VALE UNIVERSITY I 3 9002 06447 1 130 Ck 21.190 /W BY-LAWS, JJfetfr-JUII, airtr' f!a|crs SELECTED FROM THE ARCHIVES FIRST TROOP PHILADELPHIA CITY CAVALRY, FROM NOVEMBER IT, 1774, TO MARCH 1. 1856. PHILADELPHIA: JAMES B. SMITH AND CO. 146 CHESTNUT STREET. 1856. Ck >-». lao REPORTS. REPORT OF AUGUST 4, 1815. The committee appointed to examine the records of the Troop, arrange the roll of members, and revise the by-laws, beg leave to report : That they have endeavored to accomplish the objects of their appointment. In collecting and reviewing the papers and records of the Troop, they have met with much difficulty, owing to the length of time since its formation, and the imperfect collection of the papers. It appears that the Troop was formed by the association of twenty-six gentlemen, on the 17th November, 1774, for the defence of the rights of their threatened country, and it was in the succeeding years increased by the election of members. During the whole revolutionary struggle, it was an active and efficient cohort in rendering assistance to resist the invading foe, by sprvi'no- rlni-ina- the several arduous campaigns from 1776 to 1783 : — ¦ - — we belong to an association, which, during nic wuuie prugresB ui uuc nai, merited and possessed the approbation of the illustrious Washington, and in peace enjoyed his friendship ; — frequently engaged under his command in active employment, at times serving as his body-guard, and always remaining faithfully attached to him and the great object for which they were contending, notwithstand ing the powerful political cabals, and the diversity of opinion and feel ings which prevailed during that period. — From the time of the forma tion of the Troop to 1796, the committee have only found a few detached papers. From 1796 to the present date, they are happy to state, that the minutes have been regularly kept. From these they have selected some of the most important and interesting papers, which they recom mend to be published in the book of by-laws. — By an attentive exami nation of the records, and by the assistance of some of the original members, the committee have been enabled to make a list of members from the commencement to the present period, which maybe considered as complete, and this they recommend also to be printed in the book of by-laws, that, in cherishing the remembrance of men who have faith fully served their country, and done honor to the Troop, we may hand their names down to succeeding members, as an honorable testimony of the character of our association. The view of this history of the Troop, presented in a condensed form, may be the means of keeping alive that esprit de corps, so desirable in a military association like the one to which we belong, and of adding increased respectability and fresh lau rels to those already won by our predecessors. The committee have prepared the by-laws, and now offer them for the ultimate adoption of the Troop, previous to publication. John R. C. Smith, Cornet, Jono. B. Simmons, 1st Corporal, John Donnaldson, Qr. Master, Committee. Philadelphia, 4th August, 1815. At a meeting of the Troop, held at Mr. Peter Evans's, on the 4th August, 1815, the preceding report, the by-laws, and the selected papers were submitted, and at the succeeding meeting, on the 7th September, 1815, the report was unanimously accepted, and the following by-laws were unanimously adopted. REPORT OF JANUARY 1, 1840. The committee appointed on the 12th January, 1833, to revise and arrange for publication the papers of the Troop, from the year 1815, re spectfully report : 1. A condensed history of the corps, consisting of the more promi nent events in which it has been engaged, with such otlier matter as your committee conceived might prove interesting and worthy of preser vation. 2. The successive changes in the roll of commissioned and non-com missioned officers, from time to time, since 7th September, 1815. 3. A list of the commissioned and non-commissioned officers since its original organization. 4. The muster-roll of the Troop, continued from September 7th, 1815, upon the plan of the printed roll of that year, exhibiting the date of the nomination, election, and resignation of each member, and, as far as can be ascertained, the date of the decease of such as are dead. 5. The alterations of and additions to the by-laws, and the late change of uniform, together with certain resolutions which your committee con sider still in force, although not passed with such formalities as are requisite to entitle them to the rank of by-laws. Your committee recommend, that previous to publication, the by-laws should be so altered, amended, and enlarged, as that when printed they may remain a permanent code of rules for the government of the corps. John Stille, Jr., \V. W. McMain, Committee. January 1st, 1840. REPORT OF MARCH 1, 1856. The committee appointed to revise and arrange the papers of the Troop, from the year 1840, and to select for publication such letters of a prior date as they might deem necessary, respectfully report : 1. A series of letters (on service) from various officers of the govern ment during the revolutionary war. 2. The successive changes in the roll of commissioned and non-com missioned officers from January 1st, 1840. 3. The list of commissioned and non-commissioned officers since original organization, continued from January 1st, 1840. 4. The muster-roll of the Troop continued from January 1, 1840, on same plan as that adopted in Report of that date. 5. A continued list of honorary members. 6. A list of non-active members. 7. Various alterations of and additions to the by-laws, adopted at different times since January 1, 1840. Thos. C. James, R. Butler Price, Thos. Smith, W. S. Randall, Francis S. Lewis, Committee. March 1st, 1856. BY-LAWS FIRST TROOP PHILADELPHIA CITY CAVALRY. ADOPTED SEPTEMBER 7, 1815. ARTICLE I. The title of this Troop shall be, " The First Troop Philadelphia City Cavalry." ARTICLE II. Ten members present shall constitute a quorum, to transact all ordi nary business relating to the internal police of the Troop; and a majority of those present to decide on any measure, when not in actual service ; and when in actual service the commissioned officers alone shall have the entire direction. ARTICLE III. The place of meeting or rendezvous of the Troop shall be appointed by the commanding officer; and he may, at his discretion, appoint stated or special parades or meetings, and adjourn them as occasion may require. ARTICLE IV. Due notice shall be given of every meeting of the Troop by the com manding officer; and every private absenting himself from such meeting shall pay two dollars and a half, non-commissioned officers three dollars and a half, and commissioned officers five dollars, in addition to the five levied by the State, except on meetings of business out of uniform, when there shall be no fine. ARTICLE V. The muster-roll of the Troop shall be called on parade at the time appointed for assembling; if absent at roll-call, a fine of twenty-five cents; and if absent until after the line of march is taken up, fifty cents, unless excused by the commanding officer. ARTICLE VI. Upon an application being made by a member in writing, or by the recommendation of a commissioned officer, and by the unanimous con sent of those present, the following description of members shall be placed on the honorary list, and when present shall, in all respects, con form to these laws, and to the military government and discipline of the Troop, having the privilege of offering advice without the power of voting. 1st. By commission : — Those members who have been commissioned officers in the Troop, including the surgeon. 2d. By age : — Those who have remained on the muster-roll until the age required by the militia law of this State (at present forty-five years). 3d. By officiality : — Those who, being members, enter the State or the United States' service in a military capacity, or in a civil which exempts them from military duty. 4th. By removal : — Those who remove from the city for a permanent residence. 5th. By invalidity : — Those members who are incapacitated by perma nent disease or bodily injury from performing the duties of a regular and effective member, certified by the surgeon of the Troop or other respect able physician. 6th. By honorable election : — Such celebrated military and naval heroes as have done honor to our country, to be proposed by the com manding officer. ARTICLE VII. Applicants for admission shall be proposed by the commanding officer, at one meeting, and voted for by ballot at the next meeting ; and, in case the sons of members be among the applicants, they shall be voted for before any other applicant. It shall require, at every election, at least fifteen members present; and if, on counting the votes, there shall be five dissentient votes, he shall be rejected. Every person proposed as a member must be a native citizen of the United States. If elected, the commanding officer shall order notice to be given to the applicant of 9 his election, accompanied with a copy of these by-laws, and orders to equip immediately. ARTICLE VIII. Hereafter, any gentleman elected a member of the Troop, shall re port himself equipped and ready for duty, to the commanding officer, within sixty days of the date of his notification of election, and no one shall enjoy the privilege of membership until such report shall have been made, and any member who shall fail to comply with the above shall be dropped from the roll. ARTICLE IX. All subjects proposed for the consideration of the Troop at one meet ing, shall, at the request of ten members present, be postponed for a decision until the next meeting, unless, in the opinion of two-thirds present, the subject require a decision at the meeting in which it is pro posed. ARTICLE X. All subjects discussed at meetings of the Troop must be strictly private. Members are positively prohibited from conversing in reference thereto with persons not members of the Company. ARTICLE XI. Non-attendance at four successive mounted parades or drills, unless absent from the county or sick, or some other reasonable cause is offered, to be approved of by the commanding officer, shall, with the consent of three-fourths of the members (there being a majority of the Troop pre sent), forfeit the right of membership, previous notice having been given to the delinquent member at least one meeting before the vote is taken. ARTICLE XII. Disobedience of orders, or improper behavior on parade, or on duty, or non-compliance with the resolutions and the by-laws of the Troop, shall, at the succeeding meeting, with the consent of three-fourths of the members (there being a majority of the Troop present), be sufficient to expel any member so offending, previous notice being given to the member, that he may appear and make his defence. 