mmmm§ 3 9002 06591 8832 mm IBS ' DICl v i : Mill "I give theft. 2fatt&--: t *fv£%a)^wdmg Of a.€elltg* BithlfCklV'-p' »Y^LH«¥MII¥JEI^Sflir¥« • ILHIBIK^IKF ¦ BOUGHT WITH THE INCOME OF THE Henry W. Scott, Jr. Fund Pimbleys Dictionary of Heraldry TOGETHER WITH AN ILLUSTRATED SUPPLEMENT By ARTHUR FRANCIS PIMBLEY BALTIMORE: PUBLISHED BY THE AUTHOR 1908 COPYRIGHT, 1908, By ARTHUR FRANCIS PIMBLEY. PREFACE. Armorial bearings, at first personal and afterward becoming hereditary, were supposed to have lost their usefulness with the fading of the age of chivalry. Their real use and importance, it is true, died with the passing of the armor-incased knight; neverthe less, heraldry remains a live institution, and will so continue as long as civilization and refinement last. If. any doubt is felt of its vitality, we have but to view the evidence of it in the New World. For instance, the design of our national emblem, the Stars and Stripes, is taken from the arms of the immortal George Washing ton, who bore "Argent, two bar gules, in chief three mullets of the second." The arms of the State of Maryland are those of the Calverts, Barons of Baltimore and sometime Lords Proprietary of the Province of Maryland. Other States have adopted armorial bearings peculiar to their location or resources, such as the Indian and cactus of Florida, the badger of Wisconsin, the wheat field of Iowa and the mining implements of Colorado. In America also we have a large number of genealogical and hereditary societies. There is likewise a wide and general desire on the part of Americans to trace their pedigrees to their Old World ancestors, and to assume the arms belonging to them. This ever-increasing interest in. heraldry in the New World, as well as the scarcity of modern works on subjects heraldric, have induced the author to publish a work containing all the words, phrases, terms and tinctures belonging to the study of heraldry, together with a proper division or classification of arms, rules of blazonry, illustrations of the principal armorial bearings, different forms of the shield, etc. The Author. PREFATORY NOTES. In the Dictionary of Heraldry the definitions are given as briefly as possible consistent with their completeness, and set forth in as plain and simple form as the subject will permit, techni cal terms being done away with so far as practicable, and few abbreviations being used. The author has attempted to trace the etymological history of each word, and when this proved futile the form of orthography adopted has been that recognized by the College of Arms. It has been said by some writers that "there is no standard of pronunciation." The highest authority is the one in vogue, and the author has adopted the current pronunciation for the standard. In the case of compound words, they will be found under the first element of the compound. For example, Arms of Adoption will be found under Arms; counter-vair under Counter, instead of after Counterpointe. A word described as French does not mean merely that it is from the French. As a matter of fact, nearly every word in 9 heraldry is French or of French origin. A French word, however, having an equivalent in English is marked thus: [French]. For example, Dgmembre' in English blazonry would be Dismembered. ABBREVIATIONS. Arg. — Argent. An. — Azure. Bart., Bt. — Baronet. G. B. — Companion of the Bath. C. D. 8. O. — Companion of the Distinguished Service Order. Chap. — Chapter. O. I. — Order of the Crown of India. C. I. E. — Companion of the Order of the Indian Empire. C. M. G. — Companion of the Order of St. Michael and St. George. C. R. — Keeper of the Rolls. C. 8. — Clerk of the Signet. C. 8. I. — Companion of the Star of India. Er. — Ermine. O. C. B. — Grand Cross of the Bath. G. C. B. — Grand Cross of the Guelphs of Hanover. G. C. L. B. — Grand Cross of the Legion of Honor. G. C. M. G.— Grand Cross of St. Michael and St. George. G. O. 8. I. — Grand Commander of the Star of India. Gu. — Gules. B. C. — Heralds' College. Her. — Heraldry, heraldic. K. B. — Knight of the Bath. K. G. B. — Knight Commander of the Bath. K. G. B. — Knight Commander of the Guelphs of Hanover. K. C. M. G. — Knight Commander of St. Michael and St. George. K. C. S.— Knight of the Order of Charles III of Spain. K. C. S. J. — Knight ComWnder of the Star of India. K. G. — Knight of the Garter. K. G. G. — Knight Grand Cross. K. G. G. B. — Knight Grand Cross of the Bath. K. O. .F.— Knight of the Golden Fleece. K. G. B. — Knight of the Guelphs of Han over. K. L. B. — Knight of Leopold of Belgium. K. L. E. — Knight of the Legion of Honor. K. M.— Knight of Malta. I Kn. N. 8. — Knight of the Loyal Northera Star (Sweden). I Knt., Knt. — Knight. j K. P.— Knight of St. Patrick. ! K. 8. — Knight of the Sword (Sweden). K. T.— Knight of the Thistle. K. T. 8. — Knight of the Tower and Sword (Portugal). L. C. B. — Lord Chief Baron. LcL. — Lord. Ldp. — Lordship. M. H. — Most Honorable. Ppr. — Proper. P. S. — Privy Seal. Pt.^Potent.Pur. — Purpure. Rt. Bon. — Right Honorable. 8a. — Sable. U. K. A. — Ulster King-at-Arms. V. O. — Victoria Cross. Vis. — Viscount. V. R. — Queen Victoria, (Latin, Victoria Reginia.) Vr. — Vair. Ft— -Vert. A DICTIONARY OF HERALDRY. Abased — This term is used (1) when the wings, for instance, instead of being ex panded, with their apices pointing out ward, either look down toward the point of the shield, or else are shut ; (2) when a chevron, fesse or another ordinary is borne lower than its usual situation. WINGS ABASED. Abasement — [See abased.] Abatelement— (Ab-a-te"'-le-mang) A mark of disgrace affixed to an escutcheon. [See ABATEMENT.] Abatement — Abatements are real or im aginary marks of disgrace affixed to an escutcheon on account of some flagrantly dishonorable action on the part of the bearer. There is scarcely an instance on record, however, of such marks of dis grace having been actually affixed to an escutcheon. (Some times called rebate- men ts.) Abyss — The center of an escutcheon. For example, to bear a fleur-de-lis in abyss is to have it placed in the middle of the shield free from any other bearing. Abyssal — Pertaining to an abyss. Accident — (Ac'-ci-dent) An additional mark on a coat of arms, which may he retained or eliminated without altering its essential character. Accolade — (Ac'-co lade) The ceremony by which in mediaeval times one was dubbed a knight. Antiquaries are not agreed on what this was. It has been made an embrace around the neck, a kiss or a slight blow upon the cheek or shoulder. "The new attorney-general having stooped down without objection to the usual acco lade."— Townsend's Lives of 12 Emin ent Judges: Lord Eldon. Accolle — (Ac-col'-le) Gorged or collared, as lions, dogs and other animals some times are in escutcheons. Wreathed, entwined or joined together, as two shields sometimes are by their sides. The arms of a husband and wife were often thus placed. (Gloss, of Her aldry, 18i7.) Accompanied — Affrontee. Used substantively: (1) An animal with a crown on its head or a collar around its neck ; (2) two shields united to each other by their sides; (3) a key, baton, - mace, sword or other implement or wea pon placed saltirewise behind the shield. (Ibid.) Accompanied — (Ac-com'-pan-ied) Be tween. For example, accompanied by four crescents, would mean between four crescents. Accompaniment — ( Ac-com'-pan-i-ment) Any additions made to a shield by way of ornament, as supporters, etc. Accost — [See accosted.] Accosted — (Ac-cost'-ed) Applied to a charge supported on both sides by other charges. Example : A pale accosted by six mullets. This term is also applied to two animals proceeding side by side. Accoutre — (Ak-ku'-ter) To dub a knight. *'One was accoutred when the cry began, Knight of the Silver Moon, Sir Marmadan, His vow was (and he will perform his vow), Armed at all points, with terror on his brow. To judge the land, to purge atrocious crimes. " Coivper: A nti-Thelyphthora. Achievement — ( A-chieve'-ment) A com plete heraldic composition, showing a shield with its quarterings, impalements, supporters, crest, motto, etc. This term is applied especially to a funeral es cutcheon, exhibiting the rank and family of a deceased nobleman or gentleman, which at his death is placed in front of his house or in some other prominent place. [This is commonly called hatch ment. ] Acorned — (A'korned) An oak with acorns on it. (Placed on an escutcheon.) Addition — Something added to a coat of arms as a mark of honor, such as, for instance, a bordure, a quarter, a canton, a gyron or a pile. [Opposed to abate ment.] "They clepe us drunkards, and with swinish phrase Soil our addition; and indeed it takes From our achievements." — Shakespeare: Bamlet, 1, i. Addorsed — (Ad-dor'st) Used as an ad jective: Two animals on a coat of arms set or turned back to back. This term is occasionally used for other figures capa ble of being placed back to back. Adosse — The French word sometimesused for ADDOBSED. Adoption — Arms of Adoption. [See un der Arms.] Adoptive — Adoptive arms are those held by a person not by right of descent or in virtue of himself, but merely by the gift or consent of another. Adorned — (Ad-orn'ed) Ornamented or furnished with a charge. Adumbration — ( Ad-um-bra'-tion) A fig ure on a coat of arms traced in outline only, or painted in a darker shade of the same color as the field on which it is rep resented. Families who had lost their estates, but not their armorial bearings, are said to have occasionally adopted this method of indicating their peculiar position. (Also called transparency.) Affrontee — (Af-fron'-ta) Two animals on Addorse — ( Ad-dor'se ) back. To place back to AFFKONTEE. Agacella — Anime . a coat of arms facing each other. Face to face, as contradistinguished from back to back. [See addorsed.] Confronting one another is a phrase sometimes used in this connection. A micella — (Ag-a-cel'la) An antelope, or a tiger with horns and hoofs. Aignisce — (Ag-wis-se') Sharply pointed. Applied especially to a cross on an escutcheon which has its four angles sharpened, but still terminating in ob tuse angles. It differs from the cross fitchce in that whereas the latter tapers by degrees to a po\nt, the former does so only at the ends. Ailettes — (Ai'-lettes) Small escutcheons fastened to the shoulders of armed knights. (Sometimes called emerasses.) They were of steel ; were introduced in the reign of Edward I, and were the an cestor of the modern epaulet. Aisle — (I-la) Winged. -A dog. Specifically, a hunting Alannd- dog. Albany — One of the herald's of the Lord Lyon's Court. Scotland. Alberia — (Al-ber'-i-a) A plain shield; without ornament or armorial bearings. Allerlon — ( Al-ler'-i-on) An eagle without beak or feet, and with wings expanded, their points turned downward. (Denoting imperialists vanquished and disarmed.) ALLERION. Alliance —Arms of alliance. [See under Arms. Allocameluss — ( Al-Io-ca-mel'-us) The ass- camel, a mythical animal compounded of the camel and the ass. This was used as a crest by the Eastland Company. Allnmee — (Al-lu'-may') This term isused to describe the eyes of animals when they are depicted sparkling or red. Allnsive ¦ Arms.] -Allusive Anns. [See under Alternate — Alternate quarters: A term applied to the first and fourth quarters on an escutcheon, which are generally of the same kind. Also applied to the. sec ond and fourth, which also similarly re semble each other. Ambulant — This signifies walking; co- ambulant, walking together. Amethyst — (Am'-eth-yst) The term ap plied to the color called purpure when describing the armorial bearings of peers. Amphisien coc'katrice — ( Am-phis'i-en cock'-a-trice) A name for the mythical animal called the Basilisk. It resembles a cockatrice, but is two-beaded, the sec ond head being affixed to its tail. Anchor — In heraldry the anchor is an em blem of hope. Anchored Cross — In this cross the four extremities resemble the flukes of an an chor. It is also called anchry or ancre. It is emblamatic of hope through the cross of Christ. soul ANCHORED CROSS. "Which hope we have as an anchor of the both sure and steadfast."— //>b. iv. 19. Ancient (Anshent) — The guidon used at funerals. A small flag ending in a point. Anime — (An-e-may') Of a. different tinc ture from the animal itself. The term is used when wild animals are represented Annodated — Arm. with Are proceeding from their mouths. Also called incensed. Annodated — (An'-no-dated) Bowed, em- bowed or bent like the letter S. Annulate — (An'-u-lat) Having a ring or annulet. (Used specifically of a cross with its extremities thus fretted.) Annnlet — (An'-u-let) A ring borne on an escutcheon. Originally it stood as the symbol of nobility and jurisdiction, being the gage of royal favor and protection. In describing arms the color of the an nulet should always be expressed. H When used as a difference, the an nulet represents the fifth son. ANNULET. Anserated Cross— (An'-ser-a-ted) A cross with one of its extremities shaped like the heads of lions, eagles, etc. Ante — (An'-tay') Engrafted or joined into each other in any way, as by dovetails, swallowtails or rounds. Antelope — Agacella is the heraldic ante lope. Brooke, Lord Cobham, had for a dexter supporter an agacella, horned, tusked and armed or. Apaume — (A-pa'u-me) Appalmed. A hand opened so as to exhibit the palm. A baronet of Englane' or Ireland bears a sinister hand couped gules on an in- escutcheon or a canton. It is blazoned "argent, a sinister band, couped at the wrist, and apaume, gules." Apple of Grenada — The pomegranate. Appointee — (Ap-poi'n-tay) Pointed. Ap plied to things which touch at the points or ends, as two swords touching each other at their points or tips. Aqnilate — (Ak'-wil-ate) To adorn with eagles' heads. Aquilated — (Ak'-wil-ated) Adorned with eagles' heads. (Used almost exclusively in the past participle.) Arbalest — [See arblast.] Arblast — A crossbow, consisting of a steel bow set in a shaft of wood and furnished with a string and trigger. It was not a poular weapon, as it required no strength or manliness in its use. (Also written arbalist, arbalest and arbalet.) Arched — Signifies that an ordinary on an escutcheon is bent or bowed. (Sometimes called Archy.) Archy — [See arched.] Argent — (Ar'-jent) White. The silvery color on coats of arms. In the arms of princes it is sometimes called lune, and in those of peers pearl. In engravings it is generally represented by the natural color of the paper. It represents purity, innocence, beauty or gentleness. "He beareth gules upon his shield, A chevron argent in the field." — Tales of a Wayside Inn. ARGENT. Used as an adjective: Of the coloring of coats armor. "Rinaldo flings As swift as fiery lightning kindled new; His argent eagle with her silver wings, In field of azure, fair Erminia knew," — Fairfax. Arm — The human arm is sometimes used in emblazoning. Tremaine of Colacombe bore gules, three dexter arms conjoined Armed — Arms. at the shoulder, flexed in triangle or, fisted argent. The arm is often found as part of the crest. [See cubit arm.] Armed — (1) Furnished with arms. (2) Adding to anything that which will give it greater strength or efficiency. (3) The term armed of applies to a beast of prey when his teeth and claws are differently colored from the rest of his body. It ap plies also to predatory birds when their talons and beaks are differently colored from the rest of the body. (4) Armed at all points, in cays gone by, meant a man covered with armor ex cept his face. Armor — Coat Armor. [The same as coat of arms.] Armor Buckle — A lozenge-shaped buckle. Armorial — (Ar-mo'ri-al). As an adjec tive: Pertaining or relating to heraldic arms. As substantive: A hook containing coats of arms. Thus the phrase occurs, "the French armorial," "the Spanish ar morial," etc. Armorist— One well acquainted with coats of arms ; skilled in heraldry. (Bailey.) Armory — From the word armor, apper taining to coats of arms. Arms — Arms or Armories were so called because originally displayed upon de fensive arms, and coats of arms because ¦•rmerly embroidered upon the surcoat or camis worn over the armor. The term coat of arms, once introduced, was after ward retained, even when displayed else where than on the coat. In the days when knights were so encased in armor that no means of identifying them was left, the practice was introduced of paint ing their insignia of honor on theirshield as an easy method of distinguishing them. Originally these were granted only to individuals, but were afterward made hereditary by King Richard I, during his crusade to Palestine. They may be di vided into two general classes: (1) Pub lic, as those of kingdoms, provinces, bishoprics, corporate bodies, etc., and (2) private, being those of private families. These two classes are again separated into many subdivisions, founded mainly on the different methods by which they were granted. Akms of Adoption — This term is used in a case where the last representative of an aristocratic family adopts an out sider to assume his armorial bearings and inherit his estates. Arms of Alliance — Arms which came into a man's possession by matrimonial alliances, as the arms of his wife which are impaled with his own, and those of heiresses, which he in like manner quar ters. To illustrate : When Gilbert Tal bot (who died in 1274) married Gwenl- lian, heiress of the Welsh Prince Rhys ap Griffith, he laid aside his paternal coat — "bendy of 10 pieces, agent and gules" — and adopted that of the lady — "gules, a lion rampant or, within a bor der engrailed of the field" — as still used by the Earls of Shrewsbury. Arms of Assumption — Those arms which a person may legitimately assume. Arms of Attribution — Arms that are fictitious, such as indulged in to an ab surd extent by the heralds of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. "Almost all the older genealogists atV tribute coats of arms to ancestors long be fore they were in use. On the tomb of Queen Elizabeth are emblazoned the arms of William the Conqueror and Matilda of Flanders, and of Henry I and Matilda of Scotland, all, of course, pure inventions. It is only of very late years, .since a critical spirit has found its way even into heraldry, that these absurdities have been exposed."— Ency. Brit., vol. xi (1902). Arms of Community — Those borne by corporations, religious houses, colleges, cities and boroughs, inns of court, guilds and the cinque ports, some of which go back to an early period. Arms of Concession — Arms granted by a sovereign to commemorate some great deed. The heart on the arms of the Douglases is in memory of the mis sion of .Tames Lord Douglas with the heart of Robert Bruce to the Holy Land. The families of De la Warr, Pelham, Vane and Fane bear arms in allusion to the share their ancestors had in the cap ture of John of France at Poitiers. Arms of Dominion — Are those be- Arms — Arms. longing to empires, kingdoms, principali ties, states, etc., officially used by the ruler de facto. The origin of some of these arms is obscure, such as the three legs conjoined in triangle of the Isle of Man and the lion of Scotland. Occasion ally the arms of dominion were those of an early sovereign or governor. Thus the lions of England belonged to the Plantagnet kings. In theUnited States the Stars and Stripes, now so well known throughout the world, had their origin in the coat of arms of the first President, the immortal George Washington, whose English ancestors bore "argent, two bars gules, in chief three mullets of the sec ond." The arms of the State of Mary land are those borne by Cecililus Calvert, second Lord Baltimore, Lord Proprietary of the colony. Arms of Family — 'Those received by some distinguished person and borne with modifications by all his descend ants. Arms of Honor — The same as Arms of Concession. Arms of Office — Those borne by hold ers of certain offices which designate that office. For instance, the ancestors of the Dukes of Ormond, being hereditary but lers of Ireland, bore three covered cups. Garter, the principal king-at-arms of England, bears "argent, a cross gules, on a chief azure a crown or, encircled with a garter of the order buckled and nowed between a lion of England and a lily of France." Arms of Patronage — (1) Arms borne by the lesser gentry which were derived from the arms of the greater ; arms on which there is some mark of subjection or dependence. (2) Arms to indicate the connection between the follower and bis feudal lord. (3) Arms added to the fam ily arms as a token of superiority, right or jurisdiction. Arms of Pretension— Arms quartered by a sovereign belonging to a state over which he does not hold authority. Nearly all the earlier European sovereigns bore arms of this character. The kings of England, from Edward III until 1801, in the reign of George III, bore the lilies of France. The treaty of Amiens (January 1, 1801) stipulated that this quartering of the French arms should be abandoned. Arms of Succession — The same as Feudal Arms. Arms Royal— The personal arms borne by the sovereign of a country, as distin guished from those borne by him in his official capacity, being those of the coun try over which he rules. As set forth in Arms of Dominion, the personal arms of a ruler sometimes become those of the country. On the other hand, neither the arms of Baiiol, Bruce nor Stuart ever be came the arms of Scotland. Cromwell placed his arms on an escutcheon of pre tense over those of the commonwealth, and William of Nassau did the same with those of England. Allusive Arms — (Called also canting or punning arms, and by the French Armes parlantes) are those in which the charges suggest the bearer's name. Thus were the castle and lion for Castile and Leon, the fers de eheval of Ferrers, the corbeau or raven for Corbet, the herons of Heron, the falcon of Falconer, the swine's head of Swinbourne, the hammers of Hammerton and the swallows (hiron- delles) of Arundel. Allusive arms were treated with respect until the time of James I, when they fell into disrepute. Assumptive Arms — This now applies to arms which have been appropriated without proper authority. Originally, however, the term had a different mean ing, as see the following : "* * * Assumptive arms are such as a person has a title to bear, by virtue of some action done or performed by him, which by birth he could not wear; as if a peTson that has naturally no coat should, in lawful war, take 'a prince or nobleman prisoner, he has from that time a right to bear the arms of such prisoner by virtue of that military law that the dominion of things taken in lawful war passes to the conqueror."