Ob-l. ¦'•'¦.. ''.^.irE A %' ';VC ,'5<\«; 4; ih. 'i^'.'','jj:'"ii l^t' ^*^ '^-^^i'.^-^ - YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY o 4», ' ' l! Ilff' I * ^Tiiiiiniiite J[jijfji i-fc^ifcM JWtirrn^ EARLY LIFE AND TIMES BOONE COUNTY INDIANA, with strong hands and brave hearts came to battle with the hardships incident to a frontier life. Heretofore we have- rushed through life not taking time to inquire who it wa& who first had the hardihood to settle in Boone County — wha it was who first built his cabin in the woods. In the follow ing book it will be our aim to show who were the pioneers and what became of them. The thoughtful mind can not view the transit from the green woods to the now well-culti vated fields without a degree of thankfulness coming up in his jieart, also inquiries arising such as above mentioned,^ This book is written in part to show the contrast between th& P'ast and present. While we desire to give all the first set tler's names it will be out of the question to give all, for there were some who came to stay but a short time, who soon went farther west, not staying here long enough to become identi fied with the county. But those who remained and helped develop the county we hope to remember. Another feature of our work will be communications from well-informed per sons throughout the county, who were actors themselves. The hands that wrote them helped clear away the logs and brush. We point with pride to those letters. They will at once be * preface. recognized as coming from well-informed and intelligent citi- .zens. The publishers do not claim a perfect work. Many incidents and facts will, as a matter of course, be left out, for sixty years with its many changes have covered up many in teresting reminiscences. Mistakes will occur, but none will regret them more than the publishers. To these who have contributed so much to make our labor light, we will kindly remember, for without such help it would have been out of the question to have gotten up anything like a respectable work. And to those who so kindly entertained us at their homes, while we were obtaining material for the " Early Life and Times iu Boone," we will ever hold in kind remembrance. It will be a pleasure in after life to recall the pleasant homes we have visited in Boone County. It would be base ingrat itude in us not in some way to return our thanks for such kind treatment received on every hand. Harden & Spahr, Publishers. liESANAN, Ind., May, 1887. EARLY LIFE AND TLMES BOONE COUNTY, INDIANA BOONE COUNTY— PAST AND PRESENT. Boone County occupies a central position in the great State of Indiana. It is bounded on the north by Clinton County, on the east by Hamilton, on the west by Montgomery and on the south by Marion and Hendricks Counties. It is twenty- four miles from east to west and seventeen and a half miles from north to south. It contains about 268,000 acres, two- thirds of which is in cultivation. Its central position, excel lent soil, water power, and other advantages, natural and improved, ranks it among the first counties of the state. It is now nearly sixty-five years since Boone County was settled by the white man. It is true a remnant of the Miami Indians occupied the northwest corner of the county by stipulation from the government till 1828. Here they had lived, hunted and traded for sixty years previous, but about the year 1834 their fires went out and their songs were heard no more. They left traces, however, that to-day are visible, i. e., the graves of their fathers and children. This reserve or territory em braced all of Sugarcreek Township, two-thirds of Washington, nearly one-half of Jefferson and five sections of Center Town- early life and times in ship, in all about fifty-two thousand acres. Let us go back sixty-five years and take a glance at the surroundings. What do we find? An unbroken wilderness, no roads, no mills^ deep-tangled brush and vines, and a good portion of the land covered with water. To this gloomy-looking place a few hardy pioneers came in 1823 or 1824. They came principally from Kentucky, Pennsylvania au.d North Carolina. Among the first settlers were the following : Patrick H. Sullivan^ Jacob and John Sheets, David Hoover, A. H. Longly, Benj. Dunn, Austin Davenport, the Harmons, Smiths, Dyes, Dob- sons, Bishops, Rays, Eramerts, Duzans, Buntons, McCanns, Evans, Doyles, Turners, Richardsons, Parrs, Thornberrys, Becks, Slocums, McCoys, Benj. Cox, Hiram McQuidy, G. W. Gibson, Isaac Gibson, Wm. Zion, John Busby, the Bowens, Brentons, Wylies, Samples, Cald wells, Shelleys, Stephen Xeal, Lanes, Neeses, Wests, Robinsons, Lowes, Shaws, Carrs, Slay- backs, Samuel Peney, George and Henry Lucas, David Ray, Laughners, Isenhours, Kootzs, John Higgins, Burnhams,^ Stephen Titus, Newton Cassady, Rutledges, McDonalds, Jas. Downing, Wm