10 ARTICLE XIII. The uniform shall be, a helmet, the scull of black leather, with white metal comb and bearskin top, the side ornaments, front plate, and scales to be from the dies belonging to the Troop; a coat and pantaloons agreeable to the pattern kept in possession of the commanding officer ; white leather gauntlets ; black stock ; black jacked horseman's boots ; white metal spurs; a pair of pistols; holsters with bearskin flounce; a horseman's sword, steel mounted, with white leather belt and sword- knot ; a flat bottle covered with black leather, hanging on left side, belt of white leather, half an inch wide, suspended over right shoulder, to cross the poueh-belt underneath, in front and back, only to be worn in marching order — in right holster pipe on parade ; a saddle, with scarlet housing trimmed with white; girths blue and white; a black leather crupper and breast-plate ; a plated or steel bit and bridoon, with black leather filling and reins, the front of the bridle and roses at sides to be blue and white ; a black leather halter, with iron or plated T at end of shank ; a cartridge-pouch of black leather to contain nine cartridges, worn on right side, suspended by a white belt over left shoulder, two and a half inches broad, buckle and ornaments behind ; a belt three and a quarter inches broad, scarlet and white, to be worn over the jacket ; black leather valise, with two cloak straps ; a blue cloth cloak or over coat; if other color, when on pad, to be in a blue bag; in marching order, the cloak is rolled up on top of holsters, the ends extending down on each side as low as the holster pipes ; stable jacket of blue cloth, with scarlet collar, one row of buttons in front ; forage cap of blue cloth, with scarlet band, black leather poke ; trousers for foot parades to be of blue- gray mixture (as worn by the U. S. army), with two stripes of scarlet cloth, one inch wide, up each outward seam, leaving a light between, and welted at the edges; white cotton or linen for summer without the stripes. The Troop standard and trumpet-banner to carry the names of Trenton and Princeton. ARTICLE XIV. Any member appearing on parade not in complete uniform, shall be reproved by the commissioned or non-commissioned officers, and reported by them to the commanding officer, who shall fine them for each and every neglect twenty-five cents. (In parade order, the valise is not used, but the coat or cloak must be on the pad.) 11 ARTICLE XV. The surgeon shall be first elected a member, and then, by a vote of the Troop, ele^teid^tojthe post. ARTICLE XVI. The first sergeant shall be the orderly, and it shall be his duty to fill up the notices for meetings, and apportion them among the other non commissioned officers for delivery ; to keep regular minutes of the pro ceedings of the Troop ; to preserve all records and papers, depositing them in the archives of the Troop, which shall be kept in his posses sion, and upon leaving his office be delivered to his successor, or to the commanding officer. ARTICLE XVII. Notice shall be given to the commanding officer by members intend ing; leaving town for more than one month. ARTICLE XVIII. The Troop shall have the power, upon application being made, to re linquish their claim upon Troop fines which have been levied, a majority of those present being in favor. ARTICLE XIX. Any member having served seven years on the active roll, may, by a written application, accompanied with a certificate from the Treasurer that he is not in arrears to the Troop, be placed upon the non-active list,. on receiving a vote of two-thirds of those present, at a stated meeting, a majority of the active members (in the city) being present, by paying- two dollars annually, and be exempted from other fines. ARTICLE XX. Any non-commissioned officer who shall absent himself from three successive parades, shall be disrated and returned to the ranks, unless he shall offer an excuse, satisfactory to a board consisting of the com missioned officers of the Troop. 12 ARTICLE XXI. There shall be elected on the first Tuesday of each year, a Treasurer, whose duty it shall, be to keep the funds of the Troop, and receive and disburse the same under the proper authority. «A*iii. 8. Water call, , at 4$. 9. Evening parade, . at 5. 10. Retreat, . at sundown. 11. Watch setting, at 8. 41 DaUy Tour of Duty. At four o'clock A. m., turn out, boots and saddle, without noise, and without trumpet sounding — no reveille, being an outpost. At dawn of day patrols mount and scout. After return of the patrols the stable call, and engaged until break fast at 8, in cleansing, watering, and feeding horses. At 9 i to 10, drill on foot, sword exercise. From 10 to 11 J mounted drill. 11 J to 12, sword drill for awkward squad by non-commissioned officers. 3 i to 4 i mounted drill. General Orders. Head-Quarters, 4th Military District, Phila. 23d Nov. 1814. To Captain Ross, Vol. Dragoons, commanding Videttes' Post. Sir, — You will be pleased to quarter your troop at such place in the vicinity of the position which it at present occupies, as you may find most eligible. The probability of your being soon discharged renders it in expedient to build barracks, or make any permanent establishment for your troop. You are at liberty to draw upon the Quarter-Master-General, Col. Linnard, of this city, at sight, for §2000, to meet the contingent expenses of the videttes and expresses under your command. I have the honor to be Your obedient servant, Edmund P. Gaines, Major-General commanding. The Troop remained encamped on Mount Bull until recalled, and did not go into winter quarters. 42 .Adjt.-General's Office, 4th Mil. Dis. Phila. Dec. 5th, 1814. To Captain Ross, commanding Dragoon Videttes. Sir, — You will, on the receipt hereof, collect the Troop under your com mand, and repair therewith to this city, excepting such small detach ments thereof as may be necessary to keep up the communication be tween this and Newcastle, at which latter place it will be necessary to have an intelligent non-commissioned officer. By order of Major-General Gaines. Charles J. Nourse, Asst. Adjt.-Gen. U. S. Army. December 7th. — Struck our tents, and at 11 A. M. took up line of march for Philadelphia. 9th. — Established a line of videttes from Newcastle to Philadelphia, agreeably to Major-General Gaines's orders. 10th. — Halted at Blue Bell, waiting orders from the General, where we received the order to break up the whole line of videttes. Sent an express to Newcastle, recalling the gentlemen stationed there, and upon their joining us on the 12th Dec. we took up the line of march. General Orders. Adjt.-General's Office, 4th Mil. Dis. Phila. Dec. 11th, 1814. The troop of cavalry under the command of Captain Ross will be dis charged on to-morrow, the 12th inst. The commanding General avails himself of this opportunity of expressing his high sense of the steadiness and good conduct of Captain Ross and the officers and men of his corps while under his command. By order of Major-General Gaines, commanding. Charles J. Nourse, Asst. Adjt.-Gen. U. S. Army. December 12th. — Marched into Philadelphia, passed and saluted General Gaines and General Cadwalader at their respective quarters, and dismissed at Captain Ross's quarters. 43 The Gentlemen who served in the Campaign of Mount Bull, were: 1. Charles Ross, captain, 2. James L. Cuthbert, 2d lieut., 3. Robert M. Lewis, cornet, 4. John R. C. Smith, 1st sergt. and orderly, 5. Anthony Stacker, 2d sergt., 6. Thomas F. Learning, 3d sergt., 7. Job Bacon, 4th sergt., 8. Matthew McConnell, Jr., 1st corporal, 9. Henry Harrison, 2d corporal, 10. Jehu R. Tunis, 3d corporal, 1 1 . John B. Simmons, 4th corporal, 12. John Donnaldson, Jr., Qr. M. 13. Henry Nixon, D. Qr. M. 14. Linford Lardner, A. D. Qr. M. 15. Robert Wharton, private, hono rary member, 16. Edward Davis, private, hono rary member, 17. Wm. S. Willing, private, 18. Wm. Craig, 19. John Y. Bryant, 20. Francis G. Smith, 21. Lawrence Sink, 22. Joseph Gratz, 23. John C. Smith, 24. Wm. Lehman, 25. George Hugg, 26. Abm. Kintzing, 27. John McCrea, 28. Samuel Jackson, 29. Wm. Whelan, 30. Wm. S. Simmons, 31. Edward Twells, 32. Wm. H. Smith, 33. Thomas Taylor, 34. Henry Tolaud, 35. Wm. W. Fisher, 36. Samuel H. Jacobs, 37. Clement L. Bready, 38. Charles P. Fox, 39. Matthew Matthews, 40. Wm. H. Hart, 41. Henry McMurtrie, 42. Augustus Cushing, 43. Francis Worly, 44. Lewis Vanuxem, 45. George T. Stukert, 46. Edward M. Donnaldson, 47. Francis M. Bolton, 48. Charles Pettit, 49. Moses Thomas, 50. Charles Norris, 51. Frederick V. Krug, 52. John R. Warder, 53. Thomas Say, 54. John Warner, 55. John W. Morrell, 56. Nathan Hall, 57. Joshua Harlan, Jr., 58. George McCalmont, 59. John Inskeep, 60. Henry Wikoff, 61. Henry Witmer, 62. Wharton Lewis, 63. John Elfrith, 64. Hugh Lloyd, 65. George Willing, 66. Wm. Brown. John Larasbach, trumpeter. Cyrus King, captain's servant, Bob Bristol, 2d lieut.'s servant, Ezekiel, cornet's servant, Jack Ford, f Occasionally em- Gabriel Bristol, ployed as Compa- I ny s servants. 44 October 8, 1817. Captain Charles Ross died. The Troop, in tes timony of their regard, erected a monument to his memory in the ceme tery of the First Presbyterian Church. Feb. 25, 1820. It was resolved, that the orderly be directed to convey by letter to Mr. F. V. Krug, late a member of the Troop, their thanks for his present of the By-Laws, handsomely bound and lettered, to be deposited among the archives. Sept. 20, 1820. The Troop marched to Paoli, to celebrate the anniversary parade at the scene of the massacre at Paoli — marching past the monument with, arms reversed. Feb. 1, 1822. The thanks of the Troop were voted by resolution to Wm. S. Simmons and Wm. T. Dubbs, for a handsomely bound copy of the minutes of the Troop from 1796 to 1820. Feb. 22, 1822. Dined in celebration of the day, having as guests the Hon. Timothy Pickering, the Hon. Robert Wharton, and many other distinguished citizens. June 13, 1822. Formed a squadron in connection with the 2d Troop, and elected Capt. Smith, of the 1st Troop, as major. February 22, 1823. A committee appointed to search for original documents belonging to the corps, reported that there was in the pos session of Luke W. Morris, Esq., a silver case with a miniature portrait of General Washington and appropriate inscriptions, containing the original letter of discharge from General Washington to the Troop at the close of the Revolutionary War. This case was presented to Captain Samuel Morris by Captain Dunlap. May 5. Luke W. Morris presented to the Troop a fac simile and a number of impressions of the original letter of discharge above re ferred to. November 17. The Troop presented to Captain J. R. C. Smith a sword, hangings, and suit of horse equipments, in testimony of their re gard and respect. September 26, 1824. The Troop took up the line of march for Trenton, for the purpose of escorting to the city the guest of the nation, General Lafayette. Oct. 2, 1824. Troop paraded second time as escort to General Lafayette. Escorted him to the Navy Yard, and there partook of a breakfast given by the officers of the Yard, the Troop being invited as guests. Oct. 4, 1824. The Troop, having escorted General Lafayette to the State House, presented to him