— Dyeh: Diet. (1758). Canttng Arms — The same as Allusive A rms. Feudal Arms — The arms borne by the possessors of certain lordships or estates. Paternal Arms — Those that descend by custom to the male heir. The descend ants of females (heiresses) can only quarter their arms, except by special license. Arriswise — Avellane Cross. ArrisTvise — (Ar'-ris-wise) With one an gle facing; showing the top and two sides. Said of a rectangular bearing, such as an altar. Arrondee — (Ar-ron'-dy) Made round. Arrondell — -A swallow. Arrow — The arrow is frequently displayed in heraldry, either singly or in sheaves. Ashen Keys — The seed vessels of the ash tree. Occasionally represented on an escutcheon. ashen keys. Aspect — The position which an animal oc cupies with regard to the eye of the spec tator. It may be (1) full aspect, that is, full-faced, looking toward the spectator ; (2) passant, with its side toward him; (3) trian aspect, neither the one or the other, but between the two. Aspectant — (As-pect'-ant) A term ap plied to two birds facing each other, or looking at each ofne'r. Aspecting — [The same as aspectant.] Aspersed — (As-per'sed) Strewn or pow dered with a number of small charges. [See seme.] Assanltant — (As-sa'ult-ant) Assailant. Applied to a predatory animal when rep resented on the escutcheon as if leaping on its prey. Assumption — Arms of Assumption. [See under arms.] Assumptive — Assumptive Arms. [See under arms.] Assurgent — ( As-sur'-gent) Rising ou.t of. At Gaze — Applied to the hart, buck, stag: or hind when represented full-faced, or with the face directly to the front. Athole — One of the pursuivants of the Office of Arms, Ireland. Attire — (At-ti're) The single horn of a stag. (The plural attires is used for two horns.) Attired — Ornamented with horns or an tlers. Applied to the stag or hart. A reindeer is represented with double at tires — one pair erect and the other droop ing. (Boutell: English Heraldry.) "Attired is a term used among heralds when they have occasion to speak of the horns of a buck or stag." — Bullokar: Eng. Expos. (1656). Attribution — Arms of Attribution. under arms.] [See Angmentation — Arms of Augmentation of Honor — A grant from a sovereign of an additional charge on a coat of arms to commemorate some great deed or a notable event. [See Arms of Concession, under arms. ] Aulned — (awn'd) Awned ; bearded (Used of ears of corn.) An vol — [French.] On the wing. (Said of a bird. [Volant.] Avellane Cross — (A-vel'-lane) A cross Averdant — Banneret. resembling four filberts. AVELLANE CROSS. Averdant — (A-ver'-dant) Covered with green herbage. The term is used special ly of a mount in base. (Gloss, of Heraldry .) A verlye — ( Av'-ar-lie ) persed, which see. The same as as- Aversant — ( A-ver'-sant) Turned away. Applied to a hand of which only the back can be seen. Sometimes called dorsed. Awned — [See aulned.] Axe — [See battle axe.] Aylet — (Ay'-let) A name used to desig nate the Cornish chough (Fregilus gracu- lus), a bird belonging to the crow family. Ayrant — [See eyrant.] Azure — Bright blue. Used especially in describing the escutcheons of gentlemen beneath the degree of baron. The same color on a nobleman's coat is called sap phire, from the stone, and that on the coat of a sovereign prince Jupiter, from the planet of that name. Engravers rep resent azure in heraldry by horizontal lines. B. Bachelor — A member of the oldest, but now the lowest, order of knighthood in Great Britain. Formerly a Bachelor meant a knight without a sufficient number of vassals to have his banner carried before him in battle. Badge — A distinctive mark ; a cognizance. It is somewhat similar to a crest, but was not placed on a wreath, nor was it worn on the helmet. The badge was a possession of princes, noblemen and other gentle men of rank, and to this day is retained by some of Badge of the those houses. The badge Prince of Wales of the Plantagenets was the broom plant (Planta genista); the line of Lancaster had a red rose, while the badge of the house of York was a white rose. In former times badges were embroi dered on the sleeves of the servants and retainers, and the practice is still in use to some extent. - In the time of Henry IV the terms livery and badge seem to have been syn onymous. Badger — (Bad'-ger) A mammalian ani mal found in England and on the Conti nent. It is often used in heraldry. It is sometimes called a gray and also a brock. Bagwin — (Bag'-win) A mythical animal, having the tail of a horse, and with long horns curved over the ears. Balls — Balls, occasionally tasselled, are sometimes shown on charges. Ballet — (Bal'-lay) A bearing which con sists of bezants, plates, hurts, etc., dis tinguished from each other by their color. Bande — (Ban'-dy) the term in bend. The French word for Banded — (B.ind'-ed) When agarhisbound together with a band of a different tinc ture it is described as banded of that tincture. Bandrol — (Band'-rol) A small streamer depending from the crook of a crozierand folding over the staff. (Universal Diet.) The small silk flag which occasionally hangs from a trumpet. (Johnson.) Banner — A square flag, generally embroi dered with the owner's arms. No one be low the rank of knight banneret is en titled to a banner. Banneret — Knight Banneret. The insti tution is an ancient one, and its mem- Bar — Barry. bers, who had the privilege of leading their retainers in battle under their own flag, ranked next in order below the Knights of the Garter, provided they were created on the battle field by the King ; otherwise they took rank after baronets. The order is now extinct. Bar — An ordinary which crosses the shield horizontally. It differs from a fesse in that it occupies only one-fifth of the field. There is room for but four bars on a shield. bars. Bars Gemel — Bars placed parallel to each other. A bar with closets placed in couples. In Bar — Charges arranged in two or more rows. It differs from in fesse in that the latter term signifies charges in a single row. Barbed — Bearded. Used specifically of the arrow ; also, of the five leaflets in the compound leaf of some roses. Barbel — (Bar'-bel) A "bearded ' fish found abundantly in the Thames and Lea. It is an early heraldic bearing. Barded — A horse in harness is said to be barded and caparisoned. Originally a barded horse was one protected by metal trappings, such as those ridden by knights in mediaeval times. The armor covered the neck, breast and shoulders. Barnacle — An instrument for pinching a horse's nose for the purpose of restrain ing bim. Baron — A nobleman of the lowest order of the English peerage. Baroness — The wife of a baron, or a woman who holds the baronial dignity in her own right. Baron and Feme — Applied when the coats of arms of a man and his wife are borne per pale in the same escutcheon. When the wife is not an heiress her arms occupy the sinister side, and the hus band's the dexter. If she is an heiress, the husband bears her arms on an es cutcheon of pretense. Baronet — Tl^e lowest British titled order that is hereditary. They are supposed to take precedence immediately after the barons, but In reality their rank is in ferior to that of the Knights of the Gar ter. The badge of a baronet is, sinister, a hand gules ("a bloody hand") in a field argent. Barred — Supplied with bars ; placed be tween bars. [Bar.] [Barry.] Barring — The same as earry or barruly. (Chaucer.) Barrulet — (Bar'-rul-et) The barrulet is one-fourth of a bar, and occupies a twen tieth part of the field ; never borne singly. Sometimes called a bracelet. When used in couples barrulets are bars gemel. Barrnlly — [The same as barry.] Barry — (Bar'-ry) The division of the field by horizontal lines into a certain number of equal parts. Barry Bendy — Signifies a field divided barwise and bendwise, the tinctures be ing countercharged. BARRY bendy. Barry Bendy Sinister — A combina tion of barry and bendy sinister. Barry Bendy Dexter and Sinister — 10 Bars Gemel — Bearing. A combination of barry and bendy dexter and sinister. (Sometimes called barry lozengy.) Barry Lozengy — The same as barry pily. Barry Pily — Divided into an equal number of pieces by piles placed hori zontally across the shield. Bars gemel — (jem'-el) Two horizontal bars on a field close to each other ; a pair of bars. bars gemel. Barwise — Arranged horizontally in two or more rows. Base — The lower part of a shield. Spe cifically, the width of a bar parted off from the lower part of the shield by a line horizontally drawn. (Sometimes called base-bar, baste and plain point.) Base-bar — [See base.] Basilisk — (Bas'-i-lisk) A fabulous animal which was believed to be so deadly that even its breath was fatal to those who came near it. It somewhat resembled the Cockatrice, differing, however, in that it had two heads, the second being at the extremity of its tail. This additional head is the cause of it sometimes being called amphisien cockatrice. Basket — A winnowing basket. Baston — [See baton.] R«t — The Bat figures to some extent in heraldry, often called a reremouse. Bath — Order of the Bath. An English or der of knighthood, which was Instituted by Henry IV in 1399, and revived by George I in 1725. It derives its name from the fact that candidates for initia tion were required to bathe the night be fore investiture. Baton — (Bat'-on) The Baton, or, more fully, the Baton Sinister, is a diminutive of the bend sinister, of which it is one- fourth the width. It is a rare hearing, and generally denotes illegitimacy. Some times, though erroneously, called a fissure. 11 pi IS IH ^.iraMnl]*/ \\\\M II BATON SINISTER. Battering-ram — A bearing representing the engine used in ancient times to beat down the walls of besieged places. It was a large beam, with a head of iron, sometimes made to resemble the head of a ram. The battering-ram is borne by the Earls of Lindsey. Battle-axe — A weapon like an axe, for merly used in battle, hence it became conspicuous in heraldry. Battled — (Bat'-tled) A chief, chevron, fesse, etc., borne on one side in the form of the battlements of a castle. Battled-embattled — [See qrady.] Bayard — A bay horse. Beaked — When the beak and legs of a bird are of a different tincture from the body it is said to be beaked and mem- bered of that tincture. Bear — The bear is one of the beasts of heraldry. Early examples are the arms of Beresford and of Fitz Urse. Bearer — The supporter of a shield on an escutcheon. Bearing — A charge ; any single charge or emblem included within an escutcheon (Generally used in the plural, as "ar- morial bearings.") Beauseant — Bevelled. 11 Beanseant — (Bo'-ze-aunt) The banner borne by the Knights Templar In the thir teenth century. It was of cloth, sable and argent. Bebally — A word used by some of the old writers for party per pale. (Parker: Gloss, of Her.) Becque — [See beque.] Bee — Sometimes made use of in heraldry. Sir Robert Peel used bees in his arms, and so did Sir Richard Arkwright. Belie — (Bel'-ic) A term sometimes used for gules. (Universal Diet.) Bell — Church bells, have been made use of in heraldry, though not frequently. The same can be said of hawks' bells. Belled — When a falcon or a hawk has bells affixed to its legs it is said to be belled. Belt — A badge of knighthood. Bend — One of the ordinaries. It is formed of two lines, and is drawn from the dexter chief to the sinister base point of the escutcheon. It generally occupies one- fifth of the field ; but formerly it was one-fifth only when plain, and one-third when charged. BEND. The bend is said to have been derived from the border on a woman's cap known as a bend. It is possible that its origin was a representation of the baldric. Ac cording to some, the origin was a scaling ladder. In the beginning of heraldry the bend was a mark of cadency, but later be came an honorable ordinary. "The diminutives of the bend are the bendlet, garter or gartier, which is half its width ; the cost or cottice, which is one-fourth ; and the riband, which is one- eighth." — Gloss, of Her. Bend Sinister — An ordinary resem bling the bend in form, but extending from the sinister chief to the dexter base. The diminutives of the bend sinister are the scarpe, which is half its width ; and the baton, half as wide as the scarpe and couped. In Bend — When bearings are placed bendwise the term in bend is used. Per Bend — [See party per bend, under Party.] Bending — The same as bendy. (Chaucer.) Bendlet — A diminutive of the bend. Gen erally it is half the width of the bend ; but sometimes it appears much narrower. In ancient heraldry a bendlet azure on a a coat was a mark of cadency. "Bendlets are occasionally enhanced or placed in chief sinister." — (Glos. of Ber.) Bendy — An escutcheon havingbends which divide it diagonally into four, six or more parts is called bendy. The lines are drawn in the same direction described under bend ; when drawn in the contrary direction they are styled bendy sinister. Bendy Barry — See Barry Bendy. Bendy Lozengy — Having each lozenge placed in bend. Bendy Piley — Divided into an equal number of pieces by piles placed bend- wise across the escutcheon. Beque — (Bee'-kay) Beaked. This term is used of a bird having its bill of a color different from that of the body. [See beaked. ] BEQUE. Bevelled — [See bevilled.] 12 Bevilled— Bird. Bevilled — (Bev'-illed) When the outward lines of an ordinary turn in a sloping di rection. bevilled. Bevilways — At a bevil. This term is used of charges or anything similar. Ber.ant — (Be-zanf) A gold roundlet, rep resenting a coin of that name. It is sup posed to have been introduced into Eng lish heraldry by the Crusaders, who had received the gold coin while in the East. bezants. [See also roundel.] [For Cross Bezant, see under cross.] Beannte — (Be-zan'-tay ) Covered or stud ded with bezants ; seme of bezants. Bicapitated — < By-cap'-i-ta-ted) Having two heads, such as the two-headed eagle on the arms of Russia, as well as on those of Austria. Bicorporate — (By-cor'-por-ate) Having two bodies; having the hinder parts in duplicate, with one head and one pair of forepaws. Big — [See bigg.] Bigg — Barley. Specifically, the barley common in the north of Scotland, having six rows of seed. Bigland of Bigland bore "Azure, two ears of bigg or." (Also written big.) Billhead — The head of a bill. Generally borne on a charge. (The bill was a war instrument — a species of halberd.) Billet — (Bill'-et) (1) An oblong square, supposed to represent a sheet of paper folded in the form of a letter. Its pro portion is two squares. billet. A .staff as a billet (2) tricked, meanin (Gloss, of Her.) raguled and ed staff in pale. Billetty— (Bill'-et-ty) Semg of billets. Billetty Couxter-billetty — Barry and paly, the divisions of the former be ing as wide again as those of the latter. Bird — Birds figure to a large extent in her aldry, and represent the contemplative as well as active life. Among those used with the greatest frequency are the fol lowing : Eagle, Sheldrake Falcon Raven, Swan, Rook, Peacock, Owl, Pelican, Cock, Ostrich, Popinjay, Stork, Cough , Heron, Shoveller, Cormorant, Swallow. Among the terms applied to birds are Mcmbered. Armed, Closed, Disclosed, Ris ing and Volant. Bird and bantling — A Lancashire term, applied to the well-known crest of the Stanleys of an eagle preying on a child. Bird-bolt — Boar. 13 Bird-bolt- flat end. -A short arrow with a broad, BIRD-BOLT. Bitted — Said of a horse when borne with a bit of a different tincture from the ani mal itself, when it is said to be bitted of that color. This term is also used to de- » scribe a horse's head with bit and rein ; as, "Three horses' heads couped, bitted and reined or." Black — This color in heraldry is known as sable. Blackamoor— A negro. Channing of Fox- cote bore : "Argent, three blackamoors' heads couped sable, capped or, fretty gules." Bladed — (Bla'ded) A term used when the stalk of any grain is of a color different from the ear. Blanch — White. [Argent.] "Nor who, in field or foray slack, Saw the blanche lion e'er fall black?" — Scott: Lay of the Last Minstrel Blasted — When a tree is leafless it is said to be blasted. Blaze — To emblazon ; to blazon. (Con tracted from blazon.) Blazing star — A comet. Blazon — (Bla'-zon) To describe a coat of arms ; to give an accurate description. "Proceed unto the beasts that are given in arms, and teach me what I ought to ob serve in their blazon."— Peacham. "The coat of arms of which I am not herald enough to blazon into English."— Addison. H The word blazon comes from the Ger man word blasen, to blow as with a horn, because in the age of heraldry the style and arms of each knight were so pro claimed on public occasions. Blazoned — That which is blazoned ; a blazoned coat of arms. "Now largesse, largesse, Lord Marmion, Knight of the crest of gold ! A blazoned shield, in battle won." — Scott: Marmion. Blazoner— One who blazons coatsof arms. Blazonry — The art of blazoning ; to de scribe a coat of arms in the technical lan guage of heraldry. The rules of blazon are remarkable for their precision, simplicity, brevity and completeness. The proper order of describing arms is ; First, give the field, its color (or arrangement of colors, if more than one), and the char acter of partition lines when parted; second, the charges, and first those of most importance, their name, number and position (when an animal, its attitude) ; third, marks of difference, cadency, bar onet's badge, etc. Blaznre — [From blazon.] "The blazure of his armes was gules." Berners: Froissart, chap. 281. Blemish — [See blemished.] Blemished — (Blem'-ished) Having an abatement or rebatement. (Used of a sword with its point broken.) Blighted — The same as blasted. Block Brnsh — A bunch of the plant Butcher's Broom (Ruscus aculeatus). It is borne by the butchers' company of London. Blood Color — Sanguine. (Not to be con fused with BLOODY.) Bloody — Gules. Bloody Hand — A hand tinctured gules. The device of Ulster, hence borne by baronets. Bine — This color in heraldry is known as azure. Bine Mantle — One of the pursuivants in the College of Arms. Boar — The boar is one of the ancient charges of heraldry. With the exception of the lion, it is the only beast borne' in the roll of Henry HI. 14 Boltant — Bretage. Boltant — (Bolt'-ant) Bolting; springing forward. (Used of a hare or rabbit.) Bolting — [See boltant.] Bomb-shell — A fire ball ; a projectile of oval shape. Bonnet — The velvet cap within a coronet. Border — [See bordure.] Uordure — (Bor'-dure) The border of an escutcheon, occupying one-fifth of the shield. It is sometimes the mark of a younger branch of * family ; and, again, when charged, may refer to maternal de scent, especially in ancient heraldry. When used in an impaled coat the bor dure is not continued around the inner side. bordure. "In blazoning arms the bordure is placed over all ordinaries except the chief, the quarter and the canton. It has no diminutives, but may at times be surmounted by another of half its width. When a bordure is bezants, billette or has similar markings, the number of jezants or billets, unless otherwise mentioned, is always eight." — (Gloss, of Her.) Border Compony — This should be com posed of 16 pieces. It implies augmenta tion, or, in more recent times, illegitimacy. Bote-roll — The same as crampit. Bottoned— (Bot'-toned) Having bottonies, buttons, round buds or knots. They are generally displayed in threes. The term is essentially the same as treffled ( tre- foiled). Bottony — (Bot'-ton-y) A bud-like projec tion, of which threearegenerallytogether. Cross Bottony — A cross of which each limb terminates in three bud-like prom inences, presenting a slight resemblance to the trefoil. cross bottony. Bouget — (Bou'-jet) A bucket for carrying water. It is an early charge, and is iden tified with the names of Ros and Rose. [See water budget.] Bonrdonnee — (boor'-don-nay') With the extremity shaped like the handle of a pil grim's staff ; as, a cross bonrdonnee. This was the original cross on the arms of Jerusalem, now blazoned "A cross potent." Bow — The bow occurs in heraldry occa sionally, though not as frequently as might have been expected, considering it was once an essential weapon of war. Bozon — The same as bird-bolt. Braced — Interlaced. (Also written brazed.) Braeelet- braced. -The same as BARRULET. Brazed — Braced; interlaced. [Interfret- ted. ] Bretasre-(Bret'-is) Having embattlements on each side. Brick — Cadency. 15 Brick — Somewhat resembling a billet, but showing its thickness in perspective. Broad Arrow — The bead represents a pheon, except the engrailing, or jagging, on the inner edge is wanting. Brock — [See badger.] Broom Plant — The badge of the Plan- tagenets. Budget — [See water budget.] Bufluloe — A name applied by some of the earlier writers to the common bull. Buffler — A wild bull. Bnllet — (Bul'-let) A name sometimes given to the ogress or pellet. Bute — One of the pursuivants of the Lord Lyon's Court, Scotland. Cabled — The same as cablee. cross cables. "Cabled is applied to a cross formed of the two ends of a ship's cable ; sometimes also to a cross covered over with rounds of rope ; more properly called a cross corded." — Rees: Cyclopedia. Cablee- ends. -A cross composed of two cable Caboched — See [caboshed.] Caboshed — (ka-boshf) The head of a beast borne full-faced, and without any neck showing. "Caboched, caboshed or cabossed * * » is where the head of a beast is cut off be hind the ears by a section parallel to the face ; or by a perpendicular section, in contradistinction to couped. which is done by a horizontal line ; besides that, it is farther .from the ears than cabossing. The head, in this case, is placed full- faced, or affrontee, so that no part of the neck can be visible. This bearing is by some called trunked."— fleese: Cyclopedia. Cabossed — [See caboshed.] Cadence — (Ca'-dence) The different steps in the descent of a family. Cadency — (Ca'-den-cy) As the original object of armorial bearings was to dis tinguish one iron-encased warrior from MARKS OF CADENCY. another, it was also necessary to provide distinctive bearings for different mem bers of a family all entitled to bear the paternal arms. This gave rise to the use of Marks of Cadency, or differences 16 Cadet— Cat. (called by the French brisure.) They are as follows : l-Lable, 6— Fleur-de-lis, 2— Oescent, 7— Rose, 3— Muret, 8— Cross Moline, 4-Mar'let, 9— Octofoil. 