YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY 3 9002 06445 7758 YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY This book was digitized by Microsoft Corporation in cooperation with Yale University Library, 2008. You may not reproduce this digitized copy of the book for any purpose other than for scholarship, research, educational, or, in limited quantity, personal use. You may not distribute or provide access to this digitized copy (or modified or partial versions of it) for commercial purposes. THE MILITARY OPERATIONS OF GENERAL BEAUREGARD IN THE WAR BETWEEN THE STATES 1861 to 1865 INCLUDING A BRIEF PERSONAL SKETCH AND A NARRATIVE OP HIS SERVICES IN THE "WAR WITH MEXICO, 1846-8 Br ALFEED EOMAN FORMERLY COLONEL OF THE 18TH LOUISIANA VOLUNTEERS, AFTERWARDS AIDE-DE-CAMP AND INSPECTOR-GENERAL ON TIIE STAFF OF GENERAL BEAUREGARD IN TWO VOLUMES.— Vol. I. " Tlwse generals only who Jiave never commanded armies in the field lutve not committed errors'1'' Napoleon at St. Helena NEW YORK HARPER & BROTHERS, FRANKLIN SQUARE 1834 2-7 A . 4 C> Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1883, by HARPER & BROTHERS, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. All rights reserved. PREFACE. This work, written from notes and documents authenticated by me, furnishes a correct account of my military services and conduct prior to and during the recent war between the States. It is offered as a guide to the future historian of that momentous period. In developing tlie truth of history, and fortifying it with evi dence beyond dispute, I desire to express my appreciation of the earnest, able, and judicial manner in which the author has per formed his arduous undertaking; and I fully endorse all his statements and comments, excepting only such encomiums as he has thought proper to bestow upon me. To General Thomas Jordan, formerly my Chief of Staff, and to Mr. W. J. Marrin, of New York, I am indebted for valuable assistance in the obtaining of many facts and data; also to Lieu tenant-Colonel R. N". Scott, IT. S. A., in charge, at "Washington, of the publication office of the War Records of 1861-65, and to Gen eral Marcus J. Wright, agent of the War Department in the col lection of Confederate Records, for copies of important papers furnished by them. G. T. Beaukegakd. CONTENTS OF VOL. I. Biographical Sketch of General Beauregard Page 1 CHAPTER I. Major Beauregard appointed Superintendent of the United States Military Academy. — His Determination to Resign should Louisiana Withdraw from the Union. — Takes Command at West Point, but is immediately Re lieved. — Returns to New Orleans. — Is Offered the Rank of Colonel of Engineers and Artillery in the Louisiana State Forces. — Declines. — Plan to Obstruct River near Forts. — Floating Rooms. — Is Summoned to Mont gomery by President Davis. — Ordered to Charleston, S. O, to Assume Command and Direct Operations against Fort Sumter 13 CHAPTER II. Description of Charleston. — General Beauregard's Arrival. — Cursory Sketch of the Condition of the Public Mind in the South. — The Hon. Robert Barn well Rhett. — One Sentiment and One Resolve animating South Carolin ians. — South Carolina Commissioners to Washington. — Failure of Nego tiations. — Major Anderson Evacuates Fort Moultrie and Occupies Fort • ' Sumter. — Hoisting of Palmetto Flags. — Steamer Star of the West. — Gov ernor Pickens Summons Major Anderson to Surrender the Fort. — He De clines, but Refers the Matter to Washington. — Mr. Buchanan Refuses to Withdraw Federal Garrison. — All Eyes Centred on South Carolina. — System and Plan of Operations Adopted by General Beauregard.— More Troops Volunteer than are Needed 23 CHAPTER III. The Confederate States Commissioners. — Their Correspondence with Mr. Sew ard. — How they were Deceived. — Mr. Lincoln's Sectional Views. — Letter of Major Anderson to the Adjutant-General of the United States Army. — On Whom must Rest the Responsibility for the War. — Mr. Buchanan's Wavering Policy. — General Beauregard Distrusts the Good Faith of the Federal Authorities. — His Plan to Reduce Fort Sumter. — Detached Bat teries. — Floating and Iron-clad Batteries. — Fort Sumter's Supplies Cut viii CONTENTS. Off. — Drummond Lights. — Steam Harbor-boats. — Enfilade or Masked Battery. — Mr. Chew. — His Message to General Beauregard. — Secretary of War Apprised of Same. — His Answer to Telegram. — Blakely Rifled Gun. — By Whom Sent. — General Beauregard Demands the Surrender of Fort Sumter. — Major Anderson Declines. — Fire Opened on the Fort April 12th Page 31 CHAPTER IV. General Beauregard Makes no Material Changes in the Distribution of Forces in Charleston. — Brigadier-General Simons in Command of Morris Island. — Brigadier -General Dunovant of Sullivan's Island. — Tone of Troops. — The First Shell Fired from Fort Johnson. — The Only Motive Actuating the South.— At 5 a. m., April 12th, every Battery in Full Play. — Sumter Responds at 7 o'clock. — How our Guns were Served. — Engagement Con tinued until Nightfall. — Firing Kept up all Night by our Batteries. — No Response from Sumter. — Conduct of the Federal Fleet. — Fort Re-opens Fire on the Morning of the 13th. — Burning of Barracks. — Sumter still Firing. — Our Troops Cheer the Garrison. — General Beauregard Offers As sistance to Major Anderson, who Declines. — Hoisting of the White Flag. — Terms of Surrender. — Accident during the Salute of the Flag. — Evac uation. — Our Troops Enter the Fort, April 14th. — Hoisting of Confederate and Palmetto Flags 41 CHAPTER V.' Condition of Fort Sumter after the Bombardment. — Repairs Begun at Once. — Mustering of South Carolina Volunteers. — Bonham's Brigade. — General Beauregard makes a Reconnoissance of the South Carolina Coast. — Rec ommends Works at Stono, the Two Edistos, and Georgetown. — Declines Advising Plan of Defence for Port Royal Harbor. — Yields under Pressure, but Predicts the Result. — Receives Congratulations upon the Reduction of Sumter. — Vote of Thanks of Congress. — Resolutions of the General Assembly of South Carolina. — General Beauregard is Called to Montgom ery. — The President Wishes him to Assist General Bragg at Pensacola. — Ho Declines. — His Reasons therefor.— Deputation from New Orleans Asking his Transfer to Louisiana. — The President Sends him Back to Charleston. — Propositions of the House of John Frazer & Co., relative to Purchase of Steamers. — Comments thereon. — General Beauregard Advocates the Plan. — Government Declines Moving in the Matter. — Silence of Mr. Davis's Book about it. — General Beauregard Ordered to Richmond. — Re- grets of Carolinians at his Departure. — Letter of Governor Pickens.... 49 CHAPTER VI. Secession of Virginia. — Confederate Troops Sent to her Assistance. — Arrival of General Beauregard in Richmond. — He Assumes Command at Manassas. — .CONTENTS. jx Position of our Forces. — His Proclamation and the Reasons for it. — Site of " Camp Pickens." — His Letter to President Davis. — Our Deficiencies. — Mismanagement in Quartermaster's and Commissary's Departments. — How he could have Procured Transportation. — Manufacture of Cartridges. — Se cret Service with Washington Page 65 CHAPTER VII. Position of Troops in Northern Virginia. — General Beauregard Advocates Concentration, June 12th. — Letter to that Effect to President Davis. — An swer Declining. — General Beauregard Suggests a Junction with General Holmes. — Again Refused. — Division of General Beauregard's Forces into Brigades, 20th June. — Begins Forward Movement. — Instructions to Brig ade Commanders. — Reconnoissauces Made at the End of June. — McDow ell's Strength. — General Beauregard's Anxieties. — His Letter to Senator Wigfall. — Submits another Plan of Operations to the President, July 11th 70 CHAPTER VIII. General Beauregard again Urging Concentration. — Colonels Preston and Chest nut sent to Richmond, to Explain Plan. — Report of Colonel Chestnut. — The President Disapproves the Proposed Campaign. — Letter of General Beauregard to General Johnston. — Comments upon Mr. Davis's Refusal. — General McDowell Ordered to Advance. — Strong Demonstration against General Bonham. — General Beauregard's Telegram to the President. — General Johnston Ordered to Make Junction if Practicable. — Action of Bull Run. — What Major Barnard, U. S. E., Says of It. — Repulse of the Enemy. — War Department Inclined to Withdraw Order to General John ston.— General Beauregard Disregards the Suggestion 84 CHAPTER IX. Battle of Manassas. — General J. E. Johnston Assumes Command, but General Beauregard Directs Operations and Fights the Battle. — Superiority of Numbers Against us. — Deeds of Heroism. — Enemy Completely Routed. — Ordnance and Supplies Captured.— Ours and Enemy's Losses. — Strength of General McDowell's Army.— The Verdict of History 96 CHAPTER X. President Davis and Generals Johnston and Beauregard Discuss the Propriety of Pursuing the Enemy during the Night following the Battle. — Error of Mr. Davis as to the Order he Wrote. — On the 22d General Beauregard As signs his Troops to New Positions. — The President Confers the Rank of General on General Beauregard, subject to the Approval of Congress. — On CONTENTS. the 25th, Address Issued to Troops by Generals Johnston and Beauregard. —Organization of General Beauregard's Army into Brigades.— Impossi bility of any Military Movement of Importance, and Why.— Army With out Transportation and Without Subsistence.— Colonel Northrop Appoints Major W. B. Blair as Chief Commissary of the Army.— General Beauregard Informs the President of the Actual State of Affairs.— Colonel Lee to the President.— General Beauregard to Colonels Chestnut and Miles. — His Telegram to Colonel Myers. — Answer of President Davis.— General Beau regard's Reply.— Colonel Myers alleges Ignorance of Want of Transporta tion in the Army of the Potomac— General Beauregard's Answer.— Cause of the Failure of the Campaign.— Effect of General Beauregard's Letter upon Congress. — An Apparent Improvement in Commissary and Quarter master Departments. — General Beauregard Complains again on the 23d of August.— No Action Taken.— Suggests Removal of Colonel Northrop. —The President believes in his Efficiency, and Upholds him.— Fifteen and Twenty Days' Rations asked for by General Beauregard Page 114 CHAPTER XI. General Beauregard Suggests a Forward Movement. — Not Approved by Gen eral Johnston.— Sanitary Measures. — Deficiency in Light Artillery. — In structions to Colonel Stuart. — Mason's and Munson's Hills. — General Beauregard Proposes to Hold Them. — General Johnston of a Different Opinion. — Popularity of General Beauregard. — He Establishes His Head quarters at Fairfax Court-House. — Proposes Another Plan Involving De cisive Battle. — General Johnston Deems it Better not to Hazard the Movement. — Organization of the Forces into Divisions. — General Beaure gard Advises that the Army be Placed Under One Head. — President Davis Invited to a Conference at Fairfax Court-House. — Scheme of Oper ations Submitted. — Generals Johnston and G. W. Smith Approve it. — Troops in Splendid Fighting Condition. — The President Objects. — No Reinforcements can be Furnished, and no Arms in the Country. — Review of Mr. Davis's Remarks on the Subject.— He Proposes a Plan for Opera tions Across the Potomac. — The Commanding Generals do not Consider it Feasible 131 CHAPTER XII. Signal Rockets and Signal Telegraph. — General Beauregard Advises Coast Defenses at New Orleans, Mobile, Galveston, and Berwick Bay, and Calls Attention to the Exposure of Port Royal. — Counsels General Lovell Con cerning River Obstructions between Forts St. Philip and Jackson. — General Johnston Orders the Troops into Winter Quarters. — Our Lines Formed at Centreville. — Drainsville and Ball's Bluff. — General Beauregard Proposes to Intercept General Stone's Retreat, and also Suggests Resolute Attack ' against McClellan's Right. — Unfriendly Correspondence Between War CONTENTS. xi Department and General Beauregard. — Uncourteous Language of Mr. Benjamin. — General Beauregard Exposes the Ignorance of the Acting Secretary of War. — Controversy in the Press about General Beauregard's Report of Battle of Manassas. — His Letter to the Editors of Richmond Whig. — The President Accuses General Beauregard of Attempting to Ex alt Himself at His Expense. — He Upholds Mr. Benjamin and Condemns General Beauregard. — Dignity and Forbearance of the Latter.. ..Page 152 CHAPTER XIII. Creation of the Department of Northern Virginia. — Distribution of New Confederate Battle Flags. — Debate in Congress about the Action of the President with Regard to General Beauregard's Report of the Battle of Manassas. — Telegram of the Hon. James L. Kemper Concerning it. — General Beauregard's Answer. — Letter of Colonel Pryor on the Same Subject. — Commentaries on the Executive Endorsement. — Governor Moore Forwards Resolutions of Louisiana Legislature, Congratulating General Beauregard. — Circular to Division Commanders about Leaves of Absence. — Congress Passes an Act in Regard to the Matter. — Its Effect. — General Beauregard's Plan of Recruitment 170 CHAPTER XIV. The Part taken by General Johnston in the Battle of Manassas. — He Assumes no Direct Responsibility, and, though Superior in Rank, desires General Beauregard to Exercise Full Command. — President Davis did not Plan the Campaign; Ordered Concentration at the Last Moment; Arrived on the Battle-field after the Enemy had been Routed. — Pursuit Ordered and Begun, but Checked in Consequence of False Alarm. — Advance on Wash ington made Impossible by Want of Transportation and Subsistence. . 191 CHAPTER XV. Colonel Pryor, of the Military Committee of Congress, Visits General Beaure gard at Centreville, to Propose his Transfer to the West. — General Beau regard finally Yields to the Wishes of Congress and the Executive. — He Parts with his Army on the 2d of February, and on the 4th Arrives at Bowling Green. — Interview with General A. S. Johnston. — Succinct Review of the Latter's Situation. — Ignorance of the War Department with Reference to his Forces. — General Beauregard Desires to go Back to his Army in Virginia. — General Johnston urges Him to Stay and Assume Command at Columbus. — Inspection of the Works at Bowling Green. — What General Beauregard Thinks of Them. — He Suggests Concentration at Henry and Donelson to Force a Battle upon Grant. — General Johnston Fears the Risk of such a Movement, and Adheres to his own Plan of Op erations. — Fall of Fort Henry. — Conference at Bowling Green. — Memo randum of General Johnston's Plan of the Campaign. — His and General xii .CONTENTS. Polk's Army to Operate on Divergent Lines.— Evacuation of Bowling Green. — General Beauregard Asks for Specific Instructions.— Letter to Colonel Pryor.— Fall of Fort Donelson. — Its Effect upon the Country. — Criticism of General Johnston's Strategy Page 210 CHAPTER XVI. General Beauregard Telegraphs for Instructions after the Fall of Donelson. — General Johnston's Answer. — Colonel Jordan's Report of the Situation at Columbus. — General Beauregard Calls General Polk to Jackson, Tennessee, for Conference. — Opinion of the Latter as to the Strength of Columbus.— He Concurs, however, in General Beauregard's Views. — Evacuation of Co lumbus Authorized by the War Department. — General Beauregard's De tailed Instructions to that Effect. — Defects in River Defences at Columbus. — Governor Harris of Tennessee. — General Johnston Retreating towards Stevenson, along the Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad. — His Letter of February 18th to the War Department. — Depression of the People. — Gent eral Beauregard Resolves to Replenish the Army. — Makes Use of the Dis cretion given him by General Johnston. — His Plan of Operations. — Be lieves Success Depends upon Offensive Movement on Our Part. — Calls upon the Governors of Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Tennessee ; and also upon Generals Van Dorn, Bragg, and Lovell, for Immediate As sistance. — Sixty and Ninety Days Troops. — The War Department not Favorable to the Method Proposed, but Finally Gives its Assent. — General Johnston Requested by General Beauregard to Change his Line of Retreat and Turn towards Decatur, so as to Co-operate with him. — General John ston Accedes to his Request 232 CHAPTER XVII. Evacuation of Columbus. — How the Enemy Discovered It. — Loss of Ordnance Stores, Anchors, and Torpedoes. — Island No. 10. — Difficulty in Placing Guns in Position. — Federal Gunboats might have Passed Unhindered.-- Small Garrison under Colonel Gantt Reinforced by General McCown with Part of the Garrison of Columbus. — Defences at New Madrid to be held un til the Completion of the Works at Fort Pillow. — Remainder of General Polk's Forces Assembled upon Humboldt. — Preparations for an Offensive Movement by the Enemy. — Danger of Isolation for General Johnston. — General Beauregard's Letter to him.— -The Great Battle of the Controversy to be Fought at or near Corinth. — General Johnston accedes to General Beauregard's request, and Begins a Movement to Join him. — General Beauregard Assumes Command. — Arrival of General Bragg's Forces at Corinth.— Corinth the Chief Point of Concentration, as Originally De cided upon. — General Beauregard Appeals to the War Department for the General Officers Promised him.— Their Services Greatly Needed. — Unwillingness and Apathy of the War Department 245 CONTENTS. xiii CHAPTER XVIH. General Beauregard Orders the Collection of Grain and Provisions, and Es tablishes Depots of Supplies. — His Appeal to the People to Procure Met al for the Casting of Cannon. — Warning Preparations of the Enemy. — Arrival of Federal Divisions at Savannah. — General Sherman's Attempt ed Raid to Destroy the Railroad. — Burning of Small Bridge near Bethel Station. — General Pope Before New Madrid. — The Place Abandoned. — General Beauregard's Instructions to General McCown. — General Mackall Relieves him. — Bombardment of Island No. 10. — What might have been the Result had the Enemy Disembarked at once at Pittsburg Landing. — ¦ Tlie Troops we had to Oppose Them. — What General Johnston Thought of Bolivar as a Base of Operation. — Recommends it as more Advanta geous than Corinth. — Why General Beauregard Preferred Corinth. — He Presses Concentration there, as soon as the Intentions of the Enemy be come Sufficiently Developed. — Success of his Plan. — Co-operation of the Governors of Adjacent States. — Troops Poorly Armed and Equipped. — The Enemy begins Landing at Pittsburg. — Arrival of Hurlbut's, Prentiss's, McClernand's, and the Two Wallaces' Divisions. — Force of the Army Op posing us. — General Buell. — His Slow Advance on Nashville. — Is at Last Aroused by Order to Unite his Forces with those of General Grant. — Aggregate of Buell's Forces in Tennessee and Kentucky. — Our only Hope for Success was to Strike a Sudden Blow before the Junction of Buell and Grant Page 254 CHAPTER XIX. Arrival of General Johnston at Corinth. — Position of his Troops on the 27th of March.— Offers to Turn Over Command of the Army to General Beau regard, who Declines. — General Beauregard Urges an Early Offensive Movement against the Enemy, and Gives his Views as to Plan of Organ izing the Forces. — General Johnston Authorizes him to Complete the Organization already Begun. — General Orders of March 29th. — Reasons why the Army was Formed into Small Corps. — General Beauregard De sirous of Moving against the Enemy on the 1st of April. — Why it was not done. — On the 2d, General Cheatham Reports a Strong Federal Force Threatening his Front.— General Beauregard Advises an Immedi ate Advance. — General Johnston Yields. — General Jordan's Statement of his Interview with General Johnston on that Occasion. — Special Orders No. 8, otherwise called " Order of March and Battle." — By Whom Sug gested and by Whom Written. — General Beauregard Explains the Order to Corps Commanders. — Tardiness of the First Corps in Marching from Corinth. — Our Forces in Position for Battle on the Afternoon of the 5th ; Too Late to Commence Action on that Day. — Generals Hardee and Bragg Request General Beauregard to Ride in Front of their Lines. — General Johnston Calls General Beauregard and the Corps Commanders in an In formal Council. — General Beauregard Believes the Object of the Movement xiv CONTENTS. Foiled by the Tardiness of Troops in Arriving on the Battle-field. — Al ludes to Noisy Demonstrations on the March, and to the Probability of Buell's Junction, and Advises to Change Aggressive Movement into a Re connoissance in Force. — General Johnston Decides Otherwise, and Orders Preparations for an Attack at Dawn next Day.— Description of the Field of Shiloh.— Strength of the Federal Forces.— What General Sherman Tes tified to.— We Form into Three Lines of Battle.— Our Effective Strength. — Carelessness and Oversight of the Federal Commanders. — They are not Aroused by the many Sounds in their Front, and are Taken by Sur prise Page2Q5 CIIAPTER XX. Battle of Shiloh.— Varied Incidents and Events of the First Day.— Enemy Taken by Surprise. — His Lines Driven in. — Entire Forces Engaged on Both Sides. — Triumphant Advance of our Troops. — General Johnston in Com mand of the Right and Centre. — General Beauregard of the Left and Re serves. — Allurements of the Enemy's Camps. — Straggling Begins among our Troops. — Death of the Commander-in-Chief. — General Beauregard As sumes Command and Renews the Attack all along the Line. — Enemy again Forced to Fall Back and Abandon other Camps. — Evidence of Exhaustion among the Troops. — Straggling Increasing. — General Beauregard's Efforts to Check it. — Collects Stragglers and Pushes them Forward. — Battle still Raging. — Capture of General Prentiss and of his Command. — Our Troops Reach the Tennessee River. — Colonel Webster's Batteries. — Arrival of Ammen's Brigade, Nelson's Division, of Buell's Army. — Its Inspiriting Effect upon the Enemy. — The Gunboats. — Intrepidity of our Troops. — Their Brilliant but Ineffectual Charges. — Firing Gradually Slackens, as the Day Declines. — At Dusk General Beauregard Orders Arrest of Conflict. — Troops Ordered to Bivouac for the Night, and be in Readiness for Offensive Movement next Day. — Storm during the Night. — Arrival of the Whole of Buell's Army. — Gunboats Keep up an Incessant Shelling. ... 283 CHAPTER XXI. Difficulty of Collecting and Organizing Commands during Night of the 6th. — Firing Resumed Early next Morning. — Nelson's Brigades Cross the Ten nessee. — Positions Taken by the Federals.— Chalmers's Brigade and a Mixed Command Force Back Nelson's Advance. — At 8 a. m. tlie Confed erates are Driven Back with the Loss of a Battery. — They Regain the Position and Battery at 9. — Critical Situation of Ammen's Brigade. — New Position Assumed by the Confederates. — Crittenden's Division En gaged. — Absence of General Polk from the Field. — His Timely Arrival at 10.30. — His Charge with Cheatham's Brigade. — Organization of Federal Army during the Night of the 6th.— Inaction of General Sherman on the Morning of the 7th. — General Breckinridge Ordered Forward. — Enemy Driven Back on our Whole Line. — Advance of Federal Right Win"-. — CONTENTS. XV Its Repulse. — At 1 p. m. Enemy on our Left Reinforced.— General Bragg Calls for Assistance. — General Beauregard in Person Leads the 18th Louisiana and Other Troops to his Aid. — Predetermination of General Beauregard to Withdraw from the Battle-field. — Couriers sent to Corinth to Inquire about General Van Dorn. — Preparations for Retreat. — Guns and Colors Captured by Confederates on the 6th. — Slow and Orderly With drawal of Confederate Forces. — Inability of the Enemy to Follow. — Reconnoissance of General Sherman on the Morning of the 8th. — Con federates not Disorganized. — Their Loss During the Battle. — Computa tion of Numbers Engaged on Both Sides. — Federal Loss Page 308 CHAPTER XXII. Commentaries on the Battle of Shiloh : I. Why Generals Johnston and Beau regard did not Sooner Move the Army from Corinth. — II. Their Reasons for Forming their Lines of Battle as they did. — III. Why the Con federate Attack was Made Chiefly on the Enemy's Right, and not on his Entire Front. — IV. Demonstration of the Fact that the Confederate Attack took the Enemy Completely by Surprise. — V. General Beau regard's Opinion and Criticism of General Sherman's Tactics during the Battle. — VI. Refutation of the Charge that the Confederate Troops were Withdrawn too soon from the Battle-field on the Evening of the 6th. — Comparison Drawn by Mr. Davis between General A. S. Johnston and Marshal Turenne. — VII. General Beauregard's Opinion as to the Fight ing of the Confederates during the Battle of the 7th. — VIII. Correction of the Absurd Story that General Beauregard did not Leave his Am bulance during the First Day of the Battle, and, when Informed of Gen eral Johnston's Death, " Quietly Remained where he was, Waiting the Issue of Events" 326 CHAPTER XXIII. General Beauregard's Insistance on the Evacuation of Columbus. — Docu ments Relating to the Matter. — General McCown to be put in Command of Madrid Bend. — He is Called by General Beauregard to Jackson for Instructions. — He Repairs to Madrid Bend. — Dispositions Made for its Defence. — Commodore Hollins to Co-operate with Land Forces. — Number of Troops under General McCown. — Arrival of General Pope on the 28th of February in Front of New Madrid. — Colonel Plummer Estab lishes a Battery on the River. — Apprehensions of General McCown. — Gen eral Beauregard's Despatch to General Cooper. — General McCown Exhib its still Greater Anxiety. — General Beauregard Doubts General McCown's Capacity. Successful Evacuation of Columbus. — Attack Commenced on New Madrid March 12th. — Conference of General McCown with Commo dore Hollins on the 13th, and Evacuation of Forts. — General Beauregard Applies for General Mackall. — Garrison of New Madrid Transferred to Opposite Bank of River and Island No. 10.— General Beauregard Orders xvi CONTENTS. all Surplus Guns, Supplies, and Boats to Fort Pillow. — Fall of Island No. 10 on the 7th of April. — General Pope's Forces Transported to Vicinity of Fort Pillow.— General Pope Ordered to Pittsburg Landing. — Want of Capacity of Commodore Hollins.— General Beauregard's Various Tele grams and Orders.— He Detains General Villepigue in Command of Fort Pillow. — Instructions to Captain Harris. — Surrender of New Orleans. — Bombardment of Fort Pillow. — The Montgomery Rams. — General Beau regard has Steam Ram Arkansas Completed, Equipped, and Manned. — History of the Arkansas. — Tribute to Captain Isaac Brown and Crew. — Prisoners with Smallpox Sent to Fort Pillow. — What Became of Them. — Letter to General Villepigue, May 28th. — He is Directed by General Beauregard to Prepare for Withdrawing his Troops from Fort Pillow. — Fort Evacuated 1st of June. — Responsibility of Various Movements Left to General Beauregard Page 352 CHAPTER XXIV. Troops Resume their Former Positions after the Battle of Shiloh. — General Breckinridge Forms the Rear Guard. — General Beauregard Recommends General Bragg for Promotion. — Preliminary Report Sent by General Beau regard, April 11th, to the War Department. — Difficulty of Obtaining Re ports of Corps Commanders. — Their Reports sent Directly to the War De partment. — Inaccuracies Resulting Therefrom. — General Beauregard Pro poses an Exchange ofPrisoners. — General Pope Gives no Satisfactory An swer. — General Van Dorn's Forces Reach Memphis on the 11th. — Despatch of the 12th to General Smith. — A Diversion Movement Determined upon by General Beauregard. — Captain John Morgan. — He is Sent by General Beauregard into Middle Tennessee and Kentucky. — Efforts to Force Buell's Return to those States. — Location of General Van Dorn's Forces at Corinth ; of Generals Bragg's, Polk's, and Breckinridge's. — Bad Wa ter. — Mismanagement of Commissary Department. — Necessity of With drawing from Corinth. — Tupelo Selected for next Defensive Position. — General Beauregard Resolves to Construct Defensive Works Around Vicksburg. — General Pope Takes Farmington. — Confederate Attack. Federal Retreat. — On the 25th General Beauregard Calls a Council of War.— Evacuation of Corinth Resolved Upon. — General Beauregard's In structions to his Corps Commanders. — Dispositions Taken to Deceive the Enemy.— Retreat Successfully Accomplished. — False Despatches of the Enemy. — Correct Account by Correspondents. — General Force in Error. — Retreat Considered Masterly. — Dissatisfaction of the War Depart ment. — Interrogatories Sent by President Davis. — General Beauregard's Answer 37Q CHAPTER XXV. General Beauregard is at Tupelo on the 7th of June.— The Main Body of his Army Arrives on the 9th.— Telegrams Sent by him to Various Points.— His CONTENTS. xvii Communication to General Cooper. — He Places Colonel Forrest in Com mand of the Cavalry Regiments in Middle Tennessee. — General Beaure gard's Ill-health. — He is urged by his Physicians to Take a Short Rest. — He Finally Consents. — Order Sent to General Bragg from Richmond. — General Beauregard's Despatch to General Cooper, June 14th. — His Letter to the War Department, June 15th. — General Beauregard gives Temporary Com mand of his Department to General Bragg, and Leaves Tupelo on the 17th. — General Bragg Notifies the Government of the Fact. — President Davis Removes General Beauregard, and Gives Permanent Command of his Army and Department to General Bragg. — Comments on President Davis. — General Bragg's Despatch to General Beauregard. — His Reply. — Mr. Randolph's Telegram. — General Beauregard's Letter to General Coop er. — Misstatements Contained in President Davis's Book. — Public Sympa thy with General Beauregard. — General Bragg's Letter to Mr. Forsyth. — His Letter to General Beauregard. — Answer to the Same. — General Beau regard's Plan of Operations in Tennessee and Kentucky. — Interview of the Hon. Thomas J. Semmes and Edward Sparrow with President Davis, September 13th. — Petition of Senators and Representatives for General Beauregard's Restoration to his Command. — President Davis's Refusal. — Notes of the Interview, by Mr. Semmes. — Comments upon President Davis in Connection with these Events. — Successful Result of Military Opera tions from Bowling Green to the Retreat to Tupelo Page 400 APPENDICES 421 I.— B BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF GENERAL BEAUREGARD BIOGEAPHICAL SKETCH OF GENERAL BEAUREGARD. The greatest boon that can be bestowed upon, a people is the adequate setting forth of the history of their illustrious men. The achievements of these, duly recorded, stand forth as beacon- lights to guide coming generations ; and as a just appreciation of greatness indicates worth in a people, and points to future ad vancement on their part, so surely does indifference to merited renown denote popular degeneracy and decay. We therefore welcome every honestly meant publication con cerning the struggle of the South for independence — a struggle replete with acts of heroic valor, and resplendent with examples of self-sacrifice, fortitude, and virtue. Few, even now, are the remaining leaders of the great contest through which we have passed ; and, as time goes on, gradually diminishing their number, the day approaches when nothing will be left of them except a memory. They must die, but the grand principles they strove, at so great cost, to maintain must not be buried with them. The Southern people, shackled by years of poverty and political helplessness, and circumscribed as they are in their sphere of action, cannot forget the teachings which, to them and to their posterity, embody the true meaning of onr institutions. In recording the causes for which the South armed and sent to the field her manhood and her youth, and in holding up before the public mind the great ability of some of her leaders, the devotion of all, we not only perform a sacred duty to onr coun try and those who will come after us, but mark out the way for them to that peace, liberty, and prosperity which we failed to at tain for ourselves. I.— 1 2 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF It is in furtherance of these views that the following biograph ical sketch is offered, of one of the most patriotic, skilful, far- seeing and heroic chieftains of the Confederate army; whose military career and successes have called forth the admiration of Europe as well as of America, and of whom Louisiana, his native State, is — and well may be — fondly proud. Pierre Gnstave Toutant-Beauregard was born in the parish of St. Bernard, near the city of New Orleans, State of Louisiana, on the 28th of May, 1818. The earliest authentic records of his family, one of the oldest and most illustrious of Louisiana, go back to the year 1290, or about that time, when Tider, snrnamed the Young, at the early age of eighteen, headed a party of Welsh in revolt against Edward I., then King of England. Overcome, and his followers dispersed, Tider took refuge in France, where he was presented to Philip IV., surnamed the Fair, and cordially welcomed to his court. He there married Mademoiselle de Lafayette, maid of honor to Ma dame Marguerite, sister of Philip. War was then raging between France and England, and was only appeased by the marriage of King Edward with Marguerite of France. Tider and his wife followed the new queen to England ; but never were the suspicions and animosity of Edward against his former rebellious subject allayed. By the queen's entreaties Ed ward was induced to assign Tider to a government post in Sain- tonge, then part of the British possessions on the Continent; but /Soon afterwards he revoked his royal favor, and Tider was again compelled to seek shelter in France, where he lived, with his wife and children, on a pension left them by the dead queen. He died in the neighborhood of Tours, at the age of forty-one. His eldest son, Marc, returned to Saintonge, and there endeav ored to recover 6ome of his father's property, in which he only partially succeeded. Having, through powerful influences, ob tained a position under the English crown, and being desirous of propitiating the king, to whom the name of Tider was still odious, he changed it into Toutanh. Gradually the letter "k" was dropped, and the letter " t " substituted in its place ; thus transforming the old Celtic "Toutank" into the Gallic "Toutant." During three centuries, the family bore, unaltered, the name of Toutant. GENERAL BEAUREGARD. 3 Towards the close of the sixteenth century the last male de scendant of the Toutants died, leaving an only daughter, who married Sieur Paix de Beauregard — hence the family name of Toutant de Beauregard.* At what time the particle " de " was abandoned and the hyphen resorted to instead, is not known. Jacques Toutant-Beau regard was the first of the name who came from France to Louisiana, under Louis XIV, as " Com mandant " of a flotilla, the purpose of which was to bring assist ance to the colony, and carry back timber for naval constructions. So thoroughly did he succeed in his enterprise in this connection that he was, on his return to France, decorated with the Cross of Saint Louis. He finally settled in Louisiana ; and there married Miss MagT deleine Cartier. Three sons were born to them, one of whom, Louis Toutant-Beauregard, was, in his turn, united to Miss Vic toire Ducros, the daughter of a respected planter of the parish of St. Bernard, hear New Orleans, who had honorably filled several offices of trust under the French and Spanish governments of Louisiana. They had one daughter and two sons, the younger of whom, Jacques Toutant-Beauregard, married, in 1808, Miss Helene Judith de Reggio. Several children were the issue of their union; the third being Pierre Gustave Toutant-Beaure gard, the Confederate general and Southern patriot, whose biog raphy forms the subject of this memoir. General Beauregard's maternal ancestry is even more illustri ous, he being a descendant of the Dukes of Reggio and Modena, and, consequently, of the House of Este. His great-grandfather, Francois Marie, Chevalier de Beggio (akin to the reigning duke) accompanied his friend, the Duke of Richelieu, to the siege of Bergen-op-Zoom, and there so distinguished himself that he was given a captaincy in the French army by Louis XV., and was, shortly thereafter, sent to the colony of Louisiana, with his com mand. When Louisiana became part of the Spanish possessions, the Chevalier de Reggio was made Alferez Real, or, in other words, Royal Standard-bearer, and First Justiciary of the estates and property of the crown. He was nearly related to the Mar quis de Vaudreuil, seventh Colonial Governor of Louisiana. Of his marriage with Miss Fleuriau, two sons were born, the younger * From records still extant in the Beauregard family. 4 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF of whom, Louis Emmanuel, Chevalier de Reggio, married Miss Louise Judith Olivier de Vezin. The mother of General Beau regard — Helene Judith de Reggio — was the issue of this last mar riage. When scarcely more than eight years of age, young Beauregard was sent to a primary school kept by Mr. V. Debouchel, near New Orleans, where could then be found many of the sons of the best families of Louisiana. Being of studious habits, modest in his demeanor, ever fair in his dealings with comrades as well as with teachers, he soon became very popular with both, and always merited and obtained the highest marks of approbation. He was of a retiring disposition, but, withal, of great firmness and decision of character. His dominant trait, even at that early age, was a passion for all that pertained to the military life — a forecast of his future career. The sight of a passing soldier, the beating of a drum, would so excite and carry him away, that for the pleasure of following either or both he would forget everything — parental admonitions, boyish playmates, and even hunger ; and many a long day was thus spent, to the great anxiety of all at home. Several curious anecdotes of his childhood, illustrative of his independent daring, are preserved in his family, and are well worth recording. We mention two of them. When a little boy about nine years old, he was spending a day at the house of one of his aunts, in the neighborhood of his fa ther's estate, where had assembled several relatives and many com rades of his own age. Among the gentlemen present was one noted for his raillery and love of teasing. On that occasion he had taken young Beauregard to task, and was attempting to make a target of him for the amusement of the others. While this gen tleman was in the full enjoyment of his practical jokes, young Beauregard, his patience being thoroughly exhausted, suddenly seized a stick that lay near at hand, and so violently and rapidly assaulted his tormentor, that he forced him in self-defence to make an inglorious retreat to an outhouse close by. His little enemy at once mounted guard over the building, refusing to release his prisoner until the latter had fully apologized to him. The other incident is still more peculiar, and relates to Beaure gard's uncommon — perhaps uncontrollable — taste for military things. GENERAL BEAUREGARD. 5 A resident teacher of the household, attracted by the boy's steady, orderly habits, and most earnest attention during family prayers, had taken charge of his spiritual training, and had so well succeeded in her pleasing task, that, at the early age of ten and a half years, he was considered sufficiently prepared to go through that most beautiful and touching ceremony, in the Catholic Church, the children's First Communion. The appointed day had arrived. Young Beauregard, his mother, his elder brother, and the teacher were seated in one of the front pews of the old St. Louis Cathe dral, awaiting the solemn moment when the young communicant was to approach and kneel at the altar. That moment at last came. His mother touched him on the shoulder, to admonish him that it was time to walk up the aisle. The child obediently rose, deeply imbued with the solemnity of the scene, and stepped reverently forward as directed. Just then, and when he had already walked half-way to the altar, the roll of a drum, as a perverse fate would have it, resounded through the cathedral. Young Beauregard stopped, hesitated, looked toward the family pew, where anxious eyes kept urging him forward. Again the roll of the drum was heard, more distinct and prolonged. Hesitation vanished at once. The little boy, fairly turning his back on the altar, dashed through the church and disappeared at the door, to the utter horror and dismay of his loving relatives. No stronger proof than this could be given of the bent of his character. His calling for a military career was there clearly manifested. It may not be considered out of place to add that he made his First Communion two years later, no drum then beating to interrupt the ceremony. At the age of eleven he was taken to the city of New York, where he remained four years, under the firm and wise tuition of the Messieurs Peugnet, retired officers of the French army, who had both seen service under Napoleon I. — the elder as Captain of Cavalry, the younger as Captain of Engineers. They were ex iles from France, on account of the active part taken by them \n the " Carbonari " trouble, so much commented upon at the time. Then and there it was that, under quasi - military training, his taste for a soldier's career was confirmed, and that, living amidst an English-speaking population, he grew so thoroughly familiar with the English language as to make of it, so to speak, his adop ted mother-tongue. Though he knows the French language and speaks it perfectly, 6 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF as do all Louisianians of his origin and time of life, still, most of his correspondence is conducted, and all his private as well as official writings are made, in English. At sixteen he entered, as a cadet, the United States Military Academy at West Point. His parents, who had for several years persistently opposed his wish to obtain an appointment there, had finally yielded, overcome by his pertinacious entreaties. Here really began his brilliant career. Highly impressed with the no bleness and importance of the profession he had embraced, he de voted himself with ardent zeal and untiring perseverance to his multitudinous studies, and went through his four years' course with no less distinction than success. He was graduated July 1st, 1838, being second in a class of forty-five, and on July 7th of the same year was appointed Second Lieutenant in the United States Engineers. Generals Hardee, Wayne, Ed. Johnson, Reynolds, Stevenson, Trapier, and Sibley, of the Confederate army, and Mc Dowell, A. T. Smith, Granger, Barney, and McKinstry, of the Fed eral army, were classmates of his, and were graduated at the same time. His life was uneventful from that date to the year 1846-4:7, when, according to plans drawn up by Captain J. G. Barnard, U. S. En gineers, and himself, he directed the fortification works at the city of Tampico. In the month of March, 1847, he joined the expedi tion under Major-General Scott, against the city of Mexico. He distinguished himself at the siege of Vera Cruz, in several bold reconnoissances before the battle of Cerro Gordo, and also in most of the engagements in the valley of Mexico. The strongest proof of his merit — one that gave a forecast of his great strategic and engineering powers — was exhibited during the Mexican war, at a council of general officers, held at Piedad, September 11th, 1847, after the disastrous assault on the fortified positions of Molino del Rey. The attack on the city of Mexico, afcd the best mode of effecting its capture, were the main subjects under discussion. Lieutenant Beauregard, in opposition to most of the general officers there present, and contrary to the views of all his comrades of the engineer corps, advocated an attack by the western approaches of Mexico. His suggestion, though very much combated at first and nearly discarded, was finally adopted, with what successful result is now a matter of history. Soon after this episode — on September 13th — Beauregard was twice GENERAL BEAUREGARD. 7 wounded in the brilliant assault on the Garita de Belen, where so much dash was displayed by the American troops. On the expiration of the Mexican war, when Major Beauregard returned to his home in New Orleans, General Totten, as chief of the Engineer Department, forwarded him the following copy of Gen eral Orders, publishing the brevets he had won on the field of battle : 1. " For gallant and meritorious behavior in the battles of Oontreras and Churudusco, Mexico, August 20th, 1847, to be Captain by brevet. To date from August 20th, 1847." 2. " For gallant and meritorious conduct in the battle of OhapuUepec, Mex ico, September 13th, 1847, to be Major by brevet. To date from September 13th, 1847." And General Totten added : " It affords the department high satisfaction to communicate to you the well- earned reward of your efforts on the fields of Mexico." In order to show the high estimation in which Major Beaure gard was held, and the impression his eminent services had pro duced upon his superior officers and comrades in arms, we here insert the following letters, written with a view to dissuade him from his reported intention of resigning from the service, in the year 1856, during the lull in military affairs which followed the close of the Mexican war : " New York, Dee. 9th, 1850. " Major G. T. Beauregard, U. S. Engineers : " My dear Sir, — I am much concerned to learn that you think of leaving the army, after acquiring, at an early age, so much distinction in it, .for sci ence and high gallantry in the field. Your brilliant services in Mexico, no body who witnessed them can ever forget. They bind the affections of the army to you, and ought, perhaps, to bind you to us. If you go abroad, you give up that connection at some hazard. My best wishes, however, will ever accompany my gallant young friend wherever he may go. "Winpield Scott." The second letter is from General Persifer F. Smith, under whom Major Beauregard had often served in Mexico. We extract fram it the following passage : " I assure you, my dear Beauregard, that I look upon your quitting our ser vice as the greatest calamity that can befall the army and the country. Let me assure you with sincerity, that I know no officer left behind who can re place you if we get into an important war." Whether it was owing to these remonstrances, or for some other cause, that Major Beauregard altered his determination, we are un- 8 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF able to state; but he did not leave the service ; and from 1853 to the latter part of 1861 remained in charge of what was then called " the Mississippi and Lake Defences in Louisiana." He was also at that time superintending the building of the United States cus tom-house at New Orleans. On the 20th of November, 1860, he was appointed to the high position of Superintendent of the Military Academy at West Point, but, owing to complicated events then darkening more and more our political horizon', and of which it is not now our purpose to speak, he only filled the position during a few days. He resigned his commission in the army of the United States in February, 1861; and on the 1st of March of that year entered the Confed erate service, with the rank of brigadier-general. From that eventful period to the close of the war he was ever in the van — active, self-sacrificing, vigilant, and bold. He displayed great forethought in his extensive views. He was masterly in his manner of handling troops and of leading them on to victory on the battle-field ; and his record of strategic ability and engineering skill has made him immortal in the annals of war. Had more of his farsighted suggestions been heeded, the cause for which he fought would not, perhaps, be known to-day under the mournful — though, to us, erroneous — appellation of " the Lost Cause." His defense of the city and harbor of Charleston — unquestion ably the most scientific, complete, and perfect of all defences de vised during the war — has been partially comprehended and ap preciated among military engineers in Europe and at the North. When we consider with what scant and utterly inadequate re sources General Beauregard held, for nearly two years, over three hundred miles of most vulnerable coast, against formidable and always menacing land and naval forces ; when we bear in mind the repulse from Charleston on April 7th, 1863, of Admiral Du- pont's fleet of ironclads and monitors, supported by General Hunt er's army ; when we mark the prolonged resistance made by a handful of men, in the works on Morris Island, against the com bined land and naval batteries of General Gillmore and Admiral Dahlgren ; the assault and repulse of June 10th, 1863 ; the defeat of the former's forces in an attack on the lines of James Island, on July 16th, 1863 ; the masterly and really wonderful evacuation of Battery Wagner and Morris Island, after the enemy's approaches had reached the ditch of the former work ; when we remember GENERAL BEAUREGARD. 