the following address : General Lafayette : The Troop of City Cavalry that first welcomed you to the State of Pennsylvania upon this happy occasion, is the last to 45 take its leave. In discharging this task, the regret of which is cheered only by the hope of your speedy return, allow us to say, in addition to the lively expression of public feeling which you have already witnessed, that next to the ever memorable era which gave Lafayette to the wants of a suffering and oppressed country, we shall bear in lasting and affec tionate remembrance the period of bis restoration to its gratitude. To you, General, as the companion in arms of the original members of this Troop — to you, who have liberally mingled your blood with theirs in the deadly struggle for a nation's rights — to you, who have promoted the cause of virtuous liberty, wherever and whenever it has been asserted, the First Troop of City Cavalry tender the homage of their unfeigned regard. Whilst others, upon this occasion, with a warmth and an energy of feeling peculiarly your due, open their bosoms to receive you, be assured that the emotion which we experience in beholding as our guest the distinguished individual who contributed to the achievement of our national independence, though they may be equalled, cannot be sur passed. The name of the illustrious Washington, connected with that of the gallant and disinterested Lafayette, recorded in the best feelings of our hearts, shall grow brighter in the lapse of time, and like the inexhausti ble luminaries of heaven, they shall reciprocally borrow and reflect lustre. To which the General replied : "Return my thanks to the gentlemen of the First City Troop, and tell them I feel grateful for their attentions to me while in Pennsylvania ; that as the successors of my companions in arms I love them." May 21, 1827. Captain Linford Lardner resigned. The Troop, in testimony of their respect and esteem, presented him with a silver goblet. August 13, 1828. Paraded by request of Sheriff Strembeck, to aid the civil authorities in suppressing a riotous mob in the Northern Liberties. On duty all night. August 14. Similar duty all night. July 1, 1830. Paraded by request of John Conrad, U. S. Marshal, at the execution of Porter, to act in case of an anticipated attempt to rescue the prisoner. Feb. 22, 1832. The Troop joined the civil and military procession formed in honor of the centennial anniversary of the birth of Wash ington. 46 Feb. 22, 1833. The Troop paraded with the Division to celebrate the laying of the corner-stone of the Washington Monument. June 8, 1833. Escorted his Excellency Andrew Jackson, President of the United States, from the Navy Yard to his quarters at the City Hotel. June 10. Joined the Division as the body-guard of the President during the parade of that day. August 14, 1834. The Troop paraded at the request of Sheriff Duncan to assist the civil authorities in quelling a riot then existing in the southern suburbs of the city. August 16. Same duty. August 17. Same duty. November 17, 1836. The Troop presented Captain William H. Hart with a handsome sword, as a mark of their great regard and esteem. December 8, 1838. — In obedience to a general order of 7th inst., the Troop paraded at seven o'clock A. M., to march with the Division to Harrisburg, on a requisition of Governor Ritner. No means of trans portation for the horses having been furnished, the Troop was dis mounted, and went as Infantry. Returned to the city after ten days' absence; but the Troop was not mustered out of service until New Year's day, 1839, when the following complimentary letter was read by direction of Major-General Patterson. Capt. William H. Hart, First City Troop. Philadelphia, January 1st, 1839. Dear Sir, — I am directed by the Major-General to communicate his acknowledg ments to you and the gentlemen in your command, of his sense of the prompt conduct, strict discipline, and high bearing of the Troop during the recent visit to Harrisburg, with a request that you will communicate the same to your officers and privates. Although he has no desire the same shall be made public, as he wishes to draw no invidious distinc tions, when all are entitled to praise, yet he has felt desirous that his appreciation of the conduct of your command, should be specially made known to you ; and allow me to say, it gives me very great pleasure to be the person deputed to make the communication. I am, with great regard, yours, &c. &c. John Miles, A. D. C. 47 The Gentlemen who served at Harrisburg, December 8th, 1838, were William H. Hart, captain, J. Rogers, private, John Lardner, 2d lieutenant, W. Lippincott, do. R. C. Hemphill, cornet, J. Lippincott, do. John Butler, 1st sergeant and or R. B. Price, do. derly, J. Frazer, do. William Penington, 2d sergeant J. K. Eyres, do. and quarter-master, H. Willing, do. A. Lardner, 3d sergeant, C. Willing, do. C. R. Thomson, 1st corporal, T. C. James, do. Peter Abel, private and honorary W. P. Rockhill, do. member, S. Meredith, do. Charles M'Ewen, private, D. Beck, trumpeter. William Jackson, do. Troop escorted the President of the United States Major-General Winfield Oct. 4, 1839. into the city. Feb. 22, 1840. Troop dined together. Scott being one of the guests of the Troop. Nov. 26, 1840. Troop paraded as a special escort, for the remains of General Mercer, removed from Christ Church and reinterred at Laurel Hill., April 13, 1841. Troop paraded to participate in the funeral solem nities, in memory of President Wm. H. Harrison. July 2d, 1841. Troop paraded as speeial escort to the remains of Col. Haslett, who was killed at the Battle of Princeton. Removed from Christ Church to Delaware. Aug. 1, 1842. The Troop was ordered on duty by request of the civil authorities, to assist in quelling a riot in Southwark. On duty 1st, 2d, and 3d. Their services being found unnecessary, were then dis missed. Nov. 11, 1842. It was resolved, that the thanks of the Troop be presented to Saunders Lewis, Esq., for legal services rendered. June 9, 1843. Troop paraded to escort the President of the United States into the city. Jan. 12, 1843. Troop paraded to assist in quelling rioting in Ken sington. On duty during the day. May 7, 1844. Troop paraded in obedience to Brigade orders, to assist in quelling a riot in Kensington; joined the brigade at Washing- 48 ton Square, and marched to the ground as guard to two pieces of cannon. Troops paraded on duty every day, until May 15th, when they were inspected by Major Firth, and dismissed from further service. July 7, 1844. Troop ordered on duty on account of a riot in South wark ; joined the Division at 7 P. M., and remained on duty without intermission until July 13th inclusive, and then dismissed. July 17, 1844. It was resolved that the thanks of the Troop be presented to Madame Segoigne, Messrs. Geo. Zantzinger, Boyle, Lau rence, and others, who furnished refreshments to the Troop during the late riots. Oct. 12, 1844. Troop marched to Achoff's, Montgomery Co., where they remained for one week on duty, for the improvement in drill and discipline. April 12, 1845. Troop appropriated by resolution, two hundred dol lars of the pay received from the city, for services during the riots in July, 1844, to the relief of the sufferers by the great fire in Pittsburg. June 2 and 3, 1845. Troop paraded to receive and escort the Wil mington Light Dragoons, as their guests. June 26, 1845. Troop paraded to join in the funeral solemnities in memory of President Jackson. Oct. 6, 1845. Troop left the city to join in an encampment at the Brandywine Springs. Were escorted from Wilmington by the 1st and 2d Troops Delaware Dragoons. Remained in camp until 10th. Oct. 29, 1846. Troop paraded, acting as escort to the remains of Commodore Decatur, interred in St. Peter's churchyard. March 16, 1847. The Troop presented to Capt. Butler a sword, mounted in silver and gold, as a token of the high esteem in which he was held by the Troop. June 23, 1847. Troop paraded as escort to the President of the United States. Jan. 27, 1848. The following resolutions were passed: Whereas, intelligence has reached the First Troop Philadelphia City Cavalry, of the death, at Mier, in Mexico, on the 23d of December last, of their beloved comrade and commander, John Butler, Captain in the 3d Regiment U. S. Dragoons, Resolved, That the Troop have received the information with pro found and heartfelt regret. Resolved, That the Troop desire to bear public testimony of the high estimation in which they held the character and conduct of their late commander. Resolved, That, while the public can easily appreciate the gallantry, generosity, and devotion of Capt. Butler to his country and her flag, it 49 is for his friends to testify to the excellent and endearing qualities which made him respected and beloved in private life ; and as a token of regard for his memory, the members of the Troop wear crape on the left arm for thirty days. Resolved, That the Troop offer to his bereaved family, their deep condolence and sympathy; and that the directed to transmit to them a copy of these resolutions, and to request the privilege of paying to the remains of their deceased commander, upon arrival in this city, the last honors so well merited by his services in the field, and his noble sacrifice of life. May 19, 1848. Troop paraded to join the escort to General Cad walader, upon his return from Mexico. Oct. 5, 1848. Troop paraded as escort to the remains of Commodore Biddle. Oct. 10, 1849. — Troop ordered on duty to assist in suppressing riots. Assembled at 2 o'clock A. m., and remained on duty until 1 P. M. of the succeeding day. Jan. 17, 1850. — Troop presented to Mrs. R. J. Parke* a casket con taining a set of silver spoons, as a testimonial of thel kindness and courtesy extended by her to the Troop during the rioting near her resi dence in October, 1849. Feb. 21, 1852. — Troop appropriated one hundred dollars to the fund for the erection of the monument at Paoli, Chester County. Dec. 6, 1852. — Richard Willing, Esq., the only surviving member of the Troop in the Western expedition under President Washington in 1794, was placed upon the list of Honorary Members. March 6, 1853. — The following resolution was passed : Resolved, That the commissioned officers of the Troop be appointed a committee to obtain from the family of the late Captain Morris, the letter of discbarge from General Washington at the end of the Revolu tionary War, and all the property or documents belonging to the Troop, that may be in the possession of other persons. March 7, 1853. — R. M. Lewis, J. R. C. Smith, Job Bacon, John Donaldson, Jr., Thomas Craig, F. G. Smith, Joseph Gvatz, John McCrea, Thomas Taylor, Dr. Samuel Jackson, Henry Toland, C. P. Fox, H. M. Martin, E'. M. Donaldson, Moses Thomas, C. Norris, F. V. Krug, Wharton Lewis, Hugh Lloyd, the surviving members of the Mount Bull campaign in 1814, were placed upon the list of honorary members. May 6, 1853. — It was resolved, That the original letter of discharge from General Washington, addressed to Captain Morris, commanding the First Troop, belongs to the Archives of the Troop, and could never be alienated. 