5— Annulet, The eldest son (during the lifetime of his father) bears a lable of three points ; the second son, a crescent ; the third, a mul let ; the fourth, a martlet ; the fifth, an annulet ; the sixth, a fleur-de-lis ; the seventh, a rose ; the eighth, a cross mo line ; the ninth, an octofoil. A younger son of a younger son places a mark upon a mark. Thus the ninth son of a ninth sou would place an octofoil upon an octo foil. Cadet— A younger brother ; a junior branch of a family. Calf — The Calf appears in heraldry occa sionally. Le Vele of Tortworth bore "Ar gent, on a bend sable three calves or," and Calverley, "Argent, on a fesse gules three calves or." Calthrop — (Cal'-throp) An implement of war, four-spiked, and when thrown on the ground one point always stood up right. Also known as caltrop and cheval- trap. CALTHROP. Caltrap — [See calthrop.] Calvary Cross — A cross mounted on three steps. The steps allude to the three Chris tian graces — Faith. Hope and Charity. Camelopardel — (Cam-el-o-par'-del) An imaginary beast, with neck and head like a camel, spotted like a pard, with two straight horns similar to those of a giraffe. Campane — (Cam-pa'ne) A bell shaped object. bell- Campaned — (Cam-pa'ned) Bearing bells, or furnished with bells. (Campane and Campaned are terms that are little used.) Cannet — (Can'-net) A charge of duc'ts represented without beaks or feet. Canting Arms — The same as Allusive Anns, which see, under arms. Canton — (Can"-ton) A division of thefleld placed in the upper dexter corner. It is classed by some heraldic writers as one of the honorable ordinaries ; but, strictly speaking, it is a diminutive of the Quar ter, being two-thirds the area of that or dinary- However, in the roll of Henry III the quarter appears in several coats which in later rolls are blazoned as can tons. The canton, like the quarter, is an early bearing, and is always shown with straight lines. Canton Sinister — A canton placed on the sinister side of the shield. Cantoned — (Can'-toned) Applied to a shield in which the four spaces around a cross or saltier are filled with any pieces. Cap of Maintenance — The cap of state carried before a sovereign at his corona tion. Occasionally used as a bearing on a shield. Cat — The Cat figures in heraldry as the Musion, the Catamount, Cat-a-mountain, Wildcat and just plain cat. The Keate family bore "Argent, three mountain cats passant In pale sable." The musion was the emblem of Bur gundy, and, according to a fable of the day, the arms of an imprisoned cat were granted to the knight who took prisoner Gundemar of Burgundy. Catamount — Chess-rook. 17 Catamount — [ See cat. ] Cat-a-mountain — [See CAT.] Chabot — [See chalbot.] Chafant — (Cbaf'-ant) Applied to a boar when depicted as enraged. Chain — The chain was borne by the kings of Navarre, the arms being blazoned : "Gules, a trellis of chains or, in cross saltire." Chalbot — (shal'-bot) The heraldic name of the fish commonly known as Bullhead or Miller's Thumb. Chamber — The cylindrical part of ord nance is blazoned as Chamber. Example : "Three chambers sable, fired proper." Champ — The field or ground of a field. "The champe of his field was gules."— Lydgaie. Champain — (Cham'-pain) A mark ofdis- honor in the coat of arms of one who has killed an opponent after he has asked for quarter. Chancellor — A functionary in an order of knighthood. For example, the Chan cellor of the Order of the Garter, who acts in the capacity of secretary of that order. Chapeau — (shap'-o) A cap of state borne by a duke. Chaperon — (shap'-er-on) An ornamental hood worn by the Knights of the Garter when in full dress. Chaperonnet — (shap-er-on'-net) A small hood. Chapournet — (shap-our'-net) A chaper onnet borne in arms dividing the chief by a bow-shaped line. CHAPOURNET. Chaplet — A garland or wreath ; a head band of leaves borne in coats of arms in token of great military prowess. The chaplet made its first appearance in the roll of Edward II. Charge — To place upon an escutcheon. Charge — Anything occupying the field in an escutcheon. There are two kinds of charges — proper and common. Proper Charges — So called because they peculiarly belong to the art of heraldry- [See ordinary.] Common Charges — Those charges which have been imported into heraldry from all quarters, representing an array of objects, natural and artificial, from reptiles and insects to the human being and celestial figures. "The charge is that which is borne upon the color, except it be a coat di vided only by partition." — Peacham. Charged— A charge placed upon the field. Chausse — (sho'-say) This term denotes a section in base formed by a line from the extremity of the base ascending to the side of the escutcheon, joining it at about the fesse point. Cheeky — (check'-y) A field divided into small squares, of different tinctures, re sembling a chess-board. Usually made up of seven squares in the top line, and in depth according to the length of the shield. checky. Checquy — [See checky.] Chess-rook — A bearing which resembles 18 Chester — Cleche. the rook, or castle, in chess. CHESS-ROOK. Chester — One of the heralds of the Col lege of Arms. Cheval Trap — [See calthrop.] Chevalier — (shev'-a-lier) A horseman armed at all points. Cheveron — [See chevron.] Chevron — (shev'-ron) One of the honor able ordinaries. It is rafter-shaped, and its breadth is one-fifth of the field. Its diminutives are the Chevronel , which is one-fifth of its breadth ; and the Couple- close, one-quarter. When repeated up to three they may be chevrons or chevron- els; exceeding three, the bearing is chev ronny, unless the number is specified. CHEVRON. Chevron Couped— Applied to a chevron which does not reach the sides of an escutcheon. Chevron in Chief — One which rises to the top of the shield. Chevronel — (shev'-ron-el) A diminutive of the chevron, being half its breadth. Chevronne — [See chevronny.] Chevronny — (shev'-ron-ny) A shield laid out in partitions chevronwise. Chief — The head or upper part of the shield, containing a third of the field, and is divided off by one line, either straight or crenelle (indented). When one chief is borne upon another it is called sur mounting. chief. In Chief — Anything borne in the chief. On Chief — When' the chief is charged with anything. Chief Point — The uppermost part of the shield, and can be either dexter, middle or sinister. Chiinrern — (ki-me'-ra) A modification of some existing animal, such as the winged lion of St. Mark, the dragon, etc. Chongh — (shuff) [See aylet.] Cinouefoil — (sink'-foil) A five-pointed leaf; usually borne without a stem. Clarenceux — (Clar'-en-saw) The title of the second King-of-Arms. He ranks next to Garter. Clnrion— (klar'-i-un) An instrument some what resembling a trumpet. The clarion borne by Granville, however, resembles the pan-pipe. Cleche — (clay'-shay) A cross charged with another of the same design, but having Clouee — Compartment. 19 the same color as the field, leaving only a narrow border of the first cross visible. (Can be used of other bearings.) [Com pare with VOIDED.] cross cleche. Clouee — (klu'ay) [French.] Saifl of the fretty when nailed at the joints. Close — The wings of a bird close to the body. Closed — Applied to a bird borne with wings folded close to the body. Closet — A diminutive of the bar, being one-quarter the breadth of that bearing. Closeted — Inclosed within closets ; plied with closets. Coambulant — Walking together. sup- Coat — Coat of Arms, Coat-Armor, Cote- Armure, etc. — Originally armorial bear ings were embroidered on the surcoat of the wearer. The term is now used for the escutcheon, or shield, when arms are displayed. [For further information on coats of arms see arms.] Cock — This fowl is generally borne as a crest, but occasionally appears on tbe shield. When the beak, comb, wattles and spur are given, he is said to be beaked, wattled (or jewlapped) and armed. Cockatrice — A fabulous animal supposed to have been produced from a cock's egg hatched by a serpent. [See basilisk.] Co-erectant — (co-erect'-ant) Applying to things set up side by side. Coeur — Tbe heart of tbe shield. The same as the center or fesse point. Cognizance — [See badge.] Collar — An ornament for the neck worn by a knight or other member as a badge of that order. Collared — The same as gorged. College of Arms — (Or Heralds' Col lege) is located on Queen Victoria street, E. C, London, a royal corporation found ed by King Richard III. It consists at present of the Earl Marshal, his secre tary, a Registrar, three Kings at Arms — Garter, Clarenceux and Norry — and the following Heralds : Chester, Lancashire, York, Somerset, Richmond and Windsor. There are also four Pursuivants — Rouge Croix, Bluemantle, Rouge Dragon and Portcullis — besides. various other officers. This institution determines all questions relating to arms and grants of armorial bearings. The office of Earl Marshal is , now hereditary, being held by the Dukes of Norfolk. The corresponding college for Scotland is know as Lyon Court, and that of Ireland Office of Arms. Color — For the colors of heraldry see TINCTURE. Combatant — (com'-bat-ant) A term ap plied to beasts borne face to face, as In the attitude of fighting. (Also written Combattant.) COMBATANT. Community — Arms of Community. [See under arms. Companion — A term applied to a certain grade of members in some of the knightly orders, as, a Companion of the Bath. Companionship — The rank of a knight companion of certain orders. Compartment — The partitions and quar- terings of the escutcheon according to the coat in it. 20 Compone — Coronet. Compone — [See compony.] Componed — [See compony.] Compony — (com-po'ny) A border, bend, etc., composed of a row of squares con sisting of colors and metals. (Sometimes written compone'.) compony. Compony Counter-compony— The same as above, but arranged in two rows. Composed — Arms Composed are the addi tion by a gentleman to his own armorial bearings of a portion of those borne by his wife. The practice is now obsolete, the device of marshalling the arms of one's wife with bis own having rendered its continuance unnecessary. (Gloss, of Her.) Concaved — When ordinaries, etc., are bowed in the form of an arch they are sometimes referred to as concaved. Concession — Arms of Concession. under arms.] [See Confronte— (kon'-frun'-tay') Face toface; two animals facing each other. confronts. Conger — (kon'-ger) An eel. Specifically, the large sea eel found on the coast of Britain. Contourne — ( kon'-toor'-nay ' ) [French. ] Turned in a direction not the usual one. Applied to a lion or other animal statant, passant, courant, etc., with its face to the sinister side of the escutcheon. (Some writers use the word "counter" in this sense.) Contre— (con'-tre) [French] Used, in com position, to describe several bearings when they cut the shield in a contrary and opposite manner. Example : Contre- chevron, alluding to two chevrons oppo site to each other — where color opposes metal and metal opposes color. Contey — (co'-ney) This is the heraldic rabbit. (Also written cony, coni, conni and conig.) Corbeau — The same as CORBIE. Corbie — (kor'-by) A raven ; a crow. (AUa written corby.) Corby — The same as corbie. Cordal — (cord'-al) A string of the robe of state, composed of silk and gold threads, twisted like a cord, and having a tassel at the end. Corded — Bound or wound round with cords. Cordon — (cor'-don) A ribbon worn across the breast by knights of some orders. Cork — One of the heralds of the Office of Arms, Ireland. Corned — When the horns of a beast, such as the bull, are of a different tincture from that of the body he is then said to be corned of that tincture. [See armed 3.] Cornished — (corn'-ished) Adorned witha cornish or molding. Coronet — An inferior sort of crown worn by nobles. The Prince of Wales' coronet consists of a circle of gold, jeweled, edged above with four crosses patee and as many fleur-de-lis, and closed with four bars and an orb and cross. A duke's cor onet is bordered with eight strawberry leaves ; that of a marquis with four, al ternating with four pearls ; that of an Cost — Counterpoint*. 21 earl has eight strawberry leaves alter nating with eight pearls ; the viscount uses pearls only, but of an indefinite num ber, while the baron is restricted to four pearls only. X The bishops of England have no coro net, but ensign their arms with a mitre. Cost — One of the subordinaries, being a diminutive of the bend. When borne in pairs it is called Cottise. Cotise — [See cottise.] Cotised — [See cottised.] Cottise — (cot'-tise) The same as cost. Cottised — (cot'-tised) A term applied to ordinaries when borne between two eot- tises. Couchant — (couch'-ant) Applied toanan- imal lying down, with head raised. couchant. If This term differs from dormant in that in tbe latter sense the beast is rep resented sleeping. Couche — (coo-shey') [French.] Said of anything lying sideways, as a chevron couche=si chevron placed sideways. Counter — In an opposite direction ; con trary to the usual position. Sometimes used to denote an animal facing the sinis ter side of the shield. [In this sense see Contourne. ] Counter-attired — Applied to the dou ble horns of animals when borne two one way and two another — in opposite di rections. Counter - chevronne — Chevronny di vided palewise. (Said of the field.) The equivalent of chevronnfi, of chevronny. Counter-compony — A border, bend, etc., which is composed of two rows of checkers of alternate tinctures. Counter -couchant — Animals borne couchant, their heads being in opposite directions. Counter-courant — Said of two ani mals borne courant, and with their heads in opposite directions. Counter-embattled — Applied to an ordinary embattled on both sides. Counter-ermine — The contrary of er mine, being a black field with white spots. [See Ermines.] Counter-fleury— A term used to show that the flowers adorning an ordinary stand opposite to each other. Counter-passant — Applied to two an imals borne passant going in contrary ways. Counter-potence — Said of potences when placed opposite each other. Counter-quartered — When each quar ter of an escutcheon is again quartered. Counter-salient — Applied to two an imals borne salient in opposite directions. Counter-trippant — Animals trippant in opposite directions. Counter-tripping- ter-trippant. Counter-vair — A variety of vair, in which the cups or bells are arranged base to base and point to point. COUNTER-VAIRY- vair. ¦The same as Coun- -The same Counter- Counterchanged — A term which denotes that the field is of two tinctures, metal and color ; that part of the charge which lies in tbe metal being of color, and that part which lies in the color being metal. Connterpaled — A term used of an es cutcheon which 'is divided into an equal * number of pieces palewise by a line fesse- wise, the tinctures above and below the fesse line being eounterchanged. Connterpointe — (-point-e1) Made use of to describe two chevrons which meetwith their points in the center of the shield, 22 Couped — Crest. counter to each other. contrepointe.) (The French use COUNTERPOINTE. Couped — (koop'd) Said of an animal hav ing the head or any limb cut clean off from the body. U A head couped is a head having the appearance of being cut off with a sharp knife. COUPED. Couple-close — One of the diminutives of the chevron, beingone-quarterthebreadth of that ordinary. It is borne in pairs, inclosing the chevron. (Sometimes wri- ten couple-closs. ) Couple-closed — Inclosed by tbe couple- close ; as, "A chevron couple-closed. Coward — Said of beasts represented with the tail between the legs. Crainpit — The cramp-iron of a scabbard. Cramponee — (cramp-on'-ay) A crosshav- ing at each end a cramp or crampoon. CRAMPONEE. Crenellated — (cre'-nel-la-ted) An ordi nary indented as with crenelles. Crescent — A bearing resembling the half moon with the points turned up. When used as a mark of cadency it denotes the second son. CRESCENT. H When the points of the crescent face dexter it is increscent; toward sinister, decrescent. Crest — Originally the crest was the orna- Crined — Cross. 23 ment of the helmet, or headpiece, and also afforded protection against a blow. In the early roles it was scarcely noticed, but in later armorial grants it came into general use. Crests, like arms, were some times allusive. Thus, Grey of Wilton used a gray, or badger, and Lord Wells a bucket and chain. In the early days of the crest it was confined to persons of rank, but in latter times it has been In cluded in every grant of arms. H A coronet or helmet below the crest is not a mark of rank. Crined — Used to describe an animal hav ing its hair of a different tincture. Croisant — (crois'-ant) A cross the ends of which terminate in crescents. Cross — One of the earliest and noblest of the "honorable ordinaries. When borne plain it is blazoned simply as a cross. There are, however, more than a hun dred varieties, some of the better known being the following : Anchored, Fitchee, Avellane, Flory, Bezant, Formee, Bottony, Moline,' Cablee, Patee, Calvary, Potent, Chain, Recercelee Cleche, Voided. Crosslet, Cross anchored — A cross in which the limbs terminate in anchors. cross anchored. Cross Avellane — Ending in filbert husks. Cross bezant — A cross composed of bezants joined together. Cross bottany — With the limbs term inating in budlike prominences. cross bottony. Cross cablee — A cross made up of two cables. cross cablee. Cross corded— A cross bound or wound round with cords. (This term is some times applied, though erroneously, to the Cabl6e.) Cross cleche — A cross charged with another cross, of the same color of the field, so large that only a narrow border of the first cross remains visible. Cross crosslet — A cross having the three upper ends terminating in three lit tle crosses. It is usualy borne in num- cross crosslet. 24 Cross — Crossbow. hers, but this is not always the case. Cross fitchee — Sharpened at tbelow- er part ; pointed like a dagger. The arms of the See of Canterbury represent four crosses patee fitchee. cross fitchee. Cross fleury — Adorned at the ends with flowers, generally tbe fleur-de-lis. Cross fourchee — Having the ends forked as branches, with the ends termi nating abruptly, as if cut off. cross fourchee. Cross formee— -Resembling the cross patee, but differing in that its extremi ties reach the edge of the field. Cross moline — So called because its shape resembles a millfind (the iron clamp of the upper millstone). It is borne both inverted and rebated, and sometimes saltirewise or in saltire. When used as a mark of cadency it represents the eighth son. Cross of Calvary (or Cross of the Crucifixion) — Represented mounted on three steps. Cross of St. George — A plain red cross on a white field. It would be bla zoned "Argent, a cross gules." Cross patee — The emblem of the Knights of St. John, and is known as the Croix de Malthe. It spreads out at the ends. Cross patonce — This has expanded ends like the cross patee, but each termi nates in three points. Cross pommee — With the ends termi nating in single balls. cross pommee. Cross potent — One which has its ends T-sbaped, or resembling a crutch. (Also written potence.) Cross raguly — A notched or jagged cross. cross raguly. Cross recercelee — A cross whose ends are split and curled outward. It is usually voided. Cross urdee — Differs from an ordi nary cross only in that the extremities are drawn to a sharp point instead of be ing cut straight. Cross voided — A cross in outline only. Cross-bar — Sometimes used to designate the bar sinister ; a mark of illegitimacy. Crossbow — [See arblast.] Crossed — Debruised. 25 Crossed — Borne crosswise. Crosswise — In the figure of a cross. (Es sentially the same as crossed.) Crown — The crown of a sovereign prince is usually closed at the top byfourarched bars, called diadems, and surmounted by a globe and cross. H A crown placed below the crest does not denote the rank of the bearer. Iron crown — A crown which, besides its gold and jewels, contains a thin circle of iron, said to have been made from a nail of Christ's cross. It was first used at the coronation of the Lombird kings in A. D. 591. Napoleon I was crowned with it at Milan in 1805. Crowned — Surmounted by a crown. Some times a beast, generally the lion, is crowned royally or ducally. Crucilly — (cru'sil-ly) Said of a charge or field strewn with crosses. Crusade — One of several expeditions of Christian knights against the Mohamme dans in the Holy Land. There were seven distinct crusades. Crusader — One who took part in the cru sades. Cubit arm — An arm cut off at the elbow. Cuppa — (kup'-pa) A fur composed of any metal and color. Also called Potent- counter-potent. Currant — The same as courant. (Univer sal Diet.) Curvant — (kurv'-ant) Curved ; bowed. Cygnet royal — ("sig'-net) A swan gorged cygnet royal. with a ducal coronet, and a chain at tached thereto, being reflexed over the back. D. Damasked— (dam'-askd) A field orchacge covered with smallsquares. [SeeDiAPER.] Dancette — (daN'-sa'-tay') Divided into large zigzags; resembling the zigzag mold ing peculiar to Norman architecture. H Dancette i differs from indented in that the former has deeper and wider notches. Daney — (dan'sy) The same as dancette. Dauphin — (dau'-fin) [French.] The title of the eldest son of the king of France or the heir apparent to the throne under the old monarchy. [Dolphin.] H The title is said to have come from the following circumstance: Humbert II Lord of Vinne, who bore for a crest a dolphin (O. Fr. daulphin), in the ninth century, bequeathed his lordsHip as an appanage to the French throne on con dition that tbe eldest son always bore the title of Dauphin of Viennois. Debased — Turned over ; inverted. Debased heraldry— Unheraldic. There are a number of examples that could be placed under this head. For instance, one grant of arms shows negroes working on a plantation; another has Chinamen carrying cinnamon ; a Bishop of Elybore, among other things, three kings, on be zants, crowned, robed sable, doubled er mine, a covered cup in the right hand and a sword in the left, both or ; the grant to Lord Nelson, as well as some of his officers, were altogether unheraldic. Debruised— (de-bruzd') Applied to a bend when placed over an animal in such a manner as to seem to restrain its freedom. debruised. 26 Dechausse — Diaper. Dechausse — (day-sho'-say) [French.] The same as dismembered. Decked — Said of a bird when its feathers are trimmed or edged with a small line of another color. Declinant— (dek'-lin-ant) Used indescrib- ing a serpent whose tail is represented straight downward. (Also called Dec- livant. ) Declivant — (dek'-liv-ant) The same as declinant. Decouple— (de-koup'-lay) [French.] Part ed; severed. (The same as uncoupled.) Decrement — (dec're-ment) The wane of tbe moon from full to last quarter. [See DECRESCENT.] Decrescent — (de-kres'-sent) Said of the moon when in her decrement. When the crescent is borne with its points toward the sinister side of the shield it is termed decrescent. Defamed — An epithet applied to an ani mal which has lost its tail. Degraded — This word describes a cross cross degraded and conjoined. that has steps at each end, diminishing as they ascend toward the center. Cross degraded and conjoined — A plain cross having degraded steps joined to the sides of the shield. Delf — One of the abatements ; a mark of disgrace, indicating that a challenge has been revoked or one's word broken. The delf is represented by a square-cut sod of earth, turf. etc. [See also abatement.] Delve — (delv) The same as billet. Demembre — (da-mem'-bray) [French.] The same as dismembered. Demi — Said of any charge borne half, as a demi-lion. (Also written demy.) Demi-garter — [See perclose.] Dent — Indented. (Universal Diet.) Dentelle — (den-tel') [French.] The same as indented. Depressed — The same as debruised. Descending — Said of an animal or bird the head of which is represented turned toward the base of tbe shield. Descent — Coming down from above. Ex ample : A lion in descent=with his head toward the base point and his heels toward one of the corners of the chief, as if in the act of leaping down from some high place. Detriment — (det'-ri-ment) Used some times to describe tbe moon on the wane or in eclipse. Developed — Unfurled, as colors flying. Device — An emblem, intended to represent a family, person, action or quality, with a suitable motto. It generally consists in a metaphorical similtude between the thing representing and the person or thing represented. Devouring — The same as vorant. Dexter — The right ; situated on the right. The dexter side of the shield is that op posite the left hand of the spectator. Dexter chief point — A point in the upper right-hand corner of the shield. dexter chief point. Diaper — (di'-a-per) A ground pattern, usu ally in squares or lozenges. Diapered — Displayed. 