Cyc Z^ .0' 0 . S , LIBRARY OF CONG-RESS A LIST OF LINCOLNIANA LIBRARY or CONGRESS GEORGE THOMAS RITCHIE ASSISTANT IN CATALOGUE DIVISION 1 . Writings of Abraham Lincoln 2. Writing's relating to Abraham Lincoln WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 19 0 3 Cc^2.o4o IIsTTEODUOTIOX This list is mainly an inventory of the books and pamphlets on Abraham Lincoln as they stand on the shelves in the biographical section of the Library. To this are added references to collected works containing biographical sketches, oi'ations, etc. ; also a list of the writings of Lincoln as they appear in the card catalogue. It does not contain titles of magazine articles except where they have been separately treated as monographs. It is not presented as a statement of the entire contents of the Library on the subject, as further research would undoubtedly dis cover much more material in collected works and miscellaneous compilations. As indicated above, the work is intended to serve as an inventory or check list, not as a bibliography. G. T. Ritchie, Assistant in Catalogue Division. Herbert Putnam, Librarian of Congress^ Washington, D. C. , June 5, 1903. 3 WRITINGS OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN. Lincoln, Abraham. Complete works. Comprising his speeches, letters, state papers, and mis cellaneous writings. Ed. by John G. Mcolay and John Hay. Nev) York: Century company, 1894- 3 voh. 8°. Abraham Lincoln; his book; a facsimile reproduction of the original, with an explanatory note by J. M. Davis. .Ye(() York: McClure, Phillips & co., 1901, -31 I. infacsim., S I., 11 pp., 2 1-, 32°. Facsimile of newspaper clippings of Lincoln's speeches on the subject of negro equality, pasted by him in a small pocket memorandum book, with manuscript notes and a letter. Abraham Lincoln's pen and voice: being a complete compilation of his let ters, civil, political, and military; also his public addresses, messages to Congress, inaugurals and others. [Compiled] by G. M. Van Buren. Cincinnati: R. Clarke & co., 1890. 435pp. Portrait. 16°. Abraham Lincoln's speeches. Compiled by L. E. Chittenden. New York: Dodd, Mead ct' co., 1895. ri, 371 pp. Portrait. 16°- Abraham Lincoln's speeches complete. From his first address in Pappsville, 111., 1832, to his last address in Washington, April 11, 1865. Edited by J. B. McClure. Chicago: Rhodes & McClure publishing co., 1891. 4T8pp. Plates. Por traits. 1£°. Abraham Lincoln's stories and speeches, ed. by J. B. McClure. Chicago: Rhodes & McClure jmb. CO., 1898. 477pp. i?°. An address before the Springfield [111.] Washingtonian temperance society, 22d of February, 1842. Springfield [Ill.~\: 0. H. Oldroyd, 1889. (£), 84-97 pp. 8°. The address in vindication of the policy of the framers of the Constitution and the principles of the Republican party, delivered at Cooper Institute, February 27th, 1860, issued by the Young Men's Republican Union, with notes by C. C. Nott & C. Brainerd. Xew York: G. F. NesbiU& CO., 1860. 3 J pp. 8°- [Addresses] : From his speech at the Cooper Institute; From the first inaugural address, March 4th, 1861; The Gettysburg address; The second inaugural address, March 4th, 1865. (In Peck, H. T. and others. Masterpieces of the world's literature, ancient and modern, vol. 13, pp. 7183-7194. New York, [1899] . 8°.) Amnesty proclamation and 3d annual message of Abraham Lincoln, Presi dent of the United States, read in Congress, Dec. 9, 1863. IWashington, 1863.'] SO pp. S°. Autograph-letter from Abraham Lincoln, in possession of W. S. R. {In Robinson, William S. "Warrington" pen portraits, pp. 579-580. Boston, 1877. l'2o.) Early speeches. Springfield speech. Cooper Union speech. Inaugural addresses. Gettysburg address. Selected letters. Lincoln's last speech. Neiv York: Doubleday & McClure co., 1898. (S), xiii, 167 pp. Portrait. 16°. (Little masterpieces. Ed. by Sliss Perry.) 5 6 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. Lincoln, Abraham — Continued. The emancipation proclamation. ( Til A sketch of the life and times of Abraham Lincoln, pp. 57-60. Philadelphia, [1865] . 16°.) Extracts from his speeches. {Ill, Library of the world's best literature, vol. 16, pp. 9065-9076. New York, [1897], 8°.) Extracts from Lincoln's state papers. New York: A. Lovell A: co., 1896. (2), 35pp. 16°. (American history leaflets, no. S6. ) First inaugural address, March 4, 1861. {In Johnston, .\., cd. Representative American orations, vol. 3, pp. 141-156. New York, 1884. 16°.) Same. {In Johnston, A., rd. American orations, vol. 4, pp. 15-31. New York, 1897. 12°.) Freedom national. The emancipation proclamation vindicated. The eman cipation proclamation by the President of the United States, issued Jan. 1, 1863, and letter of the President of the U. S. to the Union convention holden at Springfield (111), Sept. 3d, 1863. Ofiicially revised and corrected. Washington: Press of the National Republican, 1863. 14 pp. 8°. Gems from Abraham Lincoln. Neir York: Derby i.i- ifiller, [18851. 32 pp. Portrait. 8°. The Gettysburg address, Nov. 19, 1863. {In Bradley, C. B. Orations and arguments of English and American statesmen, p. 311. Boston, 1895. 12°.) The Gettysburg speech and other papers, and an essay on Lincoln by James Russell Lowell. With introductions and notes. Poston: Houghton, Mifflin A CO., 1888. 80 i)p. 16°. [Riverside literature series, no. 33. ) The great speech of Abraham Lincoln, made at Bloomington, 111., May 29th, 1856, as reported, and annotated by Henry C. Whitney, now for the first time published. [n. p., 1895.] (14) pp. Obl.F°. Type- written copy. Inaugural address. March 4, 1865. IWashington, 1865. 1 3 pp. 8° A legacy of fun. With a short sketch of hia life. London: F. Fan-rah, 1865. ir,,4S pp. 18°. Probably spurious. The letters of President Lincoln on questions of national policy. Boston: B. B. Russell, 1863. 23 pp. 1Z° . Same. New York: II. II. Lloyd & CO., 1863. 33pp. 13° Lincoln; passages from his speeches and letters, with an introduction by R. W. Gilder. New York: The Century co., 1901. .rlrii, 304 pp. Portrait . 34°. Lincoln's anecdotes: a complete collection of the anecdotes, stories and pithy sayings of the late Abraham Lincoln, 16th President of the United States. New York: Tlie American news en., 1868. 63 pp. 13°. Lincoln's Cooper Institute addrews. Address at Cooper Institute, New York, Feb. 27, 1860. [Boston: Published by the directors of the old Soutli work, 1903.1 30 pp. 1S°. (Old South leaflets, vol. 5, no. 107.) LIST OF LINCOLlSriANA. Y Lincoln, Abraham — Continued. Lincoln's inaugural and first message to Congress, 1861. New York: A. Lovell d- co., 1894. (S), 37 pp. 13° - (American history leaflets, no. 18.) Lincoln's inaugurals, the emancipation proclamation, etc. [Boston: Published by the directors of the old South work, 1896.1 16 pp. 13°. (Old South leaflets, ml. 1, no. 11.) Lincoln's second inaugural address. {In Masterpieces of American eloquence. Christian Herald selection, pp. 238-239. New York, 1900. 8°.) The martyr's monument. Being the patriotism and political wisdom of Abraham Lincoln, as exhibited in his speeches, messages, orders, and proclamations, from the presidential canvas of 1860 until his assassination, April 14, 1865. Nev) York: The American news company, [18651. iv, 397 pp. 13°. National politics Speech delivered at the Cooper Institute, Monday, Feb ruary 27, 1860. [Albany: Albany Journal, 1860.1 ISpy. 8° (Evening Journal tracts, no. 5. ) Same. Nev' York: New York Tribune, 1860. 11pp. 8°. Same. New York: New York. Tribune, 1860. 15pp. 8°. (Tribune tracts, no. 4.) On his nomination to the LTnited States Senate, at the Republican state con vention, Springfield, Ills., June 17, 1858. (In Johnston, A., erf. Representative orations, vol. 3, pp. S-16. New York, 1884. 16°.) On the Dred Scott decision, Springfield, 111., June 26, 1857. (im Johnston, A., erf, American orations, vol. 3, pp. 154-167. New York, 1897. 12°.) Opinions of Abraham Lincoln upon slavery and its issues: indicated by his speeches, letters, messages, and proclamations. [n. p., 186-1 16 pp. 8° Opinions on 'slavery' and 'reconstruction' as expressed by President ' Lincoln. With brief notes by Hon. AVilliam Whiting. [New Yorki: Union congressional committee, [18641. 16pp. 8°. President Lincoln on Vallandigham and "arbitrary arrests." [New York: New York Tribune, 1863.1 4 pp. 8°. (THbune wot tracts, no. 5. ) President Lincoln's emancipation proclamation, January 1st, 1863. (77i. Pulpit and rostrum, nos. 34-35, pp. 15-19. New York, 1865. 8°.) President Lincoln's second inaugural address. March 4th, 1865. (/« Pulpit and rostrum, nos. 34-35, pp. 20-23. New York, 1865. 8°) President Lincoln's views. An important letter on the principles involved in the Vallandigham case. Correspondence in relation to the Democratic meeting, at Albany, N. Y. Philadelphia: King & Baird, 1863. (3), 16pp. 8°. Same. {J)i Union league of Philadelphia. Pamphlets, vol. 1, no. 31. 1863-'66.) The President's words: a selection of passages from the speeches, addresses, and letters of Abraham Lincoln. Boston: Walker, Fuller & CO., 1865. 186 pp. 16°. The Republican party vindicated — the demands of the South explained. Speech at the Cooper Institute, New York city, February 27, 1860. [n. p., n. d.1 8pp. 8°. O LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. Lincoln, Abraham — Continued. Republican principles. Speech at the Republican state convention, held at Springfield, Illinois, June 16, 1858. [Albany: Albany Journal, 1860.1 6pp. 8° (Evening Jowrnaltracts,no.7.) [Selection from the speeches, etc.] (-Tn Chaplin, J., eompite)'. Words of our Presidents, pp. 223-283. Boston, 1891. 12°) Speech on the presidential question. Delivered in the House of Repre sentatives, July 21, 1848. Washington: Towers, printer, [18481. 8pp. 8°. Speech on the civil and diplomatic appropriation bill; delivered in the House of Representatives, June 20, 1848. Washington: Printed by J. E. & G. S. Gideon, 1848. 14pp. 8°- The table talk of Abraham Lincoln. Ed. by W. O. Stoddard. Illust. by C. Moore-Smith. New York: F. A. Stokes CO., [18941- (4), 154 pp. Frontispiece. 18°. The war policy of the administration. Letter of the President to the Union mass convention at Springfield, Illinois. [Albany, 1863?1 8pp. 8°. (Erening Journal documents, no. 1.) Words of Abraham Lincoln. Edited by C. W. French. New York: Maynard, Merrill & CO., [18941. 57pp. 18°. (English classi c series, no. 131.) Words of Abraham Lincoln, for use in schools; selected, arranged and anno tated by I. Thomas. Chicago: Western pub. house, [18981. 370 pp. 13°. AYords of Lincoln, including several hundred opinions of his life and char acter by eminent persons of this and other lands. Compiled by O. H. Oldroyd. AVith an introduction by M. W. Fuller and T. S. Hamlin. Washington, D.C.: O.H. Oldroyd, [1895]. xvii,331pp. Plates. Portraits. 13°. Lincoln, Abraham, and Stephen Arnold Douglas. The campaign in Illinois. Last joint debate. Douglas and Lincoln at Alton, Illinois. Washington: L. Toicers, 1858. S3 pp. 8° The first Lincoln and Douglas debate, at Ottawa, 111., Aug. 21, 1858. [Boston: Published by the directors of the Old South work, 1896.1 33 pp. 13°. (Old South leaflets, ml. 4, no. 85.) Political debates between Abraham Lincoln and Stephen A. Douglas, in the celebrated campaign of 1858, in Illinois. Columbus, 0.: Follett, Foster and compain/, 1860. ir, 388 pp. 8°. Political debates between Abraham Lincoln and Stephen A. Douglas in the celebrated campaign of 1858 in Illinois; including the preceding speeches of each at Chicago, Springfield, etc. Cleveland, 0.: 0. S. Hubbell & co., 1895. ri, 415pp. 4° Political speeches and debates of Abraham Lincoln and Stephen A. Douglas, 1854-1861. Edited by Alonzo T. Jones. Battle Creek, Mich.: International tract society, 1895. riii, 355 pp. Plates. Portraits. 8°. Speeches of Lincoln and Douglas in the campaign of 1858; with intro duction and notes by E. C. Morris. New York: Mnytuird, Merrill A: m., [18991. 63 pp. 18°. (Maynard's English classic series, no. 316. ) LIST OF BOOKS RELATING TO ABRAHAM LINCOLN. Abbot, Francis Ellingwood. The martyr of liberty: a sermon preached in the Unitarian church, Dover, N. H., on Sunday, April 16, 1865. (//) Lincolniana. In memoriam, pp. 1-7. Boston, Isiio. 4°.) Abbott, John Stevens Cabot. Abraham Lincoln. {In his Lives of the Presidents of the Ignited States of Americta, pp. ;-i7.^^35. Boston, 1867. 8°) Abott, Abott A. The assassination and death of Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States of America, at Washington, on the 14th of April, 1865. Neiij York: American news company, [18651. 13 pp. 13° The life of Abraham Lincoln. New York: T. R. Dawley, 1884. (4), 11-100 pp. 13° Same. Nen) York: T. R. Dcneley, 1864. (2), 11-104 pp. 13°. Abraliam Africanus I. His secret life as revealed under the mesmeric influence. ^Mysteries of the White House. New York: J. F. Peeks, 1864. [3), 57 pp. 13° Adams, Charles Francis. Speech at a meeting of the Americans held in Lon don, May 1. (/?i Lincolniana. In .memoriam, pp. 2S1-2S5. Boston, 1865. 4°.) Adams, William. Sermon [on fhe death of Lincoln]. (7« Our martyr President, pp. 329-340. Xew York, [1865] . Vl°.) Adderup, Andrew [psexidfl Lincolniana; or, The humors of Uncle Abe. Second Joe Miller. New York: J. F. Peeks, [18641- [3), 95 pip. 13° Addresses on the consideration of resolutions relati-\'e to the death of Abraham Lincoln,, President of the United States, delivered in the House of Repre sentatives of Pennsylvania, January 23, 1866. Together with the last inaugural address of President Lincoln. Harrisburg: Singerly & Myers, 1866. 34 pp. 8°.. Alger, Horatio, jr. Abraham Lincoln, the backwoods boy; or. How a young rail- splitter became President. Neio York: JR. Anderson & U.S. Allen, 1883. 307 pp. Plates. Portrait. 8°. (Boyhood and manhood series of illustrious Americans, vol. 1.) Alleged proclamation of Lincoln. {In Southern historical society papers, vol. 7, pp. 9.T-9S. Richmond, 1879. S°.) Allen, Eugene C. Abraham Lincoln. An historical essay in two parts. Albion, Mich.: 1895. 146 pp. 8°. Allen, Lyman Whiting. Abraham Lincoln. A poem. ,New York: G. P. Putnam's sons, 1898. vi, 113 pp. 13°. Revised editiou of the prize poem "Abraham Lincoln," published in The New York Herald, Dee. 15, 1895. 10 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. Ames, Charles G. Stand by the President! An address delivered before the National Union association, of Cincinnati, March 6, 1863. Published by order of the association. Philadelphia: King d- Baird, 1863. 15pp. 8°. Ann Arbor, Michigan. Memorial proceedings in honor of the lamented President of the United States, Abraham Lincoln, held in Ann Arbor, Michigan; with the address of Rev. E. O. Haven. Ann Arbor: "Peninsida courier," 1865. 11 pp.- 8° Arnaud, Achille. Abraham Lincoln, sa naissance, sa vie, sa mort. Avec un recit de la guerre d'Am^rique d'apres les documents les plus authentiques. Paris: Charlieu fr^res lO HvUlery, 1865. 96 pp. 4° ¦ Arnold, Isaac Newton. Abraham Lincoln. till Oldroyd, O. H. ed. The Lincoln memorial, pp. '29-69. New York, 1SS2. x'. Abraham Lincoln. A paper read before the Royal historical society, London, June 16th, 1881. {In Royal historical society. Transactions, vol. 10, pp. 312-343. London, 1882, 8°.) Same. Reprinted from "Transactions of the Royal historical society," vol. 10. Chicago: Fergus printing company , 1883 . 45 pp. 8°. The history of Abraham Lincoln and the overthrow of slavery. Chicago: Clarke & CO., 1866. 736 pp. Plate. 8°. The life of Abraham Lincoln. Chicago:' .Jansen, McClurg & CO., 1885. 4^3 pp. Portrait. S° Reconstruction: liberty the corner-stone, and Lincoln the architect. Speech. Delivered in the House of Representatives, March 19, 1864. Washington: L. Towers & co., 1864. 14pp. 8° Same. 2d ed. Washington: L. Tcrwers & co., 1864- 14 pp. 8° Sketch of the life of Abraham Lincoln. Compiled in most part from the History of Abraham Lincoln, and the overthrow of slavery. New York: J. B. Bachelder, 1869. 75 pp. Portrait. 8°, Arrangements for the memorial address on the life and character of Abraham Lin coln. [1866]. (S'ee United States. 39th Congress, 1st session. The Assassination and history of the conspiracy. A complete digest of the whole affair from its inception to its culmination, sketches of the principal char acters, reports of the obsequies, etc. Fully illustrated. Cincinnati: J. R. Hawley p- 8° Boyd, Andrew. See Taylor, Tom, i. e. Thomas Proclus. Boyd, Andrew, compiler. A memorial Lincoln bibliography: being an account of books, eulogies, sermons, portraits, engravings, medals, etc., published upon Abraham Lincoln, sixteenth President of the United States, assassi nated Good Friday, April 14th, 1865. Albany, N. Y.. A. Boyd, 1870. iv, (4), 175pp. Photographs. 4°. contents; Pt. 1. Hart, C. H. Bibliographia Lincolniana, pp. 7-86. Pt. 2. Boyd, A. Lincoln bibliography, pp. 87-175. War. [Wheeling: A. Boyd, 1865.1 41-48 pp. 8°. From the appendix of Wheeling directory, 1865-6. Contains an account of the assas sination of Lincoln. Bradford, B. F. The cause of the rebellion; or. What killed Mr. Lincoln. A dis course delivered in the First Congregational church in Niagara city, in honor of Abraham Lincoln, April 20th, 1865. Buffalo: A. M. Clapp d- co's steam printing, 1865. 30 pp. 8°. Bradlee, Caleb Davis. A sermon for the Church of the Redeemer; preached Sun day, April 23d, I86.1. [Boston: 1865.1 3-10 pp. 8°. Brakeman, Nelson L. A great man fallen. A sermon preached in the Methodist church. Baton Rouge, La., April 23, 1865, on the death of Abraham Lin coln, President of the United States. New Orleans: New Orleans Times book and job office, 1885. 32 pp. 8° . Bramantip, Bocardo, pseud. See Buel, (Oliver Prince. Briggs, George Ware. Eulogy on Abraham Lincoln, June 1, 1865. With the pro ceedings of the dty council on the death of the President. Sideiii,Mass.. 1865. 48 pp. 8°. Brigham, Charles Henry. The national bereavement: a discourse delivered at the First Congregational church, Taunton, Mtiss., on Sundav morning, April 16, 186.5. (7« Lincolniana. In memoriam, pp. S-2U. Huston, 1X05, 4°) LIST OF LINCOLNIANA. 17 Britten, Emma Hardinge. The great funeral oration on Abraham Lincoln, by Miss Emma Hardinge. Delivered Sunday, April 16, 1865, at Cooper institute. New York. New York: American news company , [18651. 38 pp. 8°. Brockett, Linus Pierpont. The life and times of Abraham Lincoln, sixteenth Presi dent of the United States. Including his speeches, messages, inaugurals, proclamations, etc. Philadelphia: BradUy d: CO., 1886. 750 pp. Plates. 8°. Brooks, Elbridge Streeter. At Lincoln's home. (/ti /lis The century book of famous Americans, pp. 193-210. New York, [1896]. 8°.) The story of Abraham Lincoln, of Springfield. {In his Historic Americans, pp. 335-353. New York, [1899] . 12°.) The true story of Abraham Lincoln the American told for boys and girls. Boston: . Lothrop publishing co., [18961. 339 pp. Plates. Portraits. 4°. ( Children's lives of great men.) Brooks, James. The two proclamations. Speech before the Democratic Union association, Sept. 29th, 1862. New York: Van Evrie, Horton d: co. , [188-1. 8 pp. 8°. Brooks, Noah. Abraham Lincoln. (In his Men of achievement. Statesmen, vol. 2, pp. 176-222. New York, 1893. 8°.) Abraham Lincoln. A biography for young people. Neiv York: G. P. Putnam's sons, 1888. xiii, 478 pp. Portrait. 12°. Abraham Lincoln and the downfall of American slavery. New York, G. P. Putnam's sons, 1894. (3), xv, 471 pp. Plates. Portraits. 13° (Heroes of the nation. ) Abraham Lincoln; his youth and early manhood, with a brief account of his later life. Neiv York and London: G. P. Putnam's sons, 1901. (3), xvii, 304 pp. Plates. Portrait. 13°. (The Knickerbocker literature series, vol. 3.) Washington in Lincoln's time. New York: The Century CO., 1895. ri, 338pp. 13°. Brooks, Phillips. Abraham Lincoln. f/Ti Ais Addresses, pp. 148-174. Boston, [1893]. 16°) Same. (Jji Ms Addresses, pp. 157-186. New York, [1899] . 32°) The life and death of Abraham Lincoln. A sermon preached at the Church of the Holy Trinity, Philadelphia, Sunday morning, April 23, 1865. Philadelphia: H. B. Ashmead, 1865. 24 pp. 8°. Broom, Walter William. Abraham Lincoln's character. Sketched by English travellers. [Brooklyn, 1865.1 4 pp. 8°. Brown, Nathan, de histori ov Magnus Maha'rba and ae blak dragun. Bai Kristo- fur Kadmus. Ni:i-York: Printed for a efilolojikal gemdna, 1868. (3), 123, (3) pp. 16°. Spelling is phonetic throughout. The history of Magnus Maharba and the black dragoon. By Kristofur Kad mus. From the original manuscripts. New York, 1867. (2), 105 pp. 16°. 