¦¦''!li!'iii"ili'''- :¦::;. ;;;'!;;K= iiiil YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Bought with the income of the Charles McC. Reeve (1870) Fund POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN POLLOCK CREST 1 BRADLEY & GILBERT @ -s £ INCORPORATED CONTENTS. Chapter Page Introductory xxi I. — Genesis of the Polk Family 1 Scotch and Irish History of Family 2 II.— Robert Bruce Pollok 6 The Keys Family 7 III. — Data from Ireland 9 Births and Deaths in Keys Family 10 IV. — Broomfield Castle and Moneen 13 John Polk here in 1680 15 V. — When the Immigrants Arrived 18 James Poke of Barbadoes 19 VI. — T'he Anglicanism 22 VII.— Emigration of the Polks 23 First Churches on Eastern Shore of M'yland 24 Charles, first Son of Ephraim Polk, 1st.: 25 VIIL— Robert and Magdalen's Family 28 John Polk's Descendants 29 From the Somerset Records' 31 ErroTS of 1849 Polk Tree 33 IX.— James Polk, Son of Robert Bruce Polk 36 Land Grants to James Polk „ 36 Will of James Polk 38 X.— David Polk's Will 41 XL— James Polk's Other Children _ 45 Emigration to the West 47 The Somerset Records 49 XII.— Letters of Col. Wm. T. G. Polk 50 XIII. — Winder and Polk Connection 54 XIV.— Magdalen Polk's Will 59 Grants from Lord Baltimore 61 Additional List of Grants 62 XV.— Will of Robert Bruce Polk 64 Other Polk Wills 68 XVI.— Observations of R. C. B. Thruston 70 Information 70 i CONTINT.; Chapter Page XVII. — Marriages and Descendants '''5 Robert's Children _ ^^ Conclusions 'i'8 XVIIL— Wm. Polk, Grandson of Robert Bruce Polk 81 Anne Polk, Daughter of John _ 82 XIX. — Joseph Polk and Descendants 84 Lands Granted to Joseph Polk - 85 Will of Joseph Pollock 87 Family of Daniel Morris, Sr 91 Martha and Ann Polk 92 Martha Polk's Descendants 93 Numerous Progeny 94 XX.— Descendants of William Polk, 3d. 95 XXL— Chas. Polk, Son of.Wm. and Margaret 100 XXIL— Margaret Polk McRea - 106 XXIIL— General Thomas Polk's Descendants 108 John Paul Jones 112 Major Allen J. Polk 114 XXIV.— The Mecklenburg Declaration 116 Battle of Allamance 116 Convention Meets 118 The Resolves 118 XXV.— Sketch of General Thomas Polk 124 Defeats at Camden and Suoipter 127 Military Organized 128 Escorts Baggage Train to Bethlehem 129 William Polk of Carlisle 131. XXVL— Sketch of Colonel AVilliam Polk 133 La Fayette's Visit to North Carolina - 141 Death of Colonel AVilliam Polk 144 XXVIL— Dr. William J. Polk 147 General Lucius E. Polk 147 XXVIIL— Dr. Thomas G. Polk _ 156 Colonel Cadwallader Polk 157 Captain Rufus J. Polk 158 Major Allen J. Polk 159 General Thomas G. Polk 161 General Lucius J. Polk 162 CONTENTS ix Chapter Page XXIX.— Bishop and Lt. General Leonidas Polk 169 Civil AVar 173 XXX.— Atlanta Campaign 177 Death of General Leonidas Polk 178 General Johnston's Order 183 Funeral Obsequies and Burial 183 XXXL— St. John's Church, Ashwood, Tenn 188 Interesting Family Letters 191 XXXIL— Polk's Serving in Congress 198 Hon. Rufus K. Polk, M. C, from P'sylvania 199 XXXIIL— William Polk, Sr., Son of Immigrants 203 William Polk, Sr., Twice Married 204 XXXIV.— Wrong William made Body of 1849 Tree 207 William Polk and Priscilla Roberts 207 Children of AA^illiam and Nancy (Knox- Owens) Polk 209 AVilliam, Son of Judge David Polk 210 Betsy, Daughter of AVilliam Polk 211 Hetty, Daughter of William Polk 211 Gertrude, Daughter of AA^illiam Polk 211 XXXV.— Josiah, Son of William Polk 213 Captain William, Son of William Polk 213 Colonel James Polk, Son of William Polk 214 Anne, Daughter of Judge William Polk 215 James Polk, Son of William Polk, Sr 215 XXXVL— Samuel Polk's Descendants 224 Colonel Wm. Thomas Gilliss Polk's Family 224 Joseph Gilliss Polk's Family 227 XXXVIL— AVhittington Connection 235 Descendants of Susan Lankford 237 Priscilla Polk Whittington 239 XXXVIIL— Sketch of James Knox Polk 241 Jackson and Polk Families 247 Nominated and Elected President 248 Mr. Polk's Inauguration 251 Chief Administration Measures 253 Death of James K. Polk 254 XXXIX.— Numbered Record of Polks 258 C 0 N T L N T S Chapter Page XL.— Captain John Polk 312 Taylor Polk's Descendants 312 Capt. John Polk's Descendants 316 Judge Alfred Polk 317 Judge Alfred Polk's Family 317 Mary Cynthia (Polk) Davis' Family 318 John ("Jackie") Polk's Descendants 321 Davenports and Cartwrights 322 XLL— John D. Polk and Fainily 324 Descendants of Emily B. Polk 324 John Polk Childres' Family 325 Charles Vaulton Childres' Family 325 John A. Polk and Family 3 o Benjamin D. A. Polk's Family 327 "Civil Charley" Polk's Family 328 Descendants of Jackie and Cynthia Polk 332 Rev. R. O. AA'atkins and Family 334 Sketch of Rev. R. O. Watkins 334 Sketch of Judge A. B. Watkins 335 jMemoranda of the Polk Family in [Texas 335 XLIL— Children of Chas. Polk and Wife Margaret 339 John Polk and Family 340 Colonel AVilliam Knox Polk's Descendants 340 Sketch of Headley Polk 343 AA^arnell Polk 344 XLIII..— Unattached Branches 348 Tragic Death of Rev. William Polk 354 XLIV.— Charles Polk, The Indian Trader 355 Will of Charles Polk, Indian Trader 356 IMurder of Logan's Kin 359 Capt. Charles Polk's Certificate 359 XLV. — Capture of Kincheloe's Station 362 Capt. Charles Poilk's Family 364 Descendants of Sarah Polk Piety 365 Spoke Indian Tongue AVell 372 Polk Land Entries in Kentucky 373 XLVL— Capture of Capt. Chas. Polk's Family 374 Attack on the Fort 378 CONTENTS xi Chapter Page XLVIL— Judge AVilliam Polk, Son of Capt. Chas. Polk 390 Judge William Polk and Family 391 Elizabeth (Polk) Spencer 392 Children of Capt. Spier Spencer 394 Sally (Polk) Bruces's Descendants 395 Children of Capt. AA'm. Bruce and AA'ife 395 Joseph Hamilton Scroggin's Family 396 Capt. John Scroggin's Family 398 Of Scotch-Irish Blood 398 Quarrel over Baby's Name 399 Nancy Ruby's Family and Chas. Polk, 3rd 400 XLVIIL— Edmond Polk's Descendants _ 403 Edmoud Polk's Children 406 Grandchildren of Edmond Polk, Sr 408 Grandchildren's Children 408 Children of James Polk 411 Children of James Madison Polk 414 Children of Henry Hamilton Polk 416 Deaths 416 New Salem Church 416 XLIX. — Claiborne Polk and Descendants 418 Irwin C. Polk's Family 421 Isabella (Polk) Kendle 421 Francis Marion Polk 422 AA^illiam Albert Polk's Family 422 Caleb Clark Po'lk's Family 422 Sarah Jane Polk's Family 425 Alexander Hamilton Polk 425 Grandchildren of Alexander H. Polk 426 L. — Descendants of Rev. Isaac M'Coy and Wife 428 Intermarriages .": 428 The Chick Family 431 Intermarriages of Jno. Calvin M'Coy's Children 431 LL— Charles Polk, 3rd, and Family r 436 Descendants of Dr. Thomas Polk 440 Intermarriages .' 440 Sketch of Dr. Thomas Polk 443 COnThNTS Chapter Page LII. —Ephraim Polk, 1st, and Descendants 449 Charles Polk, 1st, Son of Ephraim, 1st 450 Children of Charles Polk, 1st 451 Sketch of Gov. John W. Hall 452 Judge Charles Polk 455 Gov. Charles Polk 455 LIIL— Sketch of Gov. Charles Polk 461 Sketch of Hon. Albert F. Polk 465 Allied Families 469 Minors and Beswicks 470 Beswick Bible Records 473 The Manlove Family 474 Wm. Manlove, Sr '. 477 The Curtis Family 478 B arratt Family 48 1 The Clarke Family 482 Brinckles in Military Service 483 JM ember of Penn's Council 484 The Hayes Family 484 William Polk's Descendants 485 The Luff Family 486 John Polk, Son of Ephraim, 1st 491 LIV. — Polk Scroggin Kinship 496 Genesis of American Scroggin Family 496 Gallant Officers of the Revolution 500 Joseph Polk, Sr., Son of Ephraim, 1st 502 Joseph Polk, Jr., Son of Joseph Polk, Sr 502 Robert Polk and Family _ 505 Children of Wm. Reybold Polk 509 LV.— Children of Ephraim Polk, 2nd 510 Will of Ephraim Polk, 2nd 510 LVL— Ephraim Polk, 3rd 516 Captain Rhoads' Company 518 Privates- 518 Valley Forge 519 Ephraim Emigrates to Kentucky 520 An Indian Raid 522 LVIL— The Morris Family 528 CONTENTS xiii Chapter Page Children of Daniel Morris, Jr 529 Children of James Morris, Sr 531 Children of Ephraim Polk, 3rd 532 Family of Mary Polk Wolf 533 Children of Polly and Jesse Wolf 533 Intermarriages 534 Jesse Wolf's Capture 538 LVIIL— Family of Nancy (Polk) Adams 540 Nancy Adams' Family 540 Marriages 541 Dr. James M. Ely's Family 541 Family of Dr. James M. Adams 542 Intermarriages 543 Family of John White 543 Family of Allen McMichael 548 Marriages 548 John H. Hufford's Family 550 Family of Thomas A. Gant 553 Dr. Marcellus M. Adams' Family 553 Fannie Stutsman's Family 554 Sketch of Dr. Marcellus M. Adams 554 Dr. Jefferson J. Polk and Descendants 557 Family of Dr. Jefferson J. Polk 565 Martha F. Duncan's Family 565 Family of Dr. William Tod Polk 566 LVIX.— Family of Ephraim J. Polk 568 Children of Ephraim J. Polk 568 Children of John M. Polk 573 Children of Thos. J. Polk and Wife 574 LX. — Daniel Polk and Descendants 575 Daniel Polk's Children 576 Family of David Tanner Polk 576 Family of David Tanner Polk, Jr 577 Family of Rhoda Ann Rodgers 577 Marriages 578 Family of Ben F. Rodgers 581 Family of Thomas P. D. Polk 581 Family of Willis W. Polk 582 CONTENTS Chapter Page Family of Sardius G. Polk 587 Intermarriages 588 Family of James Knox Polk 588 Sarah (Kitty) Polk's Family 588 LXL— Family of Hester D. Collins 591 Family of Col. John E. Collins 592 Col. John Collins' Children 592 Col. John Collins' Grandchildren 592 Descendants of Clement M. Polk 593 Children of Clement Polk 594 Charles Ephraim Polk 598 Descendants of Gilead Polk 602 Children of Gilead Polk 605 LXIL— The Johnson Family :... 610 The Alexander Family 611 The Holladay Family 611 Family of AA'illiam H. Polk 612 LXIIL— AA'illiam H. Polk 617 LXIV.— Family of Theodore C. Polk 621 Children of Theodore Clay Polk 621 Theodore C. Polk 622 Family of John Knox Polk 625 Sarah Atkins and Ephraim Polk, 5th 626 LXV. — Descendants of Jehosephat Polk 629 Family of Hosea and Sally Polk 630 Intermarriages 630 Marcellus Polk's Family 633 Sketch of Marcellus Polk 633 Sarah A. Deming's Family 634 James E. Polk 639 Family of Edward M. and Melissa Hubbert 639 Marriages, Births and Deaths 640 Mary Susan Polk's Family 645 Margaret Dougherty's Family _ 645 Family of Jefferson Scott Polk 645 Marriages 646 Sketch of Jefferson Scott Polk 646 Admitted to Bar in Kentucky 651 CONTENTS XV Chapter Page Tribute to his Life and Character 652 Sketch of Llarry Herndon Polk _ 659 Herndon Hall, Home of Jefferson Polk 659 LXVL— Dr. Ed. Polk's Branch of Family 665 Dr. Edward T. Polk 666 Family of R. L. Polk 669 LXVIL— Rohert Polk, Jr., and Descendants 671 Family of Robert Polk, Jr 671 Land Grants to Robert's Line 673 Rohert Polk, 3rd, a Colonial Official 673 Children of Rohert Polk, 3rd 674 LXVIIL— Col. William Polk's Descendants 675 Children of Col. William Polk 675 Intermarriages 676 AA'illiam Polk, Son of Col. AA^illiam, Son of Robert Polk, Jr _ 677 Descendants of Elizaheth (Robinson) Polk 680 LXIX. — Trusten Laws Polk's Descendants 691 Children of AA^m. Nutter Polk 691 Intermarriages 692 Elizabeth Shockley's Family 693 A/A^m. Causey Polk's Family 693 Sketch of Governor Trusten Polk 694 LXX.— The AVihite Family 697 Daniel Polk, Sr., of Delaware 699 Daniel Polk, Sr.'s Family 700 Intermarriages 700 Clayton Family 700 Samuel AVhite Polk's Family 701 Alidshipman John Polk 702 Family of Daniel Polk, Jr _ 703 Family of Elizabeth Powell 704 Family of Kate Powell Tyree _ 704 Family of Edward B. Powell 704 Family of Dr. Louis Polk 705 Family of Mrs. Landon A. Thomas, Sr 705 Family of Landon A. Thomas, Jr -. 706 Family of Daniel Polk, of Denver 706 Vi CONTENTS Chapter Page Peggy Logan's Family 707 The Tilghman Family 708 LXXL— Capt. Rohert Polk, Naval Officer 709 Descendants of Capt. Rohert Polk _ 710 Family of Charles Peale Polk 710 Charles Peale Polk, Artist 712 Charles Peale Polk's Letter to AA^ashington 715 LXXII. — Polks of Accomac County, Virginia 717 Intermarriages 717 Sallie Polk's Descendants 718 Margaret Polk's Descendants 719 AVilliam Polk's Descendants 724 Capt. William Polk's Ancestors 725 LXXIIL— The Pollocks of America 727 Judge John C. Pollock's Line 732 James and AVilliam Pollock 733 LXXIV.— Dr. Thomas Pollock's Descendants 737 Paternial Line of Lt. Col. Otis AA^heeler Pollock 739 LXXA-".- Visit to Scottish Ancestral Home 740 The Pogue Family 741 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. Page Frontispiece — W. H. Polk. Map of Maryland, Delaware, Pennsylvania, West New Jersey xxvii Chart 83 Gen'l Thos. G. Polk of. North Carolina 109 Col. AVilliam Polk, of North Carolina 135 Monument of Col. AVm. Polk at Raleigh, N. C 145 Dr. Wm. Julius Polk and Wife, of North Carolina 149 Gen'l Lucius E. Polk, of Arkansas 153 Gen'l Lucius Junius Polk, of North Carolina and Tennessee 163 Col. AVm. H. Polk and Wife 167 Bishop Leonidas Polk and AVife 171 Lieut. Gen'l Leonidas Polk 179 St. Paul Episcopal Church, Augusta, Ga 185 St. John's Church, Ashwood, Maury County, Tenn 189 Hon. Rufus K. Polk, M. C, from Pennsylvania 201 Col. Wm. T. G. Polk, Princess Anne, Md 225 James K. Polk and Wife 243 Polk Place, Nashville, Tenn 249 Jas. K. Polk Monument, Raleigh, N. C 255 Col. Andrew J. Polk and AVife 259 AVm. Polk and Wife, Alexander, La 263 Col. Cadwallader Polk, of Arkansas 271 Rufus J. Polk 275 Mrs. Lucius J. Polk and Madame Paget 279 Col. Lucius Junius Polk, Jr., Wife and Two Children, of Texas 2S5 Col. Geo. W. Polk, Wife and Son, San Antonio, Tex 389 Dr. Wm. Mecklenburg Polk and AVife, of New York 393 Capt. Frank L. Polk and Wife, of New York 297 Geo. W. Polk and Six Sons, of Tennessee 301 Mrs. Kenneth Raynor, of North Carolina 305 Antionette (Polk) De Charette and Her Home, near Paris, France 309 Jas. V. Polk, of Beaumont, Tex 319 XVIU LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Page Mrs. Margaret Jane (Polk) Teel, of Texas 329 Judge Albert B. Watkins, of Athens, Tex 337 Headley Polk, San Marcos, Tex 345 R. C. Ballard Thruston, of Louisville, Ky 369 Amiee J. and Edna B. Ruby, of La Fayette, Ind - 401 Hon. Jas. Guthrie, of Louisville, Ky 409 Claiborne Polk and Alexander Hamilton Polk, of Indiana 419 Agnes and Jessie Pringle 423 Benjamin F. Polk, Princeton, Ind 437 Gov. John W. Hall, of Delaware 453 Dr. Thos. Jefferson Pyle, AVife and Daughter 457 Gov. Charles Polk, of Delaware — 463 Hon. Albert F. Polk, of Georgetown, Delaware 467 John W. Hering, of Milford, Delaware 475 Dr. J. M. Luff, of Felton, Delaware 487 John P. R. Polk, of Wilmington, Delaware 507 Old Ephraim Polk Homestead, on Lain's Run, Scott County, Kentucky 533 ]Mrs. Mary (Polly) VA'olfe 535 Elizabeth Tyner AA'hite, of La Fayette, Indiana 545 Dr. M. M. Adams and Wife, of Greenfield, Indiana 551 Ellen, Mary, Olive, and Nettie Adams, of Greenfield, Indiana ^ 555 Dr. Jefferson J. Polk, of Perryville, Kentucky 559 Dr. AVm. Tod Polk, of Perryville, Kentucky 563 AVm Goddard Polk, of Louisville, Kentucky 569 Roy Rodgers, 2nd U. S. A 579 Willis AV. Polk and AVife 583 Chas. E. Polk and AVife 595 AA'alter B. Manny and AA'ife, Ella Tatum Manny 599 Edw. LIubbert Tatum 603 Chas. W. Polk and Sister Maud, of Pelatuma, California 607 Mary (Polk) Bouldin and Wm. C. Polk, of Lexington, Kentucky : 613 Theodore C. Polk, Jr., Thomas Barlow Polk, James AVil- liams, Margaret Williams 619 John Milton Polk, of Denver Colorado 623 Mrs. Sarah (Polk) .\tkins, of Liberty, Indiana 627 LISTOFILLVSiRATIONS xix Page Jehosephat Polk and AVife, Sallie Ann Polk 631 Marcellus Polk and AVife, Ella Samuell Polk, and Six Children 635 Sarah Ann Deming and Husband, Joseph G. Deming 637 James E. Polk and AA^ife, Maggie (Payne) Polk 641 Melissa (Polk) Hubbert and Husband, Edw. S. Hubbert 643 Jefferson S. Polk and Group 647 Jefferson Scott Polk and AA-'ife, Julia (Herndon) Polk 649 John S. Polk and AVife 653 George B. Hippee and W'At, Mitinie (Polk) Hippee 655 Mrs. Sallie (Polk) Maish and Husband 657 Harry Herndon Polk and AA'ife 661 Herndon Hall 663 R. L. Polk, Detroit, Michigan 667 Mrs. Josephine Polk Cumins 683 Dr. ?,Iahlon N. Hutchinson and AA'ife 687 Governor and United States Senator Trusten Polk, of Missouri 695 Portrait of Washington 713 Mrs. Sahra Polk Joynes and Daug^hter, Mrs. Tabitha Joynes Laurence 731 Col. Otis W. Pollock, San Francisco 739 ' A people which takes no pride in the noble achievements of remote ancestors will never achieve anything worthy to be remembered by remote descendants." — Lord Macaulay. INTRODUCTORY. — The first efforts toward the compilation of a history of the Polk family appear to have been made about 1834 by Colonel William Polk, of North Carolina, a grand-son of William and Margaret (Taylor) Polk who went from Pennsylvania to North Carolina and settled West of the Yadkin about 1750, or earlier, in what was then Anson County, now Mecklenburg. In the spring of 1834 Colonel Polk, strongly impressed with the idea of preserving the family history, opened a corres pondence with General William H. Winder, of Baltimore, a kinsman by blood, who had married his cousin Gertrude, daug-hter of Judge William Polk of Maryland. After outlining his purpose to General Winder, Colonel Polk informed him of his intention to visit the North that year, and during such visit he would see and consult with him regarding the matter of the preparation of a history of the family. To this proposition General Winder heartily ac ceded, the various members of the family in Maryland and Delaware also evincing a lively interest in the matter. This initial movement, however, was greatly retarded by the death of General AA'^inder, which event occurred on May 34, 1824, in the forty-ninth year of his age, and shortly before Colonel Polk's contemplated visit. Among those who also took an active and enthusiastic interest in the proposed history was Josiah F. Polk, Chief Clerk to the Second Auditor of the Treasury, and later Chief Clerk of a division of the State Department at Washington. Josiah was a native of Somerset County, Maryland, the lo cality in which Robert and Magdalen Polk, the immigrants, settled, and he had a large acquaintance with the various branches of the family. After the death of General Winder in 1824, the members of his family, together with Josiah F. Polk, set about ac cumulating what data they could find, and while so engaged, in 1828, Colonel William Polk, of Raleigh, visited AA^ashing- ton and Maryland, where he met and consulted with Josiah xxii INTRODUCTORY and others interested in the matter of the family history, giving them such data as he possessed about his particular branch after their emigration from near Carlisle, Pa., to North Carolina. This work of collecting data was still in progress but unfinished at the time James K. Polk was elected President in 1844. After this event the work was invested with addi tional interest, Bishop Leonidas Polk, of Louisiana, a son of Colonel AA'illiam Polk, and Col. AA'm. H. AVinder, of Phila delphia, a son of General AA'm. H. AA'inder, taking an active part in the accumulation of data, as did, also, the President. The original purpose of Colonel AA'illiam Polk and the early projectors of the enterprise seems to have been a complete history of all the branches of the Polk family. As a result of their accumulation of data, a finely engraved "tree" of the descendants of John Polk (eldest son of Robert and Mag dalen), including all the southern Polks, was published in 18-19. Further work in the matter appears to have abated then, so far as the southern Polks were concerned, but Josiah F. Polk and other members of the Maryland branch continued for some years longer to gather data. Josiah was the most active of the Maryland branch in the matter of securing data for a full history, but after his death the scheme again fell into abeyance. Shortly before the Civil AA'ar Bishop Polk renewed his efforts in the matter, applying for assistance to Colonel AA'm. T. G. Polk, of Princess Anne, Md. The latter, born and resid ing all his life in Somerset County, was peculiarl}' qualified for the duty of assisting Bishop Polk, and set about the accu mulation of facts to send to him. The Civil AA'ar coming on shortly after, before Colonel Polk could forward his data to the Bishop, it was never sent, and was finally lost by the burning of Colonel Polk's house, in which the entire contents were consumed. Bishop Polk, entering the Confederate army at the beginning of the war, rose to the rank of Lieutenant General and was killed by a cannon shot at Pine Mountain, Georgia, June 14, 1864. Nothing more was done in the matter of a family history until 1873, when the present writer had occasion to visit INTRODUCTORY xxiil AA'ashington City on official business. Having business with the Second Auditor of the Post Office Department, Hon. J. Bozman Kerr, he called on that gentleman. Upon introduc tion to Mr. Kerr, who at one time (1849 to 1851) repre sented the Princess Anne District in Congress, the latter in quired: "AA'hat branch of the Polk family do you belong to?" In reply, the writer stated that all he knew of his family was that his grand-father, Ephraim Polk 3d, a native of Sussex County, Delaware, served during the Revolutionary AA^ar in a Philadelphia regiment commanded by Colonel Wm. Wills. That after the war Ephraim 3d went back home, was married in 1792, and in the fall of 1793, during AVayne's campaign against the Indians, emigrated to Kentucky. In reply, Mr. Kerr stated that all the Polk's in the United States sprang from Robert and Magdalen Polk, who settled in Alaryland about 1660 or a little later; that he knew a great number of them, and by writing to Col. AA'm. T. G. Polk, of Princess Anne, who for many years was Clerk of the Court at that place, much interesting" history of the family could be learned. Mr. Kerr later wrote out and mailed to the writer an in teresting sketch of the Polks of Maryland, and of the con temporary history of their time, in which it was shown that the ancestors of Henry Clay had first settled in Somerset County, later emigrating to Virginia. It was also pointed out by Mr. Kerr as a striking coincidence that, at that early day in Somerset County, the Polks were known as a "Democratic" and the Clays as a "AA'hig" family, and further, that at a future time, there should contend for the Presidency of the United States, two men from these respective Somerset County families. Acting on the suggestion of Mr. Kerr, and desirous of learning more ahout the Polk family, the writer opened a correspondence with Colonel AA'm. T. G. Polk and other mem bers of the family in Maryland and Delaware, from whom he received much information. To Colonel Wm. T. G. Polk, particularly, is he indebted for the greater part of the facts herein contained about Robert and Magdalen Polk and child ren, he being at the fountain head and familiar with the his- xxiv INTRODUCTORY tory of the family, not only from personal acquaintance and association for years with many of its members, but also be cause of his long official charge of the county records. This correspondence with Colonel Polk was kept up until his death, during which he was prompt and indefatigable in assistance with valuable data. A correspondence was also opened with Mrs. Aurelia AA^. Townsend, of Oyster Bay, Long Island, who furnished much matter concerning the Maryland branches, that had been collected by her family, the AVinders ; with Mrs. Lucy E. Polk, of Warrenton, North Carolina, widow of Col. Wm. H. Polk, of Tennessee, brother of James K. Polk; with Hon. Horace M. Polk, of Bolivar, Tennessee; with Major Allen J. Polk, of Helena, Arkansas ; with John P. R. Polk, of AA^ilmington, Del. ; with Daniel Polk, of Denver, Colorado, formerly of Shelby County, Kentucky ; with Judge AA-'illiam Polk and Judge Alfred Polk, of Texas, and Chas. I. Polk and C. G. Polk, of Memphis, Tennessee; with Jas. V. Polk, Beaumont, Tex., Col. Geo. AA'. Polk, of San Antonio, and various other Polks in California, Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, and other western states. Many of the latter descended from "Charles Polk, the Indian trader," whose son, Capt. Charles Polk and family, of Frederick County, Maryland, descended the Ohio to Louisville in 1780 Some of the latter afterwards went to Indiana between 1800 and 1810 — and were members of the first Constitutional Con- \'ention of that State, territorial officers, and Indian fighters under Harrison, at Tippecanoe and on other fields. To Mrs. Wm. H. Polk, Hon. Horace M. Polk, and Major Allen J. Polk, (since deceased) was the writer indebted for much data concerning the southern branch of the family Major Allen J. Polk, particularly, evinced the deepest interest in the family history, and gave great assistance in the prepara tion of data. He was a courtly, educated, highly intelligent gentleman, a Chesterfield in manners, and charmed all with whom he came in contact. Much credit is also due to Col, George AV. Polk, of San Antonio, Texas, for a full and careful arrangement of data regarding the southern branch of the family. From these various sources, during a period of more or less active investigation for thirty-eight years, the writer INTRODUCTORY XXV accumulated the data from which he now essays the publica tion of a family history ; a work begun by Colonel William Polk and others in 1824, renewed at different periods, but never completed. In so long a time many members of the family have passed away, including many valuable sources of infor mation, and in that way much has been lost. Many others have come onto the stage of life whose names must be added to the family rolls. In explanation of his own long delay, or apparent dilatori- ness in completing the work begun by him in 1873, the writer will state that in April, 1876, he emigrated to the South west, continuing there three years and returning to Kentucky. During that period of absence his work on the history rested. Engaging next in active journalism, which occupied all his attention for a period of many years, he had no time to take up again the history with a view of finishing it. Among those deeply interested in the work, and most urgent for its completion was the late Jefferson Scott Polk, of Des Moines, Iowa, a Kentuckian by birth and grandson of Ephraim Polk 3rd, who emigrated from Delaware to Ken tucky in 1793. He manifested from the first a deep interest in the matter, and when the writer suspended the work for a time, he took it up and applied himself to the further collection of matter, accumulating much before his death. A lawyer by profession, and a man of great business capacity, at his death in 1907 he was accounted a multi-millionaire. Aided by the writer, he endeavored to complete a history of the family, and among the last requests to his children was one to the effect that the history be completed. In accordance with that wish, the present writer resumed the work and herewith pre sents the result of his labors in that direction at various periods between 1873 and the present time. That it lacks many names that ought to be recorded, is unquestionable. That, however, is due to the lack of interest shown by some and the dilatori- ness of others in furnishing data asked for. Such a history should appeal to the just pride of every one descended from Robert and Magdalen Polk. In their de scendants they have left a memorial of which none need be ashamed ; a family that has given to the country a long list of xxvi INTRODUCTORY Statesmen, soldiers, and men prominent in all walks of life ; men who have made their mark and left their impress on their day and generation. Of virile Scotch-Irish blood, from the iincient roof-tree in Maryland they have gone forth into every section of the country, in every place taking leading parts in the concerns of their fellowmen. Their dominant racial char acteristics have found expression in various prominent forms of public recognition. Such a book will be a memorial that can be handed down to future generations of the family, grow ing more valuable and more highly appreciated as time passes. Realizing the uncertainty of life ; doubtful as to whether any other member of the family might feel inclined to finish the work before he. also, is called to join the "great majority;'' remembering the inscription " Teinpus edax rerum," on the face of the old clock brought by Robert and Magdalen from Ireland and still ticking off in i\Iaryland the seconds that go to make up centuries ; and aware that Time might also con sume him within a short time, the writer has sought to finish his task as soon as possible, leaving to those who may come after him the correction of any mistakes discovered. He has laid the foundation and now commits to future generations of the family the work of extending the history on through the coming years. AVILLIAM HARRISON POLK, Lexington, Kentuck}^ November 28, 1912. (689 MAP OF MARYLAND, DELAWARE, PENNSYLA^ANIA AND WEST NEW JERSEY. POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN. CHAPTER I. GENESIS OF THE POLK FAMILY. Whether or not the biblical account of the origin of man, or the scientific claim that he came by progressive evolution from a: protoplasm be true, can make little difference to most people concerned in the activities of the human family. The never ending procession that is constantly coming out of the shadows of the Past brings no proof as to where or whence it started. They can only say : "We are here," and so with reference to present human families. They are here, and but few of them know their genesis. Excepting the Jewish ac counts of their origin, as set forth in the Old Testament, the human race has kept little record of its lines of descent. Out the darkness of the Middle Ages have come accounts of the origin and descent of some of the leading characters that have shaped the world's events, but little has been handed down concerning the family genesis of the greater masses of the peoples of various nations. The history of the Polk family is traceable back into what is called the Dark Ages, when the progress of civilization was arrested and ohscured for several centuries by a cloud of war and destruction, evoked by superstition. From memhers of the family in Ireland and Scotland, and from official records in Maryland, have come down to us the Polk family history, beginning in the year 1053, during the reign of Edward the Confessor. "Fulbert the Saxon," the first recorded progenitor of the family, had come over to England before Harold was overthrown at Hastings by AVilliam the Conqueror. He is said to have been Chamberlain to the latter, and one of his beneficiaries. From British genealogical sources, and from descendants of Fulbert in Scotland and Ireland, was derived the pedigree down to the emigration of Robert Bruce Polk and family to America. From official records of Maryland and Delaware, 2 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN and from family documents, this history of the family has been continued down to the present. We thus have presented a view of the family history during a period of 858 years, a length of retrospect possessed by but few families in America, Fulbert the Saxon, a native of Normandy, in France was an uncle of Heloise, whose love of Abelard, and its finale of sorrow constitute one of the most pathetic human stories of the Middle Ages. As stated above, he was Chamberlain to William the Conqueror. He accompanied him to England and was engaged with him in the battle of Hastings (1066). Shortly after he received from William a large grant of land in Scotland, which became known later as the Barony of Pollok. SCOTCH AND IRISH HISTORY OF FAMILY. A. D. 1073. In the reign of King David 1st, the vast feudal barony of Pollok, in Renfrewshire, was held by "Fulbert the Saxon," a great noble and "Territorial King," who had come from Normandy, France, to England as Chamberlain of William the Conqueror. DIED 1153. Fulbert died in 1153, at the beginning of the reign of Malcolm 4th, and was succeeded by his son Petrus. PETRUS. The son of Fulbert (in 1153) succeeded his father. Petrus assumed as a surname, (which at that time only came to be used) instead of a patronymic, the name of his great hereditary lands of Pollok. The Lord Baron Pollok of this feudal king dom, was a man of great eminence in his time, and a bene factor of the Monastery of Paisley, which donation was con firmed by Joceline, Bishop of Glasgow, who died A. D. 1190. Petrus was "a law unto himself," and equalled the Sovereign in wealth, rank and power. He was the ancestor of many brave warriors and Crusade Knights, who joined in the mighty struggle of Europe, during the eleventh and twelfth centuries, to free the Holy Sepulchre from the grasp of the Moslem. POLK F AMI LY AND KINSMEN 3 Petrus de Pollok was greatly distinguished for "valor in arms and prowess in the chase," and his exploits in them were the subject of many minstrel lays. His next brother, Helias, gave to the same Monastery the church of Mears, the next parish to eastward. Besides the vast estates in Renfrewshire, the chevron of which barony is still borne on the shield of arms of the Prince of AA^ales, he held the great barony of Rothes, in Aberdeen shire, which he gave to his only daughter, Mauricle, who mar ried the celebrated Sir Norman de Lesley. Mauricle de Rothes was the ancestress of the great Earls of Rothes and Lords of Lesley. The 8th Earl of Rothes was constituted after the Restoration Marquis of Ballenbriech, Duke de Rothes, Presi dent of the Council and Lord High Chancellor of Scotland. The "State Records" show that many inter-marriages have taken place between the Lesleys, Polloks and Royal Stuarts. Sir John Pollok Leslie (Knight) was Receiver General to King James 4th, and married a grand-daugliter of that Monarch. On the death of Petrus de Pollok, his ancient patrimonial estates of Pollqjc being settled on heirs male, passed to his brother Robert de Pollok (1175), and it is noticeable how the name of Robert has been handed down from father to son to the present generation. Robert 1st was witness in the donation of the Kirks of Strathgry and Ninerwick, by Walter, founder of the Mon astery of Paisley in the beginning of the reign of AA^illiam the Lion. He is also witness in several of the Charters of Allen. the son of Walter. Robert de Pollok 1st, was succeeded by his son Robert 3d.ROBERT DE POLLOK 2d. Contemporary with Alexander 2d, (A. D. 1214) mortified a yearly rent to the same Monastery for the soul of Petrus de Pollok, and Robert, son of Fulbert, his father, Alexander 2d, reigned from 1214 to 1249. Robert 2d was succeeded by bis son, Thomas. 4 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN THOMAS DE POLLOK. Thomas de Pollok was witness to sundry charters of do nation to the Abbey of Paisley (A. D. 1249). He was con temporary with Alexander 3d and Alexander 3d of Scotland. Alexander 3d reigned from 1349 to 1386. Thomas was suc ceeded by his son Petrus de Pollok 2d. PETRUS DE POLLOK 2d. Was one of the persons of rank who, in A. D. 1396, gave a forced submission to Edward 1st of England, in the bpnd known as the "Ragman's Roll." He was succeeded by his son Robertus. ROBERTUS DE POLLOK. Married Agnes, daughter of Sir John Maxwell, Lord of Caerlaverok, and was succeeded by his son John. JOHN DE POLLOK. AVho, in A. D. 1373 obtained from his grandfather, the said John, Lord Maxwell, a charter of certain lands, dated at Caerlaverok, was succeeded by his son Brucii or Brucis de Pollok. BRUCII DE POLLOK. Left a son John de Pollok. JOHN DE POLLOK. Is designated in a charter by James 3d of Scotland, of date 12th December, A. D. 1439, as "Nobilis Sir Johannes de Pol lok, yiHus et heires Brucii de Pollok." He fought on Queen Mary's side at the battle of Langside, for which he was for feited. His son — JOHN DE POLLOK. Was killed at the faction fight of Lockerbie (in 1593), when assisting his kinsman, Lord Maxwell, against the Laird POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 5 of Jdhn's Stone. From this (A. D. 1439) famous noble sprang the illustrious line of Pollok of that ilk. His successor was — CHARLES DE POLLOK. Of that ilk. John de Pollok last mentioned had another son besides Charles. This other son was — ROBERT DE POLLOK. Who became Sir Robert de Pollok of Ireland, and who received from King James 2d, (about 1440) the great land grant of "Vetus Scotia," or "New Scotland," as Ireland was then called. This Sir Robert's eldest son. Sir John, inherited the hereditary estates in Old Scotland. Sir Robert's younger son, Robert, inherited the estates in Ireland, and became Sir Robert. SIR ROBERT DE POLLOK (3d). Of Ireland, inherited the estates in Ireland and became the founder of the family in Ireland (where the name to this day is often spelled and pronounced P-o-l-k, as of one syllable, by the natives) and whose American descendants, the Polks, still preserve the "lineal memorial" of their noble and knightly ancestors. A. D. 1640. In 1640, Sir Robert of Ireland joined the Scotch Convenan- ters whose Commander-in-Chief and Governor of Dunbarton Castle was a relation. General Sir Alexander Leslie, one of the most famous soldiers of his time. 1646. In 1646, Sir George Maxwell, of the Nether Pollok, was married to Lady Annabella Stuart, lineal descendant of King Robert 3d, and their granddaughter, Annabella, married her cousin, Sir Robert Pollok of Upper Pollok, grand nephew of Sir Robert of Ireland, whose nephew, Ezekiel Stuart, mar ried Debora Annerly. Sir Robert Pollok was succeeded by his son, Thomas Pol lok. This Sir Robert also had a second son, Robert Bruce Pollok. Thomas, eldest son of Sir Robert 3d, succeeded to the Irish estates located in Donegal County, and not far from Londonderry. g POLK F AM I LY AND KINSMEN CHAPTER II. ROBERT BRUCE POLLOK. Robert Bruce Pollok, second son of Sir Robert 2d of Ire land, was a Captain in Col. Porter's Regiment, which served under Cromwell. Porter married Magdalen Tasker, youngest of the two children of Col. Tasker, a distinguished Chancellor of Ireland, whose seat was "Castle Hill," near the village of Ballindrate, commanding a view of the river Dale. "Moneen," another estate belonging to Col. Tasker, lying in the parish of Lifford, near Strabane, on the river Foyle, consisted of six hundred acres. These he divided between his two children, Barbara Keys, wife of Capt. John Keys, and Magdalen. Alag- dalen first married Col. Porter, who died not long afterward. Col. Porter died without issue by Magdalen and she next mar ried Robert Bruce Polk (Pollok), a Captain in his regiment and an intimate friend, it is said. I\Iagdalen was related to the Countess of Mornington, and her sister Prudence, aunts to the Duke of AA'ellington. Capt. Robert Bruce Polk died (1703-4) as shown by his will of date May 6, 1699, probated June 5, 1703-4, on record at Annapolis, Anne Arundel County, Md. Before the American Revolution a double record was kept of all wills, one in the county of residence of decedents, and another in the office of the "Chief Commissary" (Clerk) of the Colony, at its caipital. The will of Magdalen, dated 1726, IS of record in Somerset County, Maryland, but not that of her husband, Capt. Robert Bruce Polk. AA'hy the latter does not also appear on the records of Somerset County, is not cer tainly known. To this absence (the document of record at Annapolis having only been discovered within a few years past) was no doubt due the long prevalent opinion that Capt. Robt. Bruce Polk did not accompany his family to America. but died in Ireland. Later and fuller investigation cleared up this doubtful point by the discovery of his will on file at An napolis, and of land grants to him from Lord Baltimore (the first, of which was "Polk's Folly,") and other documents. POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 7 It is indisputable now, in the light of these modern dis coveries, that Capt. Robert Bruce Polk came with his family to Maryland, near about 1673 ; that they landed from a ship at "Damn Quarter" (now called Dame's Quarter) and planted their new home in that locality, between Manokin and Nan- ticoke rivers, and near the junction of those streams with Chesapeake Bay. Here they occupied adjoining tracts of land for which they later acquired patents from Lord Baltimore. Just how many children Robert and Magdalen had when they came to America is not certainly known. Evidently a portion of them, the first five, were born in Ireland. According to latest records, their children were 'John, 'William, ^Ephraim 'James, ''Robert, "David, 'Joseph, 'Martha, and "Anne. That they had a son David was not known until Capt. Robert's will was found a few years ag^o on file at Annapolis, wherein he is mentioned. Judging from various circumstances, Joseph was the youngest son. THE KEYS FAMILY. Barbara, the eldest daughter of Col. Tasker, married Capt. John Keys, who was also an officer in Col. Porter's regiment and an intimate friend of Capt. Pollok. Some of Barbara's descendants still own a part of the ancestral estates formerly called "Moneen Hall" and "Broomfield Castle." The old building of the latter falling into decay, a new one called "Castle Keys" was erected by Lieutenant Tasker Keys, about 1780, and hence the change of name to the latter designation. Old Broomfield was among the most interesting seats in Ireland, according to a statement to the writer by a gentleman who was born and reared near it. Capt. John Keys and wife went with the British army to India, where he accumulated a large fortune. On their return to Ireland they again occu pied their ancestral estates, and later Barbara purchased from Joseph Polk, of Maryland, Magdalen's youngest son, and devis^ee, the estate of "Moneen " near Strabane. Magdalen Tasker, it is said, was of French descent, and inherited from her father the estate of "Moneen Hall," incor rectly written "Morning Hall" in some of the old papers of 8 POLK F AM I LY AND KINSMEN record in Maryland, the difference in name evidently caused by careless entries on the part of court clerks and scribes exe cuting official papers. This estate is described in Magdalen's will as "lying in the Kingdom of Ireland, in the Barony of Raphoe, the County of Donegal and the Parish of Lifford." During the years 1S74 to 1877, while the writer was active ly engaged in the collection of data for this history of the Polk family, he wrote to the post-master at Strabane, who gave him the names of distant kinsmen in that neighborhood. These were also written to for information concerning the famil}'. In reply he received answers from several Irish kinsmen by the names of Pollok, Polk and Keys. He also wrote to Scotland receiving in reply a letter from Andrew Pollok, proprietor of the ancient Scottish homestead. Under date of "Moorhouse," Eaglesham, Scotland, 13th March, 1876, An drew Pollok, wrote : "I am a cousin of the author of "The Course of Time," who was born on the farm I now occupy, and which has been traditionally possessed by our family for five hundred years. I have also looked over Crawford's History of Renfrew shire, in which a detailed account of the family of Pollok of that ilk is given, tracing it back to the beginning of the 13tli Century, but after all this I have not been able to find any mention of how the Boar was slain, which gave rise to the Pollok Crest." The fact is indisputable however, from authentic records derived from both Ireland and Scotland, that Sir John de Pollok, owner of the estates of Pollok, in Scotland, a part of which Andrew Pollok occupied at the time he wrote, had a son Charles, who inherited the Scotch estates under the then existing English law of primogeniture. Also, that Robert de Pollok, a younger brother of Charles, received (about 14401 from James 3d, a large grant in Ireland of lands forfeited or escheated to the Crown by reason of the warlike acts of the Irish under their various leaders. And this Sir Robert of Ireland had a son, Sir Robert de Pollok 2d, Wh-o became the founder of the family in Ireland and had sons Thomas and Robert Bruce Pollok, the latter being the emigrant to Mary land during the proprietorship of Lord Baltimore. POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 9 CHAPTER III. DATA FROM IRELAND. A very interesting letter concering the family, was of date Oct. 17, 1877, to the author, from John Keys, sixth in descent from Captain John Keys and Barbara Tasker. In this letter, Mr. Keys says : "My father requests me to answer your very welcome letter, he giving me all the information he could. I am sorry I did not get your letter before my grand father, John Keys, died. He was an interesting old fellow and knew a great length back. He was over in your country twice and knew how to enjoy himself. I often think of the tales he used to tell me about his father. Lieutenant Tasker Keys. I am not able to give you much information about Col onel Tasker. Lie was a Chancellor of Ireland and a man much renowned for wealth and honour. His word of command was "Death or Liberty." He distinguished himself in many ways — ^co:mmand, horsemanship, valour. He always rode a white horse, and died after the "Derry Spree." His life was well spent. Then he had just the two daughters, Barbara and Magdalen. It is said they were very good songsters, having good voices. Barbara, the eldest got married to Captain John Keys, who was under Colonel Tasker. She had only one of a family and that was a son Tasker, after her own name, which exists in our family since. Magdalen, the younger, was married to Colonel Porter. He died some time before the "Derry Spree." Then she ran off with one Polk, who was a companion or friend to Colonel Porter. The Porters were a strong connec tion in this country at that time. It appears that the Porters threatened Polk, and she having no family to Col. Porter, his family obtained most of the property in the estate of "Moneen." There is only one of that family alive. He is now out in your country. He was over here last fall and gained a great law suit, which will help him. He claims veneration to our family. 10 POLK F AM I LY AND KINSMEN There is only one Pollok connected with our family at present. He is married to a first cousin of father's ; but there are several others at a distance that I know. They are all Presbyterians. The Keys are all Protestants. There are none of the old books with marriages and births of that far back to be found. They were all burned. I can only furnish you with dates five generations back, from what my grandmother tells me. I will go as near as I can to the others. I mean the two first : BIRTHS AND DEATHS IN KEYS FAMILY. 1 — Capt. John Keys, born about 1640 ; died about 1725. 2 — Tasker Keys (son of John) born about 1682 ; died about 1753. 3— William Keys (son of Tasker) born 1713; died 1793. 4 — Lieutenant Tasker Keys (son of AA'illiam) born 1745 ; died 1840. 5 — John Keys, (son of Lieut. Tasker) born 1790 ; died 1874. 6 — Tasker Keys, (son of John) born 1827; alive yet. 7 — John Keys, (son of Tasker) born 1853 ; alive yet. Lieutenant Tasker Keys was married to Jane Riddle, sister to Judge Riddle, who died out in your country. Lieu tenant Tasker had one brother, Dr. Roger Keys, who died in India, and great legacies came home. He sent for two of his brothers' daughters, as there were four of them, Lieutenant Tasker being their father. As soon as they arrived the Doctor held a party of officers of the army. They were asked to sing and sang "Erin-go-bra." So they got married at once, one to Capt. IMunroe and the other to 'Capt. Taylor. The remaining two married also, one to Attorney Keys, of Enniskillen ; the other to a Mr. Snell, a merchant. The two latter are alive yet. Lieutenant Tasker Keys was Grand ^Master of the Or angemen here in that society. He squandered and mortgaged all the property, which left a knot unloosed ever since. He came through several battles, the most remarkable being on Berry Hill, in County Tyrone, between the Protestants and the Catholics. He put them to flight after a long fight. He rode POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN H a King William and fell off and broke a leg. It grew crooked, and when he saw that he went directly to the cow-house, put it behind a stake, and broke it over again. He said he wouldn't walk on a bandy leg. So it grew straight. Lieutenant Tasker was a great man for building. He built two fine houses. One of them is the largest castle in our parish, called Broomfield Castle. People at a distance call it Castle Keys. John Keys, the only son, was married to Martha Rodgers. who is still alive. AA-'hen they were in the church, about to 'ue married, his father, Lieutenant Tasker, not satisfied with the match, entered the church with a good stick and dispersed the wedding party in different directions. The Rector got out of a window and did not appear until the following Sun- da}^ The bride's brother being Curate of the same church. married them the next day. From them are: Robert, Tasker, Roger, Jane and [Margaret. Robert is married to Anne Atchi son ; they 'have two boys and two girls. The eldest boy,. Robert, is Dispensary Doctor of this parish. Catherine is married to Dr. J. Matthews. Thomas and Sarah Anne are the remaining two. Tasker, my father, married Jane AA^eir. a very strong connection in this parish. I am the eldest, John; then cofme Maggie, James, Tasker, Minnie, Martha, Rebecca, Roger. Roger Keys is a doctor in Philadelphia. He has been married twice. He has six of a family, four sons and two daughters. Margaret and Jane are in New York City. Margaret is a widow ; her husband's name was Hannaman. She has no family. Jane is single. I forgot to mention that Lieutenant Tasker was married secondly to Honoria Keys, no family by her. She died in 1867. I took a tour to Dublin Castle to see if I could find anything worth mentioning, but all the old books were de stroyed." The foregoing letter is a little lengthy, but is here given in extenso in order to show who were the descendants of Barbara, the only sister of Magdalen Polk. From the recital regarding Lieutenant Tasker Keys, it appears that he was somewhat of a "wild Irishman," irascible, impetuous, fearless and obstinate; qualities Which eminently fitted him to lead in battle, or to head a procession of Orangemen. 12 POLK F AMI LY AND KINSMEN Another letter to the author, dated Broomfield, Sept. 1, 1877, from Tasker Keys, says: "Hugh McMenamin, post master of the Lifford office, gave me a letter from you dated June 11, 1875, asking him for information about "Moneen," My name is Tasker Keys, son of John Crayton Keys, and grandson to Lieutenant Tasker Keys, who was a great grand son of Capt. John Keys, whose wife was daughter to Colonel Tasker and sister to Magdalen, who married Colonel Porter, and next a Mr. Pollock. I do not know anything about that family, 'but would like to know from you. There is none of them in this vicinity. I am the only member of the old stock in this neighborhood now. "Moneen'' is an estate which is in the parish of Lifford. It was divided between those whom I have mentioned (Bar bara and Magdalen), and I hold part of it yet. All the old dwellings are down. The house Colonel Tasker lived in is near a little village called Ballindrate. The name of his resi dence was "Castle Hill," commanding a view of the river Dale. From hiim I hold that renowned name, Tasker. "Moneen" in size is about 600 Cunningham acres. I am sorry to say they all lived too fast. For instance, my grandfather. Lieutenant Tasker Keys, was grandmaster of the Orangemen. He mortgaged the property and married secondly, and bound her a jointure that was a heavy yoke on our family. I have eight of a family, four boys and four girls. The two eldest boys intend to visit your country shortly, as I have a great number of friends out there." POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 13 CHAPTER IV. BROOMFIELD CASTLE AND MONEEN. AVhen Col. Tasker, of Donegal County, Ireland, died, he was possessed of two fine estates lying near the river Foyle, above Londonderry — "Broomfield Castle" and "Moneen Hall." The first was a famous estate, and, according to a statement to the writer by one who was born near it, had on it "one of the finest old castles in Ireland." At his death 'Col. Tasker devised Bloomfield to his eldest daughter Barbara and Moneen to Magdalen, they being his only two children it is said. As stated by one of the Keys family to the author in 1874, "Moneen emhraced six hundred Cunningham acres,'' with a fine mansion on it. It lay close to the little village of Strabane, with the postmaster of which place, Hugh McMenamin, the author also corresponded in 1874, and from whom he derived interesting facts regarding Col. Tasker's two estates. At the same time, by reason of information derived from Postmaster McMenamin, the author opened correspondence with some of the Pollocks and Keys still resident in Donegal and retaining parts of the old estates. From them he also derived much interesting data respecting the family before Robert and Magdalen emigrated to Maryland and founded the Polk family of America. In their correspondence with this writer, some of the Keys and Pollocks, who still retained portions of the estates named, told of the ups and downs of their ancestors. One of these. Lieutenant Tasker Keys, Grand Master of the Orange men of Ireland, crippled hy the fall of 'his horse at the battle of Berry Hill, entered the church where his daughter was about to be married to a man whom he did not approve, and with a stick compelled the parson who was about to per form the ceremony to jump out a window. The Lieutenant, the writer said, also "bound a heavy jointure on the estate," in favor of his wife, which greatly crippled the finances of the family. The correspondent also stated that "they, all lived too 14 POLK F AM I LY AND KINSMEN fast, losing most of their property." This was particularly true of the Keys branch, descended from Capt. John Keys of the British Army, a distinguished officer of the service in India, who married Barbara, the eldest daughter of Col. Tasker, and sister of Magdalen Polk, wife of Capt. Robert Bruce Polk. The long established tradition in the Polk family is, that after the death of Magdalen Polk in 1737, leaving her estate of "Moneen" in Ireland, to her youngest son Joseph, the latter returned to that country, sold the property to his Aunt Barbara Keys, and came back to America. How long- Joseph remained in Ireland, we know not. Possibly ten or twelve years. According to Col. Wm. T. G. Polk, his name did not .appear on the records of Somerset County for some years after the probate of his mother's will in 1737. Joseph was doubtless married to Miss Wright, daughter of Thomas Wright of Somerset, some years 'before his mother's death, and had children by her. Born about 1681, he would have been about 46 years old at the time his mother died. It is quite likely that his wife and all the children by her accompanied him to Ireland and continued for some years at "Moneen" before the "emigration fever" again attacked him. His reappearance in Maryland was about 1739-40, for the Dorchester records show that on Jan 31st of the latter year John Handy, of Somerset County, deeded to Josepih Pollock of the same County, planter, 300 acres of land called "Little Goshen," in Dorchester County. To this purchase Joseph undouhtedly moved and there died in 1751, aged about seven ty years. On Nov. 9, 1743, Joseph Pollock asked the Court to ap point processioners to re-establish or mark the bounds of "Little Goshen," which was done. Joseph's will is dated Sept. 12, 1751, and was probated June 10th, 1752, so he must have died a short time before the document was put to record in Dorchester. In his will he mentions his children as Robert. Zephaniah, James and Ann. He also requests that Robert "dwell with his 'mother-in-law' (stepmother?) till he arrives at the age of 18 years, or till the day of her marriage." This indicates that Robert was by a former wife, and possibly also Ann, whom he calls his "eldest daughter."' POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 15 James he calls his "youngest son," evidently by his second wife. Ann born about 1740-41, may also have been the eldest child by his second wife. JOHN POLK HERE IN 1680. There is documentary evidence that one John Polke the son of Robert and Magdalen, was here in 1680, the same year that Hotten's Register records the presence of "James Poke" and family at St. Michaels, Barbadoes. In a letter to the writer, of date October 31, 1874, Col, Wm. T. G. Polk says: "Since I last wrote to you I have discovered an entry where John Polke entered the ear marks of his cattle to be recorded, on the 8th of September, 1680. This is the earliest record I can find relating to the Polks. I agree with you that Robert, Sr., was a stern old Covenan ter and that he instilled his principles and religion into his children, Robert alone excepted, who looks, from reading the records, like he was somewhat ohstreperous. AA'illiam, my ancestor, has transmitted his Preshyterian principles to his posterity to this day. Every male of his line, so far as I know, without an exception of his numerous posterity, has either been a member of that church or manifested a preference for it. Some of the females marrying into other denominations, have gone with their husbands ; but quite as many have car ried their husbands with them. I can count seven who have been, or now are, ruling elders. Five of them, my grandfather and one of his brothers, my great grandfather, myself and one of my brothers, in a church that was fully organized, as appears by authentic records, in 1705, and tradition says it was organized twenty or twenty-five years before that time by P-'Cverend Frances McKeemie. Another one in the old Reho- both Presbyterian church, also organized by McKeemie in this neighborhood, which I have heard Dr. Robert J. Breckinridge say he believed to be the oldest Presbyterian church on this continent. I have exaimined the Register's office and can find no will of a Polk that will be of special use to you beyond the two you have, those of Magdalen and James. The others all 16 POLK F AMI LY AND KINSMEN relate to AVilliam and his posterity. There can be no doubt that Joanna was the last wife of John Polk, Sr., and that she survived him. I have shown that John was dead before March 10, 1708. Among the proceedings of the court begun and held on the 11th of August, 1708, it is recorded that "the widow Polke brought into Court, a servant" to be adjudged of his age, etc. And the Clerk of that date, in making his index, calls her "Joanna Polke." Here we have the widow Joanna Polk transacting business in Court after John's death ; and this fixes the point unless it can be shown that there was another person called the widow Joanna Polk about the time of John's death. I know nothing personally about that branch growing out of Daniel Polk, who was born in 1750. They were in Delaware. It seems to me that some of those letters that were destroyed, said something about Senator John M. Clayton, of Delaware being related to the Polks. John Polk, son of Robert and Magdalen, died between October 8, 1707, and March 10, 1708, for on the former day he executed a deed to Alexander Hall, and "Joanna his now wife'' joined with him; on the latter date his brother AA'illiam was applying to be appointed guardian to his children. AA^il- liam, John's son, died comparatively young, for he was a minor needing a guardian in 1708, and eighteen years after ward "Priscilla Polk, executrix of William Polk," was pros ecuting a suit to recover a debt, viz. in 1726, and so he must have died before he was thirty-eight; probably before he was thirty-five. His will is not recorded here; why, it is hard to say. William, the immigrant, my ancestor, died about January, 1740, aged about 79. Llis will is on record here. James, as you know by his will, died about the beginning of 1727. As John must have been at least twenty-one in 1680, my an cestor William and his brother Ephraim over twenty-one in 1687, the immigrants at the time of James' death must have been between sixty and seventy years. Ephraim died before 1739, for in that year Charles Polk, his son, seems to 'have closed out his real estate in this county, making three deeds on the 16th of October of that year, be POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 17 sides several others on other days. He conveyed to John Laws "Long Delay" and "Golden Quarter," and he and Pa tience, his wife, executed a deed to Joseph Polk, in which he recites the grant to Ephraim Polk for "Clonmell." And then, to show that he had a full right to convey, says he is "the son and lawful heir of said Ephraim." He doubtless sold out and lemoved to Sussex .county, Delaware about 1740, and was the father of your great grandfather Ephraim 2d, for his name disappears from the record after that date. Robert and Joseph. I cannot find out what became of them." After this letter was written by Col. Polk it was dis covered that Robert, Jr., the immigrant, did leave male issue — David, Thomas, Daniel, AVilliam and Robert, the latter comjmanding the privateers "Black Jake" and "Montgomery,'' in the Revolution, and being killed in action. William, an other one of his sons, was the father of Trusten Laws Polk, whose son, Wm. Nutter Polk, was father of Governor Trusten Polk of j\Iissouri. Robert also had five daughters. Joseph probably settled in Delaware before he acquired any real es tate here, and purchased there. Robert, Jr's., children may Lave been daughters and the property have gone into other names. Continuing Col. Polk says : "I find the spelling of the name has been both ways down to the beginning of the present century. Many of the deeds are written Pollock, and signed Polk, and vice versa. Many years ago I saw a Scotchman who said he knew persons of the name in his native land. The name on places of business would generally be spelled "Pollock," but would invariably be pronounced "Polk." Col. James Polk's brother Josiah had two sons, William and Jo'hn, but they removed with their mother, after their father's death, to the western part of this State. I do not know whether they are alive. If they are, they are now old men, for they were both boys with me. Col. James Polk has a son James, another named Lucius and a third whose name I do not now recollect. They reside in Baltimore. Their father gathered uip a good deal of information relative to the family, I know, for I talked with him about it." 18 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN CHAPTER V. WHEN THE IMMIGRANTS ARRIVED. The question of what year Robert Bruce Polk and family reached America has often been discussed, but it has never been definitely settled. That it was some time between 1673 and 1680 admits of no doubt. According to Josiah F. Polk, "there is documentary proof that some of the Polks were in Maryland as early as 1672." Robert Bruce Polk did not, however, according to the records of the ^^laryland Land Office, receive a grant of land until March, 1687. Why he did not, and by what sort of title he held his place of abode for fifteen years before he was accorded a grant, does not appear. One tradition handed down in the family is that they "came shortly after the siege of Londonderry." This cannot be correct, for that event did not take place until 1689, two years after Robert was granted "Polk's Folly" and "Polk's Lott," as appears by the Land Office list of grants. Charles 3d died on February 6, 1685 and was succeeded by James 3d. The latter proved to be a most arbitrary and unpopular monarch, both at home and in the British col onies. By his direction unjust taxes were imposed on his subjects, and to escape his persecutions large numbers of them emigrated to America. Seeking to reduce the colonies to direct dependence on the Crown, James cancelled the Charter of Massachusetts and ignored that of Maryland granted to Lord Baltimore. During the first year of his reign a great numher of Scotch, Irish and English emigrated lo the American colonies. Over a thousand prisoners taken in Monmouth's Rebellion were sent to Virginia to be indentured as servants for years, but the latter design was not carried cut and in this way Virginia received many useful citizens. The reign of James, however, was a brief one; in December, 1688, he was compelled to abdicate. During the reign of Charles 3d, the predecessor of James, the American colonies received their greatest accessions of population. Thousands who had become weary of Charles' POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 19 oppressions turned their faces to the New World, hoping that by going beyond the Atlantic they could find some re spite from the exactions of kingly power. This desire for emi gration was rendered still stronger by the excessively arbi trary course of James during his short reign. Hence it was that, from 1660 to 1689 — during the reigns of these two mon- f;rchs — the American colonies received tremendous accessions of the best and most virile blood of the British Kingdom. In addition to voluntary emigrants who arrived during that period, there were also sent to the colonies, by the gov ernment, large numhers of political rebels; also serving men to be sold for a term of years, apprentices, and single women. The better class of emigrants, beside the political rebels, was composed of persons of quality, freeholders and religious ex iles. This stream of settlers continued to flow to American Colonies steadily from 1660 to 1700. JAMES POKE OF BARBADOES. A very great nulmber of those who emigrated, possibly the majority, came by the "Southern Route" to the West In dies, touching at the Barbadoes, where many landed and re mained for a number of years before coming on to the col onies. A careful and exact record was kept by the British officials of each person on the ship, the name of the vessel, where embarked, deaths, births, etc. In Hotten's highly in teresting book "Our Early Emigrant Ancestors," published at New York in 1880, is given a list of emigrants who arrived in the American Colonies between the years 1600 and 1700 A great number of these, particularly during the reign of Charles 2d and James, came to St. Michaels, in the Barbadoes, and from thence to the Atlantic Colonies. On page 440 of Hotten's collection, following the caption "A list of the inhabitants in and about the town of St. Mich aels, Barbadoes, Anno Domini, 1680, with their children, hired servants, prentices, bought servants and negroes," is a lengthy list of names of persons residing there, many, doubtless, mak ing it only a temporary abode. 20 POLK F AMI LY AND KINSMEN In this list of residents "in and about St. Michaels," ap pears the entry "James Poke and wife, 6 children, 2 hired ser vants, and apprentices, 1 bought servant and 4 slaves." Here we find the name of Polk written "Poke," at an unlocked for place in America, but on the direct line of travel and the commonly used one at that time. Assuming that this James married at the age of 21; allowing 13 years for the birth of his six children ; then deducting these 34 years from 1680, when he was at St. Michaels, it would put the date of his birth at about 1646, or near about the time of the reputed date of the birth of Robert Bruce Polk, as estimated by the Keys family in Ireland. There is no discovered record to show when James Poke left Barbadoes, or that he ever did so ; but the presumption is strong that he remained there but a few years, if that long, and then cajme on to Maryland. The strong inference that St. Michaels was his abode but a short time, and that he came on and settled in Somerset county, Maryland, is borne out by documentary proof in the shape of a will of one James Polk, of record at Princess Anne. This will is dated November 8, 1726, and was probated ]\Iay 11, 1727, on testimony of John Pollett and Mary Pollett, witnesses to the instrument. In this will James mentions eleven children, four boys and seven girls, and one yet unborn. The will of Magdalen Polk, dated April 7, 1736, was pro bated March 30, 1727, and witnessed by David Polk, AA'm. Pollett and Magdalen Pollett. Both wills, therefore, were made and probated in the same years — 1736 and 1737. According to the records, Robert and Magdalen Polk had two daughters, Martha and Anne. Anne married Thos. Pol lett and had issue AA'illiam, Magdalen, John, Mary, and others. Some of these persons appear as witnesses to both wills, and this establishes the fact that Magdalen Polk and James Polk were nearly related, but how near? AA'as he a brother, or a son, of Robert Bruce Polk? If the latter, he must have been an elder son, coming first to Barbadoes, remaining there for a short period, and thence to Maryland to join the other mem bers of his family. A clause in the will of James Polk of Sdmerset has suggested to some a doubt that he was a son POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 21 of Robert and Magdalen, but the weight of evidence is to the effect that he was. Robert Bruce Polk may have been born earlier than the Keys family estimated it. James' will, ex ecuted and probated in the same years that Magdalen's will was (1726-1727) has as witnesses to it several persons Who testified to hers. He also mentioned in it his "Cousin Charles" (Polk), the son and heir-at-law of Ephraim 1st, and his "Cousin Edward Roberts," husband of Nancy, daughter of John and Joanna Polk. The exact time of Robert and Magdalen Polks arrival in America is of minor importance, in view of the fact that it has been so nearly approximated by creditable evidence. It is of record that John was in ^Maryland in 1680; that James was at St. Michaels, Barbadoes, in the same year; and it is but reasonable to assume that Robert and Magdalen were also here at the same time, and had arrived several years before, or about the period when Scotland and Ireland, under Charles 3d, were torn with dissensions by the tyrannical conduct of Lauderdale and the Duke of York. Though prelacy had been abolished and the Presbyterian form of worship established soon after the Reformation, yet an exact compliance with the Episcopal forms was now enforced with such vigorous and severe penalties that the people rose in arms and put to death one of the principal bishops. English soldiers were dispersed over the country, and p'ower was given to all commissioned officers to compel every one they met to take a prescribed oath ; and instantly to shoot any person that refused. It was just about this period of religious tyranny and oppression that Robert and Magdalen Polk caime to Maryland to find an asylum from trouble and oppression in their native land. 22 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN CHAPTER VI. "The Anglicanism which in England had a meaning," says Froude, "In Ireland was never more than an exotic; and until the new comers in the North of Ireland had introduced another spirit, the church of Ireland had existed only to give point to the sarcasm of the Catholics." Even Irish Episcopacy had taken a certain' Puritan and Evangelical tinge from its Presbyterian neighbor, which created a strong antipathy to everything that savored of sacerdotalism. After the death of Cromwell and the accession of Charles II in 1660, there began a long period of difficulty and danger. Vindictive measures were at once instituted by Charles against all those who had been leading actors in the drama that brought the head of his father, Charles I, to the block Many of the "Regicides," as were termed those who had been active in bringing about the death of Charles I, in order to escape the wrath of his son, fled to foreign parts, many com ing to America and changing their names in order to conceal their indentity. The new parliament of 1661 consisted mostly of high churchmen and royalists. It restored ancient oppres sive laws and instituted efficient measures to prevent even the smallest degree of toleration to all who refused conform ance with the liturgy of the court. This state of unrest con tinued throughout the reign of Charles II, and in 1679 drove the people of Scotland into rebellion. POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 23 CHAPTER VII. EMIGRATION OF THE POLKS. It was during this period, in the middle of the reign of Charles II, that Capt. Robert Bruce Polk and his family de cided to emigrate to America in order to obtain immunity from further persecution at home, and the entire company which came in the ship with them consisted of persons who were coming to the New World for like reasons — the exercise of civil and religious liberty. Such an asylum they found on the "Eastern Shore" of Maryland, lying between Chesapeake Bay and the Atlantic, and in the Colony of Lord Baltimore, who, though himself a Catholic, was a man of the most gen erous impulses and liberal views. His colony was rapidly settled by not only emigrants from abroad, but it also became an asylum for those who were driven out of New England by Puritan persecutions, and from Virginia by the tyrannical measures and impositions of the Established Church against all dissenters. Many ministers were thrown into jail for preaching the Gospel. This sketch of the conditions and transactions that o'b- tained, especially in Ireland, between the settlement of Ulster from Scotland and the middle of the reign of Charles II, is here given in order that the reader may have some conception of the reasons which induced Robert Bruce Polk and his family to emigrate to America. Here they planted their roof- tree; and here they found that which they sought — civil and religious freedom. As early as 1668 we hear of a Presbyterian minister from Ireland at work in Maryland, but the name of this avant courier of that faith is lost. In 1683, a few years after the com ing of Robert Bruce Polk and family. Rev. Francis Mackeemie arrived from County Donegal, Ireland — the same locality from which came the Polks — and proceeded to plant the first group of Presbyterian churches in America, locating them at several 24 POLK F AMI LY AND KINSMEN points on the Eastern Shore. In one of this group Robert Bruce Polk and family deposited their membership, and for 325 years, almost without interruption, numerous individuals of the family have been members and some of them ruling elders. FIRST CHURCHES ON EASTERN SHORE. Under date of August 24, 1875, Col. AVm. T. G. Polk con tinues his interesting narrative regarding the family as fol lows : "Taking Princess Anne as the center, a radius of eighteen miles would describe a circle in which would be included four or five Presbyterian churches which the records of our county clearly show were fully organized before 1705. The general impression is they were planted in the decade between 1680 and 1690, and within a few years of each other by Reverend Francis McKeemie. Of this family of churches Dr. Robert J. Breckinridge thought Rehoboth was first planted, but it was long before conceded by general consent. The one at this place is called "Manokin Church," from the stream on which it stands. It is not probable that Robert and Magdalen worshipped at Rehoboth, for it is fifteen miles east of this place, and Pid- geon House neighborhood is fifteen or eighteen miles west. So they would be thirty odd miles distant, which would have made it inconvenient for them to attend. There is no certain evidence, documentary or traditional, that will show they were members of any church, that I know of. But the presumption is violent that they were members of the Manokin church and worshipped at this place. In the first place, the old Bible which was destroyed in my brother's house about thirty 3'ears ago, which tradition says was brought by them from Ireland, and was used by them then, and which was hid by them during the persecution that prevailed from the Restoration to the Revolution, in a hollow tree, bore the marks of being wet frequently. This would indicate that they were of a religious turn of mind. And, be sides, this turn seems to have been impressed upon their chil dren. The records of the Manokin church are lost before POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 25 1746, but in that year James Polk appears as a ruling elder in the church and continued a prominent and active one to the end of his life. A few years after James' son William appears as a ruling elder, and contemporary with him AVilliam's Cousin Benjamin; and about the same time Gilliss, the brother of Judge Polk; and so on down to this generation. I have never known a Polk descended from William and remaining in this County, except one, but who was a decided Presby terian. Hence, I infer that Robert Polk and his wife, Mag dalen were not only Presbyterians and members of the Mano kin Church, but that they were very decided and have in stilled that form of religious faith to the remotest genera tion, so far as their son AVilliam was concerned. I have no doubt that if the records of the Manokin church could be found, they would aippear as active in pro moting the interest of the church from its planting to 1744. as they have been from 1744 to 1875. There has been scarce ly a time in those 129 years that the family has not furnished one or more ruling elders to this church. There is nothing strange in the fact that Covenanters should settle in Lord Baltimore's Colony. Although he was a strict Catholic himself, he was a very liberal man toward the religious views of others. He passed laws protecting all denominations, in consequence of which the Western Pen insula of this state was settled almost entirely by Romanists, and it is still the prevailing creed. This Eastern Peninsula was settled entirely by Protestants and that creed still pre vails to such an extent that I do not believe there is a Catho lic family in the county, and probably not more than one dozen of individuals that hold to that faith. There is no church or chapel in it, and I believe never has been. CHARLES, SON OF EPHRAIM POLK. I supposed I had lost sight of Charles, S'on of Ephraim,. but I found a deed executed by Charles in 1764. I examined it and found it was for several tracts, among them "Locust Hammock," granted to John in 1685, and given by John's will to William Kent "of the Territories of Pennsylvania" (or Dela ware) and conveyed by Kent to Ephraim Polk in 1716. AIL 26 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN this was recited in the will ; and it was further recited that Charles was "the son and heir-at-law of Ephraim." Now. in his deed of 1739, he is described as of Somerset County ; but in 1764 — twenty-five years later — he is described as of AVorcester County, Maryland. It is a fact that in 1739 Wor cester County was a part of Somerset, but in 1742 a strip of Somerset bordering on the Atlantic Coast, and abutting the southern boundary of Delaware, was erected into a new county called AA'orcester, after the Earl of AA'orcester. From this southern boundary of Delaware to Georgetown, in Sus sex, is only fifteen miles ; so that Charles might have resided in AA'orcester County, Maryland and yet settle his brother Ephraim, your great grandfather, near Georgetown in Sussex County and near himself. I think this settles the point very clearly that Charles is the lost link in your lineage, and James' "Cousin Charles,'' mentioned in his will. The governoi of that name must have been a much younger man. I thought that Charles might have left a will in AA'or cester, so I wrote to Snow Hill, the county seat, inquiring for it. He seems to have left no will, or anything by which we can determine what became of him. There is an administration on one James Polk in that county in 1773, by Sarah Polk his administratrix, but there does not appear to be any distri bution, or anything by which we could ascertain the name of his family. One of the deeds of Charles in 1739 was to Joseph Polk In 1748 Joseph Polk conveys this land, together with "Polk's Folly," 100 acres, and "Baity Hack," to AA'm. and John Shores, and he recites that "Polk's Folly" and "Bally Hack" were granted to Robert Polk. This "Polk's Folly" remained in the Polk family until 174S, sixty-one years, when it was sold to AA'm. and John Shores ; and it no doubt remained with the Shores' one hun dred and twenty years. For when Mr. Dashiell and I bought it in 1868, we purchased of the Trustee to sell the real estate of Thomas Shores. In 1739 Joseph was of Somerset County, but in 1748 he was of Dorchester. The latter county lies along the north bank of the Nanticoke, and is very accessible to Dame's Quarter by water, which was in those early days the POLK F AM I LY AND KINSMEN 27 principal highway. AVhat became of Joseph afterwards, I know not. He may have gone to Pennsylvania and been the father of the John Polk of Carlisle, a copy of whose will of October 27, 1773, you sent to me; or to Delaware, and have been the father of Daniel, about whom you have been inquir ing. So far as I can learn, there is not one of the name in Dorchester, and not one in Worcester, except three young men who went there within the last ten years from this coun ty. Although the Polks acquired very large quantities of land on both sides of the Nanticoke, there is not one of the name left, so far as I can learn, and although they acquired thousands of acres of land in Dame's Quarter, there is not one, and has not been one, of the name in the old stamping ground for more than fifty years, nearer than I, and I am about eigh teen miles distant. Such are the mutations of this life. That AVilliam Polk, son of Robert and Magdalen, was mixed up with the Owens' in business transactions, the re cords clearly show, for he purchased the old homestead of AVm. and John Shores. That AA'illiam's wife's name was Anne, (or Nancy) the records also show. yir. Winder gives you the names of my father's brothers correctly, so far as they go, viz ; Dr. John, of Laurel, Dela ware ; Josiah and Samuel, but he leaves out James, who mar ried and had a family ; and AA'illiam, who died a young man Betsy and Nancy married two Ilarcums and went to North umberland County, Virginia, to reside. AA^illiam's tribe has stuck to the 'old manor ground better than any of the others. There are many wills here, but they all relate to his descendants, except the two you have, those of Magdalen and James. It seems to me from reading the records here that Robert, Sr., and Robert Jr., John, AVilliam and Ephraim, the imm'igrants, lived and died in this county. If James, whose will you have, was not one of the immigrants, I cannot tell what became of him. The sons of the maker of the will which you have, removed to Dorchester, sold their lands here, and I know not what became of them. There are none of them now in Dorchester. Joseph, no doubt, followed the Nanticoke into Delaware and settled there, as he does not appear to have acquired any land in this county." 28 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN CHAPTER VIIL ROBERT AND MAGDALEN'S FAMILY. At this remote date it is not ascertainable how many of Robert and Magdalen's children were born in Ireland, and how many in America. That most of them, came to America with their parents, seems certain. John must have been of age in order to register the ear-marks of his cattle in 1680. James, of Barbadoes, had six children at the same date, which would evidently put the date of his birth as far back as 1746, and that of John's birth near the same time. This would al low thirty-four years for the birth of the nine children of Robert and Magdalen, and sustains the assumption that most of them were born in Ireland. Until the discovery of Robert Bruce Polk's will a few years ago, in the Colonial Land Office at Annapolis, it was believed that the children of the immigrants numbered but eight, viz : ^John, "AA'illiam, 'Ephraim, 'James, 'Robert, "Joseph, 'Martha, and ^¦\nne; and it was also assumed that thc)^ were born in this order, for which assumption there is no positive proof. The text of Robert Polk's will shows that he had another son, by the name of David, though there is nothing to indicate his numerical position in the line of births. The order in which Robert, Sr., mentions them in his will is : ^Robert, 'David, 'Martha, 'Joseph, 'James, "Ephraim, 'Jo'hn and 'AA'illiam. Anne, supposedly the youngest child, is not mentioned at all. AA'hy, it does not appear. That she was born after her father's death, is not likly, for iMagdalen must have been over sixty years of age at his demise. The omission of Anne's name from the list of his devisees may have been because she was dead before he executed his will. It is possible, but not cer tain, that Robert Bruce Polk, in his will, mentioned his chil dren in their proper numerical order, Robert coming first, David next, Joseph fourth, and John and AVilliam last. But POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 29 we shall accept them in the old order so long recognized by members of the family, beginning with John as the eldest son, ending with Joseph as the youngest. JOHN POLK'S DESCENDANTS. John Polk, eldest son of Capt. Robert Bruce Polk and Magdalen (Tasker) Porter, was born in Donegal county, Ireland, about 1663, or the beginning of the Restoration under Charles 3d. According to the Polk tree compiled by Col. AV. H Winder, Josiah F. Polk, Bishop Polk and others, in 1849, John Polk, Sr., had two wives, the first Joanna Knox, and the second, Jugurtha Hugg, a Swedish girl. But the record of old Monie Presbyterian Church, in Somerset, where births and deaths are recorded, gives John's first wife as Jane ( ?) and she was the mother of his three children, AA'illiam, Anne and Johui, the latter dying a week after his birth and his mother the day before him. After Jane's death (Oct. 28, 1700) John married Joanna Knox, said to have been a sister of Nancy (Knox) Owens, wife of John's brother. AA^illiam Polk, Sr., of Somerset. AVilliam and Ann (Nancy) grew to maturity and married. John Polk died, as collateral records show, in 1707, leaving his second wife, Joanna (Knox) Polk, a widow. Not long after John's demise his grief stricken widow, it appears, as most young widows are prone to do, assuaged her sorrow by taking as a second husband, Thomas Hugg, a widower, by whom she had issue. John's daughter Ann (generally called Nancy), married her cousin Edward Roberts, and in her mar riage the Polk name ceased, being continued to posterity in his branch by her brother William. The descendants of the latter, however, are not near so numerous as those of William Polk, Sr., Ephraim and others. After the death of Jo'hn, his brother William applied in 1708 to the Somerset court and asked to be appointed guardian of AA^illiam and Nancy, stating in his petition that before death his brother John had requested him and his wife to take care of his children and see that they were properly brought up, and to give them a Christian education. He also asked 30 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN that the portion of these children coming from their father's estate in "moveables," personal property, be delivered to him, which was done. In a deed from William Kent, (or Cent) and wife to Ephraim Polk, for a tract of land that had belonged to John, "Locust Ham,mock," lying on the east side of Chesapeake Bay and South of the Wicomico, in Damn Quarter Neck, it is recited that John's will bore date of De cember 20, 1703, by which he devised "Locust Hammock" and other lands to AA''illiam Kent, (or Cent) who lived in "St. John's County, in the Territories of Pennsylvania" afterwards Delaware. These lands were later transferred by Ephraim to Jo'hn's children, AA'illiam and Nancy, after they had reached their majority. John's will is not of record in Somerset County, and this recital is the only evidence of it to be found. From these facts it appears that John Polk, dying in 1707, at rather an early age, and probably anticipating that his wife Joanna might marry again, transferred by will his land.s in trust to AA'illiam Kent, most likely a kinsman. By Kent they were transferred to Ephraim Polk, and by the latter back to the heirs of John, after they became of legal age. The per sonal property of the children, as shown by AA'^illiam's peti tion to court in 1708, was placed in his charge and by him applied to their use and benefit. The reasons that moved John to transfer his real estate through William Kent to Ephraim, and to request that his brother AA^illiam receive and use the personal property for the benefit of his children, does not now appear, and is only infer ential. But this the records show he did ; and it is fair to assume that the motive influencing him was that his widow might marry again, and her second husband might dissipate the prop erty if an opportunity presented. Such precautions are not un usual even at the present day. The deed from AA'illiam Kent to Ephraim Polk (for lands devised to him by John in 1702) is dated November 3, 1716. Joseph Polk was witness to power of attorney and made affi davit to same on November 20th following. It is likely that William, the son and heir-at-law of John, came of age about this latter date, and that he and his sister Anne (Nancy) then received their respective portions of their father's estate. POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 31 Anne, sister of AVilliam, married Edward Roberts, of Somer set County, and William married Edward's sister, Priscilla Roberts. The descendants of Edward and Nancy have not been traced. AA'illiam Polk, who appears by Kent's transfer to Ephraim in November 1716, to have attained his majority about that time died in Maryland in 1726. His widow Priscilla next married Robert Clarkson, of Somerset County, and by him had issue. A very large number of emigrants from Maryland and the other colonies settled in the vicinity of Carlisle, Pa., about 1750, and also, in subsequent years, and the town soon be came a center of frontier trade and a point of distribution. Other members of the Polk family also settled there; among them John Polk, who died there in 1772, leaving a life estate in his property to his "aged mother Margaret Polk, now re siding on the Eastern Shore of Virginia." To Carlisle also came Wm. Polk, a son of AVm. Polk, Sr., son of Robert and Magdalen. FROM THE SOMERSET RECORDS. In a letter to W. H. Polk, Lexington, Ky., of date October 31, 1874, Col. Wm. T. G. Polk, of Princess Anne, Md., who was for many years Clerk of the Orphan's Court of Somerset Coun ty, in which court was recorded the legal transactions of Robert and Magdalen Polk and their children says : "Since I last wrote you I have discovered an entry where John Polk entered the ear-marks of his cattle to be recorded on the 8th of September 1680." "There can be no doubt that Joanna was the last wife of John Sr., and that she survived him. I have shown that John was dead before 10th of March, 1708. And among the proceedings of the Court begun and held on the 11th August 1708, it is recorded that 'the widow Polke brought into Court a servant,' to be adjudged of his age, etc. And the clerk of that date, in making his index, calls her 'Joanna Polke.' " "Here we have the widow Joanna Polke transacting busi ness in Court after John's death, and it fixes this point, unless it can be shown that there was another person named widow 32 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN Joanna Polke, about the time of John's death." Exhaustive investigation of the records of that Court since Col. Wm. T. G. Polk penned the above, has failed to dis cover any other Joanna Polk than the widow of John, and these investigations have proven that she was his second wife and evidently not the mother of his children AA'illiam and Nancy, who were, on June 9, 1708, committed by the Court, at John's dying request, to the care, custody and guardianship of his brother AA'illiam Polk and wife, to be reared and educated by them. This request of John, on the application of his brother AVilliam, the Court granted, without protest from Joanna. No objection on her part is of record. Had she been their mother, it would have been natural for her to have entered objection to a separation from the children. Order of the Court. June 9, 1708. Petition of AA'm. Polke and Order of Court, etc., appointing him Guardian of AA'm. and Anne Polke, children of Jo'hn Polke, deceased. To the AA'orshipfull ye Justices of Somerset County now in Court sitting Wm. Polk humbly s'heweth That whereas your petitioners Brother Jno. Polke late of this County, Dec'd left two children behind him towit AA''m. & Anne Polke wch upon his death bed he requested of your petitioner & wife to take care of them to see them educated and brought up Christian like & alsoe to bring up ye boy to learn a trade wch your petitioner humbly cra^'es yt we may have ye two chil dren ordered unto him pr your worships and he shall be will ing to doe by them as his Brother John Polke requested & what your AA''orships shall in your Prudence & discretion think fitt to be done (Reasonably) for ye Orphans and your peti tioner as in duty bound shall ever pray. AVilliam Polke. The petition being read & considered by ye Court have ordered yt ye two children AA'm. i& Anne Polke be delivered to sd Wm. Polk their uncle with all yt belongs to' them yt is to say their parts of ye portion left them by their dead fathei POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 33 John Polk as moveables & yt ye sd AA'm Polke give good se curity to preserve ye same for ye use of ye sd William & Anne Polk orphans and to learn ye sd AVm Polke a Trade and to read & Writte // at wch day came Wm. Polke & James Polke & entered into recog: each in ye sum of tenn pounds sterling to be levied on their goods and chatties Lands & Ten- nements for ye use of ye Orphans AA'm. & Anne Polk // the condition of wch recog: is such yt if Wm Polk uncle to ye Sd Orphans Wm & Anne Polke shall doe his best endevor to preserve what parts is delivered to him of their portions left by their deceased father till of agge & then to return ye same with their increase if any & doe take care to learn ye sd William. Polke a Trade & to read & writte and doe allow ye sd Wm & Anne Polke all necessarys convenient till they shall be of agge then this recognizance to be null and void otherwise to be and remain in full power force and verture in ye Law taken ir oppen cort. Continuing, Col. Wm. T. G. Polk says : "John died be tween Oct. 8, 1707 and March 1708, for on the former day he executed a deed to Alexander Hall, and "Joanna his now wife." joined with him; on the latter date his brother William was applying to be appointed guardian to his children. AVilliam, John's son, died comparatively young, for he was a minor needing a guardian in 1708 ; and eighteen years afterward "Priscilla Polke, executrix of AVilliam Polke," was prosecuting a suit to recover a debt, viz : in 1726, and so he must have died before he was 38, probably before he was 35. His will is not recorded here in this County ; why it is hard to say." ERROR OF 1849 POLK TREE. Careful examination of the Somerset County records by Earle B. Polk, present Assistant Deputy Clerk, and others, confirms the statement that John Polk died about 1707-8. leaving a widow Joanna Polk, and that his children, AVilliam and Nancy were placed by Court under guardianship of his (John's) brother, William Polk, Sr., without protest from Joanna. That his son William grew to manhood, married Priscilla Roberts, and died in 1726 ; and that the latter's widow. 34 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN Priscilla, next married Robert Clarkson, by whom she had issue. Hence, John Polk and Joanna, and William and Priscilla, as shown on the Polk "Tree" compiled by Col. Wm. LI AVinder, Josiah F. Polk and others in 1849, were not the pro genitors of the Southern or North 'Carolina branch of the fam ily. The error made was doubtless due to insufficient exami nation of the Court records of Somerset and other counties. The AA'illiam Polk who was ancestor of the North Caro lina branch, and who went there from Carlisle, Pa., about 1750, and "died west of the Yadkin," as stated by old Mrs. Smart in a letter to Bishop Polk, was the son of another son of Robert and Magdalen. The weight 'of evidence indicates that the William Polk who married Margaret Taylor, was a son of Wm. Polk, Sr., second son of the immigrants, Capt. Robert Bruce and Mag dalen Polk. It is said that Wm. Polk Sr., was twice married. first to Nancy (Knox) Owens, and second to a widow Grey, who had a son Allen Grey. Both wives died before Wm. Sr., executed his will in Jan. 1739-40, as in that he mentions the "decease of my wife," and makes a bequest to Allen Grey, a member of his family, who was, inferentia.lly, his stepson. The much discussed question of how many children John Polk had, who was their mother, and when they were born, has been conclusively settled by Mr. Earle B. Polk, of Princess Anne, Md., who made an examination of the records of old Monie Church, in Dame's Quarter, Somerset County, the neighborhood of Jo'hn's residence. From this church record Mr. Polk copied and transmitted to the author the following: (From the Records of Old Monie Church.) William Polk, son of John Polk, born of Jane, 11 July, 1695. Ann Polk, daughter of John Polk, born of Jane, 37 Jan uary, 1698. John Polk, son of John Polk, born of Jane, 33 Oct., 1700 and died 39 Oct. inst. Jane Polk, the wife of John Polk, died 38 Oct., 1700. This record shows that John Polk and his wife Jane, had POLK F AMI LY AND KINSMEN 35 three children born to them, AVilliam, Ann and John, the latter dying a week after birth, and his mother the day before he died. This old church record puts to rout a flood of asser tions and deductions that have attached to this question since 1849, during earnest efforts by various members of the family to arrive at the truth as to John, his wife, and his children. 36 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN CHAPTER IX. JAMES POLK, SON OF ROBT. BRUCE POLK. James Polk, fourth son of Capt. Robert Bruce Polk (or Pollock) and his wife Magdalen Tasker (Porter) Polk, was born about 1673, near about the time his parents came to America, and he died in 1737, as his will of that year indicates. He grew to manhood on the farm in Somerset County, Md., and in due course of time, about 1700, fell a victim to cupid's wiles and married Mary Williams, said to have been a sister to Elizabeth AA'illiams, who married his brother Ephraim Polk. Judging from the list named in his will, James' children appear to have been one of the principal crops that he raised on his plantation. He acquired by grants from Lord Balti more several tracts of land in Dame's Quarter, Somerset County, adjoining or close to the lands located and patented by his father and brothers. He appears to have been by trade a ship carpenter, or builder, and no doubt found occu pation in building small vessels like those in use at that day. Most of the sons of the early Presbyterian immigrants into America at that time had been taught, or were put to some useful trade. LAND GRANTS TO JAMES POLK. The record of land grants on file in the Land Office at Annapolis, Maryland, to members of the Polk family, com mence with the grant 'Of "Locust Hammock," 125 acres, and ''Front of Locust Hammock," to John Polk, June 1, 1685. The next grant was to Robert Bruce Polk, John's father, for "Polk's Folly," 100 acres, and "Polk's Lott," 50 acres, on March 7, 1687. Both of these grants to Robert Bruce Polk are described as "Lying in Somerset County, on the north side of Manokin River, near the head of Broad Creek." On this record Robert's name is written Polke. POLK F AMI LY AND KINSMEN 37 The next grant was on Nov. 8, 1700, to Robert Polk, Jr., for "Bally Hack," 200 acres Marsh ground, lying in Somer set county, and on Sept. 20, following, Ephraim Polk received an adjoining tract, "Clonmell," 100 acres. Both these two tracts lay between Manokin Branch and Pidgeon House or Little Creek." The first entry by James Polk, fourth son of Capt. Robert Bruce Polk, was of "James' Meadow," 300 acres, June 1, 1705, and described as "'lying in Somerset County, in Dame's Quarter, N. E., of Williams' Creek. Two adjoining tracts, "Chance" and "Poak's Chance," of 200 acres each, were granted to Ephraim Polk, in 1715. Two other grants are also of record in the name of James, viz : "Feb. 27, 1728, to James Polke, "Green Pasture," 200 acres. West side of an island, Dame's Quarter, Somerset County." "Nov. 23, 1730 White Oak Swamp, 100 acres, north side Manokin River, Somerset County, to James Pollock." These three tracts, aggregating 500 acres, are all the lands shown by the Land Office records to have been granted by Lord Baltimore to James Polk, fourth son of Robert and Magdalen. In those days there seems to have been much delay in the issue of patents to land claimants. Many immigrants came in and marked out and claimed tracts, for which they did not receive patents until years later. Robert Bruce Polk settled on and occupied a tract for which he did not receive a patent until twelve or fifteen years later. The first patent to James Polk, as above recited, was for "James Meadow," June 1, 1705. The next two were issued m 1728 and 1730. The will of James Polk, on record in Somerset County is dated Nov. 8, 1726 and was probated May 11, 1727. Therefore he must have died early in the latter year. Hence the grants of "Green Pasture" and "White Oak Swamp" were not issued out of the Land Office until after James' decease, to his wife and children, who likely completed the purchase price on same. 38 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN Magdalen Polk's will is dated April 7, 1736, and was pro bated March 30, 1727. The will of James Polk is dated Nov 8, 1726 and it was probated May 11, 1737. So Magdalen and her son James executed their wills in the same year, and both died the following year, 1727. Though dying when a little over fifty years of age, James left a family of eleven children and a twelfth one was born to his wife after his death, for which he also made provision in his will. An official copy ¦of James' will, secured by the writer from the Somerset County Clerk's office, reads as follows : WILL OF JAMES POLK. In the name of God Amen the Eight day of November in the year Anndm 1726 I, James Polk of Somerset County in the Province of Maryland, Ship Carpenter, being very Sick and weak of body, but of perfect mind and memory thanks be given therefor unto God, therefore calling to mind the mor tality of the b'ody and knowing that it is appointed once for all men to die, I do make and ordain this my last Will and Testa ment that is to say principally and first of all I recommend my soul to the hands of Almighty God, that gave it, and for my Body I recommend it to the Earth, to be buried in a Christian like & descent manner, at the discretion of my Executors, nothing doubting but at the resurrection the same to receive again, by the might power of God, & for such worldly estate as it hath pleased God to bless men in this life, I give, devise & dispose of in the following manner and form. Item — I give to my son David my now dwelling planta tion to him and his heirs forever. Item — I give unto my son David the one half of all that Land & Marsh that I have on Pidgeon House. Item — I give unto my sons John & James the other half of the aforesaid Land & Marsh on Pidgeon house. Likewise I have a AA'arrant for one hundred acres of Land and one hundred acres of Land which my Cousin Charles is to make over, both which Land and warrant I give and bequeath to my son David one half of both Land & warrant, and the other half I give to my sons John & James, to them and to their heirs forever. POLK F AM I LY AND KINSMEN 39 Likewise I have two hundred acres of j\Iarsh Lying on Samuel Jones Island, One hundred acres thereof I give and bequeath unto my Son Henry and the other Hundred acres of the aforesaid Marsh I give and bequeath unto my Cousin Edward Roberts, and to his heirs forever on the provision my Cousin Edward do deliver up the Bond that I past to him. Item — I give unto my sons Henry & John & James all that Land I purchased of Thomas Layfold likewise all that Land I purchest of Richard Taton, both Tracts of Land lying on the head of ]\Iintocrakinanock called John's Neck, to them my sons and their heirs forever, to be equally divided among them, and Likewise I give and bequeath my sons Henry, John & James all that parcel and Track of Land lying on or near the black walnut Landing at ye mouth of ye Norwest fork to them and their heirs forever, to be equally divided among them. Item — I give and bequeath unto my daughters ]\Iary & Sary & Margaret & Elizabeth & jMagdalen & Jane & Anna ten pounds to each of them. Likewise I give and bequeath unto the Child my wife is now with ten pounds if please God it lives. And Likewise I will that my well beloved wife may have full Privilege of my dwelling plantation and Marshes during the time of her widowhood. And likewise I leave my sons David, Henry & John to be my Executors in full and do hereby utterly disannul all other wills or Testaments and Le- gaceys by me in anywise before this time named, ratifying and allowing and confirming this and no other to be my last Will and Testament, in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day & year first above written. Signed sealed and delivered James Polk (Seal) in the presents of us. William Polk, John Pollet, Mary Pollet. Alay ye Uth 1727. Then came John Pollett & Mary Pollett. subscribing evidences to ye within Will, who made oath upon ye Holy Evangelist of Almighty God that they see ye within named James Polk the Testator sign and seal ye within instru ment as his last will & Testament and that they heard him publish and declare ye same to be & that at ye time of his so 40 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN doing he was of sound disposing mind & memory, to ye best of their knowledge. Sworn before me ye day & year above written. John Tunstall, Depty Com'y of Somst County, per Geo. Plater Reg'r. Examined: Tes. Esme Bayly, Reg. AA'. S. Co. The AA'm. Polk who witnessed the foregoing will was most likely James' brother, who was the second son of Robert and Magdalen. The other witnesses — John and Alary Pollett, were no doubt James' nephew and niece, children of his sister Martha Polk, who married Thomas PoUitt. A number of people by t'he latter name still live in Somerset County, but are untraced. It is said that Thomas Pollitt lived to be quite an old man and that he was well acquainted with the family history of the Polks. Like the Polks, the Pollitts emigrated to other Colonies and States, both before and after t'he Revo lution, and quite a number of that name are to be found in the Middle AA'est, to which so many Maryland and Delaware people came in the early days of its settlement. It will be noticed that James in his will does not give his wife's name, an omission observable in nearly all the old wills of that time. Josiah F. Polk, born and reared in Somerset, and the most active collector of data for the Polk Tree, in 1848-9, stated that James and Ephraim Polk married sisters named Williams, and later investigations show that James' wife was Mary AA'illiams, and that Ephraim's was Elizabeth AA'illiams. At that day it was a very frequent occurrence for several brothers of a family to marry sisters of another family. Woven in with the numerous facts collected during the compiliation of the Polk family Tree of 1849, were also many eirors, and a large part of the work perfoTmed by this writer has been to discover and eliminate these errors that crept into the family record. Of the history of James Polk's children, little has been obtained. David appears to have been the oldest, born about 1700 and died 1773. His will is dated Feb. 21, 1773 and was probated March 11, the following month. The fact that he received from his father t'he home plantation, would indicate that he was the eldest son. In his will David does not men tion any wife and presumably she was then dead. POLK F AMI LY AND KINSMEN 41 CHAPTER X. DAVID POLK'S WILL. The will of David Polk, eldest son of James Polk, of re cord in Dorchester County, Md., is as follows : IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN I, David Pollock of Dorchester County and Province of Maryland, being sick and weak of body but of sound and perfect mind and memory, blessed be God for the same, do publish this my last will and Testament in manner and form following, that is to say. Imprimis. I give and devise to my grandson David Pol lock the dwelling plantation where I now live and all lands laying and being on the East side of the Great Road from Cratchett's Ferry to the head of said county, and all the lands joining of said dwelling plantation; also twenty acres of land lying on the AA'estmost side of said road and parilile with said road, being part of a tract of land called "David's Hope," to him the said David Pollock during his natural life, and after his decease to his lawful heirs and so on from heir to heir while there may be an heir found lawfully born. Item. I give and bequeath to my said grandson David Pollock one negro boy called Mingo to him and his heirs for ever. Farther it is my will and desire that my grandson David Pollock shall have my great or large looking glass also one mahogany desk, also two mahogane tables, to him and his heir forever. Item. I give and devise to my grandson William Pollock all the remainder of my lands that lays on the West side of the above mentioned road, and the rest of the lands joining the quarter plantation, during his natural life, and after his de cease to his lawful heirs, and so on from heir to heir while there may be one found lawfully born. Item. I give and bequeath my daughter-in-law, Priscila Pollock, all the lands and plantation where she now dwells on 42 POLK F AMI LY AND KINSMEN during her natural life, and after her decease to my grand daughter Esther Pollock and her heirs forever. Item. My will and desire is that if my two grandsons David Pollock and William Pollock should both die having no lawful heirs, then it is my will and desire the lands de vised to my grandson David Pollock shall be the right and property of my granddaughter Esther Pollock, and her heirs forever. Item. My will and desire is that the lands devised to the above mentioned William Pollock, him having no lawful heir as above mentioned, shall be the right and property of my four daughters, viz : Elizabeth Roberts, and Mary Duett, Love Collins and Emelia Laws, to them and their heirs for ever. Item. I give and devise unto Elizabeth Roberts one tract of land laying and being in Somerset County called and known by the name of Green Pasture, to her and her heirs forever. Item. I give and devise unto Mary Duett one tract or parcel of land laying and being in AA^orcester County called and known by the name of "Crowney's Folly," to her and her heirs forever. Item. My will and desire is all the negroes by me given to each of my several daughters before or after their marriage shall descend to their heirs forever. And lastly as to all the rest, residue and remainder of my personal estate, goods and chettels of what kind or nature soever, I give and bequeath to my beloved children, to be equally divided amongst them. And farther it is my will and desire that my daughter-in-law Priscila Polk shall have the tuition of my two grandchildren, viz: AA'illiam Pollock and Esther Pollock, and said Priscila Pollock shall have the bene fits from their and each of their estates, both real and person al, until of age to receive their and each of their estates either real or personal. And further it is my will and desire that John Collins of Andrew Collins, and Alexander Laws shall and is hereby appointed sole Executors of this my last Will and Testament, hereby revoking all former Wills by me heretofore made, and POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 43 In AA'itness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 31st day of February 1773. David Pollock (Seal). Signed sealed published and declared by the above named David Pollock to be his last AA'ill and Testament in presence of us who have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses, in the presence of the testator. Robert Mitchell, Levin Fallon, Lucilla Polk. At the foot of the foregoing AA'ill was thus written, viz : Dorchester County, Set: On the 11th day of March, Anno Domini 1773 John Collins and Alexander Laws of Worcester County made oath on the Holy Evangels of Almighty God that the aforegoing Instrument of Writing is the true and only AA'ill and Testament of David Pollock late of Dorchester County, deceased, that hath come to their hands or possession. and that they do not know nor ever heard of any other AVill made since by the said Testator. Certified per Jno. Goldsborough, Dy Com'sy Dor. Co. Dorchester County Set : On the 11th day of Alarch Anno Domini 1773, Robert Mitchell and Levin Fallen, two of the subscribing witnesses to the aforegoing AVill, duly and sol emnly sworn on the Holy Evangels of Almighty God, depose and said that they saw the Testator David Pollock sign the aforegoing Will and heard him publish and declare the same to be his last AVill and Testament. That at the time of his so doing he was to the best of their apprehension of sound and disposing mind and memory, and that they, together with Lucilla Polk the other subscribing witness to the aforegoing Will, subscribed their respective names as witnesses thereto in the presence of the Testator and at his request. Certified per Jno. Goldsborough, Dy Com'sy Dorch. County. The foregoing will shows that David Pollock (Polk) was a man of enterprise and had accumulated quite a large prop erty in lands and slaves before his death. He mentions four daughters — Elizabeth Roberts, Mary Duett, Love Collins and 44 P 0 LK FAMILY AND KINSMEN Emelia Laws, but no sons. Had there been a son, there is little doubt that he would have received the bulk of the prop erty left to the two grandsons, David and William. The name of the son who was the husband of Priscilla Pollock (David's "daughter-in-law") is not known. Prohably he was then dead and she a widow. The tract of land called "David's Hope," lying in Dorchester County, was granted to David Pollock Nov. 11, 1743. His daughter Elizabeth had evidently married a cousin, one of the sons of Ann Polk and Francis Roberts, and he was also dead, it appears, and Elizabeth a widow. As to his daughters I\Iary Duett, Love Collins and Emelia Laws, it will be noted that John Collins and Alexander Laws appear as witnesses to the will. No doubt they were the husbands of Love and Amelia. As to who Lucilla Polk. one of the witnesses to will was, the instrument affords no clue. Possibly an aunt or near kinsman. Had she been a daughter of David, she would no doubt have been one of his devisees and named in the will as sueh. The request that his daughter-in-law Priscilla Polk should have the tuition of his two grandchildren, William Pollock and Esther Pollock, indicates that she was most likely their mother. POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 45 CHAPTER XI. JAMES POLK'S OTHER CHILDREN. The other chidren named by James Polk in his wiU, and the time of their births as approximated from insufficient data, were : 2. Henry Pollock, born about 1703; died ? 3. John Pollock, born about 1705; died ? 4. James Pollock, born about 1707; died ? 5. Mary Pollock, born about 1709; died ? 6. Sarah Pollock, born about 1711; died ? 7. Margaret Pollock, born about 1713; died ? 8. Elizabeth Pollock, born about 1715; died ? 9. Magdalen Pollock, born about 1717; died ? 10. Jane Pollock, born about 1721; died ? 11. Anna Pollock, born about 1734; died ? 12. , born about 1727-8; died ? AA'hat became of the foregoing eleven children, whom they married and who were and are their descendants, the writer is not informed; nor does the large mass of data in his pos session from hundreds of the Polk family throw the least light upon their pathways through life. To some other Polk family historian this task is committed, with the hope that all of them can be induced to answer roll call. There were a number of Pollocks at and adjacent to Car lisle, Pa, between 1730 and the Revolutionary AA^ar. Some changed their names to Polk, while others adhered to the older form — Pollock. Of persons named Pollock, at Carlisle just before the Revolution, there was one James Pollock, possibly the James Pollock (No. 4) of the above list. This Carlisle James ap pears to have been born somewhere between 1700 and 1710, and hence the date of birth of the above James (1707) would about fit him. This Carlisle James left a will dated May 25, 46 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 1773, in which he mentions six children: ^John; ^Jean, who married Mr. Hinchman ; ^Martha, who married Mr. Dobson; *James ; ^William; ^Robert. The probable date of the birth of James, son of James Pollock (or Polk) and of this Carlisle James, as stated, was about the same time, but that is not positive proof that they were one and the same person. Some contend that the Carlisle James belonged to the Pennsylvania Pollock family, (whose ancestors came to America from Coleraine, Ireland, considerably later than Robert Bruce Polk) of whom Oliver Pollock the Revolution ary patriot, and the late Governor Pollock, were distinguished members. There is also on file at Carlisle the will of one John Polk. of date Oct. 27, 1772. He appears to have been unmarried and devised his property to his "aged mother Margaret Polk," and brothers James, William and Robert, "now living on the Eastern Shoar of Virginia." This will was probated June 14. 1774, and it is quite probable that the testator was John the second named of the above James Pollock of the 1773 will. De finite proof of this, however, is lacking, and the work of un ravelling this knot is left to others who may wish to attempt the task. Joseph Pollock, of Dorchester County, Md., in his will of Sept. 12, 1751, probated June 10, 1753, appoints his "friend John Pollock, son of James Pollock," to divide certain lands be tween his sons Robert and Zephaniah Pollock. Of Henry Pollock, Mary Pollock, Sarah Pollock, Margaret Pollock, Elizabeth Pollock, Magdalen Pollock, Jane Pollock. Anna Pollock, and the one mentioned by James Pollock in his will as yet unborn, the records are silent and concerning them deponent saith not. Concerning this James Polk, whose identity as a son of Robert and Magdalen Polk has in a measure been questioned by some, attention is called to two points in his will. One of these is where he speaks of "my cousin Charles ;" the other where he mentions "my cousin Edward Roberts." The latter unquestionably was the son of Francis and Ann (Polk"' Roberts, who married his cousin Ann or Nancy, daughter of John Polk by his first wife Jane . POLK F AM I LY AND KINSMEN 47 But who was his "Cousin Charles?" AVas he the first son of Ephraim Polk? Or, was he the Chas. Polk who appears to have been a son of William Polk by a first wife? This Charles (of William) was born somewhere about 1700 to 1707, it appears, and going to the upper Potomac frontier, became an Indian trader and died in 1753. In Hotten's "List of Emigrants to America." on page 440, we find the following: "A list of the Inhabitants in and about the town of St. Michaels, Barbadoes, Anno Domini 1680, with their children, hired servants, prentices, bought servants and negroes." In this census, comprising a long list, appears : "James Poke and wife, 6 children, 3 hired servants, and apprentices, 1 bought servant and 4 slaves." This James Poke seems to have been a man of some con sequence, for he had two hired servants and apprentices, one bought servant, and four slaves, or negroes. Evidently he carried on some constructive work, as he had "apprentices." It is likely also that he later came on to America, but it is not certain that he was the James Pollock who died in Somerset County, Md., in 1737, reputed son of Robert and Magdalen. This Somerset James was married about 1700, and apparently was only about seven years of age at the time Barbadoes James had a wife and six children. This completes, as far as known, the line of James Polk (or Pollock), fourth son of Robert and Magdalen Polk. EMIGRATION TO THE WEST. The chief trend of westward emigration 1730 to 1750 was to the vicinity of Carlisle, and thence across the southern line of Pennsylvania, and down the Valley of Virginia to the Yadkin River section of North Carolina. The rich and fertile lands of the West, lying beyond the Alleghanys, and on the Ohio and its tributaries, were not then accessible because of the hostility of the Indian tribes, who presented a barrier to the encroachments of the whites in that direction. The French, however, from their posts in Canada, had long before estab lished an extensive trade in the Ohio Valley with the various Indian tribes and it was their policy to stop at the gaps of 48 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN the Alleghanys, any encroachments into their domain by An glo-Saxon traders and prospectors. This bar to the progress westward of American settlers was maintained until 1770 by the assistance of the Indians, when the alert Scotch-Irish riflemen on the frontier crossed the barrier and spread out into the fertile plains of Tennessee, Kentucky and Ohio, the firing line of a mighty host that fol lowed close after them. This intrusion of the whites into their favorite hunting grounds was fiercely resisted by the Indians, under French prompting, and the infamous murder of the family of Logan at Yellow Creek, below Pittsburg, in March 1774, by Daniel Greathouse and a company of other ''white savages," precipitated a general Indian war, which culminated in a fierce battle, October 10th of the same year, at Point Pleasant, the Indians being defeated after a severe struggle with the frontiersmen under Col. Andrew Lewis. Had AVilliam Polk, son of William Sr., and his family re mained at Carlisle until 1774, there is but little doubt he would have emigrated to and settled at some point in the Ohio Valley. Some of the family in after years did this ; among them his nephew, -Capt. Charles Polk, who came to Louisville in 1780 and William Pogue (Polk) who emigrated to Southwest Vir ginia and soon after to Kentucky, and was killed at Harrods- burg, by Indians in 1776. But the westward progress of William Polk and family, it is said, was halted at Carlisle from 1733 until 1750 ; then, following the lead of the Boone's and other pioneers, they moved forward and down the trough of the Alleghanys to the Yadkin, joining the Scotch-Irish pioneers of the Carolinas who had before spread westward from the Atlantic Coast. By and through this contact and union with other colonists of like religious faith and political aspirations, was strengthen ed and moulded into definite form and direction those princi ples of freedom which found expression in the Mecklenburg- Resolutions of May 30, 1775, the first Declaration of Independ ence ever enunciated in America, preceding the Philadelphia Declaration by more than a year, Mr. Jefferson and carping critics to the contrary, notwithstanding. In this great event at Mecklenburg, the sons of AVilliam POLK F AMI LY AND KINSMEN 49 Polk and his wife, Margaret Taylor, took a leading part, a fact of which their descendants and relatives are justly proud. Here they and their kinsmen, the Alexanders and the Brevards, planted the foundation of a superstructure that afterward be came the Temple of Liberty on the Western Continent, after the sore travail of the Revolution had tested their principles by the arbitrament of a long and bloody war. William, however, did not live to witness or take part in those transactions which eventuated in war, and in which his sons bore such conspicuous and distinguished part. He died west of the Yadkin about 1753-4. His wife, Margaret (Taylor) Polk, whom he married at Carlisle, and who accom panied him to North 'Carolina, survived him and lived to a great age. THE SOMERSET RECORDS. Among those longest and most deeply interested in the preservation of the family history, was the late Col. Wm. T. G. Polk, of Princess Anne, Maryland. Col. Polk was born and lived all his life in Somerset County, near the spot where Captain Robert Bruce Polk and family settled. He owned, at his death, "Polk's Folly," the original grant in 1687 by Lord Baltimore to Capt. Rohert Bruce Polk, lying in Dame's Quarter, between Manokin and Nanticoke rivers, and this tract has descended to Ephraim Polk, the present owner, son of Col. Polk. Col. Polk, as stated, took great interest in the family his tory, and a regular correspondence on the subject, between him and the author, begun in 1874, was carried on up to the time of his death, . This correspondence, on his part, was of such an interesting character that it is here given with but slight omissions as to the letters copied. Born and reared on the old "stamping ground," where Robert and Magdalen Polk first settled; familiar with the history and traditions of the locality; for many years Clerk of the Court of Somerset County; with free access at all times to the re cords, no one was better qualified to pursue the work of un covering the past history of his family. Being also a man of the highest standing and of unblemished character, what he has stated may be relied on with the utmost confidence. 50 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN CHAPTER XII. LETTERS OF COL. WM. T. G. POLK. Under date of October 3d, 1S74, Col. Polk says: "Some thirteen or fourteen years since I commenced collecting the very matter which you desire and had obtained a good deal. Some of it would, I think, have answered the very questions which you have put to me; especially about the Delaware branch of the family. This was intended for Bishop Polk. afterwards a General in the Confederate Army, who was trying to preserve, as you are now doing, whatever was interesting in the family of Polks in the L^nited States. "But the war broke out and it was never sent, and last year I had the misfortune to have my dwelling destroyed by fire and everything personal to myself and wife, except the clothes on our backs, together with those papers, was de stroyed. It will be difficult to reproduce them, as they were in the shape of letters from persons, some of whom are dead. and others whose names I have forgotten. If the Bishop's papers have been preserved, I suppose there is more informa tion in them than can be found in any one place. There was Josiah F. Polk, who, with his three sisters, removed many years ago from this county to AA'ashington, D. C. He had a great deal of information, and I had several letters from him, some of them thirty years ago, but he and his sisters never married and all are now dead. "In your letter you state that Robert and Magdalen land ed at "Dame's Corner." It is Dame's Quarter, formerly tailed "Damn Quarter," and so written in all the old records. This is a low, flat strip of land but little above tidewater, about four or five miles in length, lying on the south side of a stream now called Wicomico, emptying into the Chesapeake Bay. And just east of it is another tract one or two miles lon.g. called "Pidgeon House." Just west of Dame's Quarter, and toward the Bay, separated from it by a small stream called POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 51 the Thoroughfare, is an island two miles long and a half or three-fourths of a mile wide, formerly called Big Devil's Island, now softened down to "Deal's Island." Just west of this is a smaller island, containing a few acres, which was called "Little Devil's Island." "These names recall a story that is told of one of our im migrant vessels. There being no large towns then, the ves sels came into our streams and landed their passengers just where they expected to live. I tell the story as I have heard it told, without vouching for its truth. The ship came up the Chesapeake Bay, and on its way took on board as a pilot, a person who knew the way to this neighborhood of Dame's Quarter. It was a hot day in June or July, and as the vessel left the Bay to turn into this stream the mate to'ok his position about nightfall near the pilot, who was directing them how to steer. "Pointing to the little island, the mate asked what place it was. The pilot answered : "Little Devil's Island." After passing it, the mate inquired what place the larger island was, the pilot responding: "Big Devil's Island." After the ship had passed this also, the mate waved his hand toward the s'hore of the river and asked its name. "Damn Quarter," grimly re sponded the pilot. Just ahead was a low marsh and from it were rising in the air myriads of fireflys, peculiar I suppose to such low places, and whic'h must be seen for one to have an adequate idea of them, for they cannot be described. Suffice it to say that their vast numbers, on a hot night, especially after a rain, seem to completely illuminate the atriiosphere. "The story goes that the mate, now thoroughly alarmed excitedly called to the man at the helm and implored him to put the ship about. 'For,' said he, 'we have just passed the Little Devil's Island, and the Big Devil's Island. We are now abreast of Damn Quarter, and h 11 must be the next place, for I see the sparks and can almost hear the roar.' "I never saw any one bold enough to assert that this inci dent, handed down to us through tradition, happened on the vessel that brought our ancestors, Robert and Magdalen Polk, to this continent; but it has been told in such close proximity to their landing as to leave that impression. Whether true or 52 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN false, the scene is laid at the very place, and about the very time of their arrival. The particular spot where they landed. tradition says, was at "Pidgeon House," and it retains its name to this day. "There is a tract of land near this place called "Polk"? Folly," taken up no doubt by one of the family. I asked a man, since your letter, if he knew anything about it. It is a singu lar coincidence that it included a place which I and my son-in- law bought a few years ago without knowing anything of the patent name of the land. Ex-Governor Trusten Polk, of Missouri, misunderstood me when he wrote you that I said there is a farm in this county that has been in the possession of my family since 1660. That, I think, ante-dates the advent of our fathers ; but it has been continuously in our family more than one hundred and sixty years, having been purchased by one of the first settlers, and passed by devise from father to son, and there has been but one deed in the whole time for it, which is the last occupant, whose father died intestate. "I will alsO' state in this connection that there are three articles of personal property, two of them, at least, in our possession, which were brought from Europe by our family. The first was a large quarto Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments, and an old version (Rouse's probably) of the Psalm's. The spelling was antique and the punctuation queer. * * * The date on the title page was 1669. That on the Tes taments was different. Evidently printed separately and bound up together. Seventy yeaa-s ago the book was in a dilapidated condition as to the binding, and my father had it substantially rebound in calf. It was said that our ancestors hid it in a hollow tree, in the days of the Persecution, after the Re storation, to prevent it from being taken from them. It is said that while one read it, others of the family would stand guard to give warning of the approach of Papists. And truly, it seems that this might have been probable, as the book was very much stained, as though it had been thoroughly saturated with water many times. It was destroyed in 1847, togethei with the dwelling of my brother, and all the ancient records it contained. "The second article is a case containing fifteen square POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 53 bottles, each holding over two and a half gallons. Since my recollection, the bottles were all perfect, and when all full contained about forty gallons. But General Temperance, causing King Alcohol to retire, these bottles have been used for vinegar and other liquids that would freeze. Hence all have been cracked and most of them lost. I have but two or three of them left, useless except as a connecting link between the present and the past. My nephew, Ephraim G. Polk, who owns the old homestead, has the old case. "The third article is a large brass clock, which, in the case stands eight or nine feet high, with great leaden weights of ten or twelve pounds each. In addition to keeping the hours of the day, it keeps the day of the month and the phases of the moon, and is a repeater. A string may be attached to i lever inside the clock and carried to the foot of your bed. At any hour of the night, if t'he string is pulled, she will repeat the last stroke, unless it is within a half hour of the next strike. So you can know within a half hour the time, without rising from your bed. Seventy years ago it was given 'by my grand father to my father, with the old homestead. When he took possession of them he found the old clock in a lumber room covered with dust. Supposing it to have finished its work, he proposed to a clock-maker to trade it in part payment for a new clock, if there was any value to it. It was sent, and when my father saw the clock-man, the latter told him that no man need want a better clock. He cleaned it up for a few dollars I left it thirty years ago on a farm which has been in my im mediate family one hundred and nine years, with some ser vants, and although it has not been cleaned in that time, when I have occasion to spend a few days on the farm, or when I send mechanics to repair or build houses, if she is wound up, she will run eight or nine days and keep excellent time. My father laid aside the old case and had a new one of mahogany made. This clock was made, I suppose by "W. Nicholson, White Haven," which is inscribed on a plate screwed to the face, and there is an inscription, also on the face — '" Tempus edax Rerum. " and I find it true in reference to our family, for Time has consumed almost everything relating to its early history." 