4 50 Oct. 24, 1853. — Troop paraded and proceeded to George Woodruff's tavern, 14 miles from the city, where they remained for one week on drill. Dec. 27, 1853. — It was resolved, That the thanks of the Troop be presented to Col. A. J. Pleasonton for the gift of the relics of the Hes sian flag, taken in the victory of " Trenton/' which they will particu larly value as a memorial of the services of their patriotic founders. Resolved, That the Treasurer be desired to procure a suitable frame to contain the relics above mentioned, and such extracts from the ac companying letter and descriptive remarks as shall be appropriate HONORARY MEMBERS FIRST TROOP PHILADELPHIA CITY CAVALRY. deceased members are marked thus 1. Abraham Markoe,* 27. Blair M'Clenachan,* 2. James Mease,* 28. Thomas Learning,* 3. Robert Hare,* 29. Jonathan Mifflin,* 4. Henry Hill* 30. George Hughes,* 5. John Boyle,* 31. James Craig,* 6. John Mitchell, 32. John Murray,* 7. Andrew Caldwell,* 33. John Barclay,* 8. George Graffs- 34. Wm. Turnbull, 9. Benjamin Randolph,* 35. Christian Febiger,* 10. James Budden,* 36. Jacob Morgan,* 11. Samuel Morris,* 37. Thos. Moore,* 12. Dr. Potts* 38. Thos. Leiper,* 13. Dr. Thomas Bond,* 39. Thos. Proctor,* 14. Samuel Penrose,* 40. Wm. Pollard,* 15. James Hunter,* 41. John Mease,* 16. Samuel Caldwell,* 42. George Campbell,* 17. John M. Nesbitt,* 43. John Lardner,* 18. John Montgomery,* 44. James Crawford,* 19. Andrew Bunner,* 45. Matthew Irwin,* 20. Michael Morgan O'Brien,* 46. Wm. Lardner,* 21. John Patton,* 47. Anthony Benezet,* 22. Samuel Miles,* 48. William Vanphul,* 23. James Gibbon, 49. Samuel Howell, Jr.,* 24. Wm. Jackson,* 50. William Todd,* 25. Wm. Brown,* 51. Levi Hollingsworth," 26. Dr. John Carson,* 52. Thomas Peters,* 52 53. Francis Nichols,* 100. 54. Patrick Moore,* 101. 55. Joseph Cowperthwaite,* 102. 56. David Lenox,* 103. 57. David H. Connyngham,* 104. 58. Samuel Griffin, 105. 59. Joseph Prowell,* 106. 00. Wm. Nicholls,* 107. 61. Francis Johnston,* 108. 62. John Caldwell, 109. 63. John West* 110. 64. Wm. Miller, Sen., 111. 65. Robert Hopkins,* 112. 66. Robert Bickley,* 113. 67. Jonathan Robeson,* 114. 68. David C. Claypoole, 115. 69. Samuel Wheeler, 116. 70. George Taylor,* 117. 71. Jonathan Williams,* 118. 72. Wm. W. Burrows,* 119. 73. Abraham Bickley, 120. 74. Harvey Hurst,* 121. 75. Wm. Jones,* 122. 76. John Dunlap, * 123. 77. Wm. Hall,* 124. 78. Robert Smith, 125. 79. Joseph B. McKean,* 126. 80. Andrew Pettit * 127. 81. Robert Andrews,* 128. 82. Daniel S. Delany,* 129. 83. Robert Lewis, 130. 84. Dr. James S. Ewing,* 131. 85. Thomas W. Francis,* 132. 86 Israel W. Morris, 133. 87 John Donnaldson,* 134. 88 John Graff * 135. 89 Thomas W. Hiltzheimer,* 136. 90 Jonathan Smith, Jr., 137. 91 John Miller, Jr., 138. 92 William Young,* 139. 93 John Melbeck,* 140. 94 Philip Nicklin, Sen.,* 141. 9.3 George Fox,* 142. 96 Jasper Moylan,* 143. 97 Robert E. Griffith* 144. 98 Jonathan Jones,* 145. 99 Dr. Nathaniel Chapman,* 146. William Miller,* John W. Baker* Benjamin Morgan,* Pearson Hunt,* John Vaughan,* John Leamy, Thomas Meredith,* Dr. George Gillaspie,* Jacob Coxe,* Matthew Pierce, George Dobson,* Francis West, William Guier,* Thomas Cadwalader, Robert Wharton,* Curtis Clay,* John Dunlap, Jr., Magnus M. Murray, Andrew Hamilton,* Edward Davis, Joseph North, John Hare Powell, David Barnum, Wm. McMurtrie, Wm. M. Read, Richard B. Jones, James Tatham, Dr. W. P. C. Barton,* John M. Scott, Joseph B. Sims, George Hawkins, George B. Milligan, Henry Manigault, Godfrey Twells* William T. Smith, John Zane, Jr., John Shinn, Jr., Dr. Aaron B. Tucker, John Smith (marshal),* Lawrence Sink,* George Hu'gg, Henry Wikoff,* Robert M. Lewis, George McCalmont, Francis G. Smith, Henry Nixon, George Willing, 53 147. John Warner, 176. Francis G. McCauley, 148. James M. Bolton, 177. Daniel S. McCauley, 149. James Crawford, Jr.,* 178. Thomas S. Richards, 150. B. G. James Wilkinson, 179. Edward Yorke, 151. Col. Clement C. Biddle,* 180. Wm. J. Leiper, 152. Capt. James Biddle, 181. Wm. M. Camac,* 153. Lt. Charles W. Morgan, 182. John Lardner, 154. Job Bacon, 183. R. C. Hemphill, 155. Dr. John Howard Hill, 184. Wm. H. Hart, 156. Samuel H. Jacobs, 185. Thos. F Betton, 157. Hugh P. Lloyd, 186. Wm. Jackson, 158. Anthony Stacker,* 187. P. L. Laguerenne, 159. Charles Stewart, U. S. N. 188. E. J. Lewis, 160. Major J. M. Gamble, IT. S. M. 189. B. F. Harley,* 161. Peter Abel, 190. H. N. Naglee, 162. John T. Bryant * 191. Wm. W. Fisher,* 163. Thomas Jay, 192. Richard Willing, 164. Matthew Matthews, 193. Thos. Craig, 165. E. M. Donaldson, 194. Jos. Gratz, 166. Thomas H. Taylor, 195. John McCrea, 167. William S. Simmons, 196. Dr. Samuel Jackson, 168. Elias Deal, 197. Henry Toland, 169. Charles McCalester, Jr., 198. C. P. Fox, 170. John R. C. Smith, 199. H. M. Martin, 171. Samuel N. Gray, 200. Moses Thomas, 172. Richard P. Lardner, 201. C. Norris, 173. Dr. David C. Skerrett, 202. F. V. Krug, 174. Lynford Lardner,* 203. Wharton Lewis. 175. George Guier, OFFICERS, COMMISSIONED AND NON-COMMISSIONED, OF THE FIRST TROOP PHILADELPHIA CITY CAVALRY, FROM THE TIME OF THE FORMATION OF THE TROOP. From 17th November, 1774. Captain — Abraham Markoe.* 1st Lieutenant — Andrew Allen.f 2d lieutenant and adjutant — Samuel Morris. Cornet — James Mease. J 1st sergeant — Thomas Leiper. 2d sergeant — William Hall. 3d sergeant and quarter-master — Samuel Penrose. 1st corporal — Samuel Howell, Jr. 2d corporal — James Hunter. In 1775 and 1776. Captain — Samuel Morris. 1st lieutenant — vacant. 2d lieutenant and adjutant — James Budden. \ Cornet — John Dunlap. The non-commissioned remained the same as in 1775. * Captain Markoe resigned in 1775, in consequence of an edict of the King of Denmark, for bidding his subjects to engage in the war against Great Britain, under penalty of confiscation of their property. f Lieutenant Allen resigned in 1775. J Cornet Mease resigned in 1776, heing appointed clothier-general to the army of the United Slates. § James Budden was promoted from a private to this station in December, 1776, iu conse quence of having distinguished himself in the battles of Trenton and Princeton, where a small detachment of the Tronp vanquished and took prisoners a parly of the enemy greatly superior in number, 55 In 1777. John Donnaldson, 3d sergeant and deputy quarter-master. Andrew Bunner, 4th sergeant. John Redman, 3d corporal. John Mease, 4th corporal. William Pollard, pay-master. In 1781. 1st lieutenant — John Dunlap, 2d lieutenant — John Patton. Cornet — John Lardner. From 11th April, ITS Captain Morris resigned in 1786. Samuel Miles was elected captain, and acted until 3d May, 1787, when he resigned. 2d Lieutenant Patton resigned. These posts continued vacant until 1790 — when Colonel Christian Febiger was elected captain — he resigned in 1794 — when John Dun lap was elected captain. April 12th, 1794. Captain — John Dunlap. 1st lieutenant — David Lenox. 2d lieutenant — Thomas Leiper. Cornet — Wm. Hall — John Lardner having previously declined a re-elec tion to the post. On 10th October, 1794 — on the western expedition, 2d Lieut. Leiper resigned in consequence of, indisposition. 2d lieutenant — Wm. Hall. Cornet — John Lardner — having re sumed the post by choice of the Troop. Adjutant — Jacob Coxe. 1st sergeant — Samuel Howell, Jr. 2d sergeant — Robert Smith. 3d sergeant — David H. Connyngham. 4th sergeant — John Redman. 1st corporal — Joseph B. McKean. 2d corporal — Jonathan Williams. 3d corporal — Robert Hiltzheimer. 4th corporal — John Melbeck. Qr. M. & P. M. — John Donnaldson. D. Qr. M. — Jonathan Robeson. 56 From 2d November, 1796. 1st lieutenant — Wm. Hall. 2d lieutenant — Robert Smith. Cornet — Charles Ross. 1st sergeant — Samuel Howell, Jr. 2d sergeant — David H. Connyngham. 3d sergeant — John Redman. 4th sergeant — John Melbeck. 1st corporal — Joseph B. McKean. 2d corporal — -Robert Hiltzheimer. 3d corporal — John Frazier. 4th corporal — John Vaughan. From 20th June, 1798. 1st sergeant — Thomas W. Hiltzheimer. 2d sergeant and D. Qr. M. — Robert Irwin. 3d sergeant — Michael Keppele. 4th corporal — Benjamin Morgan. 1st corporal — Robert Rainey. 2d corporal — John Frazier. 3d corporal — John Vaughan. 4th corporal — Israel W. Morris. In 1803. Captain Dunlap, Lieuts. Hall and Smith, resigned. Captain — Robert Wharton. 1st lieutenant — Charles Ross. 15th August, 1803. 2d lieutenant — Joseph B. McKean. 17th November, 1803. 2d lieutenant— Robert E. Griffith. Cornet— William S. Willing. 1st sergeant — John Melbeck. 2d sergeant — John Vaughan. 3d sergeant — William G. Latimer. 4th sergeant — Enoch Wheeler. 1st corporal — Jacob Sperry. 2d corporal — Wm. Guier. 3d corporal — Henry Nixon. 4th corporal — John C. Brown. In 1807. Lieutenant Griffith resigned, and Cornet Willing was promoted to the post. John Vaughan was chosen cornet, but declined serving, and remained in his post of first sergeant. William G. Latimer was chosen cornet. 1st sergeant — John Vaughan. 2d sergeant- — Enoch Wheeler 3d sergeant — James Hamilton. 4th sergeant — Henry -Nixon, 1st corporal — Andrew Hamilton. 2d corporal — James Crawford, Jr. 3d corporal — John Warner. 4th corporal — Edward Davis. Qr. M.— Curtis Clay. 57 On 1st July, IE 08. 1st sergeant — Andrew Hamilton. 2d sergeant — Enoch Wheeler, 3d sergeant — James Hamilton. 4th sergeant — James Crawford, Jr. 1st corporal — John Warner. 2d corporal — Edward Davis. 3d corporal — James L. Cuthbert. 4th corporal — John W. Morrell. On 16th July, 1809. 2d Lieutenant Willing having resigned, James Crawford, Jr., 4th sergeant, was promoted to that post. On 22d June, 1810. The cornet's post being vacated by the death of William G. Latimer — An drew Hamilton, 1st sergeant, was promoted to that post. 1st corporal — vacant. 2d corporal — Edward Davis. 3d corporal — John R. C. Smith. 4th corporal — Thomas F. Learning. 1st sergeant — James L. Cuthbert, 2d sergeant — James Hamilton. 3d sergeant, — John W. Morrell. 4th sergeant — Robert M. Lewis. 10th April, 1811. 2d sergeant — John W. Morrell. 3d sergeant — R. M. Lewis. 4th sergeant — John R. C. Smith. 1st corporal — vacant. 2d corporal — Edward Davis. 3d corporal — T. F. Learning. 4th corporal — Anthony Stocker. On 18th October, 1811. Captain Wharton, having been chosen colonel of the regiment of cavalry, resigned. Cornet Hamilton also resigned. Captain — Charles Ross. 1st lieutenant — James Crawford, Jr. 2d lieutenant — James L. Cuthbert. Cornet — Robert M. Lewis. 1st sergeant and orderly — John R. C. Smith. 2d sergeant — Anthony Stocker. 3d sergeant — T. P. Learning. 4th sergeant — John M. Scott. 1st corporal — Francis R. Wharton. 2d corporal — Henry Manigault. 3d corporal — Job Bacon. 4th corporal — Matthew M'Connell, Jr. 58 On 5th October, 1812. 4th sergeant — Job Bacon. 1st corporal — Matthew M'Connell, Jr. 2d corporal — Henry Manigault. 3d corporal — Henry Harrison. 4th corporal — Jehu R. Tunis. On 10th May, 1813. 2d corporal — Henry Harrison. 3d corporal — Jehu R. Tunis. 