9 the holding of Fort Sumter, in August, 1863, under the most ter rible bombardment on record, while its guns were all dismounted and the work was battered into a mass of ruins ; the successful re moval during that period of all the heavy artillery, of 30,000 pounds of powder, and hundreds of loaded shells, from the endan gered magazines ; then the permanent holding of the dismantled wreck with an infantry guard, and the guns of James' and Sulli van's Islands covering the approach by boats ; the defiant, un- hushed boom, morning and evening, of the gallant little gun — the only one — purposely left in the fort to salute its unconquered flag ; we are struck with wonder and admiration, and we cannot but rec ognize the rare ability of the commander, the unsurpassed forti tude and gallantry of the troops under him. Our object is not, at present, to mention at any length General Beauregard's many military services and victories. This interest ing, important, and instructive part of the history of his military career is contained in the following pages, written from authen ticated notes and documents, vouched for and furnished by General Beauregard himself, and to which this is but an intro duction. When, after voluntarily assisting General J. E. Johnston, dur ing the last days of the war, he surrendered with that distinguished officer, in April, 1865, at Greensboro', North Carolina, he addressed the following touching note to the members of his staff: " Headquarters, etc., etc., Greensboro', N. C, April 27th, 1865. "To my Personal and General Staff, — Events having brought to an end the struggle for the independence of our country, in which we have been engaged together, now for four years, my relations with my staff must also terminate. The hour is at hand when I must bid each and all of you farewell, and a God speed to your homes. " The day was, when I was confident that this parting would be under far different and the most auspicious circumstances — at a moment when a happy and independent people would be ready, on all sides, to welcome you to your respective communities — but circumstances, which neither the courage, the endurance, nor the patriotism of our armies could overcome, have turned my brightest anticipations, my highest hopes, into bitter disappointment, in which you must all share. " You have served me, personally, with unvarying zeal, and, officially, with intelligence, and advantage to the public service. " I go from among you with profound regret. My good wishes will ever attend you, and your future careers will always be of interest to me." 10 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OE In 1866, war being imminent between Turkey and the Danu- bian principalities, the chief command of the Roumanian Army was offered to General Beauregard ; and in 1869, a similar position in the army of the Khedive of Egypt was also tendered him. He declined both offers. Since the war he has resided permanently in his native State, where he has been the president of two iinportaut railroad com panies. He is now Adjutant-General of the State of Louisiana. Wherever met — in the streets of New Orleans or elsewhere, in his native State or out of it — General Beauregard is always greeted with great cordiality and marks of the highest regard. Louisiana, as we have said, is proud of him. She knows that none of her sons has loved her more, or has done so much to protect her from the far-reaching grasp of centralized despotism which at one time seemed to threaten her. He is now the identical con stitutional State-rights Democrat he was before the war, and though he takes no active part in politics, never neglects the per formance of any of his civic duties when circumstances require it. General Beauregard has been twice married. By his first wife, Miss Laure Marie ViUere", great-granddaughter of the Chevalier de Villere", he had two sons and one daughter — all three living and residing with or near him in the State of Louisiana. He was but shortly married to his second wife, Miss Caroline Deslondes, daughter of one of the prominent planters of the state, when he was unexpectedly ordered to the command of Charleston, South Carolina, at the very outbreak of the war. On his return home, in 1865, he was for the second time a widower, and had been for more than a year. He had borne his affliction not only like a Christian but with all the fortitude of a soldier, none but his own military family being able to detect any sign of grief in the countenance of the bereaved husband. General Beauregard is now (1883) sixty-five years of age, but few men of forty are so active as he, so alert, so full of life and vigor. Those who note his elastic military step, upright bearing, and quick yet thoughtful eye, feel well assured that, should occa sion require it, he could again serve his country with energy and capacity equal, if not superior, to that displayed in the past. The only effect upon him of additional years since the war seems to have been further to develop and strengthen his powers by bring ing to him additional knowledge and experience. GENERAL BEAUREGARD. H He appears to us now to be precisely the same as when, on the second day of the battle of Shiloh, he led, flag in hand, one of the charges of the 18th Louisiana regiment. A hail-storm of minie- balls was then pouring into that gallant corps. One of his staff, expostulating with him, and almost rebuking his too-rash exposure of his person, he said : " At such moments as these, the order must not be ' go,' but 'follow /' " And he still tightly grasped the battle-flag. The whole man is portrayed in this brief sentence. His words were ever few at headquarters or on the field, but terse and to the point. One could read, by the flash of his eyes, that he meant what he said. If, as we firmly believe, traits of character, scope of mind, even tastes and prejudices, can be transmitted from generation to gene ration, we can understand how and why Pierre Gustave Toutant Beauregard displayed the capacity for command and the inspiring influence which so distinguished him during our four years' war, when we glance back over the long line of his ancestors, where love of liberty and soldierly qualities were so conspicuous. We very much mistake, or there is still a goodly current of the Celtic Tider's blood running througli General Beauregard's veins, and the high-toned chivalric courtesy, coupled with irreproachable in tegrity, so remarkable in him, must certainly be derived from the stately old Dukes of Reggio and Modena, the. heads of the House of Este. MILITARY OPERATIONS OF GENERAL BEAUREGARD MILITARY OPERATIONS OF GENERAL BEAUREGARD. CHAPTER I. Major Beauregard appointed Superintendent of the United States Military Academy. — His Determination to Resign should Louisiana Withdraw from the Union. — Takes Command at West Point, but is immediately Re lieved. — Returns to New Orleans. — Is Offered the Rank of Colonel of Engineers and Artillery in the Louisiana State Forces. — Declines. — Plan to Obstruct River near Forts. — Floating Booms. — Is Summoned to Mont gomery by President Davis. — Ordered to Charleston, S. C, to Assume Command and Direct Operations against Fort Sumter. While in charge of the military defences of Louisiana, and of the construction of the New Orleans custom-house, in the fall of 1860, General Beauregard, then brevet Major of United States Engineers, received the following order from Washington : " Special Order, No. 238. " War Department, Adjutant-General's Office, Washington, November 8th, 1860. " By direction of the President, brevet Major Peter G. T. Beauregard, Corps of Engineers, is appointed superintendent of the Military Academy, and will relieve the present superintendent at the close of the approaching semi-annual examination of cadets. " By order of the Secretary of War. " S. Cooper, Adjutant-General." This was not only an honorable position, much coveted, and justly so, in the army, but it was also a highly responsible one, to which none but officers of the Engineer Corps of acknowledged merit had, up to that time, been appointed. Yet, under existing circumstances, to Major Beauregard it had more than one objec tion. Mr. Lincoln had just been elected President of the United 14 MILITARY OPERATIONS OF States, and would, four months later, be duly inaugurated as such. Rumors and speculations as to the inevitable disruption of the Union and its probable consequences prevailed everywhere, and kept the public mind in a state of feverish suspense and anxiety. Flattering, therefore, as was to Major Beauregard the appointment thus tendered him by the War Department, it was with no feigned reluctance that he began closing his official accounts, preparatory to transferring the works under him to his successor in office. Though never taking a very active part in politics, he was strongly imbued with the constitutional doctrine of States' Rights and State Sovereignty, and considered, as did the great mass of his Southern countrymen, that his allegiance was primarily due to his own State. With these views, and under such circumstances, it was but natural he should feel anxious in leaving Louisiana, while public opinion had not yet established its level, and the South was still uncertain as to the proper step to pursue in vin dication of its imperilled rights. However — and happen what might — there was but one course open to him, and his deter mination was taken at once: to stand by his State, and share its destiny, for weal or woe. Towards the latter part of December of that year he left New Orleans for West Point, stopping on his way in Washington, to ascertain, if he could, what shape future events would probably assume. Several Southern States had already called their people in con ventions, to determine what measures should be adopted in view of the exigencies of the hour. South Carolina had passed her Or dinance of Secession. Mississippi soon followed. So did Florida and Alabama. Louisiana, it was thought by her congressional delegation, would not hesitate much longer. Deeply convinced that such would be the result, Major Beauregard made it a point at once to apprise General Totten, chief of the Engineer Corps at Washington, of his resolution to resign his commission in the United States army should his State retire from the Union, thus giving the department full opportunity to rescind the order as signing him to West Point, and to take such other step in the mat ter as might be thought proper. He repaired to General Totten's office, and, by a strange coincidence, found him busily engaged in examining fortification drawings, which were no other than those of the defences of Charleston. He was studying and endeavoring GENERAL BEAUREGARD. 15 to describe the circles of fire of Forts Sumter and Moultrie. At Major Beauregard's avowal, General Totten expressed both sur prise and pain, and used every endeavor to dissuade him — we need not add, without success. Major Beauregard then went to the headquarters of General Scott, to inform him also of his intended resignation ; but failed to find the general, as he was temporarily absent from Washington. Major Beauregard had been authorized by General Totten, so anxious was the latter to retain him in the service, to defer assum ing command at West Point until after the close of the January examinations ; and, in the meantime, having nothing to detain him in Washington, he left for New York, to await further devel opments. In New York he met several army friends, among others, Cap tain G. W. Smith, ex-officer of Engineers, then acting as Street Commissioner of the great northern metropolis, and Captain Mansfield Lovell. The absorbing topic of the day was necessarily brought forward and earnestly discussed. Major Beauregard in formed them of his intention to follow his State should it secede. They approved of his proposed course, and declared that they would act in the same manner, were they similarly situated. Major Beauregard had been only a few days in command at West Point, when the new Secretary of War, Mr. Holt, through animosity to Mr. Slidell, it was said, and perhaps because he had no faith in Major Beauregard's Union sympathies, •peremptorily remanded him to his former station in New Orleans. No order could have been more acceptable to him, and he hastened to obey it. Passing through the city of New York, on his way South, he received a telegram from Governor Moore, of Louisiana, inform ing him of the withdrawal of the State from the Union, and re questing his immediate return. He readily complied, and took passage on a steamer leaving the next day for New Orleans. Upon reaching her wharf he found it crowded with people, very much excited, who had collected there to see the steamer Star of the West, just returned from off Charleston, with two or three shot- holes in her hull and chimney-stack. He went on board and was entertained by her captain with a graphic account of the hot re ception the South Carolina authorities had given him. Major Beauregard had little idea, then, that in less than two months he would be constructing additional batteries in the harbor of IQ MILITARY OPERATIONS OF Charleston, to protect it more effectually from access by vessels at tempting to carry reinforcements and supplies to Fort Sumter. Upon his arrival at New Orleans, Governor Moore furnished him with a copy of the Ordinance of Secession, and informed him that his services were required to complete the defences to the ap proaches of the city, which were already in full possession of the State authorities. His answer was that he could not do so until he had formally resigned his commission in the United States service. This he did that day, and then joined, as a private, the battalion of Or leans Guards, composed of the elite of the Creole population of the city of New Orleans. This command had just been organized by Colonel Numa Augustin, than whom no better citizen soldier was known, in the volunteer service of the State. The excitement and enthusiasm of the people of Louisiana and of New Orleans, especially, were intense. The shrill sound of the fife, the beating of drums, squad drills at street corners and in pub lic avenues, and an ever-increasing military spirit greeted one at every step. New Orleans had been transformed into a garrison town. All who met Major Beauregard on the streets, friends and even strangers, would shake him warmly by the hand, expressing the hope that he would be with them in the hour of trial, should such hour ever come. The general impression appeared to be that the ruling party of the Northern States would not oppose the peaceable withdrawal of the Southern States from the Union, by making war on them. During his short sojourn at the North Major Beauregard had seen and heard enough to make him doubt that such would be the result, and it became a matter of conscience for him to dispel the illusions of his too-hopeful fellow-citizens. The people of the State of Louisiana, in convention assembled, after full discussion by their ablest and best men, reached the con clusion that secession had become a necessity and was the only course to be pursued. The State called upon her sons for assist ance, and, as one of them, Major Beauregard responded; though, after having been twenty-two years in the United States army, two of these spent in a short but glorious foreign war, where friendships had been created and cemented with blood, it was not to be ex pected that he should, without reluctance, dissever ties that had thus lasted through youth to mature manhood. GENERAL BEAUREGARD. 17 Shortly after his return to New Orleans, the General Assembly passed a law organizing the Louisiana State forces. General Brax ton Bragg was appointed Brigadier-General, and Major Beaure gard was offered the position of Colonel of Engineers and Artil lery. This he declined, notwithstanding urgent appeals from many friends. He felt — and rightly so — that some injustice had been done him in assigning him to a secondary position. He was a native of the State, who had just resigned an important position in the United States army, while General Bragg had been out of the service for several years, and had but recently become a resi dent of Louisiana. His object, however, being to aid in the de fence of his country, he openly declared his readiness to serve with or under General Bragg, and to put at his disposal whatever of professional knowledge and experience he might possess. But he refused all military rank in the State army. Major Beauregard was convinced that the most important of all the avenues of approach to New Orleans was the Mississippi River; and that, to guard it properly against invasion, must be the one grand object in view on the part of the State authorities. He therefore advised Governor Moore and the Military Board to arm Forts Jackson and St. Philip with the heaviest guns procura ble, and suggested the following plan for so doing : 1st, to remove the largest pieces already there, from the rear to the front or river faces of the forts ; 2d, to transfer to them the heavy guns of both Fort Pike, on the Rigolets, and Fort Macomb, on the Chef Men- teur — which were works of inferior order, not likely to be put in action at all against a fleet threatening the city. Major Beauregard also drew up, and furnished to the State au thorities, the plans and estimates for two distinct river obstruc tions, to be placed between Forts Jackson and St. Philip, and to be there used, together or separately, according to tlie exigency of the case. The first was a floating boom consisting of two parts, formed of long timbers twelve inches square, solidly bound together in sections of four timbers, each section to be connected with another by means of strong iron chains. One half of the boom was to be well anchored in the river, from the shore at Fort Jackson, and in clined downward as it reached the middle of the stream. The other half was to be anchored from the opposite bank of the river near Fort St. Philip, and in such a manner as to have its shore ex tremity made fast. To its outer, and movable end was to be at- L— 2 18 MILITARY OPERATIONS OF tached a strong wire rope connected with a steam-engine, rendered secure by a bombproof, on the Fort Jackson side. The rope, worked by the engine, would close or open the boom, as circum stances might require, for the passage of friendly vessels or of ac cumulated drift-wood. The second boom was to consist of about five barges or flat- boats, properly constructed so as to support one or more heavy chains or wire-ropes, stretched from shore to shore, between the two forts, and above the floating boom. The estimate for this obstruction was about $90,000, and for the other about one half less. Both were to be illuminated at night with Drummond lights, placed in bombproofs on each side of the river, and the stream was to be patrolled by boats as far down as prudence would permit. Had these floating booms been constructed and kept in work ing order until required for effectual use it is beyond all doubt that they would have obstructed the passage of the Federal fleet in April, 1862. Detaining the vessels under the fire of the forts, they would have afforded sufficient time to them to do their work, and to the city to prepare for a vigorous defence, if not for a triumphant resistance. Somewhat later, Major Beauregard had occasion to offer a few suggestions to the Military Board, in a short memoir, wherein, after giving his general views as to the defence of the different ap proaches to New Orleans, he again directed attention to the para mount necessity of the floating booms already spoken of. He received the thanks of Governor Moore for his valuable infor mation, of the importance of which the governor was well aware, but the Military Board, to whom all such matters were specially referred, and on whose knowledge of them the State Executive so fully relied, failed to see the extent of the result aimed at, and, as was often the case during the war, the opportunity was allowed to slip by ; and the consequences, which might have been averted, advanced unhindered to their calamitous end. On the 22d of February, 1861, Major Beauregard received a despatch from the Hon. L. P. Walker, Secretary of War of the Confederate government, informing him that his immediate presence at Montgomery was requested by President Davis. He made all possible haste to leave New Orleans, thinking he might be away for two or three weeks at the utmost — he was absent GENERAL BEAUREGARD. 19 more than four years. The hope of Major Beauregard was, that he might be permanently stationed in Louisiana, with all the sea-coast of which, and the approaches to the city of New Orleans, he was known to be so thoroughly familiar ; irrespective of his very natural wish to be able, in case of need, to fight in and for his native State. It must be admitted, however, that, just at that time, few per sons in either section of the country really believed that the issues would be settled by force of arms. The South " will not be rash enough to attempt to retire from the Union," was the general opinion entertained at the North. The North " will not make war to drag the Southern States unwillingly back," was the prevailing sentiment in the South. This delusion is easily accounted for when we consider, not merely the principles set forth in the Declaration of Indepen dence, and the voluntary formation of the Union, by the States, but also the views expressed by many of the most prominent men of the North. We do not allude to the extravagant expressions repeated for many years by leaders in the abolition phalanx, pro fessing hatred of the Union; nor even to the sentiments of dis regard for it, uttered, during the same period, by influential mem bers in the Republican party, even on the floor of Congress ; but to the immediate declarations of that time, such as the sober statement in the New York Tribune, then the principal organ of the dominant party at the North, that the revolution of the Colonies was a precedent for the secession of the States, and that both stood equally on the same principle of the right of a people to self-government. Even General Scott, as one of the alterna tives of action, had counselled the mild measure of allowing " the erring sisters " to " go in peace." It was not surprising, therefore, that many persons could not be made to believe in such a war, until, after their eyes had seen the flashes and their ears had heard the sounds of the guns fired at Sumter, the United States government called for 75,000 troops with which to reduce the Southern people to obedience. Major Beauregard arrived at Montgomery on the 26th of Feb ruary, and on the same day called on the Secretary of War. "Just in time," said the latter, while courteously extending his hand, " to assist me out of a great dilemma." He was estimating the weight and cost of pieces of ordnance of different calibers. 20 MILITARY OPERATIONS OF Major Beauregard cheerfully gave him what assistance he could, and took the liberty to suggest the advisability of procuring, as soon as possible, the different heads of bureaus whom the secre tary needed, to relieve him of all such annoying details. Mr. Walker thereupon authorized Major Beauregard to telegraph at once to several of his friends of the old service, who in his opin ion might be fitted for these positions. Thus it was that the as sistance of Colonel Gorgas, as Chief of Ordnance, was eventually procured. Though a Northern man by birth, Colonel Gorgas had married in the South, and was entirely identified in feeling and interest with that section. He proved to be a meritorious officer, whose services were of value to the cause. Messages were also sent to Captains G. W. Smith and Mansfield Lovell, then in New York, advising them to repair immediately to Montgomery, where their presence was needed. Owing to circumstances beyond their control, those officers did not arrive and report for duty until after the battle of Manassas. Major Beauregard then presented himself to Mr. Davis, who received him with great kindness, and asked him many questions as to the temper of the people and the condition of affairs, at JSfew Orleans and Mobile. His answer was, that now that seces sion was an accomplished fact on the part of Louisiana as well as of Alabama, their people were fast becoming unanimous as to the measure, which, at first, had been looked upon with hesitation and apprehension; that business was mostly suspended in the cities of New Orleans and Mobile, but that everybody seemed hopeful of the future, whether we should remain permanently separated, or should re-enter the Union with sufficient guarantees against further encroachments on our rights! The President then asked him what knowledge he had of the defences around Charleston, and of the best mode of taking Fort Sumter, in the event of its being necessary to resort to force against it. He read to Major Beauregard a letter he had just received from Governor Pickens, of South Carolina, describing the condition of affairs there, and asking that an officer of experi ence should be sent to take charge of the operations then going on, and, if necessary, to assume command of the State troops there assembled. The president showed him also a communica tion from Major W. H. C. Whiting, an ex-officer of United States Engineers, then in the service of the State of Georgia, who had GENERAL BEAUREGARD. 21 been sent to Charleston to inspect the works being constructed against Fort Sumter, and advise such changes and improvements as his professional experience might suggest. Major Whiting, in this paper, expressed his disapproval of almost all that had been done in the way of locating and constructing batteries, and gave an alarming description of the condition of affairs there. Major Beauregard having with him a map of Charleston, given him that day by Major W. H. Chase, ex-officer of Engineers, ex plained to the President what should, in his opinion, be done to prevent assistance by sea to Fort Sumter, and to force its sur render, if necessary. The matter was thoroughly examined and discussed until a late hour in the night. The next afternoon Major Beauregard was accosted by some members of the convention from South Carolina and Georgia, who informed him that he had just been appointed first Brigadier- General in the provisional army of the Confederate States; and that he would be sent to assume command at Charleston, and di rect operations there against Fort Sumter. This news took Ma jor Beauregard completely by surprise. He neither desired nor expected such an honor. He feared it might keep him away for an indefinite period from New Orleans, whither he was anxious to return, for private as well as public reasons. He knew little of the defences of Charleston, and was not familiar with its peo ple; whereas he was thoroughly acquainted with those of New Orleans ; and, although perfectly willing to serve the Confeder acy to the utmost of his ability, wherever sent, he thought his services were first dueto the defence and protection of his own State. There was another impediment, though, under the circum stances, of much less gravity. His resignation from the United States army, dated and forwarded February 8th, 1861, had not yet been, to his knowledge, accepted ; and still regardful of the strict observance of rules and regulations to which he had been trained, he was disinclined to take up arms against the United States flag until officially relieved from his fealty to it. This he explained to President Davis, who, after urging his acceptance of the po sition offered, and promising that he should if necessary, be sent back to New Orleans, suggested that he should at once telegraph to the War Department in Washington, and be set at rest on this point. He did so — for communications between all sections of the country were still free — and the next day received formal in- 22 MILITARY OPERATIONS OF f 1 formation of the acceptance of his resignation by President Bu chanan. Upon his informing Mr. Davis of the fact, the latter instructed him to repair at once to Charleston, there to report to Governor Pickens, and to take command of the State troops, should the South Carolina authorities so desire — the troops then assembled at or near Charleston not having yet regularly entered the Confed erate service. GENERAL BEAUREGARD. 23 CIIAPTER II. Description of Charleston. — General Beauregard's Arrival. — Cursory Sketch of the Condition of the Public Mind in the South. — The Hon. Robert Barn well Rhett. — One Sentiment and One Resolve animating South Carolin ians. — South Carolina Commissioners to Washington. — Failure of Nego tiations. — Major Anderson Evacuates Fort Moultrie and Occupies Fort Sumter. — Hoisting of Palmetto Flags. — Steamer Star of the West. — Gov ernor Pickens Summons Major Anderson to Surrender the Fort. — He De* clines, but Refers the Matter to Washington. — Mr. Buchanan Refuses to Withdraw Federal Garrison. — All Eyes Centred on South Carolina. — System- and Plan of Operations Adopted by General Beauregard. — More Troops Volunteer than are Needed. Seven miles from the Atlantic Ocean, and looking out upon it to the southeast, stands the city of Charleston, built at the conflu ence of the Ashley and Cooper rivers. It is on a tongue of the mainland, consisting of gray sandy soil, and extends southward, tapering in width from two miles to half a mile. Here the Ash ley turns from the west and sweeps around, to mingle its waters with those of the Cooper, whose principal current passes close along the east or sea -front of the city. A marshy mud -flat, called Shute's Folly Island, rises east of Charleston on the farther side of this branch of Cooper River, and beyond it is the sand-strip and beach of Sullivan's Island. The lesser stream of Cooper River, flowing to the north and east of Shute's Folly, passes the main land at Haddrell's Point and Mount Pleasant, and off the western extremity of Sullivan's Island unites with the other waters of the bay. South of Charleston, across the water, lies James Island, with its uplands extending about two and a half miles down the harbor. It is separated by a marsh and creek from the low white sand-bank of Morris Island. On account of the flatness of the country, the waters ebb and flow many miles up the Ashley and Cooper rivers, with a mean tide of seven feet at the city. Thus constituted, the harbor of Charleston averages two miles in width, and forms a beautiful sheet of water. Ont in the bay, three miles from the city, stands Fort Sumter. It is built on a shoal just south of the main channel, which it is 24 MILITARY OPERATIONS OF intended to command, and is a mile from Fort Moultrie, which lies to the northeast, across the entrance, on Sullivan's Island. It is thirteen hundred yards from Morris Island, which lies to the south-southeast; fifteen hundred yards from Fort Johnson, which stands to the southwest, on James Island, and two miles from Castle Pinckney, on Shute's Folly, which lies to the northwest. Fort Sumter is — or was, at the time of which we are writing — a pentagonal work of formidable strength, built for mounting one hundred and forty pieces. The height of its walls, from the water's edge to the parapets, is sixty feet ; the fort was divided into three tiers, two of which — the lower ones — were casemated, and the upper en barbette. With its commodious officers' quarters, its barracks, mess-rooms, magazines, and hot-shot furnaces, it had been considered one of the best-built forts under the control of the United States government, and did honor to the ability of the engineers who designed and executed its construction. Fort Moultrie was a low brick work, without casemates, but with terre-fleins for batteries en barbette, the principal of which were " the sea battery," facing southeast, and " the Sumter bat tery," facing southwest. Fort Johnson was an antiquated and dilapidated work, that had been abandoned. Castle Pinckney, opposite the city, across Coop er River, was an old-fashioned, half-moon fortification of brick, with one row of casemates for small ordnance and a terre-plein above. In 1860, Charleston contained about fifty thousand inhabitants. Besides its commercial importance, it was the residence of many intelligent and educated planters, cultivating rice in the malarial tide-swamps, and sea-island cotton along the rich coast region of the "low country." It was the centre of the factorage business of the State, of the supply market, of banking and exchange. It was also headquarters in matters of church and school, society and politics. The town was old and respectable -looking, evidently built for personal convenience, not for show ; and its people spent their money in substantial good -living within doors, rather than in outward display. With many churches and public schools, no private palaces and few brown-stone fronts were visible ; but its separate dwellings of brick and of wood, with their enclosed gardens and luxuriant shrubbery, unique rows of rooms accessible to the sea breeze, with tiers of spacious piazzas, gave it an air of exclusive individuality and solid comfort. GENERAL BEAUREGARD. 25 General Beauregard arrived in Charleston on the 1st of March, 1861, and immediately repaired to Governor Pickens's headquar ters, which were then established at the Charleston Hotel. Gover nor Pickens was found in earnest consultation with eminent citizens of the Palmetto State. A hearty welcome was extended to the Confederate commander, whose arrival from Montgomery had been announced in advance of time, and was anxiously awaited by all. Governor Pickens proposed to put General Beauregard in com mand without delay, but his offer was declined ; General Beaure gard preferring first to acquaint himself thoroughly with the forces collected in and around Charleston, the sites of the various batteries then in course of erection, and the available resources in ordnance. A retrospective glance over tlie causes which induced the course adopted by South Carolina and the Southern States, and a cursory sketch of the condition of the public mind at that juncture, can not fail to be of interest to the reader. The State of South Carolina was the first to dissever the ties that bound her to the Union. She was actuated, in so doing, not by motives of profit, of ambition, or love of strife, but by princi ple, and a sense of right to control her own destiny, and escape the ruin she foresaw in falling under the rule of a hostile sectional party, regardless of the limitations of the Constitution, which alone gave security to the minority in the South. Time and again had the South, in a spirit of unwise concilia tion, yielded to unconstitutional encroachments, knowing them to be such, but with no better result than to increase this aggression upon her rights. The bond of union— namely, the Constitution — was virtually broken. The antagonistic relations of the two sections had culmi nated in the election of a President believed to be unfriendly to the States of the South. It was thought that, as a speedy sequel, the South would be excluded from the common territory ; that the guarantees of the Constitution would no longer exist ; that the Southern States would lose the power of self-government, and Fed eral authority predominate over all. To have acquiesced passively in such a new order of things, whereby tlie Government of the United States was no longer the government of confederated republics, but of a consolidated De- 26 MILITARY OPERATIONS OF mocracy, would have been lending a hand to despotism. This, South Carolina would not do. By such an act she would have be lied her past history, and condemned that noble struggle for lib erty, as a result of which the American colonies had been acknowl edged by Great Britain and the world to be " free, sovereign, and independent States." Whatever may have been the hopes of South Carolina, when, on the 20th of December, 1860, she dissolved her connection with the Union, she had no certainty that her Southern sister States would follow the course she had thought proper to adopt. She acted alone, impelled by her own sense of duty, of independence and self-respect, as a sovereign. Her example, and the tone of her leading men, foremost among whom stood that profound statesman, the late Robert Barnwell Rhett — the friend and successor of John C. Calhoun — had no small influence in determining the subsequent withdrawal of the other States of the South. The weight of Northern hostility had been felt by each and all ; and the decisive action of any one of them was more than sufficient to kindle the latent fires of self-preserva tion by disunion. At the time of which we are now writing, and no matter what may have been the previous divergence of opinions among the leaders of that gallant State, there was but one feeling, one senti ment, and one resolve animating every South Carolina heart : to retake possession, at any cost, of the arsenals, forts, and other pub lic property then in the hands of the Federal authorities, and to assume and exercise all the rights appertaining to a free and inde pendent commonwealth. The object of her Commissioners in Washington, as shown by their official correspondence with President Buchanan, was to ob- taiu a just, honorable, and peaceable settlement of the question at issue between South Carolina and the Federal Government. " We have the honor to transmit to you," wrote these Commis sioners to the President, "a copy of the full powers from the con vention of the people of South Carolina, under which we are au thorized to treat with the government of the United States for the delivery of the forts, magazines, lighthouses, and other real estate, with their appurtenances, within the limits of South Carolina, and also for the apportionment of the public debt, and for a division of all other property held by the government of the United States GENERAL BEAUREGARD. 27 as agent of the confederated States, of which South Carolina was recently a member ; and generally to negotiate as to all other measures and arrangements proper to be made and adopted in the existing relation of the parties, and for the continuance of peace and amity between this commonwealth and the government at Washington." * These negotiations failed. ' The removal of the United States garrison, on the 25th of De^ cember, 1860, from Fort Moultrie to Fort Sumter — the gun car riages of the former work having been fired and the guns injured by the retiring troops — whatever may have been its cause, or by whomsoever suggested, was the first overt act of war, and the real beginning of hostilities between the two sections. That it was due to the action of a United States officer and representative of tlie Federal government, is beyond doubt. The question, whether he obeyed orders or acted on his own responsibility, in nowise af fects the fact. All hesitation and all illusions, on the part of the South Carolina authorities, were, from that moment, swept aside ; and, as a logical sequence, on the day following, the Palmetto State flag was raised over smoking Moultrie, and over the other defences of the harbor, Sumter excepted. The South Carolina Commissioners retired from Washington and returned home, having had the full assurance from President Buchanan that he would not remand Major An derson to Fort Moultrie, withdraw the United States troops from Fort Sumter, or give up the latter to the State authorities. Vigorous preparations for the coming struggle were now begun by the State of South Carolina, with entire unanimity and a most admirable spirit among her people. Works were thrown up, and batteries constructed, at various points of the harbor, where it was thought they could best defend the city, and cut off outside com munications with Fort Sumter. These precautionary measures were taken none too soon. At dawn on the 9th of January, the steamer Star of the West, with a reinforcement of several hundred men, and supplies of food and ammunition for Sumter, appeared off the bar of Charleston * See letter dated Washington, Dec. 28th, 1860, of Messrs. R. W. Barnwell, J. H. Adams, and James L. Orr, South Carolina Commissioners, to President Buchanan. 28 MILITARY OPERATIONS OF harbor. She entered Ship Channel, and was rapidly approaching when a shot was fired across her bow from a battery on Morris Island, as a signal to heave to. Disregarding this warning, she hoisted the United States flag and boldly continued her course. Five rounds were then fired at her in quick succession, two of which took effect. At the sixth discharge she rounded to, low ered her flag, and steamed out of the harbor. Fort Moultrie had also opened fire on her. Events now followed one another in rapid succession. Major Anderson, demanding to know of Governor Pickens whether or not he had authorized the firing on a transport bearing the United States flag, was answered in the affirmative. Soon afterwards Gov ernor Pickens formally summoned Major Anderson to surrender Fort Sumter to the State authorities. This Major Anderson re fused to do, but offered to refer the matter to his government, at Washington. As a proof of the conciliatory spirit still animating both the peo ple and the authorities of South Carolina, Governor Pickens ac ceded to this request, and the Honorable Isaac W. Hayne was ac cordingly sent to Washington, with power to act in the premises. Protracted negotiations ensued, but brought about no satisfactory result, the answer of Mr. Holt, the new Secretary of War, leaving but little hope of an amicable settlement. Thus, under these perplexing circumstances, with an earnest desire for peace, but with insufficient courage to avow and pro mote it, Mr. Buchanan's administration came to a close. Congress had been as irresolute as the President himself, and had taken no step to avoid the impending danger of collision. In the meantime, other Southern States, to wit, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas, had severed their connection with the Federal Government, and linking their des tinies with that of South Carolina, had regularly organized, at Montgomery, the Provisional Government of the Confederate States of America. All eyes were now fixed upon the Palmetto State, the pivot around which turned the fortunes of the South, in this grand ef fort for constitutional liberty which was about to be made. To her honor be it said, she proved worthy of the leadership which fate had confided to her hands. Her State troops and volunteers answered with more than alacrity to the call of the constituted GENERAL BEAUREGARD. 29 authorities, and poured in from every district, eager to be counted among the first to strike a blow in defence of the cause in which their lives — and more than their lives— were now enlisted. The difficulty among the officers was, not to elevate the morale of these patriotic freemen, or prepare them for the dangers they were about to encounter, but to restrain their ardor, and maintain them within the bounds of" prudence and moderation. Such was the condition of affairs in South Carolina, and such the tone of the public mind in the city of Charleston, when General Beauregard arrived there. Having made a thorough inspection of all the works, he came to the conclusion that a great deal still remained to be done by way of preparation for active measures against Fort Sumter. The system and plan of operations which had been adopted seemed to be to concentrate all the available guns and mortars at two points, namely : Fort Moultrie, on Sullivan's Island, and Cumming's Point, on Morris Island, where a few guns and about half a dozen mortars of heavy caliber were being put in position. Battery "Star of the West" — so called, from its repulse of the steamer of that name — contained four 24-pounders, which enfiladed the main south channel, known as the Morris Island Channel. General Beauregard determined to alter that system, but gradu ally and cautiously, so as not to dampen the ardor, or touch the pride, of the gallant and sensitive gentlemen who had left their comfortable homes, at the call of their State, to vindicate its honor and assert its rights. They had endured, for weeks, the privations and exposures of a soldier's life, on bleak islands, where it was impossible, at times, to see objects at a greater distance than a few yards, because of the sand drifts created by the northers, prevalent on the coast at that season of the year. General Beauregard noted, with feelings of admiration, an old gentleman, standing sentry at one of the camps on the island, who had organized, armed, and equipped a whole company of infantry at his own expense, and had placed it under the command of his youngest brother. This had been his contribution to his country's cause ; and, deeming it insufficient, he had also offered his services and his life, as a private in his own company. Among the privates there assembled for duty were planters and sons of planters, some of them the wealthiest men of South Caro lina, diligently working, side by side with their slaves. Not a 30 MILITARY OPERATIONS OF word of complaint from any of them did General Beauregard hear during his inspection tour, except, perhaps, against the long delay in attacking Fort Sumter. Numerous were the plans — each " infal lible " — suggested by these high-spirited gentlemen, for taking the formidable work which loomed up majestic and defiant in the dis tance, like a mountain risen from the sea, its barbette guns grimly crowning its summit. GENERAL BEAUREGARD. 31 CHAPTER III. The Confederate States Commissioners. — Their Correspondence with Mr. Sew ard. — How they were Deceived. — Mr. Lincoln's Sectional Views. — Letter of Major Anderson to the Adjutant-General of the United States Army. — On Whom must Rest the Responsibility for the War. — Mr. Buchanan's Wavering Policy. — General Beauregard Distrusts the Good Faith of the Federal Authorities. — His Plan to Reduce Fort Sumter. — Detached Bat teries. — Floating and Iron-clad Batteries.— Fort Sumter's Supplies Cut Off. — Drummond Lights. — Steam Harbor-boats. — Enfilade or Masked Battery. — Mr. Chew. — His Message to General Beauregard. — Secretary of War Apprised of Same. — His Answer to Telegram. — Blakely Rifled Gun. — By Whom Sent. — General Beauregard Demands the Surrender of Fort Sumter. — Major Anderson Declines. — Fire Opened on the Fort April 12th. The Confederate States Commissioners — Messrs. John Forsyth of Alabama, M. T. Crawford of Georgia, and A. B. Roman of Lou isiana — with proposals from their government, were sent to Wash ington after the inauguration of Mr. Lincoln as President. They were instructed " to make to the government of the United States overtures for the opening of negotiations, assuring that govern ment that the President, Congress, and people of the Confederate States earnestly desire a peaceful solution of these great questions, and that it is neither their interest nor their wish to make any de mand that is not founded in strictest justice, nor to do any act to injure their late confederates."* It was hoped that these commissioners, representing an organ ized government, perfect in all its parts, and clothed with powers by seven sovereign States, would be deemed entitled to greater consideration, and might accomplish more than the commissioners sent by South Carolina alone had been able to do. But Mr. Lincoln and his advisers assumed very formal ground, and declined all official intercourse with representatives of "rebel lious States." They would have nothing to do with "irregular * See letter of Southern Commissioners to Mr. Lincoln, " Rebellion Record," vol. i. p. 42. 32 MILITARY OPERATIONS OF negotiations, having in view new and untried relations with agen cies unknown to, and acting in derogation of, the Constitution and the laws."* The correspondence of the Southern Commissioners with Mr. Seward attests this. The interesting particulars added thereto by the Honorable John A. Campbell, late Associate-Justice of the Su preme Court of the United States, show that not only were the conciliatory proposals tendered to the Federal government by the Confederate States treated with uncourteous disregard, but that a covert attempt at provisioning and reinforcing Fort Sumter was being made, pending the delay to which our commissioners were subjected in Washington, while unofficial but positive assurances were given them of an early evacuation of that fort. So many despatches and letters, public and private, had been forwarded to the South by influential Southern statesmen then in Washington, to the effect that, despite heavy outside pressure, the President could be induced to settle the question at issue with out a resort to arms, if sufficient time were allowed him, that up to the very last hour the Confederate authorities at Montgomery, and many high officials in Charleston, really hoped that the Fed eral troops would yet be withdrawn from Sumter, and the im pending danger of war be averted. General Crawford, United States Army, in his essay, " The First Shot Against the Flag," speaking of this impression, says distinctly, "and they had at one time reason for the belief."f General Doubleday expresses him self with no less certainty when he states that "Anderson now had no doubt that we would be withdrawn, and the papers all gave out the same idea."! Not until Captain G. V. Fox, of the United States Navy, had obtained introduction into Sumter, under the plea of " pacific pur poses," though in reality to concert a plan for its reinforcement ; not until Colonel Lamon, representing himself as a confidential agent of President Lincoln, had gained access to the fort, under the pretence of arranging matters for the removal of the troops, but " in reality to confer with Major Anderson, and ascertain the amount of provisions on hand ;"§ not until, on the 8th of April, * Mr. Seward's reply to the Southern Commissioners. t "Annals of the War," p. 324. t General Doubleday's " Reminiscences of Sumter and Moultrie," p. 133. § Ibid. p. 134. GENERAL BEAUREGARD. 33 Mr. Chew, from the State Department at Washington, had noti fied both Governor Pickens and General Beauregard " that the government intended to provision Fort Sumter peaceably, if pos sible, forcibly, if necessary ;" not until then was the last expecta tion of an amicable settlement of our difficulties dismissed from the minds of those who, though vigorously preparing for war, cherished none the less the delusive hope of peace. It was rumored at the time, and has been repeated since by General Crawford, that Mr. Chew, after delivering his message to the South Carolina authorities, " barely escaped from the city of Charleston without molestation." This is an error. Mr. Chew, who was an intelligent man, no doubt felt the very equivocal nat ure of his mission at such a juncture, and did manifest symptoms of anxiety for his personal safety ; but General Beauregard and Governor Pickens gave him at once most positive assurances that he had no reason to fear any act of violence from the people of Charleston. " The crowd you see around this building," General Beauregard told him, " shows the eagerness of the people to be informed of the news you bear us, and nothing more. You may go among them, repeat what you have here said, and not a word of insult will be offered you." To make assurance doubly sure, however, and to appease the apparent nervousness of Mr. Lincoln's messenger, he was escorted to the railroad depot by aids of Gen eral Beauregard and Governor Pickens, and left Charleston un molested, and as freely as he had entered it. The only thing he could have complained of — though we have no evidence that he ever did — is, that his telegrams to Mr. Lincoln never reached their destination, and that his return journey was unusually pro tracted. The explanation of these facts is that General Beau regard, who considered himself justified in making use of every rightful stratagem of war, arrested Mr. Chew's telegrams, and purposely delayed some of the trains that took him back to Wash ington. Major Anderson's letter to Colonel L. Thomas, Adjutant-Gen eral United States Army, dated April 8th, 1861, and the telegrams from Messrs. Crawford, Roman, and Forsyth, from Washington, establish the fact that the object of the Federal government in delaying its final answer to the Southern Commissioners was to gain time for the reinforcement of Sumter before it could be re duced by the South Carolina troops under General Beauregard. I.— 3 34 MILITARY OPERATIONS OF The following is an extract from Major Anderson's letter. It explains itself, and clears him from all participation in that act of duplicity : " Fort Sumter, S. G, April 8th, 1861. " To Colonel L. Thomas, etc. : " Colonel,—* ****** I had the honor to receive by yesterday's mail the letter of the Honorable Secretary of War, dated April 4th, and confess that what he here states sur prises me very greatly, following, as it does, and contradicting so positively, the assurance Mr. Crawford telegraphed he was ' authorized ' to make. I trust that this matter will be at once put in a correct light, as a movement made now, when the South has been erroneously informed that none such would be attempted, would produce most disastrous results throughout our country. It is, of course, now too late for me to give any advice in reference to the pro posed scheme of Captain Fox. I fear that its result cannot fail to be disas trous to all concerned. Even with his boat at our walls, the loss of life (as I think I mentioned to Mr. Fox) in unloading her will more than pay for the good to be accomplished by the expedition, which keeps us, if I can maintain possession of this work, out of position, surrounded by strong works, which must be carried to make this fort of the least value to the United States gov ernment. " We have not oil enough to keep a light in the lantern for one night. The boats will have to, therefore, rely at night entirely upon other marks. I ought to have been informed that this expedition was to come. Colonel Lamon's remark convinced me that the idea, merely hinted at to me by Captain Fox, would not be carried out. " We shall strive to do our duty, though I frankly say that my heart is not in this war, which, I see, is to be thus commenced. That God will still avert it, and cause us to resort to pacific means to maintain our rights, is my ardent prayer. " I am, Colonel, very respectfully, your obedient servant, " Robert Anderson, Major 1st Artillery commanding." These three most significant telegrams are from our commis sioners : L " Washington, April 5th, 1861. " Hon. Robert Toombs, etc., Montgomery, Ala. : " The movement of troops and preparation on hoard of vessels of war, of which you have already been apprised, are continued with the greatest activ ity. An important move, requiring a formidable military and naval force, is certainly on foot. The statement that this armament is intended for St. Do mingo may be a mere ruse. "We are, however, credibly informed that Commodore Stringham, who takes charge of the squadron, sails for St. Domingo. " Having no confidence in the administration, we say, be ever on your guard. GENERAL BEAUREGARD. 