West, John Good, Fleming Dickerson, Jacob Dinsmore, Edward Woolen, Edwards, Leaps, Eli Smith, B. B. Smith, Nathaniel Scott, Hollingsworths, Doolys, Shoemakers, Dulins, Washington Hutton, Klinglers, Daniel and H. G. Larimore, Abner Knotts, John M. Burns, Jos. Hocker, Jacob Angle, S. S. Strong, Daniel A. Caldwell, Wm. Smith, Wm. Hill, Michael D. Campbell, Jas. \. Thompson, Wm. Youug,. Claybourne Young, Clayburn Cain, John V. Young, Wm. Farlow, Airharts, John Porter, W. ET. Coombs, John INIcLean, Jas. Davis, John Crisman, J. T. Hurt, Headys, Wm. Walters, Isaah Miller, S. P. Dewees, Resin Garrett, Robt. Stephenson,. William and Henry I. Bennett, Hiram J. Roberts, Perkinses. Jas. Chitwood, Jas. S. Dale, Noah Chitwood, Jas. Edwards, Geo. Walters, J. B. Fear, Geo. H. Johnson, W. H. Crose,, Jos. and Geo. Keeth, Chamberses, Solomon Warren, Samuel Reese, David Crose, Samuel Long, John Goldsbury, John Graham, Robt. Hamil, Jas. Thornbury, Lewis Harris, Ed. BOONE (.'t'l'NTY, INDIANA. 9 Jackson, Jacob Johns, John Wright, John Baird, Jas. Moore,. Robt. Bell, Oliver Cravens, Jos. Bishop, Elias Bishop, Wm. Bishop, Wm. Powell, Jerry Washburn, Wm. and Jas. Ross, Peterses, Richard Hull, Noah Burkett, Daniel Lewis, John Sargent, Aaron Phipps, Francis Kincaid, Wm. Kincaid, Jas, Irwin, Jas. Davis, McCords, Robt. Thomas, Jas. McCoy, Jacob Tipton, Jonathan H. Rose, Jas. McLaughlin, Jacob Kernodle, Levi Lane, W. E Lane, Dr. Simpson, Jesse Daven port, Thos. Blake, John Wolfe, George and John Stephenson, Andrew Harvey, Jesse Essex, George Shirts, the Sedgwicks, Wet^lt-y Smith, John Imbler, Leilden Denny, Solomon Buck, Thomas Brown, the Kise family, Washington W. Phillips, Aidridges, Elisha Jackson, Wm Kenworthy, Benj. Sweeny, Jas. A"an Eaton, Archibald Scott, Mofl^ats, Adrian Ball, John Miller, Wm. Payriel, Robert Clark, Robert Morrison, Wm. Turner, Samuel Brenton, Joshua Burnham, Elish Riley, Geo. Osborn, J. G. Pierce, Silas Kenworthy, John Pauly, Phillip Lucas, Schoolers, Utterbacks, John Peters, Wm. Staton, J. A. Rudasills, Bohannans, Penningtons, Slagals, G. W. Lumpkins, Jesse Turner, Alexander Fortner, Swopes, Anderson Trotter, Jacob Stoneking, Utters, Jesse Jackson, Geo. Farlow, Matthew Harris, Geo. W. Scott, John Shelburn, Jas. G. Stype, Wm. Nicely, John C. Hill, Wm. and Jas. Marsh, the Peters family and Hiram Cragen. The following are the names of the twelve men who com posed the first grand jury in the county : Cornelius Westfall, David McCoy, Francis Howard, A. H. Phillips, James Wil liams, Lewis Dewees, Joshua Foster, John Horrell, Andrew Houston, Martin Lewis, James Blue, Jacob Sheets, E. P. Shannon, Frederick Lowe and John Long. The county at one time was considered low and lei^el, and in one sense of the word it was true. Yet while it is low and level it is no less the dividing summit of White River and the Wabash. The water flows almost in every direction in Boone County, and it is said the highest point between the lakes and the Ohio River is between Lebanon and Whitestown near 10 EARLY LIFE AND TIMES IN Holmes Station. Be this as it may, the county is far from being a low, wet country. Since the water has been confined to deeper channels and numerous ditches, the land as a rule is dry and can be cultivated. Before going farther we per haps ought to say something that almost every person already knows, viz : that our county was named in honor of Daniel Boone, the noted Kentucky hunter. It was organized in 1830, when there were only 622 citizens in the county. Lebanon was chosen as the name of the county seat. The principal streams in the county are Sugar Creek, Eel River, Big and Little Eagle Creeks, Prairie Creek, Brown's Wonder, Mud Creek, Raccoon, Fishback, Mounts Run, and Spring branch. Nearly if not all at one time afforded propelling power for mills, machinery, etc. Since the introduction of steam they are no longer used for that purpose. The Michigan road, which was laid out in 1830, passes through the entire county, entering it at the southeast corner at section one, three- fourths of a mile south of Eagle Village, running slightly to the west cf north through the towns of Eagle Village, Clarkstown, Northfield and Slabtown, leaving the county in Marion Town ship at section eighteen, near the northwest corner of the township. The Indianapolis, Cincinnati ; recently gave an interesting sketch, was the first attorney at law in the town. Relatives of this once famous aud eccentric lawyer are still living here. The first school liouse was built in 1834, and Mas undoubtedly the first school house in the county. To-day Thorntown has one of the finest and best arranged schools in the state, with 375 pupils. Piof. Linnius Baldwin, of Hamilton County, is the present principal, with the following corps of efficient teachers : H. C. Heal, Nelson