0 " l give tluift Books for Vie founding ¦¦/ a College ir. :h:s Ca't>ny"\ Gift of 'Jf^^^A^i 19 i I COMPLIMENTS OF Mrs. HUIDEKOPER Mr. FREDERIC LOUIS HUIDEKOPER Mr. REGINALD SHIPPEN HUIDEKOPER 1614 EIGHTEENTH STREET Washington, D. C. This book was digitized by Microsoft Corporation in cooperation with Yale University Library, 2008. You may not reproduce this digitized copy of the book for any purpose other than for scholarship, research, educational, or, in limited quantity, personal use. You may not distribute or provide access to this digitized copy (or modified or partial versions of it) for commercial purposes. Memorial Papers J* of the Society of •£ Colonial Wars in the District of Columbia No. 6, 1910 jtjtjt By Frederic Louis Huidekoper Jt Jt -J* FREDERICWOLTERSHUIDEKOPER r^lU^^A- IFn fIDemottam FREDERIC WOLTERS HUIDEKOPER Seest thou a man diligent in his business? he shall stand before kings; he shall not stand before mean men. Pro