35 Glad to hear that you are ready. The notice promised us will come at the last moment, if the fleet be intended for our waters. " Crawford. " Roman. " Forsyth." 2. "April 6th, 1861. " Hon. Robert Toombs, Secretary, etc., Montgomery, Ala. : "No change in the activity of the warlike armaments mentioned yesterday. The rumor that they are destined against Pickens, and perhaps Sumter, is getting every day stronger. We know nothing positive on the subject, but advise equal activity on your part to receive them if they come. We have not yet been notified of the movement, but the notification may come when they are ready to start. " Crawford. " Forsyth. "Roman." 3. " Washington, April 11th, 1881. " General G. T. Beauregard : "The Tribune of to-day declares the main object of the expedition to be the relief of Sumter, and that a force will be lauded which will overcome all op position. " Roman. " Crawford. " Forsyth." The correspondence between General Scott and Captain Fox, the communication of Secretary Cameron to the latter, the letters of President Lincoln to the same and to Lieutenant D. D. Porter, come as corroborating evidence of the preconcerted determination of the Federal authorities to dupe the Southern people and their representatives in Washington. The justice and impartial logic of history will establish, beyond the possibility of a doubt, that the Southern Commissioners, in their parting communication to Mr. Seward, dated April 9th, 1861, were fully justified in using the following dignified and truthful language : " Your refusal to entertain these overtures for a peaceful solution, the active naval and military preparations of this government, and a formal notice to the commanding general of the Confederate forces in the harbor of Charleston, that the President intends to provision Fort Sumter by forcible means, if nec essary, are viewed by the undersigned, and can only be received by the world, as a declaration of war against the Confederate States; for the President of the United States knows that Fort Sumter cannot be provisioned without the effusion of blood." 36 MILITARY OPERATIONS OF Among the few persons, in Charleston and elsewhere, who, from the first, doubted the purpose of the Federal authorities, and never believed in any good coming from the unaccountable delays in the negotiations at Washington, was General Beauregard, Charleston's popular commander. He had lost no time in pushing forward, as rapidly as possible, the plan of attack he had adopted immediately after his arrival. That plan was to form a circle of fire, by distributing all his avail able guns and mortars around a circumference of which Fort Sumter should be the centre. To accomplish this he had three of the six mortars about to be put in position at Cummings's Point removed to the Trapier Battery on Morris Island. They were 10 -inch mortars. The three others (8 -inch) he left where they had been originally mounted. With his usual prompt decision and remarkable activity, he asked and obtained from Savan nah and Pensacola other mortars which he knew were there, and distributed them as follows: three in Fort Johnson, on James Island; one in Castle Pinckney, an inner defence in the harbor; two in Christ Church parish, near Mount Pleasant; and three on Sullivan's Island, in the vicinity of Fort Moultrie. All his mortars were now placed in proper positions, and in accord with the principles of gunnery ; that is to say, near enough to Fort Sumter to do it the greatest possible damage, and yet far enough away to be almost beyond range of its fire, with the ex ception of the three 8-inch mortars at Cummings's Point, already referred to, which were of but slight value or importance. The merlons and traverses at Fort Moultrie and the batteries near it, as originally constructed by the officers in charge, were to tally inadequate to the purpose for which they were intended. He had them rebuilt of a much larger size and greater solidity. He also located his gun-batteries with the utmost care, endeav oring to enfilade the barbette guns of Sumter, so as to disable them, should the emergency arise. It was on the Morris Island shore that General Beauregard first applied his plan of detached batteries for the defence of channels and rivers. Close observation had shown him that batteries thus constructed and armed with a few guns each, well protected by heavy traverses and merlons, were much more efficacious than would be a single large work, having all the guns concentrated in it, without these protections. When a fort is attacked by a fleet, GENERAL BEAUREGARD. 37 its exposed barbette guns are soon disabled and the gunners driven to cover ; whereas, in detached batteries, which mutually support each other, those not immediately under fire can be worked at leisure and with accuracy. One gun ashore, well protected, is equivalent to many guns afloat, and the advantage is certain to be on the side of the fire of the detached batteries, especially when guarded against a land attack by a proper supporting force. Captain John Randolph Hamilton, of Charleston, an ex-officer of the United States navy, had constructed a floating battery, originally of rough materials, and so clumsy and ungainly in ap pearance as to be criticised by those who first examined it. General Beauregard being directly applied to by the inventor, and approving of his design, procured for him the iron plating necessary for the completion of his work. Early in April it was ready for use, and was removed to the western extremity of Sullivan's Island, where it was placed in position, so as to deliver a destructive fire upon the postern entrance of the fort facing the city, a point which could not be effectively bombarded from any other battery. An iron-clad land battery was ako constructed, at that time, by C. H. Steven, of Charleston, who afterwards became a briga dier-general in the Confederate army, and was killed at the battle of Chickamauga. It consisted of heavy timbers overlaid with railroad iron, so fitted together as to present a smooth inclined surface, to be properly greased when ready for action. Its heavy guns, three in number, were fired through embrasures supplied with strong iron shutters. General Beauregard likewise approved of Mr. Steven's plan, and added to it such suggestions as his engineering experience justified. This battery was erected at Cummings's Point, only thirteen hundred yards from Fort Sumter. Both Captain Iiamilton's and Mr. Steven's batteries proved the wisdom of their inventors, and fully met General Beaure gard's expectations. They were, in fact, the first experiments from which sprang all iron-clad war vessels and land batteries in the United States, and to them may be attributed most of the important changes and improvements since made in naval archi tecture and armaments. " Ou the 6th of April," says General Doubleday, in his " Remi niscences," " Beauregard restricted our marketing to two days in the week. On the 7th it was wholly cut off, and we noticed 38 MILITARY OPERATIONS OF gangs of negroes hard at work strengthening the defences on Morris Island. . . . Anderson was greatly troubled at the failure of all his plans to keep the peace. . . . The rebels knew, and per haps he knew, that on the 6th and 7th of April a number of naval vessels had left New York and Norfolk under sealed orders. Their destination could hardly be doubted." The orders cutting off the supplies, alluded to by General Dou bleday, were issued and rigidly enforced by General Beauregard, whose object was not only to prevent the fort from receiving supplies of provisions, but also to prevent the purchase of oil, without which no signals could be made to the expected fleet; moreover, without oil, the wheels and chassis of Major Anderson's guns, then clogged by the sand drifts in the work, could not be kept in proper order for immediate effective use. To guard further against the entrance of the Federal fleet, which might be effected during a dark night, despite the vigilance of our channel batteries, General Beauregard determined to use two large Drummond lights, one on Morris Island, the other on Sullivan's Island, at points specially selected, in order to illumi nate the channels leading to Fort Sumter, and thereby facilitate the firing of the Morris Island beach batteries and other works bearing on the outer harbor. He had ordered and received these valuable lights from New York, and having placed them in bomb- proofs, so constructed as to insure their usefulness and safety, intrusted them to the care of Professor Lewis R. Gibbes, of the Charleston College. In connection with these two Drummond lights, and as an ad ditional safeguard, Captain Hartstein, a distinguished ex-officer of the United States navy, was placed in command of the steam harbor boats, and detailed to watch the various channel entrances, with orders, should he discover vessels attempting to approach Fort Sumter, to throw up signal rockets, as a warning to the batteries and the Drummond lights, and then to steam slowly in, after hoisting a light of special color, by which his vessels could be distinguished from those of the enemy. This duty, at times very harassing, was performed by him and his officers and men, with unremitting zeal and energy. Another object — and an important one — still remained to be accomplished : some of the barbette guns of Sumter, on the land- face fronting the city, could not be effectively reached by the GENERAL BEAUREGARD. 39 batteries thus far erected. General Beauregard, therefore, in order to perfect his line of attack and also to prevent a landing of any reinforcement at the postern gate of the fort, constructed a masked battery of four guns at the west end of Sullivan's Island, in rear of a small summer residence abandoned by its owners. It proved to be, says General Doubleday, in his " Remi niscences," page 140, a formidable work " which effectually en filaded two rows of our upper tier of guns en barbette, and took a third tier in reverse. It was a sad surprise to us, for we had our heaviest metal there." Immediately after the delivery of Mr. Lincoln's message by Mr. Chew, General Beauregard sent the following despatch to the Secretary of War, at Montgomery : " Charleston, April 8th, 1861. "To L.P.Walker: " Dear Sir, — An authorized messenger from Mr. Lincoln has just informed Governor Pickens and myself that provisions will be sent to Fort Sumter, ' peaceably if they can, forcibly if they must.' " G. T. Beauregard." To this the Secretary of War replied : " Montgomery, April 10th, 1861. " To General Beauregard, Charleston : " If you have no doubt of the authorized character of the agent who com municated to you the intention of the Washington government to supply Fort Sumter by force, you will at once demand its evacuation ; and if this is re fused, proceed in such a manner as you may determine to reduce it. "L.P.Walker." General Beauregard was ready. He had displayed untiring energy in his preparations, and had been most zealously and effectively assisted by the South Carolina authorities and the officers and men under him. One thing only remained to be at tended to, and that was the placing in position of a small Blake- ly rifled gun, the first ever used in America, which had just ar rived from England — an unexpected present to the State from Charles K. Prioleau, of Charleston, a partner in the Liverpool branch of the firm of John Frazer & Co. It arrived off the har bor on the day before the order from Montgomery was received, and delayed its execution for twenty-four hours. At two o'clock p. M., April 11th, General Beauregard, through 40 MILITARY OPERATIONS OF his aids, Captain S. D. Lee, Colonel James Chestnut, Jr., and Lieutenant A. R. Chisolm, made a formal demand for the imme diate surrender of Fort Sumter. The terms offered were: "to transport Major Anderson and his command to any port in the United States he might select ; to allow him to move out of the fort with company arms and property, and all private property ; and to salute his flag on lowering it."* General Beauregard's despatch, forwarded on the same day to the Secretary of War, was as follows : " Charleston, April 11th, 1861. "To L.P.Walker: " Major Anderson replied : ' I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your communication, demanding the evacuation of this fort, and to say, in reply thereto, that it is a demand with which I regret that my sense of honor and of my obligation to my government prevent my compliance.' He adds, verbally : ' I will await the first shot, and if you do not batter us to pieces, we will be starved out in a few days.' Answer. " G. T. Beauregard." The answer came in all haste. It was as follows : " Montgomery, April 11th, 1861. " To General Beauregard, Charleston : " We do not desire needlessly to bombard Fort Sumter. If Major Anderson will state the time at which, as indicated by him, he will evacuate, and agree that in the meantime he will not use his guns against us, unless ours should be employed against Fort Sumter, you are authorized thus to avoid the effu sion of blood. If this, or its equivalent, be refused, reduce the fort as your judgment decides to be the most practicable. " L. P. Walker." The substance of these instructions was immediately forwarded to the fort, by General Beauregard's aids, accompanied by Colonel Roger A. Pryor, of Virginia. But Major Anderson, as the official despatch has it, " would not consent." In consequence of which, after timely notice had been given to him in General Beauregard's name, on April 12th, at 4.30 a. m., "We opened fire." * General Beauregard's Report of the Bombardment of Sumter. GENERAL BEAUREGARD. 41 CHAPTER IV. General Beauregard Makes no Material Changes in the Distribution of Forces in Charleston. — Brigadier-General Simons in Command of Morris Island. — Brigadier- General Dunovant of Sullivan's Island. — Tone of Troops. — The First Shell Fired from Fort Johnson. — The Only Motive Actuating the South. — At 5 a. m., April 12th, every Battery in Full Play. — Sumter Responds at 7 o'clock. — How our Guns were Served. — Engagement Con tinued until Nightfall. — Firing Kept up all Night by our Batteries. — No Response from Sumter. — Conduct of the Federal Fleet. — Fort Re-opens Fire on the Morning of the 13th. — Burning of Barracks. — Sumter still Firing. — Our Troops Cheer the Garrison. — General Beauregard Offers As sistance to Major Anderson, who Declines. — Hoisting of the White Flag. — Terms of Surrender. — Accident during the Salute of the Flag.— Evac uation. — Our Troops Enter the Fort, April 14th. — Hoisting of Confederate and Palmetto Flags. On assuming command of Charleston, General Beauregard made no material change in the distribution and location of the forces he found there, and maintained the organization previously adopt ed by the South Carolina State authorities. Brigadier - General James Simons was therefore left in com mand of Morris Island, all the batteries of which had been placed under the immediate charge of Lieutenant-Colonel W. G. De Saus- sure of the Second Artillery Battalion. He was assisted, at the Trapier Battery, by Captain King, of the Marion Artillery, and, later, by Captain Russell, of the Sumter Guards. Next to the Trapier Battery, and closer to Sumter, was the Steven or Iron Battery, of which special mention has already been made. Then came the Cummings's Point battery, at a distance of only thir teen hundred yards from Fort Sumter. To it had been attached the rifled Blakely gun, just received from England. Both of these were held by the Palmetto Guards, and commanded by Major Stevens, of the Citadel Academy ; Captain Cuthbert having spe cial charge of the Iron Battery, and Captain Thomas of the Blakely gun. Besides the above-mentioned works, there could also be seen a long line of detached batteries, guarding the entrance of Ship Channel, and extending along the whole Morris Island beach. They 42 MILITARY OPERATIONS OF were manned by detachments taken from Gregg's regiment, and from both the German and the Columbia Artillery, under Colonel Lamar, Major Warley, and Captains Huger, Nohrden, and Green. Sullivan's Island was under Brigadier-General R. G. M. Duno- vant; and the command of all its batteries had been assigned to Lieutenant-Colonel Ripley, of the First Artillery Battalion. Cap tain Ransom Calhoun was stationed at Fort Moultrie, and Captain Hallinquist at the " Enfilade " or masked battery. They were as sisted by Lieutenants Wagner, Rhett, Yates, Valentine, Mitchel, and Parker. Captain Butler was on duty at the mortar battery, east of Fort Moultrie. Captain J. R. Hamilton commanded his own floating battery and the Dahlgren gun. Captain Martin was at the Mount Pleasant mortars; Captain George S. Thomas at Fort Johnson ; and Castle Pinckney had been placed under the charge of an officer whose name we have not been able to procure. A few days previous to the bombardment, the general com manding had announced, in general orders, the names of the of ficers composing his staff. They were Major D. R. Jones, Assis tant-Adjutant-General, Captain S. D. Lee, Captain S. Ferguson, Lieutenant Sydney Legare — of the Regular staff ; Messrs. John L. Manning, James Chestnut, Jr., William Porcher Miles, J. A. Gon zales, and A. R. Chisolm, and Colonels L. T. Wigfall, of Texas, and Roger A. Pryor, of Virginia — of the Volunteer staff. Though the opening of hostilities had, for the last two days, been almost hourly expected by officers and men of the various commands, and by the whole population of the city of Charleston, still, so good was the tone of the troops, so confident of the result were the non-combatants, that when the last message of the com manding general had been delivered, notifying Major Anderson that fire would open on him in an hour's time, quiet, order, and discipline reigned throughout the city and harbor. The peaceful stillness of the night was suddenly broken just before dawn. From Fort Johnson's mortar battery, at 4.30 a. m., April 12th, 1861, issued the first — and, as many thought, the too- long-deferred — signal shell of the war. It was fired, not by Mr. Edmund Ruffin, of Virginia, as has been erroneously believed, but by Captain George S. James, of South Carolina, to whom Lieu tenant Stephen D. Lee issued the order. It sped aloft, describ ing its peculiar arc of fire, and, bursting over Fort Sumter, fell, with crashing noise, in the very centre of the parade. GENERAL BEAUREGARD. 43 Thus was " Reveille " sounded in Charleston and its harbor on this eventful morning. In an instant all was bustle and activity. Not an absentee was reported at roll-call. The citizens poured down to the battery and the wharves, and women and children crowded each window of the houses overlooking the sea — rapt spectators of the scene. At ten minutes before five o'clock, all the batteries and mortars which encircled the grim fortress were in full play against it. Round after round had already been fired ; and yet, for nearly two hours, not a shot in response had come from Fort Sumter. Had Major Anderson been taken by surprise ? Or was it that, certain of his ability to pass unscathed through the onslaught thus made upon him, it mattered not how soon or how late he commit ted his flag in the war "in which his heart was not"? At last, however, near seven o'clock, the United States flag having pre viously been raised, the sound of a gun, not ours, was distinctly heard. Sumter had taken up the gage of battle, and Cummings's Point had first attracted its attention. It was almost a relief to our troops — for gallantry ever admires gallantry, and a worthy foe disdains one who makes no resistance. The action was now general, and was so maintained throughout the day, with vigor on both sides. Our guns were served with admirable spirit, and the accuracy of our range was made evident by the clouds of dust that flew as our balls struck the fort, and by the indentations hollowed in its walls. The precision with which solid shot and shells were thrown from our batteries, main ly Fort Moultrie, was such that the enemy was soon compelled to abandon the use of his barbette guns, several of which had been dismounted in the early part of the bombardment. The iron-clad battery at Cummings's Point, Fort Moultrie prop er, and that end of Sullivan's Island where the floating battery, the Dahlgren gun, and the enfilade or masked battery had been placed, were the points which attracted Major Anderson's heavi est firing. No better proof could he have given us of the effects of our fire on his fort. An occasional shot only was aimed at Fort Johnson, as if to remind the battery there that the explosion of its first shell was not yet forgiven. Captain Butler's mortar bat tery, east of Moultrie, had also a share of the enemy's wrath. The engagement was continued with unceasing vigor until night fall, although Sumter's fire had evidently slackened before that 44 MILITARY OPERATIONS OF time, and was then confined to its casemated guns. General Dou bleday, U S. A., in his " Reminiscences," p. 154, speaking of the first day's bombardment, says : " They had a great advantage over us, as their fire was concentrated on the fort, which was in the centre of the circle, while ours was diffused over the circumfer ence. Their missiles were exceedingly destructive to the upper exposed portion of the work, but no essential injury was done to the lower casemates which sheltered us." Noted among our mortar batteries — all so well served — was the Trapier Battery, whose skilful firing had become the subject of much admiration among officers and men. Almost every shell it threw, from the first to the last, reached its aim with relentless effect. The Steven Iron Battery, the destruction of which the guns of Sumter sought to accomplish, paid but little attention to the fierce opening attack made upon it, and received no serious impression on its iron-coated surface ; while the south and soutb- west faces of Sumter bore visible signs of its own effectiveness. The floating battery was not far behind in destructive usefulness. It proved of equal invulnerability, and left telling marks of its battering powers. During the whole night which followed, in spite of rain and darkness, our batteries continued playing upon the fort with un varying effect, but the shots were fired at longer intervals, in obe dience to orders. No response was made. General Doubleday, in his work already quoted, admits the fact. He says : " We did not return the fire, having no ammunition to waste." And General Crawford, in his " First Shot against the Flag," * makes the fol lowing statement : " During the night of the 12th, the accurate range of the mortars lodged a shell in the parade, or about the work, at intervals of fifteen minutes. It was estimated that over twenty-five hundred shot and shell struck the fort during the first twenty-four hours." It was expected that the Federal fleet, alluded to by Mr. Lin coln's special messenger to Governor Pickens and General Beaure gard, would arrive that night, and might attempt to throw troops, ammunition, and supplies into Fort Sumter. To guard against. such an untoward event, the keenest watchfulness was observed at our beach batteries and by the forces on Morris and Sullivan's * "Annals of the War," p. 328. GENERAL BEAUREGARD. 45 islands. The details of men at the Drummond lights were also on the alert, and ready at a moment's notice to illuminate the chan nels ; while Captain Hartstein, with his cruising vessels, actively patrolled the outer harbor. The fleet arrived on the morning of the 13th, an hour or two after the action had been renewed, and remained spectators off the bar. Very early on that morning all our batteries re -opened on the enemy, who responded with vigor for a while, concentrating his fire almost exclusively on Fort Moultrie. The presence of the fleet outside the bar, now visible to all, no doubt inspired both officers and men of the garrison with additional courage and a re newed spirit of endurance. General Crawford, in his above - quoted essay, says : " Major Anderson was directed, if possible, to hold out until the 12th of April, when the expedition would go forward, and, finding his 'flag flying,' an effort would be made to provision him, and to reinforce him, if resisted." * Major Anderson, with his officers and men, followed the in structions received. They did hold out ; their flag was " flying " on the 12th of April, and again on the 13th ; and they were fight ing in all earnest. The fleet outside thought proper, nevertheless, to abstain from all participation in the engagement. : " By morning," says General Crawford, " the fleet sent to our assistance appeared off the bar, but did not enter." f And General Doubleday adds, in his characteristic manner : " After the event much obloquy was thrown upon the navy, because it did not come in and engage the numerous batteries and forts, and open for it self a way to Charleston ; but this course would probably have re sulted in the sinking of every vessel." X At about 8 o'clock a. m., in the thickest of the bombardment, a thin smoke was observable, curling up from Fort Sumter. It grew denser and denser as it steadily rose in the air ; and it soon became apparent that the barracks of tlie fort had been set on fire by forty rounds of red-hot shot, thrown from an 8-inch Colum- biad at Fort Moultrie, by a detachment of Company B, under Lieutenant Alfred Rhett. This sight increased the vigor of our attack ; both officers and men feeling now that the garrison would * "Annals of the War," p. 325. t Ibid. p. 329. J General Doubleday's " Reminiscences," p. 150. 46 MILITARY OPERATIONS OF soon be brought to terms. In spite, however, of this new and ter rible element against which it had to contend, the fort still re sponded to the fire of our batteries, though at long and irregular intervals only. Appreciating the critical position of the enemy, and carried away by their own enthusiasm, our troops, mounting the parapets in their front, cheered Major Anderson at each successive discharge that came from the fort, deriding and hooting, the while, what to them seemed the timorous inaction of the fleet outside the bar. Matters had evidently reached a crisis for the men within the walls of Sumter. Feai-ing that some terrible calamity might be fall them, and being informed that the United States flag no long er floated over the fort, General Beauregard immediately de spatched three of his aids with offers of assistance to Major Ander son, who thanked him for his courtesy, but declined to accept aid. Before General Beauregard's aids could get to the fort, the United States flag, which had not been hauled down, as we supposed, but had fallen from the effects of a shot, was hoisted anew. It did not fly long,-however, but was soon lowered, and a white flag substitu ted for it. The contest was over. Major Anderson had acknowl edged his defeat. Now occurred an incident which was in no way surprising, be ing the natural result of inexperience in military matters and a lack of discipline, among some of the officers commanding the various points around the harbor. Seeing the fall of the flag, and 'the fort in flames, Brigadier-general Simons, actuated by the best of motives, but without authority from the commanding general, allowed Colonel Wigfall to cross from Cummings's Point to Sum ter in a row-boat, to ascertain whether the absence of the flag over the fort indicated a desire to surrender. The proximity of Morris Island to Sumter enabled him to reach the fort before the aids, who had been sent directly from general headquarters, could do so. A short interview took place between Colonel Wigfall and Major Anderson, during which a demand of surrender was made by the former and acceded to by the latter, but upon terms not clearly defined between them. i We deem it best to transcribe the veryvwords made use of by General Beauregard, in his "Final Report of Operations against Sumter," as forwarded April 27th, 1361, to the Hon. L. P. Walker, Secretary of War at Montgomery, Alabama : GENERAL BEAUREGARD. 47 "Major Anderson understood him [Colonel Wigfall] as offering the same con ditions on the part of General Beauregard as had been tendered him on the 11th instant* while Colonel Wigfall's impression was that Major Anderson unconditionally surrendered, trusting to the generosity of General Beauregard to offer such terms as would be honorable and acceptable to both parties. Meanwhile, before these circumstances had been reported to me, and, in fact, soon after the aids I had despatched with the offer of assistance had set out on their mission, hearing that a white flag was flying over the fort, I sent Major Jones, chief of my staff, and some other aids, with substantially the same prop osition I had made to Major Anderson on the 11th instant, excepting the privilege of saluting his flag. Major Anderson replied that ' it would be ex ceedingly gratifying to him, as well as to his command, to be permitted to salute their flag, having so gallantly defended the fort under such trying cir cumstances, and hoped that General Beauregard would not refuse it, as such a privilege was not unusual.' He furthermore said ' he would not urge the point, but would prefer to refer the matter again to General Beauregard.' " I very cheerfully agreed to allow the salute as an honorable testimony of the gallantry and fortitude with which Major Anderson and his command had defended their post, and I informed Major Anderson of my decision about half-past seven o'clock, p.m., through Major Jones, my chief of staff." A melancholy occurrence took place during the salute of the United States flag — the death of one of the garrison, who had his right arm blown off and was almost instantaneously killed, by the premature discharge of the piece he was loading. A spark, also, it was alleged, having " dropped on a pile of cartridges below, exploded them all," f and severely wounded five other men. While final arrangements were being made for the withdrawal of the garrison, and before it was effected, the general command ing, who had twice attempted, but in vain, to assist Major Ander son in quenching the fire in the fort, ordered a company of Regu lars with two fire-engines from Sullivan's Island, to repair to Fort Sumter, to put out the conflagration which, not entirely subdued, had broken out afresh. This was a harder task than was at first supposed. The two engines proved insufficient, and others had to be brought from Charleston, with additional firemen. It was only towards dawn that the fire was at last brought under control, and the powder-magazine secured from explosion. Owing to unavoidable delays'resulting from the state of confu- * See Chapter III., pp. 40, 41 ; also Report of General Beauregard, in Appen dix to this chapter. t Gen. Doubleday's " Reminiscenses," p. 171. 48 MILITARY OPERATIONS OF sion existing in the fort, its formal transfer to our troops did not take place until four o'clock in the afternoon of Sunday, the 14th of April. At that hour Major Anderson and his command marched out of the work, and we entered it, taking final possession. Then it was, that, amid deafening cheers and with an enthusiastic salute from the guns of all the batteries around the harbor, the Confederate and the Palmetto flags were hoisted side by side, on the damaged ramparts of the fort. To Captain Hallinquist, of the 1st Artillery Regulars, with his worthy Lieutenants Rhett, Mitchell, and Blake, and to the gallant Captain Cuthbert, with his Lieutenants, Brownfield, Holmes, and Buist, was confided the keeping of Fort Sumter, under Lieutenant-Colonel Ripley as com mander, and the Regulars remained there. General Beauregard was not present at this imposing ceremony. Prompted by the feeling of delicacy which so distinguishes all his social and official relations, he abstained from meeting Major Anderson, his former friend and professor, now his defeated foe, lest his presence, at such a juncture, might add to the distress and natural mortification of a gallant officer. Not until the steamer Isabel, which was placed at the disposal of Major Anderson, had conveyed him and his command to the Federal fleet, riding at anchor outside the bar, did General Beaure gard enter the fort, which, in obedience to orders from his govern ment, he had successfully reduced. GENERAL BEAUREGARD. 49 CHAPTER V. Condition of Fort Sumter after the Bombardment. — Repairs Begun at Once. — Mustering of South Carolina Volunteers. — Bonham's Brigade. — General Beauregard makes a Reconnoissance of the South Carolina Coast. — Rec ommends Works at Stono, the Two Edistos, and Georgetown. — Declines Advising Plan of Defence for Port Royal Harbor. — Yields under Pressure, but Predicts the Result. — Receives Congratulations upon the Reduction of Sumter. — Vote of Thanks of Congress. — Resolutions of the General Assembly of South Carolina.— General Beauregard is Called to Montgom ery. — The President Wishes him to Assist General Bragg atPensacola.— He Declines. — His Reasons therefor. — Deputation from New Orleans Asking his Transfer to Louisiana. — The President Sends him Back to Charleston. — Propositions of the House of John Frazer & Co., relative to Purchase of Steamers. — Comments thereon. — General Beauregard Advocates the Plan. — Government Declines Moving in the Matter. — Silence of Mr. Davis's Book about it. — General Beauregard Ordered to Richmond. — Re grets of Carolinians at his Departure. — Letter of Governor Pickens. What with the burning of its quarters, the injury inflicted on its walls, and the shattered condition of its parade and parapets, where dismounted guns, broken carriages and chassis, fragments of shell and shot, lay scattered on all sides — Fort Sumter, when our troops marched into it, presented a picture of desolation and ruin. One could well understand, upon viewing it then, how im possible it would have been for Major Anderson and his command to hold out more than a few hours longer. Suffocation and an en dangered magazine, if not starvation, and, above all, the firing from Moultrie and other batteries, must soon have destroyed the entire garrison. With or without the assistance of the fleet, a sur render was a foregone conclusion. The triumph of our arms, so complete and — through the kindly protection of Providence — so bloodless, was solemnly celebrated in several of the ancient churches of Charleston ; and a Te Deum was sung, with great pomp, in the beautiful cathedral, on the Sun day next following this opening scene of the war. General Beauregard, in orders issued on the day after the surren der, congratulated his troops on " the brilliant success which had I.— 4 50 MILITARY OPERATIONS OF crowned their gallantry." Commenting upon the terms granted to Major Anderson and his command, he said : " And to show our magnanimity to the gallant defenders, who were only execut ing the orders of their government, they will be allowed to evacu ate upon the same terms which were offered to them before the bombardment commenced." He concluded as follows : " The gen eral is highly gratified to state that the troops, by their labor, privations, and endurance at the batteries and at other posts, have exhibited the highest characteristics of tried soldiers." And now began in earnest, without the loss of a day, the re pairs, which amounted almost to the rebuilding of Fort Sumter. With zeal and energy this work was done; and in less than three weeks no vestige of the former injuries remained. The broken chassis and carriages had been replaced, the barracks rebuilt — one story in height instead of two, as formerly — and the walls restored to their previous condition. Meanwhile General Beauregard went on with the organization and discipline of the troops called by South Carolina, which were grad ually mustered into the Provisional Army of the Confederate States. Early in May, a brigade of four regiments of South Carolina volunteers was organized, under Brigadier-General Bonham. It consisted of the 1st South Carolina Volunteers, Colonel Gregg ; the 2d South Carolina Volunteers, Colonel Kershaw ; the 3d South Carolina Volunteers, Colonel Williams ; and the 8th South Caro lina Volunteers, Colonel Cash. That brigade, made up of the flow er of Carolina's chivalry, was sent to Virginia, by order of the War Department, the " Old Dominion " having, on the 17th of April — four days after the fall of Sumter — joined her fate to that of the Southern Confederacy. One of the regiments of Bonham's brigade (Gregg's) had been sent in advance to Norfolk. Its mission was to take possession of the navy -yard and protect all public property there. This was a judicious movement. The many cannon and mortars, and the ammunition stored at Norfolk, were of the greatest value to the Confederacy, then almost entirely destitute of such important supplies. Tlie whole brigade was soon afterwards concentrated at Manassas Junction, in the Department of Alexandria, or " the Alex andria line," as it was also called, the command of which devolved upon General Bonham. He remained there until relieved, on the 1st of June, by General Beauregard. GENERAL BEAUREGARD. 51 As soon as he could be spared from Charleston, General Beau regard made a thorough reconnoissance of the South Carolina coast, from Charleston to Port Royal. This he did at the special request of Governor Pickens, the object being the adoption of a system of defence to be carried out at the earliest moment prac ticable. On his return he prepared a memoir, wherein he recommended the erection of several important works at the mouths of the Stono and the two Edistos, and at Georgetown ; but declined advising any for the entrance of Port Royal harbor. He was of opinion that field-works located on the ends of the islands which closed the harbor could not protect it, for the reason that the distance between the islands was too great. Some light works he did rec ommend, however, at the inner end of Port Royal, to guard that part of the coast and prevent a landing of the enemy, which might result in the destruction of the Charleston and Savannah Railroad. But upon the earnest and reiterated request of Governor Pickens, and other eminent citizens, whose zeal and efforts were untiring, General Beauregard finally yielded, and drew out a plan for the defence of Port Royal, with the distinct requirement, however, that the field-works proposed in the plan should be armed with the heaviest ordnance, chiefly 10-inch and rifled guns, and that a steel-clad floating battery, with a similar armament, should be moored midway between the two field-works. His explanation was, that while the harbors of New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Charleston, Savannah, and New Orleans — the entrances to which are from half a mile to one and a quarter miles broad — require strongly casemated forts, arm'ed with several hundred guns of heavy caliber, it could not be expected that Port Royal harbor, with an entrance nearly three miles wide and twenty-six feet deep, could be effectively protected by small, hastily constructed field- works, inadequately armed. What General Beauregard had predicted was unfortunately realized. In the autumn of that year the enemy's powerful fleet, the acquisition and fitting-out of which had cost, according to Northern accounts, more than four millions of dollars, entered Port Royal harbor and reduced its isolated works, after a short but gallant resistance on the part of their overpowered garrisons. This event cast a gloom, for a while, over the new-born Southern Confederacy. 52 MILITARY OPERATIONS OF General Beauregard, now thoroughly familiar with the topogra phy of Charleston and the surrounding country, understood how important it was to guard the Stono. He saw at a glance that, should the enemy land a sufficient force on James Island, the city of Charleston could easily be turned by way of that river. To avert such a danger, he had a strong field-work erected on Battery Island, that being the lowest point of dry land before reaching the salt marshes which extend in an unbroken field on each side of the stream. This work, although small, occupied a command ing position, which no hostile craft could approach unseen. Tow ards the latter part of May it was completed and ready for ser vice. From various quarters messages of congratulation poured in to General Beauregard, upon the brilliant success he had achieved. The first in date was a telegram from President Davis, which read as follows : " Montgomery, April 13«A, 1S61. " To General G. T. Beauregard : " Thanks for your achievement and for your courtesy to the garrison of Sum ter. If occasion offers, tender my friendly remembrance to Major Anderson. "Jefferson Davis." Then, from the Secretary of War : " Montgomery, April lZth, 1861. " To General Beauregard: " Accept my congratulations. You have won your spurs. How many guns can you spare for Pensacola ? "L.P.Walker." The next communication was from one whose attitude towards the administration already indicated the influence he would soon exercise over it : " Montgomery, April 16th, 1861. " My dear General, — In the midst of the eclat of your glorious triumph you will, no doubt, value but little the tribute of a poor civilian who knows noth ing of war; but I cannot refrain from joining in the general voice of your fel low-citizens, and congratulating you on the signal success which has crowned the first blow stricken in defence of our rights. Louisiana is proud of her son, and I am Louisianian, heart and soul. **** **** " Renewing my cordial greetings, and envying your delight at accomplish ing such a result as you have, without the loss of one man, " I am your friend and servant, " J. P. Benjamin." GENERAL BEAUREGARD. 53 From Louisiana came words of enthusiastic rejoicing. New Orleans, especially, was lavish in her praise. The Confederate Congress tendered the following vote of thanks to General Beauregard and the troops under him : "No. 103. — A resolution of thanks to Brigadier-General G. T. Beauregard and the army under his command for their conduct in the affair of Fort Sumter. " Be it unanimously resolved, by the Congress of the Confederate States of America, That the thanks of the people of the Confederate States are clue, and through this Congress are hereby tendered, to Brigadier-General G. T. Beau regard and the officers, military and naval, under his command, and to the gallant troops of the State of South Carolina, for tlie skill, fortitude, and cour age by which they reduced, and caused the surrender of, Fort Sumter, in the harbor of Charleston, on the 12th and 13th days of April, 1861. And the commendation of Congress is also hereby declared of the generosity manifest ed by their conduct towards a brave and vanquished foe. " Be it further resolved, That a copy of this resolution be communicated by the President to General Beauregard, and through him to the army then under his command. " Approved May ith, 1861." South Carolina almost adopted General Beauregard as one of her own sons. The Legislature of that State, at its first session after the fall of Sumter, unanimously passed a resolution, the prin cipal part of which is given below : " In General Assembly, S. C, November 28ft, 1861. " Resolved, That the General Assembly of South Carolina, in grateful recog nition of the distinguished services of General G. T. Beauregard in the cause of Southern independence, hereby tender to him the privilege of sending two pupils to be educated at the military schools of this State, etc. " Resolved, That his excellency the governor be requested to communicate the foregoing to General G. T. Beauregard." Governor Pickens, than whom none valued more the worth of "the great Creole," as General Beauregard was then called, cheer fully performed the pleasant duty assigned him ; and General Beauregard, then in another field of action, gratefully accepted the proffered honor. His younger son, Henry T. Beauregard, and his nephew, James T. Proctor, were accordingly sent to the Military Academy of South Carolina, and there enjoyed all the privileges of State cadets. The former remained two years at the academy and the latter one year, when they joined South Carolina regiments, and 54 MILITARY OPERATIONS OF served, though mere boys, to the end of the war. Young Proctor, after promotion to a lieutenancy for gallant conduct at Fredericks burg, was wounded and lost a foot at the battle of Chancellors- ville. Governor Pickens also presented a commission as first lieu tenant in the 1st South Carolina Battalion of Light Artillery to the general's elder son, Rene' T. Beauregard, who was promoted, first captain and then major of that command. He had previously served as a private in the Washington Artillery, from New Or leans, whose record throughout the war was surpassed by that of no other organization. About the 5th of May General Beauregard received a telegram from the Secretary of War, requiring his immediate presence at the seat of government. On his arrival at Montgomery he was informed that the President desired to send him to Pensacola, to co-operate with General Bragg, and assist him in the execution of a plan — much thought of at the time — the main object of which was the taking of Fort Pickens. It must be remembered that no sooner had the State of Alaba ma withdrawn from the Union than the Federal forces stationed at Pensacola, in imitation of Major Anderson, evacuated Fort Bar rancas, on the mainland, to occupy Fort Pickens, on Santa Rosa Isl and — a much stronger, and in every way a more inaccessible, work. The fort being in Confederate waters, the authorities at Mont gomery feared that its occupancy by the enemy would imply weakness on the part of our government, and might possibly shake the confidence of the people. It had, therefore, been deter mined to pursue a course towards Fort Pickens similar to that which had been so successfully adopted against Fort Sumter. Hence the desire for the services and experience of him who, after thirty-three hours of bombardment, had forced the surrender of Major Anderson and his command. During a long conference held with President Davis and the Secretary of War, General Beauregard stated his several objec tions to being sent to Pensacola. In the first place, General Bragg, not having sought his assistance, might perhaps be offended at such apparent interference, and ask to be relieved from his com mand, which would occasion no small annoyance to General Beau regard, and be very detrimental to the cause. In the second place, he was strongly of opinion that there was no advantage to be gained by taking possession of Fort Pickens ; that to hold it GENERAL BEAUREGARD. 55 would necessitate the employment of more troops than we could well spare at the time, and that it was not in ports and harbors, but in the field, that the battles upon which hung the fate of the Confederacy must be fought. He thought it wiser to leave the disadvantage of garrisoning the fort upon the enemy, than to take the task upon ourselves. He maintained, furthermore, that, as we had yet no navy, and no commerce with the ex terior world, Pensacola harbor could be of no use to us at this juncture; and that, should we occupy Fort Pickens, we would, in all likelihood, be forced, ere long, to withdraw our troops from it, to employ them more usefully in other parts of the Confederacy. He suggested that, meanwhile, a school of military practice and instruction should be established at Pensacola, under General Bragg, where all raw troops might be organized and properly pre pared, before being forwarded to their ultimate destination. Gen eral Beauregard's reasons finally prevailed, and he was sent back to Charleston, the news from Washington indicating a general war, and a strong determination on the part of the Federal gov ernment to retake possession of Fort Sumter. A deputation of gentlemen from New Orleans had recently ar rived from that city, to direct the President's attention to its unprotected condition. They urgently requested that General Beauregard should be sent thither at once, to take command and organize a system of defence, which, they were convinced, none could do so well as himself. He would have gladly accepted such an order — so many ties were drawing him back to Louisiana — but the President deemed his presence imperatively necessary at Charleston, then the most threatened point of the Confederacy, and therefore persisted in his former determination. While journeying from Charleston to Montgomery, General Beauregard met Mr. W. L. Trenholm, whose father, George A. Trenholm,* was a partner in the great firm of John Frazer & Co., of Charleston and Liverpool. This gentleman, as he in formed General Beauregard, was the bearer of important propo sitions from the English branch of their house to the Confederate government, for the purchase of ten large and powerful steamers, then just built in England for the East India Company, which, no longer needing them, was desirous of finding a purchaser ; the ships * The Hon. George A. Trenholm was appointed Secretary of the Treasury after the resignation of Mr. Memminger. 56 MILITARY OPERATIONS OF were to be properly manned and fitted out, and sent to the Con federate States, thence to export enough cotton to pay for them, and as much more as should be required to provide for the arma ment and equipment of our forces. Such a plan, it was thought by the Frazer house, could be easily carried out. The United States government would require time to collect and rendezvous its fleet, the inadequacy of which was well known; and no fear need, therefore, be entertained of its ability, at that time, to en force a blockade of the Southern ports: an effective blockade could be prevented. After a certain number of voyages with large cargoes of cotton, for the purposes already mentioned, these steamers might be converted into cruisers, and employed to im pede and destroy Northern commerce. General Beauregard, thoroughly impressed with the incalculable benefits to be derived from the adoption of such a project, prom ised Mr. Trenholm to use his utmost endeavors in furtherance of the measures that gentleman was sent to advocate. In a let ter to General Beauregard, dated Charleston, 18th September, 187S, Mr. Trenholm says: "This I remember well, that you warmly supported the proposition, and used your influence in aid of its being brought before the cabinet, which was accom plished." But neither General Beauregard's earnest advice, nor the strong and cogent reasons given by Mr. Trenholm, were of any avail. The Confederate government, under the erroneous belief that the war would be a short one,* declined entertaining the proposals made to it. " No discussion took place in my pres ence," says Mr. Trenholm, in the letter already alluded to, "but from questions put to me, I have always been under the impression that few, if any, of those present " (meaning the President and mem bers of the cabinet) "realized at all tlie scope and importance of the measures laid before them." Thus was closed upon the Con federacy a door — then wide open — through which might have entered that material assistance, those sinews of war, the want of which all the heroism of our troops and the endurance and self- sacrifice of our people could not remedy. General Beauregard believed — and expressed the opinion at the time — that we were engaged in a long and terrible war ; and he earnestly wished to see the country prepared accordingly. He was * A member of the cabinet had given it as his opinion, on that occasion, that the war would not last over ninety days. GENERAL BEAUREGARD. 