54 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN CHAPTER XIII. WINDER AND POLK CONNECTION. Respecting the connection between the Winder and Polk families, Col. Polk states in the same letter: "Mrs. Winder was Gertrude Polk, a daughter of William Polk, son of David, son of William the immigrant, who was a son of Robert and Magdalen. He (William) was Chief Judge of one of the judi cial circuits of Maryland, and consequently a member of our Court of Appeals. He was esteemed in his state a man of fine intellect and a well read lawyer. He died in 1814, aged about 63 years. Mrs. Winder's mother was a Winder, and she married Gen'l. AA'm. H. Winder, her first cousin. She was a well edu cated lady, of rare accomplishments, and I think she died with in the current year, about 88 years of age. She had a brother by her father's second marriage. Col. James Polk, Register of Wills for this County for twenty-five years, and subsequent ly Naval Officer in connection with the customs at Baltimore, during the administration of President James K. Polk. He was a man of fine parts and rare conversational powers. He died in 1868, in Baltimore, is buried in this place, and was 75 years of age. He left many children. One of them, Esther, married Ex-Governor E. Louis Lowe, of Maryland, and is now living with her husband in New York City. Mrs. Winder also had a sister by the third marriage of her father, named Anne. Anne's mother, after the death of her father, married Dr. Savage and they removed from this county to Georgia and there she became the wife of Hon. Herschel V. Johnson. who, you know, was a candidate for Vice President on the ticket with Stephen A. Douglass, in 1860. Judge Polk had many children ; one called AA^illiam, who was either in the Naval or Revenue service of the United States. Another son, Josiah, was Clerk of this County and died young, probably in POLK F AMI LY AND KINSMEN 55 1814, about the time his father died. His widow, with her children, moved to the AA'estern Shore of this state. I am descended from AA'illiam, his son James, his son AVilliam, his son Samuel, his son AA'm. T. G., the writer of this, aged nearly seventy. My son AA'm. T. G. Jr. is a youth nearly twenty ; four other sons dead. "There is documentary evidence here to show that the six brothers, John, AA'illiam, Ephraim, James, Robert and Joseph, were all here in this county. To John, a deed from Henry Smith, 15th March, 1693. To William, a deed from John Gold smith, 13th July, 1697. To Robert a deed from Augustine Standford, 13th August, 1697, for land in Pidgeon House, near "Damn Quarter." To Ephraim, from William Kent, or Cent (spelled both ways) 3d November, 1716. Joseph was witness to power of attorney and made affidavit to same, 20th Novem ber, 1716, about a tract of land called Locust Hammock, in "Damn Quarter Neck." To James a deed from James Snell and wife, for a mill, 34th of April, 1731. And these are not all by many; as, for instance: To William from William and John Owens, 1st August, 1713. This is the land Ex-Governor Trusten Polk, of Missouri, alluded to as being so long in our immediate family, etc. The most important of the documents I have mentioned. I think, is the deed from AA'm. Kent, or Cent and wife, to Ephraim. In deducing this title it is recited in this deed : 'Yt whereas, ye Right Honorable Charles of Noble Memorie. late Lord and Proprietory of ye Province of Maryland and Avalon, Lord Baron of Baltimore, by his deed of grant under ye greater Scale used in ye said Province of Maryland, foi granting of Land, these bearing date ye first day of June Anno Domini one thousand six hundred and eighty-five, did for consideration therein mentioned grant unto Jolm Poalke, late of Somerset County a parcel or tract of land called Locust Hammock, scituate, lying and being on ye east side of Chesapeake Bay, on the south side of Wicco-Comico (now AVicomico) in Damn Quarter Neck.' This record establishes the fact that the family was here anterior to 1635. There is another recital in this deed, that John's will bears date 20th December, 1703, by which he de 56 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN vised this Locust Llammock and other lands to this William Kent, or Cent, who lived in St. John's 'County, in the terri tories of Pennsylvania. And in 1708, William Polk prefers his humble petition to the Court, asking to be appointed guardian to William and Anne, children of his brother John, alleging that his brother, on his death-bed requested him (William) and his wife to take care of his children and see that they were properly brought up, and to give them a christian education ; and also asking that the portion of these children, coming from their father's estate in moveables, be delivered to him, which was done, etc., etc. "These two facts prove that John's death occurred i>e- tween 1703 and 1708, probably 1707 or the early part of 1708. John's will is not recorded in this county. There is a tradi tional account that he moved to Pennsylvania to reside; and if so, he may have died there and his will may be recorded there. The recital in this deed is the only evidence we have of its existence. This land was conveyed from Kent (or Cent) by William to Ephraim, by virtue of a power of attorney from Kent, and Joseph Polk was one of the witnesses to it and made affidavit to it before two Justices of the Peace, on the 30th of November; 1716, and this proves that Joseph was also here present, and is the only documentary evidence of his presence that I can find. To Joseph there is no deed for lands and it looks as if he was less thrifty and prosperous than the others, and that may have been the reason moving his mother to give him her land in Ireland, as you will find she did, by the copy of her will you have. It has been the generally received opinion that Robert Polk, husband of Magdalen, died in Ireland. I had adopted that opinion myself, but since your letter to me I have been looking over the old records to refresh my memory, and I have had that opinion much shaken. The belief that Capt. Robert Bruce Polk died in Ireland was doubtless induced by the fact that while his wife's will is of record in Somerset County, his own is not. After a long search, it was found of record at An napolis, Anne Arundel County, executed May 6, 1699, and pro bated June 5, 1702. It was filed in the office of the Chief Com- POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 57 missary of the Colony, at Annapolis, and settles the fact that he did not die in Ireland. On the 10th March, 1697, Robert Polk, Senior, petitions Court, alleging that he had purchased a tract on A'lonie near Damn Quarter, had cleared a cornfield, and that the horse road passed right through his field, and asked permission to turn the road around his fence. Now, this looks as if there were two Robert Polks doing business here, and that for the sake of distinguishing them, one of them was called "Senior." Who could these two Roberts be at this early date but the husband and son of Magdalen? Magdalen must have been very aged when she died, for if we suppose J'ohn to have been twenty-five when Lo'rd Bal timore granted him Locust Hammock, it would fix his birth at 1660. And supposing him to have been the eldest of her children, and she to have been twenty at his birth ; it would carry her birth back to 1640. Now, you know by her will that she died in the last of 1736 or first of 1737 ; or within thirteen years of a century from her birth. The probabilities are that she was more than 87 years of age at her death. Continuing, Colonel Polk writes : "At this distance of time I cannot account for John's giving his lands to Kent (or Cent) who, from all that appears of record to the contrary, was a stranger to his blood, when he left two children, William and Anne; especially as it seems prohahle they were poor, as their uncle William, only asks to have possession of the "move ables." But there were other lands deeded to John, and he may have given them to his children. It is probable that he was married twice, and his wife, who was named Joannah, survived him, as appears from the records, and is called the "widow Polk." She could not 'have been the mother of Wil liam and Anne, or he would not have requested his brother AVilliam and his wife to take care of them. What became of Margaret and Anne, the two daughters of Robert and Mag dalen Polk, does not certainly appear, particularly as to one of them. I think one of them married Thomas Pollitt. The Pol litts claim relationship to the Polk family and there is a Mag dalen Pollitt mentioned in the records. And about 60 years ago I remember there was a Tasker Pollitt in that family." 58 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN The highly interesting character of the foregoing letter must be the author's excuse for copying it here so fully, and the same excuse must also apply to further copious quotations from the letters of Col. Wm. T. G. Polk, who was peculiarly qualified by age, residence, and contiguity to the landing place of the Polks in America, to give information concerning them. He did not, however, nor did any of those who investigated the family history, discover that Robert and Magdalen Polk had nine children, instead of eight, and that this other one was named David, who appears to have died unmarried, as he de vised his property to his namesake, a son of his brother AA'il liam. In his will, of date 1699, Robert Polk, Sr., mentions this son David. Magdalen Polk is said to have lived to be over ninety years old, dying at her home place "AA'hite Hall," in Somerset County, between April 7, 1726, and March 20, 1727, the re spective dates of the execution of her will and its probate or admission to record. * It -svUl be noticed that the letter of John Keys, of Ireland, dated October 17, 1S77, to W. H. Polk, gives the approximate birth of Capt, John Keys (who ma^rried Barbara Tasker, the sister of Magdalen i as "about 1650" and his -wife -was likely near the same age, Magdalen -was also very near the ages of Capt, Keys and Barbara, POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 59 CHAPTER Xn^ MAGDALEN POLK'S WILL. In the name of God Amen. I, Magdalen Pollock, being weak and sick of body, yet of perfect mind and memory, praise be to Almighty God, do make and ordain this my last will and Testament, in manner and form as followeth. First: — I give my soul into the hands of Almighty God, hoping through the merits of my Savoir Jesus Christ to re ceive full pardon of all my sins. And my body I commit to the Earth from whence it was taken, to be buried in Christian burial, at the discretion of my Executor hereafter nominated. Item — I give and bequeath a tract 'of land called M'oneen, lying in the Kingdom of Ireland, in the Barrony of Rafo and County of Donegal, and in the Parish of Liford, unto my son Joseph Pollock and to the heirs of his body forever, with all the rest of my moveable estate, and him to be whole Executor of this my last Will and Testament, hereby Revoking all other AVills and Testaments by me made by word or writing. In Testimony whereof I set my hand and seal this 7th day of April, 1726. Magdalen Polk Seal. Signed, sealed and delivered in sight and presents of us. David Polk, William Pollet, Magdalen Pollet. Alarch ye 20th, 1727. Then came David Polk, Wihiam Pollett & Magdalen Pollett, subscribing evidences to ye with in Will, who made oath up'on ye Holy Evangelist of Almighty God that they see ye within named Magdalen Polk, ye Testa tor, sign and seal ye within Instrument as her last Will and Testament, and that 'they heard her publish and declare ye same as so to be, and that at ye time of her so doing she was of sound, disposing mind and memory. Sworn to before me the day and year above written. John Tunstall, Depty. Com'y of Somerset County. 60 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN The Exr. hath not got letter of Administration on this Estate nor doth not design. Pr. Geo. Plater, Reg'r. Examined. Test. Esme. Bayley, R. W. S. C This official copy of Magdalen's will was procured by AV H. Polk from the Clerk of Somerset County on January 6, 1873, It will be noticed that at the beginning of the document she calls her name "Pollock," but signs it Polk. She also calls her son Joseph "Pollock." This will is also recorded at An napolis, in the office of the "Chief Commissary," or Colonial Recorder. It will further be noticed that Magdalen made Joseph, the youngest son, her sole devisee. As suggested by Col. AVm. T. G. Polk, the reasons moving her to do this may have been because Joseph, judging by the records, appears to have been less thrifty in the gathering of worldly possessions than his brothers, all of whom seem to have been men of good business qualities and to have accumulated fine landed es tates, either by grant from Lord Baltimore or by purchase. Just what disposition" Joseph made of this Irish property be queathed to him by his mother is not certainly known. Family tradition says that he went to Ireland, sold "Moneen" to his aunt, Barbara Keys, and returned to Maryland and died in Somerset County. The assumption that Joseph was less enterprising than his brothers, is strengthened by the fact that all the other sons of Robert and Magdalen received numerous grants of land from Lord Baltimore, as shown by the records of the Colonial Land Office, while but one appears in the name of Joseph Polk, and that of date November 15, 1738, consisting of ninety acres located "on the South side of AA'icomico River," under the patent name of "Forlone Hope's Addition." This patent title is suggestive of a lack of enterprise by Joseph, who probably was blessed with a "restful" inclination. It will also be no ticed that the date of the grant to him (1738) was about ten years after the devise of "Moneen" to him under his mother's will, and this fact goes to prove the likelihood of the tradition that he went to Ireland, sold the land to his aunt, and returned to America. POLK F AMI LY AND KINSMEN 61 GRANTS FROM LORD BALTIMORE Following is a list of the principal and first land grants to Robert Bruce Polk and his sons, by the Lords Baltimore, be tween the years 1687 and 1742 : "Robert Polke, "Polke's Lott," 50 acres, lying in Somerset County, on the North side of Manokin River, March 7, 1687. Recorded in Liber 221, folio 356. Robert Polke — "Polk's Folly," 100 acres, lying in Somer set County, on the North side of Manokin River, near the head of Broad Creek, March 7, 1687. Recorded in Liber 22, folio 356. Robert Poalk, Jr., "Bally Hack," 200 acres, lying in Somer set County, Marsh Ground, Nov. 8, 1700. Recorded in Liber D. D. No. 5, folio 73. Ephraim Poalk, "Clonmell," 100 acres, lying in So^merset County, between Manokin Branch and Pidgeon House, or Little Creek, September 20th, 1700. Recorded in Liber D. D. No. 5, folio 73. Ephraim Poalk, "Long Delay," 274 acres, lying in Somer set County, in Damn Quarter, on west side of Ball's Creek. March 26, 1705. Recorded in Liber D. D. No. 5, folio 366. James Poalk, "James' Meadow," 200 acres, lying in Somer set County, in Damn Quarter, on the N. E. side of Williams Creek, June 1, 1705. Recorded in Liber D. D. No. 5, folio 363. Ephraim Poalk, "Chance," 300 acres. Lying on E. side Chesapeake Bay, in Dorc'hester County, May 27, 1715. Re corded in Liber E. E. No. 6., folio 335. The foregoing list of the earliest grants made to sons of Robert and Magdalen was procured in 1873. It will be noticed that the two first entries were to Robert Polke, Sr., husband of IMagdalen, and comprised 150 acres. By the name "Polk's Folly," he possibly referred to what he considered to be his '"folly" in coming to the New World. The names of the other grantees are written Poalk, evi dently a clerical freedom which seems to have been common at that time, with entry clerks and all scribes preparing or handling legal documents. The seven foregoing grants foot 62 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN up 1,134 acres of land received by Robert Sr., Robert, Jr., Eph raim, and James. David, John, William and Joseph's names do not appear in this list as acquirers of public domain. ADDITIONAL LIST OF GRANTS. A few years later a second and larger list was procured from the Maryland Colonial records, which is as follows : "Polks chance," 300 acres, E. side Chesapeake Bay, Dor chester County, Ephraim Polack "Oha'nce," 10th Sept., 1715, (the dates of these entries being different, the last was no doubt an addition to the first). "Monen" 100 acres, E. side Main branch Nanticoke River, in John's Neck, Wm. Polk, Somerset County, 10th July, 1735. "Denigall," 100 acres E. side Alain Branch Nanticoke River, in John's Neck, Wm. Polk, 10th July, 1735. ''Romas," 100 acres, E. side ]\Iain Branch Nanticoke River, in John's Neck, William Polk, 10th Sept., 1725. "Richmond," 200 acres, Southermost side Main Branch Nanticoke River, Somerset County, Wm. Polk, 6th March, 1738. "Charles Purchase," 100 acres, E. side do, do, do, Charles Polk, 14th March, 1728. "Green Pasture," 300 acres, AA^ side on Island Damn Quarter, Somerset County, James Polke, 37th Feb., 1738. "Polk's Privilege," 50 acres, N, E. side Main branch Nan ticoke River, Somerset County, Charles Polk, 2d Nov., 1730. "AA'hite Oak Swamp," 100 acres, N. side Nanticoke River, Somerset County, James Pollock, 33rd Nov., 1730. "Charles' Advantage," E. Side Main Branch Nanticoke River, Somerset County, Charles Polk, 2d Nov., 1730. "Plimouth," 290 acres, in Dorchester County, David Pol lock, 14th Oct., 1730. "Addition," 200 acres, do, do, do 3d Dec, 1732. "Second Purchase," 400 acres, E. side of Branch of Main N. E. Branch Nanticoke River, Somerset County, Charles Polk, 34th July, 1733. "Come by Chance," 20 acres, 2 miles from head Wicomico Creek, Somerset County, Wm. Polk and Thomas PoUitt, 4th December, 1735. POLK F AMI LY AND KINSMEN 63 "Forlorn Hope's Addition," 90 acres, S. side Wicomico River, Somerset County, Joseph Polk, 15th May, 1738. "Margaret's Fancy," 60 acres, E. side Chesapeake Bay, Dorchester County, Robert Polk, 7th July, 1739. "Hogg Yard, 134 acres, Dorchester County, Ephraim Pol lock, 10th Dec, 1740. "Dublin's Advantage," 184 acres, do, do, do, John Pollock, 20th December, 1741. "John's Venture," 300 acres, do, do, do, John Pollock., 20 December, 1741. "David's Hope," 450 acres, do, do, do, David Pollock, 11th November, 1742. This second list of grants, embodying 3,128 acres, when added to the first list, make 4, 152 acres granted to the Polks from Mar. 7, 1687, to Nov. 11, 1742, a period of fifty-five years There were many others beside, at later dates, to various Polks. as the records show. From the foregoing lists it appears that Ephraim secured the largest quantity of land, 908 acres being entered in that name. It is apparent, however, that the last grant "Hogg Yard," was to E'phraim 2d, as Ephraim 1st died in 1718. William Polk's entries amounted to 500 acres ; Charles secured 600 acres. Charles Polk, the oldest son and heir at law of Ephraim 1st, was a man of great enterprise and accumulated a good sized fortune for that day. He sold his lands in Som erset County, amounting to 600 acres, and moved to Dor chester County. He was the ancestor of a distinguished branch of the family in Delaware, among whom were Govenor Trus ten Polk, of Missouri, and Governor Charles Polk, of Delaware. His nephew, Ephraim Polk 3d, was a soldier of the Revolu tion, in Col. Wm. Will's Philadelphia regiment, and after the close of the war emigrated to Scott County, Kentucky (1793) w'here he died in 1814 after again enlisting to serve under Jackson at New Orleans. 64 POLK F AMI LY AND KINSMEN CHAPTER XV. WILL OF ROBERT BRUCE POLK. The belief prevailed for many years in the Polk family, even in the very neighborhood where the immigrants landed, that Capt. Robert Bruce Polk had died in Ireland, and that only his family, Magdalen and her children constituted the original immigrants. It is evident that this impression first arose about 1848, while Col. AA'. H. AA^inder, of Baltimore, Josiah F. Polk, of AA'ashington, D. C, and others interested, were engaged in getting up a history and "tree" of the family. Finding no record proof of the presence in Somerset County of Robert Bruce Polk, and ascertaining that his wife, Magdalen, was long a widow before her death, the conclusion was that he had died in Ireland before the emigration of his family. The will of Magdalen, and of others of the family, was of record in Som erset County, but that of Robert Bruce Polk did not appear. They doubtless were unaware, or did not remember, that in the early existence of the Colony of Maryland, there was a "Chief Commissary," as he was called, and that this officer had in each county a ''Deputy Commissary," by whom all wills were probated and put on record, a copy of same being then forwarded to the Chief Commissary for re-entry and filing, thus insuring greater security in case either office should be burned. Robert Bruce Polk evidently did not die at Annapolis, where his will was discovered a few years ago by a descendant of the Polks, Mr. R. C. Ballard Thruston 'of Louisville, Ky., The copy of his will that should have been of record at Princess Anne, Somerset County, was evidently lost or mislaid. That Robert was living in Somerset County when he executed his will on May 6th, 1699, is proven by the instrument, itself, for in the 4th section, in bequeathing his house and plantation to POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 65 his wife Magdalen, he speaks of it as "my now dwelling place and plantation." The procurement by the author, in 1875, from the Mary land Land Office, of a list of twenty-seven grants of land from Lord Baltimore to the Polk family, two of which were to Robert Bruce Polk himself, settled the fact that he did come to America with his family ; and the subsequent discovery of his will at Annapolis further proves it beyond all question. Robert's Will. In the Name of God, Amen : This sixth day of May in the year of our Lord 1699, I Robert Polke of Somerset County in the Province of Alary- land being of good health and Perfect memory at this present thank be to Almighty God for the same yet knowing the un certainty of this present life and being desirous to settle my affairs doe make this my last will and Testament in manner and form following: First and principally I commend my soule to God who gave it to me, assuredly believing that I shall receive full and free pardon of all my sins and be saved by the pretious Death and j\Ierritts of my Blessed Savior and Redeemer Jesus Christ and my Body to the Earth from whence it was taken to be buried after a decent and Christian manner at the discretion of my Executor hereafter named and as touching such worldly estate as God in his mercy hath bestowed upon me. It is my will that it be disposed of as hereafter is expressed. 2ndly I leave to my son Robert Polke a parcel of land called Lone Ridge being part of a tract of land called Forlone Hope, formerly belonging to Augustine Standfortih but now conveyed to me the said land called Lone Ridge beginning at a marked pine standing in a slash next to my said Son's House and from thence running north east the number of poles specified in the pattent soe leaving to my son Robert what land belongs to the said pattent on the north east side of the said Slash to him the said Robert Polke and his heirs forever. 3rdly I leave to my said son David Polke the remainder of the above said tract of Land called Forlorne Hope as also one hundred acres of land called Polks Folly bounded as per 66 POLK F AMI LY AND KINSMEN Pattent will appear both said tracts of land to him the said David and his heirs forever. 4thly I leave to my Beloved Wife Magdalen Polke my now dwelling house and plantation during her natural life as also a third of what goods and moveables I am possed with or shall hereafter to the day of my death the said Goods and moveables to be at her dispossing at her decease. Another third of my Goods and moveables I leave to my daughter Martha be it little or much here and her heirs forever and as for the other third. It is my will it be equally divided between my sons David and Joseph, and if it should please God to Remove me before I purchase a seat of Land after my son Joseph, this my will : that my son David give unto my son Joseph four thous and pounds of Tobacco in the leu of the above said tracts of Land left to my son David and as for what Cattle I have given to my son Jos'epih they being in his proper Mark it''s my will that he enjoy and possess the same he and his heirs forever, for this boy Christopher must live with Magdalen Polke dur ing her life time then. 5thly I leave to my son James an Orphan Boy called Christopher Little to him the said James and his heirs during the time of his Indre. I leave unto my son Ephraim the choice of what stear I have or may have at the day of my death. I leave to my sons John and AVilliam Polke to each of them twelve pence. I constitute and appoint my son David Polke and my wife Magdalen Polke to be Executors of this my last will. Codicil — I constitute my sons Ephraim and James Polke to be Executors of this my last will and testament disannulling and making voide all former Will or Wills by me made either by word or written. In AA'itness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year above written this being altered the eighth day of August, 1703. Robert Polke Seal Richard Knight, Mary O. English, Richard Whittley. POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 67 And I desire that Martha Poock may have liberty let her cattle run 'on tIhe plantation until she gets plantation and as to Sarah Powers she must have a heifer at her freedom day." Signed, Sealed and delivered in the presence of us Robert Polk Richard Whittley Richard Knight Mary O. English." On the back of said will was thus written : "Vizt : — Mem orandum this 5th day of June the within will was proved to be the Act and Deed of the within named Robert Polke by the oaths of Richard Whittley, Richard Knight and Mary English before. Peter Dent, Depty Com'y. Test. R. McKendree Davis, Dept. Register Orphans Court Anne Arundel County State of Maryland Annapolis AVills T. B. 1701-3, folios 416-418. The quaint capitalization and spelling of some of the words of the instrument were characteristic of the times. Many v/eU-to-do peo'ple could but indifferently write or spell, as op portunities for acquiring an education were scarce. The spell ing of some words in Robert's will remind us of the inscription cut on a tree by Daniel Boone, to the effect that he "Cilled a Bar on this Tree." It is deducible from the will of Robert: 1st. — The tract of land which he bequeathed to his sons, "Lone Ridge," was a part of "Forlorn Hope," (to which Joseph added 90 acres by a later entry on Nov. 15, 1738) which he had purchased from Augustine Standforth, probably the ori ginal grantee. 3d.. — That one of his two daughters was named Martha, not Margaret, as some have given it. 3d. — That he certainly had a son David, making his chil dren nine in number — John, William, Ephraim, James, Robert, David, Joseph, Martha and Anne. The inference from several sources is that David was one of the younger sons, Joseph be- 6R POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN ing the youngest and the legatee of 'his mother in her will. It is inferable, also, that David may have died between the time his father's will was executed (May 6, 1699) and the time the codicil was added, (August 8, 1703), by Which codicil the first named executors — Magdalen and David — were supplanted by the sons Ephraim and James. It also appears that David died a bachelor; for, in his will, he bequeaths his property to his nephew and probable namesake, David Polk, Jr., son of William, son of Robert and Magdalen. 4th. — That tobacco must have been extensively raised in Maryland, for it was used as a medium of exchange, under cer tain conditions of the will David being required to pay to Joseph 4,000 lbs. of the weed. 5th. — That the orphan boy Christopher Little was inden tured to Robert until he should attain to his majority. If Robert had any African slaves he did not mention the fact, which he would likely have done had he possessed any. 6th. — Ephraim, John and William received but slight be quests. It is evident that they already possessed comfortable estates and did not. need anything from the estates of their parents. Hence the latter sought to equalize, as far as possi ble, the conditions of their c'hildren by making David and Joseph their principal legatees. 7th.— That Robert Bruce Polk died between May 6th, 1699, and June 5th, 1704, most likely in May of the latter year, as it has long been the custom to offer wills for probate shortly after the death of decedent. From Magdalen's will it is deducible: 1st. — That the person who drew up her will wrongfully wrote the name of her estate in Ireland, bequeathed to Joseph, as "Moning,'' when it should have been Moneen, as shown by correspondence with members of the Keys family, who still own a part of it. 3d. — That of the witnesses to her will, David was her son, and William and Magdalen Pollitt her nephew and niece, children of Thomas Pollitt, who married her daughter Martha. OTHER POLK WILLS. Besides the wills of Robert and Magdalen Polk, which are POLK F AMI LY AND KINSMEN 69 here given in full, there are a great many of record in Somerset. Anne Arundel, Dorchester and Worcester Counties, Mary land; in Newcastle, Kent and Sussex Counties, Delaware; and also in Pennsylvania, the Eastern Shore of Virginia, North and South 'Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Texas, Missouri, Arkansas, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Ten nessee. In fact, there is hardly a state in the Union in which Polks are not found and Polk wills recorded. Among others in possession of the writer are : Will of AVm. Polk, Sussex County, Delaware, Nov. 20, 1786. Will of Wm. Polk, Somerset County, Maryland, Jan. 23, 1739. Will of Ephraim Polk 2d, Sussex County, Delaware, Jan. 5, 1789. AA'ill of Charles Polk, Frederick County, Maryland, March 19, 1753. Will of John Polk, Cumberland County, Pa., Oct. 37, 1773. Will of Emanuel Polk, Sussex County, Delaware, Sept. 6, 1793. Will of James Polk, Somerset County, Maryland. November 8, 1736. 70 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN CHAPTER XVI. OBSERVATIONS OF R. C. B. THRUSTON. Respecting some of the foregoing points discussed, Col. R. C. Ballard-Thruston, of Louisville, Ky., a member of the -Polk clan, has arranged consecutively a number of official transactions, followed by his "Conclusions" respecting the same. They are: JOHN POLK SON OF ROBERT BRUCE POLK. (Index to Authorities Quoted.) ("W. T. G. P"— Col. AVm. T. G. Polk, Princess Anne, Md.) ("AV. H. P."— AA'm. H. Polk, Lexington, Ky.) ("E. B. P."— Earle B. Polk, Princess Anne, Md.) ("M. W. G."— Miss Mary Winder Garrett, AVilliamsburg Va.) ("A. H. M." — American Hist. Alagazine.) INFORMATION. iGso, Sept, s, Jdhn Polke entered the ear marks of his cattle. (AVTGP Oct. 31, 187L AVHP. Aug. 15, 1899.) 1685, June 1, 1689, John Poalk patented "Locust Hammock" in Somerset Co., Md., on the east side of the Chesapeake Bay and south side of the Wiccoco- mico River in Dames Quarter Neck (AA'HP Aug. 15, 1899. See deed from AVm. Kent or Cent, to Ephraim Polk, dated 1716). The names of Robert Polk and John Polk ap pear on a list of loyal subjects of Somerset County, who addressed a letter to King William and Queen Mary. (Baltimore Sun 666 Sept. 4. 1904.) POLK F AMI LY AND KI h S M EN 71 1092, Mar. 15, 1095, Dee. 0, 1098, Mar. 37, 1699, May G, J702, Dee. 20, 1707, Oct, 8, Deed from Capt. Henry Smith to John Polk of Somerset (WHP Aug. 15, 1899) for "BeUen- drett" 150 acres part of Smith's Recovery a 700 acre patent to said Smith dated April 22, 1684. (See copy of deed Polk to Hall.) John Polik was witness to the will of William Porter, of Somerset, dated Decem'ber 6, 1695 and proven June 10, 1696. (Md. Calendar of WiUs, 11, 103). In w'U of AVm. Owens of Somerset, dated Mar. 37, 1698, John Polk and AVm. Knox were nam ed as overseers. (Md. Cal. of Wills II 181). In will of his father, Robert Bruce Polk, John was devised 13 pence. John willed "Locust Llammock" and other lands to William Kent, of St. John's County in the Territories of Pennsylvania. (See re cital in deed from AVm. Kent to Ephraim Polk. dated November 3, 1716. (WHP August 15, 1899; EBP April 3, 1909). John Polke, of Somerset County, "coopper," and Johanna his "now wife," made deed to Alex Hall of the same county, conveying Bel- lendrett, 150 acres, that was deeded by Capt, Henry Smith to him March 15, 1693, and which was a part of Smith's Recovery, a 700 acre patent to said Smith dated April 33, 1684. (See copy of deed), John Polk seems to have signed this deed in person, but Johanna made her mark. 1707-8, Mar. 10, Deed from Matthew Wallis, of "ye county of New Castle upon Delaware, yeoman," to John Polk of Somerset County, "cooper," conveys 500 acres in Somerset County "about 3 miles 72 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN back in ye woods 'from ye forks of Rockiacin- kin River, where ye "said River divides itself into branches and on head of Rockawackin River (later spelled Rockawakin River)." This 500 acres in two tracts ; 1st, 300 acres called "Friends Denyall," which recital in deed shows was patented to Thos. Cox, October 26. 1681 ; deeded by him and wife, Rebecca, to Phenix Hall, October 3, 1684. Deeded by Hall and wife, Elizabeth to Matthew AA'allis, Octo ber 31, 1687. The other was a 300 acre tract called "Kirkminster," which the recital shows was patented to Matthew AA^allis, October 9, 1694. 170.S, June 9, AA'illiam Polk petitioned the court asking to be appointed guardian to Wm. & Anne (Nancy), children of his brother John, alleging that "his brother, on his death bed requested him (William), and his wife, to take care of his children and see that they were properly brought up and to give them a Christian edu cation." Wm. also asked that "the portion of these children coming from their father's estate, moveables, be delivered to 'him," which was done. Col. AVm. T. G. Polk, October 31, 1874, gives this date as May 10, 1708, by error; (AVHP August 15, 1899, EBP February 36, 1909, see copy of petition and order of court). 1708, Aug. 11, 'pj-ig Somerset County records show that the ''widow Polk" brought a servant into court to be judged of his age, etc. This was indexed Joannah Polk (AA'TGP 10, 31, 1874; EBP 4, 3, -1909.) The "widow Polk" is again mentioned under the same date in connection with a boy that was bound to "John Polk now deceased." (EBP April 3, 1909.) POLK F AMI LY AND KINSMEN 73 1708, Sept. 2, Inventory of John Polk's goods — a very long list— summing up £ 66-9-1. (EBP April 3, 1909). 1710, Dee. 6, Account of Thos. Hugg and Joannah his wife, "relict of John Polk" in reference to the estate of John Polk. (EBP Apr. 3, 1909). The records of Somerset Co. show that Joanna, widow of John Polk, married a man named Hugg. Also there is pretty good circum stantial evidence that John had a son, John, younger than his son AA'illiam. (Josiah F. Polk to W. H. AVinder, Feb. 15, 1849 ; quoted by AV. H. Polk Aug. 20, 1899). Josiah stated. "In tracing more particularly the descendents of John, the eldest son of Robert and Magda len, I learn that he did leave children by his second wife, Jugga Hugg, and from that union springs one of the Delaware family" (WH AA^inder to Jas. K. Polk, Sept. 23, 1848, quoted by AVHP, Aug. 20, 1899). If John also mar ried Jugurtha Hugg, she was his first wife and mother of his children, AA'illiam and Nancy. 1716, Nov. 20, Deed from Wm. Kent, of the Territories of Pennsylvania, to Ephraim Polk, conveying "Locust Hammock," etc. This deed recites a patent to "John Poalke, late of Somerset," dated June 1, 1685 ; also that said John's will bears date Dec. 20, 1702, in w'hich he willed this tract to Wm. Kent for the benefit of his two children AA'm. and Ann. (AA'HP Aug. 15, 1899.) 1723 Sept. 28, Deed from Thos Hugg and wife Joanna to John Caldwell recites conveyance "to John Polke the late husband of the said Joanna" and conveyed her dower rights in the following two tracts of land "Friends Deniall" and "Kirkminster." Both Thomas Hugg and wife Joanna make their mark to the deed. 74 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 172.3-4 Jan, 7, Deed from "AVilliam Polk of Dorsett and pro vince of Maryland, blacksmith, and Prisela his wife" to John Caldwell, of Somerset Co. (conveys two tracts of land "Friends Denial" 300 acres, "Kirkminster" 200 acres. Recites the grants of the above two tracts to Thos. Cox and Matthew AA'allis and their conveyance to John Polk, deceased. That they "descended to his son Wm. Polk as heir-at-law to the said John Polk," and that the grantor is the said AVm. Polk. Both Wm. Polk and wife seem to have signed the deed in person. 1726-7, Will of Thos. Hugg, of Somerset, dated Feb. 17, 1726-7; proven May 11, 1729, in which he devised the home plantation to wife Johanna during her widowhood, and makes bequest to eldest daughter, Jane, and youngest daughter, Mary, and to his son AA^illiam by his former wife. Leaves his wife executrix and makes his mark to his signature. (EBP 3/13/1909.) 1740, Nov. 5, Deed from Patrick Caldwell and wife Mary to John Polk, conveys a tract of land "in Somer set Co. on the east side of the Nanticoke River, at a Red Oak about 100 yards from where the county road crosses t'he head of a branch of Broad Creek called Rossaketoms Branch, about a mile below Johanna Huggs." (EBP 3/13/1909.) POLK F AMI LY AND KINSMEN 'jr, CHAPTER XVII. MARRIAGES AND DESCENDANTS. John Polk married Joanna Knox and left two children, AA'illiam and Ann, or Nancy (AHM Oct. 1897 p. 382), William Polk brother of John, married Ann or Nancy Knox (then the widow Owens) (AHM Apr. 1898 p. 230). Ann Polk, sister to John & William, married Francis Roberts and had two children, Edward and Priscilla Roberts, who married their first cousins, AA'm. & Ann Polk, children of John. (AHM Oct 1897, 1, 383.) "-^> Matthew Harmanson and wife, Easter, North ampton Co. .deeded to AA'm. Polk of Dorchester Co., a 250 acre tract of land called "Collier's Adventure," that was patented to Robert P. Collier, of Somerset Co. in 1674; lying on the north side of Nanticoke River. Conveyance was by John Pollet, as attorney, and witnessed by James Pollock and James Bruckshor. 1726, Will of William Polk, of Dorchester, dated Nov. 25, 1726, proven Feb. 21, 1727-8, be queaths to son John Polk, dwelling plantation, etc. To oldest daughter, Jane, two adjoining tracts of land. Low Ridge and Polk's Folly. To youngest daughter, Ann, 50 acres on head of Dames Quarter Creek. To John Pollett, a tract of land. To wife (not named) all of his land during her widowhood.Executrix, wife, not named. AA'm. son of John Polk Sr. 76 1727, May 20, POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN Inventory of estate of Wm. Polk filed by Robert Clarkson, who married Priscilla, widow of William Polk. It was signed by James Cannon, John Pollett, Robert Polk and Thomas Polk, as creditors and next of kin. (MWG. Aug. 3nd & 30th, 1899.) Priscilla married Clarkson about 3 months after her husband Wm. Polk died, as above shows. 1727, June 11, The account of Priscilla Polk, executrix of William, late of Dorchester, deceased (Ace, Est 9, Vol. 383. Aug. 3, 1899., (MWG). 1728, July 30, D-4, John Pollett, Sr., of Dorchester, gave a bond to Priscilla Polk of Dorchester, relict and execu trix of Wm. Polk deceased. Said bond re cited : "If John Pollett his heirs &c shall at any time "or times hereafter happen to run out his or her "lands and should by that means intersect the ''Upper fencing of the said Priscilla Polk, her "heirs &c as it now stands, that then the said "John Pollett, his heirs &c shall be obliged to "make over his or their Right, title and interest "unto" &c. Witness: Ester V. (x) Whitty, Rachel C. (x) Samuel, daughter of John Samuel & John Phipps. 1740, Nov. 5, Deed from Patrick Caldwell and wife Mary to John Polk, in which these words appear "In Somerset Co. on the east side of the Nanticoke River, at a Red Oak about 100 yards from where it crosses the head of a branch of Broad Creek called Rossaketoms Branch, about a mile below Johanna Hugg's (EBP Mar. 13, 1909). POLK F AMI LY AND KINSMEN 77 1743, Jan. 5, Deed from David Pollock of Dorchester, to Thomas AA'right for parcel of land and marsh, seven acres, taken out of a patent called ''Con tention," beginning at a marked pine bounder of tract formerly surveyed for Thomas Bloyce, on east side of Little Creek, etc., etc. Con sideration 1000 pounds of tobacco. (See Liber X No. 1 folio 93). 1750, Dee. 28, John Polk, of the Territories of Pennsylvania, deeded to AA'm. Turpen, of Dorchester,Colliers °"^^' Adventure containing 350 acres. ROBERT'S CHILDREN. ^"*'' Will of James Polk, of Somerset County, dated Nov. 8th 1726, proven May 11, 1727, makes a bequest "unto my cousin Edward Roberts on the provision my cousin Edward do deliver up the bond that I passed to him." (See copy of will under James Polk line.) i^^' AA'ill of David Pollock, of Dorchester, dated Feb. 21, 1773, proven March 11, 1773. He makes bequests to his daughter Elizabeth Ro'berts ; to his daughter-in-law, Priscilla Pol lock ; to his grand-children, David, AA'illiam and Esther Pollock. (See copy of will under James Polk line.) i"3, AA'ill of Pricilla Pollock, of Dorchester, dated Feb. 26, 1773, proven Apr. 5, 1773; names son David, daughter Esther Pollock ; brothers William and Francis Roberts, and sister Nancy Nellums. (See abstract of will recorded in book 39, page 544 in Land Office at Annapolis, Maryland.) 78 PO LK FAMILY AND KINSMEN CONCLUSIONS. All traditions make John Polk the eldest son of Robert Bruce Polk. This I accept as correct, although I have no proof of it. From my investigations, I am inclined to think that at a very early age — 16 or possibly even at 14 — boys were, under proper conditions, given all the rights of freemen unless it was that of voting. The idea that they must have been 21 years of age to even deal in real estate was erroneous. They certainly could witness instruments and even trade in cattle, recording their ear-marks, etc., at a much earlier age. The date of John's birth as 1659, or earlier, was assumed on the theory that he must have been 31 in 1680 when he entered the ear marks of his cattle This, I am inclined to think he could have done possibly at the age of 13, whic'h would place his birth somewhere between 1659 and 1668. Under William Polk, it will be seen that he, (William) died 1740, aged about 78 ; there fore born about 1663. If this is correct, and if John Polk were older than William, then John must have been born about 1660. If younger than AVilliam, then he was born from 1664 to 1668, depending upon the relative ages of John and his sister Ann. I incline, however, to the view that John was the eldest child and born about 1659 or 1660. The deed from John Polk and Joanna, his "now wife," to Alex. Hall in 1707, would indicate that he had been previously married. Again it is claimed that 'his will or bequest of land in Dec, 1702, to Kent was for the purpose of providing for his children, William and Anne, presumably by a wife earlier than the one which he then had. The petition in court by his brother Wm. in June 1708 would also indicate that the wife who survived 'him was not the mother of William and Anne. or she would have been the natural guardian and custodian of her own children. There is a persistent claim that John, and his brother, AA'm. married sisters whose maiden names were Joanna and Nancy Knox. Certain it is that Anne (or Nancy) married Wm. Owens and later Wm. Polk, second son of Robert Bruce POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 79 Polk. In his will dated Mar. 1698, this AA'm. Owens named John Polk and Wm. Knox, (presumably brothers-in-law) as overseers. John's children, AA'illiam and Nancy, were evidently named for their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. AA'm. Polk, which was an additional incentive for the interest Wm. Polk took in these two children. And whilst it should not be accepted as con clusive proof that John had no other children by his first wife, still the records that I have seen do not even intimate that there may have been more than the two children mentioned. It is claimed that the deed or bequest to Wm. Kent in 1702 was to insure provision for his two children William and Nancy. The records show that their uncle William acted as their guardian. The deed from Kent to Ephraim Polk in 1716 has been assumed as evidence that Ephraim also acted as guardian. I am inclined to think that this is a mistake ; that AA'illiam had then reached his majority and sold Locust Ham mock to his uncle, hence the deed from Kent, who was merely a trustee, to Ephraim Polk. If this view is correct, it would also serve to locate the birth of Wm. Polk as 1695 unless 'he were under 21 when he made the sale. Summing up the evidence on John Polk, I should say that he was born 1659 to 1660 ; that he married in 1694, at the age of about 35, and had only two children, AA'illiam and Nancy. In Dec. 1702 he made a will, or a deed, in favor of Wm. Kent, making provision for his children, William and Nancy, the presumption being that he was then married to, or about to marry, his second wife, though we have no proof of this second marriage until Oct. 1707. At first he lived in Somerset County, Md., he may have moved to St. John's County, Pa., (now Kent County, Del.) and there married Joanna ; but apparently he was a resident of Somer set County, Md., at the time of his death in 1708. In this connection it must be noticed that at that time t'he territorial claims of Somerset County, Md., extended to and included the present Sussex County, Del. There is nothing to show where John was living at the time of his death, nor where his family lived afterwards. It is probable, however, that he resided on t'he 500 acres bought 80 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN from Matthew Wallis in 1708, known as "Friends Denial" and "Kirkminster," and that his family continued to reside there until his son AVilliam, the blacksmith, sold the property in 1733 to John Caldwell. I incline to the idea that Thomas Hugg and wife lived near this property and that it was a portion of this same 500 acres that was deeded by Patrick Caldwell to John Polk in 1740. Thomas Hugg left a will dated Feb. 17, 1736/7 ; just four days before the will of Wm. Polk, the blacksmith, was proven. It was, therefore, probably written after the death of Wm. Polk. By this will, Hugg shows that he had been previous!/ married and that he had a son William by his first marriage, and two daughters, Jane and Mary, by his second. He does not mention any step-children and to my mind the presump tion is that he had none. I have not been able to locate the date of the death of Joanna, widow, first of Jno. Polk and later of Thos. Hugg. She does not seem to have left any will of record. My con clusion is that she had no children by Jno. Polk, and by Thos. Hugg, only two-, who were living in 1736/7; and that she, her self, was the one referred to in the deed from Patrick Caldwell and wife to John Polk dated Nov. 5, 1740, and therefore was living at that time. POLK F AM I LY AND KINSMEN 81 CHAPTER XVIII. WILLIAM POLK, GRANDSON OF ROBERT BRUCE POLK. William Polk, son of John Polk, eldest son of Capt. Robert Bruce Polk was probably born 1695. He was certainly very young in 1702, when his father made provision for the main tenance of him and his sister, Anne, 'by devising "Locust Ham mock" to Wm. Kent. He was left an orphan somewhere between March 10, 1707/8 and June 9, 1708, for, on the latter- date his uncle, William, was appointed guardian for him and his sister, Anne or Nancy, with instruction that William be taught a trade. He was probably of age Nov. 20, 1716, on which date, Wm. Kent deeded Locust Hammock to Ephraim Polk 1st I believe as the result of a sale of that property by Wm. Polk, blacksmith, to his uncle Ephraim. In 1732 he purchased from Matthew Harmanson and wife a 250 acre tract called Collier's Adventure, on the north side of the Nanticoke River, upon which he probably lived. There is a tradition in the family that AVilliam married his cousin Priscilla Roberts, which is probably correct, for in 1733 he and his wife Priscilla, his step-mother and her second husband, Joanna and Thos. Hugg, sold the 500 acres known as "Friends Deniall" and "Kirkminster" to John Cald - well, at which time he is recorded as being of "Dorsett Co." — Dorchester. William died about Nov. 25, 1726/.7 leaving a son, John and two daughters, Jane and Anne. These children were presumbly named for their grand parents, John Polk and his wife Jane, and Anne Polk, who married Francis Roberts. His wife did not long remain single, for on May 30, 1727, the in ventory of his estate was filed by her and her second husband, Robert Clarkson. The singular feature about this inventory is that it was signed by James Cannon, John Pollet, Robert 82 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN Polk and Thos. Polk as "creditors and the next of kin." Robert and Thomas Polk were probably his first cousins, sons of Robt. Polk and Grace Guillette. John Pollet was also pro bably his first cousin, a son of his aunt Martha. How James Cannon came to be next of kin, I do not know ; but I am in clined to think that both he and John Pollet married two of the daughters of Robert Polk and Grace Guillette ; that 'vVm. Polk, the blacksmith, had purchased from his uncle Robert, Low Ridge and Polks Folly and had not completed the pay ment for same ; therefore, his uncle Robert's sons and sons- in-law appear as creditors and next of kin. It is singular that his widow, Priscilla, should appear as the wife of Robert Clarkson, May 20. 1727, and three weeks later, on July 30, 1728, she as Priscilla Polk, "relict and execu trix of Wm. Polk deceased," should have received a bond from her husband's uncle, John Pollet, Sr., regarding the possible conflict of land lines. What became of his daughters, Jane and Anne, does not appear. John Polk, Jr., (of that line) son of AVm. Polk, blacksmith, was certainly the one who in Dec. 1750 conveyed Colliers Ad venture, which his father William had purchased in 1722. No thing further is known of this John for certainty, but I am inclined to think that he was the same one who in 1740 made purchase from one Patrick Caldwell of certain lands in Somer set County on the east side of Nanticoke River, about a mile below Joanna Hugg, whose first husband was John Polk, Sr. ANNE POLK, DAUGHTER OF JOHN. According to persistent tradition, Anne Polk, daughter of John, married her first cousin, Edward Roberts, the son of Francis Roberts and Ann Polk. She was probably born about 1698 and married by the time she was 18 or 30 ; say in 1715. I believe it is her children who are mentioned under the James Pollock line, of whom there were four, viz : AA'illiam, Francis, Priscilla and Nancy. Priscilla married a son of David and grandson of James Pollock. The first name of her husband does not appear, but she had a son David and a daughter Esther, named in her will of 1773. POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 83 One of these sons of Edward Roberts (William or Francis, it does not appear), married his cousin Elizabeth, daughter of David and granddaughter of James Pollock. The remaining child was called Nancy Nellums in the will of her sister, Pris cilla Pollock, dated Feb. 1773. The intermarriage of the children and grandchildren of John Polk, James Pollock and their sister Anne Polk Roberts are graphically shown by the following chart: Jolin -t 1 Anne Ann 1 Francia 'Roberta Edward RoboTtB James 1 David Pollock I Vrilllam_ 1 . Priscilla Roberts 111 (1 illzibeth Mary Lov6 tmelia Hahoy WilllOT Prancis Roberts Dufitt Col- La-ws lins 1 — a son The descendants of John Polk seem to have settled eithei in the southern part of Delaware or the adjacent portion of Maryland. Unless they had intermarried with sOme other descendants of Ro'bert Bruce Polk, their lines of descent are not known, and in fact so far as I can see, I have seen no evi dence that is to my mind conclusive proof of descent from John Polk's line. There was one Wm. Polk who married Margaret Taylor. Some of his descendants claim that he was a son of John Polk and Joanna Knox ; that he married twice, first his cousin Priscilla Roberts, and second Margaret Taylor ; that he sold cut his land in Maryland in 1723 and removed to Carlisle, Pa., from which point, with his wife and most if not all 'of his children, he moved about 1750 to North Carolina. This claim, however, is negatived by a closer examination of the records than was made by those who compiled data for the Polk Tree published in 1849. 'Certain it is that the Wm. Polk, who married Priscilla Roberts had but three children and died in 1726-7 ; and that he was not the one who married Margaret Taylor, and was the ancester of the southern Polks. 84 P 0 LK FAMILY AND KINSMEN CHAPTER XIX. JOSEPH POLK AND DESCENDANTS. Joseph Polk (or Pollock) according to all family tradi tion and record evidence the youngest son of Robert Bruce Polk and his wife Magdalen Polk, was born about 1681 and died in 1752, aged 71 years, at his home in Dorchester County, Maryland. His parents having come to America some years before the date of his birth, it is evident that Joseph was a native of Somerset County. In his will of May 6, 1699, Robert Bruce Polk, naming his several children, writes their names Polke, and so signs his own name to the instrument. Joseph, it appears, was about twenty-two years of age at the time his father deceased. To Joseph and David, Capt. Robert Polk devised one-third of his "goods and movables;" and also to David a part of the tract of land called "Forlorn Hope." And in case of his death before he could purchase a seat for Joseph, then David was to give unto him four thousand pounds of tobacco, in lieu of the land. He also confirms unto Joseph the cattle he had given to him, "they being in his proper mark." This shows that Joseph, even before he had attained to his ma jority, owned cattle on the range and had legally registered his brand. Joseph evidently continued to live with his mother at "White Hall," the manor plantation, until her death in 1727. During most of that time — as is generally the case with mothers and sons so situated — Joseph was no doubt a petted, much humored darling of his doting mother ; and likely influenced by that partiality she, in her will of 1726, devised to him the Irish estate which she had inherited from her father. Col. Tasker. Another inducement thereto is in ferrable from the fact that Joseph's brothers had all acquired substantial estates in Maryland before her death. POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 85 In her will of 1736, Magdalen, at the beginning, calls herself "Pollock," but signs it Polk, omitting the terminal letter "e" that her husband had used in his will of 1699. "Moneen Hall," her Irish estate, consisting of 600 acres, was evidently all the landed property owned in fee simple by Magdalen before and at her death. After her demise, her personal property was divided among her children, and. under the English law, the eldest son inherited the manor plantation. John, said to have been the eldest son, had died in 1707-8, and the next son, AVilliam, was the eldest son liv ing in 1727, when his mother Magdalen died. As such, there fore, he inherited "White Hall" and it continued in his line for many years afterward. Joseph appears to have taken unto himself a helpmeet in the person of a Miss Wright, daug-hter of Col. Thomas Wright, of Dorchester County, by whom he had several children. It also appears that he had a second wife, whose maiden name is not known, and that she was alive when he executed his will of Sept. 13, 1751. In this will he does not call her by name. In making her his sole executrix, he calls her "my well beloved wife." He also wants his son Robert to "dwell with his mother-in-law" (evidently meaning step mother) until he is 18 years old, or until her marriage. LANDS GRANTED TO JOSEPH POLK. The records of the Maryland Land Office show that Capt, Robert Bruce Polk and his sons received at various times grants of land fro'm the Lords Baltimore, and that the aggre gate of these amounted tO' about five thousand acres, or more. These grants began in 1785 with a considerable tract to John Polk, followed in 1787 with grants to Robert Polk Sr. of "Polk's Folly" and "Polk's Lott," amounting to 150 acres. In 1700 Ephraim Polk received 374 acres, Robert Polk Jr. 2)0 acres. In 1705 James Polk received 200 acres, and in 1715 Ephraim got 200 acres more. The records show numerous other grants to the family up to 1743. In this long list of grants there was but one to Joseph Polk, viz: "Forlorn Hope's Addition," 90 acres, South Side of AVicomico River, Nov. 15, 1738. This was about the time 86 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN Joseph is said to have returned from Ireland, whither he had gone shortly after the death of his mother in 1727, to as sume charge of the estate of ''Moneen Hall" that she devised to him; and which he finally sold to his aunt Barbara Keys. He therefore appears to have remained in Ireland about nine or ten years before he returned to America. During that interim his name does not appear on the records of Maryland. AA'hen he got back to Maryland, however, Joseph pro ceeded to acquire a grant from Lord Baltimore, which he did in "Forlorn Hope's Addition." It appears, though, that with the proceeds derived from the sale of the Irish estate to his aunt Barbara Keys, Joseph purchased other lands, already improved by first owners. Among these the Dor chester records show the sale hy John Handy, Gentleman of Somerset, to Joseph Pollock, Planter, of Somerset;" All of "Little Goshen," 300 acres, in Dorchester, ab'out 8 miles from the head of the N. E. branch of Nanticoke river and about 2 miles westward of a plantation of Christopher Nutter, called " alias Ruffe." Surveyed April 23, 1684, and patent ed to George Loffield July 15, 1695." On March 16, 1743, Thomas Nutter of Dorchester con veyed to Joseph Pollock of Dorchester : "All that part of a tract called "Dublin," about 8 miles from the head of the N. E. branch of Nanticoke river, and about 3 miles westward of a plantation of 'Christopher Nut ter, in Dorchester, and containing 50 acres." This tract adjoined Little Goshen and together they gave Joseph a homestead of 350 acres, on which it appears he pro ceeded to "grow old gracefully" during the balance of his days. He did not, like his father and brothers, change his name to Polk, but adhered to the ancient and correct form — - Pollock. As Joseph Pollock, he was devisee in his mother's will of her estate in Ireland. By that name he sold and transferred the estate, and ever afterwards he adhered to the ancient and pro'per form. Joseph Polk was one of the devisees of his brother Robert Polk Jr. (fifth son of Robert and Magdalen) in his will of Feb. 31, 1735, probated May 10, 1737. One item of this will is: POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 87 "I give and bequeath unto my brother Joseph Polk part cf "Forlorn Hope," on the Northern end, being a certain tract of land formerly surveyed for Augustin Stanford, and like wise a certain tract of land called "Bally Hack," lying near the head of a creek called "Pidgeon House Creek," to him and the heirs of his own body forever." It will be observed that Robert Polk Jr., as shown by the probate of his will, died the same year (1737) in which his brother James and his mother Magdalen Polk deceased. WILL OF JOSEPH POLLOCK. (Dated Sept. 12, 1751, probated June 10, 1753.) In the Name of God Amen, this twelfth day of Septem ber Anno Domini one thousand seven hundred and fifty-one, I, Joseph Pollock, of Dorchester County and Province of Maryland, Planter, being sick and weak of body, but of perfect mind and memory, and knowing it is appointed for all men to die, do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament. First, I commend my soul to Almighty God that gave it, and my body to be buried in a Christianlike manner at the discretion of my Executors hereafter named. As touching such worldly estate wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me with in this world I give, devise and dispose of the same in manner and form following. Imprimis. I give and bequeath to my well beloved son Robert Pollock the westermost end of a tract of land called "Little Goshen,'" and likewise a tract of land called "Hor- sey's Swamp," containing one hundred acres of land, to him and his heirs forever, and in case he dies without heirs, then to fall to my youngest son James Pollock, and his heirs for ever, upon the condition of him the said James Pollock pay ing my daughter Ann Pollock the sum of fifty pounds cur rent money of Maryland in lieu of the land when he shall arrive at the age of twenty-eight years of age. I 88 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN likewise give and bequeath to my son Robert Pollock a young- negro boy called Sam, being in full for his part of my estate. Item — I give and bequeath to my well beloved son Zeph aniah Pollock the Eastermost end of a tract of land called "Little Goshan'' to him and his heirs forever, and in case he dies without heirs then to fall to my youngest son James Pollock and his heirs forever. Likewise my will and desire is that the tract of land called "Little Goshan" be equally divided between my two sons Robert and Zephaniah Pollock, at the discretion of my friend John Pollock son of James Pollock, and in case the said Easterm'ost end of "Goshan" should be lost by means of a suit of law then in lieu thereof I give unto him a young negro girl named Fender, but in case he obtains the land then the said negro girl Fender to be equally divided among my other children. I likewise give and bequeath to my son Zephaniah Pollock a gun, in full for his part of my estate. Item. — I give and bequeath to my eldest daughter Ann Pollock a young negro girl named Rose, in full for her part of my estate. Item. — My will and desire is that my trusty friend John Pollock after my death may prosecute the suit of law now pending between myself and Christopher Nutter and the charges thereof to be defrayed out of my estate. Item. — I give and bequeath to my son James Pollock all my smith tools and the remainder of my estate to be equally divided among my other children. Item. — I likewise leave my well beloved wife full and whole Executrix of this my last Will and Testament and my AVill and Desire is that my son Robert Pollock may dwell with his mother-in-law till he arrives at the age of eighteen years or till the day of her marriage, and I do hereby utterly disannul and make void all other Wills and Testaments be ¦ fore this by me in any wise named, ratifying and confirming this and no other to be my last Will and Testament. In witness I have hereunto set my hand and Seal the day and year a'bove written. Joseph Pollock (Seal). POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 89 Signed, sealed, pronounced and declared by the said Joseph PoUock to be his last AA'ill and Testament, in presence of us. Charles Rawlins, Jacob Layton, his John J. Neal. mark. On the 10th day of June Anno Dom. 1753 Charles Raw lins and John Neal two of the subscribing witnesses to the aforegoing Will, being duly and solemnly sworn on the Holy Evangels of Almighty God depose and say that they saw the Testator Joseph Pollock sign the aforegoing Will and heard him publish and declare the same to be his last Will and Testament. That at the time of his so doing he was to the best of their knowledge and apprehension of sound and dis posing mind and memory, and that they, together with the above Jacob Layton subscribed their respective names as witnesses to the said Will, in the presence of the said Tes tator and at his request, which Oath was taken by the said AVitnesses in the presence of John Pollock, as friend and Trus tee to the heir at law appointed by the Dec'd which same John Pollock did not object to the probate of the said Will, etc. Certified per Jam Auld, D. COM. D. C. From the above instrument it will be observed that the testator Joseph Pollock left a wife, most likely his second one, at his death. That she was probably not then an old woman, and likely to marry again, as he wishes his son Robert to "dwell with 'his m'other-in-law" (meaning step mother) "until he arrives at the age of eighteen years, or, till the day of her marriage." Joseph does not call the name of his wife, an omission noticeable in nearly all the wills of that period. That Robert was his eldest son is evident from the fact that he gave to him and to Zephaniah, equally, the lands of "Little Goshan" (the manor plantation) and "Hor- sey's Swamp," with reversion, in case of leaving no heirs, to the youngest son, James Pollock. The latter was quite 90 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN likely by the second wife. Ann he calls his "eldest daugh ter," and evidently she also was by his first wife, Miss Wright. The inference is that, by his use of the words "eldest daughter," he had other female children. But, if so, he dil not call their names. LTnquestionable proof that Joseph Pollock's first wife, Miss Wright, was the mother of his eldest children, Rohert and Ann, is afforded by the will of Col. Thomas Wright, dated Feb. 8, 1753, and probated Feb. 27th, following, in Somerset County. In this will he gives to his grandchildren Ann Polk and Robert Polk, 1 shilling each." It is observable that he does not call them Pollock, but Polk. The bequests to them were paltry sums and their only value is in the record they have helped to preserve of the line of Joseph. Had the other two children of Joseph, Zephaniah and James, also been children of Miss AA'right, Col. AA'right would have given them a shilling each, as his purpose seems merely to have been compliance with a legal requirement, without which the grandchildren would have had greater claims on his estate. As Col. AA'right did not mention Zephaniah and James, it is evident that they were by Joseph's second wife, who survived her husband. About two years after her father's death Ann left the parental roof, 'being married on Dec. 24, 1754, to Daniel Morris, Jr., who resided near the eastern boundry of Dor chester and close to the Sussex County, Delaware line. AA'ith Daniel Morris, Jr., her husband, and others of the Morris, Hopkins, Nutter and Polk families Ann emigrated to Kentucky in Nov., 1793. Among the slaves she brought was this negro girl Rose, whO' is called "Old Rose" in the will of Ann's hus band, Danel Morris Jr., of record in the Clerk's office of Fayette County, Kentucky. This will is dated May 1, 1802, and was probated at Lexington, at December Court, 1806. In it he directs that "Old Rose" have her choice as to which of his children she should wish to live with. Ann (Pollock) Morris died in June, 1816, near Payne's Depot, Scott County, and was buried beside her husband Daniel Morris Jr., in the ]\Iorris family graveyard. For further information about her see same under head of Eph- POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 91 raim Polk 3d., whO' married her daughter Rhoda Ann Morris What became of Joseph Pollock's three other children named in his will — Zephanialh, Robert and James — we have no knowledge. The name Zephaniah has come down the line for more than a century, cropping out a number of times in the Kentucky and Indiana Morris families. Likewise the name Robert and James, still more frequently. By those who knew her, Ann (Pollock) Morris is de scribed as a large woman, with great energy individually and in matters of business. She reared a family of twelve child ren to maturity, and most of these marrying, have left a numerous progeny in Kentucky and other Central Western States. FAMILY OF DANIEL MORRIS SR. The following record of the family is copied from the old Morris family Bible. Daniel Morris Sr. born in Sussex County, Del. 17 — , died there about 1785. Among his children were: 1. Daniel Morris Jr., b. 17 — ; married Ann Pollock Dec 2L 1754. 3. A daughter, b. abt. 17—; married \Vm. McNitt, in Del. They also emigrated to Kentucky about 1793. 3. David Morris, b. abt. 17 — ; married Miss Shotwell, emigrated to Kentucky in 1788, and settled at Alayslick, Ma son County, where he established a tavern for the entertain ment of the great number of emigrants arriving at Limestone (now Maysville) and bound for Central Kentucky. Concerning the marriage of a cousin of David Morris' wife, Collins History of Kentucky, under the chapter on Ma son County, says the first five settlers at^Mayslick in 1788 were Abraham, Cornelius and Isaac Drake, of Plainfield, N. J. (brothers), David Morris and John Shotwell, with their families. David Morris' wife was a sister of Shotwell and Isaac Drake's wife and her grown sister. Miss Lydia, their cousins, daughters of Banjamin Shotwell. Isaac Drake had two children, Daniel, (afterwards the celebrated Dr. Daniel Drake) and Elizabeth, afterwards Mrs. Glenn. They came together by boat, landing June 10, 1788, at "The Point," 92 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN Maysville, thence to their new purchase and future home. Llere they built five cabins, each of which was one story high, with wooden chimney, puncheon floor, clapboard roof, and portholes. The Indians at that time were making fre quent incursions into Kentucky and the pioneers were kept constantly on the alert. In the spring of 1790 the savages fired on some campers near Mayslick and one man was killed "In 1791, Miss Lydia Shotwell was married (the first marriage in Mayslick) a number of friends from AA^ashington and others coming to the wedding armed. During the wed ding, an alarm was given — of an Indian attack on a wagon, five miles out on the Lexington road. The armed men mount ed their horses and galloped ofit rapidly to the scene. It proved to be a false alarm — the first wedding sell in !Mason County, and rather serious to be appreciated." It will be noticed that the children of Ephraim Polk 3d trace back to Robt. and Alagdalen Polk through two branches. First Ephraim third, Ephraim second, Ephraim first, Robert and Magdalen. Second — Rhoda (Morris) Polk (wife of Eph raim 3d) daughter of Daniel Morris Jr. and his wife Ann Pollock, daughter of Joseph Pollock (youngest son of Robert and Magdalen) and his wife Miss AA'right of Maryland. MARTHA AND ANN POLK. 'Capt. Robert Bruce Polk and his wife ^Magdalen (Tasker- Porter) Polk's family was composed of seven sons and two daughters, according to all family traditions and other evi dence. These two daughters, as shown by Robert Bruce Polk's will of 1699, were Ann and Martha. All the old com pilers of the Polk family records and the 1849 Polk Tree give the name Margaret instead of Martha, and this error was accepted until the discovery a few years since of Capt, Robert's will, showing daughters Ann and Martha, but no Margaret. Of the lines and descendants of these two daughters, we have obtained but little account from those to whom we ap plied. Their families seem to have scattered afar from the old stamping ground, their trails being lost in the mazes of the ensuing years. A few we learn yet remain in Somerset. POLK F AM I LY AND KINSMEN 93 AVhat we have been able to learn of these two daughters can be quickly related, viz : Ann Polk was presumably the third child — at least one among the eldes't — of Robt. and ]\Iagdalen Polk. She was born about 1669, in Ireland, and was a little tot when her parents emigrated to America in order to secure a larger field for the exercise of political and religious liberty. It appears also that Ann died before reaching middle life. She was married about 1690 (maybe sooner) and pre sumably she was dead in 1699, judging from the fact that she is not mentioned in her father's will, while her sister ]\Iartha is given a devise. The first husband of Ann was Francis Roberts, a planter, c f Dame's Quarter, by whom she had children Edward and Priscilla. Edward grew to manhood and married his first cousin, Nancy, daughter of his uncle John Polk, first son of Robert and Magdalen. Priscilla Roberts married William Polk, brother of Nancy. The names of William and Priscilla (Roberts) Polk erroneously appear on the Polk family tree compiled and published in 1849. The wrong William was inadvertently gotten into the line. Francis Roberts died but a few years after marriage to Ann and she appears of record as Executrix, to settle his estate, with Thomas Pollitt and John Polk as bondsmen. As a second husband, Ann chose John Renshaw, Jr., who sub sequently joined in Ann's bond concerning the estate of Francis. Whether or not Ann had issue by this latter union, we cannot say. It is more than likely that she did. MARTHA POLK'S DESCENDANTS. Martha Polk, second daughter of Robert and Magdalen Polk, was born in Maryland about 1679, and married Thomas Pollitt of Somerset. As she was called "My daughter Mar tha" by Capt. Robert Polk in his will of 1699, and given one third of his "moveables," it is probable that at that time she was still single and a member of his household. In a codicil to his will, he says : "and I desire that iMartha Poock (Polk) may have liberty to let her cattle run on the plantation until she gets a place," etc. 94 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN The witnesses to the will of Magdalen Polk, of April 7, 1736, were David Polk, William Pollitt and Magdalen Pollitt. The two latter, no doubt, were children of Martha and Thomas Pollitt. She also had two other children, John and IMary, as the records show. Thomas Pollitt dying, Martha took as a second husband Richard Tull, of Dame's Quarter, and the official records show that she was his wife in 1710. If they left issue, we have no record of the fact. A NUMEROUS PROGENY. The records, and the investigations made in 1849, and re cently by the present writer, show that of Robert and Magda len's sons, William has the greatest number of descendants and Ephraim next. Those of the former largely reside in Maryland and include the AVinders and other noted families of that section. Those who emigrated to North Carolina were also exceedingly prolific and are scattered all over the South and Southwest. The descendants of Ephraim are found principally in Delaware, Kentucky, Indiana, Missouri and other states of the West, and everywhere they have gone to the front and become leaders in civic and military affairs. AA'm. Polk, 3nd, appears to have been the eldest son of William Polk, Sr., and his wife Nancy (Knox) Owens, who was the widow of AA/'illiam Owens of Somerset County, and the reputed sister of Joanna Knox, the second wife and widow cf John Polk, Sr. By Nancy, AVilliam Sr., had another son, Charles Polk, who became an Indian trader on the Maryland frontier and died in 1753. One 'of the latter's son's, Capt. Charles Polk, a noted border officer, emigrated to Kentucky in 1780, and thence to Indiana in 1808, dying there in 1823. Wm. Polk, 2d, after a sojourn of some years at Carlisle, Pa., married there Miss Margaret Taylor, and 'between 1740 and 1750 emigrated to North Carolina, dying there about 1753, acc'O'rding to the statement of Mrs. Susan Smart to Bishop Polk in 1848. POLK F AM I LY AND KINSMEN 95 CHAPTER XX. DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM POLK, 3d. AA'illiam Polk 3d (eldest son of AA'illiam Polk and Margaret Taylor Polk), was twice married. The names of his wives are not preserved. By his first marriage he had two sons : ^Thomas and ^John. By his second marriage, he had a son Ezekiel. The latter became an Ensign in one of the infantry regiments of the United States Army and died in 1791, as ap- feLrs by Heitman's Register. Thomas Polk, eldest son of William Polk by tiis first wife was generally called "Colonel" Thomas Polk. He married Mary Shelby, a sister of Reese and Thomas Shelby, and said to have been a sister of General Evan Shelby, father of Gov ernor Isaac Shelby, hero of King's Mountain and the Thames, and twice Governor of Kentucky. The parents of Mary bnelby, says Miss Garrett in her Polk sketches, resided just across the South Carolina line, in the Chesterfield District (now county), and died there. Thomas Polk and his wife Mary, lived on Watson's Creek, but later removed to Richard son's Creek, at what was called little Mountain. After his settlement there it became known as "Polk's Mountain," and he died there in 1842. In 1880 the name of the mountain was changed to "Gibraltar." Colonel Thomas and Mary (Shelby) Polk had issue: ^Shelby, ^Andrew, ^Thomas, *Jobe, ^Hannah, •'Dicy, '^Patsy, ^Mary, ^Elizabeth. The eldest, Shelby Polk, married Winnifred Colburn. He emigrated to Tennessee in 1813 and left numerous descendants, some of whom went to Texas in the days of the Republic. Shelby died about 1847 leaving issue: ^Esther, ^Headley, sThomas, ^William, ^Shelby, ^Mary, '^Eliza. Esther (daughter of Shelby and Winnifred Polk), married Whitman Colburn, and had issue: ^Lucinda and ^Winnifred (twins), ^James Leroy, ^AA'illiam Headly Colburn. Lucinda 96 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN married John Grayham and they emigrated to Texas, having issue: ^Randolph, ^Ophelia, ^Thomas, *Price, ^Headley and ®Elilur Grayham. Winnifred Colburn (twin sister of Lucinda) married Andrew Webb and emigrated to Arkansas. They had issue : ^Lucinda, ^James, and several more children. James Leroy Colburn (son of Esther and Whitman Col burn) married Margaret Bradford. He removed to Tennessee and left children. William Headley Colburn (son of Esther Polk and AA'hit- man Colburn), married Margaret Doyle. They removed to Tennessee and left children. Headley Polk, second child and eldest son of Shelby Polk and Winnifred (Colburn) Polk, was born in North Carolina in 1812, and removed to Texas in 1845. He married Eliza Sebastian, of the well known Sebastian family of Tennessee She was a cousin of Hon. AA^. K. Sebastian, U. S. Senator from Arkansas. The children of Headley Polk and Eliza (Sebast ian) Polk were : ^James Dallas, -John Robert, ^Martha O.. *Anna S., ^Sally E., and «Mary F. Polk. John Robert Polk married Kate Woods and they had issue: ^Iver May, ^Katie B., ^Annie, *Euphia, "Dallas L., and «Headley Polk. Martha O. Polk (daughter of Headley Polk and Eliza Sebastian Polk), married B. Harris and had issue: ^Robert P., ^Headley Bruce, ^Lena and *Evan Harris. Sallie E. Polk, daughter of Headley Polk and Eliza (Se bastian) Polk, married E. A. Brackney, dying and leaving one child, Ladie Polk Brackney. Mary F. Polk, daughter of Headley Polk and Eliza (Sebastian) Polk, married B. Lyell. Thomas Polk, son of Shelby Polk and AA'innifred (Col burn) Polk, married Elizabeth Braddy. They had issue : ^Citizen, ^Charles, ^Wallace, *Dora and ^Sallie Polk. Charles and Citizen Polk were soldiers in the Confederate Army, in the Civil War, and were killed in battle. Dora Polk, daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth (Braddy) Polk, married Mr. Tillman. Her sister, Sallie Polk, married Mr. Wilson. Their issue not learned. POLK F AMI LY AND KINSMEN 97 William Polk, son of Shelby and Winnifred (Colburn) Polk, married Elizabeth Bradford. He was a soldier in the Confederate Army. Issue: ^Winfora, ^Shelby, ^Marchal. ^Thomas, ^Robert. Winafora married Richard McKinney and had several children. Shelby Polk, second child of William Polk and Elizabeth (Bradford) Polk, married a Miss Lock- man. Anna Polk, daughter of Headley and Winnifred Polk died unmarried. Shelby Polk (fifth child of Shelby Polk and Winnifred Colburn Polk), died unmarried. Mary Polk, sixth child of Shelby Polk and Winnifred (Colburn) Polk, married Nathan Rodgers: Issue: ^Winnifred M., 2Mary A., ^Oclatia, ^Charles E., ^EUa, ^Octavia. Eliza Polk seventh child of Shelby Polk and Winnifred (Colburn) Polk, married AA^iUiam G. NackoUs. They had issue: ^Charles E., %Iary O., ^William L. and *Lenora Z. NackoUs. Charles E. NackoUs married , and had issue. Mary O. NackoUs married R. V. Vinson and had issue : ^Carl and -Nora. William L. NackoUs married Georgia Fair and had one child, AVilliam C. NackoUs. Lenora Z. NackoUs, youngest child of AA'illiam G. Nack oUs and Eliza (Polk) NackoUs, married James Barnett and died leaving one child, AA'illiam G. Barnett. Andrew Polk, second son of Col. Thomas Polk and Mary (Shelby) Polk, was twice married ; first to Miss Caraway. He settled on Big Brown Creek (later Polkton) where three chil dren were born to him by his first wife : ^Thomas J., -James K.. and ^Marshall Polk. Thomas married and left several chil dren, who reside in North Carolina. James K. emigrated to Texas and died there. Marshall Polk married and resides at Polkton, N. C. He has several children. One of them. Miss Ella Polk, resides at Columbia, S. C. Andrew Polk's second wife was Lorena Autery, by whom he had one child, the late Col. L. L. Polk, of Raleigh, N. C, President of the National Farmers' Alliance. He also estab lished a newspaper to advocate the principles of the Farmers' Alliance and was a man of marked ability as a writer and 98 POLK F AMI LY AND KINSMEN speaker. He died in 1891, in Washington City. He married Miss Gaddy, of North Carolina. Thomas Polk (third son of Col. Thomas Polk and Mary Shelby Polk), married Sarah Brooks and inherited his father's old homestead. Of his sons, two of them, Marshall and Shelby, were killed in the Confederate Army, and two died after the war — William and Andrew. Thomas J. inherited the homestead and there are several other children who reside in Anson and Union Counties, N. C. Jobe Polk (son of Col. Thomas and Mary Polk), never married. Hannah Polk (eldest daughter of Col. Thomas Polk and Mary Shelby Polk), was twice married. Her first husband was a Mr. Sides, by whom she had one child, Hannah. Her second husband was Adam Long, by whom she had three sons, Thomas, Henry and Adam Long; also several daughters. Hannah (Polk) Long lived to the age of ninety years. Dicey Polk, second daughter of Col. Thomas Polk and Mary (Shelby) Polk, married Francis Colburn. They emi grated to Tennessee, in which state such a large number of the Polks and their connections had previously settled. Patsy Polk, third daughter of Col. Thomas Polk and Mary (Shelby) Polk, married William Crittenden. They also removed from North Carolina to Tennessee. Mary Polk, fourth daughter of Col. Thomas Polk and Mary (Shelby) Polk, married Aaron Little and settled in that part of Anson County now known as L'nion. She died in 1862, leaving a family of ten children. Armstead Little was killed at the battle of Sharpsburg, Md., in 1862, leaving a widow and six children. Lina Little, second child of Aaron Little and Mary (Polk) Little, married Jabez Williams and died in 1855, leaving one daughter. Martha Little, third child of Aaron Little and Mary (Polk) Little, married Tillman Green. They left a numerous family. Elizabeth Little, fourth child of Aaron Little and Mary (Polk) Little, married Archibald Helms. They had several children. Sophia Little, fifth child of Aaron Little and Mary (Polk) Little, married Noah Barbee. They had several children. POLK F AMI LY AND KINSMEN 99 Thomas B. and James L. Little, were twins of Aaron and Mary (Polk) Little. Thomas B. removed to Arkansas; James L. married in North Carolina and had several children, one of whom, Mary E. P., married Alfred J. Austin. Rosana and Penelope Little (twins) ; and Sarena and Minerva Little (twins) of Aaron and Mary (Polk) Little. Penelope Little, daughter of Aaron and Mary (Polk) Little, married W. H. Austin and had ten children who attain ed maturity, viz : ^Henry AV. Austin, unmarried ; -Mary La- venia Austin, married U. A. Davis; ^Belinda Victoria Austin, married Jacob C. Griffin, and had four sons ; ^Francis Pene lope Austin, married E. L. Helms and had three sons ; ^John Aaron Austin married Hattie Austin, and had four sons ; ®Sarah Austin; '''James C. Austin; ^Ida Serena Austin; */\lex- ander T. Austin; i^Daisy B. Austin. Sarena Little, daughter of Aaron and Mary (Polk) Little. married J. H. Little and at her death left a large family. Elizabeth Polk, youngest child of Col. Thomas Polk and Mary (Shelby) Polk, married Richmond McManus of South Carolina. At her death she left two daughters. John Polk, second son of AVilliam Polk (by his first wife), married and located on Crooked Creek in that part of Anson now known as Union County, where he died leaving several daughters. One of them, Margaret, married J. Peter Hager; another married John Hager, and their descendants reside in North Carolina and other states. 100 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN CHAPTER XXI. CHAS. POLK, SON OF WM. AND MARGARET. Charles Polk, second son of William Polk and Margaret (Taylor) Polk, was married in 1750 (the year the family emi grated from Pennsylvania to North Carolina) to Polly Clark, by whom he had five sons, viz : ^Thomas Polk, ^Charles Polk, •^Shelby Polk, *William Polk and ^Mike Polk. Debora Polk, second daughter of William Polk and Mar garet (Taylor) Polk, married Samuel McLary and left issue. Charles Polk, second son of Charles Polk and Polly (Clark) Polk, was a soldier in the Revolution from North Carolina. He married and had three sons; Oal. Wm. Polk Charles Polk and another son left descendants. Susan Polk, third daughter of William Polk and Margaret (Taylor) Polk, married Benjamin Alexander, by whom she had six children: ^Thomas, ^Charles, ^Susan, ^William, °Ben- jamin, ^Taylor. William Alexander was a Captain and a dis tinguished officer of the North Carolina Line, in the Revo lutionary AVar. On account of his dark complexion he was called "Black Bill" and was noted for his valor on the field. John Polk, fourth son of William Polk and Margaret (Taylor) Polk, was born near Carlisle, Pa., about 1740 — pos sibly earlier. He was a soldier in the Revolution and ac quitted himself with gallantry. He married Eleanor Shelby, a daughter of Major Evan Shelby, son of Gen'l Evan Shelby. Eleanor was a kinswoman of Mary Shelby, who married Col. Thos. Polk. John Polk and his wife Eleanor (Shelby) Polk had issue: ^Charles Polk, ^Shelby Polk, ^Taylor Polk, *John Polk, ^Eleanor. Taylor Polk, third son of John and Eleanor (Shelby) Polk, married Jency Walker, a daughter of Alexander Walker. of Kentucky. They had seven children, viz : ^Benjamin Polk, ^Taylor Polk, ^James Polk, ^Cumberland Polk, ^William Polk "Alfred Polk, ^ency Polk. POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 101 Benjamin Polk, eldest son of Taylor Polk and Jency (Walker) Polk, married Peggy Boatright and had issue: ijency Polk, ^Benjamin Polk, sjames Polk, ^Charles Polk, •nViUiam Polk, «Richard Polk, ''Priscilla Polk. They all died in childhood. Taylor Polk, second son of Taylor Polk and Jency (AValk- er) Polk, married Prudence Anderson and had ten children, viz : ^Anderson Polk, ^Eleanor Polk, ^Cumberland Polk. *Sarah Delaney Polk, ^Mitchell Polk, ^Sylvester Walker Polk, ^Henry Clay Polk, ^Taylor Polk, ^Prudence Polk, i^Alfred Polk. Anderson Polk, eldest son of Taylor Polk and Prudence (Anderson) Polk, was married three times. By his first wife, Eliza Epperson, he had children : ^Henry Polk, who married Ellen Deathrow; ^Sarah Polk, who married John Huddleston ; "Jane Polk, Who married Thomas Huddleston ; ^Sylvester Polk who married Sarah Intz. Anderson Polk's second wife was Martha Martin, by whom he had issue ; ^Texana Polk, who married Thomas AVilliamson ; "Matilda Polk, who married James Joplin ; 'Thomas Polk, who married Annie Matlock, '^Prudence Polk, who died unmarried. Anderson Polk's third wife was Susan Laughey and they had issue : ^Martha Polk, who married Jefferson Bugg ; i^Almeda Polk, who married Charles Cruger. Eleanor Polk, second child of Taylor Polk and Prudence (x\nderson) Polk, married Daniel Huddleston and had issue. ^Prudence, who married Joseph Story; ^Daniel, who married Miss Steinson ; ^Jane, who married Moses AVaterman ; ^Rachel, who married Jefferson Cunningham; ®T. J. Huddles ton, who married Jane Polk; "Katherine, who married James Stevens. Cumberland Polk, third child of Taylor Polk and Pru dence (Anderson) Polk, married Almeda Blackwood, and had issue: ^Prudence, who married James Stanford; ^Taylor, who married Ellen Griggs ; ^Caldona, who married Robert Priest ; ^Lucinda, who married John Houston ; ^Lawrence, who mar ried Penelope Rose; "Samuel, who married Alonza Tracy; and 102 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN ''John, ''Sylvester, ^Henry and ^"Wesley, all of whom died unmarried. Sarah Delany Polk, fourth child of Taylor Polk and Pru dence (Anderson) Polk, married Capt. T. G. Epperson and had issue: ^Henry Peyton, who married Miss Rowles; ^Mary, who married Blount Bullock; ^Taylor, who married Victoria Bush; ^Isabella, who married George Jacobs; ^Emma, who married Ira Cobb. Mitchell Polk, fifth child of Taylor Polk and Prudence (Anderson) Polk, died unmarried. Sylvester Walker Polk, sixth child of Taylor Polk and Prudence (Anderson) Polk, married Sarah Large and had issue: ^Isom, who married Lucy Miller; ^Victoria, who mar ried H. O. Brockmann; ^Paschal, who married Hannah Jones; *Isadore, who married W. R. Copps; ^David, who married Jane Burnett; "Laura, who married L. D. Burnett; ^Alpha, who married John Lindsey; ^Maud, who married W. L. Koth- mann; ^Claude. Henry Clay Polk, seventh child of Taylor Polk and Pru dence (Anderson) Polk, married Mary A. Dickson and had issue: ^Henry, who married Anne Gould; ^David, who died single; ^Emma, who died single; *Alice, who married Dr. G. B. Green ; *John, who married Susan Brown ; "Anna, who married John Hawkins ; ''Lela, who married Dr. John Brown ; ^Betty, who died single ; ^Roxy ; ^"Leon. Taylor Polk, 3rd, eighth child of Taylor Polk and Pru dence (Anderson) Polk, married Mary Petty and had issue: ^Laura, ^Augusta, ^MoUie, who married T. VA^. Poole; *James, who married Mary Allison ; ^""Leta and Lota, twins ; ''Llenry, ''Leon, ^Myrtle, who married Richard Shegog; ^"Beverly. Prudence Polk, ninth child of Taylor Polk and Prudence (Anderson) Polk, married Benjamin R. Dickson and had issue; 'Charles, who married Carrie Young; ^Minnie, who married Dr. Oscar Smith ; ^William, *Pearl, who married Russell AA'il liams; 'Ethel, who married George Holland. Alfred Polk, tenth child of Taylor Polk and Prudence (An derson) Polk, married Sarah AA'ilson and had issue : 'Sylvester, 2Burt, ^Mable, *James Polk. POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 103 James Polk, third child of Taylor Polk, 1st, and Jency (Walker) Polk, was twice married; first to Miss Trammell; second to Miss Sallie Cox, and had issue: 'Jency, ^Bettie, ^Franklin, *James, 'Cumberland. Jency, eldest child of James Polk by his first wife, married Fielding Tweedle. Issue : one son, William Tweedle, who died single. Bettie Polk, second child of James Polk by his first wife, married Martin Newman and had issue : 'Jas. F. Newman, -Mary Newman. James F. Newman married Josephine Rushing and had issue : 'Alfred, -Arthur, ^Ira. Mary Newman married Thomas Trammell and had issue; 'James P., ^Walter T., and ^Bertie Trammell. James P. Trammell married his cousin Mattie L. Polk, and had issue, Thos. G. Trammell. Franklin Polk, son of James Polk by his first wife, married Jane Rider and at his death left issue. James Polk, fourth son of James Polk, and eldest son by second wife, Sallie Cox, married Lizzie Roberts and left issue Cumberland Polk, son of James and Sallie (Cox) Polk, married Laura Kirk and had issue : 'James, ^Lizzie, ^Annie, *Frank, 'Mattie, "Louis, ''Minnie. Lizzie, second child of Cumberland Polk and Laura (Kirk) Polk, married D. L. Norman and had two children: 'CecU, 'Ross. Mattie Polk, fifth child of Cumberland Polk and Laura (Kirk) Polk, married James P. Trammell, her cousin. Cumberland Polk, fourth chUd of Taylor Polk and Jency (Walker) Polk, married Nancy Cox, (sister of Sallie Cox. who married James, brother of Cumberland Polk). Nancy and Sallie were daughters of Joel Cox and Frances (BartlettA Cox of Kentucky. Cumberland and Nancy (Cox) Polk had issue: 'Lucinda, ^Lucretia, ^Marshall Alexander, *Elias Rector, 'William Jackson, "Louisa Jane, ''Louis Taylor, ^Jency, ^Pru dence, '"Mary, "Martha, '^James Knox. Lucinda, eldest child of Cumberland and Nancy (Cox) Polk, died in infancy. Lucretia, second child of Cumberland and Nancy (Cox) 104 P O LK FAMILY AND KINSMEN Polk, married Edmond Cearley (spelled Kerley in colonial times) and had issue. Samuel Reyburn, who died unmarried ; Newton Fleming, who died unmarried. Mary Jane and Cumberland, who died in infancy. 'Louisa Elizabeth, who married George Babcock, but left no issue; "Cyrus Granville, who died unmarried; ''John Brack- ville ; ^Emma Cornelia, who married Judge F. JM. Angelloti, of San Rafael, California, and had issue : 'Frank L. Angellotti, who died in infancy; ^Alarion Polk Angellotti. ^Charles Talent, who married Jennie Mangrum and had one child, Mila Mangrum Cearley Polk. Marshall Alexander Polk, third child of Cumberland Polk and Nancy (Cox) Polk, died in childhood. Elias Rector Polk, fourth child of Cumberland Polk and Nancy (Cox) Polk, died unmarried. He was a Confederate soldier in Kenard's legiment, and died from wounds received in battle. AA^illiam Jackson Polk, fifth child of Cumberland Polk and Nancy (Cox) Polk, married Esther AVoodward, and had issue: 'Thomas, ^Julia. AA'illiam Jackson was also a Confederate soldier and died from disease contracted in the army. Louise Jane Polk, sixth child of Cumberland Polk and Nancy (Cox) Polk, married Rev. E. J. Billington and had issue ; 'Lucretia, ^Ezekiel Jackson, ^Julia. Louis Taylor Polk, seventh child of Cumberland Polk and Nancy (Cox) Polk, died unmarried. He was killed in 1862. in the Confederate Army, at the battle of Arkansas Post. He was a member of Col. Nelson's regiment. Jency Polk, eighth child of Cumberland Polk and Nancy (Cox) Polk, married AA^illiam O'Neal, and had issue: 'Nancy, who married Robert Ross ; ^Gussie, who married Elisha Ross ; ^Prudence, who married AA'illiam Ross ; *John, unmarried at last accounts, but on the lookout for a Ross. Prudence Polk, ninth child of Cumherland Polk and Nancy (Cox) Polk, married Frederick Jones and had two children: 'i\Iary, who married AVilliam White ; ^AVilliam. Mary Ann, tenth child of Cumberland Polk and Nancy (Cox) Polk, married Charles Jackson, but had no issue. Martha Robinson Polk, eleventh child of Cumberland POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 105 Polk and Nancy (Cox) Polk, married Handy Walker and had issue : 'Jency, ^James, ^EUa. James Polk, twelfth child of Cumberland Polk and Nancy (Cox) Polk, never married. AVilliam Polk, fifth child of Taylor Polk and Jency (AVal- ker) Polk married two cousins. Misses Griffith. By the first he had two sons, Levi and Cumberland. Both of these young men joined the Confederate army and fell in battle. By his second marriage William Polk had no issue and his line be came extinct. Alfred Polk, sixth child of Taylor Polk and Jency (AA^aL ker) Polk, married twice ; first to Irene Chandler ; second to Mrs. Ricketts. By the first he had issue: 'James, -Josiah, ^Mary J., who married AA'. W. Garner ; *Mitchell A., 'Caroline, who married L. Dennis; "Benjamin, ''Samuel, ^Almeda, who married J. N. Stancill ; ^Young C. Polk. By his second marriage, to Mrs. Ricketts, Alfred Polk had issue: '"Robert L., "AVm. P„ '^Richard T. Polk. Jency Polk, seventh child of Taylor Polk and Jency (AA'al- ker) Polk, married Mitchell Anderson, a brother to Prudence Anderson, who married Taylor Polk, 2nd. Issue : 'Fannie, ^James, ^Mitchell, ^Benjamin, 'Abraham, "Eliza, ''Stacy, ^Jane, ^Henry, '"Taylor Anderson. James Mitchell, 'Benjamin and Abraham Anderson, all quite young, enlisted in the Confederate army and were all killed in battle. The other children of Mitchell Polk have not been traced. The God of Battles certainly laid a heavy hand on this family. 103 P 0 LK FAMILY AND KINSMEN CHAPTER XXII. MARGARET POLK McREA. ]\Iargaret Polk, sixth child of William Polk and Margaret (Taylor) Polk, married Ro'hert McRea, of North Carolina, and had eleven children: 'William, ^Debora, ^James P., *Susan, 'Dinah, "Margaret, ''Thomas, ^Harriett, ^Richard, lOWilliam, "Mary McRea. William McRea, eldest son of Robert McRea and Marga ret (Polk) McRea, married and had issue: 'William, ^David, ^James, ^Margaret, 'Banks, "Richard, ^Robert, ^Josephine Mc Rea. Debora McRea, second child of Robert McRea and Mar garet (Polk) McRea, married Wm. Campbell and 'had nine children, viz. : 'Mary, ^Jane, ^Debora, ^Robert, 'Margaret, "AVilliam, ''Harriet, ®John, and ^Andrew Campbell. James P. McRea, third child of Robert and Mar'j;?, ret (Polk) McRea, married and emigrated to Tennessee, and had a family of ten children, viz.: 'Margaret, ^Robert, ^Sarah, *Mary, 'Adam, "James, ''William, ^Eugene, ^Rebecca, '"Julia McRea. Sarah, the third child of James P. McRea, of Tennessee, married Clay and left issue : 'Margaret, ^James, ^William, *John L., 'Leonidas, "Sarah, ''Martha Clay. Susan McRea, fourth child of Robert McRea and Margaret (Polk) McRea, married William Barnett and had issue: 'Wil liam, ^Susan, ^Margaret, *Ann, 'Jack, "Jane, ''Robert Barnett. Dinah McRea, fifth child of Rohert McRea and Margaret (Polk) McRea, married Hart, and had issue : 'Mary, ^Margaret, ^Isabella, ^William, 'David Hart. Margaret McRea, sixth diild of Robert McRea and Mar garet (Polk) McRea, married Spratt and had issue: 'Thomas, ^Robert, ^Margaret, *Susan, 'James, "Elizabeth, ''Martha, ^Leonidas Spratt. POLK F AMI LY AND KINSMEN 107 Thomas McRea, seventh child of Robert McRea and Mar garet (Polk) McRea, married and had three children, viz. : 'William, ^Robert, ^Margaret McRea. Harriet McRea, eighth chdd of Robert McRea and Mar garet (Polk) McRea, married Taylor and had is sue : 'Mary, ^Robert, ^John Taylor. Rachel McRea, ninth child of Rohert McRea and Mar garet (Polk) McRea, married Vance and had issue: 'Robert, and ^James Vance. William McRea, tenth child of Robert McRea and Mar garet (Polk) McRea, died unmarried. Mary McRea, eleventh chUd of Robert McRea and Mar garet (Polk) McRea, married Barnett and had is- sue : 'Mary, and ^William Barnett. 108 POLK FAMILY AND KINS M B N CHAPTER XXIII. GENERAL THOMAS POLK'S DESCENDANTS. Gen'l Thomas Polk, seventh child of William Polk and ^largaret (Taylor) Polk, married Susan Spratt, a daughter of Thomas Spratt, a prominent citizen of Alecklenburg County, by whom he had: 'Thomas, ^Col. AA'illiam, ^Ezekiel, who was lost at sea, says j\Irs. Smart in 1849, in a letter to Bishop Polk; ^Charles, 'Margaret, "j\Iary, ''Martha, ^James, ^D^bora Polk. Thomas Polk, eldest child of General Thomas Polk, and Susan (Spratt) Polk, never married. He was a Captain in the Revolution, in the Fourth North Carolina regiment, com manded by his father, and was killed by a bullet in the fore-. head, at the hard fought battle of Eutaw, Sept. 8, 1781, where the gallant patriots under General Nathaniel Greene contend ed for five hours with an army of veteran British soldiers under General Stuart, the engagement being a drawn battle in which both sides suffered a heav}' loss of officers and men. Colonel William Polk, second child of General Thomas Polk and Susan (Spratt) Polk, was twice married; first to Grizelda Gilchrist, second to Sarah Hawkins. By his first wife he had two sons : 'General Thos. G. Polk, ^Dr. AA'illiam Julius Polk. By his second wife 'he had eight children, viz. : ^Lucius Junius Polk, ^Lieutenant General Leonidas Polk, Con federate States Army, who was killed during the Civil AA'ar by a cannon shot, at Pine Mountain, Ga., June 14, 1864, while reconnoitering the Federal lines ; '2^Iary B. Polk, "Alexandei Hamilton Polk, ''Col. Rufus K. Polk, ^George AV. Polk, ^Susan S. Polk, '"Col. Andrew J. Polk. Lucinda, another child of Col AA'm. Polk, born Jan. 12, 1804, died when a little over a year old, as did also another child, John Hawkins Polk. General Thomas G. Polk, eldest son of Col. William Polk and Grizelda (Gilchrist) Polk, was born February 22, 1791, and married iMary Trotter, by whom he had six children to live to POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 109 GEN'L THOS. G, POLK, of North Carolina, POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN HI maturity, viz. : 'Mary A. Polk, ^Jane Polk, ^AVilliam Polk, *Richard Polk, 'Emily Polk, "Thomas Polk. The three last named died unmarried. Mary A. Polk, first child of General Thomas G. Polk and Mary (Trotter) Polk, married Hon. George Davis, of Raleigh, N. C, a distinguished lawyer and Attorney General of the Con federate States, under President Jefferson Davis. Six of their children lived to maturity, viz : 'Junius Davis, ^Mary Davis, (who died unmarried), ^Emily Davis, ""Louis Davis, (who also died unmarried) ; 'Isabella Davis, "Margaret Davis. Junius Davis, eldest child of Hon. George Davis and Mary (Polk) Davis, married twice; first to Mary Orme Walker, second to Mary Cowan. By them he had eight children : 'Mary Polk Davis, ^Thomas Davis, ^Junius Davis, *George Davis, 'Piatt Davis, "Louis Davis, ^Robert C. Davis, ^Eliza Davis, the two last named by his second wife. Emily Davis, third child of Hon. George Davis and Mary (Polk) Davis, married June Crowe and had issue: 'George Crowe, ^Fairfax Crowe, ^William Crowe, *Emmet Polk Crowe. Isabella Davis, fifth child of Hon. George Davis and Mary (Polk) Davis, married Spencer Shotter, by whom she had one child, Isabella Davis Shotter. Margaret Davis, youngest child of Hon. George Davis and Mary (Polk) Davis, married George Rountree and had issue : 'Isabella Rountree, ^Cynthia Rountree, ^Meta Roun tree. Jane Polk, second child of General Thomas G, Polk and Mary (Trotter) Polk, married Dr. A. Buchelle and died with out issue. Colonel William Polk, third child and eldest son of Gen eral Thomas G. Polk and Mary (Trotter) Polk, born in Meck lenburg County, N. C, 1823, now a resident of Alexandria, La., is a sugar planter and enterprising business man. He is a member of the Order of the Cincinnati, by de scent from his grandfather, Col. William Polk, of the Revolu tion. Col. Wm. Polk first married Miss Flower, who died leaving one child, a son . His second wife was Miss Rebecca Evaline Lamar, of Georgia, a cousin of 112 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN Justice Lamar, and niece of General M. B. Lamar, a President of the Republic of Texas. Col. Polk has three children : 'Alice Polk, ^WUliam Polk, ^Eloise Polk. Alice Polk, eldest child of Col. Wm. Polk and Rebecca Evaline (Lamar) Polk, married Wm. P. Flower, a sugar plant er of Louisiana, by whom she had one child, William Polk Flower, Jr. William Polk, second child of Col. AVm. Polk and Rebecca Evaline (Lamar) Polk, married Miss Baillio. He is also a sugar planter and large landholder in the Parish of Rapides. He had one child, Lamar Polk. Eloise Polk, third child of Col. Wm. Polk and Rebecca Evaline (Lamar) Polk, married David S. Ferris, of Nev. York, and they have one son, Coldon Livingston Ferris. Dr. William Julius Polk, second son of Col. William Polk and Grizelda (Gilchrist) Polk, was born March 31, 1793. He married Mary R. Long, a granddaughter of General Allen Jones 'of Halifax, North Carolina. Issue : 'Grizelda, ^AUen J 3Dr. Thomas G., *Mary Branch; Gen'l Lucius E., Col. Cad wallader, and Col. Rufus K. Polk. JOHN PAUL JONES. John Paul, the young Scotchman who- was called the father of the American Navy, and whose naval exploits during the American Revolution startled the world, shortly after coming to America lived long in the Jones families, in North Caro lina. Prompted by his affection for them, he added their family name to his own and ever afterward was called John Paul Jones. One of this Jones family was General Allen Jones, of Halifax, N. C, and Willie Jones, an attorney in con nection with the settlement of the estate of his brother, AA'illiam Paul, of Virginia, whose heir he became on the lat- ters death. General Allen Jones was the grandfather of Mary R. Long, who married Dr. Wm. Julius Polk, son of Col. AVm. Polk, of Raleigh, N. C. In her sketch of the John Polk branch of the family, pub lished in the January, 1908, number of the American Historical Magazine, Miss Mary AA'inder Garrett, says of I\Irs. Mary (Long) Polk, wife of Dr. AVm. J. Polk: "This lady had the POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 113 brave, undaunted spirit of the Roman matron ; and, when in the late Civil War General Buell offered it, declined protection for herself and home, while her sons were exposed to the dan gers of the field." In this connection it may also be stated that when the Fed eral Army occupied Nashville, General Buell made a similar offer of protection to Mrs. James K. Polk, which she also de clined. But General Buell, notwithstanding her refusal, gave that protection to her home which he deemed requisite and nec essary. Illustrative of the high spirit which characterized the females of the Jones family during the Revolutionary AVar, we quote the following from Mrs. EUet's "Women of the Revolu tion." "AA'hen Cornwallis and his army were at Halifax, on their way to Virginia, Col. Tarlton was at the house of an American. In the presence of Mrs. Willie Jones, Tarlton spoke of Col. AA'illiam AA'ashington as an illiterate fellow, hardly able to write his name. "A'h, Colonel," said Mrs. Jones, "You ought to know better, for you bear on your person proof that he knows very well how to make his mark !" At another time, Tarlton was speaking sarcastically of Col. Washington, in the presence of Mrs. Jones' sister, Mrs. Ashe. "I would be happy to see Colonel AVashington," he said, "with a sneer." Mrs. Ashe instantly replied : "If you had looked behind you, Col. Tarlton, at the battle of the Cow- pens, you would have enjoyed that pleasure." "Stung with this keen wit, Tarlton placed his hand on his sword. General Leslie, Tarlton's superior, who was pre sent, remarked : "Say what you please, Mrs. Ashe, Colonel Tarlton knows better than to insult a lady in my presence." The children of Dr. William J. Polk and Mary (Long) Polk, that attained to maturity, were : 'Grizelda Gilchrist, Polk, ^Major Allen J. Polk, ^Thomas G. Polk, ^Lucius E. Polk, 'Mary J. Polk, "Cadwallader Polk, and ^Rufus K. Polk. Grizelda Gilchrist Polk, eldest child of Dr. WiUiam J. Polk and Mary (Long) Polk, married Judge Russell Houston, a native of Tennessee, a talented and prominent lawyer, and at one time Chief Justice of his native state. For a quarter of a century he held the position of Chief Counsel to the Louis ville & NashviUe Railroad. In politics. Judge Houston was a 114 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN AVhig, and when the Civil War came on as a result of the contention over slavery, he espoused the cause of the Union. The children of Judge Russell Houston and Grizelda (Gil christ) Polk, were 'Mary R. Houston, ^AUen P. Houston, "Lucius E. Houston, *Elise, 'Houston. Mary Russell Houston, eldest child of Judge Russell Hous ton and Grizelda (Polk) Houston, married Lytle Buchanan. Allen P Houston, second child of Judge Russell Houston and Grizelda (Polk) Houston, married Mattie Belle Shreve, and they had issue: 'Russell Houston, ^Bell L. Houston, ^AUen P. Houston, Jr. Lucia E. Houston, third child of Judge Russell Houston and Grizelda (Polk) Houston, married George H. Hull and had five children, viz. : 'Grizelda H. Hull, ^George H. Hull, ^Lytle B. Hull, *RusseU H. HuU, 'Lucia H. HuU. Elise Houston, fourth child of Judge Russell Houston and Grizelda (Polk) Houston, married John L. Ferrell. Issue: 'Grizelda H. Ferrell (deceased), -Mary Russell Ferrell. MAJOR ALLEN J. POLK. Major Allen J. Polk, second child and eldest son of Dr. William J. Polk and Mary (Long) Polk, was twice married ; first to Miss Mary Clendennin, in 1846, His second wife was Miss Anna Clark Fitzhugh of Louisville, a very beautiful wo man, daughter of Judge Dennis Fitzhugh, third husband of Francis Eleanor Clark, youngest sister of General George Rog ers Clark, Conqueror of the Northwest Territory in 1778. By his first wife, Miss Clendennin, Major Allen J. Polk had one child to reach maturity, Mary Polk, who married Frank Hemphill and had issue: 'Mary, ^AUen, and ^Polk Hemphill. By his second wife, Anna Clark Fitzhugh, Major Polk had issue: 'Susie H. Polk, ^Anna Lee Polk, ^Zelda Polk *Robin Allen Polk. Susie H., daughter of Major Allen J. Polk and Anna Clark (Fitzhugh) Polk, married T. W. Keesee January 13, 1887, and has issue : 'Zelda Polk Keesee, born January 31, 1889 ; ^Thom-as Woolfin Keesee, born July 13, 1891; ^AUen Polk Keesee, born October 1, 1896. POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 115 Anna Lee Polk, daughter of Major Allen J. Polk and Anna Clark (Fitzhugh) Polk, married Samuel A. Pepper and had issue: 'Allen Polk Pepper (daughter) born December 5, 1888; -Zelda Fontaine Pepper, born March 37, 1889 ; ^Anna Fitzhugh Pepper, born February 7, 1895. Zelda Polk, daughter of Major Allen J. Polk and Anna Clark (Fitz'hugh) Polk, married Capt. D. T. Hargreaves, of Memphis, Tennesseee, November 13, 1890. 116 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN CHAPTER XXIV. THE MECKLENBURG DECLARATION. No political transaction in America has provoked more controversy than that of the Mecklenburg Declaration of In dependence, at Charlotte, North Carolina, on June 30th, 1775. more than a year previous to the Declaration formulated by the Continental Congress and enunciated at Philadelphia on July 4, 1776. It is a well known fact that jealousy and amhition play no inconsiderable part in many of the affairs of mankind, and that they often give color and support to false assumptions regarding human transactions. And these influences, jeal ousies and ambition, lie at the bottoim of all that has i^cen written and spoken against the authenticity of the Mecklen burg Declaration. Historians and writers of the Northern colonies of Mass achusetts, New York, Connecticut, New Jersey, Pennsylvania. and also of Virginia, have earnestly endeavored to preserve their Revolutionary records, and they have not been back ward in claiming for their respective colonies the lion's share of honors attending the performance of the struggling pat riots. Particularly is this true of the historians and writers of Massachusetts and Virginia. It is true that the initial blow that precipitated the active conflict was struck at Lexington, Massachusetts, on April 19th, 1775. One month later. May 19th, 1775, the patriots of ]\Iecklenburg County, North Caro lina, assembled at Charlotte, to -deliberate O'u what was best to be done to escape the political ills to which they had long been subjected by British power, and on the following day issued their declaration of independence. BATTLE OF ALLAMANCE. Four years before the affair at Lexington, however, a blow had been struck by the people of North Carolina, at Alia- POLK F AM I LY AND KINSMEN 117 mance, in which a large number of patriots, then styled "Regu lators," were killed and wounded, and a considerable number of the force of Governor Tryon, the Colonial Executive, were also placed hors de combat. The occasion of this sanguinary clash between the Royal Governor's forces and the North Carolina Colonists was the repeated exactions and hardships imposed on the people by his Lordship, through his rapacious agents and officials. After an exciting train of events had happened, the contention even tuated in bloodshed. The battle of Allamance has well been called the "reveille drumbeat of the Revolution," because it was the first armed conflict to take place in America between the colonists and their British oppressors. This conflict occurred on May 16, 1771, near the head-waters of Cape Fear river. Therefore it antedated the affair at Lexington, [Massachusetts, by al most four years. It also preceded the Mecklenburg Declara tion the same length of time, and the Philadelphia Declara tion by more than five years. Yet, in spite of these incon trovertible facts, partial historians have for a century tried to obscure them and accord all the honors to a later conflict and a later Declaration of Independence. Although the Regulators were defeated at Allamance, leaving a large number of their dead and wounded on the field, Tryon was given a test of patriot mettle and shown that Americans would not tamely submit to the oppressions of George HI and his tyrannical henchmen. The principles for which the North Carolina patriots fought Tryon, a short time later found expression in the Mecklenburg Declaration This conflict served to intensify the state of feeling then ex isting, and for four years following the public mind was kept tense and expectant by numerous incidents of outrage, bad feeling and contention. Out of these feelings and opinions grew the Mecklenburg meeting and pronouncement of independence. The town of Charlotte was the chief point at which was held a series of meetings to discuss the condition of affairs in that section of the colony. These meetings were at first irregular and without system. It was finally agreed that Col. Thomas Polk, 118 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN who commanded the Mecklenburg Militia regiment, a large property holder, a man of great excellence of character, ex tensive knowledge of his people, and deservedly popular, should be authorized to call a convention of the representa tives of the people whenever circumstances should appear to require it. Col. Polk was a brother of Capt. Ezekiel Polk, grand-father of James K. Polk. It was also agreed that the Convention, when called, should consist of two men from each captain's company chosen by the people of the several militia districts of the County, and that their decisions should be binding upon the people of Mecklenburg. Governor Mar tin, who had succeeded Tryon as Royal Governor of the Col ony, sought to prevent the assembling of the Provincial Con gress at Newbern, and great excitement followed 'his action. CONVENTION MEETS. Believing that the time for action had arrived. Col. Polk issued notice to the elected committeemen of the County to assemble at the court house in Charlotte. This they did on May 19, 1775. Abraham Alexander was chosen chairman and Dr. Ephraim Brevard, secretary of the meeting. The lat ter was a son-in-law of Col. Thos. Polk, 'having married the latter's daughter Martha. Dr. Brevard was a graduate of Princeton, a man of good education and scholarly attainments, and it is said that on him as secretary of the resolutions com mittee, devolved the duty of drafting the resolutions prepared by the committee and reported to the convention. The Alex anders were also related to the Polk's by intermarrriage. During the first, and most of the second day, the subject of independence was discussed. The news of the battle of Lex ington reached Charlotte during the convention, it is said and it prompted the delegates to decisive action. The com mittee thereupon reported the resolves, which were as follows : THE RESOLVES. 1st. Resolved, That whosoever directly or indirectly abetted, or in any way, form, or manner, countenanced the unchartered and dangerous invasion of our rights, as claimed POLK F AMI LY AND KINSMEN 119 by Great Britain, is an enemy to this Country, to America, and to the inherent and inalienable rights of men. 3d. Resolved, That we, the citizens of Mecklenburg County, do hereby dissolve the political bands which have connected us to the mother country, and hereby absolve our selves from all allegiance to the British Crown, and abjure all political connection, contract, or association, with that na tion, who have wantonly trampled on our rights and liber ties, and inhumanly shed the blood of American patriots at Lexington. 3d. Resolved, That we do hereby declare ourselves a free and independent people; are, and of right ought to be, a sovereign and self-governing Association, under the control of no power other than that of our God, and the general government of the Congress ; to the maintenance of which independence, we solemnly pledge to each other our mutual co-operation, our lives, our fortunes, and our most sacred honor. 4th. Resolved, That as we now acknowledge the existence and control of no law or legal officer, civil or military, within this country, we do hereby ord'ain and adopt as a rule of life, all, each, and every of our former laws — wherein, neverthe less, the Crown of Great Britain never can be considered as holding rights, privileges, immunities, or authority therein. 5th. Resolved, That it is further decreed, that all, each. and every militia officer in this county is hereby reinstated in his former command and authority, he acting conformably to these regulations. And that every member present, of this delegation, shall henceforth be a civil officer, viz. : a Justice of the Peace, in the character of a Committeeman, to issue process, hear and determine all matters of contro versy, according to said adopted laws, and to preserve peace, union and harmony in said county; and to use every exer tion to spread the love of countrj' and fire of freedom through- 120 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN out America, until a more general and organized government ]je established in this province. Abraham Alexander, Chairman. John ^IcKnitt Alexander, Secretary, Ephraim Brevard, Charles Alexander, Hezekiah J. Balch, Zaccheus Wilson, John Phifer, AA'aightstill Avery, James Harris, Benjamin Patto'n, William Kennon, Matthew McClure, John Ford, Neil Morrison, Richard Barry, Robert Irving, Henry Downs, John Flannegin, Ezra Alexander, David Reese, AA'illiam Graham, John Davidson, John Queary, Richard Harris, Hezekiah Alexander, Thomas Polk, Sr. Adam Alexander, A vote was then taken and the resolves were unanimously concurred in. By-laws and regulations for the government of a standing Committee of Safety were then adopted. These resolutions, which were drawn up by Dr. Ephraim Brevard, chairman of the committee, were read by him to the delegation. The resolves, by-laws, and regulations were read by John McKnitt Alexander. The chair then put the question and the vote was a unanimous approval. Shortly after the vote of the convention on the resolutions and com plying with the vociferous demands of those outside who were unable to get into the house. Col. Thomas Polk, stand ing on the court house steps, read the resolutions and other resolves to the assemblage of citizens, who also gave sanction to the same by lusty cheers and throwing up of hats, some of which fell on the roof of the courthouse. A copy of all the transactions was then made and dis patched by Captain James Jack to Philadelphia, requesting him to present them to Congress, which body was then in session. Another copy was sent to Samuel Johnston, Moderator of the Provincial Congress at Hillsboro, and was laid before that body b}^ him. On arrival of Capt. Jack at Philadelphia, POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 121 he delivered the resolutions to ^lessrs, Caswell, Hooper and Hewes, delegates in Congress from North Carolina. These .gentlemen, it is reported, considered the resolutions prema ture, or radical, and did not offer them to Congress. It is said that they were shown to some of the members of Con gress who held advanced views on the question of indepen dence, among them Thomas Jefferson. That the latter saw the resolutions there can be little doubt, in view of the fact that some of the exact verbiage of the Mecklenburg Declara tion is used in the declaration drawn up by Jefferson at Phila delphia in July, 1776. The friends of Jefferson, however claim that the coincidence was only accidental and that Jef ferson never saw the copy carried to Philadelphia by Capt. Jack. As the historian Jones observes, in the defense of the Mecklenburg Declaration: "AA'hilst the sage of Monticello was pondering on the various projects of a reconciliation with the mother country, and never for once looking beyond 'that desirable end ;' while Virginia and even Massachusetts were continually vowing allegiance to the Throne ; and North Car olina herself, through the medium of her Congress, was de claring that independence was not her object, the people of Mecklenburg, with the sagacity of an honest and injured race, recoiled at once on the power that oppressed them, and dissolved forever the unhallowed union of British domina tion and American allegiance. Among those present at the Mecklenburg meeting and giving their enthusiastic approval to its transactions, were a number of other Polks, including Capt. Ezekiel Polk, broth er of Col. Thomas Polk. Every member of the family was an earnest and devoted AA'hig and used every possible effort to advance the cause of independence. A number of years afterward, the original copy of the transactions of- the Mecklenburg Convention were consumed by the burning of the house of John McKnitt Alexander, the Convention's Secretary. Thomas Jefferson, having his ar- tention called to them by Mr. Adams, denied that such a dec laration ever took place. In his egotism and jealousy, for he possessed these qualities in an eminent degree, Mr. Jefferson 122 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN yearned to appropriate to himself all the honors of the Ameri can Declaration of Independence. The Legislature of North Carolina appointed a committee to examine and report on the matter, and among those giving depositions regarding the transactions were a number of aged citizens who were present at the meeting and heard the declaration read. The transaction was conclusively proven, but the carping critics yet continue to deny that such an event ever occurred on May 30th, 1775, contending that the only resolutions adopted were those of May 31, following. The Polk family are justly proud of the distinguished part taken in that historic event by their kinsmen, Col. Thos. Polk, Ezekiel Polk, and others of the family. In a speech delivered at Raleigh, in Oct., 1905, Theodore Roosevelt said : "It was in North Carolina that the Mecklenburg Declara tion of Independence foreshadowed the course taken in a few short months by the representatives of the thirteen colo nies assembled at Philadelphia. North Carolina can right fully say that she pointed us the way which led to the forma tion of a new nation. In the Revolution she did many mem orable deeds; and the battle of King's Mountain marked the turning point of the Revolutionary war in the South." While all those concerned in the Mecklenburg Declara tion proceedings did their whole duty, the prime movers in the affair are said to have been Dr. Ephraim Brevard, AVaight- still Avery, a distinguished lawyer, Col. Thomas Polk and Rev. Hazekiah Balch, the latter, like Dr. Brevard, a graduate of Princeton. The historian Jones says : "Tradition ascribes to Thomas Polk the principal agency in bringing about the declara tion. He appears to have given the notice for the election of the Convention ; and, being Colonel of the County, to have superintended the election in each of the militia districts. He had been for a long time in the service of the Province as a surveyor, and as a member of the Assembly ; and was thus intimately acquainted not only in Mecklenburg, but in the counties generally. Dr. Ephraim Brevard (the author of the Declaration) and AVaightstill Avery, were men of the high est classical attainments, and, contributing their enlightened POLK F AMI LY AND KINSMEN 123 resources to the shrewd native enthusiasm of Thomas Polk, produced a Declaration at that time unrivalled, not only for the neatness of its style, but for the moral sublimity of its conception." In a letter dated June 33, 1829, to Thomas Jefferson, cal ling his attention to the almost forgotten declaration, (and in reply to which Mr. Jefferson denied the authenticity of that transaction) John Adams said : "What a poor, ignorant, malicious, short-sighted, crapulous mass is Tom Pain's Com mon Sense in comparison with this paper. The genuine sense of America at the moment was never so well expressed before nor since." AVhen the news of the Mecklenburg Conventions action reached the Royal Governor, Martin, he denounced it as a treasonable transaction, "most tratoriously declaring the en tire dissolution of the laws, government, and constitution of this country, and setting up a system of rule and regula tion repugnant to the laws, and subversive of His Majesty's Government. And these views, more fully expressed, he transmitted to the Crown, along with a copy of the Cape Fear Mercury, containing the Meeting's proceedings and resolu- ;ions. 124 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN CHAPTER XXV SKETCH OF GEN'L. THOMAS POLK. Thomas Polk, son of AA^illiam Polk and Margaret (Taylor) Polk, was boT-n near Carlisle, Pa., about 1730, and died at Char lotte, N. C, in 1793, where he was buried. His father re moved to the Yadkin Country about 1750, and settled at Sugar Creek, a few miles south of the present town of Char lotte, close to the South Carolina line. His neighbors and associates, therefore, comprised people of both colonies, who were alike animated by a spirit of resistance to British Tyr anny. On Sugar Creek Thomas Polk erected a large mill and also became an extensive planter, acquiring a large body of land. He had received in Pennsylvania a good English edu cation and fitted 'himself for the profession of a surveyor. In this occupation he was quite active for some years after set tling in his new home, often assisted by his son AA'illiam, as the latter approached manhood. By reason of such experi ence AA'illiam also became a skilled surveyor. Being a man of great force of character, keenness of vision in public affairs, and an ardent advocate of right and justice, Thomas Polk soon took a leading position among his neighbors and was consulted on all matters of moment. In 1755 Thomas Polk married Susan Spratt, a daughter cf Thomas Spratt. In 1769 he was chosen a member of the Provincial Assembly of North Carolina. Under his influence and patronage was founded "Queen's College," at Charlotte, the alma mater of many distinguished Southern men and statesmen. The Crown of Great Britain disallowed the char ter, but it prospered nevertheless until British troops burned its buildings. By its friends it was called, "The Southern Cradle of Liberty." POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 125 In the capacity of surveyor Thomas Polk was frequently employed by the Colonial Government of his colony. He was often a member of the Colonial Assembly, serving with credit to himself and constituency. He was a member of that body when Husbands with his "Regulators" made war upon Governor Tyro'U and later fought the battle of Alla mance. ThO'S. Polk is said to have sympathized with the Regulators. He was a member of the Colonial Congress in 1775, and Colonel of Minute Alen in the Salisbury District. In the same year he was made Colonel of the Mecklenburg Militia Regi ment, and in 1776, Colonel of the 4th Regiment, North Caro lina Continentals, which the following year became a part of General Francis Nash's Brigade that joined AA'ashington's army at the north. A short time after the meeting of the Convention at Charlotte, word came that a number of Tories had embodied themselves at Cross Creek (now Fayetteville) to oppose the American cause. Col. Thomas Polk promptly raised a regi ment of infantry and cavalry, the latter corps commanded by his brother, Capt. Charles Polk. But when Col. Polk and llis force reached the scene the Tories had dispersed, and the troops returned home. In 1771 Thomas Polk was again a member of the Provin cial Assembly with Abraham Alexander, from Mecklenburg, in the Lower House. Joseph Martin was then Royal Governor of the Province. Thomas took a leading part in all the move ments to oppose the aggressions of the Crown. As stated by Joseph Seawell Jones, the North Carolina historian ; "Thomas Polk was the first to maintain the necessity of dissolving the political ties which bound the colonies tO' Great Britain. His feelings and opinions were decided, his expressions outspoken and courageous." And Jones adds : "Out of these feelings and opinions grew the Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence." The feeling for independence was much more pronounc ed in the Southern than in New York and some other North ern colonies, where opinions were very much mixed as to the advisability of resistance. North Carolina was largely settled by Scotch-Irish, -who were traditional opponents of 126 P 0 LK F AMI LY AND KINSMEN kingly encroachments. There were also a large number of Scotchmen in the Province, the greater proportion of whom were Loyalists, bearing arms against their neighbors who adhered to the cause of freedom. One regiment of these was headed by Donald McDonald, who later was made a prisoner when his regiment was defeated by the patriots. Cornwallis pronounced the town of Charlotte, "The Hornet's Nest of North Carolina." In his Memoirs, p. 159, Col. Tarlton says : "It was evident, and had been fre quently mentioned to the King's officers, that the counties of Mecklenburg and Rowan were more hostile to England than ijny others in America." Col. Thomas Polk was a born leader of men, and recog nized as a master spirit in the community in which he lived. His policy was one of uncompromising resistance to the en croachments of the British ministry. After the collision on April 19th, 1775, between the King's troops and Massachu setts patriots, he was called on, as Colonel of the County, to call a meeting of the people of Mecklenburg, such conven tion to be composed of two delegates fro'm each company of his regiment. This he did, and thus was organized the body which enunciated the famous Mecklenburg Declara tion. From the court house steps Col. Polk read to the assem- .bled throng outside the resolutions adopted, and which had been drawn up by 'his son-in-law, Dr. Ephraim Brevard, Sec retary of the Committee on Resolutions. On July 30, 1775, Governor Martin wrote to the Colo- i.ial Secretary, in London: "The resolves of the Committee of Mecklenburg, which your lordship will find in the en closed newspaper, surpass all the horrid and treasonable pub lications the inflammatory spirits of this continent have yet produced." Only nine days, later Gov. Martin, fleeing from the gath ering storm and taking refuge on a British warship in the harbor, issued a proclamation in which he denounced the newspaper account as an "infamous publication," and the lesolutions as "most tratoriously declaring the entire dissolu tion of the laws, government and constitution of this country, POLK F AMI LY AND KINSMEN 127 and setting up a system of rule and regulation repugnant to the laws and subversive of His ^Majesty's government." The Tories of South Carolina, attacked the patriots un der Col. Williamson, at Cambridge and Ninety-Six, compell ing him to capitulate. In retaliation, the South Carolina Council of Safety ordered out troops, among them Thomp son's Mounted Rangers, in which Capt. Ezekiel Polk, a brother of Col. Thomas Polk, commanded a company. Nine hundred North Carolina troops, under Col. Thomas Polk. Rutherford, Morten and Graliam, went to their assistance, and in a severe engagement defeated the Royalists. Col. Polk's Regiment, the 4th Continentals, was brigad ed under General Francis Nash, and formed a part of that command when it was ordered in 1777 to the North to rein force Washington. For three years Col. Polk remained un der Washington, participating in the battle of Brandywine and other engagements. It also suffered at Valley Forge. In Nov., 1779, the North Carolina troops returned to the South to reinforce General Lincoln, and, except Col. Polk's regiment, were added to the garrison of Charleston, where they were captured in May, 1780. DEFEATS AT CAMDEN AND SUMPTER. General Gates, the much heralded "Hero of Saratoga," was then chosen to command the Southern Department. Through Pinkney, the aide to Baron de Kalb, Gates offered Col. Thos. Polk (Aug. 3), the double position of Commissary General of the State, and Commissary of Purchases for the army. This tender he accepted, but soon after occurred the disastrous defeat of Gates at Camden. The latter was panic- stricken and fled to Hillsboro, the then seat of government. Two days after Camden, Sumpter was also defeated. Corn wallis had started on his march to Charlotte, with a view of utterly destroying the "Hornets' Nest." As he neared the town the family of Col. Thomas Polk fled to a place of safety. On Sept. 36th Cornwallis entered Charlotte and appro priated Col. Polk's residence for his headquarters, it being the only painted house in the town at that time, it is said. There he remained until the American victory at King's 128 P 0 LK FAMILY AND KINSMEN Mountain, Oct. 7, 1780, when he decamped. Before leaving he confiscated all of the property of Col. Polk that he could find. Four days after the King's Mountain affair Col. Polk wrote the following to the Board of AA'ar. "Camp Yadkin River, Oct. 11, 1780, Gentlemen : — I have the pleasure to inform you that on Saturday last the noted Col. Ferguson, with 150 men, fell on King's Moun tain ; 800 taken prisoners and 1,500 stand of arms. Cleveland and Campbell commanded. A glorious affair. In a few days we will be in Charlotte, and I will take possession of my house, and his lordship take the woods. I am. Gentlemen, AA'ith Respect, Your humble servant Thos. Polk. To the Board of AVar, Hillsboro." Riding from 'house to house in AA'estern North Carolina, and also across the border in South Carolina, Col. Polk en couraged all to enlist in the patriot ranks. He was highly esteemed by General Greene, and after the death of General Davidson at the battle of Cowan's Ford, the field officers of the Salisbury District strongly urging his appointment. Col, Polk was commissioned in Davidson's stead. In considera tion of the claim of Col. Locke, the commission was not con firmed. THE MILITARY ORGANIZED. In August, 1775, the Colonial Congress addressed itself to the question of resistance. Two Continental Regiments the 1st and 3d, were raised, commanded respectively by Colo nels Moore and Howe. The Minute ]\Ien and Militia were also well organized into companies and regiments each county contributing a jMilitia Regiment. In all, the Militia Regiments numbered thirty-five. The field officers of the Alecklenburg Regiment were: Thomas Polk, Colonel ; Adam Alexander, Lieut. Colonel ; John Phifer, 1st Alajor; John Davidson, 3nd Major. In a short time thereafter it developed that some of the Militia POLK F AMI LY AND KINSMEN 129 officers selected were Loyalists and they were displaced and some of them prosecuted. In April, 1776, the Militia system was reorganized by the Congress, care being taken to enlist none but true pa triots. Francis Nash (who fell in Sept., 1777, at German- town, near Philadelphia) succeeded to command of the 1st North Carolina Continentals, and Alexander Martin to com mand of the 3nd regiment. Col. Thomas Polk was also ad vanced to the Continental Line, four more regiment's of that branch of service being raised. He was chosen Colonel of the 4th Regiment with James Thackston as Lieutenant, Colo nel and AA'm. Davidson Major. This regiment constituted a part of Nash's Brigade, which afterward marched North to the aid of AA'ashington, and saw hard service in numerous engagements, and suffered and starved with the devoted For lorn Hope of American cause at Valley Forge. ESCORTS BAGGAGE TRAIN TO BETHLEHEM. Just before the battle of Germantown, when the advanc ing British force under Lord Howe was nearing Philadel phia, AA'ashington ordered Col. Thos. Polk to take two hun dred men — a battalion of his mounted regiment — and escort a baggage train of seven 'hundred wagons, loaded with all the army stores, to a place of safety. On these wagons were also loaded all the bells of the city, in order to prevent the British from casting" them into cannon balls. Among these bells was that on the State House, known as ''Liberty Bell," rung on July 8, 1776, to proclaim the Declaration of Inde pendence. This bell was cracked on July 8, 1835, when tolled for the last time, on the occasion of the funeral solemnities cf Chief Justice John Marshall. To his children and grand children Col. Polk often related the incidents of his escort of the baggage train to a place of safety. Leaving Philadelphia, the train journeyed North to Beth lehem, a quiet village on the Lehigh, settled by Moravians, and arrived there on Sept. 33d. In his book entitled "Leonidas Polk, Bishop and Gene ral," an interesting life of his father. Dr. AA'm. Mecklenburg Polk relates the Liberty Bell incident as follows : 130 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN "Among other services entrusted at this period to this active officer (Col. Thomas Polk) was the command of the force which removed the heavy baggage of the army to a 1 lace of safety." "With these went the bells of Philadelp'hia, which on the near approach of the British had been taken down from their airy homes in tower, steeple, and belfry, hurried upon wa gons and sent lumbering over the stony roads, first to Tren ton, N. J., and afterwards to the sleepy old village of Beth lehem, Pennsylvania." "At this period Bethlehem was inhabited only by a colony of German Moravians, and these were governed in things temporal as well as spiritual, by the counsel of their priestly head; so the only public records are to be found in the seemingly most carefully kept diaries -of the various bish ops, who, as was much the custom in the Teutonic lands from whence these pious wanderers had come, ruled in Bethlehem." The Moravian church diary of that period contains these entries : "Sept. 23, 1777. The whole of the heavy baggage of the army, in the continuous train of seven hundred wagons direct from camp, arrived under escort of two hundred men com manded by Col. Polk of North Carolina. "They encamped on the south side of the Lehigh, and in one night destroyed all our buckwheat and the fences around our fields. "The wagons after unloading return to Trenton for more stores. Among the things brought here were the church bells from Philadelphia, and the wagon in which was loaded the State House bell broke down in the street and had to be unloaded." Under date of September 24th is recorded : "In the after noon Cols. Polk and Thornbury arrived with 700 wagons, containing the heavy baggage, and guarded by two hundred men, who encamped on the banks of the Lehigh. Here every thing was unloaded, and a guard left for protection. Besides the army stores was brought the bells of Philadelphia." "While passing through the town the wagon containing POLK F AMI LY AND KINSMEN 131 the "State House Bell," (that was called the "Liberty Bell,") broke down and the bell had to be unloaded." "The Highland prisoners with their guard left for Read ing on their way to Lancaster, and from thence are to be taken to West Virginia. No sooner were their old quarters cleared than the Doctors of the Hospital took it for their store. We heard that the army was expected here, for Baron de Kalb with a corps of French engineers has commenced to survey the heights in and around the town. Col. Polk has received orders to hold himself in readiness to cross the river and occupy the southern acclivity of the town." The absence of Col. Thomas Polk on this duty prevented his participation in the battle of Germantown (Oct. 4, 1777"! v/here Nash's Brigade, under Lord Stirling, bore a distin guished part, and in which Col. Polk's son, Lieut. Col. Wm Polk, was severely wounded by a bullet through his cheeks. In the same engagement also were Delaware kinsmen (of the Ephraim Polk line) and the powder-horn carried by one of them is now in possession of the writer, his grandson. WILLIAM POLK OF CARLISLE. On the family "tree" published in 1849, from data fur nished by Col. Wm. H. Winder, Josiah F. Polk, Jas. K. Polk, Col. AVm. Polk, Horace M. Polk, Bishop Leonidas Polk, and others, the names of the children of William Polk, who emi grated from Carlisle, Pa., to North Carolina about 1750, ap pear in the following order: 'Wm. Polk, who married twice (wives names unknown) ; ^Charles Polk, who married Polly Clark; ^Debora Polk, who married Sam'l McLeary ; *Susan Polk, who married Benjamin Alexander; 'Margaret Polk, who married Robert McRea ; "John Polk, who married Elea nor Shelby; ''General Thomas Polk, who married Susan Spratt; ^Ezekiel Polk, who married first Miss Wilson, and afterward Mrs. Lennard. This order of birth is most likely correct, agreeing with the statements of Mrs. Susan Smart, in a letter to Bishop Polk in 1849. Mrs. Smart was the eldest child of Susan Bar nett, daughter of Margaret Polk and Robert McRea, and at the time of her statements to Bishop Polk, she was eighty- 132 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN seven years of age. She was born, therefore, in 1762, and was twelve or thirteen years of age when her mother's (Susan Barnett's) grand-father, William Polk, emigrated from Penn sylvania to North Carolina in 1750 or 51. She "well knew all the members of the family," as she stated in her letter to the Bishop, but gave no dates of births or deaths of William Polk's children. Some of the family data handed down differs from the order of the names as printed on the family tree, but as it was compiled during the life of Mrs. Smart, Col. Wm. Polk (son of Gen'l Thomas Polk) and others, we accept the order given on the tree as most likely correct. Concerning the two wives of AA'illiam Polk (eldest son of William of Carlisle), the tree does not give their names, but later data shows that after being twice married, he died after becoming an old man, leaving a numerous progeny. One of his sons was the Col. Thomas Polk, who married Mary Shelby, daughter of Evan Shelby, Jr., son of General Evan Shelby Sr. Nor does the tree tell who Debora married, but later information shows that she married Samuel Mc Leary, of Mecklenburg County, by whom she had a con siderable family. All the old family bibles of those early generations seem to 'have been destroyed by the mutations of time. The loss of many records of the family, generally by the burning of dwellings, has to a large extent hampered the writer's searches after facts. The burning of a number of county office buildings in Maryland, Delaware and Penn sylvania, has also destroyed much family data that once ex isted in the shape of wills, deeds, and other official documents of record. It is evident that the children of William Polk were all grown when he moved from Carlisle to the Yadkin, and there is a tradition that some of his sons preceded him by several years to North Carolina. Mrs. Smart clearly states that he "died in North Carolina, west of the Yadkin, ¦dt least twenty-five )'ears before the Revolution." So he must have been born about 1705 to 1713, a son of Col. AVm. Polk, Sr., of Somerset County, Md., by his first wife, Nancy (Knox) Owens, widow of AA'm. Owens of Somerset Co. POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 133 CHAPTER XXVI. SKETCH OF COL. WILLIAM POLK. Colonel William Polk, second son and child of General Thomas Polk, was quite as distinguished as his father in the transactions of the Revolutionary 'War. He was born in Mecklenburg County, N. C, July 9, 1758. At fourteen he attended a Grammar School and acquired the rudiments of an English education. .He afterwards, when seventeen, en tered Queen's college, at Charlotte, where he remained for three years, 'or until he lacked but one year of his majority. He also, like his father, studied surveying and became profi cient in that calling. As the armed conflict between the Col - onies and the mother country drew apace, and his college duties becoming irksome, he left the institution and took steps to participate in the cause of Liberty. In April, 1775, the month before his father read the Meek lenburg Declaration from the courthouse steps in Charlotte, AVilliam was appointed a Second Lieutenant in the Third South Carolina Regiment, under Col. Wm. Thompson, popu larly known as "Old Colonel Danger." William was assigned to the Second Company of the Regiment, the members of which were about equally enlisted from North and South Carolina. The company was rapidly recruited to full 'strength and shortly after, with another Company of the Regiment, was ordered to Ninety-Six, S. C, to curb the insolence of the Tories in that quarter. Col. Thompson had a high opinion of Lieutenant Wm Polk and gave him command of several expeditions, on one cf which he captured Colonel Fletcher, a noted South Caro lina Tory Leader. On Dec. 33, 1775, four hundred Loyalists were surprised on Reedy river by Colonel Thompson and made prisoners Hearing that Capt. York and thirty men had left the Loyal ist Camp the day before on a foraging expedition. Colonel 134 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN Thompson sent Lieutenant William Polk with thirty men and a number of volunteer militia to intercept him. York and all his party except two were captured. The two escap ing Tories were pursued by Lieutenant Polk and William 1-Ienderson (who afterwards succeeded General Sumpter in command of the South Carolina Brigade), and in the struggle Polk was shot through the shoulder. Another account hand ed down is that Polk's guide was a professed American patriot. but at heart a Tory, named Soloman Deas'on, who led him into an ambush of the enemy, a volley from the latter badly wounding Polk in the shoulder. It has been stated, and never controverted, that Lieu tenant Wm. Polk was "the first man wounded in the Revolu tion after the battle of Lexington, April 19, 1775." At the time Lieutenant Wm. Polk was wounded a foot cf snow was on the ground and he was carried one hundred and forty miles to his father's home at Charlotte, where he lay under the treatment of a surgeon for ten months before he was able to resume his duties in the field. During this absence from duty the National Declaration of Independence was promulgated at Philadelphia and war was formally de clared. Charleston had been beseiged and the battles of Long Island, White Plains and other conflicts had taken place. It was with joy that Lieut. AVm. Polk, now able to rejoin the ranks of his struggling countrymen, repaired again to his regiment for duty, taking part in all its strenuous work Lgainst the British. On Nov. 36, 1776, having demonstrated his soldierly qual ities, he was chosen by the Provincial Congress of North Carolina to fill the office of Major of the Ninth Regiment of North Carolina troops raised on Continental Establishment, his father, Thomas Polk, already being Colonel of the Fourth Regiment of Continentals. William joined his regiment at Halifax, in March, 1777. The Colonel and Lieutenant Colonel of the Regiment being at the time detailed on other duties. Major Polk took command of the Regiment, drilling and disciplining it. Though not yet attained to his majority in years. Major Polk soon evinced his fitness for command and gained the full confidence of his superiors. Not long after. POLK F AMI LY AND KINSMEN 135 COL. AVM. POLK, of North Carolina, Revolutionary Officer. POLK F AM I LY AND KINSMEN 137 Colonel Francis Nash being promoted to Brigadier General, was placed in command of the Brigade of North Carolina Continentals, and ordered to the North to reinforce Wash ington. The Ninth was one of the Regiments composing this Brigade. And Nash -being joined by the Third Division of the North Carolina Line, proceeded to the Jerseys and united with the army of Washington, then on the march to oppose Lord Howe's troops at the headwaters of Elk river. Major Polk was engaged with his regiment in the battles of Brandywine and Germantown, which took place shortly after. Near the close of the latter action, while giving a command, a British musket-ball passed through his cheeks, knocking out his upper teeth and wounding his tongue so that he was unable to talk. About the same time General Nash, his Brigade com mander, received a mortal wound, from the bursting of a British shell, and his eyesight also was destroyed. The parting between Major Polk and his dying general was pa thetic one. In 1836, speaking of it to a friend. Colonel Polk said: "The last time I ever saw General Nash was on the bat tlefield of Germantown. He was being borne from the field I n a litter. I had just been shot in the mouth and could not speak. I motioned to the bearers of the litter to stop. They did so, and I approached to offer my hand to Nash. He was l.'lind and almost in syncope from loss of blood, but when he was told that Wm. Polk was standing near him, so wound ed that he could not speak, Nash held out his hand and said : ''Good-bye, Polk, I am mortally wounded." In spite of his wound, Major Polk remained near his command and went into winter quarters with the army at Valley Forge. Thus, with his father. Col. Thomas Polk. he was one of that guard of faithful Continentals who clung to the fortunes of Washington through the want and misery of that dreadful winter. In March, 1778, the nine North Carolina regiments serving with Washington were so reduced by death and ex piration of short terms of enlistment, that the state consoli dated them into four regiments, retiring the supernumerary 138 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN C:fficers by lot. It was the misfortune of Major Polk to lose his command in this way. On his return to the South, Major Polk engaged in the re cruiting service, and also in expeditions against the Tories in North and South Carolina. During this service he became associated with Andrew Jackson and they became fast friends, that friendship lasting through life. AA'hen Gates was assigned to command of the Southern Army, Major Polk became a member of the staff of Major Gen eral Caswell, and was present with him at the disastrous defeat at Camden. After the fall of Baron de Kalb, and the rout was complete, through his knowledge of the country he guided successfully the retreat of the regular and militia troops through the woods and by-ways. Major Polk next joined General AVilliam Davidson. After the retreat of Cornwallis from Charlotte, following the vic tory of King's Mountain, Major Polk was sent to Gates, and afterwards to Governor Thomas Jefferson of Virginia, and to the Maryland Council, to info'rm them of the deplorable condi tion of affairs in Charlotte and Salisbury. In 1780, when Greene relieved Gates of command of the army at Charlotte, he ordered Major William Polk to accom pany and assist General Kosciusko in selecting a better camp ing district for the army ; one where provisions were more plentiful. The army was then established on the Pedee. Major Polk then returned to Charlotte to help General David son raise a force of militia from Mecklenburg, Iridell, Rowan and Lincoln Counties. With eight hundred men enlisted, Davidson in January following marched to the assistance of General jNIorgan on his hurried retreat from the success of Cowpens. As the British under Cornwallis were crossing the Catawba at Cowan's Ford, in pursuit of the Americans, David son and his new troops attacked them. Cornwallis' horse was killed under him. Davidson, mortally wounded, fell into the arms of Major Polk who was riding by his side. The Militia then gave way and scattered. Major Polk rallied as many as he could, led them to Salem, and reported for service to General George Pickens before Green crossed the Dan, skir mishing with the rear of Cornwallis' army, and afterwards POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 139 following Tarlton and the Royalist Colonel Pyle into the coun try of the Dan. Major Polk was conspicuously gallant and distinguished in the hard fought battle at Guilford, C. H. Soon after the battle of Guilford, C. H., and the retreat of Cornwallis to WUmington, Major Polk received a com mission as Lieutenant Colonel from Governor John Rutledge, of South Carolina, and was ordered to raise a regiment of Swordsmen and Mounted Infantry, to be called the Fourth Regiment, South Carolina Horse. Inside of a month he had enlisted two-thirds of the regiment and reported to General Sumner, operating between the British posts of Camden and Ninety Six. Joined with the force of Colonel Wade Hampton, they marched sixty miles in seventeen hours, surprised the British outpost at Friday's Ferry, on the Congaree, killing twenty-seven and burning the blockhouse in sight of Fort Granby. Col. Polk next joined Sumpter at the siege of Orange burg, helping to capture that post. He was then ordered to report to General Francis Marion, before Fort Mott, but be fore his arrival there the British garrison had surrendered. He took an, active part in the operations against the British posts near Charleston. At Eutaw , Springs the brigade was com posed of Hampton's, Middleton's and Polk's regiments. This brigade, with Lee's Legion, covered the advance of Greene's line of battle and took position on the left, opposite the Light Infantry of Major Majoribanks, one of the best officers in the British army. During the battle the Militia wavered, but .Hampton, Polk and Middleton rallied them. During an obstinate hand-to-hand fight with the British cavalry. Col. Polk's horse was shot dead and fell on him. A British soldier started to bayonet him, when a Sergeant with a stroke of his saber cut down the Briton and saved his Colonel's Hfe. It was a desperate battle and in it Col. Wm. Polk's brother. Lieutenant Thomas Polk, was killed by a ball in the forehead. In his official report of the battle General Greene said : "Lieutenant Colonels Polk and Middleton were no less con spicuous for their good conduct than 'their intrepidity, and the troops under their command gave a specimen of 140 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN what may be expected from men naturally brave, when im proved by proper discipline." The British retreating to Charleston, left nothing for the American cavalry to do but skirmish and picket, and in such service Col. William Polk and his command engaged until peace was made and the army disbanded. Among the interesting incidents of Colonel Wm. Polk's military career was an encounter with the gallant British dragoon Tarlton, then a mere lad like himself, in his raid upon the Waxhaw. But beyond a few words of Andrew Jackson, relating to a surprise of Polk and himself by British cavalry under the dashing young Englishman, we have little know ledge of the circum.stances of the meeting. It appears to have 'Occurred upon an occasion when the British cavalry caught the "Rebels' defiling through a long lane bordered by high rail fences. That good use was made of the oppor tunity is shown by the straits to which Jackson and Polk were put in order to make their escape, and may be inferred from Tarlton's well known capacity as a commander of cavalry. Though but a lad when he was commissioned, William Polk was a stalwart man, six feet four inches in height, and of great strength. Sabres were difficult to obtain in the Amer- can colonies, and his sword was made for him from a scythe blade. He was often engaged at the head of his troops in hand-to-hand encounters with the enemy's cavalry. In one of these a sturdy British soldier singled him out and made a furious assault upon him. For a time the issue was doubt ful, but Polk, beating down his adversary's guard, struck the gallant fellow squarely upon the crown of his head and clove him almost to the chin. In 1783, after the close of the war, Colonel Polk served his State and County in various civic capacities. The Legis lature of North Carolina appointed him Surveyor General of the Middle District, now in Tennessee. He remained there until 1786, and was twice elected a member of the House of Commons, representing Davidson County in that body. In 1787 he was elected to the General Assembly of North Caro lina, from his native county of Mecklenburg, which he con tinued to represent until he was nominated by President POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 141 Washington and confirmed by the Senate, as Supervisor of the Revenue for the District of North Carolina. This of fice he held for seventeen years, through the admin istrations of Washington, Adams and Jefferson, and until the Internal Revenue laws were repealed. In 1789 Col. Wm. Polk, then thirty-one years of age, mar ried Grizdlda Gilchrist, daughter of a Scotch gentleman, and granddaughter of Robert Jones, a prominent lawyer of Hali fax. Two children were born to them. Mrs. Polk died in 1799. Col. Polk soon after moved to Raleigh, where in 1801 he married Sarah, daughter of Col. Philemon Hawkins and a sister of Governor Hawkins. Of this second union twelve children were born, one of whom was Leonidas Polk, Bishop of Louisiana and Lieut. General Confederate States Army, who fell during the Civil War at Pine Mountain, Ga., June 14, 1864. In 1811 Col. AVm. Polk was made a director of the State Bank of North Carolina and was chosen President by the Board. He filled this office until 1819, resigning in order to devote his attention to his estate in Tennessee, comprising 100,000 acres of land. On March 35, 1813, Col. Wm. Polk was appointed by President Madison, with consent of the Senate, a Brigadier General in the Army of the United States. This commission, much to his subsequent regret, he declined on political grounds, thinking — erroneously as he afterwards saw — that his position as a staunch and very prominent Federalist for bid his acceptance of the flattering but well earned distinction from Mr. Madison's administration. LA FAYETTE'S VISIT TO NORTH CAROLINA. When LaFayette returned to America in 1834, and made his memorable tour through the states in that and the follow ing year, Col. Wm. Polk was one of the commissioners ap pointed to assist in doing the honors of the State to his old comrade in arms. By request of Governor Burton, Col. Polk raised a military escort of cavalry from Mecklenburg and Cabarrus counties. At Halifax the cortege was met by Gen eral Daniel, Col. Polk, the military companies, and many citi- 142 PO LK F AMI LY AND KINSMEN zens on horseback. It had been arranged that the ladies were to waive their handkerchiefs as soon as LaFayette came in sight, and when General Daniel exclaimed : "Welcome, La Fayette !" the whole company was to repeat the welcome after him. Unluckily, the ladies misunderstood the pro gramme, waited too long, and were reminded of their duty by a stentorian command of "Flirt ladies, flirt, flirt, I say !" from General Daniel as he walked down the line to meet La Fayette. "Great country! great country!" exclaimed La Fayette to Col. Polk, who was vainly trying not to smile. Col. Polk and LaFayette rode together in a barouche drawn by four iron-grey horses. The Governor received him in the vestibule and escorted him to the reception chamber, where he was welcomed in a formal address. At the conclusion the company was amused with a spec tacular scene. La Fayette and Col. Polk, both 'had been wounded at Brandywine. At the conclusion of Col. Polk's address, from the steps of the Capitol, LaFayette turned to him and before the old soldier knew what he was about, threw his arms around his neck and tried to kiss him on the cheek Col. Polk straightened himself up to his full height of six feet four, instinctively throwing his head back to escape the osculatory act, but LaFayette, being a dapper little fellow, tiptoed and hung on to the grim giant, while a shOut of laught er burst from the spectators and was with some difficulty turned into a cheer. LaFayette spoke but little English, and he undestood less. He had retained a few phrases, which he would utter, generally in an effective manner, but sometimes ludicrously malapropos. "Thanks, my dear friend ! Great country ! Happy man! Oh, I member!" were nearly his whole vocab ulary. During a stay of three days at Raleigh, LaFayette was abundantly feted and was very gracious. Tradition says he had a voracious appetite. On shaking hands his invariable salutation would be: "How do you do, my son? How do you do?" When old soldiers were presented he would in variably ask the question: "Are you married?" If the reply was "Yes, sir," he would reply, "Happy man, happy man!" POLK F AMI LY AND KINSMEN 143 If the reply was "No, sir," he would reply: "Lucky dog, lucky dog !" An immigrant from France, being presented, informed him of the recent death of his wife, and received the me chanical reply: "Happy man! happy man!" Of Col. Wm. Polk's influence on the State of Tennessee, Governor Swain of North Carolina said : "He was the contemporary and personal friend and as sociate of Andrew Jackson, not less heroic in war, and quite as sagacious, and more successful in private life. It is known that Col. Polk greatly advanced the interests and enhanced the wealth of the hero of New Orleans by information fur nished him from his field notes as a surveyor, and in directing Jackson in his selection of valuable tracts of land in the State of Tennessee; that to Samuel Polk, the father of the Presi dent, he gave the agency of renting and selling his (Wm. Polk's) immense and valuable estate in lands in the most fertile section of that state; that as first President of the Bank of North Carolina, he made Jacob Johnson, the father of President Andrew Johnson, its first porter; so that of the three native North Carolinians who entered the White House through the gates of Tennessee, all were indebted alike for benefactions, and for promotion to a more favorable position in life, to the same individual, Col Wm. Polk. Col. Wm. Polk took a prominent part in the ceremonies of unveiling Canova's statue 'of Washington, at Raleigh, in 1831. The statue readhed that city on Dec. 34th, and the Raleigh Register published a lengthly account of the pro ceedings attending its acceptance and dedication. On the Fayetteville road, south of Raleigh, the statue was met by a concourse of State officials, members of the Assembly, and other citizens. A procession was formed at 3 o'clock, on the ground where the statue was halted. As the processir-n moved the artillery drawn up in front of the Capitol fired a salute of twenty-four guns. The Adjutant General of the State was Marshal of the Day and had charge of aU the de tails of business. 