^5f^3^ "Igivr thife Books \ far thefouiutingcf a College tn this Colony" " ILIlIBI^^I^lf ° BOUGHT WITH THE INCOME OF THE PERKINS FUND 1902- !r^Sfn^v^jSra£'&^ \ liMl-llcUM. ^(.MicT. I„. |iMr;i.lr> l,.v d;i.v. .\iiil (Ininic li.v iiiv'lit, In- -i>,iSi »/<(/." >^ „*• •Til blow Fort Fi.«!her 'niong the region kites!" Oh. glorious thought ! but ere the fort ignites. Our (¦.yelop's sailed iiway inHrm of will, \ud fancy Fisher flashed dehance still." Par/r - The American Cyclops. The donkey stole the lion's skin and brayed, And Farragut our Cyclop's fortune made. Where are the trophies of our Yankee brave ? The lecherous order, and poor Mumford's grave Ship Island's tortures, Mrs. Phillips' cell, For mercy's reign the cruelty of hell ; A Shylock brother — a Praetorian band — A starving city and a plundered land : These are his triumphs — Fisher was his shame, - Oh ! triumph worse than is the coward's name. " I'll blow Fort Fisher 'mong the region kites !" Oh, glorious thought ! but ere the fort ignites. Our Cyclop's sailed away infirm of will, And saucy Fisher flash'd defiance still. "Far better I were liermeticaXly seal'd, Than homeward borne upon a bloody shield." J/U^7J -But hold, eiioiigh: no furthei; we'll ].ui'sue 'J he uioiltu.u Ibivnau. 'liottled" Chief, aiiien." The American Cyclops. 27 " Fort Fisher be my epitaph !" 'Tis meet. For long ago it gave thy winding sheet. But hold, enough ; no further we'll pursue The modern Haynau. "Bottled" Chief, adieu. Haply my country's freedom still remains, And with the night have passed oppression's chains : Oh, may the storms which settle o'er our land Be gently lifted by th' all-saving Hand ; The dove return ; fraternal discord cease. And millions join the Jubilee of Peace ! 'K^ -^"ri /i /v, ,