27426—03 2 18 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. Browne, Francis F., compiler. The every-day life of Abraham Lincoln. A biog raphy of the great American President from an entirely new standpoint, with fresh and invaluable material. Lincoln's life and character por trayed by those who knew him. A series of pen pictures by friends, neighbors, and daily associates during his whole career. Estimates and impressions of distinguished men, with reminiscences, incidents, and trib utes from universal sources. A complete personal description and biog raphy of him who was the humblest and greatest of American citizens, the truest and most loyal of men, and a central figure in the world's his tory. With nearly 100 original illustrations. Neiv York d: St. Louis: N. D. Thompson publishing m., 1886. (3), rii-.r.vviii, 33-747 pp. Portrait. 8°. Browne, Robert H. Abraham Lincoln and the men of his time. Cincinnati: Jennings d- Pye; Neiv York, Eaton d: Mains, [1901]. 3 vols. 8°. Bryant, William Cullen. Ode for the funeral of Abraham Lincoln. (Zn Pulpit and rostrum, nos. 34-3.5, p. 14. New York, 186.5. 8°.) Buckingham, John E., sr. Reminiscenses and souvenirs of the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. Washington: R. II. Darby, 1894- 89 pp. Plates. Portraits. 8°- Budington, AVilliam Ives. Sermon [on the death of Lincoln.] (In. Our martyr President, pp. 111-127. New York, 1865. 12°.) Buel, Oliver Prince. The Abraham Lincoln myth. An essay in "higher criticism." B}' Bocardo Bramantip. New York: Mascot publishing CO., 1894. (8), 88 pp. Portrait. 16° (Mascot library, no. 6.) Bulkley, Edwin A. The uncrowned nation. A discourse commemorative of the death of Abraham Lincoln, sixteenth President of the United States; preached in the First Presbyterian church of Plattsburgh, N. Y., April 19, 1865. Plattsburgh, N. Y.: J. W. Tuttle, 1865. 16 pp. 8°. Bullock, Alexander Hamilton. Abraham Lincoln: the just magistrate, the repre sentative statesman, the practical philanthropist. Address before the city council and citizens of Worcester, June 1, 1865. Worcester: C. Hamilton, [18651. 49 pp. 8° Same. (In las Addresses, pp. 76-107. Boston, 18X3. 8°.) Bungener, Louis Felix. Lincoln. Sa vie, son oeuvre et sa mort. Lausanne: G. Bridel, 1885. 160 pp. 12°. ¦ Lincoln. Zijn leven, werk en dood. Naar het fransch. Utrecht: ./. .7. H. Kemmer, 1868. (2), 118pp. 12° Buntline, Ned, pseud- See Judson, Edward Z. C. Burchard, Samuel D. Sermon [on the death of Lincoln.] (ZnOurmartyr President, pp. 265-272. New York, [1865] . 12°) Burgess, C. The life and character of Abraham Lincoln, with some lessons from his death. A discourse delivered in the M. E. church at a union meeting of the Baptist, Jlethodist and Presbyterian congregations of Panama, April 30, 1865. Jamestown, N. Y.: Bishop hrotliers, 1^65. 20 pp. 8°. LIST OF LINCOLNIANA. 19 Burns, Robert Ferrier. Mr. Burns' address. {In ^[aple leaves from Canada, for the grave of Abraham Lincoln, pp. 18-2S. St., Catherines, 1865. 8°.) Burrows, John Lansing. Palliative and prejudiced judgments condemned. A dis course delivered in the First Baptist church, Richmond, Va., Junel, 1865, the day appointed by the President of the United States for humiliation and mourning on account of the assassination of President Lincoln [etc.1 Richmond: Commercial bulletin, 1885. 13 pp. 8°. Burrows, R. S. Remarks of Hon. R. S. Burrows, and address by Hon. Noah Davis,, on the occasion of the national obsequies of President Lincoln, at Albion, N. Y., April 19, 1865. Rochester, N. Y.: C. D. Tracy d- co., 1885. 34pp. 8°. Bush, James S. Death of President Lincoln. A sermon, preached in Grace church. Orange, N. J., Easter, April 16, 1865. Orange, N. J: E. Gardner, 1886. 8 pp. 8°. Butler, Clement Moore. Funeral address on the death of Abraham Lincoln, delivered in the Church of the Covenant, April 19, 1865. Philadelphia: H. B. Ashmead, 1865. 33 pp. 8° Butler, Henry E. (jod's way of leading the blind. A discourse commemorative of the death of Abraham Lincoln, delivered in the Congregational church, Keeseville, N. Y., April 23, 1865. Burlington: Free Press book and job prirtting office, 1866. 23 pp. 8°. Butler, John George. The martyr President. Our grief and our duty. Washington, D. C: McGill & Witherow, 1865. 14pp. 8°. Butterworth, Hezekiah. In the boyhood of Lincoln. New York: D. Appleton and company, 1892. x, 368 pp. Plates. Portraits. Facsimiles. 13° Buttre, Lillian C. Abraham Lincoln. (7n 7ier The American portrait gallery, pp. 1-2. New York, [1877] . 4°.) Cadmus, Christopher, pseud. See Brown, Nathan. Canisius, Theodor. Abraham Lincoln. Historisches Charakterbild. Wien: C. Reisser, 1887. 353 pp. 12°. Career and adventures of John H. Surratt, since his flight from America, his final arrest in Egypt by U. S. Consul Hale. Philadelphia: C. W. Alexander, [18661. 99 pp. 8°. ¦ Leben und Abentheuer von John H. Surratt, seit seiner Flucht von Amer ica, seine endliche Verhaftung in Egypten durch den Ver. Staat. Consul Hale. Philadelphia: C. W. Alexander, 1866. 99 pp. 8° Carey, Isaac E. Abraham Lincoln. The value to the nation of his exalted charac ter. Rev. Mr. Carey's fast da.y sermon, preached June 1, 1865, in the First Presbyterian church of Freeport, 111. [Freeport, III., 1865.1 ^ PP- S° Discourse of Rev. Mr. Carey, on the death of Abraham Lincoln, preached on the day of his funeral, April 19th, 1865, in the First Presbyterian church in Freeport, Illinois. [Freeport, III, 1885.1 ^ PP- ^°- 20 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. Carnahan, D. T. Oration on the death of Abraham Lincoln, sixteenth President of the United States, delivered before the citizens of Gettysburg, Pa., June 1, 1865. Gettysburg: Auginbaugh, 1885. 24 pp. 8°. Carpenter, Francis B. Anecdotes and reminiscences of President Lincoln. (Jn Raymond, H. J. The life and public services of Abraham Lincoln, pp. 725-766. New York, 1865. 8°.) Six months at the AA''hite House with Abraham Lincoln. The story of a picture. NewYork: Hurdd- Houghton, 1866. 359 pp. 16°. Inner life of Abraham Lincoln. Six months at the AVhite House with Abraham Lincoln. 24th ed. Neiv York: Hurdd:. Houghton, 1867. 3.69 pp. 16°. Carruthers, J. J. Funeral oration on the death of President Lincoln: delivered before the mayor, city council, and citizens of Portland, April 19, 1865. (In Lincolniana. In memoriam, pp. 239-247. Boston, 1865. 4°.) Cathey, James 11. Truth is stranger than fiction ; or. The true genesis of a wonder ful man. [Bryson City, N. C: 18991. [3), 185 pp. 16°. Chad-wick, John White. Abraham Lincoln: a sermon preached to his society in Brooklyn, N. Y. (i?i Lincolniana. In memoriam, pp. 36-51. Boston, 1865. 4°.) Chaflln, William L. The President' s death and its lessons. A discourse on Sunday morning, April 23d, 1865, before the Second Unitarian society of Phila delphia. Philadelphia: King d- Baird, 1865. 18pp. 8°. Chafin, Eugene AA'. Abraham Lincoln. (JnteChafin's lives of the Presidents, pp. 28-31. Waukesha, Wis., 1896. 12°) Chamberlain, Nathan Henry. The assassination of President Lincoln. A sermon preached in St. James church, Birmingham, Ct., April 19th, 1865. New York: G. W. Carleton, 1865. 22 pp. 13° Chaney, George L. [Sermon on the death of Lincoln.] (In Sermons preached in Boston on the death of Abraham Lincoln, pp. 323-334. Bos ton, 1865. 16°) Chase, Thomas. An address on the character and example of President Lincoln, delivered before the Athenaeum and Everett societies of Haverford College, on the fifth day evening, seventh month 6th, 1865. Philadelphia: Sherman dc CO., 1885. 35 pp. 12°. Chester, John. The lesson of the hour. Justice as well as mercy. A discourse preached on the Sabbath following the assassination of the President, in the Capitol Hill Presbyterian church, AA'ashington, D. C. [Washington, D. CI: Washington Chronicle print, 1885. 16 pp. 8°. Chittenden, Lucius Eugene. Personal reminiscences, 1840-1890. Including some not hitherto published of Lincoln and the war. New York: Richmond, Groscup d: CO., 1893. ix,4S4pp. Portrait. 8°. Recollections of President Lincoln and his administration. New York: Harper & brothers, 1891. viii, 470 pp. Portrait. 8°. LIST OF LINCOLNIANA. 21 Choate, Joseph Hodges. Abraham Lincoln. Address delivered before the Edin burgh philosophical institution, November 13th, 1900. London: Harrison d: sons, [19001. 90 pp. 8° ¦ Same. New York: T. Y. Crowell dc CO., [19011. 38 pp. 12°. The career and character of Abraham Lincoln. An address delivered at the Philosophical institution of Edinburgh, November 13, 1900. Chicago: Chicago, Miltvaukee d: St. Paul railway, [1903f1. ,30 pp. Portrcrit. 12°. ( C, M. d- St. P. Ry. series, no. 33.) Choosing "Abe" Lincoln captain and other stories. New York: The Werner CO., 1899. 36 pp. Illustrations. 12°. Clarigny. See Cucheval-Clarigny. Clark, Alexander. Memorial sermon, preached on the national funeral day of Abraham Lincoln, Wednesday noon, April 19, 1865, at Union chapel, Cincinnati. Cincinnati: Masonic review office, [18651. 16 pp. Portrait. 8°. Clark, Daniel. Eulogy on the life and character of Abraham Lincoln, before the city government of Manchester, N. H., June 1st, 1865. Manchester, N. H.: Mirror stea.m job pjrinting establishment, 1866. 36 pp. 8°. Clark, Gilbert J. Abraham Lincoln, Illinois. (1809-1865. ) (In Iris Life sketches of eminent lawyers, vol. 2, pp. 79-98. Kansas City, Mo., 1895. 12°.) Clark, Henry. An eulogy on the life and services of President Lincoln, pronounced before the citizens of Poultney and vicinity, April 19th, 1865. Rutland: Tuttle, Gay d- company, 1886. 20 pp. 8°. Clarke, James Freeman. [Sermon on the death of Lincoln.] (In Sermons preached in Boston on the death of Abraham Lincoln, pp. 89-106. Bos ton, 1865. 16°. ) Claxton, R. Bethell. Sermon on the death of President Lincoln, delivered in St. Luke's church, Rochester, N. Y., on AVednesday, April 19th, and on Sun day, April 23d, 1865. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott d: co., 1865. 43 pp. 8° Cleary, AV. AV. Attempt to fasten the assassination of Lincoln on President Davis and other innocent parties. (In Southern historical society's papers, vol. 9, pp. 313-325. Richmond, 1881. 8°.) Cochin, Augustin. Abraham Lincoln. Paris: Librairie Degorce-Cabot, 1889. 58 pp. 12°. Coddington, David Smith. Eulogy on President Lincoln. Delivered in the Cita del Square church, Charleston, S. C, May 6th, 1865, at the request of the officers and soldiers in the Northern district, Department of the South. New York: Baker d: Godwin, 1866. (3), 30 pp. 8° Same. (Iw /izs Speeches and addresses, pp. 93-126. New York, iscc. 8°.) Coffin, Charles Carleton. Abraham Lincoln. Illustrated. New York: Harper d: brothers, 1893. xv, 642 pp. Woodcuts in the text. 4° Coggeshall, William Turner. Lincoln memorial. The journeys of Abraham Lin coln: from Springfield to Washington 1861, as President elect, and from AVashington to Springfield, 1865, as President martyred; comprising an , account of public ceremonies on the entire route, and full details of both journeys. Columbus: Ohio State .Journal, 1865. 337 pp. Portrait. 12°. 22 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. Colfax, Schuyler. Life and principles of Abraham Lincoln. Delivered in the Courthouse square, at South Bend, April 24, 1865. Philadelphia: J. B. Rodgers, 1866. 39 pp. 8°. Collis, Charles H. T. and Robert Green IngersoU. The religion of Abraham Lincoln; correspondence between General C. H. T. ColHs and Colonel R. G. IngersoU. With appendix, containing interesting anecdotes by Major-General D. E. Sickles and Hon. 0. S. Munsell. New York: G. W. Dillingham co., [19001. 34 pp. 8°- Colman, George W. Assassination of the President. A discourse on the death of Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States. Delivered at Acton, Mass., April 16th, 1865. Boston: S. Chi»m, 1865. 15 pp. 8° Colored people's educational association. Celebration in memory of Abraham Lincoln, on the fourth of July, 1865, in the Presidential grounds, AVash ington, D. C. Washington, D. C: McGill d: Wiiherow, 1865. 34pp. 8° Conant, Alban Jaspar. My acquaintance with Abraham Lincoln. ( In Liber scriptorum, pp. 168-184. New York, 1893. 4°. ) Confession de John Wilkes Booth, assassin du President Abraham Lincoln; public d'apres le manuscript original. Traduit de I'anglais. Paris: [Poupart-Davyl et cie.l, 1865. 266, (6) pp. 16°. contents: Le paquet cachet^; Confession de John Wilkes Booth; Arrestation, mort et enseve- lissement de John Wilkes Booth; Proems des complices de John Wilkes Booth. Con-way, Moncure Daniel. President Lincoln. By an American abolitionist. London: [Longmans, Green, Longman, Roberts dc Greeni, 1865. 21 pp. 8°. Cut from Eraser's magazine, vol. 71, no. 421. Cooke, Charles. A sermon on the life and death of Abraham Lincoln, late Presi dent of the United States. Delivered in Smyrna, Delaware, June 1, 1865. Philadelphia: J. Richards, 1865. 24 pp. 12° Cooper, James. The death of President Lincoln. A memorial discourse delivered in the Berean Baptist church, West Philadelphia, on Sunday, April 16th, 1865. Philadelphia: J. B. Rodgers, 1865. 24 pp. 8°. Cordner, John. Themurder of President Lincoln; an address spoken at a memorial service in the Church of the Messiah, on Sunday evening, April 23, 1865. (In Lincolniana. In memoriam, pp. 21-35. Boston, 1865. 4°.) Corwin, Edward Tanjore. Death of President Lincoln; a discourse delivered at Millstone, N. J., on Sunday morning, April 16, 1865. (Jn Lincolniana. In memoriam, pp. 52-62.> Boston, 1865. 4°) Cottle, John F. and Sylvester S. Bogert. Description and symbolic key of the last calligraphic masterpiece, designed, arranged and executed by Prof. David Davidson. Composed from the Lincoln memorial, ed. by John Gilmary Shea, interpreted and explained by J. F. Cottle and S. S. Bogert. New York: Loewenthal dc Rasmussen, printers, 1868. 56 pp. 8°. Craig, Wheelock. Two sermons of April, 1865. [New Bedford: E. Anthony & sons, 1866.1 34, 14 pp. 8°. contents: A key to our joy. A sermon delivered in the Trinitarian church on fast day, April 13, 1865. A sermon on the fruits of our bereavement, delivered in the Trinitarian church, Sunday, April 23d, 1865. LIST OF LINCOLNIANA. 23 Crane, Cephas Bennett. Sermon on the occasion of the death of President Lincoln. Preached in the South Baptist church, Hartford, Conn., Sunday, April 16, 1865. Hartford: Case, Lockwood and company, 1865. 39 pp. 8°. Cravens, Frances. The story of Lincoln. For children. Bloomington, 111.: Public school publishing co., 1898. 117 pp). Illustrations in the te.rt. 16°. Crocker, Samuel L., jr. Eulogy upon the character and services of Abraham Lincoln, delivered by invitation of the authorities of the city of Taunton, on the occasion of the national fast, June 1, 1865. Bostcm.: J. Wilson d- son, 1865. 38 pp. 8°. Crostay, Frank. Life of Abraham Lincoln, sixteenth President of the United States. Containing his early history and political career; together with his speeches, messages, proclamations, and other official documents. Philadelphia: J. E. Potter, 1865. 476 pp. Portraits. 13°. Crozier, Hiram P. The nation's loss. A discourse upon the life, services, and death of Abraham Lincoln, late President of the United States. Delivered at Huntington, L. I., April I9th, 1865. _New York: J. A. Gray d- Green, 1865. 15pp. 8°. Same. 2d ed. New York: J. A. Gray dc Green, 1866. S3 pp. 8°. Cucheval-Clarigny, Philippe Athanaae. The election of Mr. Lincoln; a narrative of the contest in 1860 for the Presidency of the United States. Tr. by Sir Willoughby Jones. London: J. Ridgway, [18611. 91pp. 8°. Cudworth, Warren H. Eulogy on the life, character, and public services of the late President Abraham Lincoln, delivered before Council No. 33, Union J^gue of America, at Sumner hall, East Boston, May 8, 1865. B^oston: Wright dc Potter, 1865. 37 pp. 8°. [Sermon on the death of Lincoln.] (In Sermons preached In Boston on the death of Abraham Lincoln, pp. 197-212. Boston, 1865. 16°.) Curtis, William Eleroy. The true Abraham Lincoln. Philadelphia d: London: J. B. Lippincott company, 1903. xiv, 13-409 pp. Frontispiece. Plates. Portraits. Facsimiles. 12°. Cushman, Rufus Spaulding. Resolutions and discourses, occasioned by the death of Abraham Lincoln. The discourse delivered in the Congregational church of Manchester, Vermont, Wednesday, April 19, 1865, by Rev. R. S. Cushman. Manchester: Printed for the committee, 1865. 20 pp. 8°. Cutter, Edward Francis. Eulogy on Abraham Lincoln, delivered at Rockland, Maine, April 19, 1865. Boston: D. C. Colesworthy, 1865. 16 pp. 8°. Cuyler, Theodqre Ledyard. [Address.] (In French, J. C, and E. Gary. The trip of the Steamer Oceanus to Fort Sumter and Charleston, pp. 149-152. Brooklyn, 1865. 8°.) Sermon [on the death of Lincoln]. (771 Our martyr President, pp. 159-172. New York, [1865]. 12°) 24 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. Dabney, Robert Lewis. Memoir of a narrative received of Col. John B. Baldwin, of Staunton, touching the origin of the war. {In Southern historical society papers, vol. 1, pp. 443^155. Richmond, 1876. 8°.) Daggett, Oliver Ellsworth. A sermon on the death of Abraham Lincoln, April 15th, 1865, preached in the First Congregational church, Canandaigua, N. Y. April 16th, 1865. Canandaigua, N. Y.. N. J. Milliken, 1865. 18 pp. 12°. Dailey, J. P. Discourse. 13 pp. (7?i Discourses memorial of Abraham Lincoln. Lambertville, N. J. 1865. 12°.) Damon, Samuel Chenery. God putteth down one and setteth up another: a sermon on the death of Abraham Lincoln, preached in the Seamen's chapel, Honolulu, May 14, the first Sabbath after receiving the sad intelligence of his assassination. (In Lincolniana. In memoriam, pp. 63-75. Boston, 1865. 4°.) Dana, Charles Anderson. Lincoln and his cabinet. A lecture delivered on Tuesday, Alarch 10, 1896, before the New Haven colony historical society. Cleveland dc Neiv York: P. Lemperley, [etc. 1, 1896. 70 jip. Portraits. 16°. Darling, Henry. Grief and duty. A discourse delivered in the Fourth Presby terian church, Albany, April 19th, 1865, the day of the funeral obsequies of President Lincoln. Albany: S. R. Gray, 1965. 24 pp. 8°- Dascomb, A. B. A discourse preached to his people at Waitsfield, A't., in honor of our late chief magistrate, on April 23, 1865. Monlpelier: Walton's steam 2)rinting establishment, 1885. 23 pip. 8°. Davidson, John. Address on the death of Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States. Delivered before the Lexington literary association, New York, April 19, 1865. New York: J. J. Reed, 1865. 16 jip. 8°. Davidson, Robert. The lessons of the hour. A discourse upon the deatli of Presi dent Lincoln, delivered in the First Presbyterian church, Huntington, Long Island, April 19th, 1865. 2d ed. Huntington: Long Island print, [186.51. 12 pp. 8° Davis, J. McCan. See Tarbell, Ida Alinerva. Davis, Jefferson, and his complicity in the assassination of Abraham Lincoln and where the traitor shall be tried. Philadelphia: Sherman dc CO., 1886. 16 pp. 8°. Davis, Noah. See Burrows, R. S. Day, Pliny Butts. A memorial discourse on the character of Abraham Lincoln- delivered at Hollis, N. H., on the day of the national fast, June 1, 1865. Ciincord: McFarhind d: .Tenks, 1866. 20 pp. 8°. Day of mourning. See The nation weeping for its dead . 1865. Dean, Sidney. Eulogy pronounced in the City hall. Providence, April 19, 1865, on the occasion of the funeral solemnities of Abraham Lincoln, before Hia Excellency James Y. Smith, governor of the state of Rhode Island; members of the general assembly; city authorities; the military; civic societies, and others. Providence: H. If. Thomas d- ni., 1866. 23 jip. 8°. LIST OF LINCOLNIANA. 25 [Death of Lincoln as illustrated and described in Harper's weekly and Frank Leslie's illustrated newspaper, from April 29, to August 26, 1865.] [Neio York, 1865.1 30 nos. F° Dedicated to the memory of Abraham Lincoln, [anon.1 1865. /SVe Logan, James. Delphine, pseud. See Baker, Delphine Paris. Deming, Henry Champion. Eulogy on Abraham Lincoln, before the general assembly of Connecticut, at Allyn hall, Hartford, June 8, 1865. Hartford: A. N. Clark dc CO., 1865. 58pp. 8°- Democratic association of Florence. Letter to the free people of the United States of America. (In Lincolniana. In memoriam, pp. 317-319. Boston, 1865. 4°.) Demund, Isaac. Lamentation on the death of Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States. May, 1865. New York: J. A. Gray d- Green, 1865. 15 pp. 8° De Normandie, James. The Lord reigneth; a few words on Sunday morning, April 16th, 1865, after the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. [Portsmouth, N. H., 1865.1 8 pp. 18° Dewitt, David Miller. The judicial murder of Mary E. Surratt. Baltimore: .1. Murphy, 1896. ri, 359 pp. 12° Dimmick, F. jNI. Funeral sermon on the death of the late President Lincoln, delivered at the Capitol in Omaha, N. T. , Wednesday, April 19th, 1865. [Omaha, 1865.1 (3), 14 pp. 8°. Discourses memorial of Abraham Lincoln, sixteenth President of the United States, delivered in Flemington, N. J., by the pastors of the different churches, on AVednesday, April 19th, 1865. Published by the citizens. Lambertville, N J. . C. Pierson, 1865- (53) pp- 12° Disraeli, Benjamin, Earl of Beaconsfield. Speech in the House of Commons, London, May 1, 1865. (7?i Lincolniana. In n: emoriam, pp. 2S6-2S7. Boston, 1865. 