57 therefore most anxious that Mr. Trenholm's proposals should be accepted. Four large and powerful steamers, and six smaller ones, but " scarcely inferior for the required purpose "—as these were represented to be — placed under the command of such officers as Semmes, Maffitt, Brown, Taylor, Jones, linger, Hartstein, Hamil ton, Pegram, and Reid, during the first year of the war, would not only have raised the attempted blockade, but would have driven the commerce of the United States from all the seas of the globe. This was abundantly proved by the exploits of the Sumter and Alabama, the results of which were so keenly felt by the North, that England, irresponsible though she was, paid, at a later date, the penalty of Admiral Semmes's achievements. In his " Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government," Mr. Davis has not even alluded to the facts we have just related. He states, however, that as early as February, 1861, " the third day after my inauguration at Montgomery," he had directed Cap tain (afterwards Admiral) Semmes, as agent of the Confederate States, to proceed north in order not only to purchase " arms, ammunition, and machinery," but also " to seek for vessels which would serve for naval purposes." He further states that Captain Semmes was unsuccessful in his errand, and, on his return, re ported " that he could not find any vessels which in his judgment were, or could be made, available for our uses." For that reason, and for the additional reason, says Mr. Davis, that " the Southern officers of the navy who were in command of United States ves sels abroad," before resigning their commissions to join their re spective States, invariably " brought the vessels they commanded into the ports of the North," thereby depriving us of "our share of the navy we had contributed to build," and allowing it to be "employed to assail us," we were left "without the accessories needful for the rapid supply of naval vessels." * This is proof conclusive that Mr. Davis himself had some con ception of the importance of procuring war-vessels for the Con federacy; though the attempt to purchase them in the enemy's country, was, under the circumstances, a strange proceeding, to say the least of it. And yet, two months later, that is, in the early part of May, when, to use Mr. Prioleau's expression, " a fleet of armed vessels " was offered him, for the service of the Confederacy, with * "Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government," vol. i. pp. 311, 313, 314. 58 MILITARY OPERATIONS OF an opportunity to procure an unlimited supply of arms and am munition, not to speak of provisions and accoutrements for the impending struggle, which he thought would be "long and bloody," * Mr. Davis hardly considered the proposition at all, and discarded it as being impracticable and unworthy of his attention. Mr. Davis goes on to say : " While attempting whatever was practicable at home, we sent a competent, well-deserving officer of the navy to England, to obtain there and elsewhere, by pur chase or by building, vessels which could be transformed into ships of war." f When was this done ? Mr. Davis is reticent upon that point ; and, despite his statement that " these efforts and their results will be noticed more fully hereafter," nowhere in his book is to be found any additional information upon the subject. True, Mr. Davis says, further on, "At the commencement of the war the Confederacy was not only without a navy, all the naval vessels possessed by the States having been, as explained elsewhere, left in the hands of our enemies ; but worse than this was the fact that ship-building had been almost exclusively done in the North ern States, so that we had no means of acquiring equality in naval power." X This, instead of showing what were the efforts of our govern ment to procure war-vessels for the South, shows, on the contrary, how great was the folly, how disastrous to our interests the non- acceptance of the contract almost effected, in London, by the house of John Frazer & Co. And Mr. Davis says also : " It has been shown that among the first acts of the Confederate administration was the effort to buy ships which could be used to naval purposes." § This can only re fer to Captain Semmes's mission North, in the latter part of Febru ary, 1861, and relates, not to what was done in Europe, not to the reasons for rejecting the Trenholm proposal, but merely to what was unsuccessfully attempted on our side of the water. The impression Mr. Davis seems anxious to convey is, that his efforts to procure war-vessels in Europe were made shortly after his inauguration as President, and as soon as he had discovered that none could be purchased at the North. From this, and with * " Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government," vol. i. p. 230. t Ibid. vol. i. p. 314. j; Ibid. vol. ii. p. 240. § Ibid. vol. ii. p. 245. GENERAL BEAUREGARD. 59 the facts here submitted, it seems clear that, if Mr. Davis sent an agent to purchase war-vessels in Europe, it must have been at a later period, and when the opportunity to get such vessels, from England and elsewhere, had already been allowed to slip by. For he certainly cannot deny that, in May, 1861, a fleet of ten East India steamers was offered the Confederate government, in Mont gomery, through Mr. W. L. Trenholm, speaking in the name and by the authority of the house of John Frazer & Co. Admitting that, as he must, how is it possible that he could have rejected the Trenholm offer — as he unquestionably did— if at that time he had a naval officer in Europe, sent thither to effect the identical pur chase he then declined? Was it that our government could not have accepted any such proposal, except through the medium of the agent already alluded to ? Why not, then, have referred the house of John Frazer & Co. to him, or him to that house ? Mr. Prioleau, one of the firm of John Frazer & Co., of Liver pool, through whose hands had passed the negotiations relative to the purchase of these vessels, wrote to General Beauregard the following letter on the subject. It confirms the extracts from Mr. Trenholm's letter, as given above; and adds so much interest to the point under consideration, that we feel justified in submit ting it without curtailment. " Bruges, September 25th, 1880. " My dear General, — The facts with reference to the proposed fleet of armed vessels for the service of tlie Confederacy were briefly as follows : " I had, from the very beginning of the struggle, been more impressed with the vital importance of the seaports than with anything else. I regarded them as the lungs of the country, which, once really closed, asphyxia must fol low. I therefore took an early occasion to go to London to see what could be had in the shape of vessels fit to take and keep the sea, for a lengthened period, and strong enough to carry an armament which would render them efficient war-vessels, or, at all events, equal to cope with those of the enemy engaged in the blockade of the coast. " I was fortunate in finding exactly what was wanted. A fleet of first-class East-Indiamen was lying there idle, under circumstances of a financial nature which made them available to a buyer at less than half their cost. They had been built with a view of being armed if required, and also to be used as transports for troops, as well as to carry valuable cargoes and treasure in time of peace. Four of them were vessels of great size and power, and of the very first class, and there were six others which, although smaller, were scarcely in ferior for the required purpose. Having, with the assistance of an expert, thoroughly inspected them all, I at once entered into negotiations for their purchase, and having secured them for the reply of the Confederate authori- (JO MILITARY OPERATIONS OF ties, I submitted the proposal, in a letter to the Hon. G. A. Trenholm, who re ferred it, as I believe* to Montgomery. The total cost of buying, arming, and fitting-out the ten ships was estimated at two millions of pounds, to put the fleet on the coast ready for action ; a sum which would have been covered by forty thousand bales of cotton, out of the three or four millions of bales which the government had, at that time, under their hand, and which would not have cost them, at 6d. in their own currency, more' than two millions of dollars. There would have been little or no difficulty in getting the ships to sea. The Foreign Enlistment Act had not then— and, indeed, never has been— authorita tively interpreted to mean that a neutral may not sell an unarmed ship to a belligerent: all that was required was commercial caution and coolness, and naval skill and address ; all these were at hand, and there is no room for rea sonable doubt that, within six months at furthest of the acceptance of the offer being received on this side, the fleet would have appeared off Boston and swept the coast thence to the Gulf, an achievement which would have com pelled the prompt recognition of our government on this side, and the speedy triumph of our cause. I have always understood that the proposition was considered and rejected by the Confederate government, but I never had any communication from them on the subject. Although much disappointed at this result, so convinced was I of the value of the ships that I determined to retain my hold upon them as long as possible, to prevent their being sold elsewhere, and in hope that other counsels would prevail at home before it was too late. By means of negotiations which it is not necessary to detail here, I did succeed in retaining control of them until the occurrence of the ' Trent outrage ;' when the British government, requiring immediately ships of this class for transportation of troops and war-material to Canada, the owners broke off the negotiations with mc, and got the ships, or many of them, employed in this service, in which they remained until there was no further need of them. " This is a correct and simple statement of the facts which are (as far as re gards this side of the water) necessarily known better to myself than to any other living person, and concerning which my memory is perfectly clear and reliable. It occupied my mind almost exclusively for some time, and I built the highest hopes upon the success of the scheme. It is true many of the ships were of too great draught of water to enter some of our ports, but that was a matter of comparatively little importance. What was wanted, in my view, was the moral effect which would have been produced everywhere by such a blow as could have been struck by even half of the whole number; an effect which I have always, and will always believe, would have gone very far tow ards determining, if it had not entirely reversed, the result of the struggle. " I am, dear General, " Yours very truly, " C. K. Prioleau. " General G. T. Beauregard." * The proposal was referred, as we have seen, through Mr. W. L. Trenholm. GENERAL BEAUREGARD. 61 We ask the reader to pause here, and reflect upon the stupen dous consequences that might have followed the adoption of the scheme proposed by the house of John Frazer & Co. This was the first of a long series of irremediable errors com mitted by the administration, through which, despite the right eousness of our cause, the enthusiasm of our people, the splendid fighting capacity of our armies, and all the many other chances in our favor, the Confederacy was finally overwhelmed. The silence Mr. Davis maintains in his book, as to the grave and most impor tant proposition made to him through Mr. W. L. Trenholm, is, indeed, extraordinary, and shows conclusively that he could have given no satisfactory explanation of it to the public. To show how completely our government was deluded, at that time, as to the tendency of public events staring us in the face, and how little it expected a "long and bloody war" with the North, General Beauregard relates that, soon after the fall of Sumter, one Major Huse — a gentleman in every sense of the word — came to the city of Charleston, from Montgomery, with a pass from the Secretary of War, authorizing him to leave for Europe, on what he termed "a secret mission." He confidentially in formed General Beauregard that he was empowered to purchase ten thousand Enfield rifles for the Confederate War Department. On his being asked whether he had not made an error in the num ber, so insignificantly small did it appear, he replied: "No, those were all he had been instructed to buy." " Why," said General Beauregard, "I could have ordered them at once through the house of John Frazer & Co., without the necessity of sending a spe cial messenger to Europe on such a trifling errand." A few months later, at Manassas, General Toombs confirmed the statement of Major Huse. He was present as a member of the cabinet, when the proposal about the purchase of the rifles was made. " The original number proposed," said General Toombs, "was only eight thousand." It was at his suggestion that the order for ten thousand was given. Mr. Davis, in his book,* makes mention of Major Huse, who, he says, was " the officer sent to Europe, to buy in the market as far as possible, and furthermore, to make contracts for arms and munitions to be manufactured." But Mr. Davis does not state * " Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government," vol. i. p. 311. 62 MILITARY OPERATIONS OF what number of " arms " Major Huse was at first instructed to pur chase, or at what time he was sent, though he asserts that it was "soon after" Captain Semmes had left for the North. As to the first point, the reader has nothing further to learn ; Major Huse's own testimony, corroborated by the distinct statement of Mr. Toombs, leaves no doubt as to how many small arms (rifles) were to be purchased, at that time, for the service of the Confederacy. With regard to the second point, we positively allege that it was after the fall of Fort Sumter — and therefore not prior to the 13th of April — that Major Huse passed through Charleston, on his way to Europe. It appears from Mr. Davis's book that Major Huse "found" but " few serviceable arms upon the market. ' He, however, suc ceeded in making contracts for the manufacture of large quanti ties, being in advance of the agents sent from the Northern gov ernment for the same purpose." This, Mr. Davis evidently thinks, was wonderful forethought, and a great display of energy, on the part of our government ; though the sequel so painfully shows how the first were the last and the last became the first. The only conclusion to be drawn from the foregoing passage is, that Major Huse was written to by his government, after his de parture from Charleston, and was given additional instructions. Mr. Davis, after reflection, may have found out that 10,000 rifles would scarcely be enough for the armies of the South. A letter of Major Huse is also given in Mr. Davis's book,* to show how false was " the charge made early in the war that " the President "was slow in securing arms and munitions of war from Europe." This letter bears date December 30th, 1861 ; that is to say, at least eight months after Major Huse's passage through Charleston. It was written prior to the final settlement of the Trent affair, for in it we find the following passage : " If the pris oners are given up, the affair will result in great inconvenience to us in the way of shipping goods." Major Huse had, clearly, no great faith in the mission of Messrs. Mason and Slidell to Eu rope, and considered his own functions as of infinitely more im portance to the cause. The letter states, further, that Major Huse had steamer-loads of arms, ammunition, and accoutrements, in di vers warehouses of London, but that he could make no shipments * "Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government," vol. i. p. 482. GENERAL BEAUREGARD. 63 to the South, because of his having to fight two governments, " and because of the wharfingers' orders not to ship or deliver, by land or water, any goods marked W. D., without first acquainting the honorable Board of Customs." It seems to us, after carefully examining the whole of Major Huse's letter, not that the charge made against Mr. Davis, of slowness in procuring arms from Europe, was untrue, but that his agent there, whatever may have been his merit otherwise, was totally unequal to the task assigned him. Had the orders to purchase arms, ammunition, etc., for the Confederacy been con fided to the house of John Frazer & Co., who had power, influ ence, and enterprise enough in England, even to purchase " a fleet of armed vessels," and offer it to our government — the Southern armies, at that time and all through the war, would have been as thoroughly and as promptly armed and equipped as the Northern armies ; and Mr. Davis would have had no cause to la ment the destitute condition of our men, or to write to General J. E. Johnston, in September, 1861 : " One ship-load of small arms would enable me to answer all demands, but vainly have I hoped and waited."* In the selection of Major Huse, as agent, Mr. Davis seems to have been pursued by the same evil fate which almost always caused him to assign men of inferior ability to positions requiring great discernment and capacity. Major Huse asserts that in De cember, 1861, he was incapable of shipping arms to the Confeder acy ; whereas the entire country knows that, in 1861, there exist ed no blockade of our ports, worthy of the name, and that block ade-runners, throughout the years 1862, 1863, and even 1864, en tered tlie ports of Charleston and Wilmington, with almost un broken regularity; that provisions and stores of all kinds were thus brought in by private individuals and commercial firms ; and that the government — which, it seems, had succeeded in purchas ing one small blockade-runner of its ownf — could, with perhaps fewer impediments in its way, have done likewise, in the matter of arms and ammunition. And here we might bring to light the contradiction existing between Major Huse's letter and the asser tions of Mr. Davis on the same subject : If, as late as December * " Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government," vol. i. p. 441. t Ibid, vol i. p. 479. 64 MILITARY OPERATIONS OF 30th, 1861* no arms could be shipped from England, what are we to think of the following passage, to be found on page 476 of the first volume of Mr. Davis's work : " fn December, 1861, arms pur chased abroad began to come in; and a good many Enfield rifles were in the hands of the troops at the battle of Shiloh " ? The query now is, which of these two statements is the correct one? Mr. Davis vouches for both, but it is evident that both cannot be relied upon. The reader, we trust, will pardon this digression. It may have caused a slight deviation from our main subject, but has, neverthe less, a close relation to it. On or about the 28th of May, General Beauregard was ordered to meet the President at Richmond, whither the seat of Confeder ate government was being transferred. He arrived there a few days after the receipt of the order. All along the railroad line, on his way from Charleston to Rich mond, the people turned out, at the various stations, to welcome him. They were addressed by Attorney-General Benjamin, who happened to be on the cars, and by Governor Manning, of South Carolina, one of General Beauregard's volunteer aids. At Charleston, officers and men, and, in fact, the whole popula tion of the State, had expressed their deep sense of regret that the public service should require his transfer to another department. Governor Pickens, in a letter wishing him God speed in his new field of duty, said : "Your scientific attainments, your ability and your incessant labors, have been of great advantage to our State ; and I return you my thanks, and the thanks of the State, for the patriotic zeal and distinguished services you have rendered us at a critical and a trying time. . . . Wherever you go, I trust that you will be blessed, and crowned with the honors of your coun try." * " Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government," vol. i. p. 483. GENERAL BEAUREGARD. 65 CHAPTER VL Secession of Virginia. — Confederate Troops Sent to her Assistance. — Arrival of General Beauregard in Richmond. — He Assumes Command at Manassas. — Position of our Forces. — His Proclamation and the Reasons for it. — Site of " Camp Pickens." — His Letter to President Davis. — Our Deficiencies. — Mismanagement in Quartermaster's and Commissary's Departments. — How he could have Procured Transportation. — Manufacture of Cartridges. — Se cret Service with Washington. Not until Fort Sumter had surrendered to the South Carolina troops under General Beauregard ; not until Mr. Lincoln, misap prehending the attitude of those Southern States still nominally belonging to the Union, had made his requisition on them for their quota of men to aid in suppressing the " Rebellion," did Virginia, faithful to her old-time traditions, openly proclaim her adhesion to the Southern cause, and assume her rightful place among the seceded States. Hers was a disinterested step ; one taken with a full appreciation of the inevitable dangers and devastation in store for her, owing to her geographical position. Her hesitation was but another instance of the historic firmness and deliberation which had always characterized her official acts, and it was, no doubt, her exam pie which shortly afterwards determined the with drawal of Tennessee, Arkansas, and North Carolina. No sooner had Virginia's voice, through her assembled con vention, pronounced her severance from the North, than the seven States forming the Confederacy, anxious to welcome her among them, hurried forward to her support a portion of their best troops. As a natural sequence to this provident measure, it followed that the most experienced and successful of our military leaders were selected to be placed at the head of such commands. Hence the order transferring General Beauregard to Virginia. Pollard, in his work entitled " Lee and his Lieutenants," when writing on this subject, says : " Called for by the unanimous voice of the Southern people, he was now ordered to take command of the main portion of the Confederate army in northern Virginia." Pollard's I.— 5 66 MILITARY OPERATIONS OF later description of the apprehension and flurry existing in the Northern mind, concerning General Beauregard's whereabouts, is, indeed, most singular, and shows the appreciation in which he was held by our enemies. Many writers, in describing the traits of General Beauregard's character, have commented upon his very retiring disposition, amounting almost to bashfulness, which forms so strong a contrast to his boldness and indomitable spirit in the field. This was in stanced upon his arrival at Richmond, May 30th, where a large concourse of people awaited him, anxious to see and welcome the Confederate commander who had already drawn upon himself the attention and admiration of the whole country. A carriage-and- four was in readiness at the Richmond depot to convey him to the apartments which had been prepared for him at the Spots- wood Hotel. But no sooner had he been apprised of this unex pected honor — which, though gratifying, interfered with his de sire for privacy — than he, wishing to avoid all public demonstra tion, insisted upon taking an ordinary carriage, in which, with one or two officers of his staff, he quietly drove to other quarters. The next day, May 31st, he called on President Davis, who was in conference with General Robert E. Lee, then commanding the Virginia State forces. Gerund Lee had just returned from Manas sas, about twent}'-seven miles below Alexandria, where he had left Brigadier-General Bonham, of South Carolina, with some five thousand men of all arms. This position had been taken at the instance of Colonel Thomas Jordan, of the Virginia forces, who, in a carefully written memoir on the subject, had shown the im portance of at once occupying Manassas Junction, to prevent its seizure, and the severance of communication by rail with the lower valley of Virginia. After a full interchange of views, which lasted several hours, it was determined that General Beauregard should leave on the next morning to assume command at Manassas, whither reinforcements would be forwarded as soon as obtained. At first it had been in tended to send him to Norfolk, but General Lee's report of the condition of affairs on the Alexandria line, and the probability of an early advance of the enemy on that point, caused the President to change his mind. From the moment General Beauregard had left New Orleans, until the time of his arrival in Richmond, he had been so unre- GENERAL BEAUREGARD. 67' mittingly occupied with public affairs as to preclude all attention to his personal interests and even his military outfit. He would have willingly remained a day or two in Richmond, in order to prepare himself better for the field ; but the juncture was consid ered so urgent by the President and General Lee, that no such leisure was granted him, and he departed at once, with two of his aids, leaving other members of his staff, including his adjutant, to effect such arrangements as were necessary. He left Richmond on the 1st of June, and reached Manassas the same night, under the following orders : "Headquarters or the Virginia Forces, Richmond, Virginia, May Zlst, 1861. " Special Orders, No. 149. " General P. G. T. Beauregard, of the Confederate States arniy, is assigned to the command of the troops on the Alexandria line. He is referred to the or ders heretofore given to his predecessors in that command, for the general di rection of operations. "By order of Major-General Lee, "R. S. Garnett, Adjt.-Gen." We copy below an extract from the orders alluded to, as given to General Beauregard's predecessors, and transferred, as we have seen, to himself : " The policy of the State, at present, is strictly defensive. No attack or prov ocation for attack will therefore be given, but every attack resisted to the extent of your means. Great reliance is placed on your discretion and judg ment in the application of your force, and I must urge upon you the impor tance of organizing and instructing the troops as rapidly as possible, and pre paring them for active service. For this purpose it will be necessary to post them where their services may be needed and where they can be concentrated at the points -threatened. The Manassas Junction is a very important point on your line, as it commands the communication with Harper's Ferry, and must be firmly held. Intrenchments at that point would add to its security ; and in connection with its defence, you must watch the approaches from ei ther flank, particularly towards Occoquan. Alexandria, in its front, will of course claim your attention as the first point of attack, and as soon as your force is sufficient, in your opinion, to resist successfully its occupation, you will so dispose it as to effect this object, if possible, without appearing to threaten Washington city. The navigation of the Potomac being closed to us, and the United States armed vessels being able to take a position in front of the town, you will perceive the hazard of its destruction unless your measures are such as to prevent it. This subject being one of great delicacy, is left to your judgment. The railroad communications must be secured, however, and their use by the enemy prevented. . . . "R. E. Lee, Maj.-Gen. Comdg." 68 MILITARY OPERATIONS OF That such instructions, so vague as a whole, and yet so minute in some respects, should have embarrassed Brigadier-General Bon ham, as was asserted, is not, we submit, to be much wondered at. To obey them implicitly was clearly an impossibility under the circumstances. They were calculated to destroy every vestige of discretion on the part of the commanding general, without lessen ing, in any way, the weight of his responsibility. That General Lee meant well in adopting such a programme of operations, no one who knew him will for a moment question ; but that it must have puzzled, to no inconsiderable degree, the minds of most of those who were to be guided by it, to us appears no less evident. And how, more than a month after the withdrawal of Virginia from the Union, a State Major-General (for such was General Lee at the time), and not the Confederate War Department, could have given instructions and issued orders to Confederate generals and to Confederate troops, is more than we can well understand. True, the Secretary of War, with a view to avoid confusion, had, on May 10th, authorized Major-General Lee, of the Virginia troops, " to assume the control of the forces of the Confederate States in Virginia, and assign them to such duties as he might in dicate ;" but that authority emanated from Montgomery, while the Confederate government was still there, and while no Con federate general officer had, as yet, been sent to Virginia. This was far from being the case at the time to which we now allude, to wit, the 31st of May. Brigadier-General Joseph E. Johnston, Confederate States Army, had, then, already been assigned to duty in Virginia, and, furthermore, the Confederate government itself was at that date transferred to Richmond. Even the Presi dent was there in person, and could have acted with all authority had he chosen to do so. The measures of extreme caution suggested in General Lee's instructions, and the solicitude manifested to soothe the ire of the North, would have been admirably proper if the orders had been issued before the first gun was fired at Sumter, and while nego tiations for a peaceful solution of our difficulties were still pend ing. But in May, 1861, war already existed. Virginia was threat ened by three Northern armies, the immediate advance of one of which was then almost daily expected. Why were we to avoid "appearing" even to threaten the enemy's positions, when the in vasion of our soil was openly declared to be the prime object act- GENERAL BEAUREGARD. 69 uating the hostile forces arrayed against us ? Orders and instruc tions such as these could have no other effect than to depress our people, bewilder our commanders, and embolden the enemy. The two or three days following his arrival in his new depart ment were spent by General Beauregard in examining the troops and the various positions tbey occupied, at and in advance of Ma nassas. He then assumed command in the following orders : " Headquarters, Dep't op Alex' a, Camp Pickens, June 2d, 1861. " New Series. " General Orders, No. 1. " In obedience to Special Orders, No. 149, from Headquarters Virginia forces, Richmond, dated May 31st, 1861, assigning me to the command of the troops on the Alexandria line, I have this day relieved Brigadier-General M. L. Bon ham of said command. "All orders and instructions from these Headquarters will be obeyed ac cordingly. " The Brigadier-General Commanding feels assured that all the troops under his orders will display, on all occasions, the discipline, patience, zeal, and gal lantry of their forefathers, when defending, like ourselves, their sacred rights and liberties. " G. T. Beauregard, Brig.-Gen. Comdg.'' The troops were located at the following points : one regiment at Mitchell's Ford, where the country road, from Manassas to Cen treville, crosses Bull Bun, at a point midway between the two. Another regiment was stationed at Union Mills Ford, not far from where the railroad to Alexandria crosses the same stream. An other regiment was placed at Centreville, and some detached com panies of cavalry and infantry were in the vicinity of Fairfax Court-House, about six miles in advance of Centreville. The re maining forces were at and about Manassas. The enemy was then engaged in collecting a large force in front of Washington and Alexandria, with its advance at Falls Church, half-way to Fairfax Court-House, and it was currently reported by the Northern press that this army, under Major-General Mc Dowell, would soon advance on Manassas, on its way to Rich mond. General Beauregard was not satisfied with the grounds selected for our troops, nor with the condition of things at Camp Pickens, Manassas. There was no running water near enough ; the plan of works was too extensive ; the fords were too numerous to be eas- 70 MILITARY OPERATIONS OF ily guarded by such a small force as was at his disposal. These facts and observations he at once reported to the President, as may be seen by the following letter: " Dep't of Alexandria, Va., Prov'l A. C. S., June 3d, 1861. " To his Excellency President Jefferson Davis, Richmond, Va. : " Dear Sir,— I arrived here on the 1st at 2 p. m., and immediately examined the site of this encampment and the plans of its proposed defences. The former is in an open country, traversed by good roads in every direction, with out any strong natural features for the purposes of defence, and without run ning water nearer than three miles, except a few small springs at half that distance. The plans of the works are good, but too extensive to be finished in less than two or three weeks, and cannot be garrisoned with less than from three to four thousand men. As this position can be turned in every direction by an enemy, for the purpose of destroying the railroads intended to be de fended by it, it becomes a question whether these works could be held more than a few days, when thus isolated. " I have reconnoitred closely several of the fords on Bull Run, and one on Occoquan Run (about three miles from here), which offer strong natural features of defence, but they are so numerous and far apart, that only a much larger force than I have here at my command ( say not less than ten to fifteen thou sand men ) could hope to defend them all, against a well-organized enemy of about 20,000 men, who could select his point of attack. I must therefore either be reinforced at once, as I have not more than about six thousand ef fective men ; or I must be prepared to retire (upon the approach of the enemy) in the direction of Richmond, with the intention of arresting him whenever and wherever the opportunity presents itself; or I must march to meet him at one of said fords, to sell our lives as dearly as practicable. " Badly armed and badly equipped as my command is at present (several regiments having but one or two field officers), and having hardly any means of transportation, it would be expecting too much, that I could meet success fully the foe who is preparing to attack us in a few days, with all the advan tages of number, arms, and discipline. I beg, however, to remark, that my troops are not only willing, but anxious, to meet the enemies of our coun try, under all circumstances. " I remain, dear Sir, very respectfully, " Your obedient servant, " G. T. Beauregard." From what precedes it is easy to see why Bull Run did not naturally afford a strong defensive line. In fact, the ground on the Federal side of the run commanded, in most places, the ground occupied by the Confederates. Still, Manassas Junction, as a strategic point, was one of superior importance, as it secured com munication with the valley of Virginia, and the army of the Shen- GENERAL BEAUREGARD. 71 andoah, under General Joseph E. Johnston, at Harper's Ferry. Hence General Beauregard's determination to hold it at all haz ards ; and he began, without delay, to throw up works around it, so as to make it a depot of supplies and a point d'appui for ulte rior operations. But it was with great difficulty that, at this pe riod, work on the fortifications could be procured from the troops, as most of their time was necessarily taken up with drills, and manual labor was in itself no light task for them, composed, as the commands generally were, of young men of good position at home, who had responded to the first call of the country, many of them having come with no small amount of luggage and even with body-servants. Their answer to company officers was, that they were there to fight, and not to handle the pick and shovel. Ap preciating such a feeling in men of their position, new to arduous duties of that kind, and wishing to avoid whatever might at that moment cause disaffection, General Beauregard abstained from em ploying them on any but tlie most essential works, and procured, as far as possible, negro labor, which was furnished at his call, by the comparatively small number of slave-owners of the Piedmont region of Virginia, with great readiness. As soon as new regiments arrived they were armed and equip ped as well as the means at hand allowed, and at once drilled and organized into brigades. This organization of an army, out of troops for the most part wholly undisciplined, in the presence of an enemy composed of a well-trained militia, superior in numbers and thoroughly appointed, whose threatened advance was expected at every moment, apart from being in itself a difficult and anxious task, was beset with obstacles resulting from the narrow methods, slowness, and, in some respects, unaccountable mismanagement, of the authorities at Richmond. General Beauregard's attention was at once seriously turned to those two important staff departments, the Quartermaster's and Commissary's, which, he thought, could never be too closely at tended to. " An army " — he was wont to say — " without means of transportation and sustenance is like a ship at sea without spars or canvas, and with famine on board." His first step was to order the collection of wagons and twenty-five days' rations for about twenty thousand men. To this end his chief quartermaster, Ma jor Cabell, and his chief commissary, Captain Fowle, who was well 72 MILITARY OPERATIONS OF acquainted with the resources of that region, were directed to draw all their supplies of forage, grain, and provisions from the fertile country stretching from Manassas to the Potomac, as far northwest as Leesburg, so. as to exhaust that district first, and compel the enemy to carry their own supplies in their advance against our forces. This system, which would have left all the region in rear of us with resources untouched, to meet the con tingency of a forced withdrawal from Manassas, was most strenu ously opposed by the Commissary-General, Colonel Northrop. In a letter, singularly ill-tempered and discourteous, that functionary arraigned General Beauregard for " thwarting " his plans for main taining the army, and went so far as to prohibit Captain Fowle from obeying the orders of his commanding general. Through this vagary the provisions drawn from the vicinity of Manassas and the neighboring counties of Loudon and Fauquier, after being carried, directly, from General Beauregard's department to Bich- mond, were thence returned to the chief commissary of the army of Manassas, for distribution to the troops, and as there were hardly enough cars to transport the men, guns, ammunition, and other material to the army of the Potomac and the army of the Shenandoah, which' received its ordnance supplies by the same railroad, the result was that the troops at Manassas never had more than two or three days' supplies on hand, even when thejr numbered no more than fifteen thousand men. This almost incredible mis management, so hurtful to the morale and efficiency of the army, was persisted in, notwithstanding General Beauregard's earnest re monstrances, and embarrassed and clogged the conduct of the whole campaign. Captain Fowle, finding that the army could not be supplied from Richmond, was compelled to resort to the system ordered by General Beauregard ; whereupon he was summarily supersed ed, and Colonel R. B. Lee appointed in his stead. This last offi cer, it may be added, possessed undoubted merit, and by his pre vious rank in the commissariat of the United States army, was entitled to the position of Commissary-General of the Confederate States army. With such facts before us, and others that we shall have occa sion to notice further on, the following eulogy of Colonel Nor throp, by Mr. Davis, seems unwarranted and altogether out of place: " To the able officer then at the head of the Commissariat GENERAL BEAUREGARD 73 Department, Colonel L. B. Northrop, much credit is due for his well-directed efforts to provide both for immediate and prospec tive wants." * There was a great deficiency also in the means of transporta tion. It was insufficient, and of such poor quality as to break down even in ordinary camp service. This evil, which continued long after the battle of Manassas, was partially remedied before that event, but the remedy was applied independently of the Quar termaster's Department at Richmond. That department having declared itself unable to procure transportation in the country, General Beauregard called to his aid Colonel James L. Kemper (7th Virginia Volunteers), whose knowledge of the resources of that portion of the State enabled him to gather, within a few days, at least two hundred effective wagons and teams. Three times that number, and even more, could easily have been collect ed, but General Beauregard, wishing to avoid collision with the views of the administration at Richmond, limited Colonel Kem per to the number stated above. On the 5th of June, upon pressing application to that effect, General Beauregard issued a proclamation to the people of the counties of Loudon, Fairfax, and Prince William, which has been much commented upon, but, outside of the South, where the facts were known, has never been well understood. The reason for issuing the proclamation was, that a deputation of citizens, headed by a prominent lawyer of Alexandria, who, be fore the secession of Virginia, was noted for his Union sentiments, had presented a formal complaint, of very grave outrages prac tised on the people by Federal troops. General Beauregard, believing it to be his duty to take imme diate steps in the matter, appointed a commission of inquiry, com posed of Colonels Thomas Jordan, his Adjutant- General, and John S. Preston, and William Porcher Miles, f his volunteer aids, both eminent citizens of South Carolina. That committee, after careful investigation of the charges made, reported that the allegations were true. Though General Mc Dowell solicitously repressed all acts of violence — which, as was afterwards proved, were committed then only by marauding par- * "Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government," vol. i. p. 315. t William Porcher Miles was afterwards Chairman of the Military Committee of the House of Representatives, Confederate Congress. 74 MILITARY OPERATIONS OF ties from his army — yet the facts elicited were naturally construed, at the time, as indicative of a truculent spirit animating a large number of his troops, and produced the deepest indignation among the people of the surrounding country. This proclamation (others similar to which, in substance, were afterwards issued by several Confederate officers, including General Lee) was drawn up by the gentleman referred to, and, after some slight modifications by the members of the commission, through Colonel Preston, was signed and published by General Beauregard in his name, as commander of the army. It became known and was criticised in the Northern papers as the " Beauty and Booty Proclamation " — words which were found by the commission, upon the evidence given, to have been loudly used by the marauding troops whose acts of violence were so indignantly denounced. Our readers no doubt remember that these identical words, accom panying like conduct, on the part of the British troops at New Orleans, in the war of 1812, provoked vehement reprobation throughout the country. However true it might be to say that such a proclamation would have better fitted many subsequent phases of the war, yet, with charges so fully substantiated before the commission appointed by General Beauregard, no one can deny that the measures adopted and the language used in relation thereto were justifiable and imperatively necessary. Besides being badly armed and suffering from the irregularity and inefficiency of the Quartermaster's and Commissary's Depart ments, the troops were also deficient in accoutrements, particular ly in cartridges and cartridge-boxes, and were lacking in proper camp equipments. Alarmed at the delay in adequately supplying his forces with ammunition, General Beauregard proposed to the government to establish a cartridge factory at Manassas, if certain necessary appliances were furnished him ; which was not done. His letter to that effect, dated Manassas Junction, June 23d, con tained the following passage : " I must call the attention of the department to the great deficiency of my command in ammunition — not averaging more than 20 rounds in all per man. If I were provided with the necessary materials, moulds, etc., I think I could establish here a cartridge manufactory, which could supply all our wants in that respect. " Could not a similar arrangement be made at all hospital depots, State arsenals, penitentiaries, etc.? GENERAL BEAUREGARD. 75 " To go into battle, each soldier ought to be provided with at least 40 rounds of cartridges and not less than 60 rounds in reserve. " I remain, very respectfully, " Your obedient servant, " G. T. Beauregard, Brig.-Gen. Comdg. " Hon. L. P. Walker, Secretary of War, Richmond, Virginia." As the Confederate troops had yet no uniform proper, it was necessary that they should be distinguished from the enemy by some clearly visible mark. To meet this requirement, a few days after his arrival in camp General Beauregard asked that his men should be provided with colored scarfs, to be worn, in battle, from the shoulder to the waist, suggesting that a call on the ladies of Richmond would no doubt secure their prompt suppty, as the scarfs might be made of any material of the proper shade. As many of the regiments were then without Confederate colors, and the blue and the gray uniforms were common to the North and the South, the importance of this matter, particularly in the event of flank and rear attacks, was urged again upon the President, at a later period. Although the expedient was as simple as the need was great, the demand was complied with only after a long delay, and then with so imperfect a contrivance — a sort of rosette, to be pinned on the arm or breast — that on the field of Manassas, in the critical moment, the troops themselves were confused as to identi ty ; and when the rout was in full tide the pursuit was more than once checked because of the difficulty of distinguishing friends from foes. During this period a thorough secret - service communication was maintained between Washington and the Confederate head quarters at Manassas, whereby trustworthy private information was received through cipher despatches, while regular files of all the important Northern journals reached our lines in the same way ; those from New York, particularly, rendering unconscious assistance to our cause. 76 MILITARY OPERATIONS OF CHAPTER VII. Position of Troops in Northern Virginia.— General Beauregard Advocates Concentration, June 12th.— Letter to that Effect to President Davis.— An swer Declining.— General Beauregard Suggests a Junction with General Holmes. — Again Refused. — Division of General Beauregard's Forces into Brigades, 20th June.— Begins Forward Movement.— Instructions to Brig ade Commanders. — Reconnoissances Made at the End of June. — McDow ell's Strength. — General Beauregard's Anxieties.— His Letter to Senator Wigfall.— Submits another Plan of Operations to the President, July 11th. The Confederate troops in northern Virginia, east of the grand chain of the Alleghanies, now formed a series of detached com mands, stretching from northwest to southeast respectively, under General Joseph E. Johnston, at Harper's Ferry, General Beaure gard, at Manassas, and General Holmes, at Aquia Creek; each outnumbered by confronting forces, excepting General Holmes's command, whose position on the lower Potomac was taken only to prevent a possible landing of the enemy at that point. The forces in front of General Johnston and those in front of Colonel Eppa Hunton, commanding a battalion at Leesburg, the western extremity of the Manassas line, were still on the north bank of the Potomac. General Beauregard, appreciating the necessity of an immediate concerted system between these independent commands, particu larly between his own and the considerable forces at Harper's Ferry, and viewing Manassas as the most important strategic point for both belligerents, and the one most likely to attract the main effort of the enemy, which, according to reports, might be made at any moment, had determined if possible to reform the Confed erate military situation, in accordance with his views of sound pol icy. His plan, as the following letter shows, was marked, as were all his military plans, by the leading ideas of concentration and ag gression. GENERAL BEAUREGARD. 