144 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN When this imposing pageant had reached the Capitol, Col. Wm. Polk delivered an oration to the assembled multi tude. DEATH OF COL. WM. POLK. Colonel William Polk died at his residence in Raleigh. on January 4th, 1834, in the seventy-sixth year of his age, his life having been one of great activity and filled with many exciting episodes. His splendid services to the cause of free dom during the Revolution, his talent for command and his fearlesness in battle, had endeared him to every patriot in North and South Carolina. His funeral was attended with military honors. Lie was an ardent member of the patriotic order of the Societly of the Cincinnati, founded at the close of the Revolution and composed of officers of the patriot army. He was the last surviving field officer of the North Carolina line in the war for independence. POLK F AMI LY AND KINSMEN 145 •^]^ <. " r -^. MONUMENT OF COL. WM. POLK, at Raleigh, N. C. POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 147 CHAPTER XXVII. DR. WILLIAM J. POLK. Dr. WiUiam J. Polk, second child of Colonel WiUiam Polk and Grizelda (Gilchrist) Polk, was born in Mecklenburg County, N. C, March 31, 1793. He graduated at the Univer sity of North Carolina, in 1813, at the age of twenty years; studied medicine and took his degree of M. D. at the Phila delphia Medical University. He first settled in Fayetteville, N. C, and began practice, but soon afterwards marrying Miss Long, a grand-daughter of General Allen Long, of Halifax, he moved to Mecklenburg County and commenced planting. His father leaving him a large body of land in Tennessee, he re moved to that state in 1835 and made Columbia his future home. "Dr. Polk's life," said his son, Major Allen J. Polk, in a letter to the writer: "Was calm, uneventful, cultivated, high- toned and honorable. Possessed of ample means he preferred the quiet of home and his books to the pursuit of office and political honors. It was with reluctance that he even accept ed the Presidency of the Bank of Tennessee at Columbia." He was for years a member of the Episcopal dhurch, and died happily, before he could see his country torn by Civil War, in 1861. GENERAL LUCIUS E. POLK. Gen. Lucius Eugene Polk, fourth son of Dr. William J. Polk and Mary (Long) Polk, was one of the bravest and most distinguished officers of the Confederate Army in the Civil War, and a worthy descendent of gallant and distin guished Revolutionary ancestors who fought under Wash ington, Greene, and other noted leaders. General Lucius E. Polk was born July 10, 1833, in Salis bury, N. C. He was educated at the University of Virginia, 148 POLK P AMI LY AND KINSMEN and settled in Phillips County, Arkansas, near Helena, where he engaged in planting, his plantation being near that of his brother. Major Allen J. Polk. When the Civil AVar came on, he enlisted as a private in a company raised by Capt. Patrick R. Cleburne. This company was named the "Yell Rifles," in honor of the distinguished Col. Yell, of that State, who gained prominence in the Mexican War. The "Yell Rifles" became distinguished, not only for intrepid conduct under the lead of Captain "Pat" Cleburne, but because of the num ber 'rf generals it turned out — Cleburne, Hardeman', Polk and Govan. Shortly after Lucius E. Polk joined Cleburne's Company, he was made Third Lieutenant, a position formerly desig nated as Ensign in the old army organization. Cleburne being elected Colonel of the regiment. Lieutenant Polk commanded his company in the battle of Shiloh, being in the hottest of the fight, and losing a fourth of his men in killed and wound ed. Lieutenant Polk also received a wound in the face. Col onel Harris, commander of the regiment, and also the Lieu tenant Colonel, being killed, the Major wounded and made a prisoner. Lieutenant Polk was unanimously chosen as Colo nel of the regiment, a few days after the battle. In the retreat from Corinth, when hard pressed by the Federal Army under Halleck and Grant, Col. Lucius E. Polk's regiment covered the Confederate rear and strenuously resisted the enemy's advance, destroying the corduroy bridges across the deep, unfordable streams, compelling the Federals to construct others in order to maintain a steady advance. It is said that there were forty-five Polks, on the Con federate side, in 'the battle of Shiloh, and tiliere was several of the same name, from Kentucky, Illinois, Indiana and other states, among the Union troops engaged. Cleburne's Brigade soon became the most famous fight-- ing corps in the Southern Army, and was noted at all times for its headlong bravery in action. It was with General E. Kirby Smith in September, 1863, when he advanced from Knoxville, flanked the Federal General George W. Morgan's division, out of Cumberland Gap, and invaded Kentucky. POLK F AMI LY AND KINSMEN 149 DR. WM. JULIUS POLK AND WIFE, of North Carolina, POLK F AMI LY AND KINSMEN 161 With General Kirby Smith, and generally in the advance was Cleburne's brigade, including the regiment of Col. Lu cius E. Polk. At the battle of Richmond, August 30, 1863, Col. Polk's regiment bore a conspicuous part and he was wounded in the head. As he fell from his horse, General Cleburne dismounted to see if he was dead, also received a wound in the face. They were both in the saddle again a few weeks later, at the battle of Perryville, October 8th, where, after desperate conflict with Buell, Bragg's army re treated. The Confederate forces in this battle were commanded by General Lucius E. Polk's uncle. Lieutenant General Leon idas Polk. Bragg's and Kirby Smith's armies, now united, retreated out of Kentucky by way of Danville, Harrodsburg, Crab Orchard, London and Cumberland Gap, to Knoxville. From the latter place most of it went to Chattanooga and there awaited the approach of General Rosencranz, who had superseded Buell in command of the Federal forces after the battle of Perryville. At the battle of Perryville, Col. Polk received another wound, his third one, in the foot. General Cleburne, who was at his side, was also wounded, being shot in the leg They were both disabled for several weeks. Meantime Col. Polk was promoted to the rank of Brigadier General and placed in command of Cleburne's old brigade, that officer being made a division commander. The battle of Stone River (or Murfreesboro, as it is call ed by the Confederates) took place on December 30th and 31st, 1863, and January 1st, 1863. It was one of the most sanguinary battles of the war and was ended by the retreat of the Confederates. In this battle, as it did on every occa sion, Cleburne's Division performed conspicuous service, Polk's Brigade increasing the military renown of its leader. After the battle of Ringold Gap, General Cleburne wrote to Brigadier Generals Polk and Long and Colonels Govan and Cranberry: "I must return my thanks. Four better of ficers are not in the service of the Confederacy. The conduct of officers and men in this fight needs no comment; so far as I know, every man did his whole duty." 152 POLK F AMI LY AND KINSMEN In appreciation of their services, the Confederate Con gress, by joint resolution, returned thanks to Major General Cleburne and the officers and men under his com^mand. After the defeat of the Confederates at Lookout Mountain and Mis- sinary Ridge, General Polk's Brigade and the rest of Cle- burn's division, retired in good order. In the retreat General Polk covered the rear with his veteran brigade, and at Ringold Gap, where Hooker's Corps was launched heavily against him, he made a stout resistance and gave it a bloody repulse after which the pursuit by the Federals ended. General Polk was also with General Jos. Johnston in his masterly retreat to Atlanta, in which was verified- the maxim of Fabius that "A good retreat is better than a doubtful victory." The battle of Chickamauga, the most sanguinary conflict of the war, according to the number of troops engaged, was fought on September 19th and 30th, 1863. Here General Lucius E- Polk again distinguished himself. Major General John C. Breckinridge said of Cleburne's division, of which Polk's brigade formed a part: "Having received permission from Lieutenant General Hill to make another charge, the division advanced with intrepidity, under a severe fire, and dashed over the left of the intrenchments. In passing them, I saw on my left the right wing of Major General Cleburne, whose brave division turned the center." This right wing of Cleburne's division was the brigade of General Lucius E. Polk. In his report of the battle, Gen eral Cleburne said: "I have already incidentally called at tention to the gallant conduct of Brigadier General Polk, but it is due him and the country, which wishes to appreciate its faithful servants today, that to the intrepidity and stern de termination of purpose of himself and men I am principally indebted for the success of the charge on Sunday evening, which drove the enemy from the breastworks and gave us the victory." Sherman being assigned to command of the Federal army, concentrated his troops, amounting to ninety thousand men, at Tunnel Hill, Ga., in order to advance on Atlanta. In all .the fighting, from Tunnell Hill to Kenesaw Mountain, POLK. F AMI LY AND KINSMEN 153 )R^ *-,¦¦*'(¦ '"f J, '¦"¦'"¦' ¦¦ GEN'L LUCIUS E. POLK, of Arkansas, Major Gen'l C. S. A. POLK F AMI LY AND KINSMEN 155 General Lucius E. Polk's brigade was conspicuous for its gallantry. At Kenesaw Mountain, where Sherman made a desperate assault on the Confederate intrenchments and was bloodily repulsed, General Lucius E. Polk's horse was killed under him, by a fragment of a shell. General Polk also re ceived a severe wound in one of his legs — his fourth one. He refused to allow the surgeons to amputate his leg, suffered from it for a long time, and never entirely recovered its use General Lucius E. Polk rose by his own merits and ser vices. He was a handsome, distinguished looking man, brave, modest and disinclined to talk about his deeds. He was averse to discussing the events of the war, except with old comrades. So modest was he, it is said, that he refused even to write or furnish a sketch of his life when urged to do so by his alma mater. Covered with wounds that attested his valor on the field, beloved by all who knew him, he died at his home near Columbia, Tennessee, in October, 1894. The last years of his life were devoted to planting. 156 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN CHAPTER XXVIII. DR. THOMAS G. POLK. Dr. Thomas G. Polk, third child of Dr. William J. Polk and Mary (Long) Polk, was born in Mecklenburg County, N. C, December 5, 1835 ; died at Decatur, Alabama, June 14. 1877. He graduated from the Jefferson Medical College, Phil adelphia, and was an Assistant Surgeon in the Mexican War. On account of poor health during the Civil War, being un able for the more active field duties, he was a volunteer aid on the staff of General J. C. Tappan, at Banks' defeat on Red River, and also served at the battles of Vicksburg, Mansfield and Pleasant Hill. Dr. Thomas G. Polk married, in 1851, Miss Lavenia C. Wood, a descendant of the distinguished Mason family of Virginia, by whom he had issue: 'Mary Polk, ^Caroline Polk, ^Grizelda Polk, *William J. Polk. Mary, the eldest child of Dr. Thomas G. Polk, married AVilliam Littlejohn, of Memphis, Tennessee, and had issue: 'Thomas, ^Margaret, ^Lavenia. Margaret married William Spright. Caroline, second child of Dr. Thomas G. Polk and La venia (Wood) Polk, married Hamilton S. Homer, of Helena, Arkansas, and had two children : 'John Sidney and ^Minnie Polk Homer. Grizelda Polk, third child of Dr. Thomas G. Polk and La venia (Wood) Polk, marrieid Henry R. Stirling, df Lower Louisiana, and had one child: Mary B. Stirling. William J. Polk, fourth child of Dr. Thomas G. Polk, and Lavinia (W'ood') Polk, married Euola Greenleaf and 'has 'one child, Magdalen Tasker Polk. Mary Jones Polk, daughter of Dr. AA'illiam J. Polk and Mary (Long) Polk, married Col. Joseph G. Branch, of Ark ansas, by whom she had four dhildren : 'Mary Branch, ^Lucia Branch, ^Lawrence Branch, ^Joseph Branch. POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 157 Mary Branch married Dr. Chas. Winn, and they have one child, Lawrence Branch Winn. Lucia Branch married William Howard, of St. Louis. They have, also, one child, Gerald Howard. General Lucius E. Polk, son of Dr. William J. Polk and Mary (Long) Polk, married his cousin, Sallie Moore Polk, daughter of Rufus K. Polk and Sarah (Jackson) Polk, and they had issue : 'Rufus King Polk, ^Rebecca Polk, ^Lucius Polk, ^William Polk, 'James K. Polk. Rufus King Polk married Isabella Greer, of Pennsyl vania, and they had two children : 'Emma Polk, ^Porter Polk. Rebecca Polk married Scott Hardin of Tennessee, and had issue: 'Sarah P., ^Benjamin, ^Lucius. The other three children of General Lucius E. Polk, at last accounts, were unmarried. COLONEL CADWALLADER POLK. Another Polk who attained to distinction as a soldier in the Civil War, and by his gallantry shed additional lustre en a family of soldiers, was Col. Cadwallader Polk, a brother of General Lucius Polk, and nephew of Major General Thomas G. Polk and Lieutenant General Leonidas Polk. Here we have, in this branch of the family emenating from WiUiam Polk and Margaret Taylor, seven descendants, who attained to eminent military distinction, viz : General Thomas Polk, and his son Colonel William Polk, of the Re volution. General Thomas G. Polk and his brother Lieu tenant General Leonidas Polk, sons of Colonel William Polk; General Lucius E. Polk, Colonel Cadwallader Polk, and Capt. Rufus K. Polk, all brothers and grandsons of Colonel William Polk. Colonel Cadwallader Polk, was the sixth child of Dr. AVilliam J. Polk and Mary (Long) Polk, and was born in Columbia, Tenn., October 11, 1838. He graduated at the University of North Carolina and was among the first to join the colors of the South, at the outbreak of the Civil War, as a Second Lieutenant in Manny's First Tennessee Infantry. His regiment being sent to Lee's army in the East, he served 158 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN under Stonewall Jackson in his numerous marches and battles in Virginia and West Virginia. On the return of his regi ment to the Western army, he was with it at Shiloh. After his term of enlistment expired, he joined Hindman's Legion and campaigned in Northern Arkansas and Southern Miss ouri, being commissioned a Major in one of the new regi ments. He was next promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel and in the battle of Prairie Grove, in Arkansas, was des perately wounded and left on the field for dead. Placed in a Federal hospital, he slowly recovered from his wound and was exchanged. Under General Holmes, he participated in the battle of Helena, part of which was fought on the Polk plantations. After the promotion of his old Colonel, he was elected to the command of his regiment and led it in the battles of Little Rock and Jenkins' Ferry, serving until the surrender of the Confederate Army at Appomattox. He then settled down to the life of a planter, near his brothers, Allen J. Polk and Rufus K. Polk, near Helena. Colonel Cadwallader Polk married Miss Carrie Lowry, of Louisiana, and they had issue: 'William J., ^Anna T., ^Walter, ^Cadwallader, 'Nina, and "Edwin M. William J. Polk, eldest c'hild of Colonel Cadwallader Polk and Carrie (Lowry) Polk married Lulu Donnell, in January, 1891, and had issue : 'George Polk, ^Caroline Polk. Anna T. Polk, married Christopher Agee, Nov. 19, 1890, and had issue: Walter Polk, born September, 1891. Nina Polk, married William Crolidge, November, 1893. and had issue: 'AVilliam, born January, 1895; ^Elizabeth, born January, 1897. CAPTAIN RUFUS J. POLK. Captain Rufus J. Polk, seventh child of Dr. William J Polk and Mary (Long) Polk, was born in Columbia, Tenn essee, in 1844. When the Civil War began he was eighteen years of age and a student at the University of North Caro lina. Leaving that institution as soon as hostilities began at Fort Sumpter, he joined the Confederate Army, was made a POLK F AM I LY AND KINSMEN 159 Second Lieutenant of Artillery, and assigned to Hume's Bat tery at Island No. 10, in the Mississippi, where his guns were principally engaged against the ironclad vessels of the Federal navy under Commodore Foote, EUet, and others. On the capture of the Island by the Federal army and navy. Captain Polk was made a prisoner and sent to Camp Chase, later transferred to Johnson's Island, where he remained six months, when he' was exchanged at Vicksburg and appointed Adjutant of Col. Baker's regiment. A short time afterward he was appointed to the position of Captain and Aide-de- Camp on the staff of his brother, General Lucius E. Polk, serving with him through the Georgia Campaign and until the end of the war. He was with General Forrest on his raid into Middle Tennessee. After his brother was wounded, he served on the staff of General Armstrong, and at the battle of Selma, the last but one of the Civil War, he was wounded in the arm. Captain Rufus J. Polk was married in 1867 to Miss Cyn thia Martin, daughter of Geo. W. Martin and Narcissa (Pil low) Martin, of Tennessee. He removed to Little Rock, Arkansas, and they had issue: 'Lucien Eugene Polk, ^Rufus J Polk, ^William Julius Polk, ^Charles Leonidas Polk. MAJOR ALLEN J. POLK. Major Allen J. Polk, second child of Dr. William J. Polk and Mary (Long) Polk, was born March 5, 1824, at Farm- ville, N. C. and died at Helena, Ark., 1897. He was educated at the University of North Carolina, at Chapel Hill, the alma mater of so many of his kinsmen. After graduation, he studied law with his brother-in-law, Judge Russell Houston, at Columbia, Tenn. At the age of twenty-one he removed from Columbia to Helena, Ark., where he engaged in cotton plant ing with marked success, accumulating a fortune estimated at over $300,000. This he lost during the Civil War, a large part of it being in slaves. Carpet-bag domination in the South after the war created conditions that were unbearable to the whites, forcing many of them to move to states further North in order to secure protection to themselves and families. In 160 POLK F AMI LY AND KINSMEN Major Polk's county the population numbered 5,000 whites and 15,000 negroes. Quitting his plantation. Major Polk moved to Louisville, purchasing a home at St. Matthews, near that city, where the writer visited him and was most hospitably entertained during the '70's. Here he remained for several years, until Carpetbag rule was expelled from the South, when he returned to Arkansas,, resumed planting, and resided there until his death. A man of high intelligence, genial, courteous, courtly in manner, and a delightful conversationalist. Major Polk charmed all with whom he came in contact. No one under stood better than he the art of entertaining friends. In her sketch of Major Polk, published in the American Historical Magazine, Miss Mary Winder Garrett says of him : "He spent much time in Washington. He was a man widely known for his brilliant social qualities, high culture, genial disposition and personal magnetism, numbering many of the most noted men of the day among his personal friends. Major Allen Polk derived his title from the commission he held during the Civil AVar, in General Hindman's Arkansas Legion. He was never in active service, but used his means and influence, with untiring zeal, in behalf of the South." In 1859 Major Allen J. Polk married Miss Anna Clark Fitz hugh, of Louisville, daughter of Judge Dennis Fitzhugh, and grand-niece of Gen'l George Rogers Clark, and Gov. William Clark of Missouri. She was also related to- the Fitz hugh family of Virginia. She possessed an ample fortune, which united with that of her husband, made them a very wealthy couple. Major Allen Polk cared little for political honors, but made several "experiments," as he termed them, in Arkansas, making the race for the Legislature in 1854 and 1856, and for the Constitutional Convention in 1868. Speaking to the writer about these "experiments," he said : "My popularity was not sufficiently great to elect me in the first two instances ; my color and nativity were against me in the last." POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 161 GENERAL THOMAS G. POLK. General Thos. G. Polk, eldest son of Col. William Polk and Grizzie Gilchrist, was born Feb. 32, 1791, in Mecklen burg County, N. C. He graduated at the University of North Carolina in the class of 1809. He studied law and obtained a license to practice, but possessing an ample fortune, he did not pursue his profession. He represented his native county in the House of Commons, in the years 1833, 1824 and 1835. He moved to Salisbury, S. C, where he married Miss Mary Trotter. He represented Rowan County in the House of Commons in the years 1839, 1830, 1831 and 1833. He was Senator for that district in 1835 and 1836. In 1833 he was a candidate for Governor. There were three candidates in the field, and no one having a majority of the votes cast. Gov. David S. Swain was chosen by the Legislature. General Polk was for many years Major General of Militia of his district. In 1838 he moved to Tennessee and settled at La Grange, where he resided but a short time, removing thence to Holly Springs, Miss. General Polk was said to have been an effective political speaker. He was a AVhig in politics. He was tendered the nomination for Governor of Mississippi, but declined so hopeless a race. In the Mexican War, General Polk offered his services to President Polk, and was recommended by most of the leading men of both parties in that State for an appointment as Brig adier General. It was not then esteemed a virtue to fill offices with relatives, and President Polk declined giving him the appointment, as he also did in a similar application in behalf of his own brother. Col. Wm. H. Polk, who was highly endorsed. General Thos. G. Polk died during the Civil War at Holly Springs, Mississippi. His children who survive him, or who have left issue, are : Wm. Polk, of Louisiana ; Mary, wife of Hon. George Davis, of AVilmington, N. C. ; and Emily, of Holly Springs, Miss. 162 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN GENERAL LUCIUS J. POLK. General Lucius Junius Polk, third son of Colonel William Polk, by his second wife, Sarah (Hawkins) Polk, was born March 16, 1802, and was twice married. His first wife was Miss Mary Fasten, a niece of General Andrew Jackson, the marriage ceremony taking place in the White House while Jackson was President of the United States. She presided there for President Jackson, up to the time of her marriage. The second wife of General Lucius J. Polk was Mrs. Ann Pope (nee Erwin) widow of Wm. Polk. Ten of his children reached maturity, eight by the first and two by the second marriage. General Lucius J. Polk was an elegant gentleman, cul tivated, refined, and courtly. His mother was a sister ol Governor Hawkins, of North Carolina. He graduated at the University of North Carolina in 1822, and located in Maury County, Tennessee, where he resided until his death. He lived in elegant style and entertained most hospitably. He made an exciting canvass for Senator from Maury County, against General Littlefield, an old politician, and fine speaker, and defeated him. Satisfied with public life, he could never again be induced to enter the policital field. He obtained his title of General from Governor Brown, of Tennessee, in t'ne militia. General Lucius J. Polk's children were : By first wife, Miss Fasten : 'Sarah Rachel Polk, -Mary Brown Polk, ^Emily Donaldson Polk, ^William Polk, 'Eliza Fasten Polk, "Frances Anne Polk, ''Susan Rebecca and ^George Washing ton Polk (twins). By his second wife, Mrs. Ann (Erwin) Pope, he had : "Lucius Julius Polk, '"Elvira Juliet Polk. Sarah Rachel Polk, eldest child of General Lucius J. Polk, married Capt. Robin Cadwallader Jones, of Hillsboro. N. C. He was killed in the Civil War, at Brandy Station, Va. He was an officer in General Wade Hampton's com mand. Five of their children attained to maturity, viz : 'Mary Polk Jones, ^Rebecca Edwards Jones, ^Robin Jones, *Sarah Polk Jones, 'Lucy C. Jones. POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 163 GEN'L LUCIUS JUNIUS POLK, of North Carolina and Tennessee. POLK F AMI LY AND KINSMEN 165 Mary Polk Jones, the eldest child, married Col. D. B. Cooper, of Nashville, Tenn. She died in 1893, leaving five children: 'Sarah Polk Cooper, ^William F. Cooper, ^Robin Jones Cooper, *Mary Brown Cooper, 'Duncan Brown Cooper. Sarah Polk Jones, fourth child of Capt. Robin Cadwallader Jones, married J. C. Bradford, Attorney-at-law, Nashville, Tenn., issue : 'Thomas Bradford, ^Sarah, Polk Bradford. Lucy Cadwallader Jones, youngest child of Capt. Robin Cadwallader Jones, married Stanley B. Herndon, of Mobile, Ala. They had issue : 'Robin Jones Herndon, ^Virginia Herndon, ^Jones Herndon. Mary Brown Polk, second child of General Lucius J. Polk, married Col. Henry C. Yeatman, an officer on the staff of General Leonidas Polk. She died in 1891, leaving issue: 'Mary Badger Yeatman ; ^Henry Clay Yeatman, who died December 20, 1896; =*Russell Houston Yeatman, died 1892; *Tryvant Player Yeatman ; 'Jane Bell Yeatman ; "Lucia Polk Yeatman. Emily D. Polk, third child of General Lucius J. Polk, married Major J. Minick Williams, also a staff officer with General Leonidas Polk and J. B. Stuart. She died in 1891, leaving issue : 'Henry Yeatman Williams, who married Louisa Pileber, of Nashville, no issue; ^James Minick Will iams, attorney-at -law ; ^Lucius Polk Williams of Texas ; ^Nannie M. AA^Uliams, died in 1890 ; 'Eliza Polk Williams, died in 1892; "Priscilla Shelby Williams. WiUiam Polk, fourth child and eldest son of General Lucius J. Polk, married Rebecca Mayes and had one child that died in infancy. William was a soldier in the Confed erate army, was wounded in one of the battles in which he was engaged, and by his gallantry and good conduct rose to the rank of Major. Frances Anne Polk, fifth child of General Lucius J. Polk, married Col. Edward Dillon, of Indian Rock, Botetourt Coun ty, Virginia. Before the Civil War he was an officer in the Regular Army, afterwards a Colonel in the Confederate Army, serving in Van Dorn's command, in the Trans-Mississippi Department. Their children were: 'James R. Dillon, of Galveston, Texas ; ^Edward Dillon, ^Lucius Polk Dillon, *Jno 166 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN C. Dillon, 'Eliza Polk Dillon, "Frances Polk Dillon, ^Frank C. Dillon. Eliza Polk, sixth child of General Lucius J. Polk, untraced. Her name appears on the Polk tree published in 1849. Susan Rebecca Polk, seventh child of General Lucius J. Polk, born July 7, 1847, married Major Campbell Brown, a cultivated gentleman of large fortune, living near Spring Hill, Tennessee. He was a grandson of Governor Campbell, United States Minister to Russia, and also related to Col. William Campbell, of Virginia, one of the captors of Col. Fer guson at Kings' Mountain. Major Campbell Brown served in the Confederate Army, on the staffs of General Ewell and General Joseph E. Johnston. He died in August 1893. The children of Major Campbell Brown and Susan Rebecca Polk were: 'Lucius Polk Brown, born August, 1867, married Jessie Roberts, daughter of Albert Roberts of Nashville, and great niece of Prof. T. H. Huxley, the English scientist. They have one son, Campbell Huxley Brown, born October 25, 1896; -Richard Ewell Brown, born January 12, 1869, a practicing physician in New York, and unmarried; ^George Campbell Brown, born September 25, 1871, unmarried, a farmer, and re sides near Spring Hill, Tenn. ;*Percy Brown and 'Lizinka Brown (twins), born April 6, 1873. George Washington Polk, eighth child of General Lucius J. Polk, married Jane Jackson, of Florence, Ala. He resides in San Antonio, Texas, and is land agent for the Southern Pacific Railroad. He has three children : 'George Washing ton Polk, ^Janie Jackson Polk, ^Henry Jackson Polk. Lucius Junius Polk, Jr., ninth child of General Lucius J. Polk and Ann Pope (his second wife) was born in Tennes see and resides at Galveston, Texas, where he is General Man ager of the Gulf, Colorado & Santa Fe Railroad. He married Miss Daisy Cantrell, of Little Rock, Arkansas, and they have six children, viz : 'Armour Cantrell Polk, ^Ann Leroy Polk, ^Lucius Junius Polk, *Margaret Wendell Polk, 'Daisy Can trell Polk, "Ellen Cantrell Polk, dead. Elvira Juliet Polk, tenth and last child of General Lucius J. Polk and Ann Pope (his second wife), married Horace Cooper, of Nashville, Tennessee, and has one child, Horace Cooper. POLK F AMI LY AND KINSMEN 167 COL. WM. H. POLK AND WIFE. POLK F AMI LY AND KINSMEN 169 CHAPTER XXIX. BISHOP AND LT. GENERAL LEONIDAS POLK. Leonidas Polk, fourth son of Col. WiUiam Polk (second by his marriage with Miss Sarah Hawkins), was born at Raleigh, N. C, April 10, 1806. His early education was re ceived at the Academy conducted by Rev. Dr. McPheeters, of that city. During his boyhood Leonidas was a leader in all the sports of his companions. In 1821 he matriculated in the University of North Carolina, at Chapel Hill, where he soon became exceedingly popular with his fellow students. He was a hand some, well grown boy at that time and a great singer of patriotic songs. At the end of his second year at Chapel Hill he was appointed a cadet at West Point, which institu tion he entered in June, 1823. One of his closest friends among the cadets was Albert Sidney Johnston, of the class before him. They were room mates until the latter graduated in 1836, and their friendship was strong and constant until J'ohnsto'n's death 'on the bloody field of Shiloh, in the early days of the Civil War. In January, 1824 he passed his first examination, and in a class of ninety-six he stood fourth in mathematics; in French, twenty-seventh. He graduated July 4, 1837. The year before, in 1836, he returned home on a furlough from the Academy, deply impressed with religious feelings and con victions. One evening he was seated on the porch conversing with a friend, Maurice Waddell, a grandson of General Fran cis Nash, who fell at Germantown in 1777. Col. Wm. Polk, who was present, spoke with enthusiasm of Nash, the Meck lenburg Declaration, and of those who had fought and died for their country. Leonidas remarked that the principles of honor could only be strengthened and enforced by the principles of relig- 170 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN ion. As soon as that view of the subject was presented, the old soldier rose, and, without a word, left the porch. A year later, Leonidas announced his intention to cast aside all the advantages he had earned at West Point, to abandon a military career, and exchange his uniform for a surplice. Col. Polk was deeply disappointed. He could not understand the motive for such a resolve. To him the life of a soldier was the noblest life to which a gallant man could devote himself, and it had been his pride to think that Leo nidas was destined to continue, and perhaps to add lustre to, the many military traditions of his family. To the intense regret of his father, Lieut. Leonidas Polk's resignation was forwarded to the Secretary of War, by whom it was accepted, and he prepared to enter upon his studies for the ministry. In May, 1838 he became engaged at Raleigh to his former schoolmate, Frances Devereux, and on Nov. 4th of the same year he began his studies for the ministry in the Seminary at Alexandria. Completing his studies, he was ordained deacon at Richmond, Va., on Good Friday, April 9, 1830. On May 16th following he was married to his affianced and returned to Richmond to enter on his duties as Assistant to Bishop Moore, in the Cure of the Monumental Church, On Jan. 37th, 1831, his first child, Alexander Hamilton, was born. He was ordained a priest in May 1831, at the Dio cesan Convention at Norfolk, and the following August visit ed Europe for the benefit of his health. In April, 1833 he removed to Tennessee, on May 15th reaching his brother Lucius' residence in Maury County His father, Col. Wm. Polk, owned a tract of five thousand acres of land, known as "Rattle and Snap," which he divided between his four sons, Lucius J., Leonidas, Rufus K., and George W. Early in 1834, Col. Wm. Polk, his father, died in Raleigh nearly four score years of age. It is but little know, and is rather an odd fact that Leonidas Polk's mother was one of the earliest railway pro moters in the United States; a line projected in North Caro lina, a cheap, strap-iron tramway costing $3,250 per mile, running from the east portico of the Capitol at Raleigh to a POLK F AM I LY AND KINSMEN 171 BISHOP LEONIDAS POLK AND WIFE. POLK F AMI LY AND KINSMEN 173 stone quarry. It was called the "Experimental Railway," and was finished in 1833, when a handsome passenger car was put on the track "for the accomm'odation,'' as the directors an nounced, "of such ladies and gentlemen as desired to take the exercise of a railroad airing." Crowds of people flocked in from the surrounding country and adjacent counties to avail themselves of the privilege, and it is recorded that no accidents occurred, the directors having prudently provided as the motive power of the train a safe old horse that was warranted not to run away ! Mrs. Polk was not only the projector of the "Experimental Railway," but was also one of the principal stockholders, and the soundness of her judgment was amply vindicated When the profits of the enterprise were found to amount to three hun dred per cent, of the original investment. When the success of the Experimental Railway led to other railway enterprises of grea'ter magnitude, Mrs. Polk was not forgdtten; and at a banquet given in honor of the first train drawfi by steam power into Raleigh, a special toast was drunk : "To the distinguished lady who suggested the construction of the Experimental Rail way ; she well deserves a name among the benefactors of the State." In 1834 Leonidas Polk went to Raleigh, and the following Spring took charge of the Episcopal church at Columbia. In 1-835, on account of failing health, he traveled in Kentucky He was next made Bishop of the Southwest, his field embrac ing Arkansas, the Texas Republic, Indian Territory, Missis sippi, Louisiana and Alabama. As such he was consecrated by Bishops Smith, Meade, Otey and Mcllvane. In the sum mer of 1856 Bishop Polk announced his plan for founding a University at Sewanee, Tenn. In this he was ably seco-nded by Bishop Stephen Elliott, and on Oct. 6, 1860, the corner stone of t'he University of the South was laid at Sewanee by Bishop Polk. Bishop Otey, of Tennessee, presided, and the orator of the day was Col. John S. Preston, of South Carolina. THE CIVIL WAR. The approaching mighty conflict of arms which during its progress drenched the land in fratricidal blood, now absorbed 174 P O LK F AMI LY ^N D KINSMEN the attention of the people. The son and grandson of soldiers, and himself educated for that profession. Bishop Polk natur ally took special interest in the approaching struggle. On May 14, 1861, Bishop Polk wrote to Jefferson Davis, President of the Confederate States, about the exposed situa tion of the Mississippi Valley States. In reply Mr. Davis wrote from Montgomery, Ala., on May 33d, closing his letter with the sentence: "It would gratify me very much to see you." Bishop Polk next visited Virginia, held services, and did what he could to sustain the cause of his people. Mr. Davis offered 'him command of the Department of the AVest, but he declined it. Shortly afterward he offered him a commission as Brigadier General, to have command of the land and water defenses of the Mississippi, above the mouth of Red River. A few days later Mr. Davis sent him an urgent re quest to accept the commission of Major General, with prac tically the same duties. Several delegations from the Missis sippi Valley went to Richmond to urge Bishop Polk's accept ance of the tender and finally he consented. His commission as Major General was issued June 35, 1861, and a few days later he proceeded to take command of the department, with headquarters at Memphis. Neither Missouri nor Kentucky were included in his command. On July 38 General Pillow- occupied New Madrid, Mo., with 6,000 men, and Gen'l Hardee had 7,000 at Pocahontas. In Sept., 1861 Missouri and all Arkansas were added to Gen'l Polk's department. On August 38th General Fremont, the Federal Com mander in Missouri, assigned Brigadier General U. S. Grant to the command of Federal forces in Southeast Missouri, to operate against Gen'l Polk's forces. A land and naval force was dispatched under Col. Wagner to occupy and hold Bel mont, opposite Columbus. It landed there on Sept. 2d. On Nov. 7th, a little more than four days later, occurred the battle of Belmont, at the close of which Gen'l Grant's force was driven from the field and escaped by boats. Marc'h 5, 1862, Gen'l Beauregard assumed command of the First Division of the Western Department and placed Gen'l Polk in command of the forces at Humboldt. The designation POLK F AM I LY AND KINSMEN 175 of the army was now changed to that of the Army of the Mis sissippi, and the army was divided into four corps, with Albert Sidney Johnston as Commander-in-Chief, Beauregard second in command, and Bragg Chief of Staff. The four corps were commanded respectively by Polk, Bragg, Hardee and Breck inridge — Bragg adding command of a corps to his duties as Chief of Staff. At Shiloh, April 6, 1862, the Confederates had a force of: Polk's Corps, four brigades, 9,136 men ; Bragg's Corps, six brigades, 13,589 men; Hardee's Corps, three brigades, 6,789 men ; Breckinridge's Corps, three brigades, 6,439. Total 35,953. We omit here description of the sanguinary struggle that occurred at Shiloh, between the Federal forces under Generals Halleck and Grant, and the Confederates under Generals Albert Sidney Johnston and Beauregard, except to state that Johnston the room-mate and intimate friend of Leonidas Polk while they attended the U. S. Military Academy at West Point, was mortally wounded. In the same battles Capt. Marshall T. Polk, of Polk's Battery, lost a leg. On June 21st, following, Gen'l Bragg succeeded Beauregard in command of the Confederates and at once planned an invasion of Kentucky with the hope of capturing Louisville. Then ensued the long "foot race" for that city, between Bragg and Buell, the latter reaching there first. After rest and the reception of fresh troops, Buell faced about and struck the Confederate at Perry ville, on Oct. 8th, where Gen'l Leonidas Polk was in command After the battle was about concluded Bragg arrived on the field and ordered a retreat, his army going out of the State through the mountains and Cumberland Gap, to Knoxville. Gen'l Buell was supplanted in the Federal command by Gen'l Rosecranz. After pursuing the Confederates as far as London, Rosecranz turned his columns south to Nashville. The heavy assaults on the Federals at Perryville were made by the troops of Polk's Corps, which, after the retreat, reached Knoxville on Oct. 31st. Bragg then transferred the Army of the Missis sippi at Murfreesboro, to oppose Rosecranz. The battle of Murfreesboro (called Stone River by the Federals) took place on Dec. 31 and Jan. 1, 2, 3, 1863, and 176 POLK F AMI j^Y AND KINSMEN was one of the most sanguinary struggles of the war, the Federals losing 13,249 men, and the Confederates 10,266. The loss of Polk's Corps was 31^^ per cent. For the first two days success attended the Confederates but on the third they were forced to retreat. In Oct., 1863 President Davis assigned General Polk to relieve Gen'l Hardee at Enterprise, Miss., the latter to take Polk's Corps, under Bragg. Gen'l Joe Johnston relieved Bragg at Dalton, in Dec. 1863. Gen'l Polk at the same time assigned to the department of Alabama, Mississippi and East Louisiana POLK F AMI LY AND KINSMEN 177 CHAPTER XXX. ATLANTA CAMPAIGN. General Wm. T. Sherman having been appointed to the command of the Federal forces, on May 5, 1864, he moved for ward with over one hundred thousand men against Johnston, who was posted at Dalton with a force of less than 50,000 men, Johnston asked Polk to come to his assistance with his troops and the Confederate government ordered him to go, with all the troops he could take. Polk hurried to Johnston's assist ance with three divisions of infantry and Jackson's Cavalry, in all about 19,000 men and relieved Ho'O'd at Resaca. After Dalton followed the battles of Resaca, Calhoun, Kingston, Adairsville, Cassville, New Hope Church, Mar ietta, Lost Mountain and Kenesaw Mountain, ending in the capture of Atlanta. Col. Henry Watterson, then with the Confederate Army, thus described Gen'l Leonidas Polk as he appeared on the battlefield: "Wrapped in his old gray hunting shirt, with slouched hat and saber, he sat his horse and received the leaden compli ments of the enemy with complacent yet not indifferent good humor.He had a habit of shrugging his shoulders when a Minie ball came too close to his ear. But he never got out of the way for them. In battle he was a daring old man, with his h.eart in the fray, and his best faith on the result ; riding through shot and shell from- point to point, unconscious of danger. At Shiloh, at Perryville, at Murfreesboro, at Chickamauga, at Resaca, he was to be seen constantly at the front, at every point of his line, supervising the progress of events with his own presence. He was kind and considerate of his men ; he was approachable and self-denying in his own person ; and he did not know the name of fear. He was proverbial for getting 178 POLK FAMILY AND KIN S M a N into 'hot places. His staff' loved him most fondly. He was every inch a gentleman, without mannerism or assumption, simple and innocent, yet dignified and imposing." DEATH OF GENERAL LEONIDAS POLK. On the 35th, at New Hope Church, Sherman's army made a heavy but unsuccessful assault on the Confederate lines. On the night of June 5th the Confederate army again fell back. On the 9th Gen'l Polk rose at daylight, rode to the front, then back to confer with Gen'l Johnston. On the 10th he sent his headquarters to the house of Mr. Hardige, a mile nearer Marietta, and there was heavy skirmishing all day. June 11th was rainy and gloomy. Gen'l Polk's headquarters were al most under the shadow of Kenesaw Mountain. The next day, Sunday 12th, was also foggy and rainy. It had been raining for twelve days and the roads were almost impassable. During this time Gen'l Polk seemed more abstracted than usual, often reading his bible and tracts prepared by Dr. Quintard, a substitute for the book of Common Prayer. An occasional shot from the skirmish line punctuated his reading. About 10 o'clock Gen'l Polk came out of his room and said to one of his staff that he would like to read the churdh service. In a few minutes the room was full and grizzled men in gray bowed their heads, many also standing near the doors and under the dripping eaves. The General read the service throughout and joined in the singing of a psalm and hymn. In a voice trembling with emotion he read the concluding prayer, and, asking a blessing, sat down in profound silence. This was the last time that Bishop Leonidas Polk ever read the service of the church. The morning of June 13th was again foggy and rainy, and all was quiet at the front, the two armies watching and wait ing for developments. Gen'l Polk remained indoors, writing most of the time. During the day, however, he rode to the headquarters of Gen'l Johnston, who expressed a desire to make a personal inspection the following morning of an ad vanced position held by the division of Major General Bate, on Pine Mountain, and he requested Gen'l Polk to accompany POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 179 ¦ .'v',.- ";.'¦*--* j!;j LIEUT. GEN'L LEONIDAS POLK, C. S. A., at death. POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 181 him and assist in the examination. An appointment for that purpose was made and Gen'l Polk returned to his head quarters. Tuesday morning, June 14th, dawned clear and the sun shone out brilliantly. Gen'l Polk ate an early breakfact, at the conclusion of which he sent the following, his last order, to Major General French. "June 14th, 1864, 8 A, M. General : General Polk desires you to extend your present line. at once, to the left, so as to cover the recent line occupied by Gen'l Canty. Respectfully, Major Gen'l French. THOS. N. JACK, A. A. G." Gen'l Polk then dispatched his son, Capt. AA'm. M. Polk, a member of his staff (and now a distinguished physician of New York City) with a verbal message to Gen'l French re garding his skirmish line. Gen'l Johnston arrived soon after 8 o'clock, and Gen'l Polk mounting his horse, they rode to the headquarters of Gen'l Hardee, who was also invited to join in the examination. Each General was attended by several members of his staff; Gen'l Polk by Lieut. Col. Jack, A. A. G., Col. W. D. Gale, A. D. C, Major Frank McNairy, Volunteer A. D. C, and Lieut, Hopkins 'of the Orleans Light Horse. The party reached Gen'l Hardee's headquarters about 10 o'clock and dismounted. Hold ing a short consultation, they mounted again and rode forward. In a few minutes they reached the main line of the intrench ments, through which they passed, continuing for nearly a mile, and dismounting behind a sharp hill known as Pine Mountain. They moved cautiously over the top and then down a short distance to a small earthwork occupied by a bat tery and its supports. Reaching the crest of the hill, they had a full view of the country before them, over which sunshine and shadows moved, keeping pace with the slowly drifting clouds. Both lines of battle were plainly visible, and bodies of men could be seen busy with axe and spade. 182 POLK F AMI LY AND KINSMEN Guns were being placed in position and the fields were white with the covers of a thousand wagons. In the distance. to the front, lay the hills of the Etowah ; to the right, the peaks cf Kenesaw. The constant firing of the heavy skirmish line, reinforced at intervals by the guns of some battery, aU com bined to make the scene one of unusual beauty and grandeur. Some of the younger officers stood on the parapet and exposed themselves to the sharp gaze of the enemy. The men of the battery warned them of the danger. While they were speaking there was a flash, a puff of smoke, a sharp report from a rifled gun, and 'the shot striking near was buried in the parapet, scattering rocks and dirt around. One of the officers obser- ed that the enemy seemed to be getting their range and sug gested a change of position. Generals Johnston and Polk moved to the left and stood for several moments behind a parapet, in earnest conversation. Several other shots follow ed, going higher, one striking the crest of the hill. Generals Johnston and Polk, completing their talk, began to retrace their steps. Gen'l Johnston fell a little back and Gen. Polk ascended to the crest of the hill, on which was a signal station. Facing about again as if to take a farewell view, Gen'l Polk folded his arms across his breast and stood silently gazing on the scene below. While thus he stood there was a puff of smoke in the valley below, a sharp report, and a cannon shot crashed through the breast of General Polk, killing him instantly. He fell upon his back, with his feet to the foe. Immediately upon the fall of the beloved General, the flag corps on the crest signalled to the rear for an ambulance, stating that Gen'l Polk had been killed. As he fell his faithful escort rushed to his side, gathered up the mutilated body and bore it to the rear of the hill. In a sheltered ravine his sorrow-stricken com rades, silent and in tears, gathered around his mangled corpse. General Hardee, bending over the body, said to Gen'l Johnston : "General, this has been a dear visit. We have lost a brave man, whose death leaves a vacancy not easily filled." Then kneeling beside the body, he exclaimed: "My POLK F AMI LY AND KINSMEN 183 dear, dear friend, little did I think this morning that I should be called upon to witness this." General Jo'hnston, with tears in his eyes, knelt and laid his hand upon the cold brow of the fallen hero, saying: "AVe have lost much ! I would rather anything but this." The news flew along the line that Gen'l Polk had fallen ; reaching the pickets, it passed from them to the Federal lines. Before his limbs were become rigid, the news had been telegraphed to AA^ashington as well as to Richmond. His body being placed in an ambulance, and escorted by the mournful cavalcade, was conveyed back to headquarters '"Jerry," the noble roan ridden by him in all 'his battles and marches, was led riderless in front. Thus fell on the battlefield Leonidas Polk, Bishop, and Lieutenant General, a worthy son of Col. Wm. Polk, and grandson of Gen'l Thos. Polk, Revolutionary officers of credit and renown. Peace to his memory ! GENERAL JOHNSTON'S ORDER. The same afternoon General Joseph E. Johnston issued the following general order to the army : "Headquarters, Army of the Tennessee, In the Field, June 14, 1864, General Field Orders No. 3. Comrades : You are called to mourn your first captain, your oldest companion in arms. Lieutenant General Polk fell today, at the outpost of this army — ^the army he raised and commanded, in all of whose trials he shared, to all of whose victories he contributed. "In this distinguished leader we have lost the most courteous of gentlemen, the most gallant of soldiers. "The Christian, patriot, soldier, has neither lived nor died in vain. His example is before you ; his mantle rests with you. J. E. Johnston, General." Kinlock Falconer, A. A. G. FUNERAL OBSEQUIES AND BURIAL. The body of Gen'l Polk was taken to the railway station during the afternoon, for removal to Atlanta. On arrival at 184 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN that city it was received by a committee of the city and placed in the chancel of St. Luke's Church. Clothed in Confederate uniform it rested, with a cross of White roses upon the breast, and by the side of the coffin lay his sword. During the morning large numbers came lo pay the last- tribute of affection. At noon an appropriate service, followed by an address, was conducted by Rev. Dr. Quintard. The military escort, arriving at an early hour, was drawn up in front of the church. At the conclusion of the services the body was placed in a field ambulan'ce and escorted to the station followed by the dead general's personal staff, by Generals Smith, Wright, Ruggles and Reynolds, Col. Ewell, and other officers, and by citizens. The members of staff and the Atlanta Committee were met at Augusta the following morning by 'the rectors and vestry of the Church of the Atonement and St. Paul's. The body was conveyed to the latter, where a guard of honor re ceived it. After lying two days in the church the body was placed in the City Hall, where it was viewed by a vast num ber of citizens. On the 39th the militery force of Augusta, consisting of a regiment of infantry, a battery of artillery and a company of cavalry, was drawn up at the City Hall. At half past 9 o'clock the casket was draped in the Confederate flag, cov ered with wreath of laurel and bay, and placed upon the hearse by the guard of soldiers. Headed by a band, and preceded by the Mayor of the city, the solemn march began. Wardens and vestrymen frota St. Paul's and Church of Atonement, Augusta, and from St. John's of Savannah. marched on either side of the pall-bearers. Then came the military family of General Polk, the clergy, officers of the army and navy, Confederate Civil officers, and various other organizations. Through streets thronged with mourning spectators, the procession moved to St. Paul's church. All business houses were closed, and the only sounds that were heard was the dirge of the band and the monotone of tolling beUs. At the church gate the body was met by the bishops of Georgia, Mississippi and Arkansas, in full canonical robes, POLK F AM I LY AND KINSMEN 185 ST. PAUL'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH, Augusta, Ga., tomb of Gen'l Leonidas Polk and -wife within. POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 187 with a company of surpliced priests. Through files of sol diers the body was conveyed into the church, the Senior Bishop (Bishop Stephen Elliott) repeating the words of the service for the burial of the dead. Entering the chancel, the body was met at the foot of the steps. Then anthem "Lord let me know mine end,'' was chanted, to organ accompani ment. The Bishop of Arkansas read the lesson and the peo ple united in the singing. The Senior Bishop then delivered the "Burial Address," from the text "The Master is come and calleth for thee." It was a magnificent address and deep ly stirred the hearts of all who heard it. At its conclusion the body, under military escort and preceded by the bishops and priests, was carried to the grave in the rear of the church, and with concluding ceremonies was interred. As the words "Earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust," were uttered, earth was cast upon the body by the Bishop of Louisiana, Bishop of Arkansas, and Lieut. Gen'l Longstreet. As the concluding words of the service were uttered, the guns of the battery gave forth the last salute to the soldier-priest who on Pine M'ountain, "gave his body to that pleasant country's earth, and his pure soul unto his captain, Christ, under whose colors he had fought so long." 188 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN CHAPTER XXXI. ST. JOHN'S CHURCH, ASHWOOD, TENN. In Maury County, Tenn., upon the road leading from Columbia to Mt. Pleasant, and about six miles from the for mer place, in a grove of majestic and towering oaks, stands a neat brick church of chaste and simple Gothic architecture; its interior, plain but beautiful, capable of seating, with a small end gallery, about five hundred persons. This building was erected in 1843, by the joint liberality of Right Reverend Bishop Polk and his three brothers, and with the lot of six acres was presented to the church in that diocese. The lot was chosen from the most eligible part of the Bishop's plantation, and but a short -distance from his res idence. It was built for the accommodation of a few Episco pal families in the neighborhood, who, with a large number of slaves, upon their plantations, made up quite a large con gregation. For the latter class 'the Bishop had been in the habit of holding regular services in his own house. On Sunday, Sept. 4th, 18^?, the Church was consecrated, an immense congregation being present to witness the cere monies, which were conducted by Bishop Otey. In the chan cel with him were Rt. Rev. Bishop Polk, Revs. Smith, of Columbia, Leacock, Horrell and Saunders. Seven candidates were confirmed during the services by Bishop Polk. After the administration of the sacrament by Bishop Otey the ser vices closed. Standing a few hundred yards back from the turnpike, among a forest of towering trees, this church is one of the most attractive in the United States, and in it services have been regularly held ever since, except for occasional 'omis sions during the Civil War, when the presence of armies prevented. It is an object of the greatest interest to every person who visits that section of Tennessee, and a lasting /• a LK FAMILY AND KINS M E N 189 ST. JOHN'S CHURCH, Near Ash-wood, Maury County, Tenn. POLK F AM I LY AND KINSMEN 191 monument to the christian zeal, piety, and liberality of the sons of Col. William Polk, the patriot soldier of the Revolu tion. INTERESTING FAMILY LETTERS. During the work of compiling the Polk tree that was published in 1849, the following letters were written by Mrs. Susan Smart to Bishop Polk and by the latter to President James K. Polk: Bishop Polk's Letter. Thibodoux, La., Jan. 17, 1849. My Dear Sir: — In reply to your letter on the subject of our ancestors, I regret to say I have misplaced and cannot find a memorandum I made several years ago, which con tained a goo'd deal of the information which Col. Winder wants. It contained the names of the children of William (the son of John, the son of Robert Polk), of whom your grandfather and mine were two. That William was he who first emigrated from Maryland and settled in the county of Anson, out of which he and his descendants, and their asso ciates, caused Meckleburg County to be formed. I may yet find it; if so, I will transmit it to you or Mr. AVinder. As it is a matter of some importance to us, I have ad dressed a letter to old Mrs. Smart, an old relative of ours, who was a contemporary of my father, and who, I believe, still lives (under cover to Julius Alexander) requesting her to give me the names of the children of William Polk, of Maryland, and to inform me what became of them. So soon as I hear from her I will forward you her letter. She was a well informed old lady, and if living will give us some in teresting facts. I have been much interested in the letter you have caused to be copied and sent me, from Ireland. I have not a doubt that the writer is of the same family, as well from the name of the locality, for that was the precise region from which T have always heard our ancestors came. He is, however, deceived in the degree of his relationship to us. 192 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN I can lay my hand on a single sheet, only, of the memo randum I have spoken of, and that contains an account of the relationship of the Polks and Alexanders. From it I learn that William Polk (son of John, son of Robert) who rem'Oved from Maryland (our great grandfather) married a Miss Taylor, who was the mother of our grandfathers. She was one of five sisters ; one other of the five married a Mr. Ruse and was the mother of Rev. David Ruse. The other three married Alexanders, who were the progenitors of all those of that name in Mecklenburg. These grades of relationship I find on that sheet, but as it is aside from Mr. Winder's pur pose, I say no more of it. You are right in saying that William Polk, our great grandfather, had sons named Charles and John. That Charles was the father of the celebrated "Old Charley, the Hunter." of the Western District of Tennessee, in the early settlement of it, and since that day of Texas, where I think he still lives. He (the hunter) was father of Col. William, Whom I knew as p'ost-'master at Holly Springs, Miss., and who, I presume, to be the William Polk, the distiller, spoken of by Mr. Win der as living near La Grange, Tenn. He once lived there. He has another son living at this time near Shreveport, Caddo Parish, La., named Charles, a highly respectable planter, who is married and has a family ; and another son, with whom he removed to Texas, whose name I do not now recollect. When I saw "Old Charley," many years ago he showed me a powder-horn which he prized hig1:ily, from having car ried it through the Revolutionary War, in which he was a soldier in the North Carolina Line, under command -of his uncle General Thomas Polk. He mentioned to me an inci dent in regard to the 'horn which added to its interest in his eyes, and which illustrated the primitive manners, as well as the gallent feeling of the times. Just before the forces were to m'ove towards the North. he discovered he had lost his horn, and on reporting the fact to his General and kinsman the morning following, when the troops were under arms, the General requested him to accom pany him down and along the lines, during the inspection, saying to him that it was not improbable the horn might POLK F AMI LY AND KINSMEN 193 make its appearance. He did so, and to his very great de light, and the profound discomfiture of the luckless wight who had appropriated it, sho't-pouch and all duly garnishied the neck and shoulder of one of the host. An examination was instituted forthwith, which terminated in convicting the party upon whom it was found, of having appropriated it wilfully and knowingly, and the penalty was dismissal from the service, with a refusal even to allow him to serve in such a cause. The old fellow told the anecdote with great interest and pride in the gallantry and the high sense of 'honor which dis tinguished his day and command. Old John Polk had a son, I think, called Benjamin, who lived in Maury County, Tenn., and who, I think, was father to Armstead of the same county. General Thomas Polk, my grandfather, married Miss Susan Spratt, by whom he had William, Thomas, Ezekiel, Charles and James, five sons ; and Mary, Deborah, Margaret and Martha, four dughters. Of the conspicuous part taken by General Thomas Polk in the celebrated Mecklenburg De claration of Independence, Mr. Winder is, I presume, in formed from the public accounts of that transaction. All of his sons followed him into the war that ensued and were more or less actively engaged. Thomas was killed in the battle of Eutaw, by a ball in the forehead. He bore at the time a Lieutenant's commission. It has so happened that I have recently seen some unpublished manuscript of a dis tinguished officer of the Revolution, in which there was men tioned among the killed, at the same battle, a Lieutenant Ezekiel Polk, who must have been the son of one of the other brothers ; which, I know not. Since beginning this letter I remembered having on my estate an old and highly intelligent negress, who belonged in early life to my grandfather. General Thomas Polk, and upon sending for her and questioning her, she promptly informed me that she well remembered our great grandmother. Miss Taylor, that was the wife of William Polk of Maryland. She was very often at her master's. General Thomas Polk's ; was a small woman and lived to a great age. Upon asking if he 194 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN had a daughter named Debora, she replied in the affirmative, and added that she "married Sam McLeary," confirming your impression. She also stated there were two other sisters : Margurette, who married David McRee, and Mary, Who mar ried John B^arnett. She does not know whether the two for mer had children, but knows that the latter was the mothe: of Mrs. Smart, the old lady I have mentioned having written to, and also of Col. Jack Barnett, a very noted man in Meek lenburg, of his day, and father of Susan Barnett, whom you may remember having seen while you were at Chapel Hill at my father's in Raleigh. She also mentioned the names of four of her master's brothers, whom she often saw with their sisters, the ladies mentioned, at her master, viz : Charles, James, William, and Ezekiel. She knew them all perfectly well, as servants are in the habit of knowing the members of their master's families. She states that she "remembered perfectly well the night that master Sam. Polk was married to Miss Jinny Knox." As to whether there was a brother of her master's named John, she does not know, but "the others she knew as well as she knows me." Her statements have refreshed my own memory upon some of the facts to which she testifies, and I place the fullest con fidence in her testimony. It has occurred to me that Charles of Caddo, La., the son of "Charles the Hunter," and grand son of Charles, brother of General Thomas Polk, might be in possession of some facts as to his own and other branches of the family, and I have concluded to write him upon the sub ject, which I will do and enclose you what he may furnish through his father. I have made out hastily, but accurately, a genealogy of the family from William of Maryland, down ward, (excluding only the descendants of Col. Ezekiel Polk, which can be better furnished by you) so far as I am inform ed, and send it to you herewith. If my correspondence shall enable me to furnish more particulars, I will send them to you. AA^ith my kindest regards to Mrs. Polk, I remain. Very truly, your Friend and Kinsman, Leonidas Polk. POLK F AMI LY AND KINSMEN 195 Letter of Mrs. Smart. As stated by Bishop Polk in the foregoing letter to Presi dent Polk, he wrote for information to Mrs. Smart, an aged kinswoman, who replied as follows : Charlotte, N. C, Feby. 15, 1849 Dear Sir: — Your letter, enclosed in one to Mr. Alexander, I have re ceived, and will answer it as well as I can. I never saw your great-grandfather, AA^illiam Polk, but was informed by your grandfather, and my parents, that he died several years be fore, at least twenty-five years before the Revolutionary War. His wife was a Taylor (Margaret) and he married her at the North, in Pennsylvania, and removed to North Carolina and settled west of the Yadkin, where he died. He left the following children : Thomas, your grandfather ; William, who was the oldest son ; John, Charles, Ezekiel, Who was grand father of the President. The following daughters : Susan, who married Benjamin Alexander; Debora, who married Samuel McCleary, and died without issue; Margaret, who married Robert McRee, leaving a large family, am'ong whom is James P. McRee, of Tennessee. Susan Alexander left a large family, many of whom now live in this county. She was the mother of William Alexander. a Captain, commonly called "Black Bill," a distinguished sol dier in the Revolutionary army. John Polk married Eleanor Shelby, a daughter of Col. Isaac Shelby. He had three sons and one daughter ; the sons by name : Charles, John and Taylor; the daughter Eleanor. Tho'se now living, belonging to the family, reside in the West. William married a woman whose name I do not remem ber. They removed to Tennessee many years ago and 'had many children. Charles married Polly Clark, a full cousin of your father's on the m'other's side. They removed to the West, having a large family. Ezekiel married Nanny Wil son, the mother of Samuel Polk, and the grandmother of the President, and after her death was married twice. By his second wife he had no children that lived any time ; by his third Avife, whom he married in Tennessee, I am informed he had several children. 196 POLK F AM I LY AND KINSMEN Your grandfather, Thomas Polk, who was the m'ost dis tinguished man in the family, married Susan Spratt, my mo ther's sister. They had the following children: Your father, Thomas, who was killed at the battle of Eutaw, by the side of my brother, John Barnett; Ezekiel, who died at sea; James, who married the daughter 'of Col. Moore; Charley, who mar ried the daughter of Hezekiah Alexander died, leaving two children, one now living in Tennessee, Thomas I. Polk; IMartha, the eldest daughter, married Dr. Ephraim Brevard, who had one daughter, j\Iartha, who married J\Ir. Dickerson, of South Carolina, leaving one son, the late Col. James Polk Dickerson, who was killed in Mexico ; Margaret, the second daughter, married Governor Nathaniel Alexander, and died without children ; Polly, the fourth, married Daniel Brown, a distinguished lawyer of South Carolina. They had three children who died young. The third daughter, Debora, died at the age of fourteen. My aunt, Susan Spratt, who married your grandfather General Thomas Polk, was the daughter of Thos. Spratt, who was an excellent man and died highly esteemed by every one Your father, with whom I was very intimate, was always proud of his Spratt blood and often boasted -of it. Col. Thos. Neal, of South Carolina, married Jane Spratt, a daughter of Thomas Spratt, by whom he had several children, among others Andrew, a Colonel in the Revolutionary Army, who resembled your father very much. He was killed at the battle of Eutaw ; and Thomas, a Major, who fell shortly after the bat tle of Eutaw. I have mentioned your grandmother, Susan Spratt, and her family, although you did not ask of them, which I think you should have done. I am now eighty-seven years of age and although infirm of body, am yet able to visit my friends and converse with them, and am now writing this letter at the house of Wm. J. Alexander, who, with his wife, I con sider among my best friends. This letter, of course. I am not able to write myself, but have procured the services of Mrs. Alexander's sister. I should be glad to hear from you, and remain. Yours respectfully, Susan Smart. POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN I97 In the foregoing letter of Mrs. Smart, she states that William. Polk rem'oved from Pennsylvania, where he married Margaret Taylor, settled West of the Yadkin, and died there, "at least twenty-five years before the Revolution." This would fix his death about the year 1751, or one year after it is said he emigrated from Pennsylvania to North Carolina. As stated in the foregoing two letters, the children of AVilliam Pol'k (emigrant to N. Carolina) were: Mary, Will iam, Charles, James, Debora, Susan, Margaret, John , Thomas and Ezekiel. The two latter sons attained to great distinc tion in the events which preceded the Revolutionary War, and in the transactions of that great and successful struggle for American Independence. 198 PO LK F AMI LY AND KINSMEN CHAPTER XXXII. POLK'S SERVING IN CONGRESS. From Dictionary of U. S. Congress, 1864. James Knox Polk was born in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, November 3, 1795. He removed with his father, in 1806 to Tennessee, and lived in the Valley of Duck River, a branch of the Cumberland. He graduated at the University of North Carolina in 1815 ; studied law in Ten nessee with Felix Grundy, and was admitted to the bar in 1830. He was a member of the House of Representatives in Congress from 1835 to 1839, and Speaker in that body from 1835 to 1837, and was elected Governor of Tennessee in 1839, for two years. In December, 1844, the Electors chose him President of the United States, and during his eventful ad ministration the Oregon question was settled, Texas annexed, war with Mexico declared, and New Mexico and California were acquired. He died at Nashville, Tenn., June 15, 1849. Col. William H. Polk was born in Maury County, Ten nessee, May 34, 1815. He was educated at Chapel Hill, North Carolina, and the University of Tennessee. He studied law and was admitted to the bar in 1839. In 1841 and 1843. he was elected to the State Legislature; was appointed by Presi dent Tyler Charge d' Affaires to Naples, where he negotiated a treaty with the Two Sicilies. He served as a Major in the Ninth Dragoons, in the Mexican War; was a Delegate to the Nashville Convention in 1850 ; and a Representative in Con gress, from Tennessee, from 1851 to 1853. He was a brother of President James Knox Polk and opposed to the secession of the South from the Union. He died at Nashville, Dec. 16. 1863. Trusten Polk was born in Sussex County, Delaware, May 39, 1811 ; graduated at Yale College in 1831 ; studied law at the Yale Law School, and in 1835 he emigrated to Mis souri, where he commenced the practice of his profession. POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 199 In 1845, whUe absent from Missouri for the benefit of his health, he was elected a member of the Convention called to remodel the State Constitution. In 1856 he was elected Gov ernor of Missouri, and inaugurated January, 1857, but soon resigned for a seat in the United States Senate, to which he was elected for the term of six years, from March 4, 1857, his chief opponent being Thomas H. Benton. He was a mem ber of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, and of Claims. Fol lowing a charge of treason preferred against him, because of his strong sympathy with the South, he was expelled from the Senate on Jan. 10, 1863. Returning to St. Louis, he re sumed his practice of the law, whic'h he continued until his death. RUFUS K. POLK. Rufus King Polk, son of Gen'l Lucius E. Polk, of Helena, Ark., was born August 33, 1866 in Maury County, Tenn., on his father's plantation a few miles from Columbia. Rufus Polk's youth was -passed on the old plantation until he was started to school at a local academy and fitted for college. He entered Lehigh University, in Pennsylvania, and graduated with the class of 1887 with the degree of Bachelor of Science, and then took a post-graduate course in mining engineering. After leaving college he located at Danville, Pa., and was employed as chemist by the Montour Iron and Steel Company. AVith the exception of a few months during which he had charge of the furnaces of the Hocking Valley Coal and Iron Company in Ohio, he engaged in business in Danville, as Assistant Superintendent of the Montour Iron and Steel Company, General Manager of the North Branch Steel Company and finally became a partner in the firm of Howe & Polk, manufacturers of structural iron in which business he was engaged at the time of his death. His business the year preceding his death, as he stated, exceeded one million dollars of product. In the spring of 1898, when the United States declared war against Spain, Rufus Polk, with his associates in the National Guard, left his wife, family and large growing busi ness interests and was mustered in as First Lieutenant of 200 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN Company F, Twelfth Regiment of Pennsylvania Volunteers, serving until his muster out and honorable discharge after peace was declared. On his return home he was nominated as a Democrat to represent the 17th District of Pennsylvania, composed of the counties of 'Columbia, Montour, Northumberland and Sullivan, in the Fifty-sixth Congress, and although that district was then represented by a Republican, his majority was nearly 3,000. Two years later he was re-elected to the Fifty-seventh Congress with an increased majority of nearly 1,500, so pop ular had he become, and he would 'have been elected to the Fifty-eighth Congress had he lived and not postively refused to run again because of his large business interests. Rufus K. Polk died at his home in Danville, Pa., March 5th, 1903. His funeral was attended by an immense con course of people, as all loved him. His pall-bearers were eight stalwart employes of the firm of Howe & Polk. (See Record No. 113.) POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 201 HON. RUFUS K. POLK, M. C„ of Pennsylvania, son of Gen'l Lucius E. Polk, POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 203 CHAPTER XXXIII. WILLIAM POLK, SR., SON OF IMMIGRANTS. William Polk, the second son and child of Capt. Robert Bruce Polk and his wife Magdalen (Tasker-Porter) Polk, was born about 1664-7, in the County of Donegal, Ireland, a shori distance from Londonderry and Coleraine. It was in the vi cinity of the latter place that the first Pollok emigrants from the South of Scotland settled when James, after the death of Elizabeth, planted strong Scotch colonies in 1:he country in order to nullify the warlike enterprises of the Catholic hosts in that quarter which had, under Hugh O'Neil and other ac tive leaders,., so Iqng defied the repressive efforts of Queen Elizabeth. John, William, Anne, Ephraim, and possibly James were all born .before Robert and Magdalen emigrated to America. William was probably a child of seven or ei.ght years of age when his parents left Ireland. His father settling at a place; then called "Damn Quarter," (now softened down into Dame's Quarter), on the Eastern Shore, and in the county of Somerset, it was there that William grew to manhood. Capt. Robert Bruce Polk does not appear to have patented a tract of land very soon after arrival in Maryland, but to have waited awhile, securing a patent for "Polk's Folly," a tract of one hundred acres, and "Polk's Lott," fifty acres, on March 7, 1687. His sons Ephraim and Robert in 1700 also secured patents. John, the eldest son of Capt. Robert Bruce Polk. was the first one of the family to obtain a grant. On June 1st, 1685, Lord Baltimore patented to him a tract called "Lo cust Hammock," described as "lying on the East side of Chesapeake Bay, on South side of the mouth of Wiccocomicoe River, in Damn Quarter Neck." William Polk's first patents were for: "Moneen," 100 acres, "on east side Main branch of Nanti- 204 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN coke River, in John's Neck, Somerset County," July 10, 1735. Donigall," 100 acres (do. do. do.) "Romas," 100 acres, September 10, 1735. In partnership with his brother-in-law, Thomas Pollitt, William also patented "Come by Chance," 30 acres, "two miles from head of Wicomico Creek," December 4, 1735. Under the then existing law of primogeniture, and being the eldest son of Magdalen Polk at her death in 1737, William inherited the manor plantation, "White Hall," making it there after his regular abiding place, and at his death in 1740 it de scended to his eldest son. Judge David Polk. It was a noted Colonial mansion and in it was dispensed a generous hos'pita'l- ity by its various occupants. Having large orchards of various fruits, and a distillery on the place, William was in a position to practice "hospitality." It will be noted that William made no entry of land — or, rather, he secured no patent to such — until 38 years after his father's, and forty years after his brother John's patents. AVhy he deferred the matter so long does not at this time ap pear. It is certain however that he purchased one or more tracts from others who had secured patents for same, and hence the records relative to such do not appear on the books of the Colonial Land Office at Annapolis. He took charge of the ancestral home after the death of his mother. WM. POLK, SR., TWICE MARRIED. Tradition says, and facts and inferences support the state ment, that WUliam was twice married, first to Nancy (Knox^ Owens, a widow, and was a widower at the time he made his will in 1739-40. The latter is distinctly shown in the docu ment wherein he bequeaths to his son David, among other personal property, "a lot of linen, left in the house at the de cease of my wife." This deceased wife seems to have been his second wife, and, inferentially she was a "widow Gray" when he married her, with a son named Allen Gray. Such a youth was a member of AVilliam Polk's household, at his death ; for, in his will he says : "I give and bequeath unto Alien Gray one little black mare, one black cow and her calf, to the only proper use and behoof of him the said Allen Gray." The in- POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 205 ference is strong that Allen was AA^illiam's stepson. That his mother dying while she was the second wife of William, the boy continued in the home of his stepfather, who became attached to him and was thereby moved to remember him in his will. The traditions handed down, together with the facts obtained by the Polk tree compilers of 1849, give Nancy (Knox) Owens, as the mother of William Polk's children — David, James, Elizabeth WUliams, and Jane Strawbridge. It seems, however, that these compilers failed to discover the two of the children of William one of whom appears to have been Charles Polk, who became an Indian trader on the Mary land frontier, at the North Bend of the Potomac, in Frederick County, where he died in 1753 ; and the other William Polk, who went to Carlisle, Pa., married there Miss Margaret Tay lor one of a numerous family of daughters, and moved to North Carolina about 1750, becoming progenitor of the Southern branch of the Polk family. These sons, William and Charles, were doubtless the eld est of Williams' children, born somewhere between 1700 and 1710, and likely received from their father what he estimated would be their fair share of his property, and then went forth in quest of broader and more active fields of effort. One of them, WUliam, moved to the Allegheny frontier and located at Carlisle, Pa., where he married Margaret Taylor. After some years here, following the trend of emigration at that time, he moved down to the sunny banks of the Yadkin, where several of his sons afterward became fam'ous partici pants in America's first Declaration of Independence, enunci ated at Charlotte, N. C, May 30, 1775. The other son, 'Charles, appears to have bent his course to the westward branches of the Potomac, where he emharked in trade with the Indians accumulating a competency before his death in 1753. In this trade he became thoroughly ac quainted with the Indian character and acquired their friend ship. 206 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN Charles appears to have married near his frontier station. AVhat was the name of his wife, is not certainly known, but the strong inference is that it was Christian Matson, for in his will of March 19, 1753, he calls her "Christian my dearly be loved wife," and makes her and Ralph Matson (presumably her brother) executors of his will, his sons all being too 3''oung at that time for such duties. Some of the Matsons accom panied Capt. Chas. Polk to Kentucky and Indiana. P O LK F AMI LY AND KINSMEN 207 CHAPTER XXXIV. WRONG WILLIAM MADE BODY OF TREE. The long held traditionary statement that the William Polk who moved from Carlisle to North 'Carolina was a son of John Polk and Priscilla Roberts, has 'been irrefutably proven to be incorrect hy exhaustive examinations of the official re cords of Maryland, Delaware, Pennsylvania, Virginia and North Carolina. John Polk, eldest son of Robert and Magdalen, reputed progenitor -of the Southern Polks, married Jane -. as shown by the old Monie church records, in Somerset Coun ty, and she was the mother of his two surviving children, William and Nancy. Jane died October 38, 1700, six days after the birth and death of her infant child, named John. These facts the Monie church records show after a careful examination made by Mr. Earle B. Polk, of Princess Anne, Deputy Circuit Clerk of Somerset County. John Polk next married Joanna Knox, said to, have been a sister of Nancy (Knox) Owens, William Polk's first wife, and he died in 1707-8. The court records of Somerset speak of her as the "widow Joanna, Polk." John and Jane's children, William and Nancy, were com mitted by the said Court, shortly after their father's death to the care and guardianship of William Polk, Sr., (John's brother) who, on August 11, 1708, preferi-ed a- petition to Court for the "purpose, in obedience, as he stated, to his brother's dying request. After John's death, his widow Joanna married Thos. Hugg, and had issue by him. WILLIAM POLK AND PRISCILLA ROBERTS. William, son of John and Jane, grew to manhood, --married Priscilla Roberts, his cousin, and died in. Maryland in 1736, his widow later marrying Robert 'Clarkson. These statements are supported by official records, and they entirely dissipate the 208 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN long held tradition that the William who married Priscilla Roberts was the progenitor of the Southern Polks, as stated on the Polk "Tree" published in 1849. Of the seven sons of Robert Bruce Polk and Magdalen Polk, one of them, David, was not discovered by the 1849 com pilers. Neither did they discover Capt. Robert's will of 1699 else they would have found David in the list of children named therein. The finding of this document within a few years past, on file in the Colonial Office at Annapolis, Md., revealed the name of David. It also showed that one of Robert and Magdalen's daughters, reputed to have been named Margaret, was named Martha. David presumably died single, or intestate. He acquir ed several tracts of land, as the records show, but no will has been found to tell of its disposition, or of the names of 'his children if he had any. An inference from some of the records is that David mar ried a daughter of Christopher Nutter, of Somerset, but proof is lacking. There is also a tradition that he moved to Penn sylvania, where a number of PoUock kinsmen from about Coleraine, a few miles from Londonderry, Ireland, settled between 1735 and the Revolutionary War. That David re fused to change his name, like the others did, to Polk, and stuck to the original Pollock, is a tradition that has been handed down in the family. The children of Robert and Magdalen Polk's other sons — John, William, Ephraim, Robert and Joseph — are apparent ly pretty fully accounted for by past family chroniclers, and by more recent and careful examination of official records. Very recently discovered records show Jane , as wife of John Polk, when she died, and the names and dates of birth of their children. Another discovery was the will of Joseph Polk, youngest son of Robert and Magdalen, showing his death to have occurred in Dorchester County in 1753, and the names of his children. The children of the William Polk, who married Margaret Taylor at 'Carlisle, Pa., and moved to North Carolina about 1750, where he soon afterward died "about 35 years before the Revolutionary War" (as related by 'old Mrs. Smart to Bishop POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 209 Polk), were as stated on the Polk Tree of 1849, their names being furnished at that time by contemporary kinsmen and near relatives like General Thomas, Col. William, and Bishop Polk, Mrs. Susan Smart, et al. (See these names under head of descendants of Wm. Polk and Margaret Taylor, on another page.) CHILDREN OF WILLIAM AND NANCY (KNOX-OWENS) POLK. In addition to William and Charles Polk, who appear to have been his eldest children, Wm^. Polk, Sr., had four chil dren. These four were: ^Elizabeth, ^James, ^David, and *Jane. It appears that the first named, Elizabeth generally called "Betsy" was a: full sister of WiUiam and Charles, and poss ibly also their elder in years, judging from the date of her birth, as given. These four are named in William's will of 1739-40. Their dates of birth, marriage and death are given as follows: ^Elizabeth (Betsy) Polk, born about 1695, died , married John Williams of Somerset ; ^James Polk born May 17, 1719, died 1770, married 1st Mary Cottman, 3nd Betty Cottman; ^Judge David Polk born 1731, died 1778, married Betsy Gilliss; *Jane Polk, born 173!3, died , married James Strawbridge. Elizabeth and John Williams had issue : ^Mary, who married Wm. Polk, her first cousin, son of James Polk ; ^Capt. John Williams, a Revolutionary soldier, who died in 1798. He was a prominent business man of Somerset County. And two other sons, who are said to have emigrated to the Caro linas. Names not known. Rev. Arthur P. Brown, pastor of the First Baptist church at Fresno, Cal., writing to Paul M. Polk of Vicksburg, Miss., on March 30, 1905, concerning the Polk family, says of Robert Bruce Polk: "His son was the father of Charles Polk of Frederick County, Md., whose history you have." Rev. Brown was a descendant of Charles Polk of Fred erick County, Indian trader on the North Branch of the Poto mac, and made extensive researches into the genealogy of his branch of the Polk family, extending over a numher of years. 210 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN His Statement above,' referring to AVm. Polk, Sr., (son of Robert and Magdalen Polk), being the father of Charles Polk the Indian trader, is additional proof of other statements com ing from that line, that Capt. Charles Polk, was a cousin of Ezekiel Polk, grandfather of James K. Polk. Referring to the personal appearance of many of the Polks — especially the female portion of her branch — Mrs. Aurelia Winder Townsend, deceased, of Oyster Bay, Long Island, who gathered a great deal of data concerning the fam ily, and also was the custodian of much that came to her from Josiah F. Polk, Col. W. H. AVinder, and others of the 1848-9 compilers, says: "I have never known any Polks but the descendants of my great grandfather, except a brother of General Polk. Of those whom I know personally, and by tradition, sixteen have been people who would be remarkable anywhere for beauty. -Of my grandfather's seven children, Mrs. Fromentine was the only one not noted for beauty, but she was a very good looking woman. My uncle Josiah I never saw, but every one who knew him agreed that he was in face, figure and carriage, absolutely tfaultless. Uncle William was very handsome; Uncle James the handsomest man I ever saw. My mother was a very handsome woman, and her sisters, Mrs. Stuart and Mrs. Johnson, very beautiful. Morris Polk, cousin Josiah's brother, was very handsome, and his daughter the most beautiful creature I ever looked at. It stirs my 'blood to think of her, though I have not seen her for thirty-five years." WILLIAM, SON OF JUDGE DAVID POLK. (By his granddaughter, Mrs. Aurelia W. Townsend.) AVilliam Polk (son of David Polk and Betsy Gilliss), was born Decemher 11, 1753, and married February 1775 to Esther .(daughter of AVm. AVinder and widow of Isaac Handy), who was born October 9, 1751. She died April 1790 and he next married Nancy Purnell (widow of -^ Dennis), who died in 1794. In 1809 or 10 he married Anne Hubbell. Issue by the first: ^Betsy, ^Hetty, ^Gertrude, *Josiah, ^Charlotte, -"William, •'^Col. James, ^Ann. Charlotte died in infancy. POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 211 BETSY, DAUGHTER OF WM. POLK. Betsy Polk was born May 19, 1776 and died October 6, 1833. She was married about 1800 to Elegius Fromentine, a French refugee. When Louisiana was bought by the United States they settled at New Orleans, where Mr. Fromentine became a distinguished lawyer, and U. S. Senator. They both died of yellow fever, she on the 5th, he on the 7th of October 1833. No issue. HETTY, DAUGHTER OF WM. POLK. Hetty Polk was born April 9, 1779 ; died . She married 1st April 1797, Col. Nehemia'h King, who died in a few years, and then she married her cousin. Dr. Chas, Winder, who died a few months after their marriage. Several years later she married Major Alexander Stuart, U. S. A., who died April 1834. Issue by the first husband : ^Charlotte (who died in in fancy), ^Henry. Henry married 1st Aurelia, a daughter of his mother's half brother, Richard Handy, 3d Matilda Handy. Issue by the 1st: ^Charlotte, ^Laura, ^Aurelia, by the 3d Henry. GERTRUDE, DAUGHTER OF WM. POLK. Gertrude Polk was born April 13, 1781 ; married May 9, 1799, to her cousin General Wm. H. Winder. In 1803 they settled in Baltimore, where he died at the head of the Bar, May 34, 1834. She died December 38, 1873. Issue : John H., ^Wm. H., ^Charlotte, *Aurelia, »Wm. H., «Charlotte, ^Ger trude, «Wm. Tasker, ^Gertrude, lOWilliam, ^Charlotte, i^Au- relia. The first two Williams, the first Gertrude and Tasker died in infancy. The first Aurelia died May, 1819, aged 13. The second Gertrude on June 31, 1841, unmarried. John H. AVinder was born February 21, 1800, at Rewston in Somerset County, Md., the residence of his grandfather Winder. He was educated at West Point, and remained in the army until his marriage in 1823 to Elizabeth, daughter of Andrew Shepherd of Georgia. At her death in 1835 he returned to 212 POLK F AMI LY AND KINSMEN the service and While stationed at SmithviUe, N. C, married Mrs. Caroline A. Eagle, widow of Joseph Eagle, a planter on Cape Fear river, and daughter of Thos. Cox. of Edenton, N. C. He servid all through the Florida and Mexican wars and at Gen'l Scott's recommendation was brevetted Lt. Colonel for his services in the last. He resigned April 20, 1861, and was appointed Brigadier General in the Confederate Army, June 31, 1861. For the first three years of the war he was General Commanding the Department of Henrico. The last year of the war he was Commissary General of Prisoners East of the Mississippi. He died very suddenly at Florence, S. C, Feb. 8, 1865, of disease of the heart, brought on by excessive fa tigue and anxiety in the discharge of his duties. Issue by the first wife : ^Wm. A. Winder. By the second : John C, ^Wm. Sidney, *Thos. P., ^Gertrude. The last two died in infancy. Wm. A. married Abby, daughter of Gov. I. Goodwin, of Portsmouth, N. H., Issue: ^AA^m. John C, mar ried Octavia Bryan, daughter of John H. Bryan, of Raleigh, N. C, where he resides. He is a civil engineer. Superintendent of the Raleigh & Gaston and Raleigh & Augusta Air Line railroads. Issue: ^Mary B., ^Caroline, John H., ^Gertrude, ^Aurelia, "Octavia. Wm. Sidney is a prominent lawyer in Baltimore, un married. Wm. H. 3d is living in New York, unmarried. Charles H. married Mary H., daughter of Gen'l Joseph Sterett of Baltimore, who died Jan. 1876. Issue: ^Wm. H., Josephine S., ^Mary H. The first died in infancy. The third Sept. 1, 1861, unmarried. Josephine S. married Stewart Darrell, of Bermuda, a merchant in Baltimore. Issue: ^Cavendish and Josephine. POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 213 CHAPTER XXXV. JOSIAH, SON OF WM. POLK. Josiah Polk was born Nov. 17, 1783, died 1814. He mar ried Rebecca, daughter of Dr. John Troup. He practiced law in Princess Anne, Somerset Co., Md., where he died in 1814. Issue: ^Henry, ^AVilliam, James, John, ^Mary. Henry and WiUiam died unmarried. John, a physician in Hartford Co.. Md., married Elizabeth Billingsley. Issue: ^Lizzie, ^Emma. Lizzie married Eugene Pomeroy, a lawyer in New York. Emma married Sidney Simon, U. S. N. Mary E. married 1st Dr. Samuel Carr, 3d, David Dudley Field, a lawyer of New York. She died April, 1876. Issue by 1st: ^Lizzie and ^Charles. Lizzie married Wm. Brown of New York, and died soon after without issue. Chas. H. married Mary Vir ginia, daughter of Dr. Sims of New York. Issue : ^Constance, ^Addie, ^Emmet. CAPT. WILLIAM, SON OF WM. POLK. Capt. Wm. Polk was born Aug. 9, 1786, died Feb. 13, 1856. He married Nov. 39, 1811, Almy, daughter of Wm. Town- send of Oyster Bay, L. I. Lie died on the morning, she in the evening of Feb. 13, 1856. Issue : ^Wm. Winder, ^Mary T., ^Margaret H., James B., , "Frank, "Gertrude, '^Louise D. Frank and Gertrude died in infancy. Wm. Winder and James B. died unmarried. Mary T. married 1st July 16, 1840, Victor Monroe, of Frankfort, Ky. ; 3d Albert Iverson, U. S. Senator from Georgia. Issue by first: ^Wm. Winder, ^Frank Adair, ^Mary. William Winder, living in Kentucky, married Miss Lavenia Berry, daughter of H. K. Berry of Nelson County, Ky., and sister of Capt. Anderson Berry, C. S. A. now of Lexington, Ky. ^Frank, a lawyer in New Orleans, unmarried. ^Mary married George Vincent, of Louisiana. Issue : Wm. Monroe. 214 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN Louie D. married J. Bannister Hall, a merchant of Balti more, Dec. 11, 1860. Issue: ^Wm. W., ^Annie G., ^I. Bannister, *Louis, ^Marguerite. Wm. W. died in infancy. COL. JAMES, SON OF WM. POLK. Col. James Polk was born March 1793, died 1868. He married Ann Stuart, in 1816, and died in Baltimore in Dec. 1868. Issue: ^William, ^Esther, ^Mary, *Ariana, James, "Lucius, Joseph B. The latter became a distinguished actor in comedy, reaching a high station in 'his profession. Col. James Polk was Register of Wills for Somerset County. Later in 1845, he was Naval Officer in Baltimore, and in 1848 was Collector for that port. William married in Texas a Miss Estes and has three sons, ^Wm. E., ^Stuart and James. She resides in San An tonio, Texas. Esther married Gov. E. Louis Lowe, of Md. Issue: ^Adelaide, ^Annie, ^Paul, *Vivian, Victoria, "Louie ^Esther, *Mary. Adelaide married E. Austin Jenkins, a very wealthy merchant of Baltimore. Issue : ¦'Austin, ^Louis Lowe, ^Ed mond Joseph, *Martin Spaulding, ^Mary. Mary married Onno Gorter, of Amsterdam, Holland, Dutch Consul at Baltimore and a merchant of that city Issue: ^Onno, ^Albert, ^Meta, Judge James P., ^Dr. Nathan, "Marie. Onno married Alice Edmonson. Issue: ^Alice and ^Arthur Edmonson. Ariana married Lucillius Briscoe, of Georgia. Issue: Mattie Briscoe. They reside at Griffin, Ga. James Polk, son of Col. James Polk, married Nannie Maddox, by whom he 'had issue : ^Anna, ^Kate, James *Wm Maddox, John Lucius, "Mary Stuart, ''Herschel V. J. Anna married J. Leland Busch, Sup't of Public Schools, Norfolk, Va. No issue. Kate married W. M. Nixon, a merchant of Augusta, Ga., Issue : John, ^WiUiam. James married Florence Queen, an attorney of Wash ington, D. C. Issue: ^Kenneth, John. POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 215 Wm. Maddox married Emma S. Hudson, of Newport News, Va. No issue. John Lucius died in 1890, and Herchel V. J. in 1878. John Lucius married Mary Clark and left a son Clark Polk, who married and has two Children. ANNE, DAUGHTER OF JUDGE WM. POLK. Anne, daughter of Judge Wm. Polk, married 1st, Robert Walker, of Georgia; 3d, Hon. Herschel V. Johnson, of Georgia. Issue by 1st : ^AA' illiam. By the second, -Robt, Emmet, ^Tallulah, ^AVinder, 'Anne, "Gertrude, , ''Herschel ¦ ^Tomlinson. William married Virginia Estes and died without issue. Robt. Emmet Johnson died soon after he reached ma turity. Tallulah married — '^ —— and lives in Georgia. Winder, by profession a lawyer, married and lives in Georgia. Gertrude is unmarried. Herschel, a physician, lives in Georgia, and Tomlinson, a planter, in the same state JAMES POLK, SON OF WM. POLK, SR. James Polk, second son of William Polk, Sr., and the widow Nancy (Knox-Owens) Polk, was -born May 17, 1719, and died in 1771. His will was dated January 30, 1771, and probated April 16, 1771. Jarnes was twice married and his second wife also deceased 'before him. He first married Mary Cottman; secondly, her sister, Betty Cottman. His will is of record in Frederick County, Maryland. In it he mentions his wife, Betty Polk; sons, Benjamin and AVilliam; three daiighters, Nancy, Leah and Mary. Polk; grandson, James Polk, and granddaughter, Betty Whittington. Leah and Mary appear to have been chUdren hy the last wife, Betty Cottman. James Polk, son of AA'^illiam Polk, Sr., by 'his 1st wife, Mary Cottman, had issue: ^Virginia, born 1736, died un married, it is said; ^Benjamin, born 1738, died , married Sarah Whittington, daughter of Southey Whitting ton and Mary Forsett; ^'Priscilla, born 1740, died 1834, mar ried Col. Wm. Whittington; *Nancy, born about 1742, died 216 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN unmarried, it is said ; 'William, born 1744, died , mar ried his cousin Mary Williams, daughter of Elizabeth Polk and John Williams; "Leah, born about 1746, untraced; ''Mary, born ahout 1748, died , married James Bratton. By his second wife, Betty Cottman, who was left execu trix of his will, James Polk is said to have had the two last named children, Leah and Mary. His will is dated Jan. 30, 1771, and was probated April 16th following. The children of Benjamin and Sarah (Whittington) Polk were: James, ^Benjamin, Joshua, ^Whittington, 'Southey, "Jane, ''Mary (Polly), «Nelly, ^Isaac, lOEleanor, "Elizabeth, i-Sarah, i^Daniel — a "baker's dozen." James Polk, the first son of Benjamin and Mary Cottman Polk, was at one time Surveyor of Somerset County. Benjamin Polk, second child of Benjamin and Sarah (Whittington) Polk, married , and left two children, Southey and Eliza. Whittington Polk, son of Benjamin and Sarah (Whitting ton) Polk, married first the widow A. Chapman, second , and left issue. Eleanor, daughter of Benjamin and Sarah (Whittington) Polk, untraced. Said to have died unmarried. Jane, daughter of Benjamin and Sarah (Whittington) Polk, married 1st, Wm. H. Harper ; 3d, her first cousin, Dr. Jno. Polk, son of William and Mary (Williams) Polk. Dr. Polk was a skillful 'physician and one of the founders of the Delaware Medical Society. He removed to Laurel, Del., died there, and his family returned to Somerset. Mary, daughter of Benjamin and Sarah (Whittington) Polk, married Stephen Collins, an elder in the old Rehoboth Presbyterian Church, (^first church of that faith in America) and a brother of Rev. I. Collins. Daniel Polk, son of Benjamin and Sarah (Whittington) Polk, untraced. Isaac, son of Benjamin and Sarah (Whittington) Polk, married Rebecca Dashiell and left one child, Sarah, who mar ried W. H. Stephens. Betsy, daughter of Benjamin and Sarah (Whittington) POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 217 Polk, married Michael Cluff, of Worcester County, and they had several children. Sarah (Sally), daughter of Benjamin and Sarah (Whit tington) Polk, married John Whittington. Rebecca, daughter of Benjamin and Sarah (Whittington) Polk, untraced. Norah, daughter of Benjamin and Sarah (Whittington) Polk, untraced. Nelly, daughter of Benjamin and Sarah (Whittington) Polk, married W. H. Harper. She was his first wife. His second and third wives were Jane Bristow, of New York, and Rebecca Covington, of Md. Joshua Polk, son of Benjamin and Sarah (Whittington) Polk, died at the age of nearly 78 years. He was the eldest child. His early life was spent in Caroline County, Md., hut later he emigrated to Ohio, where he died. He was born Oct. 31, 1761; died Dec. 7, 1839. He was thrice married; first to Elizabeth Rush. She died in August, 1820. No issue. Joshua's second wife was Elizabeth Williams, and his third Margaret Payne. No issue by latter. Plis children by the second wife, Elizabeth Williams, were six in number, viz : ^Elizabeth Polk, who married Clouser. No issue. Joshua Whittington Polk, born Dec. 23, 1812, un traced. ^Mary Collins Polk, born April 5, 1814, died Nov. 13, 1814. *Malinda Polk, born Feb. 6, 1816, died , untraced. 'Maria Louisa Polk, born Jan. 19, 1818 ; untraced. "Josiah Polk, born Aug. 31, 1830; died in infancy. These children were born in Maryland, before their pa rents' removal to Ohio in the winter of 1837. Joshua Whittington Polk, son of Joshua and Elizabeth (Williams) Polk, is a citizen of Clinton County, Ohio, and is a prominent farmer of that section. He is nearly four score and ten years of age, and is noted for having always been a man of moderation in all things. He was married in October, 1836, to Elizabeth Leaverton, of Highland County, Ohio, and had by her twelve children, viz: ^Robert Thomp son Polk, ^Leyda Catharine Polk, ^Saipuel Judkins Polk, *Hannah Elizabeth Polk, 'Wm. Alexander Polk, "Andrew Newton Polk, died unmarried ; Josiah Polk, Jason Polk, 218 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN sRuth A. Polk, "Phoebe Jane Polk, "Lettice Alma Polk, ^^Thomas Whittington Polk. Phoebe, Jane and Thomas Whit tington are unmarried. Robert Thompson Polk, the first child of the above list, is a Universalist minister. He lives at Towanda, Pa. He married Julia Hadley and they had seven children, viz : ^Her- bert James, ^Alvar Whittington, ^Mary, *Murry Sheply, died young; 'Cora Alma, "Robert Hadley, ^Elery Channing Polk. Herbert James Polk, the eldest married Etta Turner; two children Mildred and Bertha. Herbert James Polk and family reside in Boston. He is connected with the Old Col ony Trust Company, of that city. Alvar Whittintgon Polk lives in Boston. He married Annie Greenleaf. They have one child, Hadley Greenleaf Polk. Mary Polk, third child of Robert Thompson Polk, is mar ried and also lives in Boston. Cora Alma Polk is unmarried, as is also her brother, Robert Hadley Polk. They live in Towanda. Elery Channing Polk is unmarried and a student at col lege. Leyda Catharine Polk married John Eddingfield, and they have two children, Nancy Elizabeth and Mary Whit tington, unmarried. Nancy Elizabeth married Tennyson Saunders; no issue. Samuel Judkins Polk, married Rachael Larkin, and had seven children, viz : ^Jno. Thompson, ^Sarah ' Elizabeth, ^Evelyn Mattie, *Charles Whittington, 'Frank, "Julia lA/Ioor- man, ''Burch Polk. John Thompson Polk, eldest son of Samuel Judkins Polk, married Mary Denny. No issue. Hannah Elizabeth Polk, daughter of Joshua Whitting ton Polk married Joseph E. Powell and they have four child ren, viz : ^Elizabeth, ^Sarena Lavenia, ^Lettice Alma, ^Anna FVances Powell. Elizabeth, eldest child of Joseph E. and Hannah (Polk) Powell, married John Carlisle, a professor in A'ersailles, Miss. She died leaving three children, ^Bessie Lucille, ^phoebe Grace, ^Susie Carlisle. POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 219 Sarena Lavenia Powell, married Edgar Edwards. Wm. Alexander Polk married twice. First to Margaret Larkin by whom he had four children, viz : ijoshua AVhit tington Polk, died unmarried ; ^Fannie Larkin Polk, ^Robert Thompson Polk, ^Earnest Polk, died unmarried. Wm. Alexander Polk's second wife was Isaphene Orr ; one child. Josiah Polk, son of Joshua Whittington Polk, married Celeste Ann Shockley, and had five children, viz : ^Walter ^Charles, ^Elsie, ^Elizabeth, 'Winifred, "Alma Burnett. Walter Charles Polk, son of Josiah and Celeste Ann (Shockley) Polk, is a civil engineer and resides at Indianapo lis, Indiana. He married Eva Purdy; no issue. Jason Polk, son of Joshua Whittington Polk, married Cordelia Huff and had four children, viz : ^Cordelia, ^Ada, ^Mary Jane, ^Burley Polk. Ruth A. Polk, daughter of Joshua Whittington Polk, married Albert Carey and had issue: ^Bertha, ^Chilton O'Neal, ^Bessie, *David, 'Mary Carey. Lettice Alma Polk, daughter of Joshua Whittington Polk, married Emerson Groff Polk, her cousin, a banker and promi nent business man of Pocomoke City, Md. They have no issue. Malinda Polk, daughter of Joshua and Elizabeth Will iams Polk, married Wilson Leaverton, and dying, left seven children, viz: ^Sarah Leaverton, unmarried, resides in Illi nois; ^Maria Leaverton, married Orlando Paddry, no issue; ^Wesley Leaverton, unmarried, lives in Illinois; Jason JUea- verton, untraced ; 'William Leaverton, died unmarried ; "Dex ter Leaverton, unmarried, lives in Illinois; ''Albert Leaverton, married and left children in Illinois. Maria Polk, daughter of Joshua and Elizabeth (Williams) Polk, married Thomas Leaverton, and left eight children. viz : iLettice Leaverton, ^Mary Leaverton, John Leaverton, *Annie Leaverton, 'Dora Leaverton, "Thomas Leaverton, dead, ''Lydia Leaverton, ^Sarah Leaverton. Lettice above named married James Dyer, of Kansas and they have children. 220 POLK F AMI LY AND KINSMEN Mary Leaverton married Aaron Fink, no issue. John Leaverton married Emma Hoxworth, of Illinois. They have several children. Annie Leaverton married Nelson P. Merrill of Iowa; two children: ^Cora Merrill, ^Major Merrill. Dora Leaverton married Hoxworth, one child, Nellie. Thomas Leaverton died unmarried. Lydia Leaverton married a Mr. Easter; no issue. Sarah Leaverton married and has one child and resides in Illinois. Capt. Whittington Polk, fourth child of Benjamin and Sarah (Whittington) Polk, was born Sept. 9, 1769, died Oct. 21, 1859, aged ninety years. He was an elder in old Rehoboth Presbyterian Church, the first church of that creed established in America, and in which so many of the Polks have been officers. He Avas married twice, first to Rebecca Collins, by whom he had no issue. Second, to Rebecca Adams, by whom he had six children, viz : ^Sarah Eliza'beth Polk, ^Whit- tington Polk, ^Rebecca Collins Polk, ^William Stephens Col lins Polk, 'Joshua Polk, who died in youth ; "Emerson Groff Polk. Of the above, Sarah Elizabeth Polk married AVm. AA^'hit- tington, son of James and Sally (Coulburn) Whittington, and they have two children, Alice Coulburn and Sarah Rebec ca Whittington. Alice Coulburn AVhittington married Wm. Scott and they had issue: ^Alice, ^William. Sarah Rebecca Whittington, daughter of William and Sarah Elizabeth (Polk) Whittington, married Revel Patter son, and had one child, Wm. Williams Patterson, who mar ried Ruth Long; no issue. Whittington Polk, son of Capt. AVhittington and Rebec ca (Adams) Polk, married twice; first Sarah Ann Stevenson, second Grace Stevenson. By the first he had issue : ^Upshur Whittington Polk, unmarried ; ^Marion Clement Polk, un married ; ^Wm. James Polk, married Josephine Lawson ; one child. POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 221 By his marriage to Grace Stevenson, Whittington Polk had one child, Ethel Polk. Rebecca Collins Polk, daughter of Capt. Whittington Polk and Rebecca (Adams) Polk, married Thomas Whitting ton, son of James and Sally (Coulburn) Whittington. Their only child, Mary Zippora, married Henry P Merrill and died leaving two children. William Stephens Collins Polk, fourth child of Capt. Whittington Polk, was twice married. His first wife was Maggie Powell, his second wife was Sarah Adams. By the first he had issue: ^Wm. Lee Polk, ^Eva Polk, ^Florence Polk, Joshua Polk. William Stephens Collins Polk and his wife, Sarah (Adams) Polk had issue: ^Ada Rose, ^Hattie Polk, unmar ried. Wm. Lee Polk, son of Wm. Stephens Collins Polk and Maggie Powell Polk, married Nellie Clark and they have Carl and another child. Eva Polk, second child of Wm. Stephens Collins Polk, and Maggie (Powell) Polk, married Edward Dixon and had three children : ^Howard, ^Lee, ^Milton. Florence Polk, daughter of Wm. Stephens Collins Polk and Maggie (Powell) Polk, married Jesse Crockett and they had five children : ^Edward, ^Idabelle, Jesse Polk, ^Merwin, 'Alma Polk Crockett. Joshua Polk, second son of Wm. Stephens Collins Polk and Maggie (Powell) Polk, married Mary Pierce and they have one child, Allen Miller Polk. Emerson Groff Polk, sixth child of Capt. Whittington Polk and Rebecca (Adams) Polk, married three times. First to Adeline O. Dryden, by whom he had one child, Adeline, who died young. By his second wife, Louisa Dorsey, he had three children : ^Annie Dorsey, ^Emerson Whittington, ^Car rie Hargis Polk, Annie Dorsey Polk, eldest child of Emerson Groff Polk, married Wm. Schoolfield and left at her death three children, viz : ^AUen Polk Schoolfield, ^^mi\y Louisa Schoolfield, ^Wm. Emerson Schoolfield. Emerson Whittington Polk, second child of Emerson 222 POLK F AMI ^Y AND KINSMEN Groff Polk and Louisa (Dorsey) Polk, married Edna Frasier; no issue. Emerson Groff, for his third wife, married his cousin, Lettice Alma Polk, daughter of Joshua Whittington Polk and Elizabeth (Leaverton) Polk; no issue. (See Benjamin Polk's descendants, of Wm. Polk branch). Jane Polk, sixth child of Benjamin and Sarah (Whitting ton) Polk, married her cousin, Dr. John Polk of Somerset County, Md., and later of Laurel, Del., where he died. Dr. John Polk was the eldest son of Col. Wm. Polk, son of Wm Polk Sr. Dr. John and his wife Jane Polk, had four children: 'Harriet, 2Clarissa, ^Margaret, and Dr. Wm. T. Polk. The two first never married. Margaret married Wm. Stewart and died without issue. Dr. Wm. T. Polk married his cousin, Mary Ann Harcum, of Northumberland County, Virginia. He married secondly Louisa Jane Harcum, a sister of his first wife. Mary A. Polk, by the first marriage, married AVm. Broughton. Isaac Polk, son of Benjamin and Sarah (Whittington) Polk, married Rebecca Dashiell and had one child, Sarah Polk, who married W. H. Stevens and had five children. The first died in childhood. The others were: ^Rose, ^Wm. Sid ney, ^Ephraim, and *Ella Stephens. Rose married Mr, Townsend and had three children : ^Mattie, -John, ^William, Sidney married Mary Ellen Mutt and died leaving four child ren : ^Hartley, ^Mary, ^Wm. Sidney, *Rose. Ephraim Stephens, third child of Wm. H. Stephens and Sarah (Polk) Stephens, married a Miss Mills and had three children. Ella Stephens, youngest child of John and Sarah (Polk) Stephens, married James Fedderman and left no issue. .Betsy Polk, daughter of Benjamin and Sarah (Whitting ton) Polk, married Michael Cluff and left one c'hild, AVhit tington Cluff. Sarah Polk, daughter of Benjamin and Sarah (Whitting ton) Polk, married John Drummond Whittington, a cousin, by whom she had : ^Southey Whittington, ^Edward Whit tington, ^Hester Whittington. POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 223 Southey Whittington married twice, first to Ann Rider ; no issue. Second, to Jane Rider, a sister of Ann, by whom he had one child, EUa Whittington. Edward Whittington, second chUd of Jno. Drummond Whittington, married Martha Bayless; one child, Anna Whit tington. Hester Whittington, third child of John Drummond Whittington, died unmarried. Ella Whittington, daughter of Southey Whittington and Jane (Rider) Whittington, married twice. First, to Thomas Powell, by whom she had one child, Emma Powell ; second, to Levin Das'hiell ; no issue. Anna Whittington, daughter of Edward Whittington and Martha (Bayless) Whittington, married Charles Wetherell, and at her death left three sons : 'Charles, ^Edward, ^Samuel. Rebecca Polk, twelfth child of Benjamin and Sarah (Whit tington) Polk, married Stephen Collins and died without issue. Nora Polk, youngest child of Benjamin and Sarah (Whit tington) Polk, married Ephraim White and had several child ren. 224 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN CHAPTER XXXVI. SAMUEL POLK'S DESCENDANTS. Samuel Polk, third son of William Polk and Mary (Williams) Polk, daughter of John and Elizabeth Williams, was born April 10, 1780 and died October 30, 1826. Samuel was married July 10, 1804 to Sarah Irving Gilliss (daughter of Capt. Joseph Gilliss and Elizabeth (Irving) Gilliss), who was born September 13, 1783, and died September 28, 1843. Samuel Polk and wife had issue: ^William Thomas Gil liss Polk, iborn May 18, 1805, died December 17, 1875 ; ^Caro- line Gilliss Polk, born June 24, 1807, died August 13, ; ^Joseph Gilliss Polk, born Decemher 39, 1809, died November 8, 1870; ^Littleton Robins Polk, born June 17, 1813, died ; 'Ellen Gilliss Polk, born June 16, 1816, died ; "Eliza Esther Ann Polk, born AprU 13, 1819, died January 9, 1897; ''Mary WUliams Polk, born February 33, 1833, died December 26, 1906. COL. WM. THOMAS GILLISS POLK'S FAMILY. Col. Wm. T. G. Polk, of Princess Anne, Md., was a lead ing merchant and business man of that place; a man of great probity of character, pure and exalted life, and an earnest, consistent Christian who held fast to the Presbyterian princi ples brought from Ireland to America by his ancestors. He was for many years an elder in the church and a recognized leader in his local congregation. He was for a number of years Clerk of the Circuit Court of Somerset County, and was appointed a Colonel on the staff of one of Maryland's Gover nors. Hence his title. No man in Maryland stood higher, or enjoyed in a greater degree the respect and confidence of his people. To him, especially, is the author of this book indebted for early information — traditional, documentary and official concerning Robt. Bruce Polk and Magdalen Polk, their children, and much history of the Maryland Polks. POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 225 COL. AVM. T. G. POLK, Princess Anne, Md, POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 227 Col. Wm. T. G. Polk was twice married. His first wife, to whom he was united February 22, 1832, was Elizabeth Gilliss AVoolford. She died April 8, 1851. His second wife was Mrs, Mary Ann Henry of Berlin, Md., whom he married June 1, 1853. By his first wife he had issue: ^John Woolford Polk, born January 24, 1834,- died April 23, 1869 ; ^Samuel Woolford Polk born July 13, 1836, died February 2, 1841 ; ^Sarah Ann Woolford Polk, born December 6, 1838, died February 14, 1841. ^Elizabeth Williams Woolford Polk, horn March 10, 1841, died October 24, 1870. By his second wife, Mrs. Mary Ann Henry, who died April 7, 1894, Col. Polk had seven children, viz: 'William Thomas Gilliss Polk, born January 7, 1855. Residence Prin cess Anne, "Addie Henry Polk, born March 29, 1856. Resi dence Columbia, Mo. ; 'Edward Henry Polk, born Decemhei- 25, 1858, died December 5, 1867; ^Caroline Woolford Polk, born June 33, 1862, died April 22, 1863 ; 9Mary Bredelle Polk. born January 1, 1864. Residence. Princess Anne; '"Samuel Polk, born December 18, 1866, died July 4, 1867 ; ^Elizabeth Polk, horn September 18, 1870, died August 2, 1871. Caroline Gilliss Polk (second child of Samuel and Mary (Williams) Polk), married John Woolford, being his second wife. They had no issue. JOSEPH GILLISS POLK'S FAMILY. Joseph Gilliss Polk (third child of Samuel and Mary Henry Polk), married October 3, 1830, Imogen Gilman of Washington, D. C, daughter of Ephraim and Anna (Craw ford) Gilman. She was born September 20, 1812 and died March 1897. Joseph Gilliss Polk held the offices of Sheriff of Somer set county, and of School Commissioner. He was for a num ber of years an elder in the Presbyterian Church at Princess Anne. Joseph Gilliss and Imogen (Gilman) Polk has issue: ijoseph Littleton Polk, D. D. Ph. D., born August 12, 1837. died , 1905 ; ^Sarah Ann Polk, born December 21, 1838, died December 21, 1840 ; ^Imogen Gilman Polk, born Novem- 228 POLK F AMI LY AND K I N :> M E N her 27, 1840, died December 8, 1840; ^Samuel Polk, born Au gust 25, 1843, died September 9, 1866; 'Ephraim Gilman Polk, born October 6, 1844, died October 10, 1899; "Imogen Gil man Polk, 3d, born September 31, 1846; died December 33, 1905 ; ''Anna Crawford Polk, born September 37, 1848 ; resides at Ridley Park, Pa. ; ^Wm. Thomas Gilliss Polk, born August 3, 1850, residence Princess Anne; ^Laura Augusta Polk, born August 14, 1855 ; died August 8, 1873. Littleton Robins Polk, fourth child of Samuel Polk, died unmarried. Ellen Gilliss Polk (fifth child of Samuel and Mary Polk), married John Woolford and was his first wife, his second be ing Caroline Gilliss Polk, a sister of Ellen. John and Ellen had issue : ijohn Woolford, born . Residence Prin cess Anne; ^Xhos. Gilliss Woolford, born ; ^FUgn Woolford, born . Eliza Ann Polk (sixth child of Samuel and Mary Polk), married April 14, 1853, Dr. John Washington Dashiell, born January 30, 1817. They had issue: ^Robert Kemp Whitting- ham Dashiell, born April 30, 1854, died June 12, 1894; ^Sarah Gilliss Dashiell, born November 30, 1855. Residence Prin cess Anne; ^EUa Bell Anna Maria Dashiell, born May 29, 1859. Residence Princess Anne. Mary Williams Polk (seventh and youngest child of Samuel and Mary Polk), born February 23, 1823, married December 3, 1846, Jolhn Henry Bell, and they had eleven children, viz: J-Mary Bell, born August 29, 1847, died Sep tember — , 1847 ; 2Carrie Polk Bell, born September 23, 1848 ; died in infancy; ^EUen Stewart Bell, born November 13, 1850. Residence Hampton, Va. ; Jane Meckelhenny Bell, born October 33, 1853, died in infancy; 'Sarah Eliza Bell, born Septemher 38, 1853, living in New Jersey ; "Littleton Polk Bell, born March 26, 1855, died ; ^Annie Rebecca Bell, born February 36, 1857, died in infancy; Julia Bell, born January 7, 1859; died in infancy, 9John Henry Bell, born February 7, 1860, died in infancy; 'OWiUiam Polk Bell, born September 18, 1863, died in infancy; "Addie Henry BeU, born March 31, 1870, residence Baltimore, Md. John Woolford Polk (eldest son and child of Col. Wm. POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 229 T. G. Polk and Elizabeth GiUiss Woolford) never married. He served as a soldier in the Confederate Army, in the Civil War. Elizabeth WiUiams Woolford Polk (third child of Col. Wm. T. G. Polk and his first wife, Elizaheth Gilliss Wool ford), married June 13, 1861, Hayden Heyne Dashiell, and had issue: ^Edwin Polk Dashiell, born May 23, 1863, died May 10, 1867; John Woolford Dashiell, born November 18, 1866, living; ^Louis Dashiell, born August 31, 1868, residence Bel Air, Md. ; ^William Henry Dashiell, 'born October 19, 1870, residence Princess Anne. Wm. Thomas GiUiss Polk, Jr. (son of Col. Wm. T, G. P'ojlk, Sr.,), married November 21, 1905, Elizabeth Elzey Woolford. No issue. Addie Henry Polk (daughter of Col. Wm. T. G. Polk and Mary Ann (Henry) Polk), married July 13, 1882, Richard Henry Jesse, of Columbia, Boone County, Mo. Issue: 'Richard Henry Jesse, born January 4, 1884; ^Mary Polk Jesse, born October 22, 1885 ; ^Caroline Elizabeth Jesse, born August 12, 1887; ^William Polk Jesse, horn March 14, 1891; 'Adeline Jesse, born August 23, 1892 ; "Henry Bredelle Jesse, born October 14, 1894. Mary Bredelle Polk, (daughter of Col. Wm. T. G. Polk and Mary Ann Henry), married November 20, 188-6, Henry Lawrence Brittingham. Issue : ^Henry Lawrence Britting - ham, born December 3, 1888; ^William Polk Brittingham, born July 26, 1892 ; James Francis Brittingham, born July 4, 1894. These all reside at Princess Anne, Md. Joseph Littleton Polk, D. D. Ph. D. (eldest child of Joseph Gilliss Polk and Imogen Gilman), married Mary Wilson of Canonshurg, Pa., daughter of Thomas McKean Wilson and Elizabeth (Murdock) Wilson. They had twelve children, viz: ^Mary Wilson Polk, born . Residence Wil mington, Del. ; ^Alexander Murdock Polk, born ; ^Imogen Gilman Polk, born ; ^Samuel Polk, horn . Residence Galore, Md., 'Joseph Gilliss Polk, born , died in childhood ; "Elizabeth Murdock Polk, born , died in childhood; ''Laura Gilman Polk, born — , residence Fagg's Manor, Pa. ; *Lyde Wilson Polk, 230 POLK F AMI LY AND KINSMEN born , unmarried. Lives at Coatsville, Pa., with mother; ^Thomas McKean Polk, born . Residence Martinsville, Pa.; 'OAnnie Polk, born ; "William Thomas Gilliss Polk, born September 6, 1869. Residence Fagg's Manor, Pa.; '^Elizabeth Murdock Polk, born October 12, 1882, unmarried. Lives with mother at Coatsville, Pa. Samuel Polk (fourth chUd, and son of Joseph Gilliss Polk and Imogen Gilman), never married. He was a soldier in the Confederate Army, in the Civil War. Ephraim Gilman Polk (fifth child of Joseph Gilliss Polk and Imogen Gilman), married February 15, 1871, Mary Oliver Culbreth, daughter of Thomas B. and Elmire (Redden) Cul- breth. She was born November 4, 1852, and died June 14, 1881. Ephraim was a colonel on the staff of one of the Gov ernor's of Maryland ; a memher of the Maryland Legislature in 1878; served as a School Commissioner of Somerset coun ty; was editor of The Marylander, a newspaper published at Princess Anne. Ephraim Gilman Polk and wife had issue: ^Earle Brodie Polk, born January 3, 1872, residence Princess Anne, where he is Deputy Circuit Clerk of Somerset county. Like Col. Wm. T. G. Polk, he was a most valuable aid to the author in collecting ancient Polk data in that State. It was he who discovered from the official county, and the Monie Church records, that John Polk's second wife, Joanna Knox. was not the mother of William and Nancy, John's two chil dren, (as long claimed and as shown on the Polk Tree of 1849) hut a first wife whose given name was Jane. Anna Crawford (seventh child of Joseph GiUiss and Imo gen Polk), married October 1, 1868, Arthur George Woolford and had issue : ^Arthur AA^oolford, born August 2, 1869, resi dence Suffolk, Va. ; Joseph AA'oolford, born January 21, 1871, died November 26, 1883 ; ^Levin Woolford, born November 21, 1872, residence Sunbury, N. C. ; ^Eliza Atkinson Woolford, born August 16, 1874, residence Crisfield, Md. ; 'Samuel Wool ford, born March 29, 1876, residence Norfolk, Va. Imogen Gilman Polk (sixth child of Joseph Gilliss and Imogen Gilman Polk), married October 3, 1867, Wm. Charles Fontaine. They had issue: 'Joseph Gilman Fontaine, born July 4, 1868, died October 12, 1869 ; ^Imogen Polk Fontaine, POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 231 born June 37, 1870, residence Princess Anne; ^Ann Crawford Fontaine, born August 33, 1873, residence Princess Anne; ^Laura Polk Fontaine, born October 9, 1874, residence Prin cess Anne; 'Berkley Douglass Fontaine, born January 13, 1884, residence Philadelphia, Pa. ; "Ephraim Polk Fontaine, born February 7, 1886, residence Philadelphia, Pa. ; ^William Gilman Fontaine, born July 1, 1889, residence Philadelphia, Pa. William Thomas Gilliss Polk (eighth child and son of Joseph Gilliss Polk and Imogen Gilman), went to the West in 1871 and has not been heard of since. Laura Augusta Polk (youngest, child of Joseph Gilliss Polk and wife), never married. John Woolford, Jr. (eldest son of John Woolford, Sr., and Ellen Gilliss Polk, by his first wife), never married. Nor did his brother or his sister, Thomas Gilliss and Ellen AVool ford, both of whom are dead. Robert Kemp Whittingham Dashiell never married. Sarah Gilliss Dashiell married November 30, 1880, Fran cis Henshaw Dashiell and they had two children: ^-Eliza, born April 1883; ^Olive, born December 37, 1894, residence Princess Anne. Ella Bell Anna Maria Dashiell married June 37, 1888, Edward Ornick Smith. No issue. Ellen Stewart BeU, married October 14, 1874, first Scott Covington; second, October 6, 1889, Capt. William Mitchell. By the first she had : ^Ernest Covington, born August 14, 1875, died in infancy; ^Frank Harold Covington, born Jan uary 30, 1878. By her second husband, Capt. Mitchell, she had one child, Elizabeth Raleigh Mitchell, born September 38, 1890, residence Hampton, Va. Sarah Eliza Bell, married September 15, 1869, Alfred Joseph King of Pottsville, Pa., and they had: ^Pauline King, born April 3, 1870; 2Estelle King, born Decemher 10, 1871; ^Edith C. King, born November 5, 1873 ; ^Marian Alice King, born January 6, 1888; dead. All of the family reside at Phila delphia. Littleton Polk Bell never married. 