Hetherington, Frank Moore, Mrs. Mary Gaddis, Miss Kate Beck, Miss Stella Horner and Miss Mattie Matthews. As above stated, the first church organized was the Presbyterian. This church has a membership of about 200, with Rev. Samuel Sawyer as its minister. The Metliod- i~t Episcopal Church has a membership of about 375. Its pastor is Rev. Isaac Dale, of La Porte. The Baptist Church has nearly 100 members at present. This church has no regu lar minister. The ChrLstiau Church has a membership of aoout 70. It also has no regular pastor. The secret societies are also well represented : Thorntown Lodge No. 113, F. & A. .M., was organized in 1852, and to-day has a membership of 85. Osceola Lodge No. 173, I. O. O. F., was organized in 1856 and at present has a membership of 85. This order has a beautiful hall, which it erected in the year 1873, at a cost of §5,000. Moriah Encampment No. 83 has 60 members. Eden Lodge No. 149, Degree of Rebecca, has 50 members. Less than two years ago, through the efforts of a few of our young men, a Knights of Pythias Lodge was instituted here, with a membership of about 30. The growth of this order has been 44 EARLY LIFE AND TIMES IN phenomenal. To-day they have over 100 members, nearly all young men. This order has suffered a loss of one member (Mr. Frank Morton) since its organization. They have a neat and comfortable hall, recently fitted up, and are in an exceed ingly prosperous condition. The P. E. Q,. Fraternity, com posed entirely of ladies, was organized in 1885. Nothing can be learned regarding this society, as the members will not even give the meaning of the mystic letters representing their order. The Grand Army of the Republic also have a neat hall and have about 50 members. The Knights of Labor have an organization here, but we fail to get any particulars regarding their order. " The first merchant in Thorntown was C. H. Baldridge, who opened up a small merchandise store in the year 1832. Of our present business interest we may mention the following : Dry goods merchants — A. Mossier, Stutesman & Son, James L. Sailors and Harris & Gamso. Grocers — Wm. Curry, W. Matthews & Co., Charles Johnson, A. S. Stall, J. T. McKim, Dunbar, Barker & Barker, Daniel Hutchings and Mrs. Thomas Maiden. Hardware and agricultural implements — C. B. Rous & Co., W. S. Hall and John V. Young & Son. Druggists — W. C. Burk, James Hanna, T. E. Bradshaw and Geo.Coulson. Watchmakers and jewelers — Chas. E. Wasson, Robert A. Stall and Sam Sohl. Boots and shoes — Hanna Brothers, Charles Snyder and H. W. Henderson. Millinery — Mrs. Allie Shilling and M. A. ct L. E. Cheeks. Bankers- John Niven & Co. Our physicians are A. Dunnington, Wm. F. Curryer, M. H. Rose, S. W. Hawke, J. A. Utter, D. B. Davis and E. L. Brown. The legal profession is ablv repre sented by the following gentlemen : P. H. Dutch, Samuel M. Burk and Abner V. Austin. Solomon Sharp, L. B. Moore and M. M. McDowell are the gentlemen who deal out justice to suit the occasion. Our meat markets are operated by Dan B. Buser, Charles Buser and Albert Jaques. Witt & Kleiser are proprietors of the steam roller flouring mills. The steam .sawmills are owned by Moses Hardin. Photographers — M. BOONE COUNTY, INDIANA. 45 A. Keeler and Fred Hoffman. N. W. Weakly has for twenty- five year.'', and is still, managing the interests of the " Big Four" at this place. Our etirporation affairs are managed by the following gentlemen : City Board, A. C. Clark, M. C. Moore and A. S. Stahl ; Clerk, T. E. Bradshaw ; Treasurer, James Hanna; Marshal, Green MeDaniel ; Township Trustee, Isaac Wilson. In conclusion we will say that we have a beautiful little city and by far the prettiest girls of any town in the state." We must not forget the Argus, so long and ably published by F. B. Rose. It speaks for itself every week, aud is hailed with delight every issue, by its hundreds of readers. It is one of the fixed institutions of the lively little city of Thorntown. Long may it live. JAMESTOWN. No town in. Boone County is situated in a more beautiful country than the above, located near the south line of Jackson Township, also the county line adjoining Hendricks County, on the Indiana, Bloomington & Western Railroad, also on the State Road leading from Indianapolis to Crawfordsville, on the west bank of Eel River. It is about twelve miles southwest of Lebanon. Jamestown has an interesting history, for it was here one of the first settlements was made, away back at least to 1826 or 1827. The town was perhaps laid out in 1832, by James Mattock and John Gibson, two worthy pioneers. It was Mr, Gibson who first built his rude cabin here in 1829. From that time to this Jamestown has survived, and is now one of the principal trading points in the county, commanding a large trade from the adjoining counties of Hendricks