTON TOWNSHIP (1792) Veni Darlington, prope vicum Conjugem duxi peramicum ; Nuptiis celebrantur festa. Nulla admittuntur moesta. — Drunken Barnabee's Journal (Richard B rathwayth, is88-z6y3). Thence to Darlington ; there I boused, Till at last I was espoused ; Marriage feast, and all prepared. Not a fig for the world I cared. — Haslewood s translation. This township takes its name from the ancient town of Darlington in Durham county, England, the name of which is derived from Der, the river, the Saxon Inge signifying a meadow bordering on a river, and ton, a villa or town. Darlington Church was erected by Bishop Hugh Pudsey in 1160. Its endowments were granted by Queen Elizabeth to found a grammar school, at the solicitation of Henry, Earl of Darlington, and Bishop Pilkington. Manufactures of various kinds flourish at Darlington. When George I. succeeded Queen Anne on the throne of England, he was accompanied to England by his two leading favorites. Mademoiselle Von Schuelem- berg, " the Maypole," who received the title of Duchess of DURHAM COUNTY 195 Kendal, and Madam Kielmansegge, popularly called " the elephant," who was elevated to the peerage as Countess of Darlington. Horace Walpole, to whom we are indebted for many valuable descriptions of persons and things, says of her, " I remember as a boy being terrified at her enormous figure. The fierce black eyes, large and rolling, between two lofty-arched eyebrows ; two acres of cheeks spread with crimson ; an ocean of neck that over flowed and was not distinguished from the lower part of her body, and no part restrained by stays. No wonder that a child dreaded such an ogress." Besides his two Hanoverian mistresses, George brought with him a horde of haughty satellites, and the expense of these rapacious favorites of both sexes was a perplexity to the king and a drain upon the nation throughout his reign. CAVAN TOWNSHIP (1816) On, Luther of Cavan ! On, Saint of Kilgroggy ! With whip in one hand, and a bible in t'other. Like Mungo's tormentor, both "preachee and floggee.'' — Moore, This township, most of whose early settlers came from Ireland, takes its name from the county of Cavan in Ireland, formeriy called Breifne, part of the territory of O'Rourke, the Irish chief The O'Reillys having forfeited their five baronies in Cavan by rebellion in the beginning of the 17th century, Cavan reverted to the British Crown. The county town, also called Cavan, possesses a public pleasure ground bequeathed to the town by Lady Fernham. The word Cavan means a cave or a round hill. The family name of the Earl of Cavan is Lambart 196 NOTHING BUT NAMES MANVERS TOWNSHIP (1816) ManverS was named in honor of Charles Pierrepoint, who succeeded to the estates of his uncle Evelyn, Duke of Kingston, and was created Baron Pierrepoint and Viscount Newark-upon-Trent in 1796, and Earl Manvers in 1806; born 1737, died 1816, and was succeeded in the Earldom by his son Charles Herbert, born 1778, died i860. CARTWRIGHT TOWNSHIP (1816) Cartwright township was called after the Hon. Richard Cartwright, a native of Albany, N.Y., who settled at Kingston about 1790 and died in 181 5, aged 50 years. He was a member of the Executive Council, and was the grandfather of Sir Richard Cartwright, the present Minister of Trade and Commerce. In 1793, Mr. Cart wright estimated that only one-twentieth of the population of Upper Canada belonged to the Church of England, and though a devout member of that Church himself, he strongly protested against giving it the same exclusive privileges it enjoyed in Britain. He advocated allowing ministers of all churches to perform the marriage cere mony, but that right was not granted till 183 1. The Kingston Gazette, of March 13, 1816, contained the following : " A new township in the rear of Darlington, in the district of Newcastle, has been surveyed and is now open for the location of U. E. Loyalists and military DURHAM COUNTY 197 claimants. We understand that His Excellency, the Lieutenant-Governor, to testify in the most public manner the high sense which he entertained of the merit and services of the late Hon. Richard Cartwright, has been pleased to honor the township with the name of Cart wright, a name ever to be remembered in Canada with gratitude and respect. Dignified with a seat in the Legislative Council, and also with a high appointment in the militia of the Province, Mr. Cartwright discharged the duties incident to those situations with skill, fidelity and attention. Animated with the purest principles of loyalty, and with an ardent zeal for the preservation of that noble constitution which we enjoy, he dedicated, even when struggling under great bodily infirmity, the remains of a well-spent life to the service of his country. Nor was he less perspicuous for his exemplary behavior in private life." Mr. Cartwright left two sons, John S. Cartwright and Rev. Robert Cartwright, the father of Sir Richard Cartwright. 198 NOTHING BUT NAMES VICTORIA COUNTY (1851) God save our gracious Queen, Long may 'Victoria reign, God save the Queen. Victoria county, originally part of Durham and later part of Peterborough, was called after Her Majesty Queen Victoria, of Great Britain and Ireland, born May 24, 1819, succeeded her uncle King William IV., June 20, 1837. She is the daughter of Prince Edward, Duke of Kent, and his wife, Princess Mary Louisa Victoria, of Saxe-Coburg- Saalfeld. There is an interesting incident connected with the selection of the Queen's name, Victoria. She was baptized on June 24, 1819, when she was just one month old. The father of the baby Princess wished her to figure in history as Elizabeth 1 1., while her uncle, who in a few weeks was to be George IV., greatly desired her to be named Georgiana or Georgina. When, however, this was found to be impossible owing to the opposition of others, the Prince Regent put his foot down and insisted that, in any event, if his own name was not to be given, that of the Tsar should be, and at the baptism accordingly he gave to the Archbishop the single name Alexandrina. The father pressed for another, and the Prince-Regent hurriedly gave permission for one of the names of the babe's mother to be added, and so, by a fluke, Victoria, a glorious name in our history, was preserved from oblivion. VICTORIA COUNTY 199 EMILY TOWNSHIP (1820) Yet could he not his closing eyes withdraw. Though less and less of Emily he saw ; So, speechless for a little space he lay, Then grasped the hand he held, and sigh'd his soul away. — Palamon and Arcite. Emily township was called after Emily Charlotte, daughter of Lord George Lennox and sister to the Duke of Richmond who was Governor-General of Canada. She married in 1784 the Hon. Sir George Cranfield Berkeley, who .became Admiral of the White and Lord High Admiral of Portugal. Lady Berkeley was an aunt of Lady Sarah Maitland. Admiral Berkeley was a brother of the fifth Earl of Berkeley, whose matrimonial eccentri cities caused much litigation. He was born in 1753 and entered the navy when twelve years of age, going with his relative Admiral Keppel in the Mary yacht to convey the unfortunate Caroline Matilda to Denmark. He assisted Captain Palliser to survey the Gulf of St. Lawrence, distinguished himself through the American and French wars, was praised by Earl Howe and thanked by Parliament, and while serving as commander-in-chief on the Halifax station in 1807 he insisted on searching an American frigate for deserters, thus bringing on the discussion which ended in the war of 18 12 with the United States. Admiral Berkeley died in 18 18, and his widow died in 1832. One of their daughters, Anne Louise Emily, a cousin of Lady Sarah Maitland, married Captain Sir Thomas Masterman Hardy. Another daughter, Mary Carolihe, married the eldest son of George Henry, Duke of Grafton. NOTHING BUT NAMES OPS TOWNSHIP (1821) Ut scias, quanto e loco, quantis opibus, quibus de rebus lapsa fortuna occidat. — Cicero. Ops is a Latin word meaning wealth, riches, generally used in the plural. Ops is personified as the goddess of plenty, riches and power, the wife of Saturn, and the patroness of husbandry ; identical with Terra. MARIPOSA TOWNSHIP (1821) Forth from her couch the lady came — Miss Butterfly — a lovely dame — And bowing, she with stately grace Took at the feast the highest place. — Mrs. Frank Leland. 'Twas the brave Mariposa that rescued the two. May her fame o'er the wide world be spread ; God bless the strong arms of the brave-hearted crew Who rescued these men from the dead. — Amelia Dack Fenton. Mariposa is the Spanish word for butterfly, also the name of a county in California. The name has also been given to steamships on the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans. VICTORIA COUNTY VERULAM TOWNSHIP (1823) And Richmond the modest and silent, in fact quite a ducalized Lacon, And Verulam, who is — let's see — yes, who's not a descendant of Bacon. — Punch. Verulam was named in honor of James Walter Grimston, Earl of Verulam, born 1775, died 1845 ; he married, in 1 807, Lady Charlotte Jenkinson, daughter of Charles, first Earl of Liverpool. He was therefore a brother-in-law of the Lord Liverpool who was Premier of England from 181 2 to 1827. One of the Earl of Verulam 's daughters, Lady Katharine Grimston, married, in 1839, George W. F. Villiers, fourth Earl of Clarendon (see Clarendon township). She died in 1874. The title of Earl of Verulam is taken from Verulamium, or Verulam, the ancient capital of Britain, and afterwards a Roman station in Hertfordshire, England. Francis Bacon was an Earl of Verulam. FENELON TOWNSHIP (1823) Entre deux ^troites coUines Se creuse un oblique vallon, Tel que Virgile ou Fenelon L'auraient peint de leurs mains divines. — Lamartine. By Swift, by Machiavel, by Rochefoucault, By F&elon, by Luther, and by Plato, By Tillotson, and Wesley, and Rousseau, Who knew this life was not worth a potato. — Donjuan, This township is called Fenelon from a brother of the French Archbishop Fenelon, of whom the following 202 NOTHING BUT NAMES account is given : " In the autumn of 1668, two Sulpicians, Messieurs Fdnelon and Trouve, established a mission at a village of the Cayugas, on the Bay of Quinte. This M- Fdnelon has often been mistaken for the celebrated Archbishop of Cambray. The Canadian missionary's labors in Central Ontario are commemorated by the recurrence of the name Fenelon in the county of Victoria. Our Canadian Abbe was not the Abbe Fenelon who wrote Telemaque and became Archbishop of Cam bray ; the missionary explorer of our lake shore was the Archbishop's elder brother. They were both sons of Count F6nelon-Salignac, though by different marriages." Abbe Fenelon spent parts of 1669-70 at Pickering Harbor, which for two centuries bore the name of French man's Bay. ELDON TOWNSHIP (1823) Choose me out the longest sprig. And stick it in old Eldon's wig. -Moore. Eldon took its name from John Scott, Lord Eldon, the famous Lord Chancellor of England. He was the son of John Scott, of Newcastle, where he was born in 1751 ; died 1838. When quite a youth he eloped with and married Bessy Surtees, and for a long time the young couple were very poor. He entered Parliament in 1783, and became a favorite of Lord Thurlow, who made him Attorney-General in 1793. In 1799, as Baron Eldon, he was made Chief Justice of the Common Pleas. In 1801 he became Lord Chancellor, and with the exception of one year he held the seals from 1801 to 1826. He was a great VICTORIA COUNTY 203 Tory ; opposed Catholic Emancipation, Parliamentary Reform, the Abolition of Slavery, Free Trade, Popular Education and toleration of all kinds. So opposed was Eldon to change that " the disappearance of hoops from the drawing-room filled him with alarm." When the King befriended Queen Caroline, Eldon was her friend — her confidential adviser — the depositary of her secret sorrows, and the warm defender and asserter of her innocence. When the King became her enemy, the same man was not only accessory to her prosecution, but never seems to have had one spark of regret — one pang of compunctious sorrow, that his position was so cruelly changed. On the contrary, we cannot read with patience the strain of cold and heartless levity with which he speaks in his private letters of one who, whether guilty or innocent, had undoubtedly suffered great wrong, and had once looked up to him as her protector. SOMERVILLE TOWNSHIP (1835) Where SomerviUe, the kind and free ? And Fraser, flower of Chivalry ? -Scott, The name may have been given in honor of Sir W. SomerviUe, who was Chief Secretary for Ireland in 1846, and was raised to the peerage as Baron Athlumney, of SomerviUe and Dollardstown, County Meath. But it is possible, in spite of the date above quoted, that this town ship was named at the suggestion of Sir Francis Bond Head or Sir Charies Bagot. Sir F. B. Head's grandmother was Anne SomerviUe, daughter of James, tenth Lord SomerviUe. Sir Francis himself married Julia Valenza 204 NOTHING BUT NAMES SomerviUe, sister of Mark, sixteenth Lord SomerviUe. Rev. Walter Bagot's daughter Charlotte was married in 1830 to Rev. Wm. SomerviUe, a brother of Lady Head. The maiden name of Lady Head's mother was Mary Digby, and Lady Head's sister Mary was married to Rev. Charles Digby. (See Digby township). James Somer viUe, of Dundas, M.P. for North Brant and Wentworth (1898), is under the impression that SomerviUe township, in Victoria county, was named in honor of Robert B. SomerviUe, who represented Huntingdon county, Lower Canada, in the Canadian Assembly before Confederation, and sat in that House from 1854 until 1867. The name may have been given in compliment to Mrs. Mary Somer viUe, author of "Physical Geography," born 1780, died 1872 ; a daughter of Vice-Admiral Sir William Fairfax. SomerviUe township is not marked on Walton & Gaylord's map of 1836. LAXTON TOWNSHIP (1858) Is called after Laxton village in Northampton, Eng land ; there is another Laxton in Notts, and a third in the East Riding of York. BEXLEY TOWNSHIP (1831) While Vansittart could victual the troops upon tick. And the " Doctor " look after the baggage and sick. — Moore. This township was named in honor of Right Hon. Nicholas Vansittart, Baron Bexley, son of Henry VICTORIA COUNTY 205 Vansittart, Governor of Bengal, born in 1766, died 185 1. He was educated at Oxford and studied law. In 1796 he was elected to Parliament for Hastings, and distinguished himself upon questions of commerce, revenue and general business. In 1801 he was one of the Secretaries of the Treasury, in 1805 Chief Secretary for Ireland, and when Lord Liverpool became Premier Mr. Vansittart was made Chancellor of the Exchequer. He married in 1806 Catharine Isabella, daughter of Lord Auckland. She died without issue in 18 10. Mr. Vansittart held the seal of the Exchequer from 1812 to 1823, and was raised to the peerage on his retirement from that office, after which he was Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster till the formation of the Duke of Wellington's Government in 1828, finally retiring on a pension of .^3,000 a year, which he enjoyed for twenty-three years. Lord Bexley was ever the pious advocate and zealous friend of the interests of religion and rendered great assistance to the British and Foreign Bible Society, the Church Missionary Society, etc. Admiral Vansittart, a cousin of Lord Bexley, came to Canada in 1834 and settled on a fine block of land near Woodstock in Oxford county. He had also a place in Bexley township on the shore of Balsam Lake, not far from the Trent Valley Canal, and he owned many acres in Eldon, Mariposa and Fenelon townships, which were granted him for naval services. As Lord Eldon was a colleague of Lord Bexley in the British Government, the Vansittart influence can be traced in the names of Bexley and Eldon townships. At one time there were four of the Vansittart family in the British House of Commons. Bexley in Kent was given by King Cenulph to the see of Canterbur}^ Arch bishop Cranmer alienated it to Henry VIII. James L granted it to John Spilman, who sold it to Camden, who 2o6 NOTHING BUT NAMES made it over to the University of Oxford, to found an historical professorship. GARDEN TOWNSHIP (1858) Though there's Alderman Garden, the London beak. Thinks that delivering letters Is the work for decent lads to seek, And that Postmen are Guardsmen's betters. But while to soldiers in uniform Stalls and boxes are tabooed, Bull may feel wroth at the sight of red cloth, And Garden afford to be rude. — Punch. This name, and also that of Digby, may be traced to the names of two of the Captains of the Royal Navy, mentioned by General Sir John Hope (afterwards Earl of Hopetoun) in his report of the battle of Corunna in 1809. General Hope took command when Sir John Moore was killed, and in his report he complimented Captain Carden, Captain Digby and the other Captains for their unremit ting exertions in embarking the army, with an expedition that has seldom been equalled. Major (afterward Sir John) Colborne (Lord Seaton) was at Corunna, and he was afterwards Governor of Canada. Another possible source of the township name is Carden, a village in Cheshire, England, ten miles from the cit}^ of Chester and close to the river Dee. The village name was originally Cawarden, and the family took the name from the village. The Gardens of Kent removed to Lincolnshire in the time of Elizabeth, and the Irish Gardens are an offshoot of the Lincoln branch. Sir Robert Walter Carden, first Baronet, and Alderman of London, to whom Punch refers, died VICTORIA COUNTY 207 January 19, 1888, aged 86. Captain John Surman Carden commanded H.M.S. Macedonian when it was captured by the American ship United States under Commodore Decatur, October 25, 1812. Sir John Craven Carden, of Templemore, Tipperary, married the grandmother of Lord Monck, who was Governor-General of Canada. His son served at Waterloo. DIGBY TOWNSHIP (i860) Though, happy Muse, thou know'st my Digby well. Yet read him in these lines ; he doth excel In honour, courtesy, and all the parts Court can call hers, or man can call his arts. — Ben Jonson. This township was named in honor of Captain Digby, who helped to embark the British army after the battle of Corunna (see Carden township). The Digbys have always taken to the water. Admiral Digby and Sir Guy Carleton, as commissioners of peace, wrote joint letters to General Washington from New York, August 25, 1782. The family of Baron Digby has been well represented in the naval service throughout the present century. When Sir Simon Mountfort was hanged at Tyburn for sending a sum of money to Perkin Warbeck, whom he believed to be the son of Edward IV., the Coleshill estates were granted to Simon Digby, whose descendants, created Earls of Bristol in the reign of James I., attained eminence in various passages of English history. Robert Digby, the first Baron Digby (1620) was a great-great-great- grandson of Sir Simon Digby, of Coleshill. The seat of Earl Digby is at Sherborne, where the Ridouts came from. (See Sherborne and Ridout townships). 2o8 NOTHING BUT NAMES DALTON TOWNSHIP (i860) MacKenzie and his rebel gang In Doel's brew'ry met, " A bung-hole pack," Jim Dalton calls This mischief-brewing set. — Cobourg Star, 1838. This township is called after Dr. John Dalton, the famous English chemist, born in 1766 at Eaglesfield in Cumberland, died in 1844 at Manchester. His favorite studies were mathematics and natural philosophy. Although hampered in his investigations by lack of money, he was so successful as to win the approval of the most learned men of England and France, especially after Dr. Wollaston had admitted the truth of Dalton's atomic theory. In his papers on subjects connected with meteorology, Dr. Dalton left valuable remarks on evaporation, rain, the aurora borealis, winds and dew. In the reign of William IV. the Government voted him a pension. Dr. Dalton was never married. LONGFORD TOWNSHIP (1858) The Wexford boys, that ne'er were slack. Came, with the brave Tips at their back. With Longford joined, who in a crack Soon sent them off the field. —Street Ballad. The name is taken from Longford, a central county of Ireland, with a capital town of the same name. The ilCTORIA COUNTY 209 ri\cr Shannon borders the count}- for about fifty miles. The earldom of Longford belongs to the farnily of Pakenharn, which h.ts furnished several distinguished representatives to the Church and the naval ser\ice. The first Duke of Wellington married a daughter of the Earl of Longford. (Sec Pakenham township). NOTHING BUT NAMES ONTARIO COUNTY (1849) Kentucky's wood-encumbered brake. Or wild Ontario's boundless lake, Where heart-sick exiles in the strain Recalled fair Scotland's hills again. — Scott, Ontario county gets its name from Lake Ontario, the Indian O-no-ta-ri-io, which means Handsome Lake. On a French map of 1688, Lake Ontario is called Skaniadono. Ontario is a new county, cut off from York in 1849, and given the same name that had been borne for a short time by Governor Simcoe's county of Ontario, which comprised Howe, Wolfe, Amherst and other islands at the eastern end of the lake. WHITBY TOWNSHIP (1792) Still was false Marmion's bridal staid ; To Whitby's convent fled the maid, The hated match to shun. — Marmion, The name of this township is froin Whitby, an English seaport and market town which owes its origin to an abbey founded there in the seventh century by Oswy, King of Northumberland. The abbey, with the town, was so completely destroyed by the Danes in 867 that its very name was lost in the ruins, and it lay desolate till near the time of the Norman Conquest It was called Whitteby, or White Town, of which its present name is a contraction. The town is situated in Yorkshire on the shore of the German Ocean, and is divided by the river Eske. The ONTARIO COUNTY 211 discover}' of alum mines in the reign of Elizabeth gave W'hitb}- its commercial importance. It had previously been for several centuries nothing more than a small fishing town. PICKERING TOWNSHIP (1792) Whereby the goods for Pickering fair .Xre numbered with the things that were. —H. K, Cockin. This township was first called Edinburgh. It was renamed after Pickering, in the north riding of Yorkshire, eighteen miles from W'hitb}', a market town af great antiquit}-, which sent two members to Parliament in the reign of Edward I. The tow n belongs to the Duchy of Lancaster. The site of the Castle, where Richard II. was confined before his removal to Pontefract, commands an extensive view over the fertile vale of Pickering. Picker ing l'"orest and Pickering Common are shown on the old maps of Yorkshire. REACH TOWNSHIP (1809) The wind is higli on Chelsea's wave, The tide is rushing through tlie Reach ; The g:iy, the be:iutiful, the brave Parade the pier and crowd the beach. — .J Byronian Fragment, This township is called after Reach, a \illage in Bedfordshire, England, midwa}' between Woburn and Leighton Buzzard. NOTHING BUT NAMES UXBRIDGE TOWNSHIP (1798) There Uxbridge taught the audience how to think. With much significant and knowing wink. — Peter Pindar. " Forward, my men,'- cried Lord Uxbridge, " But hold your horses in hand ; Threes about, and together charge," Were the words of his command. — The Battle of Waterloo. This township takes its name from the town of Uxbridge in Middlesex, England, situated on the banks of the river Colne, on the high road to Oxford. On the river are many mills, which supply flour to the metropolis. The town is supposed to have been founded in the time of Alfred. During the civil wars it was the scene of the memorable, but unsuccessful, negotiations between Charles I. and his Parliament. The Conference was held in an ancient brick mansion still called the Treaty House ; it is now the Crown Inn, but the spacious room in which the Commissioners assembled still remains. At the "Treaty of Uxbridge '' Charles I. was represented by Henry Hammond, D.D., who distinguished himself in an active contest with Richard Vines. In 1768 the lessees of Sir Nicholas Bayley, afterwards Earl of U.xbridge, discovered the great richness of the copper and lead deposits at Almwich, on the north coast of the Island of Anglesea. (See Anglesea township). ONTARIO COUNTY 213 SCOTT TOWNSHIP (1820) Scott, the superlative of my comparative. — Dou Juan. ScOTT township may be named after Colonel Hercules Scott, of Brotherton, Scotland, who was killed at Fort Erie in 181 2; or (more likely) after Thomas Scott, who was .Attorney-General of Upper Canada and (see Archives 1892, p. 35) who with others was hauled over the coals for getting money that had not been voted by the Assembly. He was appointed Chief Justice in 1806 and held that office until 1816. Scott street in Toronto was named after Judge Scott. BROCK TOWNSHIP (1817) And generations yet .shall thrill At Brock's remembered name. — Charles Sangster. The township of Brock is named after Major-General Sir Isaac Brock, born in Guernsey, 1769, who fell at Queenston Heights, October 13, 1812. Sir Isaac Brock's " Life" has been written by Mr. D. B. Read, of Toronto, and the story of his noble career forms part of every history of Canada. The Archives show that Sir Isaac's brother William promptly applied to Lord Bathurst, of the British Government, asking " that he would grant some of the waste lands in Upper Canada to the family of the late Major-General Brock, to keep the name alive in the Province." On the recommendation of Lord 214 NOTHING BUT NAMES Palmerston, dated June 3, 18 13, the Prince Regent approved that a pension of ;^200 a year should be granted to each of Sir Isaac's four brothers. The name of Brock ville was given to Elizabethtown (or Snarlington, as some called it, on account of the constant struggles between the Jones and Buell families for local supremacy) in honor of Sir Isaac Brock, and a district which included the present county of Oxford for many years bore the name of the Brock district. THORAH TOWNSHIP (1820) Thorah is a Hebrew word, meaning the Pentateuch, the revealed will of God. " Every Sabbath, Monday and Thursday, the Jews were required to assemble for the hearing of the Thora read and expounded. Thus the Thora, or law, became the very kernel of the religious consciousness of the Jews." — S. Baring-Gould. MARA TOWNSHIP (1820) When that same song, encor'd, for nothing flows. This Madam Mara to her sorrow knows. To Windsor, oft, and eke to Kew, The Royal mandate Mara drew. —P. Pindar, To the waters of Ems from the waters of Marah ! Drooping pilgrims in Fashion's blank, arid Sahara. —Owen Meredith. Mara means bitter. " And when they came to Marah, they could not drink of the waters of Marah, for they ONTARIO COUNTY 215 were bitter ; therefore the name of it was called Marah." Exodus x\'., 23. Madam Mara was a favorite vocalist in King George Third's time. RAMA TOWNSHIP (1820) Ram.\ also means bitter. " Thus saith the Lord : A voice was heard in Ramah, lamentation, and bitter weeping ; Rachel weeping for her children refused to be comforted for her children, because they were not." — Jeremiah xxxi., 15. Rama is also the Spanish word for branch of a tree. SCUGOG TOWNSHIP (1851) We'll bid farewell to Scugog lake, .\nd back to the bush our wa}- well take. — u: W, Smith, ScUGOG is an Indian word, meaning submerged land. The Indian pronunciation is Scu-a-gog. Smith (writing about 1850) sa}'s that the present Lake Scugog has been artificially made by the building of the dam at Lindsay, and that when these townships were surve}-ed, the whole of what now constitutes the southern portion of Lake Scugog was dry land. 2i6 NOTHING BUT NAMES YORK COUNTY (1792) Now is the winter of our discontent Made glorious summer by this son of York. — King Richard III, York was called after the large county of Yorkshire in England, which contains nearly 4,000,000 acres. The West Riding of Yorkshire is particularly noted for its manufactures, for which the raw materials are abundant. Two great battles were fought in Yorkshire, one in 11 37, in which David, King of Scotland, was defeated ; the other in 1460, when Richard, Duke of York, was defeated and slain by the Lancastrians. The city of York is situated about the centre of the county, on the river Ouse. Some writers try to trace its history to 1200 B.C., when Ebraucus built the city and called it Caer Ebrauc ; but the first reliable account is that the Roman Emperor Severus and his two sons came to Britain 200 A.D. and made York their principal place of residence. In 11 60 the first Parliament, called by that name, was held at York, in the reign of Henry II. York Cathedral is the largest Gothic structure in England. It was built at various times ; the tower, which is the most recent, dates from 1370. Yorkshire names, applied to the townships before the Canadian county of York was reduced to its present dimensions, are found all the way from Durham to Brant YORK COUNTY 217 SCARBOROUGH TOWNSHIP (1792) By force of wine, even Scarborough is brave, Hal grows more pert, and Somers not so grave. — Swift, The Scarborough was a man-of-war On Carolina station ; George Anson was the Captain brave — Pride of the British nation. He sailed round the world with a single ship. And smote the Spaniards "thigh and hip." This township, at first called Glasgow, takes its name from Scarborough, a celebrated watering place in York shire, on the German ocean, built on the declivity of a high, steep rock, near which are huge, craggy cliffs. The ruins of the castle are on a projecting eminence at the eastern end of the town. Before the invention of artillery it was absolutely impregnable. The town of Scarborough possesses the double attraction of sea bathing and mineral waters. YORK TOWNSHIP (1792) Cousin of York, we here discharge your grace From being regent in the parts of France. — King Henry VI. The name of the township is taken from that of the town of York (now Toronto) which was given it by Governor Simcoe, in compliment to Prince Frederick, Duke of York, when he was appointed Commander-in-Chief of the Army. (See Fredericksburg). In the first surveys York township bore the name of Dublin. 2 1 8 NO THING B UT NAMES ETOBICOKE TOWNSHIP (1792) The name is Indian, a tract of land extending from Etobicoke to Burlington Beach having been held by th6 Mississaugas until it was purchased by the Crown for ^1,700, on the recommendation of Governor Gore, so that roads could be laid out from Toronto to Dundas and Niagara. The counties of Halton and Peel are included in this tract of Mississauga land. The meaning of Etobicoke is "the place where the alders grow." Augustus Jones, the surveyor, spelled it Atobicoake, and gave the meaning as " black alder creek." In some old documents it is spelled Ytobicoke and Toby Cook, but the correct spelling of the Indian word is Wah-do-be-kaung. VAUGHAN TOWNSHIP (1792) Come, Grey, — come, Vaughan ; let us here embrace ; Farewell, until we meet again in heaven. — King Richard III. Vaughan was called after Benjamin Vaughan, who with Richard Oswald was sent by Lord Shelburne to negotiate the Treaty of Peace with the United States in 1783. The pair of fools let the Americans get all that part of Canada now included in the States of -Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan and Wisconsin, and would have allowed Franklin and Jay to wheedle them out of the rest of Canada, if Sir Henry Strachey, Under Secretary for Foreign Affairs, had not opportunely appeared in YORK COUNTY 219 Paris. From that day to this the United States has always got the better of Great Britain in treaties and arbitrations. See Thomas Hodgins' article in March, 1898, "Canadian Magazine." Dr. Scadding thinks the name is from the fourth Viscount Vaughan (1793), also Earl of Lisburne. That would probably be Sir John Vaughan, colonel in the army, born 1769, died 1831, who succeeded his father as Earl of Lisburne in 1800. Sir Thomas Picton was aide de camp to Sir John Vaughan in the West Indies in 1794. Hon. General Vaughan, M.P. for Berwick, voted against the Canada Bill, and so did the Earl of Lisburne, M.P. for Cardiganshire. MARKHAM TOWNSHIP (1792) Of gallant Markham would I sing. And others if I could ; Of Weir who most inhumanly Was murdered in cold blood. — Cobourg Star, 1838. The gentle Archbishop of York is up. With well-appointed powers, he is a man. Who with a double surety binds his followers. — King Henry IV, The township of Markham took its name from Most Rev. William Markham, D.D., born in Ireland, 1720, died 1806, who was the famous Archbishop of York in the last century, a supporter of the younger Pitt, called by Macaulay " the preacher of divine right." When Lord Chatham died, a Chatham Annuity Bill, providing for a perpetual pension of ;^4,000 per annum, was carried in the House of Commons without a dissentient voice, but opposed in the Lords by eleven peers, and formally pro tested against by four of these,- viz.. Lord Chancellor 220 NOTHING BUT NAMES Bathurst, Archbishop Markham of York, the Duke of Chandos and Lord Paget. The third Earl of Mansfield was Archbishop Markham's son-in-law (see Stormont county). He was consecrated Bishop of Chester in 1771 and Archbishop of York in 1777. Dr. Markham was tall in person ; in manners lofty and commanding. Major- General Markham, second son of Admiral John Markham, and grandson of the Archbishop of York, was with his regiment in Canada in 1837, and in the Punjaub in 1848-49. He landed in the Crimea in 1854, exhausted with fatigue and unable to render any service. Proceed ing to England to recuperate, he died two months after his arrival. KING TOWNSHIP (1798) Lord King himself could scarce desire To see a spiritual Peer Fall much more dead, in the dirt and mire. Than did this Pamphleteer. -Moor The township of King was probably named in honor of Mr. John King, who was Under Secretary of State under the Duke of Portland, and with whom Benedict Arnold and others corresponded directly upon Canadian affairs. (See Archives). Dr. Scadding attributes the name to "Admiral Sir Richard King, 1792." Under Secretary John King on May 27, 1802, reported unfavor ably on Lord Selkirk's plan for transporting people from Ireland to Canada at Government expense and settling them on land. Peter Russell wrote to John King in 1799 about his holding the office of President of the Council. YORK COUNTY WHITCHURCH TOWNSHIP (1798) There are twelve towns or villages in England bearing the name of Whitchurch or Blancminster, the most impor tant of which is in Shropshire, in the neighborhood of three fine lakes, Osmere, Blackmere and Brown ]\Iosswater. King John assembled his forces there in 121 1, prior to attacking the Welsh, on which occasion he penetrated to the foot of Snowdon. The ruins of an ancient castle were standing in 1 760, but its foundation and history are unknown. Whitchurch is also the name of an earl}- English printer. After Tyndale's death, when Rogers had brought the translation of the Bible up to Isaiah, the English printers, Richard Grafton and Edward Whitchurch, inter vened, bought up the book as it stood, and advanced the necessary funds for its completion. GWILLIMBURY TOWNSHIP, EAST AND NORTH (r7g8) This township was named in honor of the wife of Governor Simcoe, ;\Iiss Guillim, or Gwillim, a lad}- of Wales, born in 1759, in which year her father, who was an aide de camp to General Wolfe, was killed at the siege of Quebec. She lived until 1850. The Due de la Roche foucault, vvriting in 1795, said : " Mrs. Simcoe is a lady of thirty-six years of age. She is bashful and speaks little ; 222 NOTHING BUT NAMES but is a woman of sense, handsome and amiable, and fulfils all the duties of a mother and a wife with the most scrupulous exactness. The performance of the latter she carries so far as to act the part of private secretary to her husband. Her talent for drawing, the practice of which she confines to maps and plans, enables her to be extremely useful to the Governor." GEORGINA TOWNSHIP (1815) Georgina (the second) I'll marry at par. Though her hair has too sunset a tint ; Or Lesbia (the fourth), who is plainer by far. If a discount's allowed for the squint." — The Speculative Mamma, This township was named in honor of King George III., in tardy recognition of the loyal intention of Governor Simcoe who proposed to show his respect for the King by calling London, at the forks of the Thames, Georgina. It does not seem to have occurred to him that Georgina was the feminine form of the name, borne by at least one of the Princesses of the House of Guelph. If King George IV. had had his way. Queen Victoria's name would have been Georgina. SIMCOE COUNTY 223 SIMCOE COUNTY (1798) I see the sunlit waters Of fair SiiTicoe's silver tide. Fair as some lovely daughter. Some new-made happy bride. —J, E, Politick. Now Simcoe was a yeornan, handsome, slim. Lithe as an Indian, and as straight of limb. — William Kirby, Simcoe county was named after John Graves Simcoe, the first Lieutenant-Governor of the separate Province of Upper Canada, born at Cotterstock, Northamptonshire, England, in 1752, died 1806. He was the son of Captain John Simcoe, Commander of H.M.S. Pembroke, who was killed at Quebec in 1759, while assisting Wolfe in the siege of that city. In 1755 this able navigator had furnished the Government with the plan, of operations against Quebec. According to one account Captain Cook was in command of the Pembroke when Captain Simcoe was killed. The younger Simcoe entered the army in his nineteenth year and reached America on the day the battle of Bunker's Hill was fought. Having served through the war of the Revolution he returned to England and was elected to the House of Commons in 1790 for the borough of St Maw's, Cornwall. In 1791 he was appointed Lieutenant-Governor of Upper Canada. Governor Simcoe established the seat of government at Newark (Niagara) in 1792, moved it to York (Toronto), divided Upper Cana,da into nineteen counties, and named many of the townships. He projected the Governor's Road 224 NOTHING BUT NAMES (Dundas street) from London to Dundas ; also a trunk road from Dundas to Toronto and Kingston, and Yonge street from Toronto to Lake Simcoe. He was enthusiastic with regard to the future of Canada. In one of his letters to Secretary of State Dundas, he proposes a naval station at Long Point, on Lake Erie, London for the seat of government, tells how he has marked out Oxford (\\'ood- stock) and Chatham for town sites ; in another letter to the Lords of Trade (1794) he anticipates that Penetan guishene will be the most considerable town in Upper Canada, as the passage to the Northwest will be established there, and the chain of lakes from Bay Ouinte to Lake Simcoe will give a route to the merchants of Kingston. He also proposed the construction of the Murray Canal, from Bay Quinte to Lake Ontario. On leaving Canada in 1796 he was appointed Governor of St. Domingo. In 1798 he was made a Lieutenant-General, and in 1801 the command of the town of Plymouth was entrusted to him. He set out for Portugal in 1806 with the Earl of Rosslyn to join the Earl of St. \''incent in the Tagus, but on the voyage Simcoe was taken suddenly ill and died. He was buried at Wolford in Devonshire and a monument was erected in his honor at E-xeter. WEST GWILLIMBURY TOWNSHIP (1798) See East and North Gw-illimbury, York count}-. SIMCOE COUNTY TECUMSETH TOWNSHIP (1822) Sleep well, Tecumseh, in thy unknown grave, Thou mighty savage, resolute and brave. — Charles Mair. The township of Tecumseth is generally supposed to take its name from Tecumseh or Tecumtha, the Shawanee chief, born in 1769 upon the banks of the Scioto River in Ohio, killed at the battle of Moraviantown in 18 14. The name Tecumseh or Tecumseth in the Indian language signifies " a tiger crouching for its prey ; " others say it means "crossing over." D. B. Read says that "Tecumseh, like Brock, fell with his face to the foe, a martyr, as some believe, to neglect and mismanagement on the part of Gen. Proctor. The Indians took charge of the body of their leader and deposited his bones no one knows where. No stone marks his grave ; no monument his resting place." Two vessels, built at Chippewa, and called the Nawash and the Tecumseth, were brought to Penetan guishene in 1819 and sunk in the harbor there. Occurring just when it did, this incident may have had something to do with the selection of the township name, for there is no probability that Chief Tecumseh ever visited Simcoe county. TOSORONTIO TOWNSHIP (1822) TOSORONTIO is given as a Huron word meaning " beautiful mountain." Dr. Jones makes it the equivalent of Tyendenaga, " tied together like a bundle of sticks." 226 NOTHING BUT NAMES ADJALA TOWNSHIP (1822) Beneath a leafless tree, ere morn arose. The slave Adala thus laments his woes : " Ruffians, proceed, Adala ne'er shall swerve, Prepare the rack, and strain each aching nerve. Lift high the scourge, my soul the rack disdains, I pant for freedom and my native plains." — American Eclogues, 1783. ACCORDING to current belief, founded on the statement of a local historian, Adjala was the name of a daughter of Tecumseh. But Benjamin Drake's " Life of Tecumseh " (1856) says he had no daughter, and only one son, Pugeshashenwa — " a panther in the act of seizing its prey." ESSA TOWNSHIP (1822) A LOCAL report says that Essa was a favorite squaw of Tecumseh. Dr. Jones says the word Essa means " shame on you." Drake says that Tecumseh was opposed to polygamy, and was married but once. His wife Mamate died soon after the birth of her first child, Pugeshashenwa, who was left to the care of his aunt Tecumapease. The British Government made an annual payment to this son, who inherited none of his father's qualities. SIMCOE COUNTY 227 INNISFIL TOWNSHIP (1822) .A.dieu ! — the snowy sail Swells its bosom to the gale. And our bark from Innisfail Bounds away. — Richard D' Alton Jl'illianis. The township of Innisfil takes its name from Innisfail, a poetical name for Ireland. It is found in the form of Innisfail as a station on the Calgary and Edmonton Rail way. The Courier newspaper in 1834 contained an advertisement of " lots for sale " in the new town of Innisfallen, on Shingle Bay, Lake Simcoe ; but Innisfallen, Innisfail, or Innisfil did not mature into a town, as Orillia presented better advantages of location. NOTTAWASAGA TOWNSHIP (1832) The name of Nottawasaga is from the Algonquin words Nahdoway or Nahdowa, (the Iroquois) and Saga or Saghi (outlet of river). Nottawasaga Bay was called Iroquois Bay until the beginning of this century. The Iroquois used to come to Georgian Bay by way of that river, when on the warpath against the .A.lgonquins. The portion of Nottawasaga township adjacent to Georgian Bay was at first called Java, and the southern part of the township was called Merlin. Those names appear on the maps published in 1828 and 1836. 228 NOTHING BUT NAMES SUNNIDALE TOWNSHIP (1823) The name of Sunnidale township is from Sunny Dale, though it is described by the author of Smith's Canada as the worst township in the county. He ridicules the name as inappropriate. The story is that a member of Sir Peregrine Maitland's staff got lost in the woods and coming to an inhabited shanty in a sunny dale was impressed with the surroundings as well as overjoyed at his deliverance from danger and possible death. VESPRA TOWNSHIP (1820) Where the Vesper Star with its silver beam Glitters o'er the sea wave, and the inountain stream. — Gentleman's Magazine, 1831. The name of Vespra township is probably from the Latin vesper, evening ; Greek, Hesperos, the west. ORO TOWNSHIP (1820) Oro, come with me, brown girl, sweet. And, oh ! I would go through snow and sleet. — Samuel Ferguson, Oro is the Spanish word for gold, first applied to Rio del Oro, a river and settlement on the northwest coast of Africa, celebrated for its trade in slaves and gold ; and as it was at first intended to set apart this township, or a SIMCOE COUNTY 229 portion of it, as a colony for liberated slaves, the African name of Oro was selected. ORILLIA TOWNSHIP (1822) Orilla (pronounced 0-rill-yeh) is the Spanish word for border, margin, bank of river, shore of sea, and the town of Orillia overlooks Lake Simcoe. On the latest map of the Railways and Canals Department, the name of the town is spelled Orilla. The Indian name for the locality of Orillia was Me-che-kuh-neeng, meaning narrows dividing two lakes. In Fothergill's Almanac the name of this township is Aurelia, which was the name of Julius Caesar's mother. MEDONTE TOWNSHIP (1822) Quos ille omnes longo ordine cernans Ingemuit, Glaucumque, Medontaque, Thersilochumque, Tres Antenoridas, Cererique. — J'irgil, Aineid, Lib, vi., line 483. Dr. Jones says Medonte is a Delaware word, meaning " Evil Spirit." Mr. John Reade, of Montreal, writes : " Medonte is situated in one of the most historic parts of old Canada, once peopled by Indians, and may be a corruption of some aboriginal name. In Ojibway ' Madonon (nin) ' means ' I carry on my back,' so that the word might indicate connection with an old portage." As Medonte lies on the Indian trail from Orillia to Coldwater, or Matchedash Bay, the Orillia 230 NOTHING BUT NAMES Packet regards this suggestion as natural. Fothergill spells the name Medonta. MACHEDASH TOWNSHIP (1822) MaCHED.^SH was a name applied to that section of the country by the Indians. It means muskeg or marshy land. On Smith's map (179S) the word is spelled Matadash, though the township was not then laid out. In Fothergill's .Almanac (1S24) it is spelled ]\Iatchedash. FLOS, TINY AND TAY TOWNSHIPS (1822) When up they gat, and shook their lugs. Rejoiced they were na men but dogs. — The Tzva Dogs, Burns, O, never was a maiden's look So fraught with wonder and dismay. They did not turn to Ila ford. But downward bore upon the Tay. — Ballad of King Gregor}'. These three townships were named after Lad}- Sarah Maitland's three pet dogs. Dr. Scadding says : " The town of Belleville received its name from Governor Gore. 'Bell,' we are told, was the Governor's familiar abbrevia tion of his wife's name .Arabella ; and the compound was suggested by the Governor jocosel}-, as a name for the new village ; but it was set down in earnest, and has continued to this day. This off-hand assignment of a local name may remind some persons that Flos, Ta}- and Tiny, which are names of three now populous townships in the SIMCOE COUNTY 231 Penetanguishene region, are a commemoration of three of Lady Sarah Maitland's lap-dogs. Changes of names in such cases as these are not unjustifiable." — Toronto of Old, p. 362. The same author says that " Lady Sarah Maitland's distinguished style, native to herself, had its effect on her contemporaries of the gentler sex in Toronto." Dr. Kingsford in his history tells at some length the circumstances of Lady Sarah Lennox's engagement and marriage in 181 5 to Sir Peregrine Maitland, who was connected, on his mother's side, with Peregrine Bertie, Earl of Willoughby and Duke of Ancaster. (See Willoughby and Grimsthorpe townships). Mr. Dent, in his " Story of the Upper Canadian Rebellion," gives a bit of gossip about the jealousies that arose between Lady Mary Willis, daughter of the Earl of Strathmore and wife of Mr. Justice Willis, and Lady Sarah Maitland, daughter of the Duke of Richmond and wife of the Lieutenant-Governor. The origin of the trouble, which ended in the dismissal of Judge Willis from his office, Mr. Dent says, " was a hot dispute between Lady Mary Willis and Lady Sarah Maitland on a question of rank and precedence. In this quarrel it is quite clear that Lady Mary was in the wrong, but the whole affair was utterly contemptible on both sides. The ladies dragged their respective liege-lords into the dispute, and each of the latter espoused the side of his help-meet" Sir Peregrine Maitland died in 1854, but Lady Sarah, who was his second wife, survived till September 8, 1873—.- forty-five years after her departure from Canada. On the occasion of her death the Bath Chronicle remarked : " Several noble families are placed in mourning by the death of Lady Sarah Maitland, daughter of Charles, fourth Duke of Richmond, and aunt of the Countess of Bessborough.'' Lady Sarah was born August 22, 1792. NOTHING BUT NAMES PEEL COUNTY (1849) That we trust to Peel, Eldon, and other such sages, For keeping us still in the same state of mind. — Moore. This county takes its name from Sir Robert Peel, son of an English rnanufacturer of the same name and title, born at Bur}', Lancashire, 1788, died at London, 1S50. He was first elected to Parliament as a Tory in 1809 for the Irish borough of Cashel (see Cashel township). In 181 1 he was Under Secretary for the Colonies, in 1S12 Chief Secretary for Ireland. O'Connell attacked him and was challenged by Peel, but the meeting was prevented. The Catholics gave Sir Robert the nick-name of Orange Peel, and the Irish constabulary which he established were called Peelers. In 18 17 he was returned to Parliament for Oxford Universit}-, and soon began to w-ork on financial reforms, the reform of the criminal law, the remodelling of the London police force, Catholic emancipation, etc. In 1834, on Melbourne's retirement, Peel attempted to form a Government, but failed. In 1S41 he became first lord of the treasui'}'. In the next five }-ears he reformed the tariff on the lines of freer trade, and in 1846 repealed the Corn Laws. Being threatened with loss of office as a result of that achievement. Sir Robert Peel said : " I shall surrender power, sexereh' censured, I fear, by many honorable men who, from no interested motives, have adhered to the principles of protection, because they looked upon them as important to the interests and welfare of the country. I shall leave a name execrated, I know, by every monopolist who would maintain protection PEEL COUNTY 233 for his own individual benefit But it may be that I shall leave a name sometimes remembered with expressions of good-will in the abodes of those whose lot it is to labor and to earn their daily bread by the sweat of their brow, when they shall recruit their exhausted strength with abundant and untaxed food, the sweeter because it is no longer leavened by a sense of injustice." Sir Robert Peel's death was caused by a fall from his horse. His wife was a daughter of General Sir John Floyd. Peel county was included in York county until the year 1849. It was originally part of the Mississauga Indian territory. TORONTO TOWNSHIP (1806) Where the blue hills of old Toronto shed Their evening shadows o'er Ontario's bed. — Moore. One authority says the name Toronto is derived from Tarento, an Italian engineer, who constructed a fort at or near the present site of Toronto city. " Picturesque Canada " calls Toronto an Iroquois word, a corruption of Teyoyagon, the name applied to Lake Simcoe, then to the site of Toronto, and for some time to the site of Port Hope ; then back to Toronto city in York and Toronto township in Peel county. Dr. Hough's History of Franklin and St Lawrence counties says Toronto is from Tho-ron-to-hen, meaning " timber on the water." Another authority gives De-on-do, a Mohawk word, meaning "trees in the water." 234 NOTHING BUT NAMES TORONTO GORE TOWNSHIP (1819) Same origin as Toronto. CHINGUACOUSY TOWNSHIP (1819) This name is Indian, a corruption of Shing-wauk- ons-e-ka, which means a pinery, a place where young pines grow. Chinguacose was a Chippewa chief, " The Small Pine." Shinguacosej "The Small Pine," a Christian Chippewa, was the father of Shingwauk, after whom the Church of England school at Ste. Marie was called. Shinguacose assisted at the taking of Fort Michilimackinac in 1812, and he died in 1858. "Had Shinguacose been a white man he would have been decorated and knighted. His loyalty, as also that of Assikinack, were of manifest service to the empire. He was given a grant of land near Ste. Marie, and was presented with several medals which he never wore." Shinguacose was the son of a Scotch officer by a Chippewa squaw. His father, who served in the Detroit garrison, wanted to bring him up as a white man, but Shinguacose would not leave his Indian mother. PEEL COUNTY 235 ALBION TOWNSHIP (1819) 'Tis thine at once, fair Albion, to have been Earth's chief dictatress, ocean's lovely queen. -Byron, Albion is an ancient name for England. The three townships of Albion, Caledon and Erin, in a row, were doubtless surveyed and named at the same time, after the three divisions of the United Kingdom. CALEDON^TOWNSHIP (1819) Right to devoted Caledon The storm of war rolls slowly on. With menace deep and dread. -Scott. Caledon is a poetical name for Scotland, the same as Caledonia. There is a town called Caledon in the county of Tyrone, Ireland, which gives the title of Earl to the Alexander family. 236 NOTHING BUT NAMES DUFFERIN COUNTY (1875) Glad would I be to sing of Dufferin bright. That graceful .\riel, full of life and light. Who late, on slopes Pacific far away Like to some grand Aurora in full play, Aired his rare eloquence in such a mood As charmed the very " stoic of the wood." — Evan MacColl. This county, composed of townships cut off from Simcoe and Wellington in 1875, was named in honor of Governor-General Right Hon. Frederick Temple Black wood, only son of Price, fourth Baron Dufferin, by Helen Selina, daughter of Thomas Sheridan ; born at Florence, Italy, June 24, 1826. He succeeded to his father's title in 1841, and was a lord-in-waiting to Queen Victoria 1854-58. In 1859 he made a yacht voyage to Iceland and wrote " Letters from High Latitudes." He was sent to Syria by Lord Palmerston in i860 to inquire into the massacre of Christians ; was Under Secretary for India, 1864, Chan cellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, 1868, Governor-General of Canada, 1872-78, when he was succeeded by the Marquis of Lome. In 1879 Lord Dufferin was appointed Ambas sador to St. Petersburg ; in 1S81 he was transferred to Constantinople, in 1882 to Cairo, in 1884 was Viceroy of India, in 1888 Ambassador to Rome, and in 1892 was given charge of the BritisR legation in Paris, which position he resigned on attaining his 70th year. Lord Dufferin was made an Earl of the United Kingdom in 1871, Marquis of Dufferin and .Ava in 1888. He married, in 1862, Harriet, eldest daughter of Captain Archibald Rowan DUFFERIN COUNTY 237 Hamilton, of Killyleagh Castle, County Down, Ireland. During his sojourn in Canada, Lord Dufferin was very popular, not only on account of his lavish entertainments, but because he was an adept at flattering the people in his speeches. GARAFRAXA TOWNSHIP, EAST (1821) Where the sassafras blooms, and the blue-bell is born, And the wild rhododendron first reddens at morn. — Owen Meredith. The origin of this name is obscure. A correspondent of the Guelph Mercury was told by Mr. Gibson, of Gara, that it was so called from sassafras, a small herb that was very plentiful when the township was being surveyed in 1 82 1 by Samuel Ryckman, of Hamilton. Others say it is from an Indian word, others that the township was named from an old Irish family or estate. A native of the township had heard that the word Garafraxa means " the panther country," or the place where there are panthers ; and that the whole district between the Saugeen Trail — now the line of the Wellington, Grey and Bruce Railway — and the Toronto Trail — now the line of the Toronto and Sydenham road — was called by the Indians Garafraxa. Townships were surveyed from all sides, and at last there was left only the gore, which is now East and West Garafraxa, and to this part the name of the district was attached. In corroboration of this theory, the Owen Sound road, which runs through the middle of the district, was called the Garafraxa Road by all the old settlers. NOTHING BUT NAMES LUTHER TOWNSHIP, EAST (1821) I preached no toreign doctrine to my wit'e, \i\d never mentioned Luther in my life. — George Crabbe. This township was named after Martin Luther, the leader of the German Reformation, born in Eisleben, Prussian Saxon}-, 14S3, died 1546. His father was a poor miner. Luther went to school and college, entered the Augustinian convent at Erfurt in 1505, became a religious controversialist, was excommunicated b}- Pope Leo X. in 1520, burned the bull of excommunication, was summoned before the Diet of Worms where he maintained his doctrines and refused to retract, and established the Protestant religion. In 1525 he married Catharine \on Bora " to please his father, to tease the pope and to ve.x the devil." " .A lion in public life, he was a lamb at home. He was eminently social in his disposition, a great lover of poetry and music, an affectionate husband and father." A correspondent gives the following account of the naming of Luther and Melancthon townships, which he had from a man who assisted to siirve}- them. He said the surve}-or first ran lines around these townships and filled in the interior with the legend " All Swamp." The plans were sent back and he was ordered to surve}- the townships into farm lots. Having done so, he said that as it was the meanest tract of land he had ever surve}'ed, he would name the countr}- after the meanest men he had ever heard of, so, being a Roman Catholic, he called the one township Luther and the other Melancthon township. On Walton and Ga}-lord's map (1S36) all the land west of Luther and north of McKillop was unsurve}-ed and marked Indian territor}'. DUFFERIN COUNTY 239 AMARANTH TOWNSHIP (1821) I slew the gyant Amarant, In battel fierceiye hand to hand. — Legend of Sir Guy. Amarantha, sweet and fair, O braid no more that shining hair ! Let it fly, as unconfined. As its calm ravi.sher, the wind. — Colonel Lovelace. And to the Law, that guides us, I shall say, " Let cease for me the song of spheres that roll below ; Let me not know the fragrant Amaranth, I pray. Let me forget the swinging stars ; " and so I .shall sit there a very little while. — Flavian Rosser, in Collier's Weekly. Amaranth is called from a plant, or family of plants, described as '' annual weeds, of coarse aspect, with small green or purplish flowers.'' The name is compounded of the Greek " a,'' privative, " maraino," to fade, and " anthos," flower, because the dry calyx and bracts do not wither. The Prince's Feather, the Pigweed and Love-lies-Bleeding are varieties of the Amaranth. MONO TOWNSHIP (1821) This name may have been given by Sir Peregrine Maitland, Mono being the Spanish word meaning monkey, just as he named Oso, the bear, Zorra, the she fox, and Lobo, the wolf The residents apparently prefer to derive it from Mona, a daughter of Tecumseth. There is another, 240 NOTHING BUT NAMES and newer township in Ontario called Mona, which is the Roman name for the Island of Anglesea, Wales. If Drake fs correct, and Tecumseth never had a daughter (see Adjala township), the Spanish derivation must stand, unless the reader prefers to derive Mono from the Indian word ]Mah-noo, meaning " let it be so," or from Monon, the " Little Iron Wood Tree," a squaw concerning whom Schoolcraft tells an interesting story. MEL.ANCTHON TOWNSHIP (1821) But I, the mildest, meekest of mankind, Like Moses, or ilelancthon, who have ne'er Done anything exceedingly unkind. — Don Juan. This township was named after Philip Melanchthon, the second leader of the Lutheran Reformation, born in Bretten in the Lower Palatinate, Baden, 1497, died 1560. His family name was Schwarzerd (black earth) but his uncle translated it into the corresponding Greek Melanch thon, sometimes written Melanthon, and incorrectly Melancthon. " Greatly Luther's inferior in strength of intellect and will, he surpassed him in scholarship and moderation of spirit. He reduced the new ideas to order and system, and commended them to literar}- men, while Luther powerfully impressed them upon the people." MULMUR TOWNSHIP (1822) The Reeve of Mulmur says it is generally supposed that this township was named after a son of Tecumseth. DUFFERIN COUNTY 241 The supposition is probably wrong, as Tecumseth had no son of that name, but the true origin is forgotten. The nearest approach to the name is Maolmura, of Fathan, an Irish poet who wrote in 844, and whose poems are preserved in the Leabhar Ghabhaltus, or Book of Invasions, an old histori cal record, a copy of which, transcribed in the twelfth century from a more ancient manuscript, is now in the Buckingham Librar}' at Stowe. These poems are written in the Bearla Feni, or Fenian, dialect, and are accompanied by a glossary which is in itself so ancient as to be almost unintelligible to a modern Irish scholar. The longest of these fragments is written in Conaclon verse, contains a description of the " beautiful shores of Ireland, fertile, sea- surrounded, with fruitful, spreading hills and wide, drooping forests, with showery falling rivers and overflowing lakes, with tall ships and lordly cities, with noble princes and valiant armies," and concludes by wishing that the author and his companions may find comfort and delight while dwelling there. Senator Allan, of Toronto, says he has always regarded Mulmur as an Indian name, or a corrup tion of an Indian name. 242 NOTHING BUT NAMES HALTON COUNTY (1816) This county was named after Major William Halton, who was Secretary to Mr. Francis Gore, Lieutenant- Governor of Upper Canada 1806-11 and 181 5-17. After his return to England Mr. Halton acted as agent for Upper Canada, and was engaged in editing the manuscript journals of the Province. In a letter from Gore to Goul- _ burn. Sept 28, 1821, announcing Halton's death, the ex-Governor said that the Assembly of Upper Canada had desired to annul Halton's appointment, but the Senate would not concur. " Now, during a vacancy, the office will probably be abolished." Gore also wrote to Maitland (Jan. 1822) respecting the journals of Council and Assembly left in the hands of Halton's family, and stating that Halton's heirs had offered to pay over the money Mr. Halton had applicable to the journals. The present County of Halton was originally included in York and was part of the Indian Reserve. But when Halton County was first constituted, it included, besides its present limits, North Wentworth, North Brant, Wellington and Waterloo. By the Union Act of 1840, the county of Halton was divided into two ridings, the East Riding consisting of the townships of Trafalgar, Nelson, Esquesing, Nassagaweya, East and West Flamborough, " Ering " and Beverley, the west riding consisting .of Garafraxa, Nichol, Woolwich, Guelph, Waterloo, Wilmot, Dumfries, Puslinch, Eramosa, each riding to elect one member. The word Halton signi fies a town upon a hill. Of the twelve villages in England bearing the name of Halton, the one in Cheshire has the HALTON COUNTY 243 most interesting history. It was part of the Barony of Nigel, to whom it was given by Hugh Lupus to be held by the service of leading the Cheshire army into Wales, whenever it should be necessary. It now constitutes a part of the Duchy of Lancaster. Halton Castle was a favorite hunting seat of John of Gaunt. It was entirely demolished during the civil wars in the reign of Charles I., and has ever since remained in ruins. TRAFALGAR TOWNSHIP (1806) We now saw the enemy bearing ahead. And to east of them Cape Trafalgar, it was said. 'Tis a name we remember, from father to son, That the days of old England may never be done. — Henry JVe-zvbolt. These are thy toys, and, as the snowy flake. They melt into thy yeast of waves, which mar Alike the Armada's pride, or spoils of Trafalgar. — Childe Harold. This township is named after' Cape Trafalgar, the ancient Promontorium Junonis, a headland on the coast of Cadiz, Spain. It is memorable for the naval battle fought near it, Oct 21, 1805, between the English, under Nelson, and the combined fleets of France and Spain. The English gained a complete victory, though with the loss of their commander. The land included in Trafalgar and Nelson townships was purchased from the Indians, surveyed and opened for settlement just at the time when the world was ringing with praises of Nelson and Trafalgar. 244 NOTHING BUT NAMES NELSON TOWNSHIP (1806) Frenchmen, no more with Britons vie, — Nelson destroys your naval band. Sees your designs with half an eye And fights and beats you with one hand. —John Wolcot. Nelson was once Britannia's god of war, And still should be so, but the tide is turned ; There's no more to be said of Trafalgar, 'Tis with our hero quietly inurn'd. — Don Juan. The township was named after Horatio, Viscount Nelson of the Nile and Duke of Bronte in Italy, born at Burnham Thorpe, Norfolk county, England, 1758, killed at the battle of Trafalgar, 1805. He was the son of Rev. Edmund Nelson and on his mother's side he was related to the Walpoles, Cholmondelys and Townshends. He went to sea at the age of twelve, and after a voyage to the Arctic in search of the Northwest Passage he sailed for the East Indies. In 1777 he was cruising against the Ameri cans. In 1779 he was appointed to the command of the Hinchinbroke. (See Hinchinbroke township). When the war with France broke out he was nominated to the Agamemnon, and was present at the taking of Toulon, Bastia and Elba. He lost an eye at Calvi and his right arm at Teneriffe. Nelson won the battle of St. Vincent, under Sir John Jervis, in 1797 ; the battle of the Nile in 1798 ; the battle of Copenhagen in 1801, and fell in the battle of Trafalgar, Oct 21st, 1805. After his death, British seamen going into battle sometimes used the signal " Remember Nelson " (suggestive of the Yankee " Remem ber the Maine "), and his own last signal, " England HALTON COUNTY 245 expects every man to do his duty," is commemorated in a song which is still popular. There is a pretty romance which gives Nelson's memory a sentimental interest in Canada. During his service at Quebec in 1782, when he was but twenty-four years of age, he became infatuated with a beautiful Canadian girl, Mary Simpson. At the time of Nelson's • visit she was but sixteen years old, marvellously beautiful and witty. On Oct 14, 1782, Lord Nelson's ship, the Albemarle, had to leave Quebec, and Miss Simpson died in spinsterhood, her lover finding a wife at another port. NASSAGAWEYA TOWNSHIP (1819). This name is from an Indian word, Na-zhe-sah-ge- way-yong, meaning '" a river with two outlets." ESQUESING TOWNSHIP (1819). This is also Indian, meaning "that which lies at the end." Dr. P. E. Jones (Kah-ke-wa-quo-na-by) spells it Ash-qua-sing. 246 NOTHING BUT NAMES WELLINGTON COUNTY (1851) Twas .'Arthur, Duke of Wellington, Who in that chariot sat. All in his martial cloak, and in His proudly-plumed cocked hat. -Punch. The work was done, and Wellington his savior-sword laid by. And now, in grief, to mourn our Chief — the flag is half-mast high. — Samtcel Lover, This county was named after Arthur Wellesle}', Duke of Wellington, born either at Dangan Castle, County of Meath, or at Dublin, Ireland, 1769 ; died at Walmer Castle, near Deal, England, September 14, 185 1. He was the fourth son of Garret, first Earl of Mornington, and his mother was Anne, daughter of Arthur Hill, \^iscount Dungannon. He received his commission as ensign in the 73rd regiment in 1787, and entered the Irish Parliament as member for Trim in 1790. In 1794 he served under Lord Moira in the Duke of York's unfortunate campaign in Flanders. In 1797 he went to India with his regiment, and in 1798 his brother Richard, Earl of Mornington, became Governor-General of that country. He fought in the Indian wars with distinction, returning to England in 1805. In 1806 he entered Parliament for the borough of Rye, and was married to Catharine, daughter of the Earl of Longford. He was Chief Secretary for Ireland in the short Portland Government. In 1808 he went to Portugal to conduct the famous Peninsular campaign, where he won the title of Baron Douro of Wellesley and Viscount Wel lington of Talavera and of Wellington in the County of WELLINGTON COUNTY 247 Somerset. The town of Wellington, from which the title is taken, is on the road from Bath to Exeter. Near the town is a magnificent pillar, erected by voluntary contri butions, in commemoration of the victory at Waterloo. After the decisive battle of Waterloo in Belgium in 181 5, Wellington became Master General of Ordnance, with a seat in the Cabinet He had a long political career, with alternations of popularity and the reverse, such questions as Catholic Emancipation and the Reform Bill causing very intense feeling throughout the country. His death was caused by apoplexy, and the public grief at the event was most profound. All the Duke's unpopular acts were forgotten ; only his services were remembered. .A magnificent public funeral followed his remains to St. Paul's Cathedral, where they were interred. PUSLINCH TOWNSHIP (1835) Dear Poet of the Puslinch Lake, You rove through youth's bright glades and dells ; And gather from each shady brake Life's rare, sweet flowers — Heart Immortelles. — Donald McCaig. The name Puslinch is taken from the place in Devonshire where Governor Colborne got his wife. "Lord Seaton married in 18 14 the eldest daughter of James Yonge, Esq., of Puslinch, Devon." — -Morgan's Celebrated Canadians. 