77 " Headquarters Manassas, Dep't of Va., Camp Pickens, June 12th, 1861. "To His Excellency President Davis : " Sir, — The bearer, Lieutenant-Colonel Sam Jones of the Provisional Army of Virginia, a member of my general staff, has been instructed by me to lay be fore your Excellency a diagram, with my views relative to the operations of the present campaign in this State, which should be acted upon at once. " The enemy seem to be taking the offensive towards Harper's Ferry, and a few days hence may find General J. E. Johnston in such a critical condition as to render it impossible to relieve him. If he were ordered to abandon forthwith his present position and concentrate suddenly his forces with mine, guarding, with small detachments, all the passes through which the enemy might follow him, we could, by a bold and rapid movement forward, retake Arlington Heights and Alexandria, if not too strongly fortified and garri soned, which would have the effect of recalling all the enemy's forces from northern Virginia, for the protection of Washington. But should General Johnston be unable to unite his forces with mine, then he ought to be instruct ed to retreat at the proper time towards Richmond, through the valley of Virginia, checking the enemy wherever and whenever he can. When com pelled to abandon my present position, I will fall back also on Richmond ; the forces along the lower Potomac, on the Peninsula, and at Norfolk, may have to do likewise. Then, acting on interior lines, from Richmond as a cen tre (our forces being increased by the reserves at that point), we could crush, in rapid succession and in detail, the several columns of the enemy, which I have supposed would move on three or four different lines. With thirty-five thousand men, properly handled, I have not the least doubt that we could an nihilate fifty thousand of the enemy. I beg and entreat that a concerted plan of operations be adopted at once by the government, for its different col umns. Otherwise, we will be assailed in detail by superior forces, and will be cut off, or destroyed entirely. " Lieutenant-Colonel Jones will present my views more in detail to your Ex cellency. " G. T. Beauregard, Brig-Gen. Comdg." The President made the following reply : " Richmond, Va., June 13th, 1861. " My dear General, — Colonel Jones delivered to me your letter of the 12th instant, and, as suggested by you, I conversed with him of the matter to which it related. Your information may be more accurate than we possess, in relation to the purposes of the enemy, and I will briefly reply to you on the hypothesis which forms the basis of your suggestions. " If the enemy commence operations by attack upon Harper's Ferry, I do not perceive why General Johnston should be unable, even before overwhelming numbers to retire behind the positions where the enemy would approach in reverse. It would seem to me not unreasonable to expect that, before he reach es Winchester, the terminus of the railroad in his possession, the people of the 78 MILITARY OPERATIONS OF fertile and populous valley would rise in mass to aid him in repelling the in vader. But suppose it should be otherwise, he could still, by retiring to the passes of the Manassas railroad and its adjacent mountains, probably check the progress of the enemy, and prevent him from either taking possession of the valley, or passing to the rear of your position. We hope soon to rein force you to an extent equal to the strength you require, by the junction of General Johnston, and I cannot doubt but that you would then be better cir cumstanced to advance upon Alexandria than if General Johnston, by with drawing from the valley, had left the enemy the power to pass to your rear, to cut your line of communication, and advance to attack you in reverse, while you were engaged with the enemy in front. " Concurring fully with you in the effect which would be produced by the possession of Arlington Heights and Alexandria, if your rear is at the same time sufficiently covered, it is quite clear that if the case should be otherwise, your possession, if acquired, would be both brief and fruitless. " To your request that a concerted plan of operations should be adopted, I can only reply that the present position and unknown purposes of the enemy require that our plan should have many alterations. I have noted your con verging lines upon Richmond, and it can hardly be necessary to remind you that we have not at this time the transportation which would enable us to move upon those lines as described. Should the fortune of war render it nec essary to retire our advance columns, they must be brought mainly upon rail roads, and that of Harper's Ferry would come by your present position. It would, therefore, be a necessity that General Johnston's column should make a junction with yours, before yours retired ; but I have not anticipated the necessity of your retreat, and have struggled to increase your force, and look hopefully forward to see you enabled to assume the offensive. Had I been less earnestly engaged in providing for yours and other commands, I should have had the pleasure of visiting you before this date. Four regiments have been sent forward, neither of which had reached you at the date of your let ter ; and you will soon receive further reinforcements. They are not trained troops, but I think they are better than those of the enemy, and the capacity which you have recently exhibited, successfully to fight with undisciplined citizens, justifies the expectation that you will know how to use such force as we are able to furnish. Very truly yours, " Jefferson Davis." Still persisting, however, in his effort to make use of all possi ble resources in meeting the imminent crisis, General Beauregard, in his official and semi-official correspondence at the time, suggest ed that the troops under General Holmes, at Aquia Creek, at least two thousand five hundred men, with two batteries, should be so posted as to be available for a timely junction with his own forces. General Holmes fully concurred, asserting that his com mand, as then disposed, was not likely to be of any military use ; but the suggestion met with no favor at Richmond. GENERAL BEAUREGARD. 79 On the 18th, having begun to receive from Norfolk the naval guns for which he had called, to arm the works at Manassas, Gen eral Beauregard made a requisition for naval officers to command those batteries and drill the recruits. They came with a number of sailors, bringing their gun-ropes, blocks, and tackles, and in their exercises the terms " port " and " starboard," novel in the field, were used as familiarly as on board a man-of-war. Officers and men were noticeable for their zeal, efficiency, and discipline. Meanwhile, vigilant observation of the opposite banks of the Potomac was kept up at Leesburg, an important place, which the enemy might strike in order to sever the communications between Generals Beauregard and Johnston; and such small reinforce ments as could be spared from Manassas were sent thither, but without artillery, of which none was available. From information collected in his front, General Johnston was apprehensive that General Patterson would move to attack him, and he soon abandoned the untenable salient position of Harper's Ferry, held by him unwillingly, and to which General Patterson afterwards crossed on the 2d of July. General Beauregard's views, based partly on reports from Washington, were that Gen eral Patterson's movements merely simulated the offensive, to hold General Johnston in check. About the 20th of June, General Beauregard, having organized his forces into six brigades, began a forward movement, in order to protect his advanced positions at Centreville, Fairfax Court- House, and Sangster's Cross-roads, "so as to be able" — as he wrote to Colonel Eppa Hunton — " to strike a blow upon the enemy, at a moment's notice, which he hoped, they would long remem ber." His advanced forces, three brigades of three regiments each, occupied a triangle as follows : at Mitchell's Ford, on Bull Run, one regiment ; at Centreville and another point half-way to German town, one brigade; at Germantown and Fairfax Court- House, one brigade, with a light battery ; at the crossing of Brad dock's old road with the Fairfax Court-House and Fairfax Station roads, one regiment ; and at Sangster's Cross-roads, one battalion : all in easy and short communication with each other and with headquarters. Most of his small body of cavalry was with the advance, scouting and reconnoitring. In view of coming events, General Beauregard now assembled his brigade commanders, and, after general directions to all of 80 MILITARY OPERATIONS OF them, gave detailed instructions to those who had charge of the advanced positions (at Fairfax Court-House and Fairfax Station) touching their respective lines of retreat on Bull Run, in case they should be menaced by a combined serious movement of the enemy with largely superior forces. The substance of those in structions was embodied, with minute details, in a Special Order, No. 100, from the Adjutant-General's office, which was the order literally executed on the 17th of July. This is one of the most re markable instances in military history, of an order providing fully and precisely, nearly a month in advance, for all the exigencies of a strategic movement, remotely contingent upon the operations of an enemy. General Bonham, upon the near approach of the forces confronting him, was to retire slowly on Centreville, by the turnpike, then to Mitchell's Ford, drawing the enemy after him to that point, which was the only portion of General Beaure gard's line yet fortified. General Ewell, from Sangster's Cross roads and vicinity, was to follow the line of tlie railroad over a rather rough and difficult country road to Union Mills .Ford, where the position was naturally strong and offered good cover to his men. The intermediate fords, McLean's and Blackburn's, were at that time occupied by Jones's and Longstreet's brigades. Early's brigade, which had been watching the fords of the Occo- quan and the approaches on the right, was now held in reserve, a short distance in rear of Union Mills Ford, to act according to circumstances. A small force of infantry guarded the stone bridge, on the extreme left, where the turnpike from Alexandria, through Fairfax Court-House and Centreville, crosses Bull Run, on its way to Warrenton. The works, armed with naval guns, were manned by the seamen already alluded to, and also by a force of the State militia, which Governor Letcher had called out, at General Beauregard's request. During the latter days of June and the first fortnight of July, thorough reconnoissances were made of the whole region of country likely to become the theatre of war in that qnarter, either for a defensive or offensive campaign. In these General Beaure gard had the effective aid of Colonel Williamson and Captains D. B. Harris and Walter H. Stevens, of the Engineers. And it may be of interest to mention here, that the reconnoissances we speak of included the surroundings of Leesburg and the passes westward, as well as the entire square between Difficult Run, the GENERAL BEAUREGARD. 81 Potomac, Goose Creek, and Gum Spring. The object was to facilitate the movement of troops in that direction, to cross the Potomac, and be prepared to oppose the enemy, should he at tempt to advance by that way so as to reach the Manassas Gap Railroad, on the left of General Beauregard's position. In one of these reconnoissances, made in force — Colonel Maxey Gregg, at the head of a South Carolina regiment, casually encoun tered a Federal command, under General Schenck, coming into Vienna Station, on a train of cars. A shot from a section of Kemper's light battery brought them to a halt, and, after a few exchanges, the Federals retired, and the locomotive escaped, leav ing the cars, which were burned. This was the first hostile meet ing, excepting the brilliant midnight dash of Lieutenant Tomp kins against the Confederate outposts at Fairfax Court-House. On the 4th of July the Confederate pickets, well in advance of Fairfax Court-House, captured a sergeant and a private — the latter a Scotchman, who chanced to be a clerk in McDowell's Adjutant- General's office, and whose duty as such was to assist in making up the army returns. They were taking a ride for pleasure, and, having come a little too far, were picked up by the watchful cavalry. The Scotchman at once stated his position, and, being sent to headquarters, was there subjected to a close examination, in which he spoke freely, and appeared, from his statements on matters already known, to be telling the truth. Thus was Mc Dowell's strength, at that date, pretty accurately ascertained ; and events verified the correctness of the information thus obtained. The increasing forces of McDowell, the clamor of the Northern press for an advance, and the private reports from Washington, all now indicated an early attack by an army more than twice the strength of ours in numbers. And General Beauregard, in the midst of his various solicitudes, balked in his endeavors to pro cure the needed reinforcements, and grieved also at his unsuccess ful attempts to induce the government to adopt his views, wrote the following letter to his friend, Senator Wigfall. It shows General Beauregard's unrelieved anxiety, and his determination, while wishing and laboring for a better state of things, to make the most of his limited means : " Manassas Junction, Va., July 8th, 1861. " Colonel Wigfall : " My dear Colonel,—! believe we are about to be attacked by the enemy, I.— 6 82 MILITARY OPERATIONS OF who has been increasing his forces rapidly in the last few days. He has doubtless at present, on this side of the Potomac, at least 30,000 men, and probably as many in or about Washington ; and I am informed on good au thority that he is crossing over reinforcements in large numbers every night, so that very shortly we will be attacked, probably by about 40,000 men ! What do you suppose is my effective force to resist this attack? About 15,000 effective men ! How can it be expected that I shall be able to main tain my ground unless reinforced immediately ? I am determined to give the enemy battle no matter at what odds against us ; but is it right and proper to sacrifice so many valuable lives (and perhaps our cause) without the least prospect of success ? But I hope it may have the effect, at least, of delaying the advance of the enemy, and give our friends time to come to the rescue. I have to apply two or three times for the most essential things required here. To obtain anything with despatch, I have to send a special messenger to Richmond. Is this the way to direct and control the operations of an army in the field ? Cannot this evil be remedied ? I am sure it could be if properly represented to the President. " I fear General Johnston is no better off than I am ; but his section of country is, I believe, more easily defended, being wooded and mountainous. My troops are in fine spirits and anxious for a fight. They seem to have the most unbounded confidence in me. " Oh, that I had the genius of a Napoleon, to be more worthy of our cause and of their confidence ! " If I could only get the enemy to attack me, as I am trying to have him do, I would stake my reputation on the handsomest victory that could be hoped for. Yours very truly, " G. T. Beauregard." The following letter, written a few days later, is also of particu lar interest : " Headquarters Army of the Potomac, Manassas Junction, July 11th, 1861. " To His Excellency Jefferson Davis : " Sir, — I have the honor to transmit herewith the Field Return of the army under my command, from which you will perceive the effective force at my disposition is as follows : Light Artillery, 533, with 27 pieces ; Cavalry, 1425 ; Foot Artillery, 293 ; and Infantry, 16,150 ; in all 18,401 men of all arms. From this must be deducted the command of Colonel Hunton at Leesburg, of some 445 men, who will remain in position there until the enemy shall have ad vanced to attack my outposts, when the colonel will fall back and unite his force with that of Colonel Cocke, commanding the 5th Brigade at the stone bridge across Bull Run. Colonel Sloan's regiment, 4th South Carolina Vol unteers, has already fallen back from Leesburg to Frying-pan Church, prepara tory to a junction with Colonel Cocke, at Centreville. "I have every reason to believe that the enemy will begin his advance from his present position, at or about Falls Church,to-morrow or on the following day. GENERAL BEAUREGARD. 83 with a force not short of 35,000 men, supported by a reserve of not less than 15,000 infantry. To these I can oppose but about 16,500, reserving about 1500, merely for camp guards, pickets, and the garrison of the intrenched camp here. In consequence of this great disparity in numbers, I have issued the Special Order No. 100, enclosed herewith, concentrating my troops, in the exigency, on the naturally strong positions enumerated therein, afforded by Bull Run, in the hope of conducting the movement so as to induce the enemy to offer me battle in front of Mitchell's Ford, where his numerical superiority would be materially counterbalanced by the difficulties of the ground and my previous preparations there for the event. But I am, however, inclined to be lieve he may attempt to turn my left flank, by a movement in the direction of Vienna, Frying-pan Church, and, possibly, Gum Spring, and thus cut off John ston's line of retreat on and communications with this place, via the Manassas Gap Railroad, while threatening my own communications with Richmond and depots of supply, by the Alexandria and Orange Railroad, and opening his communications with the Potomac through Leesburg and Edward's Ferry. " Of course, if I had sufficient force, one less unequal to that of the enemy, I would not permit him, with impunity, to attempt so dangerous a movement on his part ; but, in view of the odds against me, and of the vital importance at this juncture of avoiding the hazard of a defeat, which would open to the enemy the way to Richmond, I shall act with extreme caution. If forced, how ever, to retire before an overwhelming force by another route than the railroad, my line of retreat can be taken at any time through Brentsville to a junction with Brigadier-General Holmes, at or near Fredericksburg, whence we could operate on the line of communication of the enemy on their advance, so as, at least, to retard him by the way. In that event, if deemed expedient, I could leave a suitable garrison in the intrenchments here, to occupy him and retard his advance the longer, but with orders to spike our guns and follow in my rear until effecting a reunion with me. In presenting the foregoing to the consideration of your Excellency, I wish it distinctly understood, however, that if the enemy should offer battle on the line of Bull Run, I shall accept it for my command, against whatsoever odds he may array in my front. " Respectfully, Sir, your obedient servant. " G. T. Beauregard, General Commanding." 84- MILITARY OPERATIONS OF CHAPTER VIII. General Beauregard again Urging Concentration. — Colonels Preston and Chest nut sent to Richmond, to Explain Plan. — Report of Colonel Chestnut.— The President Disapproves the Proposed Campaign. — Letter of General Beauregard to General Johnston. — Comments upon Mr. Davis's Refusal.— General McDowell Ordered to Advance.— Strong Demonstration against General Bonham. — General Beauregard's Telegram to the President. — General Johnston Ordered to Make Junction if Practicable. — Action of Bull Run. — What Major Barnard, U. S. E., Says of It. — Repulse of the Enemy. — War Department Inclined to Withdraw Order to General John ston.— General Beauregard Disregards the Suggestion. A day or two after sending to the President the communication given at the end of the preceding chapter, General Beauregard, still hoping to obtain the government's assent to the concentration of our forces, in view of the impending offensive movement of the enemy, despatched to Richmond an aide-de-camp, Colonel John S. Preston, of South Carolina, a gentleman of ability and much per sonal weight, with special instructions to urge the absolute and immediate necessity of adopting his plan of operations. No sooner had Colonel Preston left Manassas, than General Beauregard, engrossed with the all-absorbing idea of concentra tion — and, from information hourly received, certain of its wisdom — felt it impossible to remain passively on the defensive, while he had the opportunity of dealing a series of aggressive blows on the enemy, likely to produce decisive results favorable to the Confeder ate States. He therefore enlarged his plan of campaign, basing it partly upon the increased strength of our army, and sent another of his aids, Colonel James R. Chestnut, to present and explain it to the President. A memorandum, written by General (then Colonel) Samuel Jones, under General Beauregard's dictation, and containing the substance of all the instructions given to Colonel Chestnut, had been handed to the latter, to assist his memory, and prevent any misconception as to the main features of the pro jected campaign. It is well for the truth of history, that these precautionary meas- GENERAL BEAUREGARD. §5 ures were taken at that time ; for, as will be seen further on in this work, Mr. Davis, who claims, even now, " that the great question of uniting the two armies was decided at Richmond," * (which seems to mean " decided at Richmond " by Mr. Davis), subse quently denied that any such plan had ever been presented to him, and that his alleged refusal to approve it could, in no manner or form, have thwarted General Beauregard's efforts at concentration. General Beauregard's anxiety was intense while awaiting the re turn of his messengers. He knew that each moment was of vital importance, and that the fate of our cause hung in the balance. First came telegrams from Colonels Preston and Chestnut, stating that the communication was before the President, who was givino- it his careful consideration.! On the 16th of July, Colonel Chest nut, upon his return, presented his official report, containing a de tailed account of his mission. So great has become the historical value of this paper, that we present it in full to the reader : " Headquarters Army of the Potomac, " Manassas, Va., July 16th, 1861. " Brigadier-General Beauregard, Commanding Army of the Potomac : " Sir, — In obedience to your order, I proceeded on Sunday last, 14th instant, to Richmond, with the purpose of laying before the President, for his consid eration, your views and plans for the combined operation of the two armies under the commands of General Joseph E. Johnston and yourself respectively. I arrived at Richmond at 3.30 on the same day I left your quarters, and with out delay reported to the President, who, although sick in bed, received me with great kindness and cordiality. After stating to him the object of my visit, he appointed an hour to meet him, that evening, in company with Gen eral R. E. Lee, and Adjutant and Inspector General Cooper. At the appointed time the President, Generals Lee and Cooper, and Colonel Preston, of your staff, met me in private conference. Being requested by the President to lay before those present the subject-matter with which I was charged, I submitted, on your part, the following proposition : " That the Confederate armies were in front of the enemy, with greatly in ferior forces at all points ; that it was desirable, by uniting a portion of our forces, to outnumber the enemy at some important point ; that the point now occupied by you was, at present, in reference to the armies, considered the most important. I stated also that the enemy were at present at or near Falls Church, with eight or ten thousand men on the Alexandria, Loudon, and Hamp shire Railroad, and also with some portion of his forces at Springfield, on the Alexandria and Orange Railroad, with every indication of a purpose to ad- * " Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government," vol. i. p. 347. t See Appendix to Chapter VIII. 86 MILITARY OPERATIONS OF vance on both lines, and that it was most probable the enemy would threaten our camps at Manassas with about ten thousand men, while with the main body, twenty thousand or more, would advance towards Vienna, Frying-pans, and Pleasant Valley to Hay Market, on the Manassas Gap Railroad, with a view to cut off our communications with General Johnston. To accomplish this, possession would be taken of passes of the Blue Ridge at Manassas, Ashby's, and Snicker's Gaps. He would then endeavor to cut off your communication with Richmond by the Alexandria and Orange Railroad, and force you either to fight in open field, with greatly inferior numbers, or to retire towards Fred ericksburg by way of Brentsville to join forces with General Holmes, or to withdraw from the intrenched camp and retire by the Alexandria and Orange Railroad, before the enemy could reach it. "Under these circumstances, I stated, you would propose, and did propose, that General Johnston should, with the bulk of his forces, say twenty thousand, unite with you, leaving from three to five thousand men to guard the passes of the Blue Ridge and to hold Patterson in check. Then, with the combined forces of General Johnston and yourself, you would move rapidly forward on Fairfax Court-House, establish yourself between the two lines of the enemy, attack them separately with larger masses, and thus exterminate them or drive them into the Potomac. This being done, General Johnston, with ten thousand of your forces in addition to his own, and rallying, as he went, those left to guard the passes, would return at once to the [valley with] superior numbers, say thirty-five thousand, to attack and destroy Patterson, at Winchester, or wherever he might be. One week from the time of leaving Winchester would be sufficient to ac complish all this. You would then either occupy the enemy's works, in front of Washington, if he should abandon them, or fall back on your present posi tion, according to circumstances. General Johnston having disposed of Pat terson, would detach a sufficient number from his force to reinforce Garnett, and make him superior to McClellan. Having defeated McClellan, General Garnett could then unite with Johnston, and the two cross the Potomac, at the nearest point, for Maryland, and, arousing the people as they proceeded, march to the rear of Washington, while you would attack it in front. " To these propositions, respectful and earnest consideration was given by the President and the generals I have mentioned. The scheme was con sidered brilliant and comprehensive, but, to its adoption at this time, two lead ing objections were urged by the President and by General Lee. One was that General Johnston's force was not now sufficiently strong to allow of the withdrawal of numbers sufficient to effect your object, and, at the same time, leave enough to keep Patterson in check and keep him from coining down upon your left; and tlie other and main objection was, that the enemy was as yet too close to their cover to allow the reasonable expectation of the accom plishment of your object ; that they would immediately fall back upon their intrenchments, or, being so close to their large reserves, would be quickly re inforced in numbers sufficient to regain the superiority of numbers, and thus defeat your purpose. That the combination might be made at a later period, when these objections would be removed by a sufficient increase of your ar- GENERAL BEAUREGARD. 87 mies, and by the lengthening of the enemy's lines, and increase of distance from river, and reserves for quick reinforcements. " Respectfully submitted, " James Chestnut, Vol. A D. C." Before commenting upon this report, and to illustrate — as we think we should — the character of the military administration of the Confederate authorities, the following unofficial letter of Gen eral Beauregard to General Johnston is submitted to the reader. It was written on the day before Colonel Chestnut was sent to Richmond. " Manassas Junction, Va., July 13th, 1861. " General J. E. Johnston : " My dear General, — I write in haste. What a pity we cannot carry into effect the following plan of operations : That you should leave four or five thou sand men to guard the passes of the Blue Ridge, and unite the mass of your troops with mine. We will probably have, in a few days, about forty thousand men to operate with. This- force would enable us to destroy the forces of Generals Scott and McDowell, in my front. Then we would go back with as many men as necessary to attack and disperse General Patterson's army, before he could know positively what had become of you. We could then proceed to General McClellan's theatre of war, and treat him likewise, after which we could pass over into Maryland, to operate in rear of Washiugton. I think this whole campaign could be completed brilliantly in from fifteen to twenty- five days. Oh, that we had but one good head to conduct all our operations ! We are laboring, unfortunately, under the disadvantage of having about seven armies in the field, under as many independent commanders, which is contrary to the first principles of the art of war. Wishing you, however, ample success in your operations, I remain, Yours very truly, "G. T. Beauregard." He was striking at every door, as it were ; for he believed in his plan, and felt that he could accomplish it. But the rigor of military usage — so inexorable at times — compelled him to seek as sistance and support from those whose right it was to adopt or re ject his views. A high tribunal, composed of the President, Gen erals Cooper and Lee, took upon itself to check and render barren the strategic powers so greatly developed in General Beauregard, and in which the immortal Jackson alone is acknowledged to have been his peer. Who can forget that, at the period of which we write, the Confederate commander at Manassas was looked up to as the first and, unquestionably, the most promising of our gen erals? His prestige was undeniable. Success, "the criterion of merit " in military affairs, had already built up for him a reputa- 88 MILITARY OPERATIONS OF tion thus far unrivalled. The President knew this, as did the whole South ; as did even the North, whose apprehension of the untiring activity and engineering ability of General Beauregard was a se cret to none. How Mr. Davis, with all this before his mind, could have assumed the responsibility of declining so far-sighted and far-reaching a campaign as was proposed to him, is more than we can well explain. But, exercising the right which a thorough knowledge of what then transpired affords us, we assert it as an incontrovertible truth, fully proved by later events, that the Pres ident of the Confederacy, by neglecting to compel his Quarter master-General to procure the transportation which could have been easily procured, more than a month before the battle of Ma nassas ; by refusing, as early as the 13th of June, to assent to Gen eral Beauregard's urgent request that authority should be given to concentrate our forces at the proper moment, at Manassas Junc tion ; by again refusing, on the 15th of July, to allow him to exe cute his bold, offensive plans against the enemy, the certain re sult of which would have been the taking of Washington ; that the President of the Confederacy, by thus persisting in these three lamentable errors, lost the South her independence. We write this in no spirit of detraction. But, after a lapse of more than twenty-two years, President Davis must expect to stand be fore the public merely on the merits of his acts and omissions. Personal friendships, which would kindly palliate errors, have fad ed away or disappeared. The tribunal of public opinion, occupied j~~by just and impartial men, will study the events of which we are now treating by the light of truth alone, and, in seeking for the causes of our failure, will unerringly place the finger on Mr. Da vis's want of foresight, on his incapacity to appreciate and reward merit, on his upholding of incompetent men in offices of responsi- jj bility and trust, and, above all, on his unwillingness to allow others to achieve greatness. The words, " T'etat, c'est nwi," — the haugh ty maxim of the French monarch — unconsciously, perhaps, to | President Davis, but not the less fatally, must have governed his | course in the council-chamber on more than one occasion. His I book, now before the public, whatever its merits in other respects Lmay be, is powerless in its vain attempt to cover his fatal mis takes, or to change the merciless logic of facts and events. Before leaving Richmond, Colonel Chestnut had telegraphed to General Beauregard that his recommendations would not be ap- GENERAL BEAUREGARD. 89 proved. This was a heavy disappointment to him ; but, nothing daunted, he began at once to provide for the possible contingency of being compelled, by the greatly superior force of the enemy, to retire behind the Rappahannock. He sent one of his engineers to the crossings of that river, with orders to throw up such field- works as would command them. Colonel Chestnut had returned deeply impressed by the views and ideas of the Richmond authorities, particularly by those of General Lee — to wit, that the army should fall back behind the Rappahannock ; and, not wishing to move, himself, in the matter, endeavored to persuade Adjutant-General Jordan to urge the point upon General Beauregard ; which, however, the former positively declined to do. The extension of McDowell's pickets had now interrupted our " underground mail," between Washington and Manassas ; but it had fortunately happened, a few days before, that a gentleman, Mr. D , formerly a clerk in one of the departments at Wash ington, was introduced at headquarters by Colonel Chestnut as perfectly trustworthy, and capable of performing the delicate office of communicating with the friendly agencies we had managed to establish in Washington. He was provided with a paper, having neither signature nor address, but upon which was written the ciphered message, " Trust the bearer" and with it immediately despatched to the residence of Mrs. G , our secret emissary in the Federal capital. The result was that, at about 8 o'clock p. m., on the 16th, a sealed communication was received at headquarters, despatched by relays from General Holmes's picket line, near East- port. It had been brought that morning from Washington, to a point on the opposite shore, by Mr. D , from Mrs. G , and announced, in cipher, this simple but important piece of news: " McDowell has been ordered to advance to-night;" confirming General Beauregard's belief as to the intended Federal movement, which was otherwise apparent to him. General Bonham was at once informed of the impending event, and directed to execute his retreat on the appearance of the ene my in force, as prescribed by the order of the 20th of June, un changed, though issued nearly a month previously. Colonel Rhodes, at Fairfax Station, received like instructions through General Ewell, his brigade commander ; and, in view of the exigency, Col onel J. L. Kemper, whose energy and efficiency had already been 90 MILITARY OPERATIONS OF tested, was again detached from his command and sent to Fairfax Court-House, to provide all necessary means of transportation. During the night which followed (16th-17th July), General Beauregard sent an urgent request to Richmond by telegram, asking that Generals Johnston and Holmes be now ordered to make a junction with him. He also published General Orders No. 41, announcing to his command the expected advance of the enemy, and expressing his confidence in their ability to drive him beyond his intrenched lines. It contained the names of his general and personal staff,* and enjoined obedience to all orders conveyed through them to the troops. The news of the enemy's movement was true. On the morn ing of the 17th McDowell's advance was reported to be approach ing ; and before noon, General Bonham's pickets being driven in, he began his retreat, as had been previously agreed upon. The enemy made a strong demonstration against him, and sought to strike his communication with Germantown, which was very nearly effected — General Bonham's rear having just passed through the junction of the two roads at the hamlet, as the head of the Federal column came within sight. He retired in fine order to Centreville, and though at night he was enveloped, he was quiet ly withdrawn between 12 o'clock and daylight, behind Mitch ell's Ford, fully carrying out the detailed instructions of the gen eral commanding. Rhodes, after a sharp brush with the enemy, fell back to Union Mills Ford, where Ewell was in command of the heaviest brigade of the army. The enemy had no sooner attacked General Bonham's line, than General Beauregard forwarded the following telegram to the President : " Headquarters, Manassas, July nth, 1861. " The enemy has assailed my outposts in heavy force. I have fallen back on the line of Bull Run and will make a stand at Mitchell's Ford. If his force is overwhelming I shall retire to the Rappahannock railroad bridge, saving my command for defence there and future operations. Please inform Johnston of this, via Stanton, and also Holmes. Send forward any reinforcements, at the earliest possible instant, and by every possible means. " G. T. Beauregard." To which the President answered : * See Appendix to this chapter. GENERAL BEAUREGARD. 91 "Richmond, July nth, 1861. " General G. T. Beauregard : " We are making all efforts to reinforce you. Cannot send to day, but after wards they will go regularly, daily, railroads permitting. Hampton's Legion, McRae's regiment, and two battalions, Mississippi and Alabama, under orders. "Jefferson Davis." Later in the day, however, Adjutant-General Cooper sent this telegram : "Richmond, July nth, 1861. " General Beauregard : "You are authorized to appropriate the North Carolina regiment on its route to General Johnston. If possible, send to General Johnston to say he has been informed via Staunton that you were attacked, and that he will join you, if practicable, with his effective force, sending his sick and baggage to Culpepper Court-House, by rail or through Warrenton. " S.Cooper, Adj.-Genl." General Beauregard, though gratified that such an order had at last been given, was much annoyed at the thought that it had been too long delayed to effect any substantial good. He so informed the War Department, but lost no time in communicating with General Johnston, through telegram and by means of a special messenger, Colonel Chisolm, one of his aids. The latter was in structed to say to General Johnston that there was not a moment to lose, and that all the available transportation of the Manassas Gap Railroad would be in waiting at Piedmont, to assist in con veying his troops. Colonel Chisolm carried also a proposition that at least a portion of General Johnston's forces should march by the way of Aldie, so as to assail McDowell's left flank and rear, at Centreville. But, for reasons General Johnston must have thought important, based, as he alleges, on the difficulty of direct- in w the movements of troops so distant from each other, no action was taken by him about this suggestion. The feigned resistance and retreat from Fairfax Court-House, had had the desired effect of leading the enemy to believe in the abandonment of our position at Manassas. " We had expected to encounter the enemy at Fairfax Court-House, seven miles this side of Centreville," says Major Barnard, United States Engineer* " and our three right columns were directed to co-operate, on that point. We entered that place about noon of the 17th, finding the intrenchments abandoned, and every sign of a hasty retreat." *See his book entitled " The C. S. A. and the Battle of Bull Run," p. 46. 92 MILITARY OPERATIONS OF Hence the loud exultation of the Federal troops, and the predic tions, in the Northern journals, of the certain defeat of the Con federate army. On the morning of the next day, the 18th, the enemy was re ported advancing on Mitchell's and Blackburn's Fords. As the former was the only point even partially intrenched, and the lat ter had natural defensive advantages, General Beauregard was gratified that the attack, as he had hoped, was made there. His line now extended some five miles, from Union Mills Ford, on the right, to the stone bridge, on the left, as follows : at Union Mills Ford, Ewell's brigade, with four 12-pounder howitzers and three companies of Virginia cavalry ; at McLean's Ford, D. R. Jones's brigade, with two brass 6-pounders and one company of cavalry ; at Blackburn's Ford, Longstreet's brigade, with two brass 6-pounders at Mitchell's Ford, Bonham's brigade, with Shields's and Delaware Kemper's batteries, and six companies of cavalry under Colonel Radford ; in the rear of Island, Ball's and Lewis's Fords, Cocke's brigade, with Latham's battery and one company of cavalry ; while Evans's demi-brigade, with four 6-pounders and two companies of cavalry, held the left flank, and protected the stone-bridge crossing. Early's brigade stood in the rear of, and as support to, Ewell's. Bull Run is a small stream running in this locality, nearly from west to east. Its banks, for the most part, are rocky and steep. The country on either side, much broken and wooded, becomes gently rolling and open as it recedes from the stream. On the northern side the ground is much the higher and completely com mands the southern bank. Roads traverse and intersect the sur rounding country in every direction. About noon, the enemy opened fire in front of Mitchell's Ford, with several 20-pounder rifled guns, at a range of one and a half miles, to which we had no means of replying, with any effect. But a Federal light battery, afterwards sent forward, was soon repulsed, with its supporting force, by Kemper's battery, which occupied a ridge about six hundred yards in advance of the ford. Major Barnard, in his work already quoted, speaking of the un toward incident we have alluded to, says (page 48): "We had the tables turned upon us by a sudden and rapid discharge from a battery near the ford, invisible except by the smoke of its guns." And lie adds : " However, our 20-pounders, assisted by a battery GENERAL BEAUREGARD. 93 of rifled 6-pounders, proved too much for it, and we soon succeeded in silencing its fire." So well did they succeed, that, further on, Major Barnard himself is compelled to use the following language : " This ought to have been the end of the affair, but General Tyler, . . . persisting in the belief that the enemy would run whenever men aced by serious attack, had determined, I believe, to inarch to Manassas that day. Had he made a vigorous charge and crossed the stream at once, it is quite possible . . . that he might have suc ceeded." Here, Major Barnard's and General Tyler's success is evidently dwindling into something else. He proceeds thus: "But he only filed his brigade down to the stream, drew it up parallel to the other shore, and opened an unmeaning f usilade, the results of which were all in favor of the enemy, and before which, overawed rather by the tremendous volley directed at them than suffering heavy loss, one of the regiments broke in confusion and the whole force retired. This foolish affair (called by the Confederates the battle of Bull Run, they applying the term Manassas to the ensuing battle of the 21st, which we style the battle of Bull Bun), had a marked effect upon the morale of our raw troops." Here we fail to comprehend Major Barnard's conclusions ; that he attempts to palliate the defeat of the Federal forces on that day, by calling such a forward movement " a foolish affair," is not to be wondered at, and for this reason : the enemy's attack and its result could only have been termed " battle " if our troops had " broken in confusion," instead of those opposing them. Major Barnard would have shown better grace, however, had he frankly admitted that attacking columns, which, "overawed by the tre mendous volleys directed at them," " break in confusion " and retire from the field — as did the "whole Federal force "on that occasion — are unquestionably defeated. About the same hour (noon, on the 18th), the Federals were dis covered advancing also in strong columns of infantry, with artillery and cavalry, on Blackburn's Ford, near which General Beauregard now took position. Here the ground on the northern side of the Run, after a narrow level, ascends by a steep slope to a line of heights commanding the entire southern side, which, for several hundred yards, is almost a plain, and thence rises by a gentle slope to a wooded country, undulating back to Manassas. After a half- hour's cannonade from a battery of rifled guns, the column of 94 MILITARY OPERATIONS OF attack (Richardson's brigade), over three thousand strong, with Sherman's brigade in immediate reserve, appeared over the brow of the height which covered their approach, and advanced until they were but a hundred yards from our skirmishers, who were posted among the trees that lined the southern bank. A large portion of the Federal force approached through the woods, near the border of the stream, which on that side presented a thick cover of trees and undergrowth, and the remainder advanced along the road, to force the passage. Longstreet met the attack with about twelve hundred men, of the 1st, 17th, and 11th Virginia Volun teers, and, after quite a brisk contest, repulsed the opposing forces. They rallied for a second attack, but were again driven back, with the aid of the reserve companies. Two regiments and two rifled guns from Early's brigade, which had been brought from the right and held at even supporting dis tance from the three threatened fords, were now ordered up. The guns, placed in position under concealment of the trees that fringed the stream, directed their fire by the sound of the enemy's musketry, already active in a third attempt to force the crossing ; which proved as unsuccessful as had the others. One of the at tacking regiments gave way, and was rallied a mile and a half to the rear. When the remaining companies of Early's brigade were brought forward, and his five additional guns were placed in rear of the other two — firing wherever the glitter of bayonets along the slope above the tree-tops showed the Federals to be thickest — the contest soon passed into an artillery duel, which lasted until the enemy abandoned his ground, in full retreat. The Confederate loss was but sixty-eight killed and wounded ; that of the enemy seventy-three, besides one hundred and seventy-five stands of arms and a quantity of accoutrements. The result of that action was of great value to us, as it gave to our army the prestige of success, and the confidence which is ever an important element of victory. General Beauregard at once reported the result of the day to Richmond ; and Mr. Davis telegraphed back an expression of his gratification, informing General Beauregard also that a regiment was on its way to reinforce him, and that more would go as soon as possible. It would seem, however, that this first stroke of good fortune was unduly estimated at the Confederate capital ; for General GENERAL BEAUREGARD. 95 Cooper, on the following day, telegraphed, saying that General Johnston had not been heard from, and that, if the enemy had abandoned an immediate attack, and General Johnston had not yet moved, he (General Beauregard) had better withdraw his call on him, as the enemy was advised, at Washington, of the projected movement of Generals Johnston and, Holmes, and might vary his plans in consequence.* How can this telegram be made to tally with the following pas sage, taken from Mr. Davis's book ? " As soon as I became satis fied that Manassas was the objective point of the enemy's move ment, I wrote to General Johnston, urging him to make prepara tions for a junction with General Beauregard," etc.f Was he no longer " satisfied," on the 19th of July, that Manassas was the en emy's objective point ? If he was not — as we are inclined to believe is the case — the fact clearly shows how little he knew of the movements of the enemy, at that time ; if he was, why was he bent upon reconsidering his action of July 17th, as shown by his telegram of that day, to General Johnston ? General Beauregard was too far-seeing, and had made too many fruitless attempts to force the concentration which was, at last, to be granted him, to be willing, of his own accord, to counter mand the long-delayed order — contingent though it was — forward ed to General Johnston. He declined to act upon General Coop er's strange suggestion. Two days later he covered the Southern arms with glory, and won for himself the proud and immortal title of "Hero of Manassas." * See Appendix to this chapter. t Vol. i. pp. 345, 346. gg MILITARY OPERATIONS OF CHAPTER IX. Battle of Manassas. — General J. E. Johnston Assumes Command, but General Beauregard Directs Operations and Fights the Battle. — Superiority of Numbers Against us. — Deeds of Heroism. — Enemy Completely Routed. — Ordnance and Supplies Captured. — Ours and Enemy's Losses. — Strength of General McDowell's Army. — The Verdict of History. Afteb the check received at Bull Run, on July 18th, the Fed- ' eral army remained inactive throughout the 19th and 20th, except in efforts to reconnoitre and determine the Confederate position and the best point for penetrating or turning it. This prolonged delay, though somewhat unaccountable, under the cir cumstances, was, certainly, of great advantage to General Beaure gard. It allowed General Holmes to reach the theatre of oper ations in time, with 1265 infantry, 6 pieces of light artillery, and a company of cavalry of 90 men. General Johnston also arrived, about noon on the 20th, with Jackson's brigade,* 2611 strong, a portion of Bee's and Bartow's brigades numbering 2732 bayonets, 300 of Stuart's cavalry, and Imboden's and Pendleton's bat teries; to which were added Barksdale's 13th Mississippi regi ment, which came up from Lynchburg; and Hampton's Legion, 600 strong. General Johnston was now the ranking officer at Manassas; nevertheless, as General Beauregard had already made all his plans and arrangements for the maintenance of the position, of which General Johnston was, as yet, completely uninformed, he declined assuming the responsibilities of the command until after the impending battle, but offered General Beauregard his personal services on the field, which were cordially accepted. General Beauregard thereupon explained his plan of operations, which was.agreed to, and he continued his active preparations for the hourly expected conflict. The question about to be tested was, whether our great struggle * This brigade reached Manassas Junction the evening previous. So did, at alaiernbur^tlio 7th and 8th Georgia regiments. GENERAL BEAUREGARD. 97 for independence should win life and honor, or fail in disaster and ruin. One or the other would necessarily be the fate of the Confederacy. Heavy, therefore, was the responsibility upon the commander who stood ready to meet the issue. What General Beauregard had urged upon the government, and so earnestly de manded, had not been accorded ; the military aspect had also changed ; and he was now forced to occupy that defensive position which he had tried his utmost to avoid. But McDowell's appar ent hesitation in his forward movement, the confidence General Beauregard had in his troops and in the wisdom of his order of battle, were most encouraging, and justified him in looking hope fully and fearlessly to the result. Our line remained the same as on tlie 18th, except as modified by the distribution of the newly arrived reinforcements. Gen eral Holmes's brigade, the 2d Tennessee and 1st Arkansas regi ments were placed in rear of Ewell. Early's brigade was shifted from the rear of Ewell to the rear of Jones's brigade ; Longstreet was supported by Bee's and Bartow's brigades (of General John ston's forces), posted at even distance in rear of McLean's and Blackburn's Fords; and, still farther in the rear, was Barksdale's Mississippi regiment. Bonham was supported by Jackson's brig ade (of General Johnston's forces) placed at even distance in rear of Blackburn's and Mitchell's fords. Ten companies of infantry, two of cavalry, and a battery of four 6-pounders, under Rogers, had been added to Cocke's brigade, which covered the remaining fords — Island, Ball's and Lewis's — extending to the right of Evans's demi-brigade. The latter, which formed a part of Cocke's command, held the stone bridge, and covered a farm ford, about one mile above. Hampton's Legion of infantry, which had reached the army that morning (20th), was at once thrown forward to the Lewis House, as a support to any troops that might be engaged in that quarter. Two companies of Radford's cavalry were held in reserve, in rear of Mitchell's Ford, and Stuart's (of General Johnston's forces) — some three hundred men — occupied the level ground in rear, from Bonham's to Cocke's brigades. Five pieces of Walton's battery were in reserve in rear of Bee's right, and Pendleton's in rear of Bonham's extreme left. The following table shows the composition and the total strength, in men and guns, of the Confederate forces assembled on the morn ing of the 21st, awaiting the conflict: I.