27 Diapered — (di'-a-perd) A shield diapered is one covered with a ground pattern, generally of squares or lozenges, with a flower scroll work or other ornament in each compartment. The idea is supposed to have been copied from the linen cloths of Ypress. "gigiairjrjigjp* JBpigiajIgiiflliB)![pigiigiipipia'iail jpigtSligliailtillsli pligSllgli5l(gliDi| iligilgllgligilangii liSHgiyijjrQiiBii &Dii2iiaiiail diapered. H While there are a number of early ex amples of diapered shields, it cannot be called strictly heraldic. Diadem — An arch rising from the rim of a crown and uniting with other arches to form a center, which serves to support the globe and cross or fleur-de-lis as a crest. Difference — Some figure of mark added MARKS OF DIFFERENCE. to a coat of arms to distinguish one fam ily from another. Modern marks of dif ference, or Marks of Cadence, are : 1— Lable, 6-Fleur-de-lis, 2— Crescent, 1— Rose, 3— Mullet, 8— Cross Moliue, 4— Martlet, 9— Octofoil. 5 — Annulet, Differenced — Marked or distinguished by a difference. Dimidiate — (di-mid'-i-ate) To represent the half of any charge. Dimidiation — [See dimidiate.] Diminution — (di-mi-nu'-shon) The defac ing of some particular point in an es cutcheon. Diminntive — (di-min'-u-tive) Something smaller than the regular size ; on a small er scale. For instance, the diminutive of the Bend is the Bendlet, being half its width. Dingwall — One of the pursuivants of the Lord Lyon's Court, Scotland. Disarmed — Applied to a bird or beast de prived of claws, teeth or beak. Disclosed — A term used to describe a bird when its wings are spread open on each side, but the points downward. DISCLOSED. Disclosed elevated — The same as dis closed, except that the points are ele vated. Dismembered — Applied to birds having neither feet nor legs ; also, to animals "whose members are separated. Displayed— Said of any bird of prey borne 28 Distillatory — Dwale. erect, with the wings expanded. Applied especially to the eagle. displayed. H This term is not to be confused with DISCLOSED. Distillatory — (dis-til'-la-tory) A charge borne by the Distillers' Company, and usually blazoned : "A distillatory double armed, on a fire, with two worms and bolt receivers." (Ogilvie.) IJThe distillatory is an apparatus used for distillation. Disveloped — (dis-vel'-opd) Displayed, as a standard or colors when open and fly ing. (Universal Diet.) Dog — The dog figures in heraldry in vari ous forms and under different names. The alaund, or hunting dog, seems to have been the most popular. Lord Dacre used it as a supporter. Henry VIII had his arms and badge placed on the collars of his hunting dogs. In the brass of Sir Brian Stapleton at Ingham the knight rests his foot on a dog. Tbe earls of Shrewsbury use the talbot. or mastiff, to support their shield. Burton of Falde bore three talbots' beads erased or, while Mauleverer of Allerton Mauleverer had three greyhounds on his shield. H The dog is generally blazoned as a talbot. Dolphin — (dol'-fin) The dolphin is herald- ically a fish, irregardless of what it may be zoologically or astronomically. When used as a charge it may be extended and natant or hauriant, etc. Fishacre of Fishacre bore "Gules, a dolphin natant argent." The dolphin was the emblem of the Dauphins of France. [See also dau phin.] Dominion — [See Arms of Dominion, un der ARMS.] Dormant — In a sleeping posture. DORMANT. Dorsed — The same as aversant. Doubling — The lining of robes of state; also the mantlings borne around tbe achievement of arms. Dragon — The dragon is of ancient date and played a prominent part in early ro mance, though little used in English her aldry. He is usually depicted with four legs and wings, a long barbed tail, usu ally knotted, and a body protected by scales. When the dragon is drawn with out wings he is called a lindworm ; with out feet, a serpent ; when he hangs by the head, it represents a conquered dragon. Dragonnee — (dra-gon'-nay) A fabulous beast, the upper part resembling a lion, and the lower part the wings and tail of a dragon. Drops — The same as guttes. Dublin — One of the heralds of the Office of Arms, Ireland. Ducal coronet — The head attire of a duke, consisting of a circle of chased gold, with eight strawberry leaves on its upper edge, a cap of crimson velvet, ter minating at the top with a gold tassel. When a coronet is used in a crest it is generally the ducal. Duke — The highest rank in the peerage of Great Britain. Dwale — (dwal) — The tincture sable, or black, when blazoned according to the fantastic system in which plants are sub stituted for the tinctures. (Webster.) Eagle— Embattled. 29 Eagle — The Eagle plays an important part in heraldry in almost every part of the globe. Its earliest rise to popularity, however, was in Germany, where, after it became the emblem of the empire, it was adopted by some the princes and many of the nobles. A double-headed eagle is also the emblem of Russia and Aus tria. On the role of Henry III the eagle appears but twice, but in the roll of Ed ward II there are forty-three example of it. Nobles of tbe Holy Roman Empire place their shields on the breast of an eagle, examples of which may be seen in the arms of the Duke of Marlborough, the Earl of Denbigh and Lord Arundel of Wardour. The imperial eagle is invariably repre sented as two-headed. th» origin of which is obscure. Charlemagne is said to have used it to signify that in his hands was the government of both the Roman and German empires. bicapitated. (Two-headed Eagle.) The eagle is generally borne displayed ; that is, upright, breast to the front, and legs, tail and wings expanded (common ly called a "spread eagle"). U The Bald Eagle, adopted as the na tional emblem of the United States, is a large and powerful bird, with a far greater spread of wing than the Euro pean white-tailed species. Eared — Applied to animals borne with the ears of a different color from that of the body. In such a case the animal is said to be "eared of" such a color or metal. Earl — The title of an English noble, the third in rank, coming next below a mar quis. Earl's coronet — The head attire of an earl, sometimes used in blazonry. The crest of Davidson in Carlisle Cathedral shows a bird rising out of an earl's coro net. This in unusual, however. Gen- ¦ erally a ducal coronet is used. Earl Marshal — An English office of great antiquity, and is now hereditary with the Dukes of Norfolk. Tbe Earl Marshal is the head of the College of Arms, which institution determines all questions relating to arms and grants of armorial bearings. Earl Marshal's Court — An institu tion formerly existing in England, pre sided over by the Earl Marshal, in which all questions and disputes concerning coats of arms were settled. It has since been abolished. Edged — Applied to an ordinary to denote that the edging is placed only between the ordinary and the field, and not where it joins the escutcheon. Effiare — (af-fa'-ray) [French.] Said of an animal when represented as rearing on its hind legs from fright or rage. Eight-foil — A grass that has eight leaves. [See octofoil.] Elevated — Applied to tbe wings of a bird when upright and expanded. Embattled — Indented like a battlement. embattled. The notch in a parapet is called an embrasure, and tbe intermediate piece of masonry a merlon. When a second and smaller merlon is placed on tbe first tbe battlement is said to be stopped. 30 Emblazon — Engrailed. Embattled counter-embattled — Em battled on both faces of the ordinary. Embattled grady — One embattlement upon another. Emblazon — To blazon; to place and ar range figures armorial. Einblazoner — One who blazons. Emblazonment — The act or art of bla- zouing; blazonry. Emblazonry — Heraldic representations or decorations. Embordered — (-bor'-derd) having a bor der of the same tincture as the field. Embordnred — (-bor'-durd) The same as embordered. Embowed — (-bow'd) Bent or bowed. Embraced — Braced together ; bound or tied together. Embraznre — [See EMBATTLED.] Embroidery — A term applied to a hill or mount with several copings or rises and falls. Embrued — (-brud') Said of the mouths of beasts when bloody from devouring their prey ; also applied to a weapon rep resented as covered or sprinkled with blood. Emerald — Green. [See vert.] Empaled — (-paled') This is a term used to describe a shield in which coats of arms are placed side by side, each occu pying one-half the escutcheon. The shield is divided by a line down the center (per pale). The arms of the husband are placed on the dexter side, and those of the wife on the sinister. [Empalement.] Empalement — Two coats of arms placed on a shield palewise. Enaluron — (en-a-lu'ron) Applied to a bordure charged with eight birds. Enarehed — Arched. Enarmeil— Represented with horns, hoofs, etc., of a different color from that of the body. Enclave — (in-kla've) [French.] Anything which Is represented as let into some thing else, particularly when the bearing .so let in is square. Endorse — One of the diminutives of the pale, being one-eighth the breadth of that ordinary. The endorse is used only in pairs — one on each side of the pale. This subordinary, like the pallet, was unknown in ancient heraldry. Endorsed- each side. -A pale having an endorse on Entiled — Used to describe a sword drawn as transfixing the head of a man or ani mal, a coronet or other object. Englante— (an-glan'-tay) [French.] Bear ing acorns or something similar. Englislet — (eng'-lis-let) An escutcheon of pretense. Engoulee — (an-goo'-lay) An epithet ap plied to a bend, cross, saltire, etc., when the ends enter the mouths of lions, tigers or other animals. engoulee. Engrail — (-grail') To indent in curved lines ; to make ragged at the edges ; to spot as with hail. Engrailed— Indented in a series of curves. engrailed. Engr ailment — Ermines. 31 This is applied to one of the partition lines, as well as to some bends, etc. "Polwheel beareth a saultier engrailed." — Carew. Engrailment — The state of being en grailed or indented in curved lines. Enhanced — (en-hansd') Applied to an or dinary when removed from its proper po sition and placed higher up in the field. Enleve — (an-lev'-S) [French.] Raised or elevated. Enmanche — (an-man'-shay [French.] Covered with or resembling a sleeve. Said when the chief has lines drawn from the center of the upper edge to the sides to about half the breadth of the chief. [Maunch.] Enraged— In a leaping posture. It is some times used to describe the position of a horse which in the case of other animals would be saliant. Ensign — To distinguish by a mark or orn ament^ such as a crown, coronet, mitre, etc. A bishop, for instance, ensigns his arms with a mitre. Prelates of the Roman Catholic Church ensign their shields with a hat, the tas sels of which indicate their rank. A car dinal has four rows of red tassels, an archbishop four rows of green tassels, a bishop has three rows and an abbot two, the latter's hat being black. Prelates and legates place a patriarchal cross in pale behind their shield. A staff is sometimes said to beensigned with a flag. Ensigned — [See ensign.] Ente — (an-tay') [French.] Applied to an engrafted emblazonment. (Also written antt.) Entoured — (en-toord') Said of a shield decorated with branches. Entwined — The same as enveloped. Entwisted — The same as enveloped. Enurny — (en-ur'-ny) A term used to de scribe a bordure charged with eight ani mals of any kind. U When birds are used enalurion is the proper term. Enveloped — Applied to charges around which serpents are entwined. Also used in the case of laurel or other plants. Environed — (-vi'-rond) Encircled; bound round or about. Erased — (e-ras'd) A term applied to the head of an animal or other bearing hav ing the appearance of being forcibly torn off, leaving jagged or uneven ends. erased. U Erased is the opposite of couped, the latter meaning cut off even, straight. Eradicated — A tree torn up by its roots. Ericins — [See hedgehog.] Ermelin — [See ermine.] Ermine — (er'-min) One of the furs used in blazoning, representing the skin of the little animal of that name. A field of ermine is white with black spots of a particular shape. • * • "f* ^ $ ^ .* * * * ERMINE. The animal ermine is scarcely known in heraldry, although its fur is widely borne. Ermines — The reverse of Ermine, being white spots on a black field. (Sometimes described as counter-ermine.) 32 Erminites — Estoile . Erminites — (er-min'-ites) The same as Ermine, but with one red hair on each side of the ermine spots. Erminois — (er'-min-wa) The same as Er mine, except that the field is gold and tbe spots black. Escarbuncle — (es'-kar-bun-k'l) A charge or bearing supposed to represent the precious stone carbuncle, being a cross of eight rays set with knobs and the arms ending in fleur-de-lis. In another repre sentation of this bearing the ends are connected by cross-bars. (Also called Carbuncle.) Escallop — es-kol'-up) The figure of a scallop shell. This was originally worn to signify that the wearer had made a pilgrimage to the shrine of St. James, Compostella, Spain. Later on it was placed on the shield to show that the bearer or an ancestor had been a Cru sader or had made a long pilgrimage. Escallopee — (es-kol'-lo-pay) [French.] An escutcheon or a bearing which is cov ered with curved lines resembling scallop shells. These lines should represent the shells as overlapping each other. ESCALLOPEE. Escalloped — (es-kol'-oped) The same as escallopee. Escartel — (es-kar'-tel) To cut or notch in a square form or across. Escartelee — (-kar'-tel-ee) Cut or notched in a square form or across. Esclatte — (es-lclat'-ty) A term applied to anything shivered by a battle axe. Escrol — (es-krol') The same as scroll. Escutcheon — (es-kuch'-un) The shield, on which all lines are drawn and charges delineated; the background on which coat armor is represented ; known in blazon as the field. It originally represented the war shield of a knight, upon which his arms were displayed. escutcheon. Escutcheon of Pretense — A small shield bearing the arms of an heiress placed in the center of her husband's shield, instead of being impaled with his arms. Escntcheoned — (es-kuch'-und) Having a coat of arms ; supplied with an escutch eon ; placed in an escutcheon. Esquire— Formerly an armor-bearer or at tendant upon a knight. Essorant — (es'-so-rant) Said of a bird represented with its wings half open, as if preparing to take flight. Estoile — (es'-twal) [French.] A starwith six wavy points. It is different from a ESTOILE mullet, the later having only five points, and these are straight. Estoilee — Fish. 33 Extendant- DISPLAYED. Estoilee — (es'-twal-ee) [French.] A star with four long rays in the form of a cross, tapering from the center to the points. (Also called a Cross Estoilee.) •(ex-tend'-ant) The same as (Wings extended.) Eyed — A term made use of in speaking of the spots in a peacock's tail. Eyrant — (i'-rant) Applied to other birds in their nests. Faillis — (fail'-Iis) [French.] A fracture in an ordinary, as if it were broken or a splinter taken from it. Falcon— The Falcon makes its appearance frequently in heraldry. When it is borne with jesses (leather thongs about its legs), a hood and bells, it is said to be "jessed, hooded and belled." When rep resented as feeding, it is "at prey." The falcon is also known as a gerfalcon, pere grine falcon and tiercelet. The lure was a bunch of feathers by which the bird was taught to return. False — Said of a charge when the central area is removed. Family — Arms of Family. [See under ARMS.] Feathered— Applied to an arrow in which the feather is of a different tincture from the shaft. Per de cheval — A horseshoe. Per de moline — The same as millrind. Fess — [See fesse.] Fesse — (fes) One of the ordinaries. A strip or band placed horizontally across the shield, occupying one-third of the field. Its diminutives are the bar, the barrulet and the closet. H The term fessey is never used. Fesse line — The line constituting the fesse. Fesse point- sbield. -The exact center of the Fesseways — The same as fessewise. Fessewise — In the. sape of a fesse ; after the manner of a fesse. Fetterlock— Sometimes borne as a charge. fetterlock. "A fetterlock and a shaeklebolt azure — what may that meanV—Ivanhoe. Feudal — Feudal Arms. [See under arms.] Fiched — [See fitchee.] Field — The surface of a shield upon which the charges or bearings are blazoned ; or, of each separate coat when the shield is quartered or impaled. Fillet — (fil'-let) A bearing equaling in breadth one-fourth of the chief. It is a narrow strip laid upon the chief, a little above its lower margin. Guillim men tions the fillet as the diminutive of the chief. Fimbriated — (fim'-bri-a-ted) Ornamented with a narrow border or hem of another tincture. Fireball— A charge resembling tbe ancient war instrument of that name, which was an oval-shaped projectile made of canvas and filled with combustible composition. Fish — Fishes do not appear frequently in 34 Fissure — Fleury. heraldry, and are rarely seen in the earlier coats. Among those used are : Barbel, Luce, Chalbot, Roach, Conger, Trout, Dolphin, Whale. Herring, [The above are all heraldically fish, irregardless of their position in any other science.] The fish may be borne natant, horizon tal ; haurient, vertical; embowed, bent. Fissure — (fi'-sure) Tbe fourth part of the bend sinister. [See baton.] Fitehed — [See fitchee.] Fitchee — (fitsh'y) Pointed likea dagger ; sharpened at the lower extremity. Fitchee is generally applied to crosses that taper from the center downward. Fitchee at the foot is used when the tapering begins near the bottom of the cross. cross fitchee. Fitchy — [See fitchee.] Flamant — (flam'-ant) Flaming, burning. blazing; a torch; a firebrand. Flanch — The segment of a circle taken flanches. out of the two sides or flanks of the I shield, the margin of which forms the cord. (Also written flasque, flanque and flaunch.) 11 The flanch is always used in pairs — one on each side. Its diminutive is the voider. Neither is of great antiquity. Flasque — The same as flanch. Flauneh — [See flanch.] Flectant — (flect'-ant) Bent serpentine fashion, like tbe letter S. (Essentially the same as embowed.) Fleeted — [See embowed.] Fleur-de-lis — ( flur'-de-lee' ) Heraldically this is a flower, and stands at the head of the flowers of heraldry. Its origin is unknown, one "authority" claiming that it was brought down from heaven by an angel for the arms of France. It is also said to mean the flower of Louis (Fleur de Louis), and was certainly used by Louis VII. It is undoubtedly the "flower of the lily." FLEUR-DE-LIS. Originally the royal banner of France was seme of lis (completely covered with fleur-de-lis) ; but from the time of Charles VI it has consisted of three golden fleur- de-lis on a blue field. Tbe fleur-de-lis did not at first meet with much favor in England, and did not become popular, in fact, until its assump tion by Edward III. The French quar tering in the English royal arms was abolished by George IV on his accession. When used as a difference the fleur-de- lis represents tbe sixth son. Fleurette — [See fleury.] Flenry — (flu'ry) A bearing adorned with fleur-de-lis, trefoils, etc. (Also written flory. floretty, flury and fleurettee.) Flexed— Fretted. 35 Fleury Cross — (Cross Fleury.) A cross adorned with fleur-de-lis, trefoils, etc. A cross whose ends terminate in flowers. (Also called a B'lourished Cross.) Flexed — Bent, as an arm or limb. [Em bowed.] Floretty — The same as fleury. Flory — -The same as fleury. Flotant — (flo'-tant) Flying or streaming in the air, as a flag flying to the breezes. When applied to a bird it is the same as VOLANT. Flourished — [See fleury.] Koldage— ( f old-ige ) Applied to leaves hav ing several foldings and turnings, one from the other. Formee — (for-may') A cross having the arms expanding toward the ends and flat at tbe outer edges. It differs from the cross patee in that the extremities of the formee reach the edge of the field. Fountain — A bearing resembling tbe roundel. It is a disk divided by six lines wavy, tinctured argent and azure, to rep resent water. Fourchee— (foor'-shay) Applied to across cross fourchee. having the ends forked as branches, and with the ends of the branches terminat ing abruptly as if cut off. Fracted — (fract'-ed) Having a part dis placed, as a chevron fracted. FRACTED. Fraise — A strawberry leaf. Free — A term applied to a horse when rep resented in a field. Fret — A bearing composed of bars crossed and interlaced, representing a trellis. This was originally borne fretty. Usual ly composed of eight pieces. When the joints are nailed it is clouee. Fretted— Applied to charges interlaced 36 Fretten — Gemelled. with each, other. Fretten — The same as fretted. Fretty — Applied to a bordure of eight, ten or more pieces, each reaching the ex tremity of the shield, and interlaced after the manner of the fret. H The fret of eight parts was original ly blazoned as fretty. For instance, Mal- travers bore "Sable, fretty or." This later became "Sable, a fret or." Fructed — (fruct'-ed) Bearing fruit. Ap plied to a tree or plant when so repre sented. Funeral escutcheon — [See hatch ment.] Fnriosant — (fur-i-os'-ant) An epithet ap plied to a bull or other animal when rep resented as in a rage or fury. (Also called Rangant. ) Furnished — Said of a horse when borne bridled, saddled and completely capari soned. Fusil — (fu'-sil) An elongated lozenge. The word comes from the French fusean=& spindle, and the bearing is supposed to represent a distaff charged with yarn. —O-^-^f- SBf - gsgit$£:: fag FUSIL. "Fusils must be made long, and small in the middle. In the ancient coat of Montague [Montacute?], 'Argent, three fusils in fesse gules.' " — Peacham. It has been said the Perceys derived their fusils from their lordship of Spin- dleton. G. Gamb — The whole foreleg of a lion or other beast. If couped or erased near tbe middle joint is is called a paw. Gambe — [See gamb.] Garb — A sheaf of wheat. This was a popu lar bearing, especially in Cheshir-e. Some times it is banded of a different color. H When the garb is used to designate any other grain this must be specified. Gardant — Applied to a beast represented full-faced, or looking at the spectator, whether the animal be rampant, passant or otherwise. A beast of the chase — such as the hart, stag or hind — when depicted in this attitude is described as at gaze. Garnished — (gar'-nished) Applied to any charge provided with an ornament. Garter — The same as bendlet. Garter King-at-Arms — The principal king-at-arms in England, by whom arms are granted and conferred under the au thority of the Earl Marshal. The office was created by Henry V, in 1420. Order of the Garter — This is the most illustrious order of British knight hood. It was instituted at Windsor by Edward III in 1348. It consists of the sovereign and 25 companions, of whom the Prince of Wales is always one. In more recent times foreign princes have been admitted. The knights place the initials "K. G." after their names, which take precedence of all other titles except those of royalty. Gauntlet — Originally a glove of leather, covered with plate metal to correspond with the other parts of the armor. It was at first worn without separate fingers. Gaze — [See AT gaze.] Gemel — (gem'-el) Parallel bars. [Bab.] Gemelled — Supplied with bars gemel; placed between barrulets. [Barrulet.] [Bars gemel.] Genuant — Griffon. 