248 NOTHING BUT NAMES GUELPH TOWNSHIP (1827) Ere heaven shall ope her portals to this Guelph, While I am guard, may I be damn'd myself. — The Vision of Judgment, The township takes its name from the city of Guelph, the county town of Wellington, which was named in honor of the Royal House of Brunswick. Guelph or Welf is a baptismal name in several German families, but more particularly known in a line of princes originally Italian, and traced to the ninth century. They emigrated to Germany in the eleventh century. Mr. John Gait, Secretary of the Canada Company, father of Sir A. T. Gait and Sir Thomas Gait, wrote an account of the naming of the future city of Guelph in Wellington county. He and Dr. Dunlop in April, 1827, walked from Gait through the rain to the site chosen for Guelph, losing their way en route. They had a large maple tree cut down, and the doctor producing a flask of whiskey, they drank prosperity to the City of Guelph. "The name was chosen in compliment to the Royal Family, both because I thought it auspicious in itself, and because I could not recollect that it had ever been used before in all the King's dominions." Mr. Gait then secured three acres of land from the Government on the north side of Burlington canal, intending to erect store-houses there, to ship the wheat which he proposed to take in payment for land. But his directors were displeased at his spending money for a road, and they ordered him to change the name of his "city" from Guelph to Goderich. To get over that, he called another town on Lake Huron by the name of WELLINGTON COUNTY 249 Goderich. The directors being still dissatisfied, "I wrote back that the name of the place was not a thing I cared two straws about, but as it had been the scene of legal transactions, it was necessary to get an Act of the Provincial Parliament before the change could be made. and that therefore if the court would send me the preamble for a bill, I would lose no time in applying for it. I heard nothing more on the subject, and thus a most contemptible controversy ended ; but I cannot yet imagine how a number of grave and most intelligent merchants ever troubled their heads about such a matter.'' It is said that the town plan, applicable to Guelph, situated inland, was sent to Goderich, situated on the lake shore ; and to follow it out, half the present town of Goderich would need to be under the waters of Lake Huron. ERAMOSA TOWNSHIP (1822) For the Earl of Eramosa is a bull of high renown ; He was booked for exhibition in the great Toronto town. — The Khan's Canticles. The same correspondent who tells the story of the surveyor naming Luther and Melancthon townships after the "two meanest men" says that he heard that the name of Eramosa was given by the wife of one of the first settlers, who asked the surveyor who laid out the township to call it Eramosa because most of the townships had ugly names, and she would like theirs to have a pretty one. An "old Eramosa boy" writes that they were taught at school to regard the name as of Indian origin, and to mean a Dea'd Dog, arising in this way : "When the surveyors entered the township to perform their work of surveying. 250 NOTHING BUT NAMES they came upon a dead dog, the Indian term for which is Eramosa, and therefore the township was thus named. Of course we admit that this is not a very dignified appellation for such a fine township, especially when compared with the distinguished title of the county of which it forms a part, as well as the townships with which it is surrounded. Be this as it may, the township of Eramosa has always been considered as holding a first place among the other townships of the county." Dr. P. E. Jones translates Eramosa (Un-ne-mo-sah) "dog," without any adjective to designate the canine's condition. ERIN TOWNSHIP (1820) Joy to thee, Erin, daughter of the sea. Thy night departs — a weary night for thee. — Evan MacColl. Erin is an ancient name for Ireland. The native name is Ir, Eri and Erin. Strabo named the island lerne. The name Erin is now used poetically. (See Albion). PILKINGTON TOWNSHIP (1851) Such wine the drawer will not fail to swear Was drunk by Pilkington when third time Mayor. —Swift. The name of Pilkington was given in honor of General Pilkington, who owned 20,ooo acres of land there. As Lieutenant Pilkington, a Royal Engineer, he is mentioned in the Canadian Archives as having been recommended by Governor Simcoe in 1796 to ascertain a boundary line. WELLINGTON COUNTY 251 Thomas G. Ridout wrote from London, England, to his father in Canada in 181 1 : "I was at Woolwich and Deptford the other day and went to Colonel Pilkington's house ; unluckily, he was in London. Mrs. Pilkington says Mr. D. W. Smith (see Smith township) is married to her sister." Lady Edgar, in " Ten Years of Upper Canada," quoting this letter, says, "The Colonel Pilk ington of this letter is another familiar name in the early annals of Upper Canada. In the Duke de Rochefoucauld's diary, he is mentioned as a young officer of the Engineers, stationed then (1795) at Fort Niagara." In the Archives there is mention of a letter dated July 31, 181 1, from Robert Pilkington, Lt.-Col. Royal Engineers, to Right Hon. S. Perceval, enclosing his proposal to raise a corps of Highland emigrants for the service of Canada. In a letter dated 1812, Mr. Ridout wrote : "Colonel Pilkington wishes to go out to Canada. He says it is the finest country he ever saw." Smith's Canada (185 1) says : " On the northwestern side of the township (Woolwich), adjoining Nichol, is a tract of land called the ' Pilkington Block,' belonging to the estate of the late General Pilkington. It contains about 20,000 acres, and it is in contemplation to separate it from Woolwich and to annex Elora to it." An Act of Parliament to that effect was passed in 185 1. NICHOL TOWNSHIP (1822) Nichol, the sympathetic tear shall flow, From all that knew thee, and from all who know. —Rev. J. L. Alexander, The name of Nichol township was given in honor of the gallant Colonel Nichol, who won a gold medal for 252 NOTHING BUT NAMES conduct at the capture of Detroit under Brock, and who was killed in 1824 by driving over a cliff near Queenston on a stormy night. " He was indeed a man of rare endowments, and, in private life, as amiable as his public career was brilliant." For his services in the war of 18 12-14 Colonel Nichol enjoyed a pension equal to a Lieutenant-Colonel's half pay. He was a member of the House of Assembly, and " though frequently in opposition to the measures of the Government, he never forfeited the respect and esteem of His Majesty's representative," though the Archives show that in 1819 Maitland inquired whether Nichol's pension was compatible with his avowed opposition to the Government. GARAFRAXA TOWNSHIP, WEST (1821) For we cannot help agreeing that no living human being Ever yet was bless'd with seeing bird or beast, or stone or stick. By daylight, moonlight, starlight, gaslight, lamp or candle waxy, With such a name as Garafraxa. — Erie .ivemie Poet's Raving. See Garafraxa East. PEEL TOWNSHIP (1835) As a "bob " is a shilling, and Peel means to rob By a shilling corn duty, let's name him Sir Bob. — Sir E. L. Buhver See Peel County. WELLINGTON COUNTY 253 MARYBOROUGH TOWNSHIP (1840) This township was named after William Wellesley- Pole, third Earl of Mornington, first Baron Maryborough, of Maryborough, Queen's county, Ireland, a brother of the Duke of Wellington, born 1763, died 1845. He was Postmaster-General for four months in 1835, after King William IV. had abruptly dismissed Lord Melbourne and his colleagues. Lord Maryborough succeeded his brother Richard as Earl of Mornington in 1842 ; he assumed the additional surname of Pole in 1778. His daughter. Lady Mary Charlotte Anne, was married to Sir Charles Bagot (see Bagot township) ; another daughter. Lady Emily Harriet, was the wife of Field Marshal Sir Fitzroy James Henry, first Lord Raglan, the Crimean General (see Raglan township), whom she married in 18 14. MINTO TOWNSHIP (1840) On Minto crags the moon-beams glint, Where Barnhill hew'd his bed of flint. — Lay of the Last Minstrel, This township was named after Sir Gilbert Eliot, Earl of Minto and Viscount Melgund, born 175 1, died 1814, and buried in Westminster Abbey. He entered Parlia ment in 1777 for the county of Roxburgh, was Viceroy of Corsica 1795-97, envoy-extraordinary to Vienna 1799, President of the Board of Control of India 1806, Governor- General of Bengal 1807-13, when he was succeeded hy the 254 NOTHING BUT NAMES Earl of Moira (see Hastings county). Lord Minto governed India with forbearance and moderation. He found the internal administration of the country in discreditable disorder, and by showing that other than political and military merit could earn reward he inspired the magistracy with a spirit which did much to abate the evils that had grown up under his predecessors. His son Gilbert was first lord of the admiralty in the Melbourne Government 1835-41. Near Minto House, the Earl's residence in Roxburghshire, are Minto crags, a romantic assemblage of cliffs which rise suddenl}^ above the \ale of Teviot. .A. small platform on a projecting crag is termed Barnhill's Bed. Beneath the rocks are remains of a strong tower. This Barnhill is said to have been a robber or outlaw. On Jul}- 25, 1898, the news arrived in Canada that Gilbert John Elliot, fourth Earl of Minto, born 1845, had been chosen to succeed the Earl of Aberdeen as Governor- General of Canada. He succeeded his father in the Earldom in 1891. Lord Minto has had a distinguished military career in Afghanistan and Egypt, and he also served under Major-General Middleton in the Canadian Rebellion of 1885. Lord Minto married in 1883 Miss Mary Caroline Gre}-, youngest daughter of the late Gen. Grey, and sister of Mr. Albert Grey, the member for Northumberland. The marriage took place in St. Margaret's Church, Westminster, and Archdeacon Farrar was the officiating clergyman. Among the givers of wedding presents were the Queen and several members of the royal family. Lord Minto took office in November, 1898. WELLINGTON COUNTY 255 ARTHUR TOWNSHIP (1835) They found a naked child upon the sands Of dark Tintagel, by the Cornish sea. And that was Arthur. -Tennyson. Nay, sure, he's not in hell ; He's in Arthur's bosom, if ever man went to Arthur's bosom. — King Henry V, This township was named in honor of Arthur Welles ley, Duke of Wellington. (See Wellington county). LUTHER TOWNSHIP, WEST (1821) See Luther Township, East. 256 NOTHING BUT NAMES WATERLOO COUNTY (1849) And Harold stands upon this place of skulls. The grave of France, the deadly Waterloo. -Byron. This county is named after the great battle fought between the French under Napoleon and the English and their allies under Wellington, June i8, 1815, in which the latter were victorious. On the 17th, "having received a promise from the Prussian general (Blucher) to march to his assistance, Wellington determined to halt, and to give battle to the French Emperor in the position, which from a village in its neighborhood has received the ever memorable name of the field of Waterloo. The strength of the army under the Duke of Wellington at Waterloo was 49,608 infantry, 12,402 cavalry, and 5,645 artillery men, with 156 guns. But of this total of 67,655 men, scarcely 24,000 were British. Napoleon's arm}' at Waterloo consisted of 48,950 infantry, 15,765 cavalry, 7,232 artillery men, being a total of 71,947 men and 246 guns. The field of the battle of Waterloo was a valley between two and three miles long, of various breadths at different points, but generally not exceeding half a mile. The English army was posted on the northern, and the French army occupied the southern ridge. Never was the issue of a single battle looked forward to as involving consequences of such vast importance — of such universal influence." — CREASY. Waterloo county was formed out of parts of the counties of Halton and Simcoe, under the name of the Wellington district, on April 20, 1838, and in order to WATERLOO COUNTY 257 expedite the settling of the new townships, a line of road was surveyed from the township of Nichol to Owen Sound ; the land lying on the road was laid out in fifty-acre lots, and these were given away to actual settlers, with the privilege of purchasing the fifty acres behind. As constituted when Smith's Canada was published (185 1), Waterloo county contained, outside of its present limits, the whole of Wellington county ; Amaranth and Melanc thon townships now in Dufferin and nine townships now belonging to the county of Grey. Waterloo county was over ninety miles from north to south, and from twenty to forty miles from east to west It was bounded on the north by Georgian Bay and on the south by the present counties of Halton, Wentworth, Brant and Oxford. DUMFRIES TOWNSHIP, NORTH (1816) There was horsing, horsing in haste. And there was marching upon the lea. Until they cam to Dumfries port. And they lighted those right speedilie. — Archie of C a' field. Who will not sing, " God save the King," Shall hang as high's the steeple ; But while we sing, " God save the King," We'll ne'er forget the people. — The Dumfries Volunteers, Burns. This township took its name from the town of Dum fries, on the river Nith, in Dumfriesshire, Scotland, where Bruce in 1306 assembled the Scottish nobles to deliberate on his project of gaining the throne of Scotland, and where Robert Burns lived and was buried. Dumfries was made a royal burgh in the thirteenth century. "In 18 16 258 NOTHING BUT NAMES Hon. William Dickson, of Niagara, purchased 90,000 acres of land on the Grand River, comprising the township, which he named Dumfries, after his native town in Scotland. At Mr. Dickson's request the post-office of this new settlement was named Gait, after his early friend and schoolmate in Edinburgh." WATERLOO TOWNSHIP (1817) See Waterloo county. WILMOT TOWNSHIP (1825) With doubtful strife Humanity and Art For conquest vie in Wilmot's head and heart. — William Duncombe. This township may have been named after Major Samuel Street Wilmot, son of Captain Samuel Wilmot, a U. E. Loyalist who settled in New Brunswick at the close of the Revolution. Major Wilmot was born in 1774. When a young man he went from New Bruns wick to the United States and coming thence to Canada he engaged in business as a surveyor. His name is on the official list of deputy surveyors of Upper Canada in 181 1. He married in 1798 Mary Stegmann, daughter of an ex-officer who also practised surveying in Upper Canada. Mr. Wilmot's name is frequently mentioned in connection with the surveys of townships and villages. Dr. Canniff says that he laid out the village of Belleville in 1 8 16. He took part in the war of 181 2 as Colonel of a WATERLOO COUNTY 259 volunteer regiment. Afterwards he represented the Newcastle district in the Provincial Parliament, and he was selected by the Government to inspect and value the Crown and Clergy lands. Mr. Wilmot died at Belmont Farm, Clarke township, in 1856. His son, Samuel Wilmot, born in Durham county, 1822, was educated at Upper Canada College. He became famous as an e.xpert in the artificial breeding of fish, and under the patronage of the Dominion Government he established fish hatcheries at various points in the several provinces of Canada. Mr. Wilmot married a sister of Judge Clark, of Cobourg, now solicitor for the Canadian Pacific Railway. There was also a Mr. R. J. Wilmot, Private Secretary to Lord Liverpool in 18 10, who entered Parliament, and when Secretary for the Colonies introduced the Bill into the Commons to carry out the sale of Clergy Reserve lands to the Canada Company. He succeeded Mr. Goulbourn in office. The Archives of 1897 refer to much of his correspondence on Canadian affairs. He was in office when this township was named, and it may have been named in honor of the Colonial Secretary instead of the Canadian surveyor. John Wilmot, M.P. for Coventry, voted for the Canada Bill in 1791. WOOLWICH TOWNSHIP (1822) The shrinking Bard adown an alley skulks, .A.nd dreads a meeting worse than Woolwich hulks. — Burns. This township is named after Woolwich, in Kent, England, noted for its royal dockyard and naval arsenal, situated on the southern bank of the Thames. The dock 26o NOTHING BUT NAMES was constructed in the reign of Henry VIII. and improved under Elizabeth. In the reign of George I. a foundry for cannon was erected on Woolwich Warren. The institution of the Royal Military Academy in 1741, and other establishments connected with the army and navy, made Woolwich very prosperous. Woolwich is encompassed by chalk cliffs, and great quantities of the chalk are used for lime and manure. The vessel which carried naval stores to Canada in 181 3 was called the "Woolwich." WELLESLEY TOWNSHIP (1840) There may you read, with spectacles on eyes. How many Wellesleys did embark for Spain, As if therein they meant to colonize, How many troops y-crossed the laughing main. — Childe Harold, original MS. This township was called after Richard Wellesley, Marquis of Wellesley, of Norragh, second Earl of Morning ton, Viscount Wellesley of Dangan Castle, and Baron Wellesley, of Wellesley, Somersetshire, the eldest brother of the Duke of Wellington ; born 1760, died 1842. He was a Lord of the Treasury, 1787 ; Governor-General of India 1798-1805, when he defeated Sultan Tippoo and destroyed the empire of Mysore ; Ambassador to the central junta of Spain in 1809; Secretary for Foreign Affairs 1809-12, and Lord Lieutenant of Ireland 1821, when he undertook to stop the irritating Orange processions and to reform the magistracy. The Marquis was twice married, but his title went to his brother William. (See Maryborough and Wellington). There were four brothers of this family in the House of Lords at one time — Wellesley, Maryborough, Wellington and Henry, Lord Cowley. WENTWORTH COUNTY 261 WENTWORTH COUNTY (1816) And on the walls, in heavy gilded frames. The ancestral Wentworths with Old-Scripture names. — Longfellow. But when our loyal Wentworth deigns to ride, (The Sovereign's fav'rite and the subjects pride), .\round his chariot crowding numbers throng. And hail his virtues as he moves along ; Such high respect shall be conferred on him The King delights to honor and esteem. Whose loyalty unshaken, spotless fame, And social virtues shall endear his name In every loyal bosom, long to live. As our lov'd monarch's representative. — From a Nova Scotia newspaper in i'7g$. Wentworth county gets its name from Sir John Wentworth, Lieutenant-Governor of Nova Scotia, 1792- 1808, an intimate friend of Mr. William Jarvis, of Toronto, Provincial Secretary and Registrar of Upper Canada, and Grand Master of the Free Masons, who, like the Duke of Kent, got his charter from the Duke of Athol. The portion of Wentworth county north of Burlington Bay and the Desjardins Canal belonged originally to York county, and later to Halton county. The southern portion of the pi-esent county of Wentworth was a part of Lincoln county, and appears in that connection on D. W. Smith's map of 1798. " The ancient and honorable family of Wentworth," says Thoresby in his History of Leeds, " which for six hundred years hath borne the honor of knighthood, had its chief seat for many ages at Wentworth Woodhouse," whence the Wentworths spread to other parts of England and of the world. Thoresby gives two 262 I^OTHING BUT NAMES pedigrees of the Wentworth family. One of them includes Robert de Wentworth, living in the reign of Henry III., who married Emma, daughter and heiress of the ancient family of Woodhouse, from whom descended Sir Thomas Wentworth, Earl of Strafford, beheaded in 1641. The other branch leads to William \\ entworth, who emigrated to Boston in 1628 and removed to New Hampshire. His grandson John Wentworth, Lieutenant-Governor of New Hampshire, had eighteen children, of whom Benning Wentworth, the eldest, became Governor of the Province. He died without issue, and his estates went to his nephew, John Wentworth, who married his cousin. John Went worth had been surveyor-general of the King's woods in North America, and on the death of his uncle he succeeded to the Governorship of New Hampshire. On Jul}- 5, 1820, Dalhousie wrote to Bathurst, suggesting that, con sequent on the death of Wentworth, the office of Surveyor of Woods in North America might be made separate for each Province. The Acadian Recorder in its "Reminis cences" says: "From about twenty-five years after the settlement of Halifax until 1820 no name was more familiar in Nova Scotia, and no man was more prominent in state affairs, than John Wentworth. In the old Colonial days he was Governor of New Hampshire. When the American revolution put an end to British rule in the older colonies he retired to Nova Scotia and assumed here the position of surveyor of the woods and forests. In 1792 he was appointed Lieutenant-Governor of the Province. In 1800 Governor Wentworth, now Sir John Wentworth, laid the corner stone of the new Government House (that which is still used as such). In 1808 he retired from the Governorship, the Legislature, at the same time, passing an act imposing an additional duty of sixpence a gallon on all wines imported and consumed WENTWORTH COUNTY 263 in the province — from which duty ;£'500 sterling per annum was to be paid as a pension for life to Sir John Wentworth. On the 8th of April, 1820, Sir John died at Halifax at his apartments in Hollis street In 1798 Lady Wentworth went to England on a visit, and while there was presented at Court to the King and Queen by the Countess Fitzwilliam, one of the Wentworth family. It is said that she was admired by Queen Charlotte for her elegance and manners, and received the appointment of a lady-in-waiting with permission to reside abroad and receive ^^500 a year salary. She died at Sunning Hall in Berkshire, England, in 18 13, in the sixty-eighth year of her age." They left one son, who bore the peculiar name of Charles Mary Wentworth. On the death of his father he succeeded to the baronetcy. At his death, unmarried, the title became extinct. By his will, he gave the old villa and grounds on Bedford Basin, the property so well known as the "Prince's Lodge," to Mrs. Gore, the novelist, who was a distant relative of his family. It is further mentioned that John Wentworth got his appointment as Governor of New Hampshire from Charles Watson Wentworth, Marquis of Rockingham, whom he visited in England, and it is interesting to note that the Marquis of Rockingham's superb mansion in Cambridge, erected in 1750, was called Wentworth House. Thomas Noel, Viscount Wentworth, was an uncle of Miss Milbanke, Lord Byron's wife, who inherited his estates in 181 5, her mother, wife of Sir Ralph Milbanke, becoming Baroness Wentworth. Upon her death in 1822, this title lay in abeyance between Lady Byron and her cousin the Earl of Scarsdale, upon whose death in 1856 Lady Byron became Baroness Wentworth. 264 NOTHING BUT NAMES FLAMBOROUGH TOWNSHIP, EAST AND WEST (•79-') Where Lake Ontario lays its stately head In the broad lap of hills, that stretch awaj- To the long slopes of Flamboro', forest-clad With oak and beech, and manv a spinv pine. — W. Kirby. These townships are named after the ancient town of Flamborough in England, situated in a hollow near the centre of the promontory on the Yorkshire coast. The name is derived by Camden from the flame of a watch tower ; b}- others from the town of Flansburg in Angloen of the Jutes. Harold, the last of the Saxon Kings of England, possessed the manor ; after the Conquest it was given to William le Gros, who founded Scarborough Castle, and in later times it belonged to the Constable family. In summer the cliffs of Flamborough Head are the breeding place of myriads of sea fowl. The beacon has three revolving faces, each of seven reflectors, and one painted red, thus distinguishing this from an}- other light in the Kingdom. BEVERLEY TOWNSHIP (179S) Constance de Beverley they know, Sister professed of Fontevraud, Whom the church numbered with the dead. For broken vows, and convent fled. — M,1f ntio'!. The name of this township is from Beverle}-, in the East Riding of Yorkshire, which was anciently called Dierwald, from its extensive forest Its present name WENTWORTH COUNTY 265 may be a corruption of Beaver ley- beavers having abounded in the neighboring river Hull. Its origin and early history are unknown, till the beginning of the eighth century, when St. John of Beverley founded a church and monastery, and died there. This institution was several times destroyed by the Danes. In the early part of the Civil War Charles I. had his quarters at Beverley, and subsequently the town was taken by the Parliamentarians. In the Church of St. John are several monuments of the Earls of Northumberland. The barbarous custom of baiting a bull on the day of the Mayor being sworn into office was retained in Beverley until late in the nineteenth century. ANCASTER TOWNSHIP (1792) This township is named after the parish of Ancaster in Lincolnshire, which is situated on the great Roman road called Ermin street, and bears strong evidence of having been a Roman station ; many authors unite to fix there the ancient Causennse of Antoninus. From the vestiges which remain of military works it has certainly been a place of great strength. Ancaster Heath is also shown on the old maps. A great number of coins and other antiquities, of various Emperors, were found there ; also several mosaic pavements. Ancaster gave the title of Duke to the head of the Bertie family. BINBROOK TOWNSHIP (1798) This township takes its name from Binbrook village in Lincolnshire, eight miles from Caistor and thirteen miles from Grimsby. 266 NOTHING BUT NAMES BARTON TOWNSHIP (1792) Poor Lizzie Barton, called the Maid of Kent, Pretended that by Heaven she was sent ; Henry the Eighth, the King whose wives were six. Cut off her head and sent her to the Styx. — Isaac Jameson. Barton township is called after the ancient Lincoln shire town of Barton pleasantly situated about three- quarters of a mile from the southern bank of the Humber. It was doubtless a place of great strength before the Conquest and served as a barrier against the irruptions of the Saxons and Danes. The remains of the old rampart and fosse are still visible. At the period of the Conquest, and until the rise of Kingston-upon-Hull, Barton enjoyed an extensive commerce. The old English form of the word is Barntown. SALTFLEET TOWNSHIP (1792) This township is called after Saltfleet, a port town in Lincolnshire, ten miles from Louth and sixteen miles from Grimsby. GL.ANFORD TOWNSHIP (1798) This township takes its name from Glanford-Brigg, or Bridge, a village in Lincolnshire on the river Ancholme. There was formerly a hospital at Glanford Bridge, sub ordinate to the abbey of Selby, Yorkshire, but no remains of the building are now visible. LINCOLN COUNTY 267 LINCOLN COUNTY (1792) Mine eye has dried and wasted been, But still it loves the Lincoln Green. — Lady of the Lake. This county, originally much larger than it is at present, is named after Lincolnshire, in England, on the German ocean, the largest county in the Kingdom except Yorkshire. Three British or Roman roads traversed the English county, and within its limits were Lindum (Lincoln), Causennis (Ancaster), and five other Roman stations. It is a fruitful county, even the heaths of Ancaster and Lincoln being enclosed and cultivated, and the fens of the district called Holland being drained. Lincolnshire oxen are proverbial for their great bulk, and the county is celebrated for the number of its handsome churches erected during the Middle Ages, several of which are highly ornamented. A curious custom was to build the finest churches in low, fenny situations, still difficult of access, and doubtless much more so at the period when they were founded. The city of Lincoln, the capital of Lincolnshire, situated on the river Witham, was one of the towns, or hill-forts, of the ancient Britons. In the time of Edward the Confessor the town contained 970 mansions. William the Conqueror erected the Castle in 1068. Several Parliaments were held at Lincoln in the reign of Edward I. and his two immediate successors. The ancient cathedral was splendidly decorated. Henry VIII. in 1540 took away from it 2,621 ounces of gold and 4,285 ounces of silver, besides diamonds and other precious stones 268 NOTHING BUT NAMES of great value. In the reign of Edward VI. it was stripped of its remaining treasures, and in 1645 the Parliamentary soldiers made it a stable for their horses. The entire length of the edifice is 524 feet In one of the towers was a large bell called " Great Tom of Lincoln," cast in the reign of James I. It weighed 9,894 pounds ; its greatest circumference was twenty-two feet, nine inches ; it broke while under repair in 1831 and was replaced b}' a larger bell. Lincoln was a commercial mart of importance in ancient times, and still has an extensive commerce. GRIMSBY TOWNSHIP, NORTH AND SOUTH (1792) .4nd I only wanted one thing To make my life complete — This lovely Grimsby maiden. So learned, fresh and sweet. —J. W. Bengough. The name is taken from Great Grimsby, in Lincoln shire, to which is attached a stor\' about the naming of the town from one Grime, either a fisherman or a pirate, who found a Danish prince named Havelock in a boat adrift, and took care of the child, who ultimate!}- married the daughter of the King of England. \M-iatever there may be in the tradition, it is recorded that for some reason Denmark allowed great privileges and immunities to Grimsby, such as freedom from toll, as if in acknowledg ment of some previous favor. LINCOLN COUNTY 269 CAISTOR TOWNSHIP (1798) Spied a lady on foot, and we .saucily chased her From Hall's Corners east to the township of Caistor. — The Wheelman. This name is from Caistor, in Lincolnshire, whose ancient castle was built by Hengist, the Saxon, after he had subdued the Picts and Caledonians ; this fortress and its demesne lands having originally contained as much territory as could be encircled by an ox's hide cut into small thongs, it was on that account named Thongcaistor. There are numerous traces of Roman antiquities in the neighborhood. There is another Caistor in Norfolk, with a castle said to have been erected in 1449 by Sir John Fastolf, who was born there in 1377, and fought bravely in France, but fled panic-stricken from the celebrated Joan of Arc. The regent Duke of Bedford deprived him of the garter for this misbehavior. He is supposed to be the original of Shakspeare's Falstaff. CLINTON TOWNSHIP (1792) From royal tigers down to toads and lice ; From Bathursts, Clintons, Fanes, to Hume and Price. — Macaulay, Clinton is the family name of the Duke of Newcastle, and there was an Edward, Lord Clinton, created Earl of Lincoln in 1572. The name was taken from the manor of Glimpton, in Oxford, which William the Conqueror conferred on a son of William de Villa Tancredi, who accompanied him from Normandy. Sir Henry Clinton, 270 NOTHING BUT NAMES who was Commander of the British forces in America from 177S to 17S2, succeeding Sir William Howe, and being succeeded by Sir Guy Carleton, died in 1795. Hon. Peter Russell (see Russell county), a member of Governor Simcoe's Council, was ]\Iilitar}- Secretary to Sir Henry Clinton during the war. The latter was a son of Hon. George Clinton, Governor of Newfoundland in 1732, and Governor-in-Chief of New York in 1741. Sir Henry's son. Sir William Henry Clinton, born 1769, died 1S46, was also a General in the army, and married in 1797 a daughter of the Earl of Sheffield. Sir Henr-y Clinton took part in the battle of Bunker Hill, and in the battle on Long Island which resulted in the evacuation of New York b}- the .Americans. He was forced by W^ashington to evacuate _ Philadelphia. He sailed from New York with 7,000 men to relieve Cornwallis on the very day that the latter capitulated. Sir Henry Clinton has been censured for his conduct of the war in terms like the following: "Had Clinton sent his 5,000 men and cut the mutineers to pieces, as a good general would have done, the effect would have been most disastrous to the cause of .America. Fortunatel}-, he was, as Sullivan called him, 'The Prince of Blunderers.'" Dr. Kingsford,, in his History, takes a different \-iew of Clinton. He says : " A few words may be given to Clinton's subsequent career. He arrived in London June 19th, 17S2. Owing to a quarrel with his cousin, the Duke of Newcastle, he failed to be elected for Newark in 1784. In 1794 he was again in the House of Commons. He became a General in the army, was appointed Governor of Gibraltar and died there in 1795, aged 57. It is an act of extreme injustice to hold Clinton responsible for the want of judgment displayed b}- Cornwallis in \'irginia. I am not conscious of an}- feeling of prejudice in one direc tion or the other, and those who study the facts can judge LINCOLN COUNTY 271 how wrongfully the conduct of Clinton has been reprobated. When engaged upon the narrative of these events, the impression upon my mind has been that Clinton stands out prominently as the one man in high position during the war, the exception, who gave evidence of the qualities of a general and statesman. His personal gallantry was not exceeded by the coolest, steadiest soldier in the ranks; he unfailingly showed that serenity and readiness of resource which accompany true courage. He never hesitated to expose himself, but he never so acted from any love of display. Clinton's career is one of continued good service ; his judgment was never at fault ; the one failure was his fruitless attack on Charleston in 1776. The impression forced upon me is that Clinton was the one man whom Washington feared; the one general whose presence gave him anxiety." GAINSBOROUGH TOWNSHIP (1798) And now, O Muse, with song- so big, Turn round to Gainsborough's Girl and Pig. — Peter Pindar, Ev'n as the windows of the day did shut, Down Trent's swift stream to Gainsborough we put. —John Taylor, the Water Poet, This township was called after Gainsborough, an ancient town on the eastern bank of the river Trent in Lincolnshire, where Lord Cavendish was defeated and slain by Cromwell in the civil wars. It was at Gains borough that Sweyne, the Danish leader, was killed by a secret dagger, as he was about to embark after a bloody expedition in England. 272 NOTHING BUT NAMES LOUTH TOWNSHIP (1792) Westmeath and Cavan too did join. The County Louth men crossed the Boyne. — MacKenna's Dream. The township takes its name from Louth, a market town in Lincolnshire, in old times called Luda from the neighboring river Ludd. It has a free school founded by Edward VI. with the funds of three religious fraternities. The manufactures of Louth are extensive. The county of Louth is in Ireland. GRANTHAM TOWNSHIP (1792) The township is named after the town of Grantham in Lincolnshire, which Henry IIL, in order to raise supplies which were denied him by his Parliament, mortgaged along with the town of Stamford to his uncle William de Valance, Earl of Pembroke. The King's forces, under Colonel Cavendish, took the town in 1642 and demolished its fortifications. "About this time," remarks De Foe, "it was that we began to hear the name of Oliver Cromwell. When the war first broke out he was a private captain of horse, but now commanded a regiment ; and joining with the Earl of Manchester, the first action in which we heard of his exploits, and which emblazoned his character, was at Grantham, where, with only his own regiment, he defeated twenty-four troops of horse and dragoons, of the King's forces." The charnel house at Grantham was formerly remarkable for containing 1,500 skulls, blanched by the air, and piled up in rows one above another. Rev. John Newcome, D.D., Master of St John's College, Cambridge, was a native of Grantham, and bequeathed a public library to the town. Sir Isaac Newton, the great LINCOLN COUNTY 273 mathematician, was sent to the grammar school at Grantham, at the age of twelve, for his education. Grantham was first incorporated as a town in 1463. The grandfather of Viscount Goderich (see Goderich township). Sir Thomas Robinson, who was British Minister at Vienna for eighteen years and afterwards a Secretary of State, was created Baron Grantham soon after the accession of George III. lie died in 1770. His son Thomas, second Lord Grantham, was Ambassador to Madrid, 1771, and Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs in 1782-83, in which capacity he concluded the preliminaries of peace with the United States in January, 1783. He married Lady Mary Jemima Yorke, second daughter of Philip, Earl of Hard wicke. Her elder sister. Lady .Amabel Yorke, widow of Lord Polworth, was in 18 16 created Countess de Grey,, with remainder to the heirs male of her sister, the Dowager Lady Grantham (see .Amabel township). On the death of the third Baron Grantham, the title went to Viscount Goderich, Marquis of Ripon. The city of St. Catharines in Grantham township was named in 1809 after Mrs, Catharine Hamilton, wife of Robert Hamilton, NIAGARA TOWNSHIP (1798) Even now, as waiulerin^- upon Erie's shore, I hear Niagara's distant oal.iract roar. -Moor. The name Niagara is of Indian origin, meaning "thunder of water ; ' others say it was the name of a tribe; others derive it froin Onghiara, the name of the old Indian village near the Falls. Governor Simcoe tried to substi tute the English name of Newark for Niagara, but the people preferred the latter, and the name Niagara was formally reinstated by law in 1798. 274 NOTHING BUT NAMES WELLAND COUNTY (1849) Over Welland's winding vale, Down its grass^- gorges, Float ye many a tuneful tale, Bells of old Saint George's. — Ernest E, Leigh, Welland count}- was originally a part of Lincoln and does not appear in the census as a separate count}- until 185 1. Lincoln also included what is now South \^¦ent- worth and in the map of Upper Canada, made by Acting Surveyor-General Smith in 1798, it was divided into four ridings, which b}- the Union Act of 1S40 were reduced to two. On the old map. Barton, Ancaster, Glanford, Binbrook, Saltfleet, Grimsb}', Clinton, Caistor and Gains- boro townships were in the first riding of Lincoln ; Louth, Stamford and Newark in the second ; Thorold, Grantham and Pelham in the third; \^'ainfleet, Crowland, Humber- stone and Bertie in the fourth. B}' the Union .Act of 1840 the old first and second ridings were made into the North Riding and the third and fourth ridings into the South Riding. The name of \\'elland county is taken from the \\'elland river in Lincolnshire. The name of the Canadian Chippewa Creek was changed to Welland River by proclamation of Governor Simcoe, dated i6th July, 1792. WELLAND COUNTY 275 PELHAM TOWNSHIP (1790) Says Priggish Pelham, may I hint on The shortest road from Exeter to Winton. — George Canning. The guests have departed who stood at the shrine. All but Vavasour Pelham, who's had too much wine. And has fallen asleep, on the table to dream. Reclining his brow in a dish of pink cream. — The Sister Bridesmaid. Pelham was probably named in compliment to the Duke of Newcastle. The families of Pelham and Clinton amalgamated by marriage in 1744, so that the name of the present Duke of Newcastle, born 1864, is Henry Pelham Archibald Douglas Pelham-Clinton. Thomas, the third Duke, issue of the cousinly marriage, born 1752, died 1795, was a major-general in the army. Referring to this family, the North British Review said : " From 1742 to 1757 the Pelhams were in power. Henry Pelham was a man of small calibre, of timid and peevish temper, but of good sense and industrious business habits. His brother, the Duke of Newcastle, was probably the greatest fool who ever held high office in this country, yet by perfidy, by intrigue, by Parliamentary corruption, he contrived to remain Minister for nearly thirty years, and Premier for nearly ten." Lord Pelham was Home Secre tary in the Addington Government. Hon. Henry Pelham, M.P. for Lewes ; Charles A. Pelham, M.P. for Lincoln shire, and Hon. Thomas Pelham, M.P. for Sussex, voted against Pitt's Canada Bill in 1791. 276 NOTHING BUT NAMES THOROLD TOWNSHIP (1788) Hodden-gray was the garb he wore, And by the Hammer of Thor he swore. — Longfellow. The township of Thorold was named in honor of Sir John Thorold, M.P. for Lincolnshire, born 1734, died 181 5, who was greatly interested in colonial questions and voted against the war with America. He voted against Pitt's Canada Bill. The name is Norse or Teutonic, and was brought to England by the Saxons and taken to Normandy before the Conquest by the Northmen, under the different forms of Torauld, Turauld, Turrold, Turold, and the Latin form Turoldus. Some accounts state that the family of Thorold resided in Lincolnshire before the Conquest ; but the direct ancestor from whom Sir John traced his lineage was Richard Thorold, of Selby, Yorkshire, whose only son married Johannah, daughter and heiress of Robert de Hough and Marston, county of Lincoln. They resided at Hough, or The Hill, in 1363. Sir William Thorold, Knight, was Sheriff of the county in 1630, and was created a baronet in 1642. Sir John Thorold, who died in 1 7 16, was M.P. for Lincolnshire, as was the Sir John who died in 1815, after whom the Ontario township was named. The twelfth and present baronet. Sir John Henry Thorold, was married in 1869 to Hon. Alexandrina Henrietta Matilda Willoughby, daughter of Henry, eighth Baron Middleton. The seat of the Thorolds is Syston Park in Grantham, Lincolnshire. In the reign of Edward the Confessor, Thorold, Sheriff of Lincolnshire, a brother of Countess Godiva, wife of Leofric, fifth Earl of Mercia, WELLAND COUNTY 277 founded the abbey of Spalding; and the Lady Godiva founded the monastery of Stow, near Lincoln, to which she bequeathed her whole treasury. STAMFORD TOWNSHIP (1793) Weeping, weeping late and early. Walking up and pacing down. Deeply mourned the Lord of Burleigh, Burleigh-house by Stamford-town. - Tennyson. This township, at its first settlement in 1784, was called Mount Dorchester, but Governor Simcoe changed it to Stamford in 1793, taking the new name from a very old town in Lincolnshire. The name Stamford, an early form of which was Staenford, was derived from a passage at the town across the Welland River by stone. According to one story, Stamford was a place of note in the time of the British King Bladud, who reigned 863 years before Christ, but this is disbelieved for the reason that the Roman geographers and historians do not mention such a British town. Henry of Huntingdon says that the Picts and Scots, having ravaged the country as far as Stamford, were defeated there by the Saxon auxiliaries under Heng ist, for which service the British King Vortigern bestowed on the Saxon chief certain lands in Lincolnshire. In the time of the Danes, Stamford was reckoned one of the five great cities of the Kingdom. At one period Stamford had fourteen parish churches, besides chapels, and a university with four colleges. The youngest son of an intestate father inherited the property in Stamford, according to the custom called Borough English. For more than 600 years the barbarous custom of bull-running was perpetuated at 278 NOTHING BUT NAMES Stamford, the diversion taking place six weeks before Christmas. A Roman iron furnace was discovered in the neighborhood, and the elegant residence of the Marquis of Exeter, called Burghley House, is adjacent to Stamford. WAINFLEET TOWNSHIP (1798) The township is named after Wainfleet, situated in a marsh in Lincolnshire, fifteen miles from Boston. It is probable that, previous to the decay of the harbor, the town was located higher up the creek, for the church of All Saints stands at a place called High Wainfleet. The haven is said to be the place where the Romans made salt from the sea-water to supply the whole province. Accord ing to the Canadian Archives, Wainfleet township was first called " Sugar Loaf West," and Gourlay (1822) mentions another " Cranberry Marsh " township, called Wedderburn, adjoining Wainfleet, probably the one now called Moulton. HUMBERSTONE TOWNSHIP (1787) The name comes from Humberston, in Lincolnshire, five miles from Great Grimsby and sixteen miles from Saltfleet CROWLAND TOWNSHIP (1788) The name is from Crowland or Croyland, a very ancient town in Lincolnshire, peculiarily interesting to the antiquary from the ruins of its splendid and WELLAND COUNTY 279 extensive abbey, and its singular triangular-shaped bridge. Ethelbald, King of Mercia, founded a monas tery at Crowland in 716, and in the charter then granted, the name of Welland river is spelled with one 1. The Danes massacred the monks and destroyed the abbey in 870. In 1550 the site was granted to Edward, Lord Clinton. The rivers Welland, Nene, and a drain called Catwater pass under the triangular bridge at Croyland, which dates back to 941, and which may be regarded as the greatest curiosity in Britain, if not in Europe. WILLOUGHBY TOWNSHIP (1787) The lords of Ross, Beaumond and Willoughby, With all their powerful friends are fled to him. — King Richard II. There are seven villages in England named Willough by, three of which are in Lincolnshire. (See Bertie township). BERTIE TOWNSHIP (1784) Ere Norraan William crossed the sea from France, To test his strength in battle's argument ; Ere Saxon .Alfred checked the Danes' advance, A Bertie dwelt on his estate in Kent. -T. Richardson. This township was named in honor of Sir Peregrine Bertie, third Duke of Ancaster and nineteenth Baron Willoughby, who was a member of the Chatham (1766) 28o NOTHING BUT NAMES and Grafton (1767) Governments. The Bertie family came originally into England from Bertiland in Prussia, with the Saxon invasion, and one of the Saxon Kings gave them a castle and town, called Bertiestad, now Bersted, near Maidstone in Kent Leopold de Bertie was constable of Dover Castle in Ethelred's reign, but he quarreled with the King, and his son Burbach Bertie went to France and settled there, until 1154, when Philip Bertie returned to England with Henry II. and recovered his patrimony in Bersted. In Henry VI IP's time Richard Bertie married Catharine, widow of Charles Brandon, Duke of Suffolk, who was Baroness Willoughby of Eresby in her own right They left an only son. Peregrine Bertie, born 1555, whom Queen Elizabeth admitted to the dignity of Lord Willoughby. The Bertie of 1626 was made Earl of Lindsey by Charles I. He was Lord High Admiral of England and was killed at the head of the King's forces in the Civil War. Robert Bertie was made Duke of Ancaster by George I. in 171 5. His son Peregrine Bertie was second Duke, succeeded by Peregrine as third Duke, who raised a regiment of foot when the rebellion of 1745 broke out in Scotland. He died in 1778, and his son Robert, the fourth Duke, dying unmarried in 1779, the title of Baron Willoughby became in abeyance between his two sisters, his uncle Brownlow Bertie becoming fifth Duke of Ancaster, as well as Marquis and Earl of Lindsey. Hon. Peregrine Bertie, M.P. for Oxford, voted against the Canada Bill. Most of the Berties were buried in the family vault at Edenham, about a mile from Grimsthorpe (see Grimsthorpe and Lindsay townships). V^hen Brown- low Bertie died in 1809 the Dukedom of Ancaster became extinct, but it has been revived by Heathcote Drummond, born in 1830. Besides the family seat at Grimsthorpe, there is another called Normanton Park, near Stamford. HALDIMAND COUNTY 281 HALDIMAND COUNTY (1783) A place to live as Britons is what they all demand In the U.E. Loyalist letters to Governor Haldimand. — T. Johnson. This county was called after Sir Frederick Haldimand, born at Yverdun, in the Canton of Berne, near Lake Neuchatel, Switzerland, died in 1791 at the recorded age of seventy. He entered the army in his nineteenth year, in 1762 was a brevet colonel, in 1772 had command of the 60th regiment with the rank of major-general. On Gage leaving for England in 1773 Haldimand was appointed general commanding-in-chief in America. In September, 1777, General Haldimand was appointed Governor- General of Canada, succeeding Sir Guy Carleton. He was the author of what is known as the Haldimand Collection of Letters and Papers, relating to Canadian affairs between 1755 and 1790, which forms part of the Canadian Archives at Ottawa. He granted lands on both sides of the Grand River to the Mohawk Iroquois, who had fought against the Americans in the war, and he had townships surveyed and the arrangements made for the settlement in Upper Canada of the U.E. Loyalists. A township in Northumberland county is also named after Sir Frederick Haldimand. Haldimand has been generally described as a harsh Governor. He certainly made all necessary preparations to resist invasion, but he does not appear to have neglected anything that required to be done in the interests of the expected settlers from the United States, and his papers show him to have been methodical as well as industrious. NOTHING BUT NAMES MOULTON TOWNSHIP (1825) The name of this township, which may have been the Wedderburn mentioned by Gourlay, is taken from Moulton, the family seat of the Boultons, in Lincolnshire, England. Henry J. Boulton, Attorney-General of Upper Canada, got 30,800 acres of Indian land from Earl Selkirk, who got it from W. Jarvis, who got it from the Indians for a promise to pay £S:77S a-nd an actual payment of ;^6oo. For the details of the transaction see Smith's " Canada." Henry J. Boulton, son-of Hon. D'Arcy Boulton, one of the Justices of the King's Bench in Upper Canada, was born in Kensington in 1790, commenced the practice of law in Canada in 1816, was solicitor-general in 1 81 8, and attorney-general in 1829. Pie was Chief Justice of Newfoundland in 1833-38, when he returned to Canada and sat in Parliament for Norfolk county. Dent says the Home Government turned a deaf ear to his perpetual applications for employment, and finding that he had nothing to hope from the Conservative party in Canada, he for some time acted with Mr. Baldwin, even supporting Responsible Government and the Rebellion Losses Bill. In the session of 185 i Mr. Boulton's motion to bring about immediate Provincial legislation on the Clergy Reserves question was defeated by a vote of fifty- two to five. HALDIMAND COUNTY 283 CANBORO TOWNSHIP (1825) Canboro got its name from Benjamin Canby, who procured 19,000 acres of land in the township from an Indian named John Dockstader, on a promise to pay ;!f5,000 to maintain the Indian's children. In Fother gill's Almanac there is mention of the assessments in 1823 on Canby 's settlement in Haldimand, but nothing about the township name. But Gourlay puts the statistics of Canboro and Caistor together in 1817, and says Canboro was settled in 1803. From old title deeds it would appear that Governor Simcoe made a grant to one of the Canbys previous to 1796, which was only partially confirmed by subsequent administrators. SHERBROOKE TOWNSHIP (1825) From Sir John Coape Sherbrooke. (See Sherbrooke township, Lanark county). DUNN TOWNSHIP (1830) Brave General Wolfe as was a wolf that made the Frenchmen run. And bold Burdett (how many a time I've took up Mr. Dunn), And Mr. WilUam Wilbyforce as liberate the nigger. And Princess Sharlot, dead and gone, a very handsome figure. — Punch. This township may possibly have taken its name from Hon. Judge Thomas Dunn, a member of the Executive 284 NOTHING BUT NAMES Council of Canada, who was Administrator of the Govern ment after Sir Robert Shore Milnes went back to England in 1S03. Mr. Dunn came to Canada shortly after the Conquest and married a French Canadian lady, Miss Guichaud. He is described as an enlightened, able and impartial man, very popular with the majority of the people. In 1807 the Legislative Assembh- of Quebec expressed its appreciation of Mr. Dunn's personal worth in ver}- handsome and well merited terms. He assisted General Brock to put the garrison and fortifications of Ouebec in a good state of defence. Mr. Dunn was relieved from the duties of administration b}' Lieutenant-General Sir James Craig's arrival in October, 1807. There is a letter in the Archives, dated May 24th, 1807, in which Judge Allcock sa}'s to Lord Castlereagh : "Dunn, the President, is superannuated, his memor}- has failed, and the injur}- to the colon}' for want of a Governor cannot be conceived." He died April 5, 1817. Another man in whose honor it is more likel}- that this township was named is Hon. John Henry Dunn, who was Receiver- General of Upper Canada in 1S24, four years after his arrival in the countr}-. He was not in 1S36 "a member of an}- political part}-, nor had he an}- special aptitude for political life; but. he was a man of high character and moderate \iews, and was held in much public estimation." After the Union of 1840 he was appointed to the First Executive Council and took his old office of Receiver- General. He became a " trusted member of the Reform party and lepresented the eit}- of Toronto in the Assembl}-." Ka}'e. in his Life of Lord Metcalfe, speaks of Mr. Dunn as " an Englishman of no great acuteness of perception or ardor of patriotism, equall}- wanting in the steadier qualities of order and precision.' He held office in the first Baldwin-Lafontaine Administration. In 1844 HALDIMAND COUNTY 285 he was defeated at the general election in Toronto. He died in London, England, April 21, 1854. The name of John Henry Dunn is mentioned in connection with many of the transfers and surrenders of Indian lands. He acted with Hon. James Baby and Hon. George H. Markland as a trustee for the Indians. CAYUGA TOWNSHIP, NORTH AND SOUTH (1835) Show me a town where there's perfect repose- Ideal place to wear out one's old clothes — That is Cayuga, as everyone knows. -A Law Student, Cayuga is the name of one of the tribes of the Six Nations Indians, to whom lands adjacent to the Grand river were awarded by Governor Haldimand after the Revolutionary War. Their former dwelling place was in New York State, and the Jesuit missionaries described them as the mildest and most tractable of the Iroquois. The name is variously pronounced by the Indians. Mr. Hale says one interpreter gave as the' meaiiing of the word "the fruit country;" another "the place where the canoes are drawn out;" a third "a mountain rising from the water;" a fourth "the mucky land." Dr. Jones says Cayuga is from Ky-u-chy, "the Advising Nation." 3S6 NOTHING BUT .VAMES SENECA TOWNSHIP (1S35) The godlike Seneca, in death sedate, Rises superior, and looks down on fate. — Gentlenitin's .M,ig,i:!ine. l^^K The speecli, which was the composition of Seneca, exhibited many indications of a cultivated ta*le. for the genius of that distinguished man was graceful and agreeable, and suited to the ears of the age iu which he lived. — .-innats qf T.tcitus. The Senecas were .another tribe of the Six Nations. The}' called themselves Sonontowane, meaning "great mountain." The word Seneca is supposed to be of .Algonquin origin, an expression of dislike or hostilit}-, from Sinako, " stone snakes," or mountain snakes. Sennakehte is the Onondaga for "the title -givers." Seneca is also defined as "the people far oft"}-onder," that is, towards the lakes. The accidental resemblance in sound between the Indian tribal name and the name of the Roman philosopher Seneca accounts for the present form and spelling of the word. ONEIDA TOWNSHIP (1S35) " .-Xnd I could weep " — th' Onoid.i chiol' His desc.mt wildl)' thus begun ; " But that 1 may not stain with grief The death-song of my father s son. " — Campbell. This is another Indian tribal name. Oneida, which in French became Onne}-outh or Onnc}ote, is a corruption of HALDIMAND COUNTY 287 a compound word, formed of Onenhia or Onenya, stone, and Kaniote, to be upright or elevated. Onenniote is rendered "the projecting stone." It is applied to a large boulder of syennite, which thrusts its broad shoulder above the earth at the summit of an eminence near which, in early times, the Oneidas had planted their chief settlement. RAINHAM TOWNSHIP (1792) Rainham takes its name from a village in Norfolk, England, near Houghton. This township belonged to Norfolk county, until added to Haldimand by Act of Parliament WALPOLE TOWNSHIP (1792) Will the great Walpole, in the Crowd, regard A verseful visit from his humble Bard ? — Mitchell, The Pelhams next rose up to high renown. But cunningly they first pulled Walpole down. — Epigram by an Eton boy, 1760, This township was not a part of the Indian reserve, but belonged first to Norfolk county. There are two villages called Walpole in Norfolk, England, and one in Kent. The township in Canada was probably named in honor of Sir Robert Walpole, of Houghton, Earl of Orford, born 1676, died 1745, the great Whig statesman, who was for twenty years at the head of the British Government. 288 NOTHING BUT NAMES A friendly critic says that Walpole was beyond question the most eminent, the ablest and the most successful statesman of his day. His ambition only was excessive and insatiable. He was, with the exception perhaps of his brother-in-law, Lord Townshend, the most respectable statesman of that barren period. During his official life he enjoyed sinecures which, with the salary he earned, gave him an income of £2<^,o a year, but that was the fashion of the time. The Duke and Duchess of Marl borough drew salaries aggregating .^90,000 a year. In Green's History Walpole is described as a young Norfolk landowner of fair fortune, with the tastes and air of the class from which he sprang. His big, square figure, his vulgar, good-humored face, were those of a common country squire. And in Walpole the squire underlay the statesman to the last He was ignorant of books, he "loved fieither reading nor writing," and if he had a taste for art, his real love was for the table, the bottle and the chase. He rode as hard as he drank. Where his country breeding showed itself most, however, was in the shrewd, narrow, honest character of his mind. He saw very clearly, but he could not see far, and he would not believe what he could not see. Hon. Horatio Walpole, M.P. for King's Lynn, voted against the Canada Bill. BRANT COUNTY 289 BRANT COUNTY (1853) While shouts of soldiery, and Indian yells From Brant the younger, emulous of his sire, Leading his Mohawks racing to the fray. — Williain Kirby, This county is not one of the originals. Portions of it have belonged to York, to Halton, to Haldimand, to Wentworth and to Oxford. It first appears as a separate county under its present name in 1853. It takes its name from Joseph Brant, or Thayendanegea, a Mohawk chief, who was born on the banks of the Ohio River about 1742. He died at Wellington Square, now called Burlington, Hal ton county, Ontario, November 24, 1807. Brant fought on the British side throughout the Revolutionary War, and made a visit to England in 1786, during which he collected funds for the Mohawk church near Brantford,in which city a statue has been erected in his honor. He translated St. Mark's Gospel and the Book of Common Prayer into the Mohawk language, and became the acknowledged chief of the Confederacy. Brant's sister, Miss Molly, was the mother of Sir William Johnson's children. Their four daughters were most respectably married, and Miss Molly was always very influential and highly respected among the Indians. The Kingston Herald, of September 5, 1832, referring to the death of Captain John Brant, said : " Mr. Brant was the son of the celebrated Indian Chief, Joseph Brant, whose memory was unjustly assailed by Campbell, the poet" Schoolcraft says that " In Brant, barbarism and civilization evinced a strong and singular contest. He was at one moment a savage, and at another 290 NOTHING BUT NAMES a civilian, at one moment cruel and at another humane ; and he exhibited, throughout all the heroic period of his career, a constant vacillation and struggle between good and bad, noble and ignoble feelings, and, as one or the other got the mastery, he was an angel of mercy, or a demon of destruction. His tomahawk and his Testament lay on the same shelf" TUSCARORA TOWNSHIP (1840) 'Twas a narrow escape from the tomahawk's blow. Which the fierce Tuscarora had aimed at his foe. — Tales of the Carolinas. This township is part of the Indian Reserve, and takes its name from one of the tribes. The Tuscaroras dwelt in North Carolina until they were driven out by the English, when they migrated to New York and in 1722 were received into the league of the Five Nations, thereafter called Six Nations. The name Tuscarora means "shirt wearer," and must be of comparatively recent adoption. ONONDAGA TOWNSHIP (1840) But the lawyer knew the scoundrel Thoroughly deserved to hang For the crimes he had committed With the Onondaga gang. — Old Newspaper. Most of this township belongs 'to the Indian Reserve. The Onondagas, in 161 5, occupied the territory in New BRANT COUNTY 291 York from the east end of Oneida lake to the Onondaga valley. The word is corrupted from Onontake — " at the mountain." The site of their town stretched along the broad back and gently sloping sides of a great hill, in the neighborhood of which were rich valleys where the people raised their crops of corn, beans, pumpkins and tobacco. Wampum beads and flint chips are still found at the site of the old Onondaga headquarters. BRANTFORD TOWNSHIP (1840) This township takes its name from the city of Brant- ford, or Brant's ford, ¦ crossing the Grand river. Brant threw a boom across the river at that point. The name is suggestive of Oxford, in England. BURFORD TOWNSHIP (1798) O'er the glimmering wave he hied him, Where the Burford reared her sail. With three thousand ghosts beside him. And in groans did Vernon hail. — Glover. BURFORD belonged to Oxford county before Brant county was set apart, and it took its name from Burford in Oxfordshire, England, an old town called by the Saxons Beorford. In 685 an ecclesiastical synod was held there by Kings Ethelred and Berthwold, at which Adhelm, Bishop of Sherborne, was ordered to write against the error of the British Church respecting the time of the 292 NOTHING BUT NAMES celebration of Easter. A battle was fought near the town in 752 between Ethelbald, King of Mercia, and Cuthbert, King of the West Saxons. Soon after the Conquest Burford was bestowed on Robert, Earl of Gloucester, natural son of Henry I. John Wilmot, the celebrated Earl of Rochester, was educated at Burford free school, founded in 1571. Richard de Burford, born at Droltwich, in Worcester, became Chancellor to Thomas a Becket and was made Bishop of Chichester. He was distinguished for learning and piety, and was canonized by Pope Urban III. in 1362. Admiral Vernon's ship was called the Burford. OAKLAND TOWNSHIP (1821) For I ken you by your weel-busket hat. And your merrie twinkling ee. That ye're the Laird o' the Oakland hills. An' ye may weel seem for to be. — Broom of Cowden-knows. This is a small triangular township, formerly known as the Gore of Burford, and earlier as the Gore of Townsend. It probably took its present name from the oak trees. SOUTH DUMFRIES TOWNSHIP (1816) Same origin as North Dumfries, Waterloo county. NORFOLK COUNTY 293 NORFOLK COUNTY (1792) Cousin of Hereford, what dost thou object Against the Duke of Norfolk, Thomas Mowbray ? — King Richard II. This county is called after Norfolk county in England, which, though not naturally one of the most fertile, has long been one of the best peopled tracts in England and has more parishes than any other county in the Kingdom. The roads are excellent and the navigation almost belts the county round. Barley of the best quality and turnips in abundance are produced in Norfolk ; many sheep are fed, and the woolen industry is extensive. WOODHOUSE TOWNSHIP (1792) While thy brawls infest the skies. The gentle goddess whom we prize Diffuses peace and joy on earth ; Hail the dav that gave her birth I —J. Woodhouse, I76g. David Ritchie settled himself upon a patch of wild moorland on the farm of Woodhouse in Peebles-shire. — Introduction to ''The Black Dwarf." There are nine villages in England named Wood- house, but none of them are located in Norfolk county. Woodhouse is an ancient English famih' name. (See Wentworth). "It is a few miles from Marsala, but it was during a subsequent visit that Lord Nelson gave Messrs. 