4th corporal — John B. Simmons. Qr. M. — John Donnaldson, Jr D. Qr. M. — Henry Nixon. In September, 1814. A. D. Qr. M. — Linford Lardner. On 5th May, 1815. 3d sergeant — Job Bacon. 4th sergeant — Henry Harrison. 1st corporal — Jehu R. Tunis. 2d corporal — John B. Simmons. 3d corporal — Edward Twells. 4th corporal — William S. Simmons On 29th May, 1815. Cornet — John R. C. Smith. 1st sergeant and orderly — Anthony Stocker. 2d sergeant — Job Bacon. 3d sergeant — Henry Harrison. 4th sergeant — -Jehu R. Tunis. 1st corporal — John B. Simmons. 2d corporal — Edward Twells. 3d corporal — William S. Simmons. 4th corporal — William W. Fisher. Qr.M. & P.M. — John Donnaldson, Jr. D. Qr. M. — Linford Lardner. On 27th June, 1816. Cornet — Anthony Stocker. 1st sergeant and orderly — Job Bacon. 2d sergeant — Henry Harrison. 3d sergeant — Edward Twells. 4th sergeant — William S. Simmons. 1st corporal — William W. Fisher. 2d corporal — Linford Lardner. 3d corporal — Samuel H. Jacobs. 4th corporal — Charles Fox. Qr. and P. Master — John Donnald son, Jr. 59 On 2d June, 1817 1st lieutenant — John R. C. Smith. 2d lieutenant — Anthony Stocker. Cornet — Job Bacon. 1 st sergeant and orderly — Henry Har rison. 2d sergeant — Edward Twells. 3d sergeant — William S. Simmons. 4th sergeant — William W. Fisher. 1st corporal — Linford Lardner. 2d corporal — Charles P. Fox. 3d corporal — Charles Norris. 4th corporal — John Elfreth. On 27th October, 1817. Captain — John R. C. Smith. On 8th November, 1817. 1st lieutenant — Anthony Stocker. 2d lieutenant — Job Bacon. Cornet — Henry Harrison. 1st sergeant and orderly — Edward Twells. 2d sergeant — William S. Simmons. 3d sergeant — William W. Fisher. 4th sergeant — Linford Lardner. 1st corporal — Charles P. Fox. 2d corporal — Charles Norris. 3d corporal — John Elfreth. 4th corporal — vacant. On 22d November, 1817. 1st sergeant and orderly — William S. Simmons. 2d sergeant — William W. Fisher. 3d sergeant — Linford Lardner. 4th sergeant — Charles P. Fox. 1st corporal — Charles Norris. 2d corporal — John Elfreth. 3d corporal — vacant. 4th corporal — vacant. On 30th January, 1818. 3d corporal — William H. Hart. | 4th corporal — John Howard Hill. On 23d February, 1818. D. Qr. M. — Augustus Cushing. 60 On 22d May, 1818. 2d lieutenant — Henry Harrison. Cornet — William S. Simmons. 1st sergeant and orderly — William W. Fisher. 2d sergeant — Lynford Lardner. 3d sergeant — Charles P. Fox. 4th sergeant — Charles Norris. 1st corporal — John Elfreth. 2d corporal — William H. Hart. 3d corporal — John H. Hill. 4th corporal — Augustus Cushing. 1st sergeant and orderly Lardner. 2d sergeant — Charles P. Fox. 3d sergeant — Charles Norris. On 3d May, 1819. Lynford 4th sergeant — John Elfreth. 1st corporal — William H. Hart. 2d corporal — John H. Hill. 3d corporal — Augustus Cushing. Surgeon — Dr. John H. Hill, 3d corporal — F. Seckel. On 14th May, 1819. 4th corporal — Edmund Watmough. 2d corporal — F. Seckel. 3d corporal — E. Watmough. On 8th May, 1820. 4th corporal — C. L. Bready. On 22d February, 1821. D. Qr. M.— S. M. Gray. On 7th June, 1821. Captain — John R. C. Smith. 1st lieutenant — Henry Harrison. 2d lieutenant — William S. Simmons. Cornet — Lynford Lardner. Quarter Master Sergt. — Jno. Donnald son, Jr. 1st sergeant and orderly — Charles P. Fox. 2d sergeant — Charles Norris. 3d sergeant — -John Elfreth. 4th sergeant — William H. Hart. 1st corporal — Frederick Seckel. 2d corporal — Edmund Watmough. 3d corporal — Clement L. Bready. 4th corporal — Samuel N. Gray. Sword Master — Daniel Sullivan. 61 On 9th June, 1821. Surgeon — Dr. David C. Skerrett. Orderly — Charles Norris. Adjutant— C. P. Fox. 4th corporal — William J. Dubs. Saddler — Violet Primrose. Blacksmith — Samuel Craig. 4th corporal — R. P. Lardner. Riding Master — H. A. Sagnier. Veterinary Surgeon — Edward Steer On 18th June, 1821. Saddler-Trumpeters Howell. f Jacob Gideon. I John Lamsback. On 7th May, 1822. 1st sergeant — John Elfreth. 2d sergeant — W. H. Hart. 3d sergeant — F. Seckel. 4th sergeant — S. N. Gray. Qr. Master Sergeant — C. P. Fox. Surgeon— D. C. Skerrett, M.D. 1st corporal — W. J. Dubs. 2d corporal — R. P. Lardner. On 13th May, 1822. 3d corporal — J. R. Wucherer. | 4th corporal — G. T. Stuckert. 1st corporal — R. P. Lardner. 2d corporal — J. R. Wucherer On 7th November, 1822. I 3d corporal — G. T. Stuckert. On 22d February, 1823. 4th corporal — C. Macalaster, Jr. On 17th April, 1823. Captain — J. R. C. Smith. 1st lieutenant — W. S. Simmons. 2d lieutenant — Lynford Lardner. Cornet— W. H. Hart. 1st sergeant — F. Seckel. 2d sergeant — S. N. Gray. 3d sergeant — R. P. Lardner. 4th sergeant — J. R Wucherer. 1st corporal — G. T. Stuckert. 2d corporal — C. Macalester, Jr. 3d corporal — Owen Sheridan. 4th corporal — Ed. Yorke. 62 On 17th November, 1823. Qr. Master Sergeant — F. Seckel. 1st sergeant — S. N. Gray. 2d sergeant — R. P. Lardner. 3d sergeant — J. R. Wucherer. 4th sergeant — G. T. Stuckert. 1st corporal — C. Macalaster, Jr. 2d corporal — 0. Sheridan. 3d corporal — Ed. Yorke. 4th corporal — vacant. On 21st January, 1824. 4th corporal — W. H. Jones. On 20th September, 1824. Deputy Qr, Master — W. J. Leiper. 1st corporal — 0. Sheridan. 2d corporal — Ed. Yorke. On 3d May, 1825. 3d corporal — W. H. Jones. 4th corporal — C. McEwen. On 20th May, 1825. 1st sergeant — S. N. Gray. 2d sergeant — R. P. Lardner. 3d sergeant — J. R. Wucherer. 4th sergeant — G. T. Stuckert. 1st corporal — 0. Sheridan. 2d corporal — E. Yorke. 3d corporal — W. H. Jones. 4th corporal — C. M'Ewen. On 15th October, 1825. 3d sergeant — G. T. Stuckert. 4th sergeant — 0. Sheridan. 1st corporal — E. Yorke. 2d corporal — W. H. Jones. 3d corporal — C. M'Ewen. 4th corporal — E. Penington, Jr. On 28th October, 1825. Captain — vacant. 1st lieutenant — Lynford Lardner. 2d lieutenant — W. H. Hart. Cornet— S. N. Gray. 1st sergeant — R. P. Lardner. 2d sergeant — G. T. Stuckert. 3d sergeant — 0. Sheridan. 4th sergeant — E. Yorke. 1st, corporal — W. H. Jones. 2d corporal — C. M'Ewen. 3d corporal — E. Penington, Jr. 4th corporal — T. S. Richards. 63 On 10th December, 1825. Captain — Lynford Lardner. 1st lieutenant — W. H. Hart, 2d lieutenant — S. N. Gray. Cornet — R. P. Lardner. On 24th December, 1825. 1st sergeant — 0. Sheridan. 2d sergeant — Ed. Yorke. 3d sergeant — W. H. Jones. 4th sergeant — C. M'Ewen. 1st corporal — E. Penington, Jr. 2d corporal — T. S. Richards. 3d corporal — F. G. M'Cauley. On 25th March, 1826. 4th corporal — John Lardner. On 19th April, 1826 1st sergeant — E. Yorke. 2d sergeant — W. H. Jones. 3d sergeant — C. M'Ewen. 4th sergeant — E. Penington, Jr. 1st corporal — T. S. Richards. 2d corporal — F. G. M'Cauley. 3d corporal — John Lardner. 4th corporal — M. B. Denman. On 14th October, 1826. 4th sergeant — T. S. Richards. 1st corporal — F. G. M'Cauley. 2d corporal — John Lardner. 3d corporal — M. B. Denman. On 15th November, 1826. 2d lieutenant — R. P. Lardner. | Cornet — Ed. Yorke. On 2d December, 1826. Qr.-master sergeant — W. J. Leiper. 2d lieutenant — Ed. Yorke. Cornet — W. H. Jones. Qr.-master sergeant — W. J. Leiper, 1st sergeant— C. M'Ewen. 2d sergeant — E. Penington, Jr. On 21st March, 1827. 3d sergeant — T. S. Richards. 4th sergeant — F. G. M'Cauley. 1st corporal — John Lardner. 2d corporal — D. S. M'Cauley. 64 On 24th May, 1827. Captain— W. H. Hart. 1st lieutenant — Ed. Yorke. 2d lieutenant — C. M'Ewen. Cornet— T. S. Richards. Qr.-master sergeant — W. J. Leiper. 1st sergeant — F. G. M'Cauley. 2d sergeant — John Lardner, 3d sergeant— D. S. M'Cauley. 4th sergeant — W. M. Camac. 1st corporal — Jas. B. Taggart. On 17th October, 1828. 1st sergeant — D. S. M'Cauley. Captain— W. H. Hart. 1st lieutenant — Ed. Yorke. On 20th August, 1828. Septennial Election. I 2d lieutenant — T. S. Richards. I Cornet— D. S. M'Cauley. On 18th September, 1828., 1st sergeant — W. M. Camac. 2d sergeant — John Lardner. 3d sergeant — Jas. B. Taggart. 4 th sergeant 1st corporal — A. H. Thomson. 2d corporal — John Butler. 3d corporal — S. M. Leiper. 4th corporal — Geo. Cadwalader. On 4th July, 1829. 4th sergeant — A. H. Thomson. 1st corporal — John Butler. 2d corporal — S. M. Leiper. 3d corporal — Geo. Cadwalader. 4th corporal — G. H. Thomson. On 15th May, 1830. Trumpeter— D. B. Beck. | Saddler— P. Dixon. 4th sergeant — John Butler. 1st corporal — S. M. Leiper. On 14th May, 1831. 2d corporal — G. Cadwalader. 3d corporal — G. H. Thomson. 65 On 6th September, 1831. 4th corporal — P. L. Laguerenne. On 20th December, 1831. Cornet — W. J. Leiper. On 19th May, 1832. Captain— W. H. Hart. 1st lieutenant — E. Yorke. 2d lieutenant — T. S. Richards. Cornet — W. J. Leiper. 1st sergeant — W. M. Camac. 2d sergeant — John Lardner. 3d sergeant — J. B. Taggart. 4th sergeant — John Butler. 1st corporal — S. M. Leiper. 2d corporal — A. H. Thomson. 3d corporal — P. L. Laguerenne. On 19th April, 1833. 3d sergeant — S. M. Leiper. 4th sergeant — A. H. Thomson. 1st corporal — W. Penington. 2d corporal — W. W. McMain. 3d corporal — Alex. Lardner. On April 27th, 1833. 2d corporal — A. Lardner. j 3d corporal— C. R. Thomson. On 11th November, 1833. Captain— W. H. Hart. Cornet— R. C. Hemphill. 1st lieutenant — W. M. Camac. 2d lieutenant — J. Lardner. 1st sergeant — J. Butler. 2d sergeant — P. L. Laguerenne. 3d sergeant — A. H. Thomson. 4th sergeant — W. Penington. lat corporal — Alex. Lardner. 2d corporal— C. R. Thomson. Surgeon— Dr. T. F. Betton. Trumpeter— D. B. Beck. On 24th June, 1834. 2d sergeant— P. L. Laguerenne. 3d sergeant — W. Penington. 4th sergeant— Alex. Lardner. 1st corporal — C. R Thomson. 66 Captain— W. H. Hart. 1st lieutenant — John Butler. 2d lieutenant — P. L. Laguerenne Cornet — William Jackson. 1st sergeant — R. B. Price. In September, 1839. 2d sergeant and Qr. M. — W. Pening ton. 3d sergeant. 4th sergeant. 1st corporal. Captain — John Butler. 1st lieutenant — P. L. Laguerenne 2d lieutenant — Wm. Jackson. Cornet— R B. Price. 1st sergeant — T. C. James. 2d sergeant — W. Keith. In September, 1842. 3d sergeant — R. Adams. 4th sergeant — H. Stocton. 1st corporal — Wm. Stevenson. 2d corporal — W. I. Lukens. 3d corporal — C. Penrose. 4th corporal — B. F. Harley. In February, 1844. Captain — John Butler. 1st lieutenant — P. L. Laguerenne. 2d lieutenant — Wm. Jackson. Cornet — R. Butler Price. 1st sergeant — T. C. James. 2d sergeant — B. W. Ingersoll. 3d sergeant — H. H. Stocton. 4th sergeant — Wm. Stevenson. 1st corporal — W. I. Lukens. 2d corporal — C. Penrose. 3d corporal — B. F. Harley. 4th corporal — Wm. C. Twells. In April, 1846. 3d corporal — Wm. C. Twells. | 4th corporal — Alex. Bacon. Captain — John Butler. 1st lieutenant — T. C. James. 2d lieutenant — R. Butler Price •1st sergeant — C. Penrose. 2d sergeant — B. W. Ingersoll. 3d sergeant — Wm. Stevenson. May 13, 1847. 4th sergeant — Alex. Bacon. 1st corporal — Wm. W. Fisher. 2d corporal — Jos. C. Harris. 3d corporal — W. C. Livingston. 4th corporal — J. P. Haven. Captain — Thos. C. James. In January, 1850. 2d sergeant- 2d lieutenant — R. Butler Price. 1st sergeant — Wm. W. Fisher. -M, G. Evans. 1st corporal — Harrison Smith. 67 In February, 1850. Captain — Thos. C. James. 