and Montgom ery. From this little humble cabin in the woods Jamestown has grown to a thriving town of fifteen hundred inhabitants. On the completion of the railroad here the town began to grow rapidly ; many substantial buildings have been erected ; a good M. E. Church of brick, which is a credit to the people in Jamestown and vicinity. The same might be said as to the 46 EARLY' LIFE AND TIMES IN ¦Christian Church here, also of brick, well located and of good size. Martin's mill is one of the fixed institutions of the place. We must not forget the school building, one of the finest as well as best the located in county or state. There is no better evidence of a people's industry and thrift than a good school house. The Trotter's Grove adjoining the town on the northeast is one of the loveliest to be found any where. Nature has lavished her gifts on this beautiful grove, where annual gatherings are held. Good stores and many tasteful residences adorn the town, which speak out iu tones not to be misunderstood by those visiting this ancient town. Following will be found a sketch written for the Pioneer De cember 18, 1886, which will be read with interest. We must not forget the Jamestown Tribune, edited by the old veteran, George Snyder, who so long and well has man aged it. It is well gotten up, issued weekly, and its appear ance every Thursday is hailed with delight. Long may this good old man live to edit the Tribune. The Jamestown band is a credit to the town. Its members are a wide-awake set of young men, and the notes of their band are always received well by the people hereabouts. "The town of Jamestown was laid out about the year 1832, by James Mallock and John Gibson — John Gibson was the father of G. W. Gibson, one of the present business citizens. The first store was opened by Samuel Hughes on the north side of Main street. John Galvin, some few years afler, sold goods on the corner novv occupied by J. H. Camplin & Sou. This place being located on the State Road was a town of great importance during the day of stages. Having several hotels and livery stables it was made a central point, and consequently the changes of coach horses. It is now situated on the Indiana, Bloomington & AVestern Railroad, twenty-seven miles west of Indianapolis, this being built about 1870. Has improved considerable since that time, reaching a population of nearly 1,100, but has labored under several difficulties and misfor tunes, there being three large fires, viz: September 5, 1876, BOONE CUI NTY, INDIANA. 47 which originated in a saloon, burning nearly all the principal business rooms and a large hotel, leaving the town in a rather critical condition, but by some few determined citizens it was mostly rebuilt; on the morning of November 10, 1880, another fire started in the wareroom of a drug store on South Main street and burned seven of the best business rooms, and September 11, 1883, another one, burning seven large rooms. Since then seven have been erected. No doubt in a year or so all the vacant lots will have as good or better rooms and be in a more prosperous condition than heretofore. But labor under all these fires has somewhat kept up the necessary buildings for business occupancy. The town is surrounded by as good country and as in telligent, industrious farmers as could be asked, and with all this and our energetic citizens there is no reason why it shall not rise to as good a point as any in the county. The place at one time had a very hard name, about the time of the building of the Indiana, Bloomington & Western Railroad, one or two men being murdered by the gang who worked on the road ; also at that time there were several places of disreputable char acter, several saloons, which most certainly was the cause. But now we have as quiet and peacable a town as is any where to.be found. Still the bad name hangs over us, by parties who are not visitors here. We have two churches — Christian Church, under the pastoral charge of Elder Pritch- ard, and M. E. Church, under the pastoral charge of Rev. E. W. Lawhon. The high school, which building was erected in 1873, is most certainly in a prosperous condition under the principal- ship of Prof. P. V. Voris ; the faculty are as follows : Academic department. Prof Voris ; Preparatory, Prof. Storm ; Interme diate, Miss Effie Gibson ; Primary, Mrs. Belle Emmons. Our oldest settlers are G. W. Gibson, who has been a citizen for fifty-eight years, and Dr. G. L. Burk, who has been here for forty-six years. The gentlemen who look after the physical welfare of our citizens are Dr. G. L. Burk, A. M. Finch, S. J. 48 EARLY LIFE AND TIMES IN Banta, W. 8. Heady, G. M. Van Arsdell and F. M. Austin. The legal fraternity is ably represented by W. J. Darnall and D. C. Brackney. We have four secret societies. I. O. O. F., No. 222, founded June 20, 1861, with a membership of nearly one hundred ; F. A. M., with a good membership and in pros perous condition ; G. A. R., No. 162, with a membership of seventy-five ; and Knights of Labor. The amount of business done in Jamestown is exceedingly large. Emmons & Richmond are doing a large business, working about fifteen hands at their sawmill and from five to ten teams hauling logs ; have the last year shipped fifteen car.