4°.) Dix, Morgan. The death of President Lincoln. A sermon preached in Saint Paul's chapel. New York, on AVednesday, April 19, 1865. Cambridge: The Riverside press, 1866. 16 pp. 8°. Douglass, Frederick. Abraham Lincoln. (In Masterpieces of American el quence. Christian Herald selectio.i, pp. 256-2.58. New York, 1900.' 8°.) Oration on the occasion of the unveiling of the freedmen's monument in memory of Abraham Lincoln, in Lincoln park, Washington, D. C, April 14, 1876. AVith an appendix. Washington: Gibson brothers, 1878. (2), 21 pp. 8°. Drake, Charles Daniel. The proclamation of emancipation. Speech delivered in Turner's hall, St. Louis, January 28, 1863. [n.p., 1863.1 7 pp. 8°. Draper, Andrew Sloan. The Illinois life and the Presidency of Abraham Lincoln: an address at the University of Illinois, Lincoln's birthday, 1896, by President Draper. [Champaign, III., 1896f1 34pp. 18°. 26 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. Drumm, John H. Assassination of Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States: a sermon preached on the morning of Easter Sunday, April 16th, 1865, in St. James church, Bristol, Pa. Bristol: W. Bache, [18661. 31pp. 13°. Duane, Richard B. A sermon preached in Saint John's church. Providence, on AVednesday, April 19, 1865, the day appointed for the funeral obsequies of President Lincoln. Providence: II. H. Thomas dc Co., 1866. 15pp. 8°. Dudley, John L. Discourse preached in the South Congregational church. Middle- town, Ct., on the Sabbath morning after the assassination of President Lincoln. Middleiown: D. Barnes, 1865. 28 pp. 8° Duffield, George. The nation's wail. A discourse delivered in the First Presby terian church of Detroit, on Sabbath, the 16th of April, 1865, the day after receiving the intelligence of the brutal murder of President Abraham Lincoln, by a brutal asaassin. Detroit: Advertiser and Tribune print, 1865. 18 pp. 8° Duganne, Augustine Joseph Hickey. The heroic succession. Oration delivered at Cooper institute, April 15th, 1867, on the second anniversary of the death of Abraham Lincoln, commemorated by the German radical repub lican central committee of the city of New York. New York: R. M. De Witt, 1867. 8 pp. 8°. Dunand, Charles. La mort du President Lincoln, poeme; pr6c6d6 d'une notice historique. Sens: Chez I' auteur, 1868. 23 pp. 12°. Dunning, Halsey. Address delivered on the occasion of the funeral solemnities of the late President of the United States, in the First Constitutional Presby terian church, April 19, 1865. Baltimore: J. W. Woods, 1865. 12 pp. 8°. ¦ • The assassination: its lessons to young men, a discourse delivered in the First Constitutional Presbyterian church, May 7, 1865. Baltimore: J. W. Woods, .i865. 12 pp. 8°. The nameless crime: a discourse delivered in the First Constitutional Presby terian church, Sunday night, April 23, 1865. Baltimore: J. W. Woods, 1865. 12 pp. 8°. Dutton, O. H. Sermon: preached in the Second Congregational church, Holyoke, Mass., on Wednesday, April 19, 1865. (7« Lincolniana. In memoriam, pp. 76-88. Boston, 1865. 4°.) Duyckinck, Evert Augustus. Abraham Lincoln. (In his Lives and portraits of the Presidents of the United States, pp. 191-202. New York, [1873]. 4°) Same. (In Ills National portrait gallery of eminent Americans, vol. 2, pp. 373-375. New York, [18621. 4°.) Dyer, David. Discourse occasioned by the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, delivered in the Albany penitentiary, a military prison of the U. S. Wednesday, April 19, 1865. Albany: E. Leslie, 1865. 20 pp. 8°. LIST OF LINCOLNIANA. 27 Eaton, Charles Henry. Abraham Lincoln. A sermon. [New York: Schwebke d- Kiierr, 1897.1 16 pp. 13°. With his What makes a Universalist? Eaves, Catherine. How I twice eloped; an Indiana idyll, suggested by Abraham Lincoln, elaborated by Catherine Eaves. Chicago: Oak print, and pub. co., [19011. 88 pp. Illustrations. 8°. (Viking library, vol. 1, no. 1.) Eddy, Daniel Clarke. The martyr President. A sermon preached before the Baldwin Place church, April 16, 1865. Boston: Graves and Young, 1866. 23 pp. 18°. Eddy, Richard. "The martyr of liberty." Three sermons preached in the First Universalist church, Philadelphia, April 16, April 19, and June 1, [1865]. Philadelphia: H. G. Leisenring, 1865. 27 pp. 8° Same. Philadelphia: H W. Smith, 1865. 27 pp. 8°- Eddy, Thomas Mears. Abraham Lincoln. A memorial discourse, delivered at a union meeting, held in the Presbyterian church, Waukegan, Illinois, AVednesday, April 19, 1865, the day upon which the funeral services of the President were conducted in Washington and observed throughout the loyal states as one of mourning. Chicago: Methodist book depository, 1865. 24pp. 8°.. Edgar, Cornelius Henry. Josiah and Lincoln, the great reformers. A tribute to the worth and work of our martyr-President, delivered in the Reformed Dutch church, Easton, Pa., on fast day, June 1, 1865. Easton, Pa.: L. Gordon, 1865. (2), 13 pp. 8°. Three sermons occasioned by the assassination of President Lincoln, preached in the Reformed Dutch church, Easton, Pa., April 16th, 19th, and 23d, 1865. Easton, Pa.: " Free press" office, 1865. (3), 30 pp. 8°. contents: The assassination of President Lincoln, pp. 2-8; Loss and gain, pp. 8-18; The majesty of law, pp. 13-20. Edge, Frederick Milnes. President Lincoln's successor. London: W. Ridgway, 1864. 34 pp. 8°. Edwards, Henry L. Discourse commemorative of our illustrious martyr, delivered in Congregational church. South Abingdon, fast day, June 1, 1865. Boston: Wright dc Potter, 1865. 16 pp. 8°. Edwards, Richard. Life and character of Abraham Lincoln. An address, deliv ered at the hall of the Normal university, April 19th, 1865. Peoria, HI.: N. C. Nason, 1865. 20pp. 8°. Eells, James. Sermon [on the death of Lincoln]. (7m Our martyr President, pp. 219-232. New York, [1866] . 12°) Egar, John H. The martyr-President, a sermon preached in the Church of St. Paul, Leavenw^orth, on the first Sunday after Easter, and again by request on the national fast day, June 1st, 1865. Leavenworth: Bulletin job printing establishment, 1865. 16 pp. 8°. Eggers, J. L. C, tr. See Barrett, J. H. Eggleston, George Gary. Abraham Lincoln. (7»Ats American immortals, pp. 199-220. New York, 1902. 4°) 28 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. Einhorn, David. Trauer-rede, gehalten am 19ten April, 1865, als am Tage der Beisetzung des am 15 April entschlummerten Abraham Lincoln, Priisi- denten der Vereinigten Staaten, im Tempel der Keneseth Israel gemeinde zu Philadelphia. Philadelphia: Stein und -Jones, [18851- 8 pp. 8°. Ellis, Charles Mayo. The memorial address on Abraham Lincoln, delivered at the hall of the Mechanics' institute, Saint John, N. B., June 1, 1865. St. John, N. B.: J. ct A. McMillan, 1865. 31 pp. 16°. Ellis, Edward Sylvester. Abraham Lincoln. {In his Makers of our country, pp. 164-172. Philadelphia, 1894. 16°. ) Abraham Lincoln, sixteenth ; resident, 1861-1865. (7)1 /lis Lives of the Presidents of the United states, pp. 138-146. Chicago, [1897]. 16°.) Ellis, Rufus. [Sermon on the death of Lincoln.] (In Sermons preached in Boston on the death of Abraham Lincoln, pp. 233-242. Boston, 1865. 16°.) Emerson, Ralph AValdo. Abraham Lincoln. Remarks at the funeral services held in Concord, April 19, 1865. (7)1 /(is Complete works, vol. 11, pp. 305-315. Boston, 1884. 12°.) Englehem, Alexandre d'. Les enfants du travail. Abraham Lincoln. 2e pt. Paris: Pagnerre, 1865. 13°. This work was published in parts, this one containing chapters 3-5. Ermordung und die Geschichte der grossen Verschworung. 1865. See Assassina tion and history of the conspiracy. [Eulogies on Abraham Lincoln. J [Various places, 1883-1866.1 SOll.unpiag. 12° No title-page. A scrap-book containing 47 eulogies on Lincoln. Evans, Charles H. Abraham Lincoln. (J« A;s Kings without crowns, pp. 91-123. Edinburgh, 1884. 16°.) Evans, P. S. Funeral eulogy on Abraham Lincoln, delivered before the military authorities in Norfolk, Va., AVednesday, April 19th, 1865. Norfolk, Va.. Printed at the office of the Old Dominion, [18661. 30 pp. 8°. Everett, Charles Carroll. Eulogy on Abraham Lincoln, late President of the United States, delivered before the citizens of Bangor, on the day of the national fast, June 1st, 1865. Bangor: S. S. Smith, 1865. 30 pp. 8°. A sermon in commemoration of the death of Abraham Lincoln, late Presi dent of the United States, preached in the Independent Congregational church of Bangor, on Easter Sunday, April 16, 1865. Bangor: B. A. Burr, 1865. 26 pp. 8° Everett, Edward. President Lincoln. (In his Orations and speeches on various occasions, vol. 4, pp. 741-746. Boston, 1868. .S°.) "Remarks at the dinner to Captain Winslow and the officers of the Kearsage, in the Revere House, 15th N(jv., 1864." Fallows, Samuel, ed. Life of AVilliam AlcKinley, our martyred President, with short biographies of Lincoln and Garfield, and a comprehensive life of President Roosevelt, containing the masterpieces of AlcKinle>''s eloquence, and a history of anarchy, its purposes and results. Chicago, III: Regan printing house, [19011- ¦'', 13-463 pp. Plates. Por traits. 8°. LIS! OF LINCOLNIANA. 29 Farnum, Edward James. Abraham Lincoln. (7)1 his Portraits of the Presidents, St. Paul, 1893. 16°.) Farquhar, John. The claims of God to recognition in the assassination of Presi dent Lincoln. A sermon preached on the day of national humiliation and prayer, in the Chaunceford Presbyterian church. Lower Chaunceford, York CO., Pa., and in the Prospect Methodist Episcopal church, Fawn, York CO., Pa. Lancaster, Pa.. Pearsol dc Geist, 1885. 23pp. 8°. Field, Richard Stockton. Address on the life and character of Abraham Lincoln, delivered before the legislature of New Jersey, February 12, 1866. Trenton, N. J.: "State gazette" office, 1866. 40pp. 8°. Field, Thomas P. Address. (In Funeral observances at New London, Connecticut, in honor of Abraham Lincoln, pp. 25-34. New London, 1865. 8°) Fish, Daniel, comp. Lincoln literature; a bibliographical account of books and pamphlets relating to Abraham Lincoln. Minneapolis: [Public libraryl board, 1900. 135 pp. 4°. Fiske, John. Abraham Lincoln, sixteenth President of the United States. (In Smith, H. W., The Presidents of America. Boston, 1879. r°.) Foote, Henry Wilder. Address spoken at King's chapel, AVednesday, April 19, 1865. (In Sermons preached in Boston on the death of Abraham Lincoln, pp. 175-190. Boston, 1865. 16°.) Forney, John W. Abraham Lincoln. (In his Anecdotes of public men, pp. 244-257. New York, 1873. 12°.) Fo-wler, Charles Henry. An oration on the character and public services of Abraham Lincoln. Delivered in Bryan hall, Chicago, 111. Chicago: Methodist book depository, 1867. 22 pp. 8° Fo-wler, Henry. Character and death of Abraham Lincoln. A discourse preached at Auburn, N. Y., April 23, 1865. Auburn, N. Y: W. J. Moses, 1865- 16 pp- 8°. Fo-wler, John, jr. An address on the death of President Lincoln, delivered at the request of the citizens of New Rochelle, Westchester co., N. Y., April 20, 1865, in the old Episcopal church. New York: J. A. Gray dc Green, 1865. 38pp. 8°. Fox, Henry J. Sermon [on the death of Lincoln]. (In Our martyr President, pp. 341-357. New York, [1865] . 12°. Frelinghuysen, Frederick Theodore. Obsequies of Abraham Lincoln in Newark, N. J., April 19, 1865. Oration by Frederick T. Frelinghuysen, Esq. Newark, N. J.: Daily Advertiser office, 1865. 33pp. 8°. French, Benjamin Brown. Address at the dedication of the statue of Abraham Lincoln, erected in itont of the City Hall, Washington, D. C, by invita tion of Hon. Richard AVallach, Noble D. Lamer, Esq., and Asbury Lloyd, Esq., managers of the Lincoln monument association. Washington: McGill d- Witherow, 1868. 16 pp. 8°. A letter and short poem, on the death of Abraham Lincoln. Albany, N. Y.: A. Boyd, 1870. (4) pp. 8°. Frost, John. Abraham Lincoln. (In his Presidents of the United States, pp. 427-460. Boston, 1889. 1'2°. ) 30 LIBRARY OF CONGIiESS. Frost, AVilliam G. Abraham Linc^oln. An oration delivered on AVashington's birthday, 1891. [OberUn, 0.:1 The Oberlin News 2iri's.«, 1891. (3), -'.7 jip. 8°- FuUer, Richard. A city or house divided against itself. A discourse delivered on the first day of June, 1865, being the day of national fasting and humiliation. Baltimore: J. F. Weishampel, 1865. 30 pp. 8°- Fulton, Justin Dewey. [Sermon on the death of Lincoln.] (In Sermons preached in Boston on the death of Abraham Lincoln, pp. 3.57-379. Bos ton, 1865. 16°.) Funeral observancea at New London, Connecticut, in honor of Abraham Lincoln, sixteenth President of the United States, AVednesday, April 19, 1865, including the public addresses of Rev. G. B. AVillcox, and Rev. Thomas P. Field, D. D. New London: C. Prince, 1865. 34 pp. 8° Funston, H. E. Abraham Lincoln. (7b Aw Our Presidents, pp. 6.5-(;9. New York, 1894. 12°) Gaddis, Maxwell Pierson. Sermon upon the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, delivered in Pike's opera house, April 16, 1865. Cincinnati: Times steam hook ct job office, 1885. 15 pp. 8° Gallaher, James E. Best Lincoln stories, tersely told. Chicago: J. E. Gallaher dc CO., [18981. 122pp. Portrait. 16°. Garfield, James Abram. Lincoln and emancipation. Address delivered in the hall of the House of Representatives, Feb. 12, 1878. (In his Works, vol. 2, pp. 533-542. Boston, 1883. 8°.) Remarks in the House of Representatives, April 14, 1866, in memory of Abraham Lincoln. Washington: H. Taylor, 1866. 4 pp. 8°. Same. (7re /lis Works, vol. I, pp. 202-204. Boston, 1882. 8°.) Remarks, in the H. of R., April 14, 1866, on the first anniversary of the death of Abraham Lincoln. [Washington, 1880.1 3 pp. 8°. (Union Republican congressional committee, presidential campaign, 1880. Doc. no. 37. ) Garrison, Joseph Fithian. The teachings of the criaia. Address delivered in St. Paul's church, Camden, N. J., on the occasion of the funeral of Abraham Lincoln, April 19, 1865. 2d ed. Camden, N. J.: S. Chew, 1865. 30pp. 8°. Gastineau, Benjamin. Histoire de la souscription populaire k la m^daille Lincoln. La m^daille de la liberte. Avec les lettres de Flocon, Edgar Quinet, Victor Hugo, Schoelcher, Louis Blanc, et la vie d' Abraham Lincoln. Parit: A. Lacroix, Verboeckoven dc cie, [186^1. 3, 34 pp. 12°. Gaston, Edward Page. General Porter's recollections of Grant and Lincoln. (7)1 True stories of heroic lives, pp. 156-164. New York, 1899. 12°) Gear, D. L. The nation's grief for its fallen chief. A sermon preached in the First Congregational chapel, Philadelphia, April 23d, 1865. Philadelphia: Ringwalt dc Brown, 1866. 8 pp. 8°. Gilbert, R. H. Eulogy of President Lincoln; delivered at Jefferson vi He, Indiana, April 19, 1865. (In Lincolniana. In memoriam, pp. 248-2.52. Boston, 1865. 4°.) LIST OF LINCOLNIANA. 31 Gillette, Abraham Dunn. God seen above all national calamiticH. A sermon on the death of President Lincoln, April 23, 1865. Washington, D. C: McCHll d: Witherow, 1885. 15pp. 8° Gilmore, James Roberta. Personal recollections of Abraham Lincoln and the civil war. Boston: L. C. Page d- CO., 1898. 338pp. Portrait. 8°. Glover, Livingston Maturin. The character of Abraham Lincoln. A discourse delivered April 23d, 1865, at Strawn's hall, Jacksonville, 111. Jacksonville, III. The Journal book and job office, 1886. 31pp. 8°. Goodfellow, AVilliam. Discourse. (In Tribute to the memory of Abraham Lincoln by the American citizens resident in Buenos Aires, pp. 11-25. Buenos Aires, [1865] . 8°) Goodspeed, Edgar J. Funeral discourse on the death of Abraham Lincoln, preached Sunday, April 23rd, 1865, in the Second Baptist church, Chicago. Chicago: The trustees, 1865. 37 pp. Plate. 8° Gordon, AVilliam R. The sin of reviling and its work. A funeral sermon, occa sioned by the assassination of President Lincoln, April 14th, 1865, preached on May 7, 1865. New York: J. A. Gray d- Green, 1865. 34pp. 8°. Grater, Abraham. A discourse, respectfully dedicated to a grateful people in mem ory of the worth of our lamented chief magistrate, Abraham Lincoln, delivered April 21st, 1865. Tr. from the German. Skippackrille, Pa.: J. M. Schuenemann, 1865. 8 pp. 12°. Gray, William C. Life of Abraham Lincoln, for the young men and the Sabbath school. Cincinnati: Western tract and book soc, 1867. 200pp. Plates. 18°. Great conspiracy. A book of absorbing interest. Eminent persona implicated. Full secret of the assassination plot. John H. Surratt and his mother. AVith biographical sketches of J. B. Booth and John AVilkes, and the life and extraordinary adventures of John H. Surratt. Philadelphia: Barclay dc CO., [18661. (4), 19-201 pp. Plates. 8°- Same. Philadelphia, Barclay dc CO., 1866. 198pp. 8°. Greeley, Horace. Abraham Lincoln. A lecture delivered during the winter of 1867-68. [1868.1 ^^ I- 16° Newspaper clippings. Greeley on Lincoln. With Mr. Greeley's letters to Charles A. Dana and a lady friend. Added, reminiscences of Horace Greeley. Ed. by Joel Benton. New York: Baker dc Taylor CO., [18931. 371pp. Portrait. Facsimile. 13°. Gregg, William Allford. Abraham Lincoln. (7)1 Ai.5 Our Presidents. Cincinnati, 1901. 12°.) Grey, Sir George. Speech in the House of Commons, London, May 1, 1865. (7)1 Lincolniana. In memoriam, pp., 288-292. Boston, 1865. 4°) Grolier club. Catalogue of a collection of engraved and other portraits of Lincoln, exhibited at the Grolier club, April 8th to April 22d, 1899. New York: Grolier club, 1899. 66 pp. 12°. Gurley, Phineas Densmore. [Sermon on the death of Lincoln.] (7)1 Sermons preached in Boston on the death of Abraham Lincoln, pp. 16-29. Bos ton. 16°) 32 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. Gurley, Phineas Densmore. The voice of the rod. A sermon preached on Thursday, June 1, 1865, in the New York Avenue Presbyterian church, AVashington, D. C. Washington: W. Ballantyne, 1885. 16 pp. 8°. Haco, Dion, ed. See Surratt, John H. Hadley, Milton. Abraham Lincoln the preserver of the union. (In his True stories of our famous men and women, pp, 162-165. Philadelphia, 1900. 8°.) Hague, AVilliam. [Sermon on the death of Lincoln.] (In Sermons preached in Boston on the death of Abraham Lincoln, pp 127-142. Bos ton, 1865. 16°.) Hale. Edward Everett. [Sermon on the death of Lincoln.] (7?) Sermons preached in Boston on the death of Abraham Lincoln, pp. 26.5-275. Bos ton, 1866. 16°.) Hall, Charles H. A mournful Easter. A discourse delivered in the Church of the Epiphany, AVashington, D. C-, on Easter day, April 19, 1865. Washington: Gideon d- Pearson, 1865. 15 pp. 8°. Hall, Gordon. President Lincoln's death; its voice to the people. A discourse preached in the First church, Northampton, April 19, 1865. Northampton, Mass.: Trumbull & Gere, 1865. 16pp. 8°. Hall, Newman. A sermon on the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. Preached at Surrey chapel, London, Sunday, May 14, 1865. Boston: Bartlett and Halliday, 1865. 16 pp. 8°. Hamill, Samuel M. President Lincoln, a faithful son. An address delivered before the high school, at Lawrenceville, N. J., June 1st, 1865. Trenton: Murphy d- Bechtel, 1865. 11pp. 8°. Hammond, Charles. A sermon on the life and character of Abraham Lincoln, preached at Monson, at the united service of the Congregational and Methodist churches, on the occasion of the national fast, June 1, 1865. Springfield: S. Bowles and company, 1866. 31pp. 8° Hammond, William G. Abraham Lincoln: a eulogy delivered at Anamosa, Iowa, on the day of the state fast, April 27, 1865. Davenport: Luse d: Griggs, 1865. 16 pp. 8°. Hanaford, Phebe Ann Coffin. Abraham Lincoln: his life and public services. Boston: B. B. Russell d- CO., 1865. 316pp. Portrait. 13°. Same.Boston: D. Lothrop d- CO., [18811. 316pp. Portrait. 12°. Same. Chicago: The Werner company, [18951. 377 pp. Portraits. 12° (Werner school and family library. ) Abraham Lincoln, sein Leben und seine offentlichen Dienste. Nach dem Englishen frei Bearbeitet von J. Wiirzburger. New York: Ilaasis dc Lubrecht, 1865. 189 pp. Portrait. 13° Our martyred President, Abraham Lincoln. Boston: B. B. Russell & CO., 1885. 34pp. Plate. S°. Hanes bywyd Abraham Lincoln, o Illinois, a Hannibal Hamlin, o Maine, yr ymgeiswyr gwerinol am yr arlywyddiaeth a'r is-lywyddiaeth; yn nghyd a'raraeth a draddododd Mr. Lincoln yn Cooper's Institute, N. Y., ar y 27 0 Chwefror, 1860. Hefyd, yr esgynlawr gwerinol, yn nghyd a chan etholiadol. Utica, N. Y.: D. C. Davies, 1860. 18 pp. 8°. LIST OF LINCOLNIANA. 33 Hapgood, Norman. Abraham Lincoln the man of the people. NewYork: The Macmillan company, 1899. x, (4), 433 p)p. Portrail 13°. Harbaugh, Henry. Treason and law. A discourse delivered 1865. Philadelphia: J. B. Rodgers, 1865. 31 pp. 16°. Hardinge, Emma. See Britten, Emma Hardinge. Harris, Thomas Mealey. Assassination of Lincoln. A history of the great con spiracy. Trial of the conspirators by a military commission and a review of the trial of John H. Surratt. Boston: American citizen CO., [18921. 419pp. Plate. Portraits. Map. 8°. Harrison, Benjamin. "Abraham Lincoln.'' February 12, 1898, at the Lincoln day banquet of the Marquette club, Chicago. (In his Views of an ex-President, pp. 472-478. Indianapolis, 1901. 