37 Genuant — (jen'-u-ant) Kneeling. Gerb — [See garb.] Gerbe — The French word sometimes used for garb. Gerfalcon — [See falcon.] Gobonated — (go'-bo-nat-ed) Applied to a bordure, bend, etc., divided into equal GOBONATED. parts forming squares, gobbets. (Called also gobong or gobony. [Essentially the same as compony.] Gobone — [See gobonated.] Gobony — [See gobonated.] Gold — This metal in heraldry is known as or. Golden balls — The three golden balls now universally seen as the pawnbrokers' sign were taken from the arms of Lom- hardy, Lombards having been the first bankers and money lenders in London. Golden Fleece — Order of the Golden Fleece. — An order of knighthood insti tuted by Philip the Good, Duke of Bur gundy. It now belongs to both Spain and Austria. Gonfalon — (gon'-fa-lon) A banner fixed in a frame made to turn like a ship's vane ; with streamers or tails, generally three. Gore — A charge consisting of two curved lines — one from sinister chief point; the other from base middle point, meeting in an acute angle at the fesse point. GORE. Gorged — An animal or bird is said to be gorged when represented with a crown or something similar around its neck. It is then blazoned as "gorged with a crown," etc. Goshawk — A bird often used in falconry, and somethings seen as a charge. Ridley of Blaydon bore three goshawks argent. Gradient — (gra'-di-ent) Applied to a tor toise represented as walking. Grady — Steps or degrees, or one battle ment upon another. (Also called bat- tled-embattled and embattled grady.) Gray — A badger. Green- VERT. -This color in heraldry is known as Grieee — A step ; one of the steps upon which crosses are sometimes placed. Griffon — A fabulous beast, generally drawn with the body, legs and tail of a lion, the GRIFFON. head of a cock or an eagle, a pair of wings and long, sharp claws. When rep- 38 Grittie — Gyronny. resented on his hind legs he is segreant. Griffon- male — A griffon without wings and having large ears. Grittie — Said of a field when composed equally of metal and color. Gryphon — [See griffon.] Gnardant — [See gardant.] Guelphic Order — (guel'-fick) An order of knighthood instituted for Hanover on August 12, 1815, by George IV of Eng land, while still Prince Regent. to give the color of Gule — To color red ; gules to. Gules — (guelz) Red. This color on en graved escutcheons is represented by ver tical lines. "The showery arch With listed colors gay — or, azure, gules — Delights and puzzles the beholder's eye." — J. Philips: Cider, it. Gusset — An abatement ; a mark of dis grace. It somewhat resembles a gusset, and is formed by a line drawn from either dexter or sinister chief point one- third across the shield, thence descend ing perpendicularly to the base. When gusset. on the dexter side of the escutcheon it is an abatement for adultery ; when on the sinister, for drunkenness. In this con nection it is scarcely necessary to say that the gusset has been rarely used. (Sometimes called a gore.) Gutte — A drop. It is pear shaped, with a tail like a tear on funeral drapery, or like a Rupert's drop. [See also guttee.] Guttee— (gut'-tee) A shield sprinkled with guttes, or drops. Like the roundel, their name changes with the color, as follows : Or, guttee d'or ; gules, guttee de sang ; argent, guttee de l'eau ; sable, guttee de poix ; azure, guttee de larmes ; vert, guttee d'huile. Gutty — [See guttee.] Gme — A roundel tinctured sanguine, rep resenting an eyeball. [See also roundel.] Gyron — (gi'-ron) A subordinary. consist ing of two straight lines, drawn from any given part of the field, meeting in as acute angle in the fesse point, it is • GYRON. Spanish ordinary, and is surposed to come from the word giron, a gusse.. The gyron, which is an old bearing, is seldom used singly. Gyronny — (gi'-ron-ny) A field divided Habited — Hedgehog. 39 into gyrons, generally eig sections. When more than eight, the numoer must be specified. For example : Bassing- bourne — "Gyronny of 12, or and azure." H. Habited — Used to describe a man when borne clothed. Hand — The human hand plays its most prominent part in heraldry as the device of Ulster and the badge of baronets. Dexter hand — The right. Sinister hand — Tbe left. Harbored — Applied to the hart, stag, etc., when lying down. The same as couch ant In beasts of prey.) Harrington knot — Another name for the fret. Harp — The harp is the emblem of Ireland. Its origin as the badge of Erin is obscure, but probably alludes to the instrument of Brian Boroimhe. Harpy — The heraldic Harpy is a vulture with the head and breast of a woman. Hart — The Hart, like the stag, is an old bearing, though not of the earliest. John Trie, son and heir of Alicia de Hertley, bore "a hart's head caboched." Hatchment — A black panel, lozenge- shaped or square, but hung corner-wise. on which the arms of a deceased person hatchment. are displayed ; usually hung on the walls of his or her house. The rules governing "the arrangement of the hatchment are: For a bachelor. his entire achievement on a black ground. For a single woman, her arms are placed upon a lozenge, bordered with knotted ribbons, also on a black ground. For a married man (as seen in the illustration), his arms impale those of his wife, unless she be an heiress, when they are placed on an escutcheon of pretense, the crest and other appendages added, the dexter half of the ground being black and the sinister white. For a wife, the same as for a husband, except the sinister half is black and the dexter white. For a wid ower, the same as for a married man, ex cept the whole ground is black. For a widow, the husband's arms are given with her own, but upon a lozenge. In case there have been two wives or two husbands, tbe ground is divided into three parts per pale, the background of the survivor being white. When the de ceased is a military or naval officer, col ors and military or naval emblems are sometimes placed behind the arms. "His obscure funeral: No trophy, sword or hatchment o'er his bones." — Shakespeare. Hatchment is the same as achieve ment. The word is a corruption of atcb- ment, a shortened form of atchievement (achievement). "By pulling down several atchieve- ments (commonly called hatchments)." — Wood: Fasti Oxon. Haurient — (hfiu'-ri-ent) Applied to a fish when borne palewise, or uprignt, as if putting its head out of the water to draw or suck in air. Hansse— (hos'-say) [French.] The same as ENHANCED. Hawk's lure — [See LURE.] Heart — The human heart is sometimes borne. A case in point is the arms of the Douglas family in allusion to the mission of James Lord Douglas to tbe Holy Land with the heart of Robert Bruce. Douglas : "Argent, a man's heart gules, ensigned by a royal crown proper, on a chief azure two mullets of the first." Hedprehos — Also known in heraldry as the herisson and the ericus. The family of Heriz bore "Azure, three hedgehogs or. The Maxwells bear the hedgehog for the lordship of Herris. 40 Helm — Humettee. Helm — That part of a coat of arms which bears the crest. Helmet — The helmet is borne above tbe shield and beneath the crest. Like the coronet, it denotes the rank of the wearer. Those used by English heralds are: (1) For sovereigns and princes of tbe blood, borne full-face, with six bars, all of gold ; (2) for the nobility, of steel, with five bars of gold, shown somewhat in profile ; (3) for baronets and knights, of steel, full-faced and open ; (4) for an esquire or gentleman, of steel, with tbe visor closed, and represented in profile. There is a further distinction made by some heraldic writers, being a silver hel met, in profile, with gold ornament, and four silver bars, for the lesser nobility, or those ranking below a marquis. The various distinctions of the helmet are supposed to have been introduced after the Restoration. Herald — An officer whose duties, among other things, consist of deciding on the proper badges or coat armor of the no bility ; to grant, record and blazon arms ; record genealogies, etc. The three prin cipal English heralds are called Kings- of-Arms lor king-at arms).' The princi pal herald of Scotland is* called Lyon King-of-Arms ; of Ireland, Ulster King- of-arms. The Lancaster herald is In spector of regimental colors. Heraldic — (her-al'-dic) Of or pertaining to heralds or heraldry. Heraldical — Heraldic. Heraldically — In a heraldic manner ; ac cording to tbe rules of heraldry. Heraldry — The art or science of blazon ing or describing in proper terms coats of arms. It treats also of the history and meaning of armorial bearings, rules governing their use and transmission, and their connection with titular rank, family dignities and genealogies. Heralds' College — [See College of arms.] Heraldship — The office or aVgrnity of a herald. Heurt — [See hurt.] Herisson — (her'-is-son) A hedgehog. Heron — The heron is found in early coats of arms, being one of the few birds en titled to this distinction. The family of Heron of Chipchase and Ford, according to the roll of Henry III, bore "Gules, three herons argent." Herring — This fish is seen in the roll of Edward II. Hirondelle — A swallow. Honor point — The point immediately above the center of the shield, dividing the upper portion into two equal parts. Hood — The blinding cap on the head of a hawk (in falconry) to make him sit quiet ly on his perch. Hooded — Applied to a hawk or other bird of prey when borne with a hood over its head. Horned — Applied to animals represented with horns of a different color from the animal itself, or from the proper color of the horns. For instance, a bull with red horns would be described as hornedgules. Horse — The horse does not appear in early examples of heraldry, although the winged horse is seen as the badge of the Order of the Temple. A bay horse is known as a bayard, while the gray horse is a liard. When the horse is displayed caparisoned ; when in the field, he is free. in harness he is said to be barded and Horseshoe — Sometimes used as a bearing, one of tbe earliest examples being that of William de Ferrars, sixth earl of Derby. (Also called fer de cheval.) Hornet — [See humettee.] Hnmettee — (hu-met'-tay) Said of an or- HUMETTEE. dinary when cut off, or couped, so that its extremities do not reach the sides of the shield. Hunting Horn — Inclave. 41 Hunting horn — A bearing representing the bugle used in the chase. Hurst — A charge representing a small group of trees, generally borne upon a mount or base. Hurt — A roundel tinctured azure ; a blue ring. Some claim that it represents a wound or hurt, while others say it is a representation of the hurtleberry. [See alSO ROUNDEL.] Hurty — Sown with hurts ; a field covered with hurts, without regard to number. Icicle — (i'sik-kl) A charge resembling a drop ; the same as the guttee except that it is reversed. Illegitimacy— The Marks of Illegitimacy are varied, and in early examples are scarcely to be distinguished from marks of difference. The earliest known in stance in English heraldry is the six lionceis borne by William Longspee, de rived from his father, Henry II. Sir John Lovell le Bastard (in the roll of Edward II) bore Lovell, with a label azure. The cognizance of the Black Prince, the three ostrich plumes, became a part of the arms of his natural son, Sir Roger Clarendon. Arthur Viscount Lisle, son of Edward IV, placed a baton over his father's arms. In some cases a baton sinister was used, and sometimes it was a border. The descendants of Charles II use the wbqle arms with a baton sinister or border'; those of Wil liam IV tbe baton. With the house of Bourbon tbe baton distinguished tbe cadets, while tbe baton sinister marked the illegitimates. Impale — (im-pale') To join two coats of arms palewise. (Also written empale.) Impalement^ — The marshaling or arrang ing of two coats of arms on one shield, divided palewise, or by a vertical line. When a husband impales his arms with those of his wife, his generally occupy the dexter side, while the wife's take tbe sinister. This was not always the case, however. In the impaled shield of John of Gaunt his wife, daughter of Peter of Castile and Leon, occupies the dexter ; and the same is true of William Dalziel. impalement. Bishops, deans, heads of colleges, etc., sometimes impale their own arms with those of their office. (Also written empalement.) Impresa — (im-pree'sii) [Italian.] A de vice, a motto ; an Impress. In — In bar — [See under Bar.] In bend — [See under Bend.] In chief — [See under Chief.] In orle — [See under Orle.] Incensant — ( in-sen'-sant ) Applied to the boar when borne i'n a furious or angry position. INCENSANT. Incensed — (-sen'sd) A term applied to the eyes of any wild creature when rep resented with fire issuing from them. Inclave — (-klave') A form resembling dovetail joints. This is applied to the lines of division on the borders of ordi naries. 42 Increscent — Interfretted. Increscent — A term denoting the cres cent when represented with its horns toward the dexter side of the shield. Inde — (in'-dey) A name sometimes given to azure in ancient blazonry. The only reason or excuse for the use of the word seems to be that azure represents sap phire, and India was tbe principal source of supply for those gems. Indented — Notched like the teeth of a saw. Applied to partition lines, as well as to some of the ordinaries. It differs from the dancette in that the notches in indented are smaller and apply only to the outer edge, whereas dancette affects the whole ordinary. y\r I JWyiCiUliw INDENTED. Indentee — (-dent'ee) [French.] Having indents, not joined to each other, but set apart. Indentilley — (-dent'-il-lpy) An ordinary having long inr'ents. somewhat resem bling piles conjoined. Indorse — [See ENDORSE.] Indorsed — [See endorsed.] Inescutcheon— (-es-kuch'-un) A small INE.XC'UTCHEOX. escutcheon, or shield, borne within and upon the greater shield. When voided it becomes an orle. It is smaller than the escutcheon of pretense. The inescutch eon can be seen in some of the earliest coats. Tnfamed Applied to a lion or other beast which has lost its tail. Inflamed — Applied to anything represent ed as burning or in flames. [Flamant.] INFLAMED. Interchangeably posed — Said of bear ings placed across each other, as three fishes the head of each appearing between the tail of the other ; three swords with hilts in like position ; three arrows, etc. INTERCHANGEABLY POSED. Interfretted — . Linked together ; inter- INTERFRETTED. Interlaced — Knight. 43 laced. Said of any charges or bearings linked together, as interlaced crescents, interlaced keys, etc. Interlaced — The same as interfretted. Inveckee — (-veck'ey) A word sometimes employed by heraldic writers to describe double arching. Inveeted — (-vek'-ted) The opposite of en grailed. Having a border or outline with the points turning inward toward tbe ordinary and the convexity toward the field. Invertant — The same as inverted. Inverted— In a contrary direction ; turned the wrong way, as a pair of wings with the points downward. Invexed — Arched or enarched. Islay — One of the heralds of the Lord Lyon's Court, Scotland. Iron Cross — Order of the Iron Cross — A Prussian order of knighthood, instituted in 1813. Issuant — (ish'-u-ant) Issuing or coming out of. A charge represented as issuing ISSUANT. from another charge. When an animal is represented as issuant only the upper half is depicted. J. Jamb — [See gamb.] Jelloped — (jel'-lopd) Said of the comb and gills of the cock when of a different color from the body. (Also written jow- lopped. [Wattled.] Jessant — (jes'-sant) Springing up or shooting forth, as a plant. Also ap plied to an animal, in the same sense as issuant. Jessant-de-lis — Used to describe the head of a leopard having a fleur-de-lis passing through it. Jessed — Having jesses on. (Said of a hawk). Ti The jesse, used in falconry, was a short strap of leather or silk with which hawks were tied by the leg and on which the leash was attached. Jowlopped — [See jelloped.] K. King-of-Arms — An officer who has juris diction over armory, etc. There are three in England— Garter, the principal ; Clar- enceaux, whose jurisdiction extends south of the Trent ; and Norry, who officiates north of that river. The King-of-Arms for Scotland is called Lyon ; and for Ire land, Ulster. The office of King-of-Arms is one of great antiquity. Kintyr — One of the pursuivants of the Lord Lyon's Court, Scotland. Knight — One who holds the 'dignity of knighthood, conferred by tbe sovereign, entitling tbe holder to the title of Sir prefixed to his name. Unlike a baronet. however, the dignity is not hereditary. The wife of a knight is legally entitled to the designation of Dame, but by common consent is addressed as Lady. Formerly a candidate for knighthood had to go through certain ceremonies or religious rites, preparing himself by fast ing and prayer and by watching his arms alone all nighht in a chapel. Knight Bachelor — The lowest order of knighthood ; also the oldest. Knight Banneret.— next below the Garter. A knightly order [See Banneret.] Knight Errant — A knight who wan dered about the country in quest of ad ventures for the purpose of displaying his prowess. 44 Label — Lion. L. Label — A bearing closely resembling the strap with pendants which from the sad dle crossed the horse's chest. It is the oldest mark of difference, but sometimes borne as a charge. As a difference it was used generally by the princes of tne royal house. Tbe number of points did not necessarily mean anything, although the label of three points was supposed to represent the heir during tbe lifetime of his father; five points, during the life time of his grandfather : seven points, while the great-grandfather still lived, etc. According to the modern system, the elder son of an elder son places a label upon a label. Lattice — A bordure formed of perpendicu lar and horizontal bars, interlaced or otherwise. "zxzs-ii LABEL. Lace d'amonr — {leese dfi'moor) A cord of running knots surrounding the arms of widows and unmarried women. (Uni versal Diet.) Lambrequin — ( lam'-ber-kin) The point ot a lable. ISWk. mantle is sometimes referred to as a lambrequin. (In this connection see MANTLE.) Lampasse — (lam-pas-see') [French.] The same as la.ngued. Lancaster — One of the six heralds ot tlie College of Aims. Lance — Shakespeare's father was granted arms as follows: "Or, on a bend sable •a lance of the field." Lnngned — (langai Tongued ; having the tongue visible. Applied to the tongue of a bird or beast when of a different tinc ture from that of the body. ^5$g$ LATTICE. Laver — A green vegetation, a bunch of which is held in tbe mouth by the liver on the arms of Liverpool. Leaf — Tbe leaves common to heraldry are the strawberry, hazel, oak and elm. Legged — Tbe same as membered. Leopard — .The real spotted leopard is neither an early nor a common bearing. Sometimes called a pard. Leopard — The title of one of the heralds under Henry Y, Leo-parde — "A lion as a leopard." The early heralds seem to have gotten tbe lion confused with the leopard, and when describing him in any attitude except passant he wras leo-parde. Leonced — [See lionced.] Liard — A gray horse. Limbeck — [See distillatory.] Lion — The Lion is the most popular beast * in heraldry. He appears in the arms of Great Britain, Denmark, Spain, Holland, Bohemia, Saxony and numerous lesser countries. As early as 1127 Henry I used the lion as an ornament on a shield. Of the D18 bannerets of Edward II. 225 bore lions. The early English heralds seem to have confused the lion with the leopard. While never drawn spotted as the real leopard, be was described in most attitudes as leo-parde, or a lion as a leopard The lion is drawn in about 30 atti- Lionced — Lyon King-of-Arms. 45 tudes, but it is seldom he is seen in other than rampant or passant. Lion's whelp — The same as lioncelle. Lion of England — In allusion to the lions on the arms of Great Britain. In English heraldry a lion passant gardant or is generally blazoned as "a lion of England." Lionced — (li'unst) A bearing adorned with lions' heads, as, for instance, across with its ends terminating in lions' heads. Lioncel — [See lioncelle.] Lioncelle — (li'un-sel) A small lion. Spe cifically, the lioncelle is one of several borne in the same arms. Liver — A fabulous bird, after which Liv erpool is supposed to have derived its name. It resembles the cormorant. The arms of Liverpool are blazoned : "Ar gent, a liver sable, billed and legged gules, holding in his bill a bunch of laver vert." LIVER. "The liver was a foolish invention to account for the name [of Liverpool]. There was the 'pool,' which accounted for the last syllable, and there was the bird on tbe seal or shield, which, in the absence of other information, was sup posed to indicate the prefix. A stuffed bird has from time immemorial been pre served in the Town Hall, supposed to be a specimen of the genus liver. It is, in reality, an immature cormorant, which has nbt attained its final dark plumage." — Sir J. A. Picton, in Notes and Queries, May 3, 1884. Lodged — Applied to the buck, hart, hind, etc., when represented lying down. % The same attitude of the lion or sim ilar beast is couchant. Lord Lyon — [See Lyon King-of-Arms.] Lowered — Applied to ordinaries abated from their common position. Lozenge — (loz'enj) 1. A diamond-shaped bearing, usually with its upper and lower angles slightly acute. 