8574 jjjafi — '^i^ TOWN OF^^ WESTON, p, lNCORf>ORATED ^^ % 1^. 7} TO^VN OF ^VESTON I^ECOEDS TO\A/'N CLERK 1804-1826 h^^Ai,,,/ BOSTON: ALFRED MUDGE & SON, PRINTERS 1894 PREFACE. This volume of Town Records follows the date of the one printed in 1893. It covers the entire period during which Isaac Fiske was town clerk, from March, 1804, to March, 1827. As in the previous book, it is intended that this one should be an exact transcript of the record, extending to matters of punctuation and capital letters, even when these are obviously incorrect. The town clerk, however, did not always copy with minute accuracy ; for he sometimes .allowed himself to change the spelling of a person's signature. The most careful of town clerks, Dr. Benjamin James (1827-1846), made a copy of the births, deaths, aud marriages, recorded in Weston, for the use of Dr. Henry Bond. He stated this to be verbatim et literatim. Yet, in the very flrst entry he changed the initial letters of " Daughter " and " Was '' from capitals to small letters, and made the punctuation what he thought it ought to be. The most interesting papers on file for these years have been printed in an Appendix. This gives nearly sixty pages of additional matter. Two very full Indexes of the whole have been made, which wUl render it easy to find any name or subject alluded to iu the book. In the Index of Names, abbreviated names have generally been printed iu full. In the census of School Children, there were some mistakes in the original lists. Several of these have been indicated. Some others, suspected, could not be readily proved. Mauy of these names have never been entered on the list of births, and become especially im portant on that account. The editor will be glad to receive corrected lists at any time. The numbers in brackets indicate the pages of the original book. The abbreviations [L. S.J in the manuscript were sometimes enclosed in brackets. They have always been so printed, for the sake of uniformity. All other matter in brackets has been added by the editor. PKEFACE. A name in the previous volume, page 108, about which some uncertainty was felt, aud which was finally printed James Boos, was probably intended for James Boor. No trace of him could be found in Newton, where he was said to have been carried in 1763; but, in the County Records, James Bourn is said to have been warned from Newton, 1763. This is probably the same person. The knowledge was obtained too late for a note in the previous volume. Some papers alluded to in the record are i ot now on file. If town papers are still in the possession of private persons, it is to be hoped that they will be promptly delivered up. Mary Frances Peirce. RECORDS OF WESTON, FEOM MAEOH, 1804, TO MAEOH, 1827. [1804.] [l.J To Isaac Train one of the constables of the town of [l s] Weston — _ _ _ Greeting— You are hereby required, in the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, to summon and notify the freeholders and other Inhabitants of said toM'u, qualified by law to vote in town meetings, (viz) such as pay to one single tax besides the Poll or Polls, a sum equal to two-thirds of a single Poll tax to assemble at the public meeting house on monday the fifth day of March next at one of the clock in the afternoon to act on the following articles, viz, 1. To choose a Moderator of said Meetins:. 2 To choose Selectmen, Town Clerk, treasurer, constables & other town officers. 3. To hear and examine the town treasurer's account and act thereon. 4. To grant such a sum of money as they shall deem adequate to repair the highways or act any matter or thing relative thereto. 5 To see if the town will grant or appropriate money that is already granted for the purpose of jjroviding woman's scholls in the several Districts the ensuing summer. — 6 To hear the accounts of any Creditor or Creditors of the town who may prefer them for allowance and act thereon — 7 To hear the request of any person or persons who may wish for an abatement of their taxes and act thereon. — 8 To see if the town will make any alteration in the town road leading from M"^ Thomas Brown's to Needham line or act any other matter or thing relative thereto. — 2 TOWN RECORDS, 1804. 9 To hear a request of the Scholl Committee of the west C. District relative to an additional grant for the purpose of more effectually repairing the school-house in the west Centre District. — 10 To see if the town will regulate the going at large of neat cattle or act any other matter or thing relative thereto. — 11. To choose an agent to answer to an Indictment found by the Grand Jury against the Inhabitants of said Town for not repairing their high ways [East Sudbury line to WalthamJ . Given under our hands and Seal this sixth day of February in the year of our Lord One thousand Eight hundred and four. Eben''. Hobbs — '] John Slack ! Selectmen Nathan Fiske ( ^ Amos Harrington j ^^eston Pursuant to the above warrant I have notified and warned the Inhabitants of said town, qualified as there expressed, to meet at the time place and for the purposes therein mentioned. Isaac Train, Constable of Weston. Weston March 1'*. 1804 — The Inhabitants of the said Town of Weston being legally assembled, in consequence of the above warrant, on the fifth day of March AD 1804 — 1. made choice of Ebenezer Hobbs Esq as Moderator of said Meeting. 2. also made choice of Ebenezer Hobbs John Slack I as selectmen Nathan Fiske. I for the year Amos Harrington! Abi.jah Fiske [2. J 2 Isaac Fiske town Clerk, who was sworn in open town meeting by the Moderator thereof. — Isaac Lamson, treasurer, Nathan Fiske, Nathan Hobbs jr and Abijah Fiske, assessors. — Isaac Train, Stephen Harrino- ton and Nathan Fiske, constables, Alnjah Whitney, survey of town records, 1804. 3 High ways for the N. E. District, John Dudley, surveyor of High ways for the N. W. District, Joseph Smith d". for Mid dle District — Abijah Fiske surveyor of high ways for S. W- District. Elijah Kingsbury D°. for S. E. District. — Amos Sanderson and William Bogle, tythingmen. Jephthah Stearns and Samuel LoveU, hogreaves. Abraham Sanderson jr, and Isaac Train, field drivers. — Lot Bemis and Jonathan LoveU fence Viewers. — Thomas Biglow and Ezra Fiske Surveyors of Lumber. Ebenezer Brackett, pound keeper — and Jona than Warren surveyor of Hemp — All which officers took the oath by law required before me . Isaac Fiske town Clerk. Voted to give M^ Stephen Harrington 4^*. per pound : for collecting taxes for the year ensuing. Article 3* voted to allow the town treasurer's account as exhibited hy him. 4*". Voted one thousand dollars for the repair of the high ways in Weston to be laid out as usual — 5" Voted twenty five dollars to each District for the pur pose of procuring woman's scholls, the ensuing summer — 6 Voted to allow [Enoch] Train's account, do. Nathan Fiske's $12 : 37. D°. Nathan Hobbs jr. $11.00 — 7- — 8 The selectmen chosen a committee to examine the road leading from Thos Brown to Needham line — 9 Voted that three persons should be added to the Com mittee raised to repair the school house in the West Centre District, for the purpose of examining said scholl house and make report thereof to the town. Ebenezer Hobbs, Joseph Russell and John Dudley were chosen. 10 Voted that neat cattle should not go at large in the town of Weston for the year ensuing under the penalty of the law in such cases made & provided. 11. Voted that Isaac Fiske should be an agent in behalf of the town of Weston to answer to an indictment found agst. the said town by the grand jury. — Voted that this meeting should be dissolved — Recorded by me, Isaac Fiske town Clerk — 4 TOWN RECORDS, 1804. [3. J [ls.J, To Isaac Train one of the constables of the town of Weston. — Greeting. — You are hereby required, in the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, to warn the male Inhabitants of the said town of Weston, of twenty one years and upwards, having a free hold estate within the Commonwealth of the annual income of three pounds, or any other estate to the value of sixty pounds, to meet at the public meeting house in said Weston on monday the second day of April next, at three of the clock in the after noon, to give in their votes for govenour. Lieutenant govenour, and senators and counsellors, agreeably to the constitution of said Commonwealth. Given under our hands and seal this twelvth day of March AD 1804 — Ebenezer Hobbs Nathan Fiske Selectmen Amos Harrington f Abijah Fiske Weston Pursuant to the above warrant I have notified and warned the Inhabitants of said town, qualified as therein expressed to meet at the time place and for the purpose therein mentioned. March 24'^. 1804— Isaac Train, Constable of Weston AgTeeably to the above warrant the Inhabitants of the town of Weston assembled at the jDublic meeting house in said town and gave in their votes as follows — For Govenour Caleb Strong Esq ninety five — — D° — James Sullivan Esq twenty four — For L* Govenour Edward H. Robbins Esq ninety five — Do — -wrm_ Heath Esq''. — twenty four — ' Artemus Ward Esq' — ninety three Tim". Bigelow Esq — ninety four j Tim°. Jackson Esq — ninety four (^ James Bancroft Esq — ninety four. f W". Hull Esq. twenty three For Senators -J ^ '°° ?f . ^7 " *^^"*^ ^^'"'^ ] W-". Hddrith Esq — twenty three [ Jon". Maynard Esq twenty three. — The meeting was dissolved — — Is.vAc Fiske town clerk — For Senators town records, 1804. 5 [l s.j To Isaac Train one of the Constables of the town of Weston — Greeting — You are hereby required in the name of the Comraonwealth of Massachusetts to notify and warn the male Inhabitants of said town, being twenty one years of age and resident in said town for the space of one year next preceding, having a free hold estate within said town of the annual income of three pounds or any estate to the value of sixty pounds, to meet at the public meeting house in said Weston on monday the second day of April next at three of the clock in the afternoon forthe purpose of choosing a county treasurer for the county of Middlesex, for the year ensuing. Given under our hands and seals this twelvth day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and four. Eben" Hobbs — Nathan Fiske Amos Harrington Abljah Fiske Selectmen of Weston [4. J Pursuant to the foregoing warrant I have notified and warned the Inhabitants of said town qualified as therein ex pressed to meet at the time, place and for the purposes therein mentioned — Isaac Train Constable of Weston. Weston March 24'"- 1804 — The Inhabitants of said town of Weston pursuant to the above warrant assembled at the public meeting house in said town, on the seoond day of April AD. 1804. at three of the clock in the after noon, and upon motion being made adjourned tke same untill four of the clock in the same afternoon, when they proceeded to give in their votes as follows for county treas urer for the county of Middlesex — For Abiel Hej^wood, Eighteen — For Eben!' Bridge — twelve — For Isaac Fiske — Four — Meeting Dissolved — Recorded by me Isaac Fiske town Clerk. 6 town records, 1804. [l s] To Isaac Train one of the constables of the town of Weston. Greeting — You are hereby required in the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to notifj^ and warn the male Inhabitants of said town, being twenty one years of age and resident in said town for the space of one year next preceding, having a free hold estate within said town of the annual income of three pounds, or any estate to the value of sixty pounds, to meet at the public meeting house in said Weston, on monday the seventh day of May next at three of the clock in the after noon, for the purpose of choosing a representative, to repre sent them at the General Court appointed to be convened and held at Boston on the last Wednesday of May. Given under our hands and seals at said Weston the six teenth day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred & four. Ebenezer Hobbs Nathan Fiske Amos Harrington Selectmen y of Abljah Fiske J ^^'^^^^^ Pursuant to the above warrant I have notified and warned the Inhabitants of said town, qualified as therein expressed to meet at the time and place and for the purposes therein men tioned. Isaac Train, constable. Weston April 30'\ 1804 — The Inhabitants of the said town of Weston being assembled on the seventh day of May AD 1804, agreeably to the above warrant, made choice of John Slack Esq to represent them in the General Court for the year Ensuing. — Meeting dissolved — Isaac Fiske town Clerk. [S.J To Isaac Train one of the constables of the town of [l S.J Weston Greeting You are herel:)y required in the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, to summon and notify the free holders and other Inhabitants of said town, qualified liy law to vote in town meetings, viz, such as pay to one single tax, besides the poll or town records, 1804. 7 polls, a sum equal to two thirds of a single poll tax to assemble at the public meeting house in said town on monday the seventh day of May next at four of the clock in the afternoon, to act on the following articles, viz — 1 To choose a moderator of said meeting. 2. To vote the salary of the Rev''. Samuel Kendal for the year commencing the fifth of November next & act thereon. — 3. To hear the town treasurer's account and act thereon. — 4. To grant money for the use of the several schools in said town and to defray the usual and incidental town charges. 5. To choose scholl Committees for the several districts in said town and act any other matter or thing relative thereto. — 6. To hear the report of the Committee, raised at the town meeting in ]March last for the purpose of viewing the school house in the west centre District and act thereon. 7. To hear the report of the Committee raised at the town meeting in JNIarch last, for the purpose of viewing the road from Thomas Brown's in Weston to Needham line & proposed alterations thereof, and act thereon 8". To hear the request of any person or persons who may wish an abatement of taxes and act thereon. 9 : To hear the town creditors accounts and act thereon. 10. To enquire into the title the town has to the Pew in the Public meeting house, formerly occupied by John Hastings and his widow both late of said Weston deceased, to let or make sale of the same, or act any other matter or thing relative thereto. Given under our hands and seals this sixteenth day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and f our Ebenezer Hobbs 1 r^ -, . ^ I Selectmen Nathan Fiske I r Amos Harrington I -.^r^ , I Weston. Abijah Fiske j Pursuant to the above warrant, I have notified and warned the Inhabitants of said town, qualified as therein expressed, to meet at the time and place and for the purposes therein men tioned Isaac Train constable — Weston April 30"\ 1804 — 8 TOWN RECORDS, 1804. The Inhabitants of the town of Weston pursuant to the above warrant assembled at the public meeting house in said Weston on the seventh day of May A D 1804 at four of the clock in the afternoon [6. J and acted on the following articles 1. — Ebenezer Hobbs Esq chosen moderator of said meet ing 2. Voted the Rev Samuel Kendal four hundred and fifty dollars for his salary for the year commencing the fiifth day of November next. 3'*. Voted to allow the town treasurer's account as ex hibited. — 4 Voted one hundred and twenty five dollars to each school district for the use of schools — also six hundred dollars for usual and incidental charges for the year ensuing. — 5" school committees chosen as follows. East C. District, Rev. Sam^ Kendal Isaac Lamson & Deacon Sam'. Fiske. West C. District Amos Bancroft, Thaddeus Peirce & John Flagg jr. South W. District Nahum Train, Captain Carver & Abijah Fiske. South E. District Benjamin Rand, Cap Josiah Hastings & John Slack. North W. District Samuel Smith, Phinehas Hagar and Nathan Hagar. North E. District Ebenezer Hobbs, Cap. Isaac Hobbs & Cap*. Nathan Fiske. — 6. Voted to accept the report of the committee raised to examine the West centre school house, which report is in these words. "Your Committee appointed to view the school house in the west centre District, take leave to report as follows, viz. As to the outside of said house two or three new windows should be added to those on the north side and east end as shaU render said house most uniform, that the clapboards upon two sides of said house which are most worn be taken off and their place be supplied with new clapboards : and those old clap boards be used to repair the other parts of the house aforesaid : and that said house needs underpinning in part and when so repaired to be pointed with lime ; also the roof to be patched where shingles are wanting : the inside of said house needs a new floor laid and new seats to be l:)uilt : likewise the plaister- ing of said house ought to be repaired, so as to render said TOWN RECORDS, 1804. 9 house decent and tight : also that there be a writing desk built in said house. — " All which is submitted by us Weston — May 7'". 1804 — Amos Bancroft. Thad^ Peirce. Joseph Livermore. J> Committee Joseph Russell. I Ebenezer Hobbs J Voted also that Amos Bancroft, Thaddeus Peirce and John Flagg jr be a committee to carrj- into effect this report & draw the money from the to^sm treasury. — 7 Voted to accept the report of the Committee for alter ations in the road between Weston and Needham line S*" Voted to pass over this article. — 9. Voted to allow Isaac Trains account for warning town meetings & notifying town officers, twenty one dollars. — 10? Voted to pass over the tenth article. — Voted that this meeting be dissolved Recorded b}' Isaac Fiske town clerk — [7. J To Stephen Harrington oue of the constables of the [l s] town of Weston. Greeting — You are hereby required in the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to notify and warn the inhabitants of the said town of Weston duly qualified to vote for representatives in the General Court of said Commonwealth viz, the male inhabit ants of said town being twenty one years of age and resident in said town for the space of one year next preceding having a free hold estate within said town of the annual income of three pounds or any estate to the value of sixty pounds, to assemble at the public meeting house in said Weston on monday the fifth day of November next, being the first monday of said month at two of the clock in the after noon to give in their votes for nineteen Electors of President and Vice President of the United 10 TOWN RECORDS, 1804. States qualified according to the constitution thereof, whose names shall be all borne on one ticket, and suoh ticket shall contain the name of at least one Inhabitant of each District for choosing Representatives to the congress of the United States, established by a Law passed March 10*'\ 1802 — And also to give in their votes for a Representative of the People of said Commonwealth in the congress of the United States for Middlesex district. — Given under our hands and seals this first day of October in the year of our Lord Eighteen hundred and four. Ebenezer Hobbs ] Selectmen John Slack I Nathan Fiske i Abijah Fiske j Weston. November 3". 1804 Agreeably to the within warrant I have notified and warned the Inhabitants of the town of Weston duly qualified to vote for representative in the General Court of Massachusetts to meet at the time and place and for the purposes within mentioned — Constable of Weston. Stephen Harrington Pursuant to this Warrant the Inhabitants of the town of Weston assembled at the public meeting house on monday the fifth day of November A D 1804 at two of the clock in the after noon and gave in their votes for Electors of President & Vice President as follows — one List — at Large. For Hon. David Cobb Esq of Gouldsborough 97 Hon. Oliver Kendall Ks. of Boston— 97 Dietricts. Hon John Coffln Jones Esq Boston. 97 Hon. Benjamin Goodhue Esq. Salem 97. Hon. Bailey Bartlett Esq. Haverill. 97 Hon Eleazer Brooks Esq. Lincoln 97 Hon William Shephard Esq Westfleld. 97 Hon. Eben', Mattoon jr. Amherst. 97 Hon. Will fp Seavor esq. Kingston 97 Hon Ebenezer Bacon Esq Barnstable 97 Hon. George Leonard Es. Norton 97 Hon. Joseph Allen Es. Worcester— 97 Hon. Josiah Stearns Esq. Lunenburg 97 Hon. David Eoasitter Esq, Richmond. 97 Hon Cotton Tufts Esq. Weymouth 97 Hon John Lord Esq. Berwick. 97 Hon. Isaac Parker Es. Portland 97 Hon. Thomas Rice. Wiscassett 97 Hon. Sam | S. Wild, Hallowell 97 town records, 1805. H [S.J The other List as follows Hon John Davis. Barnstable — . S* Gen. Tim? Newell, Esq. Sturbridge— 38 Gen John Whiting Esq. Lancaster — 38 Hon John Bacon Esq — Stockbridge. 38 Hon. William Heath Esq. Roxbury — 38 Hon. John Woodman Esq. Buxton — 38 Hon. Charles Turner Esq. Turner 38 Col. Thomas Fillebrown Esq. HalloweU 38 John Farley Esq. New Castle — 38 at large Hon James Sullivan, Esq. Boston. 38. Hon. Elbridge Gerry Esq. Cambridge — 38 Districts — Hon. James Bowdoin Ee. Boston 38 Col. John Hathorne Esq. Salem 38 Dr. Thomas Kittredge Es. Andover — 38 Hon. James Winthrop Esq. Cambridge — 38 Jon • Smith Esq. West Springfield — 38 Edward Upham Esq. New Salem — 38 Hon. James Warren Plymouth — 38 Hon. Josiah Dean, Raynham — 38 And for representative to Congress as follow — For the Honorable Timothy Bigelow ninety eight — For the Hon'. Joseph B. Varnum Es . . thirty seven. — meeting dissolved. Recorded by Isaac Fiske clerk. [1805.] [l s] To Stephen Harrington one of the constables of the town of Weston Greeting. You are hereby required in the name of the Commonwealth of ^Massachusetts, to summon and notify the free holders and other Inhabitants of said town, qualified by law to vote in town meetings, viz, such as pay to one single tax besides the poll or polls, a sum equal to two thirds of a single poll tax, to assemble at the public meeting house in said town on monday the fourth day of jNIarch next at one of the clock in the after noon to act on the following articles, viz. 1. To choose a moderator of said meeting. — 2. To choose selectmen, town clerk, town treasurer, con stables, assessors and all other town officers which by law we are obliged to choose in the month of March or April. 3. To grant money to repair the high ways, or act any matter or thino- relative thereto. 4 To hear the town treasurer's account and act thereon. — 5 To know the minds of the town, whether they will permit neat cattle to go at large or act any matter or thing relative thereto. — 6. To see whether the town will provide a woman's scholl 12 TOWN RECORDS, 1805. in each District in said town or act any matter or thing relative thereto. — 7 . To see if the town will take measures to repair the south east scholl house or act any matter or thing relative thereto. — 8 To see if the town will repair the poor house or act any matter or thing relative thereto. 9. To hear the town creditors accounts and act thereon. — 10. To hear the request of any person or persons who may wish an abatement of their taxes and act thereon. Given under our hands and seals this fourth day of February [9. ] in the year of our Lord one thousand, eight hundred and five. El5ENEZER HOBBS. Nathan Fisice Amos Harrington Abijah Fiske Selectmen ^ of We.ston Weston March A^}\ 1805 In obedience to the within war rant I have notified the Inhabitants of the town of Weston as the law directs. Stephen Harrington. — Pursuant to the foregoing warrant the- Inhal)itants of the town of Weston assembled at the public meeting house in said Weston on the fourth day of March AD 1805 — and 1. Made choice of Ebenezer Hobbs Esq. for Moderator of said meeting. 2 . Made choi ce of Ebenezer Holjbs Esq . — "] John Slack Esq. — | Nathan Fiske. y as Selectmen- Amos HaiTinof;on I Abijah Fiske J — Isaac Fiske, town, clerk. Isaac Lamson, town treasurer. — Nathan Hobbs, jr. "j Abijah Fiske V assessors — Nathan Fiske J Stephen Harrington constable & collector & voted to give him six cents and one quarter per pound for collecting taxes — Nathan Fiske, constable. — town records, 1805. 13 Surveyors of Highways — as follows — for the N. E. Dis trict Natha'. Bemis. — N. W. District Nathan Hagar. Centre District Isaac Fiske. — S. W. District Joseph Holbrook. — S. E. District Daniel Stimson. — [10. Abraham Sanderson jr & John Warren — Alpheus Bigelow & ' Abr™. Hews jr Increase Leadbetter& John Roberts — Nahum Train & W?. P. Jones — John Dudley & Isaac Gould Ebenezer Brackett. George W. Smith, Eben^ Hobbs Isaac Train Eben'. Hobbs — Daniel Clark Tythingmen. — Fence Viewers. Field drivers. — Hogreaves — Surveyors of Lumber. • Poundkeeper. — Surveyors of wood. — Sealers of Leather — 3. Voted one thousand dollars to be worked out on the highways in the usual manner. 4. Voted to allow the town treasurer's account as ex hibited. — 5 — Voted that neat cattle shall not go at large the year ensuing. — 6 — Voted twenty five dollars to each District for women's schools. — 7. Voted to choose a committee to repair the south east school house. — John Slack, Josiah Hastings and Benjamin 14 TOWN reoords, 1805. Rand, chosen — Voted that they lay their account of repairing the same when completed before the town for allowance — 8. Voted to choose a Committee to examine into the state of the work house. Ebenezer Hobbs, Nathan Fiske & Jona than Warner [WarrenJ , chosen. 9. Voted to allow Nathan Hobbs jr. ten dollars, Nathan Fiske twelve dollars and thirty cents and Abijah Fiske eight dollars, for their services as assessors. — Voted to dissolve this meeting. Recorded by Isaac Fiske town clerk. — Know all men. That I Moses Gill of Princeton Esq. for aud in consideration of one hundred dollars to me paid by Reuben Carver of Charlestown Gentleman, do remise, release, and for ever quitclaim all my right, title and interest I have in and to a certain pew in the meeting house in the town of Weston in the county of Middlesex with all my right to the stables near said meeting house or land on which said stables are liuilt to gether with all my right, title and interest in and to the Baptist meeting house or any money due from said meeting house or society to said Reuben Carver, his heirs and assigns forever. — To have and to hold the above premises to the said Reuben Carver his heirs and assigns forever. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal also my wife Susanna in token of her relinquishing her do^ver this twenty ninth day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and one Moses Gill & Seal Susannah Gill & Seal Signed sealed and delivered in presence of us. Nathan Whittemorb > Abiel Graves jr — ) Suffolk ss. June 9'." 1801 — Then the above named Moses Gill personally appeared and acknowledged the aforegoing in strument to be his free act and deed Before me. W" Sullivan Justice Peace ReC and entered March 14'". 1805. & recorded by Isaac Fiske town clerk — town records, 1805. 15 [11. ] Know all men Ity these Presents that the Inhabitants of the town of Weston in the county of Middlesex, in consid eration of sixty dollars to them paid by Josiah Hastings, gentleman and Micah Mosnian yeoman both of the said Weston, the receipt whereof they do hereby acknowledge, have remised, released and forever quit claimed iand do for them selves and their successors bj' these presents remise, release and fore^-er quit claim unto the said Josiah and Micah their heirs and assigns, all their estate right, title and interest in and to a certain pew in the public meeting house in said Weston, situate in the front gallery in said meeting house and marked number five. To have and to hold the aforementioned premises, with all the privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging to them the said Josiah and Micah and their heirs and assigns forever so that neither they the said Inhabitants nor any other person or persons claiming from or under them, or in the name right or stead of them, shall or will, by an}- way or means, have, claim or demand any right or title to the aforesaid Premises, or their appurtenances or to any part or parcel thereof, forever. In witness whereof the said Inhabitants have hereunto set their hands and seals this first day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and one bj' their agents Artemas W'ard & Seal Ebenezer Hobbs & Seal Signed, sealed and delir- Caleb Hayward & Seal ered in presence of us, " Sue- Joel Smith & Seal cessors " being inserted and Isaac Lamson & Seal " heirs " & " or " erased John Flagg & Seal Isaac Gould John Stimson & Seal Thad' Peirce — ReceiA'ed March 14'". 1805 & recorded by Isaac Fiske town clerk — Know all men by these Presents that I Micah Mosman of Weston in the county of Middlesex, yeoman, in consideration of thirty dollars to me paid by Josiah Hastings of the same 16 TOWN RECORDS, 1805. Weston, gentleman, the receipt whereof I do hereby acknowl edge, have remised, released, and forever quitclaimed, and do for myself and my heirs by these Presents, remise, release and for ever quit claim unto the said Josiah Hastings his heirs and as signs all my right, title and interest in and to a certain pew in the public meeting house in Weston, situate in the front gal- lory in said meeting house and marked number five, it being the same pew purchased by said Hastings and myself of the Inhabitants of the town of Weston ))y their deed dated Janu ary first in the year of our Lord Eighteen hundred and one. — To have and to hold the afore nientioned premises, with all the privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging, to him the said .Josiah Hastings his heirs and assigns forever : so that neither I the said Micah Mosman, nor my heirs or any other person or Persons claiming from or under me or them, or in the name, right or stead of me or them, shall or will by any way or means, have, claim or demand any right or title to th'e aforesaid premises, or their appurtenances, or to any part or- parcel thereof, forever. In witness whereof, I the said Micah Mosman have hereunto set my hand and seal this second day of jNIarch in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and five Micah Mosman & Seal Signed, sealed and de livered in presence of us — Isaac Flagg Isaac Fiske — Rec". :March 14 1805 & recorded Isaac Fiske town clerk — [12. J To Stephen Harrington one of the constables of the [l sJ town of Weston Greeting You are herel.)y required in the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to notify and warn the Inhabitants of said town of Weston, qualified to vote for representatives to meet at the public meeting house on monday the first day of April next at two of the clock in the afternoon to give in their votes for a county treasurer. TOWN RECORDS, 1805. 17 Given under our hands aad seals this seventh day of March A D 1805 — Ebenezer Hobbs "] selectmen Nathan Fiske ! Amos Harrington j Abijah Fiske J Weston Middlesex ss. Weston March 19*. 1805 Pursuant to the above warrant I have notified and warned the Inhabitants of the said town of Weston qualified to vote for representatives to meet at the time and place and for the pur poses above mentioned. Stephen Harrington constable of Weston — Pursuant to the above warrant the Inhabitants of the town Df Weston assembled at the yjublic meeting house in said Weston and gave in their votes for county treasurer as follows — viz For Ebenezer Bridge Esquire seventy four. — meetiuo- dissolved. Attest Isaac Fiske town clerk. [l sJ To M''. Stephen Harrington one of the constables of the town of Weston — Greeting. You are hereby required in the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to warn the male Inhabitants of the town of Weston, of twenty one years of age and upwards, having a free hold estate within the Commonwealth of an annual income of three pounds, or any estate to the value of sixty pounds to meet at the public meeting house on monday the first day of April next at three of the clock in the after noon to give in their votes for a Govenor, Lieutenant Govenor, and Senators & Counsellors agreeable to the Constitution of said Common wealth — Given under our hands and seals at said Weston, this seventh. day of March A D 1805 — Ebenezer Hobbs ] Selectmen Nathan Fiske I r Amos Harrington Abijah Fiske Weston 18 town records, 1805. Middlesex ss. Weston March 19"'. 1805 Pursuant to the above warrant I have notified and warned the male Inhabitants of the town of Weston, qualified as above expressed to meet at the time and place and for the purposes a,bove mentioned Stephen Harrington, constable for Weston. By virtue of this Warrant the Inhabitants of the town of Weston legally qualified as therein mentioned at the public meeting house in said town at three of the clock in the after noon and oave in their votes as follows For Caleb Strong Esq. for Govenor 114 — l James Sullivan Esq. for D» — 43. i Edward H. Robbins Es. for L«. Govenor 118 William Heath Esq — D» 42. for Senators & Counsellors — Jonathan Maynard Esq. 42 Aaron Hill Esq— 42 William Hildrith Esq — 42 Samuel Dana Esq — 42 Senators & counsellors. Artemas Ward Esq— 116 "| Loammi Baldwin Esq. — 114 I Timothy Jackson Esq — 116 [ Ebenezer Bridge Esq — 116 J Meeting was then dissolved. Attest Isaac Fiske town clerk — [13. J Commonwealth of Massachusetts — [ls.J Middlesex ss. To either of the constables of the town of Weston within the said county Greetino- — In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are forthwith to warn all the free holders and other Inhabitants of the town of Weston within your District lieing twenty years of age and upwards and resident in the town for the space of one year next preceding, having a free hold estate within the same of the annual income of three pounds, or any estate of the value of sixty pounds to assemble at the pubUo meeting house in said town, on monday the sixth day of May next at two of the clock in the afternoon then and there to elect one meet person to represent the town in the General Court ap pointed to be convened and held at Boston on the last wednes- town records, 1805. 19 day of May next. Hereof fail not and make due return of this warrant, and of your Doings thereon unto the selectmen, on or before the said day. Dated at Weston aforesaid the fif teenth day of April iu the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and five. John Slack Nathan Fiske Amos Harrington Abijah Fiske Selectmen > oi Weston By virtue of the above Warrant, I have warned the free holders and other Inhabitants of the town of Weston within my District, to meet at the time and place and for the purposes therein mentioned Stephen Harrington constable Weston May l\ 1805. — The Inhabitants of the town of Weston assembled at the public meeting house in said town on Monday the sixth day of May A D 1805 and elected John Slack Esq to represent them in the General Court. Attest I. Fiske town clerk — [lsJ To Stephen Harrington one of the constables of the town of Weston Greeting — You are hereby required in the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, to summon and notify the free holders and other Inhabitants of said town qualified by law to vote in town meetings, viz, such as pay to one single tax besides the poll or polls a sum equal to two thirds of a single poll tax, to assemble at the public meeting house in said Weston, on monday the sixth day of May next at three of the clock in the afternoon to act on the following articles, viz — 1. To choose a Moderator of said Meeting. — 2. To grant the salary of the Rev*. Samuel Kendal for the year ensuing. — 3. To know the minds of the town if they will make any addition to the salary of the Rev*. Samuel Kendal for one or 20 TOWN records, 1805. more years, and to grant money for the same, or act any other matter or thing relative thereto 4. To grant money for the support of schools and all usual and incidental town charges. — 5. To choose school committees in the several districts — 6. To hear the Report of the committee raised to inspect the Poor house and act thereon. — [14. J 7'!'. To know the minds of the town if they will make any alterations in the school Districts, or build, repair or add to any of their school houses or act any other matter or thing that will tend to equalize the means of education. — 8^ To know the minds of the town if they will alter the mode of warning town meetings, or act any thing relative thereto. — 9.'^ To know the minds of the town if they will grant any money for the encouragement of sacred music or act any thing relative thereto. — 10 To hear the town treasurer's account and act thereon. — 11. To hear applications for the abatement of taxes and act thereon. — 12. To hear town creditors accounts and act thereon. — Hereof fail not and make due return of this Warrant and of your doings thereon. Dated at Weston aforesaid, the fifteenth day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hun dred and five — John Slack 1 Selectmen Nathan Fiske i Amos Harrington ( Abijah Fiske J Weston — By virtue of the above warrant I have warned or o-iven notice to the Inhabitants of the town of Weston to meet at the time and place and for the purpose mentioned. Stephen Harrington constable — Weston May 1? 1805 — Pursuant to the above warrant the Inhabitants of the town of Weston assembled at the public meeting house in said town TOWN RECORDS, 1805. 21 on monday the sixth day of May AD 1805 at three of the clock in the afternoon and — 1. Made choice of Ebenezer Hol)bs Esq. for Modera tor. — 2 & 3 . Granted five hundred and fifty dollars to the Rever end Samuel Kendal for his Salary for one year commencing the fifth of November next — 4. — Granted one hundred and fifty dollars for women's schools for the several Districts : — also seven hundred and fifty for men's schools. — also seven hundred and fifty dollars to defray the expences of usual and incidental charges. 5'.'' — Elected school committees for the several Districts as follows, for the West C. District. Amos Bancroft, Thaddeus Peirce, & Abr'? Hews jr. for the East C. District. Abr"? Har rington, Deac? Sam} Fiske & Sam! Kendal, — South West District Abijah Fiske, Arthur Train & Thomas Brown. South E. District. John Davis, Nathan Upham & Daniel Clark ; — North West District, Silas Gregory ; Alpheus Bigelow & Ed ward Child : N. E. District, Nathan Warren Nathan Hobbs jr & Thomas Bigelow — 6".' Accepted the report of the committee raised to inspect the Poor house which is in these words. " Your committee hav ing attended to the business assigned them submit to your con sideration the following report, viz. — That they have examined the building called the poor house and find the internal state thereof to be convenient, and in tolerable repair, excepting the windows, a part of which ought to be removed and their places supplied with new ones. — The frame appears to be sound, having been new ground celled within a few years past, the roof will need Shingling soon, it may answer for a year or two, but whenever it is done, your committee are of opinion that it would conduce to the Interest ofthe town to add another story, previous to shingling. — [15. J It having been argued by some that the town's own ing such a house has been the Means of augmenting their Poor, has led to the enquiry who have been its inhabitants in years past, and we find among others a Mr!. Middlesex & Cornwall, 22 TOWN RECORDS, 1805. although objects of pity, very few, there are, who would be willing to act the part of the good Samaritan and administer oil to their wounds : — There has generally been two families which the town must have provided for, either by boarding them out, or hiring a house for them to live in, either of which would have cost the town more than the interest of the money, the house could have been sold for, added to the other expences the town has been at in supporting those families. — Finally, considering the character of some, and the colour of others whom the town has to provide for, your Committee being impressed with the idea, that the poor we shall have ever with us, are unanimously of opinion, that it is for the inter est of this town to have a house where they may place those who are unable to support themselves. Weston May 7'". 1805 — Ebenezer Hobbs, \ Nathan Fiske V Committee Jonathan Warren J 7^, Voted to empower the committee (sometime since raised in the west center District to repair the school house in said District) to new shingle said school house — Voted to take a census of the several sohollars in each Dis trict from Eighteen year of age and under. — Deacon Samuel Fiske, Doc. Amos Bancroft Benjamin Rand, Abijah Fiske, Nathaniel Allen, Ebenezer Hobbs & John Slack chosen for that purpose. — 8;^'^ Voted that the three town meetings stated by law to be holden in one year, shall in future be warned by posting up Notifications at the public meeting house in the center of the town of Weston. — 9. Voted sixty dollars to be drawn from the treasury for the purpose of encouraging sacred music in said Weston, and Nathan Upham, Nathan Warren and Cap. Alpheus Bigelow were chosen a committee to hire a singing master for the pur pose of teaching music. — TOWN RECORDS, 1805. 23 Voted to adjourn this meeting to the last monday in May instant at three of the clock in the afternoon ; at which tjme the Inhabitants met according to adjournment & Voted that the report of the committee raised to take a census of the schoUars in each District should be rejected. — [see Appendix. J Voted also that the North East District draw from the treas ury one hundred and fifty dollars of the sum granted for winter schools & that the residue be equally divided between the other Districts in said town. meeting was then dissolved. Att. Isaac Fiske town clerk — [16.J [l sJ . To Stephen Harrington one of the constables of the town of Weston Greeting. — You are hereby required in the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to summon and Notify the free holders and other Inhabitants of said town, qualified by law to vote in town meetings, viz, such as pay to one single tax, liesides the poll or polls a sum equal to two thirds of a single poll tax, to assemble at the public meeting house in said Western on tues- day the fifteenth day of October instant at three of the clock in the afternoon to act on the following articles, viz. 1. To choose a moderator of said meeting. — 2*. To choose a committee to make alterations in Concord road so called leading through the north part of Weston, lately laid out by a Courts Committee and to grant money to defray the expences of the same : or to act any other matter or thing relative thereto. — 3. To know the minds of the town if they will lay out a town road in the south part of Weston, from the dwelling of Samuel Train to Needham line, or act any other matter or thing relative thereto. — 4"". To know the minds of the town, if they will sell, regu late, or repair the work house, or act any other matter or thing relative to said work house, and land adjoining said work house belonging to said town. 24 TO'VVN RECORDS, 1805. 5. To hear any applications for abatement of taxes and act thereon — 6'?. To choose agents, or agent to answer to a complaint and suit brought against the Inhabitants of the town of Weston by the Inhabitants of the town of Waltham for the support of Jonas Hagar, to be heard and tried on the twenty first day of October instant before Nathan Fuller Esq. and to act any other matter or thing relative to said complaint & suit. — Given under our hands and seals this seventh day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand. Eight hundred and five. Ebenezer Hobbs John Slack Selectmen Nathan Fiske V of Amos Harrington Weston — Abijah Fiske Middlesex ss. October 10"\ 1805. Pursuant to the within warrant I have summoned and notified the Inhabitants of the town of Weston qualified as within expressed to meet at the place, time and purposes within mentioned — Stephen Harrington one of the constables of the town of Weston — Agreeably to the above warrant the Inhabitants of the town of Weston assembled at the public meeting house in said town on tuesday the fifteenth day of October AD 1805 at three of the clock in the afternoon — & 1. Made choice of Ebenezer Hobbs as moderator of said meeting. — 2*. Made choice of Ebenezer Hobbs, Nathan Hobbs jr and Nathan Warren as a committee to make the alterations in Con cord road which were laid out lately liy the Courts Committee. Granted five hundred dollars to make said alterations and pay the damages the Courts Committee assessed to individuals [17. J for land taken for said alterations — Voted also that said Committee draw from the treasury one hundred dollars of money heretofore granted, and that, that sum be deducted from the said five hundred dollars. — town records, 1806. 25 3? — Voted that the Selectmen be a committee to view and lay out a road from Samuel Train jur's to Needham line and make report thereof at the next meeting. — 4'". Voted to pass over the article relative to the work house. — 5"\ Voted to pass over this article. — 6. Isaac Fiske chosen agent in behalf of the town of Weston to appear and answer to the complaint & suit brought against the town of Weston hy the town of Waltham, con cerning Jonas Hagar. meeting dissolved — Att. Isaac Fiske town clerk [1806.] [l sJ To Stephen Harrington one of the constables of the town of Weston — Greeting. Your are herebj' required in the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to summon and notify the free holders and other Inhabitants of said town, qualified by law to vote in town, meetings, viz. Such as pay to one single tax beside the poll or polls a sum equal to two thirds of a single poll tax to as semble at the public meeting house on thursday the thirteenth of February instant at two of the clock in the afternoon to act on the foUowing articles — viz. 1. To choose a moderator of said meeting. — 2. To see if they will choose agents to oppose alterations that are or may hereafter be contemplated in any of the roads in said town or act an 3' other matter or thing relative to roads in said town. — Given under our hands and seal this third day of February in the year of our Lord one thousand, eight hun dred and six. — Ebenezer Hobbs ^ Selectmen John Slack I r Nathan Fiske i Amos Harrington J Weston In obedience to this warrant I have notified the people to meet at the time & place. Stephen Harrington, constable, Weston Feb. 8 •• 1806 26 town records, isoe. Agreeably to this warrant the Inhabitants of the town of Weston assembled at the public meeting house in said Weston on thursday the 13". of February AD 1806 — at 2 : o C. in the afternoon & 1 Made choice of Ebenezer Hobbs Esq. as moderator of said meeting. — 2. Made choice of Joseph Russell & Jonathan Warren, as agents to oppose the alterations in the roads in the north part of the town of Weston Voted that they should not employ council at the expence of the town meeting dissolved. Att. Isaac Fiske, town clerk [18.J[l sJ . The freeholders and other Inhabitants of the town of Weston qualified bj^ law to vote in town meetings viz. such as pay to one single tax besides the poll or polls, a sum equal to two thirds of a single poll tax, are hereby notified and warned to assemble at the public meeting house in said Weston, on monday the third daj^ of March next at one of the clock in the afternoon to aet on the following articles viz. 1. To choose a moderator of said meeting. — 2. To choose Selectmen, town clerk, town treasurer, con stables, assessors and all other town officers, which by law, towns are obliged to choose in the month of March or April. 3. To grant money to repair the highways, or act any other matter or thing relative thereto. — - 4 To hear the town treasurers account and act thereon. — 5. To know the minds of the town whether they will pre vent neat cattle from going at large the ensuing season, or act any thing relative thereto. — 6. To see whether the town will provide a woman's scholl in each District in said town, or act any matter or thing rela tive thereto. — 7 To hear the report of the committee raised to view and lay out a road in the south part of Weston and act thereon. ^i. To hear the town creditors accounts and act thereon. — 9 . To hear the request of those who may wish au abatement of taxes and act thereon. — TOWN RECORDS, 1806. 27 Given under our hands and seals this Eighteenth day of February A D 1806. — Ebenezer Hobbs ^ Selectmen John Slack )¦ of Nathan Fiske J Wescon Agreeably to the above notification which stood posted at the public meeting house more, than seven days prior to the third day of March instant the Inhabitants of the town of Weston assembled at the public meeting house on monday the third day of March A D 1806 & 1. Made choice of Ebenezer Hobbs Esq. as Moderator — 2. Made choice of Ebenezer Hobbs, Abijah Fiske, Alpheus Bigelow Moses Fuller and Amos Bancroft for their select men. — Isaac Fiske town clerk. Isaac Fiske town treasurer. Nathan Hobbs jr. Abijah Fiske & Silas Gregory as assessors who were all sworn. — Abraham Hews jr. as constalile ancl collector of taxes. — Voted to give him one cent and nine mills for collecting taxes upon the dollar. — sworn. — Surveyors of highways. North E. District Jonas Col^urn — North W- District Joseph Russell & sworn. — South E. District Ezra Fiske, sworn South W. District Thomas Brown. Centre District. William P. Jones. vSurveyors of Lumber. Isaac Gould & Thomas Bigelow — Fence Viewers, Amos Sanderson, Ebenezer Fiske & Nathan Hagar. — [19. J Field drivers. Jonathan Warren, John Viles & Joab Leadbetter. — Hogreaves. — John Roberts & Lot Bemis. — Sealers of Leather. Nathan Hagar and Daniel Clark. — 3. Voted fifteen hundred dollars — to repair the highways, to be worked out in the usual manner after the rate of nine pence per hour for man and the same for team. — 4 Voted to allow the town treasurer's account as ex hibited. — 28 town RECORDS, 1806. 5. Voted that neat cattle should not go at large the year ensuing. — 6. Twenty five dollars voted to each district for women's schools — 7 . Voted to pass over the seventh article — 8. Voted to allow Nathan Fiske fifteen dollars, Abijah Fiske thirteen dollars and fifty cents and Nathan Hol)bs jr fourteen dollars and seventj^ five cents for their services as assessors. — 9. Voted to abate the taxes of the following person's con tained in lists of taxes committed to Isaac Train, viz Abigail Bond— $22:50 James Jones $6:63. Elijah Parks $1:87. Sylvester Watkins $2:82. William Wyman $4 : 63. Ebenezer Ballard $2 : 74. James Campbell $2 : 15 : — and also that the said Isaac Train draw from the treasury the following person's taxes viz, Elisha Furbush $1 : 94. John Brown $2 : 44 Ezra Lathum $2:07. Frederick A Martin $2:07. Jesse Tarble $2:82:— Noah Parminter $2:07. Eben''. I. [?J Webber $2:56 — amounting in the whole to the sum of Mty nine dollars and thirty one cents . — meeting dissolved — Att. Isaac Fiske town clerk [l s. ] This is to notify the male Inhabitants of the town of Weston being twenty one years of age and upwards, having real estate of the annual income of three pounds, or any estate to the value of sixty pounds to assemble at the public meeting house in said town on monday the seventh daj' of April next at two of the clock p. m. to give in their votes for Govenour, Lieutenant Govenour, Senators and Counsellors, agreeably to the constitution of this Commonwealth. — Given uuder our hands and seals this seventeenth day of March AD 1806 — Ebenezer Hobbs Abijah Fiske Selectmen Alpheus Bigelow y of MosES Fuller | Weston — Amos Bancroft J town records, 1806. 29 Agreeably to the above notification, Avhich stood posted at the public meeting house in said Weston, more than seven days prior to the day of meeting, the Inhabitants of the town of Weston assembled at the public meeting house in said Weston on monday the seventh day of April A D 1806 and gave in their votes as follows — for Govenour. ] Caleb Strong Esq. one hundred I and flfteen |- James Sullivan Es. twenty four — Elbridge Gerry Esq. one. — J [20 J Senators & Counsellors — For. Artemas 'Ward Esq. — 115 ] Timothy Jackson Esq — 115 I Timothy Bigelow Esq — 115 , Ebenezer Bridge Esq — 115 j Lt Govenour for Edward H. Robbins one hun dred & fourteen William Heath esq. twenty flve Senators & Counsellors William llildreth Esq — Aaron Hill Esq — Jonathan Maynard Esq — Samuel Dana Esq — 25 25 25 25 meeting dissolved Att. Isaac Fiske, town clerk - [ls.J This is to notify the male Inhabitants of the town of [ls j Weston being twenty one years of age and upwards, viz, [ls.J such as have a right to vote for Representative to [ls j assemble at the public meeting house in said town on [ls j monday the seventh day of April next at three of the clock in the afternoon to give in their votes for county Register and county treasurer agreeably to a Law of this Common wealth Given under our hands and seals this seventeenth day of March A D 1806 Ebenezer Hobbs ] Abijah Fiske ! Alpheus Bigelow Amos Bancroft Selectmen of —Weston — Agreeably to this notification which stood posted at the pub lic meeting according to law, the Inhabitants assembled at the public meeting house in said Weston on monday the seventh day of April A D 1806 at three of the clock in the after noon and gave in their votes as follows 30 town records, 1806. for county Register, Samuel Bartlett Esq seventy six — for county treasurer Ebenezer Bridge Esq — sixty seven. — meeting dissolved Isaac Fiske town clerk — [l sJ This is to notify and warn the male Inhabitants of the town of Weston being twenty one years of age and up wards and resident in said town for the space of one year next preceding having a free hold estate within said town of the annual income of three pounds or any estate to the value of sixty pounds to meet at the public meeting house in said Wes ton on monday the fifth day of May next at two of the clock in the afternoon for the purpose of choosing a representative to represent them at the General Court, appointed to be con vened and held at Boston, on the last Wednesday of May — Given under our hands and seals at said Weston this twenty second day of April A D 1806 — Ebenezer Hobbs Abijah Fiske Selectmen Alpheus Bigelow y of Moses Fuller 4mos Bancroft Weston. Agreeably to the above notification the Inhabitants of the town of Weston legally assembled at the public meeting house in said Weston on monday the fifth day of ISIay A D 1806 at two of the clock in the afternoon & made choice of John Slack Esq. to represent them at the General Court to be holden at Boston on the last Wednesday of May instant — Att. Isaac Fiske town clerk. [21. J [ls.J This is to notify the free holders and other Inhabitants of the town of Weston, qualified by law to vote in town meeting viz, such as pay to one single tax besides the poll or polls a sum equal to two thirds of a single poll tax, to as semble at the public meeting house on monday the fifth day of May at three oClock in the afternoon to act on the following articles, viz. town records, 1806. 31 1. To choose a moderator. 2. To grant money to pay the Rev*. Samuel Kendal his salary for the ensuing year. — 3*. To grant money for the necessary charges of the town for the ensuing year 4. To hear the town treasurer's account and act thereon. — 5. To choose scholl Committee to each District and to act on an}' matter relating thereto — 6. To hear the request of any person that would wish to have his taxes abated — 7 . To see if the town will give liberty to those persons that would wish to build tombs in the burying ground to erect them there. 8"- To see if the town will provide a number of uniforms for to be worn on training days by those who are hired into town for the season, or act any matter or thing relative thereto Given under our hands and seals at Weston this twenty second day of April A D 1806 — Ebenezer Hobbs — ~ Abljah Fiske o i x r .^ Selectmen of Alpheus Bigelow V ,^^ , ^ 1 v\ eston — Moses 1 uller — Amos Bancroft Agreeably to the above notification which stood posted at the public meeting house seven days prior to the time of meet ing, assembled at tlie public meeting house in said Weston on monday the fifth day of May A D 1806 at three of the clock in the afternoon and 1. made choice of Ebenezer Hobbs Esq. as moderator. — 2. Voted five hundred dollars to the Rev*. Sam'. Kendal as his salary for the year commencing Nov. next 3. Granted six hundred dollars to be equally divided among the Districts for schools — also seven hundred dollars for usual and incedental charges of the town. — 4. Voted to pass and allow the town treasurers account as exhibited 5. School committees chosen, as follows. East C. District 32 TOWN RECORDS, 1806. John Lamson, Abraham Harrington & Saniuel Wellington : — West C. District Abraham Hews jr. Ephraim Livermore and William P. Jones : — South. W. District Reuben Carver, Isaac Train & Thomas Brown : — South. E. District Richard Cutter, Moses Fuller & Abiathar Johnson ; North. W. District Nath'. Allen, Jesse Cheney & Nathan Hagar,. — North. E. District Isaac Hobbs jr. Jonathan Warren, & Nathan Fiske. — [22. J Voted also to choose two persons to be a Committee with the Rev*. Samuel Kendall to examine all persons who may offer themselves as instructors of schools — Doctor Amos Ban croft & Isaac Fiske chosen — 6 . Voted to pass over the sixth article — 7 . Voted that the selectmen be authorized to grant to per sons applying liberty to erect tombs in the town burjdng ground & that the Selectmen shall locate the same. — meeting dissolved — Isaac FisiiE town clerk Know all Men by these Presents, That I Thomas Rand of Weston in the county of Middlesex, housewright, in consider ation of one hundred dollars to me paid Elijah Rand of the same Weston, yeoman, the receipt whereof I do hereljy ac knowledge, have remised, released and forever quit claimed and do for myself and my heirs, by these presents remise, release and forever quitclaim unto the said Elijah Rand his heirs and assigns all my right, title and interest in and to a certain Pew in the public meeting house iu Weston, being in the corner pew by the Broad ile, being also the pew now improved and occupied by my family : To have and to hold the aforemen tioned premises, with all the privileges and appurtenances there unto belonging, to him the said Elijah his heirs and assigns for ever ; so that neither I the said Thomas Rand, nor my heirs, or any other person or persons claiming from or under me or them, or in the name, right, or stead of me or them shall or will, by any way or means, have claim, or demand any right or title to the aforesaid premises, or their appurtenances or to any part or parcel thereof forever. In witness whereof, I the said Thomas Rand have hereunto set my hand and seal this twenty TOWN RECORDS, 1806. 33 sixth day of February in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and five Signed, sealed and delivered ) Thomas Rand & seal — in presence of us, — j John Rand Amos Bancroft — Middlesex ss. February 27')' 1805 Then the above named Thomas Rand acknowledged the above instrument to be his free act and Deed — before me Amos Bancroft Just, of Peace — Recorded July 26*1' 1806 by Isaac Fiske town clerk — [23. J To all people to whom these Presents shall come. Whereas I Nathan Fiske administrator upon the estate of Thomas Rand late of Weston in the county of JVIiddlesex, deceased, by an order of the Justices of the Court of Common Pleas for the said county of Middlesex, which was begun and holden at Cambridge on the monday next preceding the third tuesday of December in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred & five was licensed to make sale of the real estate of the said deceased so far as should be necessary to satisfy the just debts by him owing at the time of his death and for inci dental charges, excepting that which was spt to the widow of said deceased as her dower. — Therefore know ye, that I the said Nathan Fiske administrator as aforesaid, as well by virtue of the power and authority to me given as aforesaid as in con sideration of the sum of thirty seven dollars paid me by Elijah Rand of the same Weston, Gentleman, the receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge, have granted, bargained and sold and do hereby in said capacity, grant, bargain, sell, convey and con firm unto him the said Elijah Rand, his heirs and assigns for ever, a certain stable situate north of the public meeting house in said Weston, and being number five of the new stables lately built by Thomas Rand, and adjoining the one owned by John Derby, the same standing on land belonging to the town of Weston, partly & partly and partly on land of Isaac Lamson, 34 TOWN RECORDS, 1806. which land is not conveyed. To have and to hold the same with all the privileges and appurtenances thereof, to him the said Elijah Rand his heirs and assigns forever. And I do hereby in the capacity aforesaid, covenant with the said Elijah Rand, his heirs and assigns that the said Thomas Rand died seized of the premises. That I was duly licensed by said court to make sale thereof : and that it was necessary the same should be sold for the purposes aforesaid : — That previous to the intended sale, I took the oath by law prescribed and gave public notice thereof, according to the directions of the Law in such cases made and provided : and that the said Elijah Rand offered most for the said premises, and the same was thereupon struck off to him for the sum aforesaid, at a public vendue, held at the house of Thomas Rand, deceased, on the fourth day of March in the year of our Lord Eighteen hundred and six. And I do further in the capacity aforesaid covenant to and with the said Elijah Rand, his heirs, and assigns, that the premises are free of all incumbrances : and that I will warrant, secure and de fend the same to him the said Elijah Rand his heirs and as signs forever, against the lawful claims and demands of all persons, — In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the sixteenth day of April in the year of our Lord Eighteen hun dred and six. — Signed, sealed and ~1 Nathan Fiske administrator & seal — delivered in presence of us — Isaac Fiske Benj^' Rand — __ Middlesex, ss. AprU le'!'. 1806 — Then the above named Nathan Fiske administrator personally appeared and acknowl edged the above Instrument by him subscribed to be his free act and deed — Before me Isaac Fiske justice of the Peace Recorded July 26'!' 1806 — by Isaac Fiske town clerk — town records, 1806. 35 [24. J Know all men by these Presents, that I Elijah Rand of Weston in the county of Middlesex, Gentleman — in con sideration of forty dollars paid by Reuben Carver of the same Weston, Gentleman, the Receipt whereof I do hereby acknowl edge, do hereby give, grant, sell, and convey unto the said Reuben Carver, his heirs and assigns a certain stable situate in said Weston, the north side of the public meeting house, being number five of the stables lately erected & being the same I latety purchased of Nathan Fiske administrator on the estate of Thomas Rand, deceased: — To have and to hold the afore- granted premises to the said Reuben Carver, his heirs and assigns, to his and their use and behoof forever. And I do covenant with the said Reuben Carver, his heirs and assigns, That I am lavs^uUy seized in fee of the afore granted premises ; That thej^ are free of aU encumbrances ; That I have good right to sell and convey the same to the said Reuben Carver as afore said : — And that I will warrant and defend the same Premises to the said Reuben Carver his heirs and assigns forever, against the lawfull claims and demands of all persons. In witness whereof I the said Elijah Rand have hereunto set my hand and seal this sixth day of Maj^ in the year of our Lord one thou sand. Eight hundred and six. Elijah Rand & seal Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of us — ^ Isaac Fiske v George Brackett — .) Middlesex, ss. May 6'.". 1806 — Then the above named Elijah Rand acknowledged the aliove instrument to be his free act and Deed — before me — Isaac Fiske Just. of. Peace — Recorded July 26'!' 1806 — by Isaac Fiske — town clerk of Weston To Abraham Hews jr.. the constable of the town of Weston [l sJ Greeting — You are hereby required in the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to notify and warn the Inhabitants of the said 36 to'vvn records, 1806. town of Weston, duly qualified to vote for representatives in the General Court of said Commonwealth viz, " the male in habitants of said town being twenty one years of age and resident in said town for the space of one year next preceding having a freehold estate within said town of the annual income of three pounds or any estate to the value of sixty pounds," to assemble at the public meeting house in said Weston on mon day the third day of November next, being the fir.st monday of said month, at two of the clock in the afternoon to give in their votes for a representative of the people of said Commonwealth in the Congress of the United States for ^Middlesex District — [25. J Given under our hands and seals this twenty first day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and six — Eben"? Hobbs — Alpheus Bigelow Amos Bancroft Abijah Fiske Selectmen of Weston October 27'?. 1806 — Agreeably to the within Warrant I have notified and warned the Inhabitants of the town of Wes ton duly qualified to vote for representatives in the General Court of Massachusetts to meet at the time and place & for the purposes within mentioned. ^ constable Abraham Hews jr. ^ of J Weston Agreeably to the above warrant the Inhabitants of the town of Weston assembled at the public meeting in said town on monday the third day of November A D 1806 — being the first monday in said month at two of the clock in the afternoon and gave in their votes for the following persons (viz) for Ebenezer Bridge Esq thirty four — Joseph B. Varnum twenty five — Recorded by Isaac Fiske town clerk — TOWN records, 1807. 37 [1807.] [26. J To Abraham Hews jr constable of the town of Wes- [l s J ton. Greeting. [l s j You are hereby required in the name of the Common- [l s J wealth of Massachusetts, to summon and notify the free [l s J holders and other Inhabitants of said town, qualified by [l s.j Law to vote in town meetings, viz, such as paj' to one single tax besides the poll or polls, a sum equal to two thirds of a single poll tax to assemble at the public meeting in said town on the tenth day of February instant at two of the clock in the afternoon to act on the following articles, viz. 1. To choose a Moderator. 2. To choose an agent or agents, or to enlarge the powers of those already chosen to prevent alterations in the pul^lic roads leading through said town, or act any matter or thing re lating to roads in said town. 3. To see if the town will divide the North East District, remove the school house now erected and build another, or act any matter or thing relating to the school or school-house in said District. Given under our hands and seals this second day of Feliruary AD 1807 — Ebenezer, Hobbs- Abijah Fiske | Selectmen ] Alpheus Bigelow y of Moses Fuller Amos Bancroft Weston February 6'.'' 1807. I have notified and warned the free holders and other Inhabitants of the town qualified by law to vote in town meetings of the time and place and for the pur pose as within directed. Abraham Hews jr constable — of \A'eston. — Aoxeeable to the above warrant the Inhabitants of the town of Weston assembled at the public meeting house in said town 38 TOWN RECORDS, 1807. on tuesday the tenth day of February AD 1807 at two of the clock in the afternoon and 1. Made choice of Ebenezer Hobbs Esq. as moderator of said Meeting. — 2. Voted to add one to the committee already chosen upon the subject of roads — Isaac Fiske chosen. Voted that the said Committee have power to employ one or more attornies at the expence of the town [27. J to oppose alterations lately laid out in the road in the north part of the town of Weston, called Concord road : — and to adojit such measures as they shall think proper to prevent all alterations in roads in said Weston, and particularly to use their endeavors to get the judgment of the Court of Sessions rendered at their last term making alterations in the road leading through the middle of the town called Worcester road set aside. — 3. Voted to choose a Committee to enquire into the state of the school in the N. E. District ; take a census of the children in said District, ascertain how many their school house will accommodate, & to judge of the expediency of Dividing the District. Benjamin Rand, Doctor Amos Bancroft, & Abraham Har rington chosen. Voted that said Committee report at the next March meet ing. — Meeting dissolved. — Recorded by Isaac Fiske town clerk. — [ls.J This is to notify the free holders and other Inhabi- [l S.J tants of the town of Weston qualified by law to vote in [ls.J town meetings, viz, such as pay to one single tax, be- [l s j sides the poll or polls, a sum equal to two thirds of a [l s J single poll tax to assemble at the public meeting house in said Weston on monday the second day of March next at one of the clock in the afternoon to act on the following articles, viz 1 To choose a moderator of said meeting 2. To choose town clerk. Selectmen and all other town officers. TOWN RECORDS, 1807. 39 3 . To grant money to repair the highways for the year en suing, or to act any matter or thing relating to roads in said town. 4. To hear a report of a Committee raised to enquire into the state of the school in the N. E District and to act any thing relating to schools in said town. — 5. To hear the town creditors accounts and act thereon. — 6 . To hear the report of the Selectmen relative to an alter ation, laid out by them in the road, south of the south west school house in said town. 7 To see if the town will sell one third or any part of the ground of the body seats below, or act any thing thereon. — [28. J 8 To see if the town will order or direct the as sessors to keep a book of records in order to ascertain the names of all those who have not gained a habitancy, or may hence after move into said town, for the purpose of prevent ing any unnecessary charges that may arise by an additional number of poor 9. To see if the town will do any thing respecting the sup port of Jonas Peirce. 10. To hear the town treasurer's account and act thereon. 11 To see if the town will rail the causeway on Concord road near Waltham line : — 12. To hear the request of any who wish to have their taxes abated. — 13. To hear a list prepared for the jury Boxes and act thereon. — Given under our hands and seals this nineteenth day of Feb ruary AD 1807 — Ebenezer Hobbs — Abijah Fisk — Alpheus Biglow Moses Fuller — Amos Bancroft Selectmen of Weston — Agreeably to the foregoing notification, the Inhabitants of the town of Weston assembled at the public meeting house in said town on monday the second day of March A D 1807. and 40 town records, 1807. 1. Made choice of Ebenezer Hobbs Esq. as Moderator of said meeting. — 2. — Isaac Fiske, town clerk, who was sworn before Eben ezer Hobbs Esq Ebenezer Hobbs, Esq. Alpheus Biglow, Moses Fuller, Amos Bancroft, and Thomas Rand, Selectmen — Isaac Hobbs jun"^. town treasurer, who was sworn before Isaac Fisk town clerk Abraham Hews junior constable and collector — Voted to give him two per cent for collections. — sworn Nathan Hobbs Junior ^ Silas Gregory — > Assessors — all sworn — — Isaac Train — 3 Surveyors of High ways, as follows, for North E. District Isaac Hobbs jr. — for North West District Silas Gregory, — for centre District Jonas Green : — for the south east District, Richard Cutter : — for south west District Samuel Train : — Amos Gleason David Brackett \ Tythi: [29. J Lot Bemis ) Hogreaves. — William P. Jones 5 — — W"". P. Jones sworn. Ebenezer Brackett, Pound keeper — sworn. — Ezra Fisk Thomas Brown Joseph Livennore Samuel Train Abraham Sanderson jr Oliver Conant — — Field Drivers. Daniel Stimson Abijah Fisk Deacon Sam'. Fisk Nathan Hobbs jr — Fence Viewers. — Thomas Biglow Isaac Gould — Surveyors of Lumber. — town records, 1807. 41 Ebenezer Hobbs. Daniel Stratton Abraham Hews jr Ezra Fisk Daniel Clark Thomas Brown. Surveyors of wood. Jonas Sanderson jun'' Amos Hobbs — Sealers of Leather — 3. — Granted fifteen hundred dollars to be assessed upon the town, for the purpose of repairing the high ways in said town, to be worked out in the usual manner. — 4. Voted to choose a committee of six to enquire into the state of the schools in the town of Weston. Abijah Fisk, Benjamin Rand, Abraham Harringion, Amos Bancroft, Nathaniel Allen, & Ebenezer Hobbs. chosen. 