294 NOTHING BUT NAMES Woodhouse & Co., the original and still one of the principal wine firms there, his autograph order (now framed in their office) for 500 pipes of Marsala wine." — Henry Newbolt. CHARLOTTEVILLE TOWNSHIP (1792) Long, long, then, shall Queen Charlotte's name be dear. And future Queens to her As to their best exemplar look ; Who imitates her best May best deserve our love. —Southey. This township was named after Queen Charlotte Sophia, daughter of the Duke of Mecklenburg Strelitz, born May 16, 1744, married to King George III. in 1761 ; died in 1818, having had nine sons and six daughters. Queen Charlotte was not a beauty, and she was not her husband's first choice, but they lived together for fifty-seven years, setting an example of affection and fidelity that was much needed in tJie last century. When George III. died, Byron wrote : But Where's the proctor who will ask his son ? In whom his qualities are reigning still. Except that household virtue, most uncommon. Of constancy to a bad, ugly woman. George IV.'s daughter, the Princess Charlotte, who would have been Queen of England if she had outlived her father, and who as heir-apparent to the throne was immensely popular, was born in 1796 and died in 181 6. NORFOLK COUNTY 295 WALSINGHAM TOWNSHIP (1792) As ye came from the holy land Of blessed Walsingham, O met you not with my true love As by the way ye came. — Percy Reliques. Off, Walsingham ! — thou putt'st me in a sweat ; I hate a jack-in-office martinet — For ever something most important brewing. For ever busy, busy, nothing doing. —P. Pindar. This township was named after Walsingham, in Norfolk, England, which was formerly noted for the growth of saffron, which has been long abandoned. Walsingham monastery, founded in 1061, obtained great celebrity, became immensely rich and was as much frequented as the shrine of Thomas a Becket. Among its illustrious visitants was Henry VIIL, who in the second year of his reign walked barefoot from Barsham to Walsingham to present a valuable necklace to the image of the virgin. The devotees who had permission to drink of the waters of the Wishing Wells at Walsing ham Abbey were taught to believe that under certain restrictions they should obtain whatever they might desire. The word Walsingham is also the name of a family. Chislehurst Church in Kent contains monuments of the Walsinghams, Berties and other eminent families. The monument of Sir Edmund Walsingham consists of a table tomb, richly ornamented with roses, acorns and foliage, gilt. Sir Francis Walsingham, Queen Elizabeth's Secretary of State, was born at Chislehurst. Hume says he was a man equally celebrated for his abilities and his 296 ¦ NOTHING BUT NAMES integrity. He had passed through many employments, had been very frugal in his expense, yet died so poor that his family was obliged to give him a private burial. He left only one daughter, first married to Sir Philip Sidney, then 'to the Earl of Essex, and lastly to the Earl of Clanricarde of Ireland. Sir William de Grey, Baron Walsingham, was Attorney-General in 1766 and afterward Lord Chief Justice of the Common Pleas. HOUGHTON TOWNSHIP (1792) Shall the bold Muse to Houghton Hall repair And welcome find among the gallants there ? — Mitchell, 1732. This township is called after Houghton, in Norfolk, England, the residence of Sir Robert Walpole. Houghton on the Hill, Houghton in the Hole and New Houghton are the Norfolk villages, and there are twenty-four other Houghtons in other English counties. In the reign of Edward I. " Sir Henry de Walepol was lord of Houton." The word Houghton is derived from Hough, a hill, and ton, a town. Sir Henry Houghton, M.P. for Preston, voted for the Canada Bill. TOWNSEND TOWNSHIP (1792) Poor Townsend, like Mercury, filling two posts. Supervisor of thieves, and chief-usher of ghosts. — Moore. This township was called after Thomas Townshend, Baron Sydney (see Sidney township), second son of NORFOLK COUNTY 297 Charles, second Viscount Townshend, born 1732, died 1800. He was Secretary of State for the Home Depart ment 1782-89. The name Sydney was taken from Robert Sydney, Earl of Leicester, his mother's grandfather. Baron Sydney's daughter Elizabeth was married to John, Earl of Chatham, brother of the younger William Pitt His son, John Thomas Townshend, second Viscount Sydney, born 1764, died 1831, was M.P. for Whitchurch (see Whitchurch township). Under Secretary of State 1782-89, a lord of the admiralty 1790-93, a lord of the treasury 1 793-1 800. Many of Governor Haldimand's despatches were addressed to Townshend. Hon. John Townshend, M.P. for Newport, Hants, voted for the Canada Bill. One of the family was at the taking of Quebec, and it is recorded that General Townshend and Admiral Saunders signed the articles of capitulation, on behalf of the British, in 1759. Of the Lord Townshend, who is referred to as Walpole's brother-in-law (see Walpole township) Lord Mahon says in his History of England : " He left office with a most unblemished character, and, what is less common, a most patriotic moderation." G. Barnett Smith says : " Quarrels between the two Ministers, Walpole and Townshend, had been very frequent. The former declared that the Ministerial firm ' should be Walpole and Townshend, not Townshend and Walpole.' " Another author says : " The politician Lord Townshend, brother-in-law of Sir Robert Walpole, retired to his Norfolk seat in 1728, and there served his country well by encouraging the growth of turnips. Land lords and tenants were both enriched by the greater growth of produce and the just rise in rents." 298 NOTHING BUT NAMES WINDHAM TOWNSHIP (1792) Windham, if e'er thy sorrows flow At private loss or public woe. Thy rigid brow unbend ; Tears over Caesar Brutus shed. His hatred warr'd not with the dead. And Pitt was once thy friend. — George Canning. Wyndham, just to freedom and the throne. The master of our passions and his own. —Pope. The township of Windham took its name from Right Hon. William Windham, Colonial Secretary, whose voluminous correspondence on Canadian affairs fills many pages of the Archives. He voted against the Canada Bill. Macaulay calls William Windham an accomplished and ingenious orator to whom it was a privilege to listen. Mr. Windham was born in London in 1750 and educated at Eton, Glasgow and Oxford. He entered Parlianiient in 1782 as member for Norwich, and sided with the opposi tion till 1793 when he followed the lead of Mr. Burke and was appointed Secretary of War (which then included the Secretaryship for the Colonies) with a seat in the Cabinet, which office he retained till the resignation of Mr. Pitt in 1801. In the Grenville-Fox Cabinet of" All the Talents" Mr. Windham was Secretary of War and the Colonies. In the church at Felbridge, in Norfolk, where the Wind ham estate is situated, is a plain but elegant mural monument, executed by Nollekins, bearing the following inscription : "Sacred to the memory of the Right 'Honorable William Wyndham, of Felbridge, in this county, born the NORFOLK COUNTY 299 14th of May, O.S., 1750, died the 4th of June, N.S., 1810. He was the only son of William Wyndham, Esq., by Sarah, relict of Robert Lukin, Esq. He married in 1798, Cecilia, third daughter of the late Commodore Forest, who erected this monument in grateful and tender remem brance of him. During a period of twenty-six years, he distinguished himself in Parliament by his eloquence and talents, and was repeatedly called to the highest offices of the State. His views and counsels were directed more to raising the glory than increasing the wealth of his country. He was, above all things, anxious to preserve untainted the National Character, and even those National Manners which long habit had associated with that character. As a Statesman he labored to exalt the courage, to improve the comforts, and ennoble the profession of a Soldier. As an individual he exhibited a model of those qualities which denote the most accomplished and enlightened mind. Frank, generous, unassuming, intrepid, compas sionate and pious, he was so highly respected, even by those from whom he most differed in opinion, that though much of his life had passed in political contention, he was accompanied to the grave by the sincere and unqualified regret of his Sovereign and his Country." The Windham family take their name from the town of Wymondham, or Wyndham, in Norfolk. William de Wymondham was overseer of the silver mines in Devon shire in 1293 and held office in the Exchequer. In 1549 Sir William Wyndham was sheriff of the county. The town stands on the high road from Norwich to London. 300 NOTHING BUT NAMES MIDDLETON TOWNSHIP (1792) His name was Major Middleton That manned the bridge of Dee ; His name was Colonel Henderson, That let the cannons flee. — Bonny John Seion. Till royal favor on his labor shone Speeding the mighty work of patriot Middleton. — .-i. Heraud, 1821. There are no less than forty-two villages in England named Middleton, of which one is in Norfolk, four miles from Lynn. Of the prominent men of that name, Sir Hugh Middleton, who made a large fortune in the lead and silver mines of Cardiganshire in the reign of James I., and spent it making the New River to supply London with pure water, is best remembered. Sir Charles Middleton, afterwards Lord Barham, about 1780 built a range of storehouses in connection with Deptford dock yard. He was M.P. for Rochester 1784, rear admiral 1787, vice admiral 1795 and first lord of the admiralty. Sir William Middleton, M.P. for Northumberland, and Lord Viscount Middleton, M.P. for Whitchurch, voted against the Canada Bill. John Middleton, commonly called the "Child of Hale," born at Hale Hall in Lancaster in 1578, was nine feet three inches in height. Sir Gilbert Ireland introduced him to James I. and on his return from London a portrait was taken of him, which is preserved in the library of Brazennose College, Oxford. OXFORD COUNTY 301 OXFORD COUNTY (1798) Names that to fear were never known. Bold Norfolk's Earl de Brotherton, And Oxford's famed De Vere. —Scott. This county takes its name from Oxford city, the capital of Oxfordshire, an inland county of England having the River Thames for its eastern boundary. The history of the city of Oxford cannot be traced beyond the time of Alfred the Great, who established schools of literature there. The name is derived from a ford of the river Ouse — Ouse-no-ford, altered to Oxnaford, and Oxford, hence the city arms show an ox crossing a river. Oxford was twice burned by the Danes, and held out for a time against the Norman Conqueror. The last meeting of Pariiament in Oxford was under Charles II. in 1681. In the reign of King John Oxford University had 3,000 students. NORWICH TOWNSHIP, NORTH AND SOUTH (1795) To stout Saint George of Norwich merry. Saint Thomas, too, of Canterbury, Cuthbert of Durham and Saint Bede For his sins' pardon hath he prayed. -Mai'mion. Norwich township, before the formation of Oxford county, belonged to Norfolk, and was called after the city 302 NOTHING BUT NAMES of Norwich, the metropolis of Norfolk in England. The name is from Nordo-Vicus, or the Northern Ville. In 1348, nearly 58,000 persons died of the plague at Norwich, which shows that it must have been very populous. Many Flemings settled at Norwich and established manufactures, with long wool spun in the adjacent village of Worstead, whence the product took the name of worsted. DEREHAM TOWNSHIP (1795) Dereham's old church our grave attention calls ; The gentle Cowper sleeps within its walls. — Manson. Dereham township was called after Dereham in Norfolk, an ancient English town, the name being given before Oxford county was cut off from Norfolk. Its church, dedicated to Saint Nicholas, belonged to a nunnery founded by Withburga, natural daughter of Arma, King of East Anglia ; which being afterwards destroyed by the Danes, the church was made parochial in 798. Edmund Bonner, of sanguinary notoriety, was rector of this church a short time before he was translated to the See of London ; and here also lie the remains of the poet Cowper, which were interred under the north transept in the year 1800. OXFORD COUNTY 303 OXFORD TOWNSHIP, EAST, WEST AND NORTH (1798) .-V dozen of them here have ta'en the sacrament, .\nd interchangeably set down their hands. To kill the King at Oxford. — King Richard II. See Oxford county. BLENHEIM TOWNSHIP (1798) The bells from Woodstock's steeple Shake Blenheim's fading bough. — G. W, Thornbury. Such was the celebrated battle wliich the French call the battle of Hochstet, the Germans Plentheim, and the English Blenheim. ' — Voltaire. The township is named after Blenheim, situated in the parish of Woodstock and liberty of Oxford, being the demesne containing the magnificent house and park bestowed by national gratitude on the celebrated John Churchill, Duke of Marlborough, for his victory over the French and Bavarians at Blenheim in Bavaria, August 13, 1704. Haifa million sterling was also voted by Parlia ment for the purpose of erecting a palace for the Duke and his descendants. The entrance to Blenheim from Woodstock is through a triumphal arch, of the Corinthian order, constructed under the direction of Sarah, Duchess of Marlborough. A grand telescope, by Herschel, was presented by George III., shortly after the royal visit to Blenheim. Portions of the grounds are connected with the story of Henry II. and fair Rosamond, the daughter of 304 NOTHING BUT NAMES Walter, Lord Clifford, who was compelled by the jealous Queen to swallow poison. A grand column, a hundred and thirty feet high, is surmounted by a colossal statue of the great Duke of Marlborough in a Roman dress. BLANDFORD TOWNSHIP (1798) To Lambeth Lords Blandford and Shaftesbury hurried, Declaring that Exeter Hall was in arms ; In short, my dear Lord, I can't say how I'm worried. Since such proof has been given that " JIusic has charms." — Punch. The township is named from the second title of the Dukes of Marlborough, "Marquis of Blandford," conferred in 1702, and borne by the heir apparent to the dukedom. One Marquis of Blandford served under Wolfe on the continent (see Wolfe Island). The English town of Blandford, from which the title is taken, is in Dorsetshire, in the centre of a fruitful country, on the bank of the River Stour. It is mentioned in the Domesday Book. Blandford Park is near Charlbury in Oxford. It was the seat of Henry Danvers, Earl of Danby, who died there. It was afterwards possessed and occupied by Edward, Earl of Clarendon, who took his title of Viscount from Charlbury. The property was purchased by one of the Dukes of Marlborough (see Marlborough township), and it has since been the occasional residence of the Dukes of Beaufort The present Marquis of Blandford, born September 18, 1897, has the distinction of being the youngest millionaire in the world. According to a current newspaper paragraph, what the child's fortune will amount to can be only roughly computed. Even its possessors OXFORD COUNTY 305 cannot estimate it with exactness, so vast is the figure. At the lowest calculation it will amount to ^£'5,000,000, while some estimates place it at double that figure. William K. Vanderbilt is the present owner of this wealth. His present income is said to be ;6^4,000 a day, and it is growing rapidly. This will go to Consuelo, Duchess of Marlborough, and her two brothers, Willie and Harold Vanderbilt, and on succeeding to the estate the Marl borough heir will come into a fortune from his mother alone of at least ;^5,ooo,ooo. In addition to this the heir of the Marlboroughs will in time succeed to a share in properties valued at over ;£^2,ooo,ooo. ZORRA TOWNSHIP, EAST AND WEST (1819) We come, thy friends and neighbors not unknown. From Eshtaol and Zora's fruitful vale. — Samson Agonistes. Zorra is the Spanish word for a female fox ; a strumpet ; a sly, crafty person. Some prefer to derive this name from Zorah, the birthplace qf Samson, men tioned in Judges xiii. 2. But it probably got its name from Sir Peregrine Maitland, in the same way as Lobo in Middlesex. NISSOURI TOWNSHIP, EAST (1820) NiSSOURI is probably Indian, akin to Missouri, which means " mud river," or river of the big canoe tribe. 3o6 NOTHING BUT NAMES The Embro Courier is responsible for the following : We venture to say that there are few people who know how the township of Nissouri got its name. An old man, whose people now live in the eastern part of Ontario and who in the very early history of Nissouri lived in the northern part of that township, gave the writer a history of how the township was named, which seemed reasonable, and is likely true. Long ago, when this county and other adjoining counties were known as the ' District of Brock,' Scotch settlers named a section (known now as West and East Zorra) after the birthplace of Samson. Some Yankees settled in the west, and in speaking of the section of the county in which they lived, described it as being ' nigh Zorra,' or near Zorra. There are letters yet in the possession of Nissouri people addressed ' nigh Zorra,' but for near half a century the township has been known as Nissouri." Mr. R. W. Sawtell, of Woodstock, writes : " Many believe the ' nigh Zorra ' statement of origin, but Mr. Brown says he knows that is not correct. He says it is an Indian name, probably meaning gurgling or struggling waters, as there is, or was, a place in the river which would warrant such a name. The first public reference made to the township is in Act 2nd, Geo. I V., ch. 3 ( 1 82 1 ). Previous to that it was assessed with Zorra and the two Oxfords. Nissouri was surveyed by Shubael Park, in 1820. Mr. Cameron, born in East Nissouri in 1828, says that, when a boy, he tried to find out, from his father and others, the origin of the name, but did not succeed." ELGIN COUNTY 307 ELGIN COUNTY (1851) Oh, better were it ye had never been, Nor ye, nor Elgin, nor that lesser wight, The victim .sad of vase-collecting spleen. — Childe Harold, original MS. But whilst we here sigh for such pleasures ideal, Lord Elgin is surely a fortunate man. To have found out a land all substantial and real. And fraught with such joys as the joys of Japan. — Punch, Elgin county was part of the Suffolk county mapped out in 1792. Then it was for a long period part of Middlesex county, being separated and given its present name in 185 1, when Lord Elgin was Governor-General of Canada. The name is taken from the city of Elgin in Elgin (formerly Moray) county in Scotland, which gives his chief title to the Earl of Elgin. In former times Elgin was a bishop's see. Its cathedral was founded in 1224 and was burned in 1390 by Alexander Stuart, commonly called the Wolf of Badenoch. The church erected in its place by Bishop Barr was stripped of its lead roof in 1568, so that the lead could be sold to main tain the soldiers of the regent Murray. The noble structure slowly fell to pieces. The great central tower and spire, 198 feet high, fell in 1711. The cathedral, when entire, was an exact model of Lichfield cathedral. Elgin city has been much improved in the present century by the erection of handsome public buildings. 3o8 NOTHING BUT NAMES BAYHAM TOWNSHIP (1810) And thence through Bayham', where was marked before A bridle path. — Col, A, H.Burwell. Near Frant, in Kent, England, are the ruins of Begeham, or Bayham, abbey one of the earliest founda tions for monks of the Premonstratension order, erected in 1200, and inhabited until Cardinal Wolsey took the revenues for his colleges. About 17 14 it was purchased by John Pratt, Esq., and from him it descended to Marquis Camden (see Camden township), who derives from it the title of Viscount Bayham. The demesne round this venerable ruin is finely varied with wood, water and picturesque scenery. Lord Viscount Bayham, M.P. for Bath, voted for the Canada Bill. MALAHIDE TOWNSHIP (1810) The dead-bells are tolling In sad Malahide, The death-wail is rolling Along the sea-side. — Gerald Griffin. Before young Talbot from old Talbot fly. The coward horse, that bears me, fall and die ! And if I fly, I am not Talbot's son ; Then talk no more of flight ; it is no boot ; If son to Talbot, die at Talbot's foot. - — King Henry VI. This township was named after Malahide, a watering place in Ireland, nine miles from Dublin, handsomely ELGIN COUNTY 309 built and frequented by bathers. Malahide, Ireland, was the birthplace of Colonel Thomas Talbot The town of St Thomas, and Talbot street, are also named after the Colonel, who was, in his youth, along with Arthur Wellesley (the Duke of Wellington), an aide-de-camp to the Marquis of Buckingham, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland in 1786-88. On the recommendation of Governor Simcoe, 5,000 acres of land were granted to Mr. Talbot in the township of Yarmouth, and there he built Castle Malahide, where he kept his bachelor quarters and granted or sold land to immigrants, up to the time of his death. Applications for 5,000 acres were common in those days, and not a few obtained a whole township of land, Edward Ermatinger writes that Mr. Charles Ingersoll obtained a grant of the whole township of Oxford ; a person named Saler the township of Townsend, and another person named Daton the township of Burford, on conditions of settlement, which they were unable to fulfil. In the Archives there is a letter from Thomas Talbot to the Duke of Cumberland, asking the Duke to obtain from the King a township of land, free from fees and obligations of location — the land to be subsequently transferred by the Duke to Talbot. This is answered by a letter from the Duke of Kent to Lord Hobart, dated October 11, i8or, in which the grant of the township is recommended, but the Duke does not wish his name to appear in the transaction. Mr. Ermatinger's "Life of Colonel Talbot," published in 1859, contains much valuable information concerning the settlement of the London and St. Thomas districts. 3 1 o NO THING B UT NA MES DORCHESTER TOWNSHIP, SOUTH (1798) His breath-doors of life on a sudden were shut, And he died full as big as a Dorchester butt. — Francis Fa'wkes. This township was named in honor of Sir Guy Carleton, Lord Dorchester (see Carleton county). The town of Dorchester from which the title is taken is delightfully situated on the River Frome, and is the capital of Dorsetshire. It was an important place in Saxon times, and King Athelstan granted it two mints. In 1003 the Danes besieged and burnt Dorchester, demolishing the walls. Clarendon states that Dorchester was more particularly disaffected to the cause of Charles I. than any other place in England. He called it a magazine, from which other places were supplied with the principles of rebellion, and a seat of great malignity. In 1685 Judge Jeffries held his Bloody Assizes in Dorchester, on account of the Duke of Monmouth's rebellion, and many rebels were condemned to death. Another Dorchester, in Oxford, was in former times a place of importance, but its chief splendor was confined to the Saxon ages, and it was not able to recover from the ravages committed b}- the Danes. The poet Chaucer had a residence at Dorchester in Oxford. YARMOUTH TOWNSHIP (1792) Down Yarmouth road we row'd with cutting speed. The wind all quiet, arms must to do the deed. — John Taylor. The township is named after Yarmouth in Norfolk- shire, which takes its name from the River Yare or Yar. ELGIN COUNTY 311 In Domesday Book it is described as a royal demesne with seventy burgesses. It was fortified in 1588, at the time of the alarm from the Spanish Armada. The quay of Yarmouth is the longest and finest in the Kingdom. The barracks for troops were built from the design of Mr. Pilkington. A naval pillar erected in 1817, in commem oration of Admiral Lord Nelson, is 140 feet in height. The principal commerce of Yarmouth is with the Baltic and Mediterranean ports and with Portugal. SOUTHWOLD TOWNSHIP (1792) In matters of commerce the fault of the Dutch Is giving too little and asking too much. In battle at Southwold the Dutchmen proved tough ; Much they took, but they gave us back more than enough. — Canning & Co. The name of this township is from Southwold in Suffolk on the River Blythe, which empties there into the German Ocean. Herrings and sprats are cured there for export. Southwold Bay is celebrated for the sanguinary naval battle that took place there in 1672 between the British and Dutch fleets, and continued till night, when the Dutch vessels, being dreadfully shattered, were obliged to retreat, and the English, having suffered in an equal degree, were in no condition to pursue them. DUNWICH TOWNSHIP (1792) The township is called after Dunwich in Suffolk, which is supposed to have been a Roman station ; and it 312 NO THING BUT NA MES was a place of importance, with many churches, ships of war and other tokens of wealth, in the time of Edward I., but the land has been undermined by the sea until nothing remains but an unimportant village, where sprats are cured in the same manner as herrings are at Yarmouth. ALDBOROUGH TOWNSHIP (1792) By Bawdsey Haven, and by Orford Nass, And so by Aldborough we at last did pass. —John Taylor. There are villages called Aldborough in Norfolk and in Yorkshire, but Aldborough (also called Aldeburgh) in Suffolk after which the township was named is famous as the birthplace of Rev. George Crabbe, born 1754, died 1832, who was introduced by Edmund Burke to Lord Chancellor Thurlow, who presented Mr. Crabbe to rectories in Dorset and Lincoln consecutivel}'. The publications of Mr. Crabbe have placed him high on the roll of British poets ; he is styled "the Poet of the Poor." MIDDLE.SEX COUNTY 313 MIDDLESEX COUNTY (1796) And so through the night went his cry of alarm To every Middlesex village and farm. — Longfellow. Mini)LEsi;.x county, which extended from Lake Erie to Lake Huron before a row of townships was taken away from it to form Elgin county, is still very large, unlike the Middlesex in l<2ngland, after which it is named. The whole of the 200,000 acres in the English Middlesex may be considered as a sort of demesne to the metropolis, being covered with its villas, intersected* by roads leading to the city, and laid out in gardens and enclosures of all sorts for its convenience and support. The united cities of London and Westminster are situated on the north bank of the Thames. Previous to the Roman invasion Middlesex (the country of the Middle Saxons) was inhabited by a people called in the British language Trinovantwys. DORCHESTER TOWNSHIP, NORTH (1798) See South Dorchester township and Carleton county. 314 NOTHING BUT NAMES WESTMINSTER TOWNSHIP (1798) In grim Westminster, 'neath its ancient nave And century-chronicling arches span on span, England doth give her greatest heart a grave. Housing at last this wondrous modern man ; 'Round whose hushed rest the mad world thunders on. As loud Atlantic surfs o'er some old galleon. — W. Wilfrid Campbell. The ancient city of Westminster in England, after which this township was named on account of its proximity to London, was rnade a bishopric, and therefore a city, in the sixteenth century, but its first and last bishop, Thomas 'Thirleby, was translated to Norwich in 1550; the see was suppressed, but Westminster has ever since ranked as a city, and the second in the empire. Its principal ornament for many centuries has been its magnificent abbey, the site of which was, in early times, one of the most desolate-looking tracts in the neighbor hood of the capital ; encompassed on three sides by water, over-grown with brambles, and appropriately called "Thorny Island." A temple of Apollo is said to have occupied the site of the present Abbey of Westminster. This was destroyed and a Christian Church erected by Lucius (so tradition states) some time after A.D. 170. Another King (Siebert of the East Saxons) built a church there during the seventh century. A small portion of its wall is shown in the present building. King Edward (the Confessor) founded the Abbey and Church of West minster, or the West-Minster, and had it consecrated December 28, 1065. A day or two afterwards Edward died and was on New Year's morning, 1066, buried in his MIDDLESEX COUNTl 315 new minster. His successor, Harold, the last of the Saxon Kings, was crowned there on the afternoon of the same day. It will be noted that from the first week of its consecration the church of Westminster Abbey was used as a place of sepulchre for the illustrious dead of England. Canadian visitors note with satisfaction the magnificent monument of General Wolfe, the hero of the Plains of Abraham. DELAWARE TOWNSHIP (1798) Though he's fighting me in armour. While I arn hghting bare. Even more than this I'd venture For young Lord Delaware. — Lyle' s A}icunil Ballads. ^'et, yet forgive me, oh ye sacred few. Whom late by Delaware's green banks I knew. — Moore. The township of Delaware is called from the Indian tribe of that name, who, having been converted by the Moravians, were driven from one point to another in the United States, some of them finally settling on the Thames River in Upper Canada. The name comes from Lord De la Warr, Governor of Virginia in 1610, the descendant of Sir Thomas West, of Snitterfield, county of Warwick, who accompanied Edward III. to France in 1329 and helped him fight David Bruce, King of Scotland in 1333. The name was formerly written De la Warre. 3 1 6 NO THING B UT NA MES CARADOC TOWNSHIP (1S20) The first was Lancelot de Lac, The second Tristrem bold. The third was valiant Carodac Wlio won the cup of gold. — The Bridal of Triermain. This is a name both ancient and famous. "About two miles from Church Stretton, in Shropshire, is Caer Caradoc, or the Mount of Caractacus, on the top of which are the remains of an old British camp surrounded b}' a double ditch ; the prospect from the summit is ver}- extensive." — Dugdale. "In Shropshire, where the River Colun meets the Ri\er Temd, among several dangerous fords ariseth a hill, accessible but at one place and ver}- famous in ancient times, called Caer Caradock, because about the }-ear of our Lord 53 Caratacus, a renowned British King, fortified it with a bulwark of stone, and defended it gallantly against Octavius and the Roman legions. The}- tell us that a King was beaten on this hill ; and in the \\'elsh book called Triades, among the three renowned British heroes, Caradauc is the chief, who seems undoubtedly to have been this same Caratacus.'' "On the side of Ludlow Castle, in Shropshire, opposite the town are seen Oakley Park, the celebrated Caer Caradoc, and the Clee Hill." Caradoc, King of \^'ales, was slain A.D. 795, at The Marsh, or Morfa Rhuddla, in Flintshire, where a bloody conflict took place between the Saxons and the \\"elsh. There is a beautiful, plaintive melody, which borrows its MIDDLESEX COUNTY 317 name from the occasion, preserved in "Jones' Musical Reliques." There is a district in Wales mentioned by Sir Roderick Murchison, the geologist, as "the Caradoc formation." The word is also a modern family name. Right Hon. John Hobart Caradoc, Lord Howden, born 1799, as Col. Caradoc was present at Navarino and at the siege of Antwerp. In 1850 he was ambassador at the court of Madrid. He sat in Parliament as M. P. for Dundalk before the passing of the Reform Bill. "The Caradoc" was the name of the ship upon which Lord Raglan went to the Crimea in 1854, and his body was taken back to England on the same ship for interment. EKFRID TOWNSHIP (1821) On history's page place Egfrid's name above Later exemplars of Platonic love. — Corbett. Ekfrid, or Egfrid, or Ecgfrith, is another historical British name. As Caradoc of Wales fought the Saxons, so Ekfrid of Northumbria fought the Britons. The Venerable Bede says that Prince Egfrid, son of Oswy, King of Northumberland, married Princess Etheldreda, daughter of Anna, King of East Anglia, who was born about the year 630. She had received from her first husband, Tonbert, full possession of the Isle of Ely, which had been settled on her in dower. On the death of Oswy in 670 Egfrid succeeded to the throne, but Etheldreda, pleading religious conviction, got his permission to enter the monastery of Coldingharn, whence she refused to return. Egfrid's esteem for her increasing, he resolved. 3i8 NOTHING BUT NAMES as persuasions were ineffectual, to remove her by force. She fled to the Isle of Ely, pursued by King Egfrid who overtook her near a rocky eminence, where she was suddenly surrounded by water. Egfrid, believing this to be an interposition of heaven in her favor, retired to York and permitted her to pursue her journey to Ely, where she founded a church and was surrounded until her death by a congregation of religious persons. The husband found diversion, if not consolation, in deeds of arms. Green says that Ecgfrith so utterly defeated Wulfhere that he was glad to purchase peace by the surrender of Lincoln shire. Ecgfrith's reign marks the highest pitch of Northumbrian power. His armies chased the Britons from the Kingdom of Cumbria and made the district of Carlisle English ground. The Firth of Forth had long been the limit of Northumbria, but in 685 Ecgfrith resolved on the subjection of the Picts and marched across the Forth. In a few days a solitary fugitive told that the Picts had turned at bay as the English army entered Fife, and that Ecgfrith and the flower of his nobles lay, a ghastly ring of corpses, on the far-off moorland of Nectansmere. MOSA TOWNSHIP (1821I " Brotier thinks the wood where Civilis held his convention was between the Rhine and the Mosa (the Meuse), at a place now called Dooden-Werd. " — Note to History of Tacitus. MoSA is the Latin and the Spanish name of the River Meuse, in Belgic Gaul. It was on the banks of the River Meuse that Blucher's Prussian army was drawn up a few days before the battle of Waterloo. The Germans call the river Maas. MIDDLESEX COUNTY 319 METCALFE TOWNSHIP (1847) Oh ! thrice ennobled in Canadian love, Metcalfe, the wise and good, the sure defence And bright adornment of our northern land . . . The sage, the Christian and the statesman joined, And Metcalfe's name the synonym of all. - ir. Kirby. This township was called Metcalfe after Sir Charles (Lord) Metcalfe, born in Calcutta, 1785, died 1846. He was Governor-General of Canada in 1843, after having performed eminent services in India. His epitaph, written by Macaulay, terms him "a statesman, tried in many offices and difficult corijunctures, and found equal to all." A good man, kind, generous and affable, with a heart overflowing with Christian charity, and a hand ever ready to assist the need}'. Sir Charles Metcalfe removed every restriction and conferred upon British India a totally unshackled press. He was raised to the peerage in 1844, but on account of terrible suffering from cancer he was obliged to leave Canada after onl}- two }'ears of office. Metcalfe is a small township, which was cut off from Adelaide, probably because Lord Mountcashel held so much wild land, on the absentee principle, in the latter township. 320 NOTHING BUT NAMES ADELAIDE TOWNSHIP (1830) Know ye the voice that so thrillingly rings From the gods to the pit as Miss Adelaide sings ? — Punch. In William's way there came a maiden fair. With soft, meek look, and sweet, retiring air. — Crabbe. This township was named in honor of Amelia Adelaide Louisa Theresa Carolina, eldest daughter of George, Duke of Saxe-Coburg-Meiningen, and wife of King William IV. of England, born 1792, died 1849. In one biographical sketch of this lady it is stated that " in the month of June, 1818, it was her happy fortune to be united to his Royal Highness the Duke of Clarence ; that the fine disposition and cultivated mind of the Duchess were soon made conspicuous in deeds of kindness and benevolence, and that when the Duke of Clarence, in 1830, became King of England, Her Royal Highness burst into tears, but quickly recovered her presence of mind." The same writer says that " no monarch had ever more reason to respect and love the partner of his royal eminence than William the Fourth." All of which may be true. But in 181 8, at the time of their marriage, William was fifty-three years old and Adelaide was twenty-six, and William already had four sons and four daughters whose mother was still alive. A more glaring and outrageous case of bigamy has seldom been recorded. King William died in 1837. His ro}-al widow, known for the succeeding twelve years as " the Queen Dowager," won the deepest respect of the nation by her gentle, womanly virtues, and by the sincere and humble piety of her character as a Christian. Dying in MIDDLESEX COUNTY 321 1849, she left directions that her mortal remains should be borne to the grave, without any pomp or state, by sailors. WEST NISSOURI TOWNSHIP (1820) See East Nissouri. LONDON TOWNSHIP (1798) 'Mid modern London's thund'rous throb and roar. Centre of all that storm of human life, That mad unrest, on whose high wave he bore The brunt of battle, greatest in its strife. This man shall sleep ; whose time-worn titan breast Now throbs no more to break its mighty rest. — W. Wafrid Campbell. This township takes its name from London, the metropolis of the British Empire, the largest, most popu lous and wealthiest city in the world, which was a British town before the arrival of the Romans in Britain. Tacitus called it Londinium. The Romans under Claudius called it Augusta. The name selected by Governor Simcoe for his proposed city at the forks of the Thames was Georgina, but his successor preferred London as the appropriate name for the capital of Middlesex county, and even the street, bridge and suburban names are copied from those of old London. 322 NOTHING BUT NAMES LOBO TOWNSHIP (1821) From Lobo, the Spanish word for wolf (See Oso, Mono and Zorra.) A correspondent of the Gentleman's Magazine (1830) writes of the "Voyage to Abyssinia" being "translated from Lobo," in 1789, and adds that it had been published as long ago as 1735. BIDDULPH TOWNSHIP (1830) The township of Biddulph, which originally belonged to Huron cotint}', takes its name from Robert Biddulph, one of the original directors of the Canada Land Company. The name is prominent in the rolls of the British army and legislature. Michael Biddulph is member for Ross Division (Hereford) in the House of Commons. Theo. G. Biddulph is a baronet, with the title dating from 1664. General Sir Robert Biddulph is a G. C. M. G., General Sir Michael A. S. Biddulph is Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod, and Lady Elizabeth Biddulph is one of the Queen's Bedchamber Women. There is a village in Staffordshire called Biddulph. McGILLIVRAY TOWNSHIP (1830) Was named after Simon McGillivray, Director of the Canada Land Company. This township at first belonged to Huron County. Simon McGillivray, of the firm of McTavish, Fraser & Co., wrote to Lord Liverpool on Nov. 10, 1 8 10, enclosing copies of documents trans mitted to the Marquis of Wellesley from the Committee of British merchants interested in the trade and fisheries MIDDLESEX COUNTY 323 of His Majesty's North American Colonies. On Jan. 2, 18 1 3, Simon McGillivray wrote to Mr. Goulbourn a letter, dated London, respecting the application of the North west Company to the Admiralty for protection to their intended expedition. In the Archives of 1897, Simon McGillivray is very frequently mentioned (in one case Simon McGillivray, junior), in connection with events occurring between 1811 and 1820. In one letter (Aug. 15, 1 819) Attorney-General Robinson proposed to include Simon McGillivray with others in a charge of conspiracy. On April 22, 1821, J. G. McTavish wrote from Fort William an account of the arrest of Simon McGillivray at Fort Wedderburn. In 1822, in response to appeals from the Masonic Convention, the Grand Lodge of England authorized Brother Simon McGillivray to proceed to Canada and reorganize the craft. This he accomplished by the opening of a Provincial Grand Lodge at York in October, 1822. WILLIAMS TOWNSHIP, EAST AND WEST (1830) Divinest Williams, in fine frenzy s hour, Didst see an Eagle (through prophetic lens) Protect the feathered warblers, but devour The Little Birds who make of feathers — pens !" — A French Journalist in Punch, This township was named after \\'illiam Williams, M.P., Deputy Governor of the Canada Land Company, Kingsford says " the new Governor sent to conduct the affairs of the Hudson's Bay Company (in 18 18) was Mr. William Williams, who had been in the service of the East India Company." This was probably the same Mr. Williams. 324 NOTHING BUT NAMES KENT COUNTY (1792) Kent, in the commentaries Csesar writ, Is term'd the civil'st place of all this isle ; Sweet is the country, because full of riches ; The people liberal, valiant, active, wealthy. — King Henry VI. This county was called after Kent, a maritime county of England, very beautiful in its general aspect, owing to the inequality of its surface and the diversity of the scenery. Hop-growing, sheep-raising and ship-building are among its important industries. The Kentish men met William the Conqueror and demanded and obtained the confirmation of all their rights and privileges, as the condition of their submission. Kent was one of the Kingdoms of the Saxon Heptarchy. The Canadian county of Kent, as first constituted, had its nominal northern boundary at the Hudson Bay territory, and included "all the territory to the westward and southward to the utmost extent of the country commonly known by the name of Canada," which explains why the present Essex has some townships with Kent names, and vice versa. In the year 1800 the limits of the county were determined about as they remain to the present day_ James Soutar, of Chatham, says that prior to 1794 the townships of Kent were numbered. Zone was named in 1821 ; the other townships in 1794, the first survey being made in 1792. KENT COUNTY 325 ORFORD TOWNSHIP (1794) For Orford and for Waldegrave You gave much more than me you gave ; Which is not fairly to behave. — Byron s jwte to Murray, Shall this new throng of ministers succeed ? And Orford, spite of new creation, bleed ? — Gentleman's Magazine, 1742, The township takes its name from the town of Orford in Suffolk, which was a place of importance until the sea threw up a dangerous bar and choked the mouth of the harbor. The township was named before Simcoe's Suffolk county was abolished. There is a considerable oyster fishery at Orford as well as a ruined Norman castle and a lighthouse. Sir Robert Walpole was made Earl of Orford in 1742. Before that time the title belonged to a branch of the Russells, for " Edward Russell, Earl of Orford, who commanded at the celebrated battle of La Hogue, resided in Chelsea, 1703-07. Sir Robert Walpole subsequently obtained from the Crown a lease of the house and gardens, and made this spot his occasional residence." HOWARD TOWNSHIP (1794) When, from beneath the greenwood tree. Rode forth Lord Howard's chivalry. — Lay of the Last Minstrel. The township was named after Thomas Howard, Earl of Effingham, whose daughter, Lady Mary Howard, was 326 NOTHING BUT NAMES married in 1772 to Sir Guy Carleton, who was Governor- General of Canada at the time this township was sur\-eyed and named. Sir George Howard, ^M.P. for Stamford, voted for the Canada Bill. HARWICH TOWNSHIP (1794) We saw the far-spent day withdraw his light, And made for Harwich, where we la)' all night. — John Taylor. The township is called after Harwich in Essex, England, which gets its name from the Saxon terms hare, an army, and wick or wich, a strong place, suggesting its having been a fortified place for troops. A naval engage ment between the Anglo-Saxon and Danish fleets took place at Harwich in SS4. Ship-building furnishes employment to most of its inhabitants. The scenerj' of the river is beautiful, and the town is much frequented in summer for sea-bathing. RALEIGH TOWNSHIP (1794) A\-e've Raleighs still for Raleigh's part We've Nelsons yet unknown. — H. C. Meri-cale. There is a parish called Rayleigh on the old maps of Essex, England, which was formerly a market town, with a Lawless Court, at which the tenants were bound to appear once a year at the first cock-crowing ; all the business being conducted in whispers. But the tdwnship KENT COUNTY 327 may have been named after Sir Walter Raleigh, born 1552, beheaded 1618, a favorite of Queen Elizabeth, who brought potatoes and tobacco from Virginia — "a man of imposing person, dauntless courage, extensive knowledge and varied accomplishments. His speeches show a knowledge of the principle of political economy far above his time." Macaulay says in his essay on "Burleigh and his Times : " "We had intended to say something concerning Raleigh the soldier, the sailor, the scholar, the courtier, the orator, the poet, the historian, the philosopher, whom we picture to ourselves, sometimes reviewing the Queen's guard, sometimes giving chase to a Spanish galleon, then answering the chiefs of the country party in the House ot Commons, then again murmuring one of his sweet love- songs too near the ears of Her Highness' maids of honor, and soon after poring over the Talmud, or collating Polybius with Livy." Carew Raleigh, son of Sir Walter, was buried at Horsley West in Surrey; near his coffin a human skull, without any other bones or covering, was found in a niche in the rock of chalk, which is supposed to have been that of Sir Walter, brought there by his son with the intention of having it buried with himself Within a short distance is the venerable old mansion, which formerly belonged to the Raleigh family. TILBURY TOWNSHIP, EAST (1794) I am ready to bet my new Tilbury that If Luvois has proposed, the Comtesse has refused. — Owen Meredith. This township is named after Tilbury Fort in Essex, England, which stands close to the banks of the Thames ; 328 NOTHING BUT NAMES it was originali}- a block house, erected in the time of Henry ^'II1., but after the memorable attack of the Dutch fleet in 1667, it was converted into a regular fortification. In the neighborhood some traces of the camp, formed to oppose the invasion of the Spanish Armada in the reign of Elizabeth, are still visible. Tilbury East is situated on the part of the Thames called the Hope, where there is a battery for the defence of the Thames below Tilbur}- Fort. Here was an ancient ferr}- over the Thames, said to be the place where Claudius passed in pursuit of the Britons. The lofty tower of the ancient manor house of Gossah-ne was battered down b}- the Dutch fleet in the reign of Charles IL ROMNEY TOWNSHIP (1794) ^\"ere Romney's limning true, ^\-hat a lucky dog were you." — Fred. Locker. By Hyde, b}- Romney and by Romney Marsh, The tide against us. and the wind blew harsh. — John Taylor. Romney township takes its name from a deca}'ed town and Cinque Port in Kent, England. Romney INIarsh, a sheep pasture of 24,000 acres, is protected from the sea by an immense embankment Romne}- Marsh was a favorite place for smugglers to operate in the old days of high customs duties, owing to its low, sand}^ flats, where eas}- landings could be effected, and the hill}- and broken ground at the back, which afforded exceptional facilities for the concealment of contraband goods. George Romne}- was an English painter, 1734-1S02, who obtained in 1763 the second premium of fift}- guineas for a picture of the Death of General ^^'olfe. KENT COUNTY 329 ZONE TOWNSHIP (1821) And every one .said, " How tall they've grown. For they ve been to the Lakes, and the Torrible Zone." — Edward Lear. The present township of Zone was cut off from the northern part of Orford, it being thought advisable to give a separate organization to the zone or district reserved for the Moravian Indians. The original township of Zone included Euphemia. CAMDEN TOWNSHIP, WEST (1794) See Camden East, Addington county. CHATHAM TOWNSHIP (1794) " How now, who's there ? " " The clerk of Chatham ; he can write, and read, and cast accompt." " O monstrous ! " " We took him setting of boys' copies." " Here's a villain." — King Henry Vl. The township takes the name of the city of Chatham, on the river Medway, built on the site of a Roman camp, from which many skeletons and coins have been dug up. William I. granted the manor to Bishop Odo, and subse quently to Haman de Crevecoeur, a Norman knight. The 330 NOTHING BUT NAMES importance of the town of Chatham has arisen from its dockyard and arsenal, instituted in the reign of Elizabeth and since greatly extended. There is a hospital in Chatham for decayed mariners and shipwrights, founded in 1592 by the brave Admiral Sir John Hawkins, and incorporated by Queen Elizabeth. The dockyard is a mile long. In 1667 the Dutch, under De Ruyter, sailed up to Chatham, destroyed the stores, and carried off a ship of war, the Royal Charles. On September 20th, 1793, Governor Simcoe wrote to Secretary Dundas proposing London as the seat of Government for Upper Canada, and stating that he had marked out a place to be called Oxford (Woodstock), likely to become a town, and another likel}- to become the capital of the Lower District, called Chatham. (Archives of 1891). The situations of these three points on the Canadian Thames, corresponding to Oxford, London, and Chatham on the Thames in England, suggests Simcoe's motive in selecting those names. William Pitt, junior, was Premier 1783-1801, and the fact that he was the son of \A'illiam Pitt, first Earl of Chatham, may have had something to do with the choice of this name by Simcoe for the town and township. The story of William Pitt, the great Commoner, born 1708, died 1778, from the time he entered Parliament as a young cornet of horse and replied to Sir Robert Walpole's charge of youth and inexperience in the speech beginning with " The atrocious crime of being a young man," until he sank, nigh unto death, while speaking in the House of Lords against the motion of the Duke of Richmond to recognize the independence of America, is familiar to every student of English history. Macaulay says : " Chatham sleeps near the northern door of the Church KENT COUNTY 331 (Westminster Abbey) in a spot which has ever since been appropriated to statesmen, as the other end of the same transept has long been to poets. Mansfield rests there, and the second William Pitt, and Fox, and Grattan, and Canning, and Wilberforce. In no other cemetery do so many great citizens lie within so narrow a space. High' over those venerable graves towers the stately monument of Chatham, and from above, his effigy, graven by a cunning hand, seems still, with eagle face and outstretched arms, to bid- England be of good cheer, and to hurl defiance at her foes. The generation which reared that memorial of him has disappeared. The time has come when the rash and indiscriminate judgments which his contemporaries passed on his character may be calmly revised by history. And history, while for the warning of vehement, high and daring natures, she notes his many errors, will yet deliberately pronounce that, among the eminent men whose bones lie near his, scarcely one has left a more stainless, and none a more splendid, name.'' Green says : — " Pitt (Chatham) could silence an opponent with a look of scorn, or crush the whole House with a single word, but he never stooped to the arts by which men form a political party. His real strength, indeed, lay not in Parliament, but in the people at large." In the Canadian Archives there is a minute of the Executive Council, dated January 17, 1 807, on Col. Robertson's memorial for reimbursement of his expenses for surveying and subdividing the township of Chatham. NOTHING BUT NAMES DOVER TOWNSHIP, EAST AND WEST (1794) When he ruled all seas over, from Euxine to Dover, And bore down on John Bull, that piratical rover. —Punch, The township takes its name from Dover, in Kent, long celebrated as a sea port, which occupies a romantic situation. Its name is derived from the British word Dif}^rrha, which signifies a steep place, whence the Saxons called it Dorpa and Antoninus called it Dubris. The fortress was probably erected in the reign of the Emperor Claudius. The walls enclose thirt}--five acres and the barracks accommodate 2,000 men. The wells which supph' the garrison with water are 370 feet deep. Dover has become the residence of man}- families during the bathing season. Philip Yorke. Earl of Hardwicke, Lord Chief Justice and Lord Chancellor, was born at Dover in 1690 and died in 1764. LAMBTON COUNTY 333 LAMBTON COUNTY (1850) Nor believe in the Bible with faith so firm As the legend of the Lambton worm. — Durham Chronicle. This county was named in honor of Sir John George Lambton, Earl of Durham, born 1792, died 1840. He represented Durham in the House of Commons 1813-28; was Ambassador to Russia; Lord Privy Seal 1830-33; Governor-General of Canada 1838-40. He made the famous report, sometimes credited to his Secretary Buller, which resulted in the union of the two Canadas and the establishment of the municipal system. The Lambton family has occupied the same estate at Lambton in Durham since a period very soon after the Norman Conquest. Lord Durham's father was a Whig member of Parliament ; his mother was Lady Anne Barbara Frances Villiers, daughter of the Earl of Jersey, and four years after the death of Mr. Lambton she married Hon. Charles William Wyndham, son of the Earl of Egremont. Lord Durham was an outspoken Radical when he was in the House of Commons and his elevation to the peerage in 1828 did not change his tone. He was twice married, his second wife being a daughter of Earl Grey, Premier of Great Britain. One of Lord Durham's daughters married the Earl of Elgin who was Governor of Canada. 334 NOTHING BUT NAMES EUPHEMIA TOWNSHIP (184S) EUPHE.MIA is a Greek word, meaning "good language, silence, praise." The township was called after Mrs. Euphemia Cameron, nee McGregor, mother of the Hon. Malcolm Cameron, who represented Kent and Lambton in Parliament in 1848, and was Assistant Commissioner of Public Works in the Baldwin-Lafontaine Government. On the old maps Euphemia is included in Zone. BROOKE TOWNSHIP (1834) Though no "braes," they have Bankes, and a. Brooke, though no fountain ; .A. Hill they ve secured ; they ve no place for a mountain. — Westminster Collection, Punch. This township is by some believed to have been named in honor of Sir James Brooke, born 1803, died 1868, Rajah of Sarawak (see Sarawak township) whose exploits from 1838 to 1S47 in establishing a British protectorate over that portion of Borneo made him the popular hero of the period. Its proximity to Warwick township suggests another origin, one of the titles of the Earl of Warwick being Baron Brooke. In the time of Henr}- \\\. one of the Willoughb}-s was made Baron Brooke, the title being taken from his place of residence, Brooke, near Westbur}-, in \A'iltshire, so called from the rivulet that runs there. By intermarriage with the Beauchamps and the Grevilles, the titles of Brooke and W^arwick came into the same LAMBTON COUNTY 335 family. The Lord Brooke of Charles I.'s time had serious intentions of emigrating to America, but he afterwards joined the Parliamentary forces and fought against the King. The town of Saybrook in New England is located on the land acquired for a settlement by Viscount Say and Sele and Lord Brooke. The name of Daniel Brooke, Lieutenant and Acting Adjutant, is attached to several of the treaties made with the Indians in the first half of this century. WARWICK TOWNSHIP (1834) By gallant Guy of Warwick slain Was Colbrand, that gigantic Dane. -Huddesford, For then I'll marry Warwick's youngest daughter. What, though I killed her husband, and her father ! The readiest way to make the wench amends. Is — to become her husband, and her father. — King Richa.rd III, The township is named after Warwick, an inland county of England, intersected by the great Roman road called Watling street. In 1263 Kenilworth Castle was garrisoned by the Barons in revolt against Henry III. In the civil war in the 17th century, the people of Warwick in general adhered to the cause of the Parliament, prob ably through the influence of the Earl of Warwick and Lord Brooke. The land in the Forest of Arden is especially adapted for the growth of the oak. The town of Warwick is situated on the Avon. It is not a place of much commercial importance. Warwick Castle, one of the finest baronial residences remaining in England, is situated upon a rock which rises perpendicularly forty feet 336 NOTHING BUT NAMES above the Avon. Guy's Tower was built in 1394 by Thomas Beauchamp, Earl of Warwick. The walls are ten feet thick. At the hamlet of Guy's Cliff, in Warwick shire, is a church with a cell for a hermit, to which Guy, Earl of Warwick, renowned in story, is said to have retired after his duel with the Danish giant, Colebrand. On the cliff, not far from the church, is a gigantic figure, cut out of massive rock, by Richard Beauchamp, in the reign of Henry VI., to perpetuate the memory of the exploits of his ancestor, Guy. BOSANQUET TOWNSHIP (1830) The township of Bosanquet was called after Charles Bosanquet, M.P., first Governor of the Canada Company. The name is an uncommon one, but it appears occasionally in the literature of the century. One of the Smiths of the Baron Carrington connection was authorized to take the name of Bosanquet after that of Smith, having married in 1858 Cecilia Jane Wentworth, only child and heir of George Jacob Bosanquet, of Broxbournbury, Herts. Jacob Bosanquet was connected with the East India Company in 1797, and was Chairman of the Court of Directors of the East India Company in 1802. In that capacity he wrote instructions to the Marquis Wellesley. Another Mr. Bosanquet was mate of H.M. brig Black Joke, which on April 22, 1831, captured the Spanish brig Marinerito off the west coast of Africa with 496 slaves on board. Mr. Bosanquet was wounded while leading the boarding party. LAMBTON COUNTY 337 DAWN TOWNSHIP (1829) Soon on another sky the Dawn restores Auroral glories, soon the sequent sun Returns, and soon with might Scattereth shafts ethereal, and anon Lucent shall flood with flame your floors. — Giacomo Leopardi. The oldest inhabitants cannot explain the name of this township. A Mr. King, of Virginia, settled some of his freed slaves there, and it is suggested that this name may have come from the idea of the Dawn of Liberty. The society at Dresden which took charge of the refugee slaves was called the British and American Institution. The name of Dawn is found on the first Canada Company map, dedicated to George IV., and therefore issued before 1830, whereas the dealings with the liberated slaves were of a later date. ENNISKILLEN TOWNSHIP (1834) In spurs and out sabres ! Now bend to your labors, Enniskillen and gallant Scots Gray I Full oft in the fight you've aforetime stood neighbors. But ne'er in more desperate fray. — The Battle of Balaklava. The township of Enniskillen takes its name from the town in Ireland where the Protestants won a battle in 1689. Sir Galbraith Lowry Cole, born 1772, died 1842, son of the first Earl of Enniskillen, was a General who fought at Salamanca and Vittoria, and was probably A 338 NOTHING BUT NAMES comrade in arms of Sir John Colborne. His brother, John Willoughby Cole, second Earl of Enniskillen, married Lady Charlotte Paget, daughter of the Earl of Uxbridge, and sister of the first ^larquis of .Anglese}- (see Anglesey township). Enniskillen in Fermanagh, founded b}- Pro testant settlers, received a municipal charter in 1612. The word is derived from the Gaelic Inis-Cethlenn, which means, Cethlenn's island. PLYMPTON TOWNSHIP (1S34) Dear Croom and dear Plimpton, thanks for your letter, Go on as you're doing ; you couldn't do better. —Punch. This name is from Pl}'mpton, a town in Devonshire, on the river Plym, near which was Beechwood, a beautiful residence belonging to Lord Seaton (Sir John Colborne). The ancient castle at Plympton, now in ruins, covered two acres. Sir Joshua Reynolds, the illustrious artist, was born at Plympton in 1723. SARNIA TOWNSHIP (1S35) Sarnia is the Roman name of the Isle of Guernsey, where Sir John Colborne was Governor, before he came to Canada. Guernsey was formerly a part of the Duchy of Normandy, and was annexed to England b}- Henr}- I. in 1108. Ever}- part of the coast is fortified. Fig trees, myrtles, geraniums and oranges grow luxuriantly in the LAMBTON COUNTY 339 genial climate of Guernse}'. The inhabitants are chiefly of Norman or Breton extraction. The tradition with regard to the naming of Sarnia town and township is that in 1835 Sir John Colborne, then Governor, visited Sarnia (then called The Rapids) with a view of establishing a fort for the protection of Canada ; that he was feasted right royally by the Sarnia celebrities of the day, among whom were Geo. Durand, Capt Vidal, John Jones, Capt Elliott, S. Proctor, etc.; that an excursion (the first on record in Lambton) was planned for a trip up the rapids into Lake Huron ; that just as the boat got rightly into the lake a stiff breeze from the Manitoulins^sprang up, inducing His Excellency to give the captain orders to " bout ship" and get into the St. Clair again. The story goes that a contention was raging about this time amongst the Sarnians about naming the village ; that the matter was referred to His Excellency, and that he suggested the name of the Channel Island, formerly his home. MOORE TOWNSHIP (1834) No useless cofBn enclosed his breast. Nor in sheet, nor in shroud, we wound him ; But he lay like a warrior taking his rest. With his martial cloak around him. — Rev. Charles Wolfe. This township was named after Sir John Moore, born in Glasgow, 1761, fell in battle at Corunna, 1809. He served in Minorca and America 1776-83, Gibraltar 1790, Corsica I79i,the West Indies 1795, Ireland 1798, Holland, with the Duke of York, 1799, Aboukir, with Abercromby, 3^o NOTHING BUT NAMES iBoi, Sicily and Sweden 1808, thence to Portugal, where he was killed by a cannon shot at the battle of Corunna. The British Parliament had a monument erected to Sir John Moore in St Paul's Cathedral. Sir John Colborne was military secretary and principal aide-de-camp to Sir John Moore in Sicily, Sweden and Portugal, and was present at the battle of Corunna. Just before Sir John Moore's death he spoke most kindly to Major Colborne, and turning to another said : "Remember you go to and tell him that it is my request that he will befriend Major Colborne ; he has long been with me, and I know him most worthy of it." SOMBRA TOWNSHIP (1822) L' horizon tout entier s'enveloppe dans I'ombre, Et le soleil mourant, sur un ciel riche et sombre, Ferme les branches d'or de son rouge ^ventail. — M. de Heredia. Sombra is the Spanish word meaning shade. This township was a reserve for the Shawanese Indians, and was probably thickly wooded (shaded) after the adjacent townships were partly cleared and settled by white men. ESSEX COUNTY 341 ESSEX COUNTY (1792) Tliere to an ICssex audience, with draffy Essex brains, Uprose a wordy, shallow man, and spoke in sounding strains. — Punch, This county is named after Essex county in England, which derives many advantages from its maritime situa tion, though the fogs and exhalations from the marshes make it unhealthy. Much of the land has been reclaimed by draining and embanking. The word Essex means the country of the East Saxons. MERSEA TOWNSHIP (1792) Grateful for the tribute paid, Lordly Mersey lov'd the inaid ; ^'onder rocks still mark the place Where she met his stern embrace. — Mr. Roscoe. This township is called after Mersea, a finely wooded island of England, in Essex, in a bay of the North Sea, called the Blackwater, connected with the mainland by a long causeway covered at high water. Its length is five miles and breadth two, and it is a place of great natural beaut}>. 342 NOTHING BUT NAMES GOSFIELD TOWNSHIP (1792) This township takes its name from the village of Gosfield in Essex, England, in which stands Gosfield Hall, the elegant seat of the Duke of Buckingham. The mansion, though greatly altered, presents an interesting specimen of the domestic architecture which prevailed during the reign of Henry VIL, who strictly enforced the ancient prerogative of the Crown in prohibiting his subjects from erecting castles. Gosfield Hall was a large pile of brick, enclosing a quadrangular court, into which all the lower tier of windows opened. Queen Elizabeth twice visited the Lady Ryche at Gosfield. Gosfield Park is extensive, well wooded, and contains a noble sheet of water of 102 acres, which adds much to its picturesque beauty. In Gosfield Church is an epitaph composed by Alexander Pope. About half a mile east of the church is Gosfield Place, a handsome modern building, surrounded by 200 acres of land. COLCHESTER TOWNSHIP (1792) No Colchester oyster Is sweeter and moister. — Dean Swift. The township of Colchester takes its name from a city in Essex, England, on the river Colne, fifty-one miles from London. It contains churches dating back to Edward II. and Henry I. The vicinity is rich in Roman coins, vases. ESSEX COUNTY 343 urns, pottery, rings and other Roman antiquities. Col chester was fortified by Edward the Elder, and at the time of the Domesday survey was a place of no small note. When a Roman colony, Camulodunum was destroyed by the Britons under Bunduica, but according to Pliny it was soon rebuilt It was a famous fighting ground between the Saxons and the Danes, the latter generally holding it. In the time of King John, the Earl of Winchester besieged Colchester, but hearing that the barons assembled in London were coming to its relief he retired to Bury St. Edmund's. In 1218 Colchester was taken b}- the soldiers of Prince Louis, son of Philip II. of France, but the banner of France was not suffered to wave long on the castle. In the reign of Elizabeth many Flemings, expelled by the Duke of Alva, settled in Colchester and introduced profitable manufactures. In the Civil War the inhabitants took the side of King Charles I., but Lord Goring was unable to hold the town against Fairfax, and after the surrender Sir Charles Lucas and Sir George Lisle were put to death, their bodies being interred in St. Giles' Church, where the following inscription marks their last resting place : " Under this marble ly the bodies of the two most valiant captains, Sr. Charles Lvcas, and Sr. George Lisle, Knts., who for their eminent loyalty to their Soverain were on the 28th day of Avgvst, 1648, by the command of Sr. Tho. Fairfax, then General of the Parliament army, in cold blovd most barbarovsly mvrdered." Charles Abbot, born 1757, died 1829, Speaker of the British House of Commons, 1 802-1817, was raised to the peerage as Baron Colchester. 344 NOTHING BUT NAMES MALDEN TOWNSHIP (1792) There is a crooked bay runs winding far. To Maldon, Estreford and Colchester. —John Taylor. This township is named after Maiden, or Maldon, in Essex, built at the junction of the Chelmer and Blackwater rivers, famous for its oysters. The first men tion of the town in history is in 913 when Edward the Elder encamped at Maldon to impede the progress of the Danes. Maldon was one of the towns in which the custom of Borough English prevailed, by which the youngest son succeeded to the burgage tenements on the death of his father. Lord Viscount Maiden, M.P. for Oakhampton, voted against the Canada Bill. ANDERDON TOWNSHIP (1837) The noble red man wandered on The river shore of Anderdon. —Echo. The tract of land forming this township was reserved by the Indians in the year 1790, when the Council of the Four Nations surrendered to the Government the Huron District- In the year 1836, on account of the encroachments of the whites, the Government induced the Indians to allow a portion of the reserve to be sold for their benefit. By an agreement made with Sir Francis Bond Head, in 1837, they resigned two-thirds of this reserve, and it was ESSEX COUNTY 345 surve}'ed in 1839. Some of them settled near Sandusk}' in Ohio, others removed to the State of Missouri. At subsequent periods the size of the reserve was further reduced by sale. The name is English, and it may have been given in honor of an officer stationed at Fort Maiden. The following is from Burke's General Armoury : " Ander don (Beech House, County of Hants), Sable two single shackle-bolts in chief, and a double one in base argent. Crest — a dexter arm embowed in armour proper garnished or, the hand apaumt^e also proper." Rev. Father W. H. Anderdon, born 1816, died 1890, became a Church of England clerg}man, and joined the Catholic Church in 1850. He was a nephew of Cardinal Manning. The name also occurs in this connection : Rev. Francis Henry Murra}-, rector of Chislehurst, Kent, son of the Lord Bishop of Sodor and Man, and great-grandson of the third Duke of Athol, married in 1846 Fanny Catharine, daughter of John L. Anderdon, Esq. TILBURY TOWNSHIP, WEST (1792) Yet ere on Tilbury Fort we drop a tear, Lo, with a tale we treat the public ear — Relate a pretty story of his Grace, 'Twill put a smile or frown on ev'ry face. — Peter Pindar. See Tilbury East, Kent count}-. 