06126 4579 Ward, Jonathan A Serrion. .. Plymouth, N. H. , 1826. bliiril mjs: 33(ow r-&MS^i. YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY 1941 XKEXillfSItBD AT PLT^tFttf, N. B;., Jin:.S4.182(^ IN COntMBMa&ATXaN OF (I '•' <¦' 1^', I^ JONATHAl| Vnami .: '' ^i»LISHED tr RXOI^I^T; ' *v-, "' ivmiiti BESsitRT *f HCc^ SERMON. PSALM cxxiv: e,3. *Ip it had hot been the Lord, Whowas on our sii)j!,^Sh^'' :MEN ROSE DP.ACAINSX WS ', ."EHEN THEV, 'HAii .SWALLCrtPED tJl WF *> (iUICK, WHEN iTHEUR WRATH WAS KINDLED AG^AINS'^ US, » fj 7(1'! It is unc^taan ^whether the Psalmist here ak. ludes to some ope particular event, or. not, wh^kl his nation were exposed to iminent danger/ from>. their enemies. The passage now read wiE ^ap-.., ply to various seasons of peril and distress in[ their history. It is strikingly applicable to th^ir preseryation in Egypt, and their deliveraBCie^> when pvirsUe^ fcyv^^^ mighty hpst of Pharaoh. Had they ,^ot tb^nibeen protected by the Almigb4.j ty arm of J[e][iovah, their eijeini^s would have swallowed .them up quick. And after ?they 1 were settle^ in the land of Canaan, they, were often attacked by their surroundi%. enemies, who : sought their ruin, and w^o would have sw^IIqw-; s ed them up, had not the Lor^ l>een on their side, , a^d protected them, i;.'v ' And may npt we, with g^fat propriety, adopt tl\e declaration of jthe Psal|nis|l;»in tl;ie text in ¦. Reference to our own nation .' Is it not Striking- 4 - ly true, as it respects these .United States ? Ther| is a remarkable similarity, in various respectSj^ between the people of Israel, and our own na tion, and especially New-England. The childr ren of Israel vvere d|rlj^^d from the yoke of oppression. And' so" were the first settlors of this land^ Israel was e<»a4ucted to a distant an4 strange land, and ^eitle^in it, .49^ so were our «JS§#«rir Vi^ m&ml mhafei|a»ts weue driven oi4t hefpce the children of Israel, to make way > for them. Ss WBrfe the tiriginal ' ihhkbit^nts of tbi» htndl ^ On^thll aj^ivafl of the fit^^^fettlers iif , IfewtEn^ltoi,>1ftey'we?e Informed by ^enaiivei^j' th»t)a tveiy fiioite^ disfeks^had, a few' jeifrs befor^ preiraJieA abiC»]&g' tbenij add sWejp^ ofPtM^ greatef: pari 0fr*lhe^io^al! iiihkbitantsl • ' 'J«^'^feBil4cfJ^ ofiibfckel Mt<||iypt, ai^U^ settied- in tU '*fehd of' ^^Cmitm;^ thai th«^#ight " setfVe theqE.oi'd'" With oul «deslafenf'dndL^*wpriship 'him accordibg ib hisrpjwtif apjroiiitfiaerit. And for the? saihe objecf oMrKsaicesttfrsrlelt' Etiglaiid, Wf ca&J irito this' IsftCiGadiaiseaup for^e chilffifeii^ferael alea^r cr^ilii«ai|d#ithe*tA^aiy4ii(^ifi,kni'emment- lys^miii^foMheWorr^Slgiidrftiifi^^^fiiferithWi5S^*h oJ^e^kibn/Jlfeatonf'ffifert^'^fei^ tiieM^merri€SS',^stri)l|f6iligi£6t theik i'^ m^ cupping their liberty and indepefid^c4','^'^And»he yalS^^up' a' Walhlfe^h ' ^o delfv^l^'' tKis nation frein%piressipnV t^»^blJ^6t btir i^ghl^ tBafcliieve'^ i^m i^^d^endence, to secuye to us equal libert^rj. ^n^ a ^pq^n^ most e:^qellent constitution of jg^o^jprniaent. . Tl^e ii^l^erposition bf Heaven in our favor has beep truly striking 5 and we may, with the ut- Baps|tpropri<;ty, exclaim in the .words of our text, "If it ha4 not been tljie Lord, who was on our, side, v^^hen men rose up against us; then they had swallowed us up quick, when their wrath was kindled against us." Thi^ is manifest froii^ the declarations of scripture and from fact. 1 . It is maiiifest from the declarations of scrip ture. - ' The Bibl^. .clearly teap^es the entire depend ence of creatures upon thpir great Creator for a]l their, blessings. We are expressly taugb^ (hat ffrom him co|iaes do^vn every good and perfect gift ;" that, " when the young ravens cry, they receive thfir meet from God ;" and roperty and many live^,' and tp.