8°.) Harrison, Frederic. Abraham Lincoln. Address at the banquet. Union league club, Chicago, February 22, 1901. (In his George Washington and other American addresses, pp. 31-37. NewYork, 1901. 8°.) Harrison, Frederick G. Abraham Lincoln. ' (In his Biographical sketches of preeminent Americans, vol. 3. 11 pp. Boston, [1893]. 4°) Hart, Charles Henry. Abraham Lincoln's place in history. (7)1 Grolier club. Transactions, vol. 3, pp. 153-181. New York, 1899. 8°.) Bibliographia Lincolniana: an account of the publications occasioned by the death of Abraham Lincoln, sixteenth President of the United States of America. Being a bibliographical catalogue of all sermons, eulogies, orations, etc., delivered at the time, with notes and an introduction. (In Boyd, Andrew, comp. A memorial Lincoln bibliography, pp. 7-86. Albany, N. Y., ,1870. 4°.) A biographical sketch of His Excellency Abraham Lincoln, late President of the United States. Reprinted from introduction to Bibliographia Lin colniana. Albany: J. Munsell, 1870. 31 pp. 4° Hartzell, J. Hazard. The nation's bereavement: a discourse delivered in the Uni versalist church, Buffalo, N. Y., Sunday morning, April 16, 1865. (7)t Lincolniana. In memoriam, pp. 89-99. Boston, 1865. 4°.) Hathaway, AVarren. A discourse occasioned by the death of Abraham Lincoln: Preached at Coxsackie, on Wednesday, April 19, 1865. Albany: J. Munsell, 1866. 34 pp. 8°. Haven, Erastus Otis. Address. (In Ann Arbor. Mich. Memorial proceedings in honor of the lamented President of the United States, Abraham Lincoln, pp. 5-11. Ann Arbor, 1865. 8°.) Haven, Gilbert. Te Deum laudamus. The cause and the consequences of the election of Abraham Lincoln; a Thankagiving sermon delivered in the Harvard Street j\I. E. church, Cambridge, Sunday evening, Nov. 11, 1860. Boston: J. M. Hewes, 1860. 44 PP- 8°. The uniter and liberator of America. A memorial discourse on the char acter and career of Abraham Lincoln: delivered in the North Russell Street M. E. church, Boston, Sunday, April 23, 1865. Boston: J. P. Magee, 1866. 33 pp. 8°. 2741^6—03 3 34 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. Hawley, Bostwick. Truth and righteousness triumphant. A discourse commemo- ¦ rative of, the death of President Lincoln preached in the AVashington Avenue M. E. church, April 20, 1865. Albany: J. Munsell 1866. 30pp. 8°. Hay, John. Abraham Lincoln. (7)» Fiske, John, and others. The Presidents of the United States, pp. 300-335. New York, 1898. 8°.) Same. (In Wilson, James Grant, ed. The Presidents of the United States 1789-1894, pp.300-335. New York, 1894. 8°) See Nicolay, John George, and John Hay. Hayden, Mrs. Caroline A. Our country's martyr. A tribute to Abraham Lincoln our beloved and lamented Preaident. Boston: W. L. Hayden, 1865. 33 pp. 13°. Hayden, William B. A brief abstract of remarks at the New Jerusalem church, on the funeral of the President, April 19, 1865. Cincinnati: Mallory, Power dc CO., 1865. 10pp. 8° C. Hpnnecke co. The Lincoln life mask,, hands, bust and statuette. Milwaukee: C. Hennecke co., 1891. 18pp. Obi 16°. Hepworth, George Hughes. The criminal: the crime: the penalty. Boston: Walker, Fdler dc co., 1865. 31pp. 13° [Sermon on the death of Lincoln.] (In Sermons preached in Boston on the death of Abraham Lincoln, pp. 107-121. Bos ton, 186.5. 16°) Two sermons preached in the Church of the Unity, April 23, 1865. I. On the death of Abraham Lincoln. II. Duties suggested by the national grief. Boston: For the society, 1885. 37 pp. 13°. Herndon, William Henry, and Jesse WilUam "Weik. Herndon's Lincoln: the true story of a great life. The history and personal recollections of Abraham Lincoln. Chicago: Belford, Clarke dc co., [18891. 3 vols- 13°. Same. New York: D. Appleton dc co., 1892. 3 vols. 12°. Hibbard, Augustine G. In memory of Abraham Lincoln. A discourse delivered in the First Congregational Unitarian church in Detroit, Mich., Sunday, April 17th, 1865. Detroit: 0. S. Grilley, 1865. 13 pp. 8°. Hingeley, E. The character and greatness of Abraham Lincoln, a discourse deliv ered April 23, 1865. [Monongahela city, Pa., 1865.1 15pp. 8°. Historical society of Pennsylvania. [Resolutions on the death of Mr. Lincoln.] [Philadelphia, 1865.1 4 PP- 3°. Hitchcock, Caroline Hanks. Nancy Hanks. The story of Abraham Lincoln's mother. New York: Doubleday d: McClure CO., 1899. .i:di, (3), 105 pp. Plates. 16°. Hitchcock, Henry Lawrence. God acknowledged in the nation's bereavement. A sermon delivered in Hudson, Ohio, on the day of the obsequies of Abraham Lincoln, April 19th, 1865. Cleveland: Fairbanks, Benedict d CO., 1865. 33pp. 8°. LIST OF LINCOLNIANA. 35 Hochheimer, Henry. Fest- und Fasttag. Predigt am 1. Juni 1865, (dem zweiten Tage Schebuoth ) als an dem, von dem Prasidenten der Vereinigten Staaten angeordneten buss- und bettage, zum Gediichtnisse des ermordeten Prasi denten Abraham Lincoln. [Baltimorel: T. Kroh, [18651. 10pp. 8°. Predigt gehalten am 19. April 1865, als am Tage des Leichenbegiingnisaes des Prasidenten der Ver. Staaten, Abraham Lincoln's. [Baltimorel: T. Kroh, [18651. 8, (2) pp. 13°. Hodge, Charles. President Lincoln. From the Princeton review, July, 1865. [n.p.,n.d.1 (2), 435-458 pp. 8° HofEinan, Eugene Augustus. The martyr President. A sermon preached in Grace church, Brooklyn Heights, N. Y., on Thursday, 20 April, A. D. 1865, being the day of mourning appointed by the governor of the state after the death of President Lincoln. New York: C. A. Alvord, 1866. 16 pp. 8°- HoUand, Josiah Gilbert. Eulogy on Abraham Lincoln, late President of the United States, pronounced at the City Hall, Springfield, Mass. , April 19, 1865. Springfield: L. J. Powers, 1865. 18 pp. 8°. The life of Abraham Lincoln. Springfield, Mass.. fj. Bill, 1866. 544pp. Plates. 8°. HoUoway, Laura Carter. Abraham Lincoln's mother. (In her The mothers of great men and women, pp. 111-128. New Y'ork, 1883. 8°.) Holmes, Prescott. Abraham Lincoln — 1861-1865. (In Ms Lives of the Presidents, pp. 192-207. Philadelphia, 1898. 16°.) Hopkins, T. M. A discourse, on the death of Abraham Lincoln, delivered in the 1st Presbyterian church in Bloomington, Indiana, April 19th, 1865. [Bloomington, Ind.: D. Kirkwood and others, 1865.1 7pp. 8°. Hornblower, AVilliam Henry. Sermon occasioned by the assassination of Presi dent Lincoln, delivered April 16, 1865. In First Presbyterian church of Paterson, N. J. Paterson, N. /..- Chiswell dc Wurts, 1865. 15 pp. 8° Houghton, Walter Raleigh. Lincoln's administration. 1861-1865. (In his History of American politics, pp. 348-392. Indianapolis, 1883. 12°.) House that Jeff built. [1868.] &e Beed, John J. Howard, James Quay. The life of Abraham Lincoln: with extracts from his speeches. Columbus: Follett, Foster and company, 1880. 103pp. 13°. Howard, John R. Abraham Lincoln. (7)Wus Patriotic nuggets, pp. 123-157. New York, [1899]. 16°.) Howe, Mark Anthony De AVolfe, ed. The memory of Lincoln; poems selected. Boston: Small, Maynarddc CO., 1899. xvii, 65 pp. Portrait. 16°. Howells, William Dean. Life of Abraham Lincoln. (In Lives and speeches of Abraham Lincoln and Hannibal Hamlin, pp. 9-94. Colum bus, O., 1860. 12°.) Howlett, Thomas R. The dealings of God with our nation. A discourse delivered in AVashington, D. C, on the day of humiliation and prayer, June 1, 1865. Washington, D. C: Gibson brothers, 1865. 7 pp. 8°- 36 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. Hubbard, Elbert. Little journeys to the homea of American atateamen. Abraham Lincoln. New York: G. P. Putnam's sons, 1898. 12°. (Little journeys; series of 1898, no. 12.) Hughes, D. L. Preaident Lincoln's death: a sermon delivered at the First Presby terian church in Des Moines, Iowa, on Sunday evening, April 23, 1865. (7)1 Lincolniana. In memoriam, pp. 100-122. Boston, 1865. 4°.) President Lincoln's death. Sermon delivered at the First Presbyterian church in Des Moines on Sunday evening, April 23d, 1865. (In Eulogies on Abraham Lincoln. Various places, 1863-1865, vol. 2, 12°.) Newspaper clipping. Hull, Moses. Death of President Lincoln; a discourse delivered before the "Friends of progress," in Stuart's hall. Battle Creek, Alieh., April 19, 1865. (7)1 Lincolniana. In memoriam, pp. 123-133. Boston, 1865. 4°.) Humboldt, Archibald, comp. Fin de siecle Lincoln's birthday exercises for schools. Lebanon, 0.: March bros., [19001. 34 pp. 8°. (Fin de siecle series of operettas. no. 13.) Hunt, Albert S. Sermon [on the death of Lincoln.] (In Our martyr President, pp. 317-327. New York, [1865]. 12°.) Huntington, D. AV. C. Abraham Lincoln. God's minister to the nation. A sermon preached at the Frank Street M. E. church, Wednesday', April 19th, 1865. (In Eulogies on Abraham Lincoln. Various places, 1863-1865, vol. 2, 12°.) Newspaper clipping. Huntington, Frederick Dan. [Sermon on the death of Lincoln.] (In Sermons preached in Boston on the death of Abraham Lincoln, pp. 191-196. Boston, 1865. 16°.) Hurlbut, Stephen Augustus. Speech at New Orleans, La., April 21, 1865. (7)1 Lincolniana. In memoriam, pp. 253-257. Boston, 1865. 4°) Hutter, E. AV. Celebration at the Soldier's home, Race and Crown streets. Oration. (In Eulogies on Abraham Lincoln, ^'arious places. 1863-1865, vol. 2, 12°.) Newspa,per clipping. Hylton, J. Dunbar. The praeaidicide: a poem. Philadelphia: [Meichel dc Plumleyl, 1868. (3), 318 pp. 18° Ides of March; or, Abraham Lincoln, private citizen. Being a sequel to The end of the irrepressible conflict. By a merchant of Philadelphia, Philadelphia: King dc Baird, 1861. '39 pp. 8° Illinois. Governor. Message of His Excellency, Richard J. Oglesby, governor of Illinois, to the General Assembly, January 7, 1867. Springfield: Baker, Bailhache d- co., 1867. 43 pp. 8° Contains reference to Lincoln's monument. Supreme court. Death of Lincoln. Proceedings in the Supreme Court of Illinois. Presentation of the bar resolutions in regard to Air. Lincoln's decease. Chicago: J. W. Middleton d- co., 1865. 17 pp. 8°. Illinois AVoman's Columbian club of Menard county. Menard, Salem, Lincoln. Souvenir album. Pelersliurg, III. Published by the ctnb, [Bloomington, Panlugraph print, co.1 1893. 15 1. Plates- Facsimilvs- Ohl. 4°. LIST OF LINCOLNIANA. 37 Illustrated life, services, martyrdom and funeral of Abraham Lincoln. Sixteenth President of the United States. Philadelphia: T.B- Peterson dc brothers, [18651- (2), 15-399 pp. Plates. 13°. Same.Philadelphia: T. B. Peterson d: bros., [186.51. 338 pp. 13°. In memoriam. New York: Trent, Filmer d- CO., [18651. {^4) pp. 13° Contains Lincoln's farewell speech at Springfield, Ohio, his emancipation proclama tion, address at Gettysburg, and inaugural address, 1865. Inaugural ceremonies of the Freedmen's memorial monument to Abraham Lincoln. AVashington city, April 14, 1876. Saint Louis: Levison dc Blythe, 1876. 38pp. Plate. 8°. Indiana-Place chapel. Order of exercises at Indiana-Place chapel, on Easter, April 16, 1865; being the Sunday after the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. Boston: Walker, Fuller d: CO., 1865. 34pp. 16°- IngersoU, Robert Green. Abraham Lincoln. A lecture. New York: C. P. Farrell, 1895. 63 pp. Portrait. 13°. Same. (7B7iis Works, Dresden ed., vol. 3, pp. 120-173. New York, 1900. 8°) IngersoU, Robert Green and Charles H. T. Collis. The religion of Abraham Lincoln; correspondence between General C. H. T. Collis and Colonel R. G. IngeraoU. AVith appendix containing intereating anecdotes by ilajor-General D. E. Sickles and Hon. O. S. Munsell. New York: G. W. Dillingham co., [19001. 34 pp. 8° Irwin, William. A sermon preached on Sabbath morning, April 16, 1865. The day after the death of President Lincoln. New York: J. A. Gray d: Green, 1885. 20pp. 8°. Ives, Alfred E. Victory turned into mourning. A discourse, on occasion of the death of Abraham Lincoln, late President of the United States, preached at Castine. Bangor: Wheeler dc Lynde, 1865. 14 pp- 8° Jackson, Alfred Augustus. Abraham Lincoln in the Black Hawk war. (In Wisconsin. State historical society. Collections, vol. 14, pp. 118-136, Madison, 1898. 8°.) Reprinted in a volume issued by the Society, entitled Army life in Wisconsin territory. Jaggar, Thomas A. A sermon, at the Anthon Memorial church, on Easter Sunda;', April 16, 1865. New York: R- C. Root, Anthony d- co., 1865. 14pp. 8°. James, James. The two epistles. The angel's address, or The glorious message, commanded to be sent to Abraham Lincoln, July 21, 1864. Albany, N. Y.: J. Nixon, [18641. 8pp. 8°. Janes, Edwin L. Character and career of Mr. Lincoln. A sermon. (7)1 Eulogies on Abraham Lincoln. Various places, 1863-'65, vol. 2, 12°.) Newspaper clipping. Janeway, J. L. Discourse. (In Discourses memorial of Abraham Lincoln. 16 pp. Lambertville, N. J., 1865, 12°.) Jeffery, Reuben. The mission of Abraham Lincoln. A sermon preached before the Fourth Baptist church, Philadelphia, Thursday morning, June 1st, 1865. Philadelphia: Bryson d- son, 1865. 38 pp. 8° 38 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. Jennings, George E. Eulogy on the death of the President. AVaupan, Wisconsin. (In Eulogies on Abraham Lincoln. Various places, 1863-1865, vol. 2, 12°.) Newspaper clipping. Jermon, J. Wagner. Abraham Lincoln and South Carolina. Philadelphia: D. E. Thompson, 1861. 16 pp. 8°. Jerome, Alonzo AVheeler. The great debate; a platform scene in the seven joint discussions between Lincoln and Douglas. One of the relief pictures in the dome of the State Capitol at Springfield, Illinois. [Spi-ingfield, 111: Rokker press, 1899.1 33 pp. 8°. Johnson, Herrick. "God's ways unsearchable." A discourse, on the death of President Lincoln, preached before the Third Presbyterian congregation, in Mozart Hall, Pittsburgh, Pa., Sunday, April 23d, 1865. Pittsburgh: W. G. .lohnstond- CO., [18651. H PP- 8°. Johnson, Reverdj'. An argument to establish the illegality of military commissions in the United States, and especially of the one organized for the trial of the parties charged with conspiracy to assassinate the late President, and others, presented to that commission, on Monday, the 19th of June, 1865. Baltimore: J. Murphy dc co., 1865. 31 pp. 8°. Johnson, AA'illiam M. Our martyred President. A discourse on the death of Preaident Lincoln, preached in Stillwater, N. Y., April 16th, 1865. Troy, N. Y.: Daily and Weekly Times printing house. 1865. 14pi3. 8°. Johnston, William D. Lincoln university; or. The nation's first pledge of emanci pation. Philadelphia: The author , 1887 . 33 pp. Plate. 8°. Jones, Alfred T. Address [on the death of President Lincoln] . (In Lincolniana. In memoriam, pp. 258-267. Boston, 1865, 4°.) Eulogy on Abraham Lincoln. Hebrew address. Philadelphia, June 1, 1865. (In Eulogies on Abraham Lincoln. "Various places. 1863-1865, vol. 2, 12°.) Newspaper clipping. Jones, Evan Rowland. Lincoln, Stanton and Grant. Historical sketches. London: F. Warne and co., [18751. xii, 343 pp. Portraits. 8°- Jones, Thomas A. J. Wilkes Booth. An account of his sojourn in southern Maryland after the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, his passage across the Potomac, and his death in ^'irginia. Chicago: Laird dc Lee, 1893. 136 pp. Plates. Portraits. 18°. Jones, Sir Willoughby, tr. See Cucheval-Clarigny, Philippe Athanase. Jordan, Ebenezer Stevens. Death of Abraham Lincoln. A discourse delivered on the day of the national fast, June 1, 1865, at the Congregational church, Cumberland Centre, Me. Portland: D. Tucker, 1865. 18pp. 8°. Jottrand, Gustavo, tr. See Bancroft, George. Eloge funebre du President Abraham Lincoln. 1866. Joualt, Alphonse. Abraham Lincoln. Sa jeunesse et sa vie politique. Histoire de I'abolition de I'esclavage aux Etats-Unis. Paris: Hachette d- cie, 1875. (3), 366 pp. Portrait. 16°. Judson, Edward Z. C. The parricides; or, The doom of the aaaassins, the authors of a nation's loss. By Ned Buntline. New York: Hilton d- Co., 1865. 94, (3) pp. 8° LIST OF LINCOLNIANA. 39 Junkin, George. National joj' and sorrow commingled: a sermon delivered in the Sixth Presbyterian church, Philadelphia, Penn., June 1, 1865. (7)1 Lincolniana. In memoriam, pp. 134-147. Boston, 1865, 4°. ) Kadmus, Kristofur, pseud. See Bro-wn, Nathan. Kaufmann, J. L., tr. See Assassination and history of the conspiracy. 1865. Kean, William F. Fast day sermon. God the light of the nation. A sermon preached in the Presbyterian church of Freeport, Pa., June lat, 1865. (In Eulogies on Abraham Lincoln. Various places, 1863-1865, vol. 2, 12°.) Newspaper clipping. Keckley, Elizabeth. Behind the scenes, or. Thirty years a slave; and four years in the White House. New York: G. W. Carleton & co., 1868. 371 pjp. Portrail 16°. Keeling, Robert J. The death of Moaea. A sermon preached in Trinity (P. E. ) church, on Sunday evening, April 23, 1865, as a tribute of respect to the memory of Abraham Lincoln. Washington, D. C: W. H. d: 0. H Morrison, 1865. 16 x>p. 8°. Keith, 0. B. An address delivered at the funeral solemnities of the late President Lincoln at the Church of Our Savior, Jenkintown, AA^ednesday noon, April 19th, 1865. Philadelphia: King dc Baird, 1886. 8 pp. 8°. Kelley, AVilliam Darah. Lincoln and Stanton. A study of the war administration of 1861 and 1862, with special consideration of some recent statements of Gen. Geo. B. McClellan. New York: G. P. Putnam's sons, 1885. (3), 88 pp. 12°. (Questions of the day, no. 29.) Speech. The character of Abraham Lincoln, [etc.] Phonographically reported for The Evening Telegraph, by D. AVolfe Brown. (In Eulogies on Abraham Lincoln. Various places, 1863-1865, vol. 2, 12°.) Newspaper clipping. Ketcham, Henry. The life of Abraham Lincoln. New York: A. L. Burt, [19011. -^'h 436 pp. Plates. Portrait. 13°. Kip, William Ingraham. Address delivered at Hombourg-les-Bains, Germany, on the first day of June, 1865, being the day appointed by_the President of the United States, as a day of humiliation and prayer. Frankfort-on-the-Main: [C. Naumann's Druckereil, 1886. 11pp. 8°. Kirk, Edward Norris. [Sermon on the death of Lincoln.] (In Sermons preached in Boston on the death of Abraham Lincoln, pp. 31-47. Boston, 1865, 16°.) Krauth, Charles Porterfield. The two pageants. A discourse delivered in the First Eng. Evan. Lutheran church, Pittaburgh, Pa., Thursday, June 1st, 1865. Pittsburgh: W. S. Haren, 1866. 33 pp. 8°. Kruell, Gustave. Abraham Lincoln. (In his The portfolio of national portraits. New York, 1899. F°.) Iiaboulaye, Edouard. Speech on the death of Mr. Lincoln. (In Lincolniana. In memoriam, pp. 320-326. Boston, 1865. 4°.) Lamb, E. E. Sermon on the death of President Lincoln preached in the Congrega tional church of Rootstown [Ohio], Sabbath morning, April 23, 1865. [Rootstown, 1865.1 14 PP- 13°. 40 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. Lamberton, John P. Abraham Lincoln. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott co., 1890. 9pp. 13°. From Chambers's encyclopaedia. Lamon, Ward Hill. The life of Abraham Lincoln; from his birth to his inaugura tion as President. Boston: J. R. Osgood d-co., 1873. .cv, 547 pp. Plates. Portraits. Facsimile. 8°. Recollections of Abraham Lincoln, 1847-1865. Edited by Dorothy Lamon. Chicago: A. C. McClurg d- co., 1895. xri, 9-276 pp. Portraits. Facsimiles. 13°. Lange, Max. Abraham Lincoln der Wiederhersteller der Nordamerikanischen Union, und der grosse Kampf der Nord- und Sudstaaten wahrend der Jahre 1861-1865. 5tea Tausend. Leipzig: 0. Spamer, 1866. x, 360 pp. Portraits. Majj. 8°. (Ehrentempel des Neunzehnten Jahrhunderts, vol 6. ) Laurie, Thomas. Three discourses, preached in the South Evangelical church. West Roxbury, Mass., April 13th, 19th, and 23d, 1865. Dedham, Mass.. J. Cox, jr., 1865. 40 pp. 8°. Leben und Abentheuer von John H. Surratt. See Career and adventures of John H. Surratt. [1866.] Leben, AVirken und Reden des Republikanischen Prasidentschafts-Candidaten Abra^ ham Lincoln. Nach den besten amerikanischen Quellen: D. W. Bartlett, Reuben Vose u. a. Deutsch bearbeitet. iY«(!i York: F. Gerhard, 1860. 108 pp. 13°. Leffingwell, C. S. Strength in sorrow. A sermon, preached in St. John's church, Canandaigua, June 1st, 1865, on the occasion of the national fast, following upon the aaaaasination of President Lincoln. Canandaigua, C. Jobson, 1866. IS pp. 8° Leland, Charles Godfrey. Abraham Lincoln and the abolition of slavery in the United States. New York, G. P. Putnam's sons. 1879. 346 pp. Portrait. 18°. (New Plu tarch, vol. 1.) Lewis, William P. Sermon in Pottsville on the day of President Lincoln's funeral in Washington. (In Eulogies on Abraham Lincoln. -Various places, 1863-1865, vol. 2, 12°.) Newspaper clipping. Lieber, Francis. Lincoln oder McClellan? [Philadelphia: King & Baird, 1884.1 4 PP- 8°. Same. [New York: H Ludnjiy, 1864.1 4 pp. 8°. (Loyal publication society, no. 59.) Same. (In Union league of Philadelphia, Pamphlets, vol. 3, no. 97. l.sC3-'66.) Lincoln or McClellan. Nev] York: 1865. 4 pp. 8°. (Loyal publication society, no. 71.) Lincoln or AlcClellan. From the German, by T. C. New York: 1865. 8pp. 8° (Loyal publication society, no- 67.) LIST OF LINCOLNIANA. 