346 NOTHING BUT NAMES ROCHESTER TOWNSHIP (1792) Gadshill lies to-night in Rochester. — King Henry IV. The woman of pleasure And Rochester's treasure Are brother and sister to Shandy. — Tristram Shandy. This township is called after Rochester, an ancient Roman town in Kent, with a castle built by the same Bishop Gundulph who is supposed to have built the oldest parts of the Tower of London. It was from Rochester that James II. embarked on his flight to France, at the Revolution of 1688. The oyster fisheries of Rochester are managed by the corporation. The cathedral church dates from 604 and was rebuilt by Bishop Gundulph about 1076. There is in Rochester a cathedral grammar school, founded by Henry VIII. in 1542, and the "Poor Travellers' House," founded by Richard Watts in the reign of Elizabeth. MAIDSTONE TOWNSHIP (1792) Maidstone, Kent, they've been and put on, From our mouths to snatch the mutton. —Punch, This township takes its name from Maidstone, the county town of Kent, England, situated on the river Medway. Its principal manufacture is a superior kind of paper. It has many fine public institutions, both educa tional and benevolent. William WooUet, the celebrated ESSEX COUNTY 347 engraver, who executed the historical plate of the Death of General Wolfe, was born at Maidstone, as was Thomas Trapham, surgeon to Fairfax and Cromwell, who sewed the head of Charles I. to the body after that monarch's decapitation. SANDWICH TOWNSHIP, EAST AND WEST (1792) A squire's young daughter, near Sandwich in Kent, Proves all his heart's treasure, his joy and content. — The Seaman of Dover. But see, by pitying fate his loss supplied ; For Mulgrave joins where sense and Sandwich guide. — The Wreath of Fashion, 1778. The township of Sandwich was settled in 1750 by the soldiers of a disbanded French regiment, about the worst class of men. Smith says, to turn loose in a new country. One of them sold his hundred acres for a flitch of bacon. The name of Sandwich is from an English borough and Cinque Port in Kent county, with three ancient hospitals. About the beginning of the sixteenth century the filling up of the harbor with sand reduced its importance as a port Sandwich was frequently attacked by the Danes and plundered by the French in the wars. The family of De Sandwich, who took their name from the place of their nativity, held high offices of state from the reign of Henry II. to that of Richard 1 1., when they became extinct John Montagu, fourth Earl of Sandwich, born 171 8, died 1792, to whom Haldimand sent reports in 1778, was First Lord of the Admiralty 1748-51, 1763-65, and 1771-82. His " Voyage Round the Mediterranean " was published posthumously in 1799, accompanied with a memoir. In 348 NOTHING BUT NAMES 1778 Thomas Erskine defended Captain Baillie, Governor of Greenwich Hospital, on a trial of libel. The First Lord of the Admiralty, " a certain wicked Lord Sandwich," was in the habit of introducing into the hospital as inmates men who were not sailors at all, for purposes of electoral corruption. Baillie exposed the matter in a pamphlet and was prosecuted criminally for libel. The real, though not the nominal, prosecutor was Sandwich, and Erskine boldly unmasked his lordship by name, and vindicated the right of censuring the mal-administration of a public institution. The son of the Earl of Sandwich is called Viscount Hinchingbrook (see Hinchinbrooke township). PELEE ISLAND TOWNSHIP (1701) Pelee Island took its name from the adjacent Point Pelee, which was so called by the French who paddled along the north shore of Lake Erie from Niagara on their way to establish a fort at Detroit. The French word Pelde means skinned, peeled, or bare, and the name was given on account of the absence of trees on that point. In Rev. Father Charlevoix' " Journal d' un Voyage dans 1 'Amerique Septentrionnale," (Paris, 1744), the following appears in a letter dated June 8, 1721 : "The fourth day (from Niagara River) we were detained a good part of the day upon a point, which runs three leagues north and south, and is called Pointe P616e. It is, nevertheless, well enough wooded on the west side, but the east side has on a sandy soil only small red cedars, of inconsiderable quantity. There are many bears in this country, and last winter more than four hundred of them were killed upon Pointe P616e alone." PERTH COUNTY 349 PERTH COUNTY (1847) Says the Shochie to the Ordie, " Where shall we meet ? " " At the cross o' Perth, When a' men are fast asleep." — Popular Rhyme. Perth county, a correspondent says, took its name from the town of Perth in Lanark county, Ontario, many of the first settlers in Perth county having moved thither from the old Perth settlement adjacent to the Rideau river. The town of Perth in turn was named after the ancient royal burgh in Perthshire, one of the handsomest towns in Scotland, beautifully situated on the west bank of the river Tay, forty-four miles from Edinburgh. Perth used to be called from its church St. Johnstoun. On account of its importance and its vicinity to the royal palace of Scone, it was long the metropolis of the Kingdom before Edinburgh obtained that distinction. Here, too, the Parliaments and national assemblies were held, and many of the nobility took up their residence. Perth suffered from a nocturnal inundation of the Tay in 1210, and the rhyme quoted above refers to the prediction that the city will be again destroyed in a similar manner. Another account states that Col. John Corry Wilson Daly, born 1796, died 1878, (grandfather of the Hon. Thomas Mayne Daly), who settled at Stratford in 1828, prompted Mr. Linton in 1847 to have the present county of Perth separated from the rest of the Huron district, and formed into a separate county. Mr. Linton succeeded, and, instead of calling the new county Monaghan, after the 350 NOTHING BUT NAMES home of Mr. Daly's ancestors, as Mr. Daly had desired and expected, Mr. Linton called it after the name of his own native county, Perth. Reference has been made, in the notes on Guelph, Biddulph, McGillivray, Williams and Bosanquet townships, to the Canada Company. The county of Perth and a large portion of the county of Huron were settled by that Company, under an arrange ment made between Earl Bathurst, on behalf of His Majesty's Government, and Messrs. Downie, Hullett, Fullarton and others, in May, 1826, supplementary to an arrangement made two years earlier. Mr. McMullen, the historian, says: "The summer (of 1824) was distinguished by the formation, under an Imperial charter, of the Canada Land Company, a corporation at first productive of benefit, bufc subsequently of injury, to the Province. It com menced its operations by buying up vast tracts of the clergy reserves and Crown lands at low prices, (Smith's Canada says for 2s. lo^d. per acre), which it sold again in small lots at a large advance. It was, in short, a huge land monopoly ; and like all monopolies, has proved an injury to this country precisely in proportion to its extent. Thus, without once asking the consent of the Upper Canada Parliament, a vast quantity of our soil (Smith says 2,484,413 acres) was withdrawn from public purposes, and passed into the hands of private speculators of the London Stock Exchange." In August, 1828, an Order in Council was passed, under which the Canada Company was allowed to survey its own townships in the Huron Tract, and in 1837 a return of the number of acres surveyed in each township was made to the Government. PERTH COUNTY 351 BLANSHARD TOWNSHIP (1830) Mere driv'lers in the charming art Are vastly fond of being prais'd ; Wish to the stars, like Blanchard, to be rais'd ; And raised they should be, reader — from a cart. — Peter Pindar. This township is named after Richard Blanshard, one of the first directors of the Canada Land Company. DOWNIE TOWNSHIP (1830) For Mangerton-House Auld Downie is gane. Her coats she has kilted up to her knee ; And down the water wi' speed she rins. While tears in spaits fa' fast frae her eie. —Jock 0' the Side. The name is that of Mr. Robert Downie, M.P., one of the projectors of the Canada Land Company, who con ferred with Lord Bathurst at the Colonial Office, May 23rd, 1826. (See Life of John Gait). Mr. Downie was one of the first directors of the Company. FULLARTON TOWNSHIP (1830) Hence Fullarton, the brave and young. -Bums. This township was named after John Fullarton, Director of the Canada Land Company. 352 NOTHING BUT NAMES HIBBERT TOWNSHIP (1830) This township took its name from William T. Hibbert, junior. Director of the Canada Land Company. The Archives mention a letter from Hibbert to Wilmot, dated London, June 17, 1822, suggesting that Canada and the other British North American colonies should make an alteration in the duties on sugar and rum imported from the British West Indies and on those from other parts. He asked for differential duties. EASTHOPE TOWNSHIP (1830) This township took its name from Sir John Easthope, M.P., a director of the Canada Land Company, born at Tewkesbury, 1784, died 1865. He entered Parliament in 1826 as member for St Alban's. In 1834 Mr. Easthope became proprietor of the Morning Chronicle, organ of the Liberal party. He represented Leicester 1837-47, when he sold his interest in the Chronicle and retired to private life. He had previously received the reward of his political adherence to the Whig party in the shape of a baronetcy from Lord Melbourne, just before the latter quitted office. PERTH COUNTY 353 ELLICE TOWNSHIP (1S30) No Tory in Great Britain, at the game of politics, Could euchre Edward Ellice, who was up to all the tricks ; When the Tories bought a borough, to control a Commons seat, Ellice quietly boug-ht two of them, and got there with both feet. —C. De Witt. This township took its name from the Right Hon. Edward Ellice, one of the first directors of the Canada Land Compan}-, born at Montreal in 1781, died at .Ardoch}-, Glengarr}-, Scotland, 1863. His father «as managing director of the Hudson Ba\- Compan}', and Mr. Ellice was all his life interested in Canadian enterprises, as well as a prominent figure in the political and social affairs of Great Britain. He was elected to Parliament for Coventr}- in iSiS, and with one brief interval kept the same seat till his death, fort}--five }ears later. He married a sister of Earl Gre\-, who was Preinier in 1832. His second wife was a sister of the sixth Earl of .Albemarle. In the Memoir of Earl Spencer it is stated that Mr. Edward Ellice had been an eminent merchant in the North .American trade, and his connection with the Northwest Compan}' had brought him a large fortune. He was a vet"}- clever man and in 1S31 he beat the enein\- with their own weapons. He collected large sums of mone}- from the leading Whigs, purchased several nomination boroughs and put Whigs in Parliament in place of Tories. Lord Duncannon and Mr. Ellice were the \^'hig " \\'hippers-in " in 1S32. Mr. Ellice was a general faxorite, his readiness to oblige being as remarkable as the extent of his influence and connections. Never had there been a more efficient and popular Secretar}' of the Treasui}-. He was alwa}'s 354 NOTHING BUT NAMES a iirm and consistent Liberal, oi the Radical school. Careless of his o\\-n personal interests, his sagacit}- and indep>endence gave him great weight, both with Lord ^lelboume a:id Lord John Russe!!. Archer Martin, in his book on the Hudson Bay Company's Land Tenures, describes Mr. Ellice, who gave evidence before the Commons Committee in 1S57, as "a man all-powenul in the councils of the Northwest and Hudson Bay Companies. and perfect!}- acquainted with the constitution of both." Mr. Moise Bra:ichaud narrates that curing his sojourn in Beauharnois, Lower Canada, in the summer of iS;S, the Right Hon. Edward Ellice. proprietor cf the seignior}- of Beauharnois, showed special marks of honor tD him, intro ducing him to Lord Frederick Cavendish and to Lord Grosvenor afterward Duke of \\'estminster), who were going on a hunting expedition to the western orairies. I\Ir. Branchaud " kept a gratefu". remembratice of the old gentleman who had so much regard for hirn.' In 1S39. the chief of the IMacdonells sold his estate of Glenquoich to Edward Ellice, Esq., and emigrated to Australia. Mr. Ellice was influential in establishing the Reform Club, of which he was the first chairman. His o_->rtra;t. painted after his death, adorns its walls. LOGAN TOWNSHIP (1530^ And soon may peace 'nring happv davs. And Willie hame to Logan braes. — Bums. This township took its name from Hart Logan, director of the Canada Land Company. He was an uncle of Sir William E. Logan, the eminent Canadian geologist. PERTH COUNTY 355 born in ^Montreal, 1798, who entered Mr. Hart Logan's mercantile office in London in 18 18 and after a time became a partner in the firm. In 1829 William went to Swansea as manager of copper smelting and coal mining operations in which his uncle was interested, but left it soon after ]\Ir. Hart Logan's death in 1838, and returned to America where he pursued his favorite study, to which his attention had first been attracted in Wales. W^ALL.ACE TOWNSHIP (1849) Is there no daring bard will rise, and tell How glorious Wallace stood, how hapless fell ? —Bur Wallace was named after Thomas (Baron) Wallace, who was Vice-President of the British Board of Trade under Lord Goderich in 1820, and in that capacity presided over the committee appointed to consider and act upon the celebrated petition of the merchants of London in favor of freer trade. He was a son of James Wallace, barrister, of Carleton Hall, county of Cumberland, who was Solicitor-General in 1777 and subsequently Attorney- General. Thomas Wallace married in 18 14 Jane Hope, daughter of the Earl of Hopetoun and widow of Henry Dundas, first \^iscount Melville. He was created Baron Wallace in 1828. Dying without issue, Lord Wallace left his name and estate to Colonel the Hon. James Hope, born 1807, died 1854, who had raised a regiment in Canada in 1838 by order of Lord Seaton. Colonel Hope was the second son of Sir John Hope, fourth Earl of Hopetoun, who succeeded to the chief command at the battle of Corunna on the death of Sir John ]\Ioore. 356 NOTHING BUT NAMES Colonel Hope-Wallace served in the Coldstream Guards for twenty-three years, and when he was in Canada, though a strict disciplinarian, he was esteemed not only b}- those under his command, but by all who made his acquaintance. He married Lady Mary Frances Nugent, daughter of the Earl of Westmeath. MORNINGTON TOWNSHIP (1845) This township was named in honor of Richard Wellesley, second Earl of Mornington, eldest brother of the Duke of Wellington, and son of Garrett Wellesley, who took his title of Earl from the hamlet of Mornington in the county of Meath, Ireland, on the River Boyne, three miles from Drogheda. On the death of Richard in 1842 the title of Earl of Mornington went to his brother William, Baron Maryborough (see Maryborough town ship) ; thence in 1845 to the third Earl's son William Pole ; in 1857 to his son William Arthur, and the fifth Earl dying unmarried in 1863, the title of Earl of Morning ton devolved upon the second Duke of Wellington, Arthur Richard Wellesley, son of the hero of Waterloo. He married Lady Elizabeth Hay, daughter of the Marquis of Tweeddale. The Earl of Mornington, M.P. for Windsor, voted for Pitt's Canada Bill. PERTH COUNTY ELMA TOWNSHIP (1849) 357 And who was Elma ? did you .say ? A tree, a town, a maiden gay ? Ask Thurlow, who in marriage sought her — For Elma was Lord Elgin's daughter. — A, Bruce, This township was named in honor of Lady Elma Bruce, daughter of the eighth Earl of Elgin by his first wife, Elizabeth Mary, who was the only daughter of Charles Lennox Cumming-Bruce, Esq., M.P. When Lord Elgin was Governsr-General of Canada, he selected Rev. David Marsh, who was for forty years pastor of the Baptist Church in Quebec City, as tutor of his daughter, Lady Elma Bruce, which position he held while she remained in this country. In 1864 Lady Elma was married to Thomas John, fifth Baron Thuriow (see Thurlow and Ashfield townships), born 1838. Lord Thurlow assumed in the right of his wife, and by Royal license in July, 1874, the additional names of Cumming- Bruce. Lord and Lady Thurlow had six children, the heir, Hon. James Bruce, having been born in 1867. The fifth child and first daughter was baptised Mary Elma. The meaning of the word Elma is "a phosphorescent gleam." 358 NOTHING BUT NAMES HURON COUNTY (1841) Lopt from his horse the hero sinks ;it last ; The Hurons ken him, and with halooing blast Shake the vast wilderness ; the tribes around Drink with broad ears, and swell the rending sound. — Joel Barlow, This count}- takes its name from Lake Huron, "whose modern name is taken from the soubriquet of hure or wild boar, given b}- the P'rench to the W\-andotte Indians on account of the manner in which they dressed their hair.'' The name was applied to the Huron Tract at a much earlier date, but the county seal is dated 1841. USBORNE TOWNSHIP (1830) Took its name from "Henr}- Usborne, one of the first directors of the Canada Land Company. In the Canadian Archives there is mention of a letter, dated NoN-ember 16, 1802, from Governor Sir Robert Shore Milnes to John Sullivan, Under Secretar}- of State, intro ducing Mr. Usborne, connected with the timber trade of Lower Canada. On Ma}- 31, 1803, Milnes, writing again to Sullivan, regrets that the Canadian oak has not been found suitable for ship-building, and hopes that Usborne's efforts to establish commerce in Canadian timber may conduce to the increase of the trade of the Province. In 1 81 8 Heni}' Usborne, Benson & Co. made a contract with the Navy Board for the suppl}- of timber from Canada and asked for a permit to cut timber in \arious localities. HURON COUNTY 359 STEPHEN TOWNSHIP (1835) I fill the bowl to Stephen's name, Who rescued from the gloom of night The Teian bard of festive fame And brought his living lyre to light. — Translation from the French, This township was named after James Stephen, junior, the Under Secretary of State for the Colonies in the time of Lord Goderich and Lord Glenelg. It was of him that Sir Francis Bond Head wrote to Lord Glenelg in 1837 : " It has long been notorious to every British subject in the Canadas that your Lordship's Under Secretary, the author of our Colonial despatches, is a rank republican. His sentiments, his conduct and his political character are here alike detested." The evidence given by. Mr. Stephen before a House of Commons Committee on the govern ment of Canada in 1828 was, in the opinion of Sir Francis, " totally incompatible with the station of an Under Secretary of State for the Colonies." The Montreal Gazette in 1838 criticized Mr. Stephen, saying: "It is well known that Mr. Stephen has for many years past been the confidential adviser and director of the colonial department ; nor can it be doubted that to his evil influence must be ascribed all the misgovernment which these Provinces have suffered for so long a period. It is time that the baneful domination of Mr. Under Secretary Stephen should be got rid of, and that an entirely new system of things should be adopted." 36o NOTHING BUT NAMES HAY TOWNSHIP (1835) Six thousand English veterans in stately column tread. Their cannon blaze in front and flank, Lord Hay is at their head. — Thomas Davis, Hay township was named in honor of Mr. R. W. Hay, joint Secretary for the Colonies with Lord Stanley, to whom Pat Swift (William Lyon MacKenzie) dedicated the second edition of his Almanac, in 1834 — " To E. G. Stanley and R. W. Hay, Secretaries of State for the North American Colonies, and John Beverley Robinson, Judge and Tory Politician," etc. TUCKERSMITH TOWNSHIP (1830) The Township of Tuckersmith, Joe Ryraal said. Could be worshipped without an)- sin. For it looked not like anything else upon earth. And nothing the waters within — So outrageously mang-led poor old Tuckersmith By the great gerrymander had been. — Election Rhyme, This township took its name from Martin Tucker Smith, of London, banker, one of the original directors of the Canada Land Company. He was the second son of John Smith, M.P., of Dale Park, Sussex, by his second wife, Elizabeth, daughter of Lieutenant-Col. Tucker. Martin Tucker Smith was born in 1803 and died in 1880. He was M.P. for Midhurst and for Wycombe, and he married in 1831 Louisa, daughter of Sir Matthew White Ridley, M.P. His daughter, Helen Smith, married in HURON COUNTY 361 1858 Col. the Hon. Arthur F. Egerton. He died in 1866 and she married, in 1875, Col. William Julius Gascoigne, of the Scots Guards, better known to Canadians as Major- General Gascoigne, commanding the militia of Canada 1895-98, who served in the Egyptian campaign of 1882 and was present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir. STANLEY TOWNSHIP (1830) Had I, Lord Stanley, but my will, I'd show you mischief prettier still ; Mischief combining boyhood's tricks With age's sourest politics. — Moore. This township is named after Edward Geoffrey Smith Stanley, 14th Earl of Derby, borrj 1799, died 1869. Pie entered Parliament in 1821 as member for Stockbridge, and soon took rank as an able debater. In 1827 he took office under Canning as Secretary for the Colonies and continued in the same position under Lord Goderich. In Lord Grey's Government Mr. Stanley was Chief Secretary for Ireland. He helped carry the Reform Bill in 1832 and in 1833 was again Secretary for the Colonies, being nominated to that post with the special object of carrying the abolition of slavery in the West Indies. In 1841 he was Colonial Secretary under Peel and in 1844 he was summoned to the Plouse of Lords as Baron Stanley of Bickerstaffe. In 1851 he succeeded to his father's Earldom and estates, and in 1852 he formed a Government which only lasted ten months. In 1858 he became Premier a second time. His son, Edward Henry Stanley, 15th P^arl Derby, born 1826, died 1893, made an extended tour in 362 NOTHING BUT NAMES North America, including Canada and the Vest Indies in 1S48, during which he was elected to Parliament (Dec. 1S4S) for L}-nn Regis. He was Under Secretary for Foreign Affairs in his father's first Government and Secretary for India in the second. In 1866 he was Secretar}- for Foreign Affairs, and again in 1874. He became a Liberal in 1S79 and was Secretar}' for the Colonies in 18S2-S5. On his death he was succeeded in the title and estates b}- his brother, Lord Stanle}- of Preston, who was then (^1893) Governor-General of Canada. The name Stanle}- dates from the time of King John, when \Mlliam de Audleigh acquired the manor of Stanleigh and took that surname from the seat, so called from its rough and stony soil. Thomas Stanle}- married the mother of the Earl of Richmond, King Henr}' A^'II., and became the first Earl of Derb}- after his stepson was crowned King. Stanle}- in Staffordshire, according to the old ballad, was the scene of the battle between Robin Hood, Scarlet and Litttle John, and the Pindar of Wake field. (See Derb}- township). GODERICH TOWNSHIP (1S28) Rail on and condemn the corps baronial. Lord Goderich and Howick despatched at a blow ; Those peers who knew nothing of interests colonial, . In proof read the march route of Boulton & Co. Canadiayt Paper, i^S, This township was named after Right Hon. Frederick John Robinson, A'^iscount Goderich, Earl of Ripon, second son of Thomas, second Baron Grantham, born 17S2, died 1859. (See Grantham township). He was private secretary to his kinsman. Lord Plardwicke, Lord Lieutenant of HURON COUNTY 363 Ireland, in 1804, and entered Parliament in 1806. In 1809 he moved the address and was appointed Under Secretary for the Colonies and War, under Lord Castle reagh. In 1 8 10 he had a seat at the Admiralty Board, and in 18 12 he became a member of the Privy Council. He was vice-president of the Board of Trade till 1 818, and then president till 1823, when he succeeded Lord Bexley as Chancellor of the Exchequer. In 1827 he took the title of Viscount Goderich, which had been borne by his maternal ancestor, the last Duke of Kent of the family of, Grey. He made a commercial arrangement with the United States in 181 5, and negotiated the treaty of 1818, to last for ten years. For many years Lord Goderich strove to amend the system of taxation in the direction of greater freedom of trade, and he had much to do with Canadian affairs during the rebellion period. He was Premier in 1833. Lord Goderich married the daughter and sole heir of the Earl of Buckinghamshire, and was succeeded by his only son, George Frederick Samuel, second Earl, born 1827, created Marquis of Ripon in 1 87 1, who was Chairman of the High Joint Commission, which drafted the treaty of Washington in 1871. He resigned the Grand Mastership of the English Free Masons in 1874, when he joined the Catholic Church. The Marquis was Under Secretary of War in 1859, Secretary of War in 1863, Secretary for India in 1866, Lord President of the Council in 1869 and Governor- General of India in 1880. The title of Earl de Grey descended to the Marquis of Ripon from his father's aunt. Lady Amabel, and the title of Baron Grantham from his uncle. Sir Thomas Philip Robinson, who married a daughter of the first Earl of Enniskillen. 364 NOTHING BUT NAMES McKILLOP TOWNSHIP (1830) From James Mackillop, M.P., one of the first directors of the Canada Land Company. HULLETT TOWNSHIP (1830) From John Hullett, one of the first directors of the Canada Land Compan}-. John Lambert, in his " Travels through Canada, 1 806-7-S," published in 1 810, says: 'Tiops are supplied by a Mr. Hullett, who resides at Sillery, about four miles abo\e Quebec. He purchased the beach between the mountain and the water-side, as far as \\'olfe's Cove. Part of this he converted into an excellent hop ground, the remainder he rents out to the merchants for culling and stowing their timber and staves. Mr. Hullett was fortunate enough to purchase this property for a very trifling sum, and, from his improvements, it is now become extremely valuable. His hop plantation succeeds to the utmost of his wishes. Exclusive of the quantity supplied by Mr. Hullett, hops are also imported into Canada from England and the United States, and sell for eighteen pence per pound." In 1823, Hullett Brothers and Co. wrote to John Gait, representing that, in the present state of the money- market, the placing of a loan was impracticable. (See Archives, 1897). HURON COUNTY 365 COLBORNE TOWNSHIP (1830) Sir John Colborne was a soldier, and a brave one, it is said : He was Governor of Canada before Sir Francis Head. Though he oft faced death in battle, where his comrades fought and bled. He died peacefully at Beechwood, of old age, in his bed. — C. De Wilt. The township of Colborne took its name from Sir John Colborne, Lord Seaton, born 1778, died 1863, who entered the army in 1794, served in Egypt in 1801 and in the Peninsular Campaign ; at Corunna, under Sir John Moore (see Moore township), and at Waterloo he conducted the decisive movement of the light infantry which secured the victory. He was Lieutenant-Governor of Isle Guernsey (the Roman name of which was Sarnia) ; Lieutenant- Governor of Upper Canada (1829-1835) ; commander of the forces during the rebellion and Governor-General before and after Lord Durham. Colborne was a stern admini strator; he executed twelve rebels at Montreal. Dent mentions that Sir John Colborne was exhibited in . effigy in the streets of Hamilton, in 1829. Sir John Colborne was the founder of Upper Canada College in Toronto. He married, in 18 14, a daughter of Rev. James Yonge, of Puslinch, Devon, England. (See Puslinch town ship). GREY TOWNSHIP (1848) But even Grey's brightness shan't make me afraid. While I've Camden and Eldon to fly to for shade. — Moore, This township was named after Charles, second Earl Grey, born 1764, died 1845. The family is of Saxon 366 NOTHING BUT NAMES origin ; Baron Grey, of Werke, ennobled in the reign of James I., is the direct founder of the present house. Earl Grey's father. Sir Charles Gray, was a military man, who fought at Minden, participated in the Conquest of Canada and in the War of the American Revolution, was Com mander-in-Chief in the West Indies at the reduction of Martinique, St. Lucia and Gaudeloupe, and was made Governor of Guernsey. He was created a baron in 1801 and advanced to the dignities of Viscount Howick and Earl Grey in 1806, the year before his death. The second Earl travelled on the continent with the Duke and Duchess of Cumberland (Prince Ernest and wife), before his first election to Parliament in 1786. He was a Whig from the start and soon avowed democratic principles. He opposed the war with France, and in 1797 brought forward a plan of Parliamentary reform, which was negatived by 149 votes. He condemned Pitt on the union of Ireland measure and entered the Coalition Government. On the death of Mr. Fox, Grey, now Lord Howick, succeeded him as leader of the Commons. He went to the House of Lords in 1 807, but the change of place made no difference in his principles. For 18 years succeeding the death of Perceval, Lord Grey led the opposition, and on the defeat of the Wellington Government in 1830, Grey became Premier with " peace, retrenchment and reform " as his policy. The first Reform Bill was introduced in the Commons by Lord John Russell in March, 1831. In June, 1832, the Bill passed and the reform of Parliament, ever since associated with the name of Grey, was accomplished. Sir George Grey, born 1799, a nephew of Earl Grey, was Under Secretary for the Colonies, 1834-39, when he became Judge Advocate. HURON COUNTY 367 HOWICK TOWNSHIP (1850) Howick was named after Henry George Grey, third Earl Gre}^ born 1802, died 1894, who entered Parliament as Lord Howick in 1829. He was Under Secretary for the Colonies in his father's Government 1830-33, and for a few months in 1834 Under Secretary in the Home Depart ment. In the Melbourne Government he was Secretary of War 1835-39, 3-nd Secretar}' for the Colonies under Lord John Russell in 1846. He opposed the war with Russia, and up to extreme old age wrote letters and pamphlets in defence of free trade and against reciprocity treaties. Howick in Northumberland, England, is pleasantly situated about one mile from the sea. Howick Hall, a noble and beautiful mansion, situated in a spacious park, is the seat of Earl Grey, who takes his title of Viscount from this place. Near the east side of the park are the remains of a Roman encampment, and several Roman coins and antiquities have been found there. MORRIS TOWNSHIP (1850) There's auld Rob Morris that wons in yon glen. He's the King o' guid fellows and wale o' auld men — Burns. This township was named after Hon. William Morris, of Perth, Ontario, born in Paisley, Scotland, 1786, died at Montreal, 1858. He came to Montreal with his father, Alexander Morris, in 1801. The elder Morris was a 368 NOTHING BUT NAMES merchant He died in 1809. William took an active part in the war of 1812-14 and was at the capture of Ogdens burg. In 1S16 he proceeded with the military and emigrant settlers to the Rideau settlement and opened a store at Perth, his brothers James and Alexander manag ing the business in Brockville. In 1S20 William ilorris was elected to Parliament for Lanark, which count}- he represented continuoush- till 1S36, when he was called to a seat in the Legislative Council. He was Receiver- General in 1S44, President of the Executive Council in 1S46, and Lord ^Metcalfe called him "a valuable public servant ' His son, Hon. Alexander IMorris, born at Perth in 1826, sat for South Lanark in the Assembl}- 1S61-67, and in the Commons after Confederation. He was ^linister of Inland Revenue in 1869, appointed Chief Justice of I\Ianitoba in 1S72. and in the fall of the same }-ear Lieutenant-Governor of ^Manitoba, which office he held till 1S77. During his term he concluded several important treaties with the Indians of the Northwest Territor}'. In 1S7S Mr. IMorris was elected to the Ontario Legislature, to fill the place of Hon. iMatthew Crooks Cameron, appointed to the Bench. He a.ssisted !Mr. IMeredith in leading the Opposition. Hon. James I\Iorris, brother of Hon. William, was born in Paislev in 1798, died 1S65. In 1S37 he was elected to the Assembly for the count}- of Leeds ; in 1S3S was appointed a commis sioner for the improvement of the navigation of the St. Lawrence : in 1S44 was appointed to the Legislative Council ; in 1S51 was Postmaster-General, the first incum bent of that office after the transfer of the Department from Imperial control to that of the Canadian Government He negotiated a postal treat}- with the United States and reduced the letter rate to five cents. In 18,3 he was Speaker of the Legislative Council, and he took the same HURON COUNTY 369 office, under the Brown-Dorion Government in 1858, at the time of the Double Shuffle. Mr. James Morris was always identified with the Reform party. TURNBERRY TOWNSHIP (1850) Right opposite, the mainland towers Of my own Turnberry court our powers — That fortress ours, the island fleet May on the coast of Carrick meet. — The Lord of the Isles. This township was called after Turnberry Castle in Scotland, the principal house in Carrick in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. In 1271 Robert Bruce, son of the Lord of Annandale, married the widowed Countess of Carrick. From this union sprung Robert Bruce, King of Scotland, who, if not born in Turnberry Castle, must have spent many of his youthful years in it. The top of the rock on which Turnberry is built is about eighteen feet above high water mark. In 1307 Robert Bruce landed on the Carrick coast and captured his own Castle of Turnberry from the English. The ruins have a majestic appearance from the sea. Around the Castle of Turnberry was a level plain of about two miles in extent, forming the Castle Park. Turnberry is still enumerated, under the name of Carrick, among the royal palaces of Scotland. It is now the property of the Marquis of Ailsa. WAWANOSH TOWNSHIP, EAST AND WEST (1840) " The Chief of the Chippewas, at the Sarnia reserve, is named Wawanosh, or, as the Indians pronounce it. 370 NOTHING BUT NAMES Wa}'waynosh." — Smith's Canada, 185 1. The name is signed to treaties and surrenders of land as far back as 1S25. and in later surrenders the names of Joshua, David and \Mlliam AA'aywaynosh or A\'awanosh appear together. The meaning of the word is given as " he who ambles the water," "sailing well," "pleasant sailing," or "beautiful sailor." In Schoolcraft's "Oneota" (1847) there is a series of letters over the signature Wawanosh, introduced as "Outlines of the travels and opinions of an Indian Sachem on a visit to the United States, in a series of letters from an educated Algonquin to one of his distant countrymen in the North.'' In one he says: "\ have already seen much of this people, but have not }-et been able to perceive that they are happier than the simple sons of the forest. But I entreat thee, wait with patience, and I will endeavor to unfold to th}- imagination man}- sources of their miseries, their follies and their multiplied vices. Ever thine, Wawanosh." ASHFIELD TOWNSHIP (1840) This township was called after the village in Suffolk, England, where Lord Chancellor Thuriow (see Thurlow township) and his brother Thomas, Bishop of Durham, were born. They were the sons of Rev. Thomas Thurlow, rector of Ashfield. Lord Thurlow never married, and bequeathed his large propert}- to two natural daughters. The title went to the Bishop's son. (See Elma township). BRUCE COUNTY 371 BRUCE COUNTY (1849) The Bruce hath won his father's hall ! Welcome, brave friends and comrades all. Welcome to mirth and joy ! — Lord of the Isles. This county was named in honor of James Bruce, eighth Earl of Elgin and twelfth Earl of Kincardine, second son of the Lord Elgin who, during his term as Ambassador to Turkey, obtained the antiquities now deposited in the British Museum and known as the Elgin Marbles; born in London 1811, died in India 1863. He was elected to Parliament for Southampton in 1 841, in which year he married Miss Cumming-Bruce, the mother of Lady Elma (see Elma township). In March, 1842, he was appointed by Lord Stanley Governor of Jamaica, where his wife died in 1843, shortly after the birth of her daughter. In 1846, Lord Grey appointed Lord Elgin Governor of Canada. Before coming to this country, he married Lady Mary Louisa Lambton, daughter of the Earl of Durham. Dent says, " Lord Elgin grew in favor day by day. If his presence was needed at a public meeting, the howling blasts and keen frosts of a Canadian winter offered no obstacle to him." Responsible govern ment was firmly established in Canada during his term, though not without some trouble from stones, rotten eggs^ and the torch of the incendiary applied to the Parliament buildings at Montreal. It was in Lord Elgin's time (1849) that the famous Annexation Manifesto was circulated and signed. He negotiated the Reciprocity Treaty of 1854 with the United States and signed the important Bills 372 NOTHING BUT NAMES relating to the Clergy Reserves and the Seigniorial Tenure before relinquishing the Government to Sir Edmund Head. In 1857-60 Lord Elgin was Ambassador to China, and for a short time Postmaster-General in the Palmerston Government. In i860 he was appointed Governor- General of India, and he died, of heart disease, under the shadow of the Himalayas, Nov. 20, 1863. His son, Victor Alexander, born in Canada in 1849, was Governor- General of India for several years previous to 1898, when he was succeeded by Mr. Curzon. The Dowager Countess of Elgin, mother of the recent A'iceroy of India, died at tbe family seat, Bromhall, on March 9th, 1898, in her 77th year. She was Lord Durham's daughter. The Bruces are descended from Robert le Brus, or Bruis, a Norman Knight, who was sent by William the Conqueror, after the battle of Hastings, to subdue the northern parts of the realm, for performing which successfully he was rewarded with many lordships and manors. Near Tottenham, in Middlesex, is Bruce Castle, where Henry VIII. went to meet his sister Margaret, Queen of Scots, in 15 16. The original castle was the residence and property of Robert de Bruce, father of Robert, King of Scotland. The castle was converted into a school for young gentle men by the father of Mr. Rowland Hill, who introduced penny postage. CARRICK TOWNSHIP (1850) Answered fierce Edward, " Hap what may, In Carrick, Carrick's Lord must stay." — Lord of the Isles. " Near Loch Goil are the ruins of Carrick Castle, an ancient seat of the Dunmore family, situated on a high BRUCE COUNTY 373 and nearly insulated rock." This is eleven miles from Inverary, and a long distance from the Carrick Coast in Ayrshire. " A powerful race of native chiefs derived from Fergus, Lord of Galloway, and designated Earls of Carrick, possessed the supreme influence in this mountainous region previous to the rise of the Kennedys." " It was in the neighborhood of this place (Turnberry Castle) that a fire, accidentally kindled, was mistaken by the hero for an appointed signal, and caused him to cross the sea from Arran to Carrick to attempt the deliverance of his country. The only tradition now remembered of the landing of Robert Bruce in Carrick relates to the fire seen b}' him from the Isle of Arran.'' The eldest son of the reigning sovereign now bears the title of Earl of Carrick, as Prince and Steward of Scotland. CULROSS TOWNSHIP (1850) " The hammermen of Edinburgh are no' that bad at girdles for carcakes, neither, though the Cu'ross hammermen have the gree for that. " — Heart of Midlothian. CULROSS is called after Culross on the Firth of Forth, described as " the ancient and decayed burgh of Culross," which was famous for the manufacture of girdles, the round iron plates on which the people of Scotland bake their barley and oaten bread. Culross was also celebrated for its salt-pans and coal mines. At the Reformation the possessions of the Cistertian Abbey, founded in 12 17, by Malcolm, Earl of Fife, were conferred upon Sir James Colville, who was created Lord Colville of Culross. Sir George Bruce, of Carnock, who died in 1625, settled at Culross, where he established extensive coal works and carried on the manufacture of salt. 574 NOTHING BUT NAMES KINLOSS TOWNSHIP (1S50) The\- .ue " a' Scotch thegither " who dwell in Culross, .And they often foregather with those of Kinloss. Sir Edward Bruce, of Culross, commendator of the Cistertian Abbey at Kinloss, was created Lord Bruce of Kinloss in 1601. His second son, Thomas, third Lord Kinloss, was created Earl of Elgin and Lord Bruce of Kinloss in 1633. The Baron}- of Kinloss was decided b}- a Committee of the House of Lords to be vested in the Duke of Buckingham, 21st Jul}-, 186S. Cromwell took the stones from the rnonastery of Kinloss to build a fort at Inverness. HURON TOWNSHIP (1849) See Huron count\-. BRANT TOWNSHIP (1850) See Brant county. GREENOCK TOWNSHIP (1S50) Or where the Greenock winds his moorland course Or haunted Garpal draws his feeble source. -Bitrns. This township is named from Greenock, a seaport town in the county of Renfrew, Scotland, on the estuary BRUCE COUNTY 375 of the Clyde, twenty-two miles from Glasgow. The situation of Greenock, with the mountains of Argyleshire and Dumbartonshire rising on the opposite side, is very fine. Watt was born at Greenock. The town has a large commerce with the East and West Indies, the United States and Canada. One of the titles of Lord Cathcart, who was commander of the forces in British America in 1845, and acted as Governor from Lord Metcalfe's departure until the arrival of Lord Elgin, was Baron Greenock, and a new mineral discovered by him — a sulphuret of cadmium — is called Greenockite. KINCARDINE TOWNSHIP (1849) The man who did espouse this dame divine Was Alexander, Earl of Kincardine ; Who pour'd along my body, like a sluice. The noble, noble, noble blood of Bruce. — Peter Pindar, Old Peter should have begged his readers' pardon For placing such an accent on Kincardine. This township takes its name from Kincardineshire, or The Mearns, a small maritime county on the east coast of Scotland, south of Aberdeen and north of Forfar. Mount Battock, the highest point of the Grampians in Kincardine, is 3,500 feet high. The capital of Kincardineshire is Stonehaven. Some chroniclers affirm that the pursuit and death of Macbeth took place near Kincardine-O'Neil, and not at Perth. There is also a town called Kincardine near Culross on the River Forth. Sir Edward Bruce, of Carnock, was created Earl of Kincardine in 1647, and the present ninth Earl of Elgin is thirteenth Earl of Kincardine. 376 NOTHING BUT NAMES BRUCE TOWNSHIP (1850) See Bruce county. ELDERSLIE TOWNSHIP (1850) Yet bleeding and bound, though the Wallace wight For his long-loved country die. The bugle ne'er sung to a braver knight Than William of Elderslie. — Campbell. They boast their Bruce of Bannockburn, Their noble Knight of Ellerslie. — Gerald (h'iffin. This township takes its name from Elderslie or Ellerslie, a yillage in Renfrew county, Scotland, two miles from Paisley. This is the ancient patrimony and supposed birthplace of Sir William Wallace, born in 1270, beheaded and quartered at Smithfield in 1305. He was the younger son of Sir Malcolm Wallace, the Knight of Ellerslie. He defeated the English at Stirling, but was defeated by them at Falkirk, and captured near Glasgow. Black says : " A short distance from Paisley, the line passes on the left the straggling village of Elderslie. Here, near the turnpike road, is the oak in which, according to tradition. Sir William Wallace, the ' Knight of Elderslie,' concealed himself from the English troops. Elderslie House, which stands at a short distance, appears to be of later erection than the era of the hero." BRUCE COUNTY 377 ARRAN TOWNSHIP (1850) Hold we our way for Arran first. Where meet in arms our friends dispersed. — Lord of the Isles, The island of Arran, in the Firth of Clyde, after which this township is named, is twenty miles long and ten miles wide. It has a mountain peak 2,000 feet high. The Scotch Earldom of Arran was originally in the family of Boyd, one of whom married a sister of King James III. of Scotland. He was attainted for high treason, and his wife, being divorced from him, was given to James, Lord Hamilton, who was created Earl of Arran. From this marriage sprang the celebrated ducal house of Hamilton, which claimed to be next in royal descent to the Stuarts. The Earl of Arran, who has also many other titles, includ ing Duke of Hamilton and Brandon, Marquis of Clydesdale, etc., is Premier Peer of Scotland. The family name of the Irish Earl of Arran is Gore. SAUGEEN TOWNSHIP (1850) Saugeen is an Indian word, meaning the mouth of a river. AMABEL TOWNSHIP (1855) This township is named after Henrietta Amabel Yorke, daughter of Rev. Philip Yorke, prebendary of Ely, and 378 NOTHING BUT NAMES sister of Anna Maria Yorke, who married Sir Edmund Walker Head, Governor-General of Canada 1855-61. The mother of these two ladies was Hon. Anna Maria Cocks, daughter of Charles, first Earl Somers. Intermarriages between the families of Hardwicke (Yorke) and of Somers (Cocks) were quite common, as was the Christian name Amabel in the former family. Philip Yorke, the first Earl of Hardwicke, married Miss Margaret Cocks. The eldest daughter of their son, Philip the second Earl of Hardwicke, was Lady Amabel Grey, an aunt of Viscount Goderich (see Grantham and Goderich townships). Philip Yorke, the third Earl of Hardwicke, nephew of the second Earl, married Lady Elizabeth Lindsay (see Lindsay township), daughter of the Earl of Balcarres. Joseph Yorke, an uncle of Lady Head and Miss Henrietta Amabel, married Catharine Cocks, a niece of the first Earl Somers. The second daughter of Sir Edmund and Lady Head was named Amabel Jane. As this portion of Bruce county was surveyed while Sir Edmund Head was Governor, the selection of a name for Amabel township is quite easily accounted for. ALBEMARLE TOWNSHIP (1855) While Albemarle did cornmand, Pocock and Admiral Keppel ; Let Morro Fort and Spaniards vaunt. If Britons be unable. — Old Ballad on " The Sacki7lg of Hava7mah." Tho' Albemarle discours'd of Camps or Courts, Godolphin talk'd of Horses, Hounds and Sports. —Mitchell, 1732. This township was named in honor of George Thomas Keppel, sixth Earl of Albemarle, born 1799, died 1891, BRUCE COUNTY 379 aged ninety-one years. He was a general in the army, unattached, and fought at Waterloo with the 14th regi ment, coming out of the battle unscathed. He entered Paris without shoes and with his clothes in rags. He was the last survivor of Waterloo, but one, holding a commis sion. Lord Albemarle married, in 1831, Susan, daughter of Sir Coutts Trotter, and succeeded his brother in the earldom in 1851. His son, William Coutts Keppel, seventh Earl of Albemarle, known to Canadians as Viscount Bury, born 1832, died August 28, 1894, was private secretary to Lord John Russell in 1850 and Superintendent-General for Indian Affairs in Canada in 1854-56. He was summoned to the House of Lords in his father's lifetime, in 1876, as Baron Ashford. He married, in 1855, Sophia Mary, daughter of Sir Allan N. McNab, of Hamilton, Prime Minister of Canada ; was elected three times to the House of Commons, and was Under Secretary of War 1878-80. " Picturesque Canada," page 567, says : "In 1855 Lord Bury, the private secretary of the Governor-General, was sent to negotiate a treaty that would open the (Saugeen) reserve for settlement. Now the names of townships, town plot, road and almost every thing else in the peninsula suggest only his Lordship and the Keppel family, instead of the old lords of the soil." The Earldom of Albemarle, conferred upon Arnold Joost Van Keppel by King William III., takes its name from a town and territory in the dukedom of Normandy. The title had been formerly borne by the princes of the Plantagenet line, and lastly by the Monk family as a dukedom, so that a more honorable one could not be fixed upon to honor the friend and favorite of the Prince of Orange. The first Earl (Arnold Keppel) took a leading part in the campaigns of the great Duke of 38o NOTHING BUT NAMES Marlborough. The second Earl, William Anne, fought at Dettingen, Fontenoy and Culloden. The third Earl, George Keppel, was also a general in the army, and it was he who won £uba from the Spaniards. This dearly won victory, in which thousands of British lives were sacrificed, was afterwards thrown away by a weak home Government under Lord Bute. In the spring of 1762 a fleet left Falmouth for the West Indies. George, the third Earl of Albemarle, commanded the expedition, while under him served his two brothers, Augustus and William. On June 6, 1762, the fleet cast anchor before Havana with an army of 11,000 men on board. It took three weeks to get the siege guns landed and in position. The Spaniards fought bravely, and did great damage to the attacking fleet. By the middle of July the defence was practically at an end. On August 1 2th articles of capitulation were signed, and the victors proudly set up the British flag in Havana, after a splendid fight for the richest city in the West Indies. It seems almost incredible that, after a most costly war, Cuba should have been given up for the asking. On February 10, 1763, the treaty of Paris was concluded between England, France and Spain. And thus Cuba passed again under Spanish rule. The three Keppel brothers drew over ^150,000 as their joint share of the prize money. BRUCE COUNTY 381 EASTNOR TOWNSHIP (1855) Lady Henry Somerset, Terror of the whiskey bummers. An estate inherited From her father. Earl of Somers, Lord of Eastnor Castle, which Once was known as Castleditch. This township was named in honor of John Somers Cocks, Eari of Somers, Viscount Eastnor of Eastnor Castle, County of Hereford, who married in 181 5 Caroline Harriet, }'oungest daughter of Philip Yorke, third Earl of Hardwicke. The proprietor of Eastnor Castle was thus very closely related to Lady Head, (see Amabel township), and Sir Edmund Head, the Governor-General, chose the name of Eastnor for the township in compliment to his wife's relation. Eastnor Castle is now the property of Lady Henry Somerset, daughter of the late Earl Somers. LINDSAY TOWNSHIP (1855) Here while they dwelt, did Lindesay's wit Oft cheer the Baron's moodier fit. — Marmion. Henry Bethune, of Edinburgh, married a cousin of Sir Coutts Trotter, the sixth Earl of Albemarle's father-in-law. His grandson. Sir Henry Bethune, married Miss Coutts Trotter, daughter of John Trotter, a relative (probably a brother) of Sir Coutts Trotter. Their son. Sir John Trotter Bethune (the name of Bethune was taken by the family in place of Lindsay, along with certain inherited estates), established his claim to the Earldom of Lindsay before a 382 NOTHING BUT NAMES committee of the House of Lords. This township was named by Viscount Bury in honor of his mother's relatives, the Lindsa^•s. ST. EDMUND'S TOWNSHIP (1S55) Bury St. Edmund ? Certainly ! If vou'll find me his bod}- and head. Who would have thought he'd be wandering about A thousand years after he's dead? The title of Viscount Bury (see Albemarle township) is taken from Bury St. Edmund's, the metropolis of the western division of Suffolk count}', which has a history dating from 638, when Siegbright, fifth King of the East Angles, founded a church and monaster}- there. King Edmund, the martyr, was crowned at Bur}- in 855, and was subsequently killed by the Danes, who cut his head off and threw it into the wood, whence it was brought back b}' a wolf Richard I., previous to his departure for the Holy Land, paid a devotional visit to the convent and shrine of St Edmund ; and on his return he offered up the rich standard of Isaac, King of C}-prus, at the shrine. Henry HI. and Edward I. held Parliaments at Bury. In 1381 \\^at Tyler and Jack Straw seized Sir John de Cavendish, the Lord Chief Justice, and took him to Bur}', where they struck off his head and placed it on the pillor}-. The insurgents plundered the abbe}', carr}dng off jewels and damaging the buildings. Bur}' St. Edmund's was the rendezvous of the troops of John Dudley, Duke of Northumberland, when he had his daughter-in-law, Lady Jane Grey, declared the heiress to the Crown, in place of Queen Mary, during whose reign man}- persons were burned as heretics at Bury. In the reign of James I. forty persons were hanged at Bury for witchcraft. GREY COUNTY 383 GREY COUNTY (1852) I was destroyed by Wellington and Grey ; They both succeeded, each has had his day. — Frere's Epitaph on Canning. See Grey township, Huron county. SARAWAK TOWNSHIP (1855) In the distant land of Sarawak the Dyaks and Malays Were much inclined to piracy and other wicked ways, Till an enterprising Englishman, Sir James Brooke, Became a king in Borneo, on his own hook. Sarawak township is called after the independent state, Sarawak, in the island of Borneo, inhabited by Malays and Dyaks. In 1841 the Sultan of Borneo ceded a portion of the territory, including the town of Sarawak, to Sir James Brooke (see Brooke township), a friend of Captain (afterward Admiral) Sir Henry Keppel, brother of the sixth Earl of Albemarle, and uncle of Viscount Bury, who was superintendent of Indian Affairs in Canada (see Albemarle township). The story of " The Expedition "to Borneo of Her Majesty's Ship Dido, for the Suppression of Piracy, with Extracts from the Journal of James Brooke, Esq., of Sarawak, now her Majest}''s Commissioner and Consul-General to the Sultan and Independent Chiefs of Borneo," was published by Captain the Hon. Henry Keppel, R. N., and the third 384 NOTHING BUT NAMES edition appeared in 1847. Captain Rodney Mundy also published in two volumes in 1848 a " Narrative of Events in Borneo and Celebes, down to the occupation of Labuan, from the Journals of James Brooke, Esq., Rajah of Sara wak and Governor of Labuan." In the same year, books by Frank S. Marryatt, Hugh Low and Captain Sir Edward Belcher, on the same subject, were published. KEPPEL TOWNSHIP (1855) For Rodney, brave, but low in cash, You golden gifts bespoke ; To Keppel, rich, but not so rash, You gave a heart of oak. — Gentleman's Magazine. Keppel township took its name from the Captain Henry Keppel just mentioned, born 1809, who, after assisting Brooke at Borneo, commanded the St Jean d'Acre in the Baltic, 1854-55, and commanded the naval brigade at the destruction of the Chinese war fleet in 1857; was naval Commander-in-chief at the Cape of Good Hope in i860; Vice-admiral and Commander-in-chief on the China and Japan station, 1867, and attained the rank of full admiral in 1869. He wrote " A Visit to the Indian Archipelago in H.M.S. Masander," two volumes, and was made D.C.L. of Oxford in 1870. He is still living (Oct, 1898), and in his ninetieth year is writing his autobiography. GREY COUNTY 385 DERBY TOWNSHIP (1842) Derby and Gladstone felt the breeze That urged their sails to Homer's seas ; Yet in the Senate found their fate. And drank the hot wine of debate. — Punch. The township of Derby was named in honor of the Earl of Derby, Lord Stanley (see Stanley township), whose title is taken from the city of Derby in Derbyshire, England. In the twelfth century, Robert de Ferrariis was Earl of Derby, but the representative of the Stanley family was made Earl of Derby by Henry VII. in 1485 for acts of prowess and devotion at the battle of Bosworth. For more than two centuries prior to the time of George III., the Earls of Derby were sovereigns of the Isle of Man. Derbyshire is noted for its mines of lead and coal, worked from ver}' early times. The origin of the town of Derby, called Northworthige by the Saxons, and Deoraby by the Danes, is unknown. It is supposed to have been a settle ment of the Britons, and there can be little doubt that it was occupied by the Romans. In All Saints' Church, Derby, is a monument to William, Earl of Devonshire, who died in 1628, and to Christian, his Countess, the only daughter of Lord Bruce, of Kinloss, in Scotland. SULLIVAN TOWNSHIP (1840) Arrah, thin. Master Sullivan, what have you done. Such a wonderful, wicked name to have won ? — Punch. This township was named after Hon. Robert Baldwin Sullivan, a cousin of Hon. Robert Baldwin, who was a 386 NOTHING BUT NAMES prominent figure in Canadian politics in the second quarter of the century. He was born in Ireland and came to Canada in his youth. In 1834 he had a quarrel with William Lyon MacKenzie, which probably caused Mr. Sulli van to take the Conservative side when he entered public life. When Sir Francis B. Head appeared on the scene, he offered Mr. Sullivan a seat in the Executive Council which was accepted. Thereafter he was almost continually in office. Sir John William Kaye, in his Life of Lord Metcalfe, says that if Mr. Sullivan had united consistency of political conduct and weight of personal character with the great and original talents he unquestionably possessed, he might have taken a conspicuous part in the affairs of any country. He was a member of the Baldwin- Lafontaine Government. In 1848 Mr. Sullivan resigned his post of Provincial Secretar}- and succeeded Hon. Jonas Jones as Judge of the Court of Queen's Bench, which place he occupied with honor and dignity until his death in 1853, when Attorney-General W. B. Richards took his olace on the Bench. BENTINCK TOWNSHIP (1840) Last term, spite of Bentinck's rough rage. To his Educational glory, Resulted in Household Suffrage, Conservative chief auctore. — Punch. The township of Bentinck was called after Lord William Charles Bentinck, born 1774, died 1839, who succeeded Lord Amherst in the Governor-Generalship of India (1828-34), under whom Sir Charles Metcalfe served, and of whom it is written that " Lord William Bentinck, a GREY COUNTY 387 Liberal to the core, encouraged the press, snapped his fingers at its attacks on himself, and thought its freedom an immense good." He was the second son of the third Duke of Portland, who was Premier in 1783 and 1807. (See Portland township). Lord William Bentinck's epitaph is printed in Macaulay's " Essays." NORMANBY TOWNSHIP (1840) Normanby, Normanby, what's the matter? No bee in your bonnet ? — then who's your hatter Commissioned to build you a Cardinal's Hat ? Otherwise what is your Lordship at ? Priestcraft and tyranny thus to uphold, Yourself old Normanby, why have you sold ? That you have become one of Loyola's crew ? Normanby, Normanby, can it be true ? — Punch. This township was named in honor of Constantine Henry Phipps, Marquis of Normanby, born in 1797, died 1863, who was Secretary of State for the Colonies in 1839 ; Lord Lieutenant and Governor-General of Ireland''i835-39, and Governor of Jamaica 1832-34. A historian says: " When Lord Melbourne came into power in 1835, Ireland was governed with impartiality and mildness by Lord Mulgrave, afterward Marquis of Normanby, with Lord Morpeth as Chief Secretary.'' The father of the Marquis was First Lord of the Admiralty in 181 2. Charles Edmund Phipps, a nephew of the Marquis of Normanby, married in 1868 Susan Stewart, daughter of the Very Rev. John Gamble Geddes, of Hamilton, Dean of Niagara. There are four villages called Normanby in Lincolnshire and two in Yorkshire. 388 NOTHING BUT NAMES EGREMONT TOWNSHIP (1840) Strong Egremont for air must gasp, Beauchamp undoes his visor-clasp. — Lord of the Isles. This township was named after George O'Brien Wyndham, third Earl of Egremont, born 175 1, died 1837, who succeeded his father in 1763. He does not appear to have had much liking for politics. Although a Liberal, he supported Pitt's war policy and placed himself at the head of a body of volunteers. His brother married Lady Lambton, the mother of the first Earl of Durham, who became Governor of Canada, and his sister married the first Earl of Carnarvon. This Earl of Egremont was very rich, and his chief seat known as Princely Petworth, close to the town of Petworth in Sussex, standing in a park surrounded by a wall twelve miles long, is described as a temple of all that can grace and refine human nature, rich in the noblest productions of genius — whatever the scholar, the sculptor and the painter could produce. When the Earl died unmarried in 1837, he was succeeded by his nephew, George Wyndham, born 1786, who was a Captain in the Royal Nav}'. He died without issue and the title became extinct. The title of the Wyndhams was taken from the town of Egremont, on the Broad river, Cumber land county, near the Irish Sea. Egremont Castle, described as strong but not large, was built in 1070. In ancient times Egremont was a borough, but it was disfranchised on petition of the inhabitants, who thought the expense of representation exceeded the benefits. Ancient charters show that about the time of King John GREY COUNTY 389 the inhabitants of Egremont were in a state of abject vassalage. There is another Egremont in Caermarthen, Wales. PROTON TOWNSHIP (1827) Proton is the neuter form of the Greek adjective, meaning " the first" Why the word should have been selected as the name for a township is a mystery, but the adjoining townships, Melancthon and Artemisia, also have Greek names. The township was named, but not settled, when the first Canada Company map was published. GLENELG TOWNSHIP (1840) With eyes fast closed, as one at rest. Lord Glenelg sat, supremely blest. — Punch, Glenelg was snoring in his chair — His custom every day — Then up he got and rubbed his eyes To brush the sleep away. — Cobourg Star, Feb, 7, 1838, This township was named after Charles Grant, of Glenelg, in the county of Inverness, Scotland, who was raised to the peerage as Lord Glenelg in 1836. The word Glenelg spells alike from either end. Lord Glenelg's father was a director of the East India Company, and his brother, the Right Hon. Sir Robert Grant, was Governor of Bombay. When the Duke of Wellington succeeded Lord Goderich as Premier in 1828, Mr. Charles Grant was President of the Board of Trade, but he left the 390 NOTHING BUT NAMES Government along with Lords Palmerston and Dudley, Mr. Huskisson and Mr. Lamb (afterwards Lord Melbourne). He proposed resolutions concerning the Corn Laws which were carried and formed the basis of Wellington's sliding scale. In 1831 he took office under Lord Grey and assisted to carry the Reform Bill. In Melbourne's Govern ment, Lord Glenelg was Secretary of State for \\'ar and the Colonies. In that capacity he had much to do with Canadian affairs during the critical rebellion period. Miss Lizars says : " Lord Glenelg, with the best intentions in the world, had a positive genius for doing the wrong thing." ARTEMISIA TOWNSHIP (1822) One Queen Artemisia, as old stories tell, When deprived of her husband she loved so well. — Burtis, Artemisia is a Greek word, meaning a herb like wormwood. It is also a proper name. Herodotus mentions Artemisia, the daughter of Lygdamis, queen of Halicarnassus and other cities of Caria. Artemisia, queen of Mausolus, king of Caria, raised to the memory of her husband a splendid sepulchre, whence the term mausoleum for any splendid tomb. Queen Artemisia of Halicarnassus displayed great skill and valor at the battle of Salamis, but her conduct in putting out the eyes of Dardanus, and then drowning herself to make atonement for her cruelty to the object of her unrequited affection, does not accord with her previous reputation for wisdom. The botanical term Artemisia was adopted because wormwood was dedicated to Artemis, the Greek Diana. GREY COUNTY 391 OSPREY TOWNSHIP (1822) The Osprey, or Fish Hawk, arrives in Ontario as soon as the ice breaks up in the spring. Here and there a pair will settle and remain for the summer, but most of them proceed directly to the Arctic circle, where they rear their young. A ship in the British Navy is called the Osprey, and the township, probably, is named in honor of the ship, and not of the bird. HOLLAND TOWNSHIP (1840) On this shall Holland's dying speech be read. Here Bute's confession, and his wooden head. — W, Mason, This township may have been named after Major Samuel Holland, an engineer officer who aided General Wolfe at Louisbourg and at the siege of Quebec. He became Surveyor-General of Canada, and his nephew, Joseph Bouchette, author of " The British Dominions in North America," ultimately became his successor as Surveyor-General of Lower Canada. Before the Revolu tion Major Holland was "Surveyor-General of the Colonies north of Virginia." In 1780 he bought a farm and mansion near Quebec, and there, in 1791, he entertained Prince Edward, Duke of Kent In that year he made a map of the Province of Quebec. Major Holland became a member of the Executive and Legislative Councils and died in 1801. His son, Samuel Holland, junior, was killed in a duel at Montreal by Major Ward, of the 60th Regi ment, the shot being fired from one of a brace of pistols 392 NOTHING BUT NAMES that had been presented to Major Holland by General Wolfe. Lord Holland was Chancellor of the Duchy of Lan caster, in Lord Melbourne's Government, 1835-41, and it is possible that this township was named in his honor. EUPHRASIA TOWNSHIP (1823) Euphrasia is the name of a plant of an astringent quality, formerly in repute for diseases of the eyes. The meaning of the word is cheerfulness, in allusion to its reputed medicinal properties. The common name of the plant is " eyebright.'' COLLINGWOOD TOWNSHIP (1840) And fare thee well, George CoUingwood, Since fate has put us down ; If thou and I have lost our lives, King James has lost his crown. — Ballad of Deriventjvater's Good Xight. This township, at first called Alta, or Alba, and on the map of 1836 Atlas, was renamed in honor of Cuthbert, Lord CoUingwood, born 1750, died 18 10. He went to sea at the age of eleven, with his uncle Captain, afterwards Admiral Braithwaite, who commanded the Shannon frigate. On the day of the Battle of Bunker's Hill, he received his commission as Lieutenant, and at Jamaica station renewed his friendship with Nelson, whom he succeeded on the Badger and the Hinchinbroke. He served through the war, returning to England in 1786, where 'he married Miss Sarah Blackett, of Newcastle. When war broke out with France in 1793, Captain CoUing wood took command of the Prince, Rear-Admiral Bowyer's GREY COUNTY 393 flag-ship. He was on the Excellent at the victory of Cape St. Vincent, of which he wrote a thrilling description to his wife. Captain CoUingwood was second in command at Trafalgar. His ship, the Royal Sovereign, was the first to attack and break the enem}''s line, and upon the death of Nelson, CoUingwood finished the victor}- and continued in command of the fleet. For his services on that occasion he was raised to the peerage, and granted a pension of ;£'2,ooo. SYDENHAM TOWNSHIP (1S42) The learned Sydenham does not doubt But profound thought will bring the gout. — Dr. ti'aldren. Welcome are all its flowers and bowers. As guests when one has bidden 'em ; But you're not \velcome to the flowers. Mind this, when down at Sydenham. — Punch's Moral for May. This township was named after Charles Poulett Thomson, Lord Sydenham, who was Governor of Canada 1839-41. He was born in 1799 and bred to mercantile pursuits, his family being engaged in the Russia trade. He was allied by marriage to the Barings and entered Parliament in 1826 as a Whig, being elected for Dover. He afterward sat for Manchester and was President of the Board of Trade. Lord S}-denham selected Kingston for the capital, and entered earnest!