232 POLK F AMI LY AND KINSMEN Addie Henry Bell, married AprU 13, 1898, George Allen Kelly, of Baltimore, Md. No issue. John Woolford Dashiell, unmarried. Louis Dashiell, unmarried. William Henry Dashiell, unmarried. None of Addie Henry Polk Jesse's chUdren are married. None of Mary Bredelle Polk Brittingham's children are married. Mary Wilson Polk, married Wm. S. Prickett, of Wilming ton, Del., and they had issue: ^Josephine Mary Prickett; ^Emily May Prickett, died in infancy; ^WiUiam Sharp Pric kett; ^Florence Elizabeth Prickett. They reside at Wilming ton, Del. Alexander Murdock Polk, M. D., married Annie Meredith Hurlock, of Church Hill, Md. No issue. Imogen Gilman Polk, married P. A. H. Armstrong, now deceased, a Presbyterian minister. One child, Henry Pleas ant Armstrong. Samuel Polk (son of Joseph L. Polk) minister, married September 14, 1893, Mary Amos of Muddy Creek Fork, York county. Pa., daughter of Dr. James B. Amos and Rebecca Mitchell. They have issue: ^Joseph Littleton Polk, born July 30, 1894, died January 29, 1906; 2Rebecca Amos Polk, born October 26, 1896; James Murdock Polk, born November 19, 1902. Laura GUman Polk married WiUiam McClellan of Fagg's Manor, Pa. Issue unknown. Lyde Wilson Polk is unmarried. Rev. Thos. McKean Polk married Gertrude Edwards of Fagg's Manor. Annie Polk, married Charles Cook, of Fagg's Manor. Wm. Thomas Gilliss Polk (son of Joseph L. Polk), mar ried, name of wife and of issue, not known. Elizabeth Murdock Polk is unmarried. Earle Brodie Polk (son of Ephraim Gilman Polk and Mary Oliver (Culbreth) Polk, married Decemher 22, 1897, Garnet Alma Chelton, of Somerset county, Md., daughter of Zachary Taylor Chelton and Annie (Ford) Chelton. Issue: lEarle Brodie Polk, born October 13, 1898 ; ^Fulbert Culbreth Polk, born March 7, 1908, residence Princess Anne, Md. POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 233 Arthur Woolford, married June 21, 1893, Missouri Kelby Withers, of Suffolk, Va. Issue: ^Zouzie Woolford, born April 2, died April 13, 1894; ^Austin Withers Woolford, born August 21, 1895; ^^Nannie Polk Woolford, born October 24, 1897 ; ^Arthur Thompson Woolford, born June 30, 1900 ; 'John Riddick Woolford, 'born December 31, 1901 ; "Missouri Taylor Woolford, born December 5, 1908. Levin Woolford, (son of Arthur George Woolford and Anna Crawford Polk), married September 14, 1905, Fannie Smith Costen, of North Carolina. No issue. Eliza Atkinson Woolford (daughter of Arthur George and Anna Crawford Polk), married AprU 27, 1900, Albert Goodrich. They had issue: ^Albert Edwin Goodrich, Jr., born September 19, 1902; ^Gilman Granger Goodrich, born November 5, 1905 ; ^Lila Woolford Goodrich, born August 19, 1908. The family resides at Crisfield, Md. Samuel Woolford (son of Arthur George Woolford and Anna Crawford Polk), married April 28, 1907, Emma Ash- bee. One chUd, Samuel Woolford, born February 29, 1908. Residence Norfolk, Va. Imogen Polk Fontaine, married June 12, 1906, George Hammond Myers of Hagerstown, Md. One child, George Hammond Myers, Jr., born June 14, 1907. Residence, Prin cess Anne, Md. Annie Crawford Fontaine is unmarried. Laura Polk Fontaine, married October 22, 1903, George Barton Fitzgerald, of Princess Anne. Issue one child, Geo. Barton Jr., born July 5, 1908. Berkley Douglas Fitzgerald, married October 38, 1908, May Agnes Wildes Guy, of PhUadelphia, Pa. No issue. Ephraim Polk Fontaine is unmarried. Wm. Gilman Fontaine, married August 10, 1907, Lticille Jane MuUendore, of Hagerstown, Pa. One child, Wm. Gil man Fontaine, Jr., born October 10, 1908. Residence, PhUa delphia, Pa. Eliza Polk Dashiell and Olive Dashiell are unmarried. Frank Harold Covington, married April 6, 1904, Alice Harper Burton. One child, Harold Peyton Covington, born January 17, 1905. Residence, Baltimore, Md. 234 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN Elizabeth Raleigh Mitchell is unmarried. Pauling King( daughter of Alfred King and Sarah Eliza Bell), married Joseph N. Short, of Philadelph. s, No issue. Estelle King is unmarried. Edith C. King, married Dr. Harry Thatcher, of New Jer sey. One child, Lawrence Smith Thatcher. Marion Alice King died in childhood. None of Mary Wilson Polk Prickett's children are mar ried. Rev. Thomas McKean Polk (son of Joseph Littleton Polk, D. D. Ph. D. and Mary Wilson), married October 24, 1903, Gertrude Edwards, of Fagg's Manor, Pa. Residence Martinsville, Pa., where he is pastor of a church. They have issue: ^Thomas McKean Polk, Jr., born October 10, 1904; died October 1904; ^Katharine Edwards Polk, born March 17, 1906; SMcKean Edwards Polk, born May 30, 1908. Annie Polk (daughter of Joseph Littleton Polk, D. D. Ph. D.), married April 29, 1905, Charles S. Cook, of Fagg's Manor. Issue: 'Mary Wilson Cook, born Januarv 16 ^<^^" ¦ ^Linoiey Ewing Cook, born AprU 1, 1908. Wm. Thomas Gilliss Polk, of Fagg's Manor (son of Joseph Littleton Polk, D. D. Ph. D.), married September 33, 1903, Anna Pierce Miller of Pennsylvania, born February 14, 1881, daughter of Aaron and Rachael Emma (Kimbel) Miller, of CochranesvUle, Pa. Wm. T. G. Polk is engaged in farm ing. They have two children : iWm. Thomas Gilliss Polk, Jr., born July 6, 1904; 2Arthur Miller Polk, born August 18. 1907. POLK F AMI LY AND KINSMEN 235 CHAPTER XXXVIL WHITTINGTON CONNECTION. One of the leading families of Maryland with which the Polks became connected by marriage was that of Whittington. Col. Wm. Whittington came from England during the early settlement of the country, locating in Northampton County, Virginia, close to the Maryland line, where he resided and be came a leading and influential man in Colonial and local affairs. He first settled at Cherrystone, moving thence to Indian Town, Worcester County. It is said that at his birth he was so small that his nurse put him into a quart measure and closed the lid. When grown to manhood, he measured seven feet in height. He was a strict Presbyterian. The maiden name of his wife is not known. His children were: ^William Whittington, Jr., who married Elizabeth Taylor; ^Esther, who married Isaac Morris ; ^Hannah, who married Huff; *Atalanta, who married Stephen AA^hite 'Southey, who married Mary Forsett. Children of Atalanta and Stephen White: ^Mary, who married Brinkley; ^Esther, who married A. Sterling; ^William Whittington White. Priscilla (Polk) Whittington, wife of WiUiam Whitting ton Jr., lived to a great age and was regarded as most remark able woman in many ways. She was a daughter of James Polk, son of William Polk and Nancy Owens, and reputed the youngest child. Born in 1740, she died in 1834, aged 94 years. Several of her husband's kinsmen also intermarried with Polks of other branches, and their kinsmen of Somerset County, Maryland and Sussex County, Delaware. During the Revolutionary War, a party of British burned her residence on their approach she mounted a horse and with one small child in front and another behind 'her, rode twenty miles to the home of her brother William Polk. 236 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN Southey Whittington, who married Mary Forsett, had issue: '-^Isaac and Stevenson (twins), ^Tabitha, ^Priscilla, and 'Sarah. Isaac married Miss E. Wishart; Stevenson married Miss Sarah Coulburn; and Sarah married Benjamin Polk, a brother of Priscilla Polk, who married William AA''hit- tington, son of Southey. The childen of Sarah Whittington and Benjamin Polk were: '^ Joshua, who died December 7, 1839 in Sussex County, Del., aged 78 years; ^James, who was lost at sea; ^Benjamin, Jr., married Miss and left issUe Southey and Eliza; ^Whittington, married twice, first a widow Chapman, second a Miss ; 'Elenora, untraced; "Southey, untraced; 'Isaac, married Rebecca Dashiell; ^Nellie, married Wm. H. Harper; ^Jane, married Dr. John Polk, her cousin; i*^Mary, married Stephen Collins, an elder in old Rehoboth Church, the first Presbyterian church in America, no issue; "^Sally, married John AVhittington; ^^Betsy, married Michael Cluff, of AVorcester; '^-^^Rebecca and Norah, untraced; '-'William, who married first the widow Chapman and second a Miss Collins. No issue. Isaac Whittington (son of Southey and Mary Forsett) by his wife E. Wishart had issue: 'Hannah, married Hanly Handy, of Somerset Co., Md. ; ^Ann, married Wm. Cox, of Maryland ; Joshua, married Mary Marshall ; *Lyttleton, married Sarah Hearne, daughter of Jacob Hearne, of Sussex. They had issue ^William AA'ishart, married Ann Handy, of Maryland; ^Isaac, married Matilda Pusey, of Kentucky; ^Milcah, married James Smith, of Versailles, Ky., son of Wm. Smith and Deborah Hearne ; Jennie married Warren Hearne, of Kentucky; 'Betsy, married Col. Graham, of Ken tucky; "'James and Nannie (twins); James married Miss Lillard, of Kentucky; Caroline married Richard Taylor, of Kentucky ; ^Edward married Cordelia Taylor. The children of Milcah and James Whittington Smith were: 'Amanda Jane Smith, born , died August 1, 1838; 2james Whittington Smith; ^C. Cordelia Smith. James Whittington Smith married Viola McCorkle, March 4, 1880. Issue: ^Wm. Walker, ^Bessie, ^'Milcah, *David Drake, 'Cordelia. POLK F AMI LY AND KINSMEN 237 Besides the foregoing, there are a number of other younger descendants of Sarah Whittington and Benjamin Polk, and Wm. Whittington 3d, and Priscilla Polk, but they are untraced. Many of them are in Kentucky and the AVes- tern States. DESCENDANTS OF SUSAN LANKFORD. (By Henry Fillmore Lankford, Princess Anne.) Susan (Porter) Lankford was the daughter of John Por ter and Mary Jane (or Polly) Porter, and Mary Jane or Polly Porter was the daughter of Priscella (Polk) Whittington and William Whittington. The first husband of Mary Jane (or Polly) the mother of Susan, was AVilliam Strawbridge, the second William Davis Allen, and the third John Porter Susan Porter married Benjamin Lankford on the 34th of January, 1833. They are both dead. Susan died in 1883. and Benjamin in 1886. The issue of Susan and Benjamin Lankford are as fol lows: (1.) Henry Smith Lankford, eldest child, born 30th January, 1833. First wife, Martha Riggin. They had: Emma Florence Lankford, born 11th June, 1853, married Charles E. Gunby. He is dead. Issue: ^Paul Lewis Gunby, born 18th July, 1883; ^Harry Porter Gunby, born 33nd July, 1884; ^Carrie Lankford Gunby, born 3rd August, 1887, and ^Florence Martha Gunby, born 30th September, 1889. Paul Lewis Gun by married Jessie A. Wilkins ; issue: iPaul Benjamin Gunby, born 7th AprU, 1906. The second wife of Henry Smith Lankford was Mary Dameron Pinckard, of Lancaster County, Virginia. They are both dead. Their issue is as follows : ^Henry FUlmore Lank ford, born 31st April, 1856; married Dec. , 1908, Alice Catherine Fitzsimmons of Independence, Mo. ^Qi^t-ence Pinckard Lankford, born 8th February, 1864; married Emily Estella Marshall. Issue: Priscilla Pinckard Lankford, born 11th January, 1896. ^Marion Daisy Lankford, born 31st Jan uary, 1870; married Benjamin James Barnes. Issue: ^Mary 238 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN Louise Barnes, born 8th February, 1893; ^Marion Frances Barnes, born 31st September, 1896, and SBenjamin Lankford Barnes, born 11th October, 1902. (3.) Julia Anne Lankford, second child, born 35th Feb ruary, 1835 ; married George Washington Lankford, both dead. Their issue: ijames F. Lankford, born , died unmarried. ^Susan Lankford, born , married Samuel D. Lankford. Their issue: George W. Lank ford, horn , and Samuel D. Lankford, born . ^Sallie A. Lankford, born , died unmarried. (3.) John Louis Lankford, third child, born 14th Octo ber, 1836; married Mary A. Lankford. Their issue: i Annie Frances Lankford married Charles A. MiUer, (she was born 1st March, 1857). Their issue: iMoUie Jane MiUer, born October 3d, 1883; ^Elizabeth Lankford Miller, born Decem ber 9th, 1894. SRoman Davis Lankford, born January 3rd, 1859; died unmarried. *Mary Lankford, 'born February 3nd, 1861; married Robert F. Maddox, and died without issue. 'Charles Anthony Lankford, born 38th April, 1863; married Nancy Leach; issue: Mary PrisciUa Lankford, born Feb ruary 3nd, 1903. "Benjamin Franklin Lankford, born June 31st, 1865, unmarried. ''Susan Lewis Lankford, born July 15th, 1867; married William J. Hall: Their issue: iHenry Louis Hall, born January 7th, 1892; ^Mary Elizabeth HaU, born June 23rd, 1897; ^William J. Hall, Jr., born November 3rd, 1899, and ^Virginia HaU, born September 29th, 1906. (4.) Benjamin Franklin Lankford, fourth chUd, born 25th , 1827. His first wife was Amanda E. Porter. Issue as follows: ^Susan EUa Lankford, born 1st October, 1860; married George W. Lankford, of MarshaU, Mo. They have no issue. ^William Franklin Lankford, born February 1st, 1862, married Emma A. Hargis. Issue: Amanda E. Lankford, born November 33rd, 1888. ^Benjamin Louis Lankford, born February 4th, 1864; married Helen Sudler Maddox. No issue. *Sallie Virginia Lankford, born May 5th, 1866 ; married John M. Shields of Petoskey, Michigan. No issue. 'Milton Stew art Lankford, born October 5th, 1873 ; married Florence C. Whittington. Issue: ^Milton Stewart Lankford, Jr., born PO LK F AMI LY AND KINSMEN 239 Sept. 17, 1906, and ^Dorothy Leavitt Lankford, born August 21, 1908. The second wife of Benjamin Franklifi Lankford was Matilda A. Sudler, who survived him. No issue by this mar riage. (5.) Sarah Anne Lankford, fifth child, was born August 39th, 1831; married Samuel G. Miles. Issue Clara Miles, born October, 1854, married Thomas S. Hodson. (6.) Charles A. Lankford, sixth child, born March 17th, 1837; died unmarried. (7.) Mary Martha Lankford, seventh chdd, born Octo ber 5th, 1839; married Robert Henry Miles. Issue: ^Edward Everett Miles, born November 35th, 1861. His first wife was Susie R. Pitts. No issue living. His second wife is Lotta Bagwell. No issue. (8.) Susan Frances Lankford, eighth child, born Jan uary 11th, 1842; married Thomas W. Taylor. Issue: ^Fannie Lankford Taylor, born October 4th, 1873; ^Bessie Porter Taylor, born August 12th, 1876; ^Constance Snead Taylor, born June 9th, 1878; ^Thomas W. Taylor, born April 6th, 1885, died unmarried August 16, 1906. (9.) Cornelia Josephine Lankford, ninth chUd, born June 14th, 1849; married William T. Lankford. Issue: ^Robert Eugene Lankford, born February 6th, 1886; ^Mary Suzanne Lankford, born June 10th, 1890. PRISCILLA POLK WHITTINGTON. Priscilla Polk, third child of James Polk and Mary (Cott man) Polk, was born in 1740, and died in 1834. She married Col. William Whittington, of "Chance," Somerset County, Maryland. Col. AVhittington was a brother of Sarah Whit tington who married Benjamin Polk, the brother of Priscilla Polk. Priscilla is mentioned in the wiU of her father, James Polk. The chUdren of Col. WiUiam Whittington and PriscUla (Polk) Whittington were: ^Elizabeth, ^Margaret, ^James, ^WUliam, 'Ann, "Mary Jane. Elizabeth Whittington married Mitchell Russum. Margaret Whittington, sometimes called "Peggy," married William Porter and moved to Wood- 240 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN ford County, Kentucky. James Whittington married a Miss Lawson. Their chUdren were: ^John, ^Harry, ^Theodore, *Aljah, 'Franklin, "Eliza, Jane, *Sarah Anne, ^Cornelia, '"Mary, "Martha. Mary Jane Polk Whittington, sometimes called "Polly," married three times. Her first husband was Dr. William Strawbridge, (son of WUliam Strawhridge, Sr., and Jane Polk), to whom she was married on the 7th of May, 1788. The only issue of this marriage, Jane, was killed in childhood hy the kick of a horse. Mary Jane's second hus band was William Davis Allen, to whom she was married on the 26th of March, 1793. There were two children by this second marriage: 'William Allen, whose descendants are living in Wicomico County, Maryland. ^Elizabeth Allen, sometimes called "Betsey'' Allen, who married three times: first, a Jones ; second, a Louis ; third, a Griffith. After the death of her second husband, William Davis Allen, the widow, Mary Jane Polk-Whittington-AUen, mar ried John Porter in 1801. The children of Mary Jane and John Porter, her third husband, were : Jane, ^Sarah Ann, ^Susan. Jane Porter mar ried Peter Gillette. Their descendants are living in Dewitt, Carroll County, Missouri. Sarah Ann Porter married Anthony Brattan. No de scendants. POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 241 CHAPTER XXXVIIL SKETCH OF JAMES KNOX POLK. James Knox Polk, eleventh president of the United States, was born in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, Novem'ber 3, 1795, and died in Nashville, Tenn. June 15, 1849. He was the eldest of the ten children of Samuel Polk, a son of Capt. Ezekiel Polk, one of the leading Revolutionary patriots of North Carolina, and a signer of the celebrated Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence. Samuel Polk was an enterprising and prosperous planter, but yearning for a wider field and better opportunities for his children, he emigrated with his family in 1806, to the val ley of Duck River in Tennessee, whither a great number of North Carolians had preceded him. His wife, whom he mar ried in 1794, was Jane Knox, a daughter of Col. James Knox, after whom her eldest son was named. Col. Knox, as he was called, was a resident of Iridell County and a Captain in the war of the Revolution. Beside James Knox Polk, Samuel Polk and wife had five sons and four daughters. Of these, Marshall T. married and settled in North Carolina, and died there. Franklin, John and Samuel W. all died unmarried. William H. was appoint ed in 1845, hy President Tyler, Charge d' Affaires to the Two Sicilies, where he was on duty when the Mexican War broke out. Eager to serve his country, he at once tendered his res ignation and returned to the United States and offered his services to the governm.ent, backed by the recommendations of numerous influential persons. The President, loth to take advantage of his position to advance officially a near kinsman, demurred to his appointment, but later yielded to strong in fluences, and Wm. H. Polk was commissioned a Major in the Third Dragoons, a new cavalry regiment organized for ser vice in the war. The school advantages of James Knox Polk during the first eleven years of his life, until his father moved to Ten- 242 POLK F AMI LY AND KINSMEN nessee, were small, including only the simpler branches. The same conditions pertained to his new home in Tennessee, but yearning earnestly for knowledge, he applied himself assidu ously and made rapid and thorough advancement in his stud ies. Samuel Polk was followed to Tennessee by many of his kinsmen, a number locating in the fertile region now in cluded as a part of Maury County, and others, including his father. Col. Ezekiel Polk, in Western Tennessee, about La- Grange. In his new home Samuel prospered and he gave to his son, James K. Polk, the best obtainable school advantages While conducting the operations of a clearing and cultiva ting a large plantation Samuel Polk at intervals engaged in surveying. By industry and economy he acquired in time a handsome fortune. He lived to witness the brilliant triumphs c f his first born son in his professional career, and to mark his manly bearing as he advanced steadily along the road to greatness and fame. Respected as one of the first pioneers of Maury County, and esteemed highly as a man and citizen, Samuel Polk died in 1827. His wife, Jane (Knox) Polk, a most excellent and pioUs woman, afterwards married a gen tleman named Bdens, of Columbia. She was revered and loved by all who knew her. James Knox Polk's boyhood was nearly all passed on the farm, and here were imbibed those habits of industry and sterling principles which characterized all his after life; prin ciples of self-reliance, industry, integrity and virtue, which adorned his ripened manhood. He assisted his father in the management of the farm, and was his almost constant com panion in his surveying excursions. They were frequently absent for weeks together, traversing the forests and. cane- brakes which then covered the face of the country. On' these excursions it was the duty of James to take care of the pack horses and camp equipage and prepare the scanty meals. He also assisted in chaining the tracts surveyed. He was very fond of reading and was of a very reflective turn of mind. Principally for the recreation they afforded, he engaged in the pastimes and sports of boyhood. It was his greatest desire to obtain a liberal education and toward this object he bent all his energies. The profession of law was the goal of his POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 243 JAMES K. POLK AND WIFE. POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 245 ambition and he read with avidity, the few law books that he could procure. James K. Polk was greatly distinguished for his correct ness and punctuality in all things. He had great industry and application, and true native talent that seized upon and analyzed every proposition presented to his thoughtful and analytical mind. During the infancy of the State of Tennessee, as is usual in all new settlements, school facilities were quite limited. The father of James K. Polk, though not at the time wealthy, was able to give all his children a good education. He con templated with pride the inclination of his son's mind toward study and kept him pretty constantly at school. Though suf fering for years from a painful affliction that required a sur gical operation to cure it, he completely mastered the English studies, after which his health began to give way. His father, alarmed by his son's failing health, placed him with a mer chant with the view of fitting him for commercial pursuits. This change from his books to the counting room was a severe blow to the ambition of James. He had no taste for his new calling and the duties were irkso-me to him in the extreme. He had an antipathy to the mercantile profession, almost as great as that of John Randolph, who could not en dure "a man with a quill behind his ear." After a few weeks with the merchants, by much entreaty and persuasion, James induced his father to allow him to return home, and in July, 1813, then eighteen years of age, he was placed under the tuition of Rev. Dr. Henderson. Later he attended the Mur freesboro Acadamy, then conducted by Samuel P. Black, a celebrated classical teacher of Middle Tennessee. No ob stacle now stood in the way of James and under the prompt ings of his earnest desires he made rapid progress in his studies. In two and a half years he had prepared himself for an advanced class in college, and in the autumn of 1815, be ing then in his twentieth year, he matriculated in the Uni versity of North Carolina, at Chapel Hill, at the beginning of the sophomore year. This noted University, at which so many of the eminent statesmen and divines of the South have received their edu- 246 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN cation, was then under charge of Rev. Dr. Joseph Caldwell, justly styled "the father of the University." 'Col. William Polk, of Raleigh, a first cousin of the father of James K. Polk, was an influential and active member of the board of trustees, and had been from the beginning of the institution. While at the University James redoubled his energies and quickly and easily went to the head of his classes. It is said of him that he never missed a recitation or a religious service in chapel. He was thorough in everything he under took. Of the exact sciences he was very fond, and also an excellent linguist. At all the semi-annual examinations he bore off first honors. In June, 1818, James K. Polk graduated with the highest distinction, which was assigned to him alone, as the best scholar in both the mathematics and classics, and delivered the Latin Salutatory Oration. At the Annual Commence ment of the University in 1847, the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws was conferred on Mr. Polk, together with John Y. Mason, subsequently Secretary of the Navy and later dis tinguished as a Confederate statesman. In 1819 Mr. Polk entered the law offices of Hon. Felix Grundy, of Nashville, who was at that time head of the Ten nessee Bar. In 1820 he passed the regular examination and was admitted to the bar. He at once returned to Maury County, established an office at Columbia, and a good practice soon came to him. His first public service was that of Chief Clerk to the Tennessee House of Representatives. In 1823, by a heavy majority, he was elected to the Legislature, where he remained for two years. One of his most conspicuous acts was a bill to prevent duelling at that time an all too com mon practice in the South and West. In January, 1824, he was married to a charming young woman. Miss Sarah Childress, daughter of a wealthy mer chant of Rutherford 'County. To the charms of a fine person she united intellectual accomplishments of a high order, and was well fitted to adorn any station. In 1825 Mr. Polk made the race for Congress, in the Duck River district, and was elected by a substantial majority. He was repeatedly returned for fourteen years. A warm personal regard existed between POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 247 him and General Andrew Jackson, and he was often a wel come guest at the Hermitage. JACKSON AND POLK FAMILIES. The Jackson and Polk families had been intimate for years, in Mecklenburg County, N. C. During the Revolution, Andrew Jackson's father being dead, he and his two brothers joined the army. The eldest was killed at the battle of Stono, and the second died from a wound received, which was aggre- vated by British neglect in the hospital. During the absence of her sons in the army, Mrs. Jackson was often hard pressed for the necessaries of life, and was relieved in numerous in stances by Col. Thomas Polk, who owned several mills in that section. This kindness to his mother Andrew Jackson never forgot, and hence he entertained an abiding friendship for the Polk family. In a speech in 1849, telling how he joined the army, he said that he was inspired to the act by seeing Col. Wm. Polk (son of Col. Thomas), wounded, bleeding and covered with dust, urging his men forward at the battle of Guilford C. H. While serving his district and State in Congress, James K. Polk continued to be distinguished for his punctuality and promptness. His speeches were always to the point, clear and forcible. He made his debut as a speaker in advocating an amendment to the Constitution giving the choice of Presi dent and Vice-President directly to the vote of the 'people. Among the recommendations of Mr. Adams which he strongly opposed, were the Panama Mission, an extensive system of internal improvements, and a high protective tariff. His ad- herance to the principles of the Democratic creed was stead fast and unyielding. He stood firmly for General Jackson previous to and during his entire administration, and was one of the earliest opponents of the recharter of the United States Bank. On the assembling of the Twenty-fourth Congress, in December, 1835, James K. Polk was selected as Speaker and was elected by a large majority. He continued in the Chair of the House for five sessions. 248 POLK F AM 1 LY AND KINSMEN In adjourning the House on March 4, 1839, and termi nating his connection forever with that body, Mr. Polk de livered a farewell address of some length, characterized by deep feeling, and which made a profound impression. On his return to Tennessee he was urged to make the race for Governor and did so. The canvass was a warm one and as a stump speaker Mr. Polk was invincible. He was elected over Governor Cannon by upward of twenty-five thousand majority, and on October 14th, took the oath of office at Nashville and entered upon his executive duties. In August, 1841, he was a candidate for re-election, but the poli tical storm which swept the country and prostrated the Dem^- ocratic party in 1840 throughout the Union, made his success impossible. In 1843 he was again a candidate but was beaten by nearly four thousand majority. The great political issue of the Presidential campaign of 1844 was the annexation of Texas. That territory had just been wrested from Mexico by General Sam. Houston, a son of Tennessee, with his brave following of Texas patriots. Be ing organized into an independent republic, Texas asked ad mission into the Federal Union. The Northern States strongly opposed such admission, fearing as a result the extension of slavery. The Southern States favored admission, and the contest was hotly waged over an issue that would not down, and which a few years later precipitated the great Civil War. Replying to a committee of citizens of Cincinnati, who asked his views on the subject, Mr. Polk made such a strong impression upon the people that he at once became a popular favorite for the highest office in the gift of the people. ' NOMINATED AND ELECTED PRESIDENT. Mr. Polk's views, as expressed in his reply to the Cin cinnati Committee, made a great impression on the National Democratic Convention, which met at Baltimore on May 24, 1844. After a dead lock over other candidates named, Mr. Polk was brought forward on the eighth ballot as a candidate for the Presidency, and harmony at once foUbwed confusion. On the following ballot, the ninth, he received nearly all the POLK FA .1/ I L Y A X D KINS M L X 249 U J Cm W J O ri ti< > .a POLK F AMI LY AND KINSMEN 251 votes of the delegates and the nomination was next made unanimous. A strong factor in the result, it is said, was the advocacy of Mr. Polk!s selection, by General Jackson. George M. Dallas was then chosen as the party's candidate for Vice President, and "Polk and Dallas" became the Democratic war cry. The opposition party, the Whigs, nominated Henry Clay, of Kentucky, for President, and Theodore Frelinghuysen, of New Jersey, for Vice President. The canvass was a spirited one, and mass meetings and processions filled the land with political exuberance and enthusiasm. Campaign songs of Whigs and Democrats were heard on every hand. As the time for Mr. Polk's inauguration approached he prepared for his journey to the National Capital, accompanied by Mrs. Polk, his adopted son, and Col. J. Knox Walker, his nephew and private secretary. His progress was everywhere greeted with the most unbounded enthusiasm. At Louisville he was escorted to his boat by military companies and a vast throng of citizens. At Cincinnati a like demonstration await ed him, and after a splendid banquet the party took carriages for the balance of the trip, over the National Road. Three other carriages beside that of Mr. Polk composed the proces sion. The second contained the Kentucky delegation; the third that of Louisiana; and the fourth Tennessee gentlemen. At Wheeling there was also a great demonstration for "Young Hickory," as his admirers called him. The same enthusiasm attended him during the rest of the route. MR. POLK'S INAUGURATION. On March 4, 1845, James K. Polk was duly inaugurated as President of the United States. He delivered an appropri ate and excellent address on the occasion, in which he set forth his views on questions at issue, and enunciated the principles that would guide him in the discharge of his duties. He chose his cabinet from among the mos* distinguished men of his party. The paramount question at that time was that of our title to Oregon, which the Baltimore National Democratic Convention had declared to he "clear and un questionable." By a firm course on the part of the President. 252 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN this bone of contention with Great Britain was amicably set tled. It is estimated that thirty thousand people witnessed Mr. Polk's inauguration. The President and Mrs. Polk received visitors at the White House the day following the inauguration. Mrs. Polk's ease, grace and simple dignity won the admiration of all. Mrs. Polk was assisted in her social duties by Mrs. Walker, wife of her husband's private secretary, a notably beautiful woman. On one occasion Mr. Clay, being at a White House reception, remarked to Mrs. Polk that, "although some had expressed dissatisfaction with the administration of her hus band, not one seemed to have found fault with hers." Immediately after the treaty of annexation of Texas was concluded with the United States, Mexico officially pro nounced the treaty to be "a declaration of war between the two nations," and Santa Anna, President of Mexico, in June, 1844, declared it to be the firm determination of Mexico to re-conquor Texas. He called for an army of 30,000 men and four millions of dollars for that purpose. The Mexican forces were hurried into the field and pushed to the Northern fron tier. On the part of the United States, the military forces un der General Zachary Taylor advanced to the Rio Grande, to prevent invasion by Mexican troops. Congress a short time afterwards declared war against Mexico and called for fifty thousand volunteers. These volunteers were furnished prin cipally by Kentucky, Tennessee, Mississippi, Arkansas, Mis souri, Illinois, Indiana and Ohio. The brave riflemen of the West were hurried to Mexico and at the ensuing battles of Palo Alto, Resaca de la Palma, Monterey, Vera Cruz, Cha- pultepec and City of Mexico, they carried the Stars and Stripes to victory, giving to the United States not only Texas. but also New Mexico and Upper and Lower California. As has been truthfully said: "When Americans today look upon the great and wealthy territory secured thereby, it is not probable that any one will fail to thank Mr. Polk for his firm position in bringing on the conflict. The value of gold alone in California can never be adequately estimated." POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 253 Mr. Polk's Cabinet consisted of James Buchanan, of Penn., Secretary of State; Robert J. Walker, of Miss., Sec retary of the Treasury ; WiUiam L. Marcy, of New York, Secretary of War; George Bancroft, of Mass., Secretary of the Navy till September 9, 1846, afterward John Y. Mason, of Va., Cave Johnson, of Tenn., Postmaster General ; Nathan Clifford, of Maine, and Isaac Toucey, of Conn., suc cessively Attorneys General. CHIEF ADMINISTRATION MEASURES. The chief measures which distinguished the administra tion of James K. Polk, besides those already enumerated, were the adoption of the low tariff of 1846, replacing the protective one of 1842; the establishment of the independent treasury system, by which the revenues of the government are collected in specie without the aid of banks; the creation of the Department of the Interior; and the admission of Wisconsin as a state of the Union. As one of his biographers, Jenkins, said of him : "Mr. Polk could not have said, with Augustus Caesar, that he found the capital of the republic built of brick, and left it constructed of marble ; but he might have claimed that he found her territories bounded on the south by the Sabine and the 42d parallel, and her authority west of the Rocky Mountains existing only in name ; and when he transferred the government to other hands, New Mexico and California were annexed to her domain, and her flag floated in token of sovereignty on the banks of the Rio Grande, on the shores of the Straits of Fuca, and in the bay of San Francisco." The acquisition of this territory served to fill out and complete the vast and comprehensive plan of national empire inaugurated by Thomas Jefferson and the American people in the purchase of Louisiana Territory from France in 1806. And the wisdom of both these transactions is attested by the magnificent development in those regions since their acquisi tion, adding wealth and strength to our country by the dis covery of vast stores of gold and silver, and the settlement of millions of enterprising citizens. 254 POLK F AM I LY AND KINSMEN The adjournment .of Congress at the close of Mr. Polk's administration, took place March 3, 1849. The 4th being Sunday, the inauguration of his successor, Gen'l Zachariah Taylor, took place on Monday the 5th. On the same day Mr. and Mrs. Polk took leave of their friends and started to their home in Tennessee. All along the route through Richmond, Wilmington, Charleston, Savannah, New Orleans, and every place they passed, a grand ovation and welcome was await ing him from vast crowds of admiring citizens. Reaching his beautiful home in Nashville which he had but a; short time before purchased, he retired to the comforts and pleasures of his home, and devoted his time to its improvement. DEATH OF JAMES K. POLK. Some time before his return to Tennessee, Mr. Polk pur chased the mansion and grounds formerly owned by his friend and preceptor, Hon. Felix Grundy, in the city of NashvUle. Here, in this elegant Colonial home, surrounded by every comfort, he ,settled down to spend the rest of his life in ease and quietude; in the sweet companionship of his devoted wife, his books, and of his devoted friends. The year of 1849 was made memorable by a second visit to the United States of that dread disease, Asiatic cholera, and many deaths occurred from it in the Mississipi Valley. On his way up the Mississippi River from New Orleans, in the month of March, Mr. Polk had suffered what was considered a moderate attack of the disease, which was warded off by the 'physicians who attended him. He was very much ener vated but was thought to have entirely recovered. But on his arrival at Nashville he became more enfeebled, though giving his constant attention to the improvement of his home, in which work he was often assisted by Mrs. Polk. These constant labors seem to have brought on again his old afflic tion of dysentery and he was prostrated on his bed. For sev eral days no apprehension was felt by his friends and kins men. Dr. Hay, his brother-in-law and family physician for twenty years, came from Columbia to attend him, aided by other skillful medical men. But all that medical skill could do proved futile and Mr. Polk continued' to sink day by day, PO Lk FAMILY AND KINSMEN 255 >, §1? ' -'' ¦P ^'' 1 ml'}. jte_ ^^S=:^=^2l<^// »i. " Mr!^^j^"&*^ ;¦ / ^E!^*f^»^^ , mHJe*^?*''^^ '^*'d ^^sS^"^ ^ ¦" - - r>. 'S WB^^^^^S^,ff M- m^^^gfi^ta^^^lW^ INI- ^.^ ¦¦ i K*!* . tfc jM'^A^ |||| W Mr ^^^K p^,^^ v8H|^^H^|K Vt^- ^^H^^M ^Bf-,..i-s' . , \^ '^ IsiHS^BHB J|m lx^^«^-!1 RECORD No. 229— Alex. Hamihon Polk, son of Leonidas Polk and Frances Devereux Polk, b. Jan. 37, 1831, at Rich mond, Va. Residence, Mississippi and North Carolina. Planter. Married June 15, 1854 to Emily N. Beach. Issue: lAlex Hamilton, b. Nov. 33, 1855; ^Frank, b. March 17, 1858; ^George, h. Nov. 17, 1861 ; ^Hamilton, b. Sept. 15, 1863 ; 'Leo- POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 285 COL. LUCIUS JUNIUS POLK, JR., WIFE AND TWO CHILDREN, of Texas. POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 287 nidas, b. Nov. 37, 1865; "Beach, b. Sept. 15, 1868. Alexander Hamilton Polk, d. Oct. 3, 1873, at Hartford, Conn. His wife d. March 9, 1903, at same place and both were buried there. RECORD No. 238— Frank Polk, son of Alexander Hamilton Polk and Emily Beach Polk, b. March 17, 1858, at New Orleans, La. Residence, North Carolina and Baltimore, Md. Planter. He married Nov. 33, 1897 to Margaret Calla way. Issue: ^Emily Hamilton, b. Aug. 33, 1880; ^Leonidas Charles, b. July 19, 1883, d. Dec. 30; ^Francis Devereux, b. Nov. 6, 1885; *Magdalen Tasker, b. Feb. 35, 1887; 'Alex Ham- Uton, b. July 16, 1889. Magdalen Tasker d. July 19, 1887, at Asheville, N. C. Frank Polk, d. Sept. 35, 1891 and was buried in Louden Park, Baltimore, Md. RECORD No. 239— George B. Polk, son of Alex. H. Polk and Emily Beach Polk, b. Nov. 17, 1861, at Nashville, Tenn. Residence, Oxford, Md. RECORD No. 241— Hamilton R. Polk, son of Alex H. Polk and Emily Beach Polk, b. Sept. 15, 1863, at Raleigh, N. C. Residence, North Carolina and Baltimore, Md. Drug gist. He married May 4, 1896 to Margaret Callaway Polk. No issue. He d. Nov. 9, 1906 and was buried at Louden Park, Baltimore, Md. RECORD No. 242— Leonidas Polk, son of Alex H. Polk and Emily Beach Polk, b. Nov. 37, 1865, at Hartford, Conn. Residence, Asheville, N. C. and Baltimore, Md. He married June 10, 1901 to Charlotte H. Zimmerman. Issue : ^Leon- tine Adele, b. March 10, 1903; ^Charlotte Patricia, b. Pan. 3, 1905. RECORD No. 243— Nichols Beach Polk, son of Alex H. Polk and Emily Beach Polk, b. Sept. 19, 1868, at AshevUle, N. C. Residence, Asheville, Baltimore and New York. He is a bank clerk and unmarried. RECORD No. 230— Frances Polk, daughter of Gen'l Leonidas Polk and Frances Devereux Polk, b. Nov. 87, 1835, at Ashwood, Tenn. Residence New Orleans, La., and Ox ford. Miss. Married Nov. 37, 1866 to Peyton H. Skipwith. 288 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN Issue : iKate, b. Sept. 18, 1867 ; ^Frank, Oct. 10, 1873. Frances d. March 15, 1884. Her husband d. March 13, 1898. RECORD No. 251— Kate Skipwith, daughter of Peyton H. Skipwith and Frances Polk Skipwith, b. Sept. 18, 1867, at Sewanee, Tenn. Residence, Oxford, Miss. Unmarried. RECORD No. 252— Frank Skipwith, son of Peyton H. Skipwith and Frances Polk Skipwith, b. Oct. 10, 1873, at Ox ford, Miss. Residence, Oxford. Cotton buyer. RECORD No. 231— Katherine Polk, daughter of Gen'l Leonidas Polk and Frances Devereux Polk, b. Aug. 16, 1838, at Ashwood, Tenn. Residence, Nashville, Tenn. Married Dec 14, 1858 to Col. Wm. D. Gale. Issue: ^Frances; ^Wm. D.; ^Katharine; ^Leonidas; 'Josephine; "Ethel. Col. Gale d. Jan. 30, 1888 and was buried at Nashville, Tenn. RECORD No. 253— Frances Gale, son of Col. Wm. D. Gale and Katherine Polk Gale, b. April 1, 1860, near Nashville. Residence, NashviUe and New York. Married April 30, 1895 to Frank W. Ring. No issue. Mr. Ring d. July 17, 1896 at Portland, Me. RECORD No. 254— AVm. Dudley Gale, son of Col. AVm. D. Gale and Katherine Polk Gale, b. April 23, 1861, at Yazoo River, Miss. Residence, Nashville, Tenn. Insurance. Mar ried Jan. 18, 1894 to Meta Orr Jackson. Issue : ^William Dud ley, b. Feb. 1, 1897; ^George Jackson, b. Sept. 3, 1903. RECORD No. 255— Katherine Gale, daughter of Col. AVmx, D. Gale and Katherine Polk Gale, b. Aug. 39, 1863, near Jack son, Miss. Residence, Nashville, Tenn. Never married. She d. November 34, 1889, at Nashville, Tenn. RECORD No. 256— Leonidas P. Gale, son of Col. AVm. D, Gale and Katherine P. Gale, b. May 10, 1864, at Asheville, N. C. Residence, Nashville, Tenn. Unmarried and d. Sept. 16, 1890. RECORD No. 257— Josephine Gale, daughter of Col. AVm D. Gale and Katherine Polk Gale, b. Jan. 33, 1867, at Nash ville, Tenn. He was unmarried and d. Nov. 13, 1876, at Nash ville, Tenn. POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 289 COL. GEO. W. POLK, WIFE AND SON, San Antonio, Tex, POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 291 RECORD No. 258— Ethel Gale, daughter of Col. Wm. D. Gale and Katherine P. Gale, b. Nov. 19, 1869, at Nashville, Tenn. Unmarried and d. June 13, 1870. RECORD No. 232— Sallie H. Polk, daughter of Gen'l Leo nidas Polk and Fanny Devereux Polk, b. . Mar ried Frank Blake. One child, Frank. Residence, New Or leans. La. RECORD No. 233— Susan R. Polk, daughter of Gen'l Leonidas Polk and Frances Devereux Polk, b. April 16, 1843, at Raleigh, N. C. Residence, New Orleans, La. Married June 31, 1870 to Dr. Joseph Jones. Issue: ^Hamilton; ^Fanny; •''Laura. Dr. Jones d. Feb. 16, 1896, at New Orleans, La. RECORD No. 262— Hamilton Jones, son of Dr. Joseph Jones and Susan Polk Jones, b. Oct. 26, 1872, at New Orleans, La., is a physician. He was married June 25, 1901 to Caroline E. Merrick. Issue: Joseph Merrick Jones, b. Aug. 31, 1903. RECORD No. 263— Fanny Jones, daughter of Dr. Joseph Jones and Susan Polk Jones, b. May 8, 1871, at New Orleans. La. RECORD No. 264— Laura M. Jones, daughter of Dr Joseph Jones and Susan Polk Jones, b. Aug. 36, 1876, at New Orleans, La. Unmarried. RECORD No. 234— Elizabeth D. Polk, daughter of Gen'l Leonidas Polk and Frances Devereux Polk, b. June 39, 1843, at Ashwood, Tenn. Residence, New Orleans, La. She was married April 37, 1864 to W. E. Huger. Issue : ^Frances ; ^Lucia; ^Emily; John; 'Arthur; "William; '^Leonide, b. July 3, 1865, d. Aug. 11, 1866. Mr. Huger d. July 3, 1901, at New Orleans. Birth dates of first six children not given. RECORD No. 266— Frances Huger, son of W. E. Huger and Elizebeth Polk Huger, b. March 34, 1867, at New Or leans, La. Married Jan. 10, 1895 to H. Laboiusse. Issue: iWilliam, b. March 33, 1896; John W., b. Nov. 34, 1899; sHenry Richardson, b. Feb. 11, 1904. 292 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN RECORD No. 267— John Middleton Huger, son of W. E- Huger and Elizabeth Polk Huger, b. May 1, 1868, at New Or leans, La. Cotton broker. Married Dec. 18, 1900 to Louise Woeste. Issue : ^Louise Polk, b. March 3, 1903 ; John Mid dleton, b. March 2, 1907. RECORD No. 268— Lucia Polk Huger, daughter of W. E. Huger and Elizabeth Polk Huger, b. October 29, 1870, at New Orleans, La. Residence, New York, N. Y. Married Jan. 31, 1894 to Joseph Hardie. Issue: Joseph, b. Oct. 23, 1900; ^WiUiam Huger, b. Sept. 26, 1904. RECORD No. 269— Emily H. Huger, daughter of W. E. Huger and Elizabeth Polk Huger, b. Jan. 11, 1876, at New Orleans, La. Art teacher. RECORD No. 270— Arthur Middleton Huger, son of W. E. Huger and Elizabeth Polk Pluger, b. Aug. 26, 1878, at New Orleans, La. Cotton buyer. Married April 24, 1903 to Lillie Charbonnet. Issue: iKillian L., b. Aug. 3, 1904. RECORD No. 271— William Elliott Huger, son of W. E. Huger and Elizabeth Polk Huger, b. Oct. 22, 1882, at New Orleans, La. Residence, New Orleans, La. Insurance busi ness. RECORD No. 235— Dr. Wm. Mecklenburg Polk, son of Gen'l Leonidas Polk and Frances Devereux Polk, b. Aug. 15, 1844, at Ashwood, near Columbia, Tenn. Residence, New York City. Physician. He was married Nov. 14, 1866 to Ida Lyon. Issue: ^Leonidas, b. Feb. 24, 1868, d. April 29, 1877; ^Frank Lyon, b. Sept. 24, 1869; John Metcalf, b. May 6, 1875, d. March 29, 1904; *Serena Devereux, b. March 19, 1877, d. May 8, 1878. RECORD No. 280— Capt. Frank Lyon Polk, son of Dr. William Mecklenburg Polk and Ida Lyon Polk, b. Sept. 34, 1869, in New York. Residence, 139 East 36th St. New York City. He was married Feb. 28, 1908 to Mrs. Elizabeth Stur- gis Potter. Issue: John Metcalf, b. Nov. 18, 1908; ^Eliza- beth Sturgis, b. July 31, 1910; ^Frank Lyon, b. Nov. 3. 1911. POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 293 DR, AVM. MECKLENBURG POLK AND WIFE, of New York, POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 295 RECORD No. 236— Lucia Polk, daughter of Gen'l Leo nidas Polk and Frances Devereaux Polk, b. Oct. 33, 1848, at Leighton Plantation, La. Residence New Orleans, La., and Philadelphia, Pa. She married Jan. 8, 1870 to Edward Chap man. The latter d. March 19, 1883, at New Orleans, La. RECORD No. 7— Alary B. Polk, daughter of WUliam Polk and Sarah Hawkins Polk, b. May 38, 1808, at Raleigh, N. C. Married jMarch 9, 1836 to Hon. George E. Badger. Issue: ^Katherine M. ; ^Sally Polk. Mary B., d. March 1, 1835, at Raleigh, and her husband on Alay 11, 1866, at the same place. RECORD No. 284— Katherine j\I. Badger, daughter of Hon. George E. Badger and Mary Polk Badger, b. Aug. 9, 1837, at Raileigh, N. C. Married May 6, 1846 to Wm. Haigh. Issue: iGeo. B., b. Mar. 34, 1847, d. June 1, 1886 ;¦ ^Sallie, b. Aug. 9, 1849, d. May 31, 1905 ; %Iary Polk, b. June 24, 1853, d. June 14. 1860. Katherine, d. July 4, 1905, at FayetteviUe, N. C, and her husband in June, 1870. Both buried at Fayette ville, N. C. RECORD No. 286— Geo. B. Haigh, son of Wm. Haigh and Katherine Badger Haigh, b. March 34, 1847, at Raleigh N, C. He was married June 30, 1883 to Dora Williamson. Issue: iKate Mallon, b. Oct. 9, 1883; ^George B., b. June 1, 1886, at Graham, N. C. RECORD No. 289— Kate jMallon Haigh, daughter of George B. Haigh and Dora AVilliamson Haigh, b. Oct. 9, 1883, at Burlington, N. C. Residence, Reidsville, N. C. Married June 31, 1905 to John Newton Walt. Issue: John Newton AA'^alt, Jr., b. Oct. 3, 1906. RECORD No. 287— Sally Haigh, daughter of William Haigh and Katherine Badger Haigh, b. Aug. 9, 1849, at Fay etteville, N. C. Married Jan. 35, 1866 to Jos. B. Underwood. Issue: iWUUam Haigh, b. Nov. 33, 1866, d. July 16, 1870; John, b. Feb. 5, 1868 ; Joseph Boykin, b. July 9, 1870 ; ^George Badger, b. May 4, 1873; 'Kate Haigh, b. Sept. 16, 1874; "Mary Polk, b. Nov. 7, 1876, d. March 1, 1893 ; '^Ellen Hale, b. Marcn 33, 1879; ^Elizabeth Hinsdale, b. Sept. 20, 1881; ^Devereux 296 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN Haigh, b. Feb. 3, 1889, d. Oct. 1, 1889 ; i"Hamilton Polk, b. Jan 18, 1891. Sally Haigh d. May 31, 1905, at Fayetteville, N. C, and Mr. Haigh on Jan. 6, 1907. RECORD No. 29.2— John Underwood, son of Jos. Boykin Underwood and Sally Haigh Underwood, b. Feb. 5, 1868, at Fayetteville, N. C. Real estate and insurance business. He was married Jan. 36, 1898 to Annie Montgomery Kyle. Issue: John Williamson, b. July 30, 1899 ; ^Laura Kyle, b. Oct. 35, 1902 ; sWiUiam Emmett. b. Jan. 23, 1905. RECORD No. 293— Joseph Boykin Underwood, son of J. B. Underwood and Sallie Haigh Underwood b. July 9, 1870, at Wilmington, N. C. Residence, Fayetteville, N. C. Com mission merchant and broker. Married April 30, 1875 to Nelly McGill Pemberton. Issue: Janie McRae, b. May 21, 1896; 2Sally Haigh, b. Oct. 30, 1899; ^XeUie Pemberton, b. April 10, 1894. RECORD No. 294— Geo. Badger Underwood, son of Joseph B. Underwood and Sally Haigh Underwood, b. May 4, 1872, in Sampson County, N. C. Residence, Fayetteville, N. C. In railroad service. RECORD No. 295— Kate Haigh Underwood, daughter of Joseph B. Underwood and Sally Haigh Underwood, b. Sept. 16, 1874, at Fayetteville, N, C. Residence, Tarboro and Fay etteville, N. C. Married Dec. 26, 1900 to James A. Moore. Issue: James H., b. Dec. 1, 1901; Joseph Underwood, b. Jan. 18, 1904. RECORD No. 288— Mary Polk Haigh, daughter of William Haigh and Katherine Badger Haigh, b. June 24, 1852, at Fayetteville, N. C, d. June 14, 1860. RECORD No. 297— Ellen Hale Underwood, daughter of Joseph Boykin L'nderwood and Sally Haigh Underwood, b. March 23, 1879, at Fayetteville, N. C. Married Dec. 30, 1903 to Dr. David G. McKethan. No issue. RECORD No. 298— Elizabeth Hinsdale Underwood, daughter of Joseph B. Underwood and Sally Haigh Lender- wood, b. Sept. 20, 1881, at Fayetteville, N, C. Married Oct, P 0 LK F AMI LY AND KINSMEN 297 CAPT. FRANK L. POLK AND WIFE, of New York, POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 299 28, 1903 to Henry M. Pemberton. Issue: ^Henry Marshall, b. Dec. 14, 1904; Jos. Boykin Pemberton, b. May 32, 1908, RECORD No. 285— Sally Polk Badger, daughter of Hon. Geo. E. Badger and Mary Polk Badger, b. May 38, 1833. at Raleigh N. C. Married Sept. 35, 1854 to Montford McGehee. Issue: ^Thomas; ^George Badger; ^William Polk; ^Lucius Polk. Sally d. Dec. 19, 1903, at Raleigh, N. C. Her husband d. March 31, 1895, at Raleigh, N. C. RECORD No. 311— Thomas McGehee. son of Montford McGehee and Sally Badger McGehee, b. June 9, 1857, at Mil ton, Caswell County, N. C. Residence, Davidson College, N, C, where he graduated in 1876. AA'as cashier of the Alis- sissippi Valley Bank, Vicksburg, Miss., and afterwards went into railroading. He d. Nov. 12, 1886, in New York City and was buried at Oakwood Cemetery, Raleigh, N. C. RECORD No. 312— George Badger McGehee, son of Montford McGehee and Sally Badger McGehee, b. March 8, 1361, at Milton, Caswell County, N. C. Residence, Fletchei , Henderson County, N. C, near Asheville. Farmer. He was married Feb. 12, 1893 to Eliza M. Skinner. Issue: ^Annie Ludlow, b. Feb. 6, 1893; ^Mary Polk, b. July 3, 1894; ^George Badger, b. Aug. 3, 1904. RECORD No. 313— Wm. Polk McGehee, son of Mont ford McGehee and Sally Badger McGehee, b. July 14, 1865, at Milton, Caswell County, N. C. Residence, University of N. C. and Davidson College, N. C. Present residence, Denver, Col. Traveling salesman in drugs. Married Dec. 3, 1903, at Kan sas City, Mo., to Elizabeth DeVeaux AA^ilson. RECORD No. 314— Lucius Polk McGehee, son of Mont ford McGehee and Sally Badger McGehee, b. May 14, 1868, at AA-^oodburn, Person County, N. C. Residence, Capel Hill, N. C. Profession, lawyer. Professor of Law in University of N. C. Married Jan. 38, 1903, at Digby, Nova Scotia to Julia Leslie Covert, b. July 6, 1876. His wife d. Aug. 34, 1903, at Northport, N. Y., and was buried in Oakwood Cemetery, Raleigh, N. C. SOO POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN RECORD No. 10— Rufus King Polk, son of William Polk and Sarah Hawkins Polk, b. May 15, 1814, at Raleigh. N. C. Residence, Maury County, Tenn. Planter. Married Sept. 2, 1840 to Sarah Jackson. Issue: ^Sally Moore. Rufus, d. Feb. 35, 1843, and was buried at St. Johns Church, Maury County, Tenn. His wife d. July 11, 1888, and was buried be side him. RECORD No. 318— Sally Moore Polk, daughter of Rufus King Polk and Sarah Jackson Polk, b. Sept. 1, 1841, at Fork of Cypress, Ala. Residence, Westbrook, Tenn. She was mar ried Aug. 19, 1863 to her kinsman, Gen'l Lucius E. Polk, C. S. A. Issue: ^Rufus King, b. Aug. 23, 1866; ^Mary Rebecca, b. May 30, 1868; ^Lucius Eugene, b. Alarch 23, 1870; *WUUam Junius, b. June 13, 1875 ; 'James Knox, b. Jan. 14, 1883. Gen'l Lucius E. Polk, d. Dec. 1, 1893, and was buried at St. Jo'hn's Church, Maury County, Tenn. RECORD No. 319— Jas. HUliard Polk, son of Geo. W. Polk, and Sally H. Polk, b. Jan. 8, 1842, in Maury County, Tenn. Residence, Ft. Worth, Texas. He was married Nov. 34, 1885 to Mary DemoviUe Harding. Issue: ^Lt. Harding Polk, 8th U. S. Cav., b. in Maury County, Tenn., March 16, 1887 ; ^George W. Polk, b. Nov. 18, 1888. RECORD No. 11— George AV Polk, son of AVm. Polk and Sarah Hawkins Polk, b. July 13, 1817, at Raleigh, N. C. Resi dence, Maury County, Tenn. Planter. Married Nov. 34, 1840 to Sally L. HiUiard. Issue: James HiUiard; ^Rufus King; sSally H. ; *Mary Murfree; 'George B. M.; "Susan S. : ''Lucius Junius; ^Isaac HUliard; ^Leonidas Polk; ^"William H. ; "Carolina. Geo. AV. Polk, d. Jan. 8, 1893 and was buried at St. John's Church, Maury County, His wife d. July 3, 1894. RECORD No. 320— Rufus K. Polk, son of George W. Polk and Sally HUliard Polk, b. Oct. 31, 1843, in Maury Coun ty, Tenn. Married April 38, 1881 to Margaret Philips. Issue: IMary Elizabeth Polk, b. July 30, 1883, in Davidson County, Tenn. Rufus K., d. Aug. 27, 1902 and was buried at St. John's Church. POLK FAMILY A N D K I N S M E N 301 POLK F AMI LY AND KINSMEN 303 RECORD No. 321— Sally H. Polk, daughter of George W. Polk and Sally HUliard Polk, b. June 18, 1845, in Maury Coun ty, Tenn. RECORD No. 322— Mary Murfree Polk, daughter of George W. Polk and Sally HiUiard Polk, b. June 25, 1847, in Maury County, Tenn. Residence, Berkeley, Cal. Married Nov. 29, 1870 to Julius J. DuBose. Issue: Juliet B., b. Nov. 29, 1871, d. in infancy; ^Tasker Polk, b. Jan. 4, 1873; ^Mary HiUiard, b. Dec. 26, 1875 ; ^Alfred Bishop, b. Sept. 30, 1877 ; Jessie Mclver, b. Nov. 24, 1S79 ; "George W. Polk, b. July 4, 1881; ''Sarah Camilla, b. June 17, 1883; Julius Jesse, b. Aug. 18, 1889; Juliet Brevard, b. Nov. 29, 1871. Mary Murfree Polk was buried at St. John's Church. RECORD No. 326— Isaac HUliard Polk, son of Geo. W- Polk and Sally L. Polk, b. Aug. 8, 1854, in Maury County, Tenn. Residence, Los Angeles, Cal. Isaac was twice mar red. First, on AprU 13, 1889 to EUa Martha Cook; Second, on April 19, 1897 to Minerva J. Bradbury. By the first he had issue: ^Sally HUliard, b. Feb. 24, 1801. By the second, ^Isaac HUliard, b. AprU 6, 1898; ^Lewis Bradbury, b. July 30, 1899, RECORD No. 330— Harding Polk, son of Jas. H. Polk and Mary Harding Polk, b. March 16, 1887, in Maury County, Tenn. Lieutenant 8th Cavalry, U. S. Army. He was married Dec. 29, 1910 to Marie Esther Fleming, of Burlington, Iowa. Issue: James HUliard, b. Dec. 13, 1911, at Manilla, P. I. RECORD No. 334— Tasker P. DuBose, son of Julius J. DuBose and Mary Polk DuBose, b. Jan. 4, 1873, in Maury County, Tenn. Residence, California. Married July, 1905 to Carrey Van Horn Culbert. RECORD No. 336— Alfred B. C. DuBose, son of Julius J. DuBose and Mary Polk DuBose, b. Sept. 30, 1878, at Mem- his, Tenn. Alfred Bishop Cassells DuBose d. April 23, 1892, and was buried in Elmwood Cemetery, Memphis, Tenn. RECORD No. 336— Sarah C. DuBose, daughter of Julius J. DuBose and Mary Polk DuBose, b. June 17, 1883, at Mem phis, Tenn. Residence, Los Angeles. Profession, lawyer She was married Dec. 23, 1903 to George Trowbridge Hockley 304 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN RECORD No. 323— Geo. B. M. Polk, son of Geo. W. Polk and Sally HUliard Polk, b. Dec. 15, 1848, in Maury County, Tenn., d. March 25, 1877. RECORD No. 324— Susan Spratt Polk, daughter of Geo. W. Polk and Sally L. HUliard, b. June 33, 1851, in Maury Coun ty, Tenn. Residence, St. Louis, Mo. She was married March ',', 1877 to Jas. Yeatman Player. Issue: ^Susan Polk, b. Oct. 25, 1878, d. July 34, 1879; ^George Polk, b. Jan. 31, 1880; Jas. Yeatman, b. March 30, 1882 ; *Susan Trezevant, b. Aug. 8, 1884; 'Thomson Trezevant, b. Sept. 7, 1886; "Sally HiUiard, b. March 28, 1889. RECORD No. 342— Geo. Polk Player, son of Jas. Yeat man Player and Susan Polk Player, b. Jan. 21, 1880, at St. Louis, Mo. Residence, St. Louis. He was married June 17, 1902 to Eva Frank Lumnen. Issue: ^Geo. Polk, b. July 11, 1903. RECORD No. 343— Jas. Yeatman Player, son of Jas. Yeatman Player and Susan Polk Player, b. March 30, 1882, at St. Louis, Mo. Residence, San Antonio, Tex. He was mar ried Nov. 1, 1911 to Lucile N, Harris. RECORD No. 344— Susan Trezevant Player, daughter of Jas. Yeatman Player and Susan Polk Player, b. Aug. 8, 1884, at St. Louis, Mo. Married Jan. 12, 1907 to Wm. Preston Graves. RECORD No. 325— Lucius Junius Polk, son of George W. Polk and Sally HUliard Polk, b. AprU 21, 1853, in Maury County, Tenn. Residence, Ft. Worth, Tex. RECORD No. 328— Wm. H. Polk, son of George W. Polk and Sally L. Polk, b. Jan. 27, 1859, in Maury County, Tenn. Residence, California. Married Mable Vanderbogart. Issue: lAnna Leah. Wm. H. Polk d. March 26, 1896 and was buried at Riverside, Cal. RECORD No. 329— Carolina Polk, daughter of George \Y. Polk and Sallie HiUiard Polk, b. June 36, 1861, in Maury Coun ty, Tenn. Residence, Asheville, N. C. Caroline was twice married, first to Isaac HUliard; second, to Joseph H. Horton. No issue. POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 305 MRS, KENNETH RAYNOR, Daughter of Col. Wm. Polk, of North Carolina. POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 307 RECORD No. 13— Susan Spratt Polk, daughter of Col. Wm. Polk and Sarah Hawkins Polk, b. May 25, 1822, d. July 10, 1909, at San Antonio, and was buried at Fort Worth, Texas. She was b. at Raleigh, N. C. Residence, Raleigh, N. C, Wash ington, D. C. and in Texas for some time before her death. She was married July 13, 1843 to Hon. Kenneth Rayner. Issue : -^Sally Polk; ^Henry A.; ^Kenneth; *Fanny; 'Susan Polk; "AVilliam Polk ; ''Hamilton Polk Raynor. , RECORD No. 351— Sallie Polk Raynor, daughter of Hon. Kenneth Raynor and Susan Polk Raynor, b. March 30, 1845, at Raleigh, N. C. Residence, Fort Worth, Tex. Married Nov. 13, 1867 to Jos. H. Hyman. Issue : ^Susan Polk ; ^Harry ; ^Mary Raynor; *Sally Josephine Kenneth Raynor; 'Joseph H. Sally Polk Raynor d. Feb. 10, 1905. Joseph H. Hyman d. Feb. 6, 1901. RECORD No. 358— Susan P. Hyman, daughter of Jos, Hyman and Sally Raynor Hyman, b. Aug. 19, 1868, at Mem phis, Tenn. Residence, Fort Worth, Tex. Married Dec. 3, 1903 to A. L. Matlock. No issue. RECORD No. 359— Harry Hyman, son of Jos. Hyman and Sally Raynor Hyman, b. Jan. 3, 1873, at Forest Home, Miss. Residence, Washington, D. C. He is a lawyer and was married March 32, 1906 to Minna Scott. No issue. RECORD No. 360— Mary Hyman, daughter of Jos. Hy man and Sally Raynor Hyman, b. May 30, 1875, at Stephen ville, Texas. Residence, Stephenville. Married Nov. 30, 1898 to Silas Lee King. Issue : ^Kenneth Raynor, b. Aug. 19, 1903 ; ^Sallie Raynor; ^Avery Lenoir Matlock, b. Jan. 34, 1909. RECORD No. 361— Sally J. Hyman, da.ughter of Jos. Hyman and Sally Raynor Hyman, b. Feb. 3, 1878, at Stephen ville, Texas. RECORD No. 36,3— Kenneth R. Hyman, son of Jos. Hy man and Sally Raynor Hyman, b. Dec. 5, 1881, at Stephen ville, Texas. Grocery merchant. Married April 39, 1908 to Melitona Benavides. Issue: ^Kenneth Raynor Hyman, Jr., b. Oct. 14, 1909. 308 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN RECORD No. 363— Joseph Hyman, son of Joseph Hyman and Sally Raynor Hyman, b. March 19, 1883, at Stephenville, Tex. Stenographer and bookkeeper. RECORD No. 353— Kenneth Raynor, son of Hon. Ken neth Raynor and Susan Polk Raynor, b. August 1, 1847, at Raleigh, N. C. Married Dec. 16, 1878 to Eugenia Leach. They have one child, Mary Leach. RECORD No. 355— Susan P. Raynor, daughter of Hon. Kenneth Raynor and Susan Polk Raynor, b. March 36, 1855, at Raleigh, N. C. Married twice, first, AprU 28, 1831 to Dr. Arthur Glennan; second, to IMr, ^McMillan. Issue: ^Arthur AV. ; ^Susie Polk; ^Kenneth Raynor; ^Pansy. RECORD No. 356— AA"m. P. Raynor, son of Hon. Ken neth Raynor and Susan Polk Raynor, b. Dec. 10, 1857, at Raleigh, N. C, Residence, El Paso, Tex, Married Jan. 30, 1879 to Lula Ragsdale. RECORD No. 357— Hamilton P. Raynor, son of Hon. Kenneth Raynor and Susan Polk Raynor, b. at Raleigh, N. C. He married first, Eliza Nelms ; second, Anna W. Armand. Issue : by first marriage, Kenneth. RECORD No. 14— Col. Andrew J. Polk, son of William Polk and Sarah Hawkins Polk, b. August 10, 1824, at Raleigh, N. C. Residence, Ashwood, Tenn. He was an extensive planter and was married January 14, 1846 to Rebecca A"an- Leer. Issue : ^Antionette ; -A'^anLeer ; ^Rebecca. Col. An drew J. Polk, d. March 10, 1867, at La Tour de Peilz, Canton de Vaud, Switzerland. His wife d. at Cannes, France. They were buried at LaTour de Peilz, Canton de Vaud, Switzerland. The eldest child, Antionette, married in Paris, France (Dec. 12, 1877) at the Papal Nuncio, Baron de Charette (later Marquis), Commander of a division in the French Army. Also of the Papal troops of Rome when the Italian army took the city. RECORD No. 373— Antionette Polk, daughter of Col. Andrew J. Polk and Rebecca VanLeer Polk, b. Oct. 27, 1847. at Nashville, Tenn. Residence, France. She married Dec. 12, 1877 to General Baron Athanase de Charette de la Coutrie. Issue : ^Antione de Charette de la Coutrie. POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 309 ANTIONETTE (POLK) DE CHARETTE AND HER HOME, Near Paris, France. POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 3II RECORD No. 374— Van Leer Polk, son of Col. Andrew J. Polk and Rebecca Van Leer Polk, b. July 9, 1850, at Ash wood, Maury County, Tenn. Attorney and journalist. He marred Dorothy Bodine. No issue. RECORD No. 375— Rebecca Polk, daughter of Col. An drew J. Polk and Rebecca VanLeer Polk, b. Aug. 26, 1858, at Nashville, Tenn. Residence in France. RECORD No. 376— Antione de Charette de la Coutrie son of Gen'l Baron Athanase de Charette de la Coutrie, Mar quis de Charette, was b. at Nantes, France, Sept. 3, 1832, d. at La Basee Motte Chateau Neuf, lUe Et Vilaine, France, Oct. 10, 1911. Antione de Charette de la Coutrie 2nd, married Nov. 11, 1909 to Miss Susanne Henning, of Louisville, Ky. 312 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN CHAPTER XL. CAPT. JOHN POLK. Capt. John Polk, third son of AVilliam Polk and Margaret Taylor Polk, was born somewhere close to 1740, as he was several years older than his brother Ezekiel, who was born in 1747. In the spring of 1765, John Polk was residing on the vast Selwyn land grant in Mecklenburg county, and was the author of a petition to the Governor and Council complaining of the oppressive conduct of Henry Eustace jMcCulIoh, Sel- wyn's Chief Agent. On "June ye 7th, A. D. 1766," we find John Polk enrolled in the Clear Creek Company of Mecklenburg Colonial Militia, Captain Adam Alexander commanding, Charles Polk (John's elder brother), being First Lieutenant. By acts of the General Assembly, John Polk was a member of commissions charged with the duty of laying out roads connecting the western counties with the towns of AVilmington and Brunswick, the latter being the capital of the province. These commissions were created by acts of the General Assembly of the Province in 1766, 1771 and 1773. In 1778, while the Revolutionary War was in progress, the name of John Polk appears as one of the militia officers (rank not given) serving in Colonel Francis Locke's regiment from Rowan county, that county then ad joining Mecklenburg, These facts are taken from : Colonial Records of North Carolina, Vol. VII, pp. 6, 11, 12, 13, 34 and 35; the State Re cords of North Carolina, Vol. XIII, pp. 389 and 390 ; Ibid., Vol. XXII, pp. 395; Vol. XXIII, pp. 754, 870, 908 and 920. TAYLOR POLK'S DESCENDANTS. Taylor Polk, son of John Polk and Eleanor Polk, married Jency Walker, daughter of Alexander AA^alker, descended from John AA^alker and Catherine Rutherford, his wife, of the "Creek POLK F AMI LY AND KINSMEN 313 Nation" of Walkers, who came from Wigton, Scotland, and settled in Rockbridge County, Virginia, in 1741. Taylor Polk and Jency had seven children: ^Benjamin; ^Taylor; James; ^Cumberland; '.William Walker; "Alfred; Jency; ^Warnell. Benjamin, eldest child of Taylor Polk and Jency his wife, married Peggy Boatright, and had issue: Jency; ^Benjamin; James; "Charles; 'William; "Richard; ^Priscilla. All died in childhood and the Benjamin Polk line became extinct. Taylor Polk, second son of Taylor Polk and Jency his wife, married Prudence Anderson. Issue: ^Anderson ; ^Elea nor; ^Cumberland; *Sarah Delaney; 'Mitchell; "Sylvester Walker; ''Henry Clay; ^Taylor; 'Prudence; ^"Alfred. Anderson Polk, eldest son of Taylor Polk 2nd and Pru dence, married, first, Eliza Epperson, and had issue: ^Henry, married Ellen Deathrow; ^Sarah, married John Huddleston; Jane, married Thomas Huddleston ; ^Sylvester, married Sarah Intz. Anderson Polk, married second Martha Martin, and had issue : 'Texanna, married Thomas Williamson ; "Matilda, married James Joplin; ''Thomas, married Annie Matlock; ^Prudence, d. unmarried. Anderson Polk married, third, Susan Langley, and had issue: "JNIartha, married Jefferson Bugg; ^"Almeda, married Charles Cruger. Eleanor Polk, second child of Taylor Polk, 2nd and Pru dence (Anderson) Polk, married Daniel Huddleston and had issue: ^Prudence, married Joseph Story; ^Daniel, married Miss Stinson ; Jane, married Moses Waterman ; *Rachael, married Jefferson Cunningham; 'T. J., married Jane Polk; "Katherine, married James Stevens. Cumberland Polk, third child of Taylor Polk, 2nd and Prudence (Anderson) Polk, married Almeda Blackwood and had issue : ^Prudence, married James Stanford ; ^Taylor, mar ried Ellen Griggs; ^Caldona, married Robert Priest; *Lucinda, married Jo'hn Houston; 'Lawrence, married Penelops Rose; "Sarah, married Alonza Tracy ; John, d. unmarried ; ^Sylves- ter, unmarried; ^Henry, unmarried; ^"Wesley, unmarried. It is possible that the latter was the Wesley Polk, who- remov ed from North Carolina to Missouri, about the date of forma tion of the latter state, but whose descendants there are un able to name his ancestors. 314 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN Sarah Delaney Polk, fourth child of Taylor Polk 2nd and Prudence (Anderson) Polk, married Capt. G. T. Epperson and had issue : ^Henry Peyton, married Miss Rowles ; ^Mary, married Blount Bullock; ^Taylor Polk, married Victoria Bush; ^Isabella, married George Jacobs; 'Emma, married Ira Cobb. Mitchell, fifth child of Taylor Polk 2nd and Prudence (Anderson) Polk, died unmarrred. Sylvester Walker Polk, sixth child of Taylor Polk 2nd and Prudence (Anderson) Polk, married Sarah Large, and had issue: ^Isom, married Lucy Miller; ^Victoria, married H. O. Brockmann; ^Paschal, married Hannah Jones; ^Isadora, mar ried W. R. Capps; 'David, married Jane Burnett; "Laura, married L. D. Burnett; ^Alpha, married John Lindsay; ®Maud, married W. L. Kothmann ; 'Claude. Henry Clay Polk, seventh child of Taylor Polk, 2nd and Prudence (Anderson) Polk, married Mary A. Dickson and had issue: ^Henry, married Annie Gould; ^David, d. unmar ried; *Emma, d. unmarried; *Alice, married Dr. G. B. Green; 'John, married Susan Brown; "Anna married John Hawkins; ''Lela, married Dr. John Brown; ^Betty, d. unmarried; 'Roxy; "Leon. Taylor Polk, 3d, eighth child of Taylor Polk, 2nd and Prudence (Anderson) Polk, married Mary Petty and had issue: ^Laura; ^Augusta, ^MoUie, married T. W. Poole; James, married lAIary AUison ; 'Leta and "Lota, twins; ^Henry; *Leon ; 'Myrtle, married Richard Shegog; ^"Beverly. Prudence Polk, ninth child of Taylor Polk, 2nd and Pru dence (Anderson) Polk, married Benjamin H. Dickson and had issue: ^Charles, married Carrie Young; ^Minnie, mar ried Dr. Oscar Smith; ^Willia^n ; *Pearl, married Russell AVilliams ; 'Ethel, married Geoi'ge Holland. Alfred Polk, tenth child of Taylor Polk, 3nd and Prudence (Anderson) Polk, married Sarah WUson and had issue : ^Sylvester; ^Burt; ^Mable; James. James Polk, third child of Taylor Polk, 1st and Jency (Walker) Polk, married, first. Miss Trammell, second, Sallie Cox. His children were: ^Jency, married Fielding Tweedle; -Bettie, married Martin Newman; ^Franklin, married Jane POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 315 Rider; James, married Lizzie Roberts; 'Cumberland, married Laura Kirk. Cumberland Polk, fourth child of Taylor Polk, 1st and Jen cy (AA'alker) Polk, married Nancy Cox, daughter of Joel Cox and Frances Bartlett his wife, of Kentucky. Nancy Cox was a sister of Sallie Cox, wno married James, brother of Cumber land. The issue of this marriage was: ^Lucretia; ^Lucinda, d. in infancy; -^Marshall Alexander; ''Elias Rector; 'William Jackson; "Louisa Jane; ''Jency; ^Louis Taylor; 'Prudence; i":\Iary; "Martha; i James Knox. Lucretia Polk, eldest child of Cumberland Polk and Nancy (Cox) Polk, married Edmund Cearley, and had issue: ^Samuel; Reyburn, d. unmarried; -Newton Fleming; ^Mary Jane, d. in infancy ; ^Cumberland, d. in infancy ; 'Louise Elizabeth, mar ried George Babcock, no issue; "Cyrus Granville, d. unmar ried; John Brackville; ^Emma Cornelia, married Hon. Frank Marion Angellotti, Justice of the Supreme Court of Califor nia since 1902, and had issue: Frances Louise, d. in infancy, and Marion Polk; 'Charles Lalant, married Rhoda Jeanette Mangrum and has one child, Mila Alangrum Cearley. Marshall Alexander Polk, third c'hild of Cumberland Polk and Nancy (Cox) Polk, d. in childhood. Elias Rector Polk, fourth child of Cumberland Polk and Nancy (Cox) Polk, d. unmarried from the effect of wounds re ceived in the Confederate Army. He belonged to Col. Ken- nard's regiment. William Jackson Polk, fifth child of Cumberland Polk and Nancy (Cox) Polk, married Esther Woodward, and had two children: ^Thomas; Julia. Louisa Jane Polk, sixth child of Cumberland Polk and Nancy (Cox) Polk, married Rev. E. J. Billington, and had three children : ^Lucretia ; ^Ezekiel ; Julia. Louis Taylor Polk, seventh child of Cumberland Polk and Nancy (Cox) Polk, never married. He was killed in the Confederate Army, at Arkansas Post. Jency Polk, eighth child of Cumberland Polk and Nancy (Cox) Polk, married AVilliam O'Neal and had four children: ^Nancy; ^Gussie; ^Prudence; John. 316 POLK F AMI LY AND KINSMEN Prudence Polk, ninth chUd of Cumberland Polk and Nancy (Cox) Polk, married Frederick Jones and had two children: IMary; ^William. Mary Ann Polk, tenth child of Cumberland Polk and Nancy (Cox) Polk, married Charles Jackson. No issue. Martha Robinson Polk, eleventh child of Cumberland Polk and Nancy (Cox) Polk, married Handy Walker and had three children: Jency; James; ^EUa. James Knox Polk, twelfth child of Cumberland Polk and Nancy (Cox) Polk, never married. William Polk, fifth child of Taylor Polk, 1st and Jency (Walker) Polk, married two cousins, the Misses Griffith. Two sons by the first marriage. ^Lewis; ^Cumberland. Both were killed in the Confederate Army. Alfred Polk, sixth child of Taylor Polk, 1st and Jency (Walker) Polk, married, first, Irene Chandler; second Airs. Ricketts. Issue by first marriage: James; Josiah; ^Mary J., married W. W. Garner; *MitcheU ; 'Caroline, mar ried L. Dennis; "Benjamin; ''Samuel; ^Almeda, married J. N. Stancell ; 'Young. By his marriage with Mrs. Ricketts, Alfred Polk had issue : i"Robert ; "WiUiam Part ; i^Rjchard. Jency Polk, seventh child of Taylor Polk, 1st and Jency (Walker) Polk, married Mitchell Anderson, brother to the wife of Taylor Polk, 3nd. The children of this marriage were : ^Fannie; James; ^Mitchell; ^Benjamin; 'Abraham; "Eliza; ''Stacey; Jane; 'Henry; ^''Taylor. James, Mitchell, Benjamin and Abraham Anderson enlisted when mere boys, in the Con federate Army, and were all killed in the war. CAPT. JOHN POLK'S DESCENDANTS. Charles Polk, eldest son of John Polk and Eleanor (Shel by) Polk, was a soldier in the Revolution. He married Mar garet Baxter and had issue: John ("Jackie"); Jennie; ^Andrew; *Col. Wm. ; 'Charles; "Cynthia; ''Isaac; ^Judge Al fred Polk. John ("Jackie") married Elizabeth Allen, and had a daughter, Amanda M. Polk, who married Rev. Dr, R. O. Watkins. Judge Albert B. Watkins, son of the latter, is a lead ing attorney-at-law at Athens, Tex. Jennie married 1st, a Mr. POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 317 Fowler; second, John Potts, and settled in Alabama. Andrew married Martha Kimball, moved to Missouri, and later to Cherokee County, Tex. Col. William married Nancy Petty and settled at Holly Springs, Miss. Charles married Eliza beth Haynes. Cynthia married her cousin, John Polk, son of John Polk and Elizabeth Oldson. Judge Alfred Polk married Nancy Mclvor. JUDGE ALFRED POLK. Judge Alfred Polk lemoved from Tennessee to Texas in 1837, and lived to be 83 years of age. He settled in San Augus tine County, to which locality he was followed by his father, "Civil Charley" Polk, and others of the name. Alfred Polk, being a man of superior mental attainments, soon took high lank in his community. He was chief Justice during the Texas Republic, a position similar to that of District Judge of the present day, with concurrent jurisdiction in both civil and criminal cases. After Texas entered the Union, Judge Alfred Polk con tinued in the office of Judge for nine years longer. After a total service of eighteen years in public life he retired to his farm and lived quietly the balance of his days, maintaining to the end, however, a deep interest in all political affairs. He was the father of ten children, including two sets of twins. Three of his children were born before, and the others after his removal to Texas. All of his six sons served in the Con federate Army. The youngest son. Drew, was killed in the battle of Thompson's Station, and was buried in the Polk cemetery, near Columbia, Tenn., where so many of the family are interred. JUDGE ALFRED POLK'S FAMILY. Judge Alfred Polk, youngest son of "Civil Charley'' Polk (son of John Polk and Eleanor Shelby), married Nancy Mclvor and had ten c'hildren, viz : ^Charles I. Polk, b. . married Victoria Thomas ; John K. Polk, b. , d. 1903, mar ried 1881 to Mary Thomas. She d. 1909. Charies I. and Jno. K. were twins ; ^Ann Elizabeth Polk, b. , married Ben E. 318 POLK F AMI LY AND KINSMEN Smith; *SUas G. Polk, b. , married Althea McKnight, no issue; 'Drew S. Polk, b. , killed in C. S. A. during Civil War; "Margaret C. Polk, b. , married Dr. Wm. Browning; ^William A. Polk, b. ; ^Mary Cynthia Polk, b. 1841, d. , married Ludwell R. Davis, b. 1838, (Wm. A. and Mary C. were also twins) ; 'Andrew Tyler Polk, b. , married Mary Ann Simmons, Oct. 1, 1874; ^"Isabella Polk, b. , married George Smith. Judge H. K. Polk, married Ella Burleson and had issue : ^Charies I.; Jamie; =^Hallie; John; 'Carlo; "Kate; ''Mamie; ^Henry. James Y. Polk is unmarried and is a prominent business man and real estate operator at Beaumont, Texas. John K. Polk and wife, Mary (Thomas) Polk, had issue: ¦'Sudie Gertrude, b. , 1882, married Murray B. Thomas in 1905. They had issue: John Elbert,, b. 1906; ^Charles Wes ley, (daughter), b. 1886, married 1907 to Chas. Francis Soss- man, issue: iRubie Estelle, b. 1908; John D. Polk, b. 1893, d. 1901. Ben E. Smith and wife, Ann Elizabeth (Polk) Smith, had issue: ^SUas; ^Polk ; ^Eva ; *Ben E., Jr.; 'L. H.; "Nannie; ''M. C. ; ^B. B. The first three named are dead. Silas G. Polk and wife Althea had no issue. Margaret C. Browning had issue: ^Annie Robert; ^Kate Priscilla. MARY CYNTHIA (POLK) DAVIS' FAMILY. Mary Cynthia Polk and Ludwell Rector Davis had issue : iDr. Drew S., b. 1868, married Effie May Greer 1901 ; ^AVilliam Thomas, b. 1870, married Fannie B. Price 1892; ^Elias Kinch- eloe, b. 1872, married Anna Hill, 1909. No issue; ^Margaret Isabella, b. 1874, unmarried; 'Annie Browning, b. 1876, unmar ried ; "Mary Johnnie, b. 1878, unmarried ; ''Alfred Polk, b. 1880, unmarried; ^Ludwell R. Jr., b. 1882, married Hattie Anderson. 1905; 'Winnie, b. 1885, d. 1887. Dr. Drew B. Davis and Effie May Greer married 1901 and had issue: iNeUie Vance, b. 1902; ^Drew S. Jr., b. 1904; ^Kittie May, b. 1905; *Annie Belle, b. 1907; 'Wm. Thomas, Jr., b. 1911. POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 319 JAS. V. POLK, of Beaumont, Tex. POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 321 William Thomas Davis and Fannie Bernard Price had issue: James Ludwell, b. 1893; ^Mary Isabella, b. 1896; ^Drew S. Jr., b. 1898; Johnnie Adeline, b. 1900; 'Ellen Eliza beth, b. 1903 ; "Wyatt Garrett Foster, b. 1904. Ludwell Rector Davis married Hattie Anderson and had issue: ^Mildred Wayne, b. 1906; ^Edward Rector, b. 1909. Isabella Polk and husband, George Smith, had issue: iCharies P., ^Maggie; Jamie; *Dr. G. M. ; 'Gussie "Robert B.; ^B. J. ; *T. H. ; 'T. T. ; ^"Anna May. Jamie and Gussie are dead, Andrew Tyler Polk and Mary Ann Simmons were mar ried Oct. 1, 1874, Their children were : ^Sophia Lula, b. Dec. 25, 1876; John Simmons, b. Apri 29, 1879; ^Tyler Vernon, b. May 28, 1881; *Samuel Clarence, b. May 7, 1885. John Simmons Polk and Catherine B. Thomas were mar ried Nov. 14, 1901. Their children were: ^Walter Earl, b. Nov. 26, 1903; ^Leland Thomas, b. Dec. 14, 1905; ^Annie May, b. April 13, 1908; *Gladys, b. March 4, 1912. Tyler Vernon Polk and Mattie Virginia Thomas were married Dec. 14, 1902. Their children : ^Aaron Gordon, b. Jan. 12, 1904; ^Annie Blanche, b. Sept. 1, 1904; ^Margaret Ruth, b. June 33, 1909. JOHN ("JACKIE^') POLK'S DESCENDANTS. John Polk (generally called "Jackie" and also "Colonel"), was b. Oct. 35, 1798, and d. Feb. 16, 1864. Cynthia Springs Polk, b. Feb. 25, 1801, d. Aug. 28, 1855. John and Cynthia were married Oct. 28, 1825. They had issue : ^Isaac Carlo, b. Oct. 15, 1826; ^Margaret, b. AprU 22, 1829; ^Flizabeth Jerome, b. Jan. 30, 1833 ; ^Eugenia, b. July 37, 1834, d. Jan. 34, 1864; 'John DeKalb, b. Nov. 10, 1839; "Benjamin C, b. Feb. 20, 1843. John Polk's second wife, to whom he was married July 30. 1856, was Mrs. Mary S. McLenny, nee Floyd. She d. June 33, 1859. They had twins, Erasmus and Bettie Georgiana, b. July 18, 1857. The first d. Aug. 11, 1857. Bettie grew to womanhood and married Frank Hudgeons, about 1881. They moved from Parker County, Texas to Marthaville, La. Un traced since. 322 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN John Polk's third wife was Nancy Newsom, b. in Georgia. They had one child, Almonte Lee, b. Sept. 13, 1863, after her father's death. Almonte married Frank Wilder, of San An tonio, Tex., Nov. 37, 1894, and they have one child, Greta Wilder, b. Nov. 6, 1897. Mr. Wilder was born in Illinois. DAVENPORTS AND CARTWRIGHTS. Thomas Byser Davenport, b. Feb. 7, 1831, d. Dec. 11, 1863. Eugenia Polk, b. July 37, 1834; d. Jan. 34, 1864. They were married Oct. 13, 1855 and had issue: ^Mary Cynthia, b. July 18, 1856; John Polk, b. July 7, 1858, d. Oct. 37, 1859; ^Eugene Beauregard, b. April 15, 1861, d. Oct. 30, 1863; ^Elizabeth DeKalb, b. May 11, 1863. IMary Cynthia Davenport, married Matthew Cartwright, July 34, 1876, and had the following children and grand children : (1.) Leonidas Davenport Cartwright, b. May 9, 1877, mar ried Justa Joiner and had issue: ^Terrill Joiner, b. Oct. 35, 1900; ^Leonidas D., b. Nov. 39, 1902; Justa, b. July — , 1909; Jerome Broocks, b. July 16, 1911. (2) Amanda Holman Cartwright, b. March 21, 1878, mar ried Lane Taylor, Dec. 30, 1900. They had issue : ^Eugenia Polk, b. Sept. 11, 1901; ^Maria Louisa, b. Dec. 39, 1903. (3) Eugenia Polk Cartwright, b. Dec. 3, 1880, married James I. Cartwright, Nov. 8, 1904. They had issue: ^Matthew,. b. Aug. 15, 1905. (4) Estelle Cartwright, b. July 30, 1883, married Wm. Bartle Lupe, Nov. 4, 1903, and they have issue : ^Mary Daven port, b. Feb. 1905; ^Estelle, b. July — 1907; d. May — , 1909; nVilliam B., b. March 17, 1910. (5) Jerome Broocks Cartwright, b. Nov. 3, 1883, married AVilliam Preston Head, Alarch 36, 1907. Residence, Sulphur, Okla. (6) Mary Davenport Cartwright, b. May 13, 1885, mar ried Clarence S. PickereU, Jan. 7, 1909. (7) John H. Reagon Cartwright, b. Feb. 33, 1888, married Isabel Branson, Nov. 9, 1910. POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN g23 (8) Holman Cartwright, b. March 36. 1889. (9) Matthew Cartwright, b. Jan. 17, 1893. (10) Bourke Cartwright, b. Jan. 31, 1894. Elizabeth DeKalb Davenport, daughter of Thomas B. Davenport, married Dr. Samuel Miller Gladney, Oct. 3, 1881. They had issue: ^Donald Ross, b. April 37, 1885; ^Mary Eugenia, b. June 35, 1891; Jane Ross, b. March 31, 1895; ^Samuel M., b. Nov. 35, 1898. Mrs. Eugenia Broocks, married secondly M. George C. Greer.. Her children by her second husband were : ^Louis v.; John B. ; ^George C. Mrs. Greer's three brothers, John H., Lycurgus and Ben jamin Polk, were all in the Confederate army and the latter fell in battle. Moses Lycurgus, generally called "Curg," was elected to Congress from his district and died after serving one term. John H. is a prominent lawyer and business man, and resides in Beaumont, Texas. Margaret, daughter of Cynthia and John Polk, married James Burleson, a prominent planter and stockman, and they have issue: Joe; ^Carlo; James; *Pip; 'Jerome. Joe and James, the only survivors, are noted planters and stockmen of San Augustine. 324 PO LK FAMILY AND KINSMEN CHAPTER XLI. JOHN D. POLK AND FAMILY. John D. Polk (second son and fifth child of John and Cynthia S. Polk), was born in San Augustine, Texas, Nov. 10, 1839, and married Miss Elizabeth Beles, in Leon County, Texas, Nov. 10, 1857. John D. served through the Civil War as Captain of Company D., Gould's Battalion, Texas Cavalry (dismounted) Walker's Division, Trans-Mississippi Depart ment, C. S. A. The children born to John D. Polk and wife were : ^James H., b. in Leon County, Sept. 1858, d. in Louisiana, 1906; -AA'illiam, b. in Leon County, 1863, d. at Eagle Pass, Tex., in 1886; ^Benj. C, b. in Leon County, 1865, killed in train wreck near Austin, in 1898 ; *Fessonia, b. in Titus County, Oct. 37, 1869. Fessonia married David A. Blake, Oct. 27, 1886, and they reside at Lometa, Texas. Their children were : ¦'Elizabeth, b. at Eagle Pass, Dec. 18, 1887; ^LucUe, b. at DaUas, July 37, 1889; ^David A., Jr., b. at Brenham, Feb. 14, 1893; *Roscoe, b at Temple, Oct. 9, 1900; 'Alef, b. at Brownwood, July 19, 1903. Elizabeth, the eldest daughter, married Edward AA'' Pas- sow, at San Angelo, Jan. 30, 1907. One child, Edward Blake, b. Nov. 3, 1907. Residence of family, Chicago, 111. Lucile Blake married Vancourt Kelly, at San Angelo, June 33, 1909. They have one child, Vancourt, Jr., b. May 30, 1910. DESCENDANTS OF EMILY B. POLK. Emily B. Polk (daughter of "Jackey" Polk and Elizabeth Allen), b. Feb. 25, 1827, and d. Jan. 3, 1875. Emily was mar ried Feb. 25, 1846, to J. T. Childres, b. June 21, 1817, and d. Dec. 10, 1879. Emily B. Childres and husband had issue: IMary Elizabeth, b. Feb. 3, 1847, married L. F. Branch, Oct. 3, 1868; John Polk, b. Feb. 8, 1849, married Jennie Gilbert, POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 325 Dec. 37, 1874; ^Chas. Vaulton, b. Aug. 33, 1851, married Julia Matthews, Dec. 2, 1879; Joseph WiUiam, b. Dec. 17, 1853; 'James Micajah, b. Aug. 22, 1856, married Leta Kirksey, Aug. 29, 1880; "Richard Jackson, b. April 8, 1859; ''Margaret Benia, b. Aug. 9, 1861, married Frank Powell; ^Emily Blanche, b. June 31, 1864, married J. W. Gilbert, in Jan. 1881; 'Alfred Lee, b. Aug. 13, 1867, married, d. Oct. 10, 1872 ; "Ophelia Amanda, b. June 19, 1873, d. June 24, 1894. Emily B. (Polk) Childres and husband, Josiah T. Childres, b. in Tennessee, emigrated to Texas in 1837. JOHN POLK CHILDRES' FAMILY. (1) WiUie, b. Dec. 30, 1876; d. July 15, 1878. (2) Clive, b. May 20, 1878 ; married Kate Smith, Feb. — , 1904. Issue: ^Mary, b. June — , 1906; ^Smith, b. 1909. (3) Ruby, b. Jan., 1881; married T. E. CoUins, Dec, 1901. Issue : iMilton, b. July, 1903 ; ^Ruby, b. 1905. (4) Verna, b. 1883 ; married her cousin, I. V. Childres. (5) Elmer, b. Aug. 22, 1886; married Cornelia Harrell, Oct., 1909. Issue: 'VerdeU, b. Nov. 10, 1910. (6) MUton, b. March 13, 1896; d. Dec. — , 1892. (7) Eari, b. Sept. — , 1893. CHAS. VAULTON CHILDRES' FAMILY. Chas. Vaulton Childres and wife, Julia Anne Matthews, had issue: ^Inlow Vaulton, b. ; married Verna S. Childres; Joseph Jackson, b. ; married Lillian Ashley; ^Emily Jennett, b. ; *Charley Lee, b. . JOHN A. POLK AND FAMILY. John A. Polk, fourth son and child of John Polk and Eleanor (Shelby) Polk, was born in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, and was a soldier under his father in the Rev olutionary War, and d. in Texas in 1855. Shortly after peace was declared, large numbers of the sons of North Carolina crossed the AUeghenies and settled in Tennessee. John A. Polk and his brothers, "Civil Charley," 326 POLK F AMI LY AND KINSMEN Shelby and Taylor, were a part of the emigrating host, as were also his kinsmen. Col. Ezekiel Polk, the latter's son Samuel, (father of James K. Polk), Col. William Polk, (son of Gen. Thomas Polk), and others of the family. Prompted by the inherent aggressiveness of the Scotch-Irish character, the Polks kept up to the firing line of civilization as it swept over the mountains and deployed into the fertile valleys of the Tennessee region. Along with his brothers, and kinsmen Ezekiel and Samuel Polk, John settled in the Western sectior of Tennessee, near Bolivar. Though located in a fertile and attractive region, from the vast section lying between Red River and the Rio Grande, came marvelous accounts of fertility of soil and opportunities for wealth. Yielding to these influences, John A. Polk and his brother "Civil Charley," started with their familes for the new Eldorado about 1840, and located in San Augustine County, w'here he died in 1855. Like his brother Charles, John A. had married a number of years before he emigrated to Texas. The maiden name of his wife was Elizabeth Old- son. They had issue: (1) Benjamin D. A. Polk, b. Jan. 1, 1790; d. June 2, 1840. (2) Nancy Polk, b. ; d. ; married Ethelbert Kirby. (3) Evan Polk, b. ; d. ; married Jannie Miller. (4) Robert Polk, b. ; d. ; married Malvina Porter. (5) Elizabeth Polk, b. ; d. ; married Robert Campbell. (6) John (generally called "Jackie,"), who married three times. He first married Cynthia Polk, a cousin, daughter of "CivU Chariey" Polk; second, Mrs. Mary (Floyd) McClenny; third, Nancy Newsom, of Alabama. (7) Armstead Polk, youngest chUd of Benj. D. A. Polk, untraced. John A. Polk's children were all born in Tennessee, and some of them emigrating to Texas, died there. POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 327 BENJAMIN D. A. POLK'S FAMILY. Benjamin D. A. Polk, oldest child of John A. Polk and Elizabeth (Oldson) Polk, b. Jan. 1, 1790, married Sept. 26, 1816, Margaret R. Moore, daughter of James and Catharine Moore. She was b. Oct. 10, 1797. Benjamin D. A. and Margaret (Moore) Polk had issue: ^Elizabeth Ann, b. Oct. 19, 1817; d. Oct. 14, 1843; James M., b. March 19, 1820; d. March 24, 1840; John A., Jr., b. May 12, 1822; d. June 1, 1823; *Lucius B., b. June 2, 1823; d. Feb. — , 1910; ma:rried Maggie MiUer; 'Viola C, b. Sept. 4, 1825; d. July 7, 1840; unmarried; "Franklin A., b. Dec. 1, 1827; d. June 24, 1843; unmarried; ''Mary Ophelia, b. Oct. 13, 1829; d. July 28, 1836; John Thadeus, b. March 17, 1832; d. Oct. 16, 1832 ; 'Margaret Jane, b. Nov. 1, 1833 ; living at Teneha, Texas, in Jan., 1913, married George Teel one of Austin's Texas colony; "Robert Green, b. April 13, 1836; d. Aug. 5, 1852; "Sarah Robina, b. Oct. 19, 1838. Of the foregoing, Lucius B. Polk was married to Maggie Miller, and they had issue: ^Benjamin, d. unmarried, at 30 year of age; ^Matthew; ^Kate; Jane; 'Edna; "MoUie. Margaret Jane Polk, daughter of Benjamin D. A. Polk and wife, married Wyatt Teel, and had a family, one of whom, John Teel, a commercial traveler, resides at Teneha, Texas. John Teel married Alef Collins, and has issue : ^Yvonne, b. Dec. 4, 1903 ; ^Ydelle, b. Nov. 3, 1906. Mrs. Margaret Jane (Polk) Teel, widow of George Teel, a Texas pioneer of Austin's colony, living on her farm near San Augustine, near where she and her husband located in early days. Among relics in her possession, says a sketch of her in the Houston Post of November 20, 1910, is a Bible presented to her by her kinsman, James K. Polk; a large Bowie knife given by its inventor. Col. James Bowie, to her husband, in Arkansas in 1821, with walnut handle, decorated in silver, broad blade, finely tempered; and a long rifle with heavy stock, that was shattered against the door of the old stone fort in Nacogdoches, when the Texans were rushing it. 328 POLK F AM I LY AND KINSMEN "CIVIL CHARLEY" POLK'S FAMILY. "CivU Charley" Polk, eldest son of John Polk and Eleanor Shelby, was born Jan. 18, 1760, in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina. This date he gave in 1846, in his application for a pension, under the Congressional act of 1832, granting pensions to Revolutionary soldiers. In his declaration, after stating his name, place and date of birth, he says he "served at various times during the Revo lution in the North 'Carolina troops, under Captains James Jack, John Polk (his father), Charles Polk (his uncle), Oliver, Wiley and Fletcher, and Colonels Adam Alexander and Thomas Polk (his uncle) ; also served as Sergeant in a mounted Spy Company for five months and twenty-eight days, in 1814." His application was filed, but no pension was allowed, probably on account of a lack of confirmatory documentary proof, the Revolutionary records of North Carolina being exceedingly incomplete, and, in many instances, entirely 'ost. He stated, however, to his family in after years, that it never was his intention to try to collect a pension, but only to secure an official record of his services. From his declaration of service it is certain that his father, John Polk, and his uncle, Charles Polk, were both Captains in the army, though well advanced in age — probably between forty-five and fifty years old. Colonel Adam Alexander was a near kinsman of the Polks, as were all of that name in Mecklenburg. Several of the Taylor girls, of Pennsylvania, (sisters of Margaret Taylor, who married AVm. Polk), intermarried with the Alex anders, as did also some of the Polk women. All of the Alexander men by these intermarriages joined with their kinsmen and neighbors in the Mecklenburg Declaration of May 20, 1775, and in active army service in the Revolution that followed. C. G. Polk, of Tennessee, writing concerning his grand father, says : "I have heard ever since I was a boy that my grandfather, who was called 'Civil Charley,' and Thomas, Samuel and Ezekiel Polk, were the boys that raised the POLK F AMI LY AND KINSMEN 329 MRS, MARGARET JANE (POLK) TEEL, of Texas, POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 331 Liberty Pole at Charlotte, North Carolina." The night before the Mecklenburg Declaration, May 19, 1775, it is traditionally stated, was the time the pole was raised by enthusiastic young patriots of Charlotte. As stated, Charles was a soldier in the Revolution, and was twice captured by the British. He had very white hair, and by some was called "Whiteheaded Charley." After his second capture 'by the enemy, the Britis'h officer exclaimed : "Ah, my whiteheaded fellow, we have caught you again, have we?" For four days he was given no food, and was half starved when a former slave of his father's, who had gone to the British army expecting freedom, threw him an ear of corn as he passed to feed the stolen stock. On account of his agreeable manner and disposition, he was generally called "Civil Charley" Polk, in contradistinction to his cousin, "Devil Charley," son of General Thos. Polk and Susan Spratt, who was noted for his daredevil pranks. Possessed of a remarkably vigorous constitution, "Civil Charley" Polk attained to a great age. After many years' res idence in Western Tennessee, he again decided to emigrate and went to Texas, where he spent the balance of his days, and died. Most of Charles' sons accompanied him to the Lone Star State, in which had also located other Polks, some in Austin's colony. The principal one of the latter was Dr. Thomas Polk, from Indiana, son of Capt. Charles Polk, the Indian fighter, and grandson of Chas. Polk, the Indian trader, at the North Bend of the Potomac, who was a son of Wm. Polk, Sr., of Maryland, and brother of that Wm. Polk who emigrated from Carlisle, Pa., to North Carolina and founded the Southern branch of the Polk Tree. "Civil Charley" Polk emigrated to Tennessee, and thence to Texas, about 1842; had issue: Jane; John ("Jackey"); ^Andrew ; ^William Knox, who married Nancy Petty ; 'Cynthia, who married her cousin, John Polk, son of John, brother of "Civil Charley;" "Charles, who married Elizabeth Hayne ; Judge Alfred, who married Nancy Mclvor. John (or 'Jackey") Polk, eldest son of "Civil Chariey" Polk and Margaret (Baxter) Polk, married Elizabeth Allen 332 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN about 1814, and they had issue: ^AA'illiam A., who married Martha Barrett and remained in Tennessee; -Charles Grandi- son, who married Alary Ann Massey and remained in Ten nessee; ^Benina, who married Wm. Massey, brother of Mary Ann; *Amanda M., who married Rev. Richard Overton Wat kins ; "Emily, who married Josiah Childres ; "Nancy, who married Norman Branch ; ''Victoria, who married Wm. Bird- well. The latter have two children — Charles and Willie. "Jackey" Polk and all of his family, except the boys AA'm. A. and C. G. Polk, emigrated from Tennessee to Texas, going to San Augustine County, and later settling at Linn Flat, Nacogdoches County. Jennie Polk married John Potts and they settled in Ala bama. Andrew Polk and wife went to JXIissouri, removed thence to Cherokee County, Texas, and later to Waco, Texas. Cynthia and her husband, John Polk, removed from San Augustine County to Leon County. Their children mar ried and remained in San Augustine County. John was married three times, and by his third wife has a daughter living in San Antonio. Mrs. Ann Smith, (daughter of Judge Alfred Polk), who married Benjamin Smith, lives at Silver Valley, Coleman County, Texas. Most of Judge Alfred Polk's children mar ried and located permanently in San Augustine County, leav ing many descendants who are prominent and influential citizens. DESCENDANTS OF JACKIE AND CYNTHIA POLK. Eugenia Polk, daughter of "Jackie'' and Cynthia Polk, married Dr. Thomas B. Davenport, and to them were born two children, ^Mary Cynthia and -Elizabeth. Mary Cynthia Davenport was b. July 20, 1857; married July 26, 1876, Matthew Cartwright, b. Aug. 11, 1856, and to them were born ten children, as follows : (1) Leonidas Davenport Cartwright, b. May 9, 1877; who married Justa Joiner, (b. , 1879), in December 13, 1899. They have four children: ^Terrel, b. Oct. 26, 1900; ^Leonidas D., b. Nov. 29, 1902; Justa, b. July 13, 1909; POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 333 Jerome, b. July 7, 1911. They live in San Antonio, Texas. (3) Amanda Holman Cartwright, b. March 13, 1879, mar ried James Lane Taylor, of Sherman, Texas, Dec. 30, 1900. They now live in San Antonio, Texas, and have two children : ^Eugenia Polk, b. Sept. 11, 1901; ^Maria Louise, b. Dec. 39, 1903. (3) Eugenia Polk Cartwright, b. Dec. 3, 1880, married James Ingram Cartwright, Nov. 8, 1904. They are now living in Uvalde, Texas, and have one child, Matthew, b. Aug. 14, 1905. (4) Estelle Cartwright, b. July 19, 1881, married AVm. B. Lupe, Nov. 4, 1903. They are living in San Antonio, Texas, have two living chUdren and one dead: ^Mary Davenport, b. Feb. 3, 1905 ; ^Estelle, (deceased) ; ^WUliam, Jr., b. March 17, 1910. (5) Jerome Broocke Cartwright, b. Nov. 3, 1883, married William Preston Head, March 36, 1907. Living now in Sul phur, Okla. (6) Mary Davenport Cartwright, b. May 13, 1885, mar ried Clarence I. Pickrell, Jan. 7, 1909. Now living in El Paso, Texas. (7) Reagan Cartwright, b. Feb. 33, 1887, married Isabel Branson, of Coatesville, Pa., Nov. 9, 1910. Now living in Alpine, Texas. (8) Holman Cartwright, b. March 20, 1890. (9) Matthew Cartwright, b. Jan. 7, 1893. (10) Broocke Cartwright, b. Jan. 20, 1895. Elizabeth DeKalb Davenport, second daughter of Eu genia Polk and Dr. Davenport, married S. M. Gladney, and they have four children: ^Donald; ^Eugenia; Jane Ross; *Samuel. They live at Torrell, Texas. Jerome Polk, who married Col. John Broocke, had four children : ^Margaret Eugenia, who married George C. Greer, and they have three sons, Lewis V., Second Lieutenant in U. S. A., stationed at Fort Bliss, AVyoming; John H. and George Jerome; John H., of San Augustine, Texas; ^Moses Lycurgus Broocke, (deceased), former U. S. Congressman from Beaumont, Texas; *Benjamin, (deceased), married Laura Aliens. They have three children: ^Benjamin; ^Ara; 334 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN ^Elizabeth. John H. Broocke married the widow Laura Allen Broocke and they have one child, Jerome. John D. Polk, son of Cynthia and John Polk, is now living in San Angelo, Texas, and is about 76 years of age. He has one daughter, Elizabeth, who married David Blake, and they have several children : Elizabeth, who married Mr. Passow ; Lucile, who married Wm. H. Kelley; David and others. REV. R. O. WATKINS AND FAMILY. The children born to Rev. R. O. Watkins, and Amanda (Polk) Watkins, were: (1) John Polk Watkins, b. Dec. 22, 1840; d. Jan. 30, 1908, married to Lorena McCoUum. Issue: ^Edward; ^Elizabeth; spinis; Jewel; 'A. B. (2) Jesse A. AVatkins, b. May 1, 1843, married Dora Harr. Issue: 'Nettie; ^Charles; ^Archibald; *Elzabeth. Residence, Kemp. Texas. (3) Richard O. Watkins, b. Aug. 6, 1846; unmarried. Residence, Kemp, Texas. (4) Dr. William Archibald Watkins, b. June 4, 1849, mar ried Jennie Nobles. Issue: ^Genivieve ; ^Chaillie; ^Mary; ^Elizabeth; 'VA^illie J. Residence, Kemp, Texas. (5) Robert Smith Watkins, b. Jan. 31, 1852, married Murphia CoUins. No issue. Residence, Kemp, Texas. (6) M. E. Watkins, b. Oct. 31, 1854; d. Jan. 14, 1870. (7) Judge Albert Bacon Watkins, b. Aug. 4, 1857, mar ried Laura Murchison. Issue: Royal R., only child. Resi dence, Athens, Texas. John Polk Watkins and his brother, Jesse Watkins, were Confederate soldiers in the Civil War. SKETCH OF REV. R. O. WATKINS. Rev. Richard Overton Watkins, who married Amanda M. Polk, daughter of John Polk and Elizabeth Allen, in March, 1843, in San Augustine County, Texas, was a native of Tennessee. He was born near the town of Clarksville, on the Cumberland River, March 31, 1816. He was educated POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 335 at Sharon, Miss., and removed with his father to Texas in 1833, and settled first near Clarksville, Texas, and later ar Nacogdoches, Texas. He was the first Protestant minister ordained in the Republic of Texas, the Presbytery meeting at the time in old Fort Houston. He was a soldier in the early Indian and Mexican wars, in Texas. He was a son of Capt. Jesse Watkins, who was killed by the Indians in Texas in November, 1838. He lived at Kemp, Texas, and died there on May 37, 1897, in his eighty-second year. He spent his life continuously in the ministry, and was much interested in the higher educational matters of his church in the State. SKETCH OF JUDGE A. B. WATKINS. Albert Bacon Watkins, son of Rev. R. O. Watkins and Amanda (Polk) Watkins, was born at Kemp, in Kaufman County, Texas, Aug. 4, A. D., 1857. He was educated at Trinity University, graduating there in 1877. He studied law at Kaufman, Texas, with the law firm of Manion & Adams, who were at the time well known throughout the State. He was admitted to the bar at Kaufman in September, 1879, and shortly afterwards became a member of the firm and moved to the town of Athens and continued with the firm until the death of one of its members. He was District Judge of the Third Judicial District of Texas, including Houston, Ander son and Henderson Counties, in 1893, and afterwards, but has never held any other office. He has engaged in the active practice of the law ever since. He was Most Worshipful Grand Master of Masons in Texas for the years 1896 and 1897. MEMORANDA OF THE POLK FAMILY IN TEXAS. (By Judge A. B. Watkins, Athens, Texas.) Two of the sons of John Polk and Eleanor (Shelby) Polk emigrated from Tennessee to Texas, namely : Charles ("Civil CharUe"), and his brother John Polk. Both of them settled at first in San Augustine County. They moved to Texas about the year 1840. Charles, the elder, came with his four sons, John ("Jacky"), Andrew, Charles and Alfred, and also 336 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN his daughter, Cynthia, who was then married to her cousin, J^hn Polk, sLii of his brother John above mentioned. Charles Polk was born in Charlotte, N. C, January 18, 1760. He fought in the war of the Revolution, and told my father that his father, who was at the time a middle aged man, was also a soldier and an officer. Charles Polk married Miss Margaret Baxter, in North Carolina, later moved to Maury County, Tennessee, and not long afterwards moved over near Bolivar, Tenn., where he resided until he moved to Texas in 1840. He lived to be quite an old man and died in San Augustine County, Texas, about the year 1846 or 1847. He was rather a small sized man, light haired and blue-eyed, and quite active and vigorous almost up to the date of his death. John Polk, his brother, also came, with at least one son, John. My information is that he was two years younger than his brother Charles. He lived in San Augustine County sev eral years with or near his son, John, who had married Cynthia Polk, before coming to Texas, and they each afterwards moved to Leon County, Texas. He died there, as I have been in formed, about 1849, and his son John died about six years later. Taylor Polk, their other brother, is said to have moved to Arkansas, and the Texas people know but little of his family, although I am told that the Corsicana Polks are some of his descendants. POLK I: AM I LY AND KINSMEN 337 JUDGE ALBERT B. WATKINS, Athens, Tex. POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 339 CHAPTER XLII. CHILDREN OF CHAS. POLK AND WIFE MARGARET. Of the children of Charles Polk and his wife, Margaret, I add briefly as to all except John. Jane, the oldest daughter, first married a Mr. Fowler, and afterwards John Potts, and moved from Tennessee down into Alabama. I can give but little of her family history. William married Miss Nancy Petty and moved from LaGrange, Tenn., to Holly Springs, Miss. He lived and died in that State. All the other members of the family came to Texas. Andrew, married a Miss Martha Tindle, and after wards moved to Missouri, and thence later to Texas, and settled in Cherokee County. He had several children. One of them, a daughter, married James Anderson, a distinguished attorney. They lived at Rusk, and later at Waco. They left children who reside now in Waco and in Austin, Texas . Cynthia Polk (daughter of "Civil Charley" Polk), married her cousin, John Polk, and they moved to Texas about 18-40, and settled near the town of San Augustine. With my mother, at least, she had the reputation of being the brainiest of the Polks in this part of the country. Charles Polk, sixth child of Charles and Margaret (Bax ter) Polk, married Elizabeth Hayne, and moved to Leon County, Texas. I can give but the least information possible about his family. I know he had one son. He died there, and I am of the impression that he did not have a very large family. Alfred Polk, youngest child of "Civil Charley" Polk and Margaret (Baxter) Polk, married Nancy Mclvor. They moved from Tennessee to Texas with several of the other members of the family and settled about four miles west of the town of 340 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN San Augustine. They raised a large family. Alfred Polk, or Judge Polk, as he was most commonly known, represented the highest type of good citizenship. For fifty years he com manded the undiminished love and esteem of the people of his part of the State. It might be added that his good wife, Nancy, claimed also an abiding place in the hearts of her neigh bors and friends. JOHN POLK AND FAMILY. John Polk was the second child and eldest son of Charles Polk and Margaret Baxter. John married Elizabeth Allen, who at the time resided in Kentucky. AU of their children were born and most of them married while they resided near Bolivar, Tenn. They came to Texas with the others of the family and settled first near San Augustine, and afterwards moved up into Nacog doches County, and lived there until they both died. He died in 1866, at about 84 years of age: His wife, Elizabeth, died when 70 years of age. He was, like all the other Polks, in Texas, a slave owner. All of their children came with them to Texas except the two older ones, AA''iUiam A. Polk and Charles Grandison Polk, who remained in Tennessee, near w'here they were born. COL. WILLIAM KNOX POLK'S DESCENDANTS. (By Mrs. Grace Hemingway, Jackson, Miss.) Col. Wm. Knox Polk, of Holly Springs, Miss., (son of Civil Charley Polk and Margaret Baxter, of North Carolina, and grandson of John Polk and Eleanor Shelby), emigrated at an early day from Tennessee to Mississippi. In his new lo cation he became a planter, raising cotton principally. He was married to Nancy Petty, by whom he had six children : ilsabella Polk, b. Oct. 7, 1815, married 1834 to Dr. C. S. Bowen, d. 1896 ; ^Emeline Polk, b. about 1817, married Peter B. Jones, d. ; Jane Polk, b. about 1819, married Dr. R. S. Lucas, d. 1865; *Laurentine S. Polk, b. about 1821, d. at 27, at Memphis; 'Amanda Polk, b. about 1823, also died young; "AVilliam I. POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 341 Polk, b. about 1835, d. , married 1st Maggie Coopwood, 3nd Mattie E. Moore. IsabeUa Polk, (b. Oct. 7, 1815), married Dr. C. S. Bowen 1834, d. 1896. They had eleven children viz : (1) Emily Bowen, b. 1835, married in 1853 to Dr. S. P. Lester, of Batesville, Miss. Emily d. in 1865 leaving four children : iBelle, b. 1855, married J. M. Cox, in 1874, they had issue: ^LiUian, b. 1876, d. about 1894. ^wUliam, b. 1879, mar ried Lois Jackson, in 1905, they had issue: ^William Jr., b. 1908; 2Lois, b. 1910. ^Lester, b. 1884, married EsteUe Kinch- loe. ^Louise, b. 1887, married Jules Tombs in 1905, they had issue ^Bessie, b. 1906; ^Mary AUce, b. 1907, d. 1908; John Dudley, b. 1910 ; *Bowen, b. Dec, 1889 ; 'Leonard, b. Jan. 1897. ^Bowen, b. 1857, not married. ^Maude, b. 1860, married G. H. Watkins, d. 1897. Jessie, b. 1864, married Rev. R. A. N. WUson, 1893, they had issue: ^Gerald, b. 1893, d. 1898 ; ^Lester, b. 1895 ; SRobert, b. 1898; 'Dorothy, b. 1901; "WUUam, b. 1904. (2) Eliza Bowen, daughter of Dr. C. S. Bowen, b. Sept. 13, 1837, married Dr. WUbur F. Hyer, AprU 21, 1861, d. Oct. IL 1909. Issue: ^Lucy, b. Sept. 5, 1862, d. 1873. Jane, b. Dec. 21, 1864, married Richard P. Moore, Aug. 29, 1889, they had issue : ^George, b. June 28, 1890 ; ^Richard P. Jr., b. June 16, 1892; SGrace, b. Dec. 4, 1894, d. June 8, 1896; *Elise, b. June 10, 1897; 'MarshaU, b. May 18, 1899, d. May 16, 1900; "Frances, b. Nov. 30, 1903 ; ^Wilbur, b. AprU 24, 1906. ^Emily, Frances Bowen, b. March 25, 1867, married James H. Price, AprU 26, 1904. John McRaven, b. March 15, 1869, d. 1876. 'Grudchen, b. Nov. 11, 1871, married Charles V. Akin, June 1, 1893, d. Dec. 31, 1900, they had issue: iLois, b. April 7, 1894; ^Miriam, b. Sept. 21, 1896, d. Dec. 1896; ^Gladys, b. Sept. 5, 1897. "Grace Bowen, b. Jan. 21, 1874, married Wm. Heming way, June 19, 1901, they had two chidren who died in infancy. ^Wilbur F. Jr., (called "Tom"), b. Jan. 23, 1877, unmarried. ^Eric Bowen, b. Nov. 14, 1881, unmarried. (3) David Bowen, b. 1839, married Emma Kay in 1870, d. 1895. Issue: iStella, b. 1869, d. 1873. ^Wm. Bates, b. 1873, d. 1913. ^Paul Kay, b. 1875, married and had two children, and d. in 1908. *Emma, b. 1880, married 1900, had two children, married 3nd time 1909 . 'Annie Rose, b. 1884, d. 1885. 342 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN (4) Amanda Bowen, b. 1841, married Van Potts, 1865. Issue: iWUliam b. 1866, d. 1867. James, b. 1868, married Mamie Bariow, 1899, d. about 1903, they had two children. sRobinson, b. 1870, unmarried. *Bowen, b. 1873, d. 1878. 'Van, b. 1875, married Virgie Lester 1897, they had issue: iMelvin, b. 1898; , b. 1900, d. 1901; ^Aubrey, b. 1903; *Noel, b. 1905; 'Twins, b. 1907, d. 1908 ; "T. W., b. 1909. (5) William Polk Bowen, b. 1844, married Alice Bost, in 1866. Lives in Texas. Issue: ^Alfred, b. 1868; ^Charles, b. 1871; ^Cliff, b. 1880. (6) Mattie Bowen, b. 1846, married James S. Taylor, 1869. Issue :iKatie, b. 1870, d. 1871. J. G., b. 1873, d. about 1906, unmarried. ^Christopher, b. 1875. *Ernest, b. 1880, married Effie Tucker, 1906, they had issue : ^Ernestine, b. 1908. 'Guy, b. 1882 is unmarried. (7) Robert Bowen, b. 1848, unmarried. (8) Christopher Strong Bowen, b. 1850, married Georgia Mims 1879, d. 1885. Issue: lAnnie, b. 1880, married Walter Knotts 1899, three children: Ned, Elizabeth and Walter. ^Mims, b. 1881, unmarried. ^Sarah, b. 1883, unmarried. (9) Charles Bowen, b. 1852, d. 1858. (10) Alice Bowen, b. 1856, unmarried. (11) Edward Reese Bowen, b. 1862, married Rosa Eddins in 1891. Issue: one child, Christopher Strong Bowen, Jr. Emeline Polk, second child of Col. Wm. Knox Polk, mar ried Peter Jones. They had issue: (1) Laura Jones, married Van H. Potts. (2) Kate Jones, married Van H. Potts (2nd wife). For his third wife he married their cousin, Amanda Bowen, daugh ter of Isabella. Issue by first two wives: ^Kate May, mar ried Howard Harris, and had issue: Robert, Lois, Van, Karen, Lily, Flavia. (3) Marshall Branch Jones married Ellen Nesbit. He is long since dead and she lives in Memphis. Their children were: ^Anna, not married; ^May; ^Lelia, married during the winter of 1911-13, husbands name unknown; *Nina, married Dr. Miller and lives at Hillsboro, Tex., they had two chUdren Dorothy Hyer and Lutie Staiars ; 'Evelyn, married E. B. Williams and lives in Meridian, Miss., they had issue: Evelyn, POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 343 and a son, I think; "Lutie Polk, married Mr. Staiars and lives in New York City. (4) Lucas Polk, married Virginia Spencer. He is dead and she resides in the AA^est. Issue: ^Stanley Branch; ^Alma; ^Lon Neal; ^Marshall Drane. (5) MoUie Jones, married W. W. Perkins and d. 1897. Issue : ^Howard, married Floy Potts, one child, Mary Ann ; ^Florence, unmarried; ^Louis, married Louise ; *Clifl:, unmarried; 'Fred, married Ethel Fuqua; "Gladys, unmarried. (6) Katie Jones, married Marshall Bouldin. One child Marshall Jones Bouldin. He is married and lives in Clarks- dale. (7) Lily Jones, married W. D. Porter, of Oxford, and d. several years ago. One child. Earl, who married Miss Moore. (8) Sue Jones, unmarried, lives in Memphis. Jane Polk, daughter of Col. Wm. Knox Polk, b. 1819, d. 1865, married Dr. R. S. Lucas and had two daughters, MoUie J. and Baza, who d. unmarried. Laurentine S. Polk, b. about 1821, d. unmarried aged 27 years. Amanda Polk, b. about 1823, also died young. William I. Polk, b. about 1825, married first Maggie Coop- wood, second Mattie E. Moore. He had issue: ^William C. Polk, by first wife; Jessie Lee Forrest Polk; ^Frank Polk; *Allie L. Polk. AA^illiam I. Polk resided in Memphis, Tenn., and was engaged in the stock trade. SKETCH OF HEADLEY POLK. (By his daughter. Miss Annie Polk, San Marcos, Texas.) Headley Polk's father was Shelby Polk and his mother, Winifred Colburn, of Mecklenburg County, N. C. He was a grandson of Col. Thomas Polk, of South Carolina, and Mary (Shelby) Polk, grand-daughter of the famous General Evan Shelby, of North Carolina. Headley's great grandfather was AVilliam Polk, eldest son of William Polk and Margaret Tay lor, and brother of General Thomas, Capt. Ezekiel, Capt. Charles and Capt. John Polk, all of whom bore conspicuous parts in the struggle for Indepedence. Headley Polk was born in North Carolina Nov. 10, 1812, 344 POLK F AM I LY AND KINSMEN and moved with his parents, when but a child, to West Tenn essee, then a new and undeveloped country, where he grew to manhood. He was born at a time when men were tested as to what sort they were. Having lost his father when young, Headley nobly assumed the responsibility of earning and pro viding for the family, and though he had all his life longed to "go AA''est," he would not do so until he had secured his mother, brothers and sisters a home. On June 3, 1845, Headley was married to ]\Iiss Eliza Se bastian, of Maury County, Tenn., and in the fall of the same year he moved to Texas, where he, as one of her noblest citi zens, ever afterward identified himself with her interests. By his indomitable energy and great perserverance he over came the great obstacles that he had encountered, and was a success in the commercial world. Notwithstanding he was about ninety-five years old when he died, Headley was strong in body and mind; and while quiet in his manners, his Christian life and walk exerted a power ful influence upon all who knew him. His pastor, in speak ing of him, said: "It was a joy and an inspiration to be as sociated with him." WARNELL POLK. Respecting AVarnell Polk, who settled in Texas, and whose ancestry it was somewhat difficult to ascertain. Col. George W. Polk, of San Antonio, says: "In a letter received from J. M. Sears, of San Marcos, this state, one of the family says : 'Your inquiry has been handed me by my uncle, Frank M. Polk, of Fentress. In reply I am sending you all the information that he knows in regard to his family. Warnell Polk, son of Tay lor Polk, was born in Ark. Taylor Polk died when Warnell was seven years old ; his mother died four years later. After his mother's death Warnell came to Texas and stopped in Bastrop County with Jim Weaver, but left him when fourteen years old and was taken by Dr. D. F. Brown, of Prairie Lea, Tex., and lived with Dr. Brown until he married Miss Irene Myers. AVarnell L. Polk and wife had eight children. Fol lowing are their names in order, and present post office ad dresses: ^Laura G., married G. C. Eustace, (P. O. Luling) ; POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 345 HEADLEY POLK, San Marcos, Tex., at 90 years old. PULK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 347 -Frank M., married Miss M. A. Chamberlain (P O. Fentress) ; ^MoUie, married Lev. Watts (P. O. Dale), Mr. Watts died several years ago; *McIver, married B. E. Barber (P. O. Fen tress) ; 'Ida P., married J. Will Sears. Mr. and Mrs. Sears are both dead; "Ada L., married W. J. Blackwell, Mrs. Black- well d. in 1888 (P. O. W. J. Blackwell, Lockhart) ; ''C. W., married Miss Annie Hampton (C. AV. was killed in 1904) ; ^Clara Virginia, married Charles P. Smith (P. O. Lockhart). 348 POLK F AM I LY AND KINSMEN CHAPTER XLIII. UNATTACHED BRANCHES. During the early part of the past century, a great many of the Polks emigrated to AVestern and Southwestern terri tories and States, most of them going from North and South Carolina and Tennessee. Nearly all of these, presumably, have been located by the writer and placed in their proper positions on the family tree. A few, however, by reason of failure on their part to preserve or to remember who their great grand-parents were, now constitute detached limbs. Various traditions, however, are remembered by them, and these traditions serve to indicate pretty accurately their re lation to the parent stock. The principal of these detached branches, in point of the number of its members, appears to be located in Southeast Missouri, between Iron Mountain and the Arkansas line, all descended from one William Wesley Polk, who is reputed to have gone to Missouri from Georgia. The first of these heard of by the writer was one WiUiam Polk, a Baptist preacher, during the early part of the Civil AA'ar, who was murdered by three Federal soldiers. In no border State of the Union was so much political bitterness manifested, or so many people ruthlessly murdered by guerilla bands, bushwackers, and other combatants, as in Missouri. In Southeast Missouri, particu larly in the Ozark Range of mountains, these conditions ex isted to a most alarming extent. Data relative to this branch was procured from Capt. Charles K. Polk, of Iron County, a prominent and influential citizen who has filled several positions of honor and trust at the hands of his people. In response to enquiries by the writer, Capt, Charles K. Polk said: "I've long since been sure that the Polk family sprung from one parent stock. I have never yet met a Polk but what claimed a relationship with James K. Polk and Charles Polk, of Tennessee, commonly known as "Devil Charley." I am POLK F AMI LY AND KINSMEN 349 not sure of my grandfather's name,~but my impression is that it was William Wesley Polk. In talking to an old friend after my father's death, he referred to him (my grandfather) as AA^esley Polk. I never saw him, as he died before I was born. He came from Georgia and settled in Madison County, Mo. Lie may have stopped in Tennessee awhile before he came to Missouri, but of this I am not sure. He had two sons and one daug'hter. I have no knowledge of any others — John W., the older, and William the younger, and the daughter Sarah. AVilliam was the Baptist preacher, of whom you heard when at fronton during the war. Our family record was burned, and for that reason I cannot give dates of births, marriages and deaths. "My father, John AV. Polk, married Christina Yount. She was German, American born. They had four children to live until grown and to marry and raise families, three daughters and one son. "Matilda, the eldest, married James McDowell. To them were born three sons. Mr. McDowell and one of the sons died, and she, with her two other sons, returned to her father's home, James the younger boy, died about the age of eighteen. John W. McDowell, the other, lived to be married to Flava Harris. The Harris family emigrated from Kentucky. John W. and Flava (Harris) McDowell had two daughters, Ada and Matilda McDowell. After this Matilda, James' wife, and her son John AV. McDowell died, and Flava, widow of the latter, with her two daughters, went to Oregon with the Harris family and settled near Summer Lake. Ada, the eldest, mar ried Fred Foster and they live at Summer Lake. Matilda married William Barnes. "Rebecca, second daughter of John W. Polk and Chris tiana Yount, married Leroy Matkins. To this union was born fourteen children, six of whom survive. The oldest is Wm. Matkin, of French Mills, Mo., the second S. A. Matkin, of Ar cadia, Mo.; the third James Leroy Matkin, of Arcadia; the fourth Mary Ann Dunn, of Grandon, Mo. ; the fifth Benjamin I. Matkin, of Arcadia; the sixth Ira Matkins, of Arcadia. "Talitha O. Polk, third daughter of John W. Polk and Christina (Yount) Polk, married John W. Miller, and both are 350 POLK F AMI LY AND KINSMEN dead. Two children survive them, George Miller, French Mills, Mo., and Mary Simmons, of Brunot, of Wayne Co., Mo. "Charies K. Polk, was born Oct. 16, 1839. He was mar ried Nov. 39, 1859 to Miss Sarah Christ, who died in 1860. On July 1, 1861 he enlisted in the Missouri State Guard for six months, to co-operate with the Confederates. A short time after the organization, the Second Lieutenant resigning, Charles was chosen in his place. At the expiration of six months they were disbanded at Pitman's Ferry, near Arkan sas Line. He then re-enlisted in the Confederate States ser vice, in a Cavalry Company, for a term of 'during the war.' At the organization of the company he was elected First Lieutenant. They were formed into a regiment of ten com panies and designated as the Third Missouri Cavalry, Col. Col- ton Green commanding. Later they were assigned to General Marmaduke's Brigade. On Nov. 1, 1863, Capt. Surridge was elected Major and Lieut. Polk was promoted to Captain. shortly after Col. Solomon Kitchen was ordered to North Arkansas with twelve commissioned officers, Capt. Polk being one of the number, to collect stragglers left behind and to re cruit others. While in North Arkansas on his duty, he be came acquainted with one Wm. H. Polk, who had immigrated from Tennessee. His wife, also from Tennessee, was formerly Mary Emerson. Mrs. Polk had a sister-in-law, Rhoda Emer son, who had one child, Corelia Emerson, and to the widow Rhoda, Capt. Polk was married in July, 1864. During the time he had recruited fifty men and Gen'l Sterling Price had com menced his march from South of the Arkansas to Missouri. Capt. Polk rejoined the army, reporting to the regiment with the men he had recruited, and again took command of his Company." With his command, Capt. Polk marched into Missouri with General Sterling Price, and took active part with him in an aggressive campaign in that State, extending to and North of the Missouri river, and westward to the Kansas Line. Suc cessful battles took place at Pilot Knob and other points, but Price was forced to retreat back to Arkansas, finally surrender ing his army in Louisiana, after Lee had surrendered at Ap pomattox. Capt. Polk then rejoined his wife, in Randolph POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 351 County, Ark., where he continued for two years. During that time two children were born to them : ^Christiana Lee, b. May 6, 1866; John WiUiam, b. Feb. 10, 1868. With this family, in March of the latter year, Capt. Polk returned to his old home in Iron County, Mo., and rejoined his parents. For the benefit of his wife's health, he next removed to California, where, on Dec. 14, following, she died. On the same day, back in Missouri. Capt. Polk's mother also died. In Nov. 1875 he again went back to the old home in Missouri, where 'he has ever since continued to live. On March 4, 1877, Capt. Polk took a third wife, Harriet Isabel Sharp. By his first wife, Sarah Christ, whom he mar ried Nov. 39, 1859, he had no issue. By his second wife he had Christina Lee and John William Polk. By his third wife, Harriet Isabel Sharp, he had five girls and two boys, viz : ^Charles Henry, b. March 30, 1878 ; ^Hattie Rebecca, b. Sept. 11, 1880; ^'Euseba Jane, b. Feb. 13, 1883; *Thomas Benton, b. Feb. 8, 1884; 'Lula Belle, b. Feb. 30, 1885; "Annie Theodosia, b. July 15, 1887; 'Laura Mae, b. Oct. 5, 1893. Christina Lee Polk, eldest child and daughter by Rhoda Emerson, married May 6, 1890, to Lysander Ashlock. Issue: iCharies, b. 1891, now in U. S. Army; John WUliam, b. 1893; ^Richard Payne, b. 1895 ; *Iri Gerard, b. 1898 ; 'Joseph Henry, b. 1903; "Frank Dumont, b. 1905; ''Bertha Alma, b. 19—. The family resides at Silver Mine, Mo. John William Polk, son of Capt. Chas. K. Polk, by his sec ond wife, Rhoda Emerson, married Feb. 33, 1893, Laura Eliza Miller and they had issue: ^Archie Elmer, b. 1894; ^Effie Lorene, b. 1896 ; ^Raymond Otto, b. 1900 ; ^Carrie Edna, b. 1902. John William Polk was elected Sheriff of Iron County, in 1902 and again in 1904. While attempting to arrest an out law, named William Spaugh, he was shot and killed by an other Spaugh. No people, it is said by the citizens of Iron County, ever had a better or more popular officer than John William Polk. Charles Henry Polk, son of Capt. Charles K. Polk, b. March 30, 1878, joined the Baptist church, studied for the 352 POLK F AMI LY AND KINSMEN ministry and was ordained in 1900. He was elected a Repre sentative to the Legislature in 1906 and re-elected in 1908. He resides at Springfield, Mo. Hattie Rebecca Polk, fourth child of Capt. Chas. K. Polk, b. Sept. 11, 1880, married Feb. 1, 1906, AA^m. L. Boatmer, of Arcadia, Mo. Euseba Jane Polk, fifth child of Capt. Chas. K. Polk, b. Feb. 12, 1882, married May 2, 1909, Oliver Lesley Yount, of Ironton, Mo. Thomas Benton Polk, Jr., sixth child of Capt. Chas. K. Polk, b. Feb. 8, 1884, is unmarried and lives at the old home stead. Lula Belle Polk, sev^enth child of Capt. Chas. K. Polk, b. Feb. 20, 1885, married April 19, 1908, Francis Otto Thomas, of Granite City, 111. Annie Theodosia Polk, eighth child of Capt. Chas. K. Polk, b. July 15, 1887, is unmarried. Laura Mae Polk, youngest child of Capt. Chas. K. Polk, b. Oct. 5, 1892, is unmarried. John W Polk, Sr., eldest son of AVilliam Wesley Polk, also represented Madison County in the Missouri Legislature several terms, in one of which he secured the passage of a bill through the House erecting Iron County out of a part of Madi son. He was also elected member of the State Senate for one or two terms. Altogether, he served in public life for twenty- two years. Sarah Polk, only daughter of AA'illiam AA'esley Polk, mar ried a j\Ir. AA^illiams and they located at Fort Smith, Ark. Be fore the Civil AA^ar they resided at Ozark, Mo. Their descen dants are untraced. William Polk, second child and son of AA'illiam AA'esley Polk, was a Baptist preacher and lived in Madison and Iron Counties before the Civil War. AA'hen quite a young man he was married to Miss Mary Sharp and to them were born six children : William Polk, b. , (first child and son of Rev. AVm. Polk), married Miss Eueeba Hammonds and had six children, four of whom are dead. The two living are Thos. B. Polk, of POLK F AMI LY AND KINSMEN 353 St. Louis, a prominent real estate and insurance man ; ,ind Sarah Jane, wife of John Sharp, of Flat River, Mo. Thomas Benton Polk, b. , (second son of Rev. AA'm. Polk), was also a soldier in the Confederate Army. Return ing home after the war, he married Mrs. Jane Irwin, and to them were born two sons while in Missouri, AA'illiam and Mar tin. Thomas Benton and family then removed to California, where four more children were born to them, ^Ernest, Julia, ^Thomas and *Etta. Martin, Julia and Etta were married. Martin's wife died about 1905. He is a Civil Engineer and re sides at Chico, Butte Co., California. James K. Polk, b. , (third child and son of Rev. AA'm, Polk and wife Mary (Sharp) Polk), was also a Confederate soldier, and resided in Texas County, Mo., where he died. He had several children, but their names have not been secured. His widow and children still live in Texas County. Trusten Balam Polk, b. , of Arcadia, Mo., (fourth child and son of Rev. AA'm. Polk), married Fannie Blanton and they had issue: ^Hattie; ^Flava ; ^AVilliam; *Lee ; 'James; "Mil dred; ''Edgar; ^Elmer. Serena Polk, b. , (fifth child of Rev. AVm. Polk), mar ried Llartford Hammonds. To them a son was born, and the father removed with his c'hild to Kentucky after his wife's death. Fannie Polk, b. , (sixth and youngest child of Rev. Wm. Polk), married William Blanton and they removed to Cohasset, Cal. Issue unknown. Rev. William Polk was prominent during his life, both as a citizen and as a member and leading minister of the Baptist church in Missouri. He was one of the organizers of Bethel Associates of United Baptists, the oldest Baptist Association in the State, organized when Missouri was a territory, almost a century ago. Ever since that time he had many of his kins men have been active and influential members of the Associa tion. There was scarcely a pulpit in Southeast and Southern Missouri that he did not fill at some time, the earnestness of his discourses always attracting large audiences, and no trans- 354 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN action of the Civil War was more 'heinous and unprovoked than that which ended by astrocious murder, the life of this good man. TRAGIC DEATH OF REV. WM. POLK. The chaotic and troublous times that prevailed in Missouri during the Civil War, when vindictiveness and revenge were rampart on all sides among those holding opposite political opinions, has already been alluded to. Hundreds of murders were committed and among these atrocities was the murder of Rev. William Polk, second son of AA^illiam Wesley Polk, by three Federal soldiers. He lived about eight miles south of Ironton, and on meeting the assassins in uniform, they pro ceeded to rob him and then informed him that they were go ing to kill him, and asked if he wanted to pray first. He saw their purpose was to kill him, and in reply said that he had "long before made his peace with God, but he would pray for them." He fell upon his knees, and while asking God to for give them they shot him in the back, killing him instantly. POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 355 CHAPTER XLIV. CHARLES POLKE, THE INDIAN TRADER. Charles Polke, the Indian Trader, who for a number of years in the forepart of the eighteenth century engaged in trade with the Indians, at his store located at the North Bend of the Potomac River, in Frederick County, Maryland, was the progenitor of a vigorous and adventurous family that cross ed the AUeghanies after the Indian barrier to the Ohio Valley had been removed by the battle of Point Pleasant in October, 1774. Descending the Ohio with their families to Kentucky, they planted new homes in the wilderness. Some of them re mained in Kentucky the balance of their lives, but others moved on to Indiana, Illinois, Missouri and sections still fur ther to the AA'est and Southwest. So steadily progressive was the march of these Polks that in time they reached the Pacific and the Gulf of Mexico, where many of the latest generation now reside. Charles Polk, t'he Indian Trader, judging fro'm data pro cured concerning him, was one of the two eldest sons of AVilliam Polk, Sr., (second son of Robert and Magdalen Polk) by his first wife, Nancy Knox, said to have been a sister of Joanna Knox, second wife of John Polk, Sr., eldest son of the immigrants. Another son of William Polk, Sr., by the same wife, as the proof adduced indicates, was that William Polk who went from Maryland to Carlisle, Pa., where he married Margaret Taylor and moved thence to North Carolina about 1750 and became the progenitor of the Southern branch of the Polk family, which has produced many illustrious sons and daughters. William died west of the Yadkin, a few years after going to North Carolina. These sons, Charles and William, by the first wife of AVilliam Polk 1st, appear to have attained manhood before their father's second marriage ; to have been allotted their re spective portions of his estate, and then to have turned their faces to other fields for the exploitation of their talents. 