« of walnut lumber, and for contract on railroad works bills averaged at least five cars a week. During the autumn months tjiey sawed about 75,000 feet of quartering out, which is used as finishing lumber. This is done only by mills which stand as first-class. This firm deserves great praise for their energy and employment of so many laborers, which has been an aid to many families. In the mercantile department are J. H. Camp lin & Son, John H. Cline, W. T. Free, C. K. Slonnegar, W. H. Orear & Co., Thomas B. Williamson, J. H. Steele, Thomas Porter, J. T. Burhop, ,S. B. Summerville and G. W. McKeehan. The Eel River Mills are running night and day in order to keep up with orders for flour and feed. This mill is managed by Wesley Martin & Sons, Mr. Martin, Senior, was our miller in an early day, re moving from this county to Minnesota, and returning only a short time since. Crose & Hendricks are our liverymen. John Huber has been running a restaurant here for the last twenty years. Peter Smith operates a tile factory. Besides supply ing the home market with his products he has shipped several car loads to Illinois during the past summer. Our wagon factory is conducted by Richard Miller, who also does carriage painting and ironing." SAMUEL EODEFER. BOONE COUNTY, INDIANA. 49 ZIONSVILLE. This is comparatively a new place, dating back only to 1852, on the completion of the Indianapolis, Cincinnati ct Lafayette Railroad. It was laid out on the land of the late Elijah Cross, just below and \vest of where Big and Little Eagle Creeks unite. It was named after the late William Zion, of Lebanon. It is fourteen miles from Indianapolis and about the same distance from Lebanon, and one mile from the south line of Boone County, on the Indianapolis, Cincin nati & Lafayette Railroad. Among the first merchants were John Vaughn, John Smith, Daugherty & Nichols, B. M. Gregory; followed soon after by William Yob, Smith ct White, W. H. Neuhouse, B. F. Coldwolader, B. W. Harden, shoe dealer; J. M. Bradly, drugs; C. H. Tingle and J. M. Biggers, groceries; Croplen & Mills, undertakers; "SI. S. Anderson, wagon maker; Perrell & Perrell, drugs; attorneys — Jesse Smith, H. D. Sterrett, M. M. Riggins, John A. Pock and C N. Beamer (the last two now practicing) ; physicians — Drs. S W. Rodman, Samuel Hardy, Jones, N. Crosby, M. S. Anderson, Jeremiah Larimore, F. Long, G. W. Duzan, H. T. Cotton ; shoemakers — (have been) A.W. Larimore, H. Daven port, John Tull, B. W. Harden, John Martz ; dentist — J. O. Hurst. The first hotel was kept by John Miller. John Holmes built an extensive grist-mill here in 1854; it was afterwards converted into a distillery, and operated as such a short time, when it went down. Among the postmasters have been S. W. Rodman, P. Anderson, Mary May, William Thompson, James W. Blake, W. F. Morgan, G. F. Essex, William McGuire, R. Beard. Monument dealer — Frank Alford ; harness makers — A.W.Hopkins, William Harden ; bankers — P. Anderson, S. H. Hardy, Mark Simpson, Alford. The old Dye mill was built here at an early day, but is now no more. M. S. Davenport operated a tan-yard here 50 EARLY LIFE AND TIMES IN soon after the town was started. An excellent school house was built here about the year 1860; it is one of the finest in the county, pleasantly located on the hill west, overlooking the town. Zionsville contains many handsome residences and business houses, and is the center of a good country, conse quently has a fine trade in all the various dejDartments. The Zionsville Times, now published by Col. Gait, is one of the best papers in the county, recently enlarged to an eight-page paper, wide-awake in its make up, has a good circulation and is ably edited. Zionsvilleis the home of Mrs. Polly Cross, the first bride in Boone County, in 1834. To the writer Zionsville and vicinity has a peculiar interest. There he learned to swim and fish in the classic waters of Eagle ; first went to mill and learned to wait his "turn ;" and, more than all, there is an interest attached around the beautiful little cemetery, just south. Here my parents, two sisters and a brother "quietly sleep, their toils forever done." Zionsville is also the home of B. M, Gregory, Manson Head,. Joseph B. Pitzer, Martin Conrad, Dr. W. D. Starkey, Dr. H. T. Cotton, M. S. Davenport, Nathaniel Swaim and Dr. G. W. Duzan, all more or less public men and