41 Life and extraordinary adventures of John H. Surratt, the conspirator. Philadelphia: Barclay d: CO., [18651. (3), 31-34, 37-40 pp. Plates. Portrail 8°. Same. Philadelphia: Barclay dc CO., [18671. (3), 21-24, 37-136 pp. Plates. 2Iaps. 8°- Life and martyrdom of Abraham Lincoln, sixteenth Preaident of the United Statea; and commander-in-chief of the army and navy of the United Statea. Philadelphia: T. B. Peterson d: brothers, [18651. {4), 17-203, (3) pp. 13°. Life and public services of Abraham Lincoln, sixteenth President of the United States; and commander-in-chief of the army and navy of the United States. Philadelphia: T B. Peterson d: brothers, [18641- (2), 17-187 pp. 8°. Life and public services of Hon. Abraham Lincoln, of Illinois, and Hon. Hannibal Hamlin, of Maine. Wide-awake ed. Boston: Thayer & Eldridge, [18601. 330 pp. Portraits. 12°. Life of Abraham Lincoln. 1860. See Scripps, John Locke. Life of Abraham Lincoln, late President of the American republic. Manchester: A. Hey wood & son; London: G. Vickers, [18651. 16 pp. 8°. " Reprinted from the ' Morning Star. ' " Life, speeches, and public services of Abraham Lincoln, together with a sketch of the life of Hannibal Hamlin. AVigwam ed. New York: Rudd dc Carleton, 1860. 117 pp. Portrail 13°. Light, Ezekiel. Extract of a sermon preached AA'ednesday, the 19th of April, 1865, on the occasion of the obsequies of President Lincoln. (In Eulogies on Abraham Lincoln. "Various places, 1863-1865, vol. 2, 12°.) Newspaper clippings. Lilienthal, Max. Sermon at the Broadway synagogue, [Cincinnati, Ohio, April 19th, 1865, on the death of President Lincoln.] (In Eulogies on Abraham Lincoln. Various places, 1863-1865, vol. 2, 12°.) Newspaper clipping. Lincoln, Abraham, der Sklavenbefreier u. Freiheitsmiirtyrer, gew. Prtisident der Vereinigten Staaten Nord-Amerika's. Met dem wohlgetroffenen Portrait Lincoln's. [Bieh L. Heer-Betrix, 1865.1 16 pp. Portrait. 13°. Lincoln's, Abraham, record on the slavery question. His doctrines condemned by Henry Clay. The mass of Lincoln's supporters hostile to the constitu tion. Lincoln's course in Congress on the Mexican war. The Homestead bill, — "Land for the landless," Lincoln, Douglas, and Hamlin. Baltimore: Printed by Murphy d: co., [18601. 16pp. 8°. Caption title. Lincoln, Solomon. Notes on the Lincoln families of Massachusetts, with some account of the family of Abraham Lincoln, late President of the U. States. (Reprinted from the Historical and genealogical register for October, 1865. ) Boston: D. Clapp d: son, 1865. (3), 10pp. 8°. Lincoln and Hamlin songster, or, The continental melodist, comprising a choice collection of original and selected songs, in honor of the people's candi dates, Lincoln and Hamlin, and illustrative of the enthusiasm everywhere entertained for "Honest old Abe," of Illinois, and the noble Hamlin of Maine. Philadelphia: Fisher dc brother, [18801. 73pp. 16°. 42 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. Lincoln autographic album. Embracing likewise the favorite poetry of Abraham Lincoln. [Edited by H. C. Whitney.] Chicago: H. C. Whitney, 1891. (48) pp. Portraits. 4° - Lincoln catechism wherein the eccentricities & beauties of despotism are fully set forth. A guide to the Presidential election of 1864. NewYork: J. F.Fee):s, [18631. 46 pp. 16°. Der Lincoln Katechismus, worin die Schonheiten und Excentritaten des Despotismus vollstandig dargestellt sind. Ein AVegweiser zur Prasident en wahl von 1864. A' on der englischen Ausgabe in's Deutsche iibersetzt. New York: J. F. Peeks, [18641. 46 pp. 13°. Lincoln guard of honor, Springfield, III Organization and objects of the Lincoln guard of honor, and first memorial service, held on the fifteenth anniver sary of the death of Abraham Lincoln, Springfield, Illinois, April 15th, 1880. Sjiringfield: State Journal, [18801. (^), U, (3) pp. 8°. Lincoln katechismus. [1864.] See Lincoln catechism. Lincoln league. Ritual. Bloomington, III: 1900? 30 i)p. 8°. No title page. Lincoln literary collection. [1897.] See McCaskey, J. P., ed. Lincoln memorial: a record of the life, assassination, and obsequies of the mar tyred President. New York: Bunce dc Huntington, 1865. 288 pj). Portrait. 8°. Lincoln memorial association. Valuable collection of autographs and historical papers collected by J. T. Mitchell, also the entire Lincoln memorial collec tion of Chicago, 111. At one time the personal property of Abraham Lincoln. To be sold Wednesday and Thursday, Dec. 5th and 6th, 1894. Philadelphia: Picking print, [18941- (3), 111 pp- Plates. Facsimiles. 4° ¦ (Thos. Birch's sons cat., no. 731.) Lincoln memorial collection of Chicago. Catalogue of articles owned and used by Abraham Lincoln. Now owned by the Lincoln memorial collection of Chicago. [Chicago: 1887-1 (.16) PP- 1?°- Lincoln memorial temple. Washington, D. C. Circular to churches and schools. [Washington: 1865-1 3 pp. 4°. Lincoln obsequies. 227 pp. 4° Scrapbook containing newspaper clippings relating to the death of Lincoln. Binder's title. Lincolniana. In memoriam. Boston: W. V. Spencer, 1865. vii, 346 pip. 4°. Littlejohu, Abram Newkirk. Sermon [on the death of Lincoln.] (7)iOurmartyr President, pp. 145-158. NewYork. [1865.] 12°) Lives and speeches of Abraham Lincoln and Hannibal Hamlin. Columbus, 0.: Follett, Foster dc CO., 1860. 170pp. Plate. 12°. Lodge, Henry Cabot and Theodore Roosevelt. Abraham Lincoln. (In their Hero tales from American history, pp. 323-335. New York, 1895. 12°.) LIST OF LINCOLNIANA. 43 Loring, George Bailey. The present crisis. A speech delivered at Lyceum hall, Salem, Wednesday evening, April 26, 1865, on the assassination of President Lincoln. Dr. Loring's letter to the Salem Gazette, on reconstruction. South Danvers: C. D. Howard, 1865. 13 pp. 8°. Lossing, Benson John. Abraham Lincoln. (7)j /sis Lives of celebrated Americans, pp. 432-134. Hartford, 1869. 8°.) Lothrop, Samuel Kirkland. [Sermon on the death of Lincoln.] (7)1 Sermons preached in Boston on the death of Abraham Lincoln, pp. 243-263. Boston, 1865. 16°.) Lowe, Charles. Death of President Lincoln: a sermon delivered in the Unitarian church in Archdale street, Charleston, S. C, Sunday, April 23, 1865. Boston: American Unitarian association, 1885. 34pp. 13°. Lowell, James Russell. Abraham Lincoln. (In his My study windows, pp. 150-177. Boston, 1871. 12°.) Same. (In his Political essays, pp. 177-209. Boston, 1890. 8°.) McClellan or Lincoln? 1864. (7)1 /(is Political essays, pp. 153-176. Boston, 1888. 12°.) Same. (7)1 /lis Political essays, pp. 153-176. Boston, 1890. 8°.) The President's policy. From the North American review, January, 1864. Boston: Crosby dc Nichols, [18641- (3), 23, (3) pp- 8°. Lowrey, Grosvenor P. The commander-in-chief; a defence upon legal grounds of the proclamation of emancipation; and an answer to Ex-judge Curtis' pamphlet, entitled "Executive power." New York: G. P. Putnam, 1863. 31 pp. 13°. Same. 2d ed. New York: G. P. Putman, 186S. 34 pp. 13°. Lo-wrie, John Marshall. The lessons of our national sorrow. A discourse delivered in the First Presbyterian church, of Fort AA'ayne, Indiana, on the Sabbath morning, April I6th, 1865, succeeding the death of Abraham Lincoln. Fort Wayne: Jenkinson dc Hartman, 1865. 16pp. 8°. Lo-wry, Robert. Sermon [on the death of Lincoln]. (7)1 Our martyr president, pp. 303-315. New York, [1865] . 12°) Ludlow, James M. Sermon commemorative of national events, delivered in the First Presbyterian church, Albany, N. Y., April 23d, 18,65. Albany: Weed, Parsons and company, 1866. 27 pp. 8° Ludlow, John Malcolm. President Lincoln self-pourtrayed. London: A. W. Bennett, 1866. (6), 339 pp. Portrait. 16°. liyoo., Nathaniel. Our cause — our candidate. (7)WiisLastpolitical writings, pp. 111-128. New Y'ork, 1861. 12°.) Mabie, Hamilton Wright. Abraham Lincoln. (7)»Libraryof the world's best literature, vol. 16, pp. 9059-9064. NewYork, [1897]. 8°.) Lincoln as a literary man. (7)1 Men who have risen. Ed. by H. W. Mabie, 3d ed., pp. 327-338. Boston, 1902. 8°) 44 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. McCabe, James Dabney. Abraham Lincoln. (7)1 his The centennial book of American biography, pp. 672-695. Philadelphia, 1876. 8°.) Same. (7ii /its Heroes and statesmen of America. 24 pp. Philadelphia, 1895. 8°) McCarthy, Charles Hallam. Lincoln's plan of reconstruction. New York: McClure, Phillips cfc CO., 1901. xxiv, 504pp. 8° McCarthy, J. J. Abraham Lincoln, 1861-1865. (7)» /lis Lives of the Presidents, pp. 252-271. Philadelphia, 1896. 16°.) McCarty, John AV. Lessons from the life and death of a good ruler. A discourse delivered in Christ church, Cincinnati, 0., on the day of national mourn ing, June 1st, 1865. Cincinnati: J. B. Boyd, 1885. 18 pp. 8° McCaskey, J. P., ed. Lincoln literary collection, designed for school-room and family circle: containing more than six hundred favorite selections in prose and poetry, sections for arbor day, bird day, decoration day, days with the poets, etc. New York: American book company, [18971. 576 pp. 12°. McCauley, James A. Character and services of Abraham Lincoln: a sermon preached in the Eutaw Methodist Episcopal church on the day of national humiliation and mourning, appointed by the President of the United States, Thursday, June 1, 1865. Baltimore: J. D. Toy, 1866. 16 pp. 8°- McClellan, George Brinton. General McClellan' a letter to President Lincoln. New York: E. B. Patton, [186-1. ^ PP- *°- McClintock, John. Discourse delivered on the day of the funeral of Preaident Lincoln, AVedneaday, April 19, 1865, in St. Paul's church. New York. Reported by J. T. Butts. New York: J. 31. Bradstreet dc son, 1865. 35 pp. 8° Sermon [on the death of Lincoln.] (7)1 Our martyr President, pp. 129-144. New York, [1865]. 12°.) McClure, Alexander Kelly. Lincoln as commander-in-chief. (In Military order of the loyal legion of the United States. New York state com- mandery. Personal recollections. Ed. by A. N. Blakeman. 2d series, pp. 140-158. New York, 1897. 8°.) Abraham Lincoln and men of war-times. Some personal recollections of war and politics during the Lincoln administration. With introduction by A. C. Lambdin. 3d ed. Philadelpihia: Times publishing co., 1892. 483 pp. Plates. Portraits. Fac- McClure, James B., ed. Anecdotes of Abraham Lincoln and Lincoln's stories. Chicago: Rhodes dc McClure, 1880. 188pp. Plates. Portrait. 12°. Same. Chicago: Rhodes d- McClure pidi. r-o., 1891. 346pp. Plates. Portraits. 12° Anecdoten von Abraham Lincoln und Lincoln's Erziihlungen. Redigirt von J. B. AlcClure. Chicago: Rhodes & McClure, 1880. 198pp. Plates. Portrait. 8°. LIST OF LINCOLNIANA. 45 McDonald, James Madison. President Lincoln; his figure in history: a discourse delivered in the First Presbyterian church, Princeton, New Jersey, June 1st, 1865. New York: C. Scrihner d- CO., 1865. 23pp. 8°. MacEl'rey, J. H. The substance of two discourses, occasioned by the national bereavement, the assassination of the Preaident, the poaition, the leason, and the duty of the nation. Delivered in the St. James Episcopal church, AVooster, Ohio, Easter day. Wooster, Ohio: Republican steam power press, 1866. 24 pip. 12°. McGarrah, J. H. Sermon prea.ched at Pleasantville, on Thursdaj', the 1st of June, the day set apart as a day of humiliation and praj^er, by the President of the United States. (In Eulogies on Abraham Lincoln. Variotis places, 1863-1865, vol. 2, 12°). Newspaper clipping. McGibbon, A, AV. Our nation's sorrow. A sermon, preached in Berlin, Illinois, April 19th, 1865, on the assassination of A. Lincoln, before the Baptist, Methodist, Christian, and Presbyterian congregations. [Berlin: 1865.1 [3), 12 pp. 8°. McKee, Thomas Hudson. Biography of Abraham Lincoln — Historical notes, [etc.] (7)) /))S Presidential inaugurations . . , pp. 109-119. Washington, D. C, 1893. 8°.) McKinley, William. Abraham Lincoln. (In Hanson, J. W., jr. The American orator, pp. 23-33. Chicago, 1896. 4°.) Same. (7« ///.s Masterpieces. Ed. by R. L. Paget, pp. lsil-189. Boston, 1896. 16°.) McPherson, Edward, compiler. Abraham Lincoln, 1861-1873. F°. Scrap book. Maltby, Charles. The life and public services of Abraham Lincoln. Stockton, Cal: Daily Independent print, 1884- 326 pp. 8°. Manning, Jacob Merrill. [Sermon on the death of Lincoln.] (In Sermons preached in Boston on the death of Abraham Lincoln, pp. 57-72. Boston, 1865. 16°.) Maple leaves from Canada, for the grave of Abraham Lincoln: being a discourse delivered by Rev. Robert Norton, pastor of the First Presbyterian church, and address by Rev. Robert F. Burns, pastor of the Canada Presbyterian church, at St. Catharines, Canada west, April 23nl, 1865, together with proceedings of public meetings, &c. St. Catharines: E. S. Leavenworth, 1865. 39 pp. 8°. Marsh, L. Gardner. Story of Abraham Lincoln. Buffcdo, N.Y., and Chicago: The Wyatt CO. ,[18991. 16pp. 8°. [Biographical series, no. 3. ) Markham, Edwin. Lincoln & other poems. New York: McClure, Phillqisd: CO., 1901. .vii, (2), 126, (1) pp. Portrait. 8°. Marshall, James. The nation's grief: death of Abraham Lincoln. A discourse delivered in the chapel of the officers' division of the United States gen eral hospital, near Fort Monroe, Ysi., Sunday, April 29th, 1865, and • repeated by special request in St. Paul's church, Norfolk, Va. Syracuse, N. Y.: Daily Journal .-stea.m book and job printing office, for Battery "F", 3d Pa. II. iirtillevy, 1866. 40 p)p. 8°. 46 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. Marshall, AV. R. Alemorial sermon delivered Thursday, June 1st, 1865. (In Eulogies on Abraham Lincoln. "Various places, 1863-1865, vol. 2, 12°) Newspaper clipping. Memorial sermon: delivered in the First Presbyterian church, Columbus, Ohio, Thursday, June 1, 1865. (7ft Lincolniana. In memoriam, pp. 148-166. Boston, 1865. 4°.) Martin, Henri. Letter, tr. from the Paris "SiScle." (In Lincolniana. In memoriam, pp. 327-329. Boston, 1865. 4°.) Matteson, L. J. Rev. Mr. Matteson on Abraham Lincoln. [Sing Sing, N. Y., April, 1865.] (In Eulogies on Abraham Lincoln. Various places, 1863-1865, vol. 2, 12°.) Newspaper clipping. Matthews, James P. The nation. Eulogy on Preaident Lincoln. An address delivered before the county convention, at Hagerstown, Md., May 2d, 1865. (In Eulogies on Abraham Lincoln. Various places, 1863-1865, vol. 2, 12°.) Newspaper clipping. Maynard, Mrs. Nettie Colburn. Was Abraham Lincoln a spiritualist? or. Curious revelations from the life of a trance medium. Together with portraita, letters and poems, [etc.] Philadelphia: R. C. Hartranft, 1891. xxiv, 364 pp. Plates. Portraits. 12°. Mayo, Amory Dwight. The martyr President. A discourse preached on the anniversary of the death of Abraham Lincoln, in the Church of the Redeemer, Cincinnati, 0. [Cinannati, 0.: 1866.1 [10) PP. 8°- Clippings from "The Ambassador." The nation's sacrifice. Abraham Lincoln. Two discourses, delivered on Sunday morning, April 16, and Wednesday morning, April 19, 1865, in the Church of the Redeemer, Cincinnati, Ohio. Cincinnati: R Clarke dc CO., 1865. 38pp. 8°. The republic at peace. A discourse delivered on the occasion of the national fast, June 1st, 1865, in the Church of the Redeemer, Cincinnati, Ohio. Cincinnati, 1865. (14) pp. 8°. Newspaper clipping. Memorial. Senate and House of the United States of America. [Petition of divers persons asking that the twelfth of February, the birthday of Abraham Lincoln be appointed as a "legal holiday." Followed by a brief essay, and two short poems on Abraham Lincoln.] [n. p., 1874-1 (4) pp. 8°. Merle d' Aubigne, Jean Henri. Letter [to George C. Fogg on the death of President Lincoln] . (7)1 Lincolniana. In memoriam, pp. 315-316. Boston, 1865. 4°.) Mill, John Stuart. Letter to a friend in Philadelphia, Pa. (7)1 Lincolniana. In memoriam, pp. 293-295. Boston, 1865. 4°.) Miller, J. G. Fast day sermon. Preached in Montrose, June 1st, 1865. (In Eulogies on Abraham Lincoln, -Various places, 1863-1865, vol. 2, 12°.) Newspaper clipping. Miller, Samuel F. Life and character of Abraham Lincoln. A memorial oration delivered at Franklin, N. Y., June lat, 18(55. Delhi: Sturtevant dc Mcintosh, 1866. 16 pp. 8°. LIST OF LINCOLNIANA. 47 Miner, Alonzo Ames. [Sermon on the death of Lincoln.] (7/j Sermons pre-i.ched in Boi-ton on the death of Abraham Lincoln, pp. 277-291. Bos ton, 1865. 16°.) Minor, Charles Landon Carter. The real Lincoln, with article by L. G. Tyler. Ed. by Kate M. Rowland. Richmond, Va.. E.Waddly co., 1901. 66 pp. 13° Mr. Lincoln's arbitrary arrests. The acta which the Baltimore platform approves. [New York: 1864-1 34 pp- 8°. Mitchell, James T. A^aluable collection of autographs and historical papers col lected by J. T. Mitchell; also the entire Lincoln memorial collection of Chicago, 111. At one time the personal property of Abraham Lincoln. To be sold Wednesday and Thursday, Dec. 5th and 6th, 1894. Philadelphia: Bicking print, [18941. (3), 111 pp)- Plates. Facsimiles. 4°- ( Thos. Birch's sons cat. No. 731.) Mitchell, Samuel S. Presbyterian church of Harrisburg, April 19, 1865. In memo riam. Harrisburg: Singerly dc Myers, 1865. 16 pp. 8°. Mombert, J. Isidore. Abraham Lincoln. (In his Great lives; a course of history in biographies, 1st ser., pp. '273-283. Boston and New York, [1886]. 12°) Monroe, Nelson. Abraham Lincoln. (7)1 Tits The Grand ;.rmy button, pp. 13-17. Boston, 1893. 8°.) Mooar, George. The religion of loyalty: a doctrinal aermon, preached in the First Congregational church, Oakland, April 23d, 1865. San Francisco: Toume and Bacon, 1865. 34 pp. 8°. Moore, Frank. Abraham Lincoln. (7)1 /u's Heroes and martyrs, vol. 1, pp. 55-61. New York, [186 .] . 4°.) Same. (7)1 /lis Portrait gallery of the w r, pp. 1-8. New York, 1864. 8°.) Moore, Henry D. Aloral grandeur of the proclamation of emancipation. A sermon delivered on the day of national thanksgiving, December 7, 1865, in the Plymouth Congregational church, Pittsburgh, Penn'a. Pittsburgh: W. S. Haven, 1866. 30 pp. 8° Morals, Sabato. An address on the death of Abraham Lincoln, Preaident of the United States, delivered before the Congregation Mikve Israel of Phila delphia, at their synagogue in Seventh street, on AVedneaday, April 19, 1865. Philadelphia: Collins, 1866-5635. 7 pp. 8°. A discourse delivered before the Congregation Mikv6 Israel of Philadelphia, at their synagogue in Seventh street, on Thursday, June 1, 1865, the day appointed for fasting, humiliation, and prayer, for the untimely death of the late lamented President of the United States, Abraham Lincoln. Philadelphia: Collins, 5635-1866. 8 pip. 8°. Hebrew address. [Philadelphia, June 1st, 1865.] {In Eulogies on Abraham Lincoln. "Various places, 1863-1865, vol. 2, 12°.) Newspaper clipping. Morehouse, H. L. Evil its own destroyer. A discourse delivered before the united societies of the Congregational and Baptist churches at the Congregational church in the city of East Saginaw, April 19th, 1865, on the occasion of the death of President Abraham Lincoln. East Saganaw, Mich.: Enterprise j/rint, 1866. 16pp. 13°. 48 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. Morris, Benjamin Franklin, compiler. Memorial record of the nation's tribute to Abraham Lincoln. Washington: W. H. d- 0. II. Morrison, 1865. (2), 373 pp. Plates. 8°. Morris, Charles. Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865). The martyr of the civil war. (In his Famous orators of the world, pp. 120-122. Philadelphia, 1903. s°.) Morse. F. H. Reaolution at a meeting of Americans, held in that city (London), May 1, 1865. (7)1 Lincolniana. In memoriam, pp. 296-297. Boston, 186.5, 4°.) Morse, John Torrey, jr. Abraham Lincoln. Cambridge: The Riverside press, 1893. 3 vols. 8°. (American statesmen, vols. 36 d- 36. ) Same.Boston: Houghton, Mifflin dc co., 1899. 3 vols. 8°. (American statesmen. Large paper ed. , vols. 36 d~ 36. ) Mudge, Zachariah Atwell. The forest boy; a sketch of the life of Abraham Lin coln. For young peoijle. New York: Carlton d- Porter, [18671. 331pp. Plates. 18°. Mulford, E. Address [on the occasion of the funeral obsequies of Preaident Lin coln at Montrose] . (In Eulogies on Abraham Lincoln. Various places, 1863-1865, vol. 2, 12°.) Newspaper clipping. Murdock, David. Death of Abraham Lincoln. A sermon preached in the Congre gational church in New Milford, Conn., April 23, 1865. Milford: Nin-throp's gallery of art, 1866. 16 pp. 8° Mussey, Charles F. The mighty fallen. A discourse occasioned Ijy the assassina tion of President Lincoln, delivered in the Presbyterian cLurch, Batavia, N. Y., Sunday morning, April 23d, 1865. Batavia: D. D. Waite, 1865. 14pp. 8°. Myers, Leonard. Abraham Lincoln. A memorial address delivered June loth, 1865, before the Union league of the Thirteenth ward. Philadelphia: King d- Baird, 1866. 15 pp. 8°. Nadal, Bernard Harrison. [Sermon at] Wesley chapel, [ Washington, D. C. , April 17, 1865]. (7)1 Eulogies on Abraham Lincoln, "Various places, 1863-1865, vol, 2, 12°,) Newspaper clipping, Naglee, Henry jMorris. McClellan vs. Lincoln. Damning disclosure of the treat ment of McClellan liy Stanton and Lincoln. Testimony of Cien. H. 31, Naglee. [Philadelphia, 1864-1 4 pp- 8°. Nason, Elias. Eulogy on Abrah,am Lincoln, late President of the United States, delivered before the New England historic-genealogical societv, Boston, May 3, 1865. Boston: W. V. Spencer, 1865. 