5 — Voted to allow Nathan Hobbs jun $14:87. — Silas Gregory $14:75 Abijah Fisk $12:25;— in fuU of their ac counts as assessors — 6. — Voted to defer the consideration of the report of the Selectmen relative to the alteration of the road in the south part of Weston for the present — 7. Voted not to act on this article. — [30. J 8 Voted that the Assessors keep a book of records, for the purpose of ascertaining the names of poor per sons resident in said town who have not gained a habitancy, and of the names of those persons who may hereafter move into said town ; — [This book has not been found. J 9. Voted that the selectmen of Weston act their discretion in granting assistance to Jonas Peirce. — 10. Voted to allow the town treasurer's account as read. — liii Article not acted upon. 12.— 13. Voted that Jonathan Fisk and Deacon Samuel Fisk be exempted from being put into the jury Box. Voted that the names of the following persons, be put into the first Box for the purpose of being drawn out to serve as jurors. — viz. 42 TOWN RECORDS, 1807. Joseph Russell, Abraham Harrington, Amos Harrington, Richard Cutter, Jo.sepli Holbrook, .Josiah Mixer, Samuel Train, Isaac Hobbs jr, John Davis, Seth Babcock, 'William P. Jones, Jonathan Warren, Jonas Coburn, Jesse Cheney, Isaac Train, Amos Hobbs, Nathan Hagar, Abijah Fiske, Ralph Abrams, Nathaniel Allen, Solomon Briant, Josiah Hastings, Benjamin Rand Josiah Starr Abraham Hews jr, Thomas Brown, Thaddeus Peirce, Samuel Wellington, Nathan 'Warren, Daniel Clark, Jonas Green, Micah 'Warren, Jonas Sanderson jr, Ebenezer Brackett, Uriah Gregory Moses Fuller Reuben Carver Alpheus Biglow Isaac Lamson Jonas Sanderson Abraham Hews Nathan Hobbs jr William Bogle Thomas Biglow Nathan Upham Abijah "Whitney Silas Gregory Arthur Train Samuel Smith. Oliver Conant Voted that the names of the following persons be put into the second Box for the purpose of being drawn out to serve as Jurors — .VIZ — Edward Child, Ebenezer Fiske, Arsmus Daniels, Josiah Farwell, Joseph Livermore, Elijah Band, George W. Smith, Amos Sanderson, Daniel Upham, Tyler Harrington, Thomas Jenkenson, Samuel LoveU, Ichabod Peirce, John Sanderson, Charles Stratton, Cyrus Russell, 'Washington Peirce, Stephen Abrams, David Brackett, Robert Fiske, Abiathur Johnson, Abner Russell, Daniel Stimson, Abraham Sanderson Jr, Amos Wyman, John Dudley, Elisha Hagar, Lemuel Jones, Phinehas Hagar, Paul Pratt — , Samuel Seaverns, Charles Hews — , Dana Stratton, Jonas Hastings, Nathan Child — John Cotting Ezra Fiske John Lamson. John Rand Joseph Cheney Abijah Upham .Joel Harrington Henry Hobbs Isaac Jones jr Amos Lamson Daniel Bemis Benj" Pepper, John W. Warren George Lyman Eliphalet Slack — meeting dissolved. Recorded by Isaac Fiske town Clerk [31. J Middlesex ss. March 1807. Personally appeared Ebenezer Hobbs, Alpheus Biglow, Amos Bancroft, INIoses Fuller TOWN RECORDS, 1807. 43 and Thomas Rand, selectmen of the town of Weston, and made oath that they would faithfully and impartially discharge the duties of their office respecting all elections that may take place in the town of Weston for the year ensuing and the returns thereof. Before me — Isaac Fiske Jus Pacis Recorded by Isaac Fiske town clerk These are to notify, the male inhabitants of the town of Weston of twenty one years of age and upwards, having a freehold estate within the Commonwealth of the annual income of three pounds or any estate to the value of sixty pounds, to meet at the public meeting house on monday the sixth day of April next, at two of the clock in the afternoon, to give in their votes for a Govenor, Lieutenant Govenour, and sena tors and counsellors, agreeably to the constitution of said Comm on wealth Given under our hands ancl seals at said Weston on monday the sixteenth day of March in the year of our Lord one thou sand Eight hundred and seven. Ebenezer Hobbs Alpheus Biglow Amos Bancroft Benjamin Rand Selectmen of Weston Agreeably to the above notification, which stood posted at the public meeting house in said Weston, more than seven days prior to the day of meeting, the Inhabitants of the town of Weston assembled at the public meeting house in said Weston on monday the sixth day of April A D 1807 and gave in their votes as follows. — for Governor. Caleb Strong Esq one hundred and seven James Sullivan Esq thirty eight L'. Govenour, Edward H. Robbins Eq one hundred and ^ix. Levi Lincoln Esq. thirty eight. 44 town records, I807. Senators &' Counsellors. Artemas Ward Esq one hundred and five Timothy Biglow Esq. one hundred and five Timothy Jackson Esq one hundred and five Ebenezer Bridge. Esq one hundred and five [32. J Senators & Counsellors. Jonathan Maynard, Esq thirty nine William Hildreth Esq thirty nine Aaron Hill Esq thirty nine Samuel Dana Esq. thirty nine [l sJ This is to notify the Inhabitants of the town of Weston qualified to vote for representatives to assemble at the publio meeting house in said town on monday the sixth day of April next at three of the clock in the afternoon to give in their votes for a county treasurer. Given under our hands and seals this twenty eighth day of March AD 1807 — Ebenezer Hobbs Alpheus Biglow Ajios Bancroft Benj"*. Rand Selectmen of Weston Agreeably to the above notice the Inhabitants of the town of Weston qualified as therein expresed assembled at the pubUc meeting house in said town on monday the sixth of April. AD 1807 at three of the clock in the afternoon and gave in their votes as follows, to wit, for the Honorable Ebenezer Bridge Esq one hundred and five. Attest . Isaac Fiske town clerk — Know all men by these Presents that I Aaron Whittemore of Cambridge in the county of Middlesex, Victualler, in consid eration of one hundred and fifty doUars paid by Nathan Child of Weston in the same county husbandman, the Receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge, do hereby give, grant, sell and con vey unto the said Nathan Child his heirs and assigns forever a pew situate in the public meeting house in said AYeston and TOWN RECORDS, 1807. 45 being numbered twenty eight on the west side of the broad aisle. To have and to hold the aforegranted premises to the said Nathan Child, his heirs and assigns, to his and their use and behoof forever. And I do covenant with the said Nathan Child, his heirs and assigns, that I am lawfully seized in fee of the aforegranted premises ; that they are free of all incum brances ; that I have good right to sell and convey the same to the said Nathan Child as aforesaid ; and that I will warrant and defend the same premises to the said Nathan Child, his heirs and assigns forever against the lawful claims and demands of all persons. In witness whereof, I the said Aaron Whittemore and Lucy wife of the said Aaron in token of her relinquish ing her right of dower in the above described premises have hereunto set our hands and seals this second day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand, eight hundred and six Signed, sealed and de- \ Aaron AVhittemore [l sJ livered in presence of > Lucy AA^hittemore [l sJ us. — ) Isaac Fiske Ira Brackett. — Middlesex ss. May 2*. 1806 Then the above named Aaron Whittemore acknowledged the above instrument to be his free act and Deed Before me Isaac Fiske. Just, of Peace. — Entered May 2*. 1806. — [33. J The male Inhabitants of the town of AA^eston being [lsJ twenty one years of age, and resident in said town for the space of one year next preceding, having a free hold estate within said town of the annual income of ten dollars or any estate to the value of two hundred dollars are hereby notified to meet at the public meeting house in said town on monday the fourth day of May next at two of the clock in the after noon for the purpose of choosing a representative to represent them in the General Court, appointed to be convened and held at Boston on the last Wednesday of May next ensuing. 46 TOWN records, 1807. Given under our hands and seals at said AA^eston the thir teenth day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seven. Ebenezer Hobbs Alpheus Biglow Selectmen Moses Fuller f> of Amos Bancroft AA^^eston Benjajiin Rand ^ Agreeably to the above notification the Inhabitants of the town of Weston legally qualified assembled at the public meet ing house in said Weston on monday the fourth day of May A D 1807 at two of the clock in the afternoon and made choice of Ebenezer Hobbs Esq. to represent them in the General Court. Attest. Isaac Fisice town clerk — [l sJ This is to notify the free holders and other Inhabitants [l sJ of the town of AYeston qualified by law to vote in town [l sJ meetings viz, such as pay to one single tax besides the [l sJ poll or polls, a sum equal to two thirds of a single poll [l sJ tax to assemble at the public meeting house in said town on monday the fourth day of May next at three of the clock in the after noon to act on the following articles, viz, 1 To choose a Moderator of said Meeting. 2. To grant the Rev* Doc. Kendal his Salary for a year ending [beginningj the fifth of Next November. — 3. To hear the Report of a Committee raised at their annual meeting in March for the purpose of enquiring into the State of the schools in said town and of devising a method of equal izing the means of education therein, and act any matter or thing that relates to schools in said town. 4. To grant money to defray the expence of supporting the poor, of schools, and all other usual and incedental town charges. 5 To choose school Committees in the several school Dis tricts in said town, 6. To hear the town creditors accounts and act thereon. TOWN RECORDS, 1807. 47 7. To hear the town treasurers account and act thereon. 8 . To hear the request of any who may \vish an abatement of their taxes and act thereon. — [34. J 9. To see if the town will prevent neat cattle from going at large the ensuing season. — 10. To hear the report of the Selectmen relative to an alter ation in road in the south -svest part of the town and act thereon. Given under our hands and seals at said Weston the thir teenth day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seven. Ebenezer Hobbs 1 ,-, , , _ Selectmen Alpheus Biglow | Moses Fuller. I of Amos Bancroft Benj'! Rand. AYeston — Agreeably to the foregoing notification the Inhabitanto of the town of Weston qualified as therein expressed, assembled at the public meeting house in said AA^eston, on monday the fourth day of May A D 1807 at three of the clock in the afternoon. and 1?. Made choice of Ebenezer Hobbs Esq. Moderator of said meeting. 2. Granted five hundred dollars for the Salary of the Rev!' Doc? Kendal 3!! Voted to accept the report of the committee w^hich is in these words. — " Your Committee beg leave to report, that agreeably to directions given, they have enquired into the state of the schools and have taken a census of the children from four to eighteen years of age in the several Districts, and find the whole number to amount to 374, of which 71 belong to the east C. District, 71 to the west C. District, 58 to the South E. District, 37 to the South W. District, 54 to the North AY. District, and 83 to the North E. District ; — The school house in the last mentioned District is not large enough to convene so o-reat a number of children as said District contains. ATour ¦Committee are therefore of opinion that the school house ought 48 town records, 1807. to be enlarged at the expence of the town, and the more per fectly to equalize the means of education in the several parts of the town your Committee humbly conceive that some other mode than has been heretofore practised ought to be adopted. And after mature consideration offer, the following as most consonant with their ideas of Justice, viz. That we add to the smallest Districts so many as to make the number of children amount to fifty and deduct from the number of children in the larger districts one third of all above fifty and then to draw money from the treasury in proportion to the supposed num ber of children in each district agreeably to the foregoing method. All which is humbly submitted for your consideration by your humble serv". Weston May 4''. 1807. — Ebenezer Hobbs Amos Bancroft Abljah Fiske J> Committee Abraham Harrington | Benj**. Rand — j [35. J Voted to raise a Committee to enlarge the northeast school house to consist of three. — Ebenezer Hobbs — A Jonathan AYarren. V chosen. — Thomas Biglow. j 4. Seven hundred and sixteen dollars granted for the read ing and writing schools, to be expended according to the plan in the report of the Committee — two hundred doUars for woniens schools. — One thousand dollars granted for town expences and charges. 5'*. —School committees chosen. — East C. District. John Lamson, Amos Hobbs and Isaac Lamson ; West C. District Jonas Green, Cap*^ Hews & W". P. Jones ; South AV. District Thomas Brown, Abijah Fisk & Reuben Carver ; South E. Dis trict Benj". Rand, Richard Cutter & jNIoses Fuller; North AA^. District, Alpheus Biglow Arsmus Daniels & Nathan Hagar ; town records, 1807. 49 North E. District, Eben'' Hobljs, Jonas Coburn & Thomas Biglow : — 6. Voted to pass and allow the town treasurers account as read and exhibited. — 7. Voted to allow Jonathan AA'arren thirteen dollars for his services as an agent respecting roads : — Joseph Russell twenty one dollars and seventy five cents for his services as agent re specting roads : Abraham Hews jr for his services for warning- town meetings and mending glass in school house Eight dol lars and thirty one cents : — 8'!! Voted to abate the following taxes, viz, Eben''. Ballard's for the year 1804 $2:17: — Josiah Thompsons for the year 1805 $2 : 87 : — and that Stephen Harrington draw from the treasury the amount of Elizabeth Bridge's taxes for the years 1804 & 1805 amounting to $5 : 81. and also Daniel Robbins for the year 1804 $2 : 03. — 9. Voted that neat cattle should not go at large for the year ensuing : — 10. Voted to accept the alteration in the road as made by the Selectmen in the following words : viz : " AA^e the sub scribers Selectmen of the town of AA'eston, at the request of a number of Inhabitants of said town having duly notified all persons interested, have proceeded to view the town road in the south part of said town and after having heard all persons interested have made the following alterations : viz, beginning- at a stake and stones south of the school house on the west side of the road and thence running to a stake and stones near the brook north of the dwelling house of Benjamin Under wood, the road to be two rods wide to be on the east side of said course: no damages are required by any person [36. J through whose land said alterations are made ; excepting such as M"". Samuel Train has agreed to pay. May 4'} 1807 — Ebenezer Hobbs ^ Selectmen Alpheus Biglow > of Moses Fuller ) AA'eston Recorded by me Isaac Fiske town clerk of Weston 50 TOWN RECORDS, 1808. [1808] These are to notify the freeholders and other Inhabitants of the town of AYeston qualified by law to vote in town meetings viz, such as pay one single tax beside the poll or polls a sum equal to two thirds of a single poll tax, to assemble at the pub lic meeting-house in said town on monday the seventh day of March next at one of the clock P. M. to act on the following articles, viz, 1. To choose a moderator of said meeting. — 2. To choose Clerk, Selectmen, and all other town officers usually chosen in the month of March or April. — 3. To grant money to repair the high ways, or act any matter or thing relative thereto. — 4. To hear the town treasurers account and act thereon. — 5. To grant money to defray the expence of a woman's school the ensuing summer or act any thing relative thereto. 6. To see if the town will accept of the alteration in the road near the late dwelling house of Abr'". Jones late of said town as located by their selectmen and discontinue the old road. — 7. To see if they will procure at the expence of the town a bathing-tub to be kept for the use of the Inhabitants thereof. — 8. To hear the town creditors account and act thereon 9 . To hear the request of those who may wish an abatement of their taxes and act thereon. — 10 To see if the town will make any alterations in the seats on the tower flour of said meeting house or act any matter or thing relative thereto. — 11. To see if the town will reimburse Cap! .Abraham Hews the amount of money by him advanced [3 7. J to that part of his Company who engaged to hold themselves in readiness to march in defense of their Country. Given under our hands and seals this twenty second day of Feljrnary A D 1808 — Ebenezer Hobbs [l sJ Alpheus Biglow [l sJ Moses Fuller — [l sJ Amos Bancroft [l sJ Ben.i^' Rand — [l sJ town records, 1808. 51 Agreeably to the foregoing notification which stood posted at the public meeting in said Weston seven days before the seventh day of March A D 1808 the Inhabitants of said Weston qualified as therein expressed assembled at the public meeting house aforesaid on monday the 7'!' day of March 1808 and made choice of Ebenezer Hobbs Esq for their moderator. 2'. Isaac Fiske town clerk, sworn before Eben'! Hobbs Esq Amos Bancroft, Isaac Fiske, Nathan Hobbs jr, Nathan Fiske, and Josiah Hastings, Selectmen. — ' Isaac Hobbs jr, town treasurer, sworn, Abraham Hews jr. collector and constable & sworn in both offices — Voted to give Abr'!' Hews jr two per cent for collection of all taxes. — Nathan Hobbs jr i Isaac Train J V Assessors, & Sworn — Silas Gregory — I f South W, District. Abijah Fiske — sworn Surveyors s. E District John Davis. sworn April 5\ of { Centre Dis. George W. Smith — sworn High N. W. Dis. — Arsmus Daniels. — sworn Ways. [ jsc. e. Dis — Nathan Fiske. — sworn. Fence f Thomas Brown — sworn Viewers ¦! Abijah Fiske - sworn I Amos Sanderson — sworn [38. J r Isaac Gould — sworn. Sep. 6'". 1808 — Tythingmen 1 Abraham Sanderson /¦ Nahum Train — sworn. Field drivers } Amos Wyman — sworn. ( Amos Sanderson — sworn. < Converse Biglow — sworn Hogreeves j james Billings — sworn — Surveyors f Thomas Biglow of Lumber i Isaac Gould sworn Sep. 5\ 1808 — Pound Keeper. George W. Smith, sworn — Surveyors ( George W, Smith, Isaac Train, Ebenezer Hobbs & °* J Thaddeus Peirce all sworn. Wood <- 52 TOWN records, 1808. Sealers ol Leather, Nathan Hagar & Jonas Sanderson jr, both Sworn School Committees. South E. District. Cap'. Hastings, John Davis & Daniel Clark. S. W. D. — Cap'. Carver, Isaac Train & Nahum Train W. C. Dis — Doct. Bancroft, Jonas Green, & W"". P. Jones. E. C. D — John Lamson, Amos Hobbs & George W. Smith. N. W. D — — Cap Isaac Hobbs, Nathan Hobbs jr & Abner Russell 3* Voted to grant fifteen hundred dollars to be worked out in the usual manner on the high ways. 4. Voted to pass over town treasurer's ace! & that the same be postponed till May meeting. — 5" Voted two hundred dollars to be laid out in AY omen's schools the summer ensuing. — 6'! Voted to discontinue the old road near the dwelling house of the late Abr"". Jones. — 7'! Voted to get a bathing tub at the expence of the town & that Doctor Bancroft procure it. — 8'! none — 9'? Voted to abate Damarus Gerfield's taxes — also Lucy Gore's $3.44 : — [39. J 10'.' Voted to choose a Committee to report altera tions in the body seats in the meeting house. Doct. Bancroft, Isaac Hobbs jr and Joseph Russell, chosen. 11'! Voted that Cap. Abr'". Hews draw from the treasury thirteen dollars, being money by him advanced to the minute men. — also to draw from the treasury Elizabeth Budge's taxes for 1806 —being $2 : 12 : —Needham Moulton's, «2 : 00. John Pratt's $2 : 00. AA^"'. P. K. Vance $2 : 00 — Ephraim Pratt's $2 : 00 and Lovett Vining's $0 : 3(;. — Voted to dissolve the meeting. — Middlesex, ss. March 7'!' 1808 — Personally appeared Amos Bancroft, Isaac Fiske, and Josiah Hastings three of the Select men of the town of AYeston and made oath that they would faithfully and impartially discharge the duties of their said office respecting all elections that may take place in said town TOWN RECORDS, 1808. 53 for the year ensuing and the returns thereof — liefore me Ebenezer Hobbs Justice of the peace Attest. Isaac Fiske town clerk — - Middlesex ss. March 7'.'' 1808 — Personally appeared Na than Hobbs jr and Nathan Fiske two of the selectmen of the town of Weston and made oath that they would faithfull}^ and impartially discharge the duties of their office respecting all elections that may take place in said town for the year ensu ing and the returns thereof before me Isaac Fiske Justice of the Peace [40. J This is to notify and warn the male Inhabitants of the town of AA'^eston of twenty one years of age and upwards, having a free hold estate within the CommouAvealth of the an nual income of three pounds, or any estate to the value of sixty pounds, to meet at the at the public meeting house in said Weston on monday the fourth day of April next at three of the clock in the afternoon to give in their votes for a Govenour, Lieutenant Govenour, and Senators and Counsellors, agreeably to the constitution of said Commonwealth. Given under our hands and seals, at said Weston this twenty first day of INlarch A D 1808 — Amos Bancroft. Isaac Fiske Nathan Hobbs jr Nathan Fiske Josiah Hastings. — Agreeably to the above notification which stood posted at the public meeting house in said Weston, more than seven days prior to the fourth day of April instant, the Inhabitants of the town of Weston assembled at the public meeting house — in said town on monday the fourth day of April A D 1808 at 3 o Clock. P. M. and gave in their votes as follows. For Govenour Christopher Gore Esq ninety four James Sullivan Esq forty five — For Liutenan Govenour, David Cobb Esq ninety two. Levi Lincoln Esq forty six. 54 town records, I808. Senators and Councillersors Artemas Ward ninety three . Timothy Biglow ninety three Timothy Jackson ninety three Ebenezer Bridge Esq ninety three . Samuel Dana forty two. — Aaron Hill forty two -John L. Tuttle forty two Amos Bond forty two. Recorded by Isaac Fiske town Clerk — [41. J At a legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the town of Weston, holden at the public meeting house in said AYeston, on monday the fourth day of April A D 1808 at four of the clock in the afternoon for the purpose of giving in their ^'otes for county treasurer for the county of Middlesex, the said In habitants duly qualified for that purpose gave in their votes as follows, to wit, for Abiel Heywood Esq thirty two — .Iohn L. Tuttle Esq. twenty six — Recorded by Isaac Fiske town clerk [Note. Tlie warrant for the above meeting ig on file, bnt not recorded. Ed.] [l sJ This is to notify the male Inhabitants of the town of [l sJ Weston being twenty one years of age and resident in [l sJ said town for the space of one year next preceding having [l sJ a free hold estate within said town of the annual income of [l sJ ten dollars or any estate to the value of two hundred dollars to meet at the pulilic meeting house in said town on monday the second day of May next at two of the clock in the afternoon for the purpose of choosing a Representative to rep resent them in the General Court appointed to lie con^-ened and held at Boston on the last Wednesday of May next ensuing. Given under our hands and seals at said AYeston. the Eighteenth day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eight . ti ° ° Amos Bancroft ] Selectmen Isaac Fiske, j Nathan Hobbs jr y of Nathan Fiske | .losiAH Hastings J ^^'^*^'*" TOWN RECORDS, 1808. 55 Agreeably to the foregoing notification the Inhabitants of the town of Weston legally qualified assembled at the public meet ing house in said town on monday the second Day of May A D 1808 at two of the clock in the after noon and made choice of Isaac Fiske to represent them in the General court the year Recorded liy Isaac Fiske to^vn clerk [42. J This is to notify the freeholders and Inhabitants of the town of AYeston, qualified by law to vote in town meetings viz, such as pay to one single tax, besides the poll or polls a sum equal to two thirds of a single poll tax, to assemble at the pub lic meeting house in said AYeston on monday the second day of Ylay next at three of the clock in the afternoon to act on the following articles, viz. 1. To choose a moderator of said meeting. 2. To grant the Rev*. Doct. Kendal his salary for one year [beginningj the fifth day of November next. — 3. To hear the town treasurer's account and act thereon — 4. To grant money to defray the expence of supporting the poor and other usual and incidental charges, excepting for schools 5. — To grant money for schools in the several Districts. 6. To adopt a mode of apportionment of school money among the several Districts for the year ensuing or aet any thing relative thereto. — 7. To hear the town creditors accounts and act thereon 8 . — To hear the request of any person who may wish an abatement of their taxes and act thereon 9. To know the minds of the town, whether they will prevent neat cattle from going at large the ensuing season. 10. To To hear the report of the committee raised for the purpose of reporting alterations in the body seats in the meet ing house and act thereon. — 11. To know the minds of the town whether they will re pair the poor house so called or act any thing relative to the poor of said town or said house. — 56 TOWN RECORDS, 1808. 12. To know the minds of the tow'n whether they will adopt any measures relative to procuring an alteration in the great road from Stony brook, so called to Watertown or act any thing relative thereto. — Given under our hands and seals at said Weston the eigh teenth day of April A D 1808 Amos Bancroft [l sJ Isaac Fiske [l sJ Selectmen Nathan Hobbs jr [l sJ y of Nathan Fiske [l sJ Weston. Josiah Hastings [l sJ [43. J Agreeably to the foregoing notification, which stood posted at the public meeting house in said town more than seven days prior to the second day of May A D 1808 the In habitants of said town qualified as therein expressed assembled at the public meeting house in said town on monday the second day of Alay A D 1808 at three of the clock in the afternoon and made choice 1. — of Amos Bancroft Esq. as moderator of said meeting. 2. Voted to grant five hundred dollars for the Rev^*. Doc^ Kendall's salaiy for the year [beginningj the 5". of Nov'. next. 3. Voted to pass and allow the town treasurer's account as read. — 4. Voted to grant eleven hundred dollars to defray the ex- pence of supporting the poor and other usual and incidental charges excepting schools. — 5. — A'oted to grant six huudred dollars for the schools in the several Districts. — 6". A''oted that the assessors take a census of all the children in the several Districts from four yeai's age to Eighteen includ ing all lielonging in each District on the first day of May and that the assessors return the same to the Selectmen, which is to l)e the foundation of distributing the money in each district according to the report of the Committee accepted by the town May last. — TOWN RECORDS, 1808. 57 7. Voted to aUow Nathan Hobbs jr fifteen dollars, Isaac Train fifteen dollars and Silas Gregory fourteen dollars and twenty five cents, in full for their services as assessors for the year past, including stationary. — 8. Voted to abate Thomas Johnson ; s taxes for 1804 — $2 : 63. — also Charles Bower's for 1804 — $2 : 63 : — Joshua Noyes for same year $0 : 54. — Joseph Page for D". $0 : 54. and also Chandler Francforth [FarnsworthJ for D° [1805 J — $0 : 54 — 9. Voted that neat cattle should not go at large the ensuing season. — 10. — A^oted that the Committee upon the subject of Pews in the meeting house lie discharged from any further duty. 11. Voted that a Committee be chosen to view and report [44. J alterations in the poor house & the expence of the same. Selectmen chosen a committee, and voted that they report at the next legal town meeting. 12. Voted to choose a committee to present a petition at the next court of Sessions praying for alterations in the road from stony brook to Watertown. — John Slack Esq, Joseph Russell & Isaac Fiske chosen. Voted this meeting be dissolved. — Recorded by Isaac Fiske town clerk. To Abraham Hews jr. constable of the town of Weston. — Greeting. — You are hereby in the name of the Commonwealth of Massa chusetts required to summon the male Inhabitants of said town, qualified to vote in town affairs, to wit, such as pay a tax, beside the poll or polls a sum equal to assemble at the public meeting house in said town on monday the twenty seventh day of .June next at three of the clock in the afternoon, to act on the following articles. viz. 1. To choose a moderator of said meeting. — 2. To hear the list of jurymen as prepared by the Select- 58 TOWN records, 1808. men of said town, agreeably to a law law of the Common wealth, and act thereon. — 3. To decide upon a mode, in which notifications for the choice of Jurymen shall hereafter be made in said town, or act any thing thereto. — 4. To hear the report of the Committee raised for the pur pose of inspecting the poor house of said town and act thereon. — 5. To grant money for the purpose of encouraging sacred music in the religious societies of said town, or act any thing relative thereto. — 6 . To choose a committee to adjust the disputed title to the old burying ground, with Mr. Amos Harrington or act any thing relative thereto. Given under our hands and seals this sixteenth day of May in the year of our Lord Eighteen hundred and eight. Amos Bancroft Isaac Fiske [LS.J [l s J Selectmen "] Nathan Hobbs jr )> [l s J of ^ Nathan Fiske I [^ s J Weston. J Josiah Hastings J [l s J [45. J Westox .June 22*. 1808 — Pursuant to the within Warrant I have summoned the male Inhabitants of said town qualified to vote in town affairs to assemble at the time and place and for the purposes as within directed — Abr.v'' Hews ju constable of AA^eston. Agreeably to the foregoing warrant the Inhabitants of the town of Weston quaUfied as therein mentioned assembled at the public meeting house in said Weston, on monday the twenty seventh day of June A D 1808 at three of the clock in the after noon and made choice of 1. — Amos Bancroft Esq. as moderator. 2. Voted to accept the Jury list as prepared by the select men which is as follows, to wit. — town records, 1808. 59 Ralph Abrams. Nathaniel Allen Alpheus Bigelow. Thomas Biglow Reuben Carver Richard Cutter Nathan Fiske Abijah Fiske Moses Fuller Uriah Gregory Nathan Hobbs jr Eben^ Hobbs Isaac Hobbs jr Abraham Hews Abraham Harrington Amos Harrington Josiah Hastings 'William P. Jones. Josiah Mixer Thaddeus Peirce Benjamin Rand Joseph Russell Jonas Sanderson Nathan Warren Abijah Whitney Nathan Upham Sam^. "Wellington Jonathan Warren 2 chosen. Isaac Train — ) — meeting dissolved. Recorded by I. Fiske town clerk. To Abraham Hews jun''. the constable of the town of AYeston. Greeting. — You are hereby required in the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to notify and warn the Inhabitants of the said town of AA'eston, duly qualified to vote for representatives in the (ireneral Court of said Commonwealth, to wit, the male In- hal)itants of said town being twentj^ one years of age and resi dent in said to\vn for the sjiace of one year next preceding ha\'ing a free hold estate within said town of the annual income TOWN RECORDS, 1808. 61 of three pounds or any estate to the value of sixty pounds to assemble at the public [47.] meeting house in said town on monday the seventh Day of November next, being the first monday in said month at two of the clock in the afternoon to give in their votes for a representative of the People of said Commonwealth in the Congress of the United States for Middle sex District. Given under our hands and seals this third clay of October in the year of our Lord Eighteen hundred and eight xVmos Bancroft "] Isaac Fiske | Selectmen Nathan Hobbs jr y of Nathan Fiske Weston. Josiah Hastings Weston Nov'', l^ 1808 — Pursuant to the above warrant I have notified and warned the free holders and other Inhabitants qualified by Law to ^ote for representative of the time place & for the purpose as within directed. Abraham Hews jr. constable of AYeston. At a legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the town of AYeston qualified according to the Constitution of this Commonwealth to vote for representative in said Commonwealth, holden at the Public meeting in said town on monday the seventh day of November A D 1808. at two of the clock in the afternoon, the said Inhabitants gave in their votes for a Representative for Middlesex District, in the Congress of the United States as follows. For Abraham Biglow Esq — seventy two. .Joseph Bradley Varnum Esq. seventy eight. — Attest. • Isaac Fiske, town clerk. [48. J Know all men by these Presents, that I Elijah Rand of Weston in the county of Middlesex and Commonwealth of Massachusetts Gentleman, in consideration of one hundred and 62 town records, I8O8. ten dollars paid by Ralph Abrams and Stephen Abrams both of said Weston, traders, the receipt whereof I do hereby acknowl edge, do hereby give, grant, sell and convey unto the said Ralph and Stephen, their heirs and assigns a certain Pew, situate in the public meeting house in said Weston, being the Corner pew in the broad aisle numlier thirty two the same now improved by the said Elijah Rand. To have and to hold the aforegranted premises to the said Ralph and Stephen, their heirs and as signs to their use and behoof forever. And I do covenant with the said Ralph and Stephen their heirs and assigns, that I am lawfully seized in fee of the aforegranted premises. That they are free of all incumbrances ; that I have good right to sell and convey the same to the said Ralph and Stephen as aforesaid. And that I will warrant and defend the same premises to the said Ralph and Stephen, their heirs and assigns forever, against the lawful claims and demands of all persons. In witness whereof , I the said Elijah Rand and Rebecca Rand wife of the said Elijah in token of her relinquishing her right of dower in the above described premises have hereunto set our hands and seals this twenty ninth day of August in the year of our Lord one thou sand eight hundred and eight. Signed, sealed & delivered in Elijah Rand & seal presence of us Rebecca Rand & seal Isaac Fiske ) AYitnesses to the signing Bezaleel Flagg ) AYitnesses to the signing ) 5 of Elijah Rand 5 Mary Calder, witness to the ^ signing of Rebecca Rand S Middlesex, ss. August 29|' 1808. Then the above named Elijah Rand acknowledged the above instrument to be his free act and deed ; before me Isaac Fiske Just of Peace. Received September 10'': 1808 and-) by. me. Isaac Fiske Recorded Dec''. 10\ 1808 — 5 town clerk [49. J Know all men by these Presents, That I Martha Parrott of Greenland in the county of Rockingham and State TOWN records, 1808. 63 of New Hampshire, in consideration of one hundred and ten dollars to me paid by Jeremiah Stimson of Boston in the county of Suffolk & Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Mer chant, the Receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge, have re mised, released and forever quit claimed and do for myself and my heirs, by these presents, remise, release, and forever quit claim unto the said Jeremiah Stimson, his heirs, and assigns all my right, title and interest in and to a certain Pew' situate in the public meeting in the town of Weston and county of Middlesex, it being the same conveyed to me by Enoch Green- leaf Esq. [June 9. 1804J To have and to hold the above men tioned premises, with all the privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging, to him the said Jeremiah Stimson his heirs and assigns forever : So that neither I the said Parrott nor my heirs or any other person or persons claiming from or under me or them or in the name right or stead of me or them shall or will by any way or means, have, claim, or demand any right or title to the aforesaid premises or their appurtenances or to any part or parcel thereof forever In witness whereof I the said Martha Parrott have hereunto set my hand and seal. this twenty ninth day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eight. — Martha Parrott [l sJ Signed sealed and delivered in presence of us — E. G. Parrott W"". Pickering. Rockingham, ss. Greenland Nov'. 29''. 1808 — Then the above named Martha Parrott personally appearing acknowledged the above instrument to be her free act and Deed Before me W" Pickering Just of Peace Recorded JaiY. 31"'. 1809. by me Isaac Fiske town clerk. [Note. Greenleaf received this ol John Flagg, March 31, 1777. — Ed.] 64 TOWN records, 1809. [1809.] [50. J Know all men l>y these Presents, that I Joseph Cheney in the town of Weston in the county of Middlesex, in consideration of seventy five dollars paid by Edward Child of the said AYeston, cordwainer, the receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge, do hereby give, grant, sell and convey unto the said Child and his heirs and assigns part of the right, title and interest in and to a certain pew in the public meeting house, in said Weston, situate on the south side of the westerly Porch Door and divided in the centre by a line from west to east and said Child to have the north side of said Pew, said Pew marked number sixteen. — To have and to hold the aforegranted prem ises with all the privileges and apijurtenances thereto lielonging to him the said Child and his heirs and assigns to his and their use and behoof forever. And I do covenant with the said Child his heirs and assigns That I am lawfully seized in fee of the aforegranted premises ; That they are free of all incumbrances ; That I have good right to sell and convey the same to the said Child. And that I will warrant and defend the same premises to the said Child his heirs and assigns forever against the law- ful claims and demands of all persons. In witness whereof, I the said Joseph Cheney together with Sukey my wife in token of her consent to the sail and relinquishing her right and dower therein have hereunto set our hands and seals this sixth day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and nine t n r -, Joseph Cheney [l s J Sukey Cheney [l s.J Signed sealed and Delivered in presence of us — Anna Cheney William Stratton Moore — Middlesex ss. Weston Feb^. 2*. 1809 — Then the above named Joseph Cheney acknowledged the above instrument to be his free act and Deed — Before me Ebenezer Hobbs. Just of Peace — Recorded by Isaac Fiske town clerk. TOWN records, 1809. 65 The freeholders and other Inhabitants of the town of AA'es- ton qualified by law to vote in towai-meetings, viz, such as pav to one single tax besides the Poll or Polls, a sum equal to two thirds of a single Poll tax are hereby notified and warned to assemble at the Public meeting house in said town on monday the sixth day of March next at one of the clock in the after noon to act on the following articles viz. 1 To choose a moderator of said Meeting. 2. To choose town Clerk, Selectmen, and all other town officers usuall}' chosen in the month of March or April. — [5 l.J 3. To choose school committees in the several Dis tricts for the 3'ear ensuing. — 4. To grant money for tlie repair of the highways in said town or act any thing relative thereto. 5. To see if the town will authorize the Surveyors of Highways to collect the high way taxes in case the jiersons taxed refuse to work agreeably to the rules presented hv the town. — 6. To grant money for women's schools the ensuing summer. 7. To hear the town treasurer's account and act thereon. 8. To hear the town creditors accounts and act thereon. 9. To hear the request of any person who may wish an abatement of their taxes and act thereon. — 10. To know the minds of the town if they will direct measures for finishing the Balcony of the meeting house or act any thing relative thereto. 11. To see if the town will grant any thing to those soldiers of Cap. Alir"!? Hews' company who volunteered as niinute men being said company's jiroportion agreeably to a late law of Congress. Given under our hands and seals this sixth day of February in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and nine. Amos Bancroft [l sJ Isaac Fiske [l sJ Nathan Hobbs jr [l sJ Nathan Fiske [l sJ Selectmen of AA'eston — 66 town records, 1809. Agreealily to the above notification which stood jiosted at the public meeting-house in said AYeston more than seven days prior to the time of meeting the inhabitants of said Weston met at said meeting house and made choice of 1. Amos Bancroft Esq. moderator 2.^ Isaac Fiske, town clerk & sworn the same day before Eben''. Hobbs Esq Selectmen. Ebenezer Ho))bs — '] Nathan Hobbs jr — I Josiah Hastings. y aU sworn March 6'! 1809 — Nathan AA^'arren. | Reuben Carver. J t Isaac Hobbs jr town treasurer who declined, & then choice of Isaac Train, who was sworn same day before I. Fiske Arthur Train collector, voted to give him one cent and seven mills i^er dollar for all collections, svyorn April 3*. 1809 [52. J Arthur Train constable sworn April 3*. I80!l Aliraham Hews jr. constable, sworn same day before I. Fiske clerk Nathan Hobbs jr 1 sworn same day before I. Fiske clerk Isaac Train. V assessors sworn Silas Gregory j sworn April 3*. 1809 — Surveyors of Highways. — S. AY. District — Joseph Holbrook. sworn same day hy I Fiske clerk S. E. District — Moses Fuller — sworn same day by I Fiske clerk Centre District. Amos Hobbs. sworn April 3*. 1809 N. AY. District. John Dudley sworn April 3*. 1809 — N. K District. Jon". AYarren sworn same day bv I Fiske clerk Fence viewers. Ezra Fiske jr. sworn April 3". 1.S09 Joseph Livermore sworn May 30'! 1809 — Amos Hobbs — sworn April 3*. 1809 — town records, 1809. 67 Tythingmen Isaac Gould — sworn April 3*. 180!t Jon". AYarren sworn same day liy I Fiske clerk — Field drivers. Jon". AA'arren. sworn same day by I. Fiske clerk Ezra Fiske sworn April 3* 1809 — Joab Leadbetter — sworn May 16'! 1809 — Hogreeves — Eben''. Hobbs. sworn same day by I Fiske clerk Abijah Fiske D° — same day liy same Surveyors of ) Isaac Gould sworn April 3*. 1809 — Lumber — S John Dudley — • sworn April 3* 1809 — Pound keeper. AYashington Peirce — Surveyors of wood. Cap. Abr"'. Hews Nathan Hoblis jr. G. AY. Smith, and Isaac Train — sworn Sealers of Leather. Isaac Hobbs jr sworn — Nathan Hagar. sworn same daj' — 3!! School committees. S. E. District John Slack, Richard Cutter & Josiah Hastings S. AY. District. Thomas Brown, Arthur Train, Abijah Fiske W. C. Dis. Amos Bancroft I. Fiske & Amos Har rington [.53.J E.Centre District — Amos Hobbs. G. AA^. Smith. John Lam son — N. AY. District. Isaac Stratton, Silas Gregory & Joseph Cheney N. E. District — Nathan Warren, Joseph Russell & Nathan Fiske — 4'! — Voted to grant fifteen hundred dollars to be worked out on the high ways at the usual rate viz 12^^ cents per hour for man & same for team. — 5'.' Voted that the several surveyors of Highways be author- 68 TOWN records, 1809. ized to collect the high way taxes, in case the persons taxed re fuse to work agreeably to the rules prescribed by the town. 6 Voted to grant two hundred dollars for women's schools the ensuing summer — 71; Voted to ])ass and allow the town treasurer's account as read. — ;) — Voted that Abr'!' Hews jr have leave to draw from the treasury. Elizabeth Budge's taxes for 1807. $2:60 — Daniel Hao-ars taxes for 1807 — $2 :33 : — Man at Lot Bemis' name not known for 1807 $2 :33 : — Levi Ames highway tax for l.s06 ^1 :2;i : — Asahel Hayden's highway tax for 1806 $1 :2'^> : — 10 — A^oted that Cap Thomas Biglow, .Joseph Russell & John Dudley be a Committee to finish the Balcony of the Meeting-house — 11 — Voted that Abraham Hews jr draw from the treasury two dollars for each soldier who volunteered as minute-men. — Voted that this meeting be dissolved — Attest. I. Fiske town clerk. — Middlesex ss March 6'! 1809 — Personally apjjcarcd Elien ezer Hobbs, Nathan Hobbs jr, Josiah Hastings, Nathan AA'arren and Reuben Carver, selectmen of the town of AYeston, and made oath that they would faithfully and impartially discharge the duties of their office, respecting all elections that may take place in said town for the year ensuing and the returns thereof — Before me Isaac Fiske, town clerk — [54. J Notice is hereby given to the Inhabitants of the town of Weston qualified to vote for Representati^'es to meet at the Public Meeting house on monday the third day of April next at two of tiic clock in the afternoon to give in their votes for a count}' treasurer Given under our hands and seals this twenty second day of Alarch A D 180!) — Eben'! Hobbs. 1 ^ , . Selectmen ot jSathan Hobbs jr ,, > the town of Nathan \\ arren ,,, ^ ^ „ I A\ eston. -Josiah Hastings j town records, 1809. 69 Pursuant to the above warrant which stood posted at the public meeting house seven days orior to this third day of April the Inhabitants of the town of AYeston qualified as above expressed met at the public meeting house at two of the clock in the afternoon and gave in their votes as follows, to wit. For Abiel Heywood Esq seventy five For John L. Tuttle Esq seventy — Public notice is hereby given to the male inhabitants of the town of AYeston of twenty one years of age and upwards, having a freehold estate within the Commonwealth of the an nual income of three pounds or any estate to the value of sixty pounds, to meet at the public meeting house in .said town on monday the third day of April next, at three of the clock in the afternoon to give in their votes for Govenour, Lieutenant Govenour and Senators and CounseUors agreeably to the con stitution of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. — Given under our hands and seals at said AYeston this twenty second day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and nine. Ebe.n'ezer Hobbs -^ Selectmen Nathan Hobbs jr i of the Nathan AA'"arren [ town of Josiah Hastings J Weston. [Note. Just below the above in the original warrant is the following which was not recorded. — Public Notice The Poor of our said Town will be let to board to the lowest bidder, for one year from and after the expiration of prior engagements. —Ed.] Agreeably to the foregoing warrant which stood posted at the public meeting house in said AYeston the Inhabitants of said town (jualified as therein expressed met at the public meeting house in said Weston at three of the clock iu the afternoon and gave in their votes as [55. J follows, to wit, For Hon. Levi Lincoln Esq for Govenour Eighty eight Joseph Bra [d J ley Varnum Esq L' Gov — Eighty seven Isaac Gould. — one — Hon. Christopher Gore Esq. for Govenour Eighty six — David Cobb Esq. for L' Govenour Eighty six 70 TOWN RECORDS, 1809. Por Senators and CouiLseiiors. Hon. Arteuias Ward Es Eighty se-s'en John Brooks Esq Eighty seven Timothy Jackson Esq Eighty seven Oliver Prescott Esq Eighty seven Hon. Sam! Dana Esq. Eighty three Amos Bond J]sq. Eight,y three John L. Tuttle Es. Eighty three Matthew Bridge Esq . Eighty three — KnoAV all men b\' these Presents that I Amos Harrington of Weston in the county of Middlesex, Yeoman, in consideration of sixty dollars to me paid by Thomas Brown of said AA^eston, Yeoman, the receipt Avhereof I do hereby acknowdedge, have remised, released and forever quitclaimed and do for myself and my heirs, by these Presents, remise release and forever quitclaim unto the said Thomas Brown his heirs and assigns all my right, title and interest in ancl to one undivided half of a certain pew in the public meeting house in said AYe.stnn situate in the south-east corner of said meeting house and marked num ber eight. To have and to hold the aforementioned Premises with all the Privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging to him the said Brown his heirs and assigns forever ; so that neither I the said Amos nor my heirs or any other person or persons claim ing from or under me or them or in the name right or stead of me or them shall or wiU l)y any way or means have, claim or demand auA' right or title to the aforesaid premise^ or their appurtenances or to any jiart or parcel [56. J thereof forever. In witness whereof I the said Amos Harrington have hereunto set my hand and seal this fourth day of INlarch in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and nine. Signed, sealed and de livered in presence of us. W". R. E. Boyd Isaac Fiske — Amos Harrington ^.^ town records, 1809. 71 ]MiDDLESEX ss March 4". ISOil. Then the above named Amos Harrington acknowleilged the .¦ibo\e instrument to be his free act and Deed before me Know all men by these Presents, That I x\inos Harrington of AYeston in the county of Middlesex, A'eoman, in consideration of sixty dollars to me paid hy Jonas Sanderson jun''. of the same AYeston cordwainer, the receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge, have remised, relea>ed, and forever quit-claimed and do, for myself and my heirs by these Presents remise, re lease and forever quitclaim unto the said .Jonas Sanderson jr his heirs and assigns all my right, title and interest iu and to one undivided half of a certain [lew in the public-meeting house in said Weston, situate in the south east corner of said meeting house and marked number eight. To have and to hold the aforementioned premises, with all the Privileges and apimrte- nances thereunto belonging to him the said Jonas his heirs and assigns forever : so that neither I the said Amos nor my heirs or any other person or persons claiming from or under me or them or in the name right or stead of me or them shall or will liy any way or means, have claim or demand any right or title to the aforesaid Premises or their appurtenances or to any part or parcel thereof forever. In witness whereof I the said Amos Harrington have hereunto set my hand and seal this fourth day of Alarch in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and nine. Signed, sealed and Amos Harrington c^ seal — delivered in presence of us. William R. E. Boyd — Isaac Fiske — Middlesex ss. March 4". 1809 — Then tiie above named Amos Harrington acknowledged the above instrument to lie his free act and deed Before me ? Isaac Fiske Just of Feace 72 town records, 1809. [.")7. ] Public notice is hereby given to the male Inhabitants [l sJ of the town of AYeston, being twenty one years of age [l sJ & resident in said town forthe space of one year next [l sJ preceding having a freehold estate within ^aid town of [l sJ the annual income of three pounds or any estate to the [l s] value of sixt}- pounds, to meet at the public meeting house in said town on monday the first day of May next, at 2 of the clock in the afternoon, for the purpose of choosing a Representative to represent them in the General Court ap pointed to be convened and held at Boston, on the last Wednes day of 'Slay Given under onr hands and seals at said Weston the 10'.'! day of April A D 1809 — Ebenezer Hobbs Nathan Hobbs .jr Josiah Hastings Nathan AYarren Reuben Carver. Agreeal)ly to the above notification which stood posted at the public meeting house seven days days prior to the first mondav' in May, tlie Inhabitants of said AA^eston met at the public meet ing house in said Weston on monday the first day of jNIay A D 1809 and gave in their votes as follows, to wit, for Ebenezer Hoblis Esq seventy nine, for Isaac Fiske seventy seven, and one for Abijah Fiske. and Ebenezer Hobbs Esq. was declared to be elected. Recorded by me Is.^ac Fiske town clerk. [l sJ Public notice is hereliy given to the freeholders and [l sJ other inhabitants of the town of AA"(>ston qualified by [l sJ law to vote in town meeting viz such as [lay to one [l sJ single tax besides the poll or }iolls a sum ecjual to two [l sJ thirds of a single poll tax to assemble at the public meet ing house in said town on monday the first day of ]\lay next at 3 of the clock in tiie afternoon to act on the following articles. viz. — town records, 1809. 73 1 . To choose a Moderator. 2. To grant the Rev!! M''- Kendal's Salary for one year from and after the fifth day of November next 3. To grant money for the support of schools and for de fraying the usual and incidental charges of the town. 4 To hear the town creditors accounts and act thereon [58. J 5. To hear the town the town treasurer's account and act thereon . (5 To hear the request of any who may wish an abatement of their taxes. 7 To see whether they will permit neat cattle to go at large or act anything relating thereto. 8 To know the minds of the town whether they will re munerate Cap. Abraham Hews for loses he has or may sustain on account of money received as Collector of said town or act any matter or thing relative thereunto Signed and sealed by us this 10". day of April A D 1809 — Eben". Hobbs — Nathan Hobbs jr Selectmen Josiah Hastinc4S y of Nathan Warren | AYeston. Reuben Carver J Agreeably to the foregoing notification which stood posted at the public meeting house in said AYeston seven days prior to the time appointed to assemble, the Inhabitants of said town qualified as therein expressed met at the public meeting house aforesaid on monday the first day of May AD 1809 — and 1. Made choice of Eben'. Hobbs Esq. as Moderator — 2. Granted five hundred dollars for the Salary of the Rev*. M''. Kendal for one year from the fifth day of November next. — 3. Voted to grant six hundred dollars for the support of the several schools in said town. Voted to grant one thousand dollars for the usual and inci dental charges of the town for the year ensuing. 4. Voted to pass and allow Abr". Hews jr account for 74 TOWN RECORDS, 1809. warning town meetings and notifying town officers being Eight dollars and fifty cents — 6 Voted that Stephen Harrington draw from the treasury Reuben Gates taxes for 1804 being two dollars and three cents. — Voted that Joseph Holbrook draw from the treasury the sum he has paid in on account high way taxes. — 7. Voted that neat cattle should not go at large the ensuing season [59. J 8 — Voted that the treasurer receive of Cap. Abra ham Hews late collector of the town of Weston, thirty dol lars in Farmer's Exchange, which he has received in his said capacity for taxes and that the treasurer receive the same and give said Hews a receipt therefor and that the said treasurer be accountable to the town for whatever sum he may realize therefor. Recorded l)v me Isaac Fiske town clerk. Know all Men by these Presents that the Inhabitants of the town of Weston in the county of Middlesex in consideration of one hundred and seven dollars to them paid by Amos Harring ton of said AYeston, Yeoman, the Receipt whereof they do hereby acknowledge, have remised, released and forever quit claimed and do for themselves and their successors by these Presents remise, release, and forever quitclaim unto the said Amos and his heirs ancl assigns all their Estate, right, title and interest in and to a certain pew in the public meeting house in said AYeston ancl marked number Eight : To have and to hold the aforementioned premises with all the prixileges aud appur tenances thereunto belonging to him the said Amo^ and his heirs and assigns forever : so that neither they the said Inhabi tants nor any other person or persons claiming from or under them or in the name, right or stead of them, shall or will by any way or means have, claim or demand any right or title to the aforesaid ]iremises or their appurtenances (U- to any part or ]iarcel thereof forever In witness whereof tiie said In habitants have hereunto set tlieir hands and seals this fii>t dav TOWN RECORDS, 1809. 75 of January in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and one by their agents. — Signed, sealed, and "| Artemus AYard [l sJ delivered in presence of us. " Successors " being inserted and " heirs " & " or " erased. Isaac Gould. Thad? Peirce. — Recorded bv me Isaac Fiske town clerk • Ebenezer Hobbs — - [ls.J Caleb Hayward — - [l sJ > Joel Smith — [l sJ Isaac Lamson [l sJ John Flagg [ls.J John Stimson [LS.l Received of Amos Harrington twenty four pounds ten shil lings in full for the new Pew next to the we.st Door, adjoining the Men's seats, in the public meeting house in AYeston which was struck of to him the 14'! of this instant IMareh 17sr). Isaac Jones. Enoch Greenleaf Israel Whittemore ( Committee for selling ' the Pews. Recorded by me Isaac Fiske town clerk — [60.J Know all men by these Presents that I Ste})lien Abrams of Weston in the county of Middlesex and Commonwealth of jNIassa- chusetts trader in consideration of one hundred and fifteen dol lars paid by Ira Draper of Dedham in the county of Norfolk and Commonwealth of Massachusetts Yeoman, the receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge, do hereby give, grant, sell and convey unto the said Ira Draper his heirs and assigns a certain Pew situated in the public meeting house in said Weston being the corner Pew in the Broad aisle num bered thirty two the same now rented by me to jM!^ l.lijah L'and of .said Weston To have and to hold the aforegranted premises to the said Ira Draper his heirs and assigns to his use and behoof forever And I do covenant with the said Ira Draper his heirs and assigns that I am lawfully seized in fee of the aforegranted premises, that they are free of all in- 76 TOWN records, 1809. cumbrances, that I have good right to sell and convey the same to the said Ira Draper as aforesaid In witness whereof I the said Stephen Abrams have here unto set my hand and seal this twenty fourth day of Decem ber in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eight. Signed, sealed and delivered Stephen Abrams & seal in presence of us — Ralph Abrams — Ebenezer Daggett. Middlesex ss. July 21? 1809 — Personally appeared the above named Stephen Abrams and acknowledged this instru ment by him subscribed to be his free act and deed. Befoie me Isaac Fiske Jus of Peace Recorded by me Isaac Fiske town clerk — [l sJ To Arthur Train one of the constaldes of the town of [l si Weston, — Greeting . — [l sJ You are hereby required, in the name of the Coni- [l sJ monwealth of Massachusetts, to summon and notify' the [l sJ freeholders and other inhabitants of said town qualified by law to vote in town meetings, viz, such as pay to one single tax besides the poll or polls a sum equal to two thirds of a single tax, to assemble at the public meeting house on thursday the thirty-first day of Aug', instant at three of the clock in the afternoon to act on the following articles viz 1. To choose a moderator of said meeting. — 2. To take into consideration the propriety of [6 l.J adapt ing measures to prevent the road from being laid out from M'. Abraham Harrington's liarn yard in said town to the foot of BaU's hill (so called) in AYaltham. — 3*. — To choose agents or enlarge the Powers of those already chosen : — To grant money for the above purpose or act any matter or thing that relates to roads in this or the adjacent towns. — town records, 1809. 77 Given under our hands and seals this twenty second day of Augt 1809. EsENEZEit Hobbs Nath.\n AYarren Selectmen Nathan Hobbs jr y of Reuben Carver A^^'ston Josiah Hastings Pursuant to the above warrant I have notified and warned the freeholders and other inhabitants qualified to vote as afore said to meet at the time and place, and for the purposes above mentioned. — Ai;thur Train, constable. Pursuant to the foregoing avarrant the Inhabitants of the town of AA^eston, (lualified as above expressed met at the public meeting house in said AYeston on thursday the thirty first day of August AD 1809 at three of the clock in the afternoon and made choice of Ebenezer Hobbs Esq. moderator. — Voted that John Slack esq, Jos. Russell, Isaac Fiske George AY. Smith and Ebenezer Hobbs Esq. be a Committee to op^iose the contemplated alterations in the great public high way from the Barn yard of Abraham Harrington in AA'eston to Ball's hill in AA'altham. — Voted that George AY. Smith & Ebenezer Hobbs Esq be added to the Committee chosen in May AD 1808 for the pur pose of procuring alterations in the road from stony Brick [Stony BrookJ so called to AA'atertown. Yoted that said Committees be authorized to employ one or more council at the expence of the town to effect the object of the foregoing votes. meeting dissolved — Recorded by Isaac Fiske — town clerk — [62. J Whereas a Dispute has arisen between Samuel Train & Joab Leadbetter, both of Weston, about their respective 78 TOWN RECORDS, 1810. rights ill a partition fence and also their boundary lines, be tween lands occupied b}' them the said Samuel and Joab ; We the subscribers fence Viewers of the aforesaid town of Weston, duly chosen and sworn, having an application of the aforesaid Saniuel Train and Joab Leadbetter (having previously ap pointed a day aud employed a surveyor [Isaac CoolidgeJ at the request of the aforesaid parties) viewed the premises and duly considered the matter in Dispute, having assigned A do hereby assign to each of the said [)arties, his share of said fence as iol- ](}\vs. viz. Beginning at the north end of said fence by a town way near said Leadbetter's house ; first, we set to Samuel Train thirty rods and 20 links ; then from that, sixty three rods, we assign to the said Joab Leadbetter ; then from that bound thirty two rods and 13 links we assign to the said Samuel Train to a brook ; thence down said brook, nine rods and 8 links we assign to said Joab Leadbetter ; then still on said brook, nine rods and eight links we assign to the said Samuel Train to the end of a stone wall (we consider the brook not to be a sufficient fence j then four rods and sixteen links of said wall we assign to the said Samuel Train ; then four rods aud sixteen links we assign to the said -Joab Leadbetter, to the end of their line. — And the said Samuel Train shall build and keep in repair a good and sufficient fence, the several parts of said fence that are aliove assigned to him. And the said Joab Leadbetter shall build and keep in repair a like fence on the other part of said line, the several parts above assigned to him. — Given under our hands at said AYeston this fifteenth day of October in the year of our Lord Eighteen hundred and Eight. Abijah Fisk ) Fence viewers Thomas Brow ^l Recorded by me Isaac Fiske town clerk — [1810.] [63. J To Arthur Train one of the constables of the town of Weston Greeting [ls.J You are hereby required in the name of the Common- [l sJ wealth of Massachusetts, to summon and notify the free TOWN RECORDS, 1810. 79 [ls.J holders and other Inhabitants of said town (jualified by [ls.J laAV to vote in town meetings, viz, such as pay to one single tax besides the poll or polls, a sum equal to two thirds of a single poll tax to assemble at the public meeting house in said town on monday the fifth day of March next at one of the clock in the afternoon to act on the following articles viz, 1. To choose a Moderator. 2. To choose selectmen, town clerk. Town treasurer, assess ors, constable or constables and all other town officers usually chosen at March meeting. 3. To hear the town treasurer's account and act thereon 4. To hear the town Creditors accounts and act thereon. 5 . To hear the request of any who may wish an abatement of their taxes and act thereon. — 6 . To see if the town will make an}- alterations in their high way districts or act anything that relate thereunto. — 7 . To grant money to defray the expence of a woman's school or act any thing relative thereto. 8. To choose a school Committee in each of the school Districts. ' !) . To know the minds of the town if they will authorize and empower Ebenezer Hobbs, John Slack, George AY. Smith and Isaac Fiske the agents heretofore chosen for the purpose of procuring alterations of the public highway from stonej' brook so called to Watertown bridge or some place near thereto to contract with the towns of AYaltham, Newton & AYatertown or either of them or with such persons as the court of Common Pleas shall appoint that the town of AYeston would pay towards the making of said road such sum as they shall think proper to grant for that purpose & to empower the said Committee to enter into obligations in behalf of said AA'eston for that pur pose : — or act any thing relative thereto. — 10. To see if the town will accept of a road from Ira Drapers in said town to the line of East Sudbury or act any thing relative to roads in the town of Weston. — 11. To see if the town will enquire into the doings of the Assessors for 1808 by Committee or otherwise or act any thing relative thereto. 80 TOWN RECORDS, 1810. [64. J 12. To grant money to repair the highways in said town or act any thing relative thereto. Given under our hands and seals this twelvth day of Febru ary A D LSIO — Ebenezer Hobbs 1 c i j. Selectmen Nathan Hobbs jr Josiah Hastings y of Nath.\n AYarren Reuben Carver J ^' eston. February 26!' 1810 — Pursuant to the within Avarrant, I have summoned ancl noti fied the Inhabitants of saidtoAvn, t[ualified as therein expressed, to assemble at the time and place and for the purposes within mentioned Arthur Train con.stable. — Agreeably to the foregoing warrant the Inhabitants of the town of Weston qualified as therein expressed assembled at the public meeting house in said AA^'eston, on mondaA' the fifth day of March A D 1810 at one of the clock in the afternoon, and If Made choice of Ebenezer Hobbs Esq. as Moderator. — 2? made choice of Ebenezer Hobbs, Nathan Hobbs jr, Isaac Fiske, Nathan AA^arren and Reuben Carver for selectmen for the year ensuing. Isaac Fiske, for toAvii Clerk. Isaac Train, for town treasurer. Nathan Hobbs jur" 1 Sworn Ijefore I. Fiske town clerk ! March 9!' 1810. Nathan Fiske [ for Assessors. Silas Gregory J Voted to take up and act upon the eleventh article. — Voted to choose a Committee to enquire iuto the conduct of the Assessors for the year 1808 — Voted that the committee consist of nine persons. — Voted that they shall be chosen on a general ticket. Moved that this meeting be adjourned to the first monday iu April next at four of the clock in the afternoon. TOWN RECORDS, 1810. 81 Voted that this meeting be accordingly adjourned to the first monday in April next at four ofthe clock in the afternoon. — ^Middlesex ss. March 8'! 1810 — Personally appeared Isaac Fiske one of the selectmen of the town of AYeston and made oath that he would faithfully and impartially perform all the duties incumbent on him relating to all elections and the returns thereof the year ensuing. Before me Ebenezer Hobbs Just of the Peace Recorded by me Isaac Fiske toAA'n clerk — [65. J Middlesex, ss March 8'! 1810 Personally appeared Isaac Fiske town clerk of AA^eston and made oath that he Avould truly record all Votes in the meeting held on the fifth day of Ylarch instant and at all other town meetings during the year and untill another clerk shall be chosen and sworn in his stead and that he Avould faithfully discharge all the other duties of his office. Before me Ebenezer Hobp.s Just of the Peace Recorded by me Isaac Fiske town Clerk — Middlesex ss. ]\larch 9'! 1810. — Personally appeared Eben ezer Hobbs, Nathan Hobbs jr and Nathan Warren, selectmen of the town of Weston and made oath that they Avould faith fully and impartially perforin all the duties incumbent on them relating to all elections and the returns thereof the year ensuing. before me Isaac Fiske town clerk Middlesex ss. April 2'! 1810 — Personally appeared Reuben Carver one of the selectmen of AYeston and made oath that he would faithfully and impartially perform all the duties incum bent on him relating to all elections and the returns thereof the year ensuing before me Isaac Fiske town clerk Agreeably to the adjournment the Inhabitants of Weston (lualified to vote in town affairs met on monday the second day 82 TOWN RECORDS, 1810. of April A D 1810 at four of the clock in the afternoon. — and made choice of Saniuel Welling-ton Joseph Russell Moses Fuller Nathaniel Allen Ebenezer Hobbs — Isaac Fiske Alpheus Biglow Ira Draper, Joseph Cheney. a Committee to inquire into the doings of the Assessors for 1808 — Moved that said committee be instructed to lay the doings of the Assessors before the Attorney General at the next Supreme I. [J.J Court : — which passed in the negative. — Voted that the collection of taxes be put up at A'endue to the lowest Bidder : and they Avere accordingly liid off to Cyrus Russell at one cent and three mills upon the dollar, and he Avas accordinglj' chosen collector. — A'oted to choose two constables. — Cyrus Russell & sworn as constable & collector April 5"'. 1810 — Arthur Train, chosen. — sworn April 2*. 1810 S. W. District. W"! Bogle. sAvorn AprU 2*. 1810 S E. District — Jon". AA' arren sworn April Surveyors j 2*. 1810 I N. AA". Dis Cyrus Russell sworn April 6". 1810 S. E. Dis. — Daniel Clark sAvorn April 14".. 1810 Centre Dis. Washington Peirce SAvorn April 2*. 1810. of i Highways [66. J Voted to choose seven fence viewers TOWN RECORDS, 1810. 83 Ezra Fiske Joseph Livermore sworn May 21". 1810 — Amos Sanderson Fence VieAvers <( Joab Leadbetter Isaac Gould Jon'! Warren Nathaniel Allen. sworn April 2*. 1810- sworn April 2''. 1810 SAVorn April 2*. 1810 TA'thingmen Field drivers < Hogreeves Abraham Hews jr sworn April 2*. 1810 DaA'id Brackett. Amos Sanderson sworn April 2*. 1810 John Allies SAVorn May 7" 1810. Converse Biglow sworn May 7''. 1810 — Abijah Fiske sworn April 2*. 1810 Joseph Livermore sworn May 21". 1810 — Amos Lamson sworn April 2*. 1810 — Luther Harrington sworn April 6''. 1810 Isaac Fiske sworn before Eben'' Hobbs Esq. April 2*. 1810 Enoch Jones sworn April 2*. 1810 — ^ Washington Peirce D°. April 2*. 1810 Joel Harrington jr D° — April 2*. 1810 Ira Draper jr — D° — April 2*. 1810 Amos Bancroft Sam'. Train jr sworn April 2*. 1810 — Surveyors r Thomas Biglow sworn April 2* . 1810 of ? John Dudley — sworn April 2* . 1810 Lumber C Washington Peirce sworn April 2* . 1810 Pound keeper. — Isaac Brackett. ' John Dudley sworn April 2* 1810 ^^ 1 .| .fft-VT <-t TT ^-\ IIl-I Joseph Cheney — April 2*. 1810 ouiveyors of Abraham Hews jr April 2*. 1810 Ezra Fiske Wood Richard Cutter sworn May 7". 1810- Abijah Fiske sworn Maj' 7". 1810 84 TOWN RECORDS, 1810. Sealers of ( John W. Warren sworn May 7". 1810 — Leather C Amos Holibs School Committees. S. E District. John Davis, .Josiah Starr & Richard Cutter. S. AA*". District. Isaac Train, AA'illiam Bogle, Stephen Harrington W. C. District. Isaac Fi.ske. Ain-. Hews jr, Amos Harrington — E. C. District. Amos Lamson, Ezra Fiske, Benj". Rand — N. W. District. Nath' : Allen, Edward Child, Alpheus Biglow N. E. Dis. Nath : Fiske, Nathan AA^ar- ren, Isaac Hobbs jr. — Voted to pass and allow the town treasurer's account as read. — Voted to allow Abr'^' Hews jr his account. 83 : 00. — Voted that the selectmen and Assessors be a committee to District the town into Highway Districts, and report their do ings at the next annual meeting in March. 7. Granted two hundred dollars for Avomen's schools the ensuing summer. 9. Voted that John Slack, Joseph Russell, Ebenezer Hobbs, George W. Smith & Isaac Fiske be authorized and empowered. to contract with the toAvns of AYaltham AYatertown and New ton or either of them or with such persons as the court of Com mon Pleas shall appoint that the town of AA'eston Avould pay to wards making a road from stony brook to AA'atertoAvn bridge or some place near thereto, two thousand dollars, provided said road shall be laid out by the court, and that they be empoAvered to enter into obligations in behalf of said town of AA'eston for the payment of the same. — 10. Voted not to act on the tenth article. — 11. Voted to grant fifteen huudred dollars for to be Avorked out on the highAvays in the usual manner. — Voted that the Committee chosen to enquire into the conduct ofthe Assessors report at the next meeting. Meeting dissolved. — TOWN RECORDS, 1810. 85 [67. J To Arthur Train one of the constables ofthe town of Weston — Greeting. You are hereby required, in the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, to Avarn the male Inhabitants of the said town of AA'eston, of twenty one j'ears of age and upAvards, having a free hold estate Avithin the Commonwealth ofthe annual income of three pounds or any estate to the value of sixty pounds, to meet at the public meeting in said Weston, on monday the sec ond dav' of April next at one of the clock in the after noon to giAc in their votes for a Govenour, Lieutenant Govenour, and senators and counsellors, agreeably to the constitution of said CommouAvealth. Given under our hands and seals at said Weston this day of INIarch in the year ot our Lord Ebenezer Hobbs. [l. sJ Nathan Hobbs jr — [L'^-J Isaac Fiske — [l sJ Nathan Warren [ls.J [Pursuant to the above warrant, etc., omitted. — Ed.] Agreeabh' to the foregoing warrant the Inhabitants of Wes ton qualified as therein expressed met at the pulilic meeting house in said AYeston, on monday the second day of April AD 1810 — and gave in their votes as follows. „ ^ ( Christopher Gore Es(|. Eighty fiA-e For Govenour S t^„ . , ^ -r- t- uf ^i c Elbridge Gerry Esq Eighty three For Lieutenant ( David Cobb Esq. Eighty five Govenour c AA'illiam Gray Esq Eighty three [68.J For Senators & Timothy Jackson Esq Eighty four Counsellors — Oliver Prescott Esq. Eighty four Joseph Hurd Esq Eighty four Joseph Lock Esq. Eighty four. Hon Samuel Dana Esq. Eighty three Amos Bond — Esq Eighty three Matthew Bridge Esq Eighty three John L. Tuttle Esq Eighty three. — 86 town records, I8I0. To Arthur Train one of the constables of the town of Wes ton Greeting . [l sJ You are hereby required in the name of the Common- [l sJ wealth of Massachusetts to notify and warn the Inhabi- [l sJ tants of the said town of AYeston qualified to vote for [l sJ Representatives to meet at the public meeting house in said Weston on monday the second day of April next at two of the clock in the afternoon to give in their votes for a connty treasurer. — Given under our hands and seals this ninth day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ten. Ebenezer Hobbs. 