2. The form of tbe escutcheon upon which women place their arms. Spe cifically, for spinsters and widows. II As the shield was used in war, it was peculiar to men, and the female had no part therein ; hence an unmarried woman from earliest times placed her arms on a lozenge, perhaps in allusion to the fusil, or distaff ; when married, she shares the shield of her husband. Lozengee — [See lozengy. ] Lozengy — (loz'en-jy) A bearing or the field divided into lozenge-shaped compart- LOZENGY. ments of different tinctures, the lines be ing drawn in the direction of the bend and bend sinister. Luce — A fish ; a full-grown pike. Lure — (lur) A bunch of feathers. (The lure was used in falconry to recall the hawks.) Lymphad — (lim'-fad) A galley; an an cient vessel, having one mast. It is not uncommon in Scottish heraldry ; is the feudal ensign of the lordship of Lome, being quartered by the Dukes of Argyll, and is also borne by the Clan Campbell. Lyon Court — The office or court of Lyon King-of-Arms ; the Scottish college of arms. Lyon King-of-Arms — A Scottish offi cial (also called Lord Lyon) who derives his title from the lion rampant on the arms of Scotland. He has authority to inspect the arms and ensigns armorial of 46 Made — Metal. all noblemen and gentlemen in the king dom ; to give proper arms to those en titled to bear them ; to matriculate such arms, and to fine those bearing arms which are not matriculated. He is as sisted by heralds, pursuivants and mes- sengers-at-arms. M. Made — (mak'l) The same as mascle. Majesty — A term used to describe an eagle crowned and holding a scepter. Maltese cross — A cross formed of four arrow heads meeting at the points. It was the badge of tbe Knights of Malta, and its eight points are said to symbol ize tbe eight beatitudes. Man — The full human figure is a rare bear ing, but can be seen occasionally. When displayed naked, be is salvage; when clothed, habited. Manehe — [See maunch.] Mantiger — (man'-ti-ger) A monster with the body of a lion or tiger and a human face, usually with a scorpion's tail and long spiral horns. (Also written Man- ticbor and Mantieor. ) Mantle — »The cloak or robe behind the shield, sufficiently large to include the entire arms. Those of sovereigns are of gold doubled with ermine, and are called pavilions. Mantling — [See MANTLE.] Marchmont — One of the heralds of the Lord Lyon's Court, Scotland. Marcassin — ( mar-kas'-sin) [French.] A young wild boar. Marined — ma-reend') An animal having the lower part of the body like a fish. Marquis — A nobleman in England, rank ing next below a duke. Mara — The name of the color gules (red) on tbe arms of sovereign princes. Marshal — To dispose or arrange in order such coats of arms as have to be in- j eluded in one shield. ! Marshaling — The act of arranging two or more coats on one shield. Martlet— (mart'-let) A fanciful birdsome- what resembling a swallow, but having short tufts of feathers in the place of legs. When used as a difference it de notes the fourth son. Mascle — (mas'-kl) a lozenge-shaped bear ing, perforated or voided. When used in numbers it becomes mascuh MASCLE. Mascnly — (mas'-ku-ly) A field covered with mascles conjoined, resembling net work. Massacre — (mas'-sa-ker) When tbe an tlers of a stag are attached to a fragment of the skull bone it is called a massacre. Masoned — (ma'-sond) Applied to a field or charge which is divided with lines re sembling a wall or building of stones. Maul — A heavy wooden hammer. Maunch — (maunsh) A bearing represent ing a sleeve with long hanging ends. Membered — A term applied to a bird when its legs are of a different tincture from that of the bird itself. Merchants' marks — Certain marks or bearings used by merchants of England, such as the block and brush (butchers' broom) of tbe Butchers' Company; the distillatory, of the Distillers' Company, etc. They are not to be considered strict ly heraldic, but were protected by law, and are occasionally seen on merchants' tombs and in architecture. Merlon — [See embattled.] Metal — [For the metals of heraldry see under tincture.] Millrind — Muzzled. 47 Millrind — A hearing supposed to repre sent the iron which holds a millstone by being set into its center. Millrynd — [See millrind.] Miter — The headdress of a bishop, some times used as a charge, either singly or in numbers. Mitry — (mi'try) Charged with eight mi ters. Said of a bordure.) Modulata — [See bottony.] Moline — [See Cross Moline, under cross.] Moon — Tbe moon in heraldry is always borne as a crescent, usually with the cavity upward.- When tbe cavity is toward the dexter side of the shield, it is increscent; when toward sinister, de crescent. Mooted — Torn up by tbe roots ; eradicated. Morion — A steel cap ; a kind of helmet, shaped something like a hat, and having no beaver or visor. Morne — (mor'nay) Without teeth, tongue or claws. (Said of a lion.) Motto — A word or sentence carried on the scroll, and supposed to have some con nection with the name of the bearer, tbe deeds of his ancestors or as setting forth some guiding principle or idea. Mottos, like arms, were sometimes punning, as Caxendo tutus, the motto of the Caven dishes ; Yer non semper viret, of the Vernons. The Scotch borderers, whose chief delight in life seemed to be that of harrying their neighbors by moonlight, used stars and crescents for their arms and adopted such mottos as Watch weel (Halyborton) and Reparabit cornua Phoebe (Scott of Harden). The motto is the successor of the war- cry, which was common in the days when each chief tenant and baron under the crown brought into the field and led his own tenants and retainers. The royal cry of the English was "St. George for England ;" the common Highland cry was "Claymore," while Seyton had "St. Bennett and Set on." Mound — A ball or globe forming part of the regalia of a king or emperor. It is surmounted by a cross and represents sovereign authority. Mount — The representation of a mound or hill, covered with grass, occupying the base of the shield. It is generally borne with a tree or trees on it. When de picted green it is blazoned as a mount vert. Mount-greced — A mount cut in the form of steps. Mount-mounted — A mount with a bill upon it. Mounted — 1. Applied to a horse when de picted bearing a rider. 2. When a cross or similar bearing is placed upon steps, as a cross mounted upon greces, or degrees. Mullet — A bearing resembling a five-point ed star. It is sometimes called a spur rowel, but it was in use long before tbe rowelled spur. When used as a difference it denotes the third son. Muraille — (mu-rail'-ley) Walled; ma soned and embattled. Murrey- GUINE. (mur'-ry) The same as san- Musehetor — (mus'-che-tor) One of the arrow-headed marks used in depicting ermine, but without the three round dots employed in blazing that fur. Musca — (mus'-ka) Tbe common housefly. In some coats, however, this becomes a butterfly. Musion — A cat. Muzzled — Having a muzzle. Said of an animal, such as a bear, borne with a muzzle. 48 Naiant — Office. N. Naiant — (na'-yant) [French.] Tbe same as natant. Naissant — (nas'-sant) Rising or coming forth. Applied to any living creature represented as issuing out of a fesse or other ordinary. Natant — (nay'-tant) Represented hori zontally across the field, as if swimming toward the dexter side of the shield. Ap plied to any fish excepting the flying fish .and shell fish. NATANT. Naval crown — A crown formed with the stern and square sails of ships placed al ternately upon the circle or fillet. Navel point — The point in the shield be tween the middle base point and the fesse point. (Also called thenombril.) Nebule — [See nebily.] Nebuly — (neb'-u-ly) 1. Composed of un dulations, like the wavy edges of clouds. neruly. 2. A shield or bearing divided by such lines. 3. A wavy line of partition, or by which ordinaries and subordinaries may Le bounded. Noinbril— (nom'bril) A point in the shield between the fesse point and the middle base point. (Also called the navel point.) Vorroy — The third English King-at-Arms. He has jurisdiction north of the Trent. Jioired — (nowd) Knotted ; tied in a knot, as a serpent or the tail or a lion. SOWED. "Ruben is conceived to bear three bars wave, Jude a lyon rampant, Dan a serpent nowed."— Browne: Vulgar Errours. Nowy — (now'y) A term applied to a pro jection in the middle of a cross or other ordinary. iVowyed — (now'yed) Applied to a projec- nowyed. tion not in tbe center of a. cross, but in its branches. 0. Octofoil — A double quatrefoil ; a leaf of eight points. When used as a difference it denotes the eighth son. Office — Arms of Office. [See under arms.] Ogress — Pall. 49 Ogress — (o'gress) A black ball or pellet. [See roundel.] Onde — (on'dey) [French.] Wavy; curved and recurved like waves. [Unde.] Ondy — [See onde.] Opinicns— (o-pin'-i-kus) An imaginaryan- imal having tbe bead and wings of a griffon or eagle, a short tail like that of a camel and tbe body of a lion. The Opinicus is sometimes borne with out wings. Or — Gold. In engraving it is denoted by small dots or points spread all over the •bearing or field. "Azure, an eagle rising or, the sun In dexter chief." —Tennyson. Orange — [See roundel.] X3"£he color of orange in heraldry is known as tenne. Orb — A globe encircled, bearing a cross; a mound. Ordinary — A charge or bearing of simple form. The ordinaries, or, as they are called by the majority of heraldic writers, honorable ordinaries, are nine in number, as follows : Chief, Cross, Pale, Saltire, Fesse, Pile, Chevron, Quarter. Bend, The honorable ordinaries are said to represent the clamps or fastenings of tbe shield, becoming ornamental from paint ing or gilding. Each has one or more diminutives. Organ rest — [See rest.] Orle — (orl) 1. One of the subordinaries; in the form of a fillet, within tbe border, but some distance from it. "His arms were augmented with an orle of lion's paws."— F«!icr; Worthies, i, 120. 2. The wreath or chaplet surmounting or encircling tbe helmet of a knight and bearing the crest. (Webster.) In orle — Said when the charges are placed round the escutcheon, leaving tbe middle of the field vacant, or occupied by something else. (Said of bearings ar ranged on the shield in the form of an orle. ) Oi-mond — One of the pursuivants of tbe Lord Lyon's Court,- Scotland. Oundy — [See undy.] Out of — Signifies rising from, as "out of a ducal coronet an eagle." Overt — (o'vert) Applied to the wings of a bird, etc., when spread open on each side of its head, as if taking flight. Pale — One of the nine honorable ordinar ies. It is a vertical line, set upright in the middle of the shield and occupying PALE. one-third of the field. It seldom contains more than three charges. Tarty per pale — [See under Party.] Palewise — In the manner of a pale or pales ; divided by perpendicular lines ; to divide the field palewise. "Hath behind it palewise an abbot's crosier." — Wood: Fasti Oxon, i, 12. Pall — A figure having the form of the let- 50 Pallet — Passant. ter Y. It consists of half a pale issuing from the base, and conjoined in tbe fesse point with half a saltire from the dexter chief and sinister chief. Pallet— (pal'-let) A diminutive of the pale, being one-fourth of its breadth. (Some writers say one-half.) Palletted — (pal'-let-ted) Being conjoined by a pallet ; as "A chevron palletted." palletted. Palmer's staff — A branch of a palm tree carried by a palmer in token of bis hav ing been to the Holy Land. Paly — (pale'y) A field divided into four or more equal parts by perpendicular lines of two tinctures alternating. The num- PALY. ber should always be specified ; as, "Paly of six argent and gules." Paly bendy — When tbe divisions are again cut by diagonal lines, either dexter or sinister. Pa pa gay — (pap'-a-gay) A popinjay. early bird in English heraldry. Pard — A leopard. Parted — [See party.] An Partition — One of the several divisions made in a coat when the arms of several families are borne on one shield, from in termarriage, etc. [In this connection see QUARTERING.] Partition lines — The lines by which a shield may be divided. They are close ly allied to the ordinaries for which they are named. When a field is divided in the direction of an ordinary it is said to be "party per" that ordinary ; as, party per pale, party per bend, etc. Unless otherwise specified, the partition lines are straight ; they may, however, be drawn in a variety of ways, such as undy, embattled, dancette, etc. Party — Parted : divided. Used in reference to any division of a field or charge. When the field is divided toward an ordinary it is said to be "party per" that ordinary. Party per bend — When the field is di vided by a line running diagonally from the dexter chief to the sinister base. tarty ter pale. Tarty per chief — Divided by a hori zontal line one-third the distance of the field from the top of the shield. (Party per chief is rare.) Party per cross — This is called Quar terly. -Divided by a perpen- PARTY I'ER pale- dicular line. Party per fesse — Divided by a hori zontal line in tbe center of the shield. Passant — (pas'-sant) Walking; said of any animal, except beasts of the chase, when represented as walking, with tbe dexter paw raised. £3TThe same attitude in tbe case of a stag, hart, etc., would be trippant. Patee — Pike. 51 Patee — (pa'-tay') Spreading out at the extremity ; applied principally to a cross. (Also written pate and pattee. ) -Paternal Arms. [See under Paternal ARMS.] Putonce — (pay-tons) Applied to a cross having expanded ends, like the cross patee, each end terminating in three points. Patriarchal cross — (pa'tri-ar'kal) A cross in which the shaft is twice crossed, tbe lower arms being longer than the upper. Patronage — Arms of Patronage. [See un der ARMS.] Patte — [See tatee.] Pavilion — (pay-vil'-yun) A sort of man tling or cloak in the form of a tent in vesting the coat of arms of u sovereign. I Mantling.] Pa von — (pay'-von) A flag borne by a knight in the Middle Ages, upon which his arms were displayed. It was of tri angular form, smaller than the pennon, and affixed to the upper part of his lance. Pean — (peen) One of the furs. The ground is sable, with the spots or tufts or. Pearl — The same as argent. Pelican — (pel'-i-kan) While this bird is occasionally seen in arms, it is more common as a crest. When represented as wounding herself, she is vulning ; when feeding her young, in her piety. Pelham bore "Azure, three pelicans vuln ing themselves proper." pelican in her piety. Pelican in her piety — A pelican rep resented in the act of wounding ber breast to feed her young with her own blood. This came from a fabulous tale in natural history told in the Middle Ages, and which made the bird the adopt ed symbol of the Redeemer. Pellet— (pel'-let) A black roundel. (Also called ogress and gunstone.) [See also roundel.] Penned — (pend) Having wings. (Applied to a hawk's lure. [See lure.] Pennon — A small flag or streamer half the size of the guidon. Per — By ; by means of ; by way of. Perclose — (per'-kloz) The lower part of the garter with the buckle, etc. (Also called tbe demi-garter.) Perculaced — (per'-ku-last) The same as lattice. Peregrine falcon — [See falcon.] Pheon — (fee'on) A bearing representing the bead of a broad arrow or javelin, with long barbs which are engrailed on the inner edge. pheon. H The pheon was, like the modern mace, carried before royalty by a ser- geant-at-arms. It became a royal mark, and is still used in Great Britain to de note crown property, being termed the Broad R, or broad arrow. Pick — An instrument used in the chase ; a spike ; a pike. Pierced — Applied to any bearing which is perforated so as to show tbe field un der it. Pike — A military weapon, consisting of a long, narrow lance head fixed to a pole. It was used by musketeers to repel cav alry. 52 Pile— Potent. Pile— One of the honorable ordinaries, hav ing the form of a wedge, issuing from the chief, with the point ending with the lower point of the shield. When borne plain it contains one-third of the chief in breadth: when charged, two-thirds. The pile is a very early bearing, and its origin is obscure. It has no diminutives. pile. Per rn.E — Applied to an escutcheon which is divided by lines in the form of the pile. Plate — A roundel tinctured argent. [See alSO ROUNDEL.] Plenitude — (plen'-i-tude) Fullness. When the moon is represented full it is de scribed as "the moon in her plenitude." Plie — The same as close. Ploye — (plwa-ye') Bowed and bent. Poing — (pwan) The fist; the hand closed, as distinguished from apaume. Point — 1. One of the several parts denot- POINTS. ing the local positions on the escutcheon of any figure or charges. The principal points are : A.— Dexter chief, B.— Middle chief. C— Sinister chief. D.— Honor, or color. E,— Fesse (center). F.— Nombril (navel). G.— Dexter base. H.— Middle base. J.— Sinister base. 2. A small part of the base of a shield variously marked off. Point in point — When the base some what resembles the pile. Pointed — Said of a cross when its ends are so cut ; as, a cross pointed. Pomey — (pom'y) A figure representing an apple ; it is always of a green color. A roundel tinctured vert. Pommee — (pom'-may') A cross havingthe ends terminating in single balls. cross pommee. Poinmette — <(po'-may-tay') A cross hav ing two balls or buttons' at each end. Pommeled— Having a pommel, as a sword or dagger. Poritant — The same as portate. Portate — (por'-tat) Borne bendwise ; di agonally across the escutcheon. Ex ample : A cross porta1e=n cross lying as if carried on a person's shoulder. Portcullis — The same as lattice. Portcullis — One of the pursuivants of the College of Arms. Pose — (po'-zay') Said of a lion, horse or other beast when represented standing still, with all four feet on the ground. Potence — (po'-tens) A cross having ends that resemble the head of a crutch. Potent — (po'-tent) One of the heraldic furs, composed of patches, supposed to represent crutch heads ; the color is usu ally argent and azure alternating. If otherwise, this should be specified. Potent is a variety of vair. and in early times was often blazoned "vair-potent." Counter-potent — A fur differing from Potented — Quarter. 53 potent only in the arrangement of the patches. (Also written potent counter- potent, potency counter-potency and po tency in point.) Cross potent — [See potence.] Potented — Applied to a bearing when the outer edges are T-shaped, or formed into potents. Powdered — The same as seme. Prancing — Applied to a horse represent ed rearing. Prester John — A mythical descendant of Ogier the Dane. In the Middle Ages he was believed to rule as a Christian sov ereign and priest in tbe interior of Asia. Tl A representation of the Prester John may be seen on the arms of the See of Chichester. Pretense — Escutcheon of Pretense. [See under escutcheon.] Pretension — Arms of Pretension. [See under arms.] Prey — At prey is applied to the falcon when represented feeding. Preyant — The same as preying. Preying — Applied to any beast or bird of prey when represented standing on and in a proper position for devouring its prey. Pride — A term applied to the peacock, turkey cock and other birds which spread their tails in a circular form and drop their wings; as, "A peacock in his pride." Prince — Heraldically speaking, the title of prince belongs to dukes, marquises and earls of Great Britain ; but in ordinary usage it is restricted to members of the royal family. Trince of Wales — The official title of the heir apparent to the throne of Eng land. Princes op the blood — The younger sons of a sovereign. Prince Royal — Tbe eldest son of a sovereign. Proper — Represented in its natural color. Said of charges; as, "a lion proper." Pwrne — (pur'-f'l) To ornament with a bor dure of ermines, etc. Pnrfled — . (pur'-feld) Trimmed or gar nished. Applied to the studs and rims of armor, being gold ; as, "a leg in armor purfled or. Purnew— (pur'-flu) A border of fur shaped exactly like vair. When of one row only, it is called purflewed ; when of two, coun- ter-purflewed ; when. of three, vair. Purple — This color in heraldry is known as purpure. Pnrpure — (pur'-pure) Purple. It is rep resented in engraving by diagonal lines declining from the right top of the shield to the left base (from sinister chief to dexter base). Pursuivant — (pur'-swe-vftnt) An official in the English College of Arms. There are four pursuivants — Rouge Croix, Blue Mantle, Rouge Dragon and Portcullis. There were formerly six pursuivants at tached to the court of Lyon King-of- Arms, in Scotland — Unicorn, Carrick, Bute, Kintyre, Ormond and Dingwall. The last three have been abolished. Pye — The popinjay ; the woodpecker. Quarter — One of the ordinaries (also called franc-quartier), occupying one- fourth of the shield, and usually placed in dexter chief. If placed in sinister chief, this must be specified. The di minutive of the quarter is the canton, of two-thirds its area. quarter. Quarter — To add to other arms on a 54 Quartered — Rampant. shield: to bear as an appendage to the hereditary arms. 2. To be quartered. Grand quarter — The same as sub- quarter. Sub-quarter — A quarter set aside in quartering arms out of the regular order for tbe royal arms or for an heiress when her quarterings are not broken. Quartered — A term sometimes applied to the cross when voided in the center ; as "a cross quartered. Quartering — The arrangement of two or more coats of arms on one shield to form one bearing, as, for instance, the royal arms of England, where those of the sev eral countries are conjoined ; when a man inherits from both father and mother the right to bear arms ; when an alliance of one family with the heiress of another is to be perpetuated. £^When only two coats are quartered on one shield, as in the case of marriage, the first and fourth quarters display tbe arms of tbe husband ; the second and third, those of the wife. \ SI 3 ^ QUARTERS. 1— First, or dexter chief, quarter. 2— Second, or sinister chief, quarter. 3— Third, or dexter base, quarter. 