356 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN Charles, after leaving his father's house, proceeded to the North Bend of the Potomac, on the Maryland frontier, where he built a trading house and residence and for a number of years engaged in trade with the Indians, being known as "Charles Polk, the Indian Trader." Here he lived and car ried on business until his death in 1753, leaving a widow and six children. He was born in Somerset County, Md., 1700 to 1710, and his brother William just before 'Or after him. In his will Charles calls his wife "'Christian." It is be lieved that her family name was Matson, and that she was a sister of Ralph Matson, who was co-executor with her of the will of Charles, made the same year in which he died. Charles Polk's trading store was one of the principal es tablishments of that kind on the frontier. In Gist's Journal, p. 140, we find that "Charles Polk's name appears in the list of Indian Traders in 1734" (Colonial Archives, Vol. 1, p. 425). On Alayo's Map of 1737 his name is marked, with those of four other settlers, at the North Bend of the Potomac, where Han cock, Maryland now stands. (Also see Colonial Records of Pennsylvania, Vol. 5, p. 760). Charles Polk and Christian, his wife, were married about 1735, presumably in Somerset County, 'but of the exact local ity of that event, we have no positive proof. In his will of 1753, the six children of Charles and Christian Polk appear as follows: ^Sarah, b. 1736; ^W'iUiam, b. 1738; ^Edmond, b. 1740; ^Thomas, h. 1742; 'Capt. Chas., b. Feh. 2, 1744; "John, b. 1746. WILL OF CHARLES POLK, INDIAN TRADER. In the name of God Amen. The nineteenth day of March in the year of our Lord One thousand Seven hundred and fifty-three, I, Chas. Polk of Maryland and County of Frederick farmer being very sick and weak in body but of perfect mind and memory thanks be given unto God therefor calling to mind the Mortality of my Body and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die do make and, ordain this my last Will and Testament, that is to say principally and first of all I give and recommend my soul POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 357 into the Hands of God that gave it, for my Body I recommend it to the Earth to be buried in a Christianlike and decent man ner at the discretion of my Executors, nothing doubting but at the General resurrection I shall receive the same again by the Mighty Power of God, and as touching such wordly es tate wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me with in this Life I give devise and dispose of the same in the following manner and form. Imprimis. It is my Will and I do order that in the first place all my just debts and funeral charges be paid and satis fied. Item. I give and bequeath unto Christian, my dearly be loved wife, the third part of all my movables and the use of t'he Plantation as long as she remains a widow, and if she should marry then the Plantation to be sold and disposed of as fol loweth : Item. I give unto my well beloved son William his horse and saddle as he claims now to be his own and 'his equal share of my Plantation when sold, and it is my desire it should be equally divided among my five sons and one daughter, that is to say William my eldest son, and Edmond my second son, and Thomas my third son, and Charles my fourth son, and John my fifth son, and Sarah my daughter. And it is my de sire if any of my children should die before they should come of age then their part to be equally divided between the rest of my children. It is my desire that if my Executors sees proper to send my sons to treads that they s'hould do it, and appoint my be loved wife and Ralph Matson to be my sole Executors of this my Last Will and Testament Ratifying and Confirming this to be my Last Will and Testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year above riten. Charles Polke, (Seal). Signed, sealed, published and declared by the said Charles Polk as his last Will and Testament in the presence of us the subscribers,Henry Stewart, John Tictin, WiUaim Gilliland. 358 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN On the back of the foregoing will was thus written, viz : June the 20, 1753, John Tictin and William GiUiland two of the subscribers to the within Will being solemnly sworn on the holy Evangels of Almighty God depose and say that they saw the testator Charles Polk sign the within as his last Will and Testament and heard him publish and declare the same to be such and at the time so doing he was to the best of their appprehensions of sound disposing mind and memory & John Tictin declares that Harry Stewart subscribed his name at the same time as a witness to the within Will and that they sever ally subscribed their names thereto at the request and in the presence of the Testator. Taken before J. Darnall, D. Com'sy of Fred. Coty. The above will was recorded in the Orphans Court, Anne Arundel Co., Md. in D. B. No. 7, folio 494—1751-4. A careful perusal of the foregoing will shows that the per son who drew up the document, in the first paragrap'h wrote the name Polk, but Charles himself signed his name Polke. The certificates of probate, made by J. Darnall, Deputy Com missary, also 'has it the latter way. This diversity further il lustrates the carelessness with which the name was written in early times, especially by official scribes or copyists. From the will of Charles, it is plain that at the time of his death, between March 19th and June 20th, 1753, none of his children had likely attained to their majority, but Sarah and AVilliam were probably almost grown, about seventeen and fifteen years respectively. After the father's death the family no doubt continued for some years to reside on the home plantation and the sons to carry on their father's trading business. Their transac tions with the Indians, purchasing furs, for which they gave in exchange other goods, no doubt gave them an extended ac quaintance with the savages; an acquaintance that in later years seems to have been of great value to Capt. Charles Polke when he rescued his family from captivity, with t'he aid of Simon Girty, the "White Indian." No doubt it was at the North Bend that Charles and Simon first met, during such trading. Later they scouted together around Fort Pitt, after Charles had settled on Cross Creek. POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 359 THE MURDER OF LOGAN'S KIN. In 1774, Chas. Polk, Jr., was living on Cross Creek, Vir ginia, (now West Virginia) about sixteen miles from the Ohio river, where Wellsville is now situated. While living there a transaction occurred that set the frontier ablaze with excite ment and brought on what is known in history as "Dunmore's AVar." This transaction was the infamous, unprovoked and inhuman murder of a party of Indians, both men and women, by a band of Christian White Savages, led by one Daniel Greathouse, who later settled in Kentucky. Like the atrocious murder of the Christian Indians at Gnadenhutton, on the Muskingum, in March 1782 by 'Col. Williamson and party from Pa., the act 'of Greathouse and companions deserves the exe cration of mankind. The Indians were first made drunk by Greathouse and then ruthlessly killed. CAPT. CHARLES POLK'S CERTIFICATE. In Thomas Jefferson's "Notes on Virginia," where he speaks of the infamous conduct of Greathouse and party, he introduces the certificate of Capt. Charles Polke relative to that event. In the Appendix to 'his Notes, p. 26, appears the following : "The certificate of Charles Polke, of Shelby County, in Kentucky, communicated by Hon. Judge Innes of Kentucky; who, in the letter enclosing it, together with Newland's certi ficate, and his own declaration of the information given 'him by Baker, says : I am acquainted with Jacob Newland, he is a man of integrity. Charles Polke and Joshua Baker both sup port respectable characters. Judge Innis, of Frankfort, stated that he had met on the road, November .14, 1799, Joshua Baker, who stated that the murder of the Indians was perpetrated at his house, in 1774, by thirty-two men led by Daniel Greathouse. That twelve were killed and six or eight wounded. Among the slain was a sister and other relatives of the Indian 'Chief Logan. Baker says Capt. Michael Cresap was not of the party. That two days before, two Indians on their way home were 360 P 0 LK FAMILY AND KINSMEN killed by Cresap and a party of land improvers on the O'hio. He had the information from Cresap." The Certificate. "About the latter end of April, or beginning of May, 1774, I lived on the waters of Cross Creek, about sixteen miles from Joshua Baker, who lived on t'he Ohio, opposite the mouth of Yellow Creek. A number of persons collected at my house and proceeded to the said Baker's and murdered several Indians, among whom was a woman said to be the sister of the Indian Chief Logan. The principal leader of the party was Daniel Greathouse. To the best of my recollection, the cause which gave rise to the murder was a general idea that the Indians were meditating an attack on the frontiers. Capt. Michael Cresap was not of the party ; but I recollect that some time before the perpetration of the above fact, it was currently reported that Capt. Cresap had murdered some Indians on the Ohio, some distance below Wheeling. Certified by me, an inhabitant of Shelby County, and State of Kentucky, the 15th day of November, 1799." CHAS. POLKE. Just before the perpetration of their infamous deed Great- house and party, by agreement met at t'he house of Capt. Charles Polke, hut Polk took no part in the bloody work. Leav ing his house, they passed down to the Ohio on murder bent. Arriving there, they procured a lot of whiskey and enticed a boatload of Indians across from the South side, getting them drunk and then falling upon and butchering them. Among those slain was a sister of Logan the Mingo Chief, who had long been known as "The White Man's Friend." After this infamous transaction, however, Logan ceased to be a friend of the white man. He took up the hatchet, joined his followers with the tribes under Chief Cornstalk, and the frontier families suffered a bloody penalty for Greathouse's infamy. Governor Dunmore called in the surveyors in Kentucky sending Daniel Boone and Michael Stoner to warn them, and on October 10, 1774, after a fiercely contested battle, the em bittered savages under Cornstalk were defeated at t'he mouth POLK F AMI LY AND KINSMEN 361 of the Kenawha by an army of riflemen under Col. Andrew Lewis. The tide of emigration to Kentucky set in strong the toUowing year (1775) and Virginia deputy surveyors who had been called back 'home in 1774, returned to their work in the West, reinforced by others. Capt. Polk, at his home on Cross Creek, grew restive and determined to follow the tide. He had a wife and two children and with them, 'his sister Sarah Piety and her chUdren, his brothers, William, Edmond and Thomas, reinforced by quite a party of friends and neighbors, set out in the Spring of 1780 for Kentucky, the party traveling together in flatboats. A sharp lookout for Indians was kept as they descended the Ohio, but in due time they reached Louisville and land ed. For a short time they sojourned at the station of Col. Wm. Linn. Proceeding south from there, Capt. Polk and party located on Simpson Creek, in the present Nelson County. Shortly afterward he built a station of his own, not far from Kincheloe's Station, the latter the principal defense in the neighborhood, and placed his family in it for greater security. Indian forays into that part of Kentucky from the Wa- bas'h tribes of Indians, were quite frequent during that and the two following years. But Capt. Polk's family escaped serious molestation until the early part of September, 1782, when a squad of Wabash Indians, said to be returning from the slaughter of Kentuckians at the Blue Licks, just after the siege of Bryan's Station, near Lexington, appeared in that section. On the approach of the savages. Col. John Floyd ordered out a scouting party of militia to scour the country. Of this party was Capt. Charles Polk. Some of these scouts were from Kincheloe's and some from Cox's and other nearby sta tions. The inhabitants at Kincheloe's consisted of six or seven families. After scouring the country for several days, and finding no savages, the militia, on September 1st, were dis banded and returned to their homes, those from Kincheloe's arriving at home late in the evening and retiring to rest. Capt. Polk, wife and four children were among those in this station at the time, but he had not yet arrived, being detained by signs of attack on a neighboring station. 362 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN CHAPTER XLV. CAPTURE OF KINCHELOE'S STATION. Richard Collins, the Kentucky historian, under the head of Spencer County, p. 724, describing this event at some length, among other statements, says : "There had been no alarm at Kincheloe's during the ab sence of the men, and upon reaching home late in the evening, greatly fatigued and without apprehension of danger, they retired to rest. At the dead hour of the night, when the in mates of the station were wrapped in most profound sleep, the Indians made a simultaneous attack upon the cabins of the Station, and, breaking open the doors, commenced an indis criminate massacre of men, women and children. The uncon scious sleepers were awakened but to be cut down, or to be hold their friends fall by their side. A few only, availing themselves of the darkness of the night, escaped the tomahawk or captivity. Among those who affected their escape, was Mrs. Davis, whose husband was killed, and another woman whose name is not given. They fled to the woods, where they were fortunately joined by a lad by the name of Ash, who con ducted them to Cox's Station." After relating the trials and exciting experiences of several other families during the attack, some being slain and others escaping, the historian goes on to say : "Several women and children were cruelly put to death after they were made pris oners, on the route to the Indian towns. On the second day of her captivity, Mrs. Bland, one of the prisoners, made her escape into the bushes. Totally unacquainted with the sur rounding country, and destitute of a guide, for eighteen suc cessive days she rambled through the woods, without seeing a human face, without clothes, and subsisting upon sour grapes and green walnuts, until S'he became a walking skeleton. On the eighteenth day she was accidently discovered and taken to Linn's Station, where, from kind attention and careful uursing, her 'health and strength were soon restored. "The situation of Mrs. Polk, another prisoner, with four POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 363 children, was almost as pitiable as that of Mrs. Bland. She was far advanced in a state of pregnancy and compelled to walk until she became almost incapable of motion. She was then threatened with death, and the tomahawk brandished over her head by one Indian, when another, who saw it, begged her life, took her under his care, mounted her on a horse with two of the children, and conducted her safely to Detroit. Here she was purchased by a British trader, well treated, and enabled to write her husband, who was absent at the time of her capture. On the receipt of her letter, the husband immediately re paired to Detroit, obtained his wife and five children, and re turned with them safely to Kentucky. After the peace of the succeeding year, the remainder of the prisoners were also liberated and returned home.'' The four children of Capt. Charles Polk, captured at Kincheloe's with their mother, were : William, aged seven ; Elizabeth, aged five; Sally, aged two; and Nancy, aged one year. A second son, Charles, was b. at Detroit shortly after Mrs. Polk arrived there. After the return to Kentucky from Detroit, seven more children, Christiana, Edward, Eleanor, Mary, Thomas, Robert Tyler, and one that died unnamed in infancy, were born to Capt. Charles Polk and wife. Captain Polk, while living in Virginia, at Cross Creek, near the Ohio, was married in the winter 1774-5 to Delilah Tyler, a sensible, courageous and self-reliant maiden of that vicinity. One tradition is that she belonged to the Virginia Tyler family that gave to the United States, President John Tyler, but of this we have no positive proof. At the date of their marriage, Charles Polk was aged thirty and Delilah nineteen years, and their two oldest children, William and Elizabeth, were born there, before they concluded to emigrate to Kentucky. There is a family tradition that Charles Polk was at Brad- dock's Defeat, July 9, 1755, but he could not have been there as a soldier when he was but ten or eleven years of age. If he was present, it must have been as a driver of cattle for the commissary department, a duty that a boy of his age could very well perform. 364 PO LK FAMILY AND KINSMEN In a letter to the writer, of date June 5, 1876, from Wm. A. Polk, of Oaktown, Indiana 'he distinctly states that his great grandfather, "Capt. Charles Polke was born in 1744 or 45 and was at Braddock's Defeat." Also that "he was a first cousin of Ezekiel Polk, who was the grandfather of James K. Polk." This is additional proof that Charles and William (the latter of whom married Margaret Taylor at Carlisle) were brothers, for their children would be first cousins. This persistent assertion that Ezekiel and Capt. Chas. Polk were cousins has come to the author from several branches of the Polks, who "got it from their grandparents," they all say. It may also be noted that Capt. Bland W. Ballard, who was born near Fredricksburg, Va., October 16, 1761, and died in Shelby County, Kentucky, September 5, 1853, aged ninety- two years, married a sister of Edward Tyler, father of Capt. Charles Polk's wife. Capt. Ballard was a very distinguished Indian fighter in Kentucky's pioneer days. He landed at Louisville in 1779, when eighteen years of age, joined the militia, was in nearly every conflict with the savages, and took part in Wayne's defeat of the hostile tribes at Fallen Tim bers, an event that terminated the Indian War. From the will of Charles Polk, the Indian Trader, and from other data, we 'have approximated the dates of birth of his children, Sarah, AVilliam, Edmond, Thomas, Capt. Charles, and John. From the family bibles and data of Capt. Charles' branch, we learn the following concerning his own family. CAPT. CHARLES POLK'S FAMILY. Charles Polke was born Feb. 2, 1745. in Frederick County, Maryland. He died in Knox County, Indiana, September 11, 1823, aged 79 years. Delilah Tyler, wife of Capt. Charles Polke, was born in Virginia, February 10, 1755. She died in Nelson County, Ken tucky, June 7, 1797. She was a daughter of Edward Tyler and his wife Nancy (Langley) Tyler, of Virginia. A sister of Delilah, Priscilla, married Abner Dunn. Capt. Charles Polk and Delilah Tyler were married in Virginia during the winter of 1774-5, and they had issue: POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 365 (1) William, b. Sept. 19, 1775, d. April 26, 1843, in Knox County, Ind. (2) Elizabeth, b. about 1777, d. in Knox County, Ind. (3) Sarah (Sally), b. Sept. 9, 1780, d. Sept. 3, 1818, in Knox County. (4) Nancy, b. about 1781, d. , in Indiana. (5) Charles, b. in captivity at Detroit, Oct. 30, 1783, d. , 1847. (6) Christiana, b. Nov. 12, 1784, d. , 1850, at "AVood- side," Jackson County, Mo. (7) Edward, b. , 1786, killed in 1814 in the army. (8) Eleanor, b. , 1788, d. , in Indiana. (9) Mary (Polly) b. , 1790, d. . (10) Dr. Thomas, b. Feb. 21, 1793, d. Feb. 7, 1873, at Gon zales, Tex. (11) Robert Tyler, b. about 1796, d. in 1844, aged 47 years. (13) A son, b. and d. in June, 1797, just before the death of his mother, Delilah. From the foregoing it will be seen that Delilah Polk died at the comparatively early age of forty-two years, after giving birth to twelve children, most of whom became noted in their day and time. DESCENDANTS OF SARAH POLK PIETY. Sarah Polke, married Austin Piety, about 1763, as they had four children, Elizabeth, Nancy, Sarah and Thomas, the youngest born Dec. 1770 at Fort Pitt. Austin Piety, it is said, was an officer in the British Army and a man of large wealth, a son of Thomas Piety, of Lancastershire, England. After emigrating to Kentucky, Mrs. Sarah Polke Piety resided with her daughter, Mrs. Benjamin Cox, and her grand daughter, Mrs. James Ballard, until the time of her death in 1835. Of the four Piety children, the eldest, Elizabeth Piety, married a Mr. McDonald ; the second, Nancy Piety, married a Mr. Massey, descendants of these not ascertained. The fourth child, Thomas, b. Dec. 1770, married Miss Mary Dun can, Aug. 7, 1793, and d. May 17, 1835. His wife Mary Duncan was b. Nov. 35, 1774, and d. 1836. They lived near Shelby- 363 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN ville, Ky., until after the birth of their last child, then removed to Sullivan County, Indiana, and later, in 1814, to Knox Coun ty. Both died there and were buried at old Maria Creek Bap tist church, about fifteen miles north of Vincennes. They had twelve children, viz : Austin Piety, b. Aug. 19, 1793 ; d. . Elizabeth Piety, b. Dec. 10, 1794; d. - James D. Piety, b. May 1, 1796 ; d. Sarah Piety, b. April 6, 1798 ; d. Robert Piety, b. March 33, 1800; d. - Thomas Piety, b. May 16, 1801; d. — Margaret Piety, b. Jan. 8, 1803 ; d. — Samuel D. Piety, b. June 37, 1804; d. Nancy Piety, b. Jan. 11, 1807; d. William D. Piety, b. March 19, 1808; d. . Susan D. Piety, b. Nov. 16, 1811 ; d. . Polly Piety, b. Feb. 38, 1813, d. . Sarah Piety, (third child of Austin Piety, and his wife Sarah Polke), is supposed to have been born about 1769, and married about 1783 Benjamin Cox, who was born in 1767 and was killed by Indians at the mouth of Indian Creek in 1833. He was only sixteen years of age, and she but 14, at the time of their marriage. They had eleven children, viz : Elizaheth Cox, b. , 1784, d. Nov. , 1838; married first Joseph Simpson, second Samuel Miller. Sarah Piety Cox, b. Jan. 9, 1785, d. Jan. 11, 1860; d. s. p. single. Susannah Cox, b. Sept. 27, 1785, d. July 21, 1858; married Col. James Ballard, of Shelby County, Aug. 2, 1803. Gabriel Squire Cox, b. Aug. 7, 1789, d. Nov. 27, 1836; married Nancy Gaston (1815-1863). Isaac Cox, b. , d. . Joseph Cox, b. , d. , 1862 ; d. s. p. single. Jonathan P. Cox, b. Feb. 18, 1797, d. Feb. , 1874; mar ried Rachel Lemen Tigert, March 6, 1817. Austin Piety Cox, b. , 1799, d. , 1861. John C. Cox, b. , 1801, d. , 1878; married Eliza Garrett, Feb. 18, 1830. Benjamin F. Cox, b. , d. , 1887 ; married Eliza beth Shepherd. POLK F AMI LY AND KINSMEN 367 Finetta A. Cox, b. , 1807, d. Oct. 11, 1872; married Elbridge Arnold, Dec. 6, 1831. Susannah, (third child of Benjamin Cox and wife Sarah Piety), b. Sept. 27, 1785, d. July 21, 1858, married Aug. 2, 1803, Col. James Ballard, of Shelby County, Ky. James Ballard was b. Aug. 15, 1763 in Spottsylvania County, Va., and d. on his farm near Shelbyville, Ky., March 26, 1849. He was a son of Bland Ballard, Jr., who was killed in an Indian massa cre near Shelbyville, Ky., in 1788, and a brother of Maj. Bland W. Ballard, the celebrated Indian fighter. He had been pre viously married and by his first wife had a number of chil dren. By his second wife, Susannah Cox, he had ten children, viz : Elizabeth BaUard, b. June 16, 1804, d. Aug. 9, 1839 ; mar ried May 9, 1822, Robert Gregory, Shelby County, Ky., who died about 1840, leaving three sons, the eldest of whom re cently died in St. Louis, Mo. Benjamin Ballard, b. Jan. 1, 1806, married twice and lived in Shelby County, Ky., until 1836, when he removed to Green County, Ind., where he d. Oct. 4, 1844, leaving seven chUdren. Paulina Ballard, b. July 19, 1807; married first her cousin, Benjamin C. Simpson, and afterwards Archibald CoUings, and d. Oct. 4, 1881, in Nelson County, Ky., the mother of nine children. Thomas J. Ballard, b. Jan. 19, 1809, d. a bachelor, Nov. 10, 1852, in ShelbyvUle, Ky. Sarah Piety Ballard, b. May 12, 1810, d. unmarried Oct. 10, 1834, in Shelbyville, Ky. WUliam Henry Harrison Ballard, b. Oct. 29, 1812, twice married, and d. April 5, 1891, on his farm in Shelby County, Ky., the father of seven children. Andrew Jackson Ballard, b. Sept. 22, 1815. His descen dants are given below. Barnett Ballard, b. Nov. 26, 1816, d. AprU 27, 1834. WhUst a cadet at the U. S. Military Academy at West Point, N. Y., he stood at the head of his class, and was a great favorite, his class mates erecting a monument over his grave at Shelby ville, Ky. Bland Ballard, b. Sept. 4, 1819, d. July 29, 1879. He was one of the leading members of the Louisville Bar. At the out- 368 POLK F AM I LY AND KINSMEN break of the Civil War he was a staunch Union man, and was appointed by President Lincoln as Judge of the U. S. District Court for the District of Kentucky. During those strenuous times he administered justice with absolute impartiality re gardless of personal danger in which he often stood, and lived to command the love and respect of all, some of his warmest friends being those who were opposed to him politically. He married Dec. 16, 1846, Miss Sarah McDowell, of LouisvUle, Ky., by whom he had six children, and d. July 29, 1879. Josephus Ballard, the youngest child, b. Oct. 23, 1823, d. in infancy, Feb. 19, 1834. Andrew Jackson Ballard, (son of James Ballard and his wife Susannah Cox), b. 1815, in Shelby County, Ky., was one of the leading members of the Louisville Bar, and at the out break of the Civil War was a staunch Union man, and was appointed by President Lincoln, Clerk of the U. S. Circuit and District Courts for Kentucky which position he resigned in 1870 ; was at one time memher of the Kentucky Legislature and declined a renomination. He married on April 37, 1848 Miss Frances Ann Thruston, of Louisville, Ky., by whom he had five children. He d. Aug. 17, 1885. His children were: Charles Thruston Ballard, b. June 3, 1850. Is one of the most prominent business men of the City of Louisville. He married April 34, 1878, Miss Emilina Modeste (Mina) Breaux, of New Orleans, La., by whom he had eight children, five of whom are still living. Bland Ballard, b. Oct. 29, 1851, d. Aug. 15, 1853. Abigail Churchill Ballard, b. June 34, 1853, d. in Mentone, France, April 3, 1874, on the threshold of womanhood. Samuel Thruston Ballard, b. Feb. 11, 1855. One of the most prominent men of the city of Louisville. He married Jan. 25, 1883, Miss Sunshine Harris, by whom he had four children, only one of whom is now living. Rogers Clark Ballard, b. Nov. 6, 1858, adopted his mother's family name of Thruston, by order of the Fayette County ( Ky.) Court, on Oct. 27, 1884. He was for some years Assis tant on the Kentucky Geological Survey, and has devoted most of his time to scientific and historical subjects. He is a bachelor and resides near Louisville, Ky. POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 369 R. C. BALLARD THRUSTON, Louisville, Ky., Descendant of Capt. Charles Polk. POLK F AMI LY AND KINSMEN 37I Capt. Charles Polk, having served as an officer in the fron tier militia, while residing in Virginia, on arrival in Kentucky in 1780, at once took rank among his friends and neighbors as a man of high courage and capacity, filling responsible civic and military positions in Kentucky, and later, also in Indiana, after he removed there in 1808. He was chosen as the first Representative from the County of Breckinridge, in the Ken tucky Legislature, 1806-7, and immediately after the expira tion of his term, followed his sons to Indiana Territory, where he became prominent in public affairs, under General William Henry Harrison. He settled in Knox County, near Vin cennes. Here he lived the balance of his days, active in all that concerned the people, until his death in September 1833. The last regular session of the territorial legislature of Indiana was held at Corydon, in December 1815. On the 14th a memorial was adopted praying Congress for authority to form a constitution and State government, which prayer was granted on April 16th, 1816, and approved by the President. In accordance therewith, an election was held to choose mem bers of a convention to form a State Constitution. Two of the five members from Knox County chosen to this convention were William Polke and Benjamin Polke; and from the county of Perry the single representative was Charles Polke. The latter was a son of Edmond Polk, brother of Capt. Charles, and was born in 1783. Three of the Polks, therefore, helped to formulate and adopt the first constitution of Indiana. Born on the frontier of Maryland, and taking part in the exciting transactions of his day, during the great struggle be tween the Red Men and Anglo-Saxon invaders of their do main, Capt. Charles Polk was schooled to 'hardships and dan gers that would have deterred men of a less resolute and ener getic character. His acquaintance with the Indian character began in childhood, while his father was an Indian trader at the North Bend of the Potomac, and his whole life was de voted, in a greater or lesser degree, to Indian transactions and experiences. His association with Simon Girty, at Fort Pitt, before the Revolution, established between them a friendship which later served him well in the recovery of his wife and chil dren from capture. That act of Girty's, in behalf of Capt. 372 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN Polk, constitutes one of the few humane acts known to have been done toward the whites by the "Frontier Butcher." SPOKE INDIAN TONGUE WELL. Charles Polk the Indian trader, being long associated with the Indians in the capacity of a trader, learned to speak their language fluently, as is attested by Capt. Christopher Gist, agent of the Ohio Land Company. In his journal, kept by him during his trip down the Ohio, commencing Nov. 4, 1751, Gist says: "Set out 6 A. M. and went to an Indian camp and invited them to the treaty at Logstown at the full of the moon in May next. At this camp there was a trader named Charles Polk, who spoke the Indian tongue well. Nemecotton, a chief, complained of the white people occupying lands granted to his father Chicoconnecon, and for which he had no pay. Said he : "This trader here, Charles Polke, knows the truth of what I say, that the land was granted to my father and that he or I never sold it, to which said Poke assented." On another page of Gist's Journal is the following : "Charles Polke's name appears in the list of Indian traders in 1734 (Colonial Archives, Vol. 1, p. 425). On Mayo's Map of 1737 his name is marked with those of four other settlers at the North Bend of the Potomac, where Han cock, Md., now stands. (See also Colonial Records of Pa.) In 1774, he lived on Cross Creek, AA'^ Va., about 16 miles from the Ohio River, where Wellsville is now situated. He was still living in Shelby County, Kentucky, in 1799 (See his dep osition in Appendix to Jefferson's "Notes on Virginia," 1801, p. 368." The above statement that Indian trader Chas. Polk was living on Cross Creek in 1774, and moved to Kentucky, is a mistake. Indian trader, Chas. died in June 1753. His fourth son, Capt. Chas. Polk, moved to Cross 'Creek, married there Delilah Tyler, and came to Kentucky in 1780, settling in Nel son County. In 1808 he moved to Vincennes, Ind., and died there in 1823. So Chas. Polk, trader, at Loggstown, was the father of Capt. Chas. the Indian fighter. POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 373 POLK LAND ENTRIES IN KENTUCKY. In the list of early land entries made in Kentucky in pion eer days, filed for record at St. Asaph's (Logan's) Station, in 1780, appears the following: "Charles Polke, by Thomas Polke, this day claimed a pre-emption of 1,000 acres of land at the State price, in the District of Kentucky, on account of marking and improving the same in the year of 1776, lying on Simpson's Creek, a branch of the Town Fork of Salt River, near the head thereof, to include his improvements. Satisfactory proof being made to the Court, they are of the opinion that the said Polke has a right of a 'pre-emption of l,-000 acres of land, to include the above location, and that a certificate issue accordingly." "Richard Connor by Charles Polk, a claim of 1,000 acres, by virtue of improving the same in 1776, adjoining land of Charles Polk on Simpson Creek." "Tho-mas Polk, 1,000 acres, on account of making and improving same in 1776, lying on the dividing ridge between the Town Fork and Rolling Fork of Salt River, on the head of a branch of Cox's land," etc. "Arthur Poak, by Wm. McConnell, this day claimed a pre-emption of 1,000 acres of land at the State price, in the District of Kentucky, on account of marking and improving the same in the year 1776. Rejected." AVho this Arthur Poak was we know not. None of the Polk family records name an Arthur Polk, but it lo'oks like he belonged to the Chas. Polk line, appearing in Kentucky about the time that Capt. Chas. and his brothers did. Wm. McConnell, who laid in the claim for him, was one of the founders of Lexington, and the tract he sought to enter for Arthur Poak was, no doubt, in Fayette County, near Lexing ton. It will also be noticed that the tracts of Chas. Polk and his brother Thomas were "marked and improved in 1776." Therefore Charles and Thomas must have first come to Ken tucky in" that year, making locations on Simpson's Creek. Four years later, in 1780, they all came out to Kentucky and per manently located on these tracts. 374 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN CHAPTER XLVI. CAPTURE OF CAPT. CHAS. POLK'S FAMILY. (By Judge William Polk.) The following account of the capture, near Bardstown, Ky., in 1782, of the family of his father, was written many years ago by Judge William Polk, of Indiana, the eldest of the captured children, and published in The Advocate, a news paper at Vincennes. William Polk, writer of this account of the captivity of his mother, shared it with her and was the little boy that they dressed in Indian apparel and styled him "the son of the chief." "Charles Polk, a young man, was am'Ong the early ad venturers to western Virginia, on the upper branches of the Ohio River. Hence we find him in his country's service in 1774, in an expedition against the Indian village on the Scioto, and again with Lord Dunmore, in his celebrated campaign in the latter part of the same year. During the succeeding winter he married and settled as a farmer near what was then called the Mingo Bottom, on the Ohio River, some distance above Wheeling, where he con tinued to reside with his family during the winter and improve his farm, in the spring removing them to the neighboring fort erected by the settlers for the protection of their families while they cultivated their farms, part performing the labor, while another part acted as spies and guards. Having had an improvement made in Kentucky by which he obtained a pre emption claim, in what is now Nelson County, about seven miles east of Bardstown, he sold his farm for Continental bills (which depreciated in his liands) and in the spring of 1780, descended the Ohio River with his family, with the intention to settle on and improve his land. On landing at Louisville, finding his land so remote and the removal to it dangerous on account of Indian hostilities, at the invitation of his friend and comrade in the days of their boyhood, Col. William Linn, POLK F AMI LY AND KINSMEN 375 one of the bravest among the western sufferers, he settled at Linn's Station, about twelve miles from Louisville. During the summer Mr. Polk was frequently engaged, as was usual, in guarding against surprise, and in the pursuit of straggling parties of Indians who infested the settlements, and by that means obtained the confidence of his associates, so that they chose him Captain in the campaign which Gen. G. R. Clark led against the Shawnee towns on the Miami that year, and he acted a conspicuous part in the battle of the Pick away, where the Indians were signally defeated. During the succeeding winter, he removed to his own land ; on his arrival he found it occupied by a small band of emigrants from Vir ginia, who had previously settled there, erected a small fort for the security of their families, and cleared some land and had raised a fine crop of Indian corn the preceding year, not knowing that it was a pre-emption claim. Thus situated, he erected a cabin and commenced to improve sufficiently near, in case of an alarm, to take protection in the fort ; 'hunting buffalo for the subsistence of his family and improving his farm to enable him to raise sufficient for their support the ap proaching season. The early part of the year 1781 passed off without any serious alarm, until near midsummer, when a Mr. Ash, who, with a large family of sons, having settled a few miles off, alone, on the frontier, being on a visit with his wife and in fant son at Capt. Polk's on their return early in the after noon, after proceeding about two miles, were met by one of their sons, an active lad of about twelve years of age, who in formed his parents that while out at work in their corn field, the Indians had fired upon them and had either killed or taken all the rest of the family; he being a little distance from them, had escaped. The afflicted parents forthwith returned. Capt. Polk. immediately, with his family, took shelter in the fort, dis patched a runner to the next fort, about four miles, to give the alarm and the same evening with a small party started in pursuit and shortly after dark they arrived at the scene of desolation. They found the eldest son, a young man, and the youngest and only daughter, slain. To their surprise, the 376 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN house had not been burned and on cautiously approaching it, they found the door fastened on the inside. Apprehensive of an ambuscade, they were about to examine, when the voice of a child inquired if it was his father and mother that had come. On their reply the child opened the door and informed them that he was asleep under the bed, wrapped in a buffalo hide to keep off the flies, and that seven or eight Indians came into the house and took off all the things they could carry with them. That when he was first awakened by their noise he was about to tell them his mother would be angry when she came home, but that they looked so ugly he was afraid and lay still until after they were gone. Then he got up and fastened the door to keep them out until his father and mother should come home. The boy was about five years old. Having thus learned the probable number of the enemy, next morning, on pursuing the trail, they found they had taken the remainder of the family, five sons, prisoners. With the force they had, it was not thought prudent to attempt a pursuit, as it might lead to the massacre of their prisoners. They buried the dead and returned to the fort the same day. The remainder of the season passed without further mischief than straggling parties hovering around the settlement and stealing their horses, which from necessity were permitted to roam through the forests. Early in the morning, in the beginning of the spring of 1782, four persons left the fort with horses loaded with salt for Harrodsburg, the next station, about thirty miles distant. Having traveled about five miles, they were attacked by about thirty Indians; fortunately but one man was wounded and he not dangerously. By instantly throwing off the loads and mounting their horses, after a warm pursuit they succeeded in regaining the fort. Expecting an immediate attack, the day and night succeeding was passed in repairing the fort and making such preparations for defense as was in their power. Fortunately, no serious attack was made. After- remaining two or three days in the vicinity, stealing horses and killing cattle, the Indians dispersed in small bands for the purpose of stealing more horses from the neighboring fort. Captain POLK F AMI LY AND KINSMEN 377 Polk, with a small party, pursued one of these straggling bands, overtook them, killed their leader and recovered part of the stolen horses without loss. From this time the remainder of the summer passed off without any serious alarm until August, but the attack on Bryan's Station, near Lexington and the disastrous battle of Blue Licks on the 19th, spread general consternation throughout the country, as no one could conjecture where the next blow would be struck. About the time the in telligence of these disasters was received in what was then termed the lower settlements in the vicinity of Louisville, ji young man hunting buffalo alone, about twenty-five miles from the nearest settlement, discovered on their march in the direction of the fort, in the vicinity of Louisville (as he sup posed) about a hundred warriors. Not being discovered by the Indians, and being on horseback, he hastened to give the alarm and in a few hours apprised his friends of their danger. It may be proper here to state that the young man above named, still lives in Shelby County, Kentucky, now upwards of eighty years of age, the highly respected Maj. Bland W. Ballard, afterwards so well known in the Indian wars and who performed a conspicuous part in the late war, at the cele brated but unfortunate battle of the River Raisin. Col. John Floyd, the officer in command, immediately started an express to give the alarm to the forts in the vicinity of Bardstown, and requesting assistance to meet the enemy, appointed the place of rendezvous nearly midway between the settlements, which were nearly thirty miles apart, on the evening of the next day, the 29th of August, 1782. Col. Isaac Cox, the senior officer in these forts, early in the morning of that day, sent an express to Capt. Polk, at the weakest and most frontier station in that direction ; and that same after noon, with what men could be spared from the defense of the fort, he started for the appointed rendezvous, where he arrived the same evening about fifteen miles from the fort. The arrangements of Col. Floyd were most judicious and prudent, as his position was such as to afford assistance to whichever of the settlements might be attacked. Early on the morning of the 30th, four of Capt. Polk's 378 POLK F AM I LY AND KINSMEN men were directed to return to the fort, for the double pur pose of acting as spies and of strengthening the fort should it be attacked. Two horsemen were directed to make a circuit entirely around the fort, so that they might discover the trail of the invaders, should they have taken that course ; the other two being footmen, were directed to take a more direct route. Unfortunately, the horsemen disobeyed their instructions and after traveling a few miles, made directly for the fort, where they arrived early in the afternoon, thereby quieting in part the alarm of the inhabitants. It was afterwards ascertained that had they pursued their route, as they were directed, they would have discovered the trail of the Indians in time to have advised Col. Floyd, so that he might have reached the Fort previous to its attack and capture. ATTACK ON THE FORT. On a clear and bright morning, the moon shining in her meridian splendor, the 31st of August, 1782, about one hour before the break of day, the first alarm to the unfortunate in mates was the war-whoop of the Indians as they assailed the fort from different quarters and obtained immediate posses sion by climbing the walls and unroofing the cabins, descend ing from the outside. One man defended his house until his wife and one child were killed, when seizing his other child, a boy about four years old, he made his escape. It was believ ed that he killed one or two of the Indians. One man and the woman and chUd, were the only persons slain in the capture. Two white men, four women, and the lad Ash, who had escaped the previous year when his father's family was taken, made their escape in safety. This promising boy grew up highly esteemed and at the early age of 22 fell, bravely fighting for his country at St. Clair's defeat. The remaining inmates, about thirty in number, were taken prisoners and the fort burned. It was known for many years afterward as the "Burnt Station." On the evening of the day of the calamity, Col. Floyd was advised of the melan choly occurrence. A council was immediately assembled to consult what course would be proper to pursue, and the general opinion was in favor of an immediate pursuit. To POLK F AMI LY AND KINSMEN 379 this Capt. Polk strongly objected, urging that a pursuit would tend to the massacre of all the prisoners, as the Indians would keep scouts in their rear, on the retreat, so that a sur prise could not be calculated upon; and that as it was, it might be possible for him, some time, to recover his family. Known as he was for his determined bravery, perseverance and pati ence, and from his amiable and conciliatory course, being universally beloved, a pursuit was not attempted. The Indians after taking whatever property of the in habitants they could travel with, set the houses on fire and consumed the remainder and about daylight retired to their camps. Soon after sunrise, they commenced their retreat with their prisoners, in all about thirty, including Mrs. Polk and her four children, the eldest, William, a boy of seven years of age, the others daughters, the youngest two years old, and herself in that situation that but faint hopes could be entertained that she could bear the fatigue of a forced march through the wilderness, and her second son was born at Detroit, on the 27th of the ensuing October. On the first day of their captivity, circumstances occurred which, though of minor importance, it is believed, from what was afterwards learned from the Indians, influenced their treatment to Mrs. Polk and her children, and probably was the means of pre serving her life, which will be detailed in a manner that may appear tedious and unnecessary. The apology is that it is given as an illustration of the Indian character, to show that even among untutored savages there are traits of benevolence and humanity that are worthy to be preserved. At the first assault on the fort, Mrs. Polk having her two youngest children in the same bed with her, immediately arose and taking a child under each arm attempted to wake up her two eldest children, but before she succeeded the Indians broke into the house, seized her two children, hurried her out, and shortly after to their camp, within about half a mile of the fort. After daylight, in looking over the encampment, she discovered all the prisoners except her own two children, from which she inferred that they had not been discovered in the darkness within the house, and been left to be consumed, as she saw them set the house on fire before they left the fort, 380 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN which added much to her affliction that she had not succeeded m wakening them out of their sleep. It will here be proper to mention that the Indian Chief had arrived in the vicinity of the fort, previous to the departure of Capt. Polk and his men, and from their hiding places had witnessed his leaving for the purpose of joining Col. Floyd. One of the first inquiries in the morning after arriving at their encampment, was for the Chief's (Capt. Polk's) squaw and papooses. When pointed out to them, they appeared much pleased that they had taken them prisoners — said the white Chief would be much disappointed on his return to find his family all taken from him. I have heard Mrs. Polk say she could observe a marked difference in the treatment of her children and others taken. On the second morning, they painted her son in Indian style, deco rated him in feathers, and some Indian trinkets, and called him "The Young Chief of the Long Knife," the name given the Kentuckians by the Indians of that day. Shortly after sunrise they commenced their march, Mrs. Polk carrying her youngest child, and Mrs. Ash, (whose fam ily had been massacred the preceding year, as I have previous ly named) carrying hers, only a few months old. After travel ing a short distance, the Indians took their children from them, for the purpose, as they supposed, of murdering them, and di recting them to march, Mrs. Ash observing, if they killed her child she would go no further with them. They rapidly pur sued their journey for about twelve miles, when they halted. In a short time, the Indian who had taken Mrs. Polk's child, came up to them and handed it to its mother, and, at the same time the two eldest came up and joined her for the first time since their captivity, which much relieved her anxiety on their account. Mrs. Ash repeated that as they had murdered her child she would go no further. Having crossed no stream of water thus far, Mrs. Polk, from her fatigue and thirst, was so exhausted that she could scarcely breathe. The Indians had brought with them many watermelons from the fort, and while refreshing themselves with them, she held out her hand as a request for a part to re lieve her thirst, which was answered by a general laugh and shout of approbation, and some ten or twelve of them handed POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 381 her slices which she divided among the prisoners around her, offering Mrs. As'h a part, saying it would relieve her thirst, which she refused by a shake of the head, without speaking. The Indians countenances immediately changed to anger; they began a conversation among themselves, when one came forward, stripped her of part of her upper garments, and in a few minutes started the prisoners, making signs to Mrs. Ash to take her child, a boy two years old and march. After they had proceeded a short distance they distinctly heard the toma hawk strike her head. She uttered a scream simultaneous with their war-whoop, and all was silent. They continued their march until near sunset traveling this day about thirty miles before they encamped for the night. The Indian claiming Mrs. Polk and her youngest child as his prisoners, being of a surly temper, proposed killing her that night, saying she could not travel as far next day as they wished to go, to which proposal his brother, of a more humane disposition, objected and pro posed to defer the council until the next evening and was join ed by two or three others, who assigned as a reason why she S'hould be saved, the circumstances of the watermelons, as re lated above. The next morning the Indian who had first proposed sav ing her life, in the council of the preceding evening, by signs informed her that in two days they would cross the big water, as they called the Ohio River, where they had horses, and she then should ride. Thus encouraged and stimulated to go as far as she could, a mother's desire to know what would be the fate of her children, the second day passed off as the first, by a rapid march, and contrary to her expectations she made the journey as the day before. The same Indian who had in terceded for her in council the previous evening, again pre vailed in suspending a decision until the next evening. The third day passed off in the same manner, until late in the afternoon, when within a few hundred yards of the Ohio river, her foot slipped in a small hole in the ground and being unable to extricate herself, she quietly sat down to await her fate, which she believed would be immediate death. Her ill- disposed master, with a slight kick and surly voice, ordered her to march. She shook her head, signifying she could not. 382 POLK F AMI LY AND KINSMEN He immediately drew his tomahawk from his scabbard and laised it over her head, for t'he purpose of dispatching his vic tim at a single blow, but his more humane brother, who was immediately behind him, caught it in his hand as he drew it back and commenced a conversation in an earnest tone of remonstrance, which Mrs. Polk thought continued two or three minutes, before he let go of the tomahawk, which the other then returned to its scabbard and passed on, while her preserver remained and assisted her to rise and proceed to their bark canoes, in which they had crossed the river in their advances and concealed a short distance up the Kentucky River, above it junction with the O'hio. He assisted her on board, and observing her feet and legs much swelled, he took his knife and ripped open her moccasins, which they had given her to put on at the commencement of the journey, and which, on account of the swelling, could not be gotten off in any other way. On taking them off, her toe nails came off with a long portion of the skin on the bottom of her feet, which appeared to excite the sympathy of the Indians in the canoe. He then directed her to bathe her feet by pour ing water on them while crossing. Having crossed over, he assisted her up the bank and brought her child and blanket to her ; then went and brought some oil, or rather, marrow, pro cured from the bones of buffaloes, which a few Indians who had been left to hunt and take care of the canoes had procured, and directed her to rub her feet with the marrow. He then handed her a large, soft pair of moccasins to put on, after which he said she could sleep and would be better in the morn ing. From her pain and sufferings, she had but little hopes of living to see the morning light, but to satisfy the kind In dian who appeared to take such an interest in preserving her life, she did as he directed, and, contrary to her expectations, the remedies applied so far relieved her that, for the first night during her captivity, she slept soundly and was so far relieved that I, lor many years afterwards, often heard her declare that the whole scene of that afternoon and night still appeared to her a most extraordinary and miraculous interpo sition of divine goodness for her preservation. On the same evening, the Indians held another council to POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 383 decide on her fate, believing that she could not live to travel to their villages. At this council an elderly Indian who had not before interfered was the first to object, saying she had lived and traveled so far that he believed the Great Spirit would not permit them to kill her and if they attempted it he would be angry with them and they could not prosper. Be ing j'oined by others, his advice prevailed and from this time they gave over all thought of killing her under any circum stances. This day being the fourth of their captivity, they traveled but a few miles before they arrived at a camp, where a few old men had remained to hunt during their absence on their war excursion, where they remained the balance of this day ; and here were the horses which had been named to Mrs. Polk as an encouragement for her to pursue the journey. From this point, the next morning being the fourth of Sep tember, the Indians separated into small bands for the con venience of hunting for their support on their journey, Mrs. Polk and her two youngest children being attached to one band and her eldest two belonging to another, they were sep arated, much to the grief of the afflicted mother. The party with Mrs. Polk proceeded to their villages on the Auglaize River, where they arrived on the tenth of Sep tember, where, after remaining four days, they started for De troit with their prisoners, retaining the youngest daughter, as they informed her, to raise as one of their own squaws, which much increased her grief. At the Rapids of the Miami, or Roche de Bout as it was called, they rested one day. Here was a trader from Detroit, who had been acquainted with Capt. Polk previous to the commencement of the Revolutionary AVar, to whom the Indians related the result of their council in determining on Mrs. Polk's case, who informed her there of and pointed out to her the Indian who so eloquently plead in her behalf at the last council. While waiting here the Indians came up with Mrs. Polk's son, having disposed of her daughter to the Shawnees at one of their villages in the vicin ity of Piqua, on the Great Miami, she having been taken sick; and, as they said, they were afraid she would die on the jour ney and they would get nothing for her. From here they proceeded to Detroit, where they arrived about the 25th of 384 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN September, and gave up such prisoners as they brought with them to Col. De Peyster, the commander of the British forces at that point, who treated them with the kindest attention and humanity. In his speech to the Indians, he strongly insisted on their bringing in such prisoners as they had retained, nam ing in particular Mrs. Polk's two children, which they had sep arated from their mother and strongly remonstrated against their practice of murdering women and children. Such was Col. De Peyster's general character for benevolence and humanity, that the prisoners compared him to a kind and in dulgent parent in his treatment to his children. A comfortable house was provided for Mrs. Polk and her two children, in comm'on with a small and excellent family of prisoners who had been taken by Col. Bird in his celebrated expedition against Ruddell's and Martin's Stations in Ken tucky in the year 1780, where she lived as comfortably as the nature of the case would permit. But the situation of her two children left with the Indians, her anxiety on their account, and her sufferings and exposure on the journey, had much impaired her health, so that fears were entertained for her life. But a short time after her ar rival, on the 27th of October, her second son was born, after which her attention to her infant so engrossed her mind, to gether with the assurance of Col. De Peyster, the commander, and Col. McKee, the Superintendent of the Indian Department, that they would procure the release of her children from the Indians, she became more reconciled to her situation and her health improved. By industry and economy with the use of her needle, she was supplied with provisions by the British Government. She lived mudh more comfortably during the winter than could have been anticipated. Early in the spring messengers were dispatched to the Indian country by Colonels DePeyster and McKee, in search of her children and such others of the prisoners as the Indians had retained, and on the first of July she had the pleasure of receiving her children un der her own maternal care, where we will leave them in the full enojyment of their happiness for the present and return to Capt. Polk. No immediate pursuit of the Indians having been at- POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 385 tempted, fearing it would lead to a massacre of the prisoners, Capt. Polk, with a few friends about ten days afterwards, fol lowed on the trails with a view of ascertaining, if practicable, the fate of the prisoners. He found the remains of three child ren and Mrs. Ash, who were the only prisoners murdered after they left the fort. From the decayed teeth, he was enabled satisfactorily to ascertain that it was not Mrs. Polk who had been murdered. General George Rogers Clark having determined on a campaign against the Shawnee villages on the Great Miami, Capt. Polk was among the first to approve of the measure and he commanded a company in that expedition. The Indians having discovered the advance of Gen. Clark's army, a few miles from their villages, fled without making any resistance, so that but few were either killed or taken prisoners. Detach ments were sent in pursuit to destroy the different villages and their corn and vegetables, being the only method whereby they could be made to feel the distress of war. Capt. Polk took an active part in these excursions, in hopes of recovering some of his family, but was disappointed; a few prisoners were taken and their villages destroyed. In one of these excursions, Col. McKee, the Superintendent of the Indian Department, narrowly escaped being captured, as he afterwards informed Capt. Polk, when at Detroit after his family. On the return of Gen. Clark to his headquarters at Louis- villy, Ky., he was advised there were strong hopes during the winter of peace being confirmed. He immediately dis.patched a messenger with a flag, accompanied by one of his Indian prisoners, with a letter to Col. McKee, proposing an exchange of pris'oners; first of all to release Capt. Polk's family; after wards such other prisoners as Col. McKee might select. Capt. Polk's family, not being under Indian control, he could not comply wil^ Gen. Clark's request. He detained the messenger until he could send a letter by express to Col. De Peyster, the commander at Detroit, who, on receipt of the letter, immedi ately sent for Mrs. Polk, communicated to her the intelligence received, and the contents of Gen. Clark's letter, at the same time informing her that he could not accede to his proposal for her and her family to return to the Indian country, as she 386 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN was now safe, and he could not trust the Indians; and should any accident happen he would be blamed, and should himself feel as if he had been accessory to the massacre of her and her children; that he fully believed peace would be restored during the ensuing summer and that Capt. Polk could then safely come for his family; that he would then with pleasure render him the necessary assistance, and advised her to write to her husband and the letter should be sent with his own to General Clark. Mrs. Polk then named a general order that had been re cently issued, directing all the prisoners at that fort to prepare to proceed by the first conveyance to Niagara, on their return to their own country, stating that those who remained behind would not be supplied with provisions from the King's stores, and informed him she could not possibly support herself and children by her own labor. He then assured her she need have no fears on that account, as the general order was in tended for the idle and dissolute among the prisoners, of which he was sorry to say there were too many, and not to drive off helpless women and children. He again assured her that he would send into the Indian country and have her children brought in and given up to her, all of which promises he punctually performed. Mrs. Polk, as advised, wrote to her husband, which conveyed to him the first certain intelligence of the situation of his family. Early in the spring. Col. De Peyster was advised of peace, and was instructed to restrain Indian hostilities on the frontier settlements, and so far succeeded that they were peaceable during the year. In the summer following the capture of his family, Capt. Polk ascended the Ohio River to obtain some assistance from his friends, who 'had promised him aid in recovering his family. And as the safer route to Detroit was through the Indian country, he procured a pass port, which was indispensably necessary, from Gen. Irwin, who then commanded at Pittsburg. In company with Jona than Zane, of Wheeling, Va., as his guide, they proceeded through the wilderness to Upper Sandusky, to the residence of the celebrated Simon Girty, so well known at that day as the most active partisan leader of the Indians in their wars on POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 387 the frontier settlements. They were received with friendship by Girty, and treated with Indian hospitality for two days, while they remained at Sandusky. Mr. Zane had been the guide the preceding year, to , the unfortunate expedition of Col. Crawford, whose melancholy fate at the time excited so much sympathy throughout the country. After conversing freely with Mr. Zane on the subject, Girty advised him (as it was generally known among the Indians that 'he had been the guide to Col. Crawford) not to proceed any further, but to return immediately, as in his opinion it would not be safe to travel through the Indian country, and promised to send a trusty Indian as a guide with Capt. Polk to Detroit, and would be responsible for his safety. On the third morning after their arrival at Sandusky, they separated ; Mr. Zane to return home, and Capt. Polk, in company with his Indian guide, pursued his journey to De troit, where he safely arrived, the tenth of October, and where he had the satisfaction of meeting all of his family in good health, thirteen months and a few days from the date of their captivity. The humane and benevolent Col. De Peyster reluctantly consented to grant Capt. Polk's passport to return through the Indian country, fearing he might be interrupted by hunt- i.ng parties of Indians he might encounter on his journey. At the earnest request of Capt Polk, he consented, sending a con fidential officer as far as Sandusky, with a speech to the AVyandotte chiefs, to warn their young men not to miolcst them while passing through their country. Many other pris oners wished to accompany him on his return, but the cnn- mander would not permit any except t'he family of Mr. Whitv=, who had resided in the same house with Mrs. Polk, and three small daughters were taken, and the son of the only man killed at the taking of the fort, whose wife escaped in com pany with the widow lady above named, leaving her ih.ree small children who were taken ; the two youngest were mur dered after they had left the fort, which children Col. De Pey ster put under his care to convey to their parents, furnishing them with good clothing, and making a present of a horse and saddle to the eldest daughter, about eleven years of age, who 388 PO LK FAMILY AND KINSMEN had lived in his family and been treated as one of his own chUdren. On the loth of October, Capt. Polk commenced his journey on his return. At Sandusky he remained two days, waiting for Thomas Girty, a brother of Simon, who was on a visit to his brother, as it was believed his company would add to the safety of the party. As a further precautionary mat ter, he employed an aged Delaware Indian as a guide, and a younger relation of the old man as a hunter. From Sandusky Simon Girty accompanied them a few miles, passing over the battlefield of the late lamented Col. Crawford, pointing out the different movements of the enemy, saying that had Col. Crawford continued the pursuit ten minutes longer, at the commencement of the battle, he would have defeated them, as at the time he stopped the advance troops (which he did, fearing an ambuscade), the Indians were about commencing a general retreat. The writer has a perfect recollection of this conversation, though only eight years of age at that time. No particular accident happened on the journey through the wilderness, but their progress was slow and fatigueing, as the children that were of sufficient ability had to walk. Early in November he arrived among his friends, who resided near the Ohio River, in what is now Brook County, Virginia, and prepared for descending the same, and safely landed at Louis ville, Ky., on the evening of the 24th of December, 1783. From thence he removed to his late cabin, which, being some dis tance from the fort, had escaped conflagration. Having by the captivity of his family, expenses in recovering them, and the destruction of his property, been reduced to poverty, he had to sell the largest portion of his land for what it would bring to enable 'him to commence again as a farmer. And having received no compensation for his services, as Captain in the two expeditions under Gen. Clark, and at that time in the West, there being but little expectation of ever receiving any thus situated, he assigned his claims on the Government for $200 or $220 worth of goods, at an extrava gant price, being all he ever received in a pecuniary point of view, for all his services and sufferings for his country; yet POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 389 none rejoiced more in her independence, or complained less of the hardships endured. By industry and frugality, he lived to raise a large family of children, who with their descendants, chiefly reside in the States of Indiana and Ken tucky. Mrs. Polk died at the birth of her twelfth child, in Shelby County, Kentucky, on the 7th day of June, 1797. Capt. Polk kept his family together, until several of the eldest children married and removed to Indiana, where he followed them, living among his children as a patriarch of old, beloved and respected by all his acquaintances, and died as he had lived, with Christian resignation and composure on September 11, 1823, in the 76t'h year of his age. I have often regretted that more has not been preserved of the early history of the frontier portion of our country. At the request of some friends I have been induced to furnish a plain and unvarnished tale of the captivity of my father's family, as a tribute of respect to my revered parents, and as a drop in the bucket added to the general history of the privations and sufferings of the western pioneers. WILLIAM POLK. 390 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN CHAPTER XLVIL JUDGE WILLIAM POLK, SON OF CAPT. CHAS. POLK. The descendants of Capt. Charles Polk and his wife, Delilah Tyler, constitute one of the most numerous branches of the Polk family and they are, and have been, residents of nearly every State and Territory in the Middle West and Trans-Mississippi States and Territories. And wherever found they are generally people of prominence, socially and otherwise. Judge WiUiam Polk eldest of the four chUdren captured with their mother at Kincheloe's Station in Nelson County, in 1782, and who left the foregoing account of that event, was born on Cross Creek, Virginia (now West Virginia), Septem ber 19, 1775, a year notable in the annuals of America. Judge William Polk was therefore five years of age when Capt. Charles Polk, his father, moved from Cross Creek, Va., to Kentucky; and, from the cradle on through a great part of his life, he was in constant contact with Indians and frontier civilization. He and his little sister Elizabeth were the only children of their parents at the time they left Virginia, the others all being born in Kentucky. As William grew to manhood he was given advantage of the best schools in Nel son County and he was an industrious pupil. After reaching manhood, he studied law and was admitted to practice. In the War of 1812 he commanded a company in Major Touissant Dubois' battalion of Kentucky Mounted Spies, and his brother, Thomas, was a member of his company. Born and raised on the border, they were well equipped for such service against the savages. Settling in Knox County, Indiana, Capt. William Polk soon rose to prominence among the people, by reason of his talents and military services. He is said to have taken part in the battle of Tippecanoe in 1811, and his gallant brother- in-law, Capt. Spier Spencer, who had married his sister, Elizabeth, fell in that hard-fought engagement. P 0 LK F AMI LY AND KINSMEN 391 Indiana was admitted into the Federal Union as a State in 1816. To the convention which formed the constitution of the new State, composed of leading men from each county, Knox County sent John Johnson, John BadoUet, John Bene- field, Capt. WUliam Polke, and Benjamin Polke. Perry County sent one representative. Rev Charles Polke, son of Edmond Polke, and also an officer in the Indian War. Speak ing of these representatives Dunn's Indiana edition of "Amer ican Commonwealths" Series, says : "The Knox County del egation was the strongest of all in ability, and though it was in a hopeless minority on the party questions that divided the convention, it did a large part of the convention work and was entitled to much of the credit for the result." JUDGE WILLIAM POLK AND FAMILY. Judge William Polk, eldest son of Capt. Charles Polk (and also eldest of the four children captured with their mother in Kentucky in 1782), died in Knox County, Indiana, April 26, 1843. In 1806 he moved from Nelson County Ken tucky to Knox County. His first wife is said to have been Sally Ashby, of Kentucky, and his second Sarah Cooper: By the latter he had: ^Delilah, b. , d. .married Hans- brough; ^Esther, b. , d. , married H. D. W'heeler; ^Susan, b. , d. , married G. Lindsay; ^Cynthia, b. d. , married W. D. Shepherd; 'Adam G. Polk, b. d. , married Caroline Burnside ; "Nancy, b. , d. married Hyacinthe Lasalle Jr. ; ''Polly b. 1810, d. Jan. 11, 1892 married Judge Jno. B. Niles of Laporte, Ind.; ^Benjamin b. , d. , family untraced. (Benjamin was a member of the Constitutional Convention of 1816.) ; ^Wm. Tyler b. , d. , family untraced; ^"Christiana, b. , d. married Dr. Andrews ; ^^Eleanor, b. , d. , untraced. Judge William Polk was a man of distinguished ability, of great influence among his fellows, and stood in the highest esteem with all who knew him. He was also one of the commissioners of the Michigan Road, and was Register of the Land Office at Fort Wayne at the time of his death. The information furnished to the author about Judge Wm. Polk's marriage is somwhat conflicting. One statement 392 P 0 LK FAMILY AND KINSMEN is that he first married Sallie Ashby, in Nelson County, Ken tucky. Another is that he married Sarah Cooper. It is pos sible that he married both of them. Miss Ashby, first, Miss Cooper last. ELIZABETH (POLK) SPENCER. Capt. Spier Spencer, b. , was killed Nov. 7, 1811, at the battle of Tippecanoe. His wife, Elizabeth (Polk) Spencer (a daughter of Capt. Charies Polk and Delilah (Tyler) Polk), was born at Cross Creek, Va., in 1777 and when a child of three years came with her parents to Kentucky, settling in Nelson County, on Simpson's Creek, where she, her brother, William, her sisters Sally and Nancy, and her mother, were captured by Indians, Sept. 1, 1782, and carried to Detroit. Elizaheth was horn, raised and married on the frontier, and all her early life was in contact with Indians. She essen tially was a "frontier maiden," and growing to womanhood in Kentucky, was married at sixteen years of age, Feb. 12, 1793, to Spier Spencer, of Nelson County member of a prominent family of that neighborhood. Between the years of 1800 and 1810, nearly all of the children and near kinsmen of Capt. Charles Polk emigrated to Indiana, most of them settling in Perry and Knox Counties, and at other points adjacent. The greater part of them settled in the latter county, near Vincennes, at that time the chief military post on the frontier. With Capt. Charles Polk and children also went Spier Spencer and wife, and all of the family took prominent parts in the affairs of the Territory up to and including its admis sion as a State in 1816. General Wm. Henry Harrison was the Governor and Military Commander of the Territory during that period, and around him were gathered the ablest and bravest of the pio neers. Among these were Capt. Charles Polk, his several sons, and his sons-in-law, Capt. Spier Spencer and Capt. Wm. Bruce. These two latter, together with several of Capt. Charles Polk's sons, took part in the battle of Tippecanoe, Nov. 7, 1811 — the real beginning of the War of 1813 — and in that fierce conflict Capt. Spencer was killed while fighting POLK F AMI LY AND KINSMEN 393 with great gallantry at the head of his rifle company. So conspicuous were his services that the counties of Spencer, in Kentucky and in Indiana, were named in his 'honor. This battle was a crushing defeat of the savages, led by The Prophet, who, with his brother, Tecumseh, was then en gaged in organizing a great coalition of the savages, North and South, with the view of expelling the whites from all parts of the West. In this battle, besides a few United States troops and the Indiana Militia companies, were a number of men from Ken tucky under Col. Joseph Hamilton Daviess, and this gallant officer also fell a short distance from where Capt. Spencer was killed, after being twice wounded and trying to rise again. Richard Collins, the Kentucky historian, speaking of the gallant conduct of Capt. Spencer, under the head of Spencer County, says : "This county was named in honor of Capt. Spier Spencer, a young man of ardent patriotism and undaunted courage, who fell at the head of his company in the battle of Tippecanoe. He commanded a fine rifle company in that severe engage ment, and occupied a most exposed position. In the midst of the action, he was wounded on the head, but continued at his post, and exhorted his men to fight on. Shortly after he re ceived a second ball, which passed through both thighs and he fell, but still resolute and unyielding, he refused to be car ried from the field, and urged his men to stand to their duty. By the assistance of one of his men he was raised to a sitting posture, when he received a third ball through his body, which instantly killed him. Both of his Lieutenants, Messrs. Mc- Mahan and Berry, were also killed. Capt. Spencer was a warm friend and bosom companion of the gifted and gallant Daviess, who perished with him in the battle." Col. Joseph Hamilton Daviess was a former citizen of Lexington, Ky., and a fine portrait of him, executed by a dis tinguished artist, hangs in the Masonic Lodge in that city. General Harrison, in his accounts of the intrepidity of the savages at Tippecanoe, said: "The Indians manifested a ferocity uncommon even in them." By the death of Capt. Spier Spencer, his wife, Elizabeth, 394 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN was left to the sole care and raising of a family of eight chUd ren, who grew to manhood and womanhood and became highly respected and most worthy citizens, uniting in marriage with some of the best people in the state. CHILDREN OF CAPT. SPIER SPENCER. By his wife, Elizabeth Polk, Capt. Spencer had the fed- lowing issue: ^George, b. , d. , married ; ^William, b. , d. married Caroline Bell; James, b. , d. , married; ^Nancy, b. March 15, 1794, d. , married Daniel Bell, Dec. 34, 1811; 'Jane, b. , d. , married MUo R. Davis ; "Matilda b. , d. , married General and United States Senator John B. Tipton; 'Delilah, b. , d. , mar ried James B. Slaughter; ^Sarah, b. Jan. 12, 1809, d. July 3, 1885, married Geo. P. R. Wilson, a son of Joshua WUson of Kentucky, who settled at Corydon, prior to 1816. Delilah Spencer and James B. Slaughter hal the following children: ^William, b. , d. , married Caroline Pell; ^Priscilla, b. , d. , married Golden; ^Sarah, b. . d. , married Samuel J. Wright They had two children that Hved, James E. and Sarah Wright. James E. married Miss Didelotte and Sarah marriad David M. Rowland. The latter had but one child, Mary Rowland, who married William C. Adams of Corydon. Thomas C. Slaughter married Katherine Jordan and has issue: James L. married Lillian Le Mon; ^Harriet married Andrew M. Jones; ^Clara married William B. demons; *Kate married Harry McGrain. Sarah Spencer, by her husband, Geo. P. R. Wilson, had issue : James S. married Jane Davis ; -Mary E. married Sam uel J. Wright (his second wife, the first being Sarah Slaugh ter) ; Joshua T. married Mary G. Jordan ; *George S. married Sarah Burnett; 'Rosa married Charles H. Reader; "Fanny and Kitty are unmarried. Joshua T. Wilson and Mary C. Jordan had issue: ^Carrie; -Lennie ; ^Thomas J. ; ^Tilla ; 'Kate ; "Otway D. ; Jennings B. ; ^Sidney C. ; "George S. ; i"Bertha. Only Thomas J., TiUa, Otway D., Jennings B. and George S. are living. POLK F AM I LY AND KINSMEN 395 SALLY (POLK) BRUCE'S DESCENDANTS. James Bruce, accompanied by his brother, George, came from Scotland to America in 1745, and settled at AA^inchester, A''a. His wife's maiden name was Margaret McMahon. From Winchester they moved to the North Branch of the Potomac, in Maryland, where a large family was born to them. One of the sons, William Bruce, married Mrs. Polly (Lucas) Perciful. Soon after marriage William moved to the Monongahela, set tling at the mouth of Peter's Creek — "the new store" — now Elizabethtown. Indians prowled throughout that region and forts were the refuge of the people generally, being the only place of safety. During the Revolutionary War, William was frequently called on to perform military service. He was stationed at a place called Catfish (named for an Indian Chief) near Red stone. He occupied the position of Lieutenant in a company of frontier militia. His next service was under General George Rogers Clark, commanding a company under that great sol dier in the Illinois campaign of 1777, by which campaign all the territory between the Lakes, the Ohio and the Mississippi were transferred to the American flag. He was still in the service at Louisville in 1784. Leaving Kentucky, Major AVm. Bruce took part under Harrison, as did his brother-in-law, Capt. Spier Spencer and several of the Polks, in the battle of Tippecanoe. Major Bruce was married October 23, 1798, to Sally Polk, third child of Capt. Charles Polk and his wife, Delilah Tyler, of Nelson County, Kentucky, and died April 23, 1855, at Bruce- ville, Ind., leaving many descendants. By his first wife, Sallie Polk, he had twelve children, and also a number by his second wife Hettie Richie Holmes. CHILDREN OF CAPT. WM. BRUCE AND WIFE. (1) Charles Bruce, b. , d. , married first Ange- line AVright, of Ohio, by whom he had three children. His second wife was Nancy P. Harrison, of Montgomery County, by whom he had ten children. 396 P 0 LK FAMILY AND KINSMEN (2) WUliam D., b. , d. , married Betsy Polk. They had six children. (3) Delilah, b. , d. , married Rachael Chambers, by whom he had nine children. His second wife was the Widow Light. (5) Mary (Polly), b. , d. , married Squire Bruce, of Ogle County, Illinois. Twelve children. (6) Elizabeth (Betsy) Bruce, b. , d. , married John La FoUette, Putnam County, Ind., twelve children. (7) Lucinda b. Feb. 7, 1809, d. Feb. 21, 1870, married John Henderson Scroggin, of Knox County, Indiana, and they had six children. The Scroggins moved from Kentucky to Indi ana. Joseph Hamilton, b. May 17, 1836, d. ; ^William Bruce, b. Sept. 3, 1838, d. June 4, 1857; ^Henry Harrison, b. Sept. 11, 1840, d. ; *Geo. WUson, b. May 5, 1843, d. ; 'Sally Jane b. Jan. 3, 1845, married Dec. 20, 1868, James Wm. Clark, of Nebraska. Four children. When the Civil War began in 1861 three of the sons of John Henderson enlisted in the Union Army — ^Joseph H., Henry H. and George. Six months afterward, Henry sickened and died. Joseph H. also fel'l ill, was in the hospital for over a year, and was discharged. George served over three years, but at the battle of Nashville, where Thomas defeated Hood, De cember 15, 1864, he was severely wounded and died a few days later. Sally Jane Scroggins and her husband, James W. Clark, who was born Oct. 4, 1846, had issue : ^Geo. Edgar, b. , Oct. 13, 1869 ; 2Addie Lucinda, b. May 19, 1873 ; ^Rebecca Maude, b. Dec. 10, 1874; *Edith Caroline b. Dec. 10, 1876; 'Ashby Bruce, b. Oct. 3, 1879, d. Nov. 13, 1880. JOSEPH HAMILTON SCROGGIN'S FAMILY. Joseph Hamilton Scroggin, b. May 17, 1836, married, 1867, Nancy Gano, b. July 24, 1837. They had: ^Mattie Bruce, b. Feb. 15, 1868; ^Lucinda May, b. Nov. 28, 1869; ^George Washington, b. Dec. 13, 1871; *Sally Ann, b. Oct. 17, 1873 ; 'Rosa, b. July 10, 1875. Capt. Joseph Scroggin, by birth an Irishman, was an of ficer in the English Navy at a time when it was assisting POLK F AMI LY AND KINSMEN 397 Spain in one of her wars. While in Spain he met and became enamored with the Princess Fantalina, eldest daughter of Philip v., first Bourbon King of Spain. Philip was a grand son of Louis XIV of France and Maria Louise Gabriella of Savoy. Capt. Scroggin eloped with the Princess to England, where he married her and came to America in 1714, landing at Baltimore. Receiving grants of land, he settled at Snow Hill, Maryland, where both of them died, leaving one child, Joseph Scroggin, Jr., born 1715. Joseph Scroggin, Jr., married in 1740, in Maryland, Sarah Ann Caldwell, whose sister, Martha was the mother of Hon. John C. Calhoun, distinguished as an American Statesman. Joseph and Sarah Ann (Caldwell) Scroggin had a family of thirteen children, viz.: ^Nancy, b. May 13, 1741; ^Capt. John, b. Nov. 13, 1743; ^Mary, b. Nov. 13, 1745; Joseph, b. June 17 1747; 'Samuel, b. June 14, 1749; "Sarah, b. Sept. 14, 1750; ^Robt. Caldwell, b. March 1, 1753; ^William, b. April 34, 1755; ^MUdred, b. June 15, 1757; i"PhUip, b. Sept. 5, 1759; "Annie Caldwell, b. June 18, 1761; i^Thomas Clark, b. July 4, 1763; i^Matilda, b. August 31, 1764. Sarah Ann (Caldwell) Scroggin, mother of the foregoing children, died Dec. 31, 1770: Capt. John Scroggin, second child of Joseph and Sarah Ann Caldwell was an officer in the Revolutionary AA^ar. He married (in 1767) Eunice Jane Polk, daughter of John Polk, of Deleware, second son of Ephriam Polk, 1st, who was the third son of Capt. Robert Bruce Polk and wife, Magdalen. In November, 1793, in company with a number of kins men, Ephraim Polk, 3rd, the Morris', Nutters', Hopkins', and others he emigrated to Kentucky, all settling not far from each other in the present counties of Fayette, Harrison, Bourbon, AVoodford and Scott, where they have many descendants. Many of the latter emigrated to Missouri, Indiana, Illinois and other AVestern territories, but a large number of their descendants are still to be found in Kentucky. Being descended from a daughter of King Philip V of Spain, the Scroggins are pfobably the only family in Kentucky descended from royal blood. 398 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN CAPT. JOHN SCROGGINS' FAMILY. lEHzabeth, b. Oct. 10, 1768; ^William, b. Jan. 39, 1770; ^Samuel, b. Dec. 30, 1771; John, b. May 13, 1774; 'Sarah Ann Caldwell, b. Oct. 9, 1776; "Joseph, b. Feb. 9, 1779; 'Levin Polk, b. March 36, 1783. Joseph, the sixth child of John and Eunice Jane (Polk) Scroggin, married Nancy Jane Holmes, a sister of Hetty R. Bruce, and they emigrated to Knox County, Indiana, locating at Bruceville, near Vincennes, where they have many prom inent descendants at this day, as also many Bruce kinsmen. Joseph died Nov. 4, 1843, and his wife, Nancy (born Aug. 20, 1783), died died Dec. 8, 1846. They had the following child ren: ^Eunice, b. July 23, 1807, in Kentucky, died young; John Henderson, b. Feb. 6, 1809, d. March 3, 1848; ^Wm. Weston, b. Dec. 7, 1810, d. unmarried, Oct. 10, 1842; *Ann Elizabeth, b. March 38, 1873, d. unmarried; 'Josiah Love, b. April 8, 1815, d. unmarried; "Sallie Jane, b. Feb. 16, 1818, mar ried , and had a son; ''Hetty, b. June 15, 1830, d. unmarried; »Nancy Ann, b. May 33, 1823, died unmarried; Joseph D., b. Dec. 20, 1835. John Henderson Scroggin married Lucinda Bruce, a daughter of Capt. Wm. Bruce and his wife, Sallie Polk, daugh ter of Capt. Charles Polk and DelUah Tyler. Lucinda Bruce Scroggin died Feb. 21, 1870. John Henderson Scroggin and wife had issue: Joseph Hamilton, b. May 17, 1836; ^Wm. Bruce, b. Sept. 3, 1838, d. June 4, 1857; ^Henry Harrison, b. Sept. 11, 1840; ^George Wilson, b. May 5, 1843; 'Sallie Jane, b. Jan. 3, 1845, married James Wilson Clark and lives in Nebraska. They have four children. OF SCOTCH-IRISH BLOOD. Col. John W. Polk, of Kansas City, Mo., son of Robert Tyler Polk, and grandson of Capt. Charles Polk, in a letter of May 30, 1893, referring to his elder kinsman, stated: "The people named above were all of Scotch descent and formed a Scotch Colony in and around a village named Bruce ville about five miles from Vincennes, where they settled soon POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 399 after Indiana, a part of New France, was acquired by the United States, and many years before the territory was ad mitted as a state. "William Bruce, for whom the village was named, was called "Uncle" by all my aunts and uncles. My recollection is that he married a sister of my father's mother. Therefore, he must have married a Tyler. I remember him and his wife when I was a small boy, say about 1836. They were then old people. He was a stately old aristocrat, looked up to by all the family. He claimed to be a descendant of the royal blood of Scotland. All the Tylers of Kentucky, most of whom are at Louisville, are of the same family. I have met many of them. I remember Levi Tyler very well. The mother of Isaac Sturgeon, of St. Louis, was a Tyler, Capt. Silas Bent, of the Navy, married one. During the Civil War, John Tyler, a son of President Tyler, and myself, served in the same army (Confederate) and were messmates a long time. AVe often talked over our family relations. I recall that he was very familiar with his family history; that they were Shropshire people of note and dis tinction. On the Polk side of our family, I have a clear his tory. Both families are entitled to a crest and a coat of arms." QUARRELED OVER BABY'S NAME. There is a tradition in the family that Capt. Joseph Scrog gin, in abducting the Princess Fantalina from the tower in which she had been confined, in order to prevent her from meeting him, rowed close to the tower, and that she lowered herself to him from a window to which she attached a rope. Some months after their arrival in Baltimore, it is said they quarreled over the naming of their child, and she, in her anger, threw all their valuable papers into the fire, he being able to rescue only one land grant. The child was named Joseph, and early in youth manifested a most unfortunate temper. He possessed all the irascibility of his Spanish-Irish blood. When about seventeen years old, he quarreled with his mother and ran away. Finally he married Sarah Caldwell, a daughter of John Caldwell, and became a little more settled. 400 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN Sarah's sister, it is said, was the mother of Hon. John C. Cal houn of South Carolina, the eminent American Statesman. NANCY RUBY'S FAMILY AND CHAS. POLK, 3rd. Nancy Polk (fourth child of Capt. Charles Polk), born about 1781 in Nelson County, Kentucky, married Peter Ruby and had a family of eight children, viz : ^Delilah, b. about 1804, d. , married John Keath; Jane, b. about 1806, d. , married Robt. Johnson; ^Benjamin F., b. about 1808, d. , married Lucy Lemmon ; *Spier Spencer, b. about 1810, d. , married Polly Shepherd; 'Charles, b. about 1813, d. , mar ried Mrs. Nichols, 3nd, Mrs. Wade; "John Ochiltree, b. Oct. 30, 1814; d. Oct. 7, 1868, married Deborah Faile, of Vincennes, Ind., June 35, 1836; ^Sally, b. about 1816, d. Jan. 18, 1817, ^Robert, about 1818, d. Jan. 31, 1856. John O. Ruby and wife, Debby, had issue : ^Capt. Wil liam F., La Fayette, Ind., b. Dec. 3, 1838, who married Vashti Borden, Sept. 35, 1866, and had issue Aimee J., b. Oct. 14, 1878, and Edna Browning, Oct. 38, 1879. William F. Ruby was a soldier in the Union Army during the Civil War, serving nearly four years in the Tenth and One Hundredth and Fifty-fourth Indiana Infantry as Com pany Commander, Commissary and Quartermaster. After the Civil War he was appointed Quartermaster at the Indiana State Soldiers' Home, La Fayette. POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 401 AMIEE J. RUBY AND EDNA B. RUBY, La Fayette, Ind. POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 403 CHAPTER XLVIIL EDMOND POLK'S DESCENDANTS. Edmond Polk (second child and son of Charles Polk, the Indian trader of Frederick County, Maryland), was born in that colony in 1740, and died in Nelson County, Kentucky, 1834-5. He was a youth of thirteen when his father died in 1753, leaving a widow, 'Christian Polk( whose maiden name is said to have been Matson), and six children. As they at tained to manhood, these children all appear to have left the old homestead and gone further toward the frontier. Edmond located for a time at Fort Pitt (Pittsburg) or in that vicinity, where he was married in 1765, but we have no record of the maiden name of his wife. It is said that he and his three brothers all took an active part in the American Revolution by service on the frontier as rangers, against the British and their savage allies. Of the children of Edmond and wife, the first six were born in Pennsylvania, and possi bly, also, the seventh, Polly, who was born in 1780, the year he settled in Kentucky. The two youngest, James and Nancy, were born in Nelson County, Kentucky. Edmond and brothers, determining to descend the Ohio to find homes in a richer and more fertile land, did so in the spring of 1780, landing at the Falls of the Ohio (now Louis ville) where they sojourned a short time. They were ac companied to Kentucky by their sister, Sarah (Polk) Piety, who had married Austin Piety, a British subaltern officer at Fort Pitt some years before, and who deserted her and her children and returned to England when the Revolutionary War began. After a brief sojourn in the vicinity of Louisville, the Polk brothers moved southward and settled on the head waters of Salt river, in what are now Shelby, Spencer and Nelson Counties, in which section numerous blockhouses or "Stations" were erected by an adventurous company of pio- 404 P 0 LK F AMI LY AND KINSMEN neers from Virginia and Pennsylvania, who came just before and at the time of the Polks. There is no doubt, however, that some of the Polks had visited Kentucky before 1780. This is shown by the records of the Virginia Land Office, wherein are recorded grants to people by virtue of locations made for them by Charles, Thomas and other Polks, in 1775 and 1776, on the waters of Cox Creek and Simpsons Creek, in the present counties of Spencer and Nelson and also in Fayette County, near Lexington. Hence, some of these Polks came with the first parties of pioneers who descended the Ohio the year following the defeat of the Indians under Cornstalk, at Point Pleasant, w'hich event took place in October, 1774. This defeat cowed the Indians and permitted the surveyors and land looators who had abandoned Kentucky in the summer of 1774 on the ap proach of the Indian AVar, to come hack and resume opera tions in the Spring of 1775. And with them, as the Virginia Land Office records show, came several of the Polk brothers, who not only picked out locations for themselves, but also marked locations for others, acting as deputy surveyors under the laws of Virginia. A recent historical sketch in the Kentucky Standard, published at Bardstown, says : "Thomas Polk, David Connor and others settled on Simpson's Creek and built Polk's Station, which was passed into history as the Burnt Station, and stood on t'he farm of the late W. D. Huston. Cox's Station was set tled in the Spring of 1775^ by Col. Isaac Cox, who came from Pennsylvania, and Bardstown in 1776 by the Bairds also of Pennsylvania. In 1784, by act of the Virginia Legislature, the County of Nelson was erected out of a part of Shelby County, the latter being one of the original counties of Ken tucky District. Isaac Cox and Charles Polke were three of those appointed by the Governor of Virginia as Justices of the Peace, Justices of Oyer and Terminer, and Justices in Chancery of the new county. The first term of court was held in May, 1785, and an order was made for the erection of a prison for debtors, a prison for criminals, a whipping post, pillory and stocks. Capt. Charles Polk was one of the mag istrates appointed to fix locations and make contracts for POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 405 such, and Edward was one of the committee of three to re port on the character of the work. Col. Wm. Polk, of Vicksburg, Miss., writing in 1875, to the author, stated : "Grandfather Polk moved from Penn sylvania to what is now Nelson County, Kentucky, about one- hundred years ago, where he lived till his death, which oc curred near Bardstown in the year 1824 or 1825. His children were Thomas, Charles, Edmond and James on the male side, and Hannah, Kitty, Sally, Polly and Nancy on the female side. "Thomas and Charles moved to Indiana early in life say sixty or seventy years ago, and lived and raised large fami lies upon what was, and is now, called "Polk's Bottom," upon the Ohio river, opposite the mouth of Cloverport, Ky. At a later day Edmond, Jr., moved to Illinois with a large family and entered 160 acres of land upon which a part of Chicago now stands. 'James lived for many years almost in sight of the place on w'hich he was born and raised, and died near Bardstown. James' sons sooner or later all moved to Indiana. Grand father Edmond Polk 'had a brother, Charles, who lived near Vincennes, and was a conspicuous officer in the army in the first settling of the country. The Polks are still numerous in that region, and altogether you may perceive there is a large sprinkling of Polk blood in Indiana. "The memhers of our branch of the Polk family have never been famous for oratorical po-wers or talent, nor much inclined toward officers, yet somewhat talented in the way of mechanical genius and general industry; what you may call plain, old-fashioned, sober, good com^mon-sense people almost invariably doing well ; very largely Baptists in religion and Jackson and Jeffers'onian in politics." How long the Polks remained in Kentucky after their first visit in 1775, we do not know. Doubtless they went back up the Ohio in the late fall to their homes (as most of the pioneers did), and made other locating trips to Kentucky in the years following. It is also likely that, the American Revo lution coming on in 1776, some of them joined companies in the frontier service. But we have slight record of their serv- 405 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN ices, Other than the partially known exploits of Capt. Charles Polk, after his arrival in Kentucky, in combatting Indian forays onto the waters of Salt River, in one of which attacks his wife and four children were taken caiptive in 1782 hy a band of Wahash Indians going home from the Blue Lick Massacre of Aug. 19, of that year. Edmond Polk died near SmithviUe, Bullitt County, Ken tucky, in 1824-25, and his sons, Thomas and Charles, later fol lowed their uncle Capt. Charles Polk, and his sons, to Indiana Territory. Edmond's son, Charles, became a noted Baptist preacher, and located at Polk's Bottom, on the Ohio-, in what is now Perry County, Indiana. Hie was an officer under Gen. Harrison in the Indian wars in that section, and was in the battle of Tippecanoe in 1811; also a representative from Perry County in the Territorial 'Convention of Indiana in 1816, and helped to induct that territory into the Union. The youngest son of Edmond, James Polk, lived all his life in Kentucky, d3''ing about 1850. As James Polk's eldest child, William, was born in Feb., 1805, his marriage to Nancy Abell must have occurred the year previous, 1804. His tomb stone in the family graveyard in Indiana bears only the name "James Polk," without dates of birth or death. James Polk's wife, Nancy Abell, it said, was a sister of Ignatius Abell, who married Kitty Polk, his sister. A number of families who intermarried with the children of Capt. Charles and Edmond Polk also emigrated to Indiana, settling near each other in Perry and Gibson, and also in Knox County, near Vincennes, then the military and civic capital of that frontier, presided over by General Wm. Henry Harrison, Terri torial Governor. Under him the Polks and their kinsmen, the Bruces, Spencers and others served with marked credit in the Indian Wars, and later in the War of 1812. EDMOND POLK'S CHILDREN. The children born to Edmond Polk and wife were: (1) Thomas, b. 1768, d. , married Lucy . (2) Rev. Charles, b. Sept. 26, 1770, d. July 25, 1836, mar ried Willey Dever, Aug. 3, 1790. POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 407 (3) Edmond, Jr., b. about 1772, d. July 28, 1861, at Chi cago, 111. (4) Hannah, b. about 1774, d. , married Adam Guthrie, of Nelson County, Kentucky. (5) Kitty, b. about 1776, d. , married Ignatius Abell, of Nelson County, Kentucky. (6) Sallie, b. about 1778, d. 1825, married Zach Fowler. fSome say Thomas Tobin, of Tobinsport, Ind.) (7) Mary (Polly), b. about 1780, d. unmarried at Bloom- field, Ky. (8) Nancy, b. about 1782, d. unmarried at Bloomfield, Ky. (9) James, b. about 1784, d. 1850, married Nancy Abell, of Nelson County, Kentucky. Of the above children of Edmond Polk, Thomas and Rev. Charles left Kentucky in 1808 and removed to Polk's Bottom, Perry County, Indiana, on the Ohio River, where they pur chased and settled on fine tracts of land and raised large fam ilies. Charles represented Perry county in the first Consti tutional Convention of Indiana, in 1816, when that territory came into the Union. He was a Baptist minister, and a man of recognized ability and influence among his fellows. Ed mond Polk, Jr., moved from Kentucky to Indiana, where he married Esther Tobin, and later to Illinois, entering 160 acres of land that is now a part of the site of Chicago. He raised a large family of children and died there. Hannah Polk married Adam Guthrie, of Nelson County, and had a number of children, one of whom was Hon. James Guthrie, a wealthy financier of Louisville, who- was Secretary of the United States Treasury, under President Pierce. Their descendants are numerous in Kentucky and other states. Kitty Polk, who married Ignatius Abell, of Nelson County, had a number of children. They settled at Corydon. Sallie Polk, who married Zach Fowler, also had a number of children, says Col. W. A. Polk, of Vicksburg, Miss. One of Sallie's descendants, however, Mrs. Jacy P. Simons, of Tdbinsport, says Sallie married Thomas Tobin. If so, he was likely a second husband. 408 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN GRANDCHILDREN OF EDMOND POLK, SR. Thomas Polk (first child of Edmond, Sr.) married Lucy , and had a family, but the name of but one, Edmond, is preserved. The latter married, in 1821, Esther Tobin, and had a son, Edmond, 3rd, b. July 31, 1831, who is living at Tob insport, Ind., where his son, George L. Polk, is a merchant. In 1856, Edmond married Lucinda Winchell and had issue: ^Lizzie; ^Abbey; ^George L. ; *Minnie. The latter married Jarrett Kinder; George L. married Susan A. Crow, in 1892, and had issue: ^Lloyd; ^Mayme; ^Mabel; *Alma. George Polk (second son of Edmond and Esther (Tobin) Polk), b. , married Amanda Ryan and had issue: ^Riley; ^Mary; ^Nancy; *Emma ; 'Robert; all of Cloverport, Ky. Rev. Charles Polk (second son of Edmond Sr.), who mar ried AVilley Dever, had ten children viz. : (1) Polly, b. Aug. 6, 1791, d. Sept. 11, 1818. (2) Edmond, b. May 19, 1794, d. July 28, 1861. (3) Richard, b. Oct. 11, 1796, d. . (4) Greenville, b. Nov. 12, 1798, d. . (5) Ilion, b. March 14, 1802, d. March 5, 1803. (6) Thomas, b. Jan. 22, 1804, d. . (7) James, b. Jan. 22, 1806, d. 1873. (8) Aaron, b. Jan. 11, 1808, d. Aug. 1, 1815. (9) Ephraim, b. Feb. 18, 1810, d. July 37, 1815. (10) Helen, b. Dec. 5, 1811, d. Aug. 39, 1815. Their Children. Polly Polk (first child of Rev. Chas. Polk), married Tobin and had issue. Edmond Polk (second Child of Rev. Chas. Polk), married Polly Winchell and had: Margaret and Avery (twins), b. 1794. Avery still living in June, 1911. Richard Polk (third child of Rev. Chas. Polk), married Patsy Sterrett. Issue, unknown. Greenville Polk (fourth child of Rev. Chas. Polk), married Matilda Sims, Dec. 5, 1837, she b. June 13, 1806 at Springfield, Ky. They had issue : ^A son, who married and had a daugh ter, Addie, who married a Mr. Payne, of Tobinsport, Ind.; POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 409 HON. JAS. GUTHRIE, Louisville, Ky., son of Hannah Polk, daughter of Capt. Chas, Polk. POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 411 ^Aaron, untraced; ^Edmond and Mary (twins), untraced; *Nancy, married Henry MiUer, Feb. 8, 1859. William Henry and Jane, two youngest children, untraced. Nancy and Henry Miller had a daughter, Ada, b. March 18, 1860, married James H. Payne and they had: ^Nancy Helen; ^Anna Mary; ^Nellie Stewart; *Lloyd Miller; 'Janie Beatrice; "Bernice Taylor. Thomas (sixth child of Rev. Chas. Polk), married Mal vina Ryan. Issue, unknown. James (seventh child of Rev. Chas. Polk), married Char lotte Humphrey and had : ^Wm. Riley ; -Rosina ; ^Lavinia ; *AVillia ; 'Commodore ; "Dorinda ; ''Edwin ; *Eliza. Wm. Riley, b. July 14, 1839, married Eliza Gilbert, in 1868. They had issue: ^Bertha, b. ; ^Anna, b. ; ^Mary, b. ; *Eliza and Jacy (twins), b. . Bertha is now (1911) living, but the others are dead. Wm. Riley's daughter, Jacey, married a Mr. Simons and resides at Tobins port. (8) Aaron (eighth child of Rev. Chas. Polk), b. Jan. 13, 1808, d. Aug. 11, 1815. (9) Ephraim (ninth child of Rev. Chas. Polk), b. Feb. 18, 1810, d. July 37, 1815. (10) Helen (tenth child of Rev. Chas. Polk), b. Dec. 5, 1811, d. Aug. 39, 1815. CHILDREN OF JAMES POLK. The children of James Polk and his wife, Nancy (Abell) Polk, were : (1) Felix M., b. about 1803, d. winter 1877-8. (3) WiUiam, b. Feb. 9, 1805, d. Dec. 18, 1877. (3) Maria A., b. about 1807, d. 1878. (4) Claiborne, b. June 30, 1811, d. at Fort Branch, Ind., Sept. 30, 1901. (5) Geo. Washington, b. 1813, d. . ' (6) Rev. Alexander Hamilton, b. May 5, 1818, d. at Lake land, Fla., March 1, 1900. (7) Jas. Madison, b. July 31, 1820, d. Aug. 17, 1900. (8) Matilda, b. June 22, 1830, d. June 16, 1850. 412 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN Felix married his counsin, Frances Matilda Polk, and left a daughter. His widow married secondly a Mr. Lane. In 1878 his daughter and her mother (Mrs. Lane) resided near Paoli, Ind. William Polk married Sarah Shoptaw, of Nelson County, Kentucky. They moved to Indiana in 1856 and she died Feb. 3, 1890. They had issue: John A., of Greenwood, Ind., b. March 13, 1835, d. Feb. 13, 1910. He married Martha Em- bry, of Richmond, Ky., and had issue : ^Clay, b. , married Anna King. One child, Otta ; ^Sallie, b. Jan. 5, 1862, married Willard Harmon. One child, Florence E., b. 1895 ; ^Edward, b. 1869; *Robert, b. 1873, married Cora Sheeks. No issue; 'Augusta, b. 1867, married Linley Hester. One child that died young; "Lee, b. 1877, unmarried in 1910. John A. Polk was a member of the Indiana Legislature and made a large fortune in the canning of vegetables. (2) Col. Burr H. Polk (second son of AVm. Polk), b. Jan. 15, 1835, d. May 15. 1887. He married Eliza Ann Mont gomery (b. Oct. 20, 1837, d. June 13, 1909) and they had issue: ^Carrie Sidney, b. Dec. 17, 1858, married James Mc- CleUand Irwin, of Quincy, lU., Oct. 10, 1883. They had children: Annie, b. Oct. 1, 1884, d. Aug. 18, 1885; Burr Irwin, b. Dec. 35, 1885 ; Jas. Matthew Irwin, b. INIarch 7, 1889 ; 2Ida, b. May 6, 1861, d. May 8, 1863 ; ^Frank Mont gomery, b. Feb. 38, 1864. At the beginning of the Spanish- American War he entered the army, with rank of First Lieu tenant, and served in the Philippines. He was transferred to the Regular Army as a Second Lieutenant, and died in serv ice, April 30, 1901. (4) Edna, b. Dec. 31, 1874, married Burton W. AVilson, Attorney-at-Law, June 17, 1903, and they now reside in the City of Mexico. They have three children : ^Donald, b. Dec. 9, 1903; ^Burr Polk, b. at Lincoln, Neb., Sept. 35, 1905; ^Mary Elizabeth, b. in Mexico City, June 16, 1909. Col. Burr H. Polk was a man of prominence in the CivU War and subsequent thereto. In the Army of the Cumber land he bore the rank of Colonel and served on the staffs of General George H. Thomas, and others. ''After the close of the war he resided for a time at Vicksburg, as special cor- POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 413 respondent of the Cincinnati Commercial, his talents tending strongly to journalism. Later he made a tour of Europe, an account of which, graphic and highly interesting, was pub lished in book form in 1879. The United States Army Register gives the following data concerning the military positions held by Col. Burr H. Polk: "Polk, Burr H., Ky.-Ind. ; Capt. 33d Ind. Inf., Sept. 6, 1861; Capt. A. A. G. Vols., March 11, 1863; Major A. A. o. Vols., April 20, 1864; Bvt. Lt. Col. and Col. Vols., March 13, 1865, for faithful and efficient service. Honorably mus tered out Feb. 37, 1866. (3) James Polk, of Waterford, Spencer County, Ky., (third child of Wm. Polk and Sarah Shoptaw), b. Aug. 15, 1837, d. , married and had five children : James Guthrie; ^Nathan; ^Christopher; *Charles ; 'Madison. (4) Eliza Polk (fourth child of Wm. Polk and Sarah Shop taw) b. Feb. 5, 1841, was twice married. Her first husband (Dec. 10, 1867) was H. C. Wood, of Taylorsville, Ky., by whom she had a son, Harry Wood. Her second husband was Dr. Zachariah Carnes, of Greenwood, Ind. By the latter she had a daughter, Floy Carnes. Dr. Carnes died Jan. 10, 1910, Harry is unmarried. Floy married Mr. Moll, an attorney-at- law of Indianapolis, and they have three chUdren. (5) Wm. Lancaster Polk (fifth chUd of Wm. Polk and Sarah Shoptaw) b. May 8, 1844, moved from Indiana to Mississippi in 1869, engaging in planting and the businC'iS of a civil engineer. He resided at his death at Vicksburg. He married Alice Howe, of Indiana, hy whom he had issue : 'Walter Howe, b. in Indiana, Dec. 3, 1867; ^Paul M., b. Nov. 12, 1878, married Alice Garth Downing, of Yazoo City, Miss., Nov. 29, 1911 ; ^Clara Graham, b. March 11, 1882 ; ^Lancaster, b. Sept. 14, 1884, d. June 30, 1907. Walter Howe Polk married (June 14, 1894) Lillian Mont gomery, daughter of Major W. E. Montgomery and grand daughter of Chas. Clark, War Governor of Mississippi, 1860- 1865. Issue: ^Montgomery Howe, April 4, 1895 ; ^Clara May, b. Oct. 23, 1896 ; ^Walter Howe, Jr., b. Oct. 10, 1898 ; *LUlian Graham, b. June 18, 1901 ; 'Alice Gertrude, b. June 14, 1903, d. July 21, 1904; "Horace Stuart, b. Aug. 17, 1905; ^Wm. Paul, 414 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN h. Nov. 16, 1906. Charles and Eliabeth Polk (twins and young est children of Wm. Polk and Sarah Shoptaw) were born June 16, 1847. Chas. died Aug. 7, 1902, and Elizabeth, May 25,1908. Charles married a Miss Dickerson and had: ^DoUy; ^Stella; ^Opal; ''Nettie. Elizabeth married Daulton AVilson and had: ^Burr; ^Susie; ^Clifton; ^Bessie; 'Hal. Susie mar ried John Guthrie. Hal married Lenore Harmon and they have one child, Jane. George Washington Polk (fifth child of James Polk, born in Nelson County, Kentucky, about 1816, married Mary Em- bree and after the Civil War moved to Greenwood, Indiana, where he established a vegetable canning factory and accumu lated a fortune. The business is still carried on by his son, James Thomas Polk. The children of George Washington Polk and wife were: ^Wm. F. ; -Frances.. Jones ; James Thomas; *Alice; 'Florence; "Perry E. Maria Polk (daughter of James Polk), b. in Nelson County, Kentucky, about 1807, married William Bivin of Hardin County, Kentucky. They removed to Princeton, Ind., both dying in 1878, and left issue: . Matilda Polk (daughter of James Polk), b. June 27, 1830, d. June 16, 1850, married first, Jno. B. Worrell of Jackson County, Missouri. No issue. Secondly, married Jas. F. Cun ningham, a pork merchant of Mobile, Ala., later of Cincin nati, and left issue: , , , . James Madison Polk, youngest son of James Polk, was born in Nelson County, July 31, 1820, died Aug. 17, 1900,, in Spencer County, Ky. He married Minerva Cochran, born Dec. 27, 1824. She died May 30, 1898, in Spencer County. CHILDREN OF JAMES MADISON POLK. The children born to James Madison Polk and wife were : (1) Frances Matilda, b. in Jefferson County, Kentucky, Feb. 13, 1849. (3) James Guthrie, b. in Bullitt County, Kentucky, Feb. 35, 1851. (3) Nathan William, b. in Bullitt County, Dec. 34, 1853. (4) Mary Catherine, b. in Bullitt County, Dec. 10, 1854. POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 415 (5) Henry Hamilton, b. in Indiana, Feb. 9, 1857. (6) Alvin Crist, b. in Spencer County, Kentucky, Dec. 4, 1859. (7) Sarah IsabeUa, b. in Spencer County, April 16, 1863. (8) Charles Pelham, b. in Spencer County, March 23, 1865. (9) Madison Cochran, b. in Spencer County, Jan. 30, 1868. Sarah Isabella, Chas. Pelham and Madison Cochran, liv ing and unmarried. James Madison and Minerva Cochran were married Sept. 24, 1846. James Guthrie and Mary Elizabeth Baird were married Nov. 16, 1874. Frances MatUda and Felix M. Polk were married Aug. 31, 1882. He was a son of James Polk and Ann Abell. Nathan Wm. and Carrie Cochran (no relation) were married Jan. 19, 1887. Henry Hamilton and Rosa Ely were married Sept. 34, 1891. The other children of James M. and Minerva Cochran are yet unmarried. Frances M. Polk, who married Felix M. Polk, died without issue, at Princeton, Ind., Oct. 15, 1888. James Guthrie Polk and wife had six children, all born in Spencer County, Kentucky : ^Elida Bertie, b. Aug. 34, 1875 ; 2Annie Elizabeth, b. May 30, 1878 ; ^Charies Weldon, b. Jan. 1, 1881; *William Madison, b. Feb. 11, 1883; 'Jacob BosweU, b. Sept. 28, 1884; "Harry Glover, b. July 8, 1887. Elida Bertie, first child of James Guthrie Polk, married Chas. Muir, Jan. 30, 1900 ; one child. AA'illiam Madison Polk, above named, was killed by an accident on board his ship, the U. S. S. Prairie, at Old Point Comfort. Va., Nov. 9, 1904. He was a Naval Apprentice on that ship. Elida Bertie Polk, first child of James Guthrie Polk and wife, married Charles Muir Jan. 30, 1900. They have one child, Peter Brown Muir, born July 3, 1903. Nathan W. Polk and wife had issue: 'Roy Cochran, b. in Spencer County, Jan. 8, 1888 ; ^Burr Herring, b. in Spencer County, Sept. 10, 1889; ^Mary Ruth, b. in Spencer County, Nov. 38, 1891; *Nellie Lee, h. in Spencer County, Sept. 16, 1893 ; 'Charles Broadus, b. in Spencer County, Sept. 36, 1895. These are all unmarried. Mary Catharine, fourth child of James M. and Minerva (Cochran) Polk, died unmarried, Dec. 31, 1904. 416 PO LK FAMILY AND KINSMEN CHILDREN OF HENRY HAMILTON POLK. Henry Hamilton Polk and Rosa Ely, who were married Sept. 34, 1891, had issue. 'Maude Catharine, b. at Louisville, Ky., Aug. 1, 1893 ; ^Alvin Crist, Jr., b. at LouisvUle, Ky., Jan. 4, 1895 ; ^Buriey Demsey, b. at Louisville, Ky., Feb. 16, 1897. None of the above are married. Alvin Crist, sixth child of James M. and Minerva (Cochran) Polk, is unmarried. Sarah Isabella, seventh child of Jas. M. and Minerva (Cochran) Polk, is unmarried. Charles Pelham, eighth child of Jas. M. and Minerva Polk, also his brother, Madison Cochran, the young est son of James M. and Minerva Polk, are both unmarried. DEATHS. The family Bible of James Madison Polk shows the fol lowing deaths : James Madison, in Spencer County, Ken tucky, Aug. 17, 1900. Minerva (Cochran) in Spencer County, Kentucky, May 30, 1898. Frances Matilda ,at Princeton, Ind., Oct. 15, 1888. Mary Catharine, in Spencer County, Kentucky, Dec. 31, 1904. Mary E., wife of Jas. Guthrie Polk, in Spencer County, Aug. 8, 1891. Wm. Madison, by accident on board ship, Nov. 9, 1904. NEW SALEM CHURCH. New Salem Baptist Church, near Samuel's Depot, Nelson County, Kentucky, was organized Nov. 38, 1801. The first members were Emund Polk, Jr., Wm. Chenoweth, Mary Chen- oweth, Thomas Polke, Lucy Polke, Lucy French, Thomas Polke, Jr., and Mary McNeal. These eight persons met and drafted a constitution. Four were subsequently dismissed by letter, Chenoweth and wife ; Thos. Polke and Mary McNeal died in the fellowship of the church. Wm. Chenoweth gave the land on which the church was built. Rev. Warren Cash was the first pastor, preaching once a month, and Edmund Abell and Thomas Polke were the first deacons. The former was a kinsman of Ignatius Abell, who married Kitty Polk and of Nancy Abell, who married James Polk, daughter and son of POLK F AMI LY AND KINSMEN 417 Edmond Polk, Sr. For many years the church was known as Wilson's Creek Church, being located at the head of Wilson Creek. Not long after the founding of Salem Church, some of the Polks of that vicinity (Capt. Chas. Polk's sons) emigrated to Indiana, followed later by himself (1808), and several of the children of Edmond Polk, Sr. Some of them afterward found ed Maria Creek Baptist Church, in Knox County, they and their kinsmen by marriage constituting most of the member ship. Deacon Edmond Polk, Jr., emigrated from Indiana to Chicago, where he died. His farm of 160 acres is now in cluded in the bounds of that city. 418 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN CHAPTER XLIX. CLAIBORNE POLK AND DESCENDANTS. Claiborne Polk (son of James Polk and Nancy Abell, of Nelson County, Kentucky), born June 30, 1811, married Sept. 35, 1834, at Lexington, Ky., to Rachael Shoptaw. She was born in Nelson County, June 3, 1813, and died Aug. 30, 1855, in Gibson County Indiana. Claiborne Polk died Sept. 30, 1901, at Fort Branch, Ind. The children of Claiborne and Rachael (Shoptaw) Polk were: (1) Irwin C, b. July 4, 1835, in Nelson County, Kentucky. (3) Mary Catherine, b. Jan. 3, 1837, at Taylorville, Ky., d. May 32, 1841, in Gibson County, Indiana. (3) John William, b. Feb. 18, 1838, at Taylorville, Ky., d. July 18, 1839. (4) Ann Elizabeth, b. May 30, 1840, in Spencer County, Kentucky, d. Aug. 22, 1855, in Gibson County. (5) Isabella, b. July 30, 1843, in Gibson County, Ind. (6) Theodore, b. Jan. 39, 1844, in Gibson County, Indiana, d. Oct. 39, 1844. (7) Francis Marion, b. Oct. 35, 1845, in Gibson County. (8) William Albert, b. Aug. 6, 1848, in Gibson County, Indiana. (9) Caleb Clark, b. June 9, 1850, in Gibson County, In diana. (10) Sarah Jane, b. Jan. 13, 1852, in Gibson County, Indiana. (11) Geo. Calvin, b. Dec. 19, 1853, in Gibson County, d. Sept. 17, 1860. Claiborne Polk was married to his second wife, Mary Mc- MuUen, May 15, 1856. To this union one child was born, Etta A. Polk. Mary McMuUen Polk died Jan. 15, 1899. Etta A. Polk, born July 21, 1858, was married Dec. 8, 1874, in Gibson County, Indiana, to James Thomas Wither- spoon. Mrs. Witherspoon resides at Princeton, Ind. Their POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 419 CLAIBORNE POLK (top); ALEXANDER HAMILTON POLK (bottom), sons of James Polk and Nancy Abell, of Kentucky. POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 421 children, all born in Gibson County, were: 'Cora, b. Dec. 38, 1875. Residence, Webster Grove, Mo.; ^Maude, b. Feb. 19, 1878. Residence, St. Louis, Mo.; ^George, b. March 34, 1880. Residence, Kansas City, Kan. ; ^Charies, b. July 3, 1883. Residence, 79 Julia St., Edmonton, Canada; 'Lucelia, b. Jan. 39, 1884, d. AprU 14, 1885; "Eva, b. Jan. 36, 1886. Residence, 537 Fox St., Edmonton, Canada; ''Grace, b. Sept. 15, 1888. Residence, No. 36 E. 44th St., Chicago, 111.; ^Mae, b. May 3, 1901. Residence, Stony Plain, Canada; "Stella, b. Dec. 3, 1898. Residence, Princeton, Ind. IRWIN C. POLK'S FAMILY. Irwin C. Polk, son and eldest chUd of Claiborne Polk, married Sept. 15, 1853, at King Station, Ind., to Elizabeth Mariotte, b. Nov. 4, 1830. She died Dec. 30, 1908, at Harri- sonville. Mo. Their children were: 'Dovie Estella, b. Jan. 37, 1853, near Princeton, Ind., married Jan. 27, 1876, James Lewis Pringle, b. near Dayton, Ore., Dec. 10, 1853. Residence, 2343 Calumet Ave., Chicago. Issue: 'Agnes, un married ; -Henry, b. , married Anna Isadore Rapkoch ; Jessie Pringle, b. , unmarried ; ''Lillian Pringle, b. , unmarried. Harry resides at 607 Woodland Park, Chicago. These children were all born at Danville, 111. ^William C, b. . Present address, Roswell, New Mexico; ^Edward J., b. . Present address, Harrisonville, Mo. ; ^A. B., b. ; 'C. E., b. ; "C. L.. b. , The Pringle family are all musicians, and organized the Pringle Concert 'Company, which has toured the country and delighted lovers of good music. Going to Europe to finish their musical education, they studied under the best masters. In Berlin, Lillian studied under Anton Hekking. Jessie had several eminent voice teachers, among them George Furgeson and Frantz Prochowsky. She also studied thoroughly the French, German and Italian languages, which she speaks fluently. The present address of the family is Sanford, Fla. ISABELLA (POLK) KENDLE. Isabella Polk (daughter of Claiborne Polk), born July 30, 1853, Gibson 'County, Indiana, married Sept. 35, 1863, at 422 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN King Station, Ind., to I. Robert Kendle, b. Sept. 14, 1840, and died Jan. 5, 1905, at Princeton, Ind. They had no c'hildren. The present address of Mrs. Kendle is Princeton, Ind. FRANCIS MARION POLK. Francis Marion Polk (son of Claiborne Polk) was born Oct. 25, 1845, in Gibson County, Indiana, and died Dec. 39, 1905, at Mound City, Kan. He was married Oct. 28, 1880, to Miss Emma La Grange of Gibson County. They had no children. Mrs. Polk resides at Mound City, Kan. WILLIAM ALBERT POLK'S FAMILY. Wm. Albert Polk (son of Claiborne Polk), born Aug. 6, 1848, in Gibson County, Indiana, married Sept. 17, 1871, and died Jan. 25, 1904, at Fort Branch, Ind. His wife Eliza Ann Rycroft, was born March 14, 1851, at Durham, England. Their children were : 'Walter Clyde, b. July 20, 1873, in Gib son County, Indiana ; ^Dora Isabella, b. Jan. 37, 1874, at Mad- isonville, Ky., d. Aug. 34, 1905, at Fort Branch, Ind. ; *Caleh Claude, b. March 32, 1876, at Madisonville Ky. ; ^Robert Kendle, b. Aug. 6, 1878, at MadisonvUle, Ky., married March 10, 1911, at Geneva, 111. Claiborne Stanley Polk, b. Feb. 4, 1884, at Madisonville, Ky., d. Jan. 18, 1899, at Fort Branch, Ind. AVm. Arthur Polk, b. Jan. 1, 1886, at Madisonville, Ky. ; Alice Edmund Polk, b. May 17, 1888, at Fort Branch, Ind. Addresses of the above are Fort Branch, Ind., excepting Claude Caleb Polk, who re sides at Princeton, that State. CALEB CLARK POLK'S FAMILY. Caleb Clark Polk (son of Claiborne Polk), born June 9, 1850, in Gibson County, Indiana, was married Nov. 6, 1879, at AVestfield, Ind., to Clara Thornburg, b. July 30, 1858. Their children were: 'Thomas Claiborne b. May 15, 1881, at Crownpoint, Ind.; ^Harry Thornburg, b. Sept. 25, 1883, at Richmond, Ind.; ^Gertrude Jennie, b. Feb. 23, 1895, at A'al- POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 423 AGNES AND JESSIE PRINGLE, daughters of Mrs. Dovie (Polk) Pringle, and granddaughters of Claiborne Polk, POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 425 paraiso, Ind. The above children are all unmarried and re side at Valparaiso, near Chicago, where Caleb Clark Polk conducts a large school for the teaching of piano tuning. SARAH JANE POLK'S FAMILY. Sarah Jane Polk (daughter of Claiborne Polk), born Jan. 13, 1852, was married June 4, 1872, in Gibson County, Indiana, to Bartlett Bennett HoUis, born April 7, 1843. Their children, all born in Gibson County, were: 'Heber Ernest, b. March 3, 1873; ^Othniel, h. Oct. 12, 1874; ^Francis Allen, b. Nov. 5, 1876 ; John Stewart, b. March 5, 1880 ; 'Rachel, b. Feb. 5, 1883 ; "Walter, b. Oct. 18, 1885; ^Charies Edwin, b. Jan. 16, 1889; ^Clarence Vannada, b. June 11, 1891. The present address of these is King's Station, Ind., excepting one, Heber Ernest HoUis, who resides at Vincennes. ALEXANDER HAMILTON POLK. Alexand.er Hamilton Polk (sixth child of James Polk and Nancy Abell, of Nelson County, Kentucky) was born May 5, 1818, and died March 1, 1900, at Lakeland, Fla., to which place he removed from Indiana in 1886. He first moved from Kentucky to Gibson County, Indiana, in 1836, where he en gaged in farming and surveying until 1865, when ne v/as or dained as a minister of the Baptist church. He continued in the pulpit for seven years, and then quitting it, engaged again in the work of surveying, and was chosen County Surveyor. Altogether, he was in the surveying business for over thirty years. On Oct. 24, 1839, he was married to Miss Julian Em- bree, of Princeton, whose family had emigrated to Indiana from Kentucky. She died June 28, 1857. His second wife. Miss Barshaba H. Green, he married March 9, 1858. Issue by first wife : (1) Felix Milburn, b. Oct. 17, 1841, married in 1872, Julia Brown; 2nd, Fanny Polk; 3rd, Fanny Huddleson. (3) Silas C, b. March 3, 1843, married Dec. 35, 1866, Emily J. McMuUen, of Princeton, Ind. Silas C. was a soldier during the Civil AVar in the 80th Indiana Infantry and was 426 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN badly wounded in the head at the battle of Perryville and stUl suffers from the wound. He settled at Mt. Vernon, lU., in 1874, engaging in the real estate business. (3) Mary, b. Oct. 28, 1845, d. Aug. 31, 1906, married Dec. 2, 1869, John F. Cleveland. (4) Marilda, b. Jan. 18, 1841, married David :M. Wright, of Mt. Carmel, 111., about 1867-8, now a widow living at Al bion, 111., no issue. (5) Albert MUls, b. Dec. 2, 1849, d. Nov. 3, 1860. (6) Sarah, b. March 13, 1848, unmarried, and living at Lakeland, Fla. (7) Edward Bates, 1st, b. Dec. 29, 1862, d. Feb. 11, 1863. (8) Lucius, b. Sept. 25, 1854, d. Dec. 12, 1854. Laura and Lucius were twins. (9) Rosetta, b. 1855, d. in infancy. (10) A son, b. June 4, 1857, d. at birth. (11) Fannie B. Polk, b. Feb. 19, 1859, d. Aug. 6, 1873. (12) Laura Ellen, b. Sept. 25, 1854, married Sept. 1873, Isaac Spore. (13) Edward Bates, 3d, b. Dec. 29, 1862, unmarried, and living at Lakeland, Fla. Civil Engineer. (14) Olive, b. Nov. 17, 1864, d. Oct 17, 1865. GRANDCHILDREN OF ALEXANDER H. POLK. Silas C. Polk and wife, Emily, had issue : (1) Vesta, b. 1867, married John F. Bogan, an attorney of Mt. Vernon, 111. They had no issue. (2) Julia, b. Jan. 25, 1870, married C. Elmer Rutherford. Issue : 'Raymond E., b. April 8, 1895 ; ^Dorothy, b. April 16, 1899. (3) Lucius, b. March 1, 1875, married, 1903, Minnie Hodges, of Cannon City, Col. Issue: 'Orville; ^Harold. (4) Euseba, b. July 4, 1877, unmarried. Residence, Bir mingham, Ala., school teacher. (5) Laura, b. Feb. 11, 1879, married Aug. 1, 1903, Robt. E. L. Dickson, of Virginia. Issue: 'Albert E., b. May 20, 1907; ^Sidney, b. Feb. 2, 1908; ^Virginia, b. July 28, 1909. POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 427 (6) Albert H., b. Sept. 1, 1873, married Sept. 1904 to OUie Lanham, of St. Louis, Mo. Issue: 'LUlian; ^Evelyn. Mary Polk Cleveland, wife of Jno. F. Cleveland, had is sue : 'Roger P., b. 1870, married Mary Hopkins ; ^Fannie, b. Sept. 12, 1872, married, 1893, Benjamin Benson; ^Flossie, b. 1874, married J. Vaden Lee; ^Charles, b. about 1876, mar ried, 1906, Mabel McDonald. Felix Milburn Polk and his first wife, Julia (Brown) Polk, had one child, Laura Maud. 'Laura Maud, b. May 15, 1873, unmarried ; ^Frank Em bree, b. Nov. 1875, married Rose , and has two children, who live in Illinois; ^Fred Harrison, b. Dec. 22, 1877, unmar ried ; ^Lester, b. 1880, unmarried. Residence, Momence, 111. He is said to be the only child of the family. Now at Perdue University, Indiana. Laura Ellen Polk and husband, Isaac Spore had issue 'Harvey, b. Aug. 1874, d. July 9, 1876; ^Fanny, b. May 5 1877, married, 1896, Oscar Woodson, of St. Louis, Mo. ^Florence E., b. 1880, unmarried, residence, Owensville. Ind. *Della May, b. 1893. The first ten children of Rev. Alexander Hamilton Polk were by his first wife, Julia Embree; the four last by his second wife, Bursha B. Green. 428 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN CHAPTER L. DESCENDANTS OF REV. ISAAC M'COY AND WIFE. Rev. Isaac McCoy was born June 13, 1784, at Uniontown, Pa., and died June 21, 1846, at Louisville, Ky. His wife, Christiana Polk, daughter of Capt. Charles Polk, was born in what was then Shelby County, Kentucky, Nov. 12, 1787, and died at AVoodside, Jackson County, ^lo., in 1850. They were married Oct. 6, 1803, in Shelby County, Kentucky, and emi grated to Indiana in 1818, where he enlisted in Indian Mission ary work, in which he continued throughout life. He was an earnest, zealous Baptist preacher and in his missionary duties was devotedly assisted by his wife. To them were born thirteen children, viz. : (1) Mahala, b. Aug. 10, 1804, d. Aug. 31, 1818. (2) Dr. Rice, b. Jan. 27, 1807, d. May 26, 1833. (3) Dr. Josephus, b. AprU 13, 1808, d. June 27, 1831. (4) Delilah, b. Nov. 24, 1809, d. . (5) John Calvin, b. Sept 38, 1811, d. Sept. 3, 1889. (6) Elizabeth, b. Aug., 1813, d. . . (7) Sarah, b. April 13, 1815, d. previous to July 30, 1835. (8) Christiana, b. Oct. 19, 1817, d. Feb. 10, 1837. (9) Nancy Juds'on, b. Feb. 36, 1819, d. 1850. (10) Eleanor, b. July 39, 1831, d. Jan. 11, 1839. (11) Maria Slaughter, b. Nov. 39, 1833, d. . (13) Isaac, Jr., b. April, 1835, d. May, 1849. (13) Charies Rice, b. Feb., 1837, d. in eariy youth. INTERMARRIAGES. The eldest child, Mahala, and the last one, Charies Rice, died in youth, as above shown. Dr. Rice, Dr. Josephus, Eliz abeth, Nancy Judson and Vlaria Slaughter are said to have all died unmarried. Delilah McCoy married Feb. 39, 1838, Dr. Johnston Lykins. He was of a Virginia family and was POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 429 born in 1800 in Virginia, dying at Kansas City, Mo., Aug. 15, 1856. They had issue: 'William Hall Richardson, b. Nov. 39, 1838, in Lexington, Ky., died June 15, 1893, at Kansas City, Mo.; ^Sarah, b. , d. ; »Charies McCoy, b. , d. in in fancy; Julia McCoy, b. Nov. 14, 1839, at LouisvUle, Ky., d. Sept. 14, 1873, at Kansas City, Mo. Wm. Hall Richardson Lykins was married Dec. 10, 1857, in Kansas City, to Cornelia Victoria Smith, b. Jan. 16, 1838, at Charleston, S. C, now (1911) residing in Kansas City, Mo. Sarah Lykins, b. , married Egbert Freeland Russell. Julia McCoy Lykins, b. , married Oct. 13, 1858, in Kansas City. Dr. Theodore Spencer Case, b. Jan. 36, 1833, at Jackson, Ga., d. Feb. 16, 1900, in Kansas City. William Hall Richardson Lykins and his wife, Cornelia Victoria has issue : 'Johnston Franklin, b. Oct. 16, 1838, d. unmarried at Kansas City, Feb. 3, 1887 ; ^Susan Elizabeth, b. Nov. 39, 1860, at Lawrence, Kan., d. May 31, 1893, at Kansas City; ^Delilah McCoy, b. June 24, 1863, at Lawrence, Kan., now (1911) single and residing at Kansas City. Susan Elizabeth, married Nov. 6, 1881, AA^m. Whitehead Thacher, of Kansas City. They had two children : Nina Etta Thacher, born Feb. 10, 1883, died July 17, 1884, and Lilah Case Thacher, born Oct. 34, 1885, died November 19, 1904. They live at Pennington, Vt. Sarah Lykins and her husband, Egbert Freeland Russell had issue: 'Zenette Freeland, b. , d. about 1886; ^AVm. Lykins, b. , d. at 18 years of age; Julia Louise, b. ; *Effie, b. , d. in infancy; 'Mattie, b. , d. in infancy; "Lillian, b. , d. in infancy ; 'Theodora Case, b. , resid ing now (1911) at Independence, Mo.; ^Cornelia Victoria, b. . Zenette Freeland Russell married Harlow Johnson Boyce, May, 1870. He was b. AprU 17, 1844, at Castalia, Ohio. They had issue : ^Chas. McCoy, b. Nov. 18, 1873, re siding at Kansas City; Johnson Lykins, b. Nov., 1877, re siding at Arizona. Julia Louis Russell married Samuel Barn- hill, and they had four children : 'Wm. AUen BarnhiU, b. ; -Claude BarnhiU, of Los Angeles, b. ¦; ^Hariow BarnhiU, b. ; ^Bernice BarnhiU, b. . Theodora Case RusseU mar ried Elijah Hays Bettis, and they had issue: 'Francis Allison, 430 P u LK FAMILY AND KINSMEN b. April 11, 1883, married Daisy Barwick, Dec. 18, 1909. Res idence, Independence, Mo. ; ^Sarah Lucas, b. , d. in in fancy; ^Alexander Erwin, b. Dec. 16, 1885, married Mabel Pickett, Oct. 30, 1907. They have one child, Russell Hunting ton, b. Oct. 33, 1908; *Zenie Russell, b. . Cornelia Victoria married Isaac N. Brown, and they have issue 'Lillian; ^Wm. Russell; ^Sarah ; ''Theodora; 'Helen; "Julia, and a son, aged four years. Julia McCoy Lykins and her husband, Dr. Theodore Spencer Case had issue: 'Mattie Lykins, b. June 36, ISCiO, d. Jan. 30, 1865; ^Emily ArabeUa, b. Sept. 15, 1861, d. March 8, 1865; sQlive Spencer, b. Sept. 3, 1865, d. Feb. 9, 1869; *Delilah McCoy, b. Aug. 35, 1867. Delilah married Dec. 35, 1889, Geo. Carroll Cowles, b. Jan. 16, 1863, in Butler, Ky., now residing in Kansas City. They had issue: 'Theodoi'e William Cowles, b. Sept. 31, 1890, d. April 36, 1893; ^A son who died at birth, Oct. 13, 1895; ^Margaret Cowles, b. Oct. 29, 1896, d. Oct. 31, 1896; Johnston Lykins Case, b. Feb. 15, 1870, is living in Mexico, and said to be unmarried. 'Ermine Cowles Case, b. Sept. 11. 1871, married June 23, 1898, Mary Margaret Snow, b. Aug. 9, 1872. They live at Ann Arbor, Mich., and have issue: 'Francis Huntington, b. April 4, 1899, is unmarried; ^Theo- dore Johnston, b. March 16, 1911. John Calvin McCoy, fifth child of Rev. Isaac and Chris tiana (Polk) McCoy, married twice. His first wife, to whom he was united Jan. 23, 1838, in Westport, Mo., was Virginia Chick, b. Dec. 22, 1820, d. May 28, 1849. Rev. Isaac McCoy, his father, performing the ceremony. His second wife, Eliz abeth M. (Woodson) Lee, was born in Jessamine County, Kentucky. She was the widow of Gary Lee. By his first wife, Virginia Chick, John Calvin McCoy had issue: Jose phus, b. Dec. 6, 1838, d. Sept. 2, 1843; ^Eleanor (Nelly), b. July 2, 1840, residence, Rich Hill, Mo. ; Juliette, b. Feb. 16, 1842, residence, 805 Olive St., Kansas City Mo.; *Spencer Cone b. July 25, 1844, killed Jan. 8, 1863, in battle at Spring field, Mo.; 'Wm. Chick, b. Feb. 21, 1846, d. May 12, 1848; "Virginia, b. Aug. 22, 1848, living in Texas. By his second wife, Mrs. Elizabeth Lee, John Calvin POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 431 McCoy had issue: 'Evelyn Byrd, b. Feb. 31, 1851, now living at Kansas City; ^AVoodson, h. Sept. 36, 1855, residing at Wilder, Kas ; John Calvin, Jr., b. March 8, 1853, d. Dec. 11, 1905. THE CHICK FAMILY. William" Miles Chick, horn Aug. 31, 1794; died April 7, 1847. Ann Eliza Smith, b. Sept. 25, 1796, d. July 24, 1876. They were married April 11, 1816, and had issue: 'Mary Jane, b. ; ^VA^m. Sidney, b. ; ^Virginia, b. Dec. 22, 1830, married Jno Calvin McCoy, Jan. 33, 1838 ; *Sarah Ann, b. March 13, 1833, d. Jan. 3, 1846, married April 6, 1841, Col. Jno. W. Polk; 'Washington Henry, b. ; "Joseph Smith, b. ; ''Martha Matilda, b. ; ^Pettus Wales, b. ; ^Leonidas, b. . No dates of birth, marriage or death was furnished with above names. INTERMARRIAGES OF JNO. CALVIN M'COY'S CHILDREN. Eleanor McCoy, second child of John Calvin McCoy, mar ried AprU 14, 1859, Dr. Wm. Warren Harris, of Rich Hill, Mo., who was born in Bedford County, Va., Oct. 14, 1834. They had nine children, viz : 'Virginia Spencer, b. May 38, 1862, residence, Kansas City ; ^William Warren, Jr., b. March 3, 1864, d. in infancy; ^Calvin McCoy, b. Jan. 31, 1866, d. Sept. 5, 1868; ^Thomas Hector, b. O'ct. 17, 1868, d. June 23, 1870; 'Catharine Alexander, b. Dec. 11, 1870, residence, Kansas City, Mo.; "Eleanor Tyler, b. June 19, 1873, residence, Rich Hill, Mo. ; 'Harry Innes, b. May 17, 1875 ; ^Spencer Francis, b. Aug. 1, 1877, residence Kansas City, Mo.; ®Wm. Woodson, b. Oct. 14, 1880, residence, Kansas City, Mo. Of the foregoing children of Dr. Wm. Warren Harris and Eleanor McCoy, Virginia Spencer married March 20, 1883, Robt. Taliaferro Thornton, b. July 31, 1859, residence, Kansas City. Eleanor Tyler married Oct. 22, 1902, John Otto Krause, of Rich Hill, Mo., b. July 10, 1873, residence, Kansas City. Harry Innes Harris married April 14, 1903, 432 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN in Nevada, Mo., Helen Byrde Cramer, b. Feb. 16, 1880. Spen cer Francis and Wm. Woodson Harris are still untrammeled by matrimonial cares. Robert Taliaferro Thornton and wife had issue: 'War ren Thomas, M. D., b. Feb. 1, 1884, d. March 17, 1910, unmar ried; -Harriett, b. Jan. 21, 1886, married Dec. 5, 1908, Laur ence Hannan Phister, b. April 21, 1885, at Maysville, Ky., residence, Kansas City. They have one child, Warren Thorn ton Phister, b. Jan. 20, 1910; ^Robt. Taliaferro, Jr., b. Jan. 30, 1888, residence, Kansas City; *Eleanor, b. Feb. 19, 1896, resi dence, Kansas City; 'Virginia, b. Dec. 8, 1892, d. Jan. 13, 189L Harry Innes Harris and wife, Helen Byrde Cramer had issue: 'Harry Innes, Jr., b. Nov. 18, 1904; -Margaret, b. Jan. 14, 1907. Juliette McCoy, third child of John Calvin McCoy a -id wife, married Feb. 16, 1864, at Glasgow, Mo., Robt. Thomas Bass (b. Feb. 4, 1841), and they' had issue: 'Lizzie, b. Jan, 13, 1866, in Boone County, Missouri, d. July 6, 1872; ^Sally Gay, b. May 9, 1867, married Henry Lacy Tomlin (Oct. 5, 1888), residence Kansas City; ^Felix Spencer, b. Oct. 27, 1869, d. June 20, 1876, in Kansas; *Calvin McCoy, b. April 3, 1873, married twice. First wife, Lalla DeMars (b. Aug 1, i.878) in AA^yoming, d. July 28, 1901, at Prescott, Ariz. By her he had one child, Lalla Margaret, b. July 28, 1901. Resides with her father in Arizona. Calvin's second wife was Clare Russell ; 'Robert Thomas, Jr., h. Sept. 11, 1877, married (Oct., 1908) in Carson City, Nev., Kitty Cavanaugh, b. in Ireland, resi dence, Golconda, Nev. ; "Margaret Virginia, b. July 12, 1876, d. Sept. 12, 1876 ; 'Juliette Spotswood, b. June 17, 1881, married (July 25, 1905) Levi AVilson, b. Nov. 16, 1876. They have issue: 'Robert Lee, b. AprU 20, 1907; ^Virgina, b. June 2, 1910, residence, Kansas City. Wm. Chick McCoy, b. Feb. 21, 1846, d. May 12, 1848. Virginia McCoy, sixth child of John Calvin McCoy and Virginia Chick, b. Aug. 32, 1848, married July 3, 1870, Alexan der Travis Grimes, of Jackson County, Mo., and they had issue: 'Harvey McCoy, b. 1871, in Texas; ^Cora, b. 1875, d. in infancy; '^Eleanor May, b. March 15, 1876, married Nov.' POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 433 24, 1891, Herbert Hanson. He d. Feb. 28, 1908, residence. Fort Worth, Texas ; "'Alexander Travis, Jr., b. April 16, 1878, residence. El Paso Texas; 'James Gordon b. Sept. 4, 1880, at Westport, Mo., residence, Belzonia, Miss; "Chas. Lister, b. Sept. 13, 1883, at Kansas City, married (Dec. 18 1909) at Memphis, Tenn., Lenora Yancey. One child, Gordon Yancey, b. Sept. 30, 1910; 'Virginia Lee, b. Sept. 35, 1887, at Fort Worth, Texas, married Eugene Ashe, one child, b. June 38, 1910, d. in infancy, residence, Fort Worth Tex. Evelyn Byrd McCoy b. Feb. 31, 1852, married (April 29, 1875) James Montgomery HoUoway (b. Feb. 10, 1847) and they had issue: (1) Elizabeth Scott, b. May 15, 1879, at Wichita, Kan., m. Oct. 1, 1903, Kidder Woodson Woods (b. 1875 at Frankfort, Ky.) and they had issue: 'AVood- son Kidder, b. Aug. 14, 1904; James HoUoway, b. July 12, 1908; (2) Kate Lee, b. July 30, 1881, married (April 26, 1905) Alexander John Atchison Alexander (b. 1875) of "AVoodburn Farm," Woodford County, Ky. They have issue : ^Alexander John, b. Jan. 13, 1907; James HoUoway, b. April 11, 1909. Woodson McCoy, b. Sept. 26, 1855, married (June 3, 1890) Agnes English, of Platte County, Missouri, and they have is sue : 'Spencer English, b. Feb. 9, 1892, residence. Wilder, Kas; ^Martha, b. Aug. 18, 1893, d. Dec. 24, 1894; ^Elizabeth Woodson, b. Nov. 15, 1897, residence. Wilder, Kas. John Calvin, Jr., b. July 8, 1888, residence, Kansas City, married Florida Mason (b. Nov. 2, 1854). They have issue: John Calvin, Jr., b. July 8, 1888 ; ^Mary Agnes, b. Nov. 18, 1890; ^Matt Mason, b. July 23, 1892. Sarah, seventh child of Rev. Isaac McCoy and his wife, Christiana Polk, married Thomas Givens, Fayette, Mo. Com monwealth Attorney for Eastern District of Missouri, and they had one child, Sarah, Jr., b. in 1832, d. at 14 years of age. Sarah, Sr., d. before July 30, 1835. Christiana McCoy, daughter of Rev. Isaac and Christiana (Polk) McCoy, married Wm. Ward, of Howard County, Missouri. They had two children : 'Margaret Ward, b. 1832, d. in infancy; ^Thomas Ward, b. 1834, d. 1909. Thomas married Miss Talbot, a sister of Bishop Ethelbert Talbot, and they had issue : 'Thomas, b. , married May Hamilton, and 434 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN they have a son and daughters, Alice and Margaret; ^Margaret, b. , unmarried, residence, Denver, Colo ; ^Ethelbert, b. , married Ada Smith, three children ; Jno., Episcopal clergyman, b. , married , two children, Polly and Peggy. Resides at Wilkesbarre, Pa. ; 'Elsie, a noted sculptress, b. , married Henry Herring, a sculptor. No issue ; "AA^^illiam, b. , mar ried. He is a mining engineer and lives in South America. 