1 c i j. I Selectmen Nathan Hobbs jr i r Iasac Fiske f >,, ^ ^lATHAN Warren J Weston March 17''. 1810 — Pursuant to the aliove warrant I have duly notified the Inhabitants of said town qualified as within expressed to meet at the time and place and for the pur poses within mentioned. Arthur Train constalile. — Agreeably to the foregoing warrant the Inhabitants of Wes ton qualified as therein expressed met at the time and place therein mentioned and gave in their votes for county treasurer as follows, to wit, — For John L. Tuttle Esq. Eighty — Abiel Heywood Esq. Seventy two — meeting dissoh-ed — [69. J To Arthur Train one of the constables of the toAvn of [l sJ Weston Greeting. — [l sJ You are hereby required in the name of the Com- [l sJ monwealth of Massachusetts, to notify and Avarn the [ls.J male Inhabitants of said Ioaau, being twenty one years of age and upwards, and resident in said town for the space of one year next preceding, having a freehold estate town records, 1810. 87 Avithin said town of the annual income of three pounds or any estate to the value of sixty pounds, to meet at the public meet ing house in said toAvn on the seventh day of May next, at two of the clock in the afternoon for the purpose of choosing a Representative, to represent them at the General Court ap pointed to be convened and held at Boston on the last Av'ednes- day of May next. Given under our hands and seals, at said Weston, the tAventy third day of April A D 1810 — Ebenezer Hobbs "1 o i + \ Selectmen Isaac Fiske i Nathan AA'^arren ( Reuben Carver j ^^'f*ton April 30". 1810 — Pursuant to the above Avarrant I have notified and warned the male Inhabitants of said town qualified to vote as is therein expressed, to meet at the time and place and for the purposes therein mentioned. Arthur Train, constable. — Agreeably to the foregoing Avarrant the Inhabitants of We.ston assembled at the time & place aforesaid, and gave in their votes for a Representative which upon being sorted and counted were declared to be as follows, to wit, for Eben ezer Hobbs E.sq. Eighty one, & for Isaac Fiske, Eighty, and Ebenezer Hobbs Esij. was declared to be elected. — [l s.J To Arthur Train one of the constables of the town of [l s.J AA^eston, Greeting. [l s.J You are required in the name of the Commonwealth [l s.J of Massachusetts, to summon & notify the free holders and other Inhabitants of said town qualified by law to vote in town meetings, viz, such as pay to one single tax liesides the Poll or Polls a sum e(|ual to two thirds of a single Poll tax, to assemble at the Public meeting house in said toAvn on mon day the seventh day of May next at three of the clock i n the afternoon to act on the following articles, viz. 1. To choose a Moderator. 88 TOWN RECORDS, 1810. 2. To grant a sum of money to defray the expense of schools in addition to what is already granted for the ensuing _year. — 3. To grant nionej' for the support of the Poor & for de fraying all the other usual and incidental charges of said town the ensuing year. — [70. J 4. To grant the Rev* Doct. Kendal his Salary for one year from and after the fifth day of November next. 5. To hear the Report of a Committee raised to enquire into the doings of the assessors for 1808 ancl act thereon. 6. To hear the report of the Selectmen relative to an alter ation bA' them made in the road leading from the great road, so called, to the road near the house of Amos Bancroft esquire & act thereon. 7. To hear the toAvn treasurer's account and act thereon. 8. To hear the town creditors accounts and act thereon. 9. To knoAV the minds of the town whether thej' Avill sell the PcAv latelj' occupied bj' the Avidow [of JohnJ Marj' AA'arren or act any thing relative thereto. — 10 — To hear the request of any person avIio may wish an abatement of their taxes and act thereon. — 11. To know the minds of the town if they will make aiij' rei)airs to the poor house or act any thing relative thereto. — Given under our hands and seals this tAventy third dav of April in the year of our I^ord one thousand eight hundred and ten. Ebenezer Hobbs ^ Selectmen Isaac Fiske > of Na'than AA' arren .) AA'eston. AYkston May 3* 1810 — Pursuant to the above Avarrant, I have summoned and notified the freeholders and other inhab itants qualified ))y law to vote in town meetings to assemble at the time and place and for the purposes above mentioned Arthui; Train, constable. Pursuant to the above warrant the Inhabitants of AYeston assembled at the time and place aforesaid and made choice of 1. Ebenezer Hobbs Es(|. ^loderator. TOAVN RECORDS, 1810. 89 2. A'oted to grant six hundred dollars in addition to the sum alreadj' granted for the use of schools the ensuing jear. 3 . Voted to grant fifteen hundred dollars for the sup[)ort of the Poor and to defray all other usual and incidental charges. — 4. A'oted to grant five hundred dollars for the Rev. Doc'. Kendals Salary for one year from and after the fifth day of November next. 5. A'oted that the Papers respecting the assessors conduct be submitted to the Attornej' and Solicitor General for their inspection and for them to prosecute if thej- see cause. — [See Appendix. J 6 . Voted to accept the report of the Selectmen lajing out a town Avay from the great road to Concord road, — following. — " AA'e the subscribers Selectmen of the town of AYeston upon the application of Jonas Green and a number of other In- haliitants of said town, having notified all persons interested proceeded to view the road or passAvay [now Fiske StreetJ lead ing from the great road by the dwelling house of Jonas Green [7 l.J to Concord road so called and after having heard all per sons interested have laid out the following town waj' for the use of said town. viz. Beginning at a stake and stones at Con cord road bj' land of Doctor Amos Bancroft, thence running a southerly course over land of said Bancroft and land of Jonas Crreen to a stake and stones in land of said Green, thence the same course to the great county road, the said way to be on the we.sterlj' side of said course and to be one and half rods wide excepting at the beginning of said Avay at Concord road, where the wall upon the Avest side of said Avaj' as it uoav stands is to be the westerly bound of said way untill the same comes to a point where the Avidth of said way from the easterlj' course aforede- scribed will be one and a half rods and the residue of said Avaj' to be one rod and a half only. No damages were required l)j- any person through whose land said way is laid out. Ebenezer Hobbs Nathan Hobbs jr Isaac Fiske Weston May 5". 1810 Nathan AYarren j AA'eston Selectmen of 90 TOWN RECORDS, 1810. 7. Voted to pass and alloAV the treasurer's account as read. — S. Voted that the account be left with the selectmen to ad just the same according to their discretion 9. Voted that the Selectmen be a Committee to investigate their title to the Pew lately occupied bv jMary AA'arren. & to report. 10. Voted thatAY'!! H. Bent's taxes for 1808 be abated. 11. Voted that the Selectmen be a Committee to repair the Poor house. [l sJ To Cj'rus Russell one of the constables of the town [l sJ of AYeston, Greeting. — [ls.J You are hereby required in the name of the Common- [ls.J wealth of Massachusetts, to notifj' and Avarn the Inhabi- [ls. J tants ofthe said town of AA'eston dulj- qualified to vote for Representatives in the General Court of said Commonwealth, A'iz " male inhabitants of said town being twenty one A'ears of age and resident in said toAvn for the space of one j-ear next pre ceding, haA'ing a freehold Estate Avithin said toAvn of the annual income of three pounds or any estate to the value of sixtj- pounds ", to assemble at the public meeting house in said town on monday the fifth daj' of Novemi>er next at two of the clock in the after noon to give in their A'otes for a Representative of the People of said Commonwealth in the Congress of the United States for the Middlesex District. Given under our hands and seals this twenty second daj' of Oct! AD 1810 — Ebenezer Hobbs 1 Selectmen Nathan Hobbs jr / of Isaac Fiske ^ AA'eston [72. J Middlesex ss. AA^eston Nov! Ir iSlO — Pursuant to the Avithiu warrant I have notified and warned the male inhabitants of said toAvn qualified as therein expressed to meet at the time and place for the purpose Avithin mentioned. Cyiu;s Russell, constable. TOWN RECORDS, 1810. 91 Agreeablj' to the foregoing warrant the Inhabitants of AA^eston qualified as therein expressed, met at the public meeting house in said AA'eston and gave in their votes for a Representa tive of this Commonwealth in the congress of the United States, A'iz. — For. Joseph B. A'arnnm Esq. sixty seven For Loammi Baldwin Esq. ficfty seven. [l s.J To Cyrus Russell one of the constables of the town of [ls.J Weston — — Greeting. [l.s.J You are lierebj' commanded in the name of the Com- [l. sJ monwealth of Massachusetts, to summon and notify the [l. s.J freeholders ancl other Inhabitants of said town, qualified bj" law to vote in toAvn meetings viz, such as pay to one single tax besides the poll or polls a sum equal to two thirds of a single poll tax, to assemble at the public meeting house in said town on monday the fifth day of November next at three of the clock in the afternoon to act on the following articles. to Avit. 1. To choose a moderator of said meeting. 2. To see if the town Avill grant a sum of monej' for the purpose of being expended in teaching sacred music in the town of Weston the winter ensuing, or appropriate a sum already granted ; and choose a committee to employ a teacher, or act any thing relative thereto Ebenezer Hobbs Nathan Hobbs jr Isaac Fiske Nathan Warren Reuben Caraer Selectmen of AA'eston . AIiDDLESEX ss. Wes'ton Nov. 3'.' 1810 Pursuant to the within warrant I have summoned and notified the Inhabitants of said town qualified as therein ex2:)ressed to assemble at the time and place and for the purpose within mentioned. Cyrus Russell Const — Pursuant to the above warrant the Inhabitants of AA'eston, qualified as therein expressed assembled at the public meeting 92 TOAVN records, 1811. house in said AA'eston on monday the fifth day of November AD 1810 at three of the clock in the after noon and made choice of 1. Ebenezer Hobbs Kfni. Moderator. 2. Voted to appropriate sixty dollars, of the money granted [73.] by the town in May last for the purpose of teaching- sacred music in Weston the Avinter ensuing. — Voted to choose a Committee to employ a Music master. Voted said committee should consist of five. Cap. Nathan Upham Abijah Fiske Deacon Nathan AYarren Cap. Alpheus Biglow William Bogle. Avere chosen. — Abijah Fiske & AYilliam Bogle declined serving & the town voted to excuse them and made choice of Isaac Train and Nath'. Allen Isaac Train declined serving and the town voted to excuse him and made choice of Cap. Abraham Hews. — Recorded by me Isaac Fiske town clerk. [1811.1 To Cyrus Russell one of the Constables of the town of AYeston Greeting. [l sJ You are hereby required in the name of the Comnion- [l sJ Avealth of ^Massachusetts to summon and notifj' the free [l sJ holders and other Inhabitants of the town of AA^estou [ls.J qualified b\- Law to vote in toAvn meetings, viz, such as paj' to one single tax l)esides the Poll or Polls, a sum equal to two thirds of a single Poll tax to assemble at the public meet ing house iu said AA'eston on inondaj' the fourth daj' of JNIarch next at one of the clock in the afternoon to act on the following ¦ articles. — viz. 1. To choose a Moderator of said meeting. 2. To choose town clerk, selectmen, toAvn treasurer, asses sors coirstable or constables, and all other town officers Avhich liy LaAv are to be chosen in the month of March or April. TOWN RECORDS, 1811. 93 3. To choose school Committees for the year ensuing. — 4. To grant money for the repair of th(^ high wajs in said town, or act any thing relative thereto. — 5. To see if the town will authorize and direct the several Survej'ors to collect the high waj- taxes, in case the persons taxed, refuse or neglect to Avork agreeablj' to the rules pre scribed by the town. — 6. To grant nionej' for women's schools in the several Dis tricts for the ensuing summer. 7. To hear the town treasurer's account and act thereon. [74. ] 8 — To hear the toAvii creditors accounts and act thereon. — 9. To hear the request of any person who may Avisli an abatement of their taxes, and act thereon. — 10. To hear the report of the Selectmen who Avere chosen a Committee to investigate the town's title to the pew latelj' occupied bj' Alarj- AA'arren and to other pews in the public meeting house and to act thereon ; and to see if the toAvn will dispose of the first mentioned pew and appoint some person or persons to sell the same and give a Deed thereof. — 11. To see if the town Avill choose superintendents of the inoculation of the coa\' pox, and grant a sum of mouej- to de fray the expences thereof, or act anj' thing relative thereto. 12. To hear the Report of the Selectmen and Assessors, who were appointed by the town a Committee to diA'ide the toAvn into high Avay Districts. — 13. To see if the town will appoint an agent or agents to adopt and pursue measures to get rid of making the road latelj- laid out from near the dwelling house of .Vbraham Harrington to the foot of Ball's hill in Waltham, or act any thing upon the subject of said road. — Given under our hands and seals this eighteenth daj- of February in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eleven Ebenezer Hobbs i o i i. Selectmen Nathan Hobbs .jr. . > ot Isaac Fiske i ,,, , V\ eston Nathan Warren '' 94 town records, 1811. AYeston Februarj' 20'! 1811 — Pursuant to the within war rant I have summoned and notified the Inhabitants of said town qualified as therein expressed to assemble at the time and place and for the purposes within mentioned. Cyrus Russell Constable for AYeston. — Agreeably to the foregoing AA^arrant the Inhabitants of Weston assembled at the public meeting in said town, on mon- daj' the fourth day of March AD 1811 and made choice 1. of Ebenezer Hobbs Esq. Moderator of said meeting. 2. Ylade choice of Ebenezer Hobbs, Nathan Hobbs jr, Moses Fuller, Abijah Fiske and AA'illiam Bogle Selectmen of AA'eston — [75. J Isaac Fiske, for toAvn clerk. — Isaac Train, for town Treasurer : sworn March 4'! 1811 — Cyrus Russell, for constable and collector of taxes, & voted to give him one cent & nine mills per dollar for collection of taxes. — sworn as constable & collector March 4'l 1811 Nathan Hobbs, jr. Moses Fuller & Abijah Fiske. Assessors. — .sworn March 4". 1811 Surveyors of Highways Joel Harrington Fence Viewers Tythingmen Centre District. sworn March 4'! 1811 — West District. John Rand X South AA^. District. Tyler Harrington X South E. District. Abijah Upham sworn March 4'! 1811 — North E. District. Nathan AA''aiTen sworn March 4'! 1811 North District. Abijah Sanderson X North W- District. Ira Draper sworn March 4'! 1811 — AYilliam Andrews. Joseph Chenej' SAVorn iSIarch 4'! 1811 — Ezra Fiske x Thomas Stratton Amos AA^A'man TOWN records, 1811. 95 f AA^ashington Peirce I Luther Harrington TT- 1 ] ¦ ; George Lyman X Jieldrivers < ^ Converse Biglow Thomas Brown Samuel BroAvn x John Hews sworn March 4". 1811 Joel Smith jr TT^,j, .^ .^ , George AA^. Smith sworn March 4". 1811 — ~ - ¦ A Increase Leadbetter John AA'. AA" arren X Luther Harrington sworn March 4''. Is 11 Surveyors of Lumber f Thomas Biglow x Isaac Gould, sworn August 21^!! 1811. — j Nathan Hagar Leather. Poundkeeper. Isaac Brackett Survevors of AYood. Cyrus Russell x George W. Smith, Abraham Hcavs jr X Isaac Hobbs' jr, X Silas Gregory X, Isaac Train ^.^b Daniel Clark. — Cj'rus Russell and Abraham Hews jr. sworn March 4". 1811. [76.J Sealers \ John Cotting — N. W. Dis. Alpheus Biglow, Silas Gregory, Nath'. Allen N. E. Dis. Isaac Hobbs jr, Nathan Fiske, Nathan Warren W. C. Dis. Thaddeus Peirce, Joseph Liver more, Amos Wyman 'EC. Dis. Ebetf. Fiske, Amos Lamson, Benj". Rand S. W. Dis. Thomas Brown, Isaac Train, Arthur Train S. E. Dis. Moses Fuller, Daniel Clark, Richard Cutter. School C- i i. i i „, ^ ( before me 1. iiske town clerk Silas Gregorj' J town records, 1812. Ill Voted that the collection of taxes be put up at vendue : whereupon thej- were struck off to Cyrus Russell, at one cent & four mills upon each dollar AYhereupon they made choice of Cj-rus Russell for collector of taxes, and voted to give him one cent and four [niillsj for collecting each dollar — Cj'rus Hussell, constable sworn as constable (fe collector March 5". isi2 Joseph Livermore constable, SAvorn before me March 2*. 1812. I. Fiske toAA'ii clerk Survej-ors of highwaj-s Centre District. Amos Wyman. sworn March 2*. 1812 AA'est District Josiah Farwell. sworn April 6". 1812. South W. District Thomas Brown South E. District. Isaac Train, sworn March 2*. 1812 — North E. District. Nathan Hobbs jr. sworn Alarch 2*. 1812 North District Oliver Conant. sworn March 25 1812. North AA''. District Joseph Cheny sworn March 2*. 1812 — Fence Viewers f Isaac Fiske J Ebenezer Hobbs ( Joseph RusseU Esquire. sworn March 2!* 1812- ^ , . f Isaac Gould Tythingmen. | ^^^^ ^^^^„_ ^^^^ .^ Field Drivers < Abijah Whitney sworn March 2M812 Luther Harring-ton, sworn April 6!' 1812 Charles Cutter. Converse Biglow Jonas Green — sworn March 21^ 1812 — Cap. Josiah Hastings sworn March 2!^ 1812 Abijah Fiske. sworn March 2!* 1812 112 TOWN RECORDS, 1812. Surveyors of Lumber Hog Reeves 1814 before me, Nathaniel Allen ) Isaac Fiske town C • k Voted that the collection of taxes be put to the lowest bidder whereupon thej' were struck off to Cyrus Russell for one cent (fe seven mills, whereupon it Avas voted to gJA-e him one cent & seven mills per dollar for the collection of the taxes . & made choice of Cj'rus Russell, constable also. — March 7'! 1814 sAvorn as collector ife constable, before me Isa;w;'. Fiske town clerk TOAVN RECORDS, 1814. 139 Centre District. Alpheus BigloAv jr Jonas Sanderson AIarshall Train EUphalet Sla(;k Converse Biglow Nathan Fiske Nathan Hagar West. — S. AYest — S. East. — N. East. — North — N. AA'est. Thomas BigloAv Sam! Train jr Ira Draper [107. J Isaac Gould Joseph Livermor Amos AA'jman Jonas Green — Field Luther Harrington . Isaac Hobbs. [ls.J Thomas Bigloav jr ) Thoji.as Biglow. [l sJ Daniel Clark. [ls.J Know all men bj' these Presents, that I Jonas Sanderson of AA'eston, in the countj' of Middlesex and Commonwealth of Alassachusetts A'eoman, in consideration of the sura of seventj- DoUars to me in hand paid, bj' Richard Cutter of the same AA'eston, Yeoman, the receipt Avhereof I do hereby acknowledge, have sold and conveyed, ancl by these Presents, do sell and con vey unto the said Richard Cutter, his heirs and assigns for- CA-^er one of the ucav stables, latelj- erected being the AA'esterlj- one, situated near the public meeting house in said AA^eston. To have and to hold the same to him the said Richard Cutter his heirs and assigns forever ; together Avith all the right I have to the land on Avhich the same stands. In Avitness Avhere of I the said Jonas Sanderson have hereunto set my hand and seal this seventeenth daj' of January in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifteen. .Signed, sealed and dellAcred Jonas Sanderson, [l.s. ] in presence of us. Isaac Fiske Geo. AA'. Saiith. AIiDDLESEX ss Jauuarj' 17'! 1815 Personallj' appeared the above named .Jonas Sanderson and acknowledged the above in strument by him subscribed to be his free act and Deed Before me Isaac Fiske, Justice of the Peace — [123. ] To Cyrus Russell, constable of the town of AYeston, [ls.J Greeting [ls.J You are hereby required in the name of the Com- [ls.J mouAA-ealth of Alassachusetts, to notify- and warn the 162 TOWN RECORDS, 1815. [ls.J raale Inhabitants of the said town of We.ston, being [ls.J twenty one years of age and upwards liable to be taxed and not supported as Paupers who have resided in said town for the space of one year next preceding the first raonday in March next, to assemble at the public meeting house in said town on monday the sixth day of March next, at one of the clock in the afternoon. 1 To choose a moderator of said meeting 2. To choose a town clerk, selectmen, town treasurer and all other town officers, by Law to be chosen in the month of March or April annuallj'. Given under our hands and seals this twentieth day of Feb ruary in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ^*'*««°- Isaac Fiske Nathan Warren Selectmen Isaac Hobbs y of Thomas Bigloav Daniel Clark Weston AIiDDLESEX ss. Weston February 27". 1815. Pursuant to the foregoing warrant I have notified and warned the male In habitants of the toAvn of Weston, qualified as therein expressed to meet at the time and place and for the purposes therein expressed. Cyrus Russell, constable of AA'eston Agreeably to the foregoing warrant the Inhabitants of AA'es ton qualified as therein expressed met at the public meeting house in said AYeston on mondaj' the sixth day of Alarch A D 1815 at one of the clock in the afternoon, and made choice 1. of Lsaac Fiske, moderator 2. Isaac Fiske, toAvn clerk. Isaac Hobbs Daniel Clark Nathan Fiske y Selectmen. Nathan Hagar Jed. Thajei' Nathan Hagar. Town Treasurer, sworn before me Alarch 6". 1815. I. Fiske. toAvn clerk TOAVN records, 1815. 163 Nathan Fisk Daniel Clark Nathaniel Allen Assessors, all sworn befori^ me Isaac Fiske town clerk March 6". 1815 — Voted that the collection of taxes be put to the person wha Avill collect them for the lowest sum, Avhereupon Cyrus Russell offered to collect them for tAvo cents upon the dollar & he Avas appointed and chosen Collector of taxes, and coiLstable of the town. Alarch 7 1815 Personallj' ai)peared Cyrus RusseU and took the oath as collector and constable — Isaac Fiske, town clerk [124.J Centre District. Cap. Daniel S. Lamson AA'^est — Joel Harrington jr S. West — Samuel Train jr S. East — Ichabod Peirce N. East — Amos Sanderson North. Deacon Thomas Biglow- N. AA'est. Isaac Stratton — Converse BigloAV Isaac Stratton Joseph Cheney Cyrus RusseU Isaac Jones Joseph Russell Esq Richard Cutter Cap Abraham Hews Luther Harrington Surveyors of highways, Daniel S. Lamson, swoi'Q before me April 14''. 1815. I. Fiske, town clerk Samuel Train jr, sworn be fore me I. Fieke town clerk, March 6'. 1815 Ichabod Peirce, sworn be fore me Isaac Fiske, town clerk, April Ut. 1816 Amos Sanderson sworn May 1,. 1815. before me 1. Fiske- town clerk Deacon Biglow, sworn April 136. 1815. before me 1. Fiske. town clerk Fence viewers. Isaac Jones & Con verse Biglow sAvorn before me,, Isaac Fiske, town clerk, Alarch 6". 1815 Cyrus Russell, sworn before me April 17". 1815 — I. Fiske, town clerk ~] Luther Harrington, sworn April 7' . I 1815. I Fiske, town clerk Tythingmen.Joseph Russell Esq. sworn April j 17". 1815 before I. Fiske, town. J clerk > 164 TOWN RECORDS, 1815. Aaron Clark Marshall Train John Rand Amos Sanderson Nathan Fiske Washington Peirce Daniel S. Lamson Deacon Thomas Biglow Ezra Fiske Ebenezer Hobbs Esq Abijah Coburn HoUis. C. Loring Jonathan Warren Joseph Cheney Cap. Daniel. S. Lamson. Isaac Jones Stephen Abrams Richard Cutter Field drivers. Aaron Clark sworn March 6 & John Rand sworn March 7". 1815. before me Isaac Fiske, town clerk Washington Peirce sworn before me Isaac Fiske, town clerk, April 14". 1815 I Daniel S. Lamson, sworn before me Isaac Fiske, town clerk. April 14". 1815 Marshall Train, sworn before me I. Fiske, town clerk, April 17". 1815 Araos Sanderson, sworn before rae I. Fiske, town clerk, Alaj' 1^ 1815 Surveyors of lumber, sworn April 13". 1815. before me I. Fiske, toAvn clerk Hogreeves. E. Hobbs & HoUis. C. Loring, sworn before me Isaac Fiske, town clerk — Surveyors of AA'ood. Jon". AA''arren, Joseph Cheney, Isaac .Jones sworn before me Isaac Fiske toAvn clerk. March 6". 1815 Nathan Hagar Jonas Coburn \ Sealers of leather & both sworn be- y fore me Isaac Fiske town clerk j March 6". l.s 15 — meeting dissoh'ed Recorded b\- me Isaac Fiske toAvn clerk — Middlesex ss. March 6". 1815. Personally appeared Isaac Fiske town clerk and made oath that he would trulj' record all Adtcs jiassed at the meeting held this sixth daj- of Alarch, being TOWN KECOUDS, 1816. 165 the meeting at which he Avas elected & at all other town raeet ings during the year & untill another shall be chosen cfe sAvorn in his stead & that he would faithfully discharge all the other duties of his office. Before rae Ebenezer Hobbs, Just of Peace Recorded bj' me Isaac Fiske, town clerk — AIiDDLESEX, ss. Alarch 6". 1815. Personally appeared Isaac Hobbs, Daniel Clark Nathan Fiske, Nathan Hagar cfe Jed. Thayer, selectmen of AA'eston, and made oath that thej' would faithfully and impartiallj' perform all the duties incumbent on them relating to all elections and the returns thereof the year ensuing. „ ^ _ -^ ^ . , '^ Before me Isaac ^lske, town clerk. [125.] To Cyrus Russell, constable of the town of AA'eston, [l sJ Greeting. [l sJ You are hereby required in the name of the Coramon- [l sJ wealth of Alassachusetts, to notifj' and Avarn the male [l sJ Inhabitants of the town of AA'eston, being twenty one [ls.J years of age and upwards, who have resided in said town one year next preceding the first mondaj' in Alarch ne.xt and during said terra have been taxed for their Polls or anj' estate in any tax voted to be raised bj' said toAvn, and not supported as paupers, to assemble at the Public meeting house in said town, on Monday the sixth day of March next at three of the clock in the afternoon, to act on the following articles 1. To choose a Aloderator of said meeting. 2. To raise and grant monej- to repair the high Avaj's or act any thing relative thereto. 3. To grant money for summer schools in the several Districts for the summer ensuing or act any thiug relative thereto. — 4. To choose school Committees, or act anj- thing relative thereto. 5. To know the minds of the town, if thej' Avill give liberty, and authorise any person or persons, to cause the Pews to be taken away from the loAver floor in the meeting house, aud new pews upon a different construction to be erected, so as to cover 166 TOAA'N RECORDS, 1815. the Avhole of the lower floor, excepting the room necessarj- for the aisles ; and also to cause pcAvs to be erected in either of the galleries ; and authorise some person or persons to give Deeds thereof, in behalf of the town ; or act any matter or thing whatsoever in relation thereto. — (i . To examine the town Treasurer's account and act thereon. 7. To hear the request of anv avIio raay Avish an abatement of taxes and act thereon. 8. To hear the Town creditors accounts and act thereon. 9. To know the minds of the toAvn, if they will pay the expense of the singing school taught the present winter, being seventy DoUars. — Given under our hands and seals this tAventieth day of Feli- ruary in the j'ear of our Lord Eighteen hundred and fifteen Isaac Fiske Nathan Warren Selectmen Isaac Hobbs y of Thomas Biglow j Weston Daniel Clark J Middlesex, ss AA^eston. Fely. 1815 Agreeably to the foregoing warrant I have notified and Avarned the male Inhab itants of Weston qualified as therein expressed to meet at the time (fe place & for the purposes therein nientioned. Cyrus Russell, constable of AA'eston. Pursuant to the foregoing warrant the Inhabitants of AA'eston met at the public meeting house in said AA^eston on niondaj- the si-xth day of March AD 1815. at three of the clock in the afternoon and made choice of 1. Isaac Fiske, moderator of said meeting. — 2. Voted to grant the sum of One thousand Dollars, to repair the high ways in the town of AA'eston, to be worked out in the usual [12i;.J manner. Voted that the several surveyors be and hereby are author ised and empowered, in case of refusal to Avork out the high way taxes by any person, to collect the amount of said high way taxes lij' distress or otherAvise. — town records, 1815. 167 3!! Voted to grant the sum of two hundred dollars for women's schools in the several districts for the summer ensuing. — 4. A'oted to choose a school Committee in each school Dis trict in the toAvn of Weston — AA'. C. Dis. Isaac Fiske, Alp. Biglow jr & Abraham Hcavs jr E. C. Dis. Luther Harrington, Amos Hobbs, G. W. Smith. N. E. Dis. Henry Hoblis, Jonas Coburn, Abijah Whitnej'. S. E. Dis. Richard Cutter, Dan'. Clark, AA^!'! Spring. S. AY. Dis. Sam'. Train jr, AA'!'! Bogle, Isaac Jones — N. AA'. Dis. Nathan Hagar, Sam'. Smith, Joseph Cheney. 5. — Voted that Isaac Fiske, Ebenezer Hobbs, Isaac Hobbs, Richard Cutter & Alpheus Biglow jr, be a Committee, author ised and empowered to cause the Pews upon the loAA'er floor in the meeting house in AA'eston and also the body seats to be removed, tfe to erect or cause to be erected long Pews so as to cover the whole of the lower floor excepting the room neces- sarj' for the aisles & the Stove : — and that each owner of the old pews shall have one of the ucav pcAvs, located as near as may be Avliere the old one now is ; and that said Committee or a majority of thera be authorised and empoAvered in behalf of said town to make, execute and deliver deeds thereof ; upon condition that said Committee shall first obtain the consent of the owners of said Old Pews : — and that one Pew upon each side of the Pulpit shall ever be reserved the property of the town as common Pcavs for the respectable old people of the town, being for the same purposes that the body seats now are ; & that one of said ucav Pews shall be re served as a ministerial Pew until otherwise disposed of by the town : and that the rest and remainder of the Pews that maj' be erected shall be sold by said Comraittee after the same are corapleted at public vendue to the highest bidders they the said Committee posting a notice of the in tended sale at the public meeting house fourteen days previous thereto, and that they the said Comraittee or a majority of them be authorised and empowered to make, execute and deliver in behalf of said town sufficient Deeds thereof : and 168 TOWN RECORDS, 1815. that thej' the said Committee be also authorised & enipoAvered to cause two Pews to be erected in the back part of the east and in the back part of the west Gallery & to sell the sarae in manner above provided and to make, execute & deliver deeds thereof : — and that they the said Committee be also author ised and empowered to cause a new Pulpit to be erected and new Avindow to be put in upon the back thereof, if they shall deem it expedient : — Provided that the Avhole of the same shall be done [127. J without any cost or charge Whatsoever to the toAvn or pcAV holders : — and provided also that they the said Comraittee cause a new floor to be laid over the lower part of the meeting house and a new Door to be hung at the front part thereof to open outwardly, which are also to be clone without any cost or charge to the town or pewholders : — They the said Committee after deducting the expences of the same to paj' into the toAvn Treasury for the use of the toAvn such sum as the said Pews shall sell for. — 6. Voted to pass and allow the Town Treasurer's account as exhibited. 7 . none — 8. Voted to allow Nathaniel Allen $12:75 Nathan Fiske $14 :25 and Daniel Clark $11 :25 in full for their services as assessors for the year past and for stationary. — 9. Voted that the sum of seventy Dollars in pay for the singing school taught the present winter, be drawn from the Treasurj'. Recorded by me. Isaac Fiske, toAvn clerk — To Cyrus Russell, constable of the town of AA'eston, Greeting You are hereby required in the name of the Commonwealth of Mas.sachusetts, to warn the male Inhabitants of said town of Weston, of tAventy one years of age andupAvards, having a free hold estate ¦n & seal May 22'\ 1815 — Recorded bj- me Isaac Fiske, town clerk — Know all men bj- these Presents that I Amos AA'jman of AA'eston in the county of Middlesex, Yeoman, in consideration of sixty two Dollars to me paid bj- Samuel Smith of the same Weston, yeoman, the receipt whereof I do hereby acknoAvledge have remised, released, sold and forev-er quit claimed and do for hiin.seJf and my heirs by these Presents, remise, release, sell and forever quit claim unto the said Samuel Smith his heirs and assigns, a certain Pew in the public meeting house in said Weston, situate in the front galleiy of said meeting house and marked numlier " nine ". To have and to hold the afore mentioned premises, with all the privileges and ajipurtenances thereunto belonging to him the said Samuel Smith, his heirs and assigns forever; so that neither I the said Amos AYj-man nor my heirs or any other person or persons claiming from or under me or them or in the name, right, or stead of rae or them, shall or will, bj- any w-av or raeans, have, claim, or de- 174 TOWN RECORDS, 1815. mand any right or title to the aforesaid premises or their ap purtenances, or to any part or parcel thereof, forever. In Avitness whereof I the said Amos Wyman and Susannah my Avife in token of ray relinquishing ray right of Dower in and to the sarae have hereunto set our hands and seals this twentieth daj- of Alay in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hun dred and fifteen — » ii^ o i Aaios A\ yaian & seal Susannah Wyaian her mark X & seal Signed, sealed and deliv ered in presence of us — Charle.s Heavs Isaac Fiske Middlesex ss. May 20". 1815. Then the above named Amos Wyman acknowledged the above in.strument to be his free act and Deed Before rae Isaac Fiske, Just. Peace Recorded by me, Isaac Fiske, toAvn clerk — Know all men bj' these Presents, that I Artemas Ward of Boston in the county of Suffolk Esq, in consideration of two hundred Dollars to me paid by Isaac Fiske of Weston in the county of Yliddlesex Esq, the receipt whereof do hereby acknoAv ledge, have remised released and forever quit claimed and do for myself and my heirs by these Presents re mise, relea.se, and forever quitclaim unto the said Fiske, and his heirs ancl assigns all my estate, right, title and interest [131. J in and to a certain Pew, in the public meeting house in .said We.ston, uoav iu the possession of said Fiske being the front pcAv on the left side of the broad aisle : — also all my right, title and interest in and to a certain stable, situate near said meeting house being numbered four in a range of ten .stables, which Avere built about twenty years since. To haA'e and to hold the aforementioned premises, with all the PriA'i- leges and appurtenances thereunto belonging to him the saitl Fiske and his heirs and assigns forever ; so that neither I the said AYard nor my heirs or any other person or i)crsons claim ing from or under me or them, or in the name, right, or stead TOWN RECORDS, 1815. 175 of me or them, shall or avUI, bj- any way or means, have, claim or demand any right or title to the aforesaid premises, or their appurtenances, or to anj' jiart or parcel thereof forever. In Avitness whereof I the said AA'ard, have hereunto set mj- hand and seal this first daj' of Alay in the j'car of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifteen Signed, sealed Artemas AA'.ard & seal and delivered John .Stuart in presence of us, A. A. Daaie. .Suffolk ss. Alay 23* 1815. Then the aboA-e named Arte- mos AA'ard acknoAvledged the above instrument to lie his free act and Deed — Before me John Stuart, Justice of Peace Recorded by me. Isaac Fiske, town clerk — Know all men by these Presents, that whereas the Inhabi tants of the town of AA^e.ston in the countj' of Aliddlesex at a legal meeting thereof holden on the sixth day of Alarch last voted that Isaac Fiske, Ebenezer Hobbs Richard Cutter, Isaac Hobbs (fe Alpheus BigloAV jr should be a committee authorised to cause the old pews on the lower floor in the meeting house in said town to be removed and other jiews to be built in their stead, ancl Avhereas by a vote of said Inhabitants at their meet ing aforesaid each cfe CA'cry owner of the old pews should have and receive instead of said old pcAv, one of the new Pews Avhich said Committee should cause to be built cfe authorised and empoAvered by their vote aforesaid the said Committee or a raajority of them to give Deeds thereof in behalf of said Inhabi tants and Avhereas Isaac Fiske of said Weston Esquire was owner and proprietor of one of said old Pcaa's. — Therefore in consideration of the premises and by A'irtue of and in pursuance to the Power and authority in us vested as aforesaid we haA'e by these Presents, released, quitclaimed & conveyed in the name of the Inhabitants of said town & do hereby release, quitclaim and convey unto the said Isaac Fiske, his heirs and assigns for ever a new pew on the lower floor in said meeting house being numbered in figures " fourteen. — To have and to hold the said Pew Avith all the privileges and appurtenances thereunto 176 town records, 1815. belonging to him the said Isaac Fiske his heirs and assigns for ever. In Avitness whereof the said Ebenezer Hobbs, Richard Cutter, Isaac Hobbs & Alpheus Biglow jr being a majoritj' of said Committee for and in behalf of said Inhabitants of Wes ton, have hereunto set their hands and seals this seventh day of July in the j-ear of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifteen. Signed, sealed cfe deliv- Eb ' nezer Hobbs & seal ered in presence of Richard Cutter & seal Henry FLAG(i, Joseph Russell Alpheus Bigelow &. seal Isaac Hobbs & seal Middlesex ss. July 21! 1815. Personally appeared the above named Ebenezer Hobbs, Richard Cutter, Isaac Holibs & Alpheus Biglow jr cfe acknowledged the aboA'e instrument to be their free act and Deed Before me Recorded by Isaac Fiske town clerk — [132. J Know all men by the Presents, that whereas the In habitants of the town of AYeston in the county of Aliddlesex at a legal meeting thereof holden on the sixth day of Alarch last voted that Isaac Fiske, Ebenezer Hobbs Richard Cutter Isaac Hobbs cfe Alpheus Bigelow jr should be a Committee authorised to cause the old Pews on the lower floor in the meeting house in said town to be removed and other pews to be built in their stead and whereas by a vote of said Inhabitants at their meet ing aforesaid each and every owner of the old pews should have and receive instead of said old peAv, one of the ucav Pews, which said Committee should cause to be built, and authorised and empowered by their vote aforesaid the said Committee or a majority of them to give Deeds thereof in behalf of said Inhabi tants and whereas Henry Flagg of the same AA'eston trader cfe Jennet his wife in her right were OAvners and proprietors of one of said old pcAvs for and during the natural life of her the said Jennet and Emily Clark a minor under the age of tAventj' oue years and daughter of the said Jennet was entitled to the remain der after the death of the said Jennet, in said Pcav. Therefore in consideration ofthe premises and by virtue of and in pursuance town records, 1815. 177 to the Power and authority in us vested as aforesaid we have by these Presents released, quitclaiiued and conveyed in the name ofthe Inhabitants of said town and do lierelij' release quitclaim and coiiA'ey unto the said Henry Flagg cfe Jennet his wife & Emily Clark a new Pcav ou the lower floor in said meetiuo- house being numbered in figures "twelve". To haA'e and to hold the said Pew together Avith all the Privi leges and appurtenances to the same belonging to them Henry Flagg cfe Jennet his wife cfe Emily Clarke and their heirs and assigns in the same Avaj' cfe manner thev held the said old pew and not otherwise. In witness whereof the said Isaac Fiske, Ebenezer Hobbs, Richard Cutter, Isaac Hobbs and Alpheus BigeloAv jr for and in behalf of said Inhabitants of AA'eston have hereunto set their hands and seals this seventh day of July in the J'ear of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifteen. .Signed, sealed and deliv- Isaac Fiske cfe seal ered in presence of us Ebenezer Hobbs & seal Aaron Brackett Richard Cutter cfe seal -losEPH Russell Isaac Hobbs cfe seal Alpheus Bigelow jR(feseal. AIiDDLESEX ss. July 21". 1815. PersonaUy appeared the above named Isaac Fiske Ebenezer Hoblis Richard Cutter, Isaac Hobbs & Alpheus Bigelow jr and acknowledged the above instrument to be their free act and Deed. Before me Joseph Russell Justice of the Peace Recorded by Isaac Fiske Ioavu clerk — Know all men by these Presents, that whereas Isaac Fiske, Ebenezer Hobbs, Richard Cutter, Isaac Hobbs and Alpheus Biglow jun'' at .a legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the town of AYeston in the county of Middlesex holden on the sixth day of Alarch last were authorised and impoAvered to cause certain alterations to be made in the internal part of the public meeting house in said town and to sell and dispose of certain Pews at public vendue to the highest bidder as by the vote of said In habitants at their meeting aforesaid, reference thereunto being had, will appear they the said Committee jiosting a notice of the intended sale fourteen days previous thereto. Thereupon 17.S TOAV.V REfORDS, ltil5. bj' virtue of the posver and authority in us the said Comraittee vested as aforesaid, having posted a notice of the intended sale agreealilj' to said vote and in con.sideration of the sum of one hundred and sixty five Dollars to us paid by Alpheus Bigelow of Weston in the county of Aliddlesex, Gentleman, the receipt whereof we do hereby acknowledge, ha\'e remised, released, quitclaimed and convej-ed in behalf of said Inhabitants and do hereby remise, release quitclaim and convey unto the said Big- low his heirs ancl assigns a certain pew on the lower floor in said meeting house being numbered in flgures " seventeen " the said Biglow being the highest bidder therefor at the public A'endue holden agreeably to the notice aforesaid on the twentj' first day of July A D J815. To have and to hold the said Pew with all the privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging to hira the said BigloAv his heirs and assigns forever. [133. J In wituess whereof we the said Isaac Fiske, Elienezer Hobbs Richard Cutter, Isaac Hobbs and Alpheus BigloAv jr for and in behalf of said Inhabitants haA'e hereunto set our hands and seals this twenty first day of July in the year of our Lord one thou sand eight hundred and fifteen. i ¦n^ o t ° Isaac iisKE & seal Nath Allen Ebenezer Hobbs cfe seal Sam'- Hobbs Richard Cut'ter & seal Isaac Hobbs & seal Alpheus Bigloav jr cfe seal Middlesex ss. July 21"- 1815. Personally appeared the above named Isaac Fiske, Ebenezer Hobbs, Richard Cutter, Isaac Hobbs & Al]iheus BigloAv jr and acknoAvledged the above instrument lij- them suliscribed to be their free act and Deed Before me J(iseph Russell, Justice -of the Peace Recorded by Isaac Fiske town clerk. KiiOAv all men by these Presents that Avhereas the Inhabitants of the toAvn of AA'eston in the countv of Aliddlesex at a legal meeting thereof holden on the sixth dav of Alarch last past voted that Isaac Fiske, Ebenezer Hobbs, Richard Cutter Isaac Hobbs and Alpheus Bigehnv jr should be a Coinmittee author ised and enipoAvered to cause the old jicavs on the lower floor town RECnRllS, 1,S15. 179 in the meeting house in said toAvn to be reinoxcd and other pews to be built in their stead and Avhereas bj' a vote of said Inhabitants at their meeting aforesaid each and cAcrj' owner of the old pe.Avs should have and receive instead of said old pew one of the new pcAvs which said Committee should cause to be built and authorised and empowered bj' the vote aforesaid the said Committee or a majority of them to giA'e Deeds thereof on behalf of saic^l Inhabitants and whereas Alpheus BigeloAV jun'' of the same AA'eston Esquire and Marv Ann H. Bigelow his Avife in her right Avere owners and proprietors of one undi vided moiety of one of said old pews ; therefore in considera tion of the premises ancl liy virtue of and in pursuance of the PoAver and authority in us vested as aforesaid avc haA'e bj' these Presents released, ciuitclairaed and conveyed in the name of the Inhabitants of said town and do herebj' release, quitclaim and convej' unto Alpheus Bigelow jr aforesaid and said Mary Ann H. BigloAv his Avife their heirs, and assigns forever one undi- vided moietj' of a ucav Pew on the lower floor in said meeting house being numbered in figures " eight " To have and to hold one undivided moiety of said pew with all the privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging to them the said Aliiheus and Alarj' Ann their heirs and assigns forever. In witness whereof the said Isaac Fiske Ebenezer Hobbs, Richard Cutter (fe Isaac Hobbs, being a majority of said Committee for and in behalf of said Inhabitants of AYeston have hereunto set their hands and seals this seventh day of Julv in the j'ear of our Lord Eighteen hundred and fifteen Signed sealed and deliv- Isaac Fiske & seal ered in presence of us Richard Cutier & seal Joseph Russell, Ebenezer Hobbs cfe seal Thaddeus Peirce. Isaac Hobbs & seal Middlesex ss Julv 21! 1815 Personallj' appeared the above named Isaac Fiske, Ebenezer Hobbs, Richard Cutter, cfe Isaac Hobbs and acknowledged the above instrument bj- them subscribed to [beJ their free act & Deed Before me Joseph Russell, Justice of the Peace. Recorded by Isaac Flske, Ioavu clerk 180 town records, 181.".. KnoAv all men by these Presents that whereas the Inhabitants of Weston in the county of Middlesex at a legal meeting thereof holden on the sixth day of March last, voted that Isaac Fiske, Ebenezer Hoblis, Richard Cutter, Isaac Hobbs and Alpheus BigloAV jr be a Committee to cause the old Pews on the lower floor in the meeting house in said town to be reraoved and others to be built in their stead and whereas by a vote of the said Inhabitants at their meeting aforesaid each and every owner of the old Pews should have and receive instead of said old pcAv one of the new peAvs which the said Committee should cause to be built and authorised and empowered by their Aote aforesaid the said Committee or a majority of them to give Deeds thereof in behalf of said Inhabitants ; and whereas Nathan Hagar of the same Weston, j'eoman [134. J was owner of one of .said old Pews. Therefore in consideration of the premises and by virtue of and in pursuance to the PoAA'er and authority A-ested in us aforesaid we have bj- these Presents released, quitclaimed and conveyed in the name of the Inhab itants of Weston, and do hereby release, quitclaim and coiiA'ey unto the said Hagar his heirs and assigns f orcA'cr a new Pew on the lower floor in said meeting house being numbered in figures " Eighteen " To have and to hold the said Pcav with all the privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging to him the said Hagar his heirs and assigns forever. In Avitness AA'hereof the said Isaac Fiske Ebenezer Hobbs Richard Cutter, Isaac Hobbs cfe Alpheus Biglow jr for and in behalf of said Inhab itants of Weston have hereunto set their hands and seals this seventh day of Julj- in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred fifteen. Signed, sealed and deliv ered in presence of us Isaac Fiske cfe seal Henry Flagg Ebenezer Hobbs cfe seal Joseph Russell Richard Cutter cfe seal Alpheus Biglow jr cfe seal Isaac Hobbs cfe seal — AIiDDLESEX ss. July 21^ 1815. Then the above named per- TOWN RECORDS, 1815. 181 sonallj- appeared & acknowledged the above instrument by them subscribed to be their free act and Deed Before me Joseph Russell Justice of the Peace Recorded bj- Isaac Fiske, toAvn clerk. — KnoAv all men by these Presents that VA'hereas the Inhabitants of the toAvn of AYeston in the county of Middlesex at a legal meeting thereof holden on the sixth daj' of March last voted that Isaac Fiske, Ebenezer Hobbs Richard Cutter, Isaac Hobbs cfe Alpheus Bigelow jr should be a Committee authorised to cause the old Pew-s on the loAver floor in the meeting house in said town to be removed and other Pews to be built in their stead aud Avhereas by a A-ote of said Inhaliitauts at their meeting aforesaid each and eveiy owner of the old pew should have and receive instead of said old pew one of the new jicavs w-hich said Committee should cause to be built and authorised and em- poAvered bj- their vote aforesaid the said Committee or a majoritj- of them to giA'e Deeds thereof in behalf of .said In habitants and whereas Betsej' Train of said Weston Aviclow was owner and proprietor of one of said old pews : Therefore iu consideration of the premises and bj- virtue of and in pursuance to the Power & authority in us vested as aforesaid we have lij- these Presents released quitclaimed and conveyed in the name <5f the Inhabitants of said town and do hereby release, quit claim and convey unto the said Betsej- Train her heirs and assigns forcA'cr a new pew situated on the lower floor in said meeting house being numbered in figures "sixteen." To haA'e and to hold the said Pew Avith all the privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging to her the said Betsey Train her heirs and assigns forcA'er. In witness whereof the said Isaac Fiske, Ebenezer Hobbs, Richard Cutter, Isaac Hobbs & Alpheus Biglow jr for and in behalf of said Inhabitants of Weston haA'e hereunto set their hands and seals this seventh daj^ of Julj- in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hun dred and fifteen Signed, sealed and deliv- Isaac Fiske & seal ered in presence of Eben? Hobbs & seal Henry Flagg Richard Cutter cfe seal Joseph Russell. Isaac Hobbs cfe seal Alpheus Bigloav jr & seal 182 TOWN RECORDS, 1815. AIiDDLESEX SS. Julj' 21*. 1815. Personally appeared the aliove named Ebenezer Hobbs, Isaac Fiske Richard Cutter, Isaac Hobbs cfe Alpheus Biglow jr and acknoAvledged the above instruraent to be their free act & Deed Before me .Joseph Russell, Justice of the Peace Recorded by Isaac Fiske town clerk KnoAv all men by these Presents, that I Betsey Train of Wes ton in the county of Aliddlesex, widow, in consideration of tAVO hundred Dollars to me paid by Thoraas Biglow- of said AA'eston, gentleman, the receipt whereof I do hereby acknowl edge have remised, sold, released and forever quitclaimed and do for myself and my heirs by these Presents reraise, sell, release and forever quit claim unto the said Thomas Biglow his heirs and assigns a certain Pcav situated on the lower floor in the public raeeting house in Weston being numbered in flgures " sixteen " and also a stable near said meeting house being nurabered " five'' the same I [135. J purchased of Reuben Car ver. To have and to hold the aforementioned Premises, Avith all the PriA-ileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging to him the said Thoraas Biglow his heirs and assigns forever : So that neither I the said Betsey Train nor ray heirs or any other per son or persons claiming from or under rae or them or in the name right or stead of me or them shall or Avill bj- auj' AA-aj- or means have claim or demand any right or title to the aforesaid premises or their appurtenances or to any Part or parcel thereof forever. In Avitness whereof I the said Betsey Train have hereunto set my hand and seal this twentj- first day of Julj- in the year of our Lord Eighteen hundred cfe fifteen. — Signed, sealed & deliv- Betsea- Tp.ain cfe seal ered in presence of us Is-AAC Fiske Geo. ay. Saiitu. — AIiDDLESEX ss. August 3*. 1815. Then the alnn-e named Betsey Train acknoAvledged the above instrument to be his free act and Deed. Before me Isaac Fiske, Just. Peace. Recorded by Isaac Fiske toAvn clerk. TOAVN RECORDS, 1815. 183 Know all men by these Presents that Avhereas the Inhabitants of the toAA'u of AA'e.ston in the county of Aliddlesex at a legal meeting thereof holden on the sixth day of March List voted that Isaac Fiske, Ebenezer Hobbs, Richard Cutter, Isaac Hobbs cfe -Alpheus Bigelow jr should be a committee authorised to cause the old Pews on the lower floor iu the meeting house in said tow-n to be removed and other Pcavs to be built in their stead and Avhereas bj- a vote of said Inhabitants at their meet ing aforesaid each and eveiy owner of the old pcAA's should have and receive instead of .said old pew one of the ucav pews, Avhicli said Committee should cause to be built, and authorised and empowered bj- their vote aforesaid the said Committee or a majoritj' of them to give Deeds thereof in behalf of said Inhab itants : And whereas Abijah AA'hitnej- of the same We.ston Gentleman, was owner and Proprietor of one of said old Pews, therefore in consideration of the premises ancl lij- virtue of and in pursuance to the PoA\-er and authority in us A'ested as afore said AVC have lij- these Presents, released, quitclaimed and con- A'eyed in the name of the Inhabitants of said toAvii and do hereby release, tfuitclaim cfe convej- unto the said Abijah AA'hitnej' his heirs and assigns forever a new Pcav on the lower floor in said meeting house being numbered in figures "forty five". To have and to hold the said Pew with all the privileges and ap purtenances thereunto belonging to him the said AYliitney his heirs and assigns forever. In witness whereof the said Isaac Fiske, Ebenezer Hobbs, Richard Cutter Isaac Hobbs & -Alpheus Biglow jr for and in behalf of said Inhabitants of Weston have hereunto set their hands and seals this seventh daj' of Julj- in the J-ear of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifteen. Signed, sealed and deliv- Isaac Fiske cfe seal ered in presence of us. Eben" Hobbs cfe seal Henry Flagg Richard Cutter & seal Joseph Russell. Isaac Hobbs cfe seal Alpheus Biglow jr cfe seal AIiddlese.x ss. July 21". 1.S15. Personally appeared the above named Isaac Fiske Ebenezer Holibs, Richard Cutter, 184 TOAVN RECORDS, 181,". Isaac Hobbs & Alpheus BigloAv jr cfe acknowledged the aboA-e instrument by them subscribed to lie their free act & Deed Before me Joseph Russell, Justice of the Peace Recorded by me Isaac Fiske Ioavu clerk. Know all men bj- these Presents, that whereas the In habitants of the town of Weston in the county of Middlesex at a legal meeting thereof holden on the sixth day of March last, voted that Isaac Fiske, Ebenezer Hobbs, Richard Cutter, Isaac Hobbs, and Alpheus Biglow jr [136. J be a Committee authorised to cause the old Pews on the lower floor in the meet ing house in said toAvn to be [re J moA'ed and other Pcavs to be built in their stead and whereas bj- a A-ote of the said Inhabi tants at their meeting aforesaid each and every owner of the old pcAvs should have ancl receive instead of their old pew one of the neAV pews Avhich said Comraittee should cause to be built ; and authorised and empowered by their vote aforesaid the said Committee or a majority of them to gJA'e deeds thereof in be half of said Inhabitants, cfe whereas Nathaniel Allen of the same Weston Y^eoman, AA'as oAvner and proprietor of one of said old pews : Therefore in consideration of the premises and by virtue of and in pursuance to the Power and authoritv in us vested as aforesaid we have by these Presents released, quit claimed cfe conveyed in the name of the Inhabitants of AA'eston and do hereby release quitclaim and convej' unto the said Allen his heirs ancl assigns forever a iieAv pew on the lower floor in .said meeting house being numbered in figures " twenty one " to have and to hold unto the said Allen his heirs and assigns for ever the said Pew Avith all the privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging. In Avitness whereof the said Isaac Fiske Ebenezer Hobbs, Richard Cutter, Isaac Hoblis and Alpheus Bigelow jr in behalf of said Inhabitants have hereunto set their hands and seals this seventh daj' of Julj- in the jear of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifteen. Signed, sealed and deliA'- Isaac Fiske cfe seal ered in presence of ns Eben" Hobbs cfe seal Henra- Flagg Richard Cutter cfe seal Joseph Russele Alpheus Bigelow jr cfe seal Isaac Hobbs cfe seal TOWN RECORDS, 1815. 185 Middlesex ss. JuIj' 21^ 1815 Then the aboA-e named Isaac Fiske, Eben'. Hobbs, Richard Cutter, Isaac Hobbs cfe Alpheus Bigelow jr personallj- appeared and acknowledged the aboA-e instrument to be his free act cfe Deed Before me Joseph Russell, Justice of the Peace Recorded ly me Isaac Fiske town clerk. Know all men by these Presents that Avhereas Isaac Fiske, Ebenezer Hobbs, Richard Cutter, Isaac Hobbs (fe Alpheus Bige- loAv jr at a legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the town of AA'es ton in the countj' of Middlesex holden on the sixth day of March last Avere authorised and empOAvered to cause certain alterations to be made in the internal part of the public meeting house in said toAvii cfe to sell and dispose of certain Pews at public ven due to the highest bidder as by the A'ote of said Inhabitants at their meeting aforesaid, reference thereunto being had will ap pear, thej- the said Committee posting a notice of the intended sale fourteen days previous thereto. Therefore by virtue of the Power and authoritj' in us vested as aforesaid having posted a notice of the intended sale agreeably to said vote and in con sideration of the sum of fifty five DoUars to us paid bj- Isaac Fiske of AA''eston in the county of Middlesex Esquire, the receipt whereof we do herebj- acknowledge, have remised, released, quitclaimed and conveyed in the name of said Inhabi tants and do hereby remise, release, quitclaim cfe convey unto the said Fiske his heirs and assigns a certain Pcav in the east Gal lery in said meeting house being numbered in figures " thirteen " to the said Fiske being the highest bidder therefor at a public A-endue had thereof agreeably to the aforesaid notice on the t\A'enty first day of July AD 1815. — To have and to hold the said Pew with all the privileges and appurtenances there unto belonging to him the said Fiske his heirs and assigns forever. In AA'itness whereof Ave the said Ebenezer Hobbs, Richard Cutter [137. J Isaac Hobbs aud Alpheus Biglow jr a majority of said Committee for and in behalf of said Inhabitants haAe here- 186 TOWN RECORDS, 1815. unto set our hands and seals this twenty first day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred aud fifteen. Signed, sealed cfe deliv- Ebenezer Hobbs & seal ered in presence of us. Richard Cutter cfe seal Nath': Allen Isaac Hobbs cfe seal S.AAi': Hobbs Alpheus Bigeloav jr cfe seal AIiDDLESEX ss. July 21? 1815 Personally appeared the above named Ebenezer Hobbs, Richard Cutter, Isaac Hobbs & Alpheus BigloAV jr and acknowledged the above instruraent to be their free act and Deed Before me Joseph Russell Justice of the Peace Recorded by Isaac Flske town clerk Know all men by these Presents, that whereas Isaac Fiske, Ebenezer Hobbs, Richard Cutter, Isaac Hobbs and Aljiheus Biglow ir at a legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the town of Weston in the county of Middlesex holden on the sixth day of March last, were authorised and empowered to cause certain alterations to be made in the internal part of the public meet ing house in said town and to sell and dispose of certain Pews at public vendue to the highest bidder as by the vote of said Inhabitants at their meeting aforesaid, reference thereunto be ing had will appear, thej' the said Committee posting a notice of the intended sale fourteen dajs previous thereto. Therefoi'e by virtue of the Power and authority in us A-ested as aforesaid having posted a notice of the intended .sale agree ably to said A'ote, and in consideration of the sura of sixty four dollars tf) us paid by Converse Biglow of Weston in the county of Middlesex, Blacksmith, the receipt AA'hereof we do hereby acknowledge, have remised, released, quitclaimed and conveved in the name of said Inhabitants and do hereby reraise, release quitclaim cfe convey unto the said BigloAv his heirs and assigns a certain Pew in the east (Jalleiy in said meeting house being numbered in figures " sixteen " he thv said BigloAv being the liighe.st bidder therefor at a pul)lic A'cudue had thereof agree alily to the notice aforesaid on the twenty first day of July T(^AA-N RECORDS, I8I5. 187 AD 181;-|. To have and to hold the said Pcav with aU the lirivileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging to him the said BigloAA' his heirs ancl assigns forever. In Avitness whereof Ave the said Isaac Fiske Ebenezer Ilobbs, Richard Cutter, Isaac Hobbs cfe Alpheus Biglow jr for and in behalf of said Inhab itants of AA'eston have hereunto set our hands cfe seals this tAventy first day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifteen. Signed, sealed and deliv- Isaac Fiske cfe seal ered in presence of us Eben". Hobbs & seal Nat Allen Richard Cutter & seal Sam'. Hobbs Isaac Hobbs (fe seal Alpheus Biglow jr & se AIiDDLESEX ss. July 21? 1.S15. Personally appeared the above named Isaac Fiske Ebenezer Hobbs, Richard Cutter Isaac Hobbs & Alpheus Biglow jr and acknoAvledged the above instrument to be their free act and Deed — Before me Joseph Russell, Justice of the Peace Recorded by rae Isaac Fiske town clerk KnoAV all men by these Presents that Ave the subscribers, selectmen of the toAvn of AA'eston by virtue of and in pursu ance to a vote of the Inhabitants of said town passed at a legal meeting thereof holden on the second day of May in the j'ear of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fourteen, haAing for that purpose first made an agreement with the proprietors of the old horse stables near the toAvn's pound have caused new stables to be erected nearAAhere the same stood, and in consid eration of the sum of thirty eight Dollars to us in hand paid being the cost of one of said new stables, do hereby by a irtue of the Power and authority bj'the Inhabitants aforesaid to us at their meeting aforesaid given, sell and convej' unto Joseph Holbrook of said AA^eston [13 Selectmen ¦ A'oted to take up & pass upon the third article in said Avarrant. A'oted that The Treasurer of the town should lie the Col lector of the taxes for the j-ear ensuing agreeably to the Law passed Feb^'. 15" 1816. — A'oted that all persons, who should paj- their taxes within thirtj- days from the time thej' shall be committed to the Treas urer shall haA'e an abatement thereon of six per cent. And all persons Avho shall pay them within sixtj' days shall have an abatement of five per cent. — And all persons who shall paj- them in one hundred and tAventy daj's shall liaA-e an abatement of four per cent. — Voted that the Treasurer shall have a compensation of five per cent upon all monies collected bj- him or his Deputies after the expiration of one hundred and tAventy days from the time the taxes shall be committed to hira, unless the Selectmen shall certifj' in writing to said Treasurer that the further time of ninety daj's shall be allowed to persons taxed to pay in their taxes ; in which case, all persons who pay in their taxes within said ninetj' daj-s shall have an abatement of two and half per cent, (fe the Treasurer shall receiA'e as a compensation tw-o and a half per cent upon all monies paid in within said time of ninety days. — Made choice of Ebenezer Hobbs Esq. for Treasurer & Col lector sworn before rae Isaac Fiske, toAA'u clerk July 18"! 1816. — Nathan Hobbs jr \ Nathan Fiske V Assessors, the sarae took the oath Nathan Hagar J agreeable to Law March 4'! 1816. Before me Isaac Fiske town clerk 196 TOWN RECORDS, 1816. West. D° — John Band S. W. D» — Thomas Brown S. E. D° — AVilliam Spring N. E. D° — Eben'. Hobbs N. B",- Eobert Eigke N. AV. D" — Cap. Alpheus Bi [143.J Centre District. "Washington Peirce ] Thomas Brown, Eben' Hobbs, Eobert Piske & Cap: Alp Big- low, sworn, March i^ 1816. be fore nie, Isaac Fiske, clerk. Surveyors V of "Washing Peirce Highways, sworn before me May 231. 1816. I. Eiske town clerk AVilliam Spring, sworn June n^. 1816. before Isaac Fiske ^ town clerk Voted that the surveyors of highways be authorized & erapoAV- ered to collect the several taxes committed to them in case the persons taxed shall refuse to work them out agreeably to LaAV. — Jed Thayer Nath'. Allen Charles Morse Nathan Fiske Isaac Brackett Cyrus Russell Abraham Hews jr Joseph Livermore Joseph Roberts Samuel Lovewell Richard Cutter Isaac Brackett Dan'. S. Lamson Converse Biglow Abr"". Hews jr Luther Harrington Jon". Warren jr Nathan Hagar Richard Cutter Major Sam'. Train Fence Viewers & all sworn according to Law before me. Alarch 4'! 1816 — Isaac Fiske, town clerk. C Nathan Fiske, sworn be- - Tythingmen . J fore me Alarch 4'! 1 8 1 6 — (^ Isaac Fiske, Clerk constables, & both sworn before me ac cording to Law Alarch 4". 1816 — I. Fiske, town Clerk Joseph Roberts cfe Con- A-erse Biglow, sworn Alarch 4^ 1816. be fore me Isaac Fiske, town clerk Joseph Livermore sworn Alay 9". 1816 f Field Drivers "^ Surveyors of AYood. Abr'". Hews jr, Jon". AA'ar ren jr (fe Nathan Hagar, SAA'orn Alarch 4". 1816 — TOWN RECORDS, 1816. 197 John Dudlej- I : AA'ashington Peirce ( .,. , ) Lumber. Nathan Hagar 1 N. Hagar, T. Biglow jr Thomas Biglow jr Jesse Viles & Isaac Jesse Allies )> Hogreaves — Brackett, sworn Isaac Brackett Alarch 4" . 1 8 1 6 . John Rand J JolmRandswomMarcliaOli.. ISlC.beloremel. Flske townolerk Nathan Hagar ) Sealers of \ & both sworn Alarch 4". Cap. Isaac Hobbs j Leather j 1816 — Isaac Brackett, Pound keeper, sworn March 5''. 1816 — Recorded ly me Isaac Fiske, town clerk — Middlesex ss. Alarch 4". 1816. Personally appeared Isaac Fiske, town clerk of AA'eston and made oath that he Avould trulj- record all A-otes passed at the meeting held this fourth day of Alarch, being the meeting at which he was elected, and at all other town raeetings during the Acar and untill another shall be chosen & sworn iu his stead, & that he would faithfuUj- dis charge all the other duties of his office. Before me, Eben? Hobbs, Justice of the Peace — Recorded by me, Isaac Fiske toAvn clerk. — AIiDDLESEX SS. Alarch 4". 1816. Personallj- appeared Nathan Fiske, Nathan Hagar, Jed Thaj-er Jonas Coburn cfe Amos Hobbs, selectmen of AA'eston and made oath that thej- Avould faithfully and impartially perform all the duties incumbent on them re lating to all elections and the returns thereof the year ensuing. Before me Isaac Fiske, town clerk of Weston [144. ] To Cj'^rus Russell, constable of the town of Weston, Greeting. You are herebj- required in the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to notify and Avarn the male Inhabitants of the toAA-n of AA''eston, being twenty one years of age and upwards who have resided in said toAA'ii one year next preceding the first monday in March next and during said time have been taxed for their Polls or anj- estate in auj' tax voted to be raised bj- said 198 TOAVN RECORDS, 1816. town and not supported as Paupers, to assemble at the public meeting house in said town on monday the fourth day of March next at three of the clock in the afternoon to act on the foUoAv- ing articles, viz 1. To choose a Aloderator of said meeting. 2. To raise and grant money to repair the High ways or act any thing relative thereto. — 3. To grant money for summer schools in the several Dis tricts for the summer ensuing or act any thing relative thereto — 4. To choose school Comraittees, or act any thing relative thereto. — 5. To examine the Town Treasurer's account and act thereon. 6. To hear the request of any who may wish an abatement of their taxes and act thereon. 7. To hear the toAvii creditors accounts cfe act thereon. — 8. To see if the town Avill repair the school house in the east centre District or act any thing in relation thereto, or act any thing in relation to aiy school house in AYeston. 9. To see if the town will aUow Cyrus Russell, collector, the sum of forty fiA'e Dollars, money collected as taxes, cfe whicli was stolen from his desk, or act any thing relative thereto. — 10. To know the minds of the toAvn Avhether thej- will re pair or enlarge the work house, so as to accommodate the whole of the Poor of said Town, or act any thing relative to said work house or Poor. GiAcn under our hands and seals this fifth daj' of February in the year of our Lord Eighteen hundred cfe sixteen Isaac Hobbs Daniel Clark Nathan Fiske Nathan Hagar Jed Thayer — Selectmen of AA''eston Middlesex ss. Weston February 26'! 1816. Pursuant to the within I have notified and warned the within described per sons to meet at the time & place and for the purposes Avithin mentioned. Cyrus Russell, constable of Weston. TOAA'N RECORDS, 1816. 199 Pursuant to the foregoing Avarrant the Inhabitants of Weston qualified as therein expressed assembled at the public raeeting house in said toAvn on monday the fourth day of Alarch A D 1816 at three of the clock in the afternoon cfe raade choice of 1. Isaac Fiske, Aloderator of said Aleeting. 2. Voted to raise cfe grant the sura of twelve hundred [145. J Dollars to repair the high ways to be worked out in the usual manner. — 3. Voted to raise & grant the sum of tAvo hundred Dollars / for the Women's schools the summer ensuing. — 4 — AYest centre District. Isaac Fiske, Al pheus Biglow jr (fe Abr'!' Hcavs jr E. C. D". — Luther Harrington, Amos Hobbs. Cap G. AY. Smith N. E. Dl Henry Hobbs, Jon^ Warren jr, John Cutting S. E. D. Richard Cutter, Dan! Clark, ^ Comittees in AV!' Spring S. AA^. D. Isaac Jones, Th? Brown Abijah Fiske N. AY. D. Nathan Hagar, Jed Thayer, Joseph Cheney. 5. Voted to pass over the town Treasurers account untill the annual raeeting in May next. 6. Voted that the application of John Slack Esq. for an abatement of a poll tax in 1813 be submitted to the Selectmen (fe they to give an order upon the Treasurer therefor in case it be their opinion that it ought to be abated. — 7. Voted to allow Nathan Fiske $15:30. — Daniel Clark $13 : 50 (fe Nathaniel Allen $12 : 00 — in fuU for their services as assessors for 1815 — 8. Voted to choose a Committee of three to examine into the state of the several school houses in said town cfe to report thereon at the town meeting in Alay next — Nathan Hagar, Abijah Fiske & Lsaac Fiske, appointed s*. Committee 9 . Voted that the application of Cyrus Russell be postponed till the town raeeting in May next 10. Voted that the subject of the work house 6k poor be re- Chosen School the several Districts. 200 TOWN RECORDS, 1816. ferred to the same Committee appointed to exaraine into the state of the school house cfe that they report thereon at the town meeting in Alay next. Meeting Dissolved. Recorded by me Isaac Fiske, town clerk Know all men by these Presents, That I Alpheus Bigelow of AYeston cfe county of Middlesex, gentleman, in consideration of sixty three Dollars to rae by Jonathan AYarren jun'' of the same AYeston, cordwainer, the receipt whereof I do hereby acknowl edge, have remised, released, sold and forever quitclaimed, and do for rayself and my heirs, by these Presents, remise, release, sell and forever quitclaim unto the said Jonathan AA'arren jr a pew in the Gallery of the meeting house in said town numbered six. To haA'e and to hold the aforementioned premises, with all the priA'ileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging, to him the said Warren his heirs and assigns forcA'er : so that neither I the said Alpheus Bigelow nor my heirs, or anj' other person or persons claiming from under me or them, or in the name, right or stead of me or them shall or will bj' any way or means, have, claim, or demand any right or title to the afore said premises, or their appurtenances or to any part or parcel thereof forever. In witness [146. J whereof I the said Alpheus Bigelow Jun''. and Eunice Biglow Avife of the said Alpheus in token of her consent to the above conveyance and relinquishment of her right to dower in the premises have hereunto set our hands and seals this tAveiity -fourth day of Julj' in the j'car of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and fifteen. Signed, sealed and deliA'- Alpheus Bigloav [l sJ ered in presence of us, Eunice Bigloav [ls.J Alpheus Bigeloav jr } witnesses to Benjamin Jajies ) A Biglow signing Lois Adams witnesses to Eunice BigloAvs signing Middlesex ss. Julj' 26". 