}- upon the task that had been assigned him — that of giving Canada responsible Government. McMullen says he " literally wore out his feeble life in the service of the Canadian people." His death was caused by lock-jaw, due to a fall from his horse at a time when he was in feeble health. The crowning work of his life was his successful inauguration of the Union of the Canadas, which was conceived by Lord Durham and 394 NOTHING BUT NAMES executed by Lord Sydenham. His body was interred on the 24th of September, 1841, beneath the floor of St. George's Church, Kingston. " And so Lord Sydenham slept his last sleep, three thousand miles distant from his native land and the tombs of his ancestors." ST. VINCENT TOWNSHIP (1840) From St. Vincent, and from Victory, and Wellington come well These cheers that of warm welcome home from hard-fought battles tell. — Punch. This township first bore the uninviting name of Zero, which was changed to St. Vincent in memory of John Jervis, Earl of St. Vincent, born at Meaford Hall, near Stone, in Staffordshire, 1734, died 1823. He went to sea under Lord Hawke when he was ten years old. For his exerfions at Quebec he was publicly commended by Sir Charles Saunders, and on his return from America in 1780 he was promoted to the rank of post-captain. At the trial of Admiral Keppel, Captain Jervis gave testimony in favor of the accused officer. In 1793 he was ordered to the West Indies to assist Sir Charles Grey in his opera tions against Martinique. He was next appointed to the Mediterranean squadron and proceeded to blockade the Spanish fleet at Cadiz. The battle took place on Feb. Ii, 1797, Jervis having fifteen vessels to oppose twenty-seven ships of the enemy. After the battle he sailed into the Tagus with four captured ships and a large number of prisoners. For this he was raised to the peerage, awarded a gold medal and granted a pension of ;£^3,ooo per year. He afterwards served as First Lord of the Admiralty, and died 'at the age of eighty-nine, leaving no heir. His body was interred in the family mausoleum in Stone church yard. HALIBURTON DISTRICT 395 HALIBURTON DISTRICT (1875) Recollect always, you are not Sam Slick, and I am not you. The greatest compliment a Britisher would think he could pay you would be to say, "I should have taken you for an Englishman." Now the greatest compliment he can pay me is to take me for a Connecticut elockmaker, who hoed his way up to the Embas.sy in London, and preserved so much of his nationality after being so long among foreigners." — Nature and Human Nature. Haliburton District or Provisional County was called after Thomas Chandler Haliburton, born at Windsor, Nova Scotia, in 1796, died at Isleworth, Eng land, in 1865, son of Mr. Justice Haliburton, of Nova Scotia, descended from an ancient Scottish family. He studied law and was called to the bar in 1820. After serving a term in the Provincial Assembly, he was appointed Chief Justice of the Court of Common Pleas in 1829, and Judge of the Supreme Court of Nova Scotia in 1840. In 1835 he contributed to a weekly newspaper a series of letters, descriptive of Yankee character, which were republished in book form under the title, " The elockmaker, or Sayings and Doings of Samuel Slick, of Slickville," and very widely read in the United States as well as in England. In 1842 Judge Haliburton took up his residence in England, where he wrote " The Attache, or Sam Slick in England " (1843), " Traits of American Humor" (1852), "Nature and Human Nature" (1855) and several other works. Another authority says he removed from Nova Scotia to England in 1850. He received the honorary degree of D.C.L. from Oxford in 1858, and in 1859 he was elected to the House of Commons for 396 NOTHING BUT NAMES Launceston, which seat he held until his death in 1865. In Judge Haliburton's later writings will be found shrewd and humorous observations on the aspects of British society, especially with regard to the upper classes and their servants. "Judge Haliburton attained a place and fame difficult to acquire at all times — that of a man of serious avocation, whose humor was nurtured in one country, and became naturalized in another ; for humor is the least exotic of the gifts of genius." The name was given to the village of Haliburton, and afterward applied to the district, because Judge Haliburton (Sam Slick) was the first Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Cana dian Land and Emigration Company, which purchased in 1 86 1 one million acres of land in the townships of Harcourt, Dudley, Dysart, Bruton, Harburn, Guilford, Clyde, Eyre, and Havelock. (See Robinson township). Among the royal birthday honors conferred on May 24, 1898, was the peerage given to Sir Arthur Laurence Haliburton, Permanent Under-Secretary of State for War, from 1895 to 1897. Thus was revived a title which had been in the Haliburton family for nearly two hundred years. Sir Walter Haliburton, Lord High Treasurer of Scotland (1439-49), who married a daughter of the Regent Albany, was created Lord Haliburton of Dirlton, in 1440. The sixth Lord Haliburton left no sons, and, as was common in Scotland in those days, his lands and titles descended to his eldest daughter. She married Lord Ruthven, and carried the title and estates into that family. Their son was created Earl Gowrie in 1581, and in 1600 the Gowrie conspiracy ended in his titles and estates being forfeited with his life. The title of Lord Haliburton thus reverted to the Crown, and has never been restored. Sir Walter Scott wrote "A Memorial of the Haliburtons " to prove that he, through his grandmother, a Haliburton, was HALIBURTON DISTRICT 397 the sole representative of an extinct family, and that he was, therefore, entitled to the burial place of the Hali burtons in Dryburgh Abbey, where his bones now rest. He was apparently unaware that a branch of the family had gone to America and still survived there. The family took the side of the Crown during the Revolution, migrated to Nova Scotia, and were numbered amongst the " United Empire Loyalists," who peopled that colony and other parts of Canada. The grandfather of Sir Arthur Haliburton became Chief Justice of Nova Scotia, and his father, the well-known " Sam Slick " (who married Louisa Neville, daughter of Captain Laurence Neville, of the 2nd Life Guards and 19th Light Dragoons), after holding the office of Judge of Supreme Court of Nova Scotia for many years, settled in Britain, and in 1858 was returned M.P. for Launceston in the Tory interest, a seat having been provided for him there by the Duke (Algernon) of Northumberland, in order that the views of the colonies might have an advocate in the Imperial Parliament. Rattray says that Sir William Young succeeded Sir Brenton Haliburton as Chief Justice of Nova Scotia in i860, which goes to show that there were three generations of Haliburtons on the Nova Scotia bench. CARDIFF TOWNSHIP (1862) As Frontispiece to grace the New Year's scene, Lo ! CardifTs stately tower and vanes are seen ; Encomiums high th' enlightened mind await That sav'd the structure from impending fate. — William Rawlins, 1818. This township is called after the town of Cardiff in Glamorganshire, Wales, noted for its castle and church. 398 NOTHING BUT NAMES founded A.D. i loo. The town is situated on the Bristol Channel and was once surrounded b}'' a wall in which were five gates. None of the gates remain, but consider able portions of the wall, with a watch tower, are preserved on the eastern side, where the ditch has been cleared out and used for the bed of the canal. Robert, Duke of Normandy, son of William the Conqueror, was confined at Cardiff for twenty-six years by order of his brother William II. In Charles I.'s time Cardiff Castle was betrayed into the hands of Cromwell by a royalist who led the troops into the castle through a subterraneous passage. MONMOUTH TOWNSHIP (1862) In pride of power, in beauty's bloom. Had wept o'er Monmouth's bloody tomb. — Lay of the Last Minstrel. This township was called after the county of Monmouth, on the border between Wales and England, bounded on the south by the Severn River. It contains many ancient castles. The county town, also called Monmouth, is situated between the rivers Munnow and Wye. There was in the town a Norman castle, now in ruins, which was the birthplace of King Henry V., hence called Henry of Monmouth. Like most other places of Roman origin, Monmouth consists of four principal streets diverging at right angles from a common centre. Sir Walter Scott, in the couplet quoted above, refers to Anne, Duchess of Buccleugh and Monmouth, widow of the unfortunate James, Duke of Monmouth, who was beheaded in 1685. He was the son of Charles II. and Lucy Walters, a Welsh girl whom Charles met at the Hague, while he was a wanderer on the Continent. The HALIBURTON DISTRICT 399 story of the honors conferred upon " little James Crofts," after his marriage with Anne Scott ; of the offices he held, the wealth and titles he enjoyed ; of his ill-advised rebellion, and of the severity with which he was treated by his uncle, King James II., even after he had thrown himself on the ground and begged for his life, is told at length in the first volume of Macaulay's History of England. GLAMORGAN TOWNSHIP (1862) Then wept your Jane upon my neck. Crying " Help me, nurse, to flee To my Howel Bann's Glamorgan hills j" But word arrived — ah me ! —Campbell. No more the stamp of armed steed Shall dint Glamorgan's velvet meed. — Sir Walter Scott. This township is named after the county of Glamor gan in South Wales, the name being a contraction of the Welsh Gwlad Morgan, or the county of Morgan, a Prince who was killed 800 years before the birth of Christ; but some writers derive the name from the word Mor, which, in the British tongue, signifies the sea. The mountains of Glamorganshire yield coal and lead ore. " At Oystermouth Castle in Glamorganshire was anciently held the Chancery Court for the seigniory of Gower, and the Duke of Beaufort, the present lord of the seigniory, is proprietor of the Castle." — Dugdale. 400 NOTHING BUT NAMES SNOWDON TOWNSHIP (1858) It is a glorious hour to him Who stands on Snowdon's crested brow When twilight's lingering star grows dim And mists with morn's resplendence glow. — Mrs. Henuzns. Such were the sounds that o'er the crested pride Of the first Edward scatter'd wild dismay, As down the steep of Snowdon's shaggy side He wound with toilsome march his long array. — Thomas Gray. This township takes its name from Snowdon, the most lofty mountain of Wales and South Britain, ten miles from Carnarvon. Its west side is partly formed of basalt. Its summit, 3,571 feet above the sea, commands magnificent views. LUTTERWORTH TOWNSHIP (1858) Not least art thou, thou little Bethlehem In Judah, for in thee the Lord was born ; Nor thou in Britain, little Lutterworth, Least, for in thee the Word was born again. — Tennyson. This township was called after Lutterworth, a market town on the river Swift in Leicestershire, situated in the midst of a rich grazing country. The inhabitants were formerly obliged to grind their malt at one particular mill and their corn at another, but in 1758 this custom of feudal tyranny was abolished by a decision of the Assizes. Lutterworth is celebrated as having been the residence of John Wycliffe, Professor of Divinity HALIBURTON DISTRICT 401 in the University of Oxford, and rector of this parish in the fourteenth century, who wrote against some of the doctrines of the Catholic Church, and particularly opposed the Pope's supremacy ; but being supported by John of Gaunt and some of the nobility who had personal disputes with the clergy, he was suffered to retain his preferment and propagate his opinions till his death in 1384; his works, however, were condemned at the Council of Constance in 1414, and in pursuance of the sentence pronounced against him as a heretic, his bones were dug up and burnt, and the ashes thrown into the River Swift. Since England became Protestant, Wycliffe has be"en regarded as a forerunner of the Reformation, and his memory highly venerated ; and at Lutterworth his picture occupies a conspicuous place in the church', and his pulpit, his table, his gown, etc., are carefully preserved as genuine relics of so extraordinary a personage. HARCOURT TOWNSHIP (i860) How vain is reason, eloquence how weak ! If Pope must tell what Harcourt cannot speak. —Pope. There is a village named Harcourt in Shropshire, three miles from Whitchurch and ten miles from Ellesmere. If not named after this village, Harcourt township may take its name from the distinguished English family descended from Martha Harcourt, a sister of Simon, Earl of Harcourt, who was married to Lord Vernon and died in 1794. Her son Edward, Archbishop of York, assumed the name of Harcourt in 1831, and married Lady Anne Leveson Gower, daughter of the 402 NOTHING BUT NAMES Marquis of Stafford. The most distinguished living representative of the family is the Right Hon. Sir William George Granville Vernon-Harcourt, born in 1827, M.P. for Oxford (1868); Professor of International Law in Trinity College, Cambridge; Solicitor-General in 1873; Home Secretary in 1880, and Chancellor of the Exchequer in the last Liberal Government. Of the Canadian Harcourts, Michael represented Haldimand county for two terms in the Canadian Assembly before Confederation, and his son, Hon. Richard Harcourt, born in Seneca township in 1849, was elected to the Ontario Legislature for Monck in 1878, and became Provincial Treasurer in 1890, which office he still holds (1899).' DUDLEY TOWNSHIP (i860) Dudley, my one one love, my spirit halts ; Would that it had thine now on which to lean. — Sarah Williams. Dudley is a name applied to both persons and places in England. The thriving town of Dudley in Worcestershire, not far from Birmingham, has a castle said to have been built about 760, by Dudo, a Saxon. It passed to the Duke of Northumberland, whose estates were forfeited for opposing Queen Mar}-. In the Civil Wars Dudley was a Royal garrison, and stood a siege for three weeks. Early in the seventeenth century it passed by marriage to the Ward family, and in 1790 it was burnt by a party of coiners who had made it their retreat. Lord Dudley and Ward employed workmen to restore the castle to its original condition. The Dudley tunnel, lime-quarries and canal are objects of interest in the HALIBURTON DISTRICT 403 vicinity. John William Ward, who took his title of Viscount Dudley from this town, was Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs under Canning, Goderich and Wellington 1827-28. He died in 1833, when the title became extinct. The names of Dudley and Guilford are intimately connected in English history. Lady Jane Grey, daughter of the Duke of Suffolk, married Lord Guilforc^ Dudley, son of the Duke of Northumberland, in 1553. She and her husband were convicted of high treason and beheaded on Tower-hill, February 12, 1554. " Queen Mary piously suspended the execution of her cousin three days, to afford time for her conversion to the Catholic faith, but Lady Jane defended her opinions against the arguments of the Romish divines sent to reason with her, and prepared herself with firmness for her approaching fate." Dudley J. North, born 1880, is the present heir-apparent to the Earldom of Guilford. DYSART TOWNSHIP (i860) The canty carles o' Dysart, The merry lads o' Buckhaven. — Old Song. Then from her coal-pits Dysart vomits forth Her subterranean men of color dun. Poor human mould-warps, doom'd to scrape in earth, Cimmerian people, strangers to the sun. -Tetmant. This township is called after the Fifeshire seaport town of Dysart, situated on the Firth of Forth. The place bears traces of the Romans, Danes and Cromwell, with their war paint on, and also of early religious orders. Dysart exports coal and salt and is noted for its flax 404 NOTHING BUT NAMES manufactures. Dysart House, near the town, is a seat of the Earl of Rosslyn. The Earldom of Dysart belongs to the Manners-Tollemache family. MINDEN TOWNSHIP (1858) Cold on Canadian hills, or Minden's plain Perhaps that parent mourned his soldier slain. —Langhorne. MiNDEN township is called after one of the oldest towns in Germany, Minden in Westphalia, Prussia, noted for its stone bridge, 640 feet long, over the Weser, which was built in 1518 ; for its strong fortress; for its sugar, vinegar, beer and brandy factories, and particularly for the great battle fought at Todtenhausen, three miles from Minden, in the same year that Quebec was taken from the French. In 1026 the Emperor Conrad II. held his Diet at Minden. The town was placed under the ban at the Reformation, was taken by Charles V. in 1547, by Tilly in 1626 and by George, Duke of Luneburg, in 1634. In 165 1 thirty-one persons were beheaded at Minden for witchcraft. In 1757 the town was occupied by the French, in 1758 by the Hanoverians. On August i, 1759, the British and Hanoverians, under Duke Frederick of Brunswick, defeated the French under Contades, with a loss of 8,000 men, of whom 3,000 were made prisoners. Lord George Sackville, son of the Duke of Dorset, was found guilty by a court martial of disobeying orders at Minden and was adjudged unfit to serve His Majesty in any military capacity what ever. The charge practically amounted to one of cowardice. King George confirmed the sentence, struck Sackville's name off the Privy Council book, and forbade HALIBURTON DISTRICT 405 his appearance at Court. For this and other reasons, Lord George Sackville was suspected of writing the Letters of Junius. ANSON TOWNSHIP (1858). 'Tis the Cli.irlotte that conies and a Charlotte she brings. Under Lord .Vuson's care, for the noblest of Kings ; Health and youth fill her eye, grace and ease deck her mien. Whom Birth makes a Princess, but Fate makes a Queen. — Stanzas for the Queen's Arrival, 1761. This township takes its name from the distinguished English fan»ily of soldiers and sailors connected with the Earl of Lichfield. George Anson, commander-in-chief of the British forces in India, was born in London, 1797, died of cholera at Kurnaul, 1857. He was the second son of Thomas, first Viscount Anson, and brother of the first Earl of Lichfield. He served at Waterloo with the Scots Fusileer Guards, sat in Parliament 1S28-53 as a Liberal, and was a noted whist-player as well as a zealous patron of the turf Lord George Anson, Baron Soberton, was born in 1697 and died in 1762. He entered the navy when a boy and in 1724 was a post-captain, in command of the Scarborough man of war. In 1739 he started with a badly equipped fleet to harass the Spanish trade and settlements in the Pacific, and after winning many victories and capturing rich prizes, he circumnavigated the globe and got home in 1744. In 1757 he was made the head of the admiralt}'. It was Admiral Anson, who, in 1761, sailed from Harwich in the Charlotte yacht to bring George III.'s bride to England. He was noted for his tender care of the sick and his humanity towards prisoners. Sir George Anson ( 1 769- 1S49) distinguished himself at the 4o6 NOTHING BUT NAMES battles of Talavera, Salamanca and Vittoria ; he was equerry to the Duchess of Kent, and groom of the bed chamber to Prince Albert His son, Major O. H. Anson (1815-1859), served through the Indian Mutiny. BRUTON TOWNSHIP (1862) I am monarch of all I survey. My right there is none to dispute on ; But I wish that I could get away And go home to the village of Bruton. — A. Selkirk (revised version). This town is called after the town of Bruton in Somersetshire, situated on the river Bru, and celebrated for its manufacture of stockings. It was formerly the seat of Sir Maurice Berkeley, who distinguished himself in the Civil Wars. Sir John Wodehouse, born 1741, died 1834, who was made Baron Wodehouse of Kimberley, married Sophia Berkeley, of Bruton Abbey, Somerset The church at Bruton was founded in 1 142. Within the parish is the romantic hamlet of Disheove, where the remains of a Roman tesselated pavement were discovered in 17 11. Thomas G. Ridout wrote, Dec. 29, 1812 : "In this church yard of Bruton lie the bones of the celebrated Robinson Crusoe, or Alexander Selkirk, round whose tomb I walked. He was a native of Bruton, a snug little town, with the Brew running through it Six miles distant is a tower to the memory of Alfred the Great, who on this spot defeated the Danes in his first great battle." HALIBURTON DISTRICT 407 HARBURN TOWNSHIP (1862) This township may be called after the town of Harburn in Edinburgh County, Scotland, or after the Harburn river which rises in Devonshire and empties into the Dart ; probably the former. GUILFORD TOWNSHIP (1861) When Guilford good our pilot stood. —Bu On Guildford-green he will you meet ; He wishes you for him to pray. For there he'll lose his life so sweet. Or else the wedding he means to stay. — Cupid's Triumph. Guilford takes its name from the town of Guilford, or Guildford, in Surrey, on the river Wey, which has a written charter dating back to 1256. At a short distance from the town is a circular race course, to which King William III. subscribed a plate of the value of £\0'^ to be annually run for. The ancient cock-pit of Guilford has been converted into a butter and poultry market. Guilford gives the title of Earl to the North family, one of whose members was the Premier of Great Britain during the war of the Revolution in America. (See Dudley township). 4o8 NOTHING BUT NAMES STANHOPE TOWNSHIP (i860) The.se trophies. Stanhope, of a lovely dame. Once the bright object of a monarch's fl'ame, Who with such just propriety can wear. As thou, the darling of the gay and fair' —Jenyns, This township takes its name from Philip Henry Stanhope, 5th Earl of Stanhope, born 1805, died 1875, who was Under Secretary for Foreign Affairs in 1834, President of the Society of Antiquaries, a Trustee of the British Museum, and who, as Lord Mahon, wrote a History of England from the Peace of Utrecht to that of Versailles, and other historical works. ^Alexander Stanhope, only son of Philip, Earl of Chesterfield, was created Baron Stanhope of Mahon in 17 17, and Earl Stanhope in the following year. Lord Stanhope's History is a history of the nation, its wars, and its internal policy. Its heroes are the Sovereign and the Ministers who conducted the administration of the empire, and their political adversaries who checked the government at every step. It has nothing to do directly with the people whom either party affected to represent. There is a village called Stanhope in Durham county, England, many of ^vhose inhabitants find employment in the lead mines. //. i LIB UR TON DIS TRICT 409 HINDON TOWNSHIP (i860) Pretty Henrietta Hyde, Who Queen Mary's ribbons pinned on. Was not fated to abide In the quiet town of Hindon. This township takes its name from the old town of Hindon in Wiltshire, which was represented in Parliament before the Reform Bill was adopted. In a foot note to " English Bards and Scotch Reviewers,'' B}'ron mentions that Matthew Gregory Lewis was M.P. for Hindon. A fine variety of free-stone is obtained near the town of Hindon. The Earl of Clarendon (see Clarendon township) is also Baron Hyde of Hindon. The Hyde and the Villiers families have had peculiar and oft recurring relationships. As far back as 1254 Sir Richard de Villiers, who accompanied Edward 1. to the Holy Land, married Maud, daughter of Sir John Hyde, of Hyde Hall, from whom descended George Villiers, Duke of Bucking- hain, the favorite of King James I., and Barbara V-illiers, the mother of the first Duke of Grafton. The first wife of the Duke of York, afterward King James 1 1., was Anne Hyde, daughter of Edward Hyde, Chancellor of the Realm, who was created Earl of Clarendon. Anne Hyde's daughters, Mary and Anne, became Queens of England. Her brother, Lawrence Plyde, second son of the Chancellor, who, though a zealous champion of the Crown and the Church, " drank deep and swore like a porter,'' became Earl of Rochester and was the father of " pretty little Henrietta Hyde, the best child in the world," who supported the gorgeous train of her cousin. Queen Mary, at her Coronation in 1689, and was soon 410 NOTHING BUT NAMES afterwards married to a son of the unfortunate Duke of Monmouth (see Monmouth township). In 1752 Lady Charlotte Capel, grand-daughter of Henry Hyde, Earl of Clarendon and Rochester, married Thomas Villiers and' brought the titles of Hyde and Clarendon back to that family. The present Earl of Clarendon, Edward Hyde Villiers. is great-grandson of the aforesaid Charlotte,. Baroness of Hyde, of Hindon, Wiltshire. CLYDE TOW^NSHIP (1872) And England's light-arm'd vessels ride, Not distant from the waves of Clyde. -Sir Walter Scott. This township was named in honor of Sir Colin Campbell, grand officer of the Legion of Honor, a Field Marshal in the British Army, Commander-in-Chief in the East Indies, born near Glasgow in 1792, died in 1863. He entered the army in 1808, serving first in Portugal and then in the war of 181 2-1 5 with the United States. He helped to quell an insurrection in Demarara in 1823, took part in the Chinese war in 1842, was through the Indian wars of 1848-52, proceeded to the Crimea in 1854 in command of the Highland Brigade, and fought with great distinction at Alma, Balaclava and the Redan. Kinglake says Campbell was a soldier, and had fellow- feeling with soldiers, and they had fellow-feeling with him. He cherished them with watchful care, and they on their part loved, honored and obeyed him with a faith that all he ordered was right. In 1857, on the death of Gen. Anson, Sir Colin Campbell was sent at twenty-four hours' notice to assume the supreme command in Bengal. HALIBURTON DISTRICT 411 He hastened to Lucknow, the seat of the Sepoy rebellion, where he raised the siege and permitted Sir Henry Havelock and Sir James Outram to welcome their deliverers. Sir Colin Campbell was raised to the peerage in 1858 as Baron Clyde, of Clydesdale. He received the thanks of Parliament in 1859 for his services in India, and in i860 he was appointed Colonel of the Coldstream Guards. Without aristocratic influence, by sheer merit. Lord Clyde raised himself from a low position in the army to a high one. He died unmarried and his title became extinct EYRE TOWNSHIP (1872) I asked her to wed. She replied with a stare : " Just spell me the name of Sir Waldegrave Eyre.'' — London Tid-Bits. This township was also named in honor of a dis tinguished soldier. Brigadier General Sir William Eyre, born 1805, died 1859, entered the sixth regiment of infantry in 1823 as an ensign and was promoted through all the steps, until in 1854 he received his command of a brigade in the army of the east. During the Caffre war, under Sir Harry Smith and General Cathcart, he served with such gallantry as to win the distinction of a C. B. The following is from Kinglake : " Nearly 2,000 men of General Sir Richard England's division were placed under the command of Major General Eyre. As the i8th moved up. General Eyre thus addressed them : ' Royal Irish, I rely on you, and expect that you will this day do deeds which will make every cabin in Ireland ring with pride and joy.' Of General Eyre's force 650 men were slain or 412 NOTHING BUT NAMES wounded — more than one-third of the whole. The braver}- of the I Sth Royal Irish and of the whole of E}-re's brigade was the subject of warm encomium throughout the whole arm}-. Lord Raglan is said to have found fault with General E}-re for losing so many men, but the latter replied that he had done what he was ordered, and that he had taken the cemetery.'' Sir William E}-re was the second son of \'ice- Admiral Sir George E}-re,and his mother was a daughter of Sir George Cooke, of Wheatle}'. He was aide-de-camp to the Lieutenant-Governor of Upper Canada before he went to the Cape of Good Hope with his regiment For his services in the Crimea, referred to b}' Kinglake, he was knighted in 1S35 and made a commander of the Legion of Honor. In June, 1856, he was selected b}- the commander-in-chief to command the troops in Canada, and during Sir Edmund Head's absence. Sir William E}-re administered the government of Canada from June 21st to November 2nd, 1857. Ill health com pelled him to resign his command, and he died shortly after his return to England. Sir William married in 1S41 Miss Bridgeman Simpson, daughter of Hon. John Bridge- man Simpson, by whom he left no issue. Colonel Sir Vincent Eyre, C.B., of the Bengal Artillery, was bom in 18 10 and served in Afghanistan 1 84 1-42. He was wounded at Cabul. He was a skilful practical engineer as well as an able officer. In 1856 he published a pamphlet on " ^letallic Boats and Floating Wagons." He distinguished himself during the Indian ^lutin}-, and subsequentl}- became a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Societ}- and a member of other learned bodies. He died in iSSi. HALIBURTON DISTRICT 413 H.WELOCK TOWNSHIP (1872) Outram and Havelock breaking their way through the fell mutineers — Surely the pibroch of Europe is ringing again in our ears. — Tennyson. This township was called after Sir Henry Havelock, born at Durham, 1795, died near Lucknow, India, 1857. He distinguished himself in the Burmese war of 1824, in Afghanistan, in the Mahratta campaign and against the Sikhs. In April, 1857, he was wrecked off the coast of Ceylon, but reached Calcutta while the Sepoy mutiny was at its height. He defeated the Nana at Cawnpore and pushed on to relieve Lucknow, where Inglis was closely beset. Havelock was in turn besieged until relieved by Sir Colin Campbell. The baronetcy was conferred upon Havelock the day after his death, and the title and pension were inherited by his son, Sir Henry Havelock-Allan, born at Chinsurah, India, August 6, 1830, killed by the insurgent Afridis near the Khyber Pass, Jan. 6, 1898. He obtained a commission as ensign in 1846 and went with his father to the relief of Lucknow and Cawnpore, winning the Victoria Cross at the latter place. ^Nlost of his life was spent in active service in India, though he took part in the ]\Iaori war in 1863 and was elected to Parliament in 1874. His honorary rank of Lieutenant-General was given to him in the Jubilee Year of 1897, when he was created K.C.B. 414 NOTHING BUT NAMES SHERBORNE TOWNSHIP (1862) A neighbor and a loving friend, but in no sense a rival. As Sherborne is to Castleton, across the river Ivel. — Brovtm. This township was named after the town of Sherborne in Dorsetshire, England, where Thomas Ridout was born. It is near the border of the White Heart Forest, and Kings Ethelbald and Ethelbert are interred there. Sher borne Castle, the beautiful seat of Earl Digby, was built in part by Sir Walter Raleigh, who also planted a grove there. One writer refers to Sherborne Castle and church, in Dorsetshire, as dating from 1 107. There is another Sherborne House and Lodge, by Inigo Jones, two miles east of Northlech in Gloucestershire, which is the seat of Baron Sherborne, whose family name is Dutton. When Thomas G. Ridout, of Toronto, visited Sherborne in 1812, he wrote to his brother that he had found his grandfather's house in ruins. He went to Sherborne Church on Sunday and admired the grandeur of the Gothic pile which had stood unmoved in war and peace through the storms and tempests of 700 years. " After church, James Ridout showed me grandfather's seat, the place beyond Lord Digby's. Here in this church, for generations, had the family been christened and buried. In the parish books. 1630, I saw the name of John Ridout in the vestry." A street in Toronto was also named Sherborne by Mr. Ridout. HALIBURTON DISTRICT 415 NIGHTINGALE TOWNSHIP (1878) .Among the world's great women thou hast made thy glorious mark ; Men will hereafter mention make of thee with Joan of Arc ; And fathers, who relate the Maid of Saragossa's tale. Will tell their little children, too, of Florence Nightingale. — Punch. This township was named in honor of Miss Florence Nightingale who won world-wide fame by her philan thropic efforts to alleviate the sufferings of the sick and wounded soldiers in the Crimean War. She was born at Florence, in 1820, of wealthy parents. At the request of Lord Herbert, Secretary of War, Miss Nightingale organized the hospital nurses, and " earned the blessings of the comforted as well as the gratitude of her country." A testimonial fund of ^^50,000 was, at her request, devoted to the formation and maintenance of an institution for the training and employment of nurses. Miss Nightingale's father was William Edward Shore, who inherited the estates of his grand-uncle, Peter Nightingale, and in pursuance of his will assumed the name of Nightingale by royal sign manual in 181 5. 4i6 NOTHING BUT NAMES LAWRENCE TOWNSHIP (1877) Here Lawrence rests in death ; while living flame From Thames to Ganges wafts his honour'd name. — Hannah .More. Voice of the dead whom we loved, our Lawrence the best of the brave. Cold were his brows when we kissed him — we laid him that night in his grave. — Tennyson. Lawrence township was named after Sir John Laird Mair (Lord) Lawrence, one of the four sons of Colonel Alexander Lawrence, of Ireland, who led a storming party at Seringapatam in 1799. Sir Henry Montgomery Lawrence, born in Ce}-lon, 1806, died in Lucknow, India, 1857, joined the Bengal Artillery in 1822, served in the Afghan campaign 1843, and took office as Chief Commissioner of Oude and arrived at Lucknow just before the outbreak of the Sepoy mutiny in 1857. He had been nominated to succeed Canning as Governor- General of India, but he was mortally wounded by a shell on Jul}- 2nd, and died two days later. His brother. Sir John Laird Mair Lawrence, born 18 11, died 1879, went to India in 1829, and was of such service at the time of the Mutiny that Parliament and the public called him " the saviour of India." On his return to England he received a title and a pension. He was Governor-General of India 1863-68, succeeding Lord Elgin, and was the first Chairman of the London School Board. Another brother, Sir George Lawrence, born 1805, belonged to the Bengal cavalry. He was taken prisoner at Cabul in 1842, and HALIBURTON DISTRICT 417 at Peshawur in 1848. He succeeded his brother Henry as political agent at Rajputana in 1857. Sir George wrote a book on the Mutiny. LIVINGSTONE TOWNSHIP (1877) Says Gray to Du Chaillu, " I don't want to rile you. But you set up preposterous claims." Says Du Chaillu to Gray, " I don't care what you say. For — you called Dr. Livingstone names." — Punch. This township was named in honor of Rev. David Livingstone, the celebrated traveller, explorer and missionary, born at Blantyre, near Glasgow, Scotland, in 181 5. As a boy he worked in the cotton mills. He was ordained to the pastoral office in 1840, and immediately left England for South Africa, where he spent nearly the whole of his life, instructing and assisting the natives and adding to the world's stock of geographi cal knowledge. Henry M. Stanley was sent by the New York Herald to find Livingstone, but the great explorer died before his whereabouts were ascertained. His death occurred at Chitambos village, Ilala, May 4, 1873. His body was removed to England and buried in Westminster Abbey. Livingstone was a cool, sensible man of business, animated by the highest Christian spirit and a noble desire to put down slavery. One of his brothers settled in Ontario and survived the distinguished traveller several years. 4i8 NOTHING BUT NAMES McCLINTOCK TOWNSHIP (1876) He could not bring poor Franklin back From his grave in the Arctic sea. But McClintock kept upon his track Till he solved the mystery. This township was named after Sir Francis Leopold McClintock, born at Dundalk, Ireland, in 1819. He entered the navy in 1831, and took part in voyages of Arctic discovery in 1848-50-52. In 1854 he was made a post-captain. As commander of the Fox, fitted out by Lady Franklin, Captain McClintock in 1857 discovered the fate of Sir John Franklin and his crews, and on his return to England in 1859 he was knighted and had the freedom of London conferred upon him. In i860 he published " The Voyage of the Fox in the Arctic Seas." Captain McClintock was made rear admiral in 1871, vice admiral in 1877, commander-in-chief of the North America and West India stations, 1879-82, and full admiral in 1884. MUSKOKA DISTRICT 419 MUSKOKA DISTRICT (1868) On the Muskoday, the meadow, In the moonlight and the starlight, Fair Nokomis bore a daughter, And she called her name Wenonah. -Hiawatha. The name Muskoka, which is applied to a district, a township, a lake, a river and a bay in Ontario, as well as to an island (Muskoka or Fox Island) in Lake Simcoe, is probably a corruption of Misquuckkey, an Indian chief whose name appears on two treaties for the surrender of land, bearing the date of the 17th and l8th of November, 18 1 5. These documents were signed by Elisha Beman, Henry Procter and three others on behalf of the Province, by J. Givins on behalf of the Crown, and by Kina}'- bicoinini, Aisaince and Misquuckkey, " the Principal Chiefs of the Chippawaw Nation of Indians, on behalf of them selves and their Nation." The consideration was ^^4,000 for 250,000 acres between Lake Simcoe and Lake Huron, including the tract west of " a purchase said to have been made in the year 1785." Though formally surrendered at that early day, the district in question continued to be Misquuckkey's hunting ground. Another spelling of the name is Mesqua Ukee, a chief of the Rama Indians, who fought on the British side in the war of 181 2, and whose hunting grounds were on the lake and river now called Muskoka. Mr. Aubrey White, of the Crown Lands Department, knew that old chief, who was ordinarily called Yellowhead, from Meskwa (red) and Ahkees (ground), and Mr. White says the south branch of the Muskoka River 420 NOTHING BUT NAMES was the hunting ground of ]\Ieskwakees, whom he believes to be identical with Misquuckke}-, who signed the treat}' in 1815. A Chippewa chief named Muskokomon signed a treaty in 1834, surrendering certain lands in the London District. In the .Archives of 1897 there is a reference to a letter sent by Lord Bathurst to the chief of the Muscogee tribe, in September, 1S15. Drake, in his book on the American Indians, says the Iroquois and the Chahta-Muskoki are the languages ne.xt in importance to the Algonkin. Mr. T. M. Robinson sa}-s in the Canadian Album : " In the early fifties the region on the north of the Severn (Muskoka) was to the inhabitant of the neigh boring County of Simcoe a wilderness of rocks and lakes which would never be settled. ' There is no land,' the enquirer was told, ' nothing but rocks and lakes.' The Indians of Rama used this unknown country as a hunting ground, and, by the masterl}- silence which the\- understand so well, helped to maintain the m}ster}- that enveloped it. In 1857 the Government was induced to project a colonization road from Washago (the north limit of the Lake Simcoe navigation) to the High Falls of the Muskoka river ; this was done chiefl}- on the representa tions of the late Angus Morrison, M.P., who, with a few friends and Indian guides, had penetrated the Muskoka Lakes b\- the canoe route by wa}- of the Severn River, through Sparrow- Lake, thence via ^Morrison Lake to Leg Lake, and to Muskoka Ba}', where Gravenhurst now stands, b}' the long portage on the route of the present Leg Lake road." The blue books of the Geological Surve}- contain a report from Alexander Murra}' to \^'m. E. Logan, describing the formers journey in 1853, from the mouth to the source of the Muskoka River and thence down the " Petewahweh " to the Ottawa. Lakes Muskoka and '' Rousseau " bore those names at that date, but Mr. MUSKOKA DISTRICT 421 Murray gave the names to Mary Lake, Fairy Lake, and the Lake of Bays. Mr. Murray refers (page 68) to an exploration of part of the same territory by Mr. William Hawkins in 18.37. Muscogo Lake is on a map published in 1836. The population of the Muskoka District increased from 300 in 1861 to 30,000 in 1882. Mr. A. P. Cockburn put the first steamboat, the " Wenonah," on Muskoka Lake in 1866, and among the Hiawathan names he has since given to his fleet is the " Kenozha." Rev. Mr. Grant, of Orillia ("Knoxonian"), writes: "Did we forget Muskoka ? Not by any means. In any fair description of Canadian summer resorts Muskoka must be the climax. In any eloquent speech on Canadian scenery Lake Joseph must be the peroration. For lovely islands give us Muskoka! For soft, balmy breezes commend us to Muskoka! For fair women and hospitable men Muskoka stands in the front rank. Spain has' reason to regret that Columbus discovered America, but no white man regrets that Cockburn discovered Muskoka." RYDE TOWNSHIP (1861) The good ship went down in Spithead, within plain sight of Ryde ; Within sight, too, of Portsmouth, over on the Hamp.shire side. — Wreck of the Royal George, Ryde is called after the town of that name on the Isle of Wight, five miles from Portsmouth. Ryde stands in relation to Portsmouth much as Cowes does to Southamp ton, and is very prettily situated. Nearly opposite to Ryde is Spithead, one of the chief anchorages for the British fleet, and a favorite locality for naval reviews. The town is much frequented as a watering place. 422 NOTHING BUT NAMES MORRISON TOWNSHIP (i860) I marvel, Jeanie Morrison, Gin I hae been to thee As closely twined wi' earliest thochts, As ye hae been to me ? — Wm. Motherwell. Mr. Cockburn and others are of the opinion that this township was named in honor of Angus Morrison, who, as M.P. for North Simcoe from 1854 to 1863, was chiefly instrumental in opening the Muskoka district for settlement. He was a son of Mr. Hugh Morrison, a native of Sutherlandshire, and was born in Edinburgh in 1822. The family came to Canada in 1834. Angus Morrison was called to the bar in 1846. He married a daughter of Robert Gilmor, of Three Rivers. He was President of the Dominion Express Company, of the Toronto Rowing Club, and of Toronto St. Andrew's Society ; a director of the Northern Railway, Mayor of Toronto 1876-7-8, and after his defeat in North Simcoe he represented Niagara in Parliament, describing himself in the Parliamentary Companion as a Baldwin Reformer, but a faithful supporter of Sir John Macdonald. His brother, Judge Joseph Curran Morrison, was born in Ireland in 1816 and educated at Upper Canada College, Toronto. In 1847 he was elected to Parliament for West York as a Baldwin Reformer. He filled the office of Solicitor-General and Receiver-General, and was defeated in elections by Mr. Mowat and by Mr. McDougall. As Hon. J. C. Morrison was Solicitor-General when this township was surveyed (i860), some insist that the name was meant for him, and not for his brother Angus. At one time Mr. Morrison MUSKOKA DISTRICT 423 held office in the Government for more than two years without a seat in Parliament. The Guelph Mercury says that Mr. Morrison was always popular with both parties, and though he and his leader were " chaffed " about his inability to find a seat, no one thought it necessary to utter an indignant protest against an alleged violation of the principle of responsible government. In 1862 he was appointed Judge of the Common Pleas, in 1863 promoted to the Queen's Bench, and in 1877 to the Court of Appeal. Judge Morrison's daughter married Hon. A. S. Hardy, of Brantford, for more than twenty years a member of the Ontario Government, and Premier of Ontario since 1896. OAKLEY TOWNSHIP (1861) Old Oakley moulders 'neath the hand of age, Grey worn her towers, and fall'n her battled heights ; Still lives her fame, for on th' historic page Are stamp'd the glories of her antient fights. —Old Song, There are twelve villages in England named Oakley, after any one of which this township may have been named. The Scotch village of Oakley, six miles from Dunfermline, possesses coal mines and iron works. Oakley Hall, near the village of Oakley, but in the parish of Dean, Hants, was the residence of the Wither family for 200 years, and was rebuilt by Wither Bramstone, Esq., in 1790. One of the seats of Clive, Baron Windsor, is Oakley Park, Bromfield, Salop. Rev. John Oakley, Dean of Manchester, born 1834, died 1890, was the author of " The Christian Aspect and Application of the Decalogue," and " The Conscience Clause, its History." 424 NOTHING BUT NAMES DRAPER TOWNSHIP (1853) Sir William Draper praised the Act of Grace That was enacted by King Charles the Second, And said if such an Act had found a place Among the statutes of Charles First, he reckoned The Civil War would not have rent the nation, And there had been no need for restoration. — Essence of Junius Letters. This township was named after Chief Justice William Henry Draper, born in London, England, in 1801, died 1877. He ran away to sea when a boy, and arrived in Canada in his twentieth year. After teaching school at Port Hope, he studied law at Toronto. No lawyer of his time in Canada excelled him in the subtle art of persuasion and his silver-tongued eloquence procured for him the soubriquet of "Sweet William." In 1836 he was elected to Parliament for Toronto,* in 1837 he became Solicitor-General, in 1840 Attorney- General. In politics he was a Conservative of a very pronounced cast. On his retirement from office in 1847 Mr. Draper delivered a very affecting speech, complaining that his exertions in the Conservative cause had been ill repaid, and declaring in favor of responsible government He immediately afterwards accepted a Judgeship in the Court of Queen's Bench, succeeding Mr. Justice Hagerman, deceased. In 1856 he succeeded Sir James Macaulay as Chief Justice of the Court of Common Pleas ; in 1863 he succeeded Hon. Archibald McLean as Chief Justice of Upper Canada, and in 1869 Mr. Draper became President of the Court of Error and Appeal, a position which he retained until his death in November, 1877. His judicial career of MUSKOKA DISTRICT 425 thirty years " was marked by unflagging industry and by the higher attributes of great learning and stainless honor." MUSKOKA TOWNSHIP (1857) See Muskoka district. WOOD TOWNSHIP (1870) But this idol Wood may do us great evil. Their gods were of wood, but our Wood is the devil. — Swift, This township was named after Hon. Edmund Burke Wood, son of Samuel Wood, of Halton county, who came to Canada from the United States during the war of 181 2. He was born at Chippewa, Upper Canada, in 1817, and educated at Oberlin College, Ohio, where he graduated in 1848. Mr. Wood married in 1855 Augusta, daughter of Dr. Peter Marter, of Brantford. He was the first Clerk of the County Court and Clerk of the Crown in the separate county of Brant, 1853. He sat in the Canadian Assembly as member for South Brant 1863-67, was then elected to the House of Commons and to the Ontario Legislature, taking office under Hon. John Sandfield Macdonald as Treasurer of Ontario. He assisted to settle the Municipal Loan Fund question in 1872-73, was then elected to the Commons for West Durham (Mr. Hardy succeeding him as representative of South Brant in the Legislature), and in 1874 Mr. Wood was appointed Chief Justice of 426 NOTHING BUT NAMES Manitoba, which office he filled until his death in 1882. He was a very able man, both in law and in politics, and his services were in great request at closely contested elections. Mr. Wood had only one arm. On account of his powerful voice, he got the nickname of Big Thunder. BAXTER TOWNSHIP (1878) While the Lord's servant chastens whom he loves. And Simeon kicks, where Baxter only shoves. — Hints from Horace. This township was named in honor of Hoh. Jacob Baxter, M.D., whose grandfather, John Baxter, came from Ireland and settled in Bertie township toward the close of the last century. Dr. Baxter was born in Bertie in 1832. He was elected to the Ontario Legislature in 1867 for Haldimand as a Liberal and sat continuously for that county till 1898, when he was appointed Registrar of Deeds in Haldimand. From 1887 to 1891, Dr. Baxter was Speaker of the House. RIDOUT TOWNSHIP (1862) This township was named in honor of a distinguished Toronto family, of whom Thomas Ridout, born at Sherbourne, Dorsetshire, in 1754, came to Maryland in 1774, was taken prisoner by the Shawanese Indians of the Ohio, in 1787, and brought to Detroit, then an English garrison, where he was liberated. He became Surveyor- General of Upper Canada, Registrar of York County, MUSKOKA DISTRICT 427 Clerk of the Peace for the Home District and a Legislative Councillor. Dr. Scadding describes Thomas Ridout as '' a perfect picture of a cheerful, benevolent-minded Englishman." His son, Thomas Gibbs Ridout, born at Sorel, 1792, served in the war of 181 2 and became cashier of the Bank of Upper Canada. He died in 1861, leaving a widow and twelve children, of whom Lady Edgar, wife of the Speaker of the House of Commons (1896), and authoress of " Ten years of Upper Canada in Peace and War," is one. The Ridout family is connected by marriage with the Boultons, the Baldwins and the Sullivans. In 1817, John Ridout was killed in a duel by Samuel Peters Jarvis, Henry John Boulton acting as second for Jarvis. In 1836, George Ridout, for criticizing the conduct of Sir Francis Bond Head, was dismissed from his office as Judge of the Niagara District Court. He appealed to Lord Glenelg, who ordered Mr. Ridout's reinstatement, which order Sir Francis refused to obey. McLEAN TOWNSHIP (1862) When Noah turn'd seaman, most people agree, man, Maclean of that day had " a boat o' his ain ; " A clansman less famous, though every inch game, is Our own gallant Chieftain — the other Maclean. — Evan MacColl, This township was named in honor of Archibald McLean, born at St. Andrew's 1791, died 1865, one of the Judges who administered the oath of office to Governor Bagot To his father, Neil McLean, born at Mingai}-, Island of Mull, in 1759, was granted lot No. i, at the mouth of the Cataraqui River, Kingston, "by order of General Haldimand." Neil McLean was in command of 428 NOTHING BUT NAMES the Stormont Militia at the battle of Chrysler's Farm. Allan McLean was the first lawyer in Kingston, having been so created by an Order in Council. He is described as a man of moderate abilities, and his original education was defective. But he was a man of considerable taste, modest and dignified in his deportment He was a faithful representative in Parliament for many years, and was liberal in his political opinions. Archibald McLean, was one of the pupils at Dr. Strachan's school established in Kingston in the year 1800. Chief Justice Robinson, Chief Justice Macaulay and Bishop Bethune attended the same school. Before his appointment to the Bench in 1837, Archi bald McLean was Registrar of the Eastern District and Clerk of the Peace. In the famous Anderson Slave Case in i860 when Sir John Beverley Robinson and Mr. Justice Burns decided that Anderson must be surrendered to his master, Mr. Justice McLean dissented, holding that the prisoner was entitled to his discharge, upon the ground that slavery was not recognized by the law of Canada ; that a slave who had escaped from bondage was entitled to defend himself, even to the death, against recapture, and that the case under consideration did not come within the pro visions of the extradition treaty. Chief Justice Draper succeeded Judge McLean in 1863. MACAULAY TOWNSHIP (1857) The stream was rushing thick and fast. The wind was blowing rawly, \\-hen o'er the stream Horatius passed Just to oblige Macaulaj-. — Punch, This township was named after Chief Justice Sir James Buchanan Macaulay, born at Niagara in 1793, died MUSKOKA DISTRICT 429 1859. He was a son of Dr. James Macaulay, of the 33rd Foot, afterward Deputy-Inspector-General of Hospitals, whose other sons were John Simcoe Macaulay, George Macaulay, a barrister at Bath, and Rev. Allan Macaulay. He married a daughter of Dr. Gamble, of the Queen's Rangers, who died at Kingston in 18 11, his widow surviv ing until 1859. Judge Macaulay fought with the Glengarry Fencibles in the war of 181 2, escaping without a wound. He was called to the bar in 1822, was an Executive Councillor under Sir P. Maitland, and in 1829 was made a Judge of the Queen's Bench. In 1849 he was transferred to the Common Pleas, and in 1856 he retired from the Bench on account of his defective hearing. Judge Macaulay was a brother-in-law of Judge Hagerman. " As a laborious and painstaking judge none excelled him." Two Macaulays, Robert and John, drew land in Kingston township. Hon. John Macaulay, postmaster of Kingston, 181 3-1836, "was one of those who passed through life without exposing themselves to the obloquy of their political opponents." He was "extremely temperate in his habits " and in his business transactions he was " scrupulously exact." The father of Hon. John and Rev, William Macaulay settled in Kingston in 1785, and died in 1800. His sons were in time called to occupy honorable and responsible situations under Government, such as Legislative Councillor, Surveyor-General, Provincial Secre tary, and Chaplain to the Legislative Assembly. MONCK TOWNSHIP (1864) This township was named after Charles Stanley, fourth Viscount Monck, born at Templemore, Tipperary, Ireland, 430 NOTHING BUT NAMES 1889, died 1894. He was descended from the old Norman family of Le Moyne (see Longueuil township). He entered Parlianient as Liberal member for Portsmouth in 1852, and was a lord of the treasury under Palmerston in 1855-57. In 1 861 he was appointed Governor-General of Canada, which position he held till November, 1868, his term including the .period in which the Confederation of the Canadian Provinces was effected. Lord Monck was " courteous to Reformers and Conservatives alike, never committed himself to the especial policy of either, but always stood ready to promote the general interests of the country at every favorable opportunity." He succeeded to his Irish title of Viscount in 1849, and was made a peer of the United Kingdom in 1866. In 1871 Lord Monck was appointed a Commissioner of National Education in Ireland. MEDORA TOWNSHIP (1869) Yet even Medora might forgive the kiss That ask'd from form so fair no more than this. — The Corsair. Medora township was called after Mrs. Medora Cameron, wife of Mr. A. Cameron, Barrister, Toronto. She was a daughter of Norton Buell, of Brockville, and a niece of Hon. Stephen Richards, Commissioner of Crown Lands, 1867-71. The name is distinctly Byronic. "The Corsair" was written between the i8th and 3tst of December, 181 3. In the original MS. the chief female character was called Francesca, but while the work was at press Byron changed the name to Medora, which was the name of the fourth daughter of Mrs. Augusta Leigh, who was half-sister of Lord Byron and a daughter of the MUSKOKA DISTRICT 431 Marchioness of Carmarthen (see Leeds county) who eloped with Byron's father. Medora Leigh, having been disowned by her relatives for misconduct (see American Cyclopaedia), fell into great distress, and was befriended by Lady Byron, n6e Anne Isabella Milbanke, her half- aunt by marriage. The name Medora has been given to villages in Indiana, Iowa, Illinois and Missouri. GIBSON TOWNSHIP (1880) No, no, you would not be rash, Nor I rasher and something over ; You've to settle yet Gibson's hash. And Grisi yet lives in clover. — Robert Browning, This township was named in honor of Thomas Gibson, M.P.P., who represented one of the ridings of Huron county in the Ontario Legislature from 1867 to 1898, when he declined re-nomination. He was a genial Scotchman, of good ability, and well liked by his fellow members. Mr. Gibson was born at Greenlaw, Berwick shire, in 1825. 432 NOTHING BUT NAMES FRANKLIN TOWNSHIP (1S65) On, on to the weird ice-world, where, the winner's prize. sits she ; An untrod land about her feet, washed bv an unsailed sea ; And what though Franklin s, Crozier s steps have left their icy track, AU pointing northwards, northwards — none ever leading back?" —Punch. This township is called after Admiral Sir John Franklin, the Arctic explorer, bom at Spilsb}-. Lincoln shire, 17S6. He entered the nav}- in iSoo and served at the battle of Copenhagen in 1801. In 1S02 he went with an expedition to explore the coasts of Australia, was shipwrecked, carried to China, attacked by a French squadron in the Strait of [Malacca and had various other adventures. He was on the Bellerophon at the battle of Trafalgar, ser\-ed on the United States coast during the war of iS 12-15, 3^nd was wounded at the battle of New Orleans. In iSiS he attempted to go to India via Spitzbergen, and in 1S19 he was appointed to command an expedition to travel overland from Hudson's Bav to the Arctic Ocean. 'On that trip he passed through Toronto and Barrie. '' From the shining sands of Penetanguishene Sir John Franklin passed, April 23. 1S23, to join his part}- on his second journey to the Polar Sea " In 1S23 he married Miss Eleanor Porden. who died in 1S25, and in 1S2S he married Miss Jane Griffin, born 1791, died 1S75. In 1S29 Franklin was knighted and he was Governor of Tasmania or \'an Dieman's Land 1S36-43. In 1S45 Sir John was appointed to the command of the Erebus and Terror (see Ross township) MUSKOKA DISTRICT 433 and sent to discover the Northwest Passage. He never came back, and not until several expeditions had been sent in search of him was his fate definitely ascertained. (See McClintock and McClure townships). In a paper read before the Ottawa Women's Canadian Historical Society, Miss Kenny says that Sir John Franklin laid the corner stone of the (Rideau) canal locks in August, 1827. BRUNEL TOWNSHIP (1862) Clever Mr. Brunnle, His father made the Tunnel ; But touching this here ship The son has made a — Slip. — .in " Uneducated Donkey," in Punch. This township was named after Isambert Kingdom Brunei, born at Portsmouth in 1806, son of Sir Mark Isambert Brunei, a renowned civil engineer, who was born -at Haqueville, near Rouen, 1769, died 1849. In 1793 the elder Brunei fled from France to New York, and in 1794 he commenced the survey of the Champlain Canal. Returning to Europe, he settled in England, where he invented machinery and was the engineer of the Thames Tunnel, opened in 1843. The younger Brunei was engineer-in-chief of the Great Western Railway in Eng land. He constructed the steamship Great Western, which was the first that regularly traversed the Atlantic. He also constructed some of the most important docks on the English coast, as well as tubular bridges, and during the war with Russia, I. K. Brunei established and organized the Renkioi hospitals on the Dardanelles. When the controversy between engineers on the 434 NOTHING BUT NAMES respective merits of the broad and narrow gauges was at its height, Mr. Brunei offered to drive one of his own ordinar}' broad gauge locomotives with a common load, at loo miles an hour, if an}- narrow gauge engineer would accept the challenge. Lieut.-Col. Alfred Brunei, C.E., was born in 1818. He was employed on various public works in Canada 1S44-50, was assistant engineer of the Northern Railway 1852, and superintendent of that road 1 85 3-56. Mr. Brunei was an alderman of Toronto 1S57-62, and City Engineer of Toronto 1S59-60. He took an active part in organizing the Tenth Ro}-als during the Trent difficulty (1861) and the Fenian troubles (1866), resigning his command in 1S71. He was appointed Inspector of Customs, Excise and Canals in 1863, and Commissioner of Inland Revenue in 1871. STEPHENSON TOWNSHIP (1862) Election chances seemed a vent For thy desires — but Parliament Is not so easy won. Numbers were once to thee a treat, But now by numbers thou werl beat. And I\Ir. Stephenson. — Thomas Hood. One strenuous babe, spite of croaking and snarling, His Jubilee reaches, still crescent and stout, XnA so they at Darlington drink to their darling. Whom Stephenson dandled and Hackworth brought out. — Punch. This township was named in honor of Robert Stephenson, born 1803, died 1859, the engineer who designed the Victoria tubular bridge at Montreal. His MUSKOKA DISTRICT 435 father, George Stephenson, born at Wylam, Northumber land, 1 78 1, died at Tapton Park, near Chesterfield, Derbyshire, 1848, was in his youth employed about collieries, and at eighteen years of age he could not read. In his leisure hours he studied mechanics and engineering, and he devised a railway so constructed that the full cars going down a declivity should pull up ' the empty cars. In 1 8 14, George Stephenson constructed a locomotive steam engine. In 1823 he was appointed engineer of the Stockton and Darlington railway. He perfected the locomotive and was for many years employed as a consult ing engineer on new railways in Great Britain and the Continent Robert Stephenson went to the University of Edinburgh in 1823 and in 1824 accepted an engagement as engineer in South America. He made a tour of the United States and Canada in 1827 and returning to England was employed with his father in the improvement of locomotives. Among his later works are the high level bridge over the Tyne at Newcastle, the viaduct over the Tweed valley at Berwick, the tubular bridge across the Menai strait (see Anglesey) and the Victoria bridge which was opened in i860 and is now (1898) undergoing renewal and enlargement From 1847 to his death Robert Stephenson represented the Yorkshire borough of Whitby in Parliament. In the summer of 1853 Mr. Robert Stephenson visited Canada to personally examine the site of the Victoria Bridge at Montreal, and, carefully reviewing the opinions of those best acquainted with the locality, he decided conjointly with Mr. Ross upon the structure as it was originally built 436 NOTHING BUT NAMES WATT TOWNSHIP (1865) And Watt, the great magician, wrought. And Shakespeare ranged the realms of thought, And Newton soared, and Cromwell fought, Britannia. — A. McLachlan. This township is named after James Watt, born at Greenock, Scotland, 1736, died at Heathfield, near Birmingham, 18 19. When fourteen years old he con structed an electrical machine and at eighteen he went to Glasgow to learn to make mathematical instruments. In 1758 he began his experiments with steam as a propelling power for land carriages, but did not patent a road engine till 1784. The invention of the crank and fly wheel is disputed between Watt and Pickard, but to Watt is due the credit of inventing, the separate condenser, the double- acting principle, parallel motion, the regulating action of the governor and many other improvements. He retired from the Soho firm in 1800, and afterward invented the letter-copying press. His son James, born 1769, died 1848, studied in Paris and took part in the revolutionary move ments. He made material improvements in marine engines. Another son, Gregory Watt, born 1777, died 1804, engaged in scientific researches and wrote "Obser vations on Basalt." MUSKOKA DISTRICT 437 FREEMAN TOWNSHIP (1881) You, that of Freeman bear the glorious name, Do you yourself a freeborn Briton think, And yet admit, with soul devoid of shame, A cause for which you'd " British Interests " sink? — Punch. This township was named after John Bailey Freeman, M.P.P. for North Norfolk, born in Windham township, 1835. His father was Superintendent of Schools in Norfolk 1844-74, and his grandfather, who was a U.E. Loyalist, was one of the first Methodist ministers in the Long Point country. Mr. Freeman was elected to the Legislature as a Liberal in 1879 and in 1883 was appointed Government Whip. He took an active part in the establishment of the Reform Club in Toronto, of which be was a director. Mrs. Freeman was a daughter of Thomas Scatcherd, of Wyton, Middlesex county. The southwest part of this township was surveyed by D. Beatty in 1895. SINCLAIR TOWNSHIP (1876) For Huntly and Sinclair, they both played the tinkler, With consciences black as a craw, man. Some Angus and Fife men, they ran for their life, man. And ne'er a Lot's wife there at a', man. — The Battle of Sheriff-Muir, This township was named after Donald Sinclair, M.P.P. for North Bruce from 1867 to 1883, when he was appointed Registrar of Deeds for Bruce county. He was born on the Island of Islay, Scotland, in 1829, and came 438 NOTHING BUT NAMES to Canada with his parents in 1851. After teaching school in Peel County, Mr. Sinclair settled permanently in Bruce in 1858, conducting business as a general merchant at Paisley, until his removal to Wal kerton where the Registry office is located. CHAFFEY TOWNSHIP (1869) On the wild and raging Rideau, A coal barge from Toledo Smashed Chaffey's lock And Jones' dock. Who pays for that ? Why, we do. — The Taxpayer, This township was named after Mr. Benjamin Chaffey, of Brockville, whose sister Susan was the wife of Hon. Stephen Richards, Commissioner of Crown Lands 1867-71. Benjamin Chaffey was born at Norton in England in 1806, and died at Brockville in 1867. He was a builder and contractor. His father's name was also Benjamin Chaffey, and four brothers and two sisters came to Canada with him. His first public work was repairing one of the forts at Kingston, and he subsequently helped to construct the St. Lawrence canals, and built some of the piers for the Victoria Bridge at Montreal, performing that difficult task very satisfactorily. He started a ship-yard at Brockville, built and owned steamboats, and was engaged in the forwarding trade. Upon his tombstone is inscribed : " In his life he has shown what a gifted and great intellect can effect, when combined with industry and energy." John Chaffey, a brother of Benjamin, is mentioned by Leavitt as the owner of mills at Newboro' on the Rideau Canal. George Chaffey, son of the late George Chaffey MUSKOKA DISTRICT 439 and his wife Anne Leggo, (and nephew of Benjamin) was born at Brockville and educated as a mechanical engineer. As a youth he was engaged in ship-building and commanded a propeller on the lakes. In 1881 George and his brother, William Benjamin Chaffey, founded colonies in California, one of which they named Ontario, where they established new systems of irrigation. They were invited to Australia to inaugurate similar works in Victoria and South Australia. They founded the Chaffey Agricultural College in Australia, modelled after the Ontario Agricultural College at Guelph. STISTED TOWNSHIP (1869) This township was named after Major-General Henry William Stisted who, as the senior military officer in the Province, acted as Lieutenant-Governor of Ontario from July I, 1867, until the appointment of Sir William Pearce Howland to that office in July, 1868. CARDWELL TOWNSHIP (1866) Thus we made it all right with our worthy friend Bright, and secured the Peace Party's alliance. And though Cardwell and Pam detected the sham, we set their Cabal at defiance. — Punch, This township was named after Edward Viscount Cardwell, of Ellerbeck, born in Liverpool, 1813, died 1886, who was Secretary of State for the Colonies when the 440 NOTHING BUT NAMES Canadian Confederation scheme was under consideration. He was a son of John Cardwell, a wealthy merchant, and a nephew of Rev. Edward Cardwell, D.D., an Oxford professor. He entered Parliament in 1S42 as member for Clitheroe and was a friend and supporter of Sir Robert Peel, whose literary executor he became, but he was after ward attached to the Liberal party. Mr. Cardwell was Secretar}' of the Treasur}- 1845, President of the Board of Trade 1852, Chief Secretar}- for Ireland 1859, Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster 1861, Secretar}- for the Colonies 1864-66. In 1868 he was appointed a member of the Council of Education and Secretar}' of State for \\'ar. PARRY SOUND DISTRICT 441 PARRY SOUND DISTRICT (1870) Safe is bold Parry, safe his hardy train. From the dread perils of the icy main. — William Rawlins, 1823, Aurora borealis .spread its fringes O'er the North Pole ; the same seen, when ice-bound, By Captain Parry's crew, in Melville's Sound. — The Vision of Judgment. The name of this district is taken from the town and harbor of Parry Sound on the east coast of Georgian Bay, which was named after Parry Sound (also called Melville Sound) in the north polar regions of America, between latitude 72° and 75° and longitude 100° and 115° west. The Arctic Parry Sound was called after Sir William Edward Parry, born in Bath, 1790, died in Ems, Gerrnany, 1855. He entered the navy in 1803, and in 1810 sailed to the polar seas, where he corrected the admiralty charts. He served on the North American station from the breaking out of the war of 181 2 till 1817, and in 18 18 accompanied Capt. John Ross to Lancaster Sound. In 18 19, in command of the Hecla, Capt. Parry went over the same course, passed Barrow Strait and Wellington Channel, and entered the water that has since been called Parry Sound or Melville Sound, thus earning a reward of .