'Ralph, b. . Lieutenant in U. S. Army. Married in Den ver, about 1908. Nancy Judson, ninth child of Rev. Isaac McCoy and Christiana Polk, b. Feb. 26, 1819, d. unmar ried 1850. Eleanor, tenth child of Rev. Isaac McCoy and wife, Christina, b. July 29, 1821, d. Jan. 11, 1839. She married AA'm. Donahoe, of Howard County, iMissouri. No issue re corded. Maria Slaughter, eleventh child of Rev. Isaac McCoy and wife, Christiana, b. Nov. 29, 1823, d. unmarried. Isaac, Jr., b. April, 1825, d. May, 1849, married Martha Stone, of Jackson County, Missouri. They had a son, Isaac, 3rd, b. Aug., 1849, d. 1861. Charles Rice, thirteenth and youngest child of Rev. Isaac McCoy and his wife, Christiana (Polk) McCoy, b. Feb., 1827, d. in his youth. The remains of Chris tiana McCoy, Sr., and of the deceased members of her son, John Calvin McCoy, rest in the Union County Cemetery, Kansas City. A book entitled "Earlv Indian '^fi'ssions," a memorial written by Walter N. AA^yeth, D. D., of Philadelphia, and published by the Baptist Publication Society, tells of the lives and the mission work of Rev. Isaac McCoy and his wife, Christiana (Polk) McCoy. Another work, "The Eliza McCoy Memoir," written by Calvin IMcCormick, of Dallas, Tex., tells of the life of Miss Eliza McCoy, a daughter of John McCoy, a brother to Rev. Isaac McCoy. And a third work, called "History of Baptist Indian Missions," written by Isaac ~Slc- Coy, (612 pages) published in 1840, gives almost a complete account of the life of Christiana Polk. In the room of the Kansas Historical Society in the capitol at Topeka, is one of their most prized collections, kept separate in a vault, and called the "Isaac McCoy Collection." It comprises the origi nal manuscript, of the many accounts written by Rev. Isaac McCoy concerning the North American Indians, and of pioneer days in the Middle AVest, then the "Far West." These ac- POLK FAMILY AND KINS M E N 435 counts also tell much about his wife, Christiana (Polk) Mc Coy. John Calvin McCoy, second son of Christiana, was one of the most noted persons in the early history of Kansas City, and of Western Missouri. He was a Government Civil Engi neer, employed to allot lands to the Indians and to act as agent of the United States in transactions with them. A recent his tory of Kansas City states that if any one was the "father of Kansas City," John Calvin McCoy was entitled to that dis tinction. He made the first plat of the city and was a member of the original town company. There he lived for more than fifty years, loved and honored to an unusual degree. He was educated at Cincinnati and Transylvania University of Lexing ton, Ky. Eleanor McCoy Harris, wife of Dr. W. W. Harris, of Rich Hill, Mo., eldest daughter of John McCoy, by his first wife, Virginia Chick, is a woman of literary taste and ability and has written much for the press and magazines. Although a great grandmother, she is a regular contributor to the Kansas City Star, and is collaborating in the preparation of a histoy of Jackson County, Missouri, in which Kansas City is situated. She is still alert, vigorous in body and mind, and a good musi cian. In his book, "Baptist Indian Missions," published in 1840, Rev. Isaac McCoy says, among other things : "In the fore part of October I attended, at Chicago, the payment of an annuity by Dr. Wolcott, U. S. Indian Agent, and through his politeness addressed the Indians on the subject of our mis sion. On the 9th of Oct., 1825, I preached in English, which, as I was informed, was the first sermon ever delivered at or near that place. Between our place and Chicago was a wilder ness, in which we took five nights lodging on our tour." 436 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN CHAPTER LI. CHARLES POLK, 3rd, AND FAMILY. Charies Polk, 3rd (fifth child of Capt. Charles Polk) was born Oct. 27, 1782, in an Indian Camp at Detroit, where his mother and her children, William, Elizabeth, Sarah and Nancy were taken by their savage captors in Sept., 1782. Here the little white papoose remained until his father recovered his family the following year, through the kindly assistance of his old time anti-Revolutionary acquaintance and friend, Simon Girty. After the return of the family to Nelson County Kentucky, Charles grew up to be a vigorous and active youth, soon be coming skilled as a hunter and alert pioneer, and obtaining the ordinary country school education of that period. He served under General Harrison at Tippecanoe, in 1811, in the Quartermaster's Department, and later was an officer of Indiana Militia, in the War 1812. He took an active part in all the civil and military affairs of his district, and, in 1816, was the single member from Perry County of the first Con stitutional Convention of Indiana, when the Territory assumed statehood. He died in Perry County in 1847. Charles Polk, 3rd, married Margaret McQuaid in 1803, and to them were born thirteen little Polks, viz ; 'James, b. in Shelby County, Kentucky, Sept. 5, 1804, d. 1890. He mar ried Harriett Shepherd, in 1829; ^Delilah, b. Jan. 1, 1806, d. 1874, married Alexander Blackburn ; ^Lucinda, b. Jan. 6, 1808, d. Aug., 1872, married Obed Macey in 1826; ^William Bruce, b. about 1810, d. 1814; 'Nancy, b. about 1812, d. unmarried; "Elizabeth, b. about 1814, d. , married Chas. Short; 'Ed mond, b. about 1816, d. , married Jane Elliott; ^Isabel, b. about 1818, d. 1837, unmarried; ^Charies, b. about 1820, d. 1839; '"Christian, b. 1822, d. 1848, married first, James Piety Cox, eldest son of Jonathan Cox, of Kentucky. Christian also married two other men, Holden and Samuel Maxwell ; /' () 1. K FAMILY AN !) KIN S M H N 437 BENJAMIN F. POLK, of Princeton, Indiana, son of Isaac, son of Charles Polk, 3rd. POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 439 "Isaac, b. Nov. 4, 1825, d. July 27, 1898. He married first, in 1843, Mary Cox, second, in 1861, I\Irs. Martha (Couchman) Ferguson. By these wives Isaac had twelve children ; 'John M., b. Feb. 26, 1826, d. 1881, was twice married, first to Eliz abeth Colton, second to Eliza Jane Hill; '^Margaret, b. 1830, d. 1872, married Henry Bartley. Lucinda Polk and Obed Macey had Urania Macey, who married Cheeseman. A daughter of the latter married Dr. George Clark, of California, one of the founders of the San Francisco Geographical Society, and at his death its Pres ident. By his first wife, Mary Cox, Isaac Polk had: 'Benjamin F. Polk, whose daughter, Agnes, married Prof. R. M. Tryon, Superintendent Public Schools, Madison, Ind. James Piety Cox and Christiana Polk had issue: 'Isabel, b. , married George Bond, of Oaktown, Ind. To them were born: 'Florence, d. ; ^Grace, married Lee Townland Bond, and they have Imogene and Raymond ; ^Frank, married Miss Holland ; ^Margaret, married John Hammock. ^Finette, second child of James Piety Cox, married Houck, but left no issue, it is said, at her death ; ^Charles, son of James Piety Cox, b. , d. unmarried. John M. Polk by his second wife, Eliza Hill, had issue: 'Prentice, b. , who married Jessie Root and had Robert, Alice and Helen; -Mary K., daughter of John ]\I. Polk, is Librarian of the U. S. Laboratories at Manilla, Philippine Islands. Margaret (youngest child of Charles Polk, 3rd, and Margaret McQuaid), b. 1830, d. 1872, by her husband Henry Bartley, had issue: 'Sylvester, who married Alice Bartley and had Donald and Fay; ^George; ^Elizabeth, ^Nellie; 'Finette ; "Bessie. • Edward (or Edmond) Polk (seventh child of Capt. Charles Polk and Delilah Tyler, b. about 1786, was killed in 1814, during the second war of the L^nited States with Great Britain. Like all the male members of his family, he was an ardent patriot and fought for his country. His wife was Achsy Van Meter, by whom he had five chUdren : 'Charles, b. , d. , married Mrs. LTpdegraff; ^PoUy, b. , d. , married John Maxwell ; ^Elizabeth, b. , d. , married, first, AA'm, D, 440 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN Bruce, second, Jonathan Macey; *William V., b. , d. , married Polly Haddon ; 'Isaac, b. , d. , married Mrs. Palmer. Eleanor Polk (eighth child of Capt. Charles Polk), ^. about 1788, John HoUingsworth and had : 'George, who mar ried Hannah Hill; ^Elizabeth, who married Harry Palmer; Joseph, who married Mrs. Palmer; *Delilah, who married Moore; 'Eleanor, who married Selby; "Isaac, who married Miss Underwood ; ''Christiana, who married James McClure. Mary (Polly) Polk (ninth child of Capt. Charles Polk), b. about 1790, d. , married Philip BeU and they had: 'Charles, who married Lydia Bartley; ^Emeline, who married David Kipper ; ^AA-'Uliam, who married Nancy Lemmon ; *Sallie, who' married Burns ; 'Betsy, who married . DESCENDANTS OF DR. THOMAS POLK. Dr. Thomas Polk, tenth child of Capt. Charles Polk anl Delilah (Tyler Polk, was born Feb. 2, 1792, in Nelson County, Kentucky, and died Feb. 7, 1872, at Gonzales, Texas. His wife, Sarah Sloan, was born in Nelson County in 1796, of North Carolina parents, and died March 4, 1872, only thirty- three days after her husband's death. Their children were 'Sarah Ann, b. Dec. 27, 1831; James, b. about , 1833 nViUiam, b. about , 1835; %Iilam Benjamin, b. Feb. 39 1836 ; 'Eliza, b. about , 1837 ; " , and d. in infancy, 1838 ¦'Elizabeth, b. about , 1839 ; ^Charies, b. about , 1840 ° , b. and d. about , 1841 ; '"Mary Jane, b. , 1845, d.. at four years of age. INTERMARRIAGES. The intermarriages and the descendants of the foregoing of Dr. Thomas Polk were: Sarah Ann, b. Dec. 27, 1831, d. June 16, 1876, married James D. Anderson, of Gonzales, Texas, Nov. 6, 1856. They had issue: 'Thomas James, b. Sept. 10, 1857, d. at one year old; -'Frances Gelhorn, b. Feb. 20, 1860, married (Sept. 2, 1874) James D. Darst, of Gonzales, Tex; POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 441 "Robert Lee, b. Aug. 9, 1864, married (Feb. 31, 1893) Mary Crosby. The children of Robert Lee Anderson and Mary Crosby are: 'Mary Crosby, b. Oct. 31, 1893; J. D. Houston, b. April 10, 1896; ^Robert Lee, b. June 14, 1897. James Polk (son of Dr. Thomas Polk), b. about 1833, d. at one year old. William Polk, b. about 1835, married Jane Campbell and died soon afterward, aged 88 years. No issue. Milam Benjamin Polk, b. Feb. 29, 1836, d. July 1894, mar ried Julia Caroline Price, Feb. 30, 1873. She was b. Jan. 7, 1847. They had issue: 'Omi, b. July 36, 1874, married Jno. Charlton Heaton, Jan. 1, 1900. They had one child, John Polk Heaton, b. 1901, d. in infancy ; ^Charles Stover, b. Aug. 6, 1876, married Lottie Pickett, Oct. 6, 1908, residence. Liberty, Tex. ; ^Bessie Thomas, b. Feb. 3, 1879, married Frank B. Salter, June 36, 1907; *Milam Benjamin, Jr., b. Feb. 11, 1882, d. May 17, 1883; 'Patti, b. Aug. 17, 1885 ; "NeUie, b. Sept. 17, 1887. Eliza, daughter of Dr. Dr. Thomas Polk, b. about 1837, married Felix Chenault. She died Sept. 9, 1870, he on Oct. 35, 1873. They had issue: (1) James Reed, who mar ried Sophia Llenson and had issue: -Edna, b. ; ^LaSalle, b. ; ^May, married Akyle, one child, Bernelle, b. ; Jef ferson, b. ; 'Felix, b. , married Ruby Arnold; "Reed, b. . Felix had two son, Felix, Jr., and Reed. (3)John Bass, b. Feb. 14, 1846, married LUla J. Harrison. Issue : 'Emma, who married Burrows ; ^Clarence. (3) Charies Polk, h. Aug. 8, 1848, married Jane Tes- tard. Issue: 'Charles Adrian, b. , 1880; ^Anna Letitia, b. Sept. 13, 1883, married Wood Caperton ; ^Whitson, b. Oct. 16, 1884 ,mari-ied Lula Simmons. (4) Benjamin Peck, b. Feb. 30, 1853, unmarried. (5) Lucien La SaUe, b. Dec. 15, 1853, married Narcissa De Witt, Sept. 16, 1874. Issue: 'Cora, b.. May 20, 1877, mar ried Herbert Green. Issue : Herbert, h. Dec. 2, 1906 ; Wilfred, b. Alarch 18, 1910; ^Clinton, b. May 28, 1881, unmarried; SLucien James, b. Oct. 6, 1883 ; ^Dora, b. AprU 15, 1885, d. May 28, 1886. (6) Medora, b. May 7, 1855, married James Dunn Hous- 442 POLK F AM I LY AND KINSMEN ton, Dec. 1873. Issue: 'Augusta, b. Dec. 28, 1874, d. March 12, 1885, married August Kline; ^George L., b. , married Alice Thompson. Issue: 'Kennon, b. Sept. 26, 1895, d. Alarch £, 1896; ^Doris, b. Aug., 1896; ^Aileen H. B., Oct. 18, 1898; "Katharine, b.. Oct. 12, 1906. Letitia Chenault, b. Aug. 9, 1857, married Samuel L. Fore, of Gonzales, Tex., Feb. 30, 1889. Issue: 'Blake Davidsor:, Cuero, Tex., b. Jan. 9, 1890; ^Sam Lane, Cuero, Tex., b. May 3, 1891. Blake Davidson Fore and Mary Lease were married Nov. 38, 1909. Loren Blake Fore, son of Blake and Mary Fore, b. July 7, 1910, residence, Florasville, Tex. Eizabeth Polk, daughter of Dr. Thomas Polk, b. about 1838, aged 66 years, married William B. Cavitt, and they had : 'Cora Millie, b. , d. ; ^Miles Edward, b. , married MoUie Booth, and had a daughter, Elizabeth Booth. Frances Gelhorn Anderson, b. Feb. 30, 1860, married James D. Darst, of Gonzales, Tex., Sept. 3, 1874. They had issue: (1) Imogene E., b. July 31, 1876, married W. G. MuUigan, of High Prairie, Alberta, Canada. Their children are : 'Lucille Annie, h. July 3, 1895 ; ^Thelma Sue, b. June 37, 1897 ; sfmo- gene, h. Dec. 13, 1900. (2) James Anderson, b. Sept 19, 1878, married Aug. 11, 1908, Mary Lou Hogan, of Lufkin, Tex. They have one child, Dorothy, b. Nov. 6, 1909. (3) Sue Lee, b. Oct 3, 1880, married J. AVm. Cobb, of St. Louis, Mo. Their children are: 'Frances Cobb, b. Aug. 19, 1900; 2B. N. Darst, b. June 37, 1903; J. AVm., Jr., b. Aug. 18, 1904; "Susan Lee, b. , 1905; 'AA^hitfield, b. Dec. 33, 1907; "Mary Ethel, b. , 1909. John Jaco'b Darst, b. June 37, 1885, unmarried. Sarah Ethel Darst, b. Dec. 30, 1882, married J. G. McRea, Aug. 29, 1906. They have one child, AA^m. Darst, b. June 18, 1909. Thomas Roswell Darst, b. Sept. 8, 1888, married Lucille Lois Houston, Jan. 38, 1909. Eleanor Alma Darst, b. July 6, 1890, married James C. Smith, Hearne, Texas, April 18, 1908. Mary Jane Polk (daughter of Dr. Thomas Polk), b. about 1845, d. at four years of age. POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 443 SKETCH OF DR. THOMAS POLK. (By his Grandaughter, Mrs. Frances G. Darst.) Dr. Thomas Polk, tenth child of Capt. Charles Polk and his wife, Delilah (Tyler) Polk, was born in Nelson County, Kentucky, Feb. 3, 1793. He died Feb. 7, 1872, at Gonzales, Texas, where he had resided for over fifty years. '\Vhen Thomas was 16 years of age, his father, Capt. Charles Polk, removed from Kentucky to near Vincennes, Ind., where he and his sons became prominent in civil and military affairs m that Territory. Amid the stirring scenes of the frontier Thomas grew to manhood, studied medicine and began prac tice. In 18 — he married Miss Sarah SIoan( b. 1796 in Nelson County, Kentucky), who proved through a long life on the frontiers a brave and loyal helpmate. Like his father and uncles, however, Thomas could not resisit the lure of the fields that lay toward the setting sun, with their opportunities for adventure and wealth. He decided to go to the Southwest, and in 1820 emigrated to Arkansas Territory. The following year, 1821, attracted by the marvelous stories concerning the Republic of Texas, to which a strong tide of hardy emigrants flowed, he moved forward to that country and settled permanently. Descended from an adventurous line, Dr. Thomas Polk was soon absorbed into the exciting transactions of that pe 'icd under Col. Stephen F. Austin and General Sam Houston. As a surgeon he served in the ranks of the army of the Republic and acquitted himself with bravery and distinction. He was in the whole of the long struggle between the Texan patriots and the Mexican forces that opposed them. On the column that stands in the Statehouse at Austin, erected to the memory of the "Heroes of Texas," his name is inscribed with those of other prominent actors in that struggle. The story of Dr. Thomas Polk's life and adventures in the Southwest is most interestingly told in a letter to the author, by his granddaughter, Mrs. Frances G. Darst, of Gonzales. Texas. Her account furnishes a striking picture of the tri?l-i and sufferings of Americans who formed the Texas Republic and battled long against the Mexicans to hold it, finally plant ing the Stars and Stripes over all the rich territory north of the Rio Grande. Says Mrs. Darst: 444 P u LK FAMILY AND KINSMEN "Dr. Thomas Polk and wife, with several small children, left Vincennes, Ind., and emigrated to Arkansas Territory in 1820, where they sojourned for about a year. Texas was then a part of Mexico. Lured by adventure and prospective land grants, they came to this state in 1831 and were a part of Col. Stephen F Austin's Colony, settled near Bahia Crossing, near what is now Austin County. There they lived until after the Mexican Revolutionary AVar. "Dr. Polk was a surgeon in the Army of the Republic, but he had practiced medicine and engaged in farming and ranching for many years previous to the war. The country was full of wild animals, and also Indians, the latter making fre quent raids on the settlers, stealing horses and cattle, and killing and capturing all the white people they could. Yet, these savages were always friendly to the Polks, because grandma, Dr. Thomas Polk's wife, often gave them food and aid. There was a cane brake near Dr. Polk's house and one day when the family were at dinner — one of the seldom days when they had a pudding — an immense Indian in war paint and feathers came out of the cane brake and stood in the door, uttering a loud grunt : "AA'-a-a-u-g-h." The children all screamed and ran away and hid, some of them crawling under the bed. Grandma was not excited a bit, and going to the big chief, led him to a seat at the table, inviting him to eat. She helped him liberally to everything. He was particularly pleased with the pudding, and after eating what was given to him, helped himself to the rest of it. Then after dispatching it, he patted himself on the stomach, exclaimed, "Lleap good" and became playful. Seeing Eliza's little bare toes sticking out from under the bed, whither she had fled for safety at first appearance, he reached down and pulled her out by the foot, seemingly greatly pleased by her screams and frantic efforts to get away. Grandma ran to her rescue, but the Indian patted her on the shoulder and left the house. "Grandpa Dr. Polk, afterwards learned that the canebrake was full of Indians, with hostile intentions, but because this one was treated so kindly, they never molested the family at that or any other time. The big Indian often came afterwards, sometimes bringing another with him and frequently brought POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 445 presents of game and fish, and grandma always cooked a goodly portion for him to eat. He would signify his satisfaction by patting and rubbing his stomach. I will now tell you how this particular pudding was made, and all cakes and sweets at that time : Grandma sifted the cornmeal through a muslin cloth, to obtain the finest flour. She then shortened it with bear's fat and sweetened it with wild honey. This was before the day of baking powder, or even soda, so when grandma had no saleratus, she dripped strong lye from wood ashes, which, combined with sour milk, made a very good leaven. She was a good manager and a hospitable housekeeper. She often regaled the wayfarer and sometimes guest, with this cake and refreshing drink made of cold water poured on preserves made by stewing wild plums in honey. Game was plentiful — bears, deer, turkeys, duck, quails and an abundance of honey was to be found in the hol low trees. Also berries, pecans, grapes and various wild fruits in their season. Grandpa killed several bears in the yard and grandma also killed one that was trying to kill a shoat. "As all supplies were shipped from New Orleans, and often delayed unaccountably, the people were obliged to subsist mainly on the game which they found in the woods, and fear of the Indians made it difficult to kill game. Once during a corn famine, they were a long time — many weeks — without bread. But their most serious misfortune occurred about the close of the war for Independence. "Grandpa was at home, on a furlough, to welcome the arrival of MUam Benjamin, the youngest child. The people had not recovered from the fear and gloom cast over the coun try by the terrible Goliad Massacre, when came the direful news of the fall of the Alamo, with a necessity for every family between San Antonio and Houston to leave their homes and flee for their lives — the "Great Runaway," as it has been called. "Just at daylight, one morning, Mr. Brown, a faithful nearest neighbor who lived two miles away, galloped to the door shouting, "Get up. Doctor ! Get up quick ! The Mexicans are coming! Everybody has gone but you. I missed you 446 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN and came back. Hurry ! Hurry !" Within two hours they had secreted the cooking utensils and such bedding and pro visions as they could, in hollow trees and logs, and packed up the few things they could carry, and set out. Grandma, with an infant of but a few days old in her arms, and a son behind her. Grandpa and Charles on the pack horses, and three little girls on a bobtailed pony that hitherto had been regarded as perfectly safe ; but, he may have scented danger, for he ran away at the outset and scraped his precious burden from off his back as he ran under the swinging limb of a black-jack tree. The children were not hurt much ; the pony was cap tured, all three piled on again, and they hurried forward to catch up with their fleeing neighbors. Recent heavy rains had made travel difficult, and when they reached the Brazos River, it was out of its banks and unfordable. So the men set about building a raft to carry the women, children and baggage over. The horses swam across. Grandma was sit ting on a fallen tree, with her babe on her lap, when her child ren were placed on the raft for the first trip across the swollen, rushing stream. She threw up her hands, screaming: "Bring them back to me ! My children will be drowned" But she was assured the danger was far less than if they remained on that side, to be butchered by the Mexicans. All were finally rafted across safely and they trudged on through the woods fcr life and liberty. At length night came upon them, a dark, starless night — and rain pouring in torrents. The men cut brush and piled it high, for the women and children to sleep on. The water ran ankle deep on the ground and they cut large pieces of bark from a fallen tree and threw it over Grandma in lieu of an umbrella, to keep her and her little babe dry. The next day the party reached Donahue's Ranch, tired, wet and hungry, but comparatively safe, and found a large number of people already encamped. Here they met Uncle AA^illiam who had marched with the Regular Army. But in a few days he was thrown from a horse, which fell on him, strik ing him in the breast with the pommel of the saddle, from which he suffered greatly. He had several hemorrhages of the lungs, for several days, and Grandpa was detailed with him, and other sick soldiers, when the San Jacinto battle took place. POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 447 "On the eve of the battle, General Sam Llouston was pressing horses into service to draw cannons to the battlefield. An orderly came for the horse grandma had ridden from home ; their best horse, a splendid animal. But grandma remonstrated. Nevertheless, he led the horse away. Shortly afterward, grandma followed with a butcher knife, and see ing her horse hitched to a cannon, proceeded to cut him out of harness. General Houston saw her in the act, and said : 'Madam, I fear this is a bad omen.' But she told him her husband and son were in the army, and she needed the horse to help earn a living for her little children. So when General Houston saw she was determined to have her horse, he as sisted her to mount and she rode the animal back to camp. San Jacinto was the victorious, decisive battle. Santa Anna was captured and Texas became a Republic. But as the country was still in an unsettled, dangerous condition, many families returned to the States. Grandma was urged to go wth them ; but she would not leave grandpa, and Uncle William was too ill to leave Donahue's Ranch. But when he was convalescing, she did return (alone, except for her little children) to her home in Austin County, as grandpa's serv ices as surgeon were needed elsewhere, and with Uncle AA'il liam, and was fortunate to find that their home had been passed by the Mexicans, who pillaged and burned every other house and village in their way. On account of their exposure and many deprivations, the children sickened with typhoid fever soon after their return home. Two of them were dangerously ill and grandma attended them unaided for weeks, with no means of communicating her distress to grandpa. One day Mr. Brown (who had also been detained at San Jacinto) and a Mexican rode up to the gate, supporting a man between them, on a horse ; a man limp from sickness, with his head swollen to immense proportions. When grandma went to the door, Mr. Brown asked : Mrs. Polk, do you know this man?' She shook her head and ans wered that she had never seen him before. 'Oh, yes you have^ this is Dr. Polk.' "Grandpa had had cholera and afterwards was badly 448 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN salivated, and his head and face were swollen until he was unrecognizable. They carried him into a room apart from the children. The next day, Irvin, a boy of twelve years, died. Mr. Brown and a more distant neighbor, named Alford, dug a grave in a thicket below the house. They placed Irvin in a little board coffin, put it on a slide to which a rope was attached, and dragged it to the grave. "Eliza finally recovered, but all of her hair came out. In time, grandpa got well, but was never able to hear well again. They finally became dissatisfied and moved away. living a short time at Brazoria, San Philippi and Cuero and at last located in Gonzales County, where he ceased to prac tice medicine and engaged in farming and stock raising to a ripe old age. "A great part of the time during those experiences, Dr. Thomas Polk was busy professionally. The country being but sparsely settled he made long journeys on horseback, so that his practice and his services as Surgeon ii; the Texas Revolution kept him away from home much of the time. VVhile he had many thrilling adventures, he was reticent on the subject at home; perhaps to keep grandma from being anxious when he was away. He evaded, rather than sought honors or publicity in any form. Grandma could never quite forgive him for bringing her to raise her family in a wilder ness, and tears would course down her cheeks when she lamented their want of schools, religious and social advan tages ; yet she was a staunch helpmate, standing loyally by him through every battle of a long life, and died of grief a few months after his death. Grandpa would look upon his broad acres, fine stock, and handsome, healthy children, and declare he had nothing to regret. "As are the other Polks, we are nearly all Presbyterians, and all Democrats. Some have wealth and some have not, but all are comfortable. There are two old bachelors on our branch, but no old maids ; only one divorce and never a case of insanity." POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 449 CHAPTER LII. EPHRAIM POLK, 1st, AND DESCENDANTS. Ephraim Polk, 1st, progenitor of most of the Polks in Delaware, Kentucky, Iowa, Ohio, California, and some other of the Western and Southern States, was the third son of Capt. Robert Bruce Polk and his wife, Magdalen (Porter) Polk, nee Tasker. Ephraim Polk, 1st, was born in Ireland about the year 1671, and was a child of tender age when his parents emi grated to America, settling in Somerset County, Maryland. Ephraim died in 1718, as shown by the fact that on March 19th of that year his widoAv gave bond in the Somerset Court as Administratrix of his estate, with Charles Williams (pre sumably her father, or a brother) and Dennis Driskett as sureties, in the sum of two hundred pounds each. Her maiden name was Elizabeth Williams, a descendant of Henry AVilliams, a Virginia planter, who settled there in 1618, and who had property in Somerset County, Maryland. Many of this Williams family resided on the Eastern Shore, their an cestors being among the first colonists who came over with Lord Baltimore. Elizabeth is also said to have been a sister of Mary AVilliams, wife of her husband's brother, James Polk. Ephraim and Elizabeth were married about the year 1700, when he was a little less than thirty years old, as their eldest child, Magdalen Manlove Polk, who died unmarried, was born in 1703. After Ephraim's death his widow married John Laws, of another prominent colonial family, several of whose mem- 'bers were intermarried with the Polks, and she was his wife in 1834, as the records show. Judging from the entries of record in the Land Office of the Colony at Annapolis, and also from other official documents in the Clerk's offices of Maryland and Delaware, Ephraim appears to have been the most alert and enterpris- 450 POLK FAMILY AND KINS M E N ing of the sons of Capt. Robert Bruce Polk in the acquire ment of real estate and other property. The Colonial Laud Office records show the following grants from Lord Balti more to him : Ephraim Poalk, "Clonmell," 100 acres, lying in Somerset County, between Manokin Branch and Pidgeon House or Little Creek, Sept. 20, 1700. Recorded in Liber D. D. No. 5 folio, 73. Ephraim Poalk, "Long Delay," 274 acres, lying in Som erset County, in Dame's Ouarter, on W. side of Ball's Creek, March 26, 1705. Recorded in Liber D. D. No. 5, folio 366. Ephraim Poalk, "Chance," 300 acres, lying on E. side of Chesapeake Bay, in Dorchester County, May 37, 1715. Re corded in Liber E. E. No. 6, folio 235. Ephraim Polack, "Poak's Chance," 200 acres E. side Chesapeake Bay, Dorchester County, Sept. 10, 1715. The dif ferent spellings of the name were evidently due to the care lessness of entry clerks or officials at that day. These four grants make an aggregate of seven hundred and seventy-four acres entered by Ephraim Polk, between the years 1700 and 1715, the last entry being less than three years before his death. In addition to these entries, he owned large bodies of other lands 'by purchase, and valuable ore deposits in Cedar Creek Swamp. A good deal of his property was located in the part of Maryland that fell into Delaware after the re adjustment of the lines of those provinces. The issue of the marriage of Ephraim Polk, 1st, and Eliza- abeth AA'illiams, was five children: 'Alagdalen Alanlove; -Charles, 1st; ^John ; Joseph; 'Ephraim, 2d. Magdalen Man love, the first child, b. about 1703, d. single. In the Pa. Archives, Series I, Vol. 3, p. 644, she is mentioned in 1759 as a "spinster," aged 57 years. CHARLES POLK, 1st, SON OF EPHRAIM, 1st. Charles Polk, first son of Ephraim Polk and Elizabeth VA^illiams, was born March 16, 1704, and died Aug. 38, 178L He married Patience Manlove, on July 8, 1738. She was born in 1711 and died Sept. 23, 1776. Her family was also POLK F AMI LY AND KINSMEN 451 a numerous one in Maryland, the men of which held promi nent civic positions and were large land owners; the women were noted for their fairness of face and good housekeeping. Like his father, Charles Polk, 1st, was an enterprising and successful business man, and a prominent citizen of his com munity. According to one biographer, "he ranked with the first people of his day, filling several positions of honor and trust.'' Being the eldest son, and, under the then existing English law of primogeniture, "heir-at-law" of his father Charles inherited the bulk of the family estates. Selling his lands in Somerset, he moved to Dorchester County, where his lather had entered "Polk's Chance'' in 1715, and remained there for some years. In 1740 he again sold out, and follow ing the Nanticoke River to its source in the "Territories of Pennsylvana," settled in what is now Sussex County, Dela ware. Here he remained and reared and educated his child ren, dying Aug. 28, 1784, near Bridgeville, highly esteemed and respected by all. He was a man of engaging personality, great force of character, and acquired a goodly fortune by his industry and excellent business talents. By his wife. Patience, Charles Polk had six children, three sons and three daughters. CHILDREN OF CHARLES POLK, 1st. The children of Charles, 1st, and Patience (Manlove) Polk, were: 'Mary Magdalen, b. May 3, 1739, d. ; Judge Charies, b. Oct. 26, 1740, d. Aug. 28, 1795 ; ^PriscUla, b. Nov. 15, 1742, d. , 1816; "Anna (caUed "Nancy"), b. Jan. 10, nU, d. ; 'George, b. Nov. 15, 1746, d. Dec. 1795; "John, b. March 10, 1748, d. , 1783. Anna Polk, born Jan. 10, 1744 (fourth child of Charles Polk, 1st, and Patience Manlove), was generally called "Nancy." She married Mathew Morine, a man of noted physi cal strength, by whom she had issue : 'Charles ; ^Mary ; ^Matthew; "Nancy; 'Priscilla; "William; '^Manlove. George Polk, fifth child of Charles, 1st, and Patience Man love, born Nov. 15, 1746, married and had issue: 'Charles; ^George; ^'Elizabeth; "Margaretta ; 'Sally; "Ann. 452 P O LK FAMILY AND KINSMEN Mary Magdalen Polk, the eldest child, married first, Henry Bowman in 1761, by whom she had one child, Nathan iel Bowman, b. Feb. 33, 1763. Secondly, she married Robert Minors, by whom she had six children : 'Sarah Seymour, b. Aug. 17, 1764, d. Feb. 35, 1813; ^PrisciUa, b. Aug. 31, 1765, d. ; ^Nancy (Ann), b. Jan. 1, 1767, d. July 13, 1815 ; "Mary, b. July 14, 1710, d. AprU 16, 1851; 'Charles, h. Feb. 26, 1774; "Robert, b. 1777, d. . Nathaniel Bowman married Lovey P. Vickers and had one daughter, Henrietta, who married John HaU. The children of this union were: Alary Ann Hall and Governor John W. Hall. The latter born Jan. 1, 1817. He accumulated a large estate and resided at Frederica, Delaware. Being highly successful in business, and very popular, he was elected Governor of Delaware, serving from 1879 to 1883. Governor Hall married , and had issue : 'Samuel W. ; John W., Jr. ; ^Carrie C. SKETCH OF GOVERNOR JOHN W. HALL. John W Hall, Governor of Delaware, 1879-1883, was b. Jan. 1, 1817, in Frederica, Kent County, where he resided un til his death. He was a son of John Hall, Sr., who died when his son was but nine years of age. The wife of the latter was Henrietta Bowman, daughter of Nathaniel Bowman and Lovey P- Vickers. Nathaniel's father, Henry Bowman, married Alary Magdalen Polk, daughter of Charles Polk, son of Ephraim 1st. Mary Magdalen's bro'ther. Judge Charles Polk, was the father of Governor Charles Polk, of Delaware, and so this branch of Ephraim's line has produced two gover nors of Delaware. As John W. Hall grew to manhood he entered the mer cantile business, and when twenty-one 'he began business on his own account, soon acquiring a large trade, and branching out into lumber, grain and shipping. He acquired a number of farms, carried on extensively agricultural pursuits, and acquired a large fortune. Politically, John W. Hall was a Whig, but later he allied himself with the Democratic Party. In 1866 he was elected POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 453 GOV. JOHN W. HALL, of Delaware. POLK F AMI LY AND KINSMEN 455 a State Senator, and in 1876 a delegate to the National Demo cratic Convention. In 1874 he barely missed the nomination for Governor, and in 1878 was nominated by acclamation for that office and was duly elected by a very large majority. After the expiration of his gubernatorial term he devoted himself to the comforts of home the balance of his life. JUDGE CHARLES POLK. Judge Charles Polk, second child of Charles Polk, 1st, and Patience (Manlove) Polk, was born Oct. 36, 1740, died Aug. 28, 1795; married May 29, 1786, to Mary Manlove, a cousin, daughter of Jonathan and Elizabeth Manlove, of Sussex County, by whom he had three children : 'Gov. Charles ; ^Elizabeth; John. The two latter died in infancy. Judge Charles Polk was a man of prominence in Dela ware, and held several positions of trust and honor. On Oct. 25, 1790, he was elected Judge of the Common Pleas Court for the County of Sussex ; commissioned on Nov. 8 follow ing, and qualified Feb. 9, 1791. On Oct. 1, 1791, he was elected to a convention held for the purpose of "framing a Con stitution for ye State of Delaware," and when the convention met was chosen President of the body. During the sitting of the convention he was taken ill, left its deliberations, and did not afterwards serve in its work. GOVERNOR CHARLES POLK. Governor Charles Polk, second child of Judge Charles Polk, was born Nov. 15, 1788, and died Oct. 27, 1857. He married Mary Elizabeth Purnell, daughter of John Purnell, of Sussex, on September 4, 1811. She died in July, 1865. The issue of this marriage was fifteen children : 'Alary Elizabeth Manlove, b. Jan. 14, 1815 ; ^Wm. Alexander, b. June 10, 1816, d. Feb. 7, 1899; John PurneU, b. May 22, 1818, d. Aug. 21, 1881; "CaroHne, b. March 19, 1833, d. Alarch 5, 1895; 'Sallie Maria, h. June 3, 1835, d. Sept. 14, 1846, unmarried; "Annie May, b. Dec. 9, 1833; ^Dr. Charies George, 3d, b. July 31, 1835, d. Jan. 24, 1911, James Henry, b. Feb. 7, 1838; Joseph- 456 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN ine Purnell, b. Feb. 10, 1840; '"Theodore Albert, b. Nov. 3L 1843. The children of Governor Charles Polk that died young or unmarried, were : Dr. Chas. George, d. July 1, 1830 ; Chas. Edward, d. in 1833 ; George Frederick, d. June 1, 1833 ; Ellen Ann, d. Dec. 14, 1833 ; Anna May, d. Aug. 4, 1893, unmarried. Of those who attained to manhood or womanhood, Mary Elizabeth Afanlove married Jan. 14, 1845, to John Bailey, of Kenton, Del. Issue 'Charies, b. June 3, 1848; ^Wm. An drew, b. Aug. 18, 1849 ; ^Alary Anna, b. April 19, 1857. James Henry Polk married in 1858 Mary Masten. He died Oct., 1867. Offspring: 'Sallie Alaria, b. Aug. 33, 1861; ^^Theodore E., b. Oct. 13, 1863; John P„ b. Feb. 17, 1864. Wm. Alexander Polk, born June 10, 1816, died unmarried, at Georgetown, Del., Feb. 7, 1899. He was a farmer, but a man of fine intelligence and greatly esteemed. He was elected 2 Representative in the Legislature of Delaware in 1866, and chosen speaker of that hody. His residence was in Nanti coke Hundred. In 1841 he was an Aide to Governor Cooper; Deputy Register of WiUs, 1841 to 1853 ; Commissary U. S. A., 1864-5, to General Sully; Register of Wills for Sussex County from 1881 to 1871. John Purnell Polk was appointed Nov. 1, 1849, to the position of Clerk in the Department of State, at AVashington City, serving about thirty years, or until a short time before his death. By steady promotion he became Chief Clerk of Division C, having charge of correspondence with the Bar- bary States, China, Ecuador, Egypt , Greece, Hawaiian Islands, Japan, Liberia, San Domingo, Turkey, and other countries not assigned, and miscellaneous correspondence relating to those countries. John PurneU Polk never married. He resided for many years, from 1849 until his death, Aug. 3, 1881, at the National Capital with his maiden sisters. He was a most genial and lovable man, and highly popular with all who knew him. He took great interest in the family histor)^ and furnished the author with much of the data of his own experience ir. his own line, as well as others. POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 457 DR, THOS. JEFFERSON PYLE, AVIFE AND DAUGHTER. POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 459 Caroline Polk, born March 19, 1833, died March 5, 1895. She married May 36, 1860, William Virden, of Frederica, Charles George Polk, born July 31, 1835, died Jan. 34, 1911, at the home of 'his son, James L. Polk, Merchantville, N. J. He studied medicine, and became a prominent physician in Philadelphia, also filling the chair of Pharmacy in the Uni versity of Pennsylvania. During the Civil War he was As sistant Surgeon, U. S. A., and Post Surgeon in charge of hospitals. He also served on the staff of the Surgeon General. He married , and had issue : 'Charles ; J. Levin- good; ^Carrie. Josephine Purnell Polk (daughter of Gov. Charles Polk) married, in 1867, John O. Truitt, of Milford, Dela., and had issue: John E., b. Oct. 17, 1868; ^Leo O., b. April 38, 1871. Theodore Albert Polk, Pharmacist and Chemist (young est child of Governor Charles Polk) was b. Nov. 31, 1843, at EUersley, Milford Neck, Dela. He was married in 1868 to Miss Mary Fawcett. Issue: 'Albert Fawcett, b. Oct. 11, 1869 ; ^Mary Turner, b. Sept. 9, 1871, married Dec. 30, 1888, to Dr. Thos. Jefferson Pyle, of Baltimore, in which city he has large business interests. They have issue : 'Frances Polk, b. Oct. 31, 1889; 2Sarah Albert, b. July 5, 1891; nVm. Stanton, b. Dec. 38, 1894; "Charies Polk, b. Aug. 1, 1897; 'Mary Eliza beth, b. Feb. 15, 1899; "Theodora, b. AprU 37, 1905. Albert Fawcett Polk is a prominent lawyer and leading Democratic politician of Delaware. On Dec. 39, 1897, he was united in marriage to Miss Majrtilla Evans, daughter of James A. Evans, of Georgetown, Dela., a lovely and accom plished woman. They have no issue. George Polk (second son of Charles Polk, 1st, and Patience Manlove), b. Nov. 15, 1746, married a Miss Rian, and died in 1795. They had issue: 'Charles; ^George; ^Eliz abeth ; "Margretta ; 'Sally ; "Anna. Charles was thrown from a sleigh and killed in 1815. He married a Miss Minors and left a daughter, who died unmarried. George married Miss Laws and left one son, Charles James, unmarried, near St. Johns Town, Dela. Elizabeth married AVm. Russum, and they had issue : 'Peter, unmarried ; ^Charles, unmarried ; 460 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN "Alargaretta, married, first, Robert Aliners, by whom she had one child; secondly, she married James S. Knowles. Issue: one child, William. Sally married Henry Bowman, by whom she had several children. Anna married Alexander Polk Laws. He participated with Commodore Stephen Decatur in the recapture of the United States frigate, Philadelphia, and her destruction under a hot cannonade by the forts at Tripoli. He was the third man to leap onto the deck of the frigate on that occasion, and for his gallant conduct received a sword from the State. Alexander and Ann left a son, Robert, in North West Fork Hundred, who inherited the sword. PO LK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 461 CHAPTER LIII. SKETCH OF GOVERNOR CHARLES POLK. The following sketch of Governor Charles Polk, of Dela ware, was written about twenty years ago, by a leading gentleman of that State, who was well acquainted with the Governor and knew him intimately: Governor Charles Polk, son of Judge Charles Polk, of Sussex (who was the son of Charles, the first, son of Ephraim), was born near Bridgeville, Dela., Nov. 15, 1788, and died near MUford, Kent County, Oct. 27, 1857. On Sept. 4, 1811, he was married to Mary Elizabeth PurneU, daughter of John Purnell, of Berlin, Worcester County, Maryland, by whom he had fifteen children, nine of whom survive him, in cluding Ex-Register of Wills William A. Polk; Dr. Charles G. Polk, late Assistant Surgeon U. A. S., and Theodore A. Polk. He was the fourth Charles in his immediate line. His father, Judge Charles Polk, dying when he was in his eighth year, the boy's training and education devolved upon his mother, whose piety and intellectual strength were to the son of inestimable value. Her maiden name had been Alary Manlove. She was a Quakeress ; a woman of high culture, of rare intellectual and moral worth. She instilled into the mind of her only surviving child those principles of right and honor which guided him through the vicissitudes of many years of political iife and left his name adorned with many virtues and untouched by a word of reproach. At an early age the boy was placed at the Western Board ing School, at Smyrna, where he obtained his preliminary edu cation. At the age of fourteen he hegan his classical educa tion at Lewes, Dela., and there was formed the strong regard between himself and Hon. John M. Clayton, and which termi nated only in death. At the age of eighteen he began the study of law with Kensey Johns, Sr., devoting three years to it, and acquiring a knowledge of common and statute law at- 462 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN tained by very few persons; but he never actively engaged in the practice of his profession, having a strong aversion to its exacting duties. As an orator, he possessed the finest qualities. But few men have lived who held their ideas so well elaborated and ready for promulgation, and compre hended more fully the science of government. Had he yielded to the wishes of his party and accepted the position of United States Senator, there is no doubt that he could have achieved a high national reputaton, and added another name to the list of master minds which Delaware has furnished to the Coun cils of the Nation. It may not be out of place to remark here that he also declined to accept the position of Chancellor of the State of Delaware, offered to him by Governor Hazzard, about the year 1831. About 1816 he moved to Kent County and purchased a tract of 1,100 acre sof land lying along the shore of Delaware Bay, near Milford, upon which he resided for many years, and at the time of his death, and which land is still held in the family undivided. As an evidence of the acuteness of his mind, it may be stated that on the day imme diately preceding his death he dictated his "last will and tes tament" and signed it without making any alteration what ever in the instrument. His power of memory was remark able, and until within a few weeks of his death there seemed to he no deterioration in his intellectual strength. He could repeat by rote nearly the whole of Virgil, Horace and Livy, in Latin, and Xenophon's "Anabasis" and "Alemorabilia" and "Thucydides" in Greek. A few months before his death he repeated wthout error, either in Latin or English, Cicero's first oration against Cataline. In politics, Governor Polk was a Federalist, and after wards a Whig. In his views he was Conservative; more in clined to cling to the traditions of the past than to partake in untried innovations. The American Constitution was his ideal of a 'basis of laws ; the perfect instrument for the govern ment of the Nation; the concentrated wisdom of all nations and all times. During his administration, efforts were made to alter the Constitution, and which he strongly opposed in his message to the Legislature in January, 1829. "I applaud," said he, POLK FAMIi^Y AND KINSMEN 463 GOV. CHARLES POLK, of Delaware. POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 465 "the policy which holds up that instrument to our country as too sacred to be made the subject of experimental alterations; too dear to become the victim of political essayists. Ir. is daily growing more dear to us as the Alagna Charta of our liberties. As Delaware was the first to adopt the Constituton, may she be the last to desert it. May it remain unimpaired by the lapse of time, unfettered by illiberal construction, un changed by the restless spirit of internal faction or the ruth less violence of external foes." Noble words; concretely and powerfully expressed, and worthy of the greatest minds that have illumined the annals of the Anglo Saxon race. Governor Polk was one of the most prominent and active men in Delaware. He was exceedingly affable and engaging in his manner, of strikingly handsome appearance, and re garded as a man of pure mind and sterling integrity. He was a strong friend, intimate companion and zealous supporter of Hon. John M. Clayton, whom he made his Secretary of State, and by whom he was thoroughly liked and trusted. Following is a list of the positions of trust and honor held by Governor Polk: Elected to the House of Representatives from Sussex County, Oct., 1813, and re-elected in 1815. Moved into Kent County in 1816 and was chosen as Representative from that County in 1817. Elected to the Levy Court, 1819 ; to the State Senate in 1824, and chosen Speaker of that body. Elected Governor in 1826 by the Federal party over David Hazzard. Was a member of the State Senate in 1832 and Speaker thereof in 1836, when by the death of Governor Ben nett he again became Governor. In 1831 was elected a mem ber of the Constitutional Convention, and chosen as President of that body. Elected again to the Senate in 1838, and chosen Speaker in 1840. Appointed Register of Wills for Kent County in 1843, and served for a term of five years. He was appointed Collector of the Port of Wilmington, Dela., in 1850, and resigned in 1853. SKETCH OF HON. ALBERT F. POLK. Hon. Albert Fawcett Polk, of Georgetown, Del., is a scion of one of the most virile branches of the Polk family. His 466 P O LK F AMI LY AND KINSMEN great-grandfather. Judge Charles Polk (son of Charles, 1st, son of Ephraim) was a man of eminence in his day. He was President of the first Constitutional Convention of Delaware. Albert F. Polk's grandfather, Charles Polk, 3d, was twice Governor of that State, and one of the best lawyers and ablest statesmen of his day. He was also President of the second Constitutional Convention of Delaware, in 1831, which framed the instrument that was superseded by a third one m 1897. Theodore Albert Polk, father of Albert F. Polk, was the youngest son of Gov. Charles Polk, and held several public positions, among them Deputy Register of Wills for Sussex County, succeeding his son, Albert. The latter was born at Frederica, Kent County, Del., Oct. 11, 1869. When he was one year of age his father moved to Seaford, where they re sided four years. They then moved to Georgetown, the County seat of Sussex, where Albert F. attended the public schools, graduating from the High School in June, 1885. The following September he entered the Freshman Class and took I: classical course at Delaware College, Newark, graduating therefrom in June, 1889, as valedictorian of his class, and with the military honors of the College, giving his name a place in the Official Army Register for January, 1890, and securing the gold medal. In the fall of 1889 he entered the office of the Register of AA^ills of Sussex County as a deputy, and at the same time registered as a student at law under Hon. Alfred P. Robinson, who was made Chief Justice of Delaware in February, 1893. After a close study of the elementary principles of the profession, Albert F. Polk was admitted to the 'bar as a practitioner, in October, 1892, and since that time has steadily advanced into a lucrative practice. .In Atarch, 1894, he was appointed City Solicitor, which position he held for two terms, declining further service. In politics, Albert F. Polk has always been a pronounced Democrat, taking an active part in the various contests of his party. For two years he was editor of the Delaware CoUe.ge Review, and Delaware staff correspondent of the Philadelphia Press for one year. In the campaign of 1892 he was political editor of the Sussex Countian. He is a prominent member POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 467 HON. ALBERT F. POLK, Georgetown, Del. POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 469 and officer in the Alasonic Order, having filled several of the highest offices of the order in his State. On December 29, 1897, he was united in marriage to one of the most charming young women of Georgetown, Miss Martilla Evans, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James A. Evans. They have no children. Albert F. Polk has represented Sussex County in the State Legislature, and served as Counsel for the Senate. He was also chosen as one of the three Legislative Attorneys to revise the laws of the State so as to conform to the new con stitution. He is a member of the Delaware Historical Society, and also takes part in all movements promoted for the better ment of society. In the recent Taft-Bryan campaign, he was chairman of the Democratic Committee and performed effective services for his party. ALLIED FAMILIES. Among the leading Colonial families that became related by intermarriage with the Polks and M'orris' of Maryland and Delaware, were the Manloves, Hayes, Brinckles, Curtis', Bow- mans, Coverdales, Scroggins, Beswicks, Purnells, Minors, Herings, and others. Some Oif these families came to America before the Polks, settling first in Virginia, and moving thence to Maryland and Delaware, w'hen the latter province was claimed by both Wm. Penn and Lord Baltimore, which contention was finally settled by t'he erection of the "Three Lower Counties" into Delaware Colony. These families were intermarried principally with the des cendants of Ephraim, third son of Robert and Magdalen Polk, and were settled principally in Kent and Sussex. Charles Polk, the eldest son of Ephraim Polk 1st, married Patience Manlove, in 1738, and their son. Judge Charles Polk, a prominent man of his colony, married Mary Manlove. The latter were the parents of Governor Charles Polk, who mar ried Mary Elizabeth Purnell. Mary Magdalen Polk, a sister of Judge Charles Polk mar ried Henry Bowman first and Robert Minors secondly. Eph raim Polk 2d, married Polly Manlove, Priscilla Polk, a daugh- 470 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN ter of Charles Polk 1st, married Richard Hayes; and Joseph Polk, a brother of Charles Polk 1st, married Sarah Coverdale. MINORS' AND BESWICK'S. Rohert Minors (son of Robert and Sarah Minors), b. Dec. 26, 1737, d. , married Mrs. Mary (Polk) Bowman, daughter of Charles Polk 1st, and Patience Manlove. Mary was 'b. May 3, 1739. By her first husband, Henry Bowman, whom she married in 1761, she had one child, Nathaniel Bow man, b. Feb. 23, 1762. By her second husband, Robert Alinors, whom she married in 1763, she had issue: 'Sarah Seymour; -Priscilla; ''Nancy (Ann); "Mary; 'Charles; "Robert. (1) Sarah Seymour, 'b. 1764, d. Feb. 25, 1813, married first Capt. Levin Hill ; second, John PurneU, By her first husband, Sara'h 'had no issue. By her second she had twins : William Thomas and Sarah S'eymour Purnell, b. July 25, 1805, d. July 21, 1865. The latter married Curtis Brinckle Beswick and d. in 1865 (See Beswick line). William Thomas Purnell, twin brother of Sarah Seymour married first Henrietta Brown, second Henrietta Spence, daughter of U. S. Senator Spence of Maryland. AVilliam Thomas read law under Hon. John M. Clayton and later re moved to Mississippi. While a resident of that State he was appointed by President Taylor as U. S. Consul to Brazil, and afterwards Special Counsel of the U. S. Government, in sun dry cases. He d. at Snow Hill, Md., in 1863. By his first wife, Henrietta Brown he had issue: 'Josephine, who d. young; ^Charles T., who married Clara Bertron, daughter of Rev. S. R. Bertron, of Mississippi. Charles T. was a captain in the Confederate Army. By his second wife, Miss Spence, WUliam Thomas Purnell had two children, Clayton Purnell, attorney-at-law, Frostburg, Md., and Louise. 'The other de scendants of this line from William Thomas Purnell have not been traced. Priscilla Minors (daughter of Robert Minors and Mary Polk Bowman), b. Aug. 31, 1765, married George Beswick, son of John and Phoebe Beswick. Among her descendants are Mrs. Ella Marshall, of Dover, Del., of heirs of Wilson Lee Cannon, deceased. POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 471 Nancy or Ann (third child of Robert Minors and Mary Polk Bowman), b. Jan. 1, 1767, married Curtis Beswick, son of John Beswick and Phoebe Brinckle and d. July 18, 1815. Nancy and Curtis Beswick 'had issue: 'Mary Minors Bes wick, b. 1794, d. March 33, 1853 ; ^William, b. Jan. 28, 1801, d. Jan. 11, 1855; ^Curtis Brinckle Beswick; "Lovey Polk Beswick; 'Susannah Lochman Beswick. Mary Minors Beswick, b. ahout 1794, d. unmarried in 1853. Curtis Brinckle Beswick, b. 1796, d. 1880, married Sarah Seymour Purnell, daughter 'of John Purnell and Sarah S. Minors-Hill. Lovey Beswick, married Nathaniel Oliver Bowman and d. in 1823. Nathaniel was a son of Mary Magdalen Polk by her first husiband, Henry Bow man (see Chas. Polk descendants). Susannah Lockerman (fourth child of Nancy Minors and Curtis Beswick), b. June 9, 1798, d. Jan. 21, 1846, married Nathaniel Luff, Aug. 31, 1823 by whom she had issue: (1) WUliam B. Luff, b. June 25, 1824, d. July 14, 1824. (2) Mary Ann Luff, b. June 36, 1834, d. Oct. 3, 1825. (3) Annie Elizabeth Lufif, b. Oct. 12, 1826, married Isaac Preston, 185—. (4) Nathaniel Peterson Luff, b. Jan. 13, 1829, d. Sept. 25, 1901; married Mary C. Moore, Dec. 8, 1857. (5) Caleb Lockerman Lufif, b. Feb. 12, 1833 ; married El- mira Moore in 1866. (6) Susan Luff, b. June 84, 1834; married Andrew Logan, (7) Joshua Beswick Luff, h. Jan. 33, 1837, d. Aug. 5, 1888; married Emma Harrington in 1858. (8) William Joseph Luff, b. Aug. 33, 1841; drowned in spring, April 11, 1843. Nathaniel Peterson Luff was a very successful business man. He was one of the adventurers in the West, and to the California gold fields in 1849, and lived there several years. Returning to Delaware, he settled down and married in 1857, applying his talents to active business affairs. Mary Minors (fourth child of Mary (Polk) Bowman and Robert Minors), b. July 19, 1770, d. April 16, 1851; married Vincent Lockerman Beswick, so'U of John and Phoebe Bes- 472 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN wick. Their only representative so far traced is Caleb J. Smithers, Frederica, Del. Charles Minors (son of Rohert and Mary (Polk) Bow man Minors), b. Feb. 26, 1774, untraced. Robert Minors (son of Robert and Alary (Polk) Bowman Minors), b. 1777, untraced except as to two descendants, Mrs. G. Layton Grier and Mrs. Dr. P. T. Cariisle, of Milford, Del. Curtis Brinkle Beswick (son of Nancy Minors and Cur tis Beswick), h. 1796, d. Jan. 11, 1880. He married June 2, 1825, Sarah Seymour Purnell, daughter of John Purnell and Sarah S. Minors-Hill. They had issue : (1) John Edward Beswick, b. Aug. 6, 1826, d. March 1, 1838. (3) Wm. Purnell Beswick, b. Jan. 7, 1838, d. June 13, 1892. (3) Angeline Brinkle Beswick, b. Dec. 7, 1830, d. AprU 29, 1904, married Wm. G. Hering, Jan. 35, 1835. (4) Robert John Beswick, b. July 7, 1834, d. AprU 19, 1907, unmarried. (5) Sallie Ann Beswick, b. Feb. 14, 1838, d. April 31, 1899, married Hezekiah Masten, half brother of Ex. Governor Jno. W. Hall. She had no issue. (6) Geo. Washington Purnell Beswick, b. March 33, 1841, d. Oct. 30, 1855. (7) Mary Eliza'beth Beswick, b. March 4, 1845, d. in in fancy. Robert John Beswick, son of Curtis B. Beswick and Sarah S. Purnell, was president of the Town Council of Milford, Del. ; member of the Levy Court of Kent County, and Jus tice of the Peace and Notary Public at Milford. William Purnell Beswick, b. in 1828 (son of Curtis Brinckle Beswick), married Susan Slaughter, and they had issue: (1) Sallie Alay Beswick, b. 1861, married John F. Ham mond ; no issue. (2) Annie Purnell Beswick, unmarried. (3) John Brinckle Beswick, unmarried. (4) Edward S. Beswick, married Harriet E. Jackson, daughter of Rev. L. H. Jackson. Issue : 'Wm. PurneU ; ^Mary Louise; ^Edward Clawson Beswick; "Thomas C. Beswick (son POLK F AMI LY AND KINSMEN 473 of Wm. PurneU Beswick and Susan Slaughter), married Florence Beaumont. Angeline Brinckle Beswick (daughter of Curtis Brinckle Beswick and Sarah S. Purnell), b. 1830, d. 1904, married AVil liam G. Hering. They had issue : (1) Sallie Purnell Hering, b. 1855, d. in infancy. (2) Mary Elizabeth Hering, b. 1857, d. 1881. (3) John W. Hering, b. 1861. Resides at Milford, Del. (4) Georgiana, b. 1866, married Jas. H. Salmons. Issue: 'James H., d. in infancy; ^Ethel ; ^Marion. (5) William Beswick Hering, b. 1869, married first Fanny Roach-Fowler, second Edna Bickel. By the first wife he had Robert John, b. 1899, and William, who died in infancy. By the second wife, Mary Elizabeth. The foregoing Minor family data is copied largely from the Beswick Bible, dated 1768 and containing entries back to 1723, now in possession of John W. Hering, of Milford, Kent County, Del. Susannah Lockerman Beswick, daughter of Curtis and Ann Beswick, and wife of Nathaniel Luff, was b. June 9, 1798, d. Jan. 31, 1846. William Beswick, son of Cur tis and Ann Beswick, was b. Sept. 33, 1799, and d. Oct. 19, 1800. Mary Minors Beswick, daughter of Curtis and Ann (Nancy) Beswick, d. March 33, 1853, unmarried. BESWICK BIBLE RECORDS. In addition to the foregoing Beswick data, the following is recorded in the old Beswick family bible : Phoebe (Brinckle) Beswick, wife of John Beswick, was b. Dec. 33, 1733, d. Feb. 35, 1801. Mary Beswick, daughter of John and Phoebe, b. March 13, 1754. Susannah Beswick, daughter of John and Phoebe, b. Aug. 13, 1756. Sarah Beswick, daughter of John and Phoebe, b. Jan. 10, 1759. Curtis Beswick, son of John and Phoebe, b. Jan. 17, 1762, d. May 26, 1812. George Beswick, son of John and Phoebe, b. Feh. 37, 1764. 474 PO LK F AMI LY AND KINSMEN Vincent Lockerman Beswick, son of John and Phoebe, b. April 37, 1767, married Mary Minors, and d. Aug. 24, 1804. Polly Minors Beswick, daughter of Curtis and Ann (Nancy) was b. Feb. 24, 1795, d. March 15, 1799. Curtis Brinckle Beswick, son of Curtis and Ann (Nancy) b. March 3, 1796, d. Jan. 11, 1880. Love Minors Beswick, daughter of Curtis and Ann (Nancy) h. April 15, 1797, d. Feb. 19, 1823; married Nathaniel Oliver Bowman. Robert Minors, who married Mrs. Mary (Polk) Bowman (daug'hter of Chas. Polk 1st, and Patience Manlove), progeni tor of the foregoing five generations of that name, owned a tract of land on Mispillion River, in Mispillion (now Milford) Hundred. This tract now belongs to Miss Annie Purnell Beswick. William G. Hering, who married Angeline Brinckle Bes wick, was postmaster at Milford, Del., by appointment of Presidents Grant and Hayes, and at sundry times member of State and County Republican committees. John W. Hering, son of AA^m. G. and Angeline B. Hering, was educated at Delaware College ; member of the Convention that formed the last Constitution of Delaware, 1896-7. At the present time he is Secretary of the Alilford Building and Loan xA.ssociation. THE MANLOVE FAMILY. The Manlove family is an extensive one in Alaryland, Delaware and Pennsylvania, and in numerous instances were inter-married with the Polks of those states. Alark Alanlove, "The First Comer," as 'he is denominated by his descendants, came over from England and settled be fore 1652 in Northampton County, Virginia, locating in that section, which was later erected into Accomac County, ad joining the Maryland line. From Northampton he is said to have removed in 1660-5 over into Somerset County, Mary land; or, perhaps, the readjustment of the line between the two colonies threw him into Alaryland without removal. He received from the "Lower County" 750 acres of land for POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 475 JOHN AV. HERING, Milford, Del. POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 477 "head-rights." Here he continued to reside until his death in 1666, which was a few years anterior to the arrival of the Polks and their location in Somerset. The will of Mark Man love, on file in the Clerk's Office of Somerset County, was probated Sept. 14, 1666. He came, it is said, from Stafford shire, England. Mark Manlove Sr., the ''first comer," was twice married and had nine children by his first wife and three by his last, Eliza . Some of 'his children moved to Kent and some to Sussex County, Del. These children were : 'John ; ^Thomas, of Sussex, who d. 1709 ; *Ann, who married first Thos. Nixon of Kent, second ly Robinson ; "Mary ; 'Mark Jr., of Kent, who d. 1694; "AA^illiam; ''Christopher; ^George; ^Luke; '"Hannah; "Abijah; '^Percy. AVilliam Alanlove, son of Mark Sr., d. 1694. He married Alice R'obbins, of Kent County. He was a Justice of the Peace in 1688-90 ; member Pennsylvania Assem'bly 1689-93. He received a grant of one thousand acres of land. The children of AA^illiam and Alice Robbins Alanlove were : 'Mark; ^William ; ^Mary; "Hannah; 'Elizabeth; "Samuel. William (son of William), married Elizabeth and had issue: 'William; ^Elizabeth (who married Peter Brinckle), who d. 1765; ^Mary . Their children were: 'Wm. ; Jesse; ^Peter; "Mary, who married Jas. Gregory. Alary Gregory had issue: , 'James; ^Mary, who married Felix Thibault, b. 1791, and descended from an ancient family of France; Julia, who married Guy Bryan, a descendant of Sir Guy Bryan. Mary Thibault had one child, Cecelia Julia Thibault, who married J. Creagh Smith, of Revolutionary descent. They had issue: 'George; ^M. Cecelia; ^Amelia Holmes; "Felix; J. Creagh. WILLIAM MANLOVE, SR. William Manlove Sr., ancestor of the Manloves of Dela ware, was b. and resided in Shropshire, England. He had six brothers, •whose given names are unknown. Two of his 478 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN children were Rowland and Mark. The latter was known as the "first comer" of the family to America about 1650 settling first in Northampton County, Virginia, and later in Maryland, about 1666. Rowland Manlove was born at Wern, in Shropshire, and was in the naval service under Sir Walter Levison. He ob tained sufficient wealth to enable 'him to buy of Sir Walter Chetwind, "Wanfields," in the parish of Rynston, near Utto- xeter. County Stafford, and d. there in 1652, or about the time his brother Mark emigrated to Virginia. Rowland Manlove married Magdalen, daughter of Wil liam Wyke and they had issue : 'Sarah, who married Wm. Bartlett; ^Mary, who married Morgan of Whitechurch; ^Eliza beth, who married Thomas Manlove; "Alice, who married Roger Fowke, of Snowshall ; 'Margaret, who married Thomas Challonan, of Chedle. Matthew Manlove (second son of Matthew and Susan- nalh), was a Captain in Col. Samuel Patterson's "Flying Camp" Regiment of the Revolution. Capt. Matthew Man- love's will is dated Feb. 11, 1811 ; probated Dec. 19, 1811. The devisees in his will were his nephew, Governor Charles Polk, and his sister Jemima (Manlove) MoUeston. Curtis Brinckle and Mary Manlove had one child, P'hoebe Brinckle, b. 1733, d. 1801. She married John Beswick, who d. 1771. She then married Smith Bassett, by whom she had no issue. By her first husband she had issue: 'Mary; ^Susan nah; ^Sarah, who married Laws; "Curtis, b. 1763, married Ann (Nancy) Minors, and d. 1812; 'George, b. 1764; "Vincent Lockerman, b. 1767. THE CURTIS FAMILY. The Curtis family came to America from Bristol, Eng land, John Curtis, the reputed first immigrant of the name to these shores and progenitor of the Delaware branch that intermarried with the Morris and other kinsmen of the Polks, was descended from an ancient family resident in Applefore, in County Kent, England. As far back as 'he can be traced, John was a wealthy land POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 479 owner in the County of Kent, on Delaware, in the "Province of Pennyslvania." He was a prominent and influential man in his community and was frequently 'honored by official preferment. He was a member of the Governor's Council in 1687, '89, '90, '93, '98 ; member of the Assemhly, from Kenr, 1682, '83, '84, '85. He d. April 30, 1698. The Curtis family was related to the Rodneys, of whom Caesar A. Rodney, one of the Delaware Signers of the Declaration of Independence was a distinguished representative. On arrival in Delaware, John Curtis obtained a patent from Governor Andros for "Aberdeen," May 5, 1769. (Duke of York's Record 189). Also see Duke of Yorks Book of Laws, p. 509, '33, '31, '34; 569, '76, 485, '95. He was Justice of the Peace for Kent County, Feb. 28, 1685, and again in 1690 (Scharf's Hist. Del. 1089, 30. Also Register Soc. of Colonial Wars). John Curtis married first Elizabeth Cubley, daughter of John Cubley of Kent County, by whom he had four children. After her death he married Nov. 87, 1689, Priscilla Bo'wers, widow of George Bowers. At the time PrisciUa married him she was the widow of Nathaniel Hunn, who had d. ahout 1718. The children of John Curtis were : 'Caleb ; ^Ann ; ^Eliza beth; "Winlock; 'Ruth. Caleb is supposed to have died young and unmarried. Ann married Richard Curtis, of Mispillion, Kent County, March 1, 1687. (See Deed B'ook B. p. 65). Richard Ourtis was a mem'ber of the Assembly from Kent County in 1690 and d. 1695. Their daughter Elizaheth, who d. in 1743, married Peter Brinckle Sr., who d. April 15, 1738. Peter was a Justice of the Supreme Court of the "Three Lower Counties," April 3, 1717. Also a commissioner to lay off the town of Dover, and was in America before 1695. (Kent Will Book, D. p. 52, also Book F. p. 6, and Deed Book C. p. 308). Winlock Curtis, fourth child of John Curtis by his first wife, married Ann Bowers, sister-in-law of his stepmother. Winlock was administrator to his wife Ann, Feb. 9, 1698. He and Ann his wife had a daughter Ann, b. Nov. 15, 1690, who married Robert Clay. (For this line see Robert Burton Genealogy, Maryland Register Soc. of Colonial Wars). 480 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN Ruth, fifth child of John Curtis, (by his second wife, Pris cilla Bowers, is untraced. The children of Richard and Ann Curtis were : 'Elizabeth, who married Peter Brinckle ; ^Samuel. Ehzabeth survived her husband about thirteen years. (Kent County Will Book, H. p. 139, April 9, 1741.) Elizabeth d. in 1743, and Peter on April 14, 1738, and letters of administration were granted to his wife Elizaheth (See Book Y. p. 10). Samuel died young or single, and is untraced. Elizabeth Curtis (daughter of John and Elizabeth Cubley Curtis) and William Brinckle, her husband, had issue : 'Win lock; John; ^Mary, who married Jehu Curtis, Associate Jus tice Kent County, April 1743 ; b. Oct. 19, 1693, d. Nov. 18, 1753; "Sarah, who married Col. ; 'Miriam, who married Highland ; "Elizaheth, who married John Clarke Jr., son of John Clarke Sr., and Elizaheth Green Manlove. Elizabeth Curtis Jr. (daughter of Ann and Richard Cur tis), was a niece of the foregoing Elizabeth. She was married Jan. 5, 1687-8 to Peter Brinckle, and had issue : 'Curtis, d. 1767; ^Daniel, b. 1754; ^WiUiam, d. 1748; "Peter, d. 1764; 'Richard, d. 1788 ; "Elizabeth, who married first Van Brinckle, second Davis. Curtis married Mary Manlove, daughter of Matthew Alan love and Susannah Williams. (See Elizabeth Green Alan love.) Curtis Brinckle, son of Peter and Elizaheth Brinckle', d. 1767. Curtis and his first wife, Mary Manlove Brinckle, had one child, Phoebe, b. 1733,, who married John Beswick and d. in 1801. Curtis, second wife was Sarah , by whom he had no issue. After his death she married Geo. Ogle. Phoebe Brinckle, b. 1733, d. 1801 and her huslband John Beswick had issue: 'Alary; ^Susannah ; ^Sarah, who married Laws ; "Curtis, b. 1763, married Nancy Minors, and d. 1813; 'George, b. 1764, married Priscilla Minors; "Vincent Lockerman, b. 1767, married Mary Minors, and d. 1804. Curtis Beswick (son of John and Phoebe Beswick), mar ried Nancy Afinors and d. 1813. They had : 'Mary M., who d. unmarried, 1853; ^Curtis Brinckle, b. 1796, married Sarah POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 481 S. PurneU, and d. 1880 ; ^Susannah Lockerman, who married Nathaniel Luff; "Lovey, who married Nathaniel Oliver Bow man. Curtis Brinckle Beswick, second child of Curtis and Nancy (Minors) Beswick, was h. in 1796, and d. 1880. He married Sarah S. Purnell and had issue: 'John E. ; ^AVilliam P., who married Susan Slaughter; ^Angelina B., who married Wm. G. Hering; "Robert J.; 'Sallie A., who married H. Alas- ten; "Geo. W. P.; ^Alary E. (For descendants of AVilliam P. and Angelina B., see Alinors' Chart.) BARRATT FAMILY. Philip Barratt Sr., settled on Sassafras river, CecU Coun ty, Maryland, before 1678 and d. Aug. 1733. He married Jane Merritt, daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth Merritt, of the same county. After Philip's death his widow, Jane, married Joseph Price, of Kent County, Delaware. Philip Barratt, Sr., and his wife Jane had one child, Philip Barratt, Jr., who married Miriam Sipple. Philip Barratt Jr., was a pro minent man in his day. He was b. in Cecil, Oct. 13, 1730, and d. Oct. 38, 1784. He was sheriff of Kent County in 1775; member of Assembly 1779-1784. He was the founder of Bar- ratt's Chapel, Kent County, where the American Methodist Episcopal Church was started. (See Conrad's History of Delaware, p. 893.) Aliriam Sipple (wife of Philip Jr.), the daughter ot \"\' air man Sipple Jr., b. 1737, married 1755. After the death of Philip Barratt Jr., she married Dr. Edward White, of Mary land, and d. Aug. 3, 1800. Philip Barratt Jr., and Jane Alerritt, his wife, had two children, Caleb Barratt, who married Mary jNcaii, daugnter of Jonathan Neall of Talbott County, Maryland, and Andrew Barratt, who married Ann Clarke, daughter of John Clarke 3d, and Elizaheth McNatt. Ann was b. Feb. 38, 1759, married Dec. 10, 1778, and d. Oct. 9, 1811. Her husband, Andrew Barratt, was b. in Kent County, Sept. 33, 1756, and d. April 18, 1831. He was Judge of the Court of Common Pleas for Kent County, in 1799; 482 P O LK FAMILY AND KINSMEN Speaker of the Delaware Senate, in 1813, '13, '14; Presidential Elector 1816, '30; Sherifif of Kent County 1790, '93; member of the Assembly from Kent in 1793. Andrew and Ann (Clarke) Barratt had a daughter Ann, who married Dr. Robert Dill, Ann was b. Oct. 18, 1781, and d. Feh. 13, 1814. She and Dr. DUl were married Dec. 37, 1804. Dr. Dill was Adjutant General of Delaware in 1814. He was b. about 1778, and d. Dec. 19, 1819. They had a daughter, Ellen Leighton Dill, b. Dec. 1, 1805, d. Dec. 35, 1868. She was married Dec. 3, 1833 to James Barratt Sr., of Kent, who was b. in that County in 1797, and d. in Philadelphia, Feb. 3, 1862. In 1859 he was President of the Corn Exchange in that city. James Barratt Sr., and his wife Ellen Leighton Dill had a son, James Barratt Jr., who married Mary Irvine Cummings. The latter couple had a son. Judge Morris S. Barratt, b. Aug. 23, 1862. He was admitted to the Philadelphia Bar Dec. 1, 1883, and is at the present time Judge of the Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas No. 2. Judge Barratt was married to Ellen Levering, b. 1874, and they have three children, 'Norris Stanley Jr., b. 1895 ; ^Thomas Levering, b. 1899 ; ^Edith b. 1907. THE CLARKE FAMILY. John Clarke, a prominent citizen of Delaware, bought land in Kent Jan. 10, 1701 (see Book F. p. 57). His wUl is dated Nov. 29, 1727 and was probated Jan. 12, 1729. (See Will Book S. p. 34). John Clarke married Elizaheth (Greene) Manlove, widow of Mark Manlove of Kent County. John Clarke d. 1694, while Justice of the Peace for Kent County. He conveyed to his wife, Elizabeth, 200 acres of land in Kent County, and after her death he married Catharine . John Clarke and Elizaheth (Greene) Manlove, his wife, had a son John Clarke Jr., who married Elizabeth Brinckle. She was a daughter of William and Elizaheth (Curtis) Brinkle. John Clarke Jr., d. early in 1755, and letters of administration were granted to his widow, Elizabeth, Jan. 35, 1755. Elizabeth, after Jollm's death, married Peter Lawler, POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 4g3 (after April 1, 1733 and before Oct. 31, 1835), and in 1744 bought 348 acres "Peter's Neck Farin." John Clarke Jr., and his wife Elizabeth Brinckle had a son, John Clarke 3d, who married Elizabeth McNatt. John 3d was a memher of the General Assembly, from Kent, Oct. 1769 ; Judge Court of Common Pleas of Kent, 1777. He d. Dec. 18, 1781. Elizabeth McNatt, wife of John Clarke 3d, was a daughter of John McNatt. Judge Andrew Barratt's bible, in possession of John W. Hering, gives the name of the wife of John Clarke Jr., as Elizabeth. John Clarke's will calls his wife Ann ; hence the latter must have been 'the name of a second wife. John Clarke 3d, and 'his wife, Elizaheth McNatt had seven children : 'Ann Clarke, who married Andrew Barratt, as here tofore stated ; ^William ; ^Winlock, Lieutenant U. S. Navy, d. in 1810; "Clement; 'Elizabeth; "Sarah; John. The latter was a member of the Delaware House, from Kent, 1910, '11, '13, '14, '15. He married , and had two chil dren : 'Elizabeth, who married Robert C. Pennewill, and ^Anna, who married Caleb H. Sipple. Anne Clark Barratt, was b. Feh. 28, 1759 ; married to Andrew Barratt Dec. 10, 1778 ; d. Oct. 9, 1811. BRINCKLE'S IN MILITARY SERVICE. The following members of the Brinckle family who were in the military service of Pennsylvania Colony are copied from Penn. Archives, Vol. 1, 5th Series : "List of officers of the Lower Regiment, Newcastle Coun ty, 1756. 'Col. Jacob Van Bibber,' who married Mary Brinckle of Mi,spUlion Hundred, Kent County." "List of officers for the regiment of Militia for Kent upon Delaware, 1756 : 'Lieut. Col. John Brinckle,' " p. 54. "Lower part of Little Creek Hundred, Kent County, Capt. John Brinckle, 1756," p. 55. "Lower part of Mispillion Hundred, Capt. Benjamin Brinckle ; Lieut. John MoUeston," p. 55. "Names and dates of enlistment of Capt. French Battell's Company of ye Lower County Provincials, 1758. Joseph Brinckle May 24th," p. 176. 484 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN MEMBER OF PENN'S COUNCIL. John Brinckle, of Kent County, Delaware, b. about 1644, was a member of William Penn's Council ; member of the Assembly at various times; Associate Justice; Captain of Colonial Militia; etc. His will was probated at Dover in Dec. 8, 1721. In it he makes a devise to his "cousin Peter Brinckle," who married Elizabeth Curtis, etc. (For continu ation see Curtis genealogy.) The aforenamed John Brinckle married and had a daughter, Elizabeth. She married Arthur Meston and d. in 1821. Her daughter Elizabeth married Rev. Thomas Crawford, of Glasgow, Scotland, the first minister in Dela ware, and was buried in the Chancel of Christ Church, Dover. The children of Elizabeth and Rev. Thomas .Crawford were: Elizabeth, who married Caesar Rodney and had issue: 'Caesar A. Rodney (signer of the Declaration of Indepen dence) ; ^George; ^AVilliam; "Daniel; 'Thomas. THE HAYES FAMILY. One of the prominent families of Delaware connected by marriage with Ephraim's branch of the Polk family is that of Hayes. Richard Hayes, the immigrant, was b. in England in 1679. He came to Delaware in 1696 and d. in 1773, at the age of 77 years. Five years after coming to Delaware he was married to Dolly Manlove, by whom he had a son. Captain Nathaniel Hayes, b. 1703, d. 1786. Capt. Hayes .married Elizaheth Carlisle, and had a son Richard Hayes, b. 1743, d. 1796, who married Priscilla Polk, b. Nov. 15, 1743, d. 1816, daughter of Chas. Polk 1st, and grand daughter of Ephraim Polk 1st. Richard d. in 1796 and Priscilla married secondly Pem berton Carlisle. By hi^ wife, Priscilla, Richard Hayes had issue : 'Manlove, h. 1767, d. 1849 ; ^Mary, b. about 1769, never married ; ^Betsy, h. ahout 1771, never married ; "Alexander, b. about 1773, never married; 'Charles, b. about 1775, never married; "Sarah, b. about 1777, never married. Manlove Hayes, the eldest of the children, as if deter mined to make up for the celibacy of his two brothers and three POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 485 sisters, married three times; first Zipporah Laws in 1793; sec ond to Mary Laws; third to Ann Emerson, nee Bell, in 1814. By his first wife, Zipporah Laws, he had issue : 'Judge Alex ander Laws Hayes, b. 1793, d. 1875, .married Mrs. Isabella McClay, nee Patterson ; ^Mary Hayes, h. 1795, married W. K. Lockwood. Issue: 'John A.; ^Henry H. ; ^Anna E., married H. Goodwin. Judge Alexander Laws Hayes and his wife, Mrs. Isabella M'cClay had issue : 'Edmund, b. , married , d. without issue; ^Mary E., h. , married J. Bowman Bell; ^Charles, b. , d. unmarried ; "Catharine, b. , un traced ; 'Louisa, b. , ^married Alexander Cummins ; "Harriet, b. , untraced. By his second wife, Mary Laws, Manlove Hayes had a daughter Eliza M. Hayes. She was twice married, first to Dr. Thomas Stout, hy whom she had one child, Peter F. Stout. Her second husband was William F. Boone, of Philadelphia, by whom she had William M. and Charles Boone. William M. married Sally Kennedy of Baltimore. By his third wife, Ann Emerson, nee Bell, Manlove Hayes had issue : 'Harriet Sykes, b. , untraced ; ^Gol. Manlove, President Delaware Railway, b. , married Rebecca C. Howell. Issue: 'Mary, ^Edith, ^Anna Bell; ^Charles Polk, b. , married Julia F. Blake. Issue : Anna Bell, deceased. WILLIAM POLK'S DESCENDANTS. WiUiam Polk (son of Lieut. John Polk, son of Joseph Polk and Sarah Coverdale), was ib. in Sussex County, Jan. 30, 1781, and d. . William was twice married ; first to Elizabeth Tatman, daughter of Purnell Tatman ; secondly to Miss Mar garet (Pennington) Cochran, (widow of John T. Cochran^, in Dec. 1835. By his first wife William Polk had issue: (1) Cyrus Polk, b. Jan. 3, 1810, d. June 27, 1859. Cyrus married Mary Jane Flintham, daughter of Benjamin Flintham. (2) Elizabeth (or Eliza, daughter of William Polk by first wife, was ib. , married at Cantwell's Bridge (now Odessa, Del.), to John P. Cochran, April 4, 1833, and d. July U, 1855. Their children were: 'Wm. R., b. July 36, 1834; 4g6 PO LK F AMI LY AND KINSMEN ^Rebecca, b. Nov. 2, 1836, married Dr. T. R. GUispie; ^Charies P., h Alarch 27, 1839 ; "John, b. June 28, 1841, d. ; 'Eliza, b. Oct. 5, 1843, married Wm. Green ; "Juliana, b. Dec. 17, 1848 ; ^Cyrus, b. Dec. 25, 1853, d. 1853. Julia Polk daughter of William Polk and his second wife, Mrs. Margaret (Pennington) Cochran, b. , married June 39, 1853, David J. Cummins, President of the Smyrna National Bank. They had issue: 'William Polk Cummins; ^Mary P. Cummins ; ^Susan F. Cummins ; "Juliet Agnes Cum mins ; 'Edith J. Cummins; "Albert W. Cummins. Charles Tatman Polk, youngest son of WiUiam and Elizabeth (or Eliza) Polk, h. Dec. 18, 1818, d. March 21, 1863; married in 1852, Sarah Eliza White, daughter of George White, a wealthy farmer near Milford, Del., by whom he had four children: 'Cyrus Polk, b. at Odessa, June 15, 1853; ^George White Polk, b. Sept. 23, 1854; ^Chas. T. Polk, b. March 27, 1856 ; "AA^iUiam Polk, b. Nov. 19, 1857. THE LUFF FAMILY. The first one of the Luff family to come to America was Hugh Luff, from England, in 1685. On arrival he secured warrants from Wm. Penn for lands in Delaware, on whic'h he settled, and where his descendants have confined to reside to the present day. The first warrant accorded to him was dated August 20, 1685, as appears by the records at Dover, Kent County. Hugh had two sons, Nathaniel 1st, and Caleb, and these names (have come down through succeeding generatiolns. Nathaniel also had a son, Nathaniel Luff 2d, and the latter two sons, Nathaniel P. and Caleb Luff. Nathaniel 2d, was married four times. First to Ailsey Fawcett; second to Susannah L. Beswick; third to Mary E. Thompson ; fourth to Rebecca McCalley. A son hy the first wife was John S. Lufif, who served in the Mexican War as First Lieutenant of the First Pennsylvania Regiment. He vyas wounded at Vera Cruz and Cerro Gordo. Later he ac companied his half brother, Nathaniel P. Luff, to California during the gold fever. POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 487 DR, J, M, LUFF, Felton, Del. POLK F AM I LY AND KINSMEN 489 The second wife of Nathaniel 2d, Sussannah Lockerman Beswick was the progenitress of Dr. J. M. Luff. They were married Aug. 31, 1833. She was a daughter of Curtis and Nancy Beswick, who was a daughter of Mary (Polk) Minors, daughter of Charles Polk 1st, and Patience Manlove. Nathan iel was b. in 1791 and d. April 3, 1859. Susannah was b. June 9, 1798, and d. June 31, 1846. The old Luff plantation in Milford Neck adjoined that of Governor Charles Polk, and a part of the latter, when sold in 1836 was purchased by Nathaniel P., who devised it to his son. Dr. J. M. Luff, of Felton. Caleb Luff 3d, was in the Delaware Legislature during the Revolution. He 'had a son. Dr. Nathaniel Luff, who was a surgeon in Washington's army. Nathaniel P. Luff married Marcy C. Moore, daughter of Thos. Jefferson Moore, and sister of Dr. John A. Moore. The latter's son, John Barrett Moore, was a distinguished inter national lawyer and counsel to the Paris Commission. The Luffs have always 'been extensive land-holders and leading business men. Nathaniel P. owned seven beautiful farms at his death. The children of Nathaniel 2d, and Susan L. Luff were : (1) William B. and Mary Ann Luff, twins, b. June 25th and 26th, 1824, and died in infancy. (2) Annie Elizabeth Luff, b. Oct. 12, 1826. Living in Chicago. She married Isaac Preston and had issue: 'Her bert Preston, who d. July 25, 1907. He married Beatrice Bruce, No issue ; ^Thomas C. Preston, who married Alice Car- ley Williamson. (3) William N. Luff, b. Sept. 33, 1862, married Jean AUen and they have : William Thomas and Robert Allen. The Prestons all reside in Chicago. (4) Nathaniel Peterson Luff, b. Jan. 13, 1829, d. Sept. 35, 1901, married Mary C. Moore. (5) Caleb Lockerman Luff, b. Feb. 12, 1832, married Elmire Mo'ore. (6) Susan Luff, b. June 24, 1834, married Andrew Logan. (7) Joshua B. Luff, b. Jan. 23, 1827, d. Aug. 5, 1888, mar ried Emma Harrington. 490 P O LK FAMILY AND KINSMEN (8) Wm. Joseph Luff, b. Aug. 23, 1841. Drowned AprU 11, 1843. The chUdren of Nathiel Peterson Luff and Mary C. Moore were: 'Dr. Jefferson Moore Luff, b. Dec. 1, 1858; ^Annie Mary Luff, b. March 20, 1864; ^Addie Beswick LmS, b. July 7, 1870. All unmarried. Caleb Lockerman Luff married Elmire Moore, in 1866, and had issue: 'Herbert P. Luff, b. Oct. 26, 1867; ^Katie Moore Luff, b. July 7, 1870. She married Wm. Case and had a child MiUa Natalie Case, b. Aug. 27, 1893. Susan Luff and her husband, Andrew Logan, had issue: 'Henry C. Logan, h. , d. March 6, 1894; ^Thomas C. Logan, h. , d. Aug. 9, 1909 ; ^WiUiam B. Logan, h. , married Grace ; "Elliott Logan, b. • . None of these had children. Joshua Beswick Luff, who married Emma Harrington, first, and Susan A. Callahan second, had by the first : 'Nathan iel H. Luff, b. Nov. 24, 1859, d. single Nov. 1, 1895 ; ^Sarah M. Luff, b. Nov. 7, 1862, d. in infancy; ^Caleb B. Luff, b. Feb. 2, 1861, d. in Petaluma, Cal., March 9, 1902, married Evelyn Dah ton and left two children, Genevieve and Hale Harper Luff; "Emma H. Luff, b. Feh. 4, 1864, married first Oliver J. Hart, second Thomas SHter. No issue by either husband, and the widow now resides in Washington, D. C. By his second wife, Susan A. Callahan, Joshua B. Luff had : 'Dr. Joshua Horner Luff, h. , who married Clara Shoe maker Johnson. She d. May 29, 1907, leaving children: 'Elizabeth ; ^Gertrude and ^Virginia. Gertrude married John Harrison Rathman, no issue. Dr. Joshua Homer Luff is a successful practition at Hudson, N. Y. Caleb B. Luff, his half-brother, went to Cali fornia when a young hoy and became in time manager of Hale Bros, store at Petaluma and died there. He had a very suc cessful business career, was making a large salary, and was highly esteemed in the community. Dr. Jefferson Moore Luff, of Felton, son of Nathaniel P. Luff, is a prominent and wealthy man in his town, and has frequently heen solicited to offer himself for political prefer ment. In 1879 he commenced the study of medicine, grad- P O LK F AMI LY AND KINSMEN 491 uating in 1881 from Jefferson Medical College, at Philadelphia. He at once entered upon a lucrative practice and also owns and conducts a drug store in Felton. JOHN POLK, SON OF EPHRAIM, 1st. John Polk (second son of Ephraim and Elizabeth (Wil liams) Polk, was born about 1705, and died in 1782. He mar ried Sarah Vaughan, daughter of Lt. Col. Joseph Vaughan, the distinguished commander of "The Blue Hen's Chickens." the only Continental infantry regiment from Delaware in the Revolutionary AA'ar, and which, by its valor on many fields, won imperishable renown. It participated in all the hattles of Washington at the north, and its ranks were sadly decimated, under Gates and Green in the Carolinas, being finally reduced to a handful. It lost heavily at both the Cowpens and Cam den. Its first two commanders were Col. John Haslett, from Jan. 19, 1776, to Jan. 3, 1777 ; Col. David Hall, from April 5, 1777, to Dec. 14, 1779. Col. Haslett fell at the hard fought battle of Princeton. At the battle of Germantown, Oct. 4, 1777, Col. Hall was severely wounded and incapacitated for further service. In the same battle were other Polks — Lt. Cal. AVm. Polk, of North Carolina, whose regiment had come North in the brigade of Gen. Francis Nash, who was killed in the battle; Ephraim Polk, 3d, of Sussex County, Delaware, who was a member of Capt. Joseph Rhoad's Company, Col. Wm. WUls' PhUadelpha regiment; Joah Polk (brother of Ephraim, 3d) of Capt. Bateman Lloyd's company. Second New Jersey regi ment ,and several others of the name. Col. Thos. Polk (of Mecklenburg Declaration fame, father of Lt. Col. Wm. Polk) commanded a squadron of North Carolina Cavalry and was not in the battle, being detailed to escort the American baggage and supply train of seven hun dred wagons, from Philadelphia to a place of safety at the Moravian settlement, Bethlehem. All the hells of the city were taken along, including the famous Liberty Bell, which, the Moravian church records at Bethehem say, fell from its wagon onto the street before the wagon train was parked. Colonel Hall's wound being so severe that he could not 492 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN continue in the service, on Dec. 14, 1879, Lt. Col. Joseph Vaughan was placed in charge of the regiment and continued in command of it until the close of the war. In the battle of Camden, Aug. 16, 1780, it was sadly depleted, the brunt of the fighting in that sanguinary conflict being sustained by it and the Alaryland regiment. Before the end of the war its num bers were reduced to about two companies or less. It entered the service with full ranks, received many recruits during the war, and the small remnant of it that survived the long strug gle mournfully attested the valor of its rank and file. John Polk and Sarah Vaughan left six children, viz: 'Wil liam; John; ^Levin ; "Eunice Jane; 'Betsy; "Sally. William was a leading Whig in his neighborhood. He was one of the Alinute Men and a member of the Committee of Vigilance dur ing t'he Revolution, and afterwards Surveyor General of Del aware. He married, first Rachel Bell; second, Leah Alar- shall. WUliam was a man of great enterprise and acquired a large fortune in lands and mills in Sussex County. He owned three or four mills at his death, and also large tracts of land in Harrison County, Virginia, which, by his will, executed on Nov. 20, 1786, he devised equally to his four children. His lands in Sussex adjoined those of the Galloways, Frenys, Williams, Greers, Kennys and Bacons, as recited in his will AA'illiam died about 1796. His children were: 'Robert; ^Anne; ^Leah ; "Sally Andrews. Robert married Elizabeth Kinney and left one child, Nichola, who died in 1846, unmar ried. Anne married William Ready. They moved to Ohio and had several children. Leah married Wm. Polk, her firs cousin (son of John Polk, son of John, son of Ephraim), and left four children : 'Eliza ; John ; ^Southey Andrews ; "Wash ington. The latter was lost at sea in 1839. Sally Andrews Polk, the last daughter of William, 1st, son of John, second son of Ephraim, married Levin CoUins, an eminent surveyor. Their children were: 'Luther; ^Sally; ^'Luraine ; "Hiram 'Leah ; "Levin. Luther CoUins married, first, Luraine, daugh ter of John Collins. Their children were: 'Levin P.; ^Mary E. His second wife was Eleanor Cannon, a widow, whose maiden name was Leonard, of Somerset County, Maryland. Their children were Luraine and George Hamilton. Sally POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 493 Collins married Anthony Collins, and they had issue: 'Wil liam Henry; ^Leah Anne; ^Cyrus Edwin. They moved to Ohio. Luraine Collins, second daughter of Sally Polk and Levin Collins, married Capt. Eisha Purnell, and they had issue : 'William Thomas ; ^Emeline ; ^Sally ; "Hiram T. ; 'Phillip Cannon. Hiram Collins, second son of Sally Polk and Levin Collins, married Susan Armstrong, of Laurel, Del. Their children were : 'Martha ; ^Eliza J. ; ^Euphemia ;"Edwin ; 'Caleb Polk ; "Joshua Dallas ; '^ Cyrus. Levin Collins, third son and youngest child of Levin CoUins and Sally Polk, married Julia Ann Moore, daughter of Luther Aloore, of Sussex. They had but one child, a daughter, George Anne. John Polk, who was the second son of John Polk and Sarah Vaughan, was also a leading Whig and Minute Man of Sussex County. On several occasions these brothers shouldered their guns and assisted in quelling Tories bent on mischief. William was particularly bold and aggressive to ward the enemies of his country. John first married Betty Moore, daughter of Thomas Moore, of Sussex, and had one child, William. John married, secondly, Polly Dolbee, and had : 'William ; John ; Josiah. Polly was a sister of the mother of Judge James Robbins, of Worcester County, Mary land. William, son of John Polk and Betsy Moore, married Leah Polk, daughter of his father's brother, William, and had : 'Eliza ; John ; ^Southey Andrews ; "Washington. John died before he was 21, unmarried. Washington was drowned at sea in 1839. Southey Andrews resided at Laurel, Sussex County, and was engaged in business there as a merchant. He was a man of fine character and intelligence. Eliza, b. , d. 1846, married Isaac Williams, and left one child, Elizabeth Polk. The second wife of WiUiam, son of John and Betty Moore, was the widow Hetty Glover, of Philadelphia. They had two sons, who died in infancy. WUliam died in 1821, aged 44 years. He was a man adorned with almost ?\ ery virtue. He inherited a good estate, and made two fortunes afterwards. But through his kindness to and confidence in all men, he died poor. Though long in trade he was never known to sue anyone. He was a member of the Legislature, and the suavity of his manners and the purity of his heart made 494' POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN him a favorite wherever he went and gave him uncommon popularity. John Polk, son of John Polk and Polly Dolbee (and half brother of William afore-mentioned), was born in 1779 and died in 1843, a bachelor. He was a merchant in Laurel. No man, perhaps, ever enjoyed the confidence and affections of those who knew him, in a higher degree. He possessed a very vigorous mind, and business habits that crowned his labors with a handsome fortune. He died in 1842, at the age of 63. Josiah Polk, second son of John Polk and Polly Dolbee, was a farmer in Sussex and Captain of militia. He marched to Lewistown during the war of 1813, to defend it against the attacks of the enemy. He was born about 1781, and died in 1839, unmarried. Levin Polk, third son of John Polk and Sarah Vaughan, died at the age of twenty-two years, unmar ried. Eunice Jane Polk, eldest daughter and fourth child of John Polk and Sarah Vaughan, was born Oct. 3, 1743, in Sus sex County, and died in Woodford County, Kentucky, May 13, 1809. On account of her primness and amiable manner she was popularly called "Nicey" Polk. She married Capt. John Scroggin, one of seven gallant brothers who were offcers in the Revolution. In the fall of 1793, Capt. Scroggin and family emigrated to Kentucky with several kinsmen — Ephraim Polk, 3d, the Morris, Nutters, Coverdales and others. Betsy Polk, second daughter of John Polk and Sarah Vaughan, married Lowder Sirman, of Sussex County, Dela ware. Their children were : 'Lowder ; ^Betsy ; ^Levin ; "John. Lowder Sirman, Jr., married Sally Calloway, of Essex, and they had issue: 'William; James; John Polk; "Lowder; 'Nancy; "Maria; '^Sarah. William married Lovey Smith, and they had but one child, Sarah Elizabeth. William, second wife was Polly Smith, sister to Lovey, by whom he had Wil liam L. and Lovey Ellen. James Sirman, son of Lowder Sir- man, Jr., married Lovey Elliott and had issue: 'Eleanor; =^Samuel; ^Wm. Spicer; "Benjamin. John Polk Sirman, son of Lowder Sirman, Jr., married Elizabeth Staten, daughter of Rev. Thomas W. Staten, of Worcester County, Md. Issue: POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 495 'Isaac Warner; John WiUiam; ^Sarah Ellen. Betsy Sirman, daughter of Betsy Polk and Lowder Sirman, Sr., diel unmar ried. Levin Sirman married Betsy Vaughan and had: 'George; Joseph; ^Elizabeth; "WiUiam H.; 'John C; "Elea nor; 'Mary. George married Miss Leonard, of Somerset County, Mary land. Joseph married, first, Sarah Morris, of Sussex; second, Ann Thompson. William H. married Hannah Morris. Eliz abeth married Stewart Shockley, of Somerset County. Eleanor married Levin Sullivan, of Sussex. Mary married John Leon ard, of Somerset County. John, the youngest son of Betsy Polk and Lowder Sir- man, Sr., married Mary Derickson, daughter of General Sam uel Derickson, of Sussex, a man of distinction. John died without issue. Sally Polk, youngest child of John Polk and Sarah Vaughan, married John Bacon, of Sussex, and had one child, Henry Bacon, a substantial, highly respected farmer and citi zen, who was three times married; first, to Mary Parker, daughter of George Parker, of Somerset County, Maryland, by whom he had issue: (1) Sally Bacon, who married AA'm. Knowles, of Laurel, Del. They had issue: 'George; ^Mary A.; ^Alartha J.; "Sally; 'Olivia; "Emma; (3) George Bacon married and settled in Missouri, and had a family; (3) Mary Bacon marriel David A. Moore anl died without issue; (4) AVilliam Bacon married Maria Dashiel, daughter of Winder Dashiel, of Laurel, Del., and settled in Somerset. They had is sue: 'John; ^Mary; ^Winder; "Rebecca; (5) Nancy Bacon married Thos. Philips, of Seaford, Del., and had one child, James; (6) Elizabeth married Henry Brereton, of Somerset, and emigrated to the Southwest. Issue not known. Henry Bacon's second wife was Priscilla Fookes, of Worcester, Mary land, by whom he had issue : 'Henry, died unmarried ; Jona than, who married a widow Vickers, daughter of Thomas Fookes, of Delaware. He died leaving a daughter. Henry Bacon's third wife was Mary Hearne, of Sussex County, Dela ware. Issue: 'James; John; ^Thomas; "Samuel; 'Levin; "Lavenia ; ''Henry. Several of the Hearne's emigrated to Cen tral Kentucky and have numerous descendants there. 496 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN CHAPTER LIV. POLK-SCROGGIN KINSHIP. On the arrival of Capt. John Scroggin and Eunice Jane (Polk) Scroggin, his wife, in Kentucky in the fall of 1793, they established themselves on a fine farm in Bourbon County, about twelve miles from Cynthiana. There they lived, pros pered, raised their children and died, and their bodies were interred in the family burying ground on the farm. It is said that Capt. Scroggin's brother, Samuel, accompanied by Ephraim Polk, 3d, and several others from Sussex, had pre viously come to Kentucky (in 1786) to view the land and fix on locations for their respective families. And when they came in 1793, they fixed their homes not far apart, some locat ing in Bourbon and some in Woodford County. John and Samuel settled in what is now Llarrison — then a part of Bour bon — and Robert and other brothers in Woodford County. All the related families that came — the Scroggins, Nutters, Polks and Morris — brought with them from Delaware slaves and live stock. The descendants of the Scroggin family are among the very few people in Kentucky or the West who can claim that royal blood flows in their veins, as they descend directly from the Princess Fantalina, daughter of Philip V, of Spain. The genealogy of the Scroggin family, which has been carefully preserved, and a copy of which was given to the author of this hook a quarter of a century ago, is as follows : GENESIS OF AMERICAN SOROGGIN FAMILY. An Irish naval officer, named Joseph Scroggin, who was in the service of Philip V, of Spain, became enamored of that monarch's daughter, the Princess Fantalina. She reciprocated the affection of the impetuous Hibernian, who abducted her, took her on board his vessel, and sailing away, married her. POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 497 In 1714 they came to America, landing a)t Baltimore, bringing land grants, diamonds, gold snuff boxes and other jewels. Having several grants of land, Joseph settled near Snow Hill, in the Colony of Maryland, where he died. Their only child, Joseph Scroggin, Jr., was born in 1715. In 1740, at the age of twenty-five, Joseph Scroggin, Jr., was married to Sarah Ann Caldwell, whose sister, Martha Caldwell, was the mother of Hon. John C. Calhoun of South Carolina, one of America's greatest men. Doubtless, 'by reason of the fact that the high temper of both the Irish and Spanish races were united in him, Joseph Scroggin, Jr., appears to have been a self-willed and uncon trollable youth, falling out with his mother, leaving her, refus ing to speak to her, or to submit to her control ; and, it is said, not even the taming yoke of matrimony could cool his fiery nature. Joseph Scroggin, Jr., and his wife, Sarah Caldwell, had thirteen children : 'Nancy, b. May 13, 1741 ; John, b. Nov. 13, 1743 ; 3Mary, b. Nov. 13, 1745 ; "Joseph, b. June 17, 1747 ; 'Samuel, b. June 14, 1749 ; "Sarah, b. Sept. 14, 1750 ; 'Robert Calwell, b. March 1, 1753 ; ^William, b. April 24, 1755 ; ^Mih dred, b. June 15, 1757; '"PhUip, b. Sept. 5, 1759; "Annie Cald well, b. June 18, 1761; '^Thomas Clark, b. July 4, 1762; '^Matilda, b. Aug. 21, 1764. Princess Fantalina, the mother of Joseph Scroggin, Jr., died Dec. 31, 1770. Of the foregoing "baker's dozen" of children : Nancy married James Polk, in Delaware. Capt. John, as stated, mar ried Eunice Jane Polk. Mary married Capt. Revel Wharton, who was killed on his own vessel in an engagement with the .British, in the War of 1812. She afterward married Wm. F. Boone, of Philadelphia. Mary's only child (by her first mar riage) married Elisha English, of Kentucky, grandfather of Hon. Wm. H. English, of Indiana, who was candidate for Vice President on the ticket with General Hancock. Mr. Eng lish's daughter, Rosa English married Dr. Willoughby Wall ing, formerly of Louisville, now of Chicago, who was United States Consul at Edinburgh, Scotland, under President Cleve land. Dr. and Mrs. Walling have two sons, WiUoughhy George and Capt. Wm. E. English. Capt. Wm. E. English re- 498 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN sides at Indianapolis, and is a very wealthy man. Hon. Wm. H. EngUsh left a large fortune, devising $750,000 to Mrs. Rosa Walling, his daughter, and the balance of his property, in realty, to his son, WiUiam. The latter served as Captain in the U. S. Army, in the Spanish-American War. He was on the staff of Maj. Gen. Joe AA^heeler. At the battle of San Juan his horse was shot and fell on his leg, badly injuring him. Taken to the field hospital, he contracted fever and came near dying. He refused to take pay for his services in the army. Samuel Scroggin married Betty Collins. He was a Lieu tenant in the Revolution, from Delaware. He came to Ken tucky, as stated, first in 1786, to view the country, and again in 1793, and located in Bourbon County. Sarah married Samuel Davis, of Fayette County, Ky., and lived in or near Lexington. Robert Caldwell Scroggin, born 1753, married Ann Culver. Robert was an Ensign in the Revolution and emigrated to AVoodford County in 1790, com ing from Snow Hill, Aid., the same locality where his father, Joseph Scroggin, Jr., had settled. Mildred Scroggin was devotedly attached to an officer who was killed in the Revolu tionary War, and faithful to that attachment, she died un married. Philip Scroggin, also a Captain in the Revolution, came, to Kentucky in 1793. In the AA^'ar of 1813 he again joined the army to fight the old enemy, the British, and was killed in battle. Annie Caldwell Scroggin married James Davis, a brother of Sarah's husband, and lived in or near Lexington, Ky. Thomas Clarke Scroggin, who was a Lieu tenant in the Revolution, married Isabella Buchanan and emi grated to Kentucky. Afathilde Scroggin married a Alethodist preacher. Rev. Joseph Collins, of Baltimore. The seven Scroggin brothers were all over six feet in height and all were officers in the Revolution. They seemed to inherit the religious tendencies of their mother (Sarah Caldwell), who was of a French Huguenot family, grafted onto Scotch-Irish Preshyterians. Her descendants generally followed the lat ter faith. An interesting incident is related of Capt. John Scroggin, while he was on his way to Kentucky in 1793, which showed POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 499 his courage and kindness of heart. The Indian War was then in progress under General Anthony Wayne, and emigrants bound down the Ohio River were in constant peril from bands of savages who infested the north shore of that stream. Frequent attacks were made on the boats of emigrants, and many were killed. White men who had been captured in childhood by the Indians, and raised up to become veritable savages, were employed as decoys. While dscending the Ohio, a white man appeared on the Ohio shore, and begged piteously to be taken aboard. Al though vigorously opposed by his companions, who suspected the purpose of the appeal, Capt. Scroggin insisted on succor ing the man, saying he could not find it in his heart to leave a fellow creature in distress. The boat was turned toward the shore, and when close to it a hand of ambushed Indians fired on the party, wounding several, but killing none. The boat immediately put off and its occupants escaped further injury. Capt. Scroggins' wife, Eunice Jane Polk, urged him to secure a large body of land, but he said it was useless, there oeing so much land, which he could get at any time. Rol)ert Caldwell Scroggin's grand-daughters, Miss Scroggin and Mrs. Judge HavUand, reside at Cynthiana, Ky. They are children of Robert Culver Scroggin. Robert had a grandson, John Henderson Scroggin, son of Joseph Scroggin, whose wife, Lucinda Bruce, was a daughter of Capt. Charles Polk's daugh ter, Sallie, who, with her mother and three other children were captured by Indians in Aug., 1782, in Nelson County, Ky., and taken to Detroit and sold to the British Commandant. For account of this capture, and of the Bruce kinsmen, see chapter relating to Capt. Charles Polk, the Indian fighter, who came from Pittsburg to Louisville in 1780 and afterward moved to Indiana and died near ViniCennes, 1823. The muster roll of troops from Kentucky in the War of 1813, show the following: "Levin Polk Scroggin, First Cor poral in Capt. Maurice Langhorne's Bourbon County Com pany, First Rifle Regiment Kentucky Militia, commanded by Lieut. Col. John Allen. Mustered in Aug. 15; mustered out Oct. 14, 1813." Levin Polk Scroggin was the seventh and last chUd of 500 P 0 LK F AMI LY AND KINSMEN Eunice Jane Polk and Capt. John Scroggin. On May 30th, Rdbert Scroggin again joined the army to fight the British, and Indians, with the rank of First Lieutenant of Capt. Richard Matson's Bourbon County Company, Col. Richard M. Johnson's Kentucky Mounted Infantry. He was in the bat tle of the Thames (Oct. 5, 1813) won by the army of Ken tuckians under Gen. Wm. Henry Harrison and Governor Isaac Shelby. Col. Allen's regiment, the First Regiment Kentucky Rifles, of which Levin Polk Scroggin was a member, was in the battle and massacre at River Raisin (Jan. 33, 1813), where Col. Allen, Capt. McCracken and many others were barbarous ly slain after being made prisoners. The late John A. Scroggin, of Versailles, Ky., a prominent merchant of that place, was a son of Levin Polk Scroggin. GALLANT OFFICERS OF THE REVOLUTION. All the seven Scroggin boys (sons of Joseph Scroggin, Jr.) joined the patriot army under Washington and were offi cers in the Revolutionary Army, acquitting themselves with distinction. Capt. John Scroggin died at his home in Wood ford County, Kentucky, Dec. 14, 1813. In a letter to the author, of date Feb. 35, 1893, J. H. Scroggin, of BrucevUle, Knox County, Indiana, says : "Capt. John Scroggin married one of my grandmothers, Eunice Jane Polk, daughter of John, and grand-daughter of Ephraim Polk, 1st, third son of Capt. Robert Bruce Polk and Magdalen (Tasker) Porter. Eunice was born Oct. 3, 1743, in Maryland, and died in Kentucky, May 29, 1809. They had the following children: 'Elizaheth. h. Oct. 10, 1768; ^William, b. Jan. 39, 1770; ^Samuel, b. Dec. 30, 1771; "John, b. May 13, 1774; 'Sarah Ann Caldwell, b. Oct. 9, 1776; "Joseph, b. Feb. 9, 1779; 'Levin Polk, b. March 36, 1783. "Joseph Scroggin (sixth child of John and Eunice Jane (Polk) Scroggin married Nancy Jane Holmes, an elder sister of Hetty R. Bruce, my stepmother, in Kentucky. Joseph died Nov. 4, 1843. Nancy Jane, his wife, born Aug. 30, 1783, died Dec. 8, 1846. They had the following chUdren, born in Ken tucky: 'Eunice Jane, h. July 23, 1807, d. young in Kentucky; John Henderson (my father), b. Feb. 6, 1809; ^AVilliam AA^es- PO LK F AMI LY AND KINSMEN 501 ton, b. Dec. 7, 1810, d. unmarried, Oct. 10, 1842 ; "Ann Eliza beth, b. Alarch 38, 1813, never married; 'Josiah Love, b. April 8, 1815, never married; "Sallie Jane, b. Feb. 16, 1818; married and raised one son, all dead; 'Hetty, b. June 15, 1820, never married; Joseph D., b. Dec. 20, 1835; *Nancy Ann, b. March 33, 1838, never married. There is but one left to represent my grandfather's family, and that is myself. "John Henderson Scroggin, son of Joseph and Nancy Ann Scroggin (nee Holmes), and grandson of John and Eunice Jane (Polk) Scroggin, and great-grandson of Joseph and Sarah Ann Scroggin (nee Caldwell), and great-great grandson of Capt. Joseph and Fantalina Scroggin, is the record of descent. The Princess Fantalina was the eldest daughter of Philip V, first Bourbon King of Spain. Philip V was a grandson of Louis XIV of France, and married Marie Louise Gabriella of Savoy. "John Henderson Scroggin married Lucinda Bruce, a daughter of William and Sally Bruce (nee Polk). My father was born Feb. 6, 1809, and my mother one day later, but he died many years before she did — ^^he on March 3, 1848 ; she on Feb. 21, 1870. They had issue: 'Joseph H., (myself), b. Alay 17, 1836; ^VUliam Bruce, b. Sept. 3, 1838; d. June 4, 1857 ; ^Henry Harrison, b. Sept. 11, 1840 ; "George WUson, b. May 5, 1842 ; 'SaUie Jane, b. Jan. 3, 1845. The latter was mar ried Dec. 20, 1869, to James AVilliam Clark, of Nebraska, and they have four children. "In the War of the Rebellion, brothers Henry and George and myself enlisted in the Union Army. Six months later, Henry fell sick and died. I was laid up in hospital for over a year and then discharged as an invalid. Brother George served on for more than three years, but on the second day of the battle of Nashville, between the armies of Hood and Thomas, Dec. 16, 1864, and late in the evening, he was shot and died in a few days. "My own family consists of: Joseph Hamilton, born May 17, 1836, married Nancy Jane Gano, born July 24, 1837. Issue : 'Mattie Bruce, b. Feb. 15, 1868 ; ^Lucinda May, b. Nov. 28, 1869 ; ^George AA^'ashington, b. Dec. 13, 1871 ; "Sally Ann, b. Oct. 17, 1873 ; 'Rosa, b. July 10, 1875. 502 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN '"Nancy Scroggin, eldest child of Joseph and Sarah Ann (Caldwell) Scroggin, b. May 13, 1741, married a Air. Polk, of Philadelp'hia. Her husband and Eunice Jane Polk, who mar ried Capt. John Scroggin, were cousins." JOSEPH POLK, SR., SON OF EPHRAIM, 1st. Joseph Polk, third son of Ephraim Polk 1st, b. 1730, d. in Dela,ware in 1813. He married Sarah Coversdale and they had issue: (1) Isaac, b. 1751, d. 1834 unmarried. (2) John, b. April 1, 1754, d. Aug. 12, 1814; married March 3, 1776 Amelia Hurst. (3) Joseph Jr., b. 1758, d. 1823; married first Miss Layton; second Miss Neal. (4) Jesse, b. 1761, went west and never heard of again. (5) Priscilla, b. 1763, said to have gone to Soifth Caro lina. She is believed to have heen the second wife of Capt. Wm. Polk, of Accomac County, Va., who, after the Revolu tionary War, settled and died in South Carolina, some of his children emigrating to Ohio and Indiana. (6) Ann, b. 1765, also said to have gone to South Caro lina. JOSEPH POLK, JR., SON OF JOSEPH POLK, SR. Joseph Polk Jr., (third son of Joseph Polk and Sarah Coverdale), b. 1758, d. 1823, was twice married. His first wife was Miss Layton, of Sussex, by whom he had one child, Layton Polk. His wife dying soon after, Joseph mar ried secondly Miss Neal, of Sussex, by whom he had five or six children. The name of but one of these is preserved — Margaret Neal Polk, who married her cousin Geba, next to the youngest son of John Polk and Amelia Hurst, and had by him six children. Jesse Polk (fourth son of Joseph Polk Sr., and Sarah Coverdale), born 1761, went west and was never heard from afterwards. The two last children of Joseph Polk Sr. and Sarah Cover- PO LK F AMI LY AND KINSMEN 503 dale were PrisciUa, b. 1763; and Ann, b. 1765. What became of them is not certainly known. J'Osiah F. Polk, in 1849, in a letter to Col. Wm. H. Winder, said: "They are said to have gone to South Carolina." In this connection it may be stated that a Capt. William Polk, who was an active Whig and commanded the local militia company, resided in Accomac County, on the Eastern Shore of Virginia, for some years before and during the Revo lution. He had a sister named Martha, but who the parents of Capt. William and Martha were, the writer has not ascer tained. The second wife of this Capt. Wm. Polk is said to have been Priscilla Polk possibly the above mentioned daugh ter of J'oseph Polk. Geba (ninth child of John Polk and Amelia Hurst), b. 1794, d. Sept. 6, 1881, emigrated in 1812 to Logan County, Ohio, where his uncle, Joseph Polk and family had settled a short time before. In 1818 he was married to his cousin Margaret Neal Polk, daughter of Joseph Polk by whom he had six children. The record in the family Bible reads: Geba Polk, b. Sept. 6, 1851, aged 56 years; Margaret Neal, wife of Geba Polk, d. Aug. 20, 1882, aged 87 years, 3 months and 30 days. The children of this marriage were : (1) Robert Neal Polk, b. March 5, 1834. (3) Sarah Amelia Polk, b. Oct. 15, 1835. (3) William Geba Polk, b. , d. at Lexington, Ky., in hospital, Dec. 3, 1863, aged 34 years, 11 months and five days. (4) Margaret Ai:iranda Polk, b. 1837, d. Oct. 16, 1868. (5) Layton Polk, d. Aug. 38, 1851, aged 20 years, 10 mon ths and 13 days. (6) Mary Elizabeth Polk, b. Aug. 30, 1834, d. Dec. 7, 1861. The intermarriages of the above children were : Robert Neal Polk to Sarah Jane Harper, Feb. 31, 1853, She d. Dec. 17, 1858. Issue, one child Margaret Jane Polk, b. March 5, 1"856. The latter married Irwin Hawkins, and had issue: 'Alexander; ^Ovid; ^Charles Hawkins. Ovid and Charles are living at Springfield, Ohio. 504 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN Robert Neal Polk married secondly to Elizabeth Ann Wren-Fuson, in July, 1859, by whom he had : (1) Ada Elizabeth Polk, b. May 7, 1860. (3) Charies WiUiam Polk, b. AprU 7, 1863. (3) Mary Amelia Polk, b. Dec. 18, 1865. (4) Elmer Geba Polk, b. Nov. 38, 1867. (5) Eva Christine Polk, b. April 8, 1873. (6) Joseph Robert Polk, b. June 33, 1875. Ada Elizabeth married S. E. Caldwell, Nov. 29, 1883. Issue: (1) Edward Raymond Caldwell, b. July 15, 1884, d. Oct. 16, 1887. (3) EsteUe Maud CaldweU, b. Dec. 13, 1885. (3) Ada Mae Caldwell, b. Nov. 8, 1888. (4) Oro Evelyn Caldwell, b. April 4, 1892. (5) Eva Lillian Caldwell, b. Jan. 15, 1895. (6) Marion Christine CaldweU, b. Feb. 21, 1903, d. Aug. 26, 1903. Charles WUliam Polk (son of Robert Neal Polk), mar ried Aug. 6, 1885, Maria Pope. Issue: (1) Franklin Robert Polk, b. Aug. 20, 1886. (3) Helen Elizabeth Polk, b. Sept. 31, 1889. (3) Florence Polk, b. March 35, 1893. (4) Charies Kenneth Polk, b. Nov. 18, 1896, d. Nov. 33, 1897. The above family reside at Zanesfield, Ohio. Mary Elizabeth Polk( daughter of Robert Neal Polk), married John M. Barger, Aug. 35, 1907. Eva Christine Polk (daughter of Robert Neal Polk), mar ried Charies Otho Frields, Dec. 34, 1896. He d. Jan. 8, 1899 ; no issue. Joseph Robert Polk (son of Robert Neal Polk), married Marion J. Porter, Feb. 18, 1903. Issue: (1) Pauline Frields Polk, b. April 18, 1905. (3) Wesley Porter Polk, b. Aug. 14, 1907. Sarah Amelia Polk (second child of Geba Polk and Mar garet Neal Polk), married Aaron AUebaugh, March 1, 1855 ; no issue. They reside at Quincy, Ohio. William Geba Polk (second son of Geba and Margaret POLK F AMI LY AND KINSMEN 505 Neal Polk), 45th Ohio Infantry, who died in hospital at Lex ington, Ky., Dec. 3, 1863, the second year of the Civil War, was not married. His remains rest in the Federal burying ground, within the Lexington Cemetery, in which are interred nearly one thousand men who fell in battle or died of disease in hospitals. A tombstone marks his grave. Margaret Miranda Polk (fourth child of Geba and Mar garet Neal Polk), married Benjamin Cretcher, Aug. 14, 1855, and d. Oct. 16, 1868. They had issue : (1) Robert Cretcher, b. May 39, 1857, married April 18, 1880 to Hettie May Melhorn. (2) Nannie Cretcher, b. Oct. 19, 1859, married Frank McCormick, June 24, 1879. Issue: 'Ora Maria, b. June 10, 1883, married Logan W. Hale, July 37, 1904; ^Warren, b. Aug. 14, 1905. (3) Ben W. Cretcher, born April 13, 1864, married Elsie Hamilton, June 10, 1895. Layton Polk (fifth child of Geba and Margaret Neal Polk), d. Aug. 1851, aged 21 years, and unmarried. Mary Elizabeth Polk (sixth child of Geba and Margaret Neal Polk), married John C. Cretcher, Sept. 27, 1857, and had issue : (1) Lutrecia Cretcher, b. July 3, 1858, d. March 4, 1880, married June 10, 1879 George R. Null. (3) William Harrison Cretcher, b. March 30, 1860, d. in infancy. (3) Margaret Elizabeth Cretcher, b. Nov. 14, 1861; d. March 1884; married WiUiam Bronson, April 1880. Robert Neal Polk and his daughter Mrs. Emma C. Fields, reside at Fall River, Mass. Elmer G. and Joseph Polk, and Airs. Ada Caldwell, at Alliance, Ohio ; Mrs. Mary A. Barger at Urbana, Ohio. ROBERT POLK AND FAMILY. Robert Polk (tenth child of John Polk and Amelia (Hurst) Polk), b. June 25, 1797, d. , 1854. He married in 1827, Mar garet Reybold, the accomplis'hed daughter of Major Philip Reyhold, of Delaware. Their children were : 506 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN (1) William Reybold Polk, b. , married May 30, 1855, Kate RothweU, Summit Bridge, Del. (2) Anna Eliza Polk, b. , d. in infancy. (3) Anna Louisa Polk, b. , d. Feb. 2, 1886. (4) Alargaret Polk, b. , d. 1837, unmarried. (5) Robert Polk, b. , d. 1896, unmarried, at Rich mond, Va. (6) Albert H. Polk, b. , d. young. (7) Matilda Reybold Polk, b. , d. young, in 1843. (8) Henry C. Polk, b. , d. , unmarried. (9) John Philip Reybold Polk, b. Oct. 18, 1845, d. , 1901, at Charlotte, N. C, unmarried. (10) Elizabeth Polk, b. , d. at 16 years of age, un married. Of these ten children Robert Polk and Margaret Reybold, only five attained to maturity, and only one, AVilliam R., mar ried and reared a family. John Philip Reybold Polk, the writer is greatly indebted for data of the Polk family. An elegant, accomplished and courteous gentleman, distinguished in appearance and univer sally esteemed, he had few equals. He took great pride and interest in the family history, unlike some with whom the writer has had to deal with during the preparation of this work. John P. R. Polk was assiduous in the collection of data, and prompt in reporting it. During the correspondence be tween himself and the writer, he fell ill of grippe, at Char lotte, N. 'C, in 1901, and suffering a relapse after getting up and believing himself recovered, he fell ill again and died quite suddenly. Receiving no answer to a letter sent him, the writer inquired of his brother AVm. R. Polk, of Birming ham, Ala., concrning him and received in reply the news that he was dead. "When the Civil AA^ar was declared, the Federal gunboats burned four of Air. Polk's vessels. He was a Southern sym pathizer, and offered for active service, but on examination, was pronounced physically incapacitated for bearing arms. He became a blockade runner, a position for which only a few intrepid spirits were fitted, but he combined those elements. POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 507 JOHN P. R. POLK. Wilmington, Del. POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 509 a brave heart and a cool head. In six weeks he had forty-six thousand dollars in gold, or its equivalent, and had made for himself a great reputation as a blockade runner. There was a thousand dollars offered for his capture and the gunboats were keeping a close watch. His adventures and hairbreadth escapes would fill a volume. CHILDREN OF WM. REYBOLD POLK. "The chUdren of the marriage of William Reybold Polk and Kate RothweU Polk were five: (1) Robert Edgar Polk, d. young. (2) Annie Amelia Polk, d. aged 11 years. (3) AVUliam RothweU Polk, b. 1862. (4) Robert Henry Polk, b. 1865. (5) Catherine Gertrude Polk, b. 1869, d. 1893, unmarried. "William RothweU Polk (third child of William Reybold Polk and Kate (RothweU) Polk), b. 1863, married 1898, Katerina Stella Henry, of Delaware. He owns and operates a manufactory of electrical motors and dynamos, etc., and re sides in Atlanta. "Robert Henry Polk (fourth child of William Reybold Polk and Kate (Ro'thwell) Polk), is General Superintendent of the Bell Telephone Exchange at Savannah, Ga. He is a brilliant young man with a bright future before him. He mar ried December 35, 1893, Agnes Ayars, nee Hoeyt." 510 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN CHAPTER LV. CHILDREN OF EPHRAIM POLK, 2nd. As before stated, Ephraim Polk, 3d, was born about 1709. His marriage to Mary Coverdale, (a sister of Sarah Covers- dale, wife of his brother Joseph Polk), evidently took place about 1740, as his eldest child was born in 1743. His chUdren were: (1) Emanuel, b. about 1743, d. Sept. 1, 1797 ; wUl dated Sept. 6, 1793, probated Nov. 16, 1797, d. unmarried. (3) Joseph, b. about 1744, d. . (3) Jehosephat, b. about 1746, d. . (4) Joah, b. about 1748, d. . (5) Mary (Polly), b. about 1750, d. , unmarried. (6) Esther, b. about 1753, d. , married Mr. Owens. (7) Elizabeth, b. about 1754, d. , unmarried. (8) Nancy, b. about 1756, d. , unmarried. (9) Ephraim, 3d, b. Nov. 34, 1758, d. March 34, 1814 in Scott County, Kentucky. In a letter to the author, of date February 7, 1873, from Mrs. Sarah (Polk) Adkins, a daughter of Ephraim 3d, she says : "Only three of grandfather Ephraim Polk's children were married, I have been told, the rest dying single. Those who married were my father, Ephraim 3d, his brother Joseph, and his sister Esther Owens." WILL OF EPHRAIM POLK, 2nd. In the name of God, Amen, I, Ephraim Polk, of the Coun ty of Sussex in Delaware, being at this time in good health, as also of sound and perfect mind and memory praised be God, do make this my last will and testament as followeth: Imprimis — I give and bequeath to my son Emanuel Polk, two hundred acres of land, being part of ye tract whereon stands my dwelling House, and Manner plantation, beginning POLK F AM I LY AND KINSMEN 511 at ye run of ye Branch on the North side of ve afores'd plant'i- tion, including the dwelling House, and two thirds of ye Or chard, so continuing to run Southerly so as to lay off ye afor- s'd two Hundred acres on the East and South-East part of ye tract to him, and the Heirs lawfully begotten of his body for ever; or for want of such issue, my further Will is at yc de cease of my Emanuel, ye land and premises shall fall to and be the right of my son Ephraim Polk and his heirs lawfully begotten of his body forever; or should my son Ephraim de cease without issue, the land and premises shall fall to my son Joah Polk, and the heirs lawfully begotten of his body for ever. The whole of the above Glaus so conditioned that my daughter Esther Owens is to have ye house she now lives in, with five acres of land round it, also timber to support it and firewood sufficient for one fire, during ye absence of her hus band, or should she be now a Widow, during widowhood. Item — I give and bequeath to my son Ephriam Polk the remaining part of my tract of land afores'd left my son Eman uel Polk, with all the appertainances thereunto belonging to him and the Heirs lawfully begotten of his body forever. I also give to my son Ephraim one hundred acres of a tract of land called Coverdale's New Design adjoining the land afores'd, being ye South West part of s'd tract called Cover- dale's New Design, to him and the heirs lawfully begotten of his body forever, or for want of such heir my further will is the one hundred acres of land afores'd, as well as the land and premises in the same track with my Emanuel shall fall to and be the right of my son Emanuel Polk, and the heirs lawfully begotten of his body forever, or should Emanuel decease without issue lawfully begotten of his body, my will is the land and premises afores'd shall fall to and be ye right and property of my son Joab Polk, and the heirs lawfully begotten of his body forever. Conditioned is ye above Glaus that my daughter Elizabeth Polk shall have a lot in afores'd premises in the Southwest corner of my dwelling plantation of five acres, with the privilege of Timber to build a House, as also to support it and sufficiency of firewood for one fire. Item — I give and bequeath to my son Joseph Polk the use of the plantation he now lives on and is posest and hath 512 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN hitherto occupy'd, with the land already laid off to him, by a marked line, being one hundred acres of the west part of the Tract of land called New Design during his natural life and should his wife be the longest lived, I leave the premises afores'd to her during her widowhood, and at the decease of my son Joseph or should his wife be the longest lived, at her decease or marriage, my further will is the afores'd land and premises left to my son Joseph his lifetime, should descend to and be the right of my Grand Son WUliam Polk, son of Joseph Polk and the heirs lawfully begotten of his body for ever, etc., the aforesaid Clause is so conditioned that my daughter Elizabeth Polk is to have a lot of five acres within ye afores'd Hundred acres left to my son Joseph his lifetime which five acres is to be laid off on the southwest part of said land adjoining ye fence of the afores'd Joseph, also Capt. Nathaniel Hayes fence. She is also to have the privilege of timber to build a House, as also to support the place, fire wood for one fire, etc., during the time she continues single or unmarried. Item — I give and bequeath to my son Joab Polk the re maining part of my Tract of land called Coverdale's New Design being nearly one hundred acres be the same more or less lying between the land already bequeathed to my son Ephraim and that left Joseph his lifetime, to him and the lawful heirs of his body forever, or should he leave no such issue living my will further is ye afores'd premises should descend and go to my son Ephraim and the Heirs lawfully begotten of his body forever. Item — I give and bequeath to my daughters, Elizabeth and Mary 'one hundred and thirty-five acres of land and Marsh, lying on the West side of Cedar Creek, adjoining Lands of Edward Stapleford, Simon Lewis and the heirs of Ephraim Holeager. S'd survey begins opposite to the mouth of a Gut makes out of ye afores'd Creek and on ye east side near a Landing formerly called John Richards Landing, ye aforesaid Tract to be equally divided between my two daughters Eliza beth and Mary, afs'd and their Heirs forever. Item — I give and bequeath to my son Emanuel Polk, POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 513 one Negro Man named Peter, as also one Sorrel Mare to him and his Heirs forever. Item — I give and bequeath to my son Ephraim his rid ing Mare as also her two year old Colt, being both commonly called his, to him and his Heirs forever. Item — I give and bequeath to my four children now liv ing with me viz : Emanuel, Joab, Ephraim and Elizabeth, my six Negroes not yet mentioned, viz : Cloe, Dinah, Gate, Sal, Leah and Caesar, with the whole and every part of my estate not before willed to be equally divided amongst them, to them and their Heirs forever. Item — My further Will is my daughter Elizabeth shall have free privilege of eating and keeping apples out of either or every of my three Orchards left Emanuel, Joab and Ephraim tree and without control during the time she is single or un married, etc. Item — My further Will is one quarter of an Acre together with the prize Tree where I have made my Sider the Ground afores'd to lay in a Circle round the Tree, shell be free to my Sons Emanuel and Ephraim to make their Sider, forever, etc. And I do hereby Constitute and appoint my sons Emanuel and Ephraim to be the sole Exrs. of this my last Will and Testament, revoking and disallowing all other Wills hereto fore made by me. In Testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal this 5th day of January, 1789. Sign'd Seal'd and Delivered. Ephraim Polk. (Seal.) in presence of us John Polk Sen'r. Robert Shankland, Edward Polk, Charles Polk. Sussex County, L. S. Memorandum, the 22d day of March, 1791, before me, Phillips KoUock, Register appointed for the probate of AVills and granting Letters of Administration for the County of Sussex, appeared Robert Shankland and Charles Polk, two of the Witnesses to the within Will, who bein duly sworn on the Holy Evangels of Almighty God, did severally depose and say that in their sight, presence and hearing the Testator Ephraim Polk did sign, seal, publish and declare the same to be his Last Will and Testament, and that at the doing thereof 514 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN he was of a sound and perfect mind, memory and judgment, and that they and each of them together with John Polk Senior and Edward Polk subscribed the same as Witnesses in presence of the Testator and at his request. PHILLIPS KOLLOCK, Reg'r. By the foregoing it wiU be observed that Ephraim Polk 2d, who was born about 1709, executed his wUl on January 5, 1789, and died at about the age of 83 years, a short time before Alarch 33, 1791, on which date the document was presented to the Register of Wills for Sussex County for probate. As he makes no mention of his wife, whose maiden name was Alary Coverdale, it is fairly inferable that she was then dead. Had she been alive, he would have made some provision for her. The children still under his roof at the time he executed his will, and whom he names, were Emanuel, Joab, Elizabeth and Ephraim. The rest of his children five in number, Joseph, Jehosephat, Mary, Esther and Nancy, had evidently left the parental home, Joseph and Esther marrying and establishing homes of their own. He does not mention Nancy, who prob ably died single and before his will was executed. He refers to Jehosephat and Joab in a way which suggests that they also were married. He had already settled Joseph on a plan tation of one hundred acres, part of the Coverdale tract called "New Design." Esther, whose husband (Mr. Owens) appears to have been long absent and his wherabouts not known, is referred to as living in a house by herself, which residence, with five acres of land attached, he confirms to her. Elizabeth, evident ly then single, is also given a five acre tract, with timber for a house and its maintenance. Esther Owens at that time had two children, Phillis and Esther Jr., but Ephraim does not mention them. Their names we secure from the will of Eman uel Polk, who died unmarried nearly five years later. Per haps they had not been born at the date of Ephraim's will and therefore could not be mentioned by him. In Ephraim's will he mentions but one child of Joseph whose name was William, and to him he makes a conditional PO LK F AMI LY AND KINSMEN 515 bequest. In Emanuel Polk's will, executed September 6, 1793, probated November 16, 1797, he mentions Joseph's children as William, Sallie, Elizabeth, Augusta and Molly M. Emanuel dying without issue, under Ephraim's will his (Emanuel's) lands fell to Joseph. Probably with a view of breaking or nullifying the entj^il by Ephraim of the two hundred acres lying on Bowman's Branch, or for some other reason not now known, before Emanuel's death he sold this two hundred acres on Bowman's Branch to his nephew Augusta Polk, one of the sons of Joseph. This name is written Augusta in the will ; but as Augusta is the feminine of Augustus, it is evident that it should have been spelled the latter way. Augustus Polk dying intestate and without issue, some time after Emanuel's death, his sisters, Sallie Polk, Elizabeth Polk and Molly AL Polk on October 33d, 1801, for a valuable consideration sold their respective interests in this tract to their brother AVilliam Polk. 516 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN CHAPTER LVL EPHRAIM POLK, 3rd. Ephraim Polk 3d (youngest of the eight children of Eph raim Polk 3d and Mary Coverdale), was b. in North West Fork Hundred, Sussex County, Delaware, November 34, 1758. Just as Ephraim attained to manhood the troubles be tween the American Colonies and the mother country had culminated in armed conflict. British fleets ravaged the coasts of Delaware, bombarding towns, while British soldiers and their Tory allies in Sussex and other counties harried the patriot inhabitants. The hastily embodied American sol diers consisted of militia regiments, later put on Colonial es tablishment, with little drill, discipline or equipment. The close of the first year of the Revolution (1776) found the American cause shrouded in gloom. The army of Wash ington had been defeated in a number of battles. Afenaced by the proximity of the enemy, on December 13th, the Con tinental Congress quitted Philadelphia and retired to Bal timore. Notwithstanding reverses sustained, the firmness of the patriots was unshaken and the Colonies exerted them selves to sustain Washington with added troops. Foremost in this work was the little Colony of Delaware. Many of her sons also went to other colonies and entered the service. Among this class were Joab Polk and his youngest brother, Ephraim Polk 3d, the latter then just past the age of eighteen. Joab was ten years the senior of Ephraim, and with his elder brothers, Emanuel, Joseph and Jehosephat, had been serving the patriot cause as members of the Sussex Militia, and were chiefly employed in the repression of Toryism. An opportunity was soon presented the following year (1777) for Joab and Ephraim to gratify their desire for a larger field of action. Washington, then at Philadelphia, being in need of horses, some of these animals was dispatched by Eph raim Polk 2d to that place, in charge of his sons Joab and PO LK F AMI LY AND KINSMEN 5I7 Ephraim. On arrival at the Quaker City, the animals were duly delivered to the proper officials. Joab then crossed the river into New Jersey and enlisted in the service, apparently for a short term each time. The Colonial Records of New Jersey show that he first joined the company of "Captain Joseph Pancoast, First Regiment, of Burlington." He next appears as a "Corporal in the First Battalion, Second Estab lishment, also Militia." Finally he is registered : "Joab Polk, Captain Bateman Lloyd's Company, Second Regiment Con tinental Troops." According to the statement of Dr. Jefferson J. Polk, of Perryville, Ky., a son of Ephraim Polk 3d, the latter and his brothers all served throughout the war, returning home only at the conclusion of peace. This fact. Dr. Polk stated, he heard from the lips of his father, when, with his family seated around he would recount instances of the long struggle for American freedom. Soon after Joab and Ephraim reached Philadelphia, the British army under Lord Howe defeated Washington (Sept. nth) at Brandywine. The following day Washington's army fell back to Philadelphia, retreating further to Reading. On Sept. 26th Howe occupied Philadelphia, the Continental Con gress having migrated to Lancaster. Howe stationed the main division of his army outside of the city, at the village of Germantown, while Washington was twenty miles away awaiting developments. Finally he decided to attack the British division at Germantown, which he did on October 4, the contest lasting nearly three hours, the Americans losing about 1,000 men in killed and wounded. Among the troops engaged in this battle was Nash's Brigade, from North Car olina, in which was Lieutenant Colonel William Polk, a de scendant of William Polk 2d, son of Robert and Magdalen Polk. Also his father, Col. Thomas Polk, of "Mecklenburg Declaration" fame, who commanded a squadron of two hun dred cavalry and escorted the American baggage train of seven hundred wago'us out of the city to Bethlehem for safety. Among the articles carried away were the bells of the city churches and public buildings, including the State House bell, now known as the "Liberty Bell." Lord Howe threatening 518 POLK F AM I LY AND KINSMEN the city, all citizens capable of bearing arms were embodied into a regiment commanded by Colonel AVilliam WiU, known as the Fourth Class Philadelphia Alilitia. AA'ith this raw or ganization Col. AVill joined Washington's army. In this regi ment, beside Ephraim Polk 3d, was Capt. Charles Wilson Peale, one of the most noted artists of his day, founder of Peale's Aluseum of that city, and whose sister, Elizabeth Digby Peale, married Capt. Robert Polk, of Maryland, Commander of the privateers "Black Jake" and "Montgomery." fitted out at Annapolis, and who was killed on board his vessel by a British cannon shot. Capt. Polk was a descendant of Robert Polk, fifth son of Robert Bruce Polk and Magdalen Porter Ephraim Polk 3d enlisted Sept. 10, 1777, in Capt. Joseph Rhodes' Company, Col. AA^ill's Regiment, receiving his "Bap tism of fire" at Germantown on October 4th following. As a matter of interest to his descendants and kinsmen, the fol lowing partial muster roll is copied from "Pennsylvania Ar chives, Second Series, Vol. 13, p. 675: CAPTAIN RHOADS' COMPANY. Captain Joseph Rhoads, commissioned Sept. 10, 1777. First Lieutenant Adam Bohl, commissioned Sept. 10, 1777. Second Lieutenant, Conrad Rubert, commissioned Sept. 10, 1777. Sergeant, AA'illiam Henry, appointed, commissioned Sept. 10, 1777. Corporal, Henry Kains, appointed, commissioned Sept. 10, 1777. PRIVATES. Paradon Peterson, enlisted Sept. 10, 1777. Ephraim Polk, enlisted Sept. 10, 1777. Anthony Hanna, enlisted Sept. 10, 1777. Thomas Robinson, enlisted Sept. 10, 1777. William McElroy, enlisted Sept. 10, 1777. Then follows a list of 32 other privates whose names we omit. Ephraim Polk, it will be seen, was the second man on the list of privates of his company. POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 519 As the Third Pennsylvania Regiment of Foot, Col. Will's regiment passed into the Continental Line and served through out the war. The powder-horn which Ephraim put on when he enlisted at Philadelphia in September, 1777, was presented to the writer by his aunt, Mrs. Polly Wolfe of Indiana, in 1873, and by him in 1913 to Harry H. Polk, of Des Moines, Iowa. VALLEY FORGE. The battle of Germantown was practically a "drawn fight." While the British held the field, it was at the expense of a heavy loss of officers and men. The Americans fell back leisurely to their camps on Skippack Creek, retiring later to White Marsh. Here began the sufferings of the patriot army for food and clothing. Early in December the British essayed an attack on the American army, but they changed their pur pose and retreated. After another council of war, it was decided to remove the American army to a greater distance from the enemy. Three days later it crossed the Schuylkill — many of the soldiers marching through the deep snow with bare feet — and on December 19th commenced building winter quarters at Valley Forge. There they erected log huts and spent that long, bitter winter freezing, starving and suffering as no troops on earth ever before had suffered. Congress being unable to alleviate the desperate situation of the suffering troops at Valley Forge, Washington turned to one man who indeed proved a succoring angel to his country in her hour of greatest need. That man was Robert Alorris, the merchant prince of Philadelphia, a large ship owner, who also maintained a fleet of privateers. Robert Morris was at that time the wealthiest man in America, his fortune being estimated at eight millions. He had already advanced large sums to the Congress for war expenses, but, when appealed to by AVashington, he raised by great effort the funds re quested. This great benefactor of his country, but for whose monetary aid at critical junctures the American cause would doubtless have been a failure, was a kinsman to Rhoda Morris, the wife of Ephraim Polk 3d, and of the Morris family of Kent and Sussex Counties, Delaware. 