— 7 98 MILITARY OPERATIONS OF 1. The Army of the Potomac, including the garrison at Camp Pickens, Manassas 21,833 & 29 guns. 2. The Army of the Shenandoah 6,000 & 20 guns. 3. General Holmes's forces 1,355 & 6 guns. In all, 29,188 & 55 guns. One peculiar feature of the theatre of operations was a direct road running in front of the Confederate positions, from the ex treme right at Union Mills Ford, and trending off to Centreville. This was seized upon, and entered prominently into the Confed erate plan of battle, as drawn up on the night of the 20th. That is to say, Ewell, from the extreme right, at Union Mills Ford, was to advance towards Centreville by that road, and, halting about half-way, await communication from Jones, who was to move from McLean's Ford and place himself on the left of Ewell, await ing in that position communication from Longstreet, who, by a similar advance from Blackburn's Ford, was to take position on the left of Jones, and be joined on his own left by Bonham, from Mitchell's Ford. Ewell, having the longest march, was to begin the movement, and each brigade was to be followed by its re serves. The several commanders were instructed in the object of the movement, which was to pivot the line on Mitchell's Ford, and by a rapid and vigorous attack on McDowell's left flank and rear, at Centreville, rout him and cut off his retreat on Washington. "Sumter" — of good omen — was given as a watchword to the troops. In the night, scouts posted by General Beauregard's orders in front of Evans's lines brought in the report that McDowell was concentrating at Centreville and on the Warrenton turnpike, leading thence to the stone bridge. As General Beauregard be lieved that the repulse of the 18th would deter the Federal gen eral from another attack on the centre, these facts, in his opinion, pointed to a movement against the left flank. In reality, Mc Dowell had, at first, intended to move on the Confederate right, in anticipation of which, as the most probable operation, the strongest Confederate brigades were posted in that quarter; but the result of further reconnoissances, made with more minuteness by the enemy, the day after the engagement of Bull Run, caused an alteration of his plans, as originally adopted. As this appar ent new disposition of McDowell's forces rather favored the exe cution of the Confederate plan of battle, no change was made by General Beauregard ; but, in view of contingencies, he despatched GENERAL BEAUREGARD. 99 orders, by daybreak, to every command in the lines, to be ready to move at a moment's notice. At a very early hour in the morning of the 21st, Hunter's and Heintzelman's divisions of McDowell's army, over sixteen thousand strong, moved forward from Centreville by the Warrenton turn pike. Striking off to the right, about half-way between Centreville and the stone bridge, they made a circuit through a difficult forest, guided by the trace of an old road, to the Sudley Springs Ford, two miles above the stone bridge, with the design of flanking the Confederate left and taking possession of the Manassas Gap Rail road, so as to cut off the advent of General Johnston, most of whose troops, it was known, had not yet arrived. Meanwhile, Tyler moved his division down the Warrenton turnpike against. the stone bridge, held by the Confederate extreme left, under Colonel Evans, in front of whom he immediately deployed a por tion of his force. About 5.30 a. m., report of this latter demonstration reached General Beauregard, who thereupon immediately ordered Colonel Evans, and, with him, General Cocke, to watch most vigilantly the movements of the forces confronting them, and, if attacked, to maintain their position at all hazards. The surest and most effective method of relieving our left, General Beauregard thought, was by a rapid, vigorous attack of our right wing and centre on the enemy's flank and rear, at Cen treville, all due precautions being first taken against the advance of any reserves from the direction of Washington. This pro posed movement he submitted to General Johnston, who fully approved of it, and orders were forthwith issued for its execution. General Ewell was to lead the movement, followed by Jones, Longstreet, and Bonham, with their respective reserves. Colonels Stuart and Radford to be held in hand and brought forward whenever their assistance might be deemed necessary. The enemy's extended line of skirmishers was now visible in front of Evans, who threw forward the two flank companies of the 4th South Carolina, and one company of Wheat's Louisi ana battalion, which were deployed as skirmishers to cover his front. An occasional scattering fire resulted, and for more than an hour did the two confronting forces thus face one another; the main body of the enemy, meanwhile, cautiously advancing through the forest, to take our forces in flank and rear. 100 MILITARY OPERATIONS OF Colonel Evans, being, satisfied that the movement in his front was merely a 6ham, the real object being to turn his left, deter mined (8.30 a.m.) to change his position so as to meet the enemy, and he accordingly ordered to his left and rear six companies of Sloan's 4th South Carolina, five of Wheat's Louisiana battal ion, and two 6-pounders of Latham's battery — leaving only four of Sloan's companies to guard the stone bridge : General Cocke being first informed of these changes and of the reasons necessi tating them. Colonel Evans formed his line some four hundred yards in rear of the old Pittsylvania Mansion, but the enemy not approaching by that road, he marched across the fields for three quarters of a mile, and took position mainly on the Brentsville road, in front of what was soon to be the enemy's line of battle. There he waited, the opposing masses drawing nearer and nearer. We now quote from General Beauregard's official report, and will continue to do so at intervals as we proceed : " In the meantime, about 7 o'clock a.m., Jackson's brigade, with Imboden's and five pieces of Walton's battery, had been sent to take up a position along Bull Run to guard the interval between Cocke's right and Bonham's left, with orders to support either in case of need — the character and topographical features of the ground having been shown to General Jackson by Captain D. B. Harris, of the Engineers of this army corps. " So much of Bee's and Bartow's brigades — now united — as had arrived — some two thousand eight hundred muskets — had also been sent forward to the support of the position of the stone bridge. "Burnside's brigade — which here, as at Fairfax Court-House, led the ad vance — at about 9.45 a.m. debouched from a wood in sight of Evans's posi tion, some five hundred yards distant from Wheat's battalion. " He immediately threw forward his skirmishers in force, and they became engaged with Wheat's command, and the 6-pounder gun under Lieutenant Leftwich." For upwards of an hour, with less than eight hundred men, Sloan's companies and Wheat's battalion alone intrepidly resisted the mass of three thousand five hundred bayonets and eight pieces of artillery, including the strong battery of six 13-pounder rifled guns of the 2d Rhode Island volunteers, and two Dahlgren how itzers. At the urgent call of Colonel Evans, General Bee, with his gallant command, came to their assistance. He had been averse to leaving his position, which was the true one for the occa sion, and had strongly advised Colonel Evans to fall back on his GENERAL BEAUREGARD. 101 line. But realizing that, if not supported, such a small force would soon be crushed by the overwhelming numbers opposed to it, he threw forward his entire command and engaged the enemy with surpassing valor, Imboden's battery playing at the same time with telling effect. " A fierce and destructive conflict now ensued " [says General Beauregard]. " The fire was withering on both sides, while the enemy swept our short, thin lines with their numerous artillery, which, according to their official reports, at this time consisted of ten rifled guns and four howitzers. For one hour did these stout-hearted men of the blended commands of Bee, Evans, and Bar tow breast an uninterrupted battle-storm, animated surely by something more than the ordinary courage of even the bravest men under fire. It must have been, indeed, the inspiration of the cause, and consciousness of the great stake at issuer which thus nerved and animated one and all to stand unawed and unshrinking in such extremity." Two brigades of Heintzelman's division, with Ricketts's light battery of six 10-pounder rifled guns, now opened fire on Imbo den's command, which had been increased by two rifled pieces from the Washington Artillery, and two guns from Latham's bat tery. Evans's eleven companies, Bee's and Bartow's four regiments, two companies of the 11th Mississippi, commanded by Lieuten ant-Colonel Liddle, and six pieces under Imboden and Richard son, were the only forces we had to confront two divisions of four strong brigades, of which seventeen companies were regulars of all arms. Despite this fearful disparity in numbers our troops still maintained their position, constantly breaking and shattering the enemy's ranks. But now came Sherman's and Keyes's brigades of Tyler's division, six thousand strong, adding number to num ber, and forcing our line at last to give way, though only when or dered to do so by the heroic Bee himself. Our losses were heavy in officers and men. The 8th Georgia and the 4th Alabama suffered terribly. Colonels Jones and Gar diner were dangerously wounded ; and many other noble-hearted patriot soldiers there fell, killed or disabled, under the murderous fire directed against them. From Generals Johnston's and Beauregard's headquarters, which occupied a central position about half a mile to the rear of Mitch ell's Ford, could be distinctly heard the clattering roll of mus ketry and the incessant din of artillery, bearing witness to the heavy onslaught made upon us on the left. Anxiously, but con- 102 MILITARY OPERATIONS OF fidently, did General Beauregard await its issue, expectant, the while, that similar sounds would soon be audible from the right and centre of the line. Instead of which, at about half -past 10 a.m., a messenger came from General Ewell, with the disappoint ing news that General Beauregard's orders to him for his advance upon Centreville, though forwarded quite early in the morning, had not yet reached him ; but that, in consequence of a communi cation from General D. R. Jones, he had thrown his brigade across the stream at Union Mills. It was evidently too late to undertake the projected movement. The firing appeared to be still increasing on the left, while it would have taken Generals Ewell and Holmes from two to three hours to reach the position first assigned to them. Other combinations became necessary, and were immedi ately resorted to. "The movement of the right and centre" [says General Beauregard, in his report], " already begun by Jones and Longstreet, was at once countermanded, with the sanction of General Johnston, and we arranged to meet the enemy on the field upon which he had chosen to give us battle. Under these cir cumstances, our reserves not already in movement were immediately ordered up to support our left flank, namely, Holmes's two regiments, a battery of ar tillery under Captain Lindsay Walker, of six guns, and Early's brigade. Two regiments from Bonham's brigade, with Kemper's four 6-pounders, were also called for ; and, with the sanction of General Johnston, Generals Ewell, Jones (D.R.), Longstreet, and Bonham were directed to make a demonstration to their several fronts, to retain and engross the enemy's reserves and forces on their flank, and at and around Centreville. Previously, our respective chiefs of staff, Major Rhett and Colonel Jordan, had been left at my headquarters to hasten up and give directions to any troops that might arrive at Manassas." And now, these orders having been rapidly despatched, Gener als Johnston and Beauregard proceeded, at full gallop, to the im- diate field of action, where they arrived just as the forces under Bee, Bartow, and Evans had retired to a wooded ravine in rear of the Robinson House, south of the stone bridge — which was then gallantly held by the Hampton Legion. At this critical moment disaster stared us in the face. Our men seemed to have accomplished all that could be accomplished against such overpowering numbers ; and depression, added to exhaustion, was about to destroy their over-taxed endurance. The words of the brigade, regiment, and company commanders were drowned by the noise and confusion, the whizzing of balls and the explosion of shells. Generals Johnston and Beauregard rode among the GENERAL BEAUREGARD. 103 troops, but even their presence was unavailing; when it occurred to General Beauregard that the sight of their regimental colors, borne to the front by their officers, would instil new vigor into the men, and restore confidence and order among them. He in- structed the colonels to plant their colors fifty yards in advance, and call upon their troops to rally on them. This was done, and proved a complete success. Few, if any, of the men remained be hind ; and an unbroken line of battle again confronted the foe. It was just before the execution of this brilliant device of General Beauregard's, to the inspiriting effect of which may be attributed the retrieved fortune of the day, that General Bee, while address ing his troops and urging them forward, said of General Jackson's brigade, which had not yet been engaged, but awaited, unmoved, the attack of the enemy : " Look at Jackson's brigade ; it stands there like a stone wall" — memorable words, that consecrated to fame a command whose invincibility became proverbial under the immortal hero who first led it into battle. While our line was being reformed, and with a view to strength ening the morale of the troops, both General Johnston and General Beauregard, riding abreast with the color-bearer, led the 4th Ala bama on tlie field, and directly engaged it with the enemy. This gallant regiment had lost all its field-officers; seeing which, Gen eral Beauregard shortly afterwards intrusted its command to S. R. Gist, of South Carolina, a young officer who had already attracted his attention, and who was then acting as volunteer aide-de-camp to General Bee. The untiring energy and cool daring of both Gen erals Johnston and Beauregard, as they hurried forth to the points needing their presence, produced a lasting impression on officers and men who witnessed that part of the struggle. General Jackson had already moved up with his brigade of five Virginia regiments, and taken position below the brim of the plateau, to the left of the ravine where stood the remnants of Bee's, Bartow's, and Evans's commands. With him were Imboden's bat tery and two of Stanard's pieces, supported in the rear by I. L. Preston's and Echolls's regiments, by Harper's on the right, and by Allen's and Cummings's on the left. It was now clearly demonstrated that upon this ground was the battle to be fought. The enemy had forced us upon it, and there all our available forces were being concentrated. This fact once established, it became evident that the presence of both Generals 104 MILITARY OPERATIONS OF Johnston and Beauregard on the immediate scene of operations, instead of being of advantage, might impede prompt action — often necessary — by either commander. Moreover, the important work of pressing forward the reserves and other reinforcements yet on the way from Winchester was a subject of great concern, and could not be attended to personally by the general in actual com mand. For these reasons, and because, by mutual consent, the command had been left to General Beauregard, who had planned the battle and knew every inch of the country occupied by our troops, it was agreed that he should remain on the field to direct the battle, while General Johnston should withdraw some distance to the rear, where he could hurry forward the forces already or dered to the front, and indicate the positions they were to assume. General Johnston hesitated before complying with the request that this arrangement should be made, but finally yielded, and temporarily established himself at tlie Lewis House, before or near which most of the forces called up had to pass on their way to the field. General Beauregard says, in his report: " As General Johnston departed for the Lewis House, Colonel Bartow re ported to me with the remains of the 7th Georgia Volunteers — Gartrell's — which I ordered him to post on the left of Jackson's line, in the edge of a belt of pines bordering the southeastern rim of the plateau, on which the bat tle was to rage so fiercely. "(Coign el WjUiam Smithy battalion of the 49th Virginia Volunteers, having also come up, by myordefl; I placed it on the left of Gartrell's, as my extreme left at the time. Repairing then to the right, I placed Hampton's Legion, which had suffered greatly, on the flank, somewhat to the rear of Harper's regi ment, and also the seven companies of the 8th (Hunter's) Virginia regiment, which, detached from Cocke's brigade by my orders and those of General John ston, had opportunely reached the ground. These, with Harper's regiment, constituted a reserve to protect our right flank from an advance of the enemy from the quarter of the stone bridge, and served as a support 'for the line of bat tle, which was formed on the right by Bee's and Evans's commands ; in the centre by four regiments of Jackson's brigade, with Imbodens' four 6-pound ers, Walton's five guns (two rifled), two guns (one rifled) of Stanard's, and two 6-pounders of Rogers's batteries, under Lieutenant Heaton ; and on the left by Gartrell's reduced ranks and Colonel Smith's battalion, subsequently reinforced by Faulkner's 2d Mississippi, and by another regiment of the Army of the Shenandoah, just arrived upon the field, the 6th (Fisher's) North Caro lina. Confronting the enemy at this time my forces numbered, at most, not more than six thousand five hundred infantry and artillerists, with but thirteen pieces of artillery, and two companies (Carter's and Hoge's) of Stuart's cavalry. GENERAL BEAUREGARD. 105 " The enemy's force, now bearing hotly and confidently down on our posi tion, regiment after regiment of the best-equipped men that ever took the field — according to their own history of the day — was formed of Colonels Hunter's and Heintzelman's divisions, Colonels Sherman's and Reyes's brigades of Tyler's division, and the formidable batteries of Ricketts, Griffin, and Arnold's Regu lars, and 2d Rhode Island and two Dahlgren howitzers — a force of over twen ty thousand infantry, seven companies of regular cavalry, and twenty-four pieces of improved artillery. At the same time, perilous heavy reserves of in fantry and artillery hung in the distance around the stone bridge, Mitchell's, Blackburn's, and Union Mills Fords, visibly ready to fall upon us at any mo ment ; and I was also assured of the existence of other heavy corps at and around Centreville, and elsewhere within convenient supporting distance." While posting his lines for the fierce struggle about to be re newed, General Beauregard, deeply impressed with the fearful odds against us, exhorted his troops to stand fast for their homes and the cause for which they were fighting. Telling them that reinforcements would soon arrive, he urged them on to " victory or death." His words were few, but they inspired the men, who dashed forward with re-awakened ardor. The enemy had now taken possession of the plateau which Gen eral Bee's forces had occupied in the morning, and, with Ricketts's battery of six rifled guns — the pride of the Federal army — and Griffin's light battery of regulars, besides others already men tioned, opened a most destructive fire upon our advancing col umns. The plateau of which we speak, enclosed on three sides by small water-courses emptying into Bull Run, rose to an elevation of one hundred feet above the stream. Its crest ran obliquely to Bull Run, and to the Brentsville and turnpike roads. East and west of its brow could be seen an unbroken fringe of second- growth pines, affording most excellent shelter for our sharpshoot ers, who skilfully availed themselves of it. To the west was a broad belt of oaks extending across the crest, right and left of the Sudley road, where regiments of both armies now met and hotly contended for the mastery. The ground occupied by our guns was an open space of limited extent, about six hundred yards from the Henry House. Here, thirteen of our pieces, mostly 6-pounders, were maintained in ac tion. They displayed from the outset such skill and accuracy of aim as to excite the terror no less than the admiration of the ene my. The advancing columns suffered severely from the fire of 106 MILITARY OPERATIONS OF this artillery, assisted by our musketry on the right, and part of the left, whose good fortune it was to be under cover. Regiment after regiment of the opposing forces, thrown forward to dislodge us, was made to break in confusion, never completely to recover their organization on that field. The gallant Stuart, with two companies of his command, by a sudden rush on the right of the enemy, on the Brentsville-Sudley road, greatly added to the dis order our firing had caused. But still fresh Federal troops poured in from the immediate rear, filling up their broken ranks and mak ing it plain that their object was to turn our position. At 2 p. m. General Beauregard, with characteristic promptitude, bringing up the whole right of his line except the reserves, gave the order to recover the plateau. The movement was executed with determination and vigor. It was a bold one, and such as the exigency required. Jackson's brigade, veteran-like and unwaver ing, now came up and pierced the enemy's centre, successfully, but not without heavy loss. With equal intrepidity the other por tions of the line had joined in the onset, which proved irresistible, and the lost ground was once more ours. The enemy being strong ly reinforced, again rallied, however, and, by weight of numbers, re-occupied the contested plateau and stood ready to resume the attack. Between 2.30 and 3 p. m., just as the reinforcements sent for ward by General Johnston reached the field, General Beauregard — resolved upon dislodging the enemy — had brought up his en tire line, including the reserves, which he led in person. It was a general attack, shared in by every command then on the ground — Fisher's North Carolina, which had just arrived, being among them. The whole open space was taken by storm and swept clear of the enemy, and the plateau around the Henry and Robinson Houses, ever memorable in history, remained finally in our posses sion. The greater part of Ricketts's and Griffin's batteries were captured, with a flag of the 1st Michigan regiment, Sackson's bri gade. Many were the deeds of valor accomplished during this part of the day ; but many, also, the irreparable losses the Confed eracy had now to mourn. The heroic Bee fell, mortally wounded, at the head of the 4th Alabama; so did the intrepid Bartow, while leading the 7th Georgia. Colonel Thomas, of General Johnston's staff, was killed ; so was Colonel Fisher, whose regiment — as gal lant as its leader — was terribly shattered. GENERAL BEAUREGARD. 107 Withers's 28th regiment of Cocke's brigade, with Hampton's Legion, followed the charge, and captured several rifled pieces, which were instantly turned against the enemy with effect. While the Federal troops had been driven back on our right, across the turnpike and beyond Young's Branch, the woods on our left yet swarmed with them. Just then arrived, most opportunely, Kershaw's 2d and Cash's 8th South Carolina regiments. They were led through the oaks, east of the Sudley-Brentsville road, where, after sweeping the enemy before them, they took up a commanding position on the west, and opened a galling fire upon those commands — including the regular infantry — which had ral lied in the southwest angle of the plateau, under cover of a strong Federal brigade. Kemper's battery, evolving northward by tlie same road, joined with signal effect in the attack on the enemy's right. Preston's 38th regiment of Cocke's brigade had also come up. It encountered some Michigan troops on the way, and cap tured Colonel Wilcox, their brigade commander. Our army had received another important reinforcement. While these stirring events were taking place (3 p.m.) part of Brigadier- General Kirby Smith's command, some seventeen hundred infan try of Elzey's brigade, and Beckham's battery, were seen hurrying to the field, from Camp Pickens (Manassas), where they had ar rived by rail, two or three hours before. General Johnston had directed them to the left of our line, where he thought reinforce ments were most needed. Just as they reached their position, south of the Henry House, General Smith was severely wounded, and compelled to retire to the rear. His place was filled by Colonel Elzey, an officer of merit, who displayed great discern ment in selecting the ground for the battery attached to his com mand. Its accurate firing, under Lieutenant Beckham, occasioned much damage to the Federal right. Colonel Early, who should have moved up with his command, at noon, did not receive the order to do so until 2 p.m. He appeared upon the field just after Elzey, with Kemper's 7th Virginia, Hay's 7th Louisiana, and Barksdale's 13th Mississippi. He was drawn up in line of battle near Chinn's House, flanking the enemy's right. The clouds of dust raised by the advance of his force, in a direction from which none of our troops were ex pected at the time, had caused the keenest anxiety to General Beauregard, who thought it might be another column of the 10s MILITARY OPERATIONS OF enemy threatening to turn his left. There being then no breeze, the flags, hanging heavily to their staffs, could not be distinguished, even through field-glasses. At last, and as General Beauregard was about to make preparations to meet this new foe, a propitious breath of air spread out the colors of one of the advancing regi ments—the 13th Mississippi — at that time so similar in design to the United States flag. To the intense relief of all, it was now ascertained that the column was Early's gallant command, hurry ing on, with all possible speed, towards the point from which was heard the heaviest firing. At about 3.30 p.m. the enemy, driven back on their left and centre, had formed a line of battle of gigantic proportions, crescent like in form, from the old Carter Mansion to Chinn's House. " The woods and fields " — says General Beauregard — " were filled with masses of infantry and carefully preserved cavalry. It was a truly magnificent though redoubtable spectacle, as they threw for ward, in fine style, on the broad, gentle slope of the ridge occupied by their main lines, a cloud of skirmishers, preparatory to another attack. "But as Early formed his line and Beckham's pieces played upon the right of the enemy, Elzey's brigade, Gibbon's 10th Vir ginia, Lieutenant-Colonel Stuart's 1st Maryland and Vaughn's 3d Tennessee regiments, and Cash's 8th and Kershaw's 2d South Carolina, Withers's 13th and 28th Virginia, advanced in an irregu lar line, almost simultaneously, with great spirit, from their several positions upon the front and flanks of the enemy in their quarter of the field. At the same time, too, Early resolutely assailed their right flank and rear. Under this combined attack the enemy was soon forced, first, over the narrow plateau in the southern angle, made by the two roads so often mentioned, into a patch of woods on its western slope, thence over Young's Branch and the turn pike into the fields of the Dogan Farm, and rearward, in extreme disorder, in all available directions towards Bull Run. The rout had now become general and complete." As soon as General Beauregard had ascertained that final vic tory was ours, he ordered all the forces then on the field to fol low in active pursuit upon the heels of the enemy- With a proud and happy feeling of elation at the issue of the day, he then rode to the Lewis House to inform General Johnston of the glorious re sult, and, as had been agreed — the battle being now over — to com- GENERAL BEAUREGARD. 109 rait to his hands the command of our united forces. The inter view was a short one, and General Beauregard, anxious to reap the full benefit of the victory, hurried to the front to press the pursuit. Early's brigade, with the 19th Virginia regiment, followed the panic-stricken fugitive enemy. Stuart and Beckham had also thrown their men forward along the road by which the flying col umns had so confidently marched to the field that morning ; but the prisoners so encumbered their way as to force them soon to give up the pursuit. Kershaw's, Withers's, Preston's, and Cash's regiments, Hampton's Legion and Kemper's battery, attached to Kershaw, rushed forward on the Warrenton road, by the stone bridge, where Kershaw's command captured a number of pieces of artillery. " The enemy," says General Beauregard in his re port, " having opportunely opened a way for them through the heavy abattis which my troops had made on the west side of the bridge, several days before." The pursuit of the enemy, the result of which might have more than doubled the importance of our victory, was not further con tinued that evening. A false report which had reached General Beauregard, on his way to the front, necessitated at once a com plete change in the character of his orders. From Manassas, rid ing at full speed, had come a messenger, sent to General Beaure gard by Major Thomas G. Rhett, of General Johnston's staff, with the startling information that the enemy's reserves, composed of fresh troops, and in considerable force, had penetrated our lines at Union Mills Ford, and were marching on Manassas. The re port did not originate with Major Rhett, but had been brought to him by the adjutant of General D. R. Jones, in person. No sooner had this unwelcome news been received than General Beauregard, without the loss of a moment, rode back to the Lewis House, saw General Johnston, agreed with him as to what meas ures should be adopted for the emergency, and, mounting a fresh horse (the fourth on that day, one of them having been killed under him by the explosion of a shell, while he was giving in structions to General Jackson), he proceeded at once to the point reported to be threatened, ordering thither Ewell's and Holmes's brigades, which had just come up to the Lewis House. With these troops he proposed to attack the enemy vigorously before he should effect a lodgment on our side of Bull Run. He asked also for such reinforcements as could be spared from the pursuit. HO MILITARY OPERATIONS OF As General Beauregard reached the vicinity of Union Mills Ford, towards dark, he ascertained, with mingled feelings of joy and re gret, that the troops which had been seen advancing from that direction were none other than those belonging to the command of General Jones, originally posted near McLean's Ford. General Jones had crossed Bull Run at that point, in the morning, as al ready stated, to aid in the projected attack by our right and centre on the enemy, at Centreville ; but had been ordered back, in con sequence of the movements against our left. In obedience to new instructions, he was again thrown across Bull Run, to make demonstrations against the enemy from. a quarter supposed by him to be unguarded. His advance was most gallantly effected ; and not only did the brisk firing of his brigade drive the enemy's infantry to cover, but the bold, unexpected movement was greatly instrumental in spreading the panic which finally disbanded the Federal army. His command was on the march to resume its former position, behind Bull Run, when thus mistaken for the enemy. It should here be added, in explanation of this unfortu nate error, that the uniforms of General Jones's men differed very slightly from those of the Northern troops — a fact of no small significance, which had already embarrassed many a Confederate officer, during the day, particularly on the arrival of General Early's forces on the field. After this mishap and the causes leading to it had been fully explained, it was too late to resume the pursuit, as night had then set in. It must not be forgotten, besides, that our troops had been marching and counter-marching since early morning — " most of the time," says General Beauregard, " without water and without food, except a hastily snatched meal at dawn " — and that, when not thus marching, they had been fighting against a determined foe, at some points more than three times their su perior in number. Well, therefore, were the Confederate troops of Manassas entitled to rest, that evening, on the laurels they had so gallantly yet so dearly won. Few, however, enjoyed the privi lege afforded them ; so wakeful had success made both officers and men, so carried away were they by the glorious victory achieved. While retracing his steps towards the Lewis House, General Beau regard was informed that President Davis and General Johnston had both gone to Manassas. He repaired thither and found them, between half-past nine and ten o'clock, at his headquarters. GENERAL BEAUREGARD. HI The President, who, upon approaching the field, accompanied by Colonel Jordan, of General Beauregard's staff, had felt quite despondent at the signs of defeat which he thought he saw in the groups of stragglers and fugitives — fragments thrown out from the heat and collision of battle — came up just in time to witness the rout and pursuit of the enemy. He was greatly elated over the victory, and was profuse in his compliments to the generals and the troops. After listening to General Beauregard's account of the bat tle, he proposed- that a brief despatch be sent to the War Depart ment, which was done, that very night, in the following words : "Manassas, July 21st, 1861. " Night has closed upon a hard-fought field. Our forces have won a glori ous victory. The enemy was routed, and fled precipitately, abandoning a very large amount of arms, munitions, knapsacks, and baggage. The ground was strewn for miles with those killed, and the farm-houses and the ground around were filled with his wounded. The pursuit was continued along several routes towards Leesburg and Centreville, until darkness covered the fugitives. We have captured several field-batteries and regimental standards and one United States flag. Many prisoners have been taken. Too high praise can not be bestowed, whether for the skill of the principal officers, or for the gal lantry of all the troops. The battle was mainly fought on our left, several miles from our field works. Our force engaged them not exceeding fifteen thousand; that of the enemy estimated at thirty-five thousand. "Jefferson Davis." The list of the ordnance and supplies captured from the enemy, merely alluded to in the foregoing despatch to General Cooper, in cluded twenty-eight field-pieces, of the best character of arms, with over one hundred rounds of ammunition for each gun ; thirty- seven caissons ; six forges ; four battery wagons ; sixty-four artil lery horses, completely equipped; five hundred thousand rounds of small-arms ammunition; four thousand five hundred sets of accoutrements; over five hundred muskets; nine regimental flags ; a large number of pistols, knapsacks, swords, canteens, and blank ets ; a great many axes and intrenching tools ; wagons, ambulances, hospital stores, and not a small quantity of subsistence. We also captured fully sixteen hundred prisoners, including those who re covered from their wounds. Our loss in this memorable battle was computed as follows : Killed, 369 ; wounded, 1483 ; making an aggregate of 1852. This statement is taken from General Beauregard's report. In Gener al Johnston's report, written from Fairfax Court-Honse, the result 112 MILITARY OPERATIONS OF was summed up in this wise : Killed, 378 ; wounded, 1489 ; miss ing, 30 ; aggregate, 1897. The enemy's loss was not officially acknowledged at the time. The feeling which had led the Northern press to conceal the real strength of General McDowell's army seems also to have impelled the enemy to withhold a true statement of his casualties. In his, report, so often quoted from — the whole of which ap pears in the appendix to this chapter — General Beauregard says: " The actual loss of the enemy will never be known — it may now only be conjectured. Their abandoned dead, as they were buried by our people where they fell, unfortunately were not enumerated, but many parts of the field were thick with their corpses as but few battle-fields have ever been. The official reports of the enemy are studiously silent on this point, but still afford us data for an approximate estimate. Left almost in the dark in respect to the losses of Hunter's and Heintzelman's divisions — first, longest, and most hotly engaged — we are informed that Sherman's brigade, Tyler's division, suffered, in killed, wounded, and missing, 609 — that is, about eighteen per cent, of the bri gade. A regiment of Franklin's brigade — Gorman's — lost twenty- one per cent. Griffin's (battery) loss was thirty per cent., and that of Keyes's brigade, which was so handled by its commander as to be exposed to only occasional volleys from our troops, was at least ten per cent. To these facts add the repeated references in the reports of the reticent commanders to the 'murderous' fire to which they were habitually exposed, the 'pistol-range' volleys and galling musketry, of which they speak as scourging their ranks, and we are warranted in placing the entire loss of the Fed erals at over forty-ftoe hundred in killed, wounded, and prisoners. To this may be legitimately added, as a casualty of the battle, the thousands of fugitives from the field, who never rejoined their regiments, and who were as much lost to the enemy's service as if slain or disabled by wounds. These may not be included under the head of ' missing,' because in every instance of such report we took as many prisoners of those brigades or regiments as are re ported 'missing.'" In his report, General Johnston, confirming General Beauregard's estimate, says : " The loss of the enemy could not be ascertained. It must have been between four and five thousand." It is not our purpose to dwell at any length on that part of a GENERAL BEAUREGARD. 113 subject which, to us, appears of but minor importance in compar ison with the real question at issue, to wit — the result of the bat tle of Manassas, or, in other words, the acknowledged victory of the Confederate forces over an army vastly superior in point of number, armament, and equipment. The reader is already informed of the correct strength of our united forces, on the morning of the 21st July. It was increased by 1700 infantry, and a battery, on the arrival of part of General Kirby Smith's command, at 3.30 p. m., which would bring up our aggregate to 30,888 of all arms. It must be borne in mind, how ever, that the commands of Generals Holmes and Ewell, aggre gating at least 3000 men, though mentioned on our field returns as present at and around Manassas, were never directly engaged with the enemy on that day. General Beauregard estimates as follows the numerical strength of the Federal forces against us. We quote from his report : "Making all allowances for mistakes, we are warranted in saying that the Federal army consisted of at least fifty-five regiments of volunteers, eight companies of regular infantry, four of marines, nine of the regular cavalry, and twelve batteries, numbering to gether one hundred and nineteen guns. These regiments, at one time, . . . numbered, in the aggregate, fifty-four thousand one hundred and forty, and averaged nine hundred and sixty-four men each." Deducting as many as one hundred and sixty-four per regiment, for the sick, and men on detached service, the aver age would then be reduced to eight hundred men. Adding, now, the different commands of regulars of all arms, mentioned above, and the aggregate of the Federal army opposing us at Manassas could not have been less than fifty thousand men. , The facts that have transpired one by one, gradually throwing light upon this point, have already fallen within the domain of history, and show, conclusively, in spite of the extreme reticence of many Federal commanders, that an army fifty thousand strong, under General McDowell, was defeated and routed, at Manassas, on the 21st of July, 1861, by less than thirty thousand Confeder ate troops, under the immediate command, before and during the battle, of General G. T. Beauregard. I.— 8 114 MILITARY OPERATIONS OF CHAPTER X. President Davis and Generals Johnston and Beauregard Discuss the Propriety of Pursuing the Enemy during the Night following the Battle. — Error of Mr. Davis as to the Order he Wrote.— On the 22d General Beauregard As signs his Troops to New Positions.— The President Confers the Rank of General on General Beauregard, subject to the Approval of Congress. — On the 25th, Address Issued to Troops by Generals Johnston and Beauregard. — Organization of General Beauregard's Army into Brigades. — Impossi bility of any Military Movement of Importance, and Why.— Army With out Transportation and Without Subsistence.— Colonel Northrop Appoints Major W. B. Blair as Chief Commissary of the Army. — General Beauregard Informs the President of the Actual State of Affairs.— Colonel Lee to the President. — General Beauregard to Colonels Chestnut and Miles. — His Telegram to Colonel Myers. — Answer of President Davis. — General Beau regard's Reply. — Colonel Myers alleges Ignorance of Want of Transporta tion in the Army of the Potomac. — General Beauregard's Answer. — Cause of the Failure of the Campaign. — Effect of General Beauregard's Letter upon Congress.— An Apparent Improvement in Commissary and Quarter master Departments. — General Beauregard Complains again op the 23d of August. — No Action Taken. — Suggests Removal of Colonel Northrop. — The President believes in his Efficiency, and Upholds him. — Fifteen and Twenty Days' Rations asked for by General Beauregard. Towards 11 p.m., on the day of the battle, while President Davis, at General Beauregard's headquarters, was engaged in writ ing the despatch to General Cooper given in the preceding chap ter, information was received, through Captain Hill, of General Johnston's forces, that the enemy, at Centreville, was in a com plete state of demoralization, and in full flight towards Washing ton. Upon learning this, President Davis, with great animation, urged the necessity of an immediate pursuit by General Bonham's forces, which, with General Longstreet's brigade, were then in the closest proximity to Centreville. After a brief discussion of the matter between the President and Generals Johnston and Beaure gard, it was agreed that, as Captain Hill's informal report was not sufficiently authenticated, and the troops were fatigued and with out rations, the suggestion made should not be acted upon ; no order, therefore, was issued for its execution. GENERAL BEAUREGARD. 115 Mr. Davis's memory, that such an order was actually dictated by him, and modified as to the hour of its execution, is clearly at fault. This is shown by Colonel (afterwards General) Jordan's letter, referred to by Mr. Davis himself, as the authority for his assertion to that effect. That Generals Johnston and Beauregard kept no copy of an order that fell still-born from the lips of the President, is not to be wondered at; and Colonel Jordan, no doubt — and very naturally — destroyed it as soon as it was penned, there having been, as he says, " a unanimous decision against it." From this expression we infer that Mr. Davis, no less than the two gen erals, acknowledged the uselessness of the order. There was no other order for pursuit given, or spoken of, that night. So says General Beauregard ; so says Colonel Jordan, his chief of staff ; so would undoubtedly say General Johnston, who was opposed to any further immediate advance of our troops after the battle. The order dictated substantially to Colonel Jordan, and condemned and abandoned without being "despatched," is the only order with which Mr. Davis had anything to do on the night of the 21st of July. Colonel Jordan, in the letter quoted by Mr. Davis, says : " This was the only instance during Mr. Davis's stay at Manassas in which he exercised any voice as to the moye- ment of the troops. Profoundly pleased with the results achieved, . . . his bearing towards the generals who commanded them was eminently proper, as I have testified on a former occasion ; and I repeat, he certainly expressed or manifested no opposition to a for ward movement, nor did he display the least disposition to inter fere, by opinion or authority, touching what the Confederate forces should or should not do." * An " order to the same effect," says Mr. Davis (that is, an order for pursuit, modified by him, and by him deferred till the next day, at early dawn), "was sent" by General Beauregard, "on the night of the 21st of July, ... for a copy of which " Mr. Davis is " indebted to the kindness of that chivalrous gentleman, soldier, and patriot, General Bonham." f This is another error. The order sent to General Bonham by General Beauregard, and given in full in Mr. Davis's book, \ was not for the pursuit of the * " Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government," vol. i. p. 354. t Ibid. vol. i. p. 355. I Ibid. vol. i. pp. 355, 356. 116 MILITARY OPERATIONS OF enemy, but for the purpose of making a reconnoissance — of afford ing assistance to our wounded, and of collecting " all the arms, am munition, and abandoned stores, subsistence, and baggage," that could be found " on the road in our front towards Centreville," and on other roads by which the enemy had retreated towards the stone bridge and Sudley's Mills. Whoever reads the order here referred to cannot fail to see, from its very phraseology, that it conveys no such meaning as Mr. Davis is pleased to ascribe to it. For the order required that Gen eral Bonham should take with him " a vast amount of transporta tion," which, of itself, would have impeded the pursuit. And Mr. Davis acknowledges that " the 22d, the day after the battle, was spent in following up the line of the retreating foe, and collecting the large supplies of arms, of ammunition, and other military stores." * Nor must it be forgotten that, at the time mentioned by Mr. Davis, General Johnston was already in actual command of our united forces, and that General Beauregard had, therefore, no authority to issue any such orders. Strange, indeed, would it have been that the general second in command should have sent his troops, or part of his troops, in pursuit of the enemy, when he knew that his superior in rank had expressed strong opposition to any immediate advance on our part, and had declared it utterly impracticable. Just then, General Johnston was correct in his judgment. Our troops — even those that had taken no part in the battle — were more or less exhausted by marches and countermarches, and our cavalry was evidently too insignificant in number to admit of any serious hope of an effectual pursuit that night, or even the next morning. Another obstacle, of no minor importance, intervened, which was sufficient of itself to cut short all idea of then following the routed Federal army. On the evening of the 21st, at about nine o'clock, the heavens began to assume a threatening appear ance, and, a few hours later, a heavy rain fell, which lasted unre mittingly throughout the whole of the succeeding day. Mean while, our troops were without provisions, and had no means of transportation. The railroad bridge across Bull Run had been de stroyed, too, and its reconstruction was indispensable to open the way for a farther advance, which, thus deferred, could no longer * "Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government," vol, i. p. 359. GENERAL BEAUREGARD. 117 be called a pursuit. The fact is, the pursuit ordered by General Beauregard, at the close of the battle,* having been stopped at about 6.30 p.m., in consequence of the false alarm referred to in the preceding chapter, no movement that night could have met with a successful result. It should have been instantly and vigor ously made, " on the very heels of the flying enemy ;" and, even then, it could not have been kept up long under the circum stances. At pages 359, 360, of the first volume of his work, Mr. Davis says : " On the night of the 22d I held a second conference with Generals Johnston and Beauregard, . . . and propounded to them the inquiry as to what more it was pi'acticable to do. They con curred as to their inability to cross the Potomac ; and to the fur ther inquiry as to an advance to the south side of the Potomac, General Beauregard promptly stated that there were strong forti fications there, occupied by garrisons which had not been in the battle, and were therefore not affected by the panic which had seized the defeated army. He declared those fortifications as hav ing wide, deep ditches, with palisades, which would prevent the escalade of the works. Turning to General Johnston, he said, ' They have spared no expense.' " Here, truth compels us to state that, in all this matter, Mr. Davis's memory is again unqualifiedly at fault. General Beaure gard could not have spoken as he is represented to have done, for the simple reason that all the information then in his pos session, whether received by means of his " underground rail road " or otherwise, led him to the strong belief that Washington was, at that time, entirely unprotected ; that the works on the south side of the Potomac were barely commenced, except Fort Runnyon, which was still incomplete, and armed with but a few guns; as appeared by a sketch of it, received in the usual mysteri ous way from within the enemy's lines. Mrs. G , to whose tact, and intelligence was due most of the secret knowledge of the condition of affairs at and around the Federal capital, had assured General Beauregard, many a time, that no obstacle ex isted to prevent a successful advance on our part, and that noth ing was dreaded more by those high in authority at Washington. More than once, after the battle of Manassas, Mrs. G ended * See report of battle, in Chapter IX. s 118 MILITARY OPERATIONS OF her despatches in these words: "Come on! why do you not come?" We could, in this connection, were it not necessary to resume the thread of our narrative, tell of some very interesting occurrences, showing the manner in which news was brought to General Beauregard from Washington. We mention a single in stance. About the middle of July, on a bright, sultry morning, a young lady of much refinement, and possessing both youth and beauty, rode into General Bonham's lines, at Fairfax Court- House, and delivered to him a despatch of great importance, for General Beauregard, "from our friends in Washington." She had incurred great fatigue and danger in the accomplishment of her mission. This despatch she carried carefully concealed in her hair, which, when enrolled in the presence of the Confederate general, appeared to him — to use his own language — " the most beautiful he had ever seen on human head."