38 jjp. 8°. Note [relating to the parentage of President Lincoln.] (In Lincolniana. In memoriam, p. 433. Boston, 1865. 4°.) MTatiou weeping for its dead. Observances at Springfield, Alassachusetts, on Presi dent Lincoln's funeral day, Wednesday, April 19, 1865, including Dr. Holland's eulogy. From the Springfield Republican's report. Springfield, Mass.: S. Bowles d ni.; L. J. Puivcrs, 1865. 3? pp. 8°. LIST OF LINCOLNIANA. 49 National Lincoln monument association. Incorporated by act of Congress, . March 30th, 1867. Washington: Printed at the Great Republic office, 1867 . 13 pp. 13°. Annual reports of the custodian to the executive committee. Reports for nine years. From 1875 to 1883, inclusive [etc.]. Springfield, 111: H. W. Rokker, 1^84. 36pp. 8°. A memorial in regard to the Lincoln monument to be erected at Springfield, Illinois. Trenton, N. J: The State Gazette, 1887. 15 pp. 8°. Organization and design. Proceedings of the board of managers. Plans and proapecta. Progress of the work. Representative men selected. Appeal to the public. Appendix. Washington, D. C: 1870. 41, Hi pp. 8°. The National portrait gallery of distinguished Americans. [Line ed.] Philadelphia: Rice, Rutter d- co., [18681. 3 vols. Portraits. 4° Abraham Lincoln, vol. 1, pp. 113-141. Neale, Rollin Heber. [Sermon on the death of Lincoln.] (In Sermons preached in Boston on the death of Abraham Lincoln, pp. 161-175. Boston, 1865. 16°.) Neill, Edward Duffield. Reminiscences of the last year of President Lincoln's life. Read at a meeting of the Minnesota c6mmandery of the Military order of the loyal legion, St. Paul, Minn., Nov. 4, 1885. St. Paul, Minn.: The Pioneer Press company, 1885. (2), 18 pp. 8°. Nelson, Henry A. The divinely prepared ruler, and The fit end of treason, two discourses delivered at the First Presbyterian church, Springfield, Illinois, on the Sabbath following the burial of President Lincoln, May 7, 1865. Springfield, III: Baker d: Phillips, 1865. 39 pp. 8°. New Jersey. General assembly. Addreaaea delivered at the presentation of the portrait of Abraham Lincoln, by the committee of the house of assem bly, February 12, 1867. Trenton, N. J.: Office of the State Gazette, 1867. 34 pp. 8°. Ne-w York (State). Legislature. Legislative honors to the memory of President Lincoln. Message of Gov. Fenton to the legislature, communicating the death of President Lincoln. Obsequies of President Lincoln in the legis lature. Printed under the direction of J. B. Cushman, Clerk of assembly. Albany: Weed, Parsons dc co., 1866. 118pp. 8° Ne-w York Herald. A relic of the rebellion; or, AA'hat happened twenty-six years ago. A true copy of the New York Herald, aa publiahed on the 15th of April, 1865, the morning after the assassination of President Lincoln. [Edited by John H. Winston.] New York: J. H Winston, 1891. (2), 69 2}p. 8°. New York Life Insurance Company. Abraham Lincoln. (In lis Presidents of the United States from 1779 to 1896. New York, [1896] . 16°.) Newell, Robert Henry. The martyr Preaident. New York: Carleton, 1866. 43 pp. 13°. Ne-wman, Francis William. The good cause of President Lincoln. A lecture. London: Emancipation society, 186S. 24 pp. 13°. 27426—03 i 50 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. Niccolls, Samuel Jack. In memoriam. A discourse on the assassination of Abraham Lincohi, Preaident of the United States, delivered in the Second Presby terian church, of St. Louis, April 23d, 1865. Si Louis: S- Spencer, 1865. 16 pp. S° - Nicholas, Samuel Smith. A review of the argument of President Lincoln and Attorney General Bates, in favor of Presidential power to suspend the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus. Louisville, Ky.: Bradley dc Gilbert, 1881. 38 pp. 8°. Same. (In his Conservative essays, legal and practical, pp. 216-275. Philadelphia, 1863. 8°.) Nichols, Clifton M. Life of Abraham Lincoln: being a biography of his Ufe from his birth to his asaaasination; also a record of his ancestors, and a collec tion of anecdotes attributed to Lincoln. Springfield, 0.: Mast, Crowell dc Kirkpatrick, 1896. (3), 330 pp. Portrail 8°. (Farm and fireside library, no. 132.) Nicholson, William R. [Remarks] at St. Paul's church [on the death of Lincoln]. (In Sermons preached In Boston on the death of Abraham Lincoln, pp. 123-126. Boston, 1865. 16°.) Nicolay, John George. Abraham Lincoln. Boston: Little, Brown dc CO., 1883. 31pp. 13°. A short life of Abraham Lincoln. Condensed from Nicolay and Hay's Abraham Lincoln: a history. New York: The Century co., 190-2. (4), vii-xvi, 578pp. Portrail 8°. Nicolay, John George, and John Hay. Abraham Lincoln. A history. New York: The Century co. , 1890. 10 vols. Illustrations. Plates. Portraits. Maps. Facsimiles. 8°- Nicoll, Charles H. Abraham Lincoln. (7)1 /lis Our Presidents from Washington to Cleveland. NewYork, 1888. 8°.) Niles, Henry E. Address on the occasion of President Lincoln's funeral obsequies in York, Pa. York, Pa.: H. Young, [18851. 8pp. 8°. Noble, Mason. Sermon delivered in the United States naval academy, on the day of the funeral of Abraham Lincoln. Newport: O. Y. Hammond, 1885. 18 pp. 8°. Northrop, H. H. A sermon upon the aaaaasination of Preaident Abraham Lincoln, at Waahington, April the 14, A. D. 1865; preached at Carthage, Illinois, on Wednesday, April the 19th, A. D. 1865. Carthage, III. The Carthage Republican print, 1886 . 8 pp. 8° Norton, Robert. Mr. Norton's sermon. God's discipline of nations. {In Maple leaves from Canada, for the grave of Abraham Lincoln, pp. 5-17. St. Catherines, 1865. 8°.) Notable history of .A.braham Lincoln, sixteenth President of the United Statea. ( In True stories of great Americans for young Americans, pp. 45-59. [n. p. , 1897] . 8°, ) Obsequies of Abraham Lincoln in Union Square, New York, April 25, 1865. New York: D. Van Nostrand, 1866. ,33 pp. Portrait. 4°. Oglesby, Richard James, Governor of Illinois. Message tn the General assembly, January 7, 1867. Springfield: Baker, Bailhache d- co., 1867. 43pp. 8°. Contains reference to' Lincoln's monument. LIST OF LINCOLNIANA. 51 Old, M. L. The death of the President. Sermon delivered at Christ church, Wash ington, April 23, 1865. (In Eulogies on Abraham Lincoln. Various places, 1863-1865, vol. 2. 12°) Newspaper clipping. Old Abe, the miller; or. The campaigns of Richmond. A story. [n. p., 1864?1 8pp. 8°. Old Abe's joker, or, Wit at the White House. New York: R. M. De Witt, [18631. 73 pp. 18°. Old Abe's jokes, fresh from Abraham's bosom. Containing all his issues, excepting the "greenbacks" to call in some of which, tftis work is issued. New York: T. R. Dawley, [18641- (3), 31-135 pp. Portrait 13° Old Colony Baptist Association. The forty-third anniversary — held with the Baptist church in Hanson, October 11 and 12, 1865. Boston: J. M. Hewes, 1865. 30 pp. 8° Contains resolutions on the death of Abraham Lincoln. Oldroyd, Osborn Hamiline. The assassination of Abraham Lincoln; flight, pursuit, capture, and punishment of the conspirators, with an introduction by T. M. Harris. Washington, D. C. : 0. H Oldroyd, 1901. xviii, 305 pp. Plustrations. Plate. Portrail Map. 8° Lincoln's campaign; or, The political revolution of 1860. Chicago: Laird d: Lee, [18961. vi, 341 pp. Portraits. 13°. , ed. The Lincoln memorial; album-immortelles. Original life-pictures, with autographs, from the hands and hearts of eminent Americans and Euro peans, contemporaries of the great martyr to liberty, Abraham Lincoln. Together with extracts from his speeches and sayings. Collected and edited by 0. H. Oldroyd. With an introduction by M. Simpson, D. D., and a sketch of the patriot's life by I. N. Arnold. New York: G. W. Carleton dc co., 1883. 571 pp. Plates. Portrait- 8°. Only authentic life of Abraham Lincoln, alias "Old Abe." A son of the west. Also of Gen. Geo. B. McClellan, alias "Little Mac." With an account of his numerous victories, from Phillipi to Antietam. The two lives in one volume. New York: J. C. Haney dc co., [18641. 16, 16 pp. 16° Otto, Emil. Abraham Lincoln. Ein Lebensbild. St. Louis, Mo.: Eden pub. house, 1897. 155 pp. 16° (Deutsche evangelische Synod von Nord-Amerika. Deutsche evang. jugend-Bibliothek, 35th Bd. ) Our martyr President, Abraham Lincoln. Voices from the pulpit of New York and Brooklyn. Oration by Hon. George Bancroft. Oration at the burial by Bishop Simpaon. New York: Tibbals dc Whiting, [18651. 430 pp. 13°. Same. New York: Tibbals & Whiting, 1865. 476 pp. 13° Paddock, Wilbur F. A great man fallen! A diacourae on the death of Abraham Lincoln. Delivered in St. Andrew's church, Philadelphia, April 23, 1865. Philadelphia: Sherman dc CO., 1865. 24pp. 8°. Parke, N. G. The assassination of the President of the United Statea overruled for the good of our country. A discourse preached in the M. E. church, Pittston, Penna., June 1st, 1865. Pittston, Pa.: Gazette office, 1865. 20pp. 8°. 52 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. Parker, Henry E. Discourse the day after the reception of the tidings of the assas sination of President Lincoln, preached in the South Congregational church, Concord, N. H., April 16, 1865. Concord: McFarland dc Jenks, 1866. 16 pp. 8°. Pascal, C^sar. Abraham Lincoln. La vie, son caractere, son administration. Paris: Grassart, 1865. (8), 232 pp. 13°. Patterson, Adoniram Judson. Eulogy on Abraham Lincoln, delivered in Porta- mouth, N. H., April 19, 1865. Portsmouth: C. W. Brewster dc Son, 1865. SO pp. 8° Patterson, James W. Memorial address on the life and character of Abraham Lincoln, delivered at Concord, New Hampshire, June 1, 1865, at the request of the state authorities. Concord: Cogswell dc Sturdevant, 1865. 34 pp. 8°. Patterson, Robert M. The character of Abraham Lincoln. Philadelphia: J. S. Claxton, 1865. 44 pp. 8°. Patton, Alfred S. The nation's loss and ita leasons. An occasional discourse, on the assassination of President Lincoln. Utica, N. Y.: Ourtiss dc White, 1866. 18 pp. 8°. Patton, William Weston. President Lincoln and the Chicago memorial of emanci pation. A paper read before the Maryland historical society, Dec. 12, 1887. Baltimore: [J. Murphy and co.1, 1888. 36 pp. 8° (Maryland historical society. Fund-publication, no. 27.) Peirce, J. D. An addreaa on the death of President Lincoln, delivered in the Uni versalist church. North Attleboro', Mass., April 19, 1865. Boston: Davis d: Farmer, 1865. 16 pp. 8° . Pendleton, George Hunt. Hear Hon. Geo. H. Pendleton. [Richmond, 1864?1 8 pp. 8° Pennsylvania. Legislature. House of Representatives. Addresses on the considera tion of resolutions relative to the death of Abraham Lincoln, Preaident of ^ the United States, delivered in the House of Representatives of Pennsyl vania, January 23, 1866. Together with the last inaugural address of President Lincoln. Harrkburg: Singerly dc Myers, 1866. 24 pp. 8°. Pennsylvania. Historical society. [Resolutions on the death of Mr. Lincoln.] [Philadelphia, 1865.1 4 pp. 8°- Penny, William L. Abraham Lincoln. A lecture before the Nyack rowing asso ciation. [Nyack, N. Y.: W. H. Myers, 1886.1 22pp. 8°. Perkins, Frederick Beecher. Lincoln. (7)1 his The picture and the mati, pp. 50-113. New York, 1867. 16°.) Peterson, O. M. Abraham Lincoln og bans samtid. Tre dele. Chicago: Skandinavens boghandel, 1889. 3 vols. 16°. contents: Abraham Lincoln's barndom og nngdom: Abraham Lincoln og negerslaveriet; Abra ham Lincoln som prajsident. Peters, William A. Abraham Lincoln. (In his Lives of our Presidents, pp. 261-301. New York, 1884, 16°.) LIST OF LINCOLNIANA. 53 Philadelphia. City council. Common council and Select council proceedings, Phil. , Ap. 1865, also an "invitation" from Select council to participate in the obsequies. [Philadelphia, 1866.1 8°- Made from clippings of the journals of the two councils. Phillips, Wendell. An address, delivered in Tremont temple, Boston, April 19, 1865. Worcester, Mass.: C. Hamiltor}, [18651. 8pp. 8°. Lincoln's election. (In his Speeches, lectures, and letters, pp. 294-318. Boston, 1863. 12°.) "Fraternity lecture, delivered in Tremont Temple, Boston, Nov. 7, 1860." Piatt, Donn. Abraham Lincoln. (In his Memories of the men who saved the union, pp. 27-49. New York, 1887. 12°.) Pierson, Mrs. Helen W. Abraham Lincoln. 1861 to 1865. (In her Lives of the Presidents of the U. S. in words of one syllable, pp. 124-143. New York, [1885]. 8°.) Pinckney, Charles Cotesworth. A discourse delivered at the Church of the Ascen sion, H St. [Washington, D. C], April 23, 1865. (In Eulogies on Abraham Lincoln. -Various places, 1863-1865, vol. 2. 12°.) Newspaper clipping. Pinkerton, Allan. History and evidence of the passage of Abraham Lincoln from Harrisburg, Pa., to Washington, D. C, on the 22d and 23d of February, 1861. [NewYorkor Chicago? 1868-1 SO pp. 8° - Same. Chicago: Republican print, [18681. 18 pp. 8°. Pitman, Benn, comp. The assassination of President Lincoln and the trial of the conspirators. Cincinnati dc Neiv York: Wilstach dc Baldwin, 1866. 421, (3) pp. Plate. 8° [Plain farmer. A.] Abraham Lincoln, late President of the United States, demon strated to be the Gog of the Bible, as foretold by the prophet Ezekiel in the XXXVIII and xxxix chapters of his book of prophecy. The thirteen Confederate States shown to be the mountains of Israel, and all the pre dictions contained in the late prophecy concerning them literally fulfilled in the late war between the North and South. Memphis: Public Ledger office, 1868. 56 pp. 13°. Poetical tributes to the memory of Abraham Lincoln. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippin-cott dc CO., 1865. $06 pp. Portrail 12°. Poore, Benjamin Perley. Recollections of Abraham Lincoln. (In Parton, James, ed. Some noted princes, authors, and statesmen of our time, pp. 347-354. NewYork, [1886]. 8°.) Porter, Elbert S. Sermon [on the death of Lincoln]. (7)1 Our martyr president, pp. 233-240. New York, [1865] . 12°) Porter, George L. The tragedy of the nation. [Bridgeport, Conn.: 18961. {44) PP- F° Type-written copy. Portraits and sketches of the lives of all the candidates for the presidency and vice- presidency, for 1860. New-York: J. C. Buttre, 1860. 33pp. Portraits. 8°. Abraham Lincoln, pp. 3-4. 54 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. Post, Jacob. Discourse on the assassination of President Lincoln, preached in camp at Harrison's Landing, Virginia, April 23d, 1865. Oswego: S. H Parker d- co., 1885. (2), 11pp. 8° Post, Truman Marcellua. [Prayer and diacourse delivered in St. Louis, Mo., April 19, '65, during the funeral of President Lincoln.] (7)1 Eulogies on Abraham Lincoln. Various places, 1863-1865, vol. 2, 12°.) Newspaper clipping. Potter, William J. The national tragedy: four sermons delivered before the First Congregational society. New Bedford, on the life and death of Abraham Lincoln. New Bedford, Mass.: A. Taber dc brother, 1885. 67 pp. 8°. contents; 1. The assassination of the President, pp. 3-12; 2. Discourse on the day of the funeral rites, pp. 13-19; 3. The capacity and historical position of President Lincoln, pp. 20-41; 4. The dramatic element in the career of Abraham Lincoln, pp. 42-67. Potts, J. F. Death of President Lincoln: a sermon. (7)1 Lincolniana. In memoriam, pp. 167-176. Boston, 1865. 4°.) Powderly, Terence Vincent. Abraham Lincoln. (1809-1865.) (7)1 Home, Charles F. ed. Great men and famous women, pp. 338-344. New York, [1894]. 4°. Statesmen and sages, vol. 2.) Powell, E. P. Sermons on recent national victories and the national sorrow. Preached, April 23d, 1865, in the Plymouth church. Adrian, Mich.: Smith d Foster, 1865. 27 pp. 8°. Power, John Carroll. Abraham Lincoln. His great funeral cortege, from Wash ington city to Springfield, Illinois. With a history and description of the national Lincoln monument. Springfield, III: 1872. (3), 205 pp. Portrail Chart. 13°. Abraham Lincoln. His life, public services, death and great funeral cortege, with a history and description of the national Lincoln monument. Mon umental ed. Springfield, III: E. A. Wilson dc co., 1875. 363 pp. Portrait. Map. Plan. 13°. Same. 3d ed. Springfield, III: H W. Rokker, 1883. 418 pp. Portrait. 8° History of the attempt to steal the" body of Abraham Lincoln. Including a history of the Lincoln guard of honor, with eight years Lincoln memorial services. [Springfield, Illl: 1890. 286, (4) pp. Plates. Portrail 8° - Illustrated description of the national Lincoln monument, or, Advance sheets from the book now in preaa, to be iasued Nov. 1, 1879, entitled: Abraham Lincoln. His life, public aervices, death, and great funeral cortege, with a hiatory and description of the national Lincoln monument. Monumental ed. Springfield, III: E. A. Wilson dc co., 1874- (4), 334-356 pp. 12°. The Lincoln memorial league. (In his History of an attempt lo steal the body of Abraham Lincoln. [Springfield, 111.], 1890. S°.) Pratt, Silas Gamaliel, ed. Lincoln in story; the Ufe of the martyr- President told in authenticated anecdotes. New York: D. Appleton & co., 1901. .cv, 324 PP- Plates. Portraits. Fac simile. 13° LIST OF LINCOLNIANA. 55 President Lincoln campaign songster. New York: T. R. Dawley, [18641. (3), 16-73 pp. 18° Preston, William. Address on the day of the obsequies. (In St. Andrew's church, Pittsburgh. Memorial sermon and address on the death of President Lincoln, St. Andrew's church, Pittsburgh, pp. 23-38. Pittsburgh, 1865. 8°.) Prime, G. Wendell. A sermon delivered in Westminster church, Detroit, on Sab bath morning, April 16, 1865, after the death of President Lincoln. Detroit: Advertiser and Tribune, 1865. 16 pp. 8°. Proceedings of a called meeting of ministers of all religious denominations in the District of Columbia, in the First Baptist church in Thirteenth street, Monday April 17, in reference to the sore bereavement which the country has suffered in the sudden decease of our beloved chief magistrate, Abraham Lincoln, with the remarks of Rev. Dr. Gurley, addressed to the President of the United States, Andrew Johnson and the reply of the President. Washington, D. C: McGill dc Witherow, 1865. 14 pp. 8° - Providence, R. I. City council Proceedings of the city council of Providence on the death of Abraham Lincoln; with the oration delivered before the municipal authorities and citizens, June 1, 1865, by William Binney. Providence: Knowles, Anthony dc co., 1865. 56pp. 8° Pulpit and rostrum. Sermons, orations, popular lectures, etc. Nos. 34r-36, June, 1865. New York: Schermerhorn, Bancroft dc co., 1865. S nos. in 3. 8°. CONTENTS: 34 & 35. Banckoft, G. Oration pronounced in Union square, April 25, 1865, at the funeral obsequies of Abraham Lincoln in the city of New York. pp. 1-13. Bey ANT, W. C. Ode for the funeral of Abraham Lincoln, p. 14. Lincoln, A. Emancipation proclamation, January 1st, 1863. pp. 15-19. " " Second inaugural address, March 4th, 1865. pp. 20-23. 36. Thompson, H. P. In memoriam. A sermon delivered on Sunday, April 16, 1865, in the Reformed Prot. Dutch church of Peapack, N. J. 1865. Purinton, J. M. A discourse on the death of President Abraham Lincoln, delivered in the Baptist church in Smithfield, Fayette county, Pa., June 1st, 1865. Philadelphia: J. A. Wagenseller, 1865. 18 pp. 8°. Putnam, George. An address delivered before the city government and citizens of Roxbury on occasion of the death of Abraham Lincoln, April 19, 1865. Roxbury: L. B. dc 0. E. Weston, 1866. 14,3pp. 8°. (Roxbury, Mass. City council City document, no. 5. ) Addreaa [on the death of Lincoln]. (In Sermons preached in Boston on the death of Abraham Lincoln, pp. 307-321. Bos ton, 1865. 16°) Putnam., M. Louise. The children's life of Abraham Lincoln. Chicago: A. C. McClurg dc CO., 1893. 290, (3) pp. Illustrations. 16°. Quint, Alonzo Hall. Three sermons preached in the North Congregational church. New Bedford, Mass., fast day, April 13, and Sunday, April 16, 1865. New Bedford: Mercury job piress, 1865. 45 pp. 8°. contents: I. National sin must be expiated by national calamity, pp. 1-16; II. What President Lincoln did for his country, pp. 17-30; III. Southern chivalry, and what the nation ought to do with it, pp, 31^3. 56 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. Randall, E. H. An address on the occasion of the funeral obsequies of the late President Lincoln, delivered before the citizens of Randolph, Vt. , April 19, 1865. Montpelier: Walton's steam printing establishment, 1865. 13 pp. 8°. Rankin, Jeremiah Eames. Moses and Joshua. A discourse on the death of Abra ham Lincoln, preached in the Winthrop church, Charlestown, Wednesday noon, April 19, 1865. Boston: Dakin and Metcalf, [18651. 16 pp- 8°. Raum, Green Berry. Abraham Lincoln. (In his History of Illinois Republicanism, pp. 253-254. Chicago, 1900. 4°. ) Ray, Charles. A sermon: preached before the united congregations of Wyoming, N. Y. on the death of President Lincoln, April 19th, 1865. Buffalo: A. M- Clapp d: co., 1866. 