{^^rod«ce gfe# distress, yet it was render- fed in a measure abortive. - But in New^-Eiigiandthe most systeln3tic,fde% laid, and dangerous plots were formtea',^ antt tb^ most'perseverin^.att^mpts mkde^for thB Uttef ex^-' termination of the English. ,p/In J 638, sixteen years after the aaritaf pf^ the first settlers at: Plymouth, a formidable ef&fttiitik inade tjf' exterminate fhe English iby?th^'Feq6ts; a powerful trihte of Indians. TMs'i'rfraffir iraW8«el^ defeated after a short contesti .-%";; . Int. But the most extensive arid dan^^ous^^cols^il'- kcy among the Indiani^ agalirist the'En^lish^^WafS iformed by king Philip, a poweffrit sachem of ve- f-y superior mental endowments, arid of ^eat skflt hnd courage in war. "He Was, shyis adistingui^lfl -ed writer,* from the year 1670,tflll675,vfheriho^ tilities actually commenced, secretly preparingjfiif the War, by obtaining arms and negotiatirigfwithF the neighboring tribes;" And the skm^' i*T^d^ 6bserv^,,that he produced "a combination pf Iii- diajf^ so formidable^ and a war so bloody, as'' t(y Ihrellia the very existence of ' all New-Ei^lsaxd.*' 9* iHe- fengkged in the content' Ulmbst' all'' the In dians through New-England, who were ^tiuliei'- ibus arid powerful, arid vHio "spread tfe'etaiWlvTes, says a Writer -of those titflgSi^like^^sho^fs all pver the cPtinti^." Arid thyr mbde of'^M^fare *eritdeifed themU pe^ulfa^ljr djihget-bus '^ eherii^; and the War with them twicoiriiri'dttly deSoMiil^ and destructive. - They »l^rbacri^^itl¥e*m^li^ settlements "Secretly, and often in the ^Tght, arid burned thtiir dwellings, arid killed, or Ted into ckp- tivity, the inhabitants. ^* And thfe 'cburiti-y being then nfeW*, the *SettlefaientSsc8rttei''ed and d^sfendfe- iefe,' and Eftrich' #bbds arid tliiek swampis reriiaiii'- ing, these circumstances greatly favoured thefr de sign ol utterly destroyiiigf the 'Eiiglish. And thejfr weffe forii time sriccessful, and destroyed iriariy toWns,-arid boasted' that they should burn Boston. -K ' Butthbu:^ God corrected the inhabitants of the cPrititry sevf^ely, he did not give them "over to the wfll of their eneriaies;*"^ but riiercifuUy in- terpfSed for their prbt^btion,; preservation and deliverance. ' Divisions, defebtion, andi mortal diseases ariiWr% the savages, greatly weakened them, and tended to bring the war ,to a favorable termiriatipn. . The ariri of Jehovah was extended over his people, and his providence often sig||ffl^ iriterp(^ed for their deliverance. And "Jtiad not the Lord been on their side, when the enemy rose up, {(pyf-S.cotMi, Louisiana, and several of her West-Ijndia Islands. In'Qiis' war tie colonies had borne a distinguish- ed partj had incurred, very heavy expepses, aja^d Idst imriy men, one ii\ifd. of the effectiye m^ of Massae^u^etts being in the service in the cam- jpaignof 'i75i8. From'these calaniitiesjiey had m c^menced,, ^Of »?W^.