1815. Then the above named Alpheus Biglow acknowledged the above instrument to be his free act and Deed Before me. Alpheus Bigelow jr Justice of the Peace Recorded by me. Isaac Fiske, toAA'u clerk TOWN RECORDS, 1816, 201 Know all men bj- these Presents, that Avhereas the Inhabitants of the town of AA'eston in the countj- of Aliddlesex at a legal meeting thereof holden on the sixth daj- of Alarch last A-oted that Isaac Fiske, Ebenezer Hobbs, Richard Cutter, Isaac Hobbs & Alpheus BigloAA' jun'' should be a Committee authorised to cause the old pews on the lower floor in the meeting house in said toAA'n to be remoA'cd and other pews to be built in their stead , and whereas bj' a vote of the said Inhabitants at their meeting aforesaid each and everj- OAvner of the old pews should have and receive instead of said old pew, one of the iicav pews, which said Committee should cause to be built, and authorised and empowered bj' their A-ote aforesaid the said Comraittee or a majoritj- of them to give deeds thereof in behalf of the said Inhabitants : and whereas Oliver Conant of the same AA^eston yeoman, was owner and proprietor of one of said old pews, therefore in consideration of the premises and bj- virtue of and in pursuance to the Poaa'ct and authoritj' in us A-ested as afore said we have by these presents released, c|uitclaiiiied and con veyed in the name of the Inhabitants of said town and do lierebj- release, quitclaim and coua'cj' unto the said Conant, his heirs, and assigns forever, a new pew on the lower floor in said meet ing house being numbered in figures "eleA'en". To haA'e and to hold the said pew with all the privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging to him the said Conant, his heirs and as signs forever. In A\-itness whereof the said Isaac Fiske, Eben ezer Hobbs, Richard Cutter, Isaac Hobbs, and Alpheus Biglow jr for and in behalf of said Inhabitants of AA'eston, haA'e here unto set their hands and seals this seventh day of Julj' in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifteen. Signed, sealed and deliv- Isaac Fiske — [ls.J " ered in presence of us. — Ebenezer Hobbs [l*'-] Henry Flagg Richard Cutter [l^-*-] Joseph Russell — Alpheus Bigeloav jr [ls.J Isaac Hobbs — [ls.J Middlesex ss. July 21? 1815 Then personallj' appeared the above named Isaac Fiske, Ebenezer Hoblis, Richard Cut ter, Isaac Hobbs & Alpheus Biglow jr and acknoAAledged the 202 TOWN RECORDS, 1816. above instruraent by thera subscribed to be their free act and Deed Before rae Joseph Russell Justice of the Peace Recorded liy me. Isaac Fiske, town clerk. [147. J To Cyrus Russell one of the Constables of the town of [l sJ AYeston Greeting — [l sJ You are hereby required in the name of the Common- [l sJ Avealth of Alassachusetts to notify and Avarn the raale [l sJ Inhabitants of said toAvn of Weston of tAventj' one j-ears [ls.J of age and upwards, haying a free hold estate within this Commonwealth of the annual income of three pounds, or any estate to the A-alue of sixtj- pounds to raeet at the public meeting house in said AA'eston on monday the fir.st daj' of April next at two of the clock in the afternoon to giA'e in their votes for a Govenour, Lieutenant Govenour and Senators and Counsellors, agreeably to the Constitution of said Common wealth. Given under our hands and seals at said Weston, this eleventh day of Alarch in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hun dred ancl sixteen. Nathan Fiske, Nathan H.\gar Selectmen Jed Thaa'er y of JoN.vs Coburn AA'eston Aaios Hobbs. AIiDDLESEX ss. AA^ESTON March 16'! 1816. In pursuance to the AA-ithin AA^arrant I have notified the Avithin described per sons to meet at the time and place and for the purpose Avithin nientioned — Ci'RUS Russell, constable. — Agreeablv to the foregoing Avarrant the Inhabitants of Weston qualified as therein exi)ressed met at the public meet ing house in said town on monday the first day of April A D 1816 at tAVO of the clock in the afternoon and gave in their votes as follows. TOAVN RECORDS, 1816. 203 -r^ n ^ Gen! John Brooks Eighty four votes h or Govenour < '7. / C Hon Saniuel Dexter Kighty seven A'otes For Lieutenant ^ Hon AYilliam Phillips Esq Eighty three votes Govenour c Hon. AA'illiam King Esq. Eighty seven votes o , „ C Hon Josiah Bartlett Esq Eighty five votes Senators cfe \ i .-? j < Samuel P. P. Fay Esq Eighty five votes CounseUors — r / 1 i • a t? x^- i j. ^ ^ Calvin Sanger Esq. Eighty five C Hon Samuel Hoar Esq Eighty four votes \ Hon Timothy Fuller Es(| Eighty four votes V Hon John Hart Esq. Eighty four A'otes Recorded by me Isaac Fiske, toAvn-clerk — — [148. J To Cyrus Russell one of the constables of the town of AA'"eston Greeting. You are hereby required in the name of the Commonwealth of Alassachusetts to notify & warn the male Inhabitants of the town of AA'eston, qualified to vote for Representatives to meet at the public meeting house in said AYeston on monday the first daj' of April next at four of the clock in the afternoon to give in their votes for county Treasurer. — GiA'en under our hands and seals this elcA'cnth day of March in the j'ear of our Lord one thousand eight hundred & sixteen. Nathan Fiske Nathan Hagar Jed Thayer Jonas Coburn Amos Hobbs Selectmen of Weston Middlesex ss AYeston Alarch 16'! 1816. In pursuance to the within warrant I have notified the within mentioned per sons to meet at the time cfe place & for the purpose within mentioned rt t, x t,i Cyrus Russell constable Pursuant to the above warrant the Inhabitants of the town of Weston qualified as therein expressed met at the public meeting house in said Weston on monday the first day of April A D 1816 at four of the clock in the afternoon and made choice of 204 . TOAA'N RECORDS, 1816. 1 — Isaac Fiske, Moderator of said Meeting. 2 — And gaA'e in their votes for County Treasurer as foUoAVS, for Abiel Heywood Esq seventy one A-otes for John Keyes Esq. sixty five votes. Recorded bj' me, Isaac Fiske town clerk [l sJ To Cj'rus Russell one of the con.stables of the town of [l sJ AA''eston — Greeting. — [l sJ You are hereby required in the name of the Coramon- [l sJ wealth of Massachusetts, to notify and warn the raale [ls.J Inhabitants of said town, being twenty one years of age and upwards & resident in said town for the space of one J'ear next preceding having a free hold estate within said town of the annual income of three pounds or anj' estate to the value of sixty pounds to meet at the public meeting house in said town on monday the sixth day of Maj' next at two of the clock in the afternoon for the purpose of choosing a Represen tatiA'e to represent them at the General Court appointed to be convened and held at Boston on the last Wednesdaj- of Alay next. Given under our [149.] hands and seals at said Weston the fifteenth day of April in the j'ear of our Lord one thousand eight hundred (fe- sixteen. Nathan Fiske Nathan Hagar Jed Thayer Jonas Coburn Aaios Hobbs Selectmen of AA'eston. Middlesex ss. Weston April 20". 1816. Pursuant to the within I have notified the Avithin described persons to raeet at the time cfe place and for the purpose within mentioned. Cyrus Russell, constable of AA'eston Agreeably to the foregoing Avarrant the Inhabitants of AA''es ton, qualified as therein expressed, assembled at the time & place therein mentioned, and town records, 1816. 205 Voted that they would not send a Representative to the General Court the ensuing year. Recorded by me — Isaac Fiske, town clek [l sJ To Cyrus Russell, one of the constables of the toAvn of [l sJ AYeston — Greeting [l s ] Y'ou are hereby required in the name of the Common- [l sJ wealth of Alassachusetts to notify and warn the male In- [ls.J habitants of said town, being twenty one years of age aud upwards, resident therein for the space of one year next preceding and during said term have been taxed for their Polls or any estate in any tax voted to be raised by said town and not supported as paupers, to assemble at the public meeting house in said town on raonday the sixth day of May next at three of the clock in the afternoon to act on the following articles, viz. 1. To choose a Aloderator of said raeeting. 2. To raise and grant a sum of money for the several schools in said town for the year ensuing in addition to the sum already granted. — 3. To grant the Salary of the Rev*. Joseph Field jr for one J'ear from the first day of February last. 4. To grant money for the support of the Poor and to de fray all the other usual and incidental charges of the town for the year ensuing. — 5. To know the minds of the town, whether neat cattle shall be permitted to go at large the year ensuing. — 6. To hear the town creditors accounts and act thereon 7. To hear the account of Nathan Hagar as former treasurer of said town and act thereon ; and also the [150. J account of the present treasurer and act thereon. 8. To hear the request of any who raay wish an abatement of their taxes and act thereon. — 9. To hear the application of Cyrus Russell for an allow ance of a sum of money stolen from him, which he had collected for taxes & act thereon. — 10. To hear the Report of the Comraittee who were ap- 206 town records, 1816. pointed at last Alarch meeting to A'iew the several school houses in said toAvn & also the work house so called & to decide upon the expediencj' of repairing, altering or making an addition to the same or either of them ; or act any thing in i'elation to said school houses and work house. — 11. To knoAV the minds of the town whether they will make any additional compensation to those soldiers who were draughted to serve in the late war or act anj- thing relative thereto. — Given under our hands and seals this fifteenth day of April in the jear of our Lord one thousand eight hundred & six teen. — Nathan Fiske Nathan Hagar Selectmen Jed Thaa'er J> of Jonas Coburn Ajios Hobbs AA'eston M1DDLE.SEX ss. AYeston April 20''- 1816 Pursuant to the within I have notified the within described persons to meet at the time & place and for the purposes within mentioned Ca'rus Russell, constable of AA'eston. Agreeably to the foregoing warrant the Inhabitants of AA'eston qualified as therein expressed assembled at the public raeeting house in said town on raondaj' the sixth daj' of Alay AD 1816 at three of the clock in the afternoon and made choice 1. of Isaac Fiske, moderator of said meeting. 2. Voted to grant the sum of six hundred Dollars for the use of the schools for the j'ear ensuing in addition to the sum already granted. 3. Voted to grant the sum of one thousand dollars for the salary of the Rev*. Joseph Field jr to the first of Alay instant (fe for one year from and after the said first daj- of Alav. — 4. Voted to grant the sum of three thousand dollars for the support of the poor cfe to de[fjray the other usual cfe inciden tal charges of the toA\n for the j'ear ensuing. — TOAVN RECORDS, 1816. 207 [151. J A'oted that neat cattle should not be permitted to go at large the j-ear ensuing. — 6. — ' 7. A'oted to accept cfe pass and allow the accounts of Na than Hagar former treasurer, cfe also of the present treasurer, as read and exhibited. — 8. A'oted that one Poll tax assessed to AIarshall Jones for the jear 1815, be abated. — 9. A'oted to allow Cyrus Russell, the sum of thirtj- sca'cii Dollars in full for monej' stolen from him, belonging to the town as taxes collected bj' him. — 10. Voted upon the report of the Committee appointed for the purpose of exam [in J ing the school houses in said AA'eston, that the school house in the East Centre District be repaired cfe that Ezra Fiske, Amos Hobbs cfe George AA'. .Smith, be a com raittee to cause the repairs to be made. — A'oted also to build a new school house in the South AA'est District, and that Ezra Fiske, AA^illiam Bogle cfe Thomas BroAvn together with the Selectmen be a committee for the purpose of deciding upon the size of the ucav school house cfe to cause the same to be erected : — Voted also that thej- shall dispose of the old school house in such manner as thev shall deem most for the interest of the town. — Voted also to choose a Committee of nine, to ascertain what farm can be purchased that will be couAenient to aecommodate the Poor of said town cfe to report the expediencj' of purchas ing the same, cfe also the expediencj- of disposing of the work house so called and the land adjoining the same. — Ebenezer Hobbs, Isaac Fiske, Cap. Isaac Hobbs, Joseph Russell, Alpheus Biglow jr, Richard Cutter, Daniel Clark, Jed Thayer & Nathan Fiske, wer[ej chosen for said purpose. — 1 1 . Voted that those soldiers who were draughted and served in the late war as soldiers shall be made up the sum of fourteen dollars per month for the tirae they actuallj' served, with the sum allowed by the United States. — Voted also that the same sum be allovA'ed to those members of the Independent L. Infan- trj' Companj' belonging to AA''eston, AA'ho actually served. — Recorded by rae Isaac Fiske, town clerk of AA'eston. 208 TOAVN records, 1816. [152. J Know all raen by these Presents, that whereas Isaac Fiske, Ebenezer Hobbs, Richard Cutter, Isaac Hobbs, & Al pheus Biglow jr at a legal raeeting of the Inhabitants of the town of AYeston, in the county of Aliddlesex holden on the sixth day of Alarch last, Avere authorised & empowered to cause certain alterations to be made in the internal part of the public meeting-house in said town & to sell and dispose of certain pews at public vendue to the highest bidder as by the vote of said Inhabitants, at their meeting aforesaid, reference thereto being had, will appear, they the said Committee posting a notice of the intended sale fourteen clays previous thereto : Therefore by virtue of the power and authority in us vested as aforesaid, having posted a notice of the intended sale agreeably to said vote, and in consideration of the sum of one hundred and sixty two Dollars, to us paid by Elizabeth BroAvn of AA'es ton in the county of Aliddlesex, widow, the receipt whereof we do hereby acknowledge, have remised, released, quitclaimed and conveyed in behalf of said Inhabitants, _and do hereby re mise release, quitclaim ancl couA-ey unto the said Brown her heirs and assigns a certain Pew on the lower floor in said meet ing house being numbered in figures twenty nine, the said Brown being the highest bidder therefor at a public vendue had thereof agreeably to the notice aforesaid on the twenty first day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifteen. To have and to hold the said Pew with all the privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging to her the said BroAvn, her heirs and assigns forever. In witness whereof we the said Isaac Fiske, Ebenezer Hobbs Richard Cutter, Isaac Hobbs, cfe Alpheus BigloAv jr for and in behalf of said Inhabitants haA'e hereunto set our hands and seals this twenty first day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred cfe fifteen. Signed, sealed cfe deliv- Isaac Fisk. [l sj ered in presence of us. Eben". Hobbs [l sJ Nath'-. Allen Richard Cutter [ls.J Saai'-. Hobbs Isaac Hobbs [l sJ xVlpheus Bigloav jr [ls.J TOWN RECORDS, 1816. 209 AIiDDLESEX. SS July 21? 1815. Personally appeared the above named Isaac Fiske Ebenezer Hobbs, Richard Cutter, Isaac Hobbs and Alpheus Biglow jr and acknoAvledged the above instrument by them subscribed to be their free act and Deed, Before me Joseph Russell, Justice of the Peace. Recorded by me Isaac Fiske toAvn clerk To the fence Viewers of the town of Weston, Gentlemen we request j'Ou to run out the line between the farms belong ing to us in the town of AYeston and to divide the same into equal halves as near as may be from the north and south ends, each of said halves to be in one continued line, and to make in some permanent manner the centre point of said line cfe to give AI''. Lawrence his choice Avhich half of the line to take and in case he does not make a choice, then to assign to him that half of the line of fence which you raay think least expensive (fe most fav-orable to said LaAvrence & we the subscribers hereby agree to keep our respective parts of the line of fence in good cfe sufficient order according to Law: — AA'itness our hands at AA'eston this 291' day of December A D 1815 — Agreed to and signed in presence Jajies Lloa'd of Inaian Fessenden AA'illiam Laavrence The foregoing is the application in consequence of Avhich Ave [153. J divided this day the line of fence between James Lloyd & William Lawrence, the said Lloj'd having of fered said Lawrence his choice of the halves, said Lawrence chose to take the northerly half to which said Lloyd agreed » AYeston April 18'! 1816 — Nath^. Allen ) Fence Viewers of Jed Thaa'er > the town of AYeston. — Whereas a dispute has arisen between James Lloyd of Boston and William Lawrence of Weston about their respective rights in a partition fence in the line between their lands or farms situate in the easterly part of Weston, we the subscribers fence A'iewers of the town of Weston duly chosen and sworn, having 210 TOWN records, 1816. on the application of both the parties & after having given due notice, viewed the preraises and duly considered the matter in dispute, have assigned and do hereby assign to each of the said parties his share of said fence as follows, viz, the said AA'illiam Lawrence shall build and keep in repair a good and sufficient fence from the great county road to a heap of stones ; being the centre of said line sixty six & half rods from said road, and the said Jaraes Lloyd Esq. .shall build and keep in repair a like fence on the other part of said line viz. frora the aforesaid heap of stones a centre bound, being sixty six rods and a half south of said centre bound : — Given under our hands at Weston this eighteenth day of April AD 1816 — both parties being present and agreeing to the measurement aforesaid cfe to the division — Nath': Allen > ^^ ^r- .^ _ y ience Yiewers. — Jed Thayer ) Recorded by rae. Isaac Fiske, town clerk of Weston. Know all men by these Presents that whereas Isaac Fiske, Ebenezer Hobbs, Richard Cutter, Isaac Hobbs & Alpheus Biglow jr at a legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the town of Weston in the county of Aliddlesex holden on the sixth day of March last Avere authorised and empowered to cause certain alterations to be made in the internal part of the public meeting house in said town and to sell and dispose of certain Pews at public vendue to the highest bidder as by the vote of said Inhabitants at their meeting aforesaid, reference thereunto being had will appear,- thej' the said Com mittee posting a notice of the intended sale fourteen days previous thereto. Therefore bj' virtue of the power and authority in us vested as aforesaid, having posted a notice of the intended sale agreeably to said vote cfe in consideration of the sum of fifty seven doUars to us paid by Henry Fiske of Weston in the county of Aliddlesex, trader, the receipt Avhere of we do hereby acknoAvledge luiAe remised, released, quit claimed and conveyed in the name of said Inhabitants and do hereby reraise, release, quitclaim and convej- unto the said Fiske TOWN RECORDS, 1816. 211 his heirs and assigns a certain Pcav in the cast Gallery in said raeeting house being numbered in figures fifteen, the said Henry being the highest bidder therefor at a public vendue had thereof agreeablj' to the vote aforesaid on the twenty first daj' of July A D 1815. — To have and to hold the said pew with all the privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging to him the said Fiske, his heirs and assigns forever. [154. J In witness whereof avc the said Isaac Fiske, Ebenezer Hobbs, Richard Cutter, Isaac Hobbs and Alpheus Biglow jrfor and in behalf of said Inhabitants have hereunto set our hands and seals this tAventy first day of Julj' in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred & fifteen. Signed, sealed and deliv- Isaac Fiske — [l sJ — ered in presence of us Ebenezer Hobbs. [l sJ Nath^. Allen ) Richard Cutter [l sJ Saai'-. Hobbs j Isaac Hobbs [l sJ Alpheus Bigloav jr [l sJ — Recorded by Isaac Fiske town clerk — Middlesex ss. Julj' 21^ 1815 — Personally appeared the above named Isaac Fiske, Ebenezer Hobbs, Richard Cutter, Isaac Hobbs cfe Alpheus Biglow jr & acknowledged the above instrument to be their free act and Deed. Before me Joseph Russell, Justice of the peace (Recorded by Isaac Fiske, town clerk) — Know all men by these Presents, that I Henry Fiske of AYeston in the county of Middlesex trader, in consideration of twenty eight dollars and fifty cents, paid by ScAvall Fiske of the same Weston, j'eoman, the receipt Avhereof I do hereby acknowledge do herely give, grant, sell and convey unto the said ScAvall Fisk, his heirs and assigns forever one undivided moiety of a certain Pew in the public Meeting house in said town, in the east Gallery being numbered in figures " fifteen ". — To have and to hold the aforegranted premises to the said Sewall Fiske his heirs and assigns to his and their use and be hoof forever. And I do covenant Avith the said ScAvall Fiske, his heirs and assigns, that I am lavA-fully seized in fee of the 212 TOWN RECORDS, 1816. aforegranted premises ; that they are free of all incumbrances ; that I have good right to sell and convey the same to the said ScAvall Fiske as aforesaid ; and that I Avill warrant and defend the same premises to the said Sewall Fiske his heirs and assigns forever, against the lawful claims and demands of all persons. In Avitness AAliereof I the said Henry Fiske have hereunto set my hand and seal this tAventy first day of August in the j'ear of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifteen. Signed, sealed and deliv- Henry Fiske. [ls.J ered in presence of us Isaac Fiske AIarshall Hews. AIiDDLESEX ss. August 21^ 1815 — Then the above named Henry Fiske acknoAvledged the above instrument to be his free act and Deed. Before me. Isaac Fiske, Jus' of Peace Recorded by Isaac Fiske, town clerk. — Know all men by these Presents, that AA-hereas the Inhabitants of the town of AYeston in the county of Aliddlesex, at a legal meeting thereof holden on the sixth day of Alarch last voted that Isaac Fiske, Ebenezer Hobbs, Richard Cutter, Isaac Hobbs and Alpheus Biglow jr should be a Committee authorised to cause the old pcAvs on the lower floor in the raeeting house in said toAvn to be removed and other Pcavs to be built in their stead and whereas by a A-ote of said Inhabitants at their [155. J meeting aforesaid each and eveiy owner of the old pcAvs should have and receiAe instead of said old Pew one of the iicav pews which said Committee should cause to be built, and authorised and empoAvered by their vote aforesaid the said Committee or a Majority of them to give Deeds thereof in behalf of said Inhabi tants and Avhereas Isaac Jones late of said AA'eston, gentleman, deceased, testate in his life time and at the time of his death was oAvner and proprietor of one of said old pews, Avhich de scended after his decease to his heirs and legatees : Therefore in consideration thereof and by virtue of and in pursuance to TOWN RECORDS, 1816. 213 the Power and authority in us vested as aforesaid Ave have by these Presents, released, quitclaimed and convej-ed in the name of the Inhaliitauts of said toAVii and do hereby release, quit claim and convej- unto the heirs and Legatees of the said Isaac Jones dec*, a iicav Pew on the loAver floor in said meeting house being numliered in figures twenty eight. To have and to hold said Pcav Avith all the privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging to the heirs and legatees of said Isaac Jones in the same way and manner thej- held the said old peAv and not other wise : — In witness AA'hereof the said Isaac Fiske, Ebenezer Hobbs, Richard Cutter, Isaac Hobbs, cfe Alpheus Biglow jr for and in behalf of said Inhabitants of AA'eston haAc hereunto set their hands and seals this scA-enth day of Julj- in the j'ear of our Lord one thousand eight hundred cfe fifteen. Signed sealed (fe deliv- Isaac Fiske. cfe seal ered in presence of Ebenezer Hobbs cfe seal Henra' Flagg Richard Cutter cfe seal Joseph Russell — Alpheus Bigloav jr cfe seal. Isaac Hobbs & seal AIiDDLESEX SS. Julj' 21\ 1815 — Personallj' appeared the aboA'e named Isaac Fiske, Ebenezer Hobbs, Richard Cutter Isaac Hobbs & Alpheus Biglow jr and acknowledged the aboA-e instrument to be their free act and Deed Before rae Joseph Russell, Justice of the Peace Recorded by Isaac Fiske town clerk Know all men lij- these Presents that whereas the Inhabitants of Weston in the county of Middlesex, at a legal meeting thereof holden on the sixth day of Alarch last A'oted that Isaac Fiske, Ebenezer Holibs, Richard Cutter, Isaac Hobbs and Alpheus Biglow jr be a committee author [iJ sed to cause the old pews on the lower floor in the meeting house in said town to be removed & other pews to be built in their stead ; and whereas by a vote of said Inhabitants at their meeting aforesaid each and every owner of the old pews should have and receiA-e instead of said old pew one of the new pews w-hich .said Committee should cause to be built, cfe authorised and 214 TOAVN RECORDS, 1816. empoAvered by their vote aforesaid the said Committee or a majority of thera to give Deeds thereof in behalf the said In habitants ; and whereas Nathan Fiske of the same AA'eston Gentleman, was oAvner and proprietor of one of said old pews : — Therefore in consideration of the premises and by virtue of and in pursuance to the power cfe authority in us vested as aforesaid we have by these Presents, released, quitclaimed & conveyed in the name of the Inhabitants of said Weston and do hereby release [156. J quitclaim (fe convey unto the said Nathan, his heirs and assigns forever a new pew on the loAver floor in said meeting house being numbered in figures " forty three ". To have and to hold the said pew with all the privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging to him the said Nathan, his heirs and assigns forev-er. In Avitness whereof the said Isaac Fiske, Ebenezer Hobbs, Richard Cutter, Isaac Hobbs & Alpheus Biglow jr for and in behalf of the Inhabitants of AA^es- ton have hereunto set their hands and seals this seventh daj' of July in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred & fifteen. Signed, sealed and deliv- Isaac Fiske. [l.s.J ered in presence of Ebenezer Hobbs. [l s J Henry Flagg 1 Richard Cutter. [l s.J Joseph Russell j Alpheus Bigloav jr. [l s J Isaac Hobbs. — • [ls.] YIiDDLESEX SS. July 21^ 1815. — Then the aboA-e named Isaac Fiske Ebenezer Hobbs, Richard Cutter, Isaac Hobbs cfe Alpheus Biglow jr personally appeared and acknowledged the above instrument by them subscribed to be their free act aud Deed. Before me Joseph Russell, Justice of the Peace Recorded by Lsaac Fiske, town clerk. Know all men by these Presents that Avhereas the Inhab itants of the, town of Weston in the county of Aliddlesex at a legal meeting thereof holden on the sixth daj- of Alarch last voted that Isaac Fiske, Ebenezer Hobbs, Richard Cutter, Isaac Hobbs cfe Alpheus Biglow jr should be a Committee authorised town records, 1816. 215 to cause the old pevA's on the lower floor in the Aleeting house in said town to be removed and other pcAvs to be built in their stead and whereas by a vote of said Inhabitants at their meeting aforesaid each and everj' owner of the old pcAvs should have and receive instead of said old pew one of the ucav pews Avhich said Committee should cause to be built and authorised and em powered by their vote aforesaid the said Committee or a majority of them to give Deeds thereof in behalf of said In habitants cfe Avhereas Horatio N. Lamson cfe Mary Lamson children of Isaac Lamson, late of said Weston, dec* were OAA-ners and proprietors as tenants in coraraon of one of said old pcAvs, subject to the right of dower in and to the same of their mother Abigail AA^ arren wife of Isaac Warren of Charles town in said county ; — Therefore in consideration of the prem ises and by virtue of and in pursuance to the power and authority in us vested as aforesaid Ave hav-e by these Presents, released, quitclaimed and convej'ed in the name of the Inhab itants of said town, and do herely release, quitclaim and con vey unto the said Horatio cfe Alarj-, their heirs and assigns forever a new pcAv on the loAver floor in said meeting house, being numbered in figures " twenty seven " :— To have and to hold the .said Pew with all the privileges cfe appurtenances thereto belonging to them the said Horatio cfe Mary their heirs and assigns forever, subject to the same rights of Dower of the said Abigail AA^arren, that she had in and to the said old pew :: In witness whereof the said Isaac Fiske, Ebenezer Hobbs,^ Richard Cutter, Isaac Hoblis, cfe Alpheus Biglow jr for and [157.] in behalf of said Inhabitants of AA'eston, have hereunto set their hands and seals this seventh day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred cfe fifteen. .Signed, sealed and deliv- Isaac Fiske & seal ered in presence of Ebenezer Hobbs & seal Henry Flagg Richard Cutter & seal Joseph Russell Alpheus Biglow .jr cfe seal Isaac Hobbs & seal AIiDDLESEX ss. July 21? 1815 Personally appeared the above named, Isaac Fiske, Ebenezer Hobbs, Richard Cutter,. 216 TOWN records, 1816. Isaac Hobbs & Alpheus Biglow jr & acknowledged the above instrument to be their free act and Deed Before me Joseph Russell, Justice of the Peace Recorded by Isaac Fiske, toAvn clerk. — Know all men bj' these Presents, that we Ebenezer Hobbs Esq and Isaac Hobbs, gentleraan, both of AA'eston in the countj- of Aliddlesex in consideration of fifty Dollars to us paid ly James Billings of the sarae Weston, Baker, the receipt whereof Ave do hereby acknowledge, have remised, released, sold and foreA'er quitclaimed and do for ourselves, and our heirs bj' these Presents, remise, release, sell and forever quitclaim unto the said James Billings his heirs and assigns a certain Pew in the Public Aleeting house in said Weston situate in the west Gal lery being numbered in figures " Twelve ". To have and to hold the aforementioned premises, with all the privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging to him the said James Bil lings his heirs and assigns forever : — so that neither we the said Ebenezer & Isaac nor our heirs or any other person or persons, claiming from or under us or them shall or will, ly anj' way or means, have, claim or demand anj' right or title to the aforesaid premises, or their appurtenances or to anj- part or parcel thereof forever. In Avitness whereof avc the said Ebenezer and Isaac liaA-e hereunto set our hands and seals this sixteenth daj' of August in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifteen. Signed, sealed and deliv- Ebenezer Hobbs cfe seal ered in presence of us Isaac Hobbs cfe seal Isaac Fiske Maria Hobbs. AIiDDLESEX ss. August 16'! 1815. Then the abo\-e named Ebenezer Hobbs & Isaac Hobbs, acknowledged the above in .strument to be their free act and Deed Before me Isaac Fiske, Ju.stice of the Peace — Recorded bv Isaac Fiske, toAvn clerk. — — — Know all men ly these Presents, that I Thomas BroAvn of AA'eston in the countj- of Aliddlesex, gentleman, in cousidera- TOAVN RECORDS, 1816. 217 tion of seventy nine dollars to me paid by AYilliam .Spring of the same AA'eston, gentleman, the receipt whereof I do herebj- acknowledge liaA-e reraised, released, and forever quitclaimed and do for uyself and mj' heirs, by these Presents remise, re lease and forever quitclaim unto the said William Spring [158. J his heirs and assigns all my right, title and interest being one undivided moiety in and to a certain Pew on the lower floor in the public meeting house in AA'eston, being num bered in figures thirtj- eight, the same being in common with AA''illiam Breed. To have and to hold the aforegranted prem ises, with all the privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging to him the said AA^illiam Spring, his heirs and assigns forever ; so that neither I the said Thomas Brown nor mj- heirs, or any other person or persons claiming frora or under rae or them, or in the name right or stead of me or them shall or Avill, bv any vA-aj' or means, have, claim, or demand anj' right or title to the aforesaid premises, or their appurtenances, or to anj- part or parcel thereof forever. — In witness Avhereof I the said Thomas BroAA-n liaA'c hereunto set my hand and seal this twenty first day of Januarj- in the year of our Lord one thou sand eight hundred cfe sixteen. Signed, sealed and deliA-- Thomas Brown & seal ered in presence of us. Abraham Heavs jr. Isaac Fiske. Middlesex ss. January 21? 1816. Then the above named Thomas Brown acknowledged the above instrument to be his free act and Deed Before me Isaac Fiske, Jus of Peace Recorded by Isaac Fiske town clerk. — Know all men ly these Presents, that I Hannah Sanderson of Shirley in the county of Middlesex, widoAv, in consideration of thirty one Dollars to me paid by Jacob Sanderson of Weston in said countj', cordwainer, the receipt whereof I do hereby acknoAvledge, liaA'c remised, released, sold and forever quit claimed and do for mj'self and my heirs, by these Presents, remise, release sell and forever quitclaim unto the said Jacob 218 TOWN RECORDS, 1816. Sanderson his heirs and assigns one undivided fourth part of a certain Pew, situate in the public raeeting house in said AA'es ton, being the sarae formerly owned by my late husband, Abra ham Sanderson jr, late of said Weston, dec*, together with all the rights accruing and arising thereunto from a late alteration in said meeting house. — To have ancl to hold the aforegranted premises, with all the privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging to him the said Jacob Sanderson his heirs and assigns forever : so that neither I the said Hannah Sanderson nor my heirs, or any other person or persons claiming from or under me or them, or in the name, right or stead of rae or thera, shall or Avill by any way or means have claim or demand any right, or title to the aforesaid premises or their appurtenances or to any part or parcel thereof, forever. In Avitness AA'hereof I the said Hannah Sanderson have hereunto set my hand and seal this twenty second day of April in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and sixteen. Signed, sealed & deliv- Hannah .Sanderson & seal ered in presence of us AIartin Whiting ) Isaac Fiske 5 [159. J Middlesex ss. April 20'! 1816. Then the above named Hannah Sanderson acknowledged the above instrument to be her free act and Deed. Before me Isaac Fiske Just, of Peace Oct. 1? 1816 Recorded by me Isaac Fiske, town clerk [l. sJ To Cyrus Russell one of the Constables of the toAvn of [l. sJ Weston. Greeting [l.s.J You are hereby required in the name ofthe Conimon- [l.s.J wealth of Ylassachusetts, to notifj- and AA'arnthe Inhabi- [l.s.J tants of the said town of AA'eston duly qualified to vote for representatives in the General Court of said CouimouAvealth, to wit, the male Inhabitants of said toAvn, being tAventy one years of age, and resident in said toAvn forthe space of one year next preceding, having a freehold estate Avithin said town of the annual income of three pounds, or any estate to the value TOWN records, 1816. 219 of sixtj- pounds to assemble at the public meeting house in said toAvn on monday the fourth day of November next, being the first monday in said month, at two of the clock in the afternoon to giAc in their votes for a Representative of the People of said Commonwealth in the Congress of the United States, for Aliddlesex District. Given under our hands and seals this fourteenth day of October 111 the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred & sixteen. Nathan Fiske -j s,i,,traen Jed Thayer i r Jonas Coburn Aaios Hobbs Weston. AIiDDLESEX ss. AYeston Octobcr 26'! 1816 Pursuant to the AA'ithin Avarrant I have notified the within mentioned persons to meet at the time cfe place and for the purpose within mentioned — Cyrus Russell, constable of AA''eston. Pursuant to the foregoing AYarrant the Inhabitants of AA^es- ton, qualified as therein expressed, met at the public Meeting house in said town on mondaj' the fourth day of November A D 1816 at two of the clock in the afternoon cfe gave in their votes as foUoAvs, to wit. For. the Hon! Asahel Stearns Esq sixty four votes Hon Timothy Fuller Esq. — forty seven votes Ebenezer Hobbs Esq. one vote — Recorded by me Isaac Fiske town-clerk. [l sJ To Cyrus Russell one of the constables of the town of [l sJ AA'eston Greeting. [l sJ You are hereby required in the name of the Comnion- [l sJ wealth of Alassachusetts, to notify aud warn the male In- [ls. J habitants of said town, being tAventy one years of age and upAvards resident therein for the space of one year next pre ceding [160. J and during said term have been taxed for their Polls or anj' estate in any tax voted to be raised by said town and not supported as paupers, to assemble at the public meeting house in said town on monday the fourth day of November next at three of the clock in the afternoon to act on the following-^ articles, viz 220 TOWN RECORDS, 1816. 1. To choose a Aloderator of said Meeting. 2. To hear the report of tke Committee who were chosen by said Inhabitants at their meeting on the sixth daj- of Alaj- last for the purpose of ascertaining what farm could be pur chased that would accommodate the Poor of said town & of reporting on the expediency of purchasing the same & also the expediency of disposing of the work house so called and the land adjoining the same : cfe to act thereon. 3. To see if the town Avill choose a Committee to purchase a farm or tract of land for the purpose of supporting and accommodating the poor of said town thereon & authorise said Committee to take a Deed thereof in behalf of said Inhabitants (fe to give securitj' therefor, or hire the monej' necessaiy to paj- for the same in behalf of said Inhabitants, and also to author ise said Committee to cause suitable buildings to be erected or fitted up for the Poor or act anj' thing relative thereto. — 4. To see if the town w-ill dispose of the work house and land adjoining the same & appoint an agent to give a Deed thereof in behalf of said Inhabitants or act any thing relative thereto. — 5. To hear the town creditors accounts and act thereon 6 . To hear aiy application for the abatement of taxes & act thereon. Given under our hands and seals this fourteenth daj- of October in the j'ear of our Lord Eighteen hundred & sixteen. Nathan Fiske Jed Tiiaa'er Jonas Coburn Aaios Hobbs Selectmen of AA'eston AI1DDLE.SEX ss. AA'eston October 26'! 1816 Pursuant to the within, I have notified the Avithin nientioned persons to meet at the time & place and for the purposes within men- Ca'rus Russell, constable of — AA'eston. Agreeablj- to the foregoing Avarrant the Inhabitants of AA'es ton, qualified as therein expressed met at the [161.] public raeeting house in said town on iiiondav- the fourth daA- of Noa'- TOWN RECORDS, 1816. 221 ember A D 1816 at three of the clock in the afternoon and made choice of 1. Isaac Fiske, moderator of said meeting. — 2. A'oted to accept the Report of the Committee chosen in Alay last for the purpose of ascertaining what farm could be purchased to accommodate the poor cfe the expediencj- of pur chasing the same cfe also the expediency of disposing of the work house so called cfe the lands adjoining : which report is in the words following, A'iz. "The Committee appointed to take into consideration the expediencj' of purchasing real estate for the purpose of erecting buildings for accommodating the Poor of the toAvn, beg leave respectfully to report that they have attended to the subject so far as it was in their poAvcr cfe taking into consideration the great number of Poor belonging to said toAvn cfe the great expense the toAvn are now cfe have beeu for J-ears past subjected to, for their support, are of opinion that it is highlj' expedient that some iicav method should be adopted ; thej- would further report that of all the methods that haA-e been suggested by individuals of the Committee cfe other per sons, that no one appears so Avell calculated for the interest of the toAvn, the diminution of the expenses of the Poor cfe their convenience cfe accommodation as to purchase some consider able tract of land with suitable buildings thereon or such to be erected : they would therefore recoramend that the town should adopt measures for the purchase of .such real estate : — They would further report that the Poor house belonging to the town is not large enough cfe the land adjoining the same is not suffi cient to answer any valuable purpose, they would therefore report that it would be for the interest of the town to dispose of the same, if it can be sold for its value AYeston Oct\ 24". 1816 Ebenezer Hobbs Joseph Russell Nathan Fiske Isaac Fiske Isaac Hobbs Jed Thayer Alpheus Bigloav jr Daniel Clark — ^ Committee 222 TOWN records, 1816. 3 . Voted to choose a Committee for the purpose of purchas ing, at their discretion, sorae real estate, with buildings thereon, or such to be erected, as in their opinion, will be suitable to accommodate the Poor of said town, and that said Committee or a Majority of them be authorised to take a Deed of the same for (fe in behalf of the Inhabitants of AYeston, & that said Com mittee or a majority of them [162. J be and they hereby are authorised for and in behalf of said Inhabitants to give securitj' for the purchase of said real Estate ; or to hire money for the payment of the same & in behalf of said said Inhabitants to give security therefor & upon such terras as they raay think ex pedient. — Voted that said Coramittee be chosen by written votes. Voted that said Comraittee should consist of three persons. — Whereupon. Isaac Fiske, Ebenezer Hobbs & Nathan AA'arren were chosen said Comraittee. — Voted to choose a Coramittee to erect suitable buildings for the accommodation of the Poor, for & in behalf of said toAvn. Voted that said committee should consist of three persons. Voted to choose said Committee by written votes. — AA'here- upon Isaac Fiske, Ebenezer Hobbs cfe Nathan Warren were chosen said Committee. — Voted that said Committee be authorised to hire monej- for (fe in behalf of said town to defray the expences of erecting said buildings. — 4. Voted to sell the work house so called, and the land adjoining the same belonging to the town. Voted to choose a Coraraittee to sell & dispose of the same in such manner as they raay think proper & to give a Deed thereof in behalf of said town. AYhereupon Isaac Fiske, Ebenezer Hobbs cfe Nathan AA'arren were chosen for that purpose. — 5 . — Voted to choose a Comraittee to iuAestigate the claim of Caleb Hayward again.st the town cfe to report thereon : whereupon. Joseph Russell, Ebenezer Hobbs cfe Alpheus BigloAv jr were appointed said Coramittee. — Voted to pass and allow to Cyrus Russell his account agt said town for Avarn[i]iigtoAvn meetings, notifying town officers, town records, I8I7. 223 cfe posting Avarrants to the present time, cxcept[ijng that he should receive four dollars instead of five as contained in his account for Avarning town meetings: — Avhich with this deduc tion, leaves a balance of fortj' nine Dollars, due hira. — 6. Voted that the trea.surer be directed not to call on Cj-rus Russell untill next j-ear for the following taxes to wit, Elisha Cummings for 1814 & 1815 : — David Dutton for 1814. Stephen Loker jr for 1814 Nathan Rand for 1814. Benj". Spear for 1814 (fe 1815: — Daniel AA'hitehead for 1814:— James Lloyd minister tax for 1815 cfe Major Thompsons for the same j-ear ; upon condition that the said Russell forthwith pay to said Treasurer the balance due from him as Collector to said Treasurer. — Voted that the over tax of Jonas White be abated for 1811 (fe that the same shall be adjusted by the treasurer with Cj'rus Russell, collector A'oted to dissolve this meeting. Recorded bj' me Isaac Fiske. town clerk. [1817.] [163. J To Abraham Hews jr one of the constables of the [l sJ town of AA'eston, Greeting [l sJ Y'ou are hereby required in the name of the Coni- [l sJ monwealth of Massachusetts to notify and AA'arn the [l sJ raale Inhabitants of the said town of AYeston, being [ls.J twenty one j-ears of age and upwards liable to be taxed (fe not supported as paupers, who have resided in said town for the space of one j-ear next preceding the first monday in March next to assemble at the pulilic meeting house in said town on monday the third day of March next at one of the clock in the afternoon to act on the following articles : — to wit. 1. To choose a Moderator of said meeting. 2. To choose a town clerk. Selectmen, town treasurer, & all other town officers by law to be chosen in the month of March or April annuallj'. 224 TOWN records, 1817. 3. To choose Overseers of the Poor, provided the town shall deem it expedient, or act anj' thing relative thereto. — 4 To see if the town will appoint the Treasurer, the col lector of the taxes of said toAvn agreeably to the LaAv passed the fifteenth day of February AD 1816 and agree & determine upon the amount of abatements in case the taxes shall be paid to said Treasurer within the terms of thirtj', sixty cfe one hun dred cfe tAventy days from the time the same shall be delivered to said Treasurer, or act any thing relative thereto. Given under our hands and seals this seventeenth day of February in the year of our Lord Eighteen hundred cfe seventeen. ^t tt' -^ Nathan Fiske ^ Jed Thayer I Selectmen Jonas Coburn j of Amos Hobbs j AA'eston Middlesex ss. February 24'! 1817. Agreeably to the foregoing warrant I have notified & warned the male Inhabi tants of the toAvn of Weston qualified as therein expressed to assemble at the tirae (fe place cfe for the purposes therein raen- lonec Abraham Heavs jr. Constable of AA'eston Pursuant to the foregoing Avarrant the Inhabitants of the toAvn of Weston qualified as therein expressed, assembled at the time (fe place therein mentioned cfe made choice of 1. Isaac Fiske, moderator of said meeting. 2. — Isaac Fiske, town clerk. — Nathan Fiske Nathan Hagar Jed Thayer Jonas Coburn Amos Hobbs Selectmen Ebenezer Hobbs Esq. ToAvn Treasurer, Nathan Hobbs jr a Assessors, sworn before rae. Nathaniel Allen S Alarch 3*. 1817. Daniel Clark — ) I Fiske, town clerk TOWN RECORDS, 1817 225 Abrahara Hews jr > Cj'rus Russell — S [164.J AA'est Centre District. East Centre District. AA'est District. South west District South east District North east District North raiddle District North District North west District constables. Bworn before me, March Z^. 1817. Isaac Flske, town clerk Thomas Stratton. Luther Harrington John Sanderson Tj'ler Harrington Luther Harrington, Isaac Jones & Nathan Hobbs jr sworn before rae March Si". 1817. Isaac Fiske town clerk Surveyors of highways. sworn May 6'. 1817. be fore rae Isaac Flske town clerk Hworn April 7 1817. be fore me Isaac Fiske, town clerk > Fence vieAvers Isaac Jones Nathan Hobbs jr Jesse Viles -| x Abner Russell — Ira Draper — Voted that the several surveyors be authorized & empowered to collect the raoney. — Henry Hobbs Saniuel Hobbs Isaac Stratton Thomas Jenkenson Thomas BroAvn John Dudley Eben''. Fiske Isaac Brackett Danel S. Lamson AA'ashington Peirce Henry Fiske, Edward Child Samuel Hobbs John Dudley Thomas Jenkenson Thomas Brown Jona AYarren jr Cap. Alpheus Biglow Dan'. S. Lamson Thomas Brown W". Spring Araos AA'yraan Tj-thingmen. > Field [d J rivers. Henry Hobbs, Samuel Hobbs, Tho>. Jenkenson Si John Dudley, sworn before me March Z^. 1817.— Dani. S. Lamson sworn before nie March l'. 1817 1. Fiske, town clerk- AV. Peirce, Henry Fiske, John Dud ley & Thomas Jenkenson, sworn before me March 3«. 1817 Isaac Fieke town clerk. Survej'ors of AYood. 226 TOWN RECORDS, 1817. Lot Bemis Carlos Dagget Amos Hagar Cyrus Jones Marshall Jones Sewall Fiske y Hogreeves. John Dudlej' I Ezra Fiske 1 Surveyors of lumber, both sworn before me March 3*. 1817. J I. Fiske town clerk Sealers of leather. John Cotting Ebenezer Hobbs Isaac Brackett. Pound Keeper. — 3. Voted to choose three persons to be Overseers of the Poor El)enezer Hobbs, Isaac Fiske cfe Nathan Warren, were chosen. 4. Voted that the Treasurer be also collector of taxes agree ably to the law passed Feb^. 15. 1816. Voted that all persons who pay their taxes within thirty daj's from the time they are committed to the Treasurer, shall have an abatement thereon of six per cent. all who pay Avithin sixtj' an abatement of five per cent. cfe all who pay within one hundred & tAventy daj's an abate ment of four per cent. Voted that the Treasurer have the sum of sixtj- Dollars as a compensation in full for his services as Treasurer cfe Collector. Recorded by me Isaac Fiske, Ioavu clerk. [165.J AIiDDLESEX SS. Alarcli 3* 1817. Personallj' appeared Na than Fiske, Nathan Hagar, Jed Thayer, -lonas Coburn, cfe. Amos Hobbs, selectmen of AA'eston cfe made oath that they Avould faith fuUj' and impartially perform all the duties incumbent on them relating to all elections and the returns thereof the year ensuing. Before me Isaac Fiske, Ioavu clerk. AIiDDLESEX SS April 7'! 1817. Personallj- appeared Isaac Fiske, toAvn clerk of AA'e.ston cfe made oath that he Avould trulj' record all votes passed at the meeting held the third day of Alarch last, being the meeting at which he Avas elected, and at TOAVN RECORDS, 1817. 227 all other town meetings during the year cfe untill another shall be chosen cfe sworn in his stead cfe that he would faithfuUj' dis charge all the other duties of his office. Before me Ebenezer Hobbs, Justice of the Peace Recorded by me Isaac Fiske town clerk — [ls.J To Abraham Hews jr one of the Constables of the town [ls.] of Weston — Greeting. [ls.J You are hereby required in the name of the Common- [ls.J wealth of Massachusetts to notify and warn the male [ls.J Inhabitants of the town of Weston, being twenty one years of age and upwards, aa'Iio have resided in said town one year next preceding the first monday iu March next and during said time have been taxed for their Polls or any estate in any tax voted to be raised by said town and not supported as paupers to assemble at the public meeting house in said town on monday the third day of March next at three of the clock in the after noon, to act on the following articles, viz. 1. To choose a Moderator of said meeting 2. To grant money to repair the highways or act anj'thing [relative theretoj . 3. To grant raoney for summer schools, or act any thing relative thereto. 4. To choose school committees, or act any thing relative thereto. 5. To examine the Toavu Treasurer's account, or act any thing relatiA'e thereto. 6 To hear the request of any who Avish au abatement of taxes cfe act thereon. 7. To hear the toAvn creditors accounts cfe act thereon. 8 To sec if the toAvn Avill alter the highAvay Districts, or act auA' thing relative thereto. Given under onr hands and seals this seventeenth day of FebruarA' in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred cfe seventeen. ^^-^^.^^j^^^. y^^,.^ ^ Selectmen Jed Thaaer I , Jonas Coburn [ Aaios Hobbs — J AA'eston 228 TOWN RECORDS, 1817. Middlesex ss. Feb\' 24'! 1817. Agreeably to the foregoing warrant I have notified and warned the male Inhabitants of the town of AA'eston, qualified as therein expressed to assemble at the time (fe place & for the purposes therein expressed. Abraham Hews, constable of Weston Pursuant to the foregoing warrant the Inhabitants of AA'es- ton, qualified as therein expressed assembled at the public meeting house in Weston on monday the third day of Alarch A D 1817, and made choice 1. of Isaac Fiske, Moderator of said Aleeting. 2. Voted to raise &, grant the sum of twelve hundred Dol lars, to repair the higliAA'aj's to be worked out in the usual manner. — 3. Voted to grant tAvo hundred Dollars, for the summer schools. — 4. Voted to choose school Committees in the several Dis tricts, whereupon Isaac Fiske, Cap. Abr'!' Hcavs cfe Doc! Benj!' James, for the AY. C. District. Ebenezer Fiske, AA'ashington Peirce cfe Dan! S. Lamson for the E. C. District Ebenezer Hobbs, Henry Fiske cfe Cap Isaac Hobbs for the N. E. District Ira Draper, EdAvard Child cfe Saniuel Smith for the N. AA'. District Abijah Coburn, Samuel .Seaverns cfe Dan! Stimson for the S. E. District Tyler Harrington, Col. Train cfe AA'!'! Bogle for the S. AA'. District were chosen. — 5. Voted to choose a Committee of three to examine the Town Treasurer's account, whereupon Alpheus Biglow jr, Ira Draper cfe Thaddeus Peirce Avere chosen. — [166. J 6 — None — 7. Voted to aUow Nathan Hobbs jr $15 : 00 — Nathan Hagar $15 : 75 (fe Nathan Fiske $18 : 32, in full for their services as as sessors for the year past, cfe stationarj' found. — 8. Voted to divide the Centre higliAvaj' District into two TOWN RECORDS, 1817. 229 District [s J, atthe Spring above the hou.sc of AY"". P. Jones, to be called the AA'^est C!entre District (fe the east Centre District. — Voted that there be an additional highwaj' District, to he called the Aliddle north District, beginning at the corner of Concord road leading to Oliver Conants, & to embrace said road as far as the house of AI''". Calif cfe up Concord road as far as the stone bridge, & also the road from John Viles to Concord road near the school house in the north east District. Voted also that the farm of Nathan Fiske be assigned to the north east District. — Recorded by me Isaac Fiske town clerk. [l sJ To Abraham Hews jr one of the constables of the [l sJ town of AA'eston, — Greeting [l sJ You are hereby required in the name of the Common- [l sJ wealth of Alassachusetts to notify and Avarn the Alale [ls.J Inhabitants of the said town of AYeston twenty one years of age and upwards having a free hold Estate within this Com monwealth of the annual income of three pounds or any Estate to the value of sixty pounds to meet at the public Meeting house in said Weston on monday the seventh day of April next at two of the clock in the afternoon to give in their votes for a Govenour Lieutenant Govenour, & senators cfe Counsel lors, agreeably to the Constitution of said Commonwealth : — Given under our hands and seals, at said Weston, this seventeenth day of March, in the year of our Lord One thou sand eight hundred & seventeen — Nathan Fiske Nathan Hagar Selectmen Jed Thayer y of Aaios Hobbs Jonas Coburn Weston YIiDDLESEX ss. March 27. 1817. Agreeably to the within warrant I have notified the Inhabitants of Weston qualified as therein expressed to assemble at the time cfe place cfe for the purposes within mentioned — Abraham Hews jr constable of We.ston 230 TOWN RECORDS, 1817. Agreeblj- to the for [e J going w-arrant the Inhabitants of AA''eston qualified as therein expressed, asserabled at the public Meeting house in said Weston on mondaj- the seventh day of April A D 1S17 cfe gave in their votes for {His Excellencj' .Iohn Brooks Escj. Eighty votes Henry Dearborn Esq. sixty one A-otes -rt ^ f His Honor AYilliam Phillips Esq. Eighty votes L*. Govenour. ; ¦ . ' ,.' (^ Hon. William King Esq sixty one votes — [167.J For Senators r Hon Asahel Stearns Esq Eighty votes (fe < Joseph Lock Esq Eighty votes Counsellors — ' Sarauel P. P. Fay Esq. Eighty votes Hon Joseph Bradley A'arnum Esq sixtj- three votes "^ Hon Samuel Dana Esq — sixty one Aotes Hon Johu Hart Esq sixtj- three votes William Austin Esq — two votes Recorded by me Isaac Fiske, toAAu clerk — [l sJ To Abraham Hcavs jr. one of the Constables of the [l sJ toAvn of Weston Greeting. [l sJ You are hereby required iu the name of the Conimon- [l sJ wealth of Massachusetts, to notify and warn the male pLS.J Inhabitants of the toAvu of VA'eston qualified to v-ote for Representatives to meet at the public Aleeting house iu said Weston on monday the seventh daj- of April next at four of the clock in the afternoon to give in their A-otes for countj- Treasurer. Given under our hands and seals this seventeenth daj- of March in the j'ear of our Lord one thousand eight hundred cfe seventeen Nathan Fiske A Nathan Hagar I Selectmen Jed Thayer f . TT AA'eston Amos Hobbs J TOWN RECORDS, 1817. 231 AIiDDLESEX SS. Alarch 27". 1817. Agreeably to the AA'ithin warrant I have notified the Inhabitants of AYeston, qualified as therein expressed to asserable at the tirae cfe place & for the purposes Avithin raentioned. Abraham Heaa's jr, constable of Weston Agreeablj- to the foregoin[g] warrant the Inhabitants of AA'eston qualified as therein expressed met at the time & place therein mentioned cfe made choice of Isaac Fiske, Moderator of said Aleeting, & gave in their A-otes for county Treasurer as foUoAVS, to wit, for Abiel Hej'Avood Esq, fifty eight A'otes. John Kej'es Esq — fifty three votes. Recorded by me, Isaac Fiske toAvn Clerk. [ls.J To Abraham Hews jr one of the constables of the [l sJ town of Weston Greeting — [l sJ You are herebj' recjuired in the name of the Coramon- [l sJ wealth of Massachusetts to notify and warn the male [l sJ Inhabitants of the town of AYeston, being twentj' one years of age and upwards and resident in said toAvn for the space of one year next preceding, having a free hold estate within said town of the annual income of three pounds or any estate to the value of sixty pounds to meet at the public meet ing house in said town on mondaj' the fifth day of May next at two of the clock in the afternoon for the purpose of choos ing a Representative to represent them at the General Court appointed to be convened ancl held at Boston on the last Wednesday of May next. GiA-en under our hands and seals [168.] at said AA'eston the twenty first day of April in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred cfe seventeen. Nathan Fiske Nathan Hagar. Selectmen Jed Thayer y of Jonas Coburn | Weston Amos Hobbs — J 232 TOAVN records, 1817. Middlesex ss. Weston April 28". 1817. Pursuant to the foregoing warrant I have notified & warned the raale Inhab itants of the town of Weston, qualified as therein expressed to meet at the time & place and for the purposes therein men- Abrahaai Heavs jr Constable of Weston. Agreeably to the foregoing warrant the Inhabitants of AYes ton qualified as therein mentioned met at the public meeting house in said town on monday the fifth day of May 1817 at two of the clock in the afternoon and gave in their Votes for Rep resentative as follows, to wit. For Cap. George W. Smith, seventy four votes. M'. Nathan Hobbs — twenty eight votes. Alpheus Biglow jr Esq. seven votes — Cap. Isaac Hobbs — four votes — Sarauel Hobbs — one vote. — Recorded by me, Isaac Fiske town clerk [l s J To Abraham Hews jr one of the Constables of the ¦[l s J town of Weston — Greeting. [l s J You are hereby required in the name of the Common- [l s J wealth of Massachusetts to notifj- and warn the male [l s ] Inhabitants of said town, being twenty one years of age and upwards, resident therein for the space of one year next preceding and during said term have been taxed for their Polls or any estate in any tax voted to be raised by said town and not supported as paupers, to assemble at the public meeting house in said town on raondaj' the fifth day of May next at three of the clock in the afternoon, to act on the following articles, viz. 1. To choose a Moderator of said Meeting. 2. To raise and grant money for the several schools in said town for the year ensuing in addition to the sum already granted. 3. To grant the Rev*. Joseph Field jr. salaiy for one year from the first day of May A D 1817. 4 To grant money for the support of the Poor cfe to defray town records, 1817. 233 all the other usual aud incidental charges of the town for the jear ensuing. — 5. To knoAv the minds of the toAvn AA'hether neat cattle shall be permitted to go at large the j'car ensuing. 6. To hear the town creditors accounts and act thereon. 7. To hear the request of anj' Avho may Avish an abatement of their taxes and act thereon. [169. J 8. To hear the toAvn Treasurer's account or act any thing relative thereto. — Given under our hands and seals this tAA'enty first day of April in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred & seventeen — x- -r^ -^ NATHAN ilSKE | Nathan Hagar | Selectmen -Ied Thayer Jonas Coburn Aaios Hobbs of AA'eston AIiDDLESEX ss. AA'eston April 28'! 1817. Pursuant to the foregoing warrant I have notified & warned the above described persons to raeet at the time cfe place & for the purposes in said warrant nientioned — Abrahaai Heavs jr, constable of Weston Agreeably to the foregoing warrant the Inhabitants of Weston qualified as therein mentioned met at the public meeting house in said town at the tirae therein expressed & made choice of 1. Isaac Fiske, moderator of said meeting. 2. Voted to grant the sum of six hundred & fifty Dollars for the several schools in said town & for wood to supplj- the same, to be apportioned as heretofore. — 3. Voted to grant the sum of Eight hundred Dollars for the Salary of the Rev^. Joseph Field jr, for one year from the fir.st day of Alay A D 1817. — 4 Voted to raise & grant the sum of Tavo Thousand Dollars for the usual and incidental charges of the toAvn for the year ensuing. — 5. Voted that neat cattle should not be permitted to go at large Avithin the liraits of said town for the j'ear ensuing. — 234 TOAVN records, 1818. 6 Voted to allow Charles Morse twenty tAvo dollars, for extra serA'ices & nursing Molly Bond one of the Poor of AA^es- ton in her last sickness & attending her funeral. — 7. Voted to abate Solomon Bryant's highway tax returned in by the highway surveyor & now in the hands of the collector for collection, being thirtj' cents. — 8. Voted to pass cfe allow the town Treasurer's account as exhibited by his Book. — Voted to dissolve this meeting Recorded by me Isaac Fiske, toAvn clerk [1818.1 [l sJ To Abraham Hews jr one of the constables of the town [l sJ of Weston — Greeting. [l sJ You are hereby required in the narae of the Common- [l sJ wealth of Massachusetts to notify and warn the male In- [ls.J habitants of the said town of Weston, being twentj' one years of age and upwards, liable to be taxed and not supported as paupers who have resided in said town for one year next preceding the first monday in March next to asserable at the public meeting house in said town on monday the second daj- of Alarch next at one of the clock in the afternoon [170. J to act on the following articles ; to wit. 1. To choose a Moderator of said raeeting. 2. To choose a town clerk, Selectraen, Overseers of the Poor, town treasurer and all other toAvn officers bj' Law to be chosen in the month of March or April annuallj'. — 3. To see if the town will appoint the Treasurer, the col lector of the taxes of said town cfe agree & determine upon the amount of abatement, if paid within the tiraes specified in said act, or act any thing relatiA'e thereto. — Given under our hands and seals this second day of February in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred cfe eighteen Nathan Fiske Nathan Hagar Selectmen Jed Thaaer ~> of Jonas Coburn I Weston. I Aaios Hobbs J TOAA'N RECORDS, 1818. 235 Middlesex ss. Feb'! 21? 1818 Pursuant to the within Avar- rant I have notified and AA-arned the Inhabitants of the town of Weston, qualified as within directed to meet at the time and plaee cfe for the purposes within nientioned. Abrahaai Heaa'S jr, constable of Weston Agreeably to the foregoing AA'arrant the Inhabitants of AA'es ton qualified as therein mentioned met at the tirae & place ther [e J in stated and made choice of Isaac Fiske, moderator Isaac Fiske, town clerk Nathan Fiske Nathan Hagar Jed Thaj'cr Jonas Coburn Amos Hobbs — > [Selectmen.] Ebenezer Hobbs ^ Nathan Warren ^ Overseers of the Poor. Isaac Fiske ^ Nathan Hobbs ^ Assessors. — all sworn before me Nath! Allen > March 2!* 1818. Daniel Clark ^ I. Fiske town clerk Abraham Hews jr, constable, who was sworn before me March 2"! 1818 — I. Fiske town clerk Ebenezer Hobbs, Town Treasurer. Voted also that the Treasurer should be collector of taxes . Voted also to give the Treasurer & Collector Eighty Dollars, in full for his compensation. Voted also that all who pay their taxes within thirtj- days from the time the taxes are committed to the Collector, should have an abatement of six per cent : — those who pay within sixtj' days an abatement of five per cent : — those who pay within one hundred and twentj- days an abatement of four per cent. 236 TOWN RECORDS, 1818. [171. ] West C. District Alpheus Biglow jr — sworn before me March 24 1818 East C. District. Luther Harrington — West District Samuel G. Derby. South west District Abijah Fiske South east District. Richard Cutter. sAvorn June 2* 1818. North east District Jonathan AA^ arren jr SAVorn before me March 2'! 1818. North middle District John Viles SAvorn before me Alarch 2"! 1818 North District Thomas Biglow, sworn before me Alarch 2'! 1818 North Avest District. Cap. Jed Thayer, SAvorn before me March 21 1818 Ezra Fiske a .Survej'ors of HigliAvays Sewall Fiske Joseph Cheney Samuel Hobbs Seth Haws — Sewall Fiske Washington Peirce Jonathan Warren. Alpheus BigloAv jr - Washington Peirce Henry Hobbs Nath'. Allen William Spring Abijah Fiske. Isaac Brackett — Sara'^ Hews Sam'. G. lierby Francis Hastings Harvey FuUer — Dan'. S. Lamson Cyrus Lee Carlos Daggett — Fence Viewers. — Tythingmen Field drivers — sworn before rae Alarch 2*! 1818 — I Fiske toAvn clerk sworn before me Alarch 2*. 1818. I. Fiske, town clerk. > Surveyors of Avood. SAvoru Hog reeves sAvoru sAvorn swornSAvorn March 2*. TOWN RECORDS, 1818. 237 Abijah Sanderson ) _, r -r n ,, -r y Survej'ors of Lumber Cjrus Lee 5 ^ T TT 1 1 ¦) Sealers of Leather & sworn lief ore Cap Isaac Hobbs / ,, , ^, ,o,,^ '¦ ^. ,, ^, > me Alarch 2*. 1818. JSathan Hagar V ,. t-,. , ^ , , J 1. fiske town clerk Isaac Brackett, Pound keeper Cap George AA^. Smith, sealer of weights cfe measures. — Recorded by me Isaac Fiske toAvn clerk To Abraham Hews jr one of the constables of the toAvn of [l sJ AA^eston — Greeting [l sJ You are herebj' required in the name of the Common- [l sJ AA'ealth of Alassachusetts to notifj- and warn the male [l sJ Inhabitants of the toA\'n of AA''eston, being twenty one [ls.J J-ears of age and upwards, who have resided in said toAvn one jear next preceding the first monday in Alarch next and during said time have been taxed for their Polls or anj- estate in any tax voted to be raised bj- said town and not sup ported as paupers to assemble at the public meeting house in said town on raonday the second daj' of March next at three of the clock in the afternoon to act on the following articles. — [172. J 1. To choose a Aloderator of said raeeting 2. To grant monej' to repair the highAvaj's or act anj- thing relative thereto. 3. To grant monej' for summer schools or act ary thing relatiAe thereto 4 To choose school Committees, or act anj- thing relative thereto. — 5. To examine the town Treasurers account, or act anj- thing relative thereto 6 To hear the request of anj- Avho may wish an abatement of their taxes & act thereon 7. To hear the toAvii creditors account and act thereon. — 8. To hear the report of the Committee, appointed some time since, to take into consideration the claim made ly Caleb Hayward agst the town of AA'eston & act thereon 9. To see if the town will divide the northeast District into two school Districts & cause the school house to be removed & 238 TOWN RECORDS, 1818. another school house to be erected, or act any thing relative to said school Di.strict or other school Districts in said town. Given under our hands and seals this second day of February in the year of our Lord Eighteen hundred & eighteen. Nathan Fiske Nathan Hagar Selectraen Jed Thayer y of Jonas Coburn Weston — Aaios Hobbs AIiDDLESEX, ss. Fcb^. 21\ 1818. Pursuant to the within warrant I have notified & warned the Inhabitants of the town of Weston as within directed to meet at the time cfe place & for the purposes within raentioned. Abraham Hews .jr, constable of AA'eston. Agreeably to the foregoing warrant the Inhabitants of Wes ton qualified as therein expressed met at the time & place and for the purposes therein mentioned & made choice 1 — of Isaac Fiske, Aloderator. 2. Voted to grant twelve hundred dollars to repair the high ways to be worked out in the usual manner. Voted that the several Assessors be empowered to collect the monej' in case any refuse to Avork out their taxes. — 3. Voted to grant two hundred Dollars for women's schools. — 4. AA^est C. District Alph. BigloAv jr, Jonas ¦Sanderson jr cfe AY!*.' P. Jones Ea.st. C. District. AA'ashington Peirce, G. AY. Smith, Ezra Fiske N. AY. Dis — Nathan Hagar, Nath'. Allen, Jed Thayer — S. E. Dis. Josiah Hastings, AA'"'. Spring, Daniel Clark S. AY. Dis. Th». BroAvn, Sam'. Train jr, Tyler Harrington N. E. Dis. Amos .Sanderson, Abijah AA'hitnev, Nathan Hobbs school Committees town records, 1818. 239 Voted that the several school Committees be empowered to draw the money from the treasury by their own order. 5. Voted to allow the Town Treasurer's account. 6. None 7. Voted to alloAA' Ab. Hews $4 — for Avarning toAvn meet ings.— Nath'. Allen $19:50 — Dan'. Clark $19:50. Nathan Hobbs $20 : 25 in full for their services as Assessors the year past. — [173. j [8.J Voted that the Treasurer pay to Caleb Hay wood forty Dollars in full for his claim against the town. — [9. J 8. Voted to choose a committee of seven to take into consideration the subject of dividing the town into school Dis trict [sJ under the eighth [ninthj article. — Nathan Hobbs, Jed Thayer, Jonas Cutter, Alpheus BigloAv jr, Thomas BroAvn, cfe Thomas Biglow & George W. Sraith. A'oted that the several school Committees be directed to take a census of the children in the several Districts from the age of 4 to 18, on the first Day of May & deliver the same to the town clerk on or before the first raonday in May &, Voted also that the town clerk exhibit the same to the Selectmen. Recorded by me Isaac Fiske, town clerk. [l sJ To Abraham Hews jr constable of the town of [l sJ AA^eston, Greeting [l sJ Y'ou are hereby required in the narae of the Comnion- [l sJ Avealth of Alassachusetts to notify and warn the Male [ls.J Inhabitants of the said toAvn of AYeston of twentj' one j'ears of age and upwards having a free hold estate Avithin this Com- monwealth of the annual income of three pounds or any estate to the value of sixty pounds to meet at the public meeting house in said AYeston, on raondaj- the sixth day of April next at two of the clock in the afternoon to give in their votes for a Govenour, Lieutenant Govenor cfe senators cfe Counsellors agree ably to the constitution of said Commonwealth : Given under our hands and seals, at said AA'eston this fifth — dav of Alarch in the j'ear of our Lord one thousand eight hun dred and eighteen. Nathan Fiske cfe seal Nathan Hagar cfe seal Jed Thaa'er cfe seal 240 TOWN records, I8I8. AIiDDLESEX SS — SS. Mai'ch 28'! 1818. Agreeably to the foregoing warrant I haA'e notified and warned the male Inhab- itants, qualified as therein expressed to meet at the time & place cfe for the purposes therein mentioned — Abraham Heavs jr constable of Weston Agreeably to the foregoing warrant the Inhabitants of AA'es ton, qualified as therein expressed assembled at the public meeting house in said AA'eston on inonday the sixth daj- of April A D 1818 at two of the clock in the afternoon and gave in their votes as follows f John Brooks Esq. sixty nine For Govenor <^ Benjamin AA'. Crowninshield Esq twentj- five ( Jonathan Mason Esq. one f AA^illiam Phillips Esquire sixty nine [ Thomas Kittredge Esq. twentj' two. ^ C Calvin .Sanger Esq. sixty eight. benators (fe. ) t i t i t? c- "* ^ Joseph Lock Esq — Sixty nine ¦¦ (^ Samuel P.P. Fay Esq. sixty nine Joseph B. Varnum Esq. forty six John Hart Esq. forty six Leonard AI. Parker Esq forty six Recorded by Isaac Fiske toAvn clerk [174. ] To Abraham Hews jr one of the constables of the town [l sJ of Weston Greeting [l sJ You are herely required in the name of the Comraon- [l sJ wealth of Massachusetts to. notify and warn the male In- [l sJ habitants of the toAvn of AA''eston qualified to A'ote for [l sJ Representatives to meet at the public meeting [housej in said Weston on mondaj- the sixth day of April next at four of the clock in the afternoon to give in their votes for county Treasurer Given under our hands and seals, this fifth day of Alarch in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred cfe eighteen Nathais Fiske A Selectmen Nathan Hagar V of Jed Thayer J AA^eston TOWN RECORDS, 1818. 