33pp. 8°. Ray, H. Cordelia. Lincoln. Written for the occasion of the unveiling of the freed men's monument in memory of Abraham Lincoln, April 14, 1876. New York: J. J. Little dc co., 1893. 11pp. 16°. Raymond, Henry Jarvis. History of the administration of President Lincoln; including his speeches, letters, proclamations and messages. With a pre liminary sketch of hia life. New York: Derby dc Miller, 1864- 496 pp. Portrait. 13°. The life and public services of Abraham Lincoln, sixteenth President of the United States, together with hia state papers, including his apeechea, addreaaea, measages, letters, and proclamations, and the closing scenes connected with his life and death. To which are added anecdotes and personal reminiscences of Preaident Lincoln by Frank B. Carpenter. New York: Derby dc Miller, 1865. 808 pp. Plates. 8°. The life of Abraham Lincoln, by H. J. Raymond; and the life of Andrew Johnaon, by John Savage. New York: Derby dc Miller, 1864. 136 pp. 12°. Same. New York: National union executive committee, [18641. 136 pp. 12°. Rebello da Silva, Luis Augusto. Speech delivered in the Chamber of peers, Lis bon, Portugal. (7)1 Lincolniana. In memoriam, pp. 307-314. Boston, 1865. 4°.) Reed, James. Address [on the death of Lincoln] . (In Sermons preached in Boston on the death of Abraham Lincoln, pp. 293-305. Bos ton, 1865. 16°.) Reed, John J. The house that Jeff built. New York: The American news co., [18681. {3), 16 pp. 8°. Reed, Seth. A discourse delivered on the occasion of the funeral obsequies of President Lincoln, April 19, 1865. Boston: G. C. Rand dc Avery, 1865. 24 pp- 8° Reed, Villeroy D. The confiict of truth. A sermon preached in the First Pres byterian church, Camden, N. J., April 30, 1865. Camden, N. J: S. Chew, 1865. 29pp. 8°. Reed, William Bradford. Speech on the presidential question delivered before the National Democratic association. Philadelphia, September 4, 1860. [Philadelphia, 1860.1 30 pp. 8°- LIST OF LINCOLNIANA. 57 Rem,y, Jean S. Abraham Lincoln. (In his Lives of the Presidents, pp. 60-65. New Y'ork, [1900] . 8°.) Republican club of the City of New York. Proceedings at the annual dinner at Delmonico'a the anniversary of the birthday of Abraham Lincoln. New York: Press of Beeken dc Leavens [etcl, 1887-1899. 3 vols. 8°. summary: 1st. Feb. 12th, 1887; 4th. Feb. 12th, 1890; 13th. Feb. 13th, 1899. Republican convention, Chicago, 1860. Proceedings of the republican national convention held at Chicago, May 16, 17, and 18, 1860. [Chicago, 1860.1 163 pp. 8°. No title-page. Baltimore, 1864. Presidential election, 1864. Proceedings of the national union convention held in Baltimore, Md. , June 7th and 8th, 1864. Reported by D. F. Murphy. New York: Bake.r dc Godwin, 1864. 94 pp. 8°. Republican songster, for the campaign of 1864. Cincinnati: J. R. Hawley & co., 1864. 64pp. 16°- Resolutions adopted at a meeting of the oflicers of the army and navy and citizens of Natchez, on the death of the President of the United States. Natchez, 1865. 4 pp. 12° Reynolds, John V. Sermon in commemoration of the virtues of Abraham Lincoln, delivered in the First Presbyterian church, Meadville, Pa., June 1, 1865. Meadville, Pa.: R. L. White, 1865. 36 pp. 8°. Rhodes, Jacob. The nation's loss. A poem on the life and death of the Hon. Abraham Lincoln, late President of the United States, who departed this life, in Washington, D. C, April 15, 1865. Newark, N. J: F. Starbuck, 1866. 18 pp. 16°. Rhodes, Mosheim. A sermon on the occasion of the asaaaaination of Abraham Lincoln, late President of the United States, delivered on Wednesday, April 19, 1865, (being the day of the obsequies of our martyr President), in the Evangelical Lutheran church, Sunbury, Penn'a. Sunbury, Pa.: H. B. Masser and E. Wilvert, 1866. 16 pp. 8° Rice, Allen Thorndike, ed. Reminiscences of Abraham Lincoln, by distinguished men of his times. New York: North American publishing CO., 1886. Ixix, 656 pp. Plates. Por traits. Facsimiles. 8°. Contains articles by Ulysses S, Grant; Elihu B, Washburne; George W, Julian; R. E. Fenton; J. P. Usher; George S. Boutwell; Benjamin .P. Butler; Charles C. Coffin; Frederick Douglass; Lawrence Weldon; Benjamin P. Poore; Titian J. Coffey; Henry Ward Beecher; William D. Kelley; Cassins M.Clay; Robert G. IngersoU; A.H.Mark- land; Schuyler Colfax; Daniel W. Voorhees; Charles A. Dana; John A. Kasson; James B. Fry; Hugh McCuUoch; Chauncey M. Depew; .David R. Locke; Leonard Swett; Walt Whitman; Donn Piatt; E.W.Andrews; James C. Welling; JohnConness; John B. Alley, and Thomas Hicks. Rice , Daniel. The President' s death — its import. A sermon preached in the Second Presbyterian church, Lafayette, Indiana, April 19, 1865, on the day of President Lincoln's funeral. [Lafayette, Ind.: 1865.1 (^)> 7pp. 8°. Rice, Nathan Lewis. Sermon on the death of Abraham Lincoln, late Preaident of the United Statea. Preached on the occasion of the national funeral, Wednesday, April 19, 1865. New York: W. C. Bryant dcco., 1865. 16 pp. 8°. 58 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. Riley, Isaac. Sermon [in Pottsville on the day of Preaident Lincoln's funeral in Washington]. (In Eulogies on Abraham Lincoln. Various places. 1863-1863, vol. 2, 12°.) Newspaper clipping. Ritchie, Alexander Hay. Ritchie's historical picture. Death of President Lincoln, engraved from the painting by A. H. Ritchie. New York: A. H. Ritchie tk CO., 1868. 11pp. Plate. 13°. Robbins, Chandler. [Sermon on the death of Lincoln. ] (In Sermons preached in Boston on the death of Abraliam Lincoln, pp. 213-223. Boston, 1865. 16°.) Robinson, Charles Seymour. The martyred President: a sermon preached in the First Presbyterian church, Brooklyn, N. Y., on the morning of April 16th, 1865. New York: J. F. Trow, 1866. SI pp. 8°. Same. (In Our martyr President, pp. 85-109. New York, [1865] . 12°.) Robinson, Thomas H. The unveiling of divine justice in the great rebellion. A sermon. June 1, 1865. Harrisburg: A. Taylor, 1885. 35 pp. 8°- Robinson, William Stevens. Abraham Lincoln. (7k Ms "Warrington" pen-portraits, pp. 498-499. Boston, 1877. 12°) John Brown and President Lincoln. (In his "Warrington" pen-portraits, pp. 237-252. Boston, 1877. 12°.) Results of Pres. Lincoln's death. [Extract from Diary of 1865.] (In his "Warrington" pen-portraits, pp. 304-321. Boston, 1877. 12°.) Robson, Charles. Abraham Lincoln. (In his Biographical encyclopgedia of Illinois of the XIX century, pp. 5-8. Philadel phia, 1875. 4°.) Rockwell, J. Edson. Sermon [on the death of Lincoln]. (7)1 Our martyr president, pp. 273-287. New York, [1865] . 12°,) Rodrock, W. D. C. An address. Delivered to the 2d Brigade, 1st Division, Army of the Shenandoah, near Winchester, Ya., April I9th, the day set apart for the funeral of the late President of the United States. (In Eulogies on Abraham Lincoln. Various places, 1863-1865, vol. 2, 12°.) Newspaper clipping. Rogers, A. P. A discourse, preached in the South Dutch church, on Sabbath morning, April 16th, being the Sabbath succeeding the assassination of President Lincoln. (In Eulogies on Abraham Lincoln. Various places, 1863-1866, vol, 2, 12°.) Newspaper clipping. Sermon [on the death of Lincoln]. (7))0ur martyr President, pp. 241-2,')4. New York, [1865] . 12°) Roosevelt, Theodore. See Lodge, Henry Cabot and Theodore Roosevelt. Rowland, L. S. Death of President Lincoln: a sermon delivered at the First parish church, Bangor, Maine, on Sunday, April 16, 1865. (7)1 Lincolniana. In memoriam, pp. 177-18.5. Boston, 186.5. 4°,) The death of President Lincoln. Sermon delivered Sunday, April 16, [1865]. (In Eulogies on Abraham Lincoln. Various places, 1863-1865, vol. 2, 12°.) Newspaper clipping. LIST OF LINCOLNIANA. 59 Rugg, Henry W. Abraham Lincoln. President, March 4, 1861-April 15, 1865. (In his The Presidents of the United States. Sketches, pp. 129-135. Providence, [1888]. 4°) Russell, John, 1st Earl Speech in the House of Lords, London, May 1, 1865. (In Lincolniana. In memoriam, pp. 298-302. Boston, 1865. 4°.) Russell, Peter. Our great national reproach, and The counsel of Ahithophel turned into foolishness. Two aermons preached in St. James' church, Eckly, Penna. The first on the occasion of the funeral solemnities of President Lincoln. The second on the late fast day, (June 1st). Philadelphia: King dc Baird, 1866. SO pp. 8° Sabine, William T. "The land mourneth" the death of Abraham Lincoln, Presi dent of the United States. A sermon delivered in the Church of the Covenant, on Sunday evening, April 16th, 1865. Philadelphia: W. P. Atkinson, 1866. 18pp. 16°. Saco, Maine. Report of proceedings [consequent upon the death of Abraham Lincoln. ] (7)1 Tapley, R, P. Eulogy of Abraham Lincoln, pp. 3-12. Biddeford, 1865. 8°.) St. Andrew's church, Pittsburgh. Memorial sermon and address on the death of President Lincoln, St. Andrew's church, Pittsburgh, Sunday, April 16, and Wednesday, April 19, 1865. Published by the congregation. Pittsburgh: W. S. Haven, 1865. 38 pp. 8°. Salem, Mass. City council. Eulogy on Abraham Lincoln, by George W. Brigga, D. D., June 1, 1865. With the proceedings of the city council on the death of the President. Salem, Mass.: 1865. 48 J'P- 8°- Public Library. Special reading lists. Abraham Lincoln. (In its Bulletin, vol. 3, pp. 76-77. Salem, 1897. 8°.) Salisbury, S. Sermon; preached at West Alexandria, Ohio, April 30th, 1865, on the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. Eaton, 0.: Eaton Weekly Register hand power-2)ress print, 1865. 11 pp. 13° Sample, Robert Fleming. The curtained throne: a sermon, suggested by the death of President Lincoln. Preached in the Presbyterian church of Bedford, Pa., April 23, 1865, and repeated April 30, 1865. Philadelphia: J. S. Claxton, 1866. 33 pp. 8°- Sanborn, R. S. A diacourse on the terrible, irresistible yet sublime logic of events as suggested by the assassination of President Lincoln, and the attempted assassination of Secretary Seward; delivered in the Universaliat church, Ripon, Wis., Sunday evening, April 23d, 1865. [n.p., 1865.1 7 PP- S°. Saredo, Giuseppe. Abramo Lincoln. Lettura fatta nella gran sala della R. Uni- versita di Siena. 2a ed. Milano: E. Treves dc CO., 1869. 47 pp. 16°. (Scienza del popolo.) Sarmiento, Domingo Fauatino. Vida de Abram Lincoln, decimo aeato Presidente de los Estadoa Unidos. Precedida de una introduccion. Nneva York: D. Appleton y ca., 1866. .rlviii, 306 pp. Portrait. 13°. Same. 2a ed. Correjida y aumentada. Nuevu York: D. Appleton y ca., 1866. .rlviii, 308 pp. Portrait. 13°. 60 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. Saunders, Rolfe S. An oration on the death of Abraham Lincoln, late President of the United States. Delivered on Island 40, April 25, 1865. Memphis: W. A. Whitmore, 1865. 16 pp. 8° - Schurz, Carl. Abraham Lincoln. An eaaay. Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin & CO., 1891. (4) , 117 pp. Portrait 16° Abraham Lincoln; an essay, together with testimonies by Emerson, Whit- tier, Holmes and Lowell, and a biographical sketch of Carl Schurz. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin dc CO., [18991. 91pp. Portrail 16°. (Riverside literature series, no. 133. ) Schuyler, Montgomery. [Address delivered in Christ church, St. Louis, Mo., April 19, 1865, during the funeral obsequies of President Lincoln.] {In Eulogies on Abraham Lincoln. -Various places. 1863-1865, vol. 2, 12°.) Newspaper clipping. Scott, Henry W. Abraham Lincoln. (In his Distinguished American lawyers, pp. 521-536. New York: C. L. Webster & CO., 1891. 8°.) Scripps, John Locke. Life of Abraham Lincoln. New York: New York Tribune, 1860. 33 pp. 8°: (Tribune tracts, no. 6.) Same. Chicago: Chicago Press and Tribune CO., 1860. 33pp. 8°. The first published life of Abraham Lincoln, written in the year mdccclx; reprinted in the year mdcccc, by the Cranbrook press. [Detroit, Mich. The Cranbrook press, 1900.1 85, (2) pp. Portrait 4° Seaman, L. What miscegenation is! and what we are to expect now that Mr. Lincoln is re-elected. New York: Waller dc Willetts, [18651. 8 pp. 8°. Searing, Edward. President Lincoln in history. An address delivered in the Congregational church, Milton, Wisconsin, on fast day, June 1st, 1865. Janesville: Veeder dc Devereux, 1865. 30 pp. 8° Sears, Hiram. The people's keepsake; or, Funeral address on the death of Abra ham Lincoln, late lamented President of the United States, with the principal incidents of his life. Delivered in the city of Mount Carmel, III., Sunday, April 23, 1865. Cincinnati: Poe dc Hitchcock, 1865. 18 pp. 8°. Sedgrwick, Charles B. An eulogy on Abraham Lincoln, sixteenth President of the United States, pronounced on the occasion of the obsequies at Syracuse, April 19th, 1865. Syracuse: The Daily Journal steam book and job office, 1865. 16 pp. 8°. Seiss, Joseph Augustus. The assassinated President, or The day of national mourn ing for Abraham Lincoln, at St. John's (Lutheran) church, Philadelphia, June 1st, 1865. Philadelphia: 1866. 43, (3) pp. 8°. Selby, Paul. The life, stories and speeches of Abraham Lincoln; a compilation of Lincoln's most remarkable utterances, with a sketch of his life. Chicago & Neiv York: G. M. Hill co., 1900. 469pp. Illustrations. Plate. 13°. Serment, Jacques Henri. Sur une gravure. Stancea. A Abraham Lincoln. Paris: C. Meyrueis, [18661. 33 pp. 8°. LIST OF LINCOLNIANA. 61 Sermons preached in Boaton on the death of Abraham Lincoln. Together with the funeral services in the east room of the executive mansion at Washington. Boston: J. E. Tilton and company, 1866. S79, (3) pp. 16°. Con tains sermons by: Bartol, C. A. Lothrop, S. K. Chaney, G. L. Manning, J. M. Clarke, J. P. Miner, A. A. Cudworth, W. H. Neale, R. H. Ellis, R. Nicholson, W. R. Foote, H. W. Putnam, G. Fulton, J. D. Reed, J. Gurley, D. P. Robbins, C. Hague, G. H. Stone, A. L. Hale, E. E. Studley, W. S. Huntington, F. D. Todd, J. E. Kirk, E. N. Webb, E. B. Ser-yices and addresses at the unveiling of the statue of Abraham Lincoln, Brooklyn, N. Y., October 21st, 1869. Brooklyn: The War fund committee, 1869. 32 pp. 8° Sheppard, Robert Dickinson. Abraham Lincoln, a character sketch, with anec dotes, characteristics and chronology. Milwaukee: H. G. Campbell publishing co., [18991. 116 PP- Frontispiece. Illustrations. Portraits. 12°. (True stories of great Americans.) Sherman, John. Eulogy on Abraham Lincoln. Senator Sherman's sketches of his life and services. The acts of hia administration as Preaident. The lesson of his assassination. (In Eulogies on Abraham Lincoln. Various places. 1863-1865, vol. 2, 12°.) Newspaper clipping. Sherman, Socrates N. Eulogy upon President Lincoln. Delivered April 19, 1865, at the U. S. A. general hospital, Grafton, W. Va. Grafton: D. F. Shriner, 1866. 14 pp. 8°. Shields, Charles Woodruff. Address delivered at a large union meeting held in the Central Presbyterian church, Philadelphia, on Wednesday noon, the 19th of April, the day on which President Lincoln's funeral obsequies were observed in Washington city. (In Eulogies on Abraham Lincoln. Various places. 1863-1865, vol. 2, 12°.) Newspaper clipping. Shiudel, M. L. An address delivered in the Lutheran churches at McAlistersville and Thompsontown, on Thursday, June 1st, 1865, being a day appointed by the President as a day of humiliation, in honor and memory of His Excellency Abraham Lincoln, late President of the United States. (In Eulogies on Abraham Lincoln. Various places. 1863-1865, vol. 2, 12°.) Newspaper clipping. Silva, Luiz Augusto Rebello da. See Rebello da Silva, Luis Augusto. Silver, Abiel. The death of the President: a sermon delivered in Wilmington, Delaware, April 16, 1865. (In Lincolniana. In memoriam, pp. 204-211. Boston, 1865. 4°.) Simonton, A. G. A discourse on the occasion of the death of President Lincoln; delivered at a special divine service held May 21st, 1865, and publiahed at the request of the American residents in Rio de Janeiro. Rio de Janeiro: G. Leuzinger, 1865. 14 pp. 8°. 62 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. Simpson, Matthew. Funeral address delivered at the burial of President Lincoln, at Springfield, Illinois, May 4, 1865. New York: Carlton dc Porter, 1865. 21pp. 12°. Oration at the burial [of Abraham Lincoln] at Springfield. (J)i Our martyr President, pp. 393^10. New York, [1865] . 12°.) Sketch of the life and times of Abraham Lincoln. (To accompany a portrait. ) Philadelphia: Bradley dc CO., [18651. S6 pp. Plate. 16°. Slater, Edward C. The nation's loss. A sermon upon the death of Abraham Lincoln, sixteenth President of the United Statea. Preached April 19, 1865, at Paducah, Ky. Paducah, Ky.: Blelockdc CO., 1866. 30pp. 8° Smith, Goldwin. Letter to the editor of the London Daily Newa. (7)1 Lincolniana. In memoriam, pp. 303-306. Boston, 1865. 4°.) President Lincoln. [London: Macmillan and CO., 1866.1 300-305 pp. 8° Cut from Macmillan's magazine, vol. 1, no. 64. Smith, Henry Boynton. Sermon [on the death of Lincoln.] (In Our martyr President, pp. 359-381. New York, [1865] . 12°.) Smith, Samuel George. Abraham Lincoln. Cincinnati: Jennings dc Pye, [19021. 31, (1) pp. F-ontispiece. 12°. (Hero series, vol. 3. ) Abraham Lincoln. (7)1 ftis Retribution and other addresses, pp. 135-152. Cincinnati, [1900]. 8°.) Smolnikar, Andreas Bernardus. The great encyclic epistle, divided into two parts; the first of which was occasioned by the death of President Abraham Lincoln, and the second by the capture of Jefferson Davis: both being preparatory to the work, with the title of the manuscript: "The heavenly miaaion to all governments and all nations for the introduction of Christ's peaceable reign on earth. Written by Andrew B. Smolnikar", [etc.] Baltimore: S. S. Mills dc co., 1866. 32 pp. 8°- Snively, William A. Sermon: the nation's bereavement. (In St. Andrews church, Pittsburgh. Memorial sermon and address on the death of President Lincoln, St. Andrew's church, Pittsburgh, pp. 3-21. Pittsburgh, 1865. 8°.) Soldier's national cemetery association. Oration of Major-General 0. O. Howard, and speech of His Excellency A. G. Curtin, at the laying of the corner stone of the monument in the Soldier's national cemetery, at Gettysburg, July 4, 1865. With the other exercises of the occasion. Gettysburgh: Aughinbaugh dc Wible, 1885. 60, (1) pp. Frontispiece. 8°. Southgate, Horatio. The death of Lincoln, April 15th, 1865. Some of the religious lessons which it teaches. A sermon, preached in Zion church. New York, on the first Sunday after Easter, April 23d, 1865. New York: J. W. Amerman, 1865. 14 pp. 8° Souvenir of Lincoln's birthplace. Hodgensville, Ky.: T. B. Kirkpatrick, 1903. (SO) pp. Illustrations. Por traits. 16°. Spath, Adolph. Rede bei der Begriibnissfeier des Prasidenten Abraham Lincoln, (geb. den 12. Februar 1809, gest. den 15. April 1865). Gehalten in der Evangelisch-Lutheriachen Zionskirche zu Philadelphia, IMittwoch, den 19. April 1865. Mit einer Zugabe aus der Osterfest-predigt am 14. April. Philadelphia: C. W. Wielnaier, 1865. 15 pp. 8°. LIST OF LINCOLNIANA. 63 Spangler, Edward. Testimony for prosecution and defence of in the case of Edward Spangler, tried for conspiracy to murder the President, before a military commission, of which Major-General Hunter was president, Washington, D. C, May and June, 1865. [Washington, 1865.1 66, (3) pp. 8°. Sparks, Edwin Erie. Abraham Lincoln, a new type of American. (7)1 7iis The men who made the nation, pp. 378-410. New Y'ork, 1901. 12°) Spaulding, Elbridge Gerry. The Republican platform. Revised speech delivered at Buffalo and Washington at meetings held to ratify the nomination of Abraham Lincoln and Hannibal Hamlin. [n.p., 1860.1 8 pp. 8°. Spear, Samuel Thayer. The punishment of treason. A diacourae preached April 23d, 1865, in the South Preabyterian church of Brooklyn. Brooklyn: "The Union" steam presses, 1866. 38 pp. 8°. ¦ Sermon [on the death of Lincoln.] (7)1 Our martyr President, pp. 289-301. New York, [1865] . 1'2°.) Speed, James. Oration upon the inauguration of the bust of Abraham Lincoln, at Louisville, Ky., February 12, 1867. Louisville: Bradley d- Gilbert, 1887. 8 pp. 8° Speed, Joshua Fry. Reminiscences of Abraham Lincoln and notes of a visit to California. Two lectures, with a sketch of his life. Louisville, Ky.: J. P. Morton and company, 1884. 67 j)p. 8° Sprague, I. N. Preaident Lincoln's death. A discourse delivered in the Presby terian church in Caldwell, N. J. , on the day of national mourning, June lat, 1865. Newark, N. J.: Daily Advertiser office, 1885. 30pp. 8° Sprague, William Buell. A discourse delivered in the Second Presbyterian church, Albany, April 16, 1865, the Sunday morning immediately succeeding the assassination of the President of the United Statea. Albany: Weed, Parsons and company, 1885. 18 pp. 13°. Staples, Ernest Linwood. A man of destiny; being the story of Abraham Lincoln, an epic poem. Shelton, Conn.: Lincolnpublishing company, 1903. 71pp. Plates. Portraits. 8°. Starr, Frederick, jr. The martyr President. A discourse, delivered in the First Presbyterian church, Penn Y''an, N. Y., Sabbath morning, April 16th, 1865, on the death of Abraliam Lincoln. Repeated by request in the North Presbyterian church, St. Louis, Mo., Sabbath morning. May 14th, 1865. St Louis: S. Spencer, 1865. 