well known throughout the county. Following will be found a sketch of Zionsville, written for the Patriot, of Lebanon, dated December 18, 1886, which will doubtless be read with interest by the people of Boone County : "Zionsville ranks third in the county as to population and commercial enterprise, and is situated in the southeastern cor ner of the county, one and a half miles from the ^Nlariou County line and one mile from the Hamilton County line. The orig inal plat of the town was laid out in the year 1852 by William Zion and Elijah Cross, and consisted in nine blocks containing eighty-one lots. The name "Zionsville" was given to the town in honor of William Zion, who was the principal founder. The first dwelling house within the original plat was built by John Miller, on lot number two, block number eight, and was 51 occupied by himself and family as a boarding-house or hotel. The same building still does service as a dwelling house, but has been removed to the west end of the same lot, immediately north, across the street from the Christian Church. The first store was conducted by Vaughn ct Wiley in a two-story frame building situated on the same lot where the iSI. S. Anderson wagon works are now located. From the time these first buildings were erected the town has steadily increased in en terprise and population until it has become one among the be.-t business points in the county and has accumulated a pop ulation of about eleven hundred persons. There are but few towns of the size in the state that can boast of better school buildings and school facilities and none that have naturally a more beautiful location for school buildings or town either. There are four churelies in the town, Methodist, Presbyterian, Christian and Christian Union, all of which support ministers, and all are as well attended as churches usually are in towns of this size. There are six secret orders in the town : Odd Fellows, Masons, Knights of Honor, Secret League, Horse Thief Detective Association and Grand Army Post. All of these orders are in flourishing condition both numerically and financially. The town supports two banks, two cornet bands, a town hall, with seating capacity of six hundred, one of the best weekly newspapers published in the state in a town of the .same size, one large flouring mill, one sawmill, wagon works, the Blue Grass Dairy farm, owned and managed by J. M. Bvers, and many other things which can not be mentioned in deaitl. The town is well supplied with shade-trees, and the streets and sidewalks are generally in good repair. Take all in all Zionsville ranks above the average as to its beautiful location, business enterprise and the social and moral character of its inhabitants." 52 EARLY LIFE AND TIMES IN WHITESTOWN. The above town is situated in Worth Township, on the Indianapolis, Cincinnati & Lafayette Railroad, seven miles southeast of Lebanon and about the same distance northwest of Zionsville, surrounded by one of the best agricultural dis tricts in the county. It is the center of a large local trade and where the township elections are held, and in fact all the elec tions when held in the county. It has been for years the cen tral point for Worth Township. Whitestown was laid out in the year 1851, or about the time the railroad was built. The first plat was on the land of Abram Nese. The first mer chant was Harrison Spencer, followed soon after by Henry Lucus and William Laughner. The first grist mill built here was by I.saac Dye and Alfred Osburn, which v^as in a few years burned down ; rebuilt by Henry Lucus. The present mill was built by J. W. Bowser, who operated it successfully for years and built up for it a good reputation at home and abroad. He sold it in October, 1886, to Riley & A^aughn. It has all tlie new milling facilities for making the best flour in the state. It is valued at $12,000. Among those doing business in an early day at Whitestown in the various capacities we might mention the following merchants : W. J. Givens, Daniel Ech- man, Ceaser Echman, F. M. jNIoody, Neese ct Keefe, J. T. Ross, Dr. I. T. Ross, Dr. Starkey, Dr. Larimore, J. S. Hardy, who is now practicing. Postmasters, Henry Lucus, Dr. Ross. Henry Walters, S. M. Trout. The present one is J. O. Barb. Hotel, G. W. H. Roberts. The school house here is an excel lent one of brick, and fully up to the times in every respect, as well as the churches and other buildings. The annual business transactions here amount to thousands of dollars,. i ncluding the railroad business, which alone is very large. BOONE COUNTY, INDIANA. 