241 AIiDDLESEX SS. AYeston March 28'! 1818 Agreeably to the foregoing warrant I have notified and warned the Inhabitants of Weston, qualified as therein expressed to meet at the time cfe place and for the purpose therein mentioned Abrahaai Heavs jr constable of Weston Pursuant to the forgoing warrant the Inhabitants of Weston qualified as therein expressed met at the time & place and for the purposes therein mentioned & made choice of Isaac Fiske, to receive, sort & count the Votes for county Treasurer. and there were given for John Keyes Esc|, for county treasurer sixty six Votes recorded bj' Isaac Fiske, town clerk [l sJ To Abraham Hews jr constable of the town of AYeston, [l sJ Greeting. [l sJ You are hereby required in the name of the Common wealth of Alassachusetts to notifj' and warn the male Inhabi tants of the said town of AYeston, being twenty one years of age and upwards & resident in said town for the space of one year next preceding having a freehold estate within said town of the annual income of three pounds or any estate to the value of sixtj' pounds, to meet at the public meeting house in said town on monday the fourth day of Alaj^ next at two of the clock in the afternoon for the purpose of choosing a representative to represent them at the General Court appointed to be convened and held at Boston on the last Wednesday of Maj' next. Given under our hands and seals, at said Weston the twen tieth day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighteen. Nathan Fiske ^ Selectmen Jed Thayer > of Jonas Coburn ) Weston Middlesex ss. April 25". 1818 Pursuant to the above warrant I have notified and warned the male Inhabitants of Weston, qualified as therein expressed to meet at the time and place and for the purposes therein mentioned. Abraham Heavs jr Constable of Weston 242 TOWN RECORDS, 1818. [17 5. J Agreeably to the foregoing warrant the Inhabitants of Weston qualified as therein expressed, assembled at the pub lic meeting house in Weston at the time therein mentioned and gave in their votes for representative as follows. for George W. Sraith fifty six Votes, who was thereupon de clared to be elected. Recorded by rae Isaac Fiske town clerk [l sJ To Abraham Hews jr, constable of the town of Weston [l sJ Greeting. [ls.J You are hereby required in the name of the Coramon wealth of Massachusetts to notify and warn the male Inhabi tants of said town, being twenty one years of age and upwards, resident therein for the space of one year next preceding and during said term have been taxed for their Polls or any estate in anj' tax voted to be raised by said town and not supported as paupers to asserable at the public meeting house in said town on monday the fourth day of Maj' next at three of the clock in the afternoon to act on the following articles. 1 . To choose a moderator of said raeeting 2. To raise and grant money to the several schools for the year ensuing in addition to the sum already granted. — 3 . To hear the report of the Coraraittee appointed by the town at their meeting holden on the fourth daj' of November A D 1816 for the purpose of purchasing a farm and erecting buildings for the accommodation of the Poor cfe to hire money in behalf of the town to defray the expences thereof, and act thereon 4. To hear the report of the Committee appointed bj- the town at their meeting holden on the second dav of Alarch last, to take into consideration the subject of dividing the tOAvn into school Districts, and act thereon or to act any thing relative to school houses or school Districts, in said town. 5 . To grant the Rev'! Joseph Field jr his salary for one year from the first day of May A D 1818. 6 . To grant money for the support of the Poor cfe to defraj' all other usual and incidental charges of the toAvn for the year TOWN RECORDS, 1818. 243 7. To know the rainds of the toAvn Avhether neat cattle shall be permitted to go at large the j'ear ensuing. — 8. To hear the town creditors accounts and act thereon. 9. To hear the request of any Avho may wish an abatement of their taxes and act thereon. 10. To hear the town Treasurer's account and act thereon. Given under our hands and seals this twentieth daj' of April in the jear of our Lord One thousand eight hundred & eighteen. Nathan Fiske ^ Selectmen Jed Thayer ^ of Jonas Coburn ^ Weston AIiDDLESEX ss. April 25'! 1818. Pursuant to this warrant I have notified and warned the Inhabitants of Weston qualified as therein expressed to raeet at the tirae & places cfe for the purposes therein raentioned. Abrahaai Heavs jr constable of Weston [176. J Agreeably to the foregoing Avarrant the Inhabitants of AYeston qualified as therein expressed raet at the time cfe place therein mentioned & made choice 1. of Lsaac Fiske, Moderator of said meeting 2. Voted to raise and grant the sum of six hundred and fifty Dollars for the several schools and wood, to be apportioned as heretofore. 3. Voted to accept the report of the Comraittee appointed to Iiurchase a farm & erect buildings for the accommodation of the Poor, which was as follows. " The committee appointed by the Inhabitants of the town of Weston at a legal meeting holden on the fourth daj' of NoA-ember AD 1816 to purchase a suitable place for the accommodation of the poor of said town & to erect suitable buildings, beg leave to make the foUoAving statement. On the [thirdj day of [Dec. 1816 J, they purchased of Habak kuk Stearns a place situate in the northerly part of the town of Weston containing about eighty acres, with the buildings there on, and took a Deed duly executed and recorded running to the Inhabitants for which they gave the sum of two thousand five hundred Dollars, payable on the first day of April 1817. — 244 TOWN records, 1818. $2500.00 Cash paid him for cider raill & turf 13.27. The expences of erecting the addition to the house ) and the repairs of the out buildings as follows — 3 Cash paid Thoraas FiUebrown for 10,000, brick at $5 : 50 — 55 : 00 Cash paid George Lyman for Labour in attending masons — 29 : 42 Cash paid Joseph Cox for painting — 10 : 00 Cash paid Cj-rus Russell, for digging cfe stoning the cellar, carting gravel & bloAving rocks 100 : 44 Cash paid Augustus Tower Esq for materials found, a cfe work done in building addition & repairing > 1100 : 46 the old buildings — ) Cash paid ScAvall Fiske for carting brick — 25 : 00 John Cuttings bill for carting brick, & cash paid •\ for one & half thousand of brick & carting > eighteen casks of lime, & carting paint cfe oil } from Boston — Josiah Alason & sons bill for 19 casks of lime — Hall (fe Weld's biU for paint & oil — Henry Hobbs bill for hair 3 : 30 Marshall Jones bill for well strap & painting the inside of the poor house & three windows 14 : 25 Benj". L. Rice & Abel Rice bill for mason work — 63 : 00 Ebenezer Hobbs bill for his care & expences in su- ) . -. _ ^^ perintending the building making contracts (fee — ) Deacon Nathan Warren for a journey to Stow cfe several other expences — 4 : 00 $4065 : 89 The same Committee haA'e received of Sam'. G. Derby for the sale of the Poor house cfe land ad joining the sarae the sum of $230 : — Avhich sum they have appropriated toAvardsthe discharge of the above expences 230 : 00 26; :33 38; ;00 43; ;42 leaving a balance due from the town of Weston, of the sum of $3835 . 89 TOAVN RECORDS, 1818. 245 And your Committee further .state that the same is due to the foUoAving persons by notes given ly said Coramittee in behalf of said town, cfe by bills yet unpaid Note due to Deacon Isaac AA^arren dated Jan?', 11". 1817 for $250:00 Note due to Jacob Baker of same date — 100 : 00 Note due to Tlr\ Sanderson dated Ylarch l^ 1817 — $500 : 00 [17 7. J Note due to Uriah Hagar of same date — 100 : 00 Note due to Solomon Foster dated March 29". 1817 — 420 : 00 Note due to Nancy Archbald, now Mrs. Derby, dated April 1\ 1817— 110:00 Note due to Josiah Sanderson, dated April 19". 1817 — 250 : 00 Note due to John Dudley dated April 3*, 1817 — 500 : 00 Note due to Lucy Biglow dated July 9". 1817 — 1000 : 00 Note due to Deacon Nathan Warren dated July 20". 1817 — 50: 00 Note due to Solomon Foster dated July 29". 1817 — 314 : 00 Note due to Abr?.' Bemis dated AprU 20". 1817 — 100 : 00 Due to Benj_ L. Rice cfe Abel Rice. — 63 : 00 Due to Augustus Tower — 78 : 89 $3835 : 89 Also, Voted that the Town treasurer for the time being be, and he hereby is authorised & empowered to give notes frora time to time in behalf of said Town for the debts and sums of raoney due as aforesaid frora said town for the purchase of the land and erecting and repairing buildings for the accoraraoda tion of the poor of said town cfe from time to time to hire money and give notes therefor as aforesaid for the payment of any the sums due as aforesaid or for the payment of anj' notes given by the Comraittee for this purpose or for the paj-ment of any note or notes given by the treasurer of said town for or on account of the purposes aforesaid ; provided that no treasurer .shall give any note for any sum or .suras that shall ex[cjeed the Princi] )al now due. — Voted also that the Li.st of debts aforesaid now due frora the toAvn with the naraes of the persons to whom due, together with these votes be recorded in the Treasurer's Book ; and that 246 TOWN RECORDS, 1818. the Treasurer shall annually in the raonth of Maj-, make a report to the town of the state of the debt aforesaid & to whom due & shall record cfe report to the town all notes paid or given as herein authorised. — Voted also that the Treasurer be authorised, to pay such part of the principal of the above sum, as he shall deem expe dient having regard to the state of the Treasury. — 4. Voted that the Committee appointed upon the subject of the school Districts, be discharged from any farther service ; thej- not havi[njg agreed upon anj- report. — Voted also that the selectmen be authorised to cause the necessary repairs done to the several school houses in town. — 5. Voted to raise cfe grant the sum of Eight hundred Dol lars for the Salaiy of the Rev". Joseph Field jr for one j'ear from the first day of Alay instant. — 6. Voted to raise cfe grant the sura of two thousand dol lars for the support of the Poor (fe usual & incidental charges of the toAvn. — 7. Voted that neat cattle should not be permitted to go at large the year ensuing. — 8 . — none 9 — Voted that Nathan Hobbs, Daniel Clark & Nathan Fiske be a Committee to consider the applications for the abatement of several taxes committed to Cj'rus Russell former collector of said t OAvn & to report thereon to the Treasurer of said town, who is authorised and empoAvered to make cfe alloAv to the said Russell, such abatements as said Committee shall report to him. — 10. Voted to pass cfe alloAV the Town Treasurer's account as exhibited. Recorded bj' me Is.aac Fiske, town clerk [178. J KnoAA' all men by these Presents that I Joseph Rus seU of AA'eston in the countj- of Aliddlesex and Commonw-ealth of Massachusetts Esquire in consideration of two hundred Dollars paid by Nathan AA'arren jr of the same toAvn cfe countj- husbandraan the receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge, do hereby give grant, sell and convej' unto the said Nathan War- TOWN RECORDS, 1818. 247 ren, his heirs and assigns a certain Pew, situated in the public meeting house in said AA^e,ston nurabered one in a figure ; and is bounded as follows, northerlj- bv the stoA'c, & the pew of Abijah AA'hitney, easterlj- on the pcAvof Nathan AA^arren senior, southerlj- on the PeAv of Isaac Hobbs cfe westerlj- on the broad alley. To have and to hold the aforegranted preraises to the said Nathan AA'arren junior his heirs and assigns to his and their use and behoof forever. And I do covenant with the said Nathan AA'arren jr his heirs and assigns. That I am lawfully seized in fee of the aforegranted premises : that they are free of all in cumbrances : that I haA'e good right to sell and convej- the same to the said Nathan AA'arren jr : And that I will warrant and defend the sarae premises to the said Nathan Warren jr his heirs ancl assigns forever, against the lawful claims and demands of all persons. In witness Avhereof I the said Joseph Russell, together Avith Susanna my wife in token of her free consent to the sale aboA-e said cfe relinquishing her right of doAver therein, haA-e hereunto set our hands and seals this ninth day of No- veraber in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred hed by the town to each soldier Avheu called to attend revicAvs. 10. Voted to pass over the tenth article. meeting dissolved recorded by Isaac Fiske, Ioavu clerk [1820 ] [l sJ To AA'ashington Peirce one of the constables of the [l sJ town of AA'eston Greeting. [l sJ You are hereby required in the name of the Comnion- [l sJ wealth of Alassachusetts, to notifj- and warn the male In habitants of said AA'eston, being tAventy one j'ears of age and TOWN RECORDS, 1820. 259 uiDwards, liable to be taxed cfe not sup]Aorted as paujiers, who haA'e resided in said town for one j'ear next iireceding the first raonday in Alarch next, to assemble at the ]iublic meetinghouse in said toAvn on monday the sixth day of said March, at one of the clock in the afternoon to act on the following articles, viz 1. To choose a moderator of said meeting. 2. To choose a town clerk, .Selectmen, Overseers of the Poor, Town Treasurer, and all other toAvn Officers by LaAV to be chosen in the month of Alarch or April annuallj'. 3. To see if the toAvn will ap]ioint the Treasurer, the collector of taxes of said toAvn cfe agree and determine ii]ion the amount of abatement of taxes, if jiaid within the tirae specified in the Law authorising said a])j)ointnient, or act any thing relative to the subject of the collection of taxes. GiA'en under our hands and seals this seventh daj- of Febru aiy in the j-ear of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twentj-. Nathan Fiske ] Selectmen Jed Thayer [ Jonas Coburn George AY. Smith -> AYeston AIiDDLESEX SS. Feb'! 17'! 1S20. By virtue of the foregoing wfirrant I have notified and Avarned the Inhabitauts of AA'eston, qualified as therein exjjressed to meet at the time (fe jilace cfe for the iiurposes therein nientioned. AA'ashington Peirce, constable of AA'eston [18 7. J Pursuantto the foregoing Avarrant the Inhabitants of AYeston qualified as therein expressed, met at the public meeting house in said town on monday the sixth day of March A D 1820, at one of the clock iu the afternoon, and made choice 1. of Isaac Fiske, moderator of said meeting, cfe also tow-n clerk — — Nathan Fiske i Selectmen & sworn before me March Jed Thayer V ^„_ ^g^O. I Fiske, town clerk Henry Hobbs. ) 260 Nathan Hobbs Nathaniel Allen TOAVN RECORDS, 1820. I Assessors & sworn before me March ii-uen > Eliphalet Slack J *^^- ^^^O. I Fiske, town clerk Voted to choose a Boa[rJd of Overseers & Nathan Warren Richard Cutter Nathan Hobbs were chosen Overseers. Washington Peirce, chosen constable & sworn March 6". 1820. before me. I Fiske town C. Washington Peirce appointed collector of taxes, & voted to give him one cents cfe four mills per dollar for collecting. (fe sworn June 12". 1820. before I. Fiske town Ck Nathan Fiske, town trea.surer & sworn May l^ 1820. before me I. Fiske, town Clerk West C. District. Joel Harrington x April 3*. 1820. sAvorn before me I. Fiske, town cler E. C. District. Cyrus Lee x April 3*. 1820. sworn before me I. Fiske, town clerk West Dis. Marshall Brown x April 3*. 1820. sworn before me I Fiske, town clerk S.W^. Dis. Swift Leadbetter S E. Dis. Hervey FuUer N. E. Dis. Jonas Hastings x Aiaril 3*. 1820. SAVorn before me. I Fiske, toAvn clerk North Middle Dis. Abner Russell x April 3*. 1820 sworn before rae I Fiske town clerk North Dis — Charles Bemis X April 3*. 1820.. SAvorn before me I. Fiske town clerk N. AY. Dis — Henry .Stratton. Surveyors of highways TOWN RECORDS, 1820. 261 Fence A'icAvers. AA^ashington Peirce June 12". 1820. sworn before me I. Fiske, town clerk Nathan Fiske X April 3*- 1820 sworn before me I Fiske town cler Ezra Fiske X April 3*. 1820 SAvorn before me I Fiske, town clerk. C Jonas Hastings jr Tythingmen \ Benj". Pepper X April 3*. 1820. sworn be- ^ fore me I Fiske, tow-u clerk Field Driv-ers Survej'ors of Wood sworn iie- sworn Jonathan AA'arren X Ajiril 3*. 1820 sworn before me I Fiske, town clerk Josejih Chenej' X A]iril 3*. 11S20. sworn be fore me I. Fiske, toAvii clerk Marshall Jones X, A]jrU 3*. 1820. fore I Fiske town clerk <;¦ Nathan AYarren jr x April 3*. 1820. before me I Fiske town clerk Luther Harrington X A]iril 3*. 1820. sworn before me I Fiske town clerk Jon". Roberts X Ajiril 3*. 1820. sworn be fore me I Fiske, toAvn clerk Charles Gayettj' Abr"". Hcavs x A]iril 3*. 1820. sworn before me I. Fiske town clerk Ezra Fiske X April 3*. 1>S20. sworn before me I. Fiske town clerk Jon". AA'arren jr Sam'. Hobbs X April 3*. 1820. SAVorn before me I. Fiske, toAVii clerk Nath'. AUen X A])ril 3*. 1820. sAVorn before me I Fiske town clerk Thomas Brown X April 3*. 1820. sworn be fore me I Fiske, toAvn clerk Abijah Coburn X April 3*. 1820 sworn be fore me I Fiske town clerk 262 TOAVN RECORDS, 1820. Hogreeves. [188.J Surveyors of Lumber Pound keejier. Thomas Biglow Abijah Whitney. AIarshall Jones X April 3*. 1820. sworn be fore me I. Fiske town clerk Thomas Garfield George Garfield X Ajiril 3*. 1820 sAvorn be fore me I Fiske toAvn clerk Daniel Uand X Ajiril 3*. 1820 sworn before me I. Fiske, toAvn clerk Charles AA'eston Jon" Blodget. .Sam'. Smith jr X April 3*. 1820 sAvorn. Henry Stratton AYillard Gouldthwait X Ai^ril 3*. 18[20J SAvorn Eliphalet Slack X Do. John Dudlej' Cj-rus Lee Isaac Brackett X Ajiril 3*. 1820, Sworn before me I. Fiske. town clerk Sealer of AA'eights cfe measures. George AY. Smith recorded by me, Isaac Fiske town clerk Middlesex ss. Alarch 6'! 1820. Personallj- appeared Isaac Fiske, town clerk of AA''eston & made oath that he Avould trulj' record all votes jiassed at the meeting held the sixth daj- of March instant, being the meeting at which he was elected, cfe at all other town meetings during the jear, cfe untill another shall lie chosen & sAvorn in his stead, cfe that he would faithfullv dis charge all the other duties of his said office. Before me. Ebenezer Hobbs, Just, of the ]ieace recorded by Isaac Fiske, toAvn clerk [l sJ To A\'asliington Peirce one of the constalilcs of the [l sJ toAvn of AA'eston, Greeting. [l sJ You are lierely required in the name of the Common- [l sJ Avealth (if Alassachusetts to notify and warn the male TOWN RECORDS, 1820. 263 [l sJ Inhabitants of the toAvn of AA'eston, being tAventy one J'ears of age and upwards, Avho have resided in said town one vear next preceding the first monday in Alarch next and during said time have been taxed for their jiolls or any estate in any tax vot[eJd to be raised by said toAvn, cfe not supported as jaaupers, to assemble at the jjublic meeting house in said town on mondaj' the sixth daj' of Alarch next at three of the clock in the afternoon to act on the folloAA'ing articles, viz. 1. To choose a Aloderator of said meeting. 2. To grant money to re]iair the highways, or act any thing relative thereto 3. To grant nionej' for summer schools or act any thing relative thereto, 4. To choose school Committees, or act any thing relative thereto. 5. To examine the Town Treasurer's account or act any thing relative thereto. 6. To hear the request of aiy avIio may wish an abatement of their taxes &. act thereon. 7. To hear the town creditors accounts & act thereon. ¦S. To revise the List of Jurymen jirejiared by the Select men or act any thing relative thereto. 9. To know the rainds of the town, if they Avill relinquish their right to certain goods found within the limits of said town by Araos Jones (fe forfeited by the owners not caUing for the same in one j'car, or act any thing relative thereto. 10. To see if the town will authorise the Selectmen to con tract for the support of the poor for more than one year (fe to lease the Almshouse cfe land belonging to the toAvn, or act any thing relative to the same. Given under our hands and seals this seventh day of Feb ruary A D 1820. Selectmen Nathan Fiske Jed Thayer Jonas Coburn George AY. Smith, j ^^«'*°" y of AIiDDLESEX ,ss. Fcb^. 17". 1820. By virtue of the fore going warrant I have notified &. Avarned the Inhabitants of 264 TOAVN RECORDS, 1820. Weston, qualified as therein ex]3ressed to meet at the time & for the purjioses therein mentioned. AA'ashington Peirce, constable of Weston Pursuant to the foregoing AA-arrant the Inhabitants of AA'e.ston qualified as therein exjiressed met at the time cfe ]ilace therein mentioned & made choice of 1. Isaac Fiske, Aloderator. [189. J 2. Voted to raise and grant the sum of tweh-e hundred dollars to rejiair the high wajs, to be worked out in the usual manner : A'oted also that the seA'eral survevors be em]iowered to collect the amount of the taxes in monej- in case of refusal to work out their taxes. — A'oted to a]j]iroiiriate the sum of fifty dollars to rejiair the road in the South W. District, cfe Isaac Jones, AA'illiam Bogle & Thomas Brown Avere chosen a Committee to laj- the same out on said road & draw it from the Treasuiy. 3 Voted to raise & grant two hundred Dollars for summer schools. 4 School Committees W. C. Dis. E C. Dis N. AY Dis. SE.Dis — S W. Dis. James BiUings, Isaac Brackett cfe Abraham Hews. Joel Smith, Abijah Uiiham cfe Lu ther Harrington Nathan Hagar, Aljjheus Biglow cfe Edward Child Abijah Coburn, AA'!!' Spring cfe EU- jihalet Slack Thomas BroAvn. Sam'. Train jr cfe Isaac .lones Henry Ilobbs, Charles Bemis, Jonas Hastings everal school Committees be authorized to draAv from the Treasurj' the sum of monej' belonging to their res]AectiA'e Districts by their oavu orders. 5. Voted to ]iass over the toAvn Treasurer's ace', till the next town meeting. 6 Voted to abate the taxes of Elijah Travis for the jears 1817, cfe I.SIS. N. E. Dis A'oted that the TOWN RECORDS, 1S20. 265 7. Voted to aUow Nath' AUen $18:00 cfe Nathan Holibs $19 : 25 in full for their services as assessors for the year jia.sf (fe stationarj- found. 8. A'oted to confirm the list of jurymen jirepared by the selectmen !b A'oted that the toAvn relinquish all claim they bj- Law- have to the goods found by Amos Jones. [See Appendix.] 10. Voted that the Overseers of the Poor be authorised to Lease the Poor house & land belonging to the town & contract for the supjiort of the Poor, at their discretion, for a term of J-ears not exceeding five cfe u]3on such terms as they raay think '- ' ' A'oted to dissolve the meeting Recorded bj- me. Isaac Fiske town clerk To AA'ashingfon Peirce, constable of the town of AA'eston, fL sJ Greeting. [l sJ . You are hereby required in the name of the Commcni- [l sJ wealth of Massachusetts to notify and Avarn the male Inhabitants of the toAvn of AA'eston of twentj' one j'ears of age and upwards having a free hold estate within this Common wealth of the annual income of three pounds or any estate to the value of sixty pounds to meet at the public meeting house in said town on mondaj' the third daj- of April next at two of the clock in the afternoon, to give in their votes for Govenour, Lueitenant-Govenour, & .Senators and Counsellors agree[ajblj- to the Constitution of said Commonwealth Given under our hands and seals at said Weston this twen tieth day of March in the j-ear of our Lord [190. J one thousand eight hundred and twenty. .. t^ \ a i j. '^ •' Aathan iiSKE I Selectmen Jed Thayer > of Henra- Hobbs ) AA'eston Middlesex ss. Alarch 25". AD l TOAA'N RECORDS, 1820. Agreeablj- to the foregoing Avarrant the Inhabitants of AYes ton qualified as therein ex]Dressed met at the time & ]ilace- therein mentioned and gave in their votes, as follows, to Avit For GoA-enour, His Exec'! John Brooks seventy three votes Hon. AA'illiam Eustis forty seven A-otes Eben'! Hobbs Esq. — one vote Josiah Ha.stings — one vote Lie! Govenour His Honor. AA'illiam Phillijis seventy four votes Benj'! Austin Es(] fortj' six votes — Josiah Hastings jr — one vote Senators fe C J*"'**'ph Lock Es(|. scvcntv one vote.^ Counsellors. .. Hon Sam! P. P. Fay seventy one votes ( Calvin Sanger Esq sixtj' nine A'otes r Hon. Joseph B. Varnum forty nine votes } Leonard M. Parker forty nine votes ( AA'illiam AA'liittemore Esq fifty A-otes Recorded by Isaac Fiske, town clerk To AA'^ashington Peirce, constable of the toAvn of [l sJ Weston, Greeting [l sJ You are hereby required in the name of the Comnion- [l sJ Avealth of Massachusetts to notify and warn the male In habitants of the town of Weston, qualified to A-ote for re])resenta- tives to meet at the public raeeting house in said AA'eston on monday the third day of A]iril next at three of the clock in the afternoon to give in their Aotes for countj' Treasurer. GiA'en under our hands and seals this tAventieth day of Alarch in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and tAventv. — • \' TT. oii !Satii.\n 1 of Henrv Hobbs 3 AA'eston AIiDDLESEX ss. Alarcli 25'. AD 1.S20. Pursuant to the above Avarrant I have notified and warned the male Inhabitants of said Weston, qualified as therein expressed to meet at the time cfe ]ilaco cfe for the ]iuri)oses therein mentioned. AA'ashington Peirce, constable of AA'e.ston TOAVN RECORDS, 1820. 267 [191. 1 Agreeablj' to the foregoing Avarrant the Inhabitants of AA'eston qualified as therein exjircssed, met at the tiuie cfe jilace therein nientioned, cfe made choice of Nathan Fiske, Aloderator, cfe gave in their votes for county Treasurer as foUoAvs, to Avit for John Kej'es Es(]. ScA'cntj'. votes — for John Jones — — one vote. — Ivecorded bj- Isaac Fiske, town clerk. To AA'ashington Peirce, constable of the toAvn of [l sJ AA'eston — Greeting [l sJ Y'ou are herely rctjui red in the name of the Coinmon- [l sj Avealth of Alassachusetts to notifj' and Avarn the male In habitants of the toAvn of AA'e.ston being tAvcntv oue years of age and upwards cfe resident in said toAvn for the sjiace of one jear next }Areceding cfe having a free hold estate Avithin said town of the annual income of three iiounds or anv estate to the value of sixty pounds to meet at the jiublic meeting house in said town on monday the first day of Alay next at Iavo of the clock in the afternoon for the jiuriiose of choosing a Re]iresentative to represent them at the General Court ajijooiuted to be convened (fe held at Boston on the last AA'ednesday of Alaj' next. Given under our hands cfe seals this seventeenth day of A]iril in the year of our Lord oue thousand eight hundred & twenty. Na'Than Fiske a Selectmen .Ied Thayer > of Henry Hobbs ) AA''eston. AIiDDLESEX ss. A]iril 21^ 1820 Pursuant to the aboA'e Avarrant. I have notified & warned the Inhabitants of Weston qualified as therein exjiressed to meet at the time & jilace cfe for the pur]joses therein nientioned. AA'ashington Peirce, constable Agreeably to the foregoing Avarrant the Inhabitants of Weston, qualified as therein exjjressed met at the Public meet ing house in said AA'eston at the time therein mentioned & gave in their votes for a Rejiresentative as follows 268 TOAVN RECORDS, 1820. For Cap. George AA'. Sraith, sixty eight votes For Nathan Hobbs — tAveuty two votes For Sam'. Hobbs — one A'ote <.fe Cap George AA'. Sraith was thereu]jon declared to be elected. Recorded bj- Isaac Fiske, town clerk To AA'ashington Peirce, Constable of the town of AA'eston, [l sJ Greeting [l s I You are herebv required in the name of the Common- [ls.J wealth of Massachusetts to notifj- and warn the male Inhabitants of said town of twenty one years of age and u]!- Avards & resident in said town for the s]Dace of one j'ear next ]ireceding & during said term has-e been taxed for their Polls or anj' estate in aiy tax voted to be raised by said town cfe not sujjported as paujiers, to assemble at the Public raeeting house in said toAvii ou monday the first day of May next at three of the clock in the afternoon, to act on the following articles, viz. 1. To choose a Moderator of said meeting. 2. To raise and grant monej' for the several schools in said town in addition to the sum alreadj' granted, or act anj' thing- relative to the subject of schools in said toAvn. 3. To grant the Rev*. Joseph Field jr his salary for one jear from the first day of Ylay 1820 — 4 To hear the town Treasurer's account cfe act thereon. — 5. To grant monej' for the suiJ]iort of the Poor cfe to defraj- all other usual cfe incidental expences of the toAvn. 6. To know the minds of the town, whether thev will jier- uiit neat cattle to go at large within the limits of the toAvn for the year ensuing. 7. To hear the town creditors accounts cfe act thereon. [192. ] JS. To hear the aiJ]ilications for abatement of taxes <.fe act thereon 9. To knoAv the minds of the toAvn if tlie[j'J Avill grant a sum of money or a])jiro])riate a sum alreadj' grauted for the instruction of sacred music iu said AA'eston, or act anj' thing relatiA'e thereto. 10. To see if the toAvn Avill authorise the Overseers of the town records, 1820. 269 Poor to draw monies from the Treasuiy for the su]i]iort of the Poor, or act any thing relative thereto. Given under our hands & seals this seventeenth day of Ajaril in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred & twenty. Nathan Fiske \ Selectmen Jed Thaa-er V of Henry Hobbs j AA^eston AIiDDLESEX ss. April 21^ 1820. Pursuant to the foregoing Avarrant I have notified & warned the male Inhabitants of Wes ton, qualified as therein expressed to meet at the time & place (fe for the jjurposes therein mentioned. Washington Peirce, constable. — Agreeably to the foregoing warrant the Inhabitants of AA'^es- ton qualified as therein exjjressed met at the tirae & jjlace therein mentioned & made choice of 1. Isaac Fiske, moderator of said meeting. 2. Voted to raise cfe grant the sum of six hundred & fiftj- ¦ dollars for the several schools, in said town, the Avinter ensuing (fe for the wood for the several schools, to be aiijiropriated as usual. — 3. Voted to raise & grant the sum of Eight hundred Dollars in full for the Rca'*. Josejih Field jr salary for one year from the first day of Alaj' 1820. — 4. Voted to allow the tow-n Treasurer's account, as ex hibited. — 5. Voted to raise & grant the sum of Eighteen hundred Dollars, for the suiiport of the Poor cfe for the usual cfe inci dental expences of the town. 6. Voted that neat cattle should not be permitted to go at large for the year ensuing. — 7. Voted to allow. Joseph Russell Esq. ten dollars, in full for supplies furnished Susanna Parker, a vagrant person, in July 1819. — Voted to alloAv Washington Peirce six dollars, in full for Avarning town meetings from April 1819, to Alay 1820, on ten warrants,. — Voted to allow Eliphalet Slack, fourteen dollars cfe twenty 270 TOWN records, 1820. five cents, in full for his services as an assessor for the year 1819. — 8. Voted to abate the tax of Horace Stearns for the jear 1819, being $2: 12. 9. Voted to grant the sum of one hundred DoUars for the instruction of sacred music in AA'eston. — Voted to choose a Committee, consisting of five, three from the Congregational society, one from the methodist cfe one from the Bajitist. Avho should be authorised to draw said monej- from the Treasuiy cfe appro]iriate it for the jiurpose aforesaid according to their discretion. AA'hereupon Ezra AYarren, Jose]ih Cheney AYilliam Biglow, Jed Thayer & Uriah Gregory were chosen said Committee. 10. Voted that the Overseers of the Poor be authorised to draw money from the Treasurerj' for the su]iport of the Poor : provided they lodge with the Treasurer a ctqiy of the contract made by thera ujion Avhicli their orders shall be ]iredicated. Recorded by Isaac Fiske, toAvn clerk [193.] To AA'ashington Peirce, constable of the toAvn of AA'eston. Greeting You are herebj- required in the narae of the Commonwealth of Ylassachusetts, to notifj' & Avarn the male Inhabitants of the toAvn of AA'e.ston of twentv one j-ears of age and u]iAA-ards, having a freehold estate Avithin this Commouwealth of the an nual income of three liounds or any estate to the A-alue of sixtj- pounds to meet at the public meeting house in said toAvn on mondaj' the twentj' first of August next, being the third mon daj- in said month, at three of the clock in the afternoon, to act on the following article to Avit, Is it expedient that Delagates should be chosen to meet in Convention for the purpose of revising or altering the Constitution of the Government of the Commonwealth '" Given under our hands and seals at said AA'eston this seventh day of August in the j-ear ol our Lord one thousand eight hundred & twentj-. N.VTiiAN Fiske A Selectmen Jed Thayer > of Henry Hobbs — I Weston TOAVN RECORDS, 1820. 271 Middlesex ss August 14". AD 1820 — Pursuant to the foregoing warrant I have notified and warned the raale Inhab itants of the town of AA'eston, qualified as therein ex]jressed to meet at the time cfe place cfe for the jiuipose therein nientioned. f^r T. ? constable of AYashington Peirce, y > AA'eston. Pursuant to the foregoing Avarrant the Inhabitants of AA'e.ston qualified as therein expressed met at the time cfe place and for the ]iurpose therein nientioned cfe the A'otes given in for said measure Avere thirty five, cfe A'otes given in against said measure Avere fifteen. Recorded bj' Isaac Fiske, toAvn clerk To AA''ashington Peirce ; constable of the town of AA'eston. Greeting You are herebv required in the name of the Commonwealth of Alassachusetts, to notifj' cfe Avarn the male Inhabitants of the toAvn of AA'eston, being twenty one years of age & upwards cfe resident in said toAvn for the s])ace of one vear next preceding cfe having a free hold estate Avithin said toAvn of the annual in come of three jiounds or any estate to the value of sixty jiounds to meet at the public meeting house in said town, on mondaj' the sixteenth day of October next, being the third mondav in said month, at tAvo of the clock in [194.] the afternoon, to elect a delegate to meet delegates from other towns in CouA-en- tion at the State house, in Boston, on the third Wednesday of NoA'ember next, to take into consideration the jiropriety cfe ex- liediency of making any cfe if anj' what, alterations, or amend ments in the present constitution or governraent of the Commonwealth ; & then cfe there to devise cfe do all such mat ters and things as in cfe by the act relating to the calling of a convention for the j'mrjoose of revising or altering the consti tution are required or authorised to be done. Given under our hands and seals this twenty eighth daj' of September, in the j'ear of our Lord one thousand eight hun- dred (fe twenty- Nathan Fiske A Selectraen Jed Thaykr > of Henry Hobbs I Weston 272 TOWN records, 1820. Middlesex ss. October 7". 1820. I have notified & warned the male Inhabitants of the town of Weston, qualified as above expressed to meet at the time & place & for the pur- jAOses in the above warrant directed. Washington Pierce, constable of Weston. Pursuant to the foregoing warrant, the Inhabitants of Weston qualified as therein expressed, raet at the tirae & place therein mentioned & gave in their votes for a Delagate to raeet in con vention as follows, to wit. For Isaac Fiske Esq. forty four votes who was thereupon declared to be chosen. — Recorded by Isaac Fiske, town clerk. To AA'ashington Peirce, constable of the town of AVeston. Greeting [l sJ You are herebj' required in the name of the Common- [l sJ wealth of Massachusetts, to notifj- & warn the male [l sJ inhabitants of the town of Weston, duly qualified to vote for Representatives in the General Court of this Common wealth, viz, the male Inhabitants of said toAvn, being twenty one years of age & resident in said toAvn for the s]Aace of one vear next ]ireceding having a freehold estate Avithin said town of the annual incorae of three pounds or any estate to the value of sixty jDounds, to assemble at the ]iul)lic raeeting house in said town, on inonday the sixth day of November next, being the first monday in said month, at two of the clock in the after noon, to give in their vptes for three Electors of President & Vice President of the United States, to Avit, one for the District of Middlesex and two at large : — [195. J Also to give in their votes for a Representative of the Peojile of said CommouAvealth in the Congress of the United States for Middlesex District. Given under our hands and seals this tAventy eighth day of Se]itember in the j'ear of our Lord oue thousand eight hundred cfe twenty. Nathan Fiske A Selectmen Jed Thayer V of Henry Hobbs ) AA'eston TOAVN RECORDS, 1820. 273 AIiDDLESEX SS. October 28". 1820. By A-irtue of the fore going Avarrant I have notified cfe Avarned the male Inhabitants of the town of Weston, qualified as therein exj^ressed to raeet at the tirae cfe place cfe for the purposes therein mentioned. Washington Peirce, constable of Weston Agree [aj bly to the foregoing warrant the Inhabitants of AA'eston, qualified as therein expressed, met at the time & jjlace cfe for the purposes therein mentioned cfe gave in their Votes as follows, to wit. For Electors of President & Vice President. T~, , , I ( Hon. W". Phillips forty seven votes Fortwoatlarge. -J ^^ -.^t ^ . ( Hon. VV™. Gray. — forty scA'en A'otes — For Aliddlesex District. For Hon. Asahel Stearns, thirtj' nine A-otes For Hon. Samuel Dana ten votes For Representative to Congress For Hon. Samuel P. P. Fay thirty votes For Hon. Timothy Fuller — twenty two votes For Ca]i. Sam'. H. AYeathercock one vote. Recorded by Isaac Fiske, town clerk. KnoAV all men by these Presents : that I. Ira Drajier of East Sudbury in the county of Middlesex & Commonwealth of Massachusetts Esquire, in consideration of one hundred & twentj- five dollars paid by Willard Gouldthwait & George Babcock of Weston in said county, yeomen, the receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge have remised, released & forever quitclaimed & do for myself & ray heirs by these presents, re mise, release & forever quitclaim unto the said AYillard Gould thwait (fe George Babcock a jiew on the lower floor of the meeting house in Weston being nurabered in figures " four " To have & to hold the said pew with the privileges and apijur- tenances thereto belonging to thera the said AYillard and George their heirs and assigns forever, so that neither I the said Ira nor ray heirs or any other person or persons clairaing frora or under me or them or in the name, right or stead of me or them, 274 TOWN RECORDS, 1821. shall or will by any way or means have right or title to any ]jart thereof. [196. J In witness whereof I the said Ira and Nably [NabbyJ ray Avife in token of her relinquishraent of Dower have hereunto s[ejt our hands & seals this third day of May in the J'ear of our Lord one thousand eight hundred & nineteen. Signed, sealed & de- Ira Draper & seal livered in presence of Nably [NabbyJ Draper & seal Attest Ira Draper jr. Elizabeth Draper — AIiDDLESEX ss. Alay 17"! 1819 Then personallj' appeared the above named Ira Draper & acknoAvledged the above instru ment by him subscribed to be his free act & deed. Before me, Alpheus Bigloav jr Jus of Peace recorded by Isaac Fiske, town clerk — [1821,] [l sJ To Washington Peirce the constable of the toAvn of [l sJ Weston, Greeting [ls.J You are hereby required in the name of the Common wealth of Massachusetts to notifj' & warn the male Inhabitants of the town of Weston being twenty one years of age & up wards liable to be taxed cfe not supported as ]3aupers, who haA'e resided in said town for one year next preceding the first mon day in March next to assemble at the public meeting house in said town on raonday the fifth day of March next at one of the clock in the afternoon to act on the following articles, viz, 1. To choose a raoderator of said Aleeting 2. To choose a town clerk, selectmen. Overseers of the Poor Town Treasurer, Collector, constables cfe all other town officers by Law to be chosen in the month of Alarch or April annuallj'. Given under our hands cfe seals this nineteenth daj' of Febru ary in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred cfe ^ ' Nathan Fiske ^ Selectmen Jed Thayer / of Henra- Hobbs ^ Weston 'TOWN RECORDS, 1821. 275 AIiDDLESEX SS. Fcbr^ 25. A D 1821. I have notified the male Inhabitants of the town of AYeston, qualified as above expressed to meet at the time cfe place cfe for the purposes above mentioned. AYashington Peirce, constable of AYeston Pursuant to the foregoing warrant the Inhabitants of Wes ton qualified as therein expressed raet at the ]iublic raeeting in said AA^eston on monday the fifth day of Alarch AD 1821 & made choice of 1. Isaac Fiske, Moderator of said meeting. also, Isaac Fiske, town clerk. Nathan Hobbs, Henry Hobbs, Washington Peirce, Eli- jihalet Slack cfe Luther Harrington, Selectmen, who were sworn before me March 5". AD 1821. Isaac Fiske town clerk. — [19 7. J Voted not to choose Overseers of the Poor. Nathan Hobbs, "j assessors, sworn March 5". 1821. Elii:ihalet Slack V before me Luther Harrington J I Fiske town clerk Voted to put out the collection of taxes to the lowest bidder. Whereupon AYashington Peirce offered to collect the taxes for one cent cfe three mills ujion the dollar cfe he was chosen collector. — sAvorn Alarch 5, 1821, before me I. Fiske town clerk AA^ashington Peirce, constable, sAvorn before me March 5". 1821. I. Fiske, town clerk Daniel S. Lamson, Treasurer. AA'est C. District Alpheus Biglow jr, sworn March 5". 1821 East C. District. Isaac Brackett AVest District Ezra Holbrook S. AA^. District — Jonathan Roberts. S. E. District Abijah Coburn, SAvorn March 5". 1821 "^ N- E- Dis Ebenezer Hobbs, SAVorn March 5". Survej'or of Highwavs 1821 North middle Dis — Jesse Viles — sworn March ,5". 1821 — North Dis. Thomas Biglow. sworn March 5". 1821 N. AA^. Dis. Uriah Gregory, sworn Ylarch 5". 1821 276 TOWN RECORDS, 1821. Fence Viewers. Tythingmen Field Drivers. Surveyors of AA'ood r Nathan Hagar J AA'ashing-ton Peirce (^ Henry Fiske. c Abraham Hcavs ( Abijah Fiske 2*. r Washington Peirce < Charles Bemis (^ Sam'. Hows [Hcavs J J Abr". Hews, Washington Peirce sworn March 5''. Henry Hobbs — D" — March 5 : Nath'. Allen — D°— March 5". - aU sworn March 5". 1821 i 1821 1821 1821 D"— March 5 : 1821. Hogreeves. I Abijah Fiske — [ Richard Cutter. Ezra Fiske, sworn March 5". 1821. AA'ashington Peirce sworn Alarch 5''. 1821 <( Josiah Hastings Abel Proctor — SAVorn Alarch 5". 1821 David Viles. Pound keeper, Isaac Brackett Sealer of Weights, Washington Peirce. Recorded by Isaac Fiske, town clerk. [198. J To Washington Peirce, constable of the town of AA'es- [l sJ ton Greeting. [l sJ Y^ou are hereby required in the name of the Commou- [ls. J wealth of Massachusetts to notify cfe Avarn the Inhabitants of the town of Weston, qualified to vote for representatives to meet at the public meeting house in said AA'eston on mon daj' the fifth daj' of Alarch next at two of the clock in the afternoon to act on the following articles, to wit, 1. To choose a Moderator of said meeting. 2. To give in their Votes for a Register of Deeds for the county of Middlesex. 3. To give in their votes for county Treasurer. Nathan Fiske \ Selectmen Jed Thayer > of Henry Hobbs I AA'eston. TOWN RECORDS, 1821. 277 AIiDDLESEX SS. Feb>'. 23*. 1821. I have notified the In habitauts of the town of AA'eston qualified as therein expressed to meet at the tirae cfe place cfe for the puri)oses above men tioned. AA^ashington Peirce constable of Weston Agreeably to the foregoing warrant the Inhabitants of Wes ton qualified as therein expressed met at the jjublic meeting house in said toAvn on monday the fifth day of March AD 1821 at two of the clock P. AI. cfe made choice of Isaac Fiske, Aloderator, of said meeting Thej' also gave in their votes for Register of Deeds as folloAvs for Caji Isaac Train sixty two votes Saniuel Bartlett Esq thirtj' four votes. Thev also gave in their votes for county Treasurer as follows to wit, for. John Keyes Esq. sixty eight votes. — Recorded by Isaac Fiske town clerk. — [l sJ To AA''a.shington Peirce, constable of the town of Wes- [l sJ ton. Greeting [l sJ You are hereby required in the name of the Coraraon- Avealth of Alassachusetts to notify cfe warn the male Inhab itants of the toAvn of Weston being tAventy one years of age (fe ujA wards who have resided in said town one year next pre ceding the first monday in March next & during said time have been taxed for their [joUs or any estate in any tax voted to be raised by said town, (fe not supported as paupers, to assemble at the public meeting house in said town on mondaj- the fifth day of Alarch next at three of the clock in the afternoon to act on the following articles. [199. J 1. To choose a Moderator of said meeting. 2. To grant money to repair the highways or act any thing relative thereto. 3. To grant money for suraraer schools, or act any thing relative thereto. 278 town records, 1821. 4. To choose school Committees, or act anj- thing relatiAe thereto. 5 To examine the Town Treasurers account (fe act thereon. 6. To hear the request of any AA'ho may wish an abatement of their taxes cfe act thereon. 7. To hear the Toavu creditors accounts cfe act thereon. 8 . To hear the aiijilication of Washington Peirce respecting some uncurrent money collected by him for taxes, requesting an abatement therefor or act any thing relative thereto. 9. To see if the toAvn w-ill authorise the Selectmen or Overseers of the Poor to contract for the sujuDort of the Poor for more than one j'car & contract for the occu]3ation of the Town's farm for one or more jears or act anj' thing relative thereto. — Given under our hands & seals this nineteenth daj- of Feb ruary in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred & twenty one. Natilan Fiske A Selectmen Jed Thaa-er V of Henra- Hobbs — J AA'eston Middlesex ss. FebJ'. 23"? 1821. I have notified the Inhab itants of Weston, qualified as therein exjoressed, to meet at the time (fe place and for the iiurjioses aboA'e nientioned. Washington Peirce, constable of AA'eston Pursuant to the foregoing warrant the Inhabitants of AA'es ton, qualified as therein expressed assembled at the iiulilic meeting in said town on the 5'! day of Alarch 1821 at three of the clock P. AI. & made choice of - 1. Isaac Fiske, moderator of said meeting. 2. Voted to grant the sum of one thousand dollars to re])air the highAvays. to be worked out in the usual manner. Voted that the several Surveyors, be authorised to collect the high way tax in case anj- ])erson assessed shall refuse to work his tax out. — 3. Voted to grant tAvo hundred Dollars for Avomens schools. — town records, 1821. 279 f W. C. D. Thad^ Peirce, Th^ Stratton & Isaac Fiske E. C. D; Luther Harrington, AA'ashington Peirce & Dan' S Lamson N.AA'.D. Nathan Hagar, Josejih Chenej' & School J Jed Thayer Committees ^ S. E. D. W!l' Spring, Eliiihalet Slack & Abijah Coburn S. AA'. D. Tj-ler Harrington, Sam'. Lovewell & Otis Train. NED. Jon". AA'arren jr, Abijah Sanderson cfe AIarshall Jones. 5. Voted to allow the Town Treasurer's account as ex hibited. [200. J 6. Voted to abate Coojier Garfield's taxes, to Avit, for 1817 $0 : 87. & for the year 1818 $2 : 96. — Also John Stimsons for 1.S18. $1 : 27. — Voted to ]Jostpone the aiijolication of Jose]Ah Russell for abatement of his minhster tax for 1820. 7. Voted to allow Nath'. Allen 817 : 25 for seiwices as asses sor the year past. — Voted allow Eli]ihalet Slack $12 : 75 for his services as assessor the year past. — 8. Voted that the Town Treasurer receiAe of Washington Peirce the sum of 39 [doUarsJ, in uncurrent bills, & give him a receijjt for the sarae as Collector for the jear past. 9. Voted to pass over this article. Recorded ly Isaac Fiske town clerk This Indenture of tAVO j^arts made & concluded the eighth day of June A D 1820, by & between Thomas Brown of Wes ton in the county of Middlesex yeoman of the one ]iart & Samuel Lovewell of the sarae Weston j-eoman, of the other part, witnesseth, That whereas the said Thomas Brown cfe Samuel Lovewell are severally owners of occujjied & imjiroved lands which lie adjacent to each other cfe sejiarated by jiartition fences w-hich by LaAV thej' are obliged to maintain in equal halves so long as they continue to imjjrove the sarae : & whereas 280 TOWN RECORDS, 1821. the parties have agreed to maintain each his joart, separate frora the other cfe have mutually agreed u]oon a division and assignment of the same as foUoAvs, viz. Th[eJ said Thomas Brown on his part for himself, his heirs, executors adminis trators and assigns, covenant & agrees to & with the said Samuel LovcAvell that he will keeji uji (fe maintain a legal & sufficient fence from a corner of the Avail by land of Josiah Damon Avestwardly as the wall now runs to a stake & stones by said wall ; then (iiassing over the end of the same) from the corner made with another Avail, Avest to a stake & stones ly the side thereof ; then passing over to the west side of the high Avay, cfe from thence as the wall runs to a stake & stones ly the side of the same. Then commence at a corner of the wall by land of M!! Harrington easterly as the same runs to a stake & stones by the side thereof ; then passing over from said last raentioned stake & stones by the swamj^, from thence to a corner of the fence & southerly from said corner to a stake & stones by the side of the fence. Then comraence at a corner of the fence by land of M"^. Stimson & northerly as the same now runs to a stake & stones ; then pass over still northerly to a corner of the fence, then commence at said corner, [ejast- wardly as the fence now runs to a stake cfe stones ; then jiassing over still eastwardly to another stake & stones bj- the side of said fence, then commence cfe from thence to the end thereof. and the said Sarauel Lovewell on his jjart, for himself, his heirs, executors administrators cfe assigns coA'enants cfe agrees, to cfe with the [201. J said Thomas Brown, that he will keep up cfe maintain a legal & sufficient fence from a stake cfe stones lythe wall, (running Avesterly from land of Josiah Damon') to a cor ner of the sarae, then jiassing over westerlj' to a stake & stones by the wall & then commence, cfe from thence southerlj' to the highway ; then passing across said higliAvay southerlj' to a stake (fe stones by fhe wall, & then commence & frora thence to a corner thereof by land of YI''. Harrington : Then commence at a stake & stones cfe running eastwardlj' as the fence uoav stands to another stake cfe stones by a swamji ; theu passing over to a corner of the wall cfe southerlj' to a stake cfe stones, Avliere it commences & from thence northerlj' to a corner. Then com- TOWN RECORDS, 1821. 281 mence at a stake &, stones bj- the middle of the Avail Avhicli runs north frora land of a AI''. Stimson cfe thence to a corner thereof. Then i:)assing over from said corner east to a stake & stones where it commences cfe then eastAvardlj- to a stake cfe .stones. In witness whereof the jiartics have hereunto interchangablj' set their hands cfe seals the dav & vear first above written. .Signed, sealed & deliv ered in presence of us — Ephraiai Cutting Adolphus Beoavn — Thomas Broavn & seal Saaiuel Loveaa'ell (fe seal > duplicate signed (fee. Saaiuel Lovell cfe seal Thoaias Broaa'N cfe seal Recorded by Isaac Fiske, town clerk. — To AA''ashington Peirce, constable of the town of AA'eston, Greeting — You are hereby required in the narae of the Coraraonwealth of Alassachusetts to warn the raale Inhabitants of the said town of Weston of twenty one years of age cfe ujiwards, having a free hold estate within this Coraraonwealth of the annual income of three pounds, or any estate to the value of sixtj- jjounds to meet at the public meeting house in said town on monday the second day of April next at Iavo of the clock in the afternoon to give in their votes for a Govenour Lieutenant Govenour & Senators & counsellors, agreeably to the constitution of said Coramonwealth . Given under our hands & seals this twelvth day of Ylarch in the year of our Lord one thousand, eight hundred & twenty one. Nathan Hobbs A Selectmen Henra- Hobbs V of Luther Harrington J Weston AIiDDLESEX ss. Alarch 26". 1821. Pursuant to the above Avarrant I have notified the male Inhabitants of said town to assemble at the time & ]ilace & for the purpose therein raen tioned. Washington Peirce, constable of Weston 282 TOWN RECORDS, 1821. Agreeably to the foregoing warrant the Inhabitants of Wes ton, qualified as therein exjiressed, met at the time & place the [re J in mentioned & gave in their votes as follows T^ ^ C His Exc''. John Brooks Esq .sixty four votes For Govenour < x . ., C Hon. William Eustis. forty Aotes Luetenant GoA-enou. His Hon. AA'illiam Phillips sixtv four votes Hon Levi Lincoln Esq fortj- one A-otes ^ 11 n r Hon Joseijh Slack Esq sixty five votes Counsellors cfe 1 ., _, f -r^ t, t^ \^ "¦ ^ J Hon Sam'. P. P. bay Esq .sixty five A-otes (^ Calvin Sanger Esq sixty five A-otes Senators I Hon. Jos. B. Varnum Esq forty two A'otes AA'illiam Austirt Esq. forty two A'otes Hon. William AVhittemore sixtv two votes [202. J r James Billings one vote Senators & < Sam'. Hobbs, one vote Counsellors. (^Luther Harrington one vote Recorded by Isaac Fiske, town clerk To Washingto [n ] Peirce, constable of the town of AA'eston, Greeting. You are herebj- required in the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, to notifj- & warn the raale Inhabitauts of said toAA'ii of Weston, being twenty one j-ears of age and ujiAvards, having a freehold estate within said Commonwealth of the an nual income of three pounds, or auj- estate to the A'alue of sixty Jiounds to meet at the jiublic meeting house in said town on mondaj' the ninth day of Ajiril next, at one of the clock in the afternoon for the jjuiqiose of taking into consideration cfe acting ujoon certain jiroijosed alterations cfe araendraents in the Constitution of this CommoiiAvealth, submitted to the Peojile of said Commonwealth for their ratification cfe adojiticm by the convention of the Peojile holden at Boston on the third Avednes day of NoA'cmber last : The said alterations cfe amendments, being fourteen in number: — aud it is ordered cfe directed that TOAA'N RECORDS, 1821. 283 the said Inhabitants vote on said articles of alterations & amendments by hand vote . Given uuder our hands cfe seals this tAvelfth day of Alarch in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred cfe twentj' one. Nathan Hobbs A Selectmen Henry Hobbs V of Luther Hariungton I AA'eston AIiDDLESEX ss. Ajnil 2''. 1821. Pursuant to the above warrant I have notified the Inhabitants of said town of AA'eston to meet at the jilace cfe time cfe for the purpose therein sjjccified. AA'ashington Peirce, constable of AA'eston Agreeably to the for [e J going warrant the Inhabitants of AA'eston qualified as therein exjiressed assembled at the time & jilace (fe for the purjioses therein mentioned cfe voted on the jiroposed alterations as foUoAvs : to Avit ; — Articles - first secondthird fourthfifth sixth seventh eighth ninth tenth eleventh twelfththirteenth fourteenth Yeas — eleven - Nays — Yeas — ten — Nays — Y'eas — one - Nay — Yeas — fiftj' five - Naj's — Yeas — fortj' six - Nays none — fiftj' five — fiftj- two — sixtj- fiA-e — twelve — eighteen — seA'cntj' tAVO ATeas — fifty six — Yeas — none — sixty five — Y'eas — one Naj- — fiftj- — — Y'eas — none — fortj- eight — Yeas — none fiftj' eight — Yeas — none fortyfour. — l^eas — none fiftj- four — Y'eas — none fifty seven — Yeas — none [203.] To Washing-ton Peirce, constable of the toAvn of [l sJ AA^eston, Greeting. [l sJ You are hereby required in the name of the Comnion- [l sJ wealth of Alassachusetts, to notify & Avarn the male In- [l sJ habitants of the town of AA'eston, being twenty one years 284 TOWN RECORDS, 1821. of age (fe upwards cfe resident in said town for the space of one year next jireceding & having a freehold estate within said town of the annual income of three jiounds or any estate to the value of sixty pounds to meet at the iiublic meeting house in said town on monday the seventh day of Maj' next at tAVO of the clock in the afternoon for the jiurjDose of choosing a Rep resentative to rejiresent them at the General Court ajjpoiuted to be convened & held at Boston on the last Wednesday of Alay next. Given under our hands cfe seals this ninth daj- of April in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred & twentj' one — Nathan Hobbs. Henra- Hobbs Eliphalet Slack — Selectmen y of Luther Harrington J Weston AIiDDLE.SEX. April 28". 1821. Pursuant to the above warrant I have notified cfe warned the male Inhabitants of AYes ton qualified as therein expressed to meet at the tirae cfe jilace cfe for the purpose therein raentioned — Washington Peirce, constable of AA'eston Agreeably to the foregoing warrant the Inhabitants of said Weston, qualified as therein exjjressed raet at the time & place above mentioned & gave in their A-otes for a RepresentatiA'e as follows, to wit. For CajD George AA'. Smith, seventy two who was there- ujion declared to be elected a Rejiresentative. — Recorded by Isaac Fiske, town clerk [l sJ To AA^ashington Peirce, constable of the town of Wes- [l sJ ton Greeting. [l sJ You are hereby required in the name of the Coramon- [l sJ wealth of Massachusetts to notify cfe warn the male In habitants of said toAvn of twenty one years of age cfe upwards cfe resident in said town for the sjiace of one j-ear ne.xt jireced- ing cfe during said term luiAe been taxed for their Polls or any TOAVN records, 1821. 285 estate in any tax voted to be raised by said town cfe not suji- ported as paupers, to assemble at the jiublic meeting house in said town on raondaj' the seventh day of May next at three of the clock in the afternoon to act on the following articles, viz. 1. To choose a moderator of said meeting. 2. To raise & grant monej' for the several schools in said town in addition to the sum alreadj' granted, or act [204. J anj- thing relative to the subject of schools in said town. 3. To grant the Rev*. Josejih Field jr his Salary for one year from the first day of May AD 1821. 4. To hear the Town Treasurers account & act thereon. — 5 To grant monej' for the supjiort of the Poor cfe to defray all other usual & incidental charges & exjiences of the toAvn of AA'eston. 6 To know the rainds of the town whether thej' aaIU permit neat cattle to go at large within the limits of the toAvn for the year ensuing. 7. To hear the town creditors accounts & act thereon. 8. To hear the ajijilication for abatement of taxes cfe act thereon. Given under our hands & seals this ninth day of April AD 1821.— Nathan Hobbs. Henry Hobbs Eliphalet Slack Luther Harrington Selectmen of AA'eston. Middlesex .ss. April 28". 1821 — Pursuant to the within Avarrant I have notified & warned the male Inhabitants of said Weston to meet at the time & jilace & for the jiurpose therein exjiressed AA'ashington Peirce, constable of Weston Pursuant to the foregoing warrant the Inhabitants of Weston qualified as therein exjiressed raet at the time & place therein mentioned & made choice of 1. Isaac Fiske, Moderator of said meeting. 2. Voted to grant the sura of six hundred & fifty Dollars 286 TOAVN records, 1821. for the several schools in said town for the winter ensuing of Luther Harrington J AA'eston Middlesex ss. Feb^. 25: 1822. Agreeably to the above Avarrant I have notified the Inhabitants of Weston, qualified as therein exjiressed to meet at the time & place & for the pur- jiose therein mentioned. AA'ashington Peirce constable of AA'eston Agreeably to the above warrant the said Inhabitants met at the time & jilace therein mentioned & made choice of 1 . Isaac Fiske [Moderator J 2. Isaac Fiske town clerk Nathan Hobbs, Heniy Hobbs, AA^ashington Peirce, Eliphalet Slack (fe Isaac Jones. — Selectmen. sworn March 4" 1822. before I Fiske town clerk Nathan Hobbs, Elijihalet Slack & Nathan Fiske. Assessors, who were all sworn March 4". 1822 before me I. Fiske, town clerk. Daniel S Lamson. Treasurer. sAvorn April 1*. 1822, before me I. Fiske, town clek Voted to jiut out the collection of taxes to the jierson who would collect for the lowest sum : cfe AA'ashington Peirce of fered to collect the taxes for one cent cfe two mills per Dollar ; whereupon he Avas chosen collector of taxes ; cfe voted to giA'e him that sum : he was also chosen constable, & on the fourth of March took the oath as collector & constable before me Isaac Fiske town clerk TOWN RECORDS, 1822. 291 East Centre District J AA''est District. — -ff South AA'est District "o South E. District >^ North E. District West Centre District Marshall Livermore sworn AprU 1? 1822 Washington Peirce sAvorii April 1? 1822 Francis Hastings April 1? 1822 Tyler Harrington AprU 1? 1822 Charles Cutter April 1? 1822 Sewall Fiske AjirU 1? 1822 M North Middle District Charles Bemis Ajiril 1? 1822 North District Charles AA'arren Ajiril 1? 1822 North W. District Ira Draper [208. J ( Thaddeus Peirce Fence Viewers J Joel Smith (^ Jesse Viles C Gregorj' Clark I Jon"! AA'arren jr (^ Dan S. Lamson SAVorn SAVorn sworn sworn sworn -iAvoru before me y I Fiske town clerk Field Drivers sworn April 1? 1822. be fore me I Fiske town clerk sworn Ajiril 1? 1882 be fore me I. Fiske town clerk I Abrahara Hews, X Dan' S Lamson X , Henry <| Fiske, Nathan Hagar Jonas Cutter, Abijah j Fiske, Samuel HobbsX. Ajiril 1? 1822 David Viles. Marshall Brown, X Jon'! Rob erts X , Ralph Plymjiton X Isaac Fiske 2'! x Jacob Hagar & Jonas Cutter. April 1? 1822. Tythingraen. — Lemuel Davis & Jaraes Billings Pound keeper. Isaac Brackett, Sealer of weights & Measures. Washington Peirce. recorded by Isaac Fiske, town clerk — Surveyors of Wood Hogreeves. 292 TOWN RECORDS, 1822. AIiDDLESEX SS. Alarch 4'! 1822. Personally appeared Isaac Fiske, town clerk of Weston & made oath that he would truly record all votes jiassed at the meeting held the fourth day of March instant, being the meeting at which he Avas elected (fe all other town meetings during the year & untill another shall be chosen & sworn in his stead & that he would faithfuUj'' discharge all the other duties of his said office. Before me Eben" Hobbs. Jus. of the Peace recorded by Isaac Fiske town clerk [l sJ To AYashington Peirce, constable of the town of [l sJ Weston — Greeting. [l sJ You are hereby required in the narae of the Coraraon wealth of Massachusetts to notify & warn the male Inhabitants of the town of Weston, being twenty one years of age & up Avards, who have resided in said town one year next jireceding the first monday in March next & during said time have been taxed for their Polls or any estate in any tax voted to be raised by said town & not supported as jiaujiers to assemble at the public meeting house in said toAvii on monday the fourth day of March next at three of the clock in the afternoon to act on the foUowing articles, to wit, 1. To choose a Yloderator of said meeting. 2 . To grant money to repair the high ways or act anj' thing relative thereto. 3. To grant money for summer schools or act anj- thing- relative thereto. 4 To choose school Committees, or act any thing relatiA'e thereto. 5 To examine the Town Treasurers account & act thereon 6. To hear the request of any for abatement of taxes & act thereon. 7. To hear the town creditors account cfe act thereon. 8. To see if the town will cause to be built a new school house in the west centre District or act anj' thing relative to school houses in said toAvn. 9 To see if the toAvn will act any thing relative to warning the Inhabitants for the choice of public officers in said town. TOWN records, 1822. 293 Given under our hands cfe seals this Eighteenth daj' of Feb ruary in the year of our Lord Eighteen hundred [209. J and twentj' tAVO — Nathan Hobbs a Selectmen Henry Hobbs > of Luther Harrington ) AA'eston Middlesex ss. Feb' 25". 182'2 Pursuant to the above war rant I have notified the Inhabitants of AA'eston qualified as above mentioned to meet at the time cfe jilace & purpose afore said AA^ASHiNGTON Peirce, constablc Agreeably to the foregoing warrant the Inhabitants of AVeston raet at the time cfe jilace therein mentioned cfe made choice of 1. Isaac Fiske moderator. 2. Voted tp grant the sum of twehe hundred Dollars to re pair the highwaj's in said toAvn to be Avorked out in the usual manner. Voted that the Surveyors be authorised to collect the money in all cases w[hjere the jiersons assessed neglect cfe refuse to work out their taxes. 3. Voted to raise the sum of two hundred Dollars for sum mer schools. 4. West Centre District. Doct Benj"". James. Alph^ Biglow jr (fe James BiUings East Centre District. Luther Harrington, Cyrus Lee & ai Washington Pierce. -2 North West District. Ira Draper, Joseph Cheney & Edw-ard ¦| Child I South East District William Spring, Harvey FuUer & ^ EUjohalet Slack 'o South West District Isaac Jones, Th\ BroAvn (fe Tyler ¦% Harrington ^ North East District. Isaac Hobbs, Nathan Hobbs & Con- vers BigloAV. 294 TOAVN records, 1822. 5. Voted to examine the Town Treasurer's account at May meeting. 6. Voted that the assessors be authorised to exaraine into the assessment of the Minister tax of Child & Seth Babcock & to abate such jiart thereof as shall appear to them to be assessed contrary to Law for the Last year. — 7. Voted to alloAv Elijah Kingsbery seven Dollars in full for boarding John Stimson while sick at his house in November la.st.— 8. Voted to choose a Committee of seA'en to examine into the state of the school house in the Avest centre District & other school houses in town cfe make their report thereon at the adjournment of this meeting on the first monday in Ajiril next. 9. Voted to pass over this article. Isaac Fiske, Luther Harrington, Abijah Coburn, Isaac Jones Nathau Hagar, Eben'' Hobbs cfe. Alpheus Bigelow jr were chosen a committee under the eighth article to examine into the state of the school houses & make their rejiort thereon at the adjournment. Voted that this meeting be adjourned to the first mondaj- in April at four of the clock in the afternoon. recorded by Isaac Fiske town clerk April 1\ 1822. The Inhabitants of Weston raet according to adjournraent : — & the aforesaid Committee made their re port relative to the school houses, which was accepted. Voted to choose a Committee of three to raake an addition to the School house in the west Centre District cfe to make re pairs thereon agreeably to the said Report. — Ebenezer Hobbs Esq. AA'ashington Peirce, cfe Thaddeus Peirce were chosen for that jiurjiose. Voted that they be authorised to draw money from the Trea sury to defraj- the expense of said repairs. Upon the Petition of Josejih Russell Esq. Voted to abate his minister tax for the j-car 1820 Attest Isaac Fiske town clerk TOWN RECORDS, 1822. 295 [210. ] To AA'ashington Peirce, constable of the town of Wes- [l sJ ton Greeting [l sJ You are herclij' recjuired in the name of the Conimon- [l sJ wealth of Alassachusetts to Avarn the male Inhabitants [l sJ of the said town of AA'eston of tAventj' one years of age & [l sJ ujiwards, excepting jiaupers & persons under guardian- shiji, Avho shall have resided in said Commonwealth one year, cfe within said town of AA'eston, six calendar months next jire ceding the first mondaj' of April next, & who shall have jiaid by himself, or his jiarent, master or guardian any state or county tax, Avhich shall within tAvo j'ears next preceding have been assessed ujion him in anj' town or District of said Com monwealth ; and also every Inhaliitant of said town who by LaAV is exempted from taxation cfe AA'ho in all other respects is cjualified as above mentioned, to meet at the public meeting house in said town on monday the first day of April next at one of the clock in the afternoon to give in their votes for Govenour, Lieutenant Govenor, cfe Senators cfe Counsellors agreeablj' to the Constitution of said CommonAvealth. Given under our hands & seals this Eighteenth day of Alarch in the j'ear of our Lord Eighteen hundred cfe twenty tAvo. Nathan Hobbs ) Selectmen Henry Hobbs } of Isaac Jones — ' Weston Middlesex ss. March 25'! 1822. Pursuant to the above warrant, I have notified & warned the male Inhabitants of said Weston to meet at the time & place & for the jiurpose as therein ' " ' ¦ Washington Peirce, constable of Weston Agreeably to the foregoing warrant the Inhabitants of the toAvn of Weston qualified as therein expressed met at the time (fe place therein mentioned & gave in their Votes as follows, For Govenor His Exce^ John Brooks sixty eight votes Hon • : W'!' Eustis forty seven votes For Luetinant Govenor His Honor William Phillips sixty eight Hon. Levi Lincoln forty six votes — 296 'TOWN RECORDS, 1822. Samuel Hoar jr sixty four votes For Senators Timothy AA'alker, sixty four votes (fe John Abbot sixty four Counsellors Josiah Adams sixty three Edmund Parker sixty three Hon W'l' Austin fortj' seven A'otes A Samuel Dana forty nine votes | Levi Thaxter forty seven votes y Joel Cranston forty eight votes. Eben'! Hobbs forty fiAc votes Attest Isaac Fiske town clerk [211.] To Washington Peirce constable of the town of [l sJ Weston Greeting [l sJ You are hereby required in the name of the Common- [ls.J Avealth of Massachusetts to notifj' & warn the Inhabi tants of the town of AA'eston, qualified to vote for Rejiresentatives, to wit, the raale Inhabitants of said town of twentj' one years of age and ujiwards, excejiting jiaupers cfe jiersons under guard- ianshij), who shall have resided in said Commonwealth one year, & within said town of AVeston, six Calendar months next preceding the first monday of Ajiril next, & who shall haA-e jiaid by himself, or his jiarent, master or guardian anj- state or county tax, Avhich shall Avithin tAvo j'ears next jireceding have been assessed ujion him in any town or District of said Com moiiAvealth ; (fe everj' Inhabitant of said town who bj- law- is ex- emjited from taxation, cfe Avho in all other resjiccts is qualified as above mentioned, to meet at the public meeting house in said town ou inonday the first day of April next at three of the clock in the afternoon to act on the following articles, to wit, 1. To choose a Aloderator of said meeting. 2 To ajijioint some jierson to count cfe sort the Aotes giA-eii at said meeting for Register of Deeds 3. To give in their votes for a Register of Deeds of said county. TOWN RECORDS, 1822. 297 Given under our hands & seals this Eighteenth day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred cfe tAventj- tAVO — Nathan Hobbs A Selectmen Henry Hobbs V of Isaac Jones J AA'eston Middlesex ss. Ylarch 25''. A D 1822. Pursuant to the within Avarrant I have notified cfe warned the male Inhabitants of AA''eston to meet at the time cfe place & for the jiurpose as therein expressed AA'ashington Peirce, constable of AA''eston Agreeably to the foregoing warrant the Inhabitants of the town of Weston qualified as therein raentioned met at the time (fe Jilace therein exjiressed cfe made choice of Isaac Fiske, Mod erator of said meeting — Voted to ajipoint three persons to count & sort the Votes. Nathan Hobbs, Eliphalet Slack & Henry Hobbs, were there- ujion appointed for that jiurjiose. The votes being counted & sorted there ajijieared to be for Register of Deeds For Caji. Isaac Train forty eight votes William F. Stone Esq. forty six votes Caleb Butler Esq. three votes John Keves Esq. three votes. Attest Isaac Fiske town — clerk [212.] To Washington Peirce, constable of the town of AA'es- [l sJ ton. Greeting [l sJ You are hereby required in the narae of the Conimon- [l sJ AA-ealth of Massachusetts to notify cfe warn the male In habitants of the said toAvn of Weston, qualified to vote for Representatives, to meet at the public meeting house in said town on mondaj' the first daj' of April next at four of the clock in the afternoon, to act on the following articles, to Avit, 1 . To choose a Moderator of said Meeting 298 town records, I822. 