1st lieutenant — R. Butler Price. 1st sergeant — Wm. W. Fisher. 2d sergeant — Manlius G. Evans. 1st corporal — Harrison Smith. In October, 1850. Captain — Thos. C. James. 1st lieutenant — R. Butler Price. 2d lieutenant — Wm. W. Fisher. 1st sergeant — M. G. Evans. 2d sergeant — Harrison Smith. 3d sergeant — Thos. Smith. 4th sergeant — Jas. D. Smith. 5th sergeant — Henry Borie. 1st corporal — H. W. Andrews. 2d corporal — Wilson Eyre. 3d corporal — John Sergeant, Jr. 4th corporal — W. S. Randall. In November, 1852. Captain — Thomas C. James. 1st lieutenant — R. Butler Price. 2d lieutenant — Wm. W. Fisher. Cornet — Thos. Smith. 1st sergeant — Wilson Eyre. 2d sergeant — John Sergeant. 3d sergeant — W. S. Randall. 4th sergeant — H. J. Biddle. 5th sergeant — Alex. Biddle. 1st corporal — R. Thompson, Jr. 2d corporal — S. J. Randall. 3d corporal — J. C. Leiper. 4th corpora] — J. C. Lawrence. Trumpeter — John Bayley. 2d sergeant — W. S. Randall. 3d sergeant — H. J. Biddle. 4th sergeant — Alex. Biddle. 5th sergeant — Robert Thomson, Jr In May, 1853. 1st corporal — S. I. Randall. 2d corporal — J. C. Leiper. 3d corporal — J. C. Lawrence. 4th corporal — Wm. Camac. In October, 1853. 2d lieutenant — Thos. Smith. Cornet — Wilson Eyre. 1st sergeant — W. S. Randall. 2d sergeant — H. J. Biddle. 3d sergeant — Alex. Biddle. 4th sergeant— Robt. Thompson, Jr. 5th sergeant — S. J. Randall. 1st corporal — J. C. Leiper. 2d corporal — J. C. Lawrence. 3d corporal — Wm. Camac, 4th corporal — Francis S. Lewis. 68 On Oct. 2d, 1855. 1st sergeant — W. S. Randall. 2d sergeant — J. C. Leiper. 3d sergeant — J. C. Lawrence. 4th sergeant — Wm. Camac. 5th sergeant — Francis S. Lewis. 1st corporal — J. J. Vanderkemp. 2d corporal — T. W. Fisher. 3d corporal — S. L. Shober. 4th corporal — S. Bell, Jr. On Oct. 16th, 1855. 1st sergeant — W. S. Randall. 2d sergeant — J. C. Lawrence. 3d sergeant — Wm. Camac, 4th sergeant — J. J. Vanderkemp. 5 th sergeant — T. W. Fisher. 1st corporal — S. L. Shober. 2d corporal — J. B. Camac. 3d corporal — S. Bell, Jr. 4th corporal — E. C. Wharton. Trumpeter— John Bayley. LIST OF OFFICERS FIRST TROOP PHILADELPHIA CITY CAVALRY. CAPTAINS. Abraham Markoe, Samuel Morris, . Samuel Miles, . Vacant from Christian Febiger, John Dunlap, . Robert Wharton, 1774 to 1775 1775 to 1786 1786 to 1787 1787 to 1790 1790 to 1794 1794 to 1803 1803 to 1811 Charles Ross, . J. R. C. Smith, . Lynford Lardner, Wm. H. Hart, . John Butler, . . Thomas C. James, 1811 to 1817 1817 to 1825 1825 to 1827 1827 to 1842 1842 to 1850 1850 to FIRST LIEUTENANTS. James Allen, 1774 to 1775 Wm. S. Simmons, . 1823 to 1825 Vacant, .... 1775 to 1781 Lynford Lardner, . 1825 John Dunlap, . . 1781 to 1-794 Wm. H. Hart, . . 1825 to 1827 David Lenox, . . 1794 to 1796 Edward Yorke, . . 1827 to 1832 Wm. Hall, . . . 1796 to 1803 Wm. M. Camac, . 1833 to 1839 Charles Ross, . . 1803 to 1811 John Butler, . . 1839 to 1842 James Crawford, . 1811 to 1817 P. L. Laguerenne, 1842 to 1847 J. R. C. Smith, . 1817 Thomas C. James, 1847 to 1850 Anthony Stocker, . 1817 to 1821 R. Butler Price, 1850 to Henry Harrison, . 1821 to 1823 70 SECOND LIEUTENANTS. Samuel Morris, . . . 1774 to 1775 Henry Harrison, . 1818 to 1821 James Budden, . . . 1775 Wm. S. Simmons, . . 1821 to 1823 John Patton, . . . 1781 to 1787 Lynford Lardner, . 1823 to 1825 Vacant from . . . 1787 to 1794 Wm. H.Hart, . . . 1825 Thomas Leiper, 1794 Samuel N. Gray, . 1825 to 1826 Wm. Hall, . . . . 1794 to 1796 Richard P. Lardner, 1826 to 1827 Robert Smith, . 1796 to 1803 Edward Yorke, . . 1827 Jos. B. M'Kean, . . 1803 Charles M'Ewen, . 1827 to 1828 Robert E. Griffith, . 1803 to 1807 T. S. Richards, . . 1828 to 1832 Wm. S. Willing, . . 1807 to 1809 John Lardner, . 1833 to 1839 James Crawford, . 1809 to 1811 P. L. Laguerenne, . 1839 to 1842 James L. Cuthbert, 1811 to 1816 Wm. Jackson, . . 1842 to 1847 J. R. C. Smith, . . 1816 to 1817 R. Butler Price, 1847 to 1850 Anthony Stocker, . . 1817 Wm. W. Fisher, . 1850 to 1853 Job Bacon, . . . 1817 to 1818 Thomas Smith, . . 1853 to CORt JETS. James Mease, . . 1774 to 1775 Lynford Lardner, . 1821 to 1.823 John Dunlap, . 1775 Wm. H. Hart, . . , 1823 to 1825 John Lardner, . 1781 to 1794 Samuel N. Gray, . 1825 Wm. Hall, . . . 1794 Richard P. Lardner, 1825 to 1826 John Lardner, . . 1794 Edward Yorke, . . . 1826 to 1827 Charles Ross, . 1796 to 1803 Wm. H. Jones, . . . 1827 Wm. S. Willing, . 1803 to 1807 T. S. Richards, . . . 1827 to 1828 Wm. G. Latimer, . . 1807 to 1810 D. S. M'Cauley, . . 1828 to 1831 Andrew Hamilton, . 1810 to 1811 Win. J, Leiper, . 1831 to 1832 Robert M. Lewis, . 1811 to 1815 Robert C. Hemphill, . 1833 to 1839 J. R. C. Smith, . . . 1815 to 1816 Wm. Jackson, . . . 1839 to 1842 Anthony Stocker, . 1816 to 1817 R. .Butler Price, . 1842 to 1847 Job Bacon, . . . . 1817 Thomas Smith, . . . 1852 to 1853 Henry Harrison, . 1817 to 1818 Wilson Eyre, . . . 1853 to Wm. S. Simmons, . . 1818 to 1821 V-- ,,. SURGEONS. Dr. Potts, from 17th May, 1779, to 1786. Dr. Thomas Bond, surgeon's-mate, from 1779 to 1786.' Dr. Jokn Carson, from 10th May, 1787, to 1788. 71 Dr. James S. Ewing, from 12th September, 1794, to 4th July, 1803. Dr. Nathaniel Chapman, from 28th May, 1804, to 17th September, 1806. Dr. George Gillaspie, from 17th September, 1806, to 3d October, 1808. Dr. W. P. C. Barton, from 3d October, 1808, to 22d March, 1813. Dr. Aaron B. Tucker, from 24th May, 18.13, to 26th August, 1814. Dr. John Howard Hill, from 14th May, 1819, to 11th November, 1820. Dr. David C. Skerrett, from June 9th, 1821, to 22d February, 1827. Dr. Alfred Drake, from August, 1828, to April, 1830. Dr. Thomas F. Betton, from June 26th, 1833, to 1843. Dr. E. J. Lewis, from 1843 to 1847. Dr. Paul B. Goddard, from 1847 to ASSISTANT SURGEONS. Dr. Bernard Henry, from May, 1854, to SECRETARIES. 1. Thomas Leiper, from 17th November, 1774, to 10th October, 1794. 2. Samuel Howell, Jr., from 10th October, 1794, to 20th June, 1798. 3. James Gibson, from 20th June, 1798, to 28th May, 1804. 4. Richard Rush, 28th May, 1804, to 1st July, 1808. 5. Andrew Hamilton, from 1st July, 1808, to 22d June, 1810. 6. James L. Cuthbert, from 22d June, 1810, to 3d September, 1811. 7. John R. C. Smith, orderly sergeant, 3d September, 1811, to 7th Sep tember, 1815. 8. Anthony Stocker, orderly sergeant, 7th September, 1815, to the 27th of June, 1816. 9. Job Bacon, orderly sergeant, 27th June, 1816, to June 2d, 1817. 10. Henry Harrison, orderly sergeant, June 2d, 1817, to 8th November, 1817. 11. Wm. S. Simmons, orderly sergeant, 22d November, 1817, to May 22d, 1818. 12. Wm. W. Fisher, orderly sergeant, 22d May, 1818, to 3d May, 1819. 13. Lynford Lardner, orderly sergeant, 3d May, 1819, to June 17th, 1821. 14. Charles Norris, orderly sergeant, from June 17th, 1821, to 15. William H. Hart, orderly sergeant, from 16. Frederick Seckel, orderly sergeant, from 17. Samuel N. Gray, orderly sergeant, from .•;•>", 18. Richard P. Lardner, orderly sergeant, from October 22d, 1825. 19. Owen Sheridan, orderly sergeant, from December 24th, 1825. 20. Edward Yorke, orderly sergeant, from April 19th, 1826. 21. Wm. H. Jones, orderly sergeant, from November 15, 1826. 72 22. Charles McEwen, orderly sergeant, from May 22d, 1827. 23. F. G. McCauley, orderly sergeant, from May 25th, 1827. 24. D. S. McCauley, orderly sergeant, from October 17th, 1827. 25. W. M. Camac, orderly sergeant, from September 18th, 1828. 26. John Butler, orderly sergeant, from November 11th, 1833. 27. R. Butler Price, orderly sergeant, from September 15th, 1839. 28. Thos. C. James, orderly sergeant, from September 15th, 1842. 29. Chas. Penrose, orderly sergeant, from May 13, 1847. 30. Wm. W. Fisher, orderly sergeant, from January 23, 1850. 31. Manlius S. Evans, orderly sergeant, from October 15, 1850. 32. Harrison Smith, orderly sergeant, from April 1st, 1851. 33. Thomas Smith, orderly sergeant, from Nov. 11, 1852. 34. Wilson Eyre, orderly sergeant, from November 15, 1852. 35. W. Seward Randall, orderly sergeant, from October 14, 1853. TREASURERS. 1. Thomas Leiper, from 17th November, 1774, to 10th October, 1794. 2. Samuel Howell, Jr., from 10th October, 1794, to 20th June, 1798. 3. James Gibson, from 20th June, 1798, to 20th May, 1804. 4. Richard Rush, from 28th May, 1804, to 1st July, 1808. 5. Andrew Hamilton, from 1st July, 1808, to 22d June, 1810. 6. James L. Cuthbert, from 22d June, 1810, to 3d September, 1811. 7. John R. C. Smith, from 3d September, 1811, to 1st November, 1824. 8. W. H. Hart, from 1st November, 1824, to 15th November, 1826. 9. Edwarde Yorke, from 15th November, 1826, to 2d December, 1826. 10. Thos. S. Richards, from 2d December, 1826, to 1836. 11. John Stille, Jr., from 1836, to January, 1840. 12. Thos. C. James, from January, 1840, to Dec. 1843. 13. Alex. Bacon, from Dec. 11, 1843, to March, 1852. 14. W. Seward Randall, from March, 1852, to February, 1855. 15. J. Francis Maher, from February, 1855, to QUARTER-MASTER SERGEANTS. Samuel Penrose, . John Donnaldson, Curtis Clay, . . . John Donnaldson, Jr, Charles P. Fox, . Frederick Seckel, . W. J. Leiper, W. Penington, 1774 1794180718141822 1823 1826 1833 Washington Keith, . . '.;... 1842 H. H. Stocton, .- 1844, Wm, Stevenson, 1844 Wilson Eyre, 1850 John Sergeant, 1852 H. J. Biddle, 1853 R. Thompson, 1854 73 DEPUTY QUARTER-MASTER SERGEANTS. John Donnaldson, . . . . 1777 Augustus Cushing, . . . . 1818 Jonathan Robeson, . . . . 1794 Samuel N. Gray, . . . . . 1821 Robt. Irwin, .... . . 1798 W. J. Leiper, .... . . 1824 Henry Nixon, .... . . 1814 Wm. H. Stewart, . . . . . 1850 Lynford Lardner, . . . . . 1815 Joshua C. Lawrence,. . . . 1854 MUSTER-ROLL FIRST TROOP OF PHILADELPHIA CAVALRY. FROM NOVEMBER 17, 1774. MEMBERS. ASSOCIATED. RESIGNED. HONORARY. DECEASED. 1 Abraham Markoe, 17th November, 1774. 1775 1775 died 2 Andrew Allen, do. do. 3 Samuel Morris, do. 11th April, 1786 11th April, 1786 d. 6 July, 1812 4 James Mease, do. January, 1775 January, 1775 died 5 James Budden, do. 1781 died in 1790. 6 John Dunlap, do. 30th June, 1803 30th June, 1803 died 7 Thomas Leiper, do. 24th Oct. 1794 24th Oct. 1794 d. 6 July, 1825 8 William Hall, do. 30th June, 1803 30th June, 1803 d. 10 Dec. 1831 9 Robert Hare, do. 1775 died 10 Samuel Penrose, do. 10th Sept. 1787 died 11 Samuel Howell, Jr., do. 20th June, 1798 died 12 James Hunter, do. 10th Sept. 1787 died 13 William Pollard, do. 24th Oct. 1796 died 14 Henry Hill. do. 1775 d. Aug. 1797" 15 John Mease, do. 24th Oct. 1796 i 16 John Boyle, do. 1775 died 17 William Todd, do. 20th June, 1798 died IS John Mitchell, do. 1775 19 George Campbell, do. 24th Oct. 1796 died in 1811 20 Samuel Caldwell, do. 10th Sept. 1787 died in 1800 21 Andrew Caldwell, do. 1775 died 22 Levi Hollingsworth, do. 20th June, 1798 d. May 24, 1824 23 Blair McClenachan, do. 1790 died 24 George Graff, do. 1775 25 Benjamin Randolph, do. 1776 died 26 Thomas Peters, John Donnaldson, do. 20th June, 1798 1804 ELECTED. 27 1775 died in 1832 28 John Lardner, .