520 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN EPHRAIM EMIGRATES TO KENTUCKY. At the close of the Revolution Joab and Ephraim Polk returned to their home in Sussex. After their return both of them remained for a time under the parental roof, assisting their father in his affairs until his death in March, 1791. This event necessitated a separation of the family. The old homestead was sold and the proceeds distributed in accord ance with the will of Ephraim 2d. The eyes of the younger Ephraim, some years before his father's death, had been turn ed toward the region which lay beyond the AUeghanies, and stretched westward beyond the Mississippi. Determined to first explore it, he set out for Kentucky in the spring of 1785, accompanied, it is said, by some of the Scroggins, and Nutters, kinsmen, and others. Arriving at Limestone (now AlaysviUe) they fell into the "Great Buft'alo Road," which crossed the Ohio at that point and led South into the rich grazing lands of Central Kentucky. Following this general route into Ken tucky, they arrived at Bryan's Station, the scene of a siege by Canadian troops and Indians, in August, 1782. They also visited Lexington and adjacent stations, and explored on the waters of North Elkhorn and the upper branches of Eagle Creek. Ephraim chose a location on Lain's Run, a branch of the North Elkhorn, in what is now Scott County, a few miles north of Georgetown. The others also satisfied themselves as to locations and the party returned to Delaware. Events at home, however, delayed Ephraim in his purpose of emigration from Sussex. After his return from Kentucky, Ephraim cast his glances about for a partner in his joys and sorows of the future. His gaze finally rested on a fair cousin, Rhoda Ann Morris, daughter of Daniel Morris, Jr., and Ann Polk his wife, of Sussex. Daniel's father was also named Daniel — (Daniel Alorris, Sr.), who had a biblically named progeny, viz : Hezekiah, Daniel Jr., Nathaniel, John Masten, Alartin, Deborah, Comfort and Mary Morris. Ephraim Polk 3d and Rhoda Morris were married on March 8, 1792. A year before this event Ephraim's father had died, and the estate had to be settled by himself and his brother Eman uel, executors named under the will. This work was not final- POLK F AMI LY AND KINSMEN 521 ly disposed of until the summer of 1793 had passed. Ephraim now began his preparations for emigration to Kentucky. Be fore this, on February 16, of that year, Asenath, their first child, was born. The company of emigrants. In addition to Ephraim and his family, consisted of a number of kinsmen, persons related by blood or marriage. Among these were: Captain John Scroggin, a brave soldier of the Revolution, who had married Eunice Jane Polk; David and Thomas Nutter; one of the Coverdales ; several of the Morris family, kinsmen of Rhoda, and others. In the fall of 1793, Ephraim Polk and wife, and the other members of their company, took up their line of march for Kentucky. Good wagons, with strong teams, carried such household effects as were considered indispensable. Other horses were ridden by members of the party and they bid fare well to the old homes in Sussex and started toward the West. With Ephraim went the negroes received from his father's estate, and Capt. Scroggin and others also took slaves with them. Several kinds of stock, fruit and garden seeds, were also taken along, the people and animals all forming quite a little caravan. Ephraim Polk, Capt. Scroggin and others of the party being veterans of the Revolution, were not discon certed by rumors of danger from Indians on the Ohio. They were all well armed and prepared for any emergency. Traveling by steady stages the immigrants passed through the northern part of Maryland and thence into Pennsylvania. Falling into "Braddock's Road," they pursued it westward past'Chambersburg and Bedford, across the AUeghanies, and on to Redstone Old Fort, (now Brownsville) on the Mononga hela. At this point, where a large boat-yard was turning out covered flat-boats known as "Kentucky Broadhorns," for sale to those bound down the Ohio, the party purchased a commod ious craft, put aboard their animals, farm implements, wagons, household effects and slaves, and started by water to accom plish most of the distance yet to be travelled. Accompanying them, also, was a squad of friendly Delaware Indians who joined them at Redstone. Reaching the Ohio, and entering that stream, in due time they arrived at Limestone, escaping murder at the hands of the alert savages. 522 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN It is said that while descending the Ohio they came near being entrapped and slain. At a point on the river a white man appeared on the north bank of the stream and called to them, claimed to have escaped from the Indians, and begged pietously to be taken on board. Captain Scroggin, not wish ing to leave a feliow man in distress, urged that they take the supplicant aboard. Some of the others, suspecting a ruse, opposed the sugge.'^tion. But at last the boat was turned to ward the shore and when near it a band of ambushed savages arose and fired a volley into the boat, slightly wounding one or two, but killing no one. The boat was urged out into the stream again and pursued the balance of the journey to Lime stone unmolested. At the latter place the party disembarked, sold their boat, and loading their plunder again into the wagons, and on pack- horses, they followed the "Great Buffalo Road" to the waters of Lain's Run. Here at the head of this small tributary of North Elkhorn, Ephraim Polk '"drove his stake." And while the negro men felled trees for the cabin, and it was in course of erection, the squad of Delaware Indians who came with them and had camped nearby, hunted game and maintained the most friendly relations. By this time they had become quite attached to the party, and adopting the name of "Polk" they returned to the Ohio by the way of Kentucky River and pursued their course down that stream and on beyond the Alississippi. After Ephraim had completed a substantial log house, aU hands set to work vigorously to clear a cornfield, burn the brush and prepare for planting a crop the ensuing spring. And while Ephraim was busy in these matters, the other members of the emigrant party had dispersed to different lo calities and were similarly employed. AN INDIAN RAID. Kentucky at that time had quite a numerous population and Indian invasions or attacks were no longer feared. But, notwithstanding this fact, while AA^ayne's Indian AA'ar was in progress, small parties occasionally crossed the Ohio and P O L K F A M I LY AND KINSMEN 523 Q •- a ,^ H ^ 'J'l .— ' '^j- ^ Ui X ^•^ ' / ^ J ^ •^, '_J ^ :s oo hH r/) <1 Pi C 3 Pi W tfl P ^ J f1 0 PO LK F AMI LY AND KINSMEN 525 stealthily approached the frontiers of the central part of the State, travelling by night, and here and there stealing horses and murdering people in exposed situations. Such a party ascended the Licking and attacked a family just over the ridge, at no great distance from Ephraim Polk's home, killing all the family but two women whom they took captive. Ephraim had been out hunting, and nearing home at the close of the day, noticed feathers scattered along the trail. On seeing the feathers along the trail Ephraim suspected an Indian foray and shortly after news of the massacre was received. He quickly joined a well armed party of men and pursued the savages, but they escaped down the Licking with their pri soners, and the pursuers returned. That was about the last Indian raid into Kentucky. Wayne's victory over the allied British and Indians at Fallen Timbers, in August 1794, ended the Indian War in the country lying between the AUe ghanies and the Mississippi, and the settlers of Kentucky were no longer harassed by a stealthily, savage foe. In their new home Ephraim Polk and his wife industrious ly exerted themselves to render their situation as comfortable as possible, and in a few years had their plantation well cleared and fenced. They planted the seeds of fruits, which they had brought from Delaware, and in the course of time their apple orchard became famous as the finest in Kentucky. Dr. Jefferson J. Polk, of Perryville, Ky., fifth child of Ephraim, 3rd, and Rhoda (Morris) Polk, a man of keen intel lect and fine intelligence, published his autobiography in 1867, a few years before his death. Speaking of Ephraim Polk, 1st, Dr. Polk says : "Shortly after his arrival in America he dropped the l-o from his name, (Pollock) and from that time his proper cognomen became Polk. This change may have been accidental, but is was most probably designed. In his new home his family increased in number, and enjoyed all the sweets of domestic happiness. At his death his youngest son, who was also named Ephraim, became possessor of the old manor house. He married and became the father of four sons and two daughters." In this Dr. Polk was slightly in error, as his grandfather, Ephraim Polk 2d, had eight childen, five sons and three daughters. But 526 POLK F AM I LY AND KINSMEN he was writing from memory of what he had heard in child hood. "Like his father," says Dr. Polk, "he was for the times, a rich man. His youngest son he likewise named Ephraim. He had scarcely seen all the members of his family reach the years of maturity before the struggle between the colonies and the mother country began. At the first sound of war, father and sons flew to arms in defense of their homes. Through the whole contest they bore unflinchingly their full share of dangers and privations. "'Victory had hardly crowned our arms and peace been declared, when the family was scattered, each member of it seeking a new home. A number of them came to the West, to peril their lives again in a war with the red men of the forest. My father Ephraim Jr., was among the emigrants. After a tedious and dangerous journey, three families arrived at what was then called Limestone (now Maysville) in the then Territory of Kentucky. Following the most direct trail of emigration, the path made by the wild buffalo as he moved from the Ohio to the saline regions of the interior, they found their way to Bryan's Station, near Lexington. Here separated those who had traveled together eight hundred miles on a flat- boat, and many miles throug'h unbroken forests. "My father moved northeast and located on Lain's Run, in Scott County, five miles north of where Georgetown now stands. The family at that time consisted of father, mother, and one daughter. Hostile Indians were frequently seen in the neighborhood, and about the time of his settlement they murdered two members of a family a mile from his house, and carried the remaining two into captivity. One of these, a woman, having made her escape some time afterward, re turned to the neighborhood ; the fate of the other was never known. As soon as it was known that the murders had been committed, pursuit was made, but without overtaking the sav ages. Their danger from that source was now at an end, but new hardships from another quarter. The dense forests were to be cleared, and the virgin soil prepared, before proper sus tenance could be obtained for the family. '"Soon the parents were blessed with another daughter, PO LK F AM I LY AND KINSMEN 527 then a third, and afterwards a son. When two years had elapsed, a deep gloom was thrown around them by the acci dental drowning of this son, (Ephraim) in a spring near the house. Another son was given them in the place of the one that was taken, Jefferson J. Polk, b. March 10, 1802." In the second chapter of his autobiography Dr. Polk says : "My first recollections of parental government and teachings commenced at six years of age. My father, still bearing implacable hatred to kings and kingly power, took great pains to instill the same spirit into the minds of his sons. His leisure hours and the long winter evenings were employed in rehearsing the conflicts between the Whigs and the Tories, and in giving an account of the hard fought battles in which he and his brothers had participated during the Revolutionary War. He was very particular to make his sons pledge fidelity to the government constitution, and laws of the United States, and especially to Air. Jefferson's administra tion. Taught by such a father, and imbibing such principles, it might reasonably be expected that my infant mind would be completely Americanized. Love of country, hatred of George III, of British red-coats, and of American aborigines, were the first emotions of my young and patriotic heart. "Only a few years passed before I witnessed in person the drilling of soldiers for another sanguinary conflict with the British and Indians. I was then ten years old. The crowning victory was the battle of New Orleans ; and the news of Jackson's triumph over Packenham determined my father to join the Southern Army in the Spring. He set about making suitable preparations for the intended campaign. But Providence interposed, and before the middle of March, 1815, the disease called the cold plague deprived the army of an ex perienced soldier and his family of its head. It was the first death I had ever witnessed." 523 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN CHAPTER LVIL THE MORRIS FAMILY. The AI orris family was quite a large one in Maryland and Delaware, many of them residing in Sussex, and it was the latter branch which intermarried with the Polks. They were all of original Quaker stock that came over with William Penn. One of the most distinguished patriots of the American Revolution, Robert Morris, the Philadelphia financier and mil lionaire, was of the same family. As before related, Ephraim Polk 3d and Rhoda Morris, daughter of Daniel Morris Jr., and Ann (Polk) Morris, of Sussex County, Delaware, were married March 8, 1792, and their first child, Asenath, was horn some months before they emigrated to Kentucky. Rhoda Polk's father, Daniel Morris Jr., who married Ann Polk in 1754, was a son of Daniel Morris Sr., of Kent County, adjoining Sussex, who died about 1785, leaving children : 'Hezekiah ; ^Daniel, Jr. ; ^Nathaniel ; John ; 'Masten ; sDeborah ; ^Comfort ; ^Mary Clifton ; "David. Hezekiah evidently deceased before his father, judging from the fact that Elizabeth Morris, widow and administratrix of Curtis Morris, of Sussex, in a petition filed by her against the estate of Ann (Polk) Morris, August 27, 1812, in the Fay ette County, Kentucky, Circuit Court, sets forth that Daniel Jr., "was the eldest son of said Daniel Morris deceased, having by the laws of Delaware the right to his father's lands, upon paying the co-heirs the value of their respective portions." From this statement it appears that Curtis Morris and his wife, Elizabeth, (whose maiden name is said to have been Wright), did not come to Kentucky; but remained in his old home, and died there, his widow instituting suit in the Fayette Circuit Court for an equitable share in the estate of his mother, Ann (Polk) Morris, who had devised most of her property to her youngest son, David Morris, who had charge of her during her great affliction from paralysis for some years be fore her death. The fact that a subpoena issued for Elizabeth to appear in the Fayette Court was returned "Not found; not POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 529 a resident of this Commonwealth," further proves that she and Curtis did not come to Kentucky with the others in 1793. In her petition Elizabeth also states that Curtis was "a resi dent of the State of Maryland ;" probably in the same neigh borhood with the Morris and Polk families of Delaware, but just across the State line. So it appears that Daniel Morris, Jr., inheriting his fath er's manor place, sold it in 1793 and came to Kentucky, his brother, Curtis, remaining in Maryland, and dying there in 1804, as stated by his widow. Elizabeth also deposed that "Wm. McNitt married a daughter of Daniel Morris, Sr., and brought suit for a part of the latter's estate" and that David Morris, another son of Daniel, Sr., also filed suit against the estate and they recovered the amounts asked for. Daniel Morris, Jr., and his wife, Ann, prospered after coming to Kentucky, being an industrious and frugal couple. Daniel Morris, Jr., did not remain in Deleware until he could satisfy the respective claims of the co-heirs of his father's estate, but delegated that duty to his eldest brother, Curtis, and the latter dying before this satisfaction was rendered, the co-heirs brought suit against the estate of his mother, he also having previously died at his home in Scott County, in 1805. In November, 1807, Ann (Polk) Morris, widow of Daniel, Jr., purchased a beautiful tract of land near Payne's Station, Fayette County, Kentucky, from Hayden Edwards, and the following year erected thereon a substantial two story brick residence, where she continued to reside until her death. She was a member of old Bethel Presbyterian Church, one of the first churches established in Fayette County after the settle ment of Lexington in 1779. In the old family graveyard, on this farm, Ann, her husband, their children — Rebecca, Robert, Mary, Ann, John, William, Sarah, David — and a number of the grand children were buried. CHILDREN OF DANIEL MORRIS, JR. The children of Daniel Morris, Jr., were : (1) Daniel Morris, h. Sept. 18, 1755; d. Dec. 1806, in Kentucky. 530 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN (2) Curtis Alorris, b. May 31, 1757 ; d. 1804 ; married Miss AVright, a relative of the wife of Joseph Polk. Issue unknown. (3) Rebecca Alorris, b. November 3, 1759; d. unmarried. (4) Robert Morris, b. August 17, 1761 ; d. unmarried. (5) Brinkley Morris, b. September 15, 1763 ; married, and moved to Rush County, Indiana, in the '30's, and left descend ants. (6) Mary (Polly) Morris, b. July 3, 1765; d. in Scott County, Kentucky. Married John Hopkins and had issue: 'John, Jr., ^Robert, ^Betsy; also several others untraced. (7) Ann Morris, b. November 23, 1767 ; d. unmarried. (8) John Morris, b. November 26, 1769 ; d. 1817 ; married Miss Loflin. Issue : ^WiUiam, ^Thomas, ^'Daniel. (9) William Morris, b. June 6, 1772, d. , married Miss Beauchamp, of Scott County, daughter of Jesse Beau- champ. Issue 'John, ^William, Jesse. AA^illiam last named removed to Rush County, Indiana, during the '30's. He mar ried and left a family. (10) Rhoda Morris, b. October 27, 1773; d. October 23, 1839; married Ephraim Polk 3d. For issue see list under heading "ChUdren of Ephraim Polk 3d." (11) Sarah Morris, b. August 13, 1775; d. -^ , married AA-'illiam Beauchamp '(brother of Jesse Beauchamp, father of Wm. Morris' wife) of Scott County. Issue : 'Jesse, ^Susannah, ^Betsy, John, 'Mrs. Rucker, "Agnes Gray, '^Hettie Hopkins, ^PoUy Morris, "William. ( 13 ) David Morris, Jr., b. January 14, 1779 ; d. , married Hannah Risque, of Scott County. Issue : 'Daniel, John R., James, *David C, 'AA'esley, Julia Ann, '^Robert. The four last all died unmarried, at the old home place, near Payne's Station, Scott County. Of the children of the foregoing sons and daughters of Daniel Alorris, Jr., and Ann Polk. Robert Hopkins (son of Polly Alorris and John Hopkins) was married twice ; first to , by whom he had issue : John Llopkins, who married Lizzie Dougherty, and Robert Hopkins, who married Alice Dunnington, daughter of Dr. Dunnington, of Paris, Kentucky. Their chil dren were : . Robert Hopkins, Jr., before the Civil AA^'ar, PO LK F AM I LY AND KINSMEN 531 \ \ wks a large owner of stage lines in Kentucky, noted for his enterprise and elegance of dress at all times. Broken in fortune by the Civil War, he went to Texas, and later to Vinita, Indian Territory, where he established stage lines and owned a hotel. He left several children. By his second wife, Almira Risque (or Risk), Robert Hopkins, Sr., who was a wealthy farmer and distiller of Wood ford County, had issue: ^Henry Hopkins, of Payne's Station, who married Miss Josie Nichols; ^George Johnson Hopkins, who married Miss Griffith ; ^William Hopkins, who did not marry ; *Cabell Breckinridge Hopkins, who married Miss Van Pelt, of Lexington ; 'Mary Hopkins, who married James Gaines of Fayette County; ^Thomas Hopkins, who married Miss Lowry; James Hopkins, who married Miss Moore of Midway, Ky. Daniel Morris (son of David Morris, Jr., and Hannah Risque (or Risk) married Miss Tilford, a daughte of Col. Tilford, of Lexington, Ky., by whom he had issue : ^Lizzie, who married first, James Brown; secondly, Wm. Payne. No issue by either. William Morris, son of James and Davidella (Messick) Morris, was a soldier in the Confederate Army during the Civil War, in General John H. Morgan's Cavalry brigade. His elder brother, James C. Morris, served in the Union Army as Captain of Company "D" Twentieth Kentucky Infantry. CHILDREN OF JAMES MORRIS, SR. James Morris, Sr., married Davidella Messick, of Lexing ton, and had issue: (1) Zephaniah Morris, b. March 6, 1836, married Mary E. Spencer, of Warsaw, Ky. They had: 'Preston Hampton; ^Sarah C. ; ^W'm. B.; ^Margaret R. ; 'James Messick; "Frank C. ; ^Charies S. (3) Jas. C. Morris, b. July 7, 1838, married Lillie Reed, of Maysville, Ky., and they had : 'James L. ; ^LiUie R. ; ^Martha D.; *Mary B.; 'Alien B.; "Carrie M. (3) Wm. Henry Morris, b. Oct. 31, 1840, married Annie Martin. He d. Aug. 32, 1875. No issue. 532 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN (4) Margaret Hannah Morris, b. April 6, 1848, married John Russell ; no issue. He d. March 19, 1890. (5) David Morris, b. Feb. 5, 1847, married Mary Moore, of Midway, Ky., she dying he next married Miss Lou Rey nolds, of Indiana. Issue: 'David R. ; ^Mary Moore ; ^Hunter. (6) John Alorris, b. July 26, 1852, married Tillie Gilbert, of Lexington. One child, Alargaret R. (7) Alfred RusseU Morris, b. May 7, 1855, married Ora Bell Durham, of Danville, Ky. They had issue : 'Milton W. ; ^Robert M. ; ^Alfred C. ; *Chas. W. ; 'Alary D. James Morris Sr., (son of David Morris and Hannah Ris que) was for many years a leading merchant of Lexington. Of his 'Other sons beside Rev. James C. Morris, William was engaged in the chinaware trade ; Zephaniah was a merchant at Beards, Ky. John, cashier of a bank at MUtonvale, Kansas ; David and Alfred R. were popular and widely known travel ing representatives of wholesale houses. CHILDREN OF EPHRAIM POLK, 3rd. The children born to Ephraim Polk 3d and his wife Rhoda (Morris) Polk, were: (1) Asenath Polk, b. in Delaware, February 16, 1793; d. October, 1843, at Madison, Indiana. She married Wm. A. Burch and left one child, Anderson Burch, who was a soldier in Col. Marshall's Kentucky Cavalry, in the Mexican AA'ar, and also in the Confederate Army in the CivU War. He was wounded at Buena Vista. (3) Mary (Polly) Polk, b. in Kentucky, October 13, 1794; d. August 33, 1874, at Liberty, Indiana, leaving a family of eight children. (3) Ann (Nancy) Polk, b. August 9, 1796; d. March 11, 1850, near Greenfield, Indiana, leaving a large family. (4) Ephraim Polk 4th, b. in 1798 ; drowned in big spring near house, in May, 1801, in Scott County, Ky. (5) Jehosephat Polk, born May 3, 1800; died October 25, 1864, at Spring Station, Woodford County, Ky. (6) Jefferson J. Polk, b. March 10, 1803 ; d. May 33, 1881, at Perryville, Ky. He had a family of eight children. POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 533 (7) Daniel Polk, b. June 35, 1804; drowned at Frankfort in Kentucky River, September 17, 1862. He was twice mar ried and had nine children. (8) Hester D. Polk, b. June 14, 1806; d. August 13, 1867, at Danville, Kentucky. (9) Clement Madison Polk, b. September 14, 1808; d. May 2, 1849, at Springfield, 111. (10) Gilead Polk, b. August 10, 1810; d. May, 1855, at Midway, Woodford County, Ky. (11) Sarah Polk, b. June 21, 1812; d. at Liberty, Union County, Indiana., (12) Ephraim Polk 5th, b. August 10, 1814; died unmar ried, September 3, 1840, at Springfield, 111. FAMILY OF MARY POLK WOLF. Mary Morris (Polly) Polk, second child of Ephraim 3d and Rhoda (Morris) Polk, was born October 12, 1794, in Ken tucky, at the pioneer home of her parents, on Lain's Run the year following their emigration from Delaware. On July 10, 1816, she was married to Jesse Wolf, son of Jacob Wolf, who was among the early emigrants to Kentucky, from Penn sylvania. Jesse Wolf was b. October 29, 1795. In 1835 Jesse and Polly AA^olf emigrated to Union County, Indiana, where their children grew to the ages of maturity, and lived there until they died, she on August 12, 1874, he several years later. CHILDREN OF POLLY AND JESSE WOLF. (1) Eliza A. Wolf, b. AprU 19, 1819; d. . (2) Jacob Harrison Wolf, b. May 10, 1820; d. January 14, 1893. (3) Harvy J. AVolf, b. June 26, 1822 ; d. July 26, 1883. (4) Hattie Eveline Wolf, b. October 10, 1825 ; d. Novem ber 20, 1856. (5) Nancy A. AVolf, b. January 26, 1827 ; d. . (6) Thomas Jefferson Wolf, b. February 11, 1829 ; d. (7) Mary Susan AVolf, b. December 21, 1831 ; d. January 6, 1859. (8) Sarah Elizabeth Wolf, b. March 28, 1834 ; d. . g34 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN INTERMARRIAGES. The intermarriages and children of Jesse and Polly (Polk) Wolf were : Eliza A. Wolf (1) married August 21, 1838, to WUliam Sands, by whom she had : (1) James Sands, b. , d. , married MoUie Rogers. Issue unknown. (2) Charles W. Sands, b. , d. , married Nannie Israel. Issue unknown. Jacob Harrison Wolf married twice. His first wife whom he married on March 12, 1844, was Eliza J. Lorimer. She was b. March 15, 1826, and d. July 26, 1900. By her he had five chUdren, viz : (1) John Wesley, b. January 6, 1845 ; d. August 34, 1845. (3) Mary Susan, b. June 16, 1847. She was twice mar ried. Her first husband was James W. Bedel, whom she mar ried March 33, 1870. To them was born one child, Albert Bedel, on July 3, 1871. Albert married October 13, 1901, Louise Louvilla Bishop. Issue unknown. James W. Bedel d. March 33, 1870, and on October 9, 1878, his widow. Alary Susan, married John Davison, a promi nent farmer near Rushville. Mr. Davison was b. January 7, 1835, and d. June 30, 1896. (3) Martha Caroline Wolf, b. August 36, 1849. (third child of Jacob Harrison Wolf), was universally called "Mat- tie." She was married July 13, 1876, to Thackery K. Gal- breath, of Greenfield, Indiana, who was b. November 7, 1849, at Cynthiana, Kentucky. They had issue : Clara Leota Galbreath, b. May 20, 1877, married July 29, 1896, to Harry Davison, b. April 33, 1872. They had two children: iLouella Maria, b. March 31, 1898; ^Lillian Isabel, b. October 3, 1901. (3) Claude Galbreath, b. August 11, 1879. (3) Rosaline M. Galbreath, b. April 19, 1883. (4) Edmond P. Galbreath, b. April 38, 1885. (5) Nancie Marie Galbreath, b. December 31, 1891. (4) Rosaline Wolf, b. December 4, 1853 (fourth child of Jacob Harrison Wolf), married July 13, 1876, to Hamlin Alorris, of Rushville, Indiana, a distant kinsman. At last POLK F AM I LY AND KINSMEN 535 MRS. MARY (POLLY) WOLFE, daughter of Ephraim Polk, 3rd, POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 587 accdunts they were living at Ponca City, Oklahoma, having no children. The marriage of Mattie and Rosaline Wolf was a double ceremony at their home in Indianapolis. (5) Francis Albert Wolf, b. March 18, 1855 (fifth child of Jacob Harrison Wolf) married November 16, 1883, Mary E. Frazier, b. September 38, 1864. They had issue: ^Minnie Lee Wolf, b. July 6, 1884; ^Qtho Francis Wolf, b. June 9, 1895. By his second wife, Jacob Harrison AA^olf had one child, Clara Alay, b. March 6, 1889. Harvey J. Wolf, (third child of Jesse and Polly (Polk) Wolf) was twice married. His first wife was Mary A. Larimore, a sister of Jacob Harrison Wolf's wife. Harvey and Mary were married June 9, 1846, and she d. October 31, 1854. Harvey next married Rachael Bryant, in 1856, and she d. February 19, 1885. By his first wife, Harvey J. Wolf had issue: 'Florida AVolf, b. August 10, 1851; married December 36, 1873, to Albert Stanly Brown, of Lyon's Station, Indiana, by whom she had issue: Rozzie May Brown, b. January 36, 1874. She married Charles N. Huber, February 33, 1900. Issue: Charles Albert Huber, b. June 13, 1903. The second child of Harvey J. Wolf was named Frank, b. in 1854, untraced. Mary Francis (third child of Harvey J. Wolf), b. June 16, 1853, married in 1877, Mr. Titrington, of Lyon's Station, In diana, by whom she had issue: 'Harvey Glide Titrington, b. April 9, 1879 ; ^Ethel May Titrington, b. August 13, 1883 ; d. November 3, 1898 ; ^Della Belle Titrington, b. December 15, 1887, d. in infancy. Jessie Wolf (fourth child of Harvey J. AVolf, and the first by his wife, Rachael Bryant), b. November 36, 1860, d. April 33, 1885. A second child by this wife, Eliza Jane, was b. Aug ust 33, 1863; d. January 8, 1878. Hester Eveline Wolf, (fourth child of Jesse and Polly fPolk) Wolf), married October 39, 1846, Dr. Aaron Talbert of Union County, Indiana, by whom she had three daughters, Susan, Anne and Belle, all of whom died young at Dayton, Ohio. Dr. Talbert removed from Dayton to Lexington, Ken tucky, where his wife Hester Eveline d. November 20, 1856. Nancy A. Wolf (fifth child of Jesse and Polly (Polk) 538 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN Wolf), married August 29, 1856,_Mahundra HoUingsworth, by whom she had five children : 'AVilliam, ^Belle, ^Edward, *Charles E., 'Ettie. No dates of birth or marriages obtained. Belle married a Air. Micham, of St. Joe, Mo. Thomas Jefferson Wolf (sixth child of Jesse and Polly (Polk) Wolf), was twice married; first, February 1, 1856, to Mary Weatherow by whom he had issue : 'Ida, ^Thomas J., ^Issa, *Emmet, 'Anna, "Charles, '^Bertie. By his second wife, Adeline Price, Thomas Jefferson had no issue. Mary Susan Wolf (seventh child of Jesse and Polly (Polk) Wolf), married Samuel N. Minor, November 11, 1850. They had issue: 'Levin R. Minor, b. January 12, 1852; ^Clara E. Minor, b. September 27, 1853; d. June 29, 1884. The latter married April 7, 1874, to AVilliam AVaUace, an editor of Rush ville, Indiana. Ida Belle Minor, b. Alay 38, 1854; d. February 28, 1876. Married December 3, 1873, Earnest Mason, son of Alonzo Mason, of AA'abash, Indiana. Earnest Alason d. De cember 3, 1903. They had two children: 'Blanche, b. Decem ber 1, 1873, who married July 3, 1901, to Chas. W. O'DonneU, of Detroit; ^Hinda, b. February 14, 1875, d. January 1, 1876. The children of Clara E. Minor and William Wallace were : (1) Janie AA''allace, b. April 3, 1875, married June 13, 1898, Ralph Payne. They had issue: 'William AA'allace Payne, b. April 30, 1899; ^Lawrence AA'esley Payne, b. February 14, 1901. (3) Levin E. AA'allace, b. December 14, 1876, untraced. (3) Zetta Wallace, b. June, 1883; d. in infancy. (4) Alattie Wallace, b. September 16, 1883 ; d. in infancy. Sarah Elizabeth AA'olf (youngest child of Jesse and Polly (Polk) Wolf), married twice. Her first husband was AA'iUiam Hart, whom she married February 19, 1850. Her second hus band, by whom she had no issue, was Jacob Frink. By the first she had four chUdren : 'Alice, ^Frank, ^Minnie, *Sadie. JESSE WOLF'S CAPTURE. Jesse Wolf, the husband of Polly (Polk) Wolf, was a man of great determination and a stranger to fear. He was POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 539 but seventeen years of age when the War of 1813 began. In the summer of 1813 General William Henry Harrison, sorely pressed for soldiers with which to prosecute his Northwestern campaign, because of the opposition manifested in the Eastern States toward the war, came to Kentucky and appealed to Governor Isaac Shelby for aid. The old hero of King's Moun tain, who had just been chosen a second time to fill the guber natorial chair, turned over the administration of its duties to Lieut. Governor Hickman and summoned his fellow Ken tuckians to his standard. There lurked in the breast of every Kentuckian a deep, inherited hatred of British and Indians, because of their in famous deeds in pioneer days. Nine regiments of Kentuckians rallied to the standard of Shelby, and being mounted at Newport, marched with him to Lake Erie, arriving just in time to hear the booming of Perry's guns as they demolished Barclay's British fleet. Shel by's army crossed over to Canada on Perry's ships, and by a rapid march overtook Proctor's army of British and Indians at the Moravian Towns and signally defeated them on October 5th, in the battle of the Thames. One of the slain was the noted Indian Chief Tecumseh. Among those who went from Kentucky on this campaign and took part in the battle were the brothers Conrad and Jesse Wolf, who had enlisted in Capt. Jacob Stucker's Com pany of Col. Richard M. Johnson's regiment. They were en rolled on May 30, 1813, and mustered out at Newport, Ken tucky, November 19, 1813. In the battle of the Thames Jesse Wolf was twice wounded — in the forehead and in the breast — and captured by the Indians. Some days after the battle, his captor, an Indian Chief, directed him to accompany him to a creek nearby to wash out a kettle. Wishing to get a drink of water, the chief handed his tomahawk to Jesse to hold while he got down on his knees to drink from the stream. While he was so engaged, Jesse sank the tomahawk into his skull, killing him instantly, and made his escape to Detroit river, crossing it and rejoining his regiment. 540 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN CHAPTER LVIIL FAMILY OF NANCY (POLK) ADAMS. Ann (Nancy) Polk, (third child of Ephraim 3d and Rhoda Morris Polk), born at the old homestead on Lain's Run, in Scott County, Kentucky, August 9, 1796, died in Shelby Coun ty, Indiana, March 11, 1850. Isaac Adams was also born in Scott County, August 13, 1799, and died in Shelby County, October 8, 1851. Isaac and Nancy Polk were married in Ken tucky, in 1819, and emigrated with other kinsmen to Indiana in the fall of 1836, settling on Blue River. In the spring of 1840 Isaac Adams and family removed to Rush County, and in 1848 to Shelby County, Indiana. Thence they removed to Hancock County. Most of their eleven chUdren were born in Kentucky. The following record is from the family Bible of Ephraim Polk 3d, which was inherited by his daughter, Nancy Adams, and taken by 'her to Indiana : Ephraim Polk 3d, d. Af arch 34, 1814, in Scott County, Ken tucky. Ephraim Polk, Jr., d. May, , 1801 ; drowned in spring. Rhoda Polk d. October 33, 1839, in Scott County, Ken tucky. Ephraim Polk (son of Ephraim and Rhoda Polk), d. September 3, 1840, in Springfield, Illinois. NANCY ADAMS' FAMILY. Nancy (Polk) Adams, b. August 9, 1796; d. March IL 1850. Isaac Adams, b. August 13, 1799; d. October 7, 1851. Nancy and Isaac had eleven children, viz : (1) James AL Adams, b. Jan. 15, 1820; d. September 20, 1894. (3) Amanda Adams, b. March 17, 1831; d. February 36, 1873. POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 54I (3) Edward P. Adams, b. August 31, 1833; d. November 18, 1899. (4) Mary Adams, b. November 36, 1833; d. October 36, 1897. (5) Hester Adams, b. January 1, 1825 ; d. October 6, 1892. (6) Alalinda Adams, b. April 26, 1826 ; d. March 26, 1837. (7) A son, b. January 34, 1828 ; d. January 37, 1838. (8) Daniel Adams, b. May 36, 1839; d. January 31, 1845. (9) Rhoda Adams, b. February 19, 1831; d. January 5, 1893. (10) Sarah Jane Adams, b. April 10, 1833; d. . (11) Marcellus Martin Adams, b. November 13, 1834; d. . MARRIAGES. James M. Adams, and Phoebe J. Johnson, were married Jan'uary 19, 1841. Amanda Adams and John White were married February 11, 1841. Hester Adams and Allen McAlichael were married January 25, 1844. Edward P. Adams and Elizabeth Six were married Feb ruary 7, 1847. Mary (Polly) Adams and Dr. James M. Ely were mar ried June 11, 1847. Rhoda Adams and Hiram Hufford were married April , 1851. Sarah J. Adams and Thos. A. Gant were married August 17, 1864. Marcellus M. Adams and Miranda V. Bailey were mar ried October 20, 1858. He was married secondly to Nancy Hinchman, March 12, 1874. James M. Adams married December 30, 1864 to Belinda Johnson, a sister of his first wife. DR. JAMES M. ELY'S FAMILY. Dr. James M. Ely, b. September 18, 1831, at Columbia, Tenn., d. December 13, 1905, at New Palestine, Ind. 542 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN Mary Adams Ely, b. November 36, 1833 ; d. October 36, 1897. Dr. Ely and Mary Adams married June 11, 1847, and had the following children : (1) Alanora Arabella Ely, b. March 39, 1848. (3) Lucien C. Ely, b. March 1, 1855. (3) Ada Mae Ely, b. July 10, 1859. Manora Arabella Ely was married November 5, 1868, to Dr. Chas. H. Kirkhoff, who was b. February 15, 1847, and d. February 11, 1899. They had issue : (1) Charles Kirkhoff, b. April 13, 1869. (3) Anna Kirkhoff, b. December 10, 1874; died January 4, 1881. (3) Harry Kirkhoff, b. AprU 30, 1883. Harry Kirkhoff and Fanny H. Studa, were married June 8, 1903, Fanny was b. in Cincinnati, Ohio, October 5, 1881. They had issue: 'Alaxine Kirkhoff, b. September 18, 1903; 'Alary Kirkhoff, b. June 39, 1905. Dr. Lucien C. Ely, b. March 1, 1855, was married October 10, 1878, to Ida J. Anderson, b. November 13, 1857. They had issue : (1) Harry Ely, b. August 5, 1879, married December 35, 1901, to Alyrtle Hunter, by whom he has one child, Kenneth Ely, b. June 14, 1904. Ada Mae Ely, b. July 10, 1859, married March 11, 1878, to W. H. Carver, b. August 11, 1857, in Hamilton, Butler County, Ohio. To them was born a daughter who died shortly after birth. FAMILY OF DR. JAMES M. ADAMS. Dr. James M. Adams (eldest child of Isaac and Nancy I'Polk) Adams), was b. in Scott County, Kentucky, Jan. 15, 1830, and d. in Shelby County, Indiana, September 20, 1894. He was married twice, his wives being sisters. His first wife, to whom he was united January 14, 1841, was Phoebe J. John son, of Shelby County, b. April 22, 1824. By her he had issue: (1) Sarah Ann Adams, b. May 17, 1843. (2) Alary Alelissa Adams, b. February 16, 1846. POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 543 (3) John Quincy Adams, b. November 26, 1848 ; d. July 29, 1850. (4) Marcellus W. Adams, b. September 30, 1851. (5) Martha B. Adams, b. June 6, 1854. (6) Emma Adams, b. February 15, 1857 ; d. . (7) Frank Adams, b. June 3, 1861 ; d. December 13, 1863. Phoebe J. Adams died in Shelby County, June 18, 1864, and on December 30, 1864, Dr. Adams was married to Belinda Johnson who was born May 15, 1832. By the latter he had : (8) Charles W. Adams, b. March 31, 1866. (9) WUl Cumback Adams, b. AprU 6, 1868. (10) Dr. Ovid Adams, b. April 8, 1871. (11) Catherine Adams, b. March 26, 1873; d. December 18, 1879. (12) Jesse Adams, b. , 1875. Alost of these children live at Shelbyville, Indiana. INTERMARRIAGES. Mary Melissa Adams, married Theodore F. Vandergrift, March 28, 1871, and to them were born: ^Harry Vandergrift; ^Kitty Vandergrift. Marcellus W. Adams was married December 28, 1871, to Sarah Chapler, and to them was born seven children : ^Fred, -Arthur, =*Eari, ^Emma, 'Roland, "Bessie, James. They aU reside in Wabash, Indiana. Martha B. Adams married John Calvin Tyner, of Wabash County, August 31, 1873, and they had issue : 'Cora, ^Fred, '''Frank, *Oma, 'Jack. Cora married Elva Signs. They have one son, aged nine years, and they reside at Butler, Indiana, All the other children of John C. Tyner and wife live at Wabash. FAMILY OF JOHN WHITE. Amanda Adams, b. March 17, 1831 ; d. February 26, 1873, was the second child of Isaac and Nancy (Polk) Adams. She was married February 11, 1841, to John White, a most excel lent gentleman of Wabash, Indiana. He was b. December 19, 1815, and d. March 29, 1870. They had issue : (1) Mary Jane White, b. January 11, 1842; d. December 25, 1857. 544 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN (3) Parmelia Alice White, b. June 30, 1843. (3) Daniel AVhite, b. January 38, 1845. (4) Ann Marie White, b. AprU 1, 1847. (5) Lealdis AVhite, b. December 39, 1848 : d. , 1880. (6) John W. White, b. October 13, 1858; kUled in 1877 by highwayman, in Rush County. (7) Lydia White, b. December 14, 1851. (8) Mattie Amanda White, b. January 17, 1854. (9) Sarah India White, b. July 39, 1869 ; d. in 1881. Parmelia Alice White (second child of John and Amanda Adams White), married on July 10, 1873, Lieut. Harry H. AA^heeler, of Wabash, a veteran officer of the Seventy-fifth In diana Vol. Infant, in the Civil War, who was b. August 5, 184'>, They had issue: 'Gertrude Wheeler, b. A'ugust 36, 1874; d. January 30, 1908; ^Anna Wheeler, b. October 16, 1877; res idence Lexington, Ky. ; ^Lee H. Wheeler, b. March 16, 1881; d. July 18, 1881. Anna Wheeler was married February 33, 1899, to Homer H. Lamport, of AVabash, a son of Rev. A. W. Lamport of Pasadena, Cal. They have no children. Homer Lamport re moved from AA'abash to Lexington, Ky., in 1903 and was made General Foreman of the Mechanical Department of the Lex ington & Eastern Railway Company. Lieut. Wheeler was a widower at the time he married Par melia Alice White. His first wife was a Aliss Alartha Lessig, of Wabash, to whom he was married July 10, 1863. They had one child, Edith Wheeler, b. February 16, 1865. She married Bland Baldwin, a leading jeweler of Wabash, and they re moved a few years later to Winchester, Kentucky, his native place. They have three children : 'Lee AVheeler, 18 ; ^Cora, 16 ; ^Albert Rand Baldwin, 10. Daniel White (third chUd and eldest son of John and Amanda (Adams) White), was married Novemher 10, 1869, to Ellen Tyner of Hancock County, Indiana, by whom he had issue : (1) Bessie Tyner AVhite, b. July 31, 1873. She married Frank Porter and they have no children. Residence. Enid, Oklahoma. (3) Eari AVhite, b. January 4, 1876. POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 545 ELIZABETH TYNER WHITE, granddaughter of Nancy (Polk) Adams, La Fayette, Ind. P O LK F AMI LY AND KINSMEN 547 (3) Grace AA'hite, b. April 11, 1884. Single and resides with parents in La Fayette, Indiana. Earl White grew to manhood in La Fayette, and took a course in Perdue University, graduating therefrom in June, 1896. When the Spanish-American War began he enlisted in the army, joining an Indiana battery, but his company did not reach the seat of war, its services not being necessary. After being mustered out, he took a position with a leading manufacturing firm in Chicago. He was sent to Bremen, Ger many, to look after the firm's business there, where he re mained for five years. Coming back to America, he located in Indianapolis. AA'hile living at Bremen, Earl married a Ger man lady, Lottie Hess, and they have one child, William. Bessie Tyner AA'hite, Earl's sister, also attended Perdue Uni versity. Ann Marie AA'hite (fourth child of John and Amanda (Adams) White), was married October 5, 1865, to Alden New som, who was b. June 7, 1843. The issue of this union was : (1) Winona Newsom, b. January 30, 1867. (3) Samuel Lee Newsom, b. February 15, 1869. (3) Cora Belle Newsom, b. July 16, 1873. Winona is not married. Samuel Lee Newsom married Anna Henley, of Carthage, Ind., and they have one child, Catherine, now grown. Cora Belle married Frank McCarthy, of Carthage, but they have no children. Lealdis White, (fifth child of John and Amanda (Adams) AVhite), married December 7, 1871 to Sarah Boone. He d. in 1880, leaving no issue. John W. White, (sixth child of John and Amanda (Adams) White), was murdered and robbed by a highwayman named Foxwell in 1877, in Rush County, Indiana. His mur derer was captured, tried for the crime, but escaped from^ the penitentiary and fled. Lydia White, (seventh child of John and Amanda (Adams) White), was married Sept. 18, 1873, to Samuel Shank, and to them were born two children. (1) Clarence Shank, b. Nov. 30, 1885. 548 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN (3) Bernice Shank, b. Feb. 34, 1893. Bernice married Dec. 34, 1908, Mr. Shelby, of Beatrice, Nebraska. Mattie Amanda White (eighth child of John and Amanda (Adams) White), married Feb. 32, 1873, James Williams, of Sigourney, Iowa. They have three children: ^Ora, b. 1878; 2Ray, b. 1883; ^Alice, b. 1885. Sarah India White, b. July 39, 1869, d. Nov 4, 1873. when twelve years of age. FAMILY OF ALLEN McMICHAEL. Hester Adams, (fifth child of Isaac and Nancy (Polk) Adams), was b. Jan. 1, 1835, and d. Oct. 6, 1893. She was married Jan. 35, 1844 to Allen McAIichael, by whom she had issue : (1) James Madison McMichael, b. Dec. 28, 1844, d. April 27, 1884. (3) WiUiam J. McMichael, b. Sept. 8, 1846, d. Oct. 19, 1853. (3) Nancy Ann McMichael, b. Jan. 30, 1884, d. Feb. 9, 1870. (4) Alarcellus AlcAIichael, b. Oct. 17, 1850, residence, Des Afoines, Iowa. (5) Alonzo McMichael, b. April 1, 1853, residence, Des Aloines, Iowa. (6) Mary J. McMichael, b. AprU 5, 1856. (7) Sarah Alice McMichael, b. July 23, 1858. (8) Martha A. McMichael, b. Oct. 5, 1861. (9) Laura L. McAIichael, b. April 5, 1866. MARRIAGES. James Madison McMichael married in 1868 to Eliza C. Howard, of Des Moines, Iowa., and had issue: 'Anna; ^Wil- liam N. ; John Wesley ; *Charles ; 'George. The latter is dead but the others live with their mother at Des Moines, Iowa. Nancy Ann McMichael was married in 1859 to W. H. Hendrix and died without issue. Marcellus N. McMichael is Chief Engineer and Superin- PO LK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 549 tendent of the Des Moines Water Company, Des Moines, Iowa, and is regarded as a highly efficient officer. He was married in 1874 to Miss A. F. Houstin, and had issue: 'Minnie M.; ^Lucien P.; ^Winfield S. ; ^Marcellus M. Lucien P. lives in New York, the others in Des Moines, Iowa. Marcellus M. McMichael was married secondly, in 1893 to Hattie E. Savage, by whom he has no issue. Alonzo McMichael was married in 1875 to Araminta Hob- son, by whom he had one child. Mary J. McMichael was married Feb. 22, 1877 to George G. Carter, (b. Nov. 33, 1853) and they live at Nevada, Iowa. To them were born nine children, viz. : (1) Alta Carter, b. March 4, 1878. (3) Daisey L. Carter, b. June 23, 1879. (3) Frederick Carter, b. April 3, 1881. (4) Edwin O. Carter, b. May 18, 1883. (5) Clarence Carter, b. Jan. 15, 1885. (6) Bessie Carter, b. Jan. 28, 1886, d. March 8, 1887. (7) Frankie Carter, b. Dec. 23, 1888, d. Aug. 25, 1893. (8) Laura Carter, b. Sept. 28, 1890. (9) Laurence Carter, b. Sept. 11, 1897. Alta Carter married Ed. Hague, June 29, 1898. Frederick Carter and Halley were married April 19, 1906; residence, Tacoma, Washington. Daisy Carter and Dr. W. D. Mason were married Dec. 30, 1907. Residence, Ogden, Utah. Edwin O. Carter and Anna Addison were married Nov. 5, 1908. Edwin is a graduate of Iowa University, and a promi nent physician of Iowa Falls, Iowa. Clarence Carter was married to Ruth McCoUum, Dec. 30, 1908. Residence, Tacoma, Washington. Sarah Alice McMichael was married Sept. 37, 1876, to George Miller Breeding, of Winterset, Iowa, and they had issue: (1) Lulu Breeding, b. Aug. 31, 1877. (3) George Allan Breeding, b. April 30, 1879. (3) Elinor Breeding, b. July 9, 1880. George M. Breeding d. Sept. 37, 1880, and his widow was married July 14, 1883 to Elza Peak, by whom she had : 550 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN (4) Martha Peak, b. Jan. 18, 1886. (5) Frank Peak, b. July 30, 1888. (6) Ralph Perk, b. July 30, 1891. (7) Bruce Peak, b. Nov. 28, 1892. (8) Ruth Peak, b. June 15, 1897. (9) Hugh Earie Peak, b. AprU 22, 1900. Martha AfcMichael was married to WiUiam Conway, Nov. 3, 1885. They had issue: (1) Laura Conway, b. Dec. 30, 1887. (2) Frank Conway, b. July 20, 1889. (3) Edward Conway, b. Sept. 12, 1890. (4) Fred Conway, b. June 25, 1898. WiUiam Conway, d. Nov. 3, 1885, and his widow was mar ried Dec. 23, 1908', to a Mr. Sinke. They all reside in Des Moines. Laura McAIichael married AA'illiam Kimball, in October, 1883, and they had issue: (1) Bessie Kimball, b. Alay 7, 1885. (2) Nellie KimbaU, b. Dec. 6, 1886. (3) Myrtha Kimball, b. Aug. 15, 1889. (4) Katherine Kimball, b. Sept. 4, 1892. (5) Clyde KimbaU, b. Dec. 30, 1901; d. July 24, 1903. Bessie was married in November 1908 to Hartley Worden and they reside on a ranch near AA^ibeau, Montana. The other children live in Des Aloines. JOHN H. HUFFORD'S FAMILY. John H. Hufford, b. Dec. 35, 1838, in Rush County, Indiana. Rhoda A, Adams, b, Feb. 19, 1831. They were mar ried April 10, 1851. Issue: (1) Nancy E. Hufford, b. July 7, 1853, d. March 17, 1853. (3) Arkansas Hufford, b. July 18, 1854, d. Dec. 14, 1859. (3) Ann AL Hufford, b. Sept. 19, 1855, d. Sept. 24, 1855. (4) Laura Hufford, b. March 24, 1857, married, lives in Rushville. (5) John AL Hufford, b. July 10, 1859, residence, Green field, Indiana. (6) Amanda F. Hufford, b. May 3, 1861, married Havens, Greenfield. POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 551 i>/MA"^f ' DR. M. M, ADAMS AND WIFE, Greenfield, Ind. PO LK F AMI LY AND KINSMEN 553 (7) Lot Adams Hufford, b. Sept. 3, 1863. Prof. College. (8) William T. Hufford, b. Dec. 5, 1865. (9) Bennie O. Hufford, b. Dec. 13, 1867. (10) Edward Polk Hufford, b. Oct. 10, 1872. Edward P. Adams and his wife Elizabeth Six, had born to them a son, John AV. Adams, , 1850. FAMILY OF THOMAS A. GANT. Sarah Jane Adams, (popularly called "Sadie"), was the tenth child of Isaac and Nancy (Polk) Adams. She was b. April 10, 1832, and was married Aug. 17, 1864 to Thomas A. Gant, a grocer, of Greenfield, Ind., by whom she had five chil dren : (1) Annie LUe Gant, b. July 4, 1865; d. Sept. 2, 1866. (2) Minnie Gant, b. April 10, 1868 ; d. Sept. 30, 1869. (3) Dora Gant, b. July 39, 1869. (4) Marcellus Frank Gant, b. Feb. 11, 1873. (5) John Gant, b. July 4, 1874. DR. MARCELLUS M. ADAMS' FAMILY. Dr. Marcellus M. Adams, b. Nov. 13, 1834, was the eleventh and youngest child of Isaac Adams and his wife Nancy (Polk) Adams. Dr. Adams was twice married. Hi.«s first wife was Miranda V. Bailey, of Freeport, Ind., to whom he was united Oct. 30, 1858, and by whom he had the following children : (1) Clara Adams, b. Oct. 19, 1859; d. Dec. 2, 1863. (2) Fannie B. Adams, b. Jan. 28, 1862, d. March 13, . (3) Nettie V Adams, b. Dec. 1, 1866; lives in Los An geles, Cal. Miranda (Bailey) Adams d. June 11, 1873, and on March 11, 1874, Dr. Adams married Nancy Hinchman, of Rush Coun ty, Indiana., b. Oct. 17, 1847. ' Her family emigrated from Vir ginia to Indiana. Issue: (4) Olive Adams, b. Jan. 15, 1875, married Sam'l Brown, firm of Brown Bros., beef and pork packers, Indianapolis, Ind, (5) Mary Hester Adams, b. Feb. 15, 1877. (6) Ellen May Adams, b. Jan. 8, 1882. 554 POLK F AMI LY AND KINSMEN FANNIE STUTSMAN'S FAMILY. Fannie B. Adams, b. Jan. 28, 1863, d. March 13, 1895, (second child of Dr. Marcellus M. Adams by his first wife, Aliranda V. Bailey), married M. P. Stutsman, Jan. 2, 1885, by whom she had issue : (1) George Edgar Stutsman, b. Aug. 5, 1885. (2) Nancy Hazel Stutsman, b. October .24, 1886. (3) Benjamin H. Stutsman, b. Aug. 13, 1888. (4) NeUie St'utsman, b. Nov. 35, 1891 ; d. at 3 years of age. (5) Fred Adams Stutsman, b. March 7, 1893. (6) Nettie Leona Stutsman, b. February 10, 1895. SKETCH OF DR. MARCELLUS M. ADAMS. Dr. Marcellus Martin Adams, of Greenfield, Indiana, b. Nov. 13, 1834, was the eleventh and youngest child of Isaac and Nancy (Polk) Adams. Alarcellus grew to manhood on the farm, taking an active part with his brothers in all the duties incident to an agricul tural life. Alarcellus read medicine with Dr. James AI. Ely, while living at his house, and attended lectures at the Rush Medical College, Chicago, in the winter of 1860. He later attended the Medical College of Indiana, from which he was graduated. The Civil War breaking out, and Dr. Adams being a zealous friend of the Union, he enlisted in a three monthe regi ment, but the quota of Indiana in the 75,000 call of Mr. Lincoln was filled before his company had time to don the habiliaments of Mars. Dr. Adams was postmaster at Freeport at that time and returned for a short time to the sale of postage stamps and delivery of letters. After a call was made -by Mr. Lincoln for 300,000 more troops. Dr. Adams ^gsin enlisted (in July, 1862), going to Camp Joe Reynolds, at Indianapolis. On arrival there he was put on duty as Dispensary Sargent with three barracks full of volunteers to look after and also draw rations for. In Septem ber following he was detached from his company (First Indiana Cavalry), and put in charge of recruits and drafted men as surgeon. He served in that capacity for about a year POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 555 ELLEN, MARY, OLIVE AND NETTIE ADAMS, daughters of Dr, M, M, Adams, Greenfield, Ind. POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 557 at Camp Carrigton, Indianapolis and was then commissioned as Assistant Surgeon of the 116th Indiana Volunteer Infantry, six months troops, performing the entire medical duties for that organization until their return home in February, 1864 At the close of the war Dr. Adams returned to Indiana, setting up in practice at Greenfield, where he accumtilated a competency and resided thereafter, giving a portion of his time to his farm near that city. Dr. Adams was recognized as one of the ablest physicians in the State of Indiana, and for many years he enjoyed a large practice. He was quiet, genial and agreeable of manner, some what inclined to humor, and very popular. Dr. Adams, in ad dition to his medical researches and duties took great interest in paleontology. He had one of the largest private collections of the kind in the AVest, including skeletons, armor, and imple ments of prehistoric and Indian races ; enough Indian bones and relics and curios of all kinds to equip a large museum. Dr. Adams died at his home in Greenfield, Ind. DR. JEFFERSON J. POLK AND DESCENDANTS. Dr. Jefferson Johnson Polk (sixth child and third son of Ephraim 3d, and Rhoda (Morris) Polk), was b. at the old Polk homestead on Lain's Run, Scott County, March 10, 1803, and d. at Perryville, Kentucky, May 23, 1881. His wife, whose maiden name was Eliza Tod, was a daughter of Wm. Tod, a leading manufacturer of Lexington. She was born in that city and d. April 13, 1867. Jefferson first attended the neighborhood school and being apt and clear headed, soon mastered the simpler studies, work ing on the farm in season and going to school in the fall and winter months. The balance of his education Jefferson Polk obtained in a printing office, one of the best schools a boy can attend ; a school in which he learns not only spelling, punctu ation, the meaning of words, grammatical construction of sen tences, geography, history, etc., but in which he is daily brought into contact with the best thought and intellect of the day, and of current events. At the age of fourteen Jefferson was apprenticed by his 558 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN mother, Rhoda Polk to Colonels Richard M. and James John son, who owned the Georgetown Patriot (Major Wm. Sebree, editor), to "learn the art and trade of a printer." The paper suspending publication after he had worked on it for three years, Jefferson was given a release and an excel lent letter of recommendation to all editors and printers. Armed with this, he went to Lexington in 1830, securing em ployment on the Kentucky Gazette, which had been founded b)^ John Bradford in August, 1787, the second newspaper estab lished west of the AUeghanies. Mr. Bradford was a man of great erudition. He also published almanacs, books and pamphlets. This position presented a broader field of the printing art, and Jefferson Polk soon .learned every intricacy of the "art preservative of arts." Jefferson now began a regular course of reading, procur-, ing books on all subjects from the library of Transylvania University, which contained several thousand volumes. Being an omnivorous reader, he explored the domains of history, art, science, literature, and other departments of human know ledge. With a view of making medicine his profession, he read up on that science and attended lectures at the Medical Department of Transylvania. After he had completed the necessary length of service imposed by the craft he took charge as foreman of the office of Wm. Gibbs Hunt, publisher of The Modern Alonitor, and later assumed a like position with Thomas T. Skillman, publisher of the Western Luminary, a Presbyterian journal, and also of books, pamphlets and bibles. About this time Jefferson concluded to don the matrimo nial yoke. Miss Eliza Tod was the name of the fair one whose lovely face and form transfixed his palpitating heart. The preacher, the celebrated Rev. Nathan H. HaU, fastened on the yoke. In February, 1836, Jefferson Polk moved to Danville and purchased the Olive Branch printing plant, of Edmund Shipp. At the time Kentucky was just emerging from the excitement of the Old and New Court question, but a fiercer controversy soon ensued. Henry Clay had voted in Congress for John Quincy Adams, in preference to General Jackson, for Presi dent, and was appointed hy Mr. Adams Secretary of State. POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 559 DR. JEFFERSON J. POLK, of Perryville, Ky,, son of Ephraim Polk 3rd, PO LK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 561 "Bargain and corruption" were charged. The Olive Branch had been a Jackson sheet, but Jefferson Polk now hoisted the banner of Mr. Clay. The great cholera scourge of 1833 killed many citizens of Danville and great numbers of others fled, but Jefferson Polk remained, waiting on the sick, giving them medicine, praying with them, and helping to bury them. He sold his newspaper and printing plant to S. S. Dismukes, who con ducted it for some time, aided by Clement Polk, also a printer, and brother of Jefferson Polk. James G. Birney, a strong advocate of Abolitionism, and then a resident of Danville, induced Dismukes to 'print an Abolition sheet, he, Birney, writing the editorials. The pop ulace was incensed ; a mob was organized, and it proceeded to the office with a view of destroying the plant and driving the editor and printer from the town. Dismukes had purchased the paper from Jefferson Polk on credit, after which the latter purchased a book store and added to it a stock of drugs. W^hile the mob was assembling, Jefferson Polk demanded the keys of the office from Dismukes and received a hasty transfer of the property back to himself. Then mounting a balcony, he announced to the mob that he had re-purchased the property; that he had sold it on credit and it had not been paid for by Dismukes. This appeased the crowd and it quiet ly dispersed. Birney, in deep disgust, left Kentucky, went to Michigan, and was afterward the first candidate of the Aboli tion Party for the Presidency. Clement Polk, who favored peacible, not forcible emancipation, was also disgusted, and emigrated to Springfield, Illinois, where he bought a farm, established a newspaper and erected a large grist mill. And there he died in 1849. During his residence there he was an intimate friend and associate of Abraham Lincoln, then a young lawyer at that bar. After taking back the Olive Branch and plant, Jefferson Polk conducted the paper for fifteen months and again dis posed of it. He also disposed of his book and drug store and purchased a farm near Danville. The Methodist Quarterly Conference licensed him to preach the Gospel, and this he commenced, at the same time pursuing his medical studies. 562 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN In November, 1839, he matriculated in Transylvania Medical College at Lexington, and after much hard study graduated therefrom. In 1840 Jefferson Polk sold his farm, removed to Perry ville, and commenced a regular practice of medicine. The citizens of PerryvUle, in 1831, led by Dr. Polk, organized the first temperance society in Kentucky. Dr. Polk's eldest son, WiUiam Tod Polk, also studied medicine, graduating from Transylvania Medical School in 1848, and entering into partnership with his father. The latter's son, Thomas Polk, and his daughter Margaret Polk, also became physicians. Thomas removed to Kansas, and practiced and died there. Margaret graduated at the Women's Hospital of Philadelphia, became a Missionary Doctor, and for many years she has been at the head of a big Methodist Hospital at Soo-Chow, China. Her neice. Miss Ethel Polk, daughter of her brother, Dr. Thos. Polk, deceased, also grad uated at the Philadelphia Woman's Hospital, and went to China as a Missionary Doctor, at the same hospital with her Aunt Margaret. Jefferson Polk's family is largely a family of doctors and lawyers. When the Civil AVar began. Dr. Jefferson Polk strongly espoused the cause of the Union, his views being supported by his daughters. The sons all sympathized with the South, but took no active part in the armed conflict. The battle of PerryvUle, October 8, 1863, brought the horrors of war to their doors. There were Polks on both sides in that battle. Lieut. General Leonidas Polk of Louisiana, commanded the Confederate troops, the Commander-in-Chief, General Brax ton Bragg, being absent. Under General Polk were numerous other descendants of Robert and Magdalen, belonging to Southern commands. On the Union side was Col. Burr Har rison Polk, of Indiana, and others of the name from that state, and Illinois. Dr. Polk and his son. Dr. Wm. Tod Polk, rolled up their sleeves and worked hard in aid of the wounded. Dr. Polk's house was filled with wounded men and he was put in charge of them. He and his son continued their aid to the wounded for some time after the battle. P O LK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 563 DR. WM. TOD POLK, Perryville, Ky., son of Dr. Jeflferson J. Polk. POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 565 Dr. Jefferson Polk retired from active practice on account of the precarious condition of his health, and died May 23, 188L FAMILY OF DR. JEFFERSON J. POLK. The children born to Dr. Jefferson Johnson Polk and his wife, Eliza (Tod) Polk were: (1) Martha F. Polk, b. October 15, 1824; d. July 8, 1911. (3) WiUiam Tod Polk, b. January 3, 1837; d. April 34, 1890. (3) Ephraim Jehosephat Polk, b. January 16, 1839; d. June 17, 1896. (4) Jefferson B. Polk, b. March 3, 1831; d. February 5, 1833. (5) Margaret Grant Polk, b. Alarch 7, 1833; d. unmarried, July 9, 1911. (6) John AL Polk, b. November 33, 1835; d. May 3, 1898. (7) Rosa F. Polk, b. September 5, 1839; d. May 33, 1888. (8) Thomas Jefferson Polk, b. Alarch 17, 1843; d. January 18, 1886. (9) Eliza BeU Polk, b. October 18, 1845; living at Perry ville, unmarried. Dr. Jefferson J. Polk, b. March 10, 1802 ; d. at Perryville, Ky., March 23, 1881. Eliza (Tod) Polk, his wife, d. April 13, 1867. The intermarriages and families of Dr. Jefferson J. Polk's sons and daughters were as follows : MARTHA F. DUNCAN'S FAMILY. Martha F. Polk, b. at Lexington, eldest child of Dr. Jef ferson J. Polk, was married February 11, 1852, to Rev. AA^illiam AV. Duncan, teacher and Presbyterian minister. Mr. Duncan was a graduate of 'Center College, Danville, Ky. He filled a numher of pulpits in different parts of the State, and for a number of years conducted an academy at Taylorsville, Ken tucky. The issue of their marriage was one child, LUa Mildred Duncan, b. November 10, 1852, who grew up to be a most 566 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN lovable woman and married Samuel H. Wakefield, of Nelson County. Mr. Wakefield died at Chattanooga, Tenn., Alay 6, 1899, and LUa's father, Mr. Duncan, April 7, 1900. To S. H. Wakefield^^and his wife, LUa, were born two children: 'Steel Duncan Wakefield, and ^Tod Wakefield. FAMILY OF DR. WILLIAM TOD POLK. Dr. Wm. Tod Polk (eldest son and second child of Dr. Jefferson J. Polk), was b. at Lexington, Ky., January 3, 1837. Before he had attained to his majority he commenced reading medicine under his father. He next took a course of lectures at the Medical College of Transylvania University, graduating therefrom in the class of 1848. He then settled in practice with his father, at Perryville, continuing in partnership until the latter retired in 1859, on account of failing health. He practiced at Perryville during a period of forty-two years, or until his death, and none had a reputation for higher profes sional skill. Dr. William Tod Polk was twice married. First, on De cember 18, 1851, to Miss Alaggie A. Briscoe, of Boyle County, who d. June 33, 1881. Second, to Mrs. Lou. AVharton, of Danville. By the latter he had no issue. By his first wife Dr. Wm. Tod Polk had issue: (1) John B. Polk, b. December 2, 1852; d. April 6, 1858. (2) Dr. Thomas P Polk, b. September 15, 1855; d. . (3) Alargaret H. Polk, b. March 13, 1863; living at Soo Chow, China. (4) Jefferson Polk, Vet. Surgeon ; b. 1864. Dr. Thomas Polk, the second son, after graduating in medicine, practiced for some time at Perryville with his father. He then moved to Kansas, establishing himself near Kansas City, where he died. He was twice married. His first wife was Miss Catharine Camp, of Boyle County, by whom he had issue: iPaul Eve Polk, Jennie Polk. By his second wife, Jennie Camp, sister of Catharine, he had: ^Ethel Polk, *Fay Polk. Paul Eve died young. Ethel graduated at the Scarritt Bible and Training College, Kansas City. She next entered the Philadelphia Woman's Medical College, and after gradual- POLK P AM I LY AND KINSMEN 567 ing in medicine went to China in September, 1913, as a Doctor- Missionary, to join her aunt Margaret Polk, who has charge of the large Methodist Hospital at Soo-Chow. It will be observed that she makes the fifth physician in her line, including her grand-father. Dr. Jefferson J. Polk. 568 POLK F AMI LY AND KINSMEN CHAPTER LVIX. FAMILY OF EPHRAIM J. POLK. Ephraim Jehosephat Polk, (son of Dr. Jefferson J. Polk), b. January 16, 1839, at Lexington, Kentucky ; d. suddenly from heart trouble in his law office, June 17, 1896, at Harrodsburg, Ky., where he had resided and practiced law for many years, with the exception of a few years residence at Louisville. While residing at Louisville he made a race for Congress, on the Prohibition ticket. After attending the schools of Perryville, Ephraim was a student at Center College and graduated therefrom. He then went to Georgetown and read law under his cousin, Marcellus Polk, a leading attorney at that bar. Locating at Harrods burg, he was admitted to the Mercer County bar in 1858, and soon enjoyed a good practice. On Jan. 15, 1858, Ephraim J. Polk was united in marriage to Aliss Mary Ellen Newton, only child of Mrs. Kitty Newton, and a member of one of the pioneer families of Kentucky. The young wife was a beautiful girl, whose personal charms were equalled only by her amiability and loveliness of character in every respect. CHILDREN OF EPHRAIM J. POLK. (1) Martha Ferguson Polk, b. December 3, 1859. (3) Eliza Catharine Polk, b. August 31, 1861. (3) John Newton Polk, b. November 17, 1863. (4) Jefferson Johnson Polk, b. October 8, 1866. (5) Ella Polk, b. December 3, 1868. (6) Margaret Scott Polk, b. November 34, 1870. (7) William Goddard Polk, b. December 34, 1873. Martha, the eldest child, was married December 30, 1886, to Prof. Harry Asbury Evans, of Harrodsburg, Ky. After marriage Prof. Evans and wife went to Texas, establishing a female academy at Sulphur Springs. His wife, who was POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 569 WM. GODDARD POLK, Louisville, Ky,, son of Ephraim J, Polk, POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 571 very proficient in mathematics, taught that department. While conducting this school, Prof. Evans died, August 15, 1898. They had no children. Mrs. Evans continued to conduct the school for some years after the death of her husband, then retiring and returning to Kentuck}^. She now resides at Louisville. Eliza Katharine ("Kitty") Polk (second_child of E. J. and AloUie (Newton) Polk), was married March 16, 1883, to Leslie I. Coleman, of Harrodsburg, a young man of the high est character, and a fine business man, who for a number of years was engaged in the commission business at that place. Later he removed to Louisville, where he was General Agent for several big coal mines of Tennessee, and from there to Knoxville, where he is now engaged in coal mining. Leslie I. and Kitty Coleman had issue: (1) Mary Coleman, b. July 30, 1883. (3) Julius Polk Coleman, b. June 2, 1885. (3) Nellie Birnie Coleman, b. November 9, 1887. The latter graduated at the Semple Collegiate School, Louisville, in the class of 1905. John Newton Polk (third child of Ephraim J. Polk and Mary Ellen Newton), was married November 24, 1886, to Julia Phillips, of Lebanon, Kentucky, daughter of a prominent citi zen and proprietor of the large Roller Mills at that place. John was engaged in commercial business for some time, but later purchased a farm near Salvisa, in Mercer County, where he lived until his death. To John Newton Polk and wife were born : (1) Elizabeth Seymour Polk, b. October 13, 1887; d. No vember 22, 1891. (3) George Latimer Polk, b. May , 1889. (3) Leslie Coleman Polk, b. Decemher 30, 1893. (4) Ephraim John Polk, b. September 3, 1896. (5) Annie McChord Polk, b. August 31, 1899. Jefferson Johnson Polk 2d, (fourth child and second son of Ephraim J. and Mary Ellen Newton), was married January 3, 1889, to Miss Louise Wheat, by whom he had issue: (1) Mary Lynn Polk, b. May 11, 1890. (2) James Guthrie Polk, b. August 20, 1896. 572 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN (3) Emily Louise Polk, b. November 30, 1898. (4) 'Charies Edward Polk, h. October 17, 1901. (5) Elizabeth Polk, b. September 6, 1892. Mary Lynn, the eldest, a lovely young woman, is instruc tor in Expression and Physical Culture, at LouisviUe, in con nection with a prominent Seminary. Ella Polk (fifth child of Ephraim J. and Mary Ellen (Newton) Polk), married Harry Crump Montgomery, of LouisviUe, October 19, 1892. At the time of their marriage, Mr. Montgomery had charge of one of the departments of the large jewelry establishment of Wm. Kendrick & Sons, and afterward became one of the firm, with his wife's brother, William Goddard Polk, in the Southern Optical Company. They had issue : (1) Harry Polk Montgomery, b. January 3, 1895. (2) Eugene Jefferson Montgomery, b. March 31, 1897. (3) Eleanor Montgomery, b. March 12, 1900. (4) Mary Catharine Montgomery, b. March 26, 1902. Margaret Scott Polk (sixth child of Ephraim J. and Alary Ellen (Newton) Polk), is unmarried. She is an accomplished artist and was for several years, art teacher at Margaret Hall, a female seminary at Versailles, Ky. William Goddard Polk (seventh and youngest child of Ephraim J. and Mary Ellen (Newton) Polk), is unmarried. He is a prominent business man of Louisville, largely interest ed in Kentucky and Tennessee mountain lands and coal mines, in which he has accumulated a handsome fortune. Margaret Grant Polk (fifth child of Dr. Jefferson J. and Eliza (Tod) Polk), b. March 7, 1833, never married. She lived, until her death, at the old homestead, in Perryville. For a number of years she was a teacher of mathematics in Godby 'Institute, Perryville, and also in an Academy conducted at Taylorsville by her brother-in-law. Rev. William AA'. Duncan. She died July 8, 1911. Maggie, as she was called, was an amiable and highly educated woman and universally beloved. John AL Polk (sixth child of Dr. Jefferson J. and Eliza (Tod) Polk), after a good education embarked in the dry goods business at Danville, and later at Harrodsburg. He married Miss Alary Tilford, of DanvUle, and going to Eliza- POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 573 bethtown, Ky., during the 80's, became cashier of a bank, and also a partner in same. After continuing in the banking busi ness for some years, John M. retired and removed in May 1887, to a farm near Clarksville, Tennessee, where he embarked in the Jersey cattle business, and died May 2, 1898. CHILDREN OF JOHN M. POLK. The children of John M. and Mary (Tilford) Polk were: (1) Tilford Polk, b. June 10, 1873 ; d. June 13, 1873. (3) John Proctor Polk, b. September 36, 1875 ; residence Nashville, Tenn. (3) Anna Tilford Polk, b. August 15, 1877 ; d. November 30, 1877. (4) Minnie Tod Polk, b. December 13, 1886 ; living with mother at Mt. Pleasant, Tenn. John Proctor Polk, was for some time L. & N. R. R. Sta tion Agent at Columbia, Tenn., and later Chief Night Opera tor of that road at Nas'hville. He married at Columbia, No vember 13, 1903, to Miss Anne Fleming, of that place. Issue: (1) John Proctor Polk, Jr., b. September 18, 1904; d. July 29, 1906. (2) Kate Polk, born August 4, 1907. Rosa F. Polk (seventh child of Dr. Jefferson J. and Eliza (Tod) Polk), b. September 5, 1839; d. May 33, 1888. Gentle of manner, sweet and amiable always, she was loved by every one who knew her. After an excellent academic education she engaged for some years as a teacher in Godby Institute, at PerryvUle. On May 12, 1868, Rosa was married to George R. Latimer, a dry goods merchant of Perryville, who later was engaged in business at Kansas City, but returned to Kentucky and opened a dry goods store at Lebanon, where he now resides. No issue . Thomas Jefferson Polk (eighth child of Dr. Jefferson J. and Eliza (Tod) Polk), b. March 17, 1842, d. January 18, 1886. After attending the local Academy, he matriculated at Center College, Danville, where he finished his education. He then located at Harrodsburg and engaged in the dry goods busi- 574 POLK F AM I LY AND KINSMEN ness for some years. He next studied law at Harrodsburg with his brother Ephraim J. Polk and entered practice at that bar in partnership with him. Thomas was a most excellent man in every respect. On March 10, 1869, Thomas J. Polk was married to Miss F. Alice Walker, daughter of Rev. Walker, a prominent min ister of the Methodist Conference of Kentucky. They had issue : CHILDREN OF THOS. J. POLK AND WIFE. (1) WiUiam Tod Polk, Jr., b. , 1871; d. June 9, 1888. (3) Edward B. Polk, b. about 1873; d. in Texas . (3) Rose Latimer Polk, b. about Fehruary, 1875, married Clarence Hancock and to them was born a son, Marcus A. Han cock. (4) Anna Coleman Polk, b. . Eliza Belle Polk (ninth and youngest child of Dr. Jeffer son J. and Eliza Tod Polk), b. October 18, 1845, in Boyle County, is unmarried and lives at the old homestead in Perry ville. She received a fine academic education at Godby In stitute and is a woman of wit and intelligence. PO LK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 575 CHAPTER LX. DANIEL POLK AND DESCENDANTS. Daniel Polk (seventh child and fourth son of Ephraim 3d, and Rhoda (Morris) Polk), was b. June 25, 1804, at the old Polk plantation on Lain's Run, Scott County, Kentucky. He was drowned in Kentucky River, near Frankfort, Sept. 16, 1862, while that city was occupied by the Confederate forces under General Kirby Smith. He had loaned his seine to a party of soldiers, who were fishing. It became hung on a snag and Daniel went into the river to loosen it. In this attempt he became entangled in it, and being a large man he was drowned. On the day following Daniel Polk's death, and while all the family were absent attending his burial, the Confederate forces at Frankfort retreated across Kentucky River and out toward Lawrenceburg, followed closely by General Sill's di vision of Gen'l Buell's army. In this division were a number of new regiments of Federal troops that had joined Buell at Louisville, and who, with little training or discipline, com mitted many outrageous depredations on the people of Ken tucky, not stopping to inquire whether such citizens were loyal or disloyal. Following the retreating Confederates, and reaching the house of Daniel Polk while all the family were ab sent at his funeral, a number of uniformed vandals broke into the house, robbed it of all they could carry away and destroyed all else. Daniel Polk was twice married, first, on Oct. 6, 1829, to Sally Ann Tanner, (b. Jan. 24, 1812), daughter of David Tan ner, of Cane Ridge, Bourbon County, Ky. She was a first cousin of Joel Tanner Hart, the noted American Sculptor, who died in Florence, Italy in 1877, where he had lived and wrought for many years. His celebrated masterpiece, "Woman Trium phant," purchased by the ladies of Lexington for $5,000, was destroyed in the burning of the Fayette County Court House, Alay 14, 1897. Joel's mother was a sister of David Tanner. 576 POLK F AM I LY AND KINSMEN Losing his parents when he was a child, he was adopted by his uncle David, and he and Sally Ann grew up together as foster brother and sister, until they were separated by her marriage to Daniel Polk. DANIEL POLK'S CHILDREN. By his first wife, Sally Ann, Daniel Polk had issue : (1) Luvisa Polk, b. 'Oct. 21, 1830; d. Oct. 26, 1837. (2) David Tanner Polk, b. Mar. 16, 183'2; d. May 30, 1904. (3) Rhoda Ann Polk, b. Dec. 15, 1833; d. Sept. 1, 1901. (4) Thomas P. D. Polk, b. Feb. 4, 1836; residence, Indianapolis. (5) Willis Webb Polk, b. Alay 12, 1838; d. Nov. 39, 19y«. (6) Sardius Gilead Polk, b. Nov. 31, 1840; d. Alay zi, 1883. (7) Mary Jane Polk, b. June 36, 1843; d. March 39, 1875. (8) Margaret E. Polk, b. AprU 14, 1845 ; residence, Louis ville, a widow. (9) Sarah C. ("Kitty") Polk, b. Aug. 10, 1847 ; d. Dec. 13, 1891. (10) James K. Polk, b. Alarch 37, 1850; residence, Louis ville. Sally Ann (Tanner) Polk dying on June 15, 1851, Dan iel Polk married his second wife, Ann E. White, May 6, 1852. She was b. April 27, 1827, d. , 1912 at Frankfort. She was the daughter of Judge David White, of Donerail District, Fayette County. By his second wife, Ann (AA'^hite) Polk, Daniel Polk had issue: (11) Charies L. Polk, b. March 37, 1853; residence, Louis ville. He married Bettie Sue Franklin. (13) John C. Breckinridge Polk, b. Aug. 3, 1854. (13) Luretta Polk, b. AprU 18, 1859; d. Jan. 35, 1873. After the death of Daniel Polk, his widow, Ann Polk mar ried Thomas Dunlap. FAMILY OF DAVID TANNER POLK. David Tanner Polk, second chUd and eldest son of Daniel Polk, was married May 12, 1858 to Elizabeth Guthrie, of Platte POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 577 County, Mo., daughter of W. A. Guthrie, a kinsman of Hon. James Guthrie, of LouisvUle, Ky., Secretary of U. S. Treas ury, under President Pierce. S'he was b. Oct. 16, 1844, and d. Aug. 18, 1901. They had issue: (1) Mary Polk, b. Nov. 30, 1859 ; married Sept. 22, 1880, to Canby Hawkins, of Platte County, banker and farmer. Mr. Hawkins is a kinsman of Gen'l Canby, at one time a distin guished officer of the United States Army. Also of Major Gen'l Hawkins, U. S. A. (3) Veva Polk, b. Oct. 30, 1861 ; d. Nov. 14, 1881. (3) Eliphalet Polk, b. Nov. 34, 1863 ; d. Sept. 36, 186L (4) Ida Polk, b. Aug. 15, 1865 ; d. Feb. 34, 1870. (5) David Tanner Polk Jr., b. July 30, 1871; married Nov. 24, 1898 to Elnora Cox. (6) Lee Polk, b. Sept. 17, 1867; d. Feb. 23, 1870. Of the six children of David Tanner Polk, the only two surviving are Mary Hawkins and David Tanner Polk Jr., of Excelsior Springs, a prominant dental surgeon. FAMILY OF DAVID TANNER POLK, JR. Dr. David Tanner Polk Jr., (son of David Tanner Polk Sr., and his wife Elizabeth Guthrie), was b. July 20, 1871, and married Nov. 24, 1898 to Elonora Cox, b. Sept. 22, 1877. They had issue: 'Graham Polk, b. Feb. 9, 1900; ^Elizabeth Jane Polk, b. Aug. 27, 1902; sLucille Merideth Polk, b. Nov. 11, 1904; *Iris Lenore Polk, b. Oct. 15, 1806. Dr. David Tanner Polk Jr., resides at Excelsior Springs, Mo. FAMILY OF RHODA ANN RODGERS. Rhoda Ann Polk (third child and second daughter of Daniel Polk and Sally Ann (Tanner) Polk), born Dec. 15, 1833, was married Aug. 1, 1854 to James Hardin Rodgers (b. Aug. 11, 1832) a farmer of Franklin County, by whom she had issue : (1) William Rodgers, b. June 23, 1855 ; d. April 2, 1878. (3) Eliza Rodgers, b. Jan. 28, 1858 ; living and unmarried. (3) James Rodgers, b. Nov. 25, 1859; d. Oct. 1, 1862. 578 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN (4) Thomas J. Rodgers, b. Aug. 34, 1861 ; unmarried, liv ing in South America. (5) Benjamin F. Rodgers, b. April 11, 1863. (6) Henry C. Rodgers, b. Nov. 19, 1865 ; unmarried, resi dence, LouisvUle, Ky. (7) Hugh Allen Rodgers, b. Aug. 7, 1868 ; d. May 19, 1885. (8) Alary Latham Rodgers, b. June 38, 1870 ; unmarried. (9) Hardin Rodgers, b. Feb. 8, 1873; unmarried, residence Louisville, Ky. (10) Sally Tanner Rodgers, b. Feb. 28, 1874; unmarried. (11) Elizabeth C. Rodgers, b. Oct. 21, 1876. (12) Forrest Rodgers, b. March 14, 1880 ; unmarried. MARRIAGES. Elizabeth C. Rodgers (generally called "Katie"), a very popular and handsome woman, was educated in the schools of Frankfort and engaged in teaching for several years. She then took a course in the Commercial College of Kentucky Uni versity, at Lexington, graduating therefrom. During attend ance at this college she met Charles Carter, of West Virginia, also a student of the same institution, and while she was in New York City on a visit, the young man went there and on Jan. 29, 1902, they were married at the home of Airs. Carrie Tatum, a first cousin of her mother. Air. Carter engaged in business at Fairmont, West Virginia, where they resided for several years. They now reside at Pittsburgh, Pa. To them have been born four children, two of whom are dead and two living, George and an infant. Mr. Carter is a splendid man. He enlisted in the army, from West Virginia, during the Spanish-American AA'ar, and in a skirmish with the Philippinos was shot through one of his lungs. He crawled into a thick chapparel at the roadside and thereby escaped death, the bolomen rushing past him only a few feet away, in pursuit of the pickets they had driven in. After a stronger force of Americans had repulsed the enemy, Mr. Carter was rescued by his comrades and finally recovered and returned home, entering the college at Lexington. POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 579 ROY RODGERS 3d, U. S. A., son of Ben F. Rodgers. POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 581 FAMILY OF BEN F. RODGERS. Ben F. Rodgers (fifth child of Hardin Rodgers and Rhoda (Polk) Rodgers) was married Dec. 15, 1886, to Margaret Evans (b. Dec. 26, 1869) of Henry County, Ky., daughter of Lucian Evans. To them were born five children : (1) WUliam Evans Rodgers, b. Sept. 31, 1887. (3) Roy Rodgers, b. Alay 6, 1889. (3) Eleanor Rodgers, b. April 33, 1890. (4) Aline Rodgers, b. Oct. 18, 1891. (5) Lillian Rodgers, b. July 5, 1893. William E. Rodgers, eldest of the above, was married Feb. 35, 1908, to Bessie Kavanaugh Bright, of Louisville, (b. Sept. 30, 1888). They have two children, 'Wm. Evans Rodgers Jr., b. Feb. 33, 1909; ^Bernice, b. Dec. 39, 1913. Wm. Evans Rodgers is a Civil Engineer in the employ of the Louisville & Nashville Railroad and resides at Louisville, Ky. Roy Rod gers, the second son, is a member of Battery F, Second Field Artillery, U. S. A. FAMILY OF THOMAS P. D. POLK. Thomas P. D. Polk (fourth child of Daniel and Sally Ann (Tanner) Polk), was born Feb. 4, 1836. On May 31, 1857, he was married to Mary Eliza Pollock, of Jeffersonville, In diana. She was b. May 5, 1839 in Clark County, Indiana, and d. January 33, 1901. They had issue: (1) Charies Oscar Polk, b. July 33, 1858; d. Aug. 8, 1895. (3) Alargaret Evaline Polk, b. March 7, 1860; untraced. (3) WiUiam Daniel Polk, h. June 8, 1862; d. July 6, 1887. (4) Harriet Frances Polk, b. Nov. 24, 1865 ; married James Biggert; residence, Jeffersonville, Ind. (5) Nellie Polk, b. Feb. 14, 1868 ; married Forest Samp son ; family untraced. (6) Laura Polk, b. April 5, 1870 ; married George Smith ; family untraced. (7) John Polk, b. Feb. 13, 1873; drowned July 38, 1888, while bathing in the Ohio River. Charles Oscar Polk married and had issue : 532 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN (1) Viola Polk, b. Nov. 35, 1883. (3) Oscar Polk, b. , 1885 ; d. April 19, 1885. (3) Inez Polk, b , 1887; d. Sept. 8, 1893. Thomas P. D. Polk and family reside at Indianapolis. FAMILY OF WILLIS W. POLK. Willis Webb Polk (fifth child of Daniel and Sally Ann (Tanner) Polk), was b. May 13, 1838, on the farm in Scott County, Kentucky. He d. in Southern 'California, Nov. 39, 1906. When Willis was four years of age (1843) his father re moved to Winchester, Kentucky, residing there six years, pur suing his architectural business. He then returned to Scott County, buying a farm on Eagle Creek, near Muddy Ford. While living there, Sally Ann (Tanner) Polk, Daniel's wife, died and was buried in the family graveyard at the old Ephraim Polk place, a few m.iles distant. There the eldest child of Dan iel, Luvisa, had also been buried, in Oct. 1837, beside her grand parents, Ephraim 3d and Rhoda Ann Polk. In 1853 Daniel Polk sold his farm in Scott County and purchased one in Franklin County, lying on the Lawrenceburg pike, ahout a mile from Frankfort, and but a short distance from the present new State Capitol building. On Cedar Creek, which ran through the place, Daniel built a saw and grist mill. Here Daniel's family grew to maturity, and here he was living when he was drowned in 1863. AVillis, who was very studious and a great reader, attended school in Frankfort, and was particularly fond of ancient history, art and literature. WiUis left home, on New Years' Eve, 1856, and started for the West, assisting in driving stock to Sangamon County, Illinois, reaching his destination at Buffalo Heart Grove, Jan. 1, 1857. After a few months sojourn in Sangamon County, Willis departed for Weston, Mo., where his eldest brother, David Tanner Polk, had located some years before. On June 37, 1857, AVillis reached Weston, where he en gaged in contracting and building, meantime falling a victim to cupid's well-aimed darts. The fair one in the case was Miss Parthenia Frances Dye, sixth daughter of John Kenneth Dye, POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 583 WILLIS W. POLK AND WIFE. son of Daniel Polk. POLK F AMI LY AND KINSMEN 585 who had emigrated from Mayslick, Kentucky, to Missouri a few years previous. She was born at Mayslick July 30, 1840. On Oct. 10, 1858, Willis and Miss Dye were united in marriage. The children born to them were : (1) Annie Polk, b. Oct. — , 1859 ; d. Dec. — , 1868. (3) WUliam Chinn Polk, b. Nov. 33, 1860; resides at Wes ton Mo. William C. is a most excellent man and for a num ber of years has heen bookkeeper and cashier in a Weston bank. He married Sept. 16, 1891, to Miss Alinnie HUlix, of Weston, a daughter of Wm. Walker HUlix, formerly of Mid way, Ky., and his wife Rebecca (Whittington) HUlix. To them was born a daughter that died in infancy, Nov. 33, 1898. AVillis W. Polk's wife died in 1866, near Weston and not long after the birth of their second child. On Jan. 1, 1867, after the Civil War, Willis was again married, his second wife being the widow Endemial Burch, nee Drane, of Kentucky. She was a daughter of Rev. J. T. Drane, a noted Baptist preacher and brother of Judge Drane of Frankfort. Willis W. Polk Sr., and his second wife had issue: (3) WiUis W. Polk, Jr., b. Oct. 3, 1867; residence, San Francisco. (4) Daniel Polk, b. May 35, 1869 ; d. in 1909. (5) Endemial Polk, b. Nov. 15, 1873; d. May 30, 1890, in Paris, France. (6) Daisey Polk, b. April 33, 1874 ; living in San Francisco. (7) Trusten Polk, h. Sept. 18, 1876; d. Nov. 20, 1877. Mrs. Endemial Polk, d. in July 1906, at Blakely, Cal., and her husband, Willis W. Polk Sr., followed her to the grave not long after, Nov. 39, 1906. Willis W. Polk Jr., was married at San Francisco to Mrs. Christine Moore, nee Barada a Spanish lady and niece of the wife of President Diaz, of Mexico. They have no issue. Daniel Polk, hrother of Willis, was married Dec. 25, 1897 in Brooklyn, New York, to Miss Alice Grimm, of Topton, Pa. He died in New York City in 1909. They had a daughter, Endemial. Daniel was also an architect, his specialty being classic work and interior decoration. He was also a noted muscian, playing numerous instrumets. Miss Daisey Polk, sister of WiUis and Daniel, is a hand- 586 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN some woman, and also a fine musician, playing on the violin with remarkable skill. She was a pupil while in Italy of Caesar Thompson and other noted violin teachers. Prompted by the artistic inclinations of his children, while residing at St. Louis, Willis W. Polk Sr., took his family to Europe in order to give them the best advantages in art and music culture, spending about seven years there. After a short residence in London he went to Rome and finally lo cated at Florence, the great art center, where his sons could study the classic styles of architecture, and the daughters pur sue their studies in music. Here the eldest daughter, Endie, at the age 'of eighteen became known as a young woman of extraordinary musical talent, her voice being conceded the equal of "that of Patti or any other great singer, according to statements of her teachers. She was the idol of her parents and family. A date was fixed for her debut in grand opera, at Paris, France. She was heralded by critics and the press as "a coming great prima donna." But, alas ! the fond hopes of her devoted family were doomed to disappointment. A few days before her intended debut the Angel of Death waved his dark wand over the happy, expectant ones of Willis Polk's household, and the voice of the beautiful and idolized daughter was stilled forever. She died in Paris, France, May 20, 1890, from a sudden attack of appen dicitis. Crushed and sorrowing, her father and family re turned, to the United States the following year, going to San Francisco and erecting on a hill overlooking the sea a beauti ful residence which was destroyed by the great earthquake. During his residence in St. Louis, AVillis AA^. Polk, Sr., was President of the Mechanics Exchange. In the early 80's he was a candidate for Congress, being defeated by Thomas Allen. Referring to his death, the St. Louis Globe-Democrat of Dec. 1, 1906, paid him a flattering tribute as a man of high intelligence and decided talents. Of the Civil War record of Willis W. Polk, lack of space prevents a full account. Like his father, AA'illis was a strong Southern man and decided to follow the Stars and Bars. He joined a company of the Alissouri State Guard, and was with General Sterling Price at the battle of Lexington, where PO LK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 587 the Federal troops under Col. AluUigan surrendered. Several months later he entered the regular Confederate service as a member of Company K., Third Missouri Volunteers, and was appointed Second Sergeant of the Company. At the battle of Pea Ridge, a Federal bullet gave WiUis a scalp wound and his comrades jokingly told him the missile would have killed him, but it happened to strike a "Hard-Shell" Baptist, which religious faith he professed. He was one of a small force that captured a Union battery at Elkhorn Tavern, together with a big supply of Commissary stores. He was in all the battles of General Price's command — Farmington, luka, Corinth, and others. At luka a stalwart Federal knocked him senseless with the butt of a gun, believing he had killed him. But Willis revived and escaped capture. After the war was ended, Willis settled at Lexington, Ky., in the business of architect, later going to Hot Springs, Arkansas, and afterwards locating in San Francisco. FAMILY OF SARDIUS G. POLK. Sardius Gilead Polk (sixth child of Daniel and Sally Ann (Tanner) Polk), was b. Nov. 21, 1840 near Newtown, Scott County, Kentucky, and died at Plattsburg, Mo., May 24, 1882. As he grew to manhood, Sardius divided his time between farming and managing the mill, which was chiefly employed in the production of lumber. He also attended school at Frankfort during the fall and winter months. In 1858 he also decided to emigrate tO' the West and went to Weston, Platte County, Alissouri, where his elder brother, David Tanner Polk, had settled some years before. Sardius engaged for some time in contracting and building and afterward located in Fort Scott, Kansas, where he formed a partnership with a man named Grant and continued the same line of business with marked success. During the Civil War he was connected for a time with the U. S. Quartermaster's Department. After the war he resumed contracting, which business he continued until his death. On Feb. 28, 1865, Sar dius was married at Salem, Nebraska, to Miss Nancy RusseU (b. Oct. 29, 1843). He was a prominent Odd Fellow, and sev- 5gg POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN eral times State Representative of that order at its annual con ventions. The children of Sardus G. and Nancy (Russell) Polk were : (1) Carrie Polk, b. Dec. 27, 1865. (2) Alary Ann Polk, b. Feb. 29, 1868. (3) Oscar Polk, b. March 3, 1870. (4) John Edward Polk, b. Dec. 8, 1873 ; d. Feb. 15, 1873. (5) Jessie, b. , married Edward Zink. (6) Frank Polk, b. . INTERMARRIAGES. Carrie Polk, the eldest child, married John Oliver Johnson, of Erskin, Clinton County, Mo. They have two sons, Ellis and Oliver. Mary Ann married George EUenberger, a Dunker preacher, of Turney, Clinton County, Mo., and they have a number of children. They now reside at Peru Nebraska. Jessie, the third daughter, married Edward Zink. They have no chUdren. Mr. Zink is a railroad station agent and telegraph operator in Nebraska. FAMILY OF JAMES KNOX POLK. James Knox Polk, b. March 37, 1850 (tenth and youngest child of Daniel and Sally Ann (Tanner) Polk), was twice mar ried. His first wife was Mattie Dicks, who d. March 4, 1874. By her he had one child, Sardius, b. Oct. 11, 1873. His sec ond wife was Airs. Alice Howard, of Utica, Ind., by whom he had four children, viz: ^Maud Ellis Polk, b. July 4, 1885; ^George Howard Polk, b. Jan. 13, 1887 ; *Mary Durbin Polk, h June 4, 1889 ; 'James Orville Polk, b. Dec. 16, 1891. The fam ily all reside in Louisville. SARAH (KITTY) POLK'S FAMILY. Alice Everett Anderson, daughter of John H. and Saraih Catharine (Polk) Anderson, b. Oct. 7, 1868 at Jeffersonville, Ind., married Aug. 16, 1890, Joseph V. Zartman a.nd they had POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 589 issue: 'Joseph Zartman, b. Sept. 29, 1894; ^Paul Zartman, b. , 1903 ; Joseph Zartman, b. Feb. 31, 1905. Clarence Crawford Anderson, son of John H. and Sarah Catharine (Polk) Anderson, b. April 33, 1871, at Jeffersonville, Ind., married March 33, 1893, Annie McMann, and they had issue : 'Ralph Clarence Anderson, b. September 10, 1893 ; ^Myrtle Marie Anderson, b. August 1, 1896 ; ^Clarence Ander son, b. July 38, 1899 ; *Frank Anderson, b. August 34, 1901. Arthur Field Anderson, son of John H. and Sarah Cath arine (Polk) Anderson, b. September 19, 1873, at Jeffersonville, Ind., married Alarch 11, 1896, Caroline Magdalena Kunkel, and they had issue : 'Mildred Louise Kunkel, b. February 34, 1899 ; "Edward John Kunkel, b. March 36, 1901; ^Dorothy Anna Kunkel, b. Dec. 34, 1904. Laura Maud Anderson, daughter of John H. and Sarah Catharine (Polk) Anderson, b. February 31, 1875, at Jeffer sonville, Ind., married January 31, 1901, Oliver P. Morton Lane. Estella Blanche Anderson, daughter of John H. and Sarah Catharine (Polk) Anderson, b. Alarch 31, 1878, d. May 13, 1880. Ellis Ezra Anderson, son of John H. and Sarah Catharine (Polk) Anderson, b. March 6, 1884, at Jeffersonville, Ind., not married.Charles L. Polk, son of Daniel Polk and his second wife, Ann (White) Polk, was born March 37, 1853. He married Mrs. Bettie Sue Duke, nee Franklin, who died suddenly De cember 25, iao8. John Breckinridge Polk (youngest son of Daniel Polk by his second wife, Ann (White) Polk, was twice married. His first wife was Fannie Watts, of Woodford County, whom he married December 5, 1878. By her he had one child, Hen rietta Polk, b. December 25, 1879, d. March 28, 1881. Fannie (Watts) Polk died February 12, 1891, and on February 16, 1892, John Breckinridge Polk was married to Susan God- sey, of Hazel Green, Ky. John resides at Frankfort, Kentucky. Margaret E. (Maggie) Polk, b. April 14, 1845, (eighth child of Daniel and Sally Ann (Tanner) Polk), married Henry Pollock, a widower, of Jeffersonville, Indiana, who was b. 590 POLK FAMILY AND KINS M E N Feb. 37, 1835 and d. Feb. 38, 1903. They had no issue. She lives at Louisville. Sarah Catharine (Kitty) Polk (ninth child of Daniel and Sally Ann (Tanner) Polk), was b. Aug. 10, 1847 and d. Dec. 13, 1891, at Indianapolis. She married March 31, 1866, John H. Anderson, of JeffersonvUle, Ind. He was b. Sept. 18, 1843, and d. Jan. 10, 1901. They had issue: ^Harry E. ; ^Alice E. ; ^Clarence C. ; ^Arthur F. ; 'Laura M. ; ^EsteUe B. ; ^EUis E. Mary Jane Polk, b. June 36, 1843, d. Alarch 39, 1875 (sev enth child of Daniel and Sally Ann (Tanner) Polk), was mar ried to Cornelius Anderson, of Jeffersonville, Ind., and they had issue: 'Geo. W. Anderson, residence, Lewiston, Mont.; ^Kitty Anderson, who married first a Air. Smith ; second a Mr. Anderson; ^Nettie Anderson, who married a Air. McAdoo, and lives at Hamilton, Mo. ; ^William Anderson, who married Nannie Anderson and is dead. POLK F AMI LY AND KINSMEN 59I CHAPTER LXL FAMILY OF HESTER D. COLLINS. Hester D. Polk (fourth daughter and eighth child of Eph raim Polk 3d, and Rhoda (Morris) Polk), b. Jan. 11, 1806, d. at Danville, Kentucky, , 1885. She married George W. Collins, a hardware merchant of that city, a highly respect ed man, beloved by everybody. To George W. and Hettie (Polk) 'Collins two children were born : John Ephraim Collins, b. July 30, 1831 ; ^George AV. Collins Jr., b. . John Ephraim Collins, during his youth, attended the private schools of Danville, followed by a course at Center College. Later he finished his educational course at the Kentucky Military Institute, Frankfort, where he became quite proficient in militery drill and tactics. He next went to St. Louis, AIo., where he was engaged in business for some time, going thence to AA'oodbury, N. J. In the latter place he was married, April 12, 1854, to Miss Emma Clarissa Tatum, of St. Louis, some of whose family were extensively engaged in the steamboat business when steamboating on the Mississippi and Ohio rivers when traffic by water was at its height and few railroads had been built in the AVest. When the Civil AA'ar came on, George AV. Collins and wife espoused with intense earnestness the cause of the Union. When Col. Fry's Fourth Kentucky Infantry Regiment was mustered into service and joined General Burnsides' Army, it followed a beautiful silk flag that was made by Mrs. Collins and other Union ladies of Danville. Shortly after the war began Battery B., Capt. John AI. Hewett, a company of light artillery was raised and mustered into service. George Collins Jr., the youngest of the two sons, joined it and he was made Trumpeter, serving with it through out the war. John E. Collins, the eldest of the two sons of George AA'. and Hetty (Polk) Collins, also entered the Union Army, en- 592 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN listing in the Twenty-third Pennyslvania Infantry. His com mission as Adjutant of the regiment bore date of Aug. 2, 1861. On Sept. 25, of the same year, he was transferred as First Lieu tenant to Company 4. On October 31, 1861, he resigned his office and went back to Missouri, where he assisted in raising the 8th Missouri Cavalry, of which he was commissioned Major on June 24, 1862. With this regiment he served in the AA'estern Department, attaining to the Colonelcy, and was mustered out of service on April 3, 1863. FAMILY OF COL. JOHN E. COLLINS. The record of Col. John E. Collins, as furnished by his son, Harry S. Collins, of St. Louis, is as follows : John Ephraim Collins, b. at Danville, Ky., July 30, 1831; married Emma Clarissa Tatum, of St. Louis, at AVoodbury, N. J., April 12, 1854. Emma Clarissa (Tatum) CoUins, b. Jan. 18, 1836, in St. Louis; d. Nov. 1, 1870, in Kansas City, Mo. COL. JOHN COLLINS' CHILDREN. 'Cora Emma Collins, b. in PhUadelphia, Pa., March 13, 1855; married in St. Louis AprU 23, 1877, Mathew Ryan Draper, of Dodge City, Kansas; d. in Dodge 'City, Nov. 2, 1881. 2May Collins, b. in St. Louis, Nov. 5, 1857; d. Nov. 33, 1857. ^Bertha Clara CoUins, b. in St. Louis, Sept. 33, 1859 ; mar ried Henry Lovell, of Billings, Montana; d. in Oakland, Cali fornia, March 33, 1887. He died in the winter of 1893. *Harry StUes Collins, b. in St. Louis, Dec. 33, 1861 ; mar ried Emma Matlock Murdock, Oct. 35, 1882. Residence, St. Louis. 'Joseph Tatum Collins, b. July 14, 1864; d. July 16, 1864. GRANDCHILDREN. Mabel Lucille Draper, b. Alarch 18, 1878; d. Oct. 9, 1878. Cora Edith Draper, b. Feb. 18, 1881, in Dodge City, Kan sas. Residence, Colorado Springs, Col. POLK F AMI LY AND KINSMEN 593 William Tatum Lovell, b. in Billings, Alontana, July 36, 1885. Living on his ranch in Wyoming. Willard's father, Matthew Ryan Draper, was horn in Cincinnati, O., and died Aug. 4, 1891, at Colorado Springs, where his daughter, Cora, by his first wife, and two other daughters by his second wife, reside. Roy Murdock Collins, son of Henry Stiles Collins, b. in Potosi, Mo., March 9, 1884. Residence, St. Louis. After the death of his first wife, Matthew Ryan Draper was married in 1886 to Sarah Watson Clark, by whom he had two children : 'Lulu Wilcox Draper, b. Sept. 7, 1887, in War saw, 111. ; ^Matthew Ryan Draper, b. Oct. 10, 1889, at Colorado Springs. The latter is also a girl, and being born only two months after her fathers death, she was named for him, but is called Mattie. Mrs. Lulu Wilcox Sawyer, a cousin of the second wife of Matthew Ryan Draper, was made executrix of the es tate and guardian of the children, and they all reside in Colo rado Springs. Cora Edith Draper, the only living child of Matthew Ryan Draper by his first wife, was a lovable and popular young woman of 'Colorado Springs, Col. She gew to woman hood and was educated there, graduating from the Colorado College in June, 1903, with the degree of Ph. B. She after wards took up kindergarten work and engaged in teaching it in a private school. She was an active member of the Woman's Club of her city and was made Secretary of the Art and Literature Department. Several years ago she joined the Catholic church and taking the veil, became a sister in the convent of that city. DESCENDANTS OF CLEMENT M. POLK. Clement Madison Polk (fifth son and ninth child of Eph raim Polk 3d, and Rhoda (Morris) Polk), was b. Sept. 14, 1808, at the old Polk place, at the head of Lain's Run, Scott County, Kentucky, and died at Springfield, 111., May 31, 1849. Like his brothers, Clement spent his boyhood on the farm, taking part in all its duties. After receiving the usual rudiments of 594 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN education in the schools of the neighborhood, he was appren ticed to "learn the art and trade of a printer," manifesting a preference for that occupation, as his brother Jefferson had done. He began his trade in a printing office at Georgetown, later going to Lexington, and thence to Danville. At the same time he commenced a regular system of reading and soon acquired a knowledge of history, political and general, and of literature and other departments of learning. Clement was an apt student and his mind readily grasped and assimilated all that came within its reach. Politically, he became an Emancipationist of the Cassius AL Clay school, but was op posed to forcible emancipation. In person Clement was th^ tallest of his father's family, measuring six feet two incnes. His brothers were also above the average, most of them six feet high and over. Some time after his brother Jefferson removed from Lex- mgton to Danville and purchased the Olive Branch, which he sold later to S. S. Dismukes in 1833 after conducting it for seven years, Clement also went there and was engaged on the paper. While a resident of Danville, Clement Polk was married, in 1835 to Mrs. Susan Ford Dinwiddle, nee Richardson, dau ghter of Tandy Richardson, of Jessamine County, whose wife was Lucy Burton, member of a prominent family of that county. CHILDREN OF CLEMENT POLK. The children of Clement AL and Susan (Dinwiddle) Polk, by this union, were : (1) James Burton Polk, b. , 1836; d. at DanvUle, Aug. 30, 1860. (3) Sarah Elizabeth Polk, b. , 1838 ; d. at Oskaloosa, Iowa, , 1871. (3) Charies Ephraim Polk, b. Dec. 6, 1839 ; d. at Petaluma, Cal., June 6, 1891. (4) Susan Caroline Polk, b. Feb. 3, 1843 at Springfield, 111., and d. in New York City, Jan. 30, 1908. POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 595 CHAS. E. POLK AND WIFE, son of Clement Polk, PO LK F AMI LY AND KINSMEN 597 (5) WiUiam Henry Polk, b. March 34, 1844; d. at Wat- sonville, Cal., Oct. 22, 1879. The three first named were born at Danville, Kentucky, the two last at Springfield, 111. Of the foregoing sons and daughters of Clement Polk and wife : Sarah Elizabeth, married in 1859, Isaac Hensley, of Greencastle, Ind., by whom she had a son, Charles P. Hens- ley, b. in 1860, residing at Burlington, Iowa. Isaac Hensley died in the army, in which he enlisted at the beginning of the Civil War. She married secondly Henry Henley of Rush County, Indiana, by whom she had issue: ^Alice, ^William, ^Mary, *Edward, 'Carrie, Josie. Their intermarriages and children are untraced, except Alice, who married Aimer Long. Charles Ephraim Polk, was married November 27, 1873, to Miss Josep'hine Thompson, daughter of James D. and Mary E. Thompson, of Petaluma, California. She was b. in that city, August 25, 1853. The children of this union were: (1) James K. Polk, h. October 23, 1874. Residence San Francisco. (2) Mary E. Polk, b. AprU 7, 1878; d. Alay 8, 1878. (3) Clement M. Polk, b. April 14, 1879; d. May 10, 1904. (4) Charles E. Polk, Jr., b. ; residence Burl ington, Iowa. (5) Edward Hubbert Polk, b. . (6) Ella S. Polk, b. . The four sons are all in' business at San Francisco. daughter of Susan C. Tatum and granddaughter of Clement Polk. Susan Caroline Polk was married February 4, 1866, to Charles Frederick Tatum, of St. Louis, Missouri. The Tatums were a prominent family of that city. They had issue: (1) Ella S. Tatum, b. February 14, 1867. (2) Frederick Tatum, b. , 1871 ; d. in infancy. (3) Charies Robyns Tatum, h. October 25, 1876. (4) Edward Hubbert Tatum, b. December 24, 1878. (5) Ruby Tatum, b. June 3, 1881. EUa S. Tatum was married April, 1886, to Walter Bishop Manny of St. Louis. Issue : 'Mildred Lucille Manny, b. July 21, 1887 ; d. March 3, 1888 ; ^Walter Roy Manny, b. Aug ust 26, 1890 ; ^Ralph Polk Manny, b. July 8, 1896. 598 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN Walter Roy Manny graduated at Yale College in 1910. Now at Cornell College. Ralph is a student at Hotchkiss School. Charles Robyns Tatum married in San Antonio-, Tex., in Nov., 1908, Mary B. Dalby. Residence, Berkeley, Ca;l. Issue: 'Chas. E., b. Aug., 1909; ^Mary Ella, b. Aug., 1910; ^David, b. Sept., 1912. Edward Hubbert Tatum graduated from Yale in 1900, later from Columbia Law School and in practice in New York City. He married June 3, 1908, Mary Brincherhoff, of that city. Ruby Tatum was married January 7, 1903, to LeRoy Brewster, of New York City. William Henry Polk (fifth child and third son of Clement AI. Polk), born at Springfield, Illinois, March 24, 1843, was married at Greencastle, Indiana, March 33, 1866, to Elizabeth Snider, b. September 15, 1845. She d. October 13, 1903, at AA^atsonville, California. They had issue : (1) Caroline Elizabeth Polk,, b. at Greencastle, Alarch 1, 1867. (2) Rhoda Florence Polk, b. at Oskaloosa, Iowa, April 30, 1869. (3) Charles AVilliam Polk, b. at Oskaloosa, October 12, 1871; d. October 7, 1902. (4) Maud Lula Polk, b. at AA'atsonville, California, No vember 11, 1876. Caroline Elizabeth Polk, the first child, was married De cember 21, 1887, at Santa Cruz, California, to Joseph Henry Card. They have one child, Elva Alerle Card, b. at AA'atson- ville, February 27, 1890. Their residence is Salinas City, Alonteray County, California. Rhoda Florence Polk married September 30, 1888, AA'allace L. Hoyt, of AVatsonville. Charies AA". and Lula are still single. CHARLES EPHRAIM POLK. Charles Ephraim Polk was born in Boyle County, Kentuc ky, December 6, 1839. In 1840, his father,Clement Madison Polk, emigrated to Springfield, Illinois, where he was engaged POLK F AMI LY AND KINSMEN 599 WALTER B. MANNY AND WIFE, ELLA TATUM MANNY, POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 601 both as a farmer and journalist till his death, which occurred in 1849. The subject of this sketch and his younger brother, then went to live with their uncle, Jehosephat Polk, in Scott County, Kentucky, where Charles spent his time working on the farm and going to school till he arrived at the age of fourteen. He was then apprenticed to Edward Clark, of Lex ington, Kentucky, to learn the watch and jewelry trade. Af ter working there for four years, he engaged with a larger house, that of Thos. G. Calvert, where he .remained tUl 1864. Business in the border States at that period was rather hazardous, owing to the Civil War then in progress, and Charles Polk determined to join some friends who were ahout to make a journey overland to California. The trip across the plains was a long and tedious one, and part of the way quite dangerous on account of the presence of the hostile Sioux Indians, who, when a favorable opportunity presented itself would attack and kill the emigrants and steal their stock. On July 12th Charles and his companions had a narrow es cape. A large band of savages were concealed in the bushes on Horseshoe creek, and attacked a train a little in advance of theirs, killing the men, six in number, destroying their wagons, and carrying off two women, and a little girl, and all the stock. The party reached Virginia, Nevada Territory, October 8th, where 'Charles remained about six weeks ; but not finding profitable employment, he pushed on to San Francisco. For four years he was connected with A. G. Medley, of that city, and on November 8, 1871, commenced on his own account the watch and jewelry trade at No. 35, Main Street, near English. Charles E. Polk, like his father, 'Clement M. Polk, was very tall, being about six feet two inches in height. Old citi zens of Lexington who knew him intimately say he was a man of fine intelligence, a great reader, especially of history, and universally esteemed by all. An evil star seemed to hover over the pathway of Clement Polk. In 1848 his wife fell sick and died. He brought her remains to Kentucky and interred them in the old Gillespie graveyard, near Danville. The Gil lespie's were her kinsmen. After the burial of his wife's re mains in Kentucky, Clement returned to Illinois. Seven months 602 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN later he too was stricken, dying Alay 2, 1849. The remains of Clement Polk were interred in the Springfield cemetery. At the time of Clement's death his brother, Jehosephat (Hosea) Polk, was a resident of Indiana, to which state he had emigrated for the purpose of securing cheap lands on which to raise hemp. Receiving intelligence of the death and burial of his brothe rClement, Hosea Polk drove from Indi ana to Springfield, Illinois, secured the children and brought them back to his home. The eldest son, James Burton, emi grated to Arkansas, engaging there in the book trade. He died in 1860, while on a visit to Danville. Sarah and her sis ter were educated at the schools of Danville, the former re turning to Indiana, where she married. Susan Caroline also went to Arkansas and made her home with her Uncle B. F. Richardson, a planter, where she remained during the Civil AVar and until married. Her sons are graduates of leading colleges and her daughters beautiful and accomplished wo men. Just before the outbreak of the CivU War William H. Polk, son of Clement AL Polk, went to Indiana, where he en listed in the Twenty-second Indiana, a heavy artillery, which saw such service in the Southern campaigns. By reason of- his conspicuous gallantry in battle, AA'illiam rose to the rank of Captain of his battery. Ill health, however, compelled him to quit the service before the end of the conflict and he re moved to California with the purpose of trying to benefit his health. Those who served with him in the army all unite in saying that he was a man of distinguished bravery. DESCENDANTS OF GILEAD POLK. Gilead Polk (sixth son and tenth child of Ephraim 3d and Rhoda (Morris) Polk) was born at the old Polk home stead, in Scott County, August 10, 1810, and died suddenly of heart disease at Midway, Woo-dford County, in April, 1855, He attended the neighborhood school, taught in a log school- house near his home, and being an apt student, acquired a knowledge of reading, writing, arithmetic, geography and grammar. AA'hen eighteen years of age, Gilead was appren- PULK FAMILY AND K INS M E N 603 EDW, HUBBERT TATUM, son of Susan C. Tatum. POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 605 ticed to learn the trade of architecture, building, and bridge construction. He planned and built some of the finest old Colonial residences in Kentucky during the middle of the last century, and was especially skilled in bridge building. Some of the most noted bridges across Elkhorn and its tributaries were planned and built by him, and many of them are still in use, though erected nearly three quarters of a century ago. Gilead Polk's first wife was Marietta Givins, a daughter of John Givens, a farmer of Harrison County, who resided near Jacksonville, and whose wife was. a Miss Craig, member of a prominent pioneer family. Her kinsman, Capt. John Craig, commanded the defenders of Bryan's Station when it was 'besieged in August, 1782, by British Canadians and Indians. John Givins'. father, Alajor Alexander Givins, came trom Virginia to Kentucky in pioneer days and settled in Harrison, then a part of Bourbon County. John Givins was a member of the Kentucky Legislature in 1817. Gilead Polk and Marietta Givins were married in the winter of 1836. To them was born one child, Ephraim, who died in infancy. Marietta also died, two years after marriage, in 1838. Gilead Polk's second wife was .Margaret Ann John son, (born July 27, 1815, died -October 11, 1851), daughter of Joseph and Ann (Alexander) Johnson (b. 1789, d. 1850) of Newtown, .Scott County, Kentucky. Joseph Johnson was born in Virginia. He was a soldier in the war of 1813, and was wounded in the head and arm, at the battle of the Thames. His wife Ann, whom he married in 1817, was a daughter of WiUiam Alexander, Sr., who also came from Virginia to- Fayette County, Kentucky, about 1786. The latter's wife was Margaret Creswell, of Maryland. Her family came to Kentucky about the time the Alexanders did, settling near Bryan's Station in Fayette. CHILDREN OF GILEAD POLK. The children of Gilead and Margaret (Johnson) Polk were: (1) Ann Eliza Polk, b. March 36, 1841 ; d. September 13, 1851. 606 POLK F AMI LY AND KINSMEN (3) William Harrison Polk, b. March 4, 1843; residence Lexington, Ky. (3) Theodore Clay Polk, b. January 6, 1845 ; residence Denver Colorado. (4) John Knox Polk, h. August 35, 1847; d. July 37, 1912, at Los Angeles, Cal. (5) Mary Hester Polk, b. January 13, 1850; d. February 5, 1850. (6) Malvina Alice Polk, b. May 20, 1851; d. October 7, 1851. Alargaret (Johnson) Polk d. October 9, 1851, only two days after the death of the last named child. Her husband, Gilead Polk, d. suddenly of heart disease, four years later, April — , 1855, leaving his three sons to the guardianship of his brother Daniel Polk. Of the sisters of Margaret (Johnson) Polk, two of them married brothers named Walker. Jane Johnson (b. October 22, 1825, d. March 9, 1854), married William A. Walker, a woolen manufacturer of Leesburg, Ky. They had three child ren, Joseph, ^Mattie, ^William. Joseph Walker married Buena Lail, and had a number of children, and moved to the Indian Territory. Mattie AValker, a very handsome woman, married P. P. Cummins, for many years a merchant of Lees burg, and later a banker and farmer. They have no issue. William Walker, Jr., d. in early youth. Amanda Fitzallen Johnson (b. March 23, 1827, d. March 24, 1851), married John Lyle Walker, of Paris, brother of William, by whom she had two children, Jennie and Joseph. Jennie b. May 3, 1846, was married in 1864 to Newton B. Rion, Jr., of Paris, and d. October 4, 1866, without issue. Joseph Walker (b. 1848), second child of John L. and Amanda Fitz allen AValker (called "Little Joe," to distinguish him from his cousin "Big Joe," son of Wm. A. AValker), married Lizzie PuUen, second daughter of B. F. PuUen, Mayor of Paris. They had two children, Frank and Bessie. The latter d. in child hood. Frank is a prominent business man of Paris. He mar ried, , and has issue. The Walker brothers, Wm. A. and John L., were sons of Joseph AA'alker, Sr., and his wife (a McPheeters), who emi- POLK FAMILY AND KI N S M E N 607 CHAS, W, POLK AND SISTER MAUD, children of Wm, H, Polk of Pelatuma, Cal, P O LK F AM I LY AND KINSMEN 609 grated to Kentucky, from Augusta County, Va., in pioneer days. Bettie Johnson (b. June 9, 1831, d. July 9, 1860), sister of Margaret Johnson Polk, was considered one of the hand somest woman in Bourbon County; as beautiful in character as she was fair in person, she was a universal favorite. Coming to Paris in 1828, John Lyle Walker learned the trade of printer, in- the office of the "Western Citizen," a pa per founded in 1808, and which, after the Civil War, was con solidated with "The True Kentuckian" and the name changed to "The Kentuckian-Citizen." This is the oldest newspaper of continuous circulation in Kentucky, or in the West. John L. Walker purchased an interest in the paper and printing office, and for a period -of nearly forty years he and his partner, Wm. C. Lyle, conducted it. The latter was suc cessor of his father, Rev. John Lyle, who fo-unde-d the paper. 610 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN CHAPTER LXIL THE JOHNSON FAMILY. The record of the Johnson family is incomplete, as to some of the dates of marriages and deaths. The names of the children of Joseph and Ann (Alexander) Johnson, and the years of their birth, are as follows : Joseph Johnson, b. about 1785 ; d. 1846. Ann Alexander, b, 1789; d. at Paris, Kentucky, Alay 21, 1850. Joseph John son and Ann Alexander were married in 1816. Their children were : (1) Zarada Johnson, b. 1817; d. 1830. (2) Louann Johnson, b. 1819; d. July 14, 1873. (3) Robert Johnson, b. 1831 ; d. . (4) WiUiam Harrison Johnson, b. 1833 ; d. . (5) Alary Prudence Johnson, b. 1824; d. November 2, 1843. (6) Eliza Jane Johnson, b. October 22, 1817 ; d. March 9, 1854, (7) Apaulean Johnson, b. 1826 ; d. October 12, 1843. (8) Margaret Ann Johnson, b. 1827; d. October 9, 1851. (9) Amanda Fitzallen Johnson, b. Alarch 33, 1838; d. Alarch 34, 1851. (10) John Johnson, b. , 1839; d. , 1874. (11) Bettie Johnson, b. June 9, 1831 ; d. July 9, 1860. (12) Malvina Curry Johnson, h. , 1837; d. "May , 1904. John L. AValker, b. January 22, 1807; d. Alarch 19, 1873. William A. AValker, b. September 22, 1805; d. April 19, 1878. William Walker, Jr., son of AA'm, A, AA'alker, b. January 28, 1854; d. October IL 1864. Jennie (Walker) Rion, b. May 3, 1846 ; d. October 4, 1866. Joseph Walker, son of Jno. L. AA'alker, b. , 1848; d, . POLK FAMILY AND KIN S M E N 611 Bessie A. AA'alker, daughter of Joseph AA'alker, b. Novem ber 29, 1871; d. July 10, 1871. THE ALEXANDER FAMILY. The Alexanders were a 'prominent family of Bourbon County, one of whom was the late -Charlton Alexander, Sr., a wealthy and influential financier and large land owner, who for many years was Cashier of the Paris Branch Northern Bank of Kentucky. AA'illiam Alexander, Sr., father of Ann (Alex ander), Johnson, mother of Gilead Polk's second wife, was a manufacturer of hemp rope and bagging for cotton baling, shipping it South in large quantities. William Harrison John son was also a large manufacturer of hemp at Paris. Another prominent member of the family was AVilliam W. Alexander, son of William Alexander, Jr. William AA'. Alexander married Jane Stamps, his cousin, daughter of Wm. Stamps, and a niece of Jefferson Davis, President of the Con federate States, to whom she bore a most striking resemblance. William W Alexander was a brilliant lawyer and noted ad vocate at the Paris Bar. THE HOLLADAY FAMILY. William HoUiday, son of Capt. John HoUiday emigrated to- Kentucky about 1795, settling in Fayette County, where, shortly after, was born to him a son, Thomas Holladay. While the latter was quite a youth the War of 1812 commenced and he and his brother, AVilliam Holladay, Jr., enlisted in the army. The HoUadays were intermarried in Virginia with the Lewis, Littlepage and Hawes families. Major Lewis Holla day (b. 1751), served through the Revolution. Lewis Little- page, going to Spain with the United States Minister, quitted the Legation, joined the Spanish army, and took part in the siege of Gibralter. Later he fought against the Turks. In the conquest of Poland by Russia, he sided with Poland and was made a General by King Stanislaus. He was private secretary to that monarch when dethroned. That Stenislaus loved him as a son, is shown by a letter, a copy of which is in possession of this writer. 612 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN Col. Samuel Hawes, of the 4th Va. Continentals, received a grant of 4,200 acres of land in Bourbon County. His daughter married Capt. Robt. B'uckner, and the latter's daughter, Char lotte Buckner, married Thomas Holladay, grandfather of Mrs. AA'm. H. Polk, of Lexington, Ky. On this large tract, at the old Holladay mansion, Mary Holladay, mother of Mrs. Polk, was born. Thomas HoUaday's brother, Benjamin Holladay, went to Utah as an army contractor in- the 50's with Col. Albert Sid ney Johnson's army. He made a large fortune in the West and founded the Overland Stage Line and Pony Express. He built the Portland & California Railroad, established a steam ship line, and engaged largely in mining. John Buckner Hol laday, son of Thomas Holladay, was a Major in Col. Ezekiel Clay's Kentucky regiment, C. S. A., and after the war served several terms as sheriff of Bourbon County. He married Sally M-organ, of Carlisle, Ky., and left issue : 'Lulu, ^Lottie, ^Katy, * Bruce, 'Mayme. Lula married John Miller and died. The others live at Paris, Ky. FAMILY OF WILLIAM H. POLK. William Harrison Polk (eldest son of Gilead Polk), was married September 24, 1867, to Charlotte Buckner Talbutt, oldest daughter of Col. Jesse H. Talbutt and his wife, Mary (Holladay) Talbutt, of "Th^ Meadows," near Lexington. Col. Jesse H. Talb'utt's father, Charles Talbutt, Sr., was a noted hotel keeper at Paris, Ky., in the early part of the last century, and represented his county in the Kentucky Legislature in 1848. The Talbutt famUy was one of the largest in Bourbon County, their ancestors coming in pioneer days from Virginia. Chas Talbutt's son, Dr. Chas. Talbutt, a surgeon in the Con federate Army, married Iva Wharton, daughter of Gen'l Thos. J. Wharton, Attorney General of Mississippi. Jesse H. Talbutt, father of Mrs. Wm. H. Polk, though a strong Whig and residing in a Democratic county, on account of his great popularity was elected several times to the office of Sheriff of Bourbon County. He accumulated a fortune POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 613 MARY (POLK) BOULDIN AND WM. C. POLK, children of W. H, Polk, Lexington, Ky, PO LK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 615 in trade, at Paris and in Cincinnati. After the war he pur chased the beautiful old Elisha Warfield estate, "The Aleadows," near Lexington, which he lost by security debts for others. To Wm. H. Polk and his wife, Chariotte Buckner (T^L butt) Polk, were born seven children, viz: (1) Jesse Talbutt Polk, b. September 23, 1868; residence Lexington, Ky. (3) William Clay Polk, b. December 10, 1870 ; residence Lexington, Ky. (3) John Early Polk, b. August 35, 1873; d. January 18, 1895. (4) Tasker Polk, b. November 25, 1875 ; residence AVash ington. D. C. (5) Mary Alice Polk, b. August 2, 1879 ; d. February 27, 1910. (6) Lillie Bryan Polk, b. December 23, 1881 ; residence Lexington, Ky. (7) Margaret Polk, b. August 4, 1884; d. September 11, 1888. William Clay Polk was married to Eva Miller, of Irvine, Kentucky, February 6, 1904. Their first child, Mary B., b. October 9, 1904, d. in infancy. Their second. Myrtle Lee, was b. September 3, 1911. John Early Polk was married June 16, 1892, to Lin-da B. Wooldridge, of Versailles, Ky., daughter of John Major Wool dridge, a prominent lawyer. They had one child, a son, Mau rice Wooldridge Polk, b. March 30, 1893. He is a student at Center College, Danville, Ky., and 'his mother resides in Col orado. John Early Polk d. at Houston, Texas, January 18, 1895, from injuries received in a fall down an elevator shaft. Mary Alice Polk was married April 8, 1903, to Powhattan Wooldridge Bouldin, a son of Col. David Bouldin, of the Confederate Army. Col. Bouldin was one of the pioneers of Sedalia, Mo. His wife was a sister of John Major Wooldridge, father of Linda B. Wooldridge, wife of John Early Polk. Mary (Polk) Bouldin had no issue. Tasker Polk (youngest son of WiUiam H. Polk), was married November 8, 1904, to Corinne Curtis, of Fayette 616 POLK F AM I LY AND KINSMEN County. He resides in AA'ashington City. They have one child, Henry Tasker Polk, b. July 39, 1908. Tasker was a member of Company C, (of Lexington), Second Kentucky In fantry, and enlisted with it in the Spanish-American AA'ar. The Kentucky troops were mobilized at Lexington, and pro ceeded to camp at Chicamauga battlefield, near Chattanooga, to await orders for transfer to Cuba, which orders were never issued. The services of the regiment not being needed, it was mustered -out at Lexington. The other living children of AA'm. H. Polk, Jesse T., and Lillie B., are unmarried and reside with their parents at Lex ington, Ky. POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 617 CHAPTER LXIIL WILLIAM H. POLK. WUliam Harrison Polk (second child and eldest son of Gilead and Margaret (Johnson) Polk), b. Alarch 4, 1843, spent his hoyhood mostly at school, in Midway, and after the deith of his parents was taken by his guardian to Illinois, where he resided until 1861. When Fort Sumpter was fired on, William, like all excit able, patriotic youths, enlisted in the army, making three at tempts before he succeeded. He joined Company D., 31st Ills. Inft. -This company was from Tuscola, Douglas County, and was commanded by Capt. James E. Calloway. The 31st was a three months regiment, whose Colonel was David S. G-oode, a Kentuckian and ex-soldier of the Mexican War, and of Walker's Nicaraugua Expedition. The 31st was mustered into the three m-onths service at Mattoon, in April, 1861. Ii was then taken to Springfield, where it was mustered June 14 for a term of 'three years, or during the war." Its new Colonel was Captain U. S. Grant, then a Mustering Officer on the staff of Governor Yates. Col. Grant, after drilling the regiment diligently, punishing all infractions, and well disciplining his men, marched to Quincy, Illinois, where it crossed the Miss issippi into North Missouri. There it campaigned for several months and then went to Ironton, in Southeast Missouri, cam paigning in that section and down into Arkansas. Its first "baptism of fire" was at the battle of Fredericktown, October 31, 1861, where the Confederates were defeated. During his services in the army Wm. H. Polk was never off duty a day or wounded, though he had some "close calls." The last two years 'of his service -he was detailed as body guard and also as orderly to generals Jeff. C. Davis and Davis S. Stanley, division commanders, and was chiefly em ployed as a bearer of messages in camp, on the march, and in battles. The 31st Ills, having completed its term of ser- 618 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN vice, came back from the front, and was mustered out at Chattanooga, and paid off at Louisville. And when the regi ment started to Illinois for disbandment, William left it and proceeded to his "Old Kentucky Home," where he was in troduced to his two brothers and kinsmen. Not long after ward he was appointed clerk in the Paris post office, and short ly after, -on recommendation of President Andrew Johnson and General U. S. Grant, was made postmaster. He was reap pointed after the latter became President, but resigned and went to Kansas, and thence to Sherman, Texas, taking the position -of City Editor on the staff -of the Sherman Daily Register. After three years experience in Texas journalism he re turned to Kentucky, and took the position of City Editor on the Lexington Daily Transcript. Shortly afterwards he was made Managing Editor. Some months later he purchased the Daily Transcript, in partnership with Major P. P. Johnston, an ex-Confederate officer of Lee's Army, continuing as Man aging Editor. Selling his interest to his partner, he founded The Evening News. He next sold his interest in that paper and went back to the staff of the Daily Transcript. In boom days he founded The Middlesboro Daily Democrat. By the collapse of the big boom, his enterprise was swamped, along with others. Returning to Lexington, he purchased The Drummer and tried to conduct a "funny paper." Exhausting his stock of "fun" which did not produce any deaths from laughter among his subscribers, he launched the Weekly Globe, and later the Weekly Observer. Heavy competition induced him to suspend his publications and he went on the staff of the Daily Leader. In July, 1908, he "reformed the error of his ways," and quit journalism to engage in literary work. POLK F AMI LY .AN D KINSMEN 619 ^'i^ 1. THEODORE C, POLK JR„ 2, THOS. BARLOW POLK, sons of Theodore C, Polk Sr. 3. JAMES WILLIAMS, Chief Turret Capt. U. S, N., grandson of Theodore C, Polk Sr, 4, MARGARET WILLIAMS, granddaughter of Theodore C, Polk Sr. POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 621 CHAPTER LXIA\ FAMILY OF THEODORE C. POLK. Theodore Clay Polk (second son of Gilead Polk), was married September 9, 1867, to Maggie Hart Barlow, of Mid way, Kentucky, second daughter of Capt. Milton Barlow, an officer who served in the Confederate Army. She died at Den ver, Colo., January 1, 1911. CHILDREN OF THEODORE CLAY POLK. Theodore Clay and Alaggie (Barlow) Polk had issue : (1) Lottie Barlow Polk, b. December 38, 1868; living at Denver, Colorado. (2) William Milton Polk, b. October 35, 1870; living at Denver, Colorado. (3) John Alilton Polk, b. February 9, 1874; d. Alarch 39, 1907. (4) Theodore Clay Polk, Jr., b. February 8, 1876 ; living at Goldfield, Colorado. (5) Milton Barlow Polk, b. , 1878; d. in child hood, at Great Bend, Kansas. (6) James Knox Polk, b. August 10, 1883 ; living in Den ver. (7) Thos. Barlow Polk, b. August 26, 1886; real estate Agent, Seattle, Washington. (8) Archie Duncan Polk, b. ; d. in infancy. Lottie Barlow Polk was twice married ; first on March 23, 1887, to George Williams, of Denver, a son of Dr. Malcomb Williams of New Orleans. They had two children : 'James Malcomb WiUiams, b. January 29, 1888 ; ^Marguerite Barlow Williams, b. December 17, 1890. Lottie B. married secondly James Husk, of Denver, and they reside in that city. James Malcomb WiUiams served as an Apprentice in the 622 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN United States Navy. He enlisted a second time, was pro- m'oted to the position of Chief Turret Captain, U. S. Navy. Enlisting with him at the same time, and serving on the same ships, was his uncle, Thos. Barlow Polk, only two years his elder. Thomas Polk was married September 36, 1907, after quit ting the Navy, to Miss Carita Nedrey, of Denver. They have one child, Margaret Esther Polk, b. June 37, 1909. Theodore C. Polk, Jr., (son of Theodore C. Polk, Sr.), was twice married. His first wife, to whom he was united February 8, 1876, was Miss Viola Brown, of Denver; no issue. His second wife was a widow, Mrs. Emma WUliams, of the same city. They live at Cripple Creek, Colorado. John MUton Polk (son of Theodore C. and Maggie Bar low Polk), a splendid and handsome young man, who measur ed six feet two inches, enlisted in the Colorado Heavy Artil lery, in the Spanish-American War. His regiment saw hard service in the P,'hUippines. At the close -of the war he returned to Colorado and settled at Pueblo. AVhile ascending a stair way he accidentally dropped a pistol, which was -discharged, producting a mortal wound from which he died. He was Drill Master of several secret orders having a military corps. Marguerite Barlow Williams (daughter of Geo. W. Will iams and Lottie Barlow Polk), married in 1910 Dr. Caypless, and afterwards, in September, 1913, to Frederick Lewis Sam uels of Denver. THEODORE C. POLK. Theodore Clay Polk, after the emigration of his bro'ther William H. Polk, to Illinois, continued for several years to reside with his. Uncle Daniel. At the beginning of the Civil War, he enlisted in Captain Daniel Garrard's Company F., Twenty-second Kentucky Infantry, Col. Daniel W. Lindsay. The battalion of which company F. formed a part was sent to Camp Swigert, in Greenup County, Eastern Kentucky, where other companies from that section were added until the regi ment was completed. The regiment then joined the division of Gen'l James A. Garfield, operating in the Big Sandy Val- POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 623 JOHN MILTON POLK, Denver, Col,, son of Theodore C. Polk Sr, POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 625 ley. It took part in the battle of Aliddle Creek and other en gagements. It then went to Cumberland Gap and joined the division -of Gen'l Geo. W. Morgan, assisting in fortifying the Gap. Here they remained until Bragg started from Chatta nooga on his invasion -of Kentucky, in August, 1863. From Cumberland Gap, Morgan's Division proceeded to AA'est Vir ginia, campaigned there for some time, after which it was ordered South, going by steamers to Memphis. Joining Gen eral Sherman's forces, it was in the campaign on the Yazoo and at Chickasaw Bayou. In assaulting the enemy's works at Hayne's Bluff, the Twenty-second lost heavily. Among the killed was Capt. Garrard of Theodore C. Polk's Company. Lt. Col. Monroe and a number of other ofl&cers were wounded. Theodore C. Polk was also severely wounded by a ball through the right groin and hip. Falling, when shot, he placed his knapsack in front of his head to protect it, and several balls lodged in the folded blanket. He laid under fire for several hours, until night permitted of his removal from the field. Taken to Paducah, Kentucky, Theodore lay in hospital for nearly a year, and in February, 1863, he was discharged from the service. After recovery Theodore entered a dry goods store at Frankfort, later engaging as a traveling salesman with a Philadelphia house. In March, 1873, he removed to Great Bend, Kansas, where he located a land claim, and was elected the first District Clerk of Barton County, serving as such for several years, then resigned, sold his farm, and engaged in the commission business at Colorado Springs. Retiring from this, he went to Denver. He now resides in that State. FAMILY OF JOHN KNOX POLK. John Knox Polk (b. August 35, 1847), third and youngest son of Gilead and Margaret (Johnson) Polk, after the death of his father lived for several years with his uncle and guar dian, Daniel Polk. He attended the public schools of Frank fort, acquiring a good education, after which he entered a store in that city, where he continued for several years. He was but fourteen years of age when the Civil War began, too 626 POLK F AM I LY AND KINSMEN young to enlist as a soldier. Zealous, however, to enter the service in some capacity, he sought and obtained a position in the Quartermaster's Department, at Lexingto-n, then mili tary headquarters for the Federal forces in Kentucky, where he continued until the close of the war. After the war John settled in Paris, Kentucky, where his oldest brother resided, and engaged as salesman in a shoe store. Later he was made U. S. Storekeeper in the Revenue service. While a resident of that city he was married, August 29, 1872, to Miss Amanda Burford, a handsome young lady of Harrodsburg. The result of this union was four children, viz : 'Davis H. Polk, b. September 4, 1873 ; ^Effie Polk, b. ; ^Howard Polk, b. ; *Percy Polk, b. . While the family resided in Kansas City, the eldest son, Davis H. Polk, clerked in the post-office for several years, at the same time taking up the study of medicine. After grad uation from the Medical College -of that city, he began prac tice. At the outbreak of the Spanish-American W'ar he was appointed to the position of Contract Surgeon at the Presido, near San Francisco, where he remained during the war, minis tering to the sick and w-ounded. Effie, only daughter of John Knox and Amanda (Burford) Polk, was educated at Kansas City. After graduation she was appointed to the position of teacher in one of the city schools. SARAH ATKINS AND EPHRAIM POLK, 5TH. Sarah Polk (next to the youngest child of Ephraim and Rhoda (Morris) Polk), b. June 21, 1812, removed to Liberty, Indiana, about 1830 with her sister. Airs. Polly AA'olf. She was married to a gentleman named Atkins, and had one daughter. The latter was married and had a son named John, born about 1862, but the writer is informed that all of them are now dead. Ephraim Polk 5th (twelfth and youngest child of Ephraim and Rhoda (Morris) Polk) was b. at the old Polk place in Scott County, August 10, 1814. Going to Springfield, lUniois, to reside with his brother Clement, he died there unmarried. on September 3, 1840. PO LK F AMI LY AND KINSMEN 627 MRS. SARAH (POLK) ATKINS, Liberty, Ind., daughter of Ephraim Polk 3d. POLK F AMI LY AND KINSMEN 629 CHAPTER LXV. DESCENDANTS OF JEHOSEPHAT POLK. Jehosephat Polk (or Hosea as he was generally called), fifth child and second son of Ephraim, 3d, and Rhoda (Morris) Polk, was born at the old homestead on Lain's Run, Scott County, Kentucky, May 3, 1800, and died at Clifton Farm, near Spring Station, Woodford County, Oct. 25, 1864. The child preceding Hosea, Ephraim, b. in 1798, was drowned in 1801 in a large spring near the house. This death leaving Hosea the eldest son, and his father dying in 1814, as he grew to manhood he was accorded the management of the farm by his mother and attended to her business affairs. Soon after the death of Ephraim Polk, 3d, his widow Rhoda, heing of Quaker stock and opposed, like all Quakers, to slavery, set free her slaves and placed her sons at trades, two hecoming printers, several architects and builders, and Hosea a cabinetmaker. This trade he plied with great vigor and acquired a considerable competence. He then bought a farm near Oxford, Scott County, and soon became known as the most successful planter in Kentucky, making a specialty of raising and water rotting hemp for the Southern cotton planters use in baling cotton, and for ship cordage. He also established a bagging factory and rope walk and when at the pinnacle of success lost all by security debts for others. Having such a great reputation as a farmer, and as a man of great business capacity, Hosea accepted the position of general manager, for Robt. A. Alexander, -of the extensive Woodburn Farms in AA'oodford County, which position he still occupied at the time of his -death Oct. 25, 1864. In 1840 Hosea, hefore he lost all hy security endorsements, sold his farm and bought the Peak farm, near Georgetown, in order to have his children convenient to colleges. AVhile liv ing there his sons and daughters entered the colleges and grad uated therefrom in due course. 