2 . To give in their votes for a county Treasurer — Given under our hands and seals this Eighteenth day of March in the year of our Lord Eighteen hundred cfe twenty tAVO. — Na'than Hobbs A Selectmen Henra- Hobbs > of Isaac Jones. ) 'vVeston AIiDDLESEX ss. Alarch 25". A D 1822 Pursuant to the above warrant I have notified the male Inhabitants of Weston to meet at the time & jilace cfe for the purpose Avithin ex pressed. Washington Peirce, constable of Weston Agreeably to the foregoing warrant the Inhabitants of AA'es ton qualified as therein expressed met at the time & jilace therein mentioned & made choice of 1 Isaac Fiske, moderator of said meeting (fe gave in their votes for county Treasurer as follows. For John Keyes Esq. sixty three votes. Attest Isaac Fiske town clerk [l sJ To Washingion Peirce, constable of the town of AA'es- [l sJ ton Greeting. [l sJ You are hereby required in the name of the Common wealth of Massachusetts to Avarn the raale Inhabitants of said town of AA^eston, of twenty one years of age cfe upwards, ex cepting paupers & persons under guardianship, Avho shall have resided in said CommonAvealth one year, cfe within said town of Weston six calendar months next jireceding the first monday of May next & who shall have jiaid bj- himself, or his parent, master or guardian any state or county tax, which shall within two years next jireceding liaAc been assessed ujion him in any town or District of said CommonAvealth ; and also every male Inhabitant of said town, Avho lij- LaAv is exemjited from tax ation cfe who in all other resjiccts is qualified as above men tioned, to meet at the public meeting house [213. J in said town on mondaj' the sixth day of Alaj- next at two of the clock in TOWN RECORDS, 1822. 299 the afternoon for the purpose of choosing a rejiresentative to represent them at the General (Joiirt ajijioinfed to be con vened cfe held at Boston on the last Wednesday of Ylay next. Also to give in their votes for a Register of Deeds for the county of Aliddlesex agreeably to a Avarrant from the Court of Sessions. Given under our hands cfe seals this tAventy second daj' of April in the j-ear of our Lord Eighteen hundred cfe tAventj' two Nathan Hobbs a Selectmen Eliphalet Slack > of Isaac Jones — ) AA'eston AIiDDLESEX ss. Aj)ril 27". AD 1822 Pursuant to the above warrant I liaAc warned the male Inhabitants of Weston, (juali fied as above expressed to meet at the time & jilace cfe for the purposes therein mentioned. Washington Peirce, constable of AA'eston Agreeably to the foregoing AA'arrant the Inhabitants of Wes ton qualified as therein exjiressed assembled at the tirae cfe jilace therein raentioned & gave in their A'otes for a Rejiresentative as folloAvs to wit. For Cap George W. Smith sixtj' eight votes & was chosen. Then raade choice of Nathan Hobbs to receive, sort & countj' the votes for Register of Deeds of said countj', & the same being counted were as foUoAvs, to wit. For WiUiam F. Stone Esq. forty seven A'otes Cap Isaac Train thirty one A'otes Caleb Butler Esq. one vote. Recorded by Isaac Fiske toAvn elk [ls.J To Washington Peirce, constable of the town of [l sJ Weston, Greeting [ls.J You are herebj' required in the name of the Common wealth of Massachusetts to notify & warn the male Inhabitants of the town of Weston of tvA'cnty one years of age cfe upwards (fe resident in said town for the sjiace of one year next jireced- 300 town RECORDS, 1822. ing (fe during said term have been taxed for their polls or any estate in any tax A'oted to be raised by said town & not suji- jiorted as paujiers, to assemble at the jiublic meeting house in said town on mondaj' the sixth day of Alay next at three of the clock in the afternoon to act on the following articles, 1. To choose a moderator of said meeting 2. To raise cfe grant monej' for the several schools in said town for the winter ensuing, or act aiy thing relative to the subject of schools in said town 3. To grant the Rev* Josejih Field jr his Salary for one year from the first dav of May 1822 [214. J 4. To hear the town Treasurer's account & act thereon 5 . To grant money for the sujijiort of the Poor & to defraj' all other usual cfe incidental exjiences of said town. 6. To knoAA' the rainds of the town, whether thej' will jier- mit neat cattle to go at large Avithin the limits of said town for the J'ear ensuing. 7. To hear the town creditors account & act thereon 8. To hear the ajiplications for abatements of taxes & act thereon 9. To knoAv the minds of the town if thej- will dispose of a certain Avood lot in the south jiart of the town cfe cho[oJse an agent to make sale thereof & gJA'c a Deed in behalf of said town or act auj' thing relative thereto 10. To know the minds of the toAvn if thej- will direct the Treasurer to pay off anj' jiart of the town's Debt cfe act thereon 11. To appoint an agent to oppose the petition of Dot. Uriah Hagar cfe others for a new road from Luther Harringtons house to Balls Hill, or any thing relatiA'e thereto. 12. To know the minds of the town if they w-ill accejit cfe confirm an alteration in a toAvu road leading from Jesse Viles house to Concord road as laid out ly the Selectmen or act anj- thing relative thereto. 13. To see if the toAvn Avill accept cfe confirm the report cfe doings of the Selectmen relative to au alteration in the town road leading from .SAvift Leadlietters to the School house in the South west Jiart of the toAvu. TOAA'N RECORDS, 1822. 301 14 To hear the petition of Saniuel Train cfe others Bajitists cfe Alethodists in the town of AA'eston, requesting to be exemjited from jiaying any jiart of the repairs of the raeeting house, sextons bill for ringing the Bell & taking care of the meeting house ; fuel furnished for the stove in the raeeting house, cfe the expence of collecting the ministerial tax, cfe act thereon. 15 To see if the town will apjiropriate any money towards the purchase of an Engine, or act any thing relative thereto. Given under our hands cfe seals this tAventy second day of April in the year of our Lord Eighteen hundred & twentj- two Nathan Hobbs A Selectmen Eliphalet Slack > of Isaac Jones J Weston AIiDDLESEX ss. April 21? 1822. Pursuant to fhe aboA'e warrant I have warned the male Inhabitants of AA^eston, quali fied as above expressed to meet at the time cfe jilace & for the purposes therein mentioned. Washington Peirce, constable of Weston Agreeably to the foregoing warrant the Inhabitants of Wes ton qualified as therein expressed, met at the tirae & place therein mentioned. & made choice of 1. Isaac Fiske, Moderator 2. Voted to grant the sum of six hundred (fe fifty Dollars [215. J for the Avinter schools & wood to be ajiportioned as heretofore. 3 . Voted to grant Eight hundred Dollars for the Rev Josejih Field jr salarj' for one year from May 1? 1822 4. Voted to pass &, allow the Town Treasurer's account as exhibited 5 Voted to raise & grant the sum of sixteen hundred Dol lars for the support of the Poor & other usual & incidental charges for the year ensuing. 6. Voted that neat cattle should not be jierraitted to go at large the year ensuing 7. no claims exhibited. — 302 TOWN records, 1822. S. Voted to abate Jonas Sanderson jr taxes reraaining in the tax list of Eben'. Hobbs Esq. Treasurer & collector, not collected. !l. Voted that the Selectraen be authorised to sell the wood groAving on the Lot in the south jiart of the town, if they shall deem it exjiedient. — 10. Voted that The Town Treasurer be derected to jiay the sum of five hundred Dollars of the towns Debt, out of monies not ajipropriated, on or before the first day of November next. 11. Voted to choose an agent to ojijiose the jietition of Uriah Hagar & others for a new road frora Luther Harringtons house to Balls hill, and Ebenezer Hobbs Esq. was chosen for that Jiurpose. 12. Voted to accejit the report of the .Selectmen laying out a road in the north east part of the town, beginning at a wall eight rods south of Jon". Warren's bridge so called, on the westerly side of the old road, thence running twenty two rods as the wall now stands to a stake &, stones lij' said wall, thence six rods to a stake cfe stones at the end of the Avail, four feet west of an ajiple tree at the foot of the hill, thence by said Avall fourteen rods westerly to a stake & stones, thence seven rods to the corner of the wall where it meets the old road, the said road or way to be two rods Avide & to be made on the southerly & ea.sterlj' side of said line, the sarae running through land of Jona. AA'arren jr & the old road to be discontinued. — [no damages being required by anv jierson whose estate is affected by the aforesaid road. — J 13. Voted to jiass over and not act ujion this article. 14 Voted to Jiass over &, not act ujion this article. — 15. Voted to pass OA'er & not act ujion this article. Recorded by Isaac Fiske toAvn clerk Know all men by these Presents, that I James Billings of Weston in the countj- of Aliddlesex, gentleman, in consider ation of fiftj' Dollars jiaid by Sukey Hews of the same Weston, spinster, the receipt whereof I do herebj'' acknoAvledge, do hereby give, grant, sell & convej' unto the said Sukey Hews & her heirs & assigns forever, a certain Pew situated in the west TOWN RECORDS, 1822. 303 Galarv in the public meeting house in said AA'eston ife num bered TAvelve. To have and to hold the aforegranted jirera ises to the said Sukej' cfe her heirs cfe assigns to her cfe their use cfe behoof forever. And I do covenant with the said Sukej-, her heirs cfe assigns, that I am lavA-fullj- seized in fee of the afore granted premises: that they [216. J are free of all incum brances : that I have good right to sell cfe convey the same to the said Sukej- cfe that I will warrant and defend the sarae jirera ises to the said Sukej' cfe her heirs aud assigns forcA-er, again.st the lawful claims cfe demands of all persons. In witness whereof I the said James Billings haA'e hereunto set mj' hand cfe seal this tAventj- sixth day of Sejitember in the jear of our Lord one thousand, eight hundred & twentj' two. Signed, sealed and delivered in Jaaies Billings cfe seal presence of us. The word "four teen " erased cfe "tAveh-e " inserted before signing. Abrahaai Heavs AIara' Hews. AIiDDLESEX ss. .Seji! 26': ls22 Then the aliove named James illings (fe Deed Billings acknoAA'ledged the aliove instrument to be his free act Before me Isaac Fiske, Just, of the peace Received, entered cfe recorded on this 26^1 day of Sejit'! A D 1822 at six of the clock P. Al. — by Isaac Fiske, town clerk — [l sJ To AA'ashington Peirce, constable of the town of [l sJ Weston. Greeting. [ls.J You are herely required in the name of the Common wealth of Massachusetts to notifj- & warn the male Inhabitants of the town of Weston duly qualified to vote for Representa tives in the General Court of this Commonwealth, viz, the male Inhabitants of said town, of twenty one years of age & up wards, excepting Paupers & persons under guardianship, who shall have resided in said Commonwealth one year, & within said town of Weston six calendar months next preceding the 304 TOWN RECORDS, 1823. first monday of November next, & Avho shall have paid by him self, Jiarent, master or guardian, any State or county tax, which shall within two years next jireceding have been assessed upon him in any town or District of said Comraonwealth ; and also every raale Inhabitant of said toAAu who by Law is exempted from taxation & who in all other resjiccts is qualified as above mentioned, to meet at the jiublic meeting house in said town, on monday the fourth day of November next at three of the clock in the afternoon to give in their votes for a Representative of the people of said Comraonwealth in the Congress of the United States for Middlesex District. — Given under our hands cfe seals this seventh day of October in the year of our Lord Eighteen hundred & twenty two. Henry Hobbs a Selectmen Eliphalet Slack > of Isaac Jones ) AA'eston Middlesex ss. October 26". 1822, Pursuant to the fore going warrant I have notified & warned the raale Inhabitants of said Weston qualified as therein expressed to meet at time (fe Jilace (fe for the purjioses therein nientioned. Washington Peirce, constable of Weston Agreeably to the foregoing Avarrant the Inhabitants of AA'es ton met at the time & place therein mentioned cfe gave in their votes as foUoAvs. For the Hon. Timothy Fuller, thirty three votes Recorded by Isaac Fiske toAvn clerk [1823.] [217. J To Washington Peirce, constable of the town of [l sJ Weston Greeting [l sJ You are hereby required in the name of the Conimon- [l sJ wealth of Massachusetts, to notify cfe Avarn the male In- [l sJ habitants of the said toAvn of AA-'eston, being twenty one years of age and upAvards, liable to be taxed, and not supported as paupers, who have resided in said toAvu, one year next jire- TOWN RECORDS, 1823. 305 ceding the first monday in Alarch next, to assemble at the jiub lic meeting house in said town on monday the third day of March next, at one of the clock in [thej afternoon to act on the following articles, to wit, 1 . To choose a moderator of said meeting 2. To choose a Town clerk. Selectmen, Overseers of the Poor Town Treasurer, collector, constable & all other town officers by Law to be chosen in the month of March or April annually Given under our hands & seals this sixth day of February in the year of our Lord Eighteen hundred cfe twenty three. Nathan Hobbs Henry Hobbs Eliphalet Slack i Isaac Jones J Selectmen of Weston AIiDDLESEX, Feb^' 25 : 1823 Agreeably to the above warrant I have notified the Inhabitauts of Weston qualified as therein expressed to meet at the time & place & for the purposes therein mentioned. — Washington Peirce constable of Weston The Inhabitants aforesaid met at the time & jilace aforesaid (fe made choice of Isaac Fiske, moderator of said meeting — Isaac Fiske, town clerk — ' Eliphalet Slack sworn March ' 3*. 1823 Isaac Jones sworn March 3*. 1823 J Luther Harring-ton . sworn Selectmen i ^^^^^ 3 ^^23 Isaac Brackett sworn Ajiril 4". 1823 AA'illiam Spring . sworn Alarch 3*. 1823 before me y Isaac Fiske town clerk 306 TOAA'N RECORDS, 1823. Nathan Hobbs A all sworn before me Assessors <{ Luther Harrington V I. Fiske. town clerk Jonas Cutter J March 3*. 1823 Town Treasurer. Daniel S. Lamson Collector — Washington Peirce, & voted to giA'e him one jier cent for collecting all taxes Constable, Washington Peirce, sworn as constable & Col lector, March 3*. 1823 before I Fiske town clerk West C. Dis. Thaddeus Peirce sworn before rae March 29". 1823. I. Fiske town clerk East C. Dis. Isaac Sanderson sAvorn Ajiril Surveyors of Highways. 10". 1823 S. W- Dis. S. E. Dis. N. E. Dis. Sam'. Train jr Sara' Seaverns Sam' Hoblis. sworn Alarch 3*. 1823. before me I. Fiske town clerk North Aliddle Dis. Jesse Viles sworn Alarch 3*. 1823 before me I. Fiske town clerk North Dis. John Dudley North W. Dis. David Viles . sworn Ajiril 16". 1823. West Dis — Williani Coburn f Washing-ton Peirce FenceViewers < [218.J Field Drivers. Surveyors of Wood — Luther Harrington, sworn March 3*. 1823, before rae Ezra Fiske. AA'ashington Peirce Eben'' Hobbs Charles Cutter Oliver Shed Washington Peirce Henry Fiske Uriah Gregory Jonas Cutter Abijah Fiske Isaac Fiske town clerk Hog Reeves < TOAA'N RECORDS, 1823. 307 Dan' S. Lamson Nathan Warren jr Paul Pratt — Rev Aloses Harrington Daniel Livermore Charles Morse Otis Train Jacob Hagar „ ,, . ( Isaac Brackett lythingmen. < ^ , ^ . c Dan'. Liverraore , AIarshall Jones Weights cfe YIeasures Pound keeper < Isaac Brackett Sealer of Sealer of Leather. Nathan Hagar. Voted to dissolve the raeeting Recorded bj- Isaac Fiske toAA-n clerk To Washington Peirce, constable of the town of AVeston. Greeting. Y'ou are hereby required in the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to notify & warn the male Inhabitants of the town of Weston, being twenty one years of age & upwards who have resided in said town one year next preceding the first monday in March next and during said time haA'e been taxed for their Polls or any estate in any tax voted to be raised by said town and not supported as paupers, to assemble at the public meeting house in said town on raonday the third clay of March next at three of the clock in the afternoon to act on the foUowing articles. — to wit, 1. To choose a Moderator of said raeeting. 2. To grant raoney to rejiair the high ways or act anything relative thereto — 3. To grant monej' for summer schools or act any thing relative thereto. 308 TOWN RECORDS, 1823. 4. To choose school Committees or act any thing relative thereto 5 To examine the Town Treasurer's account & act thereon. 6. To hear the request of any for an abatement of the taxes (fe act thereon. 7. To hear the town Creditors accounts & act thereon. Given under our hands & seals this sixth day of February AD 1823 Nathan Hobbs A r~, i . TT tt I Selectmen Henry Hobbs i Eliphalet Slack ( .,.,., T T I Weston Isaac Jones. j [219. J Middlesex ss. Februarj' 24". 1823, Agreeably to the above warrant I have notified the Inhabitants of Weston qualified as therein exjiressed to meet at the time & place of Isaac Bracke'tt j AA'eston. AA^iLLiAAi Spring j AIiDDLESEX, ss. Alarch 22'! 1823 Pursuant to the above Avarrant I haA'e notified and Avarned the male Inhabitants of said AA'eston to meet at the time & jilace and for the jiurpose therein expressed. AA''ashixgton Pierce constable of AA^eston [221. J Agreeably to the foregoing AA^'arrant fhe Inhabitants of the town of Weston qualified as therein exjiressed met at the time cfe place therein raentioned cfe gave in their votes as ' ' Hon. Harrison Gray Otis Esquir Seventy six votes Hon WiUiara Eustis Esquir Sev enty eight votes Hon'. Daniel Noble Esq Seventy six votes Hon Levi Lincoln Esq. ScA'enty eight votes Sam' Hoar jr seventy one votes William Austin one hundred & thirty six votes Joel Cranston one hundred & forty three votes John Abbot — Seventy two votes Levi Thaxter one hundred & thirty three votes — John Keyes — seventy votes W'!' Whittemore sixty four votes John AA'ade eight votes — Seth Knowles eight votes Caleb Butler one vote Sam' Dana, one vote Recorded by Isaac Fiske. town clerk. For Govenour, For Lieutenant Govenour. For Senators (fe Counsellors < 312 TOAVN RECORDS, 1823. [l sJ To Washington Peirce, constable of the town of [l sJ Weston, Greeting [l sJ You are herebj- required in the name of the Coiii- [l sJ monwealth of Alassachusetts to notify cfe warn the male [l sJ Inhabitants of the said town of AA^eston, qualified to vote for rejiresentatives, to meet at the jiublic meeting house in said tow-n on mondaj- the seA-enth day of Ajiril next at four of the clock in the afternoon, to give in their votes for countj- treasurer. Given under our hands & seals this tAvelvth day of Alarch A D 1823 -F c A Eliphalet .Slack Isaac Jones Selectmen Luther Harrington y of Isaac Brackett I AA'eston AA'iLLiAAi Spring J AIiDDLESEX ss. Alarcli 22* 1823. Pursuant to the above warrant I have notified and warned the male Inhabitants of said Weston to meet at the time cfe jilace cfe for the jiurjiose therein I ^^ ^ • AA'ashington Peirce constable of AA^eston Agreeably to the foregoing Avarrant the Inhabitants of AA'eston qualified as thereiu exjiressed met at the tirae cfe place therein mentioned & gave in their votes for countj- Treasurer cfe the same being sorted & counted by the town clerk & Aloderator of said meeting were found to be as follows, to Avit, For John Keyes Esquir Seventy two votes Recorded by Isaac Fiske town Clerk [222.] To AA'ashington Peirce, constable of the toAvn of AA'eston, Greeting. A'ou are herelij- required in the name of the CommonAvealth of Massachusetts, to Avarn the male Inhabitants of said town of Weston of tAventy one j-ears of age and uji\A-ards excejiting Paupers and jiersons under guardianship, w-ho shall have re sided in said CommouAvoalth one j-ear cfe Avithin said toAvn of Weston six Calendar months next preceding the first mondaj- TOAA'N RECORDS, 1828. 313 of Maj' next cfe who shall have jiaid by himself, parent, master or guardian anj- State or countj' tax, Avhich shall within two J-ears next jireceding haA-e been assessed ujion him in any toAvu or District of said CommonAvealth ; — and also everj' Alale In habitant of said Town, who by Law is exemjited from taxation & who in all other respects is qualified as above mentioned, to raeet at the jiublic meeting house in said town on monday the fifth day of Alaj- next for the jiurjiose of choosing a Rejiresent ative to represent them at the General Court ajipointed to be convened and held at Boston on the last Wednesday of Alaj' next. Given under our hands and seals this seventh daj' of Ajiril in the year of our Lord Eighteen hundred & twentj' three. Eliphalkt Slack a Selectmen Isaac Jones > of Isaac Brackett ) Weston Middlesex ss. April 19". 1823. Agreeably to the above warrant I have notified the male Inhabitants of the town of AA'es ton qualified as therein expressed to meet at the time, jilace & for the purjioses therein mentioned. Washington Peirce, constable of AA'eston The said Inhabitants met at the tirae & jilace above men tioned, (fe it was raoved not to send a representative, which being put passed in the negative, whereujion the votes being giA'cn in, the same were for Nathan Hobbs fifty scA'en Eliphalet Slack forty four Sam'. G. Derby — eleven George AA' Smith — Iaa-o, & no one having a majoritj- the said Inhabitants again brought in their votes, & were For Nathan Hobbs fifty sca'cu, Eliphalet Slack fifty two. George W. Smith two — Sam' G. Derbj' one ; whereujion it was declared that Nathan Hobbs was chosen Recorded by Isaac Fiske town clerk 314 TOWN RECORDS, 1823. [223.1 To Washington Peirce, con.stable of the town of [l sJ Weston Greeting [l sJ You are hereby recjuired in the name of the Common- [l sJ wealth of Massachusetts to notify and warn the male In habitants of the town of Weston of twenty one years of age and upwards and resident in said town for the space of one year next Jireceding cfe during said term have been taxed for their Polls or any estate in any tax voted to be raised bj' said town cfe not sup- jiorted as paupers to assemble at the jiublic meeting house in said town on monday the fifth day of Alay next at three of the clock in the afternoon, to act on the following articles. 1. To choose a moderator of said Meeting. 2. To raise cfe grant money for the several schools in said town for the Avinter ensuing or act any thing relative to the subject of schools in said town. 3. To grant the Rev*. Joseph Field jr his salarj' for one year from the first day of May A D 1823 4. To know the minds of the town if they will direct their Treasurer to pay off any part of the town's Debt, or act any thing relative to the subject. 5 To hear the Town Treasurer's account and act thereon. 6. To grant money for the sujijiort of the Poor and to de fray all other usual cfe incidental expenses ofthe town. 7. To know the minds of the town if they will permit neat cattle to go at large within the limits of said town the j'ear ensuing. — 8 To hear the toAvn Creditors accounts & act thereon. 9 To hear the ajiplication, for abatement of taxes cfe act thereon. 10 Revise the List of Jurymen as jirepared by Selectmen or act any thing relatiA'e thereto — 11. To see if the town Avill contract for the sujiport of the Poor of the toAvn cfe let the Town farm for more than one year or act aiy thing relative thereto. 12. To see if the toAvn will jiav south east School District twelve dollars they not receiving their due jiroportion the last year or act any thing relatiA'e thereto. — Given under our hands and seals this seventh day of of TOWN RECORDS, 1823. 315 April in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred cfe twentj- three Eliphalet Slack \ Selectmen Isaac Jones V of Isaac Brackett J AA'eston AIiDDLESEX SS. Apiil 19". 1823. Agreeably to the above warrant I have notified the male In habitants of the town of AYeston qualified as therein exjiressed to meet at the time cfe jilace and for the jiurjiose there men tioned — Washington Peirce. constable of Weston [224. J Agreeablj- to the foregoing AA-arrant the said Inhab itants met at the time cfe jilace therein mentioned & made choice 1 of Isaac Fiske, Yloderator of said meeting — 2. Voted to raise the sum of six hundred cfe fifty Dollars for the several schools & the wood necessaiy for the same. 3. Voted to raise cfe assess the sum of Eight hundred Dol lars for the Rev*. Joseph Field jr, salarj' for one year from the first day of May instant. — 4. Voted that the Treasurer of the town pay off five hun dred Dollars of the towns Debts in thirty Days & the sura of five hundred Dollars on or before the first day of December next ; & in default of the collectors paj'ing him the aforesaid sums by the times aforesaid that he issue his warrant for the same : — Voted also that the Treasurer be not allowed any interest upon the aforesaid sums after the times aforesaid, upon the notes given by hira for the aforesaid debts of the town. 5 Voted to Jiass over this article The Treasurer not being prepared with his account stated. 6. Voted to raise the sum of twelve hundred Dollars to de fray the usual & incidental exjieuces of the town — 7. Voted that neat cattle should not go at large the j'ear ensuing 8. — none — 316 TOAA'N RECORDS, 1823. 9 — none — 10 — Voted to confirm the List of Juryment as revised bj- the Selectmen. 11 — Voted that the Selectraen be authorised to contract for the sujijiort of the jioor & to let the town farra, if thej- shall deera it for the inter[ejst of the town, for anj- nuraber of years not exceeding five — 12. Voted that the loss sustained ly the South east Di.strict by the ajijiortionment of money last j'car be made uji out of the monej- granted for the schools, the j-ear ensuing. Recorded bv Isaac Fiske Town clerk Know all men bj- these jiresents, that I Abijah Fisk of Bos ton in the county of Sufifolk, merchant, in consideration of one hundred cfe fifty Dollars jiaid ly Convers Biglow of Weston in the county of Middlesex, blacksmith, the receijit whereof I do hereby acknoAvledge, do herebj- give, grant, sell and couA-ej- unto the said Convers BigloAv, & his heirs & assigns forever, a certain Pew situate in the jiublic raeeting house in said AA'eston and nurabered in figures thirty four. To have and to hold the aforegranted jireraises to the said [225J Converse Biglow, his heirs and assigns to his & their use and behoof forever. And I do coA'enant with the said Converse Biglow his heirs cfe assigns that I am lawfuUj' seized in fee of the aforegranted jireraises : that thej- are free from all incum brances : That I haA-e good right to sell and convej' the same . to the said Converse BigloAV & that I will Avarrant and defend the sarae preraises to the said Converse Biglow his heirs cfe assigns forever, against the lawful claims cfe demands of all per sons. - — In witness Avhereof, I the said Abijah Fiske have hereunto set my hand and seal this tenth day of Alaj- in the jear of our Lord one thousand eight hundred cfe twenty three. — .Signed, sealed & deliA-- ered in jiresence of us A Fisk. cfe seal Chap.les Broavn W¥ FuRGsrsoN TOWN RECORDS, 1824. 317 Suffolk, ss. Boston Alay 12". 1823. Then the above named Abijah Fisk acknoAA-ledged the above instrument to be his free act & Deed — Before me AA'illiaai Steaenson Justice of the Peace Alay 13". AD 1823. Rec*. entered & recorded by Isaac Fiske Town clerk [1824.] To Washington Peirce, constable of the toAvn of Weston [l sJ Greeting — [l sJ You are hereby required in the name of the Coramoii- [l sJ wealth of Massachusetts, to notify & warn the male Inhabitants of the town of Weston, of twenty one years of age & upwards & resident in said town for the sjiace of one year next preceding and during said terra have been taxed for their Polls or any estate in any tax voted to be raised by said town (fe not supported as paupers to assemble at the public meeting house in Weston on raonday the twenty sixth day of January instant at three of the clock in the afternoon, to act on the following articles. 1. To choose a Moderator of said meeting. 2. To .see if the town will provide for the inoculation ofthe Inhabitants of said town with the cow jiox ; and to raise all necessary sums of money to defray the exjiense thereof, or aji- propriate raoney already raised, or act auy thing relative thereto. Given under our hand & seals this tAventy first day of Janu arj' in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty four. Eliphalet Slack ) Selectraen Isaac Brackett / of Williaai Spring ' Weston AIiDDLESEX ss. January 23 1824 Agreeablj' to the above warrant I have notified the male In habitants of Weston to meet at the tirae & place and for the purpose therein exjiressed Washington Peirce, constable of Weston 318 TOWN RECORDS, 1824. [226. J Agreeably to the foregoing warrant the Inhabitants of We.ston qualified as therein exjiressed met at the jiublic raeet ing house aforesaid on the said 26 day of January & made choice of 1. Isaac Fiske Moderator 2. Voted that all the inhabitants of said toAvn may be in oculated Avith the cow jiox at the expense of the town. Voted to choose a Coraraittee to carrj- the above vote into effect. — Caji Isaac Hobbs, Joseph Chenej' & Eben"'. Hobbs chosen ; who made report at said meeting that Docf. Benj'! James would inoculate the Avhole of said inhabitants with the cow pox who desired it for the sura of fifty Dollars Whereupon it was voted to give said Jaraes that sura & to be paid out of the Treasury of said toAvn. Recorded by Isaac Fiske town clerk [l sJ To Washington Peirce, constable of the town of [l sJ AA'eston, Greeting [l sJ You are hereby required in the narae of the Conimon- [l sJ Avealth of Massachusetts, to notifj' & warn CA-erj' male [ls.] Citizen of said town, of twenty one jears of age & up wards, excepting paupers & jiersons under guardianship who has resided within the Commonwealth one j'ear, & within said toAvn of Weston six calendar months & Avho has paid ly him self, Jiarent, master or guardian, any State or county tax, which within two years has been assessed upon him in any town or District of this CommonAvealth ; and also every citizen who by Law is exempted from taxation cfe Avho in all other respects is qualified as above mentioned, to assemble at the jiublic meeting house in said toAvn on raonday the first day of Alarch next, at one of the clock in the afternoon, to act on the following articles. — 1. To choose a Aloderator of said Meeting. 2. To choose a town clerk. Selectmen, Overseers of the Poor Town Treasurer, constables, collector of taxes & all other town Officers by Law to be chosen in the month of Alarch or April annuallj'. TOWN RECORDS, 1824. ;-;]9 3 To grant monej' to repair the highways & Bridges or act any thing relative thereto. — [227. J 4. To choose School Committees, or act any thing- relative thereto. — 5. To grant monej' for summer schools or act any thing- relative thereto. 6. To examine the town Treasure [r J s account & act there on. — 7. To see if the town will hire a person to take care of the Poor cfe carrj' on the towns farm, or act any thing relative thereto. — 8. To see if the town will make up to the East Centre School District the Deficiencj- of the Avinter School mouej- granted the last year ; the said District having by accident & mistake received less than their just proportion, according to the number of children in said District. — 9. To hear the request of anj- who maj' aaIsIi an abatement of their taxes & act thereon. 10. To hear the town Creditors accounts cfe act thereon 11. To see if the toAvn will ajijiropriate Powder cfe balls for the use of the soldiers in said toAvn to be exhibited on the first tuesday in May or act anj- thing relative thereto. 12. To see if the town Avill alter the highway Districts in said town or act any thing relative thereto. — Given under our hands cfe seals this sixteenth day of February AD 1824. Eliphalet Slack Isaac Jones Luther Harrington Isaac Brackett William Spring Selectmen of Weston Middlesex ss — Feb^' 28: 1824: Agreeably to the aboA'e warrant I have notified & warned the male Citizens of AA'eston to meet at the time & place & for the purposes therein ex- V^^^^^^ Washington Peirce constable — Agreeably to the above warrant the Inhabitants of Weston 320 town records, 1824. met at the jiublic meeting house on mondaj' the first day of Alarch A D 1824 — cfe made choice of Isaac Fiske Moderator — Isaac Fiske town Clerk. Eliphalet Slack Selectmen, who were sworn same day before me I Fiske town clerk Isaac Jones Luther Harrington Isaac Brackett William Sjiring Nathan Hobbs Jonas Cutter Luther Harrington [228. J Isaac Hobbs Washington Peirce, A Assessors Avho were sworn same V day ) before me I. Fiske town clerk Treasurer, sworn same day be fore me I. Fiske Town Clerk collector, sworn sarae day before rae I Fiske Tow[nJ clerk Voted to give him One cent & four mills per Dollar for col lect [i J ng the taxes. Washington Peirce, constable, SAvor[nJ same day before me I. Fiske town clerk Voted to take up the twelvth article. Voted to alter the N E District. North Aliddle District & the North District, so as to form tAvo highway Districts only, to be called the N. E. District cfe the North District, the liraits of which are to be deterrained bj' the Selectmen Voted also that the West District, South AA'. District & South E District be so altered as to form two highway Districts only, to be called the South AV. District & South East District ; the liraits to be fixed by [thej Selectmen — Voted the East & West Centre highway District form one highway District only to be called the Centre District. — C. District. Washington Peirce X SW. D.- S.E.D. — N E. Dis North Dis N.W. Dis Abijah Fiske X Charles Morse — Converse Biglow — Isaac Conant — Horatio Allen — X SAvorn Alarch 1\ 1824. I Fiske. town clerk > Survej'ors of Highways. — sw-orn Alarch 16". 1824. before I Fiske town clerk town records, 1824. 321 Fence Viewers Field Drivers. sworn March l^ 1824 before I Fiske town clerk Ezra Fiske Washington Peirce. Sewall Fiske Daniel S. Lamson Isaac Fiske 2* Increase Leadbetter Abijah Coburn Thoraas W. Viles. L WS Roberts Washington Peirce sworn March 1\ 1824 before I Fiske town clerk Surveyors of Wood Hogreeves < Tythingmen Abr'"- Hews Thoraas Brown Henry Fiske WiUiara Spring Uriah Gregory Henry Hobbs Josiah Sraith Th^ W. Viles. Washington Peirce W". S. Barker Isaac Biglow AY". Hastings Ezra Warren George Parmenter Francis K. Dudley _ John Cutting jr George W. Smith. Sam' Hobbs. [229. J Isaac Brackett, pound keepe [r J — Marshall Jones, sealer of Aveights & measures. 3 Voted to grant the sum of twelve hundred DoUars to re pair the high ways & Dry bridges, to be worked out in the usual manner ; & in case any one taxed refuses to work out his or her taxes, that the surveyors be authorised to collect the same by Distress or otherwise, according to Law. — 322 TOWN RECORDS, 1824. School Committees Voted to appropriate the sum of One hundred DoUars to be drawn frora the Treasury to repair the high way in the south part of the town through the Roberts place in the south part of Weston (fe that Eliphalet Slack Eben [ez Jer Hobbs cfe Abijah Fiske be appointed a Committee to repair the sarae — AA^. C. D. Isaac Fiske. Benj". Jaraes March 7. 1825 Jonas Cutter sworn March 7". Luther Harrington sworn Alarch 7 : I [239. J Assessors <; "] 1825 — I before '' Isaac Fiske town clerk before y Isaac Fiske town — clerk — Town Treasurer. Caji. Isaac Hobbs Ajiril 4'' 1825 SAVorn before I. Fiske, Towclk Voted to Jiut out the collection of taxes to the person who would collect them for the lowest sum ; whereupon Heniy FisTte offered to collect them for one cent & five mills per Dollars, & he was chosen collector of taxes for the year ensuing, & AA'as sworn March 7" 1825 before me Isaac Fiske town clerk. Sewall Fiske, constable, & sworn March 7'! 1825 before I. Fiske town clerk Voted to divide the Centre higway Districts into two Dis tricts. — E. & W. Centre Districts. — Voted to divide the N. E. District into two, to be called the N. E Dis (fe the E. District. Voted to divide the S W. District into two, the, S. AA' Dis & the West Dis. Surveyors of highways were chosen as follows. E. C. District — Luther Harrington. W. C. Dis — Alpheus Bigelow jr S. W. Dis — Col — Sam' Train jr — Ajiril 4" 1825 sworn be fore Isaac Fiske town clerk AV. Dis — William Coburn S. E. Dis — Solomon Houghton April 4'' 1825, sworn before me Isaac Fiske town cle. 336 TOWN records, 1825. N. E Dis — Sewall Fiske. April 4*! 1825 sworn before me I. Fiske town clerk — E. Dis — Sam' Hobbs — April 4"! 1825 sworn before Isaac Fiske town clerk North Dis — Jesse Viles — N.W. Dis — George Stratton. Fence Viewers Field. Drivers Surveyors of Wood Hogreeves. < " Sam' Hobbs sworn April 4"! 1825 before rae Isaac Fiske town clerk Luther Harrington sworn April 4*! 1825 be fore me I. Fiske town Clerk Joseph Cheney sworn April 4*! 1825 before me I Fiske town clerk Hen[rjy Stratton Jacob Hagar Isaac Brackett Oliver Shed Charles Merriam sworn April 4"! 1825 before Isaac Fiske town clerk Hen[rjy Hobbs sworn April 4'! 1825 before Isaac Fiske, town clerk Horatio Allen William Spring - Otis Train — Chauncy D. Thompson. William Spring. Joel Sraith, Robert Derby John Jones, Benj" Dudley, x Ira S. Dickey, Marshall Hews, Josiah Hobbs, Paul Pratt, Lyraan W. Hunter, Foster Draper, Alraore [ElraoreJ Russell, & WiUiara Coburn. John Cutting Henry Fiske Pound keeper — Isaac Brackett Sealer of weights & raeasures — Marshall Jones — 3. Voted to grant twelve hundred Dollars to repair the high ways to be worked out in the usual manner. Tythingmen TOAVN RECORDS, 1825. 337 A'oted that each higliAvaj' surveyor be cmi)OAvered to collect the monej' in case aiy jierson taxed neglects cfe refuses to work out his taxes. [2 40. J 4" The following Avere chosen school committees. AA' C — Dis. Alpheus Biglow jr. Thaddeus Peirce cfe Benj" James — E C Dis — Cj'rus Lee, Luther Harrington cfe Abijah Uji- ham — N. AA' Dis. Nathan Hagar, Josejih Cheney tfe Hen[rjy Stratton S E. Dis. Jonas Cutter, Abijah Coburn & AA'illiam Spri[njg S AY Dis. Solomon Houghton, Co'. Sam' Train & Otis Train. N. E Dis. John Cutting, Jesse A'ilcs & Jon". AA'arren jr Voted that the .Selectmen be a Committee to examine the road through the north jiart of the toAvn called Concord road, to see what alterations ought to be made at the exjiense of the toAvn cfe what would be the expense thereof, & report at the adjournment of this meeting. — A'oted to ajipropriate the sum of two hundred Dollars for the summer schools. — &'. Voted to pass over the town treasurers account till the adjournment of this meeting. — 7". — no Jierson wishes an abatement of taxes — 8. A'oted to Jiass & allow the account of Heniy Fiske, being Seventy seven Dollars & fifty seven cents, being the actual expenses in ojiposing the alteration of the road in the north Jiart of the town. — 9 — Voted to choose an agent to ojijiose any alteration of the road through the centre of the toAvn. — Luther Harrington Avas chosen agent accordingly. 10. A'oted to Jiass over the tenth article, relative to the town or jiriA'ate AA'ay in the north jiart of the town. Voted that this meeting be adjourned to the fourth daj' of April at. 4. o.C P. AI. recorded by Isaac Fiske Ioavu clerk — 338 TOWN RECORDS, 1825. Met according to adjournment. & A'oted to accept the Report of the Selectmen respecting the road in the north part of the toAvn, called Concord road, making elevene straightenings there in as will ajipear by said rejiort on file — Voted that each person shall receive an order from the Selectmen ujion the treasurer of said town forthe sums rejiorted by said Selectmen, Avhenever he shall satisfy said Selectmen that his wall is reraoved according to said rejiort. Reco[rdeJd by Isaac Fiske Town clerk [241. j To Sewall Fiske, constable of the town of AA'eston — [l sJ Greeting [l sJ You are hereby required in the name of the Common- [l sJ wealth of Massachusetts, to warn the raale Inhabitants [l sJ of the said town of Weston of twenty one years of age (fe upw-ards, excejiting jiaupers & persons under guardianship, who shall have resided in said Commonw-ealth one year & within said town of Weston six calendar months next preced ing the first monday in Ajiril next, & who shall haA'e jiaid by himself or his jiarent, master or guardian any state or county tax, which shall within two j-ears next jireceding haA'e been assessed ujion hira in any town or district of said Coraraon wealth : — cfe also eveiy inhabitant of said toAvn Avho by Law is exempted from taxation cfe aaIio in all other resjiects is qualified as above mentioned, to meet at the public meeting house in said town on monday the fourth daj' of Ajiril next at two of the clock in the afternoon to giA-e in their A-otes for Govenour, Lieutenant Govenour tfe Senators & Counsellors agreeabh- to the Constitution of said Commonwealth Given under our hands tfe seals the fourteenth daj' of Alarch in the j'car of our Lord one thousand eight hundred & twenty five. Isaac Jones ^ Selectmen Isaac Brackett > of AA'illiaai Spring — ) AYeston AIiDDLESEX SS. Weston Alarch 26 A D 1825 Agreeably to the foregoing AA'arrant I have Avarned the male Inhabitants TOWN RECORDS, 1825. 339 of said town of AA'eston (jualified as therein exjiressed to meet at the time (fe jilace & for the purjioses therein mentioned — Sewall Fiske, constable of Weston April 4". 1825 And now the said Inhabitants met agree ably to the above warrant & gave in their votes as follows For Govenour For Hon. Levi Lincoln Eighty nine Harrison Gray Otis one For Lieutenant Govenour For Hon. Alarcus Morton Eio-hty eight Sam'. Lathrop one — [ Hon. John Keyes sixty six — Seth Knowles fifty seven Levi Thaxter forty five Alicah AI. Rutter fifty six. Abel Jewett sixtj' five Sam' Hoar jr ten John Hart — thirteen Luther LaAA-rence sixteen Charles Train tAventy four Luke Fiske thirty three Edmund Parker nine Nathan Chandler four John Chandler one Nathan Fiske one Joseph Volentine one John Wade one For Senators & Counsellors [242. J To Sewall Fiske, con,stable of the town of Weston [l sJ Greeting. [l sJ You are hereby reijuired in the name of the Coraraon- [l sJ wealth of Massachusetts, to notify & warn the raale In habitants of said Weston qualified to vote for representatives to meet at the public meeting house in said toAvn on raonday the fourth day of Ajiril next at four of the clock in the afternoon to give in their votes for county Treasurer. 340 TOWN RECORDS, 1825. Given under our hands & seals this fourteenth day of March AD 1825 r T i> 1 Isaac Jones cfe seal Isaac Brackett & seal Williaai Spring & seal AIiDDLESEX ss. Weston March 26". 1825 Agreeably to the above warrant I have warned the male Inhabitants of said town of Weston qualified as therein exjiressed to meet at the time (fe Jilace and for the jiurpose therein mentioned. Sewall Fiske, constable of Weston. AA'eston April 4". 1826. And now the said Inhabitants met agreeably to the foregoing Avarrant &, gave in their votes as foUoAvs, to wit For Hon John Keyes fiftj' four votes Elisha Fuller Esq. nineteen A-otes Nathan Brooks Esq. one recorded by Isaac Fiske tow-n clerk [l sJ To ScAA'all Fiske, constable of the town of AA'eston. — [l sJ Greeting. [l sJ You arc herebj- required in the name of the Conimon- [l sJ AA-ealth of Ylassachusetts, to notify & Avarn the raale In habitants of the said town of Weston, of twentv one j-ears of age (fe upwards excepting jiaujiers tfe jiersons under guardian shiji, who shall have resided in said CommoiiAvealth one j-ear & within said town of Weston, six Calendar months, next jire ceding the first inonday of May next (fe who shall have paid ly himself, jiarent, master or guardian anj- state or countj' tax which shall within two j-ears next jireceding hav-e lieen assessed upon him in anj' town or district of said Commonwealth : — And also every Inhabitant of said toAvii aa-Iio by LaAv is ex- eni] ited from taxation & Avho in all other respects is qualified as aboAc mentioned, to meet at the jiublic meeting house in said town on mondaj' the second daj' of Alay next at two of the clock in the afternoon for the purjiose of choosing a Rejiresen tative to represent them af the General Court ajijiointed to be convened & held at Boston on the la.st Avednesdaj' of Alay next. TOWN RECORDS, 1825. 341 [243. J Given under our hands & seals this Eighteenth day of Ajiril in the jear of our Lord Eighteen hundred & tAventy five Isaac Jones '] r TT ' Selectmen LuTHEi; Harrington ( r Is.AAC Br.ACKETT [ ° AYilliam SrinxG J ^'^'^'^^'''^^ AIiDDLE.sEX SS. April 21?' A D 1825 By virtue of this Avarrant I have notified the said Inhabitants to meet at the time (fe place (fe for the jiurpose therein nientioned .Seaa'all Fiske ( con.stable of AA'eston Agreeably to the foregoing Avarrant the said Inhaliitauts met at the time & jilace therein mentioned & then voted that they would not elect a Representative the jiresent year — Recorded by — Is.AAC Fiske town clerk of AA'eston [l sJ To Sewall Fiske constable of the town of Weston [l sJ Greeting. — [l sJ You are hereby required in the name of the Coinmon- [ls.J wealth of Massachusetts to notify & warn everv male Citizen of said town of twenty one years of age & ujiwards, excepting paujiers & jiersons under guardianship who has re sided within this Commonwealth one year & Avithin said town of Weston six calendar months next preceding the fir.st mon day in May next & Avho has paid by himself, jiarent, master or guardian any State or county tax which shall within two years have been assessed upon him in any town or district of said Comraonwealth to assemble at the jiublic raeeting house in said town, on monday the second day of May next, at three of the clock in the afternoon to act on the following articles, to wit. — 1. To choose a moderator of said raeeting. 2. To raise & grant money for, the several schools in said toAvn or act any thing in relation to the subject of schools. — 342 TOWN RECORDS, 1825. 3 To hear the town Treasurer's account and act thereon. — 4 To grant money for the sujijiort of the Poor & to defray all the other usual & incidental exjiences of said town 5. To hear the town creditors account & act thereon 6 To hear the application for the abatement of taxes & act thereon 7 . To see if the town will grant money for the rejiairing of the roads or any of them in said town, in addition to the sura already granted for the repairs of highways, or act any thing in relation thereto. 8. To see if the town will authorise their Treasurer to hire monej' in behalf of said toAvn for the jiurpose of jiaving off the towns debt or any part thereof occasioned by the jiurchase of land (fe erecting buildings for the accommodation of the Poor, or act any thing relative to the subject. Given under our hands & seals this Eighteenth daj- of Ajiril in the year of our Lord One thousand, eight huudred & twenty fivc [244.] Isaac Jones. 1 Luther Harrington I '"Selectmen Isaac Brackett ' William Spring j ^^'eston Middlesex ss April 2P. 1825 By virtue of this warrant I have notified the said Inhabitants to meet at the time tfe jilace & for the jiurposes therein mentioned .Seaaall Fiske, constable of AA'eston — Agreeably to the foregoing w-arrant the said Inhabitants met at the time & place, therein mentioned & made choice of 1 — Isaac Fiske, Aloderator of said meeting 2 Voted to raise & grant the sum of Eight hundred & fiftj' Dollars for the summer cfe Avinfer schools in said town including wood for said schools to be ajiprojiriated in the usual manner — 3. Voted to allow & pass the Toavu Treasurer's account — 4 — Voted to grant the sum of One thousand Dollars for the sujijiort of the jioor tfe to defraj' the usual & incidental ex penses of the town. — TOWN RECORDS, 1825. 343 5". — none presented 6 — A'oted to abate Benj". Pepper's tax 1823. 7. Voted to grant one hundred Dollars to be laid out on Concord road & tAventj- five dollars, on the countj' road in the east centre District. & that the same be laid out under the direction of the .Selectmen. — 8. Voted that the Town Treasurer for the time being be authorised & empowered in behalf of the town to borrow of anj' person, corjioration or Comjiaiy the sum of tAA'O thousand Dollars, for the term of five or ten jears, at an interest not exceeding five jier cent jiaj'able semiannually & that he give his note in the cajiacifj' of Treasurer therefor in behalf of said town. — Recorded ly Isaac Fiske Town clerk Know all men ly these Presents, that AA-hereas Isaac Fiske, Ebenezer Hobbs, Richard Cutter, Isaac Hobbs & Aljiheus Bigelow jr, at a legal meeting of the Inhabitants of AA'eston in the County of YIiddlesex holden on the sixth day of March in the J-ear of our Lord one thousand, eight hundred & fifteen were authoiised & emjiowered to cause certain alterations to be made in the internal jiart of the jiublic meeting [housej in said toAvn and to sell & disjiose of certain Pews to the highest bidder at jiublic Aendue as ly the Aote of said Inhabitants at [245. J their meeting aforesaid, reference thereto being had will appear, thej' the said Committee posting a notice of the intended sale, fourteen dajs jirevious thereto : Therefore by virtue of the Power & authority in us vested as aforesaid, hav ing posted a notification of the intended sale, agreeablj- to said vote, cfe in consideration of the sum of Sixty Dollars & thirty six cents to us jiaid bj- Isaac Jones yeoman & Marshall Jones, gentleman, both of said AA^eston, the receijit whereof we do hereby acknowledge, have remised, released & quit claimed (fe do hereby remise, release & quitclaim unto the said Isaac (fe Marshall, their heirs and assigns all the right, title cfe interest of the said Inhabitants of AYeston in & to Pew number thirty three on the lower floor, they the said Isaac & Marshall being the highest bidders therefor at a public vendue thereof 344 TOWN RECORDS, 1825. agreeably to the aforesaid notice on the tAventy second day of January instant : — To have & to hold all the right, title & in terest of said Inhabitants in & to said Pew, to them the said Isaac Jones & Marshall Jones their heirs & assigns forever. In witness whereof the said Isaac Fiske, Ebenezer Hobbs, Richard Cutter, Isaac Hobbs & Aljiheus Biglow jr, for cfe in behalf of said Inhabitants have hereunto set our hands & seals this twenty second day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty one — Signed, sealed tfe deliv- Isaac Fiske & seal ered in jiresence of Eben" Hobbs & seal Daniel S Lamson Isaac Hobbs & seal Luther Harrington — Alpheus Biglow jr & seal June 6. 1825 Recorded by me Isaac Fiske town clerk of AA'eston Know all men by these Presents, That I Isaac Jones yeoman (fe Marshall Jones, gentleman, both of AA'eston in the County of YIiddlesex & Commonwealth of Alassachusetts, in consider ation of one hundred and fifty five Dollars to us jiaid by William S. Barker of AA^eston in the countj' of Aliddlesex, trader, the receijit whereof avc do hereby acknowledge, have remised, released and forever quitclaimed & do for ourselves (fe our heirs by these Presents, remise, release & forever quit claim unto the said William S. Barker his heirs and assigns Pew Number thirty three on the lower floor in the Rev*. Joseph Field meeting house in Weston in the county of Aliddlesex. To have & to hold the aforementioned premises with all [246. J the the privileges tfe apjiurtenances thereunto belonging to hira the said William S. Barker, his heirs and assigns forever : so that neither we the said Isaac Jones cfe AIarshall Jones, nor our heirs or any other jierson or persons claiming from or under us or them, or in the name, right or stead of us or them shall or will by any way or means have claim or deraand any right or title to the aforesaid jireraises, or their appurtenances or to any jiart or parcil thereof forever. In witness whereof we the said Isaac Jones & AIarshall Jones TOAVN RECORDS, 1826. 345 have hereunto set our hands cfe seals this twentj- first day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred (fe tAveuty fiA'e. Signed, sealed cfe de- Isaac Jones cfe seal livered in presence of AIarshall Jones cfe seal TiAiOTHY Osborn Sus.\nna Jones cfe seal HoLLis Hastings. — Orilla Jones cfe seal AIiDDLESEX SS. January 21? 1S25 — Personally appeared the within named Isaac Jones & AIarshall Jones & acknoAvledged the within instrument to be their free act & Deed — Before me Isaac Fiske, Jus. of the Peace June 6. 1825 Rece* cfe recorded by me. Is.aac FiskeToavu clerk [1826.] [l sJ To Sewall Fiske, constable of the town of AA'eston. [ls.J Greeting. [l sJ Y^ou are hereby required in the name of the Coramon- [l sJ Avealth of Alassachusetts, to notify & warn every male citizen of said town, of tAventj- one years of age cfe upwards ex cejiting paujiers & jiersons under guardianshiji avIio have resided Avithin the Commonwealth one j-car & within said town of AA'es ton, six calendar months & who has jiaid by himself, jiarent, master or Guardian any state or county tax, which within two years has been assessed upon him in any town or District of this Commonwealth ; and also every Citizen who by Law is ex emjited from taxation & Avho in all other resjiects is qualified as above raentioned to assemble at the public meeting house in said town on monday [247. J the sixth day of Alarch next at one of the clock in the afternoon, to act on the following articles. — 1. To choose a moderator of said meeting. 2. To choose a town clerk. Selectmen, Overseers of the Poor ToAAU Treasurer, constables, collector of taxes & all other town officers by LaAv to be chosen in fhe month of Alarch or April annually 3. To grant money to repair the highways cfe bridges, or act any thing relative thereto. — 4. To see if the town will call ujion Converse Bigelow for 346 TOWN records, 1826. the amount recovered by Tyler Bigelow Esq agst said town & cost, on account of the road in the north jiart of the town being out of repair by reason of rocks & stones jilaced therein by said Converse ; the .Sujireme Court having decided that said Con verse was answerable therefor to said town ; — or act any thing relative thereto. — 5 — To choose School Committees, or act any thing relative thereto. — 6. To grant or ajiprojiriate money for the summer Schools or act any thing relatiA'e thereto — 7 To examine the town Treasurer's account and act thereon. 8'! — To hear the request of any who maj- wish an abate ment of taxes (fe act thereon. — 9. To hear the town creditors claims & act thereon. 10 — To revise the List of Juiymen as prejiared bj' the the .Selectmen. — 11. To see if the town will sell & convey the land belong ing to said town situate in the South part thereof, or act any thing relative thereto. 12. To giA-e in their votes for Register of Deeds for the County of Aliddlesex — 13. To see if the town Avill alter the road leading from Concord road to Jesse Viles, by remoA-ing the corner of the wall in Jonas Hastings land, or act any thing relative thereto. [248.] Given under our hands & seals this twentieth daj- of Februarj' in the jear of our Lord One thousand eight hun dred (fe tAvcnty six. — Isaac Jones, .Stephen Harrington IsA.4C Brackett AA'illiaai Spring — Selectmen of AA'eston AIiDDLESEX ss. February 27. lSi'6 Agreeably to the fore going Avarrant I have notified the Citizens of the toAvn of Wes ton, qualified as therein expressed to meet at the time & jilace (fe for the Jiurposes therein nientioned ly jiosting a Copy of said Warrant at the jiublic meeting house in said town. — Seavall Fiske constable. TOWN RECORDS, 1826. 347 Agreeably to the foregoing w-arrant the citizens of said Weston qualified as therein expressed raet at the jiublic raeet ing house in said town on monday the sixth day of Alarch A D 1826 at one of the clock in the afternoon cfe made choice of 1 — Isaac Fiske, Aloderator of said meeting. — Isaac Fiske, town clerk — All of whom except Abijah Coburn Avere SAvorn before me Alarch 20. 1826, — Isaac Fiske town clerk y Selectmen. Abijah Col turn Avas sAvorn Ajiril 31* 1826 before I. Fiske town c.lr- 2 — Isaac Jones. Jonas Coburn Benjamin Jaraes Abijah Coburn Sewall Fiske Heniy Fiske Benjamin James AVilliam Sjiring Henry Fiske cfe Benjamin James took the oath by law required as as sessors Alarch 20 : 1826. before rae y Assessors. Isaac Fiske toAvn clerk — William .Sjiring took said oath April 3* 1826. Before me Isaac Fiske town clerk Isaac Hobbs, — town treasurer — SAvorn Ajiril 3'! l — 1818 We the within named appraiser have attended to our appointment, and examined and appraised the within named goods D. c 419 Silk fancy handkerchiefs @ 90-'= — 377.10 1 Trunk containing the same — 2. 00 3.79 10 Henra: Fiske 7 Daniel S. Lamson > [Note. — The goods, which seem never to have been claimed, were found Sept 29, 1818. An item mentions "hah- Trunk. . Look tore off — 2 feet 3 Inches ta length — 10 Inches in height — " Ed.] APPENDIX F.— HIGHWAYS. Damages foe Alteeation in Road in the North Paet of Weston. — 1802-6. Middlesex ss. At the Court of General Sessions of the Peace begun and holden at Concord within &, for the county of Middlesex on the monday next pre ceding the third tuesday of May being the seventeenth day of said month A D. 1802. — Damages as follows were allowed for alterations in the pub- APPENDIX r. HIGHWAYS. 369 lie high way leading from Stow burying ground to Bemis Corner so called [in AA^altham] to the persons here after named within the limits of the town of Weston in said county & to be paid by said town. Nathan Warren Eighty dollars — $80.00 Nathan Hobbs Jr seventy five dol=. — 75: 00 Isaac Hobbs & Matthew Hobbs, flfteen do^. — 15: 00 Jon". AVarren — one dol. & fifty cents — 1:50 Priscilla Allen — twenty five dots — 25:00 Widow Barrett — tAvelve dols — 12: 00 Nathan Child — six dol^ — 6: 00 Jon". Fiske — twenty dollars — 20:00 To the heirs of Sam'. P. Savage fifty dollars — 50:00 $284:50 A true extract from the copy of Record ) returned to the town clerk of Weston. — j test. Isaac Fiske, town Clerk of Weston [Upon the back of this was the following. — • Ed.] : — Weston, Jany Qt}} 1806 We the subscribers have rec?. of the Selectmen of Weston orders upon the Treasurer for the sums sett against our respective names. Thomas Biglow $28 •¦ 0 a part of what is allowed the heirs of Sam'. P. Savage Nathan Hobbs J.': $55. Nathan Fiske for Jonathan Fiske $20.00 John Dudley $22:00 [right of heirs of Sam'. P. Savage.] Highways. Summons — Corn'monwealth vs. Inhabitants of Weston, — 1804. Middlesex, ss. Commonwealth of Massachusetts. To the Several Coroners of our County of Middlesex respective Greeting We command you that immediately without delay you summons the Inhabitants of the town of Weston in said County — if they may be found within your Precinct to appear before our Justices of our Court of General Sessions of the Peace next to be holden at Concord within and for our County of Middlesex on the Monday next preceding the third Tusday of March next then and there in our said Court to answer us upon an Indictment against them for neglecting to repair the public highway leading thro' said town from the line of East Sudbury to Waltham as is at large set forth on the Indictment — . [See page 2.] 370 TOWN RECORDS. Hereof fail not and make return of this Writ with your doings hereon AVitness James Winthrop Esq at Cambridge the ninth day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred & four — Ab" Biglow Cler A true Copy Attest Silas Gates Coroner. June 7'". 1804 The subscriber, in consideration that a nolle prosequi has been entered in the indictment the Common- wealth vs. the town of Weston entered March term 1804, do promise to pay Jonathan Fay the cost of said indictment. Isaac Fiske. Jwne 7"". 1806 — Rec'' of Isaac Fiske sixteen doUars and sixty one cents on account of the above mentioned cost JoN^ Fay — [The original of the above paper was in the Fiske house, bumed August, 1890. It was picked up the following morning at some distance from the house. It was bumed on the edges as indicated by the italics. — Ed.] Petition against Altering the Highway from Lee's Beidge in Concoed to Waltham. — 1806. To the Gentlemen Select-men of Weston, the Petition of Us the Sub scribers modestly Sheweth — That, whereas, a legal Committee of the Court of Sessions of, and for the County of Middlesex, have lately agreed upon and erected bounds of a considerable alteration in the great Country Road partly in Weston afore said and partly in Waltham, whereby a prodigeous expense will fall upon the Inhabitants of said Weston ; and whereas we are inform'd that the report of said Committee is to be made to the next Court of Sessions, which is to be holden in said County on the VT'l of February next, at Cambridge : also that, notwithstanding a considerable alteration and straightenings have [been] made by the authority aforesaid, upon Con cord Road (so called) in the North part of AVeston aforesaid, which is not yet completed although a considerable Money has been expended for the purpose ; Yet a Petition is drawn, .and Subscribed by some of the Inhabitants of said AVeston, and by persons of other Towns, to be pre sented to the Court of Sessions aforesaid. Praying for a Road of two miles length to be made mostly in said Weston ; Avhich if granted, will bring an enormous expence upon said Inhabitauts, and also discomode many Individuals. — For these Causes, We therefore pray that you Gentlemen will with convenient speed, issue a Warrant to call a meeting of the Inhabitants of said Weston, to know there minds relative to the premises ; and whether thev will not choose Agents to oppose the same, or act any APPENDIX F, HIGHWAYS. 371 matter or thing relative to Roads in said Weston, or Roads in other ToAvns that are connected Avith those that lead thro' said Town — So prays your Petitions Rob' Calef AVeston, Jan^. 30"" 1806. Jonathan Fisk Nathan Warren Micah Warren Abijah Whitney John Warren Abraham Sandee Amos Sanderson Jed:*"" AVaeeen Jonathan Waeeen Robert Fisk Abnee Russell Elisha Stratton John Dudley Joseph Russell Cambeidge 18"'. Feb. 1807 Rec''. of Isaac Fiske Esq. eighty flve Dollars in full of Fees on report of Committee for laying out a Road from Lee's Bridge [in Concord] to Waltham Line — Sam''. Dexter [The Report of the Committee of the C. of Sessions was not accepted. — Bd.] Highway feom Stowe to Waltham on James Wildee's Petition. 1824. See pages 332 and 333 Framingham April 1. 1825 To Abraham Conant a Deputy Sheriff of the County of Middlesex The Committee appointed by the court of sessions for said County to locate a highway in the towns of Sudbury Concord Lincoln Weston & Waltham on the petition of James Wilder & others now pending in said Court will commence their proceedings on the premises on thursday the fifth day of May next at ten O clock in the forenoon at the house of John Haynes in Sudbury and you are requested to give notice thereof as soon as may be to all persons interested in the land over which the said high way will probable pass and also to the town Clerks of Stowe Sudbury Concord Lincoln weston & waltham & to Rufus Hosmer Esq. the attorney of the petitioners by stating to them the substance of this com munication either verbally or (where that cannot conveniently be done) 372 TOAVN RECORDS. by leaving at their usual place of abode a Copy of the same attested by you and you will pleas to make return of your doings to said Comraittee at the time & place of their meeting C Chairman Jo.siAH Adams < of said (_ Committee Copy attest Ab". Conant [Note. — The petition asks to have the road passing by Daggett's tavern in Wes ton straightened, and claims that the road from Bolton to "Waltham is becoming a great thoroughfare to Albany and many parts of Vermont and New Hampshire. It was believed that a, shortening of one hundred and forty-eight rods could be made in Weston. The Committee estimated the damages for AVeston at .5i2, 412. 50. The town was not required to make the alteration. — Ed.] Road from Northboeo to Cambridge. — 1825. — Petition of Joseph Davis, ,Te. [See p. 334. J To the Hon Justices of the Court of Sessions next to be holden at Cambridge within and for the County of Middlesex on the flrst tuesday of January A D. 1825 — The undersigned inhabitants of Marlboro, Sudbury, East Sudbury, Weston, Wnltham, Watertown and Cambridge in said County and of Shrewsbury in the County of Worcester, aud of Northborough, Humbly represent, that the County road leading from the line of North- borough in the County of Worcester through the aforesaid towns to Bos ton , as it is now laid out and travelled , is uneven hilly and circuitous ; and common convenience and necessity requires, that a new road be laid out through the aforesaid towns. — Your petitioners would therefore pray this Hon. Court, that a Committee may be appointed to view that part of said road, which lies between the line of said Northborough and the meeting house in said Watertown and that such measures may be adopted, as will effect the laying out of a new road from said Northborough line to the place where the Watertown turnpike commences in said Water- town, through the several towns of Marlborough, Sudbury East Sudbury Weston Waltham and Watertown in such manner as common conven ience and necessity requires. — [Then folloAV the names of about one liundred and fifty petitioners. — Ed.] Comaionwealth of Massachusetts Middlesex ss. Court of Sessions at Cambridge January Term 1825 On the petition aforesaid, ordered, on condition that the petitioners compensate the Committee hereafter named for their services without any recurrence to the County treasury for reimbursement, that Joshua Prescott and John Baldwin Esquires, and Mr Cyrus Hubbard be a com mittee to view and consider the Common Conveuience or necessity of laying out the highway, prayed for, to take a survey of the way proposed. APPENDIX F. HIGHWAYS. 373 and make an accurate estiraate of the expences, which would arise in laying out the same, to hear the parties and make their report thereon on the flrst day of the next term of this Court to be holden at Concord within and for said County on the second tuesday of May next. And it is further ordered by said Court, that said Committee notify all persons interested therein by causing au attested copy of said Petition and this order thereon and also notice of the time and place by them appointed to commence their proceedings to be left with the respective town Clerks of Marlbor ough, Sudbury, East Sudbury, Weston, AVallham and Watertown, thirty days at least before such time appointed, that all persons interested may be heard for or against said petition as well before said Committee as before the Court aforesaid. Attest, A Bigloav. Clk. — A copy of the petition and order thereon. Attest A Biglow. Cl,k, A true copy of the Petition and order thereon Attest .Joshua Prescott, Chairman of the Committee To the Inhabitants of Weston The Committee named in the above order of Court, pursuant to direc tions therein contained hereby give notice, that they will meet at Sullivan Thayer's Hotel in Marlborough above named on the second day of May next at nine o clock in the forenoon, and froiu thence, they will proceed to view the road prayed for iu the foregoing petition, and they will begin their view at Northborough line and thence will proceed through said Marlborough, Sudbury, East Sudbury, Weston, Waltham, and Watertown successively to the place where the Watertown turnpike commences in said Watertown; it being the road prayed for in the above petition, March 31' 1825. Joshua P[r]escott, Chairman of the Committee. Viewing Committee's Repoet. The Committee appointed to view the roai proposed in the foregoing- Petition having given notice to all the towns interested agreeably to the directions above given them went and viewed the said contemplated road' are of opinion that common convenience requires a small straightening near the house of James Wood in Marlborough ou his lands, and also a new road in some parts and the old one widened in others from or near the house of the ReV' Sylvester Bucklin; to a heap of stones by the wall at the County road a little below the barn of Stephen Morse in said Marlborough Also that a new road be laid out beginning in Sudbury near the house of M'. Walter Haynes on the south side of the road, thence crossing a small corner of his land it passes in a direct line to East Sudbury thence to the County road in East Sudbury near the public house of Peter 374 TOWN RECORDS. Rice. — also a small straightening on the northerly side of the road on land of Jeremiah Hawes & another on the southerly side of the road a little beyond the one last mentioned over land of the heirs of James Noyes just below East Sudbury meeting house: Also a new road from Cap Luther Harrington house in Weston over his land to some stones by the wall at the county road at Ball's hill so called in Waltham: ^& some small alterations on each side of the way near an inn occupied by M""- Hooker in Waltham; also a u other small straigh[t]ening over Beaver Brook on the northerly side thereof in said Waltham. — May 10: 1825. [Recommitted by order of Commissioners in order to view other routes. — Ed.] Road from Northborough to Cambridge — on petition of Joseph Davis. Middlesex ss September 20'" 1826 To the Inhabitants of the Towns of Marlborough, Sudbury, East Sud bury, Weston, Waltham and AA^atertown in Said County and all others Concerned in the following Notice You are hereby notifled that the Commissioners of Highways for said County of Middlesex will raeet at Silas Gates Tavern in Marlborough on Tuesday the Seventh day of November next at 10 o Clock A M thence to precede to view and Consider the common conveience and Necessity of a New highway from Northboro Line through said Towns towards Boston and further to precede in the premises according to Law on the petitions of .loseph Davis and others Per order of the Commissioners of highways Caleb Butler Chairman Copy Att ess M M Rutter Dp' Shff Concord Road. — 1825. See pages 337, 338. We the subscribers. Selectmen of the town of Weston, agreebly to a vote of said town, passed at a meeting on the 7''. day of March last, have viewed the road in the north part of said town, called Concord road, & in our opinion the same ought to be windened & straightened as follows, to wit, beginninging at the Mill pond by land of the heirs of Abijah San- (Jerson, thence runn[i]ng easterly about ten rods to the lane leading to Dudleys mill: — Also on the south side of said road beginnng at the east end of Charles Warren's barn, & running easterly twelve rods to land of Abner Russell, to a stake & stones. — APPENDIX p. HIGHWAYS. 375 Also beginnig on the east side of the Stone bridge by Abner Russell's & running south east twenty three rods to a stake & stones. — Also beginnig at a stake & stones on the south side of said road westerly of the barn of Benj" Dudley & runs easterly twenty flve rods to a stake & stones. Also beginnig about flve rods west of the eross road above M™. Calefs & runing easterly about ten rods to a gate east of M". Calefs barn. Also on the north side of said Concord road about opposite the house of Benj° Dudley & running easterly about 56 rods to the guide board: — Also on the north side of said road beginning at a stake & stones east of the barn of Nathan Fiske, & running easterly about 36 rods to land of George Garfield; thence across said Garfield's land about eleven rods to a stake & stones. Also on the south side of said road in laud of Jonathan Warren, begin nig by land of George Garfield & running easterly to Jonathan Warren's barn, then beginnig on the east side of his shop <& running easterly to the town road by a large apple tree. — then on the north side of said road beginnig at land of Jonas Hastings & running easterly about four rods to land of Converse Biglow. — Then beginning at the east end of Jonas Hastings barn & running easterly to land of Jonathan Warren about 12 rods & then still easterly about to the old house belonging to Converse Biglow & Jonas Hastings. — The whole of the lands (excepting that belonging to M". Calef) will be given to the public & all the wall will be made for the following sums. Through land of Charles Warren about 12 rods for — $5:00 Abner Russell — 23 rods for — 14:00 Benj" Dudley — 25 rods — 10.00 Nathan Fiske — 92 rods — 45:00 George Garfield — 11 rods — 5:00 Jonathan Warren — 30:00 Jonas Hastings — - 5:00 making in all $114:00 And it will probably cost to remove the wall in M". Calefs land about ten dollars : — It is our opinion that the said alterations and straightenings ought to be made by the town, agreebly to the foregoing descriptions thereof ; Isaac Jones Luther Harrington Isaac Beackett William Speing Selectmen of Weston Endorsed — Report accepted & when the walls are removed the Select men to give orders for the payment. 