^^i^^.*V contesi te-W^ft.^|{r%i^F.?P^>^^^ c^iS|. r^H Jlf^^ -^^^^ ^°^^^^^*'^? ^fet^r^^nr^jll^l^ tiie.ffa|i^ji^ l^f-^ar a9^ usef to |ictpiy,; Sfe^^^^^ aifiahce With the Indian tribes gen^r^lly,j^ and had them under her„influence^, ,- ,, - - ] But the colonies were then, weak and impoyejc-r ished ; J^ad no regular |rt-|ny,p^^^^^ ;,,W.e^,^y^ry destitute of iriilifary an^ naval stores ; hadi^n ege^ out ,mearil pf defenGe, ami were diwded among ^, .l/if >:'0i5^.>^-::^^\>rt^"-' T n-o._i sfi, k •-;' -¦.¦ ^¦o themselves. The governors of the, Provinces, arid riiany of the other officers, were. dependent ...,¦•¦ i: --¦•'¦ '•,':;{l}" j-'-'*; ..¦¦';'"} '^V'"- -'"-'-'--' ^' ' -^ ' "^ Upon the crown, and adhered to the royal cause. So that the govprhment, at the commencemeiit of the revolution.^was divided, and distracted, and could not act with concert or energy, Ajid though the mostof the .people, were probably friendly ^tp the liberties of iheir cburitry, -yet many imagined it would be in vam to resist the mighty power of Great Britairi,'' and thought It more prudeht'to accede to such terms , of accommodatiPn as they could Pbtain. They were |herefoi» unjvilling to rifek their 8|fl iirsuehadoubtfuTand, as' they ^up? po^, hopeless contest. Hence ,arose a* division m the cputttry, which greatly ^jeakened.the cause 13 4^. frsiedtim. >There was beside, in the southern amd middle stipes, a vast number of slaves, being ilL many §^^ much more numerous than the whiies, upojivwhom no dependence could be pla- cedj an,d.,whp,SQight becoriie dangerous enemies. Arid though others, well acqtiainte^ with the .spirit and ability of the Americdhs, aS' sured the governmerit that, in their coerce measures, thisy' would meet with the mostserioiilj determiried and perseverlrig' opposition, yet k strange infatuation seemed to have seized the British government ; and they appeared to act upon the supposition that only a handful pf meri wtald be necessary to put down opposrtiPrij arid C enforce submissiPn tp all their acts, however ar bitrary. And this gave the colonies pppprtunity 17 lo act , with more ? deliberatim, iiniph, decision ^i^d ,efie(^^.1,9,qo^le«?t 8^4 concentrate their jferces, ^^ndjto, cam^to operation tfeeir^esfWISQes!; taught th^Q^ t!;\f.4R 9Wifi, ^i:4^i:\gth, and- traijied them to tliev fl^t,([^}\^gf, an^ inspired, i]a0(i with eriflrrage ^d, repolu,t|oqj ^dt^e hope pf.'^ltimatb^. subce$$i J ^Vt a-ppv^fKjfV'^ Wi^ ?%''Be^ ti»;harass.th©sear G^^tj »nft prayer arid 'praisp ascended l^e inceri^ tqth« tfcrbne bf •thcAlmighty. But all Was si-' Mcei and darkkti^J'^arid gloo5tri|^exeept wheriirii-' t^rrripted by t^ Wh'ob^ of thw sst^%e,'or the' how^rigs. of bed^tsWpray.' ' "'^ ^ '' ^ tVhere W^s f ^^th*' A|&eridi(h ' hktio# ?' The foimders of this mighty' ei^pire^'anft thfe' fatheli' of AfliefidaWere'^heri 'wretchl8d Wjafriderfers iri k' ^¥ranig^ Ikh<1,'6r'grojiriiog Al^d'^r the yoke of ciyil and ecelesiasliMi^ 'if^iuiif. Mtd could ft be ex*- pected that mehj placed "!n stich a ctfttditldri, should i^und an i^mpate, wlkh would flourish ed r^pidity^ ^d lieipeiia* the Won- With woflde^ ^n^admiratipp^pjty W3e4racq the ' |novpmei|ts of the, little ban^,^>fhp first laridegl pft thfe^efepf ]pjynu*ftth,andiiiNeW'JPpgl$rid laid the" cor»ei|vstope of this .eighty .edifice* .