53 MECHANICSBURG. This thriving town, so beautifully located on a high piece of ground near the junction of Brown's Wonder and Sugar Creek, was laid out in the year 1835, by James Snow. It is near the Clinton County line aud also near the line dividing the townships of Clinton aud Washington, being, however, in the latter, on the road leading from Lebanon to Frankfort, about nine miles from the former and seven from the latter. The town contains many handsome residences, three churches, school house, etc., and is the center of a fine local trade. This is the home of Dr. Jesse Reagan, Dr. Walker, Nathau Gar rett, all well known and valuable citizens. Below will be found a sketch of Mechanicsburg, written for the Lebanon Patriot in December, 1886, which will account for this short, imperfect sketch : "Mechanicsburg is situated on the banks of Sugar Creek, midway between Lebanon and Frankfort, and has a popula tion of about 2()(J. It has been called "The Burg" longer than the oldest inhabitant can recollect. The place is well known throughout the country, as its flouring mill, at one time owned by George Ryan, was patronized by farmers from far and near, not only of this, but by those of the adjoining county, Clinton. "A. R. Garrett has a complete stock of groceries, dry goods, glass and queensware, boots, shoes and notions. John R. Beach keeps groceries, dry goods, ready-made clothing, boots, shoes and notions. E. E. Armstrong deals in drugs, patent medicines, school books, stationery, paints, oils, cigars, tobacco and notions. Dr. J. S. Reagan has been practicing medicine here for thirty years, has accumulated considerable property, and was elected to the office of county clerk at the last elec- •tion. Dr. D. R. Walker has been practicing medicine here about ten years, has nice residence property and a farm one- half mile north of town. Dr. C. D. Umberhine is a young 54 EARLY LIFE AND TIMES IN man, a graduate of Rush Medical College, and has been prac ticing medicine for the past two years in partnership with Dr. Reagan. Dr. U. built a substantial house the past summer and has come to stay. The blacksmiths are Frank Moore and W. H. Brown, both good workmen who have plenty to do the year round. William Keller is the justice of the peace and works at shoemaking during odd spells. J. S. Moore has a wagon shop, keeps the postoffice, and is probably the only Republican postmaster now in the county. Frank Mills, familiarly known as "Handle," carries the mail to and from Lebanon, hauls goods for the merchants and does errands for everybody. Hart Lodge No. 413, I, O. O. F., is the oulv secret order in the town. It has a membership of about 24^ owns its hall and seems to be in a fairly good condition. The religious denominations are the United Brethren in Christ, Methodist Episcopal, and Christian. The pastor of the United Brethren Church is Rev. Perry Cooper; of the Methodist Episcopal, Rev. Jesse Hill ; and of the Christian, Rev. Howe, of Irvington. All the churches are in good condition." EAGLE A^LLAGE, Eagle Village,, one of the oldest towns in Boone County, was laid out in 1829, It is located on the Michigan Road, in the southeast part of Eagle Township, about one mile east of Zionsville, Until 1852, when the Indianapolis, Cincinnati & Lafayette Railroad was built, the village was a place of some importance. From the year 1850, when it was at its zenith, it gradually went down, until now there are but few houses left. Many of the buildings were removed from there to Zions ville in 1852, when the latter place was laid out. Among the early merchants and business men of Eagle Villao-e, most of whom are now deceased, we find the following : Daniel and James M. Larimore, Reuben Price, J, F, Daugherty, John Harden, Addison Nicholas, J. B. Pitzer, John P. Welch Oel Thayer, T. P. Miller and Fielding Utterback, all of whom BOONE COUNTY, INDIANA. 65 sold goods from 1835 until 1851. Among the physicians who practiced here from time to time, were H, G, Larimore, S. W. Rodman, Jeremiah Larimore, .1. M. Gaston, Nathan Crosby and Dr, Johnson. H. (t. Larimore died in Fayette County, Ind., in 1874, aged near ninety years. S. W. Rodman lives in Washington Territory. J. M. (laston, who did not remain long in Eagle Village, lives in Indianapolis. Dr. Johnson's whereabouts are unknown. Jeremiah Larimore died in Indianapolis about the year 1880. He is buried at Mount's Run, in this county. Nathan Crosby, quite an old man, lives in Zionsville. He came from the East to Eagle A illage in 1819. Of the early merchants we give the following: Daniel Larimore came from Fayette County, Ind., in 183—, was engaged in business only a few years when he died. He died in 1839, and is buried at Eagle Village. -J. M., his son, suc ceeded him, and was engaged in active business until March, 1849, when he died of consumption. Ue was a fine-looking man, was never married, and is buried hy the side of his father. He was the first Odd Fellow in Boone County. J. F. Daugherty came in 1836, and was in business a number of years. He