376 TOWN RECORDS. KoAD FEOM Watertown Bridge to the East Side of Framingham. — 1825. On Petition of La^wson Buckminster Jun''. To the Sheriff of the County of Middlesex or his Deputy Greeting You are hereby requested to give notice to one or more of the Select men of each of the following Towns to wit Watertown Newton Weston Natick East Sudbury and Framingham by leaving with said Selectmen an attested Copy hereof that the Committee appointed by Legislature of this Commonwealth at the Session thereof Commenced in May last to view a rout prayed for by Lawson Buckminster Jun^ and others for a turnpike road leading from AVatertown Bridge to the East side of Fra mingham passing through a part of each of said Towns will be at Warrens Coffee House in said framingham on Thursday the eighth day of Dec. next a ten of the Clock in the forenoon & will thence proceed to view said rout — at which time and place all persons may appear & show cause if any they have why the prayer of said petitions should not be granted you are also further to give notice to said Selectmen that said Committee will make report to the Legislature at the next Session thereof William Eaton Chairman Nov. 7"' 1825 of said Committee Middlesex ss. a copy attest Rufus Brewer, D'y Shff. [Not found at East Cambridge. — Ed.] Petition foe Town Way- near the house of Nathan Brown. AVeston March 20"' 1826 To the Gentlemen, Selectmen of the Town of Weston in the County of Middlesex The subscribers inhabitants of said town respectfully represent that the road leading from Concord road in the north part of said Town, by the dwelling house of Nathan Brown to the meeting-house is narrow &, crooked, that a great saving may be made to the inhabitants of said Town on traveling to & from said meeting-house if a town or private way were laid out from a large rock top of the hill east of the dwelling house of Nathan Brown, in the old road, westerly about forty seven rods through the land of said Brown ; and about nineteen rods, through the land of Henry Hobbs to a point in said old road, about the centre of the first hill south of the dwelling house of said Brown. Wherefore your petitioners request that you would lay out a town or private way, through the lands of said Nathan Brown and Henry Hobbs appendix F. — highways. 377 as above described, to the end that the same may be known and estab lished as a private or town way — Nathan Hobbs Saaiuel Hobbs Amos Gleason AVilliam Hastings Jacob Sanderson Isaac Sanderson Francis Garfield Lem": B Atherton Abijah AA^hitney John Cutting Convers Bigelow Amos Sanderson John H Gowing Josiah Hobbs Isaac Hobbs Michael G Brackett Jonas Hastings ToAVN Waa' near the House of Nathan Broavn. — 1828. AVhereas at a Court of Sessions begun and holden at Cambridge within and for the county of Middlesex on the first Tuesday of January last past — On the petition of Nathan Hobbs and "others for a Town way from a large rock at the top of a hill east of the dwelling house of Nathan Brown in Weston over lands of said Brown and Henry Hobbs to a point in the old road on the first hill south of said Brown's dwelling house Rufus Hosmer, Joseph Barrett, and Charles AVheeler having been appointed a Committee to lay out said private way have appointed Thursday the eighth day of May next at ten O'clock A. M. and the house of said Nathan Brown the time and place to commence proceedings under their Avarrant Stowe March 24, 1828 By order of said Committee Rufus Hosmer Chair. Isaac Fiske Esq is hereby authorized & requested to serve the above notices R. Hosmer Chairman Road near the House of Nathan Brown. coaimonavealth of massachusetts. — Middlesex ss. At a meeting of the County Commissioners for the County of Middle sex, holden at Concord, within and for said County on the second tues day of May, being the thirteenth day of said month. Anno Domini 1828. — Present — Caleb Butler, Esquire, Chairman — & Augustus Tower Benjamin F. Varnum & David Townsend Esquires — And now the Committee appointed by the Court of Sessions holden at Cambridge within and for said County on the first tuesday of January last, to lay out a town way in Weston, on the petition of Nathan Hobbs 378 TOWN RECORDS. and others, make return to the Commissioners here present of the war rant to them directed, with their doings thereon as follows. " To the Hon. the County Commissioners, at the Session holden at Concord on the second tuesday of May instant. — We the Subscribers being the Com mittee named in the annexed warrant, having been sworn as appears by the annexed Certificates for that purpose and having notified the Inhabi tants ofthe town of Weston and Henry Hobbs and Nathan Brown being all the owners of the land over which said road is laid out, on this eighth day of May proceeded and laid out the town way described in the annexed warrant as follows, viz. beginning at the large rock mentioned in the annexed petition then southwesterly in a straight line over a section of the old town way to land of said Nathan Brown thence over said Brown's land forty seven rods to land of said Henry Hobbs, thence over said Hobbs' land twenty six rods to said old road, thence to a stake in said road by the wall ou the first hill south of said Nathan BroAvn's dwelling house — We laid out said town way two and half rods wide upon the southeasterly side of the above described line and we estimate the dam age occasioned by the location of the above town way as follows, viz. — Nathan Brown's damage we estimated at $120 . . Henry Hobbs daraage at — 20 . . — There are no trees, wood nor timber upon said new town way — we are of opinion that twelve months be allowed for making and fencing said town way. — Given under our hands and seals this eighth day of May AD. 1828. — Rufus Hosmee& Seal Jos. Baeeett, & Seal, Charles Wheeler & Seal" — All which being seen and understood by said Commissioners, is ac cepted. — And it is considered by said Commissioners, that the waj' in said report described, be, and the same is hereby established as and for a town way. — And said Commissioners allow the term of twelve months for opening and making the said way passable. — And the said Commis sioners order that the several sums so as aforesaid awarded to the said Brown & Hobbs for their respective damages be paid to them out of the Treasury of said town of Weston, and in default of such payment after the thirteenth day of November next they may thereof have their war rants of distress, agreeably to the law in such case made and pro vided. — A Copy of record — Att'. Abrm Biglow, Ck Agreement for making a Town avay near the house of Nathan Broavn. — 1828. The new road iu Weston, near Nathan BroAvn's, to be made uot less than fifteen feet in width and to be raised one foot in the middle. — The road crossing the meadow shall be raised two feet above the top of the APPENDIX F. — HIGHAA^AYS. 379 meadow, and in addition to this it shall be raised six inches more in the middle of the road. — The South sluice way shall be two feet in Avidth, and two feet high in the clear, to be properly covered with stone and said stone to be properly covered with gravel. The North sluice way shall be three feet in width, and three feet high in the clear, to be properly cov ered with stone, and said stone to be properly covered with gravel — the abutments shall be built on the hard bottom — The bridges over both the above sluice ways to be flfteen feet in width. The road to be made in the centre between the walls excepting on the side of the hill at the south end of the road, where said road is to be made on the lower side. — The bank at the South end of the road to be removed on a level with the old road. — The whole to be completed by the eighth day of May A. D. 1829. The whole to be completed to the satisfaction of the Selectmen. — All the materials used for making the road shall be taken within the limits of said road, excepting the covering stones for the bridges. — The road to be accepted when completed. Weston Sep'. 22''. 1828. Agreed to make the road accordiug to the above conditions at Two doll's and Seventy five cents per rod. Caleb Livingston Gilbert Faemee Road in Neavton — on Petition of Elijah AVhite. Middlesex ss. To the Inhabitants of the Towns of Brighton AVes ton & Newtown in said County, and all others interested in said notice You are hereby notified that the Commissioners of Highways for said county will meet at Kenney's Tavern in Brighton on Wednesday the 18- of October next at 9. O'clock A. M. thence to proceed on the Petition of Elijah White and others to view and adjudge of the common con venience and necessity of laying out a new highway from the old road between the dwelling houses of Mr. James Greenwood & the late Col. Dana along the southerly side of Packsons [Jacksons] or Bowen's hill in the most proper direction to Weston, and further to proceed in the premises according to laAv. — Per order of the Commissioners of Highways. Caleb Butler Chairman Geoton Aug. 28. 1826 A copy Attest Wt A. Bancroft D. Sheriff Rec". Sep'. 1». 1826 I Fiske [There seems to be no record of this petition, nor of action upon it, in the office of the County Clerk. —Ed.] 380 TOWN RECORDS. Road in Newton — on Petition of Elijah White. — 1826. Middlesex ss. To the inhabitants of the Towns of Brighton, Weston, and Newton in said county and all others interested in the following notice. You are hereby notified that the Commissioners of Highways for said county will meet at Kenny's Tavern, in Brighton, on Tuesday the 24th of October next at 9 o'clk A. M. Thence to proceed on the petition of Elijah White and others to view and adjudge of the common conven ience and necessity of laying out a new highway from the old road be tween the dwelling houses of Mr. Jas. Greenwood and the late CoL Dana, along the southerly side of Jackson or Bowen's hill, in the most proper direction to Weston, and further to proceed in the premises according to law — Per Order of the Commissioner[s] of Highways Concord September 20. 1826 Caleb Butlee, Chairman N. B. The notice for Oct 18'.'. is hereby superceded. Reel Sep'. 23". 1826 I Fiske Town Clk Road from Marlborough to Weston Meeting House. — 1826. On Petition of Joel Cranston Middlesex ss To the Inhabitants of the Towns of Marlborough Stow Sudbury East Sudbury & VVeston in said County and all others conserned in the following Notice You are hereby notified That the Commissioners of Highways for the County of Middlesex will meet at Silas Gates Tavern in Marlborough on Wednesday the eighth day of November next at nine o clock A M thence to procede on the petition of Joel [?] Cranston & others to VieAV and adjudg of the Common conviennc and necssity of Straightening alter ing turning an Laying out a highway from the Poor ['?] house established in said Marlbrough to Weston Meeting house and take such other measures in the premises as may be expedient & legal [?] Groton Sept 28«; 1826 Calub Butler Chairman Copy Attest M M Rutter Dp' Shf [There seems to be uo record of the petition of Joel Cranston nor of action upon it in the office of the County 'Clerk. — Ed.] APPENDIX G. PERAMBULATIONS. 381 APPENDIX G. Perambulation Papers. AVeston and Lincoln. (1813) AVe the subscribers, Nathan Warren & Isaac Hobbs, two of the select men of Weston, & Elijah Fiske & Leonard Hoar, two of the selectmen of Lincoln, have this 18''. day of October A D 1813, perambulated, run & renewed the line between said towns, agreeably to Law, as follows, begining at the corner of the wall at Abraham Bemis land and running south to the end of the wall, to a stake and stones, thence running a westerly course to the west side of the county road, to a post at the end of the wall, still westerly to a stake and stones in Habbakkuk Stearns land, thence south westerly to a stake and stones in Abner Russell's land, thence the same course to a rock the westerly side of a town way witb stones thereon, near Benjamin Dudley's, still westerly to the corner of the wall, to the westerly side of Thomas .Jenkenson's house, thence southerly by the wall through lands of Thomas Jenkenson and land of Enoch Gerfleld to a stake and stones at the corner of the wall, thence westerly by the wall to a white pine tree & heap of stones by said tree, thence southerly by the wall to a stake & stones near the meadow of Phineas Fiske, thence southerly to a stake & stones by the wall of Nath'. Allen, thence westerly to a stake & stones by the town way ; thence to a stake and stones on the hill in land of Phineas Fiske, still westerly to a stake & stones near the swamp, thence to a stake and stones on a ledge of rocks, thence to a stake and stones in the swamp at the corner of AVeston & East Sudbury. Nathan Waeeen Isaac Hobbs Elijah Fiske Leon." Hoar Weston and Lincoln. (1818) We the Selectmen Nathan Fiske & Jed Thayer two of [the] Selectmen of the town of Weston, Eph™. Brown Inhabitant & Elijah Fiske two of the Selectmen of said town of Lincoln have this 22" Day of September [1818], perambulated, run & renewed the line between said towns, agreeably to law, as follows, begining at the corner of the wall at Abraham Bemis land & running south to the end of the wall, to a stake & stones, thence running a westerly course to the west side of the country- road, to a post at the end of the wall, still westerly to a stake & stones in land belonging to the inhabitants of AA'eston. thence southwesterly to a stake & stones in Abner Russell land, thence the same course to a rock the westerly side of a town way with stones thereon. Near land belong- •ing to the heirs of Sam' Dudley, still westerly to the corner of the wall. 382 TOWN RECORDS. to the westerly side of Thomas Jenkenson House, thence southerly by the wall through lands of Thomas Jenkenson & Enoch Gearfleld to a stake & stones at the corner of the wall, thence westerly by the wall to white pine tree & heap of stones by said tree, thence southerly by the wall to a stake & stones near the meadow of Phinehas Fiske thence southerly to a stake & stones by Land of Nath'. Allen thence westerly to stake & stones by the towns way : thence to a stake & stones on the hill in land of Phinehas Fiske, still westerly to a stake & stones near a swamp thence to a stake & stones on a ledge of rocks, thence to a stake & stones in the swamp at the corner of AVeston and East Sudbury — Nathan Fiske Jed Thayer Elijah Fiske Ephraim Brown [for Weston.] [for Lincoln.] Weston and Lincoln. (1824) We the subscribers Luther Harrington and Isaac Brackett a Committee for the Town of AVeston and Stephen Patch and Gregory Stone for the Town of Lincoln have this Day Perambulated ruu and renewed the Lines and boundary between s.d Towns as follows, begining at the Corner of the Wall at A. Bemis' land and runing South to the end of the Wall to Stake & Stones, thence runing Westerly to the County Road to a Stake & Stones the West side of s". Road in the Corner of the Wall, thence on the same Course to Stake and Stones, in Land Be longing to the Town of Weston, thence Southwesterly to Stake & Stones in Abner Russells Pasture, thence the same Course to a Rock the West erly side of a Town Way with Stones thereon, thence Westerlj' to Corner of the Wall west of T. Jenkins House on the County Road and Land of S. Parks, thence Southerly to Stake and Stones at the end of the Wall on Land of T. Jenkins & E. L. Parks, thence Westerly to the Stake and Stones ill the Corner of the Wall near the Pine Stump formally a marked Tree thence Southerly by the Wall to Stake and Stones near the Meadow of Phinehas Fisk thence Southerly to Stake and Stones by the Wall of Na!i' Allen the Westerly side of s.d. AA'all, thence Westerly to Stake and Stones the AVest side of a Town Way, thence to Stake and Stones near the Ledge to the Corner of the Wall, thence in the same Course to Stake aud Stones South side of the SAvamp thence in the same Direction to Stake and Stones on a Ledge, of rocks thence to Stake and Stones in the Swamp at the Corner Bounds of E. Sudbury Weston and Lincoln Dated at Weston Luther Harrington ) ^ ¦.. t u7 i. ^ . -in,,, ion. r T, ^Committee for Weston Oct. 12'i 1824 Isaac Brackett ) Stephen Patch > ^ -.4. r t • , _, , y Committee for Lincoln Gregora' j^'Tonb ) appendix G. PERAAIBULATIONS. 383 AVeston and Natick. (1808) The Course and Bound between Weston and Natick, Viz Begining at Station Stump on Needham line at the Corner of the wall thence Run ing Northerly by Said wall to a beep of Stones top of a hill beside Said wall thence to a beep of Stone on the Easterly side of Said wall thence to a beep of stone near a White oak tree thence to a beep of Stones on the North Shore of Nonesuch pond thence to a beep of Stone at the North end of the wall in the County Road thence to a Stake and Stones at the end of the wall on a ledge of Rock at East Sudburey Corner. We the Subscribers appointed perambliators for the Town of Weston and Natick have been uppon the above described bounds and have re newed the Same this twentieth day of October A D one Thousand eight hundred and Eight ; Jonathan Bacon } Pera.nbelator Daniel Travis \ Natick. Nathan Fiske f Perambelator Nathan Hobbs Jr C Weston Weston and Natick. (1813) We the subscribers, Thomas Biglow & Daniel Clark, two of the se lectmen of Weston, & George Whitney & Abel Drury, two of the selectmen of Natick, have this 19"^. day of October A D. 1813. peram bulated, run & renewed the line between said towns, as follows, beginning at a station tree stump at the corner of the wall, thence run ning northerly to a heap of stones on a top of a hill in the wall leading from said stump, thence to a heap of stones on the easterly sideof said wall, thence to aheap of stones near a white oak tree, thence to a heap of stones on the north shore of Nonesuch pond, thence to a heap of stones at the north end of a wall by the county road, thence to a heap of stones and a stake at the end of a wall on a ledge of rocks at East Sudbury corner. Weston and Natick. (1818) [This course is in the opposite direction from that of the two preceding. — Ed.] AVe the Subscribers Nathan Fiske & Jed Thayer two of the Selectmen of the town of Weston & Jonathan Bacon William Goodnow two of the Selectmen of the town of Natick have this 5"i day of October A D 1818 run renewed & perambulated the lines between said towns agreeably to law as follows beginning at a heap of stones & Stake on a ledge of rocks thence running to a heap of stones at the north end of a wall by the 384 TOWN RECORDS. County road, theuce running to a heap of stones on the North shore of Nonesuch pond, thence to a heap of stones near a white oak tree thence to a heap of stones on the Easterly side of a wall thence to a heap [of] stones on the top of a hill in said wall thence southerly to a station tree stump at the corner of the wall at Needham line. Nathan Fisk Jed Thaa'er Jonathan Bacon William Goodenow AVeston and Needham. (1808) The Corse and Bounds between Weston and Needham Beginning at Natick Corner at Station Stump so cal". and running EastAvardly to a heep of Stones in W Bogels [Bogle's] land thence to a beep of stones in said Bogels land, thence lo heape of Stones on a ledge of Rocks on the Brow of the hill in the afforesaid land thence to a heape of stones on the to]) of the hill in a Large rock thence to heape of stones at the Foot of the hill Between lands of Leadbetter and Kingsbury thence to heape of stones by a black oack tree, thence to a heape of stones on a ridge betwene Slack Garfield and Bogle thence to heap of stones, thence to a Corner of the wall at Thomas Brown the[nce] to a heape of stimes on the Line betwen the Widdow Slack's thirds [and the] Brindley lot, ihence to a heap of stones in Paul Prats land, thence to heap of stones on a high )eag of rocks in the aforesaid Land thence to a heap of stones on a ridge at the end of a wall thence to a heap of stones, thence to a heap of stones on broockline Church lot, thence to a heap of Stones on Lands aforesaid, thence to a heap of stones on south side of Avail in Esq^ Slacks land Ihence to a heap of stones by the aforesaid wall thence to a heap of stones from thence to a heap of stones in the town road thence to a heap of stones in the old Road by a leag of rocks from thence to heap of stones on the brow of the hill from thence to a large rock in the River at Newton [Cjorner We the Subscribers appointed parambletor for the Towns of AVeston and Needham have been uppon the above discribed bounds and have re newed the Same this twenteth day of October Eighteen Hundred and Eight: A Parambelator [¦ for Aaron Smith Moses Garfield ) Needham Nathan Fiske Nathan Hobbs Jr. Parambelator for AA^eston APPENDIX G. — perambulations. 385 AA'eston and Needham. dSlS) AVe the subscribers, [Moses Garfield and — ] two of the Selectmen of Needham & Thomas Biglow & Daniel Clark, two of the Selectmen of Weston, have this 19'^ day of October A D 1813, perambulated, run, Sc renewed the line & boundaries between said towns, according to Law, as follows, beginning at Natick corner at a station stump so called, thence running easterly to aheap of stones, in AA'?? Bogle's land thence to a heap of stones in said Bogle's land, thenc to a heap of stones on a ledge of rocks on the brow of the hill in said land, thence to a heap of stones on the top of the hill by a large rock, thence to a heap of stones at the foot of the hill, thence to aheap of stones, by a black oak tree, thence to a heap of stones on a ridge, thence to a heap of Stones thenc to the cor ner of a wall, thenc to a heap of stones, thenc to a heap of stones itt Paul Pratts land; thence to a heap of stones on a high ledge of rocks,. thenc to a heap of stones on a ridge at the end of a wall, thenc to> a, heap of stones, thence to a heap of stones on Brookline — Church Lot^ so called, thenc to a heap of stones, thenc to a heap of stones on the south side of a wall, in John Slacks land, thenc to a heap of stones by said wall, from thence to a heap of stones, from thence to a heap of stones in the town road, thence to a heap of stones in the old road by a ledge of rocks, from thence to a heap of stones on the brow of the hill, from thenc to a large rock in Charles River, at Newton Corner. Thomas Biglow ) Perambulators Daniel Clark ) for Weston - - ,^ „ } Perambulators [From a second paper! — Moses Garfield r „ „ ,, '- I- r J ^ fQP Needham Weston atjid Waltham. (1808) The Courses and length of the Several lines between the Towns of Weston and Waltham viz begining at the Corner bounds in Abraham Bemis' Land runing South Sixty one degrees East fifty flve rods to Land of Jonas Fiske then South Seventeen degrees East over Several heaps of Stons to a heape of Stons at the Co[a]lpit Bottom (so called) one hundred and thirty five rods then South Sixty one degrees East one hundred and forty Six rods to a heape of Stons in Ishmael Stearns' Swamp then South thirty degrees East two hundred and Seventy eight rods over Sundry heaps of Stons to old Concord road then crossing said road and runing the Same Course Sixty rods to Stoney Brook. We the subscribers appointed peramblaters for the Toivns of Weston &, Waltham have bin uppon the above discribed bounds and have re- nued the same this Sevententh day of October one thousand eight hundred and eight. - ) Perambulaters Nathan Fiske ( ^ Nathan Hobbs Jr{ Weston- .Iohn Sanderson ) Perambulaters. Isaac Miles i of Waltham, 386 TOWN RECORDS. Weston and Waltham. (1813) We the subscribers, Nathan Warren & Isaac Hobbs, two of the Select men of the town of AVeston & David Townsend Jun and Nathaniel 33rown, two of the selectmen of the town of Waltham, have this 18"". •day of October A D 1813 perambulated, run and renewed the line be tween said towns, agreeably to Law, as follows, beginning at a stake and stones in land of Abraham Bemis, thence running easterly by a wall to the land of Jonas Fiske to a stake and stones at the end of said wall, marked •" W" on both sides, thence running southerly over several heaps of stones to a heap of stones on a large rock on land of Solomon Harring ton, thence the same course about thirty rods to a stake and stones on land of said Harrington to a stake and stones marked "W" on both sides, thence south sixty one degrees east over a heap of stones in Amos Sanderson's land one hundred and forty six rods to the stump of a small .maple & a heap of stones in Ishmael Stearns land about two rods north -of the ditch between the land of said Stearns & land of Jedediah War- ;ren, thence southerly to a heap of stones by the wall and a white oak tree marked " W " on both sides on the land of Abijah Whitney thence continuing the same course to an old fence in land of said Whitney, thence continuing through lands of John Cutting & Nathan Warren to a large white oak tree in the wall of said Warren, thence continuing a ¦straight course over Concord road, over a large stone in said road, thence to a heap of stones by a large walnut tree, thence continuing a straight line through land of Nathan Hobbs jr & land of the heirs of Thoraas Warren and land of Eben'. Sc Isaac Hobbs as the wall stands to the corner of said wall, thence the same course to the middle of Stony Brook, thence 'oy the middle of said brook to the centre of the bridge by Biglow's mill, thence lo the middle of the waste water way, thence by the middle of said brook to Charles river Nathan Warren Isaac Hobbs David Townsend Je Nathaniel Beown Weston and Waltham. (1818) (1824) [The perambulation paper for 1818 is like that ol 1813, only instead of " Jedediah "Warren" is written "John Cutting"; and instead of "through land ol Nathan Hobbs jr & land of the heirs of Thomas AVarren and land of Eben; & Isaac Hobbs" is written "through land of Nathan Hobbs & land of Josiah Hastings and land of Ebi Hobbs ". — Ed.] [The perambulation paper for 1824 gives the course in the opposite direction from those that precede. — Ed.] October 11"' 1824 We the subscribers a committee from the town of Weston and Waltham to perambulate, run and renew the bounds between s*. towns have attended s'?. service and report as follows Viz. commencing at APPENDIX G. PERAMBULATIONS. 387 Charles River and following the brook called stony brook in the centre of the same to the corner of the wall in s'?. brook between land of Eben ezer Hobbs Esqr. and Capt. Henry Hobbs; taking sif. division line, and continuing it between N. Hobbs and Josiah Hastings to Dea. Warrens land, thence a straight line to a rock in Concord road so called, thence to a stake and stones in land of Dea. Warren marked W. W. continuing a straight course to a stake and stones in land of J. Colling by the Corner of the wall of A. Whitney and Dea Warren. Thence through sii Whit- neys pasture to a White oak tree by a wall dividing sij. land from J. Cotting: on the same course lo a stake and stones in a meadow belong ing to Dea [?] Phinehas Stearns. Ihence Westerly to a stake and stones in land of Amos Sanderson about 150 Rods, thence to a stake and stones in land of Solomon Harrington a straight course, then turning North westerly, to a heap of stones in s" Harringtons land on the top of the ledge : thence to a stake and stones on the same course at the corner of A. Bemis and Abner Sandersons land: thence Westerly to a stake and stones in the Corner of the wall being Lincoln line all of the above mentioned stakes marked W. W. Luke Fiske s at Abijah Whitney .^ Luther Harrington g Isaac Brackett ^ Weston and East Sudbuey (now Wayland). (1808) the Corse and Bounds betwen Weston and East Sudburey and R[en]ewed as follows Begining at stake and a heep of Stones at the end of the wall at Natick Corner thence North to a Stake and stones stake Marked, w, on the East S on the west thence aboute thirty Roads near a popler and servel pine trees marked in low land and thence by servel slakes <& stones to a stake and stone a[t] the end of the wall fifty Rod from thence to a white oake tree % of a Mild thi[r]ty Rods [s]tones and stones Mark, w. East, E. S west North of M'' Corey s place from thence thir[t]y Bods [8]tones and stones iu the rail fence thence Eighty rods to a stake and stones at the Corner of the wall on Livermores plain thence fourty Rods, to a stake and stones on the ridge Ihence to an ash tree at the Road Mark's, y^^ gn the East, S on the AVest from thence to a w[h]ite oak tree Mark", as above twenty Rods, thence to a Stake and Stones fourty Rodes thence twelve Rodes to a Stake and Stones thence one hundred Rodes to a stake and stones white Oake tree Marke" as above thence to a stake and Stones in the Corner of the wall near the well at the Davis place thence to a slake and stones near the corner of the wall near the Cleared land Ihence }£ ot a. Mild, to lo a Black oake tree Mark", as above thence to a Stake and stones at the Corner of wall beside of the Road thence to a Stake and Stones seventy Rods and servel trees Mark" thence to a stake aud [sjtones thirty Rodes at the corner of 388 TOWN records. the pasture Ihence sixty Rods to a Stake and Stones at the turne of the wall thence twenty Roads to a Black oake tree Mark" as above thence lo a Stake and [s]tones in thirty Rods the swamp We the Subscribers have renewed the d[b]ounds as above Discribed WESTON October 19'^ 1808 ^^^^^ ^^^^^^ , Perambelator for East Sudbury Nathan Fiske > Perambelator Bueben Glezen Nathan Fiske Nathan Hobbs Je k for Weston AVeston and East Sudbury. (1813) [T/ie course is from South to North, — Ed.] AVe the subscribers, Nathan Warren & Isaac Hobbs, two of the select men of Weston, & Jacob Reeves & Jotham Bullard, two of the select- men of East Sudbury, have this 19''. day of October A D 1813. perambulated, run (& renewed the lines between said towns, agreeable lo Law, as follows, beginning al the south east end of said line al a slake and stones thence running north thirty rods, to a stake and stones near a poplar tree marked, in low land, thence forty rods to a stake and stones with several trees marked, pointing thereto, thence twelve rods to a stake and stones at the end of the wall, thence by the wall three fourths of a mile to a white oak tree marked " W " on the east side, " E. S " on the west, north from the Corey house, Ihence thirty rods lo a stake and stones in the rail fence thence eighty rods to a stake and stones al the corner of the wall, on Livermores plain, thence forty rods to a stake (& stones on the ridge, thence lo an ash tree, al the county road, marked, thence twenty rods to a white oak tree marked, thence forty rods to a stake and stones in land of Alpheus Biglow jr, Ihence twelve rods to a stake and stones in said Biglow's land, thence one hundred rods to a pine stump Sa stones aud stake near a white oak tree marked, thence to a stake and stones at the corner of the wall near the Davis well thence eighty rods by the wall lo a stake and stones near the corner of the wall at the cleared land, thence half a mile to a black oak tree marked on rising land near the wall, thence six rods to a stake and stones, Ihence forty rods to a slake and stones by the road, thence thirty rods to a stake and stones, thence ten rods to a stake Sa stones & several trees marked, thence thirty rods to a stake and stones at the corner of the pasture, Ihence sixty rods to a slake and stones at the turn of the wall, thence twenty rods to a grey oak tree near the swamp marked, thence thirty rods to a stake and stones in the swamp and at the corner of Weston & Lincoln. - Nathan Waeeen Isaac Hobbs Jacob Reea'^es Jotham Bullard appending. — peraaibulations. 389 AVeston and East Sudbury. (1818) [The course is from North to South,— 'Eo.} We the subscribers Nathan Fiske & Jedediah Thayer two of the Se lectmen of the town of Weston & AA'illiam Sherman & Jotham Bullard two of the Selectmen of the town of East Sudbury have this 29!^ day of September AD f8]8. perambulated, run Sa renew'd the lines between said towns agreeable to law. as follows beginning at a stake & stones at the corner of Weston & Lincoln in a swamp thence thirty rods to Grey oak tree thence twenty rods to a stake Sa Stones a[t] the turn of the wall thence sixty rods to a stake Sa stones at the corner of the pasture Ihence thirty rods to a stake <& stones Sa several trees marked, thence ten rods to stake Sa Stones, thence thirty rods to a stake Sa Stones by the road. thence forty rods to a stake Sa Stones thence six rods to a black oak tree marked on rissing land near a wall thence half a mile to a stake & Stones near the corner of a wall thence by the wall Eighty rods to a slake Sa Stones, al the corner of the wall near the Davis well, thence to a pine stump & stones & Stake near a White oak tree marked, thence one hun dred rods to a stake & Stones in land of Alpheus Bigelow Jf thence twelve rods to a stake and stones in land of said Biglow, Ihence forty rods to a white oak tree marked. Ihence twenty rods to ash tree, at the county road marked, thence lo a slake Sa stones on the ridge, thence forty rods lo a stake Sa stones at the corner of wall on Livermores plain thence eighty rods to a stake & stones in the rail fence Ihence thirty rods to a stake and Stones marked " W. on the East and E. S. on the west side, north from the cory house thence three fourths of a mile by a wall to a stake & stones at the end of the wall Ihence twelve rods to a stake Sa Stones with several trees marked pointing thereto thence forty rods to a stake Sa Stones near several trees marked. Ihence running south thirty rods to the south East of the line, to a slake & Stones cor nering on Natick. Nathan Fiske Jed Thayer William Sherman Jotham Bullard Weston and East Sudbury. (1824) We the subscribers being legally authorized lo preambulale the line and renew the bounds between the Town of East Sudbury and the Town of Weston having this thirteenth day of October A. D. 1824 met for said purpose have renewed and agreed lo the bound as follows lo wit. begin ning at a stake and stones at the southeast corner of East Sudbury and the Northerly corner of Natick thence about 50 rods to a stake and stones Ihence 10 rods to a slake and stones in the low ground Ihence 40 rods to stake and stones theuce 12 rods to a stake and stones at the end 390 TOWN records. of wall thence % of a Mile by the wall North of the Cory house Ihence 30 rods to a stake [and] stones by the rail fence Ihence 80 rods lo slake and stones on Livermore's plain thence 40 rods to stake and stone on the ridge Ihence to a white ash tree at the south side of [the] Road marked thence 20 rods to a White Oak tree marked thence 40 rods to slake and stones thence 120 rods to a stake and stones in a pine slump Ihence lo stake and stones 100 rods on the westerly side of the road by the bars at the corner of Willard Goldthwait land Ihence half a mile to black Oak tree marked beside the wall ihence 6 rods to stake and stones on the west erly side of wall thence 40 rods to stake and stones on the Northerly side of the road Ihence 80 rods to slake and stones on the westerly side of the wall thence 10 rods to stake and stones besid[e] the wall thence 30 rods to stake and stone at the Easterly corner of Adams pasture thence 60 rods lo stake and stones at the turn of the wall thence 20 rods to a heap of stones by fallen oak tree thence 40 rods to a stake and stones in the swamp one rode west of large white pine tree marked Samuel Rice ? Selectmen William Johnson \ East Sudbury Eliphalet Slack } Selectmen Isaac Jones C Weston APPENDIX H. Minutes of a Deed of Pew. Consideration 100 — Martha Parrott of Greenland in the county of Rockingham widow — a certain Pew, situate in in the easterly part of the public meeting house in Weston now occupied Sa improved by the said Greenleaf it b[e]ing the same pew conveyed to the said G by John Flagg by his Deed dated March 31". AD 1777 — 9'". of June 1804 Enoch Greenleaf Sa seal. Witnesses Eli Bullard Jn". F. Paeeott acknowledge[d] June 9"'. 1804 [See page 63. — Ed.] Repoet on Pews. — 1811. The subscribers, a Committee appointed by the lown, to investigate the title the town has to the Pew lately occupied by the widow Mary Warren, Sa lo other pews in the public meeting house, have attended to that subject and beg leave to report, thai al a public town meeting holden on APPENDIX H. PERAMBULATIONS. 391 the eighth day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hun dred and fifty six by adjournment from the first day of said March, il was voted by the said town " That the pews belonging lo the town shall be disposed of as shall be hereafter ordered, as well as those that are to be new built viz, That the persons to whora they shall be granted shall enjoy them during life, viz, during the life of the raan and his wife, and that the grantees shall be at the cost of building their respective pews, and those that shall have them that are already built shall pay lo the heirs of the persons that first built them the prime cost of building and that the highest payer in the two last lists of Valuation of Real Estate together with twenty shillings a year to be allowed for age shall have the offer of a Pew, each of them, till the whole are disposed of and that Mess''^ John Walker, Elisha Jones and Braddyll Smith be a Committee fully empowered lo dispose of the Pews to such persons as shall accept of the same as aforesaid." Your Committee further find that at a lown meeting holden on the tenth day of May in the same year, it was voted to accept the report of the Committee appointed lo dispose of some Pews in the meeting house,, which report was as follows. — viz. " The Committee to dispose of the pews and seat the Meeting house have attended to that service and have given the highest payers the offer of the Pews agreeably to the towns vote and have granted accordingly ten pews lo such persons as would accept of the same, Sc have disposed of the Pews already built in manner following viz To Elisha Jones the second pew east from the pulpit. — to John Warren the pew in the north west corner of the meeting house. To Theophilus Mansfield the Pew next the south door on the east. To Nath'. Felch the pew between the men's stairs and the west door. — " The said Committee have also disposed of those Pews or the places whereon Pews are to be built where the hind seats are. viz To Braddyll Smith that next the middle alley on the women's side. To John Walker that next the middle alley on the men's side. To Nathan Fiske the middle pew on the women's side. — To Abraham Gale the middle pew on the men's side. To .Jaraes Stimson the pew next the women's stairs. To Joseph Stedman the pew next the men's stairs." — Your Coramittee would further say that John Warren the original grantee and his wife Mary are both dead, whereby according to the orig inal grant the title of the pew lately occupied by Mary Warren has re verted to the town, the same being one of the ten before mentioned, & that the town has a right lo dispose of the same in such manner as they think proper. — Your Committee have searched the Records of the town with a view lo ascertain what disposition has been made of the other nine pews; — and they therein flnd that several of them as they reverted to the town, have by the town been disposed of : — whether any, excepting the one lately occupied by the widow Mary Warren, remain as the town's property 392 TOWN RECORDS. your committee cannot clearly ascertain ; but are fully of opinion from the best information they have been able to obtain, that the town have taken all of the aforenamed pews and disposed of the same as they have reverted to the town. — [The Selectmen were appointed this Committee, May 7, 1810. The report was Tendered March 4, 1811. — Bd.] APPENDIX I. Report of Committee for examining the Poor House. — 1808. The Committee raised for the purpose of examing the slate of the poor house so called, report. that y" Poor-house in its present state is very leaky Sa in order to pre serve it for any length of time considerable repairs must be made : they Iiave procured an estimate of what it would cost to repair it in its present -state <& also, of the cost of adding another story. — according to that •estimate the expenc of repairing will be $120 & the expence of adding ¦another story Sc finishing the outside thereof $250. A majority of the •Committee cannot agree upon any plan to report to the town, but would state that the four following plans are adhered to by some one of the ¦Committee : that is to let il remain in its present state with the addition •of some small repairs : — 2". to repair it thoroughly without addition : 3". to put another story on and finish it according to the preseni model. 4'' Sa to take it down Sc rebuild one that shall be adapted lo all the purposes ¦of supporting all our poor. — Which are submitted to the town for their election, by, "Weston June 27 1808 Amos Bancroft ] Committee Nathan Hobbs Jr i for exami- Nathan Fiske f" ning poor Josiah Hastings j house Repoet on state of the AVoee House. — 1816. The Committee appointed to examine into the state of the work house so called, have also attended to that subject Sa beg leave to state that they find the house so old and decayed, & so inconvenient in its con struction both as to size Sa shape, that in their opinion, il will not be for ¦the interest of the town to repair it or make any addition thereto for the purpose of a poor house : Your Committee have also attended to the subject of the poor in general Sa to the best manner in which they can be supported, with the least expence to the town & greatest comfort to the poor : & beg leave to state that in their opinion it would be expe dient for the lown to purchase a real estate Avith from 5C to 70 acres of APPENDIX I. POOR. 393 land with suitable buildings thereon, or such to be erected, i& that all the Poor should be placed there under the care of some suitable persou ; the land would afford fuel, grain & vegetables sutflc[i]ent & those that are able might be employed in the cultivation of the land ; it is rendered more expedient by the number of poor, which of those now living who either now are or have been assisted by the town amounts lo forty: Your Committee are of opinion that it would not be for the interest of the town to rebuild on the spot of the old work house, as there is not suflftc[i]ent land to answer any useful purpose ; but would recommend that the old work house & the land should be sold either at public auc tion or in some other way :, Sa they beg leave lo state that Sam'. G Derby Esq has made a proposal that he will give the sura of $200, or that he will abide the appraiseraent of three disinterested men lo be mutually chosen from some neighboring towns & will add 25 per cent to their ap praisement in case the town will give him a Deed thereof. All which is subraitted by Weston May 6''. 1816 Nathan Hagae » Abijah Fiske >• Committee Isaac Fiske ) [The same Committee reported on the same sheet the state of the School Houses. — Ed.] Papers on File concerning those supported by the Toavn. 1800, Oct. 29. — Bond of Artemas Cox of Wawkieg alias Bodwine in the county of Algf oik — for the support of his mother the widow Anna Cox [Elisha] for the rest of her life. [Sally Bridge, daughter of the widow Anna, is one of the witnesses.] 1800, Nov. 20. — Letter concerning, attendance on Timothy Flagg, dec". and one of his daughters from Dr. S. L. Jennerson, Cambridge. — An account for medical attendance is enclosed. 1801, Oct. 5. — Indenture, binding out to Enoch Train, Josiah Hastings, the son of Lydia Stearns lawfully settled in Weston, until he is 21, to be taught the various branches of Husbandry, and to " read, write (& cypher". 1802, Nov. 12. — Indenture between Samuel Savage of Barnstable and the town of AA''eston concerning Perkins Middlesex, (who will be 21 the first day of March, 1818), a black boy, the son of Salem Middlesex, late of Weston, deceased. 394 TOWN RECORDS. 1803, June 17. — Lawson Buckminster of Framingham makes demand on Town of Weston for care of Cate Middlesex, a pauper of Wes ton, for 10 weeks, from August 1802, and of her son, a boy of six years, for a longer period. 1803, Jan. 8. Indenture. — Jonathan, son of Nathau Stearns, was bound out to Samuel Kendal, Clerk, until Feb. 28, 1819, when he would be 21, to be taught husbandry Sc " to read, write, and cypher as far as the rule of three; if he be capable lo learn." 1803, April 4. Indenture. — Sally Stearns, dau. of Nathan Stearns was bound out to Silas Warren until March 29, 1813, when she would be 18 years of age, to be instructed in household work, sewings knitting and spinning, and also to be taught to read and write. 1804, Oct. 1. Indenture. — William Micall, son of Thomas Micall, late of Weston, dec". — was apprenticed to Ephraim Jackson of Need ham, Papermaker, to learn the art, trade or mystery, until Aug. 9,. 1817, when he would be 21 years of age. Signed Ephraim Jackson — Edward Jackson, witness. 1806, Jan. 10. Indenture. — To bind out to Ephraim Jackson of Need~ ham, a poor child, Josiah Hastings, the son of Lydia Rice, lo man ufacture paper, " lo be taught lo read, write and cypher, if he be capable of learning", until he shall be of the age of twenty one years, which will be the tenth day of December in the year of our Lord Eighteen hundred and sixteen." 1806, Jan. 10. — Indenture. — To bind out to Seth Bemis of Watertown, a poor child, Jonas Rice, son of Lydia Rice, until the age of 21 years which will be the third day of June in the year of our Lord Eighteen hundred and twenty one. 1806, Oct. 18. A letter from William May of Roxbury offers to Mrs» Stearns wages and a room for herself and child. 1812, Nov. 2. A letter from Boston, on account of the Board of Moses Pierce in Goal, [for taxes] to be collected. appendix I. — POOR. 395 1815, June 20. A letter from Abner Foster, of Phillipston, requests the removal of the boarding place of his sister, M". [Widow Na than] Smith (dependent on 'VA'^eston for support) who is in Hub- bardston, on account of " the confusion & profanity of the house where she now lives." 1815, June 26. A second letter concerning the same states that Mr. Lamb will take her and her boy for one year, which is agreed to by the Selectmen. 1820, Feb. 28. Indenture with Dr. Benjamin James, to bind out Harriott Cox, born' Feb. 2, 1810, until 18 years of age. 1821, April 2. Indenture with Miranda Kendal, lo bind out a poor child, Lydia Woolson, daughter of Ebenezer Woolson, until 18 years of age, which will be June 27, 1827. 1822, Sept. 7. Indentures between the Inhabitants of Weston and Samuel Hill of Sullivan, State of Maine, lo apprentice Caroline Sanderson Stearns, daughter of Mary Stearns until 18 years of age, which will be July 28'i 1830. [There are two of these.] 1823. Feb. 17. Indenture. To bind out to Samuel Rice of East Sud bury, James Walker, son of Daniel Walker for three years, ending April 1, 1826. 1824, March 1. Indenture. To bind out to Swift Leadbetter, Albert Harrington until the ninth day of May 1827, when he would be of the age of fourteen years. March 6, 1826, the above Indenture was transferred to Paul Loker. 1825, Feb. 7. Indenture. To bind to Mary Hartwell of Bedford a child called by the name of Maria White, daughter of Mary Stearns, until the ninth of May 1836, when she will be 18 years of age. On the back of this is written " Indenture given up. Mary While since bound lo Obed Stearns, Bedford." 396 TOWN RECORDS. 1829, May 6. Indenture. To bind out to Amos Hartwell of Bedford a child known by the name of Curtis White, until the seventeenth day of April 1836, when he will be sixteen years of age. APPENDIX J. Schools. Beport of a Committee for taking a Census, &c, — 1805. " The subscribers, a committee chosen for the purpose of enquiring into the state of the schools and of devising Avays for to equalise the means of education in the several districts in said Town, submit for your con sideration the following report, viz. That they have agreeably to a vote of the Town taken a Census of all the Children from four to eighteen years old, also all under the age of four years, and find the whole nuraber to araount to five hundred Sa thirteen of which four hundred & Iavo are between four & eighteen years old, and belong to the several districts as follows viz. To the N. E. district 97 the N W district 56 the W. C. district 73 to the E. C. district 72 the S E district 67 and to the S W district 37. Your Comraittee upon viewing the disparity of the several districts in point of numbers, are of opinion that some other mode than has hereto fore been, aught to be adopted to render the means of education more equal, to effect which they propose for your adoption the following plan viz. That forty five should be considered as a school in each district, and that all above that number every three should be considered as equal to two, and find upon that principal that the reduced number of all the dis tricts amount to 363 of which 80 belong to the N. E. district and are entitled to draw from the treasury out of the $750 dollars already granted Dol. 164..38 ^ 53 To the N W District and are &c — — — 108.. 90 ^f| 64 To the W. C. District and are &c — — — 131..50 fff 63 To the E. C. District (fe are &c — — — 129. .45 j|| 60 To the S. E District, Sa are &c — — — 123.. 28 ||| 45 To the S. W District & are &c _ _ _ 092..46 |^f which sums when added make the aforesaid sum of — 750.. 00 . . . Frora various testiraony, the Committee are of opinion, that the school- house in the N. E. district is not large enough lo accomidale so great a number of ScoUars as are contained in said district; But considering the diversity in opinion of the inhabitants thereof, some wishing for an enlargement of the house already built others for a division of the dis- appendix j.- ¦SCHOOLS. 397 trict & to have another house built, are of opinion that it would not be best to make any alteration this season Weston May 27"': 1805 John Slack ] Sam' Fiske I Amos Bancroft V Committee Ebenezer Hobbs | Benj" Rand J " [This report was rejected. See page 23. — Ed.] Capt. Isaac Jones Acct. against the town. — 1811. The Town of AVeston to Isaac Jones To Sund[r]y articles and Time Spent as one of the Committee appointed by Said Town to Purchase Land and to Build a Schoolhouse in Said Town October 24 to the Exspence In Liquor &c 1782 at the Raising of of Said Schoolhouse 0.17.6 to 51/2 Bunches of Shingles at 13/4 — 3:13.4 to my Time Spent in Taking down tbe old School house and Fixing a Place for the New oue 12 — 0 12.0 to one lb of Chalk 1/8 0.1.8 Novb'25 to Iron for a man[t]letrce 20/10 1:0:10 to one Thousand Shingles 14/ 0.14.0 to one half day Labour of my men 2/6 0: 2.6 to 450 Brick at 12/ 0.12:0 to one Qt W' Rum did Col". Lamson 0.2.0 22 Paid Mrs VA'illing[ton] for Nails Pick' up at the old school ' 0.2.6 Paid M'. Breed for Nails drawn from the old house 0.3.0 Decb'4 tol/2Mof 10"-Nails— 10/ 0.10.0 to 2 M Shingle Nails al 7/6 0.14: 0 9 to 10 lb of Putty at 2/ lb 1.0:0 18 to 960 feel of Bords and Plank 3.4.10 to Bringing the above from Boston 15/ 0 15 0 to 4 M of 10" Nails 0 10.0 20 to 1/2 M of 10" Nails 0.10.0 Jan'. 20 to Cash Paid Mess". Ebenezer Eaton and C For a 1783 Note Given for the school house Land 12 0.0 to the Inlrist of Said Note from to June 3" 1782 8/11 0.8.11 27:14:1 Jan"". 13 Cl — Reeved of the Comraittee for Building 1783 the Center School house 180/ by an order on Jonas Sanderson £9.0 0 398 TOWN RECORDS. The Copy of an Account Given in for Building the Center Schoolhouse. Jan_r 27 1783 To cash Paid Daniel Slraton 10.13.6 Paid to Benjamin Peirce 1.0.0 to Benjamin Rand 6:19.9 to James Stimson Jw 19.10.0 Paid Benjamin Rand for Window Frames 3.12:0 Isaac Jones in Part 9:0.0 as by their accounts Exhibited 50.15.3 Col" Lamsons account 14:13-6 Thomas Rand Ju'' 1.15.0 Jonathan Fisk 1.16.0 Major Jon' Hail 1.10:0 Hezekiah Wyman 0.19.0 Simeon Smith 1.9 0 Benj". Peirce 1.0 6 Enoch Greenleaf Esq'^ 0.14.0 Isaac Smith 1.1.0 Daniel Livermore 4.0.0 Joseph Russell 5-0-0 Mrs Anna Biglow 0-18.0 Elli Jones 1-2 0 Isaac Jones account which was Toward Cl the School house for Carting Bord and Plank — omited being carred out in the ¦ by one order on The Treseur 50-0-0 by one or[d]er on d" — 50-0 0 26-1-4 15 26.16:4 86:13:4 113:9.8 86:13 3 1812. Letters from Isaac Jones conceening the Building of the West Centee School House in 1783. Dear Sir - AVeston May 16 — 1812 I exspect you was surprised at May meeting at the Report or Rather at the opponion of Two of the Committee appointed to Examine my account Sao against The Town In Stead of allowing me my Just dues which the Town was owing of rae They say There is a Large Ballance of Between Seven and Eight Pounds Now in the Committees hands which Belongs to the Town If that is True or Not True I think theres No Hon- nest man But what will wish To have the matter Lookt into I think If that is a Fact The Town ought to have that money with The Intrest Remited and Paid with the Intrest, If it is Not True the Gentlemen on APPENDIX J. SCHOOLS. 399 the Committee with me ought not lo have Their Charrectors Treated in Such a Vile mannor, it is unkind and Nolorously Wiked and ought to be Sett Right I supose they have made Some wrong Calculation in the matter; As it Stands Now it Looks Horred and Wicked; I have a Note of Twelve Pounds Avhich the Committee Gave messrs Daniel and Ebn^ Eatons for the Land the School house was Built upon I will write you a coppy of it I Exspect the Committee did Not Consider it as a Part of the account; For Value Reeved we the Subscribers Promise to Pay messrl Daniel and Hben^ Eatons or order Twelve Pounds Lawful Silver Money on demand Signed Isaac Jones Sam'' Lamson Weston June 3 — 1782 Jonthan Fisk Entered on the Back as Follows Reeved of Isaac Jones one of the Committee for Purchasing The School House Land the Contents of the within Note as Witness my hand Including Intrest for the Same Weston Jani' 21 — 1783 Sign" Eben5 Eaton on the above Note has Never Been Settled Besides there is an account Not Selled Justice is what I wish for Fall on whom it may I am with Respect yours Isaac Jones I Think I can Give a Suficint Reason for its Lying So Long from Records Miniles from % Given by Joseph Russell Esq' he Says over Paid, for the Schoolhouse £" — 9 — 7 That was a Sum Not drawn by the Committee which Remaind of the ^100 N B. My "/c was — 28 — 9—1 that Sum would Nol Pay me and the Committee wished me to Lay the % Before the Town and Gett an order for what Remained; P. S. the Committee all were Equally Concerned in the Note Given the Eatons — I Laid ihe % before the town and il was Not accepted [.] it Put it out of my Power to Take the Remainder of the orders and that with the Note of Twelve Pounds hard money and Nine Shillings Intrest has Remained to This day un Paid; Except Nine Pounds; which I Recv" by Discount of Taxes out of it 19 — 9 — 1 Due Besides the Intrest N. B If Mi Russell ment to Give in a Fair % he ought to Have In cluded the Hard money Note Given by the Committee for the School- house Land Not Paid ; which Note Never was any Part of it Paid other wise than Staled as above Nor any Part of the % I would Not Draw the Remainder of the order after the Town Refused my % I lookt upon it uniust [unjust] to do it 400 TOWN RECORDS. P. S The lown has had my Note Near 20 years I have exspected them to have Called on me for the money or lo have corae to a settle ment with me: But it has Been Neglected JSxcept Avhen I had orders there has Been Some Entries. I did Nol Exspect the Treasurer to Settle it for rre Nither did I ask him to do it Census. — 1812. A cencius of all the children in the several District frora four years of age lo Eighteen including all belonging in each district of the first day of May Eighteen hundred & twelve taken by us the subscribers Assessors for Weston the following is a correct list of each Districts Nathan Fiske Abraham Hews Jr Silas Gregory Assessors of Weston KORTH west DISTRICT Names of heads op familyes No Names of heads of familyes No Uriah Gregory — 2 Isaac Stratton — 2 Silas Gregory — 4 Seth Babcock — 1 Daniel Stratton — 2 Ira Draper — 2 Jedediah Thayer — 2 Samuel Sraith — 4 Phinehas Hager — 2 Edward Child — 4 Nathan Hager — 6 Daniel Berais — 3 Nathaniel Allen — 4 Alpheus Biglow — 3 Joseph Cheney — 1 Elish[a] Stratton — 2 44 "WEST CENTRE DISTRICT Names of heads of families No Names or heads of families No David Brackett — 1 Jonas Sanderson — 1 Isaac Brackett — 2 W2. Breed — 1 Isaac Jones — 2 .lonas Sanderson Jr — 5 Joseph Holbrook — 3 Ruth Mackey — 1 Jonas Green — 4 Joseph Parker — 2 W2 P. Jones — 2 Aaron Whittemore — 2 Henry Flagg — 2 Abraham Hews J'". — 7 Amos Wyman — 1 Isaac Fiske — 4 Joel Harrington — 2 Nathaniel Volentine — 5 Gregory Clark — 3 Amos Harrington — 1 Ephraim Livermore — 4 Isaac Gould — 1 Alpheus Biglow Jr — 8 Ralph Abrams — 2 66 Thaddeus Peirce — 5 APPENDIX J. SCHOOLS. 401 BAST CENTRE DISTRICT. Names of the heads of families No Names of the heads of families No Amos BroAvn — 3 Solomon Brymenl [Bryant] 1 George AV. Smith — 2 Amos Hobbs — 2 Anna Child — 2 Elijah Travers — 2 Daniel Smith — 1 Luther Harrington — 3 .Joel Smith Jn^ — 1 John Lamson — 4 Josiah Lawrence — 2 Josiah Farewell — 4 Lucretia Rand 4 Washington Peirce — 2 Abijah LTpham — 5 Samuel Fiske — 1 47 Doct. Samuel Kendall 3 Benj". Rand — — — 2 VV2 Andrews — 1 Eben^ Fisk — — — 5 AV2 Lawrence — 2 Benjamin Peirce — 2 54 SOUTH EAST DISTRICT. Names of the heads of families. No Names of the heads of families . No Daniel Stimson — 2 John Slack — 4 George Lyman — 2 Abiathar Jonson — 0 Sarah Morse — 4 Samuel Seaverns — 2 Daniel Clark — 2 Josiah Starr — 1 Moses Fuller — 1 Elijah Kingsbury — 4 Josiah Seaverns — 1 Nathan Upham — :i Paul Pratt — 4 Abigail Hager — 5 Josiah Hastings — 6 Cooper Garfield — 1 Jedediah Warren — 6 .John Davis — 4 AVilliam Spring — 3 Richard Cutter — 5 65 SOUTH "WEST DISTRICT Names of the heads of familys No Names of the heads of familys No Stephen Looker [Loker] — -lonathan Lovewell Samuel Lovewell Thomas Brown — Abijah Jones — Stephen Harrington Wm Bogle — Samuel Train — ? 3 22 2 21 Lucy Train — Joab Leadbutter — Abijah Fiske — John Roberts — Isaac Train — Betsey Train — 4 2 3 1 1 2 28 402 TOWN RECORDS. NORTH EAST DISTRICT Names of the heads of familuy No Names of the heads of familuy No Lol Bemis — ?. Charles Warren — 1 Thomas Biglow — 5 Jonathan AA''arren Jr"^ — 1 John Viles — 1 Convers Biglow — 1 Robert Calif — 1 Matthew Hobbs — 4 Daniel Warner — 2 Amos Sanderson — 4 Habbackuk Stearns — 3 Abijah Whitney — 6 Abner Russell — 5 John Cotting [Cutting] — 4 Cyrus Russell — 2 Nathan Warren — 6 Robert Fiske — 4 Jonas Hastings — 2 John Dudley — 5 Jonas Coburn — 2 Abijah Sanderson — 2 Nathan P'iske — 2 Thomas Jenkerson — 4 Gideon Wilhs — 2 Nathan Hobbs Jr! — 7 Aaron Child — 2 Ebenezer Hobbs — 4 Isaac Hobbs Jr' — 8 93 Petition foe dividing School Districts. — 1813. " To the Gentlemen Selectmen, of the town of Weston, We the Subscribers Inhabitants of said Weston, request you Gentle men to insert an Article in your AVarrant for March meeting, of the fol lowing tenor, viz. To hear the Petition and Proposals of sundry Persons belonging to the Northeast and Northwest Districts in said Weston, relative to making three Districts out of said two Districts, and to make the two School Houses which now are in said Districts, so as to accommodate two of the proposed three Districts, and lo erect a neAv School House for the third proposed District. Sac So prays your Petitioners Weston Feb^. &1 1813. Joseph Russell Thomas Jenkens Abijah Sanderson John Dudley CvTRUS Russell Abner Russell Nath": Allen Ira Draper Edward Child Elisha Stratton Isaac Steatton Jesse Cheney Joseph Cheney Sam' Smith Samuel Smith jj Daniel Bemis Abijah AVhitney- j.' Abijah Whitney- Amos Sandeeson Jonas Coburn Habakkuk Stearns [See pages 129, 131, 135, 137.] Report of Committee on Petition foe dividing School Disteicts. — 1813. " The Committee appointed by the toAvn to attend to the Petition of -Joseph Russell Esq & others requesting that the two North School Dis- appendix J. — schools. 403 tricts might be so divided as to make three school Districts, have attended thereto and beg leave to make the following statement. The Committee find that the whole number of minor children uuder the age of eighteen years in the town amount to 441 — aud are distrib uted in the several school Districts as folloAvs In the North East District — 115. — West Centre District— 84 East Centre District — 77 South East District — 78 North AV. District — 51 South W. District. — 39 — This number includes all uuder the age of 4 years as well as those above, 4, and under 18. — The}' also find that there are in the N. E. District 49 children that live a mile and upwards from the iiresent school- house, 12 of whom live 1 1/2 mile & upwards. — In the N. W. Dis trict 36 that live a mile Sa upwards from their school house : — In the E. C. Dis 16 that live a mile & upwards from their school house. — • In the W. C. District two that live a mile Sc upwards from their school house: — In the S. E District 34 thai live a mile & upwards from their school house: one of whom lives 2 miles, 13, one mile Sa three quarters <& 7 a mile «& half and upwards: In the S. W. District 24 children that live a mile & upwards from their school house, three of whom live two miles & 8 a mile & half and upwards: They also find that the money granted for the winter school the last year being $600, was apportioned, according to the principles — for several years practised upon by the town, which in the opinion of the Committee are equitable, and distributed as follows. To the N. E. District $134:09. N. W. District — 85:22 E. C. District — 89:79. W. C. District — 103:41 S. E. District — 102:27. S. W. District — 85:22. $600:00 — The Committee are of opinion that the children in the N. W. District are by no means too numerous for one school; that although their school house is situated at the extreme southerly part of the District, yet if a town way was laid out frora the corner of the roads leading to M'. I & E Strattons Sa Dan'. Bemis Sac lo the other road, near the dwelling house of Cap. Jed Thayer, the school house might be placed thereon so as to lessen the distance from their school house greatly of most of the Inhab itants of that District. — The Committee are further of opinion that the children in the N. E. 404 TOWN records. District are too numerous for one school Sc that many of them, in com mon with the children in other Districts in town, suffer some inconven ience frora the distance from the school house. And should the town be disposed lo divide this Districts it would accommodate 22 children in the easterly Sa 27 in the westerly part thereof that now travel a mile Sa upwards Sa convene the other parts of the District, & should that course be adopted M'. Russell will give a tract of land near Cap. Calefs to set a school house on Sa Deacon Biglow will give $10. John Dudley 8. Abijah Sanderson $8. Sc Abijah Whitney $10 ;athan Rand 11 Robert Harring W'". Stimson — 6 1 ton 3 2 Ezra Fisk 1 Luther Harrington Rebecca Child 10 Josiah Farwell Elbridge — 14 1 Charles — 8 3 Enoch — Isaac — 11 4 Alex'. Greely Nath' — 6 3 Mary — Sally Mosman 7 16 Amos Hobbs Hannah — 4 Sam'. M'=.Coy Alraira — 14 2 Frances — 6 Caroline — 9 Miranda Kendal • Cynthia 16 Martha — 5 Francis — 14 Abijah — 13 3 Pason 11 Wm _ 11 Wm Lawrence Jon". Stearns 17 Sarah Ann 4 Charies — 14 3 5 5 Sam' — Henry — William — Dana — 11 975 Hannah Child Hannah — 12 Mary Ann — 6 Francis [Frances] 4 2 John Lamson Miranda — David A. Widow Rand 1313 Sol". Bryant 3 AVhiting — 13 George Mosman 11 Cyras Smith 1 John'Moral 4 Elisha Child Abijah Upham 2 1 Betsey — 13 2 Joel Smith Je. Isaac Parker Henry Smith 11 5 George W. Smith Eliza Child Aaron Bracket 9 17 Joel — Mirick — Harriot — 11 97 Benjs Peirce Maria Pigeon 17 5 Abijah — 5 Mary 16 3 Aron Whitemore Mary Mosman 8 Josiah Lawrence Wm 9 2 Elijah — 10 Mary. A. 7 Benj" — Rand Jo[s]eph — 6 3 Caroline 5 Rebekah — 11 Isaac 4 1 3 57 412 TOWN RECORDS. South East District. Jedediah Warren Marshal — 8 W™ Spring 8 Sally - 15 Francis — 6 Warren — 6 Maria — 13 5 3 Nahum 11 Cooper Garfield Amos — 10 Horace Stearnes John Davis Joel — 8 1 Lydia Davis 15 Elisha — 6 Lydia Upham Hannah — 13 Amos — 14 John — 8 Abiathar Jonson Artemas — 15 Charles — Nathan — Eliza — 4 Elijah Kingsbury Sally — Elijah — 1210 8 3 Joseph Dudley Timothy — 14 Lucy — 15 Betsey — Charles — Mary — 12 10 8 16 14 Pally Winch 2 Paul Pratt 12 5 Betsey — 13 Lucy — 17 John Slack John — 11 George — 14 Granville — 15 4 Hannah — 11 Betsey Ives 13 Josiah Starr Charles — 6 Ezra AVhilny 5 Catherine Eustis 16 Sam' — 5 3 [1] Josiah Hastings 5 Richard Cutter Wm Proclor 17 Moses Fuller Abigail — 15 Wm H. — 14 Loisa Fuller 15 Martha — Maria — George — 1311 8 Henry — Sally — 12 9 Mary Demming 2 13 4 Sam' Severns Dan'. Stimson Daniel Clark Alvin Fuller 1 Dan'. Sanderson 15 Dan' Stimson Jr 9 Daniel — Susan — Wm — 97 6 i Sarah Morse Phebe — 17 Sally — 3 7 3 Sophia — Alpheus — 1311 Abijah Coburn Daniel Read 14 Abigail Hagar Sally — 8 1 Jacob — 17 4 Amasa — 12 Wm. Spring 63 Lydia — 10 E Parker — 17 [1] South West Disteict Widow Train [Lucy] Swift Ledbetter Sam' Lovell Aron — 11 Artemas Smith Ruth — 16 George — 8 I Abigail — 13 3 James Prat 5 Widow Betsey Train Sam' — 11 Stephen Loker William — 12 Otis — Betsey — 15 13 4 W" Bogle Phinhas — 7 2 Mary I;iverraorc 12 2 Thomas Brown Darius Haws — 6 Abijah Fisk Almira — 17 2 Sereno — 12 Adolphus — 13 — 1 Joab Ledbetter 2 Stephen Harringto u 21 Susan Ann — 6 Benj" Underwood 16 Henry — 5 Nancv — 13 2 2 ¦ APPENDIX J. SCHOOLS. 413 N E. District — — 94 N. W - d" _ _ 46 W. C - d'> _ _ 69 add 2 at Biglow's & 1 at John Flagg 's— 72 E. C - d° — — 57 S. E - d° — — 63 S. W - do — — 21 350 Total 3 353 Nathan Fiske "f Assessors Daniel Claek v of Nath^. Allen ) Weston [One at Josiah Starr's S. E. District seems not to have been counted. — Ed,] Repoet on condition of School Houses. — 1816. The Committee appointed lo view and examine the state of the school houses in Weston have attended lo that subject and beg leave to make the following report; They find the school house in the East Center District is out of repair in the internal part only Sa that il is necessary that some small repairs should be made lo the writing benches, seals, desk & fioor. — They would also slate that the school house in the south west District is out of repair both externally and internally, & should it be thought expedient to repair the house, that it will be necessary lo shingle the whole of the roof Sa to patch the clapboarding, Sa als to repair the seals, floor (& stove in the internal part: — they would further slate that the school house is very sraall, though large enough to accommodate all the scholars in the district, which according to the census for four years past average twenty six only between the age of four & eighteen; that it is inconvenient in its construction, the ceiling and windows being much too low & the windows too small & the seats inconvenient; — The Com mittee have thought proper to make this statement as they were divided in opinion upon the subject of repairing or rebuilding; one or the other of which is absolutely necessary. — [Then follows on the same sheet a Report concerning the state of the work house, to which is subjoined the following : — Ed.] all which is submitted by Nathan Hagae ~\ Weston May 6''. 1816 — Abijah Fiske ( Committee Isaac Fiske \ See page 207 414 town records. Report of Committee on the State of School Houses, appointed March 1822. The Committee appointed on the fourth of March last to examine into the State of School houses in the town of Weston, have attended thereto & beg leave to report, that the school houses in said town do not want any repairs but what comes within the ordinary powers of the Selectmen; except the school house in the west Centre District: the school house in that district is out of repair, in the internal part espe cially: — the Desk Sc part of the benches must be rebuilt; — part of the windows must be made new Sa also the inner Door: — There is not sufli oient room to accomodate the scholars in the District: the seasts are too narrow & the writing Desks are loo near together & cannot be made otherwise without enlarging the house: — But they find the other parts ofthe house to be in pretty good stale; the timbers to be perfectly sound, & the clapboarding Sa shingling in good order. The committee are of opinion that it is necessary, & therefore would recommend, that eight feet be added to one side of the house; an additional porch for wood; that two new windows be put in, & one new door, that a new Desk for the master be made & that new benches & writing Desks be pul in, when the old ones will not answer the purpose. They have not been able to ascertain the precise expense of the addition Sa repairs ; but from the best calculation they have been able to make are opinion that the ex- peuse would be from $150 to $175. — Isaac Fiske Ebenezer Hobbs Alpheus Bigelow Jr. Abijah Coburn LUTHEE HAEEINGTON marked — Voted to accept the report See page 294 A List of Scholaes in the West Centre Disteict, with theie Ages, taken May^ 1st. 1826. — James BiUings 14 years Benj". Pierce — 6 At Benjamin Almira Pierce 4 Pierce's [Peirce] Joseph W. Spring Tho\ B. Jones — 16 4 Marshall Jones Jaraes Goldsbury Harriet Cox — 16 16 Benj. James Martha Brackett. 7 Emeline Brackett 5 Isaac Brackett Charies Tillon — 15 appendix j. SCHOOLS. 415 ¦George Fiske — 12 Susan Fiske — 10 Andrew Fiske — 8 Edward Fiske — 6 Catharine Brigham 13 Caroline Collier 13 Joseph L Field 7 Charlotte M Field 4 ¦George Hastings 13 Horatio Hews — 16 Horace Hews — 10 Abigail Jones 15 Edward Jones — 11 Andrew Jones — 11 Isaac Fiske Maria Whittemore 13 Ira AVhittemore 11 Elizabeth Whittemore 8 .James Whittemore 6 William Swift 14 Eliza Handley — 14 Abijail Sanderson 16 •George Sanderson 4 Edward Carter 13 Susan Brown 17 Mary A. T. Bigelow 11 Elizabeth H Bigelow 10 ¦Charlotte Bigelow 8 Alpheus H. Bigelow 7 Theoda Cutting 15 Jerusha Cutting 10 Harriet Cutting 7 Sally Livermore 17 Joseph Frederick 13 Daniel LoveweU 17 Martha Sawin 14 Luther Lawrence 13 Harriet Pepper 5 Joseph Field Abraham Hews Willm. P. Jones Ira Whittemore Ruth Mackey Jonas Sanderson J'. Widow Holbrook. Alpheus Bigelow J'. Ephraim Cutting Ephraim Livermore Gregory Clark Joseph Sawin Lydia Livermore Benjamin Pepper 416 TO'WN RECORDS. Eliza Pierce 14 Thaddeus Pierce Andrew Damon 17 Abraham Hunter Sumner Boden '5 Lucy Flagg Charlotte Cutter Cordelia Cutter Louisa Cutter Frances Culter 15 12 4 8 Ammi Cutter Whole N'>. 54. taken May 1"'. 1826 by Benjamin James A census of the Children in the Northeast District belonging to the families hereafter mentioned from 4 to 18 years of age viz — To John Cuttings' Jesse Viles Nathan Hobbs's Cynthia C — 15 Jesse 3l — 7 Lydia — 17 Abia C — 12 John S — 5 Tho''. J — 15 Amilia C — 10 Amanda Jones — 6 Marshal C — 7 Jonathan Warren J Silas Gregory J'. - -17 Mary — 14 Tho^ Jenkins's Josiah Sraith — 15 William W — 12 Abr? — 15 Joseph Whitney - -14 Andrew — Rufus — 10 7 Jon". B — 11 John Warren Cutting's Jonas Weston — 17 At Merriam 's Abner Wilson — 17 Josiah Kand — 16 W-" Davis — 16 Amos Sanderson's \mns .Inn' — 17 Charles Bemis's Emely — 17 HenJ Hobbs's Sophia — 16 Adeline Susan — Otis — Harriot — 15 13 11 y Charles — Dexter — Jane — 1512 8 Charles F — James — Curtis — 141210 Roval — Eli" — 6 10 Alfred — 8 Russel Proctor — 4 Abijah Whitney's Maria Whitney — Caleb S — — -14 12 Nathan AVarren's Jn'. Franklin Merriam 17 Sewall Fiske's Alonso — 7 Susan Davis — 12 Elias Patch's George Gearfield's W2 Patch — 8 Charles Weston's George Ji — 6 Maria AVeston — 6 Cynthia — 4 W'" Hastings' Dexter — 4 Charles Warren's Percis — 14 Eben' H Sraith Catherine Adams 1713 Milton Daggett Caroline — 7 Charles Juni — 12 Lyman — 5 Joseph W — 10 Fi-ancis Gearfield's Rebeckah 8 Gilbert Maynard - -17 Benj". Dudley's George AV 6 Miranda Gerfield - -5 Edwin Byam — 16 appendix k. WARRANT. 417 Widow Sanderson's Russell Abnur's Susan Ann — 11 Moses Sanderson 10 [Abner Russell's] Lucy — 10 Eunice -^ 16 Harriot — 11 John Dudley's Amelia A — 11 Edward — 5 Janie — 16 Whitney — 14 Convarse Biglow's Isaac Hobbs's Isaac Sanderson's Edwin — Augustus — 1714 Aaron Baley — 14 Jane — 13 Sophia — 11 Sarah — 11 Robert Fiske's Isaac — 9 Jonas Coburn' s Robert Fiske j: 11 Augustus — 5 Amelia J [Emily] 17 Orilla Fiske — 17 Robert Harrington 17 Jonas — 16 Isaac — 14 Whol[e] number 84 Re". May 28. 