4— Fourth, or sinister base, quarter. tCv"ln quartering arms, the shield may be divided into as many squares as nec essary, and the first coat (that of tbe bearer) may be repeated or not to make up an even number. Quarterly — Placed in quarters; an es cutcheon divided into quarters. Quntrefoil — (kwa'-ter-foil) A four-leaved grass. This is frequently seen in heraldry. Quarter- pierced — .Said of a cross when the central square is removed ; as, a cross quarter-pierced. Quene — (ku) The tail of a beast. Queue fuechee — The same as double queued. Queued — (ku'd) Tailed; having a tail of a different tincture. Double queued — Having a double tail, as a lion. Sometimes the tails are placed saltirewise. Quilled — (kwiid) This term is used in de scribing a feather when the quill differs in color from the rest. Quinque vulnera — (kwin'-kwe vul'-ne-ra) The five wounds of the crucifixion. This is an ecclesiastical bearing. Radiant — Edged with rays or beams ; giv ing off rays ; as, "A sun radiant." Ragged — [See raguly.] Ragulated — [See raguly.] Raguled — [See raguly.] Raguly — (ray-gul'y) Notched or jaggedin an irregular diagonal manner. Said of a line or bearing having such an edge. cross raguly. Rampant — (ramp'-ant) Said of a beast •of prey, as a lion, rising with fore paws in the air, as if attacking. Tbe right fore leg and right hind leg should be raised higher than the left. Unless other wise specified, the animal faces dexter. Counter-rampant — Said of two ani mals rampant iu opposite directions. Rangant — Renverse . 55 (Sometimes used to denote a beast ram pant toward sinister.) Rampant gardant — The same as ram pant, but with the animal looking full- faced. Rampant passant — Said of an animal when walking with the dexter fore paw raised somewhat higher tnan the mere passant position. Rampant regardent — In a rampant position and looking behind. Rampant sejant — A beast in a sitting posture, with tbe fore legs raised. Rangant — The same as puriosant. Range — (ran'-zhay) [French.] Arranged in order. Raping — Applied to any ravenous beast represented devouring its prey. Rnvissant — (rav'-is-sant) [French.] In a half-raised position, as if about to spring on prey. (Said of the wolf and such beasts when in the attitude saliant.) Ray — A ray of the sun. [See sun.] Rayonee — [See radiant.] Rayonnant — [See radiant.] Rayonned — [See radiant.] Razed — The same as erased. Rebate — A diminution or abatement of a bearing, as when tbe point of a weapon is broken off, or a part of a cross cut off. Rebated — Having the points cut short or broken off. Rebending — Bent first one way and then tbe other, like the letter S. [Recurv- ant.] Rebus — A pictorial suggestion on a coat of arms of the name of the owner ; a bearing or bearings containing an allu sion to tbe owner's name. Thus the Arches family bore three arches; the Dobe.ll family, a doe between three bells. [See also Allusive Arms, under arms.] Recercelee — [See Cross Recercelee, under cross.] Reclinnnt — (re-klin'-ant) The same as declinant. Recouped — Tbe same as couped. Rectangled — When the line of length is apparently cut off in its straightness by another straight line, which at the inter section makes a right angle, it is then termed rectangled. Recursant — (re-kur'-sant) Said of an eagle displayed, with the back toward the spectator. recursant. Recursant volant in pale — An eagle represented flying upward, with its back toward the spectator. Recurvant — ( re-kurv'-ant) recurved, like the letter S. Curved and Red — This color in heraldry is known as gules. Reflected — Curved or turned round, as the chain or line from the collar of an animal thrown over his back. Regardant — Said of an animal whose face is turned toward the tail in an at titude of vigilance ; looking backward. Reined — Said of a horse when tbe reins are of a different color from the animal. [Bitted.] Removed — [See fracted.] Rempli — (ran-plee') [French.] Said of the chief when filled with any other color or metal, leaving only a border of tbe first tincture visible. Renverse — (ren-vers') Reversed; turned contrary to tbe natural position; with the head down ; set upside down ; as, "A chevron renverse." 56 Repassant — Roundel. Repassant — (re-pass'-ant) A lion or other animal passant, facing the sinister side of the shield. 1i Some writers use this term to de scribe beasts passant, one facing dexter and tbe other sinister. In this connec tion see counter-passant, under counter. Reremouse — (rere'-mouse) a bat. Reserved — Contrary to tbe usual way or position. (Univers. Diet.) Resignant — (rez'-ig-nant) [French] Con cealed. Said of a lion when his tail can not be seen. Respectant — (re-spekt'-ant) Two animals borne face to face. £S"Rampant beasts of prey so borne are said to be combatant. Rest — A bearing the origin and meaning of which have been disputed. By some it is said to represent a spear rest, and perhaps this is correct. By others it is taken for a musical instrument of some kind. Hence it is sometimes called an organ rest. REST. Retorted — Said of serpents when wreathed one in another, or fretted in the form of a knot. Retracted — Applied to charges when one is shorter than the other. Reversed — A coat of arms or escutcheon turned upside down. This was done by way of ignominy, as in the case of a traitor. Revertant — Bent and rebent. Reverted — Bent or curved twice in oppo site directions, like the letter S ; revert ant. Ribbon — A diminutive of the bend, being one-eighth its size, and often used as a difference. When couped or cut short it becomes a baton. Richmond — One of the heralds of the College of Arms. Ringed — Provided with a ring or rings. (Said of the falcon.) * In the days of falconry it was the custom to slip over the claws of the young falcon a Silver ring, which could not af terward be removed. Rising — A bird represented as if in the act of taking flight ; rising from the ground. It iron — (riz'on) The grain of oats. Roach — A fish. Rompee — [See rompu.] Rompu — (rom'pu) Fracted ; broken ; part ed asunder, as a chevron, bend, etc. Rose — The Rose, which is popular in Eng lish heraldry, is generally borne singly and full-faced, with five petals, barbs and seeds. Ross — One of the heralds of the Lord Lyon's Court, Scotland. Rothesay — One of the heralds of the Lord Lyon's Court, Scotland. Rondle — [See roundel.] Rook — A rook in heraldry is the bird of that name common in Great Britain. It resembles the crow, hut is smaller. When the piece in chess known as a rook is borne it is blazoned a chess-rook. They are sometimes seen on the same arms, as in the case of Rook of Kent : "Argent, on a chevron engrailed between three rooks sable, as many chess-rooks of the first." Rouge Croix — (roozh' kroi') One of the pursuivants in the College of Arms. Rouge Dragon — (roozh' drag'-on) One of the pursuivants in the College of Arms. Roundel — A subordinary in the form of a circle. If of a metal it is a simple disk ; if of a color, it is convex, half a globe. It takes its name from its color, unless Rousant — Saltire wise . 57 in case of counter-changes, which follow the tinctures of the field, or when the roundel is of fur or of equal tinctures, as "a roundel ermine,'" "a roundel checky or and azure." Otherwise roun- roundels. dels have distinguishing names, accord ing to their tinctures. They are seldom borne singly, and are as follows : When or they are Bezants. When argent they are Plates. When gules they are Torteaux, When azure they are Hurts. When yert they are Pommes. When pnrpure they are Golpes. When sable they are Pellets. When tenne they are Oranges. When sanguine they are Guzes. The pellet is sometimes called a gun- stone or ogress. False roundel — This was a name given in early lists for the annulet. Thus tbe arms of Vipont were blazoned "Gules. six false roundels or." Ronsnnt — (rouz'-ant) Rising. Said of a bird in the attitude of rising ; preparing to take flight. Sometimes this term is applied to a bird in profile, as a swan with wings addorsed. Rowel — [See mullet.] i Royal arms — [See Arms Royal, under ARMS.] Rudented — The same as cabled. Rustre — (rus'-ter) A lozenge pierced round in the center, and exposing the field through it. s. Sable — The tincture black. In engraving it is represented by perpendicular and horizontal lines crossed. St. Andrew's cross — A cross made in the form of the letter X. [See saltire.] St. Patrick — The title of one of the pur suivants of the Office of Arms, Ireland. There are three pursuivants bearing this title, designated as Nos. 1, 2 and 3. Saliant — (sa'-li-ant) Leaping; springing. Applied to the lion or other beast repre sented in a leaping posture — his fore feet in dexter chief and his bind feet in sin ister base." Salient — [See saliant.] Saltant — (sal'-tant) Springing forward; in a leaping position. Applied especially to the squirrel, weasel, rat; also applied to tbe cat, greyhound and monkey. Saltier — [See saltire.] Saltire — (sal'-teer) One of the honorable ordinaries. It is made in tbe form of a St. Andrew's cross, or the letter X. Its breadth should be one-third of the field. The saltire is popular in Scottish her aldry. saltire. Saltirewise — In the manner of a sal tire ; when the shield is divided by two lines drawn in the direction of a bend and a bend sinister and crossed at the center. Long-shaped charges, such as swords, oars, batons, etc., placed In the direction of the saltire are said to be borne saltirewise. 5S Salvage — Slipped. Salvage — Said of a man when borne nude. Thus, "Three salvage men ambulant." Sanglier — (sang'-ll-er) [French.] A wild boar. Sanguine — (san'-gwin) A dark red color. It is represented in engraving by diag onal lines crossing each other. Sapphire — The same as azure. Saturn — Black ; representing sable in blazoning the arms of sovereign princes. Scallop — The same as escallop. Scarf — A small ecclesiastical banner hang ing down from the top of a crosier. Scarp — (skarp) A diminutive of the bend sinister, occupying the same position as that bearing, but being only half its breadth. It is supposed to represent an officer's shoulder belt or scarf. Scrape — [See scarp.] Scroll — The ribbon-like appendage to a crest or escutcheon, un which the motto is inscribed. Scutcheon — [See escutcheon.] Sea lion — A monster consisting of the up per part of a lion combined with the tall of a fish. Seruse — Tbe same as torteau. Seeded — Represented with seeds of a dif ferent tincture, such as tbe rose, lily, etc., when it is said to be seeded of that Segreant— (se'-gre'-ant) Said of a griffon when depicted standing on its hind legs, with the wings elevated and addorsed. Sejant — In a sitting posture. Applied to the lion, cat, etc. Sejant addorsed — Said of two ani mals sitting back to back. Sejant affrovtb — Full-faced, sitting. with the fore paws extended sideways. Sejant rampant— [See rampant se jant.] Sejeant — [See sejant.] Seme— (sem'ay) A field or charge pow dered or .sprinkled with small charges, such as stars, crosses, etc. (Sometimes called powdered.) Shack bolt — A fetter, such as might be put on the wrists or ankles of prisoners. Shackle bolt — Tbe same as shack bolt. Shake fork — A bearing somewhat resem bling the pall in form, but the ends, which have points like the pile, do not touch the edges of the shield. shake fork. Shelclrnke — A water fowl somewhat larger than the ordinary duck. It has been said that this bird was introduced into English heraldry to accommodate Sheldon, Lord Mayor of London in 1676. lie bore "Sable, a fesse between three sheldrakes argent." Shield — The escutcheon or field on which are placed tbe bearings of coats of arms. There are various forms, mostly taken from the shapes in vogue when shields were used in warfare. Maiden ladies and widows have no shield, but place their arms on a lozenge. [Lozenge.] [Es cutcheon.] [For different forms of shield see Il lustrated Supplement.] Shoveller — A river duck. It has a broad bill and beautifully variegated feathers. Sinister — (sin'-ls-ter) The left side of the shield — the side opposite the right hand of the spectator. Applied to the escutch eon, as the sinister chief point, sinister base point, etc. Sinople — (sin'-o-pl) The Continental term for vert (green). Slashed — A term used to describe the opening or gashings in a sleeve when the puffing is of a different tincture. It is then slashed of such a. tincture. Slipped — Applied to a flower or branch depicted as torn from the stalk. Snowdown — Star. 59 Snowdown — One of the heralds of the Lord Lyon's Court, Scotlaud Soarant — A word used by some modern heraldic writers as a synonym of vo lant. Sol — A term implying or (gold) in blazon ing the arms of sovereign princes. £S*Using the planets in blazoning the arms of emperors, kings and princes arose in the sixteenth century through the foolish fancy of some heraldic writers, as did the use of precious stones for the arms of peers. Somerset — One of the heralds of the Col lege of Arms. Soustenu — (soos'-ten-u) A chief appar ently supported by a small part of the escutcheon beneath it of a different tinc ture from the chiel (tself, and reaching, as the chief does, from side to side ; be ing, so to speak, a small part of the chief of another color, and supporting tbe real chief. Soutenu — [See soustenu.] Spade iron — The iron part, or shoeing, of a spade. Spancelled — (span'-seld) Said of a horse that has the fore and hind feet fettered by means of fetterlocks fastened to the ends of a stick. Spayade — (spa'-yade) A stag in his third year. Spear — The spear was an ancient instru ment of war and hunting, and was in troduced into heraldry under various forms. Generally called a lance. Spear head — The metal point of the spear : a common bearing among the Welsh. Speckled — Spotted ; speckled over with another tincture. Spectant — (spek'-tant) The attitudeofan animal looking upward with nose bend- wise. Also applied to an animal at gaze, or looking forward. (Sometimes called in full aspect.) Speller — A branch shooting out from the first part of a buck's horn at the top. Sperver — A tent. Splendor — Glory ; brilliance. Said of the sun when represented with a human face and environed with rays. It is then a Sun in splendor. Spread eagle — An eagle bavingthe wings and legs extended on both sides. [Dis played.] Springing — Leaping. Applied to beasts of the chase in the same sense as saliant to beasts of prey. Also applied to fish when placed in bend. Spur rowel — The mullet is often called a spur rowel, which it is supposed to rep resent. However, tbe mullet was in use long before the rowelled spur. Stainand — (stain'-and) Applied to the sanguine and tenn£ when used in the figures called abatements=marks of dis grace. Standard — A flag or ensign. The ancient military standard consisted of a symbol carried on a pole, like the Roman eagle. In mediaeval times the standard, instead of being square like the banner, was elongated, but much larger, becoming narrow and rounded at tbe end, which was slit, unless the standard belonged to a prince of the blood royal. The standard, which ranged in size from eleven yards for an emperor to four yards for a baron, was usually divided into three portions — one containing the arms of the knight, another for his cognizance or badge, and the other for his crest — these being divided by bands, on which was inscribed his war cry or motto, the whole being fringed with his livery or family colors. "Knights bannerets are made in the field, with the ceremouie of cutting of the point of bis standard, and making it as it were a banner."— Sm ith : Commonwealth, bk. i, chap, xviii. The English royal standard of today is properly a banner, being square, with its entire field covered solely by the national arms. Star — An estoile. It differs from the mul let in that it usually has six rays wavy, and is seldom pierced. When more than six points are displayed, the number must be specified. Usually, .when more than six, the points alternate straight and wavy. 60 Statant — Surmounted. Standing. (The Statant — (stay'-tant) same as pose.) Stone bill — A wedge. Stopped — [See embattled.] Snbordinary — A bearing not so common and of less importance than the ordinary, or honorable ordinary. According to one writer, any ordinary occupying less than one-fifth of the field is deemed a subor- dinary. Again, different writers place different bearings among the subordi naries. The following list, however, many recognized authorities agree on: Bordure, Fusil, Flanch, Mascle, Fret, Rustre, Inescutcheon, Roundel, Gyron, Gutte, Lozenge, Billet, Orle, Cheeky, Tressure, Voider. Subvertant — (sub-vert'-ant) Reversed; turned upside down ; contrary to the natural position or usual way of bearing. Subverted — [See subvertant.] Succeedant- another. -Succeeding or following one Succession — Arms of Succession. The same as Feudal Arms, which see, under arms. Sun — The Sun is seen in heraldry occa sionally. When represented as giving light, it is blazoned a sun radiant; when depicted with a human face, it is a sun in splendor, or a sun in his splendor. Louis XIV used it as his cognizance. Jean de la Hay bore "Argent, a sun in his splendor gules." Ralph de la Hay differenced this coat by bearing only a ray of the sun. John de Fontibus, Bishop of Ely, bore tbe sun, moon and seven stars. gWWhen the ray only is used, it gener ally issues from dexter chief. Sunburst — A flag having a sun in splen dor on a green field. This is said to have been the flag of the pagan Irish. It is frequently alluded to in Irish national poetry. "On the front ranks before, Dathi the sunburst bore," — Fate of King Dathi. Supercharge — (-charj) 1. To place one figure upon another. 2. As a noun: One charge placed upon another charge ; as, a rose upon a fesse. Supported — Applied to a bearing that has another under it by way of support ; as, a chief supported. Supporter — A figure on each side of a shield, apparently supporting it. They may be men, beasts or birds — sometimes real, sometimes fabulous, as the lion and unicorn in the arms of Great Britain. The origin of the supporters is un known. Some writers have set forth that they originated in the ceremonial bearing of the knightly shield to tourna ments and jousts by squires. It is prob able, however, that they arose from tbe ornaments of the seal engraver and be came heraldic from tbe practice of quar tering. Supporters are now borne by all peers of Great Britain, Knights of the Garter, Knights Grand Cross of the Bath, Nova Scotia baronets and chiefs of Scottish clans, and are also borne by many mu nicipalities and the principal mercantile companies of London. Sur-ancree — A cross with double anchor flukes at each end. sur-ancree cross. Surcharged — One charge placed upon or within another. Surginnt — The same as rousant or ris ing. Surmonnted — Partly covered. Said of an ordinary when it has another charge of a different tincture laid over it. ,t3TWben it is an animal which has a charge laid over it, the term used is debruised. Surtout — Teutonic cross. 61 Surtout — (sur'-too) [French.] A shield of pretense ; an inescutcheon placed upon a shield of arms. The arms of William III were so disposed of. Suspectant — Looking upward. (The same as SPECTANT. Swallow — This bird, which is also known as the hirondelle, is an early bearing. One of the best known of the early ex amples is the arms of the Arundells of Wardour, who bore "Sable, six swallows argent." Swan — The swan was the cognizance of the Bohuns. Sometimes it is borne whole, sometimes only the bead, like tbe arms of the Guests. When gorged with a ducal coronet having a gold chain at tached to it, it is called a cygnet-royal. Swift — The dolphin. Sweep — The balista or engine anciently used for casting stones into fortresses. Sword — The sword of heraldry is two- handed. Tabard — Originally a light vestment worn over the armor embroidered with the arms of the wearer. The tabard is now worn only by 'heralds and pursuivants-at- arms, and is embroidered with the arms of the sovereign. Talbot — A dog. Specifically a hound whose race is nearly, if not quite, extinct. His color was pure white, with large head, broad muzzle and long ears. Tal bot is the family name of the Earls of Shrewsbury, who had a talbot forabadge and two talbots for supporters. Talent — The same as bezant. Targant — [See torqued.] Tan — The cross of St. Anthony, also called the Cross Tan. It derives its name from its resemblance to the Greek letter tau. This cross is somewhat similar to the cross potent. Tawney — [See tenne.] Tawny — [See tenne.] Tegnlated — (teg'-u-la'ted) Composed of small plates as of horn or metal, over lapping. (Used in ancient armor.) Templar — A member of the order called Templars, Knights Templar, Knights of the Temple, etc. It was founded in 1118 or 1119 by nine Christian knights, the original object of the organization being to maintain free passage for the pilgrims visiting the Holy Land. Baldwin II King of Jerusalem gave them part of his pal ace, and they kept their arms in the Tem ple, hence their name of Templars. Tenant — Held ; holding. Tenanted — Tallied or let Into another thing ; one bearing worked into another bearing ; having something let in ; as, a - cross tenanted^having rings let into its. extremities. Tenne — (ten'-nay) A tincture of a bright brown, which is considered to represent orange color. This color is almost un known in English heraldry. In engrav ing it is represented by diagonal lines from sinister to dexter, traversed by hor izontal ones — a compound of purpureand azure. Tent — Tbe representation of a tent used as a bearing. [See also pavilion.] Tergant — (ter'-gant) Showing the back part; as, an eagle tergant displayed. [In this connection compare recursant.] Terras — The representation of ground at the bottom of the base of tbe shield, gen erally tinctured vert. Teutonic cross — A name sometimes given to the cross potent from the fact of its teutonic cross. having been the original badge assigned by Emperor Henry VI to the knights of the Teutonic Order. 62 Teutonic Order — Tincture. Teutonic Order — A religious military or der of knights established near tbe end of the twelfth century somewhat like the Templars and Hospitallers, being com posed in the main of Teutonic crusaders. It attained high power, but declined in the fifteenth century, and was finally abolished by Napoleon in 1809. Thane — A title of dignity or honor among the Anglo-Saxons. There were two or ders — the king's thanes, or those who at tended at his court and held lands im mediately from him, and ordinary thanes, or lords of the manor. After the Nor man conquest thanes and barons were classed together, tbe title falling into disuse in tbe reign of Henry II. Thistle — The Order of the Thistle, a Scot tish order or knighthood, was instituted by James VII (James II of England) in 1687. It fell into abeyance during the reign of William and Mary, but was re vived by Queen Anne in 1703. Thunderbolt — The thunderbolt is repre sented in heraldry by a twisted bar in pale, inflamed at the ends, surmounting two jagged darts in saltire, between two wings expanded, and usually has streams of fire issuing from the center. Tiara — The trl) popes of Rome. thunderbolt. crown worn by the Tierce — (ter-say') Divided into three equal parts of three different tinctures. (Said of the field when so divided.) Tiercelet — (ters'-let) A falcon. Tiger — The heraldic tiger has the body of a wolf, the tail of a lion and is stud ded with tufts of hair. It is not an early bearing, nor is it often seen. Timber — 1. A row of ermine in a noble man's coat. 2. The helmet, miter, coronet, etc., when placed over the arms in a complete achievement. '&. (As a verb) To surmount or deco rate the coat of arms. "A purple plume timbers his stately crest," — Sylvester. Timbre — (tim'-ber) [French.] The crest which in an achievement is shown on the top of a helmet. Tincture — (tink'-tur) Tbe name given to the colors, metals and furs used in her aldry. The tinctures may be classed as follows : metals. Or (gold, yellow) Argent (silver, white) COLORS. Azure (blue) Sable (black) Gules (red)- Vert (green) * Purpure (purple) Of later introduction are sanguine (dark red) and tenne (orange). They are. how ever, almost unknown in English heraldry. FURS. Ermine Vair-en-point Eimines Counter-vair Erminois Pean Erminites Potent Vair Counter-potent FDRS. Ermine (a) — Represents the skin of Tirret — Torteau. 