* The young lady in question was a resident of the Federal capital, and had passed out of it in a small farm wagon, disguised as a plain country woman coming from market. Farther on her way, at the resi dence of a relative, well known and wealthy, she obtained the horse she was riding and the habit she then wore. We refrain from giving her name, but it will never be forgotten either by General Beauregard or by General Bonham, and is, no doubt, as deeply graven upon the memory of the several staff officers who had the pleasure of escorting her through our lines. We wish, nevertheless — and look upon it as a duty — to place upon record her patriotic deed, so fearlessly and successfully accomplished. Irregular and unofficial as were the secret communications here spoken of, General Beauregard, who knew their importance and trustworthiness, never failed to forward their contents to the War Department. Mr. Davis, therefore, was aware — or should have been — of what General Beauregard thought of the readiness of Washington to resist an advance of our forces at that time. It is not here pretended that no one spoke to Mr. Davis, on that occasion, as he asserts that General Beauregard did ; but it is now stated, emphatically, and on the direct authority of General Beauregard, that he did not make use of any such language to Mr. Davis. In support of the position here so positively assumed tlie reader is referred, first, to the fact, afterwards so thoroughly *From a letter of General Bonham to General Beauregard. GENERAL BEAUREGARD. 119 verified, that no fortifications existed then at or around Washing ton ; none, at any rate, that could have seriously obstructed the march of our army; second, to General Beauregard's letter to Colo nels Chestnut and Miles, bearing date July 29th, 1861, and to his answer to President Davis (August 10th of the same year), where in is considered this very question of an advance upon Washing ton, and its feasibility, as late as the 24th of July. These letters appear in full further on in the present chapter. The fact is, that General Beauregard's whole correspondence, official and pri vate, touching these events, confirms, in every respect, what is stated in the two letters above mentioned. Our object is not, at present, to dwell upon the causes — what ever they may have been — of our failure to reap the fruits of that first great victory of the war. We wish merely to state that General Beauregard exonerates Mr. Davis from all responsibility for the failure to pursue the enemy on the night of the 21st of July. Mr. Davis did not object to such a pursuit; on the con trary, he desired it. But it was declared inexpedient, and, after discussion, Mr. Davis himself acknowledged it to be so. This, however, does not relieve him from the responsibility of prevent ing, a few days or weeks later, the advance of our army, in an aggressive campaign against Washington. On the morning after the battle an order was issued by General Beauregard, recalling his troops to their organization, and assign ing them new positions, with the advance — Bonham's brigade — at Centreville. Holmes's brigade, by direction of President Davis, was ordered back to " its former position." * At the breakfast -table, on the same morning, the President handed General Beauregard the following graceful letter : " Manassas, Va., July 21st, 1861. "Sir, — Appreciating your services in the battle of Manassas and on several other occasions during the existing war, as affording the highest evidence of your skill as a commander, your gallantry as a soldier, and your zeal as a patriot, you are appointed to be ' General ' in the army of the Confederate States of America, and, with the consent of the Congress, will be duly com missioned accordingly. " Yours, etc., " Jeffekson Davis. "General G. T. Beauregakd." On the 23d, Hunton's 8th Virginia, with three companies of * See Appendix to this chapter. 120 MILITARY OPERATIONS OF cavalry, was ordered to re-occupy Leesburg, and Bonham's brig ade, with Delaware Kemper's and Shields's batteries and a force of cavalry, were ordered to advance to Vienna Station, and Long- street to Centreville. As the leading column was approaching Fairfax Court-House, Captain Terry, of Texas, a noted marks man, lowered the Federal flag by cutting the halliards with a rifle ball. This flag was sent, through General Longstreet, as a present to General Beauregard, but was placed among the stock of tro phies where it belonged, as well as a larger flag, offered to Mr. Davis, who had already left Manassas for Richmond. Many spoils were gathered during and after the battle ; and the line of march of our troops, on their way to the new positions assigned them, was rich in abandoned arms and other military property. A great deal was carried off by the people, and was recovered with much trouble. On the 25th, Generals Johnston and Beauregard issued an ad dress to their troops, awarding to them the praises they deserved for their patriotic courage on the battle-fields of the 18th and 21st. The concluding words were as follows : " Soldiers, we con gratulate you on a glorious, triumphant, and complete victory. We thank you for doing your whole duty in the service of your country." On that day, also, General Beauregard, in anticipation, it might be said, of the future orders of the government, organized his army, as now increased into eight brigades, each of which was made up of regiments coming from a single State. But no mili tary movement of importance could be undertaken, on account of additional embarrassments from the want of transportation and subsistence. Only one wagon arid four horses were assigned to every hundred men. Each brigade staff and each hospital were limited to the same insufficient transportation. The army was living from hand to mouth, and actually suffering from want of food. Colonel R. B. Lee, the efficient Chief Commissary of the army in the field, had not been long in finding out that the ways of the Commissary-General, Colonel Northrop, were altogether im practicable ; and, in order to keep our forces properly supplied, he was compelled to resort, in a measure, to the system formerly pursued by Captain Fowle, under General Beauregard's instruc tions, and without which the army would have fallen to pieces, even before the battle of Manassas. Colonel Northrop, thereupon, GENERAL BEAUREGARD. 121 became very much irritated against the energetic Colonel Lee, and, without consulting or informing the general of either army, superseded him, as he had lately done Captain Fowle, for a sim ilar reason, appointing another Chief Commissary, namely, Major William B. Blair. With regard to this all-important question of provisioning the army and supplying it with transportation, we put before the reader the following letters, which speak for themselves, and show General Beauregard's sagacity and intense anxiety upon these points. They also hold up to public view the appalling misman agement of all army affairs at Richmond, in relation to the Quar termaster and Commissary Departments. " Camp Pickens, July 23d, 1861. " To His Excellency the President of the Confederate States : " Sir, — I am commanded by General Beauregard to inform your Excellency that the stock of provisions has become alarmingly reduced, in consequence of the non-fulfilment of requisitions of the Commissary-General. " The general directs me to say, that unless immediate supplies are forwarded, in conformity with these requisitions, most serious consequences are inevitable. " With much respect, your obedient servant, " R. B. Lee, Lieut.- Col. C. S. A., and Chief Commissary of Army of Potomac." On the 29th of July, no satisfactory change having resulted from the foregoing communication to the President, General Beau regard wrote the following letter to Colonels Wm. P. Miles and James Chestnut, both members of the Confederate Congress, at that time, and both of whom had acted as his volunteer aids in South Carolina and in Virginia. " Manassas, Virginia, July 29th, 1861. "My dear Colonels, — I send you, herewith, some important suggestions rel ative to the best mode of providing for the wants of this army, furnished me by Colonel L. M. Hatch, whose experience in such matters entitles his views and opinions to considerable weight. Unless the requirements of our army in the field are provided for beforehand, we shall be in a perfect state of destitu tion very shortly. " I will remark here, that we have been out of subsistence for several days, some of my regiments not having had anything to eat for more than twenty- four hours. They have stood it, though, nobly ; but, if it happens again, I shall join one of their camps and share their wants with them ; for I will never al low them to suppose that I feast while they suffer. " The want of food and transportation has made us lose all the fruits of our 122 MILITARY OPERATIONS OF victory. We ought at this moment to be in or about Washington, but we are perfectly anchored here, and God only knows when we will be able to advance ; without these means we can neither advance nor retreat. The mobility of an army, which constitutes the great strength of modern armies, does not certainly form an element of ours, for we seem to be rooted to this spot. " Cannot something be done towards furnishing us more expeditiously and regularly with food and transportation 1 "It seems to me that if the States had been called upon to furnish their quota of wagons per regiment in the field, one of these evils could have been obviated. " From all accounts, Washington could have been taken up to the 24th in stant, by twenty thousand men ! Only think of the brilliant results we have lost by the two causes referred to ! " Again, we must have a few more field-officers from the old service, other wise our regiments will get worsted sooner or later. " In haste, yours truly, " G. T. Beaueegaed." On the 1st of August he forwarded the following telegram to Colonel A. C. Myers, Assistant Quartermaster-General : " Several of my brigades are entirely destitute of transportation ; no advance can be made until procured. Can you not send me about one hundred wagons ? " G. T. Beauregard." Congress becoming alarmed — and justly so — at such a state of affairs, upon information communicated to it by members of the Military Committee, instituted an investigation, which, besides very much incensing the heads of the two departments implicated, also aroused the displeasure of the President, who gave expression to his irritation in the following letter : " Richmond, Virginia, August 10th, 1861. " General G. T. Beauregard : " My dear Sir, — Enclosed I transmit copies of a resolution of inquiry and the reply to it. You will perceive that the answer was made in view of the tele gram which I enclosed to you, that being the only information then before me. Since that time it has been communicated to me that your letter to Hon. Mr. Miles, on the wants of your army, and the consequences thereof, was read to the Congress, and hence the inquiry instituted. Permit me to request that you will return the telegram to me, which I enclosed to show you the form in which the matter came before me. " Some excitement has been created by your letter; the Quartermaster and the Commissary General both feel that they have been unjustly arraigned. As for myself, I can only say that I have endeavored to anticipate wants, and any failure which has occurred from imperfect knowledge might have been best avoided by timely requisitions and estimates. GENERAL BEAUREGARD. 123 "I think you are unjust to yourself in putting your failure to pursue the enemy to Washington to the account of short supplies of subsistence and trans portation. Under the circumstances of our army, and in the absence of the knowledge since acquired, if, indeed, the statements be true, it would have been extremely hazardous to have done more than was performed. You will not fail to remember that, so far from knowing that the enemy was routed, a large part of our forces was moved by you, in the night of the 21st, to repel a sup posed attack on our right, and that the next day's operations did not fully reveal what has since been reported of the enemy's panic. " Enough was done for glory, and the measure of duty was full ; let us rather show the untaught that their desires are unreasonable, than, by dwell ing on possibilities recently developed, give form and substance to the criti cisms always easy to those who judge after the event. " With sincere esteem, I am, your friend, "Jefferson Davis." The foregoing letter shows, among other things, how complete ly the reiterated suggestions and remonstrances and requisitions of General Beauregard concerning the necessity of supplies and transportation, had slipped President Davis's memory. We re frain from fatiguing the attention of the reader, by again placing before him the evidence and correspondence given on this sub ject in a preceding chapter (Chapter VI.). It is enough to say that, from the 3d of June, just after his arrival at Manassas, to the time when President Davis penned the letter given above, General Beauregard had never ceased calling his attention and that of the War Department to the vital importance of these two matters. How President Davis could possibly plead " imperfect knowledge," and complain of want " of timely requisitions and estimates," is more than we can understand ; and we have sought in vain, in his book, for any satisfactory explanation of the matter. But General Beauregard's answer to the President dispenses with the necessity for further comment: "Manassas, Va., August 10th, 1861. " Dear Sir, — Your letter of the 4th instant has been received, but my end less occupations have prevented me from acknowledging it immediately, as I should have done. "I regret exceedingly to hear that Colonel Miles read my letter of the 29th to Congress. It was written only for the purpose of expediting matters, if possible, and immediately after having been informed that one brigade and two or more regiments were without food, and had been so for twenty-four hours. I had before been informed that we were short of provisions ; but I never supposed it would be permitted to go to the extent referred to. Some time before the battle of the 21st ultimo I had endeavored to remedy the im- 124 MILITARY OPERATIONS OF pending evil by ordering Major Fowle, the acting Commissary-General here, to provide a certain number of rations, by purchasing in the surrounding coun ties, which drew from the Commissary-General of the army a letter so dis courteous to me that the want of time alone prevented me from enclosing it to you for your consideration. "With regard to making timely requisitions on the Quartermaster and Commissary Department, not knowing what number of troops the War De partment intended at any time to concentrate here, it was impossible to make proper requisitions until after the arrival of those troops. " I will here remark, that troops arriving at this place have often been a day or more without food in the cars, and I have had several times to order issues of provisions here to troops on their way to Winchester, for the same cause. I accuse no one, I state facts. " I am fully aware that you have done more than could be expected of you for this army, and that it is utterly impossible you should be able to direct each one of the bureaus of the War Department, but the facts referred to show a deficiency somewhere, which ought to be remedied, otherwise we will, soon er or later, be liable to the same unfortunate results. " My experience here teaches me that, after issuing an order, I have to in quire whether it has been carried into effect ; this is especially the case with the newly arrived troops. " With regard to my remarks about marching on to Washington, you must have misunderstood them, for I never stated that we could have pursued the enemy on the evening of the 21st, or even on the 22d. I wrote : ' The want of food and transportation has made us lose all the fruits of our victory. We ought at this time, the 29th of July, to be in or about Washington, and, from all accounts, Washington could have been taken up to the 24th inst. (July), by twenty thousand men.' " Every news from there confirms me still more in that opinion. For sev eral days (about one week) after the battle, I could not put my new regi ments in position for want of transportation. I do not say this to injure my friend Colonel Myers, but to benefit the service. We have, no doubt, by our success here, achieved ' glory ' for our country, but I am fighting for some thing more real and tangible, i. e., to save our homes and firesides from our Northern invaders, and to maintain our freedom and independence as agna tion. After that task shall have been accomplished, as I feel that I am only fit for private life, I shall retire to my home, if my means will permit, never again to leave it, unless called upon to repel again the same or another foe. " With much respect, I remain, " Sincerely your friend, " G. T. Beauregard." The same surprise and want of knowledge expressed by Pres ident Davis, concerning the deficiency of these two departments, was also manifested — strange to say — by the Quartermaster-Gen eral himself. His communication to General Beauregard, dated GENERAL BEAUREGARD. 125 August 1st, establishes the almost incredible fact that the head of one of the most important of our departments did not know the state of its affairs. This was but additional evidence of improvi dence and mismanagement. There was this difference, however, between Colonel Myers and Colonel Northrop ; the former was ever ready to correct an error when in his power to do so, the lat ter would not allow his errors to be pointed out, and, still less, discussed. In Colonel Myers's letter to General Beauregard, above referred to, he writes: "I never, until day before yesterday, have heard one word of this deficiency ; then, the knowledge came to me through a despatch from General J. E. Johnston, to the Adju tant-General. I took immediate steps to collect, at Manassas, as much transportation as I suppose you will require. . . . The military operations and manoeuvres of your army are never di vulged, and it is utterly impossible for me to know how to an ticipate your wants. . . . We have had, so far, too many heads, which I can say to you, and which means, we have had no head at all. You should write me often, if only a line, when any thing is required, and you shall be provided if possible." The only conclusion to be drawn from this is, that General Beauregard's demands and requisitions made to the War Depart ment were totally disregarded, and never reached the office of the Quartermaster-General. We now give General Beauregard's answer to Colonel Myers : " Manassas, Va., August 5th, 1861. "Dear Colonel, — Your favor of the 1st has been received. My surprise was as great as yours to find that you had not been informed of our want of transportation, which has so crippled us, together with the want of provisions, that we have been anchored here since the battle, not being able to send a few regiments three or four miles from their former positions. Major Cabell says that, ' Knowing your inability to comply with his former requisitions for wagons, etc., he thought it was useless to make new ones upon you, hence he was trying to get them from around here.' Be that as it may, the result was, that about fifteen thousand men were sent me by the War Department, with out one solitary wagon. Before the arrival of these troops, we had, per reg iment, only about twelve wagons of the meanest description, being coun try wagons, that break down whenever they come to a bad part of the road. General Johnston's command had only about seven wagons per regi ment on arriving here. This state of things cannot and ought not to last longer. " I am perfectly willing to fight, but my troops must be provided with all the means necessary to constitute an army. I must be prepared to advance 126 MILITARY OPERATIONS OF or retreat according to circumstances, otherwise disasters will overtake us in every direction. " For a long time I could not get more than twenty rounds of ammunition per man, when within a few miles (not over ten) from an enemy three times our strength. " I have applied for Colonel J. L. Kemper, 7th Virginia regiment, to be made Provisional Quartermaster-General of this and Johnston's army. I wish you would aid in the matter. I should like, also, to have. General McGowan, of South Carolina, appointed in that department. He would be very useful. The best man for each position must be looked for and appointed forthwith, without regard to other considerations ; otherwise we will never succeed in defeating the enemy, who is more numerous than we, and has more resources at hand. In haste, yours truly, " G. T. Beauregard." Upon calm reflection, an impartial mind is forced to acknowl edge that the failure of this campaign, during what were so appro priately called " the golden days of the Confederacj7," was the un mistakable result of short-sighted and inefficient management, the responsibility for which rests upon him who, though clearly un able to give personal supervision to and direct each detail of the wheels of government, yet would allow no latitude either to the heads of the various bureaus of the War Department, or to the generals in the field. The unceasing efforts of General Beauregard finally succeeded in stirring up the authorities at Richmond, and brought about some effort to produce a favorable change in the administration of the Quartermaster's and Commissary's Departments. This is testified to by the following letter of Hon. W. P. Miles, of South Carolina, then chairman of the Military Committee of Congress, addressed to General Beauregard, under date of August 8th, 1861 : " Dear General, — Your despatch has just been received, and I hasten to send you copy of your letter, as you desire. "Whatever 'the powers that be' may think of it, or however much they may fail to relish it, I have no doubt it has had, and will continue to have, a very salutary and stimulating effect. You may rely upon it, Congress and the country sympathize with you, although there may be and are differences of opinion as to the immediate advance upon Washington. " Very truly yours, " Wm. Porcher Miles." But the improvement alluded to — a spasmodic one, it would seem, and one which had been altogether compulsory — was only of very short duration. Colonel Myers, it is fair to say, seriously GENERAL BEAUREGARD. 127 exerted himself, and, in a reasonable measure, satisfied many of the exigencies of the hour. But Colonel Northrop was less open to conviction. This officer, whose want of administrative capacity was obvious to all — the President alone excepted — could not be induced to pursue any other than the inefficient, improvident course he had, thus far, so persistently followed. This fact is again brought to notice by the following extract from another communication from General Beauregard to President Davis: " Headquarters 1st Corps Army of the Potomac, Manassas, Va., August 23d, 1861. " To His Excellency, President Jefferson Davis, etc., etc. : "Dear Sir, — I have the honor to enclose you herewith a copy of the state ment of provisions, etc., remaining on hand at this point and available, on the 21st instant, for the army of the Potomac, by which it will be seen that little improvement has taken place in that respect, since I last had the honor of ad dressing your Excellency on the subject, on the 10th instant ; and that we are still as unprepared to advance or retreat, in consequence thereof, as at that period. A serious accident to the railroads, from here to Richmond, would place this army in quite a critical condition, so far as its subsistence is con cerned. " For the active operations that we may be called upon shortly to make in this vicinity, with Camp Pickens as a pivot d'action (centre of movement), it ought to be provided with at least fifteen or twenty days' provisions on hand; otherwise, to prevent the enemy from taking possession of our lines of com munication, we would have to abandon this place and fall back, as our forces could not be provided with means of subsistence. • I regret to say that we could not now march from here with even three days' rations. I earnestly and solicitously call your attention to this important subject. Without an ample supply of provisions we will be perfectly powerless. " I hope you will do me the justice to believe that these facts are brought to your Excellency's attention, without regard whatsoever to individuals. I look only to the success of our cause, regardless of friends or foes. ********* " I remain, dear Sir, respectfully, " Your obedient servant and friend, "G.T. Beauregard.'' The most effective mode of remedying these evils was, as General Beauregard and many other leading men of the country had pointed out and suggested, forthwith to remove. Colonel Northrop from a position he was so inadequate to fill. But this the admin istration would not do. In spite of the pressure of public opinion, brono-ht to bear against the Commissary-General, whose honesty none doubted, but whose incapacity all knew, the President per- 128 MILITARY OPERATIONS OF sistently upheld him, as he was wont to do all personal friends of his. This is corroborated by the following extract from a signifi cant letter of the Hon. Wm. P. Miles to General Beauregard, bear ing date of Richmond, August 6th, 1861. " Dear General, — I received your despatch to-day, suggesting Colonel R. B. Lee as the ' best man for Commissary-General, and Colonel J. L. Kemper as Assistant Quartermaster-General.' The President has not the remotest idea of removing Colonel Northrop. On the contrary, he is under the impression that he has done everything in his power in his department. You can readily see that there is, therefore, no possibility of the radical reform you suggest in this department. In the other case it would require a reorganization of the general staff, so far as the Quartermaster Department is concerned. ********* " Very sincerely yours, " Wm. Porcher Miles." Colonel Miles's opinion was more than confirmed by events. Not only was the Commissary-General maintained in his position, but his influence with the administration appeared to increase, as did, most undoubtedly, his well-known and already proverbial in efficiency. Mr. Davis's book is replete with words of praise and commendation for him. Mr. Davis has not, even to this day, for given those who complained, not of the motives of Colonel North rop— who was known to be a man of character and education — but of his fearful shortcomings, so detrimental to the good of the service. Mr. Davis says that it affords him the greatest pleasure to speak as he does of Colonel Northrop, " because those less informed of all he did, and skilfully tried to do, have been profuse of criti cism, and sparing indeed of the meed justly his due."* In an other part of his book he uses the following language : " To di rect the production, preservation, collection, and distribution of food for the army, required a man of rare capacity and character at the head of the subsistence department. It was our good fort une to have such a one in Colonel L. B. Northrop, who was ap pointed Commissary-General at the organization of the bureaus of the executive department of the Confederate government"! These remarks of Mr. Davis are made in defiance of the opinion of the whole South, as entertained and openly expressed through out the war. The disposition to defend a friend and to protect his * " Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government," vol. i. p. 315. t Ibid. vol. i. p. 303. GENERAL BEAUREGARD. 129 reputation is a commendable trait, which should ever be admired among men ; but the First Magistrate of a free people, and Com mander-in-Chief of their armies, is not a man, in the ordinary sense of the word : he must be more guarded in his encomiums of a friend ; he cannot be allowed to give rein to his likes or dis likes ; his eye, ever keen and watchful, must be directed to the general good of those who chose him as their leader ; otherwise he betrays the trust reposed in him ; he is recreant to his duty ; he derides public opinion, becomes the accomplice of inefficiency, if not unworthiness, and deserves as great — perhaps greater — blame, than those he so unwisely sustains. Mr. Davis's efforts to shield Colonel Northrop can only result in shaking the confidence heretofore felt by many persons in the judgment and sagacity of the ex-President of the Confederacy, without doing the slightest good to his former Commissary-Gen eral. It would have been kinder, on the part of Mr. Davis, to have adopted towards him the course he never hesitates to follow to wards those whose merits he cannot deny, but will not admit — pass him by in silence, as though he had never been an actor in the great drama wherein were lost most of the fondest hopes of the South. The supply of fifteen or twenty days' rations, at Manassas, sug gested in the foregoing communication to the President, as a nec essary preparation for probable movements of the army, had long been the subject of General Beauregard's anxious thought. As we have already seen (Chapter VI.), he had endeavored, as early as June, to collect many of the wagons he needed, and " twenty- five days' rations for about twenty thousand men." Again, a little later, he caused the following order to be given to his Chief Com missary : " Headquarters Army of the Potomac, Manassas Junction, July Itth, 1861. " Captain W. H. Fowle, Camp Pickens : " Captain, — The general commanding directs that you take prompt and ef fective measures to provide forthwith, at your depot near these headquarters, ample provisions — including fat cattle — for twenty-five thousand men for two weeks, and that amount, at least, must be constantly maintained on hand, subject to requisition, until otherwise ordered. " Thomas Jordan, A. A. G." That this had not been done, at the time referred to, or at any I.— 9 130 MILITARY OPERATIONS OF subsequent period, General Beauregard's earnest appeal to the President for such supplies very conclusively demonstrates. It is almost unnecessary to add, that no action was taken by the War Department to carry out these all-important suggestions ; and that, far from any advance on the enemy being made practicable for us, we were saved from the calamities foreseen and dreaded by Gen eral Beauregard, not through efforts of the administration, but by the simple fact that the enemy was so crippled and demoralized as to preclude any forward movement on his part. GENERAL BEAUREGARD. 131 CHAPTER XI. General Beauregard Suggests a Forward Movement. — Not Approved by Gen eral Johnston. — Sanitary Measures. — Deficiency in Light Artillery. — In structions to Colonel Stuart. — Mason's and Munson's Hills. — General Beauregard Proposes to Hold Them. — General Johnston of a Different Opinion. — Popularity of General Beauregard. — He Establishes His Head quarters at Fairfax Court-House. — Proposes Another Plan Involving De cisive Battle. — General Johnston Deems it Better not to Hazard the Movement. — Organization of the Forces into Divisions. — General Beaure gard Advises that the Army be Placed Under One Head. — President Davis Invited to a Conference at Fairfax Court-House. — Scheme of Oper ations Submitted. — Generals Johnston and G. W. Smith Approve it. — Troops in Splendid Fighting Condition. — The President Objects. — No Reinforcements can be Furnished, and no Arms in the Country. — Review of Mr. Davis's Remarks on the Subject. — He Proposes a Plan for Opera tions Across the Potomac. — The Commanding Generals do not Consider it Feasible. On the 8th of August, at General Beauregard's suggestion, Colonel Evans was ordered to move his brigade to Leesburg, and assume command of all the forces in Loudon County, the object being to protect that region against Federal incursions, about which numerous complaints were made. It was about that time that General Beauregard resolved to throw his own forces forward. He hoped, by an advance, to be able more easily to take the offensive, or draw on a battle, while the enemy was yet demoralized and undisciplined. Accordingly, on the 9th and 10th, Longstreet's brigade was moved to Fairfax Court-House, and D. R. Jones's to Germantown. Bonham was drawn back from Vienna to Flint Hill, leaving a strong mounted guard at the former place. Cocke was stationed at Centreville; Ewell at Sangster's Crossroads ; Early and Hampton at the inter section of the Occoquan with the Wolf Run Shoals road ; and the Louisiana brigade at Mitchell's Ford. Elzey's brigade, of General Johnston's forces, was placed in the immediate vicinity of Fairfax Station, and Jackson's, also of General Johnston's forces, held a posi tion near the crossing of Braddock's and the Fairfax Station roads. 132 MILITARY OPERATIONS OF From these advanced positions, the forces, as above enumerated, could be, at any time, concentrated for offensive or defensive pur poses. General Beauregard's desire was, by a bold movement, to capture the exterior lines of the enemy at Annandale, and, should any serious force come out in support, give it battle, with the chances in favor of the Confederates. But this plan or project, General Beauregard being second in command, had, first, to be submitted to General Johnston, whose approval was necessary for its execution. General Johnston did not assent to it. This dis agreement of opinion between the two commanding generals, whose official intercourse had always been — and continued to be — most friendly, showed, however, that they differed widely in tem perament, and belonged to essentially distinct military schools: General Beauregard, ever in favor of the aggressive, and of sub jecting an adversary's movements to his own plans — General Johnston, ever on the defensive, and apparently awaiting the action of the enemy. On the 13th of August General Beauregard was officially in formed, by the Hon. L. P. Walker, Secretary of War, of his ap pointment, by and with the advice and consent of Congress, as " General " in the army of the Confederate States, to take rank from July 21st, 1861. He gratefully accepted the high distinction thus conferred upon him by the President, who, it will be remem bered, had not awaited the action of Congress to reward his services. The reader is aware that, on the 23d of August, General Beau regard again addressed the President* with regard to the insuffi ciency of subsistence for the army at Manassas. He also urged the sanitary benefits and economy of procuring for each company a good professional cook and baker, with portable kitchens and ovens for encampments. Out of thirty-two thousand six hundred and fifty-five men, the total of his own army at that time, only twenty-two thousand two hundred and ninety-one were fit for duty ; much of the sickness being due, it was thought, to bad cooking, as well as bad water. General Beauregard, at this time, also represented to the Presi dent, through Captain E. P. Alexander, his Chief of Artillery and Ordnance, the great deficiency of the army in light artillery (there was but one piece to each of his thirty-five regiments). He urged * See Chapter X. GENERAL BEAUREGARD. 133 the necessity of three guns to each regiment, or, if these were not to be had, that rocket batteries should be supplied for the purpose of frightening the untrained horses of the enemy. He asked, likewise, that the cavalry should be raised to at least four or five thousand men, for the purpose of charging on McClellan's bat teries and raw troops, when thrown into disorder by the rockets. It was long, however, before this want of artillery was even par tially supplied, and the organization of the rocket batteries was subsequently thwarted by the military authorities. General Beauregard now instructed Colonel Stuart, command ing the cavalry outposts, to keep constantly near the enemy, and ordered General Longstreet, with his brigade, to remain in close proximity to Stuart. Towards the end of August, in complying with these orders, Stuart, who was an officer of great enterprise, by a series of daily encounters gradually drove back the Federal force in his front, and, with the co-operation of General Long- street, finally captured Mason's and Munson's Hills, in full view of Washington. General Beauregard, who had had minute informa tion concerning these positions, through Colonel George W. Lay, long a resident of Washington, proposed to General Johnston, now that they were in our hands, to hold and support them by the following arrangement of troops : 1 brigade (Bonham's) at or about old Court-House, near Vienna. 2 brigades (D. R. Jones's and Cocke's) at or about Falls Church. 1 brigade (Longstreet's) at or about Munson's Hill. 1 brigade (Johnston's forces) half-way between Mason's and Munson's Hills. 1 brigade (Johnston's forces) at Mason's Hill. 2 brigades (Walker's and Early's) at or about Annandale. 1 brigade (Ewell's) at or about Springfield. Some of General Johnston's other brigades were to be placed at Centreville, Fairfax Court-House, and Fairfax Station, and they might occasionally be moved towards the Potomac above, to alarm the enemy and keep him in a state of constant anxiety as to the safety of Washington; then troops could cross into Maryland, should the enemy move in a large force from Washington to any point on the lower Potomac. The place on the river which General Beauregard believed the enemy would make his next point oVappui was Evansport, some thirty miles below Washing ton, and, at the request of General Holmes, he had given instruc tions as to the manner of its fortification. 134 MILITARY OPERATIONS OF General Johnston, however, was opposed to the occupation of Mason's and Munson's Hills, and did not approve of the arrange ment suggested, considering the line of Fairfax Court-House suf ficiently advanced for all purposes ; and even too distant for the support of Evansport. His main objection was the danger of being drawn into a serious, perhaps general, action, so much nearer to the Federal position than to our own. But General Beaure gard believed that any expedition of the enemy, sent down the Potomac, might be at once neutralized by a bold movement from above into Maryland and on the rear of Washington. He was willing, besides, should it so happen, to exchange Richmond, tem porarily, for Washington and Maryland. As to a general action, he desired it, for the reason that the Federal army was yet undis ciplined, while our forces, as strong in numbers as might for some time be expected, were in the full prestige of recent victory; an advantage now clearly perceptible in the occasional encounters, with or without an action, between the respective reconnoitring and foraging parties, and quite conspicuous in the affair at Lewins- ville, on the 11th of September — but sure to diminish, as time elapsed, by the great increase in numbers, discipline, and arma ment of the opposing forces. The chronic evil — lack of transportation — had become the sub ject of anxious remonstrance from Captain Alexander, General Beauregard's Chief of Ordnance. With a portion of the army now at the threshold of the Federal encampments (Sept. 7th) his reserve ammunition had been more than a week awaiting trans portation, for which requisition had been made on the 20th of August, on the Chief Quartermaster of the army corps. These ever-recurring annoyances, resulting from the incurable inefficiency which had to be daily contended against, would have depressed and utterly discouraged a man less gifted than General Beauregard. But his activity, his energy and — we may add — his confidence in his own resources, seemed to increase with the ob stacles thus thrown in his way. He could not and would not be despondent. His words, both to his officers and to his men, no matter under what circumstances, were always of a nature to in spire them with additional hope, renewed endurance, and confi dence of success. Through that quick, innate sympathy with military glory, which has ever distinguished the American people, General Beauregard's GENERAL BEAUREGARD. 135 name was now borne to the highest point of popularity. He had 6truck the first blow at Sumter, and had thereby asserted the ex istence of the Confederacy. He had struck the second blow at Manassas, and had there demonstrated tlie power and vitality of our cause. " On the afflatus of victory," says the author of " The Lost Cause," " Beauregard at once ascended to the first reputation of the war." He was looked up to as the future military agent of Southern Independence. The many letters of congratulation, and testimonials of sympathy, confidence, and esteem, he had re ceived from every part of the country, and from all classes of our people, sufficiently showed the light in which he was held, and to whom chiefly, of all Southern leaders in the field, was attributed the triumphant achievements of our arms. The real difficulties of the task he had performed were better understood by his of ficers and men ; and, with them, the enthusiasm which his successes had created throughout the country took the form of an absolute devotion. Nor was this all. Gentlemen of position and influence outside of the army now urged him to allow his name to be pre sented for the Constitutional Presidency, the election to which was then approaching. But he unhesitatingly declined, declaring his place to be only that of a soldier. Led by that singleness of purpose which guided him through out the war, and unelated, except by a just gratification that his efforts in the cause had borne fruitful results, and had brought him heart to heart with his comrades and countrymen, he at once directed his whole care to the reorganization of the troops in the field, to the preparation for new successes, and the advancement of the strategic frontier beyond the Potomac. Throwing forward a portion of his troops, by the 12th of Sep tember, he moved his headquarters to Fairfax Court-House, in or der to be nearer to his outer lines, which now stretched from Springfield, below Alexandria, on the right, to the little falls on the Potomac, above Georgetown, on the left, enclosing the Federal forces within a narrow circle, from which they made their obser vations and occasional sorties. For the purpose of watching our camps, and of gaining information of what transpired there, a bal loon was much used by the enemy, often in the night. To de ceive this inconvenient scrutiny, General Beauregard ordered the kindling of numerous fires as soon as darkness fell, so as to sug gest extensive bivouacs on our lines. He had himself endeavored, 1^6 MILITARY OPERATIONS OF before this, to procure a balloon from Richmond, but without success; and though he afterwards obtained one from a private source, some defect in its construction rendered it of no avail. Anxious not to lose the present opportunities, General Beaure gard now proposed to General Johnston, who had also moved his headquarters to Fairfax Court-House, a plan involving a decisive battle. General Gustavus W. Smith,* with General Johnston's forces, was to advance and menace the Federal front, while Gen eral Beauregard, passing southward of the Occoquan, was to turn the Federal left flank and attack it with vigor ; an operation re sembling that subsequently made by General Jackson with brilliant success, near Richmond, in 1862, though the Confederate forces, at the time of which we write, were in a condition, both moral and material, more favorable to success in such a movement. General Johnston, however, deemed it better not to hazard a battle at this juncture. The necessity of organizing the forces into divisions had been a matter -of discussion between the two generals. As the lack of division-generals had been the principal cause of the unfortunate miscarriage of General Beauregard's orders in the recent battle of Manassas, he had shortly afterwards written to the Adjutant- General on this important matter, and, later, had represented to the President that both armies should be placed under one head, and commanded as the two corps of a single army. The fact is that, as early as July 24th, only a few days after the battle of Manassas, the division of our forces into two army corps, as sug gested by General Beauregard, had been practically effected by the two commanding generals, f The War Department had not authorized the change, but had, by its silence, clearly acquiesced in it. This was followed by a recommendation, on the part of the senior generals, of seven officers for appointment as major-generals, and of eight others as brigadiers, two of whom were already in command of brigades. Towards the latter part of September General Johnston wrote * General Smith had joined the Confederacy, and, upon the suggestion of Generals Johnston and Beauregard, had been commissioned as a Major-General by the War Department, August, 1861. t From July 24th, all Orders, General or Special, issued by General Beau regard, were dated " Headquarters 1st Corps, Army of the Potomac." GENERAL BEAUREGARD. 137 to the Secretary of War, asking that either he or the President should come to Fairfax Court-House, to confer upon the subject of organization, and upon a plan for an offensive movement, which would then be submitted to him. General Beauregard had conceived a scheme of operations, as distinguished for its breadth of view, and greatness of proposed result, as that which had been ineffectually urged before the bat tle of Manassas. It involved the raising of the available forces from forty thousand to sixty thousand, by drawing troops from various parts of the Confederacy ; their places, in the meantime, to be filled by State troops, called out for three or six months. This force assembled, a small corps of diversion was to remain in front, while the army should cross the Potomac, under partial cov er of night, either at Edwards's Ferry, or, by means of a pontoon train, at a point nearly north of Fairfax Court-House, which Gen eral Beauregard was having reconnoitred for that purpose. This army was then to march rapidly upon Washington, and seize the Federal supplies in that city. It seemed almost certain that, even should McClellan reach the threatened point in time — which he might undoubtedly do — he could not withstand our sudden at tack and maintain his position. His forces were undisciplined and demoralized, and Washington had not yet been fortified. McClellan's army thus placed at our mercy, and Maryland won, the theatre of war was to be transferred to the Northern States, from the Atlantic to the Mississippi, the entire West being there by relieved from peril of invasion. As the Federal government had not yet recovered from the effects of defeat, none of the points from which troops were to be drawn for this movement were seriously threatened ; some of them were not menaced at all ; and this offensive movement would have forced the Federal gov ernment to recall its scattered troops for the protection of those points upon which the Confederate army would have been able to march after the fall of Washington. The moral effect of such an exhibition of power on the governments of England and France would have been of incalculable benefit to the Confed eracy. Upon the submission of this plan to Generals Johnston and Smith, the latter at once approved it, and the former, though for some time unwilling, finally yielded his assent. President Davis arrived at Fairfax Court-House on the 30th of 138 MILITARY OPERATIONS OF September, and remained there two days, at General Beauregard's headquarters. In the conferences which followed between him and Generals Johnston, Beauregard, and Smith, he objected to the organization of the army into corps and divisions, and to the ap pointment of major-generals, as suggested ; but yielded so far as to consent to the formation of divisions and the appointment of two division-generals (Van Dorn and Longstreet) to the Army of the Potomac,* and two others (G. W. Smith and Jackson) to the Array of the Shenandoah.f This matter, which we may call a compromise, being thus settled, the plan of invading Maryland was earnestly supported by the three senior generals. Mr. Davis, however, would not agree to it. He declared that he could draw no troops from the points named, and that there were no arms in the coun try for new levies, if raised. This last objection, it is proper here to say, was not an insuperable one. The President should have remembered that if the Confederacy was thus deficient in arma ment it was because he had refused to avail himself of the offer by which, as early as May, 1861,^: all the arms and equipments needed for our armies could have been procured. But why should not arms have been imported, even at that time (October, 1861), when no Federal blockading squadron could have interfered with any of our plans to that effect ? It is an historical fact that the blockade, though officially proclaimed in May, was only partially effectual twelve months afterwards. Was it that the President thought it too late then to make the effort? He should have known that the plan of campaign submitted to him could not be put into immediate execution ; that the massing of the additional troops required to carry it out — some of which were to be drawn from great distances — would necessarily consume some time. The least display of energy on the part of the administration, the send ing of an order by telegraph to the house of John Frazer & Co., of Charleston, would have been more than sufficient to secure for the government all the arms it required for the new levies spoken of, which, though not directly needed for the forward movement * Designation of General Beauregard's forces, as per orders issued by him, on the 20th of June, 1861. t Designation of General Johnston's forces, before and after his junction with General Beauregard. J Proposal of John Frazer & Co., set forth in Chapter V. GENERAL BEAUREGARD. 139 and aggressive campaign urged upon Mr. Davis, could have been used to fill the place of the seasoned troops withdrawn to reinforce the Army of Virginia. In vain was it urged upon the President that the army was now in splendid fighting condition, and eager again to meet its recently defeated foe ; while, if left inactive, it was liable to deteriorate dur ing the winter, and lose greatly in numbers by the expiration of the enlistment term of the twelve months' men. It was further urged that, with the army raised to sixty thousand men, the movement could be undertaken, with the prospect of success to follow at every other point along the frontier ; whereas, should disaster re sult from the loss of present opportunity, the entire Confederacy might be endangered at a later date, with but inferior hope of re- cuperatiou. Mr. Davis, however, could not be influenced, and de clared that the utmost he could do would be to furnish recruits, to be armed with the surplus stands of arms then at Manassas, amounting to about two thousand five hundred. Thus was abandoned a plan which, had it been carried out, would have borne mighty results to the Confederacy. That it was a bold one is undoubted. But boldness in our movements, while the prestige of victory yet animated our troops, was clearly the wisest policy to be adopted. It was of the utmost importance for us to follow up our victory, and the surest way of doing so was by making an aggressive campaign. It would have compelled the enemy, demoralized and unprepared as he still was, to put himself on the defensive to repel invasion on his own soil, instead of at tempting it on ours. In lieu of thp unaccepted movement favored by the generals in command, Mr. Davis suggested that a column be crossed to the eastern shore of the Potomac, opposite Aquia Creek, to capture a Federal division posted there under General Sickles. As the river, at that point more than a mile wide, was held by United States war vessels, and there would hardly have been an oppor tunity for the troops, even if successful, to return to Virginia, this proposition met the approval of none of the three generals, and was therefore courteously discarded. We shall have to recur to this subject later in the present chapter. Mr. Davis devotes five pages of his book to the " Fairfax Court- House Conference," as it was called, and most unjustifiably arraigns Generals J. E. Johnston, Beauregard, and G. W. Smith, not for 140 MILITARY OPERATIONS OF having taken a part in it, or expressed their views upon the points at issue between them, but for having, " about four months after wards," prepared a " paper " wherein was made " a record of their conversation ; a fact," says Mr. Davis, " which was concealed from me, whereas, both for accuracy and frankness, it should have been submitted to me, even if there had been nothing due to our official relations. Twenty years after the event I learned of this secret report, by one party, without notice having been given to the other, of a conversation said to have lasted two hours."