1826 I. Fiske town clek APPENDIX K. Warrant feom the State Treasueer. — Tax for 1824 Commonwealth of Massachusetts Nahum Mitchell Esq — Treasurer and receiver General of said Commonwealth — To the Sheriff of the County Middlesex or his Deputy — By virtue of an Act of the General Court of said Commonwealth, passed the twenty first day of February 1824 there was assessed on the town of Weston, the sum of two hundred seventy dollars & fifty cents being said towns proportion of an Assessment laid on the whole com monwealth by the Act aforesaid; And whereas the inhabitants of said town have for the space of five months, from the 1'' of May 1824 neglected to choose assessors to assess said tax, and to cause the assessment there of to be certified lo the Treasurer of the Commonwesdlh as by law re quired, and there having been paid by the Selectmen oue hundred fifty dollars only, leaving yel due one hundred and twenty dollars 50/100 — Wherefore, in obedience to a law of the Commonwealth aforesaid passed the 26"' day of Feby 1794 Sa renewed the 25"' Feby 1800, and by virtue of the power, and authority to me given, you are hereby required to collect the aforesaid sura of one hundred and twenty Dollars Sa fifty cents, by distress, and sale of the estates real or personal, of any Inhab itant or Inhabitants of said [Town] and to pay the same into the Trea sury ofthe Comraonwealth, observing such rules and regulations as are by law provided for satisfying Warrants against deficient Collectors of 418 TOWN RECORDS. Public Taxes: and make return of this Warrant in ninety days from this date — Given under my hand and seal at Boston this 12"' day of July in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and twenty six — Nahum Mitchell Treasi (Copy-) Attest, Nath Austin Sheriff [A verhatini warrant was sent Feb. 1, 1827. — Ed.] ERR^T^. Page 23, line 5, for see read See. 16, for (— ) read (. — ). 14, for Bridge'' s read Budge's. 20, tor $3.44 read 3:44. 33, for (10?) read (10':). 13, after then insert made. 14, for Iasac read Isaac. 5, after me place a period. 29, sixth, mistake of town clerk tor fifth. 14, 1802, mistake of lown clerk for 1822, 22, for gentleman read Gentleman, 7, for on read or. 12, for (;) read (:). 13, for Duties read duties, 10, after us place a period. 23, for Danel read Dani'\_e'\l. 24, after Fiske place a comma. 18, after Smith remove the period. 1, for Year read year. 23, alter age place &, 38, for Catherine read Catharine, 32 (( (( (( i( " 408, for Macumbo read Mecumbo, " 410, for Flagar read Flager, " 411, line 35, for Benj" read Benj". " 412, "• 17, for Catherine read Catharine, " 47, " 49, " 52, " 62, " 66, " 86, " 99, " 113, " 117, " 120, " 125, " 159, " 159, " 187, " 225, " 236, " 261, " 310, " 333, " 405, " 408, INDEX OF NAMES. [As nearly as possible, uames and titles belonging to tbe same individual have been brought together. A few variations of spelling, mere blunders, have been disregarded. A dash placed between two numbers indicates that the name ia found on all the included pages. The names include many who were not townspeople. — Ed.] Abbott, John, 296, 311. Abrams, Ralph, 42, 59, 62, 76, 216. 400, 407, 410. Stephen, 42, 69, 62, 75, 76, 128, 142, 164, 286. Adams, Catherine, 416. Horatio, 410. Joseph, 102. Josiah, 296, 372. Lois, 200. , 390. Allen, Achsa, 410. Greorge, 410. Horatio, 320, 336, 348, 349, 410. Joseph, of Worcester, 10. Otis, 410. Nathaniel, 22, 32, 41, 42, 59, 82, 83, 84, 92, 95, 130, 138, 142, 163, 168, 178, 184, 187, 196, 199, 208, 209, 210, 211, 224, 235, 236, 238, 239, 250, 253, 260, 261, 265, 276, 279, 362, 365, 381, 382, 4UII, 402, 407, 410, 413. Priscilla, 369. William, S49. Ames, Levi, 68. . J ) Emeline, 411. Andrew ' ' Andrews .J William, 94. 105, 136, 148, 401, 407, 411. Archbald, Nancy, 215. Atherton, Lemuel B., 377. Atwood, Jeremiah, 349. Austin, Benjamin, 254, 266. Nath., 418. Nathaniel, Jr., 100. William, 230, 282, 296, 311. Babcock, George, 251, 273. Seth, 42, 59, 294, 400, 407. Bacon, Ebenezer, 10. John, 11. Jonathan, 383. 384. Thompson, 324. Baker, Jacob, 245. Baldwin, Cyrus, 324. John, 372. Loammi, 18, 91, 107, 108, 115, 132, 144. Baley, Aaron, 417. Ballard, Ebenezer, 28, 49. Samuel, 406. Bancroft, Amo«, 8, 9, 21, 22, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 36, 37, 38,89, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 46 47, 48, 50, 51, 62, 53, 54, 66, 68, 61, 66, 66, 67, 83, 88, 89, 392, 397. James, 4. William A , 379. Barker, William 8., 321, 344. Barn, William, 113. Barnard, Hezekiah, 331. Barrett, Joseph, 377, 378. Oliver, 142. Widow [Samuel?], 369. Bartlett, Bailey, 10. Josiah, 115, 132, 144, 203. Samuel,30, 99, 277, 288. Barton, Charles, 172. Baylies, William, 330. Berais, Abijah, 409. ) Abraham, 245, 366, 367, 381, 385, 386. I A., 382, 387. Betsey, 409. Charles, 108, 260, 264, 276, 291, 348, 349, 406, 408, 416. Charles [Jr.], 418. Daniel, 42, 364, 400, 402, 403, 407, 409. Daniel, 406, 409. Dexter, 416. Eh, 416, I Emala, 406. \ Emely, 418. (Emily, 408. Faney, 406, See Phany. Henry, 409. Isaac, Jr., 324. Jane, 416. Joseph, 409. Leonard, 410. Lot, 3, 27, 40, 68, 139, 226, 268, 402, 406, 408. Mary, 408. Nathaniel, 13. Phany, 408. See Faney. Royal, 416. Seth, 394. Benjamin, Stephen, 367. Bent, William H., 90. 1 Biglow, I Bigelow, ) Abraham, 61, 124, 370, 378. ) A., 373. "Alpheus, 13, 21, 22, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 36, 37, 39, 40, 42, 43, 44, 46, 47, 48, 49, 60, 59, 82, 84, 92, 96, 178, 200, 264, 808, 400, 407, 409. Alpheus, Capt., 130, 196, 226, 251, 349. Alpheus, Jr., 106, U2, 127, 130, 139, 140, 142, 160, 167, 176, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 189, 190, 191, 192, 199, 200, 201, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 221, 222, 228, 232, 236, 238, 239, 274, 276, 293, 294, 308, 310, 383, 335, 337, 343, 344. 349, 364, 857, 363, 388, I 389, 400, 407, 410, 411, 413, 414, 415. (.Alpheus, 176, 368. Alpheus H., 416. Anna, Mrs., 398. Augustus, 417. Charles, 406, 409. Charlotte, 415. Converse, 61, 69, 83, 96, 111, 139, 163, 188, 187, 198, 261, 298, 818, 320, 846, 348, 349, 350, 375, 377, 402, 405, 408, 417. Edward, 408. Edwin, 417. Elijah, 411. Elizabeth H., 416. Eunice, 200. (419) 420 INDEX OF NAMES. i Biglow, i Bigelow, Francis, 406, George, 400. Isaac, 321, 406, 409. Lucy, 245. Maria, 409. Marshal, 406, 409. Mary Ann H., 179. Mary A. T., 415. Orilla, 406, 409. Sophia, 417. Timothy, 4,11,29,44, 64. f Thomas, 3, 21, 27, 40, 42, 43, 49, 51, 69, I 83, 95, no, 114, 115, 119, 121, 123, 124, 125, 126, 129, 130, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 139, 140, 141, 143, 144, 146, 147, 149, 162, 164, 165, 161, 162, 166, 182, 188, 236, 289, 262, 275, 309, 866, 369, 388, 385, 402, 405, 406, 409. Thomas,Dea,, 110,125,127, 128, 142,160, 163, 164, 367, 404. Thomas, Capt., 68. Thomas, Jr., 164, 166, 161, 188, 197. Tyler, 327, 329, 346, 349. Washington, 406, 409. William, 270. Billings, Emerson, 410. James, 51, 216, 250, 251, 253, 264, 282, 291, 293, 302, 303, 407, 410. James [Jr.], 414. John, 410. Blanchard, William, 324. Blodgett, Jonathan, 262. Boden, Sumner, 416. Bogle, William, 3, 42, 59, 82, 84, 92, 94, 97, 99, 100, 103, 104, 106, 110, 131, 1 67, 207, 228, 260, 264, 309, 384, 386, 401, 404, 407, 412. Boiles, Henry, 410. Bond, Abigail, 28. Amos, 54, 70, 85, 100. Molly, 234. Bowdoin, James, 11. Bower, (Jharles, 57. Boyd, Wm. R. B , 70, 71, 105, 407, 410. Brackett, Aaron, 177, 411. Betsey, 410. David, 40, 42, 59, 83, 251, 400, 407, 410. David [Jr ],410. Ebenezer, 3, 13, 40, 42. Emeline, 414. George, 85. Ira, 46. Isaac, 88,95,112, 128,196, 197, 226, 236,237,261, 258, 262, 264, 276, 291,305, 307,308, 311, 312, 313, 317,319, 320,321, 322, 323, 325, 828, 330, 332, 334, 835, 336, 338, 340, 341, 342, 346, 318, 350, 375, 382, 387, 400, 40.7, 410, 414. Lucinda, I'lO. Martha, 414. Michael G., 377, 410, Bradford, Alden, 852. Breed, ( William, 59, 120, 217, 400. j , 397. Brewer, Rufus, 376. BridgS, Ebenezer, 6, 17, 18, 29, 30, 86, 44, 64. Elizabeth, 49. See Errata. Bally, 393. Matthew, 70, 83, 100, 115. Brigham, Catherine, 415. Brindley, , 384. Bryant, Artemas, 117. Solomon, 42, 59, 234, 401, 407, 411. Brown, Adolphus, 281, 412. Almira, 412. Amos, 401. Charles, 316. 226, 315,326, Brown, Elizabeth, 208, 288. ( Ephraim, 866, 381, 882. j E., 367. John, 28. Joseph, 367. Marshall, 260, 291. Nathan, 334, 876, 377, 378. Nathaniel, 886. Samuel, 95, 127, 128. Samuel, of Boston, 124. Susan, 415. Thomas, 1, 8, 7, 21, 27, 32, 40, 41,42, 48, 51, 69. 67, 70, 78, 96, 111, 142, 196, 199, 207, 216, 217, 225, 288, 239, 251, 263, 261, 262, 279, 280, 281, 293, 321, 322, 348, 360, 365, 384, 401, 407, 412. Brooks, Eleazer, 10. Daniel, 324. John, 70, 169, 203, 280, 240, 254, 266, 282, 295. Nathan, 340. Buckminster, Lawson, 376, 394. Bucknam, Asa, 160. Sylvester, 373. Budge, Elizabeth (See Errata, 49), 52, 68. Bullard, Eli, 390. Jotham, 388. 389. Butler, Caleb, 297, 299, 311, 350, 374, 377, 379, 380. Byam, Edwin, 416. Calder, Mary, 62. Calef ) I Robert, 97, 229, 371. Calif i ) Capt., 402, 404, 406. Mrs., 875. Campbell, James, 28. Canada, Vera, 349. Carter, Edward, 416. John, 849. Carver, Capt., 8, 62. Reuben, 14, 82, 85, 42, 48, 69, 66, 68, 72, 73, 77, 80, 81, 87, 91, 149, 150, 182. Reuben, Jr., 150. Cenedy, John, 142. Chandler, John, 889. Nathan, 339. Champney, Samuel, 172. Cheeney, I Anna, 64. Cheney, \ Benjamin F., 409. Gilbert N., 409. Jesse, 82, 42, 69, 402. Joseph, 42, 59, 64, 67, 82, 88, 94, 111, 118, 139, 142, 163, 164, 167, 199, 236, 263, 261, 270, 279, 293, 308, 318, 336, 837, 400, 402, 407, 409. Oliver, 408. Sukey, 64. Child, Aaron, 402, 408, 409. Aaron [Jr.], 409. Abigail, 409. ' Anna, 401. Anna, Widow, 407. Hannah, 411. Edward, 21, 42, 59, 64, 84, 225, 228, 264, 293, 308, 400, 402, 407, 409. Elisha, 411. Eliza, 411. Pninces, 411. Hannah, 411 . Jane, 409. Mary , 406, 409. Mary, 409. Mary Ann, 411. Nathan, 42, 44, 45, 59, 369. Nathan, 406. Nathan, of Boston, 156. Rebecca, 411. Bophia. 409. , 294. INDEX OF NAMES. 421 Clark, Aaron, 164, 407. Charles, 148. Charles, 410. Daniel, 13, 21, 27, 41, 42, 62, 59, «2, 95, 110, 114, 115, 119, 121, 123, 124, 126, 126,127,128,129,130, 131, 134, 136, 138,1411,141,143, 144, 146, 147, 149, 162, ln4, 165, 157, 161, 162,163, 166, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 188, 193, 198, 199, 2C17, 221, 224, 235, 238, 239, 246, 263. 383, 385, 401, 407, 412, 413. Daniel, Jr., 412 Emily 176, 177.410. Gregory, 2iVj, 238, 291, 350, 357, 400, 407, 410,41.'.. Gregory [Jr.], 410. Maria, 410. Susan, 412. William, 412. Clemence, Alpheus, 148. Cobb, David, lo, 63, 69, 86. Coburn, c Amelia J., 417. J Emala 406. I Emily. 409. Abijah, 128, 139, 164, 228, 253, 261, 264, 276, 279, 294, 308, 321, 322, 387, 347, 349, 350, 368, 369, 361, 407, 412, 414. Edward, 417. Harriot, 417. Isaac, 417. Jonas, 27. 42, 49, 69, 142, 164, 167, 196, 197, 202, 203, 204, 206, 219, 220, 224, 226,227, 229. 231, 2.33, 234,235,238, 241, 243, 248, 249, 252, 264, 266, 267, 259, 263, 322, 347, 360, 351, 852, 364, 356, 868, 359, 366, 402, 406, 409, 417. Jonas [Jr.], 409, 417. Lucy, 417. Susan Ann, 417. William, 250, 306, 336, 336. Cole, Sarah A., 410. Collier, Ciroline, 415. Conant, .Vbraham, 371, 372. Isaac. 320. Oliver, ,0, 42, 69, 111, 156, 201, 229, 260, 407. Coolidge, Isaac, 78, 384. Corey, , 387, 388, 389, 390. Cornwall, , Mrs., 21. Cotting, see Cutting. Cox, Artemas, 393. Amos, 410. Anna, 393. Elisha, 393. Harriot, 895, 414. Joseph. 244. Cranston, Joel, 296, 811, 380. Crowninshield, Benj. W., 240, 254. Cummings, Elisha, 223. Cushing, Col. Edmund, 831. Leonard W., 350. Cutter, Abigail. 412. Ammi, 416. Charles, 111, 251, 253, 291, 308, 349, 350. Charlotte, 416. Cordelia, 416. Frances, 416. George, 412 Jonas, 2.39, 291, 306, 308, 320, 322, 336, 337, 349, 860. Louisa, 416. Maria, 412. Martha, 412. Richard. 32, 40, 42, 48, 69, 67, 83, 84, 95, 112,126,131, 139, 161, 168, 164, 167, 175, 176,177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 188, 184, 185, 186, 187, 189, 190, 191, 192, 196, 199, 201, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 286, 250, 260, 276, 343, 401, 404, 408, 412. Cutting and Cotting, Abia, 416. Amilia, 416. Cynthia, 416. Daniel, 405, 408. Ephraim, 281, 415. Gilbert, 406, 408. Harriet, 416. Jerusha, 416. Lewis, 405, 408. Marshall, 416. John, 42, 69,96, 199, 226, 244, 836, 337, 348, 349, 350, 377, 386, 387, 402, 405, 408. 416. (.John W., 405, 408, 416. ( John, Jr., 321. Theoda, 416. Dadman, Nathan, 142. Daggett, Carlos, 226, 286. Caroline, 416. Ebenezer, 76 Lvman, 416. Milton, 383, (872?), 416. Dame, A. A., 175. Damon, Andrew, 416. Josiah, 280. Dana, Col., 379, 880. Nancv, 409. SamnVl, 18, 29, 44, 54, 70, 86, 100, 115, 149, 153, 230, 273, 296, 311, 824. Dane, Nathan, 124. Davis, Hannah, 401, 408, 412. Jonathan, 330. .John, of Barnstable, 11. John, 21. 42, 52, 69, 84, 112, 142, 412. John, [Jr.], 412. ( Joseph, Jr., 372. 1 Joseph, 374. Lemuel, 291. Lydia, 412. Susan, 416 William, 416. , 387, 888, 889. Daniels, Arsmus, 42, 48, 61, 59. Dean. Joseph, 11. Dearborn, Henry, 230. Demming. Mary, 412. Derby. John, 83. Nancy Archbald, 245. Robei-t, 310, .i36, 849. Samuel G., 236, 244, 318, 348, 369. Dexter, Sarauel, 144, 169, 203, 371. Dickey. IraS.. 336. Dodd, John, 410. Dow, Levi, 408. Draper, Abijah, 348, 409. Elizabeth, 274. Foster, 386. Ira, 75, 79, 82, 94, 96, 118, 128, 130, 1.31, 139, 160, 226, 228, 273, 274, 291, 293, 822, 350, 400, 402, 407, 409. Ira, Jr,, 88. 274. Nabby. 274. Rufus F., 409. Drury, Abel. 883. Dudley, Benjamin, 367, 381. iienjamin, 336, 376, 416. Caroline, 406, 409. Hariot, 406, 409. ( Francis K., 321, 409. ( Kitteredge, 406. I Jane, 409. ( Janie, 417. John, 3, 13, 42, 69, 66, 67, 68, 83, 112, 128, 139, 197, 225, 226, 245, 261, 262, 306, 350, 366, 369, 371, 402, 404, 406, 406,409,417. John, Jr., 406. Joseph, 41.i. 422 INDEX OF NAMES. Dudley, Lucy, 412. Mary, 406, 409. Samuel, 97, 381. Susan, 406, 409. Whitney, 417. , 374. Duffey, Peter. 406. Dutton, David, 223. Eager, Uriah, 34S. Eaton, Daniel, 399. Ebenezer, 397,399. WiUiara, 376. Endicott, John, 331. Eustis, Catherine, 412. WiUiara, 266, 282, 295, 311, 324. Everett, Edward, 381, 369. Farley, John, 11. Farmer, Gilbert. 379. Farnsworth. See Francforth. Chandler, 57. Farwell, Charles, 411. Josiah, 42, 59, 111, 401, 411. Mary, 411. Fay, Jonathan, 370. Samuel 1'. P., 169, 203, 230, 240, 248, 254, 266, 273, 282. Felch, Nathaniel 391. Fergusaon, William, 316. Fessenden, Inman, 209, Field, Charlotte M., 416. Joseph, Jr., Rev.. 157, 158, 159, 160, 171, 172, 188, 205, 206, 232, 233, 242, 246, 2.57, 258, 268, 269, 285, 286, 300, 801, 314, 815, 327, 328, 344, 350, 415. Joseph L., 415. FiUebrown, Thoraas, 11, 244. Fiske, Abigail, Widow, 160, 151. Abijah, 2, 3, 4, 6,6,7,8,10,12, 14,17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 27, 28, 29, 80, 31, 36, 37, 39, 40, 41,42, 48, 51, 59, 67, 72, 78, 88, 92, 94, 97, 99, 100, 103, 104, 107, 110, 111, 112, 113, 142, 199, 238, 276, 291, 306, 320, 322, 388, 393, 401, 407, 412, 413. Abijah, 2d, 276. Abijah, of Boston, 316, 317. A.lonzo, 418. Andrew, 415. Augustus, 410, Charles, 410. Charles, of Framingham, 160, 151. Ebenezer, 27, 42, 69, 9.5, 142, 160, 161, 225, 228, 260, 401, 407. Elijah, 381, 382. fEzra, 3, 27, 40, 41, 42, 67, 83, 84, 94, 128, 131, 164, 207, 226, 236, 238, 261, 276, 306,821,348,404,407, 411. (.Ezra, Jr., 59, 86. Edward, 415. George, 408, 409, 415. r Henry, 210, 211, 212, 225, 228,276,291, 306, 321, 333, 335, 338, 337, 347, 348, 361,352,353,354,366, 367, 367, 368. [H., 366, 367. Isaac, 2-6, 9, 11, 13-19, 23, 26-30, 32-86, 38, 40, 42-46, 49, 61-68, 61-88, 70-72, 74-94, 96-99, 101, 105, 106, 109-111, 113-117, 119-121, 123, 124, 128-134, 136-146, 147-158, 160-170, 172-193, 196-197, 199-219, 221-243, 248-261, 263, 266-262, 264-279, 281, 282, 284- 294, 296-299, 301-313, 815-318, 320- 822, 324-326, 328, 329, 831, 838, 840- 345, 347, 348, 350, 362-364, 366-369, 896, 3ii8-371, 377, 379, 880, 393, 400, 404. 407, 410, 411, 413-415, 417. Isaac, Jr., 410. Isaac, 2d, 291,321. Fiske, .lonas, 386, 886. Jonathan, 41, 160, 161,869, 371, 398, 399. Jonathan, of Medfleld, KO, 151. Luke, 389, 362, 887. Maria, 406, 409. Nancy, 406, 409. Nathan, 891. Nathan, 2, 3, 4, 6, 6. 7, 10, 12, 14, 17, 19, 20, 22, 24, 26, 27, 28, 32, 33 34, 36, 61, 63, 54, 66. 68, 69, 61, 65, 67, 80, 84, 96, 110, 127, 130, 181, 138, 139, 143, 1.50, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 188, 169, 170, 171,198, 194, 195, 196,197, 198, 199, 201, 202, 204, 206, 207, 214, 219, 220, 221, 224, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 233, 234, 235, 238, 239, 240, 241, 243, 246, 248, 249, 252, 264, 256, 257, 259, 260, 261, 262, 266, 266, 267, 269, 270, 271, 272, 274, 276, 278, 290, 839, 865, 366, 3«7, 369, 375, 381, 382, 383, 384, 386, 388, 389, 392, 400, 401, 406, 408,409,410,411,413. Nathan, Capt., 8. Nathan, Jr., 406. Orilla, 406, 409, 417. Patty, 406, 409. Phinehas, 381, 882. Robert, 42, 136, 137, 139, 196, 261, 371, 402, 406, 406, 409, 417. Robert, Jr., 417. Samuel, 8, 21, 2i, 40, 41, 69, 113, 397, 401. Sereno, 412. Sewall, 211,212, 226, 236, 244, 261, 263, 291, 321, 336, 336, 333, 339, 340, 341, 842, 345, 346, 347, 360, 361, 362, 364, 365,366,357,368,359,416. Susan, 416. Thaddeus, of W. Cambridge, 160, 151. Fitzgerald, William, 113. Flagg, Bezaleel, 62. Charles, 287, 289. George, 410. Henry, 112, 176, 177, 180, 181, 183, 184, 1S9, 190, 191, 201, 213, 214, 215, 400, 407, 410. Isaac, 16. Lucy, 418. Jennet, 176, 177. John [Capt.], 15, 63, 75, 173, 390. i John, Jr., 8, 9. ! John, 407, 410. John [2d, Jr.], 410. Timothy, 393. Florida, Ezra, 143. Foot, Enos, 331. Foster, Abner, 394. Edmund, 108, 132, 144, S24, 330. Solomon, 245. Francforth. See Farnsworth. Chandler, 57. Frederick, Joseph, 415, Fuller, Alvin, 412. Elisha, 340. J Harvey, 236, 293. i Hervey, 260. Joseph, 409. Loisa, 412. Moses, 27, 28, 30, 31, 32, 37, 39, 40, 42, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 69, 66, 82, 94, 95, 97, 99, 100, 101, 103, 104, 106, 107, 110, 117, 401, 407, 412. Nathan, 24. Timothy. 132, 144, 169, 203, 219, 248, 273, 304. Furbush, Elisha, 28. Gale, Abraham, 891. Alpheus, 105. Jacob, 105. Gardner, Samuel, 150. INDEX OF NAMES. 423 Garfield, ) Cooper, 279, 349, 401, 408, 412. Gearfleld, { Cynthia, 416. Gerfleld, ) Damarus, 52. Enoch, 381, 382. Francis, 377, 416. George, 262, .375, 416. George, Jr., 416. Miranda, 416. Moses, 384, 386. Thom.is, 262. , 384. Gates, Reuben, 74. Silas, 870, 374, 380. Gayetty. Charles, 261. Gerry, Elbridge, 11, 29, 85, 100, 116. Gill, Moses, 14. Susanna, 14. Gleason, Amos, 40, 377. Glezen, Reuben, 388. Goldsbury, James, 414. Goldthwaite, Willard, 262, 273, 348, 390. Goodhue, Benjamin, 10. Goodenow, 1 Asa, 143. Goodnow, > Daniel, 362. ) Elihu, 148. William, 383, 384. Gore, Criatopher, 63, 69, 85, 100. Lucy. 62. Gould, Anna, 410. Catherine, 410. Isaac, 13, 15, 27, 40, 51, 59, 67, 69, 83, 95, 111,112, 139,400,407,410. William, 410. Gouldthwaiie See Goldthwaite. Gowing, John H., 377. Gradison, Abraham, 411. Graves, Abiel, Jr., 14. Gray, William, 85, 100, 124, 144, 169, 273, 330. Green, Charles. 410. Hannah, 410. Heuderson, 410. Jonas, 40, 42, 48, 62, 59, 89, 139, 400, 407, 410. Jonas [Jr.] , 410. Mary, 410. Greenleaf, Enoch, 63, 75, 108, 390, 398. Greenwood, James, 379, 380. Gregory, 4.bigail, 410. Francis, 410. Lavinia, 409. Mary Ann, 410. Silas, 21, 27, 40. 41, 42, 51, 57, 69, 66, 67, 80, 95, 110, 112, 127, 128, 131, 143, 362, 400, 407, 408, 409. Silas [Jr.], 410, 416. Susanna, 409. Uriah, 42, 69, 153, 270, 275, 306, 309, 321, 322, 400, 407, 409. Greely, Alexander, 411. Hannah, 411. Nathaniel, 411. Grinnell, Cornelias, 331. Hadley, Josiah, 867. Hagar j Abigail, 401, 408, 412. Hager ] Amasa, 412. Amos. 226. Daniel, 68. Elisha, 42. Francis, 412. George, 410. Jacob, 291, 307, 336, 412. Jonas, 24, 25 Liefy, 410. Lydia, 412. Maria, 405. Maria, 410. Marshal, 412. Mary, 410, I Hagar ( Nathan, 8, 13, 27, 82, 42, 48, 52, 69, 67, 95, Hager ( 110, 112, 127, 1.38, 1.39, 140, 142, 162, 164,166,167,169,170, 171, 180, 193, 194, 196, 196, 197, 198, 199, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 224, 226, 228, 229, 230, 231, 233, 234, 836, 237, 238, 289, 240,248,249,262, 253, 264, 276, 279, ¦291,294,307,337, 349, 398, 400, 407, 410, 413. Nathan [Jr.], 410. Otis, 410. Phinehas, 8, 42, 365, 400, 407, 410. Uriah, 245, 300, 302, 324. Hail, Jonathan, 398. Hall, ,244. Handley, Eliza, 415. Hanwood, Reuben, 113. Harrington, Abraham, 21, 32, 38, 41, 42, 48, 69, 76, 77, 98, 97. Albert, 395 Amos, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 12, 17, 19, 20, 24, 25, 42, 58, 69, 60, 67, 70, 71, 74, 75, 84, 154, 158. 400, 407, 410. Elbridge, 411. Enoch, 411. Isaac, 411. Joel, 42, 59, 260, 400, 407. Joel, Jr., 83, 94, 168, 410. Jonas, 366. Jonathan, 409. [Luther, 83, 95, 111, 113, 127, 130, 1.39, 163, 167, 196, 199, 225, 236, 253, 261, 264, 276. 279, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 287, 290, 291, 294, 300, 302, 306, 306, 808, 811, 312, 819, 320, 323, 324, 325, 826, 328, 330, 332, 834, 335, 336, 337, 841. 342, 344, 367, 375, 382, 387, 401, 407, 411, 414. (Luther, Capt., 858, 374. Lydia, 410. Martha, 408. Moses, 307. Nancy, 412. Robert, 411. 417. Solomon, 386, 387. Stephen, 2, 3, 9, 10, 11, 12, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 23, 24, 26, 49, 59, 74, 84, 126, 126, 251, 346, 364, 366, 401, 407, 412 Tyler, 42. 59, 94, 113, 142, 225, 228, 238, 279, 291, 293, 350, 366. , 280. Hart, John, 169, 203, 230, 240, 254, 339. Hartwell, Amos, 396. Mary, 395. Hastings, Francis, 236, 291, 308, 349. Francis, 409. George, 415. Henry, 412. HoUis. 345. John, 7, 42, 126. Jonas, 69, 280, 284, 346, 350, 376, 377, 402, 408, 409. Jonas, Jr., 281, 266, 276,406. 409. f Josiah, 13, 15, 16, 42, 51, 52, 63, 54, 56, I 68, 59, 61, 66, 67, 68, 69, 72, 73, 77, I 80, 142, 238, 266, 386, 387, 392, 393, ¦) 401, 408, 412. 1 Jofiah, Capt., 8, 111, 113, 331. [ , Capt., 62. Josiah, 898, 394. Sally, 412. William, 321, 377, 412, 416. Uathorne, John, 11. Hawes, Jeremiah, 374. Haws, Darius, 412. Seth, 236. Hayden, Asahel, 68. Haynes, John, 371. Walter, 373. 424 INDEX OF NAMES. Hayward, Caleb, 16, 75, 173, 222, 287, 239, 362, 863. Heath, "William, 4, 11, 18, 29. Hemenway, Martin, 356. Hews, Abraham, 42, 69. [Abraham, Jr., 13, 21, 27. 32, 36, 36, 37, 40, 41, 42, 49, 61, 67, 68, 60, 61, 68, 73, 83, 84, 95, 110, 113, 127, 131, 139, 143, 164, 156, 161, 167, 188, 196, 199, 217, 223, 224, 226, 227, 229, 280, 231, 2.32, 233, 234, 285, 237, 238, 289, 240, 241, 242. 243, 400, 407, 408, 410. Abraham, Capt., 62, 163, 228. , Capt., 48. Abraham, Jr., Capt., 60, 65, 66, 67, 73, 74, 92, 111, 349. Abraham, Const., 228, 239, 247, 248, 249, 250, 262, 268. Abraham, 261, 264, 276,291,303,321,415. Charles, 42. 69, 112, 174. George, 410. Horace, 416. Horatio, 410, 416. John, 69, 95. Marshall, 212, 336, 410. Martha, 410. Mary, 287, 303. Mary, 410. Samuel, 236, 276. Sophronia, 410. Sukey. 302, 803. Heywood, Abiel, 5. 54, 69, 86, 100, 116, 133, 145, 204, 231, 324. Hide, Henry H., 406. Samuel, 396. HUdreth, | WUliam, 4, 18, 29, 44. Hildrith, I Hill, Aaron, 4, 18, 29, 44, 64. Abigail, 406. Samuel, 395. miUard, WUliam, 324. Hoar, Leonard, 381 . Samuel, 124, 132, 144, 169, 203. Samuel, Jr., 296, 311, 839, 362. Hobart, B?njamin, 381. Hobbs, Abigail, 406, 408. Albert, 406,408. Alfred, 416. Almii-a, 411. Amos, 41, 42, 48, 62, 66. 67, 84, 112, 113, 142, 167, 195, 197, 199, 202, 203, 206, 207, 219, 220, 224, 226, 227, 229, 280, 231, 238, 234, 235, 238, 401, 407, 411. Caroline, 411. Catheiine, 406. 408. Charles F., 416. Cunis, 416. Ebenezer, 2-10, 12-15, 17, 21, 22, 24-31, 36-44, 46-52, 59, 64, 66-69, 72, 73, 75, 77, 79-82, 84-94, 97-101, 103-106, 110- 114, 128, 129, 142, 162,156,160,164, 165, 167, 173, 175-187, 189-192,196- 197, 201, 207-216, 219, 221, 222, 224, 226-228, 235, 244, 247, 258, 262, 26fi, li75, 287, 292, 294, 296, 302, 306, 318, 322, 824, 343, 344, 350, 854, 366, 868, 868, 386, 387, 397, 402, 406, 409, 414. 1 Elmira, 406. j Almira, 408. Francis, 406, 408. [Henry, 42, 69, 127, 142, 187, 199, 226, I 236, 244, 269. 264, 266, 266, 267, 269, I 270, 271,272,274,275, 276,218, 281, .j 283, 284, 285, 287, 290, 291, 295, 298, I 304, 305, 308, 309. 321, 322, 338, 348, 360, 364, 876, 377, 878, 406, 408, 416. (Henry, Capt., 387. Henry [Jr.], 406, 408. Horatio, 408. Isaac, 102. Hobbs, Isaac. Dea., 113. f Isaac, Jr. . 32, 40, 42, 61. 62. 69, 66, 67, 84, 96, 110, 113, 114, 116, 116, 119, 121, 128, 124, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 132, 133, 134. 136. Isaac, Jr., Capt., 127. Isaac. Capt., 8. 52. 142, 172, 197, 207, 228, 232. 287, 318, 836. J Isaac. 188, 139, 140, 141, 143, 144, 145, 147, 149, 162, 154, 156, 167, 160, 161, 162, 185, 166, 167, 169, 170, 171, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 186, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 198, 201, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 221,247,293, 320, 343, 344, 347. 364, 356, 369, 377, [ 88! , 386, 388, 402, 406, 408, 417. James, 416. Josiah, 336, 377, 406, 408. Lydia, 405. 408, 416. Maria, 216, 406, 409. j Marian, 406. I Mary Ann, 408. Martha, 411. Matthew, 59, 869,402. [Nathan, Jr., 2,8, 12,14,21,24,27,28,40, 41, 42, 51, 52, 53, 54, .=6, 67, 58. 59, 61, 66, 66, 67, 68, 69, 72, 73, 77. 80, 81 86, 88. 89, 90, 91, 93. 94. 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 103, 104, 106, 107, 110, 111, 113, 128, 196, 224, 225, 228, 369, 383, 384, 386, 386, 388, 392, 402, 405, 408. Nathan, 232, 236, 238, 239, 246. 260, 263, 256, 260, 265, 268, 275, 281, 283, 284, 286, 287, 288, 290, 291, 293, 295, 298, 299, 301, 806, 306, 308, 313, 317, 320, 324. 326, 335, 350, 364, 365, 857, I 886, 887, 418. Ralph, 406, 408. Samuel, 178, 187, 208, 211, 226, 232, 236, 263, 255, 266, 261, 268, 282, 291, 308, 321, 322, 336,350,877. Sally, 406, 408. Solomon, 405, 408. Sophia, 408, 416. Sophronia, 406. 409. Thomas J., 416. Holbrook, Ebenezer, 410. Kzi-a, 276. Joseph, 13, 42. 69, 66, 74, 113, 187, 188, 189, 400. 407, 410. Samuel, 410. Widow, 416. Holdbrook. John, 405. Hooker, , 374. Horton. Timothy, 331. Hosmer, Rufus, 371, 377, 378. Houghton, >^ sa, 172. Solomon. 335, 837, 357. Howe, David, 330. Isaac, 156. Hows, Samuel. See Hews. Hooker, , 874. Hubbard, Cyrus 372. Samuel, 330, 352. Hull, William, 4. Hunneman, William C, 363. Hunter, Abraham, 416. Lyman W., 386. Hurd, Edmund. 2-58. Joseph, 85. Ives, Betsey, 412. Jackson, Edward, 394. Ephraim, 894. Timothy, 4, 18, 29, 44, 54, 70, 85, 100. James, Benjamin, 200, 228, 293, 318, 822, 337, 347,349,360,351,352, 354, 365, 368, 369, 396, 414, 416. INDEX OF NAMES. 425 Jaques, Samuel, 852. Jenary, WilHard, 406. JenkensJenkins, Jenkenson Jenkinson, Jenkerson 367, 368. Abraham, 409, 416. I Ameline, 406, 409. ;• Hariot, 406, 409. I Jon". B., 416. J Marv ,409. (Thomas, 42, .59, 135,137,225, 366, 38], i 382, 402, 405, 406, 409, 416. ( ,97. Thomas [Jr.], 406, 409. Jennerson, S. L., 393. Jewett, Abel, 389,352. Jones, AbigaU, 416. Abijah, 172, 401, 407. Abraham, 60, 52. Amanda, 416. Amasa, 410. Amos, 263, 265, Andrew, 416. Anna, 102. Benjamin, 410. Cyrus, 226. Edward, 415. j EU, 101, 102, 406. I FUi, 398. EUsha, 391. Enoch, 88. C Isaac, 76, 128, 163, 164, 167, 199, 212, 213, I 897, 398, 399, 400. < Isaac, Cap., 113, 118, 120, 397. "Isaac, Jr., 42. Isaac, 2d, 59, 112. 361. Isaac, 226. 263, 264, 290, 293, 294, 296, 297, 298, 299, 801, 304, 306, 308, 809, 811, 312, 313, 315, 319, 320, 322, 323, 325, 326, 328, 880, 334, 385, 338, 340, 841, 342, 343, 344, 345, 346, 347, 860, 851, 362. 354, 355, 858, 359, 363, 376, 390. Isaac, 410. James, 28. John, 267, 336, 406. John Coffln, 10. Lemuel, 42,367. Lewis, 409. Marshall, 207, 226, 244, 261, 262, 279, 307, 321, 386, 843, 844, 346, 350, 414. Orilla, 345. Stephen, 410. Susanna, 345. Thoraas, B., 414. WUliam, 410. William P., 13, 27, 82, 40, 42, 48, 52, 69, 181, 229, 238, 286, 287, 400, 404, 407, 410, 416. Johnson, Abiathar, 32, 42, 69, 401, 408, 412. Jonson, Artemas, 412. Betsey, 412 Charles, 412. Mary, 412. Thomas, 67. Timothy, 412. William, 390. Kendal, Francis, 411. lliranda, 166, 395, 411. Pason, 411. Samuel, 7, 8, 19, 21, 31, 32, 46, 47, 55, 56, 73,88, 89, 104, 106, 118, 119, 185, 1.36, 141. 142, 148, 146, 166, 172, 894, 401, 407. K«ndaU, Oliver, 10. Kennedv. See Cenedy. Keyes, John, 145, 204, 231, 255, 267, 277, 297, 298, .311, 812, 324, 326, 331, 839, 340, 362, 363. Kider, Eunice, 406. King, William, 115, 132, 203, 230. i Kinesbery, Betsey, 412. i Kingsbury, Elijah, 3, 59, 294, 401, 408, 412. John, 412. Sally, 412. , 884. Kittredge, Joseph, 330. Thomas, 11. Thomas, 240. Knapp, , 349. Knowles, Seth, 311, 324, 339. Lamb, , 395. Lamson, Amos, 42, .59, 88, 84, 96, 113, 189, 407, I Daniel, 139, 164. j Daniel S., 163, 164, 196, 226, 228, 236, 260, 268, 276, 279, 288, 289, 290, 291, 306, 307, 321, 344, 867, 868. David A , 411. Horatio N., 216, 409. Isaac, 2, 8. 12, 15, 33, 42, 48, 75, 148, 160, 173, 216, 863. John, 32, 42, 48, 62, 69, 67, 401, 407, 411. Mary, 151, 215. Miranda, 411. Patience, 357. ( Samuel, 399. I Col., 397, 398. Lathrop, Samuel, 324, 839. Lathum, Ezra, 28. Lawrence. Charles, 411. Dana, 411. Eliza, 410, Elijah, 411. Henry, 411. Isaac, 411. Joseph, 409. Joseph, 411. .losiah, 106,401, 407,411. Luther, 339, 415. Samuel, 411. ( William, 209, 210, 357, 401, 411. ( William, Jr., 128, 407. William, 411. [Leadbetter, Henry, 412. I Leadbutter, Increase, 13, 96, 321, 348, ,349, I 407. 1 Lebitter, .Joah, 27, 67, 77. 78,83,127,139, 364, 366, 401, 407, 412. I. Ledbetter, Joseph, 128, 349. Susan Ann, 412. Swift, 260, 300, 349, 395, 412. , 384. Learned, Samuel, 362. Lee, Cyrus, 236. 237, 251, 200, 262, 293, 322, 337, 347, 350. Leman, Ebenezer, 362, 863. Leonard, George, 10. Lincoln, Levi, 43, 63, 69, 282, 295, 811, 330, 339, 852 Litchfield, Iram, 409. Livemore, see Livermore. Livermore, Betsey, 410. Daniel, 307, 398. Ephraim, 32, 400, 407, 410, 415. Lydia, 416. Joseph 9, 40, 42, 69, 66, 83, 95, 111, 112, 139, 196. Josiah, 410. Marshall, 291, 347, 410. Mary, 412. Sally, 410, 415. , 887, 388, 889, 390. Livingston, Caleb, 379. Lloyd, James, 209, 210, 223, 352. Look, Joseph, 85, 100, 230, 240, 264, 266. Loker, Paul, 396. Phinhas, 412. Stephen, 401, 407, 412. Stephen, Jr., 223. 426 INDEX OF NAMES. Loker, William, 412. Lord, John, 10. Loring, HoUis O.., 164. j Lovell, Abigail, 412. / Lovewell, Daniel, 415. Jonathan. 3, 364, 401. Ruth, widow, 148. Ruth, 406, 412. Samuel, 3, 42. 59, 112, 113, 131, 196, 279, 280, 281, 34S, 365, 398, 401, 402, 407. Samuel [Jr.]. 412 Lowell, David, 172. Lyman, Georije, 42, 59, 95, 244, 401, 407. Mackey, Ruth, 400, 415 j Macumber, Francis Green, 405. ) Macumbo, Francis, 408. McCoy, Abijah, 411. Cynthia, 411. Frances, 411. Sarah Ann, 411. Samuel, 4li. William, 411. Manns, Mary, 406. Mansfield, Theophilus, 391. Marshall, Col. [Thoraas], 126. I^farston, Nvraphas, 331. Mason, Josiiih, 244. Jonathan, 240. Martin, Frederick .\., 28. Matt(ton, Ebenezer, 10. May, William, 394. Maynard, Gilbert, 416. Jonathan, 4, 18,29,44. Merand, WiUiam, 109. Merriam, Charles, 336, 348, 352. Franklin, 416. . 416. Metcalf, Philip, 148. Middlesex, i Cate, 394. I Mrs., 21. Perkins, 393 (394?). Salem, 393. Micall, Thomas, 394. William, 394. Miles, Isaac, 385. Mitchell, Nahum, 417, 418. Mixer, Josiah, 42, 69. Moore, Wm. Stratton, 64. Moral, John, 411. Morse, Alpheus, 412. Charles, 198, 234, 307, 308, 320. Phebe, 412. Sally, 412. Sarah, 401, 407, 412. Sophia, 412. Stephen, 373. Morton, Marcus, 324, 339. Mosman, George, 4li. Mary, 411. Micah, 15, 16. Sally, 411. Moulton, Needham, 52. Murray, Calvin, 113. Murphy, Garrett, 258. Nelson, Andrew, 408. Jeremiah, 124. Newell, Oliver, 258. Timothy, 11. Noble, Daniel, 311. Noyes. James, 374. floshua, 57. Oliver, Mary, 410. Orman, Timothy, 172. Osborn, Timothy, 345. Osgood, Eev. Dr., 141. Otis, Harrison Gray, 124, 811, 339. Pach, William, 406. Page, Joseph, 57. Parker, Cross, 407. Cynthia, 410. E , 412. Bdmur'd, 296, 324, 839. Isaac, 10, 411. Joseph, 400, 410. Leonard M., 240, 254, 286, 352. Samuel D., 156. Susanna, 269. Parks, Klijah, 28, E. L., 382. Jonas, 348. S., 382. Parmenter, George, 321. Parminter, Noah, 28. Parrot. B. G., 63. Jno., 390. Martha, 62, 63, 390. Patch, Elias, 416. Stephen, 382. William, 416. Patterson, Enoch, 166. Peirce, Abel, 69, 143. Abijah, 410. Almira. 414. Benjamin, 258, 348, 398, 401, 407. Benjamin, 414. Benjamin [Jr.], 414. Ichabod, 42, 59, 168. Jonas, 39, 41. Joshua, 59, 407. Mary, 411. Mary, 410. Maria, 410. Sally, 410. Sophin, 410. Thaddeus, 8, 9, 15, 21, 42, 51, 69, 96, 130, 179,228,2.61,279,291, 294, 306, 387, 400, 417, 410, 418. William, l-'4. Peirce j Washing-on, 42, 69, 87, 82, 83, 95, 127, Pierce ( 130, 139, 142, 164, 198, 197, 225, 228, 236, 238, 249, 260, 263-262, 264-279, 281-287, 2S9-299, 301, 303-308, 810- 315, 317-326, 328-330, 332-334, 366, 401, 411. Pierce, Moses, 394. Pepper, Benjamin, 42, 261, 261, 415. EUza, 416. Harriet, 415. Perham, Jonathan, 324. Phillips, Caleb, 148. William, 100, 116, 132, 144, 169, 203, 230, 240, 262, 266, 273, 282, 296. Pickering, WUliam, 63. Pigeon, Maria, 411. Plympton, Ralph, 291. Porter, Samuel, 331. Pratt, Charles, 412. Ephraim. 52. George, 412. Hannah, 412. Lucy, 412. James, 412. John, 62. Paul, 42, 59, 307, 336, 384, 385,401, 407, 412. Sarauel, 412. Prescott, Benjamin, Jr., 132, 133. Joshua, 372, 373. Oliver, 70, 85. Proclor, Abel, 276 Leonard, 406. Russell, 416. Simon, 409. William, 412. INDEX OF NAMES. 427 Rand, Benjamin, 8, 13,22, 34, 38, 41, 42, 43, 44, 46, 47, 48, 60, 69, 84, 95, 397, 398,401, 407,411. Daniel, 262. Elijah, 32, 33, 84, 35, 42, 59, 61, 62, 75. John, i?, 42, 59, 94, 127, 130, 139, 164, 196, 197. Josiah, 416. Lucretia, 401, 407. Nathan, 223, 411. Rebecca, 62. Rebekah, 411. ( Thomas, 32, 38, 34, 35, 40, 43. i Thomas, Jr., 398. Whiting, 411. Widow, 411. Rea, Jerusha, 410. Read, Daniel, 412. Keed, 'Ihaxter, 409. WUliam, 330. Reeves, Jacob, 388. Reves, Jacob, 324. Reynolds, Benjamin, 831. Rice, Abel, 244, 245. Benj. L, 244,245. Jonas, 394. Lydia, 394. (See Lydia Stearns.) Peter, 374. Samuel, 390, 396. Thomas, 10. Richardson, Matthew, 356. William M., 108, 122, 149. WiUiam, 352 Wyman, 352. Roberts, John, 18, 27, 401, 407. John T.,366. Jonathan, 261, 275, 291. Joseph, 196, 357. William, 321. gg 322 Robbins, Edward H., 4, 18, 29, 43. Daniel. 49. Rossiter, David, 10. Russell, Abiel, 408, 409. ( Abner, 42, 62, 59, 226, 260, 327, 367, 371, \ 374, 376, 381, 382, 402, 406, 409, 417. (A., 366. Amelia, A. , 417. Bradford, 408. Charles, 406, 409. Cyrus, 42, 69, 82, 90, 91, 92, 94, 96, 98, 99, 104, 108-110, 111, 114, 116, 116, 117, 119-124, 126, 127, 129-134, 138-138, 140, 142-149, 152, 153, 166, 167, 161- 163, 166, 166, 168-171, 192, 193, 194, 196-199, 202-207, 218-220, 222, 223, 225, 244, 246, 247, 362, 402, 404, 406, 4116, 409. Elmore, 336, 348, 406, 409. Eunice, 417. Harriot, 409. "Joseph, 3, 9, 26, 27, 42, 49, 62, 57, 69, 67, 68, 77, 82, 97, 102, 106, 107, 108, 109, 111, 113, 129, 131, 135. 137, 142, 152, 163, 176-185, 187, 189-192, 201, 202, 207, 209, 211,213-216,221,222, 246, 247, 269, 279, 294, 363, 371, 398, 399, 402, 404, 405. , 368, 404. ' JuUa, 406, 409. Martha, 406, 409. (Sally, 409. I Sarah, 406. Susanna, 247. Zeruiah, 406, 409. Rutter, M. M., 324, 339, 374, 380. Salstonstall, Leverett, 352. Sanderson, Adeline, 416. Abigail, 410, 415. Sanderson, Abijah, 59, 94, 135, 137, 237, 250, 279, 361, 362, 374, 402, 404, 406, 408, 409. Abner, 387. Abraham, 61, 59 (Sander, 371). Abraham, Jr., 3, 13, 40, 42, 218. Abraham, 405, 408. Amasa, 4i0. Amos, 3, 27, 42, 51, 59, 83, 139, 163, 164, 238, 371, 386, 387, 402, 405, 408, 416. Amos, Jr.,405, 408, 416. Augustus, 417. Charles, 410. Daniel, 412. Daniel, 410. Emily, 410. George, 415. Hannah, 217, 218, 331. Hannah, 405, 408. Harriot, 416. Isaac, 112, 306, 348, 377, 417. Isaac [Jr.J,417. Jacob, 217, 331, 3.32, 377. Jane, 417. John, 42.59, 121,225, 385. Jonas, 42, 59, 139, 160, 161, 397, 400, 407. Jonas, Jr., 41, 42, 62, 59, 71,113, 120,121, 238,302, 400,407,410, 416. Josiah, 246. Lucy, 405. Lydia, 331. Martha, 410. Mary, 410. Mary, 406, 409. Mary W., 121. Moses, 417. Otis, 416. Rhoda, 120, 121. Sally, 408. Sarah, 417. Sophia, 405, 408. Susan, 416. Ths., 245. Widow, 417. Sanger, Calvin, 169, 203, 240, 254, 266, 282. Elisa B., 410. Savage, Samuel, 393. Samuel P., 389. Sawin, Joseph 416. Martha, 416. Seaverns, John, 105. Josiah, 69, 401. Samuel, 42, 69, 112, 127, 228, 306, 348, 401, 408, 412. Seavor, William, 10. Sergeant, Lydia, 410. Shed, Oliver, 806, 336. Zachariah, 106. Shephard, William, 10. Sherman, William, 389. Silsbee, Nathaniel, 330. Slack, Eliphalet, 42, 59, 139, 260, 260, 262, 264, 269, 276, 279, 284, 286, 290, 293, 297, 299,801, 804,305, 308, 311,312,313, 315, 817, 319, 320. 322, 328, 325, 326, 328, 330, 332, 336, 350, 890. Granville, 412. John, 2, 6, 8, 10, 12, 13, 19, 20, 22, 24, 25, 27, 67, 69, 67, 77, 79, 84, 113, 199, 386, 397,401,408,412. Joseph, 282. Widow, 884. ,884. Smith, Aaron, 384. Anna, 409. Artemas, 412. Braddyll, 391. Charles, 406. S Cyras, 411. ( Cyrus, 128. 428 INDEX OF NAMES. Smith, Daniel, 69, 112, 401. Ebenezer H., 416. Esther, Widow, 365. George W., IS, 42, 61, 62, 69, 67, 77, 79, 84, 96, 96, 128, 161, 167, 182, 199, 207, 232, 237, 238, 239, 242, 249, 261, 256, 269, 262, 263, 268, 284, 299, 313, 321, 322, 34S, 401, 407, 411. George W., 409. Henry, 411. Isaac Smith, 398. James, 409. .Joel, 16, 76,173,191, 407. ( Joel, Jr., 95, 401, 407, 411. j Joel, 264, 291, 336, 348,849. Joseph, 3. Jonathan, 11. Josiah, 247, 321, 406, 409, 416. l.ucy, 409. Marshall, 107, 4C9. Oliver, 331. Samuel, 8, 42, 69, 167, 173, 228, 260, 253, 364, 400, 402, 407, 409. Samuel, Jr., 262, 402. Simeon, 398. Susan P., 406, 409. Spear, Benjamin. 223. Spring, Joseph W., 414. Marshall, 107. Warren, 41'^. WUliam, 142, 167, 196, 198, 217, 225, 236, 238, 251, 263, 264, 279, 293, 806, 811, 312, 317, 319, 320, 321, 323, 325, 826, .328, 332, 3.34, 335, 336, 337,338, 340, 341, 342, 346, 347, 348, 349, 350, 358, 375, 401, 408, 412. William, Jr., 412. Starr, Josiah, 42, 69, 84, 131, 401, 408, 412, 413. Stearns, Asahel, 100, 115, 122, 132, 144, 149, 153, 219, 230, 273. Belinda, 406, 409. Caroline Sanderson, 396. Habbakuk, 59, 243, 381, 402, 405, 406,409. Hephzibah, 406, 409, Horace, 270,412, Ishmael, 386, 386. Jephthah, 3, 113. Jonathan, 394, 411. Josiah, 10. Lydia, 893. See Lydia Rice. Marv, 396. Mary, 406, 409. Nathan, 394. I Nathan, Widow, 396. 1 Mrs., 394. Obed, 396. Phinehas, 387. Prentice, 406. Sally, 394. Stedman, Joseph, 391. Stephens, Mary. 411. Sterman, Francis H., 113. Stevenson, William, 109, 317. Stimson, Daniel, 18, 40, 42, .59, 118, 228, 261, 848, 350, 401, 407, 412. Daniel, .Jr., 412. James, 391. Jaraes, Jr., 398. Jeremiah. 63, 108, 109. John, 15 76, 178, 279, 294, 408. Sallv, 412. William, 411. , 280, 281. Stone, Gregory, 382. William F., 297, 299, 350. Stratton, Charles, 42, 69, 362. I Dana, 42. j Daniel, 41, 59, 398, 400. Dorcas, 410. Stratton, \ f^^^^ ^9, 371, 400, 402, 407, 409. George, 336, 348, 409. Henry, 260, 262, 336, 837. ( Isaac, 67, 163, 225, 400, 402, 407, 409. } I., 403. Priscilla, 409. ( Thomas, 69, 94, 128, 225, 407. / Ths.. 25.3 279 Strong, Caleb, 4, 18, 29, 43, 115, 132, 144, 169. Solomon. 331. Stuart, John, 175. Sturtevant, Hosea, 172, Sullivan, .James, 4, 11. 18, 29, 43, 68. Richard, 3Z4. WUliam, 14. Sumner, .Joseph, 409, 410. Sutton, WiUiam, 330. Swift, William, 416. Tarble, Jesse, 28. Tarbell, John, 352. Thacher, Daniel, 330. Thaxter, Levi, 296, 311, 824, 339. Thayer, Jedediah, 113, 127, 162, 165, 169, 170, 171, 193-199, 202-204, 206, 207, 209, 210, 219-221, 224, 226, 227, 229-231, 233-236. 238-241, 243, 248, 249, 252, 2.54, 256, 267, 259, 263, 266-267, 269- 272, 274, 276, 278, 279, 322, 350, 357, 365, 366, 381-384, 389, 400, 403, 407, 410. Sullivan, 373. Thompson, Chauncy D., 836. Josiah, 49. Major, 228. Tilton, Charles, 414. Tower, Augustus, 244, 245, 330, 377. Town, Elijah, 172. Townsend, David. 377. Havid, Jr., 386. Moses, 124. Thomas H., 125. Train, Aaron, 412. Arthur, 21, 42, 59, 66, 67, 76, 77, 78, 80, 82, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 96, 96, 105, 148. Betsey [Widow Arthur], 149, 150, 181, 182, 401, 407, 412. Betsey [Jr.], 412. Charles, 339, 352. Enoch 8, 393. George, 412. Isaac, 1, 2, 3, 1, 6, 6, 7, 9, 13, 28, 82, 40, 42, 51, 62, 57, 69, 60, 66, 67, 80, 84, 92, 94, 96, 111, 277, 288, 297, 299, 862, 401. I Lucy. Widow [Nahum], 401, 407. j , Widow, 412. Marshall, 189, 164, 866. Nahum, 8, 13, 51. 52, 69. Otis, 150, 279, 307, 336, 337, 357. Otis. 412. Sarauel, 28. I Samuel, Jr., 25. I Samuel, 40, 42, 49,59, 77, 78, 301, 348, 364,401 [?]. [Samuel, Jr., 83, 127, 128, 131,139,163, I 167, 238, 264, 306, 809, 335, 850, 366, 401, [?]407. Saml., Major, 196. , Col., 228. . S„ Col., 263. Saml., Jr., Col., 336. LSaml., Col.,337. Traverse, Henry, 172. Travers, Elijah, 401, 407. Travis, Daniel, 383. Elijah, 264. Trow, Richard, 143. Tufts, Cotton, 10. INDEX OF NAMES. 429 Turner, Charles, 11. Tuttle, John L., 64, 69, 70, 86, 86, 100,107, 116, 116. Underwood, 13enjamin, 49. Benjamin, 412. Peter, Jr., 102. Upham, Abijah, 42, 69, 94, 253, 264, 337, 401, 407,411. Abijah [Jr.], 411. Amos, 412. Betsey, 411. Charles, 412. Edward, 11. Eliza, 412. Daniel, 42. Harriot, 411. Joel, 411. Lydia [Widow Nathan], 408, 412. Mirick, 41 1. Nathan, 21, 22, 42, 59, 60, 82, 96, 401. Nathan, 412. "\'arnum, Joseph B., 11, 36, 61, 69, 91, 132, 230, 240, 254, 266, 282 Benjamin F., 352, 877. 'V"ance, Wm. P. K., 62. "Viles, David, 276, 291, 806. Jesse, 197, 225, 251, 276, 291, 300, 306, 309, 310, 336 337, 346, 360, 416. Jesse, Jr., 416. John, 27, 59, 83, 97, 229, 236, 402, 406, 408. John S., 416. Sally, 809, 810. Thomas W., 821. "Vining, Lovett. 62. Volientine, Aaron, 410. James, 410. John, 410. Joseph, 389. Nathaniel, 59, 400, 407, 410. Nathaniel, Jr., 410. Thomas, 410. WiUiam, 410. Wade, John, 311, 324, 889. Wakeham, John, 349. Walker, Daniel. 895. James, 395. John, 391. John (of BurUngton), 124. Timothy, 296. WUUam, 331. Wallis, Ira, 258. Ward, ( Artemas, 4, 15, 18, 29, 44, 54, 70, 76, I 156, 173, 174, 176. ( Artemas, Jr., 125, 128. Catbt-'rine Maria, 125. Ware, Samuel, 348. Warner, Daniel, 135, 137, 402, 405, 406, 409. Daniel, Jr., 406, 409. Jonathan, 14 [?J. Warren, Abigail, 15ii, 161, 216. AbigaU, 408 See Naby. Amos, 412 Andrew, 416. Charles, 112, 291, 374, 375, 402, 416. Charles, Jr., 416. Elisha, 412. Kliza, 406, 408. Ezra, 270. 321. George W., 416. Isaac, of Charlestown, 150, 151, 215. Isaac, Dea., 245. James, 11. Jedediah, 871, 386, 401, 408, 412. Joel, 412. John, 88, 391. John, 18, 871. John W[right], 42, 69, 84, 95. Warren, Jonathan, 3, 22, 26, 27, 32, 42, 48, 49, 50, 66, 67, 82, 83, 97, 112, 164, 236, 261, 302, 369, 371. 375, 406, 409. Jonathan, Jr., 112, 128, 196, 199,200,226, 238, 257, 261, 2"9, 291, 302, 309, 337, 4U2, 406, 409, 416. Joseph W., 416. Maria, 412. Mary, Widow, 88, 90,93, 96, 105, 390,391, Mary, 4116, 408. Mary, 416. Micah, 42, 59, 371. Naby, 405. See Abigail. Nahum, 412. Nathan,21,22, 24, 42, 59, 60, 67, 68, 69, 72, 76, 77, 80, 81, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 91, 92, 93, 94, 96, 98, 102, 105, 110, 114, 115, 116, 119, 124, 126, 127, 129, 130, 132, 133, 184, 136, 138, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 146, 149, 164, 165, 167, 161, 162, 166, 188, 221, 226, 235, 244, 246, 247, 260, 334, 869, 371, 381, 386 (Dea., .887), 388, 402, 405, 408. Nathan, Jr., 246,247, 261, 807, 349, 416. Neamiah, 405, 408. Percis, 416. Kebeckah, 416. Rufus, 416. Sally, 412. Samuel, 405, 408. Silas, 394. Susannah, 174. Thomas, 386. William, 416. Watkins, Sylvester, 28. Weathercock, Samuel H., 273. Webb, Ebenezer, 113. Webber, Ebenezer I., 28. Weld, , 244. Wellingti n, Samuel, 82, 42, 59, 82. Weston, Charles, 262, 416. Dexter, 416. ilonas, 416. Maria, 416. Thomas, 331. Wheeler, Abel, 824. Charles, 377, 378. White, Curtis. 396. Elijah, 379. 880. Jonas, 223. Maria, 395. Whitehead, Daniel, 223. Whiting, John, 11. Martin, 188, 218. Whitney, [Abijah 2, 42, 59, 111, 183, 288, 247, J 263,262,371,377,386,887,402, 1 404, 405, 408, 416. I A.. 387. Abijab, Jr., 112, 402. Abraham, 167. Caleb S.,416. Charles, 405, 408. Ezra, 412. Galen, 102. George, 383, 405, 408. Harriot, see Harry. ( Harry, 405. j Henry, 408. Isaac, 405, 408. Joseph, 416. Lucy. See Sukey. Maria, 416. Sukey, 405, 408. William, 405, 408. Whittemore, Aaron, 44, 46, 286, 357, 400, 407, 411. Caroline, 411. Elizabeth, 415. Ira, 128, 407, 410, 415. Ira, Jr., 415. 430 INDEX OF NAMES. Whittemore, Israel, 75. James, 415. Lucy, 45. Maria, 416. Mary A., 411. Nathan, 14. WiUiam, 266, 282, 311. WUd, Samuel S., 10. WUder, James, 332, 333, 371. Williams, John M., 331. WUIington. Mrs., 397. Willis, Gideon, 131, 402. Wilson, Abner, 410. Paul, 408. Winch, Patty, 412. Winthrop, James, 11, 370. Thomas L., 330, 852. Wood, James, 373. Woodman, John, 11. Woodward, Rev. Mr., 143. Woolson, Ebenezer, 395. Lydia, 395. Wyman, Amos, 42, 51, 69, 94, 96, 111, 139, 172, 173, 174, 225, 400, 407. Hezekiah, 398. Susanna, 174. William, 28, 113. INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Abatements. See Taxes. Agent to answer indictment, 3. to oppose alteration of roads, 26,77, 302, 887. to procure alteration, 67, 77, 79. Agents for sale of pews, 16, 75. 96, 178. Agreement for raaking town way, 378. Albany, 872. Algtolk, County of, 393. Amherst, 10. Andover, 11. Answer to call, 168 Appendix A, Assessors, etc., 361. B, Claim of C. H., 362. C, Division Lines, 364-367. D, Dudley's Certificate, 367, E, Goods found, 867. F, Highways, 388-380. G, Perambulations, 381-890. H, Pews, 890. I, Poor, concerning the, 392-395. J, Schools, 396-417". K, Warrant from State Treasurer, 417. Assessors, appoint Collector, 358. Book of Records, 41. chosen, 2, 12. 27, 40, 61, 66, 80, 94, 110, 127, 138, 163, 195, 224, 236, 260, 260, 275, 290, 806, 320, 335 , 847. inquiry concerning their mode of making taxes, 79, 80, 82, 84, 89, 361. pay of, 3, 14, 28, 41, 57, 96, 131, 143, 168, 199, 228, 239, 263, 265, 270, 279. to collect for highway taxes, 238. to take a census, 56. Attest, 388, 369, 870, 372, 373, 374, 376, 378, 379, 380, 418. Attorney General, 80, 82, 89. Baptist Meeting-house, 14. Society, 270, 301. Baker, 216. Balcony of Meeting-house, 68. BaU's Hill, 76, 77, 93, 97, 300, 302, 374. Barnstable, 10,11,393. Bathing tub, 62. Beaver Brook, 374. Bedford, 396, 396. Bemis* Comer, 369. Berwick, 10. Beverly, 124. Bigelow's chaise, 827, 829. Mill, 886. Bodwine [Bowdoin], 893. Body seats, 167. Bolton, 372. Bond for support of Anna Cox. 393. Boston, 6, 10, 11, 18, 30, 46, 64, 63, 72, 87, 103, 108 117, 124, 13S, 146, 149, 158, 170, 204, 231, 241, 265, 267, 271, 282, 284, 299, 313, 316, 317, 326, 340, 364, 362, 368, 374, 394. Manufacturing Co., 192, 193. Bowen's Hill, 879. Bridge, Roberson's, 192, 193. by Russell's, 375. by Jonathan Warren's, 302. Brighton, 379, 380. Brooklint! Church lot, 384, 385. Burlington , 124. Burnt paper, 370. Burying ground, to locate tombs in, 32. Buxton, 11. Call to minister, 158. Cambridge, 11, 118, 120, 124, 370, 371, 372, 374, 377, 393. Census of school children for 1805, 22, 23, 396. for 1807, 47. 1808, 66. 1812, 400, 401, 402. 1813, 309, 405, 406, 407, 408. 1814, 408, 409, 410, 411, 412, 413. 1818, 239. 1826,356,414,416,416, 417. Charles River, 192, 193, 384, 385, 386, 387. Charles River Bridge, 363. Charlestown, 14, 150. Claim of C. Hayward, 222, 239, 362. I. Jones, 118, 118, 120, 397, 398, 399. Coalpit Bottom, 386. Collector, allowed for had money, 74. appointed, 12, 27, 40, 61, 66, 82, 94, 111, 127, 138, 163, 195, 250, 260, 216, 290, 806, 320, .335,347,358. rate ol pay for, 3, 12, 27, 40, 51, 66, 82, 94, 111, 127, 128, 163, 226, 260, 275, 290, 308, 320, 336, 347. to collect arrears, 329. Treasurer to be, 195, 226. Committee on Sacred Music, 22, 60, 92, 270, 367. the doings of the Assessors, 80, 84, 861. the claim of C. Hayward, 222, 239, 862. the claim of I. Jones, 113, 397, 398, 899. the bounds of the town land, 148. to alter road. Stony Brook lo Waltham, 57,77. to ascertain what farm can be purchased for Poor Farm, 207, 221. to build school-house, S. E., 125. S. W., 207. to confer with A. Harrington respecting old burying ground, 60. to consider abatement of taxes, 246. to divide the town into highway dis tricts, 84. to divide the town into school districts, 239, 242, 246, 402. to enlarge N. K. School-house, 48. to erect bulMings on Poor Farm, 222. to erect new pews, 187. to examine road frora C. Brown's to Needham line, 3, 9. to examine the Treasurer's account, 228. to examine the state of the school- houses, 199. to examine \V. C. School-house, 2, 8, 8. 22. to examine the work house, 14, 21, 67, 68, 392. to exchange new pews for old, 167. to finish balcony of meeting.house, 68. to hire money, 222. to inquire into the state of the schools, 41, 47. to investigate title to pew, 90, 93, 96, 390. 432 INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Committee to layout road (Court of Sessions), 378, 377. to lay out road from S. Train's to Need ham line, 23, 26. to make provision for ordination, 160. to make alteration in Concord Road, 23, 24. to oppose alteration of road in north part of Weston, 26, 38. see 370. to oppose alteration iu road through the middle of the town, 38. to oppose alteration in road from Har rington's to Ball's Hill, 77. to purchase real estate for a Poor Farra, 222, 243. to oppose highway petitioned for by James WUder, 338. to present petition to Court of Sessions, 67. to repair Poor House, 60. to repair South Highway, 322. to repair South W. Highway, 264. to repair East Centre School-house, 207. to repair South East School-house, 13. to report alteration in body seats of the meeting-house, 52 57. to report on School Districts, 402. to report on school-houses, 294. to report on West Centre School-house, 294. to sell pews (app. March, 1785), 75. to sell the Poor House, 222. to supply the pulpit, 142. to take the census of school children, 22, 56, 239. to view road from Northboro to Cam bridge, 372, 373, 374. Commissionerft of highways, 879, 380. Commonwealth of Massachusetts (Writ), 369, 372, 377, 417. Concord, 369, 370, 371, 373, 877, 378, 380. Concord road, 23, 24, 38, 39, 89, 229, 300, 387, 338, 343, 370, 374, 376, 376, 385, 886, 387. Congregational Society, 270. Congress of United States, 10, 11. 36, 61, 65, 90, 91, 106, 107, 108, 121, 149, 152, 219, 248, 272, 304, 330, 369. Constables, allowance of, 9, 49, 73, 84, 96, 120, 222,268,269,286,366. appointment of, 2, 12, 27, 40, 51, 66, 82, 91,111, 127, 188, 163, 196,225,235, 250, 260, 275, 290, 806, 320, 835, 347, 358. return of warrant, 2, 4-7, 10, 12, 17- 20,24,25, 36, 87, 58, 61, 77, 80, 86-88, 90, 91, 94, 98, 99, 101, 103, 104, 107, 108, 110, 115-117, 119, 122-11:4, 126, 130,132-134,186, 138, 142, 144-147, 149, 153, 167, 162, 166, 169-171, 193, 194, 198, 202-204, 206, 219, 220, 224, 228, 229, 281-233, 236, 238, 240, 241, 243, 248, 249, 252, 264-257, 259, 268, 266-267, 269, 271-273, 275, 277, 278, 281, 283-285, 287, 290, 293, 295, 297- 299,301,804, 805, 808, 311-313, 315, 317, 319, 323, 82.5, 326, 328, 330, 333, 834, 839-342, 346, 351, 353, 354, 366, 858, .369. Constitution of Coramonwealth, to alter, 270, 271. 272. Counsellors chosen. See Governor. County gaol and Court House, 118, 120. Commissioners, 377, 378. Register of Deeds, 80, 98, 277. Treasurer, 5, 17, 30, 44, 54, 69, 86, 116, 133, 145,204. 231, 241, 256, 267, 277, 297, 312,325,840,363. Court of Comraon Pleas, 79, 84. of SeSBOns, 38, 67, 332, 334, 370, 371, 372, 373, 377. Court, Supreme, 82, 846. Cow pox, 96, 318. Daggett's tavern, 372. Dam over Charles River, 192, 193. Damages for alteration of road, 368, 375, 378. Death of constable, 367. Deeds of Pews, aulh >ritv to give, 167. of Pews. See Pews. of Stables. See Stables. of Poor Farm taken, 243. Division lines and fences, between Brown and Lovewell, 279. between .Tenkinson and Dudley, 365. between Lloyd and Lawrence, 209. between Lovewell and Harrington, 864. between Lovewell and Harrington, 866. between Roberts and Leadbetter, 366. between Train and Leadbetter 77, 364. between the town and Berais, 366. between the town and others, 386, 367. Door of Meeting-house, 168. Dudley's Certiflcate, 367. Dudley's MUl, 374. East Sudbury, 2, 79, 369, 372 373, 374, 376, 380, 881, 382, 383, 387, 388, 389, 390, 395. Editor's Additions, Corrections, References, etc., 2, 3, 14, 23, 48, 65, 56, 67, 77, 78, 82, 89, 96, 254, 257, 266, 280, 300, 302, 333, 334, 361, 367, 869, 890, 414. Notos, 41, 54, 63,69,86, 102, 117, 120, 133, 169,189,255,362,368,364, 368, 370, 371,372,374, 376,879,880, 383, 3S5, 386, 388, 389, 892, 393, .897, 404, 418, 418. Electors of President, 9, 10, 124, 273, 330. Engine, 301. Errata, table ol, 418. Essex County, 124. Farraer's Exchange, thirty dollars in, 74. Fees, 370, 371. Fence Viewers, application to, 209. chosen, 3, 13, 27, 40, 61, 67, 83, 94, 111, 127, 139, 163, 196, 225, 236, 261, 261, 276, 291, 306, 321, 336, 348. report on division lines, 77, 209, 364, 365. Field Drivers, chosen, 3, 13, 27, 40, 51, 67, 83, 94, 111, 128, 139, 164, 196, 225, 236, 251, 261, 276, 291, 306, 821, 836, 348. Fiske house, 370. Fiske Street, 89. Framingham, 150, 371, 376, 394. Funeral expenses of Rev. Dr. Kendal, 141, 142. Funeral Sermon, 141 [142]. Gallery pews, 168. General Court, 6, 10, 18, 19, 30, 46, 55, 72, 87, 103, 117, 133, 146, 170, 204, 231, 241, 255, 267, 284, 299, 318, 826, 340, 353, 417. General Sexsions of the Peace, 368, 369. Gloucester, 124. Goldsborough, 10. Goods found, 263, 265, 367. Governor voted for, 4, 18, 29, 69, 85, 100, 115, 132, 144, 169, 203, 230, 240, 254, 266, 282,295,811, 324,339, 352. Grand Jury, 2, 3. Grant for highways. See Highways. incidentals. See Incidentals. minister. See Minister's salary. music. See Sacred music. schools. See Schools. Gravestones for Rev. Dr. Kendal, 143. Great country road, 89, 370. Greenland, 62, 390. Groton 379, 380. Ground of pews, 39, [41]. INDEX OF SUBJECTS. 433 Hallowell, 10, 11. Haverill, 10. Hemp, Surveyor of, 3. Highway, Appendix F., 368-380. agent chosen to oppose alteration of, 337. through the centre of the town, 387. Concord road, 23, 24, 38, 887, 388, 346, 360, 374. damages for alteration of, 368. districts, 84, 96, 228, 229, 320, 335. expenses allowed, 337. Fiske Street, 89. from Harrington's to Ball's Hill, 302. from Lee's bridge to Waltham, 370. from Marlborough to Weston Meeting house, 380. from Northboro to Cambridge, 372, 374. from Stow to Waltham, 371 . frora Watertown Bridge to Framing ham, 876. grant, 3, 13, 24, 27, 41, 52, 67, 84, 96, 112, 130, 142, 166, 199, 228, 238, 253, 264, 278, 293, 808, 321, 336, 343, 348. Great road, 89, 370. near Nathan Brown's, 334 (337), 376, 377, 878. near Abner Russell's, 327, (329). near Jesse "Viles, 346, 860. petition of James Wilder, 333, 871. rate for man and team, 27, 67, 98, 112. report concerning, 838, 378, 374. road in Newton, 379, 380. road in North Eaet, 300, 302. road in South West, 264, 300, 302. See, also. Roads. summons concerning, 369. surveyors chosen, 2, 3, 13, 27, 40, 51, 66, 82, 94, 111, 127, 139, 163, 196, 226, 238, 260, 260, 276, 291, 306, 320, 335, 347. surveyors to collect, 67, 96, 166, 196, 226, 264, 278, 293, 308, 321. 387, 348. through Roberts' place, 322. Hogreaves, 3, 13, 27, 40, 61, 67, 83, 95, 112, 128, 188, 184, 197, 226, 236, 261, 262, 276, 291, 307, 321, 336, 348. Hubbardston, 895. Incidentals, grant for, 8, 21, 31,48, 66, 73, 89, 104, 119, 136, 148, 172, 206, 2.33, 246, 258, 269, 286, 301, 315, 328, 342, 856. Indenture, between Brown and Lovewell, 279. between the town and S. Bemis, 394. between the town and Hartwell and Stearns, 896. between the town and S. Hill, 396. between the town and E. Jackson, 894. between the town and B. James, 895. between the town and M. Kendal, 396. between the town and S. Kendall, 394, between the town and Leadbetter and Loker, 395. between the town and 8. Rice, 396. between the town and S. Savage, 893. between tbe town and E. Train, 393. between the town and S. Warren, 394. Independent Light Infantry Co., 207. Independence of U. S. of A., 106. Indictment of town, 2, 3, 369. Inoculation, 96, 318. Jackson's HUl, 379. Jury Box, first, 41, 42. Grand, 69. Second, 42. TraversOj 69. Jury Law, 60, 136. Jury List, accepted, 41, 42, 58, 105, 137, 266, 316, 350. consideration of postponed, 349. Jury List, exemptions from, 41. names in, 42, 59. Justice of the Peace, 14, 33, 34, 36, 43, 46, 53, 62, 63, 64, 71, 78, 81, 98, 102, 108, 109, 114,121,126, 128, 129, 140, 160, 151, 152, 156, 161, 166, 174, 175, 177, 178, 179, 181, 182, 184, 186, 186, 187, 189, 190, 191, 192, 197, 200, 202, 209, 212, 213, 214, 216, 218, 227, 247, 262, 274, 287, 289, 292, 303, 310, 317, 382, 345, 363, 358, 368. Kenny's tavern, 380. Kingston, 10. Lancaster, 11. Land of Lamson, 33, 148, 160. Leather, Sealers of, 13, 27, 41, 84, 128, 140, 226, 237. Lee's bridge, 870, 371. Legislature appoint Committee, 376. Letters concerning the poor, 898, 394, 395. from Rev. J. Field, 168. from I. Jones, 898, 899. Lieut. Governor. See Governor. Lincoln, 10, 101, 124,832,371,381,382,887,388, 389. Line, Jenkenson and Dudley, 366. Lloyd, and Lawrence, 209. LoveweU and Harrington, 364, 365. Roberts and Leadbetter, 366. town and A. Bemis, 366. town and Fisk, Russell, and Bigelow, 366. Train and Leadbetter, 364. Livermore's Plain, 387, 388, 889, 390. Lumber, Surveyors of, 3, 13, 27, 40, 51, 67, 76, 83, 96, 112,128, 139, 164, 197, 226, 237, 251, 262. Lunenburg, 10. Maine, State of, 395. Marlborough, 367, 372, 373, 374, 380. Marlborough Poor House, 380. Medfield, 150, Meeting-house alterations in, interior, 62, 167, 168. balcony, 68. land, 148. steeple, 362. tu paint, 106. Weston, 380. Men's seats, 75. Men's schools, 21, 104. Methodist meeting-house, 367. Methodist Society, 270, .301. Middlesex County, 14, 15, 44, .54, 70, 71, 74, 75, 101,108,116,120,124, 125, 149, 150, 161, 166, 161, 172-178, 180-186, 188- 191, 276, 299, 309, 316, 331, 343, 346, 349, 868-371,374, 376,377,880,417. Middlesex District, 10, 36, 61, 90, 106, 107, 108, 121, 152, 219, 248, 272, 273, 304, 330, 359. Middlesex, ss., 18, 24, 33, 34, 36, 42, 46, .52, .53, 62, 64, 68, 71, 76, 81, 90, 91, 97, 102, 106, (108), 113-117, 119, 121-124, 126, 128, 129, 138, 140, 142, 144-147, 149, 161-163, 167, 161,164-166,169-171, 174, 176-180, 182, 188, 185-188, 190- 194, 197, 198, 200-204, 206,209,211- 220, 224, 226, 228, 229, 281,232, 241, 243, 247-249, 252, 2.54-257,269, 262, 263, 265-267, 269, 271-276,277, 278, 281, 283-285, 287, 289,290,292, 293, 296, 297-299, 301, 303-S06, 308, 810- 313, 315, 317, 319, 323, 326, 326, 328, 330, 332-334, 338, 340-342, 345, 346, 351, 363, 354, 366, 358, 867-369, 372, 374, 876, 377, 379, 380, 434 INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Mill Fond, 3 65, 347. Minister's call, 158. estate, tax on, abated, 172. pew, 167. salary, 18, 21, 31,47, 56, 73, 89, 105, 119, 136, 168, 172, 206, 238, 246, 268, 269, 286,301, 316,828. tax for support of, abated, 294. Minute men, 52, 68. Moderator, 2, 8, 12, 21, 24, 26, 27, 31, 38, 40, 47, 51, 56, 68, 66, 73, 80, 88, 92, 94, 98, 104, 110, 116, 119, 123, 127, 130, 133, 136, 138, 142, 147, 157, 162, 166, 172, 199, 206, 224, 228, 231, 233, 285, 243, 249, 253, 255, 257, 259, 264, 267, 269, 275, 277, 278, 285, 288, 290, 293, 297, 301, 805, 808, 815, 820, 328, 335, 342, 347, 356, 368. Money, in uncurrent bills, 278, 279. stolen, 198, 205, 207. to be hired, 222. Music, grant for, 22, 60, 92. Master, 92. See Bacred Music. Natick, 376, 388, 384, 385, .889. Neat cattle, 2, 8, 13, 28, 49, 74, 120, 136, 147, 172, 207, 238, 246, 258, 269, 286, 301, 316, 328. Needham, 1, 3, 7, 9, 23, 26, 383, 384, 385, 394. Newburyport, 124. New Castle, 11. New Hampshire, 63, 872. New Salem, 11. Newton, 79, 84, 192, 376, 379, 380, 884. Newton Corner, 384, 386. , Newtown, 379. Nonesuch Pond, 883, 384. Norfolk County, 150. Northboro, 372, 378, 374. Norton, 10. Note. See Editor. Oath of Office, 3, 42, 43, 52, 53, 68, 81, 97, 114, 128, 129, 140, 164, 165, 197, 228, 282, 292, 363. Old burying ground, title to, 68, 60. Ordination day fixed, 160. Expenses voted, 160. Overseers, Board of. See Poor. Perambulations between Weston and Lincoln, Weston aud Natick, Weston and Needham, Weston and Waltham, 1813, 381. 1818, 381. 1824, 382. 1808, 383. 1813, 383. 1818, 383. 1808, 384. 1813, 385. 1808, 386. 1813, 386. 1818, 386. 1824, 386. Weston and East Sudbury, 1808, 387. 1813, 888. 1818, 389. 1824, 889. Petitions concerning highways, against altering from Lee's bridge, 370. of Lawson Buckminster, Jr., 376. of Joel Cranston, 380. of Joseph Davis, Jr., 334, 872, 374. of Nathan Hobbs, etc., 355 ,861, 876, 377, of Elijah White, 380. of James Wilder, 332, 333, 371. concerning schools, — of Joseph Russell, etc., for dividing North School Districts, 129, 131, 135, 137, 402. Petitions of Joseph RusseU, etc., for drawing money for woman's school, 137, 404. Pews, deeds of. Stephen Abrams to Ira Draper, 76. AIpheusBigelowto J. Warren, Jr., 200. James Billings to Sukey Hews, 302. E.Brown (adm. of) to Gregory Clark, 288. Thoraas Brown to William Spring, 217. Joseph Cheney to Edward Child, 64. Nathan Child to Ebenezer Hobbs, 156. Reuben Carver to Betsey Train, 149. Ira Draper to W. Gouldthwait and G. Babcock, 273. Abijah Fisk to Convers Biglow, 318. Isaac Fiske to Nathan Fiske, 151. John Flagg to E. Greenleaf, 68. Thaddeus Fiske to Nathan Flske, 160. Henry Fiske to Sewall Fiske, 211. Moses Gill to Reuben Carver, 14. Enoch Greenleaf to Martha Parrott, 63. Amos Harrington to Thomas Brown, 70, Amos Harrington to J. Sanderson, Jr., 71. Stephen Harrington to T. Townend, 125. E. and I. Hobbs to James Billings, 216. Eli Jones to Joseph Russell, 102. I. and M. Jones to Wm. 8. Barker, 344. Michael Mosman to Josiah Hastings, 15. Wm. P. Jones to Isaac Fiske, 286. Martha Parrott to Jeremiah Stimson, 62. Elijah Rand to R. and S. Abrams, 61, Thomas Rand to Elijah Rand , 32. Joseph RusseU to N. Warren, Jr., 246. Jonas Sanderson, Jr., to Wm. Breed, 120. Hannah Sanderson to Jacob Sanderson, 217. Jeremiah Stimson to Charles Bemis, 108. Jacob Sanderson to Lydia Sanderson, 331. Betsey Train to Thomas Biglow, 182. Artemas Ward to Isaac Fiske, 174. Amos Wyman to Sam( Smith, 173. Aaron Whittemore to N. Child, 44. the town's committee to Nathaniel Alien, 184. Alpheus Bigelow, 177. Alpheus Bigelow, Jr., 178. Converse Biglow, 186. Elizabeth Brown, 208. Wm. R. E. Boyd, 105. Oliver Conant, 201. Henry Fiske, 210. Isaac Fiske, 175. Isaac Fiske, 185. Nathan Fiske, 213. Henry Flagg (right of Clark), 176. Amos Harrington, 74. J. Hastings and M. Mosman, 16. Nathan Hager, 180. Ebenezer Hobbs, 189. Isaac Hobbs, 190. Isaac Jones, heirs, 212. I. and M, Jones, 348. Isaac Lamson's heirs, 214. Joel Smith, 191. Betsey Train, 181. Abijah Whitney, 183. Amos Wyman, 172. new for old, 167, etc. of John Hastings, 7, 9, 126. of John and Mary Warren, 88, 90, 93, 96. Committee discharged, 67, for Minister's family, 167, Minutes of Deed, 390, report oq, S90, INDEX OF SUB-jECfS. 435 Pews, reserved for old people, 167. sale of, by agents, 15, 76, 173. to cover the lower fioor, 187. Phillipston, 396. Plan of Meeting-hoiuse, 148. Plymouth, 11. Poor Farm, account of purchase and sale, 244, 246. Committee to view, 207, 220, 221. to purchase, 222, 243. Poor House, Coramittee on alteration of, 57, 119, 128. Committee on examination, 119, 199,392. Committee to sell. 207, 222. Condition of, 14, 21, 23, 25. repairs, 60, 90, 135, 136. Poor, grant for, 80, 148, 172, 206. list of, 393. Overseers of, 226, 235, 260, 276. Overseers to draw money, 270. Overseers to lease Poor House, 265. Overseers of, voted not to choose, 249. Selectman to contract for support of, 322. Support of, 41, 56, 69, 89, 119, 234, 246, 258, 269, 286, 294, 801, 328. Suit concerning maintenance, 26. Portland, 10. Pound Keeper, 3, 13, 40, 61, 67, 88, 96, 112, 128, 197,226,237, 261, 262, 276, 291, 307, 321, 336, 348. Powder furnished to soldiers, 322. house, 328. President, electors of. See Electors. Princeton, 14. Pulpit to be supplied, 142, 147. new to be built, 168. Raynham, 11. Receipt for stable, 154. Records of Weston, Title, 1. Register of Deeds, 29, 98, 277, 288, 297, 299, 349. Report on Assessors, 361. Claim of O. Hayward, 363. Pewe, 390. Poor House, 21, 392. Poor Farm, 243. Roads, 39, 41, 49, 89, 302, 373, 378. School^ and School-houses, 8, 23, 47, 294, 396, 402, 413, 414. of Surveyor, 364. Representative, Congressional, 11, 36, 91, 107, 108, 122, 149, 153, 219, 273, 304, 369. State, 6, 19, 30, 46, 55, 72, 87, 103, 134, 146, 232, 242, 248, 256, 268, 284, 299, 313, 826, 364. voted not to send, 170, 206, 341. Richmond, 10. RWer [Charles], 384. Road, Concord, 23, 24, 38, 337, 388, 846, 360, 374. from Ira Draper's to Sudbury, 79, 84. from T. Brown's to Needham, 3. fromi Harrington's to Waltham, 77, 97. near Nathan Brown's, 334, 337, 376, 377, 378. near Jonas Green's, 89. in Newton, 379, 380. in north part, 26. in north east, 302. in north, damages for altering, 368. in south part, 23, 25, 26 (28), 41, 49. petition lor altering, from Stony Brook to Waltham, 67. pay for agent, reapecting, 49. to discontinue, 62. Viewing Committee' Report, 373. Worcester, 38. See, also, Highways. Roberson's Bridge, 192, 193. Rockingham County, 62, 390. Roxbury, 11 , 394. Saored music, 22, 60, 91, 92, 270, 367. Balem,10, 11, 124. Schools, Appendix J., 306-417. Census for 1806, 22, 23, 396. 1807, 47. 1808, 56. 1812, 400, 401, 402. 1813, 309, 405, 408, 407, 408. 1814, 408, 409, 410, 411, 412, 413. 1818, 239. 1828, 356, 414, 415, 416, 417. committee chosen by districts, 8, 21, 31, 48, 52, 67, 84, 96, 112, 113, 130, 142, 167, 199, 228, 238, 253, 264, 279, 293, 308, 322, 337, 349. comnaittee, number by districts recon sidered, 350. committee, report of, for taking census, 23, 398. committee, request of, 2. committee to draw from the treasury, 239, 264. committee to examine instructors, 32. committee to examine school-houses, 119, 122, 199. committee to inquire into state of, 41. committee to repair. See School-houses. committee to report on houses, 199, 294, 413, 414. districts, apportionment of money, 356. districts, comraittee on dividing, 137, 248. districts, petition concerning, 129, 181 , 186, 137, 402. grant, 3, 8, 13, 21, 23, 28, 31, 48, 62, 68, 68, 73, 84, 89, 96, 104, 112, 119, 130, 136, 142,147, 167, 172, 199, 206, 228, 233, 238, 243, 253, 257, 264, 269, 278, 286, 293, 801, 808, 316, 322, 828, 387, 842, 349, 356. houses, 11, 199, 246, 294, 418. N. B., 23, 38, 47, 48, 130, 131, 136, 137, 402. N. W.j 130, 131, 185, 137, 402. W. C., 2, 3, 8, 22, 294, 397, 398,399, 414. E. C, 207, 322, 413. S. E., 13, 119, 122, 125, 136, 318. S. W., 207, 413. letter from I. Jones, concerning, 398, 399. men's, 21. money apportioned by districts, 358. deficiency of, in E. C, made up, 322. deficiency of, in 8. B., 316. petition concerning money for women's schools, 404. report on condition of, 413, 414. Selectmen to repair, 246. summer, 253, 264, 293, 308, 322, 327, 328. winter, 267,369. women's, 3, 13, 21, 28, 48, 62, 68, 84, 96, 112, 130, 137, 142, 167, 199, 238, 278, 404. Sealers of leather, 13, 27, 62, 67, 95, 112, 128, 164, 197, 307. weights and measures, 237, 261, 262, 276, 291, 807, 321, 336. Selectmen chosen, 2, 12, 27, 40, 61, 68, 80, 94, 110, 127, 138, 162, 193, 224, 235, 249, 269, 275, 290, 306, 320, 335, 347. for support of poor, etc., 316, 322. oath of, 43. report of road, 41, 49, 89, 338. to bound the town's land, 148. to confer with Amos Harrington con cerning title to old burying-ground, 60. 436 INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Selectmen, to erect new stables, 148. to examine the Poor House, 57, 119. to examine roads, 3, 337. to examine school-house, 119, 122, to give order to Treasurer, 338. to inquire into title to pew, 90. to locate tombs, 32. to provide for poor, 119. to repair the Poor House, 60, 90. to repair the school-houaee, 246. to soil stables, 143. to sell town wood, 302. to spend for highwa.vs, 343. Senators chosen. See Governor. Shop ou town's land, 329. Shrewsbury, 372. Singing Master, 22. School, 168. to encourage, 22. Soldiers' allowance of powder, 322. allowance for late war, 207. of U. S. Service, 122, 123. 207. pay in lieu of powder, 258. Spindle, scroll, and vane, 363. Springfield, 11. Stable on town land, deed of, Reuben Carver to Betsey Train, 149. Moses Gill to Reuben Carver, 14. Uriah Gregory to Jesse Viles. See 309. Amos Harrington to Isaac Fiske, 154. Joseph Holbrook to Joseph Field, Jr., 188. Elijah Rand to Reuben Carver, 35. Thomas Rand (adm. of) to Elijah Rand, 33. Jonas Sanderson to Richard Cutter, 161, Betsey Train to Thomas Biglow, 182, Jesse Viles to Thomas Biglow, 309. Town's Coraraittee to Isaac Fiske, 154. Town's Coramittee to Uriah Gregory, 153. Town's Committee to Joseph Holbrook, 187. Town's Committee to Miranda Kendal, 155. Town's Committee to Jonas Sanderson, 160. Stables, new ones to be built, etc., 148. State House, 271. State Treasurer, 417. Stockbridge, 11. Stony Brook, 56, 57, 77, 84, 385, 386, 387. Stove for public meeting-house accepted, 143. Stove, space reserved for, 167. Stow, 244, 369, 371, 377, 381. Sturbridge, 11. Sudbury, 371, 372, 373, 374, 381. Suit, Tyler Bigelow against the Town, 327, 329, 346, 349. Suffolk County, 63, 124, 156, 174, 316. Suffolk County, ss., 14, 109, 150, 156, 175, 317. Sullivan, Maine, 395. Summons, 369. Superintendents of the inoculation of the cow- pox, 96. Supreme Judicial Court, 82. Surveyors of Highways. See Highways. Tax Collector's rate, 3. Commonwealth of Massachusetts, 417. Taxes, abated, 28, 49, 52, 67, 59, 105, 136, 142, 148, 172, 199, 207, 223, 234, 258, 264, 270, 279, 286, 302, 343, 349, 356, 357. Committee to consider abatements of, 246. Collector, when to pay in, 250. deferred, 223. discount on, 195, 226, 235. of Mrs, P. Lamson, 357. Taxes reraitted, 28, 52, 68, 74, 113, 131, 142. vendue, 82,111, 127,138, 163, 250,275, 335. Tombs, 31, 32. Tower flour, so written [lower floor], 50. of meeting-house, 304, 105. Town Clerk, official, passzm. Clerk chosen, 2, 12, 27, 40, 61, 66, 80, 94, 110, 127, 138, 162, 195, 224, 235, 259, 275, 290, 305, 320, 335, 347. debt to be reported annually, 246. grants. See Grants. Land, bounds of, 148. division lines, 366. Land, south part of town, 346. Meetmg, adjourned, 23, 60,81, 125,158, 294, 338, 350. Meeting, concerning Boston M. Co., 193. Meeting, for County Register, 29, 98, 277, 288, 297, 299, 349. for County Treasurer, 5, 17, 29, 44, 54, 69, 86, 100, 116, 133, 145, 203, 231, 241, 255, 267, 277, 298, 312, 325, 340, for Electors, 10, 124, 273, 330. for Governor, etc., 4, 18, 29, 43, 53, 69, 85, 99, 115, 132, 144, 169, 202, 230, 240, 254, 266, 282, 295, 311,323,339, 351. for Representative, State, 6, 9, 30, 72, 87, 103, 117, 134, 146, 204, 242, 256, 267,284, 299, 304, 318, 326, 341,354. for Representative, U. S., 11. 36, 61, 107, 108, 122, 148, 149, 153, 219, 248, 273, 330, 359. for town purposes, ordinary, 2, 8, 12, 21, 24, 27, 31, 38, 40, 47, 51, 56, 58, 60, 73, 80, 88, 92, 94, 101, 104, 110, 119, 123, 126, 130, 136, 138, 147, 157, 162. 166, 172, 195, 206, 221, 224, 228, 233,235, 238, 243, 249, 253, 259, 264, 269, 275, 278, 285, 290, 293, 301, 305, 315, 320, 328, 334, 342, 347, 356, 358. mode of warning, 22. notification for, 26, 28, 29, 30, 43, 44, 45, 46,50,53, 54.55,65, 68, 72. to consider alteration of State constitu tion, 271. choose Delegates for, 272. vote upon State Constitution, 283. to oppose alteration of road, 26, 77. to provide for inoculation, 318. Pound, 148. Treasurer, book of, to conlain debts and votes, 245. Treasurer, account of, allowed, 3, 8, 13, 27, 31, 44, 49, 56, 68, 84, 90, 96, 105, 113, 119, 131, 136, 142, 168, 172, 207, 239, 246, 258, 269, 279, 301, 322, 328, 342, 347, 356. Treasurer, choice of, 2, 12, 27, 40, 51, 66, 80, 94, 110, 127, 138, 162, 195, 224, 235, 250, 260, 275, 290, 306, 320, 335. Treasurer, compensation of (and Collec tor), 226, 235. Treasurer, not to be allowed interest, etc., 315. Treasurer, to be Collector, 195, 226, 235. Treasurer to borrow money, 343, Treasurer to give notes, 245. Treasurer to record notes, 246. Treasurer to pay debts, 246, 302, 328, 315. Treasurer to issue warrants to Collec tor, 315,328, 329. Training Days, 31. Turner, 11. Tything men, 3, 13, 40, 51, 66, 83, 94, 111, 127, 139, 163, 196, 225, 236, 251, 261, 276, 291, 307, 321, 336, 348. INDEX OF SUBJECTS. 437 Uniforms, 81. United States, Congress of. See Congress. service, 122, 128, 207. Vagrant, 269. Vermont, 372. Waltham, 2, 24, 26, 76, 77, 79, 84, 93, 97, 192, 193, 332, 369, 370, 371, 372, 873, 374, 386, 386. line, 39. Warrant from State Treasurer, 417. to constable, 1, 4, 6, 8, 9, 11, 16, 17, 18, 23, 25, 35, 37, 88, 67. 60, 76, 78, 86- 87, 90-92, 98-108, 106, 107, 109, 114- 117, 121-123, 126, 129, 131-134, 137, 140, 143-146, 148, 152, 166, 161, 166, 168, 170, 192, 193, 197, 202-205, 218, 219, 223, 227, 229-232, 234, 287, 239- 242, 247, 248, 252-266, 268, 262, 285- 269, 271, 272, 274, 276, 277, 281-284, 287, 289, 292, 296-299, 303, 304, 307, 810, 312, 314, 317, 318, 323-826, 329, 332, 333, 338-341, 346, 351-354, 357, 359. to coroner, or sheriff, 369, 371, 376. Warren's Coffee House, 376. Watertown, 66, 67, 76, 79, 84, 872, 873, 374, 376, 394. Bridge. 378. Waukieg, 393. Wayland, 387. West Carabridge, 160. Westfield, 10. Weston, pa8sir)i. Weyraouth, 10. Wiscasset, 10. Wood in south lot, 302. Wood, Surveyor of, 13,41,51,67,83, 95, 112, 128, 139, 164, 196, 225, 236, 261, 261, 276, 291, 800, 821, 336, 848. Women's schools. See Schools. Worcester, 10. Worcester County, 372. road, 38. Workhouse. See Poor House. " •-• ^'f?.. If •t'*i\" .*'.''*' -.i'«4kK«i L«i*.-T-;fl'. w«" ¦ ^. ..¦.¦i.:-;w!i«*| i^;;.-,?«v!;.,' ' kv'. ' ¦ ¦ .1 4 1 •.,, !iSiK..«:.! "¦ ?1 Ji - J*""* i^^ "^ *•« *^ 4^ IS- **-i ¦SSJi'Hiwi.'jft-;^ ¦ s^r/^S^fekvi;.': t^ Tjiii^ srfS^i'^^u:^**^^^^