„ ,Mo. 24th Oct. 1796 d. 11 Feb. 1825 29 Alexander Neshit, do. 10th Sept. 1787 died 30 James Caldwell, do. died 31 Thomas Learning, do. 1790 died 32 George Fullerton, do. killed in 1776 33 Jonathan Penrose, do. died 34 Francis Nicholls, 1776 20th June, 1798 died in 1812 36 Patrick Moore, do. do. died 3b Jos. Cowperthwait, do. do. died 37 John M. Nesbitt, March, 1777 10th Sept. 1787 died 33 William Turnbull, do. 1792 Xi James Crawford, do. 24th Oct. 1796 died 40 David Lenox, do. do. 41 John Montgomery, do. 10th Sept. 1787 died 42 George Henry, do. 10th Sept. 1787 died 43 Thomas Morris, do. 44 Thomas Duncan, do. 75 MEMBERS. 474849 50 5152 5354 55 56 5758596061 62 6364 or, 6667 90 - Wilson, D. H. Connyngham, Thomas Irvin, Robert Roberts, Jonathan Mifflin, Isaac Cox, William Allricks, William Lawrence, Samuel Griffin, Joseph ProwelA, * Inglis, / 5 Andrew Bunner, John Litle, William Nicholls, Matthew Irwin, George Hughes, James Craig. Dr. Potts, Dr. Thomas Bond, Jacob Morgan, John Murray, Michael M. O'Brien, Benjamin Davis, John Barclay, David Duncan, Joseph Fisher, Cadwalader Morris, John Patton, Robert Smith, Robt. McClenaehan, Joseph Powell, John Redman, — George Haynes, Daniel Benezet, t Samuel Miles, Francis Johnston, James Gibbon', William Lardner, William Jackson, John Caldwell, Joseph B. McKean, Christian Wirtz, Jr., Thomas Potts, William Browne, Anthony Benezet, Jacob Morris, ELECTED. 100 101 102103 104105106 107 108109 110 111112 113114115116117 118119 120 Christian Feluger, John West, /£__ Benjamin Morgan, George H?foacker, William Vanphul, Robert Hiltzheimer, George Westcott. William Caldwell, Francis West, f David Clarkson, 1 1 Thomas Proctor, William Coxe, William Miller, Sr., John Anthony, William Colliday, James Collins, Dr. John Carson, Andrew Petti t, Thomas Moore, John Minnick, Robert Hopkins, Pearson Hunt, Robert Bickley, Jonathan Robeson, Jacob Coxe, Andrew Kennedy, Robert Rainey, , Robert McKean' John Graff. J Th. W. Hiltzheimer March, 1777 do. do. do. 1778 do. 17lh May, 1779 do. do. 21st October do. do. 17 SO 1781 do. do. do. 1783 do. 1784 19th April. 1786 do. do. RESIGNED. 10th Sept. 1787 do. 20th June, 1798 1790 HONORARY. DECEASED 20th June, 1798 1798 10th Sept. 1787 20th June, 1798 24th Oct. 1796 1790 V\/ lYV I . 193 William Jones, 16th July, 17th do. 199 loshua Fisher, do. do. 1800 died in 1808 200 jleorge Dobson, 17 th do. 31st do. 1809 died 201 Tacob Sperry, do. do. 14th May, 1810 died 202 Richard Willcocks, do. do. do. 203 Thos. R. Penrose, Jr., do. do. d. 25th Dec. 1812 204 William North, 31st do. 25th March.1799 1809 205 John W. Swift, 31st Dec. 1801 24th April, 1802 7th May, 1810 206 Peter M'Call, do. do. died 207 Robt. R. Champneys, do. do. 14th May, 1810 208 Tames Simmons, do. do. died, in 1809 209 Andrew Hamilton, do. do. Aug. 1811 Aug, 1811 died 210 Iohn W. Baker, 17th April, 1802 do. 1807 died in 1808 211 ?,urtis Clay, do. do. 27th June, 1810 died 212 Wm. G. Latimer, do. do. d. 2d June, 1810 213 Jonathan Jones, do. do. 12th May, 1806 d.8th April,1821 214 lames Latimer, 7th May, 1803 21st May, 1803 20th Feb. 1810 died 215 Dr. N. Chapman, 21st do. 1804 28th do. 1804 17th Sept. 1806 17th Sept. 1806 211 lames Crawford, Jr., do. do. 12th May, 1817 12th May, 1817 died 217 William Graff, do. do. 7th May. 1810 213 James Caldwell, do. do. 2d Oct. 1809 219 Robert Wescott, 28th do. llth June, 1805 died 220 John Warner, 11th June, ith July, llth May. 1810 re elected 4th of 7th Sept. 1815 Sept. 1814. ' 221 Joseph W. Lewis, do. do. died in 1805 222 John R. C. Smith, 13th May. 1805 20th May, 1805 19th April, 1826 broken. 223 Benj. Hutton, Jr., do. do. Expelled 5th May, 1815 224 Edward Davies, do. do. 3d Sept. 1811 225 Anthony Slater, do. do. 20th Feb. 1810 226 Thomas Nightingale, 24th May, 24th June, 2d May, 1808 227 John Zane, Jr., do. do. 26th Aug. 1814 228 James L. Cuthbert, do. do. 12th May, 1817 12th May, 1817 dipd 229 Edward S. Burd, 20th October, 1st Feb. 1806 20lh Feb. 1810 230 Andrew Byerly, do. do. 12th May, 1806 died 231 William Craig, do. do. 18th Oct. 1815 232 William P. Israel, do. do. 16th Dec. 1809 233 John Shinn, Jr., do. do. 26th Aug. 1814 d 14th Feb. 1815 234 Jas. W. Lawerswyler, do. do. died in 1810. 235 James M'Murtrie, 4th July, 1806 17th Sept. 1806 15th April, 1811 236 John A. Dean, do. do. lied in 1807 237 John G. Bringhurst, 19th May, 14th June, 1st May, 1809 23,8 Dr. Geo. Gillespie, do. do. 3d Oct. 1808 3d Oct. 1808 lied 239 Joseph North, 25th Oct. 6th Dec. 1S12 240 John Dunlap, Jr., 6th Dec. 7th Feb. 1807 20th Feb. 1810 241[Robert M. Lewis, 4th May, 1807 llth May, 5th May, 1815 5th May, 1815 242 Charles L. Smith, llth do. 18th do. died in 1811 243 Samuel B. Rawle, 18th do. tth July, 28th May, 1810 244 John Hare Powell, do. do. llth Nov. 1812 245 Wm. W. Wands, 12th Oct., 19th Oct. died in 1810 246 John J. Wheeler, 19th do. llth Dec. 7th Oct. 1811 247 Philip Nicklin, Jr., do. do. 20th Feb. 1810 248 Francis R. Wharton, do. do. 4th May, 1812 249 Thos. F. Learning, llth Dec, 14th Dec. 1st May, 1815 250 James Tatham. do. do. 22d Feb. 1813 251 John W. Morrell, 14th do. 14th Jan. 1808 3d Sept.1811. re elected 6th Sept 1,814 252 Magnus M. Murray, 22d Feb), 1808 21st April, 5th May, 1817 20th Feb. 1S10 25:1 Job Bacon, do do. llth May, 1818 llth May, 1818 254 William Hevl. 21st April, 2d May, 23d Oct. 1813 255'Dr. W. P. C. Barton, 9th June, 13th June, 22d March, 1813 22d March, 1813 256 Mat. M'Connell. Jr.. 27th June, 29th do. 5th May, 1815 257 John M. Scott, 10th Oct. 17th Oct. 8th May, 1812 re-elected 4tb 22d March, 1813 July, 1812. 258 John Y. Bryant, 17th do. •20th do. 31st Jan. 1823 259 Francis G. Smith, 27th do. 25th do. 19th June, 1815 260 Anthony Stocker, 29th Oct. 1808 13th Dec. 7th June, 1821 J. 24th Feb.1832 261 Lawrence Sink, 10th Jan. 1809 17th Jan. 1809 21st Jan. 1815 262 Joseph Gratz, David Barnum, 24th do. 31st do. 263 do. do. 18th May, 1812 264 JoseDh B. Sims, 21st Feb., 22d Feb. 22d Feb. 1813 265 William M'Murtrie, 1st May, 8th May, 25th April, 1812 256 George Guier, 4th July, 6th July, 16th May, 1829 267 George Hawkins, Jehu R. Tunis, 16th Oct., 18th Nov, llth Feb. 1813 263 do. do. d. 31st Oct. 1819 269 George B. Milligan, 15th Feb. 1810 20th Feb. 1810 3d May, 1813 MEMBERS. PROPOSED. ELECTED. RESIGNED. 1 HONORARY. DECEASED. 270 Henry Manigault, 15th Feb. 1810 20th Feb. 1810 30th Sept. 1813 271 John B. Simmons, 14th June 22d June, d. llth Ap. 1816 272 John C. Smith, 25th do. 27th do. 1st May, 1815 273 William Lehman, do. do. d.lOthJan.1822 274 Henry S. Sheaff, 1st Oct. 18lh Oct. died in 1813 275 William M. Read, do. do. 13th July, lSll 276 George Hugg, 15th April, 1811 25th April. 1811 5th May, 181.' 277 Henry Harrison, do. do. ' d.l7thMar.l823 273 Benj. II. Kintzing, 25th do. 29th do. 28th Oct. 1811 279 Abraham Kintzing, do. do. 2S0 John McCrea, do. do. 1st May, 1815 281 Israel S. Elliot, Jr., 6th May, 20th May, 7th Oct. 1811 282 Samuel Jackson, 3d June, 25th Juue, 1st May, 1815 2S3 Richard B. Jones, 25th do. 18th Oct. 4th July, 18K 284 Wrilliam Whelan, 4th May, 1812 llth May. 1812 Expelled 21st Jan. 1815 285 William S Simmons, 30th June, 2d July, 22d Oct. 1825 22d Oct. 1825 2.3f Charles B. McElwee, do. 16th Dec. 3d Feb. 1814 287 Sam. Hollingsworth, 2d July, 4th July, 22d Feb. 1813 2SS William T. Smith, do. do. 2d May, 1814 231 Edward Twells, 9th July. 3d August, 22d Nov. 1817 died 290 William H. Smith, 3d August, do. 13th June, 1823 291 Thomas Taylor, 9th Dec. 16th Dec. 21st June, 1824 292 Henry Toland, Jr., 22d March, 1813 22d March, 1813 1st May, 1815 293 William W. Fisher, do. do. 7th May, 1822 2U4 Samuel I-I. Jacobs, do. do. 3d May, 1819 29f William H. Hart, do. do. 2:i(, Clement L. Bready, 24lh March, 29th March, 7th May, 21st May, 1827 died 297 Linford Lardner, 29th do. 5lh April. 21st .May, 1827 2l\3 Ihomas K. Wallace, do. do. 30th Oct. 1818 Struck off Mar ch, 1827 299 Charles P. Fox, 10th May, 10th May, 300 Matthew Matthews. do. do. 21st June, 1824 301 Dr. Aaron B. Tucker, 24 th do. 2d June, 26th Aug. 1S141 302 Henry McMurtrie. 4th June, 7th do. 24th Sept. 1814 303 Augustus Cushing, 22d April, 1814 2d May, 1814 d. March, 1820 304 Francis M. Worly, 16th Aug. 19th Aug. 4th July, 1817 305 Jno. Smith (Marshal), 25th do. 27th do. 27th Aug. 1814 died 306 Lewis Vanuxem, 27 th do. do. 1st May, 1815 307 George T. Stnkert, do. do. 24th Dec. 1825 30.3 Edward Donnaldson, do. do. 21st June, 1824 309 James M. Bolton, do. do. 5th Feb. 1816 310 Charles Pettit, 30th do. 2d Sept. 22d Feb. 1822 311 Jno. Donnaldson, Jr., 2d Sept. 4th do. 7 th May, 312 Moses Thomas, do. do. 313 Frederick V. Krug, do. do. 4th July, 1817 314 John R. Warder, do. do. 18th Oct. 1815 316 Thomas Say, do. do. 31st Jan. 1824 316 Joshua Harlan, Jr., 4th do. 7th do. died in 1819 317 Nathan Hall, do. do. died in 1820 318 George MfCalmont, 7th do. 10th do. 5th May, 1815 319 John Innskeep, Jr., 10th do. 12th do. died in 1820 32n Henry Witmer, do. do. 321 Wharton Lewis, 19th do. 22d do. llth April, 1816 322 John Elfrith, do. do. lied 323 Hugh P. Lloyd, 21st do. 22d do. 3d May, 1S19 3d May, 1819 324 William Brown, 26lh Oct. 28 th Oct. Struck off 13th June, 1823 325 Charles Norris, 2d Sept. 4th Sept. 13th May, 1822 326 Peter Abel, 27 th Oct. 1815 '2d Dec. 1815 18th Oct. 1821 327 Frederick Seckel, 6th May, 1816 13th May, 1810 2d Dec. 1826 328 C. B. McElwee, 22d Feb. 1817 22d Feb. 1817 22J Feb. 1821 329 John Howard Hill, do. do. llth Nov. 1820 331) Edmund Watmough, do. do. 9th June, 1821 331 Guy Bryan, Jr., 12th May, 12th May, <0% 332 Elias Deal, do. 4lh July, V . ¦¦ 22d Oct. 1829 333 Francis Ingraham, 17th Nov. 30th Jan. 1818 Stricken off No rember 17,1825 334 Thomas Symmes, 30th Jan. 1818 21st Feb. 4th Oct. 1819 335 Samuel N. Gray, 21st Feb. 23d Feb. 8th Nov. 1826 8th Nov. 1820 336 Philip W. Reigart, llth May, 22d May, 337 C. P. Heath, do. do. Stricken off 3d Nov. 1821 338 Br. Gen. J.Wilkinson, 30th Jan. 30th Jan. 30th Jan. 1818 339 Col. C. C. Biddle, do. do. do. w ^apt. James Biddle, U. S. N. do. do. do. pt. Chas. W. Morgan, do. da do. 342 Alfred Ingraham, 25th Jan. 1820 18th Feb. 1820 14th Oct. 1826 343 Wm. J. Dubs, 4 th Feb. do. 19th Nov. 1822 341 R. P. Lardner, 22d Feb. 25th Feb. 22d Feb. 1827 22d Feb. 1827 345 II. B. Reese, 8th May, 3th May, lied 346 I'ho. M. Morse, 24th May, 10th May, 17th Nov. 1825 347 Owen Sheridan, do. do. 4th May, 1829 34S319 Chafles P. Smith, do. do. Stricken off2lsl Vlay, 1827. Jno. R. Wucherer, 18th Aug. Wth Aug. 15th Nov. 1825 MEMBERS. PROPOSED. ELECTED. RESIGNED. HONORARY. DECEASED. 350 Jno. Matthews, 18th Aug. 1820 19lh Aug. d.28th Nov.1826 351 Jos. Weisman, 29th Mar. 1821 5lh April, 1821 13th June, 1823 352 D. C. II. Sims, 7th May, 10th May, 353 0. McCallister, Jr., do. do. 22d Oct. 1825 354 Wm. Stuckert, do. do. 355 EdwarcJ Yorke, 10th May, do. 10th Nov. 1832 366 W. H. Jones, do. do. 357 Fred. R. Fisk, do. do. 18th Oct. 1821 868 Geo. Weayer, do. do. 359 Isaac Cress,; do. 14th May, Stricken off 22d Feb. 1827 d. in 1829 360 J. Rubicam, 14th May, 18th May, 361 P. Laguerenne, do. do. Nov. 1846 362 Jas. Burke, do. do. 1832 363 Paul Jones, 25th May, 31st May, 18th Oct. 1821 364 Com. Chas. Stewart, U. S. Navy, 7 th June, 1821 365 Wm. Newell, Jr., 7th June, 9th June, 1821 23d June, 1831 361 Violet Primrose, do. do. 21st June, 1824 3f,7 Alex. McPherson, do. do. . 