^5,000 offered by Parliament to the first ship which should attain the I loth meridian. Captain Parry made several other voyages in search of the Northwest Passage, and published interesting reports of his adven tures and discoveries. In 1829 he was knighted, along with Sir John Franklin, and both received the degree of 44^ NOTHING BUT NAMES D.C.L. from Oxford. He retired from active service in 1846, and filled various offices in connection with the naval hospitals. The Indian name of the Canadian Parr}' Sound was Wau-sak-ah-sing, which means " shining light." Captain Bayfield, who made a survey of Lake Huron and Georgian Bay, 1S22-25, gave the name of Parry to the Sound, and the use of the term was subsequently extended as above described. The first owner of the land adjacent to the harbor was Hon. David Gibson, of Willowdale, York county, who built the first mill in 1857. He sold out to the Beatty Brothers, of Thorold, in 1863, and the plot was surveyed into village lots in 1869. HUMPHRY TOWNSHIP (1866) Small curs are not regarded, when they grin ; But great men tremble, when the lion roars ; And Humphrey is no little man in England. — King Henry VI. None of the residents appear to know wh}- Humphr}- township was given that name. One clerk in the Crown Lands Department has a dim recollection that Sir Alex ander Campbell once insisted that the name should be spelled " phry " (without the e) and he thinks the name was that of some friend of Sir Alexander, who was Commissioner of Crown Lands 1864-67. Boswell, in his Life of Johnson, describes Ozias Humphry (spelled with out the e), born 1742, died iSiO, as "the eminent painter, representative of the ancient family of Homfre}' (now Humphry) in the West of England. This family once enjoyed large possessions, but, like others, have lost them in the progress of ages. Their blood, however, remains to PARRY SOUND DISTRICT 443 them well ascertained." Croker wrote that Humphry's eminence as a painter was a good-natured error of Boswell's. CONGER TOWNSHIP (1880) There Conger with his company. With Calcutt and with Clarke, And Warren with his rifle band Whom every eye did mark. — Cobourg Star, 1838, This township was named after Mr. P. D. Conger, born in Prince Edward county about 1830, died in Toronto in 1885. He was an intimate personal friend of Hon. T. B. Pardee, Commissioner of Crown Lands when the township was surveyed and named. Mr. Conger was in business in Belleville for some time and removed to Toronto in the early seventies. In partnership with his brother-in-law, Mr. Sparling, he started a retail business in coal and wood, which developed into the Conger Coal Company. The firm of Conger and Sparling contracted for railway supplies, ties, telegraph poles and coal. A few years before his death Mr. Conger was severely injured at the opening of the Credit Valley railroad. This injury led to a lawsuit, and his death was no doubt hastened by it. His end was sudden ; he fell dead while addressing a Committee at the Toronto City Hall. His only son is now on the American stage. The Conger family came originally from Bristol, England, to the United States. David Conger, a U.E. Loyalist, born in New York State in 1769, drew land in Prince Edward county in 1797. Peter D. Conger was assessor in HalloweU in 1798. Dengine Conger held a commission in the Prince Edward 444 NOTHING BUT NAMES militia for twenty-four years. " At West Lake, HalloweU, on May 27, 1825, died Dengine Conger, in the 60th year of his age. He resided in HalloweU forty years and lived a very exemplary life." Stephen Conger gave the ground and lumber for the old Methodist church near Picton, erected in 1809. Sarah Conger, wife of Augustus Spencer, ensign in Rogers' Battalion, lived to the age of ninety-four years. Roger B. Conger and Wilson S. Conger represented Prince Edward county in Parliament ; the latter also represented Peterborough and became sheriff of that county. John Owens Conger, son of David, was a surveyor and served in the war of 18 12-14. His son Stephen Marshall Conger, born in 1835, was for many years editor of the Picton Gazette and filled many muni cipal offices. BETHUNE TOWNSHIP (1877) Of noble race the Ladye came ; Her father was a clerk of fame. Of Bethune's line of Picardie ; He learned the art, that none may name. In Padua, far beyond the sea. — Lay of the Last Minstrel. This township took its name from James Bethune, M.P.P. for Stormont 1872-79, born in Glengarry in 184O. Mr. Bethune was descended from a family of U.E. Loyalists that resided in Glengarry since 1787. He was called to the bar in 1862, and for five years was County Crown Attorney for Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, when he resigned that office and removed to Toronto to become a member of the legal firm of Blake, Kerr and Bethune. His widow was married to Sir W. P. Howland, PARRY SOUND DISTRICT 445 Aug. 15, 1895. The first Presbyterian minister in Upper Canada was Rev. John Bethune, born in the Island of Skye, 175 1, who came to Montreal in 1786 and removed to Glengarry in 1787. He died in 1815, aged sixty-four years. The late Bishop Bethune of Toronto and Dean Bethune of Montreal were sons of Rev. John Bethune. The Bishop (Alexander Neil Bethune) was born in Glen garry in 1800. He was educated at Cornwall Grammar School, ordained in 1824 by Bishop Mountain, appointed to Grimsby, then to Cobourg, in 1867 Coadjutor Bishop, with the right to succeed Bishop Strachan. Bishop Bethune married a daughter of Hon. James Crooks. He died in 1879. Dean Bethune (John) was born in 1791 and died in 1872. He was Principal of McGill College in 1835. The mother of these two clergymen was an Episcopalian, and their father a Presbyterian. PERRY TOWNSHIP (1873) And then one Peter Perry rose. And in a flaming speech He vowed that he Sir Francis Head The use of laws would teach. — Cobourg Starj 1838. Sing, over the left, boys, and like a whale, very, And "where are your witnesses ? " eh, Mr. Perry ? " In Turkey ? we thought so ; " chaff, laugh and be merry. And in judgment we'll sit with a heydownderry. — A Court'Martial for Me, This township was named after George Perry, Sheriff of Oxford county, born in Essex, England, 1818; died at Woodstock, Ontario, January, 1891. He was educated at a boys' academy in London, spent a short time in the 446 NOTHING BUT NAMES London Stock Exchange, and at the age of sixteen came to Canada to learn farming with Captain Adams, a retired army officer who had taken up land in Blenheim township. A few years later, in 1839, Mr. Perry married Miss Janet Hall and took up a farm of 100 acres of unbroken woods in the thirteenth concession of Blenheim, to which he afterward added 1 50 acres adjacent. He served the town ship as councillor and reeve, and for many years taught school. Perry's school having the reputation of being the best in the district In 1867 Mr. Perry was elected to the Ontario Legislature for North Oxford, his opponent being Dr. Daniel Clark, of Princeton, now Superintendent of the Toronto Lunatic Asylum. In 187 1 he was re-elected by acclamation. When Mr. (now Sir Oliver) Mowat required a seat in 1872, Mr. Perry, with the consent of his friends in the riding, resigned, and Air. Mowat was elected to the seat which he continued to occupy for twenty-four years. In 1873 Mr. Perry removed to Woodstock, having been appointed to succeed the late Mr. Ross as Sheriff. He was a man of very high character, and although he suffered acutely from disease in his later years he continued to discharge all his official duties. He died of paralysis, leaving a widow, seven sons and one daughter, of whom John Perry is Governor of the jail at Fort Frances; James Andrew occupies the homestead in Blenheim ; George, Thomas and William are at Deloraine, Manitoba; Stephen Oliver is at St. Thomas ; Henry Martin is at Riverside, California, and Miss Isabella Perry lives with her mother in W'oodstock. PARRY SOUND DISTRICT 447 McMURRICH TOWNSHIP (1870) This township was named after Hon. John McMurrich, of Toronto, born in Renfrewshire in 1804, died 1883. He came to Canada in 1835, and was a member of the whole sale dry goods firm of Bryce, McMurrich & Co. and a Reformer in politics. Mr. McMurrich married Janet Dickson, of Lanarkshire. He was an alderman of Toronto for several years, and an unsuccessful candidate for the Legislative Council of Canada in 1856. He ran again for the Saugeen Division (which included the counties of Bruce and Grey and the North Riding of Simcoe) in 1862, and was elected, defeating Hon. James Patton, who had been appointed Solicitor-General West, by 750 majority. Mr. McMurrich declined to run in 1864, and in 1867 he was elected to the Ontario Legislature for North York. In 1871 Mr. Boultbee defeated him in that con stituency. Mr. McMurrich was president or director of several financial institutions and an elder in the Presby terian Church. Rattray wrote : " No citizen of Toronto is more highly respected than Mr. McMurrich, as well for the energy and integrity which have always characterized him, as for the frankness and benignity of his disposition." His son, William Barclay McMurrich, has been Mayor of Toronto. 448 NOTHING BUT NAMES MONTEITH TOWNSHIP (1870) When they came in by fair Montieth, She asked a henchman carelesslye, "Whose land is this ? — Has Athol here A castle or a bastailye? " — Ballad of King Gregory. This township was named after Andrew Monteith, born in Ireland, who represented North Perth in the Ontario Legislature 1867-74, when he resigned the seat and was elected by the same constituency to the House of Commons. CHRISTIE TOWNSHIP (1869) How much like Christie, with his hammer rais'd, (Christie a public speaker, too, so praised). Looking around him, simpering, smiling, bowing, Then crying — " Gemmen, going, going, going." — Peter Pindar. This township was named after Robert Christie, Inspector of Asylums, who was born in the parish of Holm, Orkney Islands, June 29, 1826. His father. Rev. Thomas Christie, resigned his charge in Holm and came to Canada as a missionary of the old Secession Church, in company with the late Rev. Mr. Proudfoot, of London, and Rev. Mr. Robertson, of Montreal. Rev. Mr. Christie settled in West Flamborough, where he died in 1880. Robert was brought to Canada in 1833 by his uncle Robert Christie (the father of Senator David Christie) who settled in Dumfries township. He was educated at the public schools, and by his father — the latter principally, as the schools were not very efficient in those days. When PARRY SOUND DISTRICT 449 he grew up, Robert Christie engaged in farming and lumbering in Flamborough and Beverley and had an interest in a general store in the village of Christie. He was elected to the Legislature for North Wentworth in 1867, the late Dr. Thomas Miller being his opponent, and in 1 87 1 he defeated Mr. Peter Wood. In 1875 he was defeated by Mr. Thomas Stock, whereupon he retired from politics. In 1 88 1 Mr. Christie removed to Wiarton and bought property with the intention of extending his lumbering business, but in 1882 he was offered and accepted the position of inspector of public institutions. When Dr. O'Reilly, the other inspector, died in 1890, the inspection of asylums only was allotted to Mr. Christie, and Dr. Chamberlain was appointed to look after the hospitals, jails, etc. Mr. Christie married first in 1858 Jessie, daughter of George Corbet, of Owen Sound. They had nine children, of whom five survive. He married in 1 89 1 Agnes Corbet, sister of his first wife. It may be mentioned that the attention of Mr. Christie's father and uncle was first attracted to Canada by the letters of their brother-in-law. Captain Petrie, who came to Canada in the naval service in 1812, and settled at Ottawa after the war, representing Russell county in Parliament. Hon. David Christie, cousin of Robert Christie, was born in Scotland in 1 8 18. He sat in the Canadian Assembly for Went worth 1851-54, and for East Brant, 1855-58, when he resigned and was elected to the Legislative Council for the Erie Division, which he represented until called to the Senate in 1867. He was the first to use the term " Clear Grit" as applied to the Radical Reformers since 1850. David Christie was Speaker of the Senate at the time of the Mackenzie Government, 1873-78. He was a promi nent farmer near Paris and an officer of the Provincial Agricultural Association. 450 NOTHING BUT NAMES FOLEY TOWNSHIP (1866) There's Foley at full length — no Jaques could doubt him — Yet with none of the motley or zany about him. — Westminster Collection, 18^4. This township was named after Hon. Michael Hamil ton Foley, born at Sligo, Ireland, in 1820, and brought to Canada by his father in 1822. He was a journalist in Simcoe and Brantford before his election to Parliament, and was a very vigorous, not to say violent, speaker. After his election to the Canadian Assembly for Waterloo, Mr. Foley filled the office of Postmaster-General under George Brown, John Sandfield Macdonald and Sir John Macdonald. He was defeated in North Waterloo by Mr. Isaac Bowman in 1864. In the Coalition Government that was formed to carry out Confederation, Mr. Mowat took Mr. Foley's place as Postmaster-General. COWPER ISLAND (1880) What, must deserted Poesy still weep Where her la.st hopes with pious Cowper sleep ? — Byron. This little island, for some time a separate township, was named after the late Mr. George B. Cowper, Chief Clerk of the Woods and Forests branch of the Crown Lands Department of Ontario, who was appointed to office in 1857. He was of Scotch descent. PARRY SOUND DISTRICT 451 PARRY ISLAND TOWNSHIP (1822) See Parry Sound district. PROUDFOOT TOWNSHIP (1877) This township took its name from Hon. William Proudfoot, Judge of the Chancery Division of the High Court of Ontario, who was born near Errol, in Perthshire, Scotland, in 1823. He was the son of Rev. William Proudfoot, a Presbyterian minister, who came to London, Canada, in 1832, and died there in 1851. Judge Proudfoot was educated by his father. He studied law with Blake &. Morrison, Toronto, the members of the firm being William Hume Blake, afterward Chancellor of Upper Canada, and Joseph Curran Morrison, afterward Judge of the Court of Appeals. Mr. Proudfoot practised his profession in Hamilton in partnership with Messrs. Freeman and Craigie till 1862, and alone until called to the Bench in 1874. " His judgments are models of lucid expression and technical accuracy." Judge Proudfoot's brother, Rev. John J. A. Proudfoot, D.D., succeeded his father as pastor of the Church in London, and was for many years a lecturer in Knox College. ARMOUR TOWNSHIP (1875) This name is taken from Hon. John Douglas Armour, Judge of the Court of Queen's Bench, born at Otonabee, 452 NOTHING BUT NAMES Peterborough county, in 1830. He was the youngest son of Rev. Samuel Armour, Rector of Cavan. Mr. Armour studied law with Hon. P. M. VanKoughnet, afterward Chancellor of Upper Canada. He practised in Cobourg with Hon. Sydney Smith for a partner, and was County Crown Attorney for Durham and Northumberland. He was appointed a Judge in 1877, and is noted for the speedy and business-like way in which he compels the lawyers to proceed with their cases and dispose of their witnesses. " By heredity and tradition he is a Conservative, both in religion and politics, but, nevertheless, he is a Liberal in thought and education, and a firm believer in the great future the land of his birth has before her." RYERSON TOWNSHIP (1870) Faithful in all things, fit to serve or rule, Ryerson, father of the Common School ! No voice more eloquent, God's word to preach. No heart more gentle, little ones to teach. This township was named after Rev. Egerton Ryerson, D.D., LL.D., born at Charlotteville, Norfolk county, Ontario, 1803 ; died at Toronto, Feb. 19, 1882. His father. Col. Joseph Ryerson, or Ryerse, as the name was sometimes spelled, was born in New Jersey, served on the British side in the Revolutionary War, being promoted to a Lieutenancy by Sir Guy Carleton ; went to New Bruns wick at the conclusion of the war, and thence to Canada. He and three of his sons served in the war of 1812. Col. Ryerson died in 1854, aged ninety-four. Egerton Ryerson received his classical education from Mr. Law in Hamilton. In 1825 he was ordained a deacon in the Methodist PARRY SOUND DISTRICT 453 Episcopal Church by Bishop Hedding. In 1826 he pub lished a criticism on Bishop Strachan's sermon on the death of Bishop Mountain, which established his reputation as a controversialist He was editor of the Christian Guardian in 1829; president of Victoria College 1841, and Chief Superintendent of Education for Upper Canada 1844 to 1876, retiring on full salary after thirty-two years' service and recommending the appointment, in his place, of a Minister of Education with a seat in the Legislature. " Borrowing the machinery from the State of New York, and the mode of support from Massachusetts, taking the Irish national school-books for instruction, and making use of the Normal School system of Germany, Dr. Ryerson has, by the addition of what was necessary, built up a system of Common School education in the Province of Ontario that cannot be surpassed, if equalled, in the whole world." — Dr. Canniff. Five of the Ryerson brothers — George, William, John, Edwy and Egerton — were Method ist preachers. SPENCE TOWNSHIP (1871) Then up and spake an eldern knight. Sat at the King's right knee : " Sir Patrick Spence is the best sailor That sails upon the sea." — Scottish Ballad. This township was named after Hon. Robert Spence, who enjoyed the distinction of being a Cabinet Minister before he had been a week in Parliament He was an Irishman by birth, came to Canada as a boy and was by turns an auctioneer, a schoolmaster and a newspaper editor in Dundas. He was elected as a Reformer in 454 NOTHING BUT NAMES North Wentworth (1854), and accepted the office of Postmaster-General in the McNab-Morin Government, on the recommendation of Mr. Hincks. The Hamilton Spectator had been vigorously opposing Mr. Spence, and when the Coalition was formed Sir John Macdonald telegraphed the editor, Mr. Robert Smiley, asking him to ease up on Mr. Spence, who would be his colleague in a day or two. Mr. Smiley's reply, " It's a d d sharp curve, but I'll take it," has become historical. However, the electors of North Wentworth were not so complaisant, for when Mr. Spence came back to them for re-election, he was defeated at the polls. He withdrew from public life in 1858, accepting the office of Collector of Customs at Toronto. McKELLAR TOWNSHIP (1869) Dispense with all formalities. Cut short that useless rowing ; McKellar wants the session closed In time for the fall ploughing. — Newspaper. This township was called after Hon. Archibald McKellar, born in Argyllshire, Scotland, in 18 16, died at Hamilton in 1894. He sat for Kent county in the Canadian Assembly 1857-67, and for Bothwell in the Ontario Legislature 1867-75. He held office in the Liberal Government under Mr. Blake and Mr. Mowat 1871-75, as Commissioner of Public Works, Provincial Secretary, and Commissioner of Agriculture. In 1875 Mr. McKellar was appointed Sheriff of Wentworth county, which office he occupied till his death. He was a very effective political speaker, especially before an audience of PARRY SOUND DISTRICT 455 farmers. Mr. McKellar married Miss Lucy McNabb in 1836. She died in 1857. His second wife was Mrs. ]\Iercer, of Guelph, who survived him. Mr. McKellar's mother was a McNab, and his parents removed to Canada when he was one year old. He was reared in what is now the county of Elgin, but after his first marriage set up for himself as a farmer on the bank of the Thames, in Kent county. In 1842, he was elected to the Council of the united counties of Kent, Lambton and Essex, and for several years he served as Reeve of Raleigh township. His son, Peter McKellar, is Registrar of Kent. McDOUGALL TOWNSHIP (1866) For the night was as day at McDoug.all's log shanty, The blaze on the hearth shed its halo around ; While the feet that tripped lightly the reel " Tullagorum " Pattered each measure with " ooch " and with bound ; No "Lancers" or "Jerseys" were danced at McDougall's, Nor the latest waltz-step found a place on the floor. But reels and strathspeys and the liveliest of hornpipes Shook the room to its centre from fireplace to door, In the little log home of McDougall's. — Thomas O'Hagan. This township was named after Hon. William McDougall, C.B., one of the Fathers of Confederation, born in Toronto in 1822. He founded the Canada Farmer newspaper in 1848, and the North American, a Reform paper, in 1850. Mr. McDougall represented North Oxford in the Canadian Assembly 1858-63. He was Commissioner of Crown Lands 1862-64 ! Provincial Secretary 1864-66; Minister of Public Works for the Dominion 1867-69, when he was appointed Lieutenant- Governor of Rupert's Land and the Northwest Territories, 456 NOTHING BUT NAMES in recognition of his services in securing the annexation of the Hudson's Bay Company's territory to the Dominion. The inhabitants of what is now the Province of Manitoba refused to receive Mr. McDougall, as the title to their lands had not been guaranteed, and he was obliged to return to Ontario, much embittered against the Govern ment for having placed him in such a false position. He sat in the Ontario Legislature for South Simcoe 1875-78, and in the House of Commons for Halton 1878-82. Mr. McDougall was a very able speaker and writer. He called himself a Conservative Liberal. FERGUSON TOWNSHIP (1869) O for a spunk o' Allan's glee. Or Fergusson's, the bauld and slee. Or bright Lapraik's, my friend to be. If I can hit it. — Burns. This township was called after Major Thomas Roberts Ferguson, M.P., born at Drumcor, Cavan county, Ireland, in 1 818. He came to Canada in 1842 and married in 1856 Frances Jane, daughter of Ogle R. Gowan, who formerly represented Leeds and Gren\-ille in Parliament and was a prominent Orangeman. Mr. Ferguson was a director of the Northern Railwa}' and Warden of Simcoe county. He sat in Parliament for South Simcoe 1857-67, as a Conservative. In 1861 he moved an amendment to the Address setting forth that unwise counsel had been tendered to the Prince of Wales during his visit to Canada, by which the rights of the Free Masons had been ignored and the Orangemen had been insulted. The Government disclaimed responsibility for the policy of the PARRY SOUND DISTRICT 457 Duke of Newcastle, who had charge of the Prince during his visit. At Confederation Mr. Ferguson was elected in South Simcoe for the Ontario Legislature and in Cardwell for the House of Commons. CARLING TOWNSHIP (1873) The next day I held on my journey still. Six miles unto a place called Carling Hill. —John Taylor. Spring, spring, gentle spring, If you don't come soon, I'll tell Carling. — Archie Bremner. This township is called after Hon. Sir John Carling, born in London township in 1828. His father's name was Thomas Carling. He is president of the firm of Carling & Co., brewers. Mr. Carling was a member of London City Council 1854-58, and was for some years a Canadian director of the Great Western Railway. He represented London in the Canadian Assembly 1857-67, holding office as Receiver-General in 1862. At Confederation he was elected to the Ontario Legislature as well as the House of Commons. He was Commissioner of Agricul ture and Public Works in the Sandfield Macdonald Government of Ontario 1867-71; was Postmaster-General of the Dominion 1882-85, ^nd Minister of Agriculture 1885-92. Mr. Carling was appointed a Senator in 1891, but he resigned in 1892 and sat in the House of Commons 1892-96, when he was again called to the Senate. He was created K.C.M.G. in 1893. Mr. Carling has always been very popular, and a tower of strength to the Conservative party in Western Ontario. 458 NOTHING BUT NAMES JOLY TOWNSHIP (1878) A knight sans peur et sans reproche, Gallant Sir Henri Joly, In private or in public life, Has never stooped to folly. This township was named after Hon. Sir Henri Gustave Joly de Lotbiniere, who was born in France in 1829, and was educated in Paris. His father, G. P. G. Joly, was Seigneur of Lotbiniere, and his maternal grandfather, Hon. M. E. G. A. Chartiere de Lotbiniere, was Speaker of the Quebec Assembly 1794-97. M. Joly was called to the bar in 1855 ; sat in the Canadian Assembly for Lotbiniere, 1861-67; in both the Provincial Legislature and the House of Commons 1867-74, ^"d in the Quebec Legislature 1874-85. He was Premier of Quebec 1878-79, and leader of the Opposition till 1883. In 1896 he was elected to the House of Commons and took office as Minister of Inland Revenue. M. Joly is a Protestant and a Liberal. He has for many years taken a special interest in forestry and has both spoken and written on tree culture and reforestation. He was created a K.C.M.G. in 1895. STRONG TOWNSHIP (1877) Out of the eater came forth meat ; and out of the strong came forth sweetness. — Samson. This township is named after Right Hon. Sir Samuel Henry Strong, Chief Justice of Canada, born in Dorset shire, England, in 1825. He came to Canada in 1836 and P.IRRY SO UND DISTRR T 459 was called to the bar in 1849. He practised in Toronto in partnership with J. D. lulgar now (1S9S) Speaker of the House of Commons. Mr. Strong was appointed to the Bench in 1860, and promoted to the Supreme Court in 1875. In 1S02 he succeeded Sir W. J. Ritchie as Chief Justice, and in 1893 ho was knighted. Sir Henr\' Strong was appointed a member of the Judicial Committee of Her Majest}-',s Pri\'}- Council in 1S97, being the first Canadian to occiip\- that position. " There is no keener intellect on the Canadian bench." CH.\rM.VN TOWNSHIP (1870) So \ioIenl w.'is Poclor Chapin.'in's zeal, He quite I'orgot l.atinity and giMces ; Poor Priscian's he;ul, whose \vounds he cannot heal, Was broken in in lialf a dozen places. —Peter Pindar. Tins township was named after Professor Edward J. Chapman, Ph.D., LL.D., now of The Pines, Hampton Walk, Kngland, for man}- years Professor of Mineralog}- and ticolog}- in Uni\-ersit}- College, Toronto. He was born in England about 1S22, receixed his primar\' educa tion in b'rance and attended universities in German}-. lie afterward graduated as a mining engineer in England. One account s,i\s that he ser\-ed a term as a French volunteer in .\lgcria. He became Professor of Geolog}- in the Universit}' of London, but resigned that position to come to Canada. He took the Chair of Mineralogy and Geolog\- in the reorganized Uni\ersit\- of Toronto in 1S53, and held the position for more than fort}- }-ears. On his resignation in 1895 he returned to England, and took up his abode in Surrc}-, where he still receives a pension from 46o NOTHING BUT NAMES the University funds. Professor Chapman did a vast amount of mineralogical work in Canada and is regarded as the best authority on Canadian geology. While in Toronto he was frequently called upon to act as mining expert and valuator in various parts of Canada and in Nevada, Montana, California and other States. He was a member of the Royal Society of England and frequentl}' contributed papers to that Society and to the Canadian Institute. Besides a volume of poems, he pub lished works on the " Minerals and Geology of Ontario and Quebec " and on " The [Mineral Indicator and Blowpipe Practice." He was an ardent advocate of athletics, and was an expert fencer. Being a thorough scholar, and a courteous, affable gentleman. Professor Chapman made hosts of friends in Canada, who hope that he may long enjoy his well-earned repose in the land of his birth. CROFT TOWNSHIP (1871) This township was named after Professor Henry Holmes Croft, D.C.L., F.C.S., born in London, England, March 6, 1820. He was the }'oungest son of William Croft, who for twenty years held the post of paymaster- general of the ordnance, under the Duke of \^'ellington. Holmes, Hardinge and Parnell. Professor Croft received his early education in the eit}' of his birth, and showed a wonderful aptitude for chemistr}-. In April, 1838, on the advice of Prof Michael Earada}-, he went to the University of Berlin to continue his studies. Having closed his university career in 1841 with every distinction a student could desire, Mr. Croft was appointed on Farada}''s recommendation to the Chair of Chemistry in PARRY SOUND DISTRICT 461 King's College, Toronto, in November, 1842, from which position he retired in 1879. He helped to make Toronto University national, instead of sectarian, and on the passage of the new University Act in 1849, Professor Croft was appointed Vice-Chancellor. He was a leading member of the early agricultural and horticultural societies in York. Agricultural chemistry in Canada owes much to Professor Croft. In 1861 he organized and became captain of the University Rifle Corps, which Col. Moun tain pronounced the most perfectly drilled and disciplined volunteer company he had ever seen. He retired with the rank of Major. His skill as a toxicologist was such that he was invariably appealed to in every doubtful case of death from poison. He saved innocent men from the gallows and helped to rid society of not a few felons. After resigning his professorship at Toronto, Prof Croft removed to Texas, where his family had been located for some time. He died there a few years later. HAGERMAN TOWNSHIP (1869) Heard ye of the Family Compact, Hagerman and Robinson, Boulton, Sherwood and Macaulay, Office-holders every one? Bishop Strachan, Justice Powell, Elmsley, Allan, Jarvis, Jones — Ruling Canada like despots Seated on usurpers' thrones. -Rebellion Echoes. This township was named after Judge Christopher Alexander Hagerman, whose father, Nicholas Hagerman, one of the first appointed lawyers in Upper Canada, 462 NOTHING BUT NAMES settled in Adolphustown in 1784. Christopher and his brother Daniel were both elected to Parliament at the same time, but Daniel died before the House met Christopher served in the war of 1 81 2, being chosen aide-de-camp to the Governor, and at the close of the war he was appointed Collector of Customs at Kingston, where he resided for many years, also representing the town in Parliament. He was appointed to a puisne judgeship in 1828, upon the dismissal of Judge Willis, who had excited the enmity of Sir Peregrine Maitland and the Family Compact, but he soon threw off the judicial robes and succeeded Mr. Boulton as Solicitor-General. Sir John Colborne dismissed him from his office in 1833, but Mr- Hagerman went to England, had an audience with Mr. Stanle}', the Colonial Secretary, and was reinstated. He prosecuted the rebels who were executed in 1838, and Mr. Lindsay says that " Attorney-General Hagerman closed his ears to the cry of mere}', and only regretted that the gallows had not more victims " — language which Mr. Dent criticizes as "in need of some modification." Mr. Hagerman was re-appointed to the Bench, and died in 1847, being succeeded by Judge Draper. Relating the circumstances connected with his return from Chicago to Toronto in 1844, Mr. Charles Durand says: "It was a different country from what we had left ; old Hagerman could scowl over his eye-brows, but he could not expel the elected members of the Commons, nor prevent me and other innocent men from walking in libert}'. I saw him very seldom, never spoke to him unless in court as a matter of business, and had the right inwardly to think of him as a type of Nero. He walked the streets and was by some means appointed a judge. How, and by whose influence, I know not, unless by the silly aristocrats of England's Colonial Office, who seem to think it proper to PARRY SOUND DISTRICT 463 make judges and governors of the worst men in the colonies." Judge Hagerman's first wife was a sister of Chief Justice Macaulay. BURPEE TOWNSHIP (1876) This township was named after Hon. Isaac Burpee, who was Minister of Customs in the Mackenzie Govern ment, 1874-78. He was descended from a Huguenot family driven from France to England in 1570, and with the Puritans to Massachusetts in 1622. Jonathan Burpee settled in New Brunswick in 1763. Isaac Burpee was born at Sheffield, N.B., in 1825. He removed to St John in 1848 and engaged in the hardware business with his brothers, also taking an active part in the establishment of manufactures. He was first elected to Parliament for the city of St. John as a Liberal in 1872. (See Burpee township, Manitoulin Island). SHAWANAGA TOWNSHIP (1877) This is the name of a band of Indians, to whom was granted the right to occupy a piece of land on Shawanaga Bay in 1853, and the title was confirmed by an Order in Council dated December 21, 1877. The Indian word Shahwahnegah means a long bay or strait. 464 NOTHING BUT NAMES LAURIER TOWNSHIP (1878) Wilfrid, who scorned the legend wild. In mingled mirth and pity smiled. — Rokeby. Canadians one and all, I ween, Lament the loss of Aberdeen ; But Minto, in his place, I hope With all contingencies can cope. And, with illustrious Laurier, lead The land to many a doughty deed. — William Murray. This township was named in honor of Right Hon. Sir Wilfrid Laurier, Prime Minister of Canada, born at St Lin, L'Assomption county, Quebec, November 20, 1841. His father was Carolus Laurier, a land surveyor. Mr. Laurier was called to the bar in 1864, was for some time editor of Le Defricheur newspaper, and was elected to represent Drummond and Arthabaska in the Quebec Assembly in 187 1, which seat he resigned in 1874 to run for the House of Commons. He seconded the Address that year and made a notable speech in French and English on the motion of Mr. Mackenzie Bowell to expel Louis Riel from membership in the House. In 1877, Mr. Laurier took office as Minister of Inland Revenue, and was elected in Quebec East, his old constituency having rejected him. In 1888 Mr. Laurier succeeded Hon. Edward Blake as leader of the Liberal party, which under his leadership defeated the Conservative Government at the general elections of 1896. As Premier Sir Wilfrid represented Canada at the celebration of Queen Victoria's Jubilee in 1897, on which occasion he was knighted. The speeches he delivered during his tour in Great Britain and PARRY SOUND DISTRICT • 465 France were very highly commended and were regarded as high!}' beneficial to Canada. The settlement of the troublesome Manitoba Schools question is the principal achievement of Sir Wilfrid's term of office ; next to that is the concession of a preferential tariff to the products of Great Britain imported into Canada. Lady Laurier, who was Miss Lafontaine, of Montreal, before her marriage in 1868, has been of great assistance to Sir Wilfrid by her charming manners and deserved popularity. MACHAR TOWNSHIP (1875) The township of Machar was named by Hon. Sir Oliver Mowat in memory of his old friend and the pastor of his early life, the Rev. John Machar, D.D., who was for many years minister of St Andrew's Church, Kingston, and a well known and leading clergyman in the early days of the Presbyterian church in Canada. Dr. Machar was one of a band of \-oung Scottish ministers who cast their lot in the colony, and left the impress of their high character, their Christian zeal, their ability and their acquirements on the country's plastic youth. Dr. Machar's reputation as an able and earnest preacher was so deser\'edly high that some who specially enjoyed a good sermon would arrange, in passing from Eastern to W^estern Canada, or vice versa, to spend a Sunday in Kingston for the purpose of hearing him preach. He was for ten years Principal and Professor of Hebrew in Queen's Universit}', Kingston, of which he was one of the founders, and the second occupant of its presidential chair ; and to the close of his life he was one of its warmest and most devoted friends. Dr. Machar. died at ,1° 466 NOTHING BUT NAMES his post at the age of sixty-seven years, leaving a son, Mr. J. M. Machar, Q.C, Master in Chancery, Kingston, who died, after a long illness, on April 2, 1899, and a daughter, Miss Agnes Maule Machar, whose literary contributions over the signature " Fidelis " have made her well known throughout Canada. Miss Machar also excels as an artist, and her pictures are a regular feature at exhibitions of Canadian art. Dr. Machar's wife, also a native of Scotland, was a woman of remarkable mind and character, possessing a rare Christian wisdom recognized by all who knew her. She was an intimate friend of that eminent Christian writer, Thomas Erskine. Old Machar is a parish adjoining Aberdeen, Scotland, and the author of " John Splendid " uses the expression " a machar of land." LOUNT TOWNSHIP (1874) The blacksmith Lount, he active was Both spears and swords to make, And General Duncombe hoped that soon Fort Maiden he might take. — Cobourg Star, 1838. This township was named after William Lount, Q.C, of Toronto, who represented North Simcoe in the Ontario Legislature 1867-71, and was elected to the House of Commons for Centre Toronto in 1896, but resigned his seat after one session. He was born at Newmarket, in York county, in 1840, and called to the bar in 1861. His father was George Lount, Registrar of Simcoe, brother of Samuel Lount, who was hung in 1838 for participation in the rebellion. They were sons of Gabriel Lount, an Englishman, who settled in Pennsylvania after the Revolution and removed to Canada with his family in PARRY SOUND DISTRICT 467 181 1, settling in the township of Whitchurch and following the trade of a surveyor. Samuel Lount was a blacksmith at Holland Landing, and represented Simcoe county in the Parliament of Upper Canada. " Lount and Matthews ascended the platform with unfaltering steps. They knelt and prayed and were launched into eternity without a single struggle. Both left large families." Dent's Story of the Rebellion contains a picture of Mrs. Lount upon her knees before Sir George Arthur, praying in vain for the life of her husband. Bishop Richardson, who attended Lount at the execution, told Mr. Charles Durand that Lount died a rejoicing Christian. Mr. Durand himself witnessed the execution through a window of the jail, and nearly sixty years afterward he collected subscriptions for a monument to Lount and Matthews — names that are to this day held in great respect by Canadian Reformers. FERRIE TOWNSHIP (1877) This township was named in honor of Hon. Adam Ferrie, born at Irvine, Ayrshire, Scotland, March 15, 1777; died at Hamilton, Ontario, December 24, 1868. He came to Montreal in 1829. After removing to Hamilton, Mr. Ferrie and his sons conducted a large mercantile and manufacturing business, which had branches in the adjacent counties, and shipped their products direct to England. Adam Ferrie was appointed a life member of the Legislative Council of Canada, June 9, 1841. His son, Robert Ferrie, represented Waterloo county in the Canadian Legislature. Another son, Colin Campbell Ferrie, manager of the Gore Bank, was the first Mayor of Hamilton (1847). 468 NOTHING BUT NAMES MACKENZIE TOWNSHIP (1872) He was not over-rich in scholarship, But more than peer of many richer men — Better than Great, he .stood for what was Right — Just plain Mackenzie — nobly commonplace. —J. W. Bengough. This township was named after Hon. Alexander Mackenzie, born at Dundalk, Perthshire, Scotland, in 1822, died in Toronto, April 17, 1892. He was apprenticed to the trade of a stone-mason at sixteen years of age, and came to Canada in 1842. After working in Kingston and vicinity for some time, he removed to Sarnia in 1847, with his wife Helen Neil, to whom he was married in 1845. There he engaged in business as a builder and was interested in a newspaper, the Lambton Shield. He sat in the Canadian Assembly as member for Lambton 1861-67, and represented the same constituency in the House of Commons till 1882, when he was elected for East York, which seat he held during the remaining ten years of his life. He also represented West Middlesex in the Ontario Legislature 1871-72, and was Treasurer of Ontario in the Blake Government. Though not formally appointed, Mr. Mackenzie became the actual leader of the Liberal party in the House of Commons in the first session after Confederation, and on the resignation of Sir John Macdonald's Government in 1873, ¦'^''- Mackenzie was sent for to form a new Administration. He was Premier till 1878, when his Go'vernment was defeated on the National Policy, or protection, issue. " He might when in office have conciliated public opinion, and perhaps continued to enjoy power by consenting to deviate ever so little from those principles of political economy, which principles PARRY SOUND DISTRICT 469 alone he held to be true ; but his stern and upright char acter asserted itself, as it always did; he risked everything; he lost all, and he bore the loss cheerfully, for conscience' sake." Mr. Mackenzie's first wife died in 1852, and in 1853 he married Miss Jane Sym, of Lambton, who died shortly after the decease of her beloved husband. In 1877 Mr. Mackenzie declined an offer of knighthood made to him by Lord Carnarvon. BURTON TOWNSHIP (1876) Comrades, 'tis a sorry business. Comrades, 'tis a grievous tale ; Let me drown my recollection? In a glass of Burton's ale. -Punch. This township was named after Hon. Sir George William Burton, born at Sandwich, England, in 181 8. He was a son of Admiral George Guy Burton, R.N. Judge Burton came to Canada in 1836. He practised law in Hamilton, as head of the firms of Burton & Sadleir and Burton & Bruce, and was for many years City Solicitor. He was also a promotor and director of the Canada Life Assurance Company, and a leading Reformer. In 1874 Mr. Burton was appointed a Judge of the Court of Appeals and in 1897 he was made Chief Justice. He was knighted January i, 1897. 470 NOTHING BUT NAMES HARRISON TOWNSHIP (1876) O Harrison ! I must, I. will complain ; Tears soothe the soul's distress, though shed in vain. — Dr. Young. This township was named after Hon. Robert Alex ander Harrison, Chief Justice of Ontario, born in Montreal, 1833, died in Toronto, 1878. His father, Richard Harrison, was from Monaghan county and his mother, Frances Butler, from Fermanagh county, Ireland. He was educated at Upper Canada College, studied law with Sir James Lukin Robinson and with Crawford & Hagarty; called to the bar in 1855, after serving as Chief Clerk of the Crown Law Department, to which office he was appointed by Attorney-General Hon. John Ross. Mr. Harrison was the author of many law books, including the " Municipal Manual," and no other member of the legal profession held so many briefs as he during the time he was at the bar. At many of the Assizes for York he was retained in three-fourths of the cases. Mr. Harrison represented one of the Toronto divisions in the first Parliament after Confederation, but declined re-nomination. In 1875, on the recommendation of Hon. Edward Blake, Mr. Harrison was appointed to succeed Sir W. B. Richards as Chief Justice of Ontario, being then only in his forty- second year. He was one of the arbitrators on the Ontario boundary question, and his last public act was to proceed to Ottawa with Sir Francis Hincks and Sir Edward Thornton, to hear counsel and deliver the award determining the boundary. " As a counsel, so as a judge,'' said the Law Journal, " Mr. Harrison won the confidence of the bar by his uniform good temper, patience, and PARRY SOUND DISTRICT 471 untiring devotion to his duties." His early death .was undoubtedly caused by over-work. HIMSWORTH TOWNSHIP (1876) This township was named after William Alfred Himsworth, Clerk of the Privy Council of the Dominion, born 1820. He was called to the bar of Lower Canada in 1841, and was Clerk of the Legislative Assembly of Canada 1842-43, and Secretary of the Confederate Council on Commercial Treaties, which sat at Quebec in 1864. On July I, 1872, Mr. Himsworth was sworn as Clerk of the Queen's Privy Council for Canada. GURD TOWNSHIP (1875) This township was named after the late R. S. Gurd, of Sarnia, who was a lawyer and a very successful man of business, son of William Gurd, a British army veteran who was one of the pioneers of Lambton county, and in his later years an officer of H.M. Customs at one of the ports on the St Clair River. R. S. Gurd was manager of the Lambton Loan Company, and he made a great deal of money in real estate transactions. He was a personal friend and strong political supporter of Hon. T. B. Pardee, Commissioner of Crown Lands when the township was named. 472 NOTHING BUT NAMES- NIPISSING TOWNSHIP (1879) See Nipissing district. PRINGLE TOWNSHIP (1879) We forget each contention of civil dissension. And hail, like our brethren. Home, Douglas and Car; And Elliot and Pringle in pastime shall mingle. As welcome in peace as their fathers in war. — The Ettricke Garland. This township was named after Robert Roderick Pringle, born in Cobourg, Upper Canada, August 3, 1837 ; only son of Dr. James Pringle, formerly of the Honorable East India Company's service, who came to Canada in 1833 and married Miss Eliza, eldest daughter of Elijah Buck, Esq. Mr. R. R. Pringle married in 1869 Miss Sara Margaret, second daughter of Mr. Isaac Brock Stanton, of the Dominion of Canada Civil Service. They have one son, Robert Harold Clive Pringle, born in 1871. Though never a member of Parliament, Mr. Pringle was for some years an active and prominent politician in the Conservative interest, notwithstanding which fact he was an intimate personal friend of the late Hon. T. B. Pardee, who named this township out of compliment to him. Mr. Pringle is reputed to be an excellent judge of horse-flesh, and he takes a deep interest in matters connected with the turf, especiall}' the Woodbine meetings near Toronto. PARRY SOUND DISTRICT 473 MILLS TOWNSHIP (1877) 'Tis meet to tell that Mills made fight for Ben, That KnatchbuU-Hugessen did not, and then Sad Newdegate assailed with piteous cry A Bill to please the fierce democracy. — Punch's Essence of Parliament. This township was named after Hon. David Mills, born in Orford township, 1831. His father, Nathaniel Mills, emigrated from New York State to New Brunswick, and moved thence to Upper Canada. David Mills was educated at Michigan University. He represented Bothwell in the House of Commons 1867-96, when he was called to the Senate. He was Minister of the Interior in the Mackenzie Government 1876-78, and succeeded Sir Oliver Mowat as Minister of Justice in the Laurier Government in 1897. When the Northwestern boundary of Ontario was in dispute, Mr. Mills was engaged to prepare a report upon the subject, and he was one of the counsel for Ontario on the argument before the Imperial Privy Council in 1884. Mr. Mills is a man of wide reading, and an acknowledged authority on history and constitutional law. He has been the editor of the London Advertiser and a lecturer in Toronto University. He was called to the bar in 1883 and appointed a Q.C. in 1896. He married Miss M. J. Brown in i860, and is a member of the Baptist Church. (See Mills township, Manitoulin Island). 474 NOTHING BUT NAMES WILSON TOWNSHIP (1877) .Again the House has met — debate begun, Wilson is up, old Cocker's favorite son. — Punch. Till then, with me, thy pencil will not shine — Till then, old red-nos'd Wilson's art Will hold its empire o'er my heart. By Britain left in poverty to pine. — Peter Pindar. Officers in the Crown Lands Department say this township was named in honor of Chief Justice Sir Adam Wilson, born in Scotland, 1814, died in Toronto, 1891. He came to Toronto when sixteen years of age and studied law with Hon. Robert Baldwin. In 1859-60 Mr. Wilson was Mayor of Toronto, and in 1859 he represented North York in the Canadian Assembly, holding for a short time before going upon the Bench in 1863 the office of Solicitor-General. He married Miss Emma Dalton in 1838. When Hon. Alexander Mackenzie was Premier, Judge Wilson spoke, from his place on the Bench, of Reform corruption in the recent elections, having no other basis for his statement than vague newspaper charges. Hon. George Brown vigorously attacked Judge Wilson through the Globe, declaring that if it was asserted that the Reformers had possessed or used any general corrup tion fund, " be he judge or who he may, the statement is false." For this '' contempt of court," Mr. Brown was summoned to show cause, which he did at great length, and the bench of judges disagreeing _ the matter was dropped. Judge Wilson was knighted a few years before his death.Sir Daniel Wilson, President of Toronto University PARRY SOUND DISTRICT 475 and author of " Memorials of Edinburgh in the Olden Time," " Oliver Cromwell and the Protectorate," " Chat- terton ; A Biographical Study," and other works, was born in Edinburgh in 1816, died August 6, 1892. In 1853 he accepted the chair of History and English Literature in University College, Toronto, and in 1881 he succeeded Dr. McCaul as President " Only eminent services to science could have secured him the recognition of crowned heads and the issue of royal diplomas setting forth these services, with enrolment among the distinguished honorary members of the great scientific societies and learned institutions of the mother land, and of France, Italy and Denmark." Sir Daniel Wilson was knighted in 1889. BROWN TOWNSHIP (1872) I said, "Of fellows about town. Nature moulds some as with a frown ; She smiled when she created Brown." — Punchi He hated falsehood with a burning scorn, But may have erred, mistaking true for false ; His nature was a rushing mountain stream. His faults but eddies which its swiftness bred. — Grip. This township was named after Hon. George Brown, born in Edinburgh, 181 8, died in Toronto, 1880. He was the founder of the Toronto Globe, the proprietor of Bow Park Farm near Brantford, and for many years leader of the Reform Party in Upper Canada. Mr. Brown sat in the Canadian Assembly for Kent 1851-54; for Lambton 1854-57; for Toronto 1857-63; for South Oxford 1863-67. He was called to the Senate in 1873. In 1874 he 476 NO THING B UT NA MES negotiated a reciprocity treaty with the United States, which the Senate of that country declined to ratify. He was shot in the Globe Office, March 25, 1880, by George Bennett, a discharged employee, and died on May 9th, sincerely mourned by the people of his adopted country. A monumental statue was erected to his memory by subscription and placed in the Queen's Park, Toronto. WALLBRIDGE TOWNSHIP (1879) Then up rose Billa Flint in wrath And vowed he would not give A vote unto the Wallbridges As long as he should live. — Belleville Newspaper, 1867, This township was named after Hon. Lewis Wall- bridge, Chief Justice of Manitoba, born at Belleville, 1816, died at Winnipeg, 1887. The family emigrated to America from Dorsetshire on account of having taken part in the Duke of Monmouth's rebellion. Elijah Wallbridge, grandfather of Lewis, came to Canada as a U.E. Loyalist, and took up land in Prince Edward county, having married a daughter of Captain Robert Everett, of King ston. Elijah's old musket was in possession of Hon. Lewis Wallbridge up to the time of the latter's death. The first place of habitation on the site of the present city of Belleville was a log house, built and occupied by Asa Wallbridge, a trader, who also owned an ash house. The father of Lewis Wallbridge was a lumber merchant. Lewis studied law in Robert Baldwin's office at Toronto and was called to the bar in 1839. In 1858 he was elected to Parliament for North Hastings, and he entered the PARRY SOUND DISTRICT 477 Sandfield Macdonald-Dorion Government as Solicitor- General. In 1863 he was elected Speaker, which position he occupied for four years, presiding over the important debates on Confederation. He was a moderate Reformer. In 1882, on the death of Hon. E. B. Wood, Mr. Wallbridge was appointed Chief Justice of Manitoba. He was buried at Belleville. PATTERSON TOWNSHIP (1876) Miss Patterson has been to France, Her heart's delight is in a dance. — Hood's United Family. This township was named' after Hon. Christopher Salmon Patterson, born in London, England, in 1823. He was educated at Belfast, Ireland, and came to Canada in 1845, settling at Picton, Prince Edward county, where he studied law with Mr. Philip Low, whose partner he afterward became. Mr. Patterson was called to the bar in 185 1, removed to Toronto in 1856 to join the firm of Wilson, Patterson & Beaty, the other members of the firm being Mr. (afterward Judge Sir) Adam Wilson, and Mr. James Beaty, Q.C, M.P. In 1874 Mr. Patterson was made a Judge of the Court of Appeal and in 1888 he was appointed to the Supreme Court of Canada. Dent says he was known as an industrious, painstaking and well-read lawyer. Judge Patterson married, in 1853, Miss Mary Dickson, daughter of Andrew Dickson, of Glenconway, Antrim county, Ireland. He died at Ottawa, July 24, 1893. His son, Mr. Dickson Patterson, is an artist in Toronto. 478 NOTHING BUT NAMES HARDY TOWNSHIP (1877) There are flies upon the baseball field When the batter bats the ball ; There are flies upon the scenic stage, And wings to them withal. There are flies on lots of other things I cannot now recall — But on Hardy and his Cabinet There are no flies at all. — Berlin Telegraph. This township was named after Hon. Arthur Sturgis Hardy, Premier of Ontario, born at Mount Pleasant, Brant county, in 1837. His father, Russell Hardy, was a merchant, and he is descended from U.E. Loyalist stock on both sides. Mr. Hardy married in 1870 a daughter of Mr. Justice Morrison, of Toronto (see Morrison township). He was called to the bar in 1865 and very soon attained a foremost place among the lawyers of Brantford and of Western Ontario. In 1873, on the resignation of Hon. E. B. Wood, Mr. Hardy was elected to the Ontario Legis lature by the Reformers of South Brant, and he has held the seat continuously for more than a quarter of a century. He was Provincial Secretary in the Mowat Government 1877-89; Commissioner of Crown Lands 1889-96, and succeeded Sir Oliver Mowat as Premier in 1896, when Sir Oliver took office as Minister of Justice at Ottawa. Mr. Hardy is a clever and forcible speaker and a careful and methodical administrator. Had he remained out of politics, he would, ere this, have taken high rank at the bar, if not a place on the bench. PARRY SOUND DISTRICT 479 McCONKEY TOWNSHIP (1878) This township was called after Thomas David McConke}', born in Tyrone, Ireland, 1815. He came to Canada in 1822, and removed from Niagara district to Simcoe county in 1825. He was a merchant at Barrie. Mr. McConkey represented North Simcoe in the Canadian Assembly 1863-67 and in the House of Commons 1867-72. Upon his retirement from Parliament he was appointed Sheriff of Simcoe county. Davin in " The Irishman in Canada " describes Mr. McConkey as " a good speaker and a man of convictions and integrity." BLAIR TOWNSHIP (1878) " And I will join a mother's tender cares Through future times to make his virtues last. That distant years may boast of other Blairs," — She said, and vanish'd with the sweeping blast. — Burns. This township is generally assumed to have been named after Mr. Fergusson-Blair, but it was more likely called after Timothy Blair Pardee, whose surname had been already bestowed upon Pardee township in 1872. The name was certainly selected by Mr. Pardee, who was Commissioner of Crown Lands 1873-88. Hon. Adam Johnson Fergusson, who took the additional surname of Blair in 1862, upon his accession to some property, was born in Perthshire, Scotland, in 181 5, and came to Canada 480 NOTHING BUT NAMES with his father in 1833, settling near Hamilton. He studied law and was elected to Parliament for Waterloo as a Reformer in 1848. He remained in the .Assembly till i860, when he was elected to the Legislative Council for the Brock Division. He held office as Receiver-General and Provincial Secretary before Confederation and at the time of his death in 1 867 he was President of the Dominion Privy Council. Mr. Fergusson-Blair was " a man of prac tical ability and much esteemed by his party." MOWAT TOWNSHIP (1879) Ye may gather up mud ; if ye daur ye may throw it ; But be aye sure o' ane thing ; 'twill na stick to Mowat. —Scotch Grit. This township was named after Hon. Sir Oliver Mowat, Lieutenant-Governor of Ontario, born at Kingston, Upper Canada, in 1820. He was the son of Mr. John Mowat, formerly of Canisbay in the county of Caithness, Scotland, and Mr. Mowat personally selected several Caithness names for Ontario townships in honor of the old Scotch county where his forebears had dwelt for generations. Having studied law with Sir John Macdonald and with (Judge) Robert E. Burns, Mr. Mowat was called to the bar in 1841. He sat for South Ontario in the Canadian Assembly 1857-64 ; was Provin cial Secretary in the Brown-Dorion Government (1858) ; Postmaster-General in tlie Sandfield-Macdonald Govern ment (1863-64), and took the same office in the Coalition Government of 1864, but resigned to become Vice Chancellor of Upper Canada. He remained on the Bench till 1872, when he became Premier of Ontario, representing PARRY SOUND DISTRICT 481 North Oxford in the Legislature. Mr. Mowat's term of office is the longest on record in any British possession. In 1896 he resigned the Provincial Premiership, was called to the Senate and took the office of Minister of Justice in the Laurier Government He was appointed Lieutenant- Governor of his native Province in 1898. Sir Oliver's personal popularity was a strong factor in carrying his Government successfully through so many elections. On constitutional questions he was always right, and in the settlement of disputes concerning the rights of the Province when those came into conflict with the claims of the Dominion, Sir Oliver's views in every instance prevailed at the Court of last resort. 482 NOTHING BUT NAMES NIPISSING DISTRICT (1858) From the Ottawa to Nipissing, And thence to Georgian Bay, The bold Champlain, in birch canoe, Pursued his tedious wa}'. — Canadian Chronicle. The district takes its name from Lake Nipissing, a body of water east of the northern shore of Lake Huron, 640 feet above sea level. After receiving the waters of other lakes to the north, Nipissing empties into Georgian Bay through the French Riv-er. Champlain discovered Lake Nipissing in 1615. The word means "the little body of water," and was so called because Nipissing, though of considerable extent, is much smaller than any of the great lakes of the Canadian system. A band of Algonquin Indians lived on the shore of Lake Nipissing and took the name of the lake. They are thus referred to in a minute of Council, dated June 13, 1837: "The Iroquois, Algonquins and the Nipissingues, collected under the spiritual care of the priests of the Seminary of Montreal at the Lake of the Two Mountains having done good service in the field in aid of His Majesty's arms, both during the former and the late war with the United States .... The claim of these Indians comprises a tract of country on each side of the Ottawa River, reaching from the seigniorial grant for some hundreds of miles upwards . . . These petitioners now appeal to the terms of the Royal Proclamation of 1763. They have brought forward their pretensions on NIPISSING DISTRICT 483 various occasions, and it is to be inferred from some of the documents which they produce in support of their application that their right to compensation was at least in one instance distinctly admitted by Lord Dorchester." LYELL TOWNSHIP (1872) And computed, like Lyell, how long it would take Niagara to cut its way south to the Lake. — C. Dever. This township was named after Sir Charles Lyell, born in Forfarshire 1797, died 1875. He graduated at Oxford in 1819 and entered upon the practice of law, but abandoned it in 1827 to devote himself wholly to geological inquiries. In 1830 he published his "Principles of Geology," which was subsequently enlarged and went through many editions. Lyell travelled through France, Spain and Italy, in company with distinguished men of science; in 1832 he married Miss Horner, who thereafter accompanied him in all his travels and greatly aided him ,in his studies and researches. In 1831 he was appointed • Professor of Geology in King's College, London. In 1841 ,he went to Boston to lecture at the Lowell Institute. He visited Niagara and computed the length of time it had taken the Falls to recede from the escarpment at Queens ton. He wrote two books on the United States and Canada, relating to the institutions and customs of the people, as well as the geological structure of America. In 1848 Sir Charles Lyell was knighted, and in 1864 was made a baronet He was a close observer and very .accurate, as well as entertaining in his descriptions. 484 NOTHING BUT NAMES SABINE TOWNSHIP (1872) He to the amplest bounds of time's domain, On rapture's plume, shall give thy name to fly ; For trust, with reverence trust this Sabine strain ! The muse forbids the virtuous man to die. — Mason This township was named after General Sir Edward Sabine, born in England in 1786, of Irish parents. He took part in the campaign of 18 14 on the Niagara frontier, commanding the batteries at the siege of Fort Erie. Having accompanied Ross and Parry on their voyage of Arctic exploration, 181 8-19, he presented the Royal Society with his observations on the peculiar action of the magnetic needle in high latitudes. In 1821 he commenced a series of voyages from the equator to the Arctic circle, during which he determined the requisite length of the pendulum to beat seconds in different latitudes, and thus laid the basis for an accurate determination of the figure of the earth. His discoveries led to the establishment of permanent magnetic observatories in Great Britain and the Colonies. General Sabine was secretary and also president of the British Association and a Fellow of the Royal Society from 1818 to his death, which occurred in 1883. DICKENS TOWNSHIP (1894) You ask me what I see in Dickens — A game-cock among bantam chickens. — Walter Savage La7idor. This township was named after Charles Dickens, the English novelist, born near Portsmouth in 181 2, died near NIPISSING DISTRICT 485 Rochester in 1870. He was a son of John Dickens, a clerk in the navy pay office at Portsmouth. After study ing in an attorney's office, Dickens learned |shorthand and became a Parliamentary reporter for the London news papers. His first published sketch, "Mrs. Porter over the Way," appeared in the Old Monthly Magazine in 1834. The Pickwick Papers were published collectively in 1837. In 1842 Mr. Dickens visited America and collected the materials for his American Notes and Martin Chuzzlewit. His share in the profits of his first two or three books was small ; but after that he was able to dictate terms to his publishers. He died from apoplexy, brought on by over work. Dickens refused a baronetcy offered him by the Queen, and in his will he directed that his funeral should be private and unostentatious, and that only the word Dickens should be inscribed on the tomb, as he rested his claim to the remembrance of his country upon his published works, and to the remembrance of his friends upon their experience of him. He was buried in the Poets' Corner of Westminster Abbey. In maps dated 1878 and 1888 this township bears the name of Robinson, which was changed to Dickens when it was noticed that there was a Robinson township on Manitoulin Island. MURCHISON TOWNSHIP (1872) What though an Owen set store by his toil. His credit though a Murchison assure ? His specimens I'll view with scornful smile. Pronounce them known, — not only known but poor. — Punch on Du Chaillu's Collection. This township was named after Sir Roderick Impey Murchison, the famous geologist, born at Tarradale, Ross- shire, Scotland, 1792; died 1871. He was an officer in 486 NOTHING BUT NAMES the army and served in Spain and Portugal 1807-15, when he retired, married and thereafter devoted his time and talents to scientific pursuits. Murchison established what he called the Silurian system, comprehending a succession of strata which lie beneath the old red sandstone. In 1840 he commenced a geological survey of the Russian Empire, having previously explored parts of Germany, Poland and Sweden. In 1855 Sir Roderick was made Director- General of the Geological Sur\-e}' of the British Isles. He was knighted in 1846 and made a baronet in 1866. AIRY TOWNSHIP (1872) Will you behold, if keeping that appointment, (Made for you, Sir, b)' .Airy and by Hind) Jlen still anointing kings with holy ointment. And Priests still leading, as the blind the blind ? — .-idieu to the Comet. This township was named after Sir George Biddell Airy, Astronomer Royal, 1835-81, born at Alnwick, Northumberland, England, 1801 ; died 1892. In 1825 he discovered the optical malad}- called Astigmatism and provided a remedy for it. In 183S he discovered means to correct the variations of the compass in iron ships, and in 1874 he directed the Transit of \'enus observations. He threw much light on ancient chronology by computing several of the most important eclipses of former ages. He wrote many reports and books and was made a K.C.B. in 1872. On his resignation of the office of Astronomer Royal in 1881, Sir George B. Airy was granted a pension of ;£'i,ioo per annum for the remainder of his life, in consideration of his eminent services to science. NIPISSING DISTRICT 487 MASTER TOWNSHIP (1892) O masters ! if I were dispos'd to stir Your hearts and minds to mutiny and rage, I should do Brutus wrong and Cassius wrong. — Mark Antony's Oration. This township was named after Isaac Master, M.P.P. for South Waterloo, born in the township of Wilmot in 1835. His father, who was of German descent, came to Canada from Pennsylvania about 18 19. Mr. Master married in 1857 Miss Lydia Fried, of Blenheim. He was first elected to the Ontario Legislature, as a Reformer, in 1878, on the death of the sitting member. He is a farmer. GUTHRIE TOWNSHIP (1890) Let men who prate of loyalty, in this our day, derive Instruction in that virtue from the Clans of " Forty-five." — Evan MacColl. Let Scots who value freedom and are glad their Church is Free Honor Cunningham and Guthrie, the men of " Forty-three." This township was called after Donald Guthrie, Q.C, of Guelph, born in Edinburgh, 1840. His father was Hugh Guthrie of Edinburgh, who married Catharine McGregor, of Rannoch, Perthshire. Donald Guthrie sat in the House of Commons for South Wellington 1876-82, and was elected to the Ontario Legislature in 1886 for the same constituency. On his retirement from politics he was appointed Inspector of Registry Offices in Ontario. 488 NOTHING BUT NAMES CLANCY TOWNSHIP (1891) It is with humiliation an' with sorrow that I state That ol' Squawville has been buncoed in a manner up to date ; We was ail in Clancy's boozery, discussin' politics, An' its many quite unholy an' disreputable tricks. When the cussed strang-er entered and chipped in with the remark That 'twas thrice-accursed whiske}' caused the tricks that were so dark. — Denver Post. This township was named after James Clanc}-, of Wallaceburg, Ontario, born in the township of l\Iosa in 1844. His father was Patrick Clancy, a native of Roscommon, Ireland. Mr. Clancy married Miss Emily Mcintosh in 1868 and is a farmer. He served in the Dresden Town Council and as Reeve of Chatham. From 1883 to 1894 he sat in the Ontario Legislature, where he was prominent as a financial critic, and he has made his mark as an effective speaker in election contests. In 1896 Mr. Clancy was elected to represent Bothwell in the House of Commons, defeating Hon. David Mills by fifty-nine majority. PRESTON TOWNSHIP (1889) Tell me no more of Gilpin's feat .At Edmonton so gay. Nor yet of Johnny Cope's retreat From Preston's fatal fray. — Evan MacColl. This township was named after Dr. Robert Henr}' Preston, M.P.P. for Leeds 1875-90. He was born in Leeds NIPISSING DISTRICT 489 county in 1840 and educated at Queen's College, Kingston. Dr. Preston married in 1868 Miss Elizabeth Tett, of Newboro. He was vice-president of the Brockville, West- port & Sault Ste. Marie Railway. SPROULE TOWNSHIP (1889) This township, which is outlined but not yet surveyed, was named after Charles H. Sproule, Provincial Auditor of Ontario, born in Brantford in 1848. He is a son of Robert Sproule, who came to Brantford from Ireland in 1845 and kept a general store. Mr. Sproule, senior, supported Hon. E. B. Wood in the general elections of 1867, and in that same year Mr. Wood appointed Mr. C H; Sproule to a clerkship in the Treasury Department at Toronto. He was promoted from time to time, and in 1886 was appointed to his present important and responsible position. CANISBAY TOWNSHIP (1882) This name was selected by Sir Oliver Mowat, in remembrance of Canisbay, on the north coast of Caithness, Scotland, the parish where Mr. John Mowat, Sir Oliver's father, resided before he came to Canada. (See Mowat township). 