630 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN In 1822 Hosea Polk married Sarah Jane Moore, daughter of James Moore, Sr., of the same neighhorhood, a family from Virginia. Hosea's wife, like himself, was a person of great energy and 'business ability, an ideal wife, mother and mana ger of the home. She was 'born Oct. 12, 1795 and died March 1, 1883, in S. Pasadena, California. The remains were brought to Kentucky and interred beside those of her hus'band in Georgetown cemetery. FAMILY OF HOSEA AND SALLY POLK. The children born to Jehosephat and Sarah J. (Moore) Polk were : (1) Marcellus Polk, b. Jan. 11, 1834, d. Sept. 11, 1885 at St. Joseph, Mo. (2) Sally Ann Polk, b. Aug. 19, 1825; married June 4, 1846 to Joseph G. Deming, of Edinburg, Ind. (3) James E. Polk, h. Aug. 16, 1827, d. June 16, 1808. (4) Melissa Polk, h. July 21, 1829 ; married Edw. AL Hub bert, Sept. 9, 1852. (5) Jefferson Scott Polk, b. Feb. 18, 1831, d. Nov. 3, 1907. (6) Mary Susan Polk, b. Nov. 29, 1833, d. Dec. 1910 at Orange, Cal. (7) Elizaheth Jane Polk, b. April 3, 1836, d. Jan. 1, 1843. (8) Margaret Polk, b. June 29, 1839, d. March 2, 1909, at Los Angeles, Cal. INTERMARRIAGES. On June 4, 1846, Sally Ann Polk to Jos. G. Deming, of Edinburg, Ind. On March 4, 1852, Jas. E. Polk to Margaret Y. Payne, of Lexington, Ky. On Sept. 9, 1852, Melissa Polk to Edward AL Hubbert, of Edinburg, Ind. POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 631 JEHOSEPHAT POLK, son of Ephraim Polk, 3d, and his wife Sally Ann Polk, POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 633 On Oct. — , 1853, Marcellus Polk to Ella G. Samuell. On Jan. 25, 1854, Jefferson Scott Polk to Julia A. Herndon. On Sept. 9, 1867, at New Albany, Ind., Mary S. Polk to Rev. Alexander Parker, of Connersville, Ind. On Aug. 13, 1875, at Columbus, Ind., Margaret Polk to O. R. Dougherty, of Indianapolis. MARCELLUS POLK'S FAMILY. Marcellus Polk, eldest child and son of Hosea and Sarah J. (Moore) Polk, was married Nov. 10, 1853 to EUa G. Samuell, of Scott County, and to them were born eleven children, viz : (1) Nannie Polk, b. Aug. 12, 1854, d. unmarried, July 11, 1877. (2) James Scott Polk, b. AprU 16, 1856; married Olivia Ford, of St. Joseph, April 9, 1885. (3) Wm. Barber Polk, b. Sept. 1, 1857; married Lillian Stewart, of St. Joseph, May 8, 1883. (4) Sallie Polk, h. July 7, 1859. (5) Ella Offut Polk, b. Feh. 33, 1861; married Wm. H. Brown, of St. Joseph, Feh. 5, 1884. (6) Samuel Polk, b. Dec. 35, 1863; married Josephine Wakefield, of Savannah, Mo., Oct. 29, 1890. (7) Maggie Polk, b. Dec. 8, 1864, married Thos. W. Pack, of St. Joseph, Dec. 29, 1886. (8) Edmonia W. Polk, b. March 34, 1866, d. June 35, 1883 at St. Joseph. (9) Melissa Hubbert Polk, b. June 10, 1868 ; married July 13, 1893, Rohert C. Whittinghall, of St. Joseph. (10) Mary Lou Polk, b. Dec. 7, 1869. (11) Lillie Belle Polk, b. Sept. 35, 1871. All these children were born at Georgetown, Ky., SKETCH OF MARCELLUS POLK. Marcellus Polk was raised on the farm and took an active part in all its work and duties, attending school during the fall and winter months. After his father purchased the Peak 634 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN farm near Georgetown, Alarcellus entered Georgetown College and his sister Sally Ann attended Aliss Tuck's Female Semi nary, both graduating with honors of their classes. After graduation, Marcellus accepted the position of tutor to the children of Col June AVard, who, 'besides a splendid Kentucky home, owned a large plantation at Lake Washing ton, Miss., at which latter place Marcellus conducted most of his work while a tutor. He next returned to Kentucky and read law under Hon. Jas. F. Robinson, later Governor of Ken tucky. AVhile so employed he was offered the chair of Mathe matics in a college at Shelbyville, Ky., 'but deciding to stick to the legal profession opened a law office in Georgetown, se curing a large practice. He was also devoted to farming, adjoining the town. A few years after the Civil War, he re moved to Winterset, Iowa, and later in 1884 to St. Joseph, Mo., w'here he practiced law until he died in Sept., 1885. Marcellus Polk's wife, nee Ella Samuell, was from -one of the leading 'pioneer families of Scott County, a handsome, lov able woman and devoted mother, and with her children she still lives at St. Joseph, Mo. SARAH A. DEMING'S FAMILY. Sarah (Sally) Ann Polk (second child of Hosea Polk), b. Aug. 19, 1835, was married June 4, 1846 to Joseph G. Deming, of Edinburg, Ind., and they had issue : (1) Mary Alelissa Deming, h. Alarch 9, 1847, d. Sept. 1, 1859. (3) Cornelia Florence Deming, b. Jan. 18, 1849; married June 13, 1879 to Rev. H. L. Nave. (3) Zannetta C. Deming, b. Alarch 11, 1851, d. Feh. 4, 1853. (4) Marcellus G. Deming, b. Jan. 3, 1853 ; married 1st in 1887 to Hattie Rowley, who d. March 30, 1889 ; 3nd May 19, 1893 to Ida Landis. (5) Joseph J. Deming, b. Sept. 33, 1854; married Aug. 1, 1881 to Nettie Morey. POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 635 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 637 SARAH ANN DEMING AND HUSBAND, JOSEPH G. DEMING, daughter of Hosea and Sally Polk, POLK F AM I LY AND KINSMEN 639 (6) Margaret Deming, h. Feb. 4, 1856, d. . (7) James E. Deming, b. Sept. 9, 1858, d. March 31, 1878. (8) Charles Deming, h. April 6, 1863, d. July 8, 1863. (9) Janie Polk Deming, b. May 6, 1864. (10) Julia H. Deming, b. Aug. 13, 1866. By his second wife, Ida Landis, MarceUus G. had issue: 'Miriam, b. June, 1895 ; ^Dorothy, b. March, 1900. Joseph Jefferson Deming and wife had issue: 'Horace; ^Jane; ^George and *Edward, twins. Cornelia Florence (Deming) Nave had issue: (1) Marcellus Deming Nave, h. April 3, 1880. (3) Henry Dewey Nave, b. April 13, 1881. (3) Kari Kondit Nave, h. Oct. 1, 1883. (4) Mary Grace Nave, b. April 6, 1885, d. April 9, 1900. JAMES E. POLK. James Ephraim Polk, third child and second son of Hosea Polk, -b. Aug. 16, 1837, on attaining manhood entered the mer cantile business at Lexington, Ky., where his affable manners made him many friends. Later he 'became a partner in the wholesale drygoods house of McAlpin, Polk & Hibbard, Cin cinnati, amassing a fortune. Selling his interest, he' and his wife went to Europe and lived for a numher of years in France. Returning to America, he lost a fortune on Wall street. James married March 4, 1853, Miss Alargaret Y. Payne, of Lexington, Ky., daughter of Judge Henry Payne, but they had no issue. She died June 39, 1901, in New York City, and he 1908 at Des Moines, Iowa, at the home of his hrother, Jeffer son S. Polk. The remains of both were entombed in his family vault in Lexington, Ky., cemetery. FAMILY OF EDWARD M. AND MELISSA HUBBERT. Edward M. Huhbert, h. Sept. 35, 1838, at Martinsburg, N. Y. Melissa, b. in Scott County, Ky., July 31, 1839. Their children were: (1) James E. Hubbert, h. at Georgetown, Ky., July 17, 1853. 640 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN (3) Charles H. Hubbert, b. in New Albany, Ind., Feb. 8, 1856. (3) Cornelia LIubbert, b. at New Albany, Ind., Oct. 31, 1858. (4) Mary Hubbert, b. at New Albany, Ind., March 1, 1863. (5) Marc Huhbert, b. at New Albany, Ind., Nov. 35, 1864. (6) EUa Polk Hubhert, b. at New Albany, Ind., Jan. 11, 1867. MARRIAGES. At New Albany, Ind., Oct. 5, 1880, James E. Hubbert to Libbie B. Gorsuch. At Birmingham, Ala., April 30, 1884, Thos. O. Smith to Cornelia Hubbert. At Louisville, Ky., July 5, 1888, Alarc Huhbert to Caro line Tellon. BIRTHS. Hubbert Smith, in New Albany, Ind., Jan. 17, 1885. Chas. Edward Hubbert, in New Albany, Ind., July 36, 1883. Julia Smith, in Birmingham, Ala., July 15, 1890. Frances Hubhert, in New Albany, Ind., June 17, 1891. Thos. O. Smith, Jr., in Birmingham, Ala., Nov. 25, 1891. DEATHS. John Hubbert, in Columhus, Ind., April 35, 1869, aged 73>4 years. Cornelia Hubhert, in Columbus, Ind., Nov. 23, 1888, aged 86 years. Mary Hubhert, in New Albany, Ind., Sept. 4, 1864. Chas. Edward Hubbert, at Sweet Springs, AV. Va., June 25, 1891. Edward M. Huhbert, at New Albany, Ind., Aug. 4, 1897. James E. Hubhert, at Chicago, III, Feb. 4, 1911. POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 641 JAMES E. POLK AND HIS WIFE, MAGGIE (PAYNE) POLK. PO LK F AMI LY AND KINSMEN 643 MELISSA (POLK) HUBBERT AND HUSBAND, EDW. S. HUBBERT, New Albany, Ind. POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 645 MARY SUSAN POLK'S FAMILY. Mary Susan Polk (sixth child of Hosea and Sally Polk), b. Nov. 29, 1883, d. Dec. — , 1910 at her home in California. She was married Sept. 9, 1868, to Rev. Alexander Parker, Presbyterian minister, of Connersville, Ind. They removed to Orange, California, where he was pastor of a church for a num- be of years, and also engaged in fruit culture. They had issue : (1) Jesse Parker, h. March 12, 1870, d. Jan. 8, 1871. (2) Wm. Edward Parker, b. Nov. 26, 1872. (3) Zinnetta Griffith Parker, b. July 30, 1874. Rev. Parker was b. at Georgetown, Brown County, Ohio, July 17, 1839. MARGARET DOUGHERTY'S FAMILY. Margaret Polk (eighth and youngest child of Hosea and Sally Polk, b. June 39, 1839, d. March 3, 1909 at Los Angeles, Cal.), was married Aug. 13, 1875, at Columbus, Ind., to O. R. Dougherty, of Indianapolis, Ind. In March, 1877 they re moved to California, engaging in fruit culture. She died there in Nov., 1909, leaving a son and a daughter. The son, Paul Dougherty, was b. Aug. 31, 1877 ; the daughter, Ruth, was b. June 28, 1880. Residence, South Pasadena, Cal. FAMILY OF JEFFERSON SCOTT POLK. Jefferson Scott Polk and Julia Herndon were married at Georgetown, Ky., Jan. 25, 1854. Issue : (1) Mary Blanton Polk, b. Dec. 22, 1854, d. May 22, 1863. (2) Jo'hn Scott Polk, b. June 14, 1857; residence, Des Moines, Iowa. (3) Lutie Lee Polk, b. Aug. 8, 1861, d. March 10, 1871. (4) Alildred L. Polk, b. Jan. 8, 1866. (5) Daniel S. Polk, b. March 8, 1870, d. March 12, 1871. (6) Sarah Jane Polk, h. April 24, 1872. (7) Harry Herndon Polk, b. Nov. 30, 1875 ; residence, Des Moines. 646 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN MARRIAGES. John Scott Polk married Miss Maud Haskitt, June 30, 1879. Issue : 'Jefferson Haskitt Polk, b. July 3, 1880 ; ^Ehza- beth Caroline Polk, b. March 31, 1883, d. March 31, 1883. Mildred L. Polk married Geo. B. Hippee (b. Jan. 1, 1860), on March 16, 1887. Issue: 'George Polk Hippee, h. Dec. 34, 1887; ^Herndon Page Hippee, b. Nov. 18, 1889; ^Mildred Hip pee, b. June 30, 1893; *Mary Hippee, b. June 33, 1898. Sarah J. Polk married Albert G. Maish (b. Oct. 13, 1867), on Feb. 13, 1895. Issue: 'George Herndon Maish, b. June 17, 1897; ^Albert Polk Alaish, b. Nov. 35, 1900. Harry Herndon Polk married Alice Kauffman (b. Aug. 13, 1878), Jan. 3, 1900. Issue: 'Alary Barr Polk, b. Oct. 30, 1900; 2Julia Herndon Polk, b. July 17, 1903. George Polk Hippee, son of Mildred and George B. Hip pee was married at Des Aloines, April 30, 1910 to Ruth Fasten. SKETCH OF JEFFERSON SCOTT POLK. No man in America bearing the name of Polk stood higher in the estimation of his friends and acquaintances, or left a more enduring impress on his time and environments, than Jeft'erson Scott Polk, son of Jehosephat and Sally Ann (Moore) Polk, who was born in Scott County, Kentucky, Feh. 18, 1831, and died at Des Aloines, la., Nov. 3, 1907, where he located in the practice of law in 1855, just after marriage to Julia A. Hern don, a daughter of John Herndon, son of one of Kentucky's pioneers. Going to Iowa shortly after marriage, they began life in a modest way, she attending to household duties while he -hung out his shingle and awaited clients. ''Seventy-five cents, for drawing up a deed," said he in an interview published in a Des Moines newspaper a few years ago, was the first fee I re ceived after I entered practice." In a few months, however, the people were impressed by the quiet, clear headed, plain spoken and modest young attor ney and 'business flowed in on him steadily, finally resulting in one of the largest law practices in t'he Northwest. o f- •^ Left— O R DOUGHERTY, WIFE, MARGARET (POLK) D0UGH1-;RTY, S(.)N AND DAUGHTER ShtlS"luir/?Po£K)'pXRKfR. REV, ALEX, H, PARKER, SOX AND D.VUGHTER. POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 649 ¦^•"^WRlSd^^ JEFFERSON SCOTT POLK AND WIFE JULIA (HERNDON) POLK, Des Moines, Iowa, POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 651 ADMITTED TO BAR IN KENTUCKY. Jefferson S. Polk earned his first money by teaching school during his early manhood, at odd hours reading law books. Quitting teaching, he entered the law office of his brother, Marcellus Polk, who had a fine practice at Georgetown. By close and persistent study and after a course at Transylvania Law School at Lexington, Jefferson 'had mastered the princi ples and judicial procedure of his profession and on May 9th, 1854, before Hon. Alvin Duvall, Judge of the Ninth Judicial District of Kentucky, he was admitted to the 'bar, passing the ordeal with much credit. The following year he married and emigrated with his bride to Des Moines, then a village of a'bout -one thousand people. Here he drove his stake, and when he died the modest village had grown to a city of nearly one hundred thousand people. And in this astonishing growth and development, by reason of the push and enterprise of its people, he was one of its most active and important factors, always at the front with his keen business perceptions and advice, and also his money to help carry out any helpful enterprise. Because of his clear brain and sound advice, he soon was looked up to as a safe leader in whatever would enhance the interests of the town. Jefferson steadily accumulated a fortune and established the gas works and waterworks of the city. Selling these prop erties, he purchased the street railway, equipped with ordinary cars and horses. He gradually extended the lines to all parts of the city and suburbs and finally installed an electric plant for motive power. A large number of up-to-date cars were put on and the street car system and service became one of the best in the United States. The real estate operations of Jefferson S. Polk were also on a large scale. By purchasing surburban ground, opening new additions to t'he city, and extending the car lines to them, he made a great deal of money, his holding of lots and im proved properties at his death amounting to a value of sev eral millions. 652 POLK FAMILY AND KI N S M E N He was also embarked in the building and operation of suburban car lines. These he placed under the presidency and management of his son Flarry Herndon Polk, who exhibited much of the business ability of his father. The City Railway presidency and management he gave to his son-in-law, Mr. George B. Hippee, a gentleman every way qualified for such duties. As his years increased and his declining health suggested less -business activity and mental effort, he relegated all rail road affairs to his son Harry and Air. Hippee. Several times during the latter years of his life Jefferson visited the old homesteads of his father and grandfather in Scott County, Kentucky, meeting and greeting kinsmen. Al though a multi-millionaire, and listed as one of the wealthiest men in Iowa, his plainness and unpretentious manner impress ed all who met him. During his early business career in Iowa, Jefferson was also an active promoter of steam railway lines in that state, with General Crocker and others helping to forward the con struction of several now great railway lines. His health grad ually declining, he died at his home in Des Aloines, on Nov. 3, 1907. TRIBUTES TO HIS LIFE AND CHARACTER. The tributes of citizens of Des Moines to the life and character of Jefferson S. Polk were doubtless the highest ever accorded to any citizen of that city. All the newspapers pub lished full sketches of his life and achievements, his useful ness and enterprise, his modesty and moral example, and his generosity to the needy on all occusions. Resolutions em bodying their opinion and appreciation of the man, were passed by all the public bodies of the city, and high estimates of his character were written and published in all the papers. Lack of space here forbids even a short brief of what was said of him in print, commendatory of his life, character and achieve ments. After the death of Jefferson Polk his large business in terests devolved upon his son Harry Herndon Polk, who, with POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 653 JOHN S. POLK AND WIFE, Des Moines, Iowa. POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 655 GEORGE B, HIPPEE AND WIFE, MINNIE (POLK) HIPPEE, POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 657 p- '% '.» MRS. SALLIE (POLK) MAISH AND HUSBAND, ALBERT G. MAISH, Des Moines, Iowa. POLK F AM I LY AND KINSMEN 659 Mr. Hippee, has huilt one of the finest business blocks in Iowa, in the center of the city, and the son exhibits a business capacity that bids fair to equal that of his father. SKETCH OF HARRY HERNDON POLK. Harry Herndon Polk, b. Nov. 30, 1875, in the city of Des Aloines, Polk County, Iowa, received 'his youthful education in the best schools of Des Moines. He then entered the Penn sylvania Military College in Sept., 1893, and later attended Amherst College, Amherst, Mass. He then went ahroa-d for six months, and upon his return entered the -office of his father and studied law. In 1898, Harry, with his father and brother-in-law, George B. Hippee, .formed a syndicate to build inter-urban lines in and around Des Moines. He was elected President and General Manager of the Inter-urban Railway Company, and served in that position until they sold these properties. In 1896 Harry was appointed First Lieutenant of the Lin coln Hussars, a local cavalry organization. At the breaking out of the war with Spain, he was made an aide on the staff of General James Rush Lincoln, who commanded the Iowa troops. However, he did not see any active service, the war being ended before he could get to the field. In 1899 he was appointed Captain -of Troop A., Iowa National Guard, in whic'h organization he served for four years. HERNDON HALL, HOME OF JEFFERSON POLK. One of the most beautiful and elegant homes in Iowa is "Herndon Hall," in Des Moines, built by Jefferson S. Polk for his wife and children, and named for her, in commemoration of her family name. It is situated on a spacious tract of land in the "West End," on Grand Avenue, one of the the principal avenues of the city. The house was planned by a celebrated Eastern architect and completed in 1883. The style is that of an "English country house," built largely -of red sand stone and pressed 'brick. The interior is divided into spacious re ception and stair case halls, parlors, music rooms, dining rooms, reception and 'bed chambers, auditorium, billiard hall, 660 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN etc. The interior is finished in natural woods, and every part is done in the 'highest style of the builders art. The ceilings were all frescoed by a noted German artist, and rare tapestries hang in graceful folds on the walls. Speaking of his elegant home, Jefferson Polk said: "When we built 'Herndon HaU,' we built it for our children. Here they grew up to vigorous young man and womanhood. The shadow of death has never entered its portals." In a little printed brochure, composed during his hours of quiet and reflection, and dedicated to his sons and daughters, Jefferson Polk said : "Love, my dear ones, 'begets love. As you love your chil dren so will they love you. Get, I beseech you in close touch with your little ones. Get your arms around them, press their dear little hearts up to you and keep them there. Do not let business or other -pleasures cause you to neglect this duty. Your children's love for you is worth more to you than gold or diamonds ; and your love, to and for them, is the greatest legacy you can leave them. These memories, these shadows, these dreams of a loved father, mother and home, will do more to make of your children good men and women, good citizens and good christians, than all other influences com bined. "In neglecting to build up your homes with order, kne and justice, you violate your first and greatest duty to your selves, your children, your country and your God. However troublesome these memories may be you can neither blot them out nor banish them. Your happiness, as well as the happi ness of your children now and hereafter, depends largely u:)on your home and home influences." Such words as these could only have emanated from a tender heart, filled with the loftiest conceptions of right and justice, and im'bued with the ten-derest affection and solicitude for those bound to him in his home life. And as the shadows were slowly enveloping- his own life, he wrote and put in endur ing form, that they might not be soon forgotten, these sugges tions and admonitions. POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 661 HARRY HERNDON POLK AND WIFE, Des Moines, Iowa, ¦^3O "HERND(TN HALL," Residence of Jefferson Scutt Polk, Des Ah.ines Iowa POLK F AMI LY AND KINSMEN 605 CHAPTER LXVI. DR. ED. POLK'S BRANCH OF FAMILY. A few years after Ephraim Polk, 3d and kinsmen emi grated from Delaware to Kentucky (1793), another family of Polks from the same locality followed him to the vicinity of Lexington, locating near Paynes Depot. The leader of these was John Polk, and from information secured it appears that they came ahout 1810. It is said that John's wife, whom he married in Delaware- was Elizabeth Saltinge. They had issue : (1) Lucille Polk, b. , d. , who married first a Air. Graham; second a Mr. Miller. Issue, unknown. (3) Major William Polk, b. , d. ; married Nancy Mitchell. Said to have gone to South Carolina. (3) Edward Polk, b. 1750, d. 1808; married Margaret Piper. Issue: (1) John T. Polk, b. , d. ; married Betsy Hopkins, of Scott County. (3) Wm. Polk, h. , d. ; untraced. (3) Eliza S. Polk, b. , d. ; untraced. (4) Alary (Polly) Polk, b. , d. ; untraced. (5) Ruth Polk, b. 1797, d. ; married in 1848 Wm. Cox. No issue. (6) Edward; Harriett; ^Margaret and ^Sally Adams Polk, all untraced. John Polk and Betsy Hopkins had a son Dr. Ed. T. Polk, born June 13, 1813, d. Feb. 37, 1891, who married Sarah Alarshall. Tasker, fourth child of John Polk and Elizabeth Saltinge, went west in 1780 and is said to have died unmarried. A short time 'before the Civil AVar, Dr. Ed. Polk moved to LouisvUle, 666 POLK F AMI LY AND KINSMEN and later to his farm near Jeffersontown, where he died. His children were: (1) Bettie Polk, b. Jan. 21, 1843, d. Aug. 30, 1899; who married -Capt. Lawson, of Louisville. (2) Lizzie M. Polk, h. Jan. 21, 1843, d. Aug. 30, 1889 ; who married George Fulton, of Lo-uisville. (3) John R. M. Polk, b. March 21, 1851, d. Dec. 23, 1893; who married a Miss Addie Rice, daughter of Capt. Rice, of Louisville. Jdhn R. M. had a daug'hter Sadie, b. Sept. 7, 1881, d. Dec. 8, 1897 ; and a son John, b. July 20, 1885. John R. M. was a well known Louisville lawyer, and his son is also an attorney. John Polk, the emigrant to Kentucky in 1810 is said to have been from the family line of AA'm. Polk, Sr. DR. EDWARD T. POLK. As above stated. Dr. Edward T. Polk's first wife was Lizzie Marshall, of Scott County, Ky. His second wife was Sophronia Hoot-on, who had two children : Mrs. Charles H. Wilson, of Smithfield, Ky., and a S'on who- died young. Mrs. AA^ilson had a family -of eight children, six of whom are living. For a third wife. Dr. Ed. Polk was united to Mrs. Frisbee, a widow, who survived him. By her first husband, Capt. Frisbee, she had a daughter, Ella (Mrs. Coleman), with whom she resides near Aliddletown, in Shelby County. John R. AL Polk (son of Dr. Ed. Polk), married Addie Rice. They had two children, Sarah and John the attorney. Elizabeth Alarshall (Polk) Fulton had issue: (1) Sarah Fulton, who died young. (2) Mattie Lee Fulton, b. Oct. 2, 1866; married Dec. 14, 1899 to Henry Otto Llausgen, of AA'ashington, Mo. No issue. Mrs. Hausgen is a popular writer and a woman of fine liter ary taste. (3) Joseph Gait Fulton, b. Sept. 6, 1868; married Sept. 13, 1890 to Gertrude Tinker, of Connecticut. They have two POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 667 R, L, POLK, Detroit, Mich, POLK F AMI LY AND KINSMEN 669 children : 'Edward Irving, b. Jan. 4, 1892 ; ^John Drake, h. Sept. 17, 1900. (4) Mary Jeanette Fulton, b. Sept. 3, 1873 ; married Scott Prather. No issue. The author received a good deal more data concerning this branch of John and Ehzabeth Saltinge Polk, but it came in such confused shape that it could not be used so as to insure accuracy. FAMILY OF R. L. POLK. There is no name in America, perhaps, better known than that of R. L. Polk, of Detroit, Michigan, publisher of city directories. His father dying in New Jersey and devising his property equally to his two children, it is said, the son R. L. Polk made over most of his part to his sister and emigrated to Detroit and commenced the publication of city directories. This business he continued for years with such success that he is mow rated a millionaire. His life has been such a busy one that he can tell little of his remote family antecedents. Both his father and grandfather were named David Polk, and an examination of the descendants of Wm. Polk, Sr., of Somerset Gounty, Maryland, indicates that David P-olk, Sr. (his grandfather) was of that line. He moved to Baltimore, where David, Jr., was 'born and after a gO'od education entered the Presbyterian ministery, after graduating at Jefferson College and at Princeton Theological Seminary. He had a brother George, who lived either at St. Louis or Louisville. David, Jr., died at Brookville, Pa., in 1857, at the age of about 48 years. David Polk, Sr., had a family of six children, viz : 'John ; ^George; ^Eliza; *Jane; ^Margaret; ®Rev. David, Jr. In a letter to the author, R. L. Polk states : "My father did not preach in Baltimore. He m'oved to Western Pennsylvania and died in Brookville, Jefferson Coun ty, that state, in 1857. After his marriage, in some manner he became estranged from his family, after which he had little intercourse with them." 670 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN "My father, David Polk, was born in Baltimore in 1809. While he was attending the Theological Seminary in Prince ton, N. J. he met Mary Charlotte Warner, who was visiting some relatives in that locality, and afterwards married her. She was 'born in Trenton, N. J. in 1813. My father was or dained a Presbyterian Minister in Baltimore about 1833, some time after which he moved to AVh-eeling, West A^irginia, and was later sent by the Presbytery to Bellefontaine, Ohio., where I was born Sept. 13, 1849. Later he was sent by the Presby tery to Brookville, Pa., where he died in 1857, leaving my mother with six children. She returned to her father's home in Trenton, N. J., where she lived until her death in 1890. My mother had seven children, as follows: ^Margaret; ^David ; ^Charies C. ; *Mary ; ^Susan ; SLouisa B., and ^Ralph L. The first three were named after my father's, and the last four after my mother's relatives. My brother. Judge Charies C. Polk, resides in Los An geles, Cal. P O LK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 671 CHAPTER LXVII. ROBERT POLK, JR., AND DESCENDANTS. Robert Polk, Jr., (fifth son of Capt. Robert Bruce Polk and his wife Magdalen), was b. in Somerset County, Mary- and, about 1675, or shortly after his parents landed in America. Rohert Polk, Jr., was a very active, enterprising planter and citizen, and possessed great force of character. About 1699 he was married to Miss Grace Guillette, by whom -he had a considerable family, only part of w'hich he mentions in his will. Rohert d. in 1727. His wiU is dated Feb. 21, 1725, and was pro'bated in Dorchester County, May 10, 1737, the same year in which the wills of his mother, Magdalen Polk and his brother James Polk were probated in Somerset County. According 'to data secured from the Alaryland offices of re cord, Robert Polk, Jr., and his wife Grace had issue : 'Thomas ; ^William; ^Robert; *AIary; ^Grace and three other daughters whose names he does not call. The tracts of land devised by Robert in his will were: "A^enture," "Hazard," "Folorn Hope" and "Bally Hack." No executor named. Witnesses : WiUiam Polk, Daniel Llarris-on, Rohert Polk. To his son Thomas, Robert Polk, Jr., devised "A/'enture," the "dwelling -plantation." To his son Robert, then under fourteen years of age, he gave "Hazard." And said Robert was to be a free man at 14 years, if his mother should marry again. To his brother, Joseph Polk, (youngest son of Robert and Magdalen), Robert devised part of a tract called "Forlorn Hope." FAMILY OF ROBERT POLK, JR. The estimated -dates of births of the children of Robert Polk, Jr., were : (1) Thomas Polk, b. about 1703-3, d. 1788; married Lur- viah . 672 POLK F AMI LY AND KINSMEN (2) Col. William Polk, b. about 1705, d. Oct. 28, 1788; married Mrs. Mary (Vaughan) Woodgate. (3) Robert Polk, 3d, b. about 1707, d. Dec. 1770; married Alice Nutter. (4) Mary Polk, b. about 1714, d. . (5) Grace Polk, h. about 1716, d. . 'Three other daughters are mentioned in his will, making five daughters in all, but three names are not given. According to data procured between 1840 and 1848, by Josiah F. Polk and Col. Wm. H. Winder, of Maryland, and others interested in the preparation of the Polk tree published in 1849, and since that time by ofhers who made careful re search, the line of Robert Polk, Jr., down to the Revolution was as follows : (1) Robert Bruce Polk and wife, Magdalen, who came to America about 1672. (2) Robert Polk, Jr., b. about 1675, d. 1727; married Grace GuiUette in 1699. (3) Robert Polk, 3d, b. about 1709-11, d. 1771; married Alice Nutter. LAND GRANTS TO ROBERT'S LINE. As heretofore stated, Robert Polk's father, Capt. Rohert Bruce Polk, received two grants of land, "Polk's Lott" and "Polk's Folly" fro-m Lord Baltimore on March 7, 1687. The next grant was to Ephraim Polk, for"Clonmell," on Sept. 30, 1700. And shortly after, on Nov. 8, 1700, Robert Polk, Jr., was granted "Bally Hack," 300 acres, lying in S-O'merset Co-unty, marsh ground. This grant is of record in the Alaryland Land Oihce, at Annapolis, in Book D. D. No. 5, folio 73. In this grant Robe'rt's name is written Poalk, owing doubtless to the carelessness of the entry clerk. No more grants from Lord Baltimore to Robert Polk, Jr., appeared -on the list and the other tracts acquired -by him were no doubt by private purchase. His bro'thers received numer ous grants from the Colonial office, hut Robert was apparently satisfied with one from that source. One of the tracts mentioned in his will by Robert Polk, POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 673 Jr., ''Folorn H-O'pe," appears later, in 1738, as granted to Joseph Polk. This was about the time Joseph is said to have returned from Ireland, whither he had gone soon after his mother's death in 1727, to possess the estate of "Moneen" which she had devised to him in her will of 1726. The D-orchester County records s'how a number of land transactions in the name of Robert Polk. Those before 1727 were by Robert, Jr. Those after that year (in whic'h he died), by his son Robert Polk, 3d, who appears to have been a very large land proprietor, -purchasing many tracts. Other interesting entries on the Dorchester records are : Appraisement of land of Clement Polk, under fourteen years old, orphan and child of Ro'bert Polk, deceased, now under the guardianship of Manuel Alanlove, made Sept. 7, 1712, -of following tracts : "Horseys Swamp," 100 acres, "Little Goshem," 250 acres. This Clement Polk was doubt less a son -of Ro'bert Polk, Jr., and Grace Guillette, as Robert 3d was then but a small boy. Wm. Polk appointed guardian to Caleb and Mary, orphans of Christopher Nutter, August — , 1773. ROBERT POLK, 3D, A COLONIAL OFFICIAL. Robert Polk, 3d, was a Justice of the Peace in Dorchester County from 1750 to 1770. (See History of Dorchester County, Md., p. 433, 33 and 24.) His wife, Alice Nutter, was a daughter of Christopher Nutter, Sr., of Somerset, who came to America a number -of years earlier than the Polks. The Nutters and the Polks of Robert's branch were several times intermarried and two of that family, Thomas and David Nut ter, came to Kentucky in 1793 with Ephraim Polk, 3d, and other kinsmen, settling near Lexington, where they have numerous descendants. Alice Natter Polk, wife of Robert Polk, 3d, d. in 1772-3. Her will is dated Jan. 31, 1772, and was probated Feb. 16, 1773. Legatees, sons AVilliam and Daniel, daughter Esther Russum ; granddaughters, Esther Nutter and Sarah Nutter. 674 POL K FAMILY A N D K 1 N S JI E N The tract of land named was "John's Settlement." Daniel Polk Executor. Witnesses : Wm. Bradley, Josep'h Bradley and J-o-hn Smith. In his will (June 13, 1770, probated Jan. 15, 1771, Robert Polk, 3d, names as his legatees, sons Daniel, John, WiUiam and grand-daughters, Esther Nutter and Sarah Nutter. His wife, Alice and -his son Daniel Polk are named as executors. In the division of estate he devised to Daniel tracts "Lone Poplar," 168 acres; "Smith's Chance," 50 acres; "Addition," 57 acres ; "Daniel's Lot," 80 acres. Daniel also to have part interest and title in bonds of Wm. Neel for 375 acres; also in bond for conveyance of another tract of 108 acres; and £300 lawful money. To his son John Robert 3d, gave "Polk's Fancy," the home plantation, and six other tracts. CHILDREN OF ROBERT POLK 3D., of Dorchester County Maryland. The children of Robert Polk, 3d, son of Robert Polk, Jr., were : (1) Capt. Robert Polk, b. about 1744, kUled 1779 on board privateer Montgomery. He married Elizabeth Digby Peale. (2) David Polk, h. about 1746; untraced. (3) John Polk, b. ahout 1748 ; untraced. (4) Daniel Polk, b. Feh. 28, 1750, d. March 29, 1796. (5) Wm. Polk, h. about 1752, d. 1788. POLK F AM I LY AND KINSMEN 675 CHAPTER LXVIIL COL. WILLIAM POLK'S DESCENDANTS. Col. AVilliam Polk left more descendants than any other child of Robert Polk, Jr., and wife (nee Grace Guillette), and they included a large number of leading citizens of Maryland and Delaware. Col. AVm. Polk was b. about 1705 and d. in Oct., 1788. His will is dated Dec. 27, 1787, and was probated Oct. 17, 1788. He was twice married. The name of his first wife is not known. His second wife was a widow, Mrs. Mary (Vaughan) AVoodgate, daughter of Edward Vaughan, an ironmaster of Sussex County, Delaware. By her first husband Mrs. AVood gate had a son, Jonathan W-oodgate, who emigrated to Ken tucky in 1808 and settled in Scott County, near Polk kinsmen who had come out in 1793. Col. William Polk's wife d. Feb. 20, 1789. Her father, Edward Vaughan, was a brother of Col. Joseph Vaughan, of the famous Delaware Continental Regiment, and these, with Johnathan Vaughan, another brother, owned Deep Creek Iron Furnace and Nanticoke Forge, in Sussex. Col. Wm. Polk was also a wealthy planter. In 1773 he was appointed by the court, guardian of Mary and Caleb Nut ter, orphans of Christopher Nutter, and in April, 1782, his son Trusten Laws Polk married Mary. CHILDREN OF COL. WM. POLK. To Col. Wm. Polk were born twelve children, but we know not how many were by the first wife. Probably most of them were. The names of these children were : (1) Trusten Laws Polk, b. about 1744, d. June 15, 1796; intestate. (3) William Polk, b. Feb. 19, 1746, d. April 10, 1801. (3) Robert Polk, b. ahout 1748, d. ; untraced. 676 POLK FAMILY AND KI N S M EN (4) Alexander Polk, b. about 1750, d. ; was an officer in the U. S. Navy. (5) Clement Polk, b. 1753, d. before 1803. (6) Esther H. Polk, b. ahout 1754, d. . (7) Sarah Nutter Polk, b. about 1756, d. . (8) Anna Polk, b. ahout 1758, d. . (9) Nancy Polk, b. ahout 1760, d. (10) Elizabeth (Betsy) Polk, b. about 1783, d. ahout 1805. (11) Polly (Mary) Polk b. ahout 1785, d. in 1808. (13) Kitty (Ketura) Polk, b. ahout 1787. d. ~ . INTERMARRIAGES. Trusten Laws Polk, eldest son of Col. Wm. Polk, married Mary Nutter, daughter of Christopher Nutter. Wm. Polk, second son of Col. Wm. Polk, married Sarah Robinson, eldest daughter of Judge Peter Robinson, of Sus sex. Rohert Polk, untraced. Alexander Polk married , and had a son Ro'bert. Alexander, was a Midshipman in the U. S. Navy, and for distinguis'hed gallantry at Tripoli in 1803 was voted a sword by Congress. Esther Polk married Nathaniel Russum. Issue, unknown. Sarah Nutter Polk, untraced. Anna Polk married Gossens. Issue: twins. Nancy Polk married Peter Brown. Issue : 'Margaret Nutter Brown; ^James Brown. The latter had: 'PrisciUa; ^Margaret (Peggy) Nutter; ^Elizabeth, who married Wm. Clarkson ; * who married and was the father of Mrs. Louisa A. Kemper, -of Mississippi, who married Dr. Andrew C. Kemper, of Cincinnati, O., a surgeon in the U. S. Army during the Civil War. Betsy Polk married Rev. James M. Round (b. 1777), of Snow Hill, Md. They had a daughter Elizabeth Polk Round, who died in Ohio in 1847. She married David West, and their daughter, Henrietta S. West, married Wm. Clark, by whom she had : (1) Adelaide Clark, who married Judge Wheeler. POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 677 (3) Sarah Virginia Clark, who married Judge Barber. The latter had issue: 'Dolly; ^Herbert; ^Helen. Dolly married Mr. P. C. Patterson and they had issue : 'Margaret F. ; ^Helen ; ^Winona ; *Sam'l Lee and one other. Polly Polk, daughter of Col. AVm. Polk and Mrs. Mary W-oodgate Polk, and who d. in 1808, married Zach Hatfield. Kitty (Ketura) Polk, the youngest chUd of Col. Wm. Polk, untraced. After Trusten Laws Polk's death his widow married Thomas Sorden. WILLIAM POLK, SON OF COL. WILLIAM, SON OF ROBERT POLK, JR. William Polk (second son of Col. William and Mary (Vaughan- Woodgate) Polk, was born in Sussex County, at the homestead "Polks Defense," near Bridgeville, Feb. 19, 1746, and died April 10, 1801. Williams' mother, Mary Vaughan, was the ^daughter of Edward Vaughan, as appears from Col. Wm. Polk's will in which he says : "I give unto my beloved wife, all my right and title and demand of all the lands, goods, and chattels that were of the property of Edward Vaughan, deceased, that now is at Deep Creek Furnace, and my desire is that my wife shall have full power and authority to settle the estate of Edward Vaughan deceased," etc. Edward Vaughn was interested in the Iron AVorks at Deep Creek Furnace. He was a brother of Jonathan and Joseph Vaughan who came from Ashton, Chester County, Pa., organ ized a Company, and founded the Deep Creek Iron Works in Nanticoke Hundred, Sussex County. On January 38, 1763 the Compay applied for 5,000 acres of land, and soon had 7,000 acres upon which they carried on an extensive iron business. This industry was almost broken up by the Revolution, which carried off many of the men as soldiers, and some of them as officers. Among the latter was Lieutenant Colonel Joseph Vaughan, the distinguished commander of the Delaware regi ment after the retirement of Col. HaU from wounds received at Germantown. g7g POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN It was probably before 1792 that William Polk married Sarah Robinson, oldest child of Judge Peter and Arcada (Alilby) Robinson. Sarah was born on November 8, 1770, on the Robinson plantation near St. George's Chapel. 'She died May 3, 1815. T'he Robisons were among the earliest settlers of Sussex County, William, the ancestor of the family, having taken up land in Indian River Hundred, on Angola Neck, in 1693. In Colonial times the family were large landed pro prietors, and carried on extensively, for the period, a milling business, then one of the most productive industries of the country. They, however, early entered public life, as we find that Parker Robinson, William's grandson, was a Justice of the Peace from 1765 untU 1775. [Scharf II 1212 ; Pa. Arch. 2d Ser. X 81,217.] Peter Robinson, Parker's brother, on Novemher 4, 1756, was appointed Lieutenant of tihe Sussex County Mihtia, in Col. Jacob KoUock's Regiment, which was organized for ser vice in the French and Indian AA^ar. [Pa. Arch. 3d, Ser. II 578.] Lieutenant Peter Robinson married Catharine Burton, of Indian River Hundred. The Burtons also were among the first settlers of Sussex County. They 'held extensive tracts of land, and have ever been distinguished in the history of the State. Among the children of Lieutenant Peter Robinson and Catharine (Burton) Robinson were Thomas and Peter, Jr. Thomas has come down to us as "The Loyalist," a man who took an eminent -part in the opening Rev-olutio-n, ''a gentleman of high character, of superior education, and of great talents and influence." He married also a Burton (Pris ciUa), and they resided at the "Ohapel." Their son, Judge Peter Robinson, was an eminent lawyer, Secretary of State, Representative, State Senator, and Third Associate Justice of Delaware. Peter Robinson, Jr., Lieutenant Peter's second son, began his official life in 1771 as Sheriff of Sussex County, and was again appointed in 1773. [Pa. Arch., 2d Ser. IX 662.] On November 29, 1791 he was a member of the State Con stitutional Convention that convened' at Dover and adopted the new State Constitution. [Scharf IL, 1243.] On February 1, 1792, Peter Robinson was appointed Justice POLK F AMI LY AND KINSMEN 679 of the Peace of Sussex County (Scharf II, 1243), and on Octo ber 30, 1793, he was appointed Associate Justice of the Su preme Court of Sussex County, under the Constitution of 1792. This office Judge Robinson filled ably for many years, holding Court in Georgetown which became the County seat in 1791. [Scharf I. 223, 537; II 1269.] Sarah Robinson's mother, Arcada Milby, was also of an old Sussex County family of note in Colonial and Revolution ary times. From her descended later and by intermarriage. Gen. Alfred A. Torbert, U. S. A., a distinguis'hed officer of the Civil War. From the Census of 1800, and various deeds, we learn that William Polk resided with his family on his own property in Lewes and Rehoboth Hundred. Here he died intestate in May, 1801, leaving his widow and three girls, to whom descend ed certain lands and tenements in Lewes and Rehoboth Hun dred and Northwest Fork Hundred. William and Sarah (Robinson) Polk had issue : (1) Elizabeth Polk, b. about 1795. She married Peter Fretwell Wright. (2) Arcada Polk, b. Nov. 21, 1798. She married Stephen Marshall Harris in 1824, in- Georgetown, and d. on Sept. 8, 1846, in Grand Detour, 111. (3) Sarah Polk, b. in 1799. She married Robert Burton and died in Philadelphia in 18 . In 1810 Sarah (Robinson) Polk married Gen. Thomas Fisher of Sussex and Kent Counties, a man of great eminence and influence in the public life of Delaware. By him she had no issue. In Gen. Fisher's Bible is the record : "Sarah Robinson, second wife of Thomas Fisher and daughter of Peter and Ar cada Robinson, was born Nov. 8, 1770. At t'he time of her marriage with Thomas Fis'her, she was the widow of AVm. Polk, deceased. In the War of 1812, General Fis'her commanded a bri gade of Sussex County Militia and was present at the bo'm- bardment -of Lewes. His wife and her children were also spectators of that rather mild attack, for Arcada used to tell her children that she saw the whole affair. 680 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN At this time Gen. Fisher resided on his farm near Dover. Here Sarah (Polk) Fis'her died in 1813. She was buried on the farm and her neglected grave be seen to-day (1908). DESCENDANTS OF ELIZABETH (ROBINSON) POLK. Elizabeth Robinson Polk (eldest child of William and Sarah (Robinson) Polk), was horn in Lewes and Rehoboth Hundred about 1795. She married ahout 1815 Peter Fretwell Wright. On April 12, 1813, Mr. Wright was commissioned Captain of the First Com-pany, Eighth Regiment, Sussex County Militia, part of one thousand men called for the de fense of Lewes. In 1817, he was appointed one of the Trus tees of Education for Lewes and Rehoboth. On March 5, 1816, Peter F. Wright petitioned the Court of Sussex in behalf of his wife Elizabeth, for a division of the "lands of which Sarah Fisher, late Sarah Polk, died intestate," in 1813. The said intestate Sarah, in her lifetime, having been the wife of Wm. Polk, survived him, and married Thomas Fisher, Esq., and died in the lifetime of said Thomas Fisher without issue by him. That the said Sarah left three chil dren : Elizabeth, now the wife of the petitioner ; Arcada Polk, and Sarah Polk, offspring of her (Sarah) and her for mer husband, the said Wm. Polk. Ehzabeth Polk and Peter Fretwell Wright had issue: (1) Arcada Wright, who married George Dufour. Both died at Clover Plain, near Philadelphia, no issue. (3) Elizabeth Wright, d. unmarried. (3) Charles Wright, d. unmarried. (4) Wilhelmina Wright, who married William Kennedy, deceased. They had: 'George Kennedy, deceased; ^Noel Kennedy, married and 'had family; ^Samuel Kennedy, mar ried and had family. (1) Arcada Polk (second daughter of WUliam and Sarah (Robinson) Polk), was b. on Nov. 31, 1798, near Lewes. The "beautiful Kitty Polk." as she was called, married in 1824, Stephen Marshall Harris, son of Major Benton Harris, an officer of the War 'of 1812. Mr. Harris was a descendant of the Rev. Robert Harris, son of "Stephen of Chesterden," POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 681 Ches'hire, England. Robert came to Accomac County, Vir ginia, early in 1700, and took up lands there. His son Abra ham, removed to Sussex Gounty, Delaware, and beca-me a large land owner. It was upon fifty acres of his property with an additional twenty-six acres, that Georgetown wais founded in 1791, the land being purchased by the Commis sioners (Scharf II, 1207.). Benton Harris, Abraham's son, was one -of the most noted business men in the community, and was identified with the growth of Georgetown for many years. In 1813 Benton was appointed a Major in the volunteer service of Sussex County, Whidh was on military duty for the State of Delaware in the War of 1812. He was present at the bombardment of Lewes by the British, on April 6-7, 1813. Benton's eldest son, Stephen Marshall, was born in Georgetown January 7, 1797. He became a partner in his father's mercantile business, was a generous supporter 'of St. Paul's Church, and in civic affairs served as Recorder of Sus sex County, in 1821, and Director -of the Farmers' Bank 1826 and 1837. In 1830 he removed to Philadelphia, where he es tablished a wholesale commercial house, and was one of the original members of the Church of the Epiphany, founded by the Rev. Stephen H. Tyng. Mr. Harris was a rover, and in 1846 removed to the West and settled with his family in Grand Detour, Illinois. Here his wife, Arcada Polk, d. Sept. 8, 1846. Air. Harris conducted business for many years after in Rock Island and Ohicago. He d. Oct. 31, 1881, in Dixon, 111., at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Cumins. Arcada Polk and Stephen Marshall Harris had issue : (1) Ann Elizabeth Harris, b. in Georgetown, Del., in 1836, a beautiful girl, gifted with a fine voice. She d. in New Or leans, Louisiana, in 1865, and was interred beside her father and mother in Grand Detour, 111. (3) Sarah Polk Harris, b. in Georgetown, Del., in 1838. These two older sisters were known in the Western home as fhe "beautiful Harris girls," and both retained their beauty until the last day of life. In 1850, Sarah married at home in Grand Detour, John 682 POLK F AMI LY AND KINSMEN Henry Langley, a descendant of the Langleys of Boston, Mass. They resided at Rock Island, 111., where Air. Langley was en gaged in the shipping business, for many years. He died in 1880, and was survived by his wife until May 1, 1886. They had a son, Louis Pierpont. A daughter survived them : Ida Lang ley, who was b. in Rock Island in 1853. She married Morris J. Sheppard, of New York. They now reside at Saugerties, Pa. (3) Maria Louisa Harris, b. September 10, 1830, in PhUa delphia, married George Sumner, whose ancestors were among the early settlers of Albany, New York. For many years he was a Commission merchant in Chicago, wbere he d. in 1888. They had one child, Beulah Sumner, who died at the age of seven. Mrs. Sumner d. in New York City, Decem ber 17, 1908. (4) Josephine Polk Harris, b. in Philadelphia, Sept. 1, 183 — , removed with the famUy to Grand Detour, 111., in 1846. On May 34, 1854, she was married to Theron Allen Cumins, a prominent business man. They removed to Dixon, where they had a beautiful home and largely entertained. Mrs. Cumins has the distinctive features of the Polk family, which reappear in individuals of each generation. She has traveled much at home and abroad, and has written some amusing "Reminiscences of Western and Southern Life." Her hus band Theron A. Cumins, was b. in Tembridge, Vermont, July 13, 1835, was the son of Joseph and Hannah (Converse) Cum ins, who were married Oct. 8, 1808. Llis maternal great-grand father. Lieutenant Joshua Converse, was one of the Minute men of Vermont and he was in the battle -of Bunker Hill. Lieutenant Joshua's son was Col. Israel Converse, a distin guished officer of the Revolution, serving to the close. He was born in Stafford, Conn., Aug. 7, 1743 ; married Hannah Woolbridge, died at his home in Randolph, Mardh 38, 1806, where he was buried with military honors. One of Col. Israel Converse's children was Judge Con verse, who resided in Parkham, Ohio, and left descendants there. Col. Israel's daughter, Hannah Converse, married as we have seen, Joseph Cumins. Their son, Theron A. Cumins, was a man of extraordinary business ability. He early sought his POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 683 MRS, JOSEPHINE POLK CUMINS, granddaughter of Wm. Polk, son of Col. Wm, Polk, Robert Polk, Jr, son of POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 685 fortune in the West and engaged in the manufacture of Agri cultural implements, in Grand Detour, a village whose brill iant future was never realized. The "Grand Detour Plow" became noted, not only in this country, but in Europe, and laid the foundation for Mr. Cumin's immense fortune. He removed to Dixon, where he founded the "Dixon Plow Works" and built a beautiful home. He died there in August, 1898 and lies in the cemetery beside 'his three children. Josephine Polk Harris and Theron Allen Cumins had issue : (1) Theron Lawrence Cumins, b. May 11, 1855; d. Jan. 14, 1870; buried in Dixon. (3) Arcada Polk Cumins. (3) Harris Converse Cumins, b. June 33, 1861, d. on Oct. 6th, following; buried in Dixon. (4) J-oesphine Harris Cumins, b. Dec. 19, 1863, d. Feb. 18, 1870 ; buried in Dixon. (5) Nina Estelle Cumins b. July 9, 1866; d. March 5, 1897. (6) Arcada Polk Cumins was b. in Grand Detour, 111. Arcada was graduated from St. Agnes' School, Albany. N. Y., in the class of 1878. On the 30th of December, 1883, she was married to Mahlon Nugent Hutchinson, in St. Luke's Episcopal Ohurch, Dixon, by the Rev. John Wilkinson. Mrs. Hutchinson is a woman of fine presence add keen wit. They now reside in Philadelphia, the home of the Hutchinson family for over 130 years. Randall Hutchinson, son of John Hutdhinson, had two sons, James and MaJhlon. James, b. 1752, was the most distinguished member of the family. He studied medicine in the University of Penn sylvania and in Europe. Upon his return to America in 1777, he became an active supporter -of the struggle for Indepen dence, and served with eminence as a Surgeon in both the army and navy until the close of the war. He was appointed in 1787 Surge-on and Physician General of Pennsylvania. Radi cal in his views upon public questions, Dr. Hutchinson natur ally became a leader in the formation of the Democratic — ^or as it was called, the Republican Party, and was appointed a member -of the Committee of Correspondence upon its re-or- 686 POL K FAMILY AND KIN S M E N ganization in 1793. He died Sept. 5, 1793, in Philadelphia of yellow fever, at his post of duty. He was twice married and left descendants. Mahlon Hutchinson, the younger brother, and son of Randall and Catherine (Rickey) Hutchinson, was born Dec. 24, 1754. Removing to Philadelphia, he became one of the wealthiest merchants there, the first great merchant of the family. In 1794 he was a member of the Committee of Relief for the families of soldiers sent by President Washington to sup-press the western Pennsylvania Whiskey Insurrection. From 1809 to 1813 he served as Director -of the Pennsylvania Company for Insurance on lives and granting annuities. On January 7, 1779, he married Sarah Palmer, daughter of John Palmer, Jr., and Sarah Walker, whose ancestors early settled in Bucks County, Pa. Sarah Palmer died in 1808 and -her hus band May 7, 1836. Mahlon, their eldest child, 1783-1862, received a mercan tile training in Stephen Girard's Counting house and amassed a fortune as a merchant. He married 15t'h -of December, 1813, Elizabeth, daughter of Daniel and Elizabeth Lovett. Eliza beth died in 1835. Of their seven children, John Palmer Hutchinson is in direct line. His older brother, Daniel Lovett Hutchinson, born in 1816, was a prominent banker and stock broker, of Philadelphia. John Palmer Plutchinson, b. in Philadelphia, Oct. 27, 1823, d. there Dec. 30, 1872. On November 24, 1857 he married Alaria Nugent, -of Norristown, Pa. John Palmer and Alaria (Nugent) Hutchinson had issue: 'Malhlon Nugent, who married Arcada Polk Cumins; ^Jo-hn Palmer, b. Jan, 10, 1860, d. Jan., 1896; ^Aiine, b. Nov. 30, 1861; *George, b. 1865; d. 1871. (1) Mahlon Nugent Hutchinson, the eldest child, was born in Philadelphia, Aug. 30, 1858. He was graduated from Harvard University, Class 1879; and from Bellevue Hospital Medical College in 1881. Dr. and Arcada Polk (Cumins) Hutchinson have no issue. Nina EsteUe Cumins, daughter of Theron A. and Jose phine (Polk) Cumins, was born July 9, 1865. She was edu- POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 687 DR. MAHLON N. HUTCHINSON AND WIFE, nee Arcada Polk Cumins. P O LK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 689 catedat St. Agnes' Scho-ol, Albany, N. Y., and subsequently spent some time in Paris with her mother, in order to perfect herself in the French language. Later, while they were spend ing the winter at Asheville, N. C, Nina was married there in Trinity Church to Major Augustus Cleveland AA'^illcoxen on Jan. 15, 1896. She was a young woman -of rare perso-nal charms, but died Aug. 5, 1897, the following year, in their home at Atlanta. She left no issue. (5) Lydia Harris, born in Philadelphia in 18 , was graduated from the New York Conference Seminary, near Albany, in 1855, and died in Chicago in 1895. (6) Thomas Benton Harris, born in Philadelphia on Feb. 28, 1836, died Nov. 14, 19113, in Idaho Springs, Colorado, un married. (7) Emma Polk Llarris, born in Philadelphia, was grad uated from the New York Conference Seminary; later from the Normal School of New Orleans, La., and from the Phila delphia School of Oratory on June 11, 1878. For a number of years she was engaged in literary work in New York City, as Assistant Editor of Dio Lewis's Magazine, special corres pondent -of various journals; biographical writer for "Apple- ton's Cyclopedia of American Biography ;" also for White's National Cyclopedia. Recently (1908) she has compiled a "Genealogy of the Wilkins Family of Amherst, New Hamp shire ;" of "The Robinson Family of Sussex County, Dela ware;" and -of "Harris Family," also of Sussex. She married Charles R. Brainard, son of Dr. Linus B. Brainard, a Surgeon in the United States Army during the Civil War, and a des cendant -of the Brainards of New England. Mr. Brainard was a graduate of Racine College in 1864, fro'm which he received the degree -of Master -of Arts in 1867. He was admitted to the Bar in Boston in 1876; and to the United States Bar two years later. Although he built up a successful practice, Mr. Brainard eventually be came absorbed in literary work, first as contributor to leading periodicals. In New York he became connected with some of the principal publishing houses, especially Appleton's and W^hite's, contributing largely to their histori cal and cyclopedic works. Mr. Brainard died on Feb. 9, 1897, 630 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN at Waupaca, AA''is. He left no issue. Mrs. Brainard resides now, (1908), in New York City. (8) George Washington Doane Harris, was horn in 1838. He was a successful man in Rock Island; a man of brilliant parts and a great favorite in t'he society of that gay city. He died there unmarried in 1893. Sarah Polk, youngest daughter of WiUiam and Sarah (Robinson) Polk, was born in, or near Lewes, Delaware, in 1799. She married Robert Burton, of Milton, where they re sided. He died after 1830 and his widow rem-oved to Phila delphia with her two children after that date. Here she lived to a serene and beautiful old age, and died in 1880. Robert Burton's great grandfather was William, son of Thomas Burton, of Longner Hall, Shropshire, England, who was a lineal descendant of Sir Edward Burton, from whom descended the family of Coningham, which was knighted by Edward Fourth in 1460. Daniel Burton, horn in 1768, married Arcada Alilby. Among their c'hildren was Robert, above mentioned. Robert and Sarah (Polk) Burton had five children of who-m two sur- (1) Mary Robinson Burton, born in Alilton in 1822 and has resided many years in Philadelphia in a beautiful home. (2) Arthur Alilby Burton, born in Alilton Jan. 14, 1839. He was admitted to the Bar in Philadelphia, Oct. 11, 1851, and until his death was actively engaged as an attorney in Phila delphia and built up an extensive practice, much of w'hich was freely given to the needy. POLK F AMI LY AND KINSMEN 691 CHAPTER LXIX. TRUSTEN LAWS POLK'S DESCENDANTS. Trusten Laws Polk (eldest son of Col. Wm. Polk, son of Robert Polk, Jr.), was b. about 1744 and d. Jan. 15, 1796, in testate. Another account says he died Oct. 38, 1798. On April 18, 1783 he married Mary Nutter, orphan daughter of Christopher Nutter, Sr., and ward of his father, Col. AVm. Polk. The children of Trusten Laws Polk and wife, Mary (Nutter) Polk were: (1) Wm. Nutter Polk, b. March 30, 1786, d. April 33, 1835. (3) Daniel Polk, h. , 1788, d. unmarried. (3) Eleanor Polk, b. ahout 1790, d. in Kentucky. (4) Sinah Polk, b. about 1793, d. . Wm. Nutter Polk married Lavenia Causey, July 17, 1809. She was b. Jan. 12, 1791, d. March 24, 1825. WUliam inherited the homestead of his father, "Polk's Defence." Lavenia was a daughter of Gov. Causey, of Delaware. Daniel Polk, second child of Trusten Laws Polk, d. unmar ried it is said. Eleanor, third child of Trusten Laws Polk, married her cousin, Daniel Polk, Jr., son of Daniel Polk, Sr., in 1812, and the same year they emigrated to Louisville, Ky., where she d. , 18 — , and he afterwards married Catherine W. Hite. By the latter he had no issue. Sinah, fourth child of Trusten Laws Polk, married Dr. John Gary, of Bridgeville, Del., and had issue. Names not furnished. CHILDREN OF WM. NUTTER POLK. (1) Governor Trusten Polk, b. May 29, 1811, in N. W. Fork Hundred, Sussex County, Del.; d. April 16, 1876 at St. Louis, Mo. He married Elizabeth N. Skinner, Dec. 26, 1837, she b. in Connecticut, Feb. 17, 1819 and d. March 22, 1896. (2) Elizabeth Causey Polk, b. April 13, 1813, d. Aug. 35, 1833. She married Elias Shockley, b. June 5, 1838. 692 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN (3) Wm. Causey Polk, b. July 13, 1815, d. Dec. 38, 1893. He married Jan. 16, 1838 at Bridgeville, Del., Sarah A. Tharp, b. 1821, daughter of Governor Tharp, of that staff. In 1870 his venerable widow was still living, aged 88 years. Wm. Causey Polk inherited from his father the old homestead, "Polk's Defence," with its many slaves. (4) Mary Causey Polk, b. July 30, 1818, d. ; mar ried April — , 1838, Daniel Currey. Louisa Capron Dorsey (second wife of Capt. Trusten Polk, son of Wm. Causey Polk and Sarah Tharp), was a great granddaughter of Deborah Ridgely, daughter of John Ridgely, the first owner of Hampton, Va. INTERMARRIAGES. Governor Trusten Polk and wife had issue : Anna Polk, b. Sept. 14, 1839, d. Oct. 1903 ; married April 13, 1864 Hon. Wm. F. Causey, of Milford, Del, son of Gov. Peter F. Causey. They had issue : (1) Anna Causey, h. , married Dec 14, 1893 Wm. R. Aldred, of Milford, Del., Issue : Elizabeth N., b. Jan. 34, 1894. (3) Trusten Polk Causey, b. at St. Louis. Attor ney-at-law, Suffolk County, Virginia Bar. (3) Foster Causey, b. . Resides at Washington, D. C. (4) Maria Causey, b. . Residence, Milford, Del. (5) Bessie Causey, b. . Residence, Milford, Del. Mary Polk, daughter of Gov. Trusten Polk, h. AprU 23, 1841, married April 21, 1870 Dr. James Avery Draper, of AVil mington, Del. Issue: (1) Elizabeth Draper, b. March 23, 1871. (2) Cornelia Draper, b. May 13, 1872. (3) James Avery Draper, h. Oct. 31, 1874. (4) Madeline Draper, b. Nov. 3, 1878. (5) Trusten Draper, b. Oct. 20, 1880. All were born in Wilmington, Del. Cornelia Bredell Polk, third child of Gov. Trusten Polk, b. Oct. 2, 1844, d. Oct. 28, 1895; married first, in Oct. 1870, James E. Drake, of Selma, Ala. ; second, John C. Kennard, of St. Louis. She had issue: POLK F AMI LY AND KINSMEN 693 (1) Gaston Drake, b. , married . (3) Trusten Drake, b. , who married Alice Hocker. Dec. 3, 1902. (3) Bertrand Francis Drake, b. . (4) James Erie Drake, b. , married Aug. 1902, Leila Golson. Elizabeth Polk, fourth child of Gov. Trusten Polk, h. June 36, 1853, married Oct. 1880, Thomas S. McPheeters, of St. Louis, and 'had Thomas S., Jr. Trusten Polk, fifth child of Gov. Trusten Polk, b. Aug. 3, 1856, d. March 5, 1860. ELIZABETH SHOCKLEY'S FAMILY. Elizaibeth Causey Polk (second child of Wm. Nutter Polk), h. AprU 13, 1813, d. Aug. 35, 1833. By her husband Elias Shockley whom she married Jan. 16, 1838, she had issue: William and Lavenia. WM. CAUSEY POLK'S FAMILY. Wm. Causey Polk and wife Sarah (Tharp) Polk, had issue : (1) Capt. Trusten Polk, b. Aug. 4, 1840, d. July 13, 1903. He was married twice, first to Grace George, Dec. 17, 1867 ; second to Louisa C. Dorsey, Feb. 9, 1870. He served three years in the Confederate Army. (2) Caroline Polk, b. Aug. 26, 1842, married Chas. W. Kalkeman, Oct. 26, 1869. They had: 'Wm. P. Kalkeman; ^Chas. Von H. Kalkeman ; ^Eleanor Kalkeman, who married J. H. Wheelwright. (3) Elizaheth Polk, h. Dec. 15, 1847, married Joshua D. Warfield, Oct. 26, 1869. They had seven children, four hoys and three girls, names not secured. (4) Eleanor Polk, b. May 5, 1849, married Dr. Thos. B, Owings, Feb. 21, 1871. No issue. (5) Wm. T. Polk, b. May 7, 1853, unmarried. He possess ed many ancient family records of Robert's line. Mary Causey Polk (fourth child of Wm. Nutter Polk and wife, Lavenia), was married in April, 1838, to Daniel Currey, 694 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN They had one child, Mary Currey, who married Gen'l Alfred T. A. Torberi, U. S. A. SKETCH OF GOVERNOR TRUSTEN POLK. Trusten Polk, Governor and United States Senator, was born April 16, 1811, in Sussex County, Delaware, son of Wil liam N. Polk, who was a direct descendant of Robert and Alag- dalen Polk, from whom likewise were descended the late President Jame K. Polk, Gen. Thomas Polk, of Mecklenburg fame, and Bishop Leonidas Polk. His mother belonged to the influential Causey family, of that State. He attended the Academy at Cambridge, Md., preparatory to entering Yale College, where he graduated at the age of 19 with distinguish ed honors. ' He studied in the office of John Rodgers, then Attorney-General of Maryland, and afterward attended two courses of lectures in the law department of Yale University. In 1835, without influence and with comparatively little means, he came to St. Louis. In 1845 he was City Counselor. Some years after coming to St. Louis a -pulmonary trouble develop ed and he visited the South in 1844. In the following year he traveled in the northern parts of the United States and Canada. Whilst absent he was elected on the Democratic ticket for mem'ber of the State constitutional convention. His 'health now restored, Mr. Polk returned to his profession in St. Louis. In 1848 he was one of the Cass and Butler Presidential electors, but took no other prominent part in public affairs until 1856, when he was elected Governor. Ten days after his inaugura tion the General Assemhly elected him United States Senator, and he resigned the executive chair in October, 1857. In the Senate he followed the course of the Southern Democrats. In 1861 he resigned and went to New Aladrid, and subsequently became Judge-Advocate-General of the Army under Gen. Stirl ing Price, with the rank of Colonel. In 1864 he was taken pris oner and was confined for several months on Johnson's Island before he was exchanged. During his absence his property in St. Louis was confiscated by military order, but was at length restored. At the close of the war he returned to St. Louis and resumed the practice of law, continuing until his death, which was somewhat sudden — April 16, 1876. POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 695 GOVERNOR AND U. S. SENATOR TRUSTEN POLK, of Missouri, POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 697 CHAPTER LXX. THE WHITE FAMILY. Family tradition says the White family, which intermar ried with the Polks, of Sussex County, Delaware, made its ad vent into America about 1700, the first one of the name being Dr. Jdhn White, said to have been from Durham County, England. Dr. White was a single man when he came and entered the medical practice in Sussex and adj-oining sections of Maryland. From tradition it appears that he had decided before leav ing England on marriage to an attractive young lady, daughter of wealthy parents, whose first name was Elizabeth. Her family name has not been preserved. Elizabeth was so much smitten with the doctor that she ran away from home to an English seaport, took passage on a ship, and came across the briny deep to her lover. Shortly after her arrival they were united in marriage, and to them was born a considerable family. Some time after their marriage a ship arrived from her family in England, laden with goods and household effects consigned to her and her husband. The regular order of birth of the children of Dr. John' White and wife, Elizabeth, is not known, nor all their names. Those whose names have been preserved were : Col. Thomas White (wlio was the second child). Dr. Edward White, Mrs. Mary Morris, Margaret Nutter Polk, Sarah Cook and Anna White. Col. Thomas White was the father of Judge Samuel White, U. S. Senator, of Bishop White, of Pensylvania and of Mrs. Mary White Morris, wife of Robert Morris, the distin guished Philadelphia financier and patriot of the Revolution, who sacrificed his large fortune to the needs of Washington's ragged and starving soldiers at Valley Forge, and died in pov erty himself as a result of his patriotic sacrifices. He invested very largely in -public lands, formed a great land company, and was ultimately swindled out of all his holdings. Under the 698 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN statutory English law of imprisonment for debt, which then existed in the Colonies, he served in prison for three years and a half, his faithful wife spending much of her time with him in his confinement. To Mrs. Morris was first given the title of "First Lady of the Land." The appointment of Mr. Morris as Superintendent of Fi nance, with his wealth and social distinction, made his home the center of all the amenity and civility of the day, and as hostess Airs. Morris shone pre-eminent. The Marquis de Chastellux, the Abbe Robin, Citizen Mazzei, the Prince de Broglie, the Chevalier de la Luzerne, and others, have each recorded some agreeable memory of Mrs. Morris. Washington on more than one occasion made her house his home. When Mrs. Washington journeyed from Mt. A/'ernon to New York, after the inauguration of the first President, she stopped in Philadelphia and took Mrs. Morris with her, in her carriage, to New York and at the first levee Mrs. Morris was given the place of honor on the right of the President's wife, a distinc tion always a-ccorded her at public functions during Wash ington's administration. AA^hen the capital was removed to Philadelphia, it was Airs. Morris' home that was given up for the President's house. Mr. Alorris survived his imprisonment five years, and Mrs. Alorris survived him twenty-one years. It was said of her that, "without the attraction of great personal beauty, Mrs. Morris was tall, graceful, and commanding, with a state ly dignity of manner, which ever made a controlling impres sion upon all with whom she was brought in contact." Stuart's portrait of her is said to have been the last female head that he painted. This portrait, bought by James Lennox, hangs in the Lennox Gallery, New York Public Library. Col. Thomas W'hite was commissioned as one of the Jus tices -of the County Court and Orphans Court of Kent County, by Governor John McKinley, March 8, 1777. On July 23, 1786, he was commissioned by Governor Vandyke as Third Justice, and on Feb. 15, two years later, was made Second Jus tice by Governor Collins. Later he was made Chief Justice. Judge AVhite died in 1795, aged 65 years. POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 699 Samuel White, son of Judge Thomas White, after the Revolution in whic'h he was an officer, was appointed U. S. Senator from Delaware, by Governor Richard Bassett, to suc ceed Dr. Henry Latimer, who had resigned. Senator Samuel White was b. in 1777, in Kent County, Del. From his father Samuel received the home plantation, "Belisle." After a good education, Samuel studied law and was admitted to practice at Dover, in March, 1793. In 1806 he sold his farm and removed to Wilmington. He was a, Federalist in politics, but held no office until appointed U. S. Senator on Feb. 38, 1801. On Jan. 11, 1803, at the regular session of the General Assembly, he was elected for the full term of Senator, beginning March 4, 1803. On Jan. 11, 1809, he was re-elected for a second term. While still a member of that body, he died on Nov. 4, 1809. Samuel White died a bachelor. His father, Judge Thomas White, left to survive him, a widow named Margaret, a daugh ter of David Nutter, of North West Fork Hundred, Sussex County, the one son, Samuel, and three daughters, Margaret Nutter Polk, Sarah Cook and Anna White. The latter, it is said, never married. Margaret Nutter White, the eldest daughter, married Daniel Polk, of Sussex County, and by him had a numerous family, all of whom married members of pro minent families. Daniel Polk's parents were Col. Wm. Polk and Alice Nutter; Col. Wm. Polk, a son of Robert Polk, Jr., and Grace Guillette ; Robt. Jr., fifth son of Robert and Magda len Polk the immigrants of 1673. Margaret Nutter, who mar ried Daniel Polk, was the eldest daughter. After marriage they resided first in Sussex, later removing to Kent County. DANIEL POLK, SR., OF DELAWARE. Daniel Polk, Sr., of Sussex County, Delaware, was b. Feb. 38, 1750, and d. March 39, 1796 Daniel was the fourth child of Robert Polk, 3d, and Alice Nutter, and he died on his plan- taJtion, the "Bo-nu-m Farm," near Wilmington, and his wife on September following. Daniel Polk, Sr., was a member from Sussex County in the Second Constitutional Convention of Delaware, held in 1793. 700 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN On Feb. 9, 1775, Daniel was married to Margaret Nutter White, a daughter of Judge Thomas White and sister of U. S. Senator White. DANIEL POLK SR'S., FAMILY. Daniel Polk, b. Feb. 38, 1750, d. March 29, 1796. Margaret Nutter AVhhe, b. April 11, 1758, d. Sept. 33, 1796. (1) Elizabeth Polk, b. Sept. 30, 1776, d. Nov. 11, 1836. (3) John Polk, b. Oct. 30, 1778, lost at sea in 1800. (3) Margaret (Peggy) White Polk, b. Sept. 36, 1780, d.' June 16, 1836. She and Sarah were twins. (4) Sarah Polk, b. Sept. 36, 1780, d. Oct. 5, 1781. (5) Daniel Polk, Jr., b. June 13, 1783, d. June 14, 1838. (6) Thomas White Polk, b. April 1, 1784, d. Feb. 26, 1794. (7) Robert Polk, b. March 13, 1786, d. Sept. 30, 1795. (8) Anna Polk, b. March 14, 1788, d. Sept. 39, 1860. (9) Samuel White Polk, b. Nov. 3, 1790, d. Oct. 17, 1849. (10) Maria McClauster Polk, b. Sept. 36, 1795, d. Oct. 1798. INTERMARRIAGES. Elizabeth Polk married Dr. James L. Clayton, Dec. 6, 1795. Peggy (Margaret) married Dr. George W. Logan, of Charieston, S. C, Oct. 28, 1803. Anna married Wm. G. Tilghman, of Talbot County, Md., Dec. 13, 1809. She d. in 1860, aged 70 years. Samuel White Polk married Mrs. Margaret Fidelite Fletcher (nee Ducournau), May 33, 1834. CLAYTON FAMILY. James Lawson Clayton, b. July 15, 1769, d. March 19, 1833. Elizabeth Polk, b. Sept. 30, 1776, d. Nov. 11, 1836. The above were married Dec. 6, 1795 and had : (1) Rachael Clayton, b. Jan. 4, 1797. (3) John Laws Clayton, b. April 30, 1798. POLK F AMI LY AND KINSMEN 701 (3) Margaret Clayton, b. Dec. 11, 1799, d. Oct. 38, 1800 (4) Hester Clayton, b. Feb. 37, 1802, d. same day. (5) Amelia Eliza Clayton, b. March 14, 1803. (6)Anna Clayton, b. Sept. 2, 1805. (7) Susanna Clayton, b. Alarch 7, 1808, d. April 16, 1813. (8) James Clayton, b. March 5, 1810, d. Aug. 10, 1815. Governor Joshua Clayton, father of Dr. Jas. L. Clayton, d. Aug. 11, 1798, in his 54th year. Rachael Clayton, wife of Joshua Clayton, d. Jan. 7, 1831. Rachael was married to Nathaniel Smithers, July 36, 1836, by Rev. I. Wilson. Gov. Joshua Clayton was a son of James Clayton, a des cendant of Joshua Clayton who came over with Wm. Penn and settled on "Bohemia Manor," in Cecil County, Md., where Joshua, the Governor was born in 1744. His mother was Rachael McCleary, an adopted daughter of Governor Richard Bassett. SAMUEL WHITE POLK'S FAMILY. Samuel AVhite Polk (son of Daniel Polk, Sr., and Mar garet Nutter White), was born in Dover, Del., Nov. 3, 1790, d. Oct. 17, 1849. Margaret Fidelete Ducournau (widow of James Fletcher), was b. Feb. 17, 1797. The above were married May 33, 1824. Their children were : (1) Louise Polk, b. Oct. 25, 1825, d. Dec. 4, 1857. (3) Oswald Howard Polk, b. Sept. 21, 1837, d. June 11, 1858. (3) Margaret Amelia Polk, b. Jan. 5, 1829, d. May 6, 1830. (4) Jules Polk, b. March 19, 1831, d. July 23, 1868. 702 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN (5) Edward Polk, b. June 11, 1832, d. Aug. 183L (6) Authur Louis Polk, b. Feb. 2, 1834, d. Oct. 21, 1864. (7) Felix Polk, b. Sept. 19, 1836. (8) Frederick Polk, b. Aug. 8, 1838, d. July 27, 1840. (9) Maria Victoria Polk, b. Jan. 8, 1842, d. Jan. 23, 1844. Of the above chUdren, three were married, viz : Louise married Morgan Alay, May 31, 1853. Arthur Louis married Anna, daughter of E. J. Forstall, Feb. 2, 1861. Neither of these left any surviving chUdren. Jules married June 11, 1866 Mary Victoria Rees and had one son, Samuel Polk, b. May 28, 1867. Samuel White Polk, when a young man emigrated to New Orleans", and was a prominent business man of that city. Dur ing the CivU War several of his sons served in the Confederate Army. When Samuel went to New Orleans, he carried with him the family bible of his father Daniel Polk, Sr., and after his death it fell into 'possessio-n of Air. Theobold Forstall, Secre tary of the New Orleans Gas Co., who transcribed for the author the foregoing data of Daniel Polk's family. The widow Fletcher, whom Samuel AVhite Polk married, was the grandmother of Air. Forstall. t> MIDSHIPMAN JOHN POLK. John Polk (second child and eldest son of Daniel Polk, Sr.), and his brother Daniel Polk, Jr., were both a-ppointed in 1799 as Midshipmen in the U. S. Navy, by President John -Adams, on the recommendation of Caesar A. Rodney. John was lost at sea in 1800, in the sinking of the U. S. frigate "In- surgante." His brother Daniel resigned 'his commission in 1804, married in 1808 his cousin Eleanor Polk, daughter of Trusten Laws Polk and in 1812 emigrated to Louisville, Ky. Later he settled in Shelby County, where his wife died. He married again in 1833, his second wife being Catherine AA^ POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 703 Hite, by whom he had no issue. By his wife Eleanor Polk he had twelve children. She died in Shelby County in 1831. Daniel died in Shelby County, June 14, 1838. The ser vices of himself and brother John Polk, while in the Navy, were mostly on Mediterranean stations. From a "List of Officers of the U. S. Navy and Marine Corps, 1775-1900," we copy p. 439: ,'Daniel Polk, Midshipman, March 16, 1799, re signed Jan. 24, 1804. John Polk, Midshipman, Dec. 5, 1799, lost on the Insurgante, 1801. FAMILY OF DANIEL POLK, JR. Daniel Polk, Jr., Midshipman, and his wife, Eleanor Polk, who married Sept. 27, 1808, had issue : (1) Eliza A. Polk, b. Sept. 25, 1809, d. Feb. 11, 1886; mar ried Burr G. Powdll, of Virginia. (2) Mary Polk, b. Aug. 3, 1811, d. Aug. 3, 1813. (3) Dr. Louis Polk, b. May 17, 1813, d. ; married Margaret B. Metcalfe, Oct. 5, 1848. (4) Samuel Pdk, b. July 5, 1815, d. Nov. 4, 1823. (5) Daniel Polk, b. Dec. 31, 1816, d. ; married Eliza'beth Rucker, of Georgetown, Ky. (6) Margaret Polk, b. Oct. 12, 1818, d. Jan. 14, 1822. (7) Henry Clay Polk, b. May 5, 1820, d. June 30, 1830. (8) Amanda L. Polk, b. Dec. 3, 1822, d. Oct. 1890; mar ried T. M. Davis, of Shelby County, Ky. No issue. (9) Sarah J. Polk, b. Jan. 37, 1835, d. Oct. 19, 1885; mar ried Oct. 11, 1845 R. T. Conn, of Bourbon County, Ky. (10) Sophronia Polk, b. Feb. 3, 1837, d. , married T. W. Hornsby. (11) Ellen Maria Polk, b. Jan. 31, 1829, married Alay 26, 1858, Landon A. Thomas, Sr., a banker of Frankfort, Ky. He d. Oct. 2, 1889, and she on Feb. 6, 1911. (12) Leah Polk, b. AprU 8, 1831, d. in infancy. Daniel Polk, Jr., after the death of 'his wife, Eleanor Polk, was married to Catherine W. Hite, of Shelby County, on Feb. 7, 1833, and she survived him. They had no issue. 704 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN FAMILY OF ELIZABETH POWELL. Burr G. Po-well, who married Eliza A. Polk, daughter of Daniel Polk, Jr., was born in Virginia in Sept. 1800 ; died Jan. 1895. They had issue: (1) Kate E. Powell, b. Feb. 22, 1835, d. Jan. 27, 1895; married Wm. P. Tyree, of Tennessee, Aug. 17, 1853. (2) William H. Powell, b. Aug. 25, 1842 ; married Martha A. Grant, June 12, 1879. She d. in 1881. No issue. (3) Henry Clay Powell, b. May 13, 1844, never married. (4) Edward B. PoweU, b. March 4, 1846 ; married Eliza beth S. Emmerson, Nov. 17, 1881. (5) Amanda Polk Powell, b. Aug. 31, 1847 ; never mar ried. FAMILY OF KATE POWELL TYREE. Kate E. Powell, who married Wm. P Tyree, had issue: (1) Lena Le-oto Tyree, b. June 11, 1854. (2) Elizabeth E. Tyree, b. April 27, 1856. (3) Albert Tyree, b. May 30, 1860. (4) Clem Tyree, b. July 10, 1861. (5) Eugene Tyree, b. Nov. 25, 1862. (6) AVUliam P. Tyree, b. July 13, 1866. (7) Nellie Tyree, b. Oct. 31, 1868. (8) Stella Tyree, b. July 27, 1871. FAMILY OF EDWARD B. POWELL. The chUdren born to Edward B. Powell and Elizaheth S. Emmerson were : (1) Ralph E. Powell, h. Oct. 15, 1883. (3) Thruston Powell, b. April 1, 1884. (3) Weston Powell, b. Dec. 31, 1885. (4) Amanda PoweU, b. Nov. 16, 1887. (5) Samuel G. Powell, b. Feb. 23, 1890. (6) Edna Powell, b. April 5, 1892. (7) Charies Powell, b. July 10, 1894. (8) Mary A. Powell, b. Dec. 14, 1896. (9) Sheldon Powell, b. Oct. 3, 1899. POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 705 FAMILY OF DR. LOUIS POLK. Dr. Louis Polk (third child and eldest son of Daniel Polk, Jr., of Shelby County, Ky.), was married Oct. 5, 1848 to Mar garet B. Metcalfe, by whom he had issue : (1) Edwin Polk, b. Oct. 23, 1849. Residence, San An tonio, Tex. (2) Baylor Polk, b. March 4, 1851. Residence, Silver City, N. M. (3) Daniel Polk, b. Nov. 16, 1852, married Anna Reed and had issue : Zillah and a son. (4) Louis Polk, b. Sept. 21, 1855, d. ; married Mary Guthrie. Issue: 'Alargaret; ^Jennie; ^Louise; ^Guthrie. (5) Lu-ra Polk, b. Jan. 19, 1858, d. Nov. 19, 1858. (6) Fannie B. Polk, b. Oct. 19, 1859. Residence, Texas. (7) LiUian May Polk, b. Oct. 18, 1862; married J. A. Baker and had a son, Ro'bert Baker. Residence, Ardmore, Okla. (8) Trusten Polk, b. Nov. 29, 1864; married Maggie Guthrie. Issue: 'Edwin; -AVilliam; ^Margaret. (9) Eloise Polk, b. Oct. 19, 1866 ; married McGill, of Ardmore, Okla. FAMILY OF MRS. LANDON A. THOMAS, SR. The children of Landon A. Thomas and wife, Ellen Alaria (Polk) Thomas were : (1) Landon A. Thomas, Jr., b. June 5, 1859; married Oct. 21, 1885, Mary C. Fleming, of Augusta, Ga. Residence, Au gusta. (2) Anne Thomas, 'b. June 7, 1860 ; unmarried, residence. Frankfort, Ky. (3) Edmond Pendleton Tho'mas, b. Nov. 18, 1861, d. July, 1863. (4) Emily H. Thomas, b. Nov. 38, 1863. (5) Western B. Thomas, b. April 18, 1867, d. July 11, 1894. 706 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN FAMILY OF LANDON A. THOMAS, JR. The children of Landon A. Thomas, Jr., of Augusta, Ga., and his wife, Mary (Fleming) Thomas are: (1) Landon Thomas, b. Dec. 38, 1886. (3) Ellen Polk Thomas, b. Mar. IL 1895. (3) Emily Haine Thomas, b. May 38, 1897. (4) Anne Thomas, b. Oct. 30, 1901. Richard T. Conn and his wife, Sarah J. Polk C-O'un (daugh ter of Daniel Polk, Jr., and wife Eleanor, of Shelby County, Ky.), 'had issue : (1) Anna A^. Conn, b. 1846; married Feb., 1870, Sam'l W Forder, of St. Louis, Mo. (3) Florence E. Conn, b. Nov. 35, 1862 ; married Nov. 9, 1887, Taylor Stith, of St. Louis, Mo. The children of Sam'l W. and Anna C. Forder were: (1) Conn Forder, b. Dec. 38, 1871 ; married June, 1900. (3) Mary Alice Forder, b. July 13, 1875, d. Nov., 1904. (3) Dr. Carver W. Forder, b. July 17, 1878; unmarried. (4) Sam'l W. Forder, b. Nov. 1, 1880 ; unmarried. The chUdren of Taylor and Florence E. Stith were: (1) Aladeline Florence Stith, b. Sept. 9, 1888. (3) Richard Taylor Stith, b. Feb. 6, 1890. (3) Harold Joseph Stith, b. Jan. 16, 1899. FAMILY OF DANIEL POLK, OF DENVER. Daniel Polk, fifth child of Midshipman, Daniel Polk and wife Eleanor, was b. in Shelby County, Dec. 31, 1816 and d. at Denver, Col., Aug. , 1895. By his wife, Elizabeth Rucker who d. Sept., 1894, he had issue : (1) Alice Polk, b. March 33, 1845 ; married Nov. 3, 1868, AVm. C. HUl. Issue: F. Wm. HUl, b. Jan. 31, 1871; married Anna A. Bent, Nov. 4, 1907. Issue: Alice Polk HiU, b. Sept. POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 707 33, 1908. Mrs. Alice Polk Hill has for a number of years been one of the most prominent women in Denver, in social and lit erary life, and is author of a book entitled, "Pioneers of Col orado." She was the only woman in the convention that made the charter for the city and county of Denver. (3) Ellen Polk Hill, b. Dec. 31, 1853; married Her man Ruff, Aug. 37, 1878. Issue: AHce Polk Ruff, b. Aug. 31, 1885. (3) Louis Polk, b. Sept., 1847, d. July, 1890; unmarried. PEGGY LOGAN'S FAMILY. Peggy, or Margaret Polk, third child of Daniel Polk, Sr., with her twin sister Sarah, was born Sept. 36, 1780. Sarah died when a year old. On Oct. 38, 1803, at the home of Dr. James Clayton, in Wilmington, Peggy was married to Dr. George Logan, Jr., of Charleston, S. C. Peggy d. June 16, 1836 and Dr. Logan took as a second wife, Ann Turner. Peggy and Dr. Logan met while she was attending school in Philadelphia, Dr. Logan at that time being a student of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania. Peggy at the time was a ward of Hon. Caesar A. Rodney, one of Delaware's "Signers," who had been a very close political friend of her father's. Dr. Logan and wife lived at Charleston, S. C, until her death in 1863, at the age of 46 years, leaving six children. Mrs. Logan was accounted the beauty of her family.. Dr. Logan's ancestor. Col. George Logan, of the British Army, came to Charleston in 1690, in command of a regiment of Horse to protect the colony from its enemies. The children born to Dr. George Logan and wife, Peggy (Polk) Logan were: (1) George AVilliam Logan, b. July 10, 1804. (3) Samuel White Logan, b. Jan. 7, 1806, d. Nov. 12, 1852. (3) Thomas Aluldrop Logan, b. Jan. 31, 1808. (4) Daniel Polk Logan, b. Oct. IL 1812. 708 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN (5) Caesar A. Rodney Logan, b. Aug. 3, 1815, d. Sept. 7, 1853. (6) William Logan, b. Sept. 23, 1818, d. in 1841. These sons all became prominent citizens, the first, George W. Logan, became a distinguished Judge. General Thomas Logan, of Richmond, Va., a distinguished artillery officer of the Confederate Army, was of this family. THE TILGHMAN FAMILY. Anna Polk, daughter of Daniel Polk, Sr., was 'b. March 14, 1788 and d. Sept. 9, 1860. On Dec. 13, 1809, she married Wm. Gibson Tilghman, of Talbot County, member of a dis tinguished Maryland family, and to this union were born nine children, five of whom grew to maturity and married, and have numerous descendants. POLK F AM I LY AND KINSMEN 709 CHAPTER LXXL CAPT. ROBERT POLK, NAVAL OFFICER. Captain Robert Polk, son of Rohert Polk, 3d and Alice (Nutter) Polk, was born in Dorchester County, Maryland in 1744 and was killed in 1779, during the Revolution, on board his ship the privateer Montgomery, in a desperate engage ment with a British ship. It is said that he greatly distin guished himself in the engagement, and that he received a mor tal wound from a large splinter that was knocked off by one of the enemy's cannon balls and entered his body. His will is on file at Baltimore. Capt. Robert's commissions as commander of the priva teers "Black Jake" and "Montgomery" were issued by the State of Maryland. He sailed from Annapolis, scoured the seas for British merchantmen, and took his prizes, of which he made quite a number, into the port of Norfolk for disposal. The records of the U. S. Navy contain accounts of his exploits and captures while in command of the ships named. Ca'pt. Ro'bert Polk was married in 1765, when twenty-one years of age, to Elizabeth Digby Peale, of Philadelphia ('b. Jan. 20,11747), a sister of Charles A'A^ilson Peale, the distin guished artist, and founder of Peale's Museum of that city. Of the youth of Robert little is known beyond the statement that he was early inclined to seafaring. AA'^hen the Revolution came on he was in the full vigor of manhood and eagerly enter ed the ranks of his country's defenders, as did others of his kinsmen. Mrs. Polly Wolf, of Indiana, in 1874, telling the author about her father Ephraim Polk's enlistment in Philadelphia, in 1777, stated that "while there he visited a cousin, Capt. Robert Polk, who was a naval officer and was afterwards kill ed on his ship." This she got from her father when she was a little girl in Kentucky, as "he often sat around the fire of winter evenings and described to his children his experiences and recollections of the Revolution." 710 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN DESCENDANTS OF CAPTAIN ROBERT POLK. (Data furnished by Peale Family.) Capt. Robert Polk, b. in Maryland 1744; killed in Navy, 1779. Elizabeth Digby Peale, b. Jan. 30, 1747 at Chariestown, Md. They were married in 1765 and had issue : (1) Margaret Polk, b. June 4, 1766, d. . (3) Charles Peale Polk, b. Alarch 17, 1767, d. 1833. (3) Elizabeth Boardley Polk, b. Aug. 1, 1770, d. The portrait of Capt. Robert Polk in uniform, painted by his wife's brother, Chas. AVilson Peale, was taken by his widow to Virginia, w'here it was destroyed by Federal soldiers ^during the Civil AVar. FAMILY OF CHARLES PEALE POLK. Charles Peale Polk, son of Capt. Robert Polk and Eliza beth Digby (Peale) Polk, was three times married. His first wife was Aliss Ruth Ellison, of New Jersey, about 1785. His second wife was a Mrs. Brocken'brough, of Fredericksburg, Va., in 1811. His third was Miss Ellen B. Downman, in 1816. By the first wife Charles Peale Polk had : (1) Elizabeth P-dlk, b. 1786, d. 1874. (3) Robert Polk, b. Dec. 9, 1788 ; married Penelope John son Maury. (3) Josiah Polk, b. , d. . (4) David P. Polk, b. about 1790, d. 1835. Was an offi cer in U. S. Army in war of 1813. He was appointed an En sign in the Twelfth Infantry June 32, 1813 ; 3d Lieut. March 30, 1813; 1st Lieut. Aug. 34, 1814. Honorably discharged June 15, 1815. He married Letitia Jane Stewart. (5) Anna M. Polk, b. about 1793, d. . (6) Edward B. Polk, b. about 1794, d. unmarried. Was also an officer in U. S. Army. (7) Theodore Polk, b. about 1796, d. . (8) Caroline Polk, b. about 1798, d. . (9) Franklin Polk, b. about 1800, d. . (10) Ruth Polk, b. about 1803, d. . Robert Polk, by his first wife Penelope J. Alaury, had issue: 'Alary, h. , d. , married J. J Brown, of POLK F AMI LY AND KINSMEN 7II Virginia; ^Gabriel Duval, b. , d. 1835; ^Susan, b. '-, d. , married Rev. H. Haverstick at Philadelphia in 1839; ^Robert Isaac Watts, b. March 38, 1818 at Washington, D. C, d. Oct. 11, 1861. By his second wife, Mrs. Brockenbrough, of Fredericks burg, Va., whom he married in 1811, he had: (11) Columbus C. Polk, b. about 1813-13. He went to sea and was never heard of again. By his third wife, Ellen B. Downman, whom he married in 1816, Charies Peale Polk had : (13) Ellen B. Polk, b. , d. . Elizabeth Boardley Polk, third child of Capt. Robert Polk and Elizabeth Digby Peale, married twice ; first to Septimus Claypool, no issue. Second, to Rev. Dr. Bend, the Rector of St. Paul's P. E. Church of Baltimore. No issue. Robert Isaac Watts Polk and his wife Sara'h J. (Somer- ville) Polk were married May 10, 1838, in Fredericksburg City, M-d. They had issue: (1) Elizabeth Polk, b. April 14, 1839, at Woodstock, Va., Charles Cochran. (3) Penelope Maury Johnson Polk, b. Aug. 17, 1843, at Winchester, Va., married Philip Leidy, M. D,, a distinguished physician, paleontologist and scientist of Philadelphia, who has a world-wide reputation. (3) Laura Polk, b. Dec. 33, 1849, married first James Lad- son Hall; 3nd, George Nelson Gregg. (4) James Fontaine Polk, b. Jan. 15, 1846, d. Jan. 14, 1869. (5) Duvall Polk, b. Oct. 15, 1843, married Lillie Bancroft Caldwell. (6) Robert Polk, b. Jan. 9, 1855. Duval Fontaine Polk, son of Robert Isaac Watts Polk, b. Oct. 15, 1853, at AVinchester, A^a., married Oct. 8, 1874, at Philadelphia, Lillie Bancroft Caldwell (daughter of Robert and Jane B. CaldweU), 'b. Dec. 10, 1853. They had issue: iHelen Maury, b. July 30, 1875 ; ^Robert Caldwell, b. AprU 7, 1877. 712 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN CHARLES PEALE POLK, ARTIST. Among the distinguished artists of the Revolutionary period was Charles AVilson Peale, of PhUadelphia, whose in dustry was probably not equaled by any other person of his prefession, both in oil portraits and miniature work. His son, Rembrandt Peale, and his nephew Charles Peale Polk (son of Capt. Robert Polk), both inherited the artistic talent and also produced pictures of distinguished subjects of the time. It was the habit of Peale to encourage the talents of his son and nephew all he could. On one occasion, having secured the consent -of President Washington for a sitting, he took along his son and nephew, and all three sketched Washington at the same time, whereat other artists expressed their disgust at Peale "making a family affair of the sitting." AA'ould be critics of the present day have attempted to discredit Charles Peale Polk's ability as a -painter, but the numerous specimens of his work still extant attest his skill with the brush. Some have asserted that Polk was a mere copyist and have tried to belittle his work, but the latter speaks for itself when viewed by the unprejudiced critic. All the great artists of the world have been set upon 'by hypercritical faultfiinders, but their work still lives. A very • beautiful portrait of AA'ashington painted by Charles Peale Polk and signed on the back in his character istic manner "Cs Polk, Painter No. 53." is now in possession of Mrs. Mary G. von Tschudi Price, of 357 AVest 118th Street, New York. The -portrait is of head size, three quarters length, in perfect condition and still in the original frame. With colors m-ellowed 'by time it is most interesting as a work of superior merit by Polk, as well as a contemporary Washington picture. It has never been out of the present owner's family and, according to its traditions, was painted from life, and was given by Washington to Col. Wm. Clemm, a prominent citi zen of Baltimore, who was among the first to go- from that town to fight for American Independence. Washington is here represented in Continental uniform, with three stars on the epaulettes ; his hand, holding a chapeau, POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 713 ¦•?a,". -i' PORTRAIT OF WASHINGTON, By Charles Peale Polk, son of Capt, Robt, Polk and Elizabeth Digby (Peale) Polk, POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 715 rests on the hUt of his sword. In the background, on one side, are Princeton and the college buildings. On the other side a sentinel on duty, before a camp over which floats an American flag. As Polk, in a letter to Washington, of date Aug. 6, 1790, states that during the last year, (1789-90) he had completed 50 portraits, wishes a sitting, asking that Washing ton grant him one, and as this portrait is signed No. 53, it is more than likely that this was an original portrait, executed perhaps about 1795, when Polk was one of the three painters, including Rembrandt Peale, who availed themselves of this opportunity to paint AA^ashington, who had granted a sitting CHARLES PEALE POLK'S LETTER TO WASHINGTON. The following is a co'py of the letter written 'by Charles Peale Polk to George Washington, requesting of -him the favor of a sitting : New York, Aug. 6, 1790.. Sir: Encouraged by your Excellency's known Affibility and admirable Condescention, a Citizen of Philadelphia Humbly requests the Indulgence of an Interview. His Errand tho' far from being disinterested to himself. He hopes will be very far from being displeasing or offensive to your Excellency. His Object is, if Possible, to obtain the Honorable privilege of One Short Sitting from the President, to enable him to finish a portrait of your Excellency, (in head size) Prepaired with that design. He has in -the Course of the last year Executed fifty Por traits ; 'tho his advantages were not what he wished ; But Imagines if your Excellencys leisure and Incli-nation will per mit (?) he shall hereafter be capable of Exibiting more lust 716 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN and finished performances — the resemblance of Him whose Character will never be obliterated from the hearts of true Americans. Should this request meet your Excellency's favor, not only will the desires of many Respectable Citizens be grati fied, but the Interests of a depending family greatly promoted. And the Pleasure Vastly Increased of your Excellency's most Obedient and devoted Servt. CHARLES PEALE POLK. His Excellency the President. Copied from the Manuscript Division Library of Con gress, Nov. 37, 1910. POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 717 CHAPTER LXXII. POLKS OF ACCOMAC COUNTY, VIRGINIA. ¦Capt. Wiliam Polk, of Accomac County, Virginia, mar ried Sahra Bradford, Jan. 35, 1764 and had issue: (1) Sally Polk, b. March 13, 1766. (3) Margaret Polk, b. Jan. 34, 1768. (3) Nathaniel Polk, b. May 15, 1770. (4) Bridget Polk, b. June 3, 1773. (5) James Polk, h. April 4, 1774. (6) Jane Polk, b. AprU 5, 1776. (9) Robert Polk, b. June 3, 1778. (8) Martha Polk, b. Sept. 37, 1780. (9) AmeUa ("MiUy") Polk, b. Oct. 13, 1783. (10) WiUiam Polk, b. July 5, 1784. (11) John Polk, b. March 10, 1786. INTERMARRIAGES. Sally Polk married three times ; first to Jacob Lurton, second to Littleton Townsend ; third to Thomas Sturgis. How many children she had by these three husbands is not known. By Mr. Townsend s'he -had a daughter Sahra Polk Townsend, who married first John Scarborough; second -Capt. Samuel Waples in 1833, son of Paul Waples, of Delaware. Two sons by the first died young. By 'Capt. Waples she had Edward B. Waples; a -daughter (name unknown) who married Wm. Robertson and had three sons ; also another daughter untraced. Capt. Waples was a Lieutenant in the company of Capt. Wm. Polk, in the Revolution. Edward B. Waples, son of Capt. Samuel Waples, b. Jan. 17, 1835, married , and had : (1) Samuel T. Waples, who -had Samuel B. and Bertie Lee Waples. 718 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN (3) John S. Waples, who 'had Sarah, Sahra and Mary Rob ertson AA'^aples. (3) Jennings Wise Waples, who had Wm. Jennings and Sarah Wa-ples. (4) Edward B., Jr., and Charles S. Waples, both of whom married 'but left no issue. Capt. Samuel Waples was a soldier in the Revolution, in the Ninth Virginia Continentals, Col. Chas. Sco-tt's brigade, and was one of the suffering patrio'ts at Valley Forge. SALLIE POLK'S DESCENDANTS. Sallie Polk (daughter of Capt. Wm. Polk, by her last hus band, Thomas Sturgis), 'had a daughter Mehala Sturgis, who married first Joseph Gunter; second Con. Laws. By the first she had: (1) Benjamin Thomas Gunter; married Ellen Frances Fisher. (2) Elizabeth S. Gunter; married Thomas C. Pitts. By the second husband Sallie had Joseph Gunter Laws. Benjamin Thomas Gunter and wife Ellen had: 'Alahala Gunter, married John Edmonds. Issue : Alfred B. G., John AVillis, EUa Tabitha, James Frederic, and May Edna Edm'Onds; ^John Joseph Gunter, b. , d. Oct. 2, 1889, married Flor ence M. Custis and had: Ellen Custis ; ^Alfred Benjamin Gunter, b. , d. unmarried ; ^Joseph Fisher Gunter also d. unmarried; ^Wm. Frederick d. unmarried; ^Benjamin Thomas Gunter married Anne Eastburn. He is an eminent lawyer and for many years was Circuit Judge of his district. Thomas C. Pitts and wife, Elizabeth (Gunter) Pitts had issue: (1) Robert C. Pitts, untraced. (2) Wm. B. Pitts, married EUa K. Hopkins, no issue. (3) Alice T. Pitts, married Spencer F. Rogers. Issue: 'William Pitts Rogers ; ^Alfred B. G. Rogers ; ^'John T. Rogers ; *Susie P. Rogers ; ^Spencer F. Rogers ; ^Elizabeth ("Bessie") Rogers, married Lewis J. Harmonson ; '^Louis P. Rogers ; '^Anne Louis Rogers. POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 719 MARGARET POLKS DESCENDANTS. Margaret Polk (second child of Capt. William Polk), mar ried Revel ¦Colburn. He was born in Virginia Sept. 16, 1764 and died in Llenry County, Indiana, Feb. 24, 1844, She died Nov. 26, 1837, in the same county. Revel and Margaret (Polk) Colburn were well educated and though advanced in years he taught school for several terms after settling in Indiana. His wife was a physician and engaged in active practice. A sovereign remedy administered by her for the prevalent disease of malaria was "Rock Oil," put up in small bottles, and now kno-wn as petroleum, which was skimmed from the surface of springs. The children of Revel and Margaret (Polk) Colburn were : 'John ; ^Sally (Hobson) ; ^James ; *William ; ^Henrietta Rhoads ; «Sabra (Twiford) ; '^Jane (AVebster) ; ^Mary (Leon ard). Jdhn was a Methodist preacher. He married Elizabeth Petty and had: 'Jesse ;^Sally; ^WiUiam; *Martha; =^Caro- hne. The latter married James Alfred Current, May 8, 1851. He was born at Grafton, Va., June 35, 1834, Sally (daughter of Margaret and Revel Colburn), mar ried George Hobson, Sept. 7, 1807. Sally was born in Chat ham County N. C, Dec. 27, 1789. George and Sally Hobson ¦had issue : (1) William P. Hobson, b. , d. . (3) Revel C. Hobson, b. Sept. 13, 1810, d. Jan. 30, 1819. (3) Polly B. Hobson, b. March 1, 1813, d. a week later. (4) Bale B. Hobson, b. March 34, 1814, d. April 11, 1815. (5) Jose K. Hobson, b. , d. . (6) Margaret K. Hobson, b. , d. . (7) Jemima D. Hobson, b. , d. . (8) Eliza J. Hobson, b. , d. . (9) James R. Hobson, b. , d. . (1-0) George W. Hobson, b. Aug. 13, 1838, d. Nov. 1839. (11) Sarah A. Hobson, b. . d. . Eliza J. Hobson, daughter of Sally (Colburn) and George Hobson, -married Samuel J. Current, and they had a num-ber of children, among them Annie E. Current, of Redkey, Ind., autlhor of "Genealogy of the Current and Hobson Families," tIhe Hobson's all being descendants of Capt. Wm. Polk, of 720 PO LK FAMILY AND KINSMEN Accomac, thro-ugh his daughter Margaret, who married Revel Colburn. Bridget Polk (daughter of Capt. Wm. Polk), married Thomas Clegg, who died in North Carolina in 1827. They had issue: (1) Wm. Clegg, who d. young. (2) Esther C. Clegg, married Wm. Arens. (3) John Clegg, emigrated to Georgia, untraced. (4) Elizabeth Clegg, married Mr. Bixman. (5) David Clegg, married Miss Bixman. The -others, all untraced as to issue, were : Nathaniel, Thomas, Jr., Peggy, Nancy, Alary, Luther and Baxter Clegg. James Polk (son of Capt. AA'm. Polk and Sahra (Bradford) Polk, married Elizabeth Hutchison. He removed to Chatham County, N, C. James died near Guilford, C. H., in Alay 1824, and his sons decided to remove to the Ohio Valley. James and Elizabeth -had issue : (1) Plugh Polk, b. Feb. 1, 1799, who m'arried Jeretta , and had : 'Wm. P. ; ^James ; ^Alartha, who mar ried Wm. Shelby; ^Elizabeth, who married Wilson; ®Abijah, who married Miss Wright; "Rebecca; ^Peter and «Stran Polk. (2) Robert H. Polk (son of James and Eliza'beth Polk), b. June 13, 1800 in Accomac County, Virginia, married Hannah H-odgen, Dec. 11, 1823. She was born Feb. 25, 1802 and died Feb. 12, 1875. In 1841 Robert H. Polk removed from North Carolina to Henry County, Ind. He had issue : (1) Col. Babel N. Polk, b. Nov. 19, 1834; married Louisa Northum. He had five children, one of w'h-om, Sophronia, married Lindsay Vestal, of Madison, Ind. (3) Milton D. Polk, b. Aug. 7, 1836, d. Nov. 9, 1849. (3) Rebecca Polk, b. Sept 11, 1838, married Jacob Ken nard. (4) Rachel Polk, b. Sept. 9, 1830; married Quinton Vin- chow and had a daughter Ruth and two more children. (5) Caroline Polk, b. , married George Kern. Is sue: unknown. (6) Robt. Polk, b. , d. . Residence, Madison, Ind., P O LK F AMI LY AND KINSMEN 721 4^ " 'V.i-'^js. --• ' ^^ -"•I MRS, SABRA POLK JOYNES AND DAUGHTER, MRS, TABITHA JOYNES LAURENCE, of Murfreesboro, N, C. 1 PO LK F AMI LY AN D KIN SM EN 723 i The youngest -child, Elizabeth, b. Nov. 6, 1844, married David F. W'Oods. Preceding her in date of birth were Mary J., Emma, Joseph and Mary, but their dates are not preserved. Rebecca Polk Kennard had a son Milton M. Kennard, of Knightstown, Ind. Alargaret ("Peggy") Polk (daughter of James and Eliza beth Hutchison Polk), 'b. in 1803, married first Rutherford Petty; second P Garner. By the first she had: 'R-obert Petty, w!h-o married Rachael Vestal ; ^Elizabeth Petty, who married Wm. Armfield; ^Nancy Petty, who married Lewis Swindle. By the second husband, Mr. Garner, Alargaret ¦had three sons, Edmond, Tasker and who had a son Samuel. James Polk (son of James and Eliza'beth Hutchison Polk), b. 1804 in Accomac, -married Finnell Stewart, of North Caro lina. They had: Col. J. Robert Polk, b. 1833, who was Audi tor of Wabash County, Indiana, dying in 1875. He had sev eral children, names not furnished. John Polk (son of James and Elizabeth Hutchison Polk), married and had a son Robert, who went to 'California. Nancy Polk (yo-ungest child of James and Elizabeth Hutchison Polk), ntarried Peter Ruby. Jane Polk (daughter of Capt. AVm. Polk and Sa/bra Brad ford Polk, b. April 5, 1776, married first George Handover; second Zorobabel Edwards. Issue, untraced. Ro-bert Polk (son of Capt. Wm. Polk and wife), b. June 3, 1778, emigrated from North Carolina to Henry County, Ind. Issue, if any, not recorded. Martha (Patsy) Polk (daughter of 'Capt. Wm. Polk and wife), b. Sept. 37, 1780, married Joshua Fitchett and located in Northampton County, Virginia. They had a number of descendants, among them: (1) Alary Fitc'hett, who married William Dixon. (2) Emily Fitc'hett, who married Thomas Duncan. (3) Sabra Polk Fitchett, who married June 5, 1849, TuUy A. T. Joynes, -of Onancock, Va. (4) William Fitchett, untraced. TuUy A. T. Joynes and wife, Sabra Polk Fitchett had issue: 724 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN (1) Alexander T. Joynes, who married Mary Wilkins. They had a daughter, Lessie, who married A. Fuller. (3) Wm. F. Joynes, who married Jennie Hopkins. They had a daughter, Tabitha and a son T. H. Joynes, the latter of Baltimore. Tabitha married Nov. 37, 1900, E. Thomas Waters. TuUy A. T. Joynes, Jr., (son of TuUy A. T., Sr.), married Mary Hamilton and had : ^Evelyn and ^Julia A. Evelyn married Nov. 35, 1908, Chas. C. Womach. Julia A. married May 6, 1909, Dr. Shipley, of Baltimore. Tabitha Joynes, daughter of TuUy A. 1'. Joynes, Sr., mar ried first Dr. Jno. C. Laurence, of North Carolina; second Samuel B. Hance, of Baltimore. Goodwin Joynes, -b. Sept. 6, 1856 (youngest son of TuUy A. T. Joynes, Sr.), married Sally W. Northam, Nov. 35, 1880. T'hey had : (1) Louise, b. Feb. 2, 1882. (2) Blanche N., h. Jan. 30, 1886. (3) Helen G., b. Oct. 36, 1888. (4) TuUy A. T., b. Nov. 37, 1890. (5) George Goodwin, b. Jan. 6, 1896. Louise, married Mosby G. Perrow, of Lynchburg, Va., Nov. 11, 1902. WILLIAM POLK'S DESCENDANTS. William Polk (tenth child of Capt. Wm. Polk and wife, Sabra), b. July 5, 1784, married Hannah Hobson, Mardh 30, 1809, she was b. Oct. 10, 1776. They had five sons and two daughters, viz : 'James ; ^WiUiam ; ^Robert ; ^Nathaniel ; '"John; "Sarah and ^Alartha Ann. The latter married first, Mr. Btoom; second, Mr. McConnell. James Polk, eldest son of AVm. Polk and Hannah (Hdb- s-on) Polk, was quite an artist in silhouette pictures, executing them with great skill. His father, AA^m. Polk, removed from North Carolina to Clinton County, O'hio, a/bout 1807, w'here he died, and where he left a number -of descendants. A daug'h ter of James Polk, Mrs. Annie Darbyshire, resides at Sabina, Cinton County. Of the other children of AA^illiam and Hannah (Hobson) POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 725 Polk, Robert settled at Muncie, Ind. Nathaniel removed to Misso'uri. Sally died w-hen grown. John and Sarah un traced. Amelia ("Milly") Polk (ninth child of Capt. WiUiam Polk and wife), b. Oct. 13, 1782, married Littleton Harmon, of Chatham, N. C, and removed to Indiana, settling near the Polks who had preceded -them. They had issue: 'James; ^Sally ; SReuben ; *Sina ; sTho-mas ; «Nancy. Jo'hn Polk (youngest son of Capt. Wm. Polk and wife, Salbra (Bradford)) Polk), b. March 10, 1786, was drowned while in bathing, aged a'bout 20 years. By his second wife (who is said to have heen Priscilla Polk, of Maryland, a cousin), Capt. Wm. Polk had a daughter Priscilla Polk, b. April 21, 1793. She d. in 1810. CAPT. WM. POLK'S ANCESTORS. Am-ong the most active and patriotic participants in the American Revolution was Captain William Polk, of Accomac County, Virginia, whose residence was on the seashore, where he carried on the business of making salt from sea water. Close by he had a fine residence built of bricks said to have been brought in a ship fr-O'm England. Here he was living when the Colonies threw off the yoke of England and war came on. WiUiam Polk raised a company of troops of which he was made Captain, and with them he did good service. W'hen the British ravaged the Virginia coast, under the traitor Benedict Arnold, they burned his residence and salt works, his wife barely esca'ping capture. Who were the parents of Capt. William Polk is not posi tively shown by the data at the author's command. All of it must be classed simply as inferential proof. A few of the Maryland and Delaware Polks moved south into Accomac ¦County, Virginia, and Capt. William Polk may have been from one of these families. In several of the Polk branches ap'pear data that points toward Capt. William as one of their line, but none are full enough on that -point to constitute adequate proof. In the Polk family sketch published by Miss Alary 726 POLK F AMI LY AND KINSMEN Winder Garrett, of Williamsburg, Va., in October 1897 issue of the American Historical Magazine, page 383, s'he names the chUdren of William Polk and Priscilla Ro'berts, as shown on the Polk tree published in 1849. Of William, eldest -of these children, she says he was twice married, but cannot give names of his wives. But she gives two of his Children, Col. Thomas and John, by his fir,st wife, and Ezekiel 'by second wife. Shelby, son of Col. Thomas, married a Colburn. The names of Thomas, John and Ezekiel do not ap-pear in the Bible record list of Capt. Wm. Polk's family. Hence the conclusion that AA'illiam Polk, eldest son of WiUiam and Priscilla, besides Thomas and John, also may have 'had a son William, w4io was Captain AA^illiam Polk, of Accomac. It will also be noticed that Margaret Polk, second child of Capt. Wm. Polk, married Revel Colburn, and that a son of AA'm. Polk, first child of William shown on 1849 Polk tree, also married a Colburn. POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 727 CHAPTER LXXIIL THE POLLOCKS OF AMERICA. Rev. Horace Edwin Hayden, of Harrisburg, Pa., in 1888, published in pamphlet form a "Pollock Genealogy," contain ing an extended sketch of Col. Oliver Pollock, of Carlisle, Pa., a distinguished man of his day in financial transactions and of great wealth, all of which he placed at the disposal of his country during the Revolutionary War, when he was Com mercial Agent of the government at Havana and New Orleans. But for his efforts in securing supplies and ammunition for the army and navy, and for Gen'l George Rogers Clark for his Illinois Cam-paign, the American arms possibly may have failed of success. Says Rev. Hayden : "The Pennsylvania Pollock's are all of Scotch-Irish descent, and supposed to have had but one origin, in "Petrus, son -of Fulbert," who succeeded his father and assumed as a surname the name of hereditary lands of Pollock in Renfrewshire. He lived in the reign of Malcolm IV, who died in 1165, and was a man -of great eminence in his time and a benefactor of the Monastery of Paisley. This donation was confirmed by Joceline Bishop of Glasgow, who died 1199. Besides his estates in Renfrewshire, he held the barony of Rothes in the county of Aberdeen, which he gave to his daughter, Mauricle de PoUock, who married Sir Norman Lesley and was ancestor of the Earls of Rothes. (Burke). Although the arms differ, the crests of the Scotch and Irish Pollocks are the same, "a boar passant, or and vert, transfixed with a -dart, proper." "The Pennsylvania Pollocks embrace descendants of James and Oliver Pollock of Carlisle, Pa., comprising family names of Alger, Bradford, Briggs, Dougherty, Dady, Foley, Gibson, Morrison, McKay, O'Brien, Pharis, Pennimen, and Robinson." IMie sketch also included accounts of the descend ants of John, James and Charles Pollock, brothers, who em igrated from Coleraine, County Donegal, Ireland, about 1750, 728 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN and settled in Pennsylvaia as well as descendants of Samuel Pollock, of Chester and Dauphin Counties, Pa. "The North Carolina Pollocks were intimately connected with Aaron Burr. Rev. Johnathan Edwards, D. D., son of the great Johnathan the Divine of New England, had eleven chih dren. Of these the third, Esther, b. 1733, married Rev. Aaron Burr, President of Princeton College and father of Aaron Burr, Vice President of United States. Eunice, sister of Esther, married first Thomas Pollock, of Newbern, N. C. "George P-oUock, son of Thos. Pollock and Eunice Ed wards, was an intimate friend- of Aaron Burr, his first cousin. He lived in PhUadelphia from 1800 to 1806. Burr was his guest when he visited Philadelphia (see Hfe of Blennerhasset). Four men named Pollock were among the early settlers of Cumberland County, Pa. (1) James PoUock, of East Pennsboro. (3) Oliver Pollock, of Carlisle, brother of James (1). (3) James Pollock, of Hopewell Township, whose will, dated M.ay 35, 1773, mentions six children, viz : ^John Pol lock ; ^Jean, married Mr. Hinchman ; ^Martha, married Air. Dobson ; *James Pollock ; ^William Pollock ; '^Robert Pollock. "The descendants of James and Oliver comprise the family names of Alger, Bradford, Briggs, Dougherty, Dady, Foley, Gibson, Morrison, AIcKay, O'Brien Pharis, Penniman and Robinson. "James and Oliver Pollock, brothers, emigrated from Ire land to America and located at or near Carlisle, Pa., before 1760. The private papers, miniature and coat -of arms of Oli ver Pollock, including all his official documents, commissions from, and correspondence with the Continental Congress, etc., were destroyed during the Civil War — partly at Vicksburg, Aliss., and partly by the United States gunboat Essex, when it shelled Bayou Sara, La., in 1863. "James Pollock settled in East Pennsboro township, Cum berland County, Pa. He married Ann Lowry. James PoUock died Sept. 1, 1800, at Carlisle, and -his will was probated Nov. 2, following. His widow, Nancy Pollock, resided there in 1809. Oliver Pollock was administrator of the estate. James Pol lock certainly had two sons, p^ossibly four. PO I l< FAMILY AND KINSMEN 729 iff! COL, OTIS W. POLLOCK, U. S. A., San Francisco. POLK F AMI LY AND KINSMEN 731 "(1) Thomas Pollock, whom Oliver PoUock mentions in a letter to the President of the United States Congress, dated New Orleans, Sept. 18, 1782, thus: "I dispatched my nephew, Thomas PoUock, with fifteen volunteers, and Captain La Fitte with twenty-six armed men, to Captain AVilling's assistance.' Nothing more is known of this Thomas. (2) John Pollock must have been born before 1756 and possibly emigrated with his father. He was sent to Philadel phia in 1776 by his father to draw £600 from 'the Committee of Safety for use of the Commissioners of Cumberland Coun ty. His wUl, on file at Carlisle, contains all that is known of his family. From this it appears that John Pollock married Grace , and had one daughter, Margaret, who mar ried Llanse Alorrison, and had in 1807 two sons, John Pollock M-orris-on and Lucas Alorrison. Hanse lived at Pittsburgh and married Margaret Pollock (or Peggy, as the Pennsylvania archives have it), Nov. 12, 1795. He is said to have been a Cap tain in 1813 in Gen'l Claiborne's brigade of Mississippi and Louisiana Territory Volunteers. Jno. Pollock d. Feb. 18, 1807, at Carlisle, probably over 60 years of age, as he calls himself in his will 'old and infirm.' "Hamilton Pollock -of Tunica, La., in 1804, was Oliver Pollock's nephew and agent, looking after and managing 'the latter's extensive interests in that section. If he was married it is not known. "Lieutenant Colonel Otis AA^. Pollock, U. S. A., retired, now residing in San Francisco, Cal., in a communication to the Pennsylvania Magazine some years ago, stated : "The ancestors of President James K. Polk, and those of Ex-Governor James Pollock of Pennsylvania, and those of an other family of Pollocks, came from the north of Ireland, some place in the neighborhood of Coleraine or Londonderry, and located in Chester County, not far from 1740. Ex-Presi dent Polk's name was Pollock, They acquired t'he habit of spelling it Pol'k; subsequently the apostrophe was dropped and the name became Polk. Col. Pollock says, further: "The emigrants of the other family consisted of four brothers, John, Thomas, James and Charles. Thomas returned to Ireland soon after his arrival 732 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN in this country and became a doctor of medicine and remained there. John settled at Carlisle, in Cumberland County ; James in Ligonier Valley, Westmoreland County, and Charles in Northumberland County. "The John Pollock referred to above is probably the John PoUock who came from Ireland with three brothers, one of whom is said to have become rather wild and returned to Ire land. This last John Pollock changed his name to Pogue some years after he came to this country. He married Elizabeth Neal, at Carlisle, and had sons named WiUiam, James, Sam uel, George, Robert and David, and a daughter named Sarah. Of these, James married Frances Baker and George married Nancy Davis. Robert married Sarah Patterson, and Sarah married John Curry. AVilliam and Samuel died unmarried. JUDGE JOHN C. POLLOCK'S LINE. Hon. John C. Pollock, U. S. Judge for the District of Kan sas, contributes the following data regarding 'his paternal line: "My great, great grandfather, Samuel Pollock, was born and reared in Scotland and there married Jane (name unknown) prior to the Revolutionary War. They came to this country, were among the earliest settlers, and patented a tract of land in North Strabane Townsihip, Washington Coun ty, Pa. They were members of the Covenanter Church. The date of their coming to this country I do not have. I am go ing to endeavor to get hold of a copy of this patent. Samuel Pollock appears to have been a man -of considerable education and intelligence. At his death he left three sons, John, Sam uel and William, and four daughters, Margaret, Jane, Nancy and Grizella. "The second son of Samuel and Jane Pollock, Samuel Pol lock 2d, was my great grandfather. He married Ellen Young. They had f-o-ur sons and five daughters. The sons were John, James, Robert and Samuel. The daughters were named Jane, Betsy, Sarah, Margaret and Martha. "The eldest son of Samuel Pollock and Ellen Young, John Pollock, was my grandfather. He married Nancy Hayes and POLK F AMI LY AND KINSMEN 733 located -on Wheeling Creek, near Uniontown, Belmont County, Ohio. To these good people there were born fourteen chil dren, Samuel, WUliam, Robert, James, James II, John and Calvin ; and daughters, Ellen, Margaret, Alary, Sarah, Agnes, Jane, and another, the name I do not remember. I can give you the history, in full, of course, of all my uncles and aunts if you desire it, who they married, when, and full informaxron. "My father's name was Samuel Pollock, the oldest son of John Pollock and Nancy Hayes. He was born Jan. 11, 1818, died March 2, 1883. He married Jane Scott, my mother. There were seven children born to Samuel Pollock and Jane Scott, four sons and three daughters. James, John (myself), Joseph WiUiam, Margaret, Ellen and Nancy. The youngest daughter, Nancy, died of diphtheria at two and one-half years of age. My brother Joseph is also dead. My mother was born Dec. 3, 1830 and died Dec. 3, 1899." JAMES AND WILLIAM POLLOCK. (Data from Leland W. PoUock.) James Pollock and his brother, William Pollock, came to this country about the close of the Revolutionary War, shortly after the surrender of Lord Cornwallis at Yorktown. Both being farmers, they bought land and settled in the WyO'ming Valley of the Susquehannah River, in Northumberland Coun ty, Penn. Both were married after coming to this country and were the heads of large lists of descendants. (1) James Pollock had at least one son, Samuel, whose wife Margaret bore him issue: 'William, ^Thomas, ^James, *J'0'hn, ^Richard, •'Margaret, '^Jane, ^Ann, "Mary. WiUiam, eldest of the above, b. 1769, married Sarah Wil son. Children : 'Sarah, married James S. Dougal ; ^Fleming Wilson, married Mary Armstrong; ^Thomas Caldwell; *Mar- garet, married Wm. McCleery ; ^Samuel, b. 1808, married Elizabeth S. Sterling and they have a son, Thomas Chalmers ; "Mary Wilson ; '''James, b. 1810, married Sarah Ann Hepburn, had several chUdren, among whom was Emma who married Chas. Corrs. 734 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN William, the immigrant brother of James, had at least one son, Joseph. It is not known whether he had any more or not. Joseph Pollock was born in Northumberland County, Pa., receiving a very good education. He married Alary Smith of Lancaster County, Pa., and by her he had three sons. After her death the family moved to a point on the Big Beaver River west of Fort Pitt, now Pittsburg, and 18 miles frO'm its junc tion with the Ohio River, 30 miles below Fort Pitt, and 18 miles from Beavercourt, the county seat, and five miles from New Castle, now the county seat of Loraine County. Here he married Alargaret Gray, a native of New York, by whom he had eleven more children. Joseph was a good farmer, highly respected by all the neighborhood. He was an elder in the Presbyterian Church until his death in 1837, when he was buried in the old family cemetery on the farm. Joseph Pollock had issue: 'John; ^Samuel; ^James; *Joseph; "David; ^Davis; '^John 3nd ; ^AVilliam; ^Benjamin Smith; '"Jane, married AA^m, Pollock, a distant relative; "Polly ; i-AIargaret. Samuel Pollock 2nd, was born in Northumberland County. He received a very thorough education, graduating from Dar lington College, in Beaver County, and continuing his study to prepare himself for the ministry until 'his health failed. His first wife was a Aliss Lesley, of Beaver County, who bore him three children. In 1814 he married again, to a widow, Margaret Morrow Henan, a native of AVilmington, Del., daughter of Thomas and Margaret Alorrow. By her he had four children. He died in 1837 at Maravia, Lawrence County, and was buried in the family cemetery on the old farm in that county. He 'had issue : ^Samuel, married Joseph Zimer- man ; ^Mary Ann, married Joseph Zimerman; ^Hanah, married Robert Llineman, have one child ; *James Harvey; ^PoUy, mar ried John Smith; ''David Smith; '^Eleanor. Joseph (son of Joseph and Alargaret Gray), was born in Beaver County. He also was well educated, going through Darlington College, intending to study to be a Presbyterian minister, but finally deciding he was riot a good enough chris tian, he took up the study of medicine, and practiced his pro- POLK F AM I LY AND KINSMEN 735 fession many years in Williamsport, Pa. He was a polished scholar in Hebrew, Latin and Greek, -had a strong intellect and was a man of great judgment. He was supervisor of the Beaver Valley Canal, and was twice elected as a representa tive to the legislature in Harrisburg. His wife's name was Rachel Morehead, by whom he had the following chUdren, all dead now. (1) Perryander, b. , never married, went to Old Mexico in 1835 where he purchased a gold mine with which he did very well until- a band of Mexican robbers, coming upon him, murdered him, taking all his money. (2) MUo married a Vanhorn and settled on a farm in Jackson County, Iowa. Both are dead. The latter had issue : ^Hiram ; ^Camil- low; ^Hisaferno; *Berlinda Clendenning, d. 1898 at age of 93; "'Laura ; "Adoline ; '^Caroline ; ^Josephine. James Harvey Pollock married Lydia Phillips and 'had issue : 'David Wells ; ^Joseph Philip ; ^Samuel Harvey ; ^Charies; ^Robert Martin; «AIilton DeWitt; ''Grant; ^Emma. David Wells Pollock, married Barbra Lewis, a merchant in central Illinois for many years, now a farmer near Duran- go. Col. T-hey have children: 'Wells; -Helen; ^Bertha; *Ethel; ^Lewis. Joseph Philip Pollock married Ida Ball, Issue: 'Leland AVells ; ^Alilton AA'ayne ; ^Ruth Janet. Samuel Harvey Pollock, married Janet Carlyle. One son, Harvey Carlyle. Robert Alartin Pollock, married Jennie Maltby. Issue: 'Lloyd ; ^Floss, married Walter Kellog ; ^Cary. Milton Dewitt Pollock married Emma Miles. Ulysses Sydney Grant PoUock married Ivy Miles. Issue: 'AA^illard; ^Marie; ^Ruth. Emma Pollock, married Wm. Hinton, d. 1909. Issue: 'Stanley; ^Virgil ; ^^Vivian. Polly, daughter of Samuel Pollock and Miss Lesley, mar ried John Smith. Issue: 'Mary Ellen; ^Rebecca Ann; sjames Harvey; *John Liget ; -'Marcus. David Smith Pollock, son of Samuel and Alargaret (He- nan) Pollock, was born in Beaver County, Pa., Jan. 11, 1835. 736 POLK F AM I LY AND KINSMEN His mother was left a widow when he was but twelve years old. October 18, 1847 -he married Sarah Jane Kuhn, at Sewek- ly, a daughter of John Kuhn and his wife Katherine Schapher, b. July 39, 1830. In 1865 the family moved to the west, settling first in Iowa, then going to a farm near Jefferson City, Mo. From here he moved to New Bloomfield, Callo'way County, where he lived for fifteen years. On February 5, 1896, his wife died at the age of sixty-five. For sixty years and m'ore he was an Elder in the Presbyterian Church, an active worker in all kinds of religious activity. Like all the Pollocks, as far back as anything is known of them, -he was a strict Presbyterian. He is still living in 1911, a venerable old man of over eighty- six, highly respected by all his relatives and acquaintances. His children are as follows : (1) Frank Pollock, b. July 35, 1849, married Oct. 5, 1897, to Katie Shepherd. Present address, Hamilton, Illinois. No children. (3) Margaret Pollock, b. Alarch 10, 1851, married Feb. 18, 1875 to George H. Gordon. Present address, (near) Jeffer son City, Mo. Issue: ^Luella, married Eugene Campbell; "Edgar, has two children, Harvey and Dorothy. Charles E. Pollock, b. Alarch 1, 1853, married Feb. 36, 1886 to Mattie Mahan. Present address, (near) Jefferson City, Mo. Issue: ^Alildred; ^Edward ; ^Robert. AViUiam H. Pollock, b. March 13, 1856, married October 31, 1900 to MoUie Hyten. Present address, Fulton, Mo. Issue: Sue M. PoUock, b. Alay 13, 1856, married Aug. 7, 1881 to Norman P. Bruce. Present addres, (near) Jefferson City, Alo. Issue: ^David; ^Sadie ; ^Clarence ; *Ozetta. Nannie A. Pollock, b. O^ct. 16, 1861, married Nov. 19, to John C. Renner. Present address. New Bloomfield, Mo. Died Oct. 3, 1904. Issue: 'AViUiam; ^Johnnie. Sarah Emma Pollock, b. Feb. 17, 1866, married Aug. 6, 1885 to Jefferson P. Bailey. Present address, (near) Jefferson City, Mo. Issue: ^EUa; AVilliam. POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 737 CHAPTER LXXIV. DR. THOMAS POLLOCK'S DESCENDANTS. (By Col. Otis W. Pollock, U. S. A.) Dr. Thomas PoUock, of Coleraine, Co-unty Derry, Ireland, married Mary Cochran, of the same place, and raised a large family, all of whom were born there. They were : (1) John PoUock, b. March 3, 1734; d. July 16, 1794, at Carlisle, Pa. ; married first Catharine Campbell ; second Elea nor Scull. (3) Thomas Pollock, M. D., b. 1736; d. unmarried at Coleraine. (3) Robert Pollock, b. (twin with Thomas) 1736. (4) James Pollock, b. 1738; d. 1813; married Mary Heron. (5) Charies Pollock, b. 1733; d. 1795; married Agnes Steele. (6) Jane Pollock, b. about 1734; d. Feb. 17, 1797; married McLean. (7) Eliza Pollock, b. about 1736; d. ; married Sheriff. (8) Mary Pollock, untraced. (9) Pollock, b. ; d. ; married first Mr. Colwell; second Mr. Allison; removed to Nova Scotia. (10) Elizabeth Pollock, b. ; d. , at Coleraine. (13) Pollock, b. ; d. ; married Davis Barber, of Northumberland County, Pa. Possibly came to America with her brothers. JO'hn, Thomas, James and Charles came from Coleraine, Ireland, to Pennsylvania, about the year 1750. 738 POLK F AMI LY AND KINSMEN John settled at Carlisle, Pa., and had the following chil dren, by first marriage, all born at Carlisle : 'Eleanor Pollock, b. Feb. 7, 1760, married Jas. Armstrong; ^Thomas PoUo'ck, b. Alarch 32, 1762, lawyer, d. unmarried 1812 ; ^'Alexander PoL lock, b. Jan. 30, 1764, d. 1801, married Jane Sheriff; *John Pol lock, b. Dec. 11, 1765, d. Feb. 18, 1772. Thomas the immigrant, returned to Ireland, where he studied medicine, practiced and died. James settled in LigO'uier Valley, Westmoreland County, Pa., and had the following issue: ^Thomas. Pollock, b. 1773, d. 1847, married first Rachael Hendricks, second Susan Hen derson; ^Elizabeth Pollock, b. about 1774, d. ; married John AlcC-oy; ^Mary Pollock, b. about 1776, d. , marned David Knox; *James PoUo'ck, b. abo-ut 1779, d. unmarried; sj-ohn PoUo-ck, b. 1783, d. 1863, married Elizabeth HamiU; "David PoUock, b. 1784-5, d. probably Jan. 30, 1807, kUled by French robbers in the Alleghany M-ountains ; ''Nancy Pollock, b. 1789; d. 1845, married WiUiam Lytle. Charles, settled in No-rt-humberland County, Pa. He lived m AA-'hite Deer Township, Buffalo Valley, and had the follow ing children, all of whom were born in Nort-humberland Coun ty : 'Jo'hn Pollock, b. , d. unmarried March 1795; 2Adam Pollock, b. 1767, d. 1815, married 1801 Elizabeth GUli- land ; ''James PoUo^ck, b. August 8, 1769, d. Alay 34, 1857, mar ried June 3, 1801, Mary Steele ; *Thomas Pollock, b. 1772, d. _Sept. 29, 1844, married first in 1796, Alargaret Fruit, second, 'in 1820, Eleanor Knox ; AViUiam Pollock, b. 1773 ; d. , married Sally Fruit ; "Richard Pollock, b. , d. unmarried young; ^Charles PoUock, b. 1780, d. Aug. 1798, death caused by over-exertion in lifting sacks of grain ; ^Alary Pollock, b. 1782, d. 1784; ^Jane PoUo^ck, b. 178L lived only six weeks; "Robert Pollock, b. May 22, 1785, d. Feb. 22, 1844, married Alargaret Anderson. Adam, James, Thomas, AA'illiam and Robert, sons of Charles, after their father's death, which occurred in North umberland County in 1795, removed with their mother to Erie County, Pa., where, with the exception of Thomas ari'd Wil- POLK F AMI i^Y AND KINSMEN 739 liam, they settled and remained. The latter two brothers subsequently removed to Clarion County, Pa., w.here their des cendants now live. PATERNAL LINE OF LT. ODL. OTIS WHEELER POLLOCK (1) Dr. Thomas Pollock, Coleraine County, Derry, Ire land. (2) Charles Pollock, Northumberland County, Pa. (3) Adam Pollock, Erie County, Pa. (4) Charles Pollock, Erie City, Pa. (5) Otis Wheeler Pollock, Lt. Col. U. S. Army. 740 POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN CHAPTER LXXV. VISIT TO SCOTTISH ANCESTRAL HOME. Col. Otis W. Pollock, U. S. A., retired, of San Francisco, has always manifested great interest in the genealogy of -his family and the personal history of its members. In a letter to the author, in Jan. 1911, Col. Pollock says: "I have the "Irish Pedigrees" by John O'Hart; David Scott's History of Scotland; George Crawford's History of Renfrewshire, and the Family of Stewart; and Burke's Peer age and Baronetage, from which I have worked out the ped'i- gree back to Adam. O'Hart, in his work, has the pedigree of Queen Victoria traced to Adam the first man. I was able to trace mine until it became co-incident with hers. When we come to Robert Pollock of that ilk, the first Baronet, your genealogy and mine back to Adam are identical. "I visited Europe in 1888, and while there called at Pollok Castle, and had a very pleasant interview with Mr. Ferguson Pollok, and his family. He showed me over the castle and told me many things. You probably may know that the last Baronet, Sir Hew Crawford Pollok, was a wild boy. He ran away from home, came to the United Staites, enlisted as a private soldier in the Fourth U. S. Cavalry, served three years, re-enlisted for a second term, and at one time, in 1867, while the regiment was serving in Texas, and they were in camp, he picked up an old newspaper and stuck a corner of it in the fire to light his pipe. Extinguishing the fire, he spread it out to look it over, when he discovered a notice of the death of his father. "He immediately made himself known to his commanding officer (he had enlisted under the name of Johnston) and through the influence of the British Minister at Was'hington, procured a discharge from the army. He then returned to Scotland and assumed the title and estate. He married and finally died in London in 1885. "While in Scotland, I also visited the estate of Mountains- town, and met the proprietor, a young man since dead. His POLK FAMILY AND KINSMEN 741 name was John Napier George Pollok. I also became ac quainted with Captain Arthur Williamson Alsager Pollok, from whom I received a full record -of the family of Pollock. Carlisle Pollock Patterson, Chief of the U. S. Coast and Geo detic Survey, was from the family whose genealogy I en close. The genealogy here referred to by Col. Pollock and which he received from Captain Arthur Willamson Alsager Pollok, is -omitted, it being the same that appears on the first pages of this book. THE POGUE FAMILY. Another American family whose genesis begins in the Pollok family -of Scotland and Ireland, is that of Pogue. The first of them emigrating to America assumed that style of writing their name after their settlement in Virginia and Pennsylvania. These families, like their Pollok and Polk kinsmen, spread out into the American Colonies, some going to the Carolinas, and thence West and South to Tennessee and Kentucky, producing sons and daughters who were emi nent socially and otherwise, attaining to prominence in civic and military affairs. The first of the P-ogues (or Poages), of whom we have a record were Robert and John Poage, brothers, who came from County Derry, Ireland, in 1740, to Virginia, settling near Staunton, where Robert was made a member of the first Coun ty Court of Augusta County. He had nine children, whose im portation he -proved May 33, 1740, soon after arrival. Such action was a necessary step to settlers procuring lands. Jo'hn, the younger brother -did not marry until he came to Virginia and settled in Rockbridge County, near the Natural Bridge. He raised a -considerable family, one of whom, Martha, mar ried Col. James Moore. They moved with other families to Abb's Valley, Southwest Virginia, where he and most of his family were slain by Shawanee Indians raiding in from Ohio. His wife and two of his daughters were carried into captivity in Ohio, where she and the eldest daughter were burned at the stake (see "Captives of Abb's Valley."). 742 POLK F AMI LY AND KINSMEN John Poage after settlement in Augtista County, mar ried Mary Blair, and was also a Magistrate of his county. He was Lligh Sheriff in 1778, and later County Surveyor, which office became hereditary in his family. Martha, daughter of Robert Poage, m,arried Andrew Woods and died at Ripley, Ohio, in 1818. One tradition is that Robert Poage was a nephew or a grand nephew of Capt. Robert Pollok, who settled in Maryland about 1673, changed his name to Polk and became progenitor of the extensive American family of that name. One of Robert Poage's sons, AVm. Poage, moved from Southwest Virginia in 1775, coming with Col. Richard Callo way to Bo'Onesboro. In 1758, and at other times, he was in active service against the Indians. In 1762 he married Mrs. Ann (Kennedy) Wilson, settling near Black's Fort, no'W Abingdon. In August 1774 he was a Sergeant in command of Fort RusseU, with twenty men, and Lieutenant Daniel Boone was in command of Fort Mo-ore, four miles west of Fort Russell. Shortly after Wm. Poage came to Kentucky he settled at Harrodsburg, where he was slain by the Indians. According to tradition Elizabeth, the wife of Robert Poage the immigrant to Virginia, was a Sheridan and a cousin of Richard Brinley Sheridan. Others say she was a Preston. Soon after the AVar -of 1812 John and Joseph Pogue and fam ily moved from North Carolina to Tennessee. The first settler on the site of Indianapolis was a George Pogue, who was killed by Indians in 1819. Lie had moved from North Carolina to Fayette County, Indiana. Col. Robert Pogue commanded a Kentucky regiment in the War of 1813, and left a ntimber of descendants in Mason and Bracken Counties. This ends the author's labors on his -history of the Polk family, on which he has been engaged at intervals for forty years. That there are errors in it he does not doubt, and he leaves to future 'historians of the family, if any should appear, the task of sifting them out and correcting- them. The data collected amounted to much m'ore than it was possible to make use of, and consequently much had to be omitted which the author would like to have included in the work. YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY 3 9002 05805 3365 i 11 'l I Mi,!'i I i tl'ii i I ,' >\ I'l ! -1,1 'ii.|i'.|.';i!;i III ml .Illlill. If! II 1 ,t 'jl'IK , 11' i '¦''' ' i!'Miii| ¦'l!'i I ii i 'ill 1 1