finally moved to Zionsville, where he sold goods a number of years. He no\v resides in Indianapolis. John Harden engaged in business in 1842. He died in Ohio, Feb ruary, 1877, and is buried at Zionsville, Boone County. Fielding Utterback was engaged in business several years. He was elected county sheriff in 1845. He went AA^est and died there ten or fifteen years ago. Oel Thayer came to Boone County in 1839; was first a merchant in Clark.stown, then in Eagle Village. He finally removed to Lebanon, where he died February 4, 1877. John Welch engaged in business with J. B. Pitzer (his brother-in-law), in 1846. He died in September, 1850, and is buried on Eagle Creek, six miles southwest of Zionsville. J. B. Pitzer was in business several years. He was elected county auditor in 1863. He resides in Zionsville, and is seventy-four years old. T. P. Miller was born in Tennessee. He came with his father to Eagle 56 EARLY LIFE AND TIMES IN Creek in 1829. He was engaged several years at Eagle Vil lage as merchant, postmaster and justice of the peace. He was the second Odd Fellow in the county. He resides in Indianapolis, aged seventy-five years. James McCoy, Jesse Essex, William Gouge, William Lakin and John Gates were early blacksmiths. McCoy was married five times and then said he was on his first legs. He lived to be ninety-five years old. Mr. Gouge was a local preacher, and lived to be quite old. Mr. Essex died a little past middle life. He was the son of Jesse Essex, Sr., and the father of George Essex, of Lebanon. James Handly was the tailor; he moved West, and the la.st account of him he was still living. Andrew Hopkins was about the first saddler. He was born in Ohio, married a daughter of Austin Davenport, and died at Lafay ette, Ind., in 1852, in middle life. William Farlan, an attor ney, was born in New York. He resided in Eagle Village many years, where he taught school in early times. He went to Wisconsin, where he died about 1865, aged seventy years. Jesse Essex was the first tanner, followed by William Man- teeth and M. S. Davenport. The carpenters of that time were Starling C. Rose, Luther M. Oliphant, Isaac L. Daven port and Thomas Oliphant. The shoemakers were Henry Breedlove, A. W. Larimore, Henry Davenport and Mr. Dan- forth. James Armstrong and Henry Gardner made saleratus here at an early day. " The ashery," as we called it, was started by J. M. Larimore and Mr. Bishop in 1846. Airs. Polly Larimore kept the tavern many years after her husband died. T. P. Miller also kept the " Pavilion." The " Eagle Village Hotel " was kept by Mrs. Larmac, Joseph Larimore, George Craft and Mr, Hurd, It went down about the year 1852, with Joseph Larimore at the helm. The Odd Fellows organ ized a lodge here about the year 1846 or 1847, with the fol lowing as first members : J. AI, Larimore, T. P. Aliller, J. F. Daugherty, Joseph Larimore, James Handly, Oel Thayer, I. L. Davenport, Jacob Tipton, T, W. Oliphant and L. Oliphant. Among the early preattliers were .Tames AleCoy, Jacob Myers, BOONE COUN'IY, INDIANA. 57 Robert H. Calvert, Madison Hume, Mr. Wells, William Gouge and George Dye. A man by the name of Wesley George, from Indianapolis, started a tin shop, but did not stay long. The following have served as postmasters: T. P. Miller, Fielding Utterback. J, F. Daugherty, Nathan Crosby. A temperance society was organized here about the year 1845; flourished for several years, and about the year 1853 went down with the general crash of the village. Adjoin ing on the east is the cemetery, where lie buried many old citizens, among whom are Daniel Larimore, J. M. Larimore, William Miller, Airs, Polly Larimore, Peter Gregory, and Patrick H. Sullivan, the first settler in the county and who helped to select the present site of Lebanon as the place for the county seat. He died about the year 1879, when he must have been eighty-five years of age. DOA^ER. BY LEVI DENNY. The above town was first laid out in 1850, by Aries Pauly. It was first known as " Crackaway." It is situated in Jeffer son Township, eight miles west of Lebanon, in a fine part of the county. In 1860 a postoffice was established here and named Cason, in remembrance of Thomas .1. Cason, of Leb anon. It has been for years the center or voting place for the township. The first merchant was Wesley Adkins, who started a store in 1860. The first postmaster was Wm. Goldsburgh; present one, Joseph S. Aliller. In 1851 James Stephenson built a sawmill here. The following doctors have practiced here: Drs. Clair, Oxly, C. Smith, Hamilton, John S. Smith, Finch, Crafton, and W. H. AYare, who is now in practice and who is a clever gentleman and doctor as well. The first wood shop was by J. L. Pyles; first blacksmith, Wm. Goldsburgh. The following are the names of the present merchants and mechanics : MeDaniel