* And Mr. Davis continues as follows: "I have noticed the improbabilities and inconsistencies of the paper, and without remarks I submit to honorable men the concealment from me in which it was pre pared," etc.f This language is all the more unwarrantable, because Mr. Davis fails to show — though he asserts it — that any effort at conceal ment was ever made by those whom he accuses of it. Knowing the importance of this conference, and desirous of having a true and correct account of it, one that could not be effaced or altered by the lapse of time, the three generals wrote out, while it was still fresh in their memory, all that had passed between them and the President. As nothing was added and nothing suppressed in the memorandum thus made, what obligation was there on their part to submit it to Mr. Davis ? He knew, as well as they did, what had transpired, and had nothing further to learn about it. He also — in all propriety — could have committed the conversation to writing, had it so pleased his fancy ; and, provided it was done correctly, no account whatever of his action in the matter was due to the three generals or any one of them. What Mr. Davis says, to-day, of that conference, shows how wise and how far-seeing were Generals Johnston, Beauregard, and Smith, in preparing the paper alluded to, which has aroused to such an extent the ire of the ex-President. General Beauregard, for one, had already had occasion to learn what light work could be made with a plan of operations verbally submitted to the Com mander-in-Chief of our armies. We refer to the plan proposed, through Colonel Chestnut, on the 14th of July, 1861, before the battle of Manassas, which Mr. Davis denied having ever had any * "Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government," vol.i. p. 451. t Ibid. vol. i. p. 452. GENERAL BEAUREGARD. 141 official cognizance of, because no written communication had been handed to him at the time; and because, no doubt, he was una ware that a full report of the circumstance had been drawn up by Colonel Chestnut, and was in General Beauregard's possession. And here, perhaps, the following query may find a fitting place in this review : Did Mr. Davis ever communicate to General Beau regard his official endorsement upon the report of the battle of Manassas ? If he had done so, his charge of " concealment," un just though it is, would come with a better grace than it does ; but, as he did not, his imputation of duplicity falls upon himself. For, as the reader will hereafter learn,* the President's endorse ment, contradicting, with unreserved severity, statements made by General Beauregard in his report, was an official paper, officially forwarded to Congress, but studiously kept from General Beaure gard's knowledge. The impugned memorandum was altogether an unofficial paper, prepared by the three generals for their own private files, without even a shadow of reproach against the President, and merely intended as a reminder, hereafter, of an important military event. Hence we say, it was a wise and emi nently proper measure to prepare a written memorandum of what occurred at the Fairfax Court-House council. " Verba volant scripta manent :" an adage always to be appreciated for the sound, • practical teaching it contains. It is the right, no less than the duty, of leading men, in all countries and in all ages, to see to it that the truth concerning public events is carefully guarded and preserved, in order that it may not be easily tampered with, or made to degenerate into error. As matters now stand, and thanks to the foresight displayed by Generals Johnston, Beauregard, and Smith, Mr. Davis, no less than those who figured with him in the conference we speak of, must abide by its text, as recorded at the time. And to show how completely Mr. Davis errs, when he charges that he was kept purposely in ignorance of the " secret report " he so bitterly denounces, we here state that it was seen of many men during the war — and not as a secret; and that, as early as 1867 or 1868 — in other words, fully fifteen or sixteen years ago — General Beauregard had this identical memorandum published in The Land We Love — a magazine edited, at that time, by General D. H. Hill, of North Carolina. It was commented on * In Chapter XIII. 142 MILITARY OPERATIONS OF at length, if not republished, in the Jackson (Miss.) Clarion. No one is responsible for Mr. Davis's neglect to take cognizance of it. His appeal, therefore, to the " honorable men " of the country, whose sympathies he desires to enlist in his favor, becomes sim ply puerile; and, far from resulting in injury to those whom he assails, it only recoils upon himself, and exposes the extreme care lessness with which he writes. Mr. Davis should have inserted that document in his book. His criticisms would then have been better appreciated. Why he ab stained from doing so is not, however, hard to understand. As General Beauregard has no like reasons to refrain from giving full publicity to it (we know that Generals Johnston and Smith think as he does on the subject), we now lay the whole paper before the reader, asking his most careful consideration of it. " On the 26th of September, 1861, General Joseph E. Johnston addressed a letter to the Secretary of War, in regard to the importance of putting this army in condition to assume the offensive ; and suggested that his Excellency the President, or the Secretary of War, or some one representing them, should at an early day come to the headquarters of the army, then at or near Fairfax Court-House, for the purpose of deciding whether the army could be rein forced to the extent that the commanding general deemed necessary for an offensive campaign. " His Excellency the President arrived at Fairfax Court-House a few days thereafter, late in the afternoon, and proceeded to the quarters of General Beauregard. " On the same evening General Johnston and I called to pay our respects. No official subjects of importance were alluded to in that interview. At eight o'clock the next evening, by appointment of the President, a conference was had between himself, General Johnston, General Beauregard, and myself. Va rious matters of detail were introduced by the President, and talked over be tween himself and the two senior generals. Having but recently arrived, and not being well acquainted with the special subject referred to, I took little or no part in this conversation. Finally, with perhaps some abruptness, I said, ' Mr. President, is it not possible to put this army in condition to assume the active offensive ?' adding, that this was a question of vital importance, upon which the success or failure of our cause might depend. This question brought on discussion. The precise conversation which followed I do not propose to give: it was not an argument; there seemed to be little difference of opinion between us in regard to general views and principles. It was clearly stated and agreed to, that the military force of the Confederate States was at the highest point it could attain without arms from abroad ; that the portion of this particular army present for duty was in the finest fighting con dition ; that, if kept inactive, it must retrograde immensely in every respect GENERAL BEAUREGARD. 143 during the winter, the effect of which was foreseen and dreaded by us all. The enemy were daily increasing in numbers, arms, discipline, and efficiency — we looked forward to a sad state of things at the opening of a spring cam paign. These and other points being agreed upon without argument, it was again asked, ' Mr. President, is it not possible to increase the effective strength of this army, and put us in condition to cross the Potomac- and carry the war into the enemy's country ? Can you not, by stripping other points to the last they will bear, and even risking defeat at all other places, put us in con dition to move forward ? Success here at this time saves everything, defeat here loses all.' In explanation, and as an illustration of this, the unqualified opinion was advanced, that if, for want of adequate strength on our part in Kentucky, the Federal forces should take military possession of that whole State, and even enter and occupy a portion of Tennessee, that a victory gained by this army beyond the Potomac would, by threatening the heart of the Northern States, compel their armies to fall back, free Kentucky, and give us the line of the Ohio within ten days thereafter. On the other hand, should our forces in Tennessee and Southern Kentucky be strengthened so as to en able us to take and to hold the Ohio River as a boundary, a disastrous de feat of this army would at once be followed by an overwhelming wave of Northern invaders, that would sweep over Kentucky and Tennessee, extend ing to the northern part of the Cotton States, if not to New Orleans. Similar views were expressed in regard to ultimate results, in Northwestern Virginia, being dependent upon the success or failure of this army ; and various other special illustrations were offered — showing, in shorj, that success here was success everywhere; defeat here, defeat everywhere; and that this was the point upon which all the available force of the Confederate States should be concentrated. " It seemed to be conceded by all that our force, at that time here, was not sufficient for assuming the offensive beyond the Potomac ; and that, even with a much larger force, an attack upon their army, under the guns of their for tifications on this side of the river, was out of the question. The President asked me what number of men were necessary, in my opinion, to warrant an offensive campaign, to cross the Potomac, cut off the communication of the enemy with their fortified capital, and carry the war into their country. I answered, 'Fifty thousand effective seasoned soldiers;' explaining that by sea soned soldiers I meant such men as we had here present for duty ; and add ed that they would have to be drawn from the peninsula about Yorktown, Norfolk, from Western Virginia, Pensacola, or wherever might be most ex pedient. " General Johnston and General Beauregard both said that a force of sixty thousand such men would be necessary; and that this force would require large additional transportation and munitions of war, the supplies here bein°- entirely inadequate for an active campaign in the enemy's country, even with our present force. In this connection there was some discussion of the difficulties to be overcome, and the probabilities of success, but no one questioned the disastrous results of remaining inactive throughout the winter. 144 MILITARY OPERATIONS OF " Notwithstanding the belief that many in the Northern army were opposed on principle to invading the Southern States, and that they would fight bet ter in defending their own homes than in attacking ours, it was believed that the best, if not the only place, to insure success, was to concentrate our forces, and attack the enemy in their own country. The President, I think, gave no definite opinion in regard to the number of men necessary for that purpose, and I am sure that no one present considered this a question to be finally de cided by any other person than the commanding general of this army. Re turning to the question that had been twice asked, the President expressed "surprise and regret that the number of surplus arms here was so small ; and, I thought, spoke bitterly of this disappointment. He then stated, that, at that time, no reinforcement could be furnished to this army of the character asked for, and that the most that could be done would be to furnish recruits. to take the surplus arms in store here (say twenty-five hundred stand). That the whole coun try was demanding protection at his hands, and praying for arms and troopsfor defence. He had long been expecting arms from abroad, but had been disap pointed. He still hoped to get them, but had no positive assurance that they would be received at all. The manufacture of arms in the Confederate States was as yet undeveloped to any considerable extent. Want of arms was the great difficulty ; he could not take any troops from the points named, and, without arms from abroad, could not reinforce this army. He expressed re gret, and seemed to feel deeply, as did every one present. " When the President had thus clearly and positively stated his inability to put this army in the condition deemed by the general necessary before en tering upon an active offensive campaign, it was felt that it might be better to run the risk of almost certain destruction, fighting upon the other side of the Potomac, rather than see the gradual dying-out and deterioration of this army during a winter at the end of which the term of enlistment of half the force would expire. The prospect of a spring campaign, to be commenced un der such discouraging circumstances, was rendered all the more gloomy by the daily increasing strength of an enemy already much superior in numbers. On the other hand was the hope and expectation that before the end of win ter arms would be introduced into the country ; and all were confident that we could then not only protect our own country, but successfully invade that of the enemy. " General Johnston said that he did not feel at liberty to express an opinion as to the practicability of reducing the strength of our forces at points not within the limits of his command ; and with but few further remarks from any one, the answer of the President was accepted as final ; and it was felt that there was no other course left but to take a defensive position and await the enemy. If they did not advance we had but to await the winter and its results. " After the main question was dropped, the President proposed that, instead of an active offensive campaign, we should attempt certain partial operations — a sudden blow against Sickles or Banks, or to break the bridge over the Monocacy. This, he thought, besides injuring the enemy, would exert a good influence over our troops, and encourage the people of the Confederate States GENERAL BEAUREGARD. 145 generally. In regard to attacking Sickles, it was stated in reply that, as the enemy controlled the river with their ships of war, it would be necessary for us to occupy two points on the river, one above and another below the point of crossing, that we might by our batteries prevent their armed vessels from interfering with the passage of the troops. In any case the difficulty of cross ing large bodies over wide rivers, in the vicinity of an enemy, and then recross- ing, made such expeditions hazardous ; it was agreed, however, that if any opportunity should occur, offering reasonable chances of success, that the at tempt would be made. "During this conference, or council, which lasted, perhaps, two hours, all. was earnest, serious, deliberate ; the impression made upon me was deep and lasting, and I am convinced that the foregoing statement is not only correct as far as it goes, but, in my opinion, it gives a fair idea of all that occurred at that time in regard to the question of our crossing the Potomac. " G. W. Smith, Maj.-Gen. C. S. A. " Centreville, Va., January 31st, 1862. Signed in Triplicate. " Our recollections of that conference agree fully with this statement of Gen eral G. W. Smith. " G. T. Beauregard, Gen. C. S. A. " J. E. Johnston, Gen. C. S. A. " Centreville, Va., January 31st, 1862. Signed in Triplicate." This is what took place at the Fairfax Court-House conference. It confirms what we have already stated at the beginning of the present chapter. We now resume our review of Mr. Davis's remarks about it. In that authoritative tone which ill befits him to-day, and frees from undue courtesy towards him those whom he so cavalierly misrepresents, Mr. Davis, with a view to impugn the veracity of the authors of the foregoing memorandum, writes as follows : " It does not agree in some respects with my memory of what occurred, and is not consistent with itself."* Not consistent, says Mr. Davis, " because in one part of the paper it is stated that the re inforcements asked for were to be ' seasoned soldiers,' such as were there present ;" and in another part, " that he could not take any troops from the points named, and, without arms from abroad, could not reinforce that army." f Thereupon, and after propping up his premises to suit his purpose, Mr. Davis concludes that, clearly, from the answer he is said to have made to the three generals, " the proposition had been * " Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government," vol. i. p. 450. t Ibid. vol. i. p. 451. I.— 10 146 MILITARY OPERATIONS OE for such reinforcements as additional arms could enable him to give."* These are sweeping assumptions, and such as only men who think themselves certain of impunity would venture. Unfortu nately for Mr. Davis, this is not the case with him. Can he really believe that because he was President of the Confederate States, his mere allegations, resting, as they do, only upon his memory of what occurred twenty years ago, will counterbalance and even out weigh a document, carefully prepared and signed and vouched for, by three such generals as Johnston, Beauregard, and Smith, his peers in gentlemanly attainments, his superiors — especially two of them — in military merit ; men of unstained character, en joying, now as then, the entire confidence of their people ; and who have, to-day, something more tangible than words to fall back upon, in support of their statements? No unbiassed reader will believe that this document contains aught but the truth. For, on the one hand, three men of honor certify to its truth, and do so four months after the occurrence it refers to ; while, on the other hand, Mr. Davis alone, without note or memorandum to assist him, and after twenty years have elapsed, comes forward and says : My version of the circumstances of the case is not in accord with yours. You are wrong, though you committed to writing the entire conference ; I am right, though my memory, frail and treacherous as it may be, is my only vouch er to justify me in controverting the positions yon have taken. With regard to the " inconsistencies" complained of by Mr. Davis, which he would have his readers believe were so easily de tected in the written memorandum now before us, we do not hesi tate to say that they exist in his imagination only. Let the reader carefully examine the paper we have submitted to him, and see if he can discover the " inconsistencies," so obvious, according to Mr. Davis, as to make it a downright " absurdity." f However strong Mr. Davis's arguments may appear in the absence of the doc ument which he interprets to suit his fancy, they fall to the ground and burst as bubbles when confronted with the true facts of the case. The object of the conference, as we know, was to urge upon the President the necessity of an offensive campaign ; to accomplish * " Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government," vol. i. p. 451. The italics are ours. \ Ibid. vol. i. p. 450. GENERAL BEAUREGARD. 147 which, the army at or near Fairfax Court-House was to be raised to an effective force of sixty thousand men. Not sixty thousand additional men, but an increase of such a number of " seasoned soldiers" as would make up a total of sixty thousand. The Vir ginia army consisted, at that time, of about forty thousand men. General Smith thought that fifty thousand, that is to say, only ten thousand more than we then had — would be sufficient to under take the forward movement. Generals Johnston and Beauregard gave it as their opinion that sixty thousand would be needed ; in other words, twenty thousand additional troops. This being the case — as we have it vouched for by the three generals — where did Mr. Davis discover and how can he assert, that " the lowest estimate made by any of them was about twice the number there present for duty " ? * which — if this were true, as it is not — would have brought up "the force required for the contemplated advance into Maryland " to eighty thousand men and no less. This assertion shows how unsafe and untrust worthy Mr. Davis's memory is, and it explains, satisfactorily, we think, why it was that he would not give a place in his book to that " secret report," as he is pleased to call it. If, as late as October, 1861, Mr. Davis had no arms to furnish to recruits, he had, unquestionably, at the different points designated by the three generals, troops already armed and equipped, already disciplined and drilled. These, had he been willing to favor the plan submitted to him, he could, in less than three weeks' time, have transported to the borders of Virginia, to reinforce the army said, by those who knew it best, to be " in the finest fighting con dition." He was asked for such troops as could then be found in the peninsula around Yorktown, in Western Virginia, at Pensacola, at Mobile, at Charleston, at New Orleans ; points from which about twenty-five thousand men — five thousand more than were needed — could have been withdrawn without unnecessarily exposing the positions they occupied. These were the " seasoned soldiers " the three generals wanted. They neither called for nor desired raw recruits, raised to bear the arms Mr. Davis might possibly re ceive from Europe, and which he was hoping for, " barring the dangers of the sea." Recruits of that kind, however well armed, * " Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government," vol. i. p. 449. The italics are ours. 148 MILITARY OPERATIONS OF would have been useless, as they could not have sustained the ar duous campaign sought to be inaugurated, which required pre vious military training and discipline. But Mr. Davis turned a deaf ear to the suggestions made to him. He would not receive the advice of the generals in the field. He failed to seize the great opportunity offered him, and, as usual, took upon himself to decide the fortunes of the Confederacy. No troops, he declared, could be taken from the points named — though none of them were threatened at the time — and no reinforcements, of the char acter asked for, could, therefore, be furnished to the army. He did propose twenty-five hundred recruits for that number of small arms which we had in store; but no further mention was made of recruits, either before, during, or after the conference. What was said of arms, of the expectations of the government about them, and even of Mr. Davis's disappointment at finding the strength of the army " but little increased," are side issues, which should not divert our attention from the true object of the conference and the main question submitted to the President, namely: An aggressive campaign into the enemy's country, conditioned upon reinforcements to be procured from divers points of the Confeder acy, then and there specially designated. Mr. Davis charges Generals Johnston, Beauregard, and Smith with assuming to know more about the positions of our troops at different stations of the country than the War Department itself, whose duty it was to receive all the army returns, and by which questions involving the position and withdrawal of troops, in the field or elsewhere, "could best be decided." If the War Depart ment, or " Richmond," as Mr. Davis has it, knew so much about army matters, how is it that the President, or head of the War Department, expressed so much wonder at the relative small- ness of our force at Fairfax Court-House? The "returns" forwarded to Richmond must certainly have shown him the fact, and the cause of it. If the Commander-in-Chief of the army and navy knew so little about the number and condition of forces then in such close proximity to Richmond, is it not rea sonable to suppose that his knowledge of troops stationed at distant points, and in other States, was still more scanty and im perfect ? Knowing the purely patriotic motives actuating Generals John ston, Beauregard, and Smith, when they suggested the means by GENERAL BEAUREGARD. 149 which the advance movement urged by them could be effected; and knowing also how far from their thought it was to make any display of superior knowledge, we must deprecate the bitterness of language used and the irritable personality indulged in by Mr. Davis, in the following passage of his book : " Very little experi ence, or a fair amount of modesty, without experience, would serve to prevent one from announcing his conclusion that troops could be withdrawn from a place or places, without knowing how many were there, and what was the necessity for their presence." * Whatever may be, to-day, the efforts made by Mr. Davis to shield himself from censure, for the course he then adopted, it remains none the less an incontrovertible fact, that troops, armed and equipped, officered and drilled, could have been brought from the points designated to him, and that he positively refused to al low their transfer to be effected. That, as Commander-in-Chief, he had the right so to act, is unquestioned ; but that he erred in exercising that -right is clear to all who followed the history of events, from that time to the end of the war. Mr. Davis insists, that though the generals he met at Fairfax Court-Houso were of opinion that " it were better to run the risk of almost certain destruction fighting upon the other side of the Potomac, rather than see the gradual dying-out and deterioration of this army during a winter," etc.,f yet, "when it was proposed to them " by Mr. Davis, " to cross into eastern Maryland, on a- steamer in our possession, for a partial campaign, difficulties arose like the lion in the path of the sluggard, so that the proposition was postponed and never executed. Ln like manner, the other ex pedition in the valley of Virginia was achieved by an officer not of this council, General T. J. Jackson." % No similar expedition was ever thought of or executed during the Confederate War. Mr. Davis's proposition was unique. The campaign in the valley of Virginia, which, he says, was achieved " by another officer not of this council," resembled in nothing the one he had suggested ; for, if it had, even with such a commander * " Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government," vol. i. p. 451. t They did make use of such language, but added : " At the end of which the term of enlistment of half the force would expire;'1'1 which made a most sig nificant difference. I " Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government," vol. i. pp. 450, 451. The italics are ours. 150 MILITARY OPERATIONS OF as Jackson to lead it, overwhelming disaster would have been the result. Mr. Davis's plan was, by means of a steamer (a single one), then in our possession, to throw troops across the lower Potomac, for a partial campaign, against a Federal force said to be on the oppo site bank, under General Sickles. Mr. Davis had evidently forgotten that the Potomac, at that point, was more than a mile and a half wide ; with a tide rising and falling from five to six feet, twice in twenty-four hours; with shallow mud-flats in many places, along both shores ; and, last but not least, with United States war-vessels controlling the river with untiring activity. He had also forgotten that the Confederate column — not a regiment, nor even a brigade, but, at least, a division — thus to be sent into Maryland, would, of necessity, have had to return to the Virginia shore after the expedition, whether success ful or unsuccessful. Suppose the landing on the other side had been safely effected — we cannot see how, but will suppose it, nevertheless — while the fighting was in progress, the river would have been patrolled with increased vigilance. The enemy would have put forth every effort to cut off the return of the column. Reinforcements would have poured in, from all points, to assist the attacked Federals. What then would have become of the one steamer in our possession ? How could she have brought back our troops, and what troops would have been left to bring back? We have no hesitation in saying that, had such a movement been attempted, the fate that overtook the Federal column at Ball's Bluff, on the 21st of October of the same year, would have befallen the Confederates. Few indeed — if any — of the doomed men sent across the Potomac, on Mr. Davis's expedition, would have returned to the Virginia shore to tell the story of their defeat. Had any other but the President and Commander-in-Chief of our armies proposed such a movement to Generals Johnston and Beauregard, he would have been pitilessly and openly derided. As it was, our commanding generals did what military etiquette and their duty towards their men required ; they courteously, but, unhesitatingly, rejected the proposal. We find it stated in the memorandum we have so often referred to, that, at the end of the Fairfax Court-Houae conference, Mr. Davis, after crushing the hopes of our generals by rejecting their GENERAL BEAUREGARD. 151 plan, suggested certain "partial operations" against the enemy, among which, and most conspicuous of all, as being the most promising, was the one just commented upon. This is un doubtedly correct. But as no mention is made of other opera tions in Mr. Davis's book, and as General Beauregard's recollec tion is not quite clear as to their strategic merit, we refrain from attempting any description of them. That they were not exe cuted, is, to us, proof sufficient of their manifest impracticability. 152 MILITARY OPERATIONS OF CHAPTER XII. Signal Rockets and Signal Telegraph. — General Beauregard Advises Coast Defenses at New Orleans, Mobile, Galveston, and Berwick Bay, and Calls Attention to the Exposure of Port Royal. — Counsels General Lovell Con cerning River Obstructions between Forts St. Philip and Jackson. — General Johnston Orders the Troops into Winter Quarters. — Our Lines Formed at Centreville. — Drainsville and Ball's Bluff. — General Beauregard Proposes to Intercept General Stone's Retreat, and also Suggests Resolute Attack against McClellan's Right. — Unfriendly Correspondence Between War Department and General Beauregard. — Uncourteous Language of Mr. Benjamin.— General Beauregard Exposes the Ignorance of the Acting Secretary of War. — Controversy in the Press about General Beauregard's Report of Battle of Manassas. — His Letter to the Editors of Richmond Whig. — The President Accuses General Beauregard of Attempting to Ex alt Himself at His Expense. — He Upholds Mr. Benjamin and Condemns General Beauregard. — Dignity and Forbearance of the Latter. While the organization of the army into divisions was being effected, General Beauregard, from close scrutiny of the Northern journals, had come to the conclusion that an early attack was meditated against his lines. To avoid all possibility of surprise, and deceive the enemy about his real strength, he caused rockets to be distributed to his command, with minute instructions as to their use. Very shortly afterwards, as night had just set in, Cap tain E. P. Alexander, whose zeal and activity were untiring, came to headquarters and reported that rockets were being thrown up, in a very strange manner, from the lines of the forces opposing us. General Beauregard at once ordered the discharge of the appropriate signals; and, in a few moments a counter - blaze of rockets swept the sky along the entire line of the Confederate pickets, which extended about ten miles from the Occoquan, on the right, to the vicinity of the Potomac, north of Falls Church, on the left. The consequence was a most extraordinary illumina tion, which produced an excitement in Washington, where charges soon became rife that officers of the War Department had given information of an intended advance by McClellan, in the night, which the Confederates had shown their readiness to meet. GENERAL BEAUREGARD. 153 Through the same officer (Captain Alexander), General Beaure gard had also succeeded in establishing a signal telegraph between Mason's and Munson's Hills and Washington. A piece of new tin, made to perform certain turns in the sunlight, by a friendly hand, from the window of an elevated mansion in the Federal capi tal, informed him of McClellan's movements. True, the informa tion was only of a general character, and, uncorroborated, could not have been of much assistance. But it served to arouse his attention, and what with the secret service of his "underground railroad" and the news culled from Northern journals, which were regularly procured, he arrived at a fairly correct knowledge of the enemy's intentions. To render this communication more efficient, an alphabet was afterwards established and messages were sent by moving the shades on the several windows of the mansion alluded to, which, at night, was well lighted up, to make the signs visible. From Mason's and Munson's Hills answers were given by the usual system, that is to say, flags in the daytime, and lanterns as soon as it grew dark. From Washington, lights were resorted to for night signals, and, for the day, the shifting of window cur tains, right and left of an imaginary central line. As to General Beauregard's headquarters and his different outposts, they were put in communication by means of wire telegraph. The inability of the President to aid in the execution of the aggressive campaign so urgently pressed upon him had left no other course open but to take a defensive position and "await tne winter and its results." We were to take no initiatory steps, and fight only if attacked. Believing that a period of enforced inactivity would now ensue, General Beauregard's thoughts were turned to the dangers which might threaten the Southern ports — especially New Orleans; and on the 5th of October, in a letter addressed to the Secretary of War, he ex pressed his desire to be sent there during the probable suspension of hostilities in Virginia. He gave it as his opinion that New Orleans, Mobile, Galveston, and Berwick Bay, along the Gulf of Mexico, would undoubtedly be assailed, and should be protected by field defences proper to withstand attack, until reinforcements could come to the rescue. He also called attention to the expos ure of Port Royal, South Carolina, as a harbor of safety on the Atlantic, for the Federals, and as leading directly to the railroad communication between Charleston and Savannah. 154 MILITARY OPERATIONS OF On the 6th, Major-General Mansfield Lovell, who had joined the Southern cause, and had just been commissioned in the Pro visional Army, came to Fairfax Court-House, requesting General Beauregard's counsel with regard to the defense of New Orleans, whither he had been ordered by the War Department. This counsel General Beauregard gave him with great care and much minuteness. It is proper here to state, that, during the recent visit of President Davis to Fairfax Court-House, the subject of the unprotected condition of New Orleans having arisen, General Beauregard, expressing his regret that the Military Board of Louisiana had taken no action as to the suggestions he had made to them, in February, 1861, again strongly urged his views about constructing floating booms between Forts Jackson and St. Philip, to obstruct the passage of a Federal fleet, should such be attempted. The President gave but little weight to these suggestions, and ap peared to have no apprehension as to the safety of that city. In his interview with General Lovell, General Beauregard em phasized, both orally and in writing, the absolute necessity of such an obstruction, and hoped that General Lovell, who had approved of his system, would lose no time in putting it into operation. Later events showed, however, that the work was not constructed as planned and advised by General Beauregard, both in his con ference with General Lovell and in his memoir to the Louisiana Military Board* A few days later, General Johnston, apprehending the ap proaching cold weather, proposed that the forces should now fall back and establish their winter quarters at Manassas. General Beauregard, whose arrangements for signal communication with Washington had been perfected, was reluctant to retire with out a trial of their present opportunity against the enemy. But there was no way of avoiding the movement. General Beaure gard, fearing the bad effect upon the army and the people of a retreat to the point held by us before our late victory, proposed Centreville instead of Manassas ; and, to overcome the objection that the former place was somewhat commanded by a succession of heights too distant to be embraced within the Confederate line, he undertook himself to prepare its defences. The order to * See Chapter I., page 17, about obstructions and floating boom between Forts Jackson and St. Philip. GENERAL BEAUREGARD. 155 withdraw his army, however, was so abrupt as to be impracticable without giving the movement the appearance of flight, and in volving the loss of valuable property ; it was not executed, there fore, until the 18th or 19th. In withdrawing from Mason's and Munson's Hills, the Confed erates took their last view of the Federal capital, and bade fare well to a post where soldierly enjoyment, under the exhilaration of successful daring, had been at its highest during days still pleasantly remembered as the festive period of the army life. The positions we abandoned were excellent points of observation, from which the tents of General McClellan's army might be counted ; and the fact of our being so near the enemy confused him as to our plan of operations, for our position seemed to promise, offensive measures on our part, and denoted both confi dence and strength. Under a bolder direction, the two hills would have been fortified and made central strategic and tactical points. They were scarcely more than seven miles, in an air line, from Washington, whence the Confederate flag was clearly visible, and acted as a red capa on the impetuous and imprudent politicians, provoking them to insist upon a premature attack. Had the two hills been fortified and supplied with artillery, and the adjacent ground arranged for a pitched battle, into which the enemy might have been drawn in an attempt to seize them, the result to Gen eral McClellan might have been made destructive, as, on his side, the ground was very bad, and unfavorable to the movements of troops.* Such an attack was intended by him about the time the positions were abandoned. The Confederate forces now took up a line of triangular shape, with Centreville as the salient, one side running to Union Mills and the other to the stone bridge, with outposts of regiments three or four miles forward in all directions, and cavalry pickets as far in advance as Fairfax Court-House. The Federals followed with a corresponding advance of their outposts. Afterwards, upon the closer approach of the enemy, in order to supply the deficiency of cannon, General Beauregard devised a substitute in wooden logs, so shaped and blackened as to present the appearance of guns. They were covered with a shed of brush and leaves, so as to escape balloon observations, and made quite an imposing array, * General McClellan so describes it in his report. 150 MILITARY OPERATIONS OF the peaceful character of which very much surprised the Federal forces when they occupied these works, after their evacuation in the spring. On the 19th, General McClellan having ordered McCall's divis ion to Drainsville, about sixteen miles west of Alexandria, to cov er reconnoissances in that quarter, and procure supplies, directed Brigadier-General Stone to feign a crossing of the Potomac from Poolsville, Maryland, and threaten Leesburg, held by one of Gen eral Beauregard's brigades, under Colonel Evans. He hoped by these movements to induce the evacuation of the place. On the 21st, while General McCall was returning to his camp at Langley, General Stone began crossing his division at Edwards's Ferry, and one of his subordinates, General Baker, engaged Colonel Evans in the forenoon. During the day General Stone threw over his en tire division, and the battle continued until night, when the Fed eral forces were completely routed, and many of them, driven over the steep banks at Ball's Bluff, lost their lives in the river.* Upon receiving from Evans immediate news of the conflict, General Beauregard proposed to General Johnston to march at once, with sufficient force, and cut off General Stone's retreat, as the Potomac, swollen by rains, was then difficult to cross. Gen eral Johnston did not agree to this, fearing that some occurrence might take place requiring the presence of all our forces with the main army. While Banks's division, from Darnestown, Maryland, moved to his support, General Stone intrenched on the Virginia shore, but did not succeed in recrossing until the night of the 23d and 24th. Just at this time transports had been observed descending the Potomac, laden with a heavy armament, reported to be intended for use against General Magruder, who commanded at Yorktown, on the Peninsula below Richmond, and a heavy force had, mean while, gathered north of the Potomac, opposite to Evans. Seiz ing the opportunity, General Beauregard proposed a resolute at tack against McClellan's extreme right, exposed by its salience in the quarter of Drainsville, in order to relieve Evans and break through the enemy's plans ; but the proposition was not assented to by General Johnston, Evans's loss at Ball's Bluff was forty men. He captured four- * From General McClellan's Report. GENERAL BEAUREGARD. 157 teen officers and seven hundred men. The entire loss of the en emy, in killed, wounded, and prisoners, was between one thousand and twelve hundred. Among the slain was General Baker, whose body was returned to the Federal lines. When, at a later date, General Stone was arrested and put on trial for his conduct of that expedition, Colonel Jordan, General Beauregard's Chief of Staff, noticed in a Northern journal that one of the charges against General Stone was his failure to give certain orders to General Baker. Written orders, however, had been found on General Ba ker's body, which would aid in vindicating General Stone ; and Colonel Jordan, having mentioned the fact to General Beaure gard, the latter caused the papers to be immediately sent North, under a flag of truce; an act of chivalry to the imperilled honor of a foe. Until early October, the personal relations of General Beaure gard with the government officials — except in the case of Colo nel Northrop's violent eccentricities — had been those of unstudied friendship, although serious obstructions had also been encoun tered from the Quartermaster's Department at Richmond. Hav ing now occasion to recommend the appointment of Mr. T. B. Fer guson, as Chief of Ordnance of the "First Corps," in the place of Captain E. P. Alexander, whose services had been transferred to General Johnston, on account of his needs as General-in-Chief, General Beauregard received from a subordinate in the War De partment* the brief reply that the President did not approve the division of the army into two corps, and preferred that there should be but one Chief of Ordnance to the Army of the Poto mac. General Beauregard was more than disappointed at this abrupt, unceremonious way of rejecting his demand. Though not always successful in his applications, he had been accustomed to more courteous treatment from the War Department. He thought that, apart from the question of giving him an ordnance officer, of the need of whose services he was no doubt the better judge, the President ought not arbitrarily to interfere with measures of usefulness and efficiency, which generals actually in the field could more accurately appreciate and more wisely manage. In the an tagonism of Mr. Davis to a system of organization which had * A. T. Bledsoe, Assistant Secretary of War. 158 MILITARY OPERATIONS OF been working with remarkable success for several weeks, he saw a fixed purpose to thwart not only his own views, but more partic ularly those of General Johnston, whose relations with Richmond were already growing to be of a delicate and uneasy character. He therefore expressed his dissatisfaction to the Secretary of War, and went so far as to say, that if he was to understand, by such a letter, that he was no longer in command of an army corps, he re quested to be relieved at once from his false position ; otherwise, he desired the services of a Chief of Ordnance. He urged that the more imperfect the elements of an army in the field, the greater should be its subdivisions under competent officers, in or der that commanders might spare, for their most important duties, the time and attention unprofitably lost in devotion to minor de tails ; and that Mr. Ferguson's appointment was to provide a Chief of Ordnance to attend to the duties of that important de partment. He also addressed the President on the same subject. In the month of August, Adjutant-General Cooper had earnest ly approved General Beauregard's proposition to introduce a rock et battery in his command. The object of such a battery has al ready been explained. The Chief of Ordnance, having procured the manufacture of the rockets, General Beauregard intrusted Captain E. P. Alexander with the organization of the battery, and in the latter end of September, upon his recommendation, had au thorized Lieutenant Edmund Cummins to enlist a rocket company of fifty volunteers. Being now in Richmond on this duty, Lieu tenant Cummins, on application to the Post Quartermaster and Commissary, found his authority questioned, and no attention given to his requisitions. Referred ultimately for recognition to the Secretary of War, Mr. Benjamin, the latter told him to wait until the President should decide the matter. ¦ He then finally in formed him that his orders were invalid, and remanded him to the army. There followed a letter from the Secretary of War to General Beauregard, expressing his " no small surprise " that he should have committed an act " without warrant in law," and in forming him that he could be excused and "go unpunished," only on account of his motive and his defect of judgment. This un called-for and altogether unwarrantable language, on the part of the Secretary of War, staggered General Beauregard, as it seemed improbable that Mr. Benjamin had ventured it on his own responsibility. Viewed as an extreme expedient to provoke a GENERAL BEAUREGARD. 159 predetermined quarrel, it corroborated warnings already received from high quarters, warnings too authentic to be wholly disre garded, to which, however, General Beauregard had been unwill ing to yield entire credence. Overlooking Mr. Benjamin, he refer red his letter to the President, to whom he exposed the Secretary's ignorance upon the subject, and protested against his ill-timed ob structions and arguments. The following is an extract from the letter, written to Mr. Davis, under date of October 20th, 1861. " I have felt it due to your Excellency and the country, at this juncture, as well as to myself, to invoke your notice of this matter, so that guard may be placed against a recurrence of this character of correspondence. ... I am utter ly at a loss to understand wherein my course, in connection with the subject- matter of the Secretary's letter, can be pronounced ' without warrant in law,' and be the source of ' so much surprise.' The Secretary seems to be unaware, evidently, that a rocket company is but a field artillery company, nothing more, and not, by any means, a special corps or arm of the service, like that, for example, of sappers, miners, or pontoniers — as I apprehend he supposes — requiring congressional enactments for its organization, in addition to existing laws. An acquaintance with the history of the military establishment and organization of the late United States would have protected the Acting Secre tary from this misapprehension, as he would have then known in what way, during the war with Mexico, a rocket battery was organized for the field, with the army under General Scott. . . . " But in this very matter, it so happens I did not act without consultation with all proper authorities. Assured of the difficulties in getting field guns in any adequate number for the exigency, and convinced of the value of war rockets against such troops as our adversaries have, I despatched an officer of my staff — Captain E. P. Alexander — last August, to Richmond, to consult and arrange measures with the proper departments. He saw the Adjutant- General of the army on the subject, and received, I am happy to say, the most ample, cordial approval of the plan ; and the Chief of Ordnance took immediate steps for manufacturing the rockets with the utmost celerity. " On the return of Captain Alexander from his mission, so satisfactorily con cluded in all respects, it became proper to secure men to be ready for the rocket battery, so that no time should be lost. It so happened that a valuable offi cer, by circumstances thrown out of employment, was available, and thought to be particularly fitted for the command of a rocket battery ; while it was believed that he could readily recruit a company without subtracting from our already too weak army. Under these circumstances, I need not say to your Excellency, I did not hesitate to direct him to recruit such a company as soon as possible. . . . God knows, in all I do at this time, I have no other end in view than the good and success of our cause and the interests of our coun try, now sorely pressed ; and I can and do confidently deny the allegation of the Acting Secretary, that my conduct has been wanting in judgment in this 160 MILITARY OPERATIONS OF connection. I am quite willing, indeed, that you shall decide whose ^udgmenV has been most at fault — that of your general, who has simply done what was essential to provide men to handle the rockets as soon as ready for use, and thus materially increase his means of defence and ability to maintain our im perilled cause ; or that of the functionary at his desk, who deems it a fit time to weave technical pleas of obstruction, to debate about the prerogative of his office and of your Excellency's, and to write lectures on law while the enemy is mustering in our front, with at least three times our force in infan try, and four times as much artillery. " In the interest of the country, you have been graciously pleased to dele gate to myself and other generals in command of the armies of the Confeder ate States, ample powers — which could be readily adduced — under which I could show full ' warrant ' for what I have done. Strange, indeed, were it not so ; passing strange that a general officer, intrusted with such an army as I command, and the solemn, momentous duties imposed 'upon him at this time,' should be left utterly without power to add to his forces a single com pany, in the simple manner proposed in Special Orders No. 353 ; and that the attempt to do so should fill a high public functionary with so much surprise that I can only be excused and ' go unpunished ' in view of my motives and defect of judgment. r[^ tp. Sg; -Js *t-