63 that little animal, and is white powdered with black spots. Ermines (C) — A black field, with white spots. Erminois (D) — The field is gold and the spots sable. Erminites — The same as ermine, except that the two lateral hairs of each spot are red. Vair (b) — Similar in shape to small escutcheons, the wings representing the fore legs and the point the tail. The skins are arranged alternately white and blue. If other colors are used they must be specified. V air-en-point — A variety of vair, tbe point of one escutcheon being placed op posite to the base of the one below. Counter-vair (H) — Another variety of vair, those of tbe same color being placed base to base and point to point. (Vair was originally drawn bell-shaped, as seen inE.) Pean (F) — The reverse of erminois, be ing golden spots on a black field. Potent (I) — The skins are T-shaped, resembling somewhat a gallows or a crutch head. It is akin to vair, and is sometimes blazoned "vair-potent." Counter-potent (G) — A variety of po tent, being placed point to point. (Also called potent counter-potent.) The practice of representing the sev- 3 -"sssc Ty*^»^ { colors and metals. a, Or ; 5, Argent ; c, Azure ; d. Gules ; e, Purpure ; f, Sable ; g. Vert ; h, Sanguine ; i, Tenne. era! colors by lines and marks, which dates from the sixteenth century, is as follows: Argent — A plain white surface. Or — Small dots. Azure — Horizontal lines. Gules — Vertical lines. Purpure — Diagonal lines from sinister to dexter. Vei t — Diagonal lines from dexter to sinister. Sable — Vertical and horizontal lines. Sanguine — Diagonal lines from right to left and left to right (in saltire). Tenne — Diagonal lines from sinister to dexter and horizontal (a compound of purpure and azure). A foolish practice arose during the sixteenth century of blazoning the arms of princes and peers by precious stones and planets. Tbe system was as follows : Or— topaz, Sol. Argent-— pearl, Luna. Azure — sapphire, Jupiter. Gules— ruby. Mars. Purpure — amethyst. Mercury. Sable— diamond, Saturn. Vert— emerald, Venus. Tirret — (tir'-ret) A manacle. Topaz — (to'-paz) The name given to the metal or when borne by peers. Torce — The same as wreath. Torgant — [See torqued.] Torqued — (torkt) Twisted; wreathed; bent. This term is used to describe a dolphin haurient, twisted into a form nearly resembling the letter S. TORQUED. Tortean — (tor'to) A roundel tinctured gules. (Plural, torteaux.) [See also ROUNDEL.] 64 Tourne — Triple pile. Tourne — (toor'nay') [French.] The same as CONTOURNE Or REGARDANT. Transfixed — Pierced by an arrow or simi lar weapon. Said of an animal. Transfluent — (-flu'ent) PassiDg or flow ing through the arches of a bridge. (Said of water when so represented.) Transmuted - CHANGED. ¦ The same as counter- Transpierced — [Transfixed.] Transposed — (-pozd') Reversed; changed to a position the opposite of the proper or usual position ; as, a pile transposed. Traversed — (trav'-ersd) Turned to the sinister side of tbe shield. Treflee— (tray'-flay') Having athree-lobed extremity or extremities, as a cross. [Cross bottony.] Ordinaries, such as the bend, are sometimes borne tre'fle'e — that is, with trefoils issuing from the side. Trefoil — (tree'-foil) A charge represent ing tbe three-leaved clover. Like the rose, it is generally, though not always, borne without a stalk. Trefoiled — The same as treflee. Treille — (trel) Cross-barred work ; lattice work. It differs from fretty in that the pieces do not interlace under and over, but cross athwart each other, being nailed at the joints. (Also called trellis.) Trellis — The same as treille. Tressure — (tresh'-ur) A kind of border or hem, being, in fact, a diminutive of the orle, of which it is one-half its breadth. It passes around the field, fol lowing the shape and form of the escutch eon, whatever shape it may be ; usually borne double. Being used in tbe royal arms of Scotland, it is naturally popular in Scottish heraldry. Tressure fleury — A tressure orna mented with fleur-de-lis on one side, with their ends inward. Tressure fleury-counter-fleury — A double tressure ornamented with fleur- de-lis on both sides, the flowers being re versed alternately. In the arms of Scot land, as in nearly all examples, the flower is divided by the border. Tressured — Provided with a tressure ; arranged in the form or occupying the place of a tressure. "The tressured fleur-de-lis he claims To wreath his shield, since royal James." — Sir Walter Scott. Trian — (tri'an) The aspect of an animal when neither affronte nor gardant, but midway between those positions. Triarchee — (tri-ar'shee) Formed of three arches ; having three arches. Trick — To draw in outline, as with a pen ; to delineate without color, as coats of arms. "They forget they are in the statute, the raseles; they are blazoned there; there they are tricked, they and their pedigrees. "—Ben Johnson: Poetastci , i, 1. Tricorporal — (-kor'-po-ral) Three bodies conjoined to one head, as a lion ; the bodies of three beasts represented issuing from the dexter, sinister and base points, and conjoined to one head in tbe center of the shield. Tricorporate — The same as tricorporal. Trien — (tri'-en) Three. The word is made use of by some heralds in tbe phrase a trien of fish — three fish. Triparted — Parted into three pieces ; hav ing three parts or pieces. This can be applied to the field or to the ordinaries and charges ; as, triparted in pale, across triparted, etc. Triple crown — The crown or tiara worn by tbe popes of Rome. Triple pile— A truncated pile, ending in three projections. Triple plume — Unguled. 65 Triple plume — The device of the Prince of Wales. Trippant — (trip'-pant) Having the right forefoot lifted, the other three remain ing on the ground, as if trotting. This term is applied to beasts of chase, as a buck, hart, etc., and is the same as pas sant, which is applied to beasts of prey. Counter-trippant — Two animals borne trippant contrary ways, as if passing each other. Tripping — The same as trippant. Triton — (tri'-ton) A variety of sea shell. Tronconee demembre — (tron-kon-ay' de-mem'-bray) [French.] Separated; ap plied to a bearing, such as a cross, cut in pieces and separated, but still retain ing its original form. tronconee demembre. Truncheon — (trun'shun) A baton, orstafl! of authority. The truncheon is the official badge of the Earl Marshal. It is a golden rod, tipped with black enamel, being blazoned at one end with the arms of the sover eign, and at the other with those of the Earl. Trun'ked — (trunkt) 1. When the trunk of a tree is of a tincture different from the branches it is said to be trunked of such a tincture. 2. Applied to a tree which has been shorn of its branches and separated from its roots. Tuberated — Knotted or swelled orit. Tnrnstile — A revolving frame in A foot path to prevent the passage of horses or cattle, but admitting that of a person. A representation of this is occasionally seen as a bearing. Tusked— (tuskt) Having tusks of a dif ferent tincture from that of the body. Said of an elephant, boar, etc. Example : If a boar was white with red tusks, he would be blazoned "A boar argent, tusked gules." Twyfoil — Having only two leaves. Tyrwhit — The lapwing. u. Ulster badge — The badge of the province of Ulster, Ireland — a sinister hand, couped at the wrist apaumg gules. ("A bloody hand"). This was assigned by James I as the badge to the baronets who were to colonize Ulster. It is now borne by all baronets of England and Ireland. ULSTER BADGE. Ulster King-at-Arms — The chief her- . aldic officer for Ireland. The office was created by Edward VI in 1552. Unde — (un'-dy) Waving or wavy. This term is applied to ordinaries or lines of division. (Also written undy ; the French call it onde'.) Undy — The same as unde. Unescutcheoned — (-es-kuch'-und) With out an escutcheon ; without a coat of arms. "To this loved cemetery, here to lodge, With unescutcheoned privacy interred." — Wordsworth. Ungued — [See unguled.] Unguled — Having hoofs of a tincture dif ferent from that of the body. (Said of a horse, stag, etc. 66 Unicorn — Vert. Unicorn — (u'ni-korn) A fabulous animal, with the head, neck and body of a horse, a beard like that of a goat, the legs of a buck, the tail of a lion, and a long taper ing horn, spirally twisted, in the middle of the forehead. The royal arms of Scot land had unicorns for supporters until the union with England, in 1603. The sinister supporter of the present arms of Great Britain is, "A unicorn argeni, armed, crined and unguled or, gorged with a coronet of crosses patee and fleur- de-lis, with a chain affixed passing be tween the fore legs and reflected over the back of the last." Unicorn — One of the pursuivants of the Lord Lyon's Court, Scotland. Unifoil — A plant with only one leaf. Urdee — (ur'-dey) Pointed. The cross ur dee is an ordinary cross with the ends drawn to a sharp point instead of being cut straight. cross urdee. Urinant — (ur'-in-ant) The opposite of haurient. This term is applied to the dolphin or other fish when represented with the head downward and the tail erect. Urvant — (ur'-vant) Turned or bowed up ward. Urved — [See urvant.] Vair — One of the furs of heraldry, com posed of a number of pieces cut to re semble little shields, and arranged al ternately argent and azure. When of different tinctures they must he specified ; as, "vairy argent and vert." Other va rieties of vair are : vair-en-point, where the point of one shield, or skin, is placed opposite to the base of the one below; counter-vair, where those of tbe same color are placed base to base and point to point. (Vair was originally drawn bell-shaped.) Vair-potent — The same as potent. Vaire — (vai'ry) The same as vairy. Vairy — Checkered or charged with vair. Vambraced — (vam'-braced) Armed with a vambrace. *\ The vambrace was the portion of ar mor which covered the arm from the el bow to tbe wrist. Variated — [See varriated.] Varment — (var'-met) The escallop when represented without tbe ears. Varriated — ( var'-ri-ated) A bearing cut in the form of vair ; as, a bend varriated on the outsides. Varries — Separate pieces of vair, the form resembling a small shield or escutcheon. Varrys — [See varries.] Varvelled — When the leather thongs which tie on the bells to the legs of hawks are borne flotant, with rings at the ends, the bearing is then termed jessed, belled and varvelled. Velloped — (vel'-opd) Having gills of a different tincture from that of the bird itself. Applied to a cock when so borne. [WATTLED.] Venus — When blazoning arms of princes by planets, as some foolish heralds have done, Venus represents the tincture vert. Verdoy — (ver'-doi) Applied to a bordure charged with leaves, fruits, flowers, etc. ; as, a bordure verdoy of trefoils. Vergette — (ver'-jet) A small pale: a pal let ; also, a shield divided with pallets. Versant — (ver'-sant) Erected or elevated. Vert — The tincture green. In engraving it is expressed by diagonal lines from dexter chief to sinister base. In fanciful blazonry vert is also known as emerald and Venus. Vertant — Water budget. 67 Vertant — (ver'-tant) Formed like the let ter S. I The same as flected and re flected.] Vigilant — Applied to a cat when repre sented as on the lookout for prey. Virole— (vi-role') The hoop, ring or mouth piece of a bugle or bunting horn. Viroled — (vi-rold') Furnished with a vi role or viroles. Said of a bugle or horn when borne with rings of a different tincture from the bugle itself. Viscount — (vi'-kount) In Great Britain, the fourth rank of nobility, being above a baron and below an earl. Visitation — An official visit made by a king-at-arms to take note of all armorial bearings within his jurisdiction. These visitations were made about every thirty years. A provincial king-at-arms. either personally or by deputy, would visit the principal town of his province or county and summon all the gentry to come for ward and record their respective pedi grees and show title to their armorial bearings, all of which data would later be recorded at the College of Heralds. The first regular commission of visitation was issued by Henry VIII in 1528-9, but there had been visitations of one form or another as early as 1412. The last visi tation took place early in the reign of James II. Visor — That part of a helmet in old ar mor which protected the face, and which could be lifted up or down at pleasure. Visored — With the visor down, or closed. Voided — Having the inner part cut away, leaving a narrow border, with the tinc- cross voided. ture of the field showing in the vacant space : a bearing in outline only. Voider — One of the subordinaries, being a diminutive of the flanch. It resembles the flanch. but is smaller and has a flat ter curve. • In defensive armor the voider was a uusset piece, of plate or mail, which was used to cover an unprotected space at the elbow or knee joints. Vol — A pair of wings ; two wings con joined and displayed in base. Volant — Represented as flying, or having the wings spread as in flight. Applied to a bird ; as, an eagle volant. Vorant — (vor'-ant) Devouring. Appliedto an animal depicted devouring another. Vnlned — (vulnd) Wounded. Applied to an animal or bird depicted as wounded and bleeding ; as, a leopard vulned. Vulning— Wounding ; in the act of wound ing. This term is applied more particu larly to the pelican, which, when shown in profile, is generally represented as wounding her breast. [Pelican in her piety.] w. Water budget— (buj'et) A bearing which represents tbe ancient water budget, or WATER BUDGET. bucket, consisting of two leather vessels connected by a stick or yoke and carried over the shoulder. They were used by soldiers for carrrying water on long marches, and were also utilized by water carriers to convey water from the con duits to the houses of the citizens. Tbe water budget is an early and fre quent bearing in English heraldry- 68 Watery — York. Watery — A term sometimes used to ex press unde. * Wattle — The fleshy lobe that grows un der the throat of a domestic fowl. Wattled and combed — When the gills and comb are of a different tincture from that of the body. (Said of the cock. ) Waved — The same as unde. Wavy — The same as unde. Welt — A narrow border to an ordinary or charge. Whelk — The ordinary sea shell. Whelk's shell — The same as whelk. White — This color in heraldry is known as ARGENT. White Cross Knight — A Hospitaller. These knights wore a white cross to dis tinguish them from the Knights Tem plar, who wore a red cross. White spur — A kind of esquire. (Cowel.) Wildcat — [See cat.] Windsor — The name of one of the six heralds in tbe College of Arms. Winged — Depicted as having wings ; or having wings of a different tincture from the body. Winged lion — This was the symbol of St. Mark, and was adopted as the her aldic device of the Venetian republic, when St. Theodore was supplanted as the patron saint of Venice by St. Mark. The bearing may be blazoned : "Azure, a winged Hon sejant gardant, with a glory or ; in his fore paws an open book, there on 'Pax tibi, Marc, Evangelista Mens,' over the dexter page a sword erect, all proper." Wiver — [See wyvern.] Wivern — [See wyvern.] Wood — The same as hurst. Wreath — The roll or chaplet above the shield, supporting the crest. It is sup posed to represent a twist of two silken cords, one tinctured like the principal metal, the other like the principal color, in the arms. Wreaths may also be cir cular, but the straight wreath is by far the more common. Wyvern — An imaginary animal — a two- WYVERN. legged dragon, tbe body passing off into a long tail barbed at the end and gen erally borne nowed or knotted. York — Tbe name of one of the six heralds in tbe College of Arms. AN ILLUSTRATED SUPPLEMENT. ILLUSTRATED SUPPLEMENT. 71 ABASED. (Page 1.) WINGS ABASED. (Page 1.) AFFRONTEE. (Page 2.) ALLERION (Page 3.) 72 ILLUSTRATED SUPPLEMENT. ANCHORED CROSS. (Page s.) ASHEN KEYS. (Page 7.) ANNULET. (Page .',.) ATTIRED. (Page 7.) AVELLANE CROSS. (Page 7.) ILLUSTRATED SUPPLEMENT. 73 ^^ BARBED ARROW. (Page 9.) BARRY BENDY. (Page 9.) BARS GEMEL. (Page 10.) BATON SINISTER. (Page 10.) cHil., ..„:»,... ...\U BARS. (Page s.) BATTERING RAM. (Page 10.) 74 ILLUSTRATED SUPPLEMENT. BEND. (Page 11.) BEND SINISTER. (Page 11.) BEVILLED. (Page 12.) BEZANTS. (Page IS.) BEQUE. (Page 11.) ILLUSTRATED SUPPLEMENT. 75 HI* i/m BICORPORATE. (Page It.) -«5r BORDURE. (PageH.) BILLET. (Page It.) BIRD-BOLT. (Pane IS.) BOTTONY. (Page 11,.) BRACED. (Pageli.) 76 ILLUSTRATED SUPPLEMENT. BRICKS. (Page 13.) CALTHROP. (Page 16.) CABLEE. (Page IS.) CALVARY CROSS. (Page 16.) CABOSHED. (Page 13.) CANTON (Page 16.) ILLUSTRATED SUPPLEMENT. 77 CHAPOURNET. (Page 17.) CHECKY. (Page 17.) CHESS-ROOK. (Page 17.) CHEVRON. (Page 18.) Illillllllll CHIEF. (Page 18.) CLECHE. (Page 18.) 78 ILLUSTRATED SUPPLEMENT. COMBATANT. (Page is.) COTTISE. (Page 21.) COMPONY. (Page 20.) CORDED. (Page to.) COUCHANT (Page 21.) COUNTERPALED. (Page 21.) ILLUSTRATED SUPPLEMENT. 79 COUNTERPOINTE. (Page 21.) COUPED. (Page 22.,) COUNTER-CHANGED. (Page 21.) COURANT. (Said of any beast represented running.) COUNTER-COURANT. (Page 21.) CRAMPONEE. (Page 22.; 80 ILLUSTRATED SUPPLEMENT. CRESCENT. (Page 22. J CREST. (Page 22.) DECRESCENT. (Page 26.; CROSS CROSSLET. , (Page 23.) INCRESCENT. (Page 1,2.) ILLUSTRATED SUPPLEMENT. 81 DEBRUISED. (Page 23.) 'jaiQiginjrjiriiiajt!@S0iaiiairiii5li¦Ejia.'S'SliaiaiQ*jEHsirajisjiaiigiisii feiiQipigiiQilsiiDiSPlBllallgl!gi|anp|R ©iBllgiigliailgiipIn >B!gii2naiiaiioiE/ DIAPERED. (Page 27.) DEGRADED. (Page 26. j A Cross Degraded is one furnished with steps ; a Cross Degraded and Con joined is a plain cross, its ends termi nating in steps joined to the sides of the shield. 1- i. i. MARKS OF DIFFERENCE. (Page 27.) DEXTER CHIEF POINT. (Page 26.) DISCLOSED. (Page SI.) 82 ILLUSTRATED SUPPLEMENT. DISPLAYED (Page 27.) DORMANT. (Page 28.) EMBATTLED. (Page 29J ENGOULEE. (Page SO.) DRAGON. (Page 28.) ENGRAILED. (Page SO.) ILLUSTRATED SUPPLEMENT. 83 ENHANCED. (Page SI.) '"f* 1^ ^ ^ ERMINE. (Paffe &TJ ESCALLOPEE. (Pope St.) ESTOILE. (Page St.) FESSE. (Page S3.) FETTERLOCK. (Page S3.) 84 ILLUSTRATED SUPPLEMENT. FITCHEE. (Page 31,.) FLANCHES. (Page 31,.) FLEUR-DE-LIS. (Page S!,.) FLOTANT. (Page S3.) FOURCHEE. (Page 35.) FRACTED. (Page 35.) ILLUSTRATED SUPPLEMENT. 85 FUSILS CONJOINED. (Page 36.) FRETTED. (Page 35.) FUSIL. (Page 36.) IN/ GARDANT. (Page 86.; AT GAZE. (Page 7.) 86 ILLUSTRATED SUPPLEMENT. GOBONATED. (Page S7.) GUSSET. (Page 38.) GORE. (Page S7.) % $ I H GUTTEE. (Po^e 38.; GRIFFON. (Page S7.) GYRON. (Page 38.; ILLUSTRATED SUPPLEMENT. 87 GYRONNY. (Page S8.) HARRINGTON KNOT. (Page S9.) HATCHMENT. (Page 39.; II 111 iBllliU IliSiSMi HUMETTEE. (Page 40.) IMPALEMENT. (Page 1,1.) INCENSANT. (Page il.) ILLUSTRATED SUPPLEMENT. INCLAVE (Page 1,1.) INDENTED. (Page it.) INESCUTCHEON. (Page >,2.) INFLAMED. (Page 1,2.) INTERCHANGEABLY POSED. (Page 1,2.) INTERFRETTED. (Page 1,2.) ILLUSTRATED SUPPLEMENT. 89 INVECTED. (Page Ifi.) LANCE. (Page 1,1,.) ISSUANT. (Page iS.) EEB LATTICE. (Page 1,1,.) LIVER. (Page 1,5.) 90 ILLUSTRATED SUPPLEMENT. LODGED. (I'age 1,5.) LOZENGY (Page 1,3.) LYMPHAD. (Page 1,5.) MARTLET. (Page 1,6.) MASCLE (Page 1,6.) MAUNCH (Page i6.) The above example is from the seal of John de Hastings (1291). ILLUSTRATED SUPPLEMENT. 91 MITERS. (Page i7.) NOMBRIL, (Page ifi.) NATANT. (Page i8.) NOWED. (Page i8.) NEBULY. (Page 1,8.) NOWYED. (Page lfl.) 92 ILLUSTRATED SUPPLEMENT. OR. (Page 49.) ORLE. (Page 1,9.) PALE. (Page 49.) PALL. (Page 49.) PALLETTED. (Page 50.) PALY. (Page 50.) ILLUSTRATED SUPPLEMENT. 93 PARTY PER BEND. (Page 50.) PARTY PER CROSS. (Page 50.) [This is called Quarterly.] PARTY PER PALE. (Page 50.) PASSANT. (Page 50.) PARTY PER FESSE. (Page 50.) CROSS PATEE. (Page 51.) 94 ILLUSTRATED SUPPLEMENT. PELICAN IN HER PIETY. (Page 51.) B D E P H POINTS. (Page 52.; PHEON. (Page 51.) POINT IN POINT. (Page 52.) PILE. (Page 52.; POMMEE. (Page 52.) ILLUSTRATED SUPPLEMENT. 95 POSE (Page 52.; POTENT. (Page 52.; QUARTER. (Page 53.) \ % 3 V QUARTERS. (Page 51,.) QUARTERLY. (See Quartering, page 5^.; wm #C QUARTERLY. (Page 51,.) 96 ILLUSTRATED SUPPLEMENT. lb QUARTER-PIERCED. (Page 51,.) RAGULY. (Page 51,.) RAMPANT. (Page 54-) RAMPANT GARDANT. (Page 55.) RAMPANT REGARDANT. (Page 55.) RAMPANT SEJANT. (Page 55.; ILLUSTRATED SUPPLEMENT. 97 RECERCELEE. (Page 24.) REST. (Page 56.) RECURSANT. (Page 55.; REGARDANT PASSANT. (Page 55.) ROUNDELS. (Page 5fi.; 98 ILLUSTRATED SUPPLEMENT. SALIANT. (Page 57J SALTIRE. (Page 57.; SALTIRES HUMETTEE. (Page 57.; SEJANT. (Page 58.; SHAKE FORK. (Page 58.; SPEAR HEAD. (Page 59.) ILLUSTRATED SUPPLEMENT. 99 SHIELDS. 1. 1. Norman shield. 2. An early example of the long-pointed kite-shaped shield. 3. Pear or heart shaped shield. 4 and 5. Fanciful variations. 6. Lozenge shield, used by women. (See Shield, page 58.) 100 ILLUSTRATED SUPPLEMENT. SUN IN SPLENDOR. (See Sun, page 60.) SUPPORTERS. (Page 60.) !-•-•••.••*. X&X&X&& SURMOUNTED. (Page 60.) TAU CROSS. (Page 61.) SUR-ANCREE. (Page 60.) , TEUTONIC CROSS. (Page 61.) ILLUSTRATED SUPPLEMENT. 101 COLORS AND METALS. a, -Or ; 6, Argent ; c, Azure ; d, Gules ; e,' Purpure ; f, Sable ; g, Vert ; h, Sanguine ; i, Tenng. (For Tinctures see pages 62 and 63.) FURS. K, Ermine ; b, Vair ; c, Ermines ; d, Er minois ; e, original form of Vair ; F, Pean ; g, Counter-potent ; h, Counter-vair ; i, Potent. THUNDERBOLT. (Page 62.) TORQUED. (Page 63.) 102 ILLUSTRATED SUPPLEMENT. TRANSFIXED. (Page 64.; The above illustration is also^known as a Stag of St. Hubert. TRANSPOSED. (Page 6^.; TRESSURE. (Page 6-U n y 1 1 1 TRIPARTED. (Page 64-) TREILLE. (Page 64.; ILLUSTRATED SUPPLEMENT. 103 TRONCONEE DEMEMBRE (Page 65.; TURNSTILE. (Page 65.) ULSTER BADGE. (Page 65.) CROSS URDEE. (Page 66.; URVANT. (Page 66.) VARVELLED. (Page 66.) 104 ILLUSTRATED SUPPLEMENT. CROSS VOIDED. (Page 67.; VOIDER. (Page 67.) VOLANT. (Page 67.; WATER BUDGET. (Page ffl.) WREATHS (Page 68.) There are a number of forms of the wreath, but tbe straight one is by far the more common. WYVERN. (Page 68.) ¦iinmi.n ,