490 NOTHING BUT NAMES PECK TOWNSHIP (1880) The boy stood on the schooner deck. Munching a slab of bread. His name was Samuel Stanley Peck, His hair was fiery red. — Casabiayica Up to Date. This township was named after Samuel Stanley Peck, M.P.P. for North Victoria, great grandson of James Peck, a U.E. Loyalist who settled in Prince Edward county in 1800. S. S. Peck was born in Ameliasburg in 1829. He married in 1857 Susan A. Harder, of Sidney township, and in 1876 Susan Vandevoort, also of Sidney. Mr. Peck was stipendiary magistrate of Haliburton 1874-79, and in the latter year was elected tq represent North Victoria in the Legislature as a Reformer. He has been warden, clerk and treasurer of Peterborough county. FINLAYSON TOWNSHIP (1878) This township was named after Hugh Finlayson, a merchant of Paris, Ontario, born in Scotland. He sat for East Brant in the Canadian Assembly 1858-61 and for North Brant in the Ontario Legislature 1867-79. Mr. Finlayson served a term as mayor of Paris. He was a Reformer. NIPISSING DISTRICT 491 STRATTON TOWNSHIP (1893) The gentleman who sits with his silk hat on Is Peterborough's member, Mr. Stratton. — Gallery Notes. This township was named after James R. Stratton, M.P.P. for West Peterborough, born at Milbrook, Durham county, in 1859. In 1878 he succeeded his father as publisher of the Peterborough Examiner. He married in 1 88 1 Miss E. J. Ormond. Mr. Stratton was first elected to the Ontario Legislature in 1886, and he has been re-elected by increasing majorities. He is a Liberal in politics, president of the Dominion Banking and Loan Association and a director of several other financial institutions. BARRON TOWNSHIP (1890) No star lends its taper. No moon sheds her glow ; For dark is the dull path That Baron must go. -W. Motherwell. This township was named after John Augustus Barron, Judge of the county of Perth, who represented North Victoria in the House of Commons 1886-91, and was appointed to the bench in 1898. His father was Frederick William Barron, a native of England, who after graduating at Cambridge University came to Canada and was Principal of Upper Canada College, Toronto, for thirteen years. Judge Barron was born in Toronto in 1850 and was called to the bar in 1872. He practised law in Lindsay. 492 NOTHING BUT NAMES NIVEN TOWNSHIP (1889) And there's glorious Peter Nevin, after killin' six or seven, (Not to spake of those he wounded, which was more by a great deal.) — Punch. This township was named by Hon. T. B. Pardee after Alexander Niven, P.L.S., born at Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario, October 14, 1836. His father was Robert Niven and his mother Ann Morrison, of Perthshire, Scotland. Mr. Niven was educated at Niagara Grammar School and studied surveying under the late F. F. Passmore, of Toronto, passing his examinations as a Provincial Land Surveyor in 1859, in which year he began the practice of his profession at St. Mary's, Ontario. In 1868 he accepted the agency of the Canadian Land and Emigration Com pany and removed to Haliburton, where he still resides. Mr. Niven acted as agent for the company for ten years. From 1874 to 1879 he was warden of the Provisional county of Haliburton, and he served as stipendiary magistrate of Haliburton in 1878-79. For the last twenty years Mr. Niven has been employed by the Ontario Government, surveying townships and base and meridian lines. In 1897-98, he had charge of the survey of the boundary between Nipissing and Algoma, from Georgian Bay to James Bay. He is an ex-president of the Associa tion of Ontario Land Surveyors and has been a member of the Council and of the Board of Examiners since the incorporation of the Association in 1892. Mr. Niven was married on August 17, 1869, to Miss Maggie MacEvoy, of St. Mary's. He is a Presbyterian and a Liberal. .VIPISSING DISTRICT 493 DICKSON TOWNSHIP (1888) The brave Colonel Dickson It's proved pla}-ed no tricks on The mess chest, nor oped it with wrong kev , Some fresh mud is spilt on The blubbering Lord Wilton .And Combermere's just an old donkev. — Punch. This township was named after James Dickson, P.L.S., born in the parish of Ashkirk, Roxbrughshire, Scotland, in October, 1834, who came with his parents to McNab township. Upper Canada, in 1S41, where he shared in the hardships of pioneer life. His father, a native of Galashiels, was acquainted with Sir \^'alter Scott. He studied surve}-ing with JNIr. McDonald, of Arnprior, and Mr. Evans, of Pembroke, graduating in 1867. After prac tising two years at Minden, he removed to Fenelon Falls where he still resides. Between 1878 and 18S5, Mr. Dick son surveyed the townships of Finlayson, Ballantyne, Peck, Hunter, Canisba}', AIcLaughlin, Bishop and Bower for the Ontario Government. In 18S6 he traced the boundaries of timber limits in the Huron and Ottawa districts, and in 1887 he was appointed Inspector of Crovvn Surveys. In 1889 he adjusted a long-standing dispute growing out of the inaccuracy of the original surve}-s in Kennebec town ship. In 1896 he resurveyed the town plot of Hilton on St. Joseph's Island and subdivided the township of Harrow in the La Cloche mountains. Mr. Dickson was employed by the late Mr. Pardee to report on the feasibilit}- of establishing the Algonquin Park, and was appointed one of the Park Commissioners. In 1S84 he published a volume entitled "Camping in Muskoka." In 1897-98 he 494 NOTHING BUT NAMES was employed by the Dominion Government to subdivide the townships in the Dauphin district, Manitoba. Mr. Dickson is a member of the Ontario Fish and Game Commission; a Justice of the Peace ; was reeve of Fenelon Falls for five years and served a long term on the School Board. He has been for seventeen years president of the Reform Association of North and East Victoria. Though deprived of early educational advantages, he has held his own in the race of competition, doing a full share of useful work in every position he has occupied, and gaining the respect and good will of all with whom he came in contact. Mr. Dickson married in 1874 Miss Margaret Halliday, of Springtown, Renfrew county. BOWER TOWNSHIP (1885) Nesv Landers and Bowers the Tweed shall cross over. No countryman living their tricks to discover. — Oliver Goldsmith. This township is called after Bower, a parish in Caithness. The name is of Danish origin and signifies a valley or carse. (See Mowat township.) Mclaughlin township (1883) This township was named after Dr. James WeUington McLaughlin, of Bowmanville, Liberal M.P.P. for West Durham, who was born in Cavan township, 1840, and first elected to the Legislature in 1879. His parents came from the north of Ireland in 1829. Dr. McLaughlin NIPISSING DISTRICT 495 graduated at Toronto University in 1864 and at Edinburgh in 1872. He married in 1866 Miss Ida Ella Gross, of Brighton. He has been a member of the Senate of Toronto University and a member of the Ontario Medical Council. HUNTER TOWNSHIP (1881) (Though this I speak but at a venture. Supposing thou hast tick with Hunter,) Methinks I see a blackguard rout Attend thy coach, and hear them shout. — Dean Swift. This township was named after James Hill Hunter, of Durham village, M.P.P. for South Grey, born at Kilbar- chall, Renfrewshire, Scotland, in 1839, and first elected to the Legislature in 1875. He was educated at Goderich grammar school and Upper Canada College, married in 1863 Miss Kate McDonald of Belleville, carried on business as a merchant, and before his election to the Legislature was reeve of Glenelg. McCRANEY TOWNSHIP (1879) This township was named after Daniel McCraney, born at Trafalgar in 1834; a son of Hiram McCraney of that township. He married in 1866 Janet Ewan of Oak- vLlle, and he was Mayor of Bothwell 1868-73. Mr. McCraney sat in the -Ontario Legislature for East Kent from 1875 until his death in 1885.. His brother, "VyiUiam 496 NOTHING BUT NAMES McCraney, M.P. for Halton for several years, was engaged in the lumber trade. He removed to British Columbia, where he assisted to organize the Liberal party for the elections of 1896, and became a leading citizen of Vancouver. BRONSON TOWNSHIP (1888) This township was named after Hon. Erskine Henry Bronson, M.P.P., for Ottawa, born at Bolton, Warren county, New York, 1844. His father, Henry Franklin Bronson, erected mills at Ottawa in 1853 and removed there with his family. E. H. Bronson became a partner in the firm in 1864. He sat in Ottawa City Council 1871-77 and took a leading part in consolidating the civic debt. He married in 1874 Miss Ella Webster, daughter of Prof N. B. Webster, of Norfolk, Virginia. In 1886 Mr. Bronson was elected to the Legislature as a Liberal, and he was a member of the Mowat and Hardy Governments, without portfolio, 1890-98. Owing to ill-health he did not offer for re-election in 1898. EDGAR TOWNSHIP (1887) Good for Sir J. D. Edgar ! What a wonderful man is he ! A statesman past all question, and of glorious policy. He'd give our nation ginger, if we'll give to his a State, But just which one he'd like to have he does not indicate. —John Kendrick Bangs. This township was named after Hon. Sir James David Edgar, Speaker of the House of Commons, who was born NIPISSING DISTRICT 497 in the Eastern townships of Quebec in 1841, of Scotch parentage, and educated at Lennoxville and Quebec. He was called to the bar in 1864 and practised in Toronto. Mr. Edgar is the author of books relating to the Insolvency Laws, and of several poems. He married in 1865 Matilda, daughter of T. G. Ridout (see Ridout Township). Lady Edgar wrote " Ten years in Upper Canada," published in 1890. Sir James Edgar was elected for Monck in 1872 and for West Ontario in 1884 and all the succeeding elections. He was chosen Speaker in 1896 and knighted in 1898. WHITE TOWNSHIP (1887) What callous bosom can forget the Muse O'er hapless White, that pour'd soft Pity's dews ? When on her son pale learning dealt the blow And his own feather laid that eagle low. — Childe Harold's Monitor, 1818. This township was named after Mr. Aubrey White, Assistant Commissioner of Ontario Crown Lands, who was born at Omagh, Tyrone, Ireland, in 1845, and came to Canada in 1862. His father was David White and his mother Margaret Mackenzie, both of Tyrone. Mr. Aubrey White was for some years engaged in the lumber business in the Muskoka district In 1876 he was appointed Forest Ranger, in 1878 Crown Lands Agent at Bracebridge, in 1882 Clerk in the Woods and Forests branch of the Crown Lands Department, and in 1887 Assistant Commissioner. Mr. White devised and applied the system of fire ranging which is now used for the preservation of Ontario's forests. He is a prominent Free Mason and 498 NOTHING BUT NAMES in religion an Anglican. He has been twice married first to Miss Minnie Brigland, of Newmarket, and secondly to Miss Mary Brigland, of the same place. ANGLIN TOWNSHIP (1887) This township was named after Hon. Timothy Warren Anglin, who was born in Ireland and came to St. John, N.B., in 1848, where he founded the Morning Freeman newspaper. He sat for St John county in the New Brunswick Assembly 1861-66, when he was defeated on the Confederation question, being opposed to the scherne. In 1867 he was elected to the House of Com mons for Gloucester, N.B., and in 1874 ^^-S chosen Speaker. After the defeat of the Mackenzie Government, Mr. Anglin removed to Toronto and was for a time on the editorial staff of the Globe, being subsequently appointed to an office under the' Ontario Government, which he retained until his death. He married Miss McTavish of St. John. One of his sons is a lawyer, and his daughter. Miss Margaret Anglin, is a talented actress. FRESWICK TOWNSHIP (1885) This township was named after the village of Freswick, on a stream of the same name, in the parish of Canisbay, on the east coast of Caithness, Scotland. (See Mowat township.) NIPISSING DISTRICT 499 BISHOP TOWNSHIP (1884) .As soon as you please, you may serve me your dish up, But instead of your sherry, pray make me a — Bishop. — Dr. Barnard, Dean of Derry, 1777. This township was called after Archibald Bishop, of Exeter, M.P.P. for South Huron 1873-94. He was born in Edinburgh, Scotland, and married Miss Janet P. Doig, of Huron. Mr. Bishop is a Liberal and was warden of Huron county 1872-73. DEVINE TOWNSHIP (1882) The Gods assembled in Debate, About Amelia's Nuptial State, .A Gift so glorious, good and great. To whom they should assign ; Unanimously did agree. That One (so like themselves) would be Ill-suited with Mortality. So gave her a Divine. — Gentleman's Magazine, 1732. This township was named after Thomas Devine, Deputy Surveyor-General of Ontario. Mr. Devine entered the Department of Crown Lands July ii, 1846, and was attached to the Upper Canada Surveys branch, as surveyor and draughtsman. He had previously been admitted on June il, 1846, a Provincial Land Surveyor. In 1857, on the appointment of the late Andrew Russell to be Assistant Commissioner of Crown Lands, Mr. Devine was made Head of Surveys for Upper Canada. About 500 NOTHING BUT NAMES the same time, on the resignation by Mr. Russell of his seat on the Board of Examiners of Land Surveyors, Mr. Devine was appointed to the vacant seat, which he held until his resignation in 1879. Mr. Devine was a native of the county of Westmeath, Ireland, studied his profession under the Royal Engineers, and was employed on the Ordnance Survey of Ireland. He then came to Canada, and, in 1846, was appointed to a position in the Survey Branch of the Crown Lands Department. In 1872, the Ontario Government conferred upon him the title of Deputy Surveyor-General, which position he held until the end of 1879, when, feeling the necessity of rest and relaxa tion, he retired, after completing thirty-three years of faithful service. On his resignation he returned to his native country and spent several years there, residing principally in Dublin. He returned to Canada and settled in Montreal, where he continued to reside until his death. He was ill for only a few weeks, and his death was quite unexpected. He died in Montreal on Wednesday, November 14, 1888. A widow and two sons survive him. As a topographer, Canada is much indebted to Mr. Devine for many valuable and beautiful maps which he brought out from time to time while in the employ of the Government. The principal ones, covering the whole of Canada, were published while the Hon. Messrs. Cauchon, Vankoughnet and Scott were in charge of the Department of Crown Lands, and were universally admired. His services in this line were recognized by the Royal Geographical Society of London which elected him a Fellow. He was also a corresponding member of the Geographical Society of Berlin, and of the American Geographical and Statistical Society. NIPISSING DISTRICT 501 BUTT TOWNSHIP (1879) This is the eloquent Isaac Butt Who had better have given 'em both the cut. This is the elegant Vernon Smith, Whom Mr. Butt had interviews with. — Punch. This township was named after Isaac Butt, Q.C, born at Glenfin, county of Donegal, Ireland, in 1813, died 1879. He graduated at Trinity College, Dublin, in 1836, and in the same year was elected to the Archbishop Whately professorship of political economy. He was called to the Irish bar in 1838, and in 1848 ably defended Smith O'Brien and others accused of high treason. He repre sented Youghal and Harwich in Parliament and was a pronounced Home Ruler. He wrote a novel and many pamphlets, and was first editor of the Dublin University Magazine. Mr. Butt was also author of a History of the Kingdom of Italy, in two volumes. FITZGERALD TOWNSHIP (i Fitzgerald felt his patriot ardour rise In grateful homage to the righteous skies. —John Taylor. This township was named after Mr. James W. Fitz gerald, Provincial Land Surveyor, who was born at Cork, Ireland, and educated at Cork and DubHn. In 1849 he won a scholarship of £-^0 and a year's tuition in the School of Civil Engineering, Queen's College, Cork. In 1852 he served on the Ordnance Survey of Ireland under 502 NOTHING BUT NAMES Sir Richard Griffith, and on resigning that position he served under William Dargan, the great Irish Railway engineer and contractor, on the Dublin docks, the Irish Exhibition building, and on the Dublin and Wicklow railway. Coming to Canada in 1856 Mr. Fitzgerald was articled to Col. J. S. Dennis, of Toronto, who was after ward Surveyor-General of the Dominion. He was admitted as P.L.S. in 1857 and at once appointed by Hon. Philip Vankoughnet, Commissioner of Crown Lands, to survey the township outlines in the Haliburton country north of Peterborough. In 1858 he made a subdivision survey of Minden, and the plans and field notes of that township have since that date been adopted as the system for recording the returns of surveys in the Crown Lands office. Mr. Fitzgerald settled in Peterborough in 1858. He has been steadily employed in surveying for either the Canadian or the Ontario Government ever since, except from 1870 to 1875, when he was resident engineer iu charge of a section of the Intercolonial Railway in New Brunswick. The township of Fitzgerald was surveyed by Mr. Fitzgerald himself and was named by Hon. Mr. Pardee. DEACON TOWNSHIP (1886) And still within the village store the gossips roar and laugh, And tell each summer boarder how the deacon drove the calf. — Joe Lincoln. This township was named after Thomas Deacon, born at Perth in 1832, si.xth son of John Deacon, of Kilkenny, Ireland, who came to Canada in 1816. He held high rank in the Orange Order, being county master for ten years, and represented North Renfrew in the Ontario Legislature NIPISSING DISTRICT 503 1871-79. Mr. Deacon married in 1864 Miss Caroline Rebecca Dunlop, of Pembroke. He was appointed junior judge of Renfrew in 1895. His brother, John Deacon, senior judge of the same county, born at Perth in 1823, was a law partner of Hon. Alexander Morris (see Morris township) before his appointment to the bench in 1866. LISTER TOWNSHIP (1884) This township was named after James Frederick Lister, of Sarnia, born near Belleville in 1843, son of Captain James Lister of the British Revenue Service. He studied law at Sarnia, with his uncle Judge Davis. Mr. Lister represented West Lambton in the House of Com mons 1882-98, when he was appointed a judge of the Court of Appeal. Mr. Lister was a good debater and a very industrious member of Parliament OSLER TOWNSHIP (1883) You have heard the remark in different places That clergymen's sons always turn out hard cases ; When you hear of the Osiers, you'll have to admit Some clergymen's sons have both virtue and wit. This township was named after Hon. Featherstone Osier, son of Rev. F. L. Osier, born at Newmarket, Ontario, 1838, and appointed a judge of the Court of Common Pleas in 1875. His brother, Britton Bath Osier, Q.C, was born in Tecumseth parsonage in 1839. He studied law under William Notman, Q.C, at Dundas, and with Hon. James Patton, Toronto. Mr. Osier was County 504 NOTHING BUT NAMES Crown Attorney of Wentworth 1874-80 and removed to Toronto in 1882. He has been described as " the most eminent criminal lawyer in practice in the Dominion," and all recognize his ability in the conduct of both civil and criminal cases. He has been the Crown prosecutor in important murder trials, such as the Birchall case, the Hyams, Hendershot and Sternaman cases. R B. Osier married for his second wife a daughter of A. G. Ramsay, Esq., president of the Canada Life Assurance Company, Hamilton. Another brother, Edmund Boyd Osier, born in 1845, is a broker and financial agent in Toronto, a director of the Canadian Pacific Railway, and a trustee of Toronto University. He was elected in 1896 to represent West Toronto in the House of Commons. Dr. William Osier, the youngest son of Rev. F. L. Osier, born at Bond Head in 1849, graduated at McGill College, continued his studies in Edinburgh, and in 1884 was appointed to the Chair of Clinical Medicine in the University of Penns}-lvania, whence he was called to Baltimore in 1889 to take a professorship in Johns Hopkins University. He is the author of several medical works and stands at the very head of his profession. BIGGAR TOWNSHIP (1882) Wordy flux from wide mouths that no floodgates can shut. The drawl of a Biggar, the flow of a Butt. — Pu7ich. Circumstantial evidence would point to Mr. C W. R. Biggar, of Toronto, as the man after whom this town ship was named, but Mr. Biggar says he knows as a fact that it was named after his father, the late James Lyons Biggar, of Murray township, Ontario, born at the Carrying NIPISSING DISTRICT 505 Place in 1824, died May 24, 1879. He was the son of Charles Biggar, whose parents emigrated from the town of Biggar, Lanark, Scotland. Mr. Biggar was educated at Victoria College and married, in 1846, Isabella, daughter of William Hodgins, of Dublin, Ireland, and sister of Dr. Hodgins, Deputy Superintendent of Education for Upper Canada, and of Thomas Hodgins, Q.C, M.P.P, for Elgin. Mr. Biggar represented East Northumberland in the Canadian Assembly 1861-67 ^i^d in the House of Com mons from 1874 till 1878. His son, Charles Robert Webster Biggar, Q.C, born in Murray in 1847, was City Solicitor of Toronto jointly with Hon. J. B. Robinson 1872-76, and filled the same office by himself 1888-94. He married Miss Jane Helen Mowat, daughter of Sir Oliver Mowat, in 1875. Mr. William Hodgins Biggar, brother of the preceding, born in 1852, represented W'est Hastings in the Ontario Legislature 1890-98, and was Mayor of Belleville in 1887. He entered the legal profes sion as a partner of Mr. John Bell, of Belleville, Solicitor for the Grand Trunk Railway. The proximity of Biggar township to the township of Butt might suggest, in the absence of definite evidence to the contrary, the possibility that the former was named, not after the Canadian Biggars, but after Joseph Gillis Biggar, M.P., born in 1828, died 1890, a son of Joseph Biggar, Trainfield House, Belfast, Ireland — the man referred to by Punch. He was a provision merchant by occupation and a member of Belfast town council. From 1874 till his death he made himself notorious as an obstructionist -in the House of Commons, that being the plan of Mr. Parnell and his followers to compel action on the Home Rule question. Mr. Biggar represented the county of Cavan. He was condemned to pay ;^400 damages in the breach of promise suit of Hyland vs. Biggar. 5o6 NOTHING BUT NAMES PAXTON TOWNSHIP (1879) O long may Paxton boast her art ; And long her laws of love fulfil ; To thee she gave her hand and heart, To thee her kindness and her skill. — Dr. Langhorne. This towns'nip was named after Thomas Paxton, M.P.P. for North Ontario 1867-83, born at Whitby in 1820. His father, William Paxton, of Walsingham, England, came to Canada in 1820, with his wife, Elizabeth Dryden. Thomas Paxton married in 1847 Miss Eliza Huckins, of Whitby. He settled at Scugog, now Port Perry, in 1846, and built a steam saw mill there. In the Legislature, Mr. Paxton supported the Reform party. He introduced several useful bills, one of which provided for the settlement of tax titles. CAMERON TOWNSHIP (1884) In a dream of the night, I was wafted awaj- To the muirlands of mist where the martyrs lay ; Where Cameron's sword and his Bible are seen, Engraved on the stone where the heather grows green. —James Hislop. This township was probably named after Chief Justice Sir Matthew Crooks Cameron, son of John McAlpine Cameron, who emigrated from Inverness-shire to Canada in 1 8 19, settling at Dundas. J. M. Cameron became deputy postmaster, deputy clerk of the Crown for the Gore district, clerk of committees in the Parliament of NIPISSING DISTRICT 507 Upper Canada, and later held a position in the office of the Canada Company at Toronto, where he died in 1866, aged seventy-nine years. M. C Cameron attended Mr. Randall's school in Hamilton, entered Upper Canada College in 1838, which he had to leave in 1840 on account of an accidental gun-shot wound which made him lame for life, and from the pain of which he was never entirely relieved. He was called to the bar in 1849 and became one of the leading lawyers of Canada, enjoying a large and lucrative practice. He entered Toronto City Council in 1859, and in 1861 was elected to represent North Ontario in Parliament Defeated in 1863, he was again elected in 1864 and sat till Confederation. In 1867 he was returned to the Ontario Legislature for East Toronto, and re-elected in 1 87 1 and 1875. Mr. Cameron was a member of the Sandfield Macdonald Government, 1867-71, holding the offices of Provincial Secretary and Commissioner of Crovi^n Lands. He led the Opposition 1871-78. In November, 1878, he was appointed to the bench. "As a Minister of the Crown, and as leader of the Opposition, he was a prodigious worker, an able tactician and a most formidable, though always courteous, enemy. As a judge, he had the confidence and respect of the bar to the utmost extent." Mr. Cameron was knighted a few months before his death, which occurred on June 25, 1887. Although the date of survey and its first appearance on any map would indicate that the township of Cameron was named after the gentleman who became Chief Justice, one officer of the Crown Lands Department thinks it more likely, from the situation of Cameron township on the Ottawa river, up stream from Rolph and Head townships, and just below Papineau, that the name was given it at an eariier date, in honor of Hon. Malcolm Cameron, born at Three Rivers, Lower Canada, in 1808. He was a son of 5o8 NOTHING BUT NAMES Angus Cameron, of Perth, Ontario, who came from Argyle shire, and Euphemia McGregor, also from Scotland (see Euphemia township). Malcolm Cameron married his cousin, Christina McGregor, of Glasgow. He was engaged in mercantile affairs and was a leader in the temperance movement He sat for Lanark in the Upper Canada Assembly 1836-41, and in the Canadian Parliament 1841- 48; for Kent 1848-51 ; for Huron 1851-54; for Lambton 1858-60; in the Legislative Council 1860-63 ; was Queen's Printer 1863-69, and was elected to the House of Commons for South Ontario in 1874. Mr. Cameron was Inspector of Revenue under Sir Charles Bagot, and between 1848 and 1854 he held various Ministerial offices. He was an earnest supporter of the Reciprocity Treaty of 1854, and might be called an Advanced Liberal. He "resisted the constitutional aggressions of Sir F. B. Head in 1836, and of Lord Metcalfe in 1843, and sustained Lord Sydenham in carrying out the Union principle, 1840-41." Mr. Cameron died at Ottawa in 1876. His son, Malcolm Colin Cameron, sat in Parliament for many years as representative of West Huron, and was in 1898 appointed Lieutenant-Governor of the Northwest Territory. He died September 26, 1898, after a few months in office. BOYD TOWNSHIP (1883) With a bended bow, on a milk-white steed. And I wot they rank'd right bonnilie. Thereby Boyd kend he was master man. And served him in his ain degre. — Sang of the Outlaw Murray. This township was named after Hon. John Alexander Boyd, son of John Boyd, Principal of Bay street Academy, .VIPfSS/.VG DISTRICT 509 Toronto, born in Toronto in 1837. He graduated at Toronto University in i860 and was called to the bar in 1863. In 1872 Mr. Boyd was appointed Master in Chancer}-, in 1881 Chancellor of Ontario, in 18S7 President of the Ontario High Court of Justice. His judicial prefer ment came to hii-n unsolicited. Judge Boyd belongs to the Baptist Church and was for years a teacher and superintendent in the Sundax- school. PENTL.VND TOWNSHIP (1882) There .ire hills beyond Penlland, and l;inds bej-oiid Forth, He there lords in the south, there are chiefs in the north. —Sir ll'nller Scott. This township was called after Pentland Firth, which separates the Orkney Islands from Caithness county, Scotland. (See Mowat township). Pentland Hills and Pentland village are near Edinburgh. WILKES TOWNSHIP (18S1) Then Satan answered, " There are ma^^¦ ; But vou m.iy choose Jack Wilkes as well ,is any." — Vision of Jndgjnent. This township was named after Alfred John Wilkes, O.C, of the firm of Hardy, Wilkes & Hardy, Brantford, born in Brantford in 1847. He is the son of Mr. James Wilkes, of Brantford. Mr. Wilkes took the degree of LLB. at Toronto Universitv, studied law under Hon. S. H. Blake and passed as a barrister when twenty-one }-ears of 5IO NOTHING BUT NAMES age. He is city solicitor of Brantford and takes a deep interest in educational and military matters. He married in 1887 Miss Esther F. Haycock. The senior partner of the legal firm is Hon. A. S. Hardy. The head of the Wilkes family in Brantford was Mr. John Aston Wilkes, born in Birmingham, Eng., in April, 1781 ; he came to this country in 1819, arriving in New York, and settled in Muddy Little York (now Toronto) injune, 1820. He com menced business on Market Square, Toronto. Among other properties in Toronto which he purchased was the property upon which the Simpson store now stands, on the south-west corner of Yonge and Queen streets, where he kept a general store. He purchased the property from Jesse Ketchum. John Wilkes and James Wilkes, two sons of the late John A. Wilkes, proceeded to Grand River ford, now Brantford, in June, 1823, and commenced business as a branch of the Toronto store of John A. Wilkes as general merchants. James Wilkes, as a boy used to ride a pony across lots from the present Simpson corner to the post office, which was then east of the St. Lawrence market, the population of Toronto being then about 1,600. There were only three brick buildings then in Toronto. Dr. (afterwards Bishop) Strachan, Wm. Allan and Mr. Baldwin owned these buildings. The two sons in Brantford were joined later on by their father and their brothers, George S. Wilkes and Charles R- Wilkes. Geo. S. Wilkes was elected mayor of Brantford in 1853. Frederick Thomas Wilkes, another son of John A. Wilkes, was afterwards first judge of the county of Grey. Charles R. Wilkes settled and gave the narne of Wilkesport to the thriving village of that name in the county of Lambton ; and now resides at Winnipeg. John A. Wilkes, upon removing to Brantford, took up a large quantity of land, which has since been known as the NIPISSING DISTRICT 511 Wilkes Tract. The first distillery was built by him in Brantford in 1830, and the first grist mill (a stone mill), now known as the White Mill on the Canal Level, was also built by the late John A. Wilkes. The Wilkes family were mainly instrumental in the building of the canal known as the Grand River Navigation Company's canal, from Brantford to the Locks, and Mr. Geo. S. Wilkes afterwards built the Holmedale canal. The dam is now known as Wilkes' dam. Henry Wilkes, another son, afterwards the Rev. Dr. Wilkes, studied in Glasgow, and was for half a century pastor of Zion Church, Montreal, and died at the advanced age of eighty-four years, at the time of his death being the Principal of the Congregational College in that city. The only surviving sons of the late John Aston Wilkes are James Wilkes, who was ninety years of age on the 27th of December, 1898 ; George S. Wilke.s, a counsellor-at-law who resides in New York, and Charles R. Wilkes residing at Winnipeg. John A. Wilkes died in April, 1867, at the age of eighty-six years. James Wilkes was one of the first councillors of the town of Brantford after its incorporation as a town in the year 1847, was for some years chairman of the Public School Board, and was, for twenty-three years previous to the year 1894, treasurer of the city of Brantford, and now fills the position of treasurer of the Collegiate Institute Board. He was also connected with the Congregational Church Sunday school for over sixty years and is a strong adherent of the Church. The sons of James Wilkes now residing in Brantford are George H. Wilkes, for some years councillor and reeve of the town of Brantford ; Alfred J. Wilkes, Q.C, LL.B., and Walter A. Wilkes, Major of the Dufferin Rifle.s. James C Wilkes, Division Court Clerk at Mount Forest, is also a son of Mr. James Wilkes. Frederick T Wilkes, of Brantford, is a son of the 512 NOTHING BUT NAMES late Judge Wilkes, and another son, A. E. Wilkes, is a barrister, practising at Winnipeg, Man. In the report of evidence given to a parliamentary committee on banking in 1828, John A. Wilkes, of Brant ford, is described as a manufacturer. His son John, who died in 1836, translated a part of the New Testament into the Mohawk language. Robert Wilkes, M.P. for Centre Toronto 1872-75, was born in Leitrim, Ireland, in 1832. He married Martha, daughter of Rev. William Cooke, D.D., of London, Eng land. Mr. Wilkes carried on a wholesale jewellery business in Toronto from 1858, with a branch in Montreal from 1864. He was a director of the Bank of Commerce and of the Confederation Life Association. Mr. Wilkes met his death by drowning in 1880. BALLANTYNE TOWNSHIP (1879) When Ballantyne befriends his humble name. And hands the rustic stranger up to fame. — Burns. This township was named after Hon. Thomas Ballan tyne, M.P.P. for South Perth, born at Peebles, Scotland, 1829. He came to Canada with his father, James Ballantyne, in 1852. Mr. Ballantyne was Speaker of the Legislature for four years. He has been largely engaged in the manufacture and shipment of cheese, and served as president of the Canadian Dairymen's Associa tion. He was first elected to the Legislature, as a Liberal, in 1875. NIPISSING DISTRICT 513 PAPINEAU TOWNSHIP (1878) When the Asiatic cholera smote my dear friend by my side, I never flinched an instant, but stood by him till he died ; When the Papineau Rebellion nearly wrecked the ship of state, Upon the field of battle many comrades met their fate ; Ah I many a fellow soldier, in 1837 Changed the blood-stained soil of Canada for the golden streets of- Heaven. — George K, Brown. This township was named after Hon. Louis Joseph Papineau, born at Montreal, 1786, died at Montebello, his beautiful home on the banks of the Ottawa river, 1871. He was called to the bar in 181 1, elected to the Legislative Assembly of Lower Canada in 1809 and chosen Speaker in 181 5. M. Papineau was chiefl}' responsible for the Lower Canadian Rebellion in 1837-38. He spent two years in the United States 'and eight years in France, returning to Canada in 1847. Being elected to the Assembly for St Maurice, he advocated the Annexation movement in 1849, and founded the Rouge party. In 1854 M. Papineau did not offer for re-election, and the rest of his days were spent in dignified and scholarly retirement. LAUDER TOWNSHIP (1881) A piper met her gaun to Fife, and spier'd what was't they ca'd her ; Jog on your gate, ye bladder scate, my name is Maggie Lauder. — Semple. This township was named after Abram William Lauder, of Toronto, M.P.P. for South Grey, born at 514 NOTHING BUT NAMES Bewcastle, Cumberland, England, in 1834. His father was Thomas D. Lauder, of Durham, Ontario, and his grandfather Rev. William Lauder, of Bewcastle. Mr. Lauder was called to the bar of Upper Canada in 1864. He was first elected to the Legislature as a Liberal in 1867, and retained his seat until his death. On account of supporting the Coalition Government of John Sandfield Macdonald, Mr. Lauder was classified by the Globe among the " Nine Martyrs," and after the defeat of Sandfield he became one of the leaders of the Opposition to the Blake and Mowat Governments. He was a member of the Senate of Victoria University. His sudden death caused universal regret Mr. Lauder's son became a distinguished musician. BOULTER TOWNSHIP (1881) Poor ! thou hadst been better sped, Hadst thou been join'd to Boulter's head ; A head, so weighty and profound. Would needs have kept thee from the ground. — Dean Swift. This township was named after Dr. George Henry Boulter, M.P.P. for North Hastings 1867-75, born in Prince Edward county in 1825. He was a son of George Boulter, of Belleville. Dr. Boulter was educated at Victoria and McGill Colleges, and practised his profes sion at Stirling, Hastings county. He was a Conservative. NIPISSING DISTRICT 515 CHISHOLM TOWNSHIP (1880) Nor could Hamilton Tories a queerer team hit on Than that odd combination of Chisholm and Witton. — Election Rhyme, 1S72. This township was named after Kenneth Chisholm, M.P.P. for Peel, born in Toronto township in 1830. His ancestors were Highland' Scotchmen from Inverness. In 1776, just before the outbreak of the Revolution, a branch of the family escaped across the St Lawrence and settled in Glengarry with the McDonells. Mr. Chisholm's father was Alexander Chisholm, his mother Mary McDonell. Sir Alexander Mackenzie, after whom the great river of the north was named, was his grand-uncle. He bought out the Brampton business of Peleg Howland, and managed a store, the Eldorado mills and the pink stone quarry at the Forks of the Credit. He was also a promoter of the Credit Valle}^ Railway. - Mr. Chisholm has been twice married, first to Margaret Elliott, of Brampton, and, secondly, to Mary Ann McMaster, of Beamsville. He was first elected to the Legislature in 1873. CALVIN TOWNSHIP (1881) As pious Calvin saw Servetus blaze. So would new sects on newer victims gaze. — Byron. This township was named after Dileno Dexter Calvin, M.P.P. for Frontenac, born in Clarendon township, Rut land county, Vermont, in 1798. He commenced business 5i6 NOTHING BUT NAMES in Canada in 1825 as a ship builder and lumber manufacturer. He was Reeve of Wolfe Island and of Garden Island, near Kingston, and warden of Frontenac for four terms. Mr. Calvin was first elected to the Legislature in 1868, on the death of the sitting member. Sir Henry Smith (see Storrington township), and his son afterwards sat for the same constituency. BONFIELD TOWNSHIP (1881) This township was named after James Bonfield, of Eganville, M.P.P. for South Renfrew, born at Gartmore, Tipperary county, Ireland, in 1S25. He was first elected to the Legislature in 1875. Mr. Bonfield was a lumber merchant. FERRIS TOWNSHIP (1880) This township was named after James Marshall Ferris, M.P.P. for East Northumberland, born in Fermanagh, Ireland, in 1828. He came to Canada in 1850, was post master of Campbellford in i860 and was first elected to the Legislature in 1875. Mr. Ferris took an active part in the construction and consolidation of the Midland railway system, which was afterward acquired by the Grand Trunk Company. He was a Liberal. MANITOULIN DISTRICT 517 MANITOULIN ISLANDS Then, when I have stray'd awhile Through the ManatauUn isle. Breathing all its holy bloom. Swift I mount me on the plume Of my Wakon-Bird, and fly Where, beneath a burning sky . -Thomas Moore. Manitoulin is a corruption of the word Manitowin, a divinity, derived from Manitou, the name given by the Algonquin Indians to any supernatural object, calling for their fear or worship — with something of the meaning of the Greek daemon, good or evil spirit, or the African fetich, charm, amulet or magical rite. Gitche Manitou, the Great Spirit, is the most powerful Manitou, and not one personal God. The Manitou of the Indians is almost always an animal, and is chosen by each individual, while dreaming, upon his coming of age. This animal then becomes an object of worship, and its skin is carried on the person as a fetich, and its likeness painted on the body or sculptured on the weapons. The Manitou develops into the totem, or sacred animal, of the gens or family which descends from that person, and worship is paid to all representatives of- its species. "The Illinois," wrote the Jesuit Marest, " adore a sort of genius, which they call Manitou ; to them it is the master of life, the spirit that rules all things. A bird, a buffalo, a bear, a feather, a skin — that is their manitou." Bouchette says : " A superstitious veneration is attached to these (the Manitoulin) islands by the Indians, who believe them to 5 1 8 NO THING BUT NA MES be consecrated by the presence of the Great Spirit, or, in their own language, the Great Manitou, and hence has originated the appellation they still bear." Moore, in a foot-note to the poem addressed to Lady Charlotte Rawdon, from which the lines are quoted above, says " Manataulin signifies a place of spirits, and this island in Lake Huron is held sacred by the Indians." He gives no explanation of his alteration of the spelling, but quotes from the Voyages du Baron de Luhontan : " Apres avoir travers^ plusieurs isles peu considerables, nous en trouvames le quatrieme jour une fameuse nommee I'lsle de Manitoulin." ASSIGINACK TOWNSHIP (1864) There were three Indians named Assikinack, or the Black Bird. One, sometimes called the Black Partridge; was connected with the site of Chicago, and a medal was given him by General Harrison in 1809. Another Assik inack, who died in 1866, aged ninety-eight, was in his youth a great drunkard, but was converted to Christianity, became noted for good conduct and enmity to fire water, and at his baptism took the name of Jean Baptiste. He was present at the capture of Michilimackinac in 1 812, and he was interpreter for the Government at Penetanguishene and Manitoulin in 1837. Mr. S. P. Jarvis, superintendent of Indian Affairs, detailed Assikinack to capture a cargo of rum on its way north from Detroit and to throw it into the river. Mr. Kane, the artist, called Assikinack, or Sigenock, an acute and intelligent Indian, with so much volubility of tongue that he owned the name of Black Bird. His name appears as J. B. Assikinack attached to a treaty MA NITO ULIN DISTRICT 5 1 9 made in 1836 and as J. B. Assikinock to the Robinson treaty made at Sault Ste. Marie in 1850. His son, Francis Assikinack, was sent to Upper Canada College by Mr. Jarvis in 1840 and became a fine scholar. He took prizes in 1841-43, and in 1849 he was employed as a clerk and interpreter in the Indian Department. He called his tribe the Odahwahs, from which the word Ottawa is doubtless corrupted. Francis Assikinack died in 1863. (See Tehkummeh). SHEGUIANDAH TOWNSHIP (1864) This name is obviously Indian. TEHKUMMEH TOWNSHIP (1866) This is the name of an Indian Chief, of the Weguai- mekong bar;d of Indians, who appended his signature in testimony of his assent to a treaty made by Hon. William McDougall at Manitowaning, Oct 6, 1862, under which patents for land were given to the Indians remaining on Manitoulin Island. The names of J. B. Assiginack and Benjamin Assiginack are signed to the same treaty, and F. Assikinack signed it as a witness. 520 NOTHING BUT NAMES SANDFIELD TOWNSHIP (1870) 'Twas feared, at first, the sight of him might touch The old Macdonald's morbid mind too much. — Campbell. This township was named after Hon. John Sandfield Macdonald, born at St Raphael in 18 12, died 1872, son of Alexander Macdonald, of Glengarry, and brother of Hon. Donald Alexander Macdonald, who was Lieutenant- Governor of Ontario 1875-80. He studied law with Mr. McLean, of Cornwall, and Mr. Draper, of Toronto, and was elected to Parliament in March, 1841. In 1849 he became Solicitor-General in the Baldwin-Lafontaine Gov ernment ; in 1852 he was Speaker; in 1858 Attorney- General west, and in 1862 Premier of Canada. He opposed Confederation, but became the first Premier of Ontario, forming a coalition Government, which made a good record for economy. Though an Upper Canadian and a Roman Catholic, Mr. Macdonald was opposed to representation by population and to Separate Schools. His Government was defeated in 1871. He married in 1840 the daughter of a United States Senator who lived in Louisiana. BIDWELL TOWNSHIP (1864) Ex-Speaker Bidwell in the dumps Vow'd politics he'd quit ; For well he knew in that there house He never more could sit. — Cobourg Star, 1838, This township was named after Hon. Marshall Spring Bidwell, born 1798, died 1872, who came from Berkshire, MANITOULIN DISTRICT 521 Massachusetts, to Canada with his father, Barnabas Bid- well, in 1 8 10, and settled at Bath, in Addington county. The elder Bidwell was elected to Parliament in 1821, and expelled by the Family Compact on a charge that he had been guilty of felonious conduct in Massachusetts and was an alien. The electors immediately chose the son, M. S. Bidwell, in place of his father. He became Speaker of the House and would have been a judge but for the opposition of Sir F. B. Head, who frightened him into leaving the Province at the time of the rebellion. Mr. Bidwell denied all connection with the rebellion. He became eminent as a lawyer in New York, and though efforts were made to induce him to return to Canada he lived and died in practical exile. When assailed in the press after his departure, Mr. Bidwell was warmly defended by Rev. Egerton Ryerson, who declared that Bidwell was a man of blameless life and true Christian character. HOWLAND TOWNSHIP (1864) This township was named after Sir William Pearce Howland, Lieutenant-Governor of Ontario 1868-73, born in Duchess county, N.Y., in 1811. His parents were Jona than Howland and Lydia Pearce, and he is descended from John Howland, an English Quaker, who came to America in 1620. Mr. Howland came to Canada in 1830 and settled in Toronto township, where he engaged in the mercantile business. In 1840 he purchased the Lambton Mills property and soon after engaged in the wholesale grocery trade in Toronto. From 1857 to 1868 he repre sented West York in Parliament He was Finance 522 NOTHING BUT NAMES Minister in 1862 and later he filled the offices of Receiver- General and Postmaster-General. He belonged to the Coalition Government formed in 1864 to mature the scheme of Confederation. In 1879 he was knighted. Sir William married Mrs. Webb in 1843, Mrs. Hunt in 1866, and Mrs. Bethune in 1895. Of his sons W. H. Howland was mayor of Toronto and O. A. Howland represented South Toronto in the Ontario Legislature. CLOCHE ISLAND (1750) The island and mountain were named Cloche by the French voyageurs, from the resemblance in form to a bell. The date is uncertain ; but the name appears on the oldest maps of the district CARNARVON TOWNSHIP (1867) Of those whose spears tremendous gleam By Caledonian Banna's stream. While stern Carnarvon's archers fly Before the van of Liberty. —H. J. Pye, 1792. This township was named in honor of Henry Howard Molyneux Herbert, Earl of Carnarvon, born in 1831, died June 28, 1890, who was Secretary of State for the Colonies in 1866-67, ^nd introduced and carried through the Imperial Parliament the Act for the Confederation of the British North American Colonies. He resigned office because he was opposed to Mr. Disraeli's Reform Bill — the " leap in the dark." The title is taken from the MANITOULIN DISTRICT 523 county of Carnarvon in Wales, which is mountainous, with narrow vales and precipitous heights. Carnarvon was called by the Romans Venedotia. In the protracted endeavors of Romans, Saxons, Normans and English for the entire subjugation of the country, Carnarvon was the scene of continued and desperate 'contention, and became the last retreat of unconquered freedom. The town of Carnarvon on the shore of Menai Strait occupies the site of the Roman station Segontium. The present town was founded by Edward I. The property of the castle is still vested in the Crown, but it is held by the Earl of Uxbridge. The castle walls are ten feet thick. BILLINGS TOWNSHIP (1864) Would gentle readers waste their sighs or shillings On Byron, if phoneticised by Billings. -Punch. This township was named after Elkanah Billings, F.R.G.S., born in Gloucester township, near Ottawa, in 1820. His father, who was of Welsh descent, was born in Massachusetts during the war of the Revolution, shortly after which his grandfather came to Canada and settled near Brockville. Mr. Billings studied law and was called to the bar in 1845. He practised in Ottawa and in Renfrew until 1856, when he was appointed to the position of palaeontologist on the geological survey of Canada. In 1858 he was elected a Fellow of the Royal Geological Society of London. While a resident of Ottawa Mr. Billings made a large collection of fossils from the rocks in the neighborhood. In 1856 he published the first number of the Canadian Naturalist, and he subsequently con tributed largely to the publications of the Geological 524 NOTHING BUT NAMES Survey- His report on the classification of the fossils in the museum occupies lOO pages of the blue book issued by Sir William Logan in 1857. CAMPBELL TOWNSHIP (1867) A gathering grand on my vision is looming ; The air is alive with " The Campbells are coming.'' — Evan MacColl. This township w.as named after Sir Alexander Camp bell, Lieutenant-Governor of Ontario, born at Hedon, in Yorkshire, England, 1821, died May 24, 1892. He came to Canada with his father when only two years old, living first at Lachine and then at Kingston, where he studied law and practised in partnership with Sir John Macdonald. In 1858 Mr. Campbell was elected to the Legislative Council for the Cataraqui Division. He filled the Speaker's Chair and in 1864 took office in the Government as Commissioner of Crown Lands. In 1867 he became a Senator and Postmaster-General in the Macdonald Government of the Dominion, which office he held for six years, when he was transferred to the newly organized Department of the Interior. He led the opposition in the Senate during Mr. Mackenzie's premiership, and on the return of Sir John Macdonald to office in 1878 Mr. Campbell again became a member of his Government, having charge successively of the Post Office, Militia and Justice Departments. On May 24, 1879, he was knighted, and on June i, 1887, he was appointed Lieutenant- Governor of Ontario, which office he filled most acceptably till his death. His biographer says that Sir Alexander Campbell " was not a man to be trifled with ; he believed MANITOULIN DISTRICT 525 in holding men to their duty ; but on the other hand he was always glad of an opportunity of rewarding faithful service." He married in 1855 Georgina Frederica Locke, daughter of Thomas Sandwith,. Esq., of Beverley, York shire. One author (see Cockburn Island) thinks this township was named in honor of Lord John Campbell, born in 1781, who was Solicitor-General under Lord Grey, Attorney-General under Lord Melbourne 1835-41, and became Chief Justice of the English Court of Queen's Bench. He was the author of " Lives of the Chancellors," but he had no direct connection with Canada at any time. ALLAN TOWNSHIP (1867; Let humble Allen, with an awkward shame, Do good by stealth, and blush to find it fame. —Pope. This township was named after Hon. George William Allan, Senator, born in Toronto, Jan. 9, 1822, son of Hon. William Allan who settled in York during Governor Simcoe's term of office and died at Toronto in 1853, having been Toronto's first postmaster, first Customs collector and first president of the Bank of Upper Canada; also a Legislative Councillor and a member of the Executive Council under Sir Francis B. Head and Sir George Arthur. Senator Allan's mother was a daughter of Dr. John Gamble, surgeon in the Queen's Rangers. In 1837 young Allan, then in his sixteenth year, left Upper Canada College and enlisted as a private. He was called to the bar in 1846, but before entering upon practice he travelled through Egypt, Asia Minor, Turkey and Greece. He was an alderman of Toronto in 1849 ^"^ Mayor in 526 NOTHING BUT NAMES 1865. In 1858 he was elected to the Legislative Council for York Division and in 1867 he was called to the Senate of Canada. Having always taken an interest iri flowers, . Mr. Allan in 1857 presented the Horticultural Society with the five acres of land which now compose the Horticultural Gardens. He is a Conservative, a member of the Church of England, and for many years he has been chief commis sioner of the Canada Company, and president of the Western Canada Loan and Savings Company. Senator Allan married, in 1845, Louisa Maud, daughter of Sir J. B. Robinson. In 1857 he married Adelaide Harriet, daughter of Rev. T. Schreiber, of Essex, England. MILLS TOWNSHIP (1878) The selection of this name, when there was already a township of Mills in Parry Sound district, was made by Mr. Vankoughnet, Deputy Superintendent-General of Indian Affairs, in response to a memorandum from Colonel Dennis. (See Burpee township.) It was meant as a compliment to Hon. David Mills, at that time Minister of the Interior. GORDON TOWNSHIP (1871) Twa gallanter Gordons did never sword draw ; But against four and thirty, wae's me, what is twa ? — The Baron of Brackley. On August 2, 1 87 1, Mr. Edgar Bray, surveyor, requested by letter to the Indian Department to be MANITOULIN DISTRICT 527 advised as to the name of this township, and was informed in reply that it should be called Sherborne. On Sept 21 of the same year he was advised that the name was to be changed from Sherborne to Gordon, it having been ascer tained that the name Sherborne had already been given to a township in what is now the Haliburton district. Senator Allan, of Toronto, after whom the adjacent town ship of Allan is called, says he has no doubt that Gordon township was named after Hon. James Gordon, of Toronto, who was appointed to the Legislative Council of Canada, October 4, 1845, and remained a member of that body until his death, April 10, 1865. The Toronto Directory of 1857 mentions him as living at the corner of Church and Crookshank streets. " Toronto of Old " says Chief Justice Sir William Campbell in 1822 erected on Duke street a mansion of brick, which was subsequently, for many years, the hospitable home of Hon. James Gordon, formerly of Amherstburg. In the same volume. Dr. Scadding mentions that Miss Gordon, the daughter of a former ever-generous member of the congregation, the Hon. J. Gordon, subscribed $1,000 to the fund to complete St. James' Church. BURPEE TOWNSHIP (1878) This township is duplicated, like the township of Mills, in Parry Sound district, the explanation being that Mani toulin was under the charge of the Indian Department at Ottawa, whereas the township names on the mainland were selected in the Crown Lands Department at Toronto. The records of the Indian Department contain a letter, dated August 28, 1878, informing Mr. G. B. Abrey, the surveyor, that the name of the township would be Burpee. 528 NOTHING- BUT NAMES BARRIE ISLAND (1828) See Barrie township, Frontenac county. Commodore Barrie visited Drummond and other islands of the Mani toulin group in 1828. ROBINSON TOWNSHIP (1879) Dear Mr. Robinson, I beg your pardon ; Your Job-like patience I've borne hard on. Whoever says the mutton is not good Knows nothing, Jlister Robinson, of food. —Peter Pindar (Dr. Wolcot). From the date at which the name was given, this town ship was probably called after Hon. John Beverley Robinson, second son of Chief Justice Sir J. B. Robinson, born at Beverley House, Toronto, Feb. 21, 1821, died in Massey Music Hall, Toronto, during a Conservative meet ing at which he had intended to speak, June 19, 1896. He was Lieutenant-Governor of Ontario 1880-87. W'hen seventeen years of age Mr. Robinson was aide-de-camp to Sir Francis Bond Head, and he was entrusted with despatches from Toronto to the British Minister at Wash ington. When the rebellion was over, he studied law with (Judge) C A. Hagerman, whose daughter Mary Jane he afterwards married, and he was called to the bar in 1844. He was mayor of Toronto in 1857, and was five times elected to Parliament for that city, besides representing Algoma from 1872 to 1874. In 1862 he was president of the Privy Council. He assisted in the construction of MANITOULIN DISTRICT 529 railways and in 1861 effected the sale, to English capital ists, of one million acres of land now forming part of the county of Haliburton, subject to the Crown Lands Department's conditions of .settlement As Lieutenant- Governor, Mr. Robinson was acceptable to all classes, and his sudden death was sincerely regretted by the people of Toronto and of Ontario. An uncle of Hon. J. B. Robinson, who was connected with Algoma and Manitoulin at an earlier date, was Hon. William Benjamin Robinson. He represented Her Majesty the Queen in the negotiation of a treaty with the Indians at Sault Ste. Marie in 1850 for the surrender of the lands on the east and north shores of Lake Huron from Penetanguishene to Sault Ste. Marie. This Mr. Robinson was a brother of Chief Justice Sir John Beverley Robinson and of Hon. Peter Robinson (see Peterborough county). W. L. Mackenzie in " Sketches of Canada and the United States" (1833) described W.B.Robinson as postmaster of Newmarket, Member of Assembly for Simcoe, Government contractor. Colonel of militia and Justice of the Peace. He was elected to Parliament for Simcoe in 1831. While speaking in 1834 in the debate on a motion to expel Mackenzie, Mr. Robinson was hissed from the gallery, his language being very severe not only with regard to Mackenzie but also toward the Governor. Of the next election Dent says : " The two members returned for the county of Simcoe represented very nearly the two extremes of political opinion. William Benjamin Robinson was, as became one of his race, the incarnation of Family Compact Toryism. His colleague was Samuel Lount" In 1844 Mr. Robinson entered the Government as Inspector-General, and in 1846 he became Chief Com- rnissioner of Public Works, though he did not agree with Mr. Draper on matters of policy. At one of his elections 530 NOTHING BUT NAMES in Simcoe Mr. Robinson defeated Mr. W. H. Blake, father' of Hon. Edward Blake. When Simcoe county was divided in 1854 Mr. Robinson was elected in the South Riding, with Mr. Angus Morrison as his colleague for the North Riding. In 1857 Mr. T. R. Ferguson succeeded him. D.AWSON TOWNSHIP Young Dawson was a gallant boy, .A brighter never trod the plain ; .And well he loved one charming maid, .And dearly was he loved again. Shenstone. This township was named after Simon James Dawson, M.P. for Algoma, who was born in Glengarry, Scotland, and carne to Canada when a boy. Being a civil engineer, Mr. Dawson was appointed by the Government in 1851 to plan and construct extensive works designed to open up the pine regions of the St. Maurice valley. In 1857 he was sent to explore the country from Lake Superior to the Saskatchewan, after finishing which work he resided for some years at Three Rivers, Que. In 1868 he was called upon to commence the construction of the route to Red River, afterwards known as the Dawson Route, and in 1870 he provided boats and voyageurs to transport Colonel (now Lord) Wolseley's force from Lake Superior to Fort Garry. Mr. Dawson was a joint Commissioner with the Lieutenant-Governor of Manitoba to conclude a treaty with the Salteau.x Indians in 1873. In 1875 he was elected to the Ontario Legislature for Algoma, and in that House he advocated a vigorous colonization roads policy. In 1878, '82 and '86 he was elected to the House of MANITOULIN DISTRICT 531 Commons for Algoma. He has been urgent in all schemes for the development of the North-West, looking forward to the time when the mines of Ontario as well as the wheat fields of Manitoba would contribute largely to the wealth of Canada. Mr. Dawson was never married. COCKBURN ISLAND TOWNSHIP (1821J A veteran host by veterans led. With Ross and Cockburn at their head, They came — they saw — they bfirned — and fled. — Philip Frenau. This name was given in honor of Lieutenant-Colonel Francis Cockburn, Deputy Quartermaster General to the Forces, who was with the Duke of Richmond when that nobleman died, and whose opinion on the settlement of a " loyal and warlike population on the banks of the Rideau and Ottawa " the Duke endorsed in a letter to Lord Bathurst dated January 14, 1819. Cockburn's report on the military settlements, dated November 26, 181 8, will be found in the Archives of 1897. On Oct 27, 1820, Lord Dalhousie wrote to Bathurst : " My Lord, I must particularly notice the valuable services of Lt.-Col. Cockburn, Deputy Quarter Master General, who has from the beginning conducted and given life and energy to every part of the Establishment ; he first with the compass in hand penetrated thro' these woods to ascertain the practicability of the plan, and to this day controls and directs everything belonging to it." Col. Cockburn accompanied the Earl of Dalhousie in 1821 upon a tour of inspection by water from Montreal through the St. Law rence and the Lakes to Sault Ste. Marie, thence along the 532 NOTHING BUT NAMES north shore of Lake Huron to French river, Lake Nipissing and the Ottawa, and so to Montreal, covering a total distance of 1,672 miles, and he made a very full report upon the waterways and requisite defences. Cockburn suggested Portloche Harbour as the best site for a military post in the event of Drummond Island being given up to the United States. One author says Cockburn Island was named after Sir George Cockburn, born 1772, died 1853, the naval officer who burned the city of Washington, but that seems improbable in view of Lieutenant-Colonel Cockburn's visit to the locality and the fact that the island is also called Little Manitoulin. Another author says the names of Lords Cockburn, Campbell and Carnarvon are preserved on Manitoulin Island. Lord Cockburn (Henry Dundas), born 1779, died 1854, was Solicitor-General for Scotland in Earl Grey's administration and went upon the bench in 1834. His Majesty's schooner, called the Cockburn, was under Commodore Barrie's command on Lake Ontario in 1828, just before he made his visit to Manitoulin. (See Barrie township, Frontenac county). INDEX 533 INDEX. Abbot, B,, 79 ; C. 343. Abercrombie, Sir R., 62, 70, 339. Aberdeen, 34, 59, 125, 126, 254, 375, 464, 466. Abinger township, 140. Aboukir, 339. Abraham, Plains, 53, 95, 315. Abrey, G. B., 527. Abyssinia, 322. Achnacarry. 13. Adala, 226. Adams, W., iqo ; Capt. 446. Addington county, 131-4, 96 ; Henry, 10, 41, 44, 1 16, 118, 275. Addiscombe, zz. Adelaide township, 320 — 106, 319; Queen, 23. Adhelm, Bishop, 291. Adirondacks, 92. Adjala township, 226. Admaston township, 80. Adolphus, Prince, 50. Adolphustown township, 147, 462. Adrian, Emperor, 51. Afghan, 137, 416. Afghanistan, 93, 254, 412, 413. Afridis, 413. Agamemnon, ship, 244. Aherlow, 94. Ailesbury, see Aylesbury. Ailsa, Marquis, 369. Airy township, 486. Aisaince, Chief, 419, Alba, 392. Albany, Duke, 145 ; City, 196 ; Regent, 396. Albemarle township, 378—7 ; Ship, 245 ; Earl. 353, 381, 383. Alberbury, 165. Albert, Prince, 406. Albion township, 235 ; Ship, 127. Aldborough township, 312. Alexander, 235 ; Rev. J. L. 251. Alexandrina, 149, 198. Alfred township, 47; King, 2=;, 50, 121, 156, 212, 279, 301, 406. Algeria, 459. Algoma, 492, 528, 530. Algona township, 94. Algonquin, 94, 227, 286, 37c, 420, 482, 517; Park, 493. Alice township, 88. Allan township, 525; 456 ; Senator, 241, 527 ; Sir H. H., 413 ; Hon. W., 461, 510. Allcock, Judge, 2S4, Alma, 410. Almonte, 98. Almwich, Wales, 212. Alnwick township, 179; Town, 174, 184, 486. Alta, 392. Alva, Duke, 343. Amabel township, 377; Head, 11 1; Lady, 363, Amaranth township, 239, 257. Amelia, Princess, 151, 499. Ameliasburg township, 151 — 490. America, discovered by Madoc, 161. Amerigo Vespucci, 2. Amersham, 102. Amherst Island township, 132 — 4, 106, 210 ; Lord, 65, 71, 113, 175, 386. Amherstburg, 4, 527. Amiens, Peace of, 10. Ampney Down, 161. Ancaster township, 265 — n, 274; Heath, 83, 267 ; Duke, 164, 231, 279. Ancholme, River, 266. Ancrum, 19. Andaman Islands, 169. Anderdon township, 344, Anderson slave case, 108, 428. Andre, Major J., 65, Andrew, Ship, 40. Anglesea township, 138—128; Marquis, 75, 186, 338; Island, 94, 212, 240. Anglia, 50, 302, 317, 382. 534 NOTHING BUT NAMES Anglin, township, 498. Angloen of Jutes, 264. Angus, 437. Anna, King, 317. Annandale, 369. Ann, Schooner, 106. Anne, Queen, 58, 78, 80, 194, 409. Anson township, 405; Admiral, 114, 217; General, 410. Anster, 190. Anstruther township, 190; Mr., 136; Col., 175. Antigua, 6t, Antoninus, 265, 332. Antrim county, 477. Antwerp, 7, 317. Apollo, 314. Appleby, 116, Arden Forest, 335 Ardens, W., 114. Ardochy, 353, Argenteuil, 180. Argentine, de, 83. Argyle. 375. Arma, King, 302. Armada, 243, 311, 328. Armagh, 168. Armour township, 451. Arniston, 21. Arnold, B., 53, 66, 220. Arnprior, 90, 493. , Aroostook, 92. Arran township, 377 ; Isle, 373. Artemisia township, 390 — 389. Arthabaska, 464. Arthur township, 255 ; King, 18 ; Prince, 26 ; Wellesley, 246 ; Sir G., 467, 525, Arundel, 119. Ashburton Treaty, 135. Ashby township, 142 ; Zouche, 160. Ashe, 58. Ashfield township, 370, 157. Ashford, Baron. 379. Ashkirk, 493. Asphodel township, 182. Assam, 93. Assiginack township, 518. Assikinack, J. B., 234, 519. Athelstan, King, 18, 310. Athlumney, Baron, 203. Athol township, 154 ; Duke, 16, 100, 261, 345, 448. Atlas, 392. ^Vtterbury, Lord, 152. Auchmar, 90 Auckland, Lcird, 205. Audleigh, W. de, 362. Audley, Lord, 82, August-! township, 30—108 ; Princess, 147 ; City, 321. Augustinian, 238. Augustus, Prince, 51, 133, 148. Aurelia, 229. Australia, 9, 354. 432, 439. Austrian, 12, 100. Ava, Marquis, 236. Avington, 102. Avon, River, 335. Aye township, 128. Aylesbury, Lord, lor, 141, 143. Ayr, 59. 373. Baby, Hon. J., 285. Bacon, F., 201. Baden, 240. Badenoch, 307. Badger, Ship, 392, Baffin's Bay, 85, Baginton, 80. Bagot township, 78; Sir C, 81, 139, 203, 253, 427, 508 ; Lady, 104. Baillie, Captain, 34S. Balaclava, 93. 101, 140, 337, 410. Balcarres, Earl, 378. Baldwin, 49, 427 ; R., 282, 284, 334, 385, 422, 474- 476. 510. 520. Balgowan, 100. Ballantyne township, 512, 493. Ballymans, 171. Ballymote. 166. Balsam Lake, 205, Baltic, 311, 384. Baltimore, 504, Banda, 97. Bangor township, 172. Bangs, J. K,, 496. Banks, W. J., 334. Banks' Land, 172. Banna, 522. Bannock, 107 ; Burn, 376, Barbadoes, 64, 66. Barham. J. F., 126 ; Lord, 300. Baring, Gould, 214, 393. Barlow, Joel, 185, 358. Barnabee, Drunken, 194, Barnard, Dr.. 499. INDEX 535 Barney, Captain, 127 Barnhill's bed, ^53. Baron, Sir H. W., 186. Barr, Bishop, 307. Barrie township, 127 ; Town, 432, 479 ; Field, 127; Island, 528; Commodore, ,^32, Barron township, 491. Barrow Strait, 441. Barsham, 295. Barton township, 266 — i, 274. Bastard township, 40 ; R., 39, Bastia, 244. Bath, 231, 247, 308, 429, 441, 521. Bathurst township, 73; Lord, n, 60, 66, 68, 6g, 78, 91, rSo, 213, 220, 262, 269, 350, 351, 420, 531 ; District, 98, 109. Battle. 43, Battock, Mount, 375. Bavaria, 303. Bawdsey Haven, 312. Baxter township, .126 ; R., 39. Bayfield, Captain, 442. Bayham township, 308 ; Viscount, 134. Bayley, N., 212. Beaconsfield, Lord, 125, Beamsville, 515. Beatty, D,, 437; Bros., 442. Beaty, J.. 477. Beauchamp, 334, 336, 388. Beaufort, Duke, 57, 104, 304, 399, Beauharnois, 354. Beaumond, 279, Beaumont, de, 185. Becket, T,, 127, 292, 295. Beckwith township, 65. Bede, 301, 317. Bedford township, 121 ; Duke, 60, 269; Shire, 211 ; Basin, 263. Beech House, 345. Beechwood, 338, 365. Begeham, Abbey, 308. Behring's Strait, 172. Belcher, Captain, 384. Belfast, 477, 505. Belgium, 74, 247, 318. Bell, Bessie, 188 ; J., 505. Bellerophon, Ship, 432. Belleville, 137, 156, 230, 258, 443, 476, 495. 503. 505. .514- Bellingham, S., 180. Belmont township, 185 ; Farm, 259. Beloeil, 46. Beman, E., 419, Bengal, 155, 205, 253, 410, 412, 416. Bengough, J. W., 268, 468. Bennett, J., 162 ; G., 476. Benson, 358. Bentinck township, 386 ; Lord W., 27 ; W. H. C, 119. Beorford, 291. Berkeley, Bishop, 173 ; Lord, 178 ; Admiral, igg ; Sophia, 406. Berlin, 12, 133, 460, 500. Bermuda, 66. Berne, 281. Bersted, 280. Berthwold, King, 291. Bertie township, 279 — 274, 426; Sir P., 165. 231, 265, 295. Berwick, 174, 179, 219, 431. 435. Bessborough, Countess, 231. Bethlehem, 400. Bethune township, 444 ; Sir H., 381 ; Bishop, 428 ; Mrs., 522. Beverley township, 264 — 242, 449, 525 ; House. 528. Bewcastle, 514. Bexley township, 204 ; Lord, 363. Bhartari, 137. Bickerstaffe, 361. Biddulph township, 322 — 350. Bidwell township, 520. Bienville, 45. Biggar township, 504. Billings township 523. Binbrook township, 265 — 274. Birchall, R., trial, 504. Birmingham, 402, 436. Biscay, Bay of, 23. Bishop township, 499, 493 ; of Quebec, 27. Black, A. and C, 376. Blackett, Mi'js S., 392, Black Joke, Brig, 336. Blackmere, 221. Blackwater, 341, 344. Blackwood, Hon. F. T., 236. Bladud, King, 277. Blair township, 479. Blake, Barber, 163; E., 444, 454, 464. 