3(',.s R. C. See, do. do. 7 th May, 1822 369 C. McEwen, do. do. 370 Jas. Bensel, do. do. 18th Oct. 1821 371 J. W. Ashmead, do. do. 8 th Sept. 1823 372 B. W. Richards, do. do. 21st June. 1822 373 Charles Taylor, do. do. 18th Oct. 1821 874 Thomas Kelly, 9th June, 12th June, 22d Feb. 1822 died 375 E. Penington, Jr., do. do. 9th June, 1831 37C Alex. McAlpin, 12th June, 18th do. 1830 377 J. Armand Monges, 18th June, 22d June, 378 Charles Stokes, 22d June, 4th July, 19th Mar. 1822 379 Wrm. Whitney, 4th July, do. 24th July, 1820 3Sc J. Madison Gamble, U. S. Marines, 4th July, 1821 381 Sam. M. Wetherill, 27th August, 19th Sept. 4th May, 1829 382 Dr. David C. Skerrett. 7th June, 9th June, 22d Feb. 1827 22dFeb 1827 381' G. P. Glentworth, 10th Jan. 1822 llth Feb. 1822 384 Jno. II. Shudder, do. do. 385 Francis P. Corbin, llth Feb. do. 3d May, 1825 S3, Wm. M. Camac, 19th March, 7th May, 8th July. 1839 8th July, 1833 died Mar. 1842 387 Math. P. Denham, 7th May, 13th May, 5th Oct. 1829 388 Thos. S. Richards, do. do. 1832 1st Oct. 1832 died Nov. 1 839 389 Henry Shoemaker, do. do. 6th May, 1823 391 Thomas Smallman, 13th May, 13th June, 13th June, 391 Joe] Z. Reynolds, loth June, 4th July, Stricken offl7lh Nov. 1825 392 Jno. Lardner, Jr., 17th April, 1823 5th May, 1823 8th July, 1839 8th July, 1839 393 Alex, H. Duncan, do. do. Slrickenoffl7th Nov.. 1825 394395 Jno. Bosquet, Wm. J. Leiper, do. do. 15th Dec. 1832 396 Antony Blenon, Jno. Savage, do. do. Nonresident list 397 do. do. Stricken off 17lh Nov. 1825 398 David E. Wilson, 8th Sept. 4th Oct. 24th July, 1826 399 David P. Brown, 4th Oct. 20th Oct. 400 Charles Roher, 31st Jan. 1824 23d Feb. 1824 2d Dec. 1826 401 Chas, C. Watson, Jr., 10th May. ' 21st May, 12th Feb. 1829 402 Fran. G. McCauley, do. do. 26th June, 1829 26th June, 1829 403 Wm. Penington, 21st June, 17th Aug. 404 405 James B. Taggart, Wm. F. Seeger, 4th July, 2d Sept. do. 17th Sept. 27th Dec. 1825 406 Richard C. See, do. do. 17th Nov. 1825 407403 D. S. Hassinger, Thos C. Cash, 17th Sept. 20th do. 20th Sept. 26th do. January, 1836 409 Daniel J. McCauley, 2d May, 1825 3d May, 1825 5th Nov. 18 Jl 5th Nov. 1831 410411 412 413 Robert Morris, Geo. W. Waite, Chandler Bryan, Samuel M. Leiper, do. 22d Feb. 1826 19th April, 1826 do. do. 17th May, 1833 Stricken off 17th May, 1833 17th Nov. 1825 d. March, 1825 414415 Jno. P. Schott, Charles Harland, 19th April, 1st May, 1st May, 19th do. 12th Feb. 1828 do. Stricken off June 26, 1828 416 Geo. Cadwalader, 4th July, 24th July, 417 Butler Price, 14th Oct. 8th Nov. 7th May, 1827 418 Tho. Penn Gaskill, do. 15th do. Dec. 1847 419420 John Butler, Geo. Rex, 8th Nov. May 7th, 1821 do. 8th Sept. 1823 421 Tho. Moore Willing, 2d Dec. 1826 21st Dec. 1826 16th May, 1829 422 A. Ham Thomson, 3d Feb. 1827 22d Feb. 1827 423 424 Geo. H. Thomson, Dr. Thos. McEuen, 22d Feb. do. 22d do. 21st March, 12th Sept. 1827 died in 1830. 425 E. D. Whitney, 21st March, 14th April, 21st May, 426 Edmund Harland, 28th April, 1st May, 18th Sept. 1828 427 Joseph M. Bryan, 24th May, 25th do. 428 Wm. W. McMain, 9th June, 14th June, 80 MEMBERS. ELECTED. RESIGNED. HONORARY. DECEASED 429430 434435 43643' 440 441442443 444 445 446 44744s440 450 451452453454455456457 458459460 461462 463464 466 466467468 Peter L. Yorke, Aaron Clements, Dr. Alfred Drake, Samuel Yorke, John Graff, Wm. G. Calquhoun, Josh. J. Ball, R. C. Hemphill, Wm. Bainbridge, Alex. Lardner, S. W. Bryan, Butler Price, W. T. Clemson, Pierce Butler, H. S. Baker, 470471472473 474 475476477 478479 480 481 482 4S3 484 485 481", 487 490491492 493494 495496497 498 499 500501 5o2503504 505 C. R. Thomson, J. Stille, Jr., J. M'Knight, EI. G. Browne, W. Lippincott, Wm. Jackson, T. Dewees, T. H. Betton, J. M. Bolton, W. P. Rockhill, W. C. Browne, S. Hammersley, T. Payne, S. M.Waln, Wm. Blight, Wm. S. Dillingham, Charles Bancker, Joshua Yorke, Charles P. Massey, Robert Wilmer, James II. Hart, John B. Chapman, Theo. Thomson, Geo. B. Brown, E. G. Glenn, S. A. Wicks, John D. Crosby, Thos. Rea, Jos. M. Rogers, Jos. K. Eyre, John F. Frazer, Theo. Smith, H. Lardner, Charles Duval, Jos. W. Ryerss, Henry Willing, John Lysle, J. Lippincott, Jr., S. Meredith, T. C. James, T. Hale, Jr., C. Willing, E. Hopkins, Geo. Bryan, W. Bispham, Benj. Ingersoll, R. Adams, W. Twells, M. J. Lukens, W. Keith, II. Stockton, L. H. Michaels, W. Stevenson, Geo. Carson, Jos. Harvey, Geo. T. Lewis, Henry Lewis, J. N. Emlen, J. C. Worrell, J. McMain, Francis Peters, 0. Wells, 13th June, 12th Sept. 22d do. 24th Dec. 26th July, 17th May, 18th Sept. 6th Nov. 29th April, 26th June. April, 3d May, 27th June, 2d July, do. 25th Sept. 4th Oct. " do. 25th April do. 9th June, do. 14th June, 23d June, 4th July, 1828 1829 1827 14th June, 1827 22d Sept. 25th Oct. 12th Feb. 1828 4th July, 24th May, llth Nov. do. 4th May, 1829 4th July, 1830 1830 3d May, 15th do. 2d July, 5th do. do. elected May 6th 4th Oct. 2d May, 1831 do. llth June, do. 15th June, 4th July, 6th Sept. 21st June, 1831 non-active 1843 April, 1830 25th April, 1831 2d Sept. 1839 dieddied 2d Sept. 1839 1831 22d Feb. 1832 1st May, 10th Nov, do. 15th Dec. 22d Feb. 1833 19th April, 27th April, 17th May, 26th June, 19th Sept. 5th Oct. llth Oct. 14th Dec. 1833 do. 12th May, 1834 do. 16th Aug. 17th Aug. 14th Feb. 16th Dec. 17th Nov. 17th Dec. 1838 7th Dec. 19th Dec. 17th Nov. 26th Nov. 17th Nov. 1st Jan. 1839 May, 2d Sept. 14th Oct. 21st Oct. 4th Nov. do. 2d Dec. Jan. 6, 1840 do. do. do. Mar. 2, 13th Feb. 1st May, 7th do. 17th Nov. do. Dec. 24th 19th April. 27th do. 6th May, 17th do. 4th July, 5th Oct. llth do. 14th do, 16th Dec. do. 12th May, 21st May, 16th Aug. 17th Aug. 4 th May, 16th Dec. 17th Nov. 7 th Dec. do. 26th Dec. th Dec. 28th Dec. do. 1st Jan, 6th May, ' 3th Sept. 4th Nov. do. 16th Nov. do. 6th Jan. Feb. 3, do. do. do. do. do. I Mar. 2, 1S33 1834 183,18361833 18th Feb. 1833 non-active 1848 18th Sept. 1832 1833— resigned Oct. 3, 1842 26th June, 1833 16th May, 1842 15th Dec. 1834 non-active 1843 15th Dec. 1832 5th Nov. 1831 12th Jan. 1832 1839 1840 1840 dropped nonresident non-active 1843 nonres'dt 1834 17th Jan. 1 16th Dec. 1833 non-active 1842 non-active 1843 May, 1842 non-active 1842 Jan. 7, 1842 resignednOn-aotive 1843 reproposed Apr 2d time,lst Jan, d. June 4, 1831 died in 1832 il 27, 1833 1839. non-active do. non-active October, 1839 non-active 1848 non-active 1847 do. resigned 1842 non-active do. Sept. 1842 resigned Nov. 6, 1843 May 17, 1847 Sept. 6, 1842 died 1850 d. July, 1839 d. Feb. 28, 1845 d. Feb. 21, 1839 d. Jan. 11, 1835 died Jan. 1836 died Sept. 1845 died Dec. 1851 died 1843. 81 MEMBERS. PROPOSED. ELECTED. RESIGNED. HONORARY. DECEASED. 506 C.Penrose, May 4, 1840 May 18, 1840 non-active 507 T \ S. Davis, June 1, J une 1, June, 1841 608 B. F. Harley, Oct. 3, ' Nov. 2.' Peb. 11, 1853 609 M. Meredith, Nov. 23, Nov. 25, non-active 510 J. P. Davis, do. died 511 G. H. Rea, May 17, 1841 June 7, 1841 died 1845 512 Cd . Carey, do. 513 rheop. Hart, June 17, dropped 1850 514 Alex. Bacon, Feb. 7, 1842 Feb. 16, 1842 aon-active 515 Nm. Parker, do. 616 H. Heberton, Feb. 16, Feb. 22, lied 1843 517 Wm. W. Fisher, May 21, :une. lied 1856 518 >eo. Guier, Jr., Sept. 5, Sept. 15, 519 Jos. C. Harris, do. do. non-active 620 Alex. C. Hart, Oct. 3, Feb. 6, 1843 iropped 1843 521 E. J. Lewis, M.D., Nov. 17, do. 1847 522 Walter Livingston, Feb. 22, 1843 Mar. 13, 523 T. W. Reese, Mar. 6, do. dropped 1851 524 Harry Randall, April 3, April 17, 525 Joshua P. Haven, May 2, May 17, 526 Wm. B.Taylor, July 17, Sept. 13, resigned 527 Wm. T. Lowber, do. do. Sept. 1845 528 Manlius G. Evans, Oct. 30, Nov. 6, non-active 529 Baring Powell, May 12, 1844 May 13, 1844 dropped 1851 530 Harrison Smith, May 13, 14, non-active 531 Thomas Smith, 14, 15, 532 James D. Smith, do. •do. non-active 533 Jno. R. Penrose, 15, June 19, do. 534 Jos. H. White, June 19, July 8, do. 535 A. H. Denekla, do. do. 1847 536 H. M. Naglee, July 8, do. 537 J. Barclay, 9, July 9, died 1847 538 C. B. Barclay, 10, 11, non-active 539 H. Borie, 10, H> do. 540 H. W. Andrews, 12, 13, do. 541 Jno. B. Shober, 17, Sept. 13, do. 542 Jos. L. Schaffer, Sept. 9, do. do. 543 H. McCall, Nov. 25. Nov. 25, 1845 544 M. T. W. Chandler, June 30, 1845 Sept. 15, 1845 545 Jas. Mason. Sept. 15, 19, 546 Dickerson Eyre, do. do. 547 Wilson Eyre, do. do. 548 R. H. Hare, Oct. 8, Oct. 9. 549 Jno Sergeant, April 23,1846 April 27, 1846 non-active 550 Paul B. Goddard, Feb. 22, 1847 Mar. 16.1847 551 Hamilton Beckett, Jan. 24, 1848 Feb. 1, 1848 dropped 1848 552 Wm. H. Stewart, Feb. 1, 22, non-active 553 W. Seward Randall, do. do. 654 Henry J. Biddle, April 4, April 4, non-active 565 C. Macalester, Jr., May 18, May 19, 1853 556 Wm. Henry Beck, Oct. 5, Oct. 26, 1850 557 Wm. H. Loper, 11, do. dropped 1850 558 Manuel Eyre, do. do. 65i Alex. Biddle, Oct. 10, 1849 Oct. 13, 1849 560 Robert Thompson, do. do. 561 Sam'l J. Randall, Nov. 9, Nov. 17, 56- H. L. Peterson, 17, Jan. 17, 1850 1855 56: Jno. C. Leiper, Jan. 17th, 1850 Feb. 6, 564 G. Pepper Norris, do. do. 56E J. J. Vanderkemp, 23, do. 561- Alfred A. Carter, Feb. 6, Feb. 18, died 1850 56- J. C. Lawrence, 18. May 27, 563 Wm. Camac, May 27, do. 56! T. Wharton Fisher, do. do. 571 Francis S. Lewis, do. do. 571 Geo. Earp, Jr., do. do. 6T. Carroll Tevis, do. do. 1851 57; 57' B. W. Richards, Geo. F. Arnold, June 10, 17, June 17. 24, died 1865 57, Wm. Sergeant, July 27, July 27, 57 , John O'Brien, Sept. 23, Sept. 26, dropped 1852 57' Samuel L. Shober, Oct. 14, Oct. 15. 57 ( Wm. M. Wright, Jan. 6, 1851 Feb. 6, 1851 1854 57 Geo. McHenry, Feb. 4, do. 58 Jno. B. Camac, 6, do. 5S Samuel Bell, Jr., 6, do. 58 1 Wm. D. Lewis, Jr., 22, Feb. 22, 58 ) E. P. Hewlings, do. do. dropped 1853 82 MEMBERS. PROPOSED. ELECTED. RESIGNED. HONORARY. DECEASED. 584 James T. Lewis, May 26, 1851 June 2, 1851 585 H. K. Richards, Oct. 17, Oct. 17, 5^6 E. C. Wharton, Feb. 2, 1852 Feb. 9, 1852 587 Henry Toland, do. do. 533 Allen Armstrong, July 2, Sept. 30, died 589 J. J. Vansyckel, Oct. 6, Oct. 14, 590 George Brock, do. . do. 1853 591 Wm. P. Brock, do. do. 592 John Locken, do. do. 593 Charles J. Adams, do. do. 594 E. S. Sandford, Oct. 14, Oct. 21, 595 C. E. Hooper, do. do. 1853 596 B. W. Adams, Oct. 21, Oct. 28, 597 J. Fras. Maher, do. do. 693 Wm. R. Fisher, Oct. 28, Nov. I, 599 Theo. C. Lewis, do. do. 1852 600 Barclay Harding, do. do. dropped 1854 601 Al. W. Rogers, Mar. 23, 1853 Mar. 29, 1853 602 R. G. Devereux, Ap. 19, April 22, 603 H. H. Landis, May 6, May 10, dropped 1854 601 Bingham Willing, 10, 13, 605 Charles Debaven, June 14, June 21, 1854 606 T. McMurtrie, Nov. 4, Nov. 8, 607 Jas. B. Smith, 15, 17, 608 John Savage, Mar. 11, 1854 Mar. 28, 1854 609 T. Markoe Bache, do. do. 610 Bernard Henry, M.D. May 2, May 9, 611 Iohn Wagner, Aug. 22, Oct. 13, 612 Wm. F Rotrers, Oct. 3, 17, 613 Wm. D. Smith, do. do. 614 D. Holsman, Oct. 24, 26, 616 R. S. Vansyckel, Dec. 4, Jan. 19, 1855 died 1855 616 R. H. Gratz, do. do. 617 Enoch Brewster, June 5, 1855 June 13, 618 W. L. Roberts, Oct. 30, Nov. 7, dropped 1856 619 R. J. Hemphill, Feb. 16, 1856 Feb. 19, 626 Sam'l F. Jacobs, do. do. 621 J. P. Wilson, do. Feb. 22, WA> - 1. ¦ i i