3 9002 06544 l,*i 4 4p!p 1 1. '4* ' l'!,ii ^^'^^¦ v'S'<-y^- T-;!;^'s^Tj4J This series of Scandinavian Classics b published by The American-Scandinavian Foundation in the belief that greater familiarity with the chief literary monuments of the North will help Americans to a better understanding of Scandinavians, and thus serve to stimulate their sympathetic cooperation to good ends SCANDINA\TAN CLASSICS VOLUME VI MODERN ICELANDIC PLAYS ESTABLISHED BY NIELS POULSON MODERN ICELANDIC PLAYS EYVIND OF THE HILLS THE HRAUN FARM BY jOhann sigurj6nsson ""jt TRANSLATED BY HENNINGE KROHN SCHANCHE NEW YORK THE AMERICAN-SCANDINAVIAN FOUNDATION LONDON: HUMPHREY MILFORD OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS I916 Copyright, igi6, by The '^American-Scandinavian Foundation •iAll Stage Rights reserved by Henninge Krohn Schanche ©. ®. Updike ¦ The 'Jkerrymount Tress • Boston ¦ U. S.