( Iliey hadi' Veen dpsipn byKpersecutipn frppi jfljeir nativjslan^ der of the.wprld v , , r, ; M Holiand, from ^ipbtemsc they sailed for the ns\ft .wofM, to.&Geel;airiQQg:savages,!aoK' alt^r tb Him^ who, toth(^B»,;w«s ^tke unMowii GoU" 'TiMse. /ohjeotiii in^ isbmii% three Ihousalid; miles mWti .dreiury ^(MOi;eniess, was riot weadth orppliili^I dil^ tiactioHj but Kberty mA religibfli* s Thef cotiiil .not satsonaHy expebtj and did ztbt^e^j^cliPri these f'lijaMSHlMvalted and iflhoe^t^lble shoie^, ;to eiifjbjf ^sm and woi^iy ^est^^^ amd ^indeur. Biit fhej^ eppeetedi tobestr$rig^rs«rii^p|%nBik iri this stiratHge |atid ; «Qd came here tb srilfer arid^fVd Gt^d; aiid ^joy urimcdested the ordiriantJfes M the gospel, arid tiie.^cprispUtiPri^ ef 'reIi^o#; to ^Mte^ aiidr transmit to their bhiidren, iiiivil drid reli^idrisi ^J&eedt|B9f arid the U^eorrit^tM iristitUtions ' bf Christianity, and train the^iri up for heatbri . Ahd ^their iaratieipated' tri^lis Were riibre than realized; ijQrod bad a gt!<^t work for tb^ril to do. Arid he pr«|>aredth€m fPr itj as his irianrie^ hsually is, by sevete trisUi Thoy iirriVed dh the coast in the ^begiobii^ of a dold Winter^ .Without habltatibiis, aB^withohtais^ei^.nt supply of prbtisibtfs. And tlie l»lrdship^^{iy0fiPriS arid isufferingSj which they CQdrired,br(}tight^ within sit jril^Dtths; nearly half of thi^ir tiuiiiil^, ^hsfiti^g'^^ bnejllundred and diik pe!fson%tothegr4vei ¦'' '' Ibdeed, s^eh aec»($ttiti}ated trials as tbey exp^ rlea^, Wbtild have brofeeri the spirits pf ftiei^df ^PTfitide, and hidubed therii tbl^liri- 30 ^uish the objed of turning such a vj»t' Wilder* ness into a fruitful field, and to return to their uatMe land..* But they were tHspired'JHvith an invincible res(itoitiPB, and a»; ui^ieldifigpeE^evBr^ alijtse, that np^bstaelbs^ could discoTaragb''the%i.or drive themfrois their purposet-'t Audi thpugh thsJ infancy of the nation %s£s.£eeble,< and there was a paii^ful struggle for existiftifcej,' yet it gained strength and, l^mn^^ss frpm tije very efil^ which pressed hpavilyi upon it, -and tgayoijprfiiroige of a "^igprous ma:^hoodf . /^©jjgli !ppnstairitly beset with evils caljfiula^ed te» check its grow#i, and : in due^ weakness ;^nd retard, its progress, '.ii oontin- ^edjtq gain s^ngth,j and ddvanee towards maliiH rity, ^ut -vyho eqrildppft.ceive that it would so rapidly, j^i^qljap; soon, grpwito such, ajnation as-this ? A.t ^rst a few scatt^e(l , settlements,. ;<$kirted the A^tlantic, and >a}l J^hind ' was , one unbrok^ri, dreajyjwildgrnpssjvla! the isyestqrrii iocean. But now ithe wilderness, to a ya$tropuIation and wealth-! Our l^bertjf, and independence are secured and established upon a firm basis. We ^^e t|ie wi^esjtit^i^nd best,const^|ution, and a^^v- ernj^ent prg;aw^eji aepoiidiiig to tbeipurestpri^e^ pies of ratipnal liberty. We havenumerpus, 21 well eni|ewed'a'n4 flpurishirij^' literary ih^iitutioh'^. where Pt^r ehildren riiky be Mined for tisefiiliiess, respectabilily and happiri'^if . We 'enjby religioiiS libeiljtyj^the pure ordinances of the'gb^pel,ahd the richest! mearis of ireHgioi^.^ ¦ Very* iiiinrefoHs be» ne^ent societies' arid chal^itable iristitutlraSliave bee*i formed, with tned^ign to impart relief tf) the mdige^and'distre^eiil?