468, 470, 514 ; W. H., 451, 530 ; S. H., 509. Blancminster, 221. Blandford township, 304 ; Marquis, 20, 113; Forum, 40; Park, 57. Blanshard township, 351. 536 NOTHING BUT NAMES Blantyre, .117. Blaquiere, P. B., 106. Blenheim township, 303 — 446, 487; Castle, 57. Bletchingley, 125. Blithefield township, 79, Blore Heath, 82. Blucher, General, 256, 318. Blythe, River, 311, Bolingbroke, Viscount, 78. Bolton, 496. Bombay, 389. Bond Head, 504. Bonfield township, 516. Bonner, Bishop E., 302. Book of Invasions, 241. Bora, Catharine von, 238. Borneo, 334, 383, 384. Borough English, 277, 344. Bosanquet township, 336 — 350. Boscawen, Admiral, 104, 114. Boston, 23, 64, jog, 124, 153, 185, 262, 278,483. Boswell. J., 442. Bosworth, 385. Bothwell, 454. 473, 488, 495. Bouchette, J., 33, 183, 391, 517. Boultbee, A., 447. Boulter township, 514, Boulton, H. J., 109, 282, 362, 427. 461, 462, Bourke, R. S., 169. Bourne, 187. Bowell, Sir i\I., 464. Bower township, 494-493, Bowman, I., 450. Bowmanville, 494. Bow Park, 475. Bowyer, Admiral, 392. Boyd township, 508 ; 377. Boyne, River, 83, 272, 356. Bracebridge, 497. Brackley, Baron, 526. Braddock, General E., 132. Bradford, Earl, 125. Braithwaite, Admiral, 392. Brampton, 515. Bramstone, W., 423. Branchaud, M., 354. Brandenburg, 12, Brandon, C, 164, 280 ; Duke, 377. Brant county, 289—204, 216, 242, 257, 291, 425, 449, 478.490; township, 374; J. ,56,158. Brantford township, 291 ; City, 289, 423, 425, 450. 475' 489. 5"9- Brasenose College, 300. Brathwayth, R., 194. Bray, E., 526. Brazil, 91. Breadalbane, Earl, 77. Bredenhill, W. de, 102. Breifne, 195. Bremner, A., 457. Bretten, 240. Bright, John, 439, Brighthelm, Bishop, 176, Brighton township, 176, 495 ; city, 158, Brigland, Miss M., 498. Bristol, Earl, 207 ; Channel, 398 ; City, 443. British Columbia, g6, 104, 496, Broadlands, 124. Broad River, 388. Brock township, 213; General, 113 225, 252, 284 ; District, 306, 480. Brockville, 96, 103, 107, log, 214, 368, 430, 438, 489. 523, Bromfield, 423. Bromhall, 372. Bromley township, 79 — 78. Bronson township, 496. Bronte, Duke, 244. Brooke township, 334 ; Sir J., 383, 384. \ Brookes, Mrs., 64, Brotherton, 213 ; Earl, 301. Brotier, 318. Brougham township, 86—7. Brown township, 475; Mr., 306; George, 369. 450, 474, 480 ; M. J.. 473 ; G.K., 513. Browne, Sir W,, 32. Browning, R., 431. Broxbournbury, 336. Bru, or Brew, River, 406. Bruce county, 371—^37, 378, 437, 447 ; town ship, 376 ; Sir G., loi ; R., 188, 257, 369, 37S ; D-. 315 ; L*'idy E.. 357 ; Sir E., 374, 375' 385 ; ^^¦' 469- Brundenell township, 101 — 93; George, 64; Lord, 157. Bruges, 102, 191. Brunei township, 433. Brunswick, 19, 248 ; Duke, 404. Brussels, 75. Bruton township, 406—396. Brutu«, 298, 487. Bryce, 447. Brydges, 102, igi. Buade, Louis de, 112, INDEX 537 Buccleugh, 65. 3g8. Buchanan township, 90 ; P., no. Buck, E., 472. Buckhaven, 403. Buckingham, Duke, 28, 48, 81, 102, igi, 3og, 342. 374, 409 ; library, 241 ; E.irl, 363. Buell, W,, 103, 214 ; N., 430. Buller, C, 333. Bullfrog, yacht, 128. Bulwer, Sir E. L., zz^z. Bunduica, 343. Bunker's Hill, 155, 223, 270, 392, Bunyan, J,, 122. Burdett, Sir F., 81, 86, 283. Burford township, 291 — 292, 309. Burgess township (south), 41 ; (north), 72. Burgh, EHzabeth de, 52. Burghley House, 278. Burgoyne, General, 109. Burke, E., 136, 190, 298, 312 ; John, 345. Burleigh township, 187 — 128 ; Lord, 277, 327. Burlington Beach, 218 ; Canal. 248 ; bay, 261 ; village, 289. Burmese, 413. Burnham Thorpe, 244. Burns township, 108; R., 59; Judge, 428, 480. Burpee township (P.S.D.). 463, (M.I.), 527. Burton township, 469; R. F., 137. BurweU, Col. A. H., 308. Bury, 189, 232, 343, 382 ; Lord, 7, 379, 383. Bute, Lord, 44, 380, 391. Butler, killed in Crimea, 106 ; F., 470. Butt township, 501, 504. Byron, Lord, 14, 34, 75, 120, 263, 294, 325, 409, 430, 523. Bytown, 91. Cabul, 412, 416. Cadiz, 243, 394. Caermarthen, 389, 431, Ceesar, J., 50, 229, 298, 324. Caffre War, 411. Ca'field, 257. Cairo, 236. Caistor township, 269 — 274, 283 ; Town, 265. Caithness, 480, 489, 494, 4g8, 509. Calcutt, Capt., 443. Calcutta, 319, 413. Caledon township, 235. Caledonia township, 47, 235, 269. Calgary, 227. California, 200, 439, 446, 460. Calvi, 244. Calvin township, 515. Camarriens, 14. Cambray, Archbishop, 202. Cambridge township, 50 ; University, 27,32, 99, 116, 125, 272, 402, 4gi ; Duke, 147 ; Town, 263. Camden township, (east), 134; (west), 32g ; S. C, 155 ; W., 205, 264; Marquis, 308, 365. Cameron township, 506 ; Clan, 13 ; Sir E., 14; Sir M, C, 104, 368 ; Mr., 306 ; Hon. M., 334 ; A., 430. Campbell township, 524 ; Clan, 76 ; F. M., 155 ; T., 289 ; W. W., 314, 321 ; Sir C, 410, 413 ; Sir A., 442 ; Sir W., 527 ; Lord, 532. Campbellfordt 516. Camulodunum, 343. Canada Company, 248, 259, 350, 507, 526. Canboro township, 283. Canby, B., 283, Canisbay township, 489 — 480, 493, 498, Canniff, Dr. W.. 5,258, 453. Canning, G,, 44, 78, 119, 125, 131, 275, 298, 3'^'^' 33I' 361. 383. 403. 416. Canonto township, 129. Canterbury, 24, 205, 301. Canute, King, 25. Capel, Lady C, 410. Cape of Good Hope, 384, 412. Cape Rouge, 64. Car, 472. Caractacus, King, 25. 316, Caradoc township, 316 ; King, 25, 317 ; Ship, 105; J. H., 317. Carden township, 206. Cardiff" township, 397. Cardigan, Lord, 64, loi, 140 ; Shire, 141, 219. 300. Cardwell township, 439 ; Division, 457. Caria, 390. Carleton county, 53, 63, 91 ; Sir G., 66, 176, 193, 207, 270, 281, 452, 310, 326; Hall, Carling township, 457 ; Sir J., 104. Carlisle, 51, 318. Carlo, 188. Carlow township, 171. Carmichael, House, igo. Carnarvon township, 522 ; Shire, 162, 172 ; Earl, 388, 469, S3Z ; Town, 400. Carnock, 373, 375. 538 NOTHING BUT NAMES Carolina, 217 ; S., 155; N., 290. Caroline, Queen, 86, 203 ; of Denmark, 199. Carrick township, 372 ; Coast, 143, 369 ; Countess, 36g. Carrington, Baron, 336. C.irrying Place, 504. Carsiol, 167. Carson, Lieut., 128. Cartwright township. 196. Cashel township, 167; Borough, 232. Cassius, 487. Castlebar, 169. Castleditch, 381. Castlereagh, Lord, 284, 363. Castleton, 414. Cataraqui, 112, 427, 524. Catharine, of France, 164 ; Brandon, 280. Cathcart, Lord, 16, 100, 154, 375 ; General, 411. Catwater, Drain, 279. Cauchon, Hon. J. E., -^oo. Causenna;, 265. Causennis, 267. Cavan township, 195, 272, 452, 494, 505. Cavendish township, i8g ; Lady D., 120 ; Lord, 271, 354 ; Col,, 272 ; Sir J., 382. Cawarden, 206. Cawnpore, 27, 413. Cayuga township, 285 ; Village, 202. Cecil, W., 187. Cedric the Saxon, 25. Celebes, 384. Cenulph, King, 205. Cethlenn, Isle, 33S. Ceylon, 413, 416. Chaffey township, 438. Chaleurs, Bay, 3. Chalmers, T,, 190. Chamberlain, Dr. T,, 449. Chambers, 14. Chambly county, 45. Champlain, Canal 433 ; S., 482. Chandos township, igi; Duke, 48, 102, 220. Chapman township, 45g. Charlborough, 57. Charlbury, 57, 304. Charlemagne, ig. Charles I., King, 51, 55, 166 212. 243, 265, 280. 310. 335. 343. 347. 398, 424 ; n , 17, 34, 102, 159, 30'. 328, 398, 424 ; v., 404 ; XIL, i8a ; Prince, 77. Charleston, 271. Charlevoix, Rev. P. F. X., 348. Charlotte, Queen, 12, 30, 117, 146, 263. 294, 405 ; Lady, 60 ; Princess, 145, 283, 294. Charlottenburg township, 12. Charlotteville township, 294, 452. Chartiere, Hon. M. E., 458. Chateauguay, 45. Chatham township, 32g — 488 ; Lord, 2g, 115, 135, 143, 2ig, 27g, 2g7 ; Town, 224. 324. Chats, Rapids, go. Chatterton, T,, 475. Chaucer, G., 32, 310. Chaundra, 97. Chelmer, River, 344. Chelsea, 146, 211, 325. Cheltenham, 46. Chesapeake, River, 64. Chester, Col., 106; City, 206 ; Bishop, 220. Chesterfield, Earl, 125, 408 ; Town, 435, Chevalier de St. George, 17, Cheyne, Family, 102. Chicago, 462, 518. Chichester, 74, 292. China. 132, 372, 384, 432. Chinguacousy township, 234. Chinsurah, 413. Chippewa, 89. 225, 234, 274, 369, 419. 425. Chipping Wycombe, 37. Chisholm township, 515. Chislehurst, 135, 295, 345. Chitambos, 417. Cholmondely, 244, Christian, Bruce, 3S5. Christie township, 448 ; R., 68. Chrysler's Farm, 96, 42S. Churchill, J., 58, 303. Cian, 161. Cicero, 200. Cirencester, 55. Cistertian Abbey, 373 374. Civilis, C, 318, Clancy township, 488. Clanricarde, Earl, 296 Clara township, m. Clare, G. de, 52 ; county, 1S8. Clarence township. 51 ; Duke, 23, 320. Clarendon township, 126, 128, 515 ; Earl, 57, 2or, 304, 310, 409. Clark, Judge. 259 ; Dr. D., '46. Clarke township, 193—259; T., 443, Claude, G. or L., 188. Claudius, Emperor, 321, 328, 332. INDEX 539 Claus, Col. W.. 72. Claverhouse, 154. Claverton, 73. Clee Hill, 316. Clifford. 51, 87 ; Lord, 304, Clinton township, 269—274; Sir H., 49, .5^, 65. ^55 ; Sir W. H., 136 ; Family, 275 ; Lord, 279. Clitheroe, 440. Clive, Lord, 118. Cloche Island, 522 — 493. Cobham, Lord, 29, Cobourg, 259, 452, 472. Coburg, 149, 198, 320. Cochrane, Sir T., 68. Cockburn Island township, 531 ; Schooner, 127 ; A. P., 421, 422. Cocker, 474. Cockermouth, 140. Cockin, H. K., 164 — 211. Cockpen, 69. Cocks, Hon. A. M., 378. Coilsfield, 59. Colborne township, 365 ; Sir J., 206, 247, 338, 462, Colbrand, 335. Colchester township, 342; Town, 344. Colden, C, 112. Coldingharn, 317. Coldstream Guards, 356, 411. Coldwater, 229. Cole, G. i6g ; Sir G. L., 337. Coleshill, 207. CoUingwood township, 392; Lord, 122. Collins, A., .=, Colne, River, 212, 342. Columbus, C, 421. Colun, River, 316. Colville, Sir J., 373. Combermere, Lord, 493. Conaclon, Verse, 241. Conger township, 443. Congleton, 8i. Connaught, 167. Connecticut, 107, 395, Connemara, 189. Connin, Dr. F., 181. Conolly, killed in Crimea, 106. Conrad IL, Emperor, 404, Constable, Family, 264. Constance, de B., 264; Council of, 401. Constantinople, 236. Contades, General, 404. Cook, Capt. J., 223. Cooke, Sir G., 412; Rev. W,, 512 Cooper, Sir A., 99. Cope, J., 488. Copenhagen, 104, 244. 432. Corbet, G., 44Q. Cork, 183, 501. Cornwall township, 17 — 445; county, i6[, 223. Cornwallis, Lord, 63, 270. . Corsham, 161, 188. Corsica, 253, 339. Corunna, 206, 207, 339, 355, 365. Cotterstock, 223. Coventry, 259, 353. Cowden-knows, 292. Cowes, 421. Cowley, A,, 135 ; Lord, 260. Cowper Island, 450 ; Countess, 125 ; W., 302. Crabbe, G., 312, Craig, Sir J., 284. Craigie, William, 451. Cramahe township, 176 — 193 ; H. T,, 45. Cranmer, Archbishop T., 205. Crawford, J., 470. Creasy, E. S., 256. Credit VaUey, 443, 515, Crevecceur, H. de, 329. Crimea, 93, 94, 96, 97, loi, 105, 125, 126, 140, 187, igi, 220, 253, 317, 410, 412, 415. Croft township, 460. Crofts, J., 3g9. Croker, J. W., 443. Cromarty county, 85, i2g. Cromwell, (Williams), 122 ; O., 160, 271, 272, 347. 374. 398, 403. 436. 475- Crooks, Hon. J., 445. Crookshank, street, 527. Croom, 338. Crosby township, 40—107. Crowland township, 278 — 274. Crown Point, log. Croyland, 278. Crozier, F. R. M., 85, 432, Crusoe, Robinson, 406. Cuba, 380. Culloden, 10, 113, 380; Baron, 147, Culross township, 373, 374, 375. Cumberland township, 51 ; Duke, g, 13, 133, 309, 366; county, 208, 355, 388. Cumbria, 51, 318. Cumming-Bruce, 357, 371. 54° NOTHING BUT NAMES Cunningham, Rev. Dr. 487. Curacoa, 162. Curotte, M. and A., 114. Curzon, 115; Mr., 372, Cuthbert, King, 292. Cyprus, 382. Dale, D., 62 ; Park, 360. Dalhousie township, 68 ; Lord, 27, 66, 67, 71, 93, 262, 531. Dalloun, Lee, 107. Dalton township, 208; Dr. J., 165, 189; E., 474- Daly. Col. J. C. W., 349. Danby, Earl, 57, 304. Dangan, Castle, 246, 260. Danube, River, 180. Danvers, H., 304. D'Arcy, Lady A., 34. Dardanelles, 433. Dardanus, 390. Dargan, W., 502. Darling township, 71, Darlington township, 194-196; Town, 434. Dart, River, 407. Dartmouth, Lord, 177 Daton, Mr , 309, Dauphin, District, 494. David, Prince, 160; King, 216, Davin, N. F., 479. Davis, T., 360 ; Judge, 503. Davy, Sir H., 41, 165. 168, i8g. Dawn township, 337. Dawson township, 530. Deacon township, 502. Deal, 246, Dean, 423. Decamerone di Boccaccio, 20. Decatur, Commodore, 207. Dee, River, 206, 300. DeFoe, D., 272. Delany, 172. Delaware township, 315 ; 229. Delhi, 163, Deloraine, 446. Delta, 108. Demarara, 410. Denbigh township, 141. Denmark, 67, 199, 268, 475. Dennis, Col. J. S., 502, 526. Dent, J. C, 152, 185, 231. 282, 365, 371, 462, 467. 477. 529- Deondo, 233. Deoraby, 385. Deptford, 251, 300. Derby township, 385 ; Earl, 361 ; Shire, 435. Dereham township, 302. Derry, 499. De Ruyter, Admiral, 330. Derwentwater, 392. Desjardins, Canal, 1, 261. Detroit, 3, 5, 177, 234, 348, 252, 426, 518. Dettingen, 113, 380. DeVere, 301. Devine township, 499. Devizes, 93, 184. Devonshire, 39, 299, 407 : Duke, 120, 189 ; Earl, 385. Diana, 390. Dickens township, 484, Dickson township, 493; W., 258; Janet, 447; A., 477- Dido, Ship, 383. Dierwald, 264. Difyrrha, 332. Digby township, 207 ; Admiral, 23 ; Rev. C. 204 ; Captain, 206 ; Earl, 414. Dirlton, 396. Disheove, 406. Disraeli, B., 522. Dochart, 76. Dockstader, J., 283. Doel, 208. Doig, Miss J. P., 499. Dolci, C, 188. Dollardstown, 203, Dollond, P., 41. Donegal, 91, 501. Dooden-Werd, 318. Doran, Dr., 22. Dorchester township (south), 310, (north), 313 ; Lord, 3, 4, 12, 43, 53, i77. 483 ; Mount, 277. Dorion, A. A., 369, 477, 480. Dorothea, Queen, 12. Dorpa, 332. Dorset, 312 ; Duke, 404. Dougl.is, Sir H.. 68, 472. Douro, township, 184 — 7 ; Baron, 246. Dover township, 332 ; Castle, 280 ; Town, 347. 393- Downie township, 351 ; R., 350. Dragon, Ship, 127. Drake, Sir F., 140; B., 226, 240, 420. Draper township,424; Judge, 428, 462,520.529. INDEX 541 Dresden, 337, 488. Drogheda, 356. Drogo, de Monteacuto, 65. Droitwich, 292. Drumcor, 456. Drummond township, 70 ; Island, 128, 528, 532 ; Sir G., 140 ; Heathcote, 280 ; county, 464. Dryburgh, Abbey, 397. Dryden, J., 135; E., 506. Dublin, 87, 102, 217, 246, 308, 500. Dubris, 332. DuChaillu, Paul, 417, 485. Dudley township, 402 — 396; R., 141 ; J-, 382; Lord, 390. Dudo, 402. Dufferin county, 236-257; Rifles, 511. Dugdale, Sir W., 80, 316 ; T., 399. Dumbarton, 375. Dumfries township, (north) 257, (south) 292—242, 448, Dummer township, 185. Dunbar, Earl of March, 21. Duncan, Admiral, 114; King, 192. Duncannon, Lord, 353, Duncombe, W., 258, 466. Dundalk, 317, 418, 468. Dundas county, ^—4* 444! Creek, i ; H., 20, 56, 115, 116, 118, 193, 224, 330, 355, 532; Town, 99, 204, 218, 453, 506. Dunfermline, 423. Dungannon township, 168 ; Viscount, 246. Dunkirk, 146. Dunlop, Dr., 248 ; C. R., 503- Dunmore, Lord, 64, 372. Dunn township, 283. Dunwich township, 311. Durand, G., 339; C, 462, 467, Durham county, 192—4, 198. 216, 259, 408, 425, 452, 491. 494; Lord, 27, 41, 86, 333, 365. 371. 388, 393 : City, 301. 37°, 4^3 : Village, 495, 514- Dutton, Family, 414. Dyaks, 383. Dysart, township, 403—396. Eaglesfield, 208. Easthope township. J52- Eastnor township, 381. Ebraucus, 216. Eccleshall, 80. Ecgfrith, King, 317. Eden, Giivernor, 64. Edenham, 280. Edgar township, 496 : Lady, 251, 427 ; Sir J. D-. 459. Edinburgh, 22, 86, 97, 117, 211, 258, 373, 381, 407, 422, 435, 475, 487, 495, 499. Edmonton, 227, 488. Edmund, King, 382. Edward I., King, 141, 178, 211, 267, 296, 3". 372, 382, 400, 409, 523 ; IL, 55. 342 ; HI., 52, 315 ; IV., 55, 142, 166, 207 ; VL, 121, 141, 187, 268, 272 ; Black Prince, 18 ; Prince, see Prince Edward ; of Scotland, 179 ; Confessor, 276, 314 ; Elder, 343. 344. Edwardsburg township, 30, 96. Effingham township, 140 ; Earl, 53, 71, 325. Eganville, 516. Egerton, Hon. A. F., 361. Egfrid, King, 192, 317. Eglinton, Earl, 59. Egremont township, 388 ; Earl, 333. Egypt, 62, 70, 100, 254, 361, 365, 525. Eisleben, 238. Ekfrid township, 317. Elba, 244. Elderslie township, 376. Eldon township, 202—7 ! Lord, 205, 232, 365. Eldor.ido, 515 Elgin county, 307 — 4, 313, 455 ; Lord, 42, 333. 357. 371. 374. 375. 4i6- Elibank, Baron, 174. Eliot, Family, 161 ; Sir G., 253. Elizabeth, Queen, 35, 135, 141, 161, 164, 187, 192, 194, 206, 211, 260, 280 295, 327. 328, 33°. 342, 343. 346 ; II.. 198 ; de Burgh. 52* Elizabethtown township, 35 — 214, Ellerslie, 376. Ellesmere, 401 ; Earl, 32, 82. Ellice township, 353 ; E., 9, 170 Ellerbeck, 439. Elliot, Sir H., 136; 472. Elliott, Captain, 339; M., 515. Elma township, 357 ; Lady, 371. Elinore, 123. Elmsley township (south), 41, (north). 70 Judge, 153; Hon. J., 461. Elora, 136, 251. Ely, Isle, 317, .377. Elzevir township, 162. Embro Courier, 306. Emily township, igg ; Gore, 183. 542 NOTHING BUT NAMES Ems, 214, 441. England, Sir R., 411. Enniskillen township, 337 ; Earl, 363. Ennismore township, 183. Epsom, 91. Eramosa township, 249 — 242. Erebus, Prince, 54 ; Ship, 85. 432. Eresby, 280. Erfurt, 238. Erie, Lake, 3, 224, 273, 313, 348 ; Division. 449. Erin township, 250, 188, 235, 242. Ermatinger, E. , 309. Ermin, Street, 26fj. Ernest, Prince, 51, 133, 366, Ernestown township, 133—96. Erol, 16. Errol, 451. Erskine, T., 348, 466. Escott township, 37. Eshtaol, 305, Esk or Eske, River, 68, 210, Essex county, 341 — 4, 27, 324, 326, 327. 342, 44S. 455 ; Earl, 161, 296. Estreford, 344. Et township, 128. Ethelbald, King, 279, 292, 414. Ethelbert, King, 414. Etheldreda, Princess, 317. Ethelred, King, 280, 291. Etobicoke township, 218. Eton, 287, 298. Ettrick, 76, 472. Eugene, Prince, 58. Euphemia township, 334 — 329, 508. Euphrasia township, 392. Euxine, Sea, 332. Evans, killed in Crimea, io6 ; Mr.. 493. Everett, Capt. R., 476. Ewan, Janet, 495. Excellent, Ship, 393. Exeter, 33, 159, 224. 247, 275, 499; Marquis, 278 ; Hall, 304. Eymouth, Baron, 58. Eyre township, 411 — 396. Fahy, F. A., 188. Fairfax, Sir W., 204 ; Sir T. . 343, 347. Fairy Lake, 421. Falkirk, 376. Falkland, Lord, 126. Falmouth, 380. Falstaff, 269. Fane, Sir Vere, 269, Faraday township, 168 ; Prof. M.,460. Farrar, Archdeacon, 254. Fastolf, 269. Fathan, 241. Fawkes, F., 310. Felbridge, 298. Fenian, 241, 434. Fenelon township, 201 — 7, 205 ; Falls, 493. Fenton, A. D,, 200. Fergus, 373. Ferguson township, 456; S., 167, 228 ; T. R., 530- Fergusson, 67, 479 Fermanagh, 338, 470, 516. Fernham, Lady, 195. Ferrariis, R. de, 385. Ferrie township, 467. Ferris township, 516. Fife, 190, 318, 403, 437, 513 ; Earl, 373. Finch township, 20 ; G. F. Hatton, 16. Finlayson township, 490 — 493. Fitchett, J., 47. 68. Fitzgerald township, 501. Fitzmaurice, W., 37. Fitzroy township, 61. Fitzwilliam, Countess, 263. Flamborough townships, (E. and W'.), 264 — 242, 448. Flanders, 138. 155, 246. Flansburg, 264. Flaxman, J., 33. Flemings, 302, 343. Flint, J. J. B., 137; B.. 476. Flodden, 174. Florence, 236, 415. Flos township, 230. Floyd. Sir J., 233. Flynn, R., 123. 137. Foley township, 450. Folkstone, 86. Fontenoy, 380. Fontevraud, 264. Forbes, D., 13. Forest, Commodore, 29g. Forester, Miss, 125. Forfarshire, 72, 375. Fort Erie. 213, 484. Fort Frances, 446. Forth, 67, 318, 373, 375, 403, 509. Fort Royal, 148. Fort William, 323. INDEX 543 Foster, J. F. Barham, 126. Fothergill, C, 7, 72, 123. 229, 230, 283. Fox, C, 22, 28, 40, 45, 131, 135, 136, 157, igo, 2q8, 331, 366 ; H., 143 ; Ship, 418 ; Island, 4ig. Foy, Captain, 45. France. 44, 46, 77, 100, 112, 115, 121, 164, *i86, 217, 243, 256, 269, 279, 315, 343, 346, 366, 392, 433, 458, 459, 463, 475. 477. 483. 513- Francesca, 430. Franciscan, 189. FrankHn township, 432 ; Sir J., 85, 171, 181, 418, 441 ; B., 2i8 ; county, 233. Frant, 308. Fraser township, 95, 203, 322. Fraserfield, 96. Frederica, 16, 145. Frederick, W. I., 12 ; Prince, 19, 75, 138, 145, 217; of Wurtemburg, 24 ; of Hesse, 35. 147; of Gloucester, 150; of Bruns wick, 404. Fredericksburg township, 145. Fredericton, 66. Freeman township, 437 ; S. B., 451. Frenau, P., 531. Frenchman's Bay, 202. French River, 482, 532. Frere, J. H., 383. Freswick township, 498. Fried, Miss L., 487. Frobisher, Sir M., 140. Frome, River, 310. Frontenac county, 112—4, ng. lag. 515, Fullarton township, 351 ; J,, 350. Gadshill, 346. Gage, T., 281. Gainsborough township, 271 — 274. Galashiels, 4g3. Galileo, 165. Galloway, Lord, 373. Gait, 258; John, 152, 248, 351, 364. Galway township, 188. Gamble, Dr, J., 42g, 525. Gananoque, 3, 4, 109. Ganges, River, 416. Ganong, Prof. W. F , 6, 8, 92, 124. Garafraxa township (east). 237 ; (west) 252, 8, 242. Garden Island, 516. Gardiner, Col. J.. 13. Gardner, Captain, 63. Garneau, F, X., 177. Garpal, River, 374. Garry, Loch, g ; Fort. 530. Gartmore, 516. Gascoigne. Col. W. J., 361. Gaudeloupe, 66, 366. Gaul, 25, 318. Geddes, Rev. J. G., 387. George I., King, 12, 19. 58, 194, 360, 280 ; II., 404; HI., f*, II, ig, 20, 21, 28, 30, 87, 117, n8, 136, 143, i5<;, 215,222,273, 294, 303. 385. 40s ; IV., 18, 53. 131, 138, 141, 176, ig8, 222, 294, 306, 337 ; of Hanover, 133 ; of Cambridge, 147. Georgian Bay, 227. 257, 441, 482, 492 Georgina township, 222, ig8, 321. Germain, Lord G.. 177- Germany, 145, 148, 404, 453. 45g, 486. Ghent, 57. Gibraltar, 23, 31, 64, 100, 115, 148, 270, 33g. Gibson township. 431 ; Mr., 237 ; Hon. D., 442. Gilmor, R.. 422. Gilpin, J., 488. Givins. Col J., 72, 153, 419. Gladstone. W. E.. 385. Glamorgan township, 3gg ; Shire, 32, 397. Glanford township, 266—274. Glasgow, 10, 62, 90, 217. 298, 339, 375, 376, 410, 417, 436. Glean, River, 164. Glen-colm-kill, 91. Glenconway, 477 Glendower, 58. Glenelg township, 389—495 ; Lord, no, 359, 427. Glenfin, 501. Glengarry county, 9—4, g6, 353, 429, 444, 515. 530 ; Chief, 13. Glenquoich. 9, 354. Glimpton, 269. Gloster, 39, 54, 148. Gloucester township, 54 ; county, N.B., 498 ; Duke, 150, 160 ; Earl, 292, Glover, R., 291. Glyn, 165. Goderich township, 362 ; town, 106, 248, 495 ; Viscount, 273, 355, 359. 361, 378, 389, 403. Godiva, Countess, 276, Godolphin, Lord, 378. Goethe, J, W., 137. Goldsmith, O., 4g4. 544 NOTHING BUT NAMES Goodwood, River, 75 ; Races, 143. Gordon township, 526 ; Lord G., 17 ; Duke, 20, 75, 122, 174 ; Lady C, 59. Gore, Sir J., 64 ; F., 71, 185, 218, 230, 242; Mrs., 263 ; of Arran, 377 ; Bank, 467 ; District, 506. Goring. Lord, 343. Gosfield township, 342. Gosford, Green, 80. Gossalyne, 328. Gough, Lord, 27. Goulbourn township, 57 ; H., 242, 259, 323. Gourlay, R., 8, 83, 278, 282, 283. Gowan, O. R., 103. Gower township (south), 31, (north), 56 ; John, 55 ; Sir G. G., 82 ; Seigniory, 390 ; Lady A. L., 401. Gowrie, Earl, 396. Graeme, 68, Grafton, Duke, 61, 199, 2S0, 409; R., 221. Graham, T., 100. Grahame, J., 154. Grampians, 375. Granby, Lord, 194. Grand Isle, 113. Grand River, 4, 95, 258, 281, 285, 291, 510. Grant, G., 45 ; D. A., 114 ; C, 389 ; Rev. R. N., 421. Granta, 61. Grantham township, 272 — 274 ; Town, 276 ; Baron, 362. Granville, Earl. 32. Grattan township, 87—7 ; H., 331. Gravenhurst, 420. Great Fish, River, 172. Great Western, ship, 433. Gredington, 14. Green, J. R., 29, 118, 156, 163, 2S8, 318, 331. Greene, General N., 155. Greenlaw, 431. Greenock township, 374, 76, 436. Greenwich, 348. Gregory, King, 16, 230, 448. Grenville county, 28 — 4, 42, 53, 57, 456 ; G., 38, 122 ; Lord, 45, 48, n8, 131, 191, 298 ; R., 116, 145. Greville, 54, 334. Grey township, 365 ; county, 383, 237, 257, 447, 495, 510. 513 : Eari, 81, 86, 125, 172, 218, 333, 353, 361, 367, 371, 390, 525. 532 ; Gen., 254; Countess de, 273, 363, 378 ; Sir W. de, 296; Lady J., 382, 403; SirC., 3q4. Griffin, W. H., 93; G., 308, 376 ; Miss J., 432. Griffith township, 93 ; Admiral, 127 ; Sir R,, 502, Grimsby township, 268 — 274, 278, 445.; Grimsthorpe township, 164 — 128, 187. 280. Grimston, Lady K, 126, 201. Grisi, Giulia, 431. Gross, Miss I. E., 4g5. Grosse Isle, 27, Grosvenor, Lord F., 354, Guelph township, 248 — 242, 350 ; House, 222 ; City, 237, 423, 439. 455, 487. Guernsey, 132, 213, 338, 365, 366. Guichaud, Miss, 284. Guido, R., 188. Guilford township, 407 — 396 ; Earl, 136, 403. Guillim, Miss, 221. Gundulph, Bishop, 346. Gurd township, 471. Guthrie township, 487. Guy, 23g, 335. Gwent, Caer, 25. Gwillimbury township, (east and north), 221; (west), 224. Gyles, 92. Hackworth, T., 434. Hagarty township, 102 ; J, H., 470. Hagerman township, 461 ; Judge, 424, 429, 528. Hague, The. 398. Haldimand township, 177 ; county, 281, 283. 287, 289, 402, 426 ; Governor F., 3, 37, 44, 56. 63, 132, 157, 285, 297, 347, 427. Hale, Mr., 285 ; Hall, 300. Haliburton, District, 395 — 490, 492, 502, 527, 52g ; Mary, 66 ; Judge, 69. Halicarnassus, 390. Halifax. 68, 93, 148, 191, 199, 262. Halkett, Sir C, 27. Hall, Captain, 46 ; J., 446. Halliday, IM., 494. HalloweU township, 153, 443 ; B., 42, 124. Hall's Corners, 269. Halton county, 242 — 218, 256, 261, 2S9, 425, 456, 496. Hamilton township, 177—193 ; City, i, 77, 90, 365. 379. 387. 451. 452. 454. 467. 480, 507, S15 ; R., 273 ; DukL, 377. Hammond, H., 212. Hampstead, 64. Hampton Court, 37, 168 ; Walk, 459. Hanover, 19, 133, 147, 170, 404. INDEX 54. S Haqueville, 433. Harburn township, 407 — 396. Harcourt township, 401—396; Lad\', 141. Harder. S. A., 490. Hardinge, H. 460. Hardwicke, Earl. 273, ^.^t,^, 362, 378, 381. Hardy township, 478; Sir T. ls\.. igg; Hon A. S.. 423, 425, 496, 509. Hare, W.. 183. Harold Ii, King, 156, 264, 315 ; Childe, 256. Harrison township. 470; W. H., 51S, Harrow township, 493. Harvey township, 186 — 7 ; Sir J., 26, 163. Harwich township, 326, 405, 501. Hastings county, 155—4. 47^. So5' 5^4 : ^^'¦. \ 54; Marquis, 75, 159, igo; Sir \\'., 142; E., 160 ; Town, 205, 372. Havana, zi,, 378. Havelock township, 413 — 396; Prince, 268; Sir H., 41 1. Hawke, Lord, 114, 394. Hawkesbury township, 44 ; Lord, 144. Hawkins, Sir J., 140, 330; W'.. 42 r. Hav township, 360 ; Lady E., 356. Haycock, Miss E. F., 510. Hayes, 116. Head township, 110—507 ; Sir F. B., 42. 73, 77, 203, 344, 359. 365, 386, 427, 445, 508. 521, 525. 52S; Sir E. W., in, 372. 378, 381, 412. Heathfield. 436. Hebe, Frigate, 31. Hecla. Ship. 441. Hedding. Bishop, 453. Hedon, 524. Heine, H.. 145. Helston, 41. Hemans, Mrs. F. D., 400. Hendershot Trial. 504. Henderson, Col., 300. Hengist, King, 269, 277. Henry I., King, 186, 292, 338, 342 ; IL, 48, 127, 167, 216, 280, 303. 347 ; III,, 26, 58, 102, 142. 262. 272, 335, 382 ; IV.. v., 164, 398; VL, 55. ^44. 336; VIL, 26, 84, 121, 164. 334. 342, 362. 385 ; viif. 121, 122, 141, i6j, 164, 205. 260, 266, 267, 280, 2g5, 328, 346, 372 ; of Huntingdon, 277, Heraud, A., 300, Herault, 112, Herbert, G. A., 83 ; S., loi, 415 ; C. W., m H. M., 522. Heredia, M. de, 340. Hereford, 18, 322, 381 ; Duke, 80, 2g3. Herodotus, 3go. Herschel township, 169; Sir \V., 303 Hertford, Marquis, 178. Hesse, 3, 36, 89, 147, 151. Hewett, Sir W., 34. Hexham, 174. Hibbert township, 352. Hill, A.. 246; Lord, 334 ; R., 372. Hillier township, 15a. Hilton, 493. Himalayas, 372. Himsworth township, 471. Hinchinbrooke township, 122 ; Ship. 244. 392 ; Viscount, 348, Hincks, Sir F., gg, 103, 107, 454, 470. Hind, J. R., 486. Hindon township, 409, 126. Hindu, 137. Hislop, J., 506. Hoadly, Bishop B., 172. Hobart, Lord, 33, 309. Hobkirk's Hill, 155. Hobson's Choice, 50, Hochstet, 303. Hodgins, T., 219, 505. Hogg, J., 76, 154. Holbein, J., 188. Holland township, 391 ; 100, 146, 267, 339 ; Landing, 467. Holm, 44S. Holmedale Canal, 511. Holmes, 460. Holroyd, J. B,, 135. Home, 4, 472. Homer, 182, 385. Homfrey, 442. Honiton, 32, 36, 40, Hood, Lord, 23, 100. Hope township, 193 ; Lady J., 22 ; The, 328, Hopetoun, Lord, 22. 100, 159, 206, 355. Hopkins, Johns, 504. Horatius, 428. Horner, Miss, 483. Hornet, Ship, 122, Horsley, 327. Horton township, 81. Hough, Dr., 233 ; R. de. 276. Houghton township, 296 -287. Howard township, 325, 49, 131, Lady M., 53 ; H,, 71 ; C, 140. 546 NOTHING BUT NAMES Howden, Lord, 317. Howe Island township, n4, 4, 210 ; Earl, 64, 194, igg ; Sir W.. 270. Howick township, 367 ; Lord, 362, 366. Howland township, 521 ; Sir U'. P.. 439. 444 ; P-. 515. Huckins, Miss E., 506, Huddesford, 335. Hudson's Bay, no, 323, 324, 353, 432, 456. Hull, 88, gi, 117, 175, 265, 266, Hullett township, 364 ; T., 350, Humber, River, 266. Humberstone township, 27S- 274. Humboldt, Baron, 161. Hume, J., 81, 134269; D., 187, 295. Humphry township, 442. Hungerford township, 160—156 Hunt, Mrs,, 522, Hunter township, 495 — 493 ; Gen. P., 49. Huntingdon, 121, 122, 204 ; Earl, 142, 155, 159; H., 277. Huntington township, 159, 160. Huntley township, 59, 437. Huron county, 358 ; township, 374, 2, 322, 34g, 431, 499, 508 ; Tribe. 225, 344; Lake, 248, 313. 339. 419. 442. 482, 493, 518, 529, 532. Huskisson, W., 56, 390. Hyams trial, 504. Hyde, Abbey, 26 ; Baron, 126, 409, 328. Hyland Suit, 505. Iberville, 45. Iceland, 236. lerne, 250. Ila, 230. Ilnla, 417. Illinois, 218, 431, 517. India, 68, 97, 118, 120. 136, 156, 163, 169, 246, 319. 372. 386, 4n, 413, 416. 432. Indiana, 218, 431. Indian Plain, 180. Ingersoll, C, 309. Inglis, Sir J. E. W., 413. Innes, Col., 60. Innisfil township, 227. Inverary, 373. Invergarry, 9. ¦ Inverness, g, 374, 389, 515. Iowa, 95, 43T. Ireland, 87, 116, i3g, 163, 166, 180; Sir G. 300. Ireton, H,. 166. 2e8, 346, VI. , .518. Iroquois, _•, 95, 227, 233, 281, 285, 420, Irvine, 467. Isaac. King, 382. Islay, 437. Isleworth, 395. Itchen, River, 25. Itorton, 8t. Ivel, River, 414. Jackson, Andrew, 6g. Jamaica, 23. 63. 194, 371, 387, 392. James I., King, 50, 121, 164, 205, 207, ; 300, 366, 382, 409; II., 20, 58, 83, 392, 39g, 4og; III., 377: IV., 164; 17 ; C. C.,s; Bay, 492, Japan, 307, 384. Jaques, 450. Jarvis, W., 154, 261, 282: S. P , 427, 461, Java, 227. Jay, John, 218. Jeffries, Judge, 39, 310. Jenkinson, C, 44; Lady C, 201. Jenner, Dr. E., 55. Jenyns, S., 408. Jersey. Earl, 126, 333. Jerusalem. 186. Jervis, Sir J., 114, 244, 3q4. Jesuits, n3, 285, 517. ¦Joan of Arc, 269, 415. John, King, 26, 179, 301, 343. 362. 388 ; of Gaunt, n, 160, 243, 401. Johns Hopkins, 504. Johnson, Sir W., 10, 132, 289 ; Sir J., 12 ; S.. 442. Johnstown, District, 96, 107, 109. Joly township, 458. Jones township, 108, 214,438; Rev. R., A.. 218; W.. 317; J., 339; Judge J., : 461 ; I., 414 ; Dr. P. E., 89, 92, 225, 229, 245, 250, 285. Jonson, Ben, 207. Joseph, Lake, 421. Judah, 400. Judith, 160. Junius, 17, 38, 405, 424. Jus township, 128. Kahkewaquonaby, 245. Kaladar township, 136 — 8, 123. Kane, Paul, 518. Kanmore, 80. Kayc. Sir J. W„ 284, 3S6. Kempenfeldt, Bay, 127. Kendal, Duchess, 195. , 62; ,386,, 226, INDEX 547 Kenilworth, 335. Kennebec township, 124 — 123, 493 ; River, 153- Kennedy, 373. Kennet, River, 160. Kenny, Miss. 433. Kenozha, 421. Kensington, », 282. Kent county, 324—4. no, 205, 266, 279, 334, 454. 475. 495. 508 ; Duke. 70, 261, 309, 363 ; Duchess, 406. Kentish, Miss E., 27. Kentucky, 210. Kenyon township. 14—47; Lord, 31. Keppel township, 384 — 7; A.. 120; Admiral, 199. 378, 383. 394- Keppoch, 9. Ker, J., 20. Kernighan, R. K., (The Khan), 249. Kerr, J. K, 444. Kerry county, 183. Ketchum, Jesse, 510. Kew, Palace, 214. Khyber, Pass. 413. Kickham, C. J., 94. Kielmansegge, ^ladam,. 195. Kilbarchall, 495. Kildare, 137. 171. Kilgroggy, 195. Kilkenny, 186, 502. Killedar, 136. Killiecrankie, 154. KilUn, 76. Killyleagh, Castle, 237. Kimberley, 406. Kinaybicoinini, 419. Kincardine township, 375; Earl, 371. King township, 220; J., 33, 491 ^If" 337- Kinglake. A. W., 93, 105, 106, 187, 191, 410, 411. Kingsford. Dr. W., 73, 231, 270, 323. Kingston township, 117—42, ng, 429; city, 77, 127, 196, 224, 393, 427- 438. 465. 468, 480, 524. Kinloss township, 374, 385- Kinnel House, 76. Kinross county, 187. Kirby, W., 112, 148, 223, 264, 289, 319- Kitley township, 3g, 40. KnatchbuU-Hugessen, E., 473- Knyphausen, Baron, 66. Kossuth, county, 95. Kurnaul, ^o^. Labu.in, 384. L;ichlne, 524. Lacon, 201. L.icy, Hugh, 141. Lafontaine, L. H., 284, 334, 386, 520 ; Miss, 465- La Hogue, 325. La Jonquiere, Marquis, 46. Lake township, 163 — 12; Lord, 186. Lake of Bays, 421. Lamartine, A., 201. Lamb, W., 390. Lambart, Family, 195. Lambert, John, 46, 64, 149, 364 ; General, 69., Mr., 157. Lambton county, 333, 334, 339, 455, 468, 475, 503, 508, 510 ; Lady M. L,, 371 ; Lady, 388; Mills, 521. Lanark county, 63 ; township, 71 ; 349, 368, 508. Lancaster township, n, 13, 46; House, 82, 216; Duchy, J26, 205, 211, 236, 243, 392, 440 ; county, 300 ; Sound, 441. Lancelot, de Lac, 316. Landor, W. S., 484. Lang, A., 162. Langan, P., 114. Langhorne, Dr J., 404, 506. Lansdowne township, 37 ; Marquis, 125. Lapraik, J., 456. LaSalle, R. C, 114, 150. L'Assomption county, 464. LaTour, 67. Lauder township, 513; 4g4 ; M,, 190. Launceston, 396. Laurier township, 464 ; Sir W., 473, 481. Lavant township, 74. Law, R., 452. Lawless Court, 326. Lawrence township. 416; Brig. -Gen., 114. Laxton township, 204. Leabhar, Ghabhaltus, 241. * Lear, E., 329. Leavitt, T. W. H., 438- LeBrun, J. L., 66. Leccan, 166. Leeds county, 34 ; township, 39, 4, 42, 96, 103, 107, 368, 456, 488 ; Duke, 144 ; city, 261. Leek, 81. Leggo, Anne, 439. 548 NOTHING BUT NAMES Leg Lake, 420. Leicester, 118, 161, 352, 400; Earl, 141, 186, -97 ¦ Leigh, E. E., 274 ; A,, 430, > Leighton Buzzard, 211, Leiningen, Prince, 149. Leinster, 172. Leitrim, 512. Leland, Mrs. F. , 200. Lcly, Sir P.. 188. Lemoine, J., 46; LeMoyne, 430. Lenihan, M., 166. Lennox county, 143 — 4, 96, 144; C, 60, 74. 102, 139, 145, 156; Lord G., 199; Lady S., 231. Lennoxville, 27, 497. LeNord, 105. Leofric, Earl, 276. Leopardi, G., 337. Lesbia, 222, Lewes, 275, Lewis, M. G., 409. Leyden, 162. Lichfield, 307 ; Earl, 405. Liege, 58. Limerick township, 166 ; 170. Lincoln county, 267—1, 4, 261, 274, 312, 318; Earl, 141, 269 ; inn, 147 ; Joe, 502. Lindsay township, 3S1 ; town, 215, 491 ; Lady E., 378 ; C, 462. Lindsey, Earl, 280. Lindum, 267. Linton, Mr. 349. Lionel, Prince, 52. Lisburne, Earl, 219. Lisle, A., 39; Sir G., 343. Lister township, 503. Listowel, Earl, 183. Little John, 362. Liverpool, 40, 439 ; Earl, 44, 131, 201, 205, ' 259, 322. Livingstone township, 417. Livy, 327. Lizars, R. and K. M., 390. Lloyd, Sir E., 37. Lobo township, 322—239, 305. Loch Goil, 372. Lochiel township, 13, Lochy, Loch, 14. Locker, F,, 328. Logan township, 354 ; Sir \V. E., 420, 524. Logie, Judge A., g8. London township. 321, 309, 330, 420, 451, 457; City, 21, 25, 40, 131, 142, 180, 206, 222, 300, 313, 346, 416, 418, 500 Londonderry, 94. LongfelK>w, H. W., 8g, 94, 261, 276, 313. Longford township, 208; Earl, 69, 246; county, 184. Long Island, 270, Long Point. 3, 2^4. 437. Longueuil township, 45; Baroness, 114. L'Orignal, 47. Ldrne, Marchioness, 183; Marquis, 236. Lossin.cf, B. J., 109. Lotbiniere, 458. Loudoun, Lord, 113 ; Countess, 155 ; \'is- count, 159. Loughborough township, 117 — ng. Louis XI\',, King. 14, 46; IV., 89; Princc,343. Louisa, Queen, 145 ; Louise P., 183. Louisbourg, 71, gs, 114, 132, 174, 391 Louisiana, 23, 520. Lount township, 466; S., 529, Louth township, 272, 266, 274. Lovat, Lord, 13, 95. Lovelace, Lord, 55 ; Col., 239. Lovell, J., 92. Lover, S,, 246. Low, H., 384 ; P. 477. Lowell, Institutf, 483. Loyola. I., 387. Lucan, Lord, loi, 104. Lucas, Sir C, 343. Lucius, Prince, 25, 314. Lucknow, 97, 411, 413, 416. Ludd, River, 272. Ludlow, Castlu. 316, Luhontan. Baron de, 518. Luimenach, 166. Lukin, R., 299. Lundy's Lane, 70. Luneburg, 3 ; Duke. 404. Lupus, Hugh, 243. Luther township, (east) 238, (west) 255—249; i\I., 195, 201, 240. Lutterworth township, 400. Luvois, Due Eugene de, 327. I^yell township, 483. Lygdamis, 390. Lyle, 315. i-yiuloch township, 100; 188. Lynn, King's, 288; 300; 362. Lytton, Lord, 162. INDEX 549 Maas, River, 318. Macaulay township, 42S ; T. B., 9, 14. 18, 21. 35. 39i 116, 120, 131, 135, 187, 219. 269. 298, 319, 327, ^2,0, 387, jqg ; Sir J,, 424, 461. Macbeth, 375. Mat'Coll. E., 23b, 250, 427. 487, 4S8, 524. MacLlonald, Glengarry, 9; 422. 450, 454, 4b8, 524 ; Sir. J. A . 103, Hon. J. S., 425. 450. 457. 477. 480, 507. 514, 52 Macdonell, Col., 9; 354, 515; Bisl Macedonian, Ship. 207. MacEvo^¦. Mi^s M.. 492. Macliar township, 465. Mai-hedash township, 230. .Machiavel, 201. MacKenna's Dream, 272. Mackenzie. township. 468; \V. L, no, 20S, 360. 386, 529 ; Hon. A., 449, 463. 473, 474. 498, ,S^4 : ^r. 497 ; ^"" A., 515. Mackinaw. 181. MacMartin, 14. Macnamara, LaJs S., 1S3. Madawaska, 79, 92, 129. Maddocks, Mr , ib2. Madoc township, i6r. Madrid, 273. 317. Ma;ander, Sliip, 384. Mahnoo, 240. Mahon, Lord, 2^7, 408. Mahratta, 163, 186, 413. Maidstone township, 346; z'Su. Maine, 92, 124, 125, 127, 153, 173, 244. Mair, C, 225. ;\faitland. Sir P , 5, b8, 123, 12S, 1^2, 165. 1S4. 185, 187, 228. 239, 242, 252, 305. 420. 462 ; Lady S , 60, 74, 77, 122, 139, 199. 230. Malacca, 93, 432. Malahide township, 308. Malay, 383. Malcolm, II. , King, 179; Eari, 373. Maiden township, 344 ; Fort, 345, 466. Malta, 91, 100, 156. Mamate, 226. Man, Isle. 345, 385. Manchester, Duke. 60, 68, 122 ; Earl, 63, 272; Town, 153, 208, 393, 423. Mangan, J, C. 166. Mangerton, 351. Manitoba. 368, 426. 450, 465, 476, 530. Manitoulin, Islands, 5E7-72, ^y^, 485. 518. 5ig, <;27, 528, S2g, 532. Manitowaning, 5ig. Manners, Family, 404. ^I.iiining, Cardinal H. E., 345. Mansfield,' Earl, 14, 16, 64, 135, 220, 331. Manvers township, 196. Maolmura 241. iMaori, 413. IMara township, 214. Marblehead, (13. March township, 58; Earl, 21. Marclimont, 26. ^larest, Jesuit, 517. Margaret, Queen, 164, 37J Maria township, in. M.irinerito, Brig, 336. Mariposa township, 200 — 205. IMarkliaiii township, 219; Rev. W., i6, Markland, G. H., 285. iMailbo rough township, 57 ; Ship, 63 ; IHike, 83, 113, 180, 288, 303. 304, 380. Marmora township, 161. Marr\att, F. S., 384. -Marsala, 293. .Marsh, the, 316; Rev. D., 3,^7. Marston, 276, Marter, Dr. P . 425. ^Martin, Archer, 354. Martinique, 66, 148, 366, 394. I\rai\', Oueens, 17, 3v 14', 142. 164, 382, 402, 409; Princess, 54, 147, 150; High land, 59 ; Yacht, igg. Maryborough township, 253 ; Lord, 260, 3,^6. Mary Lake, 421. Maryland, 426. ]Mar)-sburg township, 150 — 149, 153. Mason, \V., 391, 484. Massachusetts, 453, 463, 521, 523. Massc), H., 528. Master township, 487. Matilda township, 24 ; 199. Mattawatchan township, g2, Matthews, P., 467. i\Iausolus, King, 390, Mayo township, 169. Maypole, the, 194. iMcCady, 123. ?^tcCaig, D„ 2+7. :\lLCann, I\L J., 172. McCaul, Rev. Dr. J., 475- McClintock township, '418 ; Captain, 171. McClure township, 171. McConkey township, 479. 550 NOTHING BUT NAMES McCraney township, 495. JMcCrea, Jane, 109, McDonald, A., 180; 493; K.. 495, McDougall township, 455; Hon. W., 422, 519- McGee, D'Arcy, 104. McGill, 445. McGilli^¦ray township, 322, 350. McGregor, E., 334 ; C, 487. 508. Mcintosh, E., 488. Mclvor, F., g. McKay township, g7. McKellar township, 454. McKillop township, 364- 238, McLachlan, A., 436, McLaughlin township, 494. 4g3. McLean township, 427; Judge A., 424, 520. McMaster, M. A., 515. McMullen, J. M., 4g, 78, 104, no, 112, 350, 393- McMurrich township, 447. McNab township, 76, 81, 493 ; Sir A, N., 379. 454; L-. 455- McNaughton, John, 85. McNiff, P., n. McTavish, J. G., 322 ; Miss, 498. Meaford, Hall, 394. Mearns, the, 375. Meath, 203, 246, 356. Mechekuhneeng, 229. Mecklenburg, 3 ; Duke, 294. Medeshamstede, 181. Mediterranean, 115, 311, 347, 394. Medonte township, 229. Medora township, 430. Medway, River, 329, 346. Meiningen, 23, 320. Melancthon township, 240—238, 249, 257, 389. Melbourne, Lord, 85, 125, 126, 232, 253, 254, 352. 354. .367. 387. 392. 525- Melgund, Viscount, 253. Melville, Viscount, 21, 355; Sir J., 35; Sound, 441. Menai, 139, 435, 523. Mercer, Mrs., 455- Mercia, 182, 279, 2g2 ; Earl, 276. Meredith, O., 162, J14. 237, 327 ; Sir W. R., 368. Merivale, H. C, 326. Merlin township, 227. Mersea township, 341. Meskwakees, 420. Metcalfe township, 3ig ; Lord, 284, 368, 375. 386, 508, Methuen township, 188; Baron, 58. Meuse, River, 318. Mexico, i5i. Michigan, 94, 218, 473. Michilimackinac, 234, 518. Middlesex county, 313 — gg, 307, 321, 468. Middleton township, 300; R., 141 ; General, 254 ; Baron, 276. Midhurst, 360, Midland, 4. Midlothian, 69, 118. Milbanke, Sir R., 263 ; A. L, 431, iMilbrook, 491. Milford Haven, 84. Miller township, 129; Dr. T., 449, Mills township, (P.S. D.) 473 ; (M.I.) 526; Hon. D., 488. Milnes, Sir R. S., 43, 46, 284, 358. Milton, C, 166. Minden township, 404, 493, 502 ; Battle, 38, 113, 366. Mingary, 427. Minorca, 100, 175, 339, Minto township, 253 ; Lord, 85, 157, 464. Misquuckkey, 419. Mississauga, 218, 233. Missouri, 305, 345, 431. Mitcham, Grove, 118. Mitchell, 100, 287, 296, 378. Mogul, 163. Mohawk, 10, 149, 158, 233, 281, 289, 512, Moira, Earl, 100, 145, 155, 246, 254. Mona, 139, 239. Monaghan township, (south) 179 ; (north) 182 ; county, 349, 470. Monck township, 429 ; Lord, 97, 207 ; Divi sion, 402, 497. JMonk, Family, 379. Monmouth township, 398 ; county, 105, 191 ; Duke, 310, 410, 476. Mi>no township, 239. Montague township, 63; \\'.,6o; Duke, 141; J.. 347- Montaigne, 27. Montana, 460. Montcalm, .Marquis, 46. Monteagle township, 170, Montebello, 513. Monteith township, 448. Montgomery, R., 53 ; county, 165. INDEX OD' Montmorenci, 95. Montreal, 27, 42, 66, 149. 175, 359, 365, 371, 391, 434, 438. 482, 511, 53[. Moore township, 339; T., 30. 159, ^\%\ Sir J., 62, 138. 2o6, 355, 365 Moorshegunge, 97. Mor, 399. Moravian, 225, 315, 329, Moray, 307. Mordaunt, C, 182. More, Hannah, 416. Jlorfa, Rhuddla, 316. Morgan, H. J., 184, 247 ; county, 399 Morin, A. N., gg, 454. Mornington township, 356 ; Earl, 78, 104, 246, 253^ 260. Morpeth, Lord, 387. Morris township, 367 ; A., 503. Morrison township, 422 ; \.. i\.zq, 530 ; Judge J. C. 451, 47S : Miss A., 4g2. Morro, Fort, 378. Mortimer, 106. Mosa township, 318, 488. Moses, 240. Mosswater, 221. Motherwell, W,, 422, 491. Moulton township, 282 — 278. Mountain township, 26 ; Bishop. 445, 453 ; Col., 461. Mountcashel, Lord, 319. Mount Forest, 511. Mountford, Sir S., 207. Mount Pleasant, 478. Mouse Tower, 7. Mowat township, 480 ; Sir O., 96, 422, 446, 450. 454. 465. 473. 478, 489. 496, 505- 5H- Mowbray, T., 80, 293. Mulgrave. Lord, 347, 387. Mull, 427. Mulmur township, 240 — 8. Mundy, Captain R., 384. Mungo, 195. Munnow, River, 398. Munster, Earl, 23 ; 167. Murchison township, 485 ; Sir R, I., 85, 317. Murray township, 174 ; 176, 193, 504 ; D., 16 ; Gen. J., 53, 73, 154 ; W., 90, 464 ; Canal, 224 ; Regent, 307 ; John, 325 ; Rev. F. H., 345 ; A., 420 ; Outlaw, 508. Murillo, B. E., 188. Muscogee, 420. Muscovy, 141, Muskoka District, 419 ; town.ship. 425—422, 493- 497 ; River, 89. Mysore, 260. Nahdoway, 227. Nana, the, 413. Napiers, 143. Naples, 156. Napoleon I., 24, gi, 133, 256. Nares, Rev. E., 187. Nassagaweya township, 245 242. Nassau, 3. Navarino, 317. Nawash, 225. Nectansmere, ,318. Neil, Helen, 468. Nelson township, 244 — 242 ; Lord, 23, n4, 122, 153, 186, 2g3. 311, 326, 392. Nene, River, 279. Nepaul, War, 155. Nepean township, 56. Nero, 462. Neuchatel, 281. Nevada, 460. Neville, 192 ; Captain L., 397. Newark, 41, 108, 223, 270, 273, 274 ; Vis count, ig6. Newbolt, H., 186, 243, 2g4. Newboro', 438, 489. New Brunswick, 6, 43, 66, 68, 92, 124, 125, 186, 258. 452, 463, 473, 498, 502. Newcastle, 196, 202, 259, 392, 435 ; Duke, 269, 275, 457. Newcome, Rev. J., 272. Newdegate, Charles, 473. New Edinburgh, 97. New England, 3, 5, 335. Newfoundland, 109, 186, 270, 282, New Hampshire, 262. New Jersey, 452. Newman, Cardinal J. H,, 88, Newmarket, 180, 466, 498, 503, 529. New Orleans, 69, 432. Newport, 80, 297. New River, 142, 300. Newton, Sir I., 165, 272, 436. New York, 10, 53, 207, 270, 285, .290, 433, 443. 453. 521- Niagara township, 273 ; i, 10, 65, 108, 149, 184. 251, 387, 422, 427, 483, 492. Nice, 189. Nichol township, 251 — 242, 257. Nigel, 243. 552 NO THING BUT NA MES Nightingale township, 415. Nile, 244. Nipissing township, 472; District, 482,492; L.ike, 532. Nissouri township, (east), 305; (west), 321. Nith, River, 257. Niven township, 492. No township, 128. Noah 427. Noel, T., 263. Nokomis, 419. Nollekins. J., 298. Norfolk county, 293, 4, gg, 121, 282, 287. 296, 297, 301, 437 ; Virginia, 496, Norma township, 128. Normanby township, 387. Normandy, 65, 178. 191. 269, 276, 338, 379 ; Duke, 3gy. Normanton, Park, 165, 280. Norragh, 260. North, Lord, 3. 40, 118, 136, 158 ; Dudle}', 403, 407. Northampton, 181, 204, 223. North British Review, 118, 275 Northlech, 414. Northumberland county, 174^4, 144, 180, 254, 281, 367, 452, 505. 516 ; Duke, 154. ^79. 382, 397. 402 ; King. 192, 210, 317 ; Earl, 265. Northwest Company, 323, 353. Northworthige, 385. Norton, M., 103 ; 438. Norwich township, 301; 140, 298, 314. Nottawasaga township, 227. Notman, W., 503. Nova Scotia, i, 43, 66, 68, 148, 153, 261, 395. Nugent, 83; Lady :\I. F., 356. Oakhampton, 344. Oakland township, 292. Oakley township, 423; Park, 316. Oakville, 495. Oberhn, College, 425. O'Brien, D,, 167 ; S,, 501. O'Bryne, 171. O'Connell, D., 232. Octavius, 316. Odahwahs, 519. Odin, g. Odo, Bishop, 329. Odyssey, 182. Ogdensburg, log, 368. O'Hagan, T., 4^5. Ohio, 218, 225, 289, 345, 426. Ojibway, 229. Olden township, 123, 137. Omagh, 497. Oneida township, 286; 2gi. O'Neil, Kincardine, 375. Oneota, 370. Onghiara, 273. Onondaga township, 2go ; 286. Onslow, Speaker, Arthur, 131. Ontario county, 210—4. 506, 507. Oporto, 184. Ops township, 200. Ordie, River, 349. O'Reilly, A., 184; 195; Dr. W. T., 449- Orford township, 325, 329, 473 ; Eari, 387 ; Nass, 312. Orillia township, 229 ; 227, 421. Orkneys, 77, 448, 509. Ormond, i\Iiss E. J., 491. Oro township, 228. O'Rourke, 195. Osborne, F. G.. 34; S.. 171. Osgoode township. 55 ; Judge, 43. Osier township, 503. Osmere, 221. Osnabruck township, 19; Bishop, 145. Oso township, 123, 239. Osprey township, 391. Oswald, R., 38, 218. Oswego, 65, Oswy, King, 210, 317. Otonabee township, 182, 451 ; River, 181. Ottawa, River, *, 47, 77, 90, 420, 482, 513, 531 ; City. 97, 433, 496, 519, 523. Oude, 97, 416. Ouse, River, 216, 301. Outram, Sir. J., 411, 413. Owen, R., 62 ; 485. Owen Sound, 237, 257, 449. Oxford county, 301 ; townships, (east, west and north) 303 ; township, (on Rideau) 2,z ; 57, 205, 214. 224, 291, 306, 309, 330, 445. 455. 481 ; University, 41. 42. 44, 232. 395, 401, 483 ; Bishop, 88. Oystermouth, 399. Paddington, 131. Padua, 444. Paeda, King, 182. Paget, Lady C, 75. 80; H. W. 138. 186; 220 ; 338. Paisley, 76, 98, 367, 376, 438. INDEX 553 Pakenham township, 69 ; 209. Palatinate, 240, Paley, Rev. W., 182. Palliser, Captain, igg. Pall Mall, 147. Palmerston township, 124 ; Lord, 84, 126, 214, 236, 372, 390. 430, 439. Papineau township, 513. Pardee, Hon. T. B., 443, 471, 472, 479, 492, 493, 502. Paris, 126, 219, 236, 379, 436, 458 ; Ontario, 449, 490. Park, S., 306. Parker, Sir W., 23. Parkman, F., 45. Parnell, Sir H. B., 460; C. S., 505, Parr, T., 165. Parry Island township, 451. Parry, Sir W. E., 484. Parry Sound District, 441, 526. Passmore, F. F., 492. Patterson township, 477. Patton, Hon. J., 447, 503. Patuxent, River, 127. Paulinus, 144. Paxton township, 506. Pearce, L., 521. Pearl, Frigate, 64. Peck township, 490, 493. Peebles, 293, 512, Peel county, 232 ; township, 252 — 218, 438, 515; Sir R., 81, 84, 132, 168, 361, 440. Pelee Island township, 348. Pelham township, 275 — 374 ; 287. Pembroke township, 83, jo6, 493, 503 ; Earl, IOI, 188, 272 ; College, 116 ; Castle, 164 ; Ship, 223. Pencraig, 94. Penetanguishene, 128, 224, 225, 231, 432, 518, 529. Pennsylvania, 466, 487. 504. Pentland township, 509, Perceval, S., 45. 125, 155, 251, 366. Percy township, 178 ; Lady E., 154; Rev. T., 295. Perry township, 445 ; 157- Perth county, 349, 448, 4gi, 512 ; City, 17, 188, 375 ; Town, 62, 72, 74, 91, 368, 502 ; Shire, 154. , Peshawur, 417. Peterborough county, 180, 198, 444, 452, 490, 491, 502 ; City, 140. Petewawa township, 89 ; River, 420, Petrie, Captain, 449. Petty, Lord H., 125. Petworth, ug, 388. Philadelphia, 270. Philip IL, King, 343. Phillips, Sir R., 38. Phipps, C. E., 387. Picardie, 444. Pickard, 436. Pickering township, 211 ; Harbor, 202. Picton, 444, 477 ; Sir T., 2ig, Pierrepoint, C., 196. Pilkington township, 250 ; Bishop, 194 ;^Mr., 311. Pindar, 362 ; Peter, 375. Pitlochry, 46. Pitt, W., 3, 15, 21, 27, 28, 45, 53, 115. n8, ng, 122, 131, 135, 158, 2ig, 2g7, 298, 266, 388 ; Mrs. M., 170 ; Chatham, 175, 330. Pittenweem, igo. Pittsburg township, 115, ng. Plantagenet township, 48 ; 379 ; J., 121. Plato, 201. Plentheim, 303. Pliny. 343- Plymouth, 40, 224. Plympton township, 338. Pococke, Admiral Sir George, 378. Poland, 486. Pole, Wellesley, 78, 253, 356. PoUexfen, E,, 3g. Pollock, J. E., 223, Polwhele, 36. Polworth, Lord, 273. Polybius, 327. Pontefract, 211, Pope, A., 78, 131, 13s, 298, 342, 401, 525 ; Leo X., 238. Porden, Miss E., 432. Port Hope.-gi, 233, 424. Portia, 186, Portland township, 119; Duke, 43, 46, 125, 220, 246, 387. Portloche, Harbor, 532. Port Perry, 506. Portsmouth, 63, 421, 430, 433, 484. Portugal, 163, 184, 199, 224, 246, 311, 340, 410, 486. Poussin, N., 188. Powell, W.D., 42, 185, 461 ; Col. J. H., 74, 91. 554 NOTHING BUT NAMES Pratt, C, 134; J.. 308. Premonstratension, 308. Prescott county, 43 ; Town, 96, 109. Presqu'isle de Quinte, 148. Preston township, 488 ; Ship, 63 ; Town, 296, 362. Pre\'ost, Sir G., 70. Price, Sir U., 269. Priestley, J., 165. Primrose, Lady C, 141. Prince, Ship, 392 ; of Wales, 456. Prince Edward county, 148—4, 443, 476, 477, 490 ; Duke of Kent, 31, 43, 154, 198, 3gi. Princeton, 446. Pringle township, 472. Proctor, Gen. H. A., 225 ; S., 339 ; H., 419. Promontorium Junonis, 243. Proton township, 389. Proudfoot township, 451 ; Rev. W., 448. Prussia, 145, 280, 404. Pudsey, Bishop H., 194. Pugeshashenwa, 226. Punjaub, 220. Pusey, Rev. E. B..88. Puslinch township, 247 — 242 ; 365. Pye. H. J., 522. Quebec, 3, 31, 41, 53, 66, 75, 112, 114, 148, 174, igo, 193, 221, 223, 24s, 284, 297. 357, 364. 391, 394. 4.S^. 464. 471. 497- Queenston, 113, 117, 213, 252, 483. Quiberon, Bay, 114. Quinte, 4, 10, 148, 156, 158, 202, 224. Radeliffe township, 106— g3. Radenhurst, J., 42. Raglan township, 104 — 93 ; Lord, 253, 317, 412. Rachel, 215. Raikes, R., 55. Rainham township, 287. Rajputana, 417, Raleigh township, 326, 455; Sir W',. 414, Rama township, 215, 4ig. Ramilies, 58. Ramsay township, 67, gS ; G., 68 ; A. G., 504. Randall, S., 507. Rannoch, 487. Rattray, W., 3g7, 447. Rawdon township, i5g ; F., 65, 75, 155 ; Lady C, 518. Rawlins, W., 3g7, 441. Rayleigh, 326. Reach township, 211, Read, D. B., 213, 225. Reade, J., 229, Ready, Governor, 68. Recollets, 113. Redan, 410. Red River, 27, 530. Reid, Dr., 180. Rembrandt, P. G., 188. Renfrew county, 76—7, 374, 376, 502, 516, 523- Renkioi, 433. Rennie, E., 22. Reynolds. Sir J., 338. Rhine, River, 7, r8o, 318. Rice Lake, 182, 183, Richard I., King, 382; II., 35, 211, 347; IIL, 48,^160 ; of York, 216. Richards township, 103 ; Sir W. B., 386, 470 ; Hon. S., 430, 438. Richardson, Bishop J., 467. Richelieu, River, 23, 40, 74; Due, 66. Richmond township, 144 ; Duke, 8, 58, 5g, 68, 73, 113, 122, 188, igg, 201, 231, 330, 531 ; Town, 164 ; Earl, 362. Rideau, River, 32, 57, 34g, 368, 531 ; Lake, 62; Canal, gi, 433, 438; Hall, g7. Ridley, Sir M. W., 360. Ridout township, 426 ; 207 ; T. G., 251, 406, 414, 407. Riel, L., 464. Ripon, Marquis, 273, 363. Ritchie, D., 2g3 ; Sir W. J,, 45g. Robert, King, 372 ; Duke, 3g8. Robertson. Col., 331; Rev. Jlr,, 448. Robie, Mrs., 69. Robin Hood, 362. Robinson township, 528 — 485 ; Sir J. B., 108, 323, 360, 428, 461, 526; P., 180 ; Sir T., 273: F. J., 362; T. M., 420; Sir J. L., 470 ; Hon. J. B., 505 ; Treaty, 519. Rochefoucauld, F., 201 ; F. A. F., 221, 251. Rochester township, 346 ; Earl, 152, 292, 409; Town, 300, 485. Rockingham, Marquis, 21, 29, 158, 263. Rocky Mountains, 95. Rodney, Admiral G. B.. 384. Rogers, Major R., 46, 444; S., n6 ; J., 221. Rolph township, gg, 507; Dr., n. Rome, 50, 236. Romney township, 328. Rosamond, 303. INDEX 555 Roscoe, W., 341. Roscommon, 48S. Rose, Sir G., 151. Rosebery, Earl. 141. Rose Green, 43. Ross township, 84 ; Sir J., 171, i8i, 441, 484; Lord, 279; Division, 322; A.M., 435; Sheriff Alex., 446; Hon. J., 470; General C, 531. Rosser, F., 239. Rosslyn, Earl, 117, 224, 404. Rouen, 433. Rousseau, J. J., 201; Lake, 420. Roxborough township, 19. Roxburgh, ig, 253. Royal Sovereign, Ship, 393. Roydon, P., i5g. Rubens, P. P., 188. Rupert's Land, 455. Russell county, 49 ; township, 50, 53. 97, 44q ; J., 60, 86, 121, 125, 126, 134, 354, 366, 367 ; P.. 220, 270 ; E., 325 ; A., 499. Russia, 78, g4, loi, 105, 140, 333, 367, 393, 433- 486. Ruthven, Lord, 396. Rutland county, 515. Ryche, Lady, 342. Ryckman, S., 237. Ryde township, 421. Rye, 18, 44, 246. Ryerson township, 452 ; Rev. E., 521. Rymal, J., 360. Saalfeld. 198. Sabine township. 484 ; Sir E., 85 ; L., 153. Sackville, Lord G., 404. Sadleir, C, 469. Sadler, Michael T., 81. Saga, 227. Sahara, 214. Sagonaska, 156. Saint Alban's, 352. Saint Andrew's, 427, 465. Saint Basil's, 42. Saint Bede, 301. Saint Brendan, 162. Saint Catharines. 273. Saint Clair, River, 2, 339, 471 ; county, 94. Saint Cuthbert, 192, 301. Saint Domingo, 224. Saint Edmund's township, 382, 7 ; 61. Saint Giles, 343. Saint George, 131, 274, 301, 394- S.'iint Helen, 46. Saint James, 22, 527. Saint Jean d'Acre, Ship, 384. Saint John, Hon. L., 78; Island, 149; E,, 179 ; Church, 265 ; College, 272 ; N. B., 463, 498. Saint Johnstown, 349. Saint Joseph's, Island, 493. Saint Keyne, 17. Saint Lawrence, 2, 10, 42, 94, 107, 368, 438, 515, 531 ; Ship, 127 ; Gulf, 199 ; county, 233 ; Market, 510. Saint Lin^ 464. Saint Louis, Castle, 3. Saint Lucia, 366. Saint Margaret's Church, 254. Saint Marie, 234. Saint Mark, Gospel, 289. Saint Mary's, 492. Saint Maur, 178. Saint Maurice, no, 513, 530. Saint Maw's, 223. Saint Nicholas, 189, 302. Saint Paul's, 247, 340. Saint Petersburg, 236. Saint Raphael, 520. Saint Simon, Duke, 112. Saint Thomas, 301, 309, 446. Saint Vallier, 92. Saint Vincent township, 394 ; Island, 66 ; Earl, 224; Cape, 244, 393. Salamanca, 337, 406. Salamis, 390. Salem, 63. Saler, Mr,, 309. Salignac, Count F., 202. Salisbury, 126 ; Bishop, 41. Salteaux, 530. Saltfleet township, 266, 274, 278. Sam Slick, 66, 395. Samson, 305, 458. Sanderson, E., 133. Sandfield township, 520. Sandusky, 345. Sandwich township, 347 ; 469; Earl, 64, 122. Sandwith, T., 525. Sangster, C, 113. 213. Santa Monica, Ship, 64. Saragossa, 415. Sarawak township, 383 ; Rajah, 334. Sarnia township, 338, 365, 369, 468, 471, 503. Saskatchewan, 530. 556 NOTHING BUT NAMES Saturn, 200. Saugeen township, 377—237, 379, 447. Sault Ste. Marie, 489, 519, 529, 531. Saunders, Admiral Sir C, 114, 297, 394. Sawtell, R. W., 306. Saxe, 23, 149, 198, 320. Saxony, 238. Say and Saybrook, 335. Scadding, Rev. H., 18, 33, 36, 42, 56, 71, 77, 92, 114, 127, 162, 187, ig3, 2ig, 220, 23a, 427. 527- Scarborough township, 217 ; Castle, 264 ; Ship, 405. Scarlet, 362. Scarlett, Sir J., 140. Scarsdale, Earl, 263. Scatcherd, T., 437. Schoolcraft, H. R., 89, 94, 124, 240, 289, 370. Schreiber, Rev. T,, 526. Schuelemberg, Miss, 194. Schwarzerd, 240. Scioto, River, 225. Scone, Palace, 17. Scott township, 213 ; Sir W., 19, 62, 396, 398, 493 ; J., 202 ; A., 3gg ; R, W., 500. Scott's Landing, 180, Scugog township, 215 ; 506. Seaton, Lord, 206, 247, 338, 355, 365, Sebastopol township, 94 — 79, 93, 97, 105. Seely, Captain John B., 136. Segontium, 523. Selby, 266, 276. Sele, Lord Say and, 335. Selkirk, Lord, 220, 282 ; A., 406. Semple, 513. Seneca township, 286, 402. Senlac, 186. Sepoy, 97, 411, 413, 416. Seringapatam, 416, Servetus, M., 515. Seton, Bonny J., 300. Settrington, Baron, 58. Sevenoaks, 113. Severn, 55, 398, 420. Severus, Emperor, 216. Seymour township, 178, Shaftesbury, Lord, 304. Shandy, T., 346. Shannon, River, 83, 166, 209 ; Frigate, 392. Shardeloes, Park, 102. Shawanaga township, 463, Shawanee, 225, 340, 426, Sheaffe, General Sir R. H.. 181. Sheffield township, 135; Earl, 270; N, B., 463- Sheguiandah township, 519. Shelburne, Lord, 21, 34, 36, 37, 116, 158, 175, 218. Shenstone, W., 530. Sherborne township, 414, 527 ; Town, 207, 426; Bishop, 2gi. Sherbrooke township, (north and south) 73, 123 ; (west) 283 ; Sir J. C, 127. Sheridan, R. B., 190; T., 236. Sheriff-Muir, 437. Sherwood township, 107 ; R., 103 ; L. P., 109, 461. Shingle Bay, 227. Shinguacose, 234. Shingwauk, 234. Shochie, River, 349. Shore, W. E., 415. Shrewsbury, Countess, 102. Shropshire, 165. 221, 316. Sicily, 340. Sidmouth, Lord, 10, 116, 131. Sidney township, 157, 296, 4go. Siebert, King, 314. Siegbright, King, 382. Sigebert, King, 50. Sigenock, 518. Sikhs, 413. Sillery, 364. Simcoe county, 223, 127, 422, 456, 466, 479, 529; Governor J. G., 4, 32, 37, 41, 49, 64, 217, 250, 273, 283, 309, 321, 330, 525 ; Lake, 71, 227, 233, 419 ; Mrs., 221 ; Town, 450. Simeon, 426. Simpson, M., 245 ; J. B., 412 ; R , 510 Sinclair township, 437. Sind, 137. Six Nations, 285, 286, 290. Skaniadono, 210. Skye, Island, 445. Slick, see Sam Slick. Sligo, 450. Smiley, R., 454. Smith township, 183 ; 123; 336 ; Sir D. W., 4. 47. 57. 92. 158. 183, 230, 251, 261, 274; W. H., 7, 72, 89, 215, 228, 251, 257, 282, 347' 350. 370; W. W., 19, 215 ; Sir H., 119 ; 411; 516; Hon. S., 184, 452 ; G. B., 297; M. T., 360; v., 501. INDEX 557 Smithfield, 141, 376. Smithson. Hugh, 178. Snake, Island, 71. Snarlington, 214. Snitterfield, 315. Snowdon township, 400; Mountain, 221. Soberton, Baron, 405. Sodor, 345. Soho, 436. Sombra township, 340. Somers. J., 217 ; Earl, 378, 381. Somerset. F., 104; Duke, 178; county, 247. 260, 406 ; Lady H., 381. SomerviUe township, 203 ; Lord, 79. Sophia, Queen, 12, 294; Princess, 30, 151. Sophiasburg township, 151, 153. Sorel, 23, 74, 175, 427. Soulanges county, 46. Soult, Duke N. J.. 184. Soutar, James, 324. Southampton^ 371, 421. Southey, R., 17, 57, 162, 294. Southwold township, 311. Sow, River, 82. Spain. 67, no, 115, 180, 189,243,380,486. Spalding, 277. Sparling, Mr., 443. Sparrow, Lake, 420. Spence township, 453. Spencer, Eari, 20, 353; A., 444. Spilman, J., 205. Spilsby, 432. Spithead, 421. Spitzbergen, 432. Spree, River, 12. Spring-Rice, T., 170. Springtown, 494. Sproule township, 489. Squawville, 488. Staenford, 277. Stafford township, 81 ; Marquis, 31, 402; county, 79, 322, 362. Stamford township, 277 — 274; Town, 165, 187, 272, 280, 326. Stanhope township, 408. Stanleigh, 2, 362. Stanley township, 361 ; Lord, ^, 360, 371, 385, 462 ; H. M., 417 ; C, 429. Stanton, I. B,, 472. Stegmann, M., 258. Stephen township, 35g ; King, 35. Stephenson township, 434. Sternaman, Mrs O., trial, 504. Stewart, Sheriff, log ; Hon. T., 180. Stirling, 90, 376, 514, Stisted township, 439. Stock, T., 449, Stockbridge, 361. Stockmar, Baron, 23, 54, 133, 146, 147, 149, Stockton, 435. Stone, 394. Stonehaven, 375. Stony Creek, 186. Stormont county, 16—4, 10, 428, 444 ; Vis count, 20, 100. Storrington township, 119. Stothard T., 116. Stour, River, 304, Stowe, 2g, 241, 277. Strabo, 250. Strachan, Bishop J., 109, 185, 428, 445, 453, 461, 510. Strachey, Sir H,, 218. Strafford, Earl, 262. Stratford, 107, 349. Strathearn, Duke, 148. Strathgryffe, 76. Strathmore, Earl, 231. Strathnaver, Baroness, 82. Stratton township, 4gi. Straw, Jack, 382. Strelitz, 294. Stretton, Church, 316. Strong township, 458. Stuart, 76, 164, 377 ; A., 307. Styx, River, 266. Suffolk county, 4, 157, i8g. 307, 311, 312, 325, 370, 382; Duke, 164, 280, 403. Sufi, 137. Sugar Loaf West, 278. Sullivan township, 385 ; 427 ; General J., 270 ; J-. 358. Sulpicians, 202. Sunnidale township, 228. Sunning Hall, 263. Superior, Lake, 53c. Surrey, 91, 118, 141, 327, 407, 459. Surtees, Bessy, 202. Sussex, 43, 74, 143, 156, 176, 275, 388. Sutherland, Duke, 32, 82 ; county, i6g, 422. Swale, River, 144. Swansea, 32, 355. Sweden, 67, 100, 180, 340, 486. Sweyne, King, 271. 33"= NOTHING BUT NAMES Swift, Dean J., g3, 172, 193, 201, 217, 250, 342, 425; Pat., 360; River, 400. Switzerland, 186, 281. Sydenham township, 393 — 237; Lord, 508. Sydney, Lord, 157, 296. Sj-m, Miss J., 469. Syria, 236. Syston Park, 276. Tacitus, C. C, 286, 318, 321. Tagus, River, 224, 394. Talavera, 246, 406. Talbot, Colonel T.. 300. Tancredi, W. de V., 269. Tapton Park, 435. Tarento, 233. Tarradale, 485, Tasmania, 432. Tay township, 230 ; River, 67, 349. Taylor, John, 117, 271, 310, 326, 344, 457, Soi; R. C, 168. Teck, Duke, 147. Tecumapease, 226. Tecumseh, see Tecumseth. Tecumseth township, 225, 226, 239, 240, 503. Tehkummeh township, 519. Tel-el-Kebir, 361. Telemaque, 202. Temd, River, 316. Temple, Earl, 28 ; Countess, 116 ; H. J,, 124. Templemore, 207, 429. Teneriffe, 244. Tennant, Prof. W., igo, 403. Tennyson, A., 140, 187, 255, 277, 400, 413, 416. Terra, 200. Terror, Ship, 85, 432, Tett, Miss E., 48g. Teviotdale, 62, 254. Tewkesbury, 55, 352. Texas. 461. Thackeray, \V. iM,, 12, 152. Thames, River, 4, 32, 117, 222, 25g, 301, 313, 321. 327. 330. 416, 433. 455- Thankerton, igo. Thayendanegea, 158, 28g. Thirleby, Bishop T., 314. Thompson, Henrietta, 113. Thomson, Major F. R., gi ; C. P., 3g3. Thongcaistor, 269. Thor, 276. Thorah township, 214. Thoresby, Ralph, 261. Thornbury, 99; G. W., 303. Thornton, Sir E., 470. Thorny Island, 314. Thorold township, 276 — 274, 442. Three Rivers, 422, 507, 530. Thurlow township, 157; Lord, 14, 118, 135, 202, 312, 357. 370. Thwaite Hall, 26. Ticonderoga, 46, 115. Tilbury township, (east). 327 ; (west), 345. Tillotson, Archbishop J., 201. Tilly, Count J. T., 404. Tilsby, John, 55. Tintagel, 255. Tiny township, 230. Tipperary county, 167, 207, 208, 429 ; Earl, 147. Tippoo, Sultan, 260. Titian, T. V., 188. Todtenhausen, 404. Toledo, 438. Tollemache, 404. Tonbert, 317. Torauld, 276. Torbolton township, 59—58. Toronto township, 233 ; 515, 521 ; Gore township, 234 ; City, 42, 99, 129, 162, 213, 218, 231, 237. 249, 284, 414, 422, 432, 434. 443. 454. 459. 462, 466, 474. 504, 507, 510, 525, 527, 528. Torre-Pellice, 67. Tosorontio township, 225, Tottenham, 372. Toulon, 18, 244. Toulouse, 67. Tournay, 133. Tower, 34, 40; Hill, 403. Townsend township, 296 — 292, 309. Townshend, General George, 114; 244; Lord C , 121, 288, 297 ; T., 157. Trafalgar township, 243 — 242, 495 ; Cape, 244. 393. 432- Trainfield House, 505. Trapham, Thomas, 347. Tre-Madoc, 162. Trench, Mrs., 36. Trent, 3, 205. 271. Trevelyan, G. O., 40. Triades, 316. Trim, 246. Trinidad, 10. INDEX 559 Trinovantwys, 313. Tristrem, 316 ; Shandy, 346. Trotter, Sir C. 379 ; J., 381. Trouve, Abbe, 202. Tsar, 198. Tuckersmith township, 360. Tuekett, Captain, loi. Tudor township, 164; J., 121. Turkey, 371, 445, 525. Turnberry township, 369; Castle, 373. Tuscarora township, 290. Tweed, ig 67, 174, 435, 494. Tweeddale, Marquis, 356. Two Mountains, 46, 95, 482. Tyburn, 207. T>endinaga township, 158, 225. 'Tyler, i\I.. 184; \\ ., 382. Tyndale. W., 221. Tyne, River, 435. Tyrone, 168, 235, 479, 4g7. Urban III.. Pope, 292. Usborne township, 358. Utawas, Ri\'er, 95. Utrecht, 162, 408. Uttoxeter, 79. Uxbridge township, 212 ; Earl, 138, 186, 338, 523- Valence, A. de, 83, 188; W , 272. Vancouver, 496. Vanderbilt, W. K,, 305. \'andevoort, S., 490. Van Dieman's Land, 85, 432. Vandyke, Sir A., 1S8. VanKoughnet, Hon. P. M., 452, 500, 502 ; L., 526. Vansittart, N., 204. \'aud. Canton, 186. \'^audois, 67. Vaughan township, 218 ; B., 38. Vaux. Lord, 86. Venedotia, 523. Vermont, 515. \'ernon. Admiral E., 292; Lord, 401. Versailles, 2, 408. Verulam township, 201 — 7 ; Earl, 126. Vespra township, 228. Victoria county, 198, 202, 490, 491, 494 ; Queen, 46, 77, 89, 134, 148, 222, 236, 464; Cross, 413; Bridge, 434, 438; Col lege. 453. 505, 514. Victory, Ship, 394. Vidal, Captain, 339. Vienna, 253, 273. \'illiers, 135 ; 409; Miss F., 120 ; G. W. F., 126; Lady A. B, F., 333. \'iiniL'ra, 163. Vincennes, 177. Vinegar Hill, 163. Vines, Richard, 212. Virgil, 201, 229. Virginia, 5, 132, 181, 270, 315, 327, 337, 391, 496. \'ittoria. 337, 406. Voltaire, F. M. A., 303, X'ortigern, King, 25, 277. Wahdobekaung, 218, Wainfleet township, 278—274. Wakefield, 362. Waldegrave, 325. Waldren, Dr., 3g3. Wales, Prince, 76, 119, 155, 158, 178, 456; King, 316. Walker, Lawyer, 107. Walkerton, 438. Wallace township, 355 ; Lord, 22 ; Sir W., 62. 376; Hon. M.. 6g, Wallaceburg, 488. U'allbridge township, 476. Wallis, Captain Brown, gi. Walmer, 116; Castle, 246. Walpole township, 287 ; 244 ; Sir R., 152, 296, 297. 325, 330 ; H., 195. Walsingham township, 295 ; 192, 506. Walters, Lucy, 398. Waltheof, 160. Walton & Gaylord, Map, 47, 204, 238. Warbeck, Perkin, 207. Ward, Major, 3gi ; J. W., 403. Warkworth, 179. W.irren, W. de, 176; 443; county, 496, Warwick township, 335 ; Earl, 159, 334 ; county, 315. Washago, 420. Washington, Ship, d-i,; G. , 88, 178, 207, 270; City, 127, 363, 528, 532. Waterford, 186. Waterloo county, 256 ; township, 258, 242, 450, 467, 480, 487 ; Battle, 67, 75, 105, 138, 247, 318, 365, 379. Watling street, ig2, 335. Watt township, 436; J., 375. Watts, R. 346. Wausakahsing, 442. Waverley, Novel, 9. 560 NOTHING BUT NAMES Wawanosh township, 369. Wear, River, 192. Webb, Mrs. 522. Webster, Prof. N. B., 496. Wedderburn township, 278, 282 ; A., 117 ; Fort, 323. Wedgwood, Josiah, 82. Weguaimekong, 519. Weir, A., 112 ; 2ig. Welf, 248. Welland county, 274 ; River, 277, 279. Welles, 80. Wellesley township, 260 ; Lord, 67, 322, 336 ; Lady M., 78 ; Lady E., 104 ; A., 246, 255. 309; W". 253; R.. 356. WeUington county, 246—236, 242, 248, 487 ; Duke, 62, 68, 78, 133, 138, 168, 184, 209, 256, 366, 383 ; Square, 289 ; Ship, 394 ; Channel, 441. Wennington, 165. Wenonah, 419. Wentworth county, 261 — r, 204, 242, 257, 274, 289, 449, 454, 504; C. J., 336. Werke, 366. Weser, River, 404. Wesley, S., 106; J., 201. West, Sir T., 315. Westbury, 334. Westerham, 113. West Indies, 66, 100, 148, 219, 339, 352, 361, 366, 375. 380, 394. 418. West Lake, 444. Westmeath township, 83 ; county, 272, 500 ; Earl, 356. Westminster township, 314 ; Abbey, 16, 18, 58, 166, 253, 331, 417, 485 ; Marchioness, 82 ; City, 175, 313 ; Duke, 354, Westmoreland, 87. Westphalia, 404. Westport, 48g. Wexford, 163, 171, 208. Wey, River, 407. Wharncliffe, Lord, 186. Whately. Archbishop R., 501. Wheatley, 412. Whitaker's Almanac, g3. Whitb}' township, 210, 506; Borough, 435. Whitchurch township, 221, 467 ; Town, 297, 300, 401. White township, 497 ; W. T., 70 ; P., 84 ; W., 85, 89; Col., 93; A., 419. Whitehall, 34. Whitmore, General, 114. Whittier, J. G., 145. Wiarton, 449. Wicklow township, 172 171 ; 502. Wight, Isle, 142, 421. Wilberforce township, 88—7 ; W., 81, 283, 331- Wilkes township, 509, Wilkesport, 510. William I., King, 122, 156, i5g, 185, igi, 192, 267, 269, 279, 324, 329, 372, 398; II. , 25 ; IIL, ID, 34, 39, 55, 58, 83, 120, 121, 166, 379, 407 ; IV., 23, 31, 51, 109, 134, iq8, 208, 253, 320 ; of Gloucester, 54, 150; Henry, 74; King, 159; the Lion, 179 ; Ie Gros, 264 ; of Elderslie, 376. Williams township, 323, 350 ; R.. 122 ; H. M., ig3 ; R. D., 227; S., 402. Williamsburg township, 22, WiUis, N. P., 124 ; Lady M., 231 ; Judge J. W., 462. Willoughby township, 279 ; 334 ; Lord, 84, 231 ; A. H. M., 276. Willowdale, 442. Wilmot township, 258 — 242, 487 ; John, 2g2 R. J.. 352. Wilson township, 474 ; Sir A., 477. Wilton, Lord, 4g3. Wiltshire, 58, 161, 188, 334, 4og. Winchester township, 25 ; Earl, 343. Winchilsea, Earl, 16, 145 ; Town, 43. Windham township, 298, 437. Windsor, 214, 356; N. S., 395; Baron, 423. ^Mngfield, A- H., 95, 97, 1S3. Winnipeg, 91, 476, 510. Winton, 275, \^'isconsin. 218. Wishing Wells, 295. Witham, River, 267. A\'ithburga, 302. Wither, Family, 423. Witton, H. B., 515. Woburn, 211; Abbey, 121. AS'odehouse, Sir J., 406. Wolcot, Dr. J., (Peter Pindar), 115, 151, 244. Wolfe Island township, 113 — 4, 210, 516; General J., 53, 115, 132, 174, 221, 223, 283, 304, 315, 328, 347, 3gi ; Rev. C, 339 ; Cove, 364. Wolford township, 32 ; Devon, 224. Wollaston township, 165 ; Dr. W. H., 208. Wolseley, Lord, 530. INDEX ^6 1 Wolsey, Cardinal T., 2g, 308. Wolverhampton, 126. Wood township, 425 ; E. B., 104, 477, 478, 489 ; P.. 449. Woodbine, 472. Woodhouse township, 293 ; Village, 35, 261. Woodstock. 57, 205, 224, 303, 306, 330, 445. WooUet, W., 346. Woolwich township, 25g — 242, 251. Worcester, 292, 402. Wordsworth, W., 163. Worms, 238. Worstead, 302. Worth, 39. Wroughton, S., 63. Wulfhere, 318. Wurtemburg, 24. Wyandotte, 358. Wycliffe, John, 400. Wycombe, 37, 360. Wye, River, 398. Wylam, 435. Wylie township, g8, Wymondham, 2gg. Wyndham, 298; C. W., 333; G. O'B., 388. Wynn, KiUed in Crimea, io5. Wyton, 437. Yarmouth township, 310 — 309, 312. Yarrow, River, 67. Yea township, 128; Col. L., 187. Yellowhead, 419, Yeo, Sir James, 84. Yeolhampton, 39. Yonge township, 36, 42 ; Sir W., 37 ; Sir G., 41 ; Street, 224 ; J., 247, 365. York county. 216 ; township, 217 — 4, 233, 242, 261, 289, 422, 447, 461, 468, 470, 474, 521 ; Archbishop, 16, 219, 401 ; Town, 41, 127, 223, 323 525 ; Duke, 64, 70, 145, 147, 155, 246, 4og. Yorke, A. M., m ; Lady M. J., 273 ; P., 332. 377. 381. Youghal, 501. Young, KUled in Crimea, 106 ; Sir W., 397 ; Dr., 470. Yverdun, 281. Zero township, 394. Zone township, 329 — 324, 334. Zorra township, (E. and W,), 305 — 239, 306. Zouche, Ashby de la, 142, 160. isalS iiiiiliiiifc^