19 pp. 8°. Stebbins, Horatio. Oration delivered at San Francisco, Cal., April 19, 1865. (7)1 Lincolniana. In memoriam, pp. 268-273. Boston, 1865. 4°) Steele, Richard H. Victory and mourning. A sermon occasioned by the death of Abraham Lincoln, late Preaident of the United States; preached in the First Reformed Dutch church, New-Brunswick, N. J., June 1st, 1865. New Brunswick, N. J: Terhune and Van Anglen, 1865. 27 pp. 8°. Steiner, Lewis Henry. Abraham Lincoln: the lessons taught by his life and the obligations impoaed by hia death. An address, delivered at "The Glades," Frederick county, Maryland, April 23d, 1865. Philadelphia: J. B. Rodgers, 1866. 16 pp. 8°. Stephens, Alexander Hamilton. Carpenter's picture, Lincoln and emancipation. Speech in the House of Representatives, 12th of Feb., 1878. [Washington: Darby d: Duvall, 1878.1 4 pp. 8°. 64 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. Sterling, William. The martyr President. A sermon delivered in the court house in Williamaport, Sunday, April 23, 1865. [Williamsportl: "Bulletin" print, [18651. 3pp. 8° Stevens, L. L. Lives, crimes, and confeasiona of the aaaassins. Troy, N. Y.: Daily Times printing establishment, 1865. (4), 15-68 pp. 8°. Stewart, Daniel. Our national sorrow. A discourse on the death of Abraham Lincoln, containing the substance of two sermons delivered in the Presby terian church, Johnstown, April 16 and 19, 1865. Johnstown: J. D. Houghtaling, 1865. 20 pp. 8° Stoddard, Richard Henry. Abraham Lincoln. An Horatian ode. New York: Bunce dc Huntington, [18651. 13 pp. 8° Stoddard, William Osborn. Abraham Lincoln and Andrew Johnson. New York: F. A. Stokes dc brother, 1888. viii, 284, 73 pp. 12° (The lives of the Presidents, vol. 8. ) Abraham Lincoln : the true story of a great life. Showing the inner growth, special training and peculiar fitness of the man for his work. New York: Fords, Howard dc Hulbert, 1884. 508 pp. Plates. Portraits. Fac simile. 8° Inside the White House in war times. New York: C. L. Webster dc CO., 1890. 244 pp- Plates- 12°. ^ Lincoln at work; sketches from life, illustrated by S. Gallagher. Boston d: Chicago: United society of christian endeavor, [19001. 173 pp. Rlus- trations. Plate. Portrait. 12°. Stoever, Martin Luther. Abraham Lincoln. [Gettysburgh, Pa.: 1865.1 404-426 pp. 8° No title-page. Originally published in the Evangelical quarterly review, vol. 16, July, 1865. Stone, Andrew Leete. A discourse occasioned by the death of Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States of America, who was assassinated in Wash ington, Friday, April 14th, 1865. Preached in the Park street church, Boston, on the next Lord's day. Boston: J. K. Wiggin, 1865. 21 pp. 4° [Sermon on the death of Lincoln.] (In Sermons preached in Boston on the death of Abraham Lincoln, pp. 335-355 Boston, 1865. 16°.) Storrs, Richard Salter, jr. An oration commemorative of President Abraham Lincoln; delivered at Brooklyn, N. Y., June 1, 1865, at the request of the war fund committee. Brooklyn: The committee, 1865. 65 pp. 8°. Stover, John H. Eulogy on the death of Abraham Lincoln, late President of the United Statea, delivered to the 184th Pa. Vols., April the 19th, the day of his hmeral. (7)1 Eulogies on Abraham Lincoln. Various places, 1863-1865, vol. 2. 12°. ) Newspaper clipping. Stowe, Mrs. Harriet Elizabeth Beecher. Abraham Lincoln. ( In her The lives and deeds of self-made men, pp. 11-110. Boston, [1899] . 8°.) Same. (In lier Men of our times, pp. ll-llo. Hartford, 1868. 8°.) LIST OF LINCOLNIANA. 65 Stratton, Ella Hinea. Abraham Lincoln and Andrew Johnson. (In her True stories of our Presidents, pp. H.6-127. Philadelphia, 1901. 8°.) Same. (7)1 Act- Lives of our Presidents, pp. 116-127. Philadelphia, 1902. 8°) Stratton, Joseph B. President Lincoln's death: a aermon delivered in the First Presbyterian church, Natchez, Miss., on Sunday, April 23, 1865. (7)1 Lincolniana. In memoriam, pp. 186-203. Boston, 1865. 4°) Sermon preached in the First Presbyterian church, Natchez, Miss., Sunday, April 23, 1865. On the occasion of the death of President Lincoln. (In Eulogies on Abraham Lincoln. Various places, 1863-1865, vol. 2. 12°) Newspaper clipping. Street, Alfred Billings. In memoriam. President Lincoln dead. A poem. Albany, N. Y.: A. Boyd, 1870. (12) pp. 8°. Strong, Joseph D. The nation's sorrow. A discourse on the death of Abraham Lincoln, delivered in the Larkin Street Presbyterian church, San Fran cisco, April 16th, 1865. Published by the Larkin St. congregation. San Francisco: G- L. Kenny d: co., 1866. 14 PP- 8° Stryker, Melancthon Woolsey. Hamilton, Lincoln and other addresses. Utica, N. Y: W. T. Smith dcco., 1896. 193 pp. 8°. Studley, William S. [Sermon on the death of Lincoln.] {In Sermons preached in Boston on the death of Abraham Lincoln, pp. 225-232. Bos ton, 1865. 16°.) Sturz, Johann Jakob. Reden gehalten beider Berliner Todtenfeier fiir den Priisi- denten Lincoln von amerikanischen, englischen und deutschen Geistlichen. Ein Auaspruch der Kirche fiber Sklaverei und freie Arbeit. Berlin: C. G. Liidentz, 1865. . 39 pp. 8° Sumner, Charles. The promises of the declaration of independence. Eulogy on Abraham Lincoln, delivered before the municipal authorities of the city of Boston, June 1, 1865. Boston: J. E. Farwell dc co., 1865. 67 pp. 8°. Same. (In his Works, vol. 9, pp. 367-428. Boston, 1874. 8°.) Respect for the memory of Abraham Lincoln. (In his Works, vol. 9, pp. 361-362. Boston, 1874. 8°.) Sumner, Edward A. Abraham Lincoln. An oration delivered before the Men's league of the Broadway tabernacle church, of New Y^ork city, February 10th, 1902. [New York: 1903.1 16 pp- 8°- Surratt, John H. The private journal and diary. Ed. and arranged by Dion Haco, Esq. New York: F- A- Brady, [18661- (2), ll-104pp- 13°. Sutphen, Morris C. Discourse on the occasion of the death of Abraham Lincoln, late President of the United States, preached in the Spring Garden Pres byterian church, Philadelphia, April 16th, 1865. Philadelphia: J. B. Rodgers, 1866. 19 pp. 8°. Swaim, Thomas. Discourse. (7)?. Discourses memorial of Abraham Lincoln, pp. 1-22. Lambertville,' N. J., 1865. 12°) 27426—03 5 66 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. Swain, Leonard. A nations sorrow. A sermon preached on the Sabbath after the assassination of President? Lincoln, in the Central Congregational church. Providence, April 15, 1865. [Providence, 1865.1 11pp. 8°. Swank, James M. Washington and Lincoln the descendants of colonial iron masters. , (In his History of the manufacture of iron in all ages, pp. 502-508. Philadelphia, 1892. 8°.) Sweetser, Seth. A commemorative discourse on the death of Abraham Lincoln. Worcester, Mass., 1866. 29pp. 8°. Swing, Da-vid. Address to the new generation. Washington and Lincoln, Feb. 12 and 22, 1888. Rockford, III: W. A. Talcott, [18881. 16 PP- 8°. The death of the President. Sermon preached in the Preabyterian church at Hamilton, O., April 16, 1865. [Hamilton, 0-1: Hamilton Telegraph print, 1865- 18 pp. 16°. Symmes, Joseph Gaston. "To what purpose is this waste?" Address delivered before the loyal leagues of South-Brunswick and Monroe, June 1, 1865. New Brunswick, N. ./..- liVedonian book and job office, 1866. (4), 29 pp. 8°. Szold, Benjamin. Vaterland und .Freiheit. Predigt bei der Erinnerungsfeier des verstorbenen Prasidenten, Abraham Lincoln, am 1. Juni 1865, (dem zwei ten Tag Schabuoth. ) Baltimore: M. Polmyer, 1866. 10 pp. 12°. Talbott, J. J. Easter Sunday: a discourse delivered in St. John's Episcopal church, Louisville, Ky., on Sunday, April 16, 1865. (7)1 Lincolniana. In memoriam, pp. 212-217, ' Boston, 1865, 4°.) Tansy, J. From the cabin to the White House. An address at the obsequies of the late Preaident Lincoln. Evansville: Evansville .Journal co., 1865. 19pp. 8°. Tapleys Rufua P. Eulogy of Abraham Lincoln, sixteenth President of the United States, pronounced April 19, 1865, at Saco, Maine, including the report of the proceedings of the town of Saco consequent upon his death. Biddeford: Union and Journal office, 1866. 27 pp. 8° Tappan, Henry Philip. A discourse on the death of Abraham Lincoln, late Preai dent of the United States of America, delivered Tuesday, May 2, 1865, in the Dorotheen-church, Berlin. Berlin: G. Lange, [18651. 46 pp. 8°. Tarbell, Ida Minerva. The early life of Abraham Lincoln, containing many unpub lished documents and unpublished reminiscences of Lincoln's early friends. By Ida M. Tarbell, assisted by J. McCan Davis. New York: S. S. McClure, 1896. (4), 340 pp. ind. 20 port of Lincoln. 8°. (McClure' s magazine library, no. 3.) The life of Abraham Lincoln. Drawn from original sources and containing many speeches, letters and telegrams hitherto unpublished. New York: The Doubleday d- McClure co., 1900. 3 vols. 8°. Taylor, Archibald Alexander Edward. Our fallen leader. A discourse delivered on Thursday, June 1, 1865, in the Bridge street Preabyterian church, Georgetown, D. C. Philadelphia: J. S. Claxton, 1866. 20 pji. 8°. LIST OF LINCOLNIANA. 67 Taylor, James Bayard. The ballad of Abraham Lincoln. Boston: Fields, Osgood d: CO., 1870. 8 pp. Colored plates. 8°. (Uncle Sam ¦ series for American children). Taylor, Thomas Proclus. Abraham Lincoln, foully assassinated April 14, 1865. A poem with an illustration, from the London Punch, for May 6, 1865. With an introduction by A. Boyd. Albany: J. Munsell, 1868. (36) pp. Plate. 4°- Taylor, W. A. Abraham Lincoln. 1861-1865. (In his Eighteen Presidents and contemporaneous rulers. 2d ed., pp. 86-91. Pitts burgh, 1876. 12°.) Terrible tragedy at Waahington. Assassination of President Lincoln. Last hours and death-bed scenes of the President. A full and graphic account [etc. ] Philadelphia: Barclay dc co., [18651. (4), 31-30, 39-53, 61-74,85-98, 101-116 pp. Plates. 8° Die schreckliche Tragodie in Waahington. Ermordung des Prasidenten Lincoln. Seine letzten Stunden und die Todes-Scenen. Ein ausfiihr- licher und zuverlassiger Bericht dieses grossen National-Ungliicka. Mord- anschlage auf Sekretiir Seward, Vice-prasident Johnson und das ganze Cabinet. Biographische Skizzen [etc.] Philadelphia: Barclay dc CO., 1865. (3), 26-100 pp. Illustrations. 8° Thayer, William Makepeace. Abraham Lincoln. The life-sketch that inspired him to excel. (7)1 Ais Turning points in successful careers, pp. 42-51. NewYork, [1895]. 12°.) The character and public services of Abraham Lincoln. Boston: Dinsmoor and co., 1864. 76pp. Plate. Portrait. 13°. ¦ Same:.Boston: Walker, Wise, and CO., 1864. (4), 76 pp. Plate. Portrait 12° Life and character of Abraham Lincoln. Boston: Walker, Wise, and co., 1864. (4) , 76 pp. Plate. Portrait. 13°. From pioneer home to the White House. Life of Abraham Lincoln. With eulogy by Hon. George Bancroft. Enlarged, revised, and newly illus trated. Norwich, Conn.: Henry Bill publishing co., 1883. 469 pp. Plates. Portraits. 13°. -. The pioneer boy, and how he became President. 5th 1000. Boston: Walker, Wise dc co-, 1863. 310pp. Plates. 12°. '0 ccTCoiKoi 7taTi,->jroi,'E^idT6p?/dii . . totj /3iov . . 'Afipaap Ai'yKoXvoi . . . ^Ek toU d-yyXiKov ¦urcb F. Kov6ravTivov. ''Er 'ASrr/vaii, rvTCoti AaKoovia;, 1865. (S), 8, (3), 398, (3) pp. Plates. 8°. Thomas, A. G. Our national unity perfected in the martyrdom of our President. A discourse delivered in the chapel of the Filbert street U. S. general hos pital on the day of the obsequies, at Washington, of our late President, April 19th, 1865. Philadelphia: Smith, English dc CO., 1866. 16pp. 8°. Thomas, Jesse Burgess. "Light out of darkness"; a discourse, preached on the Sabbath morning succeeding the assassination of President Lincoln, April 16th, 1865, at the Pierrepont street Baptist church, Brooklyn, N. Y. New York: R. C. Root, Anthony cfe co., 1865. 14 pp. 8° 68 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. Thompson, David D. Abraham Lincoln, the first American. Cincinnati: Cranston d: Curts, 1894- 336 pp. Portrait. 16°. ¦ Same. Popular ed. Cincinnati: Cranston dc Curts, 1894- 236 pp. Portrait. 16°. Thompson, Henry P. In memoriam. A sermon delivered on Sunday, April 16, 1865, in the Reformed Prot. Dutch church of Peapack, N. J. New York: J. F. Trow, 1865. 16 pp. 8°. (7)1 Pulpit and rostrum, no. 36. New York, 1865. 8°.) Thompson, John C. In memoriam. A discourse upon the character and death of Abraham Lincoln. Preached in Pottstown Preabyterian church, on the day of national humiliation, Jtme 1, 1865. Philadelphia: Stein d: Jones, 1865. 20 pp. 8°. Thompson, Joseph Parrish. Abraham Lincoln; his life and its lessons. A sermon, preached April 30, 1865. New York: 1865. 38pp. 8° (Loyal publication society, no. 85.) Sermon [on the death of Lincoln.] (7)1 Our martyr President, pp. 173-217. New York, [1865] . 12°.) Speech at the Union league club, Union Square, New York, April 15, 1865. (In Lincolniana. In memoriam, pp. 274-280. Boston, 1865, 4°,) Thompson, Maurice. Lincoln's grave. [Poem.] Cambridge: Stone dc Kimball, 1894. (50) pp. 16°. Thompson, Richard Wigginton. Abraham Lincoln. (In Ilis Recollections of sixteen President i from Washington to Lincoln, vol. 2, pp. 389^19. Indianapolis, 1894. 8°.) Thrall, S. C. The President's death a national responsibility. The President's character a treasure of memory. A sermon delivered in Christ church. New Orleans, Sunday morning, April 23, 1865, at a memorial service held in that church, on the request of the officers of the army and navy. New Orleans: Rea's steam press, 1866. 13 pp. 4°. Tiffany, O. H. Abraham Lincoln. (7)1 his Pulpit and platform, pp. 183-201. New York, 1893. 12°.) Timlow, Heman R. A discourse occasioned by the death of Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States. Delivered at Rhinebeck, N. Y''., April 19, 1865, at a public demonstration of the citizens. Rhinebeck, N Y.: 1865. 43 pp. 16°. Todd, John E. [Sermon on the death of Lincoln.] (7)1 Sermons preached in Boston on the death of Abraham Lincoln, pp. 73-87. Bos ton, 1865. 16°.) Townsend, George Alfred. The life, crime, and capture of John Wilkes Booth, with a full sketch of the conspiracy of which he was the leader, and, the pursuit, trial and execution of his accomplices. New York: Dirk A Fitzgerald, [7^65]. 84, (3) pp- Portrait. 8°. Same. New York: Dick dc Fitzgerald, [186,51. 80 jip. Portrait. 8° The real life of Abraham Lincoln. A talk with Mr. llerndon, his late law partner. Neiv York: I'uiilicatiun. office, Bible, 1887 . 16 pji. Portrait. 8° LIST OF LINCOLNIANA. 69 To-wnsend, Virginia Frances. Abraham Lincoln. (7)1 to- Our Presidents, pp. 281-306. New York, 1889. 8°.) Trial of the assasaina and conspirators at Washington, D. C, May and June, 1865, for the murder of President Abraham Lincoln. Philadelphia: T. B. Peterson dc brother, [18651. (3), 15-310 pp. Plates. Map. 8° Trial of the assassins and conspirators for the murder of Abraham Lincoln, and the attempted assassination of Vice-President Johnson and the whole cabinet. The most intensely interestingtrial on record. Containing the evidence in full, with arguments of counsel on both sides, and the verdict of the mil itary commission. Correct likenesses and graphic history of all the assassins, conspirators, and other persons connected with their arrest and trial. Philadelphia: Barclay dcco., 1866. (2) , 21-30; 33-103 pp. Plates. Map. 8°. Tribute of respect by the citizens of Troy, to the memory of Abraham Lincoln. Troy, N. Y: Young dc Benson, 1865. xl, 342 pp. 8°. Tribute to President Lincoln. Report of the great mass meeting in Savannah, the largest ever held in the city, at which between eight and ten thousand persons were present, on Saturday, April 22, 1865. Savannah: S. W. Mason & CO., 1865. 15pp. 12°. Tribute to the memory of Abraham Lincoln by the American citizens resident in Buenos Aires. Buenos Aires: German p'rinting office, [18651. 25 pp. 8° Tributes to the memory of Abraham Lincoln. Reproduction in fac-simile of eighty-seven memoriala addressed by foreign municipalities and aocieties to the government of the United States. Prepared under the direction of the secretary of State. Washington: 1885. (18), 192pp. Plates. Portrait. F° Trippett, Alexander. A seven days' vision at the death of Abraham Lincoln. Miscellaneous thoughts on the nature and form of the American govern ment, with other matters of interest connecting with it, and our duty to it. Evansville: Evansville Journal company, 1866. 30 pp. 8°. Trumbull, Davis. A sermon, commemorative of the life, character and death of President Lincoln, preached June 4th, in the Union church. (In Eulogies on Abraham Lincoln. Various places. 1863-1865, vol. 2, 12°.) Newspaper clipping. Tucker, Joseph Thomas. A discourse in memory of our late Preaident, Abraham Lincoln, delivered in the Firat parish church, Holliston, Mass., Thursday, June 1, 1865. Holliston: Plimpton dc Clark, 1865. 31pp. 8°. Tuckerman, Charles Keating. Personal recollections of Abraham Lincoln. (In his Personal recollections of notable people at home and abroad, vol. 1, pp. 101-127. London, 1895. 12°) Twombley, Alexander Stevenson. The assassination of Abraham Lincoln: a dis course delivered in the State st. Presbyterian church, Sunday morning, April 16, 1865. Albany, N. Y.: J. Munsell, 1866. 18 pp. 4°. Tyler, George P. The successful life. A discourse on the death of President Lin coln, delivered April 19. 1865, at the Center church, Brattleboro. Bredtleboro: Vermont Record office, 1865. 13 pp. 8° 70 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. Tyng, Stephen Higginaon. Sermon [on the death of Lincoln]. (7)i0urmartyr President, pp. 65-84. New York, [1865]. 12°) tlmstead, Justus T. A nation humbled and exalted. A discourse on the death of President Lincoln, with 'its providential lessons, delivered in the Fagg's Manor Presbyterian church, on the day of national humiliation, June 1st, 1865. West Chester: Republican dc Democrat office, 1865. 18 pp. 8°. Union almanac for 1866. Cincinnati, 0.: A. Vierschilling d Biedenharn, [18651. 33 pp. 13°. Contains i;n extract from speech of Judge Kelley on "The character of Lincoln." Union League of Philadelphia. Abraham Lincoln. [Philadelphia: Crissy dc Markley, 1864.1 13 pp. 8° Same. (7)1 Union League of Philadelphia. [Pamphlets.] vol. 3, no. 69. 1863-1865.) Proceedings of the Union League of Philadelphia, regarding the assassina tion of Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States. Philadelphia: H B. Ashmead, 1866. 23 pp. 8°. UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT DOCUMENTS. Enumerates only the documents which have been separately bound and placed with Lincolniana on the shelves. United States. 38th Congress, 3d session. Senate. Arrangements for the inaugura tion of the President of the United States, on the fourth of March, 1865. Washington: Government printing office, 1865. 6 pp. 8° S9th Congress, 1st session. Arrangements for the memorial address on the life and character of Abraham Lincoln, to be delivered, at the request of both Houaea of Congreaa of the United States, before them, in the hall of the House of Representatives, by the Hon. George Bancroft, on the I2th of February, 1866. 4 pp. 8° ¦ House report no. 17. Memorial exercises on the life and character of Abraham Lincoln. [Report] from the select committee of one from each state represented, on the death of President Lincoln. February 16, 1866. 1 page. 8°. House report no. 104. Assassination of Lincoln. [Report] from the Committee on the Judiciary, on the assassination of Lincoln. July — , 1866. 41 pp. 8°. 40th Congress, 3d session. House executive doc. no. 68. Assassination of Preaident Lincoln. Meaaage of the President, transmitting a report of George H. Sharpe relative to the assassination of President Lincoln. 4 pp. 8°. Department of State. The asaaaaination of Abraham Lincoln, late President of the United States of America and the attempted assassination of William H. Seward, secretary of State, and Frederick W. Seward, assistant secre tary, on the evening of the 14th of April,' 1865. Expressions of condolence and sympathy inspired by these events. Washington: Government printing office, 1867. (3),xxx, 9S0 pp. Portrait 4°. War department. Adjutant General's office. General orders, no. 66. [Order announcing to the armies the death of Abraham Lincoln.] [Washington: Government printing office, 1865.1 3 pp. 13°. LIST OF LINCOLNIANA. 71 United States. War department. Adjutant- General's office. Official arrangements at Washington for the funeral solemnities of the late Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States, who died at the seat of government, on Saturday, the 15th day of April, 1865. [Washington: Government printing office, 1865.1 3 pp. 13° Special order regulating the transportation of the remains of the late President, Abraham Lincoln, from Waahington City, to Springfield, Illinois. [Washington: Government printing office, 1866.1 3 pp. 8°. Valentine, David T. Obsequies of Abraham Lincoln, in the city of New York, under the auspices of the common council. New York: E. Jones