^ to. send th^ gospel aii^d the bible.tp the destitute ; to dissemiiiate chris- *tian knowledge $ to prb«&ote .iiftellectual^' moral aiudi spiritual improvfemerit J toelev'ate^the chsir- acterj diid to.savb the= soul. Th^sb societies and institutions are diffusing a benign ihfluenciS through < thfe cousptry. And, with these Varion/ and trich laa^ercleg^^We, enjoy peac^, security, genci- aJ ;health, iipkfity, and Unexampled prosperity:— - And^ for all these distinguished and'' invaluable f^i^kis^S arid blessings, ¦ We are indebted to the odjpf heaven,'?. How grg^t^' then, Sire bur obll- gatioBS |t» the? Most High. ^'Herice^'^""'"'" , 2. WeoughtstPdistingui^8urseli'esbyoUrobe- dien€e an^pfidelity in his service. As GOT^ias exalted us " iri 'riattte* drid^ in hbri- our,'^nd by our superior pjl^lle^e^iibove every pthe#iatipn under heaven, we ought fb_ be an ;! eminpntly devoted and pious people, We ought gFSte#illy tp» aickwwledge Him as the bbun||j^l glveypfialltdur mercies, and sincerely ef^uire lat we shall render to Hiiri fbr all His beheT 22 ffits?" We should avoid, and decidedly #c0^>r itenance, all,tW i^mor^l pracM?^»> % ^1»W* '-'''n'| ;''''^* !<:» e.'i.ti?*? jjaiTifui'f-svd,- ->/'" i.ji^| wepug]tit;iife«^ige ,t0,;enf;o«rr«g« thpfe be nevolent measure^.s^dppted fs^ jthe civill^tipli 'and cjfif^pi^ipg of thp Ipdii|«ftriheSiasd,.thf*i amelt ierat|pn of; their wretphed re celebrate our natipnal birth daj||lwe shodp^e- meinber that God has |iveB us>l^|iL[iatM»l ex- istence,.and all our jn-ecious privile|i?-?|ad«hould 28 With gi'atjtude cpnimemorate hi5 divine good**' * ness. .' ' '.-,,, The Jjfews observed feasfa* arid fasts unto the Lord: And if we are indebted to him fpr inde- peB dence, apd all our rich citil aind religion^ privileges, then it is perfectl^^ consorfa«t to the, dictates of re««o», as well as rev/elation,. that we should keep the, day in honor of our glorious , ^heavenly benefactor, and in celebrating his prais- ''es. Hence we may remark 5. That any way of celebrating the day, Avhiclt would be dishonorary to God, or offensive "in his sight, n[iust be highly improper. To spend it in rioting, in intemper-irice, or irf idissipatingamusemerits^ which are calcuiafed to banish all serious rellectiori aud sense pf the dir vine ' goodness, and of obligation*^ to the Most High, mP!?t be peculiarly offensive in the sight pf Hesiven, and altogether unreasonable arid iniprop- er, Suph things may now be Justified, and plea ded for, but, in the great day, will appear in their true light, and Will then find ho advocates- Though God has. granted us liberty, he has'^ given us no liberty to sin against him, arid abuse the rich expressions of his bourity. We should remember that he; is a holy and jealous God, n'^t, by our iisgratitude and, sins, provoke*'hiii| "remove our canJlestic ow^H^f its pla«e;" but strive to })lea>?e and honor him, that he »'ay continue to shed upon us his ch'^icest blessings, and prosper. us, that our " peace may be as a rivorj, aud our righteousness as ther waves of the sea," and may, continiiG'as lotoftasthe moon cnduretb, and- til^v tlie orb of djM^.n]\ eeaseto shifte,^s this' we^tur^^yrld.,' • -''t^ -. '' ^.